CH R Ed IST iti M on A S
DAKS : Creative Director’s Exclusive Interview DAKS 创意总监专访 Patek Philippe : Timeless Legend 百达翡丽 盛宠不衰的传奇 Annabel’s : Shining for 50 Years 安娜贝尔 星光灿烂半世纪
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Yes, we are talking about style. CRN has always produced custom megayachts which fully reflect the Owners’ character. The exclusivity of design, “Made in Italy” craftsmanship and technical expertise enable us every day to produce vessels that are as unique and distinctive in style as the Owners who inspire them.
New project
M/Y “Superconero” 50 mt
mt. 50
52 54 55 57
60 61 62
72 73 74 75
CRN S.p.A. | Ancona, Italy | t. +39 071 5011111
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CRN has always produced custom megayachts which fully reflect the Owners’ character. The exclusivity of design, “Made in Italy” craftsmanship and technical expertise enable us every day to produce vessels that are as unique and distinctive in style as the Owners who inspire them.
New project
M/Y “Superconero” 50 mt
mt. 50
52 54 55 57
60 61 62
72 73 74 75
CRN S.p.A. | Ancona, Italy | t. +39 071 5011111
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Welcome Note 创刊辞 Welcome to London. In an inspired year of 2014, we are honoured to present you a prestigious read of this extraordinary British Christmas season.
欢迎来到伦敦。在 2014 这个充满启发性 的年份,我们很荣幸在这个非凡的英国圣 诞节庆,向您展示一份优秀的新刊物。
In this edition, we are looking into a few of the Royal War ant makers by celebrating the uniqueness and the compelling histor of some of these brands. We also int oduce the world known horolog powerhouse of Patek Philippe and the celebration of its 175th anniversar the “Timeless Legend”, as well as the f t re plan of its nex master iece. Other than that, we have the privilege to hold a first-hand interview with the creative director of lux r British fashion house DAKS for their winter season selection along with its 120 years of histor .
在这期创刊号,我们重点引介了几家获授 英国皇家认证的品牌制造商,显示他们当 中独特的丰富传统和激动人心的故事。我 们还适时介绍了世界知名的钟表界权威百 达翡丽和它的 175 周年庆典〝盛宠不衰的 传奇 〞,以及其下一个杰作的未来规划。 此外,我们还有幸获得英国时尚奢华品牌 DAKS 创意总监的第一手专访,畅述品牌 今年的冬季精选以及 120 年历史的变合演 进。
By now Christ as is in ever one’s mind. If you are visiting this glorious kingdom, Christ as at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is definitely a family must go. We also review the romantic Somerset House ice-skating rink and the famous Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. Ex erience this Christ as in British st le.
显然,现在每个人心中都在想着圣诞节了。 适逢你正到访英国这个光辉帝国之境,在 邱园皇家植物园过圣诞是全家出行的推荐 之 选。 当 然, 浪 漫 的 Somerset House 溜 冰场和知名的海德公园冬季乐园,均能让 大家体验一个典型的英式圣诞。
We are also pleased to int oduce a young and brilliant jeweller desig er Sarah Ho. Sarah is a member of one of the most influential family in Hong Kong. As London is the business capital of Europe, Sarah has chosen Britain as her g and ent ance to the European ter itor .
我们还欣喜推介才华横溢的英国得奖青年 华裔珠宝设计师 Sarah Ho。Sarah 是具影 响力的港澳家族之后。乘着伦敦是欧洲的 商业中心,Sarah 选择了英国作为其品牌 进军欧洲的起点。
The 2014 has been an exceptionally busy year, and nonetheless it served us well. Therefore from us at MARQUESS, we wish you all a magical Christ as season and mag ificent new year.
2014 年是异常忙碌的一年,所幸成绩斐 然。MARQUESS 团队在此祝愿各位有个奇 妙的圣诞,以及一个美好的新年。
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Cover image credit: REUTERS
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CONTENTS 目录 Royal Warrants 8 Pride of Royal War ants 12 DAKS 120th Anniversar : One Look Tells You It’s DAKS 18 A Cent r of Frag ance Haute Horlogerie 22 Patek Philippe 175th Anniversar : Timeless Legend Fine Jewellery 30 The King of Diamonds 35 Inter iew with Award Winning Jeweller Desig er in UK Social Life 38 Annabel’s: Shining for 50 Years 44 A Castle on the Sea Fine Dining 48 Gour et Crossover Ar at sketch Galler 52 Festive Taste at Alain Ducasse Hotels, Spas and Resorts 56 Up in London’s Sky British Etiquette 58 How Do You Do? 60 A St ong and Fir Grip 62 To Kiss, or, Not To Kiss Festive Attractions 64 Hyde Park Winter Wonderland 66 Skate at Somerset House 67 Seasonal Illuminations Light Up Kew 68 Christ as Magic Lands on Har ods Art and Culture 72 Christ as Dance Show 74 New Year’s Eve Fireworks and New Year’s Parade 75 Bond in Motion 76 Sotheby’s Auction 77 Ming: 50 years that changed China Map and Guide 78 Cent al London 80 Festive Bond St eet
皇家认证 8 皇家认证的骄傲 12 DAKS 120 周年庆:一瞥辨认出是 DAKS 18 百年芬芳 高端钟表 22 百达翡丽 175 周年庆:盛宠不衰的传奇 精致珠宝 30 钻石之王 35 专访英国得奖珠宝设计师 社交生活 38 安娜贝尔:星光灿烂半世纪 44 海上城堡 精巧美膳 48 美食与艺术相融于 sketch Gallery 52 英国艾伦杜卡斯品节日滋味 酒店丶水疗与度假村 56 置身伦敦空中 英式礼仪 58 你好吗 ? 60 稳而有力的握手 62 向右吻 向左吻 64 66 67 68
圣诞好去处 海德公园冬季乐园 萨莫塞特宫溜冰体验 王室后花园季节灯火 圣诞魔法降临 Harrods
72 74 75 76 77
艺术与文化 伦敦圣诞赏舞 除夕烟花汇演与新年大巡游 007 座驾展 苏富比拍卖 明 : 盛世皇朝五十年
地图指南 78 伦敦市中心 80 邦德街节日气氛浓
Cover image credit: REUTERS Printed in UK by MARQUESS Magazine Telephone : +44 (0) 20 8732 7635 Editorial : Advertising :
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Royal Warrants 皇家认证
hen walking along the st eets in the United Kingdom, you may find some shops displaying a crest above the door, sometimes there are t o or even three. These crests are called “Royal War ants”, meaning these shops not only are the suppliers for The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh and The Prince of Wales, but their products are also prized.
走些商铺门口上悬一个标章,有些 甚至有两个至三个标章。这个标章,其 实是英国独有的〝皇家认证许可〞,代 表这些商号不但供应产品或提供服务给 女王、爱丁堡公爵和威尔斯亲王使用, 而且品质上亦获得他们的赞赏和肯定。
Pride of Royal Warrants 皇家认证的骄傲 If you are a fan of Car ier, Aston Mar in, Burber , and many other brands which own a long histor and good reputation, you must be familiar with the name of “Royal War ants”. These war ants are g anted by the Royal Family as a sig of commit ent to the highest standards of ser ice, qualit and excellence. From the earliest times, the British monarchy has requested for excellent products and ser ice, om boots to ceiling repair. This led to an intense competition bet een t aders for the Royal favour. The monarchy picked out the best and g anted them rewards. The reward was originally called “ Royal Char ers” and was g anted by Henr II to the Weavers’ Company in 1155. By the 15th Cent r , the name of this reward has been changed to Royal War ant of Appoint ent. An early recipient was William Cax on, who was appointed as King’s printer in 1476 for being the first printer in England. There are cur ently about 850 war ant holders.
©Ben Phillips
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假如你是 Cartier、Aston Martin、Burberry 或 其他具悠久历史、享誉海内外名牌的拥 趸 ,那么你一定不会对〝皇家认证〞这 个词汇感到陌生。它是英国王室颁授予 向他们提供商品或服务的商号,称赞其 服务、质量达到最高水平的认证。 从古至今,英国王室家族都讲求优秀的 产品及服务,小至生产靴子,大至整修 房屋,均选用质量上乘的供应商。为了 成为王室的宠儿,商人间便需通过激烈 的竞争,王室再从中挑选最优质者授予 奖赏。 这奖赏最初称为〝皇家特许状〞(Royal Charters),在 1155 年由亨利二世首 先 颁 给 Weavers' Company。 至 15 世 纪,奖赏易名为〝皇家委任认证〞,简 称〝皇家认证〞。早期获此认证者有 William Caxton,由于他是英格兰首个 印刷商家,于 1476 年获委为国王指定 印刷商。 目前全英约有 850 个商号获得〝 皇家
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In the late 18th Century, Royal tradesmen began to display the Royal Arms on their premises and stationery. But it was Queen Victoria who ensured that Royal Warrants gained the prestige they enjoy today. During her 64 year reign The Queen and her family granted more than 1,000 Royal Warrants, eight times as many as The Queen’s uncle, King George IV.
18 世纪末,英国皇家商人开始在他 们的住处及文具上展示皇家徽章。 然皇家认证获得今天的声誉,背后 少不了维多利亚女王的发扬光大。 当她在位 64 年期间,女王和她的家 人授予超过 1000 项皇家认证,数 量是她伯父国王乔治四世授证的 8 倍。
A company must keep doing business with the Royal Household for at least five years to be considered on the warrant grant list. Even the Royal members love the products or service, the company still needs approval from the Lord Chamberlain, the head of the Royal Household and chairman of the Royal Household Tradesmen’s Warrants Committee.
一间公司要连续与某位王室成员从 商最少 5 年,才会获考虑授予认证 之列。而即使王室成员再喜爱某商 品或服务,仍要得到主管皇家内廷 的宫务大臣,亦即皇家商人认证委 员会主席认可,该公司才能获得认 证。
Only The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh or The Prince of Wales can grant Royal Warrants. Each of them can grant only one warrant to any individual business, but a business may hold warrants from more than one member of the Royal Family. The famous clothing brand, Barbour, has received the honour from HM Queen Elizabeth II in 1974, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in 1982, and HRH The Prince of Wales in 1987 respectively.
只有英女王,爱丁堡公爵和威尔斯 亲 王 有 权 颁 发 皇 家 认 证。 他 们 每 人只能颁发一个认证给某个商家, 但一个商号却可以同时得到超过一 个 皇 家 认 证。 英 国 著 名 服 装 品 牌 Barbour,因得到皇家锺爱,分别在 1974 年、1982 年 和 1987 年 获 得 英女王伊利沙伯二世、爱丁堡公爵 和威尔斯亲王授予认证的荣誉。
Royal Warrants are automatically reviewed by the Lord Chamberlain’s Committee one year before expiry every five years. Companies must provide evidence of the goods and services they have supplied to the Royal Household over the past five years. Royal Warrants are further reviewed if the Grantee dies or leaves the business, or if the company goes into liquidation or is sold and as a consequence the company name is changed.
皇家认证每次在〝5 年期限〞到期 前一年,宫务大臣的委员会便会自 动对其展开续期复检。在这过程中, 这些公司必须向委员会提交过去 5 年曾向王室供应商品或服务的证 据。如果获得皇家认证的人士逝世 或离开了该公司,或若公司要清算 或出售,而致公司更改名称,则皇 家认证将需接受进一步复检。
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Review Every Five Years 每五年重新认证
In the late 18th Century, Royal tradesmen began to display the Royal Arms on their premises and stationery. But it was Queen Victoria who ensured that Royal Warrants gained the prestige they enjoy today. During her 64 year reign The Queen and her family granted more than 1,000 Royal Warrants, eight times as many as The Queen’s uncle, King George IV.
18 世纪末,英国皇家商人开始在他 们的住处及文具上展示皇家徽章。 然皇家认证获得今天的声誉,背后 少不了维多利亚女王的发扬光大。 当她在位 64 年期间,女王和她的家 人授予超过 1000 项皇家认证,数 量是她伯父国王乔治四世授证的 8 倍。
A company must keep doing business with the Royal Household for at least five years to be considered on the warrant grant list. Even the Royal members love the products or service, the company still needs approval from the Lord Chamberlain, the head of the Royal Household and chairman of the Royal Household Tradesmen’s Warrants Committee.
一间公司要连续与某位王室成员从 商最少 5 年,才会获考虑授予认证 之列。而即使王室成员再喜爱某商 品或服务,仍要得到主管皇家内廷 的宫务大臣,亦即皇家商人认证委 员会主席认可,该公司才能获得认 证。
Only The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh or The Prince of Wales can grant Royal Warrants. Each of them can grant only one warrant to any individual business, but a business may hold warrants from more than one member of the Royal Family. The famous clothing brand, Barbour, has received the honour from HM Queen Elizabeth II in 1974, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in 1982, and HRH The Prince of Wales in 1987 respectively.
只有英女王,爱丁堡公爵和威尔斯 亲 王 有 权 颁 发 皇 家 认 证。 他 们 每 人只能颁发一个认证给某个商家, 但一个商号却可以同时得到超过一 个 皇 家 认 证。 英 国 著 名 服 装 品 牌 Barbour,因得到皇家钟爱,分别在 1974 年、1982 年 和 1987 年 获 得 英女王伊利沙伯二世、爱丁堡公爵 和威尔斯亲王授予认证的荣誉。
Royal Warrants are automatically reviewed by the Lord Chamberlain’s Committee one year before expiry every five years. Companies must provide evidence of the goods and services they have supplied to the Royal Household over the past five years. Royal Warrants are further reviewed if the Grantee dies or leaves the business, or if the company goes into liquidation or is sold and as a consequence the company name is changed.
皇家认证每次在〝5 年期限〞到期 前一年,宫务大臣的委员会便会自 动对其展开续期复检。在这过程中, 这些公司必须向委员会提交过去 5 年曾向王室供应商品或服务的证 据。如果获得皇家认证的人士逝世 或离开了该公司,或若公司要清算 或出售,而致公司更改名称,则皇 家认证将需接受进一步复检。
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Fashion 时装
olding Royal War ants g anted om three members of the Royal Family, DAKS is one of the 15 companies out of 850 to achieve such accomplishments. Marking the 120th year anniversar , DAKS’s name has always been sy ony ous with British Heritage, st le and elegance.
850 家获得皇家认证的 在全英约 公 司 中, 仅 15 家 同 时 获 得 3 位 王 室 家 族 成 员 的 认 证,DAKS 就 是其中一家。今年成立 120 周年的 DAKS,其名字已是 英式传统、时尚 与优雅的象征。
One Look Tells You It’s DAKS 一瞥辩认出是 DAKS Set up by Simeon Simpson in 1894 when he was 16 years old, DAKS was originally a classic, bespoke tailor shop in Middlesex St eet in London. Not long aſter that, high qualit readyto-wear for al wear at the same standard as bespoke tailoring under ent mass production for the first time ever. In 1934, Simeon’s second son, Alexander Simpson, invented the self-suppor ing t ouser. It made a revolutionar change in the histor of British men’s fashion and was int oduced to the world. At that time, a complete suit could be bought for 15 shillings. The new self-suppor ing t ouser cost 30 shillings. Still, Alexander commissioned 100,000 pairs ahead of the launch. Following the success of the new t ouser line came the new company name. “DAKS” is adopted as a combination of the words DAD (aſter their much loved and respected founding father, the “Dad” of the fir , Simeon Simpson) and SLACKS (aſter the American word for infor al t ousers). DAKS’s existing st le was replaced and business was developed dramatically, for example, the womenswear business star ed in 1937. The era of creating effortless elegance through translating tailored bespoke looks and notions into a look of infor al sophistication has ar ived.
1894 年,DAKS 品 牌 创 始 人 Simeon Simpson16 岁 便 在 伦 敦 米 度 适 士 街 (Middlesex Street)成立第一家经典 的度身订做裁缝店。不久后,他便批 量生产品质跟订制西装一样的高质素 〝即穿〞正装。 1934 年,Simeon 二 子 Alexander 创 设了自承裤子。这项发明为英国男士 时装带来革命性改变,并获世界各地 广 泛 应 用。 当 时, 一 套 西 装 售 价 为 15 先令,而这种新式自承裤子售价 则为 30 先令。但在这裤子正式推出 市面前,Alexander 已收到 10 万条裤 的订单。 随 着 革 新 裤 子 系 列 成 功 推 出, 公 司 也 易 名 为 DAKS。DAKS 是 结 合 DAD (源于备受敬爱的公司品牌创办之父 Simeon Simpson) 和 SLACKS(休闲 裤子的美国称谓)两名字而成。 自 DAKS 当时将款式革新后,生意迅 即突飞猛进。例如在 1937 年,它开 始拓展女装生意,随而揭开了融合高 级订制衣服神韵却渗出不经意简单优 雅味道的休闲服装时代。
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Exclusive Interview with DAKS Creative Director 独家访问 DAKS 创意总监 M: MARQUESS
Filippo Scuffi, DAKS Creative Director
S: Filippo Scuffi
M : How does DAKS make the best use of its 120 years heritage in its cur ent desig and direction? What do you think are the most impor ant factors cont ibuting to the rich heritage? S : Without a doubt, the high qualit of material and character has cont ibuted to the success of DAKS through the years. And it is in this t adition that we continue to be inspired and finally interpret the needs of current users.
M : 请 问 DAKS 如 何 将 120 年 的 历 史 传 统 作 最佳善用,以融入到其现代设计与发展方向? DAKS 能传承 120 之久的最重要因素是什么? S :毫无疑问,高品质的物料和具个性的特点, 是 DAKS 这么多年来的成功关键。在这项优良传 统上,我们再不断受启发,并演绎现代消费者的 需求。
M : What is your personal perception towards the DAKS sig at re check and classic desig ? S : The House Check is the brand recog ition sy bol and thus a powerf l weapon. However, it also needs to be revived in a esher and new way through the seasons. With regard to the classic st le, I find that in a time where the st listic excesses abound, dressing classic and elegant (with just the right deal of irony) is paradoxically something innovative.
M :你个人对 DAKS 的招牌格子图案和经典设 计有什么观感? S :招牌格子是 DAKS 的品牌标志,因此也是一 种有力的武器。然而,在经历不同季节中,它仍 需不断改造成更清新和新颖的款式。至于经典的 款式,我发现在一个过度讲究时尚的时代,穿得 经典和优雅(讽刺地说),反而显得与众不同。
M : As DAKS is one of the few brands that has been g anted three Royal War ants, would you reveal the major work that DAKS has done to keep them? S : To measure up to its accolades DAKS never lost sight of the high qualit fabrics and impeccable tailoring, while following the t ends. We need to maintain this at all times.
M :DAKS 是少数几个获授 3 个皇家认证标章的 品牌,你可否透露 DAKS 是怎样持续保持这些荣 誉呢? S :为了符合这些荣誉认证的水平,DAKS 从未 放松在追上潮流的过程中对高品质布料以及完 美剪裁的追求。我们需要在任何时候都维持这做 法。
M : With a rich inherited histor , how does DAKS balance its desig with st iving to cope with the contemporar fashion desig ? How are you going to blend the t aditional heritage of DAKS with moder it st le in 2015 and the f t re? S : This is precisely the challenge that fascinates me and that act ally t r s on my creativit : drawn by the historian, by the recog ition details of the Britishness, and then propose new ideas through the revision of shapes and volumes. M : Please share your views on the f t re t end of British fashion in ter s of desig and st le, a n d h o w DAK S wi l l b e s t a n d i n g a m o n g s t t h e different heritage and emerging luxury brands? S : Through the capacit for renewal, and the S/S 2015 fashion shows - for men and women - are a perfect example. With the non use of the House Check for this season, DAKS has successf lly and amply demonst ated its flexibilit and its abilit to recur keeping up with times.
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M :有着丰富历史的 DAKS, 需如何平衡其设计 以配合当代的时尚设计?在 2015 年及以后,你 打算如何融合 DAKS 的传统与现代风格? S :如何在历史与已获认可的独特英式细节之 上,通过修订形状和体积,提出新的构思,这正 正是让我着迷 , 并能激发我的创造力的挑战。 M :请分享你对未来英国时装的设计和时尚风 格走势的看法?以及 DAKS 将如何在各种传统和 新兴奢侈品牌中定位? S :DAKS 对革新抱持开放的态度,例如它在 2015 年春夏季时装秀的男装和女装均是完美的 范例。这一季并没有采用其招牌格子图案,已成 功并充分演示了它的灵活度和不断紧贴时代的 能力。 MARQUESS
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Exclusive Interview with DAKS Creative Director 独家访问 DAKS 创意总监 M: MARQUESS
S: Filippo Scuffi
M : How does DAKS make the best use of its 120 years heritage in its cur ent desig and direction? What do you think are the most impor ant factors cont ibuting to the rich heritage? S : Without a doubt, the high qualit of material and character has cont ibuted to the success of DAKS through the years. And it is in this t adition that we continue to be inspired and finally interpret the needs of current users.
