February 2016

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Cherish Chinese New Year in UK 在英国欢庆农历新年

Valentine’s Day at Shakespeare’s Birthplace 莎翁故居渡浪漫情人节

Editor’s Pick for Valentine


Marriage Proposal Etiquette


EXCLUSIVE 独家 专访 INTERVIEWS Managing Director of Benjamin & Blum


Head Chef of HKK Sets Chinese New Year Menu


www.marquessmagazine.com £1.80


London 37 Old Bond Street 020 7578 9500

C RA F T I NG E T E R N I T Y S I N C E 1 755 260 years of continuous history is reflected in the Harmony Collection. A new legacy has dawned.


Geneva official watchmaking certification

Editor’s Note 编者的话 The most romantic day of the year also just happens to be London's Chinese New Year Celebration (CNY) day. Indeed, it shall be a day centred around love! With Valentine's Day being a time to celebrate romance among lovers, the Chinese New Year festivities anchor on the importance of unity in a family. This special time should not just be about the cliché chocolates, flowers or bubbly. And so our Editor's Pick provide ideas on what ideal Valentine's gifts to get for your special someone. Or perhaps you could select something from the exclusive offers that luxury British brands have lined up in celebration of the 'Year of the Monkey'. This season is all about creating memories with your loved ones and so we have selected some extra special places that you can take your partner or even family. Enjoy a romantic dinner aboard

the Bateaux London Parisien cruise or visit the birthplace of William Shakespeare in Stratford – upon – Avon. Do you know there is an old British tradition that a woman could propose to her lover on February 29th during a leap year? Guess what? 2016 just happens to be a leap year. Read more about the traditions and customs of marriage proposals in our British Essence section. We have an exclusive interview with the Executive Head Chef of Hakkasan group, Tong Chee Hwee. Tong is also the Head Chef at HKK. He shares with us the exceptional CNY menus in Hakkasan Group he designed for the different restaurants. As the new year comes, we wish you good fortune and peace. Hoping that it will bring with you bundles of joy, happiness and luck. “Happy Chinese New Year!”

Team MARQUESS 每年当中最浪漫的日子,在今年恰巧是伦敦华埠 盛大庆祝农历新春的节日。是的,这是以爱为中 心的一天!情人节庆祝情侣之爱,农历新年则是 庆祝家人团聚之爱。 这样特别的日子不应该只有老生常谈的巧克力、 鲜花或香槟吧!我们的编者为您精心荐选特别的 情人节礼物,让您送出新意。又或者可以看看今 年哪些英国品牌的特备精制产品,参与到迎贺猴 年的活动中来。 与所爱之人共创特别回忆是这一季度的主题,我 们为您特别推荐您和爱侣或家人到访一些别致的 景地。一次在泰晤士河上的浪漫晚餐约会,又或

到埃文河畔的斯特拉特福的莎翁故居感受罗曼蒂 克。 知否英国女士有可以在闰年闰月向男士求婚的传 统吗? 2016 年恰好是闰年。在我们的英式精髓部 分,教您了解更多关于求婚的传统和习俗。 这期我们还专访了 HAKKASAN 饮食集团的行政 总厨唐志威,同时作为 HKK 的主厨,他在访谈中 和我们分享为农历新年设计的春节餐单。 随着新一年的到来,我们祝您安康幸福。希望能 给您带来无限的喜悦、福乐与好运。新春快乐!

MARQUESS 团队 MARQUESS MAGAZINE ISSN 2058-9697 is published every two months by Sing Tao (UK) Ltd in London, UK and is part of the Sing Tao News Corporation publication. www.SingTaoNewsCorp.com MARQUESS MAGAZINE is a member of the GREAT China Welcome Charter, an intiative which aims to make Britain the most welcoming destination in Europe for Chinese visitors. Run by VisitBritain with the support of the UK Government, the GREAT China Welcome Charter is only open to companies which have demonstrated services and facilities that are particularly suitable for Chinese visitors. By selecting a company which displays the GREAT China Welcome Chartermark a visitor from China can be confident of a warm welcome. For more information, visit www.visitbritain.org/greatchinawelcome

MARQUESS 爵杂志是欢迎中国——尽享英伦礼遇计划的成员。 欢迎中国——尽享英伦礼遇计划是使英国成为欧洲当中最受中国 游客欢迎的胜地。在英国政府支持下,该计划由英国旅游局营 运,计划只开放给能证明所提供服务或设施特别适合中国游客 的公司。来自中国的游客选择有 GREAT China Welcome 特许标 志的公司,能有信心感受到热烈欢迎。欲了解更多信息请浏览 www.visitbritain.org/greatchinawelcome


10 16 18 22


Electrifying Romance at Shakespeare’s Birthplace Romantic Date : Dining on the Thames River Cruise Editor’s Pick for Ideal Valentine’s Gifts Cherish Chinese New Year

10 16 18 22


34 38 40


Marriage Proposal Etiquette Pride of Royal Warrants A Purely Bespoke Linen Brand : Heirlooms

34 求婚礼仪 38 皇家认证的骄傲 40 订制高级亚麻名品 Heirlooms


在莎翁故居感受罗曼蒂克 泰晤士河上晚餐的浪漫约会 编者推荐 : 理想情人节礼品 喜迎猴年


Sophie Hulme : An upscale Young Luxury Brand Barrie : The Legendary Scottish Cashmere Roja Parfums : Mastering the Art of Bespoke Fragrance

时装配饰 46 冒升的年轻高级品牌 Sophie Hulme 50 拓新传奇的苏格兰开司米 Barrie 54 Roja Parfums 独特高级香水订制艺术



60 66

60 66

Celebrate Chinese New Year at HKK Inside Michelin-Starred Petrus with Head Chef Neil Snowball

在 HKK 欢宴中国新年 走进米其林餐厅专 访主厨



76 80

76 BADA Fair 年度艺术礼赞 80 打包在行李箱的完美衣橱


Benjamin & Blum : Mixing Tea with Spirits BADA Fair : The Annual Praise of Art Perfect Wardrobe Packed in a Trunk

72 Benjamin & Blum : 茗茶与佳酿相汇


84 90

Downton Abbey Location Visit : Highclere Castle Burlington Arcade : An Enclave for Unique Luxury Brands


Map and Guide

94 96

闲游遣兴 84 访游唐顿庄园取景地 : 海克利尔城堡 90 伯灵顿拱廊 : 独特奢侈品牌汇聚地


Central London Map What’s Trending at Chelsea

94 伦敦市中心地图 96 切尔西区潮流亮点

25 84


Cover Image:Beautiful woman in a red dress with a rose in hand © Vladislav Starozhilov Director:Roy Yan Chief Content Strategist:Vivian Chong Content Strategist: Mutave Mutemi, Fang Ying, Candy Mak, Zody Tseng Designer:Louie Wu, Chag-Man Tam Web Design and Development:Chag-Man Tam, Sasha Chan, Louie Wu

Printed in UK by MARQUESS MAGAZINE Telephone : +44 (0) 20 8732 7635 Editorial : editorial@marquessmagazine.com Advertising : advertising@marquessmagazine.com www.marquessmagazine.com


Š Visit Britain


Electrifying Romance at

shakespeare’s birthplace

在莎翁故居 感受罗曼蒂克

2016 marks the 400th anniversary since the death of William Shakespeare, England's national poet and playwright. His house in Stratford-upon-Avon is a shrine for fans who go there to pay homage to a man whose work and legacy they greatly admire. For couples visiting during the Valentine's weekend it is a promise for a romantic love affair. 2016 年是英国著名诗人、剧作家莎士比亚逝世 400 周年。他那位于埃文河畔城市斯 特拉特福的老房子,是世界各地书迷必访的朝圣地,在这里书迷献上他们的尊崇, 而在情人节访游这里,更能亲身领会莎翁浪漫气息的泉源。

Henley Street 莎士比亚故居前面街道 © Ed Webster


Exploring the Countryside Whether you buy the best seats in the house to watch a re-enactment of one of Shakespeare's plays like the tragic romance of Romeo and Juliet, or you choose to explore the countryside with an excursion to Stratford-upon-Avon, will definitely be a memorable romantic trip. Visit the birthplace of a boy who turned into a world renowned English play writer, and tour the house that Shakespeare lived in for about 20 years. Shakespeare's home offers a glimpse into the world that shaped him. It also allows you to walk in the footsteps of other famous writers like Charles Dickens who have been guests at the home.

探索乡村田园美景 无论是买到最佳的座位去观赏莎士比亚的著名 浪漫悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,还是前往探索 乡村美景,埃文河畔的斯特拉特福都是一次浪 漫记忆之旅的上佳选择。 访游莎士比亚的出生地,及他在这里度 过生命前 20 年的居所,可探究他如何 从一个小男孩成长为世界知名的剧作 家。莎士比亚的故居给我们一个不同 的角度了解他的世界,在这里您也 可以踏上前人的脚步,去感受其他 知名作家如狄更斯等如何在此作 客而取得写作灵感。

Shakespeare’s Birthplace 莎士比亚故居

Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare’s Location Map 斯特拉特福莎士比亚出生地景点地图


Breathtaking Anne Hathaway’s cottage 令人沉醉的安·海瑟薇居所

Anne Hathaway's Cottage Fall in love with the childhood home of Shakespeare's wife and the most romantic Shakespeare house – Anne Hathaway's Cottage. The stunning grounds and gardens are absolutely breathtaking.

莎士比亚妻子的童年居所 莎士比亚妻子安·海瑟薇的小屋会让您爱上,这是莎士比亚生活过众多房子中最浪漫的一处。满园的花草 树木营造的浪漫气氛更让人沉醉。

Butterfly Farm As Beautiful Backdrop Every memorable love story is captured in a beautiful setting, like in the night time underneath the stars, or by the beach with a backdrop of the sunset. Create your own picture story at the butterfly farm, which has some of the most beautiful butterflies in a picturesque environment boasting of splashing waterfalls and lovely pools.

蝴蝶农场缔造美丽场景 每个爱情小说故事都缺不了浪漫美丽的背景,或许是漫天繁星,又或是沙滩落 日。何妨到这里的蝴蝶农场,创造属于您的罗曼蒂克故事场景。在这里有 如诗如画的迷人美景,漫天飞舞的一些最美蝴蝶为您带来梦般回忆,还 有漂亮的小瀑布和可爱的池塘。 Butterfly Farm

Address 地址:Swan’s Nest Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7LS Tel 电话:+44 (0) 1789 299 288 Opening hours 开放时间:10am – 5pm www.butterflyfarm.co.uk



Holy Trinity Church 圣三一教堂

Boating on Avon Just in case you did not know, Avon Boating is one of England's oldest and largest traditional boating companies. The traditional river cruise shall take you sightseeing past historical places like the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and Holy Trinity Church. Or you could arrange to have something more intimate and hire a gondola to take you and your partner on a romantic ride.

泛舟埃文河 或许您还不知道,埃文河游船公司是英格兰最古老最大的传统游船公司之一。游船将会带您一览那些 具有历史文化价值的地方,如皇家莎士比亚剧院和圣三一教堂。如果想体会更私密或较适宜二人世界 的河上之旅,不妨选择凤尾艇,与爱侶泛舟漫游。

Avon Boating 埃文河上有不同船艇供选择与所爱的人漫游


Royal Shakespeare Theatre Tour Immerse yourself in everything centred around Shakespeare. Stratford-upon-Avon is also home to the internationally known Royal Shakespeare Theatre Company, which owns the Swan Theatre. The little theatre only takes up an audience of 450 people. Be guided through its history and learn more about the kind of preparations that go into putting up a theatre show.

细赏莎士比亚皇家剧院 要全然投入到莎士比亚的世界?斯特拉特福也是国际知名 的皇家莎士比亚剧团的大本营所在地,他们的天鹅剧院值 得您的仔细观赏,最多仅容纳 450 位以内的观众,让演员 与观众可以近距离接触。漫步其中,感受其历史意蕴,并 可细味一部戏剧如何从剧本一步步发展成为一出让观众在 舞台欣赏的剧作。

Royal Shakespeare Company

Address 地址:Waterside, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6BB Tel 电话:+44 (0) 844 800 1110 www.rsc.org.uk

Special Valentine's Weekend

Inside the Royal Shakespeare Theatre

This special Valentine's weekend, Stratford-upon-Avon 皇家莎士比亚剧院的精悍内部 offers a wide variety of activities for you to do with your loved one. Visit Shakespeare’s Birthplace on 13th and 14th February and watch the resident acting troupe, Shakespeare Aloud perform the matching sonnet. You could also visit the Valentine's Tree at Hall's Croft and decorate it with love notes to each other. Spend the night at Tudor World in the company of Mr William Shakespeare and walk along the quaint streets or cuddle up during the spooky ghost night tour. Last but not least, don't forget to watch a performance by one of the most successful clarinettists in the country – Emma Johnson on Tuesday 16th February.

