Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Huh and son Joe'. MI'. and Mrs .. W ill Hu tt and MI:. Ilnd Mrs. Russel :mugene Burnett of ,R ldgevUle. Mr. and Mrs. ~v1d ROilS. Miss Racluil Ross and Mr. Pal4 Ross ot Lebanon. and Mr! and Mrs. Keith Ashmead and children honored Mr. 'IN. C. st. . John with n surprise " Futher's Day" "dinner on Sunday. Mls~ Marilyn Polinsky has as her c9i.u!'ln, Judy Koblhagen. who came by plane from Elgin " 111. andMs,/p ,tPlllkR Id Mrs, Stanley H , Dalley 'was tuken seriOusly lIl 'at her home dUI'ln~ the past weele , end was removed to . GOQIl Samaritan Hospita l. where she undeMvent surgery on SILturday morning. ReI' ronny rl:lends ate hoping for her speedy recovel'y, Mr. Ell Furnas had th!! grQat mls· fortune to fall from II. load of hay, on Friday and l'e.cGlved serious heo.d and ~e c k injUries. He was removed 1,0 M'lem! Volley E'09pltal;, where be Is 810wl1 lml,-rovlng bu~ will be confjned tor a few weeks. Mr. Loyd Davis wna taken ser: tously ill wbl.l e at work during t.he pnat weelt and "omoved to'- Mtamt Valley Hospital for a 5hort Ume, afterwards returning to his home ,vhere he was confined for a few days. , iMrs. Rhodes Bunnell. MI'lI. e has. ~er and 'Mrs. SBe Prendergast' were co-hostesBes:n:t the ho.me tbe latter on Wednesday afternoon. June' 14, lind enter1;alned .w!tb II-, mlscellBneolls bridal. shower. hon· orlng Sara Corvlne FurnlUl. whose wedding took place at Ihe historic old FrIends cburcb on Saturday ' afternoon. Atter the uaual. bridal shower conteats. tbe guest of honor opened tbe various gtfta proe.enled by com· llany of frlend,B l,resent. Delicious r~(r~.bments were ..rveel by tbtl 'hoetesses. Mr. and' Mrs. J. Ev.erelt Chas· teen &1'6' honeymooning In LaS Vepa . and (ltbel: BOuthern clUes tollowanC u.tr murlqe .on June
lO~ aDIllJlna.
'T be Waynesvllle Needle ' On Friday, June 16 !\fl's, a le 'l1hreB4" ' 4·H Club m~' the Dumford ntertalned aI ' her hom e teenth day of June, 1960. at tbe on Townshi,ll 1111'e roo,l\ fur hel' home of Sa.lly Lou Smith with ...,..daughter Dillna who wa s I ~ bmt. MISS S~RA CORRINE FUR-, Dorothy and Miriam WilsOn in BeUbrook SundRY In Ing ber eighth birthd ay , The !lOUIS charge and' Saliy "Lou Smltli' pre: Hard Fou~ht from 2 untll '* wel'o sp lit ,In gauH'13 NAS BECOMES BRIDE B1dlng. and cp ;nil1g the mlllly lov..,ly gifts SATURDAY Colnteat Elizabeth Marlatt and Ton),: , tbe hOllDI' gue ~ t r cuh' d . Jlofr s h. Moran' gave' demOillstrations. Xuments ,at blrllulay cake, Ice Cl' 11111 II Married To Son of Amos rreshments were aerv'ed b)' SaU,. ,and frlilt drink ,er 8 I' ed a.l It Cook, Who Res,idea Near Lou mlth and Shirley ' AnDe game In as many starts beaut!.fuJlr, decorllied table whore W,ayuelvil1e Rickey. Sally Lou Smith waa ,loP' ••tlllll1lbrclOk Suuda.y 9·6 . .It was a party h l~ts concealed a. horn fot" pointed as our presldent.becauae fought contest all the way each little guest present. A.mong tile sccre being tied at the those ' 1IUss Sara COl'lnne FUrnas aDd our real president was absent. who enjcyed I he afte rnoDn Mr. E rnest E. , Cook married them· Games were pl.yed 'u nder tbe cli· four Innings. were: JudY ,and Gerry Oa11r19, Judy Je'l ves in the Friends meeting bonee ),ectlon of Jo Ann Amburgy, Car taI' started on the Tinney, Dee ' Ann alld Sa n d \. a at Waynesville at .S: SO oIclockSaf.. aent were Betty Cassidy and, Mil· and wen,t all the way' for Holmes. Patty Dunham. Judy nnd urday ' afternoon, They are both dred Wyrick. giving, 6 hUs wbile Janice Barnett, Karen Thmnll~ , ~j~tbrl~hl members of the Soc~ety (rbe next meettng wlll he held' at bested by Barnelt w-bo Judy and Susan Wrl,ght. Alice M . of Friends. ' the, home at, r ony Moran the 18th but t safeties. Carter's maJn haffle, Carolyn, :sandl'a ScbenlcB, Mls8 Furnas Is the daugliter of day of June at l :oo p , M. 'was bls fallure to get the Roger Runyan. Jo· Ann al1d Wen. UP hi the Inning out aa dall Amburgy, Hug hie J llm lson , Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Furnas. or , ' man lub memhers wbo will. ' t"e SDclal ROiw rcad, near Lytle and psrt, In ~b e prog~am for the nezt out of 7 Innings the first Bell· Ronny and PI lei Bill I, Jenn, J oyce M~. Cook 18 the 80D of Mr. Amos meeting ar.e : :Patty Mlller aDd batter r,eElched base, 'and Larry Jobnson, Cook and the late l\lrs. Ella B. Connie Alford. demonstrarlo~l: Jo t.;talll.llbrO()k Bcored a. tally In the COOk. of near Wa.ynesvJlle. Anne Amburgy Recreation; Tony frame on Il triple - a long WILL FILL LOCAL There were no nUe nd an~2: t he Moran and Co~nle Alford, refesb· take 11 1·0 lead, but Waynes. PULPIT SUNDAY bride Willi accompa nied to the ments. came right back with 2 in The pulpit of t.bo local Church a ltar by ltel' rathCl'.. She WOl'O a hall ~n 2 hits and an error of .C hrlst wIll' be filled by M I'. Max white organdy &n.a eyelet em· tied it. up In tli e "e~ond W, Randall this Sunday. broidered gown, w ith full skirt bit batter--an error and the SHOWER' HONORS Mr. Randall Is leav ing for South th&t wos ank.l~ lengtllan d Cll.l'rlcd stood 2·2 un t U the last of the Africa by Octohel' 1 as 0. Church MISS SARA C. FURNAS a bouqet' qf whlte enrn. t !ons and wb'en 'ilV"aynesvllle scored of Christ missionary. HERE ,SATURDAY ol'cblds, on an ermr and stolen base 'fbe Ill'&nuppnl music . w as with a fielder's choice, DAYTON VISITO~S HERE played on 8. large harp by Miss _,....',..I<'H went abeBa 6·3 In ,t heir Mr. and Mrs . Ke nneth Ellzey l1,nd Sue Fllrn~, a cousin of the' bride. the 4th but Waynesvllle daughter Mllrjorl • of Dayton. vi sThel'P WIlS the Frlimds tradition· I ....:ted tbe 'count at 6·6 in their ted M.r. nnd ¥l'S. WalteJ' Biz y al. '"Iloot medlta~lon fOI' a. period; Iunday afternoon. ' Wen, 'I.he couple rose. clasped lll: nda WIIS the end of Ille scoring and eacb repeated t.he marriage shower honoring Sara. Corlnn. lI'1U- ' , Waynesvll1ts but Bl'llbrook BUDGET NOTICE vow lind both Signed the manlage naJI, whGee wedding took place. at Notice Is hereby gl v n that II 2 in tbe jitb' aDd 7th ' t o win certJncute. Memb I'S of the Over: tbe historlo old friends cburcla. In :mbllc ,lieUJ'lug Ot;! tlle budget Qr Waynesville, Saturday. June 17. !lQa1'8 committee of tbe meeting Ihe VUlage of WllyoesvlllQ. WlIlTen After the lISlial. bridal abo.... were ; Mr, Raymon,d BI'addock, County, Ohio, 8 9 IIrepal'ed by the contest!!. the gllest of hODor ~~-. Mra. Sara Braddock and MI'S , B!sle Council ~1l1 be held at the oun· Hockett. Mr, 'Braddock relld the the variou, glftB presented b, n Chnmbel'13 at 7 ;()O p. m. 0 ' 'lO k mamage certificate aloud. Mr, large company of (rlendll pr'IIIII~,K.! tbe J hlr(l Dellotoua refreshments Roger Wjl.rlng, of Lakewood •. Ohio. I18rved by the hoa-, •. spoke a. few wordll and read a
'~l~~~~~~~~~~h-n£M;~ti1irir ~"?"~
Ctiutee,. were hono~ tion of Ihe new man-lag., by a nu~bel' of BOOlal artaln. the ' A,fuir snotber ver lod Qt sllencl',
MARILYN BURSKE MARRIES DALE DUFFEE FRIDAY MARRIAGE IS SOLEMNIZED IN METHODIST ,CHURCH FRIDAY EVENING \Yflyneflv iII e Methodist h. on F t'tday evening at Bel'ellIhil'lY O·CID(;k. MillS J'I\81'1IYI1 Rae I3l1fSI! . UI/IIg-lller' or MI'. and Mrs . John J, ,Du re l<e, lind Mr. Dille "E , DurrFla, , on of Mr. lind Mrs. PaUl W, PI.free, of oillmbus, were un l· ted in murl"lnge gy Rev. R. B, C~le. lliall In til PI' sence of II: large gI'OUP of gUes ts. . Bi lle d I ph llllnm and whIte' phlox , were Ar ra nged with paJmB' on a whit bnGkgrollud and lIg bted by bU nti ng lupel's In condclabra, at Ih a lt.nr for tbo ceremony. .l\1ra. GI Illl Blnnd, pi 0:111 st. provided a prograln of brJdAl music aud accom panied her daughter, MI sS BaTbara Lou Bland, who .sang "0 PI'omlse Me." "Because" and "Tbe Lord 's P "ay r." ,The groom wa$ atteded by his fl'leJld , M J\' Rog.· Dennison. of oluwbus. lind his br other Mr. .racll Lee Duffe a nd the bride'B broUI{or·ln-law, MI'. \VUliam Strouse s erved al:j usbers , all wearing dark trousel's and White coals , with r ed ctlr~atlOIl ()outonnlera. Attending the brld.e wee her SIs-. leI', l\~l"!i, Bonella. Strouse, M ma.tron ot liOllOl', and ,the brideslnaJd,B \yere her clQ&e I rl eud Miss GladYB a,ul sororIty alater, Miss Betty Bllcber of Wn.t e rlillle. Ohio, They wore ' )O lap whi te frosted orcanZIl rroe:lcs with 11ght, sleeveless b0dIces, fuJI floor lengtli skirts. t he 'matron\l over blue t affeta. and \:be over ptnk UIAl YellOlW, ' I II
bereavement In the lOllS Mother, Mra. Ida Pal1lhall. last On8 beflic thalr r.ehearsal 'tlln· the geuats al lhe wedding num· W wish to also ~h~k Rev. Keys, 'ner whlClh waa ~Iven by Mra, Leo bering near th re ll hundred persoDlli We wl"h to express OUI' /lin cere , the pallbearers. and McClure FunCOIlD8l' aind 'M . . Ruth Conner. rulld past th'e ,table and slglled tbe Mra. Helen ' McCoy ' ",,1l1 present ral Home for their effJclent ser. l bitn lls and aiijjf.eClauon . .,......"..,c-:o:==-i- -rI'h...~II'.. llle Wbo ent red with her .lste~ln.taw: 'of -tile linde. mnn\oge certUlcnle, Flut to sign a group or Itudl!nt3 In recital at were '10 I<lnd to belp us III 0111' Te. flU /Ler, and Waa gIven In marriage MilS Ruth Conner. with 8 group' was the brlde's wotbe~, who wore II P . M. Saturday evening, June 24. 'VIces. bereavement of bnabund and by him, 1I11 peared In a pIcturesque and Mra. C. Lee Hawke and of friends, Is attending the ]{apPIl 'n blue gown wltb wWte hat and In the Garde~ Center of tbe Day. faUl cr. for their lovely flol'ol ofrer, gowli of sheci' dotted organza. over Fl,UDlly Delta Ph1 Nation 1\,1 Convention In II. corsage ot pink carnations. The ton Art Institute. All thOSe appea~ I;ngs and bea utiful ard8 received, tllftetn'1ln'd lace, with a tltted bodLoulsvUle, K)". brlde's fallier IIlg'n8<l next, followed 'Inl 0 \1'1'. Coffey for biB CDlIsolllIg Words. Ice, deep round neckline flnlslied the-' progrlUn are rom N,O TICE TO COrolTRACTORS Mr. and Mrs. C. M. DerrybJU by the rather of tbe groom. The W&)'nuvJJle eomafunlty and M ra, ahd Stubbs FuMral Home for thell' with 8 double b ertba and a very S'l'AT,E OF Om:O and Mr. and MI'8I. Fred Grauman scene of the weddIng waa In the McOG)' extends a cord ts I welcome fflclent services, full s lllrt w'Weh exteded In 0. full DIilPAR'I'MEN1~ OF HIGHWAYS> enCAlna!ned 10 Sunday dinner Mr. Old White Brick Meeting HOlllle In to all tb081' who may wlsh Mrs. MInnie Cook leng th cn.thedl:lll tmln. She' wore. at. Columbus. Oblo, June 17, ]960 and Mrs. Harley Downe a.nd Mr. ,Wa.ynesvllle built In l l l , Immed· t end. An additional feature of' the Enpn et" of Salell Legll! Copy 60·299 MI'. and Mrs.' Carl Cook & Filmlly matching o) bow length mltta and and Mrs. O. Laberne Berryhill, of 'lately follo'wlng tbe weddlnl ,a ' rehor Ollly j f>welry wallo 'n rhlnostone 'program w1lr be the appear~nce of : UNIT PRlC:E CONTRA 'f . pjQUD.. ' , ceptJon was jJel4 at th'e Old Bailey MaRter BUly Wea.ver who will 'rep. 1\1r. Donald .J. Robinson of Day- necklace. gift of 't be g room. Her Sealed proposllLls will be received ~r. and Mrs~ Ed. PlI¥ne and homesteiuJ In Waynesville. now resent the Katbfryn Wright Sohool at the office of the state Hi g/lwny ton, 1& the guest of his grand. doubl o tlel'ed veH of illus ion tulle children of Oh1ll1cothe, were week k.nown as the Far 'Hml' Party of the Theatre, Director of Ohio. at Columbus.. Ohio parents, Mr. and 1I11'S, E. F. Earn· feU from a (Jow el" frlmme'd' Batln end guests of their parents. Mr. Hooso. Qwned by Mr. and Mrs. halo Ilud allll Carried a bridal b~ untO 10 :00 a, III. Ohio ' ~ t1mdard hUt. , and Mra. Davie Furnna, .rohn Praeton. ORDINANCE No. 210 Quet or whJLe roses centered with After the J'eceptloD the couple AD Ordinance 'Providing tor the "TtlmueeIS'ilaJ'., Mr. and M -. Ray Malnone had a ruby throated white orchid. . .. I July n .1950 for Improveas their guests during the PlUlt left ror II. short "eddln, trip. Upoa emp!oylD8lllt ot CoDaultlng Engl. For h r dnflgh tel"11 \\"ccJeling, Mr~, week t heir son, Mr. and Mrs, their return they will set up house· neers for the purpose, of preparln, menta In~ROPOSAL No.1 llU j n Il vnnlll a non Malnnlls of St. Petel"8·' keept-Jtb. the groGlp's father oU: and subBrittlng to the State De· t Ver, ...... ''O ..!!. • Warren County. Oblo. on ec ions 8 On Sundnv. Mr, the .rann near Waynesv.lIle, whloh partapent. of Healtb, Prel1mlnary burg. Florida. 5 0 1'1 n ~1l1 'u flO l'8Rg of , red rose " and. 20.52. i~tate ;ROll til , No. 'I . and Mrs, 1IIall10u8 O:n~ Bon: wl'th 'liaa been ,In th'e Cook n.a me stllee En{lntltlrlll( Report . CleaT " Creek and ' Tuttle Gr eek bUlls, frs. DUffee liolSe . a dusty ' WHEREAS. It has be.en deemed .' . , their guest' , met In' "'Indlay, ,"Itb 1803. TOwnahlps, by a,pplylng an aspbaJ· 1'0se c~ep e ' Cl'oek with wWte ae: tli~lr ·ch-t1dren. 1\11'. ', lind. 1\lrs. 'Mrs. 'Cook taught Iii' the Friends a,dVlsable that a ptellmlnaf'J engl· Uc cOncrete 8111'lrn.ce courSe. lle.m s i'ossot'ies (( ntl pin k \'osq c or ~age. , RIlIPh' Ma.lnous and childrlID. , 'and Select Scbool In Phllndelphla lor neerlng report be prepare~ IUId sub· T-30 ' and 'r.36, Follo,\rhi ~ the I,ll'('etlngs Ilt tbe - , Josephine Walker ot l:>e' a. tew years and t)le past two years .mltted to the State Depar.tment ~f I M",," ....vement: Width 20 feel. I;hul'cll. one . hundt'ad twent y-Lbe ~~. arid "all - enjoyed, bad taught In the Haya school lit Health preparatory to the ~mpleI trait. Mlchlg.... Leqth 39.768 .•\ rt. or 7,63 ml e8. twentY·I 'ive guests attended lhe I'ea picniC dlnnllr.. , Lakewood. Ohio. ' Mr. COOk IB a t10D of the sawerage disposal sys. Oontract to be completed nol, t'cntlon at ~h e 11I'ldc's home, Mr. . ~nd Mrs. Walter Sheeban graduate or ,WaynesvUTh HI,. h teal of the 'VIII83e of Waynesville. later tban October 16', ] 96QI Misael:l Jo ,and J annflle Peirce, and son, Rlcllllrd had 8S Sunday school and since , baa been a suc· Inclu~.' the necessary .a"w~ge EEEE m EEEove s.8I1OIl. Imfo.O sorority SIs ters . assisted by Miss 'eVenln-g dinner .... I'ests. Mr. and c~8Bful farm~r. \ He ts now master: disposal ,plant at tbe earllst pos· · d ." . T.h,e mlqlmum wage to be pal to CarOL all nnell j ()l'ell!ldEtd the Mra: ~e ;rumer Ilnd sons. Mr. of the Warre~ COU,nly Pomona sible time; labor employod on this contract h\ble which wa s arnlD l!ed In allver ana Ml1Ij. Geocge Henderson ,and GrlUlge. ~f consulUng en,lneers BhlLll' be In' acctordance with tbe 'rys tol wi th the t1l1"ee-tlered Miss :Mildred Bourne. Out of town .gUests! who attended' bave been contacted relaUv8 tQ:the "s~h"edui~ of lPrevalUng Hou ly wedd ing 'cltke. tOPI)ed by the min· IIr. ,and Mn,' . George H.nder· we,re rrom yarlM/! ~clPel In obio; p.rrormance of all engln· Wqe Rates. ASAJertaln ed and De. Ifltu f'e bride 1111 d grD(liW.. as ,the son alid son t:ecently entertalped Indlanlt. Ilnd renn;. among ~em. 8I!,ring 8ervlces In connection there- terDJined by the Depllrtment of InThe 'n ew ly marl'led couple left to a Meilcan dinner. Mr. arid Mra, ' of ClaSsmates trom' Ohio wlt&; dustrlal Relations applicable to Wade Turner and 80ns. ,.ad Mr, ~ate UnIverSity and nine teachers , 'WBEREAB, ~t II for tlhe Immed- State Department lin' for a sllort honeymoon after which ' they wil l ostll bltsh their home In . and . Mrs. S. N. Ball and chUdren, frorD 'Hatll Ichool, I:.akewood.OWo. late Preaervatlon of the publlc In accordance with BO"~\'lln g Gn,en. where the groom -Mr. and M~. A: H. Earnhart " bealth ,aud welfare .of the I:8lldenta 17-3.17-., .17-48., 17.5. and ;ba4 as Monday: cllllora.; Mrs. C. E. of Mr. 'ahd Mrs. paullIarba~g111n 0If the Village .,of Waynelvllle that 11.~a ot the GeIU!rai Code of Ohio." will enlel' his senl91." year at t.he univerSity, ",'r a. Duffee ,c hose for Bratten &ad daughter of Daytoo, K-Inge Mills , on ' 8u~day.such preUmtnary report be proTb"e hldder mUlstsubmlt. wlW bls cesled; .' tra'1"Jln r a pink s harkskln suit. and 'Dr. slid Mrs. Pilul Bratten. Mr. and Mrs. La Mar Earnbart bld;,a certified cllleck In tbe amount "80~ and dltug . her 0 ''w ' to"n Saiem, and daqghter left on ~turday to 'NOW. be It ena.cted by. 0 r '2•6'18,13; Wlnl lI"hlle ' aCCeS!!orles and white .. , Inl , " therefore. . North Carolina., Vlalt the latter's parents In CaJd. the foun~ , ot th'e V,Ulage ,or Plana and 8~,clflcatJons are o,n , Emcee Jack MeCoy presides oroh Id cor~J.8ge. new wLW·N~e PIaMr. and Mri i()bn 'Set!ilemy " well. Ohio. During til's week; ,Mr. WayneavUle; tbat the flrm.or Paul file In the \lepartment of blgbwnya over T ile bl·lde, I't gmduate of Waynes. ,ram, "Live Like, a ~lIIooaue.~' and children and MI". and Mrs, E.arnh~rt · will attend the . aDDual A. Ublmann ;aDd ~o~aies. of Co- an,d ~e of(Ice of tbe dlvvlslon deJ)ville high scllOol. I"ec Ived ·ber B.S. The dally taient-tes& Ih"", aired -'tel" conference of ,v eteran teachers ,In lumbu.,Obto, CoDlulU"" .- dlreetor. Glenn .Bland were S un day .... - 'E ngineers u.... In dnca tlon at 'Bowling Green duro at ' 2:10 p.m .• 'EST, enables the be employed to prepare lIuch preTb erector dt ... - Colull\bus. . . 110011 guelt. or their parents., ...... I'eserves th e ri gbt ,rand prize winner each week w Ing Ille Pllst week nnd s be Is 'Il and Mra. 1.. 'C. St. John. ~ 11m11lBl'J enCIneering. report or lur- to l'8Ject 1U11 anel all bids. "JIve like a milUonalre" for :I member of th e Kappa Delta Soror"" 1MI'. M. H. Coffey. minlti~er of vey and obtain tbe ."'pa'oval thereUER,' Mr. Warren Sheeha~ 'lUld ,.. r. the Cburch of Christ, and Mrs.' - . ' T. 1. KA Ity a.lld of the Qrdel' of the Eastem week. Emery BOOblns ha.ve returned &!-, .Cotrey are enjoylng a .v~n;' of by tbe ~te 1>e[Iartmnt of State, HJghWay Director Star. tel' a ten d81. 8tay at the Buckeye and spending le,..rat da¥. with Health pursuant to lbe written proDI')' IUIIl Solidi Mr. DuUee , It gTlldus.le of the Nonfat dry milk. 10Udl, • nour. Boy State at CamP Perry. Their the fonner's parents In'taunton, ~dar::.rii~:h:!a!O 1~~II:~1I.B'e un· , 1IbIn, dalr7 tood which ca.ta ]ell Columt.ua sc hool s, !I, veteran at trip was lponsored by the ~er- VlrglnlL ....r the ~_. ........ In the tean Legion and Civic , Olub. •u , ____ ___ Hunter tbaa aD7 fo~ ot m1lIc. 18 trelh Worlrl War II, will soon rscelve his Mr. L. H. OordOD, local IlOIlo Tile Frlentbb,lp Club met . on preamble heNGl, tbla ordbIance II a congratulatory milk . trom "bJcb the Wlttl', fat degree at Bowling Green. JDaIIIter, left on 'Monday to attend WedDesday wi~ a lovely luqcbeoo b.r.by declared an emerpncy me. nlv·.. rliltv of Cln· IIId Vl~ A have bM!1' removed. . GUesta lor the wedding and retbelr ..on Is In tbe postmasters coilve~tIon • Cedar at the Far .HUla PartJ' IIouH. lUre IUId abO .... the .... cepllon were (rom ClnclnnaU, Cofolnt. EI,bt~n membeJ'l ~d flv.-,..ta Ulat poaIble time permitted ,bl IcholuUc lumblls, Hlll llooro, Lebanon. ' OleveU.... Harry A. were prel8nt. 'law, land. Art'anum . BelleVUie. ~~.... 4.4 aVerllle 8IId .... Bettr: PJu. lIN beIIIa maGe tor a ...... : 1 .... 1.,111&0 fll'ld. lIowling Green. WaterTJl1e• aeronautleal .nlin. bUUt . plGllle at ~ for Newto,,·n. ~th a large lJ'.Oup of lUI; the rqUlar luJr 'mtetbIa ]oeal trl,nde.
Happy Host
Thursday, JUD': 22, 1950
Japan Outlaws Communist ~arty; Europe Coal-Sleel 'Pact Signed; U. S. Construolton at New High
SUPREME COURT: Three Decisions
, Malaria No longer Health, Hazard
Neat Afternoon Frock For the Larger Figure,
The U, S. IUpreme court ba. WASHINGTON-If the pioneer banded down three declslpnl In of a century ago could return the , current clvU rights controversy to the United States for a day, which will have tar·reachinl reac· probably not even our automotiona. biles and airplanes would amaze Tbe court held that segregation more than a simple anor Negroes ill railroad dining cara him nouncement recently made by vlolates the Interstate Commerce Dr. JUltin M. Andrew'. United Act, that Nell'O students must be The SUent Statesman Statel llubllc health' service. admitted to the University ' of ~mE~n~ls~~~ The announcement ' was: "MaTexai law ach«;IQI becaus. the ed to 'have laJd to a group ot laria will proballJy be eUmlnatatate doel not afford them facillnewspaper men attendiilg a White ed as a major pubUc health ties ellual to those for w!J,ites, and BOUie press confer!!nce: bazud In the United States by Outlaws ~eds that Oklahoma had been dlacrlmi19112." ' , "No mIlD, wbo I. not a ~u nating agalnlt Negro atudents at The Japanese Communist party UcllID, can become PresideD' To the frontiersman. even in 'ts atate university law school by 1'ece~ved a serious setback with of tho UDi&ed states." northern' states, his Ute was ~egr,egatlng them in classrooma In comparatively recent years, that government' s announcement , often built around the "shakes," and elsewhere on the campus. ' , I know of one man who was not a that the party would be ouUawed Preaohers scheduled thell; serThe court, however. did not go politician. but ' wbo was a states· In Japan. vices alld Judges set hours for into the cases as deeply all the Observers did not find the move man. who became ,Presldent of the court sessions with an eye to ju~ce department , desired. United States. I saw that man aurprislng since such action had avoidirut the ttme of ,their ra- , For instance, the justice departnominated for the presidency on been hinted and only waited the outcl1l'rent ' attacks of "ager." ment argued there can pe no sucb the first ballot at the Republican come at the ge.neral election which, More than one ghost town thing as "separate but equal" faconventlon at Kansas CJty In Ju!y was carried by Japan's Liberal dotted the Mississippi. the ' MisciUties and treatment It contendparty. The liberals alone stuck to of 1926. [Baw him elected by a souri. the Ohio and 'other rive;rs, ed the mere faot a Negro haa to tremendous majority in Novem· a ,pro-United Statel policy In a its surviving inhabitants bavuse a separate public faclllty prehighly natlonallstlc campaign. ber, 1926. ing fled after 89 high as 80 per vents him ' from having ' an equal Prime Minister Shlgeru Yoshida That man was Berbert Booycent at the population fell to faclllty, It Just as sensible, the had announced the action would be malaria, &1'-& maD whose name wall department argued, to say that a taken 11 there were further acts of recoplsed In. the realm 0' The disease gradually recede thing can be "black but white" as .Japanese ComUllllts .tared statesmanship, but who Imew , violence by Communists. He reed as the e!tectlvlmess of quito insist it can be "separl\te and terred to the attack 01), five U. S. • raUy Ih the shadow of the imnine as a specific became widelHUe or nothIDr af the rame of equal." aoldiers at ." Communist rally on perial palace IUId for tho a_ Amerioan poutlca. Be was a ly known ~ the 1840's. HowevObservers point out that had the Memorial DIlY. ond Ume violence broke out bemIlD who, whUe IlerYinr .. er, recent reports place the court gone ' Into the matter a. As ' ~xpected, the Communists tween the 'Reds and U. S. healden.. reDOIIDced poUties. number 01 cases In the United al the, d,epartment asked aoldlers. 11"8. MP'a ~.bove) .re States at bet\ll~en 1,000,000 and Because of economic conditlona tried to blame the action on the ruled iii Its favor, there would &hown brealdnr up tbe riot an4 6,000.000 yearly with 1500 deaths. of which he had ' no part In the American occupation" but Yoshida have been pracUcally noUUn, l~ , taklnl' • Jap 'Comm1lDll& Into - Malaria has been making a malrlnl , and over , which be had, quickly denied It. of segregation laws. ' oustody, MeanwbUe; the Liberal party stubpotn retreat as land hal nor could have had, no control, I Slim aild PreltJ Some students of governmept babeen drained, farmers have 'aaw that lame man defeated for .eemed assured of victor)' In the lleve aucb a ril1In, would ' have LIM AND PRE'l'T}! for the, election. Despite raina throughout moved to the city, and the level reeiectlon to a second term, larlle- , been a great deal more far-reachwoman of larger figure - . of education has cUmbed 80 1)' to be sure, because he knew 10 the COlD1try, the voUng was heavier In, than the passa,e by ConareSl A~ New High , graceful afternoon style that feathat use of quinine has become little of the game of ~litica and than expected. Offlcl Is said 31.400,· or the much debated F. E. P. C. • tures the gored skirt every wommore widespread. With these bad not played at that game during 000 voted, or '10 percent ,of those Construction in the United State,. The court, however, adberedto an' adores, choice of sleeves, inthe four years, he occupied the ellgible. AbOUt' 60 per cent had been has reached a new high. accordinll Its lonl{ establlsbed practice or not , conditions offering hope for sucexpected. ' teresting yoke treatment. cess. the U. S. public health serWhite House. to reports by the department of determining constltutl'onal 'ssuea it vice organized a five-year camYoshida',s strong shoWing had labor. I lIaw in a very definite way other grounds for decisions exist. • • paign against the disease In the politicians of his own partT, been expected after his government A:ccording to department Itatt.Pntlem No 11165 18 a sew-rite "ert~ ra ted patter n' In ,l iE'" M. 38. 38, 40..... 1947-the ~amllalgn which led who did not want H~rebrt Hoover firrDly squelched projected Co~u tics. construction valued at nearly 44 4e, 48 aod 50, 51.. 38. C41> aleevs. Dr. Anc;lrews to, make his bopeIn the White House, successfully nIst anti·Amerlcan rallies an a so- $2.000.000,000 was put in place In 4 ~ yards 01 :Ill-Inch. ful prediction. exert their efforts to defeat blm. called general strike called for elec- May. This ' was ahead of the 1MB Brannan Plan. Test Ililed wlln amart •• wlna Id ••• 1 The ."rln. Gnd Bummer FASHION , ron1ii thai campaign, no effort WRI tion day. and 1949,aeasonal peaks. The nation watched wIth in~erest tllin. 48 po. " . 01 .tyle eolor. e . ., to made on the part of Republican moke frook . lor a ll the iamll:)!.;. free 1>.'" Home construction accounted fo:r the final outcome of the primary tern Drlnted tnlill. 1118 Dook. "" "en"-. orators to present to the people much 01 the advance, althoullil election In low.. And the outthe Hoover accomplishments 811 building cost. have' risen sharply. come was wbat seasoned ~UcltlU SEWING OIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. Unites Six Notions President. Private construction In M~, obervers expected-a final camlUG S.. 1h wonl SI., Chl.s •• ,. DI. Enolo" 2S oents In eolna for .sch W he D the oampalrn,.... Britain'. labor government , has amounted to $1,400,000.000, an l!\~ paign bem-een Albert J. Loveland pa,lIem ,dell red. lleamr It. end, lOme ot ,those been caugbt Ihort with the an· crease of 12 per cent over API1l anc! and Sen. Burke B. Hickerilooper. ~ Pattera No. • .......... Slze .•••••••• 27 per cent over May ,of last year' . who were familiar with wbat nouncement"that sIX European coun· There was more to It, however. J'fame · .: .. . ........... t o ••••• was bapPeDlnr arred 1l)IOII tries have formed a coal·steel aI- The borne building part of that wall than just the outcome 01 a primart NEW YORK- Beggars are not estimated at $825,000,000, an ' l!\,- election to determine the Demo- always poor, but otten we'altby taldnr liance. , Hoover On; Dec ....ly A4dreu ~" ' 0' the Rump to "'U bIa OWD atory. The United Statei gave the six, crease of 15 pel' cent over the montb cratic ' and Republlcan senatorial men who conduct begllng like a and 56 percent from a year ago. candidate, this falL ' Mr, BlHlver looked UPOD nell • cowtriel-F,r ance, Holland, Belbusiness with complete 'books and In the ttrst flve month. 01 course .. ImposalbJe. Be aa.kI: gium. Luxembourg. Westel'n GerLoveland. former ~dersecre eJq)eJlSe accounts. it was revealed ·'1 am Prealden' of the, United many, and Italy.....Lts. blessing. with, the total value of all types or tar)' of agriculture, campaigned recently with the death, of Robert States. For me to degrade the of- observers pointed out. an eye o~ 90nltructlon was nearly ~,lUIII,WU;~ against five other Democrats 118-, T. Ingles . . fice I bold u utterly unthinkable. the heaV)" gamble for postwar eco- 000, an Increaae ot 21 percent ing the Brannan farm pla,o . al h1I When Ingles died he left ,U,Ooo no matter how great the need. 'lbe nomic reconstruction of Europe as the cor~8pon!llng period' of IH9, main weapon. ' In one check and two savings -aclabor department' announced: President canDOt be a stump apeak- a means of further winning the cold On the other band, Senator Hlck- counts. And he left a complete set er In lila 'oWn hebaH." war. ' enlooper u a strong op~Dent of at.. books that told what expense, , Use for Or8ll'~ Halve. Under the p~n, proPosed ~y RobThose P1:esentlll, th~t urlle were the plan. He won the Republlcaz- be incurred ' In bill planned route Save orange halves after Juice ~alatent,' and ·after hours or argu:. ert Schuman, .French foreign min- , Patriotic 5.PJ nomination eaa~ over, 'two oppon- that Included 100 clUeI In the has been squeezed out and pack meDt he ...as prenlle4 upon:. m. later, the aix nations have united to country. He auo entered ' the them with mashed sweet potatoee Like the little boy who firIl apesch, made durin, the produce the ,linewa of hea", InduaThuI, the faD campalp take. amounts be made In each ci&7, ott the ,lclilg on his. mother' a ' ~ wa ar ~ ,:amsm.n. was try In. peace. " males, • alIa mown as joseph E. lor a luncheon or dinner dish. duipe. PoUtlc'al observers .ee SOD the Ipotatoes with salt, bu~ter delivered "at Del Koinea, lowe. Observer. aara it ,w as fairl,. clear ' Harry Gold, . the American Loveland eampl\ignln" ,With the Addeuon, 'lolt one leg 'I n a Welt ' or margarine, 8Jld a , liUle ' brown But fa we. too late. There we. not that Brit.1n. struggling to .~ back tumed againlt lib own COUDh7 Brannan plan a. the main. PlAnk coast accident. It was , ~fter the sugar or maple syrup~ Heat in • . ~e enough before tho ,election to a hi,h Place In. world trade, wa. l ellY for Russi., wanted the In lila Ip..t1~ w~e, 1lD the other accidellt"thl\t he became a profelmoderate oven. " let the facta ho presented ' aC!I'CiU caught by surprue 'at the move. ' ~ but didn't mean to spoll the cake. " hancIJ Hlekenlooper 'IVill talle lib alonal beggar. . ' Explained the PbiladelpbJa big., ltaDd a,alnst It. to the voter. or the natiOD. The Schuman Pl8n 'r epre.ents a aJl,Ucal obHe was a atrange 'maD. At bia . 1Jse Maffia Paa I cUd not have any band In the hiatorlc .~en~er of naUonal , sov- chemist, no ,'d oubt for 1 gullible serven ate loOIdDI 'forward to rooming'house In New York, Where Baked stuffed peppers, tomaAmerican public, he delivered' atom pre1l'aration ' of those H a 0 v e .1' erelgnty ot all the six countries In final test on the much' de- be llved between trips, he was speeches. No ODe e"er hal. Be their economy. The pooled cbal and bomb leerets to RUlllla, but ''X had bated plan in the heart or Ameri- known as a etlngy man. But in toes, apples or onions keep their shape better if put into a muffin baa alw'7I written lib own. I have lteel Industriea will be directed by no intention of hurting m,. coim- ca' a farm belt. ' , thel Bowery where he ate every " , I~ teen, the manuscript of many of an Independent il\tematlonal , bkh try." PoUUcal obael'Ven ' ,11110 pointed night In the aame restaurant and pan. Such an explanatl9n would n01t out that it fa alnJcist a tare bet DOW at the same table, he SPeDt freely. them, deUvered through more re- authority. Double Duir e'ent ,yeara. I did have a put In Neutral oblervers were especlal- appease the intelligence of the Ib!;- ~t Presldent Truman' and Secre- , Always ' cHgnlfied. even when lD A gravy ladle givel perfect ,year.old who pinched the Ic~g. Bow' preparlna aome newspaper cop,. ly happy' over the alliance. It u the tary' ot Agriculture Bl annan wDI his working clothel, he dressed for ' service fot creamy dishes such a. used durlnl the lalt few da71 of firat time In history that countries can anyone give away the secreUI cary~lgn ~ I~!ia for Loveland. dinner in a blue suit, white ahirt chicken a la king. It's fine for genthe campaign. whOle diUerences have caused of his country .nd not expect tp hut and tie. erous servings of dessert sauc~sl , 711&, oopy covere4 tile prlCeli numerous wara have gotten' toieth- It, observers asked? He insisted that neatness and p0- to'o. The Judy Coplon case and'now, the. the American farmer I'eoetved ' er c.reate ' . community of In, liteness was the secret of ~iI sucfor l1li croPs of paln41111 meat terests. TbII.. · observers contend, Gold affair ,have shocked the Amer.. Budget Cut Hinted cess. ·T hat he was auccessful u Petit Fours Gllise 'aDima" 0 0 m p .. red to the should eUmlnate.the caUle of wars. lean public. Many AmerlcBM arel Observers are predicting anotber indicated by his bank ,account and Before · ~ frostiDg petit fouta, prlcea paid &ci ClU4lan , .... ' Increased production is also ex- remembering at!!m measure. em.. battle, in congre .. In an attempt to a report that he did not fee~ he ,h ad lIexloan farmen for the Ame pected from the merger. The total ployed by founders of the nation UII cut President Truman's budget for had a good week unless he could spread the top and sides with an apricot glaze. To make It, soak procluct. or the AllIe quaU&7. lolnt production coul,d be far great- handlin, spies. the coming years. bank at least ~O. The, business of espionage, undel: For ~pJe, the price -of ·No. er than the sum of ~lr leparate Ingles was not the kind of beg- chled apricots ,overnight the Il According 10 some reports, Re1 harc1 wilder Wheat .t IIIDJl.compeUUve efforta. It Vias pointed any clrcJ,lDlStances, Is a nasty thing. publicana are bac:ldnll a move for gu that asked tor bandouts. Al- drain and 10rce through a sieve. apoBa • D a . WlnIIlper; the out, tor exl\mple, the industrial One Is not Incl!Jled to be angry with a new cut at the budget whicb the thougb none of his frIends ever CombiDe with an equal amount of traDlPOrtatiOJl GJl neat from Ruhr needs French coal and France a IIPY such as the Russian agenl: boule lait month trim,med $2,066,- saw him in actlon, th'e y re~rt that sugar, heat to boiling slowly, and IUDDeapoUa and WlDDJper ·~-=';""'.J.!II.etK.. the Rubr steel but each put Gubltchev who' was acting undet' il90,GOI. be 'probably stood ai1!!ntiy , at ,a boil five minutes, stirring COD, aaeu" the •• me, bat , a premiUm on the materials they orders. But to tum against your naSome aenators would like a flat street comer, subway platform or litantly~ tive land and alva' or sell Its ie-' cut acroll the boards. But othera ' race track, holding his pencils In a ch d with b th Amerloan t.rmer ,.... paid. daJ after dl,. .~ 'l!IIImIeapoBa. ex an,e : e.c 0 eJ'. creta Js an entirely dJfierent matter;, Want to uempt the 'military eatab- cigar box, looking neat, polite, SqlOoth Sblnln, CroWn ' more IIuuI the OanM'an farm. Although the Brltllh have not Now an admitted Ipy asks th., Sleek "little" coiffures are the er received at WlnIIlpe.. joined the alliaiu:e or made any court to appoint him counsel, wbJch u.hment, ,the Federal Bureau of sober and appeaUng17 ,helplesa. IDveatllaUoo. and defense spending. . When he was working he would mark. ot spring. Smoo~ shining commitment on the plan. the way The total of that difterence baa been l~ open. Observers laid he insists be counsel whose pa.. A, means or ma&, the cutl on' the plan hi" trip ' Uke any businesa crowns· feather out in "spit" cura amounted to m8D1 ' ml11loIiI 'ar dol- it woUld certainly aive the labor triotism i. unimpeachable. with the Senate floor u belnl ,ouaht if 'the man. He would select the towns he (if you can wear that extreme lan, but It wu not a BUballly paid lovemment .ometblnr to think respect of the court, the publlc, and trfnimln, 11 not dODe Orlt b,. the wanted to visit and keep Itrlct ac- ~le). a ~oft h~o of f1~ curls or the bar. Further, be insists upon the, SeDa~ /lpproprlaUoDi committee. count of his ''profi~.'' He frequent- a 11eek, but not too 19n9, page boy. for out of the 1:axp81ers' mODeJ'. a~out. right to coopera~ with the F.B.I. It wal a result of the ,Hoover farm , ly sent' ,UIO de~llts to lib New A soft permanent will give your poUcy. '!hat waa one of the aeYork banD, sometimel 0111)' a few hllir jU8\ the right amount of body. compUahments 01 the Hoover adday. apart wh~ be tr.velin,. mln1ItratiOD. Bad there beeD auf- E,ldence D~lInninll Sharp ' Price Cub flcient time to Prealnt IUch facti! Man Who FOln' Wlt.h H.I. The United Statea produced new to the American voter. throu8b Sear., Roebuck anc!' compaD7. the, llepubUcan campalgn oraton, evidence thet the navy patrol plane wori",'. largest retan merchandl••, On a'ln.'liraln, Olll'e' newapspers or other lOUr*- In. recend7 laat In the Baltlc wu thot bu. IDe... ba. announced price re-, LoUISVILLE-Ruben . Noel, .,. down. aJthough the llUlslan. reformatioD of IUch character couJ4 , ductioo , of up to tl2 percent or 4.000 ,.earoOld pamter, wa. held to tl!e bave made the dltterence betw.... POrted thoy onl7 drove It out to ltema In Its mldlWlUller .ale cata-, gra,Dd j~ '. on ~ rr~d larceny defeat or 'victory tor a ltataman. Iall1e. , char.";"and an becauae be fIIluDd ' But polltlclanl refused to use lUelI Stat. department officlall .a14 a The merchandlllDg worl4 wu • wa~ , facti! In that campatcn and by ra- recovered '1UcIIna wheel lndJcated ltartled with the 8mJoune:eIDent of Be found It, but did not report It fualDl to do 10 CIUled the Itaovv the plane bad exploded In mJd'air, price cuts that avera led ., per cent: to poUce or adve~e In. newapa. def.at. an4 hael po"lbq lOR • wing before on the itema. Se.aonal w.arinr all'": pj!f" Under Kentuck7 ' laW thai It , '~ into the aea. parel wa. cut as much as 41 POI" conJUtutea Ifand IarCeD7. Lalt ,.aar Prelldent Tn!m8Il cent. " The wheel floated because its'tlre , Ac~ordIiiJ to Noel' blI trouble. allked the ~arlC8D peopt,e to elect was bIflated with air. It wu toUDd be,all when be I found a "oman1a More thaD twice a. big a. Its na..... blm u a DemocraUe PreItdent b7 a Swedllh ,fiIhln" uptain .. eat' competitor, Seara, Boebuck and: 'watcb OIl the floor of a buB. Sa pUt and to elect for blm a Democratlo mile. off the Cc!aat of Latvia. comP8D7' waa ' towded In 18M ,811d~ It iii hlI pocket and kept It about " conlTl!l.I, ..nate and boule. The A ~ Lt"CoMdr. M. w. drew Its poeatelt IUp~rt trom tbe, four ..", ",~t~ tbe Ilaw.,.~ American -people did aa he pert to lea' If 8Il)'ODe bad IoIt a , quuted, but be hael not alkld tor Caa1e. u:bDilted ~the plane'a froBt farm popuiaUon. watcll of ~at 4e.cnptloa • Although tocl.,. Sear. iells' III tbel jut what he 'W8Dtecl. He wanted. IaDdlDg wheel, and pointed to a levJ , MeamrhDo, the owner. LucDJe not a Democratia CODIHu, but • er In a poliUoq aho"mg that the b.. 'cities, It stul keep, Ita rurall wheel wa. retracted when the plane Greer, reported the lou , t o pollce. toucb with an aorta or farm prol'aIr Deal conrreu. cruhecl. At the aDd of, tour d871 , Noel jects. pawned the 'l!F8tcb for Pollee, LaIter dill . . pi the oane. . . . . . p . - _........... J.a . . . . In routlne cbec.D ar pa1lll ~ tate It ....... Ie OJIIMIO 8euo "D' __ do-"'_-&-~ Emplo,. •• , . recolllbe4 It u 0118 rep0rta4 loIt. ' . . Taft Ia 'ilia, ' ..... lrilliaat Firnorb N~ wu analted _ ~ Ju. ........ II ' ~c-.... . . the aII1Il ...... Taft will .. IIootara 8Q -.or ............ ... CIeIIJ'. Mauna Loa. the 13,IIIIO-foot YOlJlft8IDber. , tIIaIr . . . . . . . . . . . ,... _ ........ ..... et...... ~ . . . . _ .... CIllO . . tho lalaDd Of ,HawaU, 'l1!a law provide. thai IDJGH .\:1....... cIIhaUoa. 8ua!a atIQ ...... CID a brWlaDt dIIp1ay of With what _thuIlaam we 0]4. fIncSfq an utica muat make aD 1IIIIIIIr, 10IIII , . .... tar ........ ..., ••• rou .......... _ .... IterI contract IlIW Ihbtl for tho IInworb fcIr t.1ancl tourists with ~ to locate ,the , o~. It WIt the lfeateat eruptloD In hlItOrJ. an ..ry CCIIIfaiIIDI to Noel who keD' 70IJDIIten of tcHIa:r to PB7 for ..... ___ CIIIlIIIII' b ID ilia ..,.. I'ortunateb', DO Uva were -lolt tbrOUIh the tomomnn. , lD IDJ repe.tInJ, ""l didn't Ileal any. ""1G1d14. 1IcnNl ....... _ _ . ... thIIl.... tnIl we did jun that b7 votlnI aa In the eruptiCID that, sent atnama . . . . 1""1'011 ...... tllat . . . . . . . . aPPiaxlma&eq two mDUou dollar af molten lava aerou the lI1aDd Noel'. attornq .... Indl".."" ~ VII - ....... bond IuI&o to buDd DeW .cbooll. aDd Iato the HL At 10m. polntll '"Be dIdIl" bave It broadcut OIl ' ..... fidI at ...., 1If, _. or oa11 'l1Ia JddI of to4a7 w11l do the ,.,. wbera the laft altered tho OCI8ll, tile ra_ eltJaIr... ... nId ...... tile water was reported Dear boIl:" lPI--r~~~~" ~ :" lq,over the ~.~ 7.an, c....... tar. from Ibore. '
New Yark Beggar
Leaves Over $11.000' JJ, Bank AccountS"·
I • •
to • • • • • t o
• • • • • eo • • • • • • • •
0.... ...
. . . wam••_ . . . .
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........-. --.-.. ..... .
• , ,
aD4,... 114
Achieve Co~l, Su~mery Eff~cts . With Appropriat~ Table Decor
es for Small Fry Are No Trouble to Sew
By ErUa Haley COOL, LOVELY TABLE: settings can give as much p1,easure to dining during hot weather' as toods themselves. ' Soft colors which in ' themselves a~e In direct contrast to the weather, nosted glasses arid plants, leaves, flowers or huit can contribute to a feeling or tranquility that makes mealUme mo,r e 'enJoyable. Just as hot rooms can be cooled with the use ot certain c:olors, so can tables achieve the :s ame atmosphere.. Pr,operly. eVeirY dining room shoUld be equipped with tablecloths, dollies. naplldns and dishes which suggest wllrmth or coolness. 'e ach' to be used in appropriate seasons. . Shades of blue and tore en. as well as some of the light pastels are all correct to use when the weather Is blistering tlo·t. These colors may !;Ie used advantageous,ly it) linens as well as iit china or pottery. ' If you eat In the dlnilllg room, then your coolest shades of these colors shoUld be used. If eating out-ot·doors, slightly Warmer colors and more rustic eHecl:s are appropriate. .Neatness IS ot prime importance in giving the ' table a cool look be-
• Scenic splendor sel-' dom equaled at the 01' swimmin' hole or European spas greeted former Olympic and coiIe g,i ate swim stars vacationing at Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Included in the group is Jeanne ,Wilson '(oboye) seated atop Romance CliK. At right Adolph Kiefer, holder of ' every world and national backstrolt. record, and Mn. Keifer, inspect Hor- . nds Nest in the 'URper Dells after a swim in -the swift Wisco~sin river, .
Wisconsin Dells is one at nature's outstanding creations for cameramen, artists, geologists and relaxing " v~cationists. Chuck Chelick, Northwestern' unive!'Sity swim star, is .seen (aboye) doing' ~is famous back. swan diye from Romance Cliff. Below: DeYil's Anvil, another amazing r~c:k'f~rm~tron at Wisconsin Dells, is a contrasting backgrou-" d for Jeanne Wilson, 1948 OlymP'C sWimming star. ' ,
Refresh Your Table
Dlsbes, decorated under the glaze wUh' a wreatb of Ivy In natural colora, make a cool ~nd Informal setting appropriate to the warm weather, Na~ ural colored mats and 111m ply designed napkins belp avoid a cluttered look on tbe table.
They're Easy
CAN SEW th ese darling little clothes for small fry in no ,t ime at all. they're so easy, Sister has a daipty dress and undies, brother will be cool and comfortable in the simple playsuit.
• • •
The simplest edging to apply is a Pnttern No, 1684 co mes In " SI%8' 6 frInge which Is done easily by UI\- month s , I. 2. 3 y ears , Size 1. dress. IV. ravelling the material. ya rd. of 35 or 39-lnch : s ilp n Dd DanU •• , B'. varda; sunsuit, 11. Yard. Keep EdClngs Small, It's fJUed with Im a Tt s eWing Ide . . I Neat for Cool Look The ."rlnll ond summ er FASHION con· Any edgings which are heavy, ~~rr.. :~oc'k~I~~r ,!-Ill ~\r~";o:;'°J~~ ' r~:::Ypot~ even though they might fit the ma- tern "riD led In.lde Ibe book. ~~ cenlS, terial. will detract from the cool CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. look you want to eccomplish. Stay SEWINO 630 8IDlb well. 81 •• ChI.ar. ·7 . DI. with the very slmpJe edgmgs, be Enclose 25 c:enlS In coins lor .aell they lace already made, or ' cro- pOllern desired. cheted by you on the material at PatlerD . No . .. ",,_ ..... 51Ie , ........ hand, Name .~. ~ .~ Contrasting binding. are very Acldr... .-••••• .'f' •• • ~ o. neat and cool. especially when Chosen in the cool , colqrll ' already 1=============== mentioned. ' Any of the colors woUld be appropriate with white, Kllp ~o.t.d Valu•• and should be chosen to highllght ODe of the color. used cn your alt Ida I • • • • • • • • • ." • • • • • • • •
eause It wggests caIrn, Anything :wrJnk).ed or even slightly solled ahould be tossed aside because It Burgesta con!Us1on and turman, and accent. the eUecttl 01 the weather. Some amart homemallr:ert we onb their sheeren cottons and Unelll durin, warm wea'ther, and ~ey starch th..e Ulh~' 10 the)" are amooth an4 eool locIdn, and an unwnted appeal1lDca dur,dQa. Add to ille'. their ,I'IIahtwet:Jd1t cUahea aDdl frOlte4 aDd 70U ha~e loine Idea of l llaw cool '1ooJdDa tmb1ea CaD reilly ~; It'~ -important not to ov~!rload the table,' but to keep it as orderly al pou1ble, A alDlle bloslom in a .mllD. ,d ainty bowl·ot' cl"ar water CaD' ~ more .eUecUve th8Jn a wbole I,Dllalllled arran,ement of :ttowers. ...... CoHCID BcmmMia • Attractive DoWe. . Bale A'tter )'ou've checked :,our sup. 1Il.1 of table linena and decide that :rou need lIome tint aid In that depUialent, check )'our supply of
old cotton remnants. Old tableclotbJ, sheets, towels an,d pillowcases can often be made !Into a set 01 doWes and napkins. White may be used successfully to achieve' a cooI'look, but you may want' to renew the finish to some extent it the material is old and somewhat wilted. Launder It care1ulb' and let it dry in tbe sun to bleaph 'i* ·out. For ,a ny stubborn atalns, use a bleaching solution, carelully and let dry. , ttle cottons' 'a.r e shec~r, 'you'll want to .tarch them ratber stiff. but'·tbJa may be done Bft,~r you've f1n1spea .s e win g or decorating them. When ' heavy. textured fab1:IC9 are used, you can dispense with 'most of the trimming since these ma"rla!s have enotlgh interest In themselves. • ; Other acurees of material may Include organdies, atarched volle or mae.- linen toweling. See what )'Ou bave In the way of leftover ma~1al.a from previous sewing. If the aearch 71e1da llttle, you mJght cbect remnant coun~r. aa a lOUl'Ce. 8houJ4
)'ob dec 1 d e Oln colors, wbIte cottaiIa, aa weD as o,t her fabriel mlIbt be tinted or to 110 with cUabea Jou bavi. to tint paatell 1D • walb jut WanD water. llbadel oj blue.
,au'I1 probab~ waDt to water, 1'be8e abould be QeJqao tile CIOIara
••••••• •
1 1 , 1 ' 01 • • • •
on 8, Rudlnl the
of dlIIhel-
For porch or larden eaUn" when JOU may have cho.en checkl, plalda or -prints, use • white or at lea.t one of the ba.le: 'colon In ' the materlah Uled. If POlllble, have It ·1n blue or lIlean slnce thele
moit eool1nc. ' . U ' you 'do -not want aeparate cIo11leI ' to, .ach Plat. aettfna. :FOU may dee1de on ruJ1III1'I. U.. one of these doWn the canter of the table, and ona OIl each aide, Tbele arl e.peda1l;y ea.,. to Dlake with limple hand or machine hlmmJDlI when JOu are Ulln, towelin, Ilnce lbe 1'1 or 18 Inch widtbJ tit tablea nicely. Those who want to save OD laundry will undoubte~ dlsPeni8 with matchin, napk:lnll and will use the paper product.. Here again. 'w hite would be the belt choice 811 it goes with any cj)lor or a combination of severaL ' Croc1ieted dollies lend a cool and hosty look to tablel, 'parijcularIy when the), are of a Ilmple pattern. White is the most popular ahade. and when atarched; they will ,Ive you as neat and attractive a table as It's poulble to have. Nap.klns to match crocheted donlinen les may be of cotton
Heavy, lormal flower, fruit and othe.r arrangements lor the centerpiece ar~ out ot pla'c e when )'ou are trying to keep the table as serene and cool as pO,l sible. You'll be amazed at how much' easier Is to achieve the desired , &Uect with easy arrangements. Branches or flowers with small blossoms may be used with more profusion than large ones, and it's an excellent Idea to include some ot the 10liage, with them beoause the green coloring lends cool enchantment to the sununer table. Use the Simplest containers you have. A neaUy woven basket fitted with a water container at ~e bottom oan be a very effective setting tor many ' blossoming branches. It might also be used tor an edible .cenk rplece of vegetable or fruit. Glass containers are very cool appearing, especially when you can see the clear water. U you use these contaln,e rs for sOllle of ' the larger flowers, ,USe only a tew blossoms so, the ~ffect 01 the water can be appreciated, fully, Frogs, wiring and pin bolders, If they tend to ' destroy the effect, are cleverly 'bidden by carefully placed foliage or lIome lIleen modeling cla), patted Into place. Avoid railed, lar,eb' mailed arrangements.. especiaU:r OIl Imaller tablea by trlmmlnl both flowers and folIa,e Vel')' care~. Plan to ~.w 8D1thfnI from the table which mIaht de~ Ita relUul appearaDOe by uatDir tn:rs and walOD8 for brfnliD' In food al ,'!ftll .. for cl.IapoaJJII 01 lOlled chl-
na. Th....... beat nmOftd as IOCID u poallble 10 that the talU it free fIoom c1uttu darIq tbe whole d1DIq perIodt
cuc:iu. ",... II
mch • cheerful earful. And c:riap
to the \ut, EuercY, toO,-plu.
YitamiDl, minerai. and protelnl. Treatrour famUy to their favorife-Ke1IOu'. Rice Krilpla.
One application
MAKES FALSE 'lEE'H FIT for the life of. yo.u r plates If JQur ,,1_. are 100. . .nd .lip 0' batt ...tit lbem (or intra"!, pennloont comfort wic{:,lO(t
Brimm. Pl ••Ii...... nc:r Inip • . Lay sHip on upDef'
or 10",er~I ••e •.• bile ODd It mold. perf'ec:d;',
H,,,,I,,,, orltuli",fi,."d ..",foi-l, Bveo 00 ala rubber p " ••• Brimm. ·Plasli-l.inor IIYe ••ood results from lis mOGtha ID • year 0.1 l o~u. Bad. (oro.or me.. and liother o( compo,,", appU~tiooltbatlast. r.... boUtlord.,..,Sroj>1 ,UPlllna. rockies plaia ...d .ore 1l\UDII, Eat aOJihio,. Talk frecil,.Ba}o, the ",omlon tho .... o' people all the ""WltrJ DOW IC1 with BrilDmI Plud·IJau. ...., ,. IrfII •• Tlllht... False , ..... , _ _ Tutel_ odorleu. b.naleu to tou and.lour pllI ••_Cm be remond .. Per dlrectioOI. Ulen ~,.: "N_ I ....., _,.tbilt,." 111. ••., IMdo
_,...,-. '1.2' (or bot.b plares. At
(or oae plate;'U,
(or rour ...... 110.... IILAITI-UNa, COMPANT, ...... 11; .... ' ...
EI t a blls hed 1850 PAUL A. SCHER ER , ,'," ,.,'" .. , .. .. , .... Ed itor and CECIL IA J. SCHER ER " .. ,,"'.', . • ," ' ,. Sec ret a ry and
T'ul)lIs lh' d 1~1l1. 1'1'1')
J~" 1'1
'l'hUI'H dn)'
~Io r n l llg
SI'colld rlass mn Her nt
lhe postorrl rc at \\ n),nes vllle, Oblo, Subscl.t ptton H il t 5- $1,50 Fel' ~Yenr, In ndvnllctl, In Ohio, $2. elsewb ere
By JANE FIT E ) t embel's of , lhe M.-n's ' ommll n· ilY. l ub en t el'tl\ 11I d Ul II' w i ell to a dinn er at till> . cllool gymnn.slurn, " ' ednl'l'IIIay ",'e nlng. Include, 1 all tho pl'oSl'f\m I\' 1'0 all addr 58 by H. C. 1I11111gnn . MnSon,' and n \'o."a l, dllet by Bnrbnrl l BOgllJl lUlU Mllrl( l BolJllIg l>l', \\'ho ,sn ng "Da ddy '~ LiltIe Girl " w Uh Ml's. Edna. ]30g11li p layl!!g the pillno ILcCOlllpanlrnent , Tho a on Ole ent .. talum nt CO Ii~ ' mUtee W I'e Mr. and Mrs. Thoma !! Welch, 1I'lr, and Ml' ~, Clydt;l Levi ' ~r , and M I', and !\l 1'$. Ii'r d ,h I'wooel,
Mrs, !d lce R ll.d r, ~l1bthel' of .Jus. Rad r. of t lt e \'U\age, I1MS d a,vny . 10nday ~vening at her 110m in KeOKuk, I owa. " Funt' l'al II I'ViCCH were conduc t cl in thnt town Tblll'sda,y, , MI:, J Ilder I'elume d tQ bls bom bere. FrId ay night. \V. . Dro wn and Hiram Oem'gu , of 8,l Igo, have gone to Mo ntIceLlo . Indiana for a (\\'0 w eks v'ncn lion t r ll).
P u bli c tmsb COlle ction has be n resume d, foll owin g n four week 'S peri od when t be s rvlce . WIlS dis· con t inued by t he I'eslgnn tloll o f Leooar d Ounlon , th coll ector, w ho m oved to \ II mlngt.on , George Bell bas been d sl /tnat ed as Gunlon ',
success or,
SmUb, Ham il ton groc,er, is t he o woer or the new d ry good s st ore w bIch baa locat ed ' In tbe
Bogan b~lIdlng, opposi te lbe hig h scbool, on M ain S\ reet-- L. K. Brln. egaI', also of Hamilto n, Is ' ml t b 's associ ate In tbe C1rm. 1' bls 18 t he Urine dry goods store to be e stab]jshed, In, the v lllage for several
Mr, and ~fl' s. II rro~' rl DORtt'r .11 ,(\ thl'lt· (fhlldr n, Cheryl' ,:lIll1 OI'UI'O, of • pringf! Id , were gll,)~ tR 'l'lnll '~' day r Mr, Host!'r'!; ilHl'lmtR , ~11', alld !\1 rs, H I'll I't Dost I '. ow cand idates wel'f' Inltinl d 1010 til \\:l1T II <baptel' of the BllSt el'n SLnr, at l hel I' I'egulnr m , t· ing In l he 'l'emple . Thursu l'\Y (,," enlng. The lu 'u l ol'uer of th, ' Ol'all g ho ld /I Jllc nl,' ti t J ll('o b'S Park, III \Vf'lIinu n, ~I ooday evonln g'. , II', un d MI' S, ·h:1.1'1 S ElIi ~ Wl'r th o guo ls, M 1', lind ~rs, .Le Centel'v Ule, were \' nlng of Mr. 11's. Ida ollln s, ,\11', nnll Mrs, Uleli ll 'ook alld fa mily of jo'rlmkll n , \\". I'e gil .!lI R '1'hIlI'Rd ay s\'Imlllg 01' Mrs. (;ook'!! IIlU' Ilti! , ~II', lIlId M I'll, B('ll Beck tl, M
Lln dn.
'I'j Un eypl '
wa s
f'l'\l lst '1 1111l'$llny III ~ ht of !\f l.!! Om ', b:lrn lJogan , ~1i SR !',lal'sh:l A nn Had I' is t il .. gil s t of I' l ali\' A In J) ~,y IOn ,
M.rs, ' ~" K, 13l'loegl ll', or Hamilto n ,
...... ...... .. !!!~
....... ,... ...... "'-. ,....
(1'lIlllmllll]ll, Ii Jllllillll;i lll:~mmlllll~l!i1l11111111ij~~~I[iirulml!~:111 1~
':"-:'-"- '- --'· _·'-''"'1 '-'1
How toda"- NIW Dodge puts you ..IllS .... ...., ahead
" .t
~ n AT
sp nt th e ",('ek lid wI! h hnr 11Ilp., band, L. K , BI' ill egal'. ' w ho III mUll· agel' of th e new dl'Y g ood atol' ; ber , A "Tom Th,umo " \ 'edd lng Will PI' Rented nt th e A.l\1.Fl. Clllll'ch, Abo Diabetic Canne d Fruita h r (! Satm'dn y evening , The pro· gram \vas under th d lt'eotion of DON'T FORG ET Mrs, Margar et 8lmps<>n . lun Bon , o f Dayton . ,M l's, Su ~ ie Gilliam , who h:ls b e ll t h e houlla guall. or :\Ir, nd ~1 r s. James Rader and fnIlltl y, Cal' several FOOD STOR E IltI.Y5, ret ur ned to h r I lOm e In DIIY' : P~oDe 2541 too Tuesda y. i\<\ ill In IU Ecton. who b nl! been III at hi s home here, Is Improv i ng. pres iding at t be plano. and a redA Father' s DaY program In hIded iallon b y Mrs, Ern estine Moo.... ' a vocal dUIlt. " You're D dd dy's Little M I'. s nd M rs. H . S. Tuck er eDter-' Girl", by Barbar a Bogan and M al'&t talned ,Willi, a f amily" dlnDer at Bol.Up gcr, ww th M l's. Edna Bogall, their bome, Sunday evening , The
rnggedo C88 means you'll spend lellS 'ou upkeep over the years. And what 8a\.iefac tion today's hig Dodge gives in handling ease. . You ' Bee, Dodge is wider, and
A....,..,. _
., &tnt Coot
- - _11 - . ._. _
longer mSJDB to give yoo lots ,of head room, leg roow. Moulder room. Yet even with its )oa~er wheelba ae for maximum riding comfort , ~~ is easier, simplei' -becau se Dodge is shorter OUTSIDB. No ~ulk.y overhang front or rear. IDgh-oompreeaion "Get.Away"
engine gives you fll\shing-,per~
al s atis fac tion to know
tbllt ,Dodge VALUE in roominess m ellllS exb'a comfort every mile you drive- tbnt Dodge VALUE in
(onnan . And thaw to Fluid
Drive, slart.8 8D1istops are velvet smooth . No buCking or jerldDg
-lese gear·ahiftiug, tool See this year's BtGGEB
Dodge at your dealer' . DOW; Drive the new car that PYe8 IDDIt for your money today- in OQIII. fort, ruggednesa, depend.hiII:)'. Stop in todayl ,
o rD i ·...... ..,.te ...... ..... ........,.....,.... .; • a
Broa dwa y at Oakwood ,gu est s were: Mr. and Mrs. John Syterd, at Dayton , Mr. and , Mrs. James :Park IIlld their daugbter s, Peggy and Teryl' Sue, and M r. n:nd 111m.' Ricba:ril. William s and f amily
Lebanon, Ohio
o f Wllml n.,rton, ended t.b' weddIng of Sara Cor· Mr. and 'Mrs. William Dost er , Mr. rlne Furnas n.d Ernest Oook, at tbe i a nd Mrs. Ch'brles 'Doster and tbl'lr ' ~Way n esv llle I" rl ntis cburoh , Sat · d augbter s, Joo t and B arbnm . and urday a fternoo n. . Mr. IUld M r a. Herber t Doster, at· -(C~otlnUed on Erlra Pal e)
1'1 a. ,m .
1 "p. ni.,'
p. m. ·'
,All D'a y
R e fr e sh m e n ts
A m u se,m e n is
"' AN D ,
. Games
~WITH, '~
Dry Ridge
Ilnd keep them 10 there unUl' the Weather clear8 and tbelr hoWle I~
r-~---'--"-"--"-'-"-' -
It Is always 11 (Iueation whether 10 buy 8tarted chicks or day~lds, It YOU Me gOing to pu-t them with BY ,D, J. Fra2ier It III you ha.ve ,to get tbe day-olds bel' lluse tho~e thl'ee weeks or more • JUNEJ III. L!l IlO,'-W hy , 0 11 w hy, old do not need so muoh beat and did ,I bllY IllOtlO buby chi ' I . IInlil r.Jtn get along with sOme 130rt of The coin you earmark for your hank account il a lucky coin becaose it will help I got tho broQ (l I'I' hOlls e I'call ), OVOI' to I'un 1.0 a nd If, they are provide good things for ' your (utuff! _ a (oJ' 'hem . I au p]lose I Itn l' lI' t lllli cover d with something at nlgbt. hornet a cart vacatjori trips, an edu ati~n If 1 dldn ' , I; pt lIorn e I wonld n(,ypr 'I'M hens dhl 80 well wttb then] for your children. Lots of people set aside et th e brood I' bOURI> '"iod, 1111(1 lu st yenl', f bod fOUl' of them but their spare change until they have enollgh' If yo u 1I1" ~ g Olll g to ito. I' ; lUll' chlcl!- olle of then~ only had a very lew or ~h Chicks, I kept 'thorn In the to ~en an account. Why 'don't, you? e ll S nt nil YOLl ht ~ve l o ba'Ve 'Olll brooder' Itou~e but without a stove, J1 w 1111 II " til e CI'Y Y Ill' lInel rt~ t " all I Illre rl'lel' c llick t:1l a1ld AO It J hopod tbat the bens would pro, g~es, nut I II,OW find thnt th e t.ect them when I let lhem out but bl'oodcr bOllso 1'001' l ellk R olu!' Ilii s I lost just about as maoy ,IlS usual, Sl1owol')' wlilli-hel' il II'0utd Il '~ "do over a third. I 8fll along alrlgbt 88 to put t.h em In nnUl thllt Is fI ' 011. loog as tbey are babies In 'tbe brooder bOUse but as ,800n ' as tbey times be did It" then we In~erfered . Une \ as out until t,his morn i ng, I w as planning ,to 11).l6 somo h e llS are out runoJng 81'ound the foxes We baven't cut any more hay be- The wind was so st.ron g thnt It t11411 yeur liS T did los t. hnt h II IIOil, other varmints ' get them, . I cause It III leBS nerve racking to. took 'th e tOilet ,m Bucks lot and I "OUcot d aom o settIng henR and wasn' t too sure last Yilar tbat the leave It In the' fleld even tbopgb thl' W It cl ear o\'er til f ellce, It pU,t tholl). In U ere, to spe whether old tom Cllt wasn 't one at tbe var. It Is gettln& oveJ'ogrGwn and weedy only bent th e t.wo Lop wlrr s ,a I hey w.ol1 ld tn II . ehl k s or not til y l'tt tie. nil l ot oxolted nnd got' away, So lJ1IIHa, but 1 dldu't catch him at It. than to have It lying wet In Win, ,One ye~lI' we hnd BPme pups ' at droW8. It may spoil the second Art.Ul' tir e s tOI'ID we found thu t the o h lekR are sWII In the box: I chi ck time, The chicks began to cutting but there Is not mUCh, we myoId S OIV Porky tmd ga ll " onl took thorn out Ilnrl I'NJ tbe'l Il nild dlfln.ppeal' 80 we began to watcli . c.a,n do about' it. We can only be and gone dOlVn In tho pas ture unu put th ' ID bnc lt lJut aOlnC of them Th ere \Vila II. commotion ' In the thankful tliI~t we got the clover in had fOlJl'lc"1l 'Pigs. T)~ of ' tit III aro l' 8tl ells Ilnd I /LUI going to have chicken bouse. We raD to see and before It rotted. It only got wet are s UIl allye. Tbls qui el , I)B:lceful to' d,o ~omethlng uhout. It, The sun IV hnl we 'saw lV.as: the boideat of once or perliapli some of It twice, , lICe on the' farm! is trying to 'orne out IiIO I; Ol'hl\PS l the pups gOing up Ille run and Into The corn fa, lull or gr~8S and weeds OUI' bee k eel)('/' bl'ollgllt me""'71 C;IUI fi x til J'oor rmtl find 80me n:toro th e brooder house and coming out but It Is too mUddy to ploy and comb of 10Yely II rne y yesl I:day , It hehs 01' eJ a 'fix up some klnfJ of Il , !lov I' and I'alse them wi lJ,IOI1t with a chiCk, wblc.b he gllve to pne, hns ·teen alhOe th e big storm Frl- is the besl i have tl\~l ed I,) a 1011 01' the oUler pups ,l1Jld then wenl '8,y nl' lit. A big ash h oee on our tJmil. Th ey say tbls If! 11 goOd Y -a}, heat. I have dOlle' It befo l'e,,' I' I call make Dl !lome t mpol'll.ry bl\ :- back III and goL a~oiber. Three, pla<;e wae shuck and the eleohol1 8 for bailey and als4~ rOI' wild ~tl'aw .
A Farm Diary
t R~ven ,Red Ash
I I .t
W~ynesvnle National Bank
tel'Y brooders Ollt of obi k bOXIlR
Waynesville Farmers Ex~ ange PRONE 2371
I -(l--"~' , I_'_' " '''''(.'-''~'~_ I;-'I''-'tI "
w ea th el' Is " 0 UII 'llIl ' L tlo an Ylll lng.
when 'p ltD ;! Ill'd s tll·i Rt . ll1ns, N ew Years, FJlllIt I', t C8leql. - WP I'O ollel d: , ered Ju st tbe ,'hlnlr ? \VJ1Y, it would b~ve be en ~Ol, ght sll el" extra /I . gauol) to pa.y rive, teu aI' , fffteell cents r a I' 0 n e ,SolDe \Vere ratbel' gaudy, othel's In good ta~~, bu ' these forel'unners or our modeI'll gl'eetlng oards all catrled tll.e same cliO t)' m e!!tsage, Remembel'1
Many have found our al'mpath" 0f
flnancla' IJm~t•• ' tiona to b. v. r y aatillfylng In' tlleir time of need. '
Phon. 2291
NINGAT: -e:.--.::_
~ u.. v.Dq
"JI6'E' ' F i~ -~ ~ : " j/l,i
' ';'d MIaoiFY; J"I""~
!JD June iw, fu
,,"t.,!;;li Joy an o~Ooker wiU ~'" with pride .~e hiat9ric Site'near
the old iron forge-and a new f~ng. Where the ,Revolutionary ~y. camped 'a t VaHey Forg~, 47,000 Boy Sco~ta will ~itch · tent~ a~ the Natiorial Jam~ree of the Boy ,Scouts of America, observing the 40th Amliveraary of Scoutibg in ,the ...·l1Dited States.' . '
' , .,~Jo-V' ,
'1~ ~ '" ~ ~I'- ~~
..,, ' :;I '.. '~ " ';
! . ,'1 . '
\'l·)//1 j%1;1
Wbere an army of ,men suffered ro win li~, the Boy Scouts ga~~ to 8~n it. · Their Jamboree in the Valley betweeil Mt. Joy and Mt. Misery is a
modern:jorgiDg of self-reli8nce.and, goOd citizenship. . 'The sp~t of GeneralW~t.
'roday's AmeriCaai ill cJuuiutf
viney Forge.
favorite stol'l
tbe t oo noL Olle] 'fb ~ fOl"e
,at your
__ '''''-()",u_'~'''''''''''''_ 'f-''' _' '~II~'
'0 your door ••• or,
barl'les, Un e or 1111> h" ya 1 "'O!lg l 'I -~ . 1 hll 1" 1 Iltp "al'lI ivalli unci III a gl'eat .bu I f:'t i lol l 111' th 111 Lhe l l i r:lo. 1;< 1"11 h l~\' "fil'r- III t 9 h J' dllY, und 1<81" " :111 UIJI 'R 1 ru.', "',, have seen pe onl , ul/\kll1g Illen. II IU IS , My . <lii('I. irnbl,. , do along lho road , 'I' he blll'I. ), i ~ I'HIVly ~" "" d I",) IlapPY 1" 1 I lIlt1flt go to combine, th e CO'I'II Is !>row Ill ~. SU! d u,' l 1':111 110 /lIm,,! 11Imn, T h'e pastilI' IQ \!uuHuaJly Hooel, lil Ol·1J. 1 o f . t1111 t Is 1:.'1 rca dy, ,lJ r , erYHtillg , Is l' I'OWln g' bu t tll lUlJ IJII ~ ~ (lU I' eh IC'I; , ,
' Rem em bel'
--,-,,_. ----' -_.;.
army would join
hapPening at '
We at Tau S_ro have a.pecial mtereat in the Bo:v Seou,-' 40th AnIlIvena17 be-
, eauH ValIe:v Porae U. dOle to the IDch ,LiDea in PeJlDQlftDia. ...., of oUr 1OD8, ad thOle of 01lI' neiahbon ill . . . . .u. . . . the' pipe liDeII. will tab 'put ill the JIIDboree. W. wIIh t-.a weD' Go w. pa-
ttlotlc aclveDlare. -
TR'~N5.ft"lilil=-IO~ CORPORATION Big Inch a~ Llltl. Big Inch pipe Ii~ SYS'lm, haf ten states where Its .mployen bYe and work,
Ea'ilem IS af 306 MIlam Sf., Shreveport, louisiana.
Thursday, June z2, 1950
A Charming Centerpiece
Cit, Cops By Rlohard Bill wllldnsD.a
E INVESTIGATED some queer .Summer Rains Can Be 'I'V.cases but the jewel robbery up at River's Elld Lodge topped them Serious-Soil.Robbers all. Tracy and J' were dumb; 88 Per Cent of Loss Occurs During Season
SUmmer rains can be "soil rob-
bers" that cause serious erosion losses unless farm land Is protect· edl by goo d conservation safe· guards, Ohio State University soils research men point out. . . A 10-year study of erosion dam· age at the Zanesvl,lle, Ohio experl. mept s~ation, showed that more than 88 Rer cent of the soU loss due to rainfall oc curred in the six summer months. Farm soil Is most vulnerable in Il umme~ be-
cause clean-cultivated row crops during those months provide only a small amount of protection. High . Intensity summer rains , caus.e soil losses in two ways, the Ohio research men say. LargE;sized drops strlke the earth with such force" they break the surface soU Into small particles that quick. ly tI11 all surface pores. This seals the soU surface into a hard crust that water cannot penetrate. Ex· cesslve runoff and erosion 10llsel are the result. Mso, high intenSity rain bel\ts down so fast that evel.1 unsealed earth cannot take It al rapldiy 81 It comes. ' Tb10k standi 01 deep-rooted Ie~e" and iRlSel' wm provide a lo1l·proteeUn, cover that will eD' able the land to take blab inteDllty ralna in .bide. To .produce deDie. leaf:y Itand., the leaumea mutt be well .led. 'lba& me~ UmlnI. where Deeded.
A f!ve-point pr~,ram to "balance tHe , .0U·, 'n eed'" and obtabi max!· mum crop yleldl per acre at lowe'st productioD costs, was ouWned by O. T. ColemaD, Missouri university extension .ops speerallat. Here are the stePI Coleman s~ gests: l-Provlde plenty of plant food in avaUable form for growing crops. 2-Have soil tests. made to find 81:1t .....eether the 1118ft' feed lupply: Is in balance. Growin; crops. need ·a balanced ration the , same as do humans and livestock. A soU test will be a guide in addlng ' the kind and amount of plant nutrients tbe IOU needs. 3-Get the soU In condition so crops can use the plant foods. This means building up the organic matter supply. Organic matter can be added and soil tilth improved by growing well-fed' deep-rooted legumes suc\l as alfalfa or sweet clover In the r otation. When the soU Is well stocked with plant nutrients and Qrganlc matter, minerals are released so that plant roots · can more eUiclently use them. 4-Keep water, plant nutrients and soU at home by conservation methods. Where needed, these may include terraCing and contouring to reduoe runoll and erosion losses on upland solls. ~Follow a well-balanced crop. ping system. Rotate pasture and green manUl'e ,crops regularly with grains. Livestock Is a "must'·' to properly make use of pasture and ro~hsge crops. Tests have shown that w~e a crop is pastured off. abOut 75 per cent of the organic matter is retui'ned to the soU thtough Dl4Dure.
Remodeled Farm Kitchen
Savel 45 Mllel Yearly lIIr.. Geara,e C. Wheatcron
of Warren county, KentuckJ. recenUy had a farm ldtcl1en remodeled into • u-ahape, lavin, an estimated U mUel or'waUdn, a :year. She '1 caD now prepare _ tbrH meals and take anJy 250 to 800 stePI where it did take 300 to 1500. ' anel that means a 'aVIn, of a mIlea a year. Bealdel lavin, mUel it Ave. time and II much more attl'acUve,
we're ready to admit that, but, atter aU, we're city cops not prlml· tive wUdemesl natives. The reason ,ve " ~lnut. were caUed lrl . Flotlon wa 8 because H 0 tn e r Liver· more's wile had lost $50.000 worth ot gems, and neither she nor Homer trusted o~ had fnlth , in Eben Jackson, the local constable. Jackson mel us at the station: and It wouldn't talte a sleuth to see he was sore at the Livermores. "I'll show you wbat I already found ' out:· he told us briefly, "theD let you 8martles dope out the rest." . He took us up to the lodge 'and showed where a ladder had been placed against the hous!!. Then he allowed the thief had probably taken his loot and skun off In the woods to 'bIde. Then Tracy bad an idea. "11 we gotta browse around through the bushes we ought to have a native guide." Eben r ecommended Bronco Pete, who, .it seemed, was a guide who didn't have enough' money to buy a license tor himseU, hence was ou t of work. We explained our pre~ dlcament to him and he shrugged Indifferently. Then T,acy flashed a 'S20 bill and he changed his mind. He took tho twenty, and a promIse of two more atter a week's work, and went away. He came back the next morning dressed up In new high-laced boots, riding breeches, a cq,ecked shirt and a big hat. He was mighty proud, ' and looked like the pictures you see of northwoods ltu1des. Well, air, we started· out. We trekked through the woods . for a whole day. Then Bronco Pete led us to a lieler:ted shack. Outside we found a let of fresh footprints, the beels of which were marked with a 'commoD iron cleat. "Chancel are," said Eben; "If we find the owner of the.e here boot-mara we'll have us the tblef. I leen tracks like that around ·the lod,e beneath. ih~ window." ..Pete, ..· I laYI. "find UI the OWl!? II' of thel. boots and there" aD extra twenty in 1&, fw you." Pete .set oU throup the brulb like • 116Und on the Icent. ~.CJ' Ilnd J followed wearll.l. Pete led us stralpt back to the lod,e. aDcl there, lure enoo,h. were marked footprints beneath the bedroom window. '-rIIe t.Illq to do:' EbeD told ~ ai, .... for ,0. two DaIUII.. to lDake ,oanelvea condortable ID &he sbaok. aD' Dab the Wei wbeD he COlD.. home.·'
SCRIPTURE' '1'!!~ Book of .Jonab. DEVOTIONAL READIN.G : Epb~llab • 3 , 14,21 •
Campfire Flavors Are . Easy to Capture When You Broil Meat Cuts
Peevish Prophet LeaSOD for JUDe 25, 1950. THOUGHT he knew better Ja ONAH than G,od, When men s'aid, "Be pl'ophet," Jonah decided to take
YOU LONG for the taste WHEN of campfire. cookery and atW want the convenience of your kite}!.
m, plan some broiled dinners I BroUl,n g gives an Irrestible flavor :0 meats as \Veil as fruits and veletables to 10, " with f,he meats. , " It's a q u 1 c k , , I , method of cook• I , lng, too, lor, ill most cases, the • i j broiler m~d takes only 15 ninutes to one-halt hour to cook . Most homemakers like to plan leveral broiled dinners tor bot weather' because they're so quick md appetizing. Furthermore, since neat, vegetables and fruits can be. ~laced on the broiling tray, there's )nly thnt slilgle piece of cooklng ~qulpment to be washed after djn~ 3e r, in place of several pots and
This broiler meal. reaturlnr beer pelitlcs, topped with onloD rings with a square 01 cheese, browned potatoes and ~om.kles. will be popular with tlle ),oUDC folk. 111e broner shown bere broils food OD both Iides at the Slln~e time; and requires no turnJng. LYNN CIIAMBERS' MENU
'1'0 slmull1 te a real out·of-doors lUpper ' seve ral times a week, plan to serve on gay gingham cloth out on the porch or iIi the garden. The main course, hot and slzzllng fJtom the broiler, Is easily carried out· side. Select meats for broiling from this list: chopped beet or lamb, sausage, frankfurters, steaksl chiCk. en (broilers), corned beef hash, leftover chopped meat, small pieces of meat on skewers, bacon, sweet· breads, pre·cooked ham slices. lamb chops, bacon or sausage. Pre-cooked or canned potatoes may be used with the meats, as well as cooked ve,etallies ~hlcb ne~d limplY to be reheated. .
'Broiled Steak, Au Gratin Potatoes Green Salad, Blue Cheese Dressing He1itcd RoUs Butter Strawberry I,c e Cream Butter Cookies Beverage 'Recipe Given slices m~ly be brushe4 with butter a~d. sprin,kled with brown sugar. HOW LONG MEATS are to be broiled Is entirely a matter 01 person's l preference. In any case, the exler,lor of the meat should be uniformly' browned and be ,plump and 'full :In appearaD·Ce'. Red steak has a rosy red Interior; medium steak ill lIgbt pink, while well don. .teak
a long vacation. He took a .hlp lor a for place 10 far away he thou,ht even God could not tollow. When God said. "Preach to Nineveh," Jonah decided that was the 'very thing , he did not want to .do, When God, said. in ellect "Be a mis.Iona~," Jonah thought he would rather be a tourist. . Of all the prpphetl on record, - Jonah Dr. Foreman was the peevish one. The remarkable and unique uttle book of Jonab Is perbaps thc most mlsunde.~tood boek in the Blble. Nobody knowl bow much ink has beeD wasted on . the whale. (whloh; Incldentany. wall not a whatc but a fish!). whereas the real mesllare of Jooah Is IIOt about whaleo at aU. n I, about taldDl' the me8sa,e God to the most unlikely places in the world: it II the story ot bow the ~ery people who ought to be do in&' U. sometimes won't do U.
Does God Care?
the good rea:sons Jonah CONSIDER might bave glven for not going to Nineveb. They are like the rea-
sons people IIlve nowadaYI ~or not bel1evinll In foreign missions. (A mission to Nineveh was abOut as foreian 'a mIssion as anyone could bave thought of, In those days. RealOn amaber one: The NlDevUes were lDeaD ,"pIe, 80 Ibey were. A..yrla • ., whlob NlDeveh was Ibe capital' City. haa done. and woald de larael d.ere hanD UuIIJ aD7 e&ber eDemy she had, 'lbe Ninevltes were an unscrupu· lous. areedy people. The, !me:w no law but fo~ce. :rhey spread by violence into m8D7 a country. TheT were the !Jatlon !Jobody ·loved. Sbould the mel.a,e 01 God be JlVID to such a cilly? JODab thou,bt DOt; God laId it lhould. And of coune God wa. rlaht. If the mel'llI. 01 God had been leni o~ to people. ' and nattOn. that ·'de.erved" such·' a favor. God', mellengen lIiOuld aU have Itlyell at home •
Lovely as ao Uelr.loom ERB'S A 23-inch oenterpiece that's lovely enough ror an heirloom piece. The popular pineapple motif is used for the border, . the chrysanthemum center Is as graceful as can be. Perfect entry for a crocheting contest I
P nllern No. 6968 conol"18 or CO'llOI te croclicllnll Instructions, malerlal raqulrements ~Dd flnls hullI dJrections. .
!ISO II.Dab Wdl. S&., CbloolO 'I. III. En~lo."
20 cen1s tor poltern.
No ........ : ....,
•• • ••••••• , ••••••••.••.• ••.••• •.
Addre.. '"
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••• •
•••••••• I I ••
Each With Your Own
Broiled Lamb ()bop. DIDIIer (Serves 10) , ~WI/DO lian 01 4~911Sfute·~iNerware 10 pear halve. plnlt. S tabJeapoens melte4 bllHu A minute or I tomaa-.'" halved . . two before atealea ~.",," % cup cHopped omoa are suPpoled to kELLOGG'SVARIm Sa.. aDd pepper be cooked ac. PACKAGE P _ _ a ClIeeae cordln, to pref. • 1..0...., 1IIl"'U'IIranI 10 Iolla Jamb· oMps (aboll&-l.erence, c ,u t a Wck) , ,ash nellr the ,boile. turn back I teupoou IIllU Jel17 meat aDdl .ee if it meets ,~ur de· PanIeJ' alre.; Drain pear halve. thoroulhlY. euroUec1Iteak, Aa OraU. ....a Bruab ll,htly with butter, Bruab (Sen_ .) Wlt!atou W4b butter, Spread 1 tea· WIOta..... coebd _ . . . . . lpoon 01 ' onton 1 ~ .,.p. tbID oream clIIiIoe ' , on .acll balf, ~ cap d1arp rratecl clleele .ealon with Silt ~ 01IP fIpe bread cnmha an!! pepper and T.....1Ie .teak (1~ .. I • prlnlde wit h ' ....... Wok) • cheese• . Arrange Pla~. p~atoe. in bUin, i:lllh and lam~ choPi 011 ;co"ter witlll cream lauce, MIx cbelle 'I'oo Far From God 'broUer and broil and crunJbl and spr-ead over io\). EASON number two: Nineveb II TODAYI 8 to 10 minutes. Place po't atoes in the oven let at a Jong. wa7 off. IJ;ldeed it Turn, if nee ea· 400- ' and let bake for 20 minute•. wal. To reacb Nineveh, . Jonah 1C............." ...........c:........ PIMae 1BIIIl_ .......8~ture" tea• ary. Arrange Plsce Iteak on ' brollinll rack.' and would have to pass through at ~... with. followlD, hiltial ....... tomatoes ~ n d broil unW dOne. For a medium rare least • dozen other cities, all ,"ouach'whet oU IPOC!,Da,J en'IT WASN'T a pleasa,Dt prospect, pear balve. on broUer, and finisb l\eak, the broUing time required . . . 1 wblt.-.tar end from KeDou'_ ... but It seemed like the onI:y bet. broUing. another 8 to ID minutes, will be from 20 to 25 mJnl,ltes for the of which no doubt needed preach,' v~ .~. &Del '1~ lIa oom;. erl. Were 'there not enough people or IlntU dellree of donene .. desired thiclmeu mentioned, above. ' at home who needed preachln,? Of ~•••• j . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is reaohed. Just before serving, BroU~ BalD 'wlth Lima. , . , course there were .. '. Only Jonah place · mInt jelly In pear halves. (Sene. ,U L did not preach to them. He had a , AMte•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• wonderful miSsionary ollPortunity GarnJlh wi~ parsley. ,, .1 halD. ".lDcib thick ... Qr••••••••••••••• z............ ~ •••• Broiled Baapre and PlDeapple , 1 -coPlf cooked lima beans . ' there on the sblp. Every man of , or. ."...." '" u. I., ""'IecI Ie . . the crew was a heathen. But Jonah --~"!I!!!!!~!!I~-"!:.,---(Serves 4-8) ' ~" Salf aDd ,epjer . , . was tast asleep. . 1 ponnd sausa,e (~" or blllJl) f ~ c1l:P~. ; ~te4 American Thla Is ollen too ttae, Peeple 4-8 slices pllaeapple "bel~ . wiD proteI' abOut rorel.... ml.. , Leftover potatoes, pe~s and t'IlQP_ mpefruU "JDlenta aloas: why send preacber. and carro.l. ~ iable..ooa. bulter docton ancI teachen and mODt ta".eapocma, ' brown !"Ipr Use sausage links or form bulk act 'ar away? Areo·t there ' sausage into patties. Arrange on BroU '\lam until lightly browned, plenty of heathen rl,M at bomeT broiling pan. Arrange pineapple , about 10 JDlrlUtes. Hea.t lima beans Of coarse; 1i1lt )'oa WOD" OtteD next to sausage and place potatoes, and pile ~In top ot'ham: season with ,.lnd the objector to 'ore!rn .~.. halved, and peas and cartots in pan salt .and pepper and sprinkle with .Ion. dow&" much about It, underneatn sausage and pineapple. c:heese: To one side ·of . the ham. Any church that Is awake and ·BroU Untll sausage and pineapple place ,ra,pe~t segments. Brush active in supportln, foreign mis· & browned, .Note: Pineapple with buttl!r and,sprinkle with sugar. slims will be fO\l8d to be just as Reduce heat and broil until cheese sUve and Intelllg€nt in meeting the melts andl il'apefrul~ browns slight- problems of the nelghborbood. 17· • 41! • j • Be was mlrh&,. proud. .and • \ looked Uke the pictures 'You Bee Judge T"e World Broiled ()blciten , REASON number 'three: (This of Dort,hwoods culdes. Clean two-poun!i chickens thorsounds like a sIllY reason, but So Tracy, and I bought ourselves oughly, Split'. down tPe ~ back and Jon!l,h actually' pu~ it forwardsome supplies, and moved Into the fiattep,. '~I t by IIressing with tqe Jonah 4:2.) God it! too good I What .shack. . . Mnds. B!'ush skin and underside 'was the use of preachiJ\!J ,to Nineveh,. The thir~ doy" Eben dropped with , but~ii,;" then ' season with salt Ji)nah wanled to kno~, if' God was around to see how we were doing. and pepp'e... The chIcken may first . . going to be graciouS' and not deWe told him in no uncertain terms, be placed In a hot oven to cook stroy. the city· wrth , nre from the ~ea,0C4 and if be wanted to speU us for a fOil 15 to .20 minutes, then in the skY,? ' I. haU,y ....I-Rulllent hu.,. day we'd split the reward. ...u;e:-no we..... nla. embO..IIJ, lOt' broiler ' to complete , the cooking. If God Is ,good anll ~erclrul. lou.,ln.. " . • "Mean It?" be said. another 11:; to 30 minutes,. depending . by should we bother , ahout coatlag-Thlrd eoai rood "Sw:e we mean It. You lay your upon how done one likes It. :endinr mis810nades anywhere? ~I".nt .... m.1 on .olil lao.quer.. oli tin. hands OD !pc ,thief. you get $2500 BltoUed Beef Pattles Won't be Ave even' one any. I ....... rlap-BuUt.ln II.. III •• cash." (Serves 6) bow" Isn'& God '00 ,ood to ru;p;;ulhlon .sal ... , Jar rim. rOI "Come with me," he said. hi.h "acuu-ma. ,1 pound groand lieef . Judl'e the world? He took us directly to the jaR L E.llew "off" 100- F..~luII •• · SI~lt and P,epper JOlfab , o verlooked' the fact that lh.read 4~~'- ' prowld. . ea.y "00, lind pointed through the bars at a , Brolied hilive. of chicken are end ~ CIlIP' cblU sauce God had mercy, on the Nlne'Vite's prisoner, Bronco Pete. dell"btfully . br~wn and juIcy Ii 1:".. ·. . . Pa·o Jdag - 1'10 • 2 hblespoons fIDe ~read . because they repented. Nowbere in C!!L~' '0 .......,.....c .. ed 1'.,,1. t_ WeD, sir. this was' It: Bronco and make a deliclous' ma.in dish , 51111. GUI . . . d, to U_ aumb. the Bible Is there I!ny encourageI , had CommUted the ' thet. aU when ' served wit b wholc. 8 oll~on rID,.. ment to believe. that God has mel'l:y broWned potatoes and tomalo rl,h'. but 1& didn't do hlm At *_~fIIl5~" Season meat with salt and pep- on the ' unrepentant. To aU , who moeb ,ood. because be ooudo" balvel. tie vegetables are per; blencl In chili sauce and bread turn to him, God Is gracious; an,d , cUspose of the jewel.. Nor placed in the broiler just a. few crumbs. Sqape Intq ..Ix fiat patties the job tlf Uie. missionary, . whatcoak! be tipeJUl tile 150 ID calb mlDutes before tbe chlckon Is. CAPS&UDS . aDd top with onion 'rln~s: Broil untU , ev,er else he does, 1/1 to persuade .... dooe. be'd awlped aloa. the roclus. , plump. brown and don~, al desired. people to turn to God. "Be ),e rec. beoaJlle be balln't worked rol' --!.---~------..,..concUed to . CUId.!' said Paul, the mODtha, and to do 10 ·, woald LnN SAYS: Keep b ;roUer paDS washed after areat pbr~t1~ missionary. II have aroaed II1IIJlIOIOIJ. 'l'be8 Learn to Use Broiler ~aCb use the' fal and , clrlppinis rebels will pqt la;, down their arma. " came alolll and ad.:anoecl .- Wisely as Possible from meat, fisb aDd fowl Will essUy bow' can there be an amnelty? 111m '" and be boqh* lIImaelf Catch the drippings that come turn ranc.ld and make your clean· The peat ttaPd, of Ja.... • Dew ••UIt wilb It. IDclJullq from meat and poultry when bron.' lI'eatt~r 11 you let it 11,0 , 1_ .. IIie trapdF .. If..... : a new pair or bOo&. wUII clea' Ing fowf and use it to season 've,. PlaD !»i'oUer mea.. for a time Get! ...... Ida people to wID , marlus OIl &he b.1a. Appl, Black Leat 40 to etable. 10 that no vitamins '1nl,i min· when YOIl h.ve leftover. cooked &he woi1c1: JIM ..., ~e larooall with lIandy Cap Eben was luspicious because be erals In the drippings are lost. veaetablea on band that , can b. ,,:ron. IIIe1 oeue4 eYea . . B~ Fauns rile, 1I0llni knew you couldn·t buy a fancy cos- . Wheb broiling fowl or cuts 01 beated wlth the meat; otherwi.., Uceandtoathermll...blle _ w1a1i .. fie . . . . . ......,. ,&lib.. clllcUlli Derab. Ofte-oaaoce tume like Pete had for lea. than meat or- fisb that are lean, area.e .... caane or freably cooked ve,!han Ibe _ e traaedt .ve,. tnall 60 r.. t of rool.. tsO. But Eben ~t us ahead with the broiler .0 that ' food wID Dot .table•• ' . ' &A'ke ""'lIt(a1db.! .: -90 chick... DIrec:tJODI the cue. aa per the reque.t of the Itlck to 'It, , ft. eke the cut 01 meat P! Alk tor Blacll IJvermorel. t11l we Jot fed up; tW, .... dependable Do not allow the broiler tc»' be- broDed. 111. further awa7 from the at man, ...... iD fact. we offered to apllt the .... come overheated as WI w~ cau.. beat of ' lbe flame it Ihould be. ..ard. amoke In the kitchen. ,..-.
• •
alii , ~
with I,Her caps
'3'ftU 5
z. .,....
Thund ay, June 22, 1950 PAGE SEVE N
- Scrap Plywood Makes These Charming Items
By Len Kleis
PROFIT ABLE So. Am.rlo.n Cblncbl ll.-
~~~r'~r~~ara~~eetl~?d~f:r~o~r~ pa ir S850 -term • . Writ. &to mrb IIlr •• I. Werlhlne 1on. Obi.. ' DOGS. CI\'l'S. PETS. ETO.
TWO bellolllo l pure.br. d slnm el e k , 184l Rubur; no •• , Oolamb" . l :i. llhln. 0111 •• Telephon e Kln • • woot!
.,.mp, Book-e ada and Boses
you WILL be delight ed wltli the
beauty a'nd usefuln ess of these piecl!!I. Use quarter -Inch plywoo d. Any scraps left over (rom a: pre, vj~ job wlll do. ' , tI
:TT!'i~T~pNyo~:>T~a'f.~,~-~~~~d l!':-~d~~ FR~E? Se nd y our n am e and a ddress.
K e eplil rt.ke r'lIt1nl Shop. BeU Buckle. Tenn. 8 GIANr Eulal'lem ent. l rom roll o r nego .. tlve. 30c (spe cia l offe r !. l6-55c. Bon. 8tadl~ • • BOll 17M !\!, C I. . . I"nd G. OhIo. '
p.ttem contaln. IIep.by-a tep dlreeUon fO'i'iiir.~r. AllO trnc lD, patt,rn. or fln.. ~~ t'!.,.Jt~. for decoratln ll. Prlc. of J
LOST NEGATIVET S8.n d picture with sue for nepdve and two 5 x 7 enlul'em cnta.
a •• r.r. Dill,"
WALTtR.. Sta. 8. IIu 1310. C _ 3. . . .
C IlAll,MIN G II r. Duncalow . roc k consl. : lV... acre, 60 b earin g g r a pefruit a nd Orange tre es , 2 ca r .rDr .ge. e ele,. 12 mile. w, 01 Se1)aaUo n" c nhoul Indi a n River. saooO. TermsBoS" 01 . Fell s mere. Fla.
'l'OUR BfRll-IOA'I'.
REAL ESTAT E-MISC. CAM!' 00 Il.Iool oonnlo" Creell-a -slory [ra me on Moun t n lns lde. lnrQe recrea tion ro.o m. full baseme nl. kitchen. Ins ide lava-
~~'Jth r':,~nl:j~n~:~~~' on~y~:r~~; u/n~;~
owner dls ab'led v . f h an. Write Amo. D ..... rd. Klnnleon nlck, X,. .. or e..11 Ar' F.onder. CO 2800. ' ,
COOL ATLANT IO Ocean Br•••••• Low Rates from M DY l.t to D. c. III • • t the beauUlu l Gr.on 0 ••• 0 110101 Apar"
mentl. 115SS ColllI.. MI.ml, FI". On the AUanUc Ocean.- Prlva B a thln, Beaeh, Private parkin!! . lot. le to the mJn,ute, modern. bea uWully · Up lurnlshe d apartme nt holeL. Elich apartme nt conlain.; bedroom with twin bed. ; living room; full klt<hen & b a th. Complet service. Ratn, ~,OO per week e hotel 2 In apartme nt. 10 Il10 r .. duellon for forSchool Teacher .. Mal<e r •• erYDUOnl with 10" deposll. • ACCEPT ING re.enaU on. for summer vac n llotJer' s 01 Otl;ego L a ke In Northern Mlc:hllllln . Modern log cotlllge. w llh aU convenie nces. Boa ts nnd linens furnishe d. ReasonD:~,,:-:!:s La~~~\~. Relort Bo" 11511 Ga),lord. JIIlo"'. "
Planning for the Future? Buy U.S. Savings Bonds!
PANi?'I~~j RelleYa Soren... Aches uul Pains of the Muscles. ' Sold at aI;I leading Drug Soo.....
A ,ample bottle FREE by eendinr thia ad to
Mrs. W. E. Connell, 800~ Forre.t· St., Gadsen, Ala., was "Nervoua tired when I got up in the momln e, had no-appetite, 10lt weight ancJ food jolt didn't taate SOQd at all." .Then, ,be beeame 'one of the eountlesl thousand. wbo took BADAC OL on the advice of hlr druggil t. - But all that .ufferln~ ill over nov becau~ BADAC OL·, bas helped 'Mra.' Connell juat al It bal 10 many otherl , who were Buffering from ailment . Or aleknel. caused by deflclenelel lIf Vitamln l 'B1,' Bt , Niacin and .Iron. She ha. taken about 10 bottles of EADAC OL and Intend. to continue takille tblt wonderful medlelne. . ' Llile Ne. Pillion
lin. ConneD
"I "a.
tired lD the momln ,l
Whethe r 10U aha for the blue-ribbon of the expert or the dinner. time Imllell of 10111' family, Jour best auaran t.. of lueeeu I, the balanced dO\lble aetlon 01 Clabber Girl BaklDI' Po.der .
,tll'Id whell I eDt up In th., .omlq . r ,bad no appetite, 1 loat weJaht alld food jUit didn't talte aoocJ at alL TheD I beard about the wonderfUl nlulb that other lolb were "eWnl from J1ADAC OL ~ taldq three bottlel I felt 1Ik1 a new penOD. I haTi a huae appetite , I aID 1I0t
1 jut f"1 wonderful, thanu
,WftJa c.rtala tr
••• btullM It Sa HId on a
back pann t-. BADACOCL ' II IClentl:fteall, lormula1e4, compollll4III to htlp nil lit that woD~.rful, WDIlderful BADAC OL feellq. Ri· fIlM I1Ib1tltu~ Don" 1st '!I'on. try , to ' eon.mce you that .omatb ln, .... , fa "'Juat " ,iood'" IDaIat 011 the &'GUIDe BADACOL You CIII't ~ a eat, . .11M WI HId on a Itrlct iaaD.,.beek ....rantel. YOII'll '''' . . . . with the lint flw boW.. .,oil taU, • JOV mOJll1 wW be reflmdad. TrIal ' list, 0DI7 SUI. IMat' ~ or Hoapltal .Ist, ..... If JOV ~ 40411 DO' ....... , lI1DACOL. Ordir direct troa Th. IABJaDo Corporation, Ware ", LcndaIua. Senti DO.IIlODey.lut JOU .... aDd adclnn .... ptIlQ poet
..... Pa,
Slate wh'" ,.. ~,the ....10 1IoQI tal..... .,
.. •
me. ......_.
Al 'c oh oli cs . ..... .HM .. ,.. ... ••• ..... _aHa..... LI...... ' llOK' nol'J.a Ia ~:.= .:::.:::~
_rl ••' ....
; . . . . . . . .1 .erle_ ••••_~ te.l..
P~"' , ..... M. . . . . . . . ., ...... or "r&-
Tllb MIAMI GAZE 'ITIS, • •~I~lllmlml~mlllrnlllllllllllll~IIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIII~lllll1!llllll11II~1111II11111!ll llm:!l lllrull mlllll lllllllllllllllllllll1!lllljl:1!!1Iwmll~!I"II:
The Land Bank Way
Frn :lcis Gene Brown, Phone MAY BE PAID OFF W aynesville 2472 or caJl col-' ANY TIME Ie '(, Wilmington 2 i i i . Long Terms Are Safe (l Jpl \)\(ear a t 0/. ) WARREN BRADDOCK A Farm Organization For ' Top Soli. Raullnc; Sand. Gravel
WIlYDenllle. Ohio Way_,vllie 21111
Phon e:
LEBANON, OHIO . Phone 448
60 O8Ilta EL.L IS, H. S·TURM , Sec'y.Treas. · cub Ic ~nrcl Wf'o 10180 deliver. AlU(l'lrAUI': .It SON. Pbone ;/091. . tl ,-------· ~F---------I~Ul\u.lIm All klnde.ln aU lea-
SUNDAY l~ull
Al so Sh ee p, C al v es. C olts, Removed Dally
AmI l.:wglls [.'01' Entire Filmily
KlIn llrled All orderi. large or smail will be delivered Hog Bouses ACY LAMB. Phone WBynosvllle 2701 .
et c,
A 1NI'lT
JUNE 23, 24
MAO~/ '
FOR SALE - ~ w .." t Potato plll,tlls. ClOc Ilel' bu lid r e d. A 11 kinds ~r gal': d lhl pluut ll l;,c I,er dOlleD. Charles
Wtlmington 2362 lebanon 439 INLAND. PRODUCTS, Inc.
~~~~~~~~~~~ C. ,troll!le, I l,iJ 1I,lles no rt h at cor· ...;. n El r oC W"YI .es vlll", LY l lu a ll d Perry I TRY GAZETIE CLAsSIFIED); . roa!la . X-ll·18-25- G- l · ·16-22
W, B. News
wld lbs.
R,e llsoDllble prices .
gtbs and
HORSES $2.50 COWS $2.50 H OGS .25 CWT
aft DavIs )''urnas PIt.
1\ nd
cartoon -
E:rctivaUnl Wtth Rllc' Hoe. Oraa·llne and Bul1dor.ar·
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
In -
Du", "1 FUI~GLn TO CALL 1I ' for insil rnnc e . All types of in ~ ur :Ln c e nl a sav ings. Call
No Fees, Commissions or
~UNE 22,
TWIN ': TBEATRE. Waynesville, Ohio '-
-THEY GET RESULTS FASll" . 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!11I11II111II"IIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIII11II11I1I11I11I11II11IIII11I1I1I1I11I~illlllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i lflOGS PROCESSEDAll fresh. :Ie , . iii per PI unIt. Waynesville Locker __ __ ~~~~
~~""'I """~
~~~f4 .-:.
(; - ]. S. Ui, 22. 29-7"-6,13. 2(), 27 -~--.,----- ! F )R SALEl - S l l:awbe rrle. Ima I'el t' rsoll, P.c\llll'; ok d . l'bu IL o ~2 41. G- ll·15·22 !{ 9 1~ . lHH \1UtlrL
SMITH'S Dry Goods Store
----- - -- ..........- - FIll ElH - Drc I.s.'d 11 111 d 'wrIlPpor)
Phone 3171 . 6- , 15, 22, 29. - 7- 6. 13, 20 . 27
-- --, - - h------NOW READy l'ysunlh mlllu s.
. .1
:Malu street. ' Phone 2551. X- 6- 8.J.6-22
SA~·cylllld er
. .
: '. '
Rt. 48, 5 , 'mi. south of
160 acre home·
.,D4 .'8.011 ~ Nortp:west La.nd Service. 112 Eo J!IIgbth Ave., AD.aoonda. ,
P.C)R SALlQ - Photo~ll[lhlc dfl'play C&lse. Self O. M. Rid \l:e, Main street.
LIve Wire and Progres8lve. An . organization seconil to none. Strictly sellers on the best allaround' market In .the country.
1IIIIIIIIIIImllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllli m!l!IIIIII11III11II1I11I1I1I1I1I1III11I11II11I1!II!IIII1I1I11!IIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllllllllili
F ri ends X-6-22-'lt
He,me. Waynesville.
BAIRD'S ~ - ' --...... _ _ r of Ricksha , GENERAL · MERCHAN~ISB ~e:: 3e:::~ ~~ ~e s~r~~~ ..
'f ,""
, L Y 'II L E
.r~ Goble. JjlP~ ,In 1854 with
'. '
.. _
Opel 5;30
m.lo 9 p. m. Suld.,s 7;30
Way~.sville .
WaynelYllle, Phone Warnea,vllle . .
. . '"
GUillt," J-Y~LE
J. W. Wedgewood, Minister Churcb Bchool, 9 :80 'A.M .• Mr. Harold Earnhnrt, Supt. Worship 8erYlce. 10 :30 A.M, Youth FellowshiP. SUnday. 7:00 PM ' . . •
B. E. Baulhn: Pas lor Unifie d Service. 9:46 a. m. ST. ' MARY'S ~PISCOPAL '
e Rev. Samuel N. Keys Recto~ Sunlla.y: 'Uoly Communion,' 8 a. 'II. ~J'lmary ohuJ'ch school 10,30 a.m . (Ages 0 through 8J .. ' .'J\diJ1t WorshJp, 10:30 a. m.
_ ' .. _11_ ' _ _ 0_ _ _ _ CHRIST STOCK H, H. Cotter, Minister
Bible School, 8: 80 A.II.
William ShanbOIl, MI~ster .Sunday School, 9:30 A.M., Mre. James Garrison, Supt. • Preaching, 1st. and ' 3rd. .Buudays of each month, 10:80 A.III • Evening Bervlces. 'r:80 P.M.
Morning Wontblp, 10:80 A.M. 8T. AUGUSTINE C",URCH . 'Voung Peopl..' MeeUng, 11:46 Father R. H. Krnmholts, Pastor P.M. Maue•• 8 and 10 A.M. Evening Service, 8: 00 P. M. , Pra),er Meeting and, Bible Study CAESAR" CREEK FRIEND8 Wedn..da7. 8 P.II.
A" Stock Removed Dally t-" . 'or Small - Call Collect
Xenia 454
i .i~.......c
Bible ' School, , 9 i30 A.M, Morn'lng ' Worship, 10:80 A.M. Brayer Meeting; .7 :00 P.M;. 'Voung People's Meeting, '1 :00 Evening Ber~lce", 7:90 P:M.
HOrsEll! $2.60 Cows $,2.50 Hogs 26c Cwt.
Insula.tell BrIcks aDd , asb... t08 ,Siding. Sheet mo~1 'Wort of all kinds. Local Retereaocea. AU work guaranteed. '
m. 10 9 p. II. .
.' . Bob
Phone 37371
_ a_a __ n_ a- '
New and Recapped ~- $8:95 $2.00 Trade ,In .Allowance' Lubricating Service Firest8De Accessories
Byron Cary,er. Minister
~~ara.e I'
ROOFING Of All Types
Spring Valley, O· '.
~dcI Waler Oilce A Year
Installation and Gas
Spring Valley Hardware Co.
who visIted Commoilore
--"--~'-'---"-"-"';"" . P'rr:ry· r;;=;;;;;~;;;;;;;;:;;~;:;;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;~~;;;;;;~=~~~;:;~
Ask About our Price on
Exide Batteries Fireston.e. T;ires
Bottle Gas. Sales - .Service
_0_ - _... - - 1-
FOR Buick C lIpe. JJlack, ' old model, good coud ltlon. small .. ' " , . 1Jlileage. lSleVel" I)ut 011 owner~ .~~_ D _ tl _~--:O_"' U _ II _~_ a _ D _ U _ Ii _
CUSTOM SPRA Y 1 O·fOI' weed k.lll· inJ!r in corn, al so 2·4. D sp ray mao telrfals f«;lr sale. \V n.lt.er Sheehan, • Ph. 2991, Waynes\'l1le, 6· 2 2.~9-,--'1·6
For- Dally Market Report.: WHro Dayton, 12:60 E.S.T, Dial ' iaoo; WLW Clnclnnn.t1, 1240, Dial .
m.:=====~=~=====~=======~ .
fol' olc. IUGar", VIRSArlm rASY.TO.OP'.,," 'Also other Government lands . as St!lP In · and 1M Ihe ou,llandlng new I low ils, $1.00 per acre up. For In.. S'.'NO"flD Iroctor modeil. I 111m.. tOll'lOatiOD all atates sent poltpa.1d laving allachments. . ,
PHONE Centerville 7056
GARDEN TRACTOR I BLl3ad tracts now avn.Uable . ";,,'" t8Jl'IDlng. dairying, ra~chln g.
FOR REN'r~2 be drooms. Mrs. W. H. ?tladden, Bigb street. tr
__e__Ch_"_~_.__s_pr_m_g__ V_al_le_y_3_7_19 __ B. X-o15·2 2-29
Roy E. Smith
h lo. Ilh~OI} 1107R.
. In
X 6-8-16:22 WANTED TO " RiiNT-House un· ': furnJabed by couple "'w ttti' school JOt
Especla\1y For Farms .FOR QUICK SALE CALL'
LOST - Blue pocketbook, between Wn.yueavlUe and Lebanon Sunday night. Return vaiun.bles. Mril. Ellile tfmerbrn.n. 566 Clncl.nnaU ~venue,
~lIIllmlmllllll~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~lIl11l1ll1illlmllllllllll'"III!ll lm il li m '11 mllIl IIIlIlIllIllIIl Il IIllI Il IllIlIllIIIIl IlIl III l IlIIl IIlIlIIIllIlIlIlIJI IIIIIIIIIIII~
BUY~ wAln~a
FOR SALE - Strawberries. Irvin lIIulford. Waynesville Route 2. / X-6- -15·22
store ·that trim. IIID&I't look. make It look lib ani
In Technicolor
tOlrcycle. first class s bape. $375.00 l h lnry Relbl, corn I' 7011 and Mason Be'thany Rds. X-6-8-11i-22
SOlId new. If JUt y~. lult loob worn l1li4' . sbabbYl Seud It to ua - ,we'D. ....' I
. . . ... ,.;. ~~~~~~~~~~~~lq
,------------F )R Indian mo·
BU:r . NEW8
Located ppposite'School' . Building on Main Street
St . .Tohos
l1RIJd l':lgOIlJ . Mnrij.(ol!l!!,
Gu,nl" .. ti acrvdU ..'~ Ul I.,XB. u llll.ld_n
.,Cft. Jon . JAn .,AN
Bnd sbul'(J 1roY-e n 101' home fr ezers 39 c en b Wu.yu esville Locker Plllnl
IIlDbiter Bem. . 10 ~II. Bunda), Selloal, n A.II.
Ae P.artlqtOIl,
Dliilelon of Inland Produote, Inc. 'I. II. Ba.ff. II1DIat.r ~__________
SWldq Bdjiool, 1;10 A.1I., JIIuDIIut, Bupt. · WCIl'Ilaip Benfce. 10:10 · A.1I.
Ji1YeDbII Benke, 7:10' P.II.
J'lnt ' Da7 BchooJ, 1:10 .A.IL lI..tIDe tor WonIdp, 10:10 JUl..
HtllveyslJurg (Contillllt'(\ from Pagl' Four ) ~11'~ ,
II' ~ Clizu.INlh . Lc~1U 'lllrl,Cit. 1'1.. , \\1110 cllIlI~htH IKING ut! hOl! . lWei hl'f
M l~
til t!
Ad li i t 111bll '
Jo nlli.lo~
H Ilt\
H :l\ltio
Hirnlll Georg(l ~ u hOUJic- lit Llwl r ('o llnt I'Y hc)l' f' m' llt' Ha n Ii I)[ hili' s iMler, Mri!. Vol . C. lJUrg, I1'rld uy ev 11111 " J une 23,
111'1111" 11 .
I:eub n Moor r Sl UI'1I d 110me T)l' u'Ad ny follow in!>' a 1'ls lt WILh h ie s l t()r MIlI'y J ,11I6 Moore of Dayton . !r, !lnd MI'S, Ever tl O;ordnn lin fltrolly, of Kingman, were SLs ~t urdllY e vening of MI's. \ ;o rdan's 0101 her, Mrs. Blanche Carr t\ <l Mr, tUld Mrs, Emerson Masters a nd son s. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W . P. McCa.rre n, ot " ', Ibounding, spent !!Ie week end nt thel!' home In the village. Mr. aM Mrs. Howard Graham II' ';'e Sunday tilnner guests ot their: s o ·In·law and daughter, Mr. and ill I'')'. Cbarles Doster, <?f nellr WIl· mlngton. A prog ram combinJng til ohser\' Iv lon of Fat her's Day and Cblld r' n'e Day was presented at tbe • Jo ', ah's Run church, Sunday morn· In g. The fathers were pres nted a apecla) rack for banging their ha :Si and coats In the cburch'. . The T"'osentatlon was made by Mrs. Clint . T aylor, In behal' of aU the motllers; . ' It . Ji mmy Long gave the benediction for the specla.! program and Fred W:\ll had cbarge of tbe devotions, Weldon (Hunky) Bogan 18 III at the bome of bls brotber, Cbarles Bogan., Sr. 'Mr. and mrs. Todd Bunce h'ed as their guests. Sunda-y, Mr. anl Mrs. Harley Cartwrlgbt and family ot, AtbeDS and Mr, Mrs. Alvin Moore and family of Sabina. :Mr. and Mra. Paul McKnight and -lIOO, of DaytOD, were guests durIng the weekend of Mr. Mo!CnJgbt's mother, !'tire. Myrtle McKnight.
Ho wa rd .Coll U, of Wl1lDln~ ton , the Jl r o:;raID , Mr. Ililt.! Ml's.' Ju lo r ' Pr ice, DC Le bfUlOI\, weI' ' SlIeHts Saturday oC MI', Prll'e's parentR, Mr. a nd M ~8 . crnr nce Price, Mr. and M1'8. F'or re L Meek, of DII.y Lon , were t he gues t SU ll' rlay of Mrs. Meek's' brQthe r and e lsJ,e I"-III.-law, Mr. a nd Mrs. \Hl'rBcbel Hlldebrecbt a nd t be lr son, Robert, Walter and suiy, Mr. a n.d Mrs. Wllllam Gilliam cel brated the ir' 66th wl,cld'l ng aunl vBI'sltry by bolclJllg npen house at t'~ el r ountry home be tw8Il 1l th'e hOlll's ot 2 an u [) p. m., uuday afternoOJl.. I ' ll y we re ma rt'led June 21, I 4, b y Rev . R. W. King, 1n th e ho'me ' of bel' parents • . near Greell' fie ld. Before her ma rrlagc-. Mrs. GillJam was Miss Nellie' Coffey.. ' The Gllllams. wllo have been farm ·rs In this vicinity mos t of tb h' married me, have two sons, Ernellt Gilliam, of New York City and Harold Gilliam, 01 Kingman, fll'e grandchildren. ' and tbree greatgrandchlldren. They are me~bers of t he Jonahs Run Baptist ohurch and attend ser· v.ices there r egula.rly, The men at the Jonah's Run ·B aptlst ch urch received a sveclal rack tor their hats and COMS, Sunday mornlb'g RS a. Father's Day gl rf t~ODl the ladles and chlldr81l, The raelt wa.s vr8sented by Mrs, Clint Taylor, as a part of the COIIlbioed Father's nnd Cblldren's Day program th c hurch gives each year, ' I \.1" ~Irll l r UII(J uct
I'III 'RSD ,\Y, '/l INE
schoo l ' chlldteu an.d adult groups. AI~!DliraUon s of IIm1.'1 Is IIl l1tol'; 1011-1. AnclellL ruINS li S d til lion frequently as a SYJUbol of s tr ngtb and ppwer. Leo' s reputation IlR the "King of Bcas s" Is W 11 de· S rved, ncoordin g to J. F. l.J eil llsel'. Zoo <.tlred ol', be cnu s;e li e 110 1 Illy Is a. good fI g hte r bul becILlls .. II .. h i unusually en,-fty and I s not nho ve l'eUrlng trom coro~)at If the butl\ o 1 going agalnst- him. The old I·U· mOl' tha.t male \lOIISb hild a el.lk or ' " na\l " at lhe end of hl ta it 'whicb he used as an ~lddltiOll u l weapon, Is ILII nonfle ns Zoo of· flclals de clare. 'I'he (;Lncinna.tI Z()O Is open to v~81tOrs everY ,Jay In the yeILr, Oates' opr n Ilt 9 a. In .. a nd dose not . BarUer than 5J). ill, Ample p icnic areas provide table!1 alld cbalrs for thos e wbo prefer to bring tbelr owo food. A fin e c:a.feterla orfers a lacarte and pla te meals Ilt TesBonable pl\lces. . baa alw.,," had enlbus!uUo aclm1rer., WIWam Harvey, who clllcovered tbe circullition at tIM blood, recomJnltDded it a. • aouree and wit. and wIleD he cUed bequellthecl 00 pound. 0« It W h1a t.rIencll Ito drink to bIl
8e»obellft Nut Leo. the lion, remalss the most The Iar,est true Beed known to popular animal In the CinCinnati man .. the Seycbelle. nut from a Zoo, accor:\llog to ta.,ulatlons of palm tree native to the Seychelles qUl¥itlonnalres ' sent re.cenUy to IalanlU In the laellaD Ocean. Re· •• mbUn, an over.tle coconut. a aJnlle SercbeUe. nut may wellb aa or even 40 pound.. Clulterl of ~ CqtalD WW1aID •• JOIlM WII tb8 md. require tivlt years to rna · tile au.......... produdoD ,amUi ture. 01 . tile ..,IT b...... ....1 era. .ore ....111. l!lfee4acl Very ....., In IdI ....lmaIdD, car· MI ba . . .r~ . . . . . . pn.touB recThe nation'. JlptUn, .tand.rels or4a wtth aImJlar aquQIiDlOl, and would be ,lifted If 001, ooa per cent OOIlU"lM4 to produce wha' were 01 the aoat of a new hom. wan tMa -.ltIered altoUDdIq loA· nt aaida tor Uptl1n" excludin, teal. the wlrIDJ.
'CHI'.. ......
n.,.. ...
0.. .,
. . . . ., . .
lIaile. I M a lime.
KITCHEN ' STOOL A baDd,. · .&001 .nel • laalllller ladder .U lD 4IIIe. '
. $10.45 "
H . A~"pWARE
6-81C; STORES-6
Firestone Tires :rELEPHONE8 '
--'. . . . . __. - .___
2111 "
.-... .... ..
$1.50 A YEAR
.- .....
GoldeD brown slioes oome &0 you Z at a time ''f/hon Y,Qu Jfave ODe 01 '1M•••
Der.'. III Dilxer 10U'U be proud &0 OWD. n does pr.oUc.U,.
$21.50 ·
. ~_._I_._ II -
. . . . . . . . . .oCIMIl....
BA~IES $7~45
&lie HI& IlMwa . . . . . . . . . . .et-44eal I.r au-
General Repairing
OO£OO~ .
,l'AR and ROAD OIL'
loth "Wet .... gifta or. h.... 'i n apark" .rNY, I'HIy for JOU to make your ••,........... our ••ten.i.. ItOck. Your taYorlt. briel. ., ...... wUI be rick led with a ,ift· froM Fairley'. bee.... the" too, will know that hi earMlit about withi.., th.... luck. ' .
LEO THE LION • •. Moat Popular In Zoo
. I ()50
0.0..,'. Keeo_eDdalioD
LEBANON Office 47SK . AaS. 1R1Ll MORROW Net••
Armitage &Son
The Miami Gazette
..-.~_ Il _D
A FUNER'AL SERVICE ALWAYS BRI~GS TO ABE R E ~ , V E 0 FAMILy the, friend It help of many willing bands . , - the minister, tbe' slngerll, neigbborS and frieDds. To t hose· who from lime to time 1:I1 '1e g iven us their j;enerous cooperation , OUR THANKS AND GRATEFUL APPRECIATION,
$89.50 ,AND UP '
.eCtalE ~
F.'NEIXL . HOME ." • •'."VN.'ll. • • eo '
Charles.Dostt!r' PHONE WAYNESVILLE 2834
aze e
Sery ing Waynesville Since 1850
KNOW, A good sized audienc e' greelel\ a 'g roup o[ WaYlle svllle's young musicia ns wbe'h MrB, Helim McCoy presnnt ed them in plano recUa,l at the Dayton Art Institut e Salurda y e venJng, Jun e 24,th. Those nppearlng were Llnlla Ramby , Judy Da'vls, Fatrlcl a and' Lynne Irelan, Mary JOlin Stiles, Stephen and Oal'Ol LongllC I'. Janet Mlcben or. Sharon Silipley, Doris lIennet alld Lurn Hough , At ' tbe conclus ion of the progral! l Linda Ramby acted as spollesm a'n. for the entlra. group of studen ts lI.od pl'caent ed M ra. Mr.· Coy with n bealltlf ul girt In ap· precatl on of her service s. IMrs. Susan Bruck of Hamilto n, ~S' the bouse guest ' of Mr. IUld Mrs.. , Stanley E. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley "Eo . Ell lf ~ bad as Sunlla.y dinner guests, 1\11, and Mrll. ''lode W. Ellll~ anll daugbte r, Cynthia Ann, of Dayton . Mrs, Grace L . SmJth was a week end guel\t of relaUve s In DaYlon . /Mr. and Mrs. Dn.vls Furnns open· ed tb II' hOlDe on TJiursd ay eve· nlng f4il.r the June meeting or the South Wayne Adviso ry Council . The bllslne'lls session wa.s follo,,'eil by u genem) dl8cuss lon and plans , were made thal ,the men sboulil plan U~e July meellng with enterta inment for the Indies. IPellclo us ICe CI'eam, cake anet Iced ten. were B rvnd dllrlng the 80cllli bour. Mrs. Helen Anell of 'SoI·lngtle ld. wae a recent guest of ' ber' parents, Ir. nn~ Mrs, Fred Hook, Mr. and Mrs. ~nnk Hook of Wilmin gton, also were guests dm-Iqg the past week.
'lNVITEs WIVES TO MEETING The Wayne sville Rotal'y Club Tlleadl\Y nlgbt Include d tbe wlvell or the membe rs 'ln t heir wllekly dinIler Inl!etlllg, being held this week' at the St. Marys Parlsb House. A 'del\clO'\Js dinner WBS enjoysd by the Rotaria ns , and several guests from Ollt of town nnd their wives. A vel'Y In tel'estln g speech wag deliv ered by MI', Ned Nare of DIlY' ~011 , iisslatll.u t to tbe preside nt of Cb rya ler·:Alrl emp. Ar~er t.he meetin g the Rotari8JU! and Rotarya na vi$lted th" boys (' Iub who were workin g In the basement, Rnd IIlso Inspect ed tbe rest of th church buUdlnlf. All in I~ll" a very enjoyab le evening wns spent by evaryon e.
LEBANON CHAMBER LOCAL MAN TO ATWILL SPEAK AT /, TTENDS CHUR CH OF COMMERCE TO TEND RESEJtVE OFMIAMI VALLEY CONF EREN CE AT HOLD PUBLIC MEETIN~ FICERS CO,NVENTION CHAUTAUQUA GRAND RAPIDS Civic clubs and organl%atlolUl of Wu,yuesvIU'e - aoo corqllll ly Invited to atlend a public meetin g sJ)OJlsored by the LebanOn Ohamb er of Comme rce on July 6 at 8 ]I. At this time. Dr. Arthur Flemll! J, Preside nt or Oblo Wesley an verslty, will discuss the Hoover repm·t. 'rhls meellng will tie b~d at the, Lebano n Hlgb School uudltor lum and Is expecte d to ,draw a Ulrp crow!l from all over the countr It Is hoped tha r all local wU take advanta ge of this to bear I\. very Importa nt
Dr, J . Gordon i-lownrd" PreSide nt oC Oterbeln College , will be Lhe feat ured speaker ilL th e MlalDl Valley Chauta ugua, Thursd ay, July 6 a rtel'lloon ann eve ning, .RIA rep· utatlon as a lead e r in the !lold or educati on, Is ,expeote d to drnw n large a udience . 'rhursd ay mOl'nilrg n\ark s the opening of ,n: two-jd ny vacatio n, worksh op B(l'O nsored by the Mlullli VaJley Woman ·s. hrl stltn Telllllel'allce Union , Classes In Alcobol lc educati on through., modem ,tech· nlques of drama, s peech QOnt e ~ts, pos tel' contest s, pub,lclt y and visual f>ducatl on w III be conduo ted by spciclallsts In en cb field. Lelld el's of youth, teacher s and lay wom.en are looking f9rvrnrd to a valllnble vacatio n with ,n., pUl'po~ e, ,\ 1\ IU'll welcom e:
te re(esd In the IS8ue. ' Dr. 'Fleming, before assumi ng i1uU~s. 8A Ilreside llt 'ot Ohio W_ leyan Unlverl;llty at ,DeIBWQTe. ' W'" ObnJrm an ' of the Unlte~ Statetl Olvil ServIce Commi ssion and waa a membe r or the HIlO\' er Commta< sloli Whlc.1t studied the $lroblem the eSeCutlve bl'8nch or tile gov~ ernmen t. He Is 8 11 ~x«:ellent 'publici' speake r sml will cond'uc t 'LIon period following bls ....\
Carl H. F ry. li S' lit, P lln sylvan lft m ill'oad COIllP /lIlY, Wnyn esvill e, alI ended th Hi4tb :InulIlIl 'onferell<:,e of the 'burch 01' , the Bretilre n, I elll Ilt Orund Il a pld s , Michi gan, fl'om ,Iun 13 to l , He" with his r,,,n ll y, a lso visited '" I'R, ,J alllt\S [lu ll I' in Kokomo, Indillllll , anti Mr. :lnll 1\'[I'S, J osepb H. FI'Y, of r..ogllns PQrl. Indi ana, 1,\II1'Ing his vacatio n, JI' I I' pOl't s thal whl le there he nl t enciC"d 31 srBllion s , acll lastln g ' abOllt t wo hours.
LT. COL:. ARTHUI~ J. W!LD'E the gllosta ,of Mr. and Mra, Rob,T b \\ (I,)' ueflvi ll , ~I et h (l dl st ' ..• To ROA GPnvention ert Billet nnel cbldr~m In ~('nter· Youth F llow!l h ip w ill s'ponsor no Lt. Col. Arthur J , Wilde, ot the V,llIe f~r a tnrdny evening , I ce Crenm Socinl II I'e Saturda y. nderwo od Orohnr d near Harvey s- CIVIC CLUB TO 1\'1', nnel Mrs, Jobn Kersey o.nel , Jul y 1 ttt Jim M' III1'e's corner, s t UI'I, lett June 26 to attend tile S Oli had IlS Sund~y dinner guellts HObD MID-S 1:00 p , M . UMME R 14tb nationa l convent.lon or Ibe 'Re· MI., and Mrs, .Toe Kerlley and FES'fI VAL HERE Ice crea.m , cnR 'ond cand y. all lIerve Om eers AS8 cll!ialoin oC the daugbter ' or Lebano n, Mr, and Mrll. or. th4;l hom ,.made I~jnd, . S. bei ng held In Wasb lng-IIlD, D, be Frank Swartze l oC near Oregon ia, The Wy>yne sl' lll e Ch'lc Club will on hand for n 11. C" , JUIJ'P 2 to Ju)y I,. Rnd MI'. Rnd Mrs. Luther Hartsoc k All pro eed s WI'u go to help fi.' Col, Wilde, 111'er lden t or Ihe Ohio bold theil' M:Id,·Summer Festival here Thursd ay, Friday And Salllt. JIImCe youtli at Rnd sons. Summe l- In s tllute, . Oolmrt l.lCnl, RD.'" 11\ onp or twelve d.a y, July 13, 14 a.nd 16. Mr, ·nnd 1I1rs, E\'er~tt Boga~ and AMERI\.AN LEGlO~ ' TO , oWcinl delegnt s r JlreseOllng the The big parade wIU .be held on dnuglJtllr nre now occupy ing tbelr ' HOLD BIG CEIEBRA. ~Iat e of Ohio l1i the meeUng . He Saturda INDEP ENDE NCE 'DAY y, July 16 at 2,Of) P. M , ne\\'" home Ifl' Wellma n, and Mr. ' TION 4TH OF JULY 18 PIl:lt Ill'estd'm t (I f rhe Trl· All merhca nls of WayllllllvlUe and 111 rs, Cnrl cOOk and daught er 'OBSERVED HERE AT haT tf r of R ')A whlcb and surroun ding commu nities lire tll~ve moved Into ihe home vacated Tbe warren , County ArneI' can METH ODIST (:HURCH : p rl~l's Wnrr-n , UnIon ar.d ;n !ted to partIcip ate in the ·pa· by Ule BoganB. ~g1on announC'es 't. a t due tor ·ayelt.e unties, rade with floats, :wagons, Ilorse~ Mr. and Mrs. JellS Prende rgast vumata nces bel-onll tue , on t ol (J. A t th~ morllin g' sll l·vice. SundltY. Tbe OCI[IV tion w~\1 ' bl"I111;1; to- or what bave you. [lnd dSlIgbter, Marya.llce and Miss e,ltber the Legion or tbe .Tuly 2 the p n.~t()r w ill preacb otJ Wa.rren Ilet~er repreBentat1yel~ of the 16,000 Mrs, Ross H. Hartsoc k enter- Klllher lne Prende rgast bad all Bun. County Fall' Board, that tbe j h theme "'I'h Neceslj lty of CbrlslIember s of the Reserv e Officer!! talned 0/1 Tuesda y' sfterno on of day dln11er guests. Mr. DEMOCRATS HOLD and Mn, 'Rod Racell, \!c.bedl1I ed r.lolli\y ·hlocla In Il. Democr aoy," Tt\e tloh. 'Prellde mt Truman , tbe past. 'week with IL dessert Jim PrenderglUlt, Mi'. and Mrs. 1\1'. In tbe big 4tb ' or July DINNE R MEIT ING I,lus lo lI ud BCI'jptlu'e w ill turn our ho organl2 ed one ot Llle first bridge. The Arg'lInot Brlclge Club L, Byles and M~ Cal'ol Menkb aus at. t}Je War,r en County Fnll1liTOUJI,dBlln OA Ollapte rs., AT CAMPUS INN thought s towlIrd allegluDce . to Is ~c~ledllled to ad, and Mra. Winifre d tliart80 ck , Mrs. or Cincinn atI. tl1at day will not be held. ,b ut {'o!l n n'~ onntry. tbe openlng I~ BslolI , Tbe Alva Thomp son. l\lrll. Marie Rime; • Mrs. Stanlily H. Ba.:\ley, wbo has, be replace d by Plllg Hor'se Tbe Warren County _ D emocra tic .address All who a.ve no othel' cburcll' wlll be given by !'tlrs. LouIBe ·HhlY and MTS, ObBS. been ' confine d at Miami Valley nlng ;Races" Central Commi ttee Is' b'oldlng a r ; Iu:t lonslilp n're Illvite(1 " flcloYof Defense Lonls Jol1n In. to unite McCull och were t he guests who Hospita l for the pftlJt two week. >\ reduc.tlon In admiss ion Is The Conven tion, whlcb opens dinner ' meeting at 7 :00 p. m , \I Ith us in 'w ors hip nex~ Stind~ . enjoyed th'. gallles, wltb Mrs. E, fOllowlnlr major surgery , returne d announ ced ' rrolD $1.00 to , ~jk! momlnl :, w11l sWt T lllll' elllY, Jun,e ~9 at Campu8 Inn, ~n!::bart and ldrs. D. C. Ridgt', to her bome on MoDelay. MD, a4~ts, Lebanon" and from &eo to t6c. 01 all dele~I QpeI WIdM or ' ~~pdftft; .......~ Tile. It&- '-'\1m ·Mr, and Mrs. ~eT. DroWn, Mrs.. arrll'ed on Sunday til s ssist in her ' Will. be given '1 .66 pe l' person. WUIIAm Sa,wyer, ~r, and Mrs, L , care, PERSONALITY 4-H 'rhe s peaker ' of the evening wl\l onlr to meeting s 0; tbe Army, C. St. John, M~s. D. C. Htldge. Mr. and MI'o. Dale Duffee, whose ' CLUB HOLD S MEET Na.y and All' Force sections, These be Joseph T. , Ferguso n, 'S tate Aud· Mrs. John Set~lemyre, Mrs, Olenn ' . The' Will , be attende d by 1I1gh-ra nk- ItoI' since 1936 ond now cnndlda te marrlng e WM nn event at June , Fe"?na .1lty f·R Club met In~ BI.and, Mra. J. IP " Fromm " Mrs, 16 '1 'lIe COllnt to date 01' lire l'eluros officers 0" the armed forces fo r U. 9. Senato r.' I t c.l f h t ,rred ; 1 _ r e urne ""'b rom a s o r v nesday, June 2lat at EWe. a' Luelle Armlta ge and 111 rs. J~1III L the cellsils, tl'll(ell as of April n d the l'ese.... e pla.ns and pro. Prende rgast aU tided tbe Oolden honeYlDoon 'Mand were week-en d Hoalt'll house with Mrs. Ed For.ler grn .... of each: ,. 1, 1950 is 3, ,367 llor Warl'en County. servlc" will t be thorJ _ Annive rsary, melltlng of Lebano n guest s of I rs, 'Duffee·s . paren a, In charge and Eula Hoak .presldl ng. ~'gkt TlJp 1940 t\0pullU on wn s 29,894, 1a'-eA and dlscu.s sed. It . , - .. ~.. _ ...... '" ~tern Star Chapte r Qn FI'I~ay Mr, and Mrs, J. ,J. Bunke and W.o ' dlsouse ed dUfern et names II at 'fhls r1gure 'ls belleve d ·to be Bub· , ."s~s· O'IIs that the civilian SUnday gue,s ts of tbe rormer' s par· for our club __ '''' but none was compon"""'" stantlal ly correct but Is subjMt to evenlng . , ent of Natlon" l Defense ex. ents In Columb us, They have es- settlecf Upon title By MRS, HILY GIBSON Eileen Brown led The Ralnho w AdviSOry Coul)ctl re\' / 1011 eftel' I' turIJ s fo r non res, tb d ' prpues tnbllflhe tbelr opinion d Mrs. tlleLl" s William Rickey, nee Be,tty Id pnts AI'!) 'on bome tbe needs In Bowlin g e , !8C1l81111 l11 on heredit met at the home of M~. and Mrll, G y and fo'i' 'redltll'd t·o thell' propel' Nationa l Securit • I ' M , D u rr v . , • ThulDas, underw ent a major pper· IV lerer . e has en- 8e,If consc10'.lBne88, A.rter tbe meet~ Weerz, for ' the regular June meet- t 'reep, Iocn lit y ""'~hlla 1I11<l o(he l' rOlIUne c).Jecks .. t of the d hi ml"etlng will I b s sen or yeoI' a t tb e Ing we a II enjoy,ed the, refreall &U ~ attO'll for golter Thursd ay m~rnln g, 111~ve been made. A Ing with a fine atten~ance nnd Uel'eI ' theUoe '''orma.l banque IlliouglJ lDalel;' t o' , It' n Fr Iday eve',two new membe rs. Mr. 'and Mrs. at Miami yalley hospita l. Reports jal I'l'vlsion " n, vel'sy, , ments served by the' h.o stess. oJ: , t hil pl'elimjnll ry ' nlng. Senat' G rs Taft and Bricker Mr. sl\d, Mrs. Wade- Turner and are tbat she Is doing fin e and wHl COUllt The next meeting ~ftl1 be field aQd it! unll k Iy, It may possibly William Bale. The bUsines s ,ses- ilons left for tlJeh' bome 'RepreS entative s Includh ,g retUrn borne In Phoe, at Betty Sa,t terthwa ite s, Th1lrsd ay, 01' "the Inst of the Iveek, ~CC ll l' al'!er J B slon Wll8 beld and "Not By Bread nix, Arizonn , after spendin III b the clIl'eful exnmhl atlon of g tlle July 6 at 8 'OQ The tamlly vI sits her dally. nrence . rown w tb AI one " was ' tlIe 8Ubj e et f e the reluJ'nR, 'Ph e offic ial nnnoun ce, ' . Dr e past ' month guests here. ot Col. Wilde and the Ohio ;MI', and Mrs. 1"01' 611 Ron tzahn or ment ' Interes ting dlscu\lllion. Lois LUkens . , ot populnt lon will be I'l1nde at DepJ!.rtment of the RosQrve emcer Frankli n, have Plli'cbns ed tbe P1'Opl:. • M~. W. ' c. st. John and Mr. II lut I' dille by I he DireCto r. ' Bul" OD10IN ' ANCE N 210 'l'be council adjourn ed to meet Rob.ett Furn88 at tended the Alloela tlon el·ty of Mr. lind M ra. Charles J". erm 01' th e State' th: M •~ d M c. W I SI ' e1lS1I8, WlIsh lngto n, An Ordinan ce' Providi WI ' ng for the - . . - ----r. ~ n, a tor . lee· Con:venuon o( townsh ip tru8tee s employ ----:-::'llrhlgcs --and will mo ve 11 re SOOIl , n. C. ment of Consult ing EnglNOTIC E TO CONTRACTORS han In ,J uly, During the, 80dat. nnd clerks at ,the Gibson Hotel In Mr. aril! Mrs. Bridges lIIovell ' to u ' Tile 1950 ]Jrellml n a ry 1'lgl1 h dellcl us r r e bm nt OF OHIO 'ere res are Gur, ror: the purpOse of preparl ~g DEPARSTATE a e I' s e S \\ , I Chicbm m ' OD WednCl1iday, Thul'll- DeerB new bome in Sp11lngb oro SntllrdlLY, ~or tile [ollowln g: TMENT O' F ' ' H IOIDVA YS' and . ,submit ting to ' the S.tate De' served by , tbe h.ostess. ' da). and F~lday. Mr, and Mrs, Johnny 'Coates and partme nt or Health, prelimi nary '" ColumbllB, Oh io, In,n e 17, 1'950 1950 Mr. land Mrs, Ralpb 'Hastlng ll .. , Mrs. H. 1.. Rye spent Tuesda 1940 children 'of I..ockwood, N. J:., sp lit LehlU10 y Elnglnjle rlng Report El\glne er of Sale" Legll\.l COpy 50·299 1l V Illnge ,_"., '1604 389Q enterta ined fa Sunday , evening and Wednes dny of the p,nllt spveral days last' Week wlui MI', ' w~ek . WHER EAS, It bas been deemed MorrOw Vlllngo " "" 1 t3~ . ~o., eupper Mr an-- Mrs Chester UNIT PRICE CONTR ACJ , . ... , , . with lIer sister. Mrs. Sealed proposn ls will be received and Mrs. Wnlter ' Cla.rk nl1d ramlly , Frlluk,llll Villag , ' , ' " ' '63 R: Benson adV'lsable th,'at a pre'imi nary engl· W h d hlld f WIl I 72 '4~}t , t . eb · .an C ' ren 0 m ng on and flUIJlly, In Indlnna at the orfioe of tbe Sltnte IHghwa y Mr. Coates is well known hel:e. .' ~ason Viii 1ge "_ . . po'Us. neerlng report be prepare d and,sub · Directo " . ,120:t 902 r of and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sheeha n. OhiO, at CC llumbus ., Ohio having lived wllh the ~:)]al'ks sevMr, and ' Mrs, ,W:iIf·red. Squires mltted to Ule State DeIJa:rt WaY,n esV llle Villa ge " , lOl.2 833 mellt of ' lMr. a.nd Mrs. Homer Ramby , «;If and dl\ughte r of..W • eral years. , duU, ' lO:OO a. m. ,0, hlo Standar d tlcox, Arizona , Health prepara tory to the ' comple· ~1I th Lebnllo n' , ' ,.,', ,1153 67 0 La.ntan~ Florida , Mr. ,and Mrs, time, , Mr, and Mrs, Everett );:nrl; 1I1I.\'e arrived here by plane d\lrJng the tio.n of the sewera ge dlaposa l sys- Tuesda H<lrman O'Neall nnd cblldr.en, of past week to visit y, July 11,],950 for Improve , re turned home after a delightf ul the rormer' s tem of the Village of Waynes ville, , DAYTON VISITOR West Palm Beaoh, FlorliJu., Mr, parnets , Mr. and ' trip to lI{ew York City. ' HERE Mrs" W. B. InCludJng the neceslla ry sewage ments 1n: LAST WEEK and Mrs. Milton Tbh\ne s of Mid· Quires and: the latter'l!I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown or PROPO SAL No. 1 parents , dlaposa l plant ' ~he 'earllst pos· J ac k ]\f . Hubley of Dnyron , vi sitell,etown , and MI': and Mrs, Da.vld Mr. aqd Mrs. Dougl118 Warren County , Ohio, on Section s Tlpp City were week end guests Holllng 8' lible ' time.; · : ' , Zulk a.nd lion 'Of Lebano n, wer!! worth, )leal' Oregon ia. 4.68 and 20.62, State Route No, 48. of Mr, nnd Mrs, Guy ROIJtzabn .autl ed la st w ee k wUh th e EdJtor lUld WHER.EA.S. conBuUlqg, enginee rs Ill s [alnlly. gueats at tbe Ed Ramby Ilome, have been.. co~tacted relative to, the In Clear Creek and Turtle Creek RUBBell , Mr. and Mrs, TOWDBh W. B. .1pa, by applyin g an aspbalS4ulres and perform~ce of all necessa ry engln. during the past week. Tbe YO\lth group of tbe FI'lends Mr. , ,H enry Satt~I'tb'Walte was their 'gues,ls, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred eerJtig aervlce s In oonnec tlon thete- tic concrete surfsce . I)QUrSe, ItelDs chnrch at \V'aynesvil1e, wns enter, GIRL SCOU T TROU P Squires .and daught er or W)Ic.ox. with; ~-30 Bnd T-SS, ., , • honolled on Fathers Day wltb ' a. talned at tbe country hom of MI'. HOLD S PICNI C HERE Pavem ent: Width 20 feat. WHER EAS, Jt la tor \ he Immell· and Mrs. Selh Furnllll, Jr., on So. balket"dinner at his home, by, Mr. ArI:Eo,n a, were guests of Mr, ,a!ld T he \\ IlynoBv llle Girl Scollt IAIncth 89,768.4 (t. or 7,53 miles. cinl RoW' R.oad. 'Sunday evenIng , and ' Mrs. ' Jame. 'Sattertb \Vatte' and Mrs. Rqger Gorne)\ ,at, Seven 1,Ipe late prnerv atlon of.. the public 1'I'UII[1 ~ nJoye(1 u Ilk'nlc lunch nnd on Sunday: Mr. and M.rs. Cornell health and weUare of the Coutra ct to be comp.\eted not Mr, and 'M rs , Charles Bunnell swimm in g party residen ts childre n of Dayton ,' Mr. ,and Mrs. enterta ined a. large group at Cbautn.Qua. of rel~ of tbe V1III4re of WafDes Vl,le that la:tEf' , than Octobe r 16. 19501 mid ramJly enterta ined to dinner ,Park On Jun'e 22, Jelse, 'l'hO~88 and 1Ii(r~ and Mr,s. aUves honorin g the blrtbda y annl- such prellmJIlAry ,report be , pro- ElEElE ' m EEEcve 1I,ILlynU, Imfo,O Sunday evening , Rev , and Mrs" V,rgll Russel &lid daughte r, of versary. of their grandm other, 'rho next m ~ ,tin g w ill be ' on Tbe' miJilmum -,vage to be pa!d to Mrs. (I'-Sled; " " , Bernard, Baughn and children . or July 13 In the Frl'end Lebano n, Mr. and ' Mn. If,atinon W. B, Squires . A loyely s t;' hlH'ch all labor employ picnic din· ed on tbll! NOW, therero re, be It enacted by contrac t Wa.ynesvllle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Y,u nt ; Stlbbs and ,IOn. 'and ,Mr. and :Mrs. ner was Ilnjoyed . , the CouDall of .tbe Village Gr sball be in accorda pce wltb tbe Saylor and dallght ers of Dayton . Obal'lea Satterth waite and cbll· - - - - -_ _ _ "Scb'Bdule or Prevam ng Hourly Mr, and Mn. H, L.' Rye enter- W.ynei vme; that tbe firm of Paul Thl! Woman 's Socle.ty of Lytle G,A~ET dren of , Lebano n, Mr, and Mn. talned on Sunday 'evnlng, T~ H~'S , lin. A. Uhlman n and Aseocla tes, of Co· Wage :Rates 'A scertain ed and De- chllr Ii will hold the Ir monthly VISITOR F,ROM DAYTON Jamea Morris, Miss Nettle MorrIs Stella. Evanl or Miami, Flor)d8 , lumbus" OhiO, Con~u1t\nc Engine ers termln~ b)' th~ Departm ent I>l In- meeting, next Wedne sday , July 6 'and Mr. Alonso MOn'ra of sabl,na, Mr, and Mr" 1. Wetlton 'Green and be employ ed Carl Fischer . of Day ten, s pent to prepare 'uch pre- dust.rla l Relatio ns a,p plicable to at tbe country home or Mrs, Ralph Mr. &lid Mr'II. Warren EJ)8ey, Mn: Mr_ and Mrs, Clark Sallabu nil day wednes day at the Gazette l')' of IImlnar 7 en&lneeriDl' report or Bur. State Hlgbw" y Departm ent Im- Henry, Mrs, George Weller , w!l1 ofrlce, Mr. Fi scher Is nssocla Sarah Toll, Mr. Robert Slattert b- Dayton . ted . 't'ey alld obtain the aPprov al there· provem ents in accorda nce with have tile worahlp aemlce ; Mrs. J. witb lbe Horstm an PI,lutiu g Co, wblte of Centern lle, apd Mr. and S~tlonl 17·3. 17·4, 17.,4... 11-5, and Mr, and Mrs. Lo)'d Davia are 01 b)' the ~te Depa.rt ment of B. Jones is leader of the program In Dayton , Mrs. Jake Reeder . , ' B~ndlng several at Cold· Heal", pursuan t to tile written pro- 17·6a ot the Genera l Code of Ohio," and Mrs. Ernest Harlan , a mill" Th'e Mr. and Mrs. ' Fiver~tt Chastee n water, MlchlRan an,dd~a bidder muat submit wltb hili are PHta of poeal fl!rnllb ed to AId Village )ll1' CARD OF THANK S bld a eel'tlfte d check In tbe amollnt slonary gem. AaslllLlng bostess es of J'raDldi n, have returne d &om ldl'll. James stoop. at be.. IUIIl- d... date of June 15, 1950. are: Mr. Renry Sa,lor, Mrs. Mae ot t2,678.11. Mrs. their ~eJ1ll00n anti were BIIII- mer home. Helen MC"Goy wishes to "\ I'or the reuona atat. In the Plana and , lpaclfic ,t lons are on Banta and Mrs. Lillie luah. d~ p_ta of their P&iutB, Mr. thank Ihe etudenO! , lind tbeir P(U'~ Mr, and ,Mra. Loren ReuoD . of phUlll le b.....,. Wa oNliDan ce Is file In the departm ent of highwa ys Mr: and Mrs, J. B.~ .Ton~s, Mrs. ents 'for theIr fine and lira, RarmoDcl Colmer. coopera tion In SQuth Oate. caUton la, are tile aa.elal declare d aD .~ IDea· Nettle. "Emrick . Mr. and Mrs. Wal· prepari ng ror lhe I'ecltlll In and the ottilie of 1he tiilvvlslo n ~e~ Il l... and JIJ'& Cbailes Lellay and peate of tbe former '. pareDu Dayton , I\IN aJUl llIaIl 'take IIt.ei the ear· ut, directo r. ter Kenrick attende d the Malnvll le Saturda y evening , She nlso' wishes ch1Idn n were Frh'Iay 8Y81lIq aup. and Mn. P_ L. ___n. ' an ...t J)OI8tbta time ,.....tt ed bJ The dincto r reeerv.r.a! tlie right centenn ial celebrat iOn Sun day. to express her c.leepest appprt!claIU8It of Mr. and lin. LeO "'0 peetl of the latw'a ........ . ' BobbJ Kenric k w.. In the parade tion for tbe lovely gift ,prellent to reJeot ..., au4 all Ildl. 0D1I_ aDd ..-.. .. D. . . IIr. 'aDd 11'..... lIarl C...... at law. ed Pal_ I . luaa 1•• lItG, wltb-th e Boy Scouu frOID WaJ1l" " to her by thellnd eD't a at tbe T. ,.KA t~ conWIlliii&' ~ ~ ...... .. ' ... II. aIii:w oOD. DJrector YUle. alilaiOll ot the J)1'OIP'aJ D.
6 .....
t o h_ _
. awe'm.t!waJ'
Thursday, June 29, 1150
,J~ Edgar Hoover Says Potential
Small'Scare-Crow T.urns In the Slightest Breeze
898 Steps
Buy More Heayily
Birthday Exercise The commerce department bll announceil consumer Incomes, the WASHINGTON - , CLImbing , mainspring of retail buying, rolled the 898 stepa to the top o~ up to $212.800 mlllion a year rate Washington monument ' is a job during April. ' for any man. but Frederick The April showing const~tuted • Miller did It just to celebrate 1600 inUlion annual-rate gain over his 70th b irthday. March and was the second consecu' WhUe three reporters and tIVe monthly increase. tlu;ee photographers panted In (EDITOR'I N4;)TEr Wben· opinion •• r. es;rne.tled In tbee e ealllmn8, the,. ar. '''0 •••r The galn "reflected an expansion their strug,le to follow, MlUer Weiltern NOWllu".er ~" IOh '. Dew. aaalrM't an d ao' alce ••• fUr It Ibll DO.8Da .. e •• ) In payrolls that was largely oUset - made the journey in 17 minutes .. Ily declines iii proprietors' I,ncome He complained that the photoand transfer pa;yments", the degraphers slowed him up or he 540,000 in U. S. portment said. ~ould have made It in fifteen. The decI1ne in proprietor's income, He came down in 13 minutes. Of aU the men in high govern· occurred chleflY,:!n farm Income as Atter it was aU over, Miller ment security ' posLs" J. Edgar livestock marketing receIpts desaid he feft fine and thought Hoover, director of ,the F,B ,I., posclined In a season wben they norbe would try It again when he ltibly commands more respect than mally rIse. was 90, "We'U do It different any o,t her,. For that reason, his "The net income ot farm operathen." he told the reporters, statement that' the Communists tions for' the 1irst four months of "We'U walk up backwards," have a potential fifth column of 1950 was about one·flfth less than The aged Washington man 540,000 people In the United States, in the ssme perfod last year," the revealed he had climbed the made publlc some tour months department 'said, ' steps II week betore when he after he . t.e stlfled befor~ a sennte "Th e rlse ,s temmed primarily had a "practice try" to see If be comm'ittee, gave Red conscious fr om Increased acUvily in the durcould make it on his' birthdsy, Americans a sbock, able goods and manutacturlng InWhen he came down he He WIIS explicit on two points: dustries. Climbed aboard his bicycle and (1) Communists arc seeking Amerwaved goodbye to the wlnded Higher employmeqt and a longer Ican ' atomic, military and Indusphotographers and reporters, work week In factories producing trial secrets with every trlek and and pedaled oU toward home, transportation equipment, machinmeans at their disposal; (2) SubJohn Howard LawlIon (left) six mUes away. 'ery, and other fabricated metal versive Communists are more acand Dalton Trumbo (rlCbt) are ' products were ' ,m lllnly responsible tive now than the Nazis and Fas· IIboWII on the way to JaU , to , , (or the advance of total wages In clsts ever were during World War start a year's Imprlsonmellt durable-goods manutacturlng." n. for: contempt at conrres.. Hol, 'The "orbit of Communlst conlywood writers, tbe)' refilled to trol," he' said, has increased from teU , the house committee ou one seventh ot tho wodd's populaun-American activities wbelJl. Shootin' Bug Dust tion in 1917 to one lbird ot the III' tbey were communists. -, Now it can' be ,told. A hundred world'l population today. million pounds of surplus Ameri- , NEW , YORK - While hundreds "The intensification ot commucan potatoes have been sent Into looked on and prayed, Dominick rusm and unde,rground IIctlvUty in I Soviet Germany to feed victims of the United States has increased Miss Billion Mark ' Alteo, trapped at the bottom ot a fue potato bug tantasy. proportionately. If we are to pre2O·foot ~eU shaft for more tban For the. first time In seven years, Recently the Soviet controned raserve o'ur Internal security In the nation's farmers will tall to dio and pfess went into a song and 27 hours, died shortiy betore restimes ot emergency, It Is incum' , harvest a billion-bushel wheat crop dance about American pla.n es drop. cuers finally reached him. bent that the idcn\lties ot those Atteo's courage was unbelievthis year, the agriculture' depart. ping potato bugs In the Soviet zone; I who work against the peacc and se· ment has predicted. able. But burns, pain,' exhausThe CommunIst propaganda said i tion and pressure o't ro1cks and curlty of America be established," ThIs means, the government the United States sewed Insects to I earth were more than his strong The F.B:!. ' chief revealed that native-born Communists imd sym- forecasters sald, PIe income of bllght the east German erop, to frame could stand. pathizers are after lntormatlon on ' wheat farmers wUl be down some lest out ,erm warfare, llnd seU The 45-year-old weU digger was atomic research. todor, jet propul- $400,000,000. capitaI1stic bug polson. . The government p.r edicts' a har. Sion, coastal maps, military airAmerican oUicials caned the trapped in the 2O·foot ahalt he ports, biological warfare, and in- vest ot 944,514,000 bushels as the charges ridiculous and said the was digging beneath a Brooklyn result 01 voluntary reductions in Communists apparelltly were trying garage ' when the walls gave way, dustrial resources. His agency Is handicapped In plantings und~r tbe government's to condition the pepole .for crop He was burled to 'the armpits and dealing with them becaul\e present acreage allotment program, aad faUure. The continued broadcast one. leg was pinioned by a large boulder. espionage laws are Intended main· from bad , weather and insects. by the Communists on the potato Police emergency sQ~ads laly for allens. The record crop was harvested bug theme and the silence main· Hoover also reported, "To coun- In 1947 and amounted to 1,367,188" tained over the shipment of un- bored for 12 hours to help the husteract the F ,B,I.'s penetration of 000 bushels. Last year 1,146,000,000 branded American potatoes were 'ky con,tractor dig himself out. the Communist party, Its leaders bushels, were- harv.e sted, The fore- I lo oked on as evidence of a Clam- Then they abandoned direct , reshave established a tar-reaching cast, incidentally, Is well under palgn to cover up production taU- cue. e.fforts lind started digging a trench from a point 30 teet away, and vigorous, loyalty program of the 10 year average ot 1,082,000,000 ures, eonstantly fawg the risk that the Its own, calling for establisbmen~ bushels. ' The potatoes were shipped by • floor and roof of the garage mlgbt of investigatIng committees ,in Observers pointed out it ' means New York, broker to a S~ss firm cave in because ot Uu~ undermineach state and a thorough Investi- the government ,may ~ve to dip in Hamburg. Another deal was reo: gation of each member ot tbe part into its big prIce support wheat P9~ed undel1V~y to ship 18,.000 tons Ing. Atteo was burned when II clgaret as to pet:sonal history, ,activities, surplus to meet the eombined do- to Frankfurt in Western Germany. associations, contacts, and length mestic a1)d export needs in the In both cases, state department lowered to him by his son John, of membership," year ahead. The government now officials suspected that the po- 26, came Into contaet w~th oxygen hilS approximately $4.000,000,000 In- ·tatoes were going to the CommU- pumped down the shan. The son lowered the clgaret at the request nists. vest~d In tatin SUl'Pluses. ' of his fath~. Although police War if Necessary had ,f orbl4den smoking in tbe vi, 'l,'Jle agriculture department laid cinity. John eonsented , when his Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, the prospects tor the com erop now ~ fa ther kept begging tor It. , RepubUean polley chlettafa . wb'o. generally are lavorable. ' PlantIngs , ' Senate Extellds With' what ' cbservers ealled an tias as good a cbance as any ,for .a re expected to be amaDer than a More ,dirt and' ston~ showered ago because of the acreage the GOP presidential nominatlon year aUo,tment program. eye tor the November elections, down on the pinIoned man. ' He in 1952, has tasued a frank and the senate passed, 36 to ' .28, a 6- cried aloud at th1! pain from blast complete, 11 , lIomewhat startling, The report forecast 'an oat crop month extension of rent control. burns on his unprotected face: one-pacicage statement , on U. S. of , 1,380.000,000 bushels, four per- The law is, due to expire ,June SO. Dr. ' Harold Gerson was lowered foreign palle,-. cent more than last re~r~ Ry,e proMany-of the Democrat. who voted into the · well and gave Atteo a \lY, The malil points: (1) The United ductlon, torecast at 22.400,000 bu- for extension did ' 50 frankly In rC'< podermic. States should go to war 11 Russia ahels, would be 20 percent larger sponse to an appeal made In ,party Just five minutes before rescumoves Into western Europe; (2) than last year but aWl sinaller caucus by majority leader Scott ers reach1!d him, Atteo, wrIthing He doubts there ever can ' be a than average. Lucas. He told hla eolleagues bill with pain and almost out o~ his complete bipartisan foreign poll-, chances to defeat ' his Repl,lb11can mind, started struggling In the cy to cover aU ar~aa ot the world. opponent to DlInoJs, Everett Dirk- vise that held him. HJs son warned The senator, however, did not U. S. Just Talking son, bung o~ Democratic support him to remain still and "you'U entirely abandon the mus(c of isoget out.," It was too late, howfor rent control. lationism with which he bas otten Sixteen outstanding Iclentlsts, Th'e following Ciay the house ever, Atteo was dead. been associated. He added th!lt he educators, and 'clergymen have Is- voted 202 to 163 to extend the rent belleved the U, S, can contribute sued a five-point pro~am calling control measure. The house measmost to meeting the challenge (of ,for ,total disarmament and accu.- ure, however. would extend rent ' Mother of Seven Chlldr.n Ru,sla> U it ml/intains ;'a free Ing the United Stlltes' of just paying control leven months. I. IColle,.' Moth., of 160' hand" a~d avolds any commltt- Up service to disarmament while Now the, two chambers D;lust apOINCINNATI, o. - Mrs. Reba ments, such as arms aid, now or actually d,l scouraglng such a step. ' polnt • committee to Iron out the Gllbert has been rlamed the aU"land-mass fighting in E1,l1'ope" 'l'he nve points: length ot eXtension betore the btU American college mother ot J950. U fighting breaks out. ' 1. An Immediate halt to atomIc can be sent to President Truman. The gray-haired Mrs, Gilbert, Op the bipartisan foreign poHe,Ll.ke the lIenate bill, the house who performs the usual tasks ot bomb production, ' with stockpiles problem, Taft was not ,umpln, measure provides tbat wben ex- a farm wit'! and also drives back completely to either .Ide ot ,the to be takl1n o:ver by the U. N. pen,dIng , !urther negotiations, tended tederal law again runs out and torth to Cinclnbati' to aiten~ fence. He ,wanted It understood he -on December 31, 1950, ,or, Janu-, beHeved a ' bIpartisan polle,- coula', 2. Aeceptance at tbe ,Soviet pro- ary 31, 1951, depending on wblch class e., was graduated this spring be achieved cn "specUle projects" posal for nations I-rather than In- version 11 adopted-the governing with a cert1!lcate in ,oumalism. when there is advan~e consulta- ternatlonal-atomlc ownership, un~' bodiel of municlpallties can ', vote But that's not all. Five of her tion with , "elected Republlcans lD der an agreement block1ng large- ail additlonal extension untU June ' seven chUdren also received eolscale production. ' lege degrees &bill Iprlng. ' congress." 80, 1951. ' , He was critical of two recent de3. Ac;ceptance of the American Major Raymond A. Gil!Jert. her, velopments, particularly the "bal- proposal for international inspec. . oldest , son, received 'a bllcbeJor of anced collective forces", concept tion ot atomic resources and proscience degree at Ohio State; ail'Ced upon by the Atlantlc pact dUction. John, the youngest Bon, 'received , foreign minister In London, and a ba~chelor of .elence degree h'0l)l •• A compromille in the U. S.the ,1,222,500,000 second-Ins taU- SOviet disagreement over whether Ohio University; another son" ment arms-aid program. He laid atomic .tockpUes sbould be cielCharles, received a master ot arts the buDding up of European forces troyed before or atter International degree at Otterbein coUege; and might incite Russia to ' attaek on controls go Into etteel • daughter, Janet. received a grounds that It conStituted "agbacbelor ot education degree ai S . .AboUtlon at all armiel and 8l'esslve actlon." the same scbool conventional armament. at the The colle,e mother ot 11150 ,drove same time atomic weapona are dll118 miles a day t4 attend ola'l!!s stroyed_, . twiee a week., The past ,emelter The report was .I,ned by Albert 26 Miles in Picture Ihe drove 4,500 roUes. Next faU Einstein and novelist Louis Bromabe plan, to be back' to contInuo The AIr Force has announced field, among others, and laid Ia ber work toward a de,ree. the development of a camera. that part: ' In additlon 'to her ,tudies; Ille wDl take 28 roUes ot picture from "Officially appolnteci reprelent.. ,ardeDl and C&118 500 can, of Ve,. ' 10,000 teet. The picture can be Uves to the UN teU the worlci that etablel and trult each year. taken in two lecond.. , ' the U,S. wantl dllSnnament and Her bUJband. Arthur M. GUban, , The air force laid. the camera onlY RUSSia ltancil in the way. y.t 1. ._ .......... Jlvee I Is an electrical engineer. He and telta to determine Ita value In re- other American otfleiala do wbat wltIa .... m e d BoHeYeI' , Mrs. Gllbert llve on • Noaere ccmnafalance. Whether It will be they can to dlscourl,e cllaarma..ne after- ~ the De.... farm. Wtalled In new alreratt wal not ment. craUc DO.....UOII for ."Yen- ' d!acloled. or •• CalUenda. Be wiD men Most observers, agreed the , proTb. cllatanee caD be mere lied b,. gram proposed was Idealfstte, but Two·'lnt, onerDor Earl WarreD, 'a. a COnllIPOCIdJn. elevation of the hardly practical ' In the Upt of pablloall _mlllee, ID Nove_ R.po~.d Co..ln" Blot pJane, the af:r torce teported.. Iter. . world events_ , NEW YORK. - The ~ants Iult, a wartime e•• ~, is ataalq a comeback. 10 Mllllol t. I Reel Youths Threaten Max Udell SoDa • com~, blign. Post cl~ manutaeturer, dIacoftrecl EYer Ilnee the lipnUc Red WbUe mlJch of ' the natlon WI. wDlIain W. BemfDrtoa, c0m,.outh rallT fa Soviet German:r It readin, about methocb to curb merce department employee, wIIo that in a survey, A questionnaire answered b,. 101 ba. been appatent to obluver. gamblin" a lrom Las Ve,... with Michael Lee. aaother '10,000 a ",&allen around tba COUIlU)" .u.' that the Communists were not sat- Nev., reported • •ambler mad, • ,ear man ID tba department. were eIoaed tJaat two-paats .wta are lItled at aU with the ruults of that paillel at the dice table, aomethlDl llaDdecl a , "quit or be fired" ordar rrowlnf rapidly III popuJarltJ. rall7. that happens -onee fa 10,000,000 1ut Kay, baa ~'* his poaL AD eatlJiJated It per ceDi '" reNow Ealt Germ8D7 threateoed timel. , , Remington II under Indlctmeat tallers are lOIn, to • their °aulta to Had Its bluelhlrted Communist '!'be .amblln, call1lio laJd It loR fDr per:lUl'J'. He II aceuaecl of 17. with two pants.' ADd "some area, JQuthI marchln, IDto West Ger- ,1110,000 and the ,ambler, JrIIo WOIl hiI when be denied ever belq • m8D7. And ",e.tern I.aden wamed onlJ fTIIO, eould have takeD . . .- Communllt. ' LIe baa refIIaed to neb a Detroit aDd adcap. pJaa buJaB '" tJaeho IIdta WUIa tw the,. would "shoot If D8CeIIU,'" to aa.4111 had he let bls beta aacuma- realp aaIIl tbe JoJal~ board bu to trouaera... tbe IUrft7 RIlL k89_ ~ out. lata. ruled GIl Ida pa~
Fifth Column of 540,000 in U.S.; Wheat Crop to M,iss Billion Mark
Good News for Buyers ,
CAREFULLY CONDUCTED lUl'vey over a considerable portion ot tbe United States demontitrated that ~O out of eaeh 100 adults ot the population hold, the er-rouneous be11el th'at the purchaser pays in the price of the merchandise ha "bUJIs for the adverUslng, 1! allY, the merchant docs, The tact is neither the merchant nor his customers pay tor that advertising, It is a servlta 'that actually pays 10r Itself. In estimating his "mark "p" on tho mercbandlse he Is handlIor, ' the merchant must take into conslderatlDn his over-beael merchandising cost. These costs inolude rent, taxes, Insurauoe aceounlln&', dcUvcrtes, and Dther Hems. The prices be plaoe. OD. ' bill merchandise includes, In addition to the cost of his me.... cballdlse, these ovtll'bud ,expense Items, based on wbat bll considers bls probable volq,mll of .... es dollal'S. , His QIiIy method of reducing, that mark up price I, to devlde his overhead costs over a larger number of sales dollars, AdvertiSing produces the needed Increase in sales dollars and enables him to reduce hls mark up price. '" That Is 4 good ne.ws story to the customers of every advertlslIlg merchant eBch ' month, If the approximate' figures 01 those increasing aales dollau and the decreas.ing mark up prices wj!re told each month. each customer of that store ,would be eagerl,. watching for that atol')'.
" reduction In the mart up price would mean the merchant ",..s dlstrlbutlnr the resQ]t. of increasin. sales doDars to bls , customers. That, In ,reality, Is the silurcl! of merobudlae SlId aervfoe bar"alu prices. Whe.n that Is realized, the peeple will watcb ,with ITeater Interest the atlvertielDC' 'of eacb merohant. Advertising the customer eloes no& pay fllr, tbat tbe merchant eloes 1I0t pay for, that pay. tts own way, and makes lower prtces posalble. When the people In any community tully un,d erstand how adver~lng works !lnd What it accomp,llahes, th}it 40 'out of ea'c h 100 ot our people no longer wUl belleve that the advertising merchant adds the ,coat of his advertiSing to the price of what be sells. They wlll unde:r. stand , .how advertising 18 a l1quldlltIng cost that makes possible the lower price. every consumer is
seeking. It Is a safe bet to buy from the
mercbant who consistently- ad'Vertises. He la the cne who can attord to make the lower 'pr1ces. The consl\IIler needs to' real12:e that ·the ' advel'tislng merchant cm. bd does, oUer lower prices than can those who do not advertise_ His advertlslng produces a larger volume ot sAles and enables him to apportion his fixed overhea4 costs over a larger number' of sales dollars. Bather than ' tbe cOllS1lDler or the merchant paying for tbat advertising, It paYs Its OWD way aDd enables tbe merclJaat to offer "bargain prteell," ,lt Is' all Intereatln. story any mercbaat could teU' as to the wby allel the remt 9f advertising.)Tbe statement that advutlslnC pays for Itself Is a faot, Dot a floUoD,
• ••
When war comes, it it does, can we provide from some place' In the American government a Red general officer to command that 55,000 Reds the F .B,I. says are in this country, plus the larger numbe~ of f~ow travelers? Altogether quite an army, much larger than the one that wresUed the R,ulslan ,overn. ~ent from the Czar. •
• ••
Man.!: a youngster quits .ch()01 for
no valid reason, and 'I n 10 doln" ·.entences hImself to a lUetlme of m~ldn. a llvin, with ~ bands. e· •
Take the trw. 0 a t 01 ow ~ola IUId Jive the Idas mora: Uine ror the three a'I, 8114 the,. Win lie better equipped f . ute'l pr,blem••
• • •
Our .chools ara over.producin, cn athletes.
• ••
The polltleal problem of tOoda,. S"not how mU9h the law -allows ua. but ,how much can Wa ,et.
• • •
'l'ba membe1'l of tha Amer:lean Le~OI1 who oppose any chan,el fa the let up of the vetel'&118 admtnl.tardon are OPPOlln, the but Interestl of the veteranJ.
The people are cpposed to the waltlna of monlT appropriated for tha vaterana' weUan. The Hoover commtaton found one branch of the veterana aclmlnlatratlOll III wblcb there wete 48 employees. Of that number, H were .upervlaera or bosses, one for each clerk and atenographer. '!'be boAU were -belnf paid 180,000, of the tl2O.000 approprlatloa lor that offlee. 'l'be people gmeran, do not object to the taz moaa,. IPCnt on the Yet-ana. but the,. do protalt Ibe JJ18la. ......ee of a II011tlcal bareaucrae)".
Well Digger Trapped hi Shaft; Rescue Efforts Are Futile
A New Garden Fe.ature lUS ANIMATED scare-crow Is only 18 lncl)es high, and turns In the s'lightest bre eze, making an interesting feature tor the garden. Paint him iri bri~ht colors a,s shown , on pattern 307, which also gives directions for making and finishing.
• • •
Prl •• CI' , Plltt.rn J.
WORKSllOl' l'ATTERN SERVIGE Drnwer 10 0 •• 11111 •• New York
'0 ••
Each With YOrlr Own 'Initial! ,
~Onrv754 wilh while-"or end froM
KELLOGG'S VARIETY PACKAGE • Lovoly.uvol'\'I'arewfth
8Cript initiaL
Old Company P14te IMde and lJUaranteed.by Wm. RogonMCg.Co"Meridoo, CoDD.. Wit.b epoons. you
ret prioce' on complete
IIIrvioe-oll'ered by •••
Kollog.I!'''vAllttl''l of 7 cereal dlilighte. • • , .roul bOltes. ' l.I'UI(1I0'" an,ytime l '
Kellogg'., Depl.Ff,Wallln,*onI,C"nnectlalt
Plcn.o IIInd me . , • ,. "Sll[!I,Dturo"tea-
.PQOtII' wit.h following imtial .•• , ••• For eacih unit IUt of 4 spoonsl.I enc1oao 1 white,sl.nr end froID Keuollll'. VAJWITY PA.C XAoa
Ham •••• I
(pl•••• print.
. Ad........... I I • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a~
•.••••••••..•.• Zon •••• S..........
0"., goa<l only '" U, S" _______
""loci t. all
Primar.y Winn,er
Van Camp'. Por:k and leans ', ~
TOmoto Serue.
Choice., plump, whole hean", • ••• eecret savory tomato "uee ••• sweet tender .,ork ••• with flavor through ' apel rhrough. ODly Van Camp" , .. originator of CIDIIed pqrk and heana. _• gin. you 10 much good eating at lUeb IiWeCOlltofmone1 and dart.
Thursday, JUDe
SEWINa CIRCLE PATTERNS • This is Archie's s tor y. It comes from the records of the Montreal Police ~oys club. It could be the story of any potential delinquent in any crowded city anywhere. Here (right) Archie, tough, aggressive little gang leader, argues witll a storekeeper as members of his pack look on. This is the begin.ning of his troubles which could lead to police court if it were not for a polke organization t thot offers .his kind a new deal.
Style lor Summer Dates Gay Circle Skirt Q Joy to Sew Wool Outlook Bri~rht. Bureau Head Reports Material Remains Qualit! Fabric for Human Ne~eds
Miracle Of Montreal
For the sheep ranchers and,· farmers who maintain small W. F. FitzGerald, president Wool bureau, had a good when he predicted markets wpol are bound to Increase. Speaking before the National soclatlon of Wool Manufacturers their annual meeUng in New York, he said: "Barring a nlltlonal catastlropl;\e, markets for wool, and IndeE!d for all textiles of esta bUshed slervlce values, Is , bound to increase. The r easons are fundamental aoa are to be found In even a casual study ot our, increasing populatlor.l, our expanding birth rate, the total
Like a Dream
UST ABOUT the easiest lewing you'll find-a handsome circle skirt that goes together like a dream. Try it in a huge flower EXCITING date frock for juniors printed fabric and be the life of that',s certain to delight the :he ne,n square dance I , youthful sewer. Note the , pretty Item No. 1970 cornel In waist slzel neckline, cool sleeves, huge pocket 24.Po25. 2.8 ~. 2.8. 30 Dod 32. ' Sl:" 25• • that can have an applique or yard. of 36 or ~9·lncb. monogra\'ll added.
• Archie (above) ·is in the act of heaving a rock into the window of the storekeeper's shop. ~e wants to get even with the man and demonstrate to his gong just how tough he really is. He 'almost .gets away with it, but (right) runs into the waiting arms . of an officer. In many cities he , . would find himself fa:cing a juvenile court judge. He doesn't know it yet, but the Montr~al police are are going to give him another chance.
• • •
8EWING CmCLE PATTERN DEPT. 630 a.alll wen. 81 •• Cbl •• ~o 7. DI • Enclose 25 cepts In eolna for aacb pottern dealred.
the sprlDIl ond summer STYLIST. Sp..
Is & urn e d to hasten dr,rlnlJ:.
'!bere Will be a greater demand for this IIber, spokesmen for the wool producing indulslry predIct ..
• • •
P a ttern No. 8473 I. • aew-rlte perfo-
~gl:~lrJ~elli"r~~. 8A~~Sy~~;2011~1I.1}'4,;h~5.
Pattern No, ........... . Slze ... ..... .
Send ~ cenu loday fol' your copy of d o' fabric news: smar t ea.sfu. to sew ~~~~~: free pa Itern printed side Vl"
Add.rel. • .••••
••• •••• •• • •••• . • • • ••••••••••••••• , I •••••••••••••••••• , ••••
number of pcople employed acd the constantly inoreaslng starldards of living of large segments .of our FitzGerald went on to po~nt out that an acceptable substitute for wool has not been developed" Wool is still the quality fiber whlch 15 best suited for 'a wide vadety of human needs and we are convinced the 'publlc shares that opinion, he ·added. . Tha Wool bureau Is a servllce organization establlsbed by wool· growers ot Australia, New Zea· rand, South Africa and Am.erica.
• Archieis parent (left) listens to the detective's warning. But he explains Archie will not be taken to court. The young offender . " e Ci'i v e s c:i membership cord in the Police Juvenile club, brain child of Capt: Qvilo Pelletier. Voluntary members, plus members like Archie, number 65,000 in th@ dty's clubs. • Now that ' he, is a member, Archie (right) is in"ited into the gym ta take part in sports. Meet-. ina many , of his street corner cronies' there helps to break down Archie's natural suspicion of the police. Like thousonds of , o t.her .Montreal boys, Archie now hos a place . to play and is off the streets enry night in the 'week from six to' nine. As a result of the club's efforts, juvenile delinquency has dropped more than 50 cer cent in five years.
Only 'One Willie was doing penance in the corller. Presently he thought aloud pensively. "I can't help it if I'm no~ per· fect," be sighed_ "I never heard of but 'one perfect ·boy. anyway." "Who was that?" asked his
mother. thinldng to point a moraL .Ipapa," came the silencing reply, "when he was little."