M : 请 问 DAKS 如 何 将 120 年 的 历 史 传 统 作 最佳善用,以融入到其现代设计与发展方向? DAKS 能传承 120 之久的最重要因素是什么? S :毫无疑问,高品质的物料和具个性的特点, 是 DAKS 这么多年来的成功关键。在这项优良传 统上,我们再不断受启发,并演绎现代消费者的 需求。
M : What is your personal perception towards the DAKS sig at re check and classic desig ? S : The House Check is the brand recog ition sy bol and thus a powerf l weapon. However, it also needs to be revived in a esher and new way through the seasons. With regard to the classic st le, I find that in a time where the st listic excesses abound, dressing classic and elegant (with just the right deal of irony) is paradoxically something innovative.
M :你个人对 DAKS 的招牌格子图案和经典设 计有什么观感? S :招牌格子是 DAKS 的品牌标志,因此也是一 种有力的武器。然而,在经历不同季节中,它仍 需不断改造成更清新和新颖的款式。至于经典的 款式,我发现在一个过度讲究时尚的时代,穿得 经典和优雅(讽刺地说),反而显得与众不同。
M : As DAKS is one of the few brands that has been g anted three Royal War ants, would you reveal the major work that DAKS has done to keep them? S : To measure up to its accolades DAKS never lost sight of the high qualit fabrics and impeccable tailoring, while following the t ends. We need to maintain this at all times.
M :DAKS 是少数几个获授 3 个皇家认证标章的 品牌,你可否透露 DAKS 是怎样持续保持这些荣 誉呢? S :为了符合这些荣誉认证的水平,DAKS 从未 放松在追上潮流的过程中对高品质布料以及完 美剪裁的追求。我们需要在任何时候都维持这做 法。
M : With a rich inherited histor , how does DAKS balance its desig with st iving to cope with the contemporar fashion desig ? How are you going to blend the t aditional heritage of DAKS with moder it st le in 2015 and the f t re? S : This is precisely the challenge that fascinates me and that act ally t r s on my creativit : drawn by the historian, by the recog ition details of the Britishness, and then propose new ideas through the revision of shapes and volumes. M : Please share your views on the f t re t end of British fashion in ter s of desig and st le, a n d h o w DAK S wi l l b e s t a n d i n g a m o n g s t t h e different heritage and emerging luxury brands? S : Through the capacit for renewal, and the S/S 2015 fashion shows - for men and women - are a perfect example. With the non use of the House Check for this season, DAKS has successf lly and amply demonst ated its flexibilit and its abilit to recur keeping up with times.
M :有着丰富历史的 DAKS, 需如何平衡其设计 以配合当代的时尚设计?在 2015 年及以后,你 打算如何融合 DAKS 的传统与现代风格? S :如何在历史与已获认可的独特英式细节之 上,通过修订形状和体积,提出新的构思,这正 正是让我着迷,并能激发我的创造力的挑战。 M :请分享你对未来英国时装的设计和时尚风 格走势的看法?以及 DAKS 将如何在各种传统和 新兴奢侈品牌中定位? S :DAKS 对革新抱持开放的态度,例如它在 2015 年春夏季时装秀的男装和女装均是完美的 范例。这一季并没有采用其招牌格子图案,已成 功并充分演示了它的灵活度和不断紧贴时代的 能力。 MARQUESS
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Beyond Shopping 购物以外
Signature Check The st le, qualit and desig of DAKS products were and still are instantly recog isable. In the 1970s, thanks to the unique House Check and tar ans, DAKS brand was clearly distinctive om others.
In 1936, the DAKS Simpson Piccadilly store was open and became the home of the DAKS brand. In the era of depar ent stores, the DAKS Simpson Piccadilly store not only host the DAKS clothing line, but also stocked other impressive brands, while feat ring a restaurant, a bar and a barbershop. It allowed people to socialise besides shopping at the same time, and therefore, a acted widespread public a ention.
The House Check on DAKS products, incor orating the colours of camel and vicuna, two of the most luxurious fibres contrasted with black, was devised in 1976. To celebrate the 120th anniversar , a special check, which is a hybrid of a Glen check and Prince of Wales check in classic house colours, is created. The Prince of Wales check was chosen due to the royal connections DAKS built up over the years. ORWIN CHECK TRENCH COAT (Anniversary check)
招牌格子 DAKS 产品的风格、质量和设计,从 一开始至现在仍是极易辨认。在七十 年代,由于 DAKS 创设了独特的招牌 格子和格子花纹,令它与其他品牌有 了明显的分野。 1976 年,DAKS 的招牌格子图案作 出修订,结合了驼毛和羊驼毛两种最 奢华的布料的颜色,与黑色形成鲜明 对比。 PORTOBELLO LARGE SHOPPER BAG (House check)
为了庆祝 120 周年,DAKS 新创出另一 种特别的格子,那是掺杂格伦格子与威 尔斯亲王格子再配上 DAKS 招牌格子 的颜色。选择威尔斯亲王格子是基于 DAKS 多年以来与王室建立的关系。
In 1940s, DAKS had to specially build a new factor in Larkhall, Scotland to cope with the soaring production demand. It was open in 1949 by soon to be Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Many members of the Royal Family have visited the factor . When DAKS was int oduced to the Royal Family, not sur risingly, it became one of the R o ya l s u p p l i e r s . Later on, DAKS was g anted the Royal War ant of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in 1956, followed by the Royal War ant of HM The Queen in 1962 and HRH The Prince of Wales in 1982. Besides, DAKS has been a keen suppor er of charities. DAKS has been suppor ing the impor ant youth charit , The Duke of Edinburgh Award as a Silver Par er for 20 years. The prog am allows young people to give their ee time to societ at a value of over 24 million per year. As the founder’s sons are keen spor smen, DAKS has been devoted to sports world. Significantly, DAKS invented the belt-less t ousers. DAKS was chosen to be the official uniform supplier of the Great Britain team in the Rome Oly pics and f r her supplied unifor s for England national football team in 1966, 1970, 1986, 1990 and 1992.
1936 年,DAKS 在 皮 卡 迪 利 大 街 开 新 店,成为 DAKS 品牌的旗舰店。适逢百 货公司时代,DAKS 的皮卡迪利 店不仅 展示了 DAKS 的服装品牌系列,还摆放 了其他令人赞叹的品牌。该店内还设有 特色餐厅、酒吧和理发店,让顾客一边 购物一边社交,因而也引起了公众的广 泛关注。 1940 年代,为应对日益高涨的生产需 求,DAKS 不得不在苏格兰拉克霍尔开 设一间新工厂。1949 年,新工厂落成启 用,主持仪式的是候任英国首相哈罗德 ・威尔逊。其后,很多王室成员都参观过 该 工 厂。 当 DAKS 被介绍予王室成员 时,毫无意外地, 它成为皇家供应 商。 在 1956 年, DAKS 首先获爱丁 堡公爵授予皇家认 证, 其 后 在 1962 年和 1982 年,再 分别获得英女王和 威尔斯亲王冠以皇 家认证。 此 外,DAKS 一 向 热中於支持慈善事业。DAKS 一直对青 少年非常重要的慈善机构爱丁堡公爵奖 励计划支持有加,是该奖的银色合作伙 伴 20 年。这计划鼓励年轻人将自己的 闲余时间贡献给社会,以衡工量值计, 每年共超过 2400 万镑。 由于品牌创始人的儿子是运动热爱者, DAKS 对体育界也贡献良多。其中一项 重要发明,就是 DAKS 创发了免腰带裤 子。DAKS 后来获选为英国国家队在罗 马奥运会的官方制服供应商,并在 1966 年、1970 年、1986 年、 1990 年以及 1992 年,先后为英格兰国家足球队供应 队服。 MARQUESS
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Beyond Shopping 购物以外 In 1936, the DAKS Simpson Piccadilly store was open and became the home of the DAKS brand. In the era of depar ent stores, the DAKS Simpson Piccadilly store not only host the DAKS clothing line, but also stocked other impressive brands, while feat ring a restaurant, a bar and a barbershop. It allowed people to socialise besides shopping at the same time, and therefore, a acted widespread public a ention. In 1940s, DAKS had to specially build a new factor in Larkhall, Scotland to cope with the soaring production demand. It was open in 1949 by soon to be Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Many members of the Royal Family have visited the factor . When DAKS was int oduced to the Royal Family, not sur risingly, it became one of the R o ya l s u p p l i e r s . Later on, DAKS was g anted the Royal War ant of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in 1956, followed by the Royal War ant of HM The Queen in 1962 and HRH The Prince of Wales in 1982. Besides, DAKS has been a keen suppor er of charities. DAKS has been suppor ing the impor ant youth charit , The Duke of Edinburgh Award as a Silver Par er for 20 years. The prog am allows young people to give their ee time to societ at a value of over 24 million per year. As the founder’s sons are keen spor smen, DAKS has been devoted to sports world. Significantly, DAKS invented the belt-less t ousers. DAKS was chosen to be the official uniform supplier of the Great Britain team in the Rome Oly pics and f r her supplied unifor s for England national football team in 1966, 1970, 1986, 1990 and 1992.
1936 年,DAKS 在 皮 卡 迪 利 大 街 开 新 店,成为 DAKS 品牌的旗舰店。适逢百 货公司时代,DAKS 的皮卡迪利 店不仅 展示了 DAKS 的服装品牌系列,还摆放 了其他令人赞叹的品牌。该店内还设有 特色餐厅、酒吧和理发店,让顾客一边 购物一边社交,因而也引起了公众的广 泛关注。 1940 年代,为应对日益高涨的生产需 求,DAKS 不得不在苏格兰拉克霍尔开 设一间新工厂。1949 年,新工厂落成启 用,主持仪式的是候任英国首相哈罗德 ・威尔逊。其后,很多王室成员都参观过 该 工 厂。 当 DAKS 被介绍予王室成员 时,毫无意外地, 它成为皇家供应 商。 在 1956 年, DAKS 首先获爱丁 堡公爵授予皇家认 证, 其 后 在 1962 年和 1982 年,再 分别获得英女王和 威尔斯亲王冠以皇 家认证。 此 外,DAKS 一 向 热中于支持慈善事业。DAKS 一直对青 少年非常重要的慈善机构爱丁堡公爵奖 励计划支持有加,是该奖的银色合作伙 伴 20 年。这计划鼓励年轻人将自己的 闲余时间贡献给社会,以衡工量值计, 每年共超过 2400 万镑。 由于品牌创始人的儿子是运动热爱者, DAKS 对体育界也贡献良多。其中一项 重要发明,就是 DAKS 创发了免腰带裤 子。DAKS 后来获选为英国国家队在罗 马奥运会的官方制服供应商,并在 1966 年、1970 年、1986 年、 1990 年以及 1992 年,先后为英格兰国家足球队供应 队服。 MARQUESS
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Perfume 香水
he power of scent is magnificent. It unlocks memories and makes people feel lost somewhere for a moment in time. The Penhaligon’s, the iconic English fragrance understands delivering this power through its uniqueness. The advent re of Penhaligon’s began in the Victorian era and car ies on. It st ives to create the one and only scents and memories for ever one.
气味的力量悄无声息但沁人心脾, 它能打开记忆的大门,也能让人
迷失于某个时空之中。Penhaligon’s 这 个象征着英式标志的香水品牌,凭借其 独特配方,将香气的力量发挥到极致。 Penhaligon’s 的奋进历史从维多利亚时 代便开始书写,一直传至今天,亦放眼 未来。Penhaligon’s 致力为每位顾客调 制出独一无二的香气,从而创造独一无 二的回忆。
A Century of Fragrance 百年芬芳 As a fine English ag ance house, Penhaligon’s has continued its legend for 144 years since its foundation in 1870. The passion and spirit of Penhaligon’s is to follow the founder, William Penhaligon’s legacy of creative and innovative perfumery while seeking new ways to define iconic elegance. The uniqueness of Penhaligon’s fragrance is a vital factor for its success. They are const cted from a blend of the highest quality natural sources and the latest technologies. Each scent goes onto the skin, interacting with heat and personal chemist , creating a perfect mar iage of ag ance notes and wearer. Moreover, the bo les of scent are hand-finished in a t aditional manner. However, it does not mean that the techniques used are ancient. Penhaligon’s keeps exploring new fragrance technolog and combines with the t aditional elements, creating the one and only scent for each ag ance. Each Penhaligon’s ag ance is unique. Over one cent r , it still continues its incredible legacy of creative and innovative perf mer , challenging the t aditions of the ar and seeking new ways to inter ret elegance.
Penhaligon’s 是 英 国 的 传 统 精 美 香 水品牌,自 1870 年创立至今已有 144 年。William Penhaligon 对 香 水的创造力和革新香水的传承,以 及寻求为标致优雅香水重新定义的 方法,均成为 Penhaligon’s 沿袭至 今的热诚和精神。 Penhaligon’s 的 成 功 秘 诀 是 其 香 水 的独特芳香。它们是以最高质素的 自然原料,配合最新技术混合调制 而成。当香水喷在肌肤上,跟人体 热力和个人身上物质产生化学作 用,便会构成穿戴者与香水的完美 组合。 此外,每瓶香水都是以传统的人工 制造,但这不代表它的制香技术陈 旧。Penhaligon’s 一 直 致 力 发 掘 新 的配方和技术,并结合传统元素, 然后创出每种独一无二的香水。 Penhaligon’s 每款香水都独一无二。 经过一世纪以来,它仍继续传承着 创制和革新香水的传奇,挑战传统 技术,并寻求演绎优雅的新方法。 MARQUESS
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Perfume 香水
he power of scent is magnificent. It unlocks memories and makes people feel lost somewhere for a moment in time. The Penhaligon’s, the iconic English fragrance understands delivering this power through its uniqueness. The advent re of Penhaligon’s began in the Victorian era and car ies on. It st ives to create the one and only scents and memories for ever one.
气味的力量悄无声息但沁人心脾, 它能打开记忆的大门,也能让人
迷失于某个时空之中。Penhaligon’s 这 个象征着英式标志的香水品牌,凭借其 独特配方,将香气的力量发挥到极致。 Penhaligon’s 的奋进历史从维多利亚时 代便开始书写,一直传至今天,亦放眼 未来。Penhaligon’s 致力为每位顾客调 制出独一无二的香气,从而创造独一无 二的回忆。
A Century of Fragrance 百年芬芳 As a fine English ag ance house, Penhaligon’s has continued its legend for 144 years since its foundation in 1870. The passion and spirit of Penhaligon’s is to follow the founder, William Penhaligon’s legacy of creative and innovative perfumery while seeking new ways to define iconic elegance. The uniqueness of Penhaligon’s fragrance is a vital factor for its success. They are const cted from a blend of the highest quality natural sources and the latest technologies. Each scent goes onto the skin, interacting with heat and personal chemist , creating a perfect mar iage of ag ance notes and wearer. Moreover, the bo les of scent are hand-finished in a t aditional manner. However, it does not mean that the techniques used are ancient. Penhaligon’s keeps exploring new fragrance technolog and combines with the t aditional elements, creating the one and only scent for each ag ance. Each Penhaligon’s ag ance is unique. Over one cent r , it still continues its incredible legacy of creative and innovative perf mer , challenging the t aditions of the ar and seeking new ways to inter ret elegance.
Penhaligon’s 是 英 国 的 传 统 精 美 香 水品牌,自 1870 年创立至今已有 144 年。William Penhaligon 对 香 水的创造力和革新香水的传承,以 及寻求为标致优雅香水重新定义的 方法,均成为 Penhaligon’s 沿袭至 今的热诚和精神。 Penhaligon’s 的 成 功 秘 诀 是 其 香 水 的独特芳香。它们是以最高质素的 自然原料,配合最新技术混合调制 而成。当香水喷在肌肤上,跟人体 热力和个人身上物质产生化学作 用,便会构成穿戴者与香水的完美 组合。 此外,每瓶香水都是以传统的人工 制造,但这不代表它的制香技术陈 旧。Penhaligon’s 一 直 致 力 发 掘 新 的配方和技术,并结合传统元素, 然后创出每种独一无二的香水。 Penhaligon’s 每款香水都独一无二。 经过一世纪以来,它仍继续传承着 创制和革新香水的传奇,挑战传统 技术,并寻求演绎优雅的新方法。 MARQUESS
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The Smell of 1872 1872 年的经典芳香 The classic fragrance Hammam Bouquet is a daring oriental fragrance created by William Penhaligon in 1872. Inspired by the scent of the Turkish Baths on Jer y St eet, Piccadilly, it is evocative of the Victorian era of discover and indulgence. Wild and golden, it is war and mat re, redolent of old books, powdered resins and ancient rooms. Head notes: Lavender and Bergamot Hear notes: Rose O o, Cedar ood, Or is and Jasmine Base notes: Amber, Musk and Sandalwood
Royal Recognition Since the Victorian Era 维多利亚女王时期始获青睐 The Penhaligon’s has ear ed their appreciation from the Royal Family since the Victorian era. By the end of Queen Victoria’s reig , William Penhaligon was appointed barber and perf mer to the Royal Cour . In 1903 the business was g anted a Royal War ant by Queen Alexandra. The unique scent has been the favourite of the Royal Family for over 140 years until today. Penhaligon’s has been appointed by The Duke of Edinburgh in 1956 and The Prince of Wales in 1988 respectively as the Royal War ant holder, for its g eat ser ice and dedication to the Royal Family. The boutiques of Penhaligon’s are unique as well. No t o boutiques are the same, whilst they are all enticing mix res of t aditional, moder , classic and the unusual. The boutiques and products are both a combination of classic aristocratic lux r and the t end of moder lifest le.
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Penhaligon’s 自维多利亚时代以来 就饱获皇家青睐。在维多利亚女王 任 期 后 期,William Penhaligon 获 皇家法院委任为皇家理发师及调 香 师。 在 1903 年, 公 司 更 获 亚 历 山 大 女 王 颁 授 皇 家 认 证 荣 誉。 Penhaligon’s 的独特香水自古已是 皇家的宠儿,即使直到 140 多年后 的今天。上乘的产品与矢志为王室 的 服 务, 让 Penhaligon’s 在 1956 年和 1988 年,分别从爱丁堡公爵 和威尔斯亲王获得皇家认证。
Penhaligon’s best-selling men’s fragrance is Blenheim Bouquet. Taking its name after Blenheim Palace, the seat of one of England’s most respected bloodlines, it is a bracing mix of cit s oils, spices and woods. Although created over one hundred years ago in 1902, it has continually adapted to ever t ist and t r of its existence. It is now available for Christ as in a set. Head notes: Lemon, Lime, Lavender Hear notes: Blenheim has no hear notes Base notes: Pine, Musk, Blackpepper
品牌经典香水 Hammam Bouquet, 是 William Penhaligon 于 1872 年 受到皮卡迪利区 Jermyn 街上的土 耳其浴香味启发,大胆创出的一款 东方调香水。它让人联想到维多利 亚时期的探索和享受,金碧辉煌而 野性、温暖而成熟,恍如一个古老 房间萦绕着的旧书和松香挥发的气 息。
Penhaligon’s 最 畅 销 的 男 装 香 水 为 Blenheim Bouquet。它的名字取自 英格兰其中一个备受尊崇的血统所 在地布伦海姆宫。它的香味混合了 柑橘油、香料和木质香调。尽管它 於 1902 年创制至今已有过百年历 史,它仍能在物转星移下屹立不倒。 Blenheim Bouquet 今年圣诞更推出 套装销售。
前调 : 薰衣草、佛手柑 中调 : 玫瑰精油、杉木、鸢尾草、茉莉 尾调 : 琥珀、麝香和白檀
前调 : 柠檬、青柠、薰衣草 中调 : 没有 尾调 : 松木、麝香、黑胡椒
Penhaligon’s 每间精品店也是独一 无二,绝不存在两间装潢一样的店 铺。 它 的 店 铺 均 是 传 统、 经 典 与 不凡设计的结合,显出不同凡响。 Penhaligon’s 的店铺与产品一样, 都是经典贵族奢华与现代潮流生活 方式混合的结晶。 MARQUESS
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The Smell of 1872 1872 年的经典芳香 The classic fragrance Hammam Bouquet is a daring oriental fragrance created by William Penhaligon in 1872. Inspired by the scent of the Turkish Baths on Jer y St eet, Piccadilly, it is evocative of the Victorian era of discover and indulgence. Wild and golden, it is war and mat re, redolent of old books, powdered resins and ancient rooms. Head notes: Lavender and Bergamot Hear notes: Rose O o, Cedar ood, Or is and Jasmine Base notes: Amber, Musk and Sandalwood
Penhaligon’s best-selling men’s fragrance is Blenheim Bouquet. Taking its name after Blenheim Palace, the seat of one of England’s most respected bloodlines, it is a bracing mix of cit s oils, spices and woods. Although created over one hundred years ago in 1902, it has continually adapted to ever t ist and t r of its existence. It is now available for Christ as in a set. Head notes: Lemon, Lime, Lavender Hear notes: Blenheim has no hear notes Base notes: Pine, Musk, Blackpepper
品牌经典香水 Hammam Bouquet, 是 William Penhaligon 于 1872 年 受到皮卡迪利区 Jermyn 街上的土 耳其浴香味启发,大胆创出的一款 东方调香水。它让人联想到维多利 亚时期的探索和享受,金碧辉煌而 野性、温暖而成熟,恍如一个古老 房间萦绕着的旧书和松香挥发的气 息。
Penhaligon’s 最 畅 销 的 男 装 香 水 为 Blenheim Bouquet。它的名字取自 英格兰其中一个备受尊崇的血统所 在地布伦海姆宫。它的香味混合了 柑橘油、香料和木质香调。尽管它 於 1902 年创制至今已有过百年历 史,它仍能在物转星移下屹立不倒。 Blenheim Bouquet 今年圣诞更推出 套装销售。
前调 : 薰衣草、佛手柑 中调 : 玫瑰精油、杉木、鸢尾草、茉莉 尾调 : 琥珀、麝香和白檀
前调 : 柠檬、青柠、薰衣草 中调 : 没有 尾调 : 松木、麝香、黑胡椒
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Haute Horlogerie 高端钟表
or able mechanical timepieces have a histor of five hundred years, the Genevan manufacture, Patek Philippe has co-written, co-desig ed and co-measured one third of the histor in this categor of timekeeping inst ments. To pay t ibute to its 175th anniversar , Patek Philippe created a limitededition collection of commemorative timepieces.