与别不同的情人节周末 在这个特别的情人节周末,斯特拉特福还主办了各式浪漫活动,让您与爱侣共度甜蜜时光。在 2 月 13 日 或 14 日到访莎翁故居,可以与爱人一同欣赏来自 Shakespeare Aloud 表演团的精彩表演,深情朗诵莎翁著 名的浪漫十四行诗。 您也可以一访在霍尔的农庄的情人树,写下您对情人的爱的宣言悬挂装点树上。又或者到 Tudor World, 在重重莎翁魅影陪伴下,相拥渡幽幽的温馨夜晚。即或与爱侣沿着古色古香的街道漫步,一次幽深而动魄 的夜游,将给你俩的情人节旅游添上无限精彩。 最后别忘了,2 月 16 日还有英国著名单簧管乐手 Emma Johnson 的表演,那是为情人节周末的特备节目啊 ! All Images © Shakespeare’s England


Romantic Date


Dining on the Thames River Cruise 泰晤士河上晚餐的

Looking for somewhere special to take your partner for an amazing night out? The Bateaux London Valentine's cruise would be a superb place to take your date, offering a great ambience, good food and a breathtaking view of London city. 是否筹谋着如何跟情人共渡一个非一般的情人节?您可以考虑踏上一艘豪华餐船, 一边在欣赏伦敦美景的同时,一边享受着精致的美酒佳肴。

Journey through Thames River in the Parisien boat 乘坐巴黎风味餐船畅游泰晤士河 © Bateaux London


A Sensational Experience


Couples can be assured of an unforgettable and romantic dinner at the luxurious Valentine's Thames cruise, an experience that stimulates all your five senses. Upon your arrival your date shall receive a red rose and once the boat departs from Embankment Pier, you shall be served some champagne.

在 Bateaux London 为情人节而设的豪华餐船上, 情 侣 将 可 渡 过 难 忘 而 浪 漫 的 一 晚。 当 餐 船 从 Embankment 码头出发后, 您和爱侣的旅程会先 由奉上玫瑰加一杯香槟和一杯葡萄酒开始。然 后,在船上细尝精美的四道菜以及特选的美酒 和饮料的同时,您们将可聆听现场演奏的爵 士音乐并观赏沿途两岸优美风景,轻松感受 令人迷醉的气氛。

As the chef freshly prepares a sumptuous four course meal, the waiter shall continue to serve you with beverages from a specially selected drinks menu to enjoy as you sail past London's spectacular landmarks while grooving to mellow jazz harmonies by the live performance.

Unobstructed View on Board The 'Symphony' Parisien boat design is centred around sight, atmosphere as well as entertainment. Thus, the vessel features a glass structure exterior, which bestows a bright and spacious atmosphere, enabling passengers to enjoy the magnificent view to its fullest extent.

尽赏泰晤士河辽阔视野 在这餐船上无需担心观景被阻。餐船由 著名法国船舶设计师设计,充满巴黎 格调,配有落地大玻璃; 宏伟的深 色木地板和时尚的家具,令室内整 体环境更光亮和宽敞,务使每位乘 客都能畅快地全然欣赏美景。 Bateaux London

Address 地址:Embankment Pier, Victoria Embankment, London WC2N 6NU Booking 预订:+44 (0) 20 7696 1800 Price 费用:From £145 per person 每位£145 起 www.bateauxlondon.com


Editor’s Pick

for Ideal Valentine’s Gifts 编者推荐 : 理想情人节礼品

MARQUESS Editors have selected our favourite seasonal items, ranging from fashion to accessories for late winter and early spring, which you can pick up for your loved ones in this warmest Valentine's. 在这个温馨的情人节里,“爵”的编者精选出当季流行商品,从时装到配 饰一应俱全,供您为心爱的人选购情人节礼品贴心推荐!

For Her : Stylish Lady 女士礼品荐选:时尚自信淑女 01 Cartier / Cartier Juste un Clou bracelets in 18k pink gold with pave diamonds Juste un Clou 系列 18K 玫瑰金镶钻石手镯 £32,100 02 Buccellati / Goad Irwin Opera anello diam OG V2 歌剧系列精刻钻戒 £2,100 03 Charlotte Olympia / Matchesfashion Christine metallic-piped suede sandals 金属缀条麂皮高跟凉鞋 £545 04 David Morris / David Morris Important Burma ruby pear shape fan necklace with oval, round and marquise white diamonds set in 18ct white gold 缅甸梨形红宝石与钻石项链,镶于 18 克拉白金 POA 价格需额外洽询 05 Omega / Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra Master Co-Axial 海马系列防磁女士腕表 £14,800 06 Mulberry / Mulberry Bayswater in fiery spritz small classic grain 火焰色经典磨皮小型手提包 £995 07 Ralph & Russo / Ralph & Russo Ivory and silver tulle mini dress with metallic silver threadwork and hand embroidered silver bullion and pearls 手工订制象牙与银白色薄纱小洋装,缀有金银与珍珠缝饰 £995











For Him : Modern Dandy


01 Nicole Farhi / Nicole Farhi The pace shearling bomber 小羊皮极速飞行夹克 £1,500 02 Christopher Ward / Christopher Ward C9 Moonphase (with black leather strap) 月咏表(黑色真皮表带) £1,295 03 Lanvin / Matchesfashion Gold-plated cufflinks 镀金袖扣 £125 04 Cheaney / Cheaney Lincoln formal step-in in burnished mocha calf 林肯正装摩卡色小牛皮套鞋 £315 05 Christys’ / Christys’ Fur Devon bowler black 黑色毛绒圆顶礼帽 £180 06 DAKS / DAKS Leather rucksack 真皮后背包 £495 02 01







Model Look 模特造型

Dunhill / Dunhill Chestnut check wool mix suit 栗色格纹混羊毛西装套装 £1890 Brook tan attache case 褐色复古手提公事包 £3150 Vintage oak tassels loafer 古典橡色流苏乐福皮鞋 £475 Orange check cotton casual shirt 橘色格纹休闲棉质衬衫 £225 Beige paisley silk printed tie 浅褐色花呢丝质领带 £95 Pale blue geometric cotton 淡蓝几何图样棉质口袋巾 £60 Lavender plain cotton socks 薰衣草色棉袜 £40


CNY Chinatown celebrations in London 伦敦华埠农历新年庆祝活动 © Paolo Camera



C herish C N Y hinese



The Chinese New Year's Day is on 8th February, but the London Chinatown celebration is set to take place on the 14th of February. The city's Spring Festival celebration is known to be the biggest of the world outside of Asia. The streets will be filled with performances such as music, distinctive traditional dance in special costumes and parades. A highlight of this year is the placing of spectacular lantern decorations! So come with your valentine and double celebrate this momentous event! 今年农历新年在 2 月 8 日就要到来,但伦敦华埠的庆祝 活动将于 2 月 14 日情人节举行,伦敦的农历新年庆祝活 动之盛大是亚洲以外最大的,也是世界闻名的。当天, 伦敦华埠、沙夫茨伯里大街和特拉法加广场都会举行盛 大又热闹的新年庆祝活动,满街都将洋溢着欢快的音乐 和传统的歌舞表演以及花车游行,今年一大亮点是会摆 放大型的花灯装饰。恰逢情人节,与您的爱人同来参与, 共度这美好时光吧!

Year of the Monkey Chinese New Year celebrations traditionally run from Chinese New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, making it the longest festival in the Chinese calendar. And 2016 – year of the monkey festivities are expected to be bigger and better than last year, so if you are in town then you definitely do not want to miss out on this excitement!

丙申猴年 新春的庆祝活动从中国农历的除夕开始一直到这个月的第十五天,是 中国节庆中维持时间最长的一个节假日。而 2016 年猴年的热闹节庆气 氛,预期绝不会逊于往年,如果您在伦敦,千万不要错过这些激动人 心的庆祝活动! 23

CNY parade in traditional dressing 穿插传统服饰表演者的新春花车游行 © creative commons

Lucky Colour Red Just as Valentines is centred around the colour red, this colour is considered to be one of the luckiest colours in Chinese tradition. Associated with success and happiness. So it would be a good idea to wear something red, perhaps a red item of clothing or even accessory.

喜庆之红 正如情人节那颗火红的爱心一样,中式新年的主色调也是红色,在中国 传统中,红色是幸运的颜色,会给人带来成功与愉悦。所以购买 和穿戴红色物品会是一个很不错的选择,或是红色的衣 服,也可以是红色的配饰,甚至是红色的贴 身内衣物。

The Lion Dance The lion dance is believed to bring good luck and fortune. Every year the lion dance troupes perform the “cai qing” which literally means “plucking the greens”. This year there will be iconic lion dances visiting around Chinatown businesses on February 13th (Saturday) and dancing across Trafalgar Square, Shaftesbury Avenue and Chinatown on February 14th(Sunday).

醒狮采青 舞狮寓意好运与生财,每年醒狮最重要的莫过 于最后的“采青”。今年 2 月 13 日(星期六) 在伦敦华埠也将会有多条舞狮向商户拜年,于 2 月 14 日(星期日)舞狮表演将会在特拉法加 广场、沙夫茨伯里大街和唐人街穿梭进行。 Lion dance 舞狮 © Flickr


British Brands Celebrating Chinese New Year The Spring Festival was traditionally a Buddhist custom, and it gradually became a grand festival among the Chinese people and even in the west. Although Chinese New Year is not an official holiday in Western countries, the Chinese community and many British Chinese organizations in the UK hold large celebrations and parades during this Spring festivity. The most important and prevalent customs include the lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, eating tangyuan, and lion dances.

英国品牌齐贺农历新年 从佛教传统衍生而来的春节庆祝,在岁月长河中日 积月累成为中国人最为看重的隆重节日,甚至已 传入西方。虽然在西方,春节并非正式的假期, 但主要的华人社区和大部分的英国华人组织都会 主办盛大活动庆祝这一节日。而春节的节日传统习 俗不可忽视的,当然就是那喜庆的灯笼、灯谜、吃 汤圆和舞狮。

Luxury Red Packet Certain luxury British brands are expected to have red packets bursting with exclusive offers. While some brands have created limited edition collections specially designed Red Packets 寓意吉祥的红封包 © Flickr with the symbol of the monkey, others will give customers gifts for purchasing goods from their store. Here are some of the British brands that will be celebrating the Chinese new year.

派赠红封包 某些英国奢华品牌也会举办送出红封包等特别志庆活动。而一些品牌也会推出特别为猴年设计,带有相关 元素的限量产品。亦有品牌会设有红封包作为小赠品以回馈顾客。以下是一些为庆贺中国新年而推出特别 志庆产品的英国品牌。

Monkey Pen 特制猴年纪念笔 © Mikimoto


MIKIMOTO – Ruyi Collection The Chinese Lucky knot is the source of inspiration for MIKIMOTO's latest Ruyi Collection. The ornamental knot design reflects the ancient and time-honoured values of eternity and fortune, while the distinctive 'Pipa knot' depicts a curved Chinese musical instrument. The glamorous luxury collection features a pendant, earrings and ring which beautifully combine the knot design with white sea cultured pearls and stunning diamonds set in 18k white gold. The brand has created three different lucky pearl collections that will bring the wearer good fortune. They can choose from : Ruyi White South Sea Collection, Clover Collection or Flower Crown Collection.

MIKIMOTO 如意系列 中式的幸运结是 MIKIMOTO 最新推出如意系列首饰的灵感泉源。这设计体 现的是一种流传已久古时对永恆和幸福的追求的美好心愿,而标志独特的 “琵琶结”则体现了弧形中国乐器的优雅形态。 这一系列的奢华设计包括吊坠、耳环以及指环等单品,均以中国结为设计 灵感,搭配海洋养殖珍珠和耀眼钻石镶嵌在 18K 白金上。 MIKIMOTO 还特别推出三个幸运珍珠系列,寓意为佩戴者带来好运的祝 福。可选系列有如意白南洋珍珠系列,幸运草系列和花冠系列。 Ruyi White South Sea Collection 如意白南洋珍珠系列 © MIKIMOTO



Jewellery Theatre – LACE Collection The story behind the inception of Lace is deeply rooted into millennia, it was known as an item of privilege among the elite as it emphasised the exceptional nature of its owner. Throughout time, it has remained to be a symbol of sensuality, delicacy, femininity and even luxury. So what better time for Jewellery Theatre to unveil its latest collection than during the celebration of the Chinese New year? The brand has endeavoured to represent the world's experience of lace weaving in jewellery, creating the luxury collection with unusual light and intricate hand-made patterns of gold together with precious stones. The collection boasts of different coloured jewellery sets, each containing a pair of earrings, a ring and a bracelet.

Jewellery Theatre 蕾丝系列 蕾丝系列背后的灵感来源与近千年的历史息息 相关,蕾丝在过往常是精英为凸显其崇高地 位而拥有的装饰。时光流逝,蕾丝仍旧是 性感、精致、女人味甚至是奢华的象征。 趁着农历新春佳节,Jewellery Theatre 推 出最新的系列。品牌致力珠宝设计打造 代表结织蕾丝的世界经验,创设出运用 轻巧而上乘的黄金镶嵌宝石的手工图案 的不同颜色珠宝系列。 这一最新系列有多种珠宝可选,每一套均 有耳环、指环和手镯三样单品。 Lace collection set, featuring gold earrings and a ring 蕾丝系列的金耳环与指环 © Jewellery Theatre


Vacheron Constantin – Watch of the Monkey Vacheron has a special edition Métiers d’Art La légende du zodiaque chinois series with the sign of the monkey. This is the fourth model the manufacturer has produced following the Snake, Horse and Goat. The monkey which is made from platinum or gold material is hand engraved and delicately applied to the dial centre. The technical excellence of the Caliber 2460 G4 combined with artistic crafts, only has two limited series, each containing 12 pieces per collection based on the 12 year cycle. And it bears an engraving of the year 2016 at the back of each timepiece. The wristwatch's hands-free time display is achieved through four apertures showing the hours, minutes, days and dates which are visible through the sapphire crystal back of the platinum or pink gold case.

