Attention news issue 10

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Issue 10

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BEWARE! Over 40,000 New Laws Nationwide

Local Mexican Drug Cartel

Be prepared page 5


$2.5 million in Siezed Drugs

Wanted Unknown Sex Offender details page 6

details on page 7

Bananas Fight Back! page 19



Survivor of the gang lifestyle Page 5

January 8, 2014 Mission Statement: Attention Los Angeles’s commitment is to generate a publication that educates, informs and empowers citizens about arrests and crimes in their communities, and about victim assistance and crime prevention; to engage the community in victim assistance and public safety.

March for Peace By Rev. Don Abernathy

After enjoying good food during the holidays, a long walk is a great way to start 2014. Saturday, January 4, was a beautiful day when good people from all around Los Angeles County met at Bethel Church in Watts for a Peace March through the community. Emotions of hope ran high as different speakers addressed the growing crowd preparing for the march. I was honored to be invited to speak to the crowd and march with seasoned peace activists and concerned citizens. Attention! News attends crime scenes, candlelight vigils to remember the fallen souls, meetings of violence support groups and speaks with heart broken families that have been hurt by crime and violence. Through these involvements I’ve generated conclusions when it comes to crime that contradicts common excuses I hear from the general public.

Excuse: Crime and violence are due to a lack of jobs. Based on the arrest reports I see

every day from across the county, many criminals are gainfully employed but still choose to commit crimes. Conclusion: Crime and violence are not just a lack of jobs issue.

Excuse: Crime and violence are gang issues. While a lot of gang members are criminals, all criminals are not gang members. Conclusion: Crime and violence are not just a gang issue.

Excuse: Crime and violence are only in the bad neighborhoods. Criminals don’t use Google maps, MapQuest or Thomas Guides to know where they should or shouldn’t commit crimes. Conclusion: Crime and violence happen where criminals think they can get away with the crime, or the opportunity arises.

Excuse: Crime and violence mainly only affects “that” race or color. Criminals primarily don’t choose houses, cars or business to rob based on the race or color of the owner. Bullets don’t change direction because the recipient is the wrong race or color? Bullets are color blind, don’t discriminate and hit anyone in their path regardless of age, ethnicity, financial status or guilt. Conclusion: We are all part of the human race and deserve to be treated with respect. Only 2 colors should matter when discussing violence and crime;

red for the blood that needlessly flows from our injured loved ones and clear for the tears that are shed by victims, their families and loved ones. So what is the issue with crime and violence? Very simply, crime and violence are a humanity issue. There is something wrong with an individual person that thinks it is okay to violate, rob or murder another human being. That single person needs to be held accountable for their actions; not any other group. The solution is simple but extremely difficult. Fight fire with fire! Criminals have scared citizens into our homes and took one street, one block, one neighborhood, and one city at a time. Now they’ve over run our jail system so IF they are caught committing a crime, they only serve a very small portion of their time before being sent back to the streets. Our current penalty program and jail system is drastically flawed, getting worse and we are feeling the effects. Citizens should not focus on the big picture of county or the state but focus on the small picture. Everyone needs to focus on their home and their side of the street. Be a positive role model for your children. Work with your immediate neighbors and the good police to keep your home and your side of the street safe. Together, as a color blind community, we can take back our streets, our neighborhoods and our communities so they will be safe for us and our children. Please let us know of any Peace Marches in your neighborhood so we can attend.

2,268+ Holiday DUI Arrests in Los Angeles County By Rev. Don Abernathy

The Los Angeles Sherriff Department released DUI statistics for the 19 day period around the holidays. From 12:01 AM Friday December 13, 2013 through midnight Wednesday, January 1, 2014 officers representing 100 county law enforcement agencies have arrested 2,268 individuals for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In 2012, 2,168 DUI arrests were made during the same 19 day time period. Not only have the arrest numbers gone up, but their report has a disturbing footnote: (**NOTE: These numbers are only provisional with some agencies yet to report**). This means the numbers of actual arrests are even higher. In 2011, nearly 10,000 people were killed nationally in motor vehicle traffic crashes that involved at least one driver or motorcycle rider with a

blood alcohol concentration of .08% or higher. In California, this deadly crime led to 774 deaths because someone failed to designate a sober driver. Since we all know that every drunk driver is not caught and arrested, the increased amount of arrests during the holiday is warning that ALL DRIVERS NEED TO BE AWARE! Checkpoints were set up all around the county to identify drunk drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), checkpoints have provided the most effective documented results of any of the DUI enforcement strategies, while also yielding considerable cost savings of $6 for every $1 spent. Based on collision statistics and frequency of DUI arrests, DUI Checkpoints are placed in locations that have the greatest opportunity for achieving drunk and drugged driving

deterrence. Locations are chosen with safety considerations for the officers and the public. The next time you drive through a DUI checkpoint, instead of complaining about the delay and bright lights in your eyes, roll down your window and thank the officers for protecting you your family by getting drunk drivers off the road.

The penalty for 1st offense DUI in Los Angeles County is: • Jail time of up to 48 hours or post $5,000 bail to get out of jail early. (This has basically been eliminated in Los Angeles County for 1st offenders due to overcrowding and AB109. Most 1st offenders are released without posting bail on their promise to show up in court. This has cost the bail industry and the financially strapped court system millions of dollars annually in revenue since both industries made a small percentage of the bail amount.) • Depending on your city, as much as a $10,000 fine including the base fine and the additional court costs. • 3, 6 or 9 months of DUI classes at privately ran facility and at the drivers expense • Increased insurance rates for being a DUI High-risk 7 – 10 years

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.

• 3 - 6 month suspension of driver’s license • 3-5 years probation • Possible Interlock Ignition device installed on your car, at your expense • Possible required AA meeting, MADD Impact meetings or HAM ( hospital and morgue) meetings Don’t take the chance to be a drunk statistic!


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Attention News LA

start a career in protective services!

FROM THE EDITOR New Year Resolutions



Throughout history, the beginning of the year has shown similar practices of commitments like the Babylonians making promises to return borrowed B.S.I.S. Security Guard Card, Firearm & Permit items and Guard pay their Romans B.S.I.S. Security Card,debt, Firearm & Permit B.S.I.S. SB 1626 CA Campus School Security Course making promises of good or Course B.S.I.S. SB 1626 CA Campus Schoolwill Security O.C.personal Pepper Spray Certificate goals and Medieval knights O.C. Pepper Spray Certificate Active Shooter Course reaffirmed their Active Shooter Course vows of the allReport Writing encompassing do good role called Report Writing Security Management chivalry. As longCourse as I can remember Security Management Course January conversations always touched Church Security Course Church Security Course on resolutions New Guards Year. Unarmed Self-Defensefor forthe Security Unarmed Self-Defense for Security Guards

This year I will lose weight, I will get out of debt, I will stop smoking, I will spend more quality time with friends and family, I will get a better job or just

get a job, I will organize my house, I will clean out the attic or garage, I will join a gym, I will volunteer, etc. All of these have merit and should be done throughout the year but unfortunately they aren’t which is why they are popular New Year’s Resolutions.

So how popular and successful are our resolutions? Depending on which set of statistics you chose to believe, approximately 40-50% of US citizens make New Year’s Resolutions with about 80% being effective the first couple of weeks. But sadly the numbers start dropping quickly with less than 10% actually reaching their goal. After talking with friends, strangers in chat rooms and reading “scientific evidence” published on the web, I’ve come to my own conclusions.

the way the previous year ended, some people like to set goals and feel good about reaching them while other just don’t want to be the one person standing by the water cooler without a resolution so they make one up. No matter what your reason, the important thing about resolutions is the example we are setting for our youth. We teach our children to set goals and work to reach them. What kind of a message are we sending when we promote the fact that 50% of Americans set goals every year with only a small percentage reaching them?

Some people make resolutions because they are unhappy or frustrated with

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B.S.I.S. Security Guard Card, Firearm & Permit B.S.I.S. SB 1626 CA Campus School Security Course O.C. Pepper Spray Certificate Active Shooter Course Report Writing Security Management Course Church Security Course Unarmed Self-Defense for Security Guards



As of date of publication, all information in this publication is not 100% accurate due to dismissals, DA rejects, violator registrations, etc. A partir de la fecha de publicación, toda la información no es 100% precisa, debido a desestimación, rechazos del distrito fiscal (DA), registros del infractor, etcétera.



Lights around your house ensure that there are no dark areas around the house in which a person could hide.

January 8, 2014

Issue 10


page 4 page 7

Parole Violation page 8 Region 2 page 10 Burglary Arrests page 13 Region 3

page 15

Imprisoned Sex Offender Sentenced to 10 More Years in Prison for New Online Child Abuse Offense BOISE—Jeremy E. Durkin, 35, of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, was sentenced December 17, 2013 to 120 months in federal prison, with credit for time served, for use of a facility of interstate commerce to transmit information about a minor, with the intent to entice the victim into criminal sexual activity, U.S. Attorney Wendy J. Olson announced. U.S. District Judge Edward J. Lodge also ordered Durkin to serve 10 years of supervised release following his release from prison. Durkin pleaded guilty on September 19, 2013. According to the plea agreement, the matter came to the attention of law enforcement on September 23, 2010, when, during routine cell search at the Idaho State Correctional Institution, a corrections officer found a letter on Durkin’s bunk that referenced a Yahoo e-mail account. The letter, written by Durkin, referred to the intended recipient as “you sexy sixteen-yearold.” In the letter, Durkin is asking someone he referred to in the greeting as “my Love” to keep his (Durkin’s) Yahoo e-mail account active by logging on to it once a month and deleting all incoming mail. The letter further states, “This way I wont loose [sic] all the photos have up

there. I don’t really want to ask anybody else cuz there is naked photos of you that I don’t want anybody to see.” Department of Corrections officials referred the matter to the FBI. The FBI identified the victim as a high school student in Oregon. When interviewed, the youth told agents that Durkin initiated contact with him in December 2009 on Facebook. The victim further stated that Durkin (whom the victim did not know prior to that time) persuaded him to call a telephone number in Idaho. The two spoke telephonically and “hit it off,” according to the youth. Durkin initially gave the youth a false name, but not long after they met online, he gave the youth his true name. According to the victim, Durkin knew the victim was 15 years old at the time. According to the plea agreement, from December 2009 until the summer 2010, Durkin was in constant contact with the victim via e-mail, telephone, and U.S. mail. The youth described their relationship as being almost immediately romantic and sexual and said they exchanged sexually explicit photos. A search of Durkin’s Yahoo! account confirmed these allegations. The two never met in person. Their

relationship was entirely via Facebook, telephone, e-mail, and U.S. mail. Durkin is a previously convicted sex offender. In 2005, Durkin pleaded guilty in Kootenai County, Idaho, to one count of lewd conduct with a child under age 16. He was on parole at the time the incidents occurred that resulted in the federal charge. Durkin’s parole was revoked in the summer 2010, and he was returned to prison. He is currently serving his sentence on the Kootenai County case at the Idaho Department of Correction and is scheduled for release in 2016. The charge of use of a facility of interstate commerce to transmit information about a minor, with the intent to entice the victim into criminal sexual activity, when committed by a person with a prior sex offense conviction, is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, a maximum fine of $250,000, and up to lifetime supervised release. The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Idaho Department of Correction investigated the case. Both agencies are members of the Idaho

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.

Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, a statewide coalition of local, state, and federal law enforcement and prosecution agencies focused on apprehending and prosecuting individuals who use the Internet to criminally exploit children. For more information about the Idaho ICAC Task Force and a list of all the participating agencies, visit This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. Led by the United States Attorneys’ Offices and the Criminal Division’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, Project Safe Childhood marshals federal, state, and local resources to locate, apprehend, and prosecute individuals who sexually exploit children and to identify and rescue victims.

For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit For more information about Internet safety education, please visit and click on the tab “Resources.”


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LOS ANGELES COUNTY ALCOHOL RELATED ARREST REPORTS Name Sex Age Occupation Arrested Arresting Agency Charge Bail Release Reason JEFFERY ALLEN BAILEY Male 54 Retired 12/26/13 LA Sheriff COPS Bureau DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $40,000 DANNY GARY HUICHAN Male 31 None 1/5/14 Los Angeles Police Department DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $80,000 KWANG CHUN CHUNG Male 71 Stock 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Norwalk DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $30,000 Citation VANESSA A BAIN Female 29 Hair Sales 1/1/14 CHP South LA DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $35,000 SYMON PETER ESPINOZA Male 25 General Specialist 12/26/13 LA Sheriff East LA DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $30,000 WALBERTO LOPEZ VARGAS Male 36 Sheet Metal Worker 12/23/14 Manhattan Beach Police Department DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $10,000 JUAN ANTONIO VILLARREAL Male 56 None 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Pico Rivera DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $40,608 GERMAN PAGOADA Male 38 Valet Driver 12/27/13 Los Angeles Police Department DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Own Recognizance SERGIO GABRIEL PATINO Male 42 Construction 12/27/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $106,000 ESTEBAN IBARRA Male 19 Factory 12/22/13 LA Sheriff Compton DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation JENISHA RENAE GREER Female 25 Retail Manager 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Carson DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation ERICA C MCDANIEL Female 44 Intern 1/1/14 LA Sheriff Century DUI w/Prior Special Convictions Felony No Bail ABELARDO C RUIZVALDENEGRO Male 20 Server 12/26/13 CHP South LA DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation RUBEN IGNACIO GUZMAN Male 48 Lumper 12/31/13 LA Sheriff Industry Detectives DUI Alcohol 0.08% Felony $56,000 AMILCAR ARGUETA Male 70 Construction 12/26/13 Long Beach Police Department DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $30,000 Bail ADAN VASQUEZ Male 33 Chef 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Technical Services Rail DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation GILBERTO RAMIREZ Male 54 Tile Setter 1/1/14 Los Angeles Police Department DUI Alcohol/Drugs on Bicycle Misdemeanor $250 Own Recognizance SHATERRA JOHNSON Female 24 Unemployed 12/28/13 LA Sheriff West Hollywood DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation FRANCISCO JAVIER HUERTA Male 49 Chef 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Century DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $0 EDUARDO TORRES Male 29 Retail 1/5/14 Los Angeles Police Department DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $35,000 All types of people will continue to commit crimes JESSIE CALVILLOBOUARDA Female 36 Counselor 12/29/13 CHP East LA DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation the12/27/13 community says ENOUGH!! ELIODORO PINEDA QUIROZ Male 59 until Retired LA Sheriff Industry unites and DUI Alcohol/Drugs on Bicycle Misdemeanor $250 Citation KYLE HOPE BALDWIN Female 59 Unemployed 12/26/13 Long Beach Police Department DUI Alcohol 0.08% Misdemeanor $5,000 Own Recognizance In the 2 week period prior to this publication, over 800 individuals DANIEL HERNANDEZ Male 27 Laborer 1/2/14 LA Sheriff Industry DUI Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $90,000 were arrested Los AngelesDUICounty for DUI’s. JINGUO SONG Male 28 Owner 12/28/13 CHP in East LA Alcohol/Drug Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation

Ruben Medina

$50,000 REWARD

Councilwoman Jan Perry and Los Angeles City Council have offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for this senseless murder. “Detectives have canvassed the area on several occasions and we need the public’s help to find the person responsible,” said Councilwoman Jan Perry said.

