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After a season of great progress and with a stronger budget dimension, the 2022-23 season presents itself for the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal as a period of growth and budget consolidation.
The stabilisation of the institutional partnership with Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, with the contract renewal, will allow for maintaining a conscious and dedicated work, so that the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal may continue to meet its main goal of developing actions that create value for Civil Society, through the values of football.
The support of its founder - Liga Portugal - will continue to be a mainstay of the Fundação's activity. With all direct and indirect expenses properly allocated to the Fundação, this budget reflects the entirety of the activities carried out. Thus, we will continue, in a thorough way, to control all the Fundação's expenses, through various internal control mechanisms and also by maintaining an efficient and competent structure, adjusted to the reality and the goals to be achieved.
Distributed across the five main areas of activity of the Fundação do Futebol: social inclusion, environmental sustainability, major humanitarian causes, protection of values, and science and technology at the service of football, total income is forecast at €1,103 million, and total expenses at €1,097 million, resulting in a positive operating result of €5,360.
It is therefore presented a solid budget, of sustained growth and ambition, in a continuous perspective of expansion of activities and notoriety of the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal, based on a plan of activities sustained on the fundamental principles of its activity.
The income of the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal comes from four major sources: funds from the founder, donations from individuals, corporate donations and governmental and international incentives.
Regarding donations from individuals, the following are foreseen:
Fans - Individuals involved in the project who regularly contribute exclusively to the payment of membership fees. In exchange for their regular participation, they receive a set of benefits stipulated in the Fans and Sponsors Regulations;
Friends - People who occasionally donate goods, services or money to the Fundação.
As far as donations from companies are concerned, they can be divided into the following categories:
Sponsors - Companies that are involved sponsors, who regularly contribute with the payment of membership fees; hence, and in exchange for their regular contribution, they are given a set of benefits stipulated in the Regulations for Members and Sponsors;
Partners - Companies which partner with the Fundação for a project, event or action, for a specific purpose, in money, products or services;
Supporters - Companies that occasionally donate goods, services or money to the Fundação.
In addition to the sources of income mentioned above, fund-raising is also planned, resulting from the activities and initiatives to be implemented by the Fundação, namely:
Direct Fundraising - fundraising campaigns; Social auctions;
Charity events; Commercialisation of activities; Commercialisation of products.
The 2022-23 season already represents the Fundação's fourth year of activity, so, after the initial implementation phase, in which there was a need for greater support from the Founder, supporting most of the activities performed by the Fundação, it is now expected that the activities developed become self-sustainable.
It is clear that, with the allocation of all direct and indirect structural expenses of the Liga Portugal to the Fundação do Futebol, the income obtained by the Fundação is not yet sufficient to cover all of them, so the financial support of the Founder will be necessary, representing about 44% of the income, which is expected to decrease over time, thus moving towards a total autonomy of the activity of the Fundação do Futebol.
The expenses are divided by the different areas of activity of the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal, along with the development of specific projects in each of these areas, and it is estimated that they comprise 46% of the budgeted expenses.
There are also some events across the different areas, integrated into the main events developed by Liga Portugal, namely the Final of the League Cup, which will represent around 20% of the expenses.
Regarding administrative, structural and institutional marketing costs, these will be fully covered by the Fundação, and the technical team responsible for the development of the projects foreseen in this activity plan currently belongs to Liga Portugal.
Thus, for this 2022-23 sports season, a total income of €1,103,00 is expected with the following distribution:
Thus, for this 2022-23 sports season, expenditure totalling €1,097,640 is foreseen with the following distribution:
The expected result for the 2022-23 season is €5,360, which represents a very balanced budget proposal.
Although the Fundação do Futebol - Liga Portugal does not aim to obtain positive economic results, it will seek to have a rigorous and sustainable budget each year, in order tomism, and maintain a trajectory of activity growth, increasingly asserting itself as a solid and stable project recognised by the public.
The budget proposal presented is both prudent and solid, so we hereby propose the approval of this budget, so that Fundação do Futebol's services can carry out the proposed activity plan, bounded by the strict compliance of this budget.
In the table below you can see a detailed breakdown of all expenses and income foreseen for this financial year.
EXECUTED 2019-20 EXECUTED 2020-21 PREDICTED 2021-22 BUDGET 2022-23
The Fundation do Futebol – Liga Portugal provides for consultation on it’s website. fundacaodofutebol.ligaportugal.pt
• Statutes
• Dispatch of Recognition
• Code of Conduct
Services are avaliable on weekdays from 9:00am to 19:00pm.
M: Rua da Constituição, nº 2555 4250-173 PORTO
T: 22 834 87 40 |
F: 22 834 87 56
GPS: 41° 9’ 53.315” N 8° 37’ 41.219” W
M: Torre Monsanto -Rua Afonso Praça, Nº 30, Piso 10 Miraflores 1495-061 ALGÉS
GPS: 38° 42’ 56.0” N 9° 14’ 03.9” W
E: geral@ligaportugal.pt
E: fundacaodofutebol@ligaportugal.pt