500 年历 便携式机械计时器已有 史,回首过去三分一时期,无
论是书写新篇,抑或设计、测量技 术方面的革新,都离不开日内瓦著 名钟表制造商百达翡丽的身影。为 了庆祝 175 周年,百达翡丽特别设 计了一系列限量版珍藏纪念腕表。
Timeless Legend 盛宠不衰的传奇 Since founded by Antoine Norber de Patek on 1 May, 1839, Patek Philippe’s motto is always to build the world’s best and most beautif l timepieces. Patek’s advent rous and creative marketing st le has brought the timepieces to the big world stage. Then a gifted French watchmaker, Jean Adrien Philippe, joined the company in 1845. His dedication to the keyless winding and hand-se ing mechanism has laid a solid g ound for leading the technolog t end. Three patents were g anted in the year of 1845, 1860 and 1861 respectively. When the global economic crisis hit Patek Philippe in 1932, brothers Charles and Jean Ster became coproprietors of “Ancienne Manufact re d’ horlogerie Patek Philippe & Cie, S.A.”, then wholly acquired it in 1933. It marked the star of Ster era. Ar isanal perfection, lavish decoration with eng avings, enamelling techniques and precious stones have been continuously encouraged to ensure the timepieces transformed from watches into luxurious works of art. In the twentieth-first century, the philosophy of considering a timepiece to be a coherent whole was reaffirmed with the Patek Philippe Seal. What has always applied to all Patek Philippe watches are confir ed in writing for the first time.
自 从 Antoine Norbert de Patek 于 1839 年 5 月 1 日 创 立 百 达 翡 丽, 公司的座右铭一直是建造全球最优 质和最美观的计时器。百达的冒险 和 创 意 市 场 营 销 方 式, 把 百 达 翡 丽 带 进 宏 大 的 世 界 舞 台。 在 1845 年,法国天才腕表制造师翡丽 (Jean Adrien Philippe) 加 盟 公 司。 他 在 自动上弦的设计和拨针机制方面的 钻研,奠定了其领先科技潮流的基 石。他分别在 1845 年、1860 年和 1861 年取得 3 项专利。 1932 年全球经济大萧条,百达翡丽 亦出现经济危机。斯登兄弟 Charles 与 Jean 成为合资老板,帮助百达翡 丽度过危机,翌年更出资全面收购, 斯登家族的管治时期遂正式展开。 百达翡丽希望能把计时器由手表转 化为奢侈艺术品,因此不断追求手 工完美、奢华的装饰与雕刻,并采 用先进的上釉技术和珍贵宝石。在 21 世纪,百达翡丽印记已成为精致 艺术计时器的质量标准,也是第一 次把百达翡丽一直奉行的信条正式 以文字方式确认下来。
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History Reverberation
颠覆历史的设计 Among the 175th limited-edition collection, the Grandmaster Chime Ref. 5175 stands out. Not only it is the most complicated wrist atch that Patek Philippe created in ter s of the numbers of complications and the horological deg ees of complexity, it is also the first double-face wrist atch Patek Philippe presented. One face focuses more on the time and the sonnerie, while the other is dedicated to a f ll instantaneous per et al calendar. With the f ll ingenious reversing mechanism in the lugs, it is easy to switch face and secure the case in the selected position. For the convenience to the wearer, cur ent time and date are shown on both sides. It accomodates 20 complications, including f nctions like Grande and Petite Sonnerie, minute repeater, instantaneous per et al calendar with a four-digit year display and second time zone etc. Moreover, the acoustic alar that st ikes the alar time orchest ated its comeback of 25 years ago. Not to mention a date repeater that sounds the date on demand which inspired by a long-standing customer and the President Thier Ster , has made its debut globally. More than 100,000 hours were spent for development, production of these seven pieces of “intelligent watch”. Among these 7 Grandmaster Chime watches, 6 of them will be sold to long-standing collectors, while one will be placed at the Patek Philippe Museum in Geneva. Each of them is delivered in a chest made of Makassar ebony and 17 f r her wood species. It is decorated with intarsia and gold inlays.
在 175 周 年 的 限 量 版 珍 藏 腕 表 系 列 中, 最 引 人 注 目 的 是 大 师 弦 音 腕 表 (Grandmaster Chime Ref. 5175 )。 它不但是百达翡丽至今所制在功能数目 与复杂程度最精密的腕表,也是百达翡 丽第一款可以双面佩戴的腕表。 顾名思义,双面腕表两面均可朝天佩戴, 一面集中显示时间,兼备自鸣功能,另 一面为瞬跳万年历。精巧独特的双面设 计,令返转表面这个动作非常容易。完 成返转后,表壳也能轻易锁定,十分稳 固。由于时间和日期显示是戴表者最常 用的功能,因此两边皆有呈现。 大师弦音腕表具备了 20 项复杂功能, 包括大小自鸣、三问报时、瞬跳万年历, 四位数字年份显示,以及第二时区昼夜 显示等。此外,闹钟报时可让腕表鸣报 预先设定的时间,与 25 年前百达翡丽 曾推出的同类功能呼应。而鸣报日期这 个概念,则源于总裁泰瑞・ 斯登和一名 长期忠实支持者的讨论,套用于腕表上 还属首次。 百达翡丽倾注了大量心血去研发和制作 这 7 只智能腕表,花费时间共超过 10 万小时。 百达翡丽一共制作了 7 只大师弦音腕表,其中 6 只仅限出售给长期支 持的收藏家,余下一只 将会存放在日内瓦的百 达翡丽博物馆内。 每只腕表配备 专门表匣,由 望加锡黑檀木 以 及 17 种 其 他名贵木材制 成,并以镶金 和细木镶嵌工 艺装饰。 MARQUESS
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A Feast for Eyes and Ears 音乐诗意飨宴 The Chiming Jump Hour Ref. 5275 enriches the manufact re’s 175th anniversar with considerable elegance and fineness, and with ver e and musical poet . It combines three jumping indications with an acoustic indication at the top of ever hour.
百达翡丽 175 周年纪念腕表系列优雅 精致,跳时自鸣腕表 (Chiming Jump Hour Ref. 5275) 的诞生,更平添了一 份充满韵味的音乐诗意。跳时自鸣腕 表融合了 3 种瞬跳显示,每小时都会 自动鸣报。
Once an hour, when the digital display in the aper re at 12 o’clock jumps to the nex hour precisely when the seconds and minute hands advance, a soſt tone can be heard. It pays t ibute to the Ref. 3969 with a jumping digital hour launched in 1989 on the occasion of Patek Philippe’s 150th anniversar , showing the technical and ex er ise prog ess for the past t ent five years.
电子显示器每小时一次会精准跳转显 示另一小时。在同一时间,分针和秒 针亦同步准时到达 12 时的位置,一 声柔和的簧音随之响起。这种设计, 是要向 1989 年推出、为纪念百达翡 丽 150 周年的 Ref. 3969 表款致敬, 以显示过去 25 年来其技术和专业知 识的进步。
There are only 175 pieces of Chiming Jump Hour craſted. They are all wor on a shiny black alligator st ap secured with a platinum fold-over clasp, eng aved with “PATEK PHILIPPE 1839-2014” and a Calat ava cross in the middle.
全 球 限 量 175 只 的 跳 时 自 鸣 腕 表, 采用了闪亮黑色鳄鱼皮表带,配搭铂 金折叠式表扣。表扣上刻有〝PATEK PHILIPPE 1839-2014〞 环 形 字 样, 中心还刻上了 Calatrava 十字星图案。
Ref. 5975
Ref. 4675
Multi-scale Chronographs 多刻度完美计时 Chronog aphs for measuring time inter als are among Patek Philippe’s most popular timepieces. A special model was created to celebrate the 175th anniversar . Multi-Scale Chronog aph has a few capabilities more than the ordinar ones, which allow itself to compute speeds, distance and hear beats per minute. The watch feat res a pulsimeter, with a scale calibrated to 15 hear beats, a tachy eter scale to measure the average speed of a car calibrating to 1000 met es and a telemeter with kilomet e g aduations. Multi-Scale Chronog aph Ref. 5975, which is for men’s model, is limited to 400 watches each in 18K yellow, white and rose gold as well as 100 versions in platinum. Ref. 4675, which is for the ladies’ model, is limited to 150 watches each in white and rose gold. All are wor on hand-stitched alligator st aps secured with fold-over clasps in gold to match the case, with the eng aving “PATEK PHILIPPE 18392014”.
Ref. 4675
计算时间间隔的计时表,是百达翡丽 其中一个最受欢迎的表款。为了庆祝 175 周年,百达翡丽更设计出功能远胜 普通腕表的多刻度计时表 (Multi-Scale Chronograph) 特 别 款, 能 用 来 计 算 速 度、距离以至每分钟的心跳次数。 多刻度计时表包括脉搏计,只需捕捉到 连续 15 次心跳就能显示心率。另配备 能显示车辆在 1000 米内平均速度的准 距仪,及以千米为单位的测距仪。 百达翡丽还特别设计适合男士和女士佩 戴的多刻度计时表。Ref.5975 为男式表 款,分别有 18K 黄金、白金、玫瑰金三 种颜色,每种限量制作 400 枚,另有采 用铂金材质的 100 枚。Ref.4675 为女 式表款,包括白金和玫瑰金材料,每种 限量 150 只。计时表采用手工缝制的鳄 鱼皮表带,配搭金质折叠式表扣,上刻 有〝PATEK PHILIPPE 1839 - 2014〞 字样。 MARQUESS
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雅 mp 一 腕 会
Ref. 5975
显 秒 一 , 翡 , 知
Ref. 4675
Multi-scale Chronographs 多刻度完美计时 Chronog aphs for measuring time inter als are among Patek Philippe’s most popular timepieces. A special model was created to celebrate the 175th anniversar . Multi-Scale Chronog aph has a few capabilities more than the ordinar ones, which allow itself to compute speeds, distance and hear beats per minute.
, 铂 EK , 。
The watch feat res a pulsimeter, with a scale calibrated to 15 hear beats, a tachy eter scale to measure the average speed of a car calibrating to 1000 met es and a telemeter with kilomet e g aduations. Multi-Scale Chronog aph Ref. 5975, which is for men’s model, is limited to 400 watches each in 18K yellow, white and rose gold as well as 100 versions in platinum. Ref. 4675, which is for the ladies’ model, is limited to 150 watches each in white and rose gold. All are wor on hand-stitched alligator st aps secured with fold-over clasps in gold to match the case, with the eng aving “PATEK PHILIPPE 18392014”.
Ref. 4675
计算时间间隔的计时表,是百达翡丽 其中一个最受欢迎的表款。为了庆祝 175 周年,百达翡丽更设计出功能远胜 普通腕表的多刻度计时表 (Multi-Scale Chronograph) 特 别 款, 能 用 来 计 算 速 度、距离以至每分钟的心跳次数。 多刻度计时表包括脉搏计,只需捕捉到 连续 15 次心跳就能显示心率。另配备 能显示车辆在 1000 米内平均速度的准 距仪,及以千米为单位的测距仪。 百达翡丽还特别设计适合男士和女士佩 戴的多刻度计时表。Ref.5975 为男式表 款,分别有 18K 黄金、白金、玫瑰金三 种颜色,每种限量制作 400 枚,另有采 用铂金材质的 100 枚。Ref.4675 为女 式表款,包括白金和玫瑰金材料,每种 限量 150 只。计时表采用手工缝制的鳄 鱼皮表带,配搭金质折叠式表扣,上刻 有〝PATEK PHILIPPE 1839 - 2014〞 字样。 MARQUESS
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The Moon on the Wrist 手腕上的月光 Patek Philippe World Time Moon Refs. 5575 and 7175, are the limited editions facing the f t re. The innovative large-for at moon-phase display occupying the whole cent e makes the poetic complication come alive in a totally new way. The changing faces of the moon have never been so realistic or prominent before.
百达翡丽推出的世界时间月相限量版 腕 表 (World Time Moon Ref.5575 与 7175),是品牌面向未来之作。月相以 崭新方式盘踞在表盘中央,随着月球绕 行地球的轨道,在手腕上从圆至缺,转 亏为盈。百达翡丽腕表上的月相多变, 从未如此写实、卓越。
Moreover, the timepiece indicates the time in all of the world’s 24 time zones at a glance. The new caliber 240 HU LU was developed ex licitly to achieve a har onious f sion of the world’s 24 time zones with the lunar cycle.
在月相外圈,表盘刻有 24 个地球城市 名称,代表全世界的 24 个时区。新款 的 caliber 240 HU LU 机芯,就是为了 把 24 个时区与月相融合得更和谐而研 发出来。
The World Time Moon has been craſted in a limited edition of 1750 pieces, of which 450 as the diamondador ed Ref. 7175 ladies’ version and 1300 in the somewhat larger Ref. 5575 men’s version.
世 界 时 间 月 相 腕 表 限 量 版 制 作 1750 只, 当 中 450 枚 以 钻 石 装 饰 的 Ref. 7175 是 女 装 表 ; 另 外 1300 枚 Ref. 5575 尺寸稍大,则为男装表款。
175th Anniversary Finale in London 175 周年庆 伦敦艺展作结
Ref. 7175
Ref. 5575
Patek Philippe will present its 175-year t adition of high-precision watch manufact ring in London nex year - Watch Ar Patek Philippe Grand Exhibition. It will take place in May 2015 at Saatchi Galler in London, bringing the Patek Philippe 175th-anniversar celebrations to a close.
百达翡丽明年会在伦敦呈献品牌 175 年沉淀下来制作计时器的精湛 工艺——百达翡丽钟表艺术大展, 将于 2015 年 5 月在伦敦萨奇画廊 (Saatchi Gallery)展出,为百达翡 丽 175 周年庆祝活动圆满作结。
During the exhibition(see above sketch), visitors will be offered a chance to gain an insight into Patek Philippe’s heritage in the domain of haute horlogerie through ar isans working live show and watch maker demonst ation. The ex erience is promised to be as similar as the Patek Philippe Museum tour in Geneva.
展览期间(见设计绘图),百达翡 丽将透过工匠师的现场表演和手表 制造商的示范,让公众对百达翡丽 在高端钟表领域的传统精髓有更深 入认识。相关体验媲美游览日内瓦 的百达翡丽博物馆。 MARQUESS
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175th Anniversary Finale in London 175 周年庆 伦敦艺展作结 Patek Philippe will present its 175-year t adition of high-precision watch manufact ring in London nex year - Watch Ar Patek Philippe Grand Exhibition. It will take place in May 2015 at Saatchi Galler in London, bringing the Patek Philippe 175th-anniversar celebrations to a close.
百达翡丽明年会在伦敦呈献品牌 175 年沉淀下来制作计时器的精湛 工艺——百达翡丽钟表艺术大展, 将于 2015 年 5 月在伦敦萨奇画廊 (Saatchi Gallery)展出,为百达翡 丽 175 周年庆祝活动圆满作结。
During the exhibition(see above sketch), visitors will be offered a chance to gain an insight into Patek Philippe’s heritage in the domain of haute horlogerie through ar isans working live show and watch maker demonst ation. The ex erience is promised to be as similar as the Patek Philippe Museum tour in Geneva.
展览期间(见设计绘图),百达翡 丽将透过工匠师的现场表演和手表 制造商的示范,让公众对百达翡丽 在高端钟表领域的传统精髓有更深 入认识。相关体验媲美游览日内瓦 的百达翡丽博物馆。 MARQUESS
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Har Winston Ultimate Emerald Sig at re Watch is a timepiece that doubles up as a pendant, brooch and wrist atch. The white gold case is covered with diamonds including a 1.00ct emerald-cut diamond at the cent e. 100 hours were logged for manufact re. 海瑞温斯顿 Ultimate Emerald Signature 顶级珠宝名表集吊坠、胸针与腕表功能 于一身。在白金表壳上镶满了钻石,中心位镶有一卡拉翡翠切割钻石。 这款腕表共花 100 小时精制而成。
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Fine Jewellery 精致珠宝
ar Winston disting ishes among other lux r jeweller desig er labels for the particular diamond cutting technique as well as the fineness of desig that a act flocks of world top personalities, including The Queen Elizabeth of England, Holly ood stars and several celebrities.
在众多豪华珠宝设计师品牌中, 海瑞温斯顿以其精湛的钻石
切割工艺和精细设计而不同凡响, 吸引了包括英女王伊利沙伯二世, 好莱坞影星和名人等上流社会人士 的爱戴。
The King of Diamonds 钻石之王 Har Winston opened his store on the 5th Avenue in 1932, with the mo o “Rare Jewels of the World”. Having a real passion for jewels, called by some the “King of Diamonds”, Har Winston used to say: “If I could, I would a ach the diamonds directly onto a woman’s skin.” By wearing his jeweller , you car the timeless elegance. Har Winston desig ed and cut his diamonds according to the original shape of each piece, instead of looking for suitable diamonds after drawing the concept. He would even sacrifice the weight of the diamond to find the best angle and shape to give it the most glorious and perfect shine.
海瑞温斯顿于 1932 年在纽约第五大道 开设他第一家珠宝店,其座右铭是〝传 奇系列的世界所在〞。海瑞温斯顿对珠 宝怀着强烈的热情,被人称为〝钻石之 王〞。他曾说:〝如果可以,我会将钻 石直接镶嵌在女人的皮肤上。〞戴上海 瑞温斯顿的珠宝,彷佛添上一份不杻 的优雅魅力。 海瑞温斯顿善于根据每块钻石 原石的形状来设计和切割 , 而 不是先绘设计草图再寻找合适 的钻石。有时他甚至会牺牲 钻石原有的重量,以寻找最 佳的角度和形状来释放钻石 最耀眼最完美的光彩。
The Winston Blue Over the years, Har Winston discovered, 多年来, 海瑞温斯顿发现、购 purchased and cut some of the most famous 买, 然 后 把 一 些 原 石 切 割 成 最 著 diamond pieces, including the Jonker, the Taylor名的钻石首饰,包括扬克之钻、泰勒・ Bur on, the Hope, the Lesotho and the Winston 波顿之钻、希望之钻、赖索托之钻与 Blue. Har Winston purchased the most famous Winston Blue。1949 年,海瑞温斯顿 diamond in the world, 45.52-carat the Hope in 购入世界最知名、重 45.52 卡的希望之 1949. With the acquisition of a rare 13.22-carat, 钻。当品牌于 2014 年投得 13.22 卡无 flawless, fancy-vivid blue diamond the “Winston 瑕鲜彩蓝钻 Winston Blue 后,海瑞温 Blue” in 2014, Har Winston’s star ing mo o “Rare 斯顿公司称,品牌创始时的座右铭〝传 Jewels of the world” is no longer just the histor of 奇系列的世界所在〞指的不仅是品牌过 the House, it is also the f t re. 去的历史,亦是它的未来。
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Zalium Men Fine Jewellery Collection Debut
Fifth Avenue Vault Charm
New Diamond Charms Pay Tribute to Legacy
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The three recently launched Diamond Char s, set in platinum with rows of diamonds, inter ret the histor and legacy of Har Winston.