[! INTS~ Clean Flues
• • •
No Discrimination During the last May Day parade, a policreman shoved past an onlooker who became very angry. "Don't push mel" be snapped, "I'm an antl-Communistl" "I don't care what kind of a Communist you are-move onl"
m l'a, Clarence! "Clarence,"
s top p e d the car and looked
A once-a-yenr check by an ex- around . pert service m an will keep the "I am not accustomed to can flues of your gas space heater my chauffeurs by their first name, cJean and unb]ock~d. ' Clarence. What is your surname?" GlassmakJng an Ail ADclent Art ' "Darling, mum." The hlstory of fi.ne glassware "Drive on, Clarence." goes back moxe than 5,000 years, • • • but the processes used today are . Terl\1inology practically the same 'as those used , "One slap off a yearling for a that many years ago. ' gummer;" shouted the waiter to the short order cook. "Gracious," said the little old lady at one of Com needs plenty to eat and Birthday Parties the tables, "Whatever is than." drlnk to produce high ' IJrCIlelJ[l ' Mothers know that birthday "Why U's just a steak, ma'am,·' yields. . celebrations are .among the most replied the waiter, "Th'e old gent important occasions in a child's You can get extra poun,ds life._..HQwever, it takes time . to back there ain't got no teeth." • • protein and more bushels per a plan the games, favors, anil other SU1'prls~f too, with . a well·rounded preparations that make these "Did anybody drop a roU of fare based on good soU mll,nalge- I occasions a success. Busy home- bills with a ' rubbe.r band around ment. University of m akers can save time and work , lIearch nlen proved that In . in tho kitchen by depending on them?" "Yes, I did," said several on a number of experiment fields . the ir neighborhood baver ' to fur. in the bank lobby: a J . Snider ot the agr.)nomy nish one of his delicious cakes rc.r voices ~'Well, I just picked up the rubstaff reports that good soU man· the party. A personal touch may agement Increased the corn's pro· then 'be added by decorating the ber band," said the old gentletein content by nearly a powld per to.' p 'o f the bakers' cake with a man calmly. bushel.' Corn grown on' well u:cated clock face, making the ,numbers land averaged 5.6 pounds of pro- out of contrasting .frosting. and teln per bushel, ' or about 10 per cent of the total weight. Corn on placiqg the hour hand of the clock untreated soil ' averaged only 4,8 so that ft points at his age. Can· dIes are unn ecessary with this pounds of protein per bush el, or ciock face, alth,ough most chil,dren about 8.5 , per cerit. enjoy making a wish and blowing The well managed land had the out the fJames. benefit ot 1imlng and rotation built BrOUljd well·fed deep·rooted le- ' . Sliver Cream Pltcber gurnes. The organIc matter added by the legumes ' built good soU ,Your silver cream pitcher Is structure and tilth, improved the handy for holdjng sirup or light drainage and increased thn soil's dessert sauces. It is a lso charming' water holding capacity, That made for small informal flower arrange· It easier for corn roots to get at ments. plant nutrients; oxygen and mols·
--------:------- ..
A fast hockey game Archie (left) a will.ing and enthusiastic play. .er. His early suspiciOn of police has giYen way' to a gru~ging respec:t and fin a II y gratitude. This story of Archie can be rightly termed a 'mirocle, if even, in a minor way, for it represents · the first chance far a wholesome boyhood Archie has ever known. It is also the story of what ·one great city is doing to battle juyenil. . d,liltqu.ncy. Perhaps it should .. named - the 'Mlraclt of MontrtaL find~
':l'he "fertilizer ' trea tment ' induded phosphate and potash where needed. On soils requll'ing more nl trogen than the legume crops provided, nitrogen fCfUlizer helped increase the, corn'. protein .content. Snider laya good soil management. not only lrilproved the corn's feedIng value, bu~ Improves yield.
121/2 Million Fewer Mules And Horses in 30 Year:! .
(IS IT HARD FOR YOU TO ~ CUT DOWN SMOKING 1 TIreD dra". I. SANO, with ," saf.r
MlsK Barbara Worley, of Day· . . . . . . . . .11!11~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •1111 ton, spent sev ral days -1-hls week 1111 the huul!e guellt of ,\lr. EI tabll.hed 1850 . Mrs . Jll.IDes Rader IUld their IIA''' ... ''' _· PAUL A. 8CHERER . ..... ..... .......... ····· · Editor and PubUlher R I Wr, uth e. OEOILIA J. SCHERER ................ ·· .. · .Seoretary and Tr.a.urer h8. A. S. Co llett lett '1'hursdaY
for New York 'Ily where she w1l1 Published Evel'y ThurBday MornlDl be the house guest tor a ["w dllYS . at WaY1l svllle, warren COUnty, Ohio of Mr. and Mrs. Ml1ul'lce Coil ott Entered ns second clas8 matter at lind family. tbe postorn 0 at Waynesville, Ohio. The ,.MlssIOhlll·y Soclely of tbe Jonah Run chur h hold a Food Sllle at tho Grange 1:11111, Saturday morning. be"lnnlng at 9 :30 a . m. , MIsB Mal'sba A.nn Radel" who bas been the ,hous guest of reI· sOUTHERN KO~ atives In Dayton, 'returned to ' het· WJ1at about South Korea? What will the United home here, 'S~lnrlay morning, W. C. Wilson and Hiram Goorge Nations do? end note to be ' ignored, as in the past, returned ' home, Friday morning by the Communi ts? Where is the World Police Force rrQm It . 1 \\' 0 weells fishing trip III that wns to have heen created as one of thh provisions Moittlcello,lndlllnll. of th e charter? Will thi inva ion touch off the MI'. lind :Mrs: John Becke't t SIr.. spark that will set the world aflame again \vorse than lind sons. or l')'anklln, were guests Pearl Harbor? These are a ll questions that will be . Friday of Mr. Beckett's parents Mr. and Mrs. ~e/l Beckett. answered within th e next few day or it will be too Weldoll,' (J{unky) Bogan, who late, recently WIIS taken to Grandvlow Hospital, Dayton, 'Is reported to be If the United Nations does not act now, there Improving. 'is )itt1~ use tor them ,to continue, It will be a thing Of Dr and Mrs Gordan Munson , or tlle past -' - not worth the paper it is written on. Dayton, were guests duriog the This mornin~ the Northern C.ommies'entered the capweek end of Mrs. Munson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson. ital city of Seoul and it is feared that all the war ma, Mr. Leon Reed and his aisleI', terial that can be sent will not be enough to stop them of Yellow Springs, 'Yere guests from taking over the entire country. When are we go-, Saturday, of Mrs. W. C. ' Tichenor. jng to act to stop the Kremlin? Undoubtedly the Miss Gloria A.nn lacobs a.nd Phillippines will be next. Then what? Miss Sue Fairchild ha.ve retlll'ned
1IIIIImmll l l Wl l l l l lil ml l lil il l l l l l l liliIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIR
. By aANE FITE The Missionary Circle , of the Jonah's RUD Ba.ptlst Churc.h met at the home of Mrs. Lura Hough Wednesday afternoon. Tbe Adult Bible Class of the Jonab's RUn Baptist Cb1!rch met at the bome of Mrs. Lena Clark and lIer daughter, Miss Ellztbell! Clark Friday evening. Hownrd Collett of WUmington, conducted the pr~ gram.
!MIB8 Ruth Talbert Is now em· played as a' clerk In the Smith Dry Good. store, here. MI'& .DILve Elbon and daughter, Jacqueline. and bel' mother·In·law, Mrs, Maude Elbon; of Morrow were guests WedJlesdty, of Mr. and Mrs.
home from a weeks camping trip at - the Methodist Camp, Sabina. Ben BeCkett. !Howard Doster bas returned from The two girls gave Interesting re. Boys State, held at Camp Pen'y, ports at their actlvlttes, at the cl~urcb Sunday, morning. , near Sandusky. The Young People's Class ot tlte Mrs. George Wat rhouse 'of Full GOSpel Church held a picnic Waynesv\l1e, was a guest Thurs· at the Denver WII II am~, J r. ,.. 0day afternoon of Mrs. Lol1lse Flte and h'el' daughter, Miss Jane Flte. morlal Park, In Wilmington, Frl. Mr. and Mrs. James Gilliam and day evenlng. Mr. and ~rs. Lee Garrett , all~ aon Johnnie, IOf Dayton, were guests Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. their dn.ughters and Mr. Wilford James Rader and daugbter, Ruthle. Winds~r, or Dayton, were Sunday " . II'S. Mrs. Ada: Bell, of Dayton, Is the dinner guests of Mr. a nd ~ . bouse gue of her son 'and daugh· James Rader. ter-ln~aW') (Mr. and Mrs. George Charles , (Pete) Ellis, who was Bell. Injured In au Industrial accident Mrs. I,O~a Welch and Mr. and in Lebanon Thllrsday, Is r!!coverMrs. Tbomas Welch were dinner Ing. • Mr. Ellis sustained ,laceraguests Wednesday evening of Mr. tiona aod bruises When b'e was and Mrs. Paul W~lcb and son; of caught In 0. conveyor wlilch had Lebanon. , been accidently turned on. . Fted Barnard, of Alpha, visited A children day program w1ll be presented at the M.ethodlst __ '___ , ,friends in the v1l1age, Wednesday ,t hla Sunday morDing. afternoon.
Including ~~mlBIIm.llllmmmmllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l l l l l ll!ll~
$1.64 ' Tax
0- - ' - - - - - - - : - ' - ' '
B'E·'·L'CHER' S PHONE 2423
,. ~ .~ ~
Mr. [md Mrs . Thurman Gilliam,
The St,
Augustine Church, of
c,f Lebanon, ano Mrs. Thomas Mc· Waynesville, beld a picnic dinner Clure; of Akron. were guests Mon· .1 uay eVelu n g o·• Umr. an"'M rs. H er· bert Doater. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil RoblnsQn. of F~J'D.tlk.ll!l, Mr. and Irs. John PteI'. SOli. Mr. Dick Harl·ls. and Mr. Rob. elrt Glenn, of Cin Cinnati, were <> d f Mr' . an(1 ""rs. 8.lIests ,.,un a.y 0 '" B n Beckett.
J. E. Smith and L, K. BI'lllegar w,ere bus hl S8 callers In Irvin, Kentucky , Ihl" early purt or the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardin, of Dayton. were guests Sunday of Mrs. Ell/!- Volers and Mrs. Clara Guarjulhi..
at Jacob's Park, Wellman, Sunday afternoon.
N, a .a le
DA ~ P,R OGRAM '••• ',
Wrestling--3 Bouts
7 to 9 p. m.
118. m.
,.1 '1 R ,'-K W 0 B ', k 'S' ..
PLUG HORSE ,,R unning Races d
.. ) 1 p. m.
. sOp.... '
AII 'D·ay
Amu's ements
. ----- .
Mrs. Lura Hough and Mrs. Doris Bennett Were among tbose fea- Allo Diabetic Canned Fruita tured In a plano re Ital given by Mrs . .Helen McCoy, Wa)'llesv1lJe, DON'T FORGET at the Dayton Art Institute, Satur· ~ evening. , , Mr. and Mrs. James Doster, of Dayton, were guesta Saturday evonlng of Mr. and Mra. Thornbury FOOD STORE and Mr. 2541 , and Mrs. Herbert Doster. "-"l _ _Pboae _ tIIfr. Jesse Frost, of Peebles, WBS a guest during the week end of . 14b& Bglb. ta 1111 Mr. and Mrs. George Frost. Llaht bulbi were 10 trade up Mr. aDd MrS>. Cecil Linkous and family, of Lebanon, were guest., to 1812 that they were wrapped Sunday Of Mrs. Oba Welch and Mr. In cotton and .hlpped in wooden ' bOll.. IUlpended on Iplral and MrS. Thomas Welch: 1Pt1Dlt.
~~!!!~~!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!~~~~~~!!!~~~~~!! • ~ :: FOR FIRST CLASS FRESH
EBRA.l'E o
THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 19-50
• _n• •_I1 _'. , _J_Ii _ca _Ii....
Dry' Ridge A Farm Diary By D. J.
June 27, t 960,-Tbe sun hoi I>hlll' lng, It ulso shone yost rdl~y, Of COlli'S th ey '!jay bolilud tile c10udR I he BIIII Is always IIhlll lllg 110 tllla may not b newl:I but 11£11'0 ou Dry Rilige In -\Vn 1'1' II COUll ty, rJI.t '" 11 ,'eek nud more or wet WQllt he r, Lhl R Is news, It lulned !tnd then ml~ed 80m mol'o. '1'lIe weeds ILI:e 1IIgh, We 'g ot some o~ the COI11 plow d bUL Bome \v118 plow d when the ground WILS fl. little wet and that may not be 80 good, Til look o wond erful everywhere, I and such II. rich dal'it gre~ n, tbey use more fel'tlllz I' this yeu r when tboy cut the aoreage 01' Is It just the weather? The barley Is helng combined and the rye Is ready to cut In some places. ,The wheat 1s gl'e n golc.l ond looks fine, Evol'yone Is stili str:uggllllg with' hay. Xostorduy we out the alfa lfa. that 111\.8 boon ready to cut for' some tim e. 1 lik e the th\l! t cutiIng 'ut elLrly berol'e the weeds get ' 80 b'g Ilnd before It 'gets 80 stemmy, Lots of It was badly beaten down but tbey mlin· nged be> cut It n.nyway, Now Jf th e present s unshi ne Illsts long enough uud we find sam!! one to bale It Ilt the rIght time all 'WJll be well, 1 can't .see that hnndUng an 1110;'e bales Isn't just about as hard n.~ putllng It In loose w h 11 you Imve a Iiay fork III th blum, but It does take mDre mow space a nd Is hnrder 11 you haVe to move It lateI'. The ohloks are housell at las t In the brooder bOUSQ. The roof Is lliendell and the door put ba k on its hinges, ', T,bey spent the week In all improvised brood r In ' the living room. Satisfactory for th& chicks, ut least: I only lost Ulree out of the bundl'8d und elgbt or ni ne that I had, fresh from til Incubatol', but not loo nice for m ', but I was 80 busy IIU week that they didn't bother me, Thoy wore bandy to tak cal'e of, My brooder bouse bus neve,r been wired and
Play' Equipment ,
Hem mber 'W I'a e n pra Ucn.lly al i the p J ay eqUipment Children had WIUI swing? TOday tIley have slides, . teetertotl 'r s, sand l~lCes, m erry,go· rounda, a.n d bal'8 to keep them £In. t.ertllined, But th t hrill ()~ s1,idlng dOlYn 8- haystack, )lla.ylng In tbe barn, 01' wading In a bl'OOk n ev'e r call be I"oplu.c.ed Many have found II.
lilY old kO/'clielle slovE' wellt to ·plecl'f\ long ~o BO IWlt night before I wt'u t tl) bed I went alit and Inlu 1lI1 old blanket over the chIcks ~ here I hey huu sottl('d down for t h II I~lll Ilke u tent and they Illl Dl od a h'lgllt this morrilllg, At 10l\.8 t 1I1l'Y IV 1'£1 not yiwlng, Tboy 11"01'0 too IV lUlU Y at rday after· nOOn 1'01' a whtl e, I must watcb tOcltlY and tl ,=i>v l de nltlre venUla· I clread the tlun If It g ts hot, lim wh n til y oari be let out und be th~ proy of all the var· 1l.lnts In the cOlln'ty , I wond I' If gnll. us will be any protection to thorn - they mnke sucb a noise II'hell uny tblng III 1IJ'0und, One of t1113 guln as WBS fighting tbe Old '
•• •
• •
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co~ ' PHONE 2371 ...
They say that money burns a hole in a perlon'a pocket. If that's the way money get. away from you, do this: Make a deposit with us every pay day. instead ,o f car· rying a roll of billi. Try it, and s~ how much further ahead financially you'll be.
Waynesville National Bank
to aee ,vho started It ~ut the du ck ~. (luck this mornIng, wRsn't that there1 was making 811Ch aI noIse \'ht to S8e and th pre was one of the gliinena 11ft I' her, Do you 8 UIlPOSIl thoy, will flgbt the chicks? 'I'h e sPtlal<el' ILt the Antioch Col· l e~e cODlm ncernen t Saturday was a 'anltc]lnn bOl'n JallRllese named S, 1. HnYllkn,wa., He spoke on the subject " (JRn Uuman BeIngs I.ellJ'n to Agree?'" He pOinted out that wll n we HIlY people ougbt to ag ree, we usually mean agree wflh Ul!, ' W IlILve the ways of refuting .aIIi .ho"., anil ".elcllnl Ilfta or. h.r. in ljParkN"" tbe ' other fellows stutements s nd .rny, .... d' for you to make your .electllo" presenting Ollrs aggressively In our exte".I. . .tQCk. Your favorite bride olr Iroo.. arguments down to a solence, but will be tickled with a ,1ft from Fairley'. "'eou.. w have no techniqu e of agr~e too, will know that you'ye b..n In men,t, We know the words that .bout wl.hln, th.... luck. __ ~ leall .to dlsngreement but we do not IfllO<lv bow 10 use words that lead to agreem ent. · In ract we do not really · want to agree, , There 18 Ii feeling thut t hel'e Is a cert.nfn wea!tnesa In agreeing with the o~her person, PII51'O The flrsl IItep toward-lIgteement, 'liSSURl COOKER he Bays, Is to really listen to the other fellow, Find' out what they One , 01 the bel' k.own on 1~e marreally are tal king about before you kd-Ideal I'or oan· disagree, VVlben yo~ have really nlnr & q1liok-cooJdn•• IIl1tened you may tlnd tha.t wbat tlley are saying Is not so dltrerent 8eqiatr.. 110 , .re••iII•• IIakea I .~ a Ume. Jrom what you think. In' ruany KITCHEN STOOL labor disputes after listening with an open mind and re-examining the .... bandy .tool and a handler ladder aU ill Question agahl and sgaln it has ODe. orten been tound that the tllouble wM not the obvious ODe tllllt had b 'Oll stated but something baok of that, which' was much easier to seWe, spoke of "the frustl'atlon of not being listened to," In so mallY cases it people would Just pop-up listen nnd find out wbat the other TOASTER J! !lon 1.11 talkJn" bpl,l , W,ba: till: child. really wants to know, or what he Is tl'ylng- ,to tell you, agreement ALL PURPOSI! would be 80 milch easler, We Sl'e MIXER Golden brown too I'eady to accept th's idea that .lIc.. come to Bere'. a miser '10U'U be proud to own. you 2 at a ~lme please-II U8...lIIost e motionally and ac· It doe. practloally when YOU bave cept It all fac t and right (or it In· ODe ,01 thele. .verJWnc. OnlJstead' of dOing as the scientists do r egard each h)']l~tes ls 8& seemillg to be true In the light of present InfoMIlatoln but 8ubject to change and devlslon ss We yearn more about It. As we 'adopt thIs attitUde and learn to list en we can develop a techniqUe of agreement, And now tho world needs it!
IlarJaea Ia Uti Aa ear17 I I 1.,.." thr.. marille ' realmentl were recruited in Amarlea; allembled in New York UDdlr our. .~mpathetic the commlnd of General Alexander unde~.t.ndlng 0 f Spotlwood of Vir.1n11. and perfinancial IImlta· formed valiant ••rvlci in the tiona to, ve r y West In~e. for the B0l.al BriUab satlafylng In their navy. ~ - - => tlm,e of need. ' ,
Weedone Brush Killer 32
...!I Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.
PHONE 2371 . se;c
I will.ell at Public Auction at the Residence,S miles south of Centerville, 5 miles east of Springboro" 5 miles ,vest of Waynesville, 9 miles north of Lebanon, at tbe corne.r of State Routes 48 and 73. on '
, S~turday, July 1, 1950 Starting
2:00 P. M., the follow~g Real Estate: '
7 room. 2 ' story Fram~ Hou~, not finished. Has Electricity, Full Basement. , This property' is well built and JUlt about finished. 3 rooms upstairs now finished and rented. Anyone who can saw and dr;ve naila can finish the property. A good location at the corner State Routf' 48 and 7;J. Suitable for any kind of business. It will make lomeone a good home. See this property any time prior ta day of sale. and if interested in buying come prepared to buy as ' the properly will, sell regardless of ,nice bid. , TERMS-$500.00 Cash at th ~ Sale; Balance Ca.b with Deed.
MRS. ,- ,
,LAMB, Owner
H. F. WORREll, Auctioneer, Germantown
Phone 2291
4 , .8iDcerttr "
Sincerity 1. a fundamental pan of aUecUon that resultl in IClOd relationship. , betw.en ebUCl . ,04 parenti: C::bi1dren are', quick 10 1eel a lack of Ilneerlty, .-sd are aquan, q\1fck to feel and re,. pond 10 what· ever II Ilncer. and ,enuiD••
General Repairing
"WEED SPRAYERS" ,$1.32.00
BA~IES $7~45
$1.50 AYEAR
Firestone lires
Charles Doster
$8,'9 .50 AND UP
Armitage &SO'O
He Spoke His Piece 'By Richard run Wilkinson REALIZING It ArmJne WITHOUT bad been watching the young man with the black hair and blue eyes. Sbe admitted to berself that he was good looldng, Also. be wore his ,evening clothes 'with just the right degree ot casualness; ' his face was pleas· ant and gulle-Mlnute I e s s. Dangerous. she thought. Fiction The type ot man who couldn't be trusted. Deceptive. Like Loring Brookes. Mere thought ot Loring gave her a runny lltUe pang. And then the young man ' with ' the blue eyes 'a nd black hair .taTted toward her. He weaved his way in among the dancers and tapped Seaver Clark on the shoulder. "Mind it I cut in?" he asked. ''Hope you don't mlnd? Believe me It took courage. ' "Did It?" said Armine coldly. ' ''Am I 'to leel flattered?" ' He grInned broadly.• 'Sorry. I'll quit it you say so?'" "And leave me stranded in the middle of the floor7" "WeD, then, when the musle swps." But when the muslo stopped they weren't on the floor at aU., They were out 00 the terrace, looking up at the llloon, and Armlile was saydo wlsb you'd ta~e me back. I'm cold." " You ,can't be cold: It's a warm night Besides, it you stan to go back alone I'll grab your arm. And that wllf make a scene." Sh e looked at h.lm angr:Uy, but he only grinned, "I've hal! a mind to qo it. It might teaC;h you a les-
IIIr, ".
son." "It probably would," he admitted. "But please don' t. You see, ' I've. been watch.lng you ' all evening and planning th.ls campaign-bringing you out here, I menn.'· . ' 'The Ideal" ArmIne tossed her head. ",Well, you can bring me right !:lack again," "Not untu I say what I have to say." " Indeedl And what makes you think: I'm Interested In what you have to ~ay?"
HE sobered. SUDDENLY the trouble with you -
"Tbat's you're neveT willing t6 give a tellow a chance. You take him at his face value and let It go at that. It's not fair." . whatl ' Certainly you can't be serious. II this Is some sori or Jolle, U's a poor one. Pleaso talle me back!" "Walt." He gripped her arm. His :face was tense. "You've got to hea.r me. I know It all sounds crazy. But it Isn't. Last year, whe.n I went away in s~ch a hurry it w,as because my brother had bee.n hurt in a football game. I wrote' you the day after I arrived in Call10rnia, A.Ir mall. It wasn't till a month later that I learned the plane crashed and burned. Tben I knew It was too late.
Use Prqper Sewing Te~hniques To Make Professional Garments Br £Ilta Haley
III, clothes, HAVE A
FLAIR for styllng S ClUPTVRE: GeneSis 25:27-34: 27-19: 92 :1.:1.:1 : 16 ; ~:1·15 : 37: 29·36; -to ; I, 29-34; b~t my sewing t ech· Profile I nferesf 17: 1.. 10, D EVOTIONAL READING: P sa lm ill. nIQue Is really very poor. The clothes just don't seem to stand up well after 11 little wear," says a ]~lack neighbor who ,eaUy enjoys making her own wardrobe. What sbould she and otheTs like Lesson for July 2~ 1950 her do? They can't go out to at· tend sewil1g classes, neither should GROCER In Mlnneapolls rethey be advised to give up some,:eived, a letter from IL former thing they like so well. ' Can tech· cust(lmer who bad lelt the city niQue be learned after sewing hap· owing a large grocery bill. "I hazardly tor some time? have been converted in a revival Yea, sewlng techniques can be here," the letter 'uld, "and I want Improved with just a few tips in to m a k e ev:erythe r ight direction, and a bit 01 thln~: rtght ' in my patience to do the propel: things, ~e that has been The rewards 'are clotHes that you'll wrong." Enclosed be proud to wear, and also clothes tben! wall a certithat will withstand launderlng. fied check tor the bard wea.r and cleaning. old bill. Tbe groActually It's tun to do thJngs accer w1Xed back: cording to methods that consistent.'W h 0 was the I,y elve good results. Your pleas. Interellt Is lriven to DIe .a08 evangelist who ure is not just in a seam Well wltb a profile bonnet such . . converted you? We sewed, but a garment that a good this, made of natural mfIaD need him iil Mlnne- Dr. Foreman taUor would admire. That, we'll stra"" with a deep, rorna. apolls." all admit. Is a goal toward wh.lch brim faced In siren red slra",. Conversion Is God's operation on it's worth work-Ing. ' A cluster of brlrhi slraw _ the 11leert. No o.ne can actually see N9 one can do a good Job ot cents the slde-swept line of tbe the heart. but it the operation Is home sewing without havltig the crown. The fruits are repeated lUCCE!Ssful, the symptoms of disequipment as well as the space. In a wrist band, used as . . eas,e will d.Isappear and the sympFew have a sewing room, and so aocessory to the bat. toms of health can be seen by ' any they must at least have a space cne. The patl~nt Is a new man. that can be converted quickly to For materials wbIch do shrink, sewing needs. This means a large do the · shrinking before making • • • table that's firm, ot correct height, the garment. Straighten the fabric J~obBb* , EHHAPS Ule most notllble case first. Wring out a piece ot muslln or an old sheet In warm water and of conversion in 1-be Bible, lay on, a flat surface. Place tbe aside from the Apostle Paul. Is new material over this, being care- the man named Jacob. His lIIe is a ful to a void \II1'inkl~s in el~er the study In blac!} and ,¥hlte; up to a muslin or new material. Make' a certain pOint hard.ly anything good news paper roll,' covering it wlt)l could be said ot him. but after that muslin. Roll labrlc with damp point he can bardly be accused of ' cloth over th.is and let stand for 12 anything bad. llours. AU ' h.is youuger dlLYI he' was After It bas been rolled the reprincIpally tnoted for giving ' gulred length ot time, unroll tbe trouble to othcr people and material and hang over a door to "deilng them out of" something dry. Hang tabric as straight as he wan led for hlmsel.r. First he possibJe and avoid wrinkling. triClked his older brotber lntel After drYing. the material may selUng him ahe family blrlhbe pressed carefully, II it requires riglltt, for tho ridiculous price this trea tplent. ot 11 bowl or soup (pottage). Pressing ,During Sewing You would not think anyone and level. If necellsary, use a Ylelt;ls Good Looks would sell his blrthrigllt; but J acob dining room table with composiPressing d'u ring ·the Sewing ot a caug ht Esau when he was dogtion pads. ga,rme.nt will yield better finished hungry . . . Then we see him , out-, Have your sewing machine as results and aduallY makes tEie sma rting his brother again by well as aU the other aids for cut- whole sewing cpe.ration an eaSier blrUu:lght ; Jacob was by that time ting basting and fin.lshlng close at one. It will give you a pretty 'good a shameless 1iar and th.Iel. It be· hand. These may be placed In a Idea, too, ot how the garment will came so hot for him at home that ia.r ge box that cart bo conven.lently look when it's finished. he had to leave town. carried about. Pressing does' not mea.n .ironing We hlive a gllmpse of him on An Ironing board and iron with a t\le garment. Hold the fron so it bls 1C1)1fUey, drcaming about a pressing cloth should be part of ,lIdes lIghtiy Oller the falJr ic rather ladder to heaven. EvJdently basic equipment, too. ' Bring them than pres'slng down into the ma' his oonsclenee did not trouble out when you do sewing. terial in long sweeps as you do him. Indeed, he procccds to'( when Ironing. bargain evcn with God; lf God S&r••ghlen Fabrics :All seams, darts and t\lcks-should wiD· Jlrospcr him, he says, he Before Vuttlng ",UI ilee tbat God gets ten per Have you ever had a gn~ment be pressed after you finish them. cent. ' God did Indeed prosper look slightly lopsided after cutting with the beat of the iron set {or him; but he grew no better for and sewing It? No, it dldn't slip the correct' temperature , for the It. . while you were doing the cutting talJrle. Synthetic materials require the or sewing, probably, but It just The r est of h.Is lite, for thl;! next lea st heat, and y,ou might insulate wasn't straight to start with. twenty years, Is one piece 01 trickwhat little ' h eat you do use lJy Make certain the grain of the ery after another. he and his uncle fabric is true before you place the placing a dry pressing cloth over Lab,a n taking turns trying to outpattern on it for cutting. This Is the material before the Iron glldes smart each other, with Jacob us· done by clipping the selvage and over It. Do ,not dampen the ma- usually coming out ahead. catohing one crosswise thread and terial in any wa'y, as it may cause • • • pulling it out gently. Cut carefully the material to behave strangely by wrinkl1ng or puckering. Joco' " W .... te on this line. , Woolens require slightly more HINGS came to a cllmax on the Sometimes after tearing fabric, It may be necessary to stretch It to heat than synthetics, but they lJurn . ni,KIlt when Jacob, fearlng deat!) A oommerclal pressing ilt IGsau's hands, arrang!!d his get the material back in line. easily. cloth or a heavy piece of material famUy , to go ahead of him, keep-, '6ligbt!y dampened Is recommend- ing lllmsell In the sa1est place In ed. the r'Car . . . ' and ItlJe;re at last he If the outer seams are likely to came tace to face wtth God. show the mark of the seam, pace Th~l story of his all-hlght struga piece of paper under each side gle at the brook Jabbok Is a betore pressing.' strange one; but one thing Js cerMaterials whleh have a raised de- tain. After that nlgJit.. even bls sign or embroidery ot any kind namE! was changed, for the man should be pressed tace ,down Into a blmsE!lf ,w as a 'new man: heavy turkish (terry cloth) towel , Ere Is patlem In trouble, no to prevent flattenbig, 10!lg~r resentful. He Is D.ot only Metallic materials require little • l~oOd man hlmseU, he doell Iron heat. Velvet or deep napped his Jlest to help others. He eon- · fabrics shoul~ be steamed rather duets what can omy be called than pressed. Place a dam p cloth a 'amlly revival; he persuadell against a standing iron, 'and when oae and all to give up the Idols stearn rises, move the m a terial they had 'been worshipping and ' .ntJ {WllUing ,ill/4 bllll" g.rmelttJ. through the steam, moving fingers tUJ'lll to the one true God. He cal'e.fully so as no~ to leave marks Clft(lrs" sacrUicclI, IJkc his fatbGrasp opposite ends at points some on it ' , ers before him. distance apart; stretoh and sewHe goes down into Egypt at last, saw it diagonally untll the fa)Jrlc is Obscrve' Sewing Directions a humble nian, no longer the conin line. ' For Best ResuUs Pattern 'marks and other direc- ceited young . crook he had been Repeat the above process along the length of the materiaI-. If this tions have been carefully tested to when he went to Padan·Aram. He does not straighten the fabric, give the best results. ·Those who depends now on God and not on Ignore notches in the patterns, himSIill. dampen it and stretch again. • • • Dampening a piece of material seam aUowances and other such tor straightening Is done by wet- mllrklngs regret them lri the long The God of Jacob , ting a piece at muslin 'and placing run, for all have a reason for being ilAMILIAR Psalm carries this qver the fabriC until enough mois- there. refrain: "Tbe God of Jacob ,Is Only .!.he very experienced seam- our T,efuge." Why ture has been absorbed to make it the God ot Jacob, stress ,can take liberties w.ith ' ,patpliable, not' Abraham nol' tsaac? Well. II it terns. Otjlers would do well to' folCottons and l.lnens m ay be sprin. w,ere only the God of Abraha,m , kled ,as though tor Ironing, then low all directions exp,Il<;ltly. ' If you most ot us might ,as well give up. rolled until the dampness has want to a Iter a pa~tern sll ghtly, , Fa%' J~brah!\m was a . great geniuS, llpread .through evenly. Shake' out mllke it up' .first in a cheaper ma- a milD such as appears scarcely' length·wise over a door to let them terial to 'see th at it works properly. once in a century. Or II he were, With expensive or h nrd to madry. the Ood ' of Isaac on.ly. we would nipulate materials, it's a good idea Only Pre-Shrunk Ji'ab.rlcs to make the 'pattern up' first in be led to think ot him as caring Should be Used muslln and aheck tor fitting and espec'lally for the weak·minded. Ima gine spending several, houl's details at all pOints. In lilis way the h.me and the lazy. But Jacobjust ~. plain 'man full ot meanness? to several days on a dress, on.ly to you don·t wnste material and too find that after the first laundering you ca n sew much bctt~r , havin; Yes; the same God who changed him (:an change the meanest 01 us, it h as shrunk to a size that does gone through the garmcnt once, Tbel real test ot religion is nQt not tit I Other techniques which will yield Unless the material is labeled good results for home sewing In. what support It can give to noble what ' comfort It glveB to sa~orlzed, It may very well shrink. clude knowing how to stitch a The real test at religion Some materials which al'e not 10 stpalght seam. You can ' practice' turn black Into white? labeled or guaranteed may not with paper until you ,have the take an ordinary. conshrink, but you don't know unlcss knack. slippery oustomer and you've actually tried out the labAdjust stitches to the material' a ,ood man of hlm? The rio. It' ....atmple enouctFto clip oft ~th which you work. Matcb maJacob can do this: and bra piece, launder, dry and press It. terial to thread you use, not just In God most at us need. Check with original measurements color but in welghl which were taken right a~r cut. Flnlsb seams with pinking sheara ting the piece of goods, In this or witb hemming or by overcaltway you'll know how It behave. -In,, and ;you'll bave a ,arment with laundering. that'. Deat !lnd better weariD.,
and White
1. What Is a kibitzer? Tbe Answer. 2, Of wnat bodies does the Con· , 1. An onlooker at a card game gress of Lhe United States con· who advises the playel's. sist? 2. The Senate and the House 01 3. Who Is responsible for the folRepresentatives. lowing express~on : ". would rath3. Henry Clay. er be right than president"? 4. Chateaux. 4. Give the plural of chateau. 5, Robert L. Stev'e nson.
Useful 'Pest' Found ' By Nutrition Expert
EASYI No IkiII ttqulred. H~d1ct lilce pu", ... and Mrdcns
into wood.
ATLANTIC CITY - Better understanding of hUman and' animal nutrition may be found through study of the mealworm, a many-jointed, brown insect lar· va discovered in granaries and corn cribs. This pest may In turn join the rat In being an aid to study of nutrition, ,Prbf. G. S. Fraenkel, Unlversl· ty of Illinois, told the Institute of Nutrition here that mealworms have already led him to discover B new growth vitamin, designated
/D/' On electric, fans, lown moweri "".,), rollerskoteI3-IN-ONE Oil
Mealworms are only about an Inch long and eat far less than ra ts. A ball pound ot food a month takes care at 10,000 worms. This gives the advantage of large numbers of experimental subjects and the need of only smal.1 amounts ot expensive, and highly purified food chemicals. Mealworms are close relatives of weevils which lniesi flour at times. But they are large enough to dissect, weigh and ' observe.
ra~ 1111, I!JrIU
ofcornl .
• Grand breakfast maindishl Hero's the "power" of corD. Tastes powerfully goqdl Crisp, Bweat, fresh! Your bargain in _goodnessKellogg's Com Flakes.
Loring, what a .stupid, Utile .fool I've been!" , I came on east, bringing my brother
along with me. He got well-" He br,oke ott. She was ,staring ,at him in amazement, He gestured helplessly. "I trJed to look y.o u 'up, but YOL!' d gone sOl,1th for the wInter. And then in the spring the university sent me up to Canada to 'do some research work. I got back a week ago, learned you were in town and came here tonight, hoping to ' seo you. I ... " He leaned torward and graspe h~r shoulders, said fiercely. "'1 love you, have always loved you. You hav en't been out of my thou,ghts for am ' llIte. You've got to believe that. I tbought at first you 'd.Id ..• when Y0lle didn't object to cOming out here with me." ', He turned ;lway, got hall·way to the door when she cilled, "Loring!" ,He. swung back, and She came up to him. "Was, .. Robert Brookes ••• yOWl brother?" ,"Yes. How did you know?" , "I didn't know. But I read about him' in tbe papers. And I r~d about the crash of 'he plane, too •.• Oh, Loring, what a stupid tittle fOCiI I've beenl" She w,as In his arms, sobbing hys. terically. Lorlng held her ti(!ht; presently ruted her chin and kissed her mouth. "Da~lingl I . ' .. 1 hate -10 think of what might have bap~ed II 70U bad objected to com.llla out on the terrace." "Objected? Why, my precious, • _ • U _ •• U)'O\I badn't broupt me out I t>ou1c1 bave dledl"
Mf~· Edward, H . . Ne~n, 4364 ' Reading ROI\~ , Cincinnati, Oh.lo, feels that a wife's chief responsibility is attending to the welfare of her fam~ iJy at all times. HADACOL has been a big help to her in keeping her husband and little nephew well and happy. , Mrs. Newton's family, like so lOnny, were suffering deficiencies of : Vitamins B'lI B~, Niacin and Iron,· , which HADACOL contains. HADACOL bro~ght such wonderfu1 results to her husband, who had ' suffered from stomach distress, that Mrs. Newton gave BADACOL to her three-year-old nephew, Bobby Newton, ~th equally ~atifYin,g ,results, Mrs. Newton 8 Stat~ment II Hera is M:s. Newton's statement: I gave my httle nephew HADACOL bec~use he was pale: '11:e ha!i no appetIte; he was, run down and ~u,ght colds repeatedly. After takIng HADACOL, he has an appetite, 'has c~lor in his cheeks lind he is healthIer all the way. My husband has aJWIlYS been troubl ed with his stomach. After taking five ' large bottl es aud three small bottles 01' HADACOL, he eats anything and is not bothered with his ito'mach." Mrs. Newton hilS recom me?ded HAnACOL to many of her frIends. Help8 You Feel Wonderful! '!hy not have a similar happy ~erlence hllppen to you 7 Now' don't ,lteep putting It .0U-don't Bay that you'l) start talnng HADACOL to· morrow. START ~AKING I',l' TO· DA¥I If only yeu'd reaflse the 11'0 derful benefits tbat people by the thousands are (fettin, from lIADACOL, , you wouldn't del." a .In,le
thclr patients, have requested quan " titiel 'of HADACOL for their own clinical use and for their own families. The fact that HADACOD Is scientifically formulated, compound. ~d so that it contains therapeutic ' quantities of Vitamins B I , B2 , Niacin and Iron to supply deficiencies of these vital elements and Is enricherl 'w ith helpful, amounts ot Mangane~e, Calcium and Phosphorous (in liquiri form), help to ,account 10r, its in. creusing acceptan~e 'by doctors. ' You~U Feet Great ••• ••• with the first few bottles you take, or your- money back. There is only on'e HADACOL and it is sold on a s?,ict money-back guarantee. So give l;his remarkable HADACOL formula. a chance to help you, if you suffer from any sickness caused by deficiencies of Vitamins BI , B", Nincin and Iron. llEmcmber that DADA. COL is amazinltly diffe~ent and ama'zingly effective because It treat~ the real cause of the con'ditions you su:ffer from by su'pplying the deli. cient elements of Vitamins B B. Niacin and Iron. Make up you/~inrl to takC! HADACOL regularly. Refuse subs~tutes. I:)on't be satisfied with temporary reliel. Insist on the genu. ine. Yon can't ,lose a cent, because it's sold on a strict money-back guer. antee. Only $1.25 for TrUll aize. 4rge Family or Hospit1l1 size, $8.50. If your druggist does not ,have BADACOL, order direct f,rom The LeBlanc Cprporation, Lafayette, Louisiana. Send no money. Just lour name and' addreii on a penn, POlt eard. Pay pOltman. State whether you want Ute $8,tiO hospital economy .tze ot' trial Bile. Remember,
.' , muney .undrea of DocteIw you an •• - have preaeribtcl1l4DACOJ.,. ••110.,...
Th~)', JUDe
29, 1810
Heirloom Worthy
Cool days call for treatinl the family to a satisfying lunch of hot roast beef salldwiches. They are easy to prepare, thrilty. and tastY, too. S' mply arrange cuts of hot, left-over roast beel between slices of enriched uread, and cover with i gravy. Hot roast beef sandwiches are high in nutritive value so necessary to growing youngsters, and working adul'3. Serve these tasty hot sandwiches with crisp carrot sticks, stuffed c e I e r y . hearts, cabbag'e slaw. or your favorite fruit salad. by Claril S. H_ IT'S AI.RIGHT fOR 'IOU 10 COMPlAIN,
-.ou'VE ONI.Y GOT ONe : ' I'VE GOT
n.IE OitQN T\.IINGS .!'
BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOR. J)o~. i lWO..iU'OtJ yeArly
trom your own p ar t
~t~g c b~~ll~~r: !~a~d s~ft~d 1f~8,YO~" la~~
So uth '''ln tt r St . .
hlc41() I. In.
HELP WANTED-MEN. WOl\lEN JOJ:: LOtJJS tE x-Champ. w ants house Lo
h Ou se,
yea rUnll5 (8) .potted slo lllon (11 . Will i .. ell 'a8 10 or sepura.tely. Reasonable .. Cbrlsl, "rAold , mt> GrGnd~. Oblo IiU HEUEJo"Oll D b.II .... Cllolce qualllY , v ll eelDated for B a nas dls e .se, O. U.
TOMORROW'S treasure from today's pleasure; that's what this square (7 inches in No. 30 cotton) will be. One a day; you'll soon have enough for cloth or spread.
l.ao~",boDta .,
Ark. Fhone 1618.6.
, MISCELLANEOUS 1'0tlR Roll deve loped and 8 brlllll\nt JUmbo prin .... rlnll bound In attractJve. plo »lle album; only 35c postpaid, Calver' Studios. BOK
N. Y.
:~e~~ b~a;Op~'~rr~D,Vg:de~~~f ufrg: ceNTii: Generoul portion for only S1.00, O!ltSON. Dept. ,c::. uo,a T Street, ' Lincoln. ~eb. ·
Quick to «I memorize. Paltern 633. dlr.cUons. Send 20 cenu In coin. rour name. ael. drul and DBUera number te . , . . .
• GIANT Enhurementa Crom roll or neaa-
Uves 30c (special oner). 16·5~c. 1I0Dd Studios. Box: 171l6N, ()Ie"etand I), Ohio.
UNWANTED H'AIR Perm anently
No, . •.•.••••••• NQ:m e
hls I
SUETLAN D l·onl.. be auUI ul ' .I< lIenUe moreS In lou 1 111 m ares wIth 10,,1131 ,
P. O. Bo,. 8740. Clll •••• M, III . • r P. O. BOll lr.. 01. CII.l ••• Statioa. No. Yorlt 11. N. y, Enclose 20 cenu tor pallem.
. lI.wID', C:I,.I. N •• dl ••• a.t Dept.
to Col or.cd people. Exclusivo ,
Ge!~U:fl. · g~b~~AtooeJ ::oullJ Produot!" U E.
• • • crochet. eOIY
c.l~ an Lng
oUl ers .
~o s mell('s
er ndlca ted from any ' pal't
01 the body wUh S oca.Pelo. the remark-
a ble d iscove ry ot tho uKC. Suea-Pelo con .. t ains no drug or chemical and 'wID kill the h air root, ' It}
• ••• •••••••••• , ••••••••• • , ••••••
Addr................................ .
Lor·Beer Laboratories
Keep Posled on Values
Vanpouyer. D .
6711 G rnn"tlle 8 1..
By Read/nc the ' Ads
NOW - WONDERFUL RELIEt FROM CONSTIPATION me~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~ Medicines bad
tostnUgbteDmeoutl" Mr. A. S. Beatty, 'Sr., Cornersville, Tenn. OM of ma.nll """,olioiled le/tenfro"'ALLBRAN You, too. may e.xpeot to overcome, constipa' tion due to lack of dietary bulk U you follow Eat an ounce of crispy Ke1IDgi's · :ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water I U not eompletelll aatIBJled alter 10 days, return empty carton to Kellogg!8, Bittle Creel<" ~(\h. Get DeUBLE YOUR MONEY I1ACKJ
~u-;~IE~~~ll~:~rein2i~~I ,;'~oc~g!i l~u'IJI~: l wllh 6· room modern a p a rtment. priced .to TRAIN LEAI/Ir-lG FOR SK'WEEZBORO, LASSING, MIDDLETOE, BINKeRIC!K', ANK'LEHOOF, SKWEEDUNK'. eONOONIII'I, SOOll.POP. :>VI'A~'Ir'~~LJI>«>, MAI?SHLAt-ID,
Na. l
se ll . F. F . Sitler, reAltor. Second llon,,' Dn.nle Bldl' •• Buc),rulJ, Ohio.
';AcKE ErSe
COUDil'tt-tWeek, Month. Season. Cbarl." ~lIIler. Bro"e'. t Siony Pointe, 1'1 '.port, Mlell. Pilon" 'ltt.nrol, Mlcnl&aft le662·M.a. . CLEA.N bouelt.opIG. oott .. ro. with com.. munlly tol.l el. nnd showe r• . on UnIon Lake mode by tile 51. Joe river: a" . U-
~~~~ Wr,l~e n~~~0:~~.C~~~~I~~8 t~o ~~~:
bert Daniell. H .. r., wood. ~1I.h.
_ .• _\t-
1\T ellv~r.
Park, Sher,
low She Shop. "Cash and Carr," Without Painful Backache . . . . _ older, _ aDd alralD. _ uaUoa, ucoaiv. IlIIoldnl or upoeuro 10 ....d .ometlm. 1I0wo do,", Iddney lua.. UOL Till. lIIay IUd many 10I1aI to ""plaID at ...ntal b.okaebo. '1_ or pop aucI - . 7 , ....d.a.. ."d ,dlKjn_ OettID. up JlJaIIls ar fnq ..... t. p ...... may reouIt lro", mloor bladdar lnI~tJo". duo 10 cold, damPD_ or dtet.&r7 IDclIIentJona.
U ,.oar CUIeomlorta
RelieYe8 Sorenesll, Aches and Pains of the Muscles. S~ld
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MoUTH. ,
at n11 leading Drug Stores. A sample bOttle FREE by sending this ad to
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A Farm Orirllllization For Farmers CALL" - WRITE
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TIMBER Axe Sifts hlbg Action In J," ury Filled Forests ' EXTRA! EXTRA ! ElXTRA! GENE AUTRY Chapter I-Phantom EmPIre
LEAVE THEM LAUGHING Top Flight Oomedy: Good MU81c .wIlli BERT WHR VIRGI NIA MAYO - CartooD -
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• 15, 22. 29. - 7- 6, 13, 20, 27
WANTED TO :!tENT-House un· furnished by couple wltb s cbool age chUd. SprIng Valley 31 193. FOR RE:NT- 2 bedrooms. Mrs. W. ~!l lltltlen. H i gh stl·eet. - tt
X-6- 15-22·29
TRY GAZETrE CLAsSIFIEDS li'lU:Elfl -'- Dress d cbllJed wrapped -THEY GET REsULTS FAST nnd Ilhnrp frozen ror hom freezers a9 c each Wayn esvlJle.Lo I er Plant .P houe 3171. .
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8- 1. S, )5, 22. 2\)-7- 6; 1:11 20, 27
JUNE 29 .
AG~N$T~I~~~w p~r~.~
LUMBER - ' All kinds.In all le.gtb!1 IlDd wld ~h 8 . Kiln drIed Reasonable prices . All orelera. large or s mall will be dellv'ered Hog Boulles . ACY LAMB. Phone Waynesville 2701 .
.COW8 HORSES $2.50 HOGS .25 CWT Allo Sheep. Calvn, Coltl, Rem~ved '.Dally . ·CALL COLLECT
LEBANON, OHIO !.lANK RUN GJiA V illI,,- Loaded, Phone 448 a t Duvl • . Fum.. Pl't. 60 oeDt. ELLIS, H. IiITURM, Sec'y .Treal • cubl.e yar4. We allo deUver. AJU(-
DUN'T rO HGET TO CALL tl ~ fu r insurun ·e. All types of in ~lI r:U1ce at a S3 vill gs. Call FrIl acis Gene Tlf()W Il, Phone Waynesville 24 72 or call collect, Wilmingt on 2 111. .
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year'. aull shabb,,-
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Bod It to . . - we'D ,.. atore that ' trbb. amart 1OO~ make It lOok lIQ D.....
FAR.\'IS FREE - ]60 acre homo· 'stenl! tracts now uvnUable fol' farming. dult'Yi ng, ranc h Ing. etc. Also otb er Go vernment lands as low us $1.00 per acre up. For Inforroa tion all s tates sent postpaid . send U.oo /0 Ndl'tb lYest L and S e~ vIce. 41 2 El. ~ Ight h Ave,. Aoac()nda • . Montana. 6- 15.22-29 COS'r OM SPRA r ING
JULY 4, 5
fiE SIOLE.. ,
weed killIng in coto. also 2· 4. D Sl"'~ mao te rlals fo r sale. Wal ter S beehan . Ph. ll991, Waynesv ille. 6·2~.:i9-1-6 (0 1'
I.IED·· .
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JOHN DEERE -19'46 Model "B" 'l'rBICtor and CUltlvator&. Guaranteed lound. new · pa int. allo AllisChalmer 1938 WC 'l1ractor with cultivators. Priced to Bell. Banta Implement Co.. LebanQn, Ohio. Phone 655, 2t'
NEW JOHN DJiJERE 6Ilt. Combine wIth Power !f.ake-off or Motor. New John Deere Side Dell'very Rake. One Used New Idea Side Rake, just overhauled. Bant a 1mplement Co., Lebanon, Ohio. Phone 65p, .' . 2t
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po,..... child,." und . , 'ay,
n _~
_1.IIIIIID~~lIl11mlllllll~mlll!lIllIillmllllll 1IIl11l1l11l1l11l1ll11l1l1,lIIl1l1l11lmllllll~llIIlIIllIIlIlIIlIIlIIlllIIlllIIlIIlIIlIlIlIIm
p."on. ',oad b.ne' ils - 10... lUll
.'p.n,., to $5 .000 eo, I.
cost. Family $10. ind i"d ual $5.
. Sprrng!!eJd
f_ yea, p,ol.,tlon : ( owe"
IACrs .r
R. W. BRADDOCK' Ph. 3332 Wayneaville
Iili~"'--- * fARM BUREAU MUTUAL @
luoor", VlltSArlUI fASr.rO.O"IAm •
BUYERS ~AlTlNG . .Especlally For Farms
In and s.. the outstanding new
..'NO'''U» t,o,lor model•• 1I Ih... sav'", .Hoch"""I".
Roy E. Smith .'Broker Centerville.
1-------;-- - - - --
c.te"iUe 7066
~~WWlW_~~OOIl~mIlWOOllmOOWIII~mllllll~ 11I IIImllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l!1I1I1I11I11I1I1111II1I1I 11I11I1
' Bottle G . as Sales - Service -.j
Ask Aho.u t our Price on lutallation and Gu . I
, . R. W. BRADDOCK Plilone 3332 W.yni:~viIle . '.
Spring Valley Hardware Co~ -.-
Phone 37371
.Ql~Urt~ ,~UU~t . .
COIUMeuS. 0""& '
F!JR SALEl- P hotol!1'!lphlc dI splay J OHN DE~I\E Power Mower .. will case. See 0 , Pol. Rld gtli Ma in stree' . fIt /lny trac tor. Severa l goo«\ uHecJ lforSoe Mowers. Banta. ImJllemen t CASE 6-tt. Combine w·ltb motlll'. Co., Lebanon , Oh Io. Pbolle B1l6. 2t Used 2 years. ' Guaranteed. Also Mllnnea p()lIs M'o,llne ~· ft.. . Com- WILL P A,Y top price tor good blne blne w it h mo tor. Good running 8ralll Bod. MUlt be Ahart anil f.r ee condItion. ~~nta. Implement Co" of 'weeds. Carl Gene I;luun 'F Ulton 2t 5736, Dayton, Ohio•. X.G.29':"'7-6.1S Lebanon, Ohl(). Pbone 6&5.
SERVI~E THA~ 8ATII!IFIE8 F:or Dally Market Reporte: WHIO .Da7ton. 12:50 E.B.T. Dial 1300: WLW Cincinnati. 1240. Dial
. ~t 48, 5. ml; South of PHONE
Ltve Wire and Progrelelve. AD organization second to none. Stricti, sellers on the best an· round mark~t In the count..,.
J . W. Wedgewood, "Milliater
~!:ch~=, ~::t. A.M.,
• LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH B. E. Baulhn. Pastor ~r• . Unmed 8!trvlce, 9:46 a. In,
WorabJp Senice, 10 :·80 A.M. You th FellowshiP. Su~day . 7: 00 ,T, MARY'8 IiPI8CGPAL The llev. Samuel N. KeYs Recto r . LUBRiCATION Sunday: Holy Communion,' 8 R. >n. COMPLETE AUTO REI~AIR SERVICE Primary church soho,ol 10 :30 a.m. FERRY CHURCH 'CHRIST . (Agea 0 through' 8) Byron Can-er. Mlnllter 24 ·HOUR W~aaNG SERVICE Bll!le School, 9:30 A.M. Adult Worship. 10:30 a. m. Morning W:OI'1l~p, 10:10 ' A.M. . I Prayer . MeetInK. 7:00 P.M. UTICA · E.U~ 8. CHURCH Young People'. MeeUnr, 7 : 00 Wlllla.m 'ShannOD, Minister Evening . SenlClel, 7:30 P.M. MAIN 4 MIAMI ST8. . PHONE WAYNE8. 2841 Sunday Scllool,. 8:80A.M., Iofr•. ~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!!i!!~~~~;:::;:~=~~=!, WAYNE8VILLE CHURCH 0' Jamea GIDTI8011" Preaclllq, Jato SupL and Br4. S. .CHRIST . da,s of eact.' month, 10,:80 A.M • .' II. R. Coffe" Mbitater EvenJnl 88"'cea. 1:80 P.M. DEAD STOCK Bible Bchool, 8: 10 A.M. •. ROOFING H;orael S2.60 Cows $2;50 , MOrnJDI Worel)), 10:10 A.M. IT. AUQUITINE CHURCH Of All Types Hop 25c Cwt. p.~~unJ Peoples' Meetln,. ':45 :rather R. H • . Krumholta, P •• tor I 8tock Removed Dally EvenlnJ, Service. 8: 00 P. M. Maues, 8 and 10 A.M. InmJated Brlcka ADd ..... or 8mall - Call Collect Pra u . to~ 8ld,l nl,' Sileet metal work ,er ... eetln, and Bible Btud, CAE8,\R'. CREEIC frRIEND. or aU kinds. LoctJ Rer~ Wedneld." 8 P.M. . . .... w_ XeiUa 454 .... , , - _ - ' IDDtater cu. AU work ~teed. W~-semo., 10 A.II. XENIA ·FERTIUZER DI"I.il~ft of Inland Prodllot8, ~cfa7 Seboo), U ·A.II. , HOWARD W.. HAAS
Add Water Once A Year
·Klers' IG ara8e' •
• I
Route '8 Wayn ..vlllo, O. __ ' PIIone ~ayn"lII. . . .
Serving Waynesville, Since' 1850
Mr, and Ml's. Ralph Ha s llngs nnd son,. Mr. Robcl't l'IuBtings wee S~~ day evening dinner glles~s or Mr. and Mrs, C. E . Hastings, neRr New Lebanon. Followin'g a sl,eclnl Meinorlal Day service at th Methodist churcb 011 Sunday morning, II reception was held for the minister.' Reyerend John W, Wedgewood and flUIllly. A basket dinner was served in tbe dining room ' ln their honor. Miami Chaplel' ]07, O. E, S. will meet In regulal' session on Monday evening, July , ]0 al elgbt o'clock, Mr. and Mrs,' Harry SotterthwlLlte and Mre, Jesse Thoma!! vis ited Mr. L. J. SatlertiJ'wulte who Is, convalescing from ,major surgery at the Veterans Hospital. On Mondny oJternoon. Tbe June meeting, df tlle E~lllt Wayne AdviSOrY Council \Vas 110M at the home of Mr. and MT's: Hurry .A. Salterthwo.1te, with Mr, .cedl'lc Stanley and Mr. Hn.rold Rlslnger of Lebanon and Mr, and Mrs . Rbodes Bunnell as guests. The reglliar , buslncs s session was held and Mr. Slll-nley told of the Boys tate, wblch he att~nded.
NEW. CENTURY CLUB HOLDS 'FINAL MEET FOR YEAR 1949-1950 The New Century Club beld Its meeting or tile year 1941).1960 In the Far Hills Party House JUDe 23 wIllIl nineteen members present. Mrs. Ft-ederlck Smith. of Dayton, was the guest Bpeaker. Sbe IS , 'a member' of the Council of World A!fah'lf/ and hel' very ' Instructive nod IntereSting talk dealt wltb the, acLlvlLle/!> of Chis counCil. Mrs. Elsie HOCkett, the Incom'Ing presldBnt rOl' tbe new year, IlPoke briefly after wllich the hostes8, 'M1'8. Preston, served de. IIcloU8 rerreBbm ntB nnd all enjoyed tbe social boul·. ,The club will resume regular montbly mlletlngS on the fourth FI'ldaY ,or September, 1960,
Following adjournment, n plelUl~nt social hoU'~ was spent , ",lUI b·e·f,reBhm ent~ served by till! hosteS8. Mr. and Mrs. Wllilam Strous~. accompanJed by Mr. nnd MfS. Chas. Moyer. of Germllntown . left on Salurday mornlrtg to 8(1end the Fourth of July holiday \";lth Mr. and Mrs, Ray Swanson nnd son ' in Erie. Pennsylvania. Dr. Robert H. Pr('ston and wife were Wednesday guesls of Itls par· ents, Mr. and ~hll. J. 'K. Pre ato~, be(ore leaving tor Hanov I', New
HampshIre, where the Doctor IIIUI received am appOintment to tbe Hltollcock Clinic at DartmouUt Col· lege to take bls last year residency in Dermatology. Tbey bad Just Teturned from San Francisco. wllere
BU'ITONS AND BOWLS , 4·" CLUB MEETS The WayneBvllle Buttons a.nd Bowls '¥H Cillb met Tuesday, June 27 at the home of. Carolyn S. Retalllck wllb Cnrolya S. RetallIck lind R\ltb LaJiue In charge and Donna Hadley presiding. There were COOking demonstrations by- Donna Hlldley a'nd Linda Ramby who bnked-:"a cake. Judy Smltll also mati a soft custard. Their food was used fOI' refresh· ments. We graded our entlng again and. tbat will be continued next meeting. The, next meeting will be beld II!t Ule high BcboolTuesday,' Jury 11 lit 2 : 00 P. M, Carolyn RetalUck.
i,t, " I.
Mr, and Mrs . E1verett CI8l'k of they' attended the National Medlcnl Dayton , snent .. ' Sunday afternoon .conventlon ilnd the Doctor d mon- with tbelr parents. Mr. and Mr!!. ' ted ond p"'r esented a na.p'er on stra t' yv'lllmr .
the past year.
faT tbe property of thl! late WIQ.
itr. a'n d Mrs. Ralpb nl'\nv bllY~ aold tbe bome where they hav reo sided west of W~nesvilre. for the PIUI!. tew yearll. Dnd ,are now occupylng their new bome nenr New Lehanon. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Merle Younce of Dayton, are now resld. · Ing In 111e former Drew home.
Vb'IIDI& BroWD.'
(}(lome L. Bunnell. f a I'm e r Waynesville I:esldent. has accepted tbo positiOn aB BUllerlntell\lent or the -New Lerlngton, Oblo Bchooll. Ceorge la the son of ~I·S . Nellie M, 'Bunnell. He graduated 'from 'WayneIWllle High School In 11126. and the Bame year be graduated ' from the Warren COlluty Normal Bchool. ,, ' In 1933 he received bls Bachelor of Selen e Iii Education degree from W~ttnberg College. Syrlngfleld. IKe received hili Masters degree 'tram MlamJ University In 19'42. and 'h8.8 com Jeted on ear of work P Il Y on his doctorate In educl\-UOn at, tbe, University of Cincinnati. For the . 88t six pars he bas p , y , been sllpel'vlslng prinCipal o f, t'he St. Bernard City schools. In New L&x1ngtpn. Mr. BUDDell will follow another Waynesville m~n. He .succeeds Mr. N. P. Blau who b8.8 been connected WIth the New Lexlngton ,schools tor' 16y~s lUI superlntendent• ...-Mr. aDd Mil. Bunnell, wltb tbelr 't wo children,' expect to mOve to New Lex(ngton Boon. Tbey bave purchased a hOme at 648 Eastern Avenue.
Henry . , 'McKlbban, 3, pRssed away at )he hom.e of bls dllllght er , MI'8. Chloe Hubbell, of Ferry. He 'is. surviVed by 2 tlaughtel'8. ~tt's. Hubbeli an~1 M.·~ . Edlih Ateh ,. ley , of TmaplI, Florida, 1 son, hlll'leB of Spl'lligboro, Ohio. ' Ftmernl B I'vlc'9S were beld Mon· dny al 2 p, ·M. nt lh e FelTY ClluI'cll pr Cbrlst with J~ev , E. A , Keaton officiating. Funeml Bet'vl ces weI' Brl'Qngerl by th e Stubbs F llnerol Home. Burial ,~as In Miami c.·tuNery ,
' Plll'ee German youlhs nrrlved In Columbus this week ' on the wa,y to making tllell' homes w·lth thl'9(\ Oltlo farm families tor one yeo r., A ,foul·th young Germon wl11 be sent here next week. Tile rOI'elgn students w e r e bl'o.lJgllt here to work IHld s tudy wll.lI lyplcally American r a I' m families by tlre Intemallonal Farm Youth Excirang Pl'ogram sponsored jOintly by the tllfe Department and the America n Farm Bw'eau Federation. Karl Steinle, II form er a grle'ul· lural studellt at Augsburg, ·Cer. many. will make hi s home witll Mr. and Mrs. Rulph DIl'kersheel, bf M~l1ersbur g-. An agrlcllltllrlll , stlld e n~ at H arbl'lIck , M Itl e!·, franken, Konrlld Bl el\erma nn will
Joe Henry' Carter. Waynesville. hlUl rec II h d U I Iln y pnl' c a se Ie I' g, 8' tel'ed BI'O"'11 SWiss bull Feather. Btolle ~Ivel' C'ommander 95733. from CI D hllJ" D ' , las, ~ cr , anon , according to a l'ep0rL (rom Fred S Ids"'" S .' B ,Lt" ecre t ary 0 f "u.e rown. SWiss Cattle Breed el"s Association, BelOit, Wisconsin. l'eBide wltb MI'. and Mrs. A , L. Coodlvln of Wes lbol·o. 'T'11e third student Is FI'RQZ Hilger, a former young tarmel', who will Itve wllh NOTICE OF PUBLIC .,.EARING Mr, and MI·8. Alblnus l\If.tzge~, of A pnbllc bearing will be held 011 Fort J e nnlllgs. budget for '1961 all prepared by The fourth' YOll lh who will sp ena Board or' TrustelBs or Wayne Town· a YWI'r hel'e h!l S Ilot been nnmed ship, Warren County. Ohio. at 8:00 to da te by the Cblcngo 'otrlCI' of P. M. Saturday, July 16 nt, the the Am erican Farm Bl1l'eoll. 'I'lle Townshlp Hous€., boya WhO M ares r ange ri:om Jil Mayn"rd WeltE. Clerk. HI1Y INDUCTION.,sUNDAV to 20. are a. part or 8. group of '10 German hays 1I11d 60 German HI-Y announc~s that tbe Induction will be held at the Waynes- ATTENDS CONiFERENCE girls who made the trip' to this Mls6 ,vIrginia Hardin 'IS ni t IId- f'ollntry to leal'll by livIng In a ville Epl~opal Church SIU1~ay, Ing II work conference in reading democracy. July" 9, at 7: 30 p. m. : at Miami UnIV~~Tslty l1Iis week. All are Invited to att~nd. IIder the E ' chsn ~e Progl'Rm, two OhIo stUdents, Bl eherd F . TaYlor or Chu g!"n Falls" Hnd 13ett y AMERICAN LEGION HAS FLORIDA AND CINCINNATI eRn RlddJ p, of Orient. weI' sent VISITORS HERE SUCCESSFUL CELEBRATION In P:1'tope 10 ,yo rk nnd s l n ly and Mr. and Mrs. L!'o Lewis of Hoi· As we go to press ' the late,st word i8 tbat tbe American ~n Iywoo.d, FJorlda and Mr. and Mrs. live In the farm home tbere 'r he German boys ond glt'ls were ' , ' Fourth -or July Celebration y"er ' H. hr. ;Codlley. of Cincinnati, via.splected from the vurlous states · . , ~ day at the ' Lebanon Fw I~d with Mr. and 'Mrs. A , l e Day. In Oermany through , SChOOl"'. .".. h\lP BUC(!Saa w.tb it. ~~~~.;. ..Qb'\lrch~,~, fl\l'1ll Or~!UlI~~lo fl 0-1111 ilit}0J1n1' II ' 0 T OF' TOWN ' OlviC lel\.llf:ll·s, wltlr t!le coo perlla~d conce'lllions, '. VISITORS SUNDAY tlon of U. S, personnel In a ' I'Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Va ll Horn. many , Chief , llul'JlO8e of tir e ,11'0 ENDSHIP CLUB TO MEEll , o( Troy, Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry 'gram , 18 to train the young G-6r,The Friendship Cluh will ,pleet Lownes. of Dayton. vlslled M~. and mans to understand this country JUly 12, with a. covered qls h din - Mrs, Walter Ehley !'lunday aftAr- and to become dempcrntlc leaclel's In t.helr ou' n Innd tom{) rrow. ner at Wayne Park at 12 o'clocl!. DOOD. Homes for the new 'Ohio res~ deuts were seleatr'd by Ohio F:irm Bureau fleldmen , thl'ough 'the super'vlslon of DIlI'wln Bi'YRn. Farm BU,reou YOUI.lI DI~8ctOL
and Mattie Crllighton by the iate Mr. Cerlghton. Atter some remodellilg of the place. the P8.8tor, Rev. Bernard Baugban and family, of Waynesville. wlll move thare. M"rs. Webb Squires or Wayn.!8ville, called on Mrs. Nettle Em· rick Thursday afternoon. , (rhe " MI'. and MM." Cla.- of ' J>r. and 1\11'8, A, E. Stont Lytle Sunday sch901 bad 'a picnic dl,L)lghter bave returned arte" ·two ,supper Sunday at the cO,",Dtry weeks vacation a~ Indian Lake .. 'Mr, ane! Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. l\{. A. Fulkersoll r . Mr.. and Mrs. OUs .Tobrreton, Sr.. " ~ntlr as tbelr house guests, Mr. 'and Mrs. J, E~ 'Nagley aud o.n d , daughter. Miss 'Bett'y, of Ironda,ugbter Ann, of E1 Paso. Texas. ' ton. were 'Sunday dinner guests , Mr, Robel't Tbomas iB confined , of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond and family. at the Veterans Hospital, where he Mr. , and Mrs. Ji;mest Arnold and will undergo surgery follo'Wlng ~ or near SP5Ingboro, were treatment. Sunday evening guests of 'Mr. , and IMrs. Cbarley Watkins wall re- Mh." Leslie Gray and family. '" , moved to Grandview Hospital on ~tr.s. 'Glenn Roller and two littie Friday suffering 'from a crushed daughters of Northridge, shoulder Bnd other ' 1liJurles ae a 'F~lday at t1\e bome , of Mr. and result of '!- fall ,from the porcb !It M\'8. George Cullitenhorder and her home. BOOS. Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Flllkerson Mr. Harvey Burnet attended the had as guests during the past week ~penJng ceremonIes of tbe new adCaptain and MrB. H H. Harper. of dition to the plant. of tbe Miami CulVer, indiana. Mr, and Mrs. Ful- Valley Milk Producers ASSOCiation kel'8on and daughter, Mr. T. W. 'In Dayton 'Thurs\lay. Mr.- aJld,' Mrs. Thoinas Ce"lIIn8 'V an Pelt ,and MI'. lind M~8. Harper were gofned on Stmday by LleuL- and Mr. Charles Collfris ot Da)'ton. Col. and Mrs Robert Asbworth arid called at .the bome or Mr. and sbJl, of Patterson Field. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. ' and MI'8. H. M. ,Van Pelt and Mr. Mr., and MI'8. Loren Routaabn and Mrs, Rohert Frarper of Spring and daugbtel'8 Linda and Lorna, Valley" moved trom Frankll n saturday to Zana Mae Fulkerson, Sally Lou thel,t new bome here. kown ae the , Snilth, Ellla'beth Ellen MaflaH" Sim Brown property. ' 'Mr, and MrB. ,Ucbard W~ltaker BaUy KJlworth. Janet. ' Davl/!, Car· o]yn Conper,- Joyce Smith and Sue moved' In Saterday ~Itb the lat· AnD Ratpby -are enjoying £he 'Week' ter's lIarents, Mr. and Mrs., Ralph at: tbe Glrll Flendly Soolety HooBe Watkln8 on Yankee St. R9ad. and have rented th'e lr bome ' to an 0(' near CinCinnati. (feer of Wrlgtit Field. Mr. and Mrs. MIl.it D. Hartsock and 'son were among the gueste' at the home of Mr. and Mni. Dan DR. DVE ,ON VACATION ,Aultman. near Xenia. on Tuesday Dr. H. F. Dye wOl be on ,vacaeveDin. when 'they entertained with tion from ,bout July 11 for two , a Fourth of July party, ' , week.tl.: Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Bnrske spent Fourth with r'l end 8 at 'Mias Betty Satterthwaite entertained with a IlUiDber party on Newtcwn. Thul'8day illt!:ht, with the evenlna Mr. John Gonl returned' to Miami Bpent rbller-ekatlng at the ChauVaDe, Hoapttal during the put tau'gUa. Hir peets were: · IIID week for fUrtbet treatment and Evelyn Allhmor. or ClaJ:Uv1lIe, obIIervatloo. MJaa Sue 1'Ilmaa, IOu Alberta IIr. Bleth Hoak bu retul'lled-.f- Brannock. Il1u DIItir. , Clhaiitoa, tar twO · weeb tra1Dbac at CamP IIID DDrotby WI1IoD all 11_
azette Hos pllal nrc ol'Pora llon, the 10 nl Bl ue Crolls Pl nn, hos Issued qu urt r ly p lilings for Blu rO'~!1 HOSJlltal RI'<' und Bill e S hield Sut'g lCll1 eare to a ll I)rember !'! enrolled tilroll gll t il cOll1mllllllY or \ Ilynesville. Thli;) pay mi' nl will cove l' fees from Ju'ly ] 0 , ~hroll g h Octobe ,' 10, 1950. For the con ve nience. or members feE!s m ny bp paid Hhel' direct to the ' Hos pital a l'e om 'e, In cll1II a t! G, Ohio, or nt til e Waynesv ill e Natlollnl Dank. IIIemb erllhlp In 13.1ue I'OSS now cov ers more th ll n 00,0{)0 res l~ents of, lhe "southwes t rn Ohi u area. Nailonnll y. over 2 ,000.000 , person s ' Bre ' 1l1'olle(l In tbe e nOIl'lll'oftl III A'tl S. Blu e Shield, tl.l ompnllioll plan for Surgica l ILI'C, protects over 287,00 0 peoPI ' In Houtlll es tcIU 01110, whll nation I enrollm nt fl ~ul'f' s tal} the 14 , 000,000 mnrk .
l r
iPeople, Spots In The News.
GRANGE ARRANGES SATURDAV PROGRAM Among the things planned [or tbe Grange program for Sutlll'day evelling Is a. talk by 1111'S, Ralph Drew, who wlll tell or hel' work 88 a Gray Lady at the Veterans hospital.
t of the Pa.st
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'-
The following Items were taken from the MIAM I VISITOR, dated Wednesday, July 3, 1861. , A new rr'is t mill \Vas ruised by Mr, S. W. 'I'aylol' Qf this place. llUIt week, neBl' tile site where the 'old peg factory used to stand. we 'be· l.lev,e.-"CompeUtion Is the lJfe of truda" .
The following III a part' of an advertisement by EDWRDS &. !CO. In THE MIAMI VISITOR. which la now TH E MlAM I GAZETTE, Wednesd~y, July 3,1861:
PERFUMER'v We invite ' THE 'LADIES to this feature Rf our...!lusln .... " We bave A'LL THAT IS ' N' EEDED for tti. TOilet, Handkerchief, Scentlnll Drawers, Wardrobes, etc., etc. July 2. 1861 EDWARDS &. CO. A.so from the same IsaueWAYNESVILLE MARKETS By Merritt &. PrlntO!: N. O. SUglll', Ils r Ib .. .. ...... .. 07 Blo <1:ol'tee. per Ib ... " .. , . , . . _J 6 Jav·a off e. pel' Ib.. " " . • , " _23 P~IJPel·. (Ie,' , lb., .. , , .. , ... " , , . '.15 'N. O. Molasses, pel' ga L" " . , _40 Burning Flul(l. pel' ga l. . , : , . .. oal pll. per ga l.. ............ . so SaJt. per sack ,. ,', . . ,. _, _. , . .20 Th e. above aJ'e In th small way ; matel,'lal I'eductlolls rrom these prices wh n large bill s a~e JlurchaSt·d,
Gen. Bunks hus dl acov"retl 11 plon to destroy the rulh'Ollcl between ATTE'ND MAIL ., BAG Washington Ilnd Baltimore, and his PICNIC SUNDAY course Is h Igltly approved by the Mrs. Ann Atkinson, lIfrs. Grnce Gove'rnm elJl. Shuller, Mrs. LQulBe Congel' and Mrs. Audrey Burton were In Lima ' .A skirmish took place nt BowSunday attending the PIcnic of the man's, 12 mil es from heat RIV er In,ternational ' Mall Bog Olub. There brid ge, OJI th e' 29th heh"e tr porwere over 260 memb ers attend'l ng , ,IOI1B of the FI[teenth a.nd S~ x tellllth' Ohio, lind firs t Virginia Regiments, CINCINNATIANS VISIT RELATIVEiS HER~ Olin. McClellan nnd ', stuff ,al'e Mr. ond Mrs . . David Kohl and Quartered Ilt Grafton , family. of CinCinnati, spent q'uesday with. tbelr aunt and uncle, The Government can now conMr··a.nd Mrs. Delhert Conger. Miss centrate 70.000 troops at \VashhlgPatty Kohl' rem,a lnod to spend sev- ton III I hl'ee ItOlll'S, eral weeks at the Con/{er home, One of 0111' picket guard n(lat' Alexand1'la. omln G' within hallJng WAYNEC.~. P. CLUB distance of B picket gUAni· of 1he HOLDS MElTING enemy. wus halleil by the Intter , The Wayne G. C. P_ 4-H Club nnd asked If his canteen was fnll, met June 23. at Hllderbrecht-'e and being answered In tile affirm· !;lome W!1th C. E, ' MichelleI' In alive, 'the two Ilpproach"d, shool< charge and Dwlgbt Michener, vice bands; took 11 drink saluted again, preslclent. presld Ing. und , marched back to their post s. W'e all went ~rom Hllderbrech~s to O'Banlon's p8.8ture by wagon , , CARD OF THANKS ' tot- Ii weiner roast We beld lhe Frlends, neighbors und l'einLlves, meeting &.round the fire. After please acc pt my sincere tlillnks the meeting we ba.d the roast. We and appreciation for gifts, flowers played "Capture the Flag". We and cards sent me nnd for the then rode around the country, on kindness to my Cnmlly during my the "aeon tal' Ii. while, Illness.' M_fe. StaIlley Dolley. Oue...- preBent '\Vere: Herschel lIIcIbIn. and DavId Zecher. VISITORS FROM DAYTON 'I'll. next ' meeting will be held Mr. aod MI'Il. Kenneth Elzey and at C. E. IIlchener's home July 6, da.ugbtel' Marjol'Il', or Dayton. ViII' 8 p. m. Ited Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Elzey Janet Klcb.Rsr. SUDdat aft.rDooD.
Russia Offers Cold War 'Terms'; Dewey to Retire From Politics; F. B. i. ·Arrests Two in Spy Case I (BDITOR" NOTE: WIt •• I, n aDa ar. espl' ••• ed tn ·the •• Clolambl9 the, ar. Iho •• 'of ' .,.tlra N, •• paper Unto.'. A_e w....t.1" ata aDd 110' .le •• ,.rU, of thl. D.w.p.per~)
Admit$ S,pying .
INew Peace Term$ · Observers are IPeculat10r over CHlalled cold war- peace terms eportedly acceptable to the Rusalans which Include a demand that ;the United States cease helping ~ re.arm western Europe. It was an Jromc demand because at the same time the Soviet agreed to re'cognize the Atlantic pact as a legitimate ' .reglonal defense group under the terms of the United ' Nations charter. It is this pact that pledges the western nations to mutual ald. Tbe Soviet also had three de. mimds on the Far East: (1) Elimination from the United Nations of the representatives ot Generalissimo ChIang Kal Shek'. (overmnent. . (2) Acceptance by the western powera of the Russian "gold ru~le" ;.. the basic currency tor Cb1n'a'a ·forelp trade. (3) Soviet participation In the eoncluslon Of a peace treaty with lJapan whlcb would lIlarantee the ~tter country what Moscow con,.Iders to be ''political freedom." In the European field, the Soviet bad four rather vague offers: (1) UnWcatloD ot Germany withIn the framework of the Potsdam a(leement. (2) Neutralization, ot Germany. ' (3) Withdrawal of all occupation. aI forces from Germany. <.) General reduction of arma· ments and armies, Including the . .abandonment of conscription. ' Observers did not believe the terms would be attra.ctive enougb to bring about any setUement of idlfferences between tbe East and the West. Russia, as usual, wants a great deal' but Is vague about ·tanglble returns.
DavJ4 Gre·eDalau. U. tormer bOncommlllloDed army oUlcer• . baa admlUed a1vtDa B!.,la InformatloD about the atomlo ·JJomb •. Be was Ihe tblrd perIOD arresled In Ihe apy rlna alDoe the BrlUsh ' ~leJltllt Klaus Fucba waa ..tea ID&o custody.
.ESPION AGE: New Arrests Mad.
Thursday, July 6, 1950
Smart Two-Piece Frock Displays Unusual lines
Degree of Unity 'A 'degree at , future Unity betveen big labor unions appeared on the horizon as the A.F.L. and the C.I.O. worked on plans lor their pending coopera tion conference. The one notable exception. however, was the unillvited' United Mine Worker$. UMW chlet Jobn L. Lewi, wa. not happy at being Jeft out of the conference. He said a conterj!Dce without his union is no wa,' to a chJeve Jab or ty. . WhUe he was making that state· ment. the national labor relation. board took a swat at the UMVI' by ruling It broke the Taft·Hartley law by a campaign ot violencj~ to organize employees ot a Hadan co u n t y, Kentucky. department store. The board ordered the union to cease assaulting. 'or threatening the store employees. It the union Ig· nores the order It could eventu.ally lead to possible jail sentences or lines for union oUiclals. But while the UMW _truggle, with Its problems, ' there were long strides by the other union tow'ord cooperation-I! not eventual mer· ger. Among the developments: 1. Joseph D. Keenan. top A.lil.L. political Ol'ganizer. addressed the C.I.O.'s poUtical action commltl~e. His subject was a renewed eUo.r t by the union to unite to repeal the Taft-Hartley law. . 2. A cross aectlon of Ameriun labor ranks attended a tWo-da;7; meeting aimed at raising 'aulitaillce for the Israeli federation of labor. .S. The Brotherhood ' of .Railroad Trablmen accepted C.I.O. propoaal for a committee to work tQgetber on common problems and eventually aim at consQlIdation.
S1o'Ce British scientist Klaus Fuchs admJtted spying for Russia the F.B.;!. /18s been closln, the net around assoCJates In· the . United States who ' passed alon, classl11ed atomic Information to ' him. As a result two new arrests have To Financial 'Iuin Former President Herbert Hoov!;leen made. One of the accused ad· mltted that he passed along atomic er. In a speeob belore th!! . U.S. lIecrets from the ·Los Alamos, N.M., Junior Chamber ot Commelrc. cO)'lvention In Chicago. bas al,alii plant In 1945. . He . ls David Greenglas!, a 28 • warned tliat financial dlsa.ter Is year.old former CQmmunist league 10 prospect for the country. unltesr leader WhO-. explained his act: "I the government curtails Its .pendlln'l . telt It was gross negligence on. the policies drasticall,y. pal't of the Vnited States not to Unless ah Immediate halt Is ai' 'give Russia the information abQut- dered on spepdlng, Mr. Hoover pr~ the 'atom bomb because she was dieted the undermining of an econ'an ally!' omy which he said would provllde The Qther ·accused. Dean Slack, one million new jobs annually. ]l'or 'DEWEY: a 44-year-old Syracuse, N.Y., chem- 17 years. he malntaj.ned. Democrat. 1st, denIed he Jmew Henry Gold, Ic administrations bad continued Plans to Retire the first arrested In this country. One of the most spectacular car- He added he was not and· never the spending spree. ''Financing gClvernment deficitl eers In modern American politics had been a Communin. by borrowing, If continued 'Iong jhl\S come to ·8 halt, at least WrnBoth men are' held under $IOQ,- enough. has only one end-infla:por arlly. 000 honds. tlon," the former President saId. Governor Thomas E. Dewey of Meanwhile, a grand jury InvesINew Yorlt has announ~ed he will tig!1tlng Amerasia case, which has "We ourselves have already . (Ieretlre from politics after .2O years been milch ' In the. headlines recent- creased the purchasing power of in public life and . probably return ly, cleared the admlnlstratlon'a the donar about 50 per cent. and ,to private law ·practlce when hi. handllng of the Itoien documents are sull creeping alan, ,the rosld. "The five-cent telepbone c.aU 'aeC!ond term expires next Decem- case, but strongly ;recommended ber 31. , .. the impaneling of a new grand and the five-cent fare have alrea,dy Dewey .ald In a one·sentence jury to. continue the investigation. (one, and the five-cent bar ~as ltatement whlcb he personally dis· a .tn- connection with the case. shrunk. A new round of ltUlaUon 'tritiutenor eponers, "I shall not Emmanuel S. Larsen, himself ar- Is now appearing h'1 direct or inbe a candidate for re·electlon next rested and fined tn the 1945 case direct wage and salary Increases rfall" He renounced further per- that h10ged on the theft of hundreds and rising commodity prices. aonal WhIte House ambitions last of diplomatic and mmtal'}' papers, "It we keep on this road; we are December. told a 'senate investigating commit- certain to realize the Presldenit·s As expected, ha announcement tee he regarded tormer navy lieu- Ideal ot $4,000 a year to every tam· r.ised a nl1lllber of questions In tenant Andrew Roth as' "a Commu- 11y: But It will not have ".000 PIIJl'· the . New York state · patitical pic- nist, . and the· principal consplrjl- chasing power. . ture as well .s on tlie national tor" In the stolen.doouments case. "To this question of further 'go,v~ Icene. . «;Jovernment .. offlcials , indicated ernment borrowing to JIlee~ de1lcif,s, Dewey, ·New York~s only Rep.ub- that the arrest of Slack and Green- ~y answer Is that It is the road to ' .1Ican governor"tn· the past ,SO 'years, glass was onl~ the beginning In tpe disaster for every cottale In tlile added. howev~r, that he would . co~- ' battle to break 'up what may pO's- land ... · tlnue an active Interest In public slbly be one Qf the ' greatest spy ' affairs. He promised to speak out rings In the history of tbls country. DEFICIT: Ion "issues affect10g the welfare of At 3.8 Billion Ithe stllte. and nation," ,especially fQrelgn IIffairs. The administration bas predicted , He role to 1l0Utical promlilence Defeat by Ballot a $5,400;000 defIcit by the end of when he· pyramided his fame and ,P olitical observer's were pleased the fiscal year June 50, but Shortly methodlcl\l efficiency as a racket- with the outcome of the 'state elec- before the deadline It appearE!d the Ibustln rosecutor 10 New .. .. s· e u r section ' of amount woqld be well under the .: city 1n1:O two. terms 'a s governor , Western GermanY. They felt it was est~a~e. ' .A $773,625j(IOO :mterest payment and ~o nominations for PresIdent. a. defeat ot'the cOmmunists by the He was defeated by . . President ball Qt. on the national debt bQosted the ·Roosevelt i1l 194.. In 1948, he lost 'I n the Brltisb llone ' the 'v oters qeficlt to' $3.887,529.000• .The .' pay. to President Truman. plclted a 215-seatparllament and ment was made two weeks beforl, The governor saId he bad made voted on a projlOsed s,t ate constl- the eild of the tlscal year• . no definite decision as to his plans, tutiQn. The retUrns Indicated Com. but Int~ded to ,get mucb. rett. He mwrlst strength 'bad tumbled to a aald there was nothing wrong with postwar low when they received him pbyslcally that a long vacation only' 5 per cent of the valld banots would not cure. He I. just "tired," compared with 14 per cent in tb~ he . added. election three years ago . . The workel'i, however, favored the proposed state constitution wl"1 Its sQcfalizatlon clau~e: . Demands Ransom ''Large factorles of the bulc inTbe custom of blackmail, ran· dustries .nd -undertakings which, .om and intrIgue so often employed because of their monopolistic posl. b1; the Nazis In the · reign of tettc?r ' tlon have special slgnlflcance, over Europe, hal put In a more shan 'be transferred to oommon ,obvl9US app~arance under the Com- ownership." _ munists. The, Ipeol11c ' tnc!ustrI~. wez:e not Hungary has demanded the an· named In the draft. '. clent croWn of Sl Stephen as ranWestern ob.ervers felt th~ elec·.om for R.o bert A. Vogeler, bn- tions justltiable In that they would: priaoned American bus1oessman. 1. Give the new natlonallst parAccording to reports from Europe. tles, which were not "even In the GoYener 'i'ho.a. E. Dewe7 . Hungarian Communists have of- arena In the federal elections lalt (cuter) .. ahown . beID~ IDler- , fered to swap Vogeler for the 1,000- August, a chance to show their .Iewed .." Dewam_ ...ortl,. .b... · !,..ar-old C!OWl;1 which Is the ,ymhol muscle. fore be lUIIIoUDeed be would Dot tof Magyar royalty. . be • .callC11l1ate for reelectloD -2. Ten whether communlsm II' • The 'c rown was taken from Hun- gl!lnlnl in Western· Germany. ~ovel'llor of New York wileD hIa pry by the Nazi. and latei' found _OnCJ tenD eQIr.. aut D ... 3. Telt the popularity of the West bT the AmerIcan troop. tn Ger- German Federal Government's polcember. Be ma,. "luna to prllclel. .. Iman,.. ••te praoUoe.
Com Borer Serious Threat to Midwest Last Year in Six States Totals Millions lOSI
Last year 10 six states of the eorn \jelt the l!:uropean com borer caused a loss 'ot some ~oo million dollars. In 23 other states. damage ranged from sUght to quite s'lvere. The corn borer 'appeared In this country 'In ' 1917 along the Atlantic seaboard. It has spread steadlly until toda,y it bas re.ache~ states as
ASOmllB DRESSING ••• ,..
IHL.1-' put .131W B." Ct..
.smart aild Unusual STYLED two·piece frock that's as 'smart as be. The unusual slanted closing is accented with large buttons, the skirt is pencll-sliin and has a tiny slit in front .
The b b clearance aart . above I. duatln~ corD for ·cora borer. The oora.. .bold Uaree tee1 hiah, correct .tap. for duUDa, acoordlD~ &0 aperta.
R.nt Control
!Incrwased Taxes , Wbm the election conscious house aDd .enate began a program of tax cutting after Presldimt Truman Ioffered lils budget, he warned any reduction. mun be met with revanue from other lources. Now, the house ' waYI and means committee. obviously ' bldcllng for pre.ldenUal approval of the excise; tas cut, bad 'VOted a ".IIGO,OIIO inareue In til. ,.earl¥ tax OQ bla
~'!!!: ..
The bouse and lenate oommlttee. conslder1og r e n t eontrol have agreed upon a slx·month extension of federal controls and another six months In communities whleb want them. Although both branches of conere.. must approve the mealUl'e, there .eemed little doubt that thq would do 80. ;.. . Observera laid the bm wm be all Ib_ Pre.ldent's th* before .Tuna
BRIDGES MINED: Just in Case Whether or I)ot tb4 world is faee
Pattern No. a.w-rlle perforated pattern In. alEU 13, 14. 16', ...18. 20. 40 'an4 42. Slu'14. abort aleeve. 4 )OB.r d. of :JII.Jncll. Iprlne ancl aummer STYLIST you a variety of .m~rt. easy to .,W Ilylel tor . your lummer wardrobe: special fabric newt· decoralinK liP!. free pattern printed 1nllde tho boo}:. "" clnta.
... -----......... - ......ao. --......
far west as Kansas and Nebraska and the Dakotas. and ,outh to the Tennessee-Alabama Une. Not only Iii the pest covering more ;round eacb year. It Is. In. .ZWIHO CIRCLE .ATTIlRN many plaoes worldng more d"trucno I'.~ ".nl II.. (lbt..,. T. DJ.. tl.vely. 'I n Iowa. for e.x ample, the Z""loal 2S "enUi III colna for . . eh borer oost each farmer Iallt pattern 4.~lr.cI. year an average or '150 doUars. Pattern No., ............S.... ...... .. . There is .!)Qthln, to Indloate .that the destruction 'haa reached a peak. In fact. unless adequate co~trols are II,;';;;:;';;~==::±:::±::=~--'" adopted. the corn belt ~a, finIS the I worse to come. , Chemlcal contl'ol must from now on be considered par~ of the regular production of the crop._
Made with a J~ __ boN. Yodora
acn.au, aoo/hmg to normal akiDI. No harsh chemical. or irrlt.tin, qlt... ·Won't harm akin or clolhin•• . &4p 10ft and _ , .•. De;er letl la
'n-y ~ Yodora- f- the wonderful
A'Icoho lie s
a .. IIiCK. PEotLE I• • rllDI n ••• or prop... treatme.l. II 10 II' ••~ , b •• pllaU.aUon I'eqalrea, followed b,. " -weellil of ".. " "0•• neClI ••• " tonic. preacrlbfld b,. •• 1' Llcea.e' P1ayal .. eIAft.. "'0 olllu, ••et b.oll'el or p.l•• 'e Clonaul ... U•••
4014 · Il.ril'.... r, Rd., OID ......n u\ Ohlo-Tlteplll•• ilEd"o_S lfttl1 . .
Humans Susceptible To 80 Animal 'Diseases
. Rebound
Animal dlseases are a constant threat to the health of !:turnan befngs, two' publlc health phyllclans declare in ,the JQurnal of the American Veter10ary Medical as~oclatlon. In one report. Dr. , F. S, Leeder ot the Michigan department of health, laid human beln(s are SUIceptlble to at least 80 diseases of animal.. Many of these dileases are prevalent in the United Statal; he rePQrted~ The danger that foreign m~adle. may be Imported by high speed liir travel is alsO' very real, he .ald. Most animal diseases to which man f. susceptible are spread prJmarUy by livestock. and wild game with ~hlch human beings come 10to ·contact. Work 01 veterinarians In helpln, 10 stamp out or control such disease. is thus an important fac. tor J.n bettering human health. In ~other journal article, Dr. W. ' P : De·arlrlg. deputy'surgeon general of' the U. _s, Public Health Service. points to' the va~ue 01 hav10g veterinarians work closely with health departments to protect the public .a,alrult sucb dangerous maladies a. rabies.
Each With Your OMi
Niece: "Auntie, why it is Uncle hasn't any hair?" . Auntie: ,IWhy, it's because· he. is a wise man and thinks so much. You s.ee, It hasnlt time to' grow." Niece: "Then, Auntie, why is it you have so much haw?" .. Auntie: "Now, dear, ruq along and ' don't tire Auntie with queswilli wIII~rlar ."., '1f)fIf tions." -...,...---------...,...-- . KELLOGG'S VARIETY
How nild'cu I cipmte be 1
• Lovely .uverwue witb
:four own IGrlpt inl~l. .
Old Compauy Plate made ~ateed_b'y Wm. RoaonMr,.Co.,Meriden,
Coon. With 1pOOna. YOIl ,et pricotl OD complete aervlCe-oft'ered by •• ; KeUO..•• v.uuan of 7 cereal doli,htl eroul bosea. DeUei,oUl R,Ytimel
other cigarette! S!ND TODAYI
BILL STERN . Popular sport.· caster says: "My voice geta a work'out for hours at a stretch. It'. . mild Camels for me I They agree with III,)' throatl"
Pleaee acnd me .••.• "SiCP;Bturo"tea-
with (oUowin" ln1t1al. ...•••
. For eoch unit BOt or " .poeM1.I encloee 1 whito..tar ond from Kenoll'. VABUTY PAO~O. and 76~ in ClOm. Nam~" " ,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,. ' ,
(ploa,. prlnl)
A .........................,...........
City .................. Zon ••,•• 5..... ..... . .' 0"., ::!I~...Y' s.:,,::~ '" GO ---------~--.--~-------....
-1..;5'. why _ed .Star~MlM! . ..' ~JJ Yeast "~ 'JOU -_ results
"._m.,va,.. ..
A ..., Jqha-tbe eleetrlo aro-
'arm ....... lrom llaiDe .. oaDforaia. Farmen ." &he .............. ~ -riIIr 1IIembaIDa &n4
..... UIIIe .... millie,. .." UIq . are ~ .... tIaetr !lDlck ~ n ......... IndIdlq II
fn .......... .. .
.Pcndtrr Experts.Advise Weeding Out Cock~rell All
except tho.. ' to
to fact with another war bas bee." bpt tor breeden. .ho.u ld b~ ' No
IIlO9Id froID the puUet Dock ." tl1I am. .. ... Iar.!.. 12 weelui or
If tM cockerell are marketed ., U . . . of th.y will command a better price 1ban If the,. ale bpt ........ U kept ~r their m.at beo COIDU CCW'Ie aild .trlng, The rate
in the m.lndJI · of the eV01'1day citIzen almo~t .lnc. tht final fired In World Wlr D. . Now it come. to lI(ht that the r road. and brldlu In Westem Ge~' maD)' are belD, prepared for destruction ill ca.. of • SQviet lack. SlmUai' priparaUCIIIlI appara . b' are belnI made in othe!-, pean CO\blIt'1ea.
• • • 85311 'I a
\Vig and War An English barrister entered the 'c ourt with his wig askew, and was puzzlgd a t the merriment evident among his fellows. "What's wrong," he asked. "Is my wig not in Qrder?" "Oh, It's not your wig" orie wa g . replied, .. It·s wh~t's under it."
Thursday, July 6, 1950
Individua.1 lard robe Depends On Change, Variety Required By Erlta Haley
• Down below the equa- , tor they go in for rodeos ' in a big way, much the some as they do in western Ui!ited States. The cowboys, known as "huasos," are shown above as they parade in the grand march.' The huasos work in' pairs for the championship ot what happens every day in Chile's g r e,a t tun d 05 (ranches) at roundup time. They do not use ropes like American cowboys and their horses are ,highly trained for the exacting job. .
chomps (above) are in action. The lead rider is about, to crowd lIis steer against the , wall to ea'rn pofnt one. The, steer will be reversed and his partner ' will take his tum at pinning t~e animal to the other side of the arena. At right, a wealthy ranc~ owner waits his turn to enter tlie contest. [
' . Points are scored by stopping the steer by pressure ,,"-the ~orse against tbe steer's neck, stopping -the 'animal by pressure of the horse againsf the middle, and ,stopping it by ' pressure against the flan~. At right two riders have scored a point by crowding the animal , against the, walt Note h'o w rider has come out of saddle to thro* ' his weight , ~ith the , horse.
TWO WOMEN WITH pracl:lcally the same activities hardly' ever have tl}e' same amount of clothes In their wa rdrobe even though they may have appr oximately the SBme amount to spe'hd on them, The size of the wardrobe depends 0 :0 the number of changes you require as well as on the variety you feel you need, One girl on vacaUon can get along with a bathing suit , a sun dresiS with a cover-up jacket, an attractive afternoon dress an d an evenlng · gown, Another will need two of each of these as well as a suit and po'ssi bly two coats, ' " Those who want to get the most fo r their money and still keep In fashion \vill chOose a ppa reI tor their , double duty wear. This meallS selecting clothes that can be worn In sever.al diUet;ent ways. or a coor· dinated wardrobe in whiCh, fllr ex· ample. the coat belonging to a dress can be worn with one or two other dresses. Any clothing, whether it Is chosen with a large or limited wa rdrobe In mind. should be picked with Iloving care. neve r in haste, and with an open mind. It~,s not always possible to Clecide in advance wh ich particular styles want or think you can wellr be· Cause small variations make a lot of dlfterence, Strapless dresses which many women shy away from may be un·
B'Jjo~ " our 1111&1#;0" full¥ • ••
expectedly, becoming on YClu. It would be foollsh not to have one if you find color and style in, your favor. Fashion should not always be fol· lowed to the last degree. either. for no matter how up·to·date something Is, it may not be for, you, If arms are spindly and too thin. then. by all means, keep away from bare Brms. . ThIs Season's BathlDg Salts are Well Styled If this is ,your year to ,lnvest in a bathing suit, you'll find much good styling avaUable. The suits are neither too fussy nor too strictly functional. ' • For those who can choose only one lult, it's advisable to, pick ' one of
• The leg and foot gear (lefi)', protects 'the rider from the perspiJOtion of the hors.. The hand carv.d wooden stirrup .sho~ protect the .rider's ' foot' from being crushed against a steer or 'wall, and .the huge ~purs drive the horse . int!) rapid turns, fait starb and stop•• The spurs tum against the animal i~st.aci ~f prodding into the flesh. Below a point i. scored ai the animal is crowded at the neck to stop him and make him tum. The 'chest ~f the horse i~ ·pressed agai~st the steer driving him into t~e matted wall.
The Old Spanish Trail half dollar at 1935 oommem orated the 400th anniversary of the first overland trek on land that now is part of the U, S. The expedition, heading westnow a50. was org a l'lize d by Cabez de Vaca. a Spaniard, in 1535 in St, Augus· tin e, Fl a , The 10,008 halves of this special se r ies were struck at the Philadelphia mint in September, 1935 , and they were dis tributed at $2 each by the E I Paso Museum committee , with the profit furthering the mu· seum. L. W, Hoffeck er. EI Pa so coin c o) lector and later pr:esident of the Amerioan Numism a tic a ssociat ion designed t he coin ; Edm und J . Senn prepared th e models. No portrait of de Vaca is knolvn so. the explorer's name means ",head of a cow," this device was chosen for the obver se (headsl of the coin. The words include Lib erty! Alvar Nunex Cabeza d e Vaca/ United ' States of America!E Pluribus Unum /Half Dollar, ' On the other side is a yucca tree in full bloom superimposed upon a map showing the expedition's route through Flor ida, Alabama, Miss issippi, Louisia na and Texas, the . dates 1535-1935 and the words EI Paso / Old Spanish Tra il/In Gotl , ' We Trust. Novelty of the d esign a ttracted wide- comment at th e time. Dealers charge up to $12 for the coin today,
This badget - priced drcss doubles for sunning as weU as shopping wben worn with' Its cover-up bolero. Made of Oxford gray chambray wUh White pique trimming. this baiter top dress bas &llIndel' UDes wIth lis buttons down the froll& and the attractive oollar J!n~s,. the dresses. ean be worn with othe ~ dresses. The reefer styles or prin · cess models with thell buttons doWn lhe front, are splendid cover·up for many dfesses. Dark cottons are especially practical tor m any of the dresses in these styles. Re}.ieved with fragile and frosty white touches, they are crisp, sleek and IImart. Use Charmlnc Pastels For Afternoon Wear Vacationers as well as the stay· at·homes who want to look at their charming best· during a quiet and reslful afternoon will select fragile pastels and other sheer fabrics (or their dresses. There'li a great variety of fabrics tram whiCh to 'choose depending upon the price you ' want to pay. Cot. tons are as sbeer as sUk. if you want something' easily laundered at home. pastel linens with their crease and crlnkle·proof Quallties are excellent wblle silk' organdy or organza is exceptionally lovely. Very sheer dresses often come with matching slips, included In the pricc of the dress. and this makes them an excelient purchase. Accessories tor dresses of this type are in keeping with the love· Uness ot the trock. You may wear a small flowered hat or a shadowy cutwheel and short white gloves. The, . bag and shoes may match or contrast,' but they should be sum-
Buay Vacationers Need Play Clothes \Yllether you'te spending vacation at home or going awaY' on a trip, play clothes ' are definitely needed. It', true that' manY of depend upon the kind of act:lvi1tv which you engage. but you'll some at at ast one say spend vacation sitting, ullually mean they like to lIee themielvea slttlhg pretty. 'and 'not Just Ditling. I17lon that'. quick drying. Those Separates til denim with erisp white wbo' can' taki! 'two might like one ·oC accents are Usually the most pracwool. and the other 01 co~on ' or ilcal choice when no ,pecial acUvr.;yoD. Ity 15 planned. . shirred nylon makes an attractive ,For. separatel you might select a 'lYle In • swlmmJng suit, IQId many matched wardrobe Including ·. shirt of th.,e are cuffed ,with· a strapless &lid bra top, and one or two 01 the top, the prevaijln. popular style. following: full skirt, knee·length One-piece suits are available tor pants ••hor~ or slacks. These c:pmthole Villo 11ke their Illmmlni lines, blned wlthihe top 'Will give you II,l\4 the,. may have suC;h attracU\'e liomethin'g to wear on picnics. detalla •• halter piping and ,cuffed hiking. aitting In the lun or DlIlVr01l'1 legs. Man,. two piece ityles lire pop. a game of tennis. . ular two ~or the younger !let 'lln gay Those who plan to 'aU Will ,be prinu and colors. " terested in some o.t the models for U ",au want to sun and swlJ:lll. one this sport since they're 10 practical Iuli can do double duty tor· most at The dresses now available the mod,ls are made tor bo·th ac· fashionable touches and many tlvlties. U'. no' longer essential to In sUk .h1rtlng and aJmUar have two sults. one In which to rials. ,U you ,dan', Ule 'wim, and the other · In wbJIch ' to IOU. .theY're excellent for ~ , \ wear. ' Tennis enthuslasta Itlll leem CJbooIe 'CooI Cotton. pre1er the ahort whJte dress III ~..Plece 8t,Iea ,Wile shoppers wJI1 want to get a comes just above the knee. and two-piece dre.. :tor both tra:Vi!lIng Ileeveleas. If you have to 'walk and town wear. Most of theEle are the coUrt. let ami that bal a skirt 'ot the .unback variety that can be button oyer the matcbln, .hort'l Uled for lounling ·about C:8!IuaUy. you'll bave a dreas that'. Ideal Covered with a brief or bolero, jack· Informal occal1oDl. et. they Ire cool lOr traveling. shop. FaD ~ , F.yore4 pin, or 11,bueelng• . For EvenlD. Dresa Jackeu' tor these dresse!1 an U thue's a doubt as to whether brief" either waist lenath olr just you'll use' an evening dress IllIhtlT 101lIet. St,yles are numerous ' laiD, away on vacation, ,take and W. beat to fit on sevalral to U's good advice bec:ause you I.t IOmething exactly right for YOIl. always know when you ~ay In tw~plece Ityle" yOU'll, alia the opportunit, to use lL want 'to ' inveatl,ate th~ drell'l and' plages, too. feature one eV'eninal coat comblnatloDl tor UH!le have wben lOch apparel is much 1DaD7 frelll po••lbllitiu , in them. come. Blmple. bare-JOPped or c:unllole Evenln, drallas may be ItrapPed dreaea are uaed with In ball.t or fulllangtb. The ••".[)JD'., IIIaII7 of th.,e coata. and . the dress be.t are romanUc and IIIa7 be wom without the. for In,. Materlala feature4 dlalal 01' eveJdnlted Swill. pale toned piques, qullettel and printed crepes in 118D7 of Ole coati In the.. lIIBde, Q tM of cottcm IDeQeI1I1ve bUt 1latterbl, ItJle..
Old Half Dollai Commemorates Trip
How mild can a cigarette be?
other,cigareHe! .rul amOna tlte milliofU ....Iao flo •••
Nanette, Broad. waymualcaJ-comedy atar, made , the Camel 3O-Dey Mll dnoBII Test. Says Na.nette: "It con vlnced me I Camels suit me R. ~T'."
'rill ' I~ S IMY • .II I'Y II, Iq~o
Nfllding Memfl
THE MIA MJ GAZETTE EI tabll.h~d 1850 PAUL A . SCHERER .. . ... ... ......... . ..... . , . Edltor and Publl.her CECILIA J. SCHERER . . ... . ..•. • ... , .... ,. , Secretary and Trellurer
Publls hm.l gvel'y Thursday Morning at WayneRvllle. Warren County, Ohio En tel'f'u us secol\d class mn Her at til p08tofflce at 'VaynesvllJ'e. Ohio:
Mrs Frank SQUlrtes h'as hud th e r emoved from hel' leg.
The rusa.d ra Ins8 of the fet.hodlst lIurc:-h ' 110111 Its June meeting at lhe eb ut' h Wedn 8.1ay event_g. ~rhe hosts for lhe evenlng 11' 91' '\11'. and Mrs, Jam es Thornbury, fl ss Mary Lou Moore, Edna Brooks and WlIlllUll Brooks. ·Mrs. Agnes Tliompson and fnmily ' of Los Angeles. 'alltol·nlll . are In this v icinity ' Visitin g Mrs. Thompsons brother-Inilo.w nnd sister, Mr. a nd Mrs, Car, Moore and relatives, ' Miss .CherYl Doster. of Springfield, Is the bOuse guest of her gl'8lldpal'ents, Mr. nnd Mrs, Hf'rbert Doster. ' Tbe churches or this community have organized a 'ouncll oC women who will assist a ch year In the ilally .V acatlon Bible School project and dlsouss civic affnlrs In which the cburch can cooperate. Tile members lll.p of til cOllncl) wUl be made up at II. 1'epresentatlve g rou p trom all ot the churches, Tbe office rs elected ' to s~rve tbls year are: Mrs: Steve teln , Ohah'IDnn; Mrs. Claudia Brandenbul'g, Vlc~ Chairman; Mrs. l'tfarJorle tan, SecretarY and Mrs. Oeorge Sandera, Sf.. Treasurer. Mr. tUJd Mrs, Winton Etz and family have ns tbelr house guests, Miss Barbara Kunrtz. of DII~ton . and RJckey Yearick. of Columbus. Miss Joan Olinger oC Mason, WIl.8 a guest this week of bel' micle and . aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bogan and their daughter. Barbara. , ,W eldon (Hunky) Bogan. wbo Is confined to the Grandview Hos· pltal. Dayton, Is recovering, Mrs. Pauline Yll1a,l'B. of Xenia. wall a guest Wednesday or ber motber, M~II. Laura Sbldaker, Mrs. A. S. Collett has retnmed to bel' , hom~ from a weeks vi sit with l't{r. alld Mrs. Maurice Collett and tamUYJ qf ]\few Yor~ City. Mr. and Mrs. Ga.1I Gordan. Miss Mary Belle Bogan, and ·M lss Jane Fite attended the dinner meeting of the Warren County Central Co'mmlttee. In Lebanon. Thul1!day night. ' Tbe maln speak r for the meeting was Joseph T, Ferguson. candidate for U. S. Senator.
The orumunlty Helpers Club met at the bome of lofrs. Sherman rontgomllry. neRr Lebanon. Til es· dllY evening. Mr. llnd Mrs. Carl Osborn and fall1l1y have moved Into the Robert. ~on apartments. Mrs. 'Ben . Beckett was a guest Wednesday of her fathel', John Young. of CincinnatI. Mrs. Oso Harlan, who has been an aS81stant for seveml years to Faye Kelley, local postmaster. 'ret ired from that poslLion Frldny. Tbe local order of the Grange met in regular sesilion at the Gran~e Hall, M.ollday venlng. Speakers for the program were : William Doster, whO revle\ved bls recent tl'lp to the farm of Louis Bromll.eld, a nd Kenneth Harts9ck. w'bo discussed' farming In ~rma n y. The solOist !Dr the eV~lllng was Miss Gloria Jacobll who sang " I'm A1wa.)ls Chasing Rainbows.:' Mrs. Irma Taylor WOn the first prize In the cookie contest. Judges lor tbe contest were : Mrs. Edith Lultens and Miss Colleen Wtlllnmson. T he guests for the eV<'nlllg were: Deputy Master nnd Mrs. Ralph Jdelarupy and M·r. and Mrs, Wood.
.J. \\' . 'IrU I'
W.·d ~" wo l) o.l.
Il niBllJr
'II Scllool. 9:30 A.M .•
n. F:. Bnllghll, I'a IlJlJ I' Mr. !lntrl d Ser\'lce. 9 :45 a. m . ...
Iltll'Old 0arllllurt. Supt . W\lI 'Ablll SeJ'Vlce, l'O:3., ·A.M. T, MARV'S E PISCOPA L YOllth I,'uilowll hlp . !;\u utiU)', '7 : 0:1 'I II Ite\,. SllllI" I N. I !:Its, lll\cto ! P.M, t · ~: I IIdrr)': 1101)' ·O IlIUl llllluli. tl. '1\, 1' ,lmlll'Y bur', h so bool 10 :30 a.m. F.ERR Y CHURCH OF CHRIST (A ~rA 0 tirrilllgh N) IIYI'OIl CUI·VOI'. MI/llst er .: 11 11 11. worship: l o:ao u. m. CllJie S.:bool, 9:30 A. M. MOI'lI'ill!; Worsblp. 10 ::10 A.M. Prayer Meeting, 7 : 00 P.M. U T ICA E. U.B. CHURCH , YOllllg P eolll e's Meetl n8, 7 :00 WllIhlnl ~ bILilnol1. 1II 1ol/l ter I';vpn lng Servl c B. 7 ::10 P.M. Sutlduy ::lcbool, 9 ::10 ,\ ,M .• l\lr8. ,rllmes 'Olll'rl:;on. Supt, 1'1"'at: blng, ·lst. IIn.1 :J1'd , ' S~n WAYNESVILLE CHURCH eF IIIlYK or lIet, ruontil. 10 .:10 A.M. ,CHRIST ~; v J'n lJ~ g S rv lces, 7: ao P.II1. ,M. ·lI . Cofrey, Minister Hillle Sohool. U: ao AM, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH 1ol'fll ll g W Or!llll l l. 10::10 A ,M. JULy MEMORABLE IN HARDING CAR.EER., The magnificent" Y (llI n g Peolll 'II' Mu~tlll!;. ti :45 jo' llther 11. H. IV lIlIlltoltz. Pastor Pihite Georgian marble memqrlal to the late Warren G. Harding. 1'. 'I . MII S8 s, ll ' nllu lU A"M. Iwenty-nlnth preSident ot the United States, will draw many to ,l.voll illg 'e l'vl 'e. S: OO P. M, Marion: Ohio, this month, It Is on 1he southern limits 01 the city PI'ayer Me eting nnd Bible Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS on ' Route 23. T~e late Pteslderit . was married in July. made his acceptance sp eech for the Republfcan nomination lor the Presidency ., \\' ~ dne9da~, 8 P,M. .ee Partington. Minister . In July and visited Alaska on h is las-t trip il1. July, A scen ic postal Wor!lblp ServIce, 10 A.M. :ard In tull color showing t he Harding memorial is available t 1'.11 MT. HOLLY METHODIST Sundny School, 11 A.M. Sohlo service stations without ,charge, Pictured :lbove al'e the M, scnrt, Mlnls ler Memorial and the late Pl'esident Hnl'ding. 811n d(lY School. 9:30 A,M" E. WAV,NESVILLE FRIENDS , -"'-;;;;;;:;--;;-;-;;.~~;;;;---'-T-;;:;;::;;::;;;;;;~~::;;;;;:;;:-~...-:-;::;.';:;:;;" _ 0_ ' A. En rn bart, Supt. fo'll'st Day Sohoo), 9::10 A.M. ' m hlp Service, 10 :aO A.M. ,\l eellng tor Wor~bip, 111: ao A.M , Evening Sen lce, 7: 30 P.M.
i '}'.
: . j-~if1lliJ~:.·; GARDEN .TRACTOR ... .
Stop l"
and .•••
Ihe outstandlng
SPRINGI/If/'p, Irodor models. II tim .. • 0.1ng 'Jllachm.nts,
Mrs. Lawrence Ja.c obs returned her parents. Mr. anil Mrs. Ben Orabbod, to their borne In Springfield Tbursday. Th e children of the Methotllst church were featu red In a pat,lotic program at t he church. Sunday mornlng in observanoe of chll· dren's Da.y. Also Included on the program was a v 0 (l a 1 number, "Many Flags of Many Lands" by the Crusaders. Class.
Cultivating flowers on the rarden of Chicago's YMCA Hotel aome 20 stories above the city's tamed Jakefront, il ·the Bummer long pastime of Claude Oonnett:. Turning the hotel's roof into a veritable flower paradile for the enjoyment of the many young men and women living .in ,or Yisitin, this YMCA durmg sum met: months, is a well worthv.:hile hobby according: to Connett, a LYTLE Tho local H 'i Olub b'ad j1 ha.yrlde veteran railroad man of 38 years and resident of the hotel: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ThUrBday night and then went to "'"1 the bome of Edltb 'May Rich for n ~ 01 Ru);lber welll4ll- rO/Ult, Lew 'waSh was 'taken to Grand· ' P rehlstorlc Indians were the fust .~ v'ew Hospital Thursday night. The MisslOnal,'y Circle ' ot We .. ~p ' tIw nbber tree. They made Cal'l Jones I>pent the week end Mer IIIbeI, bottles and coated JOnalW\.....RIID Church. held a food' ..... sale at the Gl'ange Hnll. Saturday In 'l'ennessee. where he visited ,with . . .. C01Jimbua discovered the.m ' f. nan cJeJe,ates a YOIIDI "walter" to beJp,her sene bowls of IO-.PIi1Qtq with rubber balls, It was extra on the achooJehildten'II'menu,ln Mayrhofea. Au~ma~ relatives. morning. . . Uhtll 1'1'lO thAt Dr, Josepb possible by 'belp from the United NatioDl international CbUdren', Pde4 ,ave It the bame of " rub· EmerleDtly FaDel (UNICEf), t:be ehUcJren are served their ellU. ber," He found that the gum reo IllDcb eacb day at an Inn operated )1 the mayor of tbe_~~ moved pencll mOlrks. But Euro· PeaDl found rubber too sticky In YES . , , W,E CAN PRINT THAT JOB FOR YOU EXPERTLY bot wea1ther ancLtoo brittle in cold. CharI.. Goodyeab, Yankce inven· stuCk Food Oare of' (llll\le, tor, Inv.ente4 the vulcanlzini.4t>ro. __ MDIID .., aell In 18811. :After . th"t the rubber When lood Itlcka on enamel cook· Calves need plentY 01 tre,sh wnter _ _Ic:.t... POll ANIMAL HULTH , lnlSuatry boomed. VulcanizatIon lng, utenSils, it may. be Boaked loose and salt, just liS older animals do, stock dlaeaae., ~ay ' a.p~ in a ' made lI'O.slbI. the many rubber with water or by ' ,boWn, a \Ye~k and these essentials should be kept ' , . ERYSIPELAS TAKES maaked ' or ' Io-Called ~f&1'" pt:OCIuCtlil we ba". tod'lt.-tl1'es, soda solution in 'them. All abrasive Wlthll) ensy rellch Qf. the YOUIl'" ON VARIED FORMS form. It can kill a pl~ ut ,cl~" iDIulatlqn. foam fubber. may 'be used lightly. but' enamel· Iter~ a~ all tlmell, Calves 'Wa tered lIany ·ane drove. of awlne are the !U1fmal having appe .Jclt. , ware should not be scraped with only once II day may· drink more rulnlld becawre ownera delaJ In Or, It may caUH an affected hog sharp edged Instntments or coarse than Is good tor them. bc11nIr out jult what la . wrollJ to linger on for montM without I Popl\laUOD .. . U9~ abraslves. . with their 'h orl, ' normal gain or growth. ADd the When Columbus arrived In 1492. examPle two or three lame dlaeaae la further contuaing be· V.S. Marlnel & few With big caUH lOme outbrea.ka.of eryslpelWl the total Indian popula·tlon of the J?"~c1IDJ 01 Gr... United States marines were In . In a drov~ joint., earl or bob may look much . like true hog North American continent was Qrass aboul,,' ~ sp!!de~ /I boHt ~ Ohina as tar back as I SSt, when aU aerlOUl, cholera. about 1.15q,OOQ: 'Of this number. ' Incb deep In . IQllm 0,,4, el!!y .s.oIJ~'i th!!? w~ e sent thei'e'l<l protect F-~"""-¥-'-",,!,:.acJ~~ not, .theae Of course. the answera to chol- 1K8.000 Uved witbin the present ~ ,to 1 Incb ,deep In ~a/l!ly Moi!!!. ,. I.IJ@ J.lv~1I pf' forejgners. ~I!l\ll..in, ' era and eryslpelaa are entirelY !' boundaries of th'e United , States, tl db did I b) AJTI~rjll!ln~. ' . . ' cWrer~t. In lom~· loealltle. chol., ______:-_ _ _ _ _ ___-:-:-_~_:_:_.-rm :..,... -.-ee-'--e-,..:~-..:.,e....,S_r_II-..:. , I' ;..'--.:.,.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _- --:::-;-p--:=:-:-r...-.:... era may not have a.ppeared tor ' , .. .. ' ,,'
a¥~~~ tanner w,hQ make.s a qulck con-
~=~:,1~f;f~eIlO~e:~/:eJ~ .'
101.ea, Similarly, it abolera I. lUllI p.oted, and ery"lpelu III the real : .ample aymptoma may be the out- offender,' the loucs .can be heavy. WIUii B\cDI tJI. • herd Infectton There 111 only one sate rule when I cauM4 -by PJ1D-bonle aWlne ery- .ymptOIDl appear, lIk~ those men· alpeJaa - and & aiMlden aue with tioned above, A prompt vet~~In&ry , orloU laue. may ,foDow. dlap0ll1ll can determlne tlie true 8~e eryalpelll,a, perhaps metre; condition, and help aave ,needless
I ~ _ _ _tbazl •.
@' ~3 ~m[J@~ .O ~~ lI' _
aJmCMt . &111' U~ _ otber -, _.deatha.
'Exide"Batteries 'F irestone Tires ,
~O"N1) ClfY tRou9 NA~110NA" MONUMeNl -ONCE CAt.fA#, 0' Mali", eUff,Plt( ,
New ' and' Recapped -~ $8.95 .$2~OO Trade' Iii Allowance Lubricating Seniee Firestone Accessories ' I
Ope. 5;30 I ••• to 9 p, ,
DI~ , SUDda,s
7;30 I. m, to 9 p. m.
lIob Servis Texaco
u.f~":OU1' 2"~ eQtftAIN~ MANY.
t'."tllfTOIr.e MOUNPf
~l;l MIMO'UAC. '''~K -~1T~A~Tt MANY WO.'D 1ItAv" u,eltt ua••ST AN' "~T EXAM", 0,.
"NC""" MOU"P ""~P'~" ."MONIAt.. MOliN"
It II>
~U I
l Ull
(. !_~r-c~i ~"-' ,~ ~ u~.-. t~~ I ~ t_ II __ I '-"~" V~ I 'Y oa" y to hllve thl'QI hot when th llY lil'e s hut III' III lll e bt'uod" t' hOUKl', I hOP4> Ih IIWl'lll fl wi ll be over nnd the' · II III I II ITlcR 'lOne bO y Ihe liDle I 1"1 A Farm Diary I hem ont, Of ('~ urB e the ' row ~ PHONE 2371 ma y ho so husy patlng 'm ulblll'l'les , By D. J. Frazier tlli L I hey will nOl bothOl' the chilli, II R but on Ihe other bund the Money' problema caUie a great deal of J U l~" 2, 19fiO,-1'h l lus t of l h 1fI1l1l1f'l'l'1 s nl,tJ'rtc III m by dozens, worry. But a bank book showin~ reKu.l~r seven hund red nlld el ' hty-t wo so Ih ey mlg hl IHI I~ e and (Iourse' depolits can make mon.e y worries fAde f(Om bnl ~ of ml xNI nll'lllfn. II.TIII 11mQl' yo un g hl l: llen, Tile bla k 'respsi,ht faster than a jell-propeUed pl~ne ~ othy , hay h ns just gon III to the bBI'I'If'!I U1'" .-Ipenlng (':lsl a nd the FOR 10.000 BUSH ' LS W I-IEAT have caah in reserve. bank somethmg WIth barn 11IId w cnn nil s ic p p aco~al'ly apPles ' al'e big' enough for UI reguta'r1y. There is no beller lime to start fully torilgh t, Fgr lhroe days w() suuee, The thl'ee'YIl!l.I',oldblt Into than nOW. flgate d nnd worried vould ' tile ~m e lh e other doy nnd the look on AVAILABLE FOR GROWERS IN bale l' II VOl r ('ont e and hl! dhlll 't he I' rntA \I'll n s he found how Bour ge t here until Salu l'day nllel'nooll, It wus, mad us IIIug h_ P lenty ot l OUR LOCALITY 0 nl y tou cllef! by ono lig ht ' show I' g re n be:l1If1 und som e new cabof !'nln, lllis Is good hoy . nrs t cut - bnge ' lind y slel'day nice llttle ling 1\11'1\.1.1'11 w it h IIlIIothy t bll l W IlS (!n\llIrlowel', - just big enou gh for just com ltllg ln to blo ~ 8o m , Pal't 111 0, I hllve neve,' succeeded I II at \I hns n II tUe bl'ome lus tend of r ai s ing big OMS bul th e IIltia ones lIm()thy a nd till' I'lc hi ' wlle re t ho HI' vc ry good, I hllve" seen 80me hogs hll.vo bl'e ll l'unl\l ng Is ul- tll li a we ' t orn In many gardens AND RESERVE SPACE FOR YOUR WHEAT IllOs t s ll'lI.lght a l rn ll'l~ willi Jus t II but 110 tnss Is Yf' L. little timothy, '1'lIl s week h n.R A 'J'u eR dny Fourth ot' July means been good hay wOlltbel' allli II' we I'y nl e 1'01' I has who want va, had boug ht' :1 hul <1 1' llrl s yea r au 1'8 a long week 'end fo'l' many people, woulil I lllVe bee n III by th e m.ltldl o anu I\. tom up week rot' evertone_ of I It weele. 1\fncllln e ry Is ex- cation trip!! but not 80 III 'e for the pcnf\lve, but t he III 'k. of It ' Ie x- res t of us, I rind holidays just pens lv too, for (' U fl iOrn wor k Mi lls good one tor 1110 lo work oUIslde to tho COHt. If you Ill'e 1) 11111 n In g to wo,'ll. These cool ,c loudy clays are sell huy or If YOII ll1lve to 1TI0Vl' It, gooel on q 1'01" me to work outside tt )lays to bllie but ohe nvl Re , t ho but Ihls lime Of yen l' everyone on sIlvlng by not billing wil l jl llY YO Il th e fnl"ln IA RO b\l8y thn t they -PERENNIAL .AND ANNUAL WEEDS 'fn lt' wagos. It 'Is the ma n who mil l bll.l'Cn'l. 'much lime fa r olld jobs, THAT INFEST. CORN NOT NEW cut costs these duy s wlJo milk eR BUT NEWS '1'IIe)' IIl"e going to widen TaWil; money, No\v thnt we hll ve pi nil' s hil) ROlld . We hll ve received noof bllY th , Qu esHon is what s hall tl Cl' tb M our rell cell must be moved And gOOd newl It, .as' we do with It, T ll ever \I1(e to sell IIll(:k llbou t. 81x fee l ns soon as posyear. suit loolta worn a114 ho y so I' SUPPO Il!! IV Rha" buy s ome s ib le, r nm so glild that we didn't Sbabbyl WOODY PLANTS SUCH ' AS , BRAMBLES, OS AGE ~eed 1'8 bllt they IIr high t his BUIlI - build a II G\V feli ce /lny sooner -:Send It to u. - w.'l1 re- ORANGE AND POISON IVY THAT m e l' so It Is a qlles Llon wh' t her t hou h w have ne eded one tor a When a head eold plays havOC! Itore tbllt lI1m, .man look, It pa ys or flat, long time, It wo uld' be VCI'Y, snd Vo1th halr-wnhing plans, substitute INFEST FENCE ROWS make It look Uke o~wl clean.ing "dry" shampoo, Your We got , that bay III just I lIlIm~ to have to move 0. nlce ·new fen ... aownarelsingtableholds 'everythine las t nlgbt.. for t his mo,'nlll g It is bnt that old fence \v\ll be no' loss yOU need for this beauty routine. warm lind e londy wltll 8110 wel'II III Ih O ll gl~ we migh l hal'e used .It fbl' Baby powder sprinkled ,into t~e hah; brul hedoUout the IIlr, It ralo d a li llie III the IJhlt~ II , bil e yet. tak~ and withthen it dulling andagam lur' PHONE 2371 night bllt not enoug h to l'e:L1ly hml The wild 1"0HeS a re In full bloom faee dirt that makes the hair look II n y hlLY tha t is down, bll t It 10\lkH no w, I f you wis h lo pi k t be m liliw and untidy. Or try a modelia qulek triek 'fot: ns tho ugh It mig ht rain mOl'e_ Ac- rOl' honse decorations here Ii! how making hair ahine without benefit cordin g to lhe pnpel's t.bj ~ was thp to do II, 'l' he da.y before you want of Ihampoo, Raid your medicine coldes,t Jlllle In t\Vell tY-LWO Y IlI'JI, to \l S' - them pick long branc hes chest for one 9,f those ,s terile ga,!%e , ' ' padll, Unwrap It from Ita protective 11IIt! the weltest rtrs~ hll lf of t he fu ll or buds, Pill' no attentiOn to . glaBiine envelo~, and moisten the Ir-------~ ye'! l' s ince J937: Can YOll l'e m"l11- UI flo wers thnt are nlrea,d y out, SQuare with witch ha~1 or l'ubbinJ. be r th s ummer of ]92? S o far I lh ey will drop the ir petals a ny- alcohol. . ~~ter unfoldtng It~arb. Film, Exp.rl.~c. to aid , ' . . ally, foree It down over the brIstle. blLvell't be et;! able /0 \' m m be l' jU 8 ~ wny, bl\t If tho buds nre put III 01 your ,elean hairbrush , Then Teaching In a,rlcultur. whn.t I was doing tbat summ r, ple n ty of watel', t.hey wUl come oul bru8h, brush, brush. yout' hair illto ~5 MONTH GUARANTEE - Add Water, Once A Year autl you will hn.ve the lov ]y flowers fiuff~ e1eannes8 again. ,Renew the ' The Univelilty of · Cal,l fomla II I 'J'be chIcks are dOing very well, stel'lle gauze pad as It becomell deve loping I long range program ' LUBRICATION Probably due to tll~ cool weal her that you. wlln~cd , The l'OSeS every- soiled, q .... lln<: d lu give s!udeillis In ,the colCOMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE ~~~~~~~~~~~~. wher lire Ull1l8111111y beautiful this A " dry" shalbpoo sueh as this la lei!e or ,agriculture practlc~1 farm' YOflf especlnlly the ramble rs, T.b.. liandy. too. ~hen there's lin unex· e XIJi:l'i ence 10 5uppl;~rtJent their 24 HOUR WRECKING SERVICE ' peeled date In the offing, ,! " I'ogal 1I111es are 8 0 beautIful no\\'. _ . _ _ , _ academIc tralnlng_ Th ~adonno. 1I1l1es Ilre gone but - - - . - - - - - - - ' - - -In the prewlr era the average lhe I'ogals are even more abowy. You oa n lIt!t ext ra copies of the. aludent at the colleRI! ot alrlcu1GAZETTE, at the WAYNESVILL. I!" - lure pOllesseli a rarm backrround. 'Th y are tbe - tall wbl~e oo~s 'of DRUG STORE or tilt! ' a'AZ ETT B:owever. tol"!owlnll the war an In'MAIN 4 . MIAMI STS, PHON E'" WAYNES.2341 office. ' Cwe" 01 urban·r eared students and students from · the ,Ellst began 10 lil.tlltrate the college of Bgrlqplture. , ~otlerD 'Rall-8pijUfts' More ' and more Calltomlal'farms To, teat , new cuttinll toola, . eORi DEAD ,STOCK WHJST I neeI'I whittle CBlt , iron "lq'~'1 lIa"e become speclaU.zed so \hIt Horses $2.50 ' Cows $2,50 Remembol' wh on ROOFINC welehlnll batt a ton. Into mllllon. ev.en the rural student h81 not relh forerunnel' ' of R ogs 25c 11'1:-, eelved the dlverslfiegl experlene. Of All Types of Irq/l <:hipl. The cutting , taola WII S ttl popula t' luulor onee a part · or normal ,rowtb, Pothen are examined under a microAll Stock Removed Dally -' g n.me? It w as t he wIt.y soInsulated H,'l('ks and asbes· ~ntlal employers are dem_ndln, 1C0pe for weat:. :;; L:lrge or Sma ll - Call Collect. c I a I lighls entertained tos S Idlug. SlJeet mlltal work more practiCal experience, wherethe il' , frIend s of Itn eveot all kludH. Lor,lll Rererentbe Easter Illy type 1>ut 83m ' wbat al before the war· thel' choae on a Xcmia 454 Illn g. elldlnJ;;" tb ntrnlr acholarshlp balli, 81lwtnln, the stu· cell, AU work gu .. ranleed , wIth II deUg·hUu l collation rose tinted on th& backs, They say XENIA FERTILIZER dlDt had aD alrlc:ultural badt. of corroe and cake, Eveo t h ey ~ow trom lifted but most peo- 1l'O\IDd. . . ,-. Dlvlaion of Inland ., PI ,O~ucts" Inc. HOWARD ,' W. HAAs th e soc iety cQlumns were . __ . . .o.-,. ple buy the bulbs_ and It I s ·better . 'lbe 'plan ' .belng , developed c'aUa ...... filled ,with s u~ ll 11Cf1lB 118, , Route S Waynesville, 0, to pay more and g~t the. larger for both on.campus experience and I , "Mr , and 'Mrs, Tom Brown entOl'talned the h' W his t Ph~!1e 'Wa,Y"Mvma 2898 bulbB than to risk ' disappointment ott-campul tralplng, Studeot. may TRY GAZETIE CLASSIFIEDS , dub IIiRt ntur\lflY night," wltb tbe BDlaUer On'ell, Be' oare(u l, be required to· work on. a farm Remember? · ' in, lWllDIer vacatioD or" In .ome -THEY GET RESULTS FAST even t hough ' this warning. Is too IDataDcea, 'to take . a leave of al). ro~ the' holidaY, there Is QnoMlIny , have found HDC. for a lemelter' or for the .ympathetlc o~r th!'r week end omlDg. ..aaona) period requ1!'ecL understanding 0 f . ~ ' TEt.EPHONES financial IImlta, '2091 tiona to be :v e r y ~111II!lllIIlm~IMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIWllllll l llmmilll! lllllIIllllll!IlIIliillllllml 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111)11111111111111111111111111 1---1I~!JI1U :a~, . , ' LEBANO N Of~lce ,4~SK satl.fylng In their .0 . ' ,- RES. 129&.: time of need • . W~Q , SAND and CRAVEL 'MO~ROW ' N.o. a.
;j)r'l JeJg~
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.
Waynesville National Bank I
Weedune Concentrate' 48 '
Weed one Brush Killer 32
Farmers Exchange Co.
, $1.50 A YEAR
"lers' Garage '
11 111ll~~lllll m!!mlll l l! l l ll:mlllllllllllllllllllllllmlllll1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIll'
~ O _ II _ D _I_ a _ D _ ' _ D _ II _ III -'"
e ~o
-t __ , ~:'t
~~p -.o_a
BUYERS WAITINC ' Especially For Farms ..
"WEED SRRAYE~SJI ,'$132.00
, ~ ~OJ ,E~ Smi~
Live 'W lre and p.rol!;realilv8. An otglUlization second to none. Strictly sellers on tho boat .all· arouad market In til!;! country.
. Br()ker
Rl 48. 5 ml. South of '_ centerville.'
Charles Doster PHONE-WAYNESVILLE 2834
F~r Dally Ma,rket Ral~orts: WHtO DaJt'o n, 12:50 N,S,,., Dial WLW Ctnclnna\!, 1240, Dial
_uses _ _ _ _ . P _ :
_ ,a
"UilLler 'OIliO ·S~S . . ' 8y DIVISI,O N QF WILDUFE ,. 'm
MAY 6E Al'PIAL11.16 JlS PETf-
T_ 'ynr pr~.clio". Co.,,, ...... nh. child,.n undo, II_
Po", 'b,n.lila 0 ».000- each low ,Ot', fa_II" 110, Indt~ 'duQ' ». ,.~.,., ~,.on, Iroed
IU&& 'ACTS If lifO",
, &w.. BRADDOCK"
..... SUI W.,....YiIIe
...-u IIWUIICI (0.
1.4....'_1:""'.~~ -
miliar Lawn Swing Liked by Everyone
Ill' 40 : 17-38,
' , 28-3~;
~';9 ,
Spr~a d It Out A gentleman, din Ing at a st r ang!' ho tC'1. complained to the wll ltress \.hat the silver was not c lean. " I wou Idn ' t let that bother you ," said the wai tress, calmly , "You know it is said tha t we mus t ea r a peck of dirt before we die," "1 0' deed , tha t m ay we ll be, " an. swered the guest. "bilt it has not been said that we must ea t it all at o.ne t ime."
A P er ennial Favorit e
A GREAT man cannot alw,ays be T H IS FAM ILIAR old
seen at close range. HIS contemporaries. may Dot know what . to make 01 blm. Current celebrities outshine blm, bis. enemies cry him down, circumstances hide his true grealness, ' Y ou. h ave to stan d 0 f1 tram him, perhaps ' several centu~le!l away, before you can see his true ~eight. Great men are like tall m6un·· t a ins; within a few mJles of them, the traveler cannot see th em for the m asses at , smaller ridges and peaks .,r. ForemaD th tit hide the distant view. Onl Y tar oui on the pln in can we see the ~eat peak towering Into the
• • • •
Not Much Chance wa~
M OSES times
suoh a man. At m any In his life, if you had been there. you would have thought he had very mUll ohance to live, much less to succeed. Suppose you h ad seen him in the first three m onths .01 his life? He was born under a death 8ente.nc,e~ his p arents were breaking the l aw of the land b y keeping him ' alive , at all. '!'hen la~r if you bad seen hIm In his aea-golng ba~slnel a moDIf the reed, tD the river. you might have thought: Will the contraptloD noan Even if • princeu flnda the baby. WOD" sbe Imow what he I, and senel him -. tu'ght 011 to 'be Idlledf Or. year. later, when Moses WBI a sort at pampered stepson ot the palace, what .promlse was In hbn? Pharaoh'li court wal full always at proud youp" feUows spollin" f01' • tight. Mose. might have ,looked to you jwt llke ..nother useless aristocrat. And then when' Moses was out in the w!lds, tending aR. other man's sQeep, married to an Ignor ant back-country lass wbo never understood hlm In the least; would yoU have put much faith In that discouraged old ranch..hand?
God's MaR
lawn swing favorite with both young and old, It is easy to m·a ke with a step-by-step pattern I~Dd ordinary hand tools. '
Is a perennial
All frletlon ports Are of metal lind. Ort lavallllble In hardware ~torc s , US" beSI
\~~~l~~ ~t:.'J;,~e";.,~~d p~1f:in ~05~v..r~. I~~ WORK81101' PA TTERN SERVI CE
D rAwe r 10 . B edlor4 11111 •• N e .. Vo rk ,
FEMALE · COMPLAINTS ancca? DOes thla make you Buller Irom pllln, reel 10 nerl'OUJ. ~I red- .. t
I mpor'(Jflt Oro afl..J1
Tru Iy Lhe wo m o n '0 frten d I
For Your
U.S. Savings Bonds
To Women With Nagging Backache
~ u.ffl!r
~~n days boloro eo relJe"o . eu ...m aymptoms Plnkhnm'" ha.s a ,"", n el 800tblllil elTeet on ont 0/
wo mOfl "
.' orestry School firs t scnool of IOres try in the St ates. tirst neaded by Gillard Pinchot, was fo r med on whll t is now the Vande rbilt estate, just outside of Asheville . N·. C.
of many 111180/ ic:iled /Ct/ UTS from ALL.: BIMN users. II 1101'
·Are , ou trou b led b, d Jatnl.. 01 l e m.le l unctloual ' p crludio dlalurb-
oUCh t1knus? Then ltart taking L,d I.. E. PIJlItb,I1D\'1 Vegetable Compound
Thursday, July 6, 1951
" Thanks from the bottom of my heart Cor what ALlrBRAN has done (or nie. No more medicines or eonsti. pati,on cramps si nce I starlted eating ALLBRAN e\~ry day l" Israel Daum, 3GO) W. RooSllvelt ROild, Chi· cago> 24, DJ. J IIlIt OM
...., reM", dIItrtll of MONTHLY
Lesson for Jul y 9, .1950
(rom constipation due to lack o( dietary this!! cat nn ounce of erispy 'l"n lll nn.n' n ALL-BRAN duily, drink ·water! If not comp/elelisa'tisflcd 10 days, return .empty bolC to Kellogg'~~ Battle Creek, Mich. Get D01[JBLJ!J YOUR MONEY BACK I
One application
Aa "" pt oIdor. _ aad etrol a. 0 ..... exartlOD. uc:ftltve .rookin. or expOIure to eold aometl w M .10w. do wn kidney fu bct lon. Thl, ma, l •• d many roJ... '" com .. p lol n 01 n o•• ID I tI.ek••~o , IQ" 01 pep ODd enerrY. bud •• b.. aDd d lul . .... Gotll nl u p oilbta o r freq uent p .... tee may rMUlt from ml.or bla dder imtatloDO dua to cold. d ompn_ or d ietary Indla.rotluna. 11 10ur d lacomlorta are duo to th_ eo ....... dOD't .. olt. t ry Doan·. PiUI , • mild diuretic. lJoed l u eeeul ully by mlllion. 10' \ OV(lr 60 y e. ,... Wbil. Lhese aym ptom.. may ' ' O r~D otblfwlM occur. It'. a mn.loa bow many lim.. 0000.'1 alva bappy ' 01101b elp t be lG mU.. 01 kld n'l' t ub •• and fit ...... 8 u. b out . .. te. Got D OG " P illa \od a11
for the life of your plates If , our pl . , .. Ire 100 •• ond oUp or butt, rdt ' chern (or inslanf, perm,nene comfort _'m . o ft Brimm. P llllti .. Une,r .trips. La, .tri p OD UPPU or l ower~I .U~ . .. bile and it mold, Pt'rf'~ri1y H,.,.J,,,, '''/1111;'', fi t find r.",I,,.,. Eweo 0 0 old
ru bber pates. Brlmms Plani· lJn rr .'ya . ood te.u lu (rom Ii. mu oth. CO IreII' 0 1 lon.er. BIHb fO/eve r " leSJ and bochet .of tcmporuy I PI,UcacionJ1h. tlUt a few hours ord l n . SlOP' l IiP"in •• ro(k inA ",Ia,e. Ind .nt~ ..urn •• E• • l o,[hing. T.Jk free l,. Enio, ,he ("omra " tbo u. lands o f peo('le all over che couotrY' GOW Ie. w-Ith DriOlnu Pluri·tJDer. · 10., I. .... fllor fight ... Fob. TN th ' • .-nl ntly
Ta.s rc leu. o d orlclJ. hlrmlclI yo u Ind_fo Dl pi llcet . Ca n be rrmove:d as pet din!cl ;un •. UleR
"Now I ~II" ~'" ."Y'6i",. .. M,,,,, 1"llj .s 1.2' (Dr lin t r (o r one p la, cJ'2.2' (O r bOlh pi..... "" yoilr d ril" Itore. ' PLAnt. LIHII COM'ANY. 1 ....10 II. H•• , ... la Y:
~ua r".'*~.
.Don't Be Satisfied Witll Only Temporary Re/ie.f -Now' ,l t Is Possible To
O.F ,A
M_~'.h' If'-ri. ""I am 6'1 :I have Ital1ed on the U1lrcl boW. of BADACOL. I never have. taken S medlclne ttlat helpecl me Uk. RAIIAcor.. I don't bav. Deu1'1tla
flrIIt bottle. I ~;~ 10 Del'VOUI, I baclt, leta and anu
:aucb wonderful raulta because ·It
treata the clendeI')
CG1&H of aucb
Mr. B/UP7 P. 5..,,,.. lO N",," ".,.. S - , B~. IIlIJtoq. "I am U old, and '1 ~ at· s Strip KlDe. I baTe beeD botbered with acbeI and pabu of DeurUla and teel .sleepy. aU tile time, but .1febe .... d your broadcast OD tbe radio ~t IIAIIACOL. So I bol18ht a ... and It baa belpecl me 110 wond~ that I buy the tarae Jam- ' Sl1 slIe IIOW. I can't beIIln to de- .. IClrtbe bow I woul4.teel lfI couldn1 buY it at alL I waut everybocl1.bo teda bad to mow about St....
• • •
BUTwhatdon't bls
,udge a man by contemporaries sal':. We know, we b ave known tor centuries, that · Moses wal!! one of God' s greatest and best. Canslder what the world owes to tha t one man. ' Of aU hi services, let us note three In particular. For one thing, we trace the Ten Commandments back to him. Not that he was the lli'st to call stealing or adultry or greed).neu wicked: men have k:r)own as , much , Ilnee early times. But we do associate the Ten Commandments wjthMoses' name. Be preacbed and taught that Tellg• . ion h ethical: tha~ i'~s, r ight . living Is· th~d In with and ned up to ,rlght . reUglon. . , I ' , " Faith' Slid Uf. now Into SII1I '81IPPO'" each ether, Some reDaloa. declare ·' tha' If a mu please. Goel &bat I. aU Utat matte... ; be can rltle bI. nelld.· bora . . he Other reUc1_ (or aabaUtateta 'or nl....on) ..,. that if a : lllall tfeata .other mea 'rirbt be _let ~ roo Not lIot ·.. tile Jewe nor \ Uie ChrlsthUlst , MOlel ., was . abo the: man through ' whom God revealed l ome 'of the ,moat ' Important truths we mow about God. MOlel taught his people, and through them tellches us, cit a SPtrltual God. not Uke Inythln, "In heaven above or the earth beneath Dr In the waten under the earth." God h.. ''no manner of form." God Is pure spirit. without a body Ilk. men or Uke anything. , To thI. day men find that liard to take In; but It ·iJ an Important truth for anyone wbo wants to think tru17 about God and to find
bIm. .
The Creator of The Famous Medicine Which Hqs Helped So Many Thousands of Men, Women and Children
MoSes and Christ BOVE there would have been no ChrbUanity If ' Mosel bad n.ver Uved, or It he had faUed. It the children of Israel tlad dona whit they wanted to d\" .11nIt: back to Esypt. and .~av,ery, the whole great history at the Old Tel'" ament would have been unwrlHen, Poets and prophets '\Vould have dled unborn.
Bu' •• wollld "a_ ... to mallie .. .Dmewbere else ~aea with the 'Hebrew PflIPIe, aDd the whole blalor,. reUein woa~ beea clUferellt. There woaM lIa,.e beea DO New T_meld wltboll' the 014 Tea'-
Even JelUl of Nazareth either would not bave been at aU, or would have been entlrely dUterent, It It bi d not been tor the whole background at the Hebrew story, In whlch Mol ea played such a lead· ~ part. It the world owes a debt to asrlltllnlq Cancl wbllt 'l debt,>, It owes also • tribute to MOles. (~ ~ 1I.o1D1enIat1aaal 0 . _
This wonderful ' experience which these folks had fromi taking HADACOL might very well happen to you if you suffer from, vitamin B1 • Ba. niacin and iron' deficiencies. Don' lie SatlsfiticI.WHh T....porary ....... Today, in this modem age, wise Peo-. pIe M.e no longer satulfied with ,taking products which just give temporary relief. Because now It'. possible to· treat· the CAUSE o:f suCh sickness with HADACOIf. And sO importantcontinued use 9f ~ADACOt.. helps prevent such miseri~ and distress from coming back. HADACOL Has a.nefltH COUn....
ThoUlClftcls . HADACOL alao belps bufld up the bemoglobin content of your blood (where 'I ron is Deeded) to carry these precious V:itaminl ~rals to every. organ and· I'U't of your body;-to the heart, lddneys and
.to the eyes, ~ and nails)-to help repair the d.amage such a deficiency may be causing there. 'Countless thousands are bI~ne fiUng from HADACOL Why don't you give it a chance to help you? Why continue to suffer? Remember HADACAL doesn't give temporary reliefrather it ~ts the real' cause of your illness when, as 80 often, it's due to lOch deficiencies. 'I'ltat's why it·s ·80 eff~ve why it's aceomplishiDg such amazing results. . IE FAIR TO YOURS. . You owe it to yourself-you ~ it·to your family to give HADACOL a trial. Don't delay. . HADACOL Is sold on a strict moneyback guarantee. You can't lose a' ~ ny and_ toU have evenrt1ling (that wonderful, wonderful HAD AC OL feeling) to gain. Only $1.25 trial size. Large family 01' hospital size. $3.50.
Thursday f Jul y 8, 1950
Saa What I Maan? , By RIchard HID WllklDleD FOR the faet that Allen EXGEPT Bursley was a eoward, May-
belle's happiness was complete. Being a Weslyan, even though the once vast properties of" her forefathers bad shriveled to a mere 20acre farm on the outskirts of -Mlnutl Stockbridge, she no~ abide ,Fiction could cowlmis. Worst of all, Allen Bursley didn't seem to think that being branded · a coward was at all' Important. . "WhY," ' he a sked. "should I want to fight Steve Legge? I've noth ing against him. He' s done nothing to offend me." "Why?" she atormed. "You ask me why? Isn' t it enough to be told be'. laying such dreadful things about you?" "But suppose the stories ar.en't true? And what it they are?" "Allen Bursley," Maybelle laid tensely, "you listen to me. When 70~ came· .up here and bougbt . the Thompson place and tried to make a of farming, everyone lau,hed. But you fooled 'em. You made the place pay by dint of hard work, and then you made me fall in love with you - and - and I WII tremendously happy snll wanted to ,et ma~rled only-" "ODIy," old ADen, "every_ fll1lrecl you ' were SteYe LeKKe'. Kirl, and wbeD we be~me eorared SteYe bepn to dlreaten. And n.ow YOD woo" marry me, tin J'ye lIoked him." "I wouldn't marry a coward," said Maybelle scornfully. , The word spread like wUdfire. Maybelle Weslyan bad broken off h.~ engagement with Allen Bursley, becau e AUen had admitted being afraid 'tof'Steve Legge. Steve became more swaggering. He yearned lor some ellcuse to bully the city man.
OPPORTUNITY came a THE fortnight- Inter ~, front of the
vUlage postoffice. It was evening and more than hali of the town's population was gathered th ere. Al- . len Bursley came out onto the porch, his attention concentrated on a letter iri hJs hand. He did not see the outthru.s l toot of . Steye Legge, and fell over it. saving him· self by grasping a , post, Look wbere you're KoID~, YO.D Cllumsy IdIot! ,KloldDr a man In tile ler/'
G RO CE R't' , f" • • 011 " nd. Ic e 8 " ,110111 li vIng qua rt ers and one :'I-room modern fl o t J' e ntcd ' 545 00 c osh , b a la nce of 13500 flnan cod . Own. r P ho ne Milla rd &876 o r wr ite 80;* No. rtfj . Mulbe rr y. Ohl ~ . F~RM
FARMERS Buy R tr ac tor t yp e w o gan you e n n bnek An ywhere. ellmln a l e s coopi ng . h a u l b Qled ho y or bu lk IODds, t urn n cro n k nn d h ltch
y our trnctor . · tu r n n crn nk Dnd l ond y our hnpiements . t urn a cra nk n o d dum p 06 nQW o t PAI.S OROV El M.' G . (l 0. F R .' . 40RII o. ...lIe
b Wlh,el s e ar cor n . Av uU o b 1e
Wln ah e.te r .
Ohio .
FARMS AND RANCHES 18!'. ACRE~ . II I CQmp pike . $2000. ' 3 6 ACRES. n,;w a. room house, 53 1811, T erms. 81 ACR E S. 45 aern till a ble 137 50 . IJI; ACRES . Hili fa rm . goo d b ides .. plent,o f fru it . 54750 . T erms . 5 1 / 4 AC R ES . fr uit a nd ' berrles, SIII4U h ouse $:1500 . 48 ACRES, /i.roo m h ouse, In ree bam, $ 1500 .
I ACRE . good ho u s e and bld gs .. S15OO. 73 ACRES . a · room hou s e •• Ioe trle. S6OOO. 390 ACRES . s tock a n d grai n fa rm, bat
17~f 1~i't~s, S2~;.~m h o use. $9000, t e rms. 26 ?/ 10 AC R ES , fruit und b errle. , live-
a tock, 4- room h ouse , ~OO. WE LL e quipped r •• t.a uru nt a olnll load bu.ln es • . P oss ••• lon a t o nce . IY E LL eq uipped d ry c1eo n lnll bUl ln. . . doll'll 1100<1 b usln e.,. $3500. \. ORVILLE BROWN B al nbrld,,_, Ohio . Pb . ! OOI or 810S
HELP WANTED-MEN MILLI:NQ Mi\.CnINE Oper.taro, la the operoto rs ond all o round m a .hlni sts. Mus t lie thoroughly e xp e rienc e d. None 9the ra need u p ply . H e rnaaDn MfC. C .... ~ Il N. Columba . St . • Lan o•• ler , Ohio.
HELP WANTED-MEN. WOMEN FULL or parI-time Job. Work wben you pleu 8 . Goo~ p a )' on commlu lon OOsl.l. Co r helpful but not n.culIl.r )' . BOb Ro,.r. Ma,•• IDe Serylce . R . R .. I . Fra allllD, O. Ael :No.. Hol 1Iem! Tremendous Repeats! 11.00 brln,. snmple u nd Informa Uon. Sa UsfncUon euaronteed. R.~lr. 6 0 •• I.S, Baefta VI.ta, CaUf.rDI••
a •• ce.
MACHINEU '" SUl'PLlES WELL •• Illln, Dla.hlne Number 240 Sta •. ; . pra ctically new, drill e d only 1 well. Ca ... WanAw 2081 or l ee at "eDaDoell'. 0 .... rail. HIWl'. U, " IIIlJ~ • • oatll or W .. r •• w. . Ky.
MISCELLANEOUS B GIANT EDla r,emeoh {rom roll or ne,sttv e . noc ,ap ecl a l oHe r ) . 11).55.. Boa. 8&udl • • , 801< 11S5N. CIOY.laD' 5. Obi • • i\.NTJQ UE fire arm., edled wea pons, reI" leo illustr ate d " .. ta lol ue ' 25e c oin. Ifarry BarUIl1 Box: 20.1 . ,\on. on. TeKa. LIVE 10..11. or 1>11 Idnd. . s h ipped anywhere In U. S.A . Pro",pt - lI u a rant . .. a liv e . Write lor P ~lee8, R & R 1.10:-4 Bait 8tore ••2 E. Rlob 81., Cotumb. . Ill. Ohio. . PILE S-l·r u. rlpllan GOOO : T h e n e", WilY II> tre a t, In c:a.p . ule f orm and · l o ken ml e rnOllY : a r oot a nd he rb prepuratlon; . no muss. no fuss: we wlll moll ,ou a doll a r box. It r eliev ed m qll u s n d.o lllU'II ' not r elieved. ro r,et It. LAUT8BAUGl DR UG STORE Man. Jleld , Ohio.
Wa nt IIf ellm. 110m. B". ln ... ' Se c urity! S tomp gets d e tails. 40 P . Bookle t · 250. Ro m e Fac tory, Dozens o f Ideltl . 50c pp, IIlerrlll, II 8 tol1d"rd Ave.. meDI Fall. , K. Y.
REAL ESTATE-BUS. PROP.. GENERAL Blore , well S lac k ed In n fine r ura l loco Ill y. In.ludln, lI oCd buU'lnl( w ith 6-r oom mO,dern o.p Drtrrient. pric ed to s ell . F. p . Sitler, realtor. Be Cloud Na1I0nai . Bank Bldr .. n "., , .III , Ohio • .
Allen withheld the apology that rose to his Ups, and said instead:. "Keep your legs under you it you don't want them klcked." "Say! Who do you think you're talking to. you shriveled-up city sissy?" Allen hesitated, caretully folded hts lette.. and tucked it into hJs pocket., "Legge," he said, "I don't want to quarrel with you-" Steve let out a roar of. contemptuous laughter. " Afraid, eh? Wen, we don't abide cowards-"· ''But,'' finished ·Allen quietly, "Since' you Insist, let me advise you, you brougjit it OD yourseH." Steve lunged and something
ARKANBA S-Sale or lense furnis hed c oun t ry ' estate, s to bles. s tocked l a ke. m od er n r a nch t Yr." h ome. 3 bedrooms wltb ·baths .... ea.o~~r~ha~IWJ',~rnl . 0 .. & 8 prln •• , Arkan Ka. .
80 nern . ' M-68. 2 mil •• M or lan. 3-room
ho u i e. u nfinis he d ; uUl lt y building, 81 •• trlcl t y and well ; aehool, m o ll , mill< route: some n eW lumoeT. timber : cheap . D. Danbam. MArion . Mich.
TRAVEL I.AKE E rie S ummer Cotta , e _Week. MontI:>. Se a son. C harle. Miller. Broker. 810n), Pointe" Newport. Mich. I'II0De Monroe. Ml c
CLE i\.N bOUl c k e.,lnr co\tnre. with community toilets and s h o w e r s o n Unlon Lak e m ad e b y the 5 1. 3,0. riv er: a v a ila ble b~ t he w e e k from S undo y to Sund ay. Wrlle n ow for r eserva t Ion s to Albert Dant e ' ., Mit. , Weayer. P a rk. 8ber... ood, Mich .
' Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! ~-+.-:.' AS PURE AS MONEV CAN BUY.
AlIeo withheld · dill a,.IOD . &bat rOM to bl. Dps. ' struck him
ilke a Iled,e·hammer
and let him back OIl hi, beel•. He struck out blindly. aecompaDJ'in, hJe blows 'with foul Curies, only to have ~e curiel jammed. between his teeth with the lame Iledg. bammer. Above him Allen . Ban~ . lleard. a lemlnlDe from beo IdDd an4 ' turned .. see llay· beDe I'IIJIJIlq toward him. Be Ileld out his arms, bid Ibe "'pPe4, baIIcl ..... .eau.. ...,.. IDa to I'd old the 'Clf"l or warno .... _ I~. '1'Ile clabo held Ia tile baD4 . 01 8tOYe ....re. delCieDded e~ .. Ibe __ of AIIeIa'. head • • _
Wben Allen opened bII life. his bead WI. plUowed In the lap or Mubelle. Sh. wa. looJdD, up at .omeoae and taIkin,. "Allen licked hIm." Ibl .11 .a1In,. "He'l mudl mOll,er ttwi be 1ooQ-" . ~en'l lIfel ' twInlded. "No, rm not,.. be laid unexpected17. "II waID'I because rril Itrolll. It Wli aowled,e-kDowin, how to buadie D\1seU. UJce kDow1DI bow 110 farm. That'l tbe trouble with 7011 faJb up here. You dem't know !low 110 do thlnIL See wbat I
".AD I uk Ja . .' "" .teaall . .
RelieYH '!!Iorenea. AchM aDd Pains of' the Museles.
'Sold at alileadine Drug' Star., A omple ~ttle FREE ." aendin, tha ad to
tHE' SWANSON CO.-Newark, Ofilo
How aild CIlIa d~ ...,
MORE PEOPlE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! FRAIl WARREll
Papalar record·
1Drartiat "parts: "J aPllftClafe ciS" ant~ m1l4D .... ,
amok. Camel.,
'l'bq ...... wWa
.~ ~bro.:.;
FARM LOANS The Land Bank Way
If:c t, Wilmingt on 2 I t
Long Terms Are Safe ( Up to 3 Y~a rs at~ ,%)
)N',. FOIH d::T TO CALI . for' insurl:1nt:c. All types of in , urance at II sa vilws. Call Frn acis Gene Brown, Phone Waynesville 2472 o,r ( :Ill col-
, . No Feel, Commia.ions or Renew.ls ' MAY BE PAID OFF ANY TIME
. Lebanon
li1l1ca-aUn, With Baek Bu.. Dra,·Une and Bulldor.er
I.UMBER - All kindB,1n aU le8S:tbs IlDd wldtbs. Kiln dMed HORSES ~50 COWS ,2.50 HeasoDllble llrlces All Ord4$fB, HOGS- .25 CWT large or smllll will be tlellvert'd AllO Sheep, CarVel, Coltl, ~ tc . Hog Houlles Aer. LAMB . 1'1100. Removed Dany Wnyn cIlv1l1e 2701. CALL COLLECT
22, 290-7- (;, 13, 20,
TRY GAZETrE a..ASSIFIEDS li1lUER - Dressed cbllle\l wrappeti -11IEY GET RESULTS FAST ~nd sba,rp frozen for bome freezers -:;;;;;;;;::;::::::::;::;::;==;;;;~ 39 c each Waynesvill e Locker Pla ut o Pbone 3171.
.f~ ,l _. ~~~-...-~I~ I _.' _(I~ ! _ . !
CUSTOM SPRAYING for weed klllI!ng In corn, a1 ao 2-4 . D s pl'ay mao terjals for sale. "alter Sheehan , l 'b. 2991, 'Waynesville. 6·22·29-7·6
--------------------JUHN DEERE - 19·i6 MOdel ."B"
Alto Diabetic
CanDeci Fruita
NEW JOHN DNlilRE &\tt. Combine, wIth Power ' Tllke-off 01' Motor. New Jobn Deere , Side 'Delivery Hake. One U s ~d New [des Sid Uake. :just overhauled, Ba.nln 1m· t,lement Co., Leba non, Oblo. Phone
WILL PA.Y top price tor ·good blu e grass sod. MUBt be abort and free ot weeds. Carl Gene Dunn, FUlton 6736, Dayton, , Ohto. X-6-29-7---6-J3 SALE - Photographic dIsplay t See O. M. rudge, Main , at'ree • ,
.., '6ooo8Ye"
"1~~I-'I.-c~~~~~~~~~~I_~I~\"-I'~~~ I SATURDAY
_"'~IY,,,t.y_M" .
'109 50
Aak About our Price on
" ~"-~. I
___ u-_·4t"U_" ~ I -''-O _~.I _ '~~'''1 I '' li '''''
- - in--
"Give My Regards To Broadway" Color ~)' Technicolo,," . JULY 11, 12 '
'u N G
"The Bishop's Wife" FREE
TIME M,as Praise ' ~or. Dudl,~y,: J. LeB, I~nc
.roulr::. .,3,.
Uncle' Sam Says
~_::'I~~~B~;lmuch. me aDd I ~ Iookba, 10 II much for better~ thibk I will put •
out." .
.-.-..aetI f.,.a."
house to keep
.ep " 8treDdb. Lut faU Leladiea Blanc wu aelfln, 0DIy leo 000 bottles of Hadacol a month wlieu .n!'~l!!I~ Dltlarma.c- the advertlainl began to take. ~~=::'~ "If~~~~~f~fa~·~~~ rhea was the sudden abortbI that medicine en- , ~~;r~~~~~~i a bOom that lalt month ~ , 2.000,000 bema were 101d. •
I • " ... ..I... f., o.,.,.g.-II."
. . . . I ~ H.P. 4. cycl. Plnco~i ...... r ••• rv. pow.r, ........ltlllty,
. . . . . . IMIt cutl
__l "
JULY 9,10 '
feace arouna
Inltallation and Gas
'~ ! . '-"'
-9Ietlll ,.J " ·pOw•• -'Y '
6ft. Combine with.' moto'I' . Al so Minneapolis lttPUne 8.ft. ComTIME Magulne' In a recent 11bine with motor. Good condition. Banta Implement Co" , .ue told the tabuloUi story of Lebanon, Ohio. Phone , 656 , 2t , Dudley J. LeBlanc, the Meci.lcliIe King, aIId delC1ibed the benetlta of HADACOL. The following are l.<~OR 1'0010, also excerpt. from the TIME .tory: garage for 1 car. Mrs. Snsan' "In 8UY10iill Lafa)'ette. La. Scanlan. X - 7-6 (pop. 19,210) 42 factory worken bustled each w~rkinl dB)' Iut :FOR SALE ;Bed r oom suile. week 'tUrnin, out more than 100." Idtchen rug, ~e 8k lamp, blue mlr· bftlti: t 'OZ!. Raymond Hatton, Til' r d water, !Itreet, WayneSville, OhIO, The'patent znecllc!lse X- 7·6-13 col been SI --:~~~z::::1t= ,. . .bu . . m14 Habaebrl J~R SA.LE - ' Uaed terrlg'erntor. OOO Hmall slle. 'Price $60. Warren .,..... at Braddock, Phone 2)91. , X-'1·6-J 3
2 years. ' Guaranteed.
JrOHN DEEREl Power Mower, will f'lt any tractor. Sllveml good lI sel' Horse Mowers. Banta Implement Co.• LebMon, Ohio, Phone 565. 2t
FOOD STORE Phone 2541
..' '.·N
T raCtor and Cultlv atol's, Guaranteed sound, new paint, III so AUl a· Chlllmer 1938 WC Tractor wl'th cultivators. Priced t9 sell. Banw Implement ,Co., ,Lebllnon, Oblo, 2t l ' bone 655.
JULY 7, 8
6-8, 16, 22, 2~, - 7-6, 13, 20, 27
McClUJE lilXl H'O IiE
Spring Valley Hardware Co.
Wilmington 2362 Lebanor\ 439 Hoa s PRO ESSED- AII fresh , 3c pel' ·pound. Waynesv lie Locker INLAND PRODUCTS, Inc. Plant.
' NO FAMILY UNDER THE STRESS OF UNEXPECTED BE. REAVEMENT need h' a Ve. the I/lIghtest fear of e][cesslve cost. At our fun'e ral beme you will fInd the klndest conBlderaUob , tor any flnanclal budget tlo matter how limited It may be, and the best service we know how to provide,
LEBANON,' OHIO . BANK RUN GIlA Vl!Jl':"'" LoIl.1 t!'I, Phone 448 at Davll Furus. PIt. 50 GeDU ELLIS, -H. 'STURM, Sec'y-Tre3s. cubIC .,....ro. We llJIO' dllliver. &lUI. l'rAGE &: SON, Phone 2011. ', U
WaJ'DenWe. Ohio Phone: WOIy_evllte 21S11
8...8_1e...8__. ·.
8011. HauUn.., Sand, Orayel
A Farm 'Or,anization For Fanberl GALL - WRITE
111 _
peaiP:~ fondQ,:" for Taking care not ~ arouSe the medicines. Te.t1monla'. a !1 e FhoodF& -oru, Admml,.traticm or ~ured In, extollln, tbe work of te ederal Trade Commlulon, Hadacol ••e •. , Siamflle.: ' ~hich hsve their own vieWi about 'From 80 ld M'- '--1 ~W'e-all nostrum.. LeBlanc mere- , aD 8.- p . Y describes Hadacol on the box plan: "I wuble to ,et over u a "Dietary Supplement I a fence. dilable to ... up out fonnulated .. an Aid to ehair without help. but after in rebulldin. the Pep Strength Ja February we obaene the blnh· took elgbt bottl~ ot aadacol and EnerlY of Buoyant Health , da71 of t,.,o very famoUi Amerieaaa. can . _ • tJe qp my own Ihoea snd wilen the-System I. deficient In ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PboM24fl Georp Wuhlncton and Abraham feel Uke I can jump over a !!Ix- mE! Vitamins arid Minerals toun.d Liac:ola. Practical ~h tbe, aacIer· foot fence and getting VJI'Y lIassy." in thll Tonic. , ." In Ihort: if it'l YES ••• WE CAN PRINT mAT JOB FOR YOU ExPERTLY - - - - - - - - - .tood ,be v.lue of Imll" the neeeeFrom· a ea-y_ear-old '1)atchelor" what l.0u' need. It'l what tou AIIt_"a, . PellllSJlvaDla lilly ror a well-ordered method of ' in Georltla~ "HAttA,rn1 !tAli dnn .. !In nf't!d e • aavin,. The,. had no ready-made Quem AUquippa of the ,LtJiDl· pJaa neb •• I. now offered by the Len.pel Indian tribe ruled vw.... V. S. &Imp Boneb PI'O.~ Joa WE CA~ TAKE ~~ OF YOUR JOa PRINTING NEEDS on the Mooon,ahela and Ohld Illy· ~" the .um to be aDoted' each T,)ellcloull . refreshments· w e r 0 ell. She lent ...lltance to ~Geor'l DUctal', where you work. Tha, ta 1M HELD OVER FROM JUNE 29 sl!rved by Marilyn OOIlS amI Janet Wa.hlnlton when he went Into the ,1'.;..00 8aYInp Plan. II MII_ Ohio Valley. The city which DDW pJO,ecI, - the Bcmd·a·Month Plan BUTTONS.AND BOWLS Keys, _ .. ~ ... ~ IIuak. ADd iD 10 ~ 10D bear,' her name II about 20 - - ',.... tile reward--t4 lor ..,., IS 4.H Cl:UB MEETS Tbe next meeting will be held from Pltt1burlh. on the ,Ohio' RlY- ..... ....... The WiLyneavllIe Buttonl and at the home of Carolyn Retalllck, aI', In the I'etton over which Ihl VA o.pa...... once rllped. Steelmakln, ,ba,8I1 Bowls 4-H Club met Tuesday, June Tuellday. JUDe 27 at 2: 00 p. m. In AUquippa tow.d. the eDcl Of 20. at the high scbool with Carolyn Club ,members who will take tile 18th CeDtur7. "oday, the tOWD S. Retalllek and Ruth LaRue 'In part In the program fo~ the neXt laal a capaCity of more tbID h - - - - - - - - - - - - ,charge and Donna Hadley pre.meeting are: Judy Smltb, Donna l,'ICIO,aoo toni or open 'hearth. ba;' 'I'rel,ht 'bafflo Hadley, a.nd Linda Ramb,.. lamer and atectrle fiu'nal!e lteeL CoI1-bU111ln, .team locomotlvel Ildlng. INl baDdlecl about 110 per cent /We decided to bave part of our Carol I Lynn Retamoll. til. frelPt traftlc, maaaured In cooking doll. at tJle meetlngl. We , , .,....... ~ 1 ecm-mn••, or ~e CIa .. I ran· 11.0 acored ounelve8 on our eat· . , ..... 'IIIJ1 ClllUDt .... - _"1- a 11[I'4/1aIlI. compared with uub 'JO I". halilts - tbls win lie con......~"':..-....- a _ I...: : : .. C!eDt In IN wblle that bancUed Unued for the nest couple of t ad add • the . . . . . IbouId ... 4ieael JocomoU... 1Dcre~ meettDp. We &lao WorbcJ ~ -the I'abnabelt WIIIpIrao 110 Uw110 lIIl' _t iD 1_ .... -' MGUt . , . . cent ID 1111. I8W'1q ltIVJecU.
Spring Valley O·
Phone 37371
H• .,• • 100" Ar ;H'$ UMARKAI" , lOW.. Mow.. rODAY' WI'lL 8. OUD ro UMONSf.lrr " '0. YOlll
:1'-0 ...
.... .... . '
--. -
_ _--=:-: .._ -01,
MID·· SUMMER fESTIVAL Thu s., fri., Sat. Nights • • azette he ·1 8 - .- ....•
AIJ()ut T()wn
Serving Waynesville Since'1850
MTs. L. 111 . H enderson accompnnJed her ne phew 1'111'. Berl .HARVEYSBURG RES· "KNOWING THE WAY" GREYHOUND LINES ~MERICAN LEGION O'NeHII nnd family 'to Orlando, The . subject of thE' messllg at IDENT PASSES AWAY £lECfS OFFICERS OFFER SPECIAL TOUR Florida 011 Thilrsday where site the Methodis t chilI' ' 11 SIIIIIIIIY fI'be local post of the AmerCDn SpecIal plalJ s ha.v been made by ON WEDNESDAY will enJ,()y n.. two week.s. vacation mOl'nlng at the 10 : 3(1 service will Cljr yhound orficlul s 1.0 take ca re of Legion held 'th'e lr annual election - 'from hel' duties at tho Waynesville 01 officers here Mouday night, July . Weldon C. Bogan, til, of Har· be "Knowing lh e Was." The Sll e· Iii capo cl ty crO wds e~ p ec te d to No.tlOlll Bank. Mr. O'Neall and clal mllsi ' wIll be a \{ocal dll et by lravel to Chh;ago to a tt end tlle 10 with tlle following results: famtly had been visiting re lntlv ell Mr. IIJId Mrs. Hllrold Ea rnhart. "Chicago Fa ll' or 19GO" It W IlS reo Commander, Fred Braddock; 1st In norlhern Ohio and were "nl'ou le Ev.() rYOJle who has IlO other church veilled lollay by J. y. Murph y, genVlIce Oommande, James A. Hophome. . Ilrel'arence Is welcom, to ,\vol's hlp el'8l trufCi c manager of Ol'ear Lnkes kins; 2nd Vice Commander, IS s urvived by one 8lster, Mr. Tbomas Barger Is crltlcnllY ' 'wlth U6. GI'eylloulll1 Lines. ·Th ese plnns In· Melvin ' '9,l.allsberry; Adj~l'-llnt, BII'della Stanley. o.r Waynes· III u.t Ve le rans Hospllal, Dayton , Lust SundflY the church Rchool (,Iude Iml)J'ov ed t m.nspoHntlon to Richard McFadden; Finance Of· v~lIe, two brothers, John or WII· 'Miss Ann Weltz had as week Ralph Peters; Ohapll\ln, Dimgton, Charles of Harveyaburg. attendonce was 159, IL vary fine Chicago. nnd s peo hll equipment end gUllsts MIIss Evelyn teol's report, but we will b" lOOKing [or· lipan whi ch Visi tor/! may ride ' F I' e d Grauman; Sgt.-at-Arm8, Funel'al services wel'e held Sat· Ilnd I'll r. Ralph Hibbard of CincinHarold Dakin; Delegnte to State u day at Frle.n ds plmrch, Harveys· ward to seeing more of you f rom through th e 'Fairgrounds. nati, Miss W eltz nnd. h I' guestl! Sunday to Sundny. ' The Fall', whi'cb opened June 24 ConvenllQn I\t Cleveland, August bUrg at 2 p. M. . and Mr. Robert Hunter woro the dolly vacation and will r~ tbl'ougb Labol' Day. RememBer 4,7, Louis Thompson, Wm. A. Burial wns In Miami cemetery . joined by other trl~nd a (rom CinDible school . begins 1.ILo-nday mom · Ntretchell a mlie along the lakeLukens. alternates, Wm. Sawyer, Funeral servi ces ,wore arranged cinnati on Sunday arternooll snd Ing at : 30 at thl' Friends cbuu ch. fron t and Is the most ' llmbltious Albert BrllJlnock. b1 Stubbs Funerol Rome. nil enjO<)'ed a ))I cnlc slipper at Old A fille ' program ot wors hip nn,1 exposlUoll tnged In hlcugo sln l'e Friends culled al Stl1bbs Fun 1'. ;teUvlty Is being plnn:ned . RIver Park. lhe I' lllUI'y of Progress In 1933 W. S. C. S. TO HOLD ~i Home until" dc'look 'Frlday, . Mr. and Mrs Homer Rnmby, of IUld' 1934. ' The 1950 p'l'oject POI'MEETING THURSDAY The remains were lak n to th e {,oalltana, Flor,ldll, Mr. and Mrs. lnLYS e \'ery phll ~e of commerCle, 'l'be v. . s. C. S. will h'o ld thtlr hihlle or It brother Cha~11l 8 In Hal" SPENDS VACATION Millon Tblnnes and daughter, Pa· IN THI: SMOKIES Indll s fl'Y , ogrl culture and s 'Ience meeting at !Jbautauqua with Mr. vlyBoburg, where friends called mela, o( Middletown, were Fourtb . 1 011' . a.nd · Ml's. Jess PI' ndeqillst thut has contrJ bu j ed ' to lbe A mer· and Mrs. ' Char~es Ellis Tbursday, aJter 6 Friday.' of July guests of Mr, und Mrs. and daughter, M.arynlice, IIJId Miss lO ll scene. More than 300 of the July 20, . They will meet at the Ed Ramby ond fam·lly. M»-. and Xatberlne Prendergast have reo country'B best known industries Metbdlost cburch ·at 11:00 a. m. 1011'S. Ramby Illso lmr]- (IS n guellt' turned from .11. visit to the Smoky are partiCipating in tbe SO major GEORGE L. BUNNEL&': Transportauon wW be proVided. MI'. RtWlby Lee ¥uukes, ot West _ •• Supt. New LeKlngtQ; Schooll Mountains and the Oberokee In- exhibit areas. Pulm Beach. Florldo, who Is vIs· The Chicago Fair may also bp. dian Reservation In Tennessee George . L. . Bunnell, . for mer FEL.LOWSHIP CLASS . til'. and Mrs. Kelllnetb Hartsock IUII G' his faLh or. Mr. H et'b Yunk eR seen on Greyhound's "AmazIng and North Carolina. Waynesville reslden~, bas accepted OF fERRY MEETS aJld ramily of Harvey.burg, were In l.ebanon. Amerlcn. TOllrs. 'NIese IneXI!onsl ve T4e Fellowship 0I8IIS ot Ferry ~day afternoon \'Isltors or Mrs. Mrs. J~ M. Henflerson and Mrs. the positiOn as Superintendent of jJre-plann\ld vnclU ion t~IPS Include held their ' picnic at Sharon Woo4a L;na Hartsock, ~hlo Is acUn. as SPENDS VACATION IN }.,\lclle ArmHo.ge w sa ClnOlnnn't l the New LeXIngton 8chools. tansportlltion, bolel 'a ccommodaH e 18 the !Ion of Mrs. Nettle M. Saturday. Mr. a~d Mrs. RuBS Ling M"lItron while Miss Ruth' Chandler FLORIDA AND CUBA tlons and special sightseeing'. Lit· visitors on MondllY, Miss' VlrglnJa Hardin has just Vr. aud Mrs. A.:, E. Stollt hml Bunnell, and gramln.ted r rom and 80n, of Rock Island, m., were la. OD a vacation or a few weeks. erature descrIb ing Chicago and guests. lIe high school ,In 1926. JIIS8 R\ltb Chander and slstel . returned bome from a vacation at other vacation regions tbroughollt us Fourth of July guests Mr. lID (I Min Elizabeth anld niece, MlsII Miami Beach, Florida. While there lhe nation ma.y b pbtalned from Mrs. Elmer 9-rove and cblldren of a.rtrtJde Chandler, are enjoying r she aslo viSited Cuba. The trip tbe 'l1rnvel Bureau at th~ Greyecnte~vll1e a'Tid Mr. ond Mrs, MISSIONARY S'OCIETY OF FERRY MEETS tl'!ll to ~e.x1co, many places 0 LO Florida was made b~ plane" hound 'I'ermlnal. George Wllltz of Dayton. lod to Cuba by boat. Interest in the Southen state The June meeting or the Mis· Mt. and M,·s. Je88e Prendeegast tben to Call1ornia where they wll F (lrry Church and daughter; IIlaryalice nnd Miss slonary SocIety By MRS. WALTER KENRICK vl.it with their relallve, MI'. ORDINANCE No. 211 Kather1ne Prcndergllst visited tbe of Chris t wos held at Mrs. M~ry An Ordinance to Prevent The Women's SoCiety of Lyt'~ M4nla Stout ' ;Elbon, . a former rer Smokles during .the ,Follrlhholidn.y. Gllllnms, Mrs. Alma ·Elts led In Certilin Nul.ancea Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reese, of d~l(oUons, Mory Gilliam was the church will have a bootb at the Id.,at 0( Waynes vllil e. Tbe subJ!lct was tbe. Carnlv(ll .t WayZ\esvllle Thursday. ~l'8. Hannah Davis enjOYed " Bt' It Orda.lned by tile Oouncll Xenia, are nnnouncng tho engage· leader. FrIday anel Saturday evellinga and pl~nt · !lflerlioon FrIday when of the Vtl1ag~ of Waynesville, ment of their dnughter, . Hss Lois Philllpin II. The following Itema were taken will sell ' bJU:beque .andwtchea an ~ Cral. and Ll'aJ;lnger, of 'Co- State ot Oblo: Reese &u ~r. Jam.a J. , ~~eetz, Seetton I. No person, ftim, cor- ...... the MtA-MI/ G'*ZETTE. ·ated hpDtiu., Kueeta.~ ' . son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles i I - - -......- - - - - - - - -... colfee. Miss Pea.r l Hansel of Los An- ' 1Ifr. . and Mrs, Lester Gordon \)Oratton, ~r other legal entJty, Wednesdar, October 10, 1900. Jtard~stY. ot Waynesville. No dll.te geles, t:ailrol'nIa, spent last week were Sun,day dfnnet· guests of Mrs, sball erect, CODBtruCt. }.lee, o'r 'm ain.. . _ .' . 'pns been set for the ' wellaJng. ' 8tl'uet with Mr. Bnd Ml'8. Earl Young~ LucUe Armitage and Mrs, Msrtha lain a liulldln.,. 1\11ss Geraldine Wbltc, ot Akl'on . q' . u I'e, pen, en·' lWalter J , Kilborn & Co., Corwin, closure, or other plae'e for the ex- were seilIng Rubbe/' Tired Buggies MlS8 Hansel Wile a frJend of Mrs. Beljderson. WII S a Fourth guest 'of her .ount, ~IS8 01he Williams bll8 re- erol8e of a tr'ade , em p Ioyment, b us· Surrles, .Pha etons, MJlk Wa.gons, n·I·. .lIlary Cook. /u'e stutements T RUE 0 R Young In Dayton several years Mr. and Mra . A. H. Earnbart FALSE? Se answel's on Page 8, ago. They attended a . hmcheon, turnet!, after a very delllthtful visit Iness, or othel' entel'pl'ise ; or shall eto" fOI' from $75 to $11.0, spent tbe Fourtb hollduy with Seven COrl'Qct, EXCELLENT; Six, With other girlbood friends, In with her many frlo!nds la Indian· keep 01' feed OilY IIl1lmlll, fo,wl, or Dayton Thursday. apoUa Bnd Pendleton, Ind: any othel' Dlllterial ')']' substance . Woalter M.: Clur , ndertultel' and tbe lr so~ , Mr. Alton Earnhnrt, at GO<?D; nve. FAIR. Mr. a~ Mrs. ' Alfred Rasnake Dr. Emma Holloway enjoyed tlie whlcb, by Occasioning noxious ex. Ji}mbelm el', lind j ust f)lacell a tel· Paulding, . 1. The Hun Is n stnr. ('I' or F?) or offen. ephone In Ills oW e so he could Mrs. RIII'old ' Decltott of nenr 2. Ash wood II! used fot· base· a.nd son, Lester James, returned .dny ~unday 118 a guest of Mr. and aJations or ll1'Olserom hQme Saturday from a ' vacation Ma., Alvin .Creager of East Drive, Slve smells . berolJle Ipj,;rlous to be called day 01' ni ght, Lytle, Is confined at st. Ellza.beth, ball bats . (T ' or F?) trip to Lebanpn, Vlrglnll\ where Dayton. tbe bealth. r,? lJIfn r l, 01' " rop rly of Hospital, rollowng a major opel'13. The heart I' es t s b~ t''1eell . M<!Be Coh'e n, of Dayton , WIlS aU they vJelted relatives of both Mr Dt. and Mrs. Gail RU8IJum nnd Jpdlviduals 01' of 11le public. atlon during the past week. beats . .(.1'01' F1) ready, tor the rn II imd winter salell ' daughter, of Dayton, we~e Sunday Nor ~hall any Ilerson, fh:m, , c~r. MI'. W, C, ''€rt.. Jobn W(\8 a SUI\4. Tbe opposite of oriental Is and Mrs, Rasnake. of clothing. Russell ·!Wutzahn spent · la.st ~a1l6l'll of ¥llIs Margaret Edwards. J)Ol'atlon, 01' olher legal entity day dinner guest of Mr. nnd Mrs, 0 cldental. (T 01' F7) . MI.. Myrtle 'I:lteve~B returned ca,use .or suffel' orrlAl l fUth, or ' Wilbur Hutt of Ridgeville. 6, A mill Is a fiftb of a cent. week with his . sister. Mra: Earl J . M . Thompson and Son .anMeudenhnll and, family at Tlpp hOllle Q!nday after 0. pleasant noisome s ub stan oes to< be cOllec't ed . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gt:llumsn en- (T 01' F?) nounced lhlll )they do the bes t (T City. month's stay with relatives at or. to l'einoJn III ony pl ace within t er(alned to Sunday dinner MI'. 6. Alls pIce Is s spl('e mixture. &bby Morgan, or Phoenix, Arl. Maineville and NOirwood, the Village or Wn.ynesv ille, to the work In town In 110l'se jlhoefng and ond Mrs. Richard Graltman lind 01' F?) (T lona, arrived hy' plane at Vandalia IIrs. Olive Cur} and Dr. Emma damage or prejudl c of othel's 01' gen raj I'epu.lrl~ g. family of MarySVille. 7. Pomegranate Is a fruit. Saturday morDing for an extended H()lIowa.y. attended the Workshop the public. Mrs. ·M. A. Cornell is seriollsly or F?) SeCtiOn II. Violator'S of the pro. W . L, Dougluss union made sh'o es III wltb pneumonia_ at tbe home 8. Whales sometimes live as long vlliit with his grandparents, Mr. meeting of the ·W. C. T. U. Tours· aDd MI1!'... Everett Early. day and Frld83' at Franklin, Chnli· viSions of, this ordinance shall be were $3.00 and $3.5 0. of her daughter, 1\11·s. Russell li S fjOO years7't'f'-or F?P Mrs. . WlIIlam Rickey enter- tauQua. guilty of a dlsdemj!lll:lor BJld sholl Stockstill, 106 Oak Knoll Drive, 9. There ' are twice as m !l 'n y tatne!l to !l bridal . sbo,wer FrIday . Mrs. EUa' Dakin wu very happy ~e fined not les8 t han ten dollars W, C. T. U. MEETS , Da.yton, wldoW8 a8 ,widowers In "' the U. S. The . W . C. T . U. m e ling will evenJlI8 for Miss France8 Whit- Thursday on her Nalal Day, to CUO.OO) Rnd not more than fltty -!Mr. and Mrs. OIenn BOI'den '( T or F?) called on Mrs. Ed Eyre, on Sun10. U. S . colnlf a re . stamped akar whose malTlage to Mr, Don- 'bave aa dinner guests her son8, dollars ($50.00) for each "eparate be 'held at the home of Mrs. Clora day evening, at the Middletown, wben. tire metal Is hot. (T or F?) aid BMrd, Jr. will be an event of Baron DaJdn, \It CorpU:S Christi, offense 'hereullder, 01' I'hall b 1m.. Rich Friday evenl.nl:', July 14, at SatllJlday, 'July 16 at Lytle, ~hurch. Texaa, nnd Paul Dakin of Lebanon. Pl'lsoned ' tor not morll tban thll1 y 7 :30. Everybody Invlled. where she Is ·conflned following AnsWers on Pnge 8. Mr. al\d Mrs. Earl Young ,bad ' for Mrs • . Leall' Mills spent the week ($0) days for each sepurate orfense. surgery. SecUon 111. Each Clay thot sue'll Young. General Iludlence classlfldinner guestil on' Sunday, Mr. e&tl at Niagara Fa:lIs and will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Behrens Grapelnd& John Frayser nnd daughter Martha, a. RUest (or a tew days of bel' lion, a · violation persists arter the ot. cation; reviewers I'utlng: . vcry have returned Rfter a_ ~wo weelcs Grapetrult . prod.uctloa 1D the vacation with relatiVes In Broplt· .United State. II DOW over .even Mr, and Mrs. Israel. Scott, and William' Strouse and Mrs. Strouse, fender has been notified by the good. Iyn, New York. l\f:arsbal or . Council of , the Village . Anybody who likes Bob Hope's timell as areat al' It wa. in 1825-26. grand daughter 'Lols, and Mr4 and at Lytl~, Mrs. . Martha Henderson and of Wllynesv.H1e shall constitute a sty·le of humol', Ilnd who doesn't l' Miss • Emily Jacobs I~tt for ,Over tbe same period, Texaa pro. .M/'II, Homer Nicely Bn4;l daughter, . < ~n. Lucile t.Arml.t8ge were ' vls- separate otre.nlle herElunder. GainesvillE!, , Flol'lda on Wedneg. ductlon has Increased by 12S times. of Da:yton. . Wllit enjoy this picture from s,l Itrt ,Mr, and Mrs, Wilbur Clark enter- It~rs In Cincinnati Monday, - Sectloll IV. This ol:dlnnnce shllll to flnllll~. Hope I!I- the guardian of daY ,to viSit her SIster- who Is quite CARD OF THANKS Wned to dinner Sunday evenlll8, IIfsa Hannah Jlnd.a n, of near take effect IIJId be In force from It brood of boy JOTestel'B returning 111. Mrs. S. M. Ball Is quite Ill- at Deepest gratitude Is expresserl Mr, and Mrs. Claude Rtgga 01 80- Oregonia, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee and atter the eRrllElst perod 81· to the States (rom 0 three monthe her bome south of Waynesville. ' to our friends and relatives for clal Row road, and Mr. and Mrs. Talmage or Wilmington, were rc- lowed by law: jJlcycle tour ,or France, On bO<ird . .f ent 'callers at Misil Jeasle Garner. Passe~: July 3, 1960 Mr. and ·Mrs. Raymond Bralldock their klndnes8 Rnd sympathy ~nd PaUl Flory. 'ot Dayton, ship ~ e meeLs, first" of all, a beaulIar. , Setb. Fu\Dlls, Sr., attended and daughters eiuertnlJ)ed 'to Sun. lIeaut1ful flornl offorlngs r~colved. tiful and Impovel'ls bed Ducbess H. M, SHEltWOQD, Mnyor day dinner Mr. and Mrs. Jam.es during the passing of our fatber, \the funeral serVice ot Mr. ArthUr and ; their houae l~eBt, Mrs, Ar· (Bbonda fleming) and. second, a. Attest. Charles Jamel,. Cl e'r k. Weller at bls late .resldence near thur Zell, of Erte, Penn. McIntire of New Burlington. Mr. Rev. H. S. McKlbbnn. . ship bOllrd card shark (Rolaud 2t-7-13·20 . Mra. DonaJd BaIrd, Sr., and Young) who resorts to munlel' LD and Mrs. ' Leonard ElUs and family Our sincere appreciation Is ex- Centerville ~unday afternnon. · ot WlImlngton, Mrs. Wilhelmina tended to the minster for .Ills com. . lVr, and Mrll, ' Harry Ora.ham and daugbter, Mrs. Charles Morglm en- comm)lnlty, but-also jn New York, win lhe [Joker pot when n e.ces sllry. Uund8l'wood, of Wilmington, Mr.I-'I'."'nw wofds' and to the .Stubbs Mn. SUBan &ylor entertained to terta'ned several f'rfends , and reI· Hollywood, llnd all over the coun- Hope mall/Lges to ~et himself enand Mill., Raymond Wilson, Mr'. Rnd Funfjral Home ~or their kInd and dlnDer Sunday; Mr. and Mr., Kesler ativea to a linen show e i ahd try. .In addition, .for your guldanc'l tangled with the gumbl I' ILnd Is Grallam and :Mr. and Mrs. Bobert IUllcheon at .their country homo Mrs. Warren 'Braddock. Mr. and efficient .eervice. one movie will be reviewed each blamed for the murder. Plenty of . afternoon for MlsR Mrs. ·F red Braddock and chlldre,.., Mrs. Chloe Hubbel ~ney and daughter, ' Sue AnD, of' Satunl&y week trom the local Theater show Ildventute and roma.nce plu8 Ho'pe's cotnedy routines ke,e p the chuckles Mr. .and Mrs .. Bernard Daley, and . Mrs. Edith M, Atchley Dayton. Mr•. and ·Mh. SIDey and Franees Wbltaker Who will be- bill. daughter, Mrs. Jennie Braddock Cbu. McKlbban' daqhter at~nded Sunday Schoo" come the bride <lit M'r. · Dona.ld . What Is tblB thing they coli coming at 0. stendy' pace. makes and ehurch .emce here ' In the B..,.d, 1~, next HaturdaY' arte~ and Daniel Wilde. ' shoW' buslneB81 Shhply lind reo this sbow n. well lIolmded enternOCln at Lytle Methodl.t church. Capt. and Mrs. E, D, Hoover and Mr. and M.ra, Oarter Stroud and' mol'lllDg. 'duced to the barest esentlals, It Is ,t alnment value 'f or th'e wbole , daug~ter, who ha.ve occupied the daughter of Eaat Pal_tine, Mr. IIr. and Mra, Everett marly 8JId the business of entettaJnlng peo- fninily. formet Allan, home tor tbe put and Mra, George Stroud of Day. Bobb,- Morgan were'SuDW eve· Tbat Is all tlie spnce for this .II~;'II~~~ ple. making them forget their faw monthl, latt .OD Saturday for ton, Mrs. Maude Crane of Le.~ ntnc dbmer peSta of Mr. and Mrs~ ~eek, folks. Your comments and ~"" lIuflf4 5"" troubles and relax: . MuweU ll'Ie1d, ' Kontaomery. Ala. anon, and Mr. and Mra, W. E. Cbarl" BOdaeIlll at Franklin. recommendations wJl! be greatly a,. Dick liratum Tbe Mollon ·Picture liB\lslJ~e8Is Mr, aDd MI'II. Wnllam 8ttouaa Stroud were Fourtb Illellta of the lira. WOllam PeDDlDcton and • Thl~ bela.. the tlr.t In a n~w finally 118aUsed this are tum· appreciated 118 well 8S any Items anel Mra. Leah MIIII left OD 8at- Claude "roud family. )lra, Crane ch1ldnD returned home Saturday aarl.. ot 'IV.kI, iOlumna In your Inl' out more and plcturea to coneerntn. s b ~ w busIness in u_rdal to .pend a few dan ·at Nl· remained for a fe" d.,. 'Viall. after .pendiq Hyeral " . . . willi dDIUIaDt~ Dew.paper,'" a lew meet· tbJa formula. Th-ey have WayneaV'lIIe. Pleue leave them at ap.ra Mr. and Mra. Ol'YUle Ora, &Del reldlY. Il8U' Bklhmcmd. K7. ,.-orda 01 IDtnlductl,o n are In orelar. adollted the ' slogan "Movies are your local Theater box., oWee. BaWJar at. 111'. ua4 lin. IAwrenlle Jl'urnu I'I'om ....k to ... k thla column better than .Ver" Mr. and Ml'8, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole, at are doing 1'IlII000pller'_ OIl ..hat I. their belt to live up ton. and ..... 1.. A. WuhbUI'D, of tended the funeral aemce. of Mr. ua4 lOB or near W&JDMYWe...ere WIll beD , . lI08: It. It 7Du Icnow how to IJNID4 Ita m.st. 'Bo~ ID ,*cjmuIU. OD B1IMQ ............. r .... t. at . . . . _ Ia ..... . Not "THE GBli:AT t:b1VEll". Bob thaD )IOU 1ft, )IOU have ·the pbIJoa. Xenia, ..."' Slmd&7 oallara of Kra, Th~. lb. . . . lin. IIetIa ......... aiilF Sa JaR ~ aDd Hope. BhnDda Bo1aD4 opbtr'. atoD.-.B.JamID ~ lL II. lIathaWQ.