江诗丹顿 — 猴年纪念表 继先前的蛇、马与羊年纪念表后,江诗丹顿的艺术大师系列续推出猴年新款的特別版,采用铂金或黄金两 种材质,经由精湛的手工工艺镶嵌于表盘中心,令猴子活灵活现。 2460 G4 机芯在技术上精益求精,仅推出 2 个限量系列,依十二生肖年历每系列有 12 只手表。猴年纪念 表每只手表的背面都刻有 2016 年字样。 这一手表的时间将通过四个小窗口显示:分钟、小时、星期与日期。小窗口是铂金或玫瑰金框架,并以蓝 宝水晶为底。

Making of the Legend of the Chinese Zodiac 2016 制作 2016 生肖手表系列 © Vacheron Constantin


Métiers d’Art The legend of the Chinese zodiac, year of the monkey 艺术大师系列 : 猴年 Indications:Hour(s), minute(s), day of the week and date in apertures / 显示:小时、分钟、星期与日期 Case Material:Platinum 18K 5N pink gold / 表壳材质:18K 铂金、5N 玫瑰金 Case Size:40 mm diameter, 12.74 mm thick / 表壳尺寸:直径 40mm, 厚度 12.74mm Dial:18K gold, hand-engraved and Grand Feu enamelled / 表盘:18K 金手工镶嵌与明火珐琅 Strap:Dark blue / brown Mississippiensis alligator leather / 表链材质:深蓝、棕色密西西比鳄鱼皮 Clasp:Platinum / 18K 5N pink gold folding clasp / 表扣:18K 铂金、5N 玫瑰金折叠表扣 © Vacheron Constantin


UK's Largest Lantern Festival Celebrations The Lantern Festival is the first full moon night in the lunar calendar, marking the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. Traditionally the festival was also seen as a romantic celebration whereby girls would create beautiful lanterns, expressing and showcasing their artistic talent as a way to attract suitors. This year, both Manchester and London will be holding huge celebrations to commemorate this event.

Manchester Art Lantern Festival This will be the first time Manchester participates in the UK Art Lantern Festival. It will take place at the Trafford Centre, from 5th February to the end of April. The festival will feature meticulously crafted and exquisite lanterns. Visitors shall be able to make their own unique lanterns, complete with wishes and blessings, and share them by placing them on the Wishing Wall at the venue.

London's Magical Lantern Festival The UK premier of the world famous Lantern Festival shall take place at Chiswick House and Gardens. Transforming the outdoor area into an extravaganza of lights, culture, art and cuisine. The five week program has loads of activities like theatre performances, art, light installations and special valentine treats for guests to enjoy. With over 50 giant hand-sculpted lanterns taking various shapes and sizes including a 60 metre-long dragon stretched out across the lake on display, soak up in the buzzing carnival atmosphere. Manchester Lantern Festival

Date 日期:5.2.2016 – 30.4.2016 Event 活动:UK Art Lantern Festival at Intu Trafford Centre Cost 活动费用 : £15.50 – £50 www.ukalf.uk

Magical Lantern Festival

Date 日期:3.2.2016 – 16.3.2016 Event 活动:Chiswick House and Gardens Cost 活动费用 : £14 – £16 www.magicallantern.uk



英国最盛大的新春花灯节庆 元宵节是农历新年中的第一次满月,也标志着整个农历新春节庆的结束。在中华传统之中,元宵节又称中 国情人节。古时候,闺阁小姐们制作精美的灯笼显示其可人的一面,盼望在元宵节觅得如意郎君。今年, 曼城与伦敦都将首办盛大的花灯节,从新年一直庆祝横跨至元宵。

曼城艺术花灯节 这将是曼切斯特第一次如此大规模地参与庆祝英国的艺术花灯节。展览在特拉福德中心举行,从 2 月 5 日 开始一直持续到四月底。此次艺术界将展出一系列精心制作的精美花灯。 而游客们也将可以制作属于他们的独特灯笼,附上个人愿望与祝福,在会场的许愿墙上悬挂。

伦敦魔幻花灯节 英国首届花灯节将在 Chiswick House and Gardens 举行,室外区域将改造成灯光艺术、文化、艺术与美食的 盛会。这一节庆会持续五周,活动丰富多彩,包罗戏剧表演、艺术展览、灯影秀以及情人节特备节目等, 让客人们尽情享受。 其中将会展示超过 50 个巨大手工制花灯,形态大小各异。60 米长的龙灯更会横跨整个湖面,与节庆的热 闹氛围相映生辉。

Manchester CNY Festivities 曼城农历新年庆典 © UKALF


© Burlington Arcade

Marriage Proposal

Etiquette 求婚礼仪

A marriage proposal is a fairy tale moment that will be recalled time and time again, so deep thought and thorough planning are crucial in ensuring it is as perfect as possible especially for the bride-tobe. And it should be more romantic and memorable to propose on a Valentine's Day! 求婚这样神圣的时刻总是会一 次又一次被提起,所以对即将 步入结婚殿堂的准新娘来说, 一个从头到尾,考虑周全的求 婚计划,让一切尽善尽美是至 关重要的。而在情人节求婚当 然会更显浪漫而难忘!

Bespoke proposal planned for couple 为情侣量身打造的求婚计划 © The Proposers - Marriage Proposal and Romantic Event Company


Asking for Her Hand in Marriage Tradition dictates that a groom should ask the father of the bride-to-be for his daughter's 'hand in marriage' before asking her to be his wife. This customary practice gives her father a chance to question his prospective son-in-law about finances and future plans. If her father is not present in her life, permission may be sought from key family members like her mother or brother.

执子之手 与子偕老 传统的习俗要求新郎要征询女方父亲的同意 之后,才可以正式向女生求婚。这样的一个 习俗可让父亲好好审视男士,细询这位可能 成为女婿的男生的未来财政规划等细节,是 否值得让女儿托付终生。若女生的父亲不在, 则可征询母亲或女方兄弟等重要家庭成员。

Humbly Ask on a Bended Knee This is the traditional way for a prospective groom to ask a girl to marry him. You do not have to publicly proclaim your love for her, but it is very romantic if you get on one knee and propose.

单膝跪下 至显真诚 这是男生向女生求婚最传统的方式,毋须在 公共场合大声地说爱,单膝跪下轻声求婚或 许更显浪漫动人。

Engagement Ring Engagement rings have been used since Roman times in Britain and it is tradition for Proposal Surprise 求婚的意外惊喜 © The Proposers - Marriage Proposal and Romantic Event Company a groom-to-be to give his bride-to-be a ring on the occasion of their engagement. The ring is worn on the third finger of the left hand based off an ancient belief that this finger is connected to the heart. If there is no ring, the bride-to-be should be given a token like a bracelet or necklace to mark the occasion and a ring should be put on her finger within a few weeks.

订婚戒指 英国自罗马时代起,在订婚时准新郎给准新娘一枚订婚戒指已成为一种传统。订婚戒指一般戴在左手的中 指,据古老传说,这是直接连接到心脏的一根手指。 如果一时间没有准备戒指,也可以用手镯或是项链暂代,但务必要在数周内为她戴上正式的戒指。


Choosing an Engagement Ring Some men choose to give family heirlooms passed on from one generation to the next, but others opt for something new. Choose a ring with the help of a trusted friend, usually female who ought to be confident of the bride's taste. Alternatively the couple may choose the ring together. Diamonds are the traditional choice but other stones such as sapphire and ruby may be chosen. During the Victorian times REGARD rings were popular. The first letters of the different stones set in a sequence of ruby, emerald, garnet, amethyst, ruby and diamond. The metal of the wedding band should be the same as the engagement ring to ensure they match. Diamond engagement ring in a twist design 钻石订婚指环 © Flickr

选择订婚戒指 有些男士会将传家之宝作为订婚信物,但也有人会选择买新的作为信物。和好友一起去挑选戒指,通常可 以让一个熟悉准新娘品味的女性朋友帮忙。又或者,准备结婚的伴侣一起去挑选订婚戒指也是可以的。 钻石戒指是最传统的选择,但是像蓝宝石或红宝石也是受欢迎之选。在维多利亚时代,REGARD(关爱) 戒指十分受欢迎,每个字母都是戒指中宝石的首字母,分别是红宝石 (R)、祖母绿宝石 (E)、石榴石 (G)、 紫水晶 (A)、红宝石 (R) 和钻石 (D)。结婚戒指的金属部分,最好选择和订婚戒指同样材质匹配。


Bespoke Proposals It is becoming increasingly popular to create a bespoke proposal. So for those who have limited time or want to do something spectacular but don't know what, you can hire a proposal planner to do all the work for you!

如今,量身订造的求婚仪式越来越受欢迎。对于 那些时间有限却又不知如何制造特别惊喜的,可 以聘请求婚策划师为您准备好一切。

Pink Gold 1CT engagement Ring 玫瑰金 1 卡订婚指环 © De Beers



Grooms Present A bride to be may give her groom-to-be a present in return for the engagement ring. Traditional choices include a watch, cufflinks or a fountain pen.

回赠订婚礼物 准新娘可以回赠准新郎一份订婚礼物。传统上可以选择手表、袖扣或 是钢笔。

Leap Year Tradition According to an old British tradition, a woman may propose to a man every leap year on 29th February. Ladies, 2016 is a leap year, so take a chance and propose to your boyfriend. Queen Victoria proposed to Prince Albert and they got married in 1840 – a leap year.

闰年求婚习俗 根据英国传统,在闰年的闰日(2 月 29 日),女士可以反过来 向男士求婚。2016 年正好是闰年,大胆的女士们要捉紧机会 向男士求婚了 ! 1840 年,维多利亚女王就正是在闰年闰日向 阿尔伯特亲王求婚,并在当年成婚。

Fined for Rejection In 1288, Queen Margaret of Scotland passed a law that a man was expected to pay a fine if he refused a marriage proposal from a woman on Leap Day. He would be fined either a kiss or a silk gown. In Victorian times an engagement was a legal promise to marry and if the groom tried to back out before the marriage, the bride could sue him for breach of promise.

拒婚的惩罚 1288 年,苏格兰的玛格丽特女王通过一项法例, 向在拒绝闰年求婚的男士作出惩罚。惩罚其实不 重,只是一个亲吻或是一件丝绸衣服。 维多利亚时代,订婚是具法律效力的一项承 诺。如果在成婚前新郎突然退缩,准新娘是可 以男方破坏承诺把他告上法庭的。 Just married 刚结婚的一对 © The Proposers - Marriage Proposal and Romantic Event Company

© Henry Poole



Pride of


While walking along the streets of the United Kingdom, you may have come across shops displaying a crest above the door, sometimes there are two or even three. These are called “Royal Warrants”. 走在英国街头,有些时候会看到一些商铺门口上悬挂着徽章,有些甚至有兩至三个。 这个徽章,就是英国独有的“皇家认证”。




Royal Warrants are granted by the Royal Family as a sign of commitment to the highest standards of service, quality and excellence. There are currently about 800 warrant holders in the UK. Only The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh or The Prince of Wales can grant Royal Warrants. Each of them can grant only one warrant to any individual business, but a business may hold warrants from more than one member of the Royal Family. In the late 18th century, Royal tradesmen began to display the Royal Arms on their premises and stationeries. But it was Queen Victoria who ensured that Royal Warrants gained the prestige they enjoy today. A company must keep doing business with the Royal Household for at least five years to be considered on the warrant grant list. Then the company needs approval from the Lord Chamberlain, the head of the Royal Household and Chairman of the Royal Household Tradesmen’s Warrants Committee. Royal Warrants are automatically reviewed by the Committee one year before every five year they are due to expire. 皇家认证代表这些商号不但供应产品或提供服务给英国女王、爱丁堡公爵和查尔斯王子(威尔士亲王)使 用,而且品质上亦获得他们的赞赏和肯定。目前全英约有 800 个商号获得“皇家认证”。 只有英女王、爱丁堡公爵和查尔斯王子有权颁发皇家认证。他们每人只能颁发一个认证给某个商家,但一 个商号却可以同时得到超过一个皇家认证。18 世纪末,英国皇家商人开始在他们的物业及文具上展示皇 家认证徽章,惟却是维多利亚女王让皇家认证的声誉发扬光大,流传至今。 一间公司要连续服务某位王室成员最少 5 年,才会进入授予认证考虑的队列。而即使某商号受到王室成员 再多的喜爱和赞扬,仍要得到主管皇家内廷的宫务大臣,亦即皇家商人认证委员会主席认可,该公司才能 获得认证。皇家认证每次在“5 年期限”到期前一年,委员会便会自动对其展开续期复检。


A Purely

Bespoke Linen Brand


Heirlooms is a purely bespoke linen brand that cannot be found in any retail store in the world except for the store in Britain. With about 30 years of experience in the industry it received its first Royal Warrant from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in January 2005 and the second one in January 2012 from The Prince of Wales Feathers. Heirlooms 是一家高级亚麻产品定制品牌,仅在英国设有店铺。凭借其在业界 30 多年 的经验,他们于 2005 年 1 月得到英女王伊丽莎白的皇家认证,而第二个皇家认证于 2012 年 1 月获得,来自查尔斯王子。

Family Owned Business Heirlooms is a family owned business that was founded in 1984 by Elizabeth Murray MBE. Elizabeth took up interest after her Great Aunt gifted her with a stunning collection of hand embroidered linens upon her return from a trip to China. In 2003, Heirlooms caught the attention of yet another family run business, Bridgwater Brothers Holdings. The family invested in the company leading to its continued growth.