Murdered Feb 4th, 2012 Ruben “Big Mike” Medina was known in his neighborhood for having a big smile and a bigger heart. He was a helpful handyman, loved music, drawing and had a great mind for mathematics. Hungry people in his community saw his gracious heart as he bought groceries when the need arose. On Feb 4th, shortly after 6:30 pm, Big Mike was walking down Hooper Ave north of 25th St. pushing a bike. He was approached by 2 unknown men who began to argue and struggle for the bike. One of the suspects used a 9mm handgun to shoot Big Mike several times. According to a witness, the suspect took the bike and walked northbound on Hooper Ave. A description of the shooter was given to detectives.

Victim Ruben “Big Mike” Medina

Will YOU





of American Families are not prepared for emergencies

Big Mike’s sister said, “We don’t understand how anyone could take another person’s life.” Big Mike leaves behind a loving and grieving family and neighborhood. Artist Sketch of Suspect

To remain anonymous contact Call tips into 24-hour toll free number 877-LAPD-24-7, or tty (877-275-5273). Crime tips may also be reported by cell phone text or the web. To send cell phone text tips, text the word ‘LAPD”and your message to crimes (274637). To send web tips, log onto www.Lapdonline.Org and click “anonymous web tips.”


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The suspect was described as a Hispanic man in his late 30s, no more than 5-foot-6 with an average build. Anyone with information is asked to call Det. Torres or Det. Calzadillas at (323) 846-6556.


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As of date of publication, all information in this publication is not 100% accurate due to dismissals, DA rejects, violator registrations, etc. A partir de la fecha de publicación, toda la información no es 100% precisa, debido a desestimación, rechazos del distrito fiscal (DA), registros del infractor, etcétera.


Lock doors even if someone is home. Unlocked doors are the easiest way for a criminal to enter a household.


Ignorance is no Excuse Exploding fireworks, honking horns, cheering crowds and Auld Lang Syne being sung by cheerful people are common sounds of New Year’s Eve. What we didn’t hear was over 800 California laws going into effect along with 1,000’s and 1,000’s of city, county and federal laws. In all, over 40,000 city, county, state, and federal laws went into effect last year. So how do we know what these laws are so we can be sure not to break them?

Here is a brief breakdown of some of the laws going into effect.

Assembly Bills AB 4 Holding of Immigrants: This law pushes back on a federal program requiring local law enforcement to detain arrested immigrants. Now jails can hold immigrants for federal immigration enforcement only if they have committed serious or violent crimes, as defined by the law. AB-10 Minimum Wage Increase: California

already has a minimum wage that is higher than the federal minimum wage: $8 instead of $7.25 nationwide. As of July 1, 2014, the state’s minimum wage goes up to $9. California’s minimum wage will go up again to $10 per hour as of Jan. 1, 2016.

AB 48 Conversion Kits: This law makes it illegal to buy or own “conversion kits” that give guns semi-automatic capability and to purchase a largecapacity magazine in California. AB 60 Driver’s License for Undocumented Applicants: The Department of Motor Vehicles

will begin the process of implementing AB 60 —the new law requiring DMV to issue a driver license to an applicant who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that he/she is legally present in the Unites States —by drafting new regulations and preparing field offices to process new applications. The new law becomes operative by January 1, 2015. The applicant will be required to meet all other driver license qualifications.

AB 154 Abortion Nurses: This law allows medical

professionals such as nurse practitioners to perform a type of early abortion if they have received the necessary training. Qualified professionals can now enroll in the requisite training program. AB 184 Hit and Run: Statute of Limitations: This law extends the statute of limitations for hit-andrun collisions in which death or permanent, serious injury was a result. A criminal complaint may be filed within three years of the offense, or one year after the person was initially identified by law enforcement as a suspect in the commission of the offense, which ever comes later, but in no case more than six years after the offense. AB 191 Low Income Benefit Linking: This law links signing up for Medi-Cal benefits to enrolling in food stamps via Cal Fresh, bolstering the author’s goal of expanding access for the many low-income Californian households eligible for both programs. AB 241 Domestic Worker Bill of Rights: This

law entitles housekeepers, nannies and other inhome laborers to overtime pay. The final version contains fewer worker guarantees than the original, which offered such protections as meal breaks.

My suggestion for a solution Every time we have an election, millions of dollars are spent notifying potential voters of what candidates have done right and what their opposition has done wrong. It would be a good step in the public interest direction if we had a law passed requiring ALL officials running for an office to set aside a portion of their advertising funds for new law public information. -Rev. Don Abernathy AB 263/SB 666 Immigrate Safety Status: These

laws both prohibit employers from punishing or retaliating against workers on the basis of their immigration status.

AB 266/SB 286 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes:

Together these laws extend sunset dates for low emission, zero emission vehicles to operate in high occupancy vehicle lanes (HOV) without meeting occupancy requirements to January 1, 2019.

AB 351 Anti-Terrorism Enforcement: This law bars California agencies and the state National Guard from helping the federal government detain or prosecute people under a controversial post-Sept. 11 anti-terrorism law. AB 443 Registration and Vehicle Transfers Between Family Members: This law prohibits

the transfer of ownership of a vehicle to a relative or a revocable living trust until all parking or toll– violation fines and penalties reported to the DMV are paid by the transferee.

AB 465 Child Protection: This law allows community youth sports teams to request a background check before taking someone on as a coach. AB 484 Standard Testing In Schools: With schools at work implementing the national Common Core standards, this law nixes the existing Standardized Testing and Reporting assessments in favor of tests aligned with the new guidelines. Students across the state will take the incoming Common Core-related tests by the end of the 20142015 school year, and the scores will be used to evaluate schools the following year. AB 500 Gun Storage: This law requires a gun

owner, in a household inhabited by someone prohibited from owning a gun, to lock up any firearms.

requires the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) to sponsor a veterans’ special interest license plate and requires the DMV to issue the veterans’ plate if CalVet meets the current statutory requirements. This law creates, in addition to the current Honoring Veterans design of the Veteran’s Organization Plate, a new program to reissue the Veteran design that was issued prior to January 1, 2010. These plates are available to all vehicle owners. The Department of Veterans Affairs must secure 7,500 pre–paid applications in order for the department to implement this plate program.

“I AM a Survivor of the gang lifestyle”



I was told that day, that the 15-year-old boy; who has not lived a life at all yet, had deserved to die with his face down in the dump of an abandon field in Wilmington with bullet holes in his head! And the socalled ‘paperwork’ that was rumored to be the reason why a mother lost her child that day, is a validation of horse manure for the type of belief that communities cater to. The saddest part of this story is the same individuals that labeled this boy as a ‘Snitch’ only did so because they were facing death row due to their own charges of murder. Four years later were convicted of murder and are now awaiting the gas chamber.

This boy died at 15 because he was labeled a ‘Snitch’! To snitch on someone means that it is an act of betrayal, but in this devastating truth the young kid It is funny how we grow up and we are taught to died because his so-called homeboy labeled him not tattle because it is not good! That’s it! Nothing more and nothing less; but the impression of tattling a snitch and lied about any kind of paperwork. I wondered how the convicted so-called friend felt when is frowned upon by our peers. We somehow are to find the reason within the statement “Do not tattle”? someone else walked in the courtroom and got on What about the “Snitch”? We also are raised in certain that stand and did not snitch, but DID THE RIGHT THING. communities that teach us, that snitching is against a code. I don’t know what code that may be, but I No one will ever know that LAPD detectives pressured would like someone to show me what Penal Code or the 15 year old boy so much because he refused to Legislative Law that has “Do not Snitch” written in it. speak to them. The boy’s mother told me weeks after his death, that she had problems with the local police Growing up in a lifestyle where street ethics have department because of the continued harassment proven to be more crucial for society than helpful they did to her son to get him to snitch. A year of is a very sad thing to say for myself. It’s sad to know harassment by police officers and detectives to do the that people have conditioned their minds to believe right thing had amounted up to the death of this kid by that ‘Snitching’ is a bad thing. In impoverished communities, youth are taught to harm those labeled the assumption of his homeboys that he already gave as a ‘Snitch’. It strikes a nerve for me to see the ‘Code of a statement to the police. The peace this boy’s mother the Streets’ way of life still cycles through generations has is that the reason her son was murdered became the same reason that has sealed the fate of a person of community members. they believed was family and a friend. The peace that I Many years ago a 15 year old boy came to me for help have about the death of this boy is the fact that I woke because he felt that he was going to lose his life by his up from the lies of what I was living in. friends, or should I refer to them as his neighborhood MiAs thoughts: Snitch has been a word that has a gang. He didn’t know why he needed my help and neither did I since he was from another gang. I was on negative air on it and will always have it because the verge of having more enemies. A speculated racial of what defines it. Doing the right thing, should be war was breaking through the Harbor Area and it was because you believe in the laws of Our Country and getting worse day by day. At the time, I was unable to the system that enforces the law. I’m not going to say help myself, so I wondered how I could help this kid that the system works all the time, because it doesn’t and hasn’t for many; but I will encourage those that with his paranoia behavior. I did something for him live in a box of lies to please open your eyes. Truth is that I needed most at that time; I became a friend and I listened. He wasn’t very specific why he felt his not about allowing the wrong thing to happen around life would end soon, but I still get shivers in my body you, truth is about doing the right thing. The last time when I think about the face a person has while waiting I checked the Amendments there isn’t one in there that states ‘Do not Snitch’ nor have I come across a for death. commandment that reads ‘Thou shalt not snitch’! The day after that late night the young boy disappeared I hope that some enlightenment on the venomous with some of his ‘homies’, never to be seen alive again. beliefs that are being released into our streets will give He was found dead less than three miles away on the the communities a perspective of understanding the same street of his home; shot in the head multiple right thing to do. times and beat brutally before, during, and even after death. I could never understand why his life ended so abruptly and why would anyone kill him that way. ~ “Our VOICE” is our most powerful thing, so who is Later in the same week, my older homeboy tells me the to tell anybody how and which way to use it.~ By: Michelle Mataese

child has been taken abducted by anyone, including a custodial parent or guardian, who may cause serious bodily injury or death to the child. AB 711 Banning Lead Ammunition: This law

cites the health risk to wildlife due to in lead ammunition. The law won’t be fully implemented until July 2019. In the meantime, the state’s Fish and Game Commission will get to work on a framework for phasing out lead bullets.

AB 244 Veterans License Plates: This law

AB 767 Registration Fees: Vehicle Theft: This law authorizes counties to increase registration fees by $1 for passenger vehicles and $2 for commercial vehicles to fund programs related to vehicle theft crimes in those counties. AB 809 Firearm Purchase Documentation:

AB535 AMBER Alert: Expansion: This law

requires law enforcement to request activation of the AMBER Alerts after receiving a report that a

Issue 10

little 15-year-old boy had it coming to him, because he had ‘Paperwork’ on him. ‘Paperwork’ is a street term of a person that has or is snitching on another individual.

40,000 New Laws Nationwide

Judges, lawyers and the police will all tell you “Ignorance of a law is not excuse” but how much effort is put into notifying tax paying citizens of the new laws? The answer is very little. The major laws get a quick little blast in the main line media but nothing is said about the rest of the laws.

January 8, 2014

Passed in 2011, AB 809 allows the Department of Justice to retain data about rifle and shotgun purchases; until now, the agency has been able to hold onto information only about handgun transactions. The law is intended to let cops know what they’ll be up against and to bolster a program that confiscates guns from people barred from

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.

owning them, such as the dangerously mentally ill and convicted criminals. AB 933 Micro Distillery Tasting: This law gives

smaller craft distilleries an incentive to offer liquor tasting events by allows them to charge for the privilege of sampling their product.

AB 1024 Undocumented Immigrant Lawyers:

This law allows undocumented immigrants who pass the California bar to practice law. It plays off of the legal case of Sergio Garcia, who was brought to California illegally as a child and later passed the state’s bar exam on his first try.

AB 1039 Pro Athlete Benefits: This law requires pro athletes to have spent a minimum chunk of their career playing for California teams if they want to submit a claim to the state’s fund. AB 1047 Commercial Driver’s License: This law will allow the DMV to conduct the commercial drive test for the holder of an out–of–state commercial learner’s permit.

continued on page 12


Sexual Offender Fugitives Wanted Remorseful Sex Offender

Donnell Hicks

In Violation Since 9/21/13

The pages in Attention! with photographs of Sexual Offender Violators receive the most reaction from sex offenders and the community. The communications most frequently received are from offenders wanting to know how to get their image out of our paper before their family, friends and co-workers see them. The process is simple; they need follow the law and register with their local police department. Once we verify registration through the Department of Justice, we remove them from our data base and discard their information. The callers are all ashamed, embarrassed, or just trying to hide their past. All we care about is that they follow the rules of their release by registering with their local police.