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Wir Flames Into Hot War On Korea Front; U.N. Condem-ns Invasion _by Communist Forces ,
53 Still Actiye BONN, G~rmany, - After months of research It was announced that there are 53 tormer Nllzls In the German government, members of the popu· larly elected Bundestag, Qr garllament, of west Germany. Of the 53, three were memo bers of the elite guard. The three party government coalition, breaks down like thls: Of 139 Cbrlstlan democrats. 21 Ivere Nazis. Ot 52 Free Democrats. 16 were Nazis, Of 17 Germal") party deputies, six were Nazis. The cluster of nazis representi more than one-elgb~h of the 402·man Bondestag. Most of them probably were pres· sured into Jolnlng the P!lrty after ' Adolph Hitler came to power. but nine joined' up oefore he became chancellor. Ten of the Nazis were from Unlted States·occupled ' BavarIa. The British·occupled area 01 northern Germany contrIbuted 'n. The Rhur state of North Rhine·Westphalia. the most populous in western Gerroan. had only seven former Nazll In its 109-man delegation.
Modem Seamen Tell Of Strange' Visions, .Vanishing Islands I
"(EDITOR'S NOTEI \Vh en opinion. Are exprelled In the lle eolamn •• tbe; a re lbole of ' Ve , tern New.paper DaD D·. news aOll l,..L. and nol n ea~"lIrU:t 01 thl. ne w.'P. per.)
KOREA: A Hot War
The cold war" which has caused one crisis alter another In recent months. had flamed into a hot war on one front. Soviet sponsored arm· Jes of North Korea invaded South Korea. esta-bllshect bY the United Nations with the blessing and aId of th'e United Slates. First reports of the attack were conrused. It was known. however, that the invaders advanced as much as 12 miles into South Korea by using ground forcc~ totaling as many as 40.000 men. plus ~ tanks. An additional 10.000 men were believed ready to reinforce the invaders. , Some reports indicated the invaders had penetrated within 12 miles of Seoul, ' capital of South Korea. whUe others said the northerners bad been cbecked almost immediately. There were reports· also ot amphibious landing on the east coast of South Korea; Tht; lIUiin· attack was directed along th.e Uijongbu valley, for ceRturles the path of Invaders. Maj. Gen. Chol Byung Kud. chief of staff of the South Korea army. reported. S1hn Sung Mo. acting Premier and defense minIster. saId he had evidence that of northern t anks cap.tured in the first attack. half of the crews were ' Russian, MInIster K.Im Yonl Ju was in Tokyo when the tack was launched. MeanwhUe. the United States began: the evacuation of 000 , Americans from the Seoul area. They were leaving Korea by sea with U.S. air protection. The evacuation plan was completed only a 'Week before the sneak attack-. According to Am,erlcan mWtary men who have been directing the training of the South ~orea army, the defenders have 95,000 men io battle the ~vaders. They will be handicapped. howe-ver. by the lack 01 ' an air force and ' tanks: NOrth Korea is reported to have lOG mllliary planes. including 70 Russian Yaks ana 25 Stormovlks.
I ":I'!::.,,=,,~"rmr
Troops fro m Communll&dominated' North Korea are reported pushlilr 'heir way lOuthward followlnC the aneak a&tack . on U. S. backed 801l&h Korea. F 0 u r &housand troop. were reported killed In the Inltla.1 'phase of the 5hootiDc. TIlls .m ap shoWl! the 38th IIlr~l lei which aeparates North KGrea -,ro,m the BOUth. '
NEW YORK - The anCient tales ot leamen about strange Visions .and gbost ships and vanishing islands are being retold 1:Iy modern seamen. , He~ are some of the most 'recent tales as reported in the Coast . , ,Guard BulleUn: .Nor,th Korea Guilty The U. S. S, Chicago. a 'cruiser. reported ' Urania ' island, jutting The United Nations. in an emer- , 110 feet out of the sea, near Aogo gency session shortly - after the Shima in the · Pacific. A year lasneak attack ·by Communist domter. seamen were astonished to Inated North Korea on South Korea. flrid no la,n d a~ 1111 there, but only branded the north the a ggressor ane.'. a' row of breakers. Two months ordered ' an immedIate ce8ae-fir(.t. later the, LIndenwood Victory rethroughout Korea. ported not even the" br9akers reThe ~'oviet Union was' consp!cuou. mained. by the , absence of its ' delegah;s The American freighter • .Charles from t l1e emergency .session. A. McCue, sailed ' for 15 mUes Acting ' 'swiftly and bluntly, the through a patoh of blood red U.N. termed the assault an "unwater off ,the west coast of South provoked attack" and a "clear America. The second mate and threat to international peace ' an.d helmsman saw a. 30 foot octopus security." traillng about helJ,llesslY In the The resolution called for Imme/Water whll1! many large and small FARM dIate ' cease"flre and implicated that fish 110ated on the surface. The the U.N. would move to take strongwater changed color to pea ,reen Senate' Appro~es After a ·hot 11001' debate the er measures il North Korea !louted when lJ!ted aboard and placed in a bottle. senate completed COnlll'e6SIOn~l ac- ' the councU. " , MeanwhUe. reaction 1n the Unlted The· second officer or the 1.merl~ tion and sent t() President Truman can ship Henry , Lamb repo.rt8 be a bill to give the Corpmo·dlty Credit S,t ates wu imrn~diate alld to' the " clearly saw the peaks of mountains CorPoration ' an additional $2.000.- poInt. President Truman ~ut sliort which he IdentWed as the Azores ~ 000.000 to finance Its federal larm- a visit to MissourI and retumed to 680 mUes away. "The 1:1nlted Sta- price-support programs. The Pres- WashlJigton. A . conference ' was tes navy later explained that ldent was expected to sign the ' called between top diplomatic anel defense chiefs. the irregular sunset heat bad turn- 'measure. , ed the atmosphere into gigantic The debate developed over ~ proThe 'Problem they faced was a lens lind that he actually bad seen vision in the bill which would, shut critical one. The situation demand't he , illands. the door on Imported foreign farm ed a clear and strong reaction since Capt. G. T. Boyett of the Blue- crops 11 they threatened to upset too mucb was at stake ,In terms of ,field Victory reported 20 dltferent the domestic farm·support program. American prestige In the Far East. mirages on one evening in th.e The provision WBS Included' in As a result. a "crItical amount" ,short joUI't)ey ~rom, England to the bill and requires Secretary of of arms aid was saId to have been !France. They rated from three Agriculture Branmm ' to demand an started to Korea Immediately. It tlighthous~s side by side aqd. two Investiga tion of the tnriff commls- was also repol'ted General Maccoastal cities. one inverfed on top slon whenever he believes foreign Arthur had been, authorized to draw lof the other, to two tall, thin slilps imports are Int~rtering with ,domes- on stocks of equipment ·a.JaJm.ble In , 'also b~e inverted on the other. tic farm ' programs. Japan rather than let Korea walt The additional $2.000.000,000 would for . shipments to be put together Increase the C.C.C. total borrowing In the United 'States. New Cancer technique Many America'n ' observers saw authority to', $6.750.000,000. Most of Like Blrbe~ulnl R~ast th~ money now available to tb.e the attack on South Korea as a NEW YORK. - The. American agency Is tied up In price-support Soviet test of U.S, reaction toward aggression. They did not believe. Cancer society has reported a new loans and purchase agreements. The measure barely got through however. that the Communl~ts are method of giving X-rays which the senate, 36 to 35 after Vice- ready for ' any military ~ggresslon ' works like barbecuing of roast,. , • The patient sits on a turntable. President Barkley exercised hts on a , broad: international scale. a 85·35 , It was recalled by many that ,which sl!lwly revolves. .' whUe a c'onstitUtional vote to, break beam of X-rays plays on him. The tI~rit1CS of' the measure said It World War ·n started' with acts. of /di1ference between thJ. X - ray would' wreck the 'reciprocal-trade aggression against minor llowers treatment ·,and , barbecuing 15 that and not from declarations of war. .the ray strikes ,only In a narr,ow program, som!l!t!mes called Ute key- With this vIew in mind, the quesstone of the 'na~on's foreIgn policy. tlon arose whether the North Korea lzone al'()und the body. attack Is an early test of physJcal I· This new method Is used to treat and moral strength of the democrat. cancer deep within the bo,dy. The IX-ray is focused 10 Ita prlnclpal Ic nations. ltrength hits about th&. site of ~e The , present. situation' calls for Icancer. firmness, political obs.ervers agree. Such rays. however, bum aU' the }tlslues Utrou&h which they ' pa •• .PLANE CRASH: tiJelore reaching the deep cancer_ IFrequently the ' amount of X-ra,.. Worst in History whlCh can be given the ,patient are The worst 'c ommercial airlln! Umited by the amount of b~ tragedy In the natlon's ~story tool : 'of the healthy tllsue •. place in Lake Mlchilan of .St , The burning of the healthy tilJOlep!). Mich" when a Northwest ~el .ometlmes interferes so much . AirlInes plane plunged Into the lue Ithat a patient', lIte cannot be during ·a severe thunderstorm with 'Av6d. 55 passengers and three crew mem'By the barbecue method the ' xbers aboard. ,rays -remain focuaed on the cancer Joe IIcCal1ll1, as, hal re. Two days atter the giant craft lall .the time. but are never on qne alcned .. mailacv Of t b e disappeared, parts of the plane, a lapet of healthy tlsSUei for 10111_ JI:ostoa Reel Box and retlreel iectlon of an aIrplane log book, and, lTbl8 results In a Wider area bumed. from buebaO bellaue of ilia parts of two bodies were dragged ibut in less levere bumin, in aD7 he,a1~. Be ied the New- York from the lake. ' one healthy area. = YlUlkeea .. "vea world champlane. filled tQ capacity, vanT he Thl. teohnlqtrr'Was developed at plollllhlpa be f '. r e retlrlD, ID Jsbed on a flight from New York to Ithe Massachusetts institute of 1N8. Be came oat, of retireSeattle bY' wa·Y' of Mlnneapoli•. Technology bY' Dr. Johu G. Trump. meat to t a It e over. tbe 80s. al80clate professor of electrIcal St. Joseph II ' about 110 mUel Above he pta • frlendl,. Id.. enalneerln.&. Dr. BUlh F. Bar. of loutheaat of Milwaukee on the eastfrom the INDIl,. pe~ sa he &rth., Lahey ClInic, BOlton reported: ern shore of Lake Michigan. ,rlnl IuIme. '''1'hfa is the most promisin, method evolved 10 far of treatm, ERICKSON: T.IQhers deep tumors susceptible to raella- Goes to Jail tIon. inc1ucUn. many cases prevlCI1Uly CODIldered lDacce..ibl.... Frank ErIckson, tallecl Amer{The natlonwld••bortale of teach'l'he barbecue ra,. II two mD1loIl ca'. Iffatelt bookmaker and ldn8 era , and classrooms Is golnl to ,et volta. M a aubsUtute. when the pa- of a nationwide lamblln, bus~e'l. worse unle.I '' IOmething "drastic" tlent eenot be rotated on accOunt fa done. Willard E. Give. execuof tb8 cancer, several simultaneous baa been lentenced to two tlve secretar,- or the Nati~aJ beama are used. The,. enter from III IDd fined $80,000. catloa ...oefatlon reporta. ErI!*Jon, could have been senIn h1a annual report. GlveDI uti. di1ferent ' eilel. The Jleal~ tia.ue. are aubjectecl to the burzalq tenced to one )'ear on each of lit 'mated Icbool populatfon In tIIa.attXt effects 01 _ ODe 1'&7. 'whOe the COUDfa of bookmaJdn.. Be wa. Ien- decade wIJl lJIcr.g.. a~ ' . . ... caaer pta the combined dice or taced to one ,ear Oil the bookmlk- 000, flam ".,000 19 H .IIII,. .. .IJ~ . -.vuaL i q COIIUa aDd ODe ,eu. for cQDlPlr- laJa 'lfII1.GDO moN Machen WID . .
Thursday. July 13,
A New Note
It b,:\s been a number of years since tlle press of this country has raised a united howl on anyone subject, A ne\,j note was Ilvld ent, however. shortly after the invasion of S o u~ Korea by Communist spon· Sllred North Korea. The day following the attack every lcadlng newspaper in the Vnited Stutes carried edJtorials - on the Subject. I"t seemed a spontaneous Dnd combined effort ot the editors to focus pub.llc attention on the seriousness of the Korean situation and Its possible r epercussions. In general the edl\/lrs Seem to agree that :the United States and the United l'fatlons must ac t on Korea , A few of the opinions :· - ' New York Times: War 1n Korea will, in the immediate future . force upon the United States the necessity for a decisive and unequlvocal policy In respect to AsIa. Portland. are. Journal: America has no other choice than to move necessary force to save South Korea from the rape of the Communists. Qen,ver Post: If this aggressIon is 'not stopped; the U.N. has but one choice, It must authorize Us member nations to supply a strong force of men and arms. and must step in to stop the Korean war. If it does not do this, 11 I. falls to respond to this desperate Situation. then the U,N. Is doomed to go ·the waY' of the Learue of Nations. It the Russians are not made to back down In this Instance. We must arm to the teeth.
LONG BEACH. CALIF. - The Nu-Pike zoo adopted a baby seal recently thnt three boys brought ashore from Alamitos Bay and could not support. .
The boys discovered the seal following their sailboat one day and reach e d out and petted him. He rec iprocated with a contented wriggl e, a nd they took him aboard. They tried to retu'rn him to 1)18 mother by putting out to sea with Amerlca ' s livestock Industry lost him, but the little animal reful;ed $31.914.677 In dead. bruised and crip- t o stay on his own. and ,e ach time he followed the b oys ashore. pled animals In 1949. , Meat waste due solely to bruls i~g, much of wttich could be prevented by greater care in hand ling of live· stock on the farm and In tll~ nslt. was more than $25.000.000. These 'flgures' were disclose d by the National Live Stock Loss Prevention Board, a n organization founded to promote better care and handling of livestock. In 1949 the · animals dead on a.r rival at the nation's stock yards would ha ~e fUled , a train 10~ mUes
,Bruising Causes ' Great Meat Waste
Packing Industry Loss $25,000,000 Last Year
. '
How mild eal a denHe be?
RfLiGION: Once in 2,000 Years In a ceremony without precedent in the nearly 2.000 years of Catha-' lic history, a mother , witnessed the canonization of her child. ' Maria Gorettl, who died at 11 defending her virtue. was raised to sainthood before half a million Raman Catholic faithful~ American Uvestock producen The ceremony was unusual' in lost more than ';!!I,GOO. in 1"9 bemany respects. , Never before h!ld cause of wl:s~ _meat reln1Uoc \ , there been an open·alr l!anctill~,~ from bruised aDlmal!l. Pictured tlon ceremony in Rome. In a above is the carcasl of a boC ' pla ce of special honor near the Which was eoodemned because Pope's throne sat th.e sainr,s 86ot bruises. ~Q:-.pld mother.' With her were two sons and two daugbters. One of long, Meot waste from dead animals the sons. Angelo, lives in New VU- amounted to 14,310.468 pounds. wltb lage. N. J. a value ,of $4,472.871. LOsses resultThe country youth who stabbed 'lng from bruises and , crippled anj. the chUd to death In 1902 ,When sbe, mals accounted for the remalnder. would not submJt to him. now 68 In order to combat this logs. eduyears old, lives in a monastery, cational programs have been , in· h,aunted by visions 01 his victim. aururat~d by the government. agrlHe was not at ~ ceremony, but cultu.ral coileges and meat packers, was reported "In prayer more in- pomting to the brulse and injury tense than ever." losses wblch are revealed when anITl)e ceremony was one of the ~als are dressed m the packln; higlillgbts of holy year. Thousands plants. ' hav·e flocked to Rome in recent , Many terminal marKets have de- ' months In, ,observance of the reug- wloped comprehensive Uvestock ious celebration. safety programs; These programs urge greater care in the handling of livestock from thl! time they leave the farm until they are markWar Jitters eted. EvidenUy suffering a case of war jitters. the New York 'stock ex~ change experienced one of its worst slumps in a number of years short1); after the openlng of the present "Somehow the notion gets around Korean conflict. Ti'adlilq Involved 3.910,000 shares, that orlglna11y our farm soils were the largest volume In 10 yeats; highly productive, That Is, producSome $ was cut from tive when first plowe!i. Many of the market value o~ all stocks list-' them were like the .c lack lands In our m iddle west and in central ed on the exchange. , The trading was a clear in·d lca- Eurasl.a. for ex.ample. and in some , tion of Wall _street thinking. Tin ot the great deltas and alluvIal valand rubber. the pJ;'inclple Far East leys." says Dr. Ch~rl es E. Kellogg commodities. advanced In the spot of the U, S. department of agricul' market". . The -' buyers also 110cked tuloe. to the · commbdity pits. !lending However, he adds: "Jlut most most grains. foodstuHs and raw soils are not. It Is through liming matel'ials soaring. and tertllb:atJon, drainage, irrigaBonds foUowed stock in the tion. the IntrodLlction of legumes, p\un~e. '~alis "tll:klng 'the sharPllst ,and a bost \If other practices. that ~all lJimore thl!ri , 2~ years in one farmers have made their aollJl pro, ' of the largest volumes traded this , ductlve." year. , The last big break lD the market wal the day after Labor Day, 1948. Kltohln Tabl. Stool " 'when approx.lmately $4.700,000.000 was whittled from the listed , market, value of a~cks on ,the excbanle. '
Good Farm Practices Make 'Good' Soils
Reyiews Forces
Many a farm ,wife would lit while worldn, at the kltcben table 11 there Will a stoo1.or chair han~y, A .tool hlnled to a table 10 it could eaalli , be pUlhed under the table when not in use would me-e t the requirement. ' The one Ihown above 11 a Ilhlple ltool with one A Ibort ann of wood about elahteen Inchel Ion., an ineh thIck and three Inches Wide. hal one end DaUeiS or screwed to the ltool Ie, ed the other end attached to • taWe Ie, by a hln,e• .
of oeteue Loala ' 6 ...... (left) .... 11ft. Do..... 1U ••eArUlur _nne c1~ a tirealt III the review . .,eel It)' AmeriDaa " ....&108 I,rces Ia 'bkp reGeDOT. 10ImaOD IUIIJ .....r bIIIt mUHary leaders anfened . . J'ar But
INGCOST5: lig' ~u~p
TM cost cd llviDI Is ItIll below
Agricultural'StatioD' Gradually Bestaffin,
JUI' alO. but Jed b, meat price.. Gradual reltaffiq of the alriCCIIlIumer'. price index took AD cultural experiment ltallODS with I.lnC~_I' of elIht-tenthf at 1 _per a'cleDtlflc peraODne1 whlCh was DOt lMdW8t1D April 15 aad May 15: I aveUable 4uriD, the war perio4 II the blIhelt jump of aD7 noted ID the ~ report 011 1M Ia almolt two 18P. apiCUltural experImeJit ltaUona. price. went up 1.t per ceDt New Iiaff lIJemben are JUUQ l':=~ aDd i1Q. IDd were meo who ban beeD :.bIe to . . . I~ far the lUdden ~ . III Uvlq Iadn 1IIrouJ'wt
othet cigarette! Gnd 41110111 tAl! millio,., .Ao rio •••
VAUGHN MONROE Popular band lellder Bays; "I disoovered the meantng of cigarotto mildn ess when 1 made the Camel SO-OILY Tea\I"
,Each'With YOrlr Own Initial! . 4~8nlfUre·~iw~re
wi'" wMe-rto, end fro ..
KELLOGG'S VARIETY ' PACKAGE • Lovely silverware with yOW'- own script initiaL Old Company Plate mad. aud 8'ulU1lDteed_b~ Wm. ~16l'8Mfll.Co .• Merlden,
CoIlD. With apooNl. you on complete, by _.. KeUol 8 VIUUKTY of 7 'c:eJ'eaJ de ghb . .. 10 gen. eroue boxes. Deliclo Ulytimel pt pricoe
SIND K.llolll~,Dopt.FF.WD\IIngfonl,Co"n""1I1II Pl~ !lend DIe , •• •• "Signaturo"tea-
'apooNl with f?lIoWing in.lt ial ....... FOl':each UDlt IItlt of 4 'spoons I encloee 1 whife-staJ' end from Kehon ·• VAJU&TI PAcuoa Dnd 751 In com;
...................................... .plo... print)
A............... .... .............. . .. .
CItJ............... Zon .... State •••••• Off., good oNt lit U, S••
ruI./eCt '" ..
PAGE TIIBBB UDupectell A young couple asked the parson to marry them immediately follpwing the Sunday morning service. When the time came, the minister rose and announced: "Will those who wish to be united in ' the holy bonds of matrimony please e"ome forward ?" There was n great stir-ari'd 13 women and one man walked up to the altar.
Sideline Wisdom My brother-In-law, a , particularly successful contractor, crewted his good fortune to the " side walk superintendents" who gathered to witness his building projects. He employs one man to do nothing but gather the comTJlents of the crowd, and he claimed th at many a major problem WaS solved by piecing together these bits of wis~ dom from the sidelines.
Small Chest Bas !\lany Uses TF YOU can use a hamm~!r, saw and screwdriver, you can m ake this ohest. The sturdy blockfront drawers require no difticult joinings. '
. '. .
Pattern 282 J!lvcs l arg e w orking dip. gr~m. ond OIUSLrAIcd s t<!p ·by·sU\p dlrec·
tlons. P o Hcrn Is
~5c .
Drnwer 10
ned(ord DUI., N.w Yorl<.
• Aspen, once the boom town of silver and gold miners, is fast becoming one of the culture centers of "e'ulture -' conscious" Colorado. Set iJI a magnificent section of the Rocky mountains, it atfers tourists the natliral facilities of mountain streams and lakes, skiing" Dnd other outdoor sports. Above summer visitors e n joy . a ride. Special guided po ck - trips into the high country are II favorite summer activity. Fishing for t h Ii elusive ,rainbow trout is another popular sport. The stream (right) is the famous Roaring Fork rirer where gold was penned in the '80's.
Oan't Remember ' Friend-USay, there's a bunch of people outside waitmg to see you . Among them fs a bish10p who
says he married you some time ago." Film Actress-uGeel I'm praccertain I never married a bj~hop."
How mild can a cigarette! be?
, ~
other cigarettte! and aniong the milliolts 10110 clo.~.
Sta·ful Battery Saves Time and Money
writec has thJa to aay: "Camels scored a hit with me years ago. A great-tasting smoke! And Camel 's a-re mUd!"
• But not to be outdone by other wester.n towns, Aspen hQS scheduled cin eleven-week' program fea- . turing the theme "Great Bools, Great Men, and Great Music" as 'Gn added att,roction for tourists. During . the weeks, June 26 to S e pte m b e r 10, great 60aks and 9 rea t • men will be discussed . daily by outstanding aut" 0 r it i e 5, 'interspersed with a series of concerts by the Denver symph'ony orchestro.
The amazing new Aulo-Ll,e Sia-ful lattery hal greol.r liquid .... rv. Iho" ordinary baHeriu-need, wal.. only 3 lime., a y.~r. In addition, "SIa-ful" laH,ri •• have Fibrlto1llol1 moll for longer baHery lif•. Monoy cannal buy • better battery. Sn yo'!, neighborhood Aulo<:lii. """ery Dealer.
• A group of tourists (above) IDaf on the sundecl( when not hear.ing lecture,s or ' concerts by such ortists as Lau'ritz Melchoir and Helen Traubel. The Saarinen tent (right) was designed especially for Aspen ' musical and cultural ev~nts, by the Finnish architect; , Eero Saarinen. Inside, it is , on acoustically . perfect amphitheater. The tent was first us~d for the successf.ul Goethe bicentennial celebration a~ Aspen last summer.
0' ,",
f,J,e,$fO•• " stAHDA~D "
outstanding The'. Mo k Tire Value Far.,n True .d sf
Ever Qffere •
pay to rUD the risk of tite failure 00 )'OUt uuell: in the busy harvest seasoD, wbeo you caa get Dew, Fitestoae Standard tires at such low prima. See )'l1Nl' Firestone Dealer or 'Firestooe SIOie aad &ad bow mud! your old tirea are wanh ill trade the new Firescooe Sl!IDdatd the qualil)' die die Iow.c price. DOISN'T
°Accordlng 10 , .. ,. conducild In' accordance wllh S.A.E. Iif. cycl. ,'andard •• ,
How to make sure Your 'Farm gets
EI tablilhed 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER .......... . .. , ....... , ..... Edltor and Pubiliher CECILIA J. SCHERER "" •. """" ". " " , Secretary and Trealurer
Publish d Ellery Thursday Mornltl, a t WaynoBvllle. Warren COlmly. Oblo' Entered III! second clas8 Wllller at tbe 'p os tofflae nt ~'R nesvllle. 01110. BubscrlpUon
Rates ~ $l,50
THUR SDAY, JlIL.Y I~ , 11J50
. farm Wlrln., expert, .rlll .dw',o YO\ll wlth.u' co.t .r 01111.,811011
Per Year. In advance. In Ohio. $2, el8ewhere
Wedgcwoot! . Mi nis ter Cburch School, 9 180 A.M.. Mr. Harold Earnhart, Supt: Worship Service, 10:30 A.M. Yontll Fe llo ws hIp. S unday, '7 : 011 P.M. J , W.
Byron Carver. 'MInister 1I11Jle School, 9 :80 A.M, Morn:!ng Worsblp. 10 :30 A.M, Prayer MeelIng, 7: 00 P,M. YOllllg People's Meeting. r:oo Iwunlng SerVi ces, 7 : SO P .M,
MID·SUMMER FESTIVAL On e aga in , the ti me has CQrne for the Midummer Festiva l ponsored 11_ ur Civic- Cluh, and we belie Ve th at ihce our ivi c Cluh is a very worihy organ iza tion and periorll1in ' '(\ ",ood job for the ommun ity, Ihey dese rve the suppo rt ~ln d coopera tio ~l of the' whole co mmunity in this venture, 0 let' all go Thursday, Friday and ~ aturctay, night 10 Ihe graje choo1 groun ds ancl help the hoys and have a good time along with it. It is for a good au~e.
.... 1• . - . -....
To gel tbe most value fro.m electric 5etv'ice every fann needs
AJeqll4Je Wiring. Adequate Wiring mellDS enough ouden, big enough wire. sixes and a w.ring .layOl:u and insullation tbat asSUl~ efficiency, economy. saf~ty and cool'eoience. ,
MA,NHEIM, PA" SE NTI NEL : "At Pellll~ton, Oregon, on May 10, '1950, the President declared that the Americ )n fam ily" annual in olUe co uld be raised to at feast 4,000 hy 196 if the whole co untry tried.
Here •• 'he .ey:
As iIlUitraled, die pc)wer line it brouJbt iD from tbc road eo a ceneer meeer ,pole whitcb serves as a distribu. tion point for wins carrying electric curreDc co all che buildings being served. . , The metbods. materials and ,ize of wire iosuUed in chese feedu lines co the various buildings detennio,e me effidency of the farm wiriog.
" But the 64 qlleslio~ is what will the dollar be worth in 1960? How much milk, potatoes or rea d will the dollar huy when the minimum income is S4,OOO ?
"Lots ()If money has its appeal, ye , but it ' poes necessarily me,'i.n more aetua'i wea lth, happiness or prosperity. There is ffainine and I' vert. in China but it I~a~ more money than it ' ever had, Money is ~ medium of ex hange and ·iI is wdrth just what it will ,buy."
Prayer Meeting and Bible Stu~ CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Wedne8day. 8 P.M. . .ee PartlnctOD, Mlnllter Worlblp Service, 10 A.M:. MT. HOLLY METHODI8T ' Sunday Scbool, 11 A.M. T. M. Scaff. Minister . Sunday Scbool, 9 : 30 A,M., E. A. Eunllart, Supt, '!'IAYNESVILLE FRIENDS ' \\orahlp SerV ice : 10 :30 A.M, First Dill' School. 9:30 A,M. Even ln'g Service, 1 :30 P,M, Meetlng rOI' WorlhlP, 10 : 30 A.M. '
Your ONLY·REAL Security
1'plKe adYanta•• of tltll " •• he.p: 1'0 make.we the wiriag plan ·you work our with yoUr conuactOr pennits all additional load and fUture tlIttOSiooa likely to be Deeded. talk ovu your electrical po'9(er Deeds wid, yOUl CoLlDty , ' Agene. Vocaciooal AgricuJalre teachu and me Farm RepreSeruacive of JOur electric service company. The combined expuieoCli of chese auchoritia wW ,belp ~)'ou enjoy die muimUfQ coinfona aacl coaftllieoca of I!ec;. crieal livia, 00 )'our fum.
* ... " *
William S hal1110n, Minister Sunday l:ichoo l. 9 : 30 ,\"M., Mrs . J IllUelt 6arrl~on, S u !>t. . P roa cblng, 1st . nnll lIrd. Buo" days or eaCt. mouth, lO ; :iU A,M. Jt;,velilng ServIces. 7 : ~(} P,M.
lOa. a tine i"elIl to plaD wiring (0 eauy a futufe load double that DOW needed. 'l liearieal diluibutioo paoell ~jtb spare cermiaals aUow for hlnare Iddiaoaa co yow equipment wichout ovuloadiog preseDc lcircuits. .
SALEM, N. J" STANDARD & JEn EYMAN: 'Americans have always pain tax es, and they alw~ys will, to support their various levels of gov,ernment. But when taxes hike from 25 to "10 per cent of his income, it behooves the A.I11eri an' ta xpayer to watch closely every donar his g~vernmellt spends." "
l' d llllll'Y church sch ool ]0:30 a"m, (Ag./! O' t hrough !( ) \ ,Iult Worship, 10 : 30 ft, m,
"'0.. for ,lte futur.,
ST, M.I\RY'S EPISCOPAL 'I h~ Hey. Samuel N. 1 eYij, !tecto; ~: lI l1 dHY: f10 ly 'o rnm\1I110'll, II, 'n,
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRI.ST AI , H . Coffey, Minister Bible . SchoOl, 9 : SO A.M, Morning WorBblp, 10:30 A,M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Young Peoples ' MeeUng. 6 : 45 Father H. R. Krumholtz, Pa ~ tor P,M , MnKHcB, S undo 10 A.M, LI'en lng Serv Ice, : 00 P. 114, -\
c• .,., _Nt .-fe ,....".,...... r. w.....,·. w.._.o.--.......
" " '" "
LVTL:.. E METH.ODIS T C HURCH 1:1. g , Baugbn. Puslor Utllfl II Servlae. 9':46 a , m.
"To be born a 'gen tleman is an accident, but to :die one i an achievement." -H . Kaye.
'''els ll returned to bel' home In Miss ~lla Shambaugh. of St. Spl'lngboro last week. Petersburg. Florida, has arrived Lew Wll,sh remain s In a crltlco l here for a two weeks visit with condition ot Grandview HOl!rllLBI. relatIves. Dayton, , ' By "ANE FITE Funeral seJ'voes wel'e conducted Mrs. Lena OUpin who haa been Mrs, 'Beula h Eckert has returned Snturday afteruon at the FrIends . bQillse guest of her son·in·law to ber home here fo llowing a visit cb urcll here. tor Weldon (Hunley) and daughter, Mr. and Mrs , .Jobn with relat! v,eB in Indiana. :Bogan, '01 • . who passed , away at
.~ . w(Jf6$ WI1N U$
~; M" CAM $AVE, JlDU ,,(100 :i2J21
IUCAI A1& IiI 'DOOlE loa MUCH au 'THAN YOU 1'IUNKI YES. 5 ml,n ale, ht..b lad Ibe wheel of loda,', "I, Doel,e. i, all
lake. 10 prove you eoald pa, $1,000 more anel .lIll Dot let IIU Dod,e live, yoa I . ' New Dod,e modeJ. are roUin, off tbe prodaelioD lbaea In. . r~cora.bre.klo, volume, and we can allure you early cleo livery 00 your favorlle model. So wby pul 01 enjoyln,. Dod,e extra room and ridin..J com: fort. the luhm, perforDlllJlce of the bl, "Get..AwaJ·· Engine, the maootbne.. of Fluid'Drivel Your preaeut ear wiD pro'blhl,. .more tban COlCer tbe doWD plyment ••• and tenn. are e..,.. Y••, rou could fHIY $,,000 ...... _ _ ..t all OM". ii,
rDOfIt, . . . 01,."..,."
_1aMOW . , ......"".
GrandvIew , Hospital . Wednesday evenl ng. Rev, . E. Partington o(~ flclated. Mrs. Imojean Vol 1'8 rend the meDiolr lind Mrs . . El'nestlne Moore and Mrs, Grsudln Brandenburg, accompanied by 11 rs , anrry S. TU'cker at the plano, sall g "Go· ing Down the Valley," , Internment was nlade In Lha MI · , FI Cemetery at .Corwln . Mr, and Mrs. CIIHQrd Dos er nnd family of Sprtngfleld, were gllpst9 Thursday 01 Mr. Doster's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herb(lrt ~te" . ,
returCln ned· borne flrom Doster Christ has Hoslltal. clnnatl, where he was confied for a tew days for observaUon and treatmellt. Mr'eand Mrs, R aymond Lewis ; of Dayton, ,W.Bre guests • !ltllrday. of Mr, ,Lewis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Lewis, Miss Llllda Cook, or Franklin, was a guest, this wee'k Of her uDclt! and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Snodgrnl98 and ra~IIY. . Sevcral persons from ' here attllnded 11 basket dinn!lr g lve~ III hOllor· hI: Rev , and Mrs. p. A. Artbur. at the New Burlington Meth. odist Church , Sunday. Rev, ArthUr 1s also pas lor ot the Methodst churcb, bere, and WIl8 returned to this dlatlrlct at the conference 'held last mOtllth. _ 1\ljss. l~ay ,McKoy, of ton • . wals a 'guest Friday, of Mr, and Mrs. Obarles Swindler. Tbe Civic League met at the home or l\lra. Jenn ie Graham ," Sat. urday 'a fternoon, Mrs. Grabam and Mrs. AlI.ce Hough had Chlll'lEl of. . tire program. Mr. and ' Mrs, Robel't Collett, or Dayton, were guests Memo'ral Day ,0 f Mr, COllett's sls ter-In·law, Mrs, A,. S, .CcJ.llett and ber son Robert. I Mr, fln Mrs.- William Thl>mbury . aDd · thellr grandson. 'of Alabama, are tbe guests, of Rev, and Mrs. J. P. T'h.1)mbury.
A Home Of Your Own' BuildJt Now
Waynesville ' Lumber And Supply PHONE 22'S I
~~'~~__~o~e~~~~~e~o~e~~·e~o~e~~~~~e~o~e~!eog:, atten~ed
tbe conv.po tlon .heJd at Franklin Ttmrsdny, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Adams of WUmlngton , wer~ guests Sun· day of Mrs. :Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Adam Campbell nlld tamlly. Mr. anI! Mrs . H. ~, 'f\J cker were out or town callers. Sunday, The ' WomTn,s Society Of ' Ch~lS. tlan service wJl1 bold their an, nual picnic fo r members and In· v,f ted ' guests at tbe home of Mrs. W, E, Froat, 'f!hu,rsday at 1I00n. MI'. and Mrs. WlIllaui Catch 11m and 'thelr .aons of Keokuk, Iowa, are spend In, Il few Itaya as the guest" of Mr. and Mrs, Jllm\l1 Rader and family and Mr, Bnll Ml' • . Slev€' Stine or Kingman. Lioner Campbeli. or, Lytle, was the gueat Saturday of bls tatb'er and (amIlY. , A Jallane8e Tea will he given III the Methqdlst church here 1'lJursday, July 20 at 2:30 p. m. TMre Will be a " speCial program Ilnd doO'!' prlzes are to be given , The tea Is being sponsored by the Wom· en's Society ot Chrstlan Service. Rev. PaUl J. Emery. pastor or the Be~hel 'I\1mple, Dandn, con· ducted ... special service at tbe Full Gospel cburch. here Wednesday
.e.g. --'. . --.. .
. Spring/leltl GARDEN TRACTOR
.U....D'InVI.SA"", ,ASY'.rO'O"'.QI . SlOp and , .. th. oulilandlnil new ""'.'11&0 tractor lIIod.I•• I I II... ,aylnll attach ••';,;. "
.80 Agao PI'IIIl~CU.D Mrs: Minnie Wash spenl a few Th4! 53 automobUe manufactur. United Stlte. let a " .Mr. and Mrs. 'Walter Dona.ldBoll days last week with her relatives e" in produetJon record In 1849 by turDIn O1yton. and tbell[ daugbter. MRrllyn , hnve In. out 0.280,000 car., truckl, and lett for i:hclr slimmer vacation. bUll". lbll top. die preylout ree. J'ruala IIaoea ord, aet In 19211. by almolt a mJl. Mr, an,d MI'8, W. P. MCCal'rt!D In lea4; rranda aacon wrow, Uon vehlcl." . and grnnddft.ugbtcr. Saodra ''Tbe Turk. b••e • drink called , and !\IN. Oharles 001'- cda, made 01 • belT)' 01 the lame and )frs. Clyde 1.evlcy. name. al black al loot .ad 01 • Crow Ne' Be . . . leent. Tbia drink eomfOn. Altbouab maoy ' lumera cUllIJI. BeasoD. Mra, ORM Hal" Lisa Curl, Mrs, LaU1'll elb lb. brain and htlrt and helpeth croWl beeaute they deatrO)' cora. ' tile.., blrdl alto help the larmll' and Mrs, A. S, ' dlpItlOD." b1 eaUq man,. Inleet J)UtI, Bel... Bon RGbert Oollett eoliIII have utfmated that crowa will plonlc supper at C8ld .at 11 bulbela of- fllHetI 1D . . Waynesville Memo~ , "'ICIII III tile avera..' farm. n~ght.
.t Oakwood
~'lDb'IJ'I' oE tbe local WOIDO ~UDloA
2J"", Ridge A Farm Diary ,B y D. J. Frazier (0
,- -.....- - - - - - - . . . JULY 10, 1960, - '['burlldny , Fri· day:' ~bll'dllY, un(laY, Monday: , five perfect surum I' days, nil In a rolV, S howenl a\'e pl'edleted (01' today but as there lu'e no slgns ' or tbem y t, -B uck Is s tarling to 'ut u Iltlle patch of nlralrl~ bay tlmt Is to be lJUt In looae, 1\11'9, T nnnt itl cnnni ng bl)llD~, h e I' ear e e llougb beaus In t he truck patch I1lght no ~ 10 fllml ~h , en 0 u g b
cllnued bUll s tor everyone all th e fUl'm fOl' ull wl!lte~' If til y were picked and cuulled now, My next job Is La gO nnll Pllt 1I1l Bomething fo r lhe Limas ' to c limb all so tbot 1 'an blll'e enoug h to go IlIto tbe fre ozer , 'Tlmt IR til e kind I like , liJvery tblng Is gl'ow ln g, thllnlts to Ille ralu, weed ~ eape· claHy, 'W ednesday we w ere oyer lit OnDlbl'ldgll, Oblo, just aftor tliey bad h~d tllI'ee ' Inch s or m in , Elvery s il'eHm WEIB ovel,rloWlng, ' e Vt'I'y low plBce WBS tull , We pllssed Born e low lying u st'll elll' Iot a where just th e tops of, 1'0\\'1\ of CIlI'S stood out of tlle water, Fortunately It did not stay long so thu.t nny crops tbat wore !loaded d'id not apll ar to be 11\11'1, IAre flowerB thn.t' huv", escaped from , Ule 'gardens we ds or nre WI) d8 flow ers? Wbat. eve r 'Oley Ul'e" they are making a gay sllow, tng Idong the ' hlg'Jl wIIYSI. 00'1\ IUlle!:! , hu,ve III l\ullly become a we d us t h)' I'owd out v r)'thlng else but t bey m'e fine !!lllly'stoppel'S MId now t1wl tlley are In bloom they Ilre ~I' lg h t :l nd bellutltul hi ckory l!t Il weM but' Is there aoy tbiog a more heavenly blue, Here Ilnd thel'P hollyhocks huv escaped fronl some garden or bee u planted Rnd mnke a gay patch of reds and , pinks, I never ' SIlW suc b large e lder tlowel's , Those who ll,ke e~r b I'I'les shou ld be 011 tb outlook [ 01' thel'e II hould be Plenty this yeur,
Res1Jbel'.·h."s orer Jpe "nd yellow ••---.-.--.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-•• ~.---....- ••-.~.-.--.-.-.-. t - - - trnnllpllr911t nl)IIleH, SOon ther will be blllckb rrles ror It III Ill, mUSl the middle ot :July, H all Lhe BlI OIuie l' dnys wel'l, like this , e, no one would need to Beek I~ beUe r I::limattl, Wl1rm eJlougb to go swimming, cooL enuugh to ('u n beanB, A bank book, with a 1011& string of regular I hnd the b,?ys busy I: uttlllg 10deposits. can be counted on with confidence eust ~8tS tbls mOl'nlug fOl' we jn time of need. Treat YOUR bank book ure going to hnve to move thnt well everY pay day; build a reserve fund. Township Road fe nce, Ir I have You'O be very .lad you' did some day. when to PllY to bave Ibe 1)08t holes dug, you turn to it for help in meelin', money It costs just about tbe 's ame to problema,. use s l e l POStll or to, UBe locust. '1'l1 u diUrerence Is who gets lb'e mon ey, ' St'lel pos ts give the big tl hru'e to the 110llt dealers but ' lo. ClIll t po'sts Pllt Jt III tbe pocket8
"NOW.•• KILL WEEDS Weedone Concentrate 48 '-
W~ynesyille National Bank
of th. boy~ w ho cut the post s and llig the boles to set them, Even at that It Is sometim es hard to g t them to cut them.' I tblnk a t!lrmer's wi s h' would be, 11 be found II mngl ' ring, shou ld ' be for gpod teU('eR every whel' _ thoy are nom! d on til Is pluce, Vouldn't that be nice! 'J1h~ hogs llDt) a joks on John , He b ~ll1t a hew hog fence this yenl' Il.ong one, of f he aUnlfa fields IlIlll extended It to the, pond tlUll Illey could have all the water, tll'ey wllnted but b lert ihe pond fOl' one part o[ tile bnrl'le to keep tllem In the lot. But It Beems that hogs not only can , 8\vlm but they like to swim and we had IL fine tim e with them for a wblle CR lI se t1iey awu.m 10 get Ollt but nevel' to get bnck III agaIn, How· ever til e other duy h rooled them with so mo bfll'b wire and the IIw lmmlng gn mo 'WIlB ended, 1 Ills tllle WllIllher the lItlle blclui 's llou1l1 be oh1,8lde In t be 811n shine but they fire doIng so well Inside t ba L ] Illne to run the risk hut llftel' I com" home tbls aIternoon I tblnk I I\ha11 try It , Perlin l IS , I will have to get out there with' lhe S',ot gun, I can hel1r the crows out In the mul· bel'l'y tl'ees now. ') he puelUl'es need mowing, f~r t hel'e Ie a lot of white top this yeol' and tbe rllg weed Is getting just abom big enoug h to get caught by the mo\ve rs and tbere are a lot of ockle burrs this yeRr and there Is no douht, at Ril In my mInd that those are weeds, But how about · wild roses? Some peoPle call tbem weeds but thIs year they are ' as beautiful a~ the cuI. tlvated roees and lIueh 1.ots of them, They are unusually lo\'ely against
the blue ot tbe chlckOl'Y, The 'comblDlls ' bave begun to wOl'k on the wheat, Tbere Ie a long line or box cars on th track at Lytle, Hal'vest hll ~ begun and In tile far ' eost Is the rumble of war, It always takes us a long time to gel started but even tbat d.;»e8 1I0t convince the world :we want pOlice, I wish 1 could show the people' behind the , Iron cur· ta.1n the piece of America. alo.o&, highway' 22 In Ohio, Rich farm after farm, 1'OWB of Ilea t new hOUS6B with gardella, a steady stream of automobiles, all the thlogs that could be theirs It tbey but had tbe freedom and the will 10 wotll for them,
, l'o1iLlore Cottee baa made ita way in10 10lk behaviOr, In the AntUlel, brid.a carry.' cllff.e blo••om. In.teael of oranl' blonom., At CID8 ttm. • Tul'lWh wHe could cUvorce lIer bUaband if b. cUd not a.p _ dequaw,ly auppUed with ''aIe lovable UQuor."
Weedone Brush Killer 32 -
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co. PHONE 2371 NOT NEW -
And good newa 11 1&.& year'" BUIt lookl worn and BnaDDyl , Send 1t to we'll .... .tore that trIm, . IID&I'& klOk. mate 1& look uq ~I',
u. -
$1.50 A YE~R
,--- -~
HarlarlDe 8ft'rIo.... Federal and .tate 1&WI Impo.. .uob l'eltrict!oDl ,on mar,ar1De that ''the poor man'l butt.r" b ' not .todted by about to per: cent of tli. naUon' I , ,rocerl.
Itlers" Garaae MAIN 4 MIAMI 8TS,
PHONE W"VNES. 2341 ·--'_1;1_11_1
$1.50 Per 'YEAR
DEAD STOCK ROOFING In s ulaled Drlck8 and asbes· tos Siding: Sheet motal work of 1111, kl Dds, Local ReterBSl' cell, AU work guaranteed,
Waynelvllle, O. Phone Wayneavlll. 2898
" y an euy ,prey .Ior the lDfeotIoD.
QuarrroN: HOW 110M an lD-
r.cle4 '-~
act? .Alf8WIB: It ID&7 nrfMe to eat; IUo7 be "II,""" . . . . . JdIb , ......
tIa ~
Lawn , Mower '
Especially For Farms
Ro, E. SIit1a " -II~k.r
8ERVICE· THAT 8ATISFIE8 For Dally Market R.potU: WBIO Darton, 12:60 E,S/r, Dial ~OO; WLW Clnclnnatf, 1240, Dial ",00,
Rl 48, 5 mi. 'South of
,$ 100.00
Live Wire and 'Progream've. All , 0~8anllaUon second to Illone. Str\cUy sellers' on the bellt all· 'a round market In the co1untr'y.
1--.-:~:::~,:~,~::~~:~~.--o ,
No, •
••UA • ."U
.enu. III /Po weakeu4 condlUon. mtqUD&' with atraace &D1malI.
RES. 12tL
AaIericIa FouacJalioll ' For AIaiJal He.ada
&., •
'fanllrs Question Corner
, QU1IIITION': II l.t a 1 w brou(ht on by IhlPPm. T ..urB\WDR: Not al")'I. but uauaIIy. Wben eatUe are Ihlpped. they often 8U1rer exponre ' to the
AHSWlI:R: Th1iI dWIaae 1a UlUa!· lJ clue .to & COJJtinatlon of hIIblY lIDfeetloul -.enu. It deeta mll· 110IIII of doUan wortll' of cattle,
QUIJSTION: ' What c&WIU cat· t1. to come clown witll ~pplhg Iwer? ' .
.......... ...........
Armitage &Son
,time of need.
, aDDually.
f I
tlon. to 'b. v e r y latllfying In 'their
t i
i i
Many have fOllnd our .ympathetlc under.tandlng 0 f
Route S
Remember when middies and skirts were ' conslll· ered JURt the tbing for Behool girls to wear? Be· , !!Idea being servlatlable, they look d neat Q, n d trim \yo rn with blue or red ties. To the oppo· site sex, the wearers looked just as glamoroull ail bobby-soxers do tod", Remember?
Dlvlalon of Inland ~roducta. Inc.
HOTses $2.50 Cows $2,50 Hogs 26c Owt, All Stock Removed Dally _ Large: 0': Small - Call Collect
Of All Types
, flnanc".1
_ _ _ _ 1 __ - - "
. Waynesville, Farme~s
PHONE 2371
.Beautiful Building Site ,
Slightly Less Than Acre,-iood~d ' ,
M. H. ADAMS &38 ShadowIawa A".. .Da,..,
ThurMlaf, July 13, '1950 Duman Nature Teacher: "It John can gather six quarts ot berries in sn hour, and May can gather four ln the same time, how many quarts will they have?" Jimmy: "Oh, about f i ve quarts." Teacher: "Why what nonsense. Jimmy: Don't you know that six anc! four are ten?" Jimmy: "Yes, ma'am , I do. But you d idn't allow fQr the time they would waste. My mom says th a t when my sister a nd 1 do anything tog ether it lakes us twice as l ong as it should ,"
Uncluttered Furnishings Give ;Home Comfort. in Hot Weather By ErUa Haley YOU l;lAD Ihe gratifying HAVE experIence of walkIng Into a
Round Crow n Sail;-JrI
ur room from Ule sweltering out-ofdoors and telt cool and rested atler a few minutes? It may not actually be five or ten degrees cooler in the room 'but everything in It was so seren'c yOU just couldn't belp feelillg more relaxed. Ws posslble to cool your homes simply by careful decorating, as women who have done It will tell you. They don't spend a lot of money on summer decora trons , b\1t tbey do apply basic color and d'e coration pdncipals to what they furnish. , In general, uncluttered effects an to be soughl. This means Lhe use of cool or plain colors. simple dClslgns , that have no "busy-ness" about them, and the removal of everything from' that room that Is not absoWorn level on the brow, ' tbo lutely essential. broad-brimmed sailor Is one 0' , Stacks of magadnes, what-not tbls summer's smartest hilt sllelves iJlled with small decorative 'ashlons. Walter K. Mar k 5 pieces,' extra pillows and such creates tbls summer sailor of things which contribute so mucb to brlUlant s Cl a r let baJlbuntnl the warmth ot the room during cool whose brim has a 'lange of navy weather are b est st,o red away durKrosgraln ribbon covered by a ing warm months_ sort 'lUle 'veil of confettl-dotted ' U you have_ a plain, co01 color on navy . mesb. the walls or a small print or plaid, then ,walls will need no chang~. However, If you have bright red, Ing decorating project. It Is here orange or rich yellow colors in that every woman can show true drapes and Slip covers, you would ingenuity since there are no hard and ,fast rules to follo w. You may be able to brin g tn some dark cast Iron furniture for such a porch, and It will be real pleasure to see how attractive It can t1e made. A good way to lighten It properly Is to paint It some shade of ' whlte or pastel yellow relieved with touohes of white. In case the furnlture leaves much to be desired in the way of seating comtort, 'as it frequently does, plan to make chair pads and possibly arm pads for tbe 'settees and chalrs. These are easily done , on thdl'(}llaebine. , Materl!!ls recomme'nded are plastics which may be purchased by the yard, aU Ke(Jp rooms &oot ; ••• cloth, or some of the sturdy co ttons_ Pillow ticking may oUer do well to invest In an InexP!!nsive you a co01 but stury answer to the summer set for the comtort they cover problem. g~~ . Unless the porch is gla,ssed, Inexpensive cottons can be pur- draperies oUer no problem. It chased and sewed at home to fur- may, however, be more .com1ortnish rooms for hot 'months. You able' 11 you get inexpensive, disshould select them for the cool ap- posable type venetian. blind for pearance as well as easy launder- screened porches ' as this will en, ability since' a cool ,room Is also a able you to shut out ilie glare of ' fresh neat one. the sun during certain times ,at Keep Rooms Oheerfnl ~e day. Wben Seleotinr Color Floor coverIngs for these porchCool colors are not necessarUy es may be rugs woven or sewed lombre colors. Even though you at home_ Tweedy e~ects, rough may choose a dark bLue or a ma- .workmanshlp and a casual air In , roon as a predominating colQr, It such rugs usqaUy 1ends' muc~ atcan ' always be lightened with mosphere to these floor coverings, touches at white, pale pJnkrpastel et or two of 'nel!ted tables, as yellow of ,ay. ,reen. ' .. well as a coUee table o.r , cart are U's especially Important to keep exc ellent furniture for porches rooms looking cheerful even used tor dining. Unless you can though COnCeJlU1atlng an cool col- salvage some out of garllge, basement or attic, plan to buy them second hand for re!1nishing. Bow To Keep Bedroom Cool and Comfortable Bedrooms are the easiest of all rooms to keep cool and airy during the summer months ' since the prime requisite for doing so Is to remove ' all ' but the essen till Is from them. It Is ' entirely proper to do away with curtains and draperies entirely. The windows can be made nltractlve by using venetlaJ:l blinds or some decorative shades. In fact, shades may even be painted - - -__~~~=-=~~~==:../..CIY.,,!:1i!!;te!L;a!!ln!!ldUth~en trtmmed wltb de· cals. Th.e purpose ot ' leaving windows ors_ 'Though you ~void the war1ll. uncovered Is , to enable air to reach lush colors like 'brllllimt rose, the room easily, espeCially at warm yellow and orange, and the night for sleeping com1ort. A busy lookln'g large flowered prints certain amount of attractive bate in draperies and furniture coverS, look is especially cOnducive \'0 cooling these rooms. b rooms need not be d ra, If curtains are 'desired, however, Materials designed especIally f\lr the warm weather are to be they should at all times be kept found easily II you consult either :frosty and crisp looking. Since b curtains can be stretched to save 'd rapery ' yard goods or even fa - ,ironlng, this need not be much of ric departments. If the mlttern which sulkes you as most appro- a problem. priate Is a bit warmer in ,t one It might even be, wise to remove than It should be tor a cool cUe ct. all scarves and other ' decol'a tions it may still be Used If kept at a fro~ dresser and chest tops. ln minimum. this way you' do away with the Draper'l es In th is case m lgbt be cluttered look so many. bedrooms 'a ·cream or wheat color with a bor- 'acquire. der or valance of the Print or When the need for drapes Is aplaid. U instead of using It to cute you might investigate the u s~ cover chairs or sofas completely, 01 summery materials. These it mlgbt be used for just ' the > may often be ohtained In the yard pleating ' around the skin. rather than drapery departments. Plain ' c010red walls in brown, Keep the bed coverin~ as simple cool green ~lth more blue thlln as possible to have It In harmony yellow in the color), P1aroon, light with the rest or the room. This graY', white" gray blue or beige may match ' cur~ains qr draperies. are prescribed for cooling rooms. and 11 possible, trim down ru!!les :Plain wall tre!lUnen\s also enable and trlm.In.lng to a bare minimum. You to use somewhat , more pat- Rere Are TiPS ttern in the other decor of the rODm, and you may eastly choose For Snmmer Bewlnlr When you plan to use Bummery 8m.a ll prints or shadow plalds to materials for decorating, make " ive the cheerful aspect that Is.o certain they are pre-shi-unk. or ; 1mportan~ · 1 t th KItchens, too, can be cooled with they will not as e .eason or survive, fittin, after. the first I any of the color. mentioned above, laundering. The sheer cUJtaln With a definite color in the kit- materials will have to be shrunk chen, curtain, maY' be white, edged at borne by wettin" drying and I with a deeper or llghter sha~ presslilg. If YOIl pre.1 dress I!r l of lbe wall color or even have ' a ),ard materlala Into lervice that color Introduced are sanforized, ),011 need not worn IcompUmentar)' linee It' a to be used In IUch a about .lWDka,e, ~ amount. Drape17 materJala should be DeooratlD,r tile ....cJa Ilzed tiefora cuttln, and aewlng c.a Be Fall lor accurate fit. Thla may be Sa'eened. Ilauld or open PDf- done profelllOllallJ', Or at home, . . Wblch I n frequeutl7 \lied al III the HIDe WQ u ill used for ~ arUa CUI aIfer u enp ;...;;.. I·~ Ih_eer_ 1Daterla1l. ' J
Spattel'ed grease on the wallpaper behind your stove can be removed easily if you paint the ' SCIUPTURF.: The Book 01 Ruth. per. when it Is new, w1th a coat DJ;;VOTJONAL READING: Proverb. of colorleiss shellac. 31 : 10-31.
Why Families? LC$son (or July 16, .1950 l-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..J
Secrets of making good coffee include the use of freshly drawn wat er, fl'esh coffee 01 the righ t gr ind. and a fr eshly sca lded. very clean coffee pot.
HE ENGLISH language has Ii Dccalcoman-i-a-t-r-a n s t e r s on word not fou~d in the original pa inlcd surfaces ca n be rem oved languages ot the Bible; It Is not to Iwit ho ut damaging the ,pa int if you Latin. Gcrman or French Cor th at louse them with hot vin egar . mauer. It Is the word ·'home." But homes were P a rs ley bu tt e r, made by mixing not invcntcd in one tablcspoon of choPP6d pars ley England , or 'Ameriwith one-fourth cup of putler a nd ca ; the n n cile 0 t , two tnblespoons or lemon jllice. is peoples at the ·delici~u s when spr ead on fi s h. world bad homos even II they had F or safety, p aint bottom step no s p e cia 1 word in cella r ~vhi te. for the m. The story of Ruth is a homeThere is nothing SD refreshing s to r y, 0 family Dr. Foreman on a hot day as a tall g lass or t a,1c. It , com e s trom the times of the Judges. le monade: with a sprig of freSh which we re very rugged times in- mint. deed. To read the Book of Judges you would thlnk that everything was plots and wars and mur der. Ttiere Isn't a peaceful story ~ the book. And then comes the story of Ruth, to remind us that even in those terrible tImes there were happy people, people who minded their business and worked hard and
• • •
Anything for Pay . Solicitor-"Would you indorse our cigarette for two thousand dollars ?" Movie Actor-"For twp thousand do ll ars I'd smoke the th in gs. "
Working Together
"A everything HOME is a pl ace to go when else has 'shut up" Is not a true pl'overb. For it that is all it Is, ,It is not ,a home. It is only a boarding house and not, a very attractive one at that_ . It Is the people ~ho live In It wbo make It. But Just throwinlr people together within four walls. even U the people are closely related, will not mB\(e a home. When )'ou read the story of Ruth 'you Bec one tbing standing out: they were all worklng p,cople_ To this day, tbere are fewer divorces In the country than in the cities, and one big reason for that Is that country ,families have to work together, while city famllies often have little in common. In the country everybody turns to and does something about the house, everybody helps everybody else; while In the cities where 'so much is done by machJnes and bouses are very small, there Isn't much a family can do together. Still. It Is worth whlle tor any famUy to try to work out somethlng that they can all do together.
"I am a retired minister and 'Very grateful tbat eating ALL-BRAN overcomes my constipation. I shall boost this good breakrastcoodevery chance I getY E. H. Harmer, 726 Lincoln St., SnohomiSh, WllSh. JI'8t aile of ?/lalty ttn8olic-~ iMt /o(/C1s/rOITl ALLBRAN IIs(I1sf If you
need help ror constiflU tiOIl due to Inck oC . bulk simply nt an ounce of crispy ALL,.BRAN daily, drink plenty of watt>r I If not comiltc/e1y satisfied arter 10 aays, return mpty ~arlon to Kellogli's, Battle reek. Mich. GET DOUBLE YO R MONEY BACK !
stayed home and loved ~lDe another The brigbt spots in today's vast seas of misery are just \"hat they were in Ruth's time.
when you serve
_===::::::========== How iniild can a cigarette be?
Van Camp'. Pork and Beans 'in Tomdlo Sauce
than any
YES, In just? day•• _. In one sbort week. _. a gr~up of people who changed rrom their old dentifrices to CaIOJlTooth PO"'der averaged 38S!> brighter teeth by scientific le$~ Why nol chong~ to ealoit )'ourseU? Buy Calolt ·Iod~f ••• eo your teeth ClIO alan lookip, ' eJ,';-:;'; bri,htenomorrowl '. _ A
and among tlte million. who clo ••.
MARGUERITE PIAZZA Beauty of the opora.Marguerite 81at08: "My voice Is my 11 vlng. 1 smoke Camels! They're cool and
A picniu,., for Van Camp's doca ail th o work (or YOII. Truly a picuic, when YOII make VaD CnllJpta !lIe main disb for ou tdoor meal,. Easy to corr)" quick to 8erv~ hot or cold - a lrealto cat. St,ook up today, for quick. la.ty meals - good picnic eating. '
mUd-they agree
with my thr!Iatl"
)lcKaeoa 6: Robbl.. I-. Bridc~rt. Co.....
• • •
Unity in Variety Is striking that tn the Bible the I Twarmest expression of devotion shown by one person to another, 1s expressed by one woman to bel' motber-In-law, by Ruth to NaomI. Ruth was of .a dfuerent race and generation and nation. Yet sbe takes Naomi's family tor her oWn. That illus'ra tes ano'her beautltul 'eature of Dvlng in a famIly_ You learn to Dve With IlI1 Idnds of peoplc. Even In so aman a group, no two are aUke_ And tbe thing tbat bolds a (amOy tocelher almost bettcr tban anythbig else Is not slinDal' tastes in breakfast (oods, or Iden&lcal eduaotlons. or equality of ace or temperament: it Is common Ideals, It Is agreement abeut Ihe Important things ' In life. What do you, for example, think 1s the greatest thing ' ln the · world? ' Do your family agre e wit!t' you? U ,they do (or you with them) then you have .a basis for ·a happy family life.
• • •
ideals. held by 1111 In, comH IGH mon. are almost the best family cElmen!: but betler and best is reloi,::lon . . When, you ,read the story of Ruth you are struck not only by their high Ideals but by !pelr natural, heart-felt, everyday religious [alth. It com1!S out in the remarks or Boaz. It \Vas one of ,the things that no doubt had attracted Ruth to the family in the til's! place. The climax of her famous promise to her mother-in~law Is "thy God shall be my God." , It, is at, bes' confusinll'. and 0.\ worst haglc, wben families are divided In their rcllglou!! faith. Some one bllS Bald that when tbe father bel.ongs to ODe denomination and the wile to 'another, the children are likely &0 become Nothinrarlanll. The old fauilty pew, happily not out of style In many places" Is more, than a quaint custom. It is a fine symbol of famlly lIle at it, best Where are the mo.t of the broken homes? Among the famiUes where falber and mother lend the children to Swldily ichool while they themselvu lie 'llround at borne reacUn, the paper, or among the fam1Ue. where all to lbe house ot God together? A home without real reUgion I, a home without Ita aure.t loundaUon.
\Cop:r.rlebt '" fila IlllanaaUonal ell _RaD.I'III1 EduuUoa OIl !Mull CIt to 0 tanS danoi!llllau.a. Bel.....
QUICKER DISSOLVING. Red Star's exclusive drying ,process produces yeast granules 'that are light, fluffy and ready to start working the instant you add ·wat~. Others may ~ to imitate Red Star's own drying method, but Red Star's is proved the best.
Unity in Worship
DRY YEASt A Red Star first that ~an neve~ be exactly ~opledl
A speciaJ strain of yeast-selected fot st.rength aod uniionnity'-plus Red S·w·s ,exclusive method of mahufa~ture means a quicker rise
,every time.
A,.other Red S,ar f!rst that ~an never be exactly copIed. KEEPS fRESH LONGER. When R~d Star
Dry Yeast is packaged. staleness-producing air is sealed OQtan exclusive process originated ,by Red Star. You ~ store Red 'Star Dry ~t for weeks longer on your 'kitChen shelf, and be certa10 it, will keep as fresh as the ' day it left the Red Star ' plant.
Another Red Star first tha' can never be e}fad'y. copledl
TRY RED STAR TODAY. It will always be your best buy In yeast.
Thursday, July 13, 1950
ClaaUied Depubneat AUTOS., TBUOKS & A(lCESS. INTEUNATIONAL ."."Ihle del I v e r T truck, IO~7, 1<·6, \r,nk bOdy: IWO-"I>eecS I))<le. hony.. dUly 8llrlnlls, flah pla ted • .. ew 900-20 t ires , Ughts , s lapol: rour5llOgDUon compa rtments r equipment v a lued at more thn n $4 ,700 : selling ror $:I 00II ' contact DeHon'. OH (Jompony ,& Se-rvlco
Reputation For Fairness
S&aUon. phone 2lR · W.
By RIchard HIU WllldnsoD
BUSINESS & INVEST, OJ,>POR. ME"T Mnrltol--Somq g roc.rles : nIce cash 'bu8lne ss , compulled to ~cll due to Ul health. Phillip'. ~1ell t IIlnrlto l. 2 0 W.
reasonable about It. He had a reputation for lairness. and I he meant to llve up to It. There wasn·t a per~on aUve wpo didn't h.ave 1aults. And knOWing this to be _ 1act. Mike could understand why Mlnut. such a gorgeous creature as SerFiction ena Wood tell short ot being a paragon. Not that Seren~'s faults were anything tq worry about. If they had been Mike would never have asked ber to marry hlrn. Serena's greatest 1 a u I t. he thought, was her Inability to get ready to go any place on time.' Mike adopted a unique method in order to cure this deficiency. For 11 time he decided to tall In with Serena'8 habits. Thus, he would dispel any possible doubt lJ1 her mind regarding his purpose. 'Presently he would begin to get himself :telldy , on tlme and sit around waitlng. Serena couldn't help noUcing and take heed .. Then there was Serena's habit ot 8 0 ing Into a room, switching on an .electrlc light and soing out again without thlnklnlr to extLngufsb it. Mike decided to a'dopt the same ' method In etlectlns this cure also. Durin. the next ball ye~r Mike noted with some satisfaction that Serena bad already bepn &0 leel his atroncer per. a_UC)', She was aUowlnl' be,.. self . a bit more time to I'd dressed ror parUes. · aDd once or twice IUl'l'esled to Mike that he hury np. By the tJme the six months was uP. Ser.ena had Improved greatly. He decided to ·forego his· taperlng of!, letUng well enough alone. Three months :passed and the situation had taken on Quite a new aspect. Serena, unconsciously, was ?olng a lot 01 walking from ooe room to ' an· ether swl'tch1og oU I1ghts that Mike had left burning ..
O hurch 8 &.. NeWArk. Ohio. Pbone _, ,.S1.
FARM MACHINERY & EQUIP. IrUS-KE.E Trnot.r T •• I S.x.. . Heavy sle el; large s lzc for bJg tools: low priced.
.Order from de Dler. or wr.Jte
M.lal n ... Compnny. Villpilral.o •. Ind.
Buy n tra ctor type w agon you can back nnywhere\ eUmlnnte scooping. hnul baled hoy or .bu k loa ds . tUl'n Q cra nk nnd hllch
r~~re::;:~~.r t:l~~n : ~~~~~ . ~,~~ 1~~c:n~O~ I
bushels e o r co rn. Avail a ble now at PALSGROVE MFG. C O. FR -7-40SO .r write CANAL. \'I'ln . ll o. I.... Ohl •• '
FARMS AND RANCHES BE8T Vlrlln Ourlc Innd. 40 ncreo' s=: 10 acres. 575, Term s . Free det a ns : Write Atm.tron, 3S. Shoo', 1\10.
'H ACnE BLUEOnl\.SS FAllAl ·
~e~~ r~lVri~~vO~~~~~ust:;o P~~:~C~'hl:k::"
h ouses: d ai ry burD with s ta nchions for 10 cows: w eU; renced; pond: cister n; 2~ "ncres tobacco boae; 4 miles Florence and 4 m ites of Ea s t Enicrprlse. Ind. Priced to 8ell at S7aOO. Sbockle), AI.aCil'. Moor.. 11111. Ind ,
MILLING M"CIIINE lathe operators and 'III around machInists. Must be thoroU~hlY experienc ed. Nono
Nt~e~. ~~l~mt~~ Y8t.~tr:::::h~ftbl~~·· MISCELLANEOUS
LOOKI I Loolcl I Rlnrs: Two pi eo. Bridal S .t. $1 .95. OddreilQw-Mason. $3.95. Wide Band., SI.95. We pay. po.talle. tox . ...~U. Cent~'.
Monda,., 1 V.A.
B 110.2:1 , MlaR.
l'lL.ES-.l'r •• crlpUon 11000: Tho new way to treat. in c ops141e forrp Dnd token internally : a root a nd ' herb preparation; no muss. no ( USB: we wlH mall you a dollar box. If relieved mall us a dollal'If notJ.~~i~~'l.:g';fctD~'U 08TORE Manl lleid. Oblo . 11M' CIIiUS-CRU'T; Ji. allllt)' runabout: 113 H .P . motor In "·1 condltlon. AlBl) Graham Dickermlln all-aleel adJust.abl .. 4-wheel traUe r with nuto sf.o ti.rel. . Dr. Ann .. B. Mlt.hell III E . Tblrd SI.. Ma),8YIU •• KiI'.
REAL ESTATE-BUS. PROP. O.ENER" L Blon. well stocked In a fine rural loeoUty. including goOd buUdlni witb II-room modern apartment. prIced to .ell. F. P,- Bitler, .....It.r. Seeonl NaIional Ban. B141'.. Bac,.r... Ohio.
REACHED a polot at the TlDNG-S, end of a year that called . for
some sort 01 undertaking, Oddly, 1t was Serena wbo- brought matters -to a head. ". realh:e," she told "like ·crO!lsl,.. "thai everyone haa . their faulta. But It does seelD &0 mil that YOD could attacl! a lit. tie more Importance to thlnl'S around the bouse. I've dODe my best to make ]'OU ohanre YODr • ways. I've eVeD resoned to artllice." "Artifice?" ". meal). like t,elllng you we have ~ be at a party 15 minutes, bdore hand 10 the hopes that you'll get ready on time. I've deliberately gone loto the bedroom to switch 011 the lights after you come out, hopJng that you would notice. I' ve got out ot bed and padded way to l the kitchen to shut 011 a drlpplng taul!et
orbln . Ky.
ve~! BUT SPOS!:
.L AlCE Erie SDmm.r C.ttare_Week. Mont.h. Season. Obarle. MIlI.r. Brolrer. BtoDiI' Polnle, Nowp.rl. Mlcb. PbDD. Monroe. lollcDlran :~m-M4. OLEAN hou lelkeeptn'« eottace. with com. munltYloilels nnd shower. on . Unlo" ' Linke mode by the St. J'oo river; ovaD~~~~ ~rl~e n~~e~o:r~~.e~~~~I~~s tOto S~t bert 1)anl"I, Ml'r., Weo.'Yerl Park. Sherwa.a. Mleh. COME 10 Llrbtfon Cabin. on Be autiful Su~or laland, where fllihlng Iii the best. Cabins eomp.letely furnished including linens and bedding. L'lhtfaol C.bln •• RODle ..... a. SlIcar blanl, 8DDII 81•• MarJe t Ntebll •••
. INDlAN Lalte-Wrlle or call RIneharts tor de llr cott all'" $20. 00 and up. Bos 1141, Lakeview. O. 5-2581 •
Planning for the Future? Buy.. U.S. S~vil'lgs Bonds!
-:.....- j
.u I
Believes Soreness, Aches and Pains of t .he MUIlc1C8. Sold at all lcnding Drug ,Stores.
A sample bottle FREE bJ' sending, this ad to
TIlE SWANSON CO.-Newark, Ohio '
DIARRHEA TO dietary D UE c:hanlle or drinldnl' water or ~
8Uddeu chanlOS in weather can be
quickly 'relieved by Wakel)eld'. BIacl<berTy Balaam.~ld.t.udrul ~ ·Be IIIlre to uk fOC' p"'uiDe
•') dltlD't meaD that you were weaJunlnded or anythiJll' Ute U.al_ We aU lIa"e our· laults,'·
that ;Jou've lelt running. I declare, . Mike, you CUln't have a very strong perlonali t;y." "Now walt a minllte, Serena. sOmethlng's wrong here_ We've 80t to have an understandloi,!' "We cer~lnl)' have. From now on if you leave tile lights burning they stay burning Ind YOU can pay the bllL If :you'r. lill te for parties I'D 80 OD ahead and you ' can make )'our own excuses." . "But about thls personality busl- · lIell.
"J didn't meaD that you were weakmlnded or anything like that. We an have our faults. Why. even . I have Kip', 1 supp08e. I've tried to help ,.OU overeome youra. But from now on you'U have to 8hJft 10l'. ;Jour,eIt, unle.. you oe.n _.lv. IDe lome eo-operaUoll." 'ec.operat.lODI Wh,., ' ...... It, I tid &bole IbbJp dell_ate., .... ,,~ ,..,. ., abeDI, .... DOW I . . . -7HII ..... malloall7 .... - aDd -Ilklar "Yr. anclllra. MUte Graham ltared .at each ather. "It's IIl1 fault that 1W haft faults and I have faulta beGatlle 01 Jour faults. Ob, dullD" IIJb, doll" 1IN 8M what', hap.....' W. lDade the IDlItaD alar thlnkln. ounel\'e' perfect. Lee. Itart aU IIIIW that ... . . . . an UDclIntaDdbII. aDd
them ....
CI'I. ... -
..-It tile 0IbeI' E,." laid
W .l ke f lel ct -•
( 1", r(d,rl!
' 28-50
1".RlIIIII~IIII~"lllm~m~mm/ll/llII~UI~"'"mlllm~lIImlllll"'llllllIIllwm •
TWIN THEATRE ' WaYneSville, Ohio
The Land llank Way
....:.,. 1D _
On Mo~day 'n lght8 during July &lid August, \:blIdren under 12 will be admitted tor half- price when a.c~PllnJed bY parents,
Waynesville" 2472 ' or call collect, Wilmington 21 t 1.
Lone Terma Are Safe (Up to 33 Years a14%) A Farm Orlabization For . Farmers ,
WARREN BRADDOCK ' 1___11 " '1'' ' 'II __ I ''-''~t' ''II ,-" , ..-..~_, ___ ,~ ,. _ 'I '''' I "",.''- I'_ '> ~ ' I .
Top noD. BauUna. sand. Gravel 1Iac!1r Hoe• ["'al-Une and Bulldozer .' v W87Del Ule. Ohio Phonet WayDI!.vllle 2191
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
.DANK . RUN OllAVI!: lr- Loa""!' I, at Ds.vls Furn~ PIt., 60 . ceDta ELLIS, H: &TURM, Sec'y-Trea•• cubic yard. WA also dellver. ARM.
FRI.D AY and SATURDAY ROD ' CAM T RON -. - i n - -
' B08 ""PE -In-
I •
39 c encb Way nesville 1,0 II r jl l oll t Phone 3171. 6- , 15, 22; 21), - 7- 6, ]3. :.lO, 27
A S IMP L.. ~ CLUSTER OF BLO'SSPM and {ern Is.as much .an
expression or. remem,b~ance aa a blanket ot rOMS, and we handle It wUh tbe aam~ measure of care and, .r espect.
'AJIO Diabetic 'Canned Fruita
Come Before . 9 :30 and See the Two Evening Shows Plus the Midnight Show 'at No Exira . Charge . ,
--- -
Raymond 'R lltton. T It I I' II street . Waynesv ill e, Ohio . . X-:-7·6·13'
X- 7·S· 13
FOOD STORE Phone 2541
i od!!1 A
JULY 16, 17 • • IRELAND
:S ALE - U~e " refl igora tor, ' ma ll size, 'P rhlC $50. Wun on
FOR', . -
Bra dd c>ck. Phone -2191 .
v: 18, 19
BABYLI'1"I'ING- 1n IUY boml' during the !Iay While moth er worllY. Reas ol~lI,ble r~te. s. Mrs. E lm!\ Shaw· han. E(ext dool' to 01'. Dye. Third street. • X- 7-13-20
. FOR ALE' Bed I'oom suite, kitchen I'US, d.~' ~k hlnlp. billo D1i)'~
V I R G I N ·I A MAY O ' --in--
Ida. X-Ir·29- 7- 6·13
\\ ILL PAY top (wlee for good blue gmsB sod . . M ust be $UOl't and L'r of weElds. Carl Gell Vunn . F Iton
5735, 1 uylon.
TRY GAZE'IT£ CLASSIFIEDS FRlE(t - Dr 86 d chm d wrapJl t1 -THEY GET RESULTS FAST nnd ~ bllrp 'FrO l n lor home {roezer s
JULY 14, 15
. 17
, .
Chapter a-Pbaut'om Empire ' Wilmingtoll' 2362 Lebanon 439 HOGS PROCESSED- AI) fresh. li e CARTOON INLAND PRODUcrS 11le: per pound. WIl nesv lie Lo"\Wf . ' , ' Plant. -----~~~~----------~~~M~O~N~D~A~Y--------·· . . . Q-l,._,1_5_,_22_ ,_2______~~ 16
YOUNC- BARB 'A RA - '- i n - -'
LUMEIER - All klnds,ln aU D~ s"[OCK WANTED. j glhs and wldLbs, KUn drted HORSES $2.50 COWS t2.60 Rel18o:na llle [I1'l ces All 01'lIof8, '. HOGS .25 ICWT . large or sm,all W,li.1f be doUVenld AIIO Sheep, ,Calve_, Colta, etc. HOg Houses ACY ' AMB. Pbone . Removed Dally Way,n,esvllle 2701 . CALL COL·LECT.
Jlxctl'Y&t1Q ' WlUI
~~~~~~~~~~~;.I_I'I'_AO_ID_&_S_O~.._ P_b_0_D_e.,_2_09,-1_._ _tt
us for' Insurance. All ty pes ef insurance at a savings. can Frnacis Gene Brown, Phone
No Fee., Commiuiona or , Renewala
Saturday. S.hOWI 6 P. M. '
ThurldaYI and Frlday'l ShoWI 7 P_ M.
TIHlHS I )AY, .Il l'y . I~, f()) O
1930 - Good Olean Gar Belcb I'IJ &Unoc,~ Service Phone 2423
*" -
~-=~====_::.~~I-=~~~~=-=-~-=_::========:;:~=~ II - ...... ~ "-"--
FOltj9dayli · SALE - ' 10 es Doubl IDna.yelO[1 di rt; Volum )0 umeB DoubtedaYB Book \>f ledge for chlldren, ' Botb beaut!· fUlly IDQund in I ~atber. Like new . $60.00 ~ Cost ~100 .0 0 when n ew Phone 21411 '
Aak 'A bout our 'P rice on J
JllltA11atio:n and: Gas "
. Phone 37371
of John ' Curtis 'HIBey,
Dated thle ard day
Charles '1\ Smart. De-
NO.t lce la bereby given tbat 'Olara B. HIBey. whoBe Post Office ad' drelB Is R. R. 3. WayneBvllIe. Oblo. bas been duly appo1nted as Executrb: of the FIItate of John CUrti. Hlaey. late of Warren County,
Ohio. deceased.
of J\1ly. 1960.
Notice lB hereby given that Grace Smart, wbole ~t , Olflce addre8s hi Harveysburg. Ohio, baa bee~ duly appointed as Executrix of th~ EBtate of Charlel! T . Smart, late of Warren County. Oblo. deceued. . Dated thI. 3rd day of July. 1960.
_ RALPHH. CAREY. ~LPH H. OARSY. .Judie of the Probate Court, JUle ot tII'a Probate Court \ WarreD County, Ohio Warren Count7. Oblo C_ Donald Dllatuab, Attom8J I'raDk C. ADclel'8On, Attom8J.
. . . . 'l-lHM
i.. .
P1IhUlll 7-11*17
SO MU"I Ilmlll.II'OI ~ . Ii · ,'I FOI SOi1ImE ~O.OI .
. 08.7·aL (t; .Spue; 14,9 aq• .ft. of She1va. . It ~t.e Sbelf Hold. 12 . Quart Milk Bord.. ,. o BIIFrozeo Poodloc:k. ~cild~ 3S .POI1nch. . • ~f O~¥at Di.pe.... 16 ~ or 2 at a 'J;lme.
0 ... ,.
_ ' .cutl
0 ' A ...
v-Iu. for .
Clv.rell ... lagd
$ 239.'95
. . . . I ~ ....: 4 - c).-'cl. Pill(or ell-
.........." foracsyr.......
·a galnst,)
POLIO/ : pro•• c1ion. COY'"
POYI .lp.nl.1 10 $5,000 eoch ,.."on. lroad -lew cal'. 'o.. iI, SIO, indh,lduol IS. , 'Ull 'Aa• •" ",OHl'
Ph. 332.3 WayneSville
1~ 1 I1I 1I~ 1I 1 1 1~ 1 1 1 1~ 1II1Im~ l ljl l~ lI l m~ 1 1 ~~:::.::.::.:;:.:~~~~~~. il
po,.nl•• . children und.r
.' Ch'~rles Doster PHONE: W1AYNtSVILLE ' 2834
pr.o'ecl T_ y.or
', MODIL. "~17 :./
PhOlle 2441
.,~ .
.. ,.'20
NAV. A 1.001' Ar .TilI!; AlAtA/UCADLI ..,W'. MOWI. rOOAY, WI'" Of 0"" '0 DfMONS{RAfI rr FOR YOU I
.......b·l II.y.
Spring.Valley. o·
. . . . ,,~ 'IYlur new
Service '
T O ·YOUR .j ·
'fIiM .. . .,
1fIICI-_ _1, . . . .~.~. . . . .~. . . . . .
Executor . . Estate of HQward E. HatbawllY, Deceased. .
Bow 10 Prelll Berni , Pl ells ,hemB from the ·bottpm liP - not around the Ilottom ot the skirt. 'l'he latter method may st,r!!tch the fabric out ot mspe.
Is hereby given that I H;athaway, '\ThOBe Post Ol. . hUman Carpeta . flee address Is WayneSVille, Ohio, ' Carpets on the floor ot PuUman has been dilly appointed as Exec. ear. hllv. to be replaced abou~ utrl.x of ·the E8tJlt~ of HOW/IJ'd E. every two to IIIx year•• ' de~ndm, 1fat~a'Way, late of WIlM'en County, upon carpet type and color \lied. Notice
Mab~l .
Ohio; deceased.
Dated tbis 7th 'da, of July. 1960.
RA~ H . CAREY, ;Judge of ,the ,Probate Court . Warren CoUllb', Ohio Cbarl811 A. Andenon Altome;'
l'Q~'" 7o:....J8.1O.J1
ADllwera to TRUE or. FALSE on One. 1-'l'. a-....
• •
• ml
Serving Waynesville Since'1850
::0, 1950
'l'he FrIendship Club held their July meting on Wednesday and r,--------~~---------~l W, IC. T. U. HOLDS fouyteen rpeml:!erll with tllelr chil- ROBERT ,OSBORN TO dren and one guest. Mrs, R. B. Peters enjoyed a I basket dlnnel'. Francis \,,0. nC .FTrd.a y . After a very pleasant ,day ' the club agel' Jobn Burgess Gons WILS bOI"ll on Qf the American F a r m e r s . II adjourned \InW September. . Mutual Insurance Co., announces tbe bome of Mrs. Cora Rleb. Tbe Augul:! t 7. 190 Into the ~amUy of Mrs, Ei the 1 Vlerebome ILnd ithe appointment ot Robert E. devotions and progrnm were 111 John !J nd Edit b Burg S8 Oons Oil daugbter, Miss Martha Vlerebom Osbol'n to l'opr.eaent' tb1s cpmpany charge of MI·s. Rich. The meet· lbe fnrOl enst of ·Wayue. Yllle that are spending ecvel'al weeks In III this community. ' Ing was OIJened by singing the \ fllj bill IIfe·loug hOOle. CRllloru,a. I. C"uBade hymn . aft I' which Mrs. , Osborn Is a gl'l1duate of Waynos, After gl'ndunUo n from the local ~Iss Mary Dora Hough. daugll' ville HI/th School nnd served three RJcb read a. very interesting story s(' l1ools h" obtained an A.B. degree tel' of MI'. and Ml·S. K. N. Hough, yem's In tile All' Force during on "'l'be Ju s t III the Middle Girl." rOm Miami nl vet'S lty In 1930. ' left recently and will spend tbe World War II. Mrs. Curl and DI'. Emula gave II. months of July and August lu New· On' Feb. 20, 1931, be Wll8 united All types of Cnsualty Ilnd F'lre good account of the t.wo-day VILport. Rhode Island, where slle will lt1SurllllOO 11:111 be wrlUen by cation works hop at the Chautau- In malTla,g e wll h Eflther M. Henbe student aSSistant In Spauish Ilt Ollborn. QUa, ijponsored by the W. C. T. U. del'soll: To lheril were bb{1l two tb\l Burnbnm·By-lhe-Sea lIohool. Brown. who also lives In this Arter the regular bUSiness 116sslon, daughtcl·S. Marilyn ICay alld Jull Atr. nnd Mrs. Kennetb FoX' nnd ommuulty. will conUnll to write , delicious refr6shments weI' e Ann. In fld dlUon to these. h e Is cblldren of Miami, Fla., ar,e v-Islt· I»ns~~'nnce and wall atlll' handle served. TIle me.etlug was closed s urvi ved by a Sis ter, Mrs. Alice Tomllnsol) . Ing th II' 'va rente, ' 1'1 r. ·and 111 rll. mos t 'of . the se vlce for present wltb tbe Union Benediction. Henry ,Wutklns and other T lutlves. policy hollers, that are ,Ioca'ted III Alway s he liked to be out·of· I\h-.. and Mrs. Roy Cl'eecll' and nud around Waynesville. ARE YOU MISSING SOMETHING? doorll. His wOI'k was there, and family have. moved to tileil' 11 W much of his l'ecreaUon \vas found bome nell!' Pleas~nt Plain. You are cord la1Jyc luvl ted to ILt- th e l·e. But he lik ed, too" to be VISITORS FROM Mr. dlld MI's_ Paul HaJey, o( tend fthe cbllr h of your chOice wltb people. Peach Ocba'I'd Road. Doyton, Il.re ST, BERNARD next SUlldIlY. At, the Methodist announolng the blt·tb of an eight cburch the pastol' w1l1 bring a Wlle l'ever he went he found. Mr. and Mrs, Erwin Reed and ule8sage on the . tbeme "Are You friend s. It WitS one or these me· pound daugl\ter. Frnuces Blnlne, Ilt daugbter Nancy Carol, of St. Bel" M~ sS lllg Something?" There will lon g rrlends Who relj ueB ted that Mlnml Vulley HospUill on 'I'burs· nard, spent Saturday with Mr. also be Bp'eclol mus ic. .Come pre. th Is tribute be' reni! : "The life of day. July 13. Mr, and Mrs. Louis lIud Mr8. O. M. Ridge. Fries lire the maledal grund· lIm'ed to meet Ood In ,,:orsblp Illld th e lute John B. Gon s Is as hOIlyou will not go away diSlt)Jpolnted. orobl.; In dellth, as in life. 'I'be pal·ents. • 130 attend d lhe chUrch school road he t I'od \vas rocln' and, bears ~I.AW DII~;J1ILJr'S Mr. and ~rs. John Fromm spent the week el)d nt LItke St. Matys, ~ Above II a leene biken Immedlatjply after the cr.h of a B.50 Bomber last Sunday where a study of Goll's wltlless to 1111 enlightenment and when the Deputys Gmnd Matrons Ialt Thurtday afternoon near Libanon, In which all 16 memberl of word was mnde by evt:ryone, chil. re onl of condllct th t Is seldom FOI' him. Ufe meant oC Ohio, Order of EUlltern StUI' and By Dick Tatum the crew ~r. killed. The ,pl_. wu on a 'routlne training fllg"t dren aud aduttB. nnder fine lender· ~urpllsse d . tbelr hUljbands enjoyed their Bum· The big · QueBtion In show busl· from a field In Texat, Mlllta!1t ~ fflelalll are Inv~t!luatlng the Clau.e IIhlp. Give youl' hlldron the ad· wo rk and Ihl'lft J\J1d an under· vantag of learning about tbe s tanding search f01" wisdom and mer reunion. ' lIeS8 tOday Is bow televiSion lB go. of the erath. Chrls Uan Fulth lind IncroMe YOllr undel'J3ltlndlng Illde d and truly the 'Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray MlllnouB and Ing to ILfrect Lho other illltertaln- -::IIi::O::T:::I::C::E:-:T==O-::C::O::N-::T=R~a-:C:::T:::o='t=R::·-i::I--:-of,----l ---~n-----Bon were Sundny guestll of rein· lDent medillms. In the motion pic. ... oWn knowledge throngh atudy lind lIoblest gift of God to man. ture business pal't1culal·ly. eBtJ: strATE OF omo Uves 1n Sidney. worship on Sund ay morning. ' , He 'was llcvoted to his family Mrs. Oborles Fesler or Dayton. mates on the reduction In attend· DE>PARTMENT OF HlGHW.U"f;1 II . ('Ulj 'fl!e eli~rch ' n eeds you ',oud you but a l vays be wal! willing to give was a guest of 'Mr. nnd Mrs. P. nnce caused by teleVision range Columbus., Oblo, July 15, 1950 r d need the churcb. IIns tlntlngly ot' hi8 time and bls L. Reason over the wee,k end. ,llDywbere rrom 5"'0 to 75 M7<o. Ma· "'I f S I - - ----------,---- I energy for any cause that he; telt -1< ...... gneero ' aes By M RS. WAL.TER KENRICK Mr. Ell Furnas who bas been jorlty of oplnloll however, places Legal Oopy No. 50.S68 .. a ll 01' Dayton. wfui ror the @:ooll ' of th commull' copnned nt Maml Valley Hospital the figure at about 20%. 'Which UNIT PRlOE CONTRACT !J I . ' , I~d X! !; ~U r;L.l' Lummlnge Ne.n rl y olle liundred persOlls at· 1tY. He was especially IULereeted d hi d suffel'lng from Injuries received means that the mot lob picture tended the , reception Immediately in the hlldl' n of th ee community,' Sealed proposal'S', will be rece'.·" In a fall, returned to his home on bUsiness Is not going 10 die any •• _ an c 1 ron of Crumna Mlch'. are following the wedding at the home and the Bchools . He felt that edFriday. . .. time soon. How ver. It Is ' In (or at the office of tbe State H1gbwa~ viSiting Mr. and Mrs., Edward Bjcke ucation IB a life-long process. of the br!des grandparents. Mr. Mr. llIid Mrs. Robert Ohapma~ (some l'OU ~h CQID.pei.ltion, and . Is Director of Ohio at Col~bus. 9..~f and 8OD. Jonny. neal: Lytle. When hi s 0 n II hool days werl! end Rev. aud Ml's . .SOUI N. KeY$ gOing to have to concentrate on until 1,0 :00 A. ]f.. Ohio Standal'C1 Mr. and Mrs. RUIBsel Oampbell nnd Mrs. Marvey Burnet. over, he con lInued to read widely, enjoyed a vacation during the ltv,l ng IlP to tbe Blogan :'MovleB Time. Tuesday, Augus t 8, 1960. for and son, Bobby left Friday for a SHOWER so tba t II 1> I~ Itt beU r under · past week, visiting the mokles, Are Better Thltu Ever." All the Impr01ements 1n: motor trip to Union, lo,va "nd are Mammotb Cave, Clfty Falls and producers have announced plnns PRO u Mis s Wilma Gray entertaIned to' stand the worlll snd Its people. other Interesting pOints. [or mak.lng more pictures In techPOSAL No. 1 , vlBltlng tbelr parentll. 1\11'. and Mra. a sbower at ber country home n ar He believed thllt It WJlS tbroUgh' Miss Janet KeYB has becn nicoloI'. More empbasls Is being Varloul! Sectlll'llB of 0. S. Rou~. . J. Mlller. tl ~10ndBY evening, ,compli' the ' It ·tiol! of an el111gb tened Ilnd SIlendlng sevel'nl days with ber pJnced on producing pi tures that Nos. 27 and 42 and Still e Route lifo. 'f d M 0 1:JIII S .. d conc rnlhl I>eopl th at a. bette!; " n 1'. an rs. 'Y ' am trouse . ntln , MISS 'u{al'lIyu Hammon, world would come. 'grsndllarents In Mansfield and lifT. will 'give tile publle what th~' 128. Butler Oounty, . S. Rou~f Peter Keys baa been tbe guest of ant lustead of what Hollywood Nos. 5()'B and 52 Cler ,ont Couney ,lave a little girl , l~ al'en lie II .. .-tll hecome the bl'lde of MI', R e hod alligh reglll'c;I fOI' tbe his grnndparents, in Htllsboro. thinks ihey sho\lld haVe. PICtures U. S. Route No. 68 ClinrOD Count)'· vhlc b tlley adopted 111 Dayton Odls Johnston , JI'., 011 snturday persollall ty of each Individual he Mr. M. H. Coffey. mlnillter of such as "FranCIS:' "Riding Higb," .U. S. Routes Nos. '· 35, 42 and ~ 6 \{onday. e V6ning, Ju,ly 29 at l.ytle ' Metho. met. .. R lat the people \vltb W'hom Wayne!fVllle Chrcb of ClIrlst, ac· "Ambullh," and "1I10ntana/' Rli live an.d 'atate Route No. 72 Gr~.' Mrs. Earl Young 1\von a sweepel s ch, I', h, Tbe evening was en. he work~d !Iud lived know tbat companied David anti Doris Brown, up to this new line of thougbt In he respected them I1S Indivlduale.· Alice -TInney, Mabel Brown and . As the competition County. U. S. ,Routes NOB. 60-0 Bat! tt the Mld-QImmer Festival In o" ed wltb gomes aud seeing Miss He \ as always wlllln·g to listen SylV1a '!pOlard t(J summer televl810n Increases, we 60 Ilam;Ilton County, a d U.I Waynesville Thursday evening, Hammond open her numerous lor · to and conald I' lhe other aide. at Butler SprIngs ror the get plctUl'es tbat are RoUtee Nos, 22 and 42 W M'r. and Mrs. 8ta,C!Y Lamb of St. 1'/ slits, after wblch a. tempting He could il18agree \vlUl a person's ~r. and Mrs. J. J. BUI'lIlee and better, plcturea that County. tor p~tlnc u'-' lfr, ~I Ballidolpb and l1;: luncb of 'pink and white, 'roll ille ldeas, yet lilte the pel'lloJ).. 111 :r. and Mr.. WI~':t.. Stro~u~a;;e,~~~~~=~==:':;~::~~~~Ulw....r~~CID. ':'t~ ... ea.cr de! llatJ£Ji~f' 1l1n m, oge ., mintlt Itt SJrta11 ·J lv.a bJ8 "1.1te · tth malice , owa.r4· 1l0n.l). , fn tlmln&ton.. In ODe word _ 'ENTER. Irma called on Mr. and Mrs. Wal· umbrellaB and punch waa BeI'ved Ler(rth 89.860.5 feet. t ." A t lIle time o( his dellth he was b - - DoriS M~ekll accompanied t em TAINMENT; ter Kenrick ,F riday "fternoon. to BOlDe forl)'·nv~ guests. Those home and will be the house I:\uellt ALL THE KINos. MEN~~rode'r· Contract to be completed Mrs. Nettie Emrick lu com. from a distance Were: 1111'S. Ever- president or the loclil school board and '1'01' hlllfnJ mas ter of Waynesher cousin, Mrs. Burske for the I"'-"'--w"'or" JO"nn Dr w Oen later tban November 1, 1960. • eek., ....... v ... ct.> " . " . e e. . pan1. Witb 1MI;'. and Mrs. Leon fltt Weller und daughler, Miss ville Mn uonl c Lodge. W Tbe minimum wage to be paid erol audience classification, R eMlss Glenna !\farsh, of vlewerll rating: excelfent. to IilI labor employed on thIS con. 8aJIBbury of Washington C. H .. Patricia of nenr Minmlsburg, lIIrs. He bad been It mcmb 1' - of , tbe was a week end guost or OnCe In a wb1le; a film comes tract llhall be In accordance. with visited Mr. ancl Mrs. ,E arl Tbomas Samuel . Nlcboll of Cincinnati, Metbodlsl church sillce cblldbood. ' Lucille Armitage. at the. Friends out of Holly\\'ood tb'at by reason the "Scbedule ofPrevnUlng Hourly and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickering Mrs. Odls Johnston, Sr. and "The eartb mny ring from shore to sllol'e. Ho...'!.e.·. on'd " 'ra. Jobn .1. Burske of Ita quality of successfully re- Wage Rates Ascertained and De. In Oenterville Sunday afternoon. daugbtel'!l, Miss Betty Johuston HIlI " " .... certain spclal,. anll pollt. ' ~ , With e ' boe~ of I;t glorious name, Ipent Wednesday and ThurBday of tile American termined"' by The Department of Derrlll Oouchot. wbo lives with alld MrtI. 1.es ne HatrIllon of Iron· But he whose- 1096 our t ' aI's deplore at Bowling Qr~n 1111 guosts of selene. mnkef; It stand' out as a Induatrlal Relations a.ppllcable , to Mr. and Mrs. RobEtl't Corwin, Is ton.Mrs. Edward Sl.l'llukamp, of Has lert behind him more thlln th\lr son·ln·law alld daughter, Mr. cU8Un~sbeil elCample of U. S. state HIgbway Department 1m· visiting his ' motb'e r, Mrs. Rutb Crystal Lake , Mrs. Edward Con· fame. and Mrs. DaJ,e . Duffee. F\.lm Production. Sucb a film II provements. In' accordance with s Ita . 'Mr. and Mrs.l, ·N. Roblnsnn n.nd ' Couchot and bls grandmother. ley and ·Mrs. William trau mp. His love of tJ"llth too warm, too ' " "All the 'Klng's Meu" which W1lS Sections 17·3., l7-t. 17·4a. 17·5 and stroJ,lI!', . children of Dayton. were Friday made' from Uobert 'Penn WarMra. Cbrilltlna DUlntord III DaY-lot Dayton. . I'~ }.7·6a of the General Code of Obio," For Holle or' Fear to chsin or chili • • eVening supper guesta of tbe I' 's' Pulltze," priZe wl~nlng novel The bidder must submit with toli. Oblo. , - - -- - - parents, Mr. adn Mrs. E. F. of the same name. Mr. and Mrll. Donall J . Baird. MRS. ELLA MAV STANSBERRY lils ha le or tYl'linny .'a nd wrong, , Earnl1art. "All the King's. Men" could be biB bid a cert1f1ed cheCk hi the S b 77 Burll III the breasts he ' 1~lndlE;d Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Frllzer a'r e taken as the story of one of the amount of $416.87. Sr•• of Gebhart Road, bad as tbelr Mrs. Ella May tans erry, I ' still. • enjoying a. ' vacation at Yellow political machines whlcb. Plans and specifications are on ~k nd lUeata; Mi'B. W. G. Ha~- 1 died at be~' home 'I'uesday even ~ Stone National Park, . wblle winning tbe support of the file In the department of hlgbways llton, Mrs. Robert Donaldson. und afle lUI IlInesB of 81" montlni. Cause Mrs. Harold Smltb bas returned "people" wltb public works and and tbe office or the dlV1alon dep. Mr. 'and Mrs. Oscllr Devore, of 'or deatb was from senility. S/le Is NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS after ,spending the past few weeks "rlvate favor, tbrlve and nurtnre is b d' bt M y three STATE OF .oHIO "'I'h bel' sister in Detroit. . ., ut,v dIrector, Pit burg, Penn. suvfved y 1 aug er. IIr. , them solves on graft, corruption " b dI h ri h b f \' 17 Ill e Mt:. and Mrs. K . R. Hill and son Ule desu:'u ctlon of any force T e rector reserves t e g t Mr. and Mrll. W:a lter Kenrick sons John, \\III ur 0 ;, aynllllv , DEPAR'I'MENT OF HIGHWAYS 'l of 'Orovl\ Olty. were guests Mr. or Indl~ daring t<J:l> stllDd III to, reject any and aU bids. called at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of 1Illum,!sburg R. ll. j. Iii Columbus; Ohio, July J6, 1950 and Mrs. Maynnrd' Weltz their way. Actually the film Is ' T . .1. KAUER, ' , j' C 1 g'rnllclllldreu hlld 11 gren.t grandtb~ pust " reek. ' " , S t HI b Dl t Tbomas Colllns anell Cbar eB 0 . Engineer ,of 8:llos ldr. and Mrs. Oh,arles Hn.I·desty dlsQulsed version of the Huey to. e g way rec or. lInB In na.... ftn Wednesday after- cbUdren . . empire, wblch thruat Itself Publlsb 7-20·27 ~~ ' ill b h Id S turday Legal Copy No., 50·367 are a'nuoun.1llng the marriage of onto the American political sceue noon, and also vi li ed their Jl ll phew Services w e ea their dnughfer 1\l\s8 Mnry Soheet~ 'In', the th'·'ties. R b U 1 b h d j"" I'e i~f'tel'floon: ' at 2: 00 o'clock at McUNIT PRICE CONTRACT to Mr.! WIlliam F. Davis on. Wed. U BENEFIT SOFT BALL GAME 0 ert ~.a nes, ~y Ii' a __ . Broderick Crawford's playing 'Is turned trom 1I1lamJ; ~l alley HORIItal Clure Funeal Home. Sealed proposals will be received nesd,y . evening. ~even·thlrty tops, ' His ' "ortrayal of Stack Is Fairley Hardware team will play . Burial will be at Miami CemBlbceys . Dairy team In a league where be had undergone an emer· . o·clock. at tbe home of the , b r i d e . " at tbe omce of the State Highway Rev. BI'uce B1-oolla' of the ', Pente- both sympa"teUc and forceful. game Sunday, July 23 . at Wayne gency operation for appendicitis. etery. Rev. 'Malcolm CQffey will Director of Oblo. st Columbus . costal Obnlcb of Obrlst of X()JlIn., 'for a. moment leovlln g any Park at 8: 30 P . M: In the Lytle Methodist cbrucb on be in charge. Ohio, until 10 : 00 A. r.r., Oblo Stanperformed the ceremony In the doubt that even well mean ng Pfl r · . Proceeds will be given to Albert dard Time. Tuesday, August presence of a few friends. , Bons can grow Into dangers to, so· Hawk who Willi! Injured In a leag)le Saturd&y afternoon, MisB Frances NOTICE OF ' APPOINTMENT 1950. for improvements In : Mr. nud Mrs; Keller HOll~ open. clet-y. Tll'e rest ot the cast, .up· game. Wb~a.lrer. d.lmgbter of ' Mr. and Adm Inliltrator ed their bome 'on Tbursday for tbe /port the lead perfectly. mald~ ~. Harold ' Wblta,ker' and Mr. PROPOSAL No. 1 July iDeeting of the Farmers Olub 'tbls picture , one of the best. Bay. roor &aerO Donald Bafrd. , son of Mr. and Estate of Charles" E. Cook , De· Montgomery apd Wra"ren Counand' a det!clouB blUll dl,n ner . Kitchen Irran,einenta that .ave Mr., Donald Balrll. Sr., Were cea·s ed. served at noon, to- the lI\.e,mtlerl~ '1 Thursday for a vacation with lie" stoopin•••tretchln, and l1ttlna are ties. Ohio. on , SecilollS 3:79, 20.62 Notice Is hereby given th nt and 'Collowlng gueilts: Mr. broth·er. W.1ll O'Neal nnd good Ide .. for every bome. united In marriage by Rev. Bel" and 22.H , of State Route No. 48, by Mn!. J. O. Vtan and Mr. , ~nd ' Mrs. O·Neal. at Orlando. Fla. She ac· nard Baughn. in the presence , of Minnie Mae Cook whose Post or, removing null ' sto~ng old guard (ice address Is Waynesville. Ohio. Burnett Buttll"fOrtb, of Lebanon, companied her nepllew. Bert O'Nenl MIs8 Lucy Rbamby and bel' a ,large group of relatives and rail aDd consU'lIotloll or new guard Dr. Emma Holloway. Miss MODo and wife. wbo' were guests a few fr'lebd, Ma:8. Mc'VWlllams. ot MariOn, friend •. ' Those frOID a dilltance bas- beeu duly appointed as Admin· rail. Old , guard rail to be sto~~d Istratrlx oC· the EStllte of Charles \mia ,Bunnell, Nr&. Nellie Bunnell, dayBo w1tb relatives here. Inl.. If J;aseed a ~ew pleasant boul'l! wbo atten"ed were : M)ss ' LIlur,a lit State Highway GIII'age in Leb· and MI!!s Anna. E. Meredltb. .. Tile ' llUlllnella s9s810n was Dr" . .Emma. Holloway was an tn· ,S aturday afternoon ~Ith ,the for· Rolnagl& Of Cincinnati; Dr. Ernest E. Coo If, late of Waynesville. War· anon. Oblo. Contract to be com· r en County, Oblo. deceased. following the 8Oclol b'o ur wit" vlted dinner 8\lest Thursday of tbe mer's cousin, Dr. Emma Holloway. RoIDagle ,and son,' of London. pi ted not In.ter 'tban ' November 1. Dated tbls 13th day, ot July, .1950. 1950. . Holloway ·glvlng tbe Invocation. Farmers Club at tbe home of. Mr. Mrs.. Elllllabeth Smltb' was a Sun Ohio. Miss Sarah Burnet; MrB. RALPII H. CAREY, Prof. J. C. Vlan, J;lrlnclpjal of and Mrs. Keller Hoak.. Sbe wa~ day aftern09n calle.r of 1'11'8. Hall' Mabel Dlnw1ddle; Mr. and Mrs. The minimum wage Lo be 'Palr! Lebanon Bc,bools, was introduced req ' uested to give the Invocatloo at nab Davis. Judge of tbe Probate Court as the gllest 's~Mt.er and took tor • James O'dell and dlaugbter. Mis! t[) all labol' employed on this con· ......... tb' .... 'ollr MIs8 Anno Meredlth was a: SlIn· Warren Count.y, Ohio his subject. "SchoQl Pro1:!lems of e noon ,.~ . .. Marilyn. Odell, Mr. and Mrs. Rue tract shal,1 be In accordance wltb ~d.ay," ;mentioning · that ' , MI~s Glenna Marsh. of Dayton. day afte~oon visitor or f1l1a Min· DinWiddie. IMs8 AJlJ;ba Dinwiddie. Cbarles A. Anderson. Attorney. tbe "'Schedule Gl Prevaillng Houri, b e ttel' spent the week en d with Mre. L u· Die Dodson and MIBs Msrgarel Ed· Dr. aDd Mrs, 'RoberlL AU8t1n, Mrs. Publish 7....:..20-27-8·3 SC h ools are t urn Ing ou t Wage Rotes Ascertained and Declttzen" and be gave the ~eedB of dUe Armitage. w.ards and othe,' triends. termined by The Department of American youth In • democratic Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Maple, uf Mame Stdenatricker and daugbter NOTICE. OF APPOINTMENT Industrial Reln.tlone applicable to Ipclet1 that our soboolll ' try to Mrs. Olive Curl and Dr. Emma Da1ton, were Sunday lUeatB of Dr. MI~a Lila and Mra. Mary Marris, E)lecutor fulfill. Holloway attended 11. W. C. T. U. Emma 'Holloway. _ _ .,_ _ __ State Hlgbway Departmeut Immeeting Friday evening at the bome BUDGE'" NOTICE Estate o~ Charles 11, l?mart. De- provements In accordance with Mlal Mary Brown of near ~prlnl!: " ' bf Mrs. Cora Rlcb and Mrs. ' Reba NbtJ Sections ·17-3, 17·4. IHa, 17·5 and ' Valley. spent Thurslay evening wit.. ce Is bereby giVen !hat rl t'eased. Notice Is hereby given tbat 17·50 oC the General Code of Oh.lo. ' Braddock. MI.. leule Garner. pubic bearinB on I~be Ijudget all WIth ~ enrollment of ninety-two prepared by the lJ(J,aTd of Eduo~· Gra(' Smart. wbose Post Oftllie Mr. and. Mrs, E. T. McPherson. The bidder mUBt submlt wltb Wilbur Clark. ot Lytle, and Mil of Sabina, and -Mrs. Vada Klein. of cbUdl'8l1 the VacaUon Bible School tlon ol the Wayne Local Scbool addresB Is Harveysburg, Oblo, lilY' his bid a certified cbeck In tbe ton Sbeehan of Centervtlle, were WUmington. Were pleauntly en· IEOt With much enthUSiasm I,Dtlatrt..t, Warren Co ~nty, Oblo. for been duly appointed as Executrtll amount of. $579.99. calling on Mr.. Alice Clark TUes· tertalned at dinner Bunda), when Monday 1D0mtlll', at the li'rlenlls the fi8cal year ending June 30. 196(1. of tbe 'Estate of Obarfes T. Smart, Plans and specifications al'e on lUesta of their lister. Mrl, Olive KeeUq Bonae. Young people of 1t'IlI be beld In the office of tbe late of Warren Counly, Oblo, de- file in the department of hlgbways dQ. Min Bertha. BoWD "U a. vlaltor CurL , the KathocUlt church' are talrlnJ an Board of Education of aald school oeased. lind the ofrice of the dlvlsioD dep. Tueedq of Mr. and 1,11'1, Ed Browll lire, Una Hart80ck and grand· lUlU" part In 'he ..rvlre". all10 tbe dl.trlct In the Hlgb School BuUd· Dated this 3rd day oC July. 1950. uty dIrector,. at 8e&vel1cnnL. ID8 ~ ~JIl~lIe, Ob1o, o~ tbe • nabter, IIrs, Gene 1llUn.wu and Bpllcopal cburcb's )'oung tolk8. RALPH H. CARBY, The director reaerves tbe right Min ...,- WrlPt aud 111.. ...... dauchter Linda, of Baton, wen II.... Ow., 1IubD, or IIuon. and s.••nth dQ or 11160. beto reject any and all bid•. Juge of tb~ Probate Court .arat iDtlwant. were TbundaJ SlUlday tftenaon vlalto... or IIIr8. II'UlIHaQlbter aad II'UId80n of (IIudaa at 8 p. m., Oblo Warren County, Obto T. J. nUD. .... Emma Lou La.1I Vtola. HartIock aDd ~ ua4 WMIdQtoD. state. we,. Standard 'l'IID•• C. Donald D1Iatuh. Attorney State Bfrhway Director. . Alma LouIIe Muter aD4 afteJIaGD . . . . . fI6 -:lin. C1 W. B~==;'lINr Pulluab 'l-lHo-l'1 1"I~tl""' .fJaItIM. .' ~ , Pilb1JlJa 7-2N'l
l 8-50 (,«shes
envl~enEtl l~ngg~~\\~a~sY L~ e4Idtha~t
Thursday, July 20, 1950
'United States Ground Forces Sent Into Korea; Uneasy Wor.ld Fears Crisis May Lead to New World War L ________________-:-:-"""::~-_:_-~~-_:_:_:~ CEDITOW8 NOTE . Wh ... oplnt.ol ar. ",,~""ed t .. til •••• oh.m" •• tb.y ... tb •••• ' WI. lorn No>\,.p"po. Unto,,'. " . . . . . nal". • "ad nol " ....... 11" lbt • . n.w.p" p •••1
u. S. F~gtits
Red Amazons
Eight days after the Communists· North Korea invaded United States sponsored South Korea the people of the democrati c nations were breatbJng a little easler, with only an occasional shiver of fear .weeplng down their spines. . Developments In the crl sl~. which could yet plunge the world into World War IU, came quickly after the Initial invasion. . Using tanks and planes whlcb the .outhern forces lacked. the Communists swept through Seoul and wltbin 12 mUes of Suwon. Important air base Of South Korea. , The army ot South Korea made .tand after stand, but could not halt the Russian made tanks and planes These pOker-tacecJ cirls, beld used by tbfi! '''nmunists. Within 48 at a South Korea pardbouse, hours atter ne opening attack were members a Communist South Korea was In a difficult posiperrilla band tha,t cressed the tion and for a time It appeared the border aad which wal ftun,. invaders would sweep south with driven baok. The rtrls salll the,. lesll and less opposition. were ' oomcripted a • ..aerrlna Then clime the historical order of Ilchter. whea the,. proved too President Truman sendJnl United weak to help puU plowa. States navy and air force 'unlts to the aid of South Korea . It wa. fol- EUROPE: lowed two days later with an order sending U.S. troops to the baWe A Case of 'Shokes line. ~ope au1fered a .• evere case of Military 0 per a t Ion. developed "shakes" follOwing Ute outbreak of qulckl;y and with surprisln, ef!l- .the Korean ·confUct. Europeans saw clency. db servers throughout the the hOrTors 'of World War ·1I a8 It world were astonished at the speed proifessed across that continent with which the United States got from east to west, and what th,ey flghtln, forces Into the. field. saw wUl not loon be forg9tten. Following th.e Presldent's tlrst With this memory and a strong order. the air force in Japan and naval unit. in that area, were put belief that Russia had finally come under command of General Mac- from .bebtnd the iron curtain to . Arthur. The planes immediately at- tight World War m. the nerves of tacked Communist troop concentra- Europeans were at the 'breaking tions. tanks and planes. The ' naY)' point for the tlrst week of the crisis. As the situation developed, howblockaded the Korean coast. , Within 24 bours after the sec- ever, the tension eased, but by no 'ond ordef. trooP" had' landed in means van~sbed. Ip many areas. South Korea and were well on their Berlin for Instance. the majority felt World War m bad begun. In war to the front. MeanwbUe. the South Korea other sections the thought perSisted army had rallied and eS.tabHsbed that it was a dangerous ·sltuation. a temporary line along the Hon but with hopes It would not set the . rIver. The Communist army world afire with war. Some of the reac~lons: crossed the river at one 'p olnt and Vienna-Austrians were begtnadvanced toward Suwon. General MacArthur bas at his nIn, to breathe easier after the first dI~salln Japan four U.S. infantry week of war jitters, but there reo: dlvisloDll. conalating of 111,O~ men mafned widespread fear of war. eacb. a number of tanks and beaY)' There wall ·a notable lur,e of IUJUI- Whether or not he will use growing confidence tn the United all of them depend. upon develop- Nations and the United States. , ments within the next week or two, Frankfurt-~e Germans; both observers reported. . east and west. were plainly scared 'l'be Jl)ilItary picture in Korea re- at the possibility of the Korean main. conftised and the ·t uture de- .~ggle ,drawing Europe into a pendl almost entirely upon ' what sho.otlng war. . the Russians decide to do tn the Berlin-War fearl in BerUn apway of aid to the North Korea parently were worse than at the army. start of the Soviet blockade of Ber. Responllble sources report Amer- Un two years ago. Ican and South Korea forces, using tanka, planes and heaY)' guns which '. London - Extremely dJaturbed the United States will provide. over the posslbUlty of war. but ap. should oheck and then drive ' out proved the action" of the United the' Communists. Experience' and States. The thciugbt persisted that RUSSIans are not ready for a material throws the f'ldvantage to the full scale war. . • the democ~acles-that is, It the Soviet Union decides not to take an active part tn the affair. ' UNITED STATES: lit
J '
A~nited Front
More than anywhere else In the world, the Korean Inoldent was upNewspaper readers throughout 'permost tn the minds of Amer!the country for,ot the Korean cri- cans. 'l;here was a great fear ot war III long enough to express horror in aU sections of the country. But ovm:.-.the confession of a 20·year-old most surprising reaction was the Circleville. 0 •• yO\lth who admitted united front presented to the rest lettIng the RlngUn, Brothers oircus of the · world. fire In Hartford, Conn.~ In 1944 that Amerl~ans In every walk of ute Idlled ~68 persons and injured 412 &pproved of President Truman's acotherl_ . tlon. One and all app~oved the declThe youth. Robert Dale Segree. sian that told communism that the also admitted that he was person- United States would stand by Its ally responsible for the slaying 01 commitments and the point bad tour persons. been reached where democracy The youth admitted lettin, be- woUld make a stand against totaltween 25 and 30 major tires · ltarlanlam. in Portland. Me.. between 1939 and Even congren. whicb hall pre1948 and other fires In New Hamp- 'sented a confusing picture of in. conslstencJes during the Truman ahlre and Ohio. He confessed killing a watchman ,administration. approved of the wbo caught him setting a tire tn a ohler executlve'S action. . warehouse In P~rtland. Me .• March , Senator Taft ot Ohio. apparently 18, 1948; a 12-year-old boy. stra'l,led unwllllng to rue above the poUUcal to death on tbe beacb at Cape Cot- view, took the opportunity to detage, Me., in 1943; a 9-yea~-old ,irl. mand the rellgnation of Secretary beaten to death with a atone durin, of State Acheson. Many observers a fit Qf an,er. and a Japanese boy. found bls .enate speech' untlme~. ldlled tn Japan tn 1949 whlle ~eifee HI! demanded the relllDation of WIla In the United States army of Acheso" on. the arounds· poliey occupation. In the Far East had been reverled Segree ,ave tbI.s exp~anaUon ~ completely b,- President Truman the tire.: and he bad, theretore, been operaA tlamfn, red Indian bor. eD1 lll tlng under the wron, polic,.. ,"or a~en. him at mgbt and ' teUs 'thaT' teason be In.uted Mr. Acheson blm to let the fire •. Then bb mind had outllved hi. uleMnesl. g~1 blank and the next thin, be Rep. Vito Mllrcantoli1o, noted for remember. Is that the tires have bb Communist leanlnls. added bUt been lIlarted. The red Indian then voice of protelt, but most people II off hU bor.e. He drives Segree lRre Inclined to consider the lource ., away with taunts apd ' IDeer.. and let It at thal
Admits Anon
RAILROADS: Strike Goes 0. The lovemment alked strikln, A.F.L. IWItChmen to end their waUtout a,alnat five mldwest and we.tern railroads because of the .. ~ rent critical developments'" ariatn, from the Xo~an war, but the railroaders refused. ~ offered to belp .. the railroad move any material the 10Vemment deemed euentiaL · '!'be malOll aaJd the reference to patriot-
11m .•~
OIl JDIu!!.~
A new movement waa leIIn
DRAFT LAW: Boys Must Register
clples." Benry V. Poor. former presidenl elf tha New Yort Youn, Republi. CaD.. said .the troup drafted the "cSeclarattoD !If prlnclplea" a. a bull of ''revltaJ "",-, tile IIepabII. CIa!I ~."
Stareb for cottons call also be hot whereas tor colored garments about whose tastnesll' ot color there is a doubt. it should be cooled Ifter boiling The latter, too ••hould be dried In shade and IIprinkled only a short time betore Ironing. •. It's wise. too, not to ~taClk colol'ed ,armenta too compactly whlle wet 81 their colon may run onto' other clothe. and discolor them. Bere'. a 8oluUoa To Siarchlnl When ,tarching sever'a l Items of clothing. .tarch those whleb you want stiffest first belore the .tarch u used and diluted by the damp.nelS of the clothing. To prevent
A senate subcommittee investigating ge,mbllng throughout the country have released the names of more than 2,000 subsoribers to· racing news '?fIre servioes. : The move was newswortby 10 that It shotild prove "useful" to local law enforcer;nent officials tn combatting gambling. • Senator Ernest W. McFarland. chairman of the oommittee. said bis group had no proot that any particular indJvldual on the list was a bookmaker. He pointed out that some listings-tor newspapers. radio stations aod the Uke-obvlous-· 1y fall outside the iambling realm. But he lidded: ''I believe the majority ot those lJsted are bookmakers." Tbe' commlttee' has announced plans to ho\d bearln,s this ' month in MiamI. St. Louis. Kansa. City and Chicago.
Empio)'lllent in the United State. in .Tune .oared .to the bi;he.t levd reached .lnce, the record month 01 July, 11148. statistic. from the banau 01 the CIllllWl revealed. Alricultural emplO)'lllem rose to 1.*.000 compared with ~oa.OOO In May. NOII8erlculturai emlllo7ment rose b7 '150.000 to a total 01 ,,-,000 . between IIa7 u4 JuD.. J'Qr ~ moatba tile . . .
wblch bas not been used for other laundrY. WhY.? Lint and threads may lodge on the dark clothing, and ls almost .lmpossible to rinse out. Play s'a fe ' by using fresb. clean water for both washing and
Blow to Bookmakers .
Near Record
the Republican partr follo~ a meetln, in Philadelphia of reprelentatives from 10 statea and !alUanco of • "declaratloa of prin.
W.rh l.:I~u i" • boJl • ... ..
WWI. SmlUt and Mrs. SmUll oa" their ,.otea Ib the Nortla CarciJlDa run - oft prtma..,.. Smith defeated BeD. Frallk Graham. ODe or Presldeal Tnman's so~ern .ap.,oJ1era. 'I'he Democratio nomluatloa Is laD$amoant .. e1ecUoD III lfor1la CarollDa•
Sell-Wringing Mop
Delightfully Cool IMPLE. cool-as·s-breeze s~ dress to delight a miss at silt:: to It. Narrow eyelet Plakes a pretty trim on waist top and pocket; brief bolero makes a nice
]Coa can bave IperllUnl cove~·up. noorli aod well-cared baad. • whea ,.ou use thi. Dew type Pattern No. ~D3 I. II lew-rlle perforaled pa ttern for IIu8 e, 8. ID, 12 lind .4 mop which ~s a bullt.in yeors. Size 8. dres., n ', yord . of 35 or :It.quener by . meaDl& of a mel>: bole.o. ~ Yllrd: .yel.t trim. 1 ~ yant. . cbromlqm aUachment for Th. Iprln. and .ummer ~I\SH10N .. wrlbcin« out the water. The . fmlld with Ideas ·for smort. e 08111 mllde ceUulose libers out of which .ummer .tyle'i special fabric newe; frlla paUarD prlntea In.lda the book. 1& cent•. the apoDle la made lciak up to !O times tbelr welilit Ib water. 8EWING CIRCLE PATTERN DRPI'. leavln, tbe floor as dry as a ~ loath W.II. St.. CI,I •••• '. ' III. blottel'. I!!neJoae 25 eeDtI In coin. tor •• ob
p,lIem dulfee!.
President Truman signed the draft bill Into law. It gives him unrestrjcted authority to order tn. ductlons resumed at any time and empowers him to put the National Guard and the reserves on active duty any time he sees tit to do so. The law ruris until July 9, 1951. and males trom 19 to 26 are subject to Induction. Observers were not much 1Urprised at the extension of the selective service law atter the ' Korean incident hit the head.lInes. Before that;· however. congress was In a knock down drag out battle over the ~. When fIr.t conliidered last spring there was con.'lderable doubt that the lawmakers would erant a con. tlnuation. At the UIlnimum. they wanted to limit the President·. powel' to start inductions lOin, again. The Korean .ituation. however. brought about quick ' agreement_
Simple Sundress Is Cooling as a Breeze
Solve Speclal Laundry Problems 8593 . By US'ing Practical Methods"
j"~N ' T.. EMPLOY'.m
. The 1950 tax blU, much to the amazement ot .Washlngton observers, WOIl the approval ot the house of representatives with It top-beaY)' i vote ot 375 to '14, As the measure By Ertta went to the senate. observers were. not making any predictions, SOAK MY COLORED clothe. Tbe bill calls tor $1,010.000,000 .ot overnight before wal/blng. · but 'reductlons In the excise taxes annually paId on furs, jewelry, lug- tbey're never bright... lilY' a disgage. toUet arUcles, admissions. ' couraged homemaker. "Is there a \vay "to wash feather plllows?" communications, tran sportation and "Wbat should I do about washin, m any other items. Tbe revenue Joss. hoWever. is lice trimmings?". All .of these are special launderottset by provisions to increase ,corporation taxes $438.000.001) an- ing pro blems which can be solved nually and close loopholes in other by using practical methods. OrdInary lIiunderlngeannot be used talC laws. Observers were making no pre- for these and other laundry. but dJctions about senate aell.on be- when variations ot basic methods cause of complexltles stemming are used with caution. you cao trom the Korenn war. Many sena- have excellent results. Wb lte olothes. for example call tors have Indicated the tax problem would be muoh different and be soaked for longer periods than any relief might be ruled out if the colored clothes ' because they are situation developed demanding tn- washed in hotter water and may creases In this country's ml,llta17 be boiled, then sun-dried to ' .restore their ' whiteness. Doubtfulbudget. . colored cottons and lInen~ , bave to 'l'Iie Republicans hllve been fight- be wash~ and rinsed , quickly l1e. Ing the measur~ because of the cause you cannot be certain the proposed Increase In corporation color stays In th~m. , taxes. Colored clothes cannot stand tile Also In the tax news. federal revenue In May soared nearly balt hot water necessary tor cottons. They are best when soalJ:ed tor ona billion dollars above that of the ly a halt an hpul' as then the du.ty same rpontb a year ago. wate,r cannot lod'ge tn them, makBut the total for the first 11 Ing it ~celSary to wasb out along months In the fiscal year ending with dirt. July 1 was. sUll more than a bUllon Dark corto.ns should be washed below that of the cOrTelipondln, separatelY, and in . clean water period of the precedtnl fiscal year. the Internal revenue bureau reported. The revenue In May from fudlvtdual and corporation Income taul and from employment taxes wal well up last year. F,'or example, the individual Income taxes colleoted In May were Sl :878. S~7, 644, al compa.red with , $1.604,794,824 in ,May,
House Votes Cut
.' clotbi.nl from having Dake. of stareb on them. keep the starch pan cover~d after bowng to prevent film from torming. Shake out .tarebed garments thorou&bb' before han,lng. just !II d tb l thin :vou would other c o , liP o · er laundr, to "" ellmlnal-e as many wrinkles during dry!ne.
, Blankets IIhould be placed on Patt~rn No. .. ........ .. SIae .. ..... .. two lines. leaving an air space In Name ................ _............. .. betwee.n. Brush tbem gently 'ddr••• when dry to raise the nap and" ............... , ............ .. keep fluffiness Intact. Woolen clothing should be dried Boot. Mon on frames whlcb will dry them in- . A Londoner was visiting an to their original shape. If you American friend who lived in the have no [rame, pat flat on .towelIng while you gently spread It' to suburbs of a large city in the United States. One evening the shape. two men went 'for a waU<;. and Vse Bottle Method whlle passing through a wooded For Laces, FIne Material area heard a strange hooting Those who have traglle coUars sound. "What's that?" que'ried the and outts . .dalnty underclothing, or Londoner. "Oh. just and owl." repieces of lace whicb they hope to plied his friend. "A what?" asked use for trimmings often wonder the Londoner. l'An ... wl .... his friend how these may be washed mOlt ' repeated. "Yes, I know it's an easU.,. with least dama,e to deH- 'owl .... said the . Londoner •. "but cat" iapric. what I'm wenderine ,is what's 'e FlU a quart co!\tainer halt full 'owling at?" of warm water and very ml14 • suds. Place the tine fabrics or Koows Better . lace in ' this 8.lld . shake gently to If a man always lets his wife clean. Rinsing may be s-ecom- have her o\Vn way . U's just pUshed In the same manner. because be tried to stop ber It the materials are too fine even once I to be trulted to this method, bsste 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ the lace or fabric to a piece of muslin betore using the bottle method. Lon, edgings of lace may · be wrapped around a bottle and Im-' mersed In a bowl of sulls. Lilt tqe bottle of lace edging In and . out until clean, then rlnse th~ same way. .. Ecru or cream lace which has faded can be restored to its original color by dipping i.n a weak solution of tea or cottee. Randle Fn.&1Ie Curtalna Wltb Great Care ' Fra,Ue lace curtains need almost aa gentle care as do fine fa/lrlcs . You'U do much toward prolonging . their ute by frequent waShing. rather than ' by letting them be. come veb" Bolled and then BUb"'" 10 IAn So c:riIp, milk malrea jectlng them to v.lgorous washing. it "Snap I Craclil., Since curtaIns gather much du.t. Popl" Good to e.t, be<:aua. or it. shake ul~m . out thorouebly or vitami ..., mineral.. han, them .outslde on the line beprotem.. No woofore washing to get rid of the aurder IrId. we have .,keeS uy they love face du.t. 'Soak for II) minutes beRice Kriapin be.t fore laundering. or aIJ rice cereaIa. . Curtains should be wash'!ld ' b., band lt fragile; otherwue, mlch· ine washing ma,. be used. Drying on' a stretcher wlll save Iron-
When po.sibl~. dry starcbed clothlnl in a .vigorous wind 80 ,they wW be .t·a rcbed but ,not .tlff in~lulng wUI remove their yelloweno\llh to make ~em "Very unn.~- lsb look- DUuted starch sbo~ j)e urllL . . used .lnce most curtalna have For dark cQtton. and Uneos, In .ome natural ·stlffness. Gum ar.place of atarch which ml'ht cause ble Is recommended tor .tlftenln• . .treaklriesa. It's often practical to organdy curtain•. ,et some ' lUJn arabic tor stUten· For curtain, wblch require IronlnI. It gum arable cannot be ob- mI. wrapplnlln a bath towel atter tained, a bit ' of weak tea or ~lulri, dampe~ Is belt 'for d1.tribuUn, can be added to reiular .tarch to moisture !IIvenly. prevent white streaks on the cloth- Windy D.,.. Are Ben . lnI. For Walhlac PWcnps You've never thou,ht of waahA..... Edl'emM .. W&a!Ilnc ' Woelelul aad BlaDkeb . ing yoW' feather plllow. at home? nne woolens 8Jjd wooI.en 'blan- '.tbe,. rea11,y aren't hud to do , •• . llIould be w..hed durinl peclal17 if you pick a ·nice wind7 warm ..eather· and 'WUlY da,.. a. but warm day, as thi. helps dry both are ' conducive to ,ivlDg evod the pillow. easily and' the wiDd results. 'I shakes them 10 the~ dry lIJht and Lukewarm water and very mll4 Duffy. awIa are pre.cribed, and the three . li:mpq the feathers into a musrinM ....ten· whleb foUow washln, lin ba, which Is at lea.t twice the Ihould be the lima temperature .I&e of the tick. Sew to,etluir the .. the watar used for laund~lnI. eeI,...o no feathers can come out. Woole9 and blankeb 'are not Plun,e the ba, of ieathen into .oabd, but U'. a ,oocl Idea to 11ft warm .udsy water and .hake Itatil removal methodl lor spob to clean. which Deed them. Arr/ rubbln.. You ma, also place the pillow. 1t'l'IIIIIDI. ,. twlaUD, or squeezln, Into the muslin ba, ' and Ib motiOllll IIiould be avoided as thue ed,.. to the pUlow' Ucklng, tbUl wtI1 lock wool flbera and cause maJdn, It possible to lIhak. fea. . . . . . aDd. hard tuture. then ·[rom one ba. to the Dtber ~. warm days an woDeler- while wa.hID, them. 1111 far dr7Ia. blankets and woolWaslWl. Iboulcl take IrorA 10 ...... . .. atnmn 01 temper- 15 miJaUte&. lUn•• In warm .,. to . . avOIded both lD .... iii the WlDd and aJI4 tIr7iJII. . . . , frOID time tct tim!.
.... mild al I cf&nttt ....,. '~
MORE PEOPLE .~ SMOKE CAMELS than any other agareHe! . .I
ThurMlay. July 20. 1_
Pirieapple Motif for -Chair Set for summer pick-up work. Pattern No. 8990 oon . lsts of campi... InSlru.uonl male..ID' requJr .. :n~~!~lo.:'s~lc b IUu.tral lon. flALIblA. "rochetln~
Don't mi •• the bill Anno CnllOI A.LBI1II -U's !JUed wllh ' ••• Inallng needle-work sugg.,sllon.. four fre. po ll"rna printed Inside Ibe book. Send :Ill cents todD7.
' Mclny-Gift~l
SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK Ae 8 . . 1lt 1'1'.111 81" Cbl ••u '7, UL
Man ·
Enclole 20 cents lor pallno. No............. .
Lesson for July 23, 1950
•••• e
o •••••• : • • •••• _ ••• ,. I •• f
Addr.... ... ......................... ..
F ' A MAN can .do one thing well, he can usually 1irtd his place In the world. Life being as short as It Youth Wins Bet by Soclcln, Is, and the possibility of misfits Officer, But Goes to Jail . being what It Is, It may also be fair to say that RlPON, Wis. - Robert Stahomany a man who wiak, 19, bet a friend $100 he would does one thing well have the nerve to punch a pollcecould have done man in the nose. He did. something else beiBut the one . punch cost Stahoter, if he had had w~ak $100 fine on an assault and the c han c e. In battery cba.rge, plus $59 costs. Grey's "E leg y," plus six months in the count~ jall. you remember the I line, "Some mute He had a'so been charged with Inglorious Milton 'gambling, but it was dropped. The here may rest." Dr. ForemaD judge also ruled that Stahowiak That Is, In a country church-yard could not be probated or paroled. may rest the bones at some. hired man who, It he had had another Busbpupples kind of start, ' might bave been a ERE'S YOUR favorite pineHushpuppies, 1l0W a favorite world-famous scholar ~md poet like apple design that is joined to- hot bread , are a development, ot a JOhh Milton. . gether to create a 'daisy fresh' cornmeal cake fried in fish fat to ••• chair set. Crochet it in white or be fed to hunting dogs when they . T,iple-Threat Men ecru cotton-handy :leedlework howled. Hellce the name. IiAT In football Is called a "triple-threat man" Is to be found off the gridiron, sometimes, In real lite. Once In a great while Ithere arises a man who no~ only "COUld have done" more than one thing well, but who bel~ause of spe· cial circumstances and opportunities actually. docs many things welL Sucb persons are rare, and far above the average. Ordl· nary mcn lake such n long time becoming ' exper1.s In one Une that tbey simply ~Ion't have time In thclr lives to' be e.'tPert at othcr things too. But there are geniuses wltb mlany sides, or perha.ps ·men glfted with mliny taJents plus an extraordinary capacity for bD~rd work. In our times there Is Albert Schweitzer, outstanding not only as a scbolar but as a mus;ician. doctor HELPS ENGINES WAYS and missionary. The President of Harvard at the present time Is a A Smoother Engine Idle. noted obemlst a~ well as a dlstlngImproved Gasoline ' Economy. ulshed executlve_ Robert E . Lee Increased Electrode Llf•• was a brilliant soldier who also, as ... kcause of In low rot. of electrode •• oa1an. an educator, left his mark on hi's tho noW Aulo·llt. Rell.tOf Spark Plug permill 'Wid.. Initio I gop .. tllnlP ond mok.. , ..... native state to this day. Le1bnltz advantag •• po .. lble4 was a diplomat and phUosopher; S.B-F. Morse not only Invented the telegraph but was a painter of un· usual abIUt;y; the man who thought up the l.d eB of savlnis banks was a minister of the Gospel;; King David was a poet. musiCian, general and monarch.
• Vacation time. is here and many pet owners qre wondering who t to do ' with them while they are at the beach ~r touring the country. Why nottoke Rover 010ng1 Dogs are better travelers than most people - or at least so claims Miss Carol Lone, on expert who ought to know. She's woman's travel director of Shell Oil company and she knows every trick in the book for making travel more comfortable for people , and pets. Here she demonstrates how both can make fine travelillg companions for each other.
• 'Here's what you need (above) to keep Rover happy: a sup~ly of. dog biscuits, ~~ indestructible bone to chew, a sweater or coat for rough weather, on oversize collar tag (left), disinfectant, collar and leash, curry. ing comb and brush, fhiapowder and water and food dish.
icturE' stor
• Leashing a dog to the steering wheel with windows down is a common, and cruel fault of in.xperienced travelers. In a few seconds Rover (left) will slip from the door ancLhang himself. Miss' Lane advises leaving the dog free, with windows open just enough to gjye, him plenty of air.
* *
Samuel the Versatile AMUEL, Judge o( Israel, was another such man. "Jack of all trades but master of none" does not describe him. for hi! was master of whatever he did. He bas gone down In history as an',"',n}",.t__whAt in our tlmel Is a preacher; but this was by 110 means aU. He served hill ,eneration illl other ways al welL ' Be the chief eJiectlUve of the people, klnl' "Uboul the Utle, Thoqh po_lied of dietatorlal Whell durlq • ..... fIl 1IDpol'Qlartl7 he reaiped, IIIIIl dared his orltlcs to prollace ODe ai..,le caRe of dl .. h_eat7 or IT"", UODe __ ltroaCba .CaJDI~ him. H. wall a circuit j'udge, ,olng from one city to another dispensing justice. Be acted a. a lI,riest, Indeed I I the high priest of hU people. We know of one occasion when he led hi. peopl.e In battle, and he was 81 successful as If war had always been, bis business. He wal a king· maker, for God entrusted to him twice the delicate mission of select· In, Israel's king . .
For rainy days alld cool nights a dog ~ right
to comfort, too. Miss Lane recommends a combination blanket and rain cope for Rover. Many pet owners will think the outfit (right) is ridiculous, but it is ' very practic~1 for long haired dogs; By keeping them dry it ,will keep the automobile clean and reduce the odor ot wet fur in the car wh~n bod weather forc'es the traveler to keep the windows closed.
• • •
TImes and the Man strUce olle who read. TWOthethoughts ' story of Samuel. One Is the ~ay his great and many·slded pow· ,era were used tor public service. Put' Into modern terms, he could hav! made a fortune If he had "stuck , to llrlvatc pra ctice" and used bls talents for himself, But at no time and in no ' way did Samuel work for Samu~l. He worked tor God and h.ts country, and he died a poor but honored man. One of the greatest needs of the Dation today Is m'~ D of Samuel's calibre, triple-threat men. We have plenty ot ~l mal1·c alib re bureaucrats, and we have plenty of large-calibre men who a re quite selfish. Bow tew unsulflsh largecalibre men there arel The other thought Is that the times and the man go tog'e ther. t. ma~I's greatness comea III large part from hls appal"
• One ot .... ~rd thlags to teach RoYer II riding obedience: With a littt. disciplin' h.'11 100II team to ~ 011 hll lid. of a lmall handbag or suitcase diViding tile front seat • pic.. tIIrecI aboY.. It Will lllak. Royer hoppy and the driftr, too, A dog fllit dlaot ober, lllat ill, sisti Oft jampin._..... ill th.. car and lato tile dmer'1 laPJ is better off at.... t ... him tit star ... hii side of thllClt and it wll improye the trip tar all cOltCIllltd.It'. an i,Inportant
i!lfm I.
John Milton helped m lake England -:-but En.land also belped make him. Samuel helped nlake llmel, but at lome other ltagl! In hlstor,., b. mllbt ~ve lJved' IIUld died a COUDtrJ prlelt. Let DO mall thiDk blmself lelf· made: Dot even a lI'ea' maD. WIthout tile God wjlo. endo\llra him with hIa aUtI. witbou& , tbe &lmea that can forth the .uts. even &be moat lifted .brlDJr to little or lIothh1J.
Tbe choice, rich.taating tobacco used In Prince Albert i. crimp cut for us.i<lir ratline of neat cipretteL ~ ~e humidor-top keeps P. A. fr8th. THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE
More Men Smoke
THE MIA MJ GAZETTE EI tabll.h.d 1850 PAUL A. 8CHERER ........................... Editor and ~ubll.h.r CECILIA J. SCHERER ................. .. ... Secretary lind Treaaurer
or No.4
In the 'State of OtIlo, at 'the CI~e of Bu.lne .. on June 30, 1950 ' Publl.h.d In Re.pon.e To Call Mllde By Comptroller of the Curreno)" Under Section 5211, IU. S. Revl.ed S'tatutes
om e~ will :1y that K rea offer no military tar- · gets valuable enough for use of the l1omb-bu! there IS use for the bomb tl1 ere. urely th e quick ending of the war and the saving of thousands of American boys live would justify the use of the bomb. Maybe the munition manufacturers would ha ve us prolong the w,ar <> they could line their po ket - with gold.
Tractor. ._. Epuipment TRACTORS Baker 160 H. P. on Rubber - Ideal for belt work. AlII. Chalme ... W~. with Cultivator. ' and 'mounted laW. Ca.e D,C. with Cultlvatora. 1938 John Deere A-with Plow and Cultivators-new ·rubber. 1941 John Deere B . 1946 John Deere A-light' and .tarter-wlth or ' without cultivator•• 1946 John Deer'e B-N.W\ Cultivator•. Hart Parr Row Crop-with plow. Oliver 70 with .tarte~ood rubber. These traoto... ~ave been IMpected and put In flr.t cia •• con. dltlon by our ekperlenced mechanic., and are guaranteed.
John Deere 2.ro~ Corn Plcker-u.ed two yea .... John Deere No. 101 .eml mounted Picker-wlli . fit any tractor. Mlnneapoll. Moline 5 ft. 'C omblne, with motor. Ma"ey Hurl, Cor". Binder-like new. Papee; 16 Inch Sl10 Flller ' wlUl plp_A-1 condition. 1 H. C. Mounted Picker for F-20 or regular Farmall. Several good uHd Plow.. ' John Deere 10 Inch Ham'mermlII. Leu No, 330 8110 Filler and Roughage Mill. Avery Side. Rake-cheap, for repal.,. only. Oliver and 1 H.C. Farm wagon .gear. Brown Wagon g.a!'-Cut down for tlrea. , Corn Elevator--S2 foot. John Deere No. 56.H 3·12 Plow, hydraulic cylinder, depth ,control. Deer.e anti McCormlck·Morae Mowe,... All Our U.ed Equipment GUARANTEED aa Repreeented and Priced Right. See U. For Your Needa - Trade·ln • . Accepted
6.79!1. !l
No ne None Non ~
-----_______ _______ ._______ ____ __ _ 31.97 1.6 ~ 3,
Prayer Meeting 'nnd Bible Study CAESAR'S CREEK FR.IENDS ' . Wednesday, 8 P.M. '1 . ee Partington, Mlnlster I' Worship Sel'Vlce, 10 A.M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST Sunday School, 11 A.M. T. M. Scaf(, Mlnlater Sunday Scbool, 9 : 30 A.M ., E. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS /!! . Earnbtut. SIIOt. Worship Service, 10:110 A.M. 1"lrst Day SchoOl, 9:30 A.M. Evening Servloe, 7::10 P.M. ;\1 e tlo ~ rOl·. Worship, lo :tlO A.M.
.:•...-....-..I~I_ .,__,.-..,....U~~J_~...:.... _ .l_ . ' _ .,_ jl....~ _,..-..,.... I~._.._ .,.........'. .
75,000.00 ::!1,6'77.05
M~MORANDA asslg'd to 8 cure lIab. nnd fol' other pur,
»sets pled~ed or 293.931.25 (a) LOans BS shown above are aUer deductloll or \'e\'. or None (b) Secul'. all 9hown above are art r tl educt. of res. of one S,late of .Oblo, County oC Warren, as: . • , Jnme/l E. Jones, cRsWer of lhe above-ullmell bnn .:. do so lemnly In\ ear tbat the above Btatement Is lrue 10 the best of illY I Iluwletl ge and belieC. JAS . E. JONES, Cashier Swom to and s ul>scrl bed bl\fol'(' me Ih lls 17t1f tlay of July, 1950. L . H . Gordoll, Notary Public (Jorect-A.ttesl. ROSS H . flAJl'rRO K .HOWARD URII'A 8 nEO J. WATElRHOU E Directors.
Armitage &Son
~~~ · ~ ! ~~_
.UOO,,,, V.IIA"". 'ASY.rO.OlUAn. Stop In and ·l.e the OUblandlnll "_
Especially For Farms
II'IUN4UlIlD lractor mod.I •• 11 "... lavl_1I attachment..
.Roy E. Smith .
PHONE Centerville 7056
Of 11Uno~
Bobeft-B. Osborn
To Se~ve the Need. of Thl. 'Comnhlnlty In ALL LINES of
Route 73 Eaat of Route 48
•• AM .ERIOAN . FARMERS offer. !l ·new, lo,w-c:o.t pl.n for .writing .automoblle In8!1rance.
On other tyP" of ca.ualty In.urance
protection, American Farmer. can .how aubatantlal laving. to
General ·. Repair.ing'
Ita policyholders.
...... .
For Security, Service and Savipga ,
. At the Butcher Shop
$ 7 . 45
1""--------------------3 ; NOW! ANYONE leaN HAYE .HOT . ~ ,
. ~ II.. Electric Portable Water H..w BeaU I Gallon Oold 69" Water k> Hot
'1COIT~n~~;n;~;;~OO I
M",..,ly pi""" " F.~ST-\\, A" I:'ortabl. EI""~. W.... Beater lD ~OI)ta~le run tnin ina: wate r. PI_. .~toDeU_, .. .."ri. _ke. /I.' flo'r \\·.~l'BRo=:
Tboueand8 UN for batldo14. ww.lllo;, Clloth _ i 5 haoda aDd , ..... lha.inK.•I..",in~ ,,-,n milk eanl, waterin. "tucK.. ett' Speed d .. q ..... t.i&y, CO!DP8re wilh " ·e ...... · - burDeI'. Na tInI
10 buUd. DO Hot ... ter to (""rry - no ruW. . ad dowD .1a1~ DihClio, .. furnU;rlC;.J - read _ 0U0w bel.... u.iq. Haadyllou_vel COa...... IFar
iig ..e
,Firestone Tires
0 II
I c
WIJDe~le Fmitare& AII'laac.
Rt. 48, 5 ml. South of Centerville.
. 6I
. Spring/tela
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Remember when was cheap? W h y~ the butcbers practically laVe It away. No w,onder you thought nothing of feedIng It to the oat. But once It was found t~ be full of -vitamins . . • weH, to~lay Y.OII are lucky to be ohle to alrod it at .all. Remember?
... _ _ _ '- _ _ _
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Ex.cutor STOCK Estate of Howard E . Hatha.way, Borses $2.50 Cows $2.50 Decllased. All Stock R.moved Dally .'Notlce Is hereby given that ~_ _ __ ..:,-~.aqItl-Of'--8fI'taU~--G""'-Goliect . Mabel Hath!'-way, wh.oBe · Post Of· lIce address Is Waynesville, Ohio, Xenia 454 bas be811 duly . appointed as ExecXENIA FERTlJ..lZER utrix of the Estate of Howard E. Dlvilion of Inland Productl, Hathawa.y, late of Warren Cotplty, Oblo·, deceased.. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~I Dated tbls 7th day or July, '1950. RALPH H. CAREY, Judge of tbe Probate Court Warren County, Oblo Charles A. Anderson, Altorney Publish 7-18·2()'27
·TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT , .____________ .. ____ _
aant., Implement COll1pany
__ _
LYTLE METHOD IST ' G HU~CH METHODIST CHURCH 301,0 9.13 J, ' \ V. W cdg wo ntl, 1l ll ls ter . H. I';. nUII~hll. Palll"r 71<1,157 .82 ~b\lrth Scbool, 9:30 A.M., Mr. 1I11i1'Jf1d Sorv ce, 9:46 a. m. 267 ,000.84 Harold Earnhart, SUpt. 40,00 ,00 Wurs li lp S"u'viue, LO : Slt A.M. ST. MARY'S EP ISCOPAL YOUI h Fell owR lllfJ, 11l1r1ul'. 7 : U,1l 4,500.00 , !til Hev. S mull I N . ~ ),8, lI ecto : P.M. 456,659.26 ,' IIII/IIIY: 1I0ly ·OIlUll Il Uloll. ~ 11. 'U. 22,601l.00 1'1illllll'}, <'Il1ll'I! " school 10 :30' a .m . 'FERRY CHURCH OF' CHRIST ( , \gl'8 0 tit l'oug-h X ) Jlyro n Carvtll', Mllll l:Il r \ ull it Wors hip, 10:30 u. . 10_ Non IJIble . School, 9:80 A.M. Morlling Worship, 10:80 A.M. Prayer Meeting, 7: 00 P.M. Non UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH . one ,"Olll1g People's Meeting, 7: 00 WIIII.lJn · ShaullOll, 1\I Inlster None Ev ulog Sorvilles. 7 :30 P.M. Suntlny SellOol, 9:30 .\.M., Mra. Jllmes Garrlsoll, Supt. . !'reachlng. lilt. auu :ll·d. SunWAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF (I:\y!! of eatl'. month. 10 : 30 A..M. CHRIST '. M . H. Cort y, Minister J.o:velllllg Servl 'es, 'l ::10 P.M. 1,1:17,726.:13 Bible Scbool. 9: 30 A.M. 22:1.263 .12 lomlng Worship, JO ::lO A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE C'HURCH . .Il.".G2.6u Yo un g Pe ople~' Meeting, 6:46 F ather n. fl. i<rumholtz, Pastor 238,3 2..13 P. ~1. MILliS s. nnd 10 A .~1. NO lie l!;vG ning,ScrvIO , !l:IJO P . M.
C,6iPITAL ACCOUNTS Cnpl llli SlOck : (a) Clnss A: pr f. tot. par $ NOI ,l·eUr. vilille $ None (Rate of div. on retlrable "lIlue is __._'/0 ) (b) Class B pre t., tot. par $ None, reUr. valu(· $ None (Rate ot dlv. Oil retlrable ,'ttlue is _ -. '1,) (e ) Common stoc~, total par $75,000.00 Su rplus _. _____________________ ______ _____ ______ ____ _ Un di vided profits ______~ - __ __ __ ---- _ _ _ . __ __ . .._ TIe'sel'vee (and retirement account for PI' CelT d sto k) _
Complete Line of BULLDOZER EQUIPMENT, .HydraulLo !Controlled Tool. Available For Thl. ew, .Crawlet Type Tractor
__ '-_' __ _____ _
LIABILITIES Demand d epOSits or Individuals, plil'lilerahips. aud corp. .Tlme deposita o·r individuals, partn rablps nnd COI·p. _ Deposits of U. 'S. Go,'t. (Including post.al savings) __ [Jeposlla o't Slate!! IIlId political subcllvlslon s _________ _ Depoalts of banks _____ .:. ____ ~_ __ __ _ _ _____ • __ ~---- _ Other deposits <certified oud cashl I" R cbecks. etc.> _ TO'l'~L DEPOSITS ____ _.. ----_____ $1,6'l7,624.-12 8111e ill1.yII ble, I'ediscounts, and olb I' lIabhlltles fOJ; borrowed ~oney _____ ---____________ __.. ----___ _ ._. __ MOI';tgllge!! or olh r liells, $ None On bnnk pl'emlsll$, nJld - $ None on otber relll estate __ ._ .~ ______ ________ _ Accept. executed liy or tor acCOunt o( thi s bank and out. Olliel' liabilities ___ ____ _________.. _. __ . __ .. __ ___ _----,.---
See the New John Deere M.C. Crawler Tractor on Display At Our Store
The Wayne.viIIe National Bank of W.ayne8viUe
for om of 0111' alrea dy immensely rich chemical companie , and a few multi-millionaires, or are they going to be used ' for what th ey should he used forto hold over the 'head of any aggres or nation to put a quick end to an unjustitfied attack on al1Y nation by ~ comm uni t-controlled nation'- lIch as is ~he case now in Kore a.
.IlJl Y ;!O,ltHo
Report of the Condl tlon of
A8S.ETS Published Every Thursday Morn1nl Cash. ballUlces with other banks, 1nolndl.ng resel'\'e bal· at Waynesville. wnrren County, Ohio once. and cash Itema in process ot collection _ _ _._ $ Elnlel'cd ns second class mutter at , S. Government 'obllgatlons, direct a.ml guaronteotL _ Obl1$'atlonll or States and pollticlI] sllbdl vIij\ons ______ _ the postornce at WaynesvUle, Ohio. OLber bonds, notes, and debentures ,, __ ... ________ ____ _ Corporate s~ocks (Including $4600.00 st,l)ok o( Federal Reserv Bank) ________ _______ ____ _______ :.. __ __ __ Subscription Rates-$1.60 Per Year, In. advance, In Ohio, $2. eiliewhere Loans and dlscoul1ts (Including ,723.29 ovel·dro.fts) __ . Blink premIses 0' ned $1 ,500. furniture IIml flxtl1r(, R__ (Bank prem ls NI owned are BuhJel'l to· $ one li ens not assumed by bank) WHY THE BOMB? H eal estate owned ot.her than bank premlses___ ___ l U" eslments lind other assets Indirec tly r(' pres IItlng Why did we b~li l ct th ~ atomic bomb? Why bauk premi ses or ' other ren'l c!!tate ______ __ ~.:.. ___ _ did we sp nd billions f dollars on its origin and det:uslomers' liability lo this bank 011 Ii . 'eptnllces oulsLa nd. I her Assets _______ _____ __ --__________ _____ _ __ '_._ velopment'? Wa s it to make miJlion mo(e dol~ar
THUR DAY JULY 20, t 95ll " 9-- ' - ' -
U _
Ing to thew. 1 ull1 glad tbat Dinah , or Ml'ij, Burncll t d ldo't corne !llon g, 1'118 r lj.llpberr loH arl' ulmos t gOIlO, unother day or two and another quart or t wo andl tbe y w1ll Ls KODtI, ~verY' year during the rasp· A Farm Diary bony season I 'bake It rll.s\Jhen ,v ,By D. J. Frazier cake, "My, but tb .. t ' 8 good, I 1.-...-. .....~~.-..~I.-..-_._.41_.•:. HeVel' ln Rt etl orlB Uk that bef9re. " JUL'Y 17, 195'0 Sumnul I' 1'1'1101'1 'That's What 0110 01' t h e boys sal; ,\'eatbe l'. Anothe r week or coni w hon I guv h Im- a piece, I makll ",eith er. Jlt l eulll coo l at ni ght lhn· a plalll Lwo egg cake snd luld t ~vO' ugh warm in , t,h dnytlmo, 'foliay CUfJ S ,or bla ck 1'1Ispbol Tles- to tbe looks stot'my [ind thel' lmve 'u e ll bu,lle l' 011(1 bake as u ~ ua l . r uSU· a few s ho wery days tbat ha v, 1I0\fl all y make 0: cl'eam cake, It I s . SO back the com bluing, ' W e hope,1 asy to mak e IC you have yoU!' own to do ours FI'lelay but showol'{I Oil creatlJ I t. R ems more 8'e081bl e thun T hUl'lldn y put us Cartbel' llown th e chUrnin g b'utto\' and tben adding line and w e ILre stili wultlng , They milk to make cak e, '-
say thnt UI wheat tbat Is coming In Is too IIlolst. and Is being docked In price. OUl' sweet corn Is bogln· In g t.o , Laasel but Ul e "eOI)l e who got. the irs In ellrller aro beglllln s; to b'n v it. to c at. The 'new moon brough t In Il crop babies, W h aven' t been abl e t ... fi nd DIDlLh's lIlt lens y et, In f acl, we do not know wbe l la el' th oy 111'. ' Illlve 01' not. One oC tbe little du k s tbat tbe old du ck b roug bt ol'f the neat, hi rul'eady gono, sit ch a clIte little yellow one, Slle had a ye llow one and a brown ' one IInli sho llroDllll ly look them d own La III pond and gave th m n. swim. I t WIll; ,fun to see t.hom. tile whi le d uck ' Ilull th e brown dl'ake lind th o lit· tle yellow one nnd the IItUe bl'own one, Thon Ule Big '1'wlll h ll.(\ it nice J el'sey helfol' cult, !llIch a big ~ong· I O'gged '6ulf, And all nf t r·, noon the screene d porch was fu ll o t b,nby wren s. [ l eft tllo door open and finally got t h em all o,ut· side, One of them mansgell to go up and Ollt the brokon 1l111.Ce In th e screen wh I'e the old onos came In und, out , bu t the others' were having t l'ouble and tbe old one,8 were hopping aroulld und talklng wren ta lk to Ul em , On"! little fellow hopped. Ull on th e pedal of the blcycl wh i ch W09 wSl'd they were nI l' OUl of sigh t. In the trees and bushfls though I could st1ll heal' Mama Wren tall{.
WIre, . .d'~ve, AD
organJaatlon second to none.
Strictly sellers on best al1' - around market In the Ule country .
For Dally Market Reporta : WHIO Dayton , 12:60 E,B.T. Dial 1300; WLW CinCinn ati, 1240. Dial 700.
( ~~..~
I ~
~~ l
HO W TO ,M OV E TO "EA SY STREET" " Life is a 101 easier when you have money in the bank. ' You wotry less and smile more often~. You can begin with a few
New and "Recapped --- $8,.95 , ,' $2.00 Trade In Allowante Lubricating Service Firestone Accessories Opel 5;30 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunda)s 7;30 a.
.. Texaco . .~~
pay day, Open an accoun t and what a lift it gives you 10' have cash in the bank. doUars on
Waynesville National Bank .
to 9 p m!
,,~ Bo b Se rvi s
fr - - - - -
Wa yne svil le
..... _ _ '~I~~~..-.u-"'U~
I ~.!
geno l'al woy 1 have alwsys
known someth ing of Quaker ways Ilnd beli ef s Ulld u,s 'WlI YIIesvll1 has a stl'o ng QlIItker commtl nlty I have be II soonow hst In tOll ch with them but willi ! I len ew was just an 1m· pl'eMslo n 8 0 I hllve boen much Ill' lel'psled In I' adlng "Quake rs In lh e MOllerl1 WOI'III " by \Vllllom Wl stal' omfol't, whlch I picked up In OUI' IIbl'llI-Y 't h e otber day (and
IIOW TO MEASURE ABILLION -FEET OF NATURAL GAS You've hl)ard of civil and mechanical engineers, but have yo~ ever heard of a gas measureme nt engine er? It is a specialized world we live in, and this is a new profe~ion that has grown up with natura l gas , pipe lines. Gas meas urem ent is a skilled profession, and it has developed "tools" which are a marvel of pr-ecjaion. Here is how 'thel tools" easur e '" three- quart ers of a billion cubic feet of gas each day on
S,l(TIll"FTE88-1-~,..~~e~I~neh Lines.
Batter.ies Fi re sto ne Tir es
Qlle hftlt' hip. Ilfi lt , 'l'wo l evel t RI). baklll g powdel', Beat well anrl IJake In a mod ' I'oto ooy n. For ra s p· b I'I'Y cake adtl two CliPs of rasp· be rr ies to t he batter.
_ _ .. _ __ __
One cup medluU l cl'eam On e cup BUg SI' (he ,ping it YOH like yom; caito r ich lind sweet,) , t.wo eggo
On t; and three·ro ul't h s cups flour, sifted,
I ~'-
Measuring With A Hoi. At station s along the lines are
It ie rs ' G ar ag e' MAIN 4 MIAMI STS ,
PHONE WAVNE S. 2341 , I t. III lr~le re:\U lIg
t.o find s lIch ~ pl'e s entntlon of tit/! woys and bUIll<- h 'lI ers at OUe of a liI' grOU[l
g OOl}
or 1I0Igl\bOI'6.
Hes ja LEitE
Being a "level~~' may ,mean I the exacting job of levelling new equipment ;;.on:"_~I111""'" the h\ch Lines. That' s wnat the skilled foreman above is doing ~ith a sigt} language all1!is 9wn. "'But it ~eans bei~g "o~ ~ the level" with others. It, is as that kind of "leveler" that Texas Easte rn and ,the men ~nd women who opera te the Big Inch System strive to do a good job as citizens of your ~ounty., .
"leveler). also
scores of "orifice meters ." The innard s 'of these meters con1:::~l'Il11ll11l1l11m llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lIll11lmllllllllllmllmlllllimllilll tain a heavy alloy steel plate with a hole 80 accura tely ma.~ chined, its edges'cut like a razor. The meter s measu re.the ~ press ure of gas passi ng throug h this hole and translate it into a 'pen line on a recording chart. These , charts , from New T_ yoar pra\.c1iall, Ca•• rs York to Tesaa. e sent to a pore"tl, childr." U~~!r-~~~(:eiiLfiiliJ:;;ftl!~. Th::J h Poyo •• pen"1 10 s5:ooo each ' ' e2'e anot er persOIl. Iro,od benlfih - low machine scans the. ink . lines COil. 'olll1\y ~,o, Indiyldual $5, and ·converts .~em into numlUll IACrs . r 'H~Nf ' -R. W..BIVd>DO€K, '-fibers of eubi~ feeL'F rom t~eset Ph. 3323 1W.Y\.e sville gures engme ers Iearn JUS how well the pipe lines are doing their job. FIIIM BUREAU MUTUAL NORRI S' BROCK COMPA NV
P rot ec l ,
omu -
co. '
Willlcllillg Gas Miles Away On Texas Eaate rn lines, a new type of equipment is being installe d as a furth er aid to dispat chers and engine ers in regula ting the, flow of gas. This is the autom atic telemeter which permi ts one man ,to see at a glance the records of many measu ring station s located mile~ apart. , ,
rhe ' ~;ght
Touch With Heavy Equipment
Company crews are busy the,ye ar round ;adding new refinement's to the Big Inch alid Little Big Inch pi lPerlinesso that they can do better their essential job of carryi ng Jnatural gas. Install- , ing a new valve (above) calls for skillful adjust ment to the, fractio n of an inch j y~t at the same' time the work must be' , done at top speed so as not~ hold t~e traffic. It requir es a light but sure touch. ' _~ _ _
.ADd. po4 ~.'tr. U )'eu'. JI1dt loob 'tr0l1l
Jut aDA
.b&bb), I SUd 1& to ,u - we'll ..... IItoN that trim, aaart lOok. ,mab 1& ~Il 1IIre ..,.,
. Check, dou ble check,'double check While the welt.lerwait. to fini sh h is job on a llew val ve, the forcmn:n do ub le checks hi judgm entwit h a ~ pil'it lev&LG1'eat care ' is taken in C6ns.tt'lictiol1 on the lnch Lh1es.
T exas Easter n takes equ al C:He 'in f ulfillin g
its obligations as a loc",1 tuxvay er'and citizen of your county.
L .. -
Thursday, .July IO,-use
THE MIAMI G.AZEl·!'E WAYlNIrElmLLlE, Private Relatlonl
The Home Workshop
RI~ llh __ "So
Frames for Every Occasion Make One-Piece Frames To Serve All Pu rposes
Farm Safety Week
signs on plywood and cut out· with a fret or a jig SBW,
• • •
Observance in July
..... " ............f
Fifteen Simple Rules Of Safety Outlined National Farm Saiety Week will ' be observed In the United States during the w ~k ot July 23·29. The annual losses represented by farm accldenls and fires are estimated around one bIllion. To reduce this onormous loss, 15 simple Frames All In One Piece rules are ouUlned for Farm Safety N APPROPRIATE frame for Week : every pUrpose, ' and flO diffi1. Keep walkways and steps In , good repair, unobstructed and weU cult corner joinings. Trace the delighted; 2. Keep ladders In good repair and easily acceSSible in ca.. ;ot ~mergency; 3'. Always stop a machine before unclogging, ' oUlng,
the s~ and reports every time you l re hugged?" Mi1dred-'''Yea, he'. a regular . them IJttl,~ press agent."
P a ttern ,301 live. .ctual"lt~e de.t~. j'.~~':r~~c~ow to iii Sl••• and b!,ck ns . IVORKSUOI' I'ATTEltN 8ERviOe Or"wer .n n.dforil 11111 •. N ...
-. HA-RSH·LAXAnVE bAYSONLY AMEMORY NOW "Wish I had hear~ of wonderful ALL-BRAN 26 agol Haven't ne'Cded a 8i1l/116, since I sthrted eating ALLn :RAN regulllrlyl'~ M.rn. H. B. Taylor, 1804 Rtd~ Avenue, Coraopo!Js, Pa. JII.8' Iln4 of 1natlf) "molic-
ired Ie/1m frrmt ALL.BRAN meral I£ lJOU
Are YOtl troubled b" dlatnA of teDUlle fun.c UOolll p e rlodlo dlBturb.
Herbie hides under
suITer from c6nstipa~ tlen due to lack of di(!tnrr bullckdo this: an ounce or CriSPY ellogg's ALIrB RAN duily, drank plenty of waterllf not CU1nplekly satisfied niter 10 days. return empty .carton to Kellogg'!!: B~Lttlc Creek, .Mich. Gat J,)OUBL~ YOUR MONEY BACK I
aoc,",? Does \bl. make you suller froln pnln, f".,1 80 "ervoua. ttred-tlt 8t10n tImet? The n utar\ taklngt.Jdlo. E. Plnkhatll', Vegetable Compou.n,d about t!,n day. before to reUeve sucll 8ymptoml. Pinkham'. bat a grnn.d soolhlos elTect on one 0/ wolnan', 111.0" Imporlanl Orl/llml Truly the \\lOmRn". friend t
lYDIA E, PINKHAM'S g,y'E,'::i~·
Planning tOr the Future? Buy U.S. Savings Bonds!
How IIIJd CIa I clpntte .1
.MORE PEOPLE (~ low She Shops "Cash and Carry" SMOKE CAMELS than any 0.WIthout Painful Backache
. . we 1M older. _
aad """a, aeruoo, .. ..-Iv••",oklD, or upooure to cold 1O",.tI",.. lion do,", Iddnq lun ... tI .... Thlo mAl' lead many Ialb to ..,m· pIaIo oi naniDI ba.kach". IoU 01 pep and eoorv, hndacb .. aad d luln.... G.ttlal up Dl, bta or Iroqueot p lllaapo ma, ..... ull lrom mlDor bladdOl Irrlta"oIU due ~ cold, dampo_ or dl.tan' lIldLocr.Uo .... . 11 ;rour dlac:omlorta are du. to th_ ea_ doo't willt. tI'J/ Doan', Pill •• a mUd dlurotf.. U..d IUceeMfully b1 million. lot ovor 60 YO.rL WbUo th_ Iymptom. may o(tan otb.rwl.. oec:ur, Ir, ama.ln, bow maD,. Urn.. DOaD', IIv, bappy r.II.Ibelp tho t5 mUM .01 kldaey t)&beoo and nlt.• ra Qual> ouc .a~te. Oct D"",,·. Pilla todayl
other cigarette!
lind among tilt milliolU 111110 ,lo.M
BELLAMY Famous actor' "Thllro·. no room for thro(lt irritation In ShoW bUlIl. noss. It·s mild Camels tor me! They taste swOlI -thoy agreo wiUa my thront I"
Don't Be Satisfied With Only Temporary Re/;ef~ Now If ' ·s .P ossible To ..
or adjusting. Keep all macblne gUllrds and S;lfety devices I.n pia ce; 4. Don't we(\r loose ' and floppy clothes around machinery; 5. Start tractors smoothly nnd turn comers slowly-avoid ditch banks and sott ground-always hitch to the ' drawbar; 6. Speak to animals when approachlng them; Keep them calm by acting with calm seU assurance yourself; 7. Always keep bulls In safe bull pens. Neve.r handle bulla unless they are properly restrained; 8. Know lind obey aU traffic laws; 9. Keep your back straight and 11ft heavy loaas with yoW' leg muscles; 10. Use the right. tools for the Jobmake sure they are in good 'conelltlon"':'keep them In 'a safe place; 11. Give prompt attenUon to even minor injuries; . 12. Keep gUns unloaded ex~ept when actually uslna: them: n. Don't use kerosene to start fires; I 14. Don't smoke around the barn: 111. 'Never sw,lm alone. Never dive I Into water without first determJnln, . the depth. -
D E Fie lEN C I E 5
B• ,
'h'$' '0.
lin. ~ p, of M'-'f. 'I am I bave started on the third bottle of BADACOL. I never liave talten
• medlolne that helped p!e like IlADACOr.. I don't have neuritis aches ot pains .tnoe I took the ftrst boUle. I
Bla't old ana '
Hoe Safer Than Spray' For Gardens, Report The U. S.. ,department of agrlcul· ture advises a,ainst Ulin, a chemical weed kUler in the home ,arden to avoid mo~e dama,e til. ,aIn to I the ve,etable crop. In a recent bulletin, the depa.r t- . ment reported spra)'ln, with chemIcal weed killerl ta eUelrtive and a work-aaver' If done with care to avolel InJury to ve,etabl... In the borne ,arden, roWII are eto.e and' leveral of the favorite larden crop_tomatoea and beans, for example-are bJlhly lensltive to weed kWbi, chemlcala, ' . In a famll1-ltzed ,arden the Job of uain, a boe or cultivator would . probably take ' Iell time than to I!pra,. with a weed kWer since the chemical must be precisely me..• ured and mixed and the equipment thoroughly cleaned afterWardl, the' department pointed out.
Back.Savln, Brush
The Creator of The Famous' Medicine Which Has ,Helped So Man" Thousands of Men, Women and Children l
GET THAT WoNDERFUL · One of the ha r dest jobs ·or the housewiie Is scrub bin g, as it necessitates her getting 011' ber knees. Use a labor·savlng helper and obviate. tl;tnt everlasting scrubbing floo rs on the it is made of an o.rdinary 2'1.. by lO·inch fibre brush by attaching a block of wood to the top. The blo ck is ] '>2 Inches thick and 2\2 inches wide and 9 inches long at lhe bottom and beveIed to 7 lnches at the top. The cor, n'ers are rounded. After the block is planed it Is attached to the brush at both ends.
Learn, Obey Farm Safety Bules. NFSW Theme \
The background for National Farm Safety Week, to be observed July 23 to 29, is a picture blacker than It net!!i be. It includes (lIl annual 17,!IOO fatalities from accidents. anel I,!IOO,OOO dlsabIlng injuries; AI10 about 85,000 bulldin,l are deItrQ7ed by fire. The annual 10••• , much of It preventable. Ja uUmated a' about ODe bUllOD do1lus. "Learn aDcl J'U'ID lafev Rule... Ja tile ibeme.
This wonderful; experience which lung~(even to the eyes, hair and these folks had from taking HADA,- nails)-to help repair the damage CQL might very well bapPen to you such a deficiency may be causing if you suffer from vitamin B I , B 2 , nia- there, Countless thousands are benefiting from HADACOL. Why don't cin and iron deficiencies, . Don't Be Satisfied With Ttitmporciry Rellcafl you. give it a chance to help you? Why Today, in this modern age, wise peo- continue to suffer? Remember' HADA'pIe are no longer satisfied with taking CAL doesn't . gi.,e tempor-ary relief- . products which just give temporary 'rather it treats the 'real cause of your relief. Because now' it's possible to ijlness when, as so often, it's due to treat the CAUSE of . such siel.m ess sueh deficiencies. That's. w}i~ it's so with HADACOL. And so important- eff~ctive - why it's accomplishing . ·continued use of HADACOL helps such amazing results. , BE FAIR TO YOURSELF ' prevent such miserie:s and distress , You -owe it to yourself-you pwe it to . ~ from coming back.. · . your family to give HADACOL a trial. HADACOL Has Benefited Countless Don't delay. . Thousands HADACOL is sold on' a strIct moneyHADACOL .also help~1 build up the hemoglobin I· con~t ()f your hloQd back guarantee. You can't lose a pen(where Iron is needed)1to carry these ny and you have everything (that precious Vitamini and Min~ tQ wonderful, wonderful HAD A COL every organ and every part of your feeling) to gain. Only $1.25 trial size. body-to tlte he~ Jq.dneJ* ~d Large family or hospital size, $3,50.
