Welcome to our March issue. Thank you to everyone for the congratulations on our baby news. It’s become a normal occurrence on trips out to have an advertiser, contributor or reader rub my growing bump! I’ve always said what a friendly community we live in.
Some great new advertisers have joined us this month: Brecon Catering, Alex Jones Massage & Holistic Therapy, Brecon Preservation & Construction, Jim The Ferret, Karen Gunn Craniosacral Therapy, Wonderwool Wales, and Contented Pets. We hope our Local Beacon readers can show their support. A massive congratulations to Ship Shape Hairdressers, 35 years in business is a huge accomplishment.
I would like to draw your attention to our feature on Helena Jones on pages 6 & 7. Helena has lived a truly inspiring life, we couldn’t fit in all we wanted to so will be posting more information about her on our Cariads Local Facebook Page. What a lady.
Enjoy, Lisa Marie.