Maleny Grapevine Community News and Maleny District Sports Club Results for the period to 18.08.2023

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Former local State Member for Landsborough Michael John Ahern dead at 81 years

Born at Maleny on the 2nd June 1942, living at Conondale and attending the Conondale State School, Michael John Ahern went on to represent the state seat of Landsborough in the Queensland Parliament went on to become the Premier of Queensland.

Michael John Ahern A.O., son of John James and Gwendoline Ahern became Premier of Queensland under extremely difficult circumstances following the Fitzgerald Inquiry.

Following his education at the Conondale State School he attended Downlands College, Toowoomba where he graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science, University of Queensland; Hon. DUniv (QUT), MAIAS, FTSE, FQIMR, FAMI, FAIM.

He represent the state seat of Landsborough in the Queensland Parliament taking over from Sir Francis Nicklin. He remained in parliament between the 16th March 1968 and the 16th May 1990, firstly as a Member of the Country Party then the National Party after an amalgamation of those parties. When he was elected at the age of 25 he was the youngest MP ever elected in Queensland.

As a result of personal differences, mainly over religion, Mr Ahern was unable to gain a Ministerial position in the Bjelke-Petersen government for many years.

He was eventually elevated to the ministry in 1980, holding a number of portfolios, most notably health and environment and Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Industry, Small Business and Technology.

His career towards the end was a tumultuous period as a result of his endorsement of the Inquiry into Police Corruption and Other Matters led by Tony Fitzgerald QC.

This followed the airing of a Four Corners television report on the ABC on corruption within the Queensland government and police by reporter Chris Masters, entitled "The Moonlight State", which aired on 11 May 1987.

As a result of that inquiry the Police commissioner, Terry Lewis and several former cabinet Ministers were forced from their posts and convicted of criminal charges, with some jailed.

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Shopping Local encourages you to do just that: shop local and rediscover the quality, savings and benefits of shopping right here at home.

Friday, 18 August 2023
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Shopping local keeps your money in your community!

Maleny Shop Local News is free local Online Newsletter published online on the first and third Friday of each month at:

Why not bookmark this site and come back regularly to check out local group’s news and Maleny District Sporting results and news.

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Published by Maleny Paint Supplies Pty. Ltd Shed 6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. 4552 Contact Phone 0754942002

Over the past 30 days there have been 9107 Page Impressions with a read time of 5min 20 secs

Contact for advertising

Email or phone Les at Maleny Paint Supplies on 54942002.

Michael John Ahern A.0. dead at 81 years

Also a Supreme Court Judge, Mr. Angelo Vasta was stood down as a Judge of the Supreme Court of Queensland.

Following a party spill Mr. Ahern was appointed Premier of Queensland between December 1987 and September 1989. When presented with the Fitzgerald Report he vowed to implement the recommendations “lock, stock and barrel”.

He also brought in legislation that established the Southbank Corporation to redevelop the site of Expo ’88 which is now South Bank Parklands.

The December 1989 state election brought the Australian Labor Party to power for the first time since 1957 with Premier Wayne Goss taking over.

Labor Premier, Mr. Peter Beattie later appointed Mr Ahern as a special trade representative for the Beattie Government in December 1999.

He had also been appointed as a special representative of the Queensland Government for Africa, The Middle East and India. Since retiring from politics, Ahern has undertaken board roles with predominately technology companies.

He was awarded a Centenary Medal in 2001and was appointed an officer of the Order of Australia in 2007 and in 2010 was a recipient of the Queensland Greats Awards.

Mr Ahern’s interest in politics came from his father, John James Ahern, (Jack) who had risen through the ranks of the Australian Country Party–Queensland. Mr Ahern (senior) became campaign manager for the member for Landsborough in the Queensland parliament, (Sir) Francis Nicklin, who was premier from 1957 to 1968. He was State president of the party between 1964 and 1967.

Mr Ahern died from cancer in Caloundra on the 11th August 2023. He has been offered a state funeral by Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Condolences to his wife, Andrea and family; Louise, Claire, John, Christine and Sharon and his 10 grandchildren.

Maleny Library now has an Electronic text Magnifier

The Maleny Library has been gifted an Electronic Text Magnifier and are keen to let customers know that if they have vision impairment, they are welcome to come into the library to use the machine to read their books and documents.

Maleny Library is situated at 5 Coral Street, Maleny Telephone: (07) 5475 8989

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 2
Kitchen Containers - 1940’s as seen in every kitchen

Around Glass house Electorate with Mr Andrew Powell M.P.

The Crime Rate is a major worry to Queensland Families.

Juvenile Crime Crisis

Did you realise that as a result of the YOUTH CRIME CRISIS, Queenslanders are more likely to become crime victims than New South Wales. Queenslanders are statistically twice as likely to be robbed, twice as likely to cop break-ins, compared to NSW. Shocking new ABS data reveals Queenslanders are more likely to be crime victims than any other Australians, with the number of robbery, theft, break-in and stolen car victims growing by 16% in just one year. Alarmingly, Queenslanders are now twice as likely than residents in New South Wales to be robbed or have their homes broken into and nearly three times as likely to have their car stolen.

The figures show close to 200,000 Queenslanders became victims of thefts, robberies and break-ins last year, with the true impact of the Palaszczuk Government’s weak laws and fewer police laid bare.

Surveys show that “Queenslanders feel less safe today than a year ago and most believe the State Government’s laws just aren’t working. Families are worried about where to hide their car keys and how they can keep their children safe because crime is spiralling out of control.”

Drug related suspensions from schools

Parents will be shocked to learn the number of Primary School Students suspended for substance misconduct including vaping and drug use has exploded by shocking 800% in two years.

Secret report into Olympic Games Delivery

Budget Estimates has revealed Queenslanders paid $43,795 for every one of the 18 pages of the external consultant report to justify dumping an Independent Infrastructure Delivery Authority for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, but won’t let Queenslanders see it.

In just a few months, Australians will head to the polls to vote YES or NO on Labor’s Voice proposal.

As you know, I’m fighting for a better way forward for Indigenous Australians – by voting NO to Labor’s Canberra-based Voice and by saying YES to chart a course of constitutional recognition and genuinely closing the gap.

I know that many of you share my view that Labor’s Voice will divide our nation. It is legally risky with unknown consequences. And it is a permanent change to the function of our democracy.

Despite months and months of asking, the Government won’t provide any of the key details. No answers. Why?

While the media tells us that support for the YES campaign is in free fall, I want to remind you that we cannot put any stock in polls.