City Unknown

Rafael Becerra Moreno

In Violation Since 2/2/08

Long Beach

Steven Francis Meyers

In Violation Since 10/15/13


Ronnie Lee Woods

In Violation Since 8/17/13


Joseph Lee Acevedo

In Violation Since 9/2/13

Los Angeles

Pascual Trinidad

In Violation Since 5/28/12


David Salinas Sandoval

In Violation Since 1/9/12

City Unknown

Antonio Camargo

In Violation Since 2/6/13


We are looking for a Remorseful Sex Offender that targeted children to give an anonymous interview. A person that targeted children is the best source of information to explain to parents and children what they can do to help prevent them from being a victim. Interview Specifics:

John Robert Mejia

In Violation Since 12/23/12

• The volunteer will remain 100% anonymous. • No details of any specific offense including but not limited to a date range, city, number of victims, or age of victims will ever be released. • We will not allow anyone to profess their innocence or try to bring attention to their case.

Pico Rivera

We know there are Sex Offenders in our community that served their time, regret what they did, follow the law by registering, and have stayed out of trouble. We want to give them the chance to help educate children and families to prevent abuse. Please contact Rev. Don Abernathy at 562 595-9300, email if you are interested in giving back.

Raymond Anthony Carrillo

In Violation Since 11/14/11

City Unknown

Clark Douglas Palmer

In Violation Since 1/1/13

Manhattan Beach

WARNING WARNING Convicted Sexual Offenders

in Violation of Registration Florentino Garcia Olivas

In Violation Since 9/25/13

Los Angeles

Juan Carlos Sanchez

In Violation Since 2/23/00

Long Beach

Kenyatta Bernard Steppes

In Violation Since 5/13/10


Charles Brown Vinson

In Violation Since 8/26/13

Los Angeles

Morray Grant Wallace

In Violation Since 9/15/13

City Unknown

If you have information concerning one

of these Sexual Offender registrants


In Violation Since 11/11/13

City Unknown

Gumecindo Medrano

In Violation Since 6/13/13

Los Angeles


Edward Earl Bailey

In Violation Since 6/14/12


Jack Adolph Wilson

In Violation Since 5/21/13


Rufus Thomas

In Violation Since 3/26/12


Webster Salasker Lucas

In Violation Since 11/17/13

City Unknown

Brett Daniel Do Nichols not try to apprehendChristopher yourself. Dearman

In Violation Since 6/13/12 In Violation Since they should be2/22/13 considered armed and dangerous.


John Mays

In Violation Since 9/16/12

City Unknown

City Unknown

Kelechi Amadi

In Violation Since 7/9/13

City Unknown

Samuel Fowler

In Violation Since 10/14/13

Long Beach

David Bernard Bradford

In Violation Since 5/29/13

Los Angeles

Lucio Gutierrez Ramirez

In Violation Since 12/24/00

Los Angeles

Jose Fabricio Diaz

In Violation Since 10/21/00

Long Beach

Manuel Gonzalez

In Violation Since 1/31/11


Eusebio Lopez

In Violation Since 6/28/12

Los Angeles

Ocean County Man Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Sexually Abusing Toddler, Streaming Assault Live Over the Internet TRENTON—An Ocean County, New Jersey, man was sentenced December 19, 2013 to 20 years in prison for sexually abusing a toddler and streaming footage of the assault over the Internet, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.

Rodford W. Brindley, 68, of Toms River, New Jersey, previously pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Joel A. Pisano to an information charging him with one count of sexual exploitation of a minor. Judge Pisano imposed the sentence December 19, 2013 in Trenton federal court. According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court: Brindley engaged in online chats with someone whom he believed to be a mother living in Ohio, but who was, in fact, an Ohio law enforcement officer. On April 2, 2012, with no encouragement from the officer, Brindley sexually abused a child in his care at his Toms River home and streamed live video of that conduct over the Internet. He was arrested the same day by Ocean County authorities. He has been in custody since the case was adopted federally in May 2012.

Rodford W. Brindley, 68 In addition to the prison term, Judge Pisano sentenced Brindley to serve five years of supervised release. He is also required to register as a sex offender. U.S. Attorney Fishman credited special agents of the FBI’s Child Exploitation Task Force, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Aaron T. Ford in Newark; the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, under the direction of Prosecutor Joseph D. Coronato; and the Franklin County Sheriff ’s Department in Ohio for the investigation leading to the sentence on December 19, 2013. The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Harvey Bartle, Attorney in Charge of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Trenton.

Sexual Offender Fugitive: Convicted Sexual Offenders are required to register with local law enforcement within 5 days of release from prison. Violators have failed to either register upon release or missed their annual update. Registrants may have subsequently relocated.


Never let anyone know there is one person alone in a house at any time. Also, do not post this information on social networking sites.

CRIME TIP: Have You Been Injured in an Auto Accident?


January 8, 2014

Issue 10

(562)-276-2270 (866)-345-6987 Phone Line Available Phone Line Available 24/7 24/7

Attorney Support Specialists

LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGION ONE ARREST REPORTS Name Sex Age Occupation Arrested Arresting Agency Charge Bail Release Reason BRIAN YBARRA Male 22 Mechanic 12/26/13 LA Sheriff East LA Forgery Felony $21,093 Bond RAUL GARCIA Male 24 Driver 12/31/13 LA Sheriff East LA Kidnapping Felony $100,000 CHRISTOPH ER DIAZ Male 23 Construction 1/3/14 Los Angeles Police Department Shoot Inhabitant Dwelling/Occupy Felony $585,000 DEWANA HERNANDEZ Female 33 Eyebrow Waxier 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Century Petty Theft Misdemeanor $500 Citation RUTH VELIZ Female 34 Inventory 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Century Possession Marijuana for Sale Felony $20,000 DEMETRIUS MCDANIELS Male 44 Driver 1/1/14 LA Sheriff Marina Del Rey Perjury Felony $77,864 KEVYN ADDYE MARTINEZ Male 21 Laborer 12/30/13 LA Sheriff East LA Rape by Force or Fear Felony $100,000 JONATHAN FRANCIS Male 30 Laborer 1/3/14 Los Angeles Police Department Use Expired/Forged/Revoked Access Card Felony $20,000 GERJUAN NEAL Male 22 None 1/2/14 LA Sheriff Century OSS Drive w/Suspended or Revoked License Misdemeanor $30,000 MARTIN YEPEZ Male 21 Coffee Server 12/31/13 Los Angeles Police Department Throw Substance at Vehicle w/ GBI Intent Felony $30,000 JOSE VALENCIA 31 Unemployed 12/23/13 LA Sheriff Line Century Attempted Robbery Felony $10,000 Phone Available 24/7 Attorney SupportMale Specialists If you believe you orAdult a family Misdemeanor member are entitled to compensation HENRY GAMBOA Male 42 Production 12/26/13 LA Sheriff East LA Battery onthat Elder/Dependent $35,000 CRISTIAN CASILLAS Male 26 Unemployed 12/23/13 LA Sheriff Century Carry Concealed Weapon in Vehicle Felony $35,000 for an injury, the best thing you can do is speak to an experienced ROBERT LANEE Male 56 Unemployed 12/24/13 Los Angeles Police Department Annoy/Etc. Child under 18 Misdemeanor $50,000 to compensation for personal injury attorney. You may be entitled EDITH TOMASA RODRIGUEZ Female 20 None 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Century Rearrest/Revoke Probation/Etc. Other Bail your injury including lost No wages. DANIELA SARA MADJARIAN Female 32 Unemployed 12/27/13 CHP West LA Possession of Controlled Substance Felony $0 Own Recognizance FRANKIE PEREZ Male 24 Unknown 12/30/13 Los Angeles Police Department Terrorize Causing Fear Felony $205,750 JOSE EFRAIN SOLISLEMUS Male 23 Handy Man 12/31/13 CHP East LA Possession of Controlled Substance Felony $10,000 JAIME ARTURO GUERRERO Male 36 Unemployed 12/26/13 Los Angeles Police Department Assault Deadly Weapon w/Firearm Felony $1,145,000 DEANTHONY MARIO DAVIS Male 32 Mechanic 1/1/14 CHP South LA Reckless Driving Misdemeanor $5,000 Citation MARTINA VERGARA Female 36 12/30/13 CHP-Headquarters Receiving Stolen Property over $400 crimes Misdemeanor $20,000 AllPromotions types of people will continue to commit ODWIN JAVIER AMAYA Male 22 Dishwasher 12/31/13 Los Angeles Police Department Unlawful Sex with Minor Felony No Bail until the12/30/13 community unites and says ENOUGH!! STEVEN PAUL BROTHERHOOD Male 23 Unemployed LA Sheriff West Hollywood Possession of Controlled Substance Misdemeanor $131,000 Citation


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Law Enforcement …By the Numbers By Rev. Don Abernathy FREE


Friday, December 20, 2013 seemed like a normal Friday for the Jennings’ family. Husband and father of an 11-year-old-daughter, William If you seek legal advice, it's important that you do so as soon as possible Jennings was walking to a neighborhood store accident. You're more likely to get the compensation due to you at approximatelyafter 10:25an in the evening. What if your attorney is able to act quickly. happened next changed the Jennings’ family forever. According to nearby surveillance videos, Jennings was approached by an unknown person Fone on the sidewalk at 3317 West Jefferson Blvd. After a brief dispute, the suspect pulled a knife and repeatedly stabbed Jennings.

Tip: Act Quickly


On Friday, December 27, LAPD detectives arrested 44-year-old Los Angeles resident Michael Allen McGilvery. Apparently, after video surveillance footage showing the incident was televised, people recognized McGilvery and persuaded him to surrender to authorities.

We are all grateful to the people who convinced McGilvery to do the right thing by turning himself William and Tamysha Jennings on their wedding day in to the LAPD and Detectives reacted quickly by sending out a press giving this family a little peace.


The suspect allegedly took Jennings’ wallet and walked away, leaving Jennings bleeding on the sidewalk. A short time later, Jennings was pronounced dead at the scene by Los Angeles City Fire Department Paramedics. The suspect was a complete mystery to the detectives and the morning family although robbery

release with a grainy video. Fortunately for the family, some of the local news agencies quickly responded and aired the video along with a description of the suspect.

McGilvery was charged with one felony count of murder and one count of second degree robbery. His bail has been set at $1 million.

24 with Ties to Pasadena Gang and Mexican Cartel Charged The 18-month investigation targets members of Varrio Pasadena Rifa. By Craig Clough Two dozen members and associates of a Pasadena-based gang with ties to the Sinaloa cartel were recently charged with drug trafficking-related crimes morning, authorities announced. Dubbed Operation Rose Bud, the 18-month investigation targeted members of Varrio Pasadena Rifa, a gang known to sell drugs in the Pasadena, the Antelope Valley and Kern County,.

Twelve people were arrested Thursday December 12th and another 12 have been charged. The operation involved the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Pasadena police, U.S. Attorney's Office Department of Children and Family Services, Kern County Sheriff's Department and the Los Angeles County Probation Department.

“More than $2.5 million in narcotics —60.5 pounds of methamphetamine, six pounds of heroin and five pounds of cocaine—was seized during the operation, according to reports.”

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.


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Attention News LA

Los Angeles Police Department

LAPD Offers $75,000 Reward For Leads in Glassell Park Murder of James Howe By Ajay Singh The Los Angeles Police Department offered a $75,000 reward December 16, 2013 for information leading to the identification of three suspects wanted for the murder this past month of a reality television director in his Glassell Park home. The LAPD offered the reward at the police headquarters downtown during a news conference attended by senior officers of the LAPD Northeast Division and Councilmember José Huizar, in whose council district 14 the murder occurred. James Marcus Howe, 42, was shot and killed Nov. 27 in what the LAPD has described as a random attack by an intruder posing as a solicitor on the 4400

block of West Avenue 42. His wife, who was also at home along with their six-yearold son, was shot and seriously wounded. Two African American males—one aged 16 to 22 years and the other between the ages of 20 and 25—are wanted for Howe’s murder. A third suspect, described as a female African American who drove a dark-colored early model 2000 Ford Mustang getaway car, is also wanted by the LAPD. “Detectives have exhausted all known leads in this case and are currently seeking the public’s assistance,” the LAPD’s Media Relations Section said in a communiqué before the news conference. A large number of Howe’s family and friends attended Monday afternoon’s news

conference. They included Howe’s father, Allan, as well as his mother and aunt. Both Howe’s father and aunt spoke eloquently about his life and how he had touched a lot of people’s hearts in his short life. Huizar offered his condolences to the Howe family and thanked the LAPD for its efforts in trying to track down Howe’s killers. “We are all stunned by the horrific nature of this crime,” Huizar’s communications director, Rick Coca quoted the councilmember as saying. “A child has lost their father—it is a horrible tragedy that we cannot undo. But we can make sure that justice prevails, and the community and I join the family in asking the public’s

The opinion of a faithful Attention News reader M. Johnson

On the other hand, the military also takes away the GI’s freedom for the years signed up for and provides room and board the same as the prisoner receive. The GI will also receive medical care if needed. However, the GI will receive many other benefits, not offered to the prisoner. For example, they offer the GI an opportunity to go through a tough basic training for eight to thirteen weeks depending on the branch of service chosen. At the end of the day, a television, gym or a library are

The city council is scheduled to vote Tuesday on a motion to adopt the $75,000 reward. Anyone with information about Howe’s murder should contact LAPD Northeast Homicide Detective Aguilar or Officer Watterson at (323) 344-5744 during normal business hours. LAPD Northeast Watch Commanders can be reached round the clock at (323) 344-5701. Anyone wishing to remain anonymous should call Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-TIPS, that is, (800) Allan Howe, James Marcus Howe’s father, gives a speech at the news conference. (Photo credit: Courtesy of Rick Coca) 222-8477.

