June 2015

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Summer Excitement Royal Ascot Goodwood FoS The Open


皇家爱斯科赛马会 古德伍德赛车节 英国高球公开赛

Exclusive Tips

From Hat Designer

Rachel Trevor-Morgan


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Editor’s Note 编者的话


e have already come to mid 2015, our team has given their full dedication and continues to provide our viewers the best scene of London. We are truly proud and honoured by our team’s effort.

In this midsummer edition, we will present a full disclosure of the yearly celebrated prime event – Royal Ascot 2015. The Royal Ascot tradition was founded by Queen Anne, dating back to the year of 1711. Still to these days, an annual event that is attended by our Head of State and members of the British Royal Family. Royal Ascot represents the true Britishness with its refinement and sophistication. One of the major highlights in Royal Ascot is ladies’ attire and headwear showcasing in the Ladies Day, we have obtained a latest interview from millinery and Royal Warrant holder Rachel TrevorMorgan to give some expertise tips. Since you are visiting this historic city and if you are a true foodie, you should pay a visit to the Michelin-starred


015 年已过了近半,我们的团队一直全力以赴, 为广大读者展示伦敦最美好的面貌。团队的努 力让我们引以为傲。 在这期初夏主题版,我们会重点而全面地涵盖城 中的年度盛事——皇家爱斯科赛马会。这夏日赛 马盛会由安妮女王于 1711 年设立,时至今天,国 家元首和英国王室成员每年均会拨冗出席,其精 致和优雅代表的正是英国特色的精髓。盛会的一 大亮点,是女士们在“淑女日”所穿戴的华服和 帽饰。我们特意请教了获得皇家认证的帽饰设计 师 Rachel Trevor-Morgan,为大家提供戴帽贴士。 如果你嗜爱美食,又刚好置身于这个历史悠久的 城市,就别错过米其林星级餐厅 Fera at Claridge’s 的现代英式佳肴。餐单上的菜式,食材天然,捕

Fera at Claridge’s. This is a brilliant modern British cuisine restaurant. It offers an all natural ingredients in its menus, and captures the true essence of nature. We are delighted to take part in an exclusive interview with Fera’s outstanding head chef Simon Rogan. Mr. Rogan, a British born chef, has won many awards including Chef of the Year and Restaurateur of the Year 2013. Since we are strongly anticipating some good weather this Summer, we are going for some typical British sports events in this edition. Consequently, we have coverage on the yearly colourful events like Goodwood Festival of Speed and British Open Golf. If you like being outdoors, these are the “must go”. As always, we encourage you to reach out and engage everything that London has to offer. Here at MARQUESS, we wish you a memorable Summer 2015. Team MARQUESS 捉着大自然的真谛。我们很荣幸能专访餐厅的出 色主厨 Simon Rogan,访谈他的理念以及成功之 道。这位英国出生的厨师曾得到多个奖项,包括 2013 年度最佳厨师和年度餐厅东主。 今年,伦敦夏天的天气应该很不错,因此我们在 这期杂志内,介绍多项可供大家参加的典型英式 体育赛事。像古德伍德赛车节、英国高尔夫球公 开赛等丰富多姿的活动,热爱户外活动的你,又 岂能错过。 一如以往,我们鼓励你多点参与、体验伦敦带给 你的精彩。《MARQUESS 爵》祝你有个难忘的 夏季。


MARQUESS MAGAZINE is published by Sing Tao (UK) Ltd in London, UK and is part of the Sing Tao News Corporation publication. www.SingTaoNewsCorp.com

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Contents 目录

Summer Excitement 10 Quintessential British Summer – Royal Ascot 26 Goodwood Festival of Speed : Racing on the Edge 34 The Open Returns to The Home of Golf 42 Jaeger-LeCoultre Gold Cup To Debut in June British Etiquette 18 The Hat Etiquette : Social Status Recognition Hotels, Spas and Resorts 22 Summer Getaway : 5 Star English Country House Hotel Social Life 30 Rolls-Royce Home : Must Visit After Goodwood 32 Luxury Jet Escapes Haute Horlogerie 38 New Generation of The Presidents’ Watch 46 WEMPE : 85 Years with Patek Philippe 48 Baselword 2015 : Chopard Happy Diamonds Fine Jewellery 52 Bulgari : The Dazzling Italian Accessories 56 Hirsh : Jewellery That Moves You Fashion and Accessories 16 Insider Tips from Queen’s Hat Designer 58 Perfectly Paul Smith Royal Warrants 62 Pride of Royal Warrants 64 British Royal Vehicle : Jaguar Land Rover Fine Dining 70 Fera at Claridge’s : Interview with Michelin Chef 74 The Delectable Wimbledon Art and Culture 76 A Royal Welcome – Buckingham Palace 78 Collectors Beloved Masterpiece London Map and Guide 80 Central London 82 Mayfair : The Most Sought After Luxury Corner




夏日精彩 10 英国夏日盛事——皇家爱斯科赛马会 26 古德伍德赛车节 : 名车尽显极速奔驰 34 英国公开赛重回高尔夫球发源地 42 积家金杯争夺战 6 月登场 英式礼仪 18 戴帽礼仪 : 社会地位象征 酒店丶水疗与度假村 22 英式贵族避暑 : 多切斯特豪华庄园酒店 社交生活 30 游古德伍德庒园 必访劳斯莱斯之家 32 乘直升机奢游英国 高端钟表 38 Rolex : 元首腕表新世代 46 WEMPE : 与百达翡丽合作 85 年 48 萧邦最新腕表钻饰——闪耀自我光芒 精致珠宝 52 进入宝格丽意式华丽国度 56 让你悸动的个性化珠宝 时装与配饰 16 女王帽饰设计师貼士 58 保罗史密斯的品味世界 皇家认证 62 皇家认证的骄傲 64 皇家座驾捷豹路虎 精巧美膳 70 专访米其林星级主厨 Simon Rogan 74 融于舌尖的温布尔登——下午茶精选 艺术与文化 76 王室欢迎展——白金汉宫夏季开放日 78 收藏家爱逛的大师杰作展 地图指南 80 伦敦市中心 82 梅费尔 : 最受追捧的奢华角落

p.34 Cover Image: © Rachel Trevor-Morgan / Photographer: Catherine Harbour Printed in UK by MARQUESS MAGAZINE Telephone : +44 (0) 20 8732 7635 Editorial : editorial@marquessmagazine.com Advertising : advertising@marquessmagazine.com


Quintessential British Summer—Royal Ascot



Summer Excitement 夏日精彩


xcitement, pageantry, fashion & style the official organiser precisely points out the essence of Royal Ascot. This traditional racing since 1711 will be held from June 16 to June 20 in Ascot, Berkshire. Let’s join the Royal Family for 5 days of top quality horse racing and soak up the unique luxurious atmosphere. 彩刺激,极致排场,华衣美服——英国皇家爱斯科赛马会之精要,

尽由官方主办机构点出。这个每年一度的夏日赛马盛会创自 1711 年,本年将于 6 月 16 至 20 日假伯克郡爱斯科举行。5 日的赛事包 罗顶级的骑师和马匹,英国王室成员的参与更令这传 统盛会奢华而独特。

©Ascot Racecourse

The Iconic Royal Procession

The distinctive Royal Ascot is founded by Queen Anne. With more than 300 years of history, Royal Ascot has become the centrepiece of the British social calendar and the ultimate stage for the best racehorses in the world. Royal Ascot is truly British and aristocratic as it is attended by HM Queen Elizabeth II and various members of the Royal Family each year. The Queen has indeed attended every Royal Meeting during her reign. She traditionally arrives by horse drawn carriage before the racing commences every day. The Royal Procession is always an iconic moment for visitors. It makes its way from the Golden Gates past the Grandstand and into the Parade Ring before the races start. As a dedicated owner and breeder of racehorses, The Queen takes a keen interest in the races, and has had great success with her own horses. In 2013, The Queen watched her horse, Estimate, triumph in the Gold Cup. The jockeys riding Her Majesty’s horses can be identified by The Queen’s racing colours: purple body with gold braid, scarlet sleeves, and black velvet cap with gold fringe.


贵气标致的皇家巡游 当年安妮女王提出在爱斯科举行赛马,后来 演变为别具规模和风范的英国皇家爱斯科赛 马会,至今已逾 300 年历史。它不仅成为英 国上流社会人士的重要社交盛事,并云集全 球顶尖的赛马马匹。 此夏日体育盛事之所以带有强烈英国及贵族 色彩,乃因英国女王伊利沙伯二世与一众王 室成员每年大驾光临。事实上自英国女王在 位后,她从无间断地出席此赛马活动。每天 赛事举行前,女王和王室成员按传统乘坐马 车进场。此皇家巡游乃赛马会一大亮点, 马 车 沿 固 定 路 线 驶 进 Golden Gates, 经 过 Grandstand 观赛区然后进入 Parade Ring,之 后赛事才正式举行。 伊利沙伯二世是众所周知的爱马之人,对驯 养马匹别具心得。此外,女王亦相当热衷于 赛马,其爱驹在历届赛事屡获殊荣。2013 年,女王见证爱驹 Estimate 赢得金杯荣誉。 策骑女王名驹的骑师亦穿上突显专属女王身 份的紫色背心,上有金色辫扣,手袖乃斐红 色,头戴有金色流苏的黑色丝绒帽子。

©Ascot Racecourse


The Thunder of Hooves

Royal Ascot not only attracts around 300,000 global visitors, the world’s finest jockeys and racehorses are also attracted to compete for more than £5.5 million cash prize. There are 18 Group races, 8 of them in Group One, throughout the 5-day meeting. The races have made legends of the finest thoroughbreds such as the champions Black Caviar, Frankel and Yeats. The 5 racedays can be characterised by different highlights. The first raceday ( June 16) consists of 3 Group One races, the most prestigious class of Flat races, including the famous Queen Anne Stakes. The third raceday ( June 18) is the day of the historic Gold Cup. It is traditionally the busiest day of the week and colloquially known as “Ladies Day”, a day that designer creations and millinery masterpieces take centre stage.

Select from the 3 enclosures Royal Enclosure, Grandstand Admission and Silver Ring to enjoy the electric atmosphere and extreme excitement as your horse comes home. Be ready to stand by the rails as the horses thunder down the Straight Mile to the Winning Post!

©Ascot Racecourse

雷霆万钧的奔腾盛况 英国皇家爱斯科赛马会每年吸引约 30 万全 球访客,高达 550 万镑的奖金亦驱使各地 精 英 骑 师 和 名 种 马 匹 参 与 其 中。5 日 赛 事 包含 18 个分组赛,其中 8 组乃实力最超卓 的 Group One。 多 年 来, 参 赛 的 纯 种 名 马 在 赛 马 会 上 缔 造 传 奇, 如 冠 军 马 匹 Black Caviar、Frankel 和 Yeats, 现 已 成 为 家 传 户 晓的名字。

一连 5 天的盛会,每日都有精彩独到之处。 赛事首天 (6 月 16 日 ) 共有 3 组 Group One 赛马比拼,是声望等级最高的平路赛事,其 中一组将争夺“安妮女王锦标”。赛事第 3 天 (6 月 18 日 ) 是传统的“金杯日”,这天 的赛场一向最为热闹。由于当天俯拾皆是穿 戴名设计师时装与花俏礼帽的女宾,因此沿 袭称为“Ladies Day”。 观赛区共分为 Royal Enclosure、Grandstand Admission 及 Silver Ring, 访 客 可 从 多 角 度 感受赛马现场的震撼气氛,尤其站近赛道 旁为你的心水马匹呐喊坐威,看着马儿由 Straight Mile 直冲终点!

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©Ascot Racecourse

Style Like Nowhere Else

Apart from the thrilling races, Royal Ascot is also made anticipated and revered by a spectacle of fashion and style. All guests are required to dress properly as if attending a formal occasion. Dress code is applied if you are viewing from Royal Enclosure or Grandstand Admission, whereas the requirement of outfits of the former is strict.

Royal Enclosure Ladies’ Dress Code • • •

• •

Dresses and skirts should be of modest length defined as falling just above the knee or longer; Dresses and tops should have straps of one inch or greater; Jackets and pashminas may be worn but dresses and tops underneath should still comply with the Royal Enclosure dress code; Trouser suits are welcome. They should be of full length and of matching material and colour; Hats should be worn; however a headpiece which has a base of 4 inches / 10 cm or more in diameter is acceptable as an alternative to a hat.

Royal Enclosure Gentlemen’s Dress Code

Gentlemen are required to wear either a black or grey morning suit which must include: • A waistcoat; • A tie (no cravats); • A black or grey top hat; • Black shoes. • A gentleman may remove his top hat within a restaurant, private box, private club or that facility’s terrace, balcony or garden. •

Royal Enclosure remains an exclusive membership area up to this day. Access is by invitation from a current member only. For those without a formal invitation, booking a table in a Fine Dining restaurant within the Royal Enclosure is an opportunity to gain guest access into this stylish enclosure. Otherwise, guests may go for Grandstand Admission or Silver Ring. To know more details about Royal Ascot, browse the multimedia guide “Style Like Nowhere Else” which is a new online campaign launched by the official organiser.


©Ascot Racecourse

Top Hat: Hetherington Hats Coat: £3,655 Waistcoat: £780 Trouser: £1,257 Bespoke Shirt: from £295 All from dunhill Watch: Longines

无可比拟的时尚华丽盛宴 万马奔腾当然教人期待,而英国皇家爱斯科赛马会 的时尚元素亦令人期待,与会者的装扮总是充满惊 喜。 访 客 均 须 遵 守 大 会 的 服 饰 规 定, 穿 上 得 体 的 正 装 进 场, 特 别 在 Royal Enclosure 或 Grandstand Admission 两个观赛区。Royal Enclosure 的服饰规定 严格,大致如下,访客出发前务请留意。

Royal Enclosure ——女士服饰规定

• 连身裙和半截裙,长度应稍为高于膝盖或盖过膝 盖; • 连身裙和上衣的肩带应有至少 1 英寸宽或更宽; • 可穿外衣和帕什米纳披肩,但里面所穿连身裙和 上衣须合乎大会的服饰规定; • 除了裙子,亦可穿西裤套装,但裤子须长及脚眼, 上下衣的布料与颜色相配; • 必须戴上礼帽,否则应戴上头饰,头饰底部的直 径须有 4 英寸 / 10 厘米或以上。

Royal Enclosure ——男士服饰规定

• 男士须穿上黑色或灰色的早晨礼服,套装包括以 下细节: • 马甲背心; • 领带 ( 非领巾 ); • 黑色或灰色的高顶礼帽; • 黑色皮鞋。 • 男士在以下场所可除掉礼帽:餐室、包厢、私人会 所,或观赛区内的露台、阳台或花园。 Royal Enclosure 由设立至今皆只限会员进入。要成为 会员,必须由现有会员推荐申请。如尚未获得会员 资格,访客仍可在 Royal Enclosure 内各高级餐室预 订座位,边吃边观赛,从而感受这个时尚高贵的区 域。Grandstand Admission 及 Silver Ring 则不设会员 制,欢迎任何人士购票入场。 主办机构今年特别制作一个网上多媒体指南“Style Like Nowhere Else”,让访客从视听了解更多关于英 国皇家爱斯科赛马会的详情。

Date 日期:16.6.2015 – 20.6.2015 Venue 地点:High Street, Ascot, West Berkshire SL5 7HS Website 网页:www.ascot.co.uk/royal-ascot-2015-new www.likenowhereelse.co.uk

Hat: Philip Treacy £1,232 Jacket, Dress, Shoes & Bag: all Dolce & Gabbana – price on request Watch: Longines


Insider Tips from Queen’s Hat Designer 女王帽饰设计师贴士


ounded over 300 years ago by Queen Anne, Royal Ascot is one of the most iconic London seasonal events. According to Rachel Trevor-Morgan, who has been designing hats for The Queen since 2006, it is also a wonderful celebration of millinery. She suggests a bigger hat or headpiece (to wear for Royal Ascot) if possible, as “everyone is wearing hat and you will regret it if you just go for something too small.” After all it is the hat that will get all the attention. 从 安 妮 女 王 300 多 年 前 创 办 英

国 皇 家 爱 斯 科 赛 马 会, 于 是 成

为伦敦最具标志性的节日活动之一。 从 2006 年 开 始 为 英 女 王 设 计 帽 子 的 Rachel Trevor-Morgan 说,这活动也是

帽子界的盛典。她提示出席的女士,要 选择比较大的帽子或头饰,“人人都戴 帽,如果你选配了较小的,也许会后 悔”。毕竟帽子是众人的焦点。


Granted a Royal Warrant Last Year

Over the last 8 years, Rachel has made over 75 hats for Her Majesty The Queen, “People want to be able to see her so brims cannot be too big and of course there is the very practical issue of getting in and out of cars! She always looks wonderful and beautifully finished and I feel very proud of this achievement. ”


去年获授皇家认证 过去 8 年,Rachel 为英女王伊利沙伯二世设

计的帽子超过 75 顶,“大家都希望看到女 王,所以帽檐不能太大,而且也要顾及女王 进出汽车这个实际问题。女王看上去总是那 么美好和得体,能为她设计帽子,我感到非 ©REUTERS

Trend of Spring / Summer 2015

As for the trend of wearing hats in this Spring/ Summer, Rachel hints, “there are a lot of the shallower crowns with soft sloping brims and beautiful florals – all very feminine and soft. However, it is very much down to individual choice, the style of the hat and the outfit as to how much you need to mix and match. Use your eyes – try on the whole outfit and look in a full length mirror to see what is working or not.” When Rachel starts to make hats for clients, she will consider their profile and stature to make sure the hats fit with their personalities, what outfits they are wearing and the occasion to which the hat is being worn. The outfit is chosen first usually and she would be working with those colours and taking into account the pattern of the fabric. Later on, when Rachel is making the handmade flowers, the fabric is dyed and each petal is cut, shaped and stitched by hand. It takes many hours of patient skilled work for making bespoke hats.