HADACDL .... .. ¥&I
'l'b1irlday, July 20, 1950
liE AT lIarll~~ome 1I.o<>orl •• ; nlca "a. h lIu8lneu[ compelled to .eU due to W h onllll . I'll U1p '. M . . , M.rkel, •• W. CIa •• oh 8t .. Now a rk, Ohio. Pbo .. e 9781. MOTOR C.ur'. l.a U, and ho me; on bea cll ; '17.500. D. R. Whllebo.d. H." D.lv •• Cb ...loll. 1I • • bo. , Fllorld ...
A. K .C.
Aleo h 0 ,Iar,ea'i c s
bloodllae.. worth Ihe money. Moll. female. 410 E . Fourtb St. . 0' •• 0,,111 •• O. COLLIE~.
of pro.... 'r.atm."'.
l'e ll.U· N •••. Snble. 195.00 each .
F .O.B. Excellent .b loodllne. Other breeds avoUable •• Ia le your wanl. Millsap. Do· m .... e Animal ' C o.~ ttn . BelmoDt Blvd ••
'N . . .. vlll • • T on n.
BIlCItEY E-2·row culti v ator: 6 H.P. lIuloUn. on8lne. 81! H9S0, W. F . K . "n ody. Blu A. h. Obi • . JOBN D EERE outOIlHltic pick u p hay buler; I y.ar old; goad. Phone Shnlldon 2639, Leo Willhelm, Mt .. n ."I'hy. Obi • . R. R. ~. H V8·KEE ' Tractof" To ol Dtut".. Ke nv y a tec'l; larKe s ize l or big tool8 : low priced Order from d eal er . or write lI e t.1 Box Con\p~ny. V.. lp ~rAI . o, loci.
B uy
Q .
tractor I)'\>e
an YWh e r .~.lImln ~ lc
hny· or b .k loads. )four trBC r , turn implements. turn busbels oAr corn.
• hilda,..
-lao.plta illation required. followed b-, 8 weeki of .. arlo • • n eee.sa r)' toaSel pr.lcrJbed h, our Llo.Dled P h ,..t .. olaa• • No ob,.., . 10. boolll., o. ... te e.o ••Ua UoD. I
4014 II.DI'~""'" Rd" CIDoIDa." 11, Oblo-Toi.ph. . . RE'~ud lllll' . '
you CDn bo ck
scooping. houl hoy tun. a c r llnk ond hitch
u crank And load your n c r a nk a nd dump 65 Avol1nble now a t
Relieves Soreness, Aches and Pama ot the Macles.
l'AI.SG ROV E ~U' G . CO. FR·7.01080 or write C ANAL. WIDe b .lt.r, Ohl • .
Sold nt all lending Dmg Stores. A sample bottle FREE b7 sending this ad to
Exception nl opportunity for experience d pharmaceutical sale smen, or phQrmIlCSs~.1 to conlact Ill .. m edica l profe •• lon nna druIC trndo In de veloped We.lern Ohio a nd Kentucky t errl lorles. Liberal oom· million bula with 'drawlnll RocounL. In reply lIale quallllcn llona . T~. Z.",m •• -c.mpan" Ina •• )Jlttsbu rlh 19. P a .
THE SWANSON CO.-N. . . . Ohio
HELP WANTED-l\IEN . WOMEN PART Tim . Job.· Clerical hpm.-. mIll .. wrlUnll. bookk.epinIC. .ervietng, n~cney npre.enlaUon. Olhe ... AppUenUon (r,e. £_pl.,. ••• C.",''. 1'.0. Box 1017, Tua-
..... N . I.
Ho. mild can I cignttt Ita.,
Star of 8tage and
TV: "I fouod
ExceptiQnol Values In Quality Paint iii
·~..allon 'oaos
Ou laltle
wbat elgarette mlldne8s meaos wben J made my own Cam e l 30Day Te s t I I' va
s4.V5 vl4u_IUO lal. Aluminum. oulolde or !nald • . 14.95 value_ l .eo Inl.
C. n. olll,.
Fisher'P'olnt CO.
whI"'' ' r 8fId Ito.
2274 Unity walk Toledo, Ohio
a Lovely Iilvenrare WIth )'our own ipt initiaL 1ICrl .
Old Com~y Plate made and guaranteed by WID.
ilEAL ESTATE-BUS. PROP. OENERAL 110 •••In"ludlnll well s tocked II fine rural locnilly. . I!o~ Inbuild in g with 8-room mode rn n pe rtmc'"t~ 1'.I.ed to • eU. F . P . 8UI... r •• Uor, S".ood NaU.a •• BftDIr Bld ~ .. ·Bucyru • . Ohl •.
Each Wffh Your Own Initial! _' w..,_ 4'tigllafure'$il\tt'Ware
OutsIde B rown or Gre" 14.115 volue-Sl .GO ICal.
smoked ' Camels ever aloee I"
~,eraMf, . Co.,M'oriden.
Conn. With 8pOOR8; YOII let _pricetl on complete . E1"Vice-offored by ••• Kellogg'. VABDT'f of '1 cereal delillhta ••• 10 'IIrous bozos. U.tUC10"'B
any time I
LAKE E rie 8umm.• r CoUaeeIO,-W"ek . Month. SeaBon. (J h n rte. J\ltller. Braker. S lOn,. Pol"te. Newn."t. Mlob. Pboa. Monree. INDIAN
211"~ ·M" .
L.llt-Wr lle or ,'coll Rlneharla for clcor. $20.00 U ... coUtllle. lI-lI.l.n.evfc ..... O. lip. n:.'I!I'\IU.
COlliE ,. Lleblf•• , a.hlno on Benu tlflll S UI/ar bland. where flsblnf Is Ill e best.
Cnbln. completely IIne na and beddlnIC. (urnlshed I;llfhUool IneIUdl"3 <l.bln•• I[~:==~~=::=~~~~~~j Bo..... I... . 8 ... ". I l land. S ... lt 81 • . MarIe. 1II101al.an. CLEAN hOIl ••" ••"ID, coUarea with com· munlt.,v tolleta a nd show,," on Union Lake made by the St. J'ot! !'Iver; "v ~ ll. """";';''';'::='';';:':::''''';:'';;';=;''_'"''1 able by the week from Sunday 10 SlIn' r.; Write now fo~ reservatlbna to AI. bert Daal.I., .,r." " ....... IIbn. . . .. IIIleb. [ ~ FRONT "o'~,e. for rent by Ihe w ... It; _ood', f lshln,. Mr•• 1 •••1. B ..... 8,.".111 Lalr:1I, Rome Cit,. lad •• Pb ••• UtFOf.
SEND TODAY! KeUOIIII'I,D.pI.fP,WDIUngfonl,Connectlcwt
Pleaae Bend IDe • • ••• "Signature" tea·
with followinll lDltinl ... : ... For each unit eet of 4 .poena I encloae 1 white-alar end from KebOll,'. VAlWIT!' l'"OUP. and '1G~ in coiD. '
Naill •• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (plea.. print)
A ...........·•••••••••••,. ..... ........ .
CItr.......... . ..... Zen_ •• • S.......... . Olfer Qood on/of ,. V. S., ftb/ed .. .. ____ ..!"!!,o... [ ~I!':.~~.!.!!
c 1111
...... witII ~
J-_ . .
II .,."", ..,., to IIOI1DaI .... No ..,... ab ... ieal. or Irriutla.
..... Woo't huaa IkiD ar cJoLhiq. ::,~ aDd ~.' _ aN
14111...... ._ y.....-/M ... .-cI~
'b5 , ' S b 't
, l
J. I
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio
The Land Bank Way
CLOSED ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Satu rdays Showl 6' P. M. NO MATINEES SUNDAY, MONDAY 7 P. M. Thuudaya and Fridays Showl 7 p. M.
, I
Top Soil, aauuna, Saud, Granl blXcancm. With Baal!. aoe,
,Draa·lID. aud BuUdoHr
W&1D.....llle. Ohio Phone: Wayuolv,lIe 21D1 SA NK RUN GRAVEll- Loaned, at D~~v" ,BurDa. PSt. 110 ClUb cUbla w. allO deUnf. A.IlM. ITAOID & SON. Phone 2091 . If
I~RlE.1l Dr SK' (I c liill ~d wrltlllle,J and >l hnrp froz(>n lor hlllll fr e~ r a :19 () eacb Wu.yncsv llle 1,(Jell r T'lrllIt Phoue 3171. 6-8,1 6,22,29 , - 7- 6,13. :/0, ~7
HORl'ES $2. 5~
'I_ '_ " __ .1_
11..... .
r---------- - . \ Thei, flllllliest &ai~_
H. &TURM, Sec'y-Tre ••,
,-"~,,,- . -""" I '-' I ~ I _ I
Pl An t.
HOGS PROCESSED - All fl'osh, 3c per. ponnd. ""I\Ynosv.l1e tom' ltcr
AIRO - '
I ~ l _~ ~ "-"I_ . ,- . ~
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
No Fees, Commissions or Renewals MAY BE PAID OFF ANY TIME Long Terms Are Safe (Up to 33 Years at 4% ) A Fann Oraanization Eor Farmers
COWS $2.50 - . . , FRED MaoMURRAY BADY }T'I'ING-Iu lUY bom" 11111" CLAI RE TREVOH Hogl and Other Small Stock log th e dllY \"hll a mollll' l' wO l' ks. - in Removed Promptly Rea sonabld ,·at cs. :lI r a, Elmo ShuwBORDERLINE' huu, next (\001' to 1)1'. DyE' . 'l'h lrd CA,LL CO LLECT Action Packed 'rlJ rllli!r X- 7- 1:l·20 et In Old MexIco Wilmington 2362 lebanon 439 s treet. OhaJl ter 4- Phantonl Empire INLAND PRODUCTS, Inc. ,- - -- - - - --
On M,oDdn.y nights duri ng July and August, child rcn under 12 will be ad~llted tor half I~rlce when accompanied by parent s.
_ o_o_ 0__
Taken trom the P ri ze Novel of the S,me Na:me DRAMA!
""".Ay ......"... "to.
~_ ~
u _~
Executor of Jo1m Cur tis' Hisey,
Deceased. Notice Is hereby given fhat Clara B. Hisey. whose Post Offloe address Is R. R. 3, Wayn esv ille, Ohio, has been duly appoillted ExecutrIx of t he Estate of John Curtis 'Hisey, late of ' Wal'l'en CountT,' Ohio, decea~~d. . ' Dated this 3rd day of July, 1960.
" ~.-..:l_
_ .. __
1._.1'" ____ ____ ~
JULY 25, 26
'.-'I $I,49!~ .ACTORY ~
Pow.rl Big over.sized 1 ~
RP. "JNco.·bulle 4-cyc1e engine
"takes it easy:' while it' cuts a big 22 inch swath. Big reserve power means an extra margin of safety - and savings on (1115, oil, wear and tear!
BU~'fA' I IUl l:A r:R£ INSU~ ~ 'I(~
( I)
Whet 'eatur.,1 Recoil starter for quick cuss-free starting. Fully.en. dosed transmission. Built-in sharp. ' eniD(I feature'-simple to operate DO extra cost! Hand·.diwted cunini!: height' trims lawn just the way you waD,t it!
~!III 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mllilllllllljj~III1I11I11I11I!lIIlIlllIIlIIlIIjlml/lll~OOjl"l/IlllIllll mm1IIIImlllllllllll!~lIIlIlIillllll/lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf
Whet II auy I Once you get your hinds on this powerful, smootJJ. cuttinli: 'PJNcoR- you 'lI actually be "io1;~,g lawn.mowing days from then onl Only ~o simple hand controll, - thronle aDd dutch. lAY
.......PUUf.. I.AWN MOW'....
, IVY YOU. . .1........11...
,,,,COR' NOW I
'Fairley Hardware
Ada You'D Find Out They Get Results ' Fa~ and I Do Mean P'h one.Ii 11»441 . "FAST" I
MODIL U-17 .8.7 _ A..Spece; l:ca ..,ft.olSlllm!l. • Boule Shell Boldt 12
Beautiful Building Site · Slightly Less Than Acre', Wooded' BEAUTIFUL TREES VERY REASONABLE PRICE
M.- H. AD,A MS Da,toal Ohio
'er. m.'_lI00ctJ.ock. Boldt 35 Pouoch.
...IIICO,,-_ lite.' 3··12·12
.1Ia-O.Mat D t -
.... wlilfll, lie"" ....,
16-..... 1 or 2 ac a'Thia
$ 239.98 CONy.N'.NT II."
Phon'e 37371
JULY 23, 24
R. W. BRADDOCK Phone 3323 Waynesville
lJ _ _
, • • • •• • • , . , . , • • • • • •• • •
Installation and Gas
Spring ValleYI
BElA 'rlF L 5·roow all modern ' wIth aUa elled gUJ'age. Ex· cell ent )oco(-lon . in Wllynesv lll e. Reusonnbl y pl'loed. ROY E. j\IITA, Broker' Rou te 4 , 5 mil S sou I!J' of entel·1I m f'. Phone 'e ntel'Vill e 7056. 7-20·27
FOOD STORE . Phone 2541
Ask About our Price 'o n
Spring VaDey Hardware Co.
D'0 T·
ON L Y ____ .:. ___ '__ __ $1.50
Bottle Gas
Canned Fruit.
RALI;>H H. OAREY, JIHI g'e of the Probate Court, . Warren County, OhIo Frank' C. Andel'son, Attorney. Publlsb 7-13-20-27
Rur_1 "
FOR RI'}NT - :\\0,1 I'll house, ~'" miles from Wuy nesv ille. 2 heel · rooms. $5 0 11 I' month, Pholle 1\I1d· dl lowll 235 ~ . X- 1t
BLOSSOM and fern 18 BS mucb a n expressIon ot remembrance as a blanket at roses, and we handle It wJth the same measure ot care and respect. 'rHEaE IS NO NEGLECT AND
FO NO--At grulit! Ill'bool g l'Ollpds, ) key cuse wltll 3' key s - ' all at Gllzetle om e. rOI' k ya.
tnlly bOlllld In I nthl;ll'. Like new $60.00· ost $'100.00 whe n new Phone .214R
,,~ .~ Also
]i'OR SALE 1 olumes DOllble:d ays Encyclopedla; 10 \' 01· tim es Doubledoys Book of Know· ledg(' fol' children. 13llt h ben.nti ·
Q _~~""lI_ g _1
Charles -D oster ~ .
the machine r.p.m. to be , Ordinance No. 212 'COVER GlltL - -~certaln that all parts are rUDnlnp; AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRI. correct speed. • ATE PROPERTY FOR WATER AND ELEVATORS 1beReduce the rate of travel ",hen WORKS PURPOSES' ~peratlDg In weedy gra1n. , WHEREAS, the VlI1a~e ot So much sick wheat developed FARM STORAGE I WayDesvllle has relocated the In the 1949 crop that soft wheat Wheat about H%, or. certainly I :~~~c;; ~~I~:lew~:fIS s~:~e~ millers 1hroughout tbe eastern above N¥..% moisture. is not safe of th,e corporate limits for tbEi United States were advised thru In the bin. a.nd requires special care benefit of said Village and all In. their IlRtlonal organ.lzatlon not t(l on the farm. ,Thorougb cleahlng ha.bltaDts thereof. and for tbe ben. buy wbeat trom Ohio. FurtbermOTe, spraying of' bins betore tilling. and eflt of all persons USIDg water fUf' so little wheat graded No, 2 of bet· fUmigation' as needed aftenvard, Dished by the water works of ~ald ter that , Ohio grain dealers bad --'II ttk care of Insects All grain Vf1Iage. pursuant to a r el1ues' W' e c,arefuJly cleaned . made by Department of great ill,fflculty In meeting reo should be beCore Health, State,the of Obl.o; , storage. Extra bins may-be pro- , WBE~EAS. It Is necessary that qulrementa tor export. Low' grade nnd poor Quallt.y vtded. and the grain moved .fr~· 8ald sources of water sllpply be wheat has been very common In quently to keep It cool and grad- protected from any possible con. the Ohio crop tbe past 2 or :I ually reduce the moisture !lontent. tamlnatlon or polutlon; yeras. So ,called "sick" wheat deWheat can be satisfactorily dried WUEREAS, a residence Is n nw elops aometJmes wben wheat with th ' farm ' In one of two wayI.' being constructed upon land adja· , . t t on e " • cent to said sources of water SUDmoderate to high w olsture con en rorced air or natural ventilation. ply. the use of wblch may r enil",:' has been stored for some time. Either system requires meRns of th'e aforesaid. wells not apllrovable The germ dies and becomei getting air through the mass of by the Department of Health or colored, the 011 In the germ be· grain. SIa.tted 'Ooors or v'entlJaUng the State ot Ohio. " NOW. THEREFORE. be It or. comes rAncid. and tbe Quality of flue .. must be proVided. I1 rotel n ' deteriorates. resulting In In using forced a4r. 2 to 3 cublo dalned by the coun~~1 of the VII1f t' f I pe mmute per bushel lage of W<&ynesvllle. date of Ohio, .. lowllr "quality for baked goods. ee () a r r two-thirds 2-3) of all membera The c.·lUse of sick wheat Is not ot grain Is needed, Any type of elected thereto concurring' kilo",n. lit It only develops when fan producing at least 1 Inch static SECTION ' r. The 101l0wlng de. wheat Is slo«'ed at rell\lJ,'ely hlghpre8sure may b~ used. As an ex· 'scribed property be and the same mole-ture content; dry wbea.t Ilf ample. a fan deUverlng 600 cubic Is bereby appropriated to pubJic safe. As a matter of fact. high feet ' or alr. driven by a, horae- Wle for water worka purposes. tomolstu,r e Is the rre:l!e-t 'sin gle haz- power eleotrlc motor. will dry ;01) wiAt: rI ht f d bl . It In- b UB he I'a 0 'f wheat. More 'fl ues are over a.nd g across 0 way easeme-t ard tl) ItraIn In the n the.anfollowJng d~ cr&l\ses the lIkel!boc>d or Infesta· required If, n&tural , venWatlon (s scribed real eatate. more specific' NEW YORK-Nineteen-year-old tlon With Insects. damage from used. ally described aa follows: Joan lohnlon t eurva'l!eoul New mould growth resulting In musty or Detaila o.f ,construi:tion rna" 1-0 O!tllate I'n the Townsblp of' York coyer girl, will prelide ove,r sour grain. a.nd e~cesslve beating' found 'In U.S.D,A. 'Farmers Bulletin , ~e. ,Cclunty N Warren, and Fruit of the Loom', Nylon Ho'. lery ~ bin burning. Combine harvest· 2009. aVRfla,,'ble trom the count\' , State of Ohio. and being part of Week In her aewly.won role as ~ng hAS led to a much greater pro· 'ag4!nt· and In extension mlmeo. Section 31. , Town 4. Range 5. ae· "Mias Boaiery-lI~SO." She will by Oeo~ F. Miller And model the latelt atyles and Intro, , tb!l gr~s. , .available (rom tbe Depart· qulred portion of our orop going Lnto Tbelma Mae ' Miller from Mae Mil. duce new , fuhlon ahades tor Fall bin at a dange-ously big'! mOlatur~ ment of AgrIcultural EngineerIng ler MacElfresb by deed recorded ereak!il exclWllvel, for Fruit of th. l in Book 191. Pal!e 36. of the War ~m by Allee of Pari., well-knoWD content. It has al8() resulted In at Ohio Stete University. 10f'/9,e s trom ~ower welgbt per COUNTRY ELEVATORS ren County Records. and belnl!: An Preneh deslcner. by an outatandl~ panel busl1el and W'eatb" red ap,pearancp., Tbe ' country elevator operator easement to prevent the contam, ~f'Chosen New York !uhlon experts, blue. If the situation Is to he I~"ro"eil. lind bimself In', a dlttlcult poelUon. Inatlon of the water supply of th(' ' eJ'ed blonde Mi.. .Johnson pmered' 8 Waynesville overa rad. al' d the eoveted award over hundreds of botb farmer and eleva.tor ma.n mua t He often wants to take ~beat from VJl1age within a otclrcu. l ar area. wltb help. The flll'Iller can make ever? growers who owe blm money for Ius of three hUndred (300) feet, the trofea1onal modela on the baail of effort tp combine as , soon as thP. (Bed or fertilizer, ~.. from, men center of whlcb clrcllla.r area i8 -..no~~... well .. pulchritude. wbeat Is ready. but n(lt betore. It whose business be wanb to keep. the Bource of public water pup. stored on the farm. tIood bins mmt ft , i8 hard to ' turn tbese farmers ply. for the VUlage of Waynesville. TRY GAZETI'E,CLASS!IFIEDS be provided and llIome' m~s of awa,y beca.use the wbeat Is high Ohio. ,'enUlating or turning. 8lad ,f umlgat. tn moisture, contains Insecta. or The conditions of such Bltseme"t -nlEY GET RESULTS FAST Ing. The elevatol; man can I,>!n Is otherWise In POOl' c()ndJtlon. are as follows. and shall Inure tn, GAZETI'E PHONE IS ::n43 carefully. keeping doubtful or damp I.dealiy. the grain should go ' over r.g~,s:fal~~::::;~:,~:: ~~c:'~a!~,~ ()f Health for any proposed bulldwheat segrep;ltted: Drying equlr" a cleaner. be dried It neceBllary. and assigns fore,'e~ And the De. tng or any other structure within ment Is being Installed In , many tumigated rather soon 1f kept In partment of Healtb' ~f tbe State of th,e ,above described a1'ea. " elevators, and Is a g1'eat belp. , storage. and, turned regularly. Hf J!'h Ohio. lind Ita SUCCCS8()I'1!: ' 3j. That no person. firm, co. COMBINING moisture grain Is much lells IIkel" ! 1. No person. firm. corporqtion, poration, or other legal enUty will , Moisture I. added to wheat by to go out of condition If kept cool. ()r otber III~I e'lUty. IIha'l ept;A", deposit. Placr' o~ caus~ to b~m~: combining The sbelled grain picks It artUJclal dMllng Is not -Dosslble Ush or construct any privy Vault. pOSited or pace • orflgrmve ~~pora· . . ~ ~. cesspodl private or public sewer slon to any person. , ' • up moisture from the broken green fraqu nt turnIng will belp. espec· or any o'ther receptacle tor sewage tlon, or legal. ~nt[ty. to .deposit. material 88 It passes , t,hougb tbe tally It done when the rela,tlt;I'e hu· ()r human excreta, not of cast Iron place. or cause to be depolslted or machine. Any ad,llstmeht wbich mldfty of the a.ir BS low as pos- construction , with water th~"t placed any , dead animal., of(a I. , will reduce the 'amol1nt or the sible. and per'hRPs,runnlng the ?Ta!n joints,' or shali establish. construct, I I't!lrba$l'e. or any other ruthy or breaking up of auch material will through the cleaner a~a fn to ,., ' f" or gh'e permission to any per.son , poisonous SUb!ltanC.~~P~: orb un~ be helpful. ' & better chance for coollOg and dry. firm. corporation, or any other Ie. , der tb~ ground, wit E! a ov , Incre88e the cyltnder-eoncave In'g In the process 'gal , ent!ty, ,t o establlsb. or con· described area. , • . struct a,Dy ho,gpen, manure pit. SECTION II That the Bollcltor ch to " to 1 It:t . ,This wUl d~creaso Tbe farmer Is not going to c·'tra alaughter house. or , any other be Bnd Is hereby authorlz;ed and the moisture content of the com· trouble and care for notblng. SOm3 source 'of pollution on th'e ' above directed to apply to a court of blned graIn. Harvesting losses will elevat«tl have grea.tly ithpro,'ert described premises. competent jurlsdlctioD to have a also be decreased. Don't be alarmed tbelr oc8.1 aituatlon by adoptinll: der· 2. That an. persoDS. firms. cor., jll1')' Impaneled to make Inquiry If some, gr8.ln Ie iluthrelbed. Inlte stR.Dda.rds which tbey r4!qn' not poraUons or otber legal entitlesllnlO ahd 8ssess the comp«msatlon Raise tlie cutter bar to cut ab~ve wh~iat to meet before tbey will take shall sllbmlt plana and speclflca- to be paid for auch property. , lis mucb gNelt materlal ae 1)()"alble" l lt. and explalnl..« to the farmer "'hy tions to and secure wrlt~n aPO SECTION III That' thl~ costs Tbe Inoreased' cutter bar 1086 will they CAIInot take hm lIarticular lot , proval trom the Ohio Department and, expenses of said approprla. ~ tton be paid out of tbe general by the lavtng .Tbl. takeS, courage. but if the' that the pnce, ,be can , pay' d~ lund. he ,"()re tb'"a n offset of grah\ In separation ,n4 clean· tanner has trouble dlspoaLtlg of his pends on what he can «et for the~ SECTION IV For tbe reasons grILIn one year, be wUl be more wbeat at the terminal market rec'l ted In tbe preamble bereof In« p'rocen. , ' Cut around weed patcbes sad careful lIane8Ung and storing it and th.t eVEjD a few 10Bdi of hlgn ibis ordinance Is hereby declared harvest t b em lalt. Harveltlnlf the ned moisture grain or grain In poor an emergency ordinance and sh.l1 101llM wIll be , decrealed and tll,8 ' There Merna tlIen to \)e tW\l condition will teduce his Price on take ertect and be In forme from moisture wUl not be added to en- thinD tile eleyator man can do: he a 'wbole carload ' and afbter the earliest period al· tire , , . lowed yaw. l H M ,SHERWOOD CI'01l. , CUI eqatp ,_I. plant for cleanlnl1'. CO~mltte!! from: ' On machines wit!! bl •• t deneo- BUy tm:nlm'. IU'I~ 'J)OIIlIlbl)' dryln" Ohio AgIlicultural Experiment " , MaYor tora tn the fan houlln«. direct the wheat ~ otbet II'8Jna, and be Station Afte.t: air blut towar~ the "forward end can ,malt.' a ,real 'eflort to ' "elp Oblo Agricultural Exten.lolI ' CHARLES JAMES' of the cleanln, sboe. educate , the farmer; explalnjng Station Clerk. Ch~1r.
I '
dIS- ,
THURSDAY JULY 20, 1950 ,
--I I
P ;Jclflc Isle Dl'hik, Cn \ mnny P acWc island s a choice nat ive drink Is the sap of tbe coco. n,ut palm. call ed toddy. Some trav· elers claim It has a clean. sweet taste. somewhat reminiscent , of crystallized pears. However. It must b.e consumed fresh. for after a week it will ferment Into a con. ~entrated aleohollc polson.
Tbe , Women's Soeiety of Cbris· tian S n ' lce will sponeor a Japan ese Tea. at lhe Methodist Church. Tbu'r s· day a rtel'noen at 2:30 p. m. A pro· gram has been arranged a~d door prizes will tie awarded. Proc elld ~ from the aftair wlll be added 1:1 the general fund of the organi· zatlon. . Mrs. L. K. ,nrlnega r. Qf Hamilto n. s pent tb e wee k end l1e l'e. wltb he i' manager of th e husband whO' mith Dry Goeds Slore. ' SevQ\'a1 persons from this com· murtity attended the Mld·Summer Festiva l. beld In Waynesville. las t week. l\tr. a nd Mrs. Ray Coons. Jr" Ilnd fa mily have mQved 'IntO' the Snocl· gras8 property on the A venue. Mr. amI l\f rs: DaVe Elbon and their daugblel', .Jacq uelin e, of Mol" row; were gllest ' Firday evenlnA' ot' Mrs. E lbon's brother·in·IRw 8ml ' sister. MI',' .and Mrs. Ben Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. EmllfSOIl Mas~ers ODd their sons, have moved into their recently con8~cte(1 hom • beh1nd the r,I~tho~18t church. " 1111'. and IIlrs. Raymond Adams and fl!.mlly. 9f Corwin. wer e gues'A Sunday of M'rs. Adama mot uel'. l'tfrs. Blanche Carr,
Foreign Trade Foreign trall<l constltutes an im. portant part of New York state's business activity. According to th ~ New York state dep~ rtment of commerce. the tour customs dis., tricts in , the state' handle about hair the entire dQlla'r volume of the 1m. ports Bnd exports of the conti. nental United States.
Field Alouse The vole, or field mouse. does grellt damage to grainfields, In years of ,mouse "plagues." as , many as 12.000 fi eld mice may live on a Single Bcre. causinn tremen. dous crop losses.
Lew Walsh remains In a serious TRY CAZETTE CLASSIFIEDS condition at GrandView Hospital, ' ' '. Mrs. Ruth Sh'lbl and fllmily. Of ' Da3:ton. Fred, Bogan, 0 1 , near Wayne, . Salmanlca, New YOl'k, called 011 ville. was a guest Friday of hlR several friends In the vlllage Mon. mother. ' Mrs, ' Bern Iece' Bogan. day evening. Mrs. Sbulz was forMr. and Mrs. CbaTles Doster and merly member of tbl! blg'h Bchool family depatred Tbl1sday for a faculty here. two we eks vacation trl)) to Canada. Mr&. Minnie Oglesbee 80ld her Mrs. Mary Richardson, of Dpy household furnishings at publ c tona Beach. Florida, Is- the bouse auction. b!3re. Saturday aCternoon. guest 'o f Mrs. Mary Den,ny. Mr, Jobn Ames. whO' has been '. The B. Y. F. met at the home o· superintendent of tha RQh'o ols In Robert and Howard Doster, SUllda.~ f~"'ring Valley, (or the past seven night. ' . , " yea~s', has been hired as sllper· Mr. and Mrs. ' Et'n'ellt Mannliu'C intendent of the Bchools here; ac· were hosts to tbe Hllnrlty Club 'at cording tOl WilliAm S, Dosler. pr\l8· their home near ' Wilmington, 'Sun. fassle Townshi p day; 'lIlent of the Board of. Education. 1 mes suc· :Mr.' ~ n!l Mrs, Clint 'Tayl.or and ceeds \Vendell K , Love, '~ho reo Mr. and 1>irs. Carl ]\foore attende'] signed Crom the J)o.st sbortly after t,\e M'~thodl st Chllr oh, In Mason. his acceptance. . Sunday, Ilnd later were dinner Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Ponaldson guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mill. have returned home from their va· Igan. , 'Jlbe IOl;lmmunity Chlb met In re: . cation trip. , MIsS BarbaI'll> Bogan is the guest· ular sers slon at the school building of relatives in Mason. ' " wedneMay night. Mrs. GeOirge Waterhouse nnd her Mr. a nd Mrs. 'Oa'!l Gordan have gl'8ndda\l gb~ er , Miss 13arbara. Allen departlld for a twO' weeks . vacatlell of Wayn esville, 'yere guesls Mon· ' with rE,latives ht' Idaho. The \VomEln'fI Boclety' of Chris. dll'" evening of Mrs. Louise N. File nnd bel' d~ \lghter, Miss Jane Fite. tian Service held their ll.nDlial pic. Mr. and - Mrs. Lee Collins, (If nle tor members and guests, at the CenterVille, were guests Sunday of home of Mrs. W. E . Frost, Thurs. Mr. CoIII1)8 mothe" Ml·S. Ida Col· day. " The 'Welcome Bible Class, of the IIns. Mr.' and MI·s. George Cou"ner JOnah'II , R"n Baptist Churcb, ,m'e t and !\frs. '.Valter McCormack, of at the ' home of Mr. and M,r s. ClintMidlletown . and Mrs..John Welsh.. Taylor. Friday evening. Mrs. Gao. Jr. and family, of, UUca. were guestl, Wall cl)nducted the devotions. Mrs. 'W ednesday of Mr. aitd Mrs. John .' Estber ' Doster presented the pro' 'gram, :and Mrs. William Ca~pbell 'W.elsh, Sr. Mr. a nd'Mrs. Carl Jones and their bad cbarge of the recreation. daughter. Jo Nell. were guests Sun· Sjeveral pesons from bere at. day of Mr. Jones' parents, Mr. and tended the District meetl~g of th e Mrs. Claude Jones and, falJ)lIy, of Women's Society of Christian S - 1",-. 1Iear Clarksville. ' Ice ~elcl In Sabina. Friday.
~ 'TH&
"Even a' (ow' Can't Make'This .Kind' of Milk!" Bsie say., "Sof·Kurd Milk is ex· c1usive with Borden's in Dayton. It's the only milk thot stays fluid during digestion .•. unlike orDonis D. "Pat" Patte.,son is the KDKA Agricultural Scholarship ,re'cipient for the 1950·51 academic ,year 'at the Ohio State' Uni.ersity. "i\. JUJ;lior next term, Pat is majoring in Rural Sociology• .Pat ~kes an active interest in school extracurricular affairs, his big job next lear being that ot cUl'ector ot Stuitent Activities. He il a rel!resenta; tive for the- Council ot Men'l orglmlzations and the Military, Oouncil, social chairman ,of LamtiCia Chi AlphA fraternity, an<\ editor of Student Deskbook. Interested in .community service 'work, ~at i. bighly respected 'representative Jtls bome town. Millersburg, (Holmes County) , Ohio. Prior to his coll~ career, Pat was quite active in 4-H activities, having been one of four ,members to represent the ,state of 'Ohio in National 4-H Camp il1>1948 . 'and state winner ot two dUrerent 4-H contests whlc)l to?k him to the 4-H Club Congress In both 1947 and 1948.
milk which, coo g u lot e 5 or "clumps" in the stomach. Be, couse Sof.Kurd mil k remains fluid. it digests easier and per· mits the body to retain more calcium and phosphorus thon any other milk." . ,"Borden '~ Sof·Kurd 'Milk tostes betler. foo .... Elsie odds. "There is c:ren'l1 in every dropl" ,
r Qka a tip from ElsieSwit!=h to all.purpose
Bord~n's Sof·Kurd Mille today., A... your IIro- ' car, Borden driver, or call HEmlae. 1275.
r •
AlJfJuf TfJWn
Serving Wayn1esville Since'1850
MI¥ Betty Satterth waite was n week end guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Lac~ey, Jr., ut Middletown tor tho week end, Mr. and Mrs. David Hartsock are announcing t ile blrtll or un eight pound, five ounce 'danghter on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. St.:lnler Bailey' are the maternal grandparents. and Mr. I1lld Mrs. Jomell< Hartsock are the patel'nal grandparents. Mr. LaMar Earnhart. ve't ernn In· etructOl' ot tbe InstitUtional on the farm tro.lnlng program h us nOW the tollowl ng v~tera~8 em'oll('d for lhe coming year: l;Ucbard, Aydelott and Donald Blabop of Franklin, E a rl Dowen. Frank El(ert aM Herrlt .'E verett. of Milson, Ralph B1'llnstratol' a nd Warren Murphy, ot Olarks.ville, Floyd Doulbman, Charles Lelsz and Oren Mehl or Lebanon , Robert Hall, MlIIord HiLtoll and Ed lVal:d Shaw of Ore Ionia, John Kelln er, ot Springboro, Wl\.l'I'en, P ummill and Albert Richards ot Wayn es, ville. WaynesVfllle Farmers Grange met In regular session on Thursday evening ot the past week w llh , II. baking and sewing COl1t*1st . 1>lrs. Magaret Gilliland anll Mrs. Atba Furnaa were first abd Blleond with tbe'r c~okles ,a nd Miss Janet Mlcbener received (lrst 111 sewing with a cotton formal. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Rye opened their bOme on Batu'r day evening tor tbe meeting or thft West Wayne AdViSOry Councll Tbe business lesllon was b,eld and Mr. Harold Whitaker conducted the discussion on tlle topic ' assigned for the m 0 nth. Delicious ,refresbments , were I"erved durlog tbe soelal hour. Mr and Mrs. Walter Bheeli.D.o were' hOllt an'd hosteslI to th Rllln· bow Advisory Coimcn for ·the reg· ular J111y meeUng. The usual bus· loeSS IHslon. ,.-88 . beld and .~r . a G. ,Miller conducted tbe dftlcus· maD 1iD4eratand
problems of
tbe farmer." An Intereltlng dlscuBslon woo held and alter adjournment to meet with a plonlc &Ipper at Fort An· cient In Augult, dellcloua ' bome· made Ice 'cream and cake were perved .elurlng tbe BoClal hour. III' aDd 1\Ira. ·Ma.ynard Weltz are ~nnoullcing tbe engagement or their da'ughter, Alln to 1\1,1'. Robert Hunter, SOA of Mr, anll Mrs. Willis Hunter. MIs8 Weltz, a gr8duate of WayneBvllle H 19b ·~b·ool . at· tended Capitol Unlver8ity In, Co· lumbus and IB now a. secretary at the National ' .Casb 'Register. . Mr. Hunter also 18 a graduate of the WaynesvUle Hlgb ,S chool and is now B student at the University 01 Cincinnati. No date 'has ' been 8et for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meredith. of Xenia, are ,;nnounelng .the blrtb of their second daughter, Karen Suo, \\Ielght Six pounds, thirteen ouncea at Miami Valley Hospital on Tbl'1l8day, July . 20. Little Gall Meredith .Is lpendlng several days wI~ .th~ grandparents, ,?,II'. and Mrs. Herbert ' Meredltb and Mr. and Mrs, Louis Fries. MI'. and MIlS. R;alpb Belcher are announcing tbe birth of an eight 'PQund son, Henry Randolph, ' at tbelr home on Monday, July 17. Mr. and Mre. Paris Davis ",re announcing tbe birth or a nine pound ~n, Wllllam 'Par18, at tbelr home on J1111 17. Mre. Ed Paine and children, of Cblllleothe, lpent the put week with h~r parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis li'Umas. , Mr. and Mra. Leater · Shaler, with Mr. and Mrll. Tommy ThompiIOIl of Cincinnati, spent th~ past week in Canada, , lIfr. and Mrs. J. J . ' Burske had an week end' gueltl, Mr, and Mrs. Dale l>u!tee of Bowling Green, and Mrs. LlDnle Hull or Bellevue. On Sun· . dar the1-were joined by Mr. and Mr.. ~Ulam Strou8e and lltUe daugbter, Carol Sue and Mryt. Leah MIlliI, 'celebrat1nc the birthday an· nl'Venary of Mrl. Strouae. ' Mr. aDd Mrs. J. J. Burake and their peet, loin. Llnnle Hull were Thunday peata of )(1'. a~d 111'11. HarrJ Stout In WllmID8tOL Mr• . aQlllra. IIQDUd Welta ud r~ Robert BIID~
_ ... • .,..18 or ~
Will Open New Plumbing Shop Wam,.ler and COlby wllJ open a pl ll m,blllg and IJ Il,~lng s lIpply IItore on MaIn st reet In lhe &canlan building In tbe nextf IV weeks. Extens4'Ve repah's a nd altera· tlons a re bclng made Inslcje the huJldlllg a nd th\) mnnllgemem 811' s ures us tbat th rol1gh the ir many yeanl o~' experience Urat they will do eX llet't work. 'I'hey hllve done work In Day· tOil Il lld Miamisburg and surround· Ing territories for many years. PARTY
::~:,~.~~~:C1~ Furmer Resident Drowns in·South
July 17 at Charles McInnis' bome with Cbarles Michener in charge and Lee O'Banlon preSiding. Paul Mlcbener read an arUcle on a new bay ci'uBber JD1lCblne.. Charles MclnnlB read one a~ut a new type range cblcken bOUle for laying 1rens. We all t.h oulbt our noat was nice ' .conslderlng tbe beat. Mrs. Mcmnis •.L Berved Bar·' Be·Cue hO!t" dogs aDd pop. • ' Guests ...moesent were' Mr. and 'Tf"1" Mr8. MciDDls, Next ' meeUng will be held Bobby Braddock's August H, 8;00 .,. M. . Club members Who wUI take ' part in ,. the program for the nen meeting are : Bobby Braddock and. Nick Tumbleson. . . Janet MIQhener.
CONGER HQME Mrs. Louise Conger ent,e rtalned' thlrty·five memberEj of tbe rnter· national Mall Bag Clllb, and five children to a hrucheon and party on last Wodnesday.· Among the PERSONALITY PALS
C UMaUS, 0 ., July 26. - Tbe 'bOneli' Mil of ~tuleI1t8 acbl.eving JJgti,lICb'olaBtlc ' attainments (aver~"ol 3.26. or better) In Oblo '~~ ~!, Unlverttltl'S • Co lIe,ge 0 f ~ • -l s ' ' ~ Ienccs dUrl~g tbe S pr,Ing II .,t ~ Is announced by Dayton 1 lAo eckman, Secretary of t h e co· ~. (A equall! 4:00; B equaI s
h ' Announce Daug ter S M ' Coming ' arnage
. Mr. lind ~I I'S. Howard F. Burton are nnnouncl ng th e ~IJlPronching ma.l'rlage of th It. daughter. Mary Ann to MI'. Tho'rrIU S M. S ho up, !!~II of .1\1t'. nnd MI·s. Omnl ShOtl p of Way,ti s·vllle. The welldln g will be nn pvent of 1JJ6. Augus t 4 al S8V n.thlrty II. Ill. In e lilt Irlclllides, among mapy t he Wayncs vll le M thod lst Chui'eb, '.~rs from val~lous clUel! of tbe Rev John Wedgewood 'offl 'Iuting. "':":' , J:..,Rlcbard P. Forww;d, of M'l ss BUrton Is a' gl-u dllltte or WarnesvlJle. WaY1H,svl lie' High S hool, lass of i· 1950. li nd MI'. houp tlttended r.-.~ ' , Waynesv ille Hlgl! Sc hoo l nnd Is \J \n4.' ,employ d u s ,, :\, CU I' P oter'.
A Former Local Boy Urowna Langley Field; Virginia, Summer Camp
The body or II' 'Forc~ ad, Patti T. Johp s, nt velillty or 1.11' clnnfLti Ludcl1l reported drowlled MondllY at B\lck roe Deach . .Va .. bod not yet bl'e" rCCOver d. Capt Addison T. Reid. Acting d '1' tl Proressor ' t the of }\Jr cle nl'C an . nc os II ' 1 nlv6l'altr. lelu'ned shortly befol'e [lOOIl yesle rda y dllrlng a telephone cO ll vElrsntioli \V 1tI1 Langley Field , Va., officlllis .. woo was senior 'InArts, the UC)Oh118 College of aApplied
B u...ma M' .onary ISSl
dl'OIYIl d when he attempted to sw ln! aoH~lol.e df rorm a dhlvln g PIHa.t . 'S e form 1 " yar 8 I'om s ore. was ~ltol)d lng the ROTC Almmer Oam p .have al I.angley' Field. the Va'..train. and , \vould cOI)lpleled lug July 30. .' Cal)L ReId r epOI'led tbat at that time be would ha.ve heen appointed a,. Olstingul s hcd MUltary Gradua.te. , Two Cincinnati cadets, Dona ld R . HoUhouse, 2718 DI gby Ave.. nnll Donald C. Gaddis, 1817 S'e ctlon Rd., bOlh June t raduates of the ' Bllslness AdnIn I i s. UC College pC ,t ratlon. attempted r sllUe hut tall('d to reacb John s in t1me. , . Jobns 'served Commoder of the Arnold Socl ty or Air IldeLs, w hich expanded fl 1::m 13 to 46 t fft chapters during ltlsevm of a ce. He was also stUdent l' res when this Boclnt.y amalgamate OTC h (wltb other All' , l?ol' R ' I on· ,orary ()Tganl2atjoos 111l? artl late d F A I tl ' He wltli the Air or e ssoe II on. was National Commalltl~r of the noW' ol'ganlzati<>n , Ithown as tl,1e r t th U e ,Arnold Alr Soc ely. a e m or his death. , • - It ' m ~i 0 Alplia Pbl and I) P hi olta. Survivors include , II sister, Mr". Vivien Routzong; \' 11 (7\\' Springs, Ohio. Johns, SOn of r.frs. Ma.r. jol'lfl Tu rner Joh ns; formerly of Wa ynesville, grad t18ted from the Wayne ville high ~~ hool In 19-'1. Johns, born at Lytle, ser ved 2 yeal:s In Italy in World War 11.
"HELP WANTED-GOOD PAY" , and friend· guests the PosmlstreflS ot t he 4-H CLUB MEErS Wo gIve YOIl a bea l'ty club. Mrs. Hilda Weaver an LI The Personality Pals .·H Club ly to be in th l! church mother or Clnclnuatl, and Mrs. met WedneBda.y, July 19 at Eileen ' " ..s Dorothy Sterling a kl'ad. of YO\II' choice n xt SundllY Rose Lenhart or M'ecca, Arlzonn, Brown'lI wltb Mrs. Ed Porer in ..... at the Olnllllnnati Bible Sem. Ing: T he message at the ? e\h; also members from Dayton, Leb· charge . and Ellis Hoa.)( preeldln«. wbo has IBpont the past six ' odls t church aL the 10 :3'0 bOllr IV I unon ond Waynesvlll Our swlmmtJi, party and picnic 1ef!Ti In We, terII and Burma be, "Help Wa nted-Gooel . Pay" YOll "IllS' called off because of TRln. In· as a.. mll'slcn ry, II"Ul apeak at the I \\r ill b e missing '" great olJPorttln~ VISITORS FROM slead, the Club had their picn iC a l Chur" ,ot hl'ist' S unday It:y 101' he-III, Insplralloo und ha l Mr. VERNON, OHIO " "" l '., I, , I If ou faU to IV I'ship In After lUi. l!', W6 *U Y 30 at tbt! regtJlaT owrshlp enge y . Mr. and Mrs . R. L. Hutch1sQn, Eileen Brown's. I ' .' God's bop , ' bar. MI: s Stel'ltn(l', w:,o iJ also a , ' Be o' ll h undat y. ' ouCome 'a nd Sr .. ot Mt. Vel·non. Ohio, and Mr. plny~d se 'l'e ra games. The ned meeting will be held lered .nurile, \Va!} In the Sal. expecting Qod to s pealt ,0 y and Mrs. R. 1.. Hutohlson. Jr., ot ' thl'oul"h W e dnes d'sY, A·UB'. . -.. . Valley In" Western China be renl to yoU . . th lIong, Dayton, were' Su nday v~Bltora at at Mrs. Porter'8 , ' s cripture prAyers i\nd me~sage .~ China 'rlbet and Burma ' . b the bOUle of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A, 2 at 8:00. Lois Luken.. until 'tb;' ad.VIU1C8 of ' the aull you will f.lnd llCe m;r~ e;. Sch I·eI': - -----CIdn;se Communists made It nec- Uful and more mean ing llh'I' welcome you t o 0111' wors p se r· for her to "vacuate. Her REV., MRS. WEDGEWOOD ark bas been With the Lisu tribe Methoc:List9 wO I's Wp ped In HAVE SUNDAY VlSrrORS ., f Chinese. Many of the !Jsu GUestl at the home of Rev. an,d Sunday .. chool last ~und ay. 80 of rI.tlana werl~ forced to fief these joined fellowship 1n the clos. ' I Mrs. Wedgewood Sunday. were Dr. At t~e r egular we kly meet nr • tbelr bomEl1 before the Com h Lng wor hlp an,d progr am of t e and Mrs. Robert Kennedy,' ot Day· ot the W", Vft esv1l1e Rotary Club, ts and 1I0'me of tbem are Dally VaceH~n Bible S.chool at the R.,...lIl ton, Mr. and Mrs earl SluBser and Il'uesday night at Far H1lI1 ·PlL1't s8t'Ued in northern Burma Friends hUIlOh, 2 cWldren, Gf Findlay, Ohio, Mr. house there were 6 visitors from ' Miss Stel'ling and othet Our thanKS gQ to t}lose who alld ' Mrs. Philip McKay and 3 cbil· Lebanoo Rotary ~nd 1 from FrankJon&rles associated with her helped 111 the 13lble Scbool work dren, of Xenia, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Ilo Rotary Cll,lb. , IIa J conUlillecl to wo k tbem, Jast week, Their i ntel'est and lo'y. Oale Miller and . Bon, or X.enla. bdl eoruttrl. no fo a. a rt Idty 1'1 ''gr tty, a p ec A very ltIteresUng talk wa fb4 IJ&., .. e" MIH Ste.Uac.. bas acceptea ,&(v.n b7. n . ItIs hall' dio,m" and told of hi s only' a limited nnmber 01" speak· GUESTS DURJNG \ lite and bill work. In<< euaagemebr l and the THE PAST WEEK ' This will be a regularly weekly of the Ferry church are ba ppy to program by -Various members Gr have the privilege of presenting Mrs. Billie Zimmerle, ~fl8S E.I1z· the Rota ry Club bere. hel' and h er cblLllenging message a.beth Probst,' Mr. and Mra, August wln - - -.. - - • • to tbls commun ity : ' D1~rlnger, Larry, Donnie, Carol and The foll.9 g Itema were l<Iken COUNTY SANITARY Rosanne Au gns t, tw in s, J ean nnd from THE ,MIAMI GAZET:rE of ENGINEER UTTLE MONS1'ERS . • Janet. Roy and bls fiance, Miarch 28, 1936:. G Zelpba Roberd s, all of Dayton. Stanley -Markey, leban on. TO HOLD MEETIN wer e week end ViSW01'S of MI'. home of Mrs. Vel:non PUrsle.y. on Miss A llce Campbell spent the announced ,y es terday tha t he Is reo The bOY8 4·H Club, . Little Mon· 'and MilS. Paul Sclter~l'. Route 4.8 Q,nd Lytle roa el. ' Mrs. tiring effective AngllsL 1 t. In fa· sters. of Hql'V~1Sburg, will give a , Frank. K;prfl8JJ will have the war. 'Veek end In Cincinnati. Lee Lemmon WIlS a business vorof R. J . West , aI' 10101'\'OW, OWo. ' demonstration :ot a regular 4'H Mr. and Mrs. 11th Fu "nas wet ·~bIJI service. Mra . .Donald Balrd' the vlsllOl' In CinCinnati Friday. Club meeting at 8: 30 and squa re djnner gu l'lsta S und ny or, 1\[r. a ll d program a. Mrs. E l'nest .Harlan nd Mr. li nd MI·s. Walkel' Hatfield, ATTENDS LUNCHEON dllnc,Jng at 9: 00 at Ha.re vy sburg Mrs. Emest Oook at tbelr' country a special feature. A~slSt1bg the of Dayton , s pe ut Sljnday \I'lth Mrs. I N PIQUA MONDAY gym , Saturday, July 20. 60c ad· home neal' O\Vaynesv 1lle. hostess a re: Mrs. L~J1e Gra.y, Mrs. M~ri:ie HoWeld. .. Mrs. Loutie Conger was among mlss~n. bbe oharged, 'Mrll. Alfred Rasuulle who has Ada~ Smith a~1l )Jrs. Harvey Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gons were Ihe 50 guests \vhci attended IUllcb· Don Lukens, life guard at Yel. been quite, III the pallt week. lij BUl'l1ett. guests of friends In Middletown', eOn at fhe home of l llss Grace .low Springs ••R club camp, Is 'the Slightly Improved ,a t tbl s ti~e. _ _ _ _ _ _'"-_ _-;-__ Sundo.y. PI'lnce Ilt Piqua, on Monday. leadol,'. Mr. Ralpb Hammond fell at his Mllss 'Io.ry· L O'lb Edwards, ot • H W:Qrk In Dayton SatnrdllY, InJllr. • .. ~ the ' week end . Proceeds will l~o to pay . for ... " omtJ Springfield, Bllent Ing his right. s boulder. - -- - -t-..:'='_ t-I. IM-,. camp work. Mr. and Mrs. WlIbur Clar')t ... passe d with r elatiDa here. ~ ~",,"~ ~j 1\llss 14argaret Ed wlll'...,. Mrs. W'?O. St. . JQh.n and Mrs. tribulations or a mlddle·class fam· bad ' for their evening Illn· a plelisant afternoon Wednesday. C. ' E. Andel'80n were Dayton vl~· By Dlcx Tatum Iyl living In an American liuburban ner guests. Mt·. a ud Mrs. C. W. at 0. card -psrty at the home ot Itor~ Tuesday. Warner Br.others reen.lved a new community. The performances are Younce and Mr. and Mrs. PaU l Mrs. Sam Henkle, In L ebanon. I Messrs.. ' J. B, Ohapm8ll1 and and extensive producton program gene: ally on 0. competent level. Flory of Dayton. Mr', and Mrs. I MI'. and Mrs. Lee I orrJs, of Robert Ohapman were buslnesB In Hollywood 'thls week, " as .sales The proceedlngn a I' e n e V' e r Younce have just rettirne<l from Deltnont, wel'e ' TU Bsday evening vlrsllors In DaylOn Monday. necutlves from all sections ot. lhe welgbty,-' nor an! they ever "e~y Ii ~Ix weeks motpr 'tonr to ' Call i'. caller s oC MI1S. Leah. Mills. David C. P.eterson, or Dayton. MI'. a nd Mrs. Tlelll'Y F ink :lnd Mrs Olive Ourl In company wIth eountry met In a unique "see-for; serlolls. Comelly content Is sub· called on James ·Kerrlck and fam· yourself" preview of, productions stant inl n II d nicely ' balanced Mrs . ClaJ'l1. Moore of Reavertbwn. Mr. ' a~d Mrs. Lawrence Furnas, lIy Bunday evening. and ,pesonal1t1es for · the c oming thro ughout. Dellr Wife Is heart· were FI'lday evenln~ gllBsts of attended the funeral Wednesda~, Mr. and MM. iVern , SimpSOn and year. Altogether, Warners ,Usted warm ing, easily com prebens lhle to tbelr uncle and aun t. Mr. and MI·s. of Alton Haworth, nt thB Dover MI'. IUld ,Mrs. 'Ed. Ramby were In 43 major productions on the sched· the mllny who will find reminders J. D: ;Tones. ' F,'len ds church. ule - sl:l: · top , pictures g<>1ng Into of theIr' own dally JIves In It nnd eoiilmbus Saturday evening. . Ml's. '8. R. ,l .ongucr. e amI Mrs. Ri chard ,,' Eastman of Sou t h Mr. and Mrs. Van RetaUck, of almost Immediate release, anotber beyond challenge as an oftel'lbg Charles Chnrlfos aU ncl "d lhe pic· Charleston'. was a dinn er guest Norwood, were guests of Mr. and 27 "on the sclive list" and ten In for family entertll.inmenl. nfc dtnnel' llnd cou nty meeting of !<' rJllay at th~ hom e. Mrs. 1. D. Welch, Sunday evening. various sugeBi ot planning. . Edw8l:d Ar'nofd appears liS Judge' the )-[ome De~onstl'llUon COll ncll Karl Dakin, 01' Lebanon , waa 1 - - - -.........Hope for redUction of the fed· Wilkins; Mary Philips all bls wife, Monady a t the home of Mrs~ Paul calling on bis mother, Mrs . ElJa BUDGET NQTICE eral -admiSSion tax tbls year WSB Joan Oaulfield lUI Ruth. William Sllaf~er near FerFY. Daidn Wednesdny. Notice Is hereby given that a blotted' out lhls week by tile smoke Hoillen as BII1 ' Seacroft, B11Iy ' on Mr. Olles C, Morgan. of Ham· Mr s: Maude Crane, Lebanon, public I)earlng on 'tbe budget as of the Korean fighting. The house Wolte 6S Albel't Kummer and monel , Ind " IR Rflen dlug th'ls week and 1111'S. Will Stroud, were Wed. approved ta.x n:duoUon bill will be Mona Freeman 8S MirIam, tbe Prepared b'y tile Bpard of Educa· tlon ot the Wayne Local School kept under c01;er, roady to be pol· Teen.age daughterr wbo' continues ,i'lth Ills son nnd wife, Mr. and nesduy CalleI'll of 'MIRS Mile Wright. MI·S,. (1 oldle Bently a n'd Mrs. Olslrlc't, Warren County, Ohio, for h~bed up by the Senate committee to cUp the family In and 0l\t of Mrs. Cl)arles Morgan lind , BOUB; IUlIl ;TImmie at the home Bess Anderson , vere din ner gl,lestll Dona.ld lC tbeJ;'8 Is any imPQrtant brlgltten. bot water. the fiscal year ending December ~ng or th~ war eltuatlon. of tbl!f IlLtter 's , parents, Mr. and T~ursd~y of Mrs. Leab MIlls. 31, 196~ will be held In tbe of· Tire boom In drlve-In·theatre con· Mrs. Donald Baird, Sr. ()f lhe Geb· Mrs. Lena ' BIggs; tormerly of flce ' or the BQard of Education ' of atnlctlon Iwept on In tbe first 6 hart Road. .I,ytle, ~llS calling '01) Mrs. Alice 8ald 1I0hool district III: the HJgb 'm onth, of 1960, "a~ an even greater Mr . and Mrs. Walten Kenrick Clark. Tueday. Mra. Olile Mason , SchOOl Building at Waynesville, pace tban wal antiCipated. In tll e al\d 1>lr. James Ha ines were Friday of Mason. was a Thursda.y vlsltor Ohio, on the EtBv~nth day of Sill montb period .endlng ,June 30, dinner guests of Mr. Thomaa COl· of Mrs. Clark: By MRS. WALlrEf' KENRICK AuguSt. 1960, 'beglnillnll' at 8 o'clock 1960, a. total of 924 outdoor thea· IIns and Mr. Oharles Collins In J. Wil son Edwards of EWrlngtield. p. m.. Ohio Slandard Time. Mr. an4 Mrs. Evel'ett _Kenrl ~k tel'll were eltber placlld under The dlnnrr coplplim nt· was a, visitor Thill'sday or his aunt, Dayton. , C. W BARNHART,' con8tnlcUon or opened lIDr bus· and chUdl'en. JaD'8 and Bobby und Ing the bh·thdays or ~b e form er Mi ss Margare,t Edwards. It Clerlt·Treaaurer Jnesl. Tbl! trend thll ~e.r III to Mr. Edward' Hopklna visited the Mr. Collins and MI'. fIa'lues. Misses Anna and Mame Brown ------make the drlve-lo 'theatre; more !OO at OlnolnnaU &'rlday. Mrs. Wesley Manning enterwere pa.ld a pleasant call by Mrs . LOCAi.. YOUTHS ORDERED of a de~\ll[e uDdertaklna. Mr. and ,Mre. . B. Jonee weI'S taJned tbe Lytle Carll club Thurs· Virginia. Keyes Tbursday. TO TAKE PHYSICAL EXAMS DEAlt WJFE--WlIUam Holden, Sunda]L evenlnl llinner aue8ts .o r MI ss OUve Williams accompan. T b following Wayne.vJUe Joan Caulfield, Edward Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Carl PickIng at Cent· llay 'Ilfternoon. Those prallent In· clUded Mrs. Lowell TbomA s, Mrs. Il!d Milia Monlmla 'Bunnell .Thul'l' youths have been ordered to report Billy De Wolfe. 0eDeral aUdience ervllle. Therle Jonel,-lIIrs. Harold Whit· day on a shopping trip to Lehanon. for preinduction pbYlleal esamloa· claselHClatlon; Teylew8na ratlDg. Mr. and ](rl. i.IeOn Ballllbury aker, Mrs. Ralph Hammond, Mrs. Uonl All8Ult I, 1860: MI'8. Leila Harteock of the bome. very IQOd. .., and 111'1. WIllIam. of Walblot· TbomaBj Burton, Mrs. Elmer Groves Mre. Edith Lukenl aDd d~bter JilImer neldl, ,John LeWII, Omar All you people who enJolrecl &he ton Co H. alit EUlIabtUl aDd Mre. PaUl Sblpley. Tlt&man &lid 1&'tfftIIU!. Head. Martha, of lf1In81Sburr. aa4 lira. RLetve -1Jeu bu.. wllLJIe.J1ll1t HoqIao ~b Sooiety-of Lytle CUolJn Ell1D8ton IUId . cliUdnD. at Detar dlqlda: an all da, meet- IkotUe of -tGD. ... · ~PIl G"':llPMlIl. Plume iI
SPeak.. At Fe.'rry
' '''6t.."
8>• ifE,IS'
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Out of .tbe .Past
UnJ' j l
J~IMI.~'S . W"'__
au.. wu.
Thursday, July Z'7.. 1951
..----WEEKLy NEWS ANALYSIS----:----, MANp'OWER: ,
UN Flag Ordered,Flown In K~rea; ' A h N dC d Gen. MIe rt ur ame ,omman er Of International Forces in Area
: Draft in Effect
ha~:e::c;~~~t:n:~J:!, ~:!!11:: Truman ordered o.n expansion of
~:ref!g~:~:ti~~C~~O~g;i::U:~~~~ or:~e::~IY
u. S.
Sreaks All Records
NEW YORK - The United States Is "the gambUn/:est na· tlon that ever existed," a recent nationwide survey , reports. Lile Magazine reports that 50.000,000 adults and many minors bet almost ,30,000,bOO a year with the annual profit to the bookmaker and others on the receiving end amounting to about ,6,000,000,000. This Is more ' than ' the combined profits of U.S. Steel, General Electric and the 97 other largest manufacturing companies. "The reason the ,olnts stay open," the magazine says in Its reports, "Is alwBya just one thing: gralt. paid either to the pollee, the city oUiclals or the political machIne, anci In some cases all three." , The annual profit !rom gambling houses and from the slot machine business was estimated at ~l,OOO,OOO,OOO; from , the numbers and policy racket, $500,OOO,ODO; from bets on sporta events, $500,009.000; and from horse racine, $2,600,000,000.
"Drell Money'· If you wanted to buy • new dress in- the China' of about 200 B, C., yo,u were out of luck II you fished in your purs,e and could not tind a ooin shaped Hke the human body. That' was the Chinese "dress money," and other early Chinese coins were shaped like the article they would purchase.
after the President's order, spokesmen tor the army. navy and air torce said they would Ike For Prelidentl EASYI No W1I r<qllirbl. U!lDITOB'S NO'l'E I Wh ••• plal.DO ••• uprend 18 the . . . .'omDo, tb.,. .r. Iho •••r be happy to get all their required " •• te .. D N, •• gaper UnIOD'. aew. aDal,.t. aDd Dot D.o .... rll~ o. lbtl al ••• ap_r.) ShoUld General Eisenhower be H.adl.. lib PIlar manpower through en:listments the nominee for President by either '" and Iwdcaa ' alone if possible. Whether or no~ Uuo '"'!QIL of the , two ma'or parties In 1952, UNITED NATIONS: enlistments, will till the armed ·be will be elected. torces needs will be determlned Fights Aggression within the next two weeks. It be Wtatsed tbe Job, he can 1IIId~abte4Jy have the DominaThere are moments In the march Just how much the armed forces tlOD, by IndlcatlDl' that be wODld of current events that make hiswill be exparlded has been kept se~ accept and "hleh pany be tory. In the eyu of many political cret. Presumably 1t could run as would prefer. I am aonvinced observers such a moment ochigh as 547,482 men, bringlng the that 'a majority of tbe people of curted recently when Secretar;y services to 2,005,882. the llladon would cast their General of the Unlted Nations, There Is also the possibility that ...otH for him, recarilles. of the Trygve Lie, picked up the three by reserves will be called up, although five-foot blue and white UN flag spokesmen for th~ services Bald and handed it to Warren R. Austin, Ucket he mlchl beaa. none, wID be ordered to dut,. at Be 11 not a polltlclan. He is a chief U. S. delegate to the UN, and present without their consent. soldier, but as the commander of asked him to send It to General , A spokesman for the Pentagon the allied armies In Europe he Douglas MacArthur. demonstrated his abnlly to handle said the enactment of the draft A/, On electric fans, lawn mowe~ The blull aDd white flal' of dltficult situatIons between conThe Security Councll had ,ust tbe Ullited Natlou ' baa been law was, pecessary to , meet ''the ~.)# rollerskates3-IN-ON~ tendln, ,overnments and 10 the end authorlzed the UN flag be flown lent to Korea to be no_ b7 situation ' in Korea," and· "constilet hlI own wa,.. The American peo. alongside national standards In optutes il first itep to buikt up to full troops" baHI1nI' the Communlst pie are fed up on poUtics and pollti. eratlons agalnst the Red Korean How mild call I cipreHe lie, lovadera from North Korea. : operating strength the units of the cal wraoillng, They would give to a Invadera. Gen. Deul'la. MaoArthUl' IIIIs army, naY)" ..I\d air torce to be been ' named commander in .used In the, Korean operation, to leader, powerful enough to domlAnd as he handed the flag to Ausohlef the UIIUed Nadoa. provide further maintenance and Date, a mandate to go ahead. It tin, he said: lorcetl. support therefor, and to replace ~ould not be a mandate trom minor''Bring It baek when the job Is units to be moved to Korea." ttlea, but it would be reprelenta- done." ~ve at aU cluses, could not faU to KOREA: I Just how far the United' Statel be recognIzed by both partlel. The On these worda hinge the hopea , will go In bulldiol up Ita forcel deThe Tide Flows people 'would prefer to take their of the free world. Observers saw pends entirei,y upon developmenta chances on a loldier with a det. ,In them a belief that the United Mllltary observ~ra, . stUl watch- In the Far East and other dan,er LANSING, Mich.-G. E. Eddy, Jnttely ' known Itreak of American. Nations effort In Korea will be log the Soviet Union for any signs polnts, milltary observers repon- Mlchlgan ,eologlst, has announced 11m. The feelin, seeml to be len- auccelBful and at Jast a world or· of open participation In the Korean ed. the second uraoium strike In the eral that with General EIsenhower ganlzatlon hal been formed that war,· were of \ the oplol~ ' the tide state's upper peninsula. . 10 the whIte house there, would be wID endure and protect the mlnorl· has begim to flow-against ' the !lgRAILROADS: Eddy laid Thad D. Isham and 110 more ruch Internatlonal confer- tiea for generations to come. gressors. J. E. Leitch of Owosso made the Observers were particularly 1mDuring the first two weeks of the Strike and Crash encea I S those of Yalta and Potsstrike about 60 mUes SOllth of a dam. , . , pressed because It cllmued firm conflict South Korean and AmeriTwo items of rallroad news were st~lke made last year. The last WIth General 'I ke ID the "hlte and positive action by the commun- can troops, acting under orders ot in the public mind, one bad and one is In Baraga county, 21 milel bODle we woDII! f1114 a let-up til ' fly of nations to secure world the United Nations, took a beating. one go,oci. east of L'Anse. the aold Wlr and • te.. 4et11re peace. But as the battle went into the The A F L swltchmen'l unlon Isham would give no details 'of 011 the lIart of RIlISIa for flrhtUp to this point the United Na· third week, American arms-guns, agreed to end its strike againa' Ace pitcher of the Boston Red SOL IDe. Stab "ould fln4 a man In tlons bad: tanks and planes-and U.S. soldlers tour midwest and western raliroadi. the discovery except to Bay the atomic energy commission had re- Mel 81LY8: "The WaahlDtton who ta~eII ' . laD(1) Demanded the wl1hdrawal of stemmed the rush of the Commu- The ruth continued ita walkout, but ported his samples were the 30- Day Mildness lUre be woull!' underataDd. Cemmunist Invaders itom South Dlst armies. returned to wark after President "strongest to come out of Mich- Test gave me the rIght alant on clll'General Ike would DOt atop .an Korea. At a point ' some 50 to 60 mUes Truman ordered the army to take igan." arette .... Camols the Bpen4IDI', bat be ' woD14 (2) Quickly endorsed the UDlted south of Seoul" cap,tal of South over. Eddy reported that state geo- bave flavor and epeIld ror defenle. He weald States action of sendlog aid to Korea which fell into the hands of The switchmen mado no lIone. logili~ of bis department had they're mild I" ape!ld for f1I1I., p1&uea aad ebipa South Korea and called upon all' the lnvaders a few dayIJ after the about why ' they were cal.Ung off bec4ue he beUne. til adeqllllt,e member. ot the UDlted Natlons to sneak atta$, American and Com- the strike. AB they put It, we are checked samples 01 Isbam's dlstJelellH, lIat be would DOt 811_ render assistance to carr;y out the munist trooPI met. calling it oU "because of the threat covery and judged that it bad suf· flclent promise , as a source ot thtl lor tbOIle tbIDp that are III Ute poUce action against the CommuAt first American troops wer, of dire.ct government action." raw material for atomlo bombs to province of tbe "ate.. Ue woDld nlats. ' forced to withdraw before Red Truallln had .cored again. The DOt create vaat uUUty, .n4 trrI(3) Appointed General MacAr- tanks. And at lbe moment when 1\ day before he had told hla ,vee~ warrant the Issu!iDce of an explorpUn project.; he woald Dot thur commander of International seemed the Invaders might brea}.: press conference at Washlniton ation permit. ore.te new TVA.'.. forces In Korea. through agairi, U. S. big guns and that the union bad better halt the , The permit glvel the discoverer beHeves In and would eneour~e hlatorl.c fla, which Lie hand- tanks, plus ~esh foot soldlers strike or else. Evidently the WIlon and his backer exclusive rights to any uranium found and m~ .,e the private enterprille syatem, ed to Ambassa.d or Austin wal the poured Into the area. The attack didn't like that "or elae." tII4'~ there would be no talk of a wei· one that flew over the headquarters was stopped and map3l" oblervers On the 'b ad .ide, two high aPft(I keted from the site. KELLOGG'S VARIm A prospectin, spree In the region fare atate or any brand ot loclal· of Dr. Ralph Bunc~e during lila beUeve the counter attack will Santa Fe rallwll)' streamliners, PACKAGE tam. He demonstrated hi. execu· iuccelaful medlatlon of the Arab- come al the stream of luppliea In· atreaklng eastward Ilde by llide. W8I touched off by the discovery of tive abWly In Europe dealin, with IsTieU war. It Is the visible l:rmbOl crease. , one traveling at 90 Dill!!I ' an hour uranium at Theano' point, nonb of wcb confllct1n, Interelta al thole of the tfrft mllitary lanet1o.DI ever A bl, factor In the blunted Com· and the other lleventy, bumped Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., late In 11MB. Of France, 'Entland, Italy and the levied against an aggressOr by a munlat attaek was the U. S., Brit. m.ldlleet1onl In a frealdah .ccldent. , The we.tern part of the ' upper Netherland atate.. and he alao ".em: worid Grguilzatlon. lah and AUitraUam .air lorvel. NIDe dead and '15 InJured were pen~ula Is overlain with the lame 'onatrated hli dlplomacy. As PfelFighters and bomber. carned out earried from the twilted metal rock tormatlon .. Theano poIDf, and geolollillta .ald the cllances continuous attacks upon ~, carl In the Dllnois coUlslOD. Jdent of COlumbia uoIvellit3' he THAT S,MEL!.: lor the dllcover;y of uranium hi haa a,ain: and on a ditferentUne, ro.da, and bndges. They ripped Michigan were ,ood. clemonltrated executl~e abWly and Not Th. Russians open COmmuniat , poII~ with JUMPING JACK: ~ .brut,- to_get thlngl done, withlow flyin, rocket aDd .maclilbe gwi Early In 1'949 tho conservation Chute Record out caJlin, on t4e ,ove~ent far Four towna In Dllnoll and three attack. 'l'he .bJl bombers blasted eommisllon further encoura,ed financial .'lllItance, He hal placed In Iowa provlded the nation with a away at IUPply linel and OorDmWlSgt. , John (Jumpln, Jack) Michl.aan explorationa by adopting the telabln, of Amenca In the chuckle, but It ~ DOt furln7 at ication centers. 'l'beir blows were Sweiteh set oqt to break the world's special regulatiollll COVel'ln, uranforefront. the making 01 better the time at least to re.ldeDb of felt b7 the Invailers and ,wID ape~ record parallhute lellPI In a IlDtle ium dlscoverles on .tate landl. cltIzena of our youth, en under- thoae towna. head the Inevitallte counter attack. da,., wbJch he dld with 10'1 dropl. Under the regulatioOl, the dlacovermndlog for them of tho mel!nlng A. toul Imell crept ~ 1110Meanwhile, Atnerican dlvlslona U he proved aoythlng elae it wu er Ii given priority on the developto them ol our freedom. our "bel'- line. Ea.t Moline, Selvls Ind Rock witbln the United Statel were, be- the !act the hWDn bod7 will take m~t of the lease and 1&. not ohU· tiel and our InStltutlom, and their 1Iland,. Ill" and then apreld across In, readled to move to the Far a lot of puniabment and that lOme ,ated to bid for the mlnln, rl,hta l'eJaHon to the.e the border IDto MUlcatlne, Betten. Ealt. General M.cArthur had, at people .eem to get pleasure out of against aU comerl, al In other It .. DOt 11_ lilly OD the _ dort and 'Davenport, lowa. the be,jonlnr of the conflict. four JiIklng their new. mineral lease•. The sergeant. wlUt the ald of h1a or!! . . . 1O~ler Utat tile people f Some residentl weDt into by.ter- dlvlslons ~ Japan. He , baa already are IIInIIDc to General ElaeDo ICI, one man Insisted to Se1v1spo. drawn upon them and troops with- buddlel of the 82Dd Airborne Divi- Old War.houll. Contain boWer •• • . .Uoillal le&4er. Uce ,that "the Rusaians are -flyinr In the country will replace tho.e lioo, made '10'1 drOps In 10 houri, ~ What be ball accompUAe4 at over and, gasslng us," cJt12enl were from Japan pl$ reinforcements lUI average of one ever;y ab: mlnUtal. MUllh of Romanet, My.I." prIIIl · ' He twisted ~ a D k I e and A'-'-....................~ ••••••••• Co11lJD~la has rtt'eD "em ~ vi.. forced from their beds and from for the b~ttle area. CHICAGO, ILL.-There II alwayl aprajped ,his kneE! on the 51st jump lomethlhg mystenoul and :fascinat1011 of aaother WI1aon'repr4!ea taverns, pollce lwit~boarda were ' Qr••••••• ; ••••••• z................. an4 slowed down long ~ enough teo Ing of the Party lHi ...,. ClbOOle to jammed with calls and firemen kept ·TRUTH CAMPAIGN: 0".,.,......., lit U. s., ......... . about a warehouse. The storlea have his Ie, taped. After each It contains, the atored treasures and trail with, ADd Ute party 0181 on a near·emergency basis. Scores ---~~~.!.~ jump, a jeep and 'a pickup truck ha. the lint ch.noe at IdB .1ot Molloe residentl jumped Into Counteract Propaganda. met him. The jeep rushed him trlnketa, the eerie silence which 'leel.nee bacI 'better take the 011" their cars and drove In their Dlght For years COmmunist propaganback to the Piper Cub plane which cloaks It at night all comblne to porlDDlty U It Wllbea to w1II ID clothes to high ground and fresher , da has been lipread around the took him aloft agaid, while the capture the imaglnation. . US! - - !-ail": worl~, but no one seems, to' !mow truck took his chutes to the hangar And inside' one can lind humor, But General Eisenh.o wer should When the excitement died down not ~xpect to be drafted' ·and shOuld investigation disclosed the odor re- ,ust, bow much of the story of de- wh!!re hIS, six ' buddles were ' kept mystery. 'surprise, melodrama':" and even Pan Cupid. . not wal~ for a dratt. Be, should say sulted trom " leak In a tank of enta\. mocracy has reached the enslaved bUlY repacklng them. Starting with Cupid • • • a youn, that he will accept' U offered the arm being hauled through the ar~a peoples of tlie world. Now the state The sergeant's only complaint nomination and name the party he on a truck headed west. Entalarm ' department hal announced plana during, the end\1l'ance test was he man went to a warehouse In Roprefen. Ours II a system of poUticai Is an ordorant used to ln,ect a ' for "a ,reat campaign of truth'" to would be all right "if he could sur- chester; N.Y., to ,look ' over some things he bad stored. A young womparty government,"' and we 'Have a smeU Into natural gas, normally counter Moscow's broadsides vive the jeep ride• •" an visited the warehouse tor ' the right to know the poUtical alle,- odorless, . to permit ,d etection of propaganda agalrist the · UDlted same reason., They got to talklog, iance of those 'we venerate and leska. It is not Injurious but can States and other democratic nations. ' lett arm-In·arm, and ID a litUe while 'would select a. leaders. cause ,nausea. Secretary of State Acheson told after were ~arrled. )I( , about tbe, plan In testimony before A tender emotion· of aIlother 1101 t The :American raliroads; In' both a senate foreign-relations lrubcomstole into a warehouse up In Boston. ,peace al\d war times, provide from REORGANIZATION: mittee. General Eisenhower aUo Into this warehople a charwoman !lO to 97 per cent of all our trelght New Plan Killed testified before the committee, decame twice a tear, always alone. \cd liassenger transportatton, deEYer;y spring, she went to an 'o ld President Truman's plan to cre- claring, "Truth could almost be spite tremendous aubslCllei paid, ditnmJt :and took out her light garrectly or indirectly to bUl, truck. ate a new deparlment of health, classified . as our T-bomb (truth. menu and put her heavy ones awa,.. , 'airplane ~nd ' barg!! competition. education aIld security hal been bomb) In this warfare." General Marshall, who abo teltiEach fall, she would reverse the The bUises and trucks are pro- killed by the house. It wa., incl· procedure. vided by either state CYr federal dentally, ~e ftrst time ·tbls lellllion tied, said ,he Is tlrmly convinced , Each time she lingered In the lUll the hOUie hal rejected a reorgaDl- that "we must confine ourselves to ,Iovernmenta with thelT right lolitude. of the vast, anent bullding, ,way with hundred. of thousands of zaUoa plallo ' 'l'he lenate has kllled the truth'" and that we must meet the Soviet procedure In what is carOlling, aD attendant noted, the mnes of paved, bard surfaced slz. caUed their "conquest of the mlrida few little cllerlahed pOllesslona abe :roads, with bridges acroll aD The hOUie adopted, 2'9 to 71, a of people. kept With )ler clotblng. m ,eamll over which to operate; the resolution of dillapproval of the Acheson told the senators the Thele and other vignette. were airplanes are provided with bun· measure. It was killed apparently Communilt campaign of villflcatlon brollght to Ugbt In a survey made dredB Of flying fteldl. The federal by opponenta who BrlUed It would "jeopardlzell the security of the by the natlonal furnlture warehouse, ~overoment alone haa spent more be a step toward "Ioolallzed medlUnited States and I, a threat to the men'. aSSOciation. It aovered ICOreS than one and' a halt blll10n lor IIIch cIDe." lecurity of the free · world." of the 4,000 warehoUies ,In the &ldll, and In a<!dltlon 'lIaYI the V,8. b1tuiIT '.... .num,. Democrata who lupported the "The c7Dlcal ageresslon of United Stat,e.. It showed, the al.o. pnea • much Id~er prlce lor plan. however, deDled It ' had '&n7 I'11III_ late 'Kona Ia' IUl ,eften carry1nJ miU than the .rallroada. bearing on aoelalized medlcine. munism In Korea, and the falaeIe aIem Ute c._1IIIIst u. , clatiOu concludH, that· there ta ' . ' hoods that have preceded and acThe bar,e lines operatin, on Inland The7 ~, 0Dl7 coneresl could lot of "human Inter,eat beliind thOle 9IUlCIe. ....... reporta 1IIidIc.... waterwaYI are provldt!d with mlDY btlng, this about by passing noces- companied It, make inescapab.,. I t ern walla and beneath thole .... renUa tralll laena ..... clear the Importance of the cam. thousand. ' of milel of navigable IB17 leg1a1&tion. heaV7 blanketa." AD'" 01 II" .... sad treepa. paign at trUth," he saId. channels. Warehoulemen, 11 k e newamaa. .)1( meet some IDteresting peoJ)le• RET AIL PRICES: COLOMBIA: A superstitioUi woman keeps a '!'here is DO IUch thin, aa someL-..._ _ _E_,,_n_._m_,___.._ Quak. Toll 270 box of wishbone. and horaeahon thInI fCYr nothing. Some one Dluat Up Another Notch pa7 lor the hand-outa. '!be governThe Korean lituation 'ilia. Pot the Economlc.lIT' the nation .lIeemecl I'lve IUClcelll". earthquak.. In under lock and key In e mldwestem ment hal nothing, other than What onl7 wOrT'1 of AmericaDl durin, the In mucb better condition al Ute Colombi~, lome, 100 mOes north· warehoUie. ,A man In Portland, Ore., It eonecta from Ita cIUze~. Evel'7 'past week or 10. Living coats went 'labor ~epartmen~ ' reported aiiu eaat of Bogota, II reJlO~ to have nota IPace for several cartona cd 10 dollars handed out to those who up another Dotch wiUl the prlcea of ,p ointing to record-breaklng emptor- ldlled 270 perscIJUI, Injured lome uaec1 Itreetcar transfers. do not work. must be provided by meat and bread being increased in A · thrlfty~chap In Omaha kept'JIlI t thla )'Oar, 'exceedlng the 1... Il00, and lett 40.000 bomeleu. thole who do work, and eveJ'7 )Iur- retail atorea. peak of 81,Il00,000. . Ten towns In north central CoIOln· calh In a trunk. maJdoL depoa.lb chAler or eommocllUel CODtrIbutel Cocoa, coffee, lugar, bides and Be~ Tobin said mucb of bla were reported deltro7ed with and withdrawals .. be WGUId m a to Ute handouts tbe, goverllDlC!Jlt 10 tiD continued upwal-d, cotton lOarecl the . nonagricultural employmeat IIDi:GIMiIV dama.. ..timated a' ap- ba$. All OmabaJa of lea sobel lavllhl7 distributes. W he D )be to $15 a bale. and cat'1e went to the habib reelecl Into • atora. . ,aiD ltemmed from lealonal acttf1-l!p~;=~:"'~.'lOO,=OOO:'d Amerlc:aD workers come ,to reaUza blPen pdae level In a 7H1'. n S- tiel. JIaD7 and ,aakacl to be PIll Wo Intwndatil e~laD7 ID . . I~ that th.,. provide lor thCllll wbo .., ail blamed OIl tbe Korean WU'. bI&t aoutructIoo il&aum,. wblch dock UDW. could _vIP.. .. pam _ ... tIle7 wlU be&lll to other tacton mtered la. JOJIq nc:or4-brealdD, aeth_a.'
UN Flag
Michigan-s Second Uranium Strike Made In Upper Peninsula
other cigarette! Mn
Each With Your OWn InitiaU'
4~ nafllre'Si~re
'"'" """'r
............................... . 11>'-
1/t,PtdZf, OF
IIowl .. tile
Turned By Rlohard urn WI1JlInsOD
second nature F LIRTING with Deborah Bellamy. :No one Wll8
would have guessed. after oDe glance at her gay. laughing face. after ono look' Inlo' her mocklng, tQntall~ing eyes, that inwardly s)to was a fro 1 d. Afraid th at Minute sometime some Flollon one 01 her victims was golng to tur' n tbe tabies. That is to say, she knew that one day sho was going to fall In love with one o! the men with whom she flirted. And that, sbe knew, would be the end. The end to all her gay. reckless happiness. She neve.r dreamed-that this 'man would prove to be a cowboy. named Lon Fairweather. Deborah had joined a party who planned a month's vacation at a . dude ranch in Wyoming. Lon was the foreman, He was tall, fair, handsome. Alter one Jook Into hls sober blue eyes, Deborah began to lay her snares. Lon was dlHerent, but he was also human. l;Ienee he succumbe.d ~o her wiles, just as had the others. The rngbt he iold Deborah of his, love they wel"e seated on a hlgh boulder overlooking a hemmed-In lake. ' Something about the beauty and grandeur of the scene stirred Deborah's soul She found herself listening to' Lon's love - making more soberly than was her ' cus. tom. "Oh, Lon. " she said a little breathlessly •. "Not now ••. " She pushed him away and ran up the path toward the ranch , hQuse. Once' back in her room she taced herself In the mirror and laughe4, 1n the days that followed Lon persisted in occupyine ber thoughts. Some wliat IIi desperation she ealt about lor eseaPe. And then a 'plan came to mind. She'd ask him to come to New York. Sb,,'d let blm: on bome erowid, ·compare him with the .ort of life abe WII wed to. The Idea leemed a 100d one and .traDleq enoulh Lon aareed to come-In the fall
PlaDtl Lase Leaved The rims of clay pots in whlcb soil chemicals have conected may be causing you'r plants to lose their . lower leaves. You can prevent daniage by using a glazed pot, by dippi,ng the upper rim of a clay ~GI~I pot in paraffin or by covering the ~ pot rim with tin foil.
• Sedlac, a sleepy little town about 60 miles from Pro g u e, Czechoslovaliia, holds one of the '. stro!1gest, and eeri~st relics in the world-o church whose interior is decorated with the bones of 10,000 people. The church (right)' is . visited by tourists from all oyer the world, but one visit usually suffices for a lifetime. Even the villagers who have lived with it most of their .lives use it but once a year-during the Easter season -as a grim reminder t~at life is transient and death . is certain. The rest of the time it' is shown to visitors as a curiosity of the district by an old caretaker who carefully dusts the sltulls every two months.
How mild can a.cigarettelNi?
High Quality Hay Cuts Dairy Costs
Feed, Labor 80 Percent Of Production Cost Good pasture and hlgh' Ql,lallty. low· cost hay will cut feed and labor costs and greatly increase net refOl' dli irymen, d eclared Tim· Hodge, Michigan Stale College agrlcultural economist. .Hodge estimates that fced and labor expense represents 80 per cent of the cost of ke,eping a dairy cow. The lower the feed and labor costs can be made. the bigger will be the dairyman's net return. ' Pasture and hay are the che apest tced a cow can get. Agronomists reAHD\.E GOOD PASTUQE ANa IoIAV
other cigarette! Gnd among
millions IIIAo do ...
EZIO PINZA ",Ao .tarred in ··SorttA Pacific"
Ezlo Plnza says: "Mlldnesa is all-
important to me
as a sin g er. I amoke tho clgaretto that agrees wi th my throat ...
ee Iy
ictur stor I
• Pan American hostess MarcelIa Vocel(lva (left) looks at thi!i intricate shield belonging to it h e house of Count Schwarzenlberg whose family has token care of the 'church for generations. How and why the bones were put into the churchyaries with the sltoryteller. Built in 1280 when a traveler brought earth from Jerusalem for its altar, the church and its yard became a very popular clemetery. Everyone wanted to be' buried in its hallowed ground. The 10,000 bones came from t h • bodies in the cemetery.
CAME. and Ihe planned a F ALL ,pan,.. Sbe Invited an thote wbo had been .t the Double 0 Bar that lUJIlmer. Lon arrived In due time and c:aned at Deborah', apartment. She . ., a Uttle ta.k en abadt .t the. el.. IID4 ,rIce with whlcb be WON hit smart DeW tuxedq, -and in ..,Ite Jlerte!f ' ihe 1hrWed When he ' her Into hi. armI. The dInDer wa. let for 8, At , .the lUeI\I bellO to arrive, WI. .urprlled when he AW the ' m'en wore chap. Ind , beeJed boots; that the women larbed In cUvl~ed rldinl aklrt. aay-eolored bloUies. ' A buUer came to the door ,.elled: ''Come and let It, cowboy,,, Deborah felt a Utu. Wleasy •• Lon elcorted ber to her leat. Her uneasiness ;raw .. he looked BlllhtJ7 puzzlecS upOn dlscoverinl there was no IUverware at hi. place lave a broad-bladed knife. He hesitated. watchlne in amazement
Thursday, July 27, 1950
• This eerie 14fene (right) Itartln and stops the tourist in his track. Onl! enteriq. the church he sen fint a row of ,gleaming human skulls lining the top of the altar beneath the fig u r e of Christ. Skulls star.' from the niches on the sides where they hoye been fitted into lamp.. Church instrume,?ts include a chalic. made ot bonn.-
The above Wanratlon clearly shOWI tlJe net returnl for .ample *,ood pastnre aDd bay and retarns wbeD pa.ture fa scarce and of low volame. port that 25 pounds of good alfalfa haY' will supply all the protein needed to produce about SO poWlds of 4 per cent mUk dally and furnJ,b caldum. carotene and vitamin D 01 well Good pasture Cuts labor expense. because the cows do the batvesilnr. Three elleDUall Deeded to maintain ,eood pasture and ,et maximum returns from pasture crops are: (1) -a ,ood leaume-ara" mixture best adapted to your erowme IConcUUoftl. (2)-a fertile IOU that will Iteadily tumIah a well balaneed IUPP'" of plant toodl. SoU testa wW.lbow the land'l need for Urne and for pho.. phate . and potalh fertilizer. (3)mana,ement wblc:h rotatel erazlna and avoid. overworkln, lome are.. wblle otherl become coar.. and unpalatable. Good mana,emat Wo IIlvolvea barveltlDa pasture crowth at the peak of U• protein value to lnIure blah quauty bay.
~'For my DUliloallO, . medicines every Then he began for breakfast. It's lDondeTllIl. it keeps him regular I" Thyra Nelson StarRoutel. Box 661. UnionJ Waah. JWlt OM OJ
man/l unaoliciUd /tt.. leTa (rom. ALL-BRAN tIMI'•• You. too, may expect amazing relults for constipation dietary bulk. Eat an Kellogg'. ALL-BRAN plenty of I If not cOOlplt~l,l aatislled carton to D ~~~flE'l<~~ un,ul:'''' Mich. Get BACK I
Farmers Report New . Disease Among Pigs A .aanee disease of ' 11ttle plgl that makes them lh1ver,' jerk and 10meUrnes "dane," fa worrylnl Quite a few tumers. What cail8es the cond1t1on Is lomewhat of a mYltery. the American Veterlnary Medical &8soclaUon says. . It strikes new'" bOl11 pigs. Some of the affected animals merely shiver and tremble. In other casek. ,the pigs may not be able to keep their feet still, resulting In an Involuntary "dance." The latest report. by Dr. H. C. H. I ' ~er~~a~~~(v:ar~r~~e~slearch veterinarIan I at the of Minnesota; indicates that the dlsease. known as myoclonia congernta. Is still almost as baUling to Iclentists III it when first described In' 1922.
Electrlo Hired Hand • Other ,skulls that' ~re fashioned into candle ho,lders and monstrance bear sword ",arks, and ' some still, con- , toin bits of teeth. Miss Voceloycl (left) inspects some of, the altar instrilments. Th. caretaker shows tlie .,isitor this~display with a' noticeabl. lack of enthusiasm.
BIle rolllUl berself UateDiDr to ·J,oD'a love-maldJlr a U&Ue more loberly th~ W.I !au . cutClm.
as the other guests picked up their knives. and with suppressed chuckles beean to scoop up peas and shove ~em into their mouths. He watched as theY' poured coffee from their eUps and drank their 8auce~s. . "I understand." he Bald. looking directly, at 'Deborah. "And I regret I can't .appreclate the humor o! the thine, You see." he added, "we westerners have had it 'drilled Into us bY' you easterners. that we're crude and have no manners. "But," he paused and made a little. perfunctOI7 bow. toward De_ab. "Now I know s(lmethlnt else; know that whatever other mannera you talks mlaht have you don't know the meaninl of hoapHallb'," And with this he carefu11Jr placed
bI8 napkin on tl\e table. back bla ebalr and .trode, from the
room. "Lonl LollI" she caDed. "Ple..e c:om. back. It an DI7 hult. I'm IOrI7. PleaHI" BUt Loll . . . alreeq ~ the door aDd balfWQ down tb8 ataJn. Above. OIl tile 1aD4InI Debonh ataod ., If dazed. Dian .a. a t.etrthJe ..............UOD ~ err • ~t, .dnola.. IIlIHnbJe
.. ....
_ ~ii;;i~·;a~;·~tIIe .... ~
Personal To Women With Nagging Backache . . ",.
Aa _ "" aleler. _ l1li4 1traIn. 0"." aertioD. u.,..lv. amold:D& or elpol:we to
cdcl eo~.tlm. 010. . do",! Idclney lunOoI U.... Thli .....,. leacI 1D&117 follol to ,COlliplaiD of naoille backache. 1_ of pop 1IIl41
...av. beaclacb. ad· clIa1a_ GettlDi
• The chandelier (rig~t) is an inspiration of horror and causes m~re yisiton to retreat than anything ..... Strings of skulls form shadows 'on the ceiling. And when the ccmdl. In this grot.... clta....11er an lit, the _ulla gIY. an uncanny Impression that th., are participating" the c....."'. On. account rePorts this. .display was conc.IYecI and arranged by a {
Electricity can llghten farm chores and greatly increase productivity. How it's done is shown In • new color fUm. "Electrlfled Farming" whlch has been released bY' General Electric. Crop dryers. barn cleaners. milk. Ing machines. water pumping systems •. electriC brookers, and ventilatin, tana .re cI.ed 81 example. ,ot the wldeninil ule of e1ectrleit7. in production on D).odern larma.
Soybeans Important Cash Crop in Minnesota Soybeans a. a c..h crop In MinDe.ota reapoDded to h1Ih prlc.. durIn. the war and POIt-war ,.earL on. acre... bantelted for beans Inoreal8d from 81>.(100 acre. In 10 _,OlIO In 11K? aDd tIleD dropped back to 'JOO,008 III lMI. 'Moll or tile Iner•••• occ:urn4 from 1Nt to 111'1. Ja.tI coDDtlea a per ceDt 01' more or .. tm.bJe JaDd wu in. I07b..... ~ for bnulD 1_
ap lII,bu or 'requa" p_"", .....,. I'IIIUI, from mIJIor b10dder lrrltatl ..... due co lOll!. damPIl_ or dJetar7 IJIdJacnUou. U " ..... dIaeoalt_ are dD. co
ca_ chm', wai\, CI7 DO&II'. PlIII, a mlId dJuretlC: trilld ........ru1l:r. b" IIlWlOlll 101" _ 60 ,..,.. 'WbII. til-. II:I'1IIlIto.... mar ar_ ~ _ . W. llDUllDa laow lUll)' elm. D"",,·. bap", ,.1,1boIp &he 1& mn.'of Id,bllo' tobaa ...11 ftJ_1 .... _ ..... a.. J)ou'. 1'IUa &odaT11
at". \
THE MIAMI IGAZETTE E, t.bllihed 1850 PAUL A. aCHERER ...... .. .. . .. .. .... . ....... edltor" and Pubiliher CECILIA- J. SCHERER . ..... ............... . Secret.ry and Tre.lure!'
, LYTLE METHPOl8T CHURCH CHURCH B. E. Dauglm, .'Ilstor J. W . \\ tldg.>wood, M,lulster . Churoh Scbool, 11:80 A.M., Mr. Uplfled Service, 9 :45 a. , m. Harold ,\l:arnhart, Supt. W01'sblp Service, 10:811 A .III. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL YO\l tbl'"ellow ~ h lp, unday, 7 ;00 . I T he Jlev. 'ulUu !31 N. Keys, lleolo: P.M, BlIndllY: floW ComlDullloll, S u. 'n. 1· 1 hlillry cb ul'ob s(lhool 10 ; 30 a.m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST (AgIlS 0 tbrough K) BYI'OIl Carver. ,M lulsttlr .\ lIull \I ora hili. 10)30 a. m. Bible School. 9:30 A.M'. Mornlng Worship. 10:30 A .M . Prayer Meeting, 7:00 P,M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH YOllng People's Meeting, 7:00 Wll lluw Shannon, Mlntster 1';Y"nlng Services, 7 :30 P.M, SUuduy School, 9 : aO A.M.• Mrll JUUlEl8 Gllrrls(J[I,.' SUllt. WAYNESVILLE CHURC'H OF PI·tlaublng, 1st. and Srd. SUr.CHRIST . days ot CIl Ii month, 10 : au A.M. M . H. Coffey; Milliliter ~~vcI1Jng Services, 7 ::10 P.M:. Bl ble School. Ii : 30 A.M. MOI'nlng Worship, 10:30 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHU.~CH . , ' lI l1l1g I'ljupl .. ij· · .'1Iw llng, 6 : 45 Fath"r n. II. I{rllwI.JOl t~. Pastor 1' ..11. l\III UIlI'Il. and JU A.M. ".yelllllll SlIrv l 'c, X: OU P . ~1 . PraYIlI' Meellng find Bible Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Wednesday. 8 P.M. lee Partington, Mlnt,ter ,""orBblp Service, 10 A.M. MT. HOLLY M E r HODI8T S\lnday Scbool, 11 A.M. T. M . S ' U([, ~1!lljjtt: r .
at Wo.ynosvllle, Warren County, Ohio Entered as seco n~ class matter at the postotfice at· Waynesville, Ohio,
SUblcrlptl~n Rates-,l.G!) Per Year, In advance, In Ohio.
$2. elsewhere
HOARDING There is no need of hou ewives go ing to the store and puying everything they an carry home in large quantities in other words hoarding all the items th at were carce b~ore during ~orld War II. If they will buy only as needed, there will be plenty of food Ifor ever,ybody. T here is an al?undance of fooe in this country. Me;!t is high, but it is plentiful., There is no excuse for the hoost in bread prices. Wheat has dropp'ed 2 5c a bushel helow September prices and there is an abundant supply On hand.
If people will not get panicky-j ust lillY as much . as is needed - there will be · no need for rationing - otherwise we wi ll h ave it sure.
One Fourth Mile Eait of 'the Traffic Liebt E. CENTERVILLE, OHIO ~~~~~~=6i~~~==t1:ll A.SUliday ~chool, .c1 Enrll hnrt, 8UI.t, 9 :30 A.M .• WAYNESVILLE FRIEND& . ~'h'lI l Dill' Scllool, Ii :au A . ~l. Yellow, Golden Jubilee, White, ~~~;~~~~:;~!! \\o ...,hlp Serv ice, 10::10 A.M.
C"'1'IaDtI .
Our forces in Korea are fi ghting a wonderful delaying action against overwhelming 9dd~ of men and materiel. The high command, 'you ca n rest as. sured, has a plan worked out, and w,hen the time comes to put it into use, the communists wi1\ ue pushed back' into N'Or'th Ko rea or be annihillat:ed or 'captured. '~
....., ..................
gram. Mrs. Floren ce Hastings., Of Wayneavllle, presented a very un· ullua\' Interpretation of R country woman reporting he r experiences By JANE . FITE ,durlng a visit to the city. SJ)eclal Several persona trom this com· mu~c for the 8f~~lrnoon was premunity attended the dinner apon· sen ted 'by Mra. Edna Bopn and eored by the Kingman Women's Mlaa Oamela Shambaugh. Society of Ohrlstlan, Service at th,,' Mrs. Louie Settlemeyer, of I!.eb.cHaol bulldlltg there, Thursday anon. Is ~he boueeguest of her night, cousin. ·Mrs. Llaa Curl. Mr. and Mrs. H. S . Tucker spent Funeral , ervfces t () r Ben a few days last week as the hOUle Beckett. 59, well·known . Harveys. guellt. of 'tbelr Bon·ln·law and burg buslnll88 man, were con· daugbter, Mr.1 and Mrs. 10hn Byf. ducted at the Methodist church, erd. or Dayton. 'here: .W ednesday afternoon. Rev. The ' Adult Bible Cla88 of tbe Gellsner of Fran,klln, officiated. Jonah'" Run Ba.pUst church, met at .Pallbearers were Harold Bogan, the 'bome of Mr. and Mrs. WOllam Walter Donaldson, R a)l m 0 n d Gilliam Tuesday night: Mrs. Marr IEak.lns, Frank Tletmeyer. Todd DeDDY liad charge CIt the devotlona Bunce. and 'El4red ~Ietm,yer. anel Mrs. J . P. Thornbury and Mr. Beckett died Bhortly arter noon Howard Oollett conduoted. the pro- S~turday at Middletown Hospital where he was taken th~ day be.. gram. Mn-:-:. . Oollett and her BOD, fore tor treatment for a heart ~U· Robert Collett. and Mr. and Mrs. ment. Although he had been In de' CharleB Gordan were guesta Sun. cllnlng llealth for many months, hIs day of Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Mc. condltlon did not become crttlcal Carren, at their home In Wal. until one week ago. 'h oundlllJ. Mra. Laura ~htdaker He and hll!l family moved bere accompanlecl the sroup home, rol· trom BlancheBter In ] 94() and aslowing a two weeks visit wltb tbe sumed management of the Co{ner Restaurant and E'\lIlng Statlon~ McOarrena. . Rqv. and Mrs. J . .P. Tbornbury elu!t of the vUlage corporation 11m· $ent lut week In Olevelarid" Its, 'On tbe :Wllmlngt01P Ro~. At· ... h were ...·ey; Iltte n d' ed ' th e Bap t'"sl ter being In ' tbls business for se,,· World Alliance. eral years, he reUred ' to hili farm h'o me I~ Clinton ' County. Return. The Jonah's Run Mla8lonary Clr· Ing to tbls community he operated cle met at the 'home of Mrs. the Harveysburg Recreation, until W1lliam Dolter, W.ednesday night. the past year, during wbich time Mrs. J. P. Tbor:nbury dlscuued he o.wned and operllted. the the lesBon. us log as · her text, "Ja. veysburg. Rest-auant, pn M a I n ,Pan Beglna Agn." !'IJ.lsL.Ellen .treet. '. . Pidgeon conducted tl1e, devoiloll.ll, . Betore 'enterlng the restaura nt Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Partington have to. their .home In ' At.bu~eBl!, Beckett was a moto,r · lanta, Georgia, ,following a weeks man ·for · the Cincinnati and Lake visit here. with ,Mr. Partington's Erie RAilroad Co. for twenty years.. .P\lNntB, Rev. and Mrs. B. Part. His sUrvivors . Include his widow, ington. Anna Mae, one 80n, John Beckett, Millii B&rbara Bogan hall reo Sr. , of Franklin, three 'daughters, turned to ber b'ome following a Mrs. Charlotte Cook, also of v1&1t wlth. relatives In MaBon. Franklin, M'rs. Ru th SnOlg~a8S and ~v. and Mrs. James Rader .and Mrs. Jo Ann Jones, all of Harveys· their daughters were guests Thur/!. burg, and seven grandcblldren. , day evening of Mr. and Mrs. Jamel Interment In charge of the Un· . Gilliam ',and Mrs.· Susie Gilliam, glesby ·F1unerar Home. was made Dayton. . ~n 'W ood RlU Cemetery. Franklln. Harvey (Dutch) Henry. Walter ,Mr. and Mrs. James Park and Hlldebrecht, and Roger Plummer their daughters. Peggy and ..Terri, lett here WedDeBday morning tor- of Cincinnati; were guests Sunday a two weeiur vacation trtp to of Mrs.. Parle's puents, Mr. and Texall. Mrs. H. S. Tucker. 101188 'Mary Jane 14oore, wbor hB.a Tbe Bogan family 11eld their been residing In Dayton. for several reunion dinner at Ithe hiome ;0' months, has moved here to ~he Oharles Bogan. here, Sunday. . home of I!er mother. Mrs. MIUle l\,frs. Imogene Volera, Mrs. Moore. 'MISS Moore la com,mutlng Helen R'obertson, Mrs. Edna Bo. d8Jly, to h'e r Posltloo In Darton. Iran, Mise, Margie .BoUlnger and Mrs. ' lda. COlllna spent ~iur- Miss ,Barbara. Bogan, were lunch. ~ay In Lebanon . as' the guest of .eon guesta Frlday, of Mrs. Flor-. relatives. ence Hastings, of Waynesville. Mr.. WlIUam Doster and famll)' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Doster Bnd Mrs. Sarah Wrtght were cal· and 'amlly, of Springfield. ~ere lers in Dayton Thursday.. the guestl Sunday of Mr. Doster's Ben Beckett was taken to the PUentB, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ~d.town Hosp'taJ, \Middle. DoBter. Mr. and · Mrs. Oharles SWindler town, Where lie Will undergo treatment and observ'atlon. left Sunday for a brief vacation Lew Waah btU! underwent sur- trip to Kentucky Lake. gery at Grandview H 0 s pit a I, Mrs. Mary Lou Downey was a Day too. gueBt Sunda, of lIr. and MrB. Tbe Women'. Some,t)' of Chria- lame. Rader and fami." Uaa s.rriee IIIODIOrtJd a lapane.e Aln Haven la Ia a critical COB' T. at u.. JIttIIoIIat church. 1Je1'8, cIWon at htB bome bere. . T......, afterD~ MrB. Ern. lid. Hatton, of Horwood, eaJ)ecl ...... ..... &llDGQllced tU pro- on fI'IeIada ill tile viUap, BUDda,..
_'A'I AbUra , ___'IV"," - 7'
ORDINANPE No. 211 An Ordinance to Prevent Certain Nullincee Be It Ord~l~ed by the Council of the Village or Way~esvlU e . Stat of Ohio: s ection ' l. No perBQtI, !trm, C~I''' poratlon, or other . legal entity, sball erect, construct. use, or ma II. tain a building: structure, llen, en. closure, or other place for the ex. erclse ,of a trade, employment. bus. Iness, or other enterprlae; or shall keep or feed aby animal. fowl.:or any otbe.r material or Bubsta11ce wh\c!J, by occasioning noxlc~\l1I ex. .mations .or nolse8OD.le or oftensive smells, become InJurlou\I to the health, comfort, or property Individuals or of ' th e public. __ Nor shall any person , firm, ~r. poratlon, or other legal enUty \ (CIluse or suffer offal, filth, bt 1Il0180me Bubstances t~ be collented or to rematn In any place wlt~n the VJllage WaYnesville, to he damage or prejudice of otbers ' 0 1' the bll .' '" pu ~. . ' • Section H. . Violators of. the pro-
} fl.yc~l'ibl
£ \'I·.Il lng Sill' vice, 7 :31) P.M.
Meeting fOt Worl!blp, l\1 :all 'A .M.
.:..._ _' _ _'_ ._ _ _ .~_ ' .:. _ '_ _ _ ._ _._ _ .._._._~
Armitage &San.
••e. 'ilL
SAND' and G~VEL '
. .lmlll~IIIOOIOOlmllml~I~~llImlll~111111
. WANTED It aeem.
Inl 1tco lIlany 1e"~OI~ nursing bottle.
When the derlc dl8<~Vltred BUYERS WAITING . been ueiDtf a be ex. plalned that the wu ~DEspecially For Farms .• lble for mucb 01 the troubl.. Apo4 parently amoDtf bardwan DIeD aD" tstabllBhed trick 101' bnakIac-,.... ,FOR QUICK SALE CAU.,' ImootbJy IB to ftrat acore or ~tcb ' ' ' ,t he .urfate with • bud IDItn.j m~nt. rhe~~ lo~e iJI appUed the' I II . rea.... wean y alonl' tht 1C0re hW'k. The ..me pnnciple, &be der\.l:.lnted out, :JJ1iU 1n '
u_ a l _ _ _
..,..... ",.U,,'"
• ... III .ad , .. til. OUIaIGllllI......
~""lractw .M.I.. 11 H. . .~.e~.....
Roy E. Smith
visions of thl.s ordinance sball II~ ,~n:i~ bab)' ~~: t,ttle.~~·, guilty of a mlalemeanor and Bball lmetal 'a d of the bnaah wealtena be flned not lell8 than ten dollars 8lua ' With .tIa7. aJmoat un. ($10.00) and not !Dore than fifty ~~ItleiatbtoJeb~~th"l'~h are luf· d I uC en ..- - e· ........e when it
Rl 48. 5 ml. South of
. CentervlUe. PHONE Centerville 705&
o;t!:: ~~5r~:~e~~ro;asc:a.~:e~: :~=.to;·~_!ar Of ~ ~1I111~lIl1l11l11lmlmmmllllllmll~lml.mIWllm.11I prlsoned for not more .tJuUa thirty ~ 'The derk p.t ~end lOme . .
· (30) d an t or each /leparaie offense. Se,e tlon III, Each day that such 1\ violation persists atter the of. t"nder h~B ~een notified by the Marshal or Council of the VOrage of Waynesville IIhall conl!Utute a seplirate offense hereunder;. S ec Uon IV . This ordInance, shall take etrect and be In torce (rom a nd alter ;tbe earliest period al· lowed by law Passed: JUlY' 3, 1950
H. M. SHERWOOD, Mayol' Attest. Charles ~ames, Clerk.
· .....11110 bralbl ••1 bab, bottle
. cleanaer which the wbole {problem. A tabJeapooDfuI in warm · ~ter: diUo.'fe. and 1'8: =rT~!. ~:.t~~ ~:~~ .f N~.w tbere'. a bit 01 information · that . wahl ' come ID _)1and~ lome
da,~ "
On Route 73 Eillt of Route' 48
' ' E)cecutor Estate of Howard E. Hathaway, Decelll.8l'd,
INo1tl'c e fs bereby given that Mabel) HathawllY, :whose Post or.. Mrs. Sadie Reason 'Is the houf!e (Ice nddres8 Is WaynesvIJ1e, ' Ohio, guest her SOlI' and daughter.ln. has Iileen duly appointed' as Exec. law, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Rell8on, utrtx of the Estate of Howard E, of Waynesville. Hathllway, late of Warren CountY., Ohio; deceased. . Dated. th1B 7't h day of July, 1960. . RALPH H. CAREY. Judge of the Probate Court ' , Warren County, Oblo . ~arleB A. Anderson, 'Att9rney Publllilib. 7-18..2~27
. .L Y T L E
SCHOOL DAYS emember w Ite n you
"ber" naIDB qn desk lit scbool? Mor~ t han 0 nc y:o oJ tboUght the sharp-e;yed teacher would get wise 6eel~g your head b ' Ii t low behlnd your What If YOU didn't much about parSing tences? You ')IlBrned a about carving WOOd putting ,:ber" name on your desk for k e e ., I along wltli the rest of your predece.sOT'S sweethean.s. Remember? " Our complete ice II not I" term. of aOllaPilai but In the atlon we can t o t hOI e' aorrow... cal'ved
1I 1 I I1 fl ,IIIIIIII~lllIIlllIIlIIlmllllllllllllllmlllll~lIll11ll1l1l1l11l11l11l l1l11~
General.Repairing MOTOR TUNE-UP AND REBUlLDlNG \
$'7,45. AND UP
'FirestoDe Tires $9 65 PLUS TAX ANDUP
I' -
. _u_~.
_ II _..-,,_U_...-.
OF 0111 I)F.PJ\RTM I':N T OF H'IUH \'VA \'S Columhu s., Ohio, Jul y 16. 19&0
III GAWAY Columbut;, Ohio, July 16, 1950
E ng lne\li' or Sl1les
A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier
lilnglneer of Sol les Lega l opy No, CiI)·367
Legll.l Copy No, 50·:JU
UNl'l' PHICf] CONTRAC'f Sealed proposilis will be )'eGel'vell UNIT PRICE; C NTRA '1' You can see whel'e YOlAr I1IvII'!Y go : I -from day at tile ol'flce oe lile Slnte-11 lgllway Sealed IJr9 l)O~a l fl w III be I' ~ ly,'<1 to. 'day-with a checking aCG(mnl. Your la~t Mr .. D. J, Fra;r.ler I. on her va· Dil'eulor of 0 1110, at olumbul:I, Ohio, at the amue' of Ibe S LIlLe HIgl!wuj c he Ie s t ub is it r'~ mjnlkr to y U, of xactry cation, but her column will be re- ' uutll 10:00 A.M., 01110 SLILlldarci Director of Ohio. al COlumbu ~, .umed upon her return, Tim, Tuesday. Augus t II, 1960, fOI' , how much money you hav'e in your accounl-'Ohio, unUl 10:00 A. M., hlo tn'" Im proveme nts In: ' , and the Ill' vio IS stubs 11ft ou I, ow what biIJs dard Time, Tuesd/lY, August NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT PROPO AL No, 1 yo,u hnv Pi1id and when. With lhe balnnce of 960, for ImprovemenlS In: ' Various ectiO'lls of ·U. S, Ralites 'A dmlnl.trator your account ontinuously before y our eyes you PROPOSAli No, I Estate of Ch llrles ·E. Cook. De· Nos. 27 and 42' a nd Stat ' Route No. can a da pt your spe nding II) YO UI' "mea n s," ceased. 128, Butler County, U, S. Routes Montgomel"y Rnd WI'8 1Ten CoU ll Notice Is hel'eby g iven th~ t Nos. 50·'8 und 52 lerlllont County, Uell, Ohio, on Sections ::1.79, 20.52 Minnie Mue Cook' WhORl) post' or· U. S. 110uie No. 68 Ilntou County , and 22,11 at State Route No. 48, by flce address Is WILYllesvllle, OhiO, U. S. Routes NOB , 35; 42 IIlld 6 remOving and stalling old guard has bsen duly IlPpolnted us Admin· and 'Eltat HOUle No. 72 Cl'eene rall and construction of new guard -----------~---- - ...... ollnty, U, , Rout e~ Nos , 50·B a nd Istl'atrl x at lbe Estut e of .Oharles ,BRIDGEPORT. rail. Old guard TaU to be s to red ounLy, und U. S , bad newa for E. Cook, lute of Wn.ynesville, '''ur· 60 HumlllolL at Stale ffighwa,r Ga.ra'ge In Leb. ren County, Ohio, decealled. Routes Nos. 22 anti '42 WlIl'I'en the ". forea t to anon, ohio. Con' ract to be com. Dated tIlls '18th dllY or ·July, , 195/). COllnty, Ohio, fOl' Iltlh Jllng o lll f!~.~~b.:r:,~ needa to .I\l eted Iwt latel' than Novemhel' 1. RALPH H. CARSY. g nard IraJl, varIous t),lles ns per let only once. Thereafter. It ..... 1950. 25 MONTH GUARANT EE - ' ;cld Wale l"Ollce A Yea r Judge of tjle P robate CnUl" , plan. letl Itself to 10 ot! ever, ,monab18 The mlDlmum '\vage to be paid l,,'n gtb 89, GO.f> fee l. at the lime time. Model RoDer , LUB leA TION h' Wa.rren Olllll)" Contr ac t to be compl ctod not MerrUJ. who doean't have CO 10 to to all labor employed On thi s con· COMPLETE ' AUT O REPAIR SERVICE work at the lime time ..~~, . tract shall be 1n accordance with Chlll'lea A, Andel'son , AtLol·UOY. lal I' tlian No cmbel' 1. JSD(). PubLish' 7~20·27-8·3 24 HOU R WRECKI~G SERVICE The minimum wage La be pal'" lnr. can 11M the aIook . . . ~ the "Schedule ot Prevalilng Hourly - '" Wlage Ratea Ascertained and De. Lo (III- lnbol' eillployed on thl jl COli ' vantlow alarm. rtermlDed by Tb'EI Department of trncl shll~1 be In acco rdance wlt!1 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT GAZETfE PHONE IS 2143 ,lDdustrlal Relatione applicable to the "Schedule 01' Prevlliling Hourly Executor Wuge HII lo!\ ASl'el'lnined alld .De· - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . . - - - State Highway Deparlment 1m· Ordinance No. ' 212 provements in IIccordance wltb 1::st nlo oC Ohal'les '11. S marL, De· Itlr nliuu(L by '1'he IJepfu'llllent of MAIN &. M IA M I STS. PHON E WAYNES. 234' ceased. Illdns tl'hll HelaLlolI s uP1Jli cnlile lo AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRI. Sections 17-3, 17·4" 1Ha, 17-5 and " Nollee la hereby gl ve n th at. Stal lil ' h l' IlY Uel)m'l nl III lin- ATE PROPERTY ' FOR WATER 17.5a of tlie Ceneral Code of Ohio.' WORKS PURPOSES' Oml" Smlll't, wbose POSt mc 111'OV III Illlli n uccor ,bn e with . WHEREAS, tbe Vlllage f The hldder mUis t submlL ,vlth Ol--'~"_'-"- '--'-"-'-·' -'-'- ' -·'-·-'-"--~-'r addl'e8~ Id Hlll'veYlIburg, Ohio, ' has Section s ]7-3, 17·'1. 17·411, IHi Ilnd Waynesville has relocated e bls b1d a c e rtlfl.~d check hi the been duly nJlPolnted 8S Execut rix 17·5a of Ih!' General Code of Ohio. ' SOUtCes of U.s water supply Ity amount ot $579,99. of Ille 'Estate of Chllrles '1'. Slllnrl, The blilde r mu);t snl>mll wl lh drilling suitable w ells Northeast Plans and sllecltlcatlons Ilre o n tbe corporate limits for the I" late of Wal'l'on Count y, 01110, de- his bid a. ce rti fied check In lll" of bsnefit at lIaid Village and all lD- file In tbe department 01 hl gbways ceased. ILIlIOun t of $416,. 7. ' habitants thereOf, and for the ben. and the oUlce of t he dlv1slon dep· Dated this 3rd dlly of July, 1950. Plans nnd spo 1I'lcllfiollB are on eUt ot all persons uSJng water fur- uty dll1!ctor. fil e In t he del1Jll'tmcnt of hlghwlLyll nlsbed by the water works of said The director re!lerves the rlgbf, RALPH H . CARIil,Y. ' I Juge of th e Probate ourt and th e om 'e of the d vis ion dep· Village, pursuant to a requelt to reject any aDd all ,bids. uty dll:ector. msde by ';the Departmen~ of Warren Counl y, Ohio Thl) dlrecLor resel'ves the l'jgbt It8lllth, State of h lo: T. J, KAUER, \VHERElAS. I Is neCeSllRl'1' thlll C. DODald Dllatllsh, A~lo'l'ncy to reject Ilny and 1111 bids . State H lgb a,y 011' ctor suld sources of \Vat r s upply be Publis h '7- 20.27 Publis h 7-13~0-27 . .. T. J. leA p otected tram any possi bl~ con· Stn.Le Highway Dlrectqr. tainlnaUon 01' poluUon ~ 1·" Ti.: "I~,:£ 1i "U k 1,,) ... (: ·ii) . GAZETTE a.ASSIFIEDS Pilblis l1 7- 20·27 WHEREAS, a res idence Is now MERCHANTS 1.8 MUCH AS' po::,· - ' THEY GET RESULTS FAST ---~------ being constructed upon land adJa· You can ge t extra cople. of the cent to lIald lIources of water 8U~ OIBlE. YOU'LL FIND IN TH L GAZETTE, at the WAYNESVIllE ply . the us e at which may rendel' LONG RUN YOU'lL ,SAVE TIME aforesaid well s not approvabl. AND MONEY BY BUYING AT 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lill~IIIIIJllllllllllllm DRUG STORE or the GAZETTE the Sund ~ )s Ct. 111. by the Depm1mont of Health of office. HOME. the State of 0"10. . NOW, T HEREFOR E . be It or· 20/20 VI.... dalned by the CounCil of lhe VU 1r0ll lOre 1t The Idea that 20/ 20 vi.lon I. "per· lage of ,Vaynes lIIe, ~ t ate of Obi<' \ In northern' Ne", York II the fect" 11 a fallaoy, accordlnl to Dr. two·thlrds 2·3) of all member:; third 1aTltit Iron ore field In the • 'J . Ottll Whlt1!, Low.lana optome· elected thereto oonc ...'I'lng; United Stata, the New York stste trlst. It ~erely mean, that 'ODe SECTroN I. The lollowlng dE 'department of commerce reports. can see what he should aee at 20 scribed property be and tbe sam e Ow1li, to the patlon's wan\n, iron feet. but live. n.o Indication 0.1 Is bereby a,ppropl'la.ted to publ1, depo.lt. In mld·contlnent, New ~-.u_ IJ I _ n ~ O"" l t ~~l _ U _1 c~ l one' . ability to see within arm'. UB~ ' for waleI' worlt'll purposes, tc · York'. bUle bJlh"crade . iron ore len., tb, the c11atance .at which mo.t .re.erv.a In and D.e ar the Adiron· SUPPORT yqlJR HOM!;: TOWN ~l. - !~ 1.5 Per YEAR A right of way and eallemen cz:jilcal .eeln, I. done, he .ald. over I\.ud across the (allowing de· 'dICk mountalnl b.ai a"\1Itled an tlos pltal' Bed Fn st c. L StalrwlJ.YS .' ImportaDt poalUOD In the m1nlnl IJve Wlr. and Pl'ogrellll1'8. AD IT"Pr • • C!IFIEDS Bcrlbed real e8,~te , more B(IOOitlC' A new hospital bed IliDL cnn b~ Fc\iplc \Vh l'id\! the j nstest mov. tndulUy. TRY GAZE'. orralllaaU~n II600Ild to non•• ~ a:. "'~ a.lly deacr.ilJed as (allows: .' . operated by the pa ti en t \ 'i /.huut th e ing }·t~i r \'J;}'yS In the United Statu Btr~r . tall' filtuate In the TownshIp at PHONE 2143 ,to report a Nt; W!) aid at a nursc m ay ~e (} boon to ha ro ly Wi ll t c U1C difference In' W.a)1ne. Oounty . pI WBlTren,' and around market In the ~ant1'7. In.erlt a CLASSIFIE C nurses and pa ti e" S Hilk e 'the rn· ~Ill , I TWQ llnlts a t Rocketeller State of Ohio. and being part of ITEM or DEAD STOCK SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ven to l'~ cl aim thn t Ihe "\,,, rll iNl ll y Cel I ) Nt w 'lod;. lravel 125 teet Section. 31, Town 4, Range 6, ac· ~DVERTI8EMEN~r. HG[llel!.J..2...5D Oows $2.50 t,; .. wh ile 11 11 standard mov, Qui red by Geol;'ge F . MUler apd I,~-------------~------------ an d hyd raulica lly controlled h cJ is n i For 'Dally Ma"kl!t Report.: . fo olproof-the patient !=ann tend J inu -: J" \' 3:.~ In Ihis coun lr y move Thelma l\IJne MUlel' from Mae Mil WHIO Dayton, ' 12:50 E.S,T, Dilli PldIo8opber'. Slone All Stock Re~oved Dally 90 f 'I nr lower. ler MacElfresb by deed I'e col'ded 1800; WLW Cincinnati, IUO, Dial II lOU know hc,w to spend le:;-. up ~n !I n awkward poSi tion. , Large or SlTIall - Call Collect In Book 191, Pa ge 3n, , ( : b' \' ... 1' 700. then you lIe.t. you have the pllllo,.< ren County Records, l111'd bing "an ophir', .tone- Belnjll min Frn:,k l YES.,. WE CAN PRINT THAT· J OB I·OR You EXPERTLY Xenia 454 NORRIS' BROCK COMPANY easement to PI' vonl tile cOI~tam · InaliOll of ttl 'Watet SUPfJly of th e XENIA FERTILIZER VlIluge Ilf Wnynesvlllo over a' It Dlvl.:on of Int.lnd product., Inc. wit hin a circular 1l1'e.'1 , wIth II rad. ._._._ . _._._ . _._. _ _ ._._ Ius o( three hUiJ dred (:JOJ)~ fee t, tb.e center ot whloh cl rclll:lr area 1s tlte source ~f 1l111l1l . ' \" tel' hllll" ply for the Village 01' Wuynell .... II I~ . Ohio. Th.e condltlOl1s of nu II '\S IDtl ~ lire li S follows, llull 81)011 Ill ure, to and shall be en rol'cMble by the VII· ' Iage ot 'Vayt\P8vllle. Its sliccessors ,and IIflBlgnllI fore vel', ; nl!' liJIe Department of Helltlb of tb S tute of Ohio, IIlld Its successors: T_ year protection, Co ••" po,• .,I .... c~ild'.n r under 18. 1, No persoll . firm, corporaUon, 'CliV' •• p.n •• ; to S5.000 each or other legnl e1-1t\t y, shl1~1 e~ tnb · p.r,on. lrood b.".'ir. -low Ush or construct nny pI'IVy vault. co,f. Family $10. indiv Idual U. cesspool. prlvflte or IlUhllc sewer or any oth.er receptllcle for sewage IUU IACrs 'HON' or humlln excrelll, n ot of calSl Irou ' ,R. BRADDOCK construct"lou with water ' tight Ph. 3323 Wayne.~iUe jo\nta, or shall' elltab1.ls h', conlltruct, or give permlssloll to any p rSOll, fll'm, corpOI1lUOIl, 01' any other Ie· FARM BUREAU MUTUAL 'gal eDti~y . lo establi sh, or can· IItruCt IIoIIY bogpen, manure pll, AUTOMOIILE INSURANCE (0: slaught.er house, or any othw' HOME DFFlCl-~OtUIJit.US, OHIO '8OUl'ce of pollut)on on the · !1bove described premises. 2. That all pel'BOna, tlJlms, cor· ,pDl1ltlons or olher legal entltle~ ,shall su bmlt plans and speclflca. tlons to and secure wrJtten ap. prov.' from tb1t.. Ohio Depal'tment of Health for aDY propolled build. Ing or any other structure wlthlD the a!MIve descl1lbed area. !l'l1at no · person, firm, COl'· poratlon, or other legaJ entity will deposit, place" .OJ' cauae to be de· pollted or placed. 01' give perm Isilion to any perabo, fino. cOJ'pOlTII> , or legl/.I ,entity, to deposit, place. or eaulle to he dllposlted or " . placed, any dead animal , offal. garbage, or any other filthy or polSODOUI Bubstance UPOD or un' del' the IJI'OUnd ' within the above Take 5 mfDDlea &Del lee for younelf jusl II ow area. Chances arc It will more than (ovir tile Dodie -"ell ,.OD roomlnell8 ' COILlier curs can't SECTION II That the SOUCltor NOT NEW - BUT NEWS - - . . . , . die ~ anel dilCover handling down poymei11 on II big new Dodte I' be and Ie hel'8by anthol'lzed and _ ~, _ .. ba, aD,where ehe ' , ' . directed to apply to a court of " our IIn",II ,1 I'u r m:JY Lc ,nrll, Illure ADd 10011 . new. ,II IaIt na....... dial beJoni_ to Dodge, and Do.dge competent JUl'IIIdlction to ba ve Ii in lrnll .. Ilion il e (' r \I ill b· oll-nin. '~hare ..... lIn. "OD e9D1d pey n,ooo more and Ilill Jury impaneled to make Inquiry leU'. tndt Ioou 'Worn aut in ,)n r U,',·('F' . l'W Ood~ o lIlodel' are ... pe-iaBlDodp .hel YODI ~ome in toilay! IDtO BJld 8888111 the oompenslltlon IIIIaIIbJI r olliu g l~ fI' 111 .. lll·(/lh"'li"" line in re.'ord to be paid lor Buch I!roperty. "'ll lIjnc, :0 .. 01 \I "'UI to ," 1I 1' you ellrl, 8eD4 It to u - 'W''U nSECTION 111 That tbe COlts d.-live\,) on your tln, .. ill' moilrl. So and expua.. of Mid approprla. Uaat &rim. IIDUt ,ltHI'1 ,1,· luy . , . I rnd~ 11,)\\ - :1,11) ,~ el tton be p~d out ~t the general mab It IooIl lib ....1 BIICTION IV For the reasonll l'ecltM ID tile PNUDbk herd W. 'ordlDlUlOe .. ........, dec...... aD .......,... ontloaace MId llhall take effect aad be lD foree from . .d after l*'Iod Jcnret .".. lay.
Waynesvil e ational Bank -------- -- - ----ERIES
ries • res
Exide Fires
New and~ R.ecapped ..... $8.95 $2.00 rade In AtoVJance Lubric.ating Service Fire to eAccessories
OpeD 5;30 a. m. to 9 p. m.
to 9 p m.
Bub ,S el V·S
· . · - 'I _ _ 'I' - "I _ _
I I ...
___P-';O _._II __ .- _._._,_11
lli~mlllmmllllllllllll lllll1~llllIIllIImII!lIIllIlIIIIllMlll11mllI111IilI111Ilill
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.aD 5 MINutES WiTfI US , OW
SAW tl000
POLIO. w..
YoUl'l'hMentCIJI'I1I4Y nfMJl'e1f!?I'n!Je what w(/IIfive you!!p'~,
u.. ...u..
Tbunday, JUly 2'7, 19st
Night Clo'th~s Easy to Make, ,Bjg Relief on Family Budget
FOIt St\I.E-JO:;S ChevrOlol I ton ponel tr uck. Good condition , Owner, W. . ' .
By Ertta Haley SCRIP1'tTRE: II Samuel 11:1-4: 6-7'
22 ' P salm . 24 ; 51. bEVO'l'ION'AL READING: Ides 29 : IO-lg.
• • CItro...
Lesson for July 30 r 1950 Is too busy to serve God. N oHeMAN may think he is. but the excuse will not stand. There are too many busy mcn who do serve God. One ot the most tamous men in history ' is a 5\lining example. If ever a King was "too I!u sy'~ to at· tend to r eligion, David would h<lve been the man, H is kingdom was a new one, cemented together [rom tribes that had oeen ' at one another ' s throats not so long before. He was sur· rounded by enemies who kept him at war most of the time. He was command er·in·\:hle1 at the army, chie.t justice of such, courts as there were, chief executive in civic af· Pack an EasUy Carried Lunch Box tatrs; and furthermore, the , Umes (Se4f Re&J/I., Below) were not ''normal'' but turbulent In the extreme. StiU he had tlme for Dave a Picnlcf r-L-Y-N-N-C-B-.um--E-RS-'-M-E-N-U--.lrellglon. He led In that as in every· pACK YOURSELF a basket of BroUed Grap~fruit thing else. fun and good eating wlUt • well Scrambled Eggs wlUt planned, easlly carried piCnic luncb Publlc Religion Franldurter Slices if you plan to trek out-of-doors to THE ftrst thing he did as king was' Shoestring Potatoes have your meal: to conquer the "unconquerable" -Tossed Garden Salad Many will tell cln' of Je.r usalem. which had been Berries wlUt Cream you Utat picnic in enemy hands for hundreds of Ambr,osia JiUy Cakes l\lDches don't years, And the next thing he did Beverage latlsty because wss to bring the Ark to Jerusalem' -ReCipe Given 'they're better and settle It there, making Jerul' sounding t han Bean,. Chlckea Sandwicb alem not only the c1vU but the re~..-& Utey are eatine. (MakCli 6) lIglous capital of the nation. ~/~' Others tell you 1 cap ClhoPPed, cooked al!JckIII an aImOllt spectacular way they alway. forell ' J.. tbe kin, · made IIImsaU 8po_r , ,et the salt" pepper, foru or nap'or the ' orpnked reUrioD GI hb " cap chopped celery IdnI, whUe stl11 oUten maintain I tablCllpoou Clhopped (reeD people. Fer aenturlCli before that aometbJD, alwale &pUll or II peppel' David. ClIe Ark all4 aU the fo ... too b~ to carry easlq. % cap aaJad dnallq mal worah1p' that went with U If you take a. much care plan· " tea8JIooa nU had beeD atack orr ID mlDor DinI the picnic 'lunch U lOU do • 8 VleD114 IOU. towu, maceesalble .ad 1IDpop. i meal at home, It can be not op])~ cap .... balier lar, ba faat dlsrerarded b)' moat good but weD balanced 10 lbat it 8 IeHuee leans of the people, as the book 01 ' ~m't leave you uncomfortable. Combine c:hIcken, cele1'1, areea .rac1,ea aIIowa. Witb modern aidl, )'OU can pack Now David, by brlngin, the Ark m8D7 thin.. In lIPtwellht con- pepper. aalad dreuin, and lalt. ta1nen that are eal)' to carry ancl Cut rolla In balt lenJthwlle and to Jerusalem snd .electing for it • - apill proof, tooIpread with butter. Spread chick. site on 1be city'l bigheat hili. mac!e 11'. DO\ DeCenar,. to for,et 8D7- en .alac! OD lower halt or rolla. Top lUre that In hla realm religion thIDI tt JOU have a ba.kat O1'ham- wiU! lettuce leaf, then cover with "Iouid lIevcl' be In obscure thin,. Sometime. we hear people lay, "I per that'. fitted with table .cc. .• roll top. TbeH ham and 'e,. roll'UPI are believe In Chrllti.nlty but nOt In , IOrIa auch aa complete table eet.Unp. Keep talt, pepper and lU- nudwicb like" but requlre no the churCh." Thst l.s like aa11n. "I lU' m, the balket, and JOU woo't bYead, , The, maIte excellent nil> beUeve lD justice ' but not in the eourta." "I believe In love but not Ior,et them. MaIte • lilt of the hlin, OD • ptCJUc:: ' IIaiD ADIIl En. RoD-V.,. in mama,e!' "I believe In educ,a. meDU and check off e.ch Item u (Mua. I) ' , tion but not In Ichools." )'0\1 pack, .nd W. wm elimJtlate ' 1orgettln, other ealentlals - ,- J aUees Swtu or ,Aiaerleaa DaVid knew 'that it organized, cheese , pubUc reUgiOD has to .h1de In holel • SANDWlCBE8 ARB f.vorites of J bard-coc!ked e,p, cJaoppecJ and comers, It will not only lose every pl~c lunch. Butter the I tableap_ real .m.,o....11e relpeet. but people will soon forget bre.d thorouahly 10 that the fill. 1 teuPOOD maatarcl·wlib-lloraeIn about It. The Ark was not an ing does not soak through. Wrap radJab idol; neither is the Church, But If each sll1ldwicb e~ , In waxed DUb .of worcClllenhlre ~uce tbe Ark then, and the , I::hurch now, paper 10 it doeln't dry, and YOU'U I bam aile. do anythin, else for religion, at enjOJ them. Here are lOme ex. SaU ADd pepper taale lealt the,. keep.lt out where people eellent fillIngl,: ....cue cheese in half. Chop hard. can't help knowing ~bput It. Baaaaa-PlDeappie Special cooked e'll and add ma:,:onnalse • • • . mustard, worcestershtre lauce and Private I Hellgion (Malta. I .anch,lchCII) 1 b_ . lalt and pepper. ' Place strips of DAVID knew, as some of his sue· 1-1 "bl~ real 'm .yo.. \ cheese aD bread boa~ and top , cellorl did not. that public wor· lIAIse ' with bam slice. Spreaci egg mix, -IIhlp I. aot Ute whole of reUglon. IDs 1 eeaapOOD IemoD Juice lure In center of ham. Roll up personal relJ!\.ionshlpl were con· ~ sUoea d......at bread tlahtly. Wrap In waxed paper. ' trolled by hill religious faith. ... plDeappie Clhimb • • Take the ease of -MephlbOsheth lIIasb banana and ' m.l.x with may- THEY WHO LIKE hot food on Ute Cehap. D) for instane!:. It DavId GIUlaise untfl of good Ipreadine coo· pIcnic spot will be interested to had followed the usual pattern, 'he kn ,.ft0w, that .mall size cans, eJ'g ht. wOuld have , bsd poor Mephlbosheth slstenc1. Add lemon juice. Spr.e,..,a..d+... en b~ead and top with plnea'" ce size. 4l'lrTvaUable now . or beheaded before breakfast. For the the ftrst time. of food favorites. young man WBI the one remaining Cover witb bread. ' Baaon-E" Sandwich To make a balanced meal, plan grandson (so far, as we knew then), (M.ka. t) to have a tossed salad wblcb can be 9f DavId's bitter enemy. King Saul. 12 atrlps bacon, ca' carrIed in a jar or a lightweight, III those d.,.. )'ou alwaYI 4 e,p, bealeD unpreakable bowl that com~s fitted weD' ,OD th~' prlaclple th.t I, a ~ c,ap obopped (reeD pepper \ / with a 'cover. A. m.D was )'our enemy. so were % cup flnely_ chopped celery ~~. des s e r t you an bls relatives. Ii was ·,eneral. % teaspoon 1IItl& $''wVl~, mlgbt pack some ,I), 'rae. too; ' alld DDder, th~ CU8t Jar,e bllU ~-t fresh frult and I~ma of thlMle day. , MephlbosF1'1 bacon un· r \ Ilmple c a k e s. betb mJrht bave ~D expected baked in pa~r to pll~D reveille, HODer or Jater. til ,c.r isp. Pour ~ "' •.[ \ •.•'. cups, wit b a for hili l1'andl.lber'. .Dd fatboft flit. Add egg I, vegeta. · baked on' frost~ er'a de.tlut. " David ;dld not let.. 'him sink into' bles , a n d salt. Jng Utat won't get 'messy in trans· Scramble mix. , port. obscurity but gave him what we lure w h II e it • - • would call a pen,slon; a princely cooks. Serv~ on HERE IS A SALAD Ideal tor the one too, treating him as 'u he' ,w'ere toasted, b4ttered , picnic: one ot his own family;. buns, -Tossed Garden Salad •• Bam·Potato Sandwlcb (Serves 4) 'rhe Inner Life , (Makes 6) 2 cucumbers, sliced WELL, religion' has Its ' outslde I hamburger bans 10 radhhes, sUced but It also has Its Inside . Pub. cup soft butter ~ cup sliced greeD onlol1s ,lic worship and loving your neJgh. 12 leUuce le.ves 1 bunch watercress or other bars are not the root of religion but 12 sUces bolled ham or bocreeDS, separaled Its fruit. The roots of , It are deep , logoa c,up chopped cele1'1 within the soul. And David had that I Y.a cups potato lIalad % cup shredded, raw carrots true faith which comes from Within. 6 slices lomato, U desired Y.a cup Ihredded cabbage ' He was humble, not proud, .s Cut buns in half and spread wiUt % teaspOOD aalt Psalm 2t sbOw!!. Grea. king butter. Place' a lettuce leaf and a , French dresslDg . thou,h he WH. he Imew there sUce of ham on each bun half. On ' TOBS vegetables together In a Is ,a ni, ODe King of Gtory. Be tl1e' bottom half ' of each sandwich, bowl with the salt and French was cODftdellt, as eve1'1 leader , place 1(, cup potato salad and one dressing. If desired, the bOWl may mua. be; bu. bla ooalldence 10mate slice. Cover with top baU be rubbed with a split, clove of gar. . was based aot OD hln\seU but of bun. ' ,lie. OD hili God. (n S.m. ZI, Which Is re-wr,ltleD as ....bn 18,) LYNN SAYS: Cooling drlnb ' are much In deAnd when David linn ed, as be n.- Plcnlo '!'iPI sa plcrilc tare. MIx together Ihametully did, be did not make mllDd llake EaUac FDa lome apricot nectar and pineapple excuaes for hIm,s eU or link wlUt Next aupper picnic you have, juice with gingerale and Ice cubes easy I.Uataetlon Into his worat seU. ' brln, hot soup, for a lirlt courle, and place in the thermos, 'lbe bev. If to be '. laint 11 to be without sln, It will carry lafely In your thermal. erage will be dellcloully cold and then David .al no .alnt (aDd lOU' You wlU flr.!d that hot cream IOUp refresbin" •• weD al ready to are one?). But If belD, • lalDt fa. "8l'7 welcome, especla1l7 If the .erve. , means that In .plte of lID one ether dlah61 are cold ....cIa and ChW hoi comee to have the clean. in, kind , w e ~e101\1 thoroughly be· of experience that Plalm 51 record. eandwU:hee. fore taking to the plcnlc:, and wrap • LI,er cakes are Dot easy to car. in .evera! Jayel'l at newspaPer with : : : :'~d wal a mlln after God'. ,., 10 plllDica. Bake the IIske in tee. Place In dllbpan 01' bucket tor an ObloD, para, frCllt, and C:Ul')' in ea., tranaport to the pjCDio epl':r"mf'.fJl =.l:~m&£on:lIa~ tile AIDe l*L <>
• •
• •
I:; ~:!t9:......,...u...
look at your clothing, budget, those of you who have ' bl~t families. Is It out 01 line and hard to meet? You may Il ot have enough time to sewall the clothes tor all the ' members of the family. but It you, can make your own night clothes, such as ,gowns, house robes and pajamas, ypu can relieve a lot of strain on the family's clothing budget These nre easy garments to m ake, and yOlu can freCJuen~y prcss old clothing, pieces of remnant or good but lne>tpenslve pieces of mao t.c rial into sE!rvlce. Gowns and 'paJamas are usually given to beg inners so they can learn to sew, so you" need not worry about their being difficult to ' make. it you are inexperienced at sewing. If' you leel presS1ld 10r time. then this Is a job that wi11 require little precious time and energy. With home sewing, you can make garments that are suitable and flt· tlng, as well. as Utose which will oUer few laundcrlng problems, With good materialis and carelul1y' chosen
Itenu,"dy. Ulue Afth . Ohio,
Classic Button Style
J\l tull: et--Sume
cnsh bushH!a:3, cOlllPt.lled to st'll du e to 111 hea lth . I'h IIlp·. ft[onl ftlllrku. ~(I W. Ch.ur a h tit .. New:u k. Ohlt), Phone :J'7 ~n . 1I1.i\11~ AI.I.I Courlo-On ~lIgh\V y 27. U miles south or Ncwl'ort, Ky.; {llso sln nl1 hote l In Mlohlgn n ; one of t he •• .nnuU be sold. Apply OWU ID I', RI".! .. Motel O •• r •• Alexnndrl a, Ky .
FARl\l I\tAClIlN'ERY & EQUIP; n US-KEEl Trac&or "'001 Boxes . Heov'l !Steel; huge s be t or bi~ tools: low price. O rder rrom de nIer. or write . Mc&n l Oox Com,,,,n, , ValparalJlo. In4.
FARMERS Buy n trac tor t l'Dc \Vn lion you c a n back n uywherc, cllmlnnlc scoopi n g. h oul h u)" huy or bulk lands. turn () crunk and hit~n your tractor, turn n c.n mk nnd. loud your implements. tu rn n crank Dnd dump 6" bushels e:'l r co!'n . A vail a ble now ~ t "AI ,!HHtO V1;; 1\"'0, ' C O. l;< lt ·7-IJO~O ar write (lA NAI,. IVI" ch es le r. Ohio.
l- R.S.
ThIs brightly becoming New York dress of crease-reslstaut • Dd :packable Dylon ' and r.yon Is designed for many types womc~D'S figures, Aulea - colored with ,lass buttons In blending pink maroh down tbe front, The neckline and belt are De.tly ,._mchell.
materials around the house that can be pressed to use lor such Items as night clothes. Now Is a gcod tlme to check throug" ,storeroom. closets and drawers, so that you can make Space for some tblngs which 'Will be purchased Utls faU. Seel'llucker, percale or broadcloth bedspr~ads frequently yield mate· rials tClr night o.1othlng. If Utere is ' not enc)ugh material In the spread for both pajama parts, use some· lI,..k, lofs /1..; - ••••• thing that will harmonize with what styles, you earn also eUmlnate many youbave. mending problems, which wIll be A broadcloth lop can easily ,0 • ,saving In time for you Jater. with seersucker pants, or two eon· For warm '101eather, choose lighter trasUn,r cotton I, one in print, and weight mater'i als, such al seerluek· the other in a solid, mlghL well ft broadclotJ~ and percale. N.In. together. look, batiste and votIe may be UJed If you have enoulh m'aterlal for lor girls' gowns, Old robe. dl.carded by older both plljamas and robe, then by aU members of . the family frequently means malee the three-piece outfit. yleld enough serviceable material as It wl~ thrW the ClhllC!~ to make garments for the 10unler Cotton flannel m.tedall sre ex· let. These wlll not ,have to be ripped cellent when you maIte cool weather • t the 'Seams. 'The new ,armeat can m.terlals. Choose masculine prints be cut from back or front, especIal· for the boys, no matter how ,oung l.1 It 11'1 a smaU Ilze. they ar'e, FlowereCi prlntl and pJaldi , Robe. should provide w.rmth. but .re nlee for~. Jirll, elthft, b1 tbe7shouJdn't be too buay, AI thI. themaelve. or comblDed with • muee them difficult to leW and,un- lolld color to miltch one color in comfortable to wear. print ,or plaid. ' , Cbo.e Oorree' Pattel'1lt1 D.d';a old houle robe or a light· ,For CblNrea'. Pajam •• weight suit In 'a nannel wowd make One, 01 the be.t aspects or belng appropriate robei for Ute bOYI when able to .ew pajam81 at home for cut do'lVIl. A robe ba dark blue or youn,.ters is that you can as lure ,ray would be good even for gtrls, proper and col1ltortable tit. ThIs II elpeclnlly U piped in brlaht r~d or decidedly 1mportant', e.peclally It maroon, tor ~ Ilrli. thll dlIld W' a chubby and bas dU11· ChenIlle, pu.r chased by the ,ard, aulty In getting ready·made clothes. The ,l egion the pajamas shou14 be or cut from an old spread, might comfortable wIthout bag. in,; also be used to make robes, It'l Shoulders and neok should fit warm without being too bulky, and smoothly to have proper set and Is excellent to use af.er a bath.. comfort' tn 'tine gatillent. The arm· Darabl,e Co....ractioD holes mould be roomy to accoino- B~lpl Clothes Wear date cWterent: sleeplng positions. and You'U encounter no ireat con· the crot,ch must be long enough. SmaDer children d.o best In two- structlon difficulties with pajamas piece pajamills that button at the or niglntgowns because the lieams "'.iltline. Two pairs of pants, and are straight and simple. The stitch· es sho'\lld, be adjusted to weight of ma~erlal and tbnad, as for sny other dothlng, Simple leams may be used In the pajama top, but flat rell or French seams are usually emploY-ed in the pants; as they give better' taUorlng. more lI:omfort and wear. It you're using ' elastic bands, at the pants' waist, make certain It's, of good quality, lIO it doesn't have to , be chaDged ' durlng the lite of Ibe' garment. It should be tight enough to keep the pants on, but not too restricting as this Interferes with sleeping comfort. Butto'ris which will not Withstand laundering are a poor ,investment ""~ rohu In' suU.hl. J~"s, on clothing ~uch as this which needs ol')e top are usually Ideally suited f~equent latlllderlng, ' Have them to the younllster tour·yea rs old or simple but du.rable, and with button· holes that 'Will 'a ecomodate them younger, ' It you desire, you can also make readUy. the younger child's pajamas In a 1'rlmn'llalr Should Coalorm style that has a back belt which To Sty1e of' Garment ' sUps throueh tlie side seam belt Trimmings' are not at all essen· loops an'd ties ' in front. In thIs wa y, ~aJ on P!ljamas and nlghtgo"'ns, but buttons are eliminated and the child if they are used should be of the can tle the' pajama in front and 're. sImplest ',variety. Contrasting bands quires little help. ., are seen on sleeves and sometimes One,plece pajamas requtre ' les8 at the pantl' ends, the latter being mat"rlal tha'n two·plece' and can be. used to lengthen them when the ured In tne four to seven year age child Ilets too taU. gr.oUp. Alter this, two,ph!ce pajamas Ruffin and lace may be used on are 7iI.{eterretd al:aln, but If they ar~ made in a middy style top, buttons glt:ls' gownl lind pajamas,. but It, again can be eiimlnated, When 'there too, sbould be of a hardy type to are , no' buttons, you can cut down take laundering. This means mainly button and lDutton~ole lewing, and tha,t it should be simple rather than thul make mending and !ronln, fancy, aDd of , heavy rather than fragUe materiaL much easier. ., "It )'ou're pl~~ln, making pa· When applyinl any type of trim· ,.ma. ~r colder weather, make min, at all, WI.. advisable to baste ~Ie for tot. wllb fee' 10 thei rna)' firlt lPo the macbine can be aulded protection and properly to attach ~ trUn to the hav• warmth.' the older children iarm~nt. U I. little I. an ei,bth ma, pref~r too, if ~e clJm.te o( an Inch 11 unattached, it wW ]IuD Ia eaJd.. .way from the ,arment an4 Quae Go. . mendln.. or abOve Che~k, · too, for colort.. 0.1 8D1 WmmIn, Ulecl. Red c:olored trtJn.mJaP ..em to be epeclal 01· In fadiD, and nmnInI. Onlab~ nate the aoIar II 101ft. 01 It
Cot.rplll"r If nc lo ~ Nusoll"e mo· tor driven oorl I No. nS·S. E·:t146oS·P. w ith L IIPla nt Chou I.' aide Dozer Model R .6x , Prlee S3OO0, U n. un o la ht wheel pneu m a tic tire curry-nU, I-Huber 3 \\theeJ, 10·ton tru plnne rond roller. with Buda IIn5 eniline hydrauli c controls Cor s.tcering nnd sc.arlllcr. se ... rlnl No, 2J66. Nellrly new, Price $3000 . 1-5.ton mod e l BTLS Q whe.1 drl c tru ck, wllh hIghway model 3 poat hoI\! d iGger with " <'Ioueers 30" to 14" with hh:hw oy double drum wench, with lov el winder ' and 3 pol • • s t eel d errick lind .,,(rn dlf • fer.nllul. Prlcc SI~50 , l G-Llndbcrg Super Cyclone tempe ring nnd l'uHdcnlng fl1rnnccS electr'c nn d gus 'Ired, wUh cOl\trols nnd pyrO rllelcrs. Pdce $500 ench , l-Cre •• "t 10, 11ft Toer elecl'rlc tru('1c. w ith dry cell bnttery. for loadI ng . lid movlnll pnllet8. CapacIty 6000 lb., T hls truck I. prnetleolly new . 1-:1 10 cu. It. In,ouo ll Rnnd aIr com· prU910 r. Motor overhauled l Mounte d on '1.wheel truck. 125 H ,P. lIusoline o n lilne. prlcQ &1.000. J, Q. GRI F FIN , CO. 1211 KJnam" n Ave. I'baae fa!!.'. lI prln llll . ld, Oblo.
m nklng . Io th covered Button. and Butkle., MInimum In.est· m ent $20.00. Md .. nl , 111 tGA) S . . . .,. Ilan SI .. ' Cbl.IlIIG 1, III, LOQUlllldC"lIa-oBI \,Ieprln lS. d etp lled work· In g drawing •• nli type. 1011 bulld lnll con·
.trucUon. ~i~'prln' 810ndarh N .E
PERSONAL PILES. O ... orr'ol4. 'dl •• pp •• r Ilk" ma.le. No drul., .urur:Y, expense . If unatnlcled tell .uflerl"" frlenq. Simple hOme remedy .Lvel quick rollef. Whol .. ' .Iory In free booklet;, no obll.aUon, Sonel \hIa •• with .Iampea .elf addr ...ed en· velope.
Co.lmo." ,. •••.
SPECIAL I S.... "'.5411 Bro~ed 8 b y Shoe.. IlI.Ume Hnla R.,ul.r • •00 v.lue. Now onJ,I' .:1.150 pro C .O ,D , &A·BE· OEB,E SBOEI. III Fr•• k Ay., EI ... •
... \hle.,_. lb'.
RAilE GllI.~a_For blll.r poJl1try Pl'ol. IIJI. Genuine White AI~lc.n. at'" Keet. avnUnble Ma,l' throuch SRlllember. Literature .eDl upon r~u •• t. Le". PI". ".Ielier, '1'h....... 1I1e. Vlr.lnla
TRAVEL [NDIAN L •• a-Write or call RlneharlJl ror olenr cottaae. 120.00 .nd UP, Boa Ml. "'akey •••! O~ ~!t\SI 1 'c o ME \a LtIl"If ••• cabl ... on Beautiful SUIIDr Islnnd. where fI.hln, I. the best.
lInen. and beddln.. LI.hU ••1 C ... I.... Oome,le .. d, Sa,a.. 1•••• 4, 1 ••• & Ite .. Marie, MloliC." •• IiAKE Ed. Rammer C.llall ..-W ••k. MOlllh, Se . .on. Ob.tt. . Miller. a ..... . 8'.n,. Pain I". New@!!', Mlob. I'b. . . M.nroo. Mlaalun !iJn·M". 'DEIIRABLE modern ' cottages price" from 140 10 ~ per week. \Vrlle for full Informntton. _lorahaUs, ' Rye Beach. H.ro", ' Obi.. . ' MICHIGAN"S PI"uroand. Hou/lhton
fluSh toil ets. liD. .toves. S n ndy beach. eX.ollent fI.hln" 135 nnd 140 per we ok. Wrlle to 81r a •• r C... p, a ••,. t, ROla.mlDoli. Mlobl,... .
Planning for the Future? ' Buy U.S. ,Savings Bonds! ; -'
' .:. . It
WOll1 0 5 l AI1GEST SEllEIl AT 10 <
H. IIDd can I cigaretti be?
other cigarette! nd amo,., tAi miUiou "!'o "o.~_
NADINE CONNER ,Lovely opera ItiUBay.: "My voice i. my career. I
.moke Camel.they agree wlth my thro"t I My SO· Day Mlldnoaa T ..t preved that tome!" ,
Thursday, July 21, 1150
~ileAwhi~~ , Clo~ S. HCIGI
, Short Shrllt Talent There are two kinds of voters. Ernie-"My uncle can play the Those who will vote for your canpiano by eal'," Gurney--,:uThat's DOthl,ng. My didate - and a lot of Ignorant, uncle fiddles with his whiskers." prejudiced fools. The bigger a man's head gets, • • • ~e easier it is ,to fill his sboes. , Honesty Pays e • • Does it pay to be hon~st in your advertising? A Hastings, Neb., So True! theater manager billed the follow· It's 'by digging up a lot of dirt ing program on his marquee: that a gossip makes .a mountain out of a molehill. DOUBLE FEATURE By the time a man is making One Good Show & One Stinker The utter frankness of the bUI· enough money to get ' married, he Ing was not only a refreshing sur- usually has been for years. Meet somebody halfway and pl'ise; it resulted in a packed you will find yourself in the midtheater. dle: Too Bot Mike-"I got one of those suits with two pairs of p ants." Gus-"How do you like it?" Mjke-uNot so well, It's too hot wearing two pairs of pants."
When washing white dogs" put a 1Jttle laundry bluing in the rinse water. For oil stains on cloth rugs, treat the spot first with a cloth, soaked in limewater. Then wash if nee· essary. Keep cake of soap near baby's crib and use it to stick pins in while changing dlapers.
Chill a bottle of wine by wrapping it in a piece of flannel that's been dipped in cold water and not wrung out.
'T o shrink a wool~ garment, soak It in bold water two hours and spread to dry without stretch· ing. ' Turn socks inside Ol1t and trim off loose threads and knots for more comfort. To get a ,gloss on tile a'r~r washing, cover with thin coating' " of laundry starch and polish with dry cloth.
Demure Junior Dr~ss
Is P~etty, Practical
Bert ThOmas
W«J,y WE5T.1
~U ~tr'r
Demure for Dates RETTY and demure is this darling dress for juniors that is "nice for d~tes, practical enough for classroom wear. Trim the tiny collar with narrow ruffling, finlsb w~th nar,r ow bows.•
• • •
Pattern No. 8401 comel 10 IIlze 11, 12. 13, 1•• 18 and ~B. 8"'. 12. t'\ljl l'arda of 36 or D-lIlch; ",. yard contra at. Send toda;, for the new fall and 'wlIlter
:::~. '~;le~~.~~~r.i ::lltt~I::_ ;.~ rr;,~~ tern printed Inalde ll1e book. ,... centa.
IEWIlfO CIRCLE .AnEaN DEn. ....... w••1a .... y, Enelo.. 2a eenla Ia eolDa IlIr ..ch paltern d ••lred.
CII.,.,. DL
Pattern Ho• . •• ~ .t ... . . . . . 8l&e ••• Name •••.••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• t •••••
Add................................. .
'Ernest Jean Hopper. 219 KllIIeU St., Covlneton, Kentucky. il 10 yeara old and in the fomh grade and b8r mother can't get over the chance in Emest Jean'a dispoaltion Ilnee .e baa been takln~ HADACOI. Belnt tn ,the , right diaposition to attend acboolla .. important as haviDc the proper book.. . . • Here b Ernest Jean'l own atate. ment: "I have been takln~ HADA. COL for aometime. My Daddy ,teak HADAGOL and it reaUy helped hilL ~.n Mother atarted me taldII~ HADACOL Before Mother atarted me lakinr HADACOL I was anderweight, nenOUI, and I didn't want to .at at aU. Mother 1&,/1 that ,\nee I have heen tAldng HADACOL I have an entfrely different diapoal. tlon. I know I ,Jeep mueh better and enjoy,my food ~nd now Mother letJ , me lilten to aU the mystel')' programa I want to 8D~ I don~t ,et a bit nenoaa. Daddy saYI HADACOL hal helped us 10 mnch that he II never gollig to let ua be without KAnACOL." ' HADACOL II Wonderful and there are countlesl thousands of folks allover the co1,lntry to prove it. HADACOL can help you, too, if you will just give It a chance. If remarkable HADACOL doesn't . help JOU. ' your money'will be refunded. If 'Iou euffer from stomach dis'tress, nenouaness, insomnia, constipation, aches and ,pains of neuritis. or a general run·down condltlon. caused b'l a deficiency of Vitamins Bt • B!!, Niacin, and Iron. let IlADA. COL help 'IOU. You Owe It To Yourlelf ••• to give HADACOL a chance. Refuse SUbstitutes. Don't let anyone tell you something else is "'juat •• good." Insist on the ',enuine KADACOL. ~o risk involved ••• J>e~1lSe HADACOL' fa sold' only on a .trlct money·back guarantee. You'll feel great with the fint few pottIes you take or 'lour mOlley back. Trial a;.se. only .1.26. T~rge FamUy' or HOI• ~ ' pltal size. $3.60. If 'lour druggiat doel not have HADACOL, order direct from LeBlanc Corporation, Lafayette. Louisiana. Send no money. Juat your name and addreas· on a penny 'POlt card. Pa'l postman. State whether you want the $8.60 hOlpital economy aize or $1.26 trial 'elH. Remember. money cl!eerfully J"efunded unlell 'IOU are 100'10 aatisfied.-Adv. •
C It1O.
on. LoBIuo ~ratlo...
The Land 'Bank Way No Feel, Commj..iona or Renewals MAY BE PAID OFF ANY TIME Lo... Terms Are Safe " (Up ,t9 33 Years at 4%) A Farm Oreanization For Farmers
CLOSED ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY , Thursdays and EtldaYI Show~ 7 P. M. Saturdays Showl 6 P. M. SUNDAY, MONDAY 7 P. M. NO MATINEES
ELLIS. H. S.TURM, Sec'y·Tr •••. .'JU ER -- Dr S8 U .:hill 'u wrapped (mil sharp froz"u lor "oule freezers 39 c ellCb Wll;)'nesvllle Looker P lnnt Phone inn. 6-S , 15, 22, 29, - 7- 0, IS ,
ALI!: Model A Ford e,en II Cnl' B lob rs Service Phone 2423
Hog. and ' Other Small Stock
$1.00 PER CARLOAD. -
~~ .~
7 -2 0·2~
Green, ull over lJultcrn, 2 years old $50.00. Phone 2143.
FUI'm , 15 to 200 a('res. HllVe nil Ilower eQuipment. :Ll ved 3 years around Iwd vicinity, Ex cellBex E, Wu)rnesvllle.
Service Ask About our Price on Installation and Gas
Phone ~323
Mias Olive Williams was very mucb lpleased Sunda.y when she received It brief call from an agel! , (rlend, Mr. Coates, or the M. E. ~ome, 4~f Warren, Ind. He was ncby his gran4Idaughter... Mre. Lt!,ng and husband and .dnughter of Dayton, ' MI', IIlnd Mrs. Earl D. Mayer, of Columbus, were ', 'Monday dinn er t f M H h D gues 8 0 re. annn avIs. Dr. Imd Mrs. Galo RUB8um, of were FrIday guests of relative, M I Sll Margaret Edwards. '
Phone 37371
Beautiful Building Site
BarbiLra: AnI} and, Elwool EarnHOME O" IC£ -CO\ UM 'US, OHIO bart, wlere gueats ot their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnduring the past week. Ada You'D Find Out · They Get The Underwood Family ~11Dfon Relult. Fast and I Do Mean will -be held on Sunday, July ao, at the 'home ot Mrs" M. Smltb '~FAST" near W.Ilmln'gton.
_.IIIC_-., .,.
..... wIiHt, lien., ....,
Slightly Less Than Acre, Wooded
. . . , . BIG :II brada blip
u.:- beida. Y_ S-H-It, 4·12· •• 0·20.20, 0-11·11.-1 2-12-6, But pIIce ,...onIIr . . . .
TIJie Iietter ,..,. aope - tile AllIS -CIIIIP-
dealer... :~=:=~;;: .. .....
............... C....._ ..
- S E -E -
--~ ..... , .............. o.
......................... "--~ec...-. n •• tn' - . v.a.,_
dinner On F'Tlday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gwly in lUcbmond , Ind. Mrs. Ollve_ Ourl was a Sunday calleI' at tbe home of Mr. Nn~ Murray-and faI!llly. . Mra. Leah M.IlJs was a Sunday dinner guest at the home ' of MI" and 'Mrs. John Burske 'When they entertained tor the ph" lire. r their daughter, Mrs. William Strouse OD ber birthday annlreraary. " Mrs. Woodrow Owen, Wln'llte Jo and .1~ev(e, or SPringfield, wen' SUDday dinner guests of M'rR. Lu· cole. Almttqe. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hetzler, of. J'ame8tcIWD. and Mr. and Mrs, Repiogle; of ,Dayton, wero SUDday afternoon guests ot J eBsle L.. GILmer. '
Spring VaDey Hardware Co.
AUGUST. l, 2
, NoTICE OF APPOINTMENT Executor Estate oC Jobn Curtis HiBey, Deceased, Nottc Is hereby given that Olarl!B. Hisey. wbose Post Otflce ad· ~ress la R. R. 3. Waynesville, OhiO, has been duly appointed as, ,Exec. IItrix of thti Estate ot John Curtis Hisey, late of ' Warren . County, Ohio, deceased. Dated tbls Srd day ot July, 1950. RALPH H. CAREY, Judge or tile Probate Court. WIIl'r en County, Ohl~ Frnnk C. Anderson, Attorney. ' Publish 7-':13~2()'27
- 3-10
FOR RE:NT- Gus in's poultry bltl' lI . call Dayton HAndoJ,ph 16\13. X-7-27- -3'10
FOOD STORE Phone 2541
H_ a_ _ _ _.0_'.-. _ ___ a_a_u_n _ _ 0_ _ n_u·_&.-.u.......
A,LE-Ql.le lot 70 rt. by 1 0 fl., ,oede,d on Sixth streal. Call 2594 or see Bob Osborn, X- 3t- 7-27- - 3-10
F' R
o N L Y _________ __ _
e Gas
WANrrEb TO fiE) 'T -
Allo Diabetic Canned.Fruitl
OFTEN WE ARE CALLED by families wbose funds limit them to ~oderate purchases.
Hj _~~~~'-'''-'~'''-'''-'~~~'-' __ ''-'~___''''''''M
-'--------- - -, FOR 'AL£-9d6 rug and
MEATS and ,
BElAU'r IFUT, fi-room nil mollern 1I0llse with »Hliched garage. 'Excellent locallon III "uynesville. Reasonably priced, RO\' F:. S nTH, Broker, Route -. ~, fi lUll g SOIlIh or Centervlll , P hone 'clI(ervll le 7056.
They !Iud our lower priced mao teria ls are of excellent quality, and THE GAME STANDARD OF SERVIOE AS IF THE -»XPENDITURE WAS MANY TIMES AS MUOH . .
THE tV/~'S
JULY 28, 29
"\.\\\"\,,. \ \\, \' 11 1 ~, 1/EPf'$ 111£ f{fAt;D#
FOUNJ)..- At grade 8ebool gl·olmd s. J k y ense with 3 Jeeys - call nt GAzette office, 10r keys.
$62.50 IN "JACK POT"
Removed Promptly CALL COLLECT
.. t_~~"-''-''-'~)-' ·~''-''''-'''- ' ~'''''-''~~'''''''''''''''''''''"
SALE 10 Volumes Doubh~cll1YB E ll )'Clol1 li la; 10 Vo lEAGLES BROOD LImE'S Doubledays Book . of KnowCbnptel' Ii- P ha-ntom Emplro Wilmington 2362 Lebanon 439 leugo for child l·e n. . B6lb bennt!· , INLAND PROQUCfS, Inc. fll lly bOllnd In len ther. LIke new CA.RTOON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I $60.00 - ost!S1 00.00 . when P houe. new 21111
Spring Valley, O·
!'J1Jj~O~A~lE EVANS • _. . ___
)930 - Oood
COWS ,2:50
HORSES $2.50
,, 15, 22, 29-7- 6, ~3, 20, 27
6-1 ,
JULY. 27
-H\nD~"D~ in ACt/ott!
On Monday nights during July \l~ d August, children under 12 will be admitted tor hal! price when accompanied by parents.
29 HOPALONG' II Back - In -
}lOGS PROOESSED- All tresh, 3c lIer pOlmd. "tlynesv.lIe ToO ker Plant.
~I ~~ t'-"~~"'- U~"-"'''''''''- I """,,,-,~,,-,,,,-,,,,-,_I --I '''''''''
UUN ORA VEL- Loa4ed, at Davila J'urDu Pit. 60 ' eeIlta cublo ,.r4. We aIao dell"er. ARM· ITA'GE .1\: SON. ~bone Z091. tt
Lebanon 'N.F.L.A.
'W&11lenW.. Ohio Phc'nel W.~lIIe 2tt1
aanun.. 8&04. Graye1 WlUa Back Hoe. Drl18-Une aniS BIlIIdour
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio •
_ _.,.._._ .
Mr. ,and Mr!'l. Lymnn Day spen-j the week'. "en(\ with ' friends ' In Detroit. l\Usj! ru~oda Bunnell entel't nilled to .dlnner on Friday Ilnd h ud her g~esls. Winnie .Joe Stont, Ll( .. n Retalllck, MarilYn Gon s, Donna Hadley and Llndn " Hamby" wim. ' mlng was enjoyed In the after. noon. '
1I1ra, Rnymond 'or,hel' was II Friday guest of Mr~ nnd Ml'S , 1"4Ie Kellar llIitl sons ill WeFt · 'al'rolullI. A , la rge famly gll.therlng WIlS held at the borne r f Mr. -nlul Mill. Henry Watkins on SII 1\(\ a l' , h 1100rIng Mr. Charley Wntklns ) who was ,cplebrntlng his elghty·~Hth bltth. day annlveJ·sllry. A b:l Hket dinner WIIS enjoyed . 011 t he lawn. The Bible Bphool, 9110nllOI'ed ,by Mr. Harris Mosher ten while at wO'rk at the D. R, Sm'lth Grocery the Friends Meetin g anll Method'Ht on Thursday, suffering a bad I)' chllrcb wus 'uttend"d 'b)" n .. out une fractured ', shoulder and arm. Fle hundred children. The s bllnol ~v as was removed to Miami Valley held from elghHhbty to ele ven· Hospital, returning to bls home on thirty each day duri ng the put Frida>:; where be IS. .now confined. week. A picniC was enjo;yed on Friday Mr. and " Mr!'. Ralp~ Hastings were Sunday afternoon callers of evening ~y the pupils and their Mr. and Mrs:- George Osborn 'n parents, and on Sunday eYenlng Morrow. Mr. OSb,?rD ~ad just reo a tlpe prQgram was pl'el5ented at tllrned home, foUowlng a major the FI'lends churc-h by representa, tlves ot the various ~ges. operation ~t Christ Hospital. Mrs. Lawrence FllrJras celebra, Mr. E yerett 'Thomas of Roches· ,ted the seventh b'lJ'thday- annlver-. ter, New York, Is the guest of his sary ot her little son: lUchard Ol~' tather, 1\1 r. Frank Thomalt, and of Tuesday arternoon nM Illvlted a Mr, !Robert Thomas and ·famlly. few /1m all pitlymates for ah, afterMr. Thomas and his father, and noon of games. Richard received Mr. and Mrs. R~bert Thomas and many lovely IItl\e ~trts, and a children were among lhe guests beauutu\ly decorated birthday cake on. ~unday when Mr; .nd Mrs. J . WIUJ served with Ice cream by Mrs, ¥. Earnhart and children · enter- Furnal. tained w~tb a tamlly dinner at Mrs. D.' C. Rld,e , bad as Sunday tbelr home In Beayertown. They cUnner guesta, Mr, and Mrs, Earl also were IItJemoon pests or Davis of, DaytoD • and Mrs. S.m Surface Dear Daytop.
Mrs. Ralph BasUnga and Mrs. . /8 YOUR 8UaeCRIPTION PA8T J. B. Cbapman were guesta at the DUll' Jf .It II - won't )IOU pl.... Japanese Tea given bJ tile W. B, _nd UI • check for .~ we C. 8. at tile Bane,.b1ll1r .. etllo- OlIn _ntlnUI )10lIl'
....u.r.1In. ror t~~:t=~~I=:~ii
d tl t 'OD 'I'IIunda7. IIaIIUDp ~c.l • tile DI"III.......
...., 'O'''.'l"ng
Mrs. D. C. Ridge elltllrttllned 011 'l'liestlny \\rlt,1 tbe Argunot Brltlge. lub lind MI·s. Marie Riffle, ' Mrs. Stao l ~y ~. Daolle)'. lind M1'8. R, n. Smlll'l II bel' guests. A $1 lI eloulI dessel't cou I'se WUs !lerv ... d Ilefare the IIltel'esting gllmes ' wel'l' nluy d, Mr. and Mrs. Muton Thlnnell aml dsughter of Mlddhltown, Mr •. Romer Hamlly nnd grnlld ~ on , Ramby Lee Yunkes of Florida, were weel, eDd g~est~ at II', ,tnd 1111'S. 1o:d Rnmby ·.lInd rllmlly. Mr. nn d Mrs, D, .', Osborne of ere . Sunday gucsls Sprlugflelll, of l\tV6. 'Grs e L. '8.lnllll. , Mr. un4 Mrs, Ray K lel' hrlve mo.ved Into their new hOme on Tyler IItreel, tam· 'MI'S. Mildred Taylor or ford, Connecti 'ut Is til hou se· guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald . Hll.wlle lind MI'. IInLi i\1I'R. Hunls Moslfel' and IftUe dnll!;'l'.h ter. Mr: and lJ's, Hawke, .M1', lind Mr6. M~81 el' and ' dllUght el', with Mr. IIna I\1l's. F. C, Hnl'tsock, 01' Mil· fad weTe Sunday v.en lng dinner gueUl of Mrs' lTaYIgl' at the Ool(len 1.11mb. Mrs. I). C. Ridge bad liS SundRY attel:lloon ~d evening guests, Mr. and Mrs, Harley J)e senberg nljd Mrs . Edna AI Ka ndel'. of Llmll and rill S. Ea rl . LJo kelt. . 1\11'. und 1\1 ri;o . Hollert 'hnllmnn cel bl'ated theh' firth w·e dd lng 'an· n\y el'ftIlry . ou· J~I 'jd l1y And enjoyed oillner nnd llhulY· In Dayton, MI'·Il. Uoltlill 8m'fa ce la l1.1o'ylug s vacntlon "Il h l·l'lIl I I\·os In JOpU Il, l:Il,lS8uud. Mr. Willard Furnas Is the prout! posl!lessol' M n 'pl:ot I: ·en. e ,w hlt! h wa9/ IsslIed to him on July ·28. 1It1". FUrllill! purchased IL nelY oup plan " on JUlie 5 nnd In the shol't time is now flying h'18 Q>\vn plane, Mr, and MI's. Lnwrenc Brown a nd family nnd Mr,' and 1I-s. Gene Brown attended the Walton I'e: union Itt Shawnee Park, nonr Xenia, on S undAy,
. J , D. Cllapmlln, j\il'lI. D. C, ~dge, }(;'s. H. L. Rye, Mrs. Lu ~frs.
Ad"lsol'Y COllllcil Number Two plcntc· at the Ellis cot· tage lit Ohautug\1a on Wednesdn)' night, Mr. and Mrs. William Strollse and little daughter Carole Sue entertained to ~lIlday dlnnel' Mr. and Mrs, J, Bureke and Mrs. Leah SU'ouse, celebl'atlng the bll'lh· dny snnlversary of the lattel', Mu. Stouse Mr, and Mrs. Dert Gnll nlld daugbter of Clnchlnatl, nlso were afternoon guest.~. Mr. and Mrs. LaMar ' Earnhart and daughter Beth were weelc end guests of Mr. and !\frs, Alton Earn· hart In Halvlnnd, Ohio. Mrs. Nell AnderSOn of Kln'gmnn, hI the guest of bel' son·ln·1l1 II' and daugllter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Hawke. Mr, nnd Mrs. Fred Brnddock. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray. mond Braddock and daughters, Mi·. and Mrs. Luther Hartsook 'and BonB, Mr, alld Mrs. R. C. l.a· Rue and ohlldren, Mr, A, O. Tomlinson, Mr, and Mrs. Ell' Furnas and children, Mr. and Mrs. Selh Furnas and Mr: and Mrs. L;lwrence Furnas and son were among the guests at the Underwood fnmlly reunlo, n, n ear Wllmlllg'oll 011 '. SundaY'. , . Nick. Tumb,eson, Paul Shipley. Bob Kenrick, Don Wilson, Jeffry Ball, Da.vld Brown, Bruce Hunter, Joe Smallwood, 1;II1ly SlIlbbs, J04n VaDdebrlnk with their leader Joe James left on SU'lday afferlloo. to spend the weel! In Boy Scout cam'p at' Cam,p Hook. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Ray Mn1nous had . a8 , Thll~sda)' dinner gue~t8, thl!
~oyed ' 8.
latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs,
' d. Bra.ndenburgb, of OWensboro,
KentUcky: Mrs. Paul Wl11ls .and Mrl. Robert Druce or lIamUtofl. Mrs, Harry Wadswortb. of West Carrollton, 1111', George Stroud, of DaYton, Mrs. Maude Crane 01 Leb· anon, Mr. W. E. ~roud, Mrs, Irene Henderson, Mrs, Grace Vice and Mr. Claude StroUd, sev'n brOthers and sis ten, enjoyed Wednesday dlnDer together at the Claude Stroud homel Mrs, W, E o, 8~ud alao Wal a guest. Mn. Walter Behrens lett on Sat· until)' to 8pend a few weeu with relatlve8 In BrooklJn. WhUe there Ihe wtll aIIo be In the wedcl1q pArtJ at ber ,brotber'1 marrIap.
Waynesville Since', 1850 ~IVE
BUTTONS AND BOWLS, ' HOLDS MEETING . The Wllyn sv llle Buttona atad Bowls ,1·1:[ Club met Tuesday, J'flY 25, 1950 lit the henne of DOnpB H~ley witb 'Oar.oyn S. RetaUt;:k and Ruth L~Rue In ch~e abel Donna Hadley prealdlDg. . We had a demollBtration ' of 1ng a cak.e by Marilyn Gons ~iad Carolyn Retalllek. The cake used as refreshments, We t about the jud,!lng day whtcli be Monday, August 6 at- U :00 m. at the Grange Hall, We have ' a meeting afterward. ' Carolyn' ~tat)Jek . .