By Arin Mikailian

In our society today oftentimes our citizens make a conscious decision whether to accept the military or prison. Perhaps if, they thought about it enough they would have no trouble making their decision. not important since he is exhausted and dead tired. He simply wants to fall into the bunk so he can get a few hours sleep before he starts a new day of long hikes while carrying a heavy backpack or some other exhausting exercise. If we treated the prisoners as our GI’s are treated, the public would immediately scream ‘in humane treatment’. Why should we treat prisoners better than the GI’s who voluntarily leave their family, risk their life to allow the prisoner the freedom to live in a prison without contributing one nickel toward their care.

James Marcus Howe with his son. (Photo credit: Courtesy of Howe family)

help in making sure that happens.”

Long Beach Parolee Arrested for Alleged Carjackings

Military vs. Prison

A prisoner is someone who has broken the law or possibly harmed another citizen and is sentenced to prison for an undetermined time depending on their offense. Freedom is all the prisoner gives up when he enters the prison with its high walls. During their stay, they receive room and board without working for one minute. If they need medical care, they will receive it at no charge. The state provides a television, a weight room and a library if they choose to read or exercise.

$75,000 REWARD

A 24-year-old parolee is back in the jail December 28, 2013, this time for reportedly committing carjackings within minutes of each other in Hacienda Heights and the City of Industry, authorities said. Markkis Porsche Sonier, on probation for an assault offense, allegedly told a man at a restaurant parking lot at Seventh Avenue and the Pomona (60) Freeway about 8:50 p.m. Friday, December 27, 2013 that he had a gun and demanded the man’s green Dodge Neon, Los Angeles County sheriff’s Sgt. Greg Taylor said.

“Realizing that the vehicle that nearly collided into them could possibly be related to the carjacking which had just happened, deputies conducted a traffic stop and detained the driver without incident,” he said. The first carjacking victim was not injured. The second victim was treated at the scene for minor injuries. No firearm was located. Sonier was arrested and booked at the sheriff’s Industry station, where he was being held on $185,000 bail. He was transferred at 4:45 a.m. to the Inmate Reception Center, 450 Bauchet St., in downtown Los Angeles.

Sonier drove away northbound on Seventh Avenue, where he abandoned the car in the supermarket at Turnbull Canyon Road and Gale Avenue in Industry, Taylor said.

God Bless and keep our military safe. Thank you to each man or women that ever dressed in a United States While at the parking lot, the Long Beach resident confronted a woman and physically assaulted her by military uniform. hitting her on the head with a glass bottle and stole I am for using inhumane treatment toward the prisoner her beige Lexus, according to Taylor. and perhaps it will be a deterrent to crime since nothing As deputies were responding to the area of the first else seems to work. carjacking, Sonier nearly collided with a patrol car.


Sex Age Occupation Arrested Arresting Agency Charge Male 52 Cook 1/2/14 LA Sheriff COPS Bureau Violation of Parole Felony Male 30 None 12/30/13 LA Sheriff Pico Rivera Detectives Violation of Parole Felony Male 27 Skateboarder 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Parole Warrant Felony Male 28 Construction 12/30/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Parole Warrant Felony Male 48 Psych Epilepsy 12/23/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Violation of Parole Felony Male 31 None 12/26/13 LA Sheriff Compton Parole Warrant Felony Male 28 Laborer 12/26/13 LA Sheriff Century Parole Warrant Felony Male 49 Unemployed 12/23/13 LA Sheriff Century Parole Warrant Felony Male 24 Unemployed 12/30/13 Los Angeles Police Department Violation of Parole Felony Male 42 None 1/2/14 Los Angeles Police Department Probation Violation Other Male 46 Recycler 12/26/13 LA Sheriff Century Parole Warrant Felony Male 26 None 12/24/13 Los Angeles Police Department Violation of Parole Felony Male 25 Unemployed 1/1/14 LA Sheriff Carson Parole Warrant Felony Male 51 None 1/2/14 Los Angeles Police Department Violation of Parole Felony Male 21 Tech 1/5/14 Los Angeles Police Department Probation Violation Other Male 44 Maintenance 12/31/13 LA Sheriff COPS Bureau Violation of Parole Felony Male 42 Disable 12/24/13 Los Angeles Police Department Violation of Parole Felony Male 26 Laborer 12/23/13 Long Beach Police Department Violation of Parole & Residential Burglary Felony Male 25 Unemployed 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Violation of Parole Felony Male 21 Unemployed 12/26/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Violation of Parole Felony All types of people will continue to commit crimes Male 18 Never Worked 12/29/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Violation of Parole Felony the 1/2/14 community and ENOUGH!! Male 33 until Laborer Los Angeles Police unites Department Violation says of Parole Felony Male 46 Unemployed 12/23/13 East LA Probation Department Probation Violation Other

Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail $10,000 No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail $10,000 No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail No Bail

Release Reason

Own Recognizance

In the 2 week period prior to this publication, over 300 individuals were arrested in Los Angeles County for Parole/Probation Violations.


As of date of publication, all information in this publication is not 100% accurate due to dismissals, DA rejects, violator registrations, etc. A partir de la fecha de publicación, toda la información no es 100% precisa, debido a desestimación, rechazos del distrito fiscal (DA), registros del infractor, etcétera.


Be aware of telemarketing fraud. People will say they are anyone from a policeman to disadvantaged individuals.

CRIME TIP: Los Angeles County

January 8, 2014

Issue 10

Contact The HOT LINE 1-800-222-TIPS

Sheriff’s Department

LASD Detectives on High-Tech Taskforce Net Two Card-Skimming Scammers The Southern California High Tech Task Force (SCHTTF) is a collaborative effort of local, county state, and federal law enforcement agencies working in unison to combat high tech crime involving the internet, intellectual property, computer equipment, emerging technologies, theft of identity information and numerous other high tech crimes. The SCHTTF includes members of both federal and local law enforcement agencies throughout Los Angeles County working jointly to combat cyber crimes and fraud. On Sunday, December 15, 2013, detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department assigned to the SCHTTF, worked with United States Secret Service and Federal Bureau of Investigation personnel, and arrested two suspects involved in installing card-skimming devices in banks in affluent areas located in the southern part of the San Fernando Valley. The investigation began in September, 2012, when detectives working in a joint investigation with two banking entities became alerted to skimming devices being installed at banks in Sherman Oaks and Encino. Working off leads provided by bank investors, taskforce investigators developed information which led to both suspects being arrested. Their vehicle was

stopped Sunday morning, December 15, 2013, by undercover law enforcement officers, on the Ventura Boulevard onramp to the Interstate 405 Freeway, in Encino. Both suspects were booked at the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station. Search warrants were served at both suspects’ homes later the same day. Evidence indicating the suspects were involved in the criminal act of installing skimming devices on ATMs was recovered.

Multiple felony counts of Identity Theft were filed against the two men, Georgi Nikolov, 32, of North Hollywood, and Dimitar Dimitrov, 36, of Santa Monica, with the High Tech Crimes Division of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Nikolov and Dimitrov are both being held in the Los Angeles County jail system, in lieu of $70,000 bail. The Southern California High Tech Task Force includes members of both federal and local law enforcement agencies throughout Los Angeles County working jointly to combat cyber crimes and fraud. For additional information, please contact: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Josh Mankini at 562-347-2662 or Lieutenant Patrick Libertone at 562-3472660.

FRAUD AND IDENTITY THEFT PREVENTION Victims Guide to Fraud: Victim’s Guide for Identity Theft:

Long Beach Police Department

Renewed in Long Beach Father’s Killing

Lashown Fils Murdered January 11, 2012

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors reestablished a $10,000 reward for information leading to whoever fatally shot a 26-year-old Long Beach father and left him lying in the street. Supervisor Don Knabe, who recommended reinstating the reward, which had expired, called the shooting “heinous.’’ Lashown Fils, 26, of Long Beach was shot to death January 11,

2012 in the 200 block of W. 14th Street. Shortly before 4 a.m. that January morning, Long Beach Police Department was called with a report of a shooting. When officers arrived, they found him down in the street, shot in the chest. Fils was taken to a hospital and pronounced dead a few hours later. Investigators do not think Fils, who had an infant son, was a gang member but have yet to determine a

Tips on how to avoid becoming a victim

• Avoiding identity theft is not simple but there are several common sense things consumers can do: • Keep personal information in a safe place and avoid storing important documents in easily accessible places like glove boxes or day planners. • Don’t give your social security or account number over the phone to anyone who has called you, or to anyone you don’t know. Don’t be afraid to ask why your personal information is needed and how it will be used. • Shred all documents that contain personal information before tossing them out. Never simply toss documents that contain your social security number in the trash can. • Cancel your paper bills and statements wherever possible and instead check your statements and pay bills on-line from financial institution secure websites. • Monitor your account balances and activity electronically (at least once per week).

• If you don’t have access to on-line accounts, review your paper bank and credit card statements monthly. • Refrain from carrying unnecessary information such as PIN’s, passwords, or social security numbers in your wallet or purse. • Retrieve paper mail from your mailbox promptly and deposit outgoing mail containing sensitive information in a secure mailbox.

$10,000 REWARD

motive in the attack. They are seeking clues and any information or witness report someone might have. That is what led to the “America’s Most Wanted” TV program, on which Fils’ murder is featured, along with the Long Beach Police.

VICTIM: 26 year old Lashown Fils

Anyone with information on the killing is asked to call either Long Beach Homicide Detective Terri Hubert at (562) 570-5735 or Detective Mark Bigel at United Reporting ad.pdf 3/13/2013 2:45:19 PM (562) 570-5572.


Larryville Blue by Les Lethal

The Most Recent Arrests in Your City






CY Search California communities to find the most recent arrests as reported by Sheriffs, Police, and the Highway Patrol



California Crime stories of regional and statewide interest, written by locally based reporters or © United Reporting Publishing

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.


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LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGION TWO ARREST REPORTS Name Sex Age Occupation Arrested Arresting Agency Charge Bail Release Reason BRAD PEARSON Male 54 Labor 12/27/13 Long Beach Police Department Disorderly Conduct Drunk, Drugs & 15 open warrants Misdemeanor $15,613 Own Recognizance CHARLES YOUNG Male 45 Warehouse 12/28/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Petty Theft w/Prior Theft Felony $20,000 SHAWN REESE Male 33 Transient 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Pico Rivera Kidnapping Felony $150,000 MAYNOR MARTIN CABRERA Male 33 Delivery 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Industry Theft of Personal Property Misdemeanor $30,000 LEVON MICHAEL WASHINGTON Male 42 Labor 12/26/13 Long Beach Police Department Aid/Abet/Engage in Speed Contest Misdemeanor $65,366 RAAD RASEM JARRAR Male 25 Student 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Industry Assault Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury Felony $30,000 JEFFRY LEBENT ZAPATA ESCOBAR Male 20 unemployed 12/28/13 Pasadena Police Department Robbery Felony $50,000 ERIC MONTANO Male 29 Broker 12/30/13 LA Sheriff Norwalk Grand Theft Felony $35,000 KENNETH GLYMPTH Male 20 Unemployed 12/23/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Detectives Receiving Known Stolen Property over $400 Felony $20,000 HERMILO JOYA JR Male 26 Sales 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Industry Robbery Felony $100,000 JESSE Attorney RUIZ RODRIGUEZ Support Male 23 Vehicle Inspector 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Pico Rivera Conspiracy to Commit any Crime Felony $4,000,000 Phone Line Available 24/7 Specialists If you believe that you or a family member are entitled to compensation JUSTIN M WASHINGTON Male 22 Supervisor 12/27/13 Long Beach Police Department Laser Discharge Felony $20,000 Bail injury, best thing you can JAMES HENRY WASHINGTON Male 30 Unemployed 12/26/13 Long Beach Police Department for anUnlawful Sexthe with Minor & Resist Arrest Felony do is speak No Bail to an experienced MARISA ANNA GONZALEZ Female 38 None 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Robbery 2nd Degree Felony be entitled $100,000 to compensation for personal injury attorney. You may MANUEL ALVAREZ Male 23 Warehouse Worker 12/26/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Under Influence Controlled Substance Misdemeanor $50,000 your injury including lost wages. DAVID LEE QUINN Male 53 Sheet Metal Worker 1/2/14 LA Sheriff Pico Rivera Detectives Possession of Controlled Substance Felony $11,250 FERNANDO MANJARREZ Male 34 Construction 1/1/14 LA Sheriff Industry Hit & Run Property Damage Misdemeanor $30,000 MARKKIS PORSCHE SONIER Male 24 Unemployed 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Industry Carjacking Felony $105,000 STEPHEN CALDERON Male 28 Warehouse 12/31/13 LA Sheriff Pico Rivera Vandalism Misdemeanor $10,000 AMY NICOLE BENDLIN Female 21 Student 12/23/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Child Stealing Felony $90,000 AUAULI SINEI Male 32 None 12/25/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Discharge Firearm in Public Felony $35,000 All types of people will continue to commit crimes MIGUEL ANGEL RODRIGUEZ Male 57 Mechanic 1/2/14 LA Sheriff Norwalk Illegal Possession of Ammunition Felony $35,000 until the12/28/13 community unites and says ENOUGH!! ANDREW SOLIS Male 24 Sales LA Sheriff Industry Cruel to Child likely to cause Great Bodily Injury/Death Felony $105,575


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Teen Suspected in Santa Ana Mall Assault Scheduled for FREE EVALUATION CASE NUMBER AVAILABLE 24/7 Arraignment



Raymond Boykin, 18, was named in an arrest warrant following a sexual Tip: Act Quickly seek legal advice,init's assault of Ifa you 19-year-old woman a important that you do so as soon as possible after an accident. You're more likely to get the compensation due to you parking structure at the Westfield if your attorney is able to act quickly. MainPlace Mall. By Gina Tenorio An 18-year-old man was arraigned December 17, 2013 on charges of sexually assaulting two women in separate attacks in Santa Ana and Anaheim. Raymond Boykin of Anaheim was named in a $1 million arrest warrant following the sexual assault December 11, 2013 of a 19-year-old woman in a parking structure at the Westfield MainPlace Mall in Santa Ana, according to Santa Ana police Cpl. Anthony Bertagna. Two days later, he allegedly sexually assaulted a 42-yearold woman about 6:15 a.m. in the parking lot of Sa Rang Community Church in Anaheim. The victim managed to get free from her attacker and run across the street to a gas station, where she called police, Anaheim police Lt. Bob Dunn said. When police returned to the scene, the woman’s car was missing, presumably stolen by her attacker, Dunn said. Police spotted the stolen car about 11 a.m. Friday at Sycamore and Pauline streets and a chase ensued when the driver refused to pull over, Dunn said. The chase ended at Olive and Sycamore streets when the car crashed, Dunn said. Three of the four occupants in the car remained at the scene, and one man ran away but was caught, according to Dunn. Boyken went to a Verizon store at the mall to buy a phone, but “he was 20 bucks short,” Bertagna said. Boyken left the store and robbed and sexually assaulted the woman in the parking garage at knifepoint, then returned to the



Raymond Boykin

up to $1,000 REWARD*

Verizon store to buy the phone, Bertagna alleged. “The (surveillance) video we have shows him with her purse getting the extra 20 bucks out to buy the phone,” Bertagna said. “He’s sweating profusely, taking his jacket off and going through her wallet.” The purse seen in the store video matches the handbag stolen from the victim, Bertagna said. Boyken is charged with one felony count each of forcible oral copulation, second-degree robbery, unlawful taking of a vehicle and evading while driving recklessly and two felony counts of assault with the intent to commit a sexual offense. Boykin also faces sentence-enhancing allegations for the personal use of a deadly weapon. If convicted at trial, he could face up to 27 years to life in prison. Anyone who believes they have been a victim of Boykin is encouraged to contact Supervising District Attorney Investigator Paul Carvo at 714.347.8794. *Anonymous tips may be left with Orange County Crime Stoppers at 855.847.6227. As of date of publication, all information in this publication is not 100% accurate due to dismissals, DA rejects, violator registrations, etc. A partir de la fecha de publicación, toda la información no es 100% precisa, debido a desestimación, rechazos del distrito fiscal (DA), registros del infractor, etcétera.