Rachel Trevor-Morgan Millinery: 18 Crown Passage, King Street, London SW1Y 6PP T: +44 (0) 20 7839 8927

常自豪” 。

今年春 / 夏设计 至于今年春 / 夏的戴帽潮流,Rachel 表示, “今年较流行帽冠浅、软斜檐的,再配上美 丽的花朵,都非常女性化而柔软。然而,这 都要视乎个人选择、帽子的风格与身上衣著 的混合配搭。试试穿上整套衣裳,站在全身 镜前,用眼睛去看看是否配衬得宜”。 当 Rachel 开始为客户做帽时,她会首先参考 她们的个人资料和身材,确保帽子符合她们 的个性,也会考虑她们出席的场合,以及会 穿上什么的衣服。通常客户会先准备衣服, Rachel 则会配搭其颜色和织物的图案。之后 当 Rachel 要手制花朵,就会先把织物染色, 再切割出一朵朵花瓣,把它们塑成形,然后 用心以手工缝合。每顶度身订制的帽子,都 需要许多小时的耐心细活才能完成。 Rachel Trevor-Morgan


©REUTERS / Paul Hackett

British Etiquette 英式礼仪

The Hat Etiquette : Social Status Recognition 戴帽礼仪:社会地位象征


n the old days, the British gentlemen generally wore hats while ladies wore flamboyant hats as fashion accessories in the high society. It is perceived that a hat properly worn would give someone dignity. A well bred man should know a number of rules to follow in regard to when and how to don and doff the hat. The “hati-quette” is like a small ceremonial act to recognise one’s social status. Nowadays hats are compulsory at a declining number of British social occasions, but the significance of hat-wearing dignity still prevails. Conventions of hat etiquette are developed out of politeness and respect as good reference. There is no rule of what types of hats to be worn in different occasions, but it is important to know when to don and doff the hat. ‧Men’s hats : any ornaments or decoration should be positioned on the left side of the hat; ‧Women’s hats : hat pins and other ornaments should be placed on the right; ‧The tag that covers the sweatband seam always goes at the back of the head; ‧ Men should normally remove their hats indoors, but women usually do not; ‧Hats would never be worn in a ballroom at a respectable private or subscription ball; ‧ Hats would be removed when entering private clubs; ‧Removed hats are held in hand in a way that the crown faces outwards and the lining is towards the ground; ‧It is considered rude to show the lining which often reveals sweat, threads of hair or dirt lines.



展的帽子装扮。帽子戴得合宜合时,自然更 显出个人气派和尊严。有教养人士一般会遵 从一些戴帽法则,知道何时与如何戴上或除 下帽子方为得体。戴帽礼仪就如一些细致仪 式举止,从中可以突显身份,让人一看便知 社会地位高低。 时移世易,在英国,必须戴帽出席的社交场 合渐趋减少,但戴帽象征社会地位的重要 性,却未随时间变迁而更易。戴帽这个传 统,随着时代累积了一定的常规惯例,往往 是出于礼貌和尊重,值得参考。惯例中并无 硬性要求在不同场合须穿戴哪种帽子,但何 时穿上和除掉帽子则有例可循和务必遵守。

‧ 男士帽子:戴上帽子后,装饰应置于帽 子的左边;

‧ 女士帽子:与男士相反,帽上固有 或其他装饰须调到头部右边;

‧ 用来遮盖防汗带缝边的牌子标 签,需要调到后脑位置;

‧ 男士在室内地方应脱下帽子, 女士则没有硬性规定;

‧ 出席高级私人或慈善舞会, 宴会厅内绝对不宜戴帽;

‧ 当进入私人会所,应该除掉 帽子;

‧ 拿着脱下的帽子时,帽顶朝 外,别让人看见帽内笼的缝 线;

‧ 显露帽子内笼是失礼之举, 因里面会散发汗臭、夹杂脱 掉的发丝或藏有污垢。

© REUTERS / Kai Pfaffenbach


Internet Photo

Gentleman : Tip Your Hat

Tipping the hat has been a gesture of respect throughout history. To do a perfect “doffing”, slightly lifting the hat off your forehead with the right arm extended, the bottom of the hat turned towards the ground, then greeting guests with real panache! Here are some of the circumstances when a man would habitually tip your hat. ‧To say to anyone, male or female “thank you”, “excuse me”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “you’re welcome” or “how do you do”; ‧If you meet a superior or a notable dignitary outdoors; ‧When you meet and enter into a conversation with a lady or a group of ladies (the well bred lady or ladies should invite the man to recover his hat after a short while); ‧Any time that a lady stranger thanks you for a service or assistance; ‧Any time that a stranger shows courtesy to a woman you are accompanying, such as picking up a dropped item or opening a door; ‧When asking a woman or elderly man for directions.


绅士摘帽为表敬意 依照历史传统,男士轻轻摘帽,显现彬彬有 礼。摘帽有大方得体的一套。绅士用右手抓 着帽的前沿,揭起帽子,至稍为离开前额的 距离,帽子内笼维持向下,不要向着客人, 然后风度翩翩地向人打招呼。以下列出一些 男士惯性摘帽的情况。 ‧ 与人相遇,不论对象是男或女,向对方说 “谢谢”、“失陪”、“你好”、“再见”、 “不用客气”或 “一切安好吗” 的时候; ‧ 在户外场合,遇上上司或显贵人物,向对 方打招呼; ‧ 与一位女士或一群女士碰面,随后与之交 谈 ( 知书识礼的女士应在一会儿后邀请男 士戴回帽子 ); ‧ 每当陌生女士向你的恩惠或帮助表示谢 意; ‧ 每当与女士同行,有陌生人礼待你的女 伴,例如替她拾起东西或开门,你向其恩 惠示意; ‧ 向女士或长者问路时。

Be A Fair Lady


Unlike gentlemen, however, ladies are entirely exempt from “hat rules”. A lady’s hat is often an outfit-specific accessory precisely pinned to her carefully composed coiffures, and removing it would cause all the works to collapse disgracefully. Therefore, etiquette has never demanded a lady to remove her hat in all social situations. By a similar rule, if ladies wear functional hats according to different weather, hats should be removed indoors.

相比绅士们所要遵守的一篮子戴帽礼仪,女 士在戴帽的处理弹性而随心。淑女的帽子大 多是礼服套装的一部分,并固定配戴在悉心 梳理的发型上,因此不能像男士们随时随地 摘下帽子,否则仪态尽失。无论任何社交场 合,戴帽礼仪从不要求女士除下帽子。唯独 因应天气而配戴的功能性帽子,女士则须在 进入室内除掉,此原则与男士相同。

Unless stated, a lady might remove her hat in a place where she feels comfortable or even remove it in a public place, providing that it does not result in unsightly hair and she could do it effortlessly.

除非明文规定,每当感觉舒适自在,女士们 能在任何场合甚至公众场所脱下帽子,只要 能顾全仪态,脱帽时不慌不忙,不至于弄得 披头散发。

It is difficult to kiss socially while wearing a widebrimmed hat during occasion such as Royal Ascot. A fair lady may need to tilt her head at a suitable angle, but two ladies both in wide-brimmed hats should avoid such an “intimate” greeting.

在英国皇家爱斯科赛马会上,淑女们的帽子 千奇百态。若戴上帽沿宽阔或夸张的帽子, 在碰面亲吻时便有一定难度,此时,女士需 有技巧地侧起头来。若两位淑女都戴上宽阔 帽子,或应避免行亲吻礼,免生尴尬。

©REUTERS / Luke MacGregor

Glamorous Summer Getaway : 5 Star English Country House Hotel 英式贵族避暑:多切斯特豪华庄园酒店


King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra stayed in Coworth Park House in 1879 and 1883 to enjoy the racing at nearby Ascot. 国王爱德华七世和亚历山德拉王后于 1879 年和 1883 年曾下榻 Coworth Park 大屋,观看邻近爱斯科举行的赛马盛事。



quintessential British Summer is all about an array of outdoor sports, and enjoying a break in an English country house. If you are attending Royal Ascot this year, the neighbouring hotel Coworth Park will be an ideal choice to immerse in British country chic. Coworth Park, a 5-star luxury country spa hotel in Ascot, Berkshire, is part of the Dorchester Collection. This luxurious country house hotel set in 240 acres of picturesque parkland on the borders of Windsor Great Park, is surrounded with breathtaking vistas and cultural gems. Windsor Castle and River Thames are only a stone’s throw away; the Royal Ascot racecourse and the worldclass golf courses Wentworth and Sunningdale are within short distance. Rich in English heritage, Coworth Park is just 45 minutes from London and 20 minutes from Heathrow.

Hotels, Spas and Resorts 酒店丶水疗与度假村 特而经典的英式夏日体验,总少不了

独一连串大型户外体育盛事,还有度宿 于传统的郊野别墅,过一个闲情逸致的暑 假。如果你今年出席皇家爱斯科赛马会,就 近正有一所珂沃庄园酒店,让你浸淫在别致 的英国乡郊风情。 珂沃庄园酒店位于伯克郡爱斯科,是多切斯 特精选酒店集团旗下的五星级乡郊水疗酒 店。这座豪华级别墅式酒店,傍于风景如画 的 240 英亩温莎大公园,满目皆心旷神怡的 景色,被众多文化瑰宝包围。酒店距离著名 的温莎城堡与泰晤士河仅举步之遥,皇家爱 斯科赛马场和世界级高尔夫球场温特沃斯与 桑尼戴尔,也近在咫尺。虽然如此,珂沃庄 园酒店距离伦敦市不过 45 分钟车程,由希思 罗机场前往酒店亦仅需 20 分钟,游客却可尽 情投入于丰沃的英国历史氛围。


© Dorchester Collection

The equestrian at Coworth Park is open for all hotel and local residents. 珂沃庄园酒店举办的马术休闲活动,开放给所有酒店住客和当地居民。

A Georgian Modern House

The Georgian charm of the original Coworth Park’s manor house estate has been transformed into 4 areas: Mansion House, Stables, Cottages and The Dower House. Each room in the Mansion House has high ceilings and large Georgian windows with countryside views. If you prefer a little more seclusion, opt for the self-contained converted Stables or Cottages. The jewel in the crown is The Dower House. This Grade II listed building includes a private residence with 3 bedrooms, a private kitchen, dining room, lounge and snug. It also has its own garden with a stream running through it, home to Coworth Park’s family of swans. The price of room and suite varies from £320 to £1,200.

© Dorchester Collection

riding or picnic. The equestrian at Coworth Park provides stabling for up to 40 horses, with an experienced team of trainers offering support for beginners and seasoned riders alike. One may also take polo lessons with Guards Polo Club on one of Coworth Park’s 2 professional polo fields. Coworth Park is the only hotel in UK which provides its own polo fields and practice facilities affiliated to the Hurlingham Polo Association, the governing body for polo in UK.

The UK’s Sole Hotel with Polo Fields

The Summer English spirit won’t be completed without a number of outdoor activities within and beyond the House. Take part in quintessentially English activities such as tennis, croquet, horse 24

© Dorchester Collection The master bedroom of the Dower House. 道尔套房的特大主人套房。

During Royal Ascot (June 16-19), non-residents and hotel guests can relax with a glass of champagne and brunch at The Barn. 在皇家爱斯科赛马会举行的 6 月 16 至 19 日期间,非住客跟访客 皆可于 The Barn 享受特色早午餐,边饮香槟,边赏乡郊风情。

古色古香的乔治亚大屋 Coworth Park 大屋原貌深具乔治亚时期的风 格和魅力,划分为 4 个区域:大厦之屋、马 厩景观、别墅套房与道尔套房。大厦之屋的 客房楼底空间充裕,住客可透过乔治亚式大 型窗户,欣赏林地庄园的醉人景致。如果你 偏好多点私密空间,可以选择自成一角的马 厩景观客房或套房,或别墅套房。道尔套房 是珂沃庄园酒店桂冠上的一颗明珠。套房跻

© Dorchester Collection The sitting room of the Fairway Suite of Stable. 马厩景观套房的客厅。

© Dorchester Collection

身 2 级保护建筑之列,被精心改造为一座私 人住宅,带 3 间卧室、私人厨房、餐厅、休 息室和雅间。套房还附设花园,园内溪水潺 潺,一群以此酒店为家园的天鹅悠然活在其 中。酒店房价由 320 镑至 1,200 镑不等。

英国唯一具专属马球场酒店 要进一步掌握英国人如何欢度夏日,不妨参 与一系列户外活动,在珂沃庄园酒店范围内 以至周边,皆可找到参加地点。英国人爱好 的经典夏季活动,包罗网球、槌球、骑马与 野餐等,酒店亦提供相关活动资讯。事实上 酒店提供广泛的马术和马球设施,饲养多达 40 匹赛马,有专业马术导师经验团队协助初 级以至季节性骑马人士。你亦可在珂沃庄园 酒店两个专业马球场之一,学习御林军马球 会的课程。此酒店是英国唯一一家拥有专属 马球场和训练设施的酒店,隶属于英国马球 总会,让访客乐在高贵的马术活动之中。

Coworth Park: Blacknest Road, Ascot SL5 7SE



Jenson Button is a regular FoS competitor. 毕顿是古德伍德赛车节常客。

Lewis Hamilton is always popular. 咸美顿向来甚受欢迎。

Goodwood Festival of Speed : Racing on the Edge



taged every Summer since 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed will take place on June 25-28, 2015, setting against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex. Not only can the visitors see over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motor sport, but they can also come across some of the most legendary figures from the sport and regularly attending international celebrities. Highlights of this year events include the Moving Motor Show, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Run, Cartier “Style et Luxe” concours d’elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams auction.

be housed in a new and expanded F1 paddock. The event founder, Lord March said: “It’s terrific news that Valentino Rossi will be making his Festival of Speed debut this year. He’s the most successful premier-class grand prix rider in history and will be an incredibly popular figure for the growing number of extremely-passionate and knowledgeable motorcycle enthusiasts that join us every year at Goodwood.” The most successful topclass MotoGP racer of all time, Valentino Rossi, will tackle the fabled 1.16-mile Hillclimb on his Yamaha YZR-M1 MotoGP bike on June 28 to celebrate Yamaha Motor’s 60th Anniversary.

