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Hermanos Masa si trova nell’area nord della Spagna, nella piana di Castigliana, rinomata per il suo clima, i verdi pascoli e la qualità delle razze di agnelli che vivono in questa zona.

Gli allevatori che collaborano con la famiglia Masa vantano molti anni di esperienza e vengono sottoposti a regolari controlli di qualità.

I punti di forza:

• la vicinanza tra gli allevatori e le strutture di Hermanos Masa consente di massimizzare la velocità di trasporto in azienda

• la dimensione dell’azienda Hermanos Masa garantisce un flusso di lavorazione continua grazie alla quale si assicura l’estrema freschezza di tutti i prodotti

Hermanos Masa is located in the north of Spain, in the Castilian plain, known for its climate, green pastures, and the quality of the lamb breeds that live in the area.

The breeders who collaborate with the Masa family have many years of experience and undergo regular quality control.

Key strengths:

• the proximity between the breeders and the Hermanos Masa facilities maximizes the speed of transport to the farm

• the size of the Hermanos Masa company ensures a continuous processing flow by which the extreme freshness of all products is ensured

The Lechazo Of Castile And Le N

The lechazo of Castile and León comes from the Castellana, Churra and Ojalada breeds of sheep, the only breeds allowed for the production of native lechazo. Lechazos must be fed exclusively on their mother’s milk and must be slaughtered between 25 and 30 days after their birth; their weight will range from about 5 to 7 kg.

What makes the lechazo of Castile and León unique? Relief and altitude are distinctive features of the areas of Castile and León, 66.5 percent of whose surface area lies between 600 and 1,000 meters above sea level. The soils of these terrains, in perfect harmony with the climate, make agriculture possible and favor an extensive system of sheep farming, creating the perfect conditions for raising the unique Lechazo of Castile and León dubai@longino.it

Its meat has a pearly white or pale pink color, is very tender and juicy, with a rich, sweet flavor. It is an exquisite meat much appreciated by great gastronomes, with many possibilities in the kitchen: roast, stew, ribs.

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