The only poll that matters is determined at the voting booth. This is a very important decision. It is the most consequential vote in a generation. This Voice will not unite us, it will divide us.” Said Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price. It won’t close the gap for Indigenous peoples and we don’t need more politicians or bureaucrats, but that is what we will get..

It won’t be decided by any politician, company, or celebrity. It will be decided by YOU, by YOUR community, and by every Australian.

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 3
Mr. Andrew Wallace Federal MP for Fisher Federal Member for Fisher
To vote “Yes or NO” is the question

Around Division 5 with Cr Winston Johnston

To contact Cr Winston Johnston

Mary Cairncross Park to expand!!

The Sunshine Coast Council has commenced the next phase of planning for an ecological park located on 65 hectares of land adjoining the Mary Cairncross scenic reserve.

The project provides an opportunity to create a unique ecological park, inspired by the beautiful natural environment and expand accessible green space on the Sunshine Coast.

Developing a new ecological park that services the entire region enhances the conservation and recreation credentials for the Sunshine Coast community and for visitors to enjoy.Following council’s acquisition of land between 2016 and 2018, a detailed site investigation and feasibility assessment were completed in 2021 to ensure the concept of an ecological park on this land was achievable. The next phase of the project is to develop a master plan and strategic business case to guide future

detailed design and construction over the next 5 to 10 years.

The master plan is being prepared with the input of the community to ensure the project delivers the desired mix of park activities, education and ecological restoration. It is anticipated that the master plan will be completed in 2023.

Some of the initiatives suggested include a native nursery, education activities and ranger programs were well supported by respondents, along with the opportunity to partner with local community groups to undertake restorative works.

Some areas of concern were the potential impacts to nearby residents, the proposed access point from Burgess Avenue, and the wildlife and ecology present in the area.

Other concerns included traffic impacts, peak congestion periods and concerns for increased numbers of vehicles. Major-Regional-Projects/Sunshine-Coast-Ecological-Park

Mr Andrew Wallace “Tour de Fisher”

On Thursday 24 August between 8.15a.m. and 9a.m. Mr. Andrew Wallace will be in the Maleny Library Park, 5 Coral Street to hear from residents who have matters they wish to discuss with him.

POLITICAL COMMENT MADE BY Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll at Budget


“The Service Delivery Redesign Project, a maligned project in the Queensland Police Service to “streamline” frontline work and cut red tape cost taxpayers millions of dollars

The total cost of the dumped project was actually $8.78m.”

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 4
You can tune into the meeting live by visiting Council’s
website at:

Why Shop Locally?

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News

Maleny Commerce News

Have you got your Local Shopping Gift Card Yet? Maleny Commerce supports local businesses

Maleny Commerce seek to have working relationships with all local businesses and desire to create an environment of mutual concern for sustainable living and the betterment of our Maleny community.

While it may not be possible to source all our needs from our local retailers and tradesman, here are a few reasons to think twice before you make your next purchase:

It Creates local jobs and it is personal;

Shopping locally helps Australia grow;

Shopping locally gives better consumer choice and better customer service because you are shopping with a friend; Assists local businesses support local community & sporting groups;

It reduces your carbon footprint

Will you really support local businesses?

About Maleny Commerce

Maleny and District Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc. is an incorporated body representing the business community since 1986. It is now known as Maleny Commerce.

The Chamber represents the local Maleny and District business community. Join us at one of our monthly business breakfasts.

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 5
The “Up Front Club cafe and music venue about 2000.
Who remembers when, where and how these businesses served Maleny.

Maleny Paint Supplies

Preparation is the key to achieving the best possible results for whatever it is you are doing. The same goes for timber decking! Whether it’s a new or existing timber deck, a little prep work prior to coating will ensure that the job is done right!

What are tannins?

Hardwood decking has tannins that are natural properties of the timber itself and are stored within the grain of the timber.

When water or moisture spreads through the timber it will bring these tannins back to the surface causing dark, brownish stains. It is vital to clean timber decking before applying any coating to ensure the tannins are removed. Note that the only real way to effectively remove the tannins is to “weather” the timber for approximately 4-6 weeks prior to washing/cleaning the deck using Oxalic Acid Crystals.

How do I clean my deck??

Oxalic Acid Crystals are a concentrated, heavy-duty cleaner which is effective in removing light stains and blemishes from timber. Simply dissolve in 100ml to 1 litre of hot water and using a hard scrubbing brush, wash the timber decking. Leave for approximately 15 mins and rinse off thoroughly with a high pressure hose, making sure to remove all traces of the solution. Allow to completely dry.

For new timber, then apply 3 coats of a quality Universal Decking Oil with a roller or decking oil floor brush. or applicator. Quality decking oils are formulated to PRESERVE, PROTECT, & RESTORE. It is important to achieve optimum results by getting right into the gaps.

For existing and previously coated decking, follow the cleaning process mentioned above, although the timber may require some sanding prior to applying 1-2 coats of decking oil. It is important to apply light coats of oil as oil dries from the inside out. By applying too thick a coat means the oil doesn’t dry properly and remains “tacky when walking on it”.

Oil based decking oils have been around for a very long time. This is because they penetrate very well. the operative word being PENETRATE. They go deep into the timber keeping it hydrated and lubricated versus coated in layers on top providing excellent protection from the inside out.

Oil based decking oils also have far less chance of peeling, provide an even finish with less chance of lap marks and are so easy to use and require hardly any effort.

NOTE: If you have a solvent or water-based polyurethane coating your floor will require a full sand and complete clean before any re-coat.

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 6
For detailed information showing the process in detail visit the web page below: Colourtrend Paints have a range of Ultra-Premium Paints to service your needs! Follow Maleny District Sports & Recreation Cub news visit: http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine
6/14 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54942002 Time is approaching to rejuvenate your wooden deck Check out our increased lines of Fiddes products Preparing your deck before re - oiling

Maleny Service Centre

16 Lawyer Street, Maleny. Ph 54943444

One Stop Mechanical Services Shop

Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises

Illegally Parked vehicle …… No problems

Whether it is on the street or in car parking lots, illegally parked cars can cause major problems.

A french company has built a robot designed for one purpose: towing in extremely space-restricted areas. For example, an underground parking lot or a narrow street.

This machine makes shifting vehicles out of extremely cramped areas a breeze.

Need a Roadworthy Certificate?

Maleny Service Centre have a Licenced Roadworthy Inspector on the premises and we know only too well what it takes to make your vehicle safe and roadworthy.