Issue 10

Los Angeles Police Department

Roberto Rizo

Murdered February 16, 2013 By Don Abernathy

VAN NUYS On Saturday, February 16th, 2013, Roberto Rizo and a few friends attended a house party in the 15700 block of Sherman Way near Haskell Ave. in Van Nuys. At approximately 1 am, authorities responded to a call of a fight in progress. Officers arriving on the scene saw multiple cars leaving the location. Witnesses directed officers to Roberto Rizo, who was on the ground with multiple stab wounds.

VICTIM: Roberto Rizo

January 8, 2014

Always be suspicious of anyone asking for money or offering mysterious prize money.

Rizo, 17, a student at Canoga Park High School, was taken to the hospital where he

underwent emergency surgery, but died a day later from his injuries. Investigators believe Rizo was attacked by several suspects when a fight broke out at a party. One of the assailants stabbed Rizo with a knife. Beto, as the family called him, was helpful to everyone in the family. He had just gotten his work permit and was looking forward to earning his own way. He was an average 17 yr. old who enjoyed XBox but made the time to play football outside with his nephews who looked up to him as a role model and mentor. Beto loved football and was a huge Raider’s fan.

“He was a kid, 17. These guys were 25 years old. Please, from the bottom of our heart, put yourselves in our shoes and help us out here. You’re out there, and you’re taking pictures like crazy, you know, you’re young and you’re taking pictures. Someone saw something. Please, put yourself in our shoes, our family’s shoes, and come forward, help us out,” said Rizo’s cousin, Gabriela Sandoval. Police encourage anyone with information about the stabbing or photos from the party on their phone or social

media pages to call West Valley Homicide Detective Dunlop at (818) 374-7720.

Composite sketches of suspects (R) male Hispanic, 25 yrs old, 6’1”, thin build, black wavy hair (L) male Hispanic, 25 yrs, 5’6”, average build with acne scars on both cheeks



The California Constitution, Article 1, Section 28, confers certain rights to victims of crime. Those rights include: 1. Fairness and Respect To be treated with fairness and respect for his or her privacy and dignity, and to be free from intimidation, harassment, and abuse, throughout the criminal or juvenile justice process.

2. Protection from the Defendant To be reasonably protected from the defendant and persons acting on behalf of the defendant.

3. Victim Safety Considerations in Setting Bail and Release Conditions To have the safety of the victim and the victim’s family considered in fixing the amount of bail and release conditions for the defendant.

4. the Prevention of the Disclosure of Confidential Information to prevent the disclosure of confidential information or records to the defendant, the defendant’s attorney, or any other person acting on behalf of the defendant, which could be used to locate or harass the victim or the victim’s family or which disclose confidential communications made in the course of medical or counseling treatment, or which are otherwise privileged or confidential by law.

5. Refusal to be Interviewed by the Defense To refuse an interview, deposition, or discovery request by the defendant, the defendant’s attorney, or any other person acting on behalf of the defendant,

and to set reasonable conditions on the conduct of any such interview to which the victim consents.

6. Conference with the Prosecution and Notice of Pretrial Disposition To reasonable notice of and to reasonably confer with the prosecuting agency, upon request, regarding, the arrest of the defendant if known by the prosecutor, the charges filed, the determination whether to extradite the defendant, and, upon request, to be notified of and informed before any pretrial disposition of the case.

7. Notice of and Presence at Public Proceedings To reasonable notice of all public proceedings, including delinquency proceedings, upon request, at which the defendant and the prosecutor are entitled to be present and of all parole or other post-conviction release proceedings, and to be present at all such proceedings.

8. Appearance at Court Proceedings and Expression of Views To be heard, upon request, at any proceeding, including any delinquency proceeding, involving a post-arrest release decision, plea, sentencing, post-conviction release decision, or any proceeding in which a right of the victim is at issue.

9. Speedy trial and Prompt Conclusion of the Case To a speedy trial and a prompt and final conclusion of the case and any related post-judgment proceedings.

B. Restitution shall be ordered from the

10. Provision of Information to the Probation Department To

convicted wrongdoer in every case, regardless of the sentence or disposition imposed, in which a crime victim suffers a loss.

provide information to a probation department official conducting a pre-sentence investigation concerning the impact of the offense on the victim and the victim’s family and any sentencing recommendations before the sentencing of the defendant.

11. Receipt of Pre-Sentence Report To receive, upon request, the presentence report when available to the defendant, except for those portions made confidential by law.

12. Information About Conviction, Sentence, Incarceration, Release, and Escape To be informed, upon request, of the conviction, sentence, place and time of incarceration, or other disposition of the defendant, the scheduled release date of the defendant, and the release of or the escape by the defendant from custody.

13. Restitution A. It is the unequivocal intention of the People of the State of California that all persons who suffer losses as a result of criminal activity shall have the right to seek and secure restitution from the persons convicted of the crimes causing the losses they suffer.

C. All monetary payments, monies, and property collected from any person who has been ordered to make restitution shall be first applied to pay the amounts ordered as restitution to the victim.

14. the Prompt Return of Property To the prompt return of property when no longer needed as evidence.

15. Notice of Parole Procedures and Release on Parole To be informed of all parole procedures, to participate in the parole process, to provide information to the parole authority to be considered before the parole of the offender, and to be notified, upon request, of the parole or other release of the offender.

16. Safety of Victim and Public are Factors in Parole Release To have the safety of the victim, the victim’s family, and the general public considered before any parole or other post-judgment release decision is made.

17. Information About these 16 Rights To be informed of the rights enumerated in paragraphs (1) through (16).

To obtain information on the Victim Witness Assistance center nearest to you contact: Attorney General’s Victim services unit 1-877-433-9069 For more information on marsy’s Law, visit the Attorney General’s website at:

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.


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Attention News LA

Police Search for Seal Beach Robbery Suspect Police ask anyone with information to call detectives.

Police Release Images of Homicide Suspects By Aaron Castrejon

Seal Beach police were looking for a robbery suspect December 26, 2013, who held up a victim on Christmas day during what was supposed to be a sale of a gold Rolex watch. The victim met the suspect online and the two agreed to meet in person to conduct the transaction, according to Seal Beach police Sgt. Philip Gonshak. Just before 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 25, 2013 police received a 911 call from the victim, who said he was robbed in the parking lot of a CVS store at the Seal Beach Towne Center at 12490 Seal Beach Blvd., Gonshak said. The robber, who was the passenger in a vehicle driven by another suspect, pulled out a gun and took the watch, Gonshak said. The suspect was described as a man, possibly Latino, who appeared to be right-handed, about 5-foot-5, 130 pounds, with short hair. He was clean shaven and was wearing a black jacket and blue jeans. The getaway vehicle is a silver, newer-model Acura or Honda. Police ask anyone with information was asked to call detectives at (562) 799-4100, ext. 1108.

Duchess Pet Products ers st ord on mo

Suspect #1

The images, taken from one of the stores security cameras, depicts two Black males between the ages of 25 to 30 years old. The first suspect is described as being 5 feet 10 inches tall, 160 pounds, in a black hoodie, jean short pants, white shoes and red gloves. The second suspect is described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, 150 pounds, wearing a black hoodie, blue jean pants and blue and white shoes.

Suspect #1 - Information Sex: Male Race: Black Height: 5’ 10” Weight: 160 Wearing a black hooded jacket, blue jean short pants, black and white shoes, and red gloves.

The two suspects entered the store and posed as customers. The victim, 35-year-old Gonzalo Perez, approached the register to help the men, when one of the suspects jumped over the counter and produced a handgun. Perez attempted to flee, but was shot. Both suspects fled the location, police said. No vehicle was seen. Anyone with information regarding this crime is urged to call Northeast Division Homicide Detectives Zesati and Aguilar at (323) 344-5744 or

AB 1047 continued from page 5

The department would electronically transfer the information to the motor vehicle department in the applicant’s state of residence. AB 1047 also modifies the license class definitions to require a driver operating a bus weighing more than 26,000 pounds to hold a commercial Class B license and a driver operating a bus weighing 26,000 pounds or less to hold a commercial Class C license. AB 1266 Transgender Facilities: This law allows

transgender students to use the school facilities and join school teams aligned with their gender. A referendum challenge could stall or ultimately repeal the law; county registrars are in the process of verifying signatures.

AB 1308 Easing of Midwife Requirements:

This law removes a requirement, long decried by midwives, that a physician be present to supervise a birth. Doctors had stayed away despite that rule, citing insurance liability risks. AB 1371 Bicycles: Passing Distance: This law

prohibits motorists from passing a bicycle with less than three feet between any part of the vehicle and any part of the bicycle or driver. When three feet is not possible, the motor vehicle must slow to a “reasonable and prudent” speed and only pass when no danger is present to the bicyclist. Failing to do so can incur a fine, regardless of a collision or not. This law will go into effect September 16, 2014.

Senate Bills

SB 54 Worker Qualifications: This law dictates that petroleum refineries ensure that trained, skilled workers comprise an escalating share of their contractor and subcontractor workforce. Due to their qualifications, the skilled workers command higher pay. SB 57 Sex Offender Tracking Devices: This

law adds 180 days of incarceration to paroled sex offenders that remove court-ordered GPS tracking devices.

SB 109 Charter Bus Carriers: Limousines: Emergency Exits: This law requires limo drivers


$10,000 REWARD

water-efficient toilets and faucets. SB 493 Expansion of Pharmacists Duties: This

law expands what pharmacists can do including administering vaccines, performing patient assessments and ordering toxicity tests, among other functions.

SB 606 Paparazzi Standards: This law brought movie stars Halle Berry and Jennifer Garner to Sacramento, where they testified for a measure barring photographers from aggressively seeking

to instruct passengers on safety features. Other provisions requiring limos to have at least two doors and at least one push-out window that functions as a safety exit starting in July of 2015 or 2016, depending on whether the car is a new model or an old one that needs to be retrofitted. SB 127 Therapist Report Personal Information:

Intended to shore up safeguards against dangerous people buying guns, this law requires a therapist told of “a serious threat of physical violence” to quickly tell authorities, and requires the authorities to notify the Department of Justice within 24 hours. SB 194 Teen Drivers: This law prohibits a person who is under 18 years of age from using an electronic wireless communications device to write, send, or read a text-based communication while driving, even if it is equipped with a hands-free device. SB 254 Mattress Recycling: This law creates a mattress recycling program, funded by a fee on buying mattresses. An industry group must convene

shots of kids. SB 717 Search Warrants: Chemical Tests: This

amendment to current law authorizes the issuance of a search warrant to draw blood from a person in a reasonable, medically approved manner, to show that the person violated misdemeanor DUI provisions when that person has refused an officer’s request to submit to, or has failed to complete, a blood test. This law has been operative since September 20, 2013.

SB 770 Expansion of Family Leave Act: The law expands paid family leave rights of up to six weeks to now include care for siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, and even in parents-in-law.

law seeks to regulate hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” a gas-harvesting practice that involves blasting a mix of pressurized water and chemicals underground. Rules taking effect at the start of 2014 mandate groundwater monitoring, require neighbors to be notified of new wells and have energy companies publicly disclose the fracking chemicals they use.

SB 7 Public Works Minimum Wage: This law seeks to guarantee a prevailing wage, higher than the minimum wage, to workers on public works projects. Some California cities have charters exempting them from prevailing wage requirements for such jobs, and SB 7 penalizes those cities by denying them state construction money. Charter cities can still use state funds awarded prior to Jan. 1, 2015, so some cities may spend 2014 weighing whether to alter their charters.

Suspect #1 - Information Sex: Male Race: Black Height: 5’ 08” Weight: 150 Wearing a black hooded sweater, blue jean long pants, blue and white shoes.

Northeast police station at (323) 344-5701. During non-business hours or on weekends, calls should be directed to 1-877LAPD-24-7 (877-527-3247). Anyone wishing to remain anonymous should call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (800-222-8477). Tipsters may also contact Crime Stoppers by texting to phone number 274637 (C-R-I-M-E-S on most keypads) with a cell phone. All text messages should begin with the letters “LAPD.” Tipsters may also go to, click on "webtips" and follow the prompts.