海瑞温斯顿最新推出 3 款 钻坠,以铂金配搭多行钻 石,完美演绎了品牌的历 史与传统精髓。
The Fiſth Avenue Vault Char is a real t easure. The most exquisite par of the jewel lies within. Aſter opening the vault door, there is a hidden surface that can be eng aved with a personal message. Besides, the Diamond Cluster Hear Char capt res the timeless beaut of an enduring motif. Inspired by the gates of Har Winston’s New York Cit Flagship Salon, the Diamond Gates Char reinter rets the iconic Fiſth Avenue landmark.
其中 Fifth Avenue Vault 拱 形钻坠更是一件珍宝。它 的内涵是其最独特之处。 打开拱门后,内里显现被 隐藏的平面,上面可以雕 刻私人信息。Cluster Heart 心形钻坠则演绎了超越时 间之美的永恒主题。至于 闸 门 造 型 Gates 钻 坠, 其 灵感源自海瑞温斯顿纽约 旗舰店的闸门,该设计重 新诠释了这座第五大道的 地标建筑。
All three Char s inherit the long t adition of classic st le blended with innovative desig , illust ating the beaut and elegance of moder women. They are perfect matches for necklaces and bracelets of a moder daily wear.
3 件钻坠都传承了品牌的 经典风格并辅以创新设计, 展示出现代女性的美丽与 优雅。它们均可与项链或 手链作为现代平日穿戴的 完美配搭。
Zalium is a proprietar zirconium-based alloy originated om the aerospace indust . It was first introduced as part of the trend setting timepiece collections at Har Winston in 2001. The ex eme light ess and durabilit make it an ideal material for use in high-perfor ance desig and engineering. For the first time, Harry Winston introduces Zalium to men’s fine jeweller , with a new series of accessories including cufflinks, shirt studs, pendant and wedding bands. Each piece is meticulously craſted and achieves a lustrous black finish by treating Zalium plates at ex eme temperat res which makes it highly resistant to scratches and chips.
2001 年,海瑞温斯顿首次将锆合金 这种源自太空业的材料,应用在其 领导潮流计时器藏品系列。这种材 料极之轻盈且持久耐用,是制作高 性能设计与工程的理想材料。 而今,海瑞温斯顿首次利用锆合金 材料制成男士高级珠宝首饰系列, 包括袖扣、衬衣扣、吊坠与婚戒。 每件锆合金首饰都经过细致打磨, 并以极端温度淬炼锆合金金属板, 令首饰的耀目黑色镀面能高度抵抗 刮痕与断裂。
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Zalium Men Fine Jewellery Collection Debut
锆合金男士珠宝系列面世 Zalium is a proprietar zirconium-based alloy originated om the aerospace indust . It was first introduced as part of the trend setting timepiece collections at Har Winston in 2001. The ex eme light ess and durabilit make it an ideal material for use in high-perfor ance desig and engineering. For the first time, Harry Winston introduces Zalium to men’s fine jeweller , with a new series of accessories including cufflinks, shirt studs, pendant and wedding bands. Each piece is meticulously craſted and achieves a lustrous black finish by treating Zalium plates at ex eme temperat res which makes it highly resistant to scratches and chips.
2001 年,海瑞温斯顿首次将锆合金 这种源自太空业的材料,应用在其 领导潮流计时器藏品系列。这种材 料极之轻盈且持久耐用,是制作高 性能设计与工程的理想材料。 而今,海瑞温斯顿首次利用锆合金 材料制成男士高级珠宝首饰系列, 包括袖扣、衬衣扣、吊坠与婚戒。 每件锆合金首饰都经过细致打磨, 并以极端温度淬炼锆合金金属板, 令首饰的耀目黑色镀面能高度抵抗 刮痕与断裂。
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Award Winning Jewellery Designer in UK
ward-winning jeweller desig er, Sarah Ho, was bor in Hong Kong and g ew up in Macau before moving to London to improve her skills in desig and gemmolog . Even though she comes from a rich family– her g andfather Stanley Ho has been known as “The King of Gambling”, Sarah Ho wants to escape om her family glor to develop her real interests and get recog ition and appreciation om her customers.
Ho),生于香港,长于澳门,其 后移居伦敦进修珠宝设计与宝石 学。尽管她出生于富贵之家——祖 父是澳门赌王何鸿燊,她却想躲开 家族光环,发展自己的兴趣和事 业。她希望顾客对她的认同和欣 赏,纯粹是因为她的设计才华。
She avoided to set up a business in Asia and built up her own jeweller brand SHO Fine Jeweller in the United Kingdom. In eight years, Sarah’s passion and talent won the hear of the British. Her creations have been given numerous awards, and she is esteemed by specialists as much as the public.
她不选择在亚洲而在英国建立自 己的珠宝品牌——SHO 精美珠宝。 8 年来,Sarah 的热情和才华让她 赢得英国主流社会的欢心。她的设 计亦频频获奖,得到业内专家以及 公众的尊崇。
在英国珠宝业界屡次获奖的著 名珠宝设计师何家文(Sarah
Jewellery Designer Sarah Ho
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Award Winning Jewellery Designer in UK
ward-winning jeweller desig er, Sarah Ho, was bor in Hong Kong and g ew up in Macau before moving to London to improve her skills in desig and gemmolog . Even though she comes from a successful family– her g andfather Stanley Ho has been known as “The King of Gambling”, Sarah Ho wants to escape om her family glor to develop her real interests and get recog ition and appreciation om her customers.
Ho),生于香港,长于澳门,其 后移居伦敦进修珠宝设计与宝石 学。尽管她出生于成功世家——祖 父是澳门赌王何鸿燊,她却想躲开 家族光环,发展自己的兴趣和事 业。她希望顾客对她的认同和欣 赏,纯粹是因为她的设计才华。
She avoided se ing up a business in Asia but chose to build up her own jeweller brand Sarah Ho in the United Kingdom. In eight years, Sarah’s passion and talent won the hear of the British. Her creations have been given numerous awards, and she is esteemed by specialists as much as the public.
她不选择在亚洲而在英国建立自 己 的 珠 宝 品 牌 ——Sarah Ho 。8 年来,Sarah 的热情和才华让她赢 得英国主流社会的欢心。她的设计 亦频频获奖,得到业内专家以及公 众的尊崇。
在英国珠宝业界屡次获奖的著 名珠宝设计师何家文(Sarah
Jewellery Designer Sarah Ho
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“Designing for bespoke customers is like painting a portrait but through jewellery.” 〝为客人度身设计就如替人绘像,只不过用的是珠宝。〞 Although Sarah already has a successf l business in UK, her ambition has pushed her to establish her brand inter ationally, in the entire Europe as well as back in Asia. In fact, she is ver proud to take her brand home to Macau and Hong Kong.
每件珠宝都在 诉说一个故事
间,但我很高兴我们正在拓展新的 珠宝藏品系列并打进新的市场。这 是十分激动人心的时刻。〞Sarah 表示。
Not only she ex anded ge o g a p h i c a l l y, Sarah also set up a new bespoke ser ice desig ing for private clients. Sarah dedicates time to her clients getting to know them, thus being able to reflect part of their stories in a piece of jeweller that has a personal meaning to them and will be t easured forever.
她不仅在地域上 拓展市场,还新 设了为私人客户 度身设计的高端 服 务。Sarah 会 花很多时间去了 解顾客,以在珠 宝上展示他们的 一些故事。她认 为,一件珠宝只 要获赋予个人化 意义,就能令顾客永远珍惜。
Sarah takes g eat pride in desig ing for her bespoke customers, “It’s like painting a por ait but through jeweller . Par of the jour ey is finding out about them, desig ing and making the craſt, and then seeing their reaction when they first try the design on. It is a special ex erience for both of us.” said Sarah.
Sarah 对于能为客人度身订制设计 感到十分自豪,〝这犹如替人绘肖 像,只不过用的是珠宝。这过程中 很重要的一部分就是要了解顾客, 找出其独特之处,并以珠宝设计手 艺表达出来。当看到客人试戴这些 设计的反应,对客人和我都是很特 别的体验。〞Sarah 细说。
This year, Sarah and her team par icipated in a number of inter ational jeweller fairs including the Baselworld in Switzerland and the Hong Kong Jeweller Show which only allow the best jeweller desig ers in the world to showcase their finest desig s to thousands of visitors.
今年,Sarah 和她的团队参加了多 个国际珠宝展,包括瑞士的巴塞尔 世界钟表珠宝博览会和香港珠宝 展。这些展会都是仅限于世界最优 秀的珠宝设计师参加,向来自全球 的访客展示他们的最优秀作品。
From the origami she loved when she was a child, to the coin collection inspired by her g andfather’s birthday gift, Sarah’s design has represented different milestones, or a reflection of places and occasions that are special in her life. Her jeweller shows g eat love and respect to her family. She is used to saying her g andmother and her mother are her muses. Her jeweller has an elegant and feminine char , taking a moder creative approach that will stand the test of time.
“It takes time to establish a jeweller brand but I am delighted that we are ex anding with new jeweller collections and into new markets. It’s a ver exciting time.”Sarah commented.
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虽然 Sarah 在英国已创建成功的生 意,但她矢志将品牌建成国际知名 品牌,涵盖欧洲以及亚洲地区。事 实上,她十分自豪能将自己品牌带 回澳门和香港。
Every Piece of Jewellery Tells a Story
Her casino collection, for instance, was a t ibute to Macau and her family business, as well as a special pair of cufflinks for her g andfather with his initials in Chinese. Casino Collection
Besides, the Easter and Wester cult re blends perfectly in her desig . Her coin collection desig comes with a st ong oriental characteristic, at the same time meets the appreciation of the moder Wester taste. Sarah 设计珠宝的灵感来源多端, 包括来自她儿时喜爱的摺纸,以至 祖父送给她的钱币生日礼物。她的 设计代表了她生命中不同的里程 碑,甚或是对一些有特殊意义的地 方和场合的情感投射。 她的设计体现了她对家人的厚爱和 尊重。她常说,其祖母和母亲都是 她的缪斯,因而显现在她的珠宝设 计高雅而富女性魅力的一面,以现 代创意方式设计成经得起时间考验 的佳作。 例如她的赌场珍藏系列,就是对澳 门和她的家族事业的献礼,另外还 有一对献给她祖父的别致袖口钮, 上面刻有他中文名字的英译缩写。
Sarah Ho for William & Son Cocktail Ring Collection
此外,她的设计往往体现了东西文 化冲击以及完美交融。她的钱币设 计系列具有强烈的东方色彩,同时 也十分符合现代西方的审美观。 MARQUESS
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Every Piece of Jewellery Tells a Story 每件珠宝都在 诉说一个故事
Casino Collection
From the origami she loved when she was a child, to the coin collection inspired by her g andfather’s birthday gift, Sarah’s design has represented different milestones, or a reflection of places and occasions that are special in her life. Her jeweller shows g eat love and respect to her family, especially the women in her life. She is used to saying her g andmother and her mother are her muses. Her jeweller has an elegant and feminine char , taking a moder creative approach that will stand the test of time. Her casino collection, for instance, was a t ibute to Macau and her family business. Besides, the Easter and Wester cult re blends perfectly in her desig . Her coin collection desig comes with a st ong oriental characteristic, at the same time meets the appreciation of the moder Wester taste. Sarah 设计珠宝的灵感来源多端, 包括来自她儿时喜爱的摺纸,以至 祖父送给她的钱币生日礼物。她的 设计代表了她生命中不同的里程 碑,甚或是对一些有特殊意义的地 方和场合的情感投射。 她的设计体现了她对家人的厚爱和 尊重,特别是在她生命中具影响力 的女性。她常说,其祖母和母亲都 是她的缪斯,因而显现在她的珠宝 设计高雅而富女性魅力的一面,以 现代创意方式设计成经得起时间考 验 的 佳 作。 例 如 她 的 赌 场 珍 藏 系 列,就是对澳门和她的家族事业的 献礼。
Sarah Ho for William & Son Cocktail Ring Collection
此外,她的设计往往体现了东西文 化冲击以及完美交融。她的钱币设 计系列具有强烈的东方色彩,同时 也十分符合现代西方的审美观。 MARQUESS
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Social Life 社交生活
ounded in 1963 by Mark Birley and named after his wife, Annabel’s was the first members-only nightclub in the United Kingdom. Catering to the exclusive clientèle such as the British Royal Family and legends of music and film indust , it is the only club that The Queen has ever been. This year, Annabel’s celebrates its 50th bir hday with a documentar film.
1963 年 英国第一间会员制夜总会于 成立,创办人 Mark Birley 以其妻
子名字命名为 Annabel's(安娜贝尔)。 Annabel's 的客人非富则贵,包括英国 王室成员,以及音乐和电影界的传奇人 物,它更是英女王伊利沙伯二世唯一到 过的夜总会。今年,它以一套纪录片庆 祝其 50 岁寿辰。
Shining for 50 Years 星光灿烂半世纪 Featuring a bar surrounded by magnificent ar ork and a dining room with Moorish ceiling and unique starlit dance floor, alongside with superb ser ice, enviable ambience and first-class cuisine, Annabel’s draws g ests like HRH The Prince of Wales, HRH The Duke of Cambridge, Richard Nixon, Frank Sinat a, Ella Fitzgerald, Jack Nicholson, The Rolling Stones, Elizabeth Taylor and Shirley Bassey, etc.
Annabel's 夜总会内设艺术氛围浓厚的 酒吧和餐厅,酒吧墙上挂满华丽的艺术 品,餐厅则以拱形天花和独特的星光舞 池点缀,加上其顶级服务、令人陶醉的 气氛和一流美食,夜总会令威尔斯亲 王、剑桥公爵、美国前总统尼克逊、弗 兰克辛纳屈、埃拉・菲茨杰拉德、杰克・ 尼科尔森、滚石乐队、伊丽莎白・ 泰勒 和雪莉・贝西等贵客趋之若鹜 。
For the half cent r , what Annabel’s has been offering are elegance and st le. To maintain the class, members and g ests have to follow the dress code.
半世纪以来,Annabel's 一直保持着优 雅和时尚的形象。为了维持夜总会的品 味,Annabel's 对进场的会员及其宾客 的服装都有严格要求。
Marking the club’s 50th year anniversar , Ridley Scott Associates has created a documentary film “A String of Naked Lightbulbs” to review the colourf l histor of the club. According to the members, Annabel’s is a heaven for being safe and relaxed. Goldie Hawn said, “I remember the first time I walked into Annabel’s, it was 1970. It was like an ex aordinarily desig ed and conceived place, where you never wanted to leave. It was war , the colours, the reds, it had this elegance to it, and yet you felt that you could put your feet up.”
今年适逢 Annabel's 夜总会庆祝 50 周 年 之 际,Ridley Scott Associates 制 作 公司专门拍制了一套纪录片〝A String of Naked Lightbulbs〞,以回顾夜总会 丰富多彩的历史。会员称赞 Annabel's 是一个让人感到富安全感而放松的天 堂。 Goldie Hawn 表示,〝我仍然记得 1970 年第一次走进 Annabel's 的情况。 这是一个经过非凡设计和特别构思的地 方,令人流连忘返。那里的温暖、色彩 与艳红,更为这地方增添了优雅魅力, 同时却又让人尽情释放!〞
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11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
Social Life 社交生活
ounded in 1963 by Mark Birley and named after his wife, Annabel’s was the first members-only nightclub in the United Kingdom. Catering to the exclusive clientèle such as the British Royal Family and legends of music and film indust , it is the only club that The Queen has ever been. This year, Annabel’s celebrates its 50th bir hday with a documentar film.
1963 年 英国第一间会员制夜总会于 成立,创办人 Mark Birley 以其妻
子名字命名为 Annabel's(安娜贝尔)。 Annabel's 的客人非富则贵,包括英国 王室成员,以及音乐和电影界的传奇人 物,它更是英女王伊利沙伯二世唯一到 过的夜总会。今年,它以一套纪录片庆 祝其 50 岁寿辰。
Shining for 50 Years 星光灿烂半世纪 Featuring a bar surrounded by magnificent ar ork and a dining room with Moorish ceiling and unique starlit dance floor, alongside with superb ser ice, enviable ambience and first-class cuisine, Annabel’s draws g ests like HRH The Prince of Wales, HRH The Duke of Cambridge, Richard Nixon, Frank Sinat a, Ella Fitzgerald, Jack Nicholson, The Rolling Stones, Elizabeth Taylor and Shirley Bassey, etc.
Annabel's 夜总会内设艺术氛围浓厚的 酒吧和餐厅,酒吧墙上挂满华丽的艺术 品,餐厅则以拱形天花和独特的星光舞 池点缀,加上其顶级服务、令人陶醉的 气氛和一流美食,夜总会令威尔斯亲 王、剑桥公爵、美国前总统尼克逊、弗 兰克辛纳屈、埃拉・菲茨杰拉德、杰克・ 尼科尔森、滚石乐队、伊丽莎白・ 泰勒 和雪莉・贝西等贵客趋之若鹜 。
For the half cent r , what Annabel’s has been offering are elegance and st le. To maintain the class, members and g ests have to follow the dress code.
半世纪以来,Annabel's 一直保持着优 雅和时尚的形象。为了维持夜总会的品 味,Annabel's 对进场的会员及其宾客 的服装都有严格要求。
Marking the club’s 50th year anniversar , Ridley Scott Associates has created a documentary film “A String of Naked Lightbulbs” to review the colourf l histor of the club. According to the members, Annabel’s is a heaven for being safe and relaxed. Goldie Hawn said, “I remember the first time I walked into Annabel’s, it was 1970. It was like an ex aordinarily desig ed and conceived place, where you never wanted to leave. It was war , the colours, the reds, it had this elegance to it, and yet you felt that you could put your feet up.”
今年适逢 Annabel's 夜总会庆祝 50 周 年 之 际,Ridley Scott Associates 制 作 公司专门拍制了一套纪录片〝A String of Naked Lightbulbs〞,以回顾夜总会 丰富多彩的历史。会员称赞 Annabel's 是一个让人感到富安全感而放松的天 堂。 Goldie Hawn 表示,〝我仍然记得 1970 年第一次走进 Annabel's 的情况。 这是一个经过非凡设计和特别构思的地 方,令人流连忘返。那里的温暖、色彩 与艳红,更为这地方增添了优雅魅力, 同时却又让人尽情释放!〞
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The Queen “It is the only nightclub that The Queen has ever been to…she drank Gin Mar ini, no lemon. I ser e people from all round the world, movie stars, royalt om all different count ies but to ser e Her Majest The Queen, Elizabeth, was the g eatest honour I have ever had.” Abder azat Mohammed Ghannam, Club Ambassador
“London is now kind of going through a g eat phase, it’s really at the cent e of ever hing – the ar scene, music, all kinds of cult ral g eat events are happening here. It’s like the cent e of the world. And you could say that Annabel’s in Berkeley Square is the cent e of that world!…I think when something is put together with that kind of affection, it kind of lasts forever basically.” Br an Fer
英女王伊利沙伯二世 〝这是英女王伊利沙伯二世唯一到过的夜 总会……她当时点了一杯毡酒调制的马天 尼、不要柠檬。我曾为来自世界各地的王 室成员、电影明星服务,但能为伊利沙伯 女王提供服务,是我最大的荣幸。〞 夜总会大使 Abderrazat Mohammed Ghannam
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〝 伦 敦 正 在 经 历 十 分 美 好 的 时 期。 它
是艺术和音乐各种文娱活动举行的中 心, 甚 至 可 以 说,Berkeley Square 的 Annabel's 就是世界的中心……我认为, 当以这样的热爱去创建一些事情,它基 本上就能历久常存。〞 Bryan Ferry
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“London is now kind of going through a g eat phase, it’s really at the cent e of ever hing – the ar scene, music, all kinds of cult ral g eat events are happening here. It’s like the cent e of the world. And you could say that Annabel’s in Berkeley Square is the cent e of that world!…I think when something is put together with that kind of affection, it kind of lasts forever basically.” Br an Fer 〝 伦 敦 正 在 经 历 十 分 美 好 的 时 期。 它
是艺术和音乐各种文娱活动举行的中 心, 甚 至 可 以 说,Berkeley Square 的 Annabel's 就是世界的中心……我认为, 当以这样的热爱去创建一些事情,它基 本上就能历久常存。〞 Bryan Ferry
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“I really love it here at Annabel’s. I star ed out playing in restaurants and bars and nightclubs so being here is a real t eat for me because I get to do a more intimate t e of perfor ance where I can say what I like and do what I like…There is no t icker when it’s just a bitch and a piano. It is what it is, you have to really give it to them.” Lady Gaga
“I think ever hing came together in a magical way because obviously it was a decade or a little bit more since the war, there was a sense of renewal and rebir h to England, the 60s was an ex aordinar time to be in London, and at the cent e of that was Annabel’s standing for the old world but also representing the new.” Anna Wintour, VOGUE’s editor-in-chief
〝我在很多餐厅、酒吧、夜总会表演过, 对于我来说,能在 Annabel’s 夜总会表演是 较亲密形式、对我是十分享受的事。我可 以说想说的话,做自己喜欢的事,拉近跟 观众的距离……当中没有任何花巧,只有 歌手本身和钢琴,能发挥多少,靠的就纯 是歌手本身的底蕴。〞
〝我认为所有东西当初能奇迹地建设起 来,是因为明显地在二次大战以来十年或 十多年,英格兰正有一种重新和重生的感 觉。而六十年代的伦敦是一个非比寻常的 时期,Annabel’s 就是站在旧时代与代表新 时代的中心。〞 《时尚》杂志主编 Anna Wintour
Lady Gaga
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“I think ever hing came together in a magical way because obviously it was a decade or a little bit more since the war, there was a sense of renewal and rebir h to England, the 60s was an ex aordinar time to be in London, and at the cent e of that was Annabel’s standing for the old world but also representing the new.” Anna Wintour, VOGUE’s editor-in-chief 〝我认为所有东西当初能奇迹地建设起 来,是因为明显地在二次大战以来十年或 十多年,英格兰正有一种重新和重生的感 觉。而六十年代的伦敦是一个非比寻常的 时期,Annabel’s 就是站在旧时代与代表新 时代的中心。〞 《时尚》杂志主编 Anna Wintour
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A Castle on the Sea 海上城堡
试想像你正在欣赏难得的美丽余 晖,手握一杯美酒,双颊感受
This is not a dream. It is an existing legend, created by CRN with one of their best works, M/Y 133 Saramour, a 61-met e megayacht.