All vehicles (including trucks, motorbikes and trailers) must have a Safety or Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) if being sold, registered for the first time or being re-registered in Queensland. Registered Vehicles cannot be solid without a RWC.

Your One Stop Shop for Automotive Repairs – you don’t need to do the running around, we do it for you!:.

We are dedicated and passionate about servicing, repairing and maintaining one of your most valuable assets, your Motor Vehicle.

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop
a Friend 7
Friday, 18 August 2023 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 8 Advertise your local business here for just $15 per mth Published Digitally on First & Third Friday of each month. Visit web site at http://www.issuu/hinterlandgrapevine (then pick the issue wanted) For more information contact Maleny Paint on 54942002 Local Tradespersons When you use a local tradesperson and you know who you are dealing with! Tony & Di’s Home Maintenance ABN. 47988681738 No job too small - Carpentry - PaintingTiling General Repairs & Maintenance 0487770653 Brett Cooper Builder Builders Lic . 15045940. - HIA. 863583 Talk to us about your new home! email: 0409987995 Matt Billing Maintenance Brush cutting, hedging, small and big chainsaw pruning you name it Give us a Go! Matthews garden maintenance we can deliver/ spread mulch for your gardens. Lawn mowing + Pruning. 0459076019
Emergency (POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE): 000 Moreton Bay Regional Council – 3205 0555 Sunshine Coast Council – 5475 7272 Crime Stoppers – 1800
000 Policelink – 131 444 Energex general enquiries – 131 253 Loss of electricity supply – 13 62 62 Priority emergency (electrical hazards) – 13 19 62 Unitywater – 1300 086 489 Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800 Lifeline – 131 114 Poison Hotline – 131 126 SES – 132500 Traffic Reports – 131 940 Translink – 131 230 It is always interesting to see what is happening in other parts of the world. It is easy to explore through Online Newspapers
Important Emergency Phone Numbers

People have always observed the sky and have sometimes seen what, to some, appeared to be unusual sights including phenomena as varied as comets, bright meteors. Since 1947 the U.S. Air Force under “Project Sign” investigated more than 250 cases of UFO’s. From 1947 to 1951 this project was replaced by “Project Grudge”. So, do UFO’s exist and why are humans so interested in them?

Have you spotted something unusual or unexplained in the sky recently? Well, one woman at Beerburrum was looking out her bedroom window about 2a.m. recently when she saw what she thought was an extremely bright star. As she watched it she saw a cylindrical shaped object hovering above a street light close to her home. As it did so the street light was extinguished and the cylinder was surrounded by a “most beautiful” pink glow.

At the present time there is a United States of America Congress is holding a public inquiry into UFO’s. At this inquiry three retired military veterans have testified into unidentified aerial phenomena, the term the US government uses instead of

A Gladstone local man, Anthony Goodall explores stories of unusual sightings in his podcast “Encounters Down Under “ after a 2015 sighting of an unexplained object while he was working at Blackwater Mine in Central Queensland

He has interviewed more than 50 people around the country about their first hand encounters with aliens and UFOs.

As she continued watching she saw that the cylinder was about 1.5 metres in height and 80cm wide. It then appeared to tilt on its side about 45 degrees, the top of the cylinder opened with the ‘roof’ scraping on the ground. She later saw a second similar cylinder close by the first cylinder, it was much larger and had multiple shaped sides. After a couple of minutes the smaller cylinder shot straight up into the air. Both objects then ‘shot off” and the street light turned back on. What were these strange objects?

Unidentified Flying Objects have captivated human curiosity for decades. These mysterious occurrences continue to be a subject of interest and debate among scientists, researchers, and the general public. While some UFO’s sightings can be attributed to natural phenomena, cations, or hoaxes, there remain a significant number of credible reports that defy conventional explanation. The possibility of such phenomena and the secrecy surrounding them have given rise to various theories and speculations,

Who Gives A Crap? - We Do!

What do we really mean when we say our toilet paper helps build toilets?

We trust that our partner organisations know how to best improve global access to proper sanitation – that means our donation could go to building toilets. To put it into perspective, a child under five dies every two minutes from diarrhoea diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. Profits from the sale of this toilet paper is used to building toilets, but could also mean it supports larger clean water projects. This is a win - win situation!

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including the idea that governments try to hide the evidence of UFO encounters.

One of the primary reasons why governments may try to conceal information about UFO’s is the fear of public panic and mass hysteria as people have often responded with fear and anxiety to the unknown. By keeping such information classified, authorities may believe they are protecting the public from unnecessary fear and chaos.

Another reason for government secrecy may be the concern over national security. If UAP sightings are genuinely of extraterrestrial origin or advanced technologies not belonging to any known country, it could raise questions about the government's ability to protect its airspace. The existence of unidentified and unidentifiable objects penetrating restricted airspace poses a potential threat, and admitting to the lack of control over such occurrences could be viewed as a sign of weakness. Hence, governments may prefer to keep these matters under wraps to avoid public doubts about their defence capabilities.

Recent hearing of the United States Congress

In scenes that felt reminiscent of a sciencefiction movie, the US Congress held a public hearing on claims the government is covering up its knowledge of UFOs

NASA denies holding information about UFO’s. .

It is also speculated that certain UFO sightings could be the result of experimental military aircraft or other classified projects which if disclosed could jeopardise ongoing research, reveal sensitive

military strategies, or even divulge the existence of covert operations. So, to maintain the edge of military superiority, governments may opt to conceal any information related to advanced technologies. If not tightly controlled, information about UFO’s could become valuable intelligence for foreign powers seeking to learn about a nation's defence capabilities or technological advancements. Not all governments actively hide UFO evidence showing more openness by releasing previously classified information to the public. However, nonetheless, the secrecy surrounding UFO’s persists in certain areas due to the complex interplay of various factors with those nations trying to strike a balance between transparency and national interests.

There have been a number of reported “alleged cases of UFO’s over the decades. The major ones being:

1. The Roswell Incident (1947): This is perhaps the most famous UAP case in history. In Roswell, New Mexico, there was an alleged crash of an unidentified object that the U.S. military initially reported as a "flying disc."

2. The Nimitz Encounter (2004): During a training exercise, the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group encountered multiple UAP off the coast of Southern California. The objects were observed on radar and visually by Navy pilots.

3. The Belgian UFO Wave (1989-1990): Belgium experienced a series of UAP sightings over several months, which were witnessed by thousands of people, including police officers and military personnel.

4. The Phoenix Lights (1997): A massive Vshaped formation of lights appeared over

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investigations into the nature and origin of UFO’s. The credibility of witnesses, the availability of radar data, and the absence of conventional explanations have added complexity to the efforts to understand these phenomena.