Monaco Bed linens 摩洛哥床品系列

家族经营企业 1984 年由 Elizabeth Murray MBE 创立至今,Heirlooms 一直都是一个家族企业。Elizabeth 在收到她阿姨从中 国带回的一套精美的手工刺绣亚麻制品后,便对其产生极大的兴趣。 在 2003 年,Heirlooms 得 到 另 一 家 族 经 营 企 业 Bridgwater Brothers Holdings 的 青 睐。 他 们 的 投 资 使 Heirlooms 得到更大的持续发展。 40


Interview with Ruth Doulgas 与总经理访谈 M : MARQUESS 《爵》 R : Ruth Douglas 总经理

M : What makes Heirlooms different from other linen brands? R : Specialising in bespoke manufacturing, the company is constantly raising the bar on its own high standards. I am not aware of any company that can offer the breadth of products, creativity All our products are made bespoke – and excellence that Heirlooms does every day. We do our best to ensure our linens perfectly we do not currently hold stock of any of our items. complement the owner’s personality and tastes.

我们所有产品都是订制生产的, 目前我们没有任何预先制作好的存货。

M : Heirlooms 与其他的亚麻制品牌有何不同? R : 我们专门从事订制生产,并经常不断提高对自己的要求。我也不知道有其他公司能提供如我们一样天 天生产着别具创意和卓越品质的广泛产品。我们竭尽所能,保证我们的产品能完美 配合主人的个性与品味。

M : When Heirlooms first began your products were available at Fortnum & Mason, but now they can no longer be found in any retail store and also the company does not have branches, why is that? R : Indeed in the early history of Heirlooms our linens could only be found at Fortnum and Mason but as their business changed we decided that we would not seek to continue any retail presence of our brand. And although we have no plans for any retail presence at the moment, we do plan on expanding our manufacturing facility to further increase our capacity for production for both UK and international projects. M : Heirlooms 何时开始在 Fortnum & Mason 销售其产品, 但你们现在也不再在这些店内销售,为什么?

R : 的确,在公司早期我们有把产品投入到 Fortnum & Mason 进行销售,但当他们开始转型时,我们也决定不 在任何店面开展零售业务。虽然此刻我们仍旧没想开拓 零售市场,但我们打算扩大我们的生产设施,以 进一步提高我们生产英国和国际项目的能量。 Ruth Douglas

Solandge Interior design by Heirlooms 为 Solandge 室内设计提供精品

Whilst the quality of fabrics, creativeness of the team, uncompromising attention to detail are key, these are just some aspects of the company’s ethos and values. And we constantly strive to deliver the very best products to all our clients. 虽然织料的质量、团队的创造力和对细节的孜孜追求是关键,但这只是我们关注的 一些方面。我们不断努力,务求为我们的客户提供最好的产品。

M : Who are your major customers composed of? R : Our clients include interior designers, exclusive property developments, superyachts, select boutique hotels as well as a growing private client base and of course Royalty – UK and internationally. M : 你们的主要客户群是什么人呢? R : 我们的客人包括室内设计师、独家的房地产开发项目、豪华游艇、精品酒店和正在增长的私人客户, 以及英国和其他国家的皇室成员。

M : Where do you source your materials from? R : Majority of our fabrics are woven in Italy at the finest weave mills. The fabrics are brought to our manufacturing facility in West Sussex where we combine different jacquards, plains, piping and add additional embellishments to create the perfect sets for our clients. 42


M : 你们的原材料都是从哪里获得? R : 我们面料的大部分都是来自意大利 最好的编织厂。然后这些面料会被我们 送到西萨赛克斯郡的工厂,与不同的织 物、棉布等混合,并加上精美的装饰, 为我们的客户创造最理想的产品。

M : If a tourist would like to purchase your products how can they go about it? And how long would it take before they received their order? R : It is really very easy for a client to order and given that the majority of our clients are moving around on their yachts or have several homes we deliver worldwide. Prospective clients can email us through our website and following a brief consultation of their requirements we can design and create the linens they desire. Our standard lead time is six weeks.

M : 如果是游客,他们该如何购得你们的产品?需要花费多长时间可以取得订货? R : 我们很大一部分客户群是生活在豪华游艇上一刻不停歇或是在世界各地都有住所的,我们都能送达。 所以对游客来说也是很容易找到我们的产品的。有需要的顾客可以通过我们的网站向我们发送电子邮件, 我们会按照他们的要求,进行简单的问询,由此为他们设计他们想要的产品。一般需要的时间是 6 个星期。

M : What is your most popular product? R : Our most popular products are our bed linens which range from traditional designs to the ultra-modern. Our luxurious range of towels are also very popular and can be customised with personal logos or contrast bindings to create exciting styles. M : 你们最受欢迎的产品是哪一种呢? R : 我们最受欢迎的产品是我们的床上用品,其设计理念 既包含传统的设计也有超现代的设计。我们的豪华浴巾系列 也十分受欢迎,客户也可以定制带有其个人标识或是自订个人风 格的款式。 Heirlooms

Peacock style 孔雀样式

Address 地址:2 Arun Business Park, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO22 9SX Tel 电话 : +44(0) 12438202520 enquiries@heirlooms-linens.com All images © Heirlooms


© Ralph & Russo




















An Upscale Young Luxury Brand Thanks to Samantha Cameron, wife of UK's Prime Minister David Cameron, who gifted the Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan with a Sophie Hulme charcoal tote bag as souvenir during her last visit to Britain. This young British brand is trending as a must have wardrobe accessory among fashion fanatics.

当中国第一夫人彭丽媛去年到访英国时,英国首相戴维·卡梅伦的妻子萨曼莎·卡梅伦 挑选了 Sophie Hulme 的包包给她作为礼物,令到这年轻品牌迅速在时装潮人界流行 起来。 46



A Potent Force You might be wondering who is Sophie Hulme? And what is so outstanding about her handbag designs in comparison to other iconic British luxury brands, which contributed it to be chosen as a serious political gift? Well, there are several reasons for this. The brand was launched in 2008. And in 2012, Sophie Hulme received the British Fashion Award in the ‘Emerging Talent in Accessories' category. To top that up, the brand continues to be popularised by celebrities like Emma Watson, Kate Hudson and Carey Mulligan.

强势新生力量 或许您对谁是 Sophie Hulme 感到疑惑?她的包包有多出色,能从各个具标志性的英国奢华品牌中脱颖而出, 成为一份政治名人选中的礼物? 原来这个低调的品牌自 2008 年成立以来,已在名人圈子内悄然流行起来:艾玛·沃特森 、凯特·哈德森和凯瑞· 穆丽根均是它的追随者。此外,它在 2012 年更荣获英国时尚奖的“饰物品牌冒起新秀”奖项。

Left to right 由左至右 Carey Mulligan 凯瑞·穆丽根 © Reuters Emma Watson 艾玛·沃特森 © Reuters Kate Hudson 凯特·哈德森 © Wikimedia

'No Fuss' Fashion Albeit the fact that Sophie Hulme is a relatively new luxury brand, its quality and craftsmanship is as sophisticated as other well known historic brands like Mulberry and Burberry. Every handbag is made with saddlery leather and constructed in a clean silhouette, and a signature 24-carat gold plate is included in every design.

简约时尚设计 虽然 Sophie Hulme 是个年轻的奢 华品牌,但其包包的质量和工 艺跟其他传统的高级饰物品牌 同样精致。每个包包的设计简 约,由马鞍皮制造,并配上标 志性的 24K 金硬件。

SS16 collection is adorned with Swarovski beads 2016 春夏系列产品镶有施华洛世奇水晶 © Sophie Hulme

Embodiment of Childhood Memories For keen followers of the brand, the quirky details of the handbags are fun. Alluding to the designer's childhood obsession of collecting bracelet charms, a gold cast charm adorns each handbag, which accentuates the creativity and individuality of the brand. Also, in every season, a new charm such as gold whistle, dinosaurs and straws is added on the bag, making Sophie Hulme handbag an unique collectible item.

延续童年回忆 对于品牌的追随者,包包趣味盎然的细节透露了玄机。每个 Sophie Hulme 包均配有—个不同款式的金色匙扣,这是源于设计 师小时候收集手链链扣的习惯,并突显出品牌的创意和独特个 性。每一季的包包都附有一个新款的钥匙扣,例如金哨子、恐 龙和吸管,令每个包包更显独特而值得收藏。

Mini human figures and fruits are this season’s gold charms 今季推出的金色钥匙扣是迷你人偶和水果 © Sophie Hulme



SS16 : Back to 60's The brand's latest collection takes you back to the fantasy world of the 60's, inspired by the stage design of 'A Rakes Progress Opera' by contemporary artist David Hockney. Rich colour shades like fuchsia, french navy, aqua, nude and white have been selectively picked out to create a pool party vibe on the bags. Tiny Swarovski beads have been hand-sewn on the surface of the bag to add some sparkle, forming characters that appear to be sipping cocktails and roller-skating by the pool side. And materials like transparent aqua vinyl and canvas are also incorporated, elevating the texture of the bags. SOPHIE HULME

Tel 电话 : +44 (0) 20 3322 9846 Please browse the brand’s website for full list of stockist 请浏览品牌网站以参阅销售存货单 www.sophiehulme.com

春夏系列: 回复六十年代 品牌今季把大家带到 60 年代的梦幻花花世 界。灵感来自现代艺术家大卫·霍克尼 的《游子 历程》歌剧舞台设计,系列采用鲜艳色彩如樱红色 、法国宝蓝、海洋蓝、裸色和白色,令人联想到兴奋的 池边派对。包包手工镶上细致的施华洛世奇水晶,如在喝 鸡尾酒和玩轮滑的人物;采用崭新物料如透明树脂和帆布,亦 令包包的质料大为提升。 Canvas is incorporated as a new material 包包采用了帆布为新物料 © Sophie Hulme


Barrie The Legendary Scottish Cashmere 拓新传奇的 苏格兰开司米

Traditional tartan motifs were revitalised with punchy colours 品牌以抢眼的颜色活化传统的格子图案


Known in the fashion world for its traditional craftsmanship and expertise in weaving and stitching, Scottish knitwear manufacturer Barrie launched its ready-to-wear collections and continues to remain at the pinnacle of the premium cashmere industry. 以传统工艺和精湛技术在时装界享负盛名的苏格兰针织制造商 Barrie,现虽推出了成 衣系列,仍延续着品牌在优质开司米市场的领先地位。

Knitwear Manufacturer of Luxury Brands Do you still remember Chanel's signature two-tone cardigans? That is made by Barrie. The mill also supplies knitwear to other prestigious houses. The company has cut a niche for themselves as a distinctive cashmere brand which integrates over 100 years of traditions meshed with new contemporary motifs. The brand's AW15/16 series was their third collection since the factories acquisition by Chanel in 2012, with Lily Collins as the face and photographed by Karl Lagerfeld.

Enlighten any outfit with this intarsia scarf 这条色彩丰富的围巾能点亮任何服装

为知名品牌针织百载 还记得香奈儿的双色针织套装吗?这经典 服饰的制造商就是 Barrie。它亦为各知名 奢侈品牌生产针织衣物。品牌通过在百多 年的传统技艺上注入现代元素,摇身变 成别树一格的开司米牌子。

AW15/16 series showcased the details of countryside with 13 colours. 秋冬系列以 13 种颜色展示优美的郊外景色

2015/16 秋冬季的 Lookbook,是该工厂 在 2012 年被香奈儿收购后的第三個系 列,並由卡尔·拉格斐,人称老佛爷的 香奈儿艺术总监亲自拍摄、著名演员 莉莉·柯林斯当模特儿。


A Mixture of Cashmere’s Classics with Modern Allure Barrie's current Creative Director, Odile Massuger, who also works for Chanel's knitwear, has reinterpreted cashmere with unexpected creative twist. For instance, pairing sweatpants with sweaters in knitted floral motifs with 3D volumes. The remarkable handiwork involved in making the cashmere clothing is well demonstrated in their light-weight, super-sized ponchos, which feature hand-cut fringes that playfully whip your knees as you walk.

揉合针织经典与当代特色 品牌现时的创意总监 Odile Massuger,同时是香 奈儿针织设计部的创作一份子。他把开司米重 新演绎,加入令人意想不到的变化。例如,以 运动裤配衬具立体感的花卉图案针织上衣。此 外,它们轻盈大披肩上的流苏均由手工剪裁, 令你走动时能在膝上轻柔摆动。

Enveloped your body with these light-weight ponchos 这个寒冬,就以这件超轻披肩包裹身体保暖 Lily Collins dressed in oversized sweater with textural motif 莉莉·柯林斯展示配有立体装饰的毛衣


Romantic Story with Chanel Cashmere produced from water around Hawick of Scotland is of supreme quality, it is thus no surprise that the tweeds and cashmere fascinated Coco. This laid the foundation for the famous Chanel contrasttrim cashmere twin set as well as elicited the brand's partnership with Barrie.