这不是梦,这是一个实际存在的传 奇。它就是 CRN 所建造的杰作之一 ——梦幻级 61 米长游艇 M/Y 133 Saramour。
magine you are enjoying the beautif l sunset you have ever seen with a glass of wine in your hand, while feeling a touch of breeze over your cheek. Nothing can perfect this scene unless you are on a lux rious yacht, sailing along the coast or towards the cent e of the sea. With waves singing along your bedside, you wake up to a beam of sunlight.
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着微风拂过。倘若此时此刻不是在 豪华的游艇上,这一切美景便不完 美了。此时游艇也许沿着海岸线在 慢行,也许正驶向大海中央。在这 里,有海浪声伴你入眠,又有和熙 的阳光召你醒来。
Nothing can be more suitable for a lux r yacht to have a classic and moder interior desig by the talented yacht desig er Francesco Paszkowski. The hull shines with white and light g ey shades under the sunlight, blending the har onious lines and timeless desig into a whole. The yacht itself can also be a personal ar galler . The f r it res are desig ed to enhance the ar at osphere. You will be satisfied by the contemporar approach used to fill the space. Walking on the Canaletto walnut floor, you can smell the fresh scent of wood mixed with salt seawater. You can enjoy the real joy on the beach by entering the beach club on the lower deck, which t ansfor s into a beach at sea level with a f lly equipped solarium and a balcony on the upper deck for a panoramic seaview.
在豪华游艇上采用才华洋溢游艇设 计师 Francesco Paszkowski 的摩登 而经典的设计,是最适合不过了。 在阳光映照下,船身上的灰色和白 色,与和谐的线条及经得起时间考 验的设计混为一体。 游艇本身也可视作个人化的艺术画 廊。这里的家具与装潢,都在强调 艺术氛围,富于当代气息的空间设 计让人感到无比满足。当走在卡纳 莱托胡桃木的地板上,你甚至能嗅 到空气中混和木制品的清新香味与 海水的咸味。倘若你想享受沙滩上 的真正乐趣,还可以往下层甲板的 〝海滩俱乐部〞走走。在那里,当你 把可折叠式船尾门打开时,它会变 成一个设备齐全的日光浴海滩;在 上层甲板还有观景平台,可以饱享 360 度的全海天盛景。
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余 受 在 完 在 这 熙
传 一 33
Nothing can be more suitable for a lux r yacht to have a classic and moder interior desig by the talented yacht desig er Francesco Paszkowski. The hull shines with white and light g ey shades under the sunlight, blending the har onious lines and timeless desig into a whole. The yacht itself can also be a personal ar galler . The f r it res are desig ed to enhance the ar at osphere. You will be satisfied by the contemporar approach used to fill the space. Walking on the Canaletto walnut floor, you can smell the fresh scent of wood mixed with salt seawater. You can enjoy the real joy on the beach by entering the beach club on the lower deck, which t ansfor s into a beach at sea level with a f lly equipped solarium and a balcony on the upper deck for a panoramic seaview.
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在豪华游艇上采用才华洋溢游艇设 计师 Francesco Paszkowski 的摩登 而经典的设计,是最适合不过了。 在阳光映照下,船身上的灰色和白 色,与和谐的线条及经得起时间考 验的设计混为一体。 游艇本身也可视作个人化的艺术画 廊。这里的家具与装潢,都在强调 艺术氛围,富于当代气息的空间设 计让人感到无比满足。当走在卡纳 莱托胡桃木的地板上,你甚至能嗅 到空气中混和木制品的清新香味与 海水的咸味。倘若你想享受沙滩上 的真正乐趣,还可以往下层甲板的 〝海滩俱乐部〞走走。在那里,当你 把可折叠式船尾门打开时,它会变 成一个设备齐全的日光浴海滩;在 上层甲板还有观景平台,可以饱享 360 度的全海天盛景。
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Living on the sea does not mean we should lower any living standard. The Canaletto walnut walls and floors, the lacquered burg ndy wood f r it re and the Thala Beige marble used in walls are the best prove for the love of a good life. Not to mention the ancient Persian r gs in the salon and dining area, the 55” screen TV set in the social hub, and the lux r custom made dining table with a Murano glass top. Staying in the Saramour is like staying in a castle on the sea. When you walk down from the aerial winding staircase to the lobby, it is like walking on the aisle in a castle, with lights shining through the steps. If you fancy to check on different decks directly, you can take the moder way by using the glass liſt that connects all decks.
住在海上并不代表要降低对生活水平的 追求。卡纳莱托胡桃木墙壁与地板、酒 红色漆木家具,配以塔莱米黄大理石制 成的墙壁,无一不是高品质生活的最佳 证明。在餐厅和大厅的波斯地毯、55 吋大电视屏,与度身订做的奢华水晶玻 璃面餐桌,在在均是生活品味的体现。 住在 Saramour 就像住进海上的城堡。 当你沿着旋转楼梯走下来时,恍如正从 城堡的走道上走下来,楼梯两旁还有柔 和灯光垂照著。假如你想迅速走访各个 船舱,在梯旁也有个玻璃观光电梯,可 以直接载你到各层甲板上 。
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You cannot call it the ultimate relaxation on Saramour until you lie at the beach club and enjoy a peacef l aſter oon on this “oasis”. Lying on the chaise long e, shaking a glass of Mar ini in your hand, and feeling the soſt touch of the war sunlight. If you feel like to have a fast ride, an 8.20-met e Riva Iseo and a 6.40-met e Castoldi are located in the garages waiting for your command. If you wish to enjoy the space with iends, the square swimming pool outside the sliding door in the master cabin is the best venue. You can enjoy a little bit of time of your own, or invite iends up for a private pool par .
当你躺在〝沙滩俱乐部〞休息,在这个 〝绿洲〞享受一段和平恬静的下午时光 尽情松懈下来,才能说已真正体会在这 艘游艇上的舒适生活。最佳的下午应 是如斯光景:坐在休闲长躺椅上,摇 晃着手上一杯马天尼,享受阳光温柔 的照拂。倘若你想来一次刺激的海上 滑艇冲浪,在舱库里容载的两艘小舰 艇(8.20 米 的 Riva Iseo 和 6.40 米 的 Castoldi),随时恭候任你差使。 假如你想和朋友一起享受这个空间,主 人卧室的滑动门外有个方形游泳池是最 佳地点。在这个空间里,你既可选择享 受一下私人时间,也可邀请朋友上来参 加私人泳池派对。 MARQUESS
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You cannot call it the ultimate relaxation on Saramour until you lie at the beach club and enjoy a peacef l aſter oon on this “oasis”. Lying on the chaise long e, shaking a glass of Mar ini in your hand, and feeling the soſt touch of the war sunlight. If you feel like to have a fast ride, an 8.20-met e Riva Iseo and a 6.40-met e Castoldi are located in the garages waiting for your command. If you wish to enjoy the space with iends, the square swimming pool outside the sliding door in the master cabin is the best venue. You can enjoy a little bit of time of your own, or invite iends up for a private pool par .
当你躺在〝沙滩俱乐部〞休息,在这个 〝绿洲〞享受一段和平恬静的下午时光 尽情松懈下来,才能说已真正体会在这 艘游艇上的舒适生活。最佳的下午应 是如斯光景:坐在休闲长躺椅上,摇 晃着手上一杯马天尼,享受阳光温柔 的照拂。倘若你想来一次刺激的海上 滑艇冲浪,在舱库里容载的两艘小舰 艇(8.20 米 的 Riva Iseo 和 6.40 米 的 Castoldi),随时恭候任你差使。 假如你想和朋友一起享受这个空间,主 人卧室的滑动门外有个方形游泳池是最 佳地点。在这个空间里,你既可选择享 受一下私人时间,也可邀请朋友上来参 加私人泳池派对。 MARQUESS
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Fine dining 精致美食
ven when tea was ex ensive in for er days, aristocrats in the United Kingdom already had aſter oon tea as a light meal before the late supper. Afternoon tea has become a tradition of British lux r lifest le. Today, sketch goes f r her to combine gour et with ar .
昔日,当茶叶依然是奢侈品时, 英国贵族已习惯在晚餐前享用 一些茶点小膳。享用下午茶亦渐成 为英式奢华生活方式的传统。时至 今日,sketch Gallery 更进一步把美 食与艺术相融结合起来。
Gourmet Crossover Art 美食与艺术相融 One will be impressed by the feast of ar s in the newly f rbished sketch Galler . 239 comical car oon-like drawings by the celebrated British Ar ist David Shrigley, are hung up on the wall of the restaurant. This has t ansfor ed sketch Galler to an ar ist-conceived restaurant. As the largest g oup of original drawings David Shrigley has ever exhibited, the drawings mainly por ay ever day fear and social conventional matters, touching on the grand themes of life, death and beyond.
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当走进 sketch Gallery 时,大家会惊 诧于餐厅新装修的浓厚当代艺术气 息。墙上悬挂着 239 幅英国著名艺 术 家 David Shrigley 的 卡 通 风 格 画 作,令 sketch Gallery 摇身变成一间 充满艺术家构想的餐厅。 这也是 Shrigley 首度有这么大批原 创 作 品 同 时 同 地 展 出。Shrigley 的 作品大多是描绘日常生活的恐惧及 社会时事,触及主题广泛,包括生 命与死亡,甚至超越其外。
With the help of Paris based architect and desig er India Mahdavi, the backdrop of the David Shrigley’s ar ork is clean and st ikingly simple. The archet al brasserie desig has been updated with a ver contemporar splash of pink on both walls and velvet-covered custom-made f r it re.
经过驻巴黎的建筑师和设计师 India Mahdavi 的美化,David Shrigley 的 艺术作品背景简洁有力。富当代感 的粉红色墙壁配衬天鹅绒度身订制 家具,令餐室变成非常现代化的小 酒馆。
Sit ated at a building desig ed by James Wya in 1779, previously been the headquar ers of the Royal Instit te of British Architects then the London Atelier of Christian Dior, sketch continues to cont ibute to the heritage of being a destination for ex erimental in desig , ar and architect re.
sketch 坐 落 的 大 厦, 是 由 James Wyatt 于 1779 年 设 计, 曾 先 后 被选为英国皇家建筑师学会和 Christian Dior 的伦敦工作室。如今 它继续秉承把设计、艺术和建筑结 合的大实验场地的传统任务。
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Fine dining 精巧美膳
ven when tea was ex ensive in for er days, aristocrats in the United Kingdom already had aſter oon tea as a light meal before the late supper. Afternoon tea has become a tradition of British lux r lifest le. Today, sketch goes f r her to combine gour et with ar .
昔日,当茶叶依然是奢侈品时, 英国贵族已习惯在晚餐前享用 一些茶点小膳。享用下午茶亦渐成 为英式奢华生活方式的传统。时至 今日,sketch Gallery 更进一步把美 食与艺术相融结合起来。
Gourmet Crossover Art 美食与艺术相融 One will be impressed by the feast of ar s in the newly f rbished sketch Galler . 239 comical car oon-like drawings by the celebrated British Ar ist David Shrigley, are hung up on the wall of the restaurant. This has t ansfor ed sketch Galler to an ar ist-conceived restaurant. As the largest g oup of original drawings David Shrigley has ever exhibited, the drawings mainly por ay ever day fear and social conventional matters, touching on the grand themes of life, death and beyond.
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当走进 sketch Gallery 时,大家会惊 诧于餐厅新装修的浓厚当代艺术气 息。墙上悬挂着 239 幅英国著名艺 术 家 David Shrigley 的 卡 通 风 格 画 作,令 sketch Gallery 摇身变成一间 充满艺术家构想的餐厅。 这也是 Shrigley 首度有这么大批原 创 作 品 同 时 同 地 展 出。Shrigley 的 作品大多是描绘日常生活的恐惧及 社会时事,触及主题广泛,包括生 命与死亡,甚至超越其外。
With the help of Paris based architect and desig er India Mahdavi, the backdrop of the David Shrigley’s ar ork is clean and st ikingly simple. The archet al brasserie desig has been updated with a ver contemporar splash of pink on both walls and velvet-covered custom-made f r it re.
经过驻巴黎的建筑师和设计师 India Mahdavi 的美化,David Shrigley 的 艺术作品背景简洁有力。富当代感 的粉红色墙壁配衬天鹅绒度身订制 家具,令餐室变成非常现代化的小 酒馆。
Sit ated at a building desig ed by James Wya in 1779, previously been the headquar ers of the Royal Instit te of British Architects then the London Atelier of Christian Dior, sketch continues to cont ibute to the heritage of being a destination for ex erimental in desig , ar and architect re.
sketch 坐 落 的 大 厦, 是 由 James Wyatt 于 1779 年 设 计, 曾 先 后 被选为英国皇家建筑师学会和 Christian Dior 的伦敦工作室。如今 它继续秉承把设计、艺术和建筑结 合的大实验场地的传统任务。
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sketch Exclusives sketch 的精选美点 An assortment of bespoke afternoon tea accessories feaures a nat ral ex ension of David Shrigley’s well known technique to combine ar with words. The ceramic tablewares are the first ar ork David Shrigley made that can go in the dishwasher and are exclusive to sketch. 度身订制的下午茶陶瓷餐具,上面可见 到 David Shrigley 知名的文字结合艺术 标志。这套特别为 sketch 而制,只能 到 sketch 欣赏和购买的陶瓷餐具,是 David Shrigley 首套可以放进洗碗机的 艺术作品。
The ref rbishment does not stop there. sketch Galler has int oduced new ceramic tableware, which is manufact red by British heritage brand Caverswall and feat res Shrigley’s distinctive mordant drawings and tex s. The tableware is believed to have a holistic interaction with Master Chef, Pier e Gag aire’s menu.
sketch Gallery 的 翻 新 特 点 并 不 止 于 此。 餐 厅 还 引 进 了 新 的 陶 瓷 餐 具,这套陶瓷餐具是由英国传统品 牌 Caverswall 制造,上面绘着充满 Shrigley 独特个性的绘图和文本。 高 雅 的 餐 具, 跟 厨 艺 大 师 Pierre Gagnaire 的餐单正好互相辉映。
The afternoon tea menu includes a selection of finger sandwiches with seasonal flavours, such as smoked salmon and Jacob’s cream, cucumber and ricotta, quail egg, caviar etc. Guests will also be ser ed t aditional sultana scones with clotted cream, fig and strawberry homemade jam made in-house at sketch, before finishing with an assor ent of sketch past ies including g een tea macaron, bourdaloue pear and nougatine tar , lemon éclair, poppy chantilly choux and sketch opera cake.
下午茶餐单包括随季节变换风味的 三文治精选,如烟三文鱼配 Jacob 奶油、青瓜佐意大利乳清乾酪、鹌 鹑蛋、鱼子酱等。客人也可品尝到 传统的英式葡萄干司康,配以凝霜 奶油、无花果,以及 sketch 自制的 草莓酱。最后还有 sketch 选制的甜 点系列,包括绿茶马卡龙、香梨牛 乳挞、柠檬闪电泡芙、法国鲜奶油 泡芙,以及 sketch 歌剧院蛋糕等。
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Origin of Afternoon Tea 下午茶的起源 During early nineteenth cent r , it was usual for British to take only t o main meals a day, breakfast and dinner at around 8 o’clock in the evening. Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Bedford, complained that it gave her a “sinking feeling” and decided to have a pot of tea and some light snacks during aſter oons.
在 19 世纪早期, 英国人通常一天只吃 早餐和晚餐两顿,而晚餐大约安排在 晚上 8 时左右才进膳。当时的 Bedford 公 爵 夫 人 Anna Maria Russell 由 于 不 喜欢这种生活习惯,于是决定在下午 时分,先行享用一壶热茶和轻膳小点。
As time goes by, this has created a popular t end throughout the whole count . Although aſter oon tea is more common in the moder days, as tea was t eated as an ex ensive good in the past, having aſter oon tea has become a sy bol of lux r lifest le.
随着时间转移,她这种习惯逐渐在上流 社会传为风尚,并风靡整个英国。即使 当时茶叶属于奢侈品,而现在享用下午 茶的习俗已更为普及,享用精致下午 茶的习惯,仍被视为奢华生活的象征。 MARQUESS
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sketch Exclusives sketch 精选美点 An assortment of bespoke afternoon tea accessories feaures a nat ral ex ension of David Shrigley’s well known technique to combine ar with words. The ceramic tablewares are the first ar ork David Shrigley made that can go in the dishwasher and are exclusive to sketch. 度身订制的下午茶陶瓷餐具,上面可见 到 David Shrigley 知名的文字结合艺术 标志。这套特别为 sketch 而制,只能 到 sketch 欣赏和购买的陶瓷餐具,是 David Shrigley 首套可以放进洗碗机的 艺术作品。
Origin of Afternoon Tea 下午茶的起源 During early nineteenth cent r , it was usual for British to take only t o main meals a day, breakfast and dinner at around 8 o’clock in the evening. Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Bedford, complained that it gave her a “sinking feeling” and decided to have a pot of tea and some light snacks during aſter oons.
在 19 世纪早期, 英国人通常一天只吃 早餐和晚餐两顿,而晚餐大约安排在 晚上 8 时左右才进膳。当时的 Bedford 公 爵 夫 人 Anna Maria Russell 由 于 不 喜欢这种生活习惯,于是决定在下午 时分,先行享用一壶热茶和轻膳小点。
As time goes by, this has created a popular t end throughout the whole count . Although aſter oon tea is more common in the moder days, as tea was t eated as an ex ensive good in the past, having aſter oon tea has become a sy bol of lux r lifest le.
随着时间转移,她这种习惯逐渐在上流 社会传为风尚,并风靡整个英国。即使 当时茶叶属于奢侈品,而现在享用下午 茶的习俗已更为普及,享用精致下午 茶的习惯,仍被视为奢华生活的象征。 MARQUESS
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Festive Taste at Alain Ducasse 英国艾伦杜卡斯品节日滋味 “Alain Ducasse to France is what Gordon Ramsay is to Britain.” “Alain Ducasse 对法式料理的意义,就 如 Gordon Ramsay 对英式料理的意义。”
In 2007, Alain Ducasse moved into the United Kingdom. Offering exquisite contemporar French cuisine alongside moder desig and professional, bespoke ser ice, Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester has been awarded three Michelin stars since 2010.
It offers three unique private dining spaces which cater to any occasion. More than 30,000 raw silk buttons in shades of emerald and spring greens inject st nning colour and draw an element of Hyde Park into the restaurant.