The full extent of the KGB's UAP archive remains largely unknown.

In 2008, the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) released a collection of UFO-related documents to the National Archives. This release included declassified files on reported

several speculative possibilities regarding where UFOs may have come from, ranging from natural phenomena to more exotic explanations. It's important to note that, as of my last knowledge update in

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US Dept of Defence photo of UFO

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September 2021, there is no concrete evidence supporting any of these possibilities, and the nature of UFOs remains largely unidentified.

Some UFO sightings could be attributed to natural or man-made terrestrial phenomena that appear unusual or unidentified at first glance. Examples include rare atmospheric optical phenomena, like ball lightning or mirages, experimental military aircraft, advanced drones, or even unconventional aircraft from undisclosed military projects. In such cases, the objects might be real and tangible but not necessarily of extraterrestrial origin.

Misidentifications are common in UFO sightings. Ordinary objects like airplanes, weather balloons, satellites, or even astronomical events such as meteors or planets can be mistaken for something mysterious when viewed under certain conditions or from specific angles. Human perception and cognitive biases play a significant role in how we interpret and remember sightings, leading to reports of unidentified objects that are later identified as mundane phenomena.

In some cases, UFO sightings might be influenced by psychological and perceptual

factors, such as hallucinations, sleep paralysis, or optical illusions. These subjective experiences can be compelling to witnesses but are not indicative of actual physical objects in the sky. Some people believe that certain UFO sightings could be the result of advanced military technologies developed by countries and kept highly classified. These technologies might be far more advanced than what the general public is aware of, leading to strange and unfamiliar appearances. Governments' reluctance to disclose such classified projects could add to the aura of mystery surrounding these sightings.

There is footage and records of objects in the skies. We don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pa>ern.

A more speculative possibility is that UFOs originate from other dimensions or involve time travellers from the future. Some theories propose that advanced civilisations could manipulate space-time to travel across

different dimensions or periods in history, which might explain their seemingly otherworldly appearances.

Perhaps the most popular and enduring hypothesis is that UFOs are evidence of visitations by extraterrestrial civilisations. Proponents of this idea argue that Earth may be of interest to technologically advanced beings from other star systems, leading them to explore or study our planet.

There are several speculative possibilities regarding where UFOs may have come from, ranging from natural phenomena to more exotic explanations. It's important to note that there is no concrete evidence supporting any of these possibilities, and the nature of UFOs remains largely unidentified.

The search for habitable exoplanets revolves around a few key factors, including a star's characteristics, the exoplanet's distance from its star (habitable zone), and the presence of essential elements for life.

Stars must have a habitable zone, also called the "Goldilocks zone," This refers to the region around a star where conditions might be just right for liquid water to exist on the surface of an orbiting exoplanet. Liquid water is Continued next Page

considered a fundamental requirement for life as we know it. Planets too close to their star would experience scorching temperatures, causing water to evaporate, while planets too far away would have frozen surfaces. The type and characteristics of the star also play a crucial role. Stars that are similar to our sun are more likely to have stable, longlasting lifetimes and could potentially support habitable planets. Stars that are much larger and brighter and have shorter lifespans and can be more volatile, making it challenging for planets to maintain stable conditions for extended periods. The presence of an atmosphere is essential for regulating temperature and protecting against harmful cosmic radiation. A planet's atmosphere also influences its ability to retain water and support life. Furthermore, the presence of essential elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and others is necessary for the formation of complex organic molecules, which are the building blocks of life.

Several exoplanets have been identified as potentially habitable candidates based on these criteria. For example:

The exoplanet Proxima Centauri b orbits Proxima Centauri, the closest known star to our solar

system. It is located within the habitable zone of its star and has been a prominent target for further study.

TRAPPIST-1 is an ultra-cool dwarf star with seven Earth-sized exoplanets in its habitable zone. Several of these planets have been identified as potential candidates for supporting liquid water on their surfaces.

Kepler-452b which is often referred to as "Earth's cousin," Kepler-452b is an exoplanet orbiting a star similar to our sun. It is located in the habitable zone and has been likened to an older, more massive version of Earth.

It's important to note that while these exoplanets show promise, our understanding of their atmospheres, surface conditions, and potential for supporting life is still limited due to current observational capabilities. Ongoing technological advancements and future space missions, such as the James Webb Space Telescope will provide more detailed information about exoplanets and their potential habitability, bringing us closer to answering the question of whether populations could exist beyond our own planet.

It's crucial to approach the UFO phenomenon with skepticism and scientific inquiry, acknowledging that many sightings can be

attributed to natural or man-made explanations. While some cases remain unexplained, they do not necessarily imply extraterrestrial visitation. Until there is substantial and verifiable evidence, the true origins of UFOs will remain a captivating mystery, open to interpretation and speculation.

As scientific advancements continue, future discoveries may shed more light on these elusive phenomena.

There are 100 billion stars in our own galaxy and there are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe with a similar number of stars. It would be very unusual if we're the only one where the conditions were right for life to thrive.

Whether U.F.O’s have visited earth is a subjective matter and there will be differing opinions. Shrouding UFO research in secrecy has spawned conspiracies.

The question is mentally connected to one of the most fundamental questions of humanity as we try to understand our cosmic origins. Where do we come from? Are we alone in the universe?. But that did not mean we are alone in the universe.

Because of this those questions will forever be universally considered.


Apex Maleny Business Directory

The Maleny Apex Club has launched the 43rd edition of the Apex Maleny Business Directory. It has been fully prepared and printed and is now finding its way to local homes and businesses around the Maleny District.

The colourful cover was completed by talented artist, Charice Price.

There is also an online version and it can be found at:

Over the history of the directory more than 1.2 million dollars has been poured back into local projects and clubs.


Make Australia Make Again!

If you want to live in a country that builds things you have to buy things that your country builds!

Aussie Day Expo 2024 Information Session for Clubs

Aussie Day Expo 2024 is back and returning to the normal format at the Maleny Show-grounds as distinct from the format used last year.

The grounds are booked, the organisers are ready – and we’d now like to share info with participating clubs as to how we can all make the most out of helping families get involved in what’s going on in Maleny.

Expo Chairman Rick Vickers and his Aussie Day Expo team invite community representatives, MDSRC member clubs and other organisations to attend an information session.

WHERE: MDSRC Clubhouse (bottom of Parklands Drive, off Porters Lane, North Maleny)

WHEN: Thursday 31st August 5.30 for 6.00pm, finishing at 7.00 pm.