The maunfacturing process is extremely meticulous 衣物制作过程十分精密

以苏格兰霍伊克地区水源生产的开司米拥有 上乘的品质,因此当地生产的斜纹软呢和开 司米服装,均引起了香奈儿的兴趣。这为后 来香奈儿的著名双色开司米套装奠下根基, 同时亦成就了它跟 Barrie 的合作关系。

A Distinctive Historical Brand Barrie Knitwear was established in the Scottish Borders in 1903 and is renowned for its outstanding traditional expertise as a historic manufacturer of premium cashmere. All of its products are manufactured by skilled locals at their factory in Hawich. Unless exposed to a lot of friction, the luxurious knitwear fibres are extremely durable and do not easily pill, bobble or thin.

满载历史的独特品牌 Barrie 针织于 1903 年在苏格兰边境成立,多 年来一直均保持出色的传统工艺,是家极具 历史传统的优质开司米制造商。所有产品由 当地员工在霍伊克的工场制作。除非经常在 穿着过程中磨擦衣物,否则它们的精致毛衣 极度耐穿,不会轻易变薄或起毛球

The House of Barrie

Address 地址:47 Burlington Arcade, London W1J 0ET Tel 电话 : +44 (0) 20 7493 0749 Opening hours 开放时间: Mon – Sun 11am – 7pm www.barrie.com All Images © Barrie

Barrie is the manufacturer of Chanel knitwear 品牌过往是香奈儿的针织服制造商


Roja Parfums Mastering the Art of Bespoke Fragrance 调制独特香水 的专门艺术

Perfumer Roja Dove experimenting with scents 香水专家在调制香水


Haute Parfumerie is a term coined by perfumer Roja Dove, when he opened his sensory haven The Roja Dove Haute Parfumerie on the 6th floor of Harrods. How wonderful would it be to create your exclusive scent using fragrances designed by the world's most celebrated perfumery master? 当香水专家 Roja Dove 在哈洛德百货创立其奢侈香水品牌,他提升了高级香水的领 域。试想想,假如您能够以世上最精致和名贵的香水原料,创制出只属于自己个性 的香气,并让亲密的情人能够从您的幽香欣赏到特有的个性与品味,会是多么惬意 而浪漫 ?

Discover Your Scent Roja Parfums possesses a unique methodology that allows clients to find a language that best expresses their own olfactory signature. You get a chance to select and compare different ingredients and style of fragrances, choosing from the world's finest natural raw materials regardless of cost. Like Ambergris, Rose de Mai, and Jasmine de Grasse. For example, one kilogram of rose oil can only be extracted from 300,000 of fresh Rose buds in May every year in France, and each bud has to be picked before noon.

揭示个人的芳香 高级香水专门店 Roja Parfums 尤为订制个性香水人士所需而设。顾 Sweetie Aoud Floral Fragrance 客可通过其专利 Odour Profiling© 技术,比较和筛选各种原材料和香水风 花香香水系列 50 ml £395 格,最终调配出属于自己的香气。品牌在调制香水过程中所用的原材料不计成 本,只挑最稀有和最优质的,例如龙涎香、法国玫瑰花和格拉斯茉莉花。单单是一千 克的玫瑰花油就需要從 30 万朵鲜玫瑰花蕾中提取,而且这些玫瑰花蕾只能在法国每年 5 月、每天中午前 采摘得来。

Haute Luxe Collection You may opt to try the brand's signature collection. The Haute Luxe Collection is a masterpiece that captures the favourite scents of founder Roja Dove, evoking a constellation of warm, spicy, rich and powdery sensation. Only produced in limited small quantity each year, this coveted fragrance guarantees an understated elegance.

极致招牌香水系列 除了订制香水外,您亦可以选购品牌的标志产品。它蕴 藏品牌创办人 Roja Dove 最喜爱的香气,散发出暖人、辛 辣、醇厚和轻盈的感觉。这系列每年只作小量生产,定 能满足您鼻蕾对极致香水的探索。 Haute Luxe Collection 极致招牌香水系列 100 ml £2,500

Roja Parfums Boutique

Address 地址:51 Burlington Arcade, London W1J 0QJ Tel 电话 : +44 (0) 20 7629 2510 Opening hours 开放时间 : Mon – Sat 11am – 7pm; Sun 12 pm – 6pm www.rojaparfums.com All images © Roja Parfums




Prosperity Salad 宏图沙拉



chinese new year at 在


欢宴中国新年 Learning about Chinese food culture is the best way to appreciate the Chinese way of life. Michelin-star Restaurant HKK's Chinese New Year Menu offers you a chance to discover the traditional practices carried out during the celebrations as you also familiarize yourself with the history behind each dish. Note that table etiquette plays a significant role in the Chinese culture. 了解中国的饮食文化,是认识、欣赏中国文化的最好 方法。HKK 特别推出的农历新年餐单,给您一个机 会去探索中华传统文化习俗及其庆祝背后的历史,并 了解每道菜品的寓意。唯须注意,餐桌礼仪是中华文 化中不可轻忽的一部分。


Interior of HKK 店内装潢

Chinese New Year's Menu HKK encourages its guests to participate in the traditional dining rituals as it celebrates the biggest festival in the Chinese calendar. Here is a tradition you need to know before you try the Prosperity Salad. There is a Chinese ritual that involves the entire family tossing the salad as high as possible using their chopsticks, as a way of symbolising well being and success for the year ahead. Two soups feature on the menu and present another story. Yin and Yang is a significant ideology in Chinese culture which represents the necessity for complete balance. HKK's two soups dish showcases this philosophy.

农历新年菜单 HKK 鼓励食客们以进食传统的中餐,作为参 与欢庆农历新春这项年度盛事。 在品尝宏图沙拉的时候需了解它的传 统,要求吃饭时全家人用筷子搅拌 沙拉,把沙拉中的材料堆得越高越 好,寓意来年步步高升。 餐单中的汤品展示的又是另一 个故事。阴与阳是代表中华文 化和谐之道最为世人所熟知的 思想,两道汤品正好体现这 种哲学理念。 Chinese New Year’s Menu

Price 价格:£88 / per person 每位 Date 日期 : 25.1.2016 – 20.2.2016

Supreme crab meat kumquat soup and vegetarian shark fin soup 大吉大利

HKK is one of the most popular Chinese restaurants in the city and is run by the HAKKASAN group. While working as the Head Chef at London's HAKKASAN restaurant, Tong Chee Hwee received one Michelin star in just a year of running the kitchen. Two other restaurants – HKK and Yauatcha were also opened under Tong's watchful eye, and his successful track record led to his appointment as the Executive Head Chef for the HAKKASAN group in 2010. Despite the global expansion of the restaurant group, Tong continues to serve as the Head Chef of HKK. The fine dining restaurant which opened in 2012 in Shoreditch remains distinctive from the rest of the HAKKASAN restaurants. HKK 是时下伦敦最著名的高级中餐馆 之一,也是 HAKKASAN 集团旗下的一 间餐厅。餐厅行政总厨唐志威曾担任 伦敦 HAKKASAN 餐厅的主厨,并在短 短一年内就获得了米其林一星的肯定。 2010 年,他成为 HAKKASAN 饮食集团 的行政总厨,并接续打造另外两间餐厅 HKK 与 Yauatcha。 尽管集团是名声在外的全球连锁餐厅, 唐志威仍旧常驻于坐落肖尔迪奇区在 2012 年开业的独特 HKK 内担任主厨。


HAKKASAN Group & Tong Chee Hwee Chef Tong Chee Hwee found his interest in cooking at a very young age. After working for 14 years at Happy Valley Singapore under chef Cheng Hon Chau, Tong was discovered by UK-based entrepreneur and restaurateur Alan Yau. Yau invited Tong to open his new luxury dining venture in London. And that was the beginning of HAKKASAN. Now HAKKASAN Group has 11 HAKKASAN restaurants around the world located in the United States, Europe, Middle East and Shanghai; alongside 6 Yauatcha restaurants globally and one HKK restaurant in London.

HAKKASAN 餐厅集团与唐志威 唐志威从小就对烹饪产生极大兴趣。打从任职新加坡 Happy Valley 在名厨 Cheng Hon Chau 手下工作了 14 年,唐志威被常住英国的饮食业投资者丘德威发掘出来。丘德威邀请唐志威到英国伦敦发展他投资 的高级餐饮业,这就是 HAKKASAN 饮食集团的开始。如今的 HAKKASAN 饮食集团在全球拥有 11 家 HAKKASAN 分店,遍布于美国、欧洲、中东与上海,还有 6 家唐茶苑和坐落于伦敦的 HKK。

M : MARQUESS 《爵》 T : Tong Chee Hwee, Head Chef of HKK 主厨 M : What makes HKK unique as compared to other Chinese restaurants? T : HKK is similar to a French fine dining restaurant with impeccable service. What makes us unique is that we only offer a tasting menu for dinner service, something most of the other Chinese restaurants do not offer. The menu changes frequently using a combination of ingredients and cooking techniques to create a contemporary tasting menu, taking guests through a journey of learning what Chinese food is about. M : 与其他中餐馆相比,HKK 有何独到之处? T : 我们在服务上可能更接近于法国高级餐厅的理念,与其他中餐馆之别,是 我们的晚餐只提供精选餐单而不是一个个点菜。我们的菜单时常更新, 采用不同的原料与创新的烹饪手法打造当代的新派餐单,让客人 真真切切地体会一次中式美食之旅。

M : You have created special Chinese New Year menus for all three restaurants – how are they different and what are you most proud of? T : I am proud of all of them and it is interesting how different the menus are. We have designed a global menu for all HAKKASAN restaurants worldwide. We have kept HAKKASAN's contemporary style with a combination of authentic Chinese New Year cuisine ingredients. For HKK we have designed a tasting menu surrounding the heritage of Chinese New Year and each dish is expected to bring luck to the guest.

Tong Chee Hwee 唐志威

Si Chuan mala lamb 三阳开泰

M : 您为 HAKKASAN 旗下三间中餐馆都设计了农历新年餐单,它们之间有何不同,这次的设计中有什么 令您特别自豪的?

T : 三个餐单都让我引以为傲,其中的不同、独到之处也是十分吸引人的。就 HAKKASAN 而言,我们设 计的餐单是面向世界各地的食客的,在世界各地的分店均有提供。HAKKASAN 的新春餐单秉承了其一贯 特色,在当代菜式中加入了农历新年菜材料的元素。HKK 的设计则更偏向于围绕农历新年传统,每道菜 也让食客了解背后的寓意,并感受到新年祝福。

M : What is the inspiration behind your Chinese New Year Menus? What dishes would you recommend to our readers? T : 2016 is the Year of Monkey, and we create our Chinese New Year Menus based on our customers' needs for HAKKASAN, Yauatcha and HKK. I considered the history of Chinese New Year and the authentic ingredients used to make the traditional dishes before deciding on how I was going to recreate the meals and make them suitable for HAKKASAN, Yauatcha and HKK. I would recommend the Chinese New Year menus at all of our restaurants to both our loyal and new customers. They are all very different and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed. M : 您设计的农历新年菜单灵感来自什么?对于像我们一些来自不同地方的读者来说,您有什么特别推 荐? T : 2016 年是猴年,我们的菜单设计也是为了给三间餐馆各自的顾客提供更佳服务。我总喜欢到一些公共 场所或是公园,或是走进大自然,这些地方都是我的灵感来源。在设计的时候,我总是优先考虑农历新年 背后的历史意义,这些传统菜品是怎么制作的,我在 HAKKASAN 集团旗下的几家餐厅又该如何分别重现, 并迎合新派口味。HAKKASAN、Yauatcha 和 HKK 三家餐厅的新春菜单各有特色,哪一家都不会让您失望 的。



Lobster Noodles in a sweet and spicy XO sauce 龙王鲜煲

M : What are the main differences between HAKKASAN, HKK and Yauatcha? T : HAKKASAN is a modern interpretation of Cantonese cuisine and is different from your standard fine dining concept – it gives the guests a whole experience through all of their senses. Whereas Yauatcha is an all-day dim sum teahouse with the menu focusing on dim sum and Chinese tea and cocktails. HKK is a completely unique Chinese fine dining restaurant and our most luxury of the three. The menu changes frequently using diverse ingredients, styles and cooking techniques not normally found in traditional Chinese cuisine. M : HAKKASAN、HKK 和 Yauatcha 这三间餐厅之间主要分别是什么? T : HAKKASAN 是一家现代演绎的粤菜餐馆,不同于普通的高级餐饮的概念,他为食客提供一次焕然不 同的味蕾体验。而 Yauatcha 是一家全天候供应点心的茶楼,其餐单更注重于精巧点心、中式茗茶和鸡尾酒。 HKK 则是一家独一无二的中式高级餐厅,也是三家之中最为豪华的,其餐单更新频率高,采用一些不常 见于传统中式菜肴的原料和烹饪手法,提供创新的中餐。

M : What are the signature dishes in HKK & HAKKASAN? T : Cherry Wood Roasted Duck is the signature dish for HKK. For HAKKASAN, Silver Cod with Champagne is our signature dish. M : 能介绍一下餐厅的招牌名菜吗? T : HKK 的招牌菜式是樱桃木烤鸭,而 HAKKASAN 的招牌菜是香槟银鳕鱼。 HKK