Executive Chef Jocely Herland, who has t ained in Alain Ducasse’s most prestigious restaurants, inter rets Alain Ducasse’s cuisine with a moder and refined approach. He has crafted a menu which consistently champions and enhances cur ent seasonal produce, many sourced om the British isles. The Sig at re dishes include “Sauté gourmand” of lobster, truffled chicken quenelles and homemade pasta etc.
This year, Executive Chef Jocely Herland and Head Sommelier Christopher Bothwell have desig ed bespoke menus and wine pairings to celebrate Christ as and New Year. Moreover, you can also pre order an exclusive chocolate master class which unveils the secrets behind indulgent chocolate recipes as Christ as giſt. The class will be held in Febr ar and March 2015 at Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester .
Alain Ducasse 2007 年进军英国,一直为顾 客提供精致法国菜,配合现代化设计和专业 特订服务。自 2010 年开始,Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester 每年获米其林三星殊荣。 曾在 Alain Ducasse 最享负盛名的餐厅受训, 行政总厨 Jocelyn Herland 以现代和改良方 法演绎 Alain Ducasse 的美食。他构思的餐 单,主要以切合季节的产品作为主调,其中 很多是来自英伦三岛。餐厅的招牌菜式包括 龙虾美食、黑松露拌鸡肉和自家制意粉等。 Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester 有 3 个 独 特的私家餐房,以满足不同场合所需。超过 3 万颗生丝纽扣,在翡翠和春季嫩绿的色彩
映衬下,为餐厅增添了迷人色调,并把海德 了迷人色调,并把海德 公园的元素注入餐厅内。 内。 今年,行政总厨 Jocelyn elyn Herland 和首席 侍酒师 Christopher Bothwell,为庆 祝圣诞节和新年,特别度身设 特别度身设 计了餐单和配衬食品的美 品的美 酒。 此 外, 你 还 可 预 订 特设的巧克力大师班为 为 圣 诞 礼 物。 在 2015 5 年 2 月和 3 月举行的 大 师 班, 将 会 揭 露 其引人入胜的巧克 力食谱背后的秘 密。 MARQUESS
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Festive Taste at Alain Ducasse 英国艾伦杜卡斯品节日滋味
ich ilk ns of
Alain Ducasse(艾伦杜卡斯) 2007 年进 军英国,一直为顾客提供精致法国菜,配合 现代化设计和专业特订服务。自 2010 年开 始,Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester 每年 获米其林三星殊荣。
nd ave to ou ter ent will ain
曾 在 Alain Ducasse 最 享 负 盛 名 的 餐 厅 受 训,行政总厨 Jocelyn Herland 以现代和改 良方法演绎 Alain Ducasse 的美食。他构思 的餐单,主要以切合季节的产品作为主调, 其中很多是来自英伦三岛。餐厅的招牌菜 式包括龙虾美食、黑松露拌鸡肉和自家制 意粉等。 Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester 有 3 个独 特的私家餐房,以满足不同场合所需。超
在翡翠和春季嫩绿的 过 3 万颗生丝纽扣,在翡翠和春季嫩绿的 色彩映衬下,为餐厅增添了迷人色调,并 增添了迷人色调,并 入餐厅内。 把海德公园的元素注入餐厅内。 今年,行政总厨 Jocelyn lyn y Herland 和首 席侍酒师 Christopher Bothwell, 为庆祝圣诞节和新年,特别 ,特别 衬食 度身设计了餐单和配衬食 品 的 美 酒。 此 外, 你 还 可预订特设的巧克力大 大 师 班 为 圣 诞 礼 物。 在 2015 年 2 月 和 3 月 举行的大师班,将会 揭露其引人入胜的 巧克力食谱背后的 秘密。 MARQUESS
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Hotels, Spas and Resorts 酒店、水疗与度假村
Up in London’s Sky
如一支指向天空的长矛,自其 在伦敦市中心落成以来,The
ike a spear pointing into the sky, locating at the hear of London, The Shard is the most iconic building in London since its completion. This summer, the leading lux r hotel g oup, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, has finally star ed their legend in the United Kingdom om The Shard, by occupying floors 34 to 52 in this ult a moder skyscraper.
You will have the feeling of “up in the air” when stepping foot in the reception lobby, which is also named as the sky lobby. While st olling down the Grand Staircase, most iconic London landmarks can be seen through the floor to ceiling windows, and even the sights of River Thames through the double-height glass windows. 56 MARQUESS
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Except the sky lobby, there is also a sky lounge, which is the highest bar in Europe, where you can enjoy the t emendous view of London. Working with the distinct architect re of The Shard building, this floor features different salons, including the Sky ool, the highest infinit pool. Sit ated on 52nd floors, the Sky ool is a perfect escape from the noise and heat of the City below. You can take a sip of the Champag e while sitting at the poolside, watching thousands of lights sparkling at the world beneath. You can see St. Paul’s Cathedral, the London Eye and Westminster from a new angle, as if om the top of the world.
Shard 已成为伦敦的标志大厦。而 今年夏天,世界其中一个领先豪华 酒店集团——香格里拉酒店集团, 终于进驻 The Shard,在这个极之 现代化的摩天大厦 34 至 52 层, 开始其在英国的传奇。 当 你 踏 足 sky lobby 的 接 待 大 堂 时,会有一种〝置身空中〞的感觉。 透过巨大的落地玻璃窗,伦敦大部 分标志建筑都尽收眼帘。当沿着厅 中的大楼梯步下时,还能透过落地 玻璃窗眺望脚下泰晤士河的美景。
除了 sky lobby 外,酒店内还设有 一个 Sky lounge,堪称全欧洲最高 位置的酒吧。在这里,全伦敦的美 景尽可轻松收入眼帘。结合了 The Shard 大楼的独特设计,这层楼分 为不同部分,包括香槟吧台和欧洲 最高的无边际游泳池 Skypool。 置 身 52 楼, 属 于 Sky Lounge 的 Skypool 是远离都市繁嚣的理想休 闲之所。你可以坐在池边浅酌一口 香槟,欣赏脚下的都市夜景,也 可从一个全新角度观赏圣保罗大教 堂、伦敦眼及威斯敏斯特区,犹如 站在世界顶端俯瞰世界。 MARQUESS
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Hotels, Spas and Resorts 酒店、水疗与度假村
置身伦敦空中 如一支指向天空的长矛,自其 在伦敦市中心落成以来,The Shard 已成为伦敦的标志大厦。而 今年夏天,世界其中一个领先豪华 酒店集团——香格里拉酒店集团, 终于进驻 The Shard,在这个极之 现代化的摩天大厦 34 至 52 层, 开始其在英国的传奇。 当 你 踏 足 sky lobby 的 接 待 大 堂 时,会有一种〝置身空中〞的感觉。 透过巨大的落地玻璃窗,伦敦大部 分标志建筑都尽收眼帘。当沿着厅 中的大楼梯步下时,还能透过落地 玻璃窗眺望脚下泰晤士河的美景。
除了 sky lobby 外,酒店内还设有 一个 Sky lounge,堪称全欧洲最高 位置的酒吧。在这里,全伦敦的美 景尽可轻松收入眼帘。结合了 The Shard 大楼的独特设计,这层楼分 为不同部分,包括香槟吧台和欧洲 最高的无边际游泳池 Skypool。 置 身 52 楼, 属 于 Sky Lounge 的 Skypool 是远离都市繁嚣的理想休 闲之所。你可以坐在池边浅酌一口 香槟,欣赏脚下的都市夜景,也 可从一个全新角度观赏圣保罗大教 堂、伦敦眼及威斯敏斯特区,犹如 站在世界顶端俯瞰世界。 MARQUESS
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British Etiquette 英式礼仪
he British take politeness ver seriously, “Thank you”, “Please”, “May I…”are the most common phrases. By lear ing more about their customs and etiquette, it is easier to adapt to the British cult re and behave properly during visits and business t ips.
英国人注重礼仪世界闻名,好像〝谢 谢〞、〝请〞以至〝请问我能否…
…〞等常挂在嘴边。通过了解他们的礼 仪和习惯,就能更容易融入英国文化当 中,无论是商务旅程还是个人访游,都 能应对得体自如。
How Do You Do? 你好吗 ? A 诚
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s from Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892): “Lord Darling on: How do you do, Lady Winder ere? Lady Winder ere: How do you do, Lord Darling on?”
如王尔德 1892 年所著的《温德米尔 夫人的扇子》内,达灵顿勋爵问候温 得米尔夫人:温得米尔夫人,你好吗?温 得米尔夫人回道:达灵顿勋爵,你好吗?
For the British upper class people, a g acious g eeting would be a simple sentence of “How do you do?”. This g eeting was once common, especially among the upper class people, and it is now heard largely rest icted to quite for al occasions.
对于英国上流社会来说,温文尔雅的问 候应是简单一句〝你好吗?〞(How do you do?)。这句话曾经非常流行,特别 是在上流社会之间,如今只大多限于较官 式的场合听到。
This phrase has become one of the lines that separates classes, drawing the line bet een the upper-class from the rest. Upper class greet with “How do you do?”, while others g eet with “Hello”. The proper response to “How do you do?” would be a reciprocal “How do you do?”. On ver infor al occasions, one may say “Hello” to g eet close iends. The tone should be ordinar instead of shouting.
这句话渐渐成为区别上流社会和其余阶层 的分界线。上流社会人士用〝你好吗?〞 (How do you do?)打招呼,其余阶层多 用〝你好〞(Hello)的较闲常问候语。 然面对〝你好吗?〞这句问候语,合适 的回答也应该是一句相同的〝你好吗 ?〞 (How do you do?)。在非官式的场合跟 相熟朋友问候,有时也可能用到〝你好〞 (Hello),但语气要平静,不宜叫嚷。
For farewell, there are only t o for s, Goodbye and Goodnight. During conversation, avoid using foreig words or phrases when they can be t anslated into English.
至于道别,则只有两种方式,再见(Good bye)或晚安(Goodnight)。与人交谈时, 若能用英语表达的词语或语句,都应避免 夹杂外语。
11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
British Etiquette 英式礼仪
he British take politeness ver seriously, “Thank you”, “Please”, “May I…”are the most common phrases. By lear ing more about their customs and etiquette, it is easier to adapt to the British cult re and behave properly during visits and business t ips.
英国人注重礼仪世界闻名,好像〝谢 谢〞、〝请〞以至〝请问我能否…
…〞等常挂在嘴边。通过了解他们的礼 仪和习惯,就能更容易融入英国文化当 中,无论是商务旅程还是个人访游,都 能应对得体自如。
How Do You Do? 你好吗 ? A 诚 s from Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892): “Lord Darling on: How do you do, Lady Winder ere? Lady Winder ere: How do you do, Lord Darling on?”
如王尔德 1892 年所著的《温德米尔 夫人的扇子》内,达灵顿勋爵问候温 得米尔夫人:温得米尔夫人,你好吗?温 得米尔夫人回道:达灵顿勋爵,你好吗?
For the British upper class people, a g acious g eeting would be a simple sentence of “How do you do?”. This g eeting was once common, especially among the upper class people, and it is now heard largely rest icted to quite for al occasions.
对于英国上流社会来说,温文尔雅的问 候应是简单一句〝你好吗?〞(How do you do?)。这句话曾经非常流行,特别 是在上流社会之间,如今只大多限于较官 式的场合听到。
This phrase has become one of the lines that separates classes, drawing the line bet een the upper-class from the rest. Upper class greet with “How do you do?”, while others g eet with “Hello”. The proper response to “How do you do?” would be a reciprocal “How do you do?”. On ver infor al occasions, one may say “Hello” to g eet close iends. The tone should be ordinar instead of shouting.
这句话渐渐成为区别上流社会和其余阶层 的分界线。上流社会人士用〝你好吗?〞 (How do you do?)打招呼,其余阶层多 用〝你好〞(Hello)的较闲常问候语。 然面对〝你好吗?〞这句问候语,合适 的回答也应该是一句相同的〝你好吗 ?〞 (How do you do?)。在非官式的场合跟 相熟朋友问候,有时也可能用到〝你好〞 (Hello),但语气要平静,不宜叫嚷。
For farewell, there are only t o for s, Goodbye and Goodnight. During conversation, avoid using foreig words or phrases when they can be t anslated into English.
至于道别,则只有两种方式,再见(Good bye)或晚安(Goodnight)。与人交谈时, 若能用英语表达的词语或语句,都应避免 夹杂外语。
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Before raising your right hand, check the palm first to make sure it is neither sweat nor clammy. The hand-shake should be firm and steady, not as st ong as if you are cr shing somebody’s bones, or as weak as if your hand is an ar ificial limb. Making t o or three “bumps” will make the gest re more authentic and sincere. A proper hand-shake shows hospitalit , confidence and kindness, and it works best with a smile and a war g eeting, “How do you do?” You don’t have to tell the other one how are you really doing with your life or work. The way to reply this g eeting would also be the simple phrase “How do you do?”. If g eeting royals at for al events, ladies should put one foot in front of the other and bend the knees when shaking hands.
当伸出右手跟人相握前,先确定手心没 汗,不会黏黏糊糊。握手应该稳而有力, 力度适中,不宜太强,免致像要揑倒对 方的骨头,也不能太柔弱,免令人以为 握的是人造肢体。握手之后作两至三下 〝摇晃〞,会令人感到举止更正宗而诚 恳。
A Strong and Firm Grip 稳而有力的握手
n all business or most social occasions, a firm handshake is a common way to greet the others face-to-face. Traditionally, g eetings star with a fir hand-shake, always offering om a higher hierarchy, such as your boss or an elder person. People shake upon meeting and leaving.
一个合宜的握手能让人感受到你的热 情、自信和友善。握手时伴随微笑和一 句 亲 切 的〝 你 好 吗?〞(How do you do?)效果最好。面对这句问话毋须认 真回应自己的真实生活或工作状况,只 需简单回应一句:〝你好吗?〞(How do you do?)就可。
在所有商务或大部分社交场合,当双 方面对面时,跟对方问候、打招 呼,通常从一个有力的握手开始。传统 上来说,先伸手的一方,一般是地位较 高的,如上司或是较年长者。人们一般 在会面和离开时都会握手。
倘若在官式场合与王室成员会面,女士 们施握手礼时,应将一脚置于另一脚 前,并微微屈膝。 ©REUTERS
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Before raising your right hand, check the palm first to make sure it is neither sweat nor clammy. The hand-shake should be firm and steady, not as st ong as if you are cr shing somebody’s bones, or as weak as if your hand is an ar ificial limb. Making t o or three “bumps” will make the gest re more authentic and sincere. A proper hand-shake shows hospitalit , confidence and kindness, and it works best with a smile and a war g eeting, “How do you do?” You don’t have to tell the other one how are you really doing with your life or work. The way to reply this g eeting would also be the simple phrase “How do you do?”. If g eeting royals at for al events, ladies should put one foot in front of the other and bend the knees when shaking hands.
当伸出右手跟人相握前,先确定手心没 汗,不会黏黏糊糊。握手应该稳而有力, 力度适中,不宜太强,免致像要揑倒对 方的骨头,也不能太柔弱,免令人以为 握的是人造肢体。握手之后作两至三下 〝摇晃〞,会令人感到举止更正宗而诚 恳。
p 手
一个合宜的握手能让人感受到你的热 情、自信和友善。握手时伴随微笑和一 句 亲 切 的〝 你 好 吗?〞(How do you do?)效果最好。面对这句问话毋须认 真回应自己的真实生活或工作状况,只 需简单回应一句:〝你好吗?〞(How do you do?)就可。
双 招 统 较 般
倘若在官式场合与王室成员会面,女士 们施握手礼时,应将一脚置于另一脚 前,并微微屈膝。 ©REUTERS MARQUESS
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To Kiss, or , 向右吻 S
ocial kissing, as known as “Faire la bise” in French, is becoming more popular in Britain. To kiss or not to kiss? This is a question for many people when they meet. It is a general r le not to kiss st angers and colleag es, especially the boss. Close friends and dates are appropriate to kiss. Due to the close relationships, no one gets embar assed. Kisses usually start from the right cheek, and should probably stop after one if you are kissing someone you are less familiar with. According to a body lang age ex er , there is no set number of kisses in the United Kingdom. A kiss on one cheek might be fine but sometimes people go for t o aſter adopting other cult res. The best way to give a kiss on the cheek is to make it brief and light. If touching cheek against cheek lightly, it may look insincere. People can do an acceptable peck. Avoid making sounds and leaving saliva t aces. Since it is an uprising t end, don’t be the only nonkisser in a par .
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Not To Kiss 向左吻 在法国十分盛行的社交〝吻脸礼〞, 即 法 语 中 的〝Faire la bise〞, 在 英国也渐趋普及起来。
然对一向拘谨的英国人来说,每次遇到 朋友时,到底是亲,还是不亲呢,可能 都要思考一番。当然,一般规则是不亲 陌生人,不亲同事,尤其是上司。好朋 友和约会对象则是合适的亲脸对象,基 于亲密的关系,大家也不会因而感到尴 尬。 〝吻脸礼〞通常从右脸开始,假如这人 与你不太相熟,那么亲了一边脸颊之后 你就该停止。有身体语言专家表示,在 英国,吻脸礼没有特定的次数。亲一边 脸颊是合宜的,但在外国文化渐趋接受 后,有时候人们也会亲两边脸颊。 〝亲脸颊〞只需简短而轻盈,如果只是 轻轻的脸颊碰脸颊,可能被视为不够诚 恳。当脸颊贴脸颊时可作出轻啄动作, 但要注意别发出夸张的声音,也不要留 下口水的痕迹。这在英国是趋升的潮 流,那就请别成为派对当中唯一一个不 采〝吻脸礼仪〞者!
11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
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Not To Kiss 向左吻 在法国十分盛行的社交〝吻脸礼〞, 即 法 语 中 的〝Faire la bise〞, 在 英国也渐趋普及起来。
然对一向拘谨的英国人来说,每次遇到 朋友时,到底是亲,还是不亲呢,可能 都要思考一番。当然,一般规则是不亲 陌生人,不亲同事,尤其是上司。好朋 友和约会对象则是合适的亲脸对象,基 于亲密的关系,大家也不会因而感到尴 尬。 〝吻脸礼〞通常从右脸开始,假如这人 与你不太相熟,那么亲了一边脸颊之后 你就该停止。有身体语言专家表示,在 英国,吻脸礼没有特定的次数。亲一边 脸颊是合宜的,但在外国文化渐趋接受 后,有时候人们也会亲两边脸颊。 〝亲脸颊〞只需简短而轻盈,如果只是 轻轻的脸颊碰脸颊,可能被视为不够诚 恳。当脸颊贴脸颊时可作出轻啄动作, 但要注意别发出夸张的声音,也不要留 下口水的痕迹。这在英国是趋升的潮 流,那就请别成为派对当中唯一一个不 采〝吻脸礼仪〞者!
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Festive Attractions 圣诞节好去处
hrist as is the mer iest festive season of a year in the United Kingdom. In London, you can find Christ as markets, ice rinks and much more to be sur ounded by the festive at osphere.
在英国,圣诞是一年之中弥漫着 最浓厚欢愉节日气氛的时节。
尤其在伦敦,那儿有圣诞市集、溜 冰场等形形式式活动,让所有人都 能感受圣诞气氛并沉醉其中。
Hyde Park Winter Wonderland 海德公园冬季乐园 long with the iconic Giant Obser ation Wheel, Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park is best known for its ter ific Christ as market. There is a plentif l supply of hot cider, mulled wine and farm foods, with a fire pit keeping ever one war and comfor able.
海德公园冬季乐园除了有标志 性的摩天轮外,当中的圣诞
And inside the Arctic Circle, visitors can find fantastical, winter-themed attractions and enter ainment including the Ice Mountain spinning roller coaster, Nor h Pole Funhouse, Snow Jet, Winter Starflyer, curling and more. For a taste of the Arctic, cocktails are offered at Bar Ice. If you want to war up, the Arctic Lodge Bar can help.
在北极圈内,游客可以找到各种 冬日主题的梦幻景点和娱乐节 目,包括雪山过山车、北极欢乐 屋、 冰雪喷气机、冬日旋转天梯 和冰壶等。欲一尝北极风味,不 妨到冰雪吧喝杯鸡尾酒,想取暖 则可到北极小屋酒吧。
Moreover, the newest and biggest circus tent in the United Kingdom, Zippos Circus shows are perfor ed in the Mega Dome. There is a colourf l day ime show, Zippos Christ as Circus, for family, as well as Cirque Berserk’s new thrill show “MECHANIKA” f ll of sensational feats of danger for the evening crowd.