SB 4 Hydraulic Fracking Regulations: This

Pow ere db y

Suspect #2

Authorities have released several images of the two suspects reportedly involved the night of December 22, 2013 homicide of a convenience store clerk.

Authorities with the Los Angeles Police Department's Northeast Division responded to an "ambulance shooting" at the convenience store in the 5100 block of North Figueroa Street Sunday, Dec. 22. Arriving officers located the victim on the ground and suffering from an apparent gunshot wound, police said in a written statement. By Gina Tenorio

Photo courtest of the LAPD Media Relations Section.

SB 743 Sacramento Kings Arena: This very specific law addresses a tight National Basketball Association-imposed deadline for Sacramento to build the Kings a new arena by expediting the environmental review and eminent domain process.

and build the program by July 1, 2015. SB 290 Veteran Education Benefits: This law allows veterans who were stationed in California before their discharge or intend to settle here to obtain in-state tuition at public committee colleges or California State University schools. SB 407 Water Efficient Fixtures: This law was passed in 2009 and requires homeowners doing renovations to homes built before 1994 to install

SB 806 DMV Vehicle Registration Pilot Program: This law authorizes the DMV to establish

a pilot program to evaluate the use of alternatives to stickers, tabs, license plates, and registration cards, subject to certain requirements. It will also enable the DMV to experiment with electronic license plates, as well as facilitate DMV’s ability to explore cost–effective alternatives to California’s traditional metal license plate, plastic–coated registration stickers, and paper registration cards.

As of date of publication, all information in this publication is not 100% accurate due to dismissals, DA rejects, violator registrations, etc. A partir de la fecha de publicación, toda la información no es 100% precisa, debido a desestimación, rechazos del distrito fiscal (DA), registros del infractor, etcétera.



January 8, 2014

Never give out social security number, credit card numbers or checking account numbers over the phone to unknown persons.

Issue 10


Sex Age Occupation Arrested Arresting Agency Charge Bail Release Reason Male 35 Filler 12/25/13 Long Beach Police Department Burglary Felony No Bail Male 34 Laborer 12/30/13 Los Angeles Police Department Burglary Auto Felony No Bail Drop Rebooked Male 26 None 12/26/13 Los Angeles Police Department Burglary Felony No Bail Female 18 None 12/28/13 LA Sheriff Century Burglary Felony $30,000 Male 45 Unemployed 12/28/13 LA Sheriff Carson Burglary Felony $20,000 Female 25 Courtesy Clerk 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Avalon Burglary Felony $50,000 Female 41 Processor 12/27/13 Long Beach Police Department Battery on Police/EmerPersonnel& Burglary Misdemeanor $110,000 Female 26 Sales 12/27/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Burglary Misdemeanor $92,000 Female 23 None 1/3/14 Gardena Police Department Burglary Felony $63,246 Male 41 Unemployed 1/5/14 Los Angeles Police Department Burglary Felony No Bail Female 22 Student 12/30/13 LA Sheriff Century Burglary Felony $50,000 Male 35 Gardner 12/23/13 LA Sheriff Lomita Burglary Felony $50,000 Female 26 Cashier 1/2/14 LA Sheriff Pico Rivera Burglary Felony $20,000 Male 19 Construction 12/24/13 Los Angeles Police Department Burglary Felony $20,000 Bond Male 19 Warehouse 12/30/13 LA Sheriff Century Burglary Felony $50,000 Male 32 Mover 12/28/13 Pasadena Police Department Burglary Felony $20,000 Male 29 Unknown 12/27/13 LA Sheriff East LA Burglary Felony $50,000 Male 53 Laborer 1/2/14 Los Angeles Police Department Burglary Auto Felony $220,565 Female 34 Unemployed 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Norwalk Burglary Felony $20,000 Male 37 Recycler 12/26/13 LA Sheriff Norwalk Burglary Felony $20,000 Bond All types of people will continue to commit crimes Female 22 Unemployed 12/27/13 LA Sheriff Lakewood Burglary Felony $20,000 Bond the12/30/13 community and says ENOUGH!! Male 22 until None Los Angeles Police unites Department Burglary Auto Felony $20,000 Male 18 Student 12/30/13 Pasadena Police Department Burglary Misdemeanor $50,000 In the 2 week period prior to this publication, over 500 individuals

were arrested in Los Angeles County for burglary offenses.

Police Shoot, Kill Suspected Arsonist Police believe Asa Dolak torched his mother’s home before officers shot and killed him at Madrona Middle School in Torrance.

By Nicole Mooradian A 19-year-old man suspected of torching his mother's home after setting fire to an apartment where his 2-year-old son narrowly escaped was killed December 27, 2013 in an officer-involved shooting at a Torrance middle school, authorities said.

for him to drop the weapon and surrender, Watt said, adding that Dolak was pronounced dead at the scene. Asa James Dolak of Investigators believe Torrance, who had Dolak broke into his threatened to kill police former girlfriend's officers and his family apartment at a members, was armed two-story, fourwith a knife when unit building in the officers and detectives 16700 block of South found him hiding about Boulevard Asa Dolak. Photo courtesy Crenshaw 1:30 p.m. inside a girls following some kind Torrance Police Department. restroom at Madrona of dispute with the Middle School in the 21300 block of woman, who is the mother of Dolak's Madrona Avenue, Torrance police Sgt. 2-year-old son, Watt said. Robert Watt said. He allegedly threatened his ex-girlfriend The shooting occurred in a grassy area with a knife, punched out a television on the school grounds after Dolak ran and busted the woman's phone, from officers, refusing their commands prompting her to run outside to seek

help, Watt said. Dolak then set fire to the apartment and fled, leaving his son behind, he said. "He fled the location and left the 2-yearold there, basically to burn to death," Watt told ABC7. Firefighters and police were dispatched to the scene about 12:15 a.m. in response to a report of a structure fire amid suspicious circumstances, Watt said. Firefighters rescued the boy, who paramedics rushed to an area hospital, where he was treated for smoke inhalation and was in stable condition, Watt said. At about 2 a.m., Dolak allegedly set a fire to his mother's home in the 3200 block of Opal Street, near the school where he was later found, Watt said. Police were in telephone contact with

Dolak after his mother's home was set ablaze, Watt said. "He advised our officers that he was upset with his family, that he was going to kill his family if they contacted him and if police were going to contact him he was going to kill the police and he was going to do so every 20 minutes upon contact with us," Watt said. Dolak was the subject of a restraining order protecting his former girlfriend and over the past six years he had previous run-ins with Torrance police, "but it's been minor things, nothing to this extreme extent," Watt said. Dolak's sister Elizabeth said her brother had psychological problems. "He was depressed," she told NBC4. "It seemed like everybody turned their backs on him. I never wanted to see my brother dead, shot seven times."

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*Final price you pay dependent upon the system and monitoring services you select. This $200 mail-in cash back offer (total cash back $200), only applies when you call the phone number above. Applicable taxes extra. After your installation or reactivation is complete, log on to, and follow the instructions to retrieve your rebate certifi cate. If you already know your rebate offer code, enter it. If you do not know your offer code, enter your 10-digit phone number. Be sure to enter the phone number of the location where your ADT security system is installed. The phone number must match the number on your ADT service contract or your bill. Please allow 4–6 weeks for receipt of check after registration. Customers who do not have access to the website can call the rebate toll-free number 800.220.3417 to submit, track their rebate and ask questions. This mail-in cash back offer is valid only by a new ADT customer from ADT Security Services that results in a new ADT Residential Contract. Not valid on purchases from ADT Authorized Dealers. Rebate effective 4 business days after contract signing and system installation is complete. Limit one offer per new ADT customer and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Offer expires December 31, 2013. † Certain restrictions apply. See reverse side of actual ADT Guarantee Certificates for complete details. Installation price starts at $349 for Essentials Plus package which includes Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Medical Alert monitoring and requires installation and/or activation of an ADT security system with monitored Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Medical Alert devices. Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Medical Alert services are an additional installation charge. Does not include one-time $25 Communication Connection fee. Quality Service Plan (QSP) is ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. 36-month monitoring contract required from $35.99 per month, including QSP. In California, 24-month monitoring contract required from $35.99 per month, including QSP (24-month total from $863.76). Installation price starts at $299 for Safewatch QuickConnect Plus package and includes Burglary monitoring, SecurityLink two-way voice, and Quality Service Plan (QSP). Monitored Fire protection requires additional installation charge of ADT smoke or heat detection devices. Medical alert devices are an additional installation charge. Does not include one-time $25 communication connection fee. Quality Service Plan (QSP) is ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. 36-month monitoring contract required from $42.99 per month, including QSP. In California, 24-month monitoring contract required from $42.99 per month, including QSP (24-month total from $1,031.76). ADT Pulse® Interactive Solutions Services requires the installation and/or activation of an ADT alarm system with monitored burglary service and a compatible computer, cell phone or PDA with Internet and email access. ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services do not cover the operation or maintenance of household equipment/systems not connected to the ADT Pulse Interactive Solutions Services/Equipment. Not available in all geographic areas. You may be required to pay additional charges for equipment and services to utilize certain ADT Pulse features. Installation price starts at $399 for ADT Pulse Select. Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Medical Alert monitoring requires installation and/or activation of an ADT security system with monitored Burglary, Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Medical Alert devices. Fire, Carbon Monoxide and Medical Alert services are an additional installation charge. Does not include one-time $50 activation fee. Quality Service Plan (QSP) is ADT’s Extended Limited Warranty. 36-month monitoring contract required from $47.99 per month, including Quality Service Plan (QSP). In California, 24-month monitoring contract required from $47.99 per month, including QSP (24-month total from $1,151.76). Additional charges may apply in areas that require guard response service for municipal alarm verification. System remains property of ADT. Prices subject to change. Prices may vary by market. Some insurance companies offer discounts on homeowner’s insurance. Please consult your insurance company. Local permit fees may be required. Satisfactory credit history required. Additional fees required for some services. Offer subject to change. Photos are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the exact product/service actually provided. License information available at or by calling 800.ADT.ASAP. CA ACO7155, 974443; PPO17232;. ©2013 ADT LLC dba ADT Security Services. All rights reserved. ADT, the ADT logo, 800.ADT.ASAP and the product/service names listed in this document are marks and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.


Jury Finds Pueblo Bishop Gang Member Guilty in RICO Murder Case for Ambush Killing of Father in Front of His 2-Year-Old Son LOS ANGELES—A member of the Pueblo Bishop Bloods street gang was convicted by a federal jury Dec. 20, 2013 for the murder of a young man with no gang affiliation who was executed in front of his 2-year-old son.

Rondale Young, also known as “P-Grump,” 30, of South Los Angeles, was convicted on several counts after a two-week jury trial before United States District Judge S. James Otero. Young was found guilty of violating the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act in relation to the murder of 23-year-old Francisco Cornelio. In addition to the RICO offense, Young was convicted of witness intimidation related to Young’s conduct after he was arrested for the murder. The jury also found Young guilty of conspiring to murder Mr. Cornelio, as well as the actual murder, both of which were done in furtherance of the Pueblo Bishop criminal enterprise. In addition, Young was convicted of using a gun that resulted in murder. Based on these convictions, Young faces a mandatory minimum term of life in federal prison, plus 10 years. Young is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Otero on May 26.

The federal convictions come after Young had been acquitted in Los Angeles Superior Court on murder charges related to the slaying of Mr. Cornelio. After the acquittal in state court, the FBI’s Los Angeles Metropolitan Task Force on Violent Gangs re-investigated the case and uncovered additional evidence related to the murder and Young’s involvement with the Pueblo Bishops.

The murder was unsolved prior to a federal racketeering indictment that was unsealed in August 2010. The federal indictment charges that Young and his co-defendants were members of a criminal enterprise that engaged in murder, drug dealing, firearms trafficking, witness intimidation, and armed robbery as part of the gang’s efforts to control and terrorize the Pueblo Del Rio Housing Projects in South Los Angeles.

The evidence presented at trial showed that Young drove his car, which contained other armed gang members, into rival gang territory early on the morning of August 2, 2009. The Pueblo Bishops were seeking retaliation after an earlier shooting against their gang. The Pueblo Bishops targeted Mr. Cornelio because he appeared to be Hispanic and was in rival gang territory. According to witnesses who testified, two Pueblo Bishops, who were armed with shotguns, got out of Young’s vehicle and ambushed an unsuspecting Mr. Cornelio, who was washing his car. The gang members shot him once in the back without saying a word, while the victim’s son sat in the back seat of the car. There was no evidence that Cornelio had any gang ties.

Young is the third person to be convicted in federal court in relation to the murder of Mr. Cornelio. In a prior trial, a federal jury determined that Anthony “Bandit” Gabrourel was also part of the plot by Pueblo Bishop members to murder Mr. Cornelio. At that trial, the evidence showed that Gabourel was one of two Pueblo Bishops who exited Young’s car with shotguns and fatally shot Mr. Cornelio. Gabrourel was sentenced earlier this year by Judge Otero to 40 years in federal prison. The third person conviction in relation to the murder was sentenced to five years in prison for hiding the murder weapon after the slaying.