Address 地址:88 Worship Street, Broadgate Quarter, London EC2A 2BE Tel 电话 : +44(0)20 3535 1888 Opening hours 开放时间: Lunch 午餐 Mon – Fri 12:00pm – 2:30pm Sat 12:00pm – 4:00pm Dinner 晚饭 Mon – Sat 6:00pm – 9:45pm www.hkklondon.com All images © HKK


Inside Michelin-Starred Petrus With

Head Chef Neil Snowball




Petrus is a stylish modern French cuisine Michelin-starred restaurant located in the heart of Belgravia. When you step into the restaurant the interior may look quite familiar. Well, this is because it is one of the restaurants run by the Gordon Ramsay Group. The designers who worked on other Ramsay establishments also designed the interior of Petrus. And it is Ramsay's second restaurant after Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in Chelsea. The name came from Ramsay's favourite French wine Pétrus. Petrus 是坐落于伦敦 Belgravia 中心地带的一家米 其林星级餐厅,致力于为客人提供精致的法国 美食。步入餐厅的时候,您或许会觉得装潢有 点熟悉。这是因为 Petrus 是 Gordon Ramsay 集团 旗下餐厅之一。餐厅的设计师也曾负责 Gordon Ramsay 的装潢。这也是名厨 Ramsay 在切尔西区 开设的第二家餐厅。而餐厅的名字来自他最爱 的法国葡萄酒 Pétrus。

Royal Estate venison loin, celeriac fondant and Cavolo Nero 皇家鹿里脊伴芹菜根与黑甘蓝

Interior of Petrus 店内装潢

Neil Snowball displaying his dish 主厨细心铺排菜式

Trained From Gordon Ramsay Group Before Neil Snowball became the Head Chef of Petrus, he worked at two other Gordon Ramsay restaurants specifically in Chelsea and Claridge's. With extensive training in fine dining from the Gordon Ramsay Group he gathered invaluable experience that made him the excellent choice to run this kitchen. According to Neil, working in a Michelin-starred restaurant is not easy. He describes the feeling as “great pressure but with a lot of excitement”. Making mistakes in the kitchen is just as important as your success, “mistakes are part of the evolution of a chef ”. Neil goes on to add that his errors have enabled him to be better and allowed him to improve on his creativity.

Ramsay 餐厅集团受训成长 Petrus 主 厨 Neil Snowball 曾 在 Ramsay 旗 下 餐 厅 工 作, 包 括 Restaurant Gordon Ramsay 以及 Gordon Ramsay at Claridge's,因此 他对这一餐饮集团的理念有一定了解与认识。而他曾在其他高 级餐饮工作的丰富经历,也给他担任米其林餐厅主厨带来很宝 贵的经验。 我们采访时,Neil 承认,在米其林星级餐厅工作并 不是一件容易的事情,其中压力巨大,但也伴 随着许多令人激动的喜悦。对他来说,这更 是一种学习。在厨房中犯错误与成功创造 一道好菜同样重要。“错误是造就厨师成 长、发展的一部分”,这些得来不易的犯 错经验,也让他更加专注,不断在创新上 改进。 68


Discovery on Passion for Cooking Neil discovered his love for cooking in a very strange way. “I fell in love with the idea of spending my time in the kitchen cooking while I was working as a kitchen porter.” And so, he turned his back on a promising career in graphics to discover a newly found passion for cooking. Neil confesses that when he started working at Petrus he faced some difficulties but despite that, he explains that it was necessary as it helped him learn new things such as the commercial aspect involved in running a restaurant. 01

忽发对烹饪的热爱 Neil 在发现自己对烹饪的热爱的过程也很奇特。他说,他是在以前 为房租打工时,作为洗锅清洁人员而突然爱上烹饪的。在发现了这 个突如其来的热爱之后,他放弃了本来在图像设计方面很有前途的 一份事业。 在 Petrus 工作初期曾遇过些困难,但他也承认,这给了他一个机会 认识一些新知识,如营运一间餐厅须兼顾商业方面的考虑。 Petrus

Address 地址:1 Kinnerton Street, London SW1X 8EA Tel:+44(0)207 592 1609 Opening hours 开放时间: Lunch 午餐 Mon – Sat 12:00pm – 2:30pm Dinner 晚饭 Mon – Sat 6:30pm – 10:30pm www.gordonramsayrestaurants.com/petrus


Valentine’s Day Menu


Nothing could be better than enjoying a nice French meal on Valentine's Day. Petrus offers you a ninecourse menu to create the perfect romantic date night. For dessert you and your valentine can share the rich and moist “Black Forest” cake with kirsch mousse and cherry sorbet.

还有什么会比一次精致的法国大餐更 适合情人节的呢? Petrus 特别推出九 道菜情人节餐单,为您打造浪漫约会 之夜。情侣俩共同品尝诱人的黑森林 蛋糕或是樱桃慕斯,甜入心扉的美点, 定会让您和爱人更感亲近。

Price 价格:£135/per person 每位 Date : 13.February 2016 – 15.February 2016



Grilled Scottish Lobster with Black Truffle Artichoke and Girolles 苏格兰烤龙虾配黑松露朝 鲜蓟和鸡油菌通心粉


Gariguette Strawberried 皇家草莓甜品


Petrus dessert 招牌甜点 All images © Petrus


© DUKES London


茗茶与 佳酿相汇


Revival of Mixing Tea with Spirits

独特的多层次味蕾感受 The rebirth of a traditional practice of mixing tea and spirits in the world of luxury. London-based rare tea specialist Benjamin & Blum has collaborated with Scottish Royal Warrant holder Kinloch Anderson to launch a special gift set – in celebration of the Chinese New Year. 茗茶与特级佳酿混合的传统在上层社会又再流行起来。在这个农历新年,伦敦茗茶 品牌 Benjamin & Blum 更与苏格兰皇家认证品牌金安德森合作推出特别版礼盒套装。

© Kinloch Anderson

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Popularising a Tea Drinking Tradition In an exclusive interview with MARQUESS, Paul Benjamin, Managing Director of Benjamin & Blum, explained his decision to venture into the art of mixing rare teas with fine spirits. “ Although small bars in Japan and China have been offering such drinks over the past couple of years, I wanted to add a new twist to the trend by taking it to a luxurious level.” The Master Blender’s Collection comprises of two gold-plated decanters of Benjamin & Blum's White Peony tea and Connoisseur’s Oolong tea, married with one decanter of Kinloch Anderson, a 25-year-old Scotch whisky. A combination of the finest whiskies blended with rare teas will definitely excite both spirit and tea lovers alike.

Paul Benjamin advised customers to smell the aroma of the tea before drinking 白济民建议顾客在享用茗茶前先用鼻蕾感受香气

茗茶传统普及化 Benjamin & Blum 行 政 总 裁 白 济 民 在 与 《爵》的独家访问中,分享他如何矢志推 广茗茶混合特级佳酿的艺术。他表示:“虽 然在日本和中国的酒吧这几年也有提供类 似的饮品,但我希望在这潮流中渗入奢华 的新元素。” The Master Blender’s Collection 系 列, 包 括 两 瓶 Benjamin & Blum 熨金瓶装白牡丹茶和品赏 家乌龙茶,以及一瓶金安德森 25 年苏格兰威士忌。 这种高级陈年威士忌和稀有茗茶的配搭,定能令众多佳 酿和茗茶爱好者趋之若鹜。

The Master Blender’s Collection


A Meticulous Production The making of this tea was as a result of repeated experimentation. Paul selected White Peony tea grown from high altitude landscape in Darjeeling and the Connoisseur’s Oolong, which is grown using the most fertile soil in New Zealand, matching both of them with the finest cognac and whisky respectively. The tea is harvested in small batches and is brewed in England using ultra-pure Scottish spring water from the Balmoral Castle area – even Queen Victoria drank the water at this Royal Residence! A touch of English starflower honey and a drop of orange from Valencia are then added to harmonise with the finest spirits to create the final product.

精密的产制过程 这系列茗茶是经过反复实验后所得出的选择。白济民挑选 了生长在高纬度、来自大吉岭的花茶,以及在新西兰最肥 沃土地生长的乌龙茶,分别配搭上乘的干邑和威士忌。 其所选择茶叶均为少量收成的精品,然后运到英国以极纯 净的苏格兰泉水冲泡。泉水来自巴尔莫勒尔城堡一带,就 连维多利亚女王也饮用過这个皇家别墅的自来水!冲泡后 的茗茶再加入少量的向日葵蜜糖和一滴来自瓦伦西亚的柳 橙果汁,更能提升与佳酿的融合度。

Best Way to Enjoy your 'Cuppa' Paul offers his tips on how you should take your tea and spirits together. “First, lightly chill the bottle of tea in the fridge or an ice bucket. The tea should not be too cold, because the flavours and aromas are best appreciated at about the same temperature as wine. Afterwards, add the tea to the spirit in a 50/50 ratio. Take a sip and feel the flavours and gentle sweetness of the tea balancing the richness of the whisky or cognac.”

享受香茶的最佳方法 他为读者提供一些赏茶小秘诀:“首先,把装茶的瓶子放 入冰箱或冰桶内一会儿。茶不可以太冷,因为当茶的温 度跟佳酿一致时,它的味道跟香气是最佳的。然后,用 50/50 的比例,把茗茶加到佳酿内。浅尝一口,感受茶内 温和的甜味如何与威士忌或干邑的醇厚平衡。” Each bottle of tea is sealed in a French-made decanter with crystal stopper 每瓶茗茶都以水晶塞子密封在法国制造的瓶内

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Inheriting the Family Business Paul Benjamin's family is known for its rich history as purveyors of excellent food and drink in Europe, dating back to the early 20th century. His great grandfathers – Marcus Benjamin traded the finest delicacies in Berlin, whereas Friedrich Blum supplied of luxury tea leaves to cafes in Vienna. Both of them pioneered the family owned business.

All the tea was brewed with ultra-pure Scottish spring water 所有茗茶均采用极纯净的苏格兰泉水冲泡

Links with the Royal Family It is believed that back in 1860s, Queen Victoria enjoyed the exciting flavour of tea mixed with spirits. A blend introduced to her by one of her Scottish staff John Brown when she was in mourning after the death of her husband Prince Albert. The current trend of mixing tea and spirits can also be regarded as a transformation of the Scottish 'Hot Toddy', a traditional drink that contains spirits, honey and herbs.

“I knew I wanted to revive the family business when I was a child,” Paul said. Therefore, he studied and practised professional lawyer for nine years, gained some international experience before launching Benjamin & Blum. This enabled him to position the brand as a specialist of finest food and drink.

家族生意的传承 白 济 民 的 曾 祖,Marcus Benjamin 和 Friedrich Blum 在 20 世纪早期分别是柏林精致饮食的 承办商及维也纳茶室优质茶叶的供应商。他 说 “我自小已经想把这个家族传统发扬光 大。”因此,他在成立 Benjamin & Blum 之前, 特地修读并任取执业律师达 9 年,目的就是 要扩大国际视野,并启发他把品牌定位为优 质食品和饮料的先驱。 Benjamin & Blum

For any purchase, please visit the online shopping site 请到访品牌网站选购产品 www.benjaminandblum.com

与皇室的连系 相传在 1860 年代,维多利亚女王已开始欣赏茗茶与佳酿混合的独特风味。她当时的苏格兰员工约翰·布朗 向她介绍了这种混饮方式,以舒缓她对离世丈夫阿尔伯特亲王的思念。而今茗茶混佳酿的潮流复苏,则可 追溯到苏格兰的传统特饮 'Hot Toddy' 的演变,是一种以苏格兰威士忌为基酒,调入香料与柠檬汁、 蜂蜜 的饮料。 All images © Benjamin & Blum 75

Circle of Cornelis Ketel, 1548 风格主义画家科内利斯·克特尔于 1548 年的绅士肖像画


The Annual Praise of Art 年度艺术礼赞 Located in the heart of Chelsea, BADA Fair is a must-visit event for lovers of the British culture. Synonymous with quality and luxury, it attracts an international audience of experienced collectors and first-time buyers. As the only Fair exclusive to members of the British Antique Dealers’ Association, it showcases treasures from a total of 97 exhibitors. 座落于奢华的切尔西心脏地带,BADA 古董与艺术博览会绝对是热爱英国文物者的 " 天堂 "。展内的古董与艺术品皆是高品质与华贵的象徵,因此年年吸引来自世界各 国的收藏家。作为唯一一个仅接受英国古董经销商协会会员参展的艺术博览会,今 年更聚集了高达 97 个参展商的珍品提供选购。


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新旧交融的鉴赏品味 01 Disc by Peter Beard, 40cm high, 2015 陶瓷家彼得 · 毕尔得于 2015 年的陶瓷作品”圆盘“

BADA 古董与艺术博览会将古董展品与现代艺 术相互融合,不同风格与时期相结合的展出 方式,能让收藏家与新入行买家均获得充分 灵感。 随着协会会员的限制改变,现今展上也增加 了许多当代艺术品。你可以看到由 Jonathan Cooper 艺 廊 展 出 英 国 艺 术 家 Susan Angharad Williams 的 静 物 画 作, 由 Signed + Designed 艺廊展出的英国当代艺术作品,以及陶艺家 Peter Beard 的精巧陶瓷作品。

02 Draped Reclining Figure by Henry Moore, 1956, Bronze 由雕塑家亨利·摩尔制作的青铜雕塑作品 ”穿衣的斜倚女人 “

Mixing Old and New At BADA Fair, antique pieces are positioned together with modern ones, or placed within contemporary settings. The combination of different styles and periods on display can be a source of inspiration to collectors and newcomers. Contemporary and modern pieces have recently had an increased presence at the Fair. You can check out Jonathan Cooper who will stage a solo exhibition of still-life works by Susan Angharad Williams. Or the display at Signed + Designed for more contemporary British work like the delicate porcelain sculptures by Peter Beard. Speaking of modern pieces, Beaux Arts will stage important examples of British sculpture including a Henry Moore ‘Draped Reclining Figure’ dating from 1956. Anthea A G Antiques, specialists in gem set jewellery, will also display mid-century items. A key piece will be a pair of signed Van Cleef and Arpels sapphire and diamond hoop earrings from c. 1960-70.