此 外, 海 德 公 园 在 Mega Dome 内设有英国最新和最大型的马戏 团帐篷 Zippos Circus。在日间, 有适合一家大小观赏、缤纷多姿 的 Zippos Christmas Circus 演 出。 到 了 晚 上, 就 有 由 Cirque Berserk 呈献、紧张刺激而惊险 的〝MECHANIKA〞新式表演。
Hyde Park Winter Wonderland opens ever day from now until 4 January (except Christmas Day).
海德公园冬季乐园由即日起每日 开放直至 1 月 4 日,圣诞日除外。
市集亦非常闻名。那里供应大量 的热苹果汽酒、香料热酒和农产 品,还有让所有人感到暖和而舒 适的火篝。
© PWR Events
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Festive Attractions 圣诞节好去处
hrist as is the mer iest festive season of a year in the United Kingdom. In London, you can find Christ as markets, ice rinks and much more to be sur ounded by the festive at osphere.
在英国,圣诞是一年之中弥漫着 最浓厚欢愉节日气氛的时节。
尤其在伦敦,那儿有圣诞市集、溜 冰场等形形式式活动,让所有人都 能感受圣诞气氛并沉醉其中。
Hyde Park Winter Wonderland 海德公园冬季乐园
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long with the iconic Giant Obser ation Wheel, Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park is best known for its ter ific Christ as market. There is a plentif l supply of hot cider, mulled wine and farm foods, with a fire pit keeping ever one war and comfor able.
海德公园冬季乐园除了有标志 性的摩天轮外,当中的圣诞
And inside the Arctic Circle, visitors can find fantastical, winter-themed attractions and enter ainment including the Ice Mountain spinning roller coaster, Nor h Pole Funhouse, Snow Jet, Winter Starflyer, curling and more. For a taste of the Arctic, cocktails are offered at Bar Ice. If you want to war up, the Arctic Lodge Bar can help.
在北极圈内,游客可以找到各种 冬日主题的梦幻景点和娱乐节 目,包括雪山过山车、北极欢乐 屋、 冰雪喷气机、冬日旋转天梯 和冰壶等。欲一尝北极风味,不 妨到冰雪吧喝杯鸡尾酒,想取暖 则可到北极小屋酒吧。
Moreover, the newest and biggest circus tent in the United Kingdom, Zippos Circus shows are perfor ed in the Mega Dome. There is a colourf l day ime show, Zippos Christ as Circus, for family, as well as Cirque Berserk’s new thrill show “MECHANIKA” f ll of sensational feats of danger for the evening crowd.
此 外, 海 德 公 园 在 Mega Dome 内设有英国最新和最大型的马戏 团帐篷 Zippos Circus。在日间, 有适合一家大小观赏、缤纷多姿 的 Zippos Christmas Circus 演 出。 到 了 晚 上, 就 有 由 Cirque Berserk 呈献、紧张刺激而惊险 的〝MECHANIKA〞新式表演。
Hyde Park Winter Wonderland opens ever day from now until 4 January (except Christmas Day).
海德公园冬季乐园由即日起每日 开放直至 1 月 4 日,圣诞日除外。
市集亦非常闻名。那里供应大量 的热苹果汽酒、香料热酒和农产 品,还有让所有人感到暖和而舒 适的火篝。
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Seasonal Illuminations Light Up Kew
王室后花园季节灯火 Christmas at Kew is a unique magical after dark ex erience. Guided by snowflakes, there is a new one-mile gli ering t ail winding its way through the world-famous botanic gardens, with Christ as t ees, festive t eats and music along the way.
在 王 室 后 花 园 邱 园(Kew Garden)过圣诞,彷佛经历一个 魔法般的夜晚。在雪花引领下,可 见到一英里长的发光蜿蜒长廊,尽 头就是世界有名的植物园,沿路有 圣诞树、节日装饰与音乐相陪。
New for 2014, this glittering night-time trail includes a garden of fire, Tunnel of Lights, sparkling giant snowflakes, Santa’s Snowflake Gro o and much more. Giant light sculpt res, the Tunnel of Lights, Mistletoe Moments and much more are still there.
王室后花园为 2014 年特别新设夜 间发亮长廊,内有火焰花园、灯光 隧道、闪烁的巨大雪花、圣诞老人 的冰雪洞穴等等。当然,巨大的发 光雕塑、灯光隧道和冬青树景点, 均在后花园恭候宾客光临。
When walking around the trail, it is difficult not to be tempted by the aroma of roasting chest uts, toasting marshmallows, and other t aditional fay e.
走在发光长廊上,很难不受烘烤栗 子、烤棉花糖和其他传统美食的香 味诱惑吸引。
© James Bryant
Skate at Somerset House
萨莫赛特宫溜冰体验 Skating at Somerset House offers a host of seasonal experiences on and off the ice. During the day, people can skate in the beautiful splendour of its neoclassical courtyard. After dark, it hosts some of the best international clubs and festivals during Club Nights. More than just skate, people can enjoy a cocktail, indulgent fondue or tasty treat from Fortnum’s Lodge or the Skate Lounge.
在萨莫赛特宫(Somerset House) 溜冰,将可充分体验冰上冰下的节 庆气息。 白天,人们可以在萨莫赛 特宫的现代经典院子内溜冰。入夜, 在俱乐部之夜,冰上可以举行一些 驰名的国际俱乐部经典活动和节日 庆祝活动。除了溜冰,宾客亦可在 Fortnum 小屋或溜冰大厅享受一杯 鸡尾酒、美味的奶酪火锅和滋味小 食。
Get into the spirit of Christmas at Glad Tidings Tuesdays. Skaters and spectators can enjoy live festive entertainment, traditional yuletide treats and late-night shopping at the Christmas Arcade, transformed into a pop-up version of the classic Fortnum & Mason Piccadilly store.
而星期二的 Glad Tidings 活动日, 更可让人感染到满溢的圣诞气氛。 溜冰者和观众可以观赏到现场的节 日娱乐演出、传统圣诞点心,以至 体 验 从 皮 卡 迪 利 大 街 的 Fortnum & Mason 经 典 百 货 店 转 移 过 来 的 Christmas Arcade 晚间购物。
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Seasonal Illuminations Light Up Kew
王室后花园季节灯火 Christmas at Kew is a unique magical after dark ex erience. Guided by snowflakes, there is a new one-mile gli ering t ail winding its way through the world-famous botanic gardens, with Christ as t ees, festive t eats and music along the way.
在 王 室 后 花 园 邱 园(Kew Garden)过圣诞,彷佛经历一个 魔法般的夜晚。在雪花引领下,可 见到一英里长的发光蜿蜒长廊,尽 头就是世界有名的植物园,沿路有 圣诞树、节日装饰与音乐相陪。
New for 2014, this glittering night-time trail includes a garden of fire, Tunnel of Lights, sparkling giant snowflakes, Santa’s Snowflake Gro o and much more. Giant light sculpt res, the Tunnel of Lights, Mistletoe Moments and much more are still there.
王室后花园为 2014 年特别新设夜 间发亮长廊,内有火焰花园、灯光 隧道、闪烁的巨大雪花、圣诞老人 的冰雪洞穴等等。当然,巨大的发 光雕塑、灯光隧道和冬青树景点, 均在后花园恭候宾客光临。
When walking around the trail, it is difficult not to be tempted by the aroma of roasting chest uts, toasting marshmallows, and other t aditional fay e.
走在发光长廊上,很难不受烘烤栗 子、烤棉花糖和其他传统美食的香 味诱惑吸引。
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Festive at Home The wonderf l festive at osphere inside the windows is magical, why not bring some joy back to your own home? Har ods shares its festive and lux rious joy through five different themes. You should go with “Hideaway” if you want something Scandinavian feel featuring soft silvers and cashmere accessories. “Hy er-Luxe” brightens up your home with super-glamorous drawing on the opulent g andeur of imperial Russia. “Balmoral” combines the t aditional and contemporar with page blue tones Wedg ood and something from the “Magical Forest” inspires you with a sense of wildlife decorations. Christ as is not perfect without a touch of ice, and here comes “Ice Princess” with its beaded snowflakes, diamond-drop baubles and crystalador ed stockings.
Christmas Magic Lands on Harrods
圣诞魔法降临 Harrods
Moreover, Harrods has launched its first animated film this year. It is about a li le mouse called Peter Pumper ickel who helps Father Christ as to light up Har ods world-famous lights. He is also standing in the windows welcoming ever g est to the magical land.
今年,Harrods 还首次制作了一出温 馨动画短片,是关于一只名叫 Peter Pumpernickel 的小老鼠,试图帮忙圣 诞之父点亮世界知名的 Harrods 圣诞 灯饰故事。故事主人翁也会站在橱窗 内,欢迎每位来到魔术园地的客人。
ith windows showcasing an exclusive collection of ret o-inspired, over-sized vintage toys, such as Zuhair Murad’s piroue ing ballerina, Stella McCar ey’s snow queen and Mer hought’s hand-stitched teddy bear, Har ods is telling The Land of Make Believe tale.
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arrods 百 货 这 个 圣 诞, 利 用 橱窗展示了一系列独家精选 的 超 大 型 复 古 玩 具, 包 括 Zuhair Murad 设计的旋转芭蕾舞娘、 Stella McCartney 设计的长裙冰雪王后,以 及 Merrythought 的手工缝制泰迪熊, 诉说着一个个梦想成真园地的童话。
在家感受节日气氛 橱窗内弥漫浓厚的圣诞气息,何不 带点欢乐回家 ? Harrods 百货店今 个圣诞特备 5 个主题角落,让你 体验一个奢华的欢愉节日。 倘若你想添置一些北欧风情,包括 柔软和银色羊绒的装饰品,可以选 择 Hideaway 主题的商品。HyperLuxe 主题当中富有俄罗斯帝王气 息的画作,则能给你家中添上超豪 气 息。Balmoral 与 Wedgwood 合 作而成的带浅蓝色调商品,结合了 传统和当代风格。如果想家中添些 野外生活装饰,则应选择 Magical Forest 系列。 当然,没有冰雪的圣诞总觉不完 美,因此 Ice Princess 系列带来了 珠状雪花、钻石形挂饰,以及水晶 装饰长袜。 MARQUESS 69
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Festive at Home The wonderf l festive at osphere inside the windows is magical, why not bring some joy back to your own home? Har ods shares its festive and lux rious joy through five different themes. You should go with “Hideaway” if you want something Scandinavian feel featuring soft silvers and cashmere accessories. “Hy er-Luxe” brightens up your home with super-glamorous drawing on the opulent g andeur of imperial Russia. “Balmoral” combines the t aditional and contemporar with page blue tones Wedg ood and something from the “Magical Forest” inspires you with a sense of wildlife decorations. Christ as is not perfect without a touch of ice, and here comes “Ice Princess” with its beaded snowflakes, diamond-drop baubles and crystalador ed stockings.
在家感受节日气氛 橱窗内弥漫浓厚的圣诞气息,何不 带点欢乐回家 ? Harrods 百货店今 个圣诞特备 5 个主题角落,让你 体验一个奢华的欢愉节日。 倘若你想添置一些北欧风情,包括 柔软和银色羊绒的装饰品,可以选 择 Hideaway 主题的商品。HyperLuxe 主题当中富有俄罗斯帝王气 息的画作,则能给你家中添上超豪 气 息。Balmoral 与 Wedgwood 合 作而成的带浅蓝色调商品,结合了 传统和当代风格。如果想家中添些 野外生活装饰,则应选择 Magical Forest 系列。 当然,没有冰雪的圣诞总觉不完 美,因此 Ice Princess 系列带来了 珠状雪花、钻石形挂饰,以及水晶 装饰长袜。 MARQUESS 69
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“Christmas at Harrods is an enchanting time for everyone. The Land of Make Believe brings the festive magic of the store to life.” Deborah Bee, Director of Creative Marketing at Harrods “对所有人来説,Harrods 百货店的圣诞节 都是令人陶醉的。梦想成真园地的圣诞主 题,将给百货店带来魔法般的节日气息。” Harrods 百货店市场创意总监 Deborah Bee
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“Christmas at Harrods is an enchanting time for everyone. The Land of Make Believe brings the festive magic of the store to life.” Deborah Bee, Director of Creative Marketing at Harrods “对所有人来説,Harrods 百货店的圣诞节 都是令人陶醉的。梦想成真园地的圣诞主 题,将给百货店带来魔法般的节日气息。” Harrods 百货店市场创意总监 Deborah Bee
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Art and Culture 艺术与文化
The Nutcracker
Christmas Dance Show 伦敦圣诞赏舞
ne way to feel festive this Christ as is to see a ballet in London. The ballet Swan Lake is sy ony ous with Christ as, however there are f r her more beautif l festive ballets you can ex erience. You can be led into Alice’s Advent res in Wonderland, you can shed a tear for The Li le Match Girl, or simply enjoy The Nutcracker, a must-watch Christ as ballet. 感受伦敦的圣诞气息,少不免要观看一 场华丽的芭蕾舞演出。《 天鹅湖 》 几乎 是圣诞节的代名词,除此以外,你还有许 多节日选择。也许你愿跟着爱丽丝共游仙 境,或为卖火柴的小女孩留下一滴泪, 又或者,就看一出最经典的《胡桃 夹子》旅程。
The Little Match Girl
Brilliant choreog apher Ar hur Pita stages his dance show for children at Sadler’s Wells over Christ as. Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of a homeless girl t ing to sell her matches on the st eets on Christ as Eve, this stor is told through dance, song and music. This dance theat e show will bring a tear to the eye of even the most “bah-humbug” of punters.
出 色 编 舞 师 Arthur Pita, 将 在 Sadler’s Wells 舞 台 为 儿 童 带来圣诞演出。该舞蹈是从安 徒生所著有关一个无家可归小 女孩,于平安夜在街头卖火柴 的故事中获得灵感,并通过舞 蹈、歌曲和音乐,创造一出能 令铁石心肠人都凄然泪下的舞 蹈表演。
On an enchanted Christ as Eve under the heavy boughs of a candlelit Christmas tree, Clara battles with the Mouse King and falls in love with a handsome st anger. As the air g ows colder and snowflakes begin to fall, Clara and her valiant, Nutcracker doll take a hot air balloon ride across a frost-dusted London. They arrive in the glistening Land of Snow, where Clara’s advent re really begins.
胡桃夹子 在愉悦的平安夜,Clara 在 点满蜡烛的圣诞树下大战 鼠王,并爱上了一个帅气 的陌生人。随着雪花飘落, Clara 与勇敢的胡桃夹子乘 坐热气球穿越伦敦天际, 开始了新的冒险。 Date 日期 : 11.12.2014 - 4.1.2015 Venue 地点 : London Coliseum – English National Opera, St. Martin’s Lane London WC2N 4ES Website 网页 :
© ROH / Johan Persson, 2011
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland At a garden party on a sunny afternoon, Alice is surprised to see her parents’ friend Lewis Car oll t ansfor into a white rabbit. When she follows him down a rabbit hole, things get more and more int ig ing and inex licable.
爱丽丝梦游仙境 在一个晴朗星期天下午的花园 茶会,爱丽丝吃惊地发现,父 母的朋友 Lewis Carroll 变成了 一只兔子。当她跟着兔子离开 茶会后,她跟着他进入了一个 洞穴,她的冒险也就此展开。 Date 日期 : 6.12.2014 – 16.1.2015 Venue 地点 : Royal Opera House, Bow Street, London WC2E 9DD Website 网页 :
Date 日期 : 13.12.2014 - 4.1.2015 Venue 地点 : Lilian Baylis Studio, Rosebery Avenue, London EC1R 4TN Website 网页 :
©Phil Conrad
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©Annabel Moeller
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将 童 安 小 柴 舞 能 舞
The Nutcracker On an enchanted Christ as Eve under the heavy boughs of a candlelit Christmas tree, Clara battles with the Mouse King and falls in love with a handsome st anger. As the air g ows colder and snowflakes begin to fall, Clara and her valiant, Nutcracker doll take a hot air balloon ride across a frost-dusted London. They arrive in the glistening Land of Snow, where Clara’s advent re really begins.
胡桃夹子 在愉悦的平安夜,Clara 在 点满蜡烛的圣诞树下大战 鼠王,并爱上了一个帅气 的陌生人。随着雪花飘落, Clara 与勇敢的胡桃夹子乘 坐热气球穿越伦敦天际, 开始了新的冒险。 Date 日期 : 11.12.2014 - 4.1.2015 Venue 地点 : London Coliseum – English National Opera, St. Martin’s Lane London WC2N 4ES Website 网页 :
© ROH / Johan Persson, 2011
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland At a garden party on a sunny afternoon, Alice is surprised to see her parents’ friend Lewis Car oll t ansfor into a white rabbit. When she follows him down a rabbit hole, things get more and more int ig ing and inex licable.
爱丽丝梦游仙境 在一个晴朗星期天下午的花园 茶会,爱丽丝吃惊地发现,父 母的朋友 Lewis Carroll 变成了 一只兔子。当她跟着兔子离开 茶会后,她跟着他进入了一个 洞穴,她的冒险也就此展开。 Date 日期 : 6.12.2014 – 16.1.2015 Venue 地点 : Royal Opera House, Bow Street, London WC2E 9DD Website 网页 :
©Annabel Moeller
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Bond in Motion
ith his suit, tie and deadly smile, James Bond, also known as ‘007’, has become one of the most famous movie figures in the world since his first screen debut in 1962. James Bond could not be so successf l without those st nning vehicles that he used. Bond in Motion is the official exhibition of James Bond vehicles feat red in the renowned film series, which is the largest of its kind ever staged in London. Aston Mar in DB5 in Skyfall, Goldfinger’s majestic Rolls-Royce Phantom III and the unforge able submersible Lot s Esprit S1 om The Spy Who Loved Me are all on display. Alongside these breath-taking cars, the Bell-Tex on Jet ack as well as motor bikes used in Die Another Day, can be seen. ©
New Year’s Eve Fireworks and New Year’s Parade 除夕烟花汇演与新年大巡游
he spectacular countdown fireworks display and the annual st eet parade make London’s New Year celebrations hard to miss.
Every year, over 500,000 people from all over the world gather along the River Thames to hear the Big Ben’s famous chimes and watch fireworks which light up the sky of the Capital at midnight(£10) .There are numerous vantage points in the Capital, but one of the best includes a 360 deg ee panoramic view om The Shard.
每年,超过 50 万人从世界各地蜂涌 而至,齐集在泰晤士河畔静候大笨钟 的新年敲钟,以及足以照亮整个英伦 首都的璀灿烟花 ( 收费£10)。伦敦 有很多可以观赏烟花的有利位置,当 中包括能够 360 度观赏环回全景烟 花盛宴的 The Shard。
Later that day, at around noon, more than 10,000 acrobats, cheerleaders, dancers, and musicians om the UK and across the world, will assemble in the hear of the cit for a st eet celebration combining contemporar perfor ances with pomp and ceremony(
当天稍后接近中午时分,超过一万 名来自英国以至全世界的表演者, 包括杂技员、啦啦队员、舞蹈员和音 乐家,将在伦敦街头以盛大排场和仪 式,结合当代表演,与公众迎接新一 年来临 (。
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The exhibition displays the high perfor ance machiner and the unique 007 inventions essential to the James Bond stor line. This exhibition provides Bond fans with an once in a lifetime oppor nit to see the vehicles behind the spy.
举世闻名的伦敦烟花倒数、热闹 的新年街头大游行,梦幻缤纷
Little Nellie from“You Only Live Twice”(1967)
007 座驾展 邦 西装革履、风度翩翩,詹姆斯 德(James Bond),又名 007, •
自从 1962 年首次在大荧幕上出现, 带着他的迷人笑容,至今已成为世上 最知名电影人物之一。当然,他的成 名之路,绝对少不了他驾过的一辆辆 名车的功劳。 Bond in Motion 是 007 著 名 电 影 出现过的座驾的官式展览,也是在 伦敦展出规模最大的一次。在展览 中, 可 以 看 到 在 最 近 一 部 007 电 影 Skyfall 中出现那辆 Aston Martin DB5、Goldfinger 中 的 雄 伟 RollsRoyce Phantom III, 以 至 The Spy Who Loved Me 中 的 Lotus Esprit S1。除了名车,你还可看到他在 Die Another Day 中 用 过 的 Bell-Textron 喷气式背包和摩托车等。
BMW Z8 from“The World Is Not Enough” (1999)
Date Until 展览直至 : 29.3.2015 Venue 地点 : London Film Museum, WC2E 7BN Website 网页 :
展览既展示了很多高性能的机械,还 有在 007 故事主线发展尤显重要的 独特发明。想走进 007 精彩人生背 后一探其座驾,这展览绝对是 007 迷一生一次不容错过的良机! MARQUESS
11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
Bond in Motion
ith his suit, tie and deadly smile, James Bond, also known as ‘007’, has become one of the most famous movie figures in the world since his first screen debut in 1962. James Bond could not be so successf l without those st nning vehicles that he used. Bond in Motion is the official exhibition of James Bond vehicles feat red in the renowned film series, which is the largest of its kind ever staged in London. Aston Mar in DB5 in Skyfall, Goldfinger’s majestic Rolls-Royce Phantom III and the unforge able submersible Lot s Esprit S1 om The Spy Who Loved Me are all on display. Alongside these breath-taking cars, the Bell-Tex on Jet ack as well as motor bikes used in Die Another Day, can be seen. The exhibition displays the high perfor ance machiner and the unique 007 inventions essential to the James Bond stor line. This exhibition provides Bond fans with an once in a lifetime oppor nit to see the vehicles behind the spy.