WHAT: A presentation by Rick Vickers and MDSRC regarding what is required to participate – and learn some tips and tricks to get the most out of attending the 2024 Expo! Take home maps and info sheets will be made available.

Please RSVP. your attendance to Chairman Rick Vickers at: with a CC to

Maleny Visitor Information Centre

The Maleny Visitor Information Centre is a not for profit, long-standing, independent community service, run by volunteers. The Centre is a ticket selling agency for Maleny Film Society movie screenings along with a range of quality souvenirs and postcards, with a distinctively Maleny flavour along with information about places and events around the area.

The Centre is situated at 2/23 Maple Street, Maleny. It is open 7 days a week between 9.30am-4.00pm. Closed only on Good Friday and Christmas Day.

If you have lost something on your visit to Maleny check with the centre as often items are handed in there. Phone: 07 5499 9033

To find out more about the Maleny Visitors Information Centre and talk to the volunteers or visit the web site:


In this year for Safer Internet, Australians are being called to Connect. - Reflect. - Protect. More information can be found

79 year old woman assaulted whilst refuelling car

A a man has tried to steal a car from a 79year-old woman whilst she tried to refuel at the Shell garage in Simpson Street, Beerwah on at about 1.45p.m. on August 8th.

A male person in his 20’s approached the woman as she refuelled and tried to get her car keys from her. Initially, there was a struggle over the car keys and then the offender escaped without the keys.

The man was seen with a woman leaving the station in another car. Police later found a dumped stolen Land Rover in Beerwah. They believed that it was connected to the pair who fled. The male person is described as in his 20’s, shoulder-length hair and fair skin.

Police would like to talk to anyone who saw the incident or may have CCTV footage of the incident should come forward.

Maleny SES Volunteer group Be Prepared for severe weather events MAMA Make

If you want to live in a country that builds things you have to buy things that your country builds!

What to do if you need assistance

For life threatening emergencies, call Triple Zero (000).For storm and flood related property damage.

Call the State Emergency Service: 132 500. To keep up to date with Emergency Warnings

Tune into warnings and updates from your local ABC radio and TV stations

Important Phone

numbers for assistance during or after a major emergency service. When disaster strikes you need to follow the advice of authorities on staying put or evacuating and follow your emergency plan.

To find out where to find assistance during or after a major emergency service. emergencies

Friday, 18 August 2023
Australia Make Again!

Some People Have To Choose

Help to end period poverty

Donate to our Dignity Drive this August.

Share the Dignity is a drive to collect sanitary and period products to be donated to registered charities across the country. Catherine from Maleny & Hinterland Real Estate is coordinating this in Maleny during August.

Catherine said, “During August I am coordinating the collection and delivery for the August 2023 Dignity Drive in Maleny. The Dignity Drive is an initiative of charity group Share the Dignity”.

The patron of Share the Dignity is Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young PSM Governor of Queensland.

Share the Dignity believes access to period products is a right, not a privilege. But 1 in 5 Australians have been unable

to afford period products at some point in their life.

That’s why Share the Dignity is collecting period products to help those in need this August.

Catherine will be delivering to the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre to meet their requirements, and then any remaining products are passed on to other charities across the state.

Following flooding Gympie has had a high needs for products. The campaign will be kicking off from August 3 and finish August 30, 2023.

Maleny Woolworths and Star Discount Chemist in the Maleny main street and at the Riverside Centre will be the main donation points.

All products in original packaging, including pads, tampons, maternity pads, period undies, menstrual cups and incontinence products are accepted.

People would also be welcome to drop any products to our agency at Maleny & Hinterland Real Estate, Riverside Centre, Maleny.

We thank you in advance!

Women and girls appear to be disproportionately affected by social issues with research also finding 53 per cent (1,754,000) of those living below the poverty line are women and girls; that’s enough people to fill the largest stadium in Australia, the Melbourne Cricket Ground, 17 times over.

Share the Dignity is aiming to collect at least 200,000 period products to ensure those experiencing or at risk of homelessness, domestic violence or poverty don’t have to risk their health and go through the indignity of using other items in place of period products.

“Our Dignity Drives are so important to ensure those experiencing period poverty can manage their period with dignity. We rely on these donations to give to charities to ensure the people they support don’t have to use unsuitable alternatives. Please, if you can, consider donating pads, tampons, menstrual cups, period underwear, reusable pads or incontinence aids this August.”

You can find out more information about the drive and Share the Dignity on their website: Catherine Millett. - Phone. 07 5494 3022.

Maleny & Hinterland Real Estate Agency


Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 16

Maleny Community Groups & When they meet!

Community Groups that form the back bone of the Maleny Community

Maleny Rotary Club

Meeting. Times

1st and 3rd Wednesdays.

6-30pm for 7pm

Maleny Hotel, Bunya St. Maleny


Maleny Probus Club

Meeting. Times

Maleny Uniting Church, Landsborough Road, Maleny

Meet 10 am on the 4th Wednesday of each month.

Feb to November 1300 856 859

Queensland Country Women's Association - Maleny Branch

Meetings at The Verandah Room

23 Maple Street, Maleny

8:00 am - 11:30 am.

4th Monday of Month.


The Zonta Club of Blackall Range

Meetings at Various between Montville and Maleny. Dinner meeting 3rd Tuesday of month 6pm.


Apex Club of Maleny

Meeting. Times


1ST & 3RD MONDAYS, 7.00PM. Email

Postal PO BOX 39. MALENY, QLD 4552 0487770653

Maleny Senior Citizens

Meetings at

The Verandah Room 23 Maple Street, Maleny

8:00 am - 11:30 am. 4th Monday of Month. Activities include card games, meetings and regular bus trips


0409 266 507


Meetings at Maleny Uniting Church Hall

On the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6.30pm

Monthly Dinner Meeting held at The Orangery, 10 Mountain View Rd, at 6.30pm on 4th Tuesday of month


Maleny Commerce

Meetings at Monthly breakfast networking meetings.

2nd Tuesday of the month. Venues to be advised.


Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 17
Being a part of a community can make us feel as though we are a part of something greater than ourselves.

An Old Codger’s Thoughts & Opinions

As seen on the national TV nightly news on August 14th Qantas has unveiled three planes emblazoned with the 'yes23' logo, along with the message 'Qantas proudly supports Voice to Parliament’.

Qantas Airways is owned by its shareholders. Since 2008 Alan Joyce has been the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Qantas. In the financial year he received a salary of up to $4.3 million a year and $4.5 in bonus shares. In total he received almost $80 million in just 10 years.

