60 Understanding the Roman Missal A Guide to the General Instruction of The Roman Missal, Revised Edition
New Daily Roman Missal
Paul Turner • This updated version of the Guide to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal highlights essential changes for priests, deacons, and liturgists.
Midwest Theological Forum • Easy to carry in a purse or backpack, the new Daily Roman Missal includes prayers and readings to all Sunday and daily Masses in one volume.
Updated with Texts from the Third Edition of The Roman Missal
Saddlestitched, 6 x 9, 32 pages 978-1-61671-036-1 | Order code: GIRM2 $5
Hardcover, 4 3⁄4 x 6 3⁄4, 2558 pages 978-1-93604-559-4 | Order code: DRM2 $75
The Order of Mass
General Instruction of The Roman Missal, Revised Edition
A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook
USCCB • Promote full and active participation in the liturgy with this essential guide to each and every element of the Order of the Mass.
Michael S. Driscoll, J. Michael Joncas • A fundamental text for priests and liturgists, includes texts and chants from the Order of Mass, along with pastoral commentary and proclamation aids.
Paperback, 6 x 9, 196 pages 978-1-60137-176-8 | Order code: EGDOC2 $15.95
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 384 pages 978-1-56854-989-7 | Order code: OMSE $29.95
At the Supper of the Lamb
Essential Presidential Prayers and Texts
A Pastoral and Theological Commentary on the Mass
A Roman Missal Study Edition and Workbook
Paul Turner • This text calls readers to experience the Mass with a renewed understanding of its pastoral, theological, and historical background.
Daniel Merz, sld, Marcel Rooney, osb Pastoral commentary, scriptural references, and proclamation tips will aid celebrants in confidently praying the revised words of the Mass.
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 176 pages 978-1-56854-921-7 | Order code: ASL $20.95
Paperback, 8 3⁄8 x 10 7⁄8, 352 pages 978-1-61671-037-8 | Order code: PTSSF $29.95
A Pastoral Commentary on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal
Misal Romano: Q & A in Spanish and English Fr. Heliodoro Lucatero • This free, downloadable PDF provides a one-page handout in both English and Spanish with simple answers to questions your assemblies may have regarding the Misal Romano.
Joseph DeGrocco • DeGrocco offers a compendium of best practices to help parishes appropriate the rich content of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and enrich their liturgy. Paperback, 6 x 9, 256 pages 978-1-61671-038-5 | Order code: PCGIRM $22.95
Downloadable, 11 x 9 ¼ Bilingual: English & Spanish: | Order code: BMRQ FREE
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