Seven High Desert Residents Arrested by Members of FederalState Task Force for Allegedly Selling Methamphetamine

As a result of the federal investigation into the racketeering activity of the Pueblo Bishop Bloods, a total of 45 defendants were charged in federal

A federal grand jury on November 27 returned five indictments in United States District Court that charge a total of six defendants. The federal indictments charge these defendants with distributing, and conspiring to distribute, methamphetamine. The federal defendants, three of whom are expected to be arraigned the afternoon of Dec. 19, 2013 in United States District Court in Riverside, are: Christian Alejandro Navarro, 29,

Serna-Avila, Johnnie Zuniga, Candelario Vasquez,

28, 37, 49,

The six federal defendants, if convicted, each face a five-year mandatory minimum sentence and a statutory maximum sentence of 40 years. Three defendants were charged by the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office with state narcotics offenses. The three defendants facing state charges are: Sally Oporto, Nelly Rodrguez, Lucia Martinez,

35, Apple Valley 76, Apple Valley 46, Victorville

An indictment or complaint contains allegations that a defendant has committed a crime. Every defendant is presumed innocent Hesperia Aldo until and unless proven guilty Apple Valley in court. Apple Valley Apple Valley FBI agents with the Victorville

(Vasquez is in state custody on an unrelated charge)

Resident Agency; sheriff ’s deputies from the Victorville, (Enriquez is currently a fugitive) Apple Valley, Hesperia, and Virginia Gomez, 46 Apple Valley Adelanto; and officers from (Gomez is also being sought by authorities) the San Bernardino County Probation Department The federal defendants arrested Dec. 19, participated in the execution of arrest 2013 are expected to make their initial warrants the morning of Dec. 19, 2013. court appearances this afternoon in the Jessica Enriquez,

29, Apple Valley

indictments. Prosecutors have secured convictions against 41 of those defendants. Two defendants are in state custody after receiving lengthy sentences for violent gang crimes, and two are fugitives. The investigation into the Pueblo Bishop Bloods was conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the Los Angeles Police Department, Newton Division; the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General; and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Wanted by the FBI Fugitive Wanted in San Bernardino Homicide

$10,000 REWARD Atherley has ties to California, Florida, and Belize. He is known to frequent gyms and exercise regularly. He also enjoys hiking and has been known to hike in the vicinity of Highway 38 and Glass Road, near the San Gorgonio Wilderness. Atherley has previously worked in the banking industry and in a warehouse distribution center. The couple has two children together.

RIVERSIDE, CA—An investigation by the High Desert Gang Impact Team the morning of Dec. 19, 2013, resulted in the arrest of seven defendants who face charges in federal and state court for distributing methamphetamine in the High Desert region.

The arrests on Dec. 19, 2013 mark the culmination of a two-year investigation by the High Desert Gang Impact Team, which is made up of agents and deputies with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the San Bernardino County Sheriff ’s Department. Task force members are continuing to search for two defendants who face federal charges.

Rondale Young aka “P-Grump”, 30

Edly Albert Atherley, II - 29 The FBI and the San Bernardino Police Department are seeking the public’s assistance in locating Edly Albert Atherley, II. Atherley, 29, is wanted for the murder of his wife on or about November 30, 2013, in San Bernardino, California. Atherley was charged with murder by the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, and a warrant for his arrest was issued on December 3, 2013. Following the murder, detectives with the San Bernardino Police Department who are conducting the homicide investigation determined that Atherley fled and, based on his ties outside of California, may have fled the state’s jurisdiction. The FBI’s Inland Regional Apprehension Team, which includes detectives from the San Bernardino Police Department, is conducting a fugitive investigation in order to locate and apprehend Atherley. Atherley is described as follows: Date(s) of Birth Used: November 14, 1984 Height: 5’9” tall Weight: 160 to 170 pounds Hair: Black Eyes: Brown

Sex: Male Race: Black Scars & Marks: Atherley has a tattoo on his right shoulder.

Atherley was last seen on November 30, 2013, at about 10:30 p.m. in the area near his apartment. He had a large, gash-type wound that was bleeding heavily on the yrs old web of his right hand and an abrasion to his right forearm. It is believed he may still be in the San Bernardino area. Atherley has a criminal history, including for a domestic abuse violation, and is considered to be possibly suicidal. The FBI is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information that leads directly to the arrest of Edly Albert Atherley, II. Anyone who comes into contact with Atherley is urged to use extreme caution and to avoid taking independent action. Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Atherley is urged to contact their local FBI office or call 911. In Los Angeles, the FBI may be reached 24 hours a day at 888-CANT-HIDE (888 226-8443). This fugitive investigation is being conducted by the FBI’s Inland Regional Apprehension Team (IRAT), which is made up of agents and officers from the FBI, the Riverside Police Department, the San Bernardino Police Department, and the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department. The FBI continues to work with local law enforcement to apprehend violent criminals charged with state crimes who then flee the jurisdiction interstate or internationally. Photos and descriptions of many fugitives wanted by the FBI can be found at

United States District Court in Riverside.


As of date of publication, all information in this publication is not 100% accurate due to dismissals, DA rejects, violator registrations, etc. A partir de la fecha de publicación, toda la información no es 100% precisa, debido a desestimación, rechazos del distrito fiscal (DA), registros del infractor, etcétera.


January 8, 2014

Delete any suspicious e-mails. Do not believe e-mails asking to wire funds or cash checks over the Internet.


Have You Been Injured in an Auto Accident?


Issue 10

(562)-276-2270 (866)-345-6987 Phone Line Available Phone Line Available 24/7 24/7

Attorney Support Specialists

LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGION THREE ARREST REPORTS Name Sex Age Occupation Arrested Arresting Agency Charge Bail Release Reason DEMEL RAYMOND VARRICK Male 35 Cyclist 1/2/14 LA Sheriff Carson Disobey Domestic Relations Court Order Misdemeanor $51,387 KARSTON MINTER Male 35 None 1/2/14 LA Sheriff Compton Solicit/Engage Lewd Act in Public View Misdemeanor $250 Citation LIONEL DENMAN Male 46 Unemployed 12/22/13 LA Sheriff Compton Forgery/Counterfeit Public/Corporate Seal Felony $20,000 CARLOS VALENTIN RODRIGUEZ Male 30 Cook 12/29/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Sex Act w/ Child Under 10 yrs. of Age Felony $100,000 EDGAR TORREVILLAS Male 42 Caregiver 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Carson Forgery/Counterfeit Public/Corporate Seal Felony $20,000 RAUL DOMINGUEZ Male 44 Carpenter 12/31/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Possession Narcotic Controlled Substance Felony $10,000 KAMERON TERRELL HOWARD Male 23 Unemployed 12/30/13 LA Sheriff Compton Robbery Felony $50,000 ANTHONY DERRELL STURGIS Male 47 Unemployed 12/30/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Cruel to Child to Great Bodily Injury/Death Felony $130,000 KEIN HUMBERTO DELEON Male 26 Plant Engineer 12/30/13 LA Sheriff Compton Battery w/Great Bodily Injury Felony $150,000 CHRISTOPHER HANDAL Male 31 Never Worked 12/31/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Transport/Sell/Furnish/Etc. Marijuana Felony $30,000 Bond Phone Line Available 24/7 Attorney Support Specialists LAMONT JONES Male 27 Music Artist 1/1/14 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox If you believe Possess Control Substance w/loaded Firearm Felony No Bail that you or a family member are entitled to compensation PHILLIP GONZALEZ Male 24 Handy Man 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Compton Aid/Abet in Speed Exhibition Misdemeanor $1,000 for an injury, the best thing you can do is speak to an experienced JULIO MORALES Male 40 Dental Assistant 12/23/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Carry Stolen Loaded Firearm Felony $35,000 personal injury attorney. You may be entitled to compensation for DAVID L CUTRI Male 50 Tech 12/30/13 LA Sheriff Carson Assault Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury Felony $30,000 your injury including lost wages. RICARDO GONZALEZ Male 40 Construction 12/30/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Possession of Controlled Substance Felony $110,000 OSCAR FRANCISCO MEJIA Male 47 Mechanic 1/4/14 Gardena Police Department Receiving Known Stolen Property over $400 Felony $20,000 FONDELL ROGERS Male 19 None Stated 12/28/13 LA Sheriff Carson Alter/Etc. Firearm Markings Misdemeanor $11,000 RICHARD URIEL RICO Male 26 Sand Blaster 12/26/13 LA Sheriff Lomita Receiving Known Stolen Property over $400 Felony $20,000 REYNA HERNANDEZ Female 31 Public Relations 1/1/14 LA Sheriff Avalon Disorderly Conduct Drunk, Alcohol Misdemeanor $500 ROSENDO FLORES Male 24 Landscaping 12/23/13 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Mfg./Sell/Give/Lend/Possess Metal Knuckles Felony $20,075 DAMIEN JAMAR HARDIMON Male 23 Handyman 12/29/13 LA Sheriff Carson Fail Disclose Origin of Recording/Art Misdemeanor $50,000 All types of people will continue to commit crimes LLYOD D THOMAS Male 32 Printer 1/2/14 LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Kidnapping for Ransom Felony $1,000,000 until the12/27/13 community unites and says ENOUGH!! MARK CARABAJAL Male 22 Taxi Dispatcher LA Sheriff South LA Lennox Take vehicle w/o owner’s consent Felony $25,000


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Man Arrested in Murdered up to Connection with $1,000* While Bike Shooting Death FREE EVALUATION CASE NUMBER AVAILABLE 24/7 REWARD Riding of Long Beach Woman Shortly after midnight on Tip: Act Quickly

By Melanie C. Johnson January 5, 2014, 46-year-old Don Jackson Division is asking for the public’s help in If you seek legal advice, it's important that you do so as soon as Apossible documented gang member was arrested December was riding his bicycle southbound on providing any information that would lead after an accident. You're more likely to get the compensation due to you 18, 2013 in connection with the shooting death of a the west side of Main Street approaching to the arrest of the suspect(s) involved in a if your attorney is able to act quickly. 54-year-old woman inside a converted garage in Long Century Blvd when he was shot by unknown homicide that occurred early this morning. Beach and the wounding of a man who was visiting her. suspect(s) for reasons unknown. According If you have any information, please contact to an LAPD statement, Mr. Jackson was Robert Rubio Jr., 53, of Hawaiian Gardens, was arrested FoneDetectives Criminal Gang/Homicide approaching the 10,000 block of South Main Nate Kouri or Manny Castaneda at (213) at a friend's home and booked on suspicion of murder Street when the suspect(s) approached him and attempted murder, according to Long Beach police. 485-4341. During non-business hours on foot and began shooting. Mr. Jackson was or on weekends, calls should be directed struck several times and left to die on the to 1-877-LAPD-24-7. *Anyone wishing sidewalk in front of a neighborhood church. to remain anonymous should call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (800-222A Good Samaritan discovered Mr. Jackson 8477). Tipsters may also contact Crime dying on the sidewalk and called 911. Stoppers by texting to phone number 274637 Paramedics transported Mr. Jackson to a (C-R-I-M-E-S on most keypads) with a cell nearby hospital where he was pronounced phone. All text messages should begin with dead. the letters “LAPD.” Tipsters may also go to The LAPD Criminal Gang Homicide, By Ajay Singh South Pasadena Police Department officers arrested a doorto-door solicitor Tuesday, Dec. 17, after she allegedly stole a wallet from a home on the 1000 block of Garfield Avenue. At 5:54 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 17, the female solicitor was selling magazine subscriptions in the area when a resident invited her into his home while completing the paperwork for the subscription, according to a communiqué from the South Pas Police. “Moments later and after the purchase, the homeowner realized his wallet was missing,” the communiqué said, adding: “A family member ran outside and chased the solicitor into San Marino, where he lost sight of her in the area of Los Robles Avenue, north of Mission Street.”


He was being held in lieu of $1 million bail. He is suspected in the shooting death of Monica Barboza, 54, who was found dead around 10 p.m. Tuesday in the 3500 block of Monica Avenue. A 52-year-old Hawaiian Gardens man who is "related through marriage" to Barboza and had been visiting the woman suffered a non-life-threatening injury, police said. He was hospitalized in stable condition. Long Beach police said detectives believe Rubio was involved in some type of ongoing dispute with residents of the area, leading to the shooting. Anyone with additional information was asked to call Long Beach police homicide detectives Todd Johnson or Roger Zottneck at (562) 570-7244.

Police Arrest Door-to-Door Solicitor After Wallet Theft The suspect, selling magazine subscriptions, is apprehended in San Marino.

South Pasadena police officers searched the area and, within minutes, located the suspect while she was ducking into a store nearby. The suspect was apprehended and taken into custody. The police department would like to remind homeowners to be cautious in inviting strangers into their homes. The department also wishes to make residents aware that every door-to door solicitor in South Pasadena must have in their possession a business license issued by the city. The police news statement did not specify if the female solicitor arrested Tuesday, Dec. 17, had a permit or not. Patch is waiting to hear back from the department about that. Further, residents who are concerned about a solicitor or see something suspicious are urged to contact the police. Anyone with information regarding this incident should contact South Pasadena Police at (626) 403-7270.

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.


Sexual Offender Fugitives Previously Convicted Sex Offender Sentenced to 25 Years for Sex Trafficking a Minor and Two Adults

WASHINGTON— Terrance Anderson, aka Scooby, has been sentenced to federal prison on charges of sex trafficking of a minor and two counts of transporting adults in interstate commerce for prostitution. Anderson, 42, of Ellenwood, Georgia, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Thomas W. Thrash to serve 25 years in prison, to be followed by seven years’ supervised release. Anderson was ordered to pay restitution to three victims totaling $154,500. Anderson pleaded guilty to the charges on July 19, 2013. “This sentence makes clear that those who prey upon women and girls and coerce them into prostitution will be punished severely,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Jocelyn Samuels for the Civil Rights Division. “The Department of Justice will continue to devote its full efforts to investigating and prosecuting those who commit such heinous crimes.”

“This defendant chose to earn a living exploiting minors, even continuing to do so after previously serving a federal sentence for sex trafficking-related conduct,” said U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates of the Northern District of Georgia. “Our office will remain vigilant in our efforts to prosecute those who exploit children and young women in this district.” "Today’s (December 19, 2013) sentencing removes a dangerous individual from our streets who has repeatedly shown a callous disregard for the basic human

Floyd Demona Carson

In Violation Since 10/21/12

Los Angeles

rights of others,” said Acting Special Agent in Charge Ricky Maxwell for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Atlanta Field Office. “Human trafficking and child exploitation cases such as this reaffirm the FBI’s mission as we work to protect and help those that may not be able to help themselves."