The number of complaints against Qantas rose 68 per cent in the 2022 financial year. This period was marred by staff shortages and supply chain issues, which led to mishandled bags, delays and cancelled flights across the sector.

In the 2022 financial year, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said Qantas was the most complainedabout Australian company and has now been crowned by consumer advocacy group Choice in its annual Shonky Awards. Whilst service provided by the airline continues to slide at the same time as air fares increase money is being spent in .

Qantas heavily continues to campaign, at a great expense on social issues that appear to have the ear of CEO Alan Joyce. It is one thing to campaign on social issues, but are those issues placed before Qantas shareholders before the program is commenced? What happens if a shareholder does not believe in that program? Do they have an avenue to present their own personal views?

After all there might be matters that an individual shareholder wants to support, they can’t just go and paint a sign on the outside of a plane as they feel free to do.

This is not to say that the programs promoted by Qantas are wrong or right. It has to do with creditability of the business and the financial responsibilities of the company.

It would be more fitting if that money spent went towards improving services for fare paying passengers. It is just too easy to continue to up the price of tickets without too much thought. It takes a long time to claw back that $80 million over 10 years that was paid to Alan Joyce.

Think of those dedicated staff that were sacked and replaced with overseas staff just to save money.

Incidentally, Qantas is not the only publicly listed companies such as ANZ, Wesfarmers, Woolworths, Coles, Commonwealth Bank, Rio Tinto, BHP and National Australia Bank are also spending shareholders money without gaining their views about social matters.

Truthful’s cousin, an Irishman came out to visit Truthful at Maleny. Whilst here Paddy decided to go to Brisbane on the train. He caught the bus from Maple Street and travelled to the Landsborough Rail Station. When the train arrived heading to Brisbane he got onto the train and sat down opposite another male passenger. This person was an Englishman. He was seated near a very attractive female.

Suddenly the train went through a tunnel, and as it was an old-style train, there were no lights in the carriages, and it went completely dark. Then there was a kissing noise and the sound of a really loud slap.

When the train came out of the tunnel, the attractive woman and the Irishman were sitting as if nothing had happened, and the Englishman had his hand against his face as if he had been slapped there.

The Englishman was thinking, “The Irish fella must have kissed the woman, and she missed him and slapped me instead.” The woman was thinking, “The English fella must have tried to kiss me and actually kissed the Irishman and got slapped for it.”

And the Irishman was thinking. “This is feckin great, to be sure. The next time the train goes through a tunnel, I’ll make another kissing noise and slap that English fecker again.”

Truthful Jones says And he swears that it 100% true - No Bulls##t”

Local Groups News

There is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!


Maleny Scottish Country Dancing every Monday 7 to 9 pm RSL Hall. Call 0432 251 606. Social Tennis every Monday 8.00 am Witta Tennis Club. All Welcome.

Mixed Social Tennis every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6.30am to 8.30am Maleny


Ladies Social Tennis every Thursday at 7.30am Maleny Showgrounds.

Maleny Bowls Club. – TUESDAY AM BOWLS, 8.30am for 9.00am . 2 games + morning tea $12 per player. Rink Winner Prizes. Visitors and players welcome. Call Joe 0401 987 900 to book your place

WEDNESDAY- 6 pm. TWILIGHT BOWLS & BURGER. $17 p.p. Bowls only $12 p.p. Learners welcome, bowls provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

FRIDAY PM play SCROUNGERS ‘BOWLS WITH A MATE ’ 1pm for 1.30pm (winter), 2 pm (from November). Bowls can be provided. Call Wendy 0438 399 604.

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Muzika Maleny local musicians First Thursday of Each Month from 6.30 pm Maleny RSL.

Pattemore House Open House Morning every Friday 10.00 am - 12 noon 15, Porters Lane.

Diggers Dining every Friday evening 4.30 bar opens Maleny RSL.

Tennis Under Lights every Friday Witta Tennis Club. BYO drinks and nibbles Contact. Pauline 0428 253 070.

Hinterland Country Music Day. Second Saturday each month in the big shed at the Maleny Museum Precinct.

Maleny Trail Parkrun every Saturday 7.00 am Maleny District Sport & Rec Club House Maleny Precinct.

Witta Tennis Club Social Tennis every Saturday 1.00 pm. All Welcome.

Witta Wheels every 3rd Sunday each month 8.00 am - 11.00 am Witta Recreation Club

Maleny Markets every Sunday 8am to 2pm Maleny RSL.

Social Table Tennis every Sunday 1 - 5 pm Maleny High School Activity Centre. All welcome!

Combined Probus Club of Maleny Inc. Meets every 4th Wednesday from February to November at 10.00 am at the Uniting Church, Landsborough Rd, Maleny. Contact or membership enquiries 0408070823

Please email your weekly regular event to for inclusion every week

Today’s Thought

Tuesday 10.30a.m. - 11.30a.m.

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 19
“Once you face your fear, nothing is ever as hard as you think.”
“Fancy a Chat and a Cuppa”
Maleny Library


Cricket Club calling for junior players

The Maleny Cricket Club is preparing for the 2023 - 2024 Cricket Season. This is the time for both senior and junior players to sign up.

The actual commencement of cricket in Maleny is thought to have commenced in the mid 1920’s officially. On November 9th, 1903, Kenilworth played host to a team from Teutoberg (Witta). The Teutoberg team won the match by 32 runs. Names such as Bergann, Bobermein, Cox and Sommer from those early cricket days are still associated with this area. Maybe a new generation of talented cricketers is about to start their cricketing careers.

To find out more about junior teams contact Junior Coordinator, Catherine Millett on 0401 474 932 or Junior Coach Tim Messer on 0421008949.

You can keep up to date with information via the club Facebook page at:

Rotary Club of Maleny Golf Day!

Get excited, golfers... The 2023 Rotary Club of Maleny Golf Day is fast approaching: Friday, September 8th 2023.

This is always a highly anticipated event and that's because it's always guaranteed to be a brilliant day where golfers of all standards are welcome to compete in a team of 4 and share the glory with your mates. You may also nominate individually, and we will put you in a team.

The event will again be an 18 hole Ambrose, teeing off at 9:00 a.m on the stunning Maleny Golf Course. We have some fantastic prizes on offer for the winning team, runners up and the "wooden spoon" team won't leave empty handed either.

Nearest to the pin prizes again this year and some excellent raffle prizes which are bound to leave your friends envious…

Your $100.00 fee per player will include breakfast, lunch and a team buggy!