II "Frien4fly CII6t Witll tile EditD" LYTLE ·GIRL
' .' ME;rHOb~T MUSIC . COMMITTEE MEETS The music commlltee or the Methodist chucb met last week and made pJans ·for . tbe beglnnlng of the full musical pl'o:gra~ for Fall. Wedding Solemnized At Lytle Reserve Officer. AsSociation r August 31st W'1lJl set for tIle (h's t Gets New Deal For It. Methodist Church L~st JI, the past tile subscrlp;tlc)O meeting of .the Meth~dlst choir: ft,. Reserve OffiFerl Saturday Evening rate has been $1 .. 60 per year. Tbe , new rale will be $2.00 . per year _ 1ll!-rty Is being arranged rol' open· In tbe Inter est of National De· The marl'lnge of Miss Marilyn 50c a year raise _ 4c a month _ log practice n1ght ' and organization rQnse ~ which is most Impotant at Hammond , daughler or ~I:, and ,lc a week - surely not much of will be discussed. Lhls time, Lt. 01. Arthur J. Wilde, a raise. Money Is on band ror pur has lng Mrs. Ra.lpb HUOImond, of Lytle, PreSident of the Ohio Depatment, Tble Week the "ready print" 0;' new ellolr robes whiCh 011 w ill look to Mr'. Odls Johl1ROn, Jr., son or along with E'xecutlv(> q m cers of the Jnslde pages wblch were SYII. forward to having ellrly In the Mr. nnd Mrs, Odls Jobnson, 1'., the Reserve OUlcere Association of Ironton . Ohio, was beautIfUllY dlcato printed by Western News. seaaon, at National Headquarters, last paper Union, welre eliminated, In Members of the comm lltell lire : solemnized on Sallll'dllY , Ju'l y 29, \veek met with high officials of the near future we aim . to change Frank. LeMay, dlreclol' of choir; Itt 7 : 30 o'clock in t he Lytle Meth· the , Departmen L of De.rense to es· .to seven column size and other Miss 'VlrlgnJa Hardin , organl!lt; odlst church, By Dlok Tatum tlLbllsh a ne\v tolley to ~ncourage cb'lIl!ges nre contemplated to bring Tr9SBler Hardin, M\·s. MOlTls F ill, . Rev. Bernnrd Baughn, of Waynes· Reserve Officers to vol\1nteer for ville, o(flclatlid at the double rlnn Ioformed sources In Wll8hl you as good 8. paper 8S we can kerson, Mrs, Howard Brown, Active Duty. ceremony before lUI altar which \11th tbe faeUlUe!! at our dlsposal. 1nauguratlon or this poll c y W!lS, efr,e nllvil ly decorated wltb The advertls'lng rates aiBO are means that 0.11 Reserve OfClcers hardships for the Tbeat.r811 DOW white gladioli and palms, BOftly changed to aoc per column Incb local" 40e out Oo! town, aod 60c Ella May Byl'll Slilnsbel'ry wae lighted by fqrty·foul' candles in wlll be called to acUve duty In operation, at least, not at the P their Reserve Ranle. regardless of ent time, However, there 11 national advertls:lng. born Ootober 22, ]' '72 In Ollllton bl'ancllod caude,l bl'a lUll] tall ta.pers whe.n the ~eserve Rank WIl8 ob- cern about Possible Increases We hope that theBe prjces ~U1 COUll,ty , Ohio, and 1l88 S d sway whJ ch marked the pe\v heads. talned. Previously , those ottlc~ra Mrs. Alfred .Gray, o.r Dayton, tAxes.. The admln,.lstratlon meet with your approval, and we July 1 , 1960 aged '17 YI'8 ., 'l mOB., played a ha lt hour progra.m of orwho ,volunteered w'ho were pro· program Is oot yet drawn up can continue serving you as belore. and 26 days. moted on termlal leave were re- it Ja impossible to tell what it ..... In view of the fa.ct, of our rlalng , She was married to Franklln gan music Ilrecedlng the wedding Mr. Robert. Hastings of QillreJl , to I1ccept apPointment ' at contAIn, b~t it Is not believed tliit costa, this la (lUI' only alternative, Spencer StanSherry June ~, 1891 . marcb. the r~uik Uley held prevloull to the trealury, ja plannlng now to We wish to elipress our thanks 'To this mUon seven chlldr n Waynesville, sang "ALways," "J were born,'three of whom preceded ~ov e You Truly" and " Tbe Lol'd's sepal'ation, whl~h, III mnny cases, ask any tncrease 10 the Fade~ lor your past pntronage. - The Editor. their father and motber In death. Prnyer." Is one runlt less than thelf' ~ adml88ions tax. serve Rnlllk . III 1111 C.'8ell, .Reserve Olivia DeHavllland la determlt.*i - -_______ ~ _ _ . .__ Her llUsband died in ,January, ]94 Mr, "Vetb I't Kiser, of West Car· o.rnCG"S were d serVing of these to Uve up to her Academy AWGcl • She spent pracUca.lly all of he. roll tOil. (!'Iend of the · bridegroom, promotions. Tbose Reserve , om- winning tradlti.o n by I e~dlllg Bcr".l~ Ufe in tb vicinity or WaynesvHl, :LCtl"d as best lDRn. Mr, Jack cers now 0'11 active duty will be constantly and I'e~ ecllng' a ny a~ L whel'e she was known to he a. vel' Hammond. b raillel' at the bride, industrious woman while lIer healti . all d ?tfr. M11 Lon Japes served as automllticlllly promoted if they all that abe does not belle"e • have performed excellent work can do exceptionally well. S Jaie At the regular Rotary ' Club llermltted, llabers. ror certain periods, dllPendlng on turned down the plum role ~. meeting Tuesday evening, we had ' Se 'feral montbs ago she fell an . ' Th brid e, given in marriage lhelr rank. Blancbe In "A Street ~ar Na~ several out-or-Lo'Wn Visitors and brol her hlp from which s he nev I by l\(,T futher,. wore a gown :of Reserve Offh'ers .of all t~ree Deislre" 118 DOf beIDc right fot h • In . the obsence ot ;'Ca.p" Stubbs, reco ered, ne er .havlng been abJ white aatln and lace. wltb fitted services are encouraged to join the Her favorltA!! of ihe mom,ut he PI esldent, BJaymond Braddock: to \'..llk Since. She bore I-t bravol. bodice nlld. ru ll skirt of ' floor Reserve Offlcere Aasoclatlon III .'Boo Adventure," a play ~ut: . the Vice Presldont, cave a vel1' and lVas always hoping that som~ I~ngth, with' portrait neck.~ Her order- to keep abreast of fas t cbang- nUD by .Charlot~ Katalnga. Beel Inter~ltilli talk. day her stl·engtb Would return t fingertip veil of llIuslon tulle was I.ng J)oitcles and ' Department of De. continuing ber film cnreer. UI The lopeak l' .tor tbe evening her. ' beld hI pla'e by U I;I tepbanotis fense acHvitles.•Tbls can be ac· baa Indlcat.ecl she would Uk. was J. B. Crabbe, wbo told bow T .I·ougb tbeoe . ,eeks of pal WI· lh. he ·,wpre lon~ wbito cOIDPl1sbe!l hy cdntnottng Colonel write a BrolAlwa""aay. lS a young · men he said the one and ltutrerl! g she was soothed Ilnl stLtln milts, alAo n pearl necklace Wilde, who reald.e s at Underwoocl' Durlnc the month of Ad thin, he would never be was a com fo rted Ly an untiring and evel w~th rhinestone I)enoant, gift Orchard l Harveysburg, Ohio, Tel. The 1IIlami Guett.. III coope 1Choo1 teacher', ,and later he spent watcbtul dau ghter: Mary, and hE' of tbe bridegroom and l carried a ellhone 2897. wl~ ~ '1'W1a . . a .rut III&Ilf ,.~. tea'*!!f in ;tranJaon, !IJ! II. . > • C~8 ade ~9uquet 91-. ~i r.oa8l\ • . a Fru1IJil iiCK~i to the The~ tre w'C. , ipites, ·' ~- . . A few days ago a change c rot enle red with gRrdenlas. f';TATE OF OHIO, ' eacb · subscription received, either A delicioU8 meal was servl!d .. sbe grew \\l ot· e . l'apldJy until tb r' WARREN COUNTY -new ' or renewal. Bere'sa chalice ud by the way, we of Rotary think feeble body cou ld no longer wltl. LEB!.NON AITORNEY IN THE PROBATE COURT to IdII two blrda with one sU,lle, a good deal of our meeting place stand the I'a.vages ot disease an .. VISITS GAZETn In the. Matter of the Estate of Se~ ' a good. movie FREE and keep and the line meals that are served the lVeary soul passed into Etel Carl Abaechel'll, Lebanon al.11 )'ouree If In f orme d "" . J th e news . nity. /' . · "'-'J a k a - A ,' M, Ze. Arth u.~ M....-.. In nt t.h.e Far Hills Party House. torney, visited tile Miami Gazette deeeaal!a. •. Wayneavllle each and every week. ; , She leaves tbl'ee sona and one oftJ ce Monday evening. - - --- LEGAL NOTICE Enter your 8ubscrlptlon now · ~ . daugllter, John, Wilbur and llary, . Ca.rl, who Is well known in W,a.ynesv1lle, was on his way to on Dt. g Crosby, a.ttend the CivIc Club meoting, tbe 26th day ot Jul)" 1960, Au~ella Colleen Gray,- Percy Kllbrtde, Gen, I eleven great grand cblldren. ZeJ1, exeCUtrix of the llUIt wlll anJ era I audience class ification. Re. 'Tis but a 1l10und - and wUl b LOCAL WOMAN The following Itema were taken testament of ArthUr M. Zell, at ~ viewers rating, very gpod, mossed from THE MIAMI GAZETTE of WINS NEW FORD A. M. Zell, decell8ed, lale of tho ,Tlils picture combines all . tile When e'er the summer grass Mrs. Leah Jane TbompBOn Scott, CIty .{)f Erie" County' of Erie an t! · ,Crosby talents, to make a picture Wedn •.~d~y, July 20, 1870: appears; of Wa.ynesv:llle Route 2, won a State of Pennsylvania. tiled I.n this well worth seeing It Is one or"the Mlss Annie S. . Riclts returned The l~ved, though wept, are ~ever' br(l.nd new '1950 Ford auto trenn Court an ~uth6ntlcnted copy of, the better of Bing's' recent plcturell, from Covington on Ftlday. lost; the Llona. club (lDd American Le· Letters Testamentary granted her an brings .,., h'..... bnn'. _... to the U.S.A. Mr.a, ColvUle, of COVington, Is ' We only 10s9 our teurs, glon of Englewood, Ohio, by the OrpbllJl's Court of ·.Erle after several pictures laid In for. villtl~ MlslI Mary Lynch. Tbe Jots we lose are but fore-caat, Good luck, Leah. County" Pennsylvania, together ef&n counlt·les . . Elng'lj s:nglng Is . - Mills Laura Sharpe went to In. And we shall find them all once with a duly authenticated copy o( d I I d more, goo 1I.1l 118119 • IV tb. NO ou tltan . clnnatJ tbls morl.lug 9n a visit, CONTRIBUTORS AIR'E f1.~ ~t will and testament .,f Il\g numbe,'s, ·'C:unpiown Races" Mr. Mahlon ntdge attends Ihe We look behind us for the past., I t 'Z9th reunion :; t Wilmington todny, 'B,ut lo! 'Us all. before. l8ald decedent nnd or the order or an d"S unshi lie ' c II I,e." THANKED FOR SUPPORT 11l1e po d I ' d sald Orphan's ·Court of Erie County, I'" I Id The ' two looal baseball teams I!:"::.,., '"=> '" a arolln lorse r:lclng an , Our.f~lend, D. Or08sley. of Xenia, i hi ' h 'PenDsylv,ani a admllilng same to BI ' "If t t ' wish' to t hsnk. · all bu,lness men IIg 8 <' 01' .8 0 tra n s orse n:ia.de us n. pleai30nt call . on Mon. -probate and record, and that all r th G .. N I S and others of Lytle, Corwin and or· e ran.,. at anal weep· day this.. week. k Th h I h llredltors having claims il.galDst Wayne~vllle who contributed t() sta ea. e orse w n~ t e race Mr. O. G. Coffin came up from dl f d I B' Bald' estate sball present them to b the funcl 1'01' th ilnoks top and the this Court within sLx months after . ut es R terwar s · eavlng In&: Cincinnati last evening on a flying By MRS. WAL TE R K EN RICK grn ndRln nd, tbo tiling of Bald letters. or be for. with Ihe gLrl. v{alt. ~. ·Mr. and Mrs. Donald BnJrd, Jr f ldr, O. W. Ebright wentto reune returned hom ' e Friday from u ever barred rom Daaertlng any "LV" H" p ' E . .. .. .. VEm 11.88 6 with the 3~.'th tod ay at Camp LU(!a8, CARD OF THANKS liens agalllSt the real estate or wedding trip to Oklahoma, Ar l· tbe decedent situated In tbe Statt' AWAV SA'TU .ROAV Misses MedorlL WllIlamBOn and zona. Arltansas nlld T OlCa$'. 1'0 tho people or th e' community:· of Ohio, ' Alva Havens, 61, or Raveysburg, Esther Cbandler- w-ent to WLiming. Mr.' and Mrs. 'J. D, JOlles hll<\ J w l ~ h to ex press my most ' sln· Aurelia Zoll, Executri~ rr passed· away at MIami Valley Hos· tOn yesterday. , • for (hell' Sunday evening dlDll I' ce re thnnlts 1'01' the genel'ous c.o n· SaturAay. MI'. 'Pfloi E.• ' 'lEllliot resorted to guests: 1111'S. . Bes8i~ , the Estate of Artbur M. pl"al t .,. Newland of U'lblltlons t lve n- me lI.t · 'the Ball Zell, aka A. · M. Zell, He ls survIved by nieces anit iilmlng·ton tlWs ' mornlng to join St. Cloud, Fla ., Mrs. Mm'gllret game .SlIndllY, Jilly 2:1. deceased, nephews. 0 the reunIon. Fltzgernld of Dayton, ' MI'. lind Mrs, Albert Hawke' . . 1Ilrs. Sisco has renovated the ' Henry Flnl,e nnd lItrs,. 'Clara Carl Abaecberli, Attorn.,.. Funeral 8e vies, were h)lld at tbe , sidewalk and gutter In front ot j 0 S Publish 8-3.l()'17-3t . l open Bible Cburch. HarveYNburg, hel' resldence. . M'o ore 0'1' DeR.vertown. 6th d g~ee work of tie hlo tate I Tuesday lit 2: 00 11. m" Otis Rlcb Dr a d M . Prof. Geol'ge ' Green of Welllng· Grnnge at t he ne w gy m at Otter· DAYTON VISITOR8 HERE ortlclatlng. . . n rs, Wllllamaon I'e· ton, Oblo, a rormer Superintendent belli Home :I'ucsdny evening. Mr. and Mrs, Kennetb Elzey and twurned last WedJlesday . trom their of WI~Ylle8vllle schoolll, 'aile,' Oll ' MI', nnd MTS, 'RallJh Il.e ury nncl Funeral arrangements by Stubbs estern trip family entertained n number of daughter Marjlorle, of Dayton, vis· Funeral Rome. Burial was III MI. . ' ' . . ' Mr. nnd MI'M . . \\ Ubllr Clnrk Frl! Ited ...·r. and Mrs. Walter Elzey Several, of Olilr friends herea· day arternoon . r elati ves to a lawn su pper at their ... au:1 cemeter),. btl Saturoay eventng. ou s ntend JOining the excu.r slon Rev, and Mrs. Berna HI U:lIIgbn country home Sunday, The hono,r a'_ ca11ed· a t t'h e to Long BrBllch ' Mr'.. EiEey ....,., . and chldren , of Waynesvi lle, w ro guests ,were Mr. Ilnd Mrs. James GueUe Office Saturday evening. ' OHURCH NEW,? LETTER ,Mr, John W. Collett, now (If Cln· Kennedy of Dn)'ton, "mcle . and Methodiat Church tlnnall, paseed la8t SUllday with Wednesday ovenlng dinner guests aunt of Mrs. Henry, who celebra. ' of Mr. and MfS. Donald Baird. Sr.' W. ORANGE RAPER, 88, The Method18t ' Ohurch' w1l1 be· his friends here, nnd Mr, and Mrs. cii~rleB Morgan ted tbelr 47th wedd1ng aun lvel'· · gin malllnll to all Its members Mr. W1m . Rogers Is making a gut· . snry Lhat day. DIE8" HERE SUNDAY nnd children on the G bh(lrt road . W. Or .. nae Raper, 88, pasled and conBtltuents a church news 'ter and sidewalk at the High· street Mr8 . Se~h Furna!! Bltended a ~ number {If persons from this surpI' Is bl11 thd a)' party Tuesday at -his bome in Waynesville Iet ter t he first or September. 1I en' d 0t hi B premJses. , a WDy epmm'unlty ntlended the fonernl ror ·Mrs, Daniel Uqderwood 'Rt he!' v. will ('a.rry all new. of the variOUS at 11 p. m. Sunda, service fOl' Pllul T . .Iohns, a for· home In Wilmington, glvull b" her -"bvht.-" •• ~"""D, N1aanlzatlons of tbe accom~'i8b· HIT BY C"R IN O&VT'ON Hell.urviva\r , ",,,~ . - - - - " "" ", L t" P tb" " R ' 2 mer Lytle resident, lit the McClure ' Jl'uneraJ .e-....... we- held"WIIl· ments and future plans of the ",I'. es er r,R er, 0 OUte , daugbters . of Wnyne!!vl1le and .... ~... . bit b h h Funeral HOllie In Waynesvllle Su..t· H y a lcar ·w en e was I • arveyaburg. neada,. at 2:00 p. m, at 8t1Ibbe cbureh. All are' looking forward was _. ___ , Home, Rev. Wed---"" to thl. news letter of the Church. leaving work at ~he 'N C R Moo urday nftel'noon and also the b~rlnl Mr. and MI's. Setb FurnDs at· ..........DV~""" • . ' • at Bellbrook cemetery. ofrtcla*l.Dc. The cburch lohMlI an.d tb day eveolng. e was taken to tended a family surprise bIrthday Burial was in Miami Cemet.el')', Methodllt Youth Fellowship are the ·hoapltal. Mr. and Mr8. Tom Rlcbal'da en' pnrty Sunday cvenhlg In honor of PlQling the ezpeDllell 01 the letter lertalned to a family picnic din· the former's Ilrother, Mr·. Ell Fur· Mre. H.'E.. Hatbaway h- .. ber thll yew. lIer at the!r bome In ' LItle Sun· nas, nL hJII home Ilear Waynes· 8ERIOU8LY ILl day In honor ,of Lbelr daughter, ville. bouse llUeat her .lster,· III.. Laura Mn. wm. Fllbberj of Cincinnati, Patricia Ann's aecond birthday. . Tlke Sblpley, Bob Kenrick and llotInacle of ClnclDDati. lin. ~tIa· You elft let extra cople. of the Hr. ana Mrs.. Erneet Harlan, NJck Tumbleson are attending awa,. and her. peet were B1IDdaJ GAZETTE, at the *AYNE8VILLE II ..mouel, ill Il~ the home of her • Mr. aDd Mn. J . B. Jones and Mr, and Scout oamP Ibis week at Oamp dbmer 8II_ta elf aII4 Mn. DRUG &TORE .1' the GAZETTE dau«hler and Q&l'le EvaDI. M"!. Walter Kenrick attended the Book. Buold WbStabr. .ffl... ·
Because of tho r:lslng of paper, supplies and sl1 materials, , rent, etc.; we llud ourselies In tile same 8itltatlon II.S ali i other mer. chants, Tbe tlD1e has arrived when we must raise otlr prices In order to stay In buslne'88.
SI/fJW 8usin'~
T~~::~II\:r:y C:1V:e:n~hat
tb:'~:;;~ I::~'H _
1 Out of the PI.st ~y:~~=:~:' g::dC~~:~~'a:~'
I ,
C!l~urr~ ~utbr . .
EI tabll,hed 1860 PAUL. A. SCHERER .. " .. ...... .............. Editor' and Publlitter CECILIA J. SCHERER . ........ . .. . , . . . Secretary and Treaaurer
I Publis h ol
1£l'el y Thurs day l'fornln, a t 'Vn Ylleli"1l1 • Wnrren ounty, Oblo
Entered liS -s 911d elass multer at I be po ~tof'f!('e .nt Waynesville, ' Ohio,
.If-y -ro'tile ~ves •
Any ' Stanc;iard ' Analysis
.Miss Peggy l J ark, of
.pellt seven1 dnys ) 'lM week as til e guest of her grandparen ts., MI'. II l1d Mrs. H .
. Til k (·r .
Thl! Com mUni! y ] ·I' .. lllers lllel In regulllr scssion nt Gl'aug nail Tue. da y ni ght. Miss J ani na 'IUT. of Wa yne:· ville. W!l!ll n gll ~>l l MOllday e \'()O ing of bel' gra nd moth I'. Mrs. Blnn he Carr. Mrs. Laura hldllker" has re tu rne d to 11el' 1I0me here.' t.ollowl ng It two we!lks visit \\'lIb h e l' son· in · I ~\V nnd daughte,', Mr. uIIII Mrs. W, P. 1\1<', arren. of Waillonl/ding. Mr. 'and Irs . Jnck McCarren al' annOUncing the birUI or a laughter, 'last week st Miami Valt ey Hos pltn l, Dayton . . The Adult Class - of lhe Meth· odlst churcb , he re, he ld Ii picnic .' IIi .. Mary K.ay Stock, t1). supper a t Jacob 's Park, Well man, '!tGOO,GOOtll vilitor to Meramee Qvemt. is shown with Leater Dill, Wl!dneoday n ig ht. oWller of the 5·.toried cavea at ,Mrs. J en nie 8ell. of omer · Stantoft, Miaouri on U. S. 66. who ville. WIU! It glle/3l Iss l iveek of caft ber Ut, 801den key to the cave•• a Uf~ aDd other gifta as bel' bl·othl, r·ln· hlw- and s ister, /wi r. ... the underrrou!1d por· and Mrs. H. ~ Tucker. tiIII. A l~·,.r old man, who man, M,·. and Mni. Clyde l.evicy wer e ,.....,. . . . contend · i. the original ' - , . . . . _Ii~ at the caves guests, Wednesday e"enlng of MI'. . . . ... Jam. pna' hid out 80 and Mrs. EdwIn . mll h and famil y - - - -~-~.--ot Blanch oster. Cblldren'li Tas tea Mrs. Mary Syterd was a guest Children lind babies have taste Friday of Ile r lion a nll daughter· In·law, MI'. and Mrs. John $yferd, preference just as adults have, and theretore should not be lorted · of Dayton. to eat anyihinr set betore them. Mr. and MI·S. IInrles OOliteI' Giving children some leeway In the and family ha ve returned home, amount and kind of tood they eal toUowlng a two weeks V8cIlUon ' does much to insure the healtb of the child -and t he peace of the to Canada. whole famlly. Mrs. Harold Bogan and her daulbter. . Barbara. wer e guests Color Blllid Hell Saturday evening of Mrs. Bogan's Men are flve times as likely as motber, Mrs. Nina. Compton. of women to be color blind. Maybe . that's why they can't appreciate Maeon. Ihose gift ties. Mr. .and Mrs . .Jobn Denny Bud lIOn, were gunts during the week Cleaota. Waffle lroD end of Mr. f>enny·s .' mother, Mrs. You can easily clean the grlda of Mary Denny, o( Deal' Harveysburg. a wattle iron by soakln", a paper The SlmpS4)n tomlly wtll hold Its napkin In household ammonia and annual family reunion a t J aco b's ieav:tn& it between the ,rids over· Park/ Saturday arternoon. A bas· rl,b~. ket .dlnner w41l (ollow a program of reCitations a nd music beginning . . at 11 o'clock. Rev. and Mrs. J'. P. Tllornbury W~,NTED have returned home from Cleve. Iand where tbey attended th e Bap· tist Alli ance last w~ek. MI'II. J. W. Snell I s tl1 at her home In PerVI'n town, according BUYERS WAITING ' a report receIved here tbls week. Especially , For Farms . M!s8 R1Jth' Tnlb'ert and . MillS Edith Mae RJch have been sel ect ed FOR QUICK SALE to' attend 't he Methodist Camp. Sa· blna, beginning thIs ,week.. Mrs. Charles Michener " of n ear WaynesvIlle. was a gllest Friday . of Mrs. J.obn Welsh and Mrs. Beu· lah Eckert. Rl. 48, 5 tni. South of . MIlS. Clem Chlstman and be l' daughter, . Df Mt. Oral), nud ·Mrs . Ceil terv iIIe. Clyde Burriss,. of ·Macon, were' thu PHONE Centerville 7056 gue'sls Sunday of Mr. and Mj·s. Earl Christman and t la' eli" daugbter, 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllili11111111111111111111111111111111111111111
CharieR Doster
~!I"I~lmmllllllllllllml!llI!!lII!llIIllliI l:li !l il l!l l ll!m'i:':;l: : : : ':l!:!
Roy E. Smith'
wit4 yellow chalks
visual dl.tortion.
· noon.
• • _ _ .... . "
Vnc:era'ater Fllbcrmau The only weapun of an under. water spear fisherman Is a IO-tool shaft of sturdy. corrosion . resj$
!l:lint, " which , belpE
p f.e ' ~nt the lo,s of heat, caral b , ap. p.lled to adva nt ll€e on the 11fI~ula . tlllg Jackets of 5:11a m pipes .
-,---_..._ --.... . _-.
- .~
- -"- ----,
THIS NEWS.,APER, I Year, with
Bemovinc St.am. , Sponge mea t juice or Il'avy stains wfth cold or lukew'al'J)l wa. ter. Never use hot wa ter; It leu the stalh. If a grealle spot, remains, launder washa ble materlall In ~ w.arm soapy wate,r . If the glolh Is not washable. lise B ~rease solvent.
"O~PA '
'325 .
2 !t'AGAZINIS '10M GROUP • .
'3 35
COinely~ComanChe .
II., ...
"'/0" .....'ille.
~'f;'N ~ ...do ••
o A"lericao Girl/~~~..:~~...~~~~:............,........... l Yr,
o Chii.lIllD Hc;rald ..........................................6 Mo. '0 CoUllIry' GmllnmlJl ...:.........- ... ___.......,.. .8 Yr. o Modem Romanc;u ..........____._ ............1 Yr. a OutdOOR ...... ·....:..·............ _.__._ ............ _..1 Yr. o PIUeJlU' Magazine ·.. ·- ........_ . _.................6 Mo. o P.lhJiDd~r (15 IuU6)...._ . _ _.._..........G ;\10, o Pbotoplay ..........................;,.___.__ ._ .... 1 Yr. o Sc:nenlaad ·-......·..·..·-....•....-.:_ ............ _... 1 Yr.
II.,. ..
"X" ..",.
,,;ipl...... ~••it·N
.114 _1o••
I", .. U4 or~".
o Amrncan I'tuIt jGrowrr.,.... _...........................l fro
o Amrrica~ Poul.;y JoumaL ............~........... 1 fro o Br('rdr.r's ' Gaiette
..............................,....._.... Ilir: Farm Joarilal lJ Farmer'. Wlfc........ __ ..... l lir. o Household M~e ..............._._ ......... _..... 1 lir. Moille", H.m~. Life ............. ___....... __ ..... .2lir. o National' Uyuteck Producer....,...._......:......i lir. Open Road (801" - ................... _......_........6 Mo. o Palbfirultr (I!J I.....es) ...._ ...__••_ .............IIJ(o. o Powuy TriblUl~ ........ -.-........--__._....... Ilir.
o o
BalJp:m Gazer.
__ •
Mor. S&eel for FraDce Machawatton 1a on the waT for war-weakened French ItHl Indua~. W~~ttr.rh m ·rt' 1s bu'l." ''', ~.. ::. J.GOo \\orlh of el ~ nrical . QUIpIIl1' t t o he l ~ bolster it Order for Ih e <Il:1!lmo?J I was ' placed by SOLLAC. a pl'lva't el. owned aSlo. ~ a r!dh of nlnp Frpnch st"el firms.
n membel'
- - -- _ .- ...
1Iea l
Mrs. John SJmpson.
The Women's Christian Tem· perance Union will hold Its August mMtlq at tbe home of Mra. Mary srterd P1ft111OD. Thursday after·
o Sib-eriSa-ten ·•..............•..·~_............... I Yr. o Spo", Afield ..·........·....-.-____.....:......6 ~Io . g.~ ~~~. .:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~: ~~:
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Sherwood have returned f1'om R two weeks vacation trip to Michigan. '
T. n. Keating, general manager. amUes happily as he takes the wheel or 'he U.OOO.OOOih Chc\Tolet. The mJleslone model came (lnly six months after Ihe 23.000,6001 h in 11 production fWl that set new inouslrial records.
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Munsoll , of · Dayton, were guests S unday of Mrs. ~untlpn's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Osa Harlan is .the bouse guest .of :'Itrs, Ruby Kline. 01' Daytop. Several pe nlolls from th Is v icin· Ity attended the Jul y meeting of the Advlsol'y Council at the home of MI'. lind Mi·s. Arthur Mattin ~ly . of Sliver Ol~~ve. Friday nlgbt: Mr. nnd Mrs; J . P. Thornbury ipent the week end 88" the guest of relatives In Loulsvllle. Ky. The B . Y. E. mel at the hom e of Tom Reynolds. S unday n lgbt . ,John DosI er underwent u ion· IUectomy Tburs dfty.
I. 0__ '...."_It_..-. ____
their place. The Innovation is rec· ommended blY the Americ;an Op· tometric Allsociatton In the inter· c'st of eas ier seelns. Black boards absorb too much IJght and cause
Chill'lotte .
The congregatioll 01'. the A. ,M.E. churc b honor d Mrs. E.lIzabeth SimPSOn on her 1I11·t hdny. S unda y. by be vlng ft pa rty n I the eh ul'c ll. Mrs. Laura Shldliker is tile house guest ot ber daught er. ~ I·S·. Pauline
Jt I~ thread. are ttthtl,y bouiuJ around the c)'Under and ca"pt in TRY GAZETTE ClAS~ h 'JP'f)S the bl')llhel of the VI cuum cleMer: Clip them In ,. \'(> r J pl~t't' S: Bo d the ~.----------~--------~ ~ h rt p!ec(>~ can be /lull ed out ea.l. Bye, Bye.. Blllckbaard . Iy ,. An a CCll 1 u\aH on of thresl!S/ will ! It's Bye. By\!. BIJckboe rd in the r a"se an Ihcrease in the cl8'l'ent modern school roem. C i'een ch nllt 1° (-(, sary tn run the motor.
Vlllm. of Xenia.
Armftage &Son
Steel·, Grea les' Dec~ d~ Durln& the 1940's about ' 800 mtl. , lion tons or steel were made. Steel employees were paid 17 bWlon dol. lars. The lndustry spent about 3.2 b. llton dOI.13rs for xpanslon ,
International & G.ibsoll Refrigerators
J . W~ \'\Iedgowood. MInister B. E. ·Bauglin, Pastor Church School, 11:30 A.M., Mr. UnIfied Service, 11:46 a . m. Karold EaMh'art, Supt. Worsblp Service, 10:80 A.M. ,¥OUUI Fellow s hl'p, Sunday. '1 : 00 ST. MARY'S EPISCPPAL The Rev. Samuel N. Keys, RectOI P .M. Sunday : Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Primary church school 10: 8Q a.m. FERRY CHURCH 9P CHRIST (Ages 0 tbrough .8) Byron Carver, Mlnllter Adult WorshIp, ]0:80 a. m . . Bible SchOOl, 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship, 10:90 A.M. Prayer Meetlng, 7:00 P.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH Young People's Meeting, 7:00 WilHam Shannon, ft.Unllter Even ing Services, 1 :30 P.M. Sunday Scliool, II: SO A.M.. Mr•. 'Jamee Garrison, Supt. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF PreachIng, 1st. and 3r4. S~ CHRIST days ot eact.' month, 10:30 A.M. M. H. Coftey, Minister Evening Servlcel, 7:30 P.M. . , Bible School. 9: 30 A.M. Morning Wor.hlp, 10:90 A.M, ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Young Peoples' Meeting, 6 : 46 Father R. H. Krumholu. Paltor P.M. Masses, 8 and 10 A.M. Evening ServIce, 8: 00 P. M. Prayer Meeting and BIble Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS WedneBday, 8 P.M . . Ae Part1naton, !oItnJ.ter Worship Service. 10 A.M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST \ Sunday SchOOl. 11 A.M. T. M. Scaff,' MInister Sunday School, 9:30 A.M .• \ E. '1 A. Earnhart, Supt. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS Worship Service, 10:30 A.M. First Day School, 9:30 A.M • . Evening Service, 7 :30 P.M. Meeting tor Worship, 10 :30 A.M.
Five Differellt Brands
Subs rlption Hallls- ,2. P,..r Y'aa l·. in udvl\ lIce. In 0 hlo; $2.50 elR II'borG
1l} ~ O
w hen a hallooll
occlIl!lomllly' weut ov er to IV n bow eve ryone \\'o uld pOin t, g 'ap e u n d gasp, s burhlel'l'ng lit th e daring of i t ? Wondering CHICAGO -It'1 a long way to \I llItl ne xl, peQllle IItti,' Oklahoma•. And pretty Jeanne Car~·euJ l7.lld tbM ,burol'e long men, granddallnter I of , Qnanah they wOIII'd be tl':l v elln~ Parlcer, the lait of the fighting through the a I r them. Comanche Chiefa, discovers there'. a selv es in glanl llirs hipli. decided .hortage of realllve Brav. Iten"'llIber ? in the Windy City. In town 10r the preview of a motion picture. Jeanne ' lOui'lIt aUl'l'oundinp more familiar. Our complete .erv. than .~serapel'l, 80 visited the Ol~. ice II not valued IOn Indian Hemorial Park on Chl-I In term, of dollara cago'. No~weat side. -. .,.. .• 4 The Park. dedicated to the pusbut. in the conlol. atlon we can give ing of the American Indian from to tho.e In the Chica,-o territory. il owned and ' maintained by the Olaon Rug Com,orroL pany. ' It contabll many Indian relIa; among them the Treaty Stone STUBBS used by tlie Potawatomi, Chippewa FUNERAL HOME and Otta ..... a Indianl when they pve up their landa in and around Chi. 22111 . cago_to the white men In 1833. In.lhe picture abo\te,Jeanne J)lAkes bi&' medicine with the atatue In the · park, but from hi. action. it would _m deep inside hll stone heart he>.
a natural bom aqoaw·hater. -
" ._-.-
-~ -------
GIltL · ........................_..._ ..... .$2.511 HOME ....... ...............- .-......_ .... !.~O AMERICAN ~fAGAZINE .. -_._.-..... ,,_, ............. ,4,50 ARG05li mle ColDplrte Man'. Magazine).... llo o COLLIER'S ..........:............................................... 6.511 o CORONET .. - ...........:.... ~....................-............... 1.7:. COSMOPOLITAN .............................................. II.CHI COUNTRY GENTLEI\UN (I Y....)........._..... 2.7!; JLOwtR GRO'vER ................., ...,............. :.... 8.4~ o.GOOD HOUSEKEEPING .......................-....... 11.11" OINSIDE DETEGrIVE ..... - .. -............... _... _..... 8.U\ o LOOK ....... - ..- ........,- :.,......-..._ ........_ ........ _.. 5.011 o McCALL'S MAGA,ZlNE ...--......--..-.-...._... 4.110 MODERN ROMANCES .,.. .. - ............-._...... 2.7~ M9DERN !CREEN ......----....--.-.. -.. _... 2.7& o OPEN ROAD (Be,..) ..........__..._ ..._ _.............. 2.110 o OtrrpOOU - ..--~...:- ........ --.................-....... - 2.50 NIWSPAPII AND IWIAZINIS
o o
'lark lUI "X" belore\l1IIIpzbae dedrcd and mcJc. . 1111 wllb order. 0 !:A~NJ'8· )~quDlE ...... _ _ .. _._~~_ a.ao o .rA!!!J1NDEIl ~ ]~,....___._ ......._........ Uti 0 PHu I OPLAY .... _................................._.__... _ 1I.7~ 0 p,epUUR mCHANICS ................................ 4.25 .:J POPUL."R !ICIJ:~CE MONTHLli................ 1.71 . 0 READER'S DIGEST ._.......... :_ ................. _.... ~.211 . 0 RWBOOK ..................:..................... _................ 1.110 OIILYEIt SCRnN ...._._ ............,.....___ ........... 2.110 0 SPORT .................................. :....................._ ....... a.JlO .CJ SPORTS AFIELD ............ ~_........................_ .. 1l.llO oSKf\VAYS ..... _.~ _.......................... _..... _ ......... S.U 0 TFD: PAMfLY ·lJM.ES..:.:......_.._...._ ._....... 2.15 0 THE W6r.'AN ..._._.............. __ .... _.._..... ~ ..__. S.U ,0 TRUE ROIUANCE ... __...._...... :._.................. _ UO 0 TRUE STORY ...... _....................... _ ..__..... _ _ . ~.75 0 YOVR un ............ _........ _.............._.__ ..~__. 8,45 0 WOMAN.' ! noaa (x)IIIPANION.. __.. _ _ . 4.00 • YIAI, UNLIIS . .
C"~clr -cqi.... la• .." ~ ...", . .,... . Cew'-t I md_ ' '''-....... ""..,:..... . . . . . . . . me . . . . . dIecbd, willa a ~ IUmaipdall to your PIP"' J
naDT OIl LI.D._ _ _ _-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
" _d_
~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~i~..~"iiiil.. -----------------,--------------------.--.-.... WATCH YOUR SPENDING
,;])"'1 Ridge A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier
• • __ . _ - - - - -• • • • - . -
You can lee where :your money aoes-from day to day-with a checking aCCOiUnt. Your laat check stub is a re~nder to you, of exactly how much money you have in your accountand the previous stubs let you know what bill. you have paid and when. With the. balance of your account continuously before your eyes you can adapt your spending to your "mean•. "
. Mrl, D. J. FrOl~ier IB on ' her \/;).
c;atlon, but her column will be reo aumed upon her return.
Protect -- ·Beautify .- Save! Fir.t Come . . . . . . First .Served
F rom the orig inal story by the un[0I'l:4:tla ul e O. H ·11I·Y. the CI~CO Kid, f~atul'cd evcr), F !'idu)' nigh t at 7:30 over KDKA, IS t he mlli" version of the gr at writ.' r's idea of u Robin Hood of the ..all~(' , 11 g ay caball ero of th e Old W ~~ l . Voltaire Uecommcndcd listening by I'll n·nt· . T each er A ssoc ia ti o ns h lld Ch'if Voltalre was the klng of coUee lulla, 'f1,c ( .. . 1 • ,.t ,.. ,\." ,., ,,!~, d1·lnkers. When he was SO, It wa s , \ ,; , .' 1I'1'1I mo\'I" \" ,\ I, t l.,- • • " ~"I said, he drank 50 cups a day . A " I'll.
MarIne Insurance The oldest form 01 insurance Is marine Insurance, traces 01 which are found In thc sea re,gulations of ancient Greece and Rome.
inuin pa~nt for melal s urfaces.
$4,95 value In 5'.
Power Aire
A special mixing 011 . that gives palnt blglL luStr,e. Designed for l us ting protec·
$3.95 Value In 5!s
Per Gal.
benet stands and_ yields of Smut~free WHEAT
$1. 79
Per Ga l.
TIME .IS AVER Poweralre
Complete w1tlL beavy 2 gaUon pressUre tank, Blnks pnlnt gan , !!O !lnll 25 foot r obber and m .. t·.rlal 1) l'e ~' sure hOlle. Saves tllIIe. 8 a v e s money aDd doea a good Job. Large bullding6 can be 'sprayed In amaz· Ingly ahort time. Heavy duty built for long serviCe, Regular' price $'19.95 ____________ -, ____________ _
lUgb Quality red oxide bam paint tbat w ill give years of protectioD. '
Per Gal.
- -~
Per Gal.
GLO OIL ~ $2,40 Value
l·~ ,~~s!:.S' G~!:~!~234' !,
wood or
$5.45 Vahle In S's
Per Gal.
H igh Quality lasting alum·
Apply , wltb spray or bruelL.
.. -
Power Aire -
. --- .
.. ~~~~~~~~ . - NIC-L-LYTE BATTERIES
Power Aire Glo' White
, Wayi1esvi~le National ' Bank
Every year--tbl. year.- DU Pont' "Ceresan" seed. disinfectant can ~ ftect your seed wheat from dI...J ~tbat cause poor stands and ylelda.
\~«cereun" checks aeed decaY. seedling b1ight. stinJdD&; \ lIIlut and other d1Ieaaea. And Ita protection Ia uaually \
\~ective, .~. !Jl8tter. ~~_ bad· the' weatbe~ at 2~b
WbJUe They l.ut
WHEN POLIO IS AROUND, the NatJonal FoundaUon for Infantile Paralysla reeornmends these simple precautions: Keep children with &heir own' friends and ,away from people they have not been with tlpt aloD6. Don't become .exhausted . through work ' or ha11i pLay. Dora't stay too long In cold water or sit around 1D wet clothet. And . always wash 1!8~ds befo~ eaUng. W~tch for feverishness, lOre throat" boadache, upset stomach or lOre muscles. They may-or may' notmean polio. Call your doctor and then, if. hetp-ls- needed contactl
JQUALLY EP:FECTlVE for~oata, bartey. ry~ mllJ_ '
~. ftax.
" --
.-:;. .O\:.w.
(ut .·va'
"..· ec:onom1caf lfnCl eaecb've _-irea'ii .......,
.we. . _
YlIlIl '.ucI'I'AW.~
&he National Foundation Chapter In your area.
' 1lllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmillllllllilllllll1IIIIImllllllllllllllmlllll~lI:
Waynesville· Farmers. Ex~hange
PHONE 2371
PHONE, 2441
'O J::lO'
Caiendu'l 8'ep-ehlld ' Broomcorn the stepchild of the , Production of broomcorn, wbleb . calendar, origlnaUy had 30 daYI. increased Iharply in llKi WMa February did not become 8 milflt meta" for carpet .weeper. ..... until Julius Cae.ar and 'Emperor vacuum cleaner. were Icarce. bal AUlusJus each stole one of Feb· reBurned ita pr.e ,war level. Okla· Vltamhl O. VeldAble 8hella., In OI~eD Time. runy'. day. to add to their Dime. homa and Colorado ere the pdDFresh cabbage, Is one of the belt More than a 1O(J years before the ,sakes, July and August. clpal broomc:orn·irowln, .tat... vegetables for vitamin C. ' lelioDI of .Julills Caesar Invaded - - - - -- - - Gaul, the natlveH of India becan to . . ' NOTICE O.F APPOINTMENT ute .hellac to pJrotect the surface s TRY GAttTTE CLASSIF,EDS TRY GAZETI'E CLASSIFI£D~ Admlnl.trato~ or ~elr temples and bomes. I -THEY GET 'RESULTS FAST GAZETI'E PHONE IS 2143 Estate of CJ.aries E. Cook, DIJ . ' . . _ceased• . Not1ce 18 Iiereby given t\lat Minnie Mae Cook wbol!e Post Ot· f.l ce address ls Waynesville, OhiO, hilS lieen duW Il]lpolnted as Admin' istratrix of the Est ate ot Charles E. Cook, late of Wllynesv\lle,- War· r n C.OUDty, Oblo, deceased. ~~ Dated this 13th day of July, 1950. RALPH H, CAREY. STAT. MI MORIAI., ~OUTN 0' Judge of the l 'robate Cour l 'r-I.....~ 'HIc.ACI'C.,.,'A ON ROUT. nO,IS M) . Warren Coonty, 9hlo .A CCUAATB .fCON~ItUC1"ON 0' TN' Churles :A.. ,Andel'llon, Attorn ey, MOItA"IAN VI&.I.A••, f".'T TOWN IN OHIO. PubllBh' 7-20.27-8·3 TlfIS VILLAf' WAS FOUNHO IN 1711. AT . ON. TIM' In 'O'U&.MION NUM''''O . MORI THAN 400 eMCI'TI_1Ii ."OIANI A"O Moe_VIANI. Febru~ry,
Live Wlre aDd Progrellllive. All organization second to none. StrlcUy sellera on tbe best all' around market In the country. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES . .
For Dally Market Repottl: . WHIO Dayton. ' 12:60 E.S.T, .Dlal 1300; WLW Olnolnnatl, 1240. Dial 701). NORR~
. ~~~lmlmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!II!IIIIIIIII I!llllllmlllm~llii~lii,ll:
.................. . .. . .... '_ POFF'S . ' "
PEACH ORCHARD One FQW1h Mile Eaat of tbe NOT NEW ' And
Traffic Licht
,004 Dewa ,11 .ull 100D worp
CENTERVIlJ.£.. OHIO Yellow, GoideD Jubilee, Whitf:, . ~rland .
8eD4 it to UI' - we'D n.ton tbat trim, ~ look, mu. 11 loOk 1IIra aew I
to your door. "or , at your favorite store
••••••••i •••••••••••••••
.._._.- . --
. ._-
Boraea '2,50 Ccnrs ,2.50 All Stock Removed Dally Large or Small - Call Collect
x-ia484 XENIA FIR'J1IIZER of In'anll P .....1IOt8, lno.
~i ~ 0... C~.: ~ ..0..... "06 MM.,1¥r I'OM'I 5'" .TAIIO.N6. Mliti'll CMIINt~ 'O.-'N OMIO
II a.oC.IM'U .fJll)',A'''' .N ,'alflCt , :,if, M""S"'~
OEeIMSEIt, 119.3, O~ TMII SITI Of' . " •• CLAIR'S "I'AnaOO\ PEffAT TWO ANO 0 ..' Mlr YIM' IAItLIER. T:II S e"cw MIUT"ay fOtT AT TtW OH'O CITY, fOIt'l" ItECOV.RY, ~ 49 ANP 119 HAS "EN MITHFUU.V ueONIrun., ~ A LI·~'"'.'CA'- ""O»UMr~ TttA'T .nllAnf. M010IUITf ,.OMV.
TWIN THEA . Waynes~ille,.
,O h
No Fee., Commie. ions or Re.newal. MAY BE PAID OFF . ANY TIME Long Terms Are Safe
.Thur.dilY . an d Fridays Show., 7 P . M, SUNDAY, MONDAY 7 P. M,
---'----_.- - '-- -- WARRErIi BRAI,)DOCK
The and Bank Way
( Up
f'llvol' l te~
One of \"our Old
6 '
--"FOit -
FO UN D--At grade Bchool g round s . 1 key Cas e with 3 keys fi ll at
All dogs found chuRlng sbeep on my fnrm will be t ur ,uC'ti over to dog catdle r. lO'loyd Olley , South end oC 'W llyn osvllle, X-S-3-1 0-1 j
HORSES $2.50
Hog. and Other Small Stock . Re,mol/ed Promptly
AMBUSH Hnrd Riding. 'J'Wo-F.lst ed Renegade Apa,cbe!l
tol'Y of
Wilmington 2362 Lebanon 439 INLAND PRODUc:t'S, Inc.
!<'o n SALE ne lot 70 Ct. by 1 () fl. , 10Nlte d on Slx t.b s tt· ot. 1111
wIth -
Crosby Is Bnck on NaUve Soil find Tl'nlu l ng Horses ~'or the Sweeps tak es \V, B. Ne\\'f\ 'l'en-Yloun- irs . .J OII S Reat Farro. 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImmlllllllllillWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!1111111"1II111111!1111111111111111!IIIIIIII!lIIIIllIIIlIIJ:llllllllllllllljlllllIIII11IDllllllllllilllllllllllllll1
SerVice, with UB. Is nn ert'ort to lead an IIftlleted fam ily' through their days of trOUble and contusion. THIS (8 o.UR IDEA OF PER. ONA.L SERVICE. '
DO.T ,
Phone 2541 ~~=::=~::::::===~ _ ......... _ _ - .-0 .. ....
towa rd lhe ahurell to w hich: YO'I belong 01' whlcb you pre fe r. You know wOI'shlpping on Sunday Is II 1'1'1" 1 as hil!/', experie nce nnll a ne('e~s lt y 10 1' the fullesl joys . You I'", ei\'- e Ills plrnUon and t'~)Ura ge , It' lll h 'a nd (nner power. , ,\ t Ih e MetQdlst ohur('\1 undllY Il~e jl'ast ol"s message wlll be, " (s 1'1'01I boi Troubling You'?" The l'e ,wJl ble ,>11>(:0181 music. Se r v i c e l)(~ gin s Il.t 10: 30. You w111 Clnd DlU 'h IIi! 'l!ed Lel p and 8 sincere we lcome unday Scbool begins ut 9: 30 II Ii e r e n s'ludy 0 (, tho Bible Is mulie. 162 were In attendanc.e last Slm' day, Come meet four friends next I\-eek and renew' your fl'l nlishlp with (Joel t hrough wors hip Ilnd study.
For_ RehabIU&'UoD The greatest forest rehabilitation project ever undertaken by either atat. or federal government ha. been lJI1tlated b7 tbe state of OrelOlJ with a' $lO.OOO,OOO. 10 to 15 year p'lan-. and improvement prolram atartfD, In the hUle TIllamook: bum.
B'ortle Gas
u,, '
01 AI' "·Y· D,.'" DIU."I. T r."" • 5.1/.,.
Mao. 01 I'IDe In ~n08t norihem 'forests an acre of pille will grow enou l.lh wood in one year to make newspriht for a ,, 24-palire ed1t1on of a daily paper ' with ,a elrl!ulatlon of II little over ' 5 000 '
1, '
-.. _. ---...
BeautifUl·Building.Site Slightly Less Than Acre, Wooded BEAUTIFUL TREES VERY REASONABLE PRICE SEE-
M~ H~ S36 SlaadowlaWn Ave.
ADAMS Daytaa, Olaio
Itf"tr wIi.~, ~I ' 12' •
IlHE1IN(ME-... "6~ ~.
TIie better your cn)JI8-tbe :; · You dID elm let BIG M in bilPr1OQriDcome.AJId"c:rop- , recoD:unended JnIdea for pertedied'" BIG II( bnnda beJp t, _ t pasture aM lu\y crops, u.a..e both. 'Your _ _ ,.. I -'~ ablla;ye-vp • -I~-12. 4.U.S./ 0.20-20, f to at:aDdMd. Dever down to o-a-12 -S Z~·o. But place price;. 7GtW ~ eIId.J. ~.
........ .....Inr·
eon.a.F ,x.;..., I
GIllIe • . . . . , • , .......
_ . ....... _ .1 PLAYGROUND
"~",,,"-....-.cI _ n _ ; _._I_._ n _ 'I _ n _ ~(..-....-.
Iotl_ '_ _ , _.-...~'__.u.-..~~~..-..·~~~ ...~t ' ~~•.\.
VIS ITORS Mrs, N . D. ml th, of Sprl'l g Valley. spent '" dn £'sdny " 'Ith ~~r, Brill Mrs, Earl Evans. CINCINNATI VISITORS HERE Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Marf\b l~lI
-. - . -
M. V. F. ELECTION The Methollist Youth I, ellow lIl1 lp e lect officers ne;a Sund ay
night. Angust G roJ' tho ol1 suln g yelLl'. All are .l\I"gsd to bp (Iresent for the eleCtion,
Namp8 will be pl'ellentod by a, a.nd . 1'111811 Del ty M arab aU of Cin- nominating oOlml htee (or <'Ie, t lon . cInnati. called on M,r. amI Mrs. Earl Evans On F:ldny . TRY GAZETTE CLt'.SSIFIEQS
Warren County. Ohio Merl" D, Grl\,Y, Attorney . ·Publlsh 8-3-10-17 '
.... _at,
~ay of July, 1950, RA.LPH H . CAREY Judge of the Probate Court
' Year. O~t of State $2.,50 Per Year.
Phone 37371
AUGl)ST 8, 9
Do.ted this 28
Spring Valley, 0-
Cleceased .
Spring Valley Hardware·Co.
..... -...•.•......
.uncle Sam SaY8
tising Itate of the MIAMI GAZETTE will be as follow : ~ LOCAL _. ,_ - -t __ .:::0 OUT OF TOWN __ __ _ .40 ,NATIONAL k--.:..--- -- .50
Installation 'a nd Gas
Admlnl.trator Mr. Adam Campbell. of HllnreysE s tnte of J obn l\ Knigllt, De- burg, WIlS all evening V IIl~tOI' willl ceas~ d, bl s slBter and bl'other-In-Ia\\, . ~! .. , Notice Is hereby given that Ethel und, Mrs. l!."vans. Ellis, whose Post Otflce address Is Lebal\o~. Oblp" hna beon duly IIp· pointed as Admlnlstr.atrlx ol the Estate ·of John M:cKnlgh t, late or Harveysbur.g, Warren Coimty. Ohio,
IMPOI\TANT .)irOTICE ! , . As of AUGUST 1/. 19510. ille Adver-
A.k About our Price on
'IS TF~OUBLE TROUBLING YOU ?' U PO>1l awa.kenlng SundlW mOI'nIng Ylour thoughts, of cOllrs e, turn
Diabetic Canned Fruita
ATMOSPlfERE In our' fu nera l homl', and notbing we do Is "mere routine. ..
Sales '
IS YOUR SUBJ3CRIPTION PA ST OU E t If it Is - won't please lend U8 a cheek for $2.00, 80 we can con t in ue you r paper.
FOR :RElNT- G\lSlin'lI poultry ba rll. "a ll Dnytcm RAndo lph 7 503. X-7-21- ~ 3-lft
~~ .~ 1\110
X-3t~ 7 -2 1 -< - 3-1 0
2594 or Bee Dob ' Ostiom.
WANTED. TO UI<:NT - Farm. ', 5 lo ~O/) n r re~ . Hn\,., nil Ilow er oqtllp.. meu t. Lived 3~ yenrs around Wn.Yll £'s vllle a nd vic lnlt}'. Excellen t r ecord .
Te'r rytoon- Tbe Lyl \l. L ion I
See'y · Tr•••. Gazette oCflce. Cor k eys. NOTI CE -
- in A W estern You Wil l Long Il em ClUb er A
SAL liJ Model 'A Ford 1930 - Good CI nn '8 1' Del II rll 8;111101:'0 Rervlce ' Phone ~"23
UJtA, V E 1~
oenta " uti le yar!l. We allo cleUyer. AlUI· lTAO]Bl .I\; SON. Phone 2091. tl
W ayneaville 21111
III . OllV" 'Ii'urDU PIt,
Lebanon N.F.L.A.
8&0.0.1 ,
Wa"ne•• llIe. ONo Phone ,
Years nt 4%)
CO.fED" !
bdcia".un, Wltb ~, Ho.. Drac-lIne and BuUdol.r
A Farm Organization For Fumen
1:1011. H ..
Our sincere thimks and appreciation are ex.tended to relatives. neIghbors and friends tor their Idndness and Bympathy and beautiful flowers re ceived d uri n ,g the passing of our mother, Mrs. Ella Stiulsberry'; tet Rev. Colfey for hlB conSOling words and to James E. McC:!ul'8: tu~eral director, f<lr 'hls ertlcte!lt services. JOhn Stansberry ~Jlbu.r Stansberry Mary Stansberry Thomas StallHbel'ry VISITS IN NEW JERS'EY · Mlss Elizabeth Burnett Is sP,e nd-
Ing her vacation with relatives In New J ersey. VISITORS FROM DAVTON Mr. and Mrs,. Raymond DaYls, Mlsa Eloise DaVie, Mr. Jack Blair and ' Mr, and Mrs. BIll Dav1s and lliu KJnnle Davia. or Dayton.
spent Bunday with and family.
Man,. tJlou ..nd. of wile lather.. bu ....ncb and Ions know lbere b DO more tb01I,bl£ul Chl'lllma,' "fl aha,n • U. S. S.vlnp Bond. So pul 10ur dollart into savlnc. Banda ' __Ute the,. are the ..feat. lIOundeal Inyeat. menlyou un malte for. thoee you love. Eve.,. dollar II IUlU'IIIlteed by the ,ovel'Dment .and lhe "alue in. ereaHa .tea'elil,.. For .",e.,. IS you paT today 'returnl M In JUiI len' yean• You Ihould be enruUecllor the PayroD S..I .......... where yoo work. or If lell-employed. (Of' the Boad... Month Plan where 70U ....... m..... W111 roa wW be ~n, wm-.
v... t'.--... ..........
Bernard Baughll Is 'A ppointed To School Board At Its re'g41!1I' meeting on Aug. 7th the Board lof "~ducnllon of the Wayne Locai chool Dlstrl t, War, ren County, Ohio. appointed MI'. BerDard Buuglm lo fill the vltcal\cy caused by the deatb on July 15 or Miss PhylllB Martin compliment· Joh n Gous. Its tormel' President. ed Mrs. William Davis with a linen MI'. Ball.\:lm·s appointment wIU sbower on Frlray evening, and tbe terminate January 4, 1954. evening was pleas.ahtly spent In As a res ult of this appointme nt games and ' contests, and under a lind reorganlzntloll of t he Board; gally deCJC)r~d umbrella the bl:lcle tbe members 111'0 Ilo follows: found many lovely gifts. Dainty reo Hamid "blta ker. President. fre/lhments, wilh · all pink and white M. A. Fulkerson. Vice President. appointments were served by tbe Lutber Hartsock. ' . hostess , Those pr<lSent were the Vern Simpson. honor gUest. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Don Bernard Baug bn. Baird, Miss Eula HolI.k. Miss Judy Rev. Baughn graduated from Oonner, 'MIss Frances Florence. Ohio Nortbern UnlveJ;"s lty at Ada.. Miss Lois Reeves. Mrs. Jennie with an AB. degr e In '1946, and Davis, Mrs. Clar~nce J . Davis, Mn. was tbe first President of the ,Cecil M. Davis. MJss Eileen Brown, Waynesville P.,T. A. . Mrs Archie Hlldebrecht, Mrs. Loyd He Is 'a 'chemlst at Ule Mound Davis. Mrs. Russel MaTtin and the Labora ry operated for tile Ato'm lc t1ost~sa. .Energy C mmlsllion by Monsanto Chem ical Oompany at Miamis· bUI·«. and is also pastor of the Lytle Metbiodlst chlll·c b. ' Rev. Bllughn has been a resl, den t of the .commnruty fOr 3, years, and hall a daugb iJ' who [inished The Fairley Hardware Storea, the rll'st grade thla year, and a son wltb establlsbments In HUlahoro, Dale who~ wlll ent,er the Urllt grade Wilmington. Blanchester. Sabina, In September. Lyncbburg and Waynes, Ole, beld 'their ·annual picnic a t" \ a) ne Parlr bere last Sunlay. Apout 100 emploY ~8 of all 8U Btores enjoyed tbe day IVII.II swim, minlf: fllhlni!', playing ball a£d <ISlE and..refreshments.
( lISt)
"Sd"fE~HEf(E IN KOf(EA" . . .
Rotary Club Holds Assembly Here Tuesday ----------------------SWW Council Goes To Lake
,L inen Shower ' Held Friday
011 Tuesday evening. August g til Waynes vill e Rotary C III b pIny d 1I0Sl to 20 visiting Rotor· lans from nearby Rotary cluba. The occ'nKloll being one which 1ll111'ks the beginning ot a Rotary y al' with President Albert S tubbs renalDlng hIs committees tor tbe elisuing y ar. Speakers for lhe evening were : M I' . LOll !ncobBon. OilY ton. Past G;-!ve t'll 0 I' of Rotary plstrlct tio. 231, 'Rnd PILSt PI'ealdellt or the Dayto n lub; Dr . O. W. Hoffman. Past P resident ot lhe FrankUn Ro· uu·y Club. MI'. Jack. Hannllm, Pres· Idul of the Franklin Rotary Club, :llld members of the parent Frank· lin club. A ll BPB!l llel' dlre Clted their talkf! luwlll'll tho WILynesv llle Club III LI c r. lI'n1 of do's nml don'ts aI.I his Clll b ba~ profited by experienoe. Dlnller WIlS served by the Pres· lon Far HiI1s Party Hous'!, In Wnyn 8v llle.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Burton and daughter of E ly ria, have lIeen guests of relatives bere for tho PlI.8t severn! days. , . mllil W.' fi t INaY Il" ,\4\"lsoI'Y Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harley and ['j Ullcil mall I~ mo l del ightful little dnughter bf Qayton, . were Irill to 1.al( o \\rll il ,~ 1' 0 1' the July Sunday evening .guests of their ~ .. ~ ~ i o ll nn d rh lII e lt or th e COU ll· parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Fries. 'Il pl a nll 1I :1 1I 10~t U 1I (· iolls throo Mr. J. B. Chnpman Is confined . at CO UI'S Q ,111 111 I', ", ltI"1I \I n>\ served Miami VaHey Hospital surferlng flt lh Lou ge 0 1' I'looking I he Lake. wltll a fractured hlp ns a resllit of M I'. aud M r R. Rhotle5 Bun nell a fall at his home during the past and d :lId~ bl e l'. Mrs. h:/lr l Hockett. week. :\11'. 111111 ~ 1 1'f\. CIIlI'CU " Ry e. Mr. WAR IS WAI INO- Pvl. Al vin EssUl'Y 01 Tu scatoosa, Alu .; 'Ights' MI"S. JOI\ Pennewlt- la Quite III , . ' :,!., ~~. 1"I'O,·\: : t l:r\md\ I' whil'.! I rl'. G org enlln or Murtil1. and 111 I·S. 11. 11. :\1 OS!! , M r , and and ' confined to her bad at b e l' wea pon. U sin g the ~ h dow uf n ::;oll Lh Korcn n hut :\lr~. '. E. Sta.nronb, Mr. IWi! Ml·S . home on' Fifth street. 11t. lhe two mell will "u il - perhaps r" con cls. pel'h:>ps A, II. F:al'ohart Ilnd MI', Q.nd Mrs . ('tlr' -u ntll the II 0-; 1 NOI't h 1<0 1' 'a n [ 1I'm I'crl v hldc Mr. A. T .. Pollnsky ,and daugbtel', Da \'Is PUl1Ias njoyed th is de· , ~Irs ",il h ll\ th e s i tt 8 01 th ir d(' nd ly '" ' fI))O Il , Marilyn. were in Cblcago during IIg htful 0\1 !l,ng. .he past week. mailing the trip by plane. Mr. Bl!d Mrs. Toblan Lawson and doughtel' Shirley, hllve reo Well,. here III - here Is ano· turned trom a vacation In M.lnml, th r of tbo. , c'J'lnges we promlsedl Florida. Mrs. Kathryn Mendenhull and ~~ make tn nl\al' fullll'e - tlJ Th(' H II. II n (1 Mrs. Wod v. ~wood daughter, June recently attended paper this ,w . Is ieven co lumns mid f:Ll1\il y ari> 5" IId.IIIS RP\ el'lIl the graduation of Miss Julia May IllBtead of.,tb, IP; ctolu!D.U S w hich It lIays \laiLlI ' i ll (' 01 'II go lind \1 ilh SlInday lIlo"lllng would se m Stueve. daughter of Mr.. and MI'8. ha. been In past. logi 'nl tim e La tHY in bed and .\hR. \ \' d ' Ih', 00(1" Illoth I' at ou· Louis Stueve, Dayton, at the N, C. res t bu t snch Is not. the Ilro 1111 ,n.y. hi. US lUl'l. QC thel .. vaNl R. auditorium. The week end gueslft [n addition ca e. ' Many million s of people find (ioh, ' 'rh e~' \\ j'p I'etlll'n ::>a!.\n·ottY In of Mr, and Mrs. &1;ueve attended funnies, Cl'Oll8 Ja, II S~1D d ay a refre bing rOllt bs 111' I~uratlon for tho r ('gul a r s und ,ty the reception which they he ld ,'your I-Q, a co .er fOT women, car· ' ettlng up and a lt mHng aWOl' se r Ice, for thei!' ilaughter. tJJollB, war p~~res. etc. ship s ervice. 'I'hoSe who do S f • Mr. and Mrs. W. E. St roud had stlfy wholellea.rt dly tbat till We do not !pOse to make such al Friday dinner guests Miss CnroL does m01'1l to bring renew d ell Turner of Phoenix, Arizona an4 a blg.ehange 8 'tary week, but tron ergy IlJ1d genuine P l\Ce to til IJ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sacitett. time to time. p w1l\ el\deaV9r l( :\ \'e tball Bny a1U !n:n t of sleep 01 M,ra: Gra.ce Vice, Mrs. 'Irene Hen· improve your ~Iaper ' t he besl the mon\!ng of WOI'shlp. So go tf denon and Mrs. CuI Norman were can. Andrew 'r. larl(, 4, pas sed .he chur ch ot yoU!' l ho!ce tht! Sunday guesta of Mn. Finton nun: away' ~It h is hallie In HElrvefsbul'g can and dau~h\er, Grace at WII· Mr. and Mr~. Marnard Weltz , readers have ' al ) Sundny. M. V. F. INSTI;rUTE at 1 :55 .il . 11\. Sa.tul'dIlY. llamstown, Ky. Tb auggestlona, . b.eo .war.m l} H Is sur Ived by h1s wlr. e ~p.~n \!I)jlle ~Jl att~~d ~_...~__ Mr., and ~ral .Sol! H;qocl S~: . .........""''''' tl +:_,...~LfMoI""J,.;IlIWii......~ 1'11. the Dayton' DIstrict M. Y. F. In, Y\?U Tired'?" We hel\.r'...t..Jl1.. y ...... h ... I~~·I~l~[...4a..;;u.;.;;l.n. on 'iiniig, hl M;:~. "Rlln) Petersburg, Florida, were E!aturday .tempt. to abide I~y them If tbe)' George Johnson or Oallfornl!l, Mr. you t,h e S unrlny chool nt 9 : 31 . DI'ealHlll Of XClIllI. oll e son. Give ns stltute at Chautauqua. T~ey wl1l over nlJht guests of Mr. and Mrs. and ·Mra. W1l11nm Weltz and Ser, ~ve Sunday aftern,*>n and re- are ~orthY au'ggestlona and tll.;-}' and the <-hul' h worship at l O::IIJ. of \\(·slc AI :nndl'la, three, grand· R&J Mamous. Mr. and ?Ln. W. E. Stroud, Mrl!. geant and Mrs. Thomas McClung turn on Saturday. A flne week of dj) not conflict with our plans, There wlll be s pecial lllu SI('. child ren. Flln 1'[1 1 keni et! W I'e Ile:d 1\10n· Lou Balllnger, Mr. Claude siroutl and children of Dayton, Mr. and Bible study and recreatton and jlay nt 2 p . m. at Stubbs Funel'nl and Mra. Maude ' Crane attended Il .Mrs. Harold Doll of Loveland, Mr. fellowship Is antlclpaled,., by all. Home. Uurlat 11.1 jamestown cem· famlly reunion at ' the home of and Mn. Don Hawke. Mrs. NIlIl t I'y wlt b Rev. Coffey officlstlng. Mr. Frank Marquett at WllUams. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee ' Hawke, Milss Ann Weltz, Mr. Rob. 8TATE OF OHIO, town, Ky. on Sunday. WARREN COUNTY . d Do Mr. ancL.Mrs. Jphn Kersey and ert Hunter and DI c k an n son ~ave returned after a pleas. Weltd. IN THE PROBATE COURT .SOCIAL AT LY,n .E aut vacatlQIl at Hertel, MJchlgan. In the Matter or the Estate of The Women's Socety of Lytle Mr. ~d Mra. Kersey had Ill! Sun· Arthur M. Zell, aka A. M. Zell, Church will sponsor a Social Sat· day dinner peats, Mr. and Mra. . deceased. urday evening. A",gust 12, at tho Willard Kedtley and tamlly, of . , LEGAL NOTICE parsonage, the Creighton property. Supper will be served beginning Lebano~. '.' To Wbom It May COncern: Mr. and M.rs. Earl Dunham are . ~'. ' . Notice 18 hereby glv~n tha~ on " t 5 o'clock. Home·made Ice c.ream, tbe 26th day of "Ju.IY", 1960; A.~rella annouuc;lng the blrtb of' Ii nine cakes, pi es, etc. will be on lale. ~)Und thirteen ounce son, . Daniel The W~nesvnie Garden Club ZeD, executrix of the last. 11'111 and Drive In - parking space In the C. at Miami Vall.s y Hospital, Aug. enjoyed a picniC dinner at Wayne testament of Arthur M. Zell, alta rear. Everyone cordially Invited to . 2. Mrs. Dunham and son t IIwe Park on Thursday witb several A. M. Zoll, deceased, l!1te of thc attend. now re~urned 'to their home. members and guests present. ,' Al,. City of Erie, County of Erie and .-----------~ Mr. and Mrs. Paul pIcking have ter the delio\):lus ' dinn r, games State of 'Pennsylvania. filed (n this W. C .. T. U. W,ILL MEET 8S their bO!Js.e guest Mrs. Hilmer and a ,!oclal boilr were ~he enter· ~.ourt an authentioated copy of the SolillUng, tbe ofrmer's slst~r" of talnment for the afternoon. 'LeUars Testamentary granted ber 'l'be W. C. T. U. mn e llll~ wlJl be h ~ h.l at the home of :M l's. Ij:lsle Someraet, Pennsylvania. One eve· Miss Jean Hartsock was a guest by ,the Orp~an's ~oilrt , of Erie BodecU Friday aft ruoon at 2: 0(0 nlng 'durlbg the 'past week Mr. · and on Sunday afternoon' 8Jt.. the bi:>me County, Pennsylvania, together Mrs. Picking entortalne!! at their o.f Mra. ' Merle Cody, a college with a duly autbenticated copy of o'clock. Ever'y bo'dy lnvlt d . out door grill with a weiner roast, clal.lamate In Covington, Ky., when ,tllfe IJflBt, will and testament Dr wblch waa greatly enjoyed by Mr. she entertained wit b 'abrldal 'said decedent and of the ord!lr of WILL VISIT LITTLE ROICK SCORCHED EARTH-In South Korea, towel'ing clouds of smoke and Mas. J911n Horning, of Dayton, shower hOl).orlng Mlsa Martha Ann said Orphan's Court of Erie County, 1I11 ss Betty Woodlel left last hung In the air as U. S. security pntrols ,put the torch to clu,sters Mr. and Mra. Earl Conner and aon. Bryan, al80 0 colleg/3 student. Pennsylvania admitting ,s'ame to of squalid mud and thiltch-roof houses. The Yanks were orde'red \Hlek 1'01' bel' 1I0me til Little Rock, and tbelr house gueBt, Mrs. Homer probate and record; and that all to adopt the "scorched earth" policy when it 'Was discovered that AI'~. ll[ler HIICndln!; two months Schilling. ' and Mrs .. james Snyder and son~ cre'dltors bavlng clalma agalnat North Korean auerrWos were using abandoned native vill<!ges w;ill! Miss Ruth Earnhart. inside American lines as hiding places. Mr. Qnd MrS. Harry .Satt,erth•. of ClDclnnaU, Dr. and Mrs. Claire ,said estate shall present them to waite and daughter, Betty" wElre E. ' Stout and children of West tWs C~urt within IIIX months' after Saturday evening gueata of Mrs. MllbGn, Mr. and Mra. Georg~ W.altz the tlUlig of said lettl!rs; or ~e for· Margaret Beachler near ,Franklin. and Mrs. J. J, Sto~t of Da)1,on,. · over barred from asserting auy ¥lss811 Betty Satterthwaite, Do~· Miami Ohallter 107 O. E. S. wlll Ilena agalnat. the real e~tate . of otby Wilson. MirIam Wilson, Janet meee In regular aelllsion on Mon· the deeed,e nt situated In the E!tate Petera, Cat'olyn Burnett and Car· day 8venlngr August 1'4. The pro· o!,..Ohio. Aurelia Zell ; Executrix of lcrt;ta Brown are attending the g~am wUl hllnor Robert Mo.ms, the Farm Bureau Youth Conference at Counder oC the Order, and a guest tbe E;state of Arthur M. speaker.wUl feature ,the program. Zell, aka A.. M. Zell, . Oyford during this week. Misses Sue ' FurnaS, Eula. HD~, Mr; u.d Mrs. Ed 8kloy of Troy" .,. deceaa!)d. Rhoda Bllnnell, Wilhelmina. Bra.d· were Sun~y. ~ternoon westa of Carl Ab~cherU. Attorney. dock, Carl 'lic~waitman and Roy Mra. Bertie Milia, and WIG caUed 'Publish 8-3-10017-St Furnas are at the Friends Camp, 9 n Mrs. W. O. RaMr. ill.·lnd.·O. on Dewart LLke In In...' . Mrs. Lucille ArmItale with MIsl' . NOTI~E' OF OPPOIN'I'MENT Admlnlatriltor diana for the week. Glenna ' Marsh 'Of Dayton, spent the Eata,.. of John McKnight, DeMrs Hr. and K • Frauk H. P. Smith, pilat jveek. In Atlantic CItY and In ceased. of RUey, ansaa, were gueats of Mr. mid . Mra. . Warren ' Braddock Philadelphia. Notice 1a hereby given that ·Et)lel . and Mrs. Jennie Braddock from Mr. Dean Hawke, of palm'Beacb, I!lIlls, whose POlt OUlce addretls l!I Wedneaday until Monday. They FlorIda. the gueat))! his parenti, Lebanon, Ohio, has beeu duly ap· were Thuraeray dinner peats ot Mr. and ·Mn. C. Lee Hawke and polated u Adminlltratrlx of the Eltate of John HcKnlsht. late of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Braddock. other rellllt,l~Ela. FrIday pests of Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mra. A. H. Earnhart had Harvey. burg, Warren County. Ohio, Fred Braddock and Saturday of 811 Wledneaday dlnn,r guelts, Mr. ieceased. Dated this 28 day of July, 1960. Mr. and I\In. It. N. HOlllb and ' and-·Mrs. Ern8llt Earnbart and BOD RALPH H. CAllEY Mrs. Viola Harlan, David aad Elwood £amhart. JUd,e or the 'Probate Cool'( . Dr. and Mra. A. B. Stout aa4 Ilrs. M&JIUlM Wella and d&uah. Warren County, Ohio daUlhter entertalDed to __q ter JllIs Ann Welta spent nvera1 cI1nDer Xr. ani lin. Horace Stout . , . In Clnclnn'ti dlll'lDC til. PUt llIerl B. Ora" AttorDe, PaItIIIIa 8--I-IC1-1'1 aDd BOIl of portlaDd.. ortIIODa JIr. ~ , ~ ., _
,F airley Stores ·Hold Picnic
" Frie,dly Chtll With the EditDr Rev. Wedgewoods t'
'Are You Tired' Will Be Theme
Andrew T. Clark Passes Away
Mr.., Mrs." Weltz
Entertain Here
Visit In Chicego
The Operations In Korea Go On
---------_.- .......... .
Garden Club p __..:.___ Enjoys ionic
.... -----
ShiJw 'Business By Dick Tatum
Rullylng b h:lld President Tru· man In hla appeal for unity and cooperation . th ' motion picture In· du ' try this week marBh~lIed Its (01' as Bud sqh'al'ely . faced the ex· igenc l s InlPosed 011 it . by the \ ol'ea n war . merg ney. Wllh the news from tue pattle· rl'ont continuing 11001' and ,tile, gov· ernment increasingly a~lous to gear the country to a, . war' econ· omy. llle industry Is closely watch· Ing tile following developments and to01••14.01l(\ ,IlCtlonsl 'rhoatl.e <Qn st!·uc.tIOl\ may be drastically cUl'ta,llcd as Congress ' a!IIII'0" 06 t Le AdDl :nIJtraL!on 's reo qnelll 1'01' power to n'llocat.e steel fHld OLlie I' critica.l matel'la ls to de· fense prodUction. " Th Presldellt nnd his advisers de· cided to ask Congres8 for an "in· lermedlate" tax bill tha.t would en· tall hell vy lllCI'eas 8 on corpora. tJonfl und Jnd lv lduul In comes. The newly·appolnted . Planning Com mittee of the Motion Picture industry COllncil confel'1'ed On wa.ya and meaus to coordinate Holly· wood a ct!vltles In case of war. ' BLO SOMS IN THE .D US'l' GI"o r Gar801l. Walter Pidgeon. Gcnel'al Iludlence claSSification fievlewe.r·s rating - excellent. This plctm'e was fi rst relensed ln June, 19>11 and Is brought ba.ck now . as !l1l0 01' I he best ot the se ries Dlade ' by 'Valtel" Pidgeon and GI'eer Garson. This Is the IItOI'y of l 'ort Worth's E:dna Glad· ney amI hel' lire of 'Devotlon to tbe foundlings of her cOnlm!mLty, aud sla le and the world . . The rum te1\8 of 11 womnn who: (allowing the deoUi of her own. baby, Interests herself III foundlings, Urat In a sUiall way then liB leader of a campaign to effect enactment of , legislatiOn to terminate official brand in g Of illegitim ate on public
Attend American Leqion Convention Sawyer, Alb ert Brannock, and Win. A. Lullens atlclI~ed the 32ml annual 'ADleI'lcIUl Lel.-;ioll Convention which \Vas held In Cle veland Aug ustt 4,7. 8111
MOI'I~a. n
Methodist, Day At' Chautauqua ,
undny nfternoon, Augllst 13 at :I: 00 P. M. Dr. Rex KISseck of 0,,· [ol'd . Englund will preach at the Methodist day meeting at Chau· tauquu. AII are Invited. DETROITERS' CAL.L. '" ON MR. AND MRS. A. K. DIJ,V MI'. und Mrs. Ralph Malnoua aDd children of Detroit. C!aUed on Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Day Frtcla7.
• I,
EI tabll.h.d 1860 PAUL A: SCHERER , . . ..... . . . . . .. .. . . . ..'. : .. . Editor and Publl.her CECILIA J. SCHERER ...... .. ...... ... . . .. . Secretary and Trealurer
To Teach 'Others, Know Thyself
Publlsll d Every TllU1:sday Morllmc - - - - - - - - - - - - ht Wa)'nesvllle, warren County, OhIo VISUAL aids, aptitude tests, simplification 01 textbooks, and Entered as second lass matler at other innovations have, helped to modernize education. But for thi< tbe postofCicc nt ·Waynellvllle, .Ohlo. the alog'cal t de t w h 0 aspu'es . t0 I sun become a minister, the best prepa ration is the age-old advice ot, Subscription Hl\.lCS.,-$ 2. Pllr Yenr, In nd van thysell." . ce, III Ohio: $2.50 else whe re "Know Jesus, the greatest oC aU stu dents of religion, started his edu ~ubb s Funera l HOme, Wayn es· cation !with himself. He found lis v'lIle, Monday Ilft ' l'IlOOIl. Rev. M. preparation in his own soul. The H. Correy, pastol' of Lhe Cbrl stl an tIrst step towards this was the fulburch, W~-; )'n e S v lll e, offi <1 lated tIllment of the ouhvard rite oJ and bl1l1al ';' 118 ill the J nmes to,,;' baptism. By JANE FITE 'rhe n~xt step was ' to conquer c.·met ery. temptation. Temptation is a lone EARLY ORDERS WILL BE APPRECIATED Jl1 rll. ' Lena Gilpin, of Springboro. Mr. ' 11\1'k ha d be en III for sev· and individual thing, whether it is the houseguest ' of her sOll-lIl- Bra1 yel\ \'s. be in the desert, or in the sprawlmetropolis. It is the battle in law find daughter. MI'. and Mrs. Mrs. Cath erine Bell en ter taIned ing the soul that every man must fight o John Welsh. with a Stnnley P al'ly, ,t her Mine for himself. Mr. and 1\11'5 . George BUlIce and Thul'sday afte rnoon. The three-told temptation was theli· cbUdren of Washington State, E ldred Chal'l es R eed. oe Daytill, an Important part 01 Jesus' edua re tbe houseg1.lesta of Jlfl'. Bunce's 'was II bus iness call er ' In the v ii· cation. As the authors of the Hebrews tell us, He was '~n ' all pOints parents. Jllr, am) Mrs. T!ldd Bunce. IJlge Tuesday. tempted like as we are. yet withMrs. lint Tay!ol' and 11er lI2"r. .a nd M r s. Olenn Cook, of out sin." It was because Jesus daugh tel-·in·ln.w, III r s. Virglnil\. Franklin, w ere guestH, ullday of Himself had suffered the agonieS Tay~or, .and ·her daughter, Nancy. Mrs. Cook's moUl el', Mrs. Ann a of temptatron that He was "able to succor them that are tempted." AND UP attellCled Ii u t h Lyon's Morning Beckett. Jesus began His public ministry MaUnce" and "Flfty Club" a t Mrs. Winton E tz reoelved II at home, in Galilee and Nazareth. radIo station 'W LW Friday. painful hand injury wbilo IlSlng a His fame spread throughout thl! whole region •. and His townsmen 'rhe annual SimpSOn ramily I)O," er mower on her home lawn, marveled at his words. "Is not this PLUS TAX , union was held at Jacob's Park. Wednesday a l'ternoou. the carpenter's son?" they asked in .Wellman, Satllrday afternoon. 211 lIfrs. Ann. Mason and Mrs. Viola wonderment: But wonderment attended. ~ IIson attend ed n Bro t berho'od turned to derision and anger when IIlr, nnd Mrs, Gall Gordon have Meet in g at Beth el Temple, 1.11 He declared that the democraU~ realities of'rellglon that the Prophreturned to their home, followin g Xenia, Wednesday. et Isaiah hali declared ,were being a two ,veeKs vacation trip to Tbe Jonah' Run Baptist churcb fulfilled in Himself; As a result. ldabo. has cleslguated lhe followl.n g boys. his fellowtownsmen led Him to Mr. and Mrs, Willard Bogan nnel to allelld 'n mp a t T a r Hollow, the bx:ow of the bill and would PHONE: WAYNESVILLE 2834 HARVEYSBURG. OHIO their daught.ers, have retu r ned 1.0 n ext week, Tuny Btz, DOli Wall. have cast Him down If He had not escaped, . tbeir, home, following a. brief va· Larrle Hou'''i] Ilnd Olenn ~x. : But if the throng, even 10 His calion trip to Vlt'glnla Ilnd other Tony Etz was IlwanJed "Spirit" own town, {aUeer ~im. there were points ea.st. a t the carup meeLing held f ell' 4·1-1 nobler souls who responded to Hl!i 1II11111111ll11llllllijllllllllllllillllllllllm:!lillil!I:'I!llIl!;lm!iIIil1111:1~'II'mll/l!III'lil;!IIIIIIII;lIIliil:jijll!!I!lllmlmlll1IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilillilli illli:.:l tea'cbing and call. And even today The Women's Ohrlstlan Temp er· ( Oon ~illll e d on Page Three) He remains an inspiration tG aU ance Union held their Auvust meet· who seek truth, and t. all who YES ••. WE CAN PRINT THAT JOB FOR YOU E~ERTLY tng at tbe hQme or Mrs. Mary Sy· would begln their pursuit of learning with 'a knowledee of thelTlferd, Thursday afternoon . selves. An [ce' Cream Sociol ~ as s pon· LOOI< , DADDY! TllOiIi. Y'KNOW, PE66Y. Tile WAY 'lit" sored by the Athletic 'Club, here. Ifew",/ IIAND!oO.\IE FOILAJ;!DTIf'!.! MANEUVIil==J!P .\lE III )If:I':J!, I Satur day night. . WHY Cc I>I'T )O!J 8J;!E'A/<: POwt4 ~PEC:TEP youg: MOTivE$-.. . Lew Wasb remains III at Miami A"ID EruY OU Ii!~E L.F ONe:;: SUT 7'HI$ 1$0 STIZICTL.Y to MAN', SHOPV alley Hospital, Dayton, , W~ter (Nip) McCarren elclI.ped serious Injury last we k when his cal' was involved In a collision wltb a II'uck, Ilea\' New BUrlington. MCCa.I·I'en was enroute to his Job In Dayton. The Bethesda ~\Ilnte t of Dayton, 11'111 p"esent a t:Q,uslcal program at tbe. b1gh lIehop1 gymnasium here, Saturday night ,beginning at :00 p. m. There i8 no charge fol' ad· mtBSlon. howevel', a free w.m orler· ing will be accepted. Miss Esther Prathel' wns a week elid bouse guest of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Dostel'. Mills Prather for. merly taught In 'the grade school. BURP-LESS BABV-A thumbBuckJng. diaper-wetting, - face. here. and made her home with the contorting doll thllt. does every- ' Dosters at . that time. She has been thing but burp was displayed at attending Wilmington College durNew York's Toy Guidance ExIng thIs sum~er. hlblt. Mothering the chi1d 18 five-year-old Louise Du Rona, Mr. nnd Mrs. John. Beckett and who seems undisturbed by the their lionS, Johnnie and Benny child's 1I1e-slze~ crlel. David, or Frank1tn, were guests. 'M-ARLIN ...:..L o.,u is Friday of Mr. Beckett's moUrer, well- known game He W.. llI,h& . Mrs. Ann, Beck~ttl . , ftsberman and curator of !be , One 01 the ,relilest foot special. MI'. and ~rrll. Ben Nash and !'It ~s. BerIDuda . Ci<>veOlment AquariMozella MUler n,ttended the Greene um, ha~ed in . tbls ' 254-pound lita said that the human toot is a mechal1iam , more delicately :bal· blue ID8J'lin oft St. David's 10 anced ,County Fair in XenIa TburSda.y. and , IYl}chronized than the Mrs. , Viola Powell and son of Bermuda, The 9-foot, Ii-ineb finest watch, but one which mu.t denizen of the deep probably Chicago, have .returned to their wouldn't have struck bad he absorb more puhishment than any home following a week'S visit with known that Mowbray Is the piece of machinery could take. Mrs. Powell's mother. Mrs, Myrtle world record-holder for boneftsh 10 " the six-thread class. McKnight. .•
Five Different arands Any
.IDt~rDalionaJ &GibsoJ! Refrigerators
METHODIST CHURCH W. \\' edgo\\'o otl, Ministe r Cburch ScboqL 11.:30 :A;M., Mr. Harolll Earnbart, Supt, WUl'sblp Service, ]0:30 A.M. . rU1I1 II I''e II 0 II Hhlp, Sl lIIcl u >" 7,: 0.1 P.M. J.
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST UYl'on CUl'ver, MInist er UlLlI e Scbool. 9 :30 A.IIt . Morn'l ng Worsbip, 10 :30 A,M. PI:ayer Meeting. 7: 00 P.IIf. YOUllg People's Meeting. 7:00 Ev euing Services. 7 ::10 P .M.
By,. George
- ricklers
ITEST YOUR I. 'Q,.., ' .
1. Where was backgammon Invented? . 2, What country was 0 nee known 8S the "Hermit Kingdom"? 3, VVho introduced bloomers Into Americ.a ?
British tallP~yer received a $630 bill for 11 goyernment survey on the habits of African elephants. Compared to what ' Uncle Sam spends 011 mosqu ito research. John Bull investecj peanuts in the pachyderms.
• •
Our complete aerv· ice II not valued In term. of dollar. but the conlol· allon we can gIve to thOle In lorrow.
4. -Wbat II the We IPBD of the eBlle? 6. In what ;year did the .Tohnst~wn ' Flood O!l~lil
..----------;-._- -, ..
'IUOI -.lad ztt~ 10 tnvap'alD Juttnu;) ."Ud 'IUt6.Qtsaqor ~8 '8881 '18 AWft 'g 'me" 00; ~noqv 'J .1awoolK
.""OJ! .'~ .;) 'K 'ZZI OJ a3N.lD
·0 .• ,fnOA. ~g.t
e' . ' e
"You said le~ the neareat' doctor so I ploked at a' carnIval
~o. bl."c~s
A senator 10 Washington, D, C., recently told Conaress that aD army troopsbJp left Sao Francllco -with .even bad niks amon, the crew. It'. · dollan to douahnubl __ ~w:q '2~ tg ~ ~.
'8t8t UJ e)faar 8RawV '101ft'S
10 -apaWU18d .lq PeJaaAal 'I
(olding ladder. They'll probably catcb him when his business folds up on him. An airliner was damaged wben It flew into sea,gulJs at Sydney, New South Wales. Bet the pilot got the bird when he submltted his Wgbt report.
IIeeIIJ.q Qrua ~ You can get Gra..· .hould be seeded about \i GAZETTE, at the I.n ch .deep In loam and elay .oill; DRUG STORE ~ to 1 !Deb deep In 1and1 .oi1I, A firm _Hdbtd II dlllrable. office.
$I ••IUY ·
ar.rlDea In ITti AI early ~. 1740. three marine rel!mentl were recruited In Amer. lea, ...embled in New York under . lbe command of General Alexander ILL Spotlwood of VJrllnla, and perGAZETTE tormed vaUut .ervlce In tile Wilt IDdl.1 tOl' tile 1lOJal BrlUab. DaV·
LEBANON Office 478K
RES. 1fiL.
~." AAJr WfiA~IH6- M£,~ .JA(;1C5T~ 'Z
"TlII1"1AlleJANC)A !1/Zfi ~I-P .JIIST Flt Me ... x',-1.. BUY IT WITU MY ~NIONEY" .IF YOII'L.l. AOVA~CE ME TIllZ&e MOH:rus" ALLOWANCe!
:r POH'T
WHEI':& -SHe 6ET'~ IT !
Opera Star
HORIZONTAL 84 Horseback I Plctured l8me opft:a ItIr, 66 Outftt ~
ll·LyrJe poem J2,Verbal .1 3.ExIit I 1400lf device 15Pal1 of''be" 18 Belonp 10 him .
A Los Angeles woman testified "that the noise of h~r millionaire hubby totaling his assets on an add'ing machine disturbed ner sleep at night. Maybe she should have tried counting sheep. whlle he Dad's COllar_ and Cuff_ CQunted shekels. • Remember w ben Sunday came, how Dad wor& a stiff . .Cleveland pollee are seeking a detachable cqllar and cUffa second·story man who carries a with his white shIrt? Usu· ally he couldn't find his cot 1 a, r button , dl' l~ing Mother franUc. 0 n c e he we.s drel!sed tbougb, he'.) march down the c h u r c 11 aIsle look.l~g n bIt sUff but J?rou4 as n peacock' In hid go·t~meeUng clothes. Remember? .
ST, AUGUSTINE CHURCH 6:45 Father It. H . Kl'lImholtz, Pas~or Musses, 8 anll ] 0 A.M.
• • •
L vening Service, : 00 P. l\f. Pruyer Me~tJng and Bible Study CAESAR'S CREEK 'FRIENDS Wednellday, 8 P,M, ..ee ParUngtOD. Mlnlater ' Worship Service, 10 A.M. MT. HOLLY METHODIST Sunday Scbool, 11 A.M. T. M. Scaff, Minister Sunday School, 9: SO A.. M•• E. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDS A. Earnhart, Sup\. Worship ServIce, ]o:ao A.M. First Day 80bool, 9:30 A.M. Evenlng 8ervloe, 7:80 P.M, Macli ll!; for, WOl'shlp, 10 :80 A.M.
Mr.. and Mrs. Eu'g ene Walker, of Mt. Vernon. are the lrouse guests of Mr. and .Mrs. John Simpson. Fwleral ' services for Andrew Ciarll, 3, were conducted at ~hc
VVor~hlp, ' 10:30
ST. MARY'S EP ISCOPA L '1he Rey . ' lilI lJ el N. I(oys H eclI) ! 'S lIlIlIll y : Hol y 'Ullllllllllioll: ~ II. ' 'II . l' I'lwlu'Y cbul' ch school ]0 :30 a.in. (A gel! 0 througb 8 ) .\Illllt Wor ahltl, ] 0 :30 a. m. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH Willia m Sbannon, Minister Sunclay Scbool, 9 :30 ,\ .M., Mrs. James OIlI'l'lsoo, Suvt. Preacblng, 1st. and 3rll. Sur.duys or euch montb, 10: 30 A.M. Evenl n g ServIces, 7 : JU P.M .
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST. . 1If. H. Coffey. Minister Bible School, 9: 3'0 A.M. YoulIg Peoples'
LYTLE METHOQIST CHURCH £I. I;:. Uallghn, PUl:ltur I1nll'l II S rvlce, 9:46 a . m.
~7She Is a mem-
of the -
: Opera VDTlCAl llJU\I
2 ParaClJae
18 . 19 Nelatlve alele 211'iDJsb
Naval aaeu i!" GuJtt ' '4e~ 44
4 NqaUve '2a~ 21 Spaces 47 .... .. Approach 2I.Hllten ..... h. had 7 Aluminum . ao Lolli Gab •. ,num: U~'~ ' I~ ' UBi'other · ·· 4SSh;.haa IIIilI I ,doth IGreat ~':' a+memlDt UIed mlDJ'" 2IM.-' Dote 10Sehool fA -tIDI IQSeb1e '. t at on .CC'oWlt aullbmeAt U 'IIOI'III ·17WrltlnI . lmp1ement 18 OccUr-' ,'20 EaIt IOUth.
(ab;) 28Vpon 27 Pale
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3SWOlTJel ~8 Sec\loa or I lila
18ZC7PUaD /lUIliOd
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at Italian
._ ..... ._I_I_n_a_D _n_.... "
Kfln uel h "'" ROil , a Jnl'mb"r of LhlA yeuTH gl'lllill alln l; ['IuRA, hud nCl'ellUJd Il job w itb tile Ullndllll CUlllpan y, Wilmington , " , II S a II wi ll Iller Wllmlll ~ LolI Co ll e~(', ill A Farm Diary eptomber UIlIl ",orlc thel'e llarl By D. J. Frazier tim!', , Mr, on'lI M I'H, J am II PIU'k and ~I""_~f~ .-.clo-.t'~~~.!t , lluugbt I'S, of . I llQIIIIIHlI , \I' I' e MN. 0, J. Frazier il on her va- gll ests ' lIlIduy or MI'S, Pal'I" K ' PIli" cation, but he r column will be reo ell M' d]\I ' 1£ S 'I' ' k ' l umed upon he r return. I 8, I, lin IS" 1I( 0 1 , I r, and M I'S, James Hiid 1' , IIntl
tthe lr daugbters, Mursha mid Rmh, had us tl\eli' hOllsegnoH1M III 1 MERCHANTS AS MUCH AS POS· wee1(, iI', nnd MI' S, Slorey, of On SIBLE, VO),,'LL FINO IN THE t.<H'io, l!llllltdll: LONG RUN YOU'LL SAVE TIME The W , S, S, of the I\l th,' AND MaNEY BY BUYING 'AT ouisL ' bul'ch, will meet , ot the HOME. hOlllo at' MI'~ , Ma ry I:). P ierson, PAT~ONiZE OUR HOME TOWN
T hul'SllllY art
1' /l00I1,
1\11'. aud Mrs, "ViJiirll11 Klichlill Ilnd their daught er M lsl;I I)ol'othy (Contlnn ed from 'Puge Two) Kae hlln o[ C;cnt(Jrv IU", WBl'e din· memb 1'8 at Camp CIIUonlast weel., nel' Ig u alII Sn,1 l1 r i'lny evenin g or Tho " Spll'lt" u,v,ard Is the high s t 1\11', and 111 I'S. Jo hn Welsh, SI', lI nli honor that Is bestowed by t he or· the il' house gu st- M1'8, L 1111 Ilpill,
_ __ •
lool, to with
Steel lJl ' Medicine Stolnlesa steel Is used by some surgeons to patch or replace damaged bones bec~use the metal withstands body acids OD'd does not polson ' the blood,
GLO 'ALUMINUM High quality las ling ahlln· paint for wood or metal surfa ' B.
$'5 .45 Value In 5's fer Gal.
$2.40 Value Per Gal.
d.nomlnallollol Sunday u {vic••
Sa. tho 'unlor r .. lr ."Mb lt(. piaYI and II.mDn Hr a, :on •• Columbtu II only a f.w ho::n by car, bUI or train from .. nyVol'I; ~ O III Ohio,.
$3.95 In S's
N.V••, 1011GB' Indus'(V ')"
Per Gal .
While They Lalit
6 : 'B I G' 5 TOR E '5 ' :6 BEST
~. cliecks seed decay; seedling bUgh.. otInkiD~ 's mut and other diseases. And its protection' is usually ~ff~ve,,..no ~~el; how' bad· weather· ~('P.tant-
~time' l
fQUAIt-Y EFJ'ECTIVE for~Q.8tsJ bar1~y.-ry~; IJlUlt\! and ft~.... '..... ,
'PHONE 2371
Farmers Exchange WAYNEsVILLE, OHIO
PHONE 2441'
. .
FA-I R " ~" E' , Y .' .
Du- Pontl
"Ceresan" 'seect disinfectarif'can pro-I wheat from dI~asea! that cause poor stands and yieJdso,
~ ~tect.. your seed
HA"RDW'ARE ' ·I)'r
protec t.loD.
Complete with h'ovy 2 gallon pressure tank, Bloks pal:nt gun, 20 nnci 25 root rubber and m ot ria l prell' sure' oae, ~8' es UII,e, sa\' e It mor.ey end d ees a ' good "ob , VIr " buildings caD be Il llm d In Rill a lilgly s horl IUne. H,eHvy tluty bul t for long tlel',va- e, R eg ll hn' 11 , 11: ' $79.96 ____ __ ; ___ ___' _____---- - - -_
, 17'$ A Wille YOU'tl
'For beltee, stands, and, 'yields of Smut-fr~e
Poweraire :' Paint Sprayer
' . .ft.
Every :year-this- yealO-
H••, Dr. Coorg" W. C~an., lIolod ,lyehDlogh.. Cit • 11011-
High quality red o xid e ba.rn paJnt that \vlll g i ve years
Per ,Gal.
Wo', .. 100 y.orl youngl "an a holiday for tho .,hpl. fomllr In th. .oy atmolph.r. of thl. ,roat agrlcultural.xli,••ltlon. , ••• ono of tho notion', to, horae IhoWI. InlaY 'h. hClrlfna wllh $37,500 I" pura...
lMAI~~~S~S' .C~!~!!2341 J
Power Aire
A lIpeclu l m xi iI !; 011 th a t gives paint high IluBlre. Designed for lasting protec· tlon ,
Accounts may be
aavinITs , account h ere.
se curity and opportunity
-- ---. - . ----- -- - ------------~------. --
Power Aire
$4.96 Value In 5'. '
h appine5s.
f, . - - - -- - -
Power Aite Glo· White
Waynesville National Bank .. ••
Apply with IlPl'O;'; 01' brush ,
e nt and child.
Will iam Hl hle bl' cht 18 , Iii al the or his' BO il und dallgh tor-In· I ,~w , Mr, and 1111'S , 'u 1'8c lle l HiI, de Jrl'ec11 t.
opened by an indiv idual, husband nnd wi'fe, par-
Protect .. Beautify .• Save! Firat Come . . .. . . First Served
hOlll e
ganlzation. J el'ty Masters received the .. ~ .. tlwru'd for fi ealLh, lmd 'hollarable montlon wC'nt to Tommy MAIlterIJ, Don Wall, Donald Barton, GleIm COB, Marina. Etz. SIISUIlne Eakins. Barbnra. Do~tc r, I~nd }le ba M cCru·rcll. Donalll Lukens, of H arveysburg, IS 0 IIfegwtrd nt C!,mp ClIrton und ' WIlS I~nder or t his group. '
Rales -$2, P
' J'
Yeni', In Ild vo,uc,e, in Ohio ; $2,50 elsewhere
1!~l l lml~I I I I I I I I ! l l ljl!llIrul ll i li l l :I!lil l!l l ! ml !1!I1I lil l l l l li ;;;.~ •• ;•• ;•• ~.; ••; ••; ••;.••; ••; . ;,. .•• ;;••;••;••; ••; ••~._~.'~._~::I Live Wire and Progrenlve. An organization accotrd to non~. Strictly aellers pn "the ' best all. around _market in tbe country.
For Dally Market Rlportl: WHlO Da.yton, 12 : 60 E.S.T, Dial 1300; WLW Cincinnati, 1240, D,lal
' Especially For Farms
~~~llillillmllllllllllllllllll., llllillmlllllllllllllllllllill11111111111111111111I111111..111
Rt. 48, 5 rot. South 01
Centerville. ,PHONE Centerville 7066 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIijmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilmlllllllllllllllllllllll
........................ PQFF'S
ADd ,004 newa it laat 7ear'a autt loou WOrD, aD4 ababbJI Scd It to aa -' ,we'U rea&ore ~t trim. amut 1oO~ mab It loot lib Dewl
One Fourth Mile Eaat of the Troaffic Li,ht CENTERVIlLE, OHIO Yellow, Golden Jubilee. White, Cumberland
_._ - _1- _,_1.
$Z.60 COWl $2,60 All Stock R.moved Dally Largo or Iman - Can Oolloct
xaua 414 XENIA FERTlIJZER Dlvlaion . of Inland PnMIuob, Inc.
..,_,. _1- _
8&eamboa& - aace ' In early steamboat days, his· tory was made In' t]:le race between the ornate. palatial Natchez and the Robert E. Lee. The rivals started puttlng up the Mississippi from. New Orleans on June 'SO, 1870. The RQbert E. Lee was the first to, make the goal, at St. Loul', 011 the, tth, of July, '
Seychelles Nut The largest true , seed known to man Is the Seychelles nut from a palm tree native to the Seychelles Islands In the Indian Ocean. Re. sembling an over size coconut, ~ .Inlle SeycheU~s nut may weigh 30 or even 40 pounds, Clu sters of the nuts require fIve yeats to rna· rure.
iYoung ·-'Separates' Do Double-DutY .
~ YORK-lSwltcb-about separates for , chUdren, designed by Marlii r ....J:I, are meant to double a smaU wardrobe and, at the
i,.11m. Ume,
dowrI on laundr7. They are also "dress-yourself" styles
: with 'Do butto'bl, DO 1I'I8P1 and no fasteners.
'! '
fumpers, Jackets, and skIrtS corne in corduroy '
and in sturdy cotton. Blouses apd panU-coat. which is a combination panty and petticoat, are shown in white broadcloth or lJj self-patterned nylon with matching nylon lace, They also come In checked gingham to be worn with solid color jumpers and sldrts. Party hews is found In a "litt]e lady",suit of black velveteen which has a 'snoW)' lace·trlmmed blouse. A straight-cut jacket Is , teamed, with, a pannier Jumper, The "hi-jump" sldrt for little ,iris. snd older girls, too, ia' de_laned to fit snu~ly. without alter.Uon, Elastic Ihtrtin. makes a flexible waist which alloWs the -"in to "I!'OW" with the child. The Iklrt 11 teamed with ruffled , blouses which have no buttona or, aUde 'uteners,
A pinafore dress ot atar-.-ower, printed cotton has ridllea. over the abould.... and' a ItnalJ, abIJTed waUL TI)e full stb1 bas iDIerta of lOUd color.
TWIN rrBE.TRE Waynesville, Ohio
The Bear Finds Summer Un .i~.
Tl1urldaYI and Fridays Shows 7 P, M. SUNDAY, MONDAY 7 P. M.
Saturday. Showl 6 P. M.
W.l,ue'IYW.. Ohio . Phone : Way_,vlli. 21t1
Top ijoll. H.ull.... 8.,110. Ora vel ~/ 11l".Ull' Wltb &. : ~ Hoe, Dra,·Uu. and BulllioHr
Ji'urn... Pit,. ISO CleDta cubiC )'a.':11. W.e allo ldellver. AlUII'I'AGE & 'SON, Phone 2091. tt 11.1
1111. vii
.......I~·-..~·~~.-...-~~~~ I ..-...~ . ~..- .,- ---. _ ,_ ...
ROC E R S --in- '
NOTICE; - AU <logS fou nd cbaslng sbeep on my farm will bo turDed
IT AIN'T HAY One .ot
Terrytoon -
Their BETTER Pictures'
Elclurpus8 io the
over .to dog catoher. Floyd Oney, South end Waynes ville. x - - 3·10·]7
Pu shclll't
WANTED TO RENT - Fa rm , 75 to 200 ael'es. HIl\'c a ll POWlll' equIp. ment. LIved :18 years around Waynesville IIlld viCinity. Excell· ent roeol'd. Box E. WIIYllolfY llle. . X- 7·:J7- S- 3·)O
. J
HAPTER 7-PHANTOM EMPII,m Tel'l'ytoon- A Tru ckload of T I'ouble
(Technlcolol') Tb1s ,Is An Old One, But Is One of GREER GARSON and WALTER PIDGEON'~ Very Beat - See It .By All Meana W. B. News Paramount and Cartoon
HORSES $2.50
COWS $2.50
Hogs and Other Small Stock
Removed Promptly
1II1111111111111111111111111111111mllllllllllmlllllllllllllWlllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllil11II"1II~1II111111111111111""lllmllllllllll~lIlm• •llmll Wilmington 2362 Lebaaon 439 INLAND PRODUCTS, Inc.
YES ••. WE CAN PRINT THAT JOB FOR YOU EXPERTLY I I C - - - _. ._ _ _ _ _I11!11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IS YOUR SUB'8CRIPTION PAST DUE ? If It Is - won't you pleille le.nd UB ~ check for $2.00, 10 we can continue your paper.
....ezicer Cari
Railroads o! t he Unlted Stlltes,
havln, extenslv,~ pa sscnier servo ice, now ule mechanical washers for deanln, the exteriors of pas·
senier·tr.1n carlI.
Canvas "tai'ps" are spread ov.er the ",ridlron" bet ore the games to keep the field In good condition and protect It trom weather damage.
perbaps more tban any otber. we are In a POSItiOll to b8"rve the nelg!lborly kindness that bereavement brings - Jbe h e.l)flll hands 80 qnlck l y extended to u stricken home. This omment has no parllcU)IlI' purpose, except a remjllder tb at OUR COMMUNITY 1St WIUELY KNOWN F Q R ITS FRIENDLY PEOFLE, .
e!.l nnln,
.I MPORTANT NOTICE'!l 'As of AUCUST 1. 1950. the ·Acm!r. tiaine Rate of the MIAMI GAZETl'£ will . be as follows: . LOCAL ______ - _____ . .30 OUT OF TOWN _____ .40 NATIONAL ____ _____ .50 :
Initallation and' Gas
SUBSCRIPTION RATE-S2.00 Per Year.. Out of State ·$2.50 Per Year.
Spring Valley Hardware ·Co:
..........-.-...... i4
AUGUST .ta t
lobert "tun" HItIIy .." •• Hkb
_ 11 • • _ __
11 _ _ 1_
AUGUST 15, 16
wheD we .top to thilllc that fUel a1'6 eaniIra of some of our ~oat deadly . di__ Of ,cou.ne, we homeI IDabra are not apt to ftnd more '.tIaaD tveldacla abOut ~ut thel. DIIb 1uec:ta that eome right into ,Our . _ and caRl dysentery and f
clreaded. lODletlmel fa·
IaIdl8eII ... .. Did you know that 011«1 Single !ly
an carry .. man,. .. 600 000,000 lIacterla! That fact alone 'is ~ to
mak!..~~ one of us 'on
' ~I _ '''-'-'-''
cautlolllo tor with amall
~:. ~~Dl~7~f~l ~~: fact. 'II wh, .atilt. in the Btaek ~ laboator!_ have com'· . liblecl the Ileweat iqredienta dis· eovered by icienCe with powerful
DDT to' produee a . really effective w_pon .pinet the deaiUy hoUlefly, & new inaect ~Ing IOlutio!,\ that really works. It I ludCfen death for all luch insect petta as fllee moaquitos, motha, roachea, gnat.~ Illverftlltl spiders and the like. We've Deen using thil 101ution at ouT home 'inee it wu flrat intraduce.d and Ws very effective. I like the hndy push-b.utton spray toPI ' that make it very easy to un. This summer, with the ,help of this new product, we've kept our' house free of flia and other insecta. That'. very important·to me, for it relieve.
. my worriea of the children catching one of the diaeaaea that 80 often prove latal. It'8 such a eomfort to know that Black Flag labon.tories
have provided convenient anw-inled weapons. Let's \I~e them. We' just cllon't take chances, cn:! ';;e! ..... -.- - . _..
' .. '" __
I_f. __
I _ II _ J _~~ """'
__ .....~ .. '" . ...k
F R E E KID 0 I ESP LAY G R 0 UNO . • .. _ ,_ ._. - , - . -' .--- '~-- 'i"""~ ....... .\- ,........_"_ .
. . ilert for ue ftftt 6y In our IJGm-. I know that It baa made me
_a_ lI ~ r _ '1 _ II _~_ U
. I
~ -:--=-_.:-~ ..
~~ I ~"""'_ a _ u
V .Ex·ide Batteries
.Firestone 'Yires New .and
R~tapped ~.. $8!95
'. $2.00 rrade In'Allowance Lubricating Service ~ Firestone Acc'essories" Opel 5;30 ,
I, ~. (0
__ n__ a_u_
9 P! m. 5undb)S 7;30
m. to
The . better JOUI' CRIJlI ~ the bigeryour iDc:ome. ADd "crop-
teItecl.. BIG II bnIDds help me.- both. Your d~ 11M a-12.12, 4·12-'8,0·20·20, 0·12·12 ADd 2-12-6, Bpt ~ yoar order em".
' ...... feItIl..... c:ompc.y
OffIcIt·a...., • ' ....... x.a.. o.
................... ~
..... htw.. .~ .. _
I •5
fmt iIIuai Y67 _
lJ. ". ' ~. FOR FIRST
Mao Diabetic Canaed Fruib DON'T FORGET
-Texaco .,
p m~
... . Waynesville ,
....--11 ... _(
FARM 'LOANS 'The Land Bank Way Nq 'F ees, Conunl..ions or Renewai. MAY BE PAID OFF ANY TIME I..oaa Te...... Ide Saf. . (Up to HYears a~ 4"> It. Farm ar,....tioa FOI'
Farmers CALL -
Lebanon N.F.LA.
PJaoae 2Ml
Bob 'Servis
Mor. whlat, ••H.r wh.at, IIG~. IHCOME-. . IIG M
Do fOU bow that there are more than &O,OOO'difrerent kinda of flies! ~That', a UWe terrif~. isn't it.
Phone 37371
Slightly Less Than Acre, Wood~d
l lUD!~er
- -' -
:A sk About our· Price on
diarrhea, have been knOwn to carry 'J)OlJo. typhoid, rabbit lever and'
PHONE 2321
Daytoa, Ohio
.. '\.'t _ _ __ __
"- -
.Beautiful Building ·Site
Meats·· Groceries·· Cream Station
- -• •
Bottle · Gas
CASH FOR CREAM··":=------. ' -ld · AU. "\ g .· ~ 1 ~ B '· · F'ray, Every Tuesday, "F'riday
' -5EE--
....... _ _
NEEDS MI'. an.d Mrs. George Hoffman WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR JOB PRINTING . and Mr. ancl MJ's. Au gust Dlerlnre~ - . - - - ,_ . -------,.-., - -' . - ---.or Dny,")n, ca Hec1 on Ml·. nnd Mrs.
Spring Valley, o~
n ' .. , -
FOR SALE - Leed)' T)rum . chlld's 1'011 top desk, 2~ sq. rt. t;Ulned al r hide. Mrs. Hal'olll E. Earnhart. Pbone 2614 . X- 8-1Q..17
Paul Sherer nnrl ' (Ulli lly
Ca ll Dayton RAndolph 7603. X- 7·27- 8- 3·10
----FOR RENT-G uslln 's poultl'Y barn.
Al"E-One lot 70 ft. by ] so ft.: Jo nt ed 011 Sixth street. Call 2594 01' lIee Hob Osborll . X- 8t- 7·27 - S-3·]0
Plus -
"DAVID HARUM" ---_..."--_._._----_._----------------- AUGUST .....,--------_. FRIDAY, SATURDAY II, 12 ,
( Teollnlcolor)
ELL... H. aTUIIM, "~.TI'....
• - - - - - -_ _ _j'l TRY GA2Ei n a.ASSIFIIDS _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _•
.... ;
8eth E.
~~ ~
=: t; ":. l
- . . _. . ; : "":.
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 ONE HUNDREDTH YEAR
.Friends To Hold--Yearly Meet Here August .24-27
ABOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW. Farmers . Grange IS will picnic Rt Sm'lih's Park on Satllrduy, wUh su'pper 10 be ' s erved by the Home ElcOoomies' committee. Sjm llll.!, ) charges w11l be made f'Q r the val'ious dl she ~, aud eacb, person is uked to pl'ovld,ll th eir own table sel·vlce. Mr. Emel"llon Stewart tlew the little daugbter: ot Mr. and Mrs. Estel Hagemeyer to Urbana, 111· inols on 'Sunday to spend. a few days with relatives. The dlatanc.e of 224 WI' mUes was covered In two hours and forty-five mlnutos. !olt:, and Mrs. p. L. R ason and Mrs. EIBle ~ockett vl t1lted Marietta and other points o( interest on Mon· day and Tuesday. Mr. and M~9. W_ E. Cornell spent tbe past week wftb Mr. and Mrs . D. R. Salisbury near Ouba. Mr. and Mrs.- J . J . Durske were among 'the guests when Mrs. Lucile MUner, P.aBt grand Mntron of grand ohabter of Ohio O. E . S, entertained ~be 1947 WortllY MationB of District on ~nday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Qrauman had as Sunday evening dinner guests Mr. and M1'", Rover_ Turner and daughters, 1f>ulse and Barbara of BelJbroc.k. , Mrs. BerUe MUls ' had as dl,n ner &'I1e8ts on ThurJlrla.;y evening Mr. and Mra. Mark Rogers, Mr. an d Mrs. Clarence Rye and Mr. and Mrs_ L. E. Thompson. Mr. and ·Mrs. Raymond Conner and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oonner and Children enter· talned on Sunday "rlth a family re· union and a dellolous dinner WIlS enJo)'t!d 'on lIIe laWn. ' , Those present were Mr. . and Mrs. Harry '«Jonner and datlghter , Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burris, Mr. a,nd Mrs. Paul Burris and chlldr D, Mr. and Mri. Ollnton Bbrrl8 Bnd family, Mrs. Emma Grubb, and Mr. Oarl Oonner of Dayton. Mr. lind Mrs. Homer Conner and daughter 01 'l'\pp City, MI'. and Mrs. Everett Ohasteen ot Franklin, Mr. and MTs. Earl ConDeI' and SOD and Mr", Goldie Bentl~}'. Mr. and Mrs: Dalo Duffee, of
The Intliona Yoarly Meeting of tbe Friends Gonerul Conference will be held a t the F riends Meet· ing House In Waynesv H1e" August 24t11 . to 27th. The morning uJ.ld IIfternoon pro· g!"ams will be g lvon over to reports of varlouB committees and bus· ,l neBs sessions. , The PI'ogl'am on the evening of UI 24th will be : 7 : ~6 , Experiences In Gel'ml~ny, Sharman' Hummel; : 16, Our First Day SchOOls and Other Religious Activities, WHlIam Mackensen. 011 tbe evening ,o f the 26th, tbe lwogram will be : 7: 45, Frient!s and FI'iends 'Meetings of the MldwestOur Opportlll:ljty and Respon slbU· tty of F ellowship, Rlchnrd l!:astman. 8 :16, The Spiritual Needs of FrJends Meetings. '~ephen Rusb· more. The evening program of the 26th will be : 7:30, Vesper S rvtce 8 : 00, Young Friends (;>esslon. ., On the 27tq the program will consist of the following : 2:00 P . 'M'. ' Religious GUidance, William Mnck.ensen. "'The Llgbt Within" StePhen RU8hmore. The following will be Visiting Ftilends, nll from the Baltimore Yearly- Meeting: William Macken· sen, Chairman, Committee Rellg· lous EdUcation. General Confer· ence, Stephen Rushmore, Furman L. Mulford, T d Malinowski, and Shlll'man Hummel. Friends s h 0 U 1 d communicate ~ Elizabeth Chandler. Waynesv:1lle, ' qblo, for all bosllltalltt arrangements. .
Cheerful Circle , G~oup
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstratol', ot Wilmington, w'ere ·host and hpstess ro the Cheerful Circle !froup on Saturday evening. After a very pleasant evening at gamea, delicious refreebmenta were ser:,v,ed. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden, Mr. and Mrs. So S. E1Us, 'Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Ricb, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ButterWo11h, Mn. HIUTY Smith and Mrs. Frances OI1l¥ and sons.
Bowlln~ Green, returned to their Re ~
tur"ns Arizona Vi.it
COUNCIL VOTES Coming Marriage Announced Here' 'ON "NEPTUNE"
The village ' council voted unum· 1 u&l)'j at its August meeting to place " Neptline" the vlllage's au· tlque fll'e fighting apparatus. on the alte of village properly, neurby Adam Campbell's ,v illage mIls UUl . Campbell had expreB8ed b is l~ e8 IJ' 1' to hove tbe equipment liS a , Slll) · 'plement ro· the anUqup collectlo ll being housed In bls "Lookou t Tower". The eQu lpmon t will l, e moved from the rown haJJ to Its new location as soon. ns foundatl n and sbelter for. It aro co n s~ ru c~ed. MI'. nnd Mra, Arthur Oarrl~{m a41d tbell" chUdreu b~ve r etul'ned ro their home In BIILUubester , rol· lowing a two week vialt with Mrs, Garr1sol~'s pal'ents', MI". nnd M.·s. Frank Tletmeyer. Mrs .• ,Charles Hagemeyer, Mrs. Frank Tletmeyer. Mrs . Jam es Wright, and Mn!. James Duery spent Thursday In Cincinnati OE, the ' guest of /their- sister" Mrs. Anna Hoover.
Rotary Clu·b Holds Meet FIRST AID ON THE FRONT .... WblI. of amoke billowed from this heavily-bombed Soutb Korean villal', Iln Army medic mlnlatenid to this macblne sunne.,", wounded Ilk ~l. arm, When the medica flratreported to the tiatt1eUn.. tbtI w~e unarmed. They began carrying piatolJ, however, wheo trt.h••y became the favorite targets of, the ru~ North_~01r~.
·Show Business By Dick Tatum Some of you people may have wondered from time ro time why your local theatre does ' not brlng ~ pICtures until several' mgnllls after they have played In Dayton. Cil.nol~t1 'or other neighboring cttl8ll. Briefly here is how It ,WorkB A new picture Is flnt releued na,t.1onally In the big cIties such as New York and Chicago, or Is premiered jn some selected City; Two or three Weeks after national release It Ia releued In the t.er. ritortes for. Hrat runs at the big uptown theatres ' sudh "as tboes In Dayron and CInCinnati. • After terrttprlal releu& the Bit-
Fourteen "Isltlng Rotarians, t wo accompanied by their wives, or ' H~tarYlms, were present at . the regular Tuesday night meeting or Ibe WaynesvllJe Rotary Olub. Also feted at the 'luncheon, an gueat of honor, wall Jbnn:!,y MlIIe.. of Route ,42. who as & me~ber () the reserves, baa been caUed t. active !luty. Jmmy Is IL vetersl ot World War n, having served 11 ' ndla In -the Air Corps as an aero . plane mec~anlc. Raymond Braddock gnve an in. t~resUng revIew ()f the di strlo conference which ha . .alUtllded 1 'HiunUtDn.
The W. O. T. ·U. meeting waB beld at the bome of Mrs. Blsi. Hockett 011 ~4ay arte~n. Au I': 11. Dr.. Emma Holloway had charge of the proll'am lind devotion!!, read· lng th~ U8th ~aa~~d prayer by br. EDuna. and, 11:1'. Coffe. At tb regular meet~ «:be following off ~ - ' cerll were e16Cte~l tOT the coming year ; PreBldent, Dr. Emma Hoilo· way, Vice President. _rs. Olive Curl, Treasurer, lirs. Jennie Brad· ley, Secretary, Lucy' Emby, after 8)' MR •• HILY GIBeON which Mrs. Curl read an" article Born ,Satnrday MornIng Augus t on "Resolutions PUled at ,the Giln.oclde Oonvsn.tlon by the U.. 6 a. 8%1b daughter 10 Mr, aDd Mrd. N." Refreshments were served at MOTris I.ewIB_ She has been named thil Ume. The m'.,etln"g wu clOlled Brenda KAy. ' Mr. George Bratten, i8 Bufterln g with the Union &~ne~lcUon. With ,o. •(ractu,r ed hlp ' from a fall las~, week. ' I VISITS OUT OF TOWN Pat lind Sbaron Cnllenhan, or Orville J. Phillips vlsJted hJg ,. Oinclnnatl, spent a week wltb the ir 'u ncle and aunt., Mr. arid Mrs; grandparent8 Mr. ADd Mrs. Thomas John Long, Ray, Ohio. last ' week. Runyon . ' Mrs. Junlon Househohlel' ot ENTERTAIN SECRET SISTERS Sprlngt\eld, spent a few days With Mrs. Erma Lemmons en~ertalned Mr. and MrJl. Alfred 'Morgan and Ute Ferry Secret Slate~s for their fao!ily. August luncheo!? party. ' Miss" Bal-b.nra Morga n 8.l1 last. ent week with M.... and' Mrs. Lewis Tomspn' of Dayton.
Mrs. ElItbel Macomb r Is an· nounci ng the 'l Il.PPI'oachlng mar· rlnge of he r gmndd D.ughter. Betty J oan of Powell, OlLlo. to Mr. Or· ville 1.. Savnge of Waynesville, M~·. Savage ' Js t he son of MrR, Ruth Savage. o( Ct;'nterviHe. DOlh Miss Macomber Ilud MI'. ~lLvage were gl'/ldLl at d from Ohio S tate nlverslty on June 9; ]950. While attending Oh io State 1\1 18s Macom· bel' wus a member or Kappa. Phi and ,Z tn. Phi Etl! . Mr. Sav age WIL8 a member of Delta T 'hl Delta. The ~an'l a~e will take place 10 Columbus. Ohio, AuguBt 26" 1950" after which the couple wU\ make their home In GranVille, Ohio. Miss (Macomber will t each .bome • In tlIe F ran kll 11 Tow",.,. econonhCs ship Bcbool during tile coming year and Mt. Savage wJl1 be .the, elementary a rt s upervisor in' the PIqua city school8.
Are You\in the
U.S.M. Reserve?
HOW MUCH DO, YOU CARE? Jesul! Ohrlat was the supr~me example or what It means to care. He cared grellltly when ,eovlo were hungry or sick and when , they were morally wealt He a180 cared enough about the development of His own physical and spl~ltual life that he ball t&lk$ witll God through prayer tnd each week He worsblpped God in Ws 'cblll'ch" as was His custon" Because He thus cared His lIfe was full and ' meaningful. YOllr. life too, wUl be rIChly rewarded by hslng 10yo.1 to the church :':~~~:~1ce. Be in worship The Message at the. MethodJst Church ~n4ay at 10 : 30 Will be "How Much Do YOiU CareT" 134 the preacbing ' service iast Sund_y a~d we,' l1 be 10 kiner fOI" nil of them baok and mor,a l1e xt : L1nday. , ' W e invite yQu 10 b ~ In the church school at 9 : 30 also where a. study Of. the Bible WIll be made In classes for every age with flne teacber8. Come, brJng ,t be ' whole family. • You'll find a real welcome. attend~d
:rbe X·m a rincs In Ibis ar a have a mis tnken Imp e lljlon that they '{ eJ" plnc 'd In the l.l . '. M31'loe CO"ll ~ R.es rYe t r a period of ten Years liegll nlllg with the date of their dlschar 'e fl'om the r g ullll' 01' res rve Marille Co~P B. This be· lief hilS 1, 0 fo undation. It upon dlscbarge, from the regular 01' the 'S'ELECTIVE SERVICE reserve Matine 'Cllrlls; you <!lei. Dot CLERK TO ATT'END MEET Local ' Board No. 122 Office will eu list, In the VohmleerMal11ne Corp s Reserve t Inactive) and did ba OloHd Monday, August 21, at not sign a contTact voluntarily 11 A. P,1. 10 'hat the cl.rk can ateulls tlng Into Lbe U. S. ,MArine tend a group meeting of Looal ClJrps R serve you are not now s Board Clerka at the Hotel Glblon ' member of the Mal'lne Corps Re- In ·Cinclnna .. , servE!! B.nd the present calling of the Marine Corps Reserves to ac- MRS: WM. FIECHER tive dutl does not Q.ffect YOU in a.ny . IS ClUTlcAtLY IlL' manner. .' . WASI'fINGTON ORANG~ ~APER WasblngllOn Orange R!lper was born ApI'n 22 1 62. Age 88 yeal"l> 2 months and 8 days, departed this lire July 30 1960. He w",a th.e aon o~ William Ii'., and Sarah Burough Raper. One brother Frank died at the age or 5 years. A Ufe long member o.r the MethOdist Church Oq April 3 ' 1917 he ~vas united In marriage wlt.h ,E mma L. Schatzman of CincInnati, Ohio. Fpr ma~y years he assll!ted Mr. Maffl( In Ws Funeral Home. Latel' with the Ed JlUlney Phlll'macy. . Orange WIIS willing to give his :tIme ' and cheel'flll dlspoaltion In belping others . . BEl llOvcd the bell.u.t,Ies of nature aud never happier than when he he was surrollnded by iittle cbUd· reno Surviving are bls devoted wife &nIna, relaUves and a host of friends Not now but ' in the comipg year. We'lI read the meaning of our tears And then , laomeHDle, we'll, under' , 'stnnd Uod knows lhe way, He bolds the
Mrs. Wm. Flecher remains crlt1calJy III at the home ot Mr. and IIM~. Gay,le ENa~8. Vlllirora at their, honie ' tbe PlIst week were 1\11"8. J. E. Jester. Mrs. Gill Oonley ~d children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert KJng and Mrs. Edward ' GlII, all of Olnclnnatl, Ohio. . NOTICE OF. APPOINTMENT Executor Estate 01 John B. Gona Dec!i\as.1 Noit,lce Is hereby . giVen t hat Ji:sther H. Gona whos ~ Post pmce address 18 W_ynesvllle, Ohio., has duly appointed as Executrl" or tbe Estate of John B. Oons late of Wlarren ~ty, Ohio, deceaaed. Dated tbls 29 day of July 1950 Warren County, 91110 RALPH H. OAREY Judge of th.~Probate C~UI t Gray, RIsinger &: Gray, Attorneys Publlsh 8:....17-24·ai
Fro~ uaUon getS somewhat complicated bome on 'rooday after spending as far as the Twin ',I1heatre is COIl". sev~r&l d'ays With th,elr 'parents, MI'. .cerned. ' Some of the fUm conl' and Mrs. J. J. Burske. pan~ea specify in: their contracts Miss Betay Everaback ot Pam· MrS. B.ryan Prendergast has ra- that the Twin can Ihow ' a,' plcture eroy, waa the guest of M,r . and turned to her home In Cincinnati 45 days after It" 1& releaa~ In tbs Mrs. W, E.. st.roud for severai atter spending several dJlYS wl~ territory., Other oampanl~& specify days during the past week. She Mr. and Mrs. Jesa Prendergast and that a picture cannot be shown flt was ~lso a Saturday evenln$ d.ln- daughter, Maryallce and Miss Kath- the TwIn u~t1I after It b~ shown at ner gu.e st of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ryn Prendergut has spent the WUmlngton or LebaDon. WU~· Porter. . 'past three months wltb ·her brother ton and Lel!anon ,ID_ tum, cannot Mrs. Fred Hook was 8. guest of ,U • • , U n _ . Stan. and famUy, 'on the abow, .the picture .unW ~te" It has " .u,o ~'T Ftuft Ranch 'near Pboe. ,been releued, '1D the territory f or • n ' amI} Mrs. RO'bert Green, of Dayton. STATf:: OF OHIO, her 8pn:ln·1a.w and daughter, MI'. Tal-HI.Hi .... _ nIl , , Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shaw and WARREN COU!'ITV and 'M'r s, Hown,r d Gessaman, ,i n ,nix, AriZona. of wbleh Mr. Starr so many day,•. '.80 It all auua ·Mrs. Loti Brown,.and 'slster, Mrs • .J_ I t daughters Jessie and Betty, or. IN THE PROBATE COURT Oakwood several dnys ' of tbe, put bu been foreman for the past 8,J)[. to the uwt that ,u suaUy J~ B n Gladys Baker (If Dayton, called on Xenia, called o n Mr. Lee M'organ In ' the Matter or We Esta!e week. " t e e n yelU'll. She "00 'made sevefli,l leut S, monllle after natlon~ reo their cousins Mlaaes Mame and , Arthur M. Zell, aka A., M. ZeU, Mr. Frank E. Thomas accompan· Sightseeing trips.., Into OaUfornia., leue before the "'-In ..... , can s h ow a ,A nnie BroWll Ilnd MLs1I Bertha SundAY afternoon. deceued. , , Arthur Th omas and througli the Gran,d Canyon. I ure, t·· . ....... . es 1ft,,0 gel'• Mr. and Mn. Ernest Earnh art' ted his brother Mr. new po lome Brown on Monday . . : - -~-- L.EGAL. NOTICE - of' Da1ton, on a vacation trip Utrti . OUNO HO Randolph s.cott, MISBeS R LI t han d Elizabeth spent the week end willi Mr. autl k &y; To Whom It May Concern: the Weatera States for the past ." Robert Mitchum. Geller&l audienc Cbandler ' accolllllOnll1d ' by their Mrll. Jame8 W,lldmari of lac,keoo; lie IDJlds ua wllb his hand Notice la hereby given ' that on several daY8. Tbey visited JIlr; Ha~l-es ', cl~lt1catlon - Rev:lewere rating nJece ; Mlas Gelrtrude Chandler. Ohio. ' Up t 'h ere we'll uuderstand. the · 26th day of July, 1960, Aurelia ... '-; I _'~ Mrs. Ev"'rett Bunnell aDd M' r ., J...ft. Gibbons at 'Faulkton, 'Sout... ., . -«004. Mrs, Olive Curl, Dr. Em~a. Hollo. " Zell, executrix ot the last 'ym and / Dakota tor II. few days. Th1& picture was - produced by way and Mrs. Blsle HOCkett at. Clyd~ Jones' of Lebanon , were suP: te'&tamellt ot Ar.tliur 'M: ZeU, aka Mr. and ~I'r". Roger Brown aDd Walter Wanger in cooperatlon with tended Friends' '~uarterly meeting per gueilts Thursday evening of .FRYS HAVE NEW' AR,RIVAL. THURSDAV A. M. Zell, deCCaaGd, late of the Mr. and Mts. Ronald Ha~ke en- ,the U. S. Marine Corps. It 1& the near Selma.. Ohio, on Sunda.y. Mr. &11cJ 'Mrs. Hlly .G1bllOn. family spent· the past week 'at the Mr. and Mra. Carl H. Fry an· ,Olty of Erie, County of Erie and Ohrlstian ABsembly , at La k e. ~erta;lned On Sunday evening. of story of a special, Battalion 'qf Ma Mrs; Frank Taylor ' of New YOI'll Mr. and Mra. Clarence Crawford James, IndIana.. ' tbe past week, honoring , their rlnes chosen to "l'l'ipe out the Jap. City, and Mr. aJIld Mrs'. , Ronale\" spent a couple or days ' laBt wee k nounce the, birth ~f a daughter State of Pennsylvania, flied In thIs "UlldI'ed T ay I or anese from Makin IIland ' In the Hawke caUed on Miss May' Wright with Mr. and '·Mrs. Earl Crawford Brenda Sue. born Thuraday morl\- Court an llutJlenUcated copy of t'tie Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams h oUle gues t. .... _ra.... Ing ~:.30 at, Ft. }lamllton ~ollllital, Let,,:rs Testamentary granted her ~r KlnguiaD, who recent.y r.eturned of ~tord Oonn. Thq bad u ,Pacific. 200 wlunteer8 ont o( Sunday morning. of near UtIca, by the Orphan's ,Court of Erie Mrs, Anna Luoas spent MondlLY Hamilton. from a plane trip to Central Amer- ,dinner rJlests Mr, an!, Mn. Chaa. 200;000 Marines were picked for' Mrs. Lee l\{tUIOIII. of Mason, Oblo, County, , :Pe~nsYlvsnla. together iea.. entertained the members of Hal"tflock and ,daughters, K~en and thIs Invallon. Only tboee meD called on ber sllster:ln.law, Mrs.' night WiI~ Mrs. Anna Hartsock Of. h NOTICE OF APPOIt'-TMENT with n d uly authenti<:!aled cODY of Advisory Council Number 2 when M!LI'8 a.. ot SUverton. Mr. and .Mra: Wlbo ~,ere prepared ~ k1Il or be Alice Clark on Thlursday afternoon., Waynesvlllll. Administrator tlu! , ~t wOl and leat8.lX!ent ~f ,they met wlt'h lIr. nnd Mrs. ChM. Fred C. Harteock of Mutard', M:IIS lillled were accepted. ' Randolpb Misll Glenna. Marsh, of D~)'tOn, Mr.. and Mrs. Dlc.k Hanes nn .~ Estate of Wood I'OW Collloe, de- tII~d decedent and 01 the order of Ellis at ObautauQlla, Mr.. and M~. Mildred Hartaock and Mrs. Doris Soott ahd Robert ' Mitchum'. 'both was a; week end gJUest of bel' co~ln children ~f near Xenia, wel'e dlnsaid Orphan's CQUI't af E rie County, Ellis sbowed .l>lctures and told of Wnaman of W. ilIOn. Nortb Oarollna, tum In • ual1 fJ 'pertorm. M L lie Arml'tage n,e r guests Sunday of Mr. and !III'S. ceased. MIluapicture. Y De wbat , uc Mm!. WUSOD , Notice Is hereby given . that Pennsylvania admitting same to thalr house guest, Mrs., 'l'aylor, ,&Ilcea in. thie of wa.r ' rs_ Mr. and Edwards. HI I'I Gib . B?n. Ca II ers In tb e a ft ,er . ' tbe many things tbey saw. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. H, L. Rye. Mr. 'and and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mosher. can real17 be like. of Springfield, Ohio, yl8lted, their noon were MI'. and Mrs. ClY~ Tbomaa Collins wb~se Post" Office probate and record, and , that all Mrs. D. R. Salisbury 'and Mr. an4 and daughter. . H&1"~ lOU entered JOur ,subacrtp- aunt M.laa Margalret EIJ,varda Bun. Campbell, Allas Pbyllis GlbaQ. address Is LebaDptl, Ohlo. hIlS been creditors havln', claJms against duly a.ppolnted as Administrator of said elltate shall present them. to Mrs. Ronald Hawlte were recent Uon to the Miami Ouette. If ' not, day afternoon. Edna and Sharon Bunnell. b dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Chas. CARD OF THANKS ~u better do ao J1\lht away IUld Mrs. Hannah DaY:fa wall the dln. Mrs. EIBle Koster , or Le anon , the Estate of Woodl'OW Collln.e, late thia Court within six months alt4>.·, Ellis at ChautauqlW. MOlt s\n.cere tbants and deep let your FREE ticket to the Twin ner guest pf .. and spent Sunday with her BOn and ~1 Massie TOWllBhlp. Warren Coun- 'tho tlUng. at sald letters. or be (or· ever baned from aaaC!rllng any ty, OhiO" deeeued. , Mr. and Mn. Robert Be.rnard, appreclaton are extended to rel- Theatre. TbJa offer lute only 14 Florence Kelly, o'l Columba, Ohio, family, Mr. M.orris LeWis. lId liens agalnst the real oatate of Dated tbls 12 day of August, 1960. with friends of Jamestown, enjoyed atlve., frJencia IUld nel,hbors for mo~ dayl. at the Queen Oil 8UD4ay. Mrs. James Bratten anil ch ren tba dee84ent situated In the State RALPH H. COREY, ' the pUt week vac.tlonlng at In- their kindness, Iympatby , aDd In the lire. 1Ja,...' of Dayton, spent Monday with Mr. Julge of the Probate Court of Ohio. Lak "'-1'" n~we- IUld cards l'8Clelved_ GAZETTE O"IOE HAS gueats 1IIerli Mr. lin. ~bortl and IIrs. George .Bratten, . .... ... # v ... _ • f OblO " Jlr and Mrs, Clarence Crawford dian e. AunUa ZeU, Eucutrtx of WlU'l'en County, Ohio Mrs. K. N. Hough IUld aon Lorin, during tbe lUue.. and paQlq 01 NEW Y.OR~ VI.IT~R Wheelock 0 • spell~ t.lte week end with their son Meryl B. Gray, Atrorney Ole Eatate of Arthur M. and Mrl. Viola Harlan are .~t· .., 1l1llbancl, QraDp .Raper, to Rev. IIr.!IoM - . . . .. nlaUoaa 'or Mr. and MftI· Mr. famu M and lin Lewis Publish 8-17·24·3-1 zen, ata A. M. Zell. ......Ing and vtaltlng relatives In Wedpwood ,for h ,l. comforting eeCp UI4 'Pteabter. uvert1a1Dr Ku Boull..,., ud and y 1". • deceaaed ..... y..... aaIle4 at tile ..... HUcr or 8aWDa. Crawford or XeDlL Spokane, WubJDatoD and 'II'~ vlfJlt word., and to the Stubbs I'uDeral ..-c7. .. on"': . - . . lin IIIlT Gipon calle4 on lUes CoUection of eg~ two or three Carl AbaecllsrU, Attolney. : y other c1t1•• on their retum Home tor the eft1oie~ ~_m,:.~ ~ OJ S~- : . : : : 11th.. 'yOu. on Jlood,,. aftN1looll. ttmes a day cuts .down lInakaP- PubUall 8-8-1o.U--8t
:J, ,.,e
;h Jl
R"'nald , Honor Gue.t
I..... .....,.
EI t abilihed 1850 PAUL. A. SO HERER ...... ... ...... .... · .. ·· .. . Edltor and pubili her CECILIA J. SCHER E R , • . ....... .. ·····,· · · . S!'cre tary and Treaeurer
(fi~urr~ ~utllr
l'ubllshed, F.ycry '{'hur llday Mor?llil lit '\\ ayut'svJlle. 'W arren County, Ohio
Church Scbool. 11:30 A.M., Earnhart, Supt. WOl'shlp Service, 10 }30 ~.M. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL YO Ulh J'ello\\' Khlll, S lIndny. 7 : UU, '1, he He\' . SIlIllII&1 N. Keys, Heclo: P .M. ,' ·lIn.luy : lIolY ' \lllllUlIlI I OII, , n , 'II . tll'hllnl'Y I)lIu" oll scliool 16:80 a,m,
Five Different 'Brands
evening of l\{l'S. 'I eek 's falh r, MI'. \Vlll1:1m H1IdoiJ l'el.b t. nnd MI'. flllll Mrs, 'Flershe) Hlitl ebl' cht, tl n d famil y.
01', And MI'~. Oi)nlon MUIl SOll. of , Dn.yton,. wera gUt1sts 'VI ad day oi. 1,·s. MUllson's 1)1l1'1Il\t.s. 1111'. mitl Mrs. Joh n ~Im pson.
,~~ ' t";:-~'
Gotdoa ' I~ IInSpaee . . ZllliD&tik& ~l't II!J.~ .~, otJ
1~ ,
-.. -
I 2aNy~lf
' J~ ~:~~~~' .23'~~~~~ce38~=~ ~
" .·~=:rt -'-
'.rc••' .aIr
,, 8' 'Wu a - famous _
2~ AccomDllah 2'1 Street (ab.) ': t~b]e .26 PrInt --uure 22 Either 2' Give ~t ~ And ,Latin) 3'1 Measure of '2a Make speech 31 Kitten·s calla
......,-1"•., ..., . Co_la. ........-(Oll"ty
RES. 129L
'NG TH'. COUPON - - - - - - - - - - ,
, GAN ,HAYE ;HeT ·1
\V_TER QU,eK. •••
! "STRICTLXl FReS'H '" , .
"",rlley-Votoran_' """' Ann ... 1»ey. ' ,1"nlor Dey IIIIIJkY.-P"" Dey
(ab.). 4t • .. Equal P08lU 30Dliled .... on , ~-fIoIU". 31 Mlne .., Kitchen • ' ~clenoe . tab') -1- ~pounds' 32 ElectrIcal enutensil . 20 Near ' JOoi'lve and ·ftve . ,meet' (ab.) 48,Indlvldual ZI 'nIerefore '18 ~ent 33 Aperture 49,.or • ~ ~ ISUD f 2&&cltement 34 Tree tl\lld ' ~o UpperlnClst , • #---...- .. _ ; l
i _~~
Day Sohool, 9: 30 A.M. Meeling for Worshi p, 10 : 30 A.M.
.. New EleCtric Portable Water Heater
J~l rst
¥r. and 'M n. W. M. WlIJ.lllms. or A.mella, w re gllE!fls u~day of Mr. nnd Mrs. H . S. 'rllcker.
. ,
" 1'ro~
Worship Service. 10 -A.M. Sunday ScboN, 11 A.M.
, - ."
."'...... ,'nty
, S undllY Scllool. 9:;10 ,\ .M., Mrs. JnlQe& O{1rrl~ on , ~lIl) t . Pl'ca 'bIng. l~t. 11 1111 llrd. Suc.dllYs o r eact q1onth. 10! SO . A .M . Evullln ~ S.orv lces, 7 ~ JU P,M'.
Armltag'e &Son
ttl Inl...... .".ry m.",b.r . f .".ry
UTICA ' E.U.B. CHURCH WIIIIIIW Hhunnoll, Mtnliller
,,,,n,' ."ow, .h. lUI" , ' '1_, ....
,. ... leeding··iRtS\!lffiH !Jl¥!l~~~
, ors bill $erv lue. 10 :tlO A,M. Eve nIng Service, 7 : :H) P.M.
1l I l lI lI l I l il ll l l l l l Jl l l lilrullmm~mllllllllllllillllllllIWmllllllmllllmmm~mmmlimlll!llllmllmlllllllllmllllmlilllllmlIlilil i l ilililili. :l
I •• til. 'orotl. of lands ontl ,h. 10'... Twl,iln, c........ ~ttenelu.... .poc'oclI,ar ai,,,, ." • • florn •• n harn ... r.c." .... all IlInlor .'olr ••hlltl•• actlvltl••• fun, c.lor anel thrill. of th. "'Itlwa,. H_ Or. Go.r,. 'w. Cro.... not •• plychol."u, ,a' non-elonolll'no.lo"ollun" ' '1ItOI'ftIft. . .",1...
MT, HOllY · METHODIST 'I', M. SCllff, Ministe r Sun d ay School, 9::10 A.M,, · E. A, lr.a.rhbllfl, SUp l.
SEPT. 1,"eI
P.M . . • MIIHIIOS, !j lind ) U A.M. 8Yeiling S I' vlce. : 00 P. M. Praye r 1\1aeLing and BIble Study CA ESAR 'S CREEK FRIENDS ',\,ednesdny. 8 P.M. .eo PllrtJnjJton, MinUter
',Charles Doster ~Y
MOl'lling WorshIp. 10 :30 A.M . ST, AUGUSTINE CHURCH I'eol/lo,'!' Me Un g. 7: 00 Futher H, H. 'Krlimholtz. Pastor
( AgCH .O tirl'Ollll'" S)
\ dlllt \\ Ol'fl hhl, 10 :30
&Gibson Refrigerators
",,,,,,Ie ..
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST M. H. Coftey. Mlnlsler • Bibl e School, 9 : SO A.M.
f_IIy " .hl. laploy .f tho ",lCoy. II"'" bo" In "rlcultv,..~' Indu.try, ott. lC"nc.~
Byron ea....ler, Ministe r Dib le School, 9 :30 A.M. Momrng Worship, 10:80 A.¥. Praye r -111 eetlng, 7 : 00 P.M. YOtlng ' People'8 Moeting, 7 :00 bvo ulng. Se"vlces, 7 :30 , P.M.
Any Standard Analysis ..
Mrs. An nu Volz has ~cceptod IL tellching pos ition In the C,lll ge HlIJ c lJool sys tem. She ami he r SOl} H nwnrrl e~ (l t·t to Illove there Roan. .
Tho 10l'al order o f th Grange s ponsored a cblc.k II s upper at the s chool bll ildlllg ntUl'dtly evenin g. The Betbesda Male Qlilllte t, of Bethel '.romple, Dal' toll" 1)l'e3 IIted a Dlusi cal program at the CllOOI Thursday a[t.ernoon. gymlla.~lllm Santrrlay nlgbt. lM. Ls\lIrtl hid Ill, r hll8 1'0 , ~I r. anel Mrs. Ed Ball nrd , or Daytlirllod to ber home followin g a ton: wt're week eni! I\Qllse guests of vl sJt WlUl bel' dnughter, Mrs. Paul· 1\[r. Bn.Ual'll 's brbther·ln·IIlW lIull Ine Vllinra, r X~nja. sistpr. Mr. and Mr s. Clut l'l es Miss Margy. Bollinger was n. gll est Swlnlle l', 1101. the ir borne nen~' th Thursday ot:MJ9s Barbaro DOgllll. vill age. Mrs . Sllsle Gilliam, of Dayt91l. Is 1\1r. nnd MT . Edwnrd Hizer, or tb~ houso guest of MI'. and Mts. Wellmon. have ]lUl'c)llll!el1 the , James Rader lind t~Uy. Harveysburg Restnuraut fro ,01 Mrs. Hizer Mr. and MI'$, Ra,ymontl LeW iS, \Mrs. AlUla Beckett. of Dayton, "tero g uests lIfondllY r lJnquisbed her position \N(b the evenJng of Mr. ,;Lewis' parents, 'Mr. Atlto Lite Corjlol'lltlon LO manage tbe restaurant. and 'M rs. E(l. ,Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. F l'eel Bogan Ilnd Mr. and Ml's. Ji'orre:st. ?oleek s, of (Continued on Puge 'rh l' e) Dayton, ' were guests Tbu~sd'ay
1I. ill. BauglJn. P:lstor Mr. UnWed ServlCG, 9:46 a. m.
Sull.acl'lptlOI~ J{ nLos- $2,. p rr Yell~, in IId\'Dnce , In Oh io: $2.50 elscw h re
METHODisT CHURCH J . W. \"'M gewOOd . ' MlnlsLer
Jilntcl'l'd liS second ClllSS malleI' at tbe postorrJl'e nt Wllynes\'llIo, Ohio.
Mr. lid frs. Hal'!'Y 1'11\'1' tl I1l1d Mrs. Rebecoa Trllcy, of Washlng· to ll Court HOIISo, were gllellt Thursday night. of Mr.. Tracy's brother. Jlfr. ' h.n r] 'S ThonJ(JsolI. Miss A,nna '1'. Mcl'I!o1', Qf Colu'01' bus, ,vas t\ hOll e 'g uost lasl weelt or - lIfl'lI. Louis N . File nnd b I' 48.uglit,6 r. Miss Jnne File IIl1's. OSee Harll\1l I\IlII l'elm'nell to her hOlUe fo llowing a visit wllh relatlvcs ill Dnyton. . MI'II. ~fary . Pierson c nLer· 'tlllned tlle '\, se at lIer bOOl e.
BeaU .l Gallon Cold 59° Water to 1101/ 00'" in lMa tM11 S J1 ' llules(
1I !!~!!.~~~A~~a!~!! ~oultli~l"," IIc~r-
ruST ·before President Truman J algned tl:te 2~d ye!lr ~llItal'Y aid bill, he remQ'Ieci a false tooth
Willor. Plul ,into ,. let nOT WA 'rl<:lt Q\ J KI 1'bCIltlabcl.o ..... (~ b~lblllll ....,..hina oIUII)" ....ludo ..... lOO~e~
halld_ I\Ild rt\fltt. slu" ' lotll cltul.IUOI CreDm leparatat'!l. mille .. III. ..,,!<trio. OLOOle, .t.o S.-J 4.~ncl.o on qUaJlHty. OomPa'" with ' ''0 ' '11,0.Il10 burn er. No flr..
trom his pocket and 'Inserted It
. . ,.
among ,his uppers. G.uess the bill didn't hJlve enough teeth in it.
Some women' qo~~t have time to
10 build . lID hot or"ter to ""fTl' - DO runni ne ur, and down I I";"" Direl'ti.,.. (unll'hed- ItlAd .. ~ oUow beto", ""ina. Handyl tDupO"'" .... ' COuv~ol.DlI For oaJe by:
to fill the unexpired t erm ot • pJ'esldent? 2. When was,.the Sphinx built? 3. What is the J)lagest man-eat- I Plg shark ca~ght on rnd and reel?·
ll.. ler in _lArt.
..' .I""trlo
1. How many vice presidents
the United States hoye been caDed
11Itl~ . . ,......,__ ~cl ' _.
.-~ C , OUN,.
'aYDesville FurnitlU,'e& ~ppli.i'rice " ~ .~ .. ' , , On), . . _ 1 A Mlchl,an pap~' carries.a boat: .1It. . . 111'. ,cou~ - - -_______ ~ I,)oge table of Cililtents entitled,
. .-.
keep .~air O\lJe clean becauae they're so b sy plck"ng up \he 'local 41n. ' I ". .
'"' ' '--''--!'ItI!'I.-
, .Io...n· uct Trvlt""
~~,,,,y-DlroctOI' ..
52 = r e . • •• E • .J ,"" vel' teolhr.,
_.tlcvllll .... Dtry ~-Oov_" Dtry
,.....,_"'.., r-.n' Dtry
35Gulde '
40 Indian, army (a~.)' ' 41 Symbol-for gold
"Behind Page Ofte." · That's where
'';.;;~;';'':;'--o:---~~.-.o:~~ you , usually fh ,d , h~bby eating, r. Answers: to.. ,I ,breakfast. ·, . '. ' A general 'in ' I~ orea has an-
42 Beholdl
43 Notaiy ' ~U!l1l1f,_"''''';
(ab.) , . Pair (ab.) 411 Ooc;tor (ab.)
4'1 Seed
) . . .'
51 Born 54 Upward
(comb. forro) 55 Nevada city 56 Anger .. 57 Hla ,olo\Jrnol ,
nounced that each man, under Ids ',comma nd will r~ceive a bottle of :champagne for every Red tank he 1. Seven. 2. About 2900 B. C. . lknocks out. 1t i n ' t often , that an 3. A 1919 - pound man - eater, ,offi.cer urges ~ts men to get lQIeaslIl'ing 1" r~et '8 Inches. WIlS! (tanked up. ' " ,c:aught of[ Kangaroo Island, Aus- : \ Seattle !lsh ~ I'I~en, wh.o hauled ' \n tralia. In 194 I. • 4. Oberlin College, O\>erllnl O.,~ ,a gtant ~apl! n(>s mine. have si ne. whloh opened in 1833. ' been 'unollle to d ~s~:ose of it . .G ues ! 5. Heyll jllvlk, . It will turn out to be. a net loss.
I I,
:,. , .
I ' I
1 '
.:.' t '';' ,y~~ "'~f' car ~qy JleVer,gQiIJ:. ' worth"what we,will J
CHA Ir.::i!
5 Dti~tes ~idd ,t he wb~ 'of ·tod!'Y:II' IIjl; 'Dodge aDd , , ' ,Y~ .diIeo'ver roomloeu lu
.CItII&Ii~ C4nJ CUl~..m.tdl ... he.d )'00 ri~e
easier. m{Xe
comlOr~ably. mile ' aIler
~~. aDi~iv. ' dependability. tbet be~g. to Dodge end ~,e alone.
inI Cale tb~t you'D W.D~ to make
your ow~ for keel'"
You'D feel the 8ashiDg power of the big "Get.Away" EDgine • _ . the lilken B1Doothn&!.. of
, 'room, leg· roOm, shoulder room
, that leu
giv., you!
Fluid Drive. ADd )'ou 'O ~
the rugedaeII . _, ~ the &moue
JhUoc the DeW Dodge today!
."'~JlRA¥ ,.~A~_ LAUftRBACH ;.'O.d.~.y' 'I t, oak,wood >
L......o... Oblo
• Jr'/!, Idn Collins III the hOlllle g ll (j~ 01' h er '''' II·ln·Jllw Ill1d tllI.u gh· 1.01', MI~, and MI'A, I'll I'ling Il1gell! ramlly, of Wo.y'n es vIllIJ, WOI'S guosi/l lind fnmlly or (:I'(.'('nflehl, Satul'd!1 Y night of 'M 1', Bognl\'jj Mrs, LentL (',lIl)ln hiLI! rotllJ'lI o cl to mother, Mrl!. Del'lIelce 1308all . hel' hOnle In Springboro follow in g
(Contl,nued fl'om Page 'rwo)
a weeks "Islt with h OI' SUIl.hl.law and daughter , Mr. lIud 1011'11 , John Wnl 8h lIud All'S. 130lllub 1~C'llel' t , Mr, WlIlltun Hlldebl'ocoht I" 1'0 ,' 0\' , orlng f,'om un IJIn 8 8 III tho hOUlO of his 80n, H.·I's he l Hlld ill'('chl. Th e 10cIlI ,1 K 'Iub girls w ill &Pflnsor II "'r a " Il.l th '" R ' hool gym '"r
W dn es ci llY nftl' l'IIoon. Mr, and Ml's, Chat'l 8 Osborn 11,11(1 tbe ll' SOil IUlvo mo ved Into th e i r rec nlly plln:hused home III In· cJn naU, Oblo , 'Mrs,
Lauro. Sbldalc
GI'nhan., wei'., cI day of Mr. l\lId MI'II,
1. ",
~njoi the comfort".
'and convenience of1 electrical living ,.
Ca mpbell ",OJ hllve Cblll'g DI'ogl'am .
of th e
A Farm Diary By 0, J, Frazier
lind MI'S, nl'l ')' t)'lck li nd rarnJly, of IUlllbu ~, w el'e gueSl 1i durin g th w 'ell e nci of 1111'8. '1'1 .
...-..' - . . .. . . . ..-..~ _ _
,MI', and MI's. Do na ld V 1111.11' 8 , M rs, PaUline VlIIlIl's and hEll' Rnll D ill, ' MI', nml Mrs, )-J UIT Y E'fl l e ll q, of Oel'rrJautown, W 1'0 I'o (;e n l Kli e Rl s of Ml's. W, C, 'T lch e ll ~II ',
PEACH ORCHARD One Fourth Mile East' of the Traffic Light
CENTERVILLE, OHIO Yellow, Golden Jubilee, White, Cumberland
Q lamp when you plug' in the vacuum deaner? Or do some of your Ilght~ dim when an appliance is connecled? Then It's high time to ~o something about wiring. Overloaded circuits that cause voltage drops or popped fuses are a con~tant nuisance-and ~o unnecessaryl AcN. quat. WlrillS the answer. , , for ,fuUeni!>yment of electrical living,, ' .
with a savings account here. Accounts may be
opened by iln il;\dlvidu~l, husband and wife, par-
ent and ohild.
. . Waynesville National Bank ---~----~ ........... ... _... -------~--.. " '
fr - - - - -
DEAD STOCK 1 ror ses $2,50
Co w s $~ . 51')
M r . and Mrs. W ilton) Costlum Mrs, E llzabolh Pen ny spen t 11181 Xenia 454 a nd th eir' s on , E !lwllr d, of Colum - wee k nt l\tu c~n, Oh io , an d nt. XENIA FERTILIZER bus , were gll es t s during the week tend ed the h l'isllnan r a In ! I Y Division of Inl and Pr oduots, Inc, end at the })Ja t er family, l'ellnl()D,
~~ . -~D~'~-~'~:o--~ n -::':-:~~ :==~= ==_ ==~
Kiers' 'Garag'e
Call Coll ect
--------- .- - -
All Stock Remov ed Daily -
La rg e or Sm all -
•••• i •••••••••••••••••••
HIIIRl)oro, were g ue s l!! • .Buday uf. Mrs .. Ll sll Cud Is the hOll se guest tel'l1oon of Mrs. IIJII E~ Moore li nd of MI', Illld M1'S. H ru'r y 0 1'1'" of hel'l .daughter, Miss Mary J ane Da.y ton , Mool'e,
Look to happiness, security and opportunity
Yeagor, o f
Mr. 'and . M rs . Ca l'l
•••••••••••••••••••••••• . ' POFF'S
' , I
;1 • Do you have to disconned
I.... O'_'O~.-. I I- I.!'
I'iQk 's pa r c llts , ~11', 1U1IJ M 1'8 . J. P. M rl. D. J. Frazi e r Is on her v a. ThOi'll bll I'y, cation, but her column will be r eo Mrs, Mary Le I y lI>nl \'111111 d 11 sumod upon her l'c tu r l1 , group of frl ond a t" III card t111 1t y • In b el' boino, Thlll'Sd:\y night.·
a g u e al
The W o le olllo ntbl e Cl ass o f Jonllll',& non c hurch, will have (I p ic ni c 811 PJJe l' at til hOlli e ' of IIIr, a n i! MI·s. WllJ1l1m ClIllIpbljll, "Hol e I n the Woo!ls, '/ FI'WIlY night. Mrs,
• • • os , • • • •
MJ1\, Obll W ei It WllH a g il 'BL F l'lday of Mrs, M n I'Y 'rucket', or Sunday Ml e l'noo ll of 1II "s. LO ll l ~e nenl' H Ill' ve Y6 blil'g , File a nd her d augh le l', M IBli Jalle MI'R. El tll I Stump e nter ta ine d a Fl te. group of r r l eJlds at a ca rd p a rty .l.n MI', a nd M1'8. W. 1', .!I I< ' 111' 1' n bel' born e F l'lday ulg lH, s]Jellt tbe w el'k. nd Ill. Ih el r hallie The unllual MOll e R eu nion w ill bel'e a nd hnd 88 t l! h' gu si s, Lh I,Jlr be h eld In th schaal building III son·IrHu.\V and daug ll i el', M I', II ll d nObn Saturda y, Mrs, I{ ennet b Fish I' B1al fam il y , I'
... .. --------" .
P--- .
Mr, and MrR,
What qoes on atStat,on,X ~• •
AcI.qua', WIring, with plenly of citcuits, large enough entrance wires and enou9,h outle .. for real canvenience, mal<e any home mare livable.
Adequate W/rl"s Is inexpenfive, too, in .compari. son· with the added safety and solis. ' faction it irings, See yo!.!r ~Iedrlcal contra~tor, or tal~ over plan~ with a representative of The DqytoQ Power and Light COmpany.
Tun. In- IUCTlUC THIATAI, Sundar., 9,00 P,M,-WH'O
Live Wire and Progressive, An organlaatlon second to, none. Strictly sellers OQ, tpe bost all'
....4n" onto' th 1I1I.ly toe thor~~~:. ~::..~,on..a'~I~ :.~'alO,.bO I~ 0
".a ••.
around market In . the eountrx. SER~flCE
hi., I "oc,lIb " ,",I .VI ha,iJonto nd,.d. of tho" "Un.-cllrt h ..... hll dolly," u",owe f t of 9°' f U ",lI\lon ,ublc d" of 9 0 \lon. 0 0 thou,on • to\t., 1\ I. clo thl., . .n""o'l .
For Dally P,tarket Reporta: WHIO . Day ton. 12:60. F.,S,T, Dial 1800; WLW Olnclnnatl. Ut~. Dial 700. "
lli!!I!I I I I I I I 1 I\11mllllllll l l~III I I I I I III I I I I I ! 1 1 lmllllllll l ll li l lillmi Here is how the Inch Lines do their job in , your county, Abo~e . is one of the 26 COlDpressor stations Which' puts the push behind natural.gas and carries it into ten states between Texas and New York. ~ Stations like this fOJln, the heart of Texas Eastern's 3,200-mile transmission system, They are' the visible sign of the valuable work being done in every county on these great pipe lines. EaCh station is a little different because it is specially desi~ed tQ
do a specific job according to its location. The job of compressing gas and handling its flow in large volumes is a lot different from pumping liquids. It requil:es special, equipment and know-how, and a plant toe size of a factory, " . The men who run this plant are your neighbors, The work they do day and night helps yqur county's progress and helps provide essential energy for our country which $an)e provided)n no ot.her_wa~
- .. -.. ..... -=. ..
r · ...
NOT NEW. ;... .UT HEWS ~
Aild pod D8WI .It Ju~ 7~1 lult lQOU WOl'1l aDd llIabb,.J Bad It &0 118 - • •'11 ..-lton ' that _ amait loOk,
mu. "
lOok .... ...,1
- 10.l9.ur door .. , or
to• • store
and ClpeiGIOi of
Ble Inch and' Lillie JIg Inch pipe line
.ystem,' ii
.iii _ _nllY IIf. of ten a1alel where Ita employees live and wark.
Hqmel[oIi~ce 01 reaOl Ealtern is
0' 306 Milam St." Sh,.vepo,t, Louisiana.
IIVea,.. rexa. IDstern Stcmvn is Of UIANO~
t. .w.mml.I~IIIII~IIIIIII~lllIIllIImlllllllllrnlll~mlllllmlllllllllllmllllImllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmll~~lIlllIIlIIlIIlllmlll
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio
Thursday. and FrIday. Show, 7 p. M.
Silturdays Shows 6 P. M.
H l~ Here Is a wHtly Paced A,dventu\'e ,Pfrlure Guaranteed To Ke,ep You on lhe Bdge of ,'our &lals
Roy E Smith
Rt. 48, 5 mi. South of
CentervilIe. " PHONE Centerville 7056
111111II1111111~1111111111111II1111111111II11111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111 1111111
19 Here's a Class ic Aeiventlll'e P Icture with P I,e nty oC A tlon and Adventure - PLOORAPTER 8-PHANTOM EMPIRE Columbll\. Cartoon-The Foxy Pup
AU dOgA fOllud chnslng shee p on my farUl will be tUrllecl over t~ dog , cn t.!hel·. lqoyd Oney, outll end or Waynesville. X- - 3-t O- li
with -
IS YOUR SUB8CRIPTION PAST OU E? If It Is - won't you please
"BRIMSTONE" .. ~~ _lI _.II_~_g_~~~~~"""""~~'-"" I
FOIt RElNT _ Sleeping Rooms Mrs. W. H . Mnllden Phone 2601, ,Wa)"llesville. '
Phone ~91
- 17·]t
FOR SALEl - 1J0dge edan '3'1' In gOOd ndttlon. good tires. . See RUlh' bandl I ' at FI'le nds Home.
-172~ -31
Did you ' ever In )"" UI' whol" lI(e long, know of a Ulall who lost his FOR ~A:t.E-Oa se DC Tl'tl c t' \I' with Job beoause he did nOl d rink Ihluor? C,uJtlv~tors. Ovel·hauil'll. new IIUIn.t. gua.ranteed. BANTA IMPl iEME 'T DID YOll EVER ? CO., Lebanon, Pllone 55fi .
X E N 1 A, 0 H I 0 E. S. HOOD
Out of Hollywood In Years Lant:c Cnrtoon- A Haunting We W ill 00 ,
Try Gazetle CIauifled Ad
useful a nd honorable If" h e Like ·New'.
1,--- - - - - -..-·-
PREMIUM, patienls must. come
home sometimes e ven {oo ·soon.
- - - - - _ . _ . .-
'Bottle G:as Sales
I "t/ve ""ents , ,
'S ervice
For MO:'~pR'O~rRT\! F~, •
lE You Are Thinking' of SeUing
our ' Frice on
Installation and
617 Lorain Ave. KE 3446 DAYTON, OHIO
Spring Valley Hardware Co•. Spri'n g Valley, 0· ,
Phone' 37371
Admlnlatrator Estate or Harry Collins. decea.eed. Notice Is hereby given that Thomas Oollins, wbQse Pout Ofrlce address 18 Lebanon, OhIo, lIas been duly appointed as Admlnlstrator ot the Est,a te or Hnrry OIl11ns, late of Maule TOWllShlp. Warl'en County'. deceased. Dated lhla U day or August, 1960. RALPH H_ OAREY, Judge of the ,Probate Court WlU'ren County, Ohio t M.1'11 B. Gray, Attorney ., Publlsb 8-17·2.·81 '
tOI' of th e Estate, of James Artbur Hal'troun late <tI: Warren County OhiO, deceosed. I ' .... ' Dated this 8 da,y of Au-g ust 1950. RALPH· H. CAREY - ' Judge the Probate Court, Warren County, Ohio 1\Inple & Maple ~ttou),lIeys Publl$h B-17-24\l11 '
Baaae puturea help bulld.up reClean mud or ~aae from your vltalltJ lD hatched h!Uldllj and shoell before cUmblnr pulWa. Ja44era. Hrft
who said thnt h,er husband would " be a ~eltsr man to' live ~Itb, and a better fa ther 'e)f his children, j( he ,hall 8pe~t 'r mol'e mone~ for
ne Land Bank Way,
...~., ..... ~ I_'. . . . _ '\"
P LAY ,_
4IMo. ,~
~R •
0 U ND
' 4 r
....... , ..... ;......,....\ ...,.... ....... ..... ,.....
Nli Fees, Commi••ion. or
Renewals MAY BE PA,U> OFF ANY TIME LOng: Terms Are Safe ' e\Jp, to 33 Yeawat 4%) , A Farm OqaDiaatio" For ' F.rmel'a _ ~
.' CfLL -
===>:2Oc:rOC:::z.=.:::xOJ;,:fO I
Fo~ haUt[ stands and , yi.ld~ ~ ---
::," of Smut~F~ee' ,
Lebanon N.F.L.A. LEBANON, OHIO Phone 448
;=;::::::::::~~=3~ a_ .... ..:.,
Did YOllever know of a. woman 0 __
1._ ; • • • 11 _ _ _ _
Administrator 'E state of John McKnight, De, ceased. Notice Is hereby S1ven that Ethel Ellis, ",boss Post OW,ce n<ldresll i8 Lebal'ion , Ohio. hos been duly , op· pointed as Administratrix of tl)e Estate of John McKnight, late of 'Jarveysburg." arl'en County, OhiO. deceased. Dated thIs 28 day of July, 1960. RALPH H. CAREY Judge or the Probate Court Warren COlinty; -Ohio Merl B. Gray, Attorney , Publish 8-3-10-17
'!:3:===2=================~:I Ohllo. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT
Exnutor Estate of Arthur Hartman Decell8ed ' , , Notice is bere~lI' given that Phlllp J. Hartman whose' Poat OffiCe address Is R. R. 1, "Waynesville, Oll{o has been duly aPpointed 'as Execu-
OOLUMBUS, OHIO. August t6,'f 1950 --- J~wrence A. StR rr 0 Waynesville, Ohio, has purChased j the registered Jersey, BirdIe Desire Dolly trom 'the herd owned by Donrild El. Luke~1I1 of Waynesville,
, Wilmington 2362 Leianon tf39 INLAND PRODUCTS, Inc.
--- - - -- --- - ....---,
CO~lWI~, ,
, C;:OWS $2.50
Hog, and ,~he1' Small Stock Removed Promptly
Meats·-Groceries·· Cream S'lation
FOR SALE-F\'J l1~ used U . &. Ro al 7.S0xl,5 alr·rlde tires. I'easonable. CARL A: PIT TICK. P hone 2371.. 2Fll. Waynesvflle. · U
Every ,Tuesday, -F~iday .
FOR £\ALE OR TRADE -; 60 arre Filorm In lIfL11'gnn OUIlI Y. lIe:II' W at t.tberly•. Ky. wHi b'ucie for sm all :l.Cl'e3ge m: d ' rl efense ca 1/1 Ilround Waynesville. Also adjoining tarm 50 am'as whb growing or/) p of to' ba co.. Inqull'o' W. F . Adams, Lytle. Oblo, }I:- ·17,24-31- 9-'/
Beg,inning Friday, 'A.ui~. 11
(Good tor the baby too,)
. ., \
666 ~
'('hen lhey nerd our most expel'lenced Invalid coach servIce.
__ =:IIA_ ...
555. Ji'OR SALE pape'r II>;> 'Filler , ~ :_ callent condition. Al S 0 Massey Harris Cor n Binder . DANTA 1M , PLEMENT 0 " Lebnnon, Phone
tlRIU(JN THE STAll.• · N6Wwr j-
~-~~-~-----w-~-e-~-dr-ln-k-e-r?--'-~-~-, C~Le~OOLftMe
Spring ,VaUey; O. PhOne 37361 Old)" u el'er lIear 1\ JU 0 III e)' say FOR ALE-Oliver HoI's . Mower, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _..:... . _ _ _ tHY;l'?K8YKBH1CK1tBKRRX8)(IOI that h er boy would b n lIobler mati, McCormick Deering Horse )Io\l'el'.
AUGUST 18, 19
send U8 a check for $2.00•• 0 we can continue your paper. . '. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ F )R SALE _ I. ely Dnlm, blld's ' )'011 ,t op desk. 2<1 SQ, ft. tunned (lalf hide, Mrs. 'Haralll E. Eamhart. Phone 2614. X-S-10·]7
Pi tures To Come
Rockhold Realty Co.
Thj ~ I s One of Ule Funnlesj.
j~,I .-...~~..-..~~~~~~~ l..-.~ .I .....- -.I-"' .. ....... I~ II .-
a l DaYle, IPurnu PIt, 60 ceDLI CUbiC ,ant. We also deliver. AJUI · ITAOIll & SON. Phone 11091. ' It ,
W.B, News
Our complete servicc~ is ,not valued In terms of dollar. but In the . ation we Can give , t c, ,t h os e 1n , sorrow.
Wi&IDNyllle. Ohlo Phone: Way...,avlll. 21i1
Remember 'I'll Jl you lI ~ , 'd to buy a lUll ]' 01' bo s hQW t.he cllerk ,,'auld tnl'o", In a bu tton h"ok or aho horn It> bQoe £t WitS prnt of the 'Ielll!. uil d 1~lao provided n. little ,ad yer tlslng (.n thl' 91.le rol' th e mer: chant. Nowadays It you manage to get aw ay trom the s lore wi II a box In whi c h a "arry yollr tlewly purchasllll ~ ho es. you are dOing well. Remember?
Especially For Farms
~oll, Haulllill, 8alla, Oraul IiaCII"liUDI Wltb Bad Hoe, Draa-IIDe and BuUdoaer ,
. Mort whla., blU.r whtl', IIGGEI INCOIlE-uIt IIG M TIle better your eropa-tbe biger~income_Aud"c:rop-
tmIIDcl" BIG M brada belp _ _ both. Your cte.Ier bat 3-11-11,4-12-8.0-20-20. 0-12-12 cJd 2-12-6, But pt.ce your onb eulJ.
You can aJ.o let BIG M in ~ecommended 1P1!1Ie., ,0I' permaneDt puture ..Id ba,y CIOPI, IIWlUractur~,
to ~ price"
!lie ....... ~I"'" Com~
0fIIIt • ......, • ,......., XMIa, O.
-- ..................
......... 1rmlIIMr ~ 11_ t III-' YIIIIq _ h'
doIm to
Aim Diabetic' Canned Fruib
-.& .~-'mar&1 . . ifiiiD.~· ~ ...... IllAI---Ulla ~.... WIIfl ;rc.I".AII!!I
.Waynesville PHONE 2371
Ex~haDIe . ·'
ville Since 1850 .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~ . ~l·~.~,~, ~ ' ·' ~~~~';~~~~~~~~~ t
A~iJJ Town H~:r!S:~d:y
b~~~lel\;~~~~Il~lr ~~:d ~~~I~:~; ~V:l~
lIIr. \lnd Mrs., Hl;\rrls , Mosher and daugbter had aI3 Monday af· 1el'000n callers MI" and Mrs. }int· macber' and hlldren of ;Loll I,BV iIle, Kentucky. ,M r. and Mrs. harl1l8 B. Eni'n· hal't and daughter/! of T rotwood , and Mr. and MI' . F,. F. Earnhlll·t, Ilicnlcetl' at Shadow. La k ~ on Thursday. . M1'8. ~ H . E. Hathaway att.elld II the HalbawllY reunion on Sundll Y' at the home of' MI'. and Mrs. Ev· erett Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. Loui s Fries were Sunday dinner guests of ?)I r. and Mrs. Paul Harley nnd daught I'S 10 Dayton, little Mal')' Lou accom· panled, bel" grandJlnrents home tor a rew day's, Mr. and Mrs., Charles Whitaker and ' cbUdren, of New Kensln~ol1, Pennsylvania, are the guests or their parenti!, Mr. lind Mrs, Walfcr Whitaker-. Mr. Rlchal'd :Aydelott of Lebanon , Mr. Jobn Kellner, of SprlngbQ 0 , Mr. AI~ Richards, Mr, Warr n Pummill and Mr. LaMar , Earnha~l recently attende~ "nalry Day" ' In W,ooater. r,fr, and Mra. Fred Runt a1)d Uttle son of CoJombu8 have 'been . the glleeta of tbelr parent", Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ludington, M'r. an~ Mrs. Hunt all!O dutlng tbelr vaca· tlon . enjoyed a slt;htse~lng trip thrrougb tbe Bmoklas an~ Eastern states. Mr, Rnd · Mra. W. E. Anderson have returned after 'a va.catl0ll .tdp ........ lDeJiJd.... .;.lbe. SJDoId. Little Charlet Pee James 1.11 convalescing "folloWing a tonsil opel'at;lon at Mlamt Yalley HmlPital .oli Tburaday. , Dr. and Mrt. E. O. Wright and daughtert ba,. ret)lJ'Decl after a pl8l\~ant va.c ation In Wisconsin. During thelr.·tou.r they visited the IndIan ceremonlal at the WI. consln Della. Mrs. C, Eo ·~sl!lr h!l8 returned after apendlng II. month with rel-
the scello 01' n ra mll y l'ell nlon on Sunday whell . i 1', und II'S Mfil'l, J\11)M ilion of 'l1ag, I'mall, Ne~v Mex· leo, Mr. und Mrs. n ohert McMl'lIfiJl OC W.l hnln gon, 1\11'. n,lId Mrs. "lll11.n MCl\U,lllln nnd fRlll lly, Mis s !ilvn Mcl\fmnn of 'I nclnullII, Mr, one) MI's , Wlllnrd ' Plt,r-nas and 8 011, Mr, Ilnd Mrs. ltu8ael 'r\ 11\,0 11 and r.. mlly e[l~ye d II. fine tllull e l' togoth er and Ull Ill'.leJ'lIool1 of gilmeR'. Befol'p leRvlng fol' I hell' hom e on Mon · day. MI'. IIncl Mrs. Mark McM1l111n wel'e h?)IOl' II with a 11!(lIIlc tlhlllCI' by aevel'B l or the Bnme grCl1lp at the Cold, ~ prln gs Roadsid e Pal'k.
Jimmy Miller , Goes Army
Mr. Jimmy .MlIIer, Bon MI'. and MI'S, Ralpb AffHer, and n m mber of the Air Fm'~1l ReHerve, reported at Langley .Fleld rOI' duty ' on Sat'· urday of the pnst wljek nnr! has been assigned for sel'vlc.e 0 L Sf!.il Antonio, Texas. , ~rore lellylng, Mr. '~nd "!Mrs. Mrs, j\flUer bonol'ed their s on with a family dinner 011 $ unilay nnd hnd us t belr gues ts, MI'. Richard Mill er and dnuglltar Nedra of Wcs~ Cl1.l''rolton, MllJs Betb Westra\) Rnd 1\fr. nnd Mrll. Jobn Hoover and children of Dayton, and ' the bon or guest,
Guests From
Out Of Town
" Mr. anel Mrs. Elmer ~h cehan had lUI . their weekend guest, M;r. Fred B~rb~II;, ot-Castslta, Ohio, 'who' Is al80 a r6sldenta and nelgbbor ~f th~ Sbeebans In Braden~on, Flor· Ida ~_ the .;r wl~r m2ntba , ~r. . = • . • l ~ "_1'8. Sheehan ,bonored tbe.lr guest ~th a dinner on Snnda,. and J.hoae present were MilS Helen Hook: and Mra, Esta Hamer. of BPrt~g Valley, Mrs. 411c6 Croll and I!O~ Kenneth, with the honor gue,t, the hoat and hosteas. .M.r, anil Mrs. C. D. Sheeban and daughter, Bernice, 1I41ss Mtldred Bourne and Mr. Richard Sheehan were alsq evening gueste.
Fa,rm.rs Granoe 'I n FI-rat Place'
Lytle Methotbst· Church l Plans.