The leading teams from this year’s Formula 1 World Championship, Mercedes, Ferrari, Red Bull, Williams and McLaren’s, will join the event. A superstar lineup of drivers and their cars will

Visitors can also see and hear the legendary 28-litre Fiat S76, unofficially the fastest car in 1911, making its first public run for over 100 years when it tackles the Hillclimb throughout the weekend.

Summer Excitement 夏日精彩

Valentino Rossi makes his FoS debut with Yamaha. 罗 西 将 骑 着 他 的 Yamaha 摩托车登场。

古德伍德赛车节 : 名车尽显极速奔驰 1993 年开始,每逢夏季备受热捧的古

古德伍德赛车节发起人 March 勋爵说:“瓦

至 28 日举行,背景依然是西萨塞克斯郡、




过 600 辆在赛车运动史上留下名字的汽车和


德 伍 德 赛 车 节, 今 年 将 于 6 月 25 日

摩托车,更有机会碰到这项运动的最传奇人 物,以及国际名人常客。今年的活动亮点包 括年度“移动车展”、丛林拉力赛、米其林


相信会深受大家欢迎。”为了庆祝 Yamaha Motor 成立 60 周年,这位史上最成功的顶

级摩托车赛车手,将于 6 月 28 日骑着他的


Yamaha YZR-M1 摩托车,在 1.16 英里爬山



F1 世界锦标赛今年的 5 队领先车队:奔驰、



看到和听到传说中的 28 升菲亚特 S76 赛车。


这辆于 1911 年被认为是世界上最快的车辆



Pedro de la Rosa drove for Ferrari at FoS 2014. 罗萨于去年赛车节上驾驶法拉利。

26 27

Incredible scenes at the GAS Arena, which will be full of freestyle stars, in 2014. GAS 场内将有花式表演的明星。图为去年精彩场面。

For the Moving Motor Show, over 19 of the world’s largest car manufacturers will appear, kicking off the Goodwood Festival of Speed on June 25. Through this dynamic platform, the very latest models will be showcased. Visitors could also get behind the wheels and tackle a specially-constructed course around the Festival of Speed grounds.

而在年度“移动车展”上,将云集超过 19

This year, Michelin Supercan Run is set to be the largest and most dramatic ever staged. It will feature a glittering array of exotica including the brand-new 986bhp track-focused McLaren P1 GTR and Koenigsegg’s first attempt at the luxury megacar “1500bhp Regera”. The turbocharged Honda-engined SCG 003, is also set to take part. And the Cartier “Style et Luxe” concours d’elegance will celebrate 20 years at the Festival with an astonishing display of exquisite automotive machinery across 7 classes.

今年,米其林超跑展览的规模不但是历来最 大,也是最有声有色。展出的一系列琳琅满 目豪车,将包括全新 986bhp 赛道专属迈凯 轮 P1 GTR 和科尼赛克首次尝试制作的豪华 megacar 级 别 的 超 跑 1500bhp Regera, 还 有 采用了本田涡轮增压引擎的 SCG 003 超跑。 而卡地亚古董车展则利用横跨 7 个级别的惊 人展品,迎来出席古德伍德赛车节 20 周年。

With a wide range of displays, performances and races, the Goodwood Festival of Speed is definitely an event any auto enthusiasts could not miss this Summer.


Aviation Exhibition will return. 航空展览将卷土重来。

Aston Martin Ulster will form part of Bonhams Sale. 邦瀚斯拍卖会上可看到阿斯顿马丁 Ulster 经典车。

家世界最大的汽车制造商,为 6 月 25 日开 始的古德伍德赛车节拉开序幕。汽车制造商 会通过在多元平台,展出它们最新的车型。 游客更可坐进驾驶盘后面,在赛车节附近的 特建场地享受试驾的快感。

古德伍德赛车节集广泛而多元的展览、表演 和比赛于一身,是任何汽车爱好者今夏不容 错过的精彩盛宴。 Date 日期:25.6.2015-28.6.2015 Venue 地点:The Goodwood Estate, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 0PH Admission Fee 入场费:£30 (Moving Motor Show, Adult) £51 (FoS-Friday Entry, Adult) £63 (FoS-Sunday Entry, Adult) Website 网页:www.goodwood.com

Fiat S76 will run for the first time in 101 years. 28 升菲亚特 S76 赛车 101 年后重出江湖。

Stunt King Terry Grant always puts on a great show. 特技王 Terry Grant 的表演每每令人叹为观止。


Goodwood-p27.indd 1

5/22/2015 12:02:00 PM

Rolls-Royce Home : Must Visit After Goodwood 游古德伍德庒园 必访劳斯莱斯之家


ituated on the Southeast corner of the Goodwood Estate, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars always plays an important role in Goodwood Festival of Speed. While Wraith will be driven in the Supercar Run by a professional racing driver, Ghost Series II will play the role of the “Course Car” this year. Beyond the Supercar Run and seeing Ghost run up the hill as the Course car in the Festival, guests of Rolls-Royce will be shuttled to and from the factory in a collection of Phantom and Ghost family motor cars for private tours of the adjacent manufacturing plant. Here, customers’ dream cars become real, thanks to the efforts Rolls-Royce made to exceed customers’ desire and expectation. Rolls-Royce Wraith launch film, “And the World Stood Still”, has entered the BFI National Archive, the world’s most significant collection of film and TV. As the most powerful Rolls-Royce ever made, Wraith’s swept lines of the fastback body, a style whose origins can be found in the 1930s era of film noir, most clearly signal its purposeful character. The Ghost Series II has just been awarded “Luxury Car of the Year” in the UK Car of the Year Awards earlier this year. Since making its debut one year ago, Ghost Series II has won plaudits around the world and helped driving Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to a fifth historic sales record.

Wraith “Inspired by Film” 劳斯莱斯魅影“Inspired by Film”型号



莱斯在古德伍德赛车节常担当不可或缺的角 色。专业赛车手在超跑展中将会驾驶魅影, 古思特系列 II 则是 Course Car。 在赛车节上,除可参观超跑展览和欣赏古思 特汽车的爬山英姿外,获邀参观相邻劳斯莱 斯制造厂的客人,更会获安排乘坐幻影和古 思特系列汽车往返工厂。在这里,劳斯莱斯 一直为超越客户的所想所期,让他们梦想成 真而努力。 劳斯莱斯魅影宣传片《And the World Stood Still》,最近被英国电影协会纳入国家档案 馆,成为世界上最重要的电影和电视剧藏品 系列之一。作为有史以来动力最强的劳斯莱 斯汽车,魅影的 fastback 轮廓线条优美,其 风格可追溯至 30 年代的黑白电影。这种设 计也最能明确显露出它的强烈个性。 古思特系列 II 在今年较早时候的英国汽车颁 奖礼上,获选为“年度豪华汽车”。自去年 首次亮相,古思特系列 II 赢得世界各地的赞 誉,并有助推高劳斯莱斯汽车的销售业绩, 升至史上第五位的历史纪录。

Head Office of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. 劳斯莱斯汽车总部。

Social Life 社交生活

Award-winning Ghost Series II evolutionary design includes :

‧A contemporary re-imagining of front face ‧A new bonnet design featuring tapered “wake channel” emanating from the Spirit of Ecstasy that hints at Ghost Series II’s dynamism ‧Re-designed front seats include electronically adjustable thigh supports and depth adjustment. Rear seats have been subtly re-angled to augment effortless communication with fellow passengers ‧Feature Satellite Aided Transmission as standard ‧The scope for Bespoke customisation is extended with options of new paint and wheel, natural grain leather to the A and C pillars and 2 new, exquisitely crafted veneers 屡获殊荣的古思特系列 II,其演进设计包括 :

‧ 车前部位全新当代设计,更显时尚 ‧ 在欢庆女神徽标后延伸而出的锥形引擎盖中线,突出车的动感 ‧ 重新设计前座椅,包括电子调节腿部支撑和深度调整功能。后排 座椅也经重新调整角度,让同车乘客可以轻松沟通

‧ 配备卫星辅助传动系统为标准设计 ‧ 扩展定制服务范围,从选择新的油漆颜色和轮壳样式、各种天然、 全粒面或透气真皮,以至新增两个独特的定制面板等

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited: The Drive, Westhampnett, West Sussex PO18 0SH

T:+44 (0) 12 4338 4140


Luxury Jet Escapes 乘直升机奢游英国


o travel point-to-point in a helicopter has become a trendy and stylish transportation for business executives and prestigious tourists. Like an “air taxi”, the traffic-avoiding exclusivity of the helicopter can convey you to less accessible locations or venues with ease and view.

A Panoramic View of London Skyline


This genuine luxurious travel experience can be realised by booking a private jet or air charter service via the London Heliport. Situated in Battersea, the London Heliport can be accessed easily by tourists who stay in the West End hotels. This Capital’s sole CAA approved licensed heliport has been operated since 1959, from there you can book a sightseeing flight operated by The London Helicopter (£199 pp). If you feel like you are familiar with London, this 20-minute scenic flight along the route of the River Thames may give you a new perspective.

The Ultimate Arrival to Summer Events

Imagine the moment when you get off at Royal Ascot’s venue from a helicopter! In fact there are approximately 400 helicopters descending on Royal Ascot every year. Castle Air provides helicopters for charter to the special Summer events such as Royal Ascot and Goodwood Festival of Speed. It takes just 15 minutes to Ascot in Berkshire and 35 minutes to the Goodwood Estate from The London Heliport to fulfil the VVIP experience.


坐直升机享受点到点的直达服务,已 成为商务高管和尊贵旅客的时尚便捷 之选 ! 若以此进行英国之旅,由直升机直接 送到目的地 , 不但能免却交通挤塞之苦 , 更 可轻易接载你到较难直达的地点或场合。

要 实 现 点 到 点 的 尊 贵 行 程, 可 以 从 London Heliport 预约搭乘私人专机或订购包机服务。 L on d on H e l i p o r t 自 1959 年 开 始 营 运, 是

全伦敦唯一得到民航局 注册认可的直升机场。 从 Battersea 你可乘搭由 The London Helicopter

营运的观光直升机畅游 伦 敦, 沿 泰 晤 士 河 飞 航, 历 时 20 分 钟, 让 你从万尺高空欣赏不一 © London Heliport 样的伦敦美景。( 每人 199 镑 ) 假如你自认熟悉这个首都城市,这趟 专属行程或会给你另一番惊喜体验。

空降夏季盛会极至之选 光是想像从直升机下来、踏着草地前往英国 皇家爱斯科赛马会场地赴会,已足以令人向 往。每年有大概 400 架直升机降落英国皇家 爱斯科赛马会。Castle Air 是其中一家提供 包租直升机服务的航空公司,专机直达英国 皇 家 爱 斯 科 赛 马 会 及 Goodwood Festival of Speed。由 London Heliport 飞至伯克郡爱斯 科只需 15 分钟,前往 Goodwood 场地亦只 需 35 分钟,轻易得尝尊尚贵宾体验。

©Biggin Hill Airport / Paul Cordwell Photography Limited Castle Air offers London Heli Shuttle service. The luxury fitted Agusta A109 turbine helicopter flies from London Biggin Hill Airport to London Heliport in 6 minutes. Castle Air 推出 London Heli Shuttle 服务,豪华装 Agusta A109 涡轮直升机从伦敦 Biggin Hill Airport 到 London Heliport 只需 6 分钟。

Bookings at London Heliport T: +44 (0) 20 7228 0181 www.londonheliport.co.uk


The Open Returns to The Home of Golf 英国公开赛重回高尔夫球发源地

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Tiger Woods playing the 2013 Open Championship at Muirfield. 老虎伍兹于 2013 年英国公开赛的荒野球场的作赛英姿。

Summer Excitement 夏日精彩

“You need to be the champion at St Andrews if you are a player that will be remembered.” Three-time Open Champion Jack Nicklaus once said.

“要成为史上留名的高尔夫球球员,都要在 圣安德鲁斯球场夺冠”。英国公开赛三届冠 军得主杰克·尼克劳斯曾说道。


s one of the high points on golf ’s annual calendar, The 2015 Open Championship will take place in July at St Andrews. A field of 156 competitors will be battling for the most cherished trophy in golf, the silver Claret Jug. This year will see the final appearance for five-time Open Champion Tom Watson. He acknowledging the crowd on the Swilcan Bridge is a scene that no golf fans could miss. Another highlight is Rory McIlroy’s return to the Old Course targeting a backto-back champion following his victory last year at Royal Liverpool. Winning in consecutive years has been achieved twice in the last decade with Tiger Woods crowned The Champion Golfer of the Year in 2005 and 2006 and Padraig Harrington matching the feat in 2007 and 2008. The Open can be dated back to October 17, 1860 when eight professionals played at Prestwick for a tournament to determine who would be the Champion golfer. A year later, the tournament was announced to be open to all the world. Since then, The Open has produced a remarkable legacy of great champions. In 1981, Rolex became the first company to install clocks on the golf course at a major championship. It was the year Rolex became not only The Open’s first official Timekeeper, but the first official timekeeper in all professional golf.

尔夫球年度日历的亮点之一——英国 公开赛,今年 7 月将在高尔夫球发源

地苏格兰圣安德鲁斯球场举行。156 名选手 为争夺最珍贵的高尔夫奖杯——银葡萄酒 壶,预料竞争将会非常激烈。 5 届冠军得主汤姆·沃森将是最后一次于公

开赛出场。他跟群众在 Swilcan Bridge 挥手 致意的场景,相信没有一个高尔夫球迷愿意 错过。赛事另一瞩目点,是去年在皇家利物 浦高尔夫球场夺冠的罗里·麦克罗伊,将于 老球场竞逐蝉联。在过去 10 年间曾连续两

年夺冠的球手,分别是在 2005 年和 2006 年

加冕年度冠军球手的老虎伍兹,以及在 2007 年和 2008 年夺魁的哈灵顿。

英国公开赛可以追溯至 1860 年 10 月 17 日, 当时 8 名专业运动员在 Prestwick 比赛,争 夺最佳高尔夫球手称号。一年后,比赛宣布 开放给所有人士参加。从那时起,多名伟大 的冠军便在英国公开赛场上缔造非凡传奇。 1981 年,劳力士成为第一间在高尔夫大满贯 赛事球场安装时钟的公司。品牌不仅是英国 公开赛首个官方计时器,并成为所有职业高 尔夫赛事的首个官方计时器。

144th The Open 第 144 届英国公开赛 Practice Days 训练日 Date 日期:12.7.2015-15.7.2015 Admission Fee 入场费:£15-40 (Daily, Adult) Championship Days 争标日 Date 日期:16.7.2015-19.7.2015 Admission Fee 入场费:£80 (Daily, Adult) Venue 地点:St Andrews, Fife KY16 9JD Website 网页:www.theopen.com

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Enhancing The 144th Open Experience The 144th Open, organised by The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews(The R&A), is where the world’s g eatest golf players compete for the spor ’s oldest title. To offer g ests a unique ex erience with lasting memories of this prestigious Championship, The Open Hospitalit provides g aranteed tickets and on-course hospitalit within the historic boundaries of the Old Course. The Open Hospitality Programme offers a wide range of exciting hospitality options from oncourse Private Chalets through fine-dining course perimeter hotel suites and bist o st le catering in the increasingly popular Champions Club. Located nex to the 16th hole on the Old Course, The Champions Club is making its first appearance in St Andrews. Int oduced at Hoylake, it combines admission ticket, Spectator Village location, exclusive enter ainment and all-day hospitalit . Dining is infor al so visitors are ee to come and go as they please to relax and ref el throughout the day. Club facilities include a private garden

complete with live TV on a giant screen, constantly updating leaderboard displays and a competitive long pu challenge.

A proportion of profits will go to local golf development projects providing an immediate legacy of the Championship for young people entering the spor . More hospitalit details can be found at TheOpen. com/Hospitalit .