现代艺术作品则有 Beaux Arts 艺廊推出的现代 主义雕塑家 Henry Moore 于 1956 年的代表作: 「穿衣的斜倚女人」。珠宝收藏专家 Anthea A G Antiques 也会展出中世纪时期的珠宝作品, 其中受瞩目的珍品便是来自 1960-70 年代间的 Van Cleef and Arpels 蓝宝石与钻石相缀环形耳 环。 古董珍品将售得六位数英镑的总价,吸引着 收藏行家与追求绝世珍品的买手。Godson & Coles 将展出摄政时期的精美扶手椅,而 Guy Peppiatt Fine Art 也会展出描绘英国 19 世纪的 风景水彩画。

03 The Theatre of Xanthus by William James Müller, 1843 由画家威廉·詹姆斯·马勒于 1843 年 所绘的 ”桑索斯的剧院“

Traditional items continue to fetch six figure sums at BADA Fair, appealing both to connoisseurs and those seeking a statement piece. Godson & Coles will showcase an impressive Regency period armchair in the manner of George Smith, whereas Guy Peppiatt Fine Art will display fine English watercolours depicting landscapes in Britain and further afield. 04 An Exceptional Regency Period carved, bronzed and gilded armchair in the manner of George Smith, English, circa 1805 稀有的摄政时期雕刻青铜制镀金扶手椅,由橱柜制造商乔治·史密斯出品

Leading Antique Dealers Trade Association The British Antique Dealers’ Association (BADA) was founded in 1918 in London with the aim of establishing and maintaining confidence between its members and the public. As the trade association for the leading antique dealers, BADA has set the standard for trading in the antique business and organises its own annual art fair. They also ensure that the quality of art work is maintained at other fairs.

领先的古董与艺术品经销商组织 英国古董经销商协会成立于 1918 年,会员皆是英国领先的古董与艺术品经销商。协会自成立以来便对古 董买卖设下严谨的标准,除每年主办 BADA 古董与艺术博览会外,更协助确保其他古董艺术展的展品品 质,其目标便是建立并维持买家与卖家之间的相互信任。 05 19th Century Coromandel, Satinwood and New Zealand Honeysuckle Banded Folio Stand 产于 19 世纪的印度乌木丶缎木与新西兰金银花缎饰合制而成的可折式厨架 06 Rare George II Period Carved Mahogany Four-Door Breakfront Secretaire Bookcase 稀有的佐治二世时期雕刻桃花心木四门断层式书柜书桌组合



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BADA members are elected to the Association based off their high business standards and expertise. They are expected to conform to the By-laws of the Association. For example, if there is a mistake in the description of an item, a BADA dealer will be compelled to make a full refund of the purchase. Therefore you can safely buy items with the knowledge that you shall get what you paid for. Members pride themselves on their reputation as dealers with integrity, vast knowledge about their art and the high quality of their stock. It is for this reason that both experienced collectors and first–time buyers can have confidence when buying from, or selling to a member of BADA. 要成为英国古董经销商协会会员必 须通过严格的审查程序,因此只有 良好信誉的高水平专业经销商才有资 格加入。会员皆需遵守协会的规定章 则,若是展品描述与展品本身稍 有不符,则该经销商必须提供 全额退款。因此在 BADA 古董 与艺术博览会选购珍品是相当 安心的,经销商也都会严谨遵 守协会的规定。


此外,展内所有的参展商都是 古董与艺术界中极具声望的经销 商,除了提供高品质的珍品,更具 备专业的收藏知识与操守。因此不论 是经验丰富的收藏家,或是首次参与 的购买者,都可以百分百放心进行交 易买卖。 07 William Moorcroft Moonlit Blue Ginger Jar, 6” high, circa 1924 陶艺家威廉·穆尔克罗夫特约于 1924 年制作的 月光蓝姜罐 08 Japanese bronze rooster, looking at a small toad, on a gnarled wood base, signed Noriaki, Meiji Period 来自日本明治时期的寻找蟾蜍的青铜 制公鸡,签有艺术家石田美明,青铜 雕像置于木制基座上 All Images © BADA Fair 08


Venue 地址:The Duke of York Square, Chelsea, London SW3 Date 预订:9.3.2016 – 15.3.2016 Admission Fee 入场费:£10 for a single ticket, £15 for a double, both include a copy of the BADA Handbook and a re-entry voucher 单人票价 10 镑,双人票价 15 镑。所有门票均包含一份 BADA 手册和每人一份的再 次入场门票 www.badafair.com



Perfect Wardrobe 打包在行李箱的



packed in a trunk

lifestyle 生活品味

Whether you are in London for business or pleasure, you want to look your best when staying in a city where fashion trends and styles are born. In a partnership with Hackett, Dukes London is providing their guests with an exclusive personal shopping experience. 无论是来伦敦公干还是旅游,在这个讲求时尚潮流与个人风格的现代城市,每个人 都想展示出自己最好的一面。DUKES London 与 Hackett 合作为顾客提供独特的专人 购物个别服务。

Want to try out clothes from Hackett's latest collection? How splendid would it be to have a range of classic bespoke clothing pre-selected for you to wear to your early morning business meetings, dinner events or even to a date? DUKES London offers you an opportunity to have an exclusive personal shopping experience. Once you have booked your room at DUKES London, you will be requested to share your clothing sizes with Hackett. Hackett Menswear stylists will then create the perfect bespoke wardrobe that best complements your style. Upon your arrival to the hotel you will find a special Globe Trotter trunk packed with luxury Hackett clothing awaiting you in your room. So you do not need to pack any clothes for this trip or waste your time hopping from one store to another shopping, because the clothes personally picked out for you by your personal shopper will be directly billed to your account at the end of your stay. This would allow you to check out from the hotel with your favourite items from the Globe Trotter trunk of luxury.

想尝试 Hackett 的最新服饰吗? 如果能从为您量身定制的服装中选择出最适合出席会议、晚宴活动甚至是浪 漫约会的衣服,该有多么好呢? DUKES London 给您带来专人购物的独特个人服务体验。一旦您在 DUKES London 预订好房间,工作人员将会向您问询您的衣服尺寸。Hackett 的男装 时装造型师将会为您准备一身完美的衣橱搭配,来呈现您的个人风格。 当您抵达酒店,一个装满 Hackett 奢华衣物的 Globe Trotter 特别 旅行箱,将会在房间等待着您的发现。 因此,不需要再为这趟旅行辛苦准备行装,或是到处奔 波去购买衣服。您可试穿这些专门为您量身挑选的服 饰,当您离开酒店退房的时候,只需要从行李箱中挑 出您特别喜欢的单品,购下便可带回家。

DUKES London

Address 地址:St. James’s Place London SW1A 1NY Booking 预订:+44 (0) 207 491 4840 Price 费用:£305 / per night 每晚 www.dukeshotel.com All Images © DUKES London © Hackett London © Small Luxury Hotels of the World

Š Visit Britain


Downton Abbey Location Visit :

Highclere Castle 游访唐顿庄园取景地 :


travel and leisure 闲游遣兴

The Christmas Special was the final episode of the award winning television series Downton Abbey. But for fans, the lives of those upstairs - the Crawley family and those downstairs - their servants, will never be forgotten. As the location of this hit series, Highclere Castle in North Hampshire has opened its doors and awaits you to go in and explore. 备受追捧的得奖电视连续剧《唐顿庄园》在圣诞 特别集迎来了最终大结局,但对于 粉丝们来说,楼上考利家族与楼下仆人之间的生活点滴却是无法让人忘怀的。位于 北汉普郡的海克利尔城堡是这部剧集的取景地,静候着四方来客前来探访。

Castle and garden 庄园一隅古堡与花园

Highclere Castle is unrelieved and no matter how much the outside world has changed, this Victorian house has remained the same over the years. Did you know that the author of Downton Abbey is an old friend of the family who owns the castle? And the castle was his source of inspiration to create the show? Well, now you know. Just as in reality, the castle was used as a hospital in the series, receiving the wounded during the First World War. You probably find it hard to accept that the show has come to an end, so why not visit the castle and create your own Downton Abbey story? 海克利尔城堡在剧迷心中是无可取代的。无论外面世界如何沧海桑田,这座维多利亚式大宅却始终屹立不 倒。您可知道,《唐顿庄园》的作者是城堡所属家族的老朋友,城堡正是他创造的这个故事的灵感来源。 正如在现实中发生那般,剧中大宅成为接受一战伤员的临时医院。或许您还不愿接受《唐顿庄园》的结束, 何不亲临现场,构想属于您的英国贵族生活,创作您自己的《唐顿庄园》故事?


2.Main Staircases 1.The Saloon 大厅 The Saloon is physically and socially the heart of the house. 是城堡地理位置上的中心,也是社交场所 的中心。

主楼梯 Tw o m a i n s t a i r c a s e s were and are used by the family and their guests. 无论主人还是客人都必须 经过的楼梯上楼。

3.Entrance Hall 门廊 The Entrance Hall to Highclere Castle, designed by George Gilbert Scott. 海克利尔城堡的门廊,由 George Gilbert Scott 设计。


2 3


travel and leisure 闲游遣兴

4 5


4.Dining Room 饭厅 A lot of great scenes have been shot here, like the first kiss between Lady Mary and Matthew. 剧中玛丽小姐和马修的初吻戏就是在这里拍摄。

5.Carlton House Desk

6.The Library 图书馆


Yo u m u s t h a v e s e e n i t o f t e n d u r i n g t h e s h o w, t h i s i s w h e r e the Crawly family spent time together before and after meals.

The desk used by Lord Grantham to write letter and stuff. 剧中格兰瑟姆勋爵用于写 信,处理公务的办公桌。

这一场景对剧迷来说并不陌生,考利一 家在午餐或晚餐前总是在这里休息聊天。 All Images © Highclere Castle


Village’s Church 小镇教堂 © Visit England

British Aristocrat's Life Drama Downton Abbey is a TV series created by Oscar winning Writer Julian Fellowes. The story is set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey depicting the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants. And we can see how great events in history, like the sinking of the RMS Titanic in the first series affected their lives and the British social hierarchy. Although you will no longer see the castle on your TV set, you can visit the castle which is currently owned by the Countess of Carnarvon.

英国贵族生活写照剧 《唐顿庄园》是由奥斯卡得奖编剧 Julian Fellowes 创 作,内容讲述发生在约克郡一个虚构的庄园中的故 事,围绕着发生在考利家族中的大事小事展开,同 时也可看到那些真实的历史事件如泰坦尼克号的沉 没,如何影响当时的英国社会阶层。剧集虽已终结, 但我们仍可到访现在属于 Carnarvon 伯爵夫人的这座 城堡回味一番。 Highclere Castle

Opening hours 开放时间:Check online 网上查阅 Venue 地点:Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 9RN Admission Fee 门票:Castle & Gardens £15 www.highclerecastle.co.uk


Highclere Castle’s owner 海克利尔城堡主人

travel and leisure 闲游遣兴

Chauffeur Tour of Downton Fancy having a chauffeur drive you around? As the tour departs, sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery on the way to Highclere Castle. Your first stop will be Bampton Village, one of the set locations for the show. Here you will have a chance to see Downton's Hospital which is the village's library, and also the Church where Lady Mary and Matthew got married. After a stroll along Downton street, have a meal at Swan Inn in Swinbrook, a boutique pub where Lady Sybil and the family chauffeur Branson spent the night after they eloped. Your final stop shall be a place that every faithful fan hopes to visit – Highclere Castle. It is one of England's most beautiful and most popular Victorian Castles set amidst 1000 acres of spectacular parkland. The Castle was the main location for the TV show and it was designed back in 1842.