Little Nellie from“You Only Live Twice”(1967)
007 座驾展 邦 西装革履、风度翩翩,詹姆斯 德(James Bond),又名 007, •
自从 1962 年首次在大荧幕上出现, 带着他的迷人笑容,至今已成为世上 最知名电影人物之一。当然,他的成 名之路,绝对少不了他驾过的一辆辆 名车的功劳。 Bond in Motion 是 007 著 名 电 影 出现过的座驾的官式展览,也是在 伦敦展出规模最大的一次。在展览 中, 可 以 看 到 在 最 近 一 部 007 电 影 Skyfall 中出现那辆 Aston Martin DB5、Goldfinger 中 的 雄 伟 RollsRoyce Phantom III, 以 至 The Spy Who Loved Me 中 的 Lotus Esprit S1。除了名车,你还可看到他在 Die Another Day 中 用 过 的 Bell-Textron 喷气式背包和摩托车等。
BMW Z8 from“The World Is Not Enough” (1999)
Date Until 展览直至 : 29.3.2015 Venue 地点 : London Film Museum, WC2E 7BN Website 网页 :
展览既展示了很多高性能的机械,还 有在 007 故事主线发展尤显重要的 独特发明。想走进 007 精彩人生背 后一探其座驾,这展览绝对是 007 迷一生一次不容错过的良机! MARQUESS
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11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
Venus Verticordia (Watercolour Version) of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 罗塞蒂水彩画《沃提考迪亚的维纳斯》
Ming: 50 years that changed China
ever living, never dying, Ice-blue blossoms will not fade. Frozen there six hundred years By fired t ansparent glaze.
What Tom Fur iss described in his poem was the iconic Ming vase displaying in the British Museum.
Sotheby’s Auction 苏富比拍卖
otheby’s was founded in London on 11 March 1744, when Samuel Baker auctioned off several hundred scarce and valuable books om the librar of the Rt Hon Sir John Stanley for a few hundred pounds. Since then Sotheby’s has ex anded beyond books to include the best in jewellery and fine and decorative arts. Sotheby’s now has 90 locations in 40 count ies, with over 250 auctions held ever year, globally.
In December, more than 10 auctions are held in London Sotheby’s, including a series of British ar and literat re. On 10 December, there will be a painting auction with British and Irish master ieces. On 9 December, the auction will consist of antiquarian books, manuscripts and illust ations. As the only auction company with ex er s in British literat re, Sotheby’s is the authorit in this field.
在 12 月,伦敦苏富比共举行超过 10 场包括英国艺术与文学在内的拍 卖会,12 月 10 日举行的英国与爱 尔兰艺术大师作品拍卖。12 月 9 日 举行的英国文学珍品拍卖,文学爱 好者或手稿收藏家要密切关注了。 作为唯一一间有英国文学专家长驻 的拍卖公司,苏富比举办的英国文 学拍卖称得上是权威。
English Literature, History, Children’s Books and Illustrations Auction 英国文学、历史书籍、儿童文学与插画拍卖会 Date 日期 : 9.12.2014
Sotheby’s London address 伦敦苏富比地址 : 34-35 New Bond Street, London W1A 2AA Website 网页 :
British & Irish Art Auction 英国及爱尔兰艺术拍卖会 Date 日期 : 10.12.2014
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744 年 3 月 11 日,山姆贝克在 伦敦创立苏富比。当时,他受托 拍卖约翰史丹利爵士藏书中数百本 珍贵而罕有的书籍,并以数百英镑 成交。从那时开始,苏富比逐渐壮 大成为书籍以外,珠宝和精致与装 饰艺术拍卖市场的佼佼者。如今, 它有 90 个办事处遍布 40 个国家。 每年全球举行的拍卖会逾 250 场。
As one of the most successf l dy asties throughout the Chinese histor , Ming’s cont ibution to ar and cult re was par icularly outstanding. Consequently China star ed to appear on the global stage. This can be seen in the work of the Italian Renaissance ar ist Andrea Manteg a. The Adoration of the Magi (14951505) records one of the Wise Men presenting the Christ-child with a Chinese porcelain cup, f ll of gold. The British Museum exhibition is showing paintings, prints, jewels, tex iles and ceramics om fiſt years of the Ming dy ast 1400-1450.
明 : 盛世皇朝五十年 永不凋零,永不更改。 冰蓝色的花朵永恒绽放。 六百年前冻结的瞬间 Origin of Afternoon Tea 被烈火镶嵌进晶莹剔透的釉彩之中。 Tom Furniss 诗中描述的,便是目前在大 下午茶的起源 英博物馆展示的明代青花瓷。 During early nineteenth cent r , it was usual 在 19 世纪早期时, 英国人一般只吃 作为中国历史上其中一个最辉煌的朝代, for British to take only t o main meals a day, 早餐和晚餐,而晚餐大约安排在晚上 明朝在艺术及文化上的贡献尤显卓越, breakfast and dinner at around 8 o’clock in 8 时左右才进膳。当时的 Bedford 公 中 亦逐渐 在 Maria 环 球 Russell, 舞 台 上Duchess 崛 起。14 the国 evening. Anna of 世 爵夫人由於不喜欢这种生活习惯,於 纪末意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家 Andrea Bedford, complained that it gave her a “sinking 是决定在下午时分,先享用一些热茶 feeling” and decided pot of tea andof the Mantegna 的 油 to 画have Thea Adoration 与小点。 some light snacks during aſter oons. Magi 中,便记录了其中一个智者把放满 金块的中国瓷杯呈给孩子时期的基督。 随着时间转移,她这种习惯慢慢在上 As time goes by, this has created a popular 流社会传为风尚,并风靡整个英国。 t end throughout the whole count . Although 大英博物馆明朝盛世展览,重点展示了公 即使当时茶叶属於奢侈品,而现在享 aſter oon tea is more common in the moder 元 1400 1450 年明朝鼎盛时期的珍品, 用下午茶的习俗已更为普及,享用精 days, as tea至was t eated as an ex ensive good Date Until 展览日至 : 5.1.2015 包括画作、印刷品、珠宝、纺织品以及陶 致下午茶的习惯,依然被视为奢华生 in the past, having aſter oon tea has become a Venue 地点 : The British Museum 大英博物馆 活的象征。 sy bol of lux r lifest le. 瓷等。 Website 网页 : ©The Trustees of the British Museum MARQUESS 2
11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
Ming: 50 years that changed China
ever living, never dying, Ice-blue blossoms will not fade. Frozen there six hundred years By fired t ansparent glaze.
What Tom Fur iss described in his poem was the iconic Ming vase displaying in the British Museum. As one of the most successf l dy asties throughout the Chinese histor , Ming’s cont ibution to ar and cult re was par icularly outstanding. Consequently China star ed to appear on the global stage. This can be seen in the work of the Italian Renaissance ar ist Andrea Manteg a. The Adoration of the Magi (14951505) records one of the Wise Men presenting the Christ-child with a Chinese porcelain cup, f ll of gold. The British Museum exhibition is showing paintings, prints, jewels, tex iles and ceramics om fiſt years of the Ming dy ast 1400-1450.
明 : 盛世皇朝五十年 永不凋零,永不更改。 冰蓝色的花朵永恒绽放。 六百年前冻结的瞬间 Origin of Afternoon Tea 被烈火镶嵌进晶莹剔透的釉彩之中。 Tom Furniss 诗中描述的,便是目前在大 下午茶的起源 英博物馆展示的明代青花瓷。 During early nineteenth cent r , it was usual 在 19 世纪早期时, 英国人一般只吃 作为中国历史上其中一个最辉煌的朝代, for British to take only t o main meals a day, 早餐和晚餐,而晚餐大约安排在晚上 明朝在艺术及文化上的贡献尤显卓越, breakfast and dinner at around 8 o’clock in 8 时左右才进膳。当时的 Bedford 公 中 亦逐渐 在 Maria 环 球 Russell, 舞 台 上Duchess 崛 起。14 the国 evening. Anna of 世 爵夫人由於不喜欢这种生活习惯,於 纪末意大利文艺复兴时期艺术家 Andrea Bedford, complained that it gave her a “sinking 是决定在下午时分,先享用一些热茶 feeling” and decided pot of tea andof the Mantegna 的 油 to 画have Thea Adoration 与小点。 some light snacks during aſter oons. Magi 中,便记录了其中一个智者把放满 金块的中国瓷杯呈给孩子时期的基督。 随着时间转移,她这种习惯慢慢在上 As time goes by, this has created a popular 流社会传为风尚,并风靡整个英国。 t end throughout the whole count . Although 大英博物馆明朝盛世展览,重点展示了公 即使当时茶叶属於奢侈品,而现在享 aſter oon tea is more common in the moder 元 1400 1450 年明朝鼎盛时期的珍品, 用下午茶的习俗已更为普及,享用精 days, as tea至was t eated as an ex ensive good Date Until 展览日至 : 5.1.2015 包括画作、印刷品、珠宝、纺织品以及陶 致下午茶的习惯,依然被视为奢华生 in the past, having aſter oon tea has become a Venue 地点 : The British Museum 大英博物馆 活的象征。 sy bol of lux r lifest le. 瓷等。 Website 网页 : ©The Trustees of the British Museum MARQUESS 2
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11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
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11/27/2014 9:41:43 AM
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Map and Guide 地图指南
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onepage2014-final.indd 1
11/27/2014 9:40:10 AM
Something About Bond Street é‚ŚĺžˇčĄ—äşŒä¸‰äş‹ Oxford Street
Bond Street
Oxford Circus
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Honover Square
en Gard
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n Arc
Piccadilly Circus
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Green Park
ent ries ago, the creators of the most delicate lux r life gathered themselves at the ver hear of London’s West End, in what is now the London Lux r Quar er. Spanning 42 lux r st eets across Mayfair, St James’s and Piccadilly, London Lux r Quar er has over t o thirds of the top 100 lux r brands, 18 ďŹ ve star lux r hotels, 23 Michelin-star ed restaurants and 89 ar galleries etc. Bond St eet is one of the most famous st eets among them, counting 35 heritage Royal War ant holders who link and share the concent ations of lux r brands. Bond Street was named after Sir Thomas Bond, the head of a g oup of developers who purchased a Piccadilly mansion called Clarendon House in 1683, and developed the area om that time. The st eet r ns om south to nor h, where the souther par is named “Oldâ€? Bond St eet, and the nor her par is “Newâ€? accordingly. That is because the nor her par was not developed until 40 years aer Bond and his crew ďŹ rst developed this area. The entire st eet was ďŹ rst shown in John Rocque’s map of London, published in 1746, including the f lly const cted side st eets. Map-04.indd 1
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癞嚴ĺ‰?ďźŒä¸€çž¤č‡´ĺŠ›äşŽĺˆ›é€ ćœ€ç˛žč‡´ă€ ćœ€ĺĽ˘ĺ?Žç”&#x;ć´ťçš„äşşäťŹč šé›†äźŚć•ŚčĽżĺŒşĺ¸‚ ä¸ĺżƒ , čż™ĺ°ąć˜ŻĺŚ‚äťŠçš„äźŚć•ŚĺĽ˘ĺ?Žĺ“ 牌č´ç‰Š 幯。 盎 ĺ‰? čż™ 个 幯 ĺŒş 茆 ç›– 了 Mayfair〠St James’s〠Piccadilly ĺ?Š ĺ…ś 周 čžš ĺŒş ĺ&#x;&#x; ĺ…ą 42 ć?ĄčĄ—é “ďźŒčż™é‡ŒčŽžćœ‰ä¸‰ĺˆ†äşŒçš„ç™žĺŽśéĄśĺ°–ĺĽ˘ĺ?Ž ĺ“ ç‰Œĺş—ă€ 18 厜五ć˜&#x;级酒店〠23 é—´çąłĺ…śćž— é¤?厅䝼ĺ?Š 89 é—´č‰şćœŻç”ťĺťŠă€‚é‚ŚĺžˇčĄ—ć˜Żĺ…śä¸ ä¸€ć?Ąćœ€č‘—ĺ??ĺ??ĺş—čĄ—ďźŒć˜ŻĺĽ˘ĺ?Žĺ“ ç‰Œçš„é›†ä¸ ĺœ°ďźŒĺ°šćœ‰ 35 ĺŽśäź çť&#x;çš‡ĺŽśčŽ¤čŻ ĺ•†ĺş—ă€‚
邌垡襗䝼 Thomas Bond çˆľĺŁŤĺ‘˝ĺ??ďźŒäť–ć˜Ż 1683 ĺš´ č´ ä¸‹ ĺ?? 为 Clarendon House çš„ 皎ĺ?ĄčżŞĺˆŠĺ¤§ćĽźçš„一睄埀ĺ?‘ĺ•†çš„ä¸ťçŽĄďźŒäť– 䝏䝼ć¤ä¸şĺ&#x;şçĄ€ĺ?‘ĺą•ĺ‘¨čžšĺœ°ĺŒşă€‚čż™ć?ĄčĄ—ć˜Ż ĺ?— ĺŒ— čľ° ĺ?‘ďźŒ ĺ?— čžš 部 ĺˆ† ĺ?? 为ă€?Old〞( ć—§ ) Bond StreetďźŒ ĺŒ— čžš 部 ĺˆ† ĺˆ™ ĺ?? 为ă€?New〞 ( ć–° ) Bond Street。匂ć¤ĺŒşĺˆ†ć˜Żĺ› 邌垡襗 的埀ĺ?‘始斟ĺ?—čžšďźŒč€ŒĺŒ—éƒ¨čĄ—é “çš„ĺź€ĺ?‘ĺˆ™ć˜Ż ĺœ¨ĺ?—螚埀ĺ?‘ 40 ĺš´ĺ?Žć‰?埀始。这ć?ĄčĄ—é “äşŽ 1746 ĺš´ĺ§‹ĺœ¨ John Rocque çť˜ç”ťçš„äźŚć•Śĺœ° ĺ›žĺ‡şçŽ°ďźŒĺ…śä¸Šç”šč‡łĺŒ…ć‹Źäş†ä¸ťčĄ—ć— čžšäżŽç‘ĺŽŒ ćˆ?çš„ĺ°?塡。
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LANCASHIRE COURT ”�‡�‡‰‹Ž†‘ ‡‰�ƒ
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MADDOX STREET ”Â?‡Â?‡‰‹Ž†‘ ‡‰Â?ƒ ‘–Š‡„›ǯ• ƒÂ?Â?‡ ‘Â?–ƒ‹Â?‡ —…‹‡ ƒÂ?’„‡ŽŽ —••‡ŽŽ ĆŹ ”‘Â?Ž‡›
11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
Bond Street 邦德街二三事 OXFORD STREET
et tre nt S
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Piccadilly Circus
en Gard
ȋ ǯ Ȍ 11/21/2014 5:34:25 PM
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11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
Development and Future ĺ?‘ĺą•ä¸ŽćœŞć?Ľ BRUTON STREET
1 ‘”‘ ‹ƒÂ?ƒ Š—”…Šǯ•
ĺœ¨čż‡ĺŽťĺ¤šĺš´ďźŒč?˝ćˆˇé‚ŚĺžˇčĄ—çš„ĺĽ˘äžˆĺ“ ç‰Œä¸€ 直为游厢希ć?Ľćœ€ĺĽ˝ćœ€ç˛žč‡´çš„äş§ĺ“ ă€ ć??äž› ĺ‘¨ĺˆ°çš„ćœ?ĺŠĄĺ’Œç‹Źç‰šçš„ĺĽ˘ĺ?Žä˝“éŞŒă€‚ĺ°˝çŽĄé?˘ 寚ç?€ć?Ľč‡Şçş˝çşŚć´žĺ…‹ĺ¤§čĄ—䝼ĺ?ŠéŚ™ć¸Żă€ 东 äşŹă€ ĺŒ—äşŹĺ’Œä¸Šćľˇç‰ĺĽ˘ĺ?Žĺ“ ç‰Œč šé›†ĺœ°çš„çŤž äş‰ďźŒé‚ŚĺžˇčĄ—äť?ć˜Żä¸€ć?Ąćž é‡?čŚ çš„ĺĽ˘ĺ?Žĺ“ 牌 č´ç‰ŠčĄ—。
Bond st eet has always been a place where retailers, especially of lux r goods, seek to come. It receives generally 17 to 20 million people a year creating over £1 billion t r over. Although it is already the largest concent ation of lux r retail in the world, Bond St eet still dedicates to enhancing their customers’ shopping ex erience. Lately, Bond St eet promoted a £20 million invest ent upg ade prog amme which will last until 2018 to allow its cent ries’ of heritage binding be er with moder shopping ex erience. Bond St eet launches £1 million heritageinspired illumination scheme for 2014 Christ as, with over a quar er of a million elegant LED display as glorious white peacocks. This will be viewed by over 10 million visitors om more than 100 inter ational count ies.
邌垡襗ĺ?‘ä¸şĺĽ˘äžˆĺ“ é›śĺ”Žĺ•†çš„ĺœŁĺœ°ďźŒćŻ?ĺš´ 掼垅č´ç‰Šäşşć•°čžž 1700 ä¸‡ĺˆ° 2000 ä¸‡ďźŒ ĺˆ›é€ čś…čż‡ 10 äşżé•‘č?Ľä¸šé˘?。尽玥邌垡襗 ĺˇ˛ć˜Żĺ…¨ç?ƒćœ€ĺ¤§çš„ĺĽ˘äžˆĺ“ é›śĺ”Žĺş—č šé›†ĺœ°ďźŒ ĺŽƒäť?致力于ä¸?ć–ć??ĺ?‡ĺŽ˘ćˆˇçš„č´ç‰Šä˝“éŞŒă€‚ čż‘ć?ĽďźŒé‚ŚĺžˇčĄ—ä˝œĺ‡şä¸€éĄš 2000 ä¸‡é•‘ă€ ćŒ çťĺˆ° 2018 ĺš´çš„é‡?äżŽć›´ć–°ćŠ•čľ„éĄšç›ŽďźŒčŽŠ 兜数癞嚴的历ĺ?˛äź ć‰żčƒ˝ć›´ĺĽ˝ĺœ°ä¸ŽçŽ°äťŁč´ ç‰Šä˝“éŞŒćŽĽč˝¨ă€‚é‚ŚĺžˇčĄ—ĺœ¨ 2014 ĺš´ĺœŁčŻžčż˜ ä¸?ćƒœčŠąč´š 100 ä¸‡é•‘ďźŒä¸şčĄ—é “čŁ…ä¸Šäź çť&#x; ćž„ć€?çš„ç ŻéĽ°čŽžčŽĄďźŒç”¨ 25 万ç›? LED ç Żć‹ź ćˆ?光彊夺盎的白ĺ”é›€ďźŒĺ?‘ć?Ľč‡Şĺ…¨ç?ƒčż‡ç™ž 国厜的逞ĺ?ƒä¸‡ć—…ĺŽ˘ĺą•ç¤şĺŽƒçš„é…力。
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THE ROYAL ARCADE Šƒ”„‘��‡Ž ‡– ƒŽ�‡”
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Clifford Street
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BURLINGTON GARDENS ƒŽ˜ƒ–‘”‡ ‡””ƒ‰ƒ�‘
Over the years, lux r brands located at Bond st eet have been bringing their finest and most exquisite products to provide the best ser ice and unique lux r ex erience to tourists. Bond st eet has become an impor ant lux r shopping st eet for a ver long time, accepting the challenge from the Park Avenue in New York, and other g eat concent ations om Hong Kong, Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai.
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11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
Development and Future 发展与未来 BRUTON STREET
1 ǯ
一 供 面 东 竞 牌
年 , 街 , 。 持 让 购 还 统 拼 百
Clifford Street
Ƭ ǯ Ǧ Ƭ
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11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM
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11/12/2014 2:25:45 PM