Funds raised will be donated to Orange Sky, supporting and giving dignity to the homeless, as well as Shelterbox, providing emergency disaster shelter globally. For further information and bookings contact: Jim Atkinson at

Or head to: mrcgd

Secure your spot today, polish those clubs and dust off that golf hat because we can't wait to see you there!

photo: If you can’t beat this lot well…..

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 20

An accident in your home: Occupier’s Liability With Trove Easton of Easton Lawyers, Maleny

An accident causing someone injury in your home does not necessarily mean that you as the occupier is liable for that injury. As an occupier you are only liable if an accident is caused by your failure to take ‘reasonable care’ to protect the person being injured. The key words are ‘reasonable care’. As you may have suspected already there is no hard and fast rule about what amounts to ‘reasonable care’ or lack of such care. It depends very much on the nature of the premises, the type of danger and the reason for entry. An example is a defective staircase in a house would be a danger to most people but would not be a danger to the tradesperson engaged to fix the staircase.

You may think that provided that your visitor has been warned of the danger then this would be suffi cient to protect you from liability. However a warning is not always sufficient to protect you from liability. The occupier’s duty

is to take ‘reasonable care’ to protect your visitor from danger –not simply to warn your visitor of the danger. Sometimes a warning may be sufficient but other times not depending on the type of danger.

What of a person who enters your premises without your permission – a trespasser? The law holds that if you know or you have reason to suspect that a trespasser is on your premises, you have a duty to that trespasser to take reasonable care to protect that person from injury. This duty does vary depending on the circumstances. An example here would be the requirement on you to fence a pool to prevent a child trespasser from being injured or drowned.

Finally, a landlord has a statutory duty, under the Residential Tenancies Act (Qld) 1994, to keep premises in good order and repair. A landlord may be liable if a tenant is injured on the premises, the injuries occurred as a result of the landlord’s failure to

repair defects and the landlord knew of the defects.

Take care everyone! Easton Lawyers

07 5494 3511

Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 17:00 AEST.

Web Address:

Landsborough Rail Station Car Park Opened

The Landsborough Rail Station Park ‘n’ Ride facility is now officially opened. It has been available to the public since Monday August 14th.

This facility provides an extra 300 car spaces. This area is expected to meet forecast demand and reduce demand on the limited on-street parking near the stations

This upgrade which includes a new bus interchange for coastal areas is part of the Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade project.

Hinterland buses will operate as present.

Friday, 18 August 2023 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 21 Easton Lawyers are your Local Lawyers in Maleny, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland, Australia. Easton Lawyers. 62 Maple Street, Maleny. Qld. 4552. Phone 0754943511. P.O. Box 255 Maleny. Qld. 4552. Email:
Friday, 18 August 2023 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 22

News from Witta

Recreational Club

Proudly bought to you by David Lowden Excavations

Hire of Club Facilities

The vision of the club is to provide country club services to be enjoyed by the local community and visitors to the area.

The excellent facilities of the Witta Recreation Club are available for hire for events such as weddings, sports days, family gatherings.

The club has a Certified Kitchen/Catering facilities including a stove, pots & pans, dishwasher, crockery and utensils. The Bushman’s Bar is practically fitted out with a large capacity for the cold storage of a range of beverages. The Bushman’s Bar is located at the core of the Witta Recreation Club. Service from the bar can be provided to customers on the covered hard standing overlooking the playing pitches, or directly into the Clubroom.

Inquiries can be made via the internet at:

You can find out more about the Witta Recreation Club at their web site at:

Did you Know?

Former senior military officer Adrian D’Hage says soldiers are now expected to follow male commanders who “parade in female uniforms”.

“Well the Australian army have now issued orders that allows male commanders to parade in female uniforms wearing a dress, makeup, earrings, nail polish.”

“Essentially that means that servicemen – they don’t have a choice – they’re compelled to follow commanders that turn up in dresses.

Witta Recreational Club

Bar Open Wednesday afternoons 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

All Welcome

Touch Season has started with the Canteen and Bar operating every FRIDAY Night from 6pm Available for Hire for Private functions – Birthday Celebrations – Weddings etc.

We are always looking for new members and volunteers.

Contact us by email

Friday, 18 August 2023
David Lowden Excavations 3 & 14 tonne excavators for hire Bobcat - Tracked Bobcat & Truck Hire & Maleny Tree Services Phone. 0407 710 993 Find out more on Facebook at:

Australian-made On-grid and off-grid energy storage systems

RedEarth Energy Storage is proud to announce that its Troppo-4841 battery module is the first Australian-made battery approved by Australia’s Clean Energy Council (CEC), making it the most advanced, high energy density, compliant Australian battery on the CEC list.

The versatile 4.1kWh Troppo battery module can be used on grid or off grid, to substitute old lead acid battery banks, as part of a RedEarth integrated ‘Personal Power Plant’ or with other reputable inverter systems. The Troppo will be made available as part of its integrated systems, or supplied to the industry as a standalone product.

The Troppo-4841 includes a display that shows the state of charge as well as voltage and current, making it the easiest battery for installers to install, and easy for customers to see at a glance how much electricity they have in their batteries.

The most popular solar batteries are now lithium-ion based batteries. You should expect your lithium home batteries to last between 10 and 15 years under normal conditions. Running a battery flat or over-charging it can also cause damage to a battery, leading to a reduced lifetime. RedEarth uses intelligent batteries, with software to protect the battery cells from these situation. RedEarth systems are designed so that individual batteries can be replaced as required without changing the whole system.

Your solar battery will perform at its best when installed in a cool, dry place. Installing a solar storage system can increase the value of your home, whether you choose to stay and reap the rewards yourself, or sell, and make the most from your additional equity. So, whether you are a homeowner or landlord, consider solar an investment, not an expense, and choose a system that can adapt to changing energy needs.

When you combine smart energy consumption with the long-term efficiency of a solar battery, you’re on the right path to saving money. But like any big investment, it’s important to know how to get the best out of your system so you can maximise the benefits available to you.

Home battery sales are rising with volatile power prices

Friday, 18 August 2023 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 24
RedEarth Energy Storage is an Australian-owned and operated manufacturer of energy storage systems
Contact Phone. Craig on 0408173383 1300 232322 Email
“Off Grid Homes”
Investing in solar panels and energy storage systems can present a significant upfront cost, so it’s prudent to establish a long-term view on how your system can work for you in years to come.

Maleny Hardware & Rural Supplies

Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies is located in the centre of Maleny in the picturesque Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Thy offer good old fashioned service to your car for those heavy items. There is also ample parking at the front and pick up at the rear of the store.