The Open(Golf)-p34.indd 1

5/22/2015 12:17:33 PM

观赏第 144 届公开赛的非凡体验 由圣安德鲁斯皇家古老高尔夫球俱乐部


(R&A)主办的第 144 届英国公开赛,其


锦标是吸引各国顶级球手角逐、世界上历史 最悠久的高球冠军头衔。为了让客人在此著


名赛事中经历独特而难忘的体验,The Open


Hospitality 项目不仅出售门票,同时还提供


位于老球场历史范围内的膳宿服务。 欲 了 解 膳 宿 服 务 详 情, 可 浏 览 TheOpen. The Open Hospitality 项目的膳宿选择繁多,


从贴近球道的私人小屋至球道周边提供高级 美食的酒店套房,以及日益流行、附小酒 馆风格餐饮服务的冠军俱乐部招待项目。这 个位于老球场 16 号洞旁边的冠军俱乐部, 更是首次在圣安德鲁斯推出的招待项目。项 目涵盖门票、宏观的观众村位置、独特的娱 乐节目和全天候膳宿,通通引进皇家利物 浦 Hoylake 球场。内设餐厅要求并不正规, 游客可以自由出入,随时进入松驰和补充能 量。俱乐部设施还包括一个私人花园,里面


The Open(Golf)-p35.indd 1

5/22/2015 12:18:18 PM

New Generation of The Presidents’ Watch Rolex : 元首腕表新世代


Haute Horlogerie 高端钟表

ince the launch of Rolex’s Oyster Perpetual DayDate in 1956, this prestigious model is known as the “presidents’ watch” as it has been worn by more presidents, leaders and visionaries than any other watches. At Baselworld 2015, a new generation model has just been introduced.


Backed by 14 patents, the equipped new-generation movement, calibre 3255, is entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex for a superlative level of performance. The oscillator, the true heart of the watch, incorporates an optimised blue Parachrom hairspring. Patented and manufactured by Rolex, it is up to 10 times more precise than a traditional hairspring in case of shocks.

腕表配备的新一代 3255 型机芯,由劳力士自 行研发和制造,拥有 14 项专利,展现出超 卓的精密时计水平。腕表心脏部件的平衡摆 动组件,配备了劳力士专利蓝色 Parachrom 游丝,抗震精准度高达传统游丝 10 倍。

A range of elaborate new dials, demonstrating a singular combination of high-technology and traditional know-how, are exclusive to the new DayDate. The new faceted and deconstructed Roman numeral hour markers, underscore the masculinity of this charismatic model. The thin, laser-etched motifs are applied to a traditional sunray finish for a particularly sophisticated effect. It not only inherits the evolutions which have marked the history, such as refined lugs and middle case, a broad and clear dial, but also features the exclusive, redesigned President bracelet which integrates into the Oyster case more closely. The bracelet with three semi-circular links has been providing complete reliability and comfort. Now equipped with ceramic inserts, its suppleness and durability are enhanced. With a variety of elaborate new dials, the new DayDate is presented in 950 platinum or 18ct yellow, white or Everose gold versions.

力士自 1956 年推出的蚝式恒动星期日

之士爱戴,在表坛独占鳌头,因此获冠“元 首型腕表”称号。在今年巴塞尔世界钟表珠 宝博览会上,新一代星期日历型更乘时面世。

一系列精心设计、把尖端科技与传统知识完 美结合的全新表盘,专为新推出的星期日历 型而设。上面的罗马数字钟点标记,充分彰 显这魅力型号的阳刚气息。此外,品牌更在 传统太阳光线效果上加工,缀以纤薄激光蚀 刻图案,营造出精致亮丽的效果。 新款星期日历型不仅传承了历年来进化的元 素,包括精细的壳耳与中层表壳、宽阔清晰 的表盘,其特别为此型号制作的元首型表带 更经过重新设计,使其与蚝式表壳更融合。 三格拱形链节表带一向可靠舒适,如今内嵌 陶质组件,进一步提升其柔韧耐用度。 新款星期日历型包括 950 铂金、18ct 黄金、 白金与永恒玫瑰金款式,并有多款精致新款 表盘以供配搭。

New Versions of Cellini Time 新款切利尼时间型表

The four new gem-set versions of The Cellini Time have also been unveiled at Baselworld 2015. The applique hour markers are divided by a minute track that has been moved towards the centre of the dial, reinterpreting the timeless codes of classic watchmaking with elegant modernity. Their bezels are resplendent with diamonds, like some of the dials. Both 18ct white and Everose gold

models with a 39mm case feature a single or double bezel set with diamonds. For the double bezel, it combines a row of 96 diamonds with the fluting emblematic of Rolex watches. On top of it, the black lacquer dial is accentuated by 11 diamonds at the tip of the hour makers. For the single bezel version, it features new pink or rhodium dials with a sunray finish and elongated applique hour markers.

18ct white gold double bezel 18ct 白色黄金镶钻双外圈款式

在 2015 年巴塞尔世界钟表珠宝博览会亮相


的,还包括劳力士新出 4 款镶嵌宝石的切利

双外圈以供选择。双外圈款式镶嵌了一圈 96




黑色漆面表盘上,另有 11 颗钻石分别镶嵌



新款腕表的外圈与部分表盘设计相类似,均 以钻石点缀。39 毫米表壳有 18ct 白色黄金


18ct everose gold bezel set - pink dial 18ct 永恒玫瑰金单外圈款式

圈款式,则配搭粉红色或铑白色表盘、太阳 光线效果,衬托加长钟点标记。

Rolex Shaped Perception of Wristwatch 劳力士 : 推动腕表普及始祖

The Rolex adventure began in the early 1900s. In an era when pocket watches were the order of the day, Hans Wilsdorf foresaw that the wristwatch was destined to become an everyday necessity, provided that it could be precise, waterproof, robust and reliable. He wanted to prove that wristwatches and chronometric precision were compatible. 劳力士参与制表的历程始于 1900 年代初期。当时怀表 仍是主流,劳力士创办人汉斯·威尔斯多夫却深信, Hans Wilsdorf 汉斯·威尔斯多夫

只要腕表是准确、防水和坚固可靠的,注定会成为日 常必需品。他想证明,腕表与计时精准度能够兼容。

In 1926 Rolex Oyster, the first water proof wristwatch in the world, was invented, thanks to a case equipped with an ingenious patented system consisting of a screw-down bezel, case back and winding crown. From then Rolex officially entered watchmaking history. In the 1950s, Rolex started to develop “Professional” watches which featured dedicated functions for specific activities. The series began in 1953 with the Oyster Perpetual Explorer, a direct descendant of the conquest of Everest. Later that year, the Oyster Perpetual Submariner divers’ watch was unveiled, with guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 metres. 1926 年,在研制出配备了旋入式表圈、表壳背及上弦表冠 的专利表壳后,世界上第一只防水表——劳力士蚝式表面 世。劳力士自此正式进入手表制造史。在 20 世纪 50 年代, 劳力士开始研制“专业”腕表,配备为指定运动特设的功 能。1953 年,探险家首次成功登上珠穆朗玛峰,为了向此 项创举致敬,劳力士研制了蚝式恒动探险家型腕表。同年 稍后时间推出的潜航者型,保证防水深达 100 米。 Everest Expedition in 1953. 1953 年,探险家登上珠穆朗玛峰。

First Oyster cushion-shaped (1926) 1926 年枕形蚝式表

First Oyster octagonal (1926) 1926 年八角形蚝式表

In 1968, Rolex created the Cellini collection, including all the non-Oyster dress watches offered by the brand over the years. The name Cellini is inspired by Benvenuto Cellini, a Renaissance sculptor and goldsmith to the popes, which befittingly evokes the refined classicism of the elegant timepieces. 此外,劳力士于 1968 年推出切利尼藏品系列,把品牌 历年制造的非蚝式腕表归类。切利尼这个名字源于文艺 复兴时期雕塑家和教廷金匠 Benvenuto Cellini,跟品牌 优雅时计的精致古典气质相呼应。 Rolex at Wempe: 43-44 New Bond Street, London W1S 2SA

T: +44 (0)20 7493 2299 rolex.com


Jaeger-LeCoultre Gold Cup To Debut in June 积家金杯争夺战 6 月登場


ituated in the South Downs National Park of West Sussex, Cowdray Park is widely recognised as the Home of British Polo, with the first competitive tournaments recorded in 1910. Today, there are approximately 450 matches played each season. One of the highlights is the Jaeger-LeCoultre Gold Cup for the British Open Championships, one of the world’s finest polo tournaments alongside the Argentine and USA Opens. This year it will start on June 23 and polo enthusiasts can expect to see the majority of the world’s leading players in action.

Jaeger-LeCoultre has been the Official Timekeeper at Cowdray Park for 10 years. In 2015, the brand has become the lead sponsor of the Jaeger-LeCoultre Gold Cup. From the very origins of the sport, in the dusty fields of India in the 1930s, to the international appeal of polo today, Jaeger-LeCoultre has been present every step of the way, supporting tournaments and leading sportsmen and women around the world in the pursuit of excellence in the sport. Clare Milford Haven, one of the UK’s finest women polo players, was the first ambassador for the brand. Later on, Jaeger-LeCoultre has welcomed the Argentinian high goal player, Eduardo Novillo Astrada and the England Polo Captain Luke Tomlinson as key ambassadors for the brand.

Jaeger-LeCoultre Gold Cup Date 日期:23.6.2015-19.7.2015 Venue 地点:Cowdray Park Polo Club, Easebourne, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 0AQ Admission Fee 入场费:£5 (Normal Day, Adult) £20 (Semi-Finals / Final, Adult) Website 网页:www.cowdraypolo.co.uk

世公认的英国马球发源地——考德雷公 园,坐落于西萨塞克斯郡的南部丘陵国 家公园,最早有记载的比赛可追溯至 1910 年。 时至今日,每个赛季约有 450 场比赛在那里 举行,其中亮点是英国马球公开赛的积家冠 军金杯竞逐。今年于 6 月 23 日举行的英国马 球公开赛,是足以跟阿根廷公开赛和美国公 开赛齐名的国际著名马球赛,马球爱好者将 有机会欣赏到大部分世界顶尖球员的表现。

过去 10 年来,积家一直是考德雷公园的官 方计时器。在 2015 年,该品牌更成为积家 金杯的主要赞助商。事实上,从马球运动于 1930 年代印度沙尘滚滚之地发源,至今演变 成国际上的强大号召力,都可见到积家的踪 影。品牌更一直支持锦标赛和全球顶尖男女 运动员在比赛追求卓越成绩。 英国其中最优秀的女子马球选手之一 Clare Milford Haven,是积家第一个品牌大使。随 后,积家更邀请阿根廷高等级球员 Eduardo Novillo Astrada,以及英格兰马球国家队队 长 Luke Tomlinson 为品牌重量级大使。

Summer Excitement 夏日精彩

The Legendary Reverso 传奇式翻转腕表

Polo was the first team sport ever to attract the attentions of the ruling class of princes and sultans, from Persia to Arabia and Tibet. After being taken up by UK officers in India in 1859, polo effectively became British. At the heart of the story is an iconic timepiece – the Reverso, which remains the most recognisable watch in polo. In 1930, a polo player complained about how the glass of watch always smashed during the game. The then head of Jaeger-LeCoultre learnt about it and was determined to create a timepiece which was robust, yet elegant enough to survive a game of polo. In 1931, the Reverso with its patented swivelling case was born. By simply turning the case over, the dial is protected and only the metal case is exposed to the shocks. In addition, watch owners can have a monogram, coat of arms or any other personal motif engraved on the case-back to make it completely personalised.


马球是第一项吸引到统治阶级,如王子和苏 丹等关注的团队运动,广泛流传于波斯到阿 拉伯和西藏。至 1859 年,英国军官在当时 的殖民地印度发现马球这项运动后,便发展 起现代马球,并成为英式的体育运动。 随着故事延续,一只至今仍是马球界最具标 志性的腕表——Reverso 翻转腕表应运诞生。 1930 年,一名马球运动员投诉,腕表的玻璃 总是在赛事中被撞碎。积家当时的主管知道 后,决心研制出一款坚固而又不失优雅的腕 表,最重要是在马球赛后仍能完好无缺。 1931 年,拥有旋转表壳专利的 Reverso 翻转 腕表面世。通过简单翻转表壳,让金属外壳 承受冲击,便起到保护表盘的作用。此外, 腕表拥有人更可在表壳背后刻上字母组合、 徽章或其他个人图案,使其完全个性化。

Haute Horlogerie 高端钟表

Latest Collection in Tradition Costume 传统服饰下的最新腕表系列 Since founding the company in 1833, JaegerLeCoultre’s iconic timepieces, including the Reverso, have contributed to the wealth of its heritage. This year, the new 39mm-diameter Master Grande Tradition Minute Repeater celebrates the undeniable elegance of 19th century pocket watches. Featuring a concave bezel, the dial appears significantly larger. Satin-brushed caseband and polished lugs further enhance the refined air of this model. The Dauphine hands display two facets – one polished and the other sandblasted – over which the light skims and plays to pleasing effect. The face of the watch is given added volume by means of applied hour-markers, while the subtly recessed small seconds opalin counter at 6 o’clock creates a subtle threedimensional effect. In addition, for the very first time in the history of the Master Grande Tradition line, a minute repeater function with a strong, pure and intense sound is introduced in a version driven by a mechanical automatic movement. It takes decades of research, combined with endless patience, to perform the tiny empirical, almost instinctive adjustments that are involved. As the acoustic quality of a chiming watch very much depends on the gongs, Jaeger-LeCoultre has developed a crystal gong with a square section, made from a special secret alloy to create an extremely rich sound. These are the elements that endow the timepiece with its distinctive tone and character.

自从于 1833 年成立以来,积家的一系列经

典计时器,包括 Reverso 翻转腕表,都在体 现品牌的丰厚传统。今年新推出的直径 39 毫米的超卓传统三问大师系列,将 19 世纪 怀表的优雅风范,演绎得淋漓尽致。 凹形表框让表盘看上去显著增大。缎面打磨 表带和抛光表耳进一步提升这款 型号腕表的典雅气息。其 匕首形指针采用双切面设 计,一边经抛光处理, 另一边经喷砂处理,尽 显光影交错,非常赏心 悦 目。 透 过 增 添 厚 度 的 表 盘 镶 贴 时 标, 与稍稍内陷的 6 时 位置蛋白色小秒针 表盘,让整体设计 巧妙地呈现三维立 体感。 此外,积家首次在超卓传 统大师系列的自动上链机 械腕表上,引入三问报时 功能,发出响亮、纯净而 具穿透力的声音。这需要数 十年不懈的研究,结合无尽耐 心,才能制造出如此复杂精细的调校系统。 报时腕表的音质高度取决于音簧,积家特地 开发了以秘制合金制成的方形切面水晶音 簧,以传递丰富有层次的声音。这些努力, 赋予了腕表鲜明的色调和特点。

Jaeger-LeCoultre flagship boutique: 13 Old Bond Street, London W1S 4SX T:+44 (0) 20 3402 1960


WEMPE: 85 Years with Patek Philippe 与百达翡丽合作 85 年

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The Calatrava Ref.5227 is available in rose, white and yellow gold. Calatrava 系列 Ref.5227 腕表可选玫瑰金、白色黄金或黄金款式。


s an authorised retailer of Patek Philippe for 85 years, Wempe has been providing outstanding service across a number of high quality brands. Situated on New Bond Street, Wempe offers a vast selection of the Patek Philippe collection and trained Patek Philippe watchmakers are also available for servicing.


empe 一直为多个高质素品牌提供出 色的服务,成为百达翡丽的授权零

售代理也长达 85 年。Wempe 位于新邦德街 的分店,除了展示百达翡丽不同系列的产 品,亦长驻了受过百达翡丽优秀训练的制表 师,为顾客提供专业服务。

In 1878, 21-year-old certified watchmaker Gerhard D. Wempe founded a store in Germany. 137 years on, it has made the purchase experience of a watch or a piece of jewellery special for the customer. Now it has grown into a luxury label with a number of high quality salons worldwide. Patek Philippe and Wempe share a similar set of beliefs – Wempe seeks to provide exceptional service and Patek Philippe seeks to provide a service in keeping with its reputation. The two owners’ families, Stern and Wempe, are still friends today. The Calatrava, Patek Philippe’s signature model was originally created by Patek Philippe in 1932, as the result of an avant-garde philosophy of aesthetics that showcases sleek lines and subtle elegance. Patek Philippe has repeatedly demonstrated that even a paragon of design like the Calatrava can be changed, optimized, and perfected, as illustrated perfectly by Reference 5227. What makes this piece stand-out however is almost impossible to see, even to the most discerning connoisseur – when the dust cover is opened, the self-winding movement is revealed through the sapphire crystal case-back.