N'am'es' Local 'Boy'S
10cn I Selcr Uve Se l'vl(' o Board
No. 122 announces tha l ~h fol)o l\" Ing llIen luwa bo n ol.'dered to reo 1;l0J't for l J1tll1~on Into \h nrmnd
I'm'ces on Septe mber ,1 950: Porry John Olibol'l1 c, JI'" , CRrl Picl<el'ing, Lebullo~; Jam s Boyd 11 Ul' plly, Hulllh CCl bbnnl, ,Oltkley ,' u\itli, F I'I,nldin; Wm, A, Dl'ooks, ~ra l'\' eY!lbnrg; mill' Eugene rUle, \11011; Way.ne vl\l . 39 m 'e Uav n been nil d rOI' Il re· ind u(!\loll }.l hysicn l "xamlllal16n 011 , pt. 7, 1950. 39 men llllve been oalled fo~ pre· ineh](i! iO Il phys lCll 1 e xamination, on nep't, 20, 19GO. •
,Th Miami Vn ll ey has plenty of electric POW I' to mCQt any forsee· ab le demand be !'luse of s le'p ped up 111'01111 Uon fot national defenc~, 'I'hts Slll t m nl was mille today by Kpnn el'll C. [ illig, PI' slclent "r' The DaY-lOll Powel' and LI'ht Company. ' 'rhe onsll'lI C' tion oC Hie O. H . J'L~ltch ln gR generating s tation lwel ve 1'11111'8 aOll~b of Da-ytol1, slnc,e ' the' end or World War, 2 hilS already -~--'t-,-brought 120,000 ad ditional }rllowot t VI.Y.F. ELECTS oapa(' lty to the D. P. & L. system ITS NEW., OFFICERS " notll I' 60 .000 k ilow att generator T he M Ihoc1 lst YOllth F'eltows hlll '",111 gO oll, lhe lin e In la te fall ond met an d I t. cl d I he rollow'lng of· will b rollowed by a fourth early; fie rs fOI' Ule 'omlng year : Bill efJl'ly In 1961. At his tlm o I he utlllLy comJ)llny 's Flsllback, presld ellt ; Don Hendel" non , Vre' PI'M . ~ Tobe Bn\1, Sec'y; eug~eol's es timate a 'p eak demand ]lob MOI'nn, 'l'ren.s.; and LILllln of 32{;,OOO Illi o.wa,tts for ·1950. Cap. Itllln by, Plan At. The fOllr com- aclty by the enit ot Lhls ·yea r will "li sK~l on cha h'lllell 11'\11 be 61 c t~el I)e 390,000 kllowatt.'1 nt 'Hilt ')llnga slation nnd 210,000 at· the F . . ( ~ l II. late r dote. Tall SWLlon. 'I'lIls leoves .a rsse1'l'e Th newly 01 dec' president will LYTLE-They're planning an h"lp build an addition to the Method ist or 6{;.OO O IllIowatts wb,lch will be "onduc1 Lhe 'tl votlon [01' next Sun· church here, Members of the, ste ring commIttee IIhow" abvooe vllth 80me of the IteO)s already IUCI'elUjed In (>n'r'ly 1951 by 1he, 'InIloy evening at 7:00 P. M. contributed for the sale. E __ rl Young (left) I. hollcNlifo the picture with Rev. Bernard Baughn. Next to slalll1tlon of 0nothor 60,000 \llIowalt them (left to right) are Therl Jone., Charlet I al)d Mrs. Bauu hri, Front row (left to , right) genEll'nlor. M .... Vernon Pu~.ley, Mr•• Charleo Tumbleaon; Fred RUlh and Wilbur Tullia, chairman. l>!OTICE TO ALL Lend'll'S of t ho ele trlc utility InBAND MEMBERS du s try Un'oughout tile nation gellerl:"YTLE, August 23. - Four-yeRl' !l lde of the present burch . It wl\1 Stud nt/! or Waynosvlli e' HI~~ ally repc)Ji; their Ilblllty to meet Ihe old pale Ba\lgho ls going to give I he last minute he rooted ovor until Rome fu tu re ROlne bantam roosteel'S to he lp h 's \ $700 gift : ato when eX(lllll s lon upw anl ~ L1 , cll o~J hnnd are l'eq\leRlell to at- Increased I]emands of Indu8tl'Y. lend a special rt11Iear~ll) ne?lt E lect!'i ge nerating capndty fo J' tlle e Cl.ontinll d, rat)ll>r bulll1 'tile chtll' h addition. ,'Ie£y for 'I'bursday (Allgtlst 31 at 7:3.0 P. nntiO'l1 Is today. li7·1.J 2 mllllo)) kllotarted tb. ~rhat'8 the spirit behind t\.! e uJ'O" e' g and mem· Jl v, ;oe111an1 Baugbn Is t.he watls, nearly doubl e that ava.llab1e .1lEint to raise' money for the 1)I'{I' Je'rs sl'e going !lsked to drop oung s upply pilstor 0(, tbe conl>te . ~'l .) 10' lbe histl'\lment rOOIl\. 1941 , Of thi s rilllonnt eighty per rlelied Methodist church ~Kpan H lo ~ litO e trJl. til e coll ection :tUou·. R is rllUtll1le. Job 1s a chemcenl Is 1)I'ovided by lli'lvtl.le com· lie:rtj. On nccount of I ~ being tJ'i e lla.te rrom now on to keep It Jt for tbe Nionssrito bemlcal com- I\NNOUNCE MARRIAGE paL\leB. A 12-bllllon eXlp nsloil pro· un' y cburcb In the village; 'It w l\1 .rolllng. a1lYJ's Moun(\), Isbontory in Mi. OF THEIR DAUGHTER gram ~Ill add 15 mlllion more kHc· be practically II. community ent r · Commltt~,n celltblK,~:U~lb1ilt'C. ]ll'lIse. pledges or gifts MI'. n.nd Mr!l. Albert "Brannock owat1s by 1953, ~ l he, ' church's 81 nl llmbers ,II E.. aucUon ' iil·iIII!lIliJ.ab.,~..u~r)i2iL:';':~"""'..o.t~;':'.M""pIo.j;;~";n;n;ou;.;;ll;c;e~the tiel" ., ... tbe1 II\Rrrlng!\ • orbtcm ~~~ ~ w ~~~~~~~~~~ On a one:tlllft basis will not require n , nsorlng an aucUnn next Sept. otbers "In tbe area. GiftD' Incllld ' e s ons to donate thoir J tlUes, Ron of :1:1'. Ilnd Mrs. Ther-Ie a greater generating capacity wben 16 ' In wbleb they hOJle to ralss at 11 t It I 'mn,',,'hln_,1 Ie/1St $2,000 , to get tbe- building vea oc , a~'t ques" .farm . I"bor to the project and the com· .Tonsil Qf Ly llll, they go to> two or tbree shlft~. Th~ slllrted_ Dale's "bll.ntIes" :ivlll be ery, ,(oQds, bousebold 'articles; hnn· mlttee hopes tbl~ C\llitJibutlon' wUl existing llower plant eQui'llment will slmply be used m Ol' hours pel' 'one of tJle many Ullng's ' for sale. dlcraft, grains nnd most anythlrlg keep costs 't o that ' flgure, The com- DAVTON VISITOR'S HERE day. Extensive interconnected 'rh~ rapid growth or the church oaleable. I llttep needs to have $1,600 011 1\[1', and M I'S. 1 onm:'th Elzey and mmnbershlp Is requl11ng mol' e , ' I d t t l (1~. ll glltel' M'II'J 'ol'l of T nylon, Vl·D. powel' systems of the qount ry ~11 The cllurch ~ ow has ollly two ,an 0 star t Ie project. 11pace tor a ctlvltles, according to ' I d Mr. !I,nd Mrs. \Vlliter Elzey alSo enable the companies to make the mn.lClmllm use of their generRt1\11'8. Vernon Pursley, s~retary o[ little I'ooms In n.ddition to th e lIlltln The ,ad dition IIIII! be used (01' Wd nesd:IY ven lng. iug (acIllUes, l h'3 steering committee planning Au ditorium. '1lb Itl'ollOAed addition rccreMlon and Sunday 8chool Lbe campaign. lu a bA soment ndJolnlng th\, nor th l'OOJJlS. VISITOR F~OM DAYTON SPRINGBORO SCHOOLS ------------------------~-----------~-------------------------------------- AT GAZETTE OFFICE rj
aUv,l!s In Marbieliencl , Mala. , AT" DELBERT CONGERS l\fil~ hne l Dolan visited Paul A. The Spl'Jnglidr(>, Schooie will open Mr" Robert Hyman ot , Elgin, "I Sclll~ rer Jr. "HId Lhe GMette Offlce Sunday: ' guests at the home of 'all a one da y va lltlO.n .' Mfke; who for the 1950-~1 school year on Tues111100la, spent several days of tbe day, Sept. 6, and w1ll be In session '". . , ' 'L At the regular 'rllesday, e;venlng Mr. and 'Mrs. Delbert Congel: we re \iV"es In D!lyton 111 a good friend of P ast Week ,~Itb ' biD.. mother, ' Mrs all day. Jesale •• D"vman and ",ltIl' Mr . • anl) WaynesvllIe Farmers Grange "13 . ast week In explaining \vhy the Mr. and Mrl!. Wllllam Tomlin, of Paul A. Scherer JI·. ~ , T 'IT " meeting of "the Wnynesvll1e Rotllry Cafete1'las In botb tbe Elementary Mrs, A. T.: Polinsky and daughter. received first place In the Distri ct W n beater us ually doesn't get ,Lynchburg. 1\11'. fln(l Mrs. Perfy to ]llay picture until ' It Is 3 or lub 'we had a numbel' ot' visitors . ' , and High Scbool Buildings wUl be Mrs. ,Edgar Long ot Caldwell .. hUUe Theater . Contest at th~ {m,m 8url'oundlng towns and 'one 13entoll . and family and MI'. Ilild I open on Tlles,day. ' Ohio, was a guest or her son-In- Adams Oonsolldated School on (our m,onUIIi Old, I negle t.ed ' to il ew membel" Mrs. Ha.~'Old Tomlin and famil y, 01' There will' be 11 Teache ~s' Meetla,w and daughter, MI'. and M·I·s. Wednesday evening. ' The cast DI~ntlon that there are one OF two Fairhorn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Grovel' L. • Mr. Rolllngsworth, of MorrlsLaM.ar Earnhart dllring tbe P8S. t ' was represented by MrlJ. Margaret f Il m companlell. that plnce no reMiss Bel'thn Drown spent Sllli' Ing on Labor Day, Sept. 4, Ilt 1,00 . , t l tl b th T I i nwn, N. J ., wbo was on his way Wertz, of Dayton, M.rs. Mlu'tba week. lirs. , Earnhal't and little G1l11land, Mrs. Helen Harlan, 'Mr. s r () ons on w en e w n cnn '/ Walkel' and. MI'. Russell Walker, dl~Y willi hel' 1'01l,6in s ,Mr: and Mrs. p. m. in the High Sk!bool Building, , I ID t C " or T>~ Tb ' t b pI y a pl ett,lre. S ' 0 In Ronle cases 11'ome rrom a. 10,000 mile round iLebanon and ¥r. S. V . , Toml.ln, 0 A. R. Emery, Supt. a.l'en,f:(> elTY till and Mr.! and daughter 'B etb, aeeo,mpa,n'e,d , lor rues 00", 'Vlr. no,y a c er,' 'h' ,.. ' t r Ip to Aas I ,~L, " , , to Id , of all the mother home fo~ a faw days. Mr, 'Kenne~h \Retnlllck , and MI'. L o . win cOllll1 play n. III ture be· Wilmington. MI's. "Fl'er1 Gl'IIuman, " Irnerestln '" thJngs he saw' nnd all '~. ' u ,ar··Ack, MI;"s Glenn Smltb. Tbe,,: will go 'to the fore Lebanon oqr Wilmington and " , Mr s. Emma McClul'e of FJ'ank- TOBE BALL, YOUNG M.r s. ROBS D. ~~ .... .. J ' ' ~h e" phtcelJ he· vlsllted on Ill ~ lon g Jean Hartsock, and Mr: and. Mrs. St8:t.e Fair, September ' 1 , 1<0 com· COIII~ pOl!slbly play befol'e E>n.~ton" "I WAS GL "SOPRAN9, SINGS .. t t b I II 1 .. journey, ..,. AD" lin, cnllecl on Miss May W'rlght ,>It! ,· SAYS W,O RKING '"MAN S llndavJ arternoon. Cbarlea McCulloch atttended the pete tor State honors, ' ,e laUel' ' j S I g Ily I• mp ~o .,.nble Cap Stubbs, our l,'res ldent, told TUESDAY EVENING wedding ot Mrs, Martba. Ann al'nce Mrs . Olive Curl nttended wh· . •LIIe , Tw,.~ .l!rogrllllls at'e bsu- how he got started in, the under· An outdoo n ' kl ,Bryan and Mr. Jo1m Allyn DaVi s BOOK PRESENTED ally made lip !Is much ns tl mo:. t1:B ' r ro a ,a wor ng mnn, mington yearly meeting Oil ,inday. Tobe 'Ball, young coloratu1'a ,tbe St. St. .... en ~scr,' ... n.J in advance. ,A ta1Llug business ud of so,liIe ot said long ago, " ( was gl:td when at '"H' -rr " , TO PUBLIC LIBRARY ' his many experle;ncell In that Illle they said un to me I t Us "0 Into Mrs. Woodrow Owens' and' two (lOprano, appeared on a program' at Cburch In Latonia, KentucKY , on all epldam1c of .. clLlhlren, of Sprll1gfleld', enjoyed tb o Wm. Rllyne rellidence In Oak. B:Y MIAMI GAZETIE b SeemA' to' be.qulte ' I - some, of whl,cll 'Were coml oal and tbe h,ouse ot lIle Lord," A t worCli .. turdJI.: ,Y· eve.nlng. Miss Jean . 1~lln ItboQters around tOI n t lese ~ , sOllie were very gl'uesom e. flhlp III God's Hou se )te found Sunda.y with Mrs . OW{llla molher, Iyood, 'I'uesday evcnlng. , Her a "rlsock wall soloist tor the wed· dllYS. You can hardlY' ·walk, down H .. C)ompnl\llI t wils 'Sue Furnas talen ted " ' • Peace and joy and atrimgt l1 for M rs . L llC [lit Arm1'6 l.4.ge. ding ' of her college class,mate, who , The l[lsml G~zeHe 11Il!! ' PT()- the street wltbout getting am· MI', and Mrs. Wilson Ed ward s, planJut and harpis t Tobe sang eel" .. " W i l l~ ' A;Ju n.'b11 C bushed n.t least once. No doubt tbe VISITORS IN, )I'\AY:I'ON llis dally tasks. You too, call Clnd of Sptlngfl eltl, vlsltod the ir allll t, , ". haS been , ~ frequent vl81tor bere: s e n t e d _e aynesv " ;or el'lLl ll\l~be.I' R among -them "Col'slent ~atlsfflctlon all you enter Mr.. and Mrs. L. H. Gordon liad Library ~ltb , a copy ~f >,'Ohlq fad wfil paSI! sllorUy ' but In the LAST ,..WEQNESDAY gr Ood's House eacb ' Sunday morning Miss Margaret Edwnrds Snnday clalln" anti "Allemtlc A.rea'· /'0 Mlo as their b011se , gues t from, Friday N~w8papers." a ' boolt 'Which con· m,e antime for the slifety of our paMI's. Grace Schuler,· Mrs, Loulee ( 0, 1' wo1'shlp. Attend y011l' Clllll'ctl a f'.el'noon. BabbJna C<!l'a," and ",]'he Lords ' until Monday, Mrs. Daisy Snyder to.f n8 a" page or , tw6 reproduced tmns' anyone caught In the Theater Conger, Mrs. Ann AtkinSon and ' Mj g S Henrietta McKinsey" of Prnyer." Sue played as II. Grleg of Cincinnati. ' ~, ' f.r om a nu~ber ~r old Obio news· with a benn shooter wlll be sent Mrs. Au.d rey BUl\to,n were gust.s next Sunday. Ashtnirnln, Ohio, Ilnd Mrs. ! (rmn concel·to. .\ ' The pustor of the , l\1 thodlst Miss Emily Jaoobs hail returned papers. h9me at once, A tittle harmless at the home of Mr.. Llllis n Wertz Barrett. of Clevela nd, were gues ts to her 'h ome arter spending lJevThis attractive book begins with fun never hurt anyone and ~ e would III Dayton On WE,dneeday. church ' will contlnlle the message a.t the b ome rrom Wedlle.sdllY until WEDCEWOODS' HAVE eral weekB in Florida, wben , sbe .a 1690 American n~wspaper and be the last' to discourage fUll but of last Subday on t~e Ulem "How F'rldny and vlslt.ed their mnny SUNDAY VISITORS was called by the Illne' IJ and death guides the -rea4er through eras of In a dSl:k tbeater a bean sbooter Mlloh Do You Care?" Yo u are fri end s her e. Vlsl t lng the Wedgelvood ilome of 'her slater, ' .. po'\vdered wigs and powder horns, 'clln be dl/.ngerol1s, VISITOR AT 'C:ONGERS cordlally'111vlted to be wlttJ UI> In II'S. Vedn und Mrs. Ada Greene , W It ' , , RETUlttNS TO HOME ~undny School a t 9:30 and church of Wilmington, were dlnllel' gues ts la s t Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard e 2, flatboats, beaver hats, boop Bklrts; The Twin Theater tbls week a n · " wUp Mr. and Mrs, WIIII~m Wellz, mustacbe cups, wars, 'o,nd modern oounced , i~1I sbow 8chedul~ policy Miss Goldie ' 'l'olDlln hns re: wOllsblp at 10:~O n. m. of MiRS Henrietta McKinsey hm'e Lawrence Brown and son Russell I I'. llutl MI·s. RO'gel' Ayers, all ,ot Dayton, are enjol'lng a Yilcation Inventions, well Into the twentleth r~lr tbe ,c oming winter. ErreotLve turned to ' hel' hOllne In T"ynchburg 011 Thtl l'~ llny ' cvenlng. o C F Ol'es tvllle, Ohio. , The Browus trip to Norfalk, Virginia, and along century. ' Here the first American Sep~ember First shows w[\J be rull , after Bllendlng the ' pa st , HI days WEDCEWOOD CHILDREN Mi ssoll Rl\th ' nt'd mllzn,betl! wel'e members of the Malnevllle the' Eastern coast, newspaper and tbe first 01110 news·, cpntlnuous on' SaturdaYlJ, SunllllYs at the home olt Mr,' 'And Mrs. ,VISIT OUT OF TOWN Cll'aildle1' were Ilmclteon gn' s Ls of Richard \,r-edgewood Is viSiting \\1ll1s l'Jenrlettn Mc'Klnsey at -tho Metlwdis t Cll11l'ch W II e Jl Rev. Mrs. A. E. Stout and dallgbtel', paper are" reproduced, and the and bollda.ys beginning at 2 :30 Delbe1't Conger, WllInle Jo, were week-end guests country's Orst politiCal newspapers, P.. M, Shows.on Thursdnys, Fri· his uunt and ' ULl ' Ie, Mr. and Mrs .. Colden Lnm/)' In T.ebanon Oh In. t ~r edgewood II'I1S ministe r there. of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Caldwell In the local anUslavery preia, and days and Mondays wUl be ,ontlnMONTANA~EJTOI Flynn, Alexis George Chllpka nnd their', two chll- TI1I1'1'$tlay. Athens. ' newspapere. mentioning George uous [rom 7:00 P, 14. as usual f:p1ltb, C. Z. "Cuddll's" Sakall. Ceu drell at Milford, Ohio, this ' week. Mrs. George JoIJ11son, of 'Leb. KENNETH VICKERS HOME FROM MARINES Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Frye and 'W ublngton, the Obio Canala, Tom With libe box. office open at 6:46 eral audience, c1asslficatlon. Re· , David Wedgolyood Is viSiting bill nnon, WIUl Mrs. Baron Pald!l, of Kenneth V'lck8l's who hall been lion II, w,ith Mr. and Mrs_ Burnett CO~, and .the Wright brothers M. sun tbree changes of pJo- viewers I'Ilting, eltcellent. grandparents, Rev, and Mrs. C. p, ' Oorpus Chl'lsti. ' Texas, we l'e wei· BUtterwo~ Bnd osn of Lellanon; are repruented. Here, too, lIIustl'lV a week and still closed on Action prov'lded by Errol Flynn, Wedgewood of Olnclnnatl. come !!allers of Mrs. Daki n'lI se l'vlng In the U. S. Marines at have returned from a two weeka tlons ot printing prellsetl from the a)'s and \ViednesdaYB, bow- Comedy by "Cud.,lea" Bakall, Romother·ln-Iaw, Ml·II. ~lIa Daldn on Cherry POint; N. C., Is now at home 011 Rt. 2, Wa.ynesvJlle, Oblo. t( there IB' ~nough demand manee by Ale SmJtb, Color by , CARD OF 'tHANKS Sunday afternoon. ' aigbt-lleelng arid 'fisblng trtp In first In America to the most mod· Canada, ern press of today, portray 'the ev.four plctur,s a week we wm. technlcolor, ~n combined Into ~ wish to thank all my frle1lds M~s. Raymond Montgomer.y. of OIUUOD of the ~ewspllper prtntlna and work another change Into awry of tbe old W!,Bt In Its most for tbe cards, rlowers and kindneS8 Ce~rvllle, Mrs. Dougla s Clal'k CINCINNATI VIS'ITOR8 HERE Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur and LEAVE FOR VACATION _ presa In AmertCL schedule. The 'fw4tt Is your rtJHIn~_dllll. Wbat more sbown me whllil I bave-tteen con- 8Jl.IbdailJl:lller Marie of Dayton, nnd Mr. aDd Carl N01'IDaD ' lef~ ' We are au... JDaDT peOple 110 let ua hay. your auc- could you ask a picture? Tbls rlned to my home from my recent Mrs. Fred Grauman were .Sunday flUlllly, of Clncln~aU. called on SUIIdaJ afternOOn for a l1ro ween ftnd a lot of IQLereat acannlns W. wID ' tl'7 to pIeue on8 baa It all, everyone who accident. evening callers of Misses A.nnle Mra....lValter Elzey bera Sund&y afternoon. ftOItIOD at IDaI1e RI,.... WIll. tbroUP th~ paao of tbIa book. Ieea It should wen pleaaecl. Harria Hasher and Mama Brown.
Selective Service Board
C'!": II :;ril!nd~ '- H-ome
. '
\', )
EI tabll.hed 1850
PAUL A. SCHERE R .................... .... Editor and publl.her CECILIA J. SCHERER . ...... . . , ... . , . • , .. . Secretary and Treuurer
w-.. . .
Pllb1l811 d ElI'ery Tbursday Mornln, at waynesville, Warren County. Ohio n:ul l' tl RS scc;ond clnss malter' at the Dostorn 0 nt Way~esvlUe" Oh io. $2.50 elsewbere
~~~~~~~~~~~~~;';;';;i;;;;_~----~~-7.:7.= ~fark WlllIon, l' I, Il'Ild :L tll'oIIOt! ul'm I' cc nUy In I1n aC<'ldeilt at lhe
.JJarve'J~b".rfJ By JANE FITE L~w. W nsll II lid \Jns b en a po· lien tilt t. Ell7.nb ttl H osp U.nl, Daytol1. l' tlll'n d to hi s home, here Sntll rtlllY mOI·o lng. S ernl pe rsollS from t.bls com· mnnlty nttellded lhe 1lIJ1l1lni Monc'e R 1I~I OI1 , held li t lh school blllll1-
lng SILtllrifny. ,l it!':;. Luura • bldaker cl epartNI (rolll ,Dnyton, Wedn sdn), Ilfternoon, for Albe<lllerQue, New MexIco, wbere 81ie w ilt spend seve rlll du;ys tiS tile 1l011S guest of h er daughter Ml's. Blanch G1'I1Y, ~tr . ilnd 1\11'8, Robcl'l Brand llburg !lui) 1'1'. 1I.11d irs . .Tesae P n'nlngton and tlJelr 80n DailDY, sp Ilt ,the week ud In Kentucky. vis 11Ing MI'. P nnlngton's pal' nts. :William Hlld ebr ht I' m'aln.9 111 al the Itom ot his 8,on. Hersh el Hlldebr cht. Walter B. Evnns who 'olned Ole blgh sellool fa ully here, last yenl' bRa r eslng d. Th bon I'd, of educn· . tlon hils not nnmed a: succ:essor yet. lIfr. n11d Ml's. WlJl1am Wozel have had as their guests during the week' thoir daughtel', Mrs. Mao FloTY nnd child ren or Tol edo. Joe Mark,aoD of M~. :tnd Mrs.
hom e of Ills gml1dpal' Il ls . Mr. find ~h'~. Mnrk " ' lIson"of II It I' WaYllel!' "lIIe. , The Ma ~, I 'row nslll11 Board of F.dn n.tion has IInnollhced lbe ap. poln1ments of Mrs , :ti,!l'old Glellda\l IlS music tencher, here, for this Y Ill:, MI'S, (1 lcndall succeeds }lrl;, Edna. Bognll, \vho , I'eslgned Illat May a fter holding th poslUon for three yen['~. A series of old tlule revival meet· iugs will begin nt the Full Gospel l)lu'dl h re, beginning Augus~ ,27 and InBling th"ough el/tember 10. Eal'h Ille~tfng will stRrt O:t 7 :30 p . Ill . Miss EJrln. Mae 141' Dow and MI8S Gall ll'alslng r will conduct t he s ervices. Miss Alm" T. Mel' l' returned to Leesburg Tuesday following a weekI! vis it with Mrs. Louise Flte nnd II I' daughter. Miss Jline Flte. , 'Beginning this week nil of ' tlte food stor!'.J! Md gllrngell here \vill close at 6 p. m, on , Mondays and Fridays. They wlll cOlltinu8 olos. lilg aVnoon on WednesdaYIl. Mr. and Mss. John Smith and sons hnve ]'ctllrned to lbelr homo from a two weeks vllcntlon trip to Herrington Lake, Kentucky. 1011', anll Mrs. John &Y ferd • . of Dsyton, spent Sundey with Mrs. M,u'y yCel'd a nd Mr. IIllI Mfs. H . . Tucker.
The local 4·H Club girls IlpOlI' ROTed a Ten and Style Show nt 111l' .tIchool gYlllOUIIlDl. v.' dnr,,'rlay nf· terJl001l . . The Zion TIApt".t l'hllrl'h will hlwe ' Itl! an nu al lllc ni c lind "g t·lo· 111111111, golher" al Jacob's Park, this Sntllnlny. , Tho Ml\.Ssle Townahll' Schools wll l l'I'OI)ell Tu aday. ,'elll IUbol' 6. Mr. lind Mrs.. Cec' ll Meclley and family IU1I'e I'elurned home from n weeks vl\CaUon wllh relatlw'R In Kenlllc 'ky. Mr, Hal'Old Cox Bnd fnmlly. at 11ea1' Hor veysbllr~. al' on a VILCR" lion at \'eI\0\"8t0l1e Nntional Park. Tile Welco'ml' Dible ln ss met Il l. Lhe Ilome of Mr. and Mrs. Wi11lnm Camllb p\l Friday ev~n lng. ?drs, Llflll uri bas returned to her home following II \'is li wi lh Mr. nnd Mrs. HRrry orr. or Dayton. . Mrs. aile Reason enterlnln,ed with a ()Inner at her hom e; ' lomlny .e venlnt, In compliment to Mrs. Lalli'll IJldAker, who wns to laave Wedne$day tOI' AJbe(t l ~ rque , New ¥exlco. Other. guests "'are: Mrs. A. S. Collalt nnll Mrs. Os!'c Harlan. Mrs. I,ura Hough Is III nt hel' bOOl nenr low n. Mr. and Mrs. IYll e Levi y aud Miss Joall ,E\miUI hnvil returned borne from a ' va.cat!on .t l'ip to Ule Smoky Mountlllils. . M,s. A. S. Collett and lier son RQbert Collett. Mrs. Lisa Curl, ami Mr. and Mrfl. }{erblll', po~~er via· Ited ,the CincInnati Zoo Sl\lldl~y allternoon . Mr. and Mrs. Keneth Harlnll have depnrted for a. vacation trip. Mrll. Clarence Price enton,ained with 0. dinner at ber homo Wed· nesday complimenting Misil Faye Kelley, who was celebratin g hOI' .blrthday anniversary. Mr, ~nd Mrs. William ' Doster and family spent SlIundBY at the Oln· clnlll'U Zoo.
fJ!l~mlmmmIlIlIIIIIIOOllllllllll llllllllllilllllllllliii!liulll11111111111111111
MEN'S R('.·" ... F.I~Ht~OD
METHODIST CHURCH .r. V", WedA<!" ood. M Inlstel' 'Church Scbool, 9:110 A.M .; Mr. I Lal'old Earnhart, Supt. WOI'shlp S'ervlce, lO:3tt. A.M. Yout b II'e l1u ,,' \jhlll, Sllnday. 7: Oil P.M.
Sb mall of the Msthodl~ l chllrch attol)ded the County M n'lI BI'OU" orhood at Red Lion In>!l ~lnndlLY nlgbt. A chicken ~ lI JJPer wa ,; on· Joyed by all, follow ed hy clevo· Llons a,nd messa.ge by lhe rt.w. Mr. Thompson, Pastol: of t.h e ·," lIler· vlLle' M thodlst ,abut'CII . Tholla Ill· tending from Wllynesvlll Mr. R. C. Molelr, MI'. AI'I Smith. Mr, Will St. Jobn. Mr. Hebel' Jl\Ckson. fl'. Charles b:l\w.li'lls ' noll Rev. J , W. Wud gtlwoml.
MI'. Mil ~f rB, T. S. Hardin lind family entertillned to • ~llld!lr !lit,· /lllr Mr. and Mrs. "n. O1\1'ull or Covl nl!ton, Mr. nndlra. Hllyden MarkabufY 1\ d ·Mr. !Lnd 1\I1's. Robert McC.a rthy and Ch ild ren of, 0 1'08' cent Sprtnga, Kentll('ky. ?II rs. JnB. McCormick and 80n or Dayton. and Mr. and Mrs. I:8Jl1!lng Hllrcllll. of MI'oliflmont, .Aftell'l\OQn IIller!! Wlll'fj Mr, and ~I'II. Hel'V e Wyles and Mr. and Mrs. R., Beeler, oCMaFon METHO'D IST 'CHURCH JiOARo TO MEIOT The ornot". Bullrd at tho Meth· odist church wJ\l m at tonight (Thursday) at '8 :00 p, M. Every board member", 16 urged to aUend .
Mr. Adam Campbell !lnd dl\ugl\ • tel' Wanda, of HlI.rveys burg. ca ll ett on hIs slilller and bl-aUler· III·lnw' Mr. uDd Mrs. Earl ~n.J\s ThU1'Sdn~'.
.·John·Q. Gets His
MI'l und .!al'll. Lon11l e Amonl or California, are spenl l lll~ a few days with Mr. ~lII d Mrs. Ralph A1\· ford ad family •. 1>flss .Patrlc!Ja Sinllth, of Col 11m· PUB, 18 BpendJlllg n fa.w clays w:lth be.r pare'nts, Mr. nnd i\ft·s. B Ull' wo~th Smith and slstcr Ml\rlon and \'I' elllngton herl)'. Mr. and Mra;' G. H. Kerslnger spent Il Cew da,y s with '1'1 nd'l In J1\cks n . Oblo, ... 'Mr, John Cllay, or Columhu ~, Ohio, was ·a. weilk end g uest of MI" and Mrs. Ellswd'l'tb. Bmlth and ,fllm. l1y. Su'nday afternoon callers at tbe El18w~ rth I Srulth home' were !\fr. and Mrs. ' Denver CrawfoTd, at Dayton, Mr: ~ nd Mn. Kenneth H eaton and clliUdren Sblrley and Kenny a'nd Mrll. Cla l'a ~eaton, of Darton.
• '~~~~!!!l
CHI,JRCH OF CHRIST Ilyrou Cu rvel·. Minister Bible School , 9:30 A.M, Morning \Vorsblp, 10 :30 A.M . Prayer Meeting, 7 :00 P..M. Young People's Meeting, 7 :00 , Evening Sel'vlces, 7;30 P.M. Mrs, Phyllis Goff, 1902 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana. Is now able to go about her housework In less than it takes to talk about it. That is, of course, since Mrs. Goff has been taking wonderful HADACOL, Mrs. Goff had been suftering from .a deficiency of Vita· mins B.. Bt, Ni acin, and I1'0n, which lIADACOL contains. Now tull ot pep. and energy. Mrs. Goff is able to give this fine statement: "It's pretty bad ,when you are in a run rdown cI"n ition when you are only TI ~l1 t includes headAohes, 16~ ot s leep • . . I was also tel'ril)ty nervous all the time. Then J heard about the wonderful results oth()r r('l lks were getting trom HADACOL. After laking a few bottles my . nerves Were colmed. 1 got a good rught's sleep. and , gninoo fi ve pound,. I think HADACOI. is wonderful. I recommend it lo all my tl'len ..... _ Thl. ls another one ' of lhe statements the fine folks who have been t aking HADACOL gave us. Yes. there are thousands and thousand, of peopl , all over the countl'Y who nre ll::tt.ing blessed relicf trom wondel'ful HA "'(\COL when they need ed Vitn mi n ~ B •. B" 11'011, and Niaobl. . . Let BADACOL Belp You . , . if you aTe suftering from stomach distress, nervoUSness, in· somnia, constipation. aches -and pains or neuritis. or a general run-down condition. cl;nfse d by such defic!cmciei. Rcmeml1er, It will cost you nothinp, it HADACOL doesn't help :Y(l\1: BllV !lith.er the trial size (or $1 ,25 or til e large family or h ospitnl . lze >for 53.50 nnd it you nre not comrl 1., \' sotbfieci":return til t' '· ott.le nd your money \vilJ' be ]'(·C" nded. .. 19$\1. £110 1•• f1j>no C" ..x,l·. tlon
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST t I,. H. Ooffey. Minister Olble Scbool, 9: SO A.M. MOl'nlng' Worehlp, 10:30 A.M. Young PC~I) I, s' M eeUug. 7 :110 1'.111. , \!,'ve nlng !'VIce, : 00 P . M. Prayer Meeting and Bible S't udy Wednesday. 8 P .M. MT. ' HOLLY METHODIST
'['. M. Scart, Minister
Sund,BY School, 9: 80 A.M.,
A. Earnhart, Supt.
P.ablo Picalllo, who has had more brickbats and bouquets thrown at him than any other '6gure in the wos:li1 of modern art, recently added tbli surrealistic sculpture to hia liat of imaglpative creations, Leaving critics to raise eyebrow., cudgels, or cries at admiratton, Picasso has called the work, "The Man With the Sbe~p."
Former President . ' . ROIUZONTAJ. • (ab.) I 5 Pictured 57 Daulina 'fonner' U. s. brJlllance pmldent 58 Bone12 Eastbound 60 Paid not!c:e I (ab:) , Cll Spires ';13 HawaIIan blrd62 Barter '.4 Notions VDTlCAL 1 Taunt 11 Manufacture 43 Boat pnddles ~1.5 1~:I~ri army 2 Cai)l;'ble 19 Tuberculosis 44 DistInct parl 16 Shade tree 3 Daybreak . " (ab.) , 45 Ver~l . 18 Thol'Ou,hfare (comb. form' 20 Ireland 46 Ral;>blt 20 Make a 4 Call for help 22 Makes deeper 47 Ancel'S mistake , at sea 24 Distracted 48 On Icroun' 2lPeruse , ~Round , 26 Ascend (ab.) . 23An investment' Arabian ,uIf 27 Rubbish 50 Conduct 28 Fool~ fellow 51 Load , , in America's 7 BaQlboolike future erus 29 Beverage 53 Swill 24 At liberty II Ol)ese , 3lSea eagle mountain 25 Parrot ' • Exists . .32 Dine 54 Child , 27 Three times 10 Italian coin . 38 Rlp~ 57 To exISt , (comb. form) 11 Challenge 40 Employs 59 Senior '(ab.) 28 Western catUe SO.Hlndu queen 33 Whirlwind 3tJumbled 35 Any StlSun ,ocI 37 Tops of heads ......."""":4~p. 39 Hinder from 1I'!I!'ItI!!coIII--I--I-normal II'Owth Individual I\' t2Belonp to him 43 Belongs to us .........r;o;-I-+45 He was born In-4'P~n room 510lrl'uame
- --
mountain Uo.:ean U Rhode 1.w.4 . . . . . . ...L..I_..a..............................
LYTLE METHODIST ', CHURCH If. E. Dough», Pastor DnlFled ServIce, 9:46 a. m. ST. MARY'S EPISCOP~L 'l'he Rev. Sumuel N. Key,s, Reotol SuudllY: Pr'lmary ' chu roh 'school ]0 :30 a.m, ( Ag B 0 1'h rough ) Adu lt Worship, 10: 30 n. l¥. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH William Sbanoon, MInister Sunday Scbool, 9 :30 A.M., Mra, James Garrlsoll, SuPt. Preaching, 1st'. and 3rd. Bun' days of eaet.' montb, 10:80 A.M. Elvening Services, 1:30 . P ,M. I
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Fa ther R. H. Krumholtz. Eastor Mnsses, 8 and 10 A.M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS ·..e8 Partln8ton, MlnlBter Worship Semce, 10 A .M. Sunday School, 11 ' ~.M.
Worship Sorvlce, 10:30 A.M. Evening Service, 7:30 P.M.
WAYNESVILLE FR,IENDS Flr/lt Day Scbool, 9:30 A.M. Meeting for WorBhlp, lU:30 ,A.M:.
.Armitage &Son
_II _'. U.__ .
_ ,,~_
. . _ u_ li _ "_(
COLUMBUS, OHIO, Al' gllst HI. 1950 __ _ Roln nd 0 opor or Wn no ,. vlUe, Oblo, bas pllroba~·. cI (!1 ~ I' :g. Ister;ed Jel·s~. Rosehoy iI ROYIl I Kathleen from the h rd , .. n lHl IlY R. K. Finley of OregoniA, 0 : I '. Sevices troU! beet bill' wlll SOOn Poal&rr ' Btutl1 . be available in OhIo fl', ~ t:l0 Poultrymen ~Yho ,athered e"l tlflclal InjlemlnaUon COOPU:I. I s. thrc!e or more time. • daJ, kept
Left Over from La t Week
y, A\I(iIlST :H", 1 0 !iO
' , Ie R R0tit·man
· ,.' Harr"" .'R•-M CCoy'
layers COnfined, and kept. no mal.. I -~I· 1n the laylni f1o~k had bJlher qual. 8emnC Wheat 1A:Zi. ~ ~ ity e"s. than P'OultrymeD who did ¥proxlmately 75 per celll or all J not tallow theSt~ preC,tlcal, ..ceord- wheat ~al..ed Is i old dlreclly. the ing 'to a recent studx. of, poultr7 balance beln, kept on the farm tor D, " 0 YJ _~_,r_m_.__Jn__t_h_e_N __ llrth ___e_a._t_._.__ , ~~____f_eed ___a_n_d~s_&e_d_.___·______~____~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~~~~~~~!!~~~~~!!~
B.ure" 2 LeL... __- •O'L:.
R ut e I" W · aYlfl '11e, 0'
:l'JEST · 'YOlJR i,~ Q.I • SnatitutiOI1l , 1. Bow at .higher educaUon are the !DIlDY
U. S.T
to be standard·atmospheric pressure; 2. What Is consldered
' 3, How old would Hitler be
t. WhIch 'Amerlcan la1i:e bas the lolllest name? • 5. H~w 1;Iig Is B chord at wood?
"I 'spaftt.·&,.miaut8s'"'ai....nd·saved $lloa" •
Walt.r 8oy"~ Los Ang.I•• , Callf~,
C. . how ,.. ntW ..., 51.000 IIOtt . . 11111 lOt . . all .,.... extra of ...... , •.' - ..,.....nlty
r.. ...... '
ntely epare 5 mlnDle.- • • , ddrial caee ,ou've never 8IJ;IIeit. ~ . e,peeiall, wben dU111• aU it \a~et , eneecPl!efore • • • ralledaeee ·auef de. 10 ~e esactly, how you c:oul~ ',., I),I!OO pendabWty 10 .."e 'you mODey mile . more without lettlDI. every\blol Dodle afler mile. Theee are thin •• thaI beloq , give. JOll! to DOc1p • , , Ind olll, ill. Dodle c10 ' • Yeft, in fail 5 mlnule. behind lhe you let them all! wheel, you'll di.eover t.00IIiiDee. that Come fa lodaJ _ bow' IM7 It II Ie can COIIUI !Dam !Dore dOD' Y01l 0_ the Dew bodp of ,oar cIIoke. ~o
' q~14 133J " .(q 'ap!M laal
" .tq '2!UQl 1<1<11 fl . 5! POOM 10 pJO:l P'lnd 'u 10 aZls p,mpuels aq.r. '1/ ,,'aIPPlw ;Iln U! l/!:Y .(poqou 'ap!s .InC uo qSlJ 3M 'aplS .mo.( uo l/SlJ nOA .. 'suuew aSUlqd UII!PUI uellaqo,'11 a\ll 'palIlISUII.Jj, '6seW ' J~sqaM lUilU 8 new e SUruieunqnelp20llelJ -nelpuewBo13eliolil.l'ulI.J a>lB1 . ~ '19 ' f: 'saqau! Z6'6Z .~ 'ala 'salla! -10:1 ,sJaq:leal 'samSJ3,\IUn 'saffat ~I0:l S9LT ale ' alaql 'A:aAlns luaw
-UJaAoJ 0.61 e 'Ol
"0 'I InCA
... ".MIUY
MURRAY AN~I " .t··O.kwoed
......non. Ohio
tHURSDAY, AUGUST 24, '1950
"-a_o_ . _ __
"~"- I' _ .
nud bl'lglil.
Wouldn 'l ant lIamIJIlI'f; oI'A. P"ll H"yi'IWili , lIe('· lho:!. lie ~OIf1(Jthlng I I I' ",'uulll like 1,,1I7ed In POlln8ylvllnh\ J)nlr h fot d t ...... •• .-. ' to SIIOW tho til n bl' hlllli the ll'U/.! bul Only HUllljU II 'I hud 11' ''1'" n,.1 /1 nrtnlll - IlIHI lilen nil tho tl'lu ~k !l, t.hell' beAt. J IIID Rill (> . All Nc'" llill mill 1.1:; !lllci cn loMIIIl1. II;;IIglaIHI III full of V OI' IIIO ,, 1 III ,,,I' A Farm Diary 'rhen WI' WOllld Rllow him tli " II), I'UII IJu t wIlY 110 NClv. 11 ,'III1I1Hh ll'c flll111g 1'1 111110111'1 lie:> llod lo RO l' vic'e 0 1' JI1uBRurhu :etl s "Y l'lip'! I 11m Slil'(> J. Frazier 1\11 thoflC CIII'II. A I'vler Atn.LlO11l1 l111 1,110 not 1111011' 1'01' ,tll l' '' \' ('rEi [In lI ' y IQI\!Ily ,l'OlId~, 1101'1'1 0 IIluUonH 'III of maple lI'(,PR ,a ll 1111 011" 11 1':tll A. GUS'!' 22, 19 r.n: - Ohio, \\'e"l hl1nche~ lit til 1'1'088 I'l)ad:; Ilnd n 1 '~'lgltllld, l 'odlUPH n I 11'1 1<0 Oll. · \t'g1nln, Mal'ylnnd , \\'c~ V\r'gl nlu , Ill e mulll hlghll' ays , 1111 1, '1' ~ C I 'vl(' e rn erclllll7.od lind you h:ld to 'kno,,," 'Penn llylvllnlll, NI'li' YOl'le, • II' "tll.tions with 11 11 the nqlll!,llI III t .. 1' w,he l'o t o '0 lu l5 ' l [I a ~ II" ull Jersey, ConlleOl ,1 'nl., . f nssllch \1 !1(l I~~ , th e ,'0111111,' 1.,.. (! I I' of til(> (:[11' , S I' ,'· 11 1'6, LoLlilel'K 1ll1l1 tlO" lu oti 0\' I'y New Ifnrul)s hll' u, 'MnRi:!IIChl1sl'lls. Icc utn tion!! wltll 8)lor lll ll ,etl IIf l'l'h'l' I\I JHlI'~ nOl\I' , lh e (' OIiBI. l; ,,1., c on ~I", COJlllccllcut, NoW Yorl! , ~N IV J ill" 1'01' ellr!1t II.... !,!) or " Ul' In ~ 1'.1' son. food 1Ilacos , Bell hUll1blll'gel'll, sey, Penu'sy jvan lu, W Rt Vil'gln lfl. , 10\\'11 , GlI so llu e rlllr\.l1 silt o,rOl;1 I would lik e to s holl' OU I' Russian Ohio, Illld home again , And wlLlI.t rOllntl'Y s t o r 0, S I'vlco s tati<'l'E! lourlBlK tile l:oads h] o m ;u'l( ' t~ pin (I did 'I see thllt 1 would Ilave IIke!1 to wit,h ellllng pla'M at toc h d , ll 11 d h igh Wllh potalo R, 1l000I'hes, to, 1l1'R, e:t.t1ng Ill a:CoB wi b Re l'l'lce I'Itatiulll:! lI!atoos II.lld gr een COl'll nlld overy· s how Stal in nnll his mell? rlu's, c nl'S, nlre sblny :llItOll1oblll's, on tb side 111111 n il o r th em filII u l' thing elsEl thnt you l::I n think 0(, cars or every SOl't and kind bill CIU' iJ JHilu r !lOI vlrod dill' flnd n!ght P li es of IIl ce 1;1" 11 wllLe l:melo ll S hardly an old one In tho lot. CIl I'S 'Imd 1.1 0111 tilin g, 'and plies (\f f1n ntll l n\lI1'~ 8 . bll ~h, ) f( on the hlghwny, Olltl li f te r unotll I', And whf\ t wero peol1le ;''l Lin ~ lu (lC a l)ples :a nd 11(~a l'SI I'HHIl .. tH 01' nil ca rs by Hlmoat "el y 1101,1110, rill'S a ll tb 81lrng ]l la es - hlltl1ulirgers dlfferont Idll,l s of 11111 1119 I" d /;1 e t on evol'y farm li nd nil brlgiH,:o nd lLnd h ot dngs IIn<.l Ice I! l'oalO oll eR. bags 01' ('o bbllges, PI'iCElS in 100BI s hiny, Cnrs on th o Ilnrkwa;y lel).\ · Ot coUrse tHel'" IV I',.. oll ,ol' t11 111~ 8 111 u.l1os 80lll ewhut II)\\'r I' I h 'lll lilli' Ing N w v.ol'lt on , u. . nlul'lll1Y 1r\n1' Il ' Imt. IIV 11 llie b st. elllilng places lis t ICCI1I 11I'1' ElI! ih ol1 Hh ' lli'OllJlci . llI r· lng, fo nr nbreast sllil bu III pel' to hlllll bu l'gel· ILnd thp w nlll'(\!l.'l III 011(> blohcnd \.IIIt'\gij IlI'O hl g-he l'. Roa d hllml.e!' for tw,enty n"'I E)~ 01' l!lOI' , 01' tb o Ho~v al'd 'John SOn I(.atllllrnuls aid e mal'ltt'll \! neill' :JII Ili a ciU Ha nd COl'S Ilhnoat bODlIJllr to huml(' 1' 0 11 told mil UI II1 1I1 \'y were the moat town!! and In th e lown!; br ight f'h lllY til l' parkway, nlmost 1111 tbo way 10 Ilolmllu' Sl ll1d \\' kh e~ , I thiok YO;II:g s upel' mUl'k',lS" A & p, 'I\ tI 111·W!d(1 Boston. Oaf's, one ufler the uthl' I' Am rl It wou ld rnlh I' hnve hnill: and First N:lt:o nnl '" e the (JO llil lur on overy sconlc 1,lghway \)y Ih e bu rgs I han , Ule flll esl mea l YO II <;.1181'118 In ,New Eng lund willi Rume sea and Ill. , the mOllOlnllls nn<.l ~I II ' 'col1 ltl set. before Ulelll. l;'l'om N ew 10 III s lore». We could !lllo\\' those bl'lgbt und shiny iJ,!l mine w1l1l'h York 10 ' lal'ne,every Ilillce ' adver- Rll,Kaluns w bwt, the cOlUml'1l people J Aluerlca·-San Diego's M". Prancia Cloycl- thiDa her sUII bad a lot 01' Ohio dust on It: ( Iaes fI'l tI (:Inms 1l.;ld lots oE I)eo· PM here hi America. , car ~~ (lew. easy way. pie ~nt thenl but no t fi B mUllY as A nel If tbey follow II llIe ove l' : it ' Any woman, tn the world, can now ' -.!----'----'-----'------------------ th nt I'ond WbAt ki nd o f cOllntl'Y "make the family car bright as a mirror 10 about twenty: minute. It" quick and aimple. The,!C48on1 Silicones I They were developed d~rin; ould 't hey Bee? Ohio's r.l h I:olllnl) farm Innd, with lis fi eld s of corn. , the war. MoBt ~,,,erythlng such aa airplane Ignition systems, and other m"tor equlpmen~ was pro~ected from weatht!r, rust and ..It air corOl'chard)! fu ll or lhe f ruit for lho 1'osion by a coating contaming ,Silicones. They are antl.aoeial. They marlcots. oal min s in both hlo lIate dirt, g;case, etc., and won tallow anr. of It to ~me a part of them. They ro to~g~.- heat and cold don t affect them. After many a,nd West Virg Inia, Big clal ry 1-lIrns year._ of r~eareh, SIlicones have been successfully made into an autonnd hel'ds at cnltle, Weat Vl.l'glll ln mobile polish. called A)1tobrite ~hich is tougher than any car wax, The polish is JWlt sllc!!ad on and Wiped off and the ear stays brilliant for a!x'montJ.ts. necdm!t only cold water sponging. The 4% solutlcn of lilleones 10 Autob,rlte,18 the perfect solution, accordinc to IClenti8~1I. .... .~~l~~~ratIOl1lt cleans, polishes and protects. ' IUlW
Shines Car In 20 Minutes'
;])''J Ridge
By George
RECLUSE In Detroit left port of his fortune to 12 CA t s , There's one guy who didn 'l let I is money go to the dogs,
A ,
K Clll !!!!
~ ~'I:'C~ ~plce
lill s
secu re, as th<: a II' tends to malIC
spices lose their fla vor and "spiel ness.'· . ~ ."
BIBLE Live WIre and Progreielve, All organization lIecond to ' none, ' Strictly sellera oh Lbe beat all' arouud market In , tho country. 8E~VICE THAT
For Dilly' Market Repott.: WHIO Dayton, 12:60 E,S/T, Dial 1300; WLW Clnc.lulllltl, 1240, . 700, NORRIS'
aUT N-:.we
ADd ,ood new. If ' fear'. lult loon worD
lut an4
• ballb;pl ,
Send It
aa -
tJ'Im. mart look,
make 1& loOk 1IU ll,ewl
A man In New If 'rk swallowed varnish and d ied, (3 uess it fini shed him. Norwegians' ha ve re 1'1'!d S llC' cess In drying bllY with eltlt'tl'h' ICy, Inslead ut yieldin g gl'ad':)~ "A" li nd "D" mllle. th~r CO \YS may produce grades "AC" and "DC."
with a savings acc~unt here. Accounts may
opeqed by an individual, h~sband and wife, parent and child.
Waynesville National Bank ' I
-:, _
e= _ _ _ _ _ ._
_ _
A Year
COU MBUS, OHIO, August 16, ~, ••••••••••••• G••••••• _ __ _ t lll'Y E , Bradbury of WRY llesvlll, 1110, has liurchasetl 'ille ' registered .Jersey. B Lemar Volunteer Pllusy fro m ' the ,berd owned bY' M'I', Bnd Mrs, E),T, Sllrouil f Brlstolvllle, Oblo, One Fourth Mile East of the 1D50
Wind Twutel
Traffic Light
. CENTERVILLE, OHIO Yellow, Golden Jubiiae, White, , Cur;berlMd
.......•................ ,
Horses $2, 50 , Cows $2,5~ All Stock Removed Dally Large or Small - Call Collect
COLUMBUS , OHIO, August Hi 1950 __ _ Th mns S, Bl'Ildhufy of .. l'C!tt Y f'ardllp Xenia 454 ::lweel po ta loes, carrot,s or par " Waynes ville, Oh io, bas purcbased XENIA FERTILIZER ,;nIps _car, be gl'Own In water as ' n one r eglslered Jersey, Brompton Olv l. :(;n of Inland Productl, Inc. Designer Plun [rom tbe herd owned house plant, Cut off a taction 01 the top, and put In ,water. by Cll!'1 1-IOUS8 of Camden, Ohio. _ _. Q. _____ II'~_q_a_~
. ... .Jr- .. \,•. ."J!!!J!fIF'.,-,. ,..... . ,:
"THERE Js ' notlllq
like ,,-dame.- :: .n
Partlcula.rly one who hall poor posture, Cbtc clothes and a trim figlU~ may bedazzle a man but not for 10111 if )lou're one of those women whose droop has become
a stoop.
Ghrist's,serVpnts, ,Like Soldiers, ' Must , P.lactice ''£lId'urance
F is ilot ol1lY the 'soldlers serv,ing , in KQrea that- D.r e being off," I'~,
in .the words of Winston Churchill, "blood, sweat and tears"; vasl numbers of our leUow-Chr,lstialls ,across the "world ' are also ' tlu(fcr~ ing cruel persecuti ons, • • , ,'J;bey have been enelm'j ng hard ness and manifest Ing coura!!!! as tr:uly arid ma nf ully as those wht;) .have been bearlpg arms, And en· durance is the ' great, ultimate m nrk' o( the true and effective soldier. The long process of 1ralniQg Is ,to' malte him hard and strong an(l firm 01 muscle' nnd spirit. as well as efficient, Paul bimselt exhorted' Timothy t9 "endure hardness!! as a good soldier of J 'e sus Christ', Pall! 'knew Irom expel'ience lhat iI Christian cQUld not ' live in the bosUie environment of that a ncient pagan wol'ld with oul suf· tering. . 10 otlering his counsel to the runaway slave, 'l'lmotliy, Paul felt the terms of warfare and sOldfer- ' ing -aptly defined. the nature of Christian life. " It was his con tenUon that the earthly soldier serves under lmj)erf~ct corqrnallders, Hl' may be oalled upon to obey 1Il'd$'f ' , th,at 8t;e mistaken, and ,he f\1ay even know they are mis taken"Into the valley -vI c1t!di h rodE the six hundred." But the deci3ions of the Divill( Comman~er are always ~/i~€' cou,ched 111 :careful planning ana delivered WIth compassiunat e COLI. sidel'atlon ot ,man's wcnk:aes> e£ .and limitations, The rule of Chrjst is fl'Om with. in. It is not II law from - with. (lut. Christ leads; he does nol compel. And ~ e cannot be good soldj~rs without endUring the pet. ty trials and tr'~ulatiOlls of wor~ ada,y life and meetillg major dlsappointments ~11d heal,taches in soldierly fashion; That- 1s why Pawul",ed Timotb,y to ~ Itroq aDd Il.an.
Avoid cllmblug CI' worlting on ladder In It high wind,
.;SJiR tp~" -smlJfiAl ean
ding annjvel'Ssry, ~ujJpose ' th aI proves the gavel is ,mightier than the rolling pin?
• •
• •••••••••••••
Look to happiness, security and opportunity
CropI More thaI' 70 mUlion acres of nay ' cropi ar" tlurvested annually In the Unltei:l :;: ~ tea.
K e e p lhe " lop 01
-I~ e.!"
' hnt IVI! e 1I11leop If lVe hold on [( I h e v, aye ~ II Itt "e ho , e round' good
Wind ,peeds In the world's lar,. es t supersonic wind tunnel are con. troUed by flexing ,taJnless Iteel side plates.
When his wife smashed the car into a neigbbot's tront porch. a Cleveland husband made the news by commepting, "Ob, well." AI· most any hubby would have said , tbe same thing except tor - one letter.
"1 had .a litt' ~' ' oth 'left over after .ewlng my
By D.
Sc1e~~e doel! ~gain,
One of the best ways to lind out If you're keepmg up a good bBCkand not merely a iood tront-Is to consult your mirror; Does your posture radiate alertDess? D!) you appear vibrant, bouncy and 'ao1mated? Or do you ~ve that SlIi81ni jeU;yftah stance that's sure to dismay beau or h\,lbb)'? ' U your mirror reveals curves In the wrong }llaces, try these e"4!rclige!I,'JI~ deslp1~ to help YO..,• • cWeve an erect but natund posture. Beim 'by, holding your arms straight at your, sides, Lift them to shoulder level and swing them forward until your handa meet; thim reyerall the mo.Uon and awins your arms backward as tar as they wID go. Do this several times each day to relax and, loosen your shoulder, muscles. ' . A secQnd set of muscles can be put Into play by swingtng your arms t9 an overhead position. This movement, which' shoUld be smooth and weU-coordJ,nated, iJ made up of three steps. , I) Fli-a't lUt 'your arms from a dangling, hands-at-thlgh position to a ve~ea1 reach above your head. Stretch them as high as they will go. Then 8\1!l~enp. relax your elbows, allowing your hands to bounce I.JIl1UY '\.I1),<1 n the ~op of your head. The final step Is to liing them T~ J'01lDl' woman, wh_ ear,O\ltwat<J. ari'd then downward again to their original position. rla6e eJtPftlBeB the verve aDd Att~ 'a few weeks with these exerdses, YO\ll' carrIage will express lhe leell, boIIIlca her a determination conCluer aU' au~ yO\ll' new attractiveness will cop IwuIIi U,hily ' upon her bead as one step In 'a 'tre~bJq exercise. a host o~ co~pUm'ntl, '
~~1tY nG6Y ',-s.H'; Hejr~ , Me+. WII.?ON! 'X'IIS "._ .. LOC*IH6 FoIEWAI2~ , 1t) .f.1i~1,,", HS~ •••
' /(
Y. AtHIUST 24. tClSo
-----WARRE,.. BRADDOCK Top 8011. Raullnl. 8and. Ota,el · lbca ••Unl Wltll Bad Hoe. Dra,·Une &Del BuUdoHr
CLC:: CO 'N 1'L"(S J ;'Y, WEDNESDAY ThuradaYI and Frldaya Showa 7 p. M.. Satur"'aYI Showl 6 P. M. NO MATINEE8 8UNO'AY, MONDAY 7 P. M.
You Are Looking For Laughs I .. -See JANE WYMAN and DAVID NIVEN in KISS IN THE DARK - PLU ' JOEl MeDOA K F: S~[n So You Want To Tbrow A Party • If
Broker Rt. 48, 5 ml. South of
Centerville. PHONE Centerville 7056
·lI l l l l l ml l l l l~l l l l lil l l lmlllllllllllllll1111111111I 1I1I ~l l l lil l l
Remember Wh..S Il re mlllll1 e blcvcllsts wore bloomel'!! nil -a riding costllme. find· Ing them mOl'e pm ·tlc·al than the 'j'olumlnol18 s klt'l a th e n In ,·ogll e . P 0)19 gasped . li nd 8hook lh el r heads. Then, berore th ~y kn ew It. wOlllen w & r wlla.ring tenl kers, (01l0w 8c\ by slackR" Todny W h e n milady . g'oe8 dre~8rd so. Il 0 t a. h .e ad turn s. Remember? '
.Roy E. Smith
Especially For Farms
Ou,' complete servo Icc, ia not valued In terms of dollarl b~lt In the consol. atlon we can QIVII til thol' In 1I0r·row.
27 M ' ONTAN~
28 . .... ._
Rockhold Realty .Co. OHIO
E. 5, HQOJ) mmllllllllmm~mllllmlllmllllllllllllll~~III~lImIlWlmllM~!llllIlIIlllmmllllllllWmm~rnlllml~llllml_1 SPrint Valley, O. Pbon, 37361 .
. . . ..ei,
•• e
Try Gazette Claulflecl
Dresses Were--
. $14, $18, $20
We IU\¥4! learned Crom long eXl1er· Icnce to give tbe kind oC personal· Ized ntttimlion a troubled home s hoUld bave.
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . Elleeutor EB~tlt ot John ~B, aOIiS De oeasel 'Nextloe Is hereby g! I'ell t Il a L
Spring Valley Hardware ·[0.
HORSES t2.50
o_n_h_e_r_f_at_h_~r__su_n_d_.a_y_TR ___ Y_~ _____TTE ___~(l ___A_~~UP __I_ED __S
"r. wh.a., btltil' wheal, IIGGU IN(OIII-.- IIG •
cows 12.50
". . 7"". -PJuiROY
IN TH~-_ SIERRAS" ... -...... ... . ~
LoqTerma . Are Safe
(Up ·to .33 Years at 4%) A Farm Oqanization FOr FUme... . CAL.L .-
27, 28
"THE GAL 'WHO..TOOl THE WEST" . In l' ... ••• ••• .........•. .. ........ eChnicolor
29, 30
"THE BIG WHEEL" _....-....-ca __
•_ _ _ _ 0 _ _ . . _ _ _ _ I • • • • • •
KID DIE S _ i _
_ _ _ ..-01'-' _ _ _ _
S £0 P T, , .3 R
u. ___
..-.1 . . 4 _ . . . .
W 0 .R·K S SUN DAY .. .
L ·A Y G R
__b. -.
O~Olle,====,,~eoc:aOlle====:zeoz:so -'
Eor binI, Jlcllids,' an· d. yi,lds~-;.. . of Smul=Ft•• .
JIhone 448
ELLI8, .H. $TURM,. 8ec·Y.T...... ... _ _ _..:..-_ _ _~_.\-__________---,._ _....._
. FANCY GROCERIES AlIO Diabetic C8JUled Fru:b I
~" Ieed dillDfectant can pm~...Jf:A1r·1eed \Vheat. from dJ~ ~~ poor ~ and yfe1dt. ~", cMcb·...·decq.·..."1'ln'·b1igbt, etlnJdnl '
~ .. .~
" :~~~~,..~; D1r Pontl
.'.CU:~~~ ...AD4~~Ja~~t 8c:dw,_. . . . . . .l!awlwl tIut ~ at ~ . IDa;tIIDa....
-. ~U~Y..'BCDVB_':_.1Mrle7.rye;~
MEATS and t
"'N4.MY"'RIii1." itiiii!t ha~ .~ '.
m ·... DII'-1.0u.7.11.
................ c.... a.v
L ,
.................. -
·D0 T'
Waynesville 'Fumers ~ehUge
OfIIeea.....,. ' .......... 0. 'JIll ..... htIIIIIr S 1 ...... b·
11_ v.-- __ ~
Estate of Margaret A. Johnll late of , Wa:yneBvllle, Wllrren County. OhiO, deceased. Dated this 16 da.y of A)lguet.1960 . RALl>H, H. CAREY Judge of tbe P"!bate Court W.arren County. Ohio C. Donald DUatush. Attourney Publlsb 8-24·31 9-1
FARM LOANS R. . . . .
-' ~
WiImhqton 2362 Lebanon 439 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT INLAND PRODU(:TS. Inc. A'CImlnlatrltor . Qstate or ldargaret A. Jobnl Qe· ceased. NoUce 1s hereby given tbnt Ernest E. Cook whose ·POlt QUice '/ 'Addresl II ·R. R. 2. WayneBvllle. Ohio. haa been .duly appointed as .!dm.lntstrator D:wNWW,A of the No Feel; Comrnj..iODI or
' WElSSMlJI,UR . .,,*",.V - iff 111
Hogi and Other 8m. II 8t'ook Removed Prompt Iy CALL COLLECT
ne .LaD~Ban' Way
Phone 37371
CIarle4 toee Indicate a rlbonavlll Face th, ladder when going up or elown. ~ ill annrtDr. ~.
OR ';rRADE - 60 acre Farm In Mbrgan County, near West Liberty. Ky. wJll trade for smaIl· n p~ag. and "efenll6 cabln ,.roun4 ' VayneSvllle.· AIBO adjollllng farm CQ acres with · growing crop of t()l. 'bacco. Inquire W. F. Adam&, Lytle•. Oh.lo. X-8·17·24-31-9·7
___ u___
AUGUST 25, 26
P"PIII' Silo FlUeI', exc~lent condition. A 1 s 0 Massey Harrill Corn Binder. BANTA 1M· rr.mMEN'l' CO., Lebanon. Phon\! 555.
Service -
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Executor Estate of James Arthur Hartman Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that' Pblllp J. Hartman .whose Post Office add. re~s Is R. R. ' ]. Waynesville. Ohio bas been duly appoInted as Executor of th& .· Estate of Jamel Arthur Hartman ' Iate or Warren ,County ·(lAlo. deceased. Dated this 8 day of August 1960. RALPH H. CAREY Judge of the Prob!lte Court, . Warren County. Ohio Muple & Maple Attourneys Publl~h 8-1'1.24-31
U_U_Q_II_u.~_a .
FOR SAL»-Ollver Horae Mower, McCormick Deering Horse Mower, Like .New. BANTA IMPLEMENT CO.• Lebanon. Phone 665.
Installation and Gas
NOTICE' OF ~ APP01NTMENT Admlnlltrator . Estate or Harry , Colll~8, 'de, ceased. Notice 'a hereby given that Tbomas C011lns, w\rose Post Office addrella Is Lebanon, Ohio. baa been duly nppolDted as Admlnlstra. tor of the Estate of Harry OollIns. late of Maule TOWllshlp. Warren County. cleceued. Da,ed tbls 11 da, of August, ]950. RALPH B. CAREY, J'u4ge of the Probate Court r Warren County, Oblo Me171 B. Gray. Attorney Publllh. -l'l·U-Il
a_h • .• _._a __
FOR ~LE-cnse DO Trll.coor with Cultivators. Overhauled. llew pal'ri.t... gUa.ranteed. BANT~ IMPLEMENT CO" J,.ebanon, Pbone 66'5.
car InquIre at Post Of rice 01' see GEORGE WATERHOusE \ X- 8-il4·S1- 9- 7
Ask .About o'Ur Price on
Spring Valley. 0-
FOR SAlIlll-l1'oUl' use" U. ~ Royal Either H. Gon. wbo$(' p Qst OfClce 7.60x15 a1r:r1de tires, rea,onable, aildresli II Waynesvl\Je. Ohio. ha~ CARt; A. PITST1CK, Pbone 2371, duly appolnt.4 sll flxeclJtrlx of the 21.72. Wayuellvllle: ' tf Eltate of Jobn B. Gonl IJtte of Warren Ooun,ly, Ohio. clecep.sed. - You can get .xtra coplel of the Dated this 29 day of Jul)' 1950 GAZETTE .t 'th. WAYNE8VILL.E Warren .County. Oblo DRUG STORE or tho GAZETTE RiI;",H .H. OAREY office. Judge ot th. Probate COU. t Oray. 'll.lalnger A: ·Gray. Attoril eYf\\ P,ubllsb - 17024.3:1
afterDoon. Mr. L~le Morgan. Mr. 'Fred B.a rnard. or Alpha , callcid on Mr. and Mrs. Emerlon For MOlt Every Type of· FARM DlII Sunday evenIng . . .~................................ udPROPERTY Albert Crew of Spring Valley. If You Are Tbinkin, of seWn, Ohio. calied on Wellington Levi CAll. OR WRITE and M'r. and Mra. Elllwortb SmIth family In8~ Wednesday after· noon. REA L TOR Mrs. Anna. Lucas spent the w'e ek 617· Lorain Ave, . KE 3446 1end with Mr. and , Mrs. Clarence DAnON OHIO . Tbompson. I ' • " , Mrs. Lawrence Ling were Day· . ton shoppers Mollday. Mr. and Mrs. 1'"ly GibBon spent Satqrday atternoqn with Mr. and Mrs. Harry, ~jbsODS mother. Mra. Emma Gibson. ' . By MRe. HILY· Q'.'ON Sunday callers at the hom.e o~ . Mrs. Ellsworth Smith atten<le(L Mr. anel Mn. Ellsworth Smith and a miscellaneous shower given III' fainUy were L. lCl, Upsong, Mrs. honor of her da~gh·tel' PatriCia, al. VIvian McDonald anel BOn Paul. ~r tite home of Mrs. Norll!an B. Vine Dayton and John Clay of COlum· Dayton IRSt Friday. Pa.trlcla wlll bUR, Ohio. become the brid e of Johh A. Clay, Mr. Clyde Jon88. Mrs: Elsie of Columbus. Ohio. on September Bunnell and chDdren " Eclna a~d 16tb. Sharon of Lebanon, Bpent Thurs· Mr·s. Emerson DlII a.tlended the day evenlng 'with .lier mother; Mr~. McPherson School reunion which Hlly Gibson. : ., was held at Shawnee Park, XenIa, Ohio. Spnday. . SUNDAY VlSR'ORS . ~ . Mr. arul Mrs. Glenn Gruhot,' of AT W.. E. STROUDS Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Charley ' Mr. and · Mrs. Cla rl Hart.lJock, of Crawtord. of' CinCinnati, MI'. and Mrs. Lewkl Thom son and ' dough· Hamilton, Mr. an.d' Mrs. Ambrose ·ter o~ Dayton. were Sun~ay guests Sullivan and Mri. 0801'le. Saylor, . of ·Dayton. were Sun4ay . of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Clnrence Craw. dinner guesta of Mr. and Mrs. W: ford here. E. stroud. Mra. Henry Derges. of Beave.r.
Substitute for
1. WnYJUlsvllle Must be 18 and have
I Nt/ve Clients
. Estate ot Woodr.·)w ('oilins. (Ieceased. . Nollc Is hereby gIven thnt Tbomas Colllna ·whose Po ~l alldress Is LebaDOJl., OhiO, 11M been !luly ~pP'llnted as ,,"mjrll s~r,.~or of tile EJl tat~ of WOOdrow Collins, late ot MHB!:,I! TOwns/lip, 'VIIT-I'en COUll' ty. 01110" deeeaaed. Dated this' 12 day of August, 1950. RALPH If. CAREV Jud·ge of the Probate Court Wlrren' County, Ohio l\fer.yl B, Gra,. AtwrulI Y Publish -17·24-al
_ , _a_~~"
18 YOUR SUB6CRIPTION PAST DUE? If It 11- won1t you pleal. lend UI II chec~ for $2.00, 10 . ~. can continue your paper. _ _ _-=-_-:--:-_--:--:-::--.:: FOR SALE - 5 pi ece oak dinette set,' extra Icaf. 4 cbalrs. Calli 2401
(Technlcolor) ' .... ERROL ' FLYNN-:-ALEXIS SMITH-'·Cuddle." SAKALL . Battle of tbe Sheepherders and Cattle Rancbel'S Plenty ot Hard·Ridlng. Flst Figbtlng and Shooting STAMPEDE! W. B. NeWI ~errle Melodl&-Hls Bitter Halt
BANK RON ORA V 1Ill,.- l..oaCecJ. I\t Davl, FuI1lU PIt. 50 OUy uublo ,ar4. We &110 deUver. AlUI· IT4Gm A SON. Pbone 1081• . . if
STUBBS FUNERAL HOME FOR SALE-Dodge Seda.n '37 In good dondlUon. good tll'es . See Ruth Cbandler at Friends Home. . X-8-1724-31
W&1De..W.. OhJo Phon.; Way_avill. ""
FOOD STORE Phoa6" 2&41
PHONE 2371
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 ONE HUNDREDTH YEAR I
"bfJut TfJWil ITE'MS OF INTEREST AB'OUT FOLKS YOU KNQW Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hagemeyer
ot Dayton, are announcing the
rash Here Kills One Truck-Train ..
Huge Truck Rams Cincinnati Limited,'
Monday At 1,P.'M.
birth of an eight pound SOil on 'School w1l1 open at the WaynesSh~rtly before 8 :00 o'clock Wednesday morning. a l arge Sunday, August 27. MI'. Ilnd Mra. ville Local Scbools Labor Day, Sept, heavily-laden West-bound truck·trailer co mbination belonging , James Young ot West Bend, Ky., 4th at l' p. m. Supt. K. M, lletnlllck to the Fazio MQvers of New Yo rk, co ming down the steep hill al'e tbe matei-lal grandparents and announced loday that scbool will on Route 73, crashed into the side of Ihe Southbound Cincin· Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, Chlll'leA be In session' for a full day on nati Limited at the Corwin crossi ng, killing one man and se, Hagemeyer are the pnt.e rnnl grand. Tuesday, Seirt.. 5th. Lunches will verely injuring another on the tru ck. parents. Mrs. Hagemeyer lived in be servef;l at tbe Grade Building on Thl) Injurel man was Identified MD.rrow at Ole time or ber Tuesday. liut tbe stuilents at the at lb,e Miami Valley ' Hospital in marriage. ,. High School BulJdlng, w,lII have to Dayton 88 John ~ernnrd .Schaepel'8, Dr. Arc~ D. Harvey, ,CommisMrs. W. O. Raper returned from .carry th eir lunches untlJ such a 30, ~88 Fnlrmont Place, Bronx, N. Cincinnati on Friday after spend- ttme as the kitchen and cafeteria sioner ~f Health., Issued a state· Y. The dead man was not Immedment today cautioning all owner" ing several days Wltb her sIst er, are In readiness. Please tell all of Iately Idenllrled. and operators of eating and drink· MIBS Letllia Sobatzman. your friends of thIs ohange In pro' D. P.· BaIrd. of Columpus. flagIng establishments In the County, The Ea'at Wayne i~dvlsory Coun- cedure. . man on the Llllllted, WIllS also' at on beld their regular August mel't· The following 'tenchers wU be tbat ,Board ot Health approval of the hospital wltl1 possible internal such etsabllsbments can not be Ing as a vacation session, and en· tbe staff for the 195~1951 sohool Haln street is bavlng ,1ts face Inj urI es. He was In a tplt· condition. granted unleBS owners or operatoa WATCHING :tHEIR FIQURE, SKATE.R S-A;t the Cb1c:a,o Fair Joyed- " lovely picnic sup'p er at the year : Ice VerieUee. . . . seven on ic:e billdea w~e ,w1Wn& to cut- lifted and getting a much needed NOlle or the tra.ln passengers were Friends mlletlng bouse. Plans . First Grade-Mrs. Elvera Car· comply with sanitation require, up arouDd a ~otb ttqJc!ae created by .M rs. -\nn Foster, ~Inner repair :Job. .. For quite lOme tIme Injured seevrely, bt\t so~e recelvel ments now In effect. Recent In· were made tor the next regular vel', !drll. Ola Kersey, Mrs. Suelln of the oat101;1I1) title for maklnl the best &Pda a~ 8uodae. ~ul 1 he street has been very ;rollgh cUls and ,bruises and It ",vall reo !'pecUons lildlcate t)lat a large per· Done of the ftaFe skaters dared' to IIUiIple tile thick, syrupy, Whip .meotlng to be held. In September McClu·re. and full of deep holes. ported one mao hod a bro,k en arm , ce.ntage of thOS&, establishments at tbe bome or M'r. and Mrs. Ell cream 'l~o~; thV were, w.~ their ~. Second Grade-Mr$. LUlle Fin· , A huge road levelet Is working !"'- - - - - - -_ _~_ __ : . . _ Furnae. ley Mrs. Peal Courtney. Miss Beth~1 visited are not complying with the T.he dead man waa Identified. as on the s.t reet with , a tremendous Mr. Rnd Mrs. L. H. Gordon had Wesner. appropriate regulattons, " e., Frank· Theodore Schaeperl, 61, of 1132 heat and scraping process. Then all their house guest durIng the lin Ordinance, Lebanon Ordinance,. , Third Grade-Miss Virginia Har· I,Jnlveralty avenue, Bronx, New later a new coat of black top past week. ,Mrs. Ruthle J\funell, of din, Principal; Mrs. ElIBle Weltz. Warr~n County Oe~eral Health be applied and rolled. and the street York. State Highway Patrol ' of· New York City. Four~b Gl'ade-M~. !'tlillred Shee- District Requirements. flcl.all laid he w,aa the father or will be smQoth and even and ' . Mr. Claude E\troud "lfho hRS been han, Mr. Kenneth Ward. . AU owners and operators of eatIImlnate much of the nolae that ,is brother of the Injured driver, who ill at 1I1s home for tbe past few , Fifth Grade-Mr. Jobn Llnllcott, Ing anc! drinking establls~ents In caused by the many large trucks waa It III In, a critIcal condition at days was taken to Miami Vall13Y ' the County sbould familiarIze the Miami Yalley ho.pltal. tbat PaBS through our village. themselves with tbe appropriate HOllpltal on Sa~urday' for treat. Mr. Wllllnm Grabam. ment and oh'serv8lt101l. Sixth Grade-Mrs. Thelma E lz y. re~latlons and take Immediate When' work Is. being done on the ....----------------.-.-.--...--......--~ streeti traffic on Route 42 Is deT be Ia.st f ive CRra of ' the tTalu step.s · to comply therewith. An~ Mr. and Mrs. WlIlter Slieeban Mr. Qeorge Evanoff. toured ,around on Third street. ott left tbe t rRck , as tbe truck smlllSbed 'ent~lne rp dinner on !Cunday Grades 7 to 12-;-Mrs. Mary Mar· Interested party m,a y obtain a COPY Paul F. , garet Anderso~, English and Geeg· Mal,n street to t.he · first Bleeper car. None of ,celebrating the birthday of the raphy; Mrs. Barbara Sawyer, Spell- '?' the Warren County Oeneral the cars oyerturned. TIle engine rorme~'8 tather, Mr. Elmer Shee- Ing and Hilltory~ Mr. Charles J(lm s. Health District ReqUirements by aud tbe remainder of the cars conban, lind of their son, Mr. Rich. Hl$,Ort, Arithmetic, English; Mr. ,contacting the Board of Health 0 (' tlnued on down ihe tl'allk for about ard Sheehan. The dinner table Harry Lundgren, Social SClcnc~; flce}p' Lebano~. mILe bef01;e coming was. attr¥Uvely arranged and Mills Florence FoKbower, Commer. · --~--..,....!:'" coveM were ,placed for Mr. and clal; M... · Carol, RetaWck, Sci..1J!n; ... lIceIdie"'ln8 ' f1n8Ur,'Uf. ce and l\f'atliem:· ca; ' ra. MIn~ B.;own. Henscbel .TIooeB\ · Paul s4!aaon at the home of UlbaDOIlo Mr. ~Ie SprinKel', ot erva . Hougb Engllllh 'and Latin' Clark, Ernest Lindsay, Jr.• Harry ' Transferred from another Board, Watkws on, next Wednellday e"8' D&)'ton, Mr. GraY80n Con",ay, of Mrs. n.c;sem~ry York Mathematlc~ nln" September 6 at 7:80 o'clock'. ~, Mr. and ~~ 0. D. and. $c1ence; MIB&' li'aDnle Le- , A,t , the 'regul~r .~eetln~ of the Stegemoller, Orbl cdm"!,, Lebanon; Byron Morril, GeOr,etowD, Ky. Sbeeban and daughters, )lr, and' Master, Voc. RODie Econom.lcs; Mr. ,WiRYDesvUle ROtary Club Tueeday -----....;;.---.-...;..-......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - All member/! ' &1'8 urged to be present as thel'e are Important malters MH. Elmer Sheeban. Mrs. Allee Ed' !Porter, . Coach; Mr. Lowell evening two pew members: Ed POl'· to' be discussed , ,Croll and son, Kenneth, MIB& )lU· AJ1bur, MUlllc; ' ·Mr. Jobn ,Mowbray, tel', Athletic coach and John BroskI. dred Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. Ever· VQC, Agriculture; Mr. LeMar manager of 'the Waynesville Locker eU; M.cCullough, Mr. Richard Me- Earnhart and Mr. Ellis Back, Vet. Plant, were lectured on the merits Mrs. Nettie Emrtck ' returned C. S. C. $. TO MEET Fadd,en, Mr. RIchard Sheehan erans Instructors; 'Mr. K. M. Ret. of the Rotary Club by Raym~lDd homs Monday -af,ter & two weeks The C. SL C. S. of the Methodlst aud : the' host and hostess. . alUck, Supt. Braddock. "Islt at Wasblng{on C. R. and Church wlll meet at 2:00 P. M. SatMr. and Mrs. 1.. H. OGrdn ,have Robert Wa:tlr:1ns, Elt8Cuttve Dl· urdsYi at 'the churcb. ~ll cl\lldren Last week tbe 114.1aml Gazette Clarksville. ' ....as 'thslr bouee guests Mrs. Lillian rector of the (ModwUl Industries Mr. and M'''f!. Cheater Baird of are welcome. FIfe and KJ'anddaughteil Sue Fire ARIZONA VISITOR of Dayton, was the guest speak!!r presented the Wa.1rne Townsblp Dayton, were week end vIsitors in ot Wjashington, D. C. RETURNS HOME who spoke on the dIfferent phases Public Library with a copy of "Oblo Newspape~" I~nd the follow· M.lss Rutb Conner, wl~h 'Miss MIss Carol Kay Turtier, daughter of . the work: ot tbe Goodwill InLY~;~. . Ida. Wical' who lives witb WEDGEWOODS HAVE ANNOUNCE BIRTH Ing is a letter of thanks wblch was Carolyn Matthew of CIncinnati. 18 Of . Mr. and Mrs. ,John Turner, for. duatrlee . . BLANCHESTER VI~ITORS Mr. and Mrs, Lester Kenrick, Is OF DAUGHTER . enjoying a vacation and stghtgee- mer Way.nesvllle residents, reAfter the meeting a club assem· received by Uie GueUe Monday : . the Wed,ewoods Isst Visiting spending tho week wltb her chU· MI'. and Mrs , Fran,c ls Gene Brown "Wayne TOWnBWp Public Library tng trip to Toronto, Canada: turned to her home In fhoenlx, bly wss held with the assistance Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Edwal'd are announ¢ng tbe birth ot a and ' Jdandohlldren, dr!ln thanks wishes to express tllncere Mr: IltIn Rye, Mr. Warren Shee- Arlzo!la, laBt Tbursday by way oJ of Dr. Hoffman, of Franklin. , Rev. and Mre . Bernard Baughn Pence and daughter. Anne; Mrs. daughter Wednesday morning at to Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Scberer ban, Mr. Sarp Brown and Mr. ADlerlcan 'Alr Lines after spendlilg and chlldreg are ' vacationing tbls 'E. M. Pence and Mrs. Walters, all e:6{ at Miami Valle)! Hospital. lack James left. on S~rday for two montJ1s with her grandparents NEW LEXINGTON for tbe gift of "GhJcil Newspapers," week In a cottage on the Oblo of Blanchcster, Ohio. Both mother and daughter are a ten day trip to Yello;wstone .Mr. and ",rs. Lee McLain of Day. VISITORS HERE a living recOrd_ It. 'l& undoubtedly River. doing fine. to~ and Mr. a.nd lolrs. lTarvey Mr. and 'Mrs. George Bunnell, one of the most unique history National Park. Mr. and Mrs. CharleB Tumbleson c~n lIet extra copl •.• · ,of the Mr. Brown ' Is m~nager ot Amer. Mr. and' Mrs. M. A. Fulkerson Sackett of Wa~esvl1le. . . LaITy and Karen of New LexIngton. books ever publlshedlln the United and daugbter, ' ' Zal~O Mae, were autho'f, Robert C. and famlly attended the Tumble- GAZETTE, at the WAYNESVILLE Ican Farmel's Mutual (nBurapce were .week end ylstlor.a or MI ss St ates. . The ' pelts · of ..Major and M~I!J. H. iI.· ~r. aild ~rs. Lawrence 'Cook and Monlmla and Mrl. , Nellie Bl)nnell Wbeelel' Is neWSPllP!Sf librarian of, Bon family reunJon at Georgetown D'RUQ STORE or the aAZETT'E Company. office. Ohio State Arcbaeolll)jlcal arid His· fairgrounds Sun day. Hllrper ·lIt Culver, IndIana. from. son a and Mr. P. J . Davis bave re. ot Nor~h street. , Wednesday UD~II Satur4ay. t~rne after a pleasant sightseeing torlcal SocIety, ColumbuB. He Is Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick Mr. a.nd Mrs. Lawrence Cook and trip through the Smoklea, and en. curator of one of tho largest news· called on Mr: and Alfred Mra, Charle. Kirkham and little 's ona hod as Sunday eve~ing picnic route they spent several da.ys with CA'T HERINE CORNELL, 7B, pa.per collections In the UnlLed Wolfe In Franklin Tbursday atter. daugliter, Cherry Ann, of Battle I.....,".. . ,I. supper guests, Mr., and M.rs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coggins and Bon DIES AT DAUGHTER'S HOME States. Mr. Wheelers position, bls noon. Creek, Mich., are vIsiting her MoCoy and ohlldren adn Mr. _an~ In Oak Ridge, Tenn. . Catberine Cornell, 78. passed tralnlng 'ln the field of history and mother, Mrs. Jennie Lacy. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bergdoll, Mrs . H M d , . t' b h f b d 'h t M.rs. Clarence Bobbitt of WI~lng. Mr. and M-. Robert Thomas a'nd aw.ay at e ome 0 er aug et:, hlB fam,lllarlty wlt.h newspapers Mr. aijd Mn. omar once an ... Mrs. Velma 1Q.t""t,stlU, Oakwood, . b ' l I ' Edmond MinIer and cb1\dreo, or chDdren moved from the Kenrick ton, Ohl0. ' , ' . Q~idr~n were Sunday guests of the """'~I' lends aulhorlty to t s vo ume, Dayton, caDed on Mr•. J. B. Jonea Mr., and ~rs. William Strouse ,a nd lat(e1'8 tather, Mr. Ralph oavls, ot Th!lrsday morn'lng 9,t 12:10. making It a splendid addition to Saturday afternoon, wbo Is, some. property early Monday mornIng. daugbter bad a. s Bunel,a y ' dlnn,e!,. near" H·Illsboro. ' She Is survtv~d by her 'husband, ~ur collection of bcI1OU • . We are what Improved at . this time from Hla tather ', Mr. , Bartlett Monce 19 . Ever.y indication points to the guests • .Mr. and Mrs. Dale Duffee Morris, dauShter, Mrs. · Velma especially gratefUl bec&\Iae It has coming back to his home there. , fact that this year's Montgomery Larry and Turry Satterthwaite Stockstill, . a recent . 111 nell.. ot Bowling G,r.een, Mr. and Mrs. one granddang.b ter. Sue never been dupllcatlMl," ' The WomaD's Society of Lytle Coun t y F a I r. S eptember 4th tbm , . . , . Bobbv• .u...o"';an, wbo h a- .. been vis· church will hold their next meet· tb e ' 7th Paul Duffee. o.r Columbus, and Mf. snen+ .., the . week end with their Ann. one brotbe,r Jess Sib m t , 0f 'D , will' b e" more compre h engrandpaten.~s. ¥r. and Mrs. Har~ Itlng Mr. aiid Mrs. Everett Early Ing W.ednesday, .pt. 6 at tbe s Ive 1....... and MN!. iT, J. Bureke. Mr. and Mr.s Hamilton. "MY FATHER W01~KETH" n _". ..e an d numb er 0 f exhlbl ts Dave Ka~pp and daugbters of Cln· Satterthwaite. Funeral serVices were beld. Sat· and Mr. and Mrs. Paul wnllams church, when the Springboro S&- 'han ever betore. RalPb C. Haln&s, , Jes)ls spoke theas words aboul d I Leb tu ed . . . clnnllltl, were also afternoon guesU. A large groUP ot ths Farm urday afternoon at 2 p. m. at th~ an SOo n anon re m by clety will be their guests, In honor Secrell;ary, states. 1Jurea~ Youth Council IPld their Hta Heavenly Father. What He said airplane to his home In Phoenix, ' , . Stubbs "Funeral Home,. Rev. John lhen Is Just as true, no.w. God Is ot the 10th anniversary or the A to t .a I ot approximately Mrs; H. L. Rye opened her home t9 frlenila attended the State Fair o.n Wed'gA~wood 0 tfl c Ia tl ng. I\J\o b as . been ' provided In on Tu' es d ay an d h a d as h eil ~es, . ,continually at work iii the proces. Arllona Thursday. Woman's Socfety of ChI'IIlt Ian• '"·26000 , ."", the Argunot Brtdge Club and Bev· Monday 'and severlll members par· Burial was In MIami cemetery,. sell of nature apd all phases of tUs The Lytle Card Club enjoyed a Service. Tbe Prelldenf, Mrs, E. prelD,lum awards and race purses. creation. Eepeclalllr iii ' Ood wOl'k. lUncheon and aD afternoon ot oards B. Longacre wishes all members to The latter totals $13,600.00 and cov' 6ra1 gu'ests. A (lellcloUli dessert Uclpated In tbe' equare danolng on course was served by tbe hostess ,Monday nl~ht. TOBE 80\LL FEATUAE'D Ing to reacb the , iUlal'ta and willi Thursday afternoon at the Smith attend. 'IIhen on Thursday, Sept. 7, ere e.vente. every afternoon and eve. and three tables, of carda wero In. Mr. and Mrs: ,w tUlam strouse 0,,", NE.W SHOW of men so tbat In lrieldlng to His Tea ROom hi' waynesv1l1e. the Lytle Society wl\l be ,eilter, n~ng; exceJjt Tuesduy nigh:t of the 1I1ay during the afternoon. and Mn, Leah Mills attended the Tobe Ball, Sopr.ano. wlll ~e tea· purpose peace andl freedom and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nu~t of otlar talhedd at Red Lion by t.he Woml ns I Fair. Mr. H,alTY Sattel'thwatte and Mr. weddt6g of Miss ~etty Jean Ma· tured on a new television propam 'joy may be oura. 'Centervllle, were Sunday visitors ot Society of that church. On Tuesday night there are , U ·... ,,yo'Illard Furnas attenled the Count'" co;mber and Mr. Orv1l1e Savage in calIed "BtarUn,. ' of Stars', startIng ' , ·r s Therle' lones . . • On Sunday morning God Is a~' Mr. and ... .... Those from ' here who attended numbel' 0 f spec lal BV nts. IncludIng SundBJ, Sept. 3 12 Noon t o 12,30 work speaking to allcb heart as be DaunT, Groves, ot Gent~rvllle, the Macomber-Savage wedding at parade or the wInning live St!,CK, Fall' at Greenville during the paa~ Columbus on Saturday. l'eeIL Miss Janet Mltchen!!r ",a nd Mill on WLWT sponsored by Mr. Jules worshlPfi In the chlirch of hla spent last week with bls grand par- the Metbodist Chapel of the Ohio concert b)C the ' County'll massed "Mr. and MM." C• .;E. Edclnlton SUJanne HarlaD .have returned Seln, owner of a chain of classlcil.! choice. Be 'there thla 'S unday and ents, Mr; anel Mrs. Wilbur Foulks. Btate University;, ColumbuB, Satur- 8cbool bands And a special ,entter· and IOn are vacatlonlng In Wcb, from an outing at Kelly'. fsllUld d.nc~ Itu410.. Jlllten for His voice.. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Manning day afternoon, August 26 were : talnment PI'Ogrllm by Kleln's Holly"My Father Wo,r ketb" Ill , the and IOIls' moved to Dayton Monday Mr. a.nd Mrs. Will Graham, Mr. and wood R-evne nnd othel' acts. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Earnhart bad in lMe ErIe when they reprennted as guest. during tbe paSt week ' the WayneBVllle and Sp1'lngboro CARD OF THANKS theme for at the Meth· and Will care for Mr. Mann1ng'I Mrl. Jobn Thompson and SQII Bobby Live stock exhibits will Include ,Swain and Granges. I Wilh to take thIB opportunity odlBt Church father there. , ' Mr. Le~l' Kenrick, Mr. and Mrs, tbe best bl'eeds In cattle, sheel) and , Mr. and M1'8. Mias Rutb HutchlntOD of ~leMiss Doris Oharlton entertained to thank the people of WqDel' dlially Invited to • The ~ble8 and chalra from the Wllliam Strouse, Mrs. Leab MlIIs. awlne. wIth specIal e"l1lbl;s of pOIII· ton, Indiana and .Mr. MUton' BIles- wtth .. Ilumber on Thursday ville for lbelr IDIUl7 klndDeIIlea to School at 9: 30 and ball. wb;lch 'were liven lbe churcb M.... Olive WardlGw and :Bobby try and rabbit!!. ban, of Centerville. ntcbt and had as ber pests Mls. ~ durlDe\ 1IlJ Illness. The cUte, dj 10:30. people bJ Walter Kenrick, have and CarollDe Campbell. They also Two bYJld new automobiles wi I Mr. &\4 Mra" LeO Conner aDd IWtq' BUterthWalte. MIaII 'vlslt., flcnren, eardII, phODe calli, been taken,: to the bam on lbe attended tbe recepUon at a restau· tie aWarded . a8 attendance prlle I de_tar lipan( J'rlday aIl4 Satur- NIoal. Mill DorothJ wu.oa. JIlu ~ all. .....u, appreciated, Also 18 YOUR ItUI"'~!I'I1 Crellhton propertJ. Tbe plano, rant III Columbu.. Mr. and Mrs. during the 1860 Monllromery Coun· W OD a vacaUcm. In KeIltucJr:r, Vera Sberwood aDd :au.. spa. ~ Dr. -.at I eaten4 mr sratltude. Du.r If It II also from tie ball, ",m be.lold at .v..e wUl 10 to boulek,eeplng In 11 FaIr wblch OpBi18 otffclally on JU,.IMaIIr..GJa,,,, ' ~ .=:' _.lin. BIlL _ . . , . e ell_ the nctloD 'lale jI.Dtaa.... ·l.. OreeDYIU.. & Labor~, Septemb&r 4tJ1.
tgom.ery County Fair 0 pens S,ep. t 4.
A YN l-:S \,Il.I. E, 01110 .
THE MIAMI_GAZETTE EI tablllhfd 1850 , PAUL. A. SCHERER .... , .... " _" .. .. .... ,," , Editor and pubiliher CECIL.IA J. SCHERER .. ....... " ,,· - _....... Secretary and T realurer
• Sydney _ Australia, an En glisl war lI ' irlc had qUElds the horo, Publlsbed Every Thur sday Moroln, way, gl v 111 1\ blrtb to B girl 01 I-V'TLE METHODIST CHURCH ME:THO~'-ST CHURCH ThursdD v, B hoy on frid ny nnn (l n, . ul waynesville, Wllrren County, Oblo of each ~ n Sa turday . (;u ...•• lit). \ :, B, IE, Baughn, Pastor I , , , W ed ~()wooc\, MIlIlsler Church School, 9: 30 A.M •• Mr. UnUled Bervlew, · 9 : 45 a. m. Entered liS socond clas8 matter at officla Is rI r e cutting rio" 11 un de liverills e " rywhere _ IlaJ'old Earnhart, Supt. the pOSIOCrice at Waynesville" Ohio. • • Worship Servlc\!, 10 :SO A.M. ST, MARV'S EPISCOPAL , A lad wh o once sold new pape l" \' 1111111 F'e llo\\'s hlp. Sunday, 7: 0\1 The Rev. Samuel N. Key~, Reclol. on the street s of Holl wood Is n o\' P.M. • SUllday: SubscrIptIon Rales $2" P I' Year, in adva nce. In Ohio ; ·$2_GO cis wbenl plaY ing Oil pal'ts In the mu\- I " You ' m igh t call his ~U l'l' 55 tOL' P I'lmal'y ~ burcb school 10: 30 a_m, FERRV CHURCH OF CHRIST "From s",lIlng 'ext ras ' to lIein, (Ages 0 tbrougb 8 ) A ~ eS . ~ arnel' is 8 grndU<lte or one. ,. lIyrpn Carver, Minister " .cu.u Adult , \Vorablp, 10 :30 a. m. Blflle School, 9 :80 A,M. Ohio Univers ity, wh 1'6 he I'e elved • • • Morning Worsblp, 10:30 A.M. A seaml1n recently ftIl'd suit It Il d gree in ba('ll elor o[ science. lie Prayer Meeting, 7:00 P.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH Silent two )'elU's with the armed a CIl'veltl nd court (or SIl3,00(' Young People's Meeting, 7:00 charging tha t a 150-p()und chunl • WHilom Shannon, Mlnillter forces in JIl(lan, He Is unmal'l'led Evening Services. 7:30 P ,M. By JANE FITE Sunday School, 9: 80 A.M., Mra. and pla ns to room In this vicinity. James Garrlaon, Supt. The omnmnHy t1-elt1ers ,Iub li nd Mr. and II'S , Harley artwrlght Preaching, 1st. and Srd. SunWAVNESVILLE CHURCH OF theIr annllal pi Illc fo~ Blembers and family, of Athens, wore ~tl 6s t S daya o( eacl.: mouth, 10:80 A.M. c; HRIST , and their famliles at Jnoob's Paril , Sunday ~r M1'8, /lI'twrlght's )lar· Evening Services, 7 :;10 ,P,M. 1.1. H, CoUey, MinIster \Vellman, 'ruesday f;! voning, Bible School. 9: 30 A.M. ents , 1r. and .Mrs_ Todd DUlI(te. Morning Worship. 10:80 A,M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Mrs_ Su, Ie GIlliam return d to Mrs. ?1n1-Y Levi y. Mra, Sadlcl V_oullg Peo)l les' Meeting, 7 :00 Fathlir R, H. I{rumholtJ, Pal tor ber home In Day ton , 'J'uesday fol- Reason , - Mrs_ Osee Hurlan, 111 ra, I ',M. Mas8es, 8 and 10 A,M. lowing a t wo weeks vis it with Mr, Mary $yfel'd, and Mrs. A. S, Coli tt F;ven lng SeJ'vice. : 00 p, M. Ilnd Mrs, James Radel' ILlld Uleh' W8re caller s In Dayton Wednesday Prayer Meeting and Bible ,Study CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS dauglu rs Mllrsha ,\n ne and Rnth afternoon. Wednesday. 8 P.M,of meat fell on hlm - In the galle) Ae ' Partlnrton. MlnIater Alice, Mr, lind MI·S. J. P. Thol'llbul'Y, of .a lake treighter. No woodel Worship Service. 10 A.Moo -, Mrs. Mary Boer stlel' wos n dill- M,'s, Kathleen Bogan, Mr. a nd N1r~. he has a big beeft' MT. H·O L.LV METHODIST ,Sunday Sohool, 11 A.M. '1'. M, ScaU. Minister • ner guest Tuesday evening of her Hoard Graham, Mrs, Cl int Tny~or, Labor Day II the day you fine E. Sunday School. 9:30 A.M" parents, 1I1J', and 111 rs, 81'1 Osbol'n and, MfS, A , S. Collett Ilttended t,he WAVNESVILL.E FRIENDS the fishing reel thot yo'u , eouldn' ! A. Earnhart, Supt. and dllughters, CUIIlon BapUst Association, held locate just before your ' vacatior, Wurship Service, JO :30 A.M. First Day School, 9;30 ,A.M. Arrs_ MIlI-Y ,Bogan haa ,accepted a WedneSday and Thursday at Hi ll s- becaus~, the · Mlssus put It In IH Evening g~!I'vlce, 7 :30 -P.M. Meeting tor Wor8hlp, ,1(1:80 A.M. proper place during spring boUil position as coo,," Illld walt.res~ 111 bol'o, Ohio, cleaning, the Rlzllr Restaurant, Illire, Mrs, Lena Clnrl< ancI her dllUgh· :Mr, and ?tIl'S. J ames lUtder and tel', Mi ss Ellznbeth lark were A burglar In Chl.c ago stole $300 famUy and tMLr bouse gl!est, Mrs. hostesses to the Washington' l assie worth of watcheL Bet be'U gel Sus ie Gilliam, sp nt 'Monday vls- Advisory Counrll . at thei r bome, lots more time when th.. pollee get their hands on him. lUng frIends In , Marlon. Friday even ing, , Mr s, blll'les 1I1lcbenor, 0 t SAND and GRAVEL MORROW No• • Severa] persolls trom here al. _ w,aynesvill e, wos a guest, Tnes- tended the Graham family reunion day, of Mrs_ John Welsh and Mrs. held ' at Old Rlv'e r Park., Dayton, BeUlah Eckert. SIlnday. (Except Tuesday Night) LAWN and FILL DIRT MLss Mattie Jo \Taugbn 1s 111 at Mr, ,and Mrs. GaJl Gordan and 'bel' home. All of ]Ier fl'lends are Mrs. 'Fred Sherwood 81 ent Fl'lduy wishing her n s peedy reeo very , In Dayton. Miss Erla Mae La Dow and {jss Mr. and Mrs, Ernest ,G lllhiID allll Gall tmlslnger will be the house t.h elr sons S ott a nd Oall, of New KLEIN'S RHYTHM REVUE, A Glamoro!ll MU5ical Sett~g of guests of nev, ond Mrs. Jam es York Uy, have arrived here tor a. Dazzling Costumes and High Qua~ty A(ltl Roder ami family during the t-IVO visit wIth Mr. ·GlIlIam'" pal'ents, weeks tbey nre to conduct a series AlIi LARGT ,MASS SCHOOL BAND OF 500 Hay~'Fever Blank~ Mr, and MI'S, Will Gjll Iall!. of reVival services at 'the Full WilHam Hllc,lebl'echt l'emlllng III LIVE srOCK and FARM MACH1NERY PARADE Gospel 'Church here. at tile home of bls son, Hel,s hel MIs.B Darbara Bogan was on overHlldebrech t. , TWO HQURS OF, GOOD ENTERTAIN~ENT night gues t Thursday of Miss Mrs_ Ruby PrIce I;as ' return ed Kathy Etz, ho~e [rom GI'alltlvlew HospitaL BIGGER AND BETTER _ Mr, nnd Mrs, Winton Etz and Everyone Is Invited to Ilttend the flimlly were gllellts Wednesday of ser ies or revlvllJ servkes being Clcnrr ~ILL COST NO ~RE TO SEE MORE! Mr. ELZ'S mother, Mrs. Florence ducted at the Full Q()spel Chur(:h, E tz, of Dayton. here. Tht\ lIieetJn~1$ begin ea 'b Live Stoc:k,:Metchanta.' Exhibib, N~ Farm Machinery, Cra~Ke Mrs, Ann Mason spent last weeli: ecv6ning lit _7: 30 11. m . jlnd will be and Farm ' D~playa, Schools, 4-H Club and Vocational end !W1tb Mr. and Mr8, E dward ill session tor two weells, TbeyEsribitta, Flower Sbow, Home Demonatratioa Payne, o( West EI,kiton. On Sun- lire belng _cond,noted by Miss Er)a TAKES TEN-COUNT - Preparing for his title fight wilh Ezda.y . evening she and hel' h9Bts P,..,j~cb, Culinary, Needleyork and Ffae Moe La Dow and MI81\ Gall Sh'll.Is" -zarcf Charles in September, ' Joe tended church S81'V1 'es In fI1&W inger. I Atte EXhibib , Louis bas been gettlng up' at the Mtaml. count of t enA. M'I thol is-f r Jbt TIIout_ ""vF..,.. FIwII Mr, and Afrll'. Paul Wlllch and son, Mr. and r.r~s. Gall Evans and of Lebanon, were guests Sun,ou y, of a ' hearty hreilkfast berore gl'l '''' . VAUDEVIlLE ACTS EACH ' AFTERNOON 1BIw-.,D tamJly, of Corwin, were guests Mr. Weloh's grandmother, Mrs: oba ling roadwork , Weighing 222 eB WWftUOllllOPOO-- • pounds, th e retired C:,Ol I1lP \; nrc- . Thursday evening or Mr. E van's W6lch, and his parents, Mr. and R I D .E S G A M' E S m_IH~C_ paring fOl' his come -bllck light unci!! and a unt, M, and Mrs. Mrs_ Tom Welch , with train ing at Wcst B~del1 '&l1 \IMWIID·SMt ·WUAU,M· Adam Campbell and fllmlly. S[>I'ings, indo Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MOllre a.pd DAy __ ____ ..: __ __TUESDAy, SEPTEMBER 5th (",.~ CO"''''1 01 '"blllO" R,I,.rtb uhroUOI'1I J. E . Smith, owner o( the Smlth's their son, of Sabino, were guests. _ SaUar·Bottom !Vh .. le 'Por alllort,-eight states the season of the "Big Sneeze" is upon us, SOLDIERS" D.~Y ______ ___WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th Dry Goods Is,tore, attended the fun- Sundsy of Mrs, ~foore!B parents, t and the Ilgnala are Ted nose•• watery eyes and IYC81'y sniffle. of The largest animal ever to In. eral of his slstel', ?til'S. Cather1n~ Mr. and Mrs. Todd Bunce, 16,000,000 hay lever Bulferers. Mid-A\lltust and September mark the habl~ the earth or its waters II Cornell, at Stubbs Funeral Home, maxinaum high ill ragweed and other IJolhm -counta as shown on thl. ' Ml'S, Ida d olUn s has ' l'eturnea to Itm In exlstenoe. ' The sul1ur·bot· newelt analYII. map. Thel'e il nQ fl'ee area 01' . I'lllicape 'Iune", but SlIIturday afternoon. 'her home following a two we ks tom whale, w hie h sometime. authorities point out that tpi. summel' may mal·k.- Ii low In auft'erinft Er~est (Buddy) Moore ill spend- visit with her 80n-In-11) w anll daugh- weighs 150 ton.. surpasses .in because of the new , availability witho\,t "l'eacl'ijlti')Il of the antiing a thirty day furlough with his tel.", 'Mi. and Mrs_ ' Sterling Ingels weight and size even the giant histamine compound •• Prescribed by doctol's tOl'yesl's for sllet'gie. dlnosaur/! ·of the Age of Reptile., arid the common eold, they can now b,e had over drug stOl'e countel', parents, Mr. and ·Mrs. Oarl Mool'e and family, of preenfleld. i inexpensive lO·milligrail;i tablets. _ . and tbe-Ir daughter, Mis8 Mary Lou State Bird for. N. B. Moore, At ,the termlnatlon of his Maple Syrup Farm families In Vermont and WE CAN TAKE .CARE OF YOUR JOB PRINTING NEEDS YES,., WoE CAN PRINI' nlAT 'J OB FOR YOU EXPERTLY New Hampshire le,l.latorl are . leave he will report to California, New York annually tap about lilt having trouble seleeUn, an ..prior to being sent to Alaska, clal, state bird Poultrymen want mUllan trees t.o provide about Rioha.rd W. Warner of Ports· the utilitarian New Hampshire three·fourths of the maple syrup mouth. will succeed Walter B, ~hicken. while blrdlovers prefer and sugar produced In the Vnlted States. Evans a8 mathematlcB and phySical the pert, anow-Iovlng 'chickadee, science Instructor In the schools, c- ' here, t his 'Yea.r according to n s latement issued by 'S upt, John W.
SEPT. 4tb (Labor Day) 5th, 6th, 7th
• •
.'. .
2 New Automobiles r---'--"--"---·---- --;~~;~;~~-.-'. As Attendflnce Prizes ! Armitage & Son L~:::::'~~~~:" t Horse
Ra~ing' Each
Afternoon, Might I
. __=:::~.::~~~~_s:,.::
ADMI,SSION SOC (Including Tax)'
. .,
---------------------a· M_OV_i_e_A_c_t_o_r_~!
Here's the Answer
state 11 known u the
-aessauaa,t·g ~. ·S·
- t -'91
'-aittIii 1II1/y.CIJ$1tne "GminultSofmy time /" ..,. JOHN H. DRAYTON, W...",
BOIllZONTAL 4 Carl')'lll8 1.' Pictured device _
movie actor 5 Lubricant 11- Help 6 Burmese 12 Narrow Inlet wood Iplrlt 13 Grea, Lake . '1 U, , 14 Goll deVice 8 Sea e,ll.le 15 Sin,ing veJice 9 Life (comb, 1'1 Negatlveword form) ntan1 18 An . 10 Walet hila 20 Bom 18 Upon 28 Palm 22 Certflled 19 Numbers ·27 Exclamation pu~lic ac(ab!) 29A1.o countant (ab,) 21 ~ake a 31 High carll 25 PllJ)en mistake 34 Tellurium 28 Treaties 22 Common (~rnbon 30 Mathematical pleas (ab.) 3'\ EIYJltlan ' term ' 23 Father sun loci 32 Toward 24 He is a stage 38'Amerlcan 33 Calcium and screen write: (s)'mbol) 37 Steal 34 Body ot 25 He has 3' Silvel" soldiers appeared In _(symbol) -37 Royal 40 Aurlcllt 41 Sell
$blte'" _.____ _ ~
. . ''1IAVEDII(J()(J (OII~
In, _': SM how you
COU~ pay
$1,000 . , . ... stllllIOt .., all Dodge -;'xtra rOOID _•••11 of handling ••• fa~s cltpenclability
,rrm,1t of toIt _
f lUll 5 mmulel I, all Inalr.e. how ' mach room. ier Dodle 11 dIlIll' even more ell' penli"e clln! 18.t 5 minute. b all
you need to del , .'lIIhle' the handling
ellile, TUuedne.. and economy .t hat
43 Paid notlee .4Ejeet 45 Bevenge 48 Nocturnal "yin, mammal 47 Arrival Cab,) 49 Route Cab.) GO Vase 15~ Pedal dl,lt 153Also ' ~5 Biblical , pronoun
helGA, to Dod.. III one. Y... 'm Jut S miD1I1e1 10" too,
will '-Iree wiih Mr. Drayton and lay tha' you could pay 11,000 more for a car and not set everythiu, today'. _1:1, Dod,e ,Int!' Come m today, ' See how e.lY it h to own a . De", Doa,e. YOIll' preMDI ~ will DO doubt more Ihaa ' cover the _all dOWD pa1lDeDt.
420«an 44 Recede
paZJUWJ.lO;~IH)'OOOI I 48 Sheep's call sa e.JlhU, .,. 48 Musical . , "£6t ·zz A[ftr I instrument BJAOW ole;»)113 v spJS
ul -Sl3l(lOh\
uo alnoq
H no !{leap Ol wlq lOql IJl)nod .£ ·st8t JO
~;)'V lIau1llSJSlV ul~o.i aQJ, ., ,',(uPlr0q la,at 8 ABa .1Gq1l'l ellvw 01 illVlS lug a~ awvaaq ' uo'a.l() lont.. 'uti OJ bp eql ~8.1q · .... (Ita loq1l'l 10 8lq'SUX eq.J, "t
·0 ·1 lInOA ~Si~
. 51 Greek letter : 64 Armed body ot troops , ',IS~Tbree
, (prefix) Division ,eolollcal time 58 Wood), plant ..........., 511.Came In
VUTlCAL lJ'.un. :& Pnwrlcate I Notion
Ltabanon, Ohio
.\ ~"!
.:Custom Baling
A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier
New Outfit
AU'GU . T 29, l!l GO, - ' 1'h first ralu for ov r n W eJ< lind CP\\I'SO tbls III th e dny , W 11 1' 0 K UIIII Cl ~ Ii
to pull th e Bwelll r;O IIl Rud ll\ 11 Il to Ule a Rlln!,I'Y', Tlfl lit ni g h t w h ~ d a l'enl ' Boaklng showoI' 110,1 \\' e needed It though the pus tm'es llI'e s till gl'een, th e gl'oll nd \V II S "pry hard , as ~h 6y fOll nd \Vb n th ey tl led to do Bome 1)lowlllg the other dllY, The [frst weok '!IItOI' vncatlon Is always a bUHY aile, It la kes some tim jus t to look nl'o\lnu flnd see what hnE!' hllppe ne d ~\' ltll e I , wns away, 'l' be YOUh,g l11ck ell H me do. Ing well and ' 8 0 rnl' no;t 8n 'l1 tldlle number hll.ye fnll e n vJ,UIlI to t he varments, but we snw (~ IlILlVlq !l' ll1 g 'around llls t weele \~ It nve 11'1 ' il to count tbem but' lhe ,Ifls t ti m \\' e ounted them a 8 they clun e oul th e door in llhe morn lng, W got more than we had to s ta l't wltl1 so 1 O lfl afraid that We OOunt"d som e of them twice and "\I'm have to do It aglllll, By openJng t110 door jll ~ ~ II craok so , that they 'c Owe Olll one ~ a time we call get I\. fairly nco oqrate, oount but we s Upped u p tha t time, We found Dlnllh;1l k:Ittel, In J\ hole unde r the c blckl' n ~ou8e floor. Tbere are three of t bem nnd 'J IlDl , stili Bu~vrl8ed th nt Auch a little cat could ralse 'tInee nic li ttl e kittens, Our CIl '1i lire not I'el y big cats and It nhvnys 8eemB 10 IItI! that Marblehend cnts Itre 'unl lQullll y large, Scampy would ma\<e t lVO of I)lnah and Tony w ho liv es II I!\ t door Is vcry large, Pel'blLpa Ih .y are just good , nd ,v e l't1 ~elUe n lR 1'111' canned cat food nJl(l " TillY DllIl," Our poor cas hn.ve , lIl1n t lheh' own mellt. ' 1, found Dinah wi th n tat tllll and Il piece of leg yester· day. 110 she ' must bave hlld good hunting, Wh en w e we llt to t he White Mountains we bud to ta k Sca.mpy \\I'fllI ;1800 "tile'y [I X' d ,I busbel baskol witb ,Il wIre llclLlng oyel' tbe top fU1d the re lu lallt ~ampy 'w as put in It llOwlln g nnd prote-stlng,,'. ~e ,stopped the t ight· Ing lind resigned JJlmsolf to bla fate bul pl'otested W1lh 10\\7 mlnuw8 n~1' the WilY there. but. he seemed' to like tbe ~W~B and f\lund cbaslJli frogs quite eiclting 119 t at 'We ,bad the lIame trouble catcbing 111m and packing him In the be,sket tor', the
More wheal, better wheal, . BIGGER INCOME-use BIG M
--- Witfi Rake It ,Extra
~~ml!lllllllllllllllllllilin 1IIIIImll l l llilil \11II11!lIIlmllllllllllil lm •
raar'. .U1t I
~ BUT- ~EW.
Jut and
Ihabbyl lkn4' It ~ GIl - 'We'll } ... .ton tbat trim. . .art , IC mab It look lib ...,1
recommended gradea for permanent pasture and hay crop., manufac tur ed-as alway~p to standard, never down to pri&1!o
IDdepeodent MIamI Valky COI>CCID wader direct opcratloD of ItI ownera-
You 'Be The Judge on the Size of Bale
NIC-L-LYTE BATTER'IES ,• 8,7 eta. ft. Space; 14,9 fCo of Shelves, • BOtde Shelf Holds 12 Quill" MUk Bottle., • Big Fro2eo Food Lode· eq,
er Holds:lS Pounds.
• I!gg.Q.Mat Dispenses 16 J!8BJ, lo.r2 at a Time,
the rid e,
CharIes ,D OSt er' ,
THE eyes of anxi~us mitions throughout , the , world ' are locuse'q on Korea todqy. where ~the UN fOl1ces a~e ·wa f i t: sn 311out battle against m c.n who t Ulld 'for despotism and 1:(ral\11Y, 'l'h el'E' have been heal' t,Iming r t: J (,l L/i 01 mllitar.y successes [or t iN =' l ies but there are 'still m :l r, y L sting days ahead, And the greatest days of ellullenge and responsl \)ility \I ill fu l.low our ultimate victory on the battlefteld, Will we use our triumph for peace or lor selfish purpQSe of gain? Wlll It be our pur,pose to bind up the wounds, pouring In 011 and wine, in the spirit of ttte Good "Samaritan, or shall we let hate and revenge conquer? ' Surely we have djecovered that It Is useless to say that we will preach and practice peace, that we will never under any clrcums'bnee take ,up arms, \vltiJe there Jre nallons ,openly dedicated to, 'he destruction of. the very id eals li nd agencies that, are a pari of the American way' ot life , , So long as we conside.r ' it a , ':hrlstian's duty ' to flght and re, trnln 'evil, , our peace must be composed of, preparltdness, For' a, vIctory without ' peace Is 11 total defeat, By way ef analOgy, one does 10t believe less in good health be, ' OUSi.> he fights an epidemh: of Usease, Nbr wIll America stand .Iss for pea~ If she remains reqdy ' ()o punish P:lst wal'mal, I'S a'n d 'JTb potentlnl warmakers, Through ite UN we have p~ached peace, \nd in Korea, we have used lones, ships, and luns ' to give t lce to OUr unwavering COil vlcon that peoce must reign, When victory 19 at laet won, we lu ~t make every effort to win the ,0., lailh uf · ti,e com.juered 10.:, - ~,'lU::l :-<. oN l. .:UlI of faith ' find 1rm?!lY In the " e~rte of ioU men verywherc, h,!1 t-3t:-ed r ~d ; greed "nsplre to brini about another ....C!,leaI viotor)'.
BEAUTY SHOP PE Located on Main Street,
One Fourth Mile East of the • Traffic Light CENTERVILLE, OHIO Yellow, Golden Jubilee, White, 'Cumberland '
"So~~body put crackel' crumbs in my bed!" , PolllU7 8t1ldy PouHrrmen who 'lathered eggs ftlree or more tlml!ll a day, kept layers confined, aDd kept no II).alea In the laylne fiock hSld higher qual. Ity eggs than poultrymen who did not follow ,these pralcUcel, accord· Ing ,to a recent stuldy of poulb7 farms In the Northelilt,
~I I _~
, The Opening of
.' Buttermilk! . .
North of Traffic Light
In,Winning 'Peace We Mus't Practice What We P.reach
~ne~na8~de::I~g g~:e~ c;~:a::! ~:I: ]iml l ll l l l mlll l l l l ll l l l l ~ 1 1 I1 1 1 I I l l l l l1 1 1 !1 1 1 1!l l ml l l!I I I I I I I !l llmlllllll l1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I!l lI l l l l lIl l Il ml l l l ll l l l 1 1 1 1 , By'George Ticklers
You can also get BIG M in
The lII1amI Fertlll.. r Company '- ...
Enioy Bonien's'"
3-12-12,4-12.8,0.20-'20, 0·12-12 and 2·12-6. B)1,t p]g&e
OHIc. & FadolY • trej)eln, Xenia, O.
' , For Dall), Market Repott.: , WHW Dayton, 12:60 E :S,T, Dlnl 1300; WLW Clpclnnau, 1240, l>lal 700.
teated" BIG, M brand. help increaae both, Your dealer baa
Tile Miami Fertillirer Company
Live Wire and Progressive, An organ.tzatlon secoml to none. Strictly sellers on the best allaround market, In the country.
, Tho better your crop. - the biueryour income, And "crop-
3 12 12
your order early.
:~::ill!lliu!!!II! 11!!nlllllllllmillllllllllll!llli1!ll!I~II!I!I' ;!:IIIIImllml il!l l :I!ll l l "i":il l[,;11I1
So orr we wenl.. three tl' e oC striped appl a that might Illluits, tbree chlldl'on, l he CII,t and be Northern Spies, Mr, Fordyce thl,! PII)), In t hre Cflrs, not t!tnt we gave us Ule namea bill I failed to ould not have nil rldd n In the "\v lite them down II d that Is a long The It'ee of Red Dellstation 'but beca:u se of the fllc t time ago, tbllt we a\l b~ p eC lSd to go differ e nt clous hal! !lecn peuring for quIte a plncss bofqre we ca me bFU!k. we long time now, also the , Yellow took a\l llle cars, Flow [lI ce It would, Trans[larenta but It Jlas taken the be to ha ve a PI'otty clem' 1I 1:t 1e lalte albers aU this time to recover from I'IlbbltB and neglect. L hope do wn by nil' tJa. 'k fe m!e ! , ' 1 !onnd su h a Jl1 nr lo .. ro und Ib e to s pray them next, year, Alt las t tlle tomatoes are rip e n' PHONE WAYIIlESVILLE 2834 bouse when I got hO ll! ' tl1 llt. I am trYi ng ' IO '1l t'a lot or wced cuUlng !lnll lr /'! ll'i.mn.llIg II a 11 ,c, We Lrlrnm d the I(}wcl' lJra nl hs>i off of Ume of yell 1', It la lucky thHt I t he ali gn I' mapl e in f ron t of the got bome when I did or r would hO\l ~e !lO "t.bll t from lilY wl nll Cl'w r have nlisRed out on our oWn swee t can n ow :lce und r It aefORs th e corn, I missed the first planting [jelds, ' ,)'hel'e were some 10Cll sts and we did not get any late COl'll ,Q r()\l'dlng tae all))le trees B ' we In tbla year so I bave been eating nl'e · leaning them out lind It III a my fill against the day when 1 big Improvemell t , A number of would have to begin to buy It, \ e usually have seveJ!al plantings bu . ttUl (1)1J\ , 1.I;ees lhlll were h when we mov d 1181'e ha.v n fil iI' we need d the ground fOl' tleld 0 , n crop or apples for the HI'H t t lme, IUld didn 't get any more In lbls but I do not know whut most ot year" which was a mlBt~ke for ' w ~,' then) are: The firs t winter \\\e were all like It, and 1 believe that th e her lhe yOllng apple tre s we re fI,ret business of a farm Is to fe"d badly elllen by rabbits ;whlc h gave the people wbo IJva and work on th m a bad s et back, There i 3 a It, Thlrt Is where the sys tems 0 1 tree of red apples which are Just allotments slip up - they I\te usu· tJpen1ng X\ow which are delic ious. ally unfair to the small 1 amlly They Ul'O a brlgbt smootll red with farms and make It bard to c;arry a bluish bloom on' theDl and a won- on good rotation it you sUck. to derful ta~ spicy navor; something Ulem, trip hom.e. , Gypsy, the pup, was, already uS'e d like 11 Jonatban and yet not quite CUrb 8enlce to rldh;lg in the car 80 there was the same look about them, Tben Curb .ervic. il not .. modern a. DO trouble gettlDg him ready for there la I\. tree of Greerunga and , Ii one mllht think. In the .eventeenth \ century, la<Iie. used to .It outllde Pari. cat.. In their sedan chair., IlIlIIilllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllmll lllllllllllllllllllllllmllllll _ ,.lIIlIllIffilll_ slppln, coffee ser:ved by the walt·
Forel~ , RebablOtanoD The gre,test forest rehabilitation project ever 'Widertaken by either state or federal government bas been In1Uated by th'e ilate ot Oregon with a '1,0,000,000, 10 to 111 year planting and Improvement program starlin, In the buge Til· lamook bum. -
w -
HMM ... WflY DC?N'T YOt/A'; " HIM TO .JOIN tI~ AT TilE PlClJjC TOMO~~OlN '?~ALI.Y?fOJZ.
A MINt/no":t DIDN'T
HIM , ..
Top Boll. HlulIll., Sln4, Granl Iilzoa.lttq WIUI o.clll Hoe. Draa-Un. IIId BuUdollr
W&7JIIlnu.. Ohio
Remember when s o a p powders were prll lica\ly unknown ? More t ban once, Moth.)r hnd to s hlL.ve down a 'p rfeotly good btI.r of 'soaI) to make lIuds tor her wash I beer extravagance, YO Lt seemed to her. ::I'o\lIlY, t here are s~o many SOal) Ilowders on the market t hnt It n lmo ~ t nmk s MOUISI' dizzy tryi ng to decide which Oil!' to buy, R Dlemb 1'1
Phon.: . WlY""III. 2111
Espe'cially For Farms. FRIDAY
Roy E. Smith
A Differ lit Kind of Murder f ys tery S SPENSE! ' A T I ON! THRILLS! -PL S MERRIE lIrELODlE-Au Egg Serllmble
Rt. 48, 5 mt South of
Centeryllle. PHONE Centerville 7066
Charlot StarrettSmiley Burnette - Plus 3 STOOGES Chapter 10-Phantom Empire
• ~ ~
' 1"1111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111"8Inlll II lin 111 1n n II I I uiullwlllll nllllllllllllllllllllllJllmlllmllllllllulllllllllllllllmmllllllllllllllllmlll_mlIII YES. -. WE CAN PRINT mAT JOB FOR"YOU EXP~RTLY
Rockhold Realty Co. ======~=
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . Administrator 27 GREEN STREET' Estate ot Woodrow Collins, deX EN I A, 0 H I 0 ceasod. Notice Is he reby g il'en t hat E. S. HOOD Thomas Collins wbllse Post Office Spriq Valley. O. Phone37361 address Is Lebnnoll, Ohio, has been ;;ga:a:paeagsee---p---gB1l duly appointed as Adml nlstratoJ' of the Eltate of Woodrow Collins, Jate Try Gazette 'Claulf"aed Ad of Massl& Township" Wlirren Coun· ty, Oblo., d!lce~ e d . . . Dated thli 12 ~IU' or August,· 1950. RALPH H. CAREY Judge Qf thEI P roblite COllrt . Warren County, Ohio Meryl B. Gray, Attomey Publish .•8-17~24.31 1
DRESS SALE WHEN PATIENTS LEAVE THE HOS'PITAL or ent er ono, t hey ne~d the most ca reful and experienced transporta tion-AND I F WE ARE CALLED, THEV GET iT. Cautlou8 driVers maxlmum comfort - fully Insured.
Dresses iere-· . $14, $18, $20
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT • Executor Estate ot Jobn B. Gons Deceasel NqUce la hereby' given t hat Eather H . Gons -Wh(ISe PoSt Ottlce address 1a WaYJlosvllJe. Ohio, bas duly appointed As E:~ecutrlx or the Estate ot John B, Oona late of Wlarren Q:mnty, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 29 day ·.of July 1950 , Warren County, O~lo ' RALP,I H. OAllEY Judge Of th., Probate Cou rt Gray. RIsInger .II: Gray, Attorneys . Pl1bltsh 8",,"17-24-81
l Nfl'" Clients '
FOR RENT-Sleepin g I'oom !!.
Sales Aak
Inst'al1ation and Gas
Spring Valley Hardware Co. Spring Valley, 0-
Phone 37371
LOST Drown andale ienth m' s houlder bag on Sun day beLween Waynesville and Lytle on Lytle 'road, Contains valuable a rticles, Phon~ TAylor 11168, Dayton. Re· ward, X-8-31 FOR SAL'E _
Mission oa k dining
rooll! !lulte, 90nsole ~ype b\lffet, 8 pieces. Reasona ble, F. ~ H. THOMPSON, Route 73, three- four~ mile eas t ' of Lebanon pike, X-8.Sl DAYTON VISITORS HERE Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth El zey and daughter Mnrjorie, oC Dayton, vis· Ited Mr. nnd Mrs, Walter Elzey Friday evening. . INDIANAPOLIS VISITORS HERE SUNDAY , . lire, Alm-a B. King, of [ndianapolls. Indiana. visited her brother and alster·In·Jaw. Mr. and' Mre. Walter Elzey ~ver the we,ek end,
COWS ' 12.50
. COJ..OR BV TECHNICOLOR . u_a __ ,;"n.' ••• $4 . . . . . _ • • • • • , • • •
'_._._0__ u_,... ,
.. Hogi and Other Small Stock Removed Promptly CALL COLLECT
'F R E E
617 Lorain Ave. KE 3446 DAYTON, OHIO "
~ TIle Land Bank'·' ay No F.... ('ommjsaio~ o.t R....Ja
our Price on
KID DIE S P L It. Y G R 0 U' N D
2362 Leb8J1OD 439 P,ilOT'CE OF APPOINTMENT Batate of. Margaret A. Jobns late INLA,ND PRODUCTS, IDc. A'd mlnlatrator . or Waynesville, Warren Coun!f, ~~~~~~~~~~~ Estate of Margaret ~ . .fohns De- Ohio, deceued_ " '. e '
BOltle' Gas ,
W . H , MA DDEN. Pholle 2601, WayneSVille, ·3l- U WILL PAY .TO,P PRI CE ror good Blue Grnss Sod , Cnll D n y ton FUlton 57 86, ' x- .31- 9.7.1<\-21
For Malt Every Type of FARM and PROPERTY If You Are 'thinking .of Selling CAIJ.. OR WRITE
car Inqu ire at Post OWce or seo GEORG E '\A'l' ERHO S,E X-S-24·S1- 9- 7
Substitute for Route
Our complete aerv. ice is not valued In terms of dolJara , but In the conlol, at.lon lNe can gIve t o t h 08 e In sorrow.
~~ I _ It _~~_"""~_ II _U"lt~'-'..-.u~~~~
1. Waynesville Mus t be 18 and .have
F OR SALE - Dodge SCdlUl '37 III good (jnndltlon, good ti res. See Ruth ChluHlIel' a t Fr iends Home. . . X- 8- 17 24:SJ - - - - -- - - -- F OR B,A.LEl OR TRADE - 60 a('re Farm In .M rgan Coun ty, ne,lr West Liberty. Ky, will t rade fOr small STUBBS acreage an d defense cabin a r'ound FUNERAL HOME Wayn esville, Also adjoinin g farm 50 neres with g ro\\'lng CrOI) of toPhone 2291 bacco. Inqull'o \V. F . Adam s, Lytle, Ohio. X- 8·17-24.31-9.'l
BANK ' RUN GRA VIIlL- Loaq.ed. at Da.,ta turn.. PIt, . GO oent.. cublo 1anL We aJlO-deUYlr. '4BlIITAGIII 1:' SON. Phone 1011. U
Horses $2.50 O~ws $2.&q All .Stock Removed Dally _ Large or Small - Call C~lIect
. ""6GtisD/ine N,w 1/;lIl11pll fJl tIu'lIIistljl, .;
Divllion of Inla~d Productl, Ino •
I~ AIn'I"~1C ...."WEI •
MAY BE PAID OFF ANY TIME . Lona ·Te,.. Ate Safe
MI~U I. PlllFORMANCE EDYTHE H. MEAD, 55, DIES IN TROY HOSPITAL hi VALUE • E4ythe H, Mead. 65, passed away at the. Stroudel' hospital, In Troy, Thursd~y afternoon at 6: 22 p. m. She lived about two and o'n e·half ~ " miles North of Wnynesvllle, She Iii s urvived by her bll sbllnd , Clyde, four brothers, Albert Hacliett. of RIley, Indiana, Elw-ood , of Phone 2423 Bradford. Ohio, Norris, oC Casso town, .and Thomas, (If ,Troy. MAKE THE 10 GA LLON TEST Funeral BervleS!! were held Mon. day at · 2 p. m .. at Stubbs Funeral Re .. LeWis Rildley oftlclat. lngo, with burial In Troy cemetery.' _
"'V''' a. tfGU,A,I ··GAS. l~'C ' BEL~HR'S SUNOUO SI~RflCE
to 33 Years at 4%) A Farm Ore..u.atioD For F.naen (Up
cealed. Datpd this 16 day of ~ugu8t,1960 Notice , Is . hereby given that, RALPH H. OAlUllY Ernest E . Ooqk whoee Post Ottlce Judge of tbe Probate Court Address Is R. R o' 2, Waynesville, Warren ColiDty,Oblo Ohlb, ·llas · been duly appOinted o.s O. Do'nald nilatush, !>ttourney . Admlrl.lBtrator . D'WNWW,A of' .tbe PubllBb 8-2.-31 9-1
OI:lO~r;:=::I' 01:1015==:::1'01:10' 1
'-or bettar .,ands. a..,_d yi_lds .of smut~f"'.
Pboaie 448
~ hEAlED ED.
~~;::=~~=====~~====~';;::::~~~IHome, NOTICE OF APJilOINTMENT
Estate ceaud,
or H alTY
E state' of James Arthur Hartman Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given tbat Thoma8 Collins, wh'ose Post Office address Is Lebanon, Ohio, 'has been duly appointed as Admlnlstrator ot the Estate or Hal'l.")' Collins, late of Massie "Townshlp~' War ron County. deceased,
Notlco Is her~by given that Phlilp J . Hartman whose Post pence add-. r ess Is R. R. ' 1. Waynesville, Ohio has been duly a ppointed as EXecutor of th& Estate of .:rames Arthur Hartman late oC Warron County Ohio, deceased.
Dated tbls 11 day of August, 1960.
Dated t bls 8 day of August 1950,
RALPH H. CAREY, RALPH H. CAREY ludge of the Prob~te Oourt Judge o~ the Probate Court. Warreu County, Ohio Warren County. Ohio eryJ B. Gray, Attorne, Maple & Maple Attourneys Publlati 8-1T-2t:Sl Publlsb 8-17-24-31
T.., GuettI a..tfW All -THEY GET RESULTS:FAS'I'
Your I8viop here DIG IN and CO T~() ,
c.Daed Fruita
Build Mcurity by addin, t., JCMIII' I8vinp account every pay Clay.
Waynesville National
..----------~--~~~...;.~..l •
..... 2141
~~~IIIA!j. . _ _iYB~.·
. 'r C
nl.nz m·.., 1iiQJ&I &Wi .
. .D 1IIIrau lID WIll
PHONE 2371'
Serving W~ynesville Since .1850 WAYI
19 0
667 Pupils Begin Sch,ool Term Here
The Wnyne.cwllle local se-hools got orr to II. good start Mb'1day I\fMi ss PhylliR 1\I8I'lIn ",ns honABOUT FOLKS VOU lernoon with a: goodly number of ored wllh 11 bridal s howe r on Fri· pupils answering the call of the KNOW day ' evenlng lit the home of Mr. Hcbool beH for the first time thb lind MJ',q . LloYI] Davia, with Mrs. school year. , 1\11'. Ellrl Powell, !\II'. Uene Davia, MfS. William Dlwls and K. M, Retallick. Supt.. of scbools, King lind ~h. 'Don Welch ha v" Mrs. Archie fIlldebrtlnl as the reports the following numbers of returned after Bpel}ulng a V8 'n' hostess B. pupils In attendallce In each grade. We\ldlng bells 'decorntetl th o Jiv· ' Ilo.n In Canada. '1'wo boy s who are going In'lo along wit h tbe corresponding lug 1'90 In B, and a fter a very pleasthe servllUl, Rlchnl'd l lllrold and teacher& ! The Woman's 'Auxllillry of UI " nnt evening of games lind contests" First Grade-Mrs. McClure, 24; Omal' Hlteman, were bonored St. MS'ry& church will hold 111 Ch' lhe honor guest Jound mllny lovely Mrs. Kersey, 23 ; Mrs. Cal'ver, 24; Tu es\lay llight ut lhe meeting of Plt'flt nleeUng ,'sirt'ce vtlcation' on girtB awailing her all til e dining Total 11. ' ,th e WayneSVille Rotary Club. Fl'lllay al the P'Hlsh House U I tltble. W sner, 27; Second Grade-Mrs. Also llre8 nt were two visitors A delicious luncll wllh punch a)\d ten a. m and ~' Ill s W' unlll eleven· Mrs. Finley, 32; Mrs. Courtney, Winton E tz, or Harveysburg and thirty o'clock for the chlldl'enA white Il)I)10Intment8 WIlM served by 29; Totnl , 8~ . Bob M e. ullough, of ~enla. bOme follo,ved by ('omm11 nlon. .., III hos lellses, TI~lrd Grade I\[ra, Weltz, 36; Nes t 'fnesday evening at 8: 00 Guests at the evenl'IIS wel'l" Mrs. covered d Isb lltlll'heon will bl Miss Hardin, 37; Total, 73. al the St. Morys Parlsb House the Men'ed at tweh\e o' ~ loCk wltb lh ~ Roy flnn ck, and MI's. Ill'l P et erFourth Gl'ode - Mr. Kenneth I W,aynesvllle Rotary Club and BOn of Dayton, Mrs. . lytle SouthbU l:l lne~s session to follow al on 29. Ward, their Rotaryalls will welcome the p. m. .Mrs. BorrY. c!UI'lrlllll.n of ard, Mrs. Evelyn Mill I' a'nd cll\lThis makes a total of 261 pupUs . teachers of tbe Waynesville Local , tbe ~09CeI\IJ Thank' offerl g com dT n arid Mrs. _Aid(\; ~11illp8 oC MI· Schools to our community. Also In the grade school butldln,g. Dliftee, ,irlll :tJe th " f;l1est Bpeuill" umlHbul'g, Mrs, Don Dm\ghmnn, of The foHowlng are In the hIgh l,resent win be tbe Board of EdO lark8vllle ~ Mrll. J ennie Blallck, " ' - '- - " , Bcbool buHdlng: lIcatlon. The welcome address, will Mr. Donald lind 1\11'. Wllllu,j' Mrs. Oliver Smullwood, MI·s. RusFourth Grade -Mrs. Mildred b!! deliver~d by J. B, Crabbe. Allbury and Mr. Willard Furnuri sell MarUn, M,"II, Fl'8ncls FlorenCe, GUNNER'S-EYE VIEW OF KOREA-In a Llgbt retl'es.h ments will be Sheehan, 31. lazlly-willdl n!: rivel , ....~ r' Jt .10 " cJ:d ~ r ~ .. flew to the Stale FII!1' ror. ·' Fly· M 118 . Don Dull'd, Mrs. ~Iill tlll Jones, Fifth Grade-Mr. Jobn Ltnscot~. erved IIUerward. ' machine gun . The G ,!.'!!' nlt•. ll ..ng tlllll gun ellll>!"""" "'" M 1'0. TholllaB hpup. M rB. ,Tu ite Ing Farmer',," Day. Mr. Wm. Grllham, Tota.l 61. I he pastoral setting belles the p, esence of Reds, umnel', . 'I ra. Howard DaHon, 1\I1'S. SIx.tb G r a de:'" Mrs. Thelma the ,rugged tenain, ready 10 Wares!' Graham. the honor . guest DID YOU KNOW? Mf'. aOlI M ra. lliw G. Oon M I' Elzey, Mr. George Evanoff, ,Total, Did you know that 1\ Revival Is 63. and daughter, J\r:as July Conner, n ud hos tes80s. III progress at the WaynesvUle bave returned after I!Jlo;>lldlng I \til ~venth Grade-Total 69. past . ~ontb on a motor trip to hUI'c;b of Christ? Yoti probably , Eighth Grad-.Total 49. California lah reI urnll1~ ' thr III;h liid . Bllt \\'hnt you didn't know ' Is Ninth Grade-Total 43. TeJltb Grade-Total 34. Canada. U ' MR8 .. that a 15 voice choIr from Ozark Eleventh Grade-Total 38. Mrs. Rachael , ~' e:lls, 91 , died Olllie Coll~ge, Joplin, MO'., will be Mias Juily Da'is has :h';a~ as b 'I' ' , ' o.turday In Ole 1'1 Idence of her ther Sunduy evening, September . Twel(tb Orad&-Total .28. bous~ gUllst. for the, 'past weell, dailght~, Mrs. tJ:E!1 11 Fleker, u l 10 to present a special program of ·MIss Donna Sanders of Dayton. lldg\lvllIe. • flong, after whlcb a. gOll'l)el set:V1ce MOTOR TO PENNSYL. Miami laapter 107, O. E , s", Dreaded Disease O"ce Though ' Sbe ,Ill Isun1"v" Ii al 0 by fou Thomas m. Hur ley, .S,B., or w ill be pTeacbed. , Every one ID VANIA SAtuRDAY wUl meet' In regular session 011 ' ' To Strike MOltly ;randQbll(lr nand ,'e\'en g ren t 0 lav ll le. Kentu cky, wUl deliver a ' driving or walking distance. Is wel· Mr. ' and Mrs. Edgar ;s,nlth mol\fondily evelllng, Sept. If a.t eighL . 'I:.ELIOW SPRING'R, O. - JelJllle CJtildren . ;randcblJdr n Md 1l11ne great-g ' "t· ecture On hrlstlnn Scfence in the me. Bring your nelgbbors. IJ tared to Meadvllle, Pe!lllsylvaDla, o'clock Initiatory \vorK and "011· BrD.ddoCk, IL sOllhonlOl'e thl y Ilr 1, 1 ~andchllmn. l' 11(1n0l1 High Scbool a t 8'clock ~' 1II b well worlb your wblle. over the holiday atter Mf'JI. Smlth'l lI~lIt\on ~Ig~t" will bl) the pr'o: Andoch (lQl1ege, ' Is ' gett ing pnl'l or Tbe popular no.me for poll l'myal· '~ervlces weWl he ld a~ , 2 p. m. 111 Thul'sday : evenln~, lSeptember grandparents. Mr. and Mra. W. E. ,gr~ ~or' tbe .e venll,g. . bel' eilt\t:atlon In tM M'lIsenlXl ' at· }ttJl, "Infantl~e parnlysl~," III 0 ml s TUe6day at ' :u.. IMcClure . luneJ'Of 14 " , : ' COl'n'eU, who had spent tbe past '. • 1 Science :tJid In(1usl:rt In qbl ag6. 0-",, " t . Ql ' • ' t hl>me w th bll I is a mcmbel' Of , week their daugbter and tam. .trA- "ame lit " ....d ~-l .. :.' - ........ dAD S ru ~. um ~!!er ' . ~ __ "" ~ , :Leot\H~-Gf ,...-Wh. , <.w~-'~~--""""""' -='::::!..""=--'=~.~--'+1rr.;-" h ~~ _ . a;lbl een Ia ........ .." . -- ' ~ , '. ,.,-.... _ ...;......., of . 1111\ . nd treguently~>t'."among" " (' Jloren ' , ,1fJ:8. w.-_n.. fceDer. Mrs. 1I'r&ncta Gene Bi'oWD . bave Mrs. ' Raymond Braddook, of ·11, R: Mother Churoh, The First Cilurch . five, In recent Y(,8J'9 It bas atrected . &iven theIr new daughter who was 1, Wayno\lvllle, .. working , at' a of .C"rJst , S~hintlst, in Boston, MRS. JESSIE CRETORS more oldor dhlldren, teen·agel·A, nnd WAYNE TOWNSHIP FARMERS born August. 30 at tbe . Miami glilcJe in. fhe museum for three young ,adults, althou,L'h It call aud Mrs. Jessie . Cretot:'8," 69, died Sat. Mass. M· ~O MEET SEPT: 14 CLUB Valley HOlpltal. MM. Bro'Wtl and moDtlis. Like all students, sbe al· d ' t ~be Committee that arranged , t the t 'i d t t' d a ) oes occur n any age. urda" at ,Mercy bO!lPltal In Spring· fOr. tbls lecture, believes that Tbe W.ayile Township Farmers Infant daugbter are now: a , e~ates per 0 lOS U Y 'on c ~I -' Poliomyelitis co.n occur at any 'field. ... Club will mset Thursday, Septem. home ot the paternal grandparen!iI pus wltb periods or .work In cui s lime of th yenr. but tt strikes most ,. Sbe. Is survlved ~lly two (lang)l, t~Hlny peopl Ilre Interested In We llil ng,'f)e that Obrlstlanlty Is ber 14 with Mr. · an.d Ml's. J . H. Jlr; and M,TtJI· Lawrence B~wn, across thirty states. . o1'tel1 In Jl1ly, August, IInll Septem- lers, Mrs. Mabel Sawyer ot neRr l.e/U·ulng · about Christian Science, lhH hope of lhe world . -It Is the Sackett lUI host and bostesll at the Mrs. , Mary Sblrden, ' of WUmlng- , She will return to campus .at tlie ber The d· esease Is cR used by a' (leo pIe like tn· know llow Cbrtstlan Lebanon, and Mrs. Mia do. l:Iudgel aU Il\Vel' to n il pl'oblems wh4!ltber tn Fat; Hills Party House. ton, is the maternal grandmotber. end of <;lctober to take up her stud- vlr.~ !1 which attlicifs tIle ~"'In n l flO I'd f C dill t 0 SCllence b'Bulf! ,disease. how 1t ban·w 0 e an e; Will !lonl!, eorge lalles rem' and ~olves all manner Ute Indi v1 u\t 111 01' among, nationB. les wbere she lett tbe"'" In June au • and ille centl'Ol nercous sVRtem. 0 b I hind .. , oug man w t t ,e Ar.IllY, on of business problems. The pur. The " aSOn \\'e haven't sOlved our W. C. T. u. TO MEET Mr. and. Mrs. Myron Hog~ Ther are several lYI)cs. of. tbe Ivan bouley of 'Sp)rlng Valley ; Ii. problem s (s tbat we haven't been FRIDAY AFTERNOON meyer, of Zimmerman, are' the ' TORS NOTICE' TO . CONTR ""C pallo Virl18, thrlle qf whicb have' brglber, Lester GrI~'l1h of. WUYlles· pOlle or these lectures Is to give ", \flIng to a!lp~y ,0UI' Cbrlstlanlty . the public the fa ta In Blm'ple un· proud Ilarent.s of nn eight pound. Th~ W. C. '1'. U. 'm eeting wlll be STATE OF" OlUO , been Identified. About eIght Per \' lIie nnd n BIBter, 1'!li's. I.arry wall' 100 J,1el' cent. Why not tr.y it now? held at the home or Mrs. Llna MadIlerstanduble 101'los. baby son bOrD at c;,t. Anne's ~O!l' DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, (!ent of 'polio vlotims die rrom II fleld of Madl s"onvlll~. . To an s w('r the qllesthm "Wbat Itt den Friday afternoon ' at ·2 o'clock. pital A\~gU8t ' 27, Mr. apd .11'11: FIl'st Clil1rch of Chris t, Sci en· Col\lmbus, Ohio; Sept. 2,1950 form .of ' the disease which ottaclls Services ,i'ere' held at 2 p . m. A Chri stian 1" 10 make clearer how Everybody Invited to attend. tJat, Clnelnnntl, Is SJ1QnSorJng this Charles Hli.gemeyel· are U~~ pa· Engineer' of· Sules th~ 'b~ain' 'nni! III almost ' Invariably \\~eLlne8dny at the r,tlcClui'e' fUn I"al Ive 1tIlgh~ apply ollr Christian faith ternal grandparents and Mr. I\nLl Legal Copy No. '60·497 fatal. AII types of , tfi'e polio virus home. BUI'Ial In ' reallowsbll! ~e m . lectul'e, mid It Is (I' e to ve rY(lll . In every du.y life . wlll ' be the mes~r8, Jamell Young of West 11 nd .. JACOB EI,.RNtiAA-T FAMILY . UNIT PRl<i)E CONTRACT ' nre tough org-anlnms, parasites thit tetY. sage a t ~h.e Methollist churcb next TO H()LD REUr-aION 8U~DAY Ky .. ate tbe malelnal gran,d pnr· ' !3ealed proposals wUl be r~celved se-eit hOll.ltb.y lieI've cells in which Sund,!),. We Invite you to ,worhslp ------,ents. Mrs, fouDg had milde her at the omce of the State Highway to grow. This may account (or the The 34th annual ' reunlon of tbe with us. uext Sunday. We Bet 'r, home at Morrow before ' h,e r Jacob Earnhart Family wllJ be held Director oJ! Ohio. at Columbus, fact tbat polio strikes healthy child goal of 20 ror , llverage cburch at, marriage. Sund·ay, &ptember · l0 at tbe Smlt.h , Ohio, until 10:(10 a. m, Ob,~o Stan· ren 88 well as the sickly and undertend an.ce dul'lng September. We're ;' _ Grove. W,aynesvllle and HaI:veyadaI'd Time, IlPurlsbM. . .II going 10 reach 11 . liurg I;oads. ~rlng your basket dinA number of friends here have , Tuesday, September 26, 1960, for, The ,flarly 'symptoms of pollo · ln· " .MI': and Mrs. Chafey C~n.IV~o\'L1. COIJIDfDlJS .. QHrO, ,eplelllb r 146 \~ el· · In ~ mday· School last ner and · have a. "good time. ' cilld beadache, SOre thl'oat, nnuseu, of Clnolnnati. Mr. Nuto Oraw/'ord (j - Dr. Gordon E. Savage o( Zenln 'received 'invltatlons to the weil- ImproverpeDts tn: Su~dllY ';,'Ilh an n.verage attendance ding of MIss Mary Ann ' M~l1Qh , Clinton and \Varren Counties; OWo, slight (-ever, 1:lst1essneas'~Jand pain of nonr Mt. Orab, Mr, ami, ~Irs. hu s been l1am~d District Health goal of '] 50 for the montb.· Let'" daugMer of Mr. nnd ,Mrs. Adam on Sectlons ' WAR.2IHO.OO.(.87) and In' the muscles. If nn)l one of ,these' I.. ew(a Thomns imd ,dllughtel', of orr"'!!I' for t he SO,utllll'est District VISITORS AT. GAZETTE go ove r the tOll! . OFFICE 6 'ATURDAY I Melloh, to Mr. George Ilropks Bash· C1.I-28-0.OO, S~te lWute No. 28, In aymptoms should ::LPllear: especially Dayton, Mr. Leo Crllwford or ,nOll/,. o( the ';Ihlo D~partlll«lIt of Heillth Une on Wednesday e vening, Sept. Ha.rlan and Marlon Townahlps, by during .the ':lwUo , 8~nS911," the .lla· Mt. Oi'ab, -we/'e dinner guest s Sun- wILh ' IHlUdquRI'lers In Dayton. Tbe Mr. Ralph Scberer, brother' of the 20 ' at the St. Anne Methodist ~esurtaclng. witb MPhaltic concrete. tlent sbould 'be PlIt to ' bed .and the day of MI'. mid;' l\lrs. CIlIl'enctl IIppollltm~ut was ,aonoUl\ ced hy ~r. NEW GOVERNMENT Editor, and' Wife, daughters Sue and PUBLICATION IS cburch in St. Petersburg, F11ol·lda. WIdth:, Pavement 20 fee~: Road- , doctor called Immed,atelY. 'Crnwrol'(l. 'Afternoolll. ·callel's · w ei e Johu ' D. PorI er~leld , J?h'ec~O!' ?~ PatricIa Ann and her fiancee, Mr. The Mellobs ,were foraner resldel~ts way varl.able. Complete bed re/3t and , prompt Mr. and Mrs. Lewis CnLwfon] and Health.. ~r.• ovoge rece~tly r s ign· S£U.ER Keith Berry, and Mrs.. Annabelle Lengtb: 29,32.1,65 feet or 6.663 medIcal care at tbe onset ot polio Ilatl gbter Donnn Le,a Xenia, Qd as ';Ieo l,t h Ccmm!;ssIQlwl' of , of Wayneavllle and are quite well Flora, 1).11 Gr' DtiytOJ1, c.i llled at tbe , 'known here. miles. are Important faclors In nvoldlng , MI'. · and. MI'!!. !tlly nil1!l0n Greene ,nnd Fayette co unties. 'He The Amertcan pe~Ple are PrIncI- Gazette 'ottlce Saturda.y, evening. C~ntract ta completed not seriOUS crlppUng. call('d on Mr. and M'ra. Hu1'1"Y OIb. b.tts b,e eu in ,publi c lIe~ltn work III pally tnt rested Ill' chlld~en, ,avla.· Little Joan Eaml.l nrt or Trotwood late~ tban, August 31, 1961. . .. We do not yet know how polio Ron of Dellbr~ok, ~ Saturooy · IlIve. 01110 for 13 years. t.Jon, !lull gardening, as disclosed WARR,EN COUNTY W.C.T.U. y88 a. week end .guest ot ber , Tho minimum wage to be paid Is · transmitted, althOllgl1 It Is be- ' nfllg. ' . by sales ~ Iglires of U. S. Govern· TO H'OLD ANNUAL MEET graDdparenta, Mr. and !\Ira, E. F. to all labor e!Dployed on this ,con- lIeved to be spread from person to Mr. Bll'fih Br'l ltten of DI\<Y lOl1 , Is ment publications, but officials of The annual convelltlon of tbe , Earn bart. ' i, tract sball be In accordance with persQn. But there are cer~ln pre- ';pendlllg a few'. '~..ys.: W!t~ . bis lhe Government Printing Office to- Warren counily Woman's CbrlllUa.n , the "Schedule of Prevaillng- Hburly , cautions we ,can 1ake to help llS gl."all\lJ)a l·ents Mr. aitd M.rs.' Ge.orge dny made ready to add a new. best .Temperance Union will be held FrlMlss Anna Louise Hoak .11 el\' Wac.e Rates Ascertained , and De- avoid It, or'help avoid serIous after HI·atten. seller to 11.& list as purcb~er • •day, September '16 In the Methejoying a 'vaoatlcm w Itb rrlends In termlned b1 The Department of rn- . etrects If It does strike. Mr. and Mrs. Mo'nls Lewis and lined up at the GovemmeDt Prlnt~ dl.t chur~h, Harveysburg, from 10 Trenton" New JerseY. dustrlal Relatl9na appilc,,!-ble to " Doctors advl~eparentlil, dil rlng rllmBy called on ·Mr. an() Mrs. Earl Ing Ofrtce Book Stoie In WashlDg· &. m. to S p. m. , State Highway Departm'e'n,t 1m- summer months, to k~ep close GllIit.on of 'Lebanon, S~nday afterton, and ml!-l1 orders began amv- , , 1'be guest speaker ~D tbe' arter· Mr.. Dnd Mrs, Harold Osborn provements In acCordance with Clieck On lhe peraonal I,ly.glene of '110011, olso called on ' 'Mr. anI! Mrs. iJ'onlght ' (Tllursday) tbe first re- ing from all 'over tbe country. tor nOOlll wUl be Mr•. Harold H. Brown henrsal of the Metbodist /!holr for the new AtomIc Energy . Couu:nb.· ,of Chillicothe, Vice President to , bave retur'lled' atter a vacation trip SecttQns ' ~7-3, 1'1-4, 17-4a, 17·5 and Children, ~Ith special attention to ;.led Ruth erford. In tbe Smokle < and visiting r,e l- ~7-5a of t,be General Code of cleanlIness o~ ' bands and feet, EiJna Q.lld ShftrCfn' DUlIII U, pr ~he Fall s'elison w,m begin. A tine Ion Pl;bllcaUon ent'ltled "The Ef· Oblo State W.C.T.U. atlve.s In Kentucky. Ohio." Tonsil operations and aU Ilurgery Leba.non, spent u I'ew III1)'s with ntlcndunce 'ls expecled, Those wllo fectll . o~ Atomic WeapoD~.'~ Ii. cov~red dl.h dinner at nOOll , -The bidder must submit with' bIll ot tbe nose and throat slloll)d be thell' g\'llmiparents Mr,. llnd Mrs. have Sling l>1 e\flousl)' 'in , tile ehoi!' ~lth each one bringing their table Mrs. Robert, Baker wJll bl' hOB [- bid a ce':'''led check In tbe amount postpoDed until' after "polio mOB." TIlly. Gibson. have ben"n Iluked to .', tlll'll "u ut we nu '. ~ METHODIST, BOARD OF 'service, wlll be enjOYed by all. ess to the Friendship Club for .t he '3,600.00. . To avoid ' lowered resis.t ance Mrs, Robert Oreene and grund. · 11lvl~ ethers 1.0 volu nteer ~heh' EDUCATION TO MEET The-young people of Harveysburg regular S.eptember meeting at bel', '. Plana and speclflcatlrlna are 'Qn through eXbaUJItJO'II, children Bhould son Eddie 1'hlrkiol of DaYlOn. services al so, The Board of Education-;(ttb will present ~ playlet, youth apl~st country bowe On Wednesdny aI·· file in the department or highways baye 'Plenty of rest and sleep. Pre. Illled on Mr. Lee Morgan S Ull' The school Is fOl'lunate in secl1\" Sunday · School teachers and offi· alcohol. temoon, September 13. ,and the office of t,he \ dlv~lon dep- cautions must be taken qalllst sud- Ilay urtel'noon. IrL" PbiJIp Workmnn as the new Eacb counly depa.rtmental dire/,cer8 at tbe MelhodJ8t Church wl11 . Mrs. Keller H;;;k will OpeD ber uty dlrectol', ' den and eX~881ve chilling. Cblld· IIII'. ntltl Mrs. Ellrl Lucas and choir drlcctor :md all l.i'r <1ge lheir meet Thursday nIght ut 8:0j) at tbe tor will give a report On her worl'. bome on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. The director relervea the right r~ staouJd be itept o~t o~ crowds tprol1y were 8UP~ r 8ailests Snl~ coopel'utton to him. The 'county prelldent Mrs. OUvs churcb, Sept. ., (t;oDlght.)" 12 for the flf'llt regular meeting of to reject an1 \Uld all bid•. , during the polio S8880B and never urday cyenlng of MI'II. Anna Lur.ns, There wil l be a busin ess meellng Cutl: ot Waynesville, will give 8 the HapP1 Hour Club "nee vacaT. J. KAUER, , taken on Ionk. tlrlng tripe. Mr. John Clay. of Columbus, for lhe pU/'l.IJHe o( I)rgaulzatlon, I'e· paper on ',Looking Abead." tion Ullie. Sjtate Blsbwa,. Director. ' SJIIltoma ;whlcb mICbt lndlca~e spent the week 8Dc1 with Mr, ollll bellfl;al und recl'(·utlon ~Ind re(resll. M. V. F, CABINET ~h local prestdeDt wUl report TO MEET 8E~TEMBER 12 , an1 ..rlOUJI lllDes8 Ibould reeeIve Mr-, EIls,"orth Rwnlth anll' family. ments. Starting time ~'11\ be 7: 50 on their alWI toda),. , The newly elected M.Y.F. Cab· medical i.tteDtJOD at oDee. With Mrs. AlIcs Th'""1llaD, Mrs . . Ada p. m. Evel'yone Is ut:ge d to, be Mr.' and loin. Helll')' SJaltertbwalte DAYTON ,V ISITORS HERE Special mule will be .mnled Inet of 'the Methodl.t cburch wUl -and taml., attendecl a tamll, ... Mr;- and M~ K8IUleth EJuy IIOUo, Wa ta lmpe,.Uve If the pa. Dakin, Mrs. Clara l~rr. of Center· present. by the ~arveYBIJUrl U nJon. guelts ltl~t IIIlss Virginia Hardin Is the etU· meet Tuesday, Beptembel' 12 at the UDioD at the home of the· latter'. aDd daqllter Marjorie Qt DaJton, tJnt ta to bve hi. best chance ville, were dlnDe The J)I1bUc, II Invited to attend d Mrs. UUy clent churcb organist and the ae. chruch at .,: 30 to plan for the Fall parellta, IIr. aDd ,Mn, Dick Hoaler .~t Sat1InI~ el'eDID. with Mr. 01 • . - Ida . ute or w&ftIIDs off Wednesday of Mr. tbIa DfttlD.l• . DevotJo.na and act1v1tlu. P,8I'DWleDt ~ GibsOn. _~ _~;aa tompanlst tor the ,Cbolr. n.... C1UbY-IUe, OIl SundaJ, aDd iIn. Walter ...,.
,Mr. ,H.l,lrl~y
0F SER ·0N
, l..·J.f'otltl '
Savage ,Health Head
Methodist,. Choir,Begins Its Rehearaal
• PPTF: AF:R 7,
THE MIA NJ GA~ETTE; EI .abltahed' 1850 ' PAUL A. 8CH ERER . ' , , ,~, . . , . , ' , , , . , , , ' .. , , , , Ultor a~d pubiliher CECILIA J. SCHERER ... " "" .. .. . . ,· · · · , " Secretary and Trelliurer
Qt~urr~ ~utlar
Jesus Saw Man at His Best and Worst And -Said, 'Beware-
METHODIST CHURCH .I . W. Wedgc wo ~ d, Minister Churcl!1 School, 8:80 A.M.. Mr, II arold . Earnhart, Supt. Worship Sunlce, 10 :841 A.M, ' YO"UI l'ello ,\ ship, l1 uday, 7 : 9:1 P.M.
MONG ' the aaddest words ~ver Entered li S second class m at ter at spoken by' Jesus were these: t h e postomce nt ' Vaynesvlll e, Ohio, "Beware of man." Spoken before His disciples, these words are, unfortunately, justified by the tragiC; o .. ? "0 I v her~ realism of lif~ and history. And Subs rlptioll Rates $2. 1'> r Year, In ad vance, In hlo ; ,... ~.tl 0 se, , Jes1,Is was a realist. During the quiet, peaceful years of Victorian optimism. with its BE CAREFUL amlable view of man, and its atmosphere of benevolence. we Our s hool s have poe ned i or this year a ~ d quite would have considered it Il1concelvable that In 20t~ centuryclvl. a fe\\' 'hlldren ha ve all ' wered the '" all df t he hell, u.zation whole portionl of the and 1110re childr n yi ll be on th e Ireets no\\', So le t' . world could live In fear ot ont! another. <til be 11 re!fu l of our ' peei1ing on our ~tre e ts. W e JeIlUS knew better. TIle anclent know that ,' nut:t ingle. per.'oll woul d wa nt to go world had it• . own HlUen and Stalins. He fo,re",w th.e poalbWt7, through life kn owing thal he \Va t he C<1 U e of one of of power-drunken dictators PlaY-' th ese li tt le hildrcn heing k illc I or in jured be i\use ;ng an intei mltlonal 'game of chess .with Unjl nations as expendable qf hi not' nring how fa t he drove his, Clll' , . 0 powns. P!,'oI)heticaUy wise. Jesus LET LOW DOW knew that someday the errlni ways of n few might plunge ~he mony lnto decadent eh;los. But Jesus was not despairing. LABOR DAY , He SIIid, "How much is a man better thor, R £hcep'" And He com.. Well over 400 peo pl e wer e kI lled over · the pared lost r.n4 tilDen man to a lost sheep, d eclaring 'that the 8004 LnlJor D~ y holiday hy cidents, drowning, etc. , in shepherd \vas more concerned til ' United, St ates. about the missing member of Ida flock tQqn ~he 99 ·sheeP Afel,y 'lD W hat a t erri ble toll nC'i lents, mostl y ca used by the :fold. " ca rele ness, t ake of human l iVe'. Most f th ese This is reaUsm tl!\led with opJimlsUc faith. For man at Ida bat ould h ave been avoilled w ith :I little ca re an cl , Is good, ' and there Is plent7 of ' aulion. LET' TRY IT. evidence of the goodMSS ot man, It Is a eODSlJll!\1 tbolqlbt that The . Ol'usnders Class or th e ,JeSUB considered man capable of Methodist ChUrch helli a plonl(' IredempUon. lo!9reover, it Is a comfortirlg, fact to bow that 8U[lpel' nt hnut/l.uqus , FranklIn, ;,ave His ver,! lifo to red"", bit Sunda.}' eve ning. . fellowmen. " .. By JANE FITE Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Sy rer (l , or ' The reeollection or· His sacr1f\ce Dayton. spent Hie rj)bor Day w e ek ' makes it profoundly necessary for 1I1rs. R~nda MacC.art.hy, or Leb'Uli to see mon as Jeaus did, both at anOll, was 0. guest . Tuesday of 1 r. end with 1ofr. Rnd 1\1 1'&. FT. ~. 'his worst and best. By taklrig Inand Mrs. Job n Welllh and Mrs: ',rucke r nnd Mrs. Mru'y Syle rd. ' 'v entory of the evil in human life, Beulah E~ke rt. Mr. and Mrs. Carl .Jones a nd we can better recognize false phl. t.IIe lr d ht j N II d t ,fosophles nnd wrong purposes. MrS>. A. . Collett nnd hel' son, aug er, 0 (' move 0 Th ' .. d f Jesus "Beware 'Cla rksvllle Mondav. • 5Il\f wor s o , ":' L , Robert Collett, · and Mrs. Sally , of man " ."l,h" ¥te1l . serve WI a Smith, at WaYllflsvllle;attenled the WHbllr W. Wilson or hnrleslon, ' wllrning to thOle 'Clomfol1_m~ IIn~ o Itl 0 St.ate F nlr i1~ COlumbus, · West irg l n III., W IlS a guest Sun- \vell-fed ideal lit• . who view tll@ Tuesday. day oC his sister Mra Lou ise Flte dojngs' of their 'dlabotlcal world · f.'s. Beulah Bckert WllS II. caller nnd he r daUghle'r MI~s Jane Ji.lte . •:r.;::!~rs through rose-colored in Dayton Monda y. Mr. and 111 rs. Ruy Fe rr'ls . fi nd Miss J anina a.rr, ot Way nes. famlly or IndlilllD, wer!! 'guest I We Juvr."(l' New York slato realdl!n1., com· vUl e, \\' a~ a , guest Tuesday eve· rt¥!ently of Mrs~ F enls' Jlllretns, prllinc 9.. 9 per cont of. tha national ning of he r ~randmother, Mrs. Mr. and MI'g, Adnm Campbell. population, 'own approxtmately l' Mr. and MI'I!. , O ~ a rl es Dosler Blnnche Cnrr. . per cent ot the ' life In.uranee In nndny li t hl\lI- torce throughout the United Statn MTS. Annn Be~k ett WIUl a gu st, and family spent Saturday ot Mr. ' and Mrs. John tauqua. Mr. a nd Mrs. Iyde LevlC)y anll 0 ..... ..... Beckett and fnmUy and lIir. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Welclt went All cotton Unt II not white. Mr81. Ghinn COb.k and family, of to Niagara Falili dnrlng tb e La· ranlel In color from pW'e white IS Franklin." bor Day weoJt end. fo,un~ 'Ib . the American upland,1 Tbelma George entertained with , aree t!' broWn 8! 'In 'Cllrtaln EOp-' a . pal'ty at the 8chool' bulldln'g, Mr. and All'll. Gilbert Welch and tlen cdt,tons. . Tuesday a fternoon, (n compliment family of Detroit, Mich., s pent a to the mothers. of the children who tew da ys 'Ia&t week . at the home are' to be enrolled In her primary of, Mr. Welcb's mother, Mrs. Dba Welch. Th!lY retum(' <i 1I0me. Monclass this yea.r. · Master RonnJe Sianker: or :&ay. day, with Mrs. Welch accompn.ny· 1011, Is the house guest ot Mr. aDd Ing them for Il brief visit. Mrs. Winton Etz and . their ' cbll· Mr.. and Mrs. James Pnrk or d dren, Tony and Marina. During family, of Cincinnati, were guests Ronnie's stay here ~I s s Kathy t.bor Day Mra. 'pnrk;s parEtz Is v1eltlng his sister, ' Susie, of ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. S. Tl1CKer. Dayton. Harvey,sburg 'Masons are In· Several perso~s (rom here went vited to attend an open meeting to Cql'w~n, V{edneJlday morning to tor aU Blue I:.od~e Masons in this' ~ee the rem!,lns of the traln·truck area. to be 'held by the Wllmlng· cl'ilah tbat occurr:ed there early. ton . Chapter No. 63, Royal Arch tbat morn Int. Masons, eight o'clock Thursday Tbe snnun.1 Community Picnic n1lght, September . 14th at the' Ma, W I\.S held at Jacobs ',Park, Well· sonic Temple. Wilmington, Ohio. man, Sunday. RIght Elxcelient ,Companion On 1'1 Tommy SmJth 1s Vlsltl~g ' his P. Munson, Grand Master of the 81ster In Texa!'!. . first Veil, RAM of Ohio, \¥1l1 be Mrs. Ruby P rice Is reCOVering the speaker, Refreshments will FUR-FETCHED PARASOL ~ Keepina Pl!ce with Dame Fashion from 8. recent Illness. be served. can be an expensive undertaking as dealers at the Chicago Fur IndUStries Fashion Show proved by displaying,thil! mlnk~trlmmed para~ol., Ba8ki~g in the expensive shade of the fur-fetched ereation· ls Betty Cagney, who gave visiting department stor.e oWners ~ a knowing wink when they . dls. ; , cuss'ed the "high overhead" in , ' their business.
• •• *
(Jhlldren's Tasles Children and babies have taste preiereqce jus\ as adults have, and therefore ahould not be forced to eat anythine 6et before them. Giving children some leeway In the amount and kln~ of ~ood they eat does much to Insure the health of the c.hUd and the peaclI 'of the whole tamJly.
;'te' Try, I'_-"' ~
.. '.IOUOH 10 P.l8nO.. 'SlJ3ZZ0:J '0 saw8r 'g
1I:i., 'J '000'0118 .£ . 'pao
I"SJa~ eaq
'lI'It{snq uonuw pa;lnpo.l<l VAlOI ~z
I8h\ I!OUmI ~W18
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·.MIlRBOW ~o. •
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d II t ric t around JObanneebur, · leada the 'world in production of 10111 and vie• • tho" ~lan Coo,o .. . No. 1 IOUrce of dlamon4a. · .
4. What do G.I.'I call ~ ? . ' Who won the pulitzer IIriZ4i fol .J1te belt novel of 19491 .'
front. ,. . Another bJOUH ~bich 8U. tile bid bai a Petet P~n .~olJar': Tailored in 88nforized~roaac)oth, w;th C?C~ ~rlluittoD.l. ii's a classic style which will outlaat extreme tren~. T_, necllliDe wiD, lak~ Pearl ,choker• .:a ,pendant, ._ a ',bii of A eIuaIo 8Iab1 wtt.. Poler PaD vel vel 'ribbon an4 a Jewel, ' , . , ' , ..liar .. . . ,led ,'lD MDloriIe4 . " IInacIOl..... 8bort, ~ ,1Iee_ With each new piece ' of jeweh1; .tbis, shirt wiU~ chanse. ....... 1& a ,.....,. air. . .lie 1&, dJilnicter.; " . ' _. -.' , ., ." ,... , ' 11.1 'or ~ wear. ' .
-. ge ,~or Five Ye., 'pr
Berle. Pays Fer the Damal'e
should be able 10 Icam nicely with more tbaDOO£ sait art lIi(irt in any wardrobe, It ~h Duld undergo -11 . sOOlle · change in appearance wiU~ ea~ 8\\ itch '0 jewelry, 'scarves, or ..illhon, ' One blouse which meets ull requiremen~ ia a f~llllU~sly · tailored shirl wilh convertiJ>le neckJiJ;le whj~h, acta •• a foil for ,scarves or jewelry. The ·pearl ,cuminltsr aet inlo the Fr,ench cuff', ' match the butioDl: which march daM!..:4be
.• ''1'
~ORK-Sin~e ~(lpara ;el 4lre an .i~por~t ~r-. ~r~ N"'E~ fall fashions. the choice (11· a blouse count.. A blou..e
r.;;:;;; -·---~· - · r "'-·· -·· "' · l- - -- ---.-~
* ..
'.Armeitage "SOn --
lcc(eSSlorl.5 Chant e Their Cha:iacter;
As Pir~cte4 ~tops Moth Pam-
At·flSts .
1. ;Name tb, capIta1 'Of Turk;"!' Z. In 1948, which ltate led ·... the p,oducUon Of ~? t. How DlIUl7 te1ophonel are ...
Atrita'a Transvaal
.I.TEST ·YQU1 ·1~Q.,1
Berlou .Guaranteed MOTH SPRAY ' . . .
8T. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Father R, H. Krumholtz; Pastor Masses, 8 and 10 A.M .
. Vision Project '. Flfty.three per · cent of' aU elch1l1'ade pupils 1n Peoria, Ill., schoo.. h~ve vb Ion probl ems Ihnt handl. CaP ,them schO(l) II cl) l('\· ~m ent. accord"!ng 10 8 c!ty ·wi<lp vision projecL Jointly ~lJu u ~untd oy 1001) optomelrlsls and'" ophthalmol"cist•.
UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH WlIlhun ShaDnon, Minister , SundaY School, 9;30 A.M .• Mra. Jame& GarrlaoD, Supt. Preaching, lat. aud Srd. Bundays of eact. moaUl, 10:80 .A.M., Elvenlng Services, 7: 30 P,M.
. ~
MT. HOLLY M~THODI'T landal ~ ,1 UL T. ~. ScaU, MlDJater . , BuncJ87 School. ':80 , A.III. II. WAYNE8VILLE FRIENDe A. lIlanIhart, Bupt. WOl'1lhip Service. 10:80 ~ Flrat Da;r 'School. ':80 A.M. Eve.n llls Service. 7:10 1'.11. .MeeUq tor WorthiP. 10,:10 A.M. 01 . . -
. W.Y~elviUe
,'' ' .''
(AgoB 0 through 8) "dult \Vorshlp, 10: 30 a. m.
WOnlaJp IIerTJI:Ia, 10 .A.M.
Phone 2t423
Prhllllry church school )0 :30 a.m.
, ;';UIlUI1.Y :
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST ~!. H, Coffey, Mlnlater Ulble School, 8: ao' A :M. Morning Worship, 10:80 A.M. Young P eollies' Meeting. 7 : 1111 r .M, I!:venlng ServIce, ': 00 P. M. Prayer Mee ting Bnd J3lble Study \\' ttlWllllWaY , P.Ai,
f.r bel' "l'UItI, ci.n't dilute Ne.w Ilue ·Sun.co with other la •• Un,. Walt until your tank I, _rly ,mpty "'~~r' put In 10 lalionl of New. Ilu. .un.c •• C;....,.,. Itt th' di ..."",., W. bo~ 11.'11' Y.II" U;.v.r 10 back t. onll.nClry , ••• Une,
ST: MARY'S EPISCOPAL 'J 'lIe Rev. !?amuel N. Keys, Recto I
r r! RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 1I,Yl'on Carver, Mlaillter Billie School, 9 :80A.M, Morning WOI'8hl", 111:80 A.M. .Prayer MeeUIIC, '1 :00 ",M. Young People's Meetln" '1 :00 .Evenlng Services, 7 :30 P.M .
LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH B. E. Baughn, Pas lor Unllled Service, 8:'5 a. m.
._0_11 __ . . . ~
And when 1lI'1l \\'11 goin g to do something. Ilbout t hoRe who I'l1ll~OI bo heilled by !!wiple hom o m llthoda? When Is thorll going to be a 'lIPed"l Sf' hou~ or I'oom ITI ~hl a minty rO l' lbe mls(Jts? The ja il Is ·tull ur th em . /\. S1)e lui Ii '11001 ullghL Iw vll l:Ul VO(i them, MORt o f t h(HI'" In tha jail ('011
::/)"'1 JeJtjC A Far... Diary By D. J. Frazier ~"'t ''-')'-'' ' _ · ~~'''~ i~.!-
. fMIDlllllIlllIlIlIIlIUUllmlillUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilll11II11111111111111111111"""1II11111111D1II1!!
.. :'~;E;:~~~M~~:::'~":4 ==.
'I"PTEMDElR ,I, ]950. - I,a bol' ne llh I' I:e llel nOI" wrlto w II, MIIsl therll n ev o l' rinl ll bcd B'lwol, hilL Ou),- Ant! sc hool 1I1'!' hl ~ II g lllll_ 1-l ow Is rmytll hl g ' b III ~ (Io n to h ~ I I\ . 111 ti e our' ' hlld 1'\ ' 11 ;"Illly II P '1l'1'l\! 1·
== __.
11 1 w hut 0 111' C'H'IO i/l rn e~ /1 I CI hem '! 1'10. WIII'I' n OUI ty sUII hll!! 110 [lI'Ollol' II 't, lI~ioJl QII:II't 1'9 I'm' jll', lhe m. J[ 0111' l " /l( ,I" I'a o ll ly h ull \' 1\11 dellnrt ll IIt a , Is ' hA n {lll tlliJ'R , Lhe c:; h : llIl~ to t li'n 11 11 11 ~ h c tilflf', In stead of huvlug to W01'I! 8 0 hlUd 01" th e jll ll ", II I ' lltey call helll' ail t r yin g to m nlrtlll ill COlld lLi o ns 4n I hILt ' 1£06S on b 10,IV II fl l Olle'/' pl al'( f CII' )lo ll ng' dell uQ nollts . N o WOl'k, w l!I ('1I t hol!e w ho walll to ~\' ol ' l( Cflll 110 oulll ool' lIOJ·Cl BO. A l'e t hpy g p o do lIO, bll'o mU I'11 III asnnt,t! 1' lind htg LO 110 nny II · U r.'l ' rol' be In g ill Il ow lIlll c h 1U00'P loI'odu 'LiI' t bO I'h s l'e :n ul th II lh e I( l'OUp ()V l! r Len ch el' IIf wou lt! be, Old , Igbtl'8n but llll'd fi r twpit ty fl Vf1 v e l" c;ollsidor how hltrt! It .j " to JlClltollced to ja il (01' i'rom U)i ('t y t l'y to tench Ile()"'e II' ho d ~, (l ot :Farmers kllow .the peace of mlnd I' ~ dllYs 10 s ix: mon l'hs, w hllt aiJout a,D assured financial future can want to learn 01' Ivho ' 111'e UIIII'l' ll. tllem? Whell Is " Vat'I'C'1I Coullty bring: Their crops, 'heir livelihood, Ing' t!' tJ'y'l And ~'et 0\11' t ea~'hel'!I. golllg to wa k, UI! lind 110 ROm _ are subJcc& to the wea'her, but (hay
hal'a thnt ban(lt.t'alJ Itl ovel'oC)lUo with lit lellst ten porr' II t o f I he thi ng O!,lOllt t huTI. W hat I'ood doe/i clas8, 18 this 1 II , t onch VB f.fi ' (I!:'! It clo_ to shll t them ~Ijl \ll1 less til y IU'e )eal'Dlng l.IoDl~ t1 "ln ij' gOod 01' at. )n SOlUe fiSes y ell, hut in IIl11ny
I('uat buil dl ll g "I) lIahlLs 0 :' wO l'k in, III somo '1lI1 eS It is I b(l s tea d of hulJ l l ll or doing lIothln g, retle tion of til 1IIlI'oilts nLUlui! , CIl Bes .110.
In s ome II s08 it i\l fnllu re in tli ,. ''''h ilt nt'thly good doel! It do to low8r grodes to pro]lerly llrOlJllJ II l'ille a (i1'lIuk ? He doesn 't curl!, if' them rOi' "t his now wo rll , 1"0;' e:,. · h o haa tllll mon y 11 11 1\ Ill. pay It to ll,!!llle th 'POOl' l'Olldt>I'i!, 11'1 HOJ1l~' get alit but It la h'ls ram il y fi nd hi s cu ae'S ' lt Ifl h tai l ul'e M Ul C t!"',,, l'edltol's who slIfrli' l', II' th (,y ' lind :l'iCl\lnlIl . to m t the needl$ of ih . to work It . ali t li t good J1 lwd lI'ork llllllila und In the CAse 01' the in. tb ey might I'emelnh I ' an i! Itt leust '. t l>lllgeu t pupils It la sometimes II 'rh~t lIille ' ~oll ey lb e y ' had \lr thftt case of s heel' bore dom bCCllu!$o th.e gov rnment he J( c'i ouhl '.be used to t ench e l~. hila to 8FeH d so mil d. lIlI te hette.!' ll,dvrullnge. Tliey nev'e l' get wlUI the IQ wel' t n P O l'b~' nt Ot', th e til III until ur( I' tit ' y 1HLI'O s l,.' nl ll lJ ' I l l B and h ilS to go !iO s lo w ly a nd they hnt! III th cit' po ek pt fl COr (l l'1n l< relles t 1.10 many times for th em', so tb ~n. it Is no lise to t ho ~IlIJll\ y. thnt their mlnlls wnndel', . TIl n If' the f i no Is pn tl! It lIa!! to 'c ome .out at IllQney t\ , eded else ' C Ull ,ullytblllg be done n bo~tt ft '/ Tlast III wbut t he ale rt t each,,!, Is \\'1let'e .. . . .And (I of's 'I t n; n,illh Ill em .
P.Uthl! tilDe to (~o,~ The ill . No. . ents ellU help by s"ee[ng thnt th e Th is weull hUB b H I , /l1'm !l Hd bome work 18 done, t bat the' p\lVIl mugg y wILli !lome hu rd fi lloWIl I'!!. }lus a time and pluc ' to · do 11111 The ,Instill' S . a I'e gl' ell RS ' <:IlI'I .•'
ri'a tu,rw. beauty ' of tbe
1IIIIImlllllllllllllllillfim illllllllllllllimml, 1I1111111111111mllllllllllllit _
a •
" Topal: .. , !lan" in complains . t~~ the o.loud~ speakers at a nearby bascbali' park drown oul his SUdd~y. sermons. 9uess li~ doesn't follow· baseball relJglously, . ,
• I •
In London's NewG/lrden 's Pink, ,t wo newlY purcbasecl' ·gcese: who were placed hi a ponti , sank nd liad to be rescued. ' Bet th'e~ had too much "down" o~ them , ,
. would Ilike to ln~ow more abu~t this sc~entific ~,.'.
,. If you r lilrion whicr heals human ills and sol es human ~roblcm!l) C,( lme to
In the 11th N~tlorlal ' Turtle ·Derby. at. ChiclIgq, a h ard ~shefJ flashed 'o ver.'t~ 20 ~foot coUI'se
'ear. lob' loob Ill&bbJ,1
BUT NEWS , UW'.. , U
'M'eml;ler of the Board 'of Lect~reship of The
Mother ~hvrch
The First Church of .Christ, \ Scientist, in .poston, Mass. . "
~ona UtI'·
Bud It to _ n- ' Ito':" that JdID, IIDU't 1OOJr. JDab Ii Ioc* ........i
si c ~ence
door ..• or .at your favorite
21.4 seconds to b eat 274. ·entrants. Wonder it there were 8 lot of withdrawals durlns the race,
• • •rew
Durlnc the first
weeks ot .find t'he three !'R's" written on ~ver:y ' pupil's face, "Resentm8flt, Reluctance and RambuacUol,lsDeSS," school,
• • •
A thJef In kDOX\tllle. Tena., rUled • GOOItrucuoD 1Iou... proJe¢, ........k..,. tor all the DeW loeb
to be I1utaUed In • housIDa dtvel~t. Tllat's wbat we caJl pIIp- WE -u..M1IItt .~ .
. Waynesville 2963
. Beg~ nn ing ., F~ L LOW; NG,
1_ -""
Closing .Time
~]Bob . Ser~is .1exaco W:ayn.esvill~
STR.IC:rL~ , ,·FRESH .
9 ~, m.
One Fourth Mile East of lhe Traffic Light , CENTERVILLE. OHIO YaHo"" Golden Jubilee~ White,' CumberianCi
OjleD 5;30 a, 100\,10",9 p, m. Sundays 7;30 , ~. m. 10
l>H ON E WAYNES. 2341
All 'Kinds of .- -
PH()NEWAYNJ~SVILLE 2834 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO w~mll~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I IIIIII I I w.ll mll :lmlllllll!111I 1I1 IIIIrmlillilllU)liillllllllll l l l l lilllllmllllmlmlll lll l l!l l l il 1 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6'!. M IAMI STS.
Cllllrles Doster'
New and Recapped --- $8.95 $2.00 Trade In AII.owance· ' lubr~catiD;g Service' Firestone Accessori~s
of ita ownero,
Exiide Batter-i'.e s 'FiE'esto e )[ires
. -- -- ---
, (cllyl . ." P87
!~m~lllllllllilllmlllllllr . ..IlIIilllllmmmllli. ~llllllImllllll~llil l lm;1
It\ij'P<U~lt Minml V alley
.J~~O~~-l......~~..-.~ ,....~.4IIIJt;\HIIIIIIj'_Y __ !I_~I-..o _ Q _ ....
'the Mlllnll Fertilizer Compnny II an under direct
8ERVICETHAT SATISFIES ,. , For 'Ollly " "brket Reportl: WHIO Payton, ' 12J50 E,S,T, 1300; WLW Cincinnati, 1240, '100,
Kiers' Garage' I
Office & Factorv .. .Trobeln~ Xenia, O.
·. . ·--t.:!~ O.-~~I~~J~-.~"-..I __ tl_ I~U ..,I ~ I~:
Live Wire ,and ,:Pt'ogreile!vlt. .An organluUon second to none. Strictly sellers on the .best all around mar~et · In .tbe cOllDt'7'
. =
Grass Silage Grass silage is an Ideal winte'!' teed 'for da iry cattle. A mucb hlgb· er percentage of ·lelldlng va lue ls saved in sllage c9mpared wi tb hay. ,
= ' -
Scoring Ment To ' scOI:e m eat .you mnke li ght cuts 011 the surface. usually In criss·cr'o ss fashion, Thin slices of round steak are sometimes ' scored. when it is to be pan 11'ied ' to make it more . tender,
progress. , :
§ =
;well but fall on . the IIrDblems b~· but lik.e B'Verythlng else we .h,ave 1.0 to
You COil 0.1so get BrG M in rucommcndcd c rud 9 ror perma n li t p nslu re and 'hoy crops, rn a nu(a c t ured-o.s always-up to s ttm dllr.d ' never 0011'0 to price. . ,
&IDU1I1Il1I11 1II1I11I1II1,II,I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'1I11l1l1ll11l1ll11ll11l1ll1l1ll11ll1l1I111111111111111111111111~
safe road to freedom from financial worries. For years they have been taking advantage of the easy method :' for Illvestme.nt oEfered by your gov· ernment tor they know U. S. Savings Bonds GROW. With every Invest· ment of $3 you receive $4 I'n ten short years, u. S, 'TftdlU', DCPd'1"' " 1
Dlel Kitchens Hospital dret kitchens are using statnless steel cO/lveyor, belts and lifts to carry hot foods to th e I.'rop' e~ loca tJop on. es c;h fioor, '
-12-12 . ==~
The Miami Fertilizer Compal)Y
= =
read bls arithmetlc ' lesson to YOtI, tl'ee-lIn~ ~rl'Qw 1'OnCl8, i I t Qr Lotll ot ,chlldr4ln can. figure Qu\te one bate to ~oe' theIr tieau~ spoll('d
cause they do not read them right. boW'
0-12- 12 !lnu 2' 12 · 6, But place your order carly.
• Th ~ Il.l'e ):Ius~, IV!lrklng ,0u . 'l:D \ \1; 6hlp Ron d, ~ur fen ' ~ ('wlI e , dO ll'lI lb ls weelt Imd t ho hull dozers :1nd s team sho C18 ' m:e busy ' wOl'kli ;' 'I1be , battle ' ~oes Oil between tJI ~odern neae~s l~y ror I.!ette~ re~ s
3· 1 2 - I 2 , '4 · 12 . 8, 0 - 2 0 · ,2 0,
tlsementli, read '1':;119, • 1)011 th orn out, t hat may not b~ l~ e 'wn~ Illei . t each I t at sehool but that. Illay be what your child neods, lIa\'c your . cbUd rend tbe lesson be brollg ht home out loud and be sure 1!, ' lIn, derstandll 011 Ule worda, Have him
'rile bette r Y9ur crops - the bigger y ou r income, And "c roptested'; B I O M bronciJI llCip inei" Osc both. Your dealer bas
JuJoW· also that a regula.r 'lnvestment
In U. 'S; Savings Bonds Is a sure
work without too m uch distl'uctlon. SUmDler , W e got t hl) Ii \\' l 'm'n I ea'd pu ll et] blltw 11 lillow 1'6. 'rIll) It w el WIlS deEll) bu t lhe ol'n filia lly at home. "1t I~ truo that a l OIIl·b ar W01!t to' til e connery, U'b e l~" oC r em'odlnl l'eudlng douJt1 fl hd i he causl' of \,he troubl e ancl' ('" orrect: It IDlttOEiIt tire rlplIlll!,\' bUL It IVIl~ sn more 'Qulcltlv 'but /!.ny P 1'8011 whQ wet aml m uddy tbiLl mllny t 01 L (1 callr read' cnll JleJp Ille c lllld by s it. before tb ey couhl btl pi 'k (1. 'P' e ling down " ith . h Im \vitll f.lOIlI . weatherm a n snys lhat lh ' lJ IlIls ,'thing " en!!,), lind ' pleasant to road b ell Ute ' coolest summer . IIln 'e and h Iv him read. R ~d s t01'1 B, I 3, onl y two d ay!! have be... n read comics, I' ad '@I'~oel'y II.dvol'. ,abov e nine ty. .
Ell olll'age r he poor road r
__ _.
Thursday, September 14. 8 P.·M.
HIS,CHOOL Cordially In.v ited
.R. ' S M I
TRtlR. hAY. ~F.PTF.MnF.R 7. 1()~O
-- - - - -
.,.mOOlllmmlrnllmllmm~mlmlll~mllllllll lllllllm~lllImll~11II1II111ml!lllllllrnlllllllllllllllllllll~1111 1111111111111111II1II1111111I IImlll~~I~
TWIN TBE4TRE Waynesville, Ohio
Contl ~uous from 7
TnursdilY, Friday and Monday ___
p , M. ' Con tl nuou. from 2 :30
Satu~ays, Sundays a nd Holiday.
' al'toon- J OLLY LITTI.E El,.VIDS
48, 5 , ml. South of
Centeryllte. PHONE CeatervDIe 7056
bapter l l- Phnntow Empire ------------------------------~~------
11 10 This la A Good Ole Slapstick Comedy
Rosa lind RUlSe ll - Robert Cummlnga Ma rie McDona ld - Ha rry Oav0t:1por t -
Jt III merely I~ reminder {b at we ,we IJrepa red to cooperate wit h tllost' w ho choose this plan,
_ 0) _ _
Meetil'll . , ~
. '. ,NEI~l HOME ~ .A'.I'~lllL
-~---'--- ----
b E' d,'
, _._11 _'--"
DEAD STOCK Cows suo All $tock P.e moved Dally Large o~ Small - Call Collect
HorBes $2.fiO
Xenia 454
DO~bl e
-- -
Hollywood '
BealltYl'est mnttl'ess
-----_._ - -
• •••
IJ d
f llrlngs. steel emmc, CH ARLES Mac I NNI S, Phon e 2 , G, 9-7-tf
KE 3446 OHIO
, lC- !)- 'l-li
WAN T ED - Rlele to Darton, work a ~ Fyr-Fyter Co, Ho urs 7 to 3 : 90, Five d,.ys a witek, Onl l. a59t. MR~, JOJlN RAN D, Inquire K I'oj!:er Mgr.
DON HENDERSON 617 Lorain Ave.
-- --. -I'. -- ----~-
FO~ SALE-Used furniture. l'e,.8'· onahl p Itt M,,,E l(resh home, nenr the hurch of hrlSl,u tll rda y ar, tllr nnOl1 , MllS, ,1 , Itt , (,O~I A'1'O •K, :<- 9,1
For Most Eyery Type of FARM and PROPERTY If You Are Tbinlcil18 of Selling CALL OR WRITE '
pl'om oting t hem ,
SEPT. 8,9
\ VILL PAY TOP PR ICE fo r good Pl\ie Gr ass SOIl. Ca\l D ~ Y to n ----.,,--- - - - - - - - fl'.l1 ItOI\ 57B~ ,' X-8·!\1-!l-7.1~ -~ )
I Hllve Clients the IJlI l']lose'
YES •.. W,E CAN ,PRINT THAT JOB FOR YOU EXPERTLY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iIiiiiii. . .