We are independently owned and supply the local community with rural and hardware supplies at competitive prices.

Did you know we can deliver items in surrounding suburbs for a small fee.

Come and browse through our extensive range of products and say hi to the new owners Andrea & Mark Porter.

Now is the time to start planting your veggies!

With winter almost gone and a warmer summer about to arrive then get those veggies in a bit earlier. Some vegetables to consider include; radish, beans: bush and climbing, beetroot, carrots: tom thumb, chillies, cucumbers, tomatoes, spring onions and squash and zucchinis are reasonably swift at producing too.

When growing in the ground prepare the soil by adding and digging through good quantities of organic matter such as, compost and well-rotted animal manures such as cow or chicken. Then rake your garden bed soil level and water well.

Don’t forget your favourite pet in 2022

We now have a new range of DOG BEDS, CRATES, dog, cat & bird accessories by Kazoo Pet Supplies. Kazoo Pet Supplies was founded to provide a better and more affordable option for Australian pet lovers.

Their range of selected core dog, cat, bird and fish supplies is quickly expanding and we have a large selection of that range at Maleny Hardware and Rural Supplies.

Come on in and see our range, and whilst there you will be surprised to see our large range of other products.

To check out the extensive range of products stocked visit the web site:

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 25
- Farm Supplies - Pet Products - Garden - Fencing - Camping Andrea
07 5494 2302
a detailed list of products and services provided go to 31 Coral Street, Maleny Queensland 4552, Australia
up-to-date special
& Mark Porter Phone. For
Like us on Facebook for
offers and upcoming events.

Local Groups News


is a Recreational Group in Maleny and Surrounds that will cater for your desires!

Maleny Senior Citizens Notes August 2023

BUSY NEEDLES 3rd, 17th and 31

INDOOR BOWLS 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th

DROP IN 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th

COMMITTEE MEETING … 21st (830am at Lynda’s GENERAL MEETING Annual General Meeting Usual time.

Anyone who would like to nominate to be on the committee, give it some thought and feel free to make it known that you would like to nominate for a position.

September 2023

BUSY NEEDLES 14th and 28th

INDOOR BOWLS 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th

DROP IN 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th

COMMITTEE MEETING 18th (at Lynda’s 830am)

GENERAL MEETING … 25th Usual time (hopefully a spring theme)

10th Sausage sizzle


Maleny Calendar of Events 2023.

✦ Witta Rec Club “Witta Wheels”August 20th between 7.30a.m10.30am.

✦ Witta Tennis Club Tournament - August 27th.

✦ Maleny Apex “Paws of Thunder” returns on Sunday 27th August 9.00 am at the Maleny Showgrounds

✦ Rotary Charity Golf Day. - Friday, September 8th 2023. - start 8.45a.m.

✦ Maleny Rotary - “Let’s lift the lid on Mental Illness. - Sept 10th. - 9am to 10am.Leaving from Whit and Wimsy to Maleny Show grounds

✦ Blackall 100 trail ultra-marathon: Saturday 14- Sunday 15 October, 2023

✦ Maleny Handmade & Artisan MarketsMaleny Community Centre, 23 Maple Street, Maleny. - 10th - 11th - 12th November 9am - 3p.m.

To add your local organisation events to this list simply email details to:

Its on again- Community Grants 2023

Applica=ons are now open for grants up to $2000 from the Rotary Club of Maleny Applica=ons, on the prescribed form, open Monday 17 July, and close at close of business on Wednesday, 15 September 2023.

The Rotary Club of Maleny is pleased to invite applica8ons for grants from community groups and organisa8ons that run, manage, conduct or implement programs or projects benefi8ng communi8es in the Maleny, Conondale and Montville areas.

Applica8ons will not be considered from “for profit” en88es, poli8cal par8es, or individuals.

Applica=on forms can be obtained from the Secretary, Rotary Club of Maleny via or phone 0419 942 561 or 0408 663 842

Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 26

The Hinterlandgrapevine Online News Travelling Jackaroo “Getting to the Top”

“Back in Queensland” ….. continuing on with my mission!

Left Tully this morning, (July 31st) heading down to Townsville tonight before heading west tomorrow towards MT ISA. Travelling onto Mt Isa gave me a great chance to catchup with the hardworking and friendly team from Rural Mechanical Repairs in Charters Towers. lIt’s always good to see Phil and Juanita who let me camp at theirs overnight including a home cooked feed and a hot shower before this morning giving Slim a good look over and including my air compressor and doing some other adjustments, before being back on the road again today heading towards Hughenden which is a decent drive.

At Hughenden I was able to have a bush dinner with old mates round the camp tonight at Hughenden. The steak was one of the best I’ve ever had, a bloody amazing marinade.

I’ve now made it to Cloncurry and am setup here today at the Cloncurry Merry Muster at their Equestrian Center , a great rodeo with great people here in Cloncurry. I was also able to get to Fred Brophy’s Boxing Troupe. This is a historic event at country rodeos.

I wanted to go to Winton from here to get to see the Crackup Sisters whom I had met earlier in my travels.

Be a real “Mate”

Make sure that you look after your matesTreat them all well!.

There are no places for bullies or abusers.

Instead of driving the 800kms round trip out of my way I decided to go by Greyhound Australia coach. They gave me a return trip to Cloncurry.

The Crackup Sister’s house/museum is a bloody masterpiece, I love it!.

Briefly got to call in and see the Walkabout Creek Hotel on my Greyhound bus ride back from Winton to Cloncurry. This is the pub where several scenes from the iconic Aussie movie Crocodile Dundee were filmed.

Bitsa and my setup are being looked after by some close friends in Cloncurry whilst I have been down at Winton staying with the Crackup sisters for a few days

I have now returned to Maleny for a few days where am enjoying a bit of peace and quiet in the rolling green hills before heading back out to the Isa to continue heading up towards Darwin then down to Adelaide in Slim the tractor.

Whilst I am here with the family I will catchup with some mates and of course see how the farms is going. I have been away for almost 2 and a half years, needless to say a few things have changed.

I will soon give you a bit of a teaser on what I’m planning on doing after this trip. I have some ideas and am presently considering them.

Follow Sam’s Travels


Friday, 18 August 2023
Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 27
Sam’s proposed route - Maleny to Maleny!
can follow Sam’s adventures via his Facebook Page at “The Travelling Jackaroo”
Friday, 18 August 2023 Shop Locally & Shop with a Friend 28 Who Remembers this? Third Friday of each month via the ISSUU web site. To subscribe email:

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