1878 年,21 岁认证制表师 Gerhard D. Wempe 在 德 国 开 了 一 间 小 店。 之 后 的 137 年, Wempe 把购买手表或珠宝这回事,转化为 顾客的特别体验。现在,它已发展成为一个 奢華品牌,在世界各地拥有提供高质服务的 分店。百达翡丽和 Wempe 秉持着相類的一 套信念——Wempe 旨在提供卓越的服务, 而百达翡丽则锐意提供媲美其響噹噹名声的 优质服务。双方家族为世交,至今一直保持 友好关係。 百达翡丽 1932 年推出的 Calatrava 系列,是 品牌其中一件最具代表性的作品。圆润的 线条含蓄而优雅,把美学之中的前卫哲学 演绎得淋漓尽致。然而,对于百达翡丽来 说,即使已創設典范的 Calatrava 系列,仍 可以一再革新,超越自我,令它尽善尽美, Ref.5227 腕表就是最好例子。让这表脱颖而 出的特点,是连接防尘盖与蓝宝石水晶透盖 的隐形铰链。但即使最经验丰富的鉴赏家, 也未能一眼看出,直至打开表壳才能发现。

Patek Philippe at Wempe: 43 - 44 New Bond Street, London W1S 2SA

T: +44 (0) 20 7493 2299


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Baselword 2015 : Chopard Happy Diamonds



hopard, the Swiss-based luxury watch, jewellery and accessories company founded in 1860, has officially launched the Happy Sport 30mm Automatic wristwatch during Baselworld 2015. This exquisite collection alongside other new astonishing creations are now available in the UK.

Happy Sport : A Daring Free Creation

The brand has launched an interactive “Happy Diamonds” campaign since 2011, which aims at capturing the inspiration and energy of the contemporary independent young woman. The latest Happy Sport 30mm Automatic profoundly reflects the Happy Diamonds signature spirit: feminine, technical, precious and modern. The first Happy Sport Edition was born in 1993. Designed by Caroline Scheufele, Chopard Co-President and Artistic Director, the watch is created in steel and diamonds. This unexpected combination is a daring and modern alliance. With gems dancing freely between 2 sapphire crystals, this edition soon became a symbol of Chopard and feminine watchmaking as a whole. 22 years later, the watch has been redefined in a “mini” version – graced with a dainty 30mm case – while maintaining the self-winding movement. The new Happy Sport 30mm Automatic presents a silver-toned dial featuring a spiral guilloché centre pattern with 5 moving diamonds. 48

1860 年成立的瑞士奢华手表、珠宝及


掌声。品牌于 2015 巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝博 览会上,隆重发布 Happy Sport 30 毫米自动 腕表。在博览会上登场的所有腕表和珠宝系 列,现于品牌在英国的各门市发售。

大胆不羁自由洒脱 萧 邦 表 自 2011 年 起 策 动 Happy Diamonds 企划,歌颂现代女性光彩照人 的魅力,她们年轻独立, 快乐气息感染四周。这 款 全 新 的 Happy Sport 30 毫米自动腕表,正好 体 现 Happy Diamonds 的精髓 : 女性柔美、 高技术、珍贵难求而 时尚迫人。 Happy Sport 家族的第 一枚腕表于 1993 年面世, 设计师为萧邦联合总裁和艺 术总监卡罗琳·舍费尔。该款 运动腕表结合精钢和钻石两种 材质,新颖奇特,既大胆不羁又 充满现代感。表内钻石沿承 Happy Diamonds 精神,无任何镶托固定,在 两层蓝宝石玻璃间自由旋舞,很快成为 萧邦的标志设计,在女装腕表领域颇突围而 出。22 年后的今天,Happy Sport 再度回归, 比例经重新设计成“迷你”款型,表壳直径 缩减为 30 毫米,同时保留自动上链机芯。 此全新 Happy Sport 30 毫米自动腕表配备银 色表盘,中央饰以玑镂雕纹,点缀 5 颗旋动 钻石。


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Fine Jewellery 精致珠宝

Happy Diamonds Joaillerie : Floral Fantasy

Also featured in the Happy Diamonds Family is the brand new joaillerie series. A marriage between diamonds and flowers, Chopard’s new creations blossom in the garden with diamonds glistening like dewdrops on silky petals. The design of this collection was inspired by the vision of sunlight sparkling on the droplets of a waterfall during a walk in the Black Forest. Available in 18ct white or rose gold, this floral Happy Diamonds collection is comprised of a pendant, ring and earrings. Each piece is set with 19 diamonds or a gradation of blue or pink sapphires and a floating diamond.

萧邦的花钻国度 Happy Diamonds 家 族 除 了 名 贵 腕 表, 当 然不少得一系列珠宝钻饰。新系列 Happy Diamonds 珠宝,在一座梦幻花园中跃然而 生,是钻石与鲜花的漂亮结合。璀璨钻石化 作晶莹朝露,轻落在柔美娇艳的花瓣之上, 绽放盎然生机。设计师一次在黑森林漫步 时,看到阳光照射在瀑布水滴上的景象,由 此激发灵感。此系列 Happy Diamonds 作品 以 18K 白金或玫瑰金打造,包含吊坠、戒 指和耳环。每件作品均镶嵌 19 颗钻石或一 颗蓝色或粉色蓝宝石和一颗旋动钻石,尽承 Happy Diamonds 系列珠宝的风格精髓。

Chopard Boutique: 12 New Bond Street, London W1S 3SS T: +44 (0) 20 7409 3140 www.chopard.cn


Bulgari : The Dazzling Italian Accessories



he Bulgari Hotel in Beijing and Shanghai are both scheduled to open in 2017 – great news to the Chinese fans. For now, Bulgari’s 8 London boutiques are filled with the latest fine jewellery collections, Spring / Summer 15 accessories and other sought-after items. 2014 marks the 130th anniversary of Bulgari. The brand is proud of its name which is emblematic of Italian excellence, emboldened by 2,700 years of Roman history. Designing with the sensuality of volume, a love of linearity, and a reverence for the art and architecture of Bulgari’s Greek and Roman roots, the brand’s jewels can be easily recognised.

— Bulgari came to the attention of the global DIVA The Embodiment of Femininity

elite during the flourishing Dolce Vita years (1950s—60s) that featured British actresses such as Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn who engaged in passionate affairs with Bulgari jewels. Partly inspired by Elizabeth Taylor’s make-up in the film “Cleopatra”, the jewels of DIVA Collection, including rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings, are distinguished by geometric patterns. It was also inspired by the mosaics that cover the floors of the ancient Roman baths of Caracalla.
 A fan-like motif unites the collection, transformed into the petals of a flower or hung in elegant clusters that hint of the Orient. Beads of amethyst and rubellite nestle among pink gold and pavé diamonds like ripe berries, shot through with juicy green peridots. The different elements come together in fluid motion, giving each piece wearability.



计于 2017 年启用,对国内的宝格丽粉

丝乃莫大喜讯。此时此刻的产品重点,则是 品牌最新的精品珠宝、2015 年春夏配件及一 众新品,已纷纷于伦敦 8 间精品店亮相。 令品牌引以为傲的是,宝格丽象征着意大利 的卓越品质。2014 年乃品牌创立 130 年纪

念,当中更凝聚了 2,700 年的罗马史诗背景。 宝格丽以希腊与罗马艺术为根基,注重造 型,钟爱线条,借鉴艺术与建筑,此等标志 性元素体现在每件作品中,令人一眼辨认出 乃品牌之出品。

DIVA 系列——女性贵气的体现

在 1950 至 1960 年间的“甜蜜生活”年代, 品牌吸引了全球精英的瞩目,如英国女星伊 丽莎白·泰勒和奥黛丽·赫本,皆被卷入宝 格丽珠宝的热情狂潮中。品牌著名的 DIVA 系列,一部分无疑是启发自伊丽莎白·泰勒 这位天后于电影《埃及艳后》的妆容,另一 灵感来源则是古罗马卡拉卡拉浴场的马赛克 地板,因此,系列中的饰品包括戒指、项链、 手镯和耳环,几何图案纷呈。扇子形状统一 整个系列,组件或化作花瓣,或优雅地挂聚 簇拥起来,吐露几分东方色彩。紫晶珠、碧 玺、绿色橄榄石、玫瑰金连同密镶的钻石, 和谐地组成别致首饰,晶莹欲滴,别有律动 美感,使精品珠宝耐看又易于配衬。

Bulgari’s Chinese celebrity ambassadress Shu Qi carries the DIVA Collection. (pictured right) 宝格丽大中华区女表代 言人舒淇,活现 DIVA 的华丽本色。( 右图 ) © Bulgari

Serpenti SS15 Collection Classic and Contemporary 经典而现代

Serpenti necklace in 18kt white gold with full pavé diamonds. 18K 白 金 材 质 项链,饰以全密镶钻石。

Serpenti 18kt pink gold and demi pavé diamond earrings. 半密镶钻 18K 玫瑰金耳环。

Serpenti 18kt pink gold bracelet with rubellite head and full pavé diamonds. 手镯采用 18K 玫瑰金 材质,红碧玺蛇头,全密镶钻。

Serpenti Forever Shoulder Bag in emerald green calf leather. 翠绿色小牛皮 Forever 肩包。

Serpenti Forever Hobo Bag red ribes galuchat skin and calf leather shoulder bag. 紅色珍珠鱼皮和小牛皮肩包 Hobo 包。

Bulgari’s fans may still remember the Serpenti Art Installation in Beijing in 2013. To welcome the Chinese Lunar Year of Snake, a glowing installation of a giant serpent was magnificently presented on the 15-metre-high wall outside the brand’s Shin Kong Place boutique, preciously wrapping the building like a sumptuous necklace. Since the 1940s, with the creation of bracelet-watches in the form of a snake, the serpent has been one of Bulgari’s most emblematic and eternal symbols. Representing everything from birth, rebirth, beauty, sex appeal and wisdom in Greek mythology and Roman civilization, the snake motif also alludes to founder Sotirio Bulgari’s Greek heritage and adopted home of Rome. The flexible form of the creature lends itself to a variety of jewels and timepieces. Conceived as single, double or triple coils and crafted with consummate mastery, the collection is characterised by a design that artfully combines classic Bulgari style with innovative contemporary lines. The Serpenti theme is even consistently applied to the design of accessories, resulting in the impressive Serpenti Forever, Serpenti Scaglie and Serpenti Hypnotic handbag collections.

犹记得 2013 年农历蛇年,宝格丽在北京带来 大型灵蛇艺术装置作为庆贺。闪闪发亮的大 蛇,盘旋于新光天地精品店 15 米高的外墙, 灵巧优雅的姿态,仿如一条巨型项链,国内 的品牌拥戴者对此情此景应该仍沥沥在目。 自从品牌于 1940 年代推出蛇型螺旋链状手 表,蛇毫无疑问成为宝格丽产品的最传奇象 征之一,震撼力经年不减。 在希腊神话和罗马文明中,蛇代表了生命、 重 生、 美 丽、 魅 惑 与 智 慧, 品 牌 以 蛇 作 为 经 典 标 志, 同 时 意 味 着 品 牌 创 办 人 Sotirio Bulgari 的希腊血缘,并纪念他在罗马发迹。 蛇灵敏而多变的形象和力量,给予品牌源源 灵感,从而创作出多款高端珠宝以及腕表。 Serpenti 系列的设计亮点在于巧妙地融合宝 格丽的经典风格和富现代感的线条,藉精湛 工艺幻变出单圈、双圈或三线圈的蜷曲状首 饰。Serpenti 系列的主题贯彻实践在配件的 设计上,因而创出 Serpenti Forever、Serpenti Scaglie 与 Serpenti Hypnotic 手袋系列。

Bulgari Boutique: 168 New Bond Street, London W1S 4RB www.bulgari.com


Hirsh : Jewellery That Moves You 让你悸动的个性化珠宝

Hirsh has been creating unique gems and jewellery pieces since 1980. In the eyes of the current owners, Jason and his wife Sophia, every piece of jewellery is a work of art which tells an individual story. 自 1980 年开始,Hirsh 一直创作着独一无二的宝石和珠宝首 饰。在现任老板 Jason 和他的妻子索菲亚眼中,每一件珠宝 都是一件艺术品,诉说着只属于个人的故事。


uring the creation process, it is not just about the designer. It starts with the stories of the customers. Bespoke pieces are inspired by the moment the customers have experienced or the memories that have triggered an emotional connectivity, then they will be designed and crafted accordingly. It helps to transform the story behind into a truly personalised work of art. Just like the signature Celestial ring, it was inspired by Jason’s memory of himself as a child playing, moving and twisting his mother’s rings as she wore them. The white gold sphere of stars with diamond insets, gliding effortlessly on 26 rubies, captures the memory and the emotion. It perfectly reflects Hirsh’s speciality in a clean, compelling and elegant jewellery design.



度身设计的首饰,从绘制图样、设计到精雕 细琢,灵感都是来自客户体验过的瞬间,又 或是记忆中所触发的情感连系。它们把这些 故事,转化成具有个性的艺术品。 就 像 Hirsh 的 标 致 性 Celestial 指 环, 就 是

受 Jason 小 时 候 的 记 忆 启 发 ——Jason 在 孩 童时期,喜欢把玩母亲手上的戒指,或移动 或扭转。白金球上的繁星镶满钻石,26 颗 红宝石穿梭其中,准确捕捉着他的记忆 和情感。Celestial 指环完美地体现了 Hirsh 的珠宝设计特色——清新、 扣人心弦和优雅。 Pegasus

Part of the brand’s new Celestial collection. Available in 18ct yellow, white and rose gold. Limited to 88 rings. 品牌 Celestial 指环的新系列。有 18 克拉黄 金、白金和玫瑰金 3 色,限量 88 只。


2015 New Collections 新系列 Azzura

One-of-a-kind labradorite butterfly necklace set with citrines, diamonds and natural colour diamonds in 18ct gold. Handmade in London. 18 克拉黄金蝴蝶项链镶有黄水晶、钻石和天 然彩钻,手制于伦敦。

Autumn Leaves


One-of-a-kind baroque South Sea pearl necklace with diamond set clasp. This piece is adaptable and can be worn in three ways. 巴洛克南海珍珠项链配钻石扣,有 3 种搭配方式。

Hirsh London: 13 Grafton Street, London W1S 4ES

Natural colour diamond chandelier earrings set with vivid yellow and orange diamonds. Handmade in London. 天然彩钻吊灯耳环镶有黄色和橙色钻石,手 制于伦敦。

T: +44 (0) 20 3725 2370


Perfectly Paul Smith 保罗史密斯的品味世界


isiting a Paul Smith shop is like meeting Sir Paul Smith in person. In Paul Smith’s flagship shop in Mayfair, you can easily realise the English designer’s unique creative vision, sense of humour and distinctive style. This shop is located at the corner of Albemarle and Stafford Street and was unveiled in 2013. In fact, earlier that year, the supreme British fashion brand has opened its first stand-alone flagship shop in Sanlitun area of Beijing. The 359-square-metre duplex store is astonishing to savvy Chinese fashion lovers who appreciate simple elegant design. As well as this, it is a “pilgrimage” for fans to visit Paul Smith shops in the UK where the brand originates from.

British Spirit : Bespoke Cast-iron Panels

Unlike the Sanlitun shop where the front sees a clash of yellow and pink tones, the London’s flagship shop has a bold cast-iron facade. The imposing facade was designed in conjunction with 6A architects. The bespoke cast-iron panels are adorned with Sir Paul Smith’s playful hand drawings and the geometric spirals recall his signature stripe. The facade is not only visually striking, but the use of cast-iron is also very much a veritable symbol of London’s rich industrial past which gives a sense of urban aristocracy. The No. 9 Albemarle shop sells men’s and women’s clothing, furniture, as well as a selection of special pieces and one-off designs. The large selling space is artfully divided to reflect and magnify Sir Paul Smith’s many interests.