Chyll Lamont Booker

In Violation Since 4/22/13

City Unknown

According to U.S. Attorney Yates, the charges, and other information presented in court, from February 2008 through December 2011, Anderson ran a prostitution ring in which he advertised the sexual services of a minor and young women on the Internet, including K.B., T.B., A.C., and other victims. He advertised on sites such as Backpage, Craigslist, and Eros, as well as his own website, Rentsomethingsexy. com. Anderson caused K.B., a 17-yearold girl, to engage in commercial sex acts in multiple states, requiring her to earn $1,000 a day, work seven days a week, and give all of her earnings to him. Anderson also transported 18-year-old T.B. and 24-year-old A.C. from Georgia to Virginia, where he required the young women to perform numerous commercial sex acts for his financial gain. Anderson previously pleaded guilty in August 2001 to using a cell phone, which is a facility of interstate commerce, to cause a juvenile to engage in prostitution and to being a felon in possession of a firearm. He received a sentence of seven years in federal prison after providing information to federal investigators about

Armando Sanchez Alvarez

In Violation Since 11/5/12

City Unknown

Kedrick Deshaun Parker

In Violation Since 9/24/13

City Unknown

Terrance Anderson, 42

other sex trafficking crimes and testifying at the trial of two other human traffickers. However, Anderson resumed his sex trafficking activities after completing his prison sentence. This case was investigated by special agents of the FBI. If anyone has any information about human trafficking, they are encouraged to report the information to the FBI at 404-679-9000. Assistant U.S. Attorney Susan Coppedge of the Northern District of Georgia and Deputy Chief Karima Maloney of the Civil Rights Division prosecuted the case. For further information please contact the U.S. Attorney’s Public Affairs Office at or (404) 581-6016. The Internet address for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Georgia Atlanta Division is

Abel Cruz Melendres

In Violation Since 3/6/12


Francisco Alamillo

In Violation Since 10/15/13

City Unknown

Randall Arthur Post

In Violation Since 8/7/13

El Monte

Theophilous James

In Violation Since 6/14/12

Los Angeles

Derrick McNeal

In Violation Since 9/1/12

Los Angeles

Zar Austin

In Violation Since 9/1/13


Reggie Perkins

In Violation Since 8/12/13

Los Angeles

Enrique Rosales

In Violation Since 3/4/12

Los Angeles

Darrel Nicole Kennedy

In Violation Since 9/9/13

City Unknown

Luis Enrique Cedeno

In Violation Since 8/14/13

City Unknown

Jose Reyes Paz

In Violation Since 7/12/94

Los Angeles

Jose Guadalupe Garcia

In Violation Since 9/12/13

Los Angeles

James David John

In Violation Since 4/15/12

City Unknown

Robert Torres

In Violation Since 8/20/13

City Unknown

Mauricio Alvaro Delgado

In Violation Since 3/1/12


Albert Ray Dansby

In Violation Since 11/7/12

Los Angeles

WARNING WARNING Convicted Sexual Offenders

in Violation of Registration Ignacio Jimenez Cazares

In Violation Since 12/12/92

El Monte

Bolton Mitchell

In Violation Since 10/13/13

City Unknown

Jose Cruz Choreno

In Violation Since 9/7/08


Otis Floyd White

In Violation Since 12/15/12

City Unknown

Paul Coss

In Violation Since 8/9/13


Reginald Andre Robinson

In Violation Since 8/12/12

City Unknown

Randy Toshiro Nakamura

In Violation Since 9/22/13

City Unknown

Gustavo Tovar Gonzales

In Violation Since 4/21/13

Los Angeles

If you have information concerning one

of these Sexual Offender registrants


In Violation Since 10/6/12


Luis Enrique Suarez

In Violation Since 6/3/10

Los Angeles


Jesse James Drumgole

In Violation Since 10/30/13

Los Angeles

Juan Manuel Guardado

In Violation Since 8/29/13


Eusebio Lozano

In Violation Since 2/3/12

So El Monte

Edwin Jamal Rubin

In Violation Since 11/6/11

City Unknown

Frank Martinez Monico Marin Alvarado Do not try to apprehend yourself.

In Violation Sincebe11/10/13 In Violation Since 10/1/13 they should considered armed and dangerous.

City Unknown

Jwan Azik Clinton

In Violation Since 10/29/13

City Unknown

Los Angeles

Charles E Robinson

In Violation Since 7/22/13

Los Angeles

Jeffrey Lewis Verharst

In Violation Since 8/5/13


Reynaldo G Arca

In Violation Since 9/13/13


Michael Ector

In Violation Since 9/13/13


Marshall George Odell

In Violation Since 10/27/13

City Unknown

Carlton Ray Callins

In Violation Since 9/3/13

City Unknown

Carlos Napeleon Valle

In Violation Since 11/15/95

Monterey Park

Sexual Offender Fugitive: Convicted Sexual Offenders are required to register with local law enforcement within 5 days of release from prison. Violators have failed to either register upon release or missed their annual update. Registrants may have subsequently relocated.


Learn about phishing and other Internet schemes that people use to try to steal money and other personal information online.

CRIME TIP: Transvaginal Mesh Settlement

January 8, 2014

Issue 10

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All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.


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Attention News LA

When Bananas Fight Back! Boyfriend, Girlfriend, a Banana, & Pepper Spray equals Jail Time A Florida man spent New Year’s Day behind bars, after sheriff ’s deputies charged him with banana assault. Sheriff ’s responded to 36-year-old Joseph Smolinsky’s home early on New Year’s Day. Smolinsky’s live-in girlfriend told the deputies he threw a banana at her. Smolinsky denied the accusation stating she threw the banana at him. According to the arrest affidavit, the arresting deputy noticed the victim’s face was slightly red where she Smolinsky said she was hit by the banana. That deputy also observed the banana in the garbage and parts of the peel were on the ground near the couch where she was sitting. When the deputy attempted to arrest Smolinsky, he resisted and was then pepper-sprayed and taken into custody. Smolinsky is facing charges of domestic battery and resisting arrest without violence. Deputies are holding him in jail without bond.


India Thief


Force Fed 96 Bananas A man riding a train in Mumbai, India, snatched an 11 gram gold chain from a passenger then ran. The victim raised an alarm, as fellow passengers chased the suspect and caught him in another compartment. He initially denied taking the gold chain while the passengers searched him. The chain wasn’t found but a fellow traveler said he noticed the thief swallowing something. The police took custody of him at the next station. After an X-Ray and an ultrasound, the chain was located. The police force fed him 96 bananas until the chain was recovered.


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Don’t Call 911 if its NOT an Emergency NON-EMERGENCY POLICE PHONE NUMBERS LAPD 77th Community Police Station..............................(213) 485-4164 Alhambra PD.................................................................... (626) 570-5107 Altadena LA Sheriff........................................................... (626) 798-1131 Arcadia PD....................................................................... (626) 574-5151 Avalon Station LA Sheriff..................................................(310) 510-0174 Azusa PD.......................................................................... (626) 812-3200 Baldwin Park PD............................................................... (626) 960-4011 Bell Gardens PD............................................................... (562) 806-7600 Bell PD.............................................................................. (323) 585-1245 Beverly Hills PD................................................................ (310) 550-4951 Burbank PD...................................................................... (818) 238-3333 California Highway Patrol.................................................(800) 835-5247 Carson Station LA Sheriff................................................. (310) 830-1123 LAPD Central Community Police Station ........................(213) 485-3294 Century Station LA Sheriff................................................ (323) 568-4800 Cerritos Station LA Sheriff................................................ (562) 860-0044 Claremont PD................................................................... (909) 399-5411 Compton Station LA Sheriff.............................................. (310) 605-6500 Covina PD........................................................................ (626) 331-3391 Crescent Valley LA Sheriff................................................(818) 248-3464 Culver City PD.................................................................. (310) 837-1221 LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station...................(818) 832-0633 Downey PD....................................................................... (562) 861-0771 East Los Angeles LA Sheriff............................................. (323) 264-4151 El Monte PD..................................................................... (626) 580-2100 El Segundo PD................................................................. (310) 524-2268 LAPD Foothill Community Police Station.........................(818) 756-8861 Gardena PD...................................................................... (310) 217-9600 Glendale PD..................................................................... (818) 548-4840 Glendora PD..................................................................... (626) 914-8250 LAPD Harbor Community Police Station..........................(310) 513-7017 Hawthorne PD.................................................................. (310) 349-2700 Hermosa Beach PD.......................................................... (310) 524-2750 LAPD Hollenbeck Community Police Station...................(323) 266-7796 LAPD Hollywood Community Police Station....................(213) 972-2971 Huntington Park PD.......................................................... (323) 584-6254 Industry Station LA Sheriff................................................ (626) 330-3322 Inglewood PD....................................................................(310) 412-5111 Irwindale PD..................................................................... (626) 962-3601 La Verne PD..................................................................... (909) 596-1913 Lakewood Station LA Sheriff............................................(562) 623-3500 Lancaster LA Sheriff......................................................... (661) 948-8466 LAPD Non-Emergency Information Line........................(877) ASK-LAPD LAPD Spanish Line (Español) .........................................(213) 928-8222 Lomita Station LA Sheriff.................................................. (310) 539-1661 Long Beach PD................................................................ (562) 570-7260 Los Angeles County Sheriff.............................................. (323) 526-5541

Malibu/Lost Hills LA Sheriff............................................... (818) 878-1808 Manhattan PD .................................................................. (310) 802-5000 Marina Del Rey LA Sheriff................................................ (310) 482-6000 Maywood PD.................................................................... (323) 562-5700 LAPD Mission Community Police Station ........................(818) 838-9800 Monrovia PD..................................................................... (626) 256-8000 Montebello PD.................................................................. (323) 887-1265 Monterey Park PD............................................................ (626) 307-1211 LAPD Newton Community Police Station.........................(323) 846-6547 LAPD North Hollywood Community Police Station...........(818) 623-4016 LAPD Northeast Community Police Station.....................(213) 485-2563 Norwalk Station LA Sheriff................................................ (562) 863-8711 LAPD Olympic Community Police Station........................(213) 382-9102 LAPD Pacific Community Police Station..........................(310) 482-6334 Palmdale LA Sheriff.......................................................... (661) 272-2400 Palos Verdes PD.............................................................. (310) 378-4211 Pasadena PD................................................................... (626) 744-4501 Pico Rivera Station LA Sheriff..........................................(562) 949-2421 Pomona PD...................................................................... (909) 622-1241 LAPD Rampart Community Police Station ......................(213) 484-3400 Redondo Beach PD.......................................................... (310) 379-2477 San Dimas Station LA Sheriff........................................... (626) 332-1184 San Fernando PD............................................................. (818) 898-1267 San Gabriel PD................................................................. (626) 308-2828 San Marino PD................................................................. (626) 300-0720 Santa Clarita Valley Station LA Sheriff............................. (661) 255-1121 Santa Monica PD.............................................................. (310) 458-8491 Sierra Madre PD............................................................... (626) 355-1414 Signal Hill PD.................................................................... (562) 989-7200 South Gate PD................................................................. (323) 563-5400 South Los Angeles Sheriff Station.................................... (323) 820-6700 South Pasadena PD......................................................... (626) 403-7270 LAPD Southeast Community Police Station.....................(213) 972-7828 LAPD Southwest Community Police Station....................(213) 485-2582 Temple Station LA Sheriff................................................. (626) 285-7171 LAPD Topanga Community Police Station.......................(818) 756-4800 Torrance PD ..................................................................... (310) 328-3456 LAPD Van Nuys Community Police Station......................(818) 374-9500 Vernon PD........................................................................ (323) 587-5171 Walnut/Diamond Bar Station LA Sheriff............................(626) 913-1715 West Covina PD............................................................... (626) 939-8500 West Hollywood Station LA Sheriff...................................(310) 855-8850 LAPD West Los Angeles Community Police Station........(310) 444-0701 LAPD West Valley Community Police Station ................. (818) 374-7611 Whittier PD....................................................................... (562) 945-8250 LAPD Wilshire Community Police Station........................(213) 473-0476

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January 8, 2014

Issue 10

HELPFUL NUMBERS Substance Abuse numbers

Alcohol Treatment Referral Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-252-6465 Cocaine Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-347-8998 Marijuana Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-766-6779 National Association for Children of Alcoholics . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-554-2627 National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Hopeline . 800-622-2255

Family numbers

Adolescent Crisis Intervention & Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 999-9999 Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-356-9996 Child Help USA National Child Abuse Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-422-4453 Child Protection Hotline (Los Angeles County DCFS) . . . . . . . 800-540-4000 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children . . . . . . . 800-THE-LOST National Parent Helpline® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855-4APARENT National Resource Center on Domestic Violence . . . . . . . . . . 800-537-2238 National Teen Dating Abuse Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866-331-9474 National Youth Crisis Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-442-HOPE Planned Parenthood Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-230-PLAN Teen Help Adolescent Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-840-5704

Medical numbers

AIDS Info: Treatment, Prevention and Research . . . . . . . . . . 800-HIV-0440 America Social Health: STD Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-227-8922 CHADD-Children & Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-233-4050 Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-931-2237 Headache Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-843-2256 Help Finding a Therapist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-843-7274 National Center For Learning Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-575-7373 National Domestic Violence/Child Abuse/ Sexual Abuse . . . . 800-799-7233 Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health . . . . . . . . . 800-854-7771 Panic Disorder Information Hotline-mental health hotline . . . . 800-647-2648 USA National Suicide Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-SUICIDE

Community numbers

Gay & Lesbian National Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .888-843-4564 National Human Trafficking Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-373-7888 Pet Loss Support Hotline - Grief Counseling Hotline . . . . . . . .888-478-7574 Poison Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-222-1222 Shoplifters Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-848-9595 Water Waste Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 342-5397

Victim/Grief Support numbers

Justice for Homicide Victims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310-457-0030 Justice for Murdered Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310-547-5362 Parents of Murdered Children Los Angeles Chapter . . . . . . . . 310-626-3592 Survivors of Murdered Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626-298-9054 S.T.E.V.I.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323-898-2955 L.A.U.R.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 816-9651 The helpful numbers listed above are provided strictly as a service. This does not mean they endorse Attention! or they are endorsed by Attention!.

All content provided in Attention! is deemed to be in the public domain. All suspects are to be considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain any of these individuals by yourself. Todo el contenido provisto en Attention! es considerado información publica. Todos los sospechosos se consideran armados y peligrosos. No se debe intentar arrestar o detener a alguna de estas personas por usted mismo.

Cut this out for future reference. 19






News for our Community

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