雇司机豪驾游庄园 何不试试雇辆豪华汽车,让司机带您前往探 访呢?坐下来,好好放松享受前往海克利尔 城堡的一路美景。您的第一站将是电视剧的 主要取景地班普顿村。这里的图书馆就是剧 中的医院,又或一访教堂——剧中女主角玛 丽小姐和马修结婚的地方。 沿街散步,欣赏风景后,可到 Swinbrook 一家 名为天鹅旅馆的精品酒吧吃一顿午餐。这也 是剧中西比尔小姐和家庭司机布兰森私奔途 中借宿的地方。 最后一站,是最重要的一站,也是每位粉丝 梦想之地——海克利尔城堡。这里也是英国 最美丽和最受欢迎的维多利亚式城堡之一, 庄园占地上千英亩,景色十分壮观。如今的 城堡主体设计于 1842 年,也是电视剧的主要 取景地。 British Heritage Chauffeur Tour

Highclere Castle’s garden 花园春景

Price 价格:£650 / per day 每日 Tel 电话:+44 1296 620173 www.bhctours.co.uk All Images © Highclere Castle© Highclere Castle


Saatchi Gallery is the highlight of Chelsea 萨奇画廊是切尔西地区的亮点 © Saatchi Gallery

Entrance 正门 © Burlington Arcade

Burlington Arcade An Enclave of Unique Luxury Brands

伯灵顿拱廊 : 独特奢侈品牌汇聚地 Stationed at the heart of Mayfair for 196 years, the Burlington Arcade is acclaimed as England's most historical shopping gallery. Given its longevity in the opulent realm, the most exquisite splendours are unveiled here, ranging from precious vintage jewellery to bespoke hats. Safety concern is unnecessary, as the arcade is safeguarded by the Beadles – the smallest private police force in existence. Let us bring you a tour around this magnificent London shopping landmark. 伯灵顿拱廊街屹立于梅费尔中心达 196 年,是英格兰最古老的购物长廊。无论是古董珠宝还是订制帽子, 您在这里可以找到独一无二的奢华精品。任何人都可在此安心购物,因为它有一队当今最小的私人警察队 伍把守,英名叫 Beadles。现在,就让我们一起逛访这座经典的伦敦市中心购物地标。

travel and leisure 闲游遣兴

Interior of the arcade 拱廊内部 © Burlington Arcade

An Early Precedent for Shopping Malls Since 1819, Burlington Arcade has been the destination for the finest English goods. It was originally a garden at the Burlington House, which was owned by an affluent man named Lord George. He believed that by transforming the garden into a commercial development, he would have more privacy and could also enrich his fortune. The arcade was a huge success and was hailed as an early precedent for shopping malls.

早期商场发展楷模 自 1819 年起,伯灵顿拱廊已经是优质英伦货 品的集中地。它原本是富翁 Lord George 所拥 有的伯灵顿大宅花园,但后来他相信通过把 花园作商业用途,能够更保障隐私及增进自 己的财富。拱廊购物街最后取得成功,同时 成为早期商场的发展楷模。

The Beadles Guiding Tour When you arrive at the arcade you shall be intrigued by the men wearing frock coats and braided top hats. These are the “Beadles”, liveried guards who oversee security matters and are responsible for enforcing the “rules of the arcade”. Just as it was during the Victorian Era certain things are prohibited at the arcade, such as running, cycling, whistling and even opening of umbrellas. If you would like to learn more about the history of the place you can get a personal guided tour by the Beadles. But make sure you have pre-booked ahead!

拱廊警卫充当向导 当您经过或进入拱廊购物街时,可能会对多位身穿 18 世纪双排扣长大衣、头戴穗带高礼帽的警卫感 到兴趣。他们是购物街的 “Beadles”,负责看管场内 的保安和执行 “ 拱廊购物街的规则”。按照传统, 奔跑、打雨伞、骑自行车或吹口哨,在购物街内均 是严格禁止的。假如您想了解更多,可以参加由他 们旁述的导赏团,但切记要先预约啊!

The Beadles are very knowledgeable about London 警卫 Beadles 对伦敦的知识瞭如指掌 © Burlington Arcade


Display of antique jewelleries in Hancocks’ window 橱窗展出古董珠宝 © Hancocks

A Trove of Specialist Brands The arcade is highly popular among the Royalty, celebrities and the cream of the British society as it comprises both former and existing Royal Warrant holders, namely perfumer Penhaligon’s, anitque jeweller Hancocks, shoemaker Crockett & Jones. Here we will highlight one of the stories like Hancocks with you. As a proud holder of Royal Warrants between 1849 and 2002, the family business is famous for their excellence in purveying the very finest period jewellery, supplying Royal gifts, and creating bespoke pieces. In 1856, Hancocks was appointed as the sole manufacturer in making the Victoria Cross. Unquestionably, their jewelleries are owned by celebrities and royalties around the world. Currently, collectors are fortunate enough to find rare masterpieces of each era in the jewel house, such as those from Van Cleef & Arpels, Cartier and Boucheron.

皇家与专门品牌荟萃 拱廊购物街一直深受皇室成员、名人和英国上 流社会人士的喜爱,因为它包含了多个皇家认 证品牌,例如皇家认证香水品牌 Penhaligon’s、 古董珠宝专门店 Hancocks,以及鞋匠 Crockett & Jones。 我们现在精心推选了其中如关于 Hancocks 的 特 別 故 事。 这 个 家 族 生 意 以 售 卖 来 自 不 同 年 代 的 极 致 珠 宝 而 闻 名; 它 亦 替 皇 室 供 应 礼 品 並 提 供 订 制 首 饰 服 务。 在 1856 年, 它 被 钦点为维多利亚十字勋章的唯一制造商 。 它们的珠宝首饰,均是世界各地名人和皇室人 员,包括伊丽莎白·泰勒和剑桥公爵夫人等的心 爱品牌。此外,收藏家如幸运的话,可以在这 家店内找到各个时期稀有品牌的珍品,如梵克 雅宝 、卡地亚和宝诗龙 。 Diamond necklace by French jewellery couturier Pierre Sterle in 1960 1960 年代由法国珠宝工匠设计的钻石项链 © Hancocks


travel and leisure 闲游遣兴

Commitment to Revitalisation Albeit encompassing historical brands, the arcade keeps itself in alignment with the modern world by accommodating more contemporary brands. Example of such is Maison Michel, a French label which specialises in made-to-measure hats for prestigious fashion house. Classic hat shapes like Derby hats or boaters are modernised by whimsical twist like feather and embellishments. In the Pre–collection Spring Summer 2016 season, the brand takes inspirations from a London girl family’s country house in Kent. You will be enticed by the rustic yet sophisticated details in the mesh and felt hats, including fray edges, matt threads, ribbons faded by the sun and patches.

Hat maker carefully shapes the hat and attaches the label to it 帽匠细心地把帽子塑型并钉上标志 © Maison Michel

添新品牌注现代元素 虽然包含了多个历史渊远的品牌,拱廊街亦不忘与现今社会同步,邀请更多新冒起的当代 专精品牌,充分展示出欧洲订制传统。品牌通过加入玩味元素如羽毛和珠子,使经典 帽子如圆顶窄边礼帽与硬草帽,添上现代色彩。 Maison Michel 的 2016 春夏季前沿系列,灵感取自一名伦敦女孩在肯特郡的家庭大 宅。您会惊叹帽子上既原始又精密的细节,如在帽边的流苏、哑色的缝线、自然退 色的丝带和小布块,均能与网帽和呢帽的质感作完美结合。 Burlington Arcade

Address 地址:51 Piccadilly, London W1J 0QJ Tel 电话:+44 (0) 20 7493 1764 Opening hours 开放时间:Mon – Sat 9am – 7:30pm Sun 11am – 6pm www.burlingtonarcade.com


Address 地址:52/53 Burlington Arcade, London W1J 0HH Tel 电话:+44 (0) 20 7493 8904 Opening hours 开放时间:Mon – Fri 10am – 5:30pm Sat 11am – 5pm www.hancocks-london.com

Maison Michel

Address 地址:46 Burlington Arcade, London W1J 0ET Tel 电话:+44 (0) 2076 298 643 Opening hours 开放时间:Mon – Sat 10am – 6pm Sun 11am – 5pm www.michel-paris.com Black and white straw fedora 黑白藤编绅士帽 © Maison Michel



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et trSet dnSd Goodge Street a n l a l ow ow 1. Bateaux London P.16-17 HH etet d ShtrS 2. David Morris P.18-19 t th u u oo d’s R m m y e e aodbal WW 3. Cartier P.18-19 t o e e TRh trte lds 4. Nicole Farhi P.20-21 ba e eSS et eo ddg hisShtrSet 5. Mikimoto P.26 h is o d o d British Museum n T o n avaeve G Go wwCC 6. Jewellery Theatre P.27 NNee et 7. Vacheron Constantin tre tP.28-29 S S r e t S mr 8. Barrie Cashmere rtie rd P.50-53 lborn im Mo High Ho fo P.54-55 Mo r t 9. Roja Parfums Holborn Ox cle la w P P 10. Pétrus P.66-69 ishish Ne ve vnednd CCaa 11. BADA Fair P.76-79 Tottenham Court Road n r 12. Burlington Arcade P.90-93 o b t ol 13. Saatchi Gallery P.96-97 H StrSetet SetrSete rd e o r r h d xf r o o O Hig Oxfo igim 14. Kensington Palace P.96-97 WW Oxford Circus








Saatchi Gallery is the highlight of Chelsea 萨奇画廊是切尔西地区的亮点 © Saatchi Gallery

Situated at the south of Thames River, Chelsea is a historical destination for discerning luxury shoppers looking for an artistic flair or to catch a glimpse of the royal residence. With tons of things available to see, it is a worthy tourist attraction site to visit. 位于泰晤士河的南边,切尔西地区是一个充满历史景点的地带,该区以追捧奢华品牌的名店驰名,游客在 此还能充分感受艺术气息并回溯英国皇室过往的起居生活,集合众多景点值得您前往游览。

Kensington Palace 肯辛顿宫 From the 17th century, the palace has been a residence to members of the British Royal Family. Currently, it is the home of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge – which of course includes their adorable son Prince George and daughter Princess Charlotte. For a day, you can be part of the Royal household, walking through the hallways and rooms set with beautiful and sophisticated interior décor. A key highlight would be retracing Queen Victoria's childhood days of growing up in the Palace. 自 17 世纪以來,肯辛顿宫已经是英国皇室家族的住处 。 目前,它是剑桥公爵威廉王子和公爵夫人凯瑟琳的居所 – 这当然包括他们可爱的乔治王子和夏洛特公主。访客可以 通过欣赏精雕细琢的室內裝潢,从而了解皇室成员的生活。 其中一个亮点就是揭示维多利亚女王童年生活的展览,因 为肯辛顿宫是她成长的地方。 Kensington Palace

Address 地址:Kensington Gardens, London W8 4PX Admission Fee 入场费:Adults 成人 £16.50 ; Child free 小童免费 hrp.org.uk/KensingtonPalace/


The Queen’s bedroom in Kensington Palace 在肯辛顿宫内可以一睹英女皇的高雅寝室 © Historic Royal Palaces

Tel:+44 (0) 844 482 7777 Opening hours 开放时间:Mon – Sun 10am – 5pm

MAP and GUIDE 地图指南

切尔西区潮流亮点 Saatchi Gallery 萨奇画廊 Located at the Duke of York Headquarters building, the gallery is the best place to look for innovative artworks by young artists. Although it has only been opened for about five years, it has already become a breeding ground for contemporary artists. Apart from showcasing pieces by emerging UK talents, the gallery expands its influence by exhibiting artworks from other continents in the world, such as Ukraine and Thailand.

Comtemporary arts exhibits in the gallery 画廊内的当代艺术展品 © tfeanda.com

Saatchi Gallery

位于约克公爵总部 ,萨奇画廊是追寻观赏年 青艺术家创作新颖作品的理想地方。虽然只 短短运营了五年,它已成为当代艺术家的培 育重地。除了展出英国正冒起的艺术家的杰 作外,它最近亦渐扩大影响,展出其他国家 的艺术作品,如乌克兰和泰国。

Address 地址:Duke Of York’s HQ, King’s Rd, London SW3 4RY Admission Fee 入场费:Free 免费 Tel:+44 (0) 20 7811 3070 Opening hours 开放时间:Mon – Sun 10am – 6pm saatchigallery.com

King's Road 国王路 Fashionistas shall not want to miss this place. Acknowledged as a germinating area for subculture in the 1960s, the road is widely associated with popular British fashion icons, namely Mary Quant and Vivienne Westwood. After your pilgrimage, walk along Sloane Street – where you will find luxurious boutiques on both sides of the street, like Chanel and Hermes. 时装爱好者绝不容错过此地方,因为这条大道是 1960 年代英国时装次文化的萌芽地。您可以在这里 找到英国标志的时装人物,如著名设计师玛莉官和 维维安·韦斯特伍德的踪影。在朝圣过后,我们建议 您到访邻近的斯隆街,沿途会见到众多奢侈品牌的 专门店屹立两旁,包括香奈儿和爱马仕。

Vivienne Westwood Address 地址:430 King’s Rd, London SW10 0LJ Tel:+44 (0) 20 7352 6551 Opening hours 开放时间:Mon – Sat 10am – 6pm viviennewestwood.com

Mary Quant Address 地址:37 Duke of York Square, London SW3 4LY Tel:+44 (0) 20 7881 9833 Opening hours 开放时间:Mon – Sat 10am – 6:30pm Sun 11am – 5pm dukeofyorksquare.com/stores/mary-quant


02 01 Mary Quant was the creator of miniskirt in 1960s 玛莉官是 1960 年代迷你裙的创设者 © pleasurephotoroomwordpress.com 02 First shop of Vivienne Westwood is set at King’s Road 维维安·韦斯特伍德的第一间门市就是设于国王路 © misshewson.wordpress.com


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