访斯爵士本人以及其品牌的魅力所在。 置身保罗史密斯位于伦敦梅菲尔的旗舰店, 你将对这名英国设计师独步的创意视野、幽 默感和出众的风格心领神会。 这所旗舰店位于 Albemarle 街与 Stafford 街 的交界处,于 2013 年开幕,事实上于同一 年较早之前,这个独领风骚的英国品牌亦于 北京三里屯开设专门店,是其首间中国旗舰 店。占地 359 平方米的复式店子,叫喜欢简 约典雅设计的国内时装爱好者欣喜莫名。纵 然如此,粉丝们仍乐于到访其英国各店,犹 如朝圣,因此处正是品牌的诞生地。

铸铁墙板烙下英国辉煌历史 保罗史密斯的每间店铺总是独一无二,三里 屯的店子以抢眼的黄色和粉红色为主调,伦 敦旗舰店则被一大面铸铁外墙包围。店子宏 伟的门面由史密斯爵士设计,交由 6A 建筑 师操刀。专属的铸铁墙板上,偶尔可发现史 密斯爵士玩味盎然的手绘图案,至于墙上充 斥的几何螺旋纹,则让人联想设计师最为人 熟悉的条子花款。店子的墙身外观不只带来 视觉震撼,采用铸铁为材质,实则是象征英 国工业革命、一段令国民引以为傲的历史, 无形之中又为品牌加添城市贵族的光环。 位于 Albemarle 街 9 号的伦敦旗舰店,售卖 男士服饰、女士服饰、家具等,加上精选的 特色产品,乃至独一无二的设计品。宽敞的 店铺巧妙地划分不同区域,反映并放大了保 罗·史密斯爵士的多元嗜好。

Fashion and Accessories 时装与配饰


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Intricate Interior Design With Fun Hidden 室内设计玩味处处 The interior is split into 3 main areas, each with an individual look and feel and decorated with an eclectic mix of design pieces and intricate details.

保罗史密斯的伦敦旗舰店可明确分为 3 个主 题区,每个区域皆有分明的观感,精密的细 节设计兼收并蓄,饰以不同的设计品。

Selected sculptures and paintings are in abundance throughout the furniture area. This space changes constantly to display unique and unexpected treasures; some original pieces and some that have been given a new lease of life with a Paul Smith fabric.

家具区罗致一众雕塑、画作和家品,错落有 致地排放在一起。这个空间犹如展览区,每 隔一段时间便更新陈列品,以展示独到而意 想不到的珍品;一部分是原创作品,另一部 分作品经品牌标志性的布料加盖后,获赋予 新生命。

The women’s area is spacious, inspired by Mayfair’s rich art history and the studio of the late Barbara Hepworth. The walls of the shoe department are an injection of fun, decorated with over 26,000 dominos that have impressed many visitors! The men’s area is modernist and masculine in style. A small selection of Paul Smith’s tailored suits are on display here in a grand semi-circle.

女士服饰部别具空间感。梅菲尔区丰富的艺术 历史,跟英国已故女艺术家 Barbara Hepworth 的工作室,交汇而成此处的设计灵感。放置 鞋履的地方,以 26,000 片多米诺骨牌构成墙 壁,创意玩味可想而知!男士服饰部则弥漫 着现代风尚和刚阳味。品牌一部分的订制套 装,一一排在一个大型半圆形架子上。

The vintage furniture pieces available in store from June for sale in one-off basis. 图中的古董家具,每件款式皆绝无仅有,由 6 月起发售。


The walls of the shoe department in the women’s area are decorated with over 26,000 dominos. 陈列女士鞋履的空间,墙壁由 26,000 片多米诺骨牌组成。

Men’s area 男士服饰部

Spring / Summer 15 春夏季精选 Womenswear

Inspired by women with self-confidence and style, the palette is light, fabrics have an elegant delicacy, tailoring is deconstructed and detailing has a masculine feel. 女装 灵感源于女性的自信和风格,服装以 浅色调为主,布料优雅精致,剪裁不 按章出牌,在细节上洋溢着阳刚味。


Knowing sartorial rules but breaking them well, suit sleeves are buttonless and rolled-up and trainers are snazzy. Bright botanical illustrations and rainbow stripes take us back to nature. 男装 熟知绅士的穿法但将之颠 覆,例如没有扣子的衬衣 袖子,将之卷起来,配搭 时髦的运动鞋。布料是鲜 艳的植物插图,配以彩虹 条纹,带人回归自然。

Paul Smith Flagship Shop: 9 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BL

T:+44 (0) 20 7493 4565


ŠJaguar Land Rover

royal warrants-p60.indd 1

5/22/2015 12:56:22 PM

Royal Warrants 皇家认证

Pride of Royal Warrants 皇家认证的骄傲


hen walking along the streets in the United Kingdom, you may find some shops displaying a crest above the door, sometimes there are two or even three. They are called “Royal Warrants”, which are granted by the Royal Family as a sign of commitment to the highest standards of service, quality and excellence. There are currently about 850 warrant holders. Only The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh or The Prince of Wales can grant Royal Warrants. Each of them can grant only one warrant to any individual business, but a business may hold warrants from more than one member of the Royal Family. In the late 18th Century, Royal tradesmen began to display the Royal Arms on their premises and stationery. But it was Queen Victoria who ensured that Royal Warrants gained the prestige they enjoy today.

A company must keep doing business with the Royal Household for at least 5 years to be considered on the warrant grant list. Then the company needs approval from the Lord Chamberlain, the head of the Royal Household and chairman of the Royal Household Tradesmen’s Warrants Committee. Royal Warrants are automatically reviewed by the Committee one year before expiry every 5 years.




门口上悬一个标章,有些甚至有 2 至

3 个标章。这个标章,其实是英国独有的“皇 家认证许可”,代表这些商号不但供应产品 或提供服务给女王、爱丁堡公爵和威尔斯亲 王使用,而且品质上亦获得他们的赞赏和肯

定。目前全英约有 850 个商号获得“皇家认 证”标章。 只有英女王、爱丁堡公爵和威尔斯亲王有权 颁发皇家认证。他们每人只能颁发一个认证 给某个商家,但一个商号却可以同时得到超 过一个皇家认证。18 世纪末,英国皇家商人 开始在他们的物业及文具上展示皇家徽章。 然皇家认证获得今天的声誉,背后少不了维 多利亚女王的发扬光大。 一间公司要连续与某位王室成员从商最少 5 年,才会获考虑授予认证之列。而即使王室 成员再喜爱某商品或服务,仍要得到主管皇 家内廷的宫务大臣,亦即皇家商人认证委员 会主席认可,该公司才能获得认证。皇家认 证每次在“5 年期限”到期前一年,委员会 便会自动对其展开续期复检。


©Jaguar Land Rover

British Royal Vehicle : Jaguar Land Rover


he UK’s leading manufacturer of premium luxury vehicles, Jaguar Land Rover, prided itself not only by quality, innovation and technology, but also as the only automotive manufacturer to hold all 3 Royal Warrants. In other words, Jaguar and Land Rover are the British Royal Family’s vehicles.

particularly for visits to events such as county shows in rural areas. The exceptional Jaguar XJ Semi-State Limousines were presented to The Queen in 2012. Also, the public may see The Duke of Edinburgh driving his Land Rover Discovery or a Land Rover Freelander .

Date back to 1951, Jaguar and Land Rover were each granted their first Royal Warrants shortly before The Queen’s accession. The 1953 Land Rover Series One Royal Review was the first bespoke Royal Land Rover. 10 cars of this series were used for many public appearances during the six-month, 44,000 mile tour of the Commonwealth which The Queen undertook soon after her Coronation.

During The Coronation Festival 2013 which celebrated 60th anniversary of the coronation of The Queen, a selection of Royal heritage vehicles were driven along a Central London route echoing the original procession driven by The Queen in 1953. The route passed famous landmarks including Horse Guards Parade, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament and Marble Arch, then regrouped back on one of the UK’s most celebrated roads – The Mall.

Nowadays, The Queen often uses a Range Rover,


©Jaguar Land Rover

皇家座驾捷豹路虎 为英国首屈一指的豪华汽车品牌,捷 豹路虎引以为傲的,除了卓越性能, 创新科技,还有独揽 3 项皇家认证的尊贵地 位,堪称为英国女王、亲王、王储以至各王 室成员公私两用的御用座驾。

动,都会经常乘坐路虎揽胜。2012 年,捷豹 向女王送上一辆 XJ 长轴距 Semi-State 礼宾 车,以庆祝其登基 60 周年。爱丁堡公爵则

早在 1951 年伊利沙伯女王二世登基前,捷 豹与路虎已分别获得首项皇家认证殊荣。 1953 年, 路 虎 推 出 首 辆 专 为 王 室 设 计 的 Series One Royal Review 汽车,共一系列 10

2013 年,在英国女王登基钻禧纪念典礼上,

辆。英国女王登基后不久,便乘坐着这辆名 车走访英联邦各地,于接近半年时间行驶了 4 万 4 千英里。 时至今日,每当女王出席英国各郡的郊外活

拥有路虎发现及路虎神行者,或许你会在伦 敦某处发现他驾驶它们的踪影。

捷豹路虎作为王室认证产品之一,派出强大 阵容,参与了这次别具意义的纪念活动。一 系列经典的捷豹和路虎皇家车型,浩浩荡荡 地沿着当年英国女王加冕时的出巡路线,途 经多个伦敦地标,由皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场、 威斯敏斯特大教堂、国会大厦、大理石拱 门,最终车队集结于英国最著名的御道—— 林荫大道。


The luxury car enthusiasts are allured by the celebrity effect. “The association of our vehicles with the Royal Family is appreciated by our customers around the world. So we recognise that the Royal Warrants are an important contributor to the company’s accelerating global growth.’’ said Dr Ralf Speth, Jaguar Land Rover’s CEO, during the Coronation Festival. Today, this royal brand represents the country’s largest automotive business. More than 80% of the vehicles produced are being sold in more than 170 countries. “名人效应”对爱好豪华汽车的人群亦甚凑 效,星光熠熠的捷豹路虎自然得宠。“我们的 汽车与王室的联系密切,有助于提升品牌在全 球各地的影响力。拥有皇家认证的荣誉对我们 的企业发展而言可谓如虎添翼,有利于我们在 全球市场的加速增长。”捷豹路虎全球首席执 行官施韦德博士在参加英国女王加冕 60 周年 纪念典礼时说道。目前,捷豹路虎是英国最大 的汽车制造商,超过 80% 的产品出口至全球 逾 170 个国家销售。

Jaguar C-X75 on Horse Guards Parade with Royal Heritage Vehicles during The Coronation Festival. 在英国女王加冕 60 周年纪念典礼上, 捷豹 C-X75 与其他皇家车辆停泊在皇家骑兵卫队阅兵场。

©Jaguar Land Rover

David Beckham is the Brand Ambassador of Jaguar for China. 大卫贝克汉是捷豹中国的品牌大使。

©Jaguar Land Rover

World-Class Factory in China

As a car aficionado, Chinese visitors come to the UK to buy cars from either of the brands. Jaguar and Land Rover together have sold more than 120,000 vehicles in China region in 2014, making it the best performed market of the year. By responding to the huge demand, the company has established a joint venture with Chery Automobile in China, representimg a 50:50 investment of £1 billion, to manufacture vehicles for Chinese customers. This manufacturing plant in Changshu has an installed capacity of 130,000 vehicles per year. So now, whenever you are attracted to a Jaguar or a Land Rover in the UK, shop the ready-assembled model in your homeland!

©Jaguar Land Rover In 2013, Prime Minister David Cameron met the staff from the Jaguar Land Rover China Beijing Training Academy. 2013 年捷豹路虎中国北京培训学院成立时, 英国首相卡梅伦到访与工作人员会面。

位于中国的世界级制造基地 作为车迷,很多中国旅客慕捷豹路虎之名而 来英国,希望买得心头好。2014 年,捷豹路 虎两个品牌的汽车在中国共售出超过 120,000 辆,中国市场进一步巩固了作为捷豹路虎全 球第一大市场的地位。为更好地满足中国市 场的巨大需求,捷豹路虎和奇瑞汽车于 2014 年正式成立合资企业,直接为中国消费者制 造汽车。位于常熟市的奇瑞捷豹路虎工厂是 一座具备世界一流水平的整车制造基地,年 产 13 万辆汽车,双方平分投资额高达 10 亿 镑。今后,中国旅客如果在英国看中某款捷 豹或路虎汽车,大可回国买到心仪的型号。

©Jaguar Land Rover Employees of Chery Jaguar Land Rover came to UK to receive training. 奇瑞捷豹路虎工厂员工须往英国受训。

In early March this year, Jaguar Land Rover showcased its expertise in the GREAT Festival of Creativity in Shanghai. 捷豹路虎在本年 3 月初参展上海“创意英 伦”盛典。


26 00

New Land Rover Discovery Sport

路虎发现神行中国首发 One may still remember the grand revelation of New Land Rover Discovery Sport in last September, which was held at the feet of Juyong Pass, Great Wall, Beijing. This car is claimed to be the world’s most versatile premium compact SUV, now officially goes on sale worldwide in January. The streamlined design brings a new sense of dynamism to the Discovery family and projects an image of confidence with its wheel-at-each-corner stance. One of the biggest innovations is its 5+2 seating versatility in a more compact footprint than the traditional five-seat SUVs. There are 12 exterior colourways including Firenze Red, Yulong White, Phoenix Orange, and even Kaikoura Stone (pictured left) . Discovery Sport has been designed to be as environmentally sustainable as it is affordable to run: CO2 emissions as low as 119g/km are comparable to smaller and less versatile family hatchbacks. Buyers can opt for a range of powerful and efficient four-cylinder petrol or diesel engines, two- or four-wheel drive, and advanced nine-speed automatic or six-speed manual transmissions.

26 00

去年 9 月,捷豹路虎在中国居庸关长城,为 全新“路虎发现神行”举行了盛大的发布 会,该车型今年 1 月终于在全球正式发售。 这款汽油车堪称是路虎品牌迄今为止最全能 的顶级多功能中型 SUV,同时也是全新路虎 发现家族的第一位成员。 以外观设计为例,流线型的轮廓符合空气动 力学原理,位于四角的霸气车轮则使其外观 更加自信硬朗。车子的一大亮点是在车厢内 实现多功能的 5+2 可选座椅配置,使宽敞的 车厢空间得到充分利用。发现神行有 12 种 外观颜色可选,包括中国红、玉龙雪山白和 凤凰橙,甚至包括“凯库拉棕”( 左图 )。 消费者可选择搭载新发布的四缸涡轮增压汽 油或柴油发动机,两轮或四轮驱动,以及先 进的 9 速自动或 6 速手动变速器。燃油经济 性大幅提高的同时,亦将二氧化碳排放量降 低至每公里 119 克,相当于更小型的非多功 能家用掀背式汽车的二氧化碳排放量。

00 00 26

Fera at Claridge’s : Interview with Michelin Chef Simon Rogan 专访米其林星级主厨 : 天然农场与野生餐厅


imon Rogan, who holds two Michelin stars at L’ Enclume, launched Fera at Claridge’s on May 6, 2014. The name Fera, which is the Latin word for “wild”, reflects the powerful connection to nature that is at the heart of the restaurant. Fera at Claridge’s received its first Michelin star within four months after opening.

其林二星餐厅 L’Enclume 东主西蒙·罗

米根的 Fera at Claridge’s 餐厅于去年 5 月

6 日开幕。Fera 的拉丁语解作“野生”,紧 扣餐厅跟大自然有着强烈牵绊这个主题。餐 厅开幕 4 个月内,便获授第一颗米其林星。 Stewed rabbit with lovage 独活草炖兔肉

Simon Rogan said in the interview, “I wouldn’t even begin to explain how that happened. I do think that a very good product and a history with Michelin accelerated their decision. Fera at Claridge’s is always going to be massive success with the standards to match so I guess Michelin felt confident to award us a star so early on.” In February 2015, Simon created the Umbel Restaurant Group as a parent company to all his restaurant businesses. “It is just a simpler and more streamlined way of doing things. I have learnt to love being a restaurateur. But I still want to be in the kitchen as much as possible. Realistically though the day-to-day running of my restaurants are now left to my talented head chefs. I am looking forward to my new right hand, Dave Simms taking more operational control so I will be able to get back in the kitchen.”