OUR OC.<:ASION,AL REFERENCE to pl'e-ar r anged run Is not fo r
.. NOW IT'S A ~C1\)~ I.II~Q, WAlLOP/
~:, IU - ~f,
, SEPT. 7
,.~LA"J. (I! '" '
FOR , s,AI_E R TH ADE - Ilft 1I ,' n ) Farm In ( .. rgan fO\ln y , \le. r W Ht Liber t)', ' Ky_ \\'111 tra de' for smu ll am'eage lind de te,nse c/\ In ilround WIIYllesvll :e. Mso a djo in ing fa rm 50 IIcrel! wl' h ' grow ing crop of tob ~ co, I nqlll e W , F, Adams, l .yUe, O,b lo. X- 8 · 1 7- ~ ,I ' :: I - ~-7
1I I ml l l l l ml"l l l l l il 1l1 l l1"I I I I "I"l l I l lml ~1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1il l l l l l l l ili1I I I I11DIm.OOII DRY GOODS, STORE
~ -7
X- Y·-24 ·3 l •
FOR RENT- SI eil ing rooms, Mrs, W. H. MADDEN, 11001\0 3U01,
f........ - . _ _ ~."-'..-I~...-..~_~.-..~~~~ l~~
WANT ED - Substitute fol' Houte 1, Way nesvUJe Must be 18 a n d have car Inquire lit Post fIIee Qr ae'e GEO HOE WA'rI, RPlO SoB
Dresses Were·$14, $18, $20
cubiC ya rd. We '. 110 deliver, ,A RK11'AUE a: SON. Phone 2091. If'
Whe n nceda a ri ses y ou 'ca n l o a y everyth I ng to · \IS , You'll a ppre<:late our caretul a tten tl c' n to eve ry det ai l.
Oavl. F'Urnu PIt.
FEUDlN' RHYTHM - with EDDY A~NOLD T hat Si nging Hillbilly
bl usblng nu ll li((lll ln ~ III: 11111d . otten gAI'e th II' 1118t n lckt'l to gel " II I" box.
Wa111...1l1.. ObJo Phone: W a yDe.vlll. 21t1
Remember whe box 1111 11per a \\'el'o u pa I't or I he 80clal whi rl ? It WAR as SUbtle a m 0 n y I'lIlsllIl; scheme a@1 Dlln lipid eVEjI' dev ised, Thl' girls wOll ld spel\d hO\1ll' s 'prettying 1I 1j' boxes to be fille d with fri ed chicken, I'Iloc olllt" cake and other t em nUng g oo4le s, Bashful 8 \ \' lIln8 ,
,Roy E. Smith,
7 A First Clasa Dra ma of t he Wa r In Bur ma But wit h 1.lt tH' _ (·t unl War In It , Rona ld Regan - Pa t ricia Nea l - 111 -
Especially' For Farms ,FOR QUICK SALE CAlJ.,I
Top 8011. Haulln.. SallIS. Ora••l (boa-.UIl, Wltb Boe, Draa-Una and BUUdoaer
cs ' .. v. WEDNESDAY
cc.~ r£' ')~l T '..
SA ~-R ld lng
ho rsB. gen tle.
OH~RJ,.~ Msp IN NIS, P hoI\e 2 86_
fOil SALE - l{Jtchen li nk, double ctr/iln bOllrd 66 Inches long. 6 · feet t.a lll!! lop kItc hen cl1 blne ts . S·(i oo r Ceeile Au1)ry. who Is the latest wflll Qablnlltll, A ll steel while ella mfind from La Fmnee. seta a nl'\\' el, s ell a8 ' a wbole. Used 1 yen!'. I Ityle in Jewell'Y ' for the a~l e;c;on perrent Condition. Can be Been Sat· Kioul Amerfcan woman , C Ie herthe urday. Sept. II tbru followlll8 week aelt Inlpl r~ the origina pin named Ute " bl"j:k is at Rar 'Sm.lth home. off Franklin now being made a vailable ''taro\lgh Rd, am! Third St,. entrance at lane' a .peel.1 off~ r m~de throu,ti meery ltorea, Til,. ·IU11111.1111 pin II! la~t be· Telephone 2980. X-9-7 coming a coll 8C!tol" o.i tt;1l1 IWI:$>stullle
jeweh'y, It geta U:. 1111.11)8 'f r~1I1 Cecile'a lat est Il~ OtiOIll pictu I'e;( ,.'
Oivla'on of Inl and, Ploduc~ •• Inc. FOR SALE-L¥ lIk cow , Itn\OLD HORSES tz.50 ·COWS t2.60 _ ._ . _ _ _ . _ B, EARN H A~T. ]~llIme 2614. 9-7 Hog. and Other Small Stock
Ticklers I
Ramov.d Promptly
By George '
W~D2362LebboD439 ~==========~======~====~==~==~==~~ INLAND PRODUCTS, lac.
, ..... ..-
~~~~~~~~~~~ :=: ..
The Land Bank 'Way , a-.....
(Up to ,33 ¥ears at 4%)
Lebanon N.F.L.A.' ' LEBANON, OHIO PboDe 448
Spliing -Valley Hardware Co.
ELLIS, H. 8rTURM, 8e,c·Y-Treai.
•• __I_i_I._.I._"_.I•.•. :.
Phone'37371 '
"Why shouldn't I talk to mys.lf? 'I'm the only one that "nows what I'm talkin' aboutl" '
.~ .
Babl_ Rabie. 18 a ,.aar.around dJ..... whl~ can be CODtraClted JUit
Of rabl.. are . . . ill dOli tb8D In c.t.. But wIseD a c.t ,eta It. D Ja apt to be men v1cJauI than a ~jlJ4 do.. AD!malI whlcb norm~_ or retlr1nI become 1N.rle.1 ~ rab14 an4 are apt to attack ~ movlq object. Ko ana can OCIIlISder ItnU ImmIlDe to thIa dII..... Even wilen UIere hal aever Ilea a imOWll ca.. or ,abl••• it ma, lie iIltroduced b7 the movement of uJmala from lDtec:tad' area..
Your uvinll here DIG IN and CO TO
IT_.EASY 1--------___ -_, 18 YOUR SUB6CRIPTION PAST DUE? If It la - won't you pie...
TRY GAZE1TE CLASSIFIEDS -ntEY GET RESULTS FAST eend u. a check for p.oo. ,
A Fann Or,aaization For Farmen .
Installation and Gas
brew otten are reported In tha late winter and aarq .prID.. who .tray do,. Itu1 to roam ill ..arch or food anc! m..... 1I~ more
ea*ll7 OD 'Chrbtma. day .1 on tha IUh of Jul1: how"'er. ,.ve,. out-
hereby ,given
E rnest E , ...Cook whose Post Office ,Judge of the Probate Court Address I, R, R. 2, Wa11lesvllle. Warren County. Ohio Ohto, has been duly appointed as C. Donald Ollatush. Attourney No Fee., Commiiaioaa or , Administrator DWNWWA of the Publish 8-24-31 9-7
Ask About ,our Price on
Spring Valley, 0-
D~ted thls' l 'G day of Augu8t:~960
Notice ' Is
Lone Terms Are Safe
Estate of Margaret A .• Johns
Admlnlatrator of Waynesville. Warren, County, Estate of Margaret A. Johus De- O~o. deceased:
Bottle Gas Sales
iDIerea,t. Build aecurity, by .defin, tn your
Bank .
I Meadow
movie_ actress'awe 2 JDHCt _
Abatract bean. 4Gre.tLak. 5 Sodium 121ncunloD (symbol) 11 Beam I BIsmuth 14 Near (a1Dlbol) 15Pa1m 10, 7 SOma ,up
28 Lieutenant ' ' 8 Meaaure ot (ab,) 18 Accompllab .. 32 Mi1ltar7 ' ,1811. .1.tPl~ poUee (ab.) I. J:Ieetrleal 10 IJxWlum II On account entlMer (ab., 15 GoU 'devlee Cab.) ' ;0 Staten Island 17 Lubrlcant It Rttliterecl , (ab.) ,2a Spain (ab.) , nune (ab.) 21 Extra 22 Italian river " 'Jumbled t.Jpe 25 PerIaln1nI to 21 Pennlt. anrOl1heeat Jaw 2f 'IntemaUonal (abo) )0 Horaeback IUIIUQAt ' 17 StaamahIp . . ..
aa TemporlU'1'
d ...tUna UOflloorlih
2eAnd (Latin) 21 KInd .'
a.rve '
40'Statr , _42.taUan ...... 4S SlUII ,44 Tramp', , (......)
.. t1Alteci ....
fee 'OtpnlIa. tloft (ab"
,, ,,DeDct ....
48Donb.p 51 Averqe (ab.)
IIIadl (ab.,
Sf AltemaUq CUlftDt (alt.)
sa IIIIa
WORK FOR YOU, ~rninl worthwbile _vinca accoUDt every p.y clay.
UP1I7I Oft worcla as Chellmea 40Getl up
41 ErbIum
(lJftIbol) 4J CoIllpaQ7 (ab.) oM BUlbeJ (ab.) 441paJbreak (comb. fonn) 47 Palel DOU'lI ~+-+-+...
eo Unlted _8t.tea ..............rt
.-..... .
• CIf AmerIca (lb.)
Uln'" "5PaI....
, ..
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 ONE 1\ UNOH EDTH'
EPTEI ,' 13ER 14, 1950
LOCAL ROTARY Co nn ty M en A re . Nonna~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ FETES TEACHERS Named By Board Two Waynesville
Board No. 122 Names 40 Men To R eport For Pre-In ductio n t ~ch I' In the V. aynesvl l\e school, Physical Exami nation s and 20 Men To ' gave Il very lnterest ing ' udd r sa of Report For, lnducti on welcom e to th e teach ra Ilnd board Tile StGp and Eat Res taurant , 'OJ)men; bel'S, fA 0 1 flOilrd ' 0 , 122 ItIlDOIUI S erated by MI'. lind Mrs, Norman E1.upt. Relnlli cle then gave!\. v 1')Tlrqulr't. h RS been 's old to Mr, and lhnt. th ro llow ll1K ,In 111(\1'1 1111 ve Interes tlllg a ceptanc e speech in \i('e ll ord er rl 10 "'~ P rt fol' pre· Mrs, William Shephe rd, of Dayton , SOli, ' lIe.eretarY or his nsy flowing tal king maJln e r , The Shephe tds, formerl y fn the ind urtiOI1 l ) h r ~ i C I1 1 e . ;)tul na tlo n on ' tile 10l)al RotaJ')l, ' (llub, IntTodu ced adding jusl n zest of humor I'estaur ant busines s In Dayton . plnn now S plellliJ I ' !!O, )(1:'0 : the ~embel.'s tile Rotaty clu b, and then , flob lit ' lIazolll' ood, to mo ve here It hous Ing fa<: IIIt1( s Mauri e I~ h,o In tUTn resente d t b e l r R. ,E, Augspu rger, superln ten, can be ob.lalne d, Frell c l'l d" " ' tn , Durtoll , Jr., Wed· Rotarya ns.. ' , d nt of the' F l'llnlc lln SC110019. gal' . They pl a n 10 s tay open seven de ll 'I 10 nl, '[;arl IO.- :\ I1\J L'l', oC Raymo nd BraC\dock, In th e nb· an Ilddl'eSs on tbe problem s' or til €days n. week uutll I :00 A, 1\1. Leba non; \1'1111:1111 Ball:II'd, F ar· The Progres siVe Women 's lub Bence of Rot&~ reSlden t A, H. school, th e relllUons betll'oen the Also sold recontly was the Cold Mr, lind MI'A, nus a ~l Martin, ' o[ m l' .lll ll1n s, L, n. AII ' I1, Richard held their flt:s t meeting of the """'tub"s acted a In a Sler 0 f ", ce re· teac IIeI' lI:nd t he 11111,11 .. tellchel' IUld Waynes ville, Springs Lake and Restau rant oper· year on Wednes day evening Ilre allllOUI \clnl; t he CI'e;l gt> r , Uuford Webb, Fred ·Pe:.l l" at the monies, and f~ right at home the people of the commu nltv :>" ,' ated by Mr, anll Mrs, n . L, Brown, home of Mrs, Evelyn Watkin ngugem ent II nd u1)proaclJlh g mn r· son , ItIclJlII'd i\I m'~ li a !l , II i, Or· s with a mong teache superin tendent s t he Impnr' :'~ ' r ..jl th 1" ~ I " I P " r'lnge 01' l hel r da ug to Mr, and Mra. Wilbur H . Zimmer· tweQty, seve n membe rs rls, J esR Rl cllal'llsl Ill , Robe rt hte Lind· r, lI1iSEI Ph ' 1· and guests a nd boaret, mel ' ers, us lie was Pl. : fl i n IIle "Olll lllllllll '. m an , of West Carroll ton. who are present, Mrs, Ralpb 1111 J ean MlIl'thl to MI:, Cly el Small, say, hln'l !l M~lY I' • .Ta m s Lamb, Has tlllgs, blIIlBelt formel' 8up,e rintend ent A.ll I' LI e Ilpeeclles, rerl'6s hm illS movin g here In lhe ue l r futu re. wood, son of MI'. aM Mrs. Oliv er John Trltcy , :M ac k Meadow s . Tl' U' pres ident, Mrs, Cha rles Elzey, vi e ' of the Wayne s vi e Local schools , of cake, Ic cream a nd coffee W01'e ' They ha, e operate d 21m's re· preside nt. Mrs, W. E , lito 'arroll, .J r" FI';'l Dklhti Cecil Sma llwood', of W aynes ville. St . John, SlIperln tenden,1l of school K, M, served and tile crowd mingled and t a uTu nl In W st nrl'oll ' oll f;l r 1~ Treasu rer and Mrs. Walle Both Miss Mnrtln a nit MI', Smull· Hayden, John dthens, ' ,OrviUe r Sh e. •~e~lJle k I¥tr~d~'ee d tb e t eachers got aCQuainted with one . anothe r , wootl are grallull yeal's, tes of '\Ynynesv llle Ba ll y, Eugen lfllJley, Lauren oe han, secreta ry are t he .of/lcers for a nd' their ,J!te ,l'tiJ;ltIers, the Board .All In a ll we would say the The Zlmmer maulj aleo built the Ihe coming year. and Mrs, H a~t. member l! 'a~d, ~. clerk of tbe illg waa- very Sli ce salul. and meet· Hig h School. the former now Ill, BI'OW O, V ay nesvUl e; Dil lard Bur· It Is' ployed Ilt the NCR Illld tho laLLtll' kett, Victory Court III Lebll lloll, ' I I'k,wi1l e ; John Dapllel', Ings opened tbe meell"g with a 1.Board, M!!,: ,Baf lplrf, " , hoped that we cltn hav . mol' ; I\t (he DrtYton Tho:,' pIon t.o (!ontl n "e rbe opel" fine talk, menUo nlng some 'Lovelall tl : · BI'orelt T ~uman, Jr" Power and Light in of the J, B . . crabbe , ' eli' \Q!qw,n·I,'f,o rmer a lollg the a me line later on , ntlon 01 Ihe fI hl Jig lnke fi nd re ~. Kln gR Mi lls ; Ilomer Evan s, Hel" future work to be done Oay lon. ! ' •_ _":""'_ _ _ _ _ _ _'--_...w":-,~,,,:,,,,,_ ,:,-...J..""""' _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ __ 'I'he weddin g w ill be an vent of bel't Rooks, ~ Imer Laymon , Bel" Octobe r at th air new!)' fur n!shed naf(1 Urlll, FranCis Gilmore , v.rm. Redmon , Monow ; .Tu nio I' Moore, home on Third street, ha~, of Lo'b anon , ,,:no elected III e_. had .tbe f ollowIn g guests Roberl Hasllng s, son or MI'. and Ea m'l d Robinso n; . South Leb~non ; at a coy· Mrs Cecilia H ealy SEcond ~c ' . ' Iden t for l be corning year. w :th eted di sh dinner at Co.ld Mrs. RaIJ)h Hns lings, of \ aynes· Rob rt Prltter, Lawren c A:rfa::>Pl'lngs of th e Oblo , Mr, Ernest Wlldm: ln, of J ncl(S!)n, Lal!'e. who pres on ed them,' wltb 'V me. left on Monday , ev nlng of wood Oregon Ia; Dona ld Hayer, BuslDe • u ClubB, 8S guest s peaker , Oblo. as secreta ry. , two ' lovely going , away gifts: t he past week hy train, f,c l'. and the subject of "fede! ation " W Million ; Wm, Dyer, Foster. " ... H D Mr, and Mrs, l.ee Lemmo n and wa s dlcusae d. York Th followln g . 12 lDen have been .MI', and · ".ra, City ",II I'e he arold " Earn· will unllm'go Ed and M"~UI18 ,Edmist on, who hart, Mrs, Naomi Backel't . 'MI!' s daught er Nancy, Mr, and tmi11lng ordel' III t.he d to re port 'for Induction on fi eld Mrs, Ell" of t.elevlal After ' a most Interest ing ev· ecenUy galned nationa on COVE RED DISH l prom· Ruth Earnha llt l\.nd ¥I'. Harlan W hl S mith and daughte a t the Ne)' VOl'lt T elevl Ion Wol'k- Sept mbe t' 22, 1 ~6()! rs, Mr, and ' n1ng, tbe Club adjourn ed ro bol inence In ' test~lng ,~etore tbe DINNER HONORS Earnba rt lett on Sundny evening Mrs. W. E, 'Strpud, ~r, bop, He Is enrol,lcd In the PI'O· A,l'thur McKenz ie, RIchard Da.v· and Mrs.' a dlnn-er meeting In Octobe r at tll'e Houl!e Comml ttel! On Un·Ame rl· MRS. N: BUNNELL duction ourso , for a period of IRon, Rob rt Relf, Thoma s Dunn· RUBsell WJ)son and fam,lly, Mr. and ' Far Hills Pa-y Hou.se, fOl' New Yorl!. City for II fell' days 1an .&:cU lties I " Wa.shln gton will naDd to Yale College , where Harlan M[~ Foreat Grabam ninetee n weeks atter whl h studlo wny, and family harlee Newton , ,iUclllll'd Dainty r'!fre shment s "-ere served 16a're t he" evenlb g's progr, a m for will enter hla treBhm ah year. j A oovered dish d inner willi ~n· t raining will follow, an~ Mrs, Kenned y. Heruld, Leb{LDon; Donald Fer gnsou, during the IIOclal hour, Precedi ng he -semi· n nual J,.J dies ' Ighl din Oy d by II gron!> of fr iends On 'S at· Mr. and Mrs. E. F, E1artlhart reteleVision work, Robert g rad'u ated Hal'vey sbllrg ; Louis Rapp. JIolasoni ,ier meeting ' of the WaynesVill e 'lrdll Y even ing a t the horne 'o f MI'I!, from W,ayne svllle High School t;U\d \\TIll. 130 's, ],'I'flllkl Fturu~d . on Sunday nls.ht lifter ln; ,E ,. win spendl1\8 several d ays in MIChigan, J lvlc, Club to bo lle,d lit th~ Meth· \usUn Thucka ro 'on North street has comple ted one yeur Koeh le , e , In Loveh~nd; the Dee MulUus , ,MU /lt Chure)! 'On' M,Ol\dI\Y, SepteUl· '\I 111, NeUle B4nnel i wbo c'e Mr, and Mrs, CUrtlB 'Wade and , lebra. :ipe ch and radio departm e nt at Or, gonin; Will, \ \ ltltacre , P leasant .)er 18 all. 7:00.. ~" M. • ted h~r birthda y recently ) 'was \fl aml Dlllv rslty family of near Lebano n en . at Oxford, Ohio, PllLl n • • !~~~I"=""_ ~ C . ~UI~U ">L"I'T.DII'~J )Ii EaIl;e.; _a..n6d...",M.I1"~.Ii-"~:blil!bOI4i '· talne.t wItb a'trled cb lckell dlnnel' .. . t hlllti ... 0 ...t . ) vhom , (1;\los t .of bOl)or, Others pTesent for . A farowel l dinner WIUI I;l '011 , ...,~ ~1lDII1-n-r. ~I'mtil ",.,.r.. ,f0l' on ~n(:\ay or tbe P811t week han. b - tbls plfjiiaa nt. 00'c8s lon weri :~ "'M'ra':' s.:Ji'ofiQr- Oii unday ng Ilt ,DAYTONrANIS WEEK FBI In 1940 through 194] wUl give Natban Jel Murray: orlng Everett L, WardlOW, who Is ENTERTAIN W111I Miss Nnta.II.· Ol e borne of his I)Urell!ts, wll.h, the On Septem ber 6, deputy ·regls· Informa,l .an,d hlgbly e ntertain leaving for mUltar y servlee., Those ing Murray , Miss Betty and Netti p follolVin g END GUEST HERE guests, Mr, a l1d Mrs: 1;I'ars loeated tbrough out the 'state accoun ts of their exp'erle BASKET PICNIC AT nces b Mrs. as J .. 0 ncllea I b Fo\}.ert h, ot Dayton. M preeent were Mae Wade of ,M iamis. F1 d G . ' g es y , rs, egan the Issuance ot the ne~v 8 'm em bers . 0 f tb e Communl t 'e ons, M Iss Cal'l Stephell s'.: l1 , Mrs, C, E. Hl.zlIl'. 9 Jl n t lhe s burg, Mrll. Betity Fryman. 'of TiPI' P a r woe ty ic Monlml nd as IL guest of' a Bu nnell , Mrs. Carll Rich , aud Mfss Mal'gar et McClul'e, or _,WAYNE PARK year Ohio driver's licenses , accord· during that tlmo. They h a v e 11's, Reha Brad dock n n d t b e R 11 , Penpel' a nd Mrs , Anna Hart.· City, Mr. and !lira, ~eslle Ward. Lebano n, M I', a nd Mrs, G org(! as· Ing to rMs. Frances Brown. bee n .Il~dres s lDg from four to til' ho stess, sod(, or Way n e~ vi l\ tl, 1ow', Grace Wardow , ;VIrginia On Sunday , Septem ber 10, E. R born or MoI'I'OW', MI', })on aId Peracm s whose birthda ys occur Interes ted groups ea,ch week s inct! WardlG w and the guest of honor. Pepper and 8Ia'ter Anna ' Lukens or II r veysbur g. 1\1,lss J oan Hartsoc k betwee n Octobe r 1 and Octobe r 5 lhelr roturn from Washin gton and Mr, Sam Huftma n and Jimmy enterta ined at Ii ~ket Yul gie o[ ~ : u' n, Mr. Glenn Smith VISIT PATIE NT AT plcDic at '11'111 be eligible to apply for the the Civic Club la fortuna te In se· W,ardlo whave returne d bome atter Wayne Park and at the al\ll DAYT ON HOSPI1'AL the Aues t o[ bonoI', realden ce new license s on Septem ber 6. ' A curing them tor tllell' Lad I e 8 a vacatio n trip tbrough the SmO:k. on FIfth IItreet, all his M 1', nlld ~Il'l-l , W , 1!;. 'troutl: Mrs, 'I grasul. uew group become eligible to Night program , les al1l1 other points of Interest . GI'Ut'e Vir lIn(\ MrH, n 'e ue ffen· ch!ldrel i and 2'1 gr~ grand-c hU. appl,. eacb clay after tbe sale beReserva l10n cards are In th e 1,\I18s Clara Da.ught ers, Mrs, WCTU HOLDS MEETI NG Mrs, J, J, BUTBke ' wns II. guest dren. Despite the rain d"m.oll I·ls iL..r1 ~II ', CI:Llldl ' S troud 1. 1. a ~nd gins. No pe1'8On may apply for '. mall and In view of th o t!~e!y d lal'ence Craw£o rd spen t FI'!dlly' FRID'!Y AFTER NOON ' during the put wee k of her 'son. time WIl& bad. by all and ' \ ' 1 1111111 ,:ul\'Y r10Hriilll l l-i llndny Il l'· evel')'on e 3 yera ' license more than 30 days 'nature of the On F ri day urterno ou, MI'!f. Llna progl'am the Sec· with Mrs. Thomas Runyon . In.law and daushte r, Mr,: aDd Mrs. wIshes the ~oreBald a t enlo/lll , til I lil t. J' t hey wel'e long, and prior (0 his first birthda y' af&er retary eXllects Olle of the large~t Mr, and Mrs. J ames Wildma n I>f Mndd n was hostess to t he W, C, gil st'" Dnle Duffe e In BowUn g Green, a nd ~erry life., of . 11', ;lIld M 1'8 , 11. 'I f, Wads·, septem ber SO, 1950, at which time - Ladles Nlgllt a.ttenda nces Jackson , OhIQ, spent Sunday with T, ,U, meotillg , 'rhe ' program and In the they accomp anied ber home for \\ OJ'lh :11 West l'ul'l'oll ton. ......- - - - - the :1;950 license wIll expire, th eir parents l\lr. and Mrs. El'Dest d VOtiO IlS I I'e In charge 'Clvlc Chlb's 1!lstory, ' t he week end. Mr. lind Mrs. How. of Mrs. ORDIN ANCE No. 218 Earnha Any porllon who falls tG renew rt. Ollvq Cur l. After the reglllll!' bU B' Membe rs of the Club, I( tbey , so ard Asiman and Mrs, L1va Tu rner INCTAL LATION OF OFF!C E RS (Sectio n 11811, G. C. of Ohio) hla 11160 Ucens~ more than 3 dcslre, may mllke all Mr. Jess ' m ully mlth reser· of Hamilto n, In ess s('snioll Mrs. CUI·t rend liD of Newto,~n,nlil~ were Sunday af. GIving ConNn t of 'I'b ~' ins t:t1ia llQu of ),1. V, F, oerl · ths Vlllag. to months after the license expires , VlltiOIlS us they. wis h by retu l'Illng spent Sunday wlt~ M.r, and Mrs. arU ... e 011 " 11 0", Is Your Sales Re· temoon guests at t he urske home, the fmprov ement of Miami CIlI'/,! will Inll pi ne i n th e t;lI0rll · Street wll\ be require d to undergo and their card to t he Blstall 'c ' ! " A Bo ng entitled i'A , Sel:r tal'y lit the lf lly Gibson , Mrs. Elsie Kosllor Mrs. Leeb M!II~ accomp anied Under the Superv l.lon of llll\' w (H'~h J Jl fe- l'vl ,' 'lle '01. pass a driver examin ation In order I!arllest pos~ible r tllO I\feth· l' I [lgli ly FortI' SIJ Is OUI' God" WIIS of Lebano n, ca1led In the afternoon. dat e .. \\flas E llubetl l· Chand IeI' to HamJ)odl s t (.Jhul'c>11 rector of Highwa y. n e :t S llllli '~lY , S ' pl. s Ullg. 1\1 1'8. B to regain driving privIleg es, The I ~ le I·rocket t had a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berger and ton, Virgini a whe!!, , she returnc d to 1 7111 . WHERE AS, the Directo r of' High· fees for the ' new 3. year read ing o'n "AA Ve teran Speaks " operato r family, of Beaver town, called on CARD OF TI-IANKS h er teachin g duUes and after her wal:'s Is conside ring the ma~ter of license will be $1 ,00 wherea s, the ' wish to extend m y tbanks to JIll'. Lee Morgan Sunday afterno on a nd Mrs. ' 1\1'lI b Draddo ck on "Let's return on Wednes day spent . the th!3 Improv ement under HAVE SUNDAY DINNEF! GUEST S, hIB ·.super· fees for a , 3 year cba.uffe ur license the peo ille Mr. WUbur Dddd of Dayton, Try God," ',rhe me ling was closed of Lytle arid vi Inlty. remain der of the week ' wlth her vision of the public highWa y knqwn and ' badge will total $1, 50 at all for th eir many MI', a nli MI'll. Uhodes B lIUliell with. th e Unlqll BenedIc tion, kindnes ses du ring ca.lled on Mil. ,lind , Mrs. George childre n , Mr arid ' JIIrs. WIllIa:m as State Route No. 13 a,nd and ' daug ht . I'S hlLd ' as _~ ulldny d ill' deputy registra r oftlces, my illness. .The glftJl, Visits, flow· Bratten Sunday , StrollBe and Carol Sue, WHER EAS , Miami 'Street, within 11 ,1/' g ueSL'i . "-'f" s. E ls ie Mr. Rnd · Mrs. Morris Lew is and METHO DIST CHOIR Hoc ke tt , License s Issued to Ohio resl. ers, cards and phone calls were a\l Mr, and Mrs, lIarry Satterth · ~hls village lIes In wh~la ~ J is!1 I MO lllmilL . an (\ 01' part ilents · wblle out of st~te wUl be greatly apprecl family called ,on Mr. anti Mrs. HOLDS ,PRACT ICE )III'S. Nellie at~d: waite and daught er Betty, called along tile line ot ,sald_ Btate route, luued from the Columb u8 office Ob est er Sha lv dnd 8011 Robel·t 'of 1\ s plr·t1did group of slngel's met Bllml II, Mrs, Elizl!lbe th Jo nes . on Mrs, Roy Flilrspa ch at the 1\1 id· WHERE AS, It Is propose d to ex~ of the Bureau of Motor las l " ~I for c hoir practice uncleI' ~reb eln Sunday afterno on . Vehicle s dletown hospita l on Saturda y at· tend suld state Illghwa y improve- , only. operato r Lieense tee 7~c CANDLE LIGHTI l he dil' Cl ion or t ile dl r etor, Mrll, Anna. L ucas Is spendin g n NG t~moon and were supper guests of ment Into, wlthln or through · thls and cbauffe ur feo '1.26. Phi li p WOI'lan nll.. A IUl'ger , gl'OuP few days with SERVIC her son E HEI.O Xr: and MI', and Mrs, Byrd Lackey , Jr" In v1llage and along the nloresa ld MI· Llcenae s al'e on' sale Bt Smiths III o., I)edl' ll Lhl'" 'I' IJIIl'sdny ni ght, at JIll's. Raymon d Lucaa and The fam M.Y ily ,F. of the Method ist MJddlet own, ami Street, 8:fl\J tal' I'el! 'ar~I'1. Pla ns a re [or Electric .:Ill'. 011(1 ;\{rs. Ol' 1ll 1l 11 Browu a lld or ne'lr Wilmin gton. re tempor arily. ' Church held a very Inspirat MrB: Fhlrspa ch' underw ent a inn. ional NOW, THERE FRRE, the I'h{1 lr to /ll,llee tb olr r1r8t ap· dUlIghl e r ~1'l 1l8 Lu (;l1l e Dro Mr , and Mrs. Ernest wn . )I nt Earnsh aw jor operDJt.lon on Thursd ay. . candle IIglltlng service )a.~ t SundllY De It Ordaine d , by the CounCil P C',r:lI1t'f l In lIl.. worshi p ~ervlc Imlt Sntl ll'llllY' and 'II Ill! 1\'11 family attende Dl'own' s d ' the Earnha Mr. alld Mn, L , C, ,St. John reo or the VIII~e of Waynes rt 19 membe rs were present . All I'e· ville, th is co ming SUlldny: "WHY GOD ALLOW S l; l ut~ r ~ II Hll l; o:'lhn Drowll . R eunion 'Sunday at turned borne on Saturda y aCter State -of Ohio : I the ~mltb coqsecl 'ated themse lves &t the al· . SUFFE RING" Ml' .. un!1 ~r l'll " AI.I'I' d Butter· Orove near Waynes vl.lle. If yo u ll ke ,to Ri ng. co m ~o Ilpendln g the past week at the ~ECTJO~ 1:. Tbst It Is deelare d The ,rorld in which we live Is a tar IIgbting their candles from the WO I'th, of ~' l ol'ld lL . nnd 1I11s Emma tl ce T hll l'noln:', . Mr, John 8ettlemyr4l.s " vlllle Mr, alld to be In the public Interes and Mrs. Robert Bllderbacl! t that confuse d sufferin g :world. Many central candle repreBe nting the Lou L w i!) , " f \ ' li mIngto n, cn lled Mrs, f \Oltle myre nnd children were 1,be conlen t of IIald village and · daughte r Nila or Blanch ester, be, and aST, ''Wh:rt. . When will' God ~tep Ught ~f Christ. Th~l/!e lealling In 11 ' M' , ~ ~II1Y \'.'r ight ' ,n "rWuy HARVE YSBURG NEWS I vacatio ning In Canada , " worshIp. yere : Bm lrlahbac k, J oe visited Mr, and Mrs. T. C. R,unyon . s uch consen t III ,bereby given; that In and call a haltt Jesus ,\.I'teI'IIO olI . lived In Mr. anet'Mr s, Ell Furnas an(J' Bald Miami Street or so much M I'. Ami M J'S , Joiln Wels l, and Sunday . there- Juel luch a worlr and a1thoug b the Sm.a11wood, Winnie Stout, Charles MI'. ullII i\11's., fi c l'a" Dos tOIl, of family were at Wilmin gton College ot as Is above describ ed 1\11'5 , Beu la h Ec I,ert ",Uende d a pic' Mrs. Elsie Koeste r o f Lebano n, lying along pain or men cUd not ltop yet Mcinnis , Tobbe Ban and' Linda India,11IL1JoI\S. w re dlnll I' tJUes t s on on Sunday' ~hen tllelr son, Mr. Rl.Jy the line of said '8ttate '.' W8S a dinner guest s,tJnday of Mr. nlc ~ uJlPe l' III the hOll,H' of Ml'. and Route No. Jesull found, what spoke ' most ' to Ramby, S.I;nday ' of t !le il' ~ 11I 1t. ML' I:I Mary Fur nas entered for his fl'eshmn n 73 may be improv ed' under and Mrs. Morris Lewis aud family. M I'S. ThQlllus )j;1l ~ l age l', of ' neal the sup- hli ne8cls was a clolle walk with Uor.10Il unrl ;' li ~H Ihlblon l'e W,'ned year, Mr. and Mrs, Furnas were ervlslon of the Directo onlorvi lle , Labor DIly,. r of lUgh. God, He found prayer a neeeBIIlty MARGARET Mr. and Mrs. Thoma s Runyon with th ni to Indl rt.l1 allolis for 1" A~ICE SUPIN GER alsoj present for the receptio n ror ways, MUYll tl l'C1 Fr.ost Is .conf lned to s hort i!5it. ]',[r8, Clarenc e CraWford, MI'll. aild Sabbat h Worshi p a weekly , Margar et Alice auplng er, 19, new member s and tbelr parents , of 8.E CTlON 2: Tha t the Clerk be, privUe p. Throug h His ·.yalkln ll' LebanOn Rt. 2, was fatally Injured Hlly GI bSOn attende d th~ Dllyton H .o I Dl e's LTIIsplta l. Cinci lllllltl, M,'ij. l"tH'i1lo j \ I'llIl1 tl i\' !Itt nded Mre, FuJ1lu and daUght er MlslI 'and ho Is hereby, directe \V'here he I d to tur- dali, ciOie to God he found lUe In an aulo acclden Fall' lllllt Tbursd ay eventng . undergo in g treat · the Allen 1'p-uTi loll 011 SlllldllY at t<tn Dayton Sun· Sue Furnas wlll leave (or Oberlin nlsh to tbe Directo r of Those on Ibe alck li st lire: Mr, ment, Highwa ys meaDin ltUl and jOyoUS In the day morni ng. ~ a her' Mill. , 2 :00 II\t tile Ke()wee QJ:I,d 1\.11118 Furnas wl11 enter the and to the Board of Oount, George Bratten and Mr. L u e €om. mJcI8t or lI,"erID l. We too can street cvosRlng. ""1', :11111 ,'11';1, I VI! 'l'1~ hllRge" f cOnserv atOry ot MUllle there on mission ers 01 · Warren 'Count) '. dci" UkewJae. SEPTE MBER GOALS SET Wllm lll ,ton, and i\11 ~s PI08S1 (i'lre!l ~e I~ survive d by' her pa.re nts , Stevens . Thursd ay, Ohio, a eertUle d copy of th1a Or.d· 'I'WlIJ God Alows' Sufferl ng" III Mr, and IIlrs, Clarenc e Suplnge r. Th o Methol1 i s t cburch b(ls sel \\,II' Il (!U 11,·1'0: pf MIss J I:Isl Mr, and Mrs. WlUlam Strouse' en· Inance ' lmmedl ately uPOn LAURA BELLE JONES the tak. the m.....e at .,.. Method ist 6, sisters, Mrs. o.ttendn Mary . n ce Lou, gonl Klrkpat s In Sunday school 0/\ , :'W I'lillY. · tertalne d their club on Saturda y Ing effect tbereof . cburcb next 8unday . You are cor· rick of Waynes ville and Laura BeUe Jones, 86, passed and ,the cburch wOl'shlp Mi ~s Oll\'p "'Jlliall ll-l Is I' llllling Charlot [01' .Sep' te, evening and had a. their guests, SECTI ON:': 'Fhat tbls Ordinan ce ,anted to atteJul. You wUl Esther, Susann e, Jud1', MFtba , all away In the home or her Ion In tember, The average attenda illd lnlU'JlII\IM 111111 will attend the Mr, and Mrs. Kennet h WIlliam s, sluill take eUect and be nce In lorce fln4. "Buill . welcom e. Life' win at home, 2 brother s Donald and Atlan,ta , Oa" Sunday , Septem her goal for ' Sunday II()Qool Is 150 wltll \v ddlHg (It' 110': II ieee, Miss '~nlla of Morrow , Mr. and , MI1II Omar rroiD and after the earliest period meaa io • ..,. mWlll more to JOI1 Richard at bome. 10. 164 lut Sunday , ThQ 'averay e [01' Cooper' In Sputh nend, Inelll, nB. - MeJloy ot Lebano n,- MI'. and Mrs. allowed by law. Ii J'W 10 iO the chal'Cb of )'Ollr The tuneral wu held at Stubbll 'church worship Is set for The runeral was bel,~ Wedn8l lday L~O with OW'en BrooU hlre of Blauche atel', :\11', :lnd lIIrs. Arr'h Phillips , or led: S&pttm ller 8, ltl50. c.b01ce ...,.. IhIIIdQ W1tb • Jl'Q'ef at II P. M, at Stub.,. JI~eral Home, Funera l Home Wednet IdaJ at .. :00 126 In attenda nce last StmdllY , D I~ytOIl, lJ hlo. (lIl1ed an M188ea aIld Mr. aIlel Mn. Roush Workm ali Attellt: C........ .Jame.. Clerk. iii )'OUI" . 1IAI1 aJUl bumll1tY In Rev. Wedge-wood oul c~. P. M., Rev. Wedgew ood oUlelaU n,. Everyo ne Is workin g tbat this goal .\nnle and · ItUne 'Brown on Sunday . . of Lpcbb\ 1l'l'. H. K. Sbarwoocl, KQ'OI' J'1I1Il' IQL Burial was ID MIami cemetel '7. be reached. . ~ was III cemetel '7· (Cont.l nued 011 Page Four) - . . KNOW Dr, Rnd Mrs, A, ,E, Stout ul.l d daughte r hnd as SUflllny 'aft. 1'110011 gues tll Dr, a nd Mm, Chllrles Mum ma and childre n of Dl\ytoll, ancl Dr, a nd M1'8. Li ppe rt a nd chll · dren, of Wilmin gton, III BO wero eve. n I ng I?uest~, IIlr, buries and Mr. Bllrl Ryc. ~OJl of I\fI', and 'M rs, Clarenc e Rye. will SOOI1 reenter Ohio' • I.!Ite (0 conUnue Ulelr studios there, lind MI'. Don Rye, son. ot Mr, a nd !\fI'S,, HIII'vey Rye, will Bnter fo r hili fresh mUll year . Mr, lind Mrs , Paul M. St. J oh u of !Als Angeles , nllforlllll, wel'e \Vedncs day night 'guests ot )\ls fa Uler, Mr. W, b, SI, John and Mr s, St, John , About. forty reatl ves and frie nds were l)rCaent for the aunual rc. union of the JacJ Ii Enrnllll rt fani. " S Ith .P k III ell on S uri d oy li t t.,e 10 Will! , nr(Hl', A . rl e111:10119 bas ket din ner
Cold Sprinl l Lake and Reltau rant Are Both Sold To Out of Town People '
Around 80 peple attende d the Waynea .vtlle l'y Olub' s get· acqualn tedr with th e tea~bers a'nd school board m eUng h eld Tues· Ilay uight at, th St , Marys Par ish
~~:~. :'::;:~:'~;f:c~~~~.:E: :E;;:::~:~":!b~,:~~. !;:~::: =:~~~~::::~r:;:;;';:~FORM· R· ·FBI p;'e~lden't,
--- ---- --
EI tabtl_h,d 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER .. ...... ...... · .... ...... Editor an,d CECILIA J. 8CHERER .. .. ", .. .. ,,·· ·, ·· ·· . Secretary and
IPubll s h ~ d
Eve!')," Thul' dar MornlnC Gllnty. Ohio Enlel'nd ' :l S socoll d ClUBS matter at the postorrt ce \It Wnynes 111(', Ohio.
. L \
. L1
METHODIST CHURCH , r. W . Wed;';I' wol.l , MIIIIIIt.er Cburcb ScboOI" 8:S0 A:M.•
' :~y n svUl . WArren
.,.. .....
14, 1QIiO
(61ttbt -. . LVTLE
,B. E.' Baughn, Pu!!tor Mr. UntrIed Service. 9:46 a. In.
', I
Iiarold Illarnliart. Supt. Worship Service, 10:30 A.M. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL \'oulh FeUolI'shll), SlI uduYi 7 :00 'fhe Rev. Samuel N. Keys, Recto; P.M. · unday: PI'lmary cburch Bcliool 10:30 a.m, FERRY CHURCH 01' CHRI8T (Ages 0 through 8) Byron Carver. Mlnllter Aduit Worship. 10; a. m. 1 ._ Blble ' Sohool. 9:!0 A.M. Morning Worshlp. 10:80 A.M~ Pra.y er Meeting. 7:ClO P.M. UTICA E,U.B. CHURCH Young People's 'M eetlnl. 7:00 WIlUam Shannon, Minister Evening ' Services, 7: SO P.M. Sunday School. 9:30 A.M .• Mra . Jamea Garrison. Supt. Preachlnl, lat. and 3rd. SunWAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF 1· , ...pJtef/·up you ••• days 'o f eact. month" 10: SO 'A.M. CHRIST • A NEW HIGH .IN ANTI-KNOC:( Evening Service!!, 1:30 P.M. , ~I. H. Coffey. Minlater • A HEW HIGIi IN POW~R 'Bible School,' 9: 30 A.M. MornJng Worehlp, 10:80 A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH • • A NEW HIGH IN VALUE '{oung Peollles' M~etlilg. 7 :00 Father R. H. Krumholtl. PaBloI' P.M. , Masses, 8 and 10 A.M. , !n'enlng Service, S:OO P . ],1 , Pl'8yer Meellng and , Bible Study CAE8AR'S C~EEK FRIENDS Wedneadll.1. 8 P.M. ..... ~ lt1IWitel' Woralllp Sen1oe. 1D A.II. MT. HOLLY METHODI8T 8uD4&7 80Ja00J.. 1~ A.K. T. M. Scaff. MlnJater Sunday Sohool, 8: SO A.K .• II. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDI -=~==-';;.;;;F;;':"::""="':""':'-----'-~--------------A. ' Earnhart, supt. , l'Rl' k, Wellln,n. SpeCial music will be arrRng d Worship Semce. 10:30 A.M. F1tBl n., School. .:.0 A.M. Evening Semce. 7: 80 P.M. Meetinc for Worship, 10:10 A.M. 1l00n and , eVen\ng, by the Harveysburg Unloll.
'0 "I".
IT/I" t'EI." '~T RfIJl/l.l1t IJAI PRICE
The annual W".C.T.U. conve nllQIl Lew Wash Buffered fl relaps e wlII bn held tbls Friday at the from fl · recent jUness Saturda y , ~flltl:!oIU~t Chllr :h. IH'rp, ~oIlOW!ng nIght. regtatratlon 1119 £11008 or lQB mort. · :Rev. r.:.. Pll.l'tlngt~n is III' ILt hi s 1n£ IL basket dinner wUl be served honle. " noon. _The 'g'lIest speaker In the aIlt.eruoon ~ be Mrs. Ha.rold H . Bl'OwlI. CJl1Wcot:heo :who is :vico' . preel4ent ot tile Ohio State C. T. U. lira. OUve CUrl, county pr88' ldent -wm nn article "Look· 1111 Ahead."
Mrs . Minnie ,P eterson , C)f Chl1 clnnatl, was IL guest last week ot her sls ter.- MI'S Anna Dookett. Marlon Osborne entertained willi a family dlpner at .bls home n eal' town, sunday.
Annitage &SOD
:f.ELlEPHON •• 'WAYHEeYILL. 1011 LEBANON Office 47.1K
R."I.~ MORROW No..
'S1:R~CE M.r. lind Mrs. Lee ColUns, of Cen· poople ot Harveys- tervllle, were guests Sunday of b....... I t "Y ' th Mr. CoJlln's mother, Mrs' , . Ida-:'~~~~~_~._~.~..::':_:.::_~._=._~.:_::.:-~n~~J!"~'~I!II!.;s~\1III~L~m~~IIII~I~m~_~~I"~ ' ~_;.. urs ..... presen1t a p laye, . ou Asabiat .u~1.'1 ' 'Colllns. YES ••• WE CAN P~INT llfAT .,JOB FOR YOU EXPERTLY
, " People do reod th new papers. The other \veek th e Emporia Gazette printed an interestin g item from it files telling of aid sent td' Ru sia twenty years ago.' But a lot of folk wh read the itcm'tiictn't read al\ of it evidently and jumped at conclu ions. They got pretty exCited and kept the tel ephone at the G:lzette office at the Chamber of Commerce rin g ill ~. /I '
* * *
Mr. Se~ur MarD; '1129 1401" ria:ln Sl t)linb his BOd Grego!,)' Is the fiDe.t little boy ' in 51 Louis, !llssouri, and be isn't a bit ashamed t9 admit it. He also aay ~ he used to be cross, iJ;Titable !WI' nervous, b~t, HADACOU pu.t l stop to all that when he foun r' he was sufferi.ng from a lack o! Vitamins Bo, BI. Niacin and Iron . Mr. Marks was mighty prou ~ to ' make the tollowinlf statement "Before J . bealln ~lD~ HADACOL there was many a night tha' I' lay awake. I just couldn't ~el any sleep. Food dldn't agree wltl' me and my stomach gave me al ' sorts of trouble. I took only lWI .. bottles of HADACOL before J was teeling· much better. Now J am in the best of condition and have only HADACOL to thank One of my cousins told me abou: HADACOL and I have told man more J)eople about the ' fine reo sults I have hud from MADA , COL." You. Too. Will ~ Amazed at the wonderful results HADA· COL can bring you, as It has to thousands and thousands of otliet: tine tolk. who suttered 8 ' defl· cienc ot. Vltamtn, 8 • Bt, Niacin. " and l-OIi, which ijA,DACOL ,con· tains. ' H}l.D~COL helpsL})uild up the hemoglobin content of your blood (when It'on is needed) to carry these precious Vitamins and , Minerals ~ every organ. and I!v. ery part of ybur body-to the ,heart. liver, kidneys !lDd I~~~, even to the eyes. halr and nails. o.lve .Hf).D~CO a cha~['9 to. , day. RMuse subsulutes. D 1'1 t let anyon,. t."l.0U ,somefh\ng' eJse is "ju~ as goo ." InBi~ on the "enuine HADACOL. ' No ' HADACOL risk is involved . , . becsuse is sold only on a st'rid money. b~ck guarantee.. Yo~'l1 feel great with tlie fIrst few bottles you take or your !Iloney will be refunded . 'Trial size. ~nlY ~1.25: L:rge Fam·
n. Y. . FPT F.
fir Ho s rl l~1 S I Z~ ~;J, " O , 111'..0. I h - L.DI :I" Curp<>,a l. J Il
Id,_,.r_ .• ...
PHO'NE 2121
. babie cry when they are bMn into thi's World-nakyd and hungry, and find they alrelldy owe the governn;tept $ 1,700." , ' ,
Les 'Young, of Sr!rlrlgf{ald. l..cc~\ vetsous' attending besl Jc!I host!! .were Mr. o.nll MI'!l. It. (.'. Goon and flUIllly. Mrs. ~ 11!I : e ~fr. lind ;;\1rs. R. E . . Coon were Coon. Mr . Llsn- CUI'I, and . t I' • • 1.,1 hosts for the ' '1Il'twell Family Re· Mrs, B~l!tel' Martin und ~o" .
union al their ' bome SllOday, Fol· Dotlgle. lowing tile bas.ket dilme r' 1ll0st of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tuck r r. nd the group gathered at the h.ome Mrs. Tucker's siater, .tI'S. J ' Illti,' of t.hei .. ho st~ Bon IIlln dRUghtel'-in· Bell of Somersville, spent 1L" "law, Mr. , and Mrs. R. F. Coons. \\Ieek end wllh I'eilltl ve s Olllt for tel vJslon (lUl'ty and games. friends in Germantown. Ky . . 'rb6s6 wl~ attended rrom Ollt <!f Mrll. Carl <'is born a nd Mrs: tOWII wero : TlJomas H. Co.on, ,of Blanche Orr ' ente rtained With n Midway ]aland , Mrs. Minnie Lore Modeh{ HDstess Pal'ty at the home nnd ' dBUghtcJ'K, E(1Ith, Detty und of Mrs. Carr Friday ni ght. Jpyce. a nd sons, Eddie, Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Welch, ot and ;GOO'I.ge, Mrs. ' Mary ' Bend I' Detroit,' Michigan, apilDt part or and family, 'Mrs. Anna Bendel' ami, last week at the hortle of M I , family, .MI. and Mrs. Harding Wel~b'8 mother, Mrs. Obn Welch. ;Penix and sons, of Port.smolltb, 'Mrs. 'Welch accompanied her son Mr. nnd lIirs. Dewy Moore and and daug~ter·ln.law '" back to De· family. of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. trolt, for a brief visit. Edward ,J . Dreseq and family, Don 'Mr. and Mrs. Clyde ,Levlcy ' and Coon, Jim Coon, Marvin Wood", Mr. and Mrs. Tliomas Welch spent and Bill Broadstone of Urbana, ~bor Day week end at Niagara Mr. alld Mrs. Chest,e r Hehnsteln Falls, and family. ' Mr. a nd 'Mrs, Robert Tb.e Methodist Church held Rc~ and family; and Mr. and MI·s. their annual picnic at Jacob's
Mary Sherwood and' son, of Mason. weI' dinner guests, Satur· day ,o f Mrs. Sherwood's slstet·, Mfe. Harold Dogan a'n d daughter, Dar.barn. Bnl'bara returned to Mason Ivilli them tbat at'teJ'noon to spend the nJgb1. Wilbur W. WUeon, of Charles· ton, West Virginia: Was a guest recently of his siet 1', Mrs. LoUis~, N. Flte a1\d her daugbter" Miss Jane FI,te, : Mr. a\1(l Mrs. J;U\y' Ferris, of Indiana, yere guests recently of Mrs. «'errls' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Onm,pbell. ' At a recent me eting tbo Women's Christian Telnperance Uaion elected the following persons to serve ' as oWcers for this year: Mrs. "Stella v~nce, PreBld~nt; Mrs. Mary- Levlcy, Vice ' Pre,sldent; alHI ' M~~. Bertha' Gordan, 'Secretl\ry· Treasurer. 'Mr. and ,Mrs. Charles Gorllan spent a few days last wcel{ ' at' La\ia Mec,osta, Michigan . ,Mlss ' Sal'a mlth of Wllynesv.iUe, was n guest for a few days last week -of Mrs. A. S. Collett ~nd her son Hobert Collett. MiAs May ,Harlan waa n. dltlller guest Wednesday e velllling of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. William Gilliam nn(l their honse gllest , Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Gillia m lind family of New York Clly. . Mr. and Mrs. Weldon McKay Slid :'If rs. A. S. Collett and ,her son Robert Coli It aHeded the picnic 'held ~ndny at BuckeYe' Lake, 'for tile gr~lIp of Carmel's who' hill!' nt· tepded Lbe "Ohio Farmer!! Tours: " ' Mrs. harles Doater was a ViR' ItoI' In Cincinnati, 'thursday. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Emest Ollllam lind family entertslned t.bem to a picniC supper at Jacob'a Park, Wellman, Wednes\la)' eVe" nJng. The Women's Christian Temperance t Ilion held tbelr annual pic· nto tor members and tholr famll· lea at the home of Mrs. MII!'y S. Pierson. Thursday evening. ,I Vls. M...,. Jane Moore Bpent the eDd with friends In
'than many Capl costiag far Dlore I' YoU. get all the stretch-out head room, shdulder room.. and . leg room .you e\l~ wanted ' 10 this big nEIW Dodgel
GY'RO~C l~ AiDed:
ca'slowest-prilcedauto!' miltle tiansml ..lonl , COqlpare tllB !Clost I . , (Avallabla 0Il~ Coronet mOdelS, 'your
' I»ERfORM~NCE, " You'll love " that ' high:.,c olnpressio,ll "<;:et·A'Y~y': engine ' for ~ashing pick-up, ond power . • , d~ I*nHRlllet ~rbhn. ance at'mprlsingly low ·cost.
to "ale
driviilg'evea··iaiter. )
I,m art,
, .t SHORT Bve minutes will sh.o~ yo~ f t thi~ great new Dodge gives,you stretch-out roominess you:d hardly , hope, to find in more expensive cars. . You'll see how easy-to.handle a car can be I And the more YOIl tlrive II Do~ge,
the more you'll appreciate famous Dodge ruggedness, dependability and economy.
'CoJ1le in tOday I GWe us just 5 min'·utes to demonstrate th~ hf'gger value . Dodge gives that puts you miles ' and money ahead!
"1'" tell ,you what's wrong with the American people-
too many
conyeniencea are
m~ln, UI lOft!"
, 'i f !
3' '"
It J
THURSDAY, SEPT:EMBER t 4, t950 • -
_ .-
_ ..... _ . _,.... _ . _ '....
t h ey w()uld li nd t ll ut th toy c,'utlld J;O want to ali a ye l Rtlly ort ut' Ibl) c I·ow.lol hi gh. WltY H. r Oil min go 1.'1 Il l' to (: 11\('111· naLl OTi g60d I'oaus IIIHI not t rll vel A Farm ,Diary 't2, 48, :!r., " UI' 3 fOI'. 11101'0 U.Jnll 1\ By D. J. Frazier r W Iw loR. 1'h IiIWh' ill ' l l'lI f) In _ __ _ ,_ _ _ . _ ,,_ ..:. IIny d!ruCllo n Ihnt :Y.) II Willil to go . II i1UUtl t lI uy w hel'O thoy
T J h ~ no :\t tl10 1111 ill Jt John e nt Ollt to lit Ilan and til I' w lla th e I'l li'. •Jo ll n Lle w 11 " heoa llH he th oug h t \I' P h:lI l RI)itl I h o \\ l'lm g I,lli' w hll ' ho w a l! n ' ~ Ih l'l'o IUld wont piT atol'llll ll g If, • 1111 Ull " UI' 11 Il:'h· 1101'. IIn w,'vll l' il 11I1"I)od .111[ Ihllt l ll!'y h llll Ilut l il n i,l" III 11 PI\!l hu t
AYNI:S\,[LlI:, OlllO
HEAR ~-. MONDAY --- 7:30 P. M.
111'0 gt'l lillg a 'lilli e YOtl llg It got Clll t I1n,1 h e·IIIl ll.1 >l1I't1i !;h l 1'01' S J~ P T, 13, 19511. La Rt w oek 's s loc l( lo eat. t he hay l h ll l we Ililvo homo ~o we h HLi III .:ul('lI II fiv -1' weat he r I'e port wO lllll r ead .. 001. roll ed high In . o ur lJn l'ns. ~W n rc ,~gn ln IlIld lll lf! Lim" they (l Ilt It \ " d II m II, s ho~ve l'Y 1\''''1til e r, Fo~gy 11 180 plow ing lI udeI' I\. fi eld of /:I W at a b Ltc I' p e n , 'l' h ey h lld '1lAtlol' \l H' I! mornings, I'lo n dy e ve nin gs wll h . joveI'. It look s 110 goo[l t.ltu t It lblln w h ad wtlh It Il lUe pig Wtl s howe rs." h urts to' do 1t bil l 1 kll t) \1' lltl.t l fi e ld bl' ougllt h OI11 1'1'0111 t ho COl11mu n lly 'I' he wOI' k o n '.ru \v lIs hlp noa e)' CO li' n eeda t hnt g re n ma uure. l~or us . ale 0111' d llY. W e pil l II In :t pell tluuos nll lll it 100116 JlIIC n d iffere nt lI lo c OI\~er vn UolI lll\Yl11 e ll 1B wou ld"'.· ut It "oj, I' di d ,., ~ ou t. 1IIId \\,n' 7 III'V < pla ce, A number or I'Ine uld t l'008 ~wol'k be llel' If we dldn 't h ave l o fln(\ It. Th e c101'0 r H c d III li t tlud I' :1I1 y h a d to como d ow n 0 t ha t you have algll UP I'or t hl'm so cu rl y Rnd j ll s t to look lI~i 'e lJeror e you IUl OW r e ceiVed c r d lt J or th e b ood fUl'm lng 1.0 omhln e bu t Ihe weal.h er 1i :J!> where you lt l'C, lll f' r O Il\' g ra t!· Ill'/lotlces t hl'l L wo II1Il Into e ff ect . ~ en eo d Rmp lhllt '\' h ll1' n' l hee n IlI g worl{ is' b IlI g ti o ue. bllt th Y W e s lg lled II ll t or ~m e ten 'n I llg a lJ l<> to cia II. We IluI' sn 't had a ll Y . bll l'en ' t beKull wo rk o n l he uu l· bu ll e eou lcl n't get the wdl'lt d Oll e ~ I o\'el' /\flerl th l'lll;ilerl 1'01' s;m l fl verta ·yet. 'T her e Is II. lot of I.:.ll k be fore carll phlllt ing time 80 IL ISlfl ~'eIlI'S but unl ss we 110 g t Rom that that will be am n part of (Jo ne yet (llid we d idn't s ig n 11 11 for ~eed t he la ll dlol'd come!; out. H: Route 42 bllt otbe l's sny n ot, but Il loWlllg unde r t he c lovel' wblcb w e li l LI e e nd of l he 1101'1\ e nll c l nl1y I t bul It will l'oLlel'e , Bome of lha 111'4) d oi ng lind lli nt Is t he w ay It whe n If III 118 hl ' it liS 1,1. 11:) 8 be'-n t rllft(c a ll ' butll '12 II lHl 1 . I t hl lll( g oes, for Ihe las t few yea rs. thnt If! mor o like ly. It cel'ta lllJy ']' h g m ss Is g l'c II bu t e ve r'y, a l v ~B contlnu 111g b priced . will tahe It lot of lIle 10cIII ttl! k thi ng II! b glh n lng to h u\re t h ll t 1'11 11 tmftl c 116 It w ill be 1\ e bol'Le r li ne l'igtll'od th a th e II lvos we bou g ht laale, The ev rtJn!\,s nl'o s h o l·te n. from · L.ytle to 1.0 bl\ 1I0n ultln g o f/' and put on som e cows we ha"re, I '1'1 Id ,1 I b i I , I'elurned It b iltter (lrof lt thun lhe liS· Ie go .el1I'O" 8 eg nn n g Il t IClll! t tlll'eo or f OU l' mllos. tr the to turn )re ll ow . III II h ol·~ It Is lime ream we $old. Th e n ew r ogul a ti o n Ileoplo who 11 1(13 t o ,Id"e a ll SUI1· fo r my )'oal'ly qu o tlli!on . r qllll'lng CI' nm to' be no t mol' da y s lind Yilt hn l 1I e t h l'01l 8h l ra f· t ban f0 1l 1' dRYS "old to I's t e l op pr ice "~he , l~o l d Il I'od .]s y 1I0w, f l o onl y ·lmolV t ho 8 c nd9ry I ' 01\>1, The om Ie tUl'l1 ln g brow n m a ltes a 10 , mo re wo rk bu t It ' b ould m alte vOl'y much be llm' butter . \ Ve. Tb e t r oes In ' ap pl o OI'Clllll'd s W 1(h f rui t a1'c' bend ing dow u ." at'e on ly mHk lng oue c ow just n ow Soptenl b r - H arves t lime nn d and we Bl'e s klmnlln g by ha nd. POI' s mal l tlDlOll lI !d of mil l' It Is jus t os Fall' lime Il nd get·Tendy·fol'·wlnler ea~ y bu,l r Ib lnk llom r Um s our time. 011 1 ks nro C ltlll ~ mO le CI' am t hnn Au llllll n·l ItJ1P; II I l1 es··of-a IH h')· -they s hould IIll\' 0 bu l I 1l[l!10BC rear lilll.e. Q! t h e y Il ke It j llst t b e s ume os ' v - - - - - - - - - - - - - Charity 10 Child ren do. Although "cleanliness ' is n ext to '1'1)e young ehl I, n s n re doln GodJJn ess," do. not sUfle th e pra cO · l1'ent a Judge. of l,srael wa~ w II but w il e n J coun te d u ;e tn t.hls tices of charity il) t he e.ffor t · to Samuel~ that many are 1empted keep your chJldr en clean . It is to forget his w 1t:dom as a prophet. morning we al'e aboul tl!n · sh ort. ch ild But bls duty lind deit1ny in this OTi e of the b\lYiS eaw n fox l h e Inore Im portant 10 pr a ise ~tion was marked ft'om the o t h e l' 'duy lind th e h ck e na lire b . for wanting to. shar e Ills !o.od with the f amily p e l t bal1 t o scold hlm for very beginning. Not all boys conIlICl'ated to gqo~ tosks by th elx g ln ni ol; to wn nd er 01 0111' down ~o beins dlrty. It · Is 'ea sy to learn th e 1V.0ods 110 lh ll t I'.'n I I~ , th e about germs Whe!}. one is eld er. It ~other fulfill tileir parent's :tonq may not be 80 e;asy to unlearn expectations. Samuel, though. W:l~ d a nger tim e.
IIofI wlilat, Ii,H_ wll.a" 1IG1E1INCO¥E-USI lit M
Tho Iiettar ~ ~-tbe
910 On Your Dial
mer- both. Your dealer has
0-12-12 and 2· 12·11, Bqt pla<;e rout order early,
'IIie.M1am1 'ertllhrer Company OffIce • factory • rrebeln, x.nla, O.
DISCUSS T'- K1aml J'ettWaer Company .. an
,"The Warren
IIIamJ Valley _ _ .... _ _ diNI:t aperatljlD cd Ita ownero.
• ~drp,
(ounty ' Fair and
.Our·~National Farm Program;' BEN J. GOLDMAN De.m o,c r atlc
CIIndldate (or
Itiers' ·G arage
- Pol. Ad v.
'How noes 66ristian·' Scienc,e
Samuel Vi as a Wise Prophet, as ' WellA Man of Action S
. ,
• ...11
IlUishness. a happy , 4X~tion. Ho responded T b e other day IV sold Il Hmoll With vigor and zeal to his mother's encouragement of zelfglous traln- pig to . aIle o r , th.e neigh bOl'S. W hen h e cnme after It Johll was nol ". Durable Cotten b a les whi ch h ave been With scholarly devotion he ap- here anel I s ll.w to It t h a i he gol... stored more th a n 80 years bave plied himself to the lessons 01 Ell. the hign priest in tile temple, the rig ht (lig, The boys h~l ll e ll been f ound to. be In ex cellent can. prcp arinJ to b e ')C:ll C I!!.l';: w~:1- oatcb It a nd be took it homo ill ' dltlon ler fabrica tion into cloth qualified succestor. Arid In ~ n-
tragrc ' hfstory of the ' hw'l ~ nevel' lib there- been Buell. slapghter as . In our own tlmet
-The Firat 'cChurch of Christ, Scientist, in BOlton, MA...
c.~I?J~ of. In all the
:Thursday, September 14
whlch · h a ~
!;el'..r1 th'l cloom of ~l- · lion&. . ~ Yet·'tol" ~ ~ h orr or no modem-day seene SlIrpaSJeI tha t
Sarnuel takt.ltg the ll1e Of Agag With his own hand. ~g was the ancient -foe of the Isr elites and committed man.y atrooltles bel or e lJam uel "h--\-Irrl him into pject" IJdore the .. Jl .n "'Ur:UJ:a- lilan), It:, c d ern - - ¥ pr oph'Js, Sllm u el '.\'. ,: (\1:;0 11 . ' n of lIeti!>n. Glib r ~ :-:'lllles Sl'irl '\l, ar-coated prQ "~ nd n m r; , e rtlttle headway' l1 ; !'t' S amuel, V: ho 'Willi a' ..tern ' be!1tr • .;~ tin love. and
that we
rl '~
" Ie uneonU. 1).Jnialng manner In \'. it1\. Samuel dectt w~th tl'.c t; ;,. ~ fl'!r.;:. . Is . /I. .; ., ~.
het(ll'e n!~y-
All 'Ar'e Cordially ;Invited ,
... .
Les,-Ie' R ROHllllilD . L_...
'n 'R
Fr.Dcl~ ..:BaceD
II : arryt .:.Y1uCOY· , Roule' 1, Way ·.... vl'lle O. ,. .... ., ~
"Ieure r..,'"IieINll _L_- 01 ' .Ai.!. ,..,018 ~!IiI!III!I.III!I""'~.~••ii~·........... :. :.:.FiII.:. . . ..·• •
"ing Jilin, \Vel·c . Ii• • <1 \, i y tWOI'd J.:!tll . bllIde. ' wom<lll ell /..1' ' !, ao' Illl:ul ' ' \1 .
thy motht r I.l:l -c:"j.,Ue,:;a wnOJ;lI
00 feet or ,lower.
'!S c!o "'b n1i le
last F Ot'dli to
ar' Jnst t he rt'itl1l~ . ior tH Kor e:ta,
Member' of the IJoard of ·Lecture.hip of The Mother Churda
, ,
truth. It fa flttl ngj
Dec"'r'. BecommeDda&loD Fa stest St" lrways P eople who rldCl the fastest ~mov Coif" alwa,. had enthusi· utto admlrars, WJllIam Harve" Ing stairways In ,the United St at es who 4lIcovared the oJrculaUen of hardly notice the differ ence ·10 tba bloo4, rec:olDJDended' it III a speed. Two u nlts a t 'R ockefeller IO\I1'ce ef happlnell and wit, and Cent er In Ne w York. travel 125 feet ' when be died "'Queathed 110 pounds ft. ~lnute , While a U standard movof it to hi. friends to drink to h is Ing stairways in lhls' country ,move
send us a check fo!' $2.00,
wu bot
IS YOUR SUBSCRIPT ION .eA.&~T Relidence Wayneaville 2963 DUE ? If It Is - won' t yeu pleale
d'fl!el c llt ftOlft""'OUf'll,
oh': t ull ol brutality SAd rt!wea.3-
If you w0"i'~ like to know more abuot thia ' ,cienlific: religio-, whicr. heBlI. h!Jman ills and solve. human problelDl, come to I. I " . t"' ~ • • ~.
. ~ , I I .,
ness. ·It Is wJth !Uld , re8ecUoaa we lih:t!t: ~ bt blFera not
AU Kind. of -,
Under New Management
~ ........,
,. [", .1
trast to Ell's reprobate SaM , Samuel become a sincere and devoted ,rlest, a lover of Israel, thoroughly consecrated to th" wcU-Pe1ng of hls people. DI!(' des ago w e w ou'd have dcscribed Samuel's envirOnment 8S
BIG M branda help
3-12-12.4-12 -8. 0-20 - 20,
,B£N J.
You con also get B rG M in r ecommended grad s Cor per m anent pos tu re anti lI a,)' crops, m anufactured-as always-up to standard, never t(own ,to. price,
blgeryour income. And "crop-
rAGE nmr:r:
n. bag.
" '0
In 1624, F r ancis lESs con wrote, "nle Turks have a drink called '1:offa. made ·o.t a berry of the .same name, as black. as s oet and of a strong scent. ThiS; drink , comforteth tbe br ain and he a rt and helpeth di gestion ."
~~ . Aa" l'nlao.... The 53 automoblIe man~ era In the UnIted St.t•• H~~"''+--~ production recerd ln' lINa bi turDFair. lire fWl. Thef're 11150 g06d bu~iness for farm families. In, eut 8.211O.00q CUI, web, and CoWlIY IIDd slate fairs ~erve as conveniioDs for dle big farm bu~sel. ThJ. top. th. previoua, pc:iuduaU)'-a &reat place to swap ideas en easier, more profit~blll er'c:l, .et ~ 19211. by almon . ' PIll. . , lion vehtcle., farming, inspiration for more' satisff ing fa rm living.
------ STRICTtY fRESH ------
GAMBLER Micke)' ~eD retUrned to bt. , Lot ADp1e. home rece ntly after ~eral d~.. forcibly ejected him from. tbelr limits. Guess he'" aboqt at wel'come as a Mickey. '
• • •
In Urbana. IU .• 40 ClbamPl from 18 states vied tor Utla tiut ,
world ·plowln, .m~tcl1" Bet,,, lot oC farmers would like to tum tile
foremost 40 loose" 10 . tbelr owp, "ba ck forty." I
_ .
A car .owner In 1.I,a~D, · MiCh ., was ticketed when b4 'skidded o!f a widMe ~aDll aUDk •
au.. ....~'t
m06red rowboat. !live poU~ the sllp. , ~
Sign on a K'aD1uck7' AIIiareb: "Come In .nd t\av. 7 . - . Ialtb
, • In elV, . ...... oneft were pJacecl . . ... . _ ~week. the ....... _ _ _ . . .
• •• RoIevIIle. ~
=r .....
-= . .-.....__._---=
Thech.... ~ --'
;. HOW to ..ve 1Il0re chidU, baby lambs and little pigs wltti
BJ,.,/r/, Br.0Dd." ••• H6w
protect farms agaInst accidents,
h , pmWlm and thieva with lofode~ 4Sbljng ••• HOW 10 MeP poulc,yhcalthy, prOducing profilably ;Wid. illeclri~ POllf"y, . 80.'. ~1fI11"';Q• ••• HOW to help you gee b,gger milk (heds, at lOwer COlli, wi!h I~s work, wIth Blecl,;, ltfilkillg ltlJlrbirm, 'AM1,!..u~, W'4I(ni., C.p,• . lofi'J. Coole" and Set ara/a. ,' • .' ,. ,I HOW. ID MW es~ ..d field ..,ork\ ·deloys by doing reuuna repair work Ia all BJltlri{i," ~/m,. WO'A~hop ••• !'lOW 10 holsr, II pre arullI&or. hay, saWl pins, even soft corn 1111&11;(1111, •• ~ , • HOW~to ~ productioo, save hours of weEk w ilb an BrU/r/g, ,........ Sill" ••• HOW. to cake drudgery out of farm house< Mtp1a, whh BI.Wi, LtttrIJr" Kilrhm l1li4 CI,a";"g Ifppllllnm: I , y~.7our CowIty .lair Ia' full of helpful ideas 011 hew to iD-, CI'aII 1ba. c:omIortI ef farm Uvlng by using more of !he beaefitl of low. COIC IIectdc Ml'Vice. Our Farm Rel'resentadvc. will be oct ~~u alJra,. to belp )'Ou, Be IU~ to 'ylsic our Exhibit aruI
. . . . . . tcquaJaCIII.
------_.~I~ill~llIImmmll ll l~lImlmf il l l lll Jl l il ll f i;mijl l lIl il I ~ml l l l l l lil l ilmlimimll mlli J
TWIN' THEATRE Waynesville, ,O hio' r
Continuoul fro m 7 P. M. Thur. day, Friday and Monday -- - tl f rnm 2'30 " • , 8atul'dilY', Sunday. and H 0 lid iI~& - - - - Con 11UOU8 ~
Re membe r \ ben th e h lg nntl g-Irls ca rrie!) • hell' Ink bottles ba k Ilu d for lll to fJc,bool ? Th e r (larcd t IE'a \' e t he m there on .wlntry nights, tor the In k would fr e7.e. lIelng too s mll.ll ,t.~ use Ink. you looked rorwnl'll to the day Whe n YO ll too woul .1 II!) Mil' eno ugh Lo ' OH lll' )' 11 11 Inl, bott le. Renlelll b I'? bO\Y8
RoY' E. Smith
15 -
Glenn Ford -
Top 8011. HauIlD" BIUld. Ora••1 Ibua •• una Wltb had Hoe. Draa·liDo, sod DulldoNr
BUYERS WAITING' Especially , For FUms
1": 1:(,) Q I T ·.'E S -I,Y, WEDNESDAY
Evelyn Keyes
BrC?ker '
Iu -
. -40,,1
Rt. 48, 5 ml. South of
C O~1.EDY ":""- (]S PENS r;; - DR AM A WARNE.R BROS'. AR'l' OON
PHONE CeaIerviIIe 7056
1III IIIl i ~llloo~lrumlmmllli_lml~II~OOII
Phone 2291 _ _........~..... . ....,.~"'" I
17 l'l'echll!colo,r) William Powell - Mark Stevens 'Betay Orilke 'r ALKING MAGP1ES'AR'l'OON
Live Wire and ProgressIve. An , organization second to DOlle. Strictly seUera on the best all' ' around market In the COUDtry~
~rulmllllllllllllll l l l l il l ~!11I1II1II1I1II1II11 FIND' IT
Our. fnn ern.l llOme Is a friendly plnce to .·C" t, meet friend8, 01'
teleplLOne nnd ' com fo rt.
'ails III pri vacy
• aNEI~t HOME WAYNISVeu.E..... 0
,FARM LOANS . The Lind Bank 'Way No 'Fees, CoJDJDiuiona or Renew'" MAY BE PAID OFF ANY .TIME Long Terms Are Safe ( Up to' 33 Years at 4% )
AD4 . I'OOd' n.wI U IaIt )'.... IU1t ~b worn aDd '-byl Bead It to . . - Q'll ~ .&on &IIat t:tba. IDW& Jao1r, mab It IoN' __ ~I
"EASY ._1__ .• u._ ..._ 'LIVING" t
<tlt _
.I _ _
LOST LlI.bor Day caater wheel off a Trailer wbeel between Spring Valley Pike 8114 Waynes· ville on BellbrOOk Rd, CHARLES MAURICE Waynesville Rt. two X-9-H·21·28
,m - 7
SR, ._
_I_!.._,al._ •.•.•.• SEPT. 19,
Sjq ~
_.1 i:=========~~~~~~~~~~~~;;
Sales :
Ask About our Priqe on Installation and Gas
Spring Valley Hardware CO•. , Spring Valley o~ t
PhoQe 37371
..-,--.-~.--------~~---------,----.-. .-.-.-·~·-·-·---·-·--·-----1
Steer Your .CourSe With a Sav,i ngs Account' When opportunity t omei, you can head right
it, with savings to help you.
won't ctuanee your .course eiiher, if you have a laiVinga account.
Waynesville National Bank
....... .. ~
. . ... .. .-.
18 YOU" BUBSCRIPTiON PAST DU E 1 If It II' - won't Y0I' plelle
.elld UII a check for ,t2.00. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS
S'1'ATE 01' 01lI0
DEPARTMENT OF WGHWAYS Columbu,' Ohio, Sept. 2, 18&0 Eqineer of Sale'e LegrU Copy No. 50-497, Alto Diabetic OIlllD8Cl Fraib . " • J, UNIT PRICE ,CON11UCT Sealed proPosal1l will be received DON'T Fc:JtRGET at the office of the State Highway DIrector ot: . Ohio, at Columbus, OhiO. untl110:00 n. m. OhIo Stan. 'dud Time, ~ Tuellday, September 211 1960, for FOOD ,SfORB -. improvements· In: Phoae 2141 Clinton and Wa.rren Counties, Ohio, on Sections WABr28·(0.OQ.4.87) and CLI·28·D.OO. State BoUte No. 28, In Harlan aad MazlOD TOWD/Ihtp!J, by re8urr~IDC with asphaltic concrete. Width: Pavement 20 feet; aoa.!. t. Where g ' the o1Cie.t 'PubUe way nriable. ' buUdJ.na ID the v: SI.? . ~: 29,S21.6fi' feet or 6.551 2. When wlU cat be·..... mlln. \ scribed in. the ~ orr ....., Contract to be completed not , 3~ How loq baa ute aIII8d _ earth? .' later tban Ausu.t 81, 1961. , The ~um wap to be paid to aU labor employed on t,h1B con· tiaet shall be ID accOrdance with the "Schedule .of Prevailing Hour17 Wage Ratea .Ascertained and DetermlDed by The Department ot In· dUBUiaI ~JiUon8 appUcable to State Blghway Departmen.t 1m· In accordance with 17·8, 1'1·4, 17·48, 17·5 and ' of the General Code of . Ohio." The bidder must submit with hII bid a certified cheCk tn the IUnOUDt of '3,800,00. Plans and speclflcatlons are OD In tlte department of hIghways and the oUlce of tile dIvisIon dep. ut, director: The director reaervea the right to reject aDY and alf hldL . T. J. K.A'UlDll, ~
DO ? ~
·COWS .50
HOII' and ~h.r Bm.t. Stock
Removed Promptl)f CALL COLLECT
Xeaia454 FOR SALE - Late 1949 ~·doOr 8 Wilmiagtoa 2382 Lebaaon 438 cylinder Po n t1 a c. C. E. MAG XENIA, FERTILIZER INNES. Phone 2886. INLAND PRODUCfS, IDe. Dlvllion of Inlan4 Productll, Inc. __ 1 _
hOg, yearliDg. MORRISChina BROWN, FOR SJALE. - Poland male ~ Spnng Valley Route 1. 'Phone • _,_, C&IltervUle 7020. '"X-9.U ,DEAD STOCK ELL.lS, H. STURM , Sec'y·Trea•. Horses $UO Co... $2.50 FOR SALE Concord Gr~pes. YES '. ' • WE CAN PRINT mAT JOB FOR YOU ~ERTLY·_ ~_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ~ o.;.iI,iOIoI--"-J!I_'II!iIooIijijji~"""" LYMAN ' DAY• • Phone 287l. All Stock Remoll.- Dally Larg. or Small - Call Collect 3t-~14·21·28
Phone ,448
Bottle Gas
"'lMtlfi T~\!
COLLIE PUPS - Regllltered, 8 weeks old. Mus t sell. CALDWELL DAVIS. Ferry Rond , 2 miles SOllth of ' Bellbrook. P hone Bellbrook 86227. 2t-9.U.21
_I_~a_ , _ g
, STPT. 17, 18
moth damage (or flve wh.ole years with Berlou. GUIll" anteed In wrlt1n,g; WAYNES• V'JLI.B FURNITURE & APPLI. ANCE. ' Phone 2422
A Farm Orlanization For CALL -
Double Hollywood
FOR SALE-RidIng hOl'lle, gentle. ClURL~ Mac INNIS, Phone 2886. . 8-7·tf
WEl DON'T like it here" Bay the mJ)tbs wben . you t reat them with D r lou ~ otb spray . Flve, y ea!' guar· alltee. WAYNESVILLE FURNI. T URE & APPLIANCE. Pbone 2422.
1' k
e d, Beautyrest mattres8 and _____I_ _ _ _ _ 1bsprings, steel frame. CHARLES
For bally Market Reporh:
. . ftmtl Tlew· ..., IR\lI
at Fyr·Fyt or Co. Hours 7 to 4: uO. FIve days 11 week. Oall :l59}. MR~. JOHN RAND.' J'nqull'e l<roger ~IIT.
e:;;;;;;E==ii3i1l!!ii5!!5========~ FOR SA.Lf.l -
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !ll IlIlI llI llIllIlIlI lIl l lIl IlIlIlI l lIlIlI l l j l ll l l l lll l l ll~lllI lI lI lmli~III ~~O :t~O~in!r~~tI,E~lo. ~:::
*-. Adri •• .IOOTI
·~~'-1)'1 ~ Willi••fi!'d4"ff~ £lllOn
:..' - - - - -ATTEN T ION HO SE WIV ES Don't ,let motbs ru in your ru gs. Get Der lon M·ol hslH'BY. F II' I! y eal'
FUNE~AL HOM~ --------------------WAN'fEp - Rlde to Day ton, W
FOR ,RENT- SleepIng rooms. Mrs. W it' .'MADDEN, Phone .2601. . 8·S.l- tf Wa ynes ville.
(Cinecolor.l , R'I'OOl'
' 1lA.~K RUN ORA VEl,- Loaded, a t Dnvle Fum.. PIt, 60 ~tII cublo )'ard. We aleo delinr. AlUI. ITAGE & SON, Pbono 1l0iL U
Whlen need a a ri s es gllfll·ll ut ee. WAYNESVILLJ:: FU n. you ciln I e a v e NI TURE & APPLIA NCE, Phono e ve lryth ing to us. ' ,Yo Ul'II ' a pp r~C! la,~ ~ 4 2~ , our ' c31'ef ul alten, ~ ti orito e v er yd e t~ lI . W I LL PAY ,T OP PR I F. ro l' good Dlue Cra ss od. Cull D n y tO il S 'T B B S FU lton 5735. X - .:H- 9.Ht.: \.
Wa)'11oITWe, ONo Phone: WaYDlllayllle 21111
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FRIENDS HOME <Contlnued from Page' One) Mrs. Phllll». wu a former pupil of MIH Annie Brown at the O. S. and 8. O. H'~me near Xenia. ' , !'tUI. Elizabeth Chandler left lut Sunday .to resume her work a.s ,As' soctAte Professor of Education at Hampton IDBtltute, Va. . She - was aceo.~panJed by Mrs. Leah Mills who ~ture'd t,o Waynes: vme We~nesday night. and spent tlie rest of ber'vacatlonattbehome of her SOD, Mr. W1l11am' Strouee and wife, In Lytle. Mr. and ,Mrs: Wilson Edards, of Springfield, vIsited tbelr aunt, Mts. Margaret Edwarda S,aturda, and on Sun4ay ber nel)be.w ,Dr. RUIII8um and wife of Dayton, were vIaltol',ll. The Boud of ·Corporatlon of the Fiienu Home held Ita ' annualmeetIBC here on Wednesday and. th~ foUowmC melllbel'l were our guelta at dinner: Mr. Merritt Rob, erta ,and lit-. Mabel W1Jlon, of ,South Ch,uleaton. Ohio, Mrs. Robert Eu~ of SpliDlfle14, OhtCl, Mr. 8eth i'urnas, Mr. Ro." Hart: aoek, Mrs. Anna Bou, MN. Eatb.e r Fun:a~ and. Mra. Margaret Jla~ley. Mrs. Badley wail' elected ~eretar:v of the Boud of Tru.etees to tUi the pla.ce Qf her mother, Mrs. Ella B. Cook, who waa the ~ff1' clent secretary for maD,1 '
' ~ , Mr. and )(1'1. raw. J'erree PaID. or WUhlnaton, C. II., announce the birth of a /5011, named Robert, FrIday. . M.... Pl!Jne taqllt achool 11818 three Jean.
Do Jiot· put a preuure canner 1lIl. . BlPWQ DInotoI'. ct.. aaN' ".... to 00IIl It.
cJ.'1iCtI ,II_wtJ
\.r. and Mrs. MarlIJI Dolen returned ' to theIr home In NaUonal Park, N. J ., Friday alter belne guellta or- Mr. and MI'II. Lellie Gl'ay and family the pallt week . Mre. 1. B. 10nes 111 slowly 1m. Pnovillg from herrec~-=-=-alid Is able to be out some. ' ' Mr. DUll.e 'Jlrlekey of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray MUler and children, of :wayneSVllle, were Bunday guesta of Mrs. Allee TrIckey and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Harris, I.n com., pllment of Mrs. Harris birthday. Mrs. Nettle Emrick wae a dln- ' ner guellt' of Mra. Harry Graham and Mra. Susan Saylor 'on ,FrIday. Mrs. Everett Early ·Is. slowly 1m. proving at MIamI Va))~y Ifo!lpltal. Mr. and Mrs. Quy Routsahn 8lld Russell spent Frtd.,. evenbi. at the home of Mi'. and Mre: Frank Brown at Tlpp CIty. ' Mr. and·MrII. l.eslfe Gray vIsIted Mr. and Mn. A. F., Kyle In Cin. clnn.... Sunday atternoon and reo port Mr. Kyte In verr poor health . Mr. and Mra. Earl Young enter. tained theIr card ~lub at' a chIcken din R'e r Baturd&y evenIng. Tbe gueats were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jonell~ Mr. and MJ:8. A~thur Light. cap, Mr. and Mrs.. Israel ,Scott, MI'. ' ad -Mrs. ' E. D. 'rraey and two Ilau.htera, of DaytoD, Mr. and MI'I. Carl P1c1terlq of Centerville, and Mr. and Mrs. Therle Jone,.~, The W~men'lI SocIety .Of Lytle ChlU'Clh eqt.ertalDed a number Ilf the members or the Sprin,boro Socle~, at their replar meeting at the chul'Clh Wednesda, afierno- n In honor or the lOth anDlyeraary of the 'Women'. tJoeietJ of a II cblll'Che. ID tlie ~ DaytoD dlatrld. Tbe ~. SoaJetJ waa .ntertatne4 TIlU1'1111a7 by the Bed LID... SoCIIet;F at oIIanIIa .....
1I!J""t ,1own
Farm.ers Club , Holds Meeting
M.... and Mra. J. H. Sacket.t were hoat and bostos8 to lhe Farmers 'Club fot the regu.l ar. September ITEMS OF INTER-EST meeting on Thursday at the Far ABOUT FOLKS yOJJ HlJIs Party House :with a lal'ge number of members and Rev. and ' KNOW , Mrs. W~' Wedgewood as guests. Following the dellclous dinner . 'Mr, and MI'8. A. H. Stubbs wet'e and pleaBa'n~ Booial hour, the af· Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ternoon program was ' opened by Rob I't · Root In Da,ytol1. ~n'Vocatlon given by Rev. J, W. Mr. {Lnd Mrs. ' RalPh Petel's and Wedgewood, Jlnie son ha~e moved into their During tbe business se8slon an newly completed home In the new lnv,itatlo n wns read from Rev and , resldellce area aboyl' Fifth streel. M R B C I ' , , j r a . , . 0 eman for the club Mrs. William. Sawyel', Mrs. B!le . to apend a day with them on Se Prendergast and Ml's. Charles Mc· tember ' 27th, . PCulloch atte nlled an Eastern StUI' Mr. Cla.rence Rye was in chjlrge dlneur in Morrow ,on Saturd!lY. ' II of the IIpeclal topic "Will tbe Fam· Mr. all d M rs. Rb . a d es Du n I .e lly·alze Farm Endure?" In his fine and daughtel' Rhoda and Mlsa WIlbelmina Braddock left 0lI Monday paper, lie lett the thought that al· tbough tbe trend la , t.oward the moming ·tOl· Geol'ge School, Pelln· larger tArms, for the good of tbe I!yh'nnlll, wherll MillS Rhoda and nation the family size sbould en· MiSs WllheJmina wlll at udy for the ' dure. corn illg . yea l'. ' Rev. 'Vedgew 9od was IntrodueerJ . Mr. and MM!. J . J. UlII'lIke had as the guest speaker and took tor as Uleh' weelt eud gUeat s th eir 801\' his aubJect "Communlly Life" and In-law and daught er, Mr. ~ nd eu. 1 hi 8 II 8 t c(lera nOl t9 , and Mrs. . he rftml Dale Duffee, of ·nowllng G.reen, ovel'look the bless ings or our comOhio. and 011 SIIIIdllY were Joined munlty anu nation. The clUb lid. at II nner by Mr: I\ntl Mrs. \\,lIIlalll journed to meet In October with Strouse unll dali ghtl 1', 111'01 Sue. Mr. alld Mrs. Seth Furnas as bost and ?h·ll. L nh r.lIl1s, honoring tl.e blrUlday 'nn nl vcrsal'Y or MrS. and hostess at tbe Party H,!)1se.
Wayne ville Since 1850
:!I, 'l (JSO
Edminstons T41k . HOLD CIVILIAN Former Local Girl ' " I b DEFENSE MEET , M ' d I FI -d · · · At ClYle "~ U ' IN LEBANON arrle n orl a Members guests and friends of the CivIc Club were present at dinner meeting Monday evening In the bR.sement , of tbe Methodist cburch. at wblch a. delicious cblcken dinner was served . The guests were introduced by the mem!:lel's who Invited them, after which ,.Therl Jones', pr,e sldent or the Civic Club Introduced the .speaket·B of the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Edmlnston, wh\>, at the InvitatiOn of a ·Columbus printer, joined the Cqmmunlst pal'ty to get Information for the F. B. I. Mrs. Edminston, who is a local Waynesville girt. 'told of the dlf· ,terent contacts and jobs they had In lhe party. Mr. EdmlnsLon then explained the struoture Of the party and told of. their aims and purposes In this country. At ~he end of their talks, they conducted a Question and answer session. The talks were very Interesting and we are very gr~terul to· Mr. and MrB. Maynard Welta for*. the opportunity of attending t h I 8 meeting.
Tbe mHITlage of ~lI Ela Mary 'Ann OPENINGS FOR M Iloh , datl ght f I ' o( MI', and Mrs. Wnl'ren County held a cll'lliun MARINE CORPS Adnm F. Melloh, fOI'merly of Llerense meeting Fdd y nl gbt 81 Wayne. \' llIe, nolV ot St: P etersRECRUITING DUTY 7: 30 In the' audito rlll~ of Ih e oun
house In
Langley assl~, \\'110 oppra t s Mom's Pantl'Y, he e. rec' Ived 'WOI d Sunday morning of l he d 'a ta ot hiB mothel', Mrs. ,lIln ClliIal ri y, 67, of Jackson, Ken. by. She 'Is /ltlr,," . by eOIlH OJ Clem. Dayton Ceo. I m, or l\llddletown, Roli '\ ~ Iem , who I'e· sides at ,home.. lngley assldy, of. Waynesvltl, gar Cassid y. of Dover. Tann .• All II C. ~8!!ICly. of Ft. Wayne. Indian , II.Jld One rJsugh. ter, Mrs, Goldie n,dre, of ,DetrOIt, Michigan.
l~ ebanon .
Ma,J. G,e n· Hanling. retlr d "Vol·ld War II combnt orficer nlld Ivlllill derense director of \Varren ann· ty. Introdllced Col. Sa m Rlchmon ri. Civilian defense dil'e tor of , this !lI:ea, who spQke on th job of th i' ciV ilian defen se In case of Itny emergency, and the wor:k b Inc do lie .in setting lip tlle 'Ivillall defense program. . The mayors of various' towns In the county police and fire depart· m nts, sbel'lrfs offi e , veteran s 01'ganlzll.t ion s, State Hlgllway Patrol , etc., were r eprea.ented at .tl)e meetLng.
Funeral servlc \Yere held Monday at tbe GW cemetery, 10 miles North of J"ckSADn, Kentucky on the Frozen C ' ek.
]~I or hill. llnd Oeor~ D.'oaks Bash lill , Han or Mrs . Muml Dash· ,ine, oC l;; l. l' t. I'sburg, IVa ' ~ol. amnl z fI I' (' ntly lit lil a Ii'lrl;!t I 'lllodl ML oil 1I 1'ch in t bat
It WII8 IInnoun ced . by Major R. V. Perkins, th office" In charg ' of l\fnrlne OI'\IIl I'e rull Ins In ' 111c lnnlll t, Lhl1t h /'u n a cce[lt two more ' Mal'ine Corps Vollin lee r Resene" for a ss ignm en t to He. cruiling duty at lhe ' ['oal off ice building In Oillcillnall , The two men mus t holll rank of s ergeunt or ubove -In .WIS MIII'ine Corps Vo lun teel" Reserve ' 01' l\eld the rani, of S rg/)Ilnt ' 01 ' above ulion . clt s( :hal'ge from th e 1\1l1rllle C01'119. Furlllel' Ih S lD n must ha ve hnd pust Marille 01'(18 experience us tY[1I ts 01' III th e ad· minl s t.ratl ve l'ield.
UITic ill In),; lit · llte . qOl1bl e' l'l~g ramouy' wall 01'. 'Paul R. Harlin. I'll ,hurn]1 \\' IIS a ecorated wi t h pllilLi S . fel'l l, Ii htell cubdl s In andclabra IIl1d t\\'o s t ndal'd basleotI! of Das tel gl;~c1loll. 'II'. M Hoh gfL\l: loi ~ ' U "' J~l l' It) Dlllrl'jage. 8 1\e ' W \lS ownerJ III whit e Im port (1 emu ro ldered 01'· g 1lll21l. 0\' I' wb lle t:lttela wi th taft' III Sl1'llpleS8 I.Op, 0 1' nnza. bol 1'0. and whit ' afC, ta Rash ti d In 11 lUI:,:" bow In LII> lIaC'k .
ROTARY ClUB HAS VI'SITOR FROM, ENGLAND ~;.;o '~:II~ r~~:.I." gl3a~/I~tll~e S;~:::la~:
A rece jlLlolt i n 1I1ll c hurch par· lo l'!; follo w d the . I' mony. MI·S. Bas h lino g radunted from
frOI11 Ih 811 111 0 8 '!l ool in 1948. H wil8 in til Navy dllrlng • • • . ' I Tbtl. Waynesville Rotary Club lI·ies . Baparnt d by the s ume 1I111' Worlil War If nnd ha s been rewo's very fortunate In bavlng ns guugc.'· ('11 11 d 10 flC llve duty . Mj·!I. Dnsh·. Durfee. Its guest at Lhe regular Tuesday Edgar (Smitty) SJnlth gAve I line wlll I'omll ill wllh bel' parentI! Mr. lind MI'S, Durske also hnd 118 e"eoil1g DleeUng, MI'. Antbony bart autobiograllhy hi s lite uni) 1'01' the Ill' I3cIH. dlnnel' guest.a 011 Saturday evening The women or' tbe Methodist Harris, ot London, England, who WOI'I{ n il of the vat'ious od . - - - - ---:their cnrd club, at · Cincinnati. church, are Joold., I:orward to a was a guest of has •. OOliteI', of jobs he latd aft l' tbe delJth or Cardl;! were enjoyed d uri n g tbe treat day next 1'1\urMay: seplem· Harveysbul'g. his porents In 191 • and how he ber 28. "When the W. S. C. S. will He spolle lit ienglh of conditions I'itlnlly got atlLl'led in Lhe ele('trlcnl eVtlnlng, The Frlendshlup Club held their have !Is their-...... lllte women or 10 E ngland , and later answered bua.1ness. Mr, lind Mrs. Hal''''Y Slltt~rth· first regular meeting Qlnce vaca. tbe Centerville ' C IlIrel\. As Ule nany quesUons. ask d of hIm by Ouests Included Richard ' tanl y, waite lind daughter Miss Betty tlon on Wednedsy afternoon with Rntterthwlllte, Miss , Doris Charl- 'M R . . I speaker of the arte nOOn, Mrs. ut· he m muerll. O;rvUle Keevel', Ha.1'old Rosencran s' -r ra. obert Baker as boS'tess at Elghty·slx Students who bl.Vo ton, and Larry and Terry SaUerlb· b "Fllgland and 't h e United of "Lebanon, and Cllfton J. Warren , bel' ome and Mrs. Ray Malnous completed theIr adJ:iltssfon reo IeI', Pistrlct Pres ent or tile W waite saw the rodeo at Lebanon 'tates," he said, "are two coun· of Wilmington. . and Mrs. Elmer :;1beehan were .the quirementB for entering tbe OhIo S. C. S. will be resented. on Sunday. The da.y wtU. bellm ' with a ov WIT...?UNGTON, The WIlMr, and Mrs. Warren BraCldoc.k aSllletant bosteBses. Twenty-four State Unt:verslty next Autumn 11l11l~on olleg Qual,era 9pen the members and four guests, Mrs. were guests this week of the 'unl· ered dish dlnaei' ~t 12: 00 o"clock 1950 grid ~ e."l.Son lit home In a ' bad as Sunday c'linner guests Mr. Glenn Alexander, Mrs. Evalyn yerillty where they took part in, w.~ the W~fIl"V1lle w 0 men brlnglng eJlO1l.lh r themselves and Mrs. W . E. Co},nell. Mr. M. A. Wstklns. Mrs. Jnclt Wagner lind.h e f h I. I II ga me ngaln $t AndeTfson (Iud.) ColComBlt Mr. and Mrs n. Q. MilleI', r OUl't aWl ..a . pre·QD ege and &1188'*. • wID lege thi s Satul-day nlgllt at :' til By Mil .. HILY.Gl . .0N . Mr. and Mrs. Berit'ard ' Daltly and MIlL 8&r.b Bmlth, WeN Jre••nt. cmlDseUnc ~ .o«6I'K·tQ IHIW v . w llmriigt,oh. ::Elfgh Sch~ol Mrs. HoraC41 Sbaner, president. enrollees. While on campus, :they lbIlOW:. Mt. Hoily Home Coming wm be Evert woman or die church Is field. Tilo IIICkoff.l:9 et for 8: l5 daug~ter. " ' conducted the .openlng. and , bus- attended conrerenceB took Inter. 1111'. and Mrs. Henry R. S. ttel'tl1· ' . . I ' tho tt!'8t Sunda.y In October. Amid all Lbo anxiety of eve ry· invited. WilLie and ohlldre'l Pll tC'l'talned' on Iness 6el:l810n aile! muc11 Ume was 81!£ a.n~ a~tltude teats, received Mr: and Mrs. Robert Earnhart day ' life with the trag dy tbat gOlls John Hoh ert \ or I! l1')illl lind g'fven 10 a COD;;&st Oil al'ranglng' tbe t oounseUog and atte~ded luncbeon a nd claughter spent a few days ' witb Wal·. dlsoa,a , etc. 00,\ Is ye t 'oll gJl., t wo Waynes ville atudent.'! Sunday 'Elmer, E!v.eIYn and 'BlIIy lJl"e ntory of ', dlfftlJ'en t pocSADns. at the OhIo Union. ENTERTAINED II~Y with MI'. ~ nd Mrs. Guest ot Coluw, \ Ilh liS. Tholla who 00 not bave at Wilmington. !In members of Ashmore, Mr. and ' Mrs. MaTlpll Mrs. 1-. W: Wedgewdod favored I . McCullom and daughter, honoring T~e pre-college program II! of· a personll l I' Intion!!hlp with Ood tb e squacl. 1301 b are ends Iln d 1)0 1'1 UMA BAHA'I bUB. Ohio. Elmer. J.sbmore who Is leavin g the group wltll n p lall o solo and fered by the University's Occupa. Mrs. Paul AI'mstvong, of Leb· nl' not full y "quIpped to moet til e ha ve loo kt'rl gnorJ ill I'ocellt drill s. Saturday evening. September 16 seohel Sister elfts were tlxchanged. tiona} OpJ)OrtunlUes Service, dl. lloon for the . naval servIce. Mr. Helen and Jozef, McCoy. witb 'Mrs. anon, Mr. ~d Mrs. M. MNIlI, ot' emel'goo 'es of lire. For lhose who Workman Is It. sophomore ~t the The club ad;Gurn d to meet wllh reoted by Dr. Frank M. Fletcber. and Mrs. Dick HOllier or Clarks· Marie Gutrey and IOn, DaUas, ot Dayton, called on lIIr, and Mrs. do l\1Iow Ood as I'enl utid personal Qua.ker Institutlou while Gougb is Mrs. Ru ~ sel Wilson In 0 tober, Jr" to aid students In developing vllfe, entertained ' tli1ssanie group to them ,nOI hlllg In life of III can a (resllman. and ' .during the ' 80c191 bO~lr a de!· their educational and vocational Dayton. were entertatned by the Morris Lewis Sunday. on Tuesday evenlllg nt tbelr homc Liina, Ohio, Baba'i assembly. 'Fol· Mr. and Mrs. ,Clarence Crawford conquer them. Do you know God~ IIclous dellBcrt COUI Be wes sel'ved plans. Charltlll M. McOUntock, DI"Uod ILnd UUI' SuttCl'lolg" will near Clarksville. by the hOBtells lind her assistants, 'reotor ot Co~nsel1ng, Is In charge lowing a six . o'cock. !liullel' a lal'ge s p en~ the 'w eek end with Mr. Hnd be tlle IOllle (..: t he 1J1es,,-u ge 11 1, Mr. and Mrs. R. m, ABbury spent group gathered at the Baha'I Cit,; MI''', J,..ewls Thomas and dau ghtt' ~. of the program. ' .tlle morning !;;el'vlce at t1l Meth· the' Mst week. tlnd at SprIng Mill Center wbero the chairman ·intro· of Dayton. Those' from this nrea taldng· Park, Indl1\na. , ~ duced Mrs. McCoy 'to the aurJlMrs. Henry Bergg)' and daugh· odlst ch\u'cb II 'xt l:iullday. Thero i/3 an 311 s"'01' to life's J,>to1.1eI115. 0 1'. EIIIIIIU Holloway lIud Mrs. part In the 'program Includes: Miss , Doris Hawke 'and Miss ence after which Mr" McCoy was ter, of Beavertown, called on Mr. you to worsbip wlth us Ollve Curl n.tL lid fI th e W. We In vite Mary Cardwell, of l)ragQon. AI·I· CLnclnnati - Robert B, Benham, presented as the sPElaker ror the Lee Morga n Sunday. 01' hi SOUlB , Ilurch next Suuday T. U. lII ·e liu g i ll Hnrv eysburg 0 :1 iIIona" arc guest, of the Former's 639 Terrace, sOn of Mr. and Mrs. evening, Lima. Ohio, Is 0lle of the Mr. James, Bratten, at Day too , alll1 ('very unday and we prt)lnlHe Friday. par8nts, Mr, and Mrs. C. Lee 1'1.c HlIppy ' Hour Club . met on Robert E. Benham, Phllllp ;T, Mc- largest assemblies ·1111 the elltlre led on biB ,.rentf', ¥d". and you li fe will IIlke on uew menno M·r~. OIl ye (.JurI s peut the \Veele Hawke. Tuesday afternoon or the pns t Ateer, R. iI, ~lt '666/ 8911 of Mrs. United States. Mrs. George Bratten. la st Friday. lug pl'volding you worship "Ill end at Lite hUJU" or bel' brother. Mr.· Don Asbury, Mr. WUlIam 'week Rt tbe home of Mra, 'Keller AddJe R. McAleer. Mt·. Elmcl' McPherson alld wLfe In Mr. George Bratten, wh.o Is con· spirit and itl truth." Allbur-y, )\fr. John Zane anti Mr. Da.yton Rlcbard Raymond P,-T. A. TO HOLD FIIRST Hoak, with Mrs. Philip Young, To rellCh the Sunday Soh. o ul Sablnu, Ohio, returning Sunday to bls bed. remllllll! nbollt fined Willard Furnas flew from the Mrs. Andel'ly, Mr~. D. R. Smith, Knotts, R. R.t 8, Red Oak Road, ' MEETINQ OF YEA~I and IcJlUrcll attend!~uce goa.ls tor ,IlIoming. MI'. and !\frs, McPllel'· tbe sa.me, Stewar,t Field · on . Sunday and en· Tbe' Waynesville · P.-T. A. will Joyed II< shoJlt time In Knoxv1lle, Mrs. ~Drley and ~rs. Davis Fur· son ot Mr. and Mrs, K~oUs ; SuMI'. ILlld Mrs. Lewis Crawford September at Ule Methodist church 1\On and her sla.tot· Mrs" Veda Klein nas as guesls. . , zimne Snyder, 22 Beverly Place. hold Its fI~s t meeUnJ~ of tbe year and daughter, Donna. of Xenia, Wtl need 'a.ll IIfttendanco next Sun of WilmIngto n, wel'e bel' guests at Tenn. Mrs, ' Rhodes 'Bunnell, president, daugbter ql Mr. and ' Mrs . O. ~. on Monday, SepJembet· 26, at . . dinllli1'. ap,a nt Sunday e.velllng wil li their Ilay of 156 at Sunday Scbool and Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Owenl,J condu~ted . the buslne38 sessloll Snyder, p> m. In the High Scbool' Dulldlng, pal'enr.s, MI'. I1'pd Mre. laren e 125 at the hurch worship: Let's . Mrs. Ea rl' Burnet of Spl1ng Val· and children ot Sp!',ngrtl'ld, were and Mrs. Frank Jones of Xenia, Mlamlsburg-Dors!!y Ralph Steb· AU Pllrsolls Interest.ed are urged Crawford. llil invite SAD,meone and go ovet: the' I".y ,1Ild MI'. Hnl'oltl Thaclcel'a o( Sunday guests at their Olathe I', ' goal ~1)1'lrtghOl'o, ca ll e<l on their aunt, Mrs. Lucll~e 11 rmi~age al tbe entertnlned the' /Jroup with a plas· blnB. 489 Montcomei-y stnet. BO~ to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mos. e1', . . ,Mrs. Ali e lark all Sunday af, tic demonstration. MillS WUbel· of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn O. 'S tebbins. 'Frlends' Home, of Dayton, call dOll ' MI'. /lnu Mrs. terllQOIl. Spring Valley-Vernon L. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Furnas ~1l1 be mlna Bra4dock tavored tbp guestll George ' Bratten Sund ny n[lel'\1001l , WILL 8E GUESTS AT ~ll ss Mary Dostotl rol ll,rned SunATIEND WEDDING host . a'nd hostells .to tbe East wltb a group of lovely plano 801011; Route 1. Bon or Mr. and Mrs. Ken· Mr. Ilnd 1\1rs. Hily Glbsun spent GRACE METHODIST liay fl'om a weck!! lalt a t tbe .home Wayne Adv1~o!'y 'Council 011 Friday The clhb ad;ourned to m~t In neth Allen. . SA1URDAY EVENING Sunday evening, ~Ieptember 24, lile week. e.lld with MI' . 111111 MI'3. or be,' ne(lbow, Mr. Horace Bost~n evening, October . 29, the change O('~o :'cr 'wlt h ' 1' , ! o slah Davlll a8 Waynesvllle-MIUj Dora Hough. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Wm, Bernard a.,lll Rlcl1ard Hama nnd I1nllshl r ~ or und wife. of. India napoli s. of date due to the. Lebanon Fall'. lioaLe.l s, ; 1>11 J d 1'1' r t r.!'l pleasant R, R. 2, daughter or fir, and Mrs. Helen and JQzef ,Mceoy 11'111 ' be Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernard ·at-near X'enln. . guest s at the ' Grace Methodist solin I hour I\!.inty le:I'e;;hm,e nts Mrs. Yelnll\. Owens aud two . Tbe New .Century Club wlll reo K. .N. Hough; JlUJlell R, I:!ackett, 'Churoh In Dayton. Ohio. Mr. 'Mr. IIl1d ~I'a , John MC'PI1 Sl;IlI'L tonded the W,ctldlng on l;l.aturday cbildl'OU, of 811l'inl,;(1e10, wel'e dintheir regular meetlng8 on were sel'V"ed, R. I, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Richard t Coy will speak 1!t1etl,y afttlr 'which anll son Jack, Mrs. MII1I\le :.lInk· evenIng 'of . Patricia Smith; d:l.l1gh- lIer' guests of Mrs. Owens· mother Sackett, ' Frlda.y aCternoon with Mrs. F. , W. colored pictures o~ the Baha'l cl·u.ff, of n ear Lewl s bli l'g, sp nl lier o[ Mr. a,!d Mrs. Elinvorth and on Sunday. LeMay as IIbsteBs ,at ber home In , Yellow Sprlngll-R~n.ld N. Wll- Temple In Cblcago ,rill be sb,own. Suoday w ith Mr. and Mrs . Ernes t John Albert Clay of Columbus, Mrs. Ella Dak.ln is le!l'V lng Mon· Lebanon, and wltb Mrll. S. L. Rye the Ban of Mr. lind Mrs. Jobn Clay. llama, ' Uyermore stratlt, son of Mrs. McCoy w.lU present the coil· Earnhar~ and family. <!JI.y morlllll~ fOl' a visit with htlt .... . and Mrs. R. H. Hartsock In charge They will make the!.r home i~ Mr. and Mrs. B. N. WllHama. tlnulty for the pictures. , fl'lend, :Mrs. MoUle ', Clnton, 111 Mr. , Wilbur Dodd, of Dayton, of ·the pl'o'gram. Dayton. Colum bus. on ' M I'. and ~Ir s. Gorge caUed Mrs, NelUe ,Bunnell, wltb Mrs. Afler severa l m 0 nth S oC lll· W'" MEET IN Bratten Sunday. . Mary Bogan, of New But-lIugton, Mr. and Mrs! Lawrence Brown 'RETURN HOME I~ess Mis!! J eSsie Gamer wus u.ble ........ MI'. and Mrs. Ellsworth :.rn lth and Mrs. ciara Dunn of ~banon. opened tbelr home on Friday ey. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT DAYTOl\r TUESDAY and ta.mlly pont it few days In to take ' 1.1. rid 8ul\~IIY afternoon were Saturday dinner guest. of nlng for tbl! September meeting of FROM TRIP EAST Admlnlltrator The District Conte'r ence of Day- Dnyl.Oll t.he p ast weel.. nnd visIted Bome oC her old nslgh· Mrs. Glenn navis near ' Wellman, their Advtsory <founcll w1th Dr. B. IIr. and Mn. Harold iJ~ Earnlial't Eat;ate of Margaret No 'b 1 e bors allli friend !!. Mrll. Bunnell was " aCCODlpanled ·F. tOye cl!nductlng tbe bUlllnetll ~d dauabtA!rel Rut,b and , Naomi. ton Methodist · will nlul.et at SOUlll Whited, deceased. bome by her tlister, 'Mrs. Dunn,' session and Mr. Harold Whitaker have returned after Yisltlng New Park Church. Day:on, Tuesday, ENLISTS IN AIR FORCE Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards for tbl! week . end. condu~tlnB the ' discussion, on sua- York OIty. the Statue of ~berty '~p~ember 26.th,. beJllnnlng at 9 :30 Porulld Welch left \Ved ne lI{J Y of Nollce Is bereby given. that· Lee and Mr, mId MI·s. Floyd Smith Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ellis ha.ve gestlons for tile farm Pl'OIram for and other potnt. or lnte.f 8It tln- A, M. and closing fit 4:00 P. M. last week for training III SIIII An· m. Noble whose Post O(Uce a~ and child I'on or nenr . Spl·ingtleJd. returned from a vacation at Col-l the coming year, ~te to New BayeD. CODD., where In the afternoon at 2: 80 the Area, tonlo. Texss artl' en llsllng III the dr 8S Is R. R. I, Oregonia, Ohio. villitcd thell' ntll1t MI ~5 Mlll'glll'et d Storl B1I ' Planl allO were dllcuned for ' their BOD Harlan remalDed to enter Bishop, Hazen' G. Werner, wlll U. S. AIr Force. bns bcen . dnly IIPpoluted as .Ad· Edwarrll:! on Sundny afternoon . _____ _ _ mlnlstrator of ' Ule Estate of Mm'· MI !'; :'!Illllie nlllll'otl was mado o~:. in.,n ~kel' Is ~~dIDg a. an ouUng to be enjoyed at lAke ~ flwehmeD Jear. ~ Yale 11nl· speak. It Is to be a , great day. v )'y happy HlIllt! IIY when bel' ·ert1tx. 'May a tIne represe;ntat.lon attend few dill. In Cincinnati as a guellt White on October 1. _1150. , Deef cattle feeding margins 1'01'·1garel Noble Whited, lale ot Will" , ren County. Ohio. deceased. 'nephew 1\1 r. " 'vl n Dodson lind' wife of Mr. and Ilrti. Joe Hoopa and Following adjournment, dalatT from WaynesvUle. the year ahea'd are not .expected to Dated thltl 19 tlay or Se)ltembcl', of IndinIUl.J,olis. n.ll'l~ell to tllk(' Mr. and Mra. Ho'jYlU'd Haall, re'lhlhmentl were ~.rvecl durtq IMPROVING SIDEWALK be as large as lut year. 1960. . hoI' ll:l/"I( rO I· .n vis it \\rlth her rtll· llr.' and Mra. Ted IIcinUre and the social hour. BANK VisiTORS AT ntlvos there. RA,LPH. H. CAREY; chUd~, Mr. aIId lire. G~bert lira, RaT Conner and daulbter 'l'be 0111 pan~8Ilt on bCIItb Iides Mra., Annabelle or Day· Consumption ot meat this year MiNS Hilt h 'hlLntller a~t(>nded /I Judge or' lhe Pl'obate COUI·t, Jasper Blake l'I7e and IOU• . Mr. and lira. .Tolan called OD lin. DoD Gahria and III- Of the bank InIJldJDc ".. tom up ton, and Mr. and fs_ expected to be about the same 11111 'h on III cI bu.", llIl'~ a meeting of ev. Wat'ren County. Ohio Settlemyre "and ...ohU4raD wwe Bun· fillit .aqbteJ-, CJDtbIa 11M, at tJda week . .4 DeW _ _~ Ie be- of Veraalllejl., were Alpha I:'hi Chapte r, Delta Kappa Mrs. P.iiJ as the 144 pounds per penon last C. Donal~ Dllatush. Attorney dar, cUDDer of Mr..... lira. u.eIr laoIDe ID ' CeDteiYUl. darbll _ .,l)GIII'ed, ",Idcb WIll . . . . qUIte Ding vbltors of IIr. (Contluued on Pale Six) year. PubJJah 9-21·28-10-5 J'n,ak 8YartH1 ~ 0ftI0Dl&, tile JUt' "'8!iro aa ~ A.. Scherer. ," ,
Friendship Club ,Resumes Meets
. mt. JJoll"
Club ,Meets
Opens Home For Council
- .
THE MIA MJ GAZETTE. EI tabll,l1od 1850
PAUL A. SCHERER ...... . .. _. ........... ... Editor and publisher CECILIA J. SCHERER . .. .. . . ... ..... . . .. ·. Secretary and Tre :l.urer
rg ,
M1IV•••• n • .,.
'Pll blh'h ~d Jill:
I') '
'I hl1l'Hclay MornSna
.• . .,~lll"""''''''". W"",,, ·,,,my. 0. <0 '. a 8 ~('c'ul1d (' I:UlfI l11ull er at I'I, 'J
the pIIs torrko nt \\'llyn8S\'lIle, Obl o.
THIll S("IAY, SFPTrMPP') :>t, 1 1);0
CIt~urr~ · (6uU~t . .
Deboro'h Typifies Underestimated' Power of a Woman
Wedgcwood, Minister Cburch School, 9:210 A.M., Mr. I (arold Elarnh'a rt, Supt. ' Worshlp Service, 10:30 A.M. Youth Fell. wahlp , Sundny 7:30, P,M. Oboll' PI'1.LOtiCO 'l'hursday 8: 00.
B. E. Baughn, Pastor UnU'led Service, 9:46 a.
J . W.
the prophetess wh D EBORAH. saved Israel, Is one or thl
Blble's most t:1ertect examples 0 how women have intJuenced th Subscription llnles- $2, I'e.!' Y nl', In ad vall', ·o, ill Ohi o: $2.5() ulsll where destlnle8 of nations, even whilc belng judged Inferior to meD. ' Among the Israelites, womer occupied an honorable yet inTIME FOR ACTION equal place. Note, for llnstance, ' ince we took ov(;r (h c P:I)lL'l' in r; I:"n"!~)' , wC Saint Paul's prejudice. against women assuming ony equal part have been very quid ill thiR co l uJll n :IJ1tHII lli f Jeren t with men In the early church. Yet affairs of the 'villa ge, sim ply I'e all ~ I" II' rc new Paul reveals how Important a here and we though t Illnt w ' \I'e r' nol II ' II en ugh place PrlscUia and other good women occupied in the early day! acquaInted wilh thin ,e.s 10 say ill uch . of Chrt.Uanlty, But W 'u l11 <! liling h:15 happcned tlLI I we Deborah wna the . most Influenca nnot keep till ahuut. Hal of I8l'ae)'s, women. A prophetess. who dwelt beneath a palm A short' tim e ago 0 11 Hi.ltil '~tr 'e l :1 " 1.'\ WE· tree, she W81 frequently consulted FORCEME , T ~ F I CE I <? " (an i \\'e qllote Ih:.l, ami by the children of Israel. Her also questioll it) in n. state Il lgh w:!)' /':tl ro l 'ar,. :~Ild Judgments were nourishing rays 01 hope to a people that had beel, NOT IN N IF RM, sto P) d n. hoy whu wn.' nJII1 ~ conCluered and in bondage 101' 20 hi bi y II! n said ' Ir~cl, :In ,1 toll th iJov thol If yean, cowed into subjection by he ever aughl ' him agai n f iler, hI! wO,ul1 take hl ~ KlnI "abm of Caanan and hl~ bicyde awa. (r 111 him and not '~ i\'e it hack; ruthle51 Captilln Siaerli. Juj Deborah won the confldenCl After a falk with ,'cvertt l m emhers of til' Cou nof liar · People, she became the cil we find that th ere!- i no ~ u h Ilrliin<l l1CC h the leader of an underground 1l10Vebo~ks of the Vi ll rtg ' f Wa lie ville . ' ment. And when the crucial hour ~me ahe sent for Bara:k, the 501. T his hoy ha just :I S much righ t [1 . ride hlg hiey. dleF, ,\t Arat Barak refused 10 ele on the street · of Wa ynt! ville as allY o lller 110yrise up agaln4t CJapfpln Sisera, and this "LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER?" (and although Deborah's strategy was sound, this time we quote, llLle tiOl1 N ' pul in hOld type ) It was not that 'Barak WIIS a ,had better spell I some of his time ca telling some of coward. A shrewd soldie'r. he the speeder ' around the . outll end 0 ' town-or all realized the odds against him were over town for that It r. almost overwbelmlng. However, be ~nted to go if Deborah would .lIcomp~;y blirJ, With ~~ '" '" '" * hum~, Deborah agreed to l'UlC h'er REMEMBER NOVEMBER SEVEN Ute if Barak would credit b.or with the outcome. - , ;; A great privil ege Ivill he cnjbyecl I y the III rHeartened by her presence, iean people this fall-a privil eg' they will '11(\ diffiBarak and his torces marChed to cult to appreci'ate be ca use i U,as been handed do\vn to loft!. TaW~ .'" w~' a complete them rfrom generation to ·enera!ioll. On Nnvember ' vlctpr" 8~a tJ\I\Si ~ m~t death by the hartd 01 Ja_I, and o.bclrllh, 7 general elections will l1e hel d throughoul the COUlla member of the "in~ua1 sex.' try. W e should all rememher vo tin g i ' the in divi /became' an Insplfation to eucceed· ual's a urance of ·freedom . There i no rulin g cia s in,w ~eneratlonl _of women.' in America, but the people w ho vote hav e' within their. power lhe ability t decide what k ind f govmonths v1Bit with her sIster, Mrs. ernment· we hall have. :r Osee WInkle, of Macon.
\3)11'on Carver. MlD1ater BJble School, 9:80 A,M. MorniDg Worship, 10:80 :A.M. Pr&J'er MeeUng, 7:00 P,M. Young P'eople'. MeeUq, 7:0D Evening Bempes, 7:30 P.I!.
._ .........,.. PERFORMANQ • NEW HIGH inVAlUE
, BELU11IE.Il'S SUNftUIJ s~~n V1CI~ Phone
. Waynesv.il~e
~lr. and ,1111'S. Robel' t'Hougb ""ere ba stR 10 the 'Welcome Dible Class of Jonah'); Rlln churoh at their l;proe, ' 'Fl'irlay evanlng. Clint .' , TaylOr 'Jed 'l lie gro tI 1) In prayer By JANE FIT". anti ~11'8. J . P. Thornbury gave ~he Ie S Oli • • MI'. lin II M ~l 'l\. William Mrs. .Tommy Sm,lth was pleas· CnmpbeIJ were III t.h:1Tge at: the' antly surprls~d Wednesday eve· reoreatlon·. Dell o;iolls I' fl'\1s hmenis nlng when a. group of friend!! as· were servf'cl hy ' Lhe' hosts. Hmbl!!d a1. her home on 'Maln 'rile .As!locinLlol1 meeting of the street, to help celebrate ber birth· B.Y.F. was held at th!! BapUsi day ann Iv tl·s&.ry. CIUlrch, in HiIIl!boro ,'unday nrter· . TJle ' PnreDt Teachers Assoola· noon. Following the s p ~ clnl servo Uon held a r ceptlon for the tellClh· Ices a covered dish dhlllel' 'W a~ ers Wedne8CIay, night w11!ln they sCl'vecl In the BV e)lrn~. Severnl had their first Dleetlng of tbe sea· memher" or lh e .lomlJ D. Y." F . ~n, at the school gymnaelum. FOI· a.tten,d fl d. lowng a brief business setslon can·' ~It' s . . Ue(lI'ge Wnlerbouse, or ducted by Mrs. LIlla Bogan, pres~:Vllyn es \'iIl , WRS a dInner guest, I'd ent of the association, John Ames superintendent . of tbe schools. ' in· IIl1clny or ~fl' !\. LoulR Fite and troduced the leacbeJ's, Mrs. Winton hel' ~au g hl 1', ~\1I ss .Jane File.
Etz, chairman of the program Collli\I rs, Vivian F I'ye is recovering mittee. present d Mrs. Harold Itt he l' 'bome fl'om n major Opel" GleadalJ, the new musIc ,t encl)er, nLlo~ . performed t.\\' O weeks ago at bere, who liang, ''In An Old Fasll· li e MillI11i Valley lIospital. Mrs. ,Jenll ,'e ntry Is IiI at '.lIer lillled Garden.'" and "The LJlac Tree," to the, plano accoml1lml._ hOp1 e n,ear , ~I )e " li'Iage. lI1-ent of .her Sister, 1\IIss ShirleY Conner. .WllIlam S. Dostel', pres- . M,aynard ' '(~rost \\"ho Is a patlenl ident' of the MassIe Township at Holmes Hospital, Cincinnati, Is ~. Board of Education, spoke brlefiy reported to be Impl'oving. on tite two mill seliool levy whlcb w1l1 be preseI1ted to the voters at , tbe November election. and Mrs. WUliam Doster gave the wel('ome to the teacbers precedlug the lunch and so'c lal hOu):.' It was also ' ellplalned at the meeting. tha t the . monthly 'session of the PTA wl\l be held on the third Wednesllay of each month. , It was h<;lld ou' the eecond Wednesday thl~ Ume, owIng to tne Warren OOlllJiy Fall' In session at this ~Ime. '
' H e. p' u tters
~ •
._1- _li __
D'UO-THERM Itard·war~,
, trELEPHONE8 WAYNE8VIL.La 2011 LEBANON Office 418K Rae. 118,L: MORROW No. •
·.··~~.-a. P
U _ _ _ ........
I. 1I.,to 9,. II. S••" ,7;30 I. m. iD 9, p:m.
Bob', Servis
.... I~·.~.
.' Newf
Ve,etablel t 'Soveral 9 the newer vegetable IvarleUee that have been Introduced liJl Nllent yean have been out.tand· '!D, In prellmlnary trial. ,and are ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!~~ ':worthy of trIal by bOJ;ne and com· TIlID, bat Brtlel_ (lIea""" Slivel' !l:WfQl.al gardeners, J'reezonia , pea.I, The rum of palm cill .on the fill. ~'1J1, Tenderpod" and Topcrop To follow the electro17tlc method IneD b..nl, Cherokee wax ,beans of cleaning ellver 1ill an enameJ. ilbed ,hot dipped Un Plato Uled In ' and B01se8 Hybrid cllcumb er, haVe! ware pan with boiling water to making "Un can," II 10 thin Uaat bllD especially ,promJslng . 10 telt •. which yoU bave added a teaspooD' It (In barely ' be .een with the Summer ProlifIc II a pink fruited ful eaeb of bailng lad. and ..It fOI n*ed eye. It II five Umel thicket ot Un 011 tomato that should produce well every quart. Lower Into the pan an thllD the averaae coatlna .' lun4ar hot and dry conditions. Sun· alumInum plate or pot cover. Now Iteel. J a 1~ Introduction, Iia wilt submerge the sUver 10 that It ~t, oranae O.lhe!! variety. touches the aluminum, end leave Shellac .. Oldea Tim.. Beoa~e Cif Itl' mUd flavor. WI It for seveTa] minutes. An electrical More than a 100 years before ~ . :varlet)' Ihol!ld prove .v aluable to process I. let up which 'remove. th' Lealonl of JUlius Caesar invaded tho.. people who cannot eat stand· tarmsh. AIter you tllke the .Ilver, Gaul, the natives of India belan to ard red varieties because 'of their ware out. rinse It well in hot water, use .he11ac to protect the .urtaces c:---.:.... __.. -hlp acid content. dry it and rub with II solt o,l.,th. of theIr temples and home •. '
IT EASY f 'ur Ftl.rm SUCVl! li' Une ot the e8llentlal ele ll' ~, ~ _ _ • auece •• ful tarm Is a .atisl~~~ boml 111,.
-;;;"-'' '-1 Exide B~tteries' . Firestone Tires
O~tI ~;30
__ --.u_a_
PHONE ~441
,New, and RecapPed ,- $8.95 $2.00 Trade In Allowance Lubricating SerVice Firestone Accessories ..
"Fai ,ley
Short·tei'm loa"l" outstanding Rt commercial banks! In Ohio on JOll, J, represented nearBy 70 percent of lolal of 'llUch loans,
tI~:h, ~
'MARK Hette·· . ,
~~ • ~ ..
MAUMU; ON U.i••0fl1" ,..,. l.'''~,,,
INf,e~m'lH eMlIlP
,., '''"AN WARI'OItS HONOR OF 'f'tIII' "fltO tHlI F, nlft(f,v NOr,
, IN
. Lew Wash remains serioUsly 111 at bla home. Mrs. Beulah Eck rt '''ho hns been. residing at the llome of ~[I';' and ~irs. John \Velah, fol' several montbs. leff ThuJls(lny to nccept a position In OakwOOd. The Men s Commun'lty Club met In regular se~slon at tbe ~chool building. W dn esday night. Hos ts for the evelling were H. C. )HlII· ~, Frank MOl'ro\\', and Johnnie Smith. The onnual con'ventlon oC the Warren CO!luty Woman's Chrlstiun Puttering ~roaD4 Is ~ f .. Temperance Union was held ot the laventor Lorellllo loaes. lllaoWD Methodist Church hero, Friday. A on the brink of UloU.er 'peat c)overed dJlh- dinner WII served at discover)' In his laborator)'• . - . 8.ell8On portrayS the role .. 110011. "'LoftlUlO .)ones" on tile WLW. lira. Ell_beth Penn), haa re- NBC 1Ia)'llme drama ..... at tanled to the vUlqe following a t:ll p.a., B~._... _. ~_---l
~t~_'~:iI _O_4_U_"';"Y_~_"
C' .........u_a_J_u_a_lI _ _
Dalla. Bogan or New Burl1ngton, hllll moved here to tbe bome of his grandparents, i\'r, and Mrs. Charlee Bq~u, Sr., and will ";.UelUl Hafv-1wsburg High- Schoo).. . ~ Chal'les Bogan, S I'., ,,'el'e .gqests Sundily of their son and. dq.uglltllr-in·lnw, · Mr. nnd Mrs. Darrell Bogll n n n d faml\~ or Sprlngboro. .•
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. p , McCarren, of Walhounding -are spending a few days at their bome In the vtllage.
WE ' HAV~ FOq~
14r8. Sarab Smith of Waynes· v1l1e, h! a house guest of Mrs. A. S. Collett and her son, Robert Collett.
, M~.
Prlmary ohurob school' 10:30 a.m. ~.AgeB 0 through 8), . ' .Adult :Worship, ]0:30 a. IlL
Armitage &SOD
YRACUSE, NEW YORK, H 6HALO-JOURNAL: " In times of peuce aud wel r alik e th e /1' 0 11 Horse has played an indispen -al1l . part in American H~e . . . It's till the ' haekbone of ollr transpo rt system."
'I'he Rev. SamueJ N. Keys, RectOJ
II. B. Coffey, MlD1ater • Bible School, 9: 80 A.M. Morillng ,Worship, 10:80 A.1l(. ST. AUGU8TINE CHURCH Young Peoples' Meeting, 7:00 ')'ather lL H. Krumholtl! Putor MUI8II, 8 and 10 A.M. P.M, Elvelling Service, : 00 P. M. Prny~r Meeting nnd Bible ~tudy CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Wednell~7, 8 P.M. .... PuUqtoIa, IUm.tar WonJaJp s.m., 10 &.II. MT. HOLLY METHODIST Bun4aJ sChool. 11 &.II. • I T. M. Scaft, Minister Sunday School, 9 :80 A.M., E. WAYNESV.ILL~ FRIEND8 ' . A, hllll'lI hurt, Supt. \\'OI'lIbip Service, 10:110 A.M. 1<"1r8t Day Bcbool, 8:80 A.M, I~ venlull' Serville, 7: 80 P.M. ~eetJnll tor 'WorsblPr 10:80 A.M.
don't dllut. New Ilue $unoco with oth......oiln• • Walt until' your ~ank I, nlarly .mptr.,.th~ put In 10 !fallon. of New Ilu. ,,,,,.co. Compare It I the difference' W. be. •..,... yeu... go bock to ordinary 8asolin•.
f , UTICA E.U.B.. CHURCH Wllllam SlwmoD, MInUter . BundQ ,Schoo), 11:30 A.M., Mrs. J'aDle. GarrIaon. Supt. Preachlnc. 1st. aDd 8re1. Sur.da,J. of eaQto mOD~ 10:80 A.M. lDteDfng §emcell, 7:30 P .M.
'or •••
WHO P"O '("Hr(II"~' 'THlf ~'6r
, ~.(Ja@ to.......~ Crlth'V'",," '1Af, RiCirIlI,
WA. flf, wttO. MINH " ' ' ' ' ". &OMN "£tV•• fIlMlno. fill... ' MIlCH .
A'Ott'••".., f.llIm.9I!!tDl!f I
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..IEl::l:,cMU,I;l{ -"
T ...stin!; a nrl I' h nb!l1tnl lol1 of Il.e LULIe Hlg li l(' b pipe. Unu ,hila bee n nelu,ly olDple tetl In t he St ilt-\! or Ohio, ']'ox nB ill nstcl'II Tl'llIIRm l ss loll' Corpol'u tion I'eportl'tl t.od ny, 'J'lIe plpf'!, 11 110 <:I'ew w l1l ch Atnrl n l at. t h e " tls t £> t'I1 nd of I ho Slllle :I IItLie onu' n IU Qn t h ago ha H rln l ~h ;' el Its work In , [,'nI 1'f1 Itl. PI kawny . Fllyelte, (:1' An , (,lInlol) nntl n.·lel'll \Vnnen COlltll! fl. 'l'exl1 11 I ~II . tern Bn ~llI l!e r S haVe 1I11\\' , he).:UlI warle 011 t.he 11I );1 sir Il' h of t h ~n. Inel, nal\l ra l gas p ll e 1111 h lwe -n llle (,'01\1 l)nn Y'1\ l~fJInpl'es~o l' stil lion No: '111 nen l' : R ,Ii 1.lon, north 01' L banon , and il1(' Whi l Wilt. I' H I ~ I' In Franklin OllllLy . I lI lIiann. Th Is Ill. l HI·m ll o !\pctloil o f lh o tiltle Dig Inch h us hee n 1' 111 tI wilh \Val I' hy n 111l1ll[) on. Seve n· Mil I'eek ~) CU I' H ami lton . Tit .... plpo 'is bei ng teRt 11 mi le 1>3' lnllo \Ind el' wul," " pre"H.l1 r e 1':1 1' hlghe'r lIulIl I hll t \I ~ tI III I;a s qpel'I\jUol1s.
WIAV-NJlC dramatic actress 1. ngtllil or pIpe thill' do not s tuntl !BlO~~If~1J!,et' . is;beard OD . ~~ UI) 8t' iJelllg l ' Illncel'l. PUr-lng Ihe eral network programs, Includ~ W'al ... test s tho PIl}JIJC If! beI ng pro, 'iD~ the Wednesday night, adven· I CC'! II by 0. 1llLI.roi (ll llll~ a nd po · .tares 01 ''RIchard Diamond, De· trol r aJ'S qui ppell wilh two,wuy· ~," at 10:30 I1,m1, ~.!:.. __ radio, Flel il hen dqulIl'lcrs fOl" tho Illst I g or Lhe projc·t nl'e a t TRY GAZE'ITE CLASSIFIEDS Hamilton . I
__ •
____ • _
Takiu8 • vult "oft tbe
liDe" ~. accnan~ kupwled.e 01 the hUD· cIiWa olvalveelnacompre$iIOr atataq. n takeI ~
Ohio. ' FRIDAY mORT ' ew 1951 P ly m'o uth Sedan.
of_a billion CUblC feet of natural gwreacb.day-,
QuIck Repal,..,·
• <Crew replacell worD valve8 compre •• or
'Before the shu tdown,
1 Pietured
Ten minutes after shutdown, the u... it i. back
"on line,"
fT Eastern .5 at exos
lLock open_ Il!lxIIt
Wool Casuals Take on Festi.ve Air Im'og.inative Color Combinations, Slim .silhouettes Are Highlights · casual, orten the backbone of a wardrobe, is T. HEnofwool nec;;-sarll~iiD"ple-lhi; fall: It may have a catch;,' yoke treatment. a peplum. capelet. side-drape or surplice Cront, The silhouette is ,always slim ond imagjnati~n is ~ often evidenced i.Q the ~mbinal!~n 'of two colors, or m two shades of one color. .,..J
'A hug~me.tiglit casual in wool boucle., designed by Mlll'iiret Newman. comes in putple with a yoke ·of winter white: ' JDteresting delaills seen in the large hip poc!tets which almost surround the aUm-in-front and gored.inback. skirt. The elbow lenglb"l~es end in cavaUer ~uffs.
52 Female dee.. 54 Vat 55 Father STVase
a, . • t LEBANON Nearest Texas Eastern· Station IS a . !!!!lIIln~~~
Homlll office 0
ttl Sharpsbooter 52 Possesses 83 She has writ- 1!!!"1If!!!''' ten one of tbe
• Quick Start-Up' .' .~ COmpr.... a au &aDke
lod\ and LIttle 81g Inc:h pipe ',11141 Iy.,.m, b Owne'r and operator of the Big h re I" employ"' and work. unl\y life of ten state, we . repretl8nted in c:om m, 306 Mil m St. Shreveport, LouiSIana. .
:' 1'-
4 Path 5 Belore 6 East Central 113 Ace . (ab,) J4 Architectural ? New H ampunits . , shire ,Cab,) !5 Be it;ldebtc:d 8 Tin.y 3,1 DIstress signal 49 Bnche1oJ: of le·Blblical . ~ Ideologies 32 Strike l ightly Arts (ab,) !.. pronoun 10 ThereCOl'e 33 Yale 50 Go swiftly l1)ncllvidual 11 Hnve 18 Australioll , 12 BrlgJtt color 36 South Amer- 51 Allger , fea (ab.)' 53I\bsh'actbeln, bird 17 Ocean ( Db.) 37 Exclamation 54 Gall device 20 North Dakota 19 Up\YDrd 38 Grab 55 Standard, of , ' '(ab.) . 21 Skill 40 Cleap ' ng value 21 HJah card 23 Mimic 5e..Donkey device 22 Health resort 24 AUernoon 41.Hypothetical 58 'Northwest 24 By (ab,) force • (ab.) 26 Vegetablo 25,Eaeh (ab.) 42 MUilcal note 60 That one 29 Partners 27 Erbium 46 Paid notice 61 Postscript 32 Equals (symbol ) 47 ~ower ' (ab.) 34 Negative 28 Like 48 Wavy hall' 62 Him 811 Aluminum 30 Finlsh ' : '(symbol) ' r.""..".-,o\!~-'t'!"". .-..r-,,..._....._t!~~'I!'!I'. . 38 Transmits 89 South Pacific l..--I--Io-f.,..t.,.•.t""'- I--I-oI-+-Io-i""""'-'-I--I:-.. , island t3 Exclamation . 'of lauahter 14 Lyric poem UBarrleade Head cover 50 JUlode Island (ab.)
author, -
1 '.----~~---------------.~~~~~~ (symbol)
the laat nut is t.igbklDed.
lor any emergency. Rest of cylinuer is checked while work ~roceeds. ....
( ,.-. ~ ..
.tart the big g88 engine Nlliog .,~ . . 8000 a8
cylinder. Spare part ••
livery dispatcher anrl lltation chief on tl le t500 m1le roUtA> must La noti. fied Thi8 take. but a JlliD.
Skilled station. ~W8 need only minutes to rep air a giant l,OOO· hors"'power c;o~pr~or an~ put It back to work .~&:. ~ts essential sbwe j~f_~ q~l'!!
ute on special dJr,'Ct telapnonelinea.
.... - '
Leather Sol. Laboratory tests ' prove that there can be as mu!:h as 90 degreas var· iation In temperature between the outside and . Inside of a lea ther .01. on a wlnte(1 day. ,
et home and armed forces abroad,
· .- .a~t
Lumber Export. WallhlJJ& CheDWe Wh1Je U.S. lumber exports in 18t8 Chenille- s pr e ods sliould be waahed as soon as they have be· to the world markets were oni halt come solled, Short, frequent wash· the lI1U1ual average of the previous in,e are better than on occaBlonal tlve years. &Xports to Africa and lone one, Do not soak the spreads. Oceania incr~ased by ftC) per cent.
Sewlni' Balard. U the bedroom Is used as a sew. Ing room, take care that pins, need· les. IIclss01'l, etc" are not lett about tor the bnby to find. A pin In tha bottom 01 an adult's bare toot ill no ioke, either. "
~eeping the, 200 huge compressors OD 'the Inch LineS gomg night and day 365! ~ay~ a y~ is a big job. It is a "must" job too, because these pipe lines are the]1 , life lines of lndustries which are ~ ,~ riv.ing today to meet both the needs of consumers
Pnce. __ 7 _ - - - - __ _ PlU'So $500 (Also e]'l glble , 6 PI! I) N<?n·W lnner
Quick Shutdown
. House
FRIDA Y,. ~I~ PT . 22 'rR ItSD V 10:00 A. M. _ .. __ Qa ntI COI\(~ I't, 23 'llrot _~ ______________ Pl1l·s '$500 ]:00 1', M,. ____ . HUI')lell !\ llnolllg (tIIRO ollglhl 20 Trot Non ·W lllller 7:(,10 P. ~f , ___ '- 1311 lid on <' It . $iiOO,] 950) Pur se $500 8: 001', M. IlI'OAaWIIY S aodnlfl' lIt ~3 I Rce ___ 19!i0 (I,IIM 1I ~ l ble 20" Pace ' NOI1-\\'inll'er Fill I'M Y ,500, 1950) • ' 9 ::10 1\. M . ___ }1:lrtHl~ ' nlHl DIIlIa I II Trot _____ -- ______ . l ' urse $500 Call ort (" IRO e ll ' Ible ' 1~ T rot Non·" inner , $ 00, ]950) 1: 00 J' , I1'I ••• A 111' lion of I Jaby Beef ,1:80 P . 1\1. _______ Hnrness nUlllug , Fouowing ilr lbe \.Il'lz S to be 8: 00 p, ~f. _,- __ ~ .hi te HOI'se Troll il') gJI' 0 IIway Bach n.lghl : TH RSOAY N IQHT PROGRAM OF RACES -" Suporlnton«lollts Qf· I\oe(\: A l3al>y D ef give n by I h e roll.,wln g D. ".' Ul1Inb j~ 'R y . Vfah -eh'rtlfJ, " (Hi' DOunl- m eorben~ . -1::.y le· ~tew' J oh,l Peck • art JI. n., 1, Lebnnoll, OhlQ, A.l ton ~r'H RSD 'v, EP'r. 21 ' Holf, R. n. a, L bailon, hl o. Ralph 2,yclU'-old 'r l'O~ StI'Ike.'3. 1'l1l'SO $1000 V0 1~ '!\loter, n .. R. 2. Lo bfLllon, Db 0, 'l'l'oPhy r,i l'e n by H u(fQrd I nl!u rnn~o Rny Vall 9 amp, outlI Broadway,
Repair Engines In Minute$ on Big Inch'Natural Gas Llne~ ,
'I'h \\'m'I'1l 11 Qunty Fail' gol orr $ROO, 1950) to a good ~ l i ll't TueiultlY And h I' 2-y _11I'·old PIlO(' takes PU I'SO $10('0 T rophy given by M &. El Poney Is the l'l'0J; rnm for lh romnlning
_ ... .._ f
Warrell County Fair . Gets Started Tuesday
• ,
'I'ed ............. III
WLW-MIIC'a ,...N.~ . . . . , ...... c.. lie
. . . . . . . . !'Ole _
.......... - ..... - ...._ .......... . . ..--,. ..... .-.._ ..as-. _-'
Another casual by this same designer is [l\'3itable in Juillard sheer wool. Subtle tones or light arid dark gray are combined .0 make a sliJp ~88 with a surplice front ca~ght by antiqued gold buttons. ~leevC8 are cut slightly dolman but are)ilim and tisbt at Ih.e :wrists.
1. When was the U S , Army Air Force organized? 2. Where is the Isle of Man? 3 . Have any women ever spent
a winter on the
nent7 . 4, Which state is known as the "Soone r State"? 5, How mnny television sets are tn this eountrv ? 'u0!ll!w " lsowlV 'g '1!woql!P!O 'il 'uo!l!p:ldxa
Beiw time fllel. JllSt r. few yer.Y. baok you were tbrllled with &he "ole q:lJ eaSilJ JnJJlllU V ' 8~6 [ alii pa! u IIwlmml n' hole," I:eady to talle a -edwo:>~e Uol Wo,,\ 01\\.1. ' SOlA 'C plunge Into U. cool, ftowlD~ wa~~rI. pUU I Maybe ten years from now you'U -all PU l! PUI!I)'!u3 ·pulln0.J s UH)J,J want to lake anoihel: plan,e lacb a. buying a new home, a new oar, alonr JUB lsIPlnba 'I!OlS IIS!J I aql u1 ' j'; vacation trip. Thele ,talle money and 'SdlO;) II!11lil wbere·. It comlna' from. The .man ,(W.lV "Ill )0 UO!9!Jl IC! (iJ:lnnlllt people know the ealY antIWer -l1. 8 . -OJ" V a lll SIl 'L06 1 ' [ IsnlJnv ' I Savin,s Bonds. EMOU now' fOl: the PayroU Savln'l PlaD wbere )'ou worll, 01: If self-employed, the Bond. A·Month Plan at YOIll' bank. ''yoa then lave automaUcaUy and In 1980 o~ s.ta~suv )'our Savlnis Bonds wlU produce (or every Invest~ today. u. s._'1 ft~I'" D'pl1 """nl &Jarlues In . "40 As earl;v as 1740. three marine "ou, Ore regimen ts were r ecruited In Amer. In norther n New York 18 the iea, assembl ed 'in New York under the comman d of General Alexander ' third lariest Iron ore field in the Spotswood ot , Virgtnla . and, per. United States, the New York atate formed valiant service in the departm ent ot commerce r eports. West Indies for the Royal British Owing to the natloh's wanin'g iron deposits In mld·con tlnent. New nav,.. ' York's l\uge hl,h·gra de iron ....ore reserve s in and near the Adlron· dack mounl'al ns has assume d an Impo'rta nt' position in the mlnlnr Industl')' .
. ' .
I lIIIwt ,
, ,=
. ,
R.E.B ATA Evang elitt
7:3 0
~ig S~ory
Wiae, vacclDatlon With ..rum an4 v1l'Ua may caule 'b ed reaoUo u. .It. ".reful , exam1na.tion should alwaYI be i!i4a' by the v.t.~ to det.rml ne whethe r or Dot the pip aN In proper' concl1Uon for nOc1D,aUon. , ,Another .1mport ant point: 'the vIrua .1a dangeroUll' and ahou14 'be handled only by 8OD1ecme who ]mom how; and one who Wldar.taDi!a .tBrI1lzation of equlpm,eot ind other precaut lon•• colUIIIII.
on-n ',1
fral questions cannol be handltd ~ "'"
24 th
"C~USADE FOR CHRlS T'·' is NQT jult an ty reviva l,or c:amp aip, but one unit . of ,thoula nds in a worldwide c.l'l,laade to effect ' a ,apiritual 'awake ning'ordina ~ Ciirilf i 'in I.uch times .. these," Alleaely beiDg procla imed in ove 8000 langua lel ImcI diaI~~in 0 'fOO COUIltrie. and island., Hw.dreda of thouim nda of Christi ans attend and IUIPport this, mo~lcl-widli pr081'IIDI' io 'lieip keep peace, Nearly 100 chUrches in Ohio are ,coope rating in . this mighty object ive! The Ohio Confer ence bf Seveil th-day Adventist church es .is happy- to presen t this .... "CROS,ADE FOR OfRIS T." , , ' 'mOU 5AND $ beUd these 'Iectures in Cam . HaD, Pilbbu rgh, , Auditorium, Cincinnati! - NOW WAYNESVILLE AREA MAY Consti tUtion HaU, Wa~ington, D. C., Emery HEAR! Don't Mias Thil oppor tunity !' ! ! I!. _
NOTE..:-Dut,to SIJ(ICe ,rlmllGUons, sm-
So uth Mecha nic St. .
ADy ---... ~ to bear In m1D4 &beNt no-
&tloD abould be
ctnatloliT y ...A~;~
Ia the OII1y anawer• . cholera ,1011U can be cut dOwn to almost noth1n cbf ptop:er ~Uon of pip aI'OUDd wean-
" " ,' .
• ·W ha t Is the So lut ion Fo r' W orl d ·P ea ce l
• Is Th ere Ho pe fo r.M an kin dl
Q'OJIlsTION: What caUl. . itT ANSw m: A \1nla-t oo amall to ' be aeen even under a micro1C0pe. Tbe, amount you could 'g et on the point of a pin could ldll, an entire herd of hogll. QUEST ION: Can you t.ll when a hog has cholern ? J ANSWE R : That'lI one of the W 0 r st t h Ing s ~ ' i :, i 1 abo~ ~~1!~le~~ , •• • • 0 the r maladie s _ ' may shoW 8ymp, , _ tom8 11ke it. r ': ••r.: Usually the first " sympt om,1 of cholera Inolude 1088 of appetite , tever, weakne ss aDd pro.tra! tqn. Pigs may sta:rt dying rapldly. QUEST ION: Can cholera be cured? ANSW ER: TIle1'8 Ia no cure. ~-'
'· O R ·
The\Nation's 'Worst Swine Killer
Ua ~ :He In :Am~' l' : Bas I tar tile t ldIer. :It, t
.. '~ F6uad.ticiII 'Pdr A'Iau- t ~. ,
'W '0 R L'D' P E A C E 'f
8coraa. Me., Seychel lel Nut 1'0 Icore, meat you make, Hlbt The lergest true seed leno ...m to man Is the Seychelles nut from a cut. on the surface . usuaU;v in palm tree native to the Seychelles crlllS·cro81 fashion. Thin allee. ot islands In the Indian Ocean. Re· round stea~ are lome lmes .cored when I~ I. to be pan tried to make I semblin g tin oveulze ooconut, I ,It mora tender. ' ~lnile Seycbellea nut may welSb SO 01: even 40 pound.. dust e" of the nuts require. ttV!! years to rna· Durahle ture. ,. , . Cotton bales which bav. been _,tond more than 80 yean bave TRY GAZE 'ITE CLASSIFIEDS been found to be in excellent con· , dillon tor fabricat ion ' into cloth
r.UA.1 II
t. 1n
'e ra la de IO'r C hr is t· Pr es en ts -
the Ohio tnte Grnnge . FIr-lit 111neo In Ihe ont. 9~ wa~ won by Mnl!lne '\~intfr d Shelly, l{oule 2, Wo08t~ r. Ohio, n membe l' of UnIon Grtlnge. 'Vayne COUllIY, Barbar a Zoellers . B oute 1. Wells· v iii • Ohio. a membe r of Yellow re k Orange, Columb iana County. placed secon!i. Third place ,went to Phyl1ls Ann Mayes. R911te 2, Contine ntal, a ulembo r of Sharon ,Grange . Plltnam , County . Max ine w ill receive n Irlp tbe' Oblo St at.. Orunge C0l1VenUOI1, Toledo, Decemb er 12·'\4. In addition to recch'ln g $1r.,OIl fro m the Nat· 16nal ,Grange, Barbar a ZOell el's, $ecol1<\ phice \vlnnel' w ill reel ve $10,.00 from 1 be l')lallollal Orange and $~,OO from the State Grll~ ge: while tblrd place win· n ero Phyms Ann' Mayes wl1\.re 'ell'o $5,00 from the Nationa l Grauge and $3,00 from the Stnte Gran ge, Th e' essny of .1axln e belly, has been a nt to tbe Nationa l Gl'Ilnge to compet e tor Na tlonlll Award s, First Ilrlze In the NIlI~O Il R I Cont at Include s an nll·e!1.lle nSe U'lp roJ' t il winner , accomp an ied by one parell t to the Nationa l Grange Sess.lo!ls In Mlnnes otu, and n $100 U, S, Say· Inga Bond ,
.Fanner's Question Corner 1'
'An unllolllw emen l of s tute win· nors In th e arnugo Highwa y liiBSIlY ont081 hnil been rei!)RSed todas by .Ios ph \V. Fichter . Master of
·0 "I ' lInOA
Til HvD.\Y, • [PTE ..'I ;'
B. E. SGOY., Mu sica l Director •
W&U. ...TAJCe ')QIIt FAT~, f'OI!: ',HSoTAHC5! HE WM
UNTiM& MTAL, ~C1 )OU t(HOW, r TH5 ~ HAW Meu.ow Ec) HIM , I!WH MCmE I
Newsp aper reporte rs ' who ,et tbell: ,''81, Story" are the subject 01 WLW·N BC's "'.'eilne sdoy night , , . profl'aD l at 10 p.m.. ES1', with Bob Sloane as Dal·rator.
Y1!~TE~PAY :r -sAW HIM LI:AF,N 6 T~ AN c:ou.E6 E Yl:AII:8O OIC:,AIID
a.o .I~T Loot<: AT , 4/M ~ow... ~SAIJLY LOO/l:'~ FOfC
• THE FAMlL'If AL8UM ...
011, rIiE/?E veil AF:E;"PO F-I,,!
<SAy, I'VE rHt=oSE'
A80IJT TOY.oIN O OUT THli.se o/"D 'If"AItSOO~~?
STRICTLY FR,ESH ; A NEW YORK tycoon illYs his
rise to , stock market faml' started with sales on the curb, That's one way to get out 01 thl' gutter. . • e e A Clevelllnd theater advertis ed th1I double- feature: "AU Quiet on the Western Front'." AND "Roar. Navy, Roar," Patrons won't know whethe r to shout or shut up. , e' •
An indiana polis paller reports
the pollen CO\lnt' per ,' cublc
yard ot m, We wondel' in whose cubic yard they do the c:ountin"
• • • A Maryla nd toper
was picked up and charged with belllI "drunk and dllOrde rly," as he reeled Into a race hor. park, ' QUell ' he'd already had his dally double, '
• • ••
It. man in Columbus, 0., waa MlIhed to the hOlPltal witb blindiDI beadaches wbl~ dlcton dIq.
== -----
RORd .. ''televiJlOD CODjuD cU. vltII." He Iw bee watch lq
.....wa Bet cae ~tbt '!.!i!ItIM,.,..... It.' ,"'-~.
" ,
Kor. than 100 diffeND t ldDda ' ot coffee are CIII'NJlt lS' boupt and sold In th. UDl~ st.te.. Which. Ia the ....ata.t cdee CCIIlIUJDiDI na· tIon Iil the worlld. Lul ~.ar thl UDlted statal drIiiDk •• JIWCh p. all 1M r.at, 01 the .1frorJ4 UIed ID th.
Jut IS rean,
, I"IdImaa "arpN Bye, Byc, BiaGllboartl Carpetl on the 1loor of PuDmau It'. Bye, Bye, Blackbo ard In the CHI bave to be replace d abOut modern Icbool. room. Green chalk e"el7 two to .Ix ,.ear., depan4 illl ' board. with yeUow chalks take upon carpet type &lid col~ UHd. tIleIr place, The ~ovaUon I. recommen ded by the Americ an OptQmetrlc A$loclaUon In the Inter· elt of ealler leein,. Blackb oatdl 'l'lI. bite Uled in aWnI potato ab.om too much 11lht and caUl. ,Ied CaD apreld potatD dIIe..... VIsual, cl1stm1lon.
...... .,...-
FrankU u on Peace , At length we are in peace, God be praised. and 10nl, very Ion.. moy It continue. All wara are ~ol. Uea, very expensi ve and very mla. chievoul ones. When will mankJnd be convinced 01 this, and ' ail'ee to \ s.We their dWeren ce. by arbltra· tion! Qnu an Alltelope Gnu is .omethaes called • wild· boar. It II • membe r of the Bteiop t
+_"_1- __
:U, t950
YNES\'ILLE, 011'10
our bog8 and weul 1,J1I('k. to the yellow nnd dles, The green water CO-QI) to pl~k ,up the Wesl V~r· In tbe bottles III a kind ¢ algae, ~~O~====IOI~jDC==~O~O J\'lnht wblte·ra 'ell stock calves I he elm(lleSl fOl'm of plant lire, tbnt We bnd ch08en and after and a soluUon of 1\llneralB !lnd chol'e time by the Ume, that we wll.ter, By r!3duolng , thing",. to the A Farm Diary /,lot bpme lI~aln. Some day I nm sllllpl ellt form nnd 1,1>, (/xn t mea· going to have ' good pene In my sUremen t these things can be mea· ' By D. J. Frazle~ bll.I'nB with good I!tl'ODg gates that sured a'lld teste~, swing euelly eo that y.0U can tUI'n Mr. 'Kett.ering suys lhat' any • DPTEMl:IER 19. lU50.- Aftel' 11 tho atock f1'om one part of the problem can be solved If we can' fO~' lew perfect Ony s, w e were ",Ilk;- bu I'Jt to another without dltrlcull y. only (tnd out tll'flt WhR.t the prob ned th is llIol'ulu g' I,y 'l th und~r YOllr gIllen Ilnd. rell es will do 111m Is. \Ve have to g lvp UP' mau; orm, 'This 'I'ns Ih o tillY tl1l1t o much of the work tor' YOIl If or. OUT Ideas of whllt the problem we were going to th l'nsh our clo- they are only ar l'llnged rlgbt. I s and lot th e probl em '\taelr Il'!Id vel'" 8el)1I but \\0\1" \V lUust \\' uJl The s unflowera hu,ve been ha r. the way to Its 'Rollllicin, We rou.s t ,for some 111 0 I' a III'y ,,' eather. vcsted ," 'I'here has been so much sort out the pieces of the jig All'" It III lit and ra.ked In willdrow!l, J;lteresl In tbe crop Qf ()Orn and pll,zzle and be sure thai they nl'O but will' have to be turned oVllr sunflowers t hot WIIS bei ng grown par.t 01 this puzzle and not of IIIlO' agai n . wIlen (Lnd I \\'e h ave some for ansUnge on l he Walker Lewis th el' on e ~nd then when they IlrA bright dl'y weather. '1'he big pur· Farm on Seventy-'tltree. They aay all there \V~ can begin to fit tbem pie nate(s tire In bloom lind the t tbey lunlte nIl Mile l,ally rich together. Engt'lleel's were s lolv to golden 1'011 Is lu It~ lirlme ond bl'snd of ensilage 'hen Ilut 'illto ~ccept the p lesel engine because I:e e - lI nd there til I 'aves m'e be- the silO t,ogethel', It ~ooll e d to me It was not 1IIIe the stenm engine ginni ng to llu·n. j ll st 1\ , brun Ch or as ' Ul(iU,g h the Bunfl~wers nlmost that tl1ey knelv'''''a nd It will be JUSI,. two. The fields of ~ oybeans nre overshadowed ,the corn but they as hard to mnke them acdeJlt the lIollien yellow 1~lIcl 'the 1)n !; hll'~ 8 RUY tbat tJley ure good fellQ siollcs next kind. Fe \V \leople 11 a ve and ' Illfnll'lI lIre as green ns early nnd ,nl\ . 80 perhllpR t,hp.t waBi nol enough Im'a glnaUon to study a • 8.7 ~ f't. Spac»; 1~.9 , Ill. ft. Of Sbelftl. aummer. Impoltllnt, One or the big Day· problem uud Boe the ob,;loUB so· • Bottle SlieJt HoldI 13 . MondllY Is 811lu day ot \\ liming· ton dolrles used them lo ~ t year lutlon, ' thnt ' is why sOlite of our Quart Ml1k BoriIa. ton, !Tot ' ouly one' Ba le but tWlI but I thlnl( this Is the first triat great est InventlQns have bee n • BI. FroZe.. Poo4 L0cker Hoicb n Poa.acb. the same dny. The LII'estock Pro· hnve been grown In thl8 neigh· made by people wbo had • IIa·Q·1oW Db~ ducen CoollcraUv41 hilS u aale· ·at borhood. ' done that parti cular job berol·e. 16!iP.lor2 a.T'-.' tllelr ' stock yards Slid ~hCl Snle)! We accept many ot the ne~ They saw It from a 'new point of Barn hils ' Its Allc tlou JU Bt outsid , Ideae thll.t are passed out from the view, Pal'haps 80me day we will of to w II on Hlghwoy . 68. We e. pel;lenced st oUons w ithout much be able to conduct working expel" CONVINIINr nl •• .tarted out wIU~ two hogs, Il calf ,thought. We try them or not ac· Iments In peace and have some I Ilud a goat. 1\10ndoy. We U1110nded ordug to how t hey a.re present llll bette I' working modeJs of human at the. Sales EII!'n lind then wenl to U8 ani) whether or not thlly relafioDsbI I's. ' over to the sto<:k yard to look (or involve 100 much ' cbange In ' oW wh ite flfc'e feecl el's, anel then b. C;I old I'oullnes but we 1I0 not gill! \II the sule. "1'I1.1s Is. strictly n much thQught to the yellrs or ' I'eAND UP 1ive ' lltock ~ale, no furniture, n o 8car 'h that have gOIl In~ ' them. junk, no produce or fruit, Dothln This ll1 ol'lllng we had n. gllmllse bllt live stock, We got back whll , be/lin~ the BC nes of 0110 o( Ole they were seiling veal caJ v,es, grellt r seal' h 13boI'llI01':e3. Our 'calves and ;yet more cllives. J Garden Club was Ule \lost ,lit PHONE WAYNESVILLE 2834 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO never saw 80 m&ny nlCja fat calves Ihe J{etlorlng, Resellrch . L'Ibol'a· colne at good prices. Moat good tory at Moraine. The' basoment - cal!u brought bet-ween thirty an!l of the lIerllttJful ~t'lterlng bome thlrtY·fIve dollani a hundred. Soml,' on Stroop noad lIS being trans· of the 'very small t bln one!!,. form.ed Into complete modern labbroiJght lesll and a few of ' tho oro~"les to ,continue Mr, Kettel" large over-"elght oneil did als ' lng's te'search Into the rUllctamen" l but the others were Jrnocke4 off 10.1 BOurc~s of and gTowth, Mr, al rut a8 , they ' came bJ to Fockp Kettering, " BOB." aa he II affec· and the otber buyers. They 8ay 't1onately called by his assocIate', that the Monday 8ale of calves ol talked lo us and unfolded a wbole Wilmington Ie the blggellt calf 'new world.· Many of UB are li S· awe III Oils part of the sta.1e, All Ing. tra e mlneruls for our Btook fat stuff brln,s good prices tlle re. and In our fertlllzcrs but It 18 OF THE LATE tbough r think that calvcs by th,e here In IlWe bottle of green liquId head to · take buol( La the' farm lhi~t ,these tblngs ure dIscovered lometlmel bring blgller prices ~t Ilnd :t he amounts needed meosured; Lebanon.' AbOut onehlllionth l1al't There were so malJy ;calves that needed by alfaUa an4 'I f that It was late by the time . we soltl no't In the eoll the alfalfa turn. • , J ' f , . ." , . ~""'~~I&~
';])"'1 JeJge
REAL ESTATE In pursuance of an order crf the Probate Cour t of Wa,rren County, Oh,io, I the undersigned Administrator W.W.A. of the estaIe of Charlotte E. Arttram aka Charlotte Antram Snapp deceased, will offer for sale the fo llowi ng described rea l esta te by way of public auction on th e premises, sit· uated in Wayn e To wnship, Warren Coun ty, Ohio, on the town ship road leading from Corwin, Ohio, '2 1-2 miles outh along the Penn. R. R. to the first road to the left and the first farm on the left, On
l 1his farm ,contains 68 acreS' of Ian dmore or le ss, 50 acres of farm land and 18 acres of P:1 , illrc land. Excellent river buttom I:lIld, has good fences and plenty of go od water. 7 room house wi th ele tric lights, on e room ,ellar. An ex tra good barn, 4 x 60, double co rn crib, small chicken hou 'e, ,other sn1all buildings, Fruit cellar 10 x 20. Included with this fann there will be sold 1-2 of 26 acres ()If standing corn in the field, The purchaser to pay 1·2 of the harvesting of the co rn crop according to , the contract with the tenant.
$ 239.98
aid Rea l Estate ha s been dllly and legally ap praised for the sum of $13,0'00.00 and mu t b& so ld fo r not less than . two-thirds (2-3) of the apprai ed value.
$23.8,. 00 ,e 'B ARI..ES DOSTER
Hi.. Cousin
TERM.S--Cash. l>1,OOO.OO lown payment on the . day of sale, and the balance upon delivery of the deed. ,Sale conducted by V. H. RUSSElL, Auctioneer C. DONALD DLLATUSH, Lebanon, Ohio . C. DoNALD DILATUSH, Attorney for Plaintiff
Lebonon, Ohio
,t I
NIC-L-LYTE BATTER ES Acid Water, Once A Year
Itlers" Garale
the Door of the Warren COUDtY. Court House , ,LEBANON, OHIO
~ LlGHt'jives lel~or~s ,...,,-
and...ounu In tbe big city,
')ave beadS tile venatlle' nov"ty 'roup who ent1rlain eaoh Satur~ lay al,bt en WLW's "MldwcstirD uayrlde" prop-am at 6:30
B~T. • •. _ - - - - , , - - _ ' " _ _ _
1-- _
;' OUI OF ' • ~ , 80Df,RE~'S ' T~'A8
Everyb6dy'. back from vacatloll 10 ~Ultecl they have to ,., awa)' and ~. a rut.
PAw"'. all "I .... 11""'1"11 fw ... 600 leah•• "
1tIb, I , ~. II 10CIDYt ... 0,.. I~ .... ptiI .. ht. I...... h_, MI. IIvta ". . II..., c_II~, ' _Icdlly !oj 11_ " . . I. rHtre .... Ih. aw ,..... .f It" fIach.
MI. elMlrl..
.how.. threwl", _ h _
I SlUe lovlt to let out in the ClOUD- • try....... the lI'a... the 'tr....
: -l'be,long productive work ~ay Jor hen~clailJmlni"_
0114 bours b~t\lIa1 and anmcialligbt, ai reco.......mted' ' by Putdue University, it ~ to 1DU\I8'. moclera methods. Ao4 accordial to poaIUJ ~ . , have tested out,tbe,oew methocb, the u. Of atom....., controlled electric lights in layins aoun'd bmKment. - , . Poul~ house li8h~g pays for iudf. wttIi a Sock oJ 300 layins hens, the COlt 'of aU . . deCuidty used 101' llshtins and WarminS,mer is HtiI, pai4 for,bf 0011 OQI or two egp a day. Another valuAble electricallielp for poultry.profitt is the uluavio~et F.JDkiclal IaGip to ncluce , the chaate of WeedOn in laJinl bo~, Pot .........
peal" •
electdfkYto wOIIE_ pnaa....
pouiuj basi........ JOIIr COUDtJ ..., 1OCIItIoaaI . .
culture 1aCber or the farm ~ of,~, ~
..me. comJllD1.
-....... ,_ _ ..... Cat"I1~ ............... w,·
'M.I'", ... ~!'!
watch the ,anlmah-the ch1ck -th. cows. ' Incidentally, -"apeak-
01 co\Ol-l pi.ll*Cl 'one
oh bo),1 DoD" talk to me
.bOut lDaurmce. I'vl ~, lot a buDcb of 1t-aU Jdada toO.;
to I . 8Idf
aDd . . If " worD.
STOP and .EAt:,
Betore stocldng 'up th&' home fteezel', check Us co:ntents and UBI 2963 lood, pal·tloularly nleat. that , h". been under storage t o!' Bome Ume . •
TERMS-~500,o.o to be paid
all each parcel on day of sale, balance ' om confirmation of sale and deliY~ry at deed. Inspection permitted.
Lo.ana Can Be ,
~tained on The.. , Propertiea ,
THE BROWN AND THOMPSON CO. PHONES '43SM aad 159 I,.EBANQN, . ---- ... .._---..60 'NE~ O~IO
• • • • • a • • • '. a • • • •
The Mullen and Merritl reunion Edwin and Dwlgbt Michener IV a8 blild SlIllday, Septembel' ] 7 at have re turned (rom tlSe New Eb· I he ~ol11e of Cll as, Michener. ,T hat'ArchIe 81.,.. ~ hU gland sta1,es. They -wlll return to al ,1lne'OIdl.tN ad the man . . 01,110 , State University next week., ~Ye.~ ' H' Stalnltn .teel ,pbti·' sll4 ' paDI , eavy 10 alert. I'or three 7Hn DOW tbeJ' Fo.nnel'B can trim the financial abould ", . ~4 to beat "i~ .tte.," or cotton hm beeIa ~ the IUD. Ils\f,s In feeding cattle by buying Jlqulu. to &'Iold cootamlaaUon at are used · to aMaNt... ad tDDIPt for tbe uten. ' I1rote c:t them . In IrIt tlml, DO' ODe maD bad to The orriclal Board ~ f the Metb· the lower gl'ades on ,feeding stock the plckl.s Ind lila. ment. look at tile mUlic. . thl. (f!.Il. odilit Cbureb wUl at the Some day l'l1
DARCEL No. ' ~Lo<iated 57 ,Co lumbus Avenue, l.ebanon, , Oh~o. An 'extra good ten room ce nter ha'lI type frame house wilh slate roof of sup,erior construction. ' toker fire.j hot \valer heat, three room basement. Sto rm doors and windows. T~'S house;., ha been co nY~rled into a duplex with ,five la e , looms and I ath downstairs; fiv e large' rooms and ba h upstair,S. Separak entr'lmce to upper apartment.. Large ~~';mt porch, a well shaded lot of 47 -1 00 of all acre, with' a 1,9 .80 ft. fr'ontage. This house i,:; above a verage in repair and located in one of the best r'esidential sections of Lebanon. We can highly recommerid this property either Ifo~ an investment or a · I~ome. Apprai ed at
fann y.terda), and there ahe .tandlDJ looltlDJ 'up the -watc:hiDllh. raiD maker tr71n. to ,.. raiD ' out of, them. She watched thlI pr~ ,. for a Uttla whiJe ~d theu abe turDecl to an.other cow"ud aald: ."You mow, I know JUI' how tha' cloud feelJ; She jUl' alD" lot it 10 livll" So)"
Under New Man.....menl
AU K"mds of -
Mli, CI.ro"..
PARCEL No. 2--87 A re fadll localed two miles South of W-aynesville, Ohio, abo ut on~ mile South of U. S. HQute 42 on River Road. W ~lh a nine room 'frame ;'esidence with a three room basement, la rge tobacco barn; double COI'Jl cribs, ank barn 'wlth cem~ nt floor and silo, chi 'ken house. Roofs on all b4i1dings ar!! above the average. 50 Acres of level highIy prodilcti VI! tractor land. 9-1 0 of an acre ot burley tobacco base. Balance in pasture and woods with never·faili ng springs, whic h upply ample water for the ,farm , PossessiOn March I, 19 51. Appaised at J;8,000.uO.
Country Cousin Dave Pritchard GOD sllrhtly b'ew~l"ered by the ~htl.
"71.' I . 'I. 2 v...alU.., 0., tllopl",. , .... . rh. fl _ _ ......ha,
PAReEL No. l--Lo cated ~t 135 E:. Mul berry St. A nine room house of frame , constr~tio ll with elect'ricity, gas, water and sewer. Full basen'len t with 41 f t. frontage. Less than two sq uares frem the center of the business district of LelJanoh. This property is' exceptionally well located in a fnst growing business district and 'is an ideal location for pusiness or residence tenants. :Appraised at '6,000.00•
..~ a 14·hour d,ay .~. ~ ~FtrJrIJIotiolt.'
• minute advice OD putdoa
'MON., SEPT•.Z5, .195!)·:~lQ_~.,m.
Aclminialrator W..W.A. of the Estate of Charlotte E. .Antram, aka Charlotte Antram Snapp, ' decea8ed.
church at 7: 45 P. Thurllday ............ ~otbIi 1118111, • ~PtembeJ! 21. :1(~tII1l1,bt) - " .'lmrln;·"'" .. =..-.1a1~ raim la Uk.. be 6 to 10 pet-ilt below laat ~-::..-=;:.:-..: • wUtI, •
TrIe ........ Investment In machinery OD ObJo . In tbe taw , .. aJnc. IM1, f~ toda, la fnMlaentl)o two aDd tbrM MIl ou-fourtb mWloa aeni 01 tile Doualal fir rep .... lIND one-balf tim!", w~t l~ was lQ rllUi dadllralild a. tne farma b7 )IIIfttI .,. II,. ~
Q.I I Uncle Sam Says
. I. · When was the U S . Army Air Force organized? 2. Where is the Isle of Man ? 3. Have any women ever spent
How tIme files. Ju.t a lew Jea,. baok you were thrilled wltb tile "ole l{:l~l!aSal ;)'P~U luV ' 111>61 il41 pal u aw!mmln' hole," ready to '-lie a -lIdwo;):lO uawoM OM.!. ·Sil."- 'C pluul'e Inlo lIB 0001, 80wlll, "atere, Maybe len ye.... frOm, now you'U . p U~ 1 want 10 take aDotber pluul'e slIob a. -3.1] pue PU\llllug 'pulln0.>s (UO.1J bu,bI,. a new home, a new o~r, .. Ion. lUe lsI P!~lOO '\las 4SI.1l ,1:IlH tlJ '1: 'sdJo;) (llul!!S vaoatlon trip, Theae 'Ialte money and AlU.1V il41 JO UO!SI" Ia IllanneU' where'. 1& combl, 'rllm. Th" Imarl people know tbe ealY anawer-U. 8. -ol.ay "41 so 'l.06 1 ' I js na ny ' 1 Savtn,,1 Bond.. Enron now ror the Payroll Savln,. Plan where you wort, or II self-employea, tile BondA-Month plan at your bank. 'You &ben .ave automaUcaU" and 'lIi 1980 0-1 SJa~suy your Salibi,s Bondi wlll procluce M ror every $3 InveRted toclay.
·0 ·1 lInOA 1.S3J.
V . S. T ft."lr, DtpclTltntnr
1I'0n Ore New York Ii the third laraesl Iron ore field In Ih. U~ted States, the New York state department of commerce reports. Owln, to the natlon's waning Iron deposits In mld·~ontlnenl, New York's ht.\ge hlgh·grade Iron J)re reserves In lind I}ear the Adiron· ,dack mountains has assumed an Important pOSition In the m ining Industry. ' In northern
·.T. he' Nation's Worst Swine Killer .
QUJDBTJON: What ~ JdllI the ~ ...,me In Am~ T. .A8ftIIIt: Hotr cholera sa by far the ldlIer. It ~
I awt '20,000,000 ~. . ,
worth Of
1ft, Ume•
'2 4th
7:30 ' P.. M;
THOUSANDS heard theJe lecture. ·in Cal'Delrie HaU, .Pitb urah, Constitution HaU, Was,hilllrton, D. C., Emery Auclitcllrium, Cincinnati! - NOW WAYNESVILLE AREA MAY HEAR! Don't Mias This Opportunity ! ! -J. . , .
btl cut
down to almost nothlne by ~r
~Uon or
"CRUSADE FOR CHRIST" is NOT juat an ' ordinary revival or campaian, but unit of thou Janda in a world. wide crusade to effect a IpirltuaI awakening for ' Christ ('in lpeh times .. theae." Alecady being proclaimed in over 800 lanJWl8eJ 'and dialec.... in oyer 400 COuntnel and ialandl. Hundreds of thousands of Christians atten~ and Ir~pport this nJorld-wicJe rOeram to help keep peace. Nearly 100 churches in Ohio arecoopfir~tiDlr in , this n:u.hty olrjecti~e! The Ohio Conference of Seventh.day Adventist churches is happy to present this !ICRUS~E IiOR CHRIST." " .
PnvenUon I. tha only anew.r.
HO" ehol.ra IOBIU
Is T_~e Running ·Outt. • What Is the 'S oluti'o n For World Peace!
South Mechanic
.t .
. 'I~ There Rope for Mankind! .~
AaAIriaD F6uit.t.IicWa ·Fdr ~ H ....
Durable Cotton bales which have been .tored more than 80 year. have been found to be In excellent con. dltlon for fabrication Into doth
.Fanne(s ,.u" Question Corner ....r
8c:ortDc Mea' '1'0 Icore. meat 70U make lliht cut• . on the surlace. ulually in crls.·croll fashion. ThIn .lIcu of round steak are someitnie. Icored when it 18 to be pan tried to make I It more tender.
\ r, S[l'lT " "
"f"(1W~ t:
An nllrlollnc mOl\ t of stute Win· ners In the (}range Highway Essa)' onlost hns , b ell releasod toda)' by Jo ph W . FIchter, Ma~ t:el' ot .tll E' blo S late Grange. First pln ee In the cont.ost WIIS 1"011 by Maxine \Vlnlfl'cd belly, Houte 2, ',"008ter. Oblo, II membor of nlon Grange. Wayne COUllly. Bar'bs m Zoell ers. Rout e 1. Wells· vflf e, Ohio, a member' of Yellol\' I' "k Ol'l1n e, Golum.blnnn. COlillty, placed socond. Thtr'd 1)lace went to P hyllIs Ann Mayes,. Route 2, Conl/nentlll, n member of Sharon GI'Ilnge, Putnam: County, Ma:xlne will receive a trtp to the Ohio tille Orange I!llventlon, ToJedo. December' 1'2-14. In addition to recelvhlg $16.00 from th NatIonal Grange. Barbara Zoeliel's, Becond place winne,' will re 'lv e $10,00 from lhe l'!atlollal Grange an'd $·1.00 from the State Orange; wh,lIe third .p lace winner. Phyllll\ An n Mayes W'Il! reC'elve $5.00' (,'om tlie National Grange and '3.00 from lire Stn.te .a 'range. The essay of Ma.xlnc Sheily has been . a nt to t be Natlona.1 Gran~e to ()ompete for NatJonal Awards. Fit'S! prIz e In tb Nallon'a l Conte t Inclu des lin 1l.1J·expells trip fOI' tlto '1'lnller, Ilccompal1led fly olle /laret, t to th e National O~'nuge .Sessior;s In Minnesotll. nlld a $100 U. S. Sav· Ings BOlld.
Seycbellel Nut The l argest true seed known to man Is the Seychelles nut from a palm tree native to the Seychelles Islands 'In the Indian Ocean, ' Resembling an over.ize coconut. a, single Seychelles nut may wellh 30 or evell 40 pound., dusterl of Ih.e nut.. require five year. to rna. ture.
,\'II t r., 0111
ad'e lOr Christ' I!resents-
a winter on the ne'n t? 4. Which state is known as t.he "Sooner State"? 5, How maqy television sets are in t.his countn? 'u0!ll!w "~ SOWIV ·s . ' ew0 4l!rlfO ' j> 'uolHpadlfil
Marlo!:s In 1"0 As . early as 1740. three marine reglme'nts were r ecruited In AmerIca. assembled in New York under the command of General Alexander Spotswood of Virginia. and performed vallant service In the Wesi Indies tor the Royal Brftish
w .w~r.
pie. IU'OUDCI ,.-ean-
. QUDlTION: Q'OEsTlON: What cauBea It'!' Any "liiTfU ANSWER: A Viru~too amaH pOint. to bear In to be seen even WIder a micromln4 alIout ftCscope. The amoWlt ·· you could get· clnaUollf on the polnt of a pin could ldll an AN.w..aa: entire herd or hog•. , Y ... Oft\J JreilttiJ QUESTION: Can you teU when . . pip In pod coGa hog has cholera? 4Utlon ahould. be V'i.Cclnited. othUANSWER: That'll one of the we, vaccination with IUUIIL aDd ~~=~::a:: worst thlngR V1l'iu may caus. ba.d rucUou. ... : II ~ou: ~~1!!~le~i ' c ,ratul examination should alwa;. 'be iiSade by the veterinarlana to -- - • . 0 the r maladIes detarmine whether. or' not the pi. . _ may show eymp- are In proper .conc1ltlon for '9IGC1ntom. 11 k e I t . . ',,, . Another important point: • f ," .r.: Usually ' the first atlon. The v1nw Ia dangeroua and shOuld . . symptoms or be handled only by eomecme who cholera Include los. at appetlte, lmoWI how; and one who Wld... , I,ver, weakneas aud prolltratton. Itand. .terlllzatlOD or , equlpmant Pigs may, start dylng rapidly. ilId other precBu~. QUESTION: Can cholera be NOTE-Dile 10,sp"aJ Ilmrlaltons, &enNewspapeJ' reporters Who gel cured? eral questiOns canrIol be liandltd 11/1 "." ANSWER: There II DO cure. column. . their "BI~ Stort' are tlte subject
B. E. SOOY, Musical Director •
- ---:- "t--~
~ _~
. ._ ,
~ FATHIi~,
FOR ,HSTAIIG! HIi ~ TltUtlIR.Y ~ ....E>
semM&tITAL, ....E> ~ ICHOW,% TH5 ~ HAVJt MEJ.&.OWeE> HIM
r -sAw /lIM
AT 141M HOW... .
011, THEI=E YO" AI=E; POIitI ,.!
of WLW-NBC's 'V}etlnesday
program at IO·P,~., ES1', wltb Bob Sloane ~ nal·raWr.
STRICTLY FRESH A, ta;w YORK tycoon says his . rise to .tock market tame started with sales on the curb. That's o"e way to get out ot the gutter. '
A Cleveland theater advertised ~ dou~le-teature.: "All Quiet on the Western Front," AND "Roar. Navy, Roar." Patrons won't know whether 10 shout or shut up, ,
• • •
An lndtanapolia paper
daUy the pollen count'. '
yard of air, We wonder In whose ,cubiC' yard they do tile countlna.
• • • A MaI'Yland toper was picked up
charg~ with belna "drunk
and disorderly." al he reeled Into a race hor~ park. Gue.. he'd alreaelY had h1a daily do\,\ble.
• • ••
A mo 10 Columbus, 0., wal rUlbed to the hospital with bUntSiD8 headach.. wbJeh dictora dlq_ DOled .. "televlaloa - CODjUDct1. vitia... He bu bee watcbJq
....wa,., Bet CIDt oC tile . . . . . ..... ? i P I .-? ! ""r
B~If", IIaI'UI
More than 1100 different ldnda ,of coUe. are c'urrentlT boullit sold 10 tile Statu, which III til. are.telt c:onaumiDI DIdOll In . tile Lad the Unlted a. much .. au the world iIHcl In the
Iatt IS
Bye, Bye, Blackboard
Carpet. on the floor of Pullman It'. Bye. Bye, Blackboard In the carl have to be replac.d about ' modern scbool room. Green chalk
e"el'7 two to .~ ;yea", dependJDI \IIIOD carpet type aneS color Uled, • , I ~
1'!Ie ~. uaed In cuttID.· potato
.e'" can
IPl'lId potato dille.....
board. with yellow chalks take Ulelr place. The ~ovatiOD I. recommended by the American Optometric Association In the Interelt of ealler leelnl, Blaekboarda abaor., too much ll,bt · and cau.. vlauBl c11ltorUOII. :"'--':::"--,.--==-
Ben Franklin on Pe.oe, At length we are In peace, God be praised. and lonl, very lonl, may It continue. All war. are folllh. very expensive and vel')' mil. chlevou, QrIes. When will mankind b, convblced of this, and sgre. to settle their dlUerencea b;y arbltra. tlon?
ODD an Alatelope Qnu I. aometlaea caned I wtld. bOIl', It II a momberot the ulelope llIDiI,r. , .