西蒙受访时说:“我甚至不知怎样去解释这 如何发生。我认为,一件非常好的产品与我 们跟米其林的深厚渊源 , 驱使他们加速这个 决定。Fera at Claridge’s 经常保持极高水准, 相信会取得大大成功。我猜想米其林是有信 心而在这么早阶段便授予我们一颗星。” 西蒙在今年较早时候的 2 月,创立了 Umbel Restaurant Group,作为他旗下所有餐厅的 母公司。“这是更精简更流畅的做事方式。 我已学习爱上当一个餐厅东主,但我还是想 尽可能多留在厨房里。我旗下餐厅目前的日 常营运,已全交给才华洋溢的总厨。我很期 待我的新左右手 Dave Simms 能负责更多营 运控制的工作,好让我可以回到厨房。”

Fine Dining 精巧美膳

Simon Rogan 西蒙·罗根

Signature Dishes

Stewed rhubarb, aerated honeycomb 炖大黄配蜂巢

Simon recommends the below dishes which showcase the cooking style and food ethos of the restaurant. The ingredients used straightly come from their own farm : • raw veal in kohlrabi in oyster and apple • the grilled salad of lettuce hearts, kohlrabi, mustard sprouts, crunchy sunflower seeds and truffle custard

推荐招牌菜式 以下菜式由西蒙推荐,它们最能代表餐厅烹 调风格和食物风味,其食材是直接从自家农 场运来: • 生牛仔肉配大头菜、蚝与苹果 • 烤生菜心配大头菜、芥辣豆芽菜 , 加脆口 葵花籽伴松露奶油冻沙拉

Winslade cheese with duck hearts 起司盅盛鸭心

Own Natural Farm

Pea flour wafers with herbs and flowers 豌豆粉片配香草与鲜花

Since 2009, Simon has had his own natural farm just outside Cartmel, where he grows vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers. The farm was extended to 12 acres. The menus of Fera at Claridge’s are always evolving according to produce available and seasonality. When moving into Summer, the proportion of Fera’s ingredients being taken from the farm will go up to 70%.

自家天然农场 自 2009 年, 西 蒙 便 在 卡 特 梅 尔 外 面 设 立 自己的天然农场,种植蔬菜、香草、水果 和 鲜 花。 该 农 场 现 扩 大 到 12 亩。Fera at Claridge’s 会根据可用的和当季的食材,不断 调整菜单。当夏季到来,餐厅采用自家农场 食材的比例会增至 70%。


Simon’s farm in Cartmel 西蒙于卡特梅尔的天然农场

Offering First Rate Dining Experience 悉心提供一流用餐体验 Fera at Claridge’s features both classic selections and a range of natural wines, including many award-winning English options. The international wine list of approximately 700 bins is overseen by Restaurant Manager / Wine Buyer Raphael Rodriguez. The list has been awarded 2 stars in the World of Fine Wine’s World’s Best Wine Lists 2014. The bar showcases both classic cocktails and a section of food inspired drinks, created in collaboration with Simon and his chefs.

Fera at Claridge’s 的酒库内,不仅有许多经

As for the interior, British designer Guy Oliver has merged the original Art Deco elements of the 90-seat space with natural influences inspired by Simon Rogan’s own style. It features natural walnut tables (no tablecloths), leather seating in soft tones, and a dramatic “tree” in the centre of the room. A raised area of tables alongside the windows facing Davies Street looks onto a “meadow” created by noted garden designer Tom Stuart-Smith.

至于内部设计方面,英国设计师 Guy Oliver

典选择,还有一系列天然葡萄酒,当中包括 很多英国得奖名酒。一系列包罗约 700 箱国

际葡萄酒的名单,荣获 World of Fine Wine 2014 最佳酒单二星奖,是由餐厅经理 / 葡萄

酒买家 Raphael Rodriguez 直接监督。酒吧除 了提供经典鸡尾酒外,还有由西蒙和其他大 厨精心为餐厅美食配对的美酒。

在 90 个座位的空间内,融合了原来的装饰 艺术元素与西蒙崇尚自然的风格。餐厅特色 包括天然核桃木桌(没有桌布)、柔和色调 的真皮座椅,以及正正在餐厅中心竖立的一 棵“树”。靠窗面向戴维斯街的座位,更可

看到由著名园林设计师 Tom Stuart-Smith 所 创设的草坪。

Fera interior 餐厅内部

Fera at Claridge’s: 49 Brook Street, London W1K 4HR

T: +44 (0) 20 7107 8888


Chocolate mousse with an Earl Grey ganache 巧克力慕斯与格雷 伯爵茶甜点

Flourless pistachio sponge with a rose champagne gel and lemon truffle 无麸开心果海绵蛋糕 配玫瑰香槟果冻及柠 檬松茸白巧克力

The Delectable Wimbledon


he Wimbledon Championships falls on June 29 to July 12 this year. To the Brits, it would not be Wimbledon without Andy Murray, while some say it would not be Wimbledon without strawberries and cream and a glass of Pimm’s. These 2 kinds of English gastronomy have been made essential and classic in Wimbledon’s tradition. While English strawberry becomes the best in season in June, it

© regis boileau


Highlights:Enjoy grand afternoon tea at a stunning 8 storey glass atrium in a 5-star hotel. Hit an Ace with a lemon truffle “tennis ball” with a glass of champagne. 亮点:置身 8 层楼高的玻璃窗中庭,享受 5 星级酒店的华丽下午茶。 “ 网球 ” 由美味的柠檬松茸白巧克力制造,难怪能发出 Ace 球。 Date 日期:29.6.2015 – 12.7.2015 Venue 地点:Winter Garden Restaurant, The Landmark London Price 费用:From £45 pp Booking 预订:+44 (0) 20 7631 8000 Website 网页:bit.ly/landmarklondon

signifies the prime of Midsummer alongside the Grand Slam which is also fixed in the same period. You may not be able to watch a perfect match at the Wimbledon Court, but you can celebrate The Wimbledon with the varieties of afternoon tea treats in Central London, which will bring you the perfect match in British Summer!

© The Ampersand Hotel Highlights:Immerse in an Anglo-French ambiance. The “tennis ball” is created from coconut mousse and mango passion fruit jelly, hitting on a lime cake “tennis court”. 亮点:在英、法融和的氛围下,比赛在一片青柠蛋糕网球场草皮上 进行,球手正打出由椰子慕丝馅料混入芒果及热情果造成的网球。 Date 日期:27.6.2015 – 17.7.2015 Venue 地点:The Drawing Rooms, The Ampersand Hotel Price 费用:From £32.5 pp Booking 预订:+44 (0) 20 7591 4414 Website 网页:bit.ly/drawingrooms

Pimm’s infused jelly with mint

Strawberry cheesecake, shortbread, cream and meringue

Pimm’s 鸡尾酒 与薄荷味道果冻

草莓乳酪蛋糕,配酥饼、 奶油及蛋白霜马林糖

© regis boileau

融于舌尖的温布尔登——下午茶精选 一年一度的温布尔登网球锦标赛,今年定于 6 月 29 日至 7 月 12 日举行。英人一向对

温网狂热,一提起温网,必然想起安迪·穆雷; 对美食家而言,温网则让人想起左手拿一杯草 莓混奶油,右手拿一杯经典英式 Pimm’s 鸡尾 酒。这两款食品已成为与温布尔登不可分割的 传统。每年 6 月,乃英国本土种植草莓的盛产 期,与此同时,温网亦定于 6 月下旬举行,两

© Dorchester Collections Highlights:Crowned with “The Tea Guild 2013 Award of Excellence”. The tournament on the table is made excited by a strawberry champagne tarte and a mango and lime delice. 亮点:获颁 “ 英国茶协 2013 优秀奖 ”,甜点团队将标志性的草莓 混合香槟创出特别饼挞,赛事弥漫芒果与青柠味。 Date 日期:29.6.2015 – 12.7.2015 Venue 地点:The Promenade, The Dorchester Price 费用:From £59 pp Booking 预订:+44 (0) 20 7629 8888 Website 网页:bit.ly/dorchesterlondon

者一同标志着英国正式踏入盛夏。 你或许未有机会亲身到绿茵场上欣赏球赛, 但仍可感染到伦敦市中心到处庆祝温网的热 闹,其中,著名的酒店餐厅皆推出以温网为 主题的下午茶。一面呷着英式传统下午茶, 一面闲聊温网的大小事,两者同样为你留下 难忘的英国夏天回忆。

© Royal Garden Hotel Highlights:See what happens when Andy Murray pops up as some Murray mints macaroons. His rival will be Williams (pear tart). 亮点:令人联想到安迪·穆雷的同名薄荷味马卡龙,今回他的对 手为威廉士 ( 香梨挞 )。 Date 日期:29.6.2015 – 12.7.2015 Venue 地点:Park Terrace Lounge, Royal Garden Hotel Price 费用:From £26 pp Booking 预订:+44 (0) 20 7937 8000 Website 网页:bit.ly/parkterracetea


A Royal Welcome–Buckingham Palace 王室欢迎展——白金汉宫夏季开放日

The White Drawing Room. 白色会客厅。 Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015


ummer visit in London is made memorable by adding a warm Royal Welcome. The Buckingham Palace, serving as the office and London residence of Her Majesty The Queen, will be open to the public from July to September with a special exhibition. 逢夏季,白金汉宫将一如既往地开放予公众参观,今年更得到王室的热情招待 , 令伦敦

更显好客。由 7 月至 9 月,大家将可访临作为女王办公室及其伦敦居所的白金汉宫內部,

并见识别开生面的 Royal Welcome 展览。


Art and Culture 艺术与文化

The Ballroom will be set up for a State Banquet. 宴会厅将呈现国宴真实摆设的情景。 Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015

Buckingham Palace is one of the few working royal palaces which remains in the world today. For the first time ever, visitors to the Summer Opening will enter the State Rooms through the Grand Entrance, used by those who come to the Palace at the invitation of The Queen, including Heads of State and Prime Ministers. In “A Royal Welcome” exhibition, visitors will see “the making-of ” the State Banquets and other royal occasions in the Palace. The preparation of these official visits will be revealed, so just find out what is going on behind the scene to create the magic and magnificence. For example, the Palace’s Ballroom will be set up for a State Banquet: from the porcelain selected, the food, the selection of wine to the choice of Her Majesty’s outfits. The knighting stool and a sword used to confer knighthood will go on display alongside a number of Orders and Decorations.

白金汉宫是当今世上仍在使用的少数王室宫 殿之一。在今年的开放日期间,官方将首次 准许访客从大正门进入王宫的国事厅。宏伟 的大正门,平常只供接见国事及官方活动的 嘉宾使用,出入者大多为国家元首,故此 , 今年的访客都能尽享贵宾礼遇。 是次 “A Royal Welcome” 展览,名副其实地让 访客身历国宴以及王室场合,犹如席上客。 透过展示此等官方国事活动的筹备过程及细 节,访客仿佛走到后台,目击奇妙梦幻的王 室聚会的诞生。白金汉宫的宴会厅将原原本 本地呈现国宴的摆设,由桌上精选的陶瓷 品、美食、佳酿以至英国女王的装束,巨细 无遗地展示公众。其他展品包括 : 用以策封 授勋的凳子、赋予爵位的佩剑,以 及其他珍贵的皇家勋章和装 饰品。

The Australian State Coach carries The Queen to ceremonial processions. 女王每逢参与巡行仪式 所乘的澳洲皇家马车。

Date 日期:25.7.2015 – 27.9.2015 Venue 地点:Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA Admission fee 入场费:£20.5 Website 网页:www.royalcollection.org.uk/exhibitions/a-royal-welcome

Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015


New exhibitors 新参展商: S i r J o h n L a v e r y, T h e B a t h i n g H o u r, Lido, Venice, Signed and Inscribed on the Reverse, Oil on canvas. 约翰拉威利爵士的油画 《Bathing Hour, Lido, Venice》,背有落款。 Courtesy of Richard Green

Collectors Beloved Masterpiece London


t the heart of Summer season, Masterpiece London provides a platform for art lovers to acquire museum-quality works across collecting categories, from antiquity through to contemporary from over 150 of the world’s leading galleries. “We have been watching this fair since it began and have been impressed with the way it has brought many of the characteristics of successful international art, antiques and luxury fairs together under one roof. ”says Jonathan Green, CEO of London’s renowned fine art gallery Richard Green, a new exhibitor for Masterpiece this year. Joining the Fair are Kraemer Gallery, a Parisian decorative arts dealer which will be exhibiting in London for the first time in their 140-year history, Van Cleef & Arpels (France), Jacques de la Béraudière (Switzerland) and Nilufar (Italy), alongside a wealth of exceptional UK and international dealers. Both international and UK based visitors can peruse over 4,000 years of history and creativity through some of the most exceptional objects exhibited for sale. New exhibitors 新参展商: André-Charles Boulle, an exceptional Louis XIV Boulle Marquetry combination casket with bronze mounts, circa 1700. 查 尔 斯 ·布 勒 约 在 1700 年 所 精 制 的 小 盒,配有青铜底架。 Courtesy of Kraemer Gallery


Jewellery 珠宝: (Above) Emerald scarf necklace. 上为翡翠围巾项链。 Courtesy of Verdura (Below) Jojo Grima, Frog Ring, 2012, A near Eastern bronze frog from the 1st Millennium B.C. set in diamonds and yellow gold. 下为 Jojo Grima 品牌在镶钻和黄金指环 上,搭配了公元前一年的青铜蛙。 Courtesy of Grima


Art 画作: Qin Feng, Desire Scenery Series 0013, 2012, ink and tea on paper. 秦风欲望风景系列 0013, 墨、 茶特种纸。 Courtesy of Michael Goedhuis


在供一个平台,让他们从 150 多间来自世

界各地的著名画廊展品中,挑选达博物馆水 平、横跨古代以至当代的不同类别的收藏品。 今年首度参展的伦敦著名美术画廊 Richard Green,行政总裁 Jonathan Green 表示 : “从 大师杰作展举办之初,我们便一直在留意它。 对于它能把众多具特点的国际艺术品、古董 和奢侈品展览会集中在同一屋檐下,留下深 刻印象。” 跟 Richard Green 与其他英国和国际知名画 廊一起参展的新来者,包括有 140 年历史但 首次在伦敦展出的巴黎装饰艺术交易商 Kraemer Gallery、Van Cleef & Arpels ( 法 国 )、Jacques de la Béraudière (瑞士)和 Nilufar(意大利)等。 在 大 师 杰 作 展 上, 访 客 可 徜 徉 在 3,000 多年的历史和创造力中,并 把那些非凡展品购回家,延续感动。

Antiques 古董: (Right) Early Cockerel from Weathervane, English, Circa 1800. 右为 1800 年代的早期公鸡风 向标。 Courtesy of Robert Young Antiques (Below) Famille Rose DutchDecorated Saucer, ChinaQing dynasty (1723-1735). 下为清雍正粉彩装饰碟。 Courtesy of Jorge Welsh Oriental Porcelain & Works of Art

Masterpiece London Date 日期:25.06.2015-1.7.2015 Venue 地点: South Grounds, The Royal Hospital Chelsea, London SW3 4LW Admission Fee 入场费:£25 Website 网页: www.masterpiecefair.com




ria Vic to


okrkR Roadd

ankm ent

ia Em V ictor

Palace Rd

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alac Lamb

eth P

Win esst temr Lambeth North iBnri isdtg eer RBoraidd Rd

m ad La eth Ro


t kmen

Tate Britain


k Pr





Emba n

h bet


h uRog oro BoroBug St. G Setorg Gee's R ord.


Imperial War Museum


Elephant &



d Ken


on L ainne n nLn o e t ing K

E s


igig eeHH hhSSt onon ebeb rylryl t reet MaMa


Ave nu

t ia S tor Westminster Abbey Vic


WaC rraiag rrieaD greive Dr

Con dui Str eet t St ree t

e Ro ad



ing ha mBuPc akliang ceh

aRmd P alac


Hampstead Rd


us Stree

LupSt Lupus


d lR el


e cCuut t TThhe

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ge R oad

BlBlackfriars ackfriars Bridge Bridge


n Rd

Westm inster Bridge West mini sterRoad

Tate Mo

SSoouut thhw waark rk SS

Kennington Road



add Roo R lorolo tetre WWa a

BVrau idxh

do Farring

ge rid


B oo

Baelg vreav RedRo ad

l ter Wa

StS. G t eGor egoe's r Dr ’isveD


ha ll

e Lan


London Eye

Big Ben

LuLdugdagatete HHi

V ictoria Embankment

National Theatre t Queen Elizabeth Hall rd S Hayward Gallery rteaetmfo t S S Royal Festival Hall ford Stam

River Thames

Horseferry RdRoad Va ux

y ncer Cha

yw nswgas KinKgi

udth Setrla nd Stre et




wtrgeaet te



Somerset House



ank mb





he rla nS


aeebt et hS t


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S Victoria


St. P Cat

Fleet Street

St Fleet

d ran

r St

St James's Park


w ld

ndSt Stra


M The

Chancery Lane

Aldwych h

National Portrait Gallery National Gallery and

ll Ma

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King’s Cross

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thE Slitzr

Covent Garden



d nR s In ay

ou SSo



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Abingdon Stre






w Ne orn olb igh H

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e Co v

oad ldsRRd eoablad’s

Leicester Square

k caalk Wal irdW BirdcaBge

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ll Ma


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B Old

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t St

o ile R Sav

ley rke Be




a Rdo mR lulhhaam F Fu

et Sloane Stre

Pont St


Pont Street


en RnetgSt





Piccadilly Circus

Vigo St.

e Th

GrG orso vsvee nnoo rr



R eg




o BrBor

a RRdo rrtt Coouu amC ahm ttnehn tTtoe To

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Tottenham Court Road

ur esb af t Sh



ord S

GSutilf ord

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sb ſte ha

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brid Park Corner tsHyde


add Rno R

Victoria and Albert Museum

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ox Madd

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t t Stree Moun


et OOxfxforodrdStSret



Kensington Gore

ardens Ennismore G

Queen’s G

Queen's Gate

RoadRd ceerster Gl Glooucuest

Ln Wright’s



Kensington Road


Gloucester Road

Earl's Court

Han over

Street Brook

retet e Set S ooddg


Russell Square

Goodge Street

Wellington Arch

Cromwell Road


Bond Street

The Serpentine


dn lwanla HHowo

Oxford Circus

St. Curzon

Natural History Museum


ck R

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Royal Albert Hall

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ane ht’s L Wrig

gg bbinin

w wii

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Kensin ton Gore

High Street Kensington

West Cromwell RoaCdromwell d d



s Garden reet

St Oxford

ett SdtrSe

e r Str orteimr eS t Mim Mo r t

e ishisPhlaPc l CCavaevnednd

or St. Grosven Upper

Kensington Palace

St igh



si Ken



ce ton Pala Kensing

h St rchCStreheturc gtoinnCghtuon Ken Kesinns

d’ss d’

r Strr eSett SeSyemomuou Marble Arch

ter Rd Bayswa

Kensington Gardens The Long Water


rere WWigi mo o

Road Bayswater

Gate Notting Hill Queensway

o tto

xx sssee

ex G

Lancaster Gate

StrheSett vevnednisdhis NNewewCaCa


e ar


enayswa QuQeeunesw


Notting Hill Gate Notting

s nesn rdrde GGaa



ced Pl ndrtPllaan PortlaPo


eett ouothutShtrS


ee orgee SStrt eeor GG



d tow R Cheps



accee errar eeTr rnT oune


adBri dgeoRo’s Bishop's BBriish



r stbu ba o sEt Ea



et trte dSS d e e raa


latecer Pl ucrePs este GlouGclo



Maryle M

StrBe Baker

ad Ro

Royal Oak

d e Rd bonaeryRleoabon

Fa rri ng do n


are gw Ed


M ar

RnoaRdd EuEsutosnto Warren Street Great Portland Street

Regent's Park

t rS we Go


e Av

oRadd wwR rrroro HHaa

12 aryle

Edgware Road


Baker Street

oad bonedR

r Cir Oute

Madame Tussauds

Ro ad

TaSvidi m


ell srse qRuua ll S sse Ru

Sherlock Holmes Museum


Av enu


ck isto Tav



d Roa

Gr ov e


ic k rw

Wa rw ick


PlhacSet stocokut

n Acto



Warwick W Avenue a

Pa rk


ool l






t tree er S Gow

Lis so

Regent's Park

n ys In Gra



R ton

t dS Jud

e Av nd


s Eu



n usto

ob rW pe Up


rla t he


Outer Circle



J St

ve nA lgi

tree lltt SSt


od Wo n’s



in A


Wellington Arch

Maida Vale


zzaa S

e Ave nu

ria Vic to


okrkR Roadd

ankm ent

ia Em V ictor

Palace Rd

eth mb adLa

alac Lamb

eth P

Win esst temr Lambeth North iBnri isdtg eer RBoraidd Rd

m ad La eth Ro


Hampstead Rd



k Pr




kmen Emba n

h bet


h uRog oro BoroBug St. G Setorg Gee's R ord.


Imperial War Museum


Elephant &



d Ken


on L ainne n nLn o e t ing K

81 E



igig eeHH hhSSt onon ebeb rylryl t reet MaMa






WaC rraiag rrieaD greive Dr

Con dui Str eet t St ree t

e Ro ad



ing ha mBuPc akliang ceh

Westm inster Bridge West mini sterRoad

e cCuut t TThhe

Blackfriars Rd

aRmd P alac


d lR el

BlBlackfriars ackfriars Bridge Bridge


us Stree

LupSt Lupus


Tate Britain

n Rd

ge R oad

do Farring



Tate Mo

SSoouut thhw waark rk SS

Kennington Road




V ictoria Embankment

add Roo R lorolo tetre WWa a

London Eye

wtrgeaet te

LuLdugdagatete HHi

P. 78-79

National Theatre t Queen Elizabeth Hall rd S Hayward Gallery rteaetmfo t S S Royal Festival Hall ford Stam

River Thames


St. P Cat

ge rid

Baelg vreav RedRo ad



B oo

StS. G t eGor egoe's r Dr ’isveD


BVrau idxh


Fleet Street

P. 74-75 St

l ter Wa


Horseferry RdRoad

ha ll

e Lan



y ncer Cha

yw nswgas KinKgi

udth Setrla nd Stre et



Va ux



ank mb

t ia S tor Westminster Abbey Vic

S Victoria


he rla nS


aeebt et hS t

St James's Park

P. 74-75 P. 74-75

Somerset House

Westminster Big Ben

P. 70-73

P. 76-77



St James's Park

King’s Cross

ntoR pmtop ahma utthh

r St

M The

P. 48-51

13 Buckingham Aldwych h Palace w ld Hospital Chelsea 14 The Royal


Charing Cross


P. 42-45

P. 74-75

and ndStr


thE Slitzr

Covent Garden

National Portrait Gallery National Gallery and

ll Ma


Cledrkenw Clerkenwell R

P. 46-47

10 The Ampersand Hotel 11 The Dorchester 12 The Landmark London


k caalk Wal irdW BirdcaBge

Bu B ckui ck n ing haha mm GaGa tete

d nR s In ay

ou SSo

ll Ma

8 Fera at Claridge’s 9 Royal Garden Hotel

Abingdon Stre





w Ne orn olb igh H

Whitehall Whitehall




5 Bulgari Chancery LaneP. 52-55 P. 56-57 rn 6 Hirsh o r bo n lb ol o High H H Holborn P. 58-61 7 Paul Smith




Wempe (Patek RoadPhilippe) al’dssRd hbeoabld 3 Jaeger-LeCoultre T o e Th 4 Chopard


R ross


ry sbu om

C ring





t tree



Su t

RdC h


Ma Pall

et Stre es's am St J

. y St Bur


ry S

eet Str

e quar es's S tS . Jam St. King

e Co v

Fa rri ng do n

1 Rachel Trevor-Morgan Millinery P. 16-17 2 Wempe (Rolex) P. 38-41

Leicester Square

ketet k maarr Haayym eett t SttrS egen n RR e

t. le S kvil Sac


B Old

et Stre ver et Do tre ey S kel Ber




are Squ

l daal

Sloane Square



t St

o ile R Sav

ley rke Be

t tree

ey S


d sR


Ec ston cle S st tree on t S arqe SqnuS o n t o EEata



en RnetgSt




oad sR ng'



loAav neneu Ae v e

Bri Chelsea



a Rdo mR lulhhaam F Fu

n ce e Plaed enliv C d e Cliv


a RRdo rrtt Coouu amC ahm ttnehn tTtoe To

R eg




n St

y Jerm

13 Buckingham Palace

eet S traev elgSr rBave eelgr rpBp t pUe Up


Pont Street




t unnt

et Sloane Stre

Pont St



e Av


ord S

lf Gui

S rd fo Ox


Hill nstitution H ill CoConstitution GrG orso vsvee nnoo rr

treett SloSalonae nSe S

Victoria and Albert Museum

South Kensington

ece rrarca TeTre oodd llwwoo

rotmo dmB p BOrlo


Roa d


Wa rwi ck

d tt RRo uurr

l CCoo

O ld


p mm

o BrBor

add Rno R


Piccadilly Circus

e Th

brid Park Corner tsHyde


d Roa pntoRnd

Green Park




Kensington Gore

ardens Ennismore G

Gloucester Road

Earl's Court


Kensington Road

Tottenham Court Road

ur esb af t Sh


6 4 Vigo St. ſt Gra 5 7 3

Map and Guide 地图指南

GSutilf ord

British Museum

sb ſte ha

Wellington Arch

tioadn Rd hibhitioibniRo ExEx




et OOxfxforodrdStSret

ly ydil dcilal Pcaic

The Serpentine

Cromwell Road

Eral’rs Ea

ck R

Science Museum



St. Curzon

Natural History Museum



w wii

Queen’s G

RoadRd ceerster Gl Glooucuest

Ln Wright’s

gg bbinin

West Cromwell RoaCdromwell d d

Royal Albert Hall Queen's Gate

ane ht’s L Wrig

High Street Kensington

ox Madd

ord et Cliff Stre ton . t Bru S on

Deanery St.


Kensin ton Gore

te te e Ga e Ga PaPalaclac



si Ken


Hyde Park




t t Stree Moun

Pa ane kL Par

s Garden

Kensington Palace

St igh

Street Brook

or St. Grosven Upper

Kensington Gardens The Long Water

ce ton Pala Kensing

h St rchCStreheturc gtoinnCghtuon Ken Kesinns

d’ss d’

Street Davies

ter Rd Bayswa

Han over

Russell Square

Goodge Street

retet e Set S ooddg


Oxford Circus

Bond Street

treet Duke S

Street Audley North


treet Park S



St Oxford

dn lwanla HHowo

t dnSdtrSeet PoProtlratnla GGrreeaat t


r Strr eSett SeSyemomuou Marble Arch

Road Bayswater

Gate Notting Hill Queensway

o tto

rere WWigi mo o

ett SdtrSe

e r Str orteimr eS t Mim Mo r t

e ishisPhlaPc l CCavaevnednd


e ar


Lancaster Gate

StrheSett vevnednisdhis NNewewCaCa


eeor GG

ex G

Notting Hill Gate Notting



enayswa QuQeeunesw

d tow R Cheps


rdrd GGaa

xx sssee


ced Pl ndrtPllaan PortlaPo


eett ouothutShtrS

orgee SStrt

s enesn



accee errar eeTr rnT oune


adBri dgeoRo’s Bishop's BBriish




r stbu ba o sEt Ea



et trte dSS d e e raa


latecer Pl ucrePs este GlouGclo



Maryle M

StrBe Baker

ad Ro

Royal Oak

d e Rd bonaeryRleoabon

Ro ad


are gw Ed

M ar

RnoaRdd EuEsutosnto Warren Street Great Portland Street

Regent's Park

t rS we Go


e Av

oRadd wwR rrroro HHaa


Edgware Road


Baker Street

oad bonedR

r Cir Oute

Madame Tussauds

TaSvidi m


ell srse qRuua ll S sse Ru

Sherlock Holmes Museum


Av enu


ck isto Tav



d Roa

Gr ov e


ic k rw

Wa rw ick


PlhacSet stocokut

n Acto



Warwick W Avenue a

Pa rk


ool l






t tree er S Gow

Lis so

Regent's Park

n ys In Gra



R ton

t dS Jud

e Av nd


s Eu



n usto

ob rW pe Up


rla t he


Outer Circle



J St

ve nA lgi

tree lltt SSt


od Wo n’s



in A


Wellington Arch

Maida Vale


zzaa S

Mayfair : The Most Sought After Luxury Corner 梅费尔: 最受追捧的奢华角落


ayfair is now coined as “a carnival for the rich and powerful”. As the home to numerous highend fashion and beauty brands, art and antiques dealers, as well as exclusive restaurants, Mayfair is a must go shopping area for consumers who are craving for luxury goods. In 1660s, this area was once a nondescript patch of open ground made muddy and boggy by the River Tyburn. Mayfair is named after a fair granted by King James II to be held there in the first two weeks of May in 1686. Later on, Sir Richard Grosvenor set about the construction of upmarket Grosvenor Square. Nearby streets including Brook Street and Hanover Square were also developed by wealthy families. Nowadays, luxury brands and art galleries are increasingly jostling for space in the London Luxury Quarter’s most sought-after retail locations. As the demand is so high, retailers have been buying their own or their rivals’ stores to ensure they can expand when their rivals’ leases expire. 82

Interior view of Dover Street Market. 丹佛街集市内部景观。 ©VisitBritain/Joanna Henderson



尚和美容品牌、艺术品和古董交易商以及独 特餐厅,追求奢华商品人士不容错过。 1660 年代,这个地区曾经是一片无以名状 的空地,被泰伯恩河弄得满是泥泞,犹如沼 泽。至 1686 年,国王詹姆斯二世授权,于 5 月首两星期在当地举行为期两周的展览,

因而得名。理查德·格罗夫纳爵士其后著手 建设高档次的 Grosvenor Square,引来其他 富商陆续发展附近的繁华街道,包括 Brook Street 和 Hanover Square 等。

如今,越来越多奢侈品牌和艺术画廊争相在 奢华伦敦角落最受欢迎的零售点占一席位。 由于需求极高,品牌要购买自己或对手的门 店,以确保对手租约到期时,自己有空间扩 展业务。

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Piccadilly Circus

50 New Bond Street, London W1S 1BJ Tel: +44 (0) 20 7491 3900 Opening Hours: 10am-7pm (Sunday: noon-6pm)

Green Park

Handbag 手袋 :Anya Hindmarch

118 New Bond Street, London W1S 1EW Tel: +44 (0) 20 7493 1628 Opening Hours: 10am-6.30pm (Thursday: 10am-7pm; Sunday: noon-5pm)

Watches 腕表 :IWC Boutique London

138 New Bond Street, London W1S 2TJ Tel: +44 (0) 20 3618 3900 Opening Hours: 10am-6pm (Sunday: 11.30am-5.30pm)

Auction House 拍卖行 :Sotheby’s 34-35 New Bond Street, London W1A 2AA Tel: +44 (0) 20 7293 5000

Jewellery 珠宝 :Tiffany

25 Old Bond Street, London W1S 4QB Tel: +44 0800 160 1114 Opening Hours: 10am-7pm (Sunday: noon-5pm)


Tuesday 16th - Saturday 20th June 2015

RAC ING LIKE NOWHERE ELSE ‘Ideal for horses to gallop at full stretch’ was how Queen Anne so succinctly described the heath where Ascot Racecourse now stands. More than three hundred years later, this now famous Berkshire turf has played centre stage to the greatest thoroughbreds on earth. Yeats, Frankel and Black Caviar have all etched their names into sporting history here. It’s why a win at Royal Ascot is a win like no other. Secure your place at this one of a kind occasion by booking your tickets at ascot.co.uk Tickets £27 - £80 per person Fine Dining from £250 per person +VAT

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