AYNESVILl.E, 01110
Olll' hogs and went bnck to the yellow and dieJl. The green water CO'OI} t.o IJlck Ill) Lhe West VII" III lhe bottles JII a kind of algae, I\lnht Whlte.ta ea stock calves the simplest form of f,lant 11fe, thnt w hnt! chosen and after and a lIOllltion oC minerll1 8 and chore time by the tlnie Lhat we waLeI'. By reducing thln/:II LO' tb e A Farm Dinry borne 118\1111, Ronto day I am shlll'leRt form nn d b y C1 xact me'a. By D. J. Frazier going to hllve good pens In my !lul:emenl. U.lese thillgs Clln 5e mea· bm'ns Wlt11 gpod s trong gat4ls' that Bured anrl lested . . 8wlng caBUy BO. that you oan "UI'll Mr. ']{eUerlng ays th at a ll Y :-El" f EM tlER I'll , 19GO.-Aflel' a Ihe ato k from one ' part ot the ' I problem CIUl be solved If we cal l f ,.; t:~1' I'ect ~nY H, Wf,l wert' WU \ ', burn to '11'ooUler IvltllO\lt dlt,·loulty. . only tlnd ' out, rtl'st wha l' I,he pro1 (> 11 d. lhb mOl'lllu g by It lllulHl cr 1'0111' Slltes autl , re.ll •neS \vlll do lent Is, ,Ve have to glvf' Illi man, LOrIO . This wos lh l' tin y Ihut lIO m uch or l he work for yoU If of OUI' Idens of whnt tile pr obl em "e \ ere goi ng to lhrllsh 0111' cia· t.hey are only arl'lln gl)d l'lgbt. Is and lot th e (li'ohl m 1lBOLC 1 ad \ ' e l' oed bu1 nu,,· \\' must wnlt 'Ph o sunrlo we l'B hllve been hor· the way to Itfl 8011l1lo'n, We must • d TIlel;e 1l UR been so' much sort out the pier B o f til jig flU W for somll 1110 I' 0 ~l l'y wonth r, \' ,s.e, It Is ·cut nUll I'tlk etl In wlntlrowil InLetest In the t)ro~ or corn and puzzle a nd be ~lrr e tb ~,t I hey al'e bu t w ill have 10 lJe t lll'll d ov r lIunrJowers that WIl S 'belng grown .part or thi s puzzl e and 1) 0 1 of Rna, agn In, wh n und U \I'e II ILV!! flome fOI ' eusllnge on t1ui Walker LewiB ther one Ilnd t'hel;t when they 111'6 bright dl'y welllher', The big "U l" F81'm on Se,' cn~y , thl'ce, They sllY all there we can begin to fi t th em pie 1\8 t er~ Ilrl) 411 blooll\ and th e tb nt tbey. mako un spec ially l'lch together , Engln eel's wel'e slow to goldNI I'o,d 'I s III Its !.I1·lm e Il nd brand bf ensilage when (l U Illto liccept (h plese I engine because 1:. re and t bel'e t.he I aves IIn~ ·be- the silo ~o gether. Lt looked t,o me It \vaa not Ilke the steum en gin e ginning (0 t UI'll .. just' II bl'U II Cll or liS t hough the aunflolYel'1I . almost that tl1ey' knew an d it w11l be jusl , t\\'o, The nellis or . Oybenn8 nl'e overshadowed the corn ' but they as hard to make them I1 ccePt tl1e golliep yellow 1I 11 t.! tho pll..'l lurlls that Ul ey are good . fced sla11(8 next kind, F e w Jleople h n v e MODaL U-17 Bnd alfalfa ure IIIl green Os enl'ly it 8.7 ~ (c. Spt,cr,' 14.9 and all 110 uel'hllPR tb at. wall' not enough Imagination ' to Btudy a III. rc. Of Sbel""I. . aummel', import.ant. On e of the big Day· problem and Bee the obvious ' so' • Bortle Sherr. Holds 12 Monduy Is ijultl day ut .\\' lhn lll g· ton dairies .used tb em last yeul' lu~lon, that Is why some of our Quart.Milk .Pocdes. l Oll, not ouly one sule 1>\lt two but I think thlB IB the first thllt greates t , inventions have be e n • 81. Froam lood Lock. U Holdt 35 Poaada. th e same day. The' Livestock , Pro, hnve been grown In tb1s nelgh~ made by people wbo ·bad nev er • 1!.~P,M'u DU.-,ducers Cooper.a ti ve hus ' a BuL nt I b,orhood. done that particul al' job berOl·e. 16 I!aii, 1 or :zau-Time. their' stocj(. yards lind the Bill e;:> , We uccep't mnny ' of the ne~ ThllY saw It from a lIew point of Barn has JI8 AI1('tion just outside id OILS that are pUBsed ou t fl'om the view. ' PerhuPII .80m!! dny we will of tOW II on Highway 6S, 'W e, expe\,Jenced stutlon B without milcb be able to conduct worl(lng expel', 'COHVIHIIH' UI ..i started out with (wo hogs, '1\ cull' · t~ought, We try Ulem or not a~. Iments ,In " eaeo and have some Ilud a gout MondllY. We unlanded cordng to how tlley IlI'e' preflenteJl b~tter working' modeJB of ~u.man at the SaleS Darn li nd then WOll t to liB nnd whetber· or not tbey l'eln(1on 8 hl~s, oyer to the atock. ynr d to looK. ~o r InVOlve too much chn,nge In our white fu ce feeuel's, and Won b:L ;( ohl I'outlnes bnt we do tlot glr e \p t be sale. 'r lJl ~ IB, .strlc tly n milch thoughl to th years of I'eAND UP live Btock s,ale, ,no tu~n1ture, no 8Qarch that hfl ,'e' gall Illto them. junk, no produce or fruit, nothlny. Thi s mOl'nlng we hud IL gLimpse but ltve stock. We got back whll behind the IIC nilS of one of the they were seiling ' veal cal'Y:es. grettl rl)~elU'(:b In. bo'l'ulOI':e3. Our , , . _ ~vea and yet DIOI'e ' calves. ' J Gn..,den Club WI18 Lll e guest · cit PHONE WAYNF.SVI~E 2834 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO never saw eo many niCe fa.t, calves Ib e Kettering Resellrch . Lnbo\'a,.. going., at go!)d prices. " Most good- tOI'Y ' at Moraine, Th.e basement calfeB brought between thirty anrl or the beautiCul Kettering home , thlrty·flve dollars 'a. hundre.d. Soml,\ on Stroop Rond Is ' being tranl!' 'of the very small thin oneIL fOl'med. In(l! complete modern la\). brought less and Ll. t ow or the ora(orl es to <;ontlnue Mr. Ketter, large over-Weight one" did als Ipg's reseaT h Into the lurloamcl/l" 1 but the otbeFs were knOcked oU lal sources of life and growtb. Mr. a8 faat as they' came In to Fockf' .Ketterlng. "BOBI\o" 88 he Is affec· -OFand the 'other' buyers. They say tlonnt~ly ,called by his aSlioclnte, .t hat the Monday sale of calves at talked to UB and unfOlded a whole Wilmington' 111 ' tho bIggest oaH new \Y'0)!1d. Many of ue IlI'e liS' sale III thi s 118rt of th e BlIL1 e. Ailing (I'll' e minerals rol' ';\Ir; stook. fat stuff brin.:! good, prices ' Ulero. tLUd In our fertilizers but It I., OF THE LATE though' I think thflt calves by the b'8re In UUI~ bottle of green JlquljJ head to toke bnck ':to the farm that these things are ' discovered Bometlmes bring hlgber prices at and tile amounts needed mellsul·ed. Lebanon . . About one blllloIltb liart There were 80 -many calves that needed by alfalfa, and If tbat it WIlS late by the ' time ~41 Bold In the eon tbe alfalfa t - - - - - - - - - . -.
REAL ESTATE In pursuance of an orde r df the Probate Court of Warr n , CO unty' , hio, ' I the unde rsigne d Adm inistrator W.W.A. o f I·he est a te of C h a rlotte E'. Antr a m aka Charlotte Antram Sn ;IPP cte~eased , will offer fo r s ale th e following described rc al es ta te by IVay of .pu blic a uction on ~he pr emi l!e s, situate ll in W ay ne Town s hip, W ~ r ren County, Ohio, 9n the to wn hip road leadin g from 'Corw in, Ohio, 2 1-:1 miles South a lon g ' th e' Penn. R. R. to the fir s t ro a d to lhe left and the fir st farm on the left, on
SATURDAY, SEPTEMB~R 30, 1950 ~ AT 2:00 O'CLOCK 'Phis farm contains. 68 acres oif Ian d m ore or less, 50 act es
'of farm land a nd .I S ac re s of pa turc:! la nd. E xce'lI e nt rive r b Ho m 'land , ha s g oo d fen ces and p le nty of go od w ater. 7 room house w ith el e tri c li g hts, o ll e r oo m ' c'elln,r. ' An extra go od barn, 40 x 6 0, do u ble co rn ' c rib, sm all chicke n hou se, other s m a ll buildin g . Fruit cellar 10 x 20. ' I
In c luded with this fa.rm there will be sol d 1-2 o f 26 ac res df standing corn in the field. Th e purc haser t o pay 1-2 of . the ,harvesting ,of the corl) c rop acco rdin g to the contract with the tenant. .
$. 239.96
'$238 .00 'C HARLES '.DOSTER'
'0 1::10
THR.EE Parcels .of R~AL "ESTATE
Said Hea l Estflte h as been ciuiy li nd legally ap pr aised.for the sum of ~ 13, 0 u.oo a nd must bl) sold for n o t less than .. two-thirds ( 2 -3>' of t he appraiSed value. . TERMS--Cash. $ 1, 000.00 ' down pay ment on the da y of sal e and the bala nce upon d t! liv ery of the deed. . Sale conducted by
V" H. RUSSELL, Auctioneer Leban qn, Ohio
C. DONALD DILATUSH, , Attorney for Plaintiff lebanon, Ohio
C., DONALD DlLATUSH, Administrator W\ W.A. of the Estate Charlotte ' E. Anlram, aka Charlotte Antram Snapp, dec:ea~
"I .
'Klers' Garale MAtN & 'MIAMI ITa.
~~\\J'II/~ , ~ ~ .. " § LI'GHT.~ gives , lel_or~ns
. 't the Door Itf the Warren 'County Court House
PARCEL No. l--Located at 1 JS E. Mul uerry St.
A nine room nouse of fram e constr · tion with elec triCity, gas, water and ewer. Full basement with 41 f t. frontage. less than t wo quares from the ' center of the business district of Le blln On. Thi s prop erty is e xceptionally well located in a fast grow ing busine~s distriot and is an ' ideal location for busif}ess or res id~mce tenants . Appraised, at ~6,000.00 .
'~ a' 14·hour 'day , ... ~ tS~otio~.1
. ,- .- .. -------
W'.lynes vilJ e, O/liio, abo ut o ne mil e South ".o,r U. S. Route 4 2 ' on River Roa d , .' W hth a nine ro om frame re sid ence wit h ft three roo m b'asement, large to bacco bam" double co rn ' ri bs, ba nk ba.rn with cem e nt floor and s ilo , c hi cke n, house, ij,oo fs on a ll b\J~ldill gs nre abov e the a verage. 50 Acres o f le vel hig hly pro(~ uct.i v e tra tor Jand. -1 0 of an ilcre of urley tob ac 0 base. B~lal1ce in pastur'e and wood s with ne ver ,fa iHn g springs, whic h supply ample water for the farm, P o s ses~!olll Ma rch I, 19 51. Appaist!d a t $8 ,00 0 ,00 .
Everybody', 'back frQm vacatioD exhausted '. they have .to le& ' ~way aDd &ake a ~elt. "
The-loog prodllc,tive work etay.for hent-a daily niinima ~f 14 ho~s o( natural and artificial Hght,'u Rco~d~ , by Pui'due University, is euy to maoase wkb todai... · modem methods. Ancl *COrding to poulttr raJten who have tested out the·newmethocla, ,the __ OI ••IOm.dcal"'~ controU~ electric lights in laying pensJa 8.lowld inyulment.
Poultry house lighdng pays for i_f. With • ·Sock 01 300 layinS hen., the cost of all the e,leCtddty 11MCI1OI "shting anc,l warming waitt ueuily. paid for by 0011 0 __ or two ~88S ~y. ·.Abothu vaiuable e1ec:trica1 help for poultry pro6ts is eM ul~vicilet ~ lUllp to ltduct the chance of 'infecdoD' in laying bousea. Pot upoto-tbeo • minute advice on·puttina electricity to wotk.for ........ poultry IKlsioas.'" , . COWIty . . . , voadoael . . . cultale tacher or tbe fum ~ ofJ,8UC ~ IIrVice
1.,1............. CIIII," 1Iit~-'=
....,.. f4!!.~!!
I lure love to Il\t out 10 tl\e country-..ee the crUl, ' the tr..... ;watch the anlmal~th~ · Chickena( I -the COWL IDcldeDtally, -"peak. Ina 01 cowa--J .pauecl ODe o~ .. . flU'D) Yelterda), 'and there Ille """\'
.. ..
Re,iJenc:e WayneaviUe
s~Qcktng up thO' hom .. freezer. check Its content8 and us • . 2963 tood. particularly meat, that baa. been \Jnder storage 'for 80me Ume. -
De.irahle LONI. ' Can Be Obtained on TheN Propertiee
T~MS:-~500:,oo to be paid 6n e'ach parcel On day' of sale, balance on confirmatin n of sal e . and delivery or deed. Jnspectio.il. permitted.
ltandiDIlookiq up at the 'clouda ~ ....;watchiDI the rain malter turin. to . ,e, rain out 01 them. She' watched UWr procell fo~ a uWe while and then me turned to aDo . other cow: and uld: ,"You know, I know just how that cloud feelJ. She Ju.t .m't 1& to I1vel" Boy, oh' boyl Doll't talk to me about lDauruc:e. I've certalDJy gOt abUD~ of 1t-aU JdndI too. SOme ciay ru haVe to alck and ... If It worul
ho use wi th slate toof. of s uperior cons tru Hon. S toker fire d ' torm do ors a nd . ho t . WilIer heat, three room bllsem ent. w inJo ws. T~'S house hn been co n v ~ rted into II lupil;!x with five la e rooms and bath lo wnsbirs; fiv e lar ge ro o ms and bn h upstairs. Separate entr a nce to t!Pper apart: . ment. Large f,rtl-n1 porc~, a well sbaded lot of .. 7-1 00 o f lUI .a cre, with a ~9.80 ft, frontage , This house is above average in repair and located in one of the best r es idential sec- . !ions ~f Lebanon. .We can highly recommend this prop-' erUy either Ifor an lIwestment or a home. Appraised at $11,000',00.
UNlflL 1 A. M.
PAltCEL No. 3--Located 57 C olumbus Avenue, Le banon, Ohio . An extr:a good ten ~o0n:t center h aU ty pe frame
MI" (I_nd Aytf", • • •• 2. V...aill,., 0 '. , ~r ...ID" .... ",f lite 11_ _......... ,100, prowld. all niall' lIihll..... tile 600 llillo," ..... ,n the A"II. 'MI. CharI.. ltulz, .•• •• " Clayt... 0" II .hown throw,,.. .uatch· , .... 10 _ pen at hI. I...,.,,, h'l\I: Mi. SMa " ... I . - eo_II'<I otllOBlOllcalty b,' 11_ c1. . 10 . . ",,",ydl.. _" ~I' fIocI&.
AU Kind, n f -
PARCEL No. 2--87 A - re f a rin loca1ed two miles South oJ Country Couln Dave.Pritchard '000 IUlbtl, bewildered by tbe irbu ,Pd.,aounds In' the ,big cUy. )ave beads the venatile novelty 'roup who en~ ~rtain each Saiur. lay Di,ht on WLW's ''MIdwestIfD Hayride" prop-am at 6:30 t.DI., EST.
Under N~
PHONES 43&PtI and 159 R
Tbe Mullen and iltel'll,U reunion Edwin and DwIght' Mlchen r was held Suuqay, Septelllber 17 at have returned froJil tile New En· lhe 110me of Cho.s, Mlcbell el', gland Bta.~. Th.,. :W1ll return to Ohio State UnlveraJtty next week. Plc~ Stalnlen .• tee] Fm'mel'S ('an tl'lm tlie finn nolal Iisks In feeding ca t! Ie by bllylng, lhoul4 be ,. ~d OFFICIAL DU""", JlquJu, to- avoid the lower grades all feeding IItock 1be plckl.. and ~. this faJI.
Cared _ . . .
ad IIUlI hea' ~I~, contamtnatJOJi of ·dl.cj)Ji)riDI uteo. .pOtij
Tree III 1M lew,.... IIDce lMlrO¥el' ------..--~~-----=t Inv65tment 10. machinery. on Ohio f~ay 11 freQuently two aDd u.n. IUI4 ou-faurtIa mIUIoa 0I1be J)oualeI ·!Ir HAm have be-. onlt-l!JllI Ume8 what it waa l~ fear. dedicated al tree tanDa 1IJ private
Heavy knitted cotton "1toddD.tlel," or cotton muallD "j~dtetI.. are u••d to COVII'. CNl'ed mute · to llrotect them In .tore,. and __ ment.
TWIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio
ThurlidilY (-rlday an ,( Monday _____. Contlnuou8 fro", 7 P. M. satUrday~, Su ndays a nd HolidaY5 __ __'_ Cont! nuo us fr om 2 :30
Roy E. Smith
21 Ja ne W}oman -
Marl ene Dietrich
Pl~ j\; IN
Especially For , Farms
Top Soli. HauUn.. 8arl4. 'Oran1 Ibca...t1JII Willi 8ac' Roe, Drq~. uel 'BuUdaaor
Cl neE O n
Rt. 48, 5 mi. South of Cenl~rviUe.
Remember ) ~wb e n Grand· motber UBed to sn va t he n lceBt corn ]husks to stuff the bed ttqk l! for the fam· ' Ily? 'Pher did Ihe trick. too. A,ga1n, So h e would btald tluliu Into Berrlce. a ble mata to UBe on tho kltcben fioo,r. In t hose daYB nothIng wa s wae.t,ell & tbrltty practice that would Btand In good Rtend t Olln y. Remem ber?
( olor) -
(.JO~' Y I ~
nround market in the countrT.
8·31- U
1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 !l l l l I l ml l l l l l il l l lml l l l ll l l1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11)111 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11I 111~1I1I 1 1 I 11I 1!llImIIIOOllmlmmllllllll 7~O~ 0 R R I&' "
are permltt~d ..AND ' ANY AMOUNT \\' e
E B eRO E N brlngi\
t he best we hav f acillt leB.
' I',
' ...
1 1$1
POWEll SlMNS DRA.tI ~_I_E"".'nn._.
.~ IL13le .·
ttl! ._ ..... I~_-I
I- ,.
\\'U}' If B II'
n e~ I ~ ' f\rlllt.
In [unernl home
FARM LOANS The Land BilDk .w ay No Fee., Commitaions or Ronewalt MAY BE PAID OFF ' ANY TIME Long Ternu Are Safe ( Up to 33 Years at 4% ) A f'nnn Organization For , Farmers CA'L l. -
- 9·l :-:n
C~nDord OJ'apes. PhOne 287] . 3t-9-14-21·28
SEPT. 24, ~5
At Ripley, Ohio Lut Fall
FOR RENT- 3 mom apartment upstairs. . s ba t e k it '~ en I and bntll clown. Wlli a ccept Qlle .chlld, Call Phone 29 6" 9-21
.!~ij!l! 111 111I111111II111111111 III IIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIII .
WHI O Dayton , )2: 60 El.S.T, Dial lBOO; WL W C1nclnnnti, 1240. Dial
. ,
'u:.:n, .
SERVICE THAT SAT'SFIE~ For Da lly Market RepOttl:
and WANOA HENDRIX One of Ladd'. Beat
to serve.
SEPT.. 21
A : j),vJi:I .l. LIve Wire · and progrel~ve. All _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wee!;s oh1, M 14 ~ 1 !lll i. organIsation aecol1d' to n~ne. _ _ _ _ _~-----.I DA VI S. FerrY TIoatl, 2 1l,Ileli S04lh Strictly sellera on the belt aUof De lll:lrook. Plj{ or D II bl'o k
In ~te~d We Have' Secu red
. Ir(()Mn 10 1111 $t/fell M()M (lFf/.
to every detail , ' . PLIAN E.
by Paramount ,
.....~..-.._ u~_...-._ II - _ "_ - ,- ". LUCKY BUCK NITE '
FOR RE~,T-Sleepln g rooms. MrB. W. H. MADDEN, Pbone 2601,
1~~1 _ n _
. P!p n .·tl ll II l. :.f', Ji.\ Ut,I" S _ i .. l ' I .. t'C \"'11) •• '.: , I.<! •• :. til' X --() ,-I :'U 1·28
' "MY FRIEND IRMA GOES. WEST" Will NOT Be Shown This Week .
SON. Phone zotL
1.0 . T l.ab.)!' (Joy FU NERAL h OME wheel orr II " ul: 'r whc"'l Spl'lng 'Vatll'y I'I.,e II II tl
1'l lllI -
( ' II APTI·:n 1 of
,BANK RUN ORAVEL- LoaIlod. at Dana i'Un:Iu PSt. 60 cubiC! :rarcL W. alao doU~er. AIlII.
WILL 'PAY T OP P RlOE for' good Blue Gr aBB Soil, Call D ay l 0 n F Ult on 5735. X- 8·91- 9-7-14-21 Whl" nee<;!" arls.. - - - - - - - -- - -you can I II II V e M9 THS can·t stand Berlon. You, •.verJfthlng to UI. can thoug,h. Qdo rless , st nlnlel!!\, You'll appre'clate guurn nteed for 5 years, WA YNlllS· our ~a r~fuI at\en. VIl+Lf; ,FUllN I'l'URli/ ANn AP-
!~IIII~ml~lmllillll~ ~11I 1I~llIIlllllml
. WaJIl"nuo. Oblo Phone: Wa)'la8vllle 2'"
WAN'J' ED - Man experienced In furnace and roofi ng.. TRE STC)N I:lEA'J'INQ, Lebanon. Ohl!>. 9·2) NOT NEW _
AIUI lOot · JUtw' 11 ,ear'a IU1t lQJIb YO'rD
·.babbJ'. BeDel It to ua -
DON'T pay Irlbut; to mClt'hB. StOll them :w Ith Berlou. F I v e 1. ear guarantee OdorlesB and Slain-
w.... ,..
FOR ~ALE}-.PltPB. mQ~ t\y Copkers. Call 24711,
atore Uaat trim, amUC Ioc*, make IoOIt JIb ..,,1
.' ,
FOR SALJ!l-)5() acreB on Rt. 42 North 0( WaYDl!llvlll~_ Prloed to aen. Call MI,am'8~url Phone 8-1011. ARLEN:lll P. CARTElt. Realtor, ·It
LEBANON, 01110 .
Phone 448
Frigidaire , Refrlge J··
+-____.....__-:.-..r.,ator. Stove.
r.a WErltEND
Night and good Day condilion. Mating !! botb In OTTIS HEBiBINGTON. C. E ....- .......- , - , - - - - - - -....~Micbener farm bn Lytle Road. DEAD STOCK DIAD STOCK X-,U·28-10·5 HORSES U .OO OOWS " ~ OO HORaE' ez.eo -IS-Y-O-U-R-SU-86-C-R-'-P-':'-IO-N--'-P-A-S-T
Diabe~ ~~ F~ FORGET
, FOOl);! STORE PhODe 2&41
Installation and Gas
I..~~.....~..._ ..IICI~. .-I
V cilley, 0 -· _ _ _ __ _____
Can Collect
out of income.
R '1 ·
•••••••••••••••••••••••• Floral Ah a:.J:lemeat. ' re v i:owers than too
Bellcr too,
to your door ... or at your favorite store
many In YOllf r tir.a l arra ngcJ: umts. Proportion Is of great Importance. See that your flowers are approxl· mately one and a halt times the' height 01 the Valle!. Of one and a hall times the width of the bowl. Mall the heavY or duk flowera near the ba.e Bnd forms
AI so 11,k TOn Ford :rruck
R1Jch consent II here by glr eD. th ~t Bald Miami Strefjt or s o much ~b ere ot as 11,1 above dcscrlbed Iylnlf along , tbll IInll of. 'sald s,tale ' Route ~ No. c-_ _., , 73 may ~e Improved under tbe BliP' ervlalon of the Director ot High·
' SECTION 2: That the Clerk be, and he Ie bereby, directed to fur. nll!b to the Plr.ctClr of -Highway. aad to the Board of County Com· m1aBIonera of . Warren' County. , Oblo. a cerlltled ~py o( Ibla , Ord'
aald state highway Improve- Inance Immediately UIlOn the {alt. ment Into. ' within 'o r- througb tblll Ing eUeet ·thereof. VUlage a~d aloni ·the aforesaid MI·,' SECTleN S: IJ'hot tbls Ordinance ' ami Btre!!.t , sbnll tnke ertect 'and be In force .. NQW. THEREFRRE, , trow and after the. earlieBt period Be It Ord~lned, by the Council ' allowed br la'Y: or the VI1l~e ot WayneBvllle, P{l8/18d : Septem"er 8. 1960. State of Ohio : Attest: Cbarfes. JllJDeB.· Clerk. SECTION 1: Tbat It Is declared H. 1\1. Sherwood, Mar _r
LECTURE HELD ' , FRIENDS HOME , I~~se~e~AL~A~t~H.~YM~A~N'S~ - AT LEBANON = Stalee Body
BeBinnin~ October
your aa~illg8 account , here and deposit
EXcelleDt Condition
Ol1e·I·!alf r.~ i1e Eaat of Rt. 2 Miks SouLh of Centerville
C l,n, E
1946 4·Door Buick Sedan
e •••••••••••••••••
SCORE when opportunities come alona.
Make a GAME of ,saving reauJarly and you'D
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tllnd
-HONEY ' ·, , R.r:J:lADY' .N' W
Spring Valley Hardware Co. ' • • • ____ . '
Small -
~~'I~::.~;;;-~';.~'i-~'...;;'F!~-~....~-::'~-~~~~~~~~~~~~;: to"e In lh. pUbllo tba~ tbe con.ent or ,.ald villR "e be. antl
D(f1 '
Ask About our Prjce on
Food Store. JUNE LAMB. X- it FOR SALE-Seven room modllrn ;: ORDINAN No. ,111 ." bouse. ROBER-T DAVIS. Third (S.ctlon 1180, G. C. of Ohio) Btreet. X-lt Glvlna Con •• nt 9f the Vlllaa! to tbe Improvem'ent of· Miami Itreet' Under the 8upervilion of the 01· WANTElJ - ' L ISTINGS rector of Highway.. :', . -. .PHONE WIlE/REA-S. the DIrector of l'IJgb· AlRLENE p. CARTER ways 1s considering' the matter of . ','REALTOR" the improvement under bla euperMiamisbur g 6·1011 ~Ielon of the PllbliC .bllb..vat knQwR State Route 74t · aa State Route No. 73 and ' Specializing In FARMS al}d VlBERJMB. MtamlSu.et, within SUIlURBAN HOMES thI. vlUa.e lies III wbole or part ~ . ' alon .... e line of a8ld' state reiute. · For Past g Yeara ' - JU .. X-t-21.28~lz.5 ~ W1JlilREAS. It IB propoaed to ex·
WilmiDatoD 2362 L.baDo~ 439 FOR SALE - Studio con' ·h . gooel condition, Jenny , J,tn!J bed with ' I INLAND PRODUcrS, I~ spring, and mattreBs. lll'lIIl l'e n ot Dlvllilon of Inland Produc... . nc.
Botti Sales
Hog. and ,Other Imlll ItO!lk R,e mond pr.omptly . CALL COLL.EC'I"
AJI Stock . Removed, Dally-
DUE? If It i. _ won't you ple.'e lend UI a check fo~ ~.oo,
WANTED cow.' t2-50
"Ma~y thinking people are ,beFo~re , Coffee ha.· made Itl WI1 Into foUl ginning- to reconlze tbe filndamen: be~v1i)r. ID tho ADWla., brillu tal need 01< res torlng to humanity Can')' cott.e bloa.om. IDltead 'cd a true ·senBe of spiritual values, or
oraDle blOleoma. At . . time a
TurIDIb wife could divorce her bUIbtDd 11 he did nat' keep her ....
quatolT .upplled with ''tile loftbJa liquor."
the IIgbt colora tbe top.
Calalu'a "'~M J'ebl'lllT7. tho .topchllct of tile c:1loD4ar. orIIbIallr had 10 dQ.I.' one-fou rUI rebruU7 did DOt become a midi ~ JuUUI c..lar and "'Em~ A\llUltlil Itole OM ofJ'''' NU7'a dap to Md to tbitIr _ • .... lair ad AQaIt.
(Continued trom Page One)
Gamma at p ie PeerleaB Pantry . In ~fftml8burg . on 'Saturday, Atter t be meeting tbe group vlBlted the Stale Park at the Miamisburg Mound, a mOBt beautiful BPot and alao bad a conduc~d tour through the new plant of tbe :Dayton Power . and Light near Ohautauqua, On .Tuelday lira. Ethel Reeder and IoIr&. NeUle Madden of Clarka· vUle were dinner gueatl 'of Mra.
splrft,ual understanding." __ a~d WI la "one or the moat bopeful B18IU" of modern tlmea, Thl. was tbe 8\1ltement of Tboa. E. Hurler or LoulBvllle. Kentuclt;f. In _ public lecture ' on ChrlltlaD Olive CUrl. Science deUvered In Lebanon lut ThurSday. Such a trend Ii to be TeJell'llp~le . ntnra waa a rel ular welcomed. he Ulerted. because tbe part or city new. aervtce by 1860. tUlBwer to all buman problema can be dlaCoVered by -.cl.QUtlc Player Tbe Hoe pa-.... of 1810 bad an - - praler bueel an "& l'IIbt UIlder·
or Qad."
......, ~ car
"000 cOpt••
a z e tt e
Since 1850 o
AY, SEPTE MBER 28, 1950
Reserve: O,fficers' I
LEGION HOLDS ~'Jt.,..uTING Meet..:fonigit1 IN HALL •
omman der Charles P. Wagner , ".Iobs or thl)u 8 ~nds or hia ra il· 111 lit in" er}' ('oal . and Preside nt of the Trl·Cou nty Ohap· 01'0 T,ort tel', ' 11 serve Officer s A!I~ocIIlUon , I'oad, olinc nnd doc!~ 1"01'11 I'~ wl) l e.xc pt LOl'llin. It would 'P9 S1 gi" a.n KNOW Ilo wiped out" If Ii propos d b II. unfltir ad :llltilg' to \V" hILS just been 'Inform ed Ulnt the cling st II" cOllveyor ' IIno Is 1l1lthol'Ized by g lniil lind Kenll! ll}' coa Leg ion MI'. a nd Mrs. 1,.. ' C. S\t. John cn· PI'eslde nt or the Ohio , Departm ent ls whll'll t11e legis lature, Wayne syllle's no· arc milled n , ar l'i el' barges. tert,allled to d 11111 1111 oa Satlll'da y of Reserve ' OtfiCCl'S Assoclil~lon Dllt· lary \\'111 lub was. told 'on 1'lll'sduy (ln l-: muny Ohio min !I out of be prescnt at tlielr first II W orr!· din· evcnlng lind had , liS ,their guests. c;\,· night. Clers were e islellC'o. MJ's,. Hester Smtu. of Loa Angele s; ner meeting of the 'season at tbe P~esldent, II. 11. McEmn m, . afety Dire '. O ll ~orn ; .. )hio {'oal 'au noL ',oTtIPe l ,,'Itil Californ ia, MI'. and Mrs. Hebel' White 'House RestauJ 'ant, WUmln g·' lat ton, Vl<le 'Pres 0111' 0 , ' 7:30 lor of the P ennsy ln m ia Railroa d hi gh I' !,'l'ado oul.or.s tnln p. m. Thursd ay V. IOlon Perrine of lJebauoll, and M I'. and' ou l Ill'· evenln'g, Se(nem ber 28·tb. . Th e Etz; 2nd Vlc:e nlllllde l:ll Mrs. E arl In olunlbu s, ,Point ,lout th at Ule t i" d to th n lake at " pecla! Mrs. B. V. Smith. 1'lLies.'· Cam)lb ell ;" !' I ,,,e., .. fRiI'v Preside nt oft h'e Ohlo ' Departm 'ent f_ ulII'llIg W,wl,l \\"11' H I'a llroaafl called ' a meotlng In;: CQI~ml1l-\8 Sun· Il local erfect s ince WalTell COUll' hand le[1 97 Yo oJ: u ll organiz ed mll· . Miss Eileen Brown, daughte r or day mornin g of promin ent ty has about 90 railroad ellll,loy $ ital'Y 'iri1vel. . 911% 01' R4I8erV e u l\ war 'Mr. and Mrs. I,a\ rence Drown, Is wllo earn about $250,000 j) r y al'. fr igltt, In Ohio' and Regula r ·Ser'y· now enrolled at MI:1m,1 Univerliity Ice Pel'soim el fromW ashlngW McEowen nIso cUed lit n to Said Mr'li:()w II. "'1'11 Y Wet· for her freshma n ' yen I'. disC\lSS ~atlonal Securit y Probon ly ull t.· to tin.L1II1L Il cCllu ~ e thoy Mr: and Mra. Clull'les Mltche l""r lems nnd the Reserve program . In loss 1.0 the s't ntc: of $2 ' mll ilon In The new had the neCO!;!lal'Y · me n. nq uilJ' enterta ined on Sunday of lhe 'pURt formati on on this meeting propert at y the ta~ nert mE!etlll1l! m!. "The brunt of will be ,,>eek lhe Muilen nlld , Merritt 111m· Tluii'o Isp't t11ls IOB8 would hEl bOI:'le uy th ment and fa Illti s . 'on Th1lrsd ay, on to aLi Reservo Omeera any o'th r ronn ot trnnsJ)ol'tatlOn , Illes tor tbelr aunulIl I'eunlon , A LIlgion hall. lng" wbl b sbould be all of· 01' lOv'n 1\ pUlblllaU , ba8k~t dl~il1er wus enjoyed on tbe flcei's of Ollnton, War'r n and Fay· Two new jIlre llc/lend nt on rullroad la,.""lt that ("ou ld 10 tll Hamn of Ulero, LT. COL, A. WILDE job.'" lawn. tor th e built of th eir llcllool dol · ette COimties who served In World In during SeI1teIDn!r. , •• Prealde nl Ohio ROA' \'\ arTen (mllt-y 1'etelvecl mothe" , and War 11, b cause all of them Ilre "'I'ollay J'rllll'onrlll [ll'll ag.l\[l bonl" III taxes from rnllr9a~ ill Ing · the bn./nt or ulir na Llonal devulnera ble to re ~ lllJ ' tq the service . Ines and Coast Guard and their membel'll ·are . •mlll,D,le Mrs. Cene . Brown ana little fen Se It'lln s\lol'llll Ion . 'rbey ha"'" DI·. W. R. Pyl , bead ot the De· friends. AQXUIary, . daugbt er are no\V nt tbelr bome partme nt ot Pllyslcs and belt convey or s pOll sorl.l the 10 omoll ell , th e mell, the ski All Reserve OfUcers in the Trl· Refresh ments Engine er· ll on ' Malll street lifter spendin g a Ing at WJhnln gton Gollege will ask Ule COIning ~l's8ion of aneL til tl'llclHLge , w1l1 be COunty area are ' urged to make the meetin g. to do Ilia joh. few wee.k s with Mr. Drowu' s P:ll'; the feature d speake th Ohio Stale Legislatlll' for th Th ~y hllv ord ered thousan r of the eve· dinner reserva tIons for their wives d s of entS, Mr. , and l\fI's. Lauren e ning. right ot eminen t domAin t 8 Izl' new freight cars. In I{orea. Dr. Pyle hill! recently I'e· and friends by wrttlng to Major OUl' BI'own, IIpon tbe 'r re:urn from the turned 'trom a wOild private property Cor Its rlgb(:·oi · lrrl911s have been demand in g tum' aull has John P. Calle, W,A8h1ngton C. H'I hospita l. way bet\\'eeu Eaat bil"el'pooJ' on mOre gun s, more tan les, a messag e whJph will lie ot unus· Oblo. Officer s not' able to attend M ISS MARY, DORA HOUGH more am· tb Ohio Rive I' and LorA in at La'k IlI11UitiOIl ·• . ' nil ste",1 product ual ,lnteres t to.reserve membe ra' of th'e dinner arc invited for ••• Eoron. at Ohio Stato s. regular El·je. the AJr Force, Army, , ~avy. Mat- meetin g starting at 8 p. The, p,rom()tel's l,l fwe su hl ·''I'he. b It pl'OlI1o lel's estimllt ' m. Mrs. Grnce L. Smith had as Fri· Miss Mary Dora Hough 18 now that lIley 1V0uid pl'ovlde s purs t (1 that it wouM· tak h m threl' day' guests, Mr. and MI·s. F. C. WILl.: H....VE 8PECIA L nroned as a Freshm an at Oblo C1E\\'ela nd and Youngs town. ovembe r 15. yea rij 10 conJi\t.l'u ·t the ir devi ce ao,l Smltb, of ~ kron , Ohio. M,US'ICAL PROGRAM ' tate UnIvers ity. ' lIIlss Hougll, "Theil' Illnn to carry Iron UI ~ lt. th y wtlllid us 'Reveral hun· daughte r of MI'. and Mrs. K. N . (rom LRlce' Erie s bips The Method fst Churcb will bave ••••• a.e •• to 1110 (II' d tlloUsaud tOilS of Steel. Wben . Hough, gradua.t ed ftom the Ma.I'Y HiveI' baq;eB' - and coal l>1:r. 8ud, M rB. ;R. D. Flory. of a spac1al musica l program Sund~y rrom th illera RJ'e so mnny (lemlLnCls [o r Mrs. \. BIlI'Llham Sc hool of Northam p· rlv r to the In k - WOU11)' R. G. night, MlUer Octobe opened r 8 at he; 8: 00 p. m. Tblrd stre" t , are annollll cing l he roll steel In Inore ImJlort ant vlaces It IOURN EY THRO UGH . ,,11, .j lil!~ . , aud was student ss· 15,()0() railroad W~tch DeR weeke paper for home In the , country dl,lrlng the wOl'kel's of 'lIleh' would 8 111 unwls to divert It birth or a \'laughter on Thllr ~d y, SOUT ltERN STATES' dstant in .l)anlsh at the 'Butnha nl Jobs/ ' t he BPeal~er sald. further aDDoun cemeot on this fine 'past week and enterta ined with : Sentem ber 21. "1n Rtl · to a n 1111tI'l <lund lInpr \'ed fOrm Mr. and !'dl'll. harl eB al erth· >y the Sea. school. durIng dessert br~dge. The Arguno t Brm~. mUIIlcal program . th e dltlon It would oause ullempl oy. of t.l'a ns pOl'lItliOIl." waite, and ,Mr. j(n'd lIfrs. Will Ilrad· aummer . , Club with' M.rII. Marie ijlrrle, Mr n ...... 5 Mrs.' pill Penny, of Prescot t. 1. K. Preston , Mrs. Alva Thomps ot> ey spent last '''!'f! k In Kentucky . rhey vIsited Cf ~I \)('rlat,ld Falls, Arh:ona, Is spendin g a few weeks Mrs. D. R, Salisbu ry. Mrs: A. 1.11'0 the Smolfir ,M ountain s in with her parllnts , Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Stout and Mrs. Stanle)' " H. Bali'S: 'tennes see arid' l 'ortb Oarolln a. , B. crabbe. ' were tbe gueatll , r ,t~e.. afterno,?n. ..;.'. :rile cam~ ,.JI , Ii:aw&hVirginiA "ftree tables wen; In 1)18Y ~t1 and We8t Virgini a. prizes were won , by Mrs. RUne, Mr. R. H. St. Jc.hn. of Joplla , Mrs. R. H . Hartsoc k, Mrs. Salls· Tboma s . G. Barger, '55, passed MlsBourl, \VIlS a 'Thurad ny guest or J;.;ocal Board No. 122 anno unces Innd , 'Springb oro, Wl\ll:lce Cambs, away at tbe Veteran s Hospita l In th llt th~ 1'0\1 wing mOl) bury and Mrs. Bailey. . ' Mr. and M'rs. Ed. Ramby aoi! fam· lIave been Mf1.h lnn Nixon, Herscblll Joner. • I Dayton . Ily IH,ld 1\1 f8. Goldie Sur·t ace. ord ered to report for IndU(ltlon 01\ El'Ilest Lind say. Ol'b lll Comb's, . r. WIl· His home Is 1 mile North ' oC Octob r ]3, 1950: , bur . weney. Lebanon, Charle;1 --' The New Century Club resume d ~ I Waynes ville. . 'nrless All e ll , Alger, Ky., BOil' V lI son, Ralph DeJarn ette, E lmer Miss Doris H~wke and Miss . their regular meeting s on WAYNESVILLE DRY Friday . He is sW'vlve d by Wife ' DaisY, 111 0 Darrett . Bln ln Gilbert, Soutb nee:~'e!l , Ve mon Harvey , Charls!! ' Cardwe ll had DS F,tmday guollts, afterno on followin g vacatio FEDERATION F.ORMED 2 daughte rs, Mrs. Ruth BrOWn of Lebano n, n, wlt11 Mrs. , Mary Hawkin s Terrell, of ' 11 1'1 Maag, Thoma s nn kley, F'hlllldill. 'Mlsa jeSSie Cramer and Miss Max Mrs. F. U. LeMay as bo. ]~ tbe Intere/3t ot a cle~ll er and Dayton , Mrs, Ellen , Shoup or De· t{"YI1 s tess for New Vienna , " with 'her nephew , I) d!', 1"O:lt r, John WllsOII. '1' \tI' P eull H .have been ISHued fc.l' of ~Inclnnatt. the Septem ber meeting at her Anthon y Harrill from ro 0 re \\' holesom e commu nity; trolt, Michiga n, 2 sons; Cecil, anti King:j ~ I ill ', 'Iyde EnglanGo P tllmel', Ol'e- 1l\'ellHlu tiOll physica l examin ations Mr. and Mrs. ~ay Conner nc· home In Lebano n. A. large Waynes vILle ' cltJzellEl ' have formed IJ'II0ma'B. 6 gr'lIldclrlIdren. 2 S18' gOIIi:!. ll ote I't H ~1Il group called on Miss May W.rlght IUlCl tl y. ' Pleasan t III Octobel ' - 30 men 011 ql'lob&1' cQlllpnnled thell' d\l1lghter Miss of membeJ:s and th~ followin g Mislles Annle and Mame Brown II "Dry Federlil lon." Sevel'al meet· te ns, Mrs. Seattie Abner of Bnm· P lai n. nO "l1fll Illrk, Ro b e l' t ("tobl'[' 25 - 3 Judy Conner to' Athens dU\:ing the !;uesta. Mrs. V. H. Whippl illgs have be n heltI and 1.11 al'e tltou and M~s. Amy Wyatt, of Farm e and · Sunday afterno on. r. \\ Ilyt.eavill ', 1IIa e Row· past week' wlieu she nntered Ohio Mrs. S. S, T~olllJl.8 of . Lebano n, Miss Luelle Ramie oC Marlon Qtmvlnced Ul''' people of Waynes · Hamilto n, .. brothers, Rufus, J o , - -- -----:,- - - -..,., --'-;- -- - - ---'- -UnJver slty for her , sophomo~e Mn, BUl Penny' of Prescot Calbert all or HamBlo n. r es lfl" (r' LOCAl:. BOY COMP LETES t, ArJ •. 'Indiana , witb her au~t, ·Mn. Hay: ville wan t , to 'keep beer out year. f)f) zona, Mrs, R. R. Benl[lon , of' Indian· dock; or Philade lphia, ' to\\'D. 'This Commit tee c~ls upon Orand RapIds, Mich. were TRAIN ING FRIDA Y . ' -II 1\ Christia n peop~e ot· ,th'o com· aPQlis and Mrs. C. Les Haw~e were come callers of their cousin, FUllernl services wlll be ' h lei Donald I. 0 liaw~, Seaman re·Dr. Mrs. R. R, Benson, of Indls,n. prellen,t , Mrs. J. P. Fromm , vIce- Emma Hollow ay on Sunday at· munity to milte in prayer with PrldflY at stubhs 'Funern l Home ,crull, USN, flOIl of Mr. and Mrs. By MRS, HILY. GIBSON apolls, Is tile guest or ' her' brother - preSide nt, In tbe absence them to maintai n law and order ht 2:0() p. m. of tbe tel ~nool\. • J ohn · Hai\'n, 01: Third s tr ' ct, will MI'. IJ\llIy home 'omlng Octob I' In.law and alBteJ:, Mr. and Mrs. preside nt, Mrs. Elsie Hocket Rev. Siloiton, of Dayton, will comple te i-tlcrnl t tl'Uining t, pre· Miss Mamie Hess, of Oolumb us, nnd a saIer t~n tor our youth by S 'ptem· 1. lvlO/'lIing l:ie),vfcf'l at.. ~O . Ba8~ , t H. L. Rye. Mr: and M1s. Rye and aided ~ver the bu's lne8s sesslim ofCIclate, and vtillted Mrs. Hannllh Davis on SUD- keening tbe town dlty, bet' 29, at the U. S. Naval Tl'alll' dlnlle'r aFternoOu servlt'e ·at 1: 30. Mrs. Benlon were jn Delawa re on . Mrs, H, ' L. 'Rye and Mrs, Interme nt MI<lml Cemetery. R. H , day arterno on aud they enjoyed a ' The "Wnyne svllIe Dr): Federa· Ing Center, San Diego, CIUI!. . Rev. l{eones io'll will be the speal!·,· Saturda y whllre they visited the Hartlloc k pre8~nted Mrs. tlon" InCludes', Wa~'nes¥tlle bUQI· Hi) WaS 11 veteran 'Of World WII r Beulon long ride t«1gether. ' Seo.man RII,' :'11 elltered -tlle Naval' el' Ill' the ' arteL'noon, also Vanc .. latter's B«1n &b Roy . Benson , at a,a tll,e: r ,gu~st spealter . "Mr",. Ben·: . Mrs. LucUe At:mlta ge alte.n ded neB s men, ' factory employ ees. I, ' Gravesi de military ~er y lces will 8 rvlce ,,:July 7, 1950. I'nmlly 'Of olumbuB a~,d,' Bl,!verll l Ohio Wesley an ' College. " and on lOll J:18S ,just returne d ,from farm ers, lie housew 'held. ives and mJniste~s. a Euro- the plcnte of Oregon ia sch~0lmate8 lheOl's tlre on tbe ~ll'ogi'nD1, ' so fill Sunday were dinner guest" of Mr. pean tour,an d In 8 most vivid man· ~t Wellma n on S'unday . Mrs. Maty up -your bas llet ;l~d 'ome BPen'd TWIN THEA and.:Mr s. Leon Salisbu ry In Wasb. ner she d,e scrlbed mnny TRE NOTICE OF APPOIN TMENT blghllg hts ,Watkin s of. Oinciill lstl retllrne d WORLD WIDe the · dllY \\;Itll us. ' . . 10gton '0 : H. CHAN GES M.ATINEE ~t her most 'Jnteres ting trl~" the 'with ber 'for a sbOrt· visit. Adml rilstrato r ''CoMM UNION SERVI CE' ' M I'. Il nd Mrs. Ru ssell SpUl'geol1 most Interest ing to everyod e being Tbe Twl, Theatr e announ ces or FayettcBvltle, 01110 were ~Irs .• Flllzabeth Smith ~a8 a din· , On World Wme Commu nion Sull' SUD" Estate of BenJamin' Beckett , de· tb t rf etl n '1m the wonder ful ' storY. of the ' "Pall' t dny t.llnnel' a e e ve me dl a tel y itsm a· guests or l\h'. ami slon PlaY" wblch the speake r was ner.· gu,e st at ~e Home on Sunday . day, 9ct~ber 1st, Protest ants all c~ase d. Inees will be, at 3:00 o'clock In· MI's. Thoma~ Runyon . Mr. lJerber t E:dwarda, of Den· over the world , jpln til. remem· prlvl)eg ed to attend. Noti ce III hereby given lhlll Anna Rtead of at 2: QO. Mrs. E lsie Koestor , of Lebano n, v~r> Coi,.. was ' the ~est or his brance ~f the LaSt .Supper . On Mae Beckett , whose P ost Offke Aft r n: mOllt delightf ul atter· aunt, spent Miss Sund ay Iwlth he~' "son, MI'. Margar et Eldwul'd Mr. and Mrs. S. s.~ Ellis optllleel noon , the club s on tbJ8 day, In AmerlCiln towns" Af· Is adjourn ed to meet Saturda y sburg, bi o, Ims I DAYTON VISITORS and on $Indai they went rlcan clljes, Ind~ chapels and been duly flllrvey Morl'la LewiS' lind fawlly. their home on Saturda y evening wl_h : aPIJolhted n ~ Ad'mlllls, . Mr~: C. T. J!lllls In. QctOber, to Springf ield to be gu.!lSts of the 'DutCh parishe s, we , JPther around tr.al;rl.'C 01' theE~tn.te of l~elljnUll n HERE SU~DAY, . TUESD AY to tile Cheerfu l Circle group and a Ilnd cl ul'lng Mr. Clyde. ,Ton es 111\(1 MI·s. J!llsl the lovely sodal hour· WIlBOn EdV!ard~ tamn)' fOr ' sev~ the table ot our Lor'll 1D Sptrttul .l BecketL . , DUlin II . pont S~lilday cvenlng pleasan t evening of cards was en· 'a delinloU8 In.t e of Ha,n'eY Rburg, Mr. alld Mrs. Kellnet il Elzey and dellsert COUrae . was eral days. II . iI M" 'En' 'Glb fellows hip. BarrIer e of race, Jan· Warren Counti', Ohio, decea joyed,. with dellclol'ls refreshm entll served hy i I" wtl M I.' ,In,, I S. daug)I' l er MIll' j orll, 0 f' D. aYLon, ,I son. sed. the hOljtess . v s· Othe l' n 1I 0;:fI wo re MI'. YRnd . Mrl>. M'r. Dnd Mrs. Homer Snively , gua·g e and, custom melt away aerved followin g tbe gamell. The 'Dated this 15t11 day of Qep,'tem' Ited Mr. and MI'II. Walter Elzey 1'110lllas n. Master WaYDe Snively anel M1s!les we are ,all childre n (llf , Our ,. n 0 ber.• guesta were Mr. and Mrs. L. v. IInyoll, .. ",I'". Father. be l', 1950. Mr. and , Mrs. Ralph Peters and Clarabe lle and Edna Snively Sunda y aIteroo on. also on Tuosda y I'eeno ef Day tOll , Mrs. . of RIlY Shaw The Method Branstr ator, Mr, and , Mrs. 'Glenn son: haVjC Jst c1l1lll'cb liere wtll RAt,PH H. AR8Y, moved Into their newly Yellow Springs , ' called on Mlsuon evening . of Xellia. observe world wIde, commu nion Borden , Mr. aDd M~. Ernes' , But- comp'e J udge of the Pollllte COUI'L ted ,home, In t1;le newly d~ Allnls and Mame B.roWD on SundllY . Sunday at. the. ~O:liO service by MI'. and . Ml·S. Lewis Thoma a terwort h, " Mr. M, A. Cornell, MI', velolled resldenCfl section above Warren County , Ohio Mls8 Ruth Chandl er atte!lde(1 untung ,at the Lord,' s Table iCARD OF THANK S and daught er nebby; of Daylon . and Mra. j. B, . Rich and Hi'll, aDd Fifth . stre~t, 'th" N,ew Century Club on FI'ldn:t by Iharlng Ill: ,1lD or!~e)1lng rOt tbe Meryl B. Orny, Attorne y \ Isb to than k, tbe many , MI'. a.nd M1'9. Le wis C Harry Smfth. . 'I'awIord PubUs11 9-21,·28- 10·5 . Mrs, Susnn Scanlan spent the at the home ot Mrs. F. U. Lem r,y Bufterln g ,people s of Pla world and t:~lends who called to see me and anil dau"htc r .Donlla Lee, of Xenll~ ., week end willi hel' BOn 8ndAia ugb. In Lebano n. (or t11e flowers , cards and gifts ape.l lt Sunllay ,V'\lll MI'. tor ~ Ohapla ins l~ ministe ring and Mrs. ' tet.ln·Ja w lind grandch ildren, Mr. Mls8 Myrtle Stevens ,enjoye d R to our men In S~rv1lle, I receive d wblle I was In the hos· Clarenc e Crawfo rd. NOTICE OF APPOINTM ENT _ and Mra. Falji8 F. Paine and chll· vlalt from bel' niece Miss pltal. Elmer Sheeha n. Admlnl ltrator liel II ~ou , are welcc:lme at this sel1v" 16,1'8. Ricbard Hanea and daugh· dren Diana and Robert 'Earl, at Trimbl e and nephew , Mr. Frnn):' I· ICe. t.el·s ot near Xe!llil, called on Mr. Eatale of Margar el Come to SUllday school at ; 0 IJ I e , "" Mitche Mr. Edwin Trimbl e of Fosters , and, togetbc l' 19: 30. and remain tor ~e ner and Mr, W.aBblng~on O. H. a nd Mrs. Hily Gibson on Thurs· \Vblt'ed , decease d, church Dwight Mitchen er, sons of Mr. Ilnd Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Stubbs had ~bey !IRited relative s In day. Day to I 1service . NotiCe III hereby glv II th a t Lee Mrs. Charles Mltche1ler~ ~a"e ra- as SlIndll)' guests Mrl. .Emma, Gear· on' Sunda.y afterno on. . Mr, Ilrid Mrs. £lrnest Earnha rt. Fl. Noble ,,' holl POllt ' Ortlce adturned from IUl Jnteres tlna tr(p hart and':Mr. and MI'II. N. and s~ Dtl.v~d spent the week R. Alla·W'AVNES~ILLE - GARDEN dr ss ts R. n. 1, Ol'egoll lu; Ohio, ' M. V. F, PARTV thrpugh the .Eut and enroute homa man a~d dauah' ara of Dayton. end with ' Mr. aud M:rs: James ' CLUB hus ,WILL lieen MEET duly aPllclllt ed .. ' os Ad· All yo,?ng people of tJJe Meth· -vllted '1111'. and Mrs. WUlIam Mitch, . Mr. and MI'II. M. A, Wildma n of Jackson , Ohio. FulkerlQ D mlnlBtr ator ot tile Estatll of Mar· The Waynev Ule Garden OInT. I odlHt church betweelllj the ages of ener an. ramUy, ot. Meath'i lla, and daqhte r, Zana Mae Mrs. Em r EI on Dell !!pent Mon· llpent i'rl· will meet at the home of .A1 .n , 12 to 23 will garet Noble Wblted , I~te of War· meet ID t~e church Pennsy lvania. Mr. Edward Mitch. day. Batllrd at and Sonday dlLY wltb Mrs. Edna ' .os'born , of ren County, Ohio, deceased. In tbe Peterso n Thurllda)l, Octobe r Ii at! baseme nt Saturda y' ~ r a big party, eneI', wbo bad spent· the oJmmQr ~9Ide8. Xenia. 8 p. m. A special program ami Games are In cbarr;e' of Dated Ihls ]9 llny ot Soptem be-r, Rer' and on. the "Anken ey Fa\'lDs" In Duch· Mr. lind Mrs Henry Bergea s sull Rev. and ~rs. ~. B, Oolema a 01 Plllt apeaket ' lbo1tIn g IUde. from Mr~. WedgewOO!L A commit tee of 1950, .,s County, ~ew York, has nil"'. Upper San!1uBky, were family ot Dayton , ealJed on Mr. Tuet4a ,. the Xellla Garden Club will be l ile tbe M. Y. F. is In RALPH If. CARElY, charr;e of reenroOe d ' In hlB .enlor .year rt Ohio overnig ht guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lue Morgan Sunday afand lira, matll fuue of the evaDIDg. (realune n1s. Judge of the Probate Court, 40 State RD4 1)w1Pt' is ••roU£,d Jor ,Walter WIIltak er' 811d ali RDtott' be ternOO h. WedD~ young people are Warren County . Ohio .. r....bmau year Sn the t al;1e eveDfq dlDDer guesta of Ilr. !Ill'. . lInd !\iJ's. HlIy Ofbaon called Jam.. I'raD1dln ltarte4 tha New there. The party at ., :80 C. Donald Dllatush , Attome y IOhooL ' on I'Ilr. and Mrs. HaJ'lT Glblon In l1l'i" B, B. Earnhart. EnlJan d ~ In 1'111 .... BolteD . p, m. Puillish 9·21·28-jD-li B Ubrook Saturda y-.ftel'D OOn. ABOUT FOLKS YOU
Meihodist, News
j".n d6 -H-o mlJ
Che er·ful, Circ le Clu bM..ts
" F R.tur n' rom . Eut em Trip
l. -H-o '-l'lt
fHE MIAMI GAZETTE, of her broUier-IJI·law I~nd elaln, lfr. and M1;s. W. C, BroWD. Mrs. ~~tta Brook", ~r". Edlla. EI tabllshed 1850 Hltpm$n /Uld her 11011, Edgar 'HltePAUL A. SCHERER . .. .......... '."" , . Edl.tor and publl.her man, lind Ollrl Plummer 8~nt In st CECIL." J. SCHERER ", .. ,' ..... " , '" ,Secretary and Trealurer we k ah d lit Ft. Knox. Kentuoky. \\'b ra tbey visited William Brook ~ , Pllbllsh I d Eve! y Thur$dllY l'Jornln, w bo was rerently Inducted Into tl ll~ ., \ \ .I)'nl'svllle, WaTTeD County, Ohio army . Brooks In(ol'med them tbllt l~n teTf'd liS Recond lalls matter at lte would be statlone(l at Ft. Knox lor a t least roUllte n. weaks. t he pos lofC\ce ,at ~Va)'Des lII e, OhIo. JIIr ~. 'Thelma George, of 'S ligo. WItS n dinner guest Sunday Of' b el' in ndY:lnI'(\. In (l hl \l : .$2.1)0 Ise wllere brother·ln·law and sls(er , Mr. and Mrs. \\ . C. Brown. und their hou se ~. ('ull r.1t nll(1 h I' g O" . Hobert guest , Mrs. John Babb: Frie ndship Night was observed \ 'oJl, t. L " \\':t~ 1I I in ll i lls III al bl!! by tbe Order of the Eastern Star hom , at the Masonic Temple bere.v I lprh" rl Poste", G or~e Re)" Thursday n 19b t. Nelghhorlng By JANE FITE I\OltIH. 1~:Irl "HIli. and Robort ' 01, lodges a ttended 113 guests. Mrs. ", N'l llrl '0111')(0 MI' " nwnl'e r II i 1', Wa Iter w· Illi ami!!, 0 f Cll . n t on C,oun· • 11, 'I,f ~l!1 ~o n . II'I t IIttflll d l'll IhI' I e I'~ "'/Ill tL ~Ih sf. ~! ~ III I'(I Il) ')1' h .. ,· :O;lltlll'd"y. ty, sho wed colored slides of b er d Ull lllll(>I', 1\11':;. ) 111101(1 n( man all,i 'I'll!' "tiu ll nib!' In"s o( lIle recent tour of Mexico. dllu glil l'l'. 13111'''111':1. .r lwh ' 'HIm nnJlt !~L 'hm'cb Ule l Mr. and. lIfrs. · Charles Hartman :1£1', [I n,1 1\I1 l!. Chllll('1l '(lIlt,..". tI{ III t il,' lJomo of i\lr~, '~I a l'>' l)e.h ny of Sprl!1gboro, were recent guests ~t\<lI. t ( . WI\' Tllc!llIay. Ill!!. )It. ' S K VI rg J.n Ih o ..... d Mr8.W. . C . Bro"'" , a lii1\'IIt e, ']\'1111" n'\ .1 .... HU. an ..~, d 3 )IS il\S~ III.'Ok Iisllil1' )1 I'~. '~IO I" Hlnl"' Ill' 11;1\1 .-('1111.1'/1 of the devo· M.s. Etta Brooks bas been con· no Coil! I' 111111 ~I I'!' , I i.-a l 'lll· 1. tlon l<, .\1 /'~. Harold 011 tt 001)' fined to her home . for the put M ' url rellll'lle,J Loo "rl~ ln \1Ie' 1 .. dll('\<'o1 LI\(o' I ~,on. nnd Howard week. sufferhl¥ with l~e "tlu." . wJ U, IJI m to h ~' i h ip hVU lt(· gll"st. ColIl.tt wn" In 1'\IllI'g o[ the Mrs. Louise Ptte reeelv'ed wOf(1 fol' two w ... kK, r enti on . late Saturday or tbe sUddep death ·AI 1'8. Ohll \\ 01('11 l\l r h' e,] htlllHl of bAr 'rl,n ~ijH:l l ol1/l' I 'y CII' I ... uno'le, 'J. Wilbur Huddle. "u)' : , II' I,·t II' ",0. fr Olll DI'I)'o!t. JO ll ll h' ~ Hnn ('Ill/rdl I} ,IK c." former mayor a~d 1l08tmallt e r of I\((c h I!!.(\;I , . \\ Il I'e ~III" was IIl e ~(l\l l ('mill ]' Lll t jllt; II) tilt' home. Lancaster. Ohio. Mr. Huddle and hOlls l:ntP f! l of 11 ' I' .'011 :mc! tl AIl!;ll ' v( ~Ir\'. H, I n 'iVa ll. Wednesday bls wife had often visited In tbe ~ 1'-'111·1: w, ~lr, ami 'II r ll. .lIb ri nfternoon. Mrs. Ooro11I'Y N IIl, I d 'village. . . "'e le lr IIIllI [al1llly~ tho <l wltl OIl. nn\1 MI'!'!, Lura 1\fr. and Mrs. John Syferd, of E. 1?1lI1JlIgtoU.' JlalllOr or the II Qu)?;h had c.har!i{e or Lite I aeon. Dayton, were guests. Sunday. of vi ucl s I')"II('h ·hel·C'. \" 1'(\POl'LO(] 'I'll T buno ll Gr:lllg PI' senled their parents, M T. ~ Ilt\ Mrs. H. S. , r cnt a J1J'og ralll at til . Tu cker " ' S. 4: "'I eraon. to b : Im pl'ol In'" .. forll! hlA t: ra nge Hall, and M ra. Mary Illn ss. 11 /' ;\101ll1ny n ight. Miss Bebee SI:e t:osnu Is r " lIld:'1,' 8. l..elt:l I~ tlll'ani s' Lill,l nl'> r . of Th o ~l el hot1l st church w ill apon- l.n.; at the home or hPf uncle and OkJaJlolllll. 1111 u t n II.'II' day s last SOl' a Clateteria !.lIlJIP(lT Ilt the Ily nt, ]\fJ'. IInr! M r!l. \\ nite r Don· we k 118 l ba bOilS g vest of her 8~ ltool lm lldjug , Sntlll·tlny ev IIlng. Q Id Bon all(I a tteou_11 ng hi gII BC h'-I <J" unr le, Chnrl Il E d \\' 0 I'll" and hi s ' boglnnjns at 6 o'clo!!k . . bere, ' aon, R.:ly n)oll(l lildwnnlt!. ?1r . alld MI'S" l.lI w roll C6 Hougl~, J!:velyn ,GarrI80n . daughter or .1II1t11 Il l'I'i veil home ' or ~ . nbina, \I' r g llesl!! Thursda y, M r . lin d U . 1'01U1lIi ",rl!.RILIp b 0 nr!' I'son. I II IllJll we k followlu "p s v ral we 1<s Dr M I'. Hougb's mo\ hpl', lIh R. T... lzzle recovering at lIer h ome rrom a ,visit · w i th ' h is 1I111l I' in all AIl- Hou gh. v1 rull IllreCtiOn. lOlllo. l' Xli!!. ' M.l's , Sacl l R n s ol1 nte rtllin ed Maynard :E'rQst. Sll n 1'( Dr. a nd The llnl'Yeyabul'g K lIools were ll~ h r ilom F riday afternoon, In l\fra, W, Fl. Frost. is Improving l'eeeSB d Thu rs day . mI d Ji'rldllY \0 ompllm lit Lo )\11'11. L nil Edwnrrls following major surgery at Holm r s pel'mll 111 !lt ude nt", a np t halr 'Llmln('r who wa s I'ls lUI11; here Hos pital . Inolnnatl. Mr. nnl1 Mrs. Charlils Bogan, te' lIot s . to nttdnil the Wn.I'I· n (J'OJO ()kla homn . 'rho Gil !ltK lVer Mr!!. A. ' . olll'll 1111<1 Mrs, O SO,l 51'., were g ues lH Sunday of thel~ CQunty F a il'. Miss '01'11 11 S m1th lIo.R l' tlll'n ~\l HJIl'l nn , son·ln-h~w lin'" daughter. ~lr. nnd to her b OUl e In ~rRYl1esv lllo, fo1· :'tIl'S . .l o hn f!a bb, of COlumbus, Mrs , Herbert l)nell, of Loveland. Im(-!llg a h rieC Vi Al l with Ml' . 1\ . \nlJ~ n guest t1ur hlg tho \\' ek end LIller In Lhe atternoon ther called OL till' homa 'of Mr, Bnd Mrs. J . W. ~ell . In Pem:lngton. 1\1 .... Snell, wbo rtlcently underwent· Burgery, has . recov ~ed to the extent th," l she i s abls to bp " \,Ip anll about/ · Mr. and Mn. JEdWBl'd Hlzar and Mr, and 1\IrB. Robert Wy song anl1 fa.mlly f1~ Dtt.4 the Butler . COIl • ,j ty li'alr III HamUton •. Sundny ev~·
n~ ~
~ ~
~-su DrB~' "',""'IIP ,. j,lv. yOy , , •
odgl'\\'ooll, Mlnlstor D. I~ . Baugbn, Paator Church School, 9:80 A.M., Mr. UnUied Sorvlce, 9:46 a. m. linrold liJarnhart, Supt. Worship Service, 10:30 A.M. ST, MARY'S EPISCOPAL Youtb FellowRll l11. SundRY 7 :;{O Tbe Re v. Samuel N. Kaye, Rectot , P.M. Sunday: . boll' Pracllce 1'hul'Hllny S : (1). Primary clJl1rch scbool 10: 30 a,m. ('Ages 0 through 8) FERRY CHURCH 01' CHRIST· Adult Worsblp, 10 :30 B. m. Byron Oarver, Minister BIb,le Sohool, 9 :30 A.M. Morning Wor~h1p, 10:30 A.M. UTICA E . U~B. CHURCH Prayer ~eetln,. 7 : 00 P.M. William Sbannon, Mlnlsler Young People's Meeting, 7 :00 ,S unday School, 9:80 A.M, ·M.rl , Evening Services, 7 :30 P.M" Jnmes Oarrllon, S.upt. Preaohlnl, lit. and 3rd, ' SunWAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF daYI of each' montb, 10:80 A.M. C,HRIST Evening Services, T: 30 P.M. 1>1. H, Corfey, Mlnl,ter Bible School, 9: 30 A.M. MornlD'S Worablp; 10: A.M. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ' Young Peopl es' . Meeting, 7 :00 Fatber R. 11. Krumbolts, PI.tor MaBile., 8 and 10 A.M. P.M. J:."vonloa SOl'vlce, 8: 00 P. M. Prayer MeeUns and Bible Study CAESAR'S . CREEK FRIENDS WedDeIda.Jr. I P.IL ' . .... ParUqtoa. ~ WonIIlp 8en1ae, 10 A.IL MT. HOLLY METHODIST 1I1111dq fJcJIool, 11 ~ T. M. Scaff, MlDIster Sunday School, 9:80 ' A.M •• E.
IT'll '111.1.1 AT REfitltAI! fJA! PIIICE BELUII~n.'S ~lj~Ot]O SI~RVIt~ I~ Phon. 2423
• APP,L ES •••
. 01llCliARD LANE
Xenia on Route 68 an"d 2~5
strolll Icen,. ThIs drink comfortand hea rt and beJpetb c11.eltl.oD. .. '
eth the 'braiD
FIr,t D., School, ,':10 A.IL , Meatiq for .Worahlp.
A.II .
So Bad
Although many farmers dislike crows because they destroy corn. these bir ds . also help the forme r by eaUn&: 'many inlie~\ pestl. 801enllsts have estimated that 'c ~0!"P w1l1 eDt 19 bUShels ot Insecta iii one season on the a.verage farm.
Armitage &Son
Fru.cla Blcon In. lCU, "nncLa Bacon wrote, '~ ~Iu have I drink called caffa, maile of • b erry or the sam, name, •• black a8 soot and ot a
~rnhart, Bupt. Worsblp Benlee, 10:30 A.M. Evenln'g Semce, 7:80 P.M. '
~- ' _""'''''I
4 MII~IINorth
_U"CI~ ' _ b _ U _ II _ II ___I _
....~~ I_ J
The onlY weapon
at an
~_ g _a_I_;_~
DrW or planter attachment , IP' water Jlpear ,f"bennlln ~. a 1000000t pUcatiOD of tartruzaH a' tim. Of sbaft of at"""" oon:ollon nlle- seedln,' il reoommendecl for mOlt tant ata1n1en Iteel. , economical result • .
Mr. nnd ~i·8. J~IIII E .j WI1Jab were ~ III1 St8, S lIncla y . of Mrll, W.elch·R moth el'. ,\ I,l's. Lenn Gilpin , of Springboro.
Sun sold tor tho price of $40,000 111
Tbe Ne W YOrk
wor-Id-racord 1837.
1110 maxi
III (1 J)1
in tl1 . am right and capacity.
Gom1 bunk managenicnt. sO~lIld bank stlpersecurity of ,deposit ill~urance work tog ther to safeguard your, deposits. ...,fj.:.,. vi!) ion, :lnd th
,I I
Wayne'svUle· National Bank .M~MirR" nDERAL Drp~~Iy'~N~URAN(E ,(ORPORMION ~ ,- -
'Fairley •
PHONE 2441
.ofn~nclling! Any ~fAer ~r ' offeri!1f .much wovlt/ /lave ,C()$f ~/OOO more-/
Leaders, Unlike Achon 'of Israel,. Must Be Righteous
A LEADER'S cvntribution to the rise or fall of a nation C!annot be underJ!sUmated. Achan of IsrJlel Is, a stIl1klng exnmple. A , shrewd leader ,. of IS1'ael, Acba n luccumbid to temptation in the' midst ,· of a ' great viclr.ry and creedily stole some of 1he spils of his triumph. . '. Later he confessed his W I'O . I1.doing. And lor covel :!.,: ,' ~ \io shekels of sil~cr :md a \., . ' :':2 of gold, Achan was ' S~OI' - J ~ '. .1 burned aJi\'e. TI \! Pfi ':'. . " v' ~ rael ' were mercll l!ss, b ~il c. \ : '.::: (:.I t the stre'n gth of the~l' "aliOl , \.':.s, weakened and enq'slIgol'ed by the extent to Which any il1niri;:\t;31 set his personal gain 01' ir" p.t .,t above the safety and Wl'!,I::re of the whole. . 'The leaders of m e..: ~r;;-: .. nations arc not liable to receive such harsh punishment for acts of plunder. But . they might well take a lesson from andent Israel, which-, like present-day European nations,' was Imperiled ' by sur- . rounding col.!J1tr1es. The besetting sin, of the Israelites Ws,s ·Idolatry. This was not only a temptation to follow . the 'practiccs of neighboring peoples : It was a distinct moral decline. There are idolatries in our Anierican life as gross and p erVerting as those 10 whici~ the faithless 01 JaraeJ turned; SOiae make .a of money, son.e of power, some of .pleasure. • . Our. leaders must, by Iiv1ng an exempl:o.ry life, ,ulde us along rieht eo t\~ paths. They mus~ USI:' their in{Juence to ' point out that the wa'!' to success 111 any e.Ddeavor ,is to love God with all Ibe soul, mind and . strength. Unle'ss the Ideab ot our leader' are mil'l'Ored In theil,' pel'5ona lives, th ~y cannot Justly face tbr leaders of enemy natio~ Nor can the people of this nation tolerate an Achan 1n theil midst ; thll1 mUll be 'able to turl to t1.l ., .eaden for IUidan~ e .
Mr. James Patrick O'Shea of Chicago
~r !JIg f)Ot/g~ has e¥erything~ ~ .fiJmo~ t/eHlltlalJit/fy~ • ~. eJtIr8 I'(JfJl!lii'lMS ••• ~e ,
n1110\1)1 t pro\'iously COy· ('rf'(1.b> F 'cle ml D cpo: il Jnsma'nc was $5,000.. 'ow ':lel l depositm: of our lJnnk is insured up to ,1 maN imll'" of $10000 f or all deposits held
of heap li.oom. leg room, shoulder room, The comp.'1ct d esign outside thllt milke., traffic driving ellSY and pluking a cinch: YOU'LL ENJOY the SIl100thn~ ~I Dodge Fluid DrI,(e-the smoother ,stops, the smoother ~'goinf-Yours at no tlxtra POl t on all Dodge mOdels . NOW.'S 'THE 1l1~E to ,come In allu see us. Let , today', big DOdge put )~ou miles ahll'ld, money ahead-for the Y'ahead. '
TlIua)' . specially, you want II enr that'll 1101 only big /lnd mDrt looltlug-but a
CIr [1 1/11's rugged, reliabla, bllllt to lt18t.
NO OTHER CAR ell'r1 milich, the for· depcndllbillty. No' ~onC\er new Dodge o,,:ners 5i1Y you could pay $1,000. mqre for II car and still nol get everythil}g Dodge glv~ you . . . ruggedness; 'nnd rooml~es~ . . • dependability and ease of handling. .• econom y and, performance. •
Q.• \ldge reputntlon
'!in loy the thrill of Gyro-Motfc thot I." you drive without .hlfJl'1S1. So lri trafll~, 10 ~ltlyely, on th,• pick.up, · '" ".uortl... for you I And. r.",ember -- e yro.Mlltlc I." you ..t th_ ·1I.or for full power j" . m~d. or ' .'Mpest hlll_lpll th. _"gin. I "broke" you. ,D,.ta- 'P'OIItHI)I 011 long down,hi\1 grode.. Avqill'ble .,on Coron.t mO,d.I. · ot .Illlht e.lro co.l. 1;')1 Gyro.Molic tocl.ayl
ta:~A~!d~O;V: ;~~y. ~I .~ead:xn:~· spaciouSness I,ns/d~ thilt menns plenty
000; ,
.,.~t/;J/lMmtIIW fi.",~j,...~. .
and LAUTERBACH • BroaCl~IY It OIlc~oocI • Lebanon, Ohio
~ ---
.. - ..... _._ •• •• •• • _ _.. _,
lIome URle
AO rllr t.ho
r-------- --'-'-'-'----'---,
l'trlllR b"rUIIllj' It Itl 1\0 dan-
havo liB II I'nt - gl'l'UIIB, PerhlLplI It Ullg It be In ~ It Imvf' Il~en thp down y w()'Oi1 - ~ Ill','r tu \lot Ihom hnnt "itlt rtf) s 1••w llt ' I'R, 'rhe>)' .'om/) ovory dllY he 1'0' IIll ll IIhoQt away rlllm (h e but 11~'Ulf'lr tho " t;hi 'l[ado'IR 1101' I'llI'm 0'(11\ I ho t'"I1"' ~ IY Ullhl laU.l A Farm I1lnry t ll o t.iUllil' r Ila vf" I.J II :1."0\111(1 it ~tlI' I~\V hprl' j ' I ~ .... 1 (' :Ill' ! "11 11 1 I'll I Y l. 1 bOI"~ thn t sdm of t it Lh e 0 1lac,,' JI\;lI'Pi< hilI I hal,' Irfo<rl By D. J . Frazier WI' li S will CLf"l o l i,y ClVl'I' till'" \1' lll.IJ· O~, to lito I) II, 1I11" P, ' 'I' h" .!!~ rln I~:. I ~ I ~'~_' ''''''''''''~~ I' _ I':. I think 1 s hnll Pllt Ollt ,,"othe r ~w(' l Illlio gU ll a nll pkU);,IUl t~ qmPTRMOlllJt 2li, J !l60. ~ ')' he bioi'll Vettflol' whet'e I C',1n se... II !lhol)t iJ \, l lho Lull .. t R l~'TY r\ m i lr' tlnlt loul'llQS of 1'1M t 'II Il\() Ra t- from t1li !\ window, ']'h91' nre IIU h 01' mom Wll ('ll SiHll till i llio (h" a i l' UI'IIIIY 11ight. III Ii ~ n nll ay 11111111., lo lA of wild g l'ilP/lS t il 18 Yl:'fl l', I ] I I il I 1 lint ~ ()nlfl I owl'! \\ th ( I 11)0; ]l OW( I' n(l l ehollgh 10 h ll t'l Iql'y t hlll g on mlll' I. IUUl g Hllm o or t,hl~ 1Il on til<' ovetl fit lon g 1'lIng", II it m III Dl'Y R luge bill JUIlI anolhel' I'/)POl' IL bC(!IIIIHO til "I' fll'C Hom ono Or Llw IIi1P cr'!\ 1'lu'p nl ly t<)101 or lll lmltJl' I hilt ' ~ II 11111101' iH O V~lI' ltlll1 bl l',ll s Ihnt , w ill (:om t'o eat Ih em 1I 01~ O PiIl OI) l e "" '\1' I lay l OJ) 11110 t h llt. bo t h by Ole w eather nUll' by W('1' 1l <I-l'i Yi llJ.: , II IOII ~ II Iwn :0 "if If' t hat we sel!lom al'O, III l.'nst, lh:.Lt ' the a lmallac Autltmn I II hO l'n, hlllJ '" \\ hi 1.7.l'li I h"OIl ~h 111 ('ltI' i H what. hnpilem d 0110 yonI' wlwn All1.ulIIlI II'lth t\ 'npllul 10ltel' If Illtl ImJIg' Roille 011 tit pot'l'h , bUl'ply mlRHi t1/i th il' hNI,I!!, '.r lu' ,:c on l y Wll h av thl:' kin d or wcalh r i';omp (l J/ ( ' 'J'hcre Is a plill' or bl'OWII th r:lRhel'H wns no on .. i n frig ht, lhnt we t lo inl of \\'h 11 wo th lllit hllll Rltnt II I ,"<qUit'I'p l nnd m lRsnd, oul. Iu 011 of th e' s rnn.l l 10CI1 ;1l of fn ll , tl1l" I, hld th" I loots \l'l'llp 'Ph joko 0" 0111' RQ ult'J'C'1 h UIII(l- :'I trees ri ght uow Itnll t his morning a bOllt, If! I hIli .Lhey wlI l kol1 nliioA tlll.l 1lIi1f',"1 I Il llal'd JIll l1nfamOltlr hiI'd Ho ng, The 'V'\l'l'on ' 0\ nLy FiliI' WtlS nod blilL n.lght tL Idldoel' wlla flying w llh6u l Cirldlnr; li ll y lIml I ho nt,hlll' almost d1'ownell 0I1t' willi o ver rl , 'I Ill'lmnd call1llg ' Its , sll1'1ll ' I' )' " KII - vening :\t .. hol'll Lim." !li, '1<" 1111(1 I hlc\} es of I'n ln jn lholls rew Iln YR, wOl'e go III 1\" Illi :10 Ih o bll l'n _ rr d 1', 111ldeer," wi th the ace III 011 There seemed to be lOts of p 011 1 WIlS Ilo l nllng 0111 BOlli hi l'll!l r n the last !ly ll nbl ~, there' on l~rldny \\ hen Iho wenth r th ' big w(1 lnlll t I'N' an d Illy uy We hOllO lll (> touch of l'1'OKt hilS beclimc hal f way do('olit li gn in, 1 oaug h t Kig-ttl 01' fjl)llle r, dllish fll Z,; 1I0t hurt l.j nythlng y t. Tbe corn didn't go. Tit re !It! moe] 1.0 b it on II bl'une'h. rl'lt<'rp '"II'{'h'br'd !luI. shol'tn 0 (If PIIl'klllg BJ\tlC s ille i M rrllhel' slow In I'lpmll ng thi s liS rtn,l all pOll!;iiJl WaH:l bi g fn' III y c()~I ItIIl ' [ UB tile l}ul' l~ 10 1 Iln(\ y Ill' 0 11 n COllllt of so milch w el Sf) ull'l't' l. Dlel, h a r) 10 gel 1 1i.~ ~ Iln . didn't wnUI to go badly <'\lou g h In wenlher, ,very few !Jave begun to HIlI,I with Iho '11111 of one 01' l h drug Il l'ollnd In tit mud !lntl ¥et, p~( ' k whi Oll m 111'18 . thnt wheat dogs whl('h' ('jmg11l. it wll~'l1 it "-ti ll I miM ed II. 'lI ull f",ol JUSt II UtLI, I I!wllng IH 'Di ng to be la t o, [mot'l( d ol1l, or til tr!'c, I 11IlCl my bit hellted. 'L'bc foil- Is II lAm glbl 18 Is a fino hybl'lll but It It, a Du l y a qlli~'e l oC I It ~ Ullon, ' s is n of the llUf"eS1 Berwon 1111(1 a long sensob COl'n nnd s low to 1'1t) II' 'ROP is ol'gll.niz'!ng n .'o m mllt e lInl e~fI you get It pl un t d - IlLJ'IIe 8 0 ~t 0 1' 1'llIna ,- ' to the _[lIl'm y Il l', to w orl' in thi s DUlll.y ~o I)e r urly Of cOUPS h fll'V f'H t , tlmt IR corn eql'l y, It 1'1 a g I' at , 911eslloll to Ii Jp ' wh e n yo u nl' , f'Ul lpll Upu n , wll l hel' we wll1 get OUI')I pl(\I<<'Il hnrvest , hasn't begllll but we m igh t IIny thut Ule, fulr (O lol1es lho ll\lm- III time Lo pl nnt wlleat, ( Poultry Study , T he fUl llh','el, . II Pon haR hl'ollght Poultr ymen who gathered eggs mor BPQSon amI BtElI' ~B the h flrve 1 8ensol1_ J,t 11'1 n tim Qf allowi ng Ollt Qilite ,I good many bllnter" hpt three or more ' Urnes a d ay, kept th e fruits 01' til ycnr' g wotlc nnd th ey ha l'o not fonnel VHY Illl1llY layers conflried, and kept no males In the laylnll flock bad, hll" 1[!r qualto havo mlsBl)d it l elll~B [~blank Qulrl' I s. ')'h<'>, hull he n hl\l1 ll nJ;' ify eggs thnn poultrymen '" ho did w hel'e n plellsnnt '1' r\ nee sllo flJ.(t fol' null wid t hongh l ot 80 ntuch not follow these pr acti cc ~, :I ccordlInv b een, l nev I' 'd id believe In on my place thi s y :I I' been If\ 1 Ing to 'II recent study ot PQuitry not doing t h hlgK h eont!!!!' of (he Ilnv cU t ' dO\I'11 on Slll1 i 1'IH hllnlln g . t ar;ms In the Northeast. only bll'<lR that I
OF -
I n pUI'Slian e of an ol'~I'r of lht: 1"'1'011.110; Cnllrt of \ ;Irr 'n (' >IInty, hi , I Ih.. IInd el igneLl Adl11ini s lr~to r I.J ,W.A, ~,f th e ~ stat e of Ch ar lo tl e E, Allir am aka Charlo tt e Antru m ~nap p del'ea ed, wi ll offe r !'a r ,il th e following describeLl real .: slal > hy " ';l y If pu hli ' all -li nn 011 Ih e p re mises, i tunl ed in \' :Iy ne T '1\ 'nsllip, \\' :trrl!n ''' tlnly , hio , on the tOW Il hipl rl :lcl IC :ldin~ frl~ ln Cnr \\ in, hi, 2 I- ~ "mil es outh alon g lh e Penll. H, ii, Itl th e lir"t ruad to th e lef t :l lId th e fir st f arm on Ih e left, On
30, 1950
• 8,7 Cu. it. Space; 1-4.9 sq, (to of Sbelva, • Boftle Shelf Holds 12 Quart Milk Bottles.
• Bi aFro%.COPoo4loCk..
er Hofd$ 3S PouncIt
• IIIII-O·Mat Diapesua 16 EUI. ,l or 2 I t . TJmc.
$ 239 .98 ' CONY.NI.NY filM.
t~ ......"~•.",1 1d a T .... ( V
T-his farm co nt ains 68 a res; of Ian li moI" or· less, So acr es of fnrm land and 1 R acre:; of l':: stll r,' LIn d, E\'ce ll ent riv e r h Itom l ann; has rood fell "'S' :II1J plen ty er r g,)od ", aIel', 7 roo m h tI e \\'I th electr ic lig hl s,' 011(' rC)1)1l1 I' dlm, An extra g d u:trn, 40 x ( 1(1, douhlc 'om cril , s mall ' chicken. hOllse, oIli er mall \lllildin ~.· , Fruit ce liar 10 x 2U: In cluded wHh Ihi s farm th ere wi ll hI'! 'o old
I- .~
of l() acres
of st andi ng corn in t he field, Th " plll:( ' ha~ r If,) pay 1-_ of the harvestin g of th e 'orn "op :ll:culdin' tn th e contract with the tenant. ~
Said I{cal E t ale li il ~ "e~1l ,11I1y and leg;tlly apprai sed for th e sum QI ~ 1 ,llJll , Or) alld must l,le so ld for II t l ess than t wo-thirds ( 2-3 ) 01 the :Jppraised vfl ille, TERMS--C~sh, . 1,llOIl,\'U lo w'n p :I)'IllCn t on the dtlY of sa le and the ba lance lip n dr: livery f the (ked .
Sale conduct ed by
V. H. RUSSELL, Auctione el' C: DONALD DILATUSH, L.eha non " hio Administrator W~W.A. of C, DONALD DILATUSH, the Estate ' of Charlotte E. Antra m, aka Charlotte, Attomey for Plaintiff Lebonon, hio Antram Snapp, deceas,ccl.
, baying n fenat on the se"lls f;0 r
"Crusade For Christ" Presents. ••
will wnlt until 111 'hay l elll1ed tbem lip hl)foTe 1 Ollt tb em, Tber willi a pnlr ot gold ~Inoh s hav ing a loy Iy time and \' n l'lou e other b1rds, M)' uet 1) ~8
-' ,
IODL( Of I Harry R. Meo"
lOGe 2, LehluoD, Qbio
Route 1, WaYDuriUe, ,0.
SUN·DAY, OCT • 1st 7:30 P. 1\1.'
,I to your
_r ••• or, at your
favorite · SCor. _
YOURsi'" , AMP-Si/VE.
G .I V. E
New Maae.,.rpent U· SAT R I A L "
11!eftll~~ man.f reuqnJ why yqu'U profit b ~$~~I~nOllle to los'llate your home! It slllShe~ ~.' up to "O~! It .~ds ~ra fire proiccrion ell hi ~o other tnsulauon IS so nreproo£ Up'to R • tem~turc., It .. ves )'ou mone), beaJu~:u:u Cln tnstall Zonolile yourself, And ' tr~~~/·r."!,.II!. J!,st open. bag of this If .....,~V UIlUculite tna!1lauon aod poor be~cebLo ~f). yollZ Inie, Before ),ou insulate IU'b _~ !d Isk Ul. how ),011 tan sue r ... ~ Zonolit. VermIculite, ~h. ~ ,.....'",.,It., z,tHIitr " . .., ~
PhOM 2281-
R. Eo ,.,ATA . , "H.e M+«tl ,the Bible ~~.' , ~
THOOSANDS-;Heard the.e Lecture. in Ce)negie Hal~ PHtll;burgh\; COn.8titution Hall, WashingtOD,. D. C.; Emery Auditoriu'm , Cincinnati; - Now WAYNESVILLE AREA May Hear FREE I ..l... t_
FOR CHRIST" is ,not
J.,--~--~,------, .-,'~--_---_,..:.-,~~-.!.
l slred bloomIn g 11Ild ] wus ahoul to go out and cu I. tllem dow n wllon 1 dlscoverl'd tlrn.t til blrc\s II' 1'0
Leslie ,- R. Rothman
w 'e NISI' nnd ] nm sorl'Y lItnl I let- myselt 110 It this tim e , 'Our nrtloholcea, those 111.11 yol yow' dll \.'1y-like flowers h"ve f in-
THURSDAY, ~EPTEMbf!R 21ft f9S0
'.I.lm~lI1Ilmlmmlllmllllllll llmlllllllllllmlllllll\lllllllllllllllmllllllllllml1lIIlIIllIIlIIlIIllIlI l l ll mlll l l l l lil l l l l l l.
TWIN, THEATRE Waynes~lle,
I. ,tJ .. y
Roy E. Smith
1I 1 0~ I Jo:NT
Trud y Mars hall -
IN .\1
Remember' when rt was Cashlonable ,for big and' little glrhl to wear huge ribbon b~IW6, lik e oversized butterfli es. 011 hair? In mnny Instancell the girlS! looked ~ 0 p heavy, but true to feml· nine instinct they wore wbat fasblon dJctated, I'egardlel\ll of lheir appear. M Oe. It was th e style, n nd big a ntl Ii HIe girls saw to It th ll l t hey were well bowod , Remcmb T?
~ '
, Johnny \Velsmuller -
Especially For Farms
RL 48, 5 'mi. ,South of Centervl1le.
i '
11.11 \1 t'AJ~T OO
PHONE Centemlle 7058
Im~mllllilmmmmi 11111111111111111111111 1IIIIIIIIIIII1IImll l il mit
BANE RUN GRAVELDaYia JI'UrDu Pit. 10 cubic 1ard. w. aIao 4eU.er. ABII,U ITAGB II: BON, PboD.IOt1. '~t
Wlnen need arlles you can I e a v e ev,erything to UI. Y"u'li appreciate oU lr careful atten· tlon to every detail.
COLLIE PUPS . - Registered, II weel(s old,. Must sell CALDWELL • DAVIS. Feny ROlld. 2 miles' South of Dellbrook. Phone Bellbrook SS227. · 2t- 9.14.21
S T, U B B S
ATTENTION HOU E\VIVES 0(.' WAYNESVILLE! Stop 1Doth dam· age for Live wliole years with
' Phone 2291
Conco~d Gralles. Phone 2871. 3t-9- U·Z]·38
Live Wire and Progrelllv.. .AD organJzaUon lecond to lIOn•• Strictly ' aellerl on the belt aU· around p1&rket In the COWlU7.
.45 AC TI ON
FOR SALE-Pups, mosU," Cocke r d.
SERVICE THAT SAT""I!!' For Dally Market Repottl: WHIO Dayton. 12:50 E).S.T. Dial 1800; W(';W ClnclnnaU. 1240. 'DIal
Also FO'X
SEPT. 28
FOR SAI./,., -
\\ . D. NEW.
11_1 ___ .____ 1I _._u_n_lI_r.
0 rl r u. It'/I r ll·I"l1.ni.ep tl . III wl'lth· g. \Y _,\ YN £ \ I U ·;': !'1; RN tT i nro AND APPliIAN E.
('r e bnl color) l:lU SPENSr;: -
ONg OF' THE 'r op " E TEItNS
,LOST Labor Day caster wJleel of! a Trailer ,,;betll betw'een Spring. Valltly Pike and Waynesville on Bellbrook Ril. CH ARLES MAURICE Waynesville Rt. two
-:- wl tll 'TI I,8 nURANGO KID - a ml Si\lI UlY BlmNI':TT8 IIA P'I'F:R 2- m QA LAHAn I'M! ~ 1 6 NT C RTOON
Top BoU. HauUq, SUld. OraTe! lkoa'98Uq Wital Bull Hoe, ~. &AeI BuUdo.... WQD....m,. ObJo Phone I Wayaae"lIIe ,1181
ct O,!!I" M J T l.· r.S ;.'.Y, W.EDNESDAY Monday ____ Continuous from 7 P. M. Saturday. , Sund ay. and Holidays ._ Continuous from 3:00
T h ~r~tJ.:.y.
1II I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIImlll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I11II1I!111II1I1II111I1I1I1I1II1I1I1I1I1I1I1II~lIlll1l11l1l11l11l1lmlmllllll"l~ 70~ORRIS
CIlll 2472, ~OR
SALE - Frlglda1.·e Rerrlgel" ator, Nlgbt Ilnd . OilY beating Stove, botb In good condlLlon. OTTIS HERRINGTON, C. E. Michener fnrm on Lytle Ronel.
!! ~I!I!lIIl1l1l1ll1 l1l1l l 1li l IIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~lI lI lImllllllllllll l l llm
X- 9· 21·28-.1 O·!i
If It il - won't you plene a checl< for $2.00.
IT WO ''1', Jt we are permitted to '6 I've. AN D ANY *j\WUN'I' THAT i\fAY E B CHOSEN brlnga tbe best we bave ' In runeral bpm facUlties.
' .eClalE '."EI~l HOMI ~
. , - ,. . . V.U........
The Land Bank Way No Feel, CommiuioDi or , R. . . . MAY BE PAID OFF ; ' ANY TIME Lone· Termaf Are Safe ; (Up to 33 Years at 4%) A Farm Ottanization For F..,...... CALL -
MOTHS In your botne1 Stop them with Berloq.' Odorless, stainless, guaranteed fAtr five lIellra. THE
FOR SALB-.7 room modern house: ROBERT DAVIS, Tblrd ' .treet. 9-28
FOR SALE-White enamel eoal and wood Range. ,'1'. O. LA.WBON. Phone 3274. X-lt-9-1S . 'F OR SALE Purebred Poland China Boar;' April 'Carrowed. Immunized. CertUled Vlgo See d
Wheat. . Call 2838.
NITURE AND APPLIANCE. WANTED Riders to Moram. Products (l'om 8 :00 to 4:30. Can trade weeks on tbe lIse of car. TOM FLORENCE. Pbone 2403.
"~! '- -.
Bottle Gas
DOT TIP·T.OE eaneci FoOd. , Are; Fhleat ~
_ · AIwa~ ~ ~
Itlers', Garage MAIN 4 MIAMI ST8,
Sweet Potatoee After .eed iweet potatou have been .elected. llore them wheu lie temperature will not lItU below te dearee.. 'lbe, will keep beat if ~ ltond III cratu.
Vie of 11.,• ...Estimate. are that 11 mlWaa American Women UI. marClrllle and S~d about tour bJWon ute. yeerl,y meadln, or .~ color Into the product.
, •• 00
All 8tockRemoved Dall),-
'-------- --
of Inllnd Producta, Ino.
used 22 lnch cut COWS 12-&0 furnace. perfect condition. autoHogi and Other 8mall Stook maUe controls. automatic debum· R.movad P'romptly . Idlrler. cold all' boots aDd pipe.. CALL COI.LECT GLENN HOLLINGSWORTH, Ha.ro 'ujJ • vefsbul'&'. Phone 2005. X-9-28-1Q.5-111 WI
mintton 2362: L~ 439
INLAND ~Rof.ucrs,
... ...... In mOlt IlOdheni Ion...
\ aD . . .
of pJu wW IfOW eDOUjb 'WOOd !II one ,ear to make aetnprlDt _ a J6.pa.. edltIoD '" a ~ ... . wiIb • drnIa.... '" a ..... .,.
• • •
A convict In Mor ri stown, N. J .• • .:d from police while handcuffed
·. .
to a tree. What a way to become "un-poplar" With the law. " ,
A. farmer in Indiana, .ufferiq
blltten from the handle. of ' . hand plow, re~~ved a set of P,Otholder. from h!1 'wife for protectlon.That aounds almost fUrrow-fetched. •
. III TOWlOn, Md .• ra~' hone. .... weal'in. ,po,," rubber cup, on their' fetlOc;kI to protect them from Injury. Falsi.. are . r~ Jetting lOIIIe low-down ,u.... theM day•. '
.. .
•. whit .. Gep. Ceor,e C. Mat- ,
lbaU'. middle name? 5. What we. th. avera,. price
recelv.ed by fumen for a bUlbel
01 potatoea lalt lear?
Xeaia4" DI~lllon
op'ERA .Inger Edell,- Roecker , . E: :! f"t' tint place lJi • ho," ' ll 3 'co'1'test aln '~ In ..lcmphl", 'lenn. w" .. :10r It he prorUccu witil a I'ole In "So~-th PacUlc.'·
Large or 8mall - 'Call Collect
(l1ctOber I ,
Also- ,
•__ 1_____ 1_._1 •• _'_
••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••• I
. to your door. .. or at your favorite store
1. Where Will Prealdent TrumlDbom? 2. DoeI it ever too eold to mow? ' , S. Who ,is Imown at the "tathe[ gf M~m ' Bue~ll"' - .,.... ."
. See , AL At~ H.YMAN1S
·- d' Orehar
- - - -•
Tru~k Stake Body
. . ........
f1At TOn Ford
One-Hall MDe Eat of RL 48. 2 Mae. South of c.aterville
__ ..
__:;. , . L .
Police learned that the scn'lol " resident physicinn at Dobbs F~rr) hospi~"'N. Y., nat! flQ more ~I\." a high school diploma. Guess he'll be ~'inter!1e<1'· in jllil.
. Excellent Condition
z Oo
Phone 37371
t 946 4-Dbor BUick Sedan
~~ .....I.~ •• ~li~ •••••••••
Valley. 0 .·
AD' Kinda 01 -
~~~~~~~~~~~;I-¢ 0 COOOM.C~o 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 ~
....... 2141
.Spring Valley Hardware Co.
---- .. -
For Past 8 Years , X-S·Zl·28-:-1z.6
Specializing in FARMS and SUBURBt\N 'HOMES
Insta:llation and Gas
"REALTOR" lIl&mJaburC 1-1011 State Route '741
'lecteCI Fa, .UIMI.... FIa.o... and Coodrl... ,
Ask About our Price on
~~!;!!!!!~i!!~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!"~ ~
Also rop QuaJIity In Meat.
@dorleas. guaranteedFUR. for live yean.staiBiess. WAY~VILLE
. "NEVER used anything like It" ELLI8, H. ITURM, 8ec·y.Tr.... _ _ _ _• •1 _ _ _ _ _ say users of J3erlou Mothspray.
?". ..-_P.,.-"!:!_!II!___I_____•
-. --- --_...
W1AYNli:SVn:.LJil FURNl'l'URE &
ADd ~ illeWI Il Iu' , ...... auIi look. WOrD ~ lhabb,Jl , 8a4 U to tIj. - lr!'II ,~ ltoN CIIal trIDIlo. . . . lac*. DIab It'IOOk JUra M![I
acI 9nS 'g .••. , . 'nanl:) '. . , ·.uoueAou Aut JatUO pue ,(etd a~nbl 'aPUI ',unq aq~ .I0} alq,.uocfllu ',,:110;) alo -PO a.lowmea ·UOJUIH pan '2 'WolO, aJ(IU UI oWl 01 NoOUI olO) Plo:l f!I01 1l8. ,(nuanbi.ll 11 lnq 'Nooa" OJ Plo;) 00, Ila. BAau U 'c ·t881 '8 ,(I~ ··OW 'lewI'! .( 'I~q.nq
-b -. o~IInOA ~SiJ. si,.SUV
.. '.
It II reported that the AfrIcan natlve. 'of Zomba, N)'UIland, are bU3'lq radios al f~ u theyre produc:ecl. Bet televta10n would lie even ~ter lultecl ,to 'the ".,.Is
C~nUnelit. II
Serving WaynttsvUle' Since 1850
Wayne Farmers In Up. Sandusky
I 'fh ll't y. fx members anll friend s GUPsts from Waynes. 'IHe W81'e : or tbe Wllynesvlllc FUl'mers club .vII'. fi nd Mrs. C:,l1bert Frye, MI'. and Hpent an enjoyahle d ay W 'olu ' 1\' .1l's. L. ,V. Brllnstrator. [I'. and day , wben llley wel'e glleslS oC Rev. I MrB. Sarver Burnett, M(. and !lud Mrs. n. BO' Coleman. former Mrs. Ernest Butterworth. Mr. and PIlotOI' or tllft Methodist church In 'I Mrs. M,- A. Cornell, ,MI' ... and Mr~ . \Vny nes ville. at their resIdence on S. S, Ellis, rilr. and Mr9. Rosooe East FIlley street In Upp r San· Furnas and Bim, M.r, and Mrs. Seth dusky, 0 1110. Fu.·nas, Mr. and I\fI's: ,R. M. Ha \vke, Tills club was organized in 190 I Mr. and Mr~.. .)E. Stanfortb, Mr. and consisted of 20 families., The and Mrs. Hare>ld Wlllta\(er. Mrs, club holds monthly meetl l t\'s In' J . T , Deardon. Mrs. Charl es Weat . the homes ' or member famlll s In I M,'s. Ira Rich, MIss Sally mlth , 'routln'e orde'I·. Eacb fsnllly bl'll1"8 Mt's. Reba Braddock and Mr . nud " 11 baslcet of (ood, the bosts fm'nlsh· . Mrs. J : -D. Reh. ' Uppel' lSilcndlisky guests, were Ing the In.sat, potatoes, t ~. Art el' I r dinner a prOgt'8lll Is glw, u, t I MI'. and Mrs. J. Wesley Lotz and host plOl/ llli ng tor tile sr, :.! C " !\fl'. and Mrs. F. A. Fowler. Mr, Most of lhe har te,' " It b I'll [.0,,: waB formerly superlnte~dent bave pass d nWRY, but otill' l' llUl.Il. of the \VaynBSvllle schools. Rev. berf! al'e lidded and the club on. Unucs in ethl'&. One of the living Ira P . Day, pastor of the Upper
RON. CLARENCE J. BROWN-SPEAKSj SPONS SSHOW AT WAYNE R·OTARY ME'ETING HERE ' 1I1S WEEK The Wllyn~ vlll e Anlerlcan 'tOg.ln Post No .111 6 Is spo ll ROI'lng tbe .Ray W1Ulla' ' SbOWll, Inc.. wl,o' are to lippear h ra trOUl 0clobel' 4 to 7 preaentill,l .. "I OJ g~ week of fUn for everybody. ,) 0 '11 t.he mid y tb ere will be
Tbe Waynesville RotIU"J Club was honored Tuesday nllht by tbe presence of tbe Han. Clarence J. Qrown, Republican COIlSl'eBsman tram the 7th , District, as ita guest, speaker. . He spoke a, lellgth on the IIU , uatlonln. Korea, praising the bRll rl· tul of men and supplle5 thnt we hlld . there In 'tile 'heglnulng tGr their sUI,el'buman effort In holding back the red hprdes pourlnr; down from the North, 4'spe~Ia:lly Ilrlll · lug Ih e heroics and d n~ of Ibe colored tl'oopS flgbtlng • • Korea CQJigressman Brown. said be bl" lie es tliat Ihe Ume bcs (,OIr.B wben we sbould apeak franltly to tbe American p.ople because lbe, ., re entitled ' to know the truth s bout the world sUllation, Spenl!ing of Communists aud : t!:el' unfit persons In our goyern·, ment, ·he iald be 41dll'~ 'Illeve
any Ilel'~O Il should b allowed tu 'hold o·trlce. if. there wa B the least bit or doubt ubout bi B haracter 01' 10yo]IY to thiS countl'Y. , At the enel of hill, in teresting talk , he engaged ' In a Question and .,allBW I' aesslon . Collgressman n /'OWIl 0\ ns sev- . el'ol ne\\'spapeI'B In this vicinity, a mong th flm 0111' good neighbors, Tbe Western Stnr, tbe best weekly in the s tn teo Ronnlp lark, who enters .sen· lce soon, was a guest of the Rotary Club. Other guests Included: D. Stan· ley, Ga~dner Townsley, W .. C. Gilmore, Everett Run'Yan, 'Tony Youni:, Harold Ba nta, }{arold Sheets, Lebanon ; 1,. Y. NUson, , Of Xenia; Jim Moore, of Harveysburg-. Roaa Hartsock. Jim Jon,es ,and Lee Hawke , of Waynesvtlle. were special guests of tha club.
MI'. nnd Mrs. Cbnrles Ander son have received word trom theil' SOl'l, Mr. HSI'old Andel'son of Cen\rnlln , 'Washington, t hat he Is now helld many l'flJlhg devl es, among 'yhlolii~ b tbe !brillllr of the commercinl deparLment of the Centrallo 'JunIor College, of a ll rldM ~ t , OCllOPUa, nnd lhe Mrs. Lucile A·I·mltn.ge was' a sky . 114gh ' terri wh4le l 01' .1101\e, week end guest of herson·ln·law who like a' 1I1~ Ide Ilnd o( coursjl ' and dauglltel', Mr, und Mrs. Woo(1, ' the meny·go·ro d Is alwaYJI pop· 1'0,", Owen s nnd children In Spring' 'Ular Wltb old ~nd yoU n'1f a illte All In, all Ulere III Jj rid 5 galon. field. ' Mr. Inude Stroud who' haa be/ln " . tor !Ill who Ill' ·rldE/s. conrined a t Miami Valley Hos pltnl Tbln e will for Beveral weeks, Is no w conval· esclng at bls home on Main strpel , ent~rtaln fPlJ es" In addition, Fllrme~B Grange 1:1 will meet In t.here wUl be' ateur contellts, regular !lession on Sa ul'dllY eve· HON, CLARENCE J, BROWN acts and other cll1l1 event!! each ~IUC, Ootob,1' 7 wf- 'Il a birl'bdny harle r 'm mberB stated lh!ll no anduBky MethodIst church., gave night of the .. . The big JubUe . , , Speaks At Rotary Club supper nt 8\,!ven o'clocll. A basket lIIeeUng~ havl!! been omit ted rOI' thank s before dinner and of Cered will be ·held at. az[or Field wit! .upp l' . will be serve'd and each tbo past 42 rears. Dur ll g th !' s: :. the closing prayer. Mrs. Myrtle a tr&e gate to . , WEST WAYNE person will proyido their ~w n table years of Rev. and ' !I{rs. oleman 's Col ' Woessner. assisted 161'11. eman servloe· An entol'tRlnlng program resldenoe In Waynesville, Uley ADVISORY COUNCIL Is being arranked. wel'e guests at most of the meet. In s,erving. .' ENJQYS OUTING :the Frie ndsbip Club will' meet Ings. Following lhe ' prp~ram" il.he on WednesdllY afternoou. Ootobel' Art er dlnne, Wednesday, S. C. group visited the old Wyandot 'I'be West Wayne Advisory Coun· 11 at the home of Mrs . Russe l , Casll man, Wrandot county ,xt ell. mission, the faJr grounds and tbE ell enjoyed • daYI outlnc 'Sunday. , ' , WUso n With Mrs. LeQ.h MII1~ and sloil agent, gave an Interesllng ad· At October 1 at Whlra l&lEa, nl!!lI' Mrs. Bernard ,~nll ghn ns co· Uress relative to tbe agricultural museum at the <;.ollrt house. Waverly, Ohio. At ,'lila 'o'clock a ' .' " , h 01 t ~uea 'Pllrsults and Interest!! of ,"Yyandot 4 P. m. they left. for their 126 mlh del1clO\\. 4 couree did., ' was , trip home. Mrs, JOlliab Davill w ill I:e bos tes~ count.y. lerved in the club dlnillc room, to the Happy Hour Club op Tues· _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,...-_ _-:-_ __ Ift@r which the group enloyed a R bcda Buun of M day afternoon , OQtober 10 at Il l!! " ~ 'oclal afternoon aDd til. autumn PAUL T. JOHNS llnd Mrs. Rh home or Mrs. CharleB · ADdel'~on, , 2, W.1ynesvl:l · S. IL 1'111'';' o ( th~ .cenery &lid boatiDI OIl tb. talte. MEMORIi\L WILL BE ' with 1\1'1'8. Nellte Bunnell and Mrs •••• ' T~ PrUlJt -"..: Dr'tt and ment at this co', ESTABUSHED Soof Beord 446' e !~~~. Hoak In cbarge of the pro· it begins .dr~. Harlan DJ- ... J'm, Mr. and Mra. HIU'QId lhitaker ,.nd Miami Cbapter 107, O. E . S', will Eatabllahment of a Paul T. John: • Rebecc," Mr. u4 lin. Enl.st meet In regular Besslon on Mon· Memorial Award 'for an oubtanf board. HarlaD ud Suuu., IIr. .&114 lira. Tlie ' Woman's Socety of C~rI8' 1118 member of the At-nold A.lr St day evening, . October ~ nt e ght 1 S t t th M thodlst · · . .R fresbman In Rosa 'HAJUOclr, IIr. aDd ~~. o'clock. All Past Ma1ro,Os ' and tan . ervce me a " e . e '~ety ~t tile Unlyel's rty fJf C,:" Harvey R,., lIr. ua4 1(1'1. Jubn .9bur~ on Tbursday with ab~ut< cbtnau was ' announced Wednee , I!15O,51 student 'P atron!! of the Chapter 'wlll b o slxty·rlve gueats and , me~berll' day by O8pt. Adllillon T. Reid, U ,PreatoD" lit, p4 lin. hanored In a' -8pecial program. ---' h Balla;. li~Btnt. A dell '!~ AAv- rinIItr.uctor. In. alr_ 1IC18Il1:8. awl .~. enOD _ ,~~W~ A,dVJ.1O 'Cil ii· \1cs and ' tlon~1 adville.r to the cll met tn regular flell/!Ion on Fri·, dnchepn waa aervei1 : at ~ > tlg tables wnlch ";er8 ~autltul1y socIety. , " , American state~ . · Tbll year 10 Mra. 'GObert .".,. and BJcIaard, and day eVl'nlilg at tli bome of ,M r, .d it #.. ' addltlo n to ' ( Incre!lsed academIc Don, ' Mr. and lin. IArr1 BroWli W .h. au umn ~owel'S. Johns, In' whose memory tb~ , ' . a.nd Patty. ' and Mrs, Eli FUI'na , with Mr. and arraoglj All membera ' reported • mo. -;'{,r s. L. V . Branst1'ato" an~ Mr. and a large decorated' birthday award bas been set up, was n stress on ' remedial r,ead lng, cpurses . p. In printing, ty.plng. and bookkesp· and Mrs, Rbodes Burlllell 8 S gue!!tll, ,cake, with IIgbtej} candles, whlcb senior In the UC College of A enjoyable outlnc ud Tot" to r~ , In the abst'nce of · the preslrltng was a gift from the Centervlll.e 1,>1Ied Arts and na.tional com· jog have. 'beeD added to the cur- qeat ...S type of On Sunday nlll~t, October 8th. at 8:00 'P. M. "The ,Joy iilol RI~Ger," officers, , Mrs . Lutller Hartsof' k Society. m...nder of. ttle B~~Iet;y during rlculum. In the near rutu"' .. Wilbur FI.h, of Columbul, Ohio,' will ylve If( "!'Iu.IQal program at the r Following ' tbe . 'luBeh bour, the 19'''.60. He 10..Jo; bJs l1[e whlle 48 conducted the bU8lJ'jes8 and "en· '. "" ·...thodl.t ohul'Gh. He h.. given concel'llil In over 40 of the ltat •• eral diSCUssion. . Pllln also were gIlests aasembled. In tbe ,aUditor· attending All' ""o'rce "'--srve otI th e Vlb ra Harp, .. ~, ....., and In Canad.. You will h•• r fine mu.lc ill .r!h pay. I C wb II d M _'A_I made to add. SOme new members lum where .!II'S, John Wedgewood fcers' ,Training Corps su~mel' camp ' d u_ C 81nlllnll Saw, London Cricket Belli, Picco 0 0 , e a IJn u_ to the preSe11t membership. 1<'01, led In the devoUona an ..... D. 'this summer at Langley All' FOl'el! lowing ' adjOnrnmellt, dalnt,y rl" A. Cihltler, president at the dlBtr1ct, Base. Va. k "v.ryone I. InVited. No Charge, but. free will offorlng will be Tbe ,society Is upper~~alls · freshmerrt.s wel'e s!lr ved dlll'lng gave a fine address on tbe war the Boolal bOllr. of tbe 'soclety. Several other dis· All ROTC c!ld~ts on college Cam" .., I ~_ii~lv~eMd~·.iiiti.iiiii~iiiiiiiirtCiii:JiCi~Oitic.iijSr"",:;:"",---, - . Mr. and Ml's. Harry. Sattel'th· trlct ,oftlCl&rs were ' O:lso pre'sent puses througbout the country,. Tbe County, Dem~c"atlc Cluby trom tbe ~ Ohio District. , Mr. II OF CHRIST waite were Lerlngton, Ky. vis· an,d gave short talks., . 'I,'lIe a\vards ·In rtbe form , of II at Warren County 'are IlPOilsorlng ~ldman IB' a put proseCutor 'IH~I'II!II''I!''S ..... TO HOLD RALLY DAY itors on Monllay. Following the bilslDflSS lIesslon, key. will be made by ' Capt. Reid a dinner meeting I:~ Lebanon ,on Springfield. n&~ Rally Day Is one at the ,m~y The' Soutb West Wayne A~vI8' tbe sool$ty adjourned to meet wlIb to a member of UC'c Hall Arnold Wedesdar, 0c1OOel' 11 at the HOIl. , Stephl!!n M, Young .. .COIl' 'T hla we.k wa . ar. adding loro e:, special occaillons tOward wblCh ory Council met 'o n Thursday eve· MrB •. Harold Shutts In October. $qUadron or ihe ,soplety; ' on the Grange Hall. ,Dinner to start at gressman at Large now s eeking tt;l~g to the Miami Gazette th.t the people at the CburCh of Cbrlst nlng with Mr. anll Mrs, R. E. b,asls Of : partlclp,.;tJon. coop,era- 6: 30 1s being serYeil by ·tbe Ladi~s reelection · will aillo be present. we have had many requeatl for. III 'Waynesvl1l~ look forward to Asbury aa host and hostess at tbo ttOIl, loyalty and interest. Soclely of St: Fl'a ncia DeSalel ' Edward J. nc;.rr, of Clnolr,n JII, R.ad the WARREN COUNTY with gre~t an.ticlpation annually. Golden Lamb in l..ebanon. A de· Jobns formerly resided In Cburcb, Lebanon. It Is to be no less a ape cl R~ e"ent who Is non·partlsan candldale fOI' COURT NEWS on Pale Three. liolous dessert' COlll'se was served Waynesville. Ohio" and was a Speakers al'~ to IOQlude the two Jndge of the ~O\lrt of Appells, ••~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~J.~t1I~III:s yenr. A very conservative , altAir Wbch .Mr. R. ~ . Asbury acted graduate. of Wa.y.tiea\'lIle ' High local candldateB 'tor County office will also toe present, : of 200 has peen Mt for tbat as president and Mr. 1:\ ~. 'Ball ~bool, In 1941. His '.sIBte!,. MrB . , ' Keller Hoak: of Wa:ynes.vUle; DemMrs. Betty Horltman, of Dayton, day's , Bliile Ilchpol ~lId church, nt· VivIan W. Roilt2ong, resld~s In ocratlc dandldata fo,r County Com· President of t.he Federated Oem· conducted the d,IBeuBslon on ' "Your 11 ~ndan,~e. \Ve ar looking for· ' Highway Manners" or "I;l eath B9 Mr, 'and Mra. R. ·a. MIDer reo Yellow Springs, O~lo. · ocrotlc ' Wom, en of Ohio, will be t . II f 'h ' mlsslO'ner )llId R., 'W. Braddock, or I wnrd a Ree lllg a 0 ,e men:!' hind the 'Wbee1." Tbls ' top I C colved a' tel~grnm on Monday afW.aYllesvlJJ!l, Candidate ' for Rep- a guest. 11, ' Lft ber~ Rnd friends ot' thi s ollgrell'a· brought fortb many comment1l on ternool1 annOUncing the mArriage , HOARD~ MIGRATING resentatlve to thef Clenera\ ABsem· Tbe main apeaker of tbe eve· lion Sun day morning ,at 9: 30. the' education of drivers 111- our or their son Staff se~geant Jimmy , TO W~N GERMANY " , nlng will te tb@ Hon.· Jo~eph T. ~pecjal music bns been plaaned schools ,' " ,. . Millen to Miss ElIz~blith Westfall New'sllapers Lell UII about tbe bly. , Fer guson, who seeks election as ,I , for the da,y : ~veral vo-cnl , num. __ bel's ' will be given for , the awU. Otller BPeakera . at'e ', to' Include U, S. ~ena.tor from Oblo. · Mr. Fer· Mrs. BlII Penny, of Prescott. of Dayton, In €arl.sbad, New M,ex· fOl'Cled ' rii1g!,at!on of hoa.rds of cit. Arizona, was a gnest Qf. the' eVo- Ico at the ~etbodlst ohure,., elev· Izehs froIl! 'Eastern Europe Into the Hon. Ben . 1.. . Goldman, of gUBqn 'ta 110 ,stran~ I~Warren Dr. Arch D. Harvey, W&I'ren enCe's appreCiation and ' to tbe ' and haa been State Aud· God b nlng. en--thlrty. Monday morning-. swe, Austria and ,W estern ,Germany , Sprlngf,lelct, Demontlc Cancl,\dat,e l"county County ilealth CommJBBlo~er, bas glorY"Qf , w am we serve. Mr. and Mrs: C. J.ee Hawke, MI'. Sergeant ,and Mrs. Miller are hon· bllt they do not tell us that 12 _fo_r_'-:-R_e_p_re_s_e_n_ta_u_vr::e_:-::-~ __, Oo_n_I1'_ ' e_8_._lto_r_S_I_n_c_'_1_1I_3_6_.____. _ _ _ _ called a meeting of all managera Communlon Bemee and a BIble and ~r8. Don Haw~e, MT. an~ '',MrR. eymoonl"g In Ell Paso, Texas. aI· million of theso people 'are living HOD-S9NS A""~I, N G . RAU.Y DAY AT ", of eating and drinking . establlsh- centered message wm ~nclude , M. F, Weltz."and '.Ilmih', Mrs. Nell tel' which tbey' wlll return to, 1.Jl!\lr 'In makesb:lft cainps with -starvfl' STATE dONVENTlON ME11IODIST CHURCH ments In Wanen COUlJ,ty, to be the service, , Anderson, Mills Dor!s HlI.w~e apd ' newly furnished apartment In San Uon tbreate'n lng them d~IIY. 'Tb ' ~ ,. Don·t target: 9:30 :A_M. Sun· . .. . beld at 2 :00 p. m., Wednesday, Mrs, May Cardwell enjoyed a pie· Antonio. wbere ' tbe groom is a~· families a.re ,fugttJvell.' Many M H. C. Hodaoll, ~l ba.tcheryA bl~ day at worllllp and fe.l· October ' ,lB, 1950, In Memorial day, October 8, 1960, Ch\1l'ch of nle dinner at Rook Rouse' on Sun· tloned at Kelly Field'. Mr. M11Ier ttJe adults bave served In' sll.vo ma.n and ·Mrs. BodIIon~ are In Co- lowabl~ will be Db"rved on Rally' Hall, Meohanlc and Silver Streets,Lun ..i' .... Wa.ynesvllle Ohio. You t day. They' were Joined at Qbllli· served h) Tndla In WO.r ld War :1I 'labor. ' Millions of children n 0 JWDb~s most of tbi8 week 111 at,. Day at tbe Methodist cllurch ne:&t Lab n 11 Ohio. This invitation Is will be cordially ~elC01Il'ed. f all ."p s c~e by Prof. F. R. MulJU!ia, a. nnd ,wIIB ju~t· recently recalled for :orpbans. Old talks have beeu el '; tendance at U.e Annual Conven· AlInday, October 8. SpecSal musIc -J.~a 0 , to mlaDa&ersft~"'ft_ :-"'f'roe ' Hon' of Oblo aatcbe~men and ;Tad other .....clal Ilum"arl will be ea...,n,ded former superintendent of Waynea- s!lrvlce, ' vested at all possesslonB. . r-: ...... , 01 eating . paces r ..... U&6 ' m CHARLES loMAN IN vUle Bcbool. ' Pouttp' lnd~strle~. presented ' at tbe 1:00 Sunday i.o hot do .lands and in. 8~N ,DIEGO, CALIFOR.NIA:' Mr. and Mill. WUIIam, DU. who Tbls conventl~ 111 for all Oblo ' School hQ, u r. The lIetbodist cbolr :~~: relltaura:ts, oates. cafeCha.rles Aman, 76, wbo tOl'Dlerly have been iemptl)Yed In th~ WestMr. and ' Mrs. Cha'rles Anderson ,~LUE CROSS' H08PI":'AL. " realded In Wa7ne8vl~e, cUed In HatcheJlyme/l and representaUvell wlll 1101 at the 10: 80 worsblp '. and Mr. and Mrs. Will St.. John CARE SENDS O,UT ITS' . " of aU. PoultrY OrganIzations In ho~r witl,l lbe paator pr.achlng on ·teria. , (lnclu.dlDs Icbools and in· San Diego, Ca.'fIfornia 1alt -.reek ern states ·.for' several month., ~e ~~ QUAR"'ERLV B' ILLING9 now spending , Bome time with: the called ' on Mr. and Mrs. +",wrence " Ohio, M~. Hodllon lert on Sunday tbe lubJect ''liow Far 11 It To I1It1tution.) grllls an!! bara. EI~b· a.nd ' was' , b,~rled ~~day ' in Cal. ·Iatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Co' Group Ip Cas)ltoWn 'on Slin4ay af, , Qual't(,Tly bllll!lgs [or glue Cto:1.l alld Mrs. HO,d son VI'ent on Monda". Chur~b 1" AnatteDdance of 200 lbluilents located wltbln. t b e E. Stnnforth. Mr. and Mrs. Elllle ternoon. Hospital Ca're bave been Bent ou ' They wi'] return some' tlme Friday. Is 'expected ' at each seniee. vary C~metery in Dayton. llm,ts of mUn1c1.pal corpora.toas, entertained on Sunday evening M,r. Mr, and Mrs. R. G.MlIler opened by HOBpltal Cilre CorpOration t , Our I a\ 0' a I batchsryman" . Mr. The day will be CODllluded .In a ' R. B. Smith and Miss Allee Fyre tbelr hom,' on Tuesday night. of all mem'b ers enrolled tbrough L·.~ Hodson Is Pq,&Ident of ~ Ohio very Inspirational way at jj: 00 p. are Inoluded In the invitations' as DAVTON VISI~OR8 of WUnilnwton, Dr. William Hill· tbe past week Cor the September community of Waynesville. Hatcb"ry Aaaodatl.on. m. wben Mr. Wilbur FIlth, "The "e11 a. ,hoBe located In the coun· HERE SATURDAY ard, lind Miss Patricia Van Ness, m8llUng o,r the Ralnbdw Advisory Fayment of tbls blUing will , l-.- 'J~y Bell Rineer" 11'111 CSv4!. an ou~· ty at large. Miss Elizabeth Probst, Mrs, Oeo. ' August, Cal'gl Ann AUgllst, Mr. of, Cincinnati. OouDQli. Mr, Miller conduct,d the cov@~ f-ees from Ootober 10 unUl WAYNE Dl:'a......,1:'UBlandinI' mualcal PJ'UCraDl: ' (S.. The mbJact tor dlscUBBloJl.. will Mr. and MrS. J.'. P. ' Fromm were discussion on "Wbat Shlill tbe January 10. 1950. I iii furtb.r , al1JlCMUlCemeDt elsewbere . and Mrs. Charles FJubley and Mr'. . ~IT MAINE INN In tb1& paper). EverJCIDe II wel- be "Sanlta.iloD ReqUirements." and Mr• . AUgllat DterlDger.- all of w8ek end gllcits at Mr. and Mr., Fa~er Do in 1961 T , RJchard O. Jone •• director, Bille c..clal froID come. No char,........ wlU ott.... IDaoh maDagsr la -1J)'ged to attend Dayton. were Satllrday evening Frank Dupree In Dalton. Eleyen member. and two IUtHB Crol. OolDIDlnlon, Chicago, Te· Inn, Bride. I.... " . III person, or to be repreleDted by "Ialtora, 01 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. lIr. and Mrs. ' WIlliam. Davia 1I'r. and Mra. Ronald Hawke were Gently announced that. nationally had Sundal el'enlnl' lUelts, Mr. preIJent and' foUowlnc a4joaI:D. IUltonally Blue Crou now coverll D. C. Rldle U)'Ou 'bay.. 110 \recular chlll'Clh' , • ., ",po.l~e , ~"~al who is Scherer. ~and Mra. Frank. Shaw of Xen~. ~ent. . enjoyed a pleaaalit MCIaI 18,, ' mUUOIl AmeriC&llll; Enroll. BI~~.tt. or WaJllee- hom., we ' "'ya ,wi tho-_·"',. with tbe 0, p. ,- - - - - . . . , 411 ts'" "......... DON'T FORGET to contribute Mr. and Mr•• . Fl P. Earnhart, hour. A deUcSous lunch was ""ad ment as of June 80: ~epr.leDts 24 u.r lUel tlDll to wonbJp WltIl ua aub --'~on of h'a e-tab"·Io-ent. · _L ... ' II In -I.. 'to CROP. Your COIUl',bUUOD, bow· ....t1i Ilr_ and Mrs. CIw'Ia B. Earll- by , tlul bolt and bOsteIa. pier oen.t. .of the popuJaUon of the • !. . 8undaY. ' Cowaty, toWlUlbJp ad muDicipaJ ever amall. wUl look m~bty b~ Jwt of TrohJOQd. • • tJae Ohio lira. NeW. BuIuaeU ..,.. & . . . . UDI&ed state. and lUi per eftt of The CU-NCt-----:!l---1tOI7 ...1 TIle D . . . , . , . .... ....... oaUM off1cf~ a~ cord1a1ly bivtsd to to someone In ' EurQpe wltJumt $ate footMU 1Ul! Sa Columbua dq' pelt of Mr. uullin. 1UlQ481 ~. populaUon of .-.na4& I.rved ftra& aae4 __ G~ tII.e com8UIIl _'I UllWllq. a t t e a d , _ _ ~ .. _ _ bope. OII.~. • _ ..... ____ ., \ ~. .Itf orou, g
Musictll"fll'6m Tfl 8e Hefe
1011 •
_'III .......
fa ,' m i l i a r
"'__ B1.
Chur"he~ ; ('onduct ed a llpeclal meeting at the Full OORpel cburcb Tuesday nig ht. Thal evening, )(1'.
THE MIAMI G_AZETTE E. til bllah.d 1860
I ht
• ' nd publlaher Van ~eter wal lUI overu g -'18/11 I!AUL A. BCHERER •........ . , .... ......... . .. Editor a tlit! Pll8tOl' Rnd hili wife, M ... AU . and family . CICILIA J. ,., ... 1" nO".. • ., ..•. ..• .. . . .• • Secretary and Trealurer and MrR. JameR Rader
i\1 r K. LeliD Ollpln. or S.prlngboro, Tllul'Hduy Mor.ntnc I ~ ' the bOlls e guest ,01 her 80n.ln. at Wa)·o-eev llie. wal'r on County. Ohio law !lnd daugbter, MI'. and MI'tI: I'Jnt ru' ' II os s~cond lass ma~ter at .Tohn E. Welsh . lhe pos tufrll'" at \\' llynoRl'lIlf!, Dlllo. The Methodl!!t church 1I0id n I ,,&feterla suppel' Saturd&y night, -------~--- - - - - - - - - - . - ~---- 10 the home economloll room · or tbe RClhool building. Mrs. 1.I~a Curl has returned. to MmRICAN NtWSPAPERS - TRUTH TO A FREE PEOPLE her home follow1ng a visit 'Iv her l1ephe,,' and n4,lH' , MI'. and Fr III . ci11emher _.'i, 1(,l)O when ' meri n's fir ·t MrA. harles COlli er, 01 Nash· l1e\\ paper, Puhl i k ( . 'utI' 11 t", W.:l 5 pulilished in I'lIIe. Tenn&asee. Mre. Oba Welch has recovered Boston, to the pre, 1!111 lime. 111 'nC11l new p a~l e r, from II. recen.t, Illness, have brouKhl the TH UTH f the news 10 Ihe A men 'a n The Adult class of tbe Meth· peopk. Be aus'e it ff end e,j the Bri li 11 authorities, it odlst church, beld tbelr Septem· \Va su'ppre ' e t ( 11 Se pI "'~ll"el' 29, t tl90 , The Bosto n ber .m eetlng in tbe Boclal room of N ,,: Leiter, (he fir s t reg'u larly lHlhli:'ll ' -1 America n the church Friday, evening. Mrs. new pap r, W:I . st:trleci Arr,il 2~, '1 704. ' Blauche Carr a.n d Mrs. Helen Rob· ertson had charge of tbe program. few peol'le realize til work 'n tailed in ge tting The hoateBBes for the evening ou t a' new ' papa ven H small OI1f.' , Th e 111 :0\11 hour ' were. Mr,I. _Mildred B~\Yn, and re4uired are llnh'eli ' vall le. Mrs. Louise Fite. Mr, and Mrs, Richard ''';lJIums Ever \\'ar ,- 'everxfloocl--' every fire - ' very a.n!! ,,family, of WIl~lngton, were dis:.ter - ' in f.~cI every happ ning - la~!ge o r small guests Sunday evening of MI·s. - in nil these year' - ha ]1 en re p rtect by rome " WIUlams' parent s. Me; and Mrs. If, S. Tucker. " news!,r" er l) t!re in meri a. Mr. and Mrs,' ' litton') Dost er The meri an l\ewspa per. has the riJ:'hl to print I\nll fllmtly, of Sprlngrlelll. were the TRUTH T A FREE ·PEOPLE LET 'S KEEP we k end house guesls or J'ofr. \)OBt \"8 parenb., ~fl'. nnd MrR. rt THAT WAY! Rel"bert noster. De11ciotls I'etl'eshm uts we r e MI'S, Osee Harian ha s ' gone tfl !!erve~ by th h08t~ . ThO' ~ presllnl 011),1 on . "h er~ Rl1 will hll the III addition 1'0 11', lI ad M r s . .Elltl s honse Kll e~t of he .. Ilelee, M1'9 , und Mr, tI1H] ~.1 r!j, Bogan we l'~, M;·. Ruby Stum p. IUld )11'6. JiJ<lrl CbTlatmau, Mr, and Lirlda H;11I'lun, dll\lghler o f Mr. By JANE FITE :'!1'5. Jlobert lln\ndelJbll~~ 11'8. an d Mrs. K enlleth Harta'" . hall r" , The ' 1'IISndil1'8 Chlss . of Ole EvelYI1 'Mal!tel'~, M:llI/! 8d na !)3roQks turned to h81' hOln'e (rom hl\. lIethodtst chu rch m'rt nt the hom un ll , fl Y,,' .1nlle Fit . • dren !!! ' H08J)'t:III, ~ In ·Innatl. . ",IIel'e of Ml\ Rn d MI'S. Heb\'r l~ lI s, W (I· )o(a)l1101'11 J~ I·oel. who I' C lIt1y she und erwent 8sel'Ie9 of trea t . needa)' evenin g with MI'. an~ Mrs. underwe nt n mt'ljol', s Ul'ger)l III ments for sov8I'ol w eks. Harold Dogan and Mrs. Alice Do.n·. Holm s liospi tu,1, IIi Cilllllltl. Is Mr, and Mrs. Lawl'ence Hough, oldson liS nSfllstlln t. bosts. MrR. report d In ry good ont\ltlolI\ or Sa,b lna. a.n d their 80n and Bogall pl'ognlUl leuder. played C oril:lllg to .Ills parents, he is daughter-in·law, l\lr. and Mr~, three gTOUPH 'o( plano elections B~h e d lll d . to l'o~u l' n h0tt'e thi s Harolll Hough. ot Washington uak ' the gll s is to nam rh'<'rs, week. Court ~oulle, " 'ere guests Sunday vehi cles llJ'ld 110101'$ ~lIgge8t a by Mr~ S uSl " O llilai'll, of 'Oa'ytoll , MM!. Llnle Hough. ' the various songB. At the close Is Lh bous 1;u st of Mr. und Mrl\, ~r. and Mn. Fred Sh erwood or the program the group united .Tom s Rader 8.1111 their dll,lIghtel:~, ha.vel'eturned to their bome fol. In 11111111.1 "n'. A GOod Th.lq to Marsha Ann and Rutb Alice. lowing a. ,,111ft with relatives In Be A ChrIatlan." to tune of ;FIem VIUl Meler, honorary Prell' Columbull. byter oJ tbe ABsembly , of God Misa Kathleen Graham, or Da y. -.;;;...----.......- - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - -- - toli, w-8,S ' '" guest dli~lng the week
l'ubllll h"d ~ I'el
~ A!nertcan G.I.,'. moved lliro KOtM qa1Dat aD ov~IIIhelmlnl17 IUperior eMm7, thu
Warm Morning
$'5 '~).95'
Lr.~'kesf hoUr. of defeat, the
, , armed '3 00 l!lIdlen, with
- -
I .
,_ 's q a
'~-IIIfeMt. PJor.blr DDt.
, OWoulci IWlb - _ _.....uciiHiI".
OJdeaca'. faIIa(1a God IID4 hi. toOl .CO\1NIt . . atIIl IDVlfaabl: it
0"""0 ......
S~day wJ!.h
WJJliam Brooke. who 18 In training ~t Ft. knox. The Community Helpers Club' ga~; a bridal Bho\ver, ~mpllmenl. ' Ing AIrs. Dorothy Foschul Sboe- ' makel', I\t their regullu tlng at the Grange Hall, Tl1e~/l a)' evenlug .
P ....". 8tudy
Poultrymen who ,athered e,,1
three or more Urnes a day, kept layers confiDed, and kept no mala. In the laying l1oc:k bad hl,ber qual. Mrs. Etta Brooks and 'her Bon, 1~ ell' than poultr}'men wbo did not follow' thel. practice., acc:o..~. David Brooks, and Mr. "and ' ,Mrs. iDI to a I'tic~t 't~ ' of poultrr Jobn Stewart IUId f4mlly', vl ~ l~ed ferma 1n the NOnhea.t.
'IlI\e IOldlen, perplexed until Gideon explained , b1s ItratelY,. mo,'eeI into tile valley wJth tbelr lamps hidd., lD pltehera. At a given signal, ~ 'blew OD tbelr tr\lmpeta aDd smubed tIM pitchera. . ;, ~ ~.The IIgbt 01 tMIr lamPI pItrced the nltht. TrumPet IOQIIda rolled" over. the. valle7 Uk.,• . , . ,........ in, the apPl'C*fi ~ P.:tat 'UID7 . " tbe enemy It8m 1I!l eaafusIoD ' and GldeOD . . b1s . . . . ..-Yk- '
Maynol'l! Ston,ey , hil S been em·
ployed to tOllch mannal nJ'ta and act 'a. the assistant coach In the Mnsslil. Town,ablp 8 hools.
PHONE WAyNESVIlJ..E , 283;4 " ' ,
L_lon ,
o. X....I., on Rout. 61 and 23S
tall ' Atlvlaory co~cu "'at their , 11ome, Frlda.y night. Following the business session, \Valfer wnilrun,l!; of Wilmington, dellght~d-the guests by ,sh?WIDg slideB ,of ~I I\ , I'ecllnt trip to Latin America. Mr. Ilnd Mrs, \ If: ' . BrOWn wer Sunday dInner, guests, of Mr. Jand Mrs. Andt'ew Peck, ot Englewood,
those men wbo hutUj laPPed the water up (rom their ~ QIdeaD
, Fal'r ley"Hafrdware ~ut PHONE 2441
'0 ...... _ . -0
4 Mil.. North
'0 """0__ _
, .' 'Ott'C HABD .,:AN'.
anu boasted ot one weawn that RS FOR A ".. a... I .)~d not be knoclted out by blaz- OUR' ~ YEARS EXPERIENCE IS YOU '.~ .:...-a.. n, mortan ' or maa "Banzai" , at~uckl. That wea~n was their 'aith In ' G~. ' Their faith in the Alm1,bty and In a cause, coupled with cool courage, recalls· the story ,of Giqeon, a tale unique In the amUlla of 'w al'tare. , ' Gideon, like AmeriQ8Jl, In the, earl3! ,p art of tho I{oreaD conOict, ' wU ,outnumbered and out'p owered' when 1\e was c:alled upon to .deUver Israel from tbe bON of Mhllan. . 'llhe 'enemy ,,"lay alon, the vll1ley 11k. Ifaaabopperi."· , A brave mIlD 'm tpt ~ have quikeel at the aflht bf 'the foe'l strentth but Gl~ fOr1lIled by hi. faith ill ,Goel; dey1Mcl a Itr.afeo tllat eaJl_0Dl7 be clesc:rIbed u ingenious. When his me WeDt to drink, Gideon d1acMIecI. the Ielaura1J' drinker. who atooped 41.,.. aDd took their time, ~ 0Db'
"t ''''
1 ).
tacked adequate .1iIBC\ent tr.mm..equlpmeat. But evenand in " . t!:1'
MORRO~ No. •
h' .
Korea, ,Had F(iith
R.L 111a.:
:rELEPHONKa WAVNE.... II.L• •, LE8A~ON OffIca. 471K
.ALL AND WIN. . . VA. .t'. . .
AmeriClan, , G,I.~s
~ ._
Dunham . Disc B.r.~ws and 'Caltlpackers Gideon'. ,Men, L'ike; _
th~ MlIs~1 :Washing· iO
Armitage &SOD
. Waynesville
Phone 2423
Federal Depp it Insurance has been i~cl'ea8ed from $5,000 to . ~ , 1lta~iml"'" of $10,000, Elicit depositor of this 'b~ulk, is jn8ur~f,I lip 10 this new maximum {or all deposits held in the'8ame right and c(ti)uci~y.
bos'ts' to
M,eeUI1 !l.
ST. AUQUSTINE CHURCH 7 :00 i'ather R. H. Krumholts, Putor
.-;:;;==;;;======:;;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;;;;;;;::;: :. ........,_,.,_._ .. . .,--. . . . .,__ .,. . ._ . . -----
Good baPlk marurgemene ••• sorll,d lJanfc 8uperviliol' ~ ~ • and the security 0/ deposit in.ur(lnce work together to safeguard yo~r .deposits with'u s.
WIIUam Shannou, Mlulsl"" Sunda)' School, 9 :30 .\ M ., Mrt. Jamel! Garrilon, Supt. Preacliln" 1st. and 3rl1 Bun' 4&111 of eacli month, 10 :110 A 11-1. Evening Se"lcel!, 'I :30 ~. M .
A.K.. II. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDti Wonhlp Senfoe. lO:IO A.II. Itnt Dt.Y School. 9:80 A.M. ElVenjq Senloe! 7:10 P.II. ' Meeting (nr \V I,ra"'p , 'u ' lH' A.M.
1(r..and Mrs. Howard !J.raba.m
A dull WnrHblp, 10 : :!0 II. 111.
A.~~ 1:10
Oh~1jch SuripB:Y evening.
T he Rev. Samuel N. Keys, Recto.1 ' RllJllluy: "I'tOlary churcb' scbool 10: SO a ·m , (A ges 1/ through
T. II. SeaU, 'Mlnlllter
the , horae Plllll~g ('ontest . at Troy ' Sund ..,.. , The , . ¥. F. met at Run
~eo'"."Il '
WonId» . . . . . It A.II.
Howr 1'll' Grab'am. ,.'. , 'Mr. and ;Mis. Herl1ert !)oster, M~, 'and 'Mrs. Clif ord' ~ste.r , r:: family. andVra" A. ,.8. ..Collett 'a nd ber lon" R4!~ ~o)le\~ atte~ded
You ng
11&81011, 8 and 10 ' A.II. P .M. ' Evening SarvJee, 8: 00 P . M. Prayer 'Meeting and Bible Stu.dY CAESAR'S CREEK FRI,ENDS WedDelda}" 8 P.M. .....~JUnteter
fer .........ultia, don" dilute New Ilu. Sunoco other I.I"l\ne, Walt until your tonk I, nearly .mply,- then put in 10 galton, of New pI". Sunoco, Compore Itl F..I 'th. dlffo,.nc.t W. be...,. you'll n.v.r 110 bock to ordinary 1.1,"n.,
end of her paret\~8; Mr. and Mrs:
8. E. Bau,6n, Pastpr UnUled Service, 9:46 a, IlL
WAVNESYILLE CH URCH OF CHR'ST III.. It. COrrU)'. M 1r" ,,~UI' Dible SChOOl. 9 : llO 1\ M. MornIng \\, .11'1011"" W':110 A..M.
W. Wedgowood, Minister . Church Scbool, 9:30 A.M., Mr. I farold 1~ l\rnbl1rt, SUIlt. , Worship Stlrvlce, 10 :311 A.M. YO ll t h 1;'1l 1l 0\\'8hlll, 'linda 7 : 30 P,M. , Chll!t· PI'antl 'l'h\II'II(lflY K: OO. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST nY l On l :!II'YCr, MlulllU· r 13,1b l., Rt: bu"I , !I ;30 A.M. MOl (\ I~I ;; "''' I's bl,), 10 :30 A ,M. Pr")" '1 ~I '''I II ' g, i ; on P,M , YIlIiI II "C!ollle's MeeUug. 7: uO I~Y"ullit: ,'" rv l, "II. 7 :,30 P.M ,
,__~. .~~~~~'_ ,....,- - - - - , - ~ - - , -
1 I
e/u'lIer, I III, d I', hnd iJQro thy Marie W lltl<'Slh\y mornlng Ule rom, ' ' lJ,;tltll !Ion to I"e ltx J.treber, 2",261 • mlttl'D that ba4 called It). III nlon 1'11'11. t Kllt hll/' lIy CROP, Christian Rural J:tI'k \\', C"olHpton to Frank WatOVOl'S ' o ~ l>rogram, met In J.eb· kln s, 1 IOL III MR:'\ .t. A Farm Dia~.'Jv ' yenr's " pro· 910 On Your Dial nnon to u"1 SCUllS UlIH N EW SUtTS . f)onnlcl .. ud M ill') 1'.;;.lrI(0. Clul" \ \\'. 1. 8r<>W I'o 1' to lien M , a nd Dy D. 'J. Fr~zier ' jl' t. Mr. Cotz, u nfl.ptl At t!l18!1 lulI' 1.0 II a Too loy Vtl. DRIIII'I Tooley, enel> and Vlrr. i,' 1':11 " "R n, 6.02 Rl' l' lyu ,lohn801" 0,50 acres In a l'Y, ' who 'had l'eae nlly hoen 111 Ll lvorc , !;,'l'OSS negl ct 'of du ty /lnd II c rOR III Fl .lI'lnll 1'11' 11, FrnllltUII TI1'II. -HEARBurmA, lTInll~ /I. s trong plel\ fOl' r' :tl'eme CI'Ulllty , Cn s jlPl' Bnd Cns· Dollill Long LO '11lll' id I), l'a ll'lI-,(. Wnll I' 8 , 'PIpe.' to Phoebe Cope, o 'fOBER ~, l!lli O. -At InKL we liti s ' \IO I'Ii , Tit I' tll g lll'Ob lell1 POI'. 1 ' 0 nr rOR in <';1f'l fl't'l'c'r,1i 'r ll' P. 1 lot in Fra.nklfn. ha ve had a f w warm d nYB, warm g l S \\'Ol'!> I,,,tll or thnn iJeil I' LilIth Kenne th ,MoCoy, mlnol', " II. ~la l'Y 110). '. tllld llllth .\ , Rl llot lIiJo)'. . I and Aq na M. CountrYIlUlR not hoi, j Ulll 11 1,0 th lI'calhol' we III EIII'OI>1! II ml ARia, IIK' th e I'e l'tlf!, ct:ll, I", Schnoop, ex cutl'lx of tlte 'Btllte oUSh to David I . P n:l l'if' I , \7tl to 'I'ommy a.nd' An:lll WUson, 1 lot hlld 1111 SllllllU "I', bll t If , " have PI)\II' out ot t h CottllTlunl!l t CUlln· of .f. Thomas Schnoop, del' ·c1.. nl" S CfO S tn learcre el( 'P\Y I/ , • In l~rllnkJln . , DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE ellou g h ot It tho 0 01' 11 11'111 rlpel! t,'l os. 'rhe comllloclil los g lvAfI to tlon for mOney' o nl y. nmOll nl Madge rL Gons 'to Mlld r(·d P, 'n: TO CONGRESS, SPEAK ON a nd we can pick lhe Inst of L!II! &OP 111'11 dl ll \t'lllUtP.,d thro \lgh, tb !at med O;l4,OQ ' !Iud IIstl!. Rob ' I'l del'Y, 2.04 aOl' a III 1'lll'll. c ,. ~ell PROBATE gar,tlell. Our lasl 111111111 111; o't beais phul'ch ng n('le8 , hlll'l'lt W'JI'ld 0 S·mltll . .:M e ry l D. ,Ql'ay . '1·WIl. E~tJlt() o( OCI'tI'Ude 11. Orr, dec'd. are beglnntng to bloBSOlIl so aboul Se rvice. Lhe Rblilun 'u lho 1 Hl1I'lll R.olJe rt B. M(', Oy: I'm ' ni 3nd Mntl ~e L. Oons 10 " ' lII lam T, I .. anarer or rllal estate «ranted. EIIWarren County 'Goldman f~r Congrc~s Committee two weeks more without fL rl'e ze Re lie f nnd tlle' Dllh" "un ngeur y to nnLUTli1 gUllrdlll l) , (\1 l ' t' I " N Il ~ e· l : ornmQi! und George Apgar, 8.32 ta te xempt from ili herltance tax. -Pol. Adv. WILBUR, HUTI, Chairman and they will bo rendy to caq I' 11 r C lite rs which OI'C carin i' oy . mInor, \' 8. ~I QI'y ' I , tklt tlflll fl. r.r.l'es n Turtle I'e k 1'''' 11: Esta te of Fr d :A, Morris. dee'd. 8tnl IUlVD SOUle or IL Inte plnn fot' I'efu gee s li nd OI Hllllloetl p" ,.. p ,oc' ull'lx of the es L,. t !' ot J , Mldred Rendery to Arnold E . or tax . and tlt ey tM te vory gOI.d . The sons, sc hoolS uud ol'f,h nung . , '1 ' il mns }'l chnoop, dee'd" action fo r und fllrtha B, D,nlt r , 1 lot hI oetermtnatlon Estate of Millie Quinby, dec'd " :. pumpkins are almost l'bauy 'to take This oounly ' Is b"lng lI ul d fol' '. on y only: amount clam d '$14 ,· .eerfleld 'l' WIl. \\ .. III Cbesney appclnteq admlnts· to the cannery nnd t be Jlweet ~' COt'1I 01' nloney. 'J' he 1l1lnlste rs or 00 0 and cos ts , aD be rt O. Smith Homer and Oni TlI'ollgMon 10 tor, El mer S. DUI'.rell. Orville totOOB are almost ready to !llg. the val'lolls denomination s bove ~.fal'yl B. GrIlY. Hoy 'SmJlh 12 lot s inl RllI'illg-lJoro, Pal'kllll1 Bnd D_ E , fie;' wood :,p. They tl'led to combln 1,h clo ver boen ~Iven ,publicity materl!tls " Fnnllie Green , liE! executri x or Ell l'hul'li P . Uhllrl" to Hlchl1 \'d 'I'. ponted appraisers, 47 MULBERRY STREET LEBANON, OHIO ~ee9 Friday b~ some of it jA still a nd called to come td an orl;a nlzn., lho will 01 Paul Compton, dl' 'd .. li nt! Norm a .foan TI'U 'y, ] lot In Es tate! or Mahel Hosi~ter Woo'\ , Off~. His VALUABLE CENTRAL LOT in MORRO W , too damp. it haHn 't rained' but tbe tlon I1lBOllllg October., 19 s o \ he'll YII. ' Berlha H . ' onlJltt1n ; pl n L , Frnnlllln. de~'d. will sdmltt~d ' to ,pr<1 bRrp. 0., FOR SALE FINE EVERLASTI NG BUSINESS dews Iluve been ''Y ol'y heavy and your mlnlsll,w asiul YOll to come i1LIlnie y [lD.d Stnnl ey. R I,llI'd 1'. and .1 " 101111 T rn y to Charles T . Wood' a ppointed e vel'.·· SPOT AND HOME FOR ,ANY aUSINESS - 2 SPANS. tbe mornings Qu\te f., oggy. '1'hO'I,'e I LO tbnt meeting b, B,u re nnd do so, nnl !!1 B, nd .JIIIW lfoll ln",s wol'th , tOOl', harles J . Wagll'qJ111r, -R . 0 , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 17Vz FEET EACH AT $800 OR $1500 ALL AS STANDS, Is a g)'eRt denl of 110)01(0 In Ihe ~Vffil'I'en ounty dilln t 40 ,'el'y IV II 1 lot 111 E'l'a nld hl. Bl s6011 and Dale , ' Rosencra ns up, I ' ' WHifUll Duffey to (",. I'Glt F . Tbouaands of Carl Stop Daily As Green Lighh Tllrn Red. 8.11', they IIUY from thq [lndlan'l' nst yellr 8 0 le t See if wa ca II not 111 'l,'bllrman Wnl~ I'S t C) 1)ol1 nlll E . pOinted appraisers , \d l r nnd Volet Perin , 115 tlel'eEl Where the Fast ) · 2·3 Crosses ,the Ga:eat CCC Hi gh w ay. forest fires, tilll.t makes I'lte Run 0 betler his year . V I")' f ew ,0 Rnd 'Ethel /lot. K mAn,' 83.6 a reo In tbe mattei' of the will of , I Balein IIlIU Hnmjlton Twv. look dim 'and I( ellS It from tlrylng t ll /l know whnt ,It Is to be Itllllfl ry In MiamI 'rwp. HALF CASH - BALAN C.E EASY Emma B. W hitacre. dec'd,. will ad· Lizzie May McKee ,!el' to Ann a· tblll gs properly. 80 lei s 8 e what we can do to , '>YeBI y A. 'and M ll cfl'l!1i 1. 1\1[&11' mtll ed (0 P-robate. If You Muff This - You'll Never Forget This ' holp IIlos who ne \'or li ,n ve nn. Ilgll helle f lora, 1 lot In Waynesvill e, , '.". II 'lUI' " ' hl nn. l OllO'~hcl' nice 110 I I' "~ I' . co. II to eat. E Sla' e of John B , Gonll \tee'd.,'"'" Durn T . u,nd MIIl'fell TinnilY, et li ing to Homer snd I' {3l'ollg There is' a word of grid 1he soun ding lokell Estber Ff. Go ns , <'I ecutrlx, Howard ; the ollieI' lillY - P ink Y'II. A R tbe I. to L onn td and Bes8 Tinney, 1 1 ~!>t In Wayne Twp, A little lVord beje.we led w ith b~i l l i a llt te:w cal ves In tbe pal'n have Leelt havP hUl to gi ve OJ'II 01' moO. y t u Loten F, and Ruth E. ' Scott to Bnrfa e, Ronllld Ha wke and ·D'art· CROP. CMls tlan nUI'jl! 0 ' e ll"'Il~ lot In CorwIn. T he saddest word !fon d li ps h ave ever spoken l 1ng 'l!cours w let thIs on e 1'1111 wllh At'vle and PaUlln,e Abrams to Wilma Apgar, 1 acre In Clearcreek ley Moss appoint ed IIppra ser!l. P rogl'RJIl. A little word that brea ks th e hai n of ye r ~ , J. Irst and floal accounts were ' her mother wh ch ju~ t, snUs Pin key ,\ lIIu llJ 1'. and MaUda M, Abrams, Twp. It's utteran ce must ~v cr bring em oti otl because sbe bellevoH 1hat a ('nl ve's U,S. Potato Orop I ac r in Franklin T wp. Edward O. and OrnlCe 'r. RlIg~ SPPI'o\'ed , allowed Rnd confirmed : The memories she c r. stols anno l die place Is by Iter mOlhe r's Bide Rnd Ten to 20 PilI' cent ot the U, S, Clarence and Puney Deboll"d to 1. nd to George and Hubert Wren" ]=!s tnl e of Grovel' C. Knapp , dec'd .. , known On every -l a nd, on ev ery Ol: C<l Il , ' Tis E, Knapp, eX lOc,arl .. ; 6:lt at e Roae ehe 'viII almost tea'!' t he bal'n down potato crop (field run) co~slslS ot I J ames A. und Alice Cl\.rb~rry, 2,66 J lot in Lebanon. And she 's calte - <'G oodby," tl) , get bel' qnlf out. She Is a good small and cull, potatoes. Tney are cres in Franklin TWIl. ut 'Frank Ottin g. dec'd " umlse Ot· Is. Kersey to ohn W. Kersey, 1 suitable for IIvestoclt feed, Cecil 0, and ,D ella ' M , Lamb to I t In Watnesvlhe. cow ~\lt tor s ome roason we hav tlng, admlnl stra.tor and tbe elrate of Ben I;l\cbardson, 4ec'd" A. ,8 , neVer mllkl'd her vel'Y mUCh. Sb mdward and MayfrllY Wells, 1 lot and MIami Valley Bulldlllg Illld :rhe fir s t pl'lnt Ing pI'eSB was E II2a Lamb to HOlDer Lamb, Kau fm,an, adminlBtrator, has "ralse4 tbrell 01' rour cnlvell fo r Ootto'_ed JIaUs In Oregonia. Loan. within 30 days, impol't ad Inl o t1 t1 ~ ctlun l,l')' In 163 9, ~ ~.2 55 acrell In Olearc:reek ~wp. ' Cottonseed meal and bulls art Estate of MarY E. Smitb, dec'd" \IS every yeur. At the presenl used al teed tor dairy ca ttle, be, nO,bert E, IUId Mattie. M., Hop· Del lJert J. and Fannie J. Parker NIna E , SL Jobn, firat, flDal and I nter atate Comm erce c O, VS, time we bave elghl alve~ . Tbe [n, rich In the elements needed for Ili ns 1.0 Dan ~{. and BeUy Loraine Ne w's pRp I'll 5 1II11 g fO I' a penny to lar n ce C. and F airy Sexton , Mendel York, at al.. judg me nt en · dis tribu ti ve account, approved,. al, belf ", P Ix:fQ, ,ylth .hel' cal t DQlUab growth \lnd m.Uk production. Hopldns, 6.24 acrea In MassIe Tw\). aple('e OI'lglonl d in :England. try flied , 2.90 acres In T.urtle reek TWll, lowed and confirmed, . White Df\lsy wlt~ her' 0\\'11 calf Rml Jlfllard Lamb to B asle Lam s, ] Hub a t and ,FAy,e Duff La Boyd Mary M/U'garet Tibbs, minor, V B, another we bought 'YOI' hel', Dolly '~he As~oc1a~ed Press first nsed nore In Clearcreek T wp, COMMON PLEAS Bruce Tibbs , minor, divorce grant. / WyomIng Il , <I a II WFlPI1P I' In and ibe .BIg twin who al' I'ats ltl typcwrltters.lu 1886. . Hazel I f. cuter to Adrian and , i1d , R"by Stewart, 2 acres In 1869 b f ()I'e It b "lIm,;! a I 1"'jtOI'Y, .two big' calves we b:oughl. 11 Pinkey nllby,- Lawaon, 7 late In Deerrteld U nion Twp. The Olty Loan and SatInP Co., ed. and ' b!lJ' helfer, Ul\d the t wo bolters 'tb-e P!lgl'lm!i bro ught wilb t,hem '1'lI'p. URny W , and- Rose ,l' I'obM to ve. William II. Sturgla, 81'" et a1., in the weanIng P!ln. Tbe "ad pal'l the germ or a free,: press. Nanne IUId Elniel' Stewart The ('l vi l W nt' Tho llrill. dally in the United StIlt , org)a' F. s,uulldt;ll's , 1,50 acres IIi Dremises to be CorecloHd. and lold •{amUton TW; II defendants do not pal' pla1DtUf es appeared In Philadelphia tn 1784. ot h eifer calves Js tl\n~ we ~ave to 1farner and Ora Erou ghton , 1 "elln tbem. It Is flO muclr easier in S pr in gbOro. ' to j us t send Ule veals to 'milrket .- - - but raisi ng heifer calve s Is m y ORDINANCE 'No, ?14 main dairy pr01eot so It hu to be AN ORDINANCE GRANTING '1' ~ THE DAYTON POWER AN done tbo\lgb t Jet mine l'uh wllh LIGHT COMPANY, ]1'S uq ~. homemakers shrug tIIeir the co'\v lon ger than mqst daIrY SORS AND ASSIGNS, AN ElLEl • shoulden h opel'essly when farmel'l1 do. It makes them a \It· TRIO FRANCHISE I N TH E 1., they compare the well-groomed LAGE OF WAYNESVILLE, look 01 CQl't:e.' wom en wrth ·tbe'lr tie harder tO ,wean bu~ Itiloes make STATE OF OHIO. FOR A PERIOD own "thl·OW,l-t... gelher'1 IJpp ear.uch . tln~ we~1 grown calves tbllt OF Tli;N' (10,) YEARS, COM'ME'NC· ance. mature early and can be brl'd Sf) I}l{G O!ll' THE 4TH DAY OF NO· , Til y ~end to tlxcus.e themselves 88 ip' Qal~es between famUies everyVEMiBJllR. 1960. by pointing out the emerg E'ncie. ~ where an getti;," more BE IT ORDAINED BY THE that steal from a h(IUSewile the moutlls and two yeara , . , .!.' " <If tbe rbiog_ thty want COUN~II". OF TIfE} VlLLAGE OF time that might have been deI was ' In teres ted lo ' I'~Rd the "Il .Tld ne'ecl""";/ liilea (0 WAYN1iJS\'ILLE, $T ATE 0 F vcled to p retlying up.. . " ' , ". tin ' ladDers 011 (be omo• ' eVE:r kE'''' hous& advocating the ea~h r I.oree.llog o r \ No olle wbo has ' 'Ued" Brand r.dioptoSECTION 1. Tbat. subject to ' ... , diet from ~om e experiment etntlon , gram. ·l'bry'U tell you ' t he terms and c'o ndltlons bereof, Would d eny this, but 1h xe ue helterB, 'Of course, not too 'el\l'l y, ... how,they ;ncrea..d c.. b Tbe Dayton Power 8lld Light ComW YS in which to h elp" if not rem)t incomes wirlJ,oul e XIra edy, those s itu a tions HInt reach a butt a. well grown well fell h Iret' J ,,'ork or co sujI limpl y pany, Its successor" and IISslgns, 'limax wlth t1Je d",sp Indent bed a t about \l y al' old will huve .. by £ollo",iol: a racu~al 18 granted tlle right and pl'lvllege " ll I onl,i h od tlme. ' .. " Land Use program. for ,the period .of ten (10), years" r . her first calf just befol'e sbe Is L1.ten every Tue.day oommellclng Oil the 4th day of [ you 'd like to impruve )lour two years ' old Itnd wlll l<eep 011 and Thursday morn.n.' Nov~mber, 1960, to do, carry on rfToom ll'le, t:IJ~o 2 ' ~J _!·C~.1 '';'! : e!lS grow;!ng and the calf will pay ber and tra:nsjLct within the, said Vt1,- ' i,lirls a nd shIM d3fn g a Ii tlle p!: per board (or IInother year, One of our Statioa WLW , B:3O AM I~e or Waynesville, Oblo, the , wo vk . K eep It gl'oulIl)ng li st III the business of supplying electricity same way til .. ! )'uu do J!U4,' I;cv.. el·, beat COWH bad 'her first oalt At .'r.~ ..J t.y.ley';':a Slftl. WI,. C... ii to' said y1l1age and Ita 'Inbabltants 'list. apout. sixtc.en months, I would not , ..ri.7. III1"'o,ANO for light, heat and p!)wer purpo.a~e. . When you notice your S\I1\d!lY recommenll that but tl,e inlerel't · WAy'NESYILLE fARMERS !I' ld '91'. !lny either purposes for · llh oes 11 ed r e·· soling, V{!':tl'l' a note , Ingpart ' wits 'tJla t &Itb WitS 110t \vhleh electrIci ty Is nO:w or may to yourSeJr so you 'w on't be caue11t , EXCHANGE . 'be I:Bcd bereafter; and to that end ~hol't the next time YO\l pIau" tp atunted and reached bel' rull s1:~e . Pbo ' 23'71' Wa~:!:.!lIe to- en p upon and In, UI!O and OCO weal' them . l! the button pops f • .....a.. ' ••• • • .,. ~ , ...I. wltb about her third calC, The ne , ..._,....vw cllPY the -sjreelll, avenues, lanes, off your coat or your flllger goes ' '.;::'; l ' . ;"e.' .... tens., '!' ..... Ii ~ '&aviD&' achedulecl a busy day to' t,- :'~1em; ~ t!at artie tla . . . . . . ., QI'IUlII&.. aUow berseU ampi& time tor h~lfer tbat we did not breed uutll. A CarJoad of Auorted Felice alleys and, publlo ~s' or Bald t hrou gh t\1e end of yOU!' glove, (I,' .. el' t? . \" .....0 ve Id gre fnt . ' VJllage, to IlUllntaib, use. erect. add these items in n~f' ot mend- t hllI. lba'tlli.i!i »'_._-1', ..... Oll.... .. more . . . . .. dressIJ1&') this YOUl1&'"ho~emaiter DUll was~.. "ars a .,.,,. ..... P...ta J..-t _Arrived replI,lr ' or replace polos, towsrs, lng to your list also. ...,.~ W~. . . . . .uraL elnergeS' from her home- as welland beefy lind nevel' was as good strnc'ures, gUTS, nnebora, braces, ' . lToomed as :my career Womn n. h tli t I d " . It's best to keeJ) apermaneht can be better planned, For this, churcb supper that _ L 'a ml lk e,r lIS l oile a ca ve I 1IJld all otber ,necesBR.J;Y anFJ ... ilroper p'l"'ce .. for tllese jO~ln-, n .. ~ since loose us e a dsj' - t 0- cia y appoIntment It'll help keep ,your .appoint- Site gives h er 'parse a. la!Jt- ntlndevices and nppllancel\ for tr\lna, scraps ot paper tend to get mis- book or even an ordi~ar)' wall 'mepta straiSht, too. , You'll 'avoid lite check·IiP (=!obove) as a p ari , mittIDg_ and SUIlPlytnlr" electricity p laced, A small Dotebook or a C" i .......i .1'. • SUch 1l1tfalls as accepting an. in, of bel' beauty routine. to said village nnd Its Inbabltants , school compol/Jtlol\ booll:' wlil' serve '1'1;ls wi,l ~liJllinate such emer- vltatlon to a tea o~ the same after forThIs' s ucb. grant , purpoSes. purpose 'udmirably, ha ' , ,shall apply to all ... g~!',~;t:d ai; suddenly rep1emb~r1Di noon , t t you'd arrange~ to visit I~ou '11 !l 1'1 d t Il Gl Y ',J U Imve tim~ to such poles, towers, ' stl'uct\ll'es. 'T a'y k eepi'ng a cal.eq.dar ,,,f yOUl' on 'l'uesaay afternoon ' that you've tbe dentist. ' att end those l ast- minute l'bu tines guys, \lnchors, braces, ana all ot~el' , activities, too, so tllat · ~our days pl uLt.. ~ L1 to Lake a cake , for 'tht- , , With _ &u~ advance ' pl~, t hut add up to g od e roomin~: devices and al1pllallces used, or usefUl (01' the aforesaid purposes which are, now owned by said The ,,' Dayton P ower lIud Light CQmpany HO~NTAL VEa~AL hl said Village and to s tich as J 1,,6 Plelurecl 1 Sleevelel, hereafter may be plllced or, erected former \1. S, ....ment therein by It or Its s ucessors aDd assigns. ' 8ecretal7 of '2 South Dakot. 1!;~li .commerce (ab.) S ECTION 2, That 'upon tbe 1'0rlioval or relocation ot . lUIy pole 10 Greek ,.\ter " a lUted tower, 'structure" guy, anch i', II PJun.e , ' 41..veL . ' brace, or any other d e vice or a vo 12·ConalUlle 0 DemllexS 11 U. .. CI Gibe with heal thw:tder , ,I Illlance, tbe surface ot each stret,1 lB ~~hl.VO"' - 'I Boat pachlle 23 Sean:1l 40 RUle or pu)Jllq 'way, Whlcb s balf lrave' cbUd . 8.New Teata,; through ' 41 MorJndin ~ye been disturbed or broken, shail ,1'1 M9te <:on<:l.. mut (ab.) 25 J, 8X 42 Thorollgt:rfare '~~er~~;~~t~~: :yOO!~:~;h,:o~~:r:~;, .' II Ofter • t Swt.71 '2ti Rent 43 Ado BeariJlI 8J Staggered 46 KOl 20 HeroIc Power and LIght Company, U" su o 2S BI&c:k ( ,ft.), 12 l,;onJte.llat!ol'l 47 Standing OOS SOI'l1 or ' assigns. II ~ ~ , 3.1' !':'ror ' room only ~NC'I!ION a. TIlat r:rothlng . ir Zt Altatic -' '. 3151ritense dislike ' (ab.) tltls pl'dlnnnoe shall be 'consll'll<'" aa granting .too The Dayton Powc klr!&\!om 50, Either 19r MGiU\ ' ' chlls! ~2 Symbol and Light ~pll.IlY. Its slice H SOfll or ssslgn!!, an eX~hl & IV~ Irr >: 17 Nwada eltJ 21 G:9d of' tIn Illtge or right. , .. ktnIJIIU.. S ECTION 4. ' That tb l n on\lllnn .( 19 Aceomplllh shall he accepted ,by enid Til , ao,or IDIttnce" ~~:r.,aY Dayton Powilr and ;LIgbt Company . 31ReIretJ If! wrlUng, on or before Witty ( ~~ ~~HAW aa~' cIa)'II atter Its erfectlve date. Slw' CAnton, , TNIN6S 'R) ~ AIICIIT TNm'" acceptance shall be rn d with t h 'B riUl.nce wc:al)~~ \llllage Clerk, and, tbereupon, tit · ~ II Rema1Ddef . ~._ .. INObMT. or4lnanee aball be and canst It 't 40Bat11el 11Mr JW'PENIP lit COl , !M... a contract blltween ' tbe VUlage allft .. 'Friend, <Scot,) MY" THI+ _ _ ... HH, said Company 1tR Sl1ccessors 'all l] fa WinlUke patt aaalcna. for the ulle", and purpose" ~AU.J bereln provided_ SECTION 6. That this orcllna.nl'" naJI talce effect anti be In fon·p .=~Jn:tor from uti after the earll..t period 10 lIIlowed by law, YASSIID b, the CouncU of the VWap of Wayn8llvllie. OhiO', rhi ' lad daT or OctGber, 1150. B. II: SIIJilRWOOD; 11[.,.01'
:J)'1' ;1
Jed.fJ e
Warren County Court Mews
al'I' e ~
Tues., Oct.
7:30 P. M.
_ ,__,___ u_._,_,_,_",
"Communism and the Congressional Campaign"
Yields Time f9 r Be(luty,
' >1/._
Former 'Official'
~~;~~j.ae~N;a~U~gb;t1 'aa
.7a8 SWlSl
..,.,... ......
( I I ' ••.I!B
.JAIIBI, Clerk.
r'·"''' __
_.IIIIII1~mmWllllmmIIllIIllWIIIIIIIIIII""IIII I I IIII~mllm"'mlmllllllll1IIIIIIIIIIilmlllllllllllmlllllllllllll~II'llImlmlllllll~l lI l IlI l11I !I IIWII~lIIlm~mll ll!l l ~IIII !I I~mll l l l l ~===~E~~~
TWIN THEATRE .¥aynesville~ Ohio , CLOSED ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Thurlday, Friday and Monday ~_ Continuous (rom 7 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and Ho lid a ys Continuous from 3 :00
Especially For
PHONE CenterviUe 7056
~lIIl1l11l11mlllllllllllllllll DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111
. ('I'ech nlcolor) Dane Clark - ' Ruth ROman Raymond Massey Thrilling Acti.on Western W.
·os met·
Loaded, at DaVIa Funla. PIt. 60 ClUte c!Jblo ,ard. We /lIIIO deUTer. AJUI· ITAGm & SON. Phon. 10111. U
' ~I~ ,-.u~"""""'.~'-" I ~ '''''' ''''''~''-~''''''I ~~~''-''~''
IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PAST DUE? If It II - won't you plea." se nd us a check for $2.00.
~l _._ Cl _ U _ \ -'
Plu s -
LIve WI.r e and Progres8lve. AD orgRnization second to none. Strlclly seller s on the best all' a 1'011 \111 market. In the coun try.
!~l/Il!I I I I I I I I I I I !"II I1 1l1l1 I 1I1 I1U 1II11i!!lIIIIII!111II1II11111I1!
.:. I _ l~' _U_ I _ Q _ a '_ II _ " _ ' _'
WHAT IS MOST IMPO~TANT IN A SERVICE? To leave a ber'eaved Il mJiy pleased with the afA.ention th ElY received . yUh the las t ImpreSS ion tbey ca~y with them IUld witll tllo price tiley pay. ' ~ . ~ EVERX BEFORT
Feel, Commissions
ANY TIME Long -Term. . Are Safe (Up to 33 ' Years at .4%) A Farm Oraanization For .
Whea t.
~ ..~~ .,
~ ~
DOT TIP.TOE Canned Foods Are
Finest Quality
• • • Alway.
leeled Fot
JOHN WAYNE ...........~
Call 2, 3.
, FOR SAL~- ~
C~efutly SeFlavor• .
' Unu~
___ aw..
• • • ; _ • • wa_a _ _ _
'R ural
Specializing in FARMS and ' SU1BURBAN HOMJ?S
as -
For Past II Years .. .. X-9·21-2S- 1z·5
FOR SAl..E- OIII' 4·room quallrled. Hestroill. One qua.lUled COlli ,eook· lng I'II.Jlge. La 'ust end post ariel !Ine post,. V. V.~~Eru:iON. Phone 262S. X-10.5 =::--=-:--:--::_---:~--'.IL--- . FOR SALE _ lnternlltlonal 011 Heater with electric oh'culatlng fau, 1 year old. Cost '265.00. Sell for $tOO; R. W. GALL. 26:16 ~t. tye burg Ave., Ft. McKinley: Oh io. X-JQ..5
'a ndGas
SALE--71 POUD11s of Fi'esh H;og Lard, 15c per pound. ROBERT GONS or m:IY be 'a.t ' Locket Plant. Jt -
.Spring 'Valley, 0-
- - . ---
Delivered to your door ••. or alyour favorite store
----------'!• . R,ellicenee WaYlleaviUe 2963
-TRUCK STALLEd, IAist Satllrday morning a lllrge truck belonging to Tom'.. Express. Weirton, W. Va., I~aded with Iteel, .tal.Ied. at U1e ~lc IJebt and reo quJrecl • larae aulOmobU. laden - - . truck to . pall It th~ bill Ollto ~ . lIIabl ....treet.
There is' a girl In Hawaii whor e Is ': ~alll.nl Kaul!1echambnk· Il.hlklIRuynal,awahlnekubIlO." Som- ·. one hRS lIuggeAted that s be move to Iho ' Wl'lsh town of . "Ll anfall" pwllgwyngyllgogel'Y fJhwyrnrdlub· JIll d w an Y881\10 gogogo h." All you ulln soy I ~ . If she ' doe RI 'II . l 10 neVe ', never, nevel' get u letter! :.J
C. S.
P hlldren's SO c'ietlj ot Chl:k·
tlon Service sponsored bf the W. S. C. S; o~ the Methodi st church w ill . meet Saturday Ilt tbe ,churcb . hasement at 2.:00 p. m. for work, wor ship and fun.
FULLER BRUSH NEEDS Telephone Waynesville
o. s.
FOR ~820
BeD ~
f)lOTICE OF .APPOINTM£NT . Admlnlltr,ator . Est~te 'ot Benjamin Beckett, d. ceased. Notice is hereby given that ADD. Mae Beckett, whose Post Office address d8 Harveysburg. Ohio, bal beeD dilly appointed as AdlDlJlIstr~t rix of t he Estate of Benjamin Beckett, late of Harveysburg, Warren County. Ohio, decease'd. DlI;ted t1llB l6th IIny of Septem. bel'. 1960. RALPH H. CAREY . Judge ot tbe Pobate ~CoiJrt . Warren County, Ohio Meroyl B. Gray, - Attorney Publlih 9-21:.28-1()'5
~, At 1~1tb we are in peace" .Qoc1
Spring Valley Hard\V3re. 'Co. -------~--'"
FOR Pure See seen
. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT , . Admlnlltrator Estate 9f. Margaret Nob I.e ~~=::;:::::;:::========::!i . COWS ' ••00 Whited, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Lee All Stock Removed DallyE. Nob)e whose Post Office ad· l;; rge or email - Call Collect dress Is R. R. I, Oregonia, Ohio, Xenia '4~4 ' . haa been duly 'Ilppolnted' as Ad· Mr. Rlon Hoel, 'or Qlqelnnatf, mlnlstrlltpr of tlie Estate of · Mar· XENIA FEFlTIUZER garet Noble Wblted. late of ' War- and the Rev. George AlIno, of Co. Divlaion !>, Inla ~dl 'PIOeJuota, Inc. iumbuB, wled ori " Misses AnnIe ren Coupty; OhiO, deCeased. " " ' - - _..- .11_,,--,---.0":" _ _ _ and: Mame BroWn Ilnd :aHss Ms.y ~~~~~ 19~0:te_d this 19 .day ·of Sep~ember, Wright on Monday. MI'8. Olive Curl was a. guest on RALPH H. CAREY, Judge of the Probate Court, Tuesday at a birthday dlnne~ given Warren County, .'Ohlo tor ber by her sister, M·rs. Vada. Klein pt Wilmington. . C" 'Donald DUlltusb. Attorney . WAYNfsVIf..LE, OHIO Mr. R:od Mrs Larence WJllfamson-fllbllB"b 9·21·28-~0·5 of Indianapolis, with, tbelr son
Ask About our Price on
10, 11
nAB)' SITTING In my bome doys· - In youI' home evenlriHII. Phone 263.2. X- lO·6
• '_'1111!11'_'_' •• _i_,~,_,_,_". DEAD STOCK
"REAL'I'OR" , MlamJatlurg 6·1011 Stat,e Route 741 .
perr.e ct condition. automath: controls, automatic dehum· Idltler. cold air boots and plpos. GLENN HOLT.JN(}SWORT~ , Harveys b\lJ'g, Phone 2005. X·9·2 ·10·1;·12
Irr= II ••••• • •;;=il
. _._ .
FOR SALE-13B Ib!!.• 143 tbe., 166 Ibs" '1'160 lb8., 132 lbs., 127 ·lbs." 145 bs., ;140 . Ib8., l79 Jbs" 186 Allo Top QUality In Meala lbe. HJlld Ql,Illrlel's BeeLH e .. per r~s~,1I(11' l~~ 1~~!"ibs~,~fs61~~~.• ~~~ ltis., ]56 Ibe .. 194' Ibs. / ]98 Ihs . Front Quarters Beef at 31e per pound . This beef has . been Hoi· stein milking cows. See STONY· FOOD SlOa BROOK FARMS or may be seell =;;'-:::7~~=-:---=----- at W~ynesvme Locker Plant. I t Phone . 2641 , FOR SALE--Eetate Heatrola <coal ______,__~ . ,_ __..- _ _. .' - . stove) medium size, gool) ondl· "'i;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;~!!;;!; 3314. tlon. LElNA B.ARTSO 'K. P b OIle ~ !!!! U
and Goodnell.
PolaotJ Clll! a Doar, April farrowed, 1m: llIunlz d. e .' tlfled Vigo Se e d
Renewala ~y
The Land Bank Way
Wilmington '2362: lebanon 439 FOR SAL~7 room 'mode rn house. Rtll3l!:RT DAVIS. Tblrd Stl'Oet. INLAND PRODUCTS, Inc. 9·28
'1'0 . MEET
READY FOR FALL PLANTING Ha rdy ChryslluthemnmR alld lJ9r· . nnlnls. ST. ' J iHN' C,ARDENS, across trom T e.xat'o. Phone 2651. X- IO·5-12·19
HORSES $4.00 SERVICE THAT S,..TISFIES For Dally Market Reports: Hogs 'a nd Other Small Stock WHIO Duyton, 12:60 E.S.T, Dial Removed Promptly . 1:100 ; W!.W Cinc innati, 1240. Dial 700. CALL COI.LECT
KIrk Douglas - Laure n Sacall - Ollrls Day , Trumpet .playing By Harry J ames POPEYP.
OCT. 6, 1
"Fury At Furnace Cr.ek" ·
W . B. NB\\ S
OCT. 5 ,
hup. 3- A II Y. of Sir Galnb,nd
_____ _
ST UB~S FOlt S ALE:- 0l:l;;;110bll '-'3 6-::-:j: ~' U NERA L HOME door edllll, good tlJ'e~. ,\ . \ condi· Phone 2291 tlon. reasonable. J. B. nr H. 'Thll'd slreet, Waylletlvill ,. Uhio. X·- lll·o
FOR SAJ ..E-PUpi<, U10 ~ tly 'Co k I'S. all 2~ 72. =F07R=--:::: , S-:-::--::---=-----~A LE - }C1'lgtduinl Rerrig r· ntor, Nigh t and Day heuling Stav , both In j;ood ('ondillon. HERRI CT N, C. E. OTTI'. I1l1 CIHlner (Rrm on J .ylle noad. X- 9·21·2 . .:....10·5
bold doing it. Neverth . less YOll kn w 1 be l.olor nOded lo .YO III' ~lltl'l\ c liv e· HE-.RS, maki ng liP for th e roses Ull t\I .. £, 11 11(1 ml ~~ d. n e membed Whl~n need arises you cim I e a v e ever'ything . to us. appreciate You'll our careful atten· tlon to every detail.
mt. Soutb of Centerville.
lI'il 11
. WarnNY2lle. Oblo Plione: W')'aIa.vlll. 21111,
Jcs were JIIot III g"n41ru l use. how YOII II scII j,o liMn. pen B bit of ' r ed tissne paper 'to ('0101' your cheek s? Y ou fe lt I'llther
Rt 48, 5
Top Boll. Haullna, 8arl4. GrawS' Ibca. .t1DI With ....,_ Roe; Drq·Un. and Bulldonr
be pralnd" and .1On.. v~ 1l1l1I, \ ma, It conUn\Ul • ..All warl are fol- : .
u.., ve.,. ~v. _
veri mJ....
Chl.evou• . 0118•• Wheo··wW mailklnd ' . be convinced of 1h1I. ail4 ...... . to .eWe their ·dlfference. - "arbitration? . ", Miss Donna ' Cooper to Mr. RUB' sell Jobe. Mra . .:ElIzabeth Smith ,w as a 'din. ner guest at the 'Home: On ~Unday, MIs8 Minnie DOdson returned Saturday from a deUgbUul . visit wltb relaUves In Indianapolis. Miss Margaret Edwa.-dil w'a s the guest last week of ·ber' nephew ,Mr. W~lson Edwards Bnd family. Sb e returned to the Home on ·Frlday. • . ,~ONFERENjCE W. S. C. 8 •
and wUe;, ca,led on theIr aunt" On . Wed~'lsday and ThUr~da y, ?frl!. Allee Clark on · Thur~day. . October 11 and 12 the Women's .
Dr. ~ma HollOWay ..nd Miss Society ' ot .chI'1B~ta·n ServIce ' of Mary BostOIl accomanled Mr. and' the' 6hlo Conference will hold Mrs. Seth , Furnas to 11 .mee,t ing at tbelr Annual meeting at Van Wert : Pendl~n, Indiana on Sunda.y, Ohio. Several women from the where. they spent .a deUgbt:lul day. 'l ocal Methodist 'elwrch I!re ex· Mrs. Luelle Armitage s~nt the pectlng to attend . wee" end In Sl?rlngtleld vlsltlo, her daughter, Mrs. . Woodrow MEN'8 BROTHERlHOOO Owens and family. TO ME~T MONDAV . Miss ·. Lallra Cook, of Washing. , Th. Warren County Vetbodblt t~n, D. C., vJalted her aunt • .Mr.. Ven'l Brolbtlrhood will hold their Hannah Davis on FrIday after' monthly meet.lng at the t..banon noon. Metbodlst. churcb M9nday, October loUIS Olive WlIllaml returned ~ at 7:00 p m. Tbe ai.n meet for on Wednesday from a "Islt 1Pfth aupp.r after which" fine pr.ogl'a'1l relatlvel In Pendleton, lndlan. ta enjoyed. apolll aDd South Bend. hldJaDa . ' WUUam Penn. foltered freedom While In Souf,h Bend aha atten~ed ' ..l1lDg tor a P8Dbf' of the .prell in PhiladeJ.pMa. the wedcllq of her li'eat ' nteee. Japleoe . .re bUUIl In the 18aevl.
A COpy
OHIO STATE .PROFESSOR TO SPEAK HERE MONDAY Prof. Smith. head of tbe coop· eratlve extension work of the Col· lege of i\:grlculture ' wlll ' address membel'8 of the Civic CI~ ' and their guests at ·thelr October ,16th dln~ ei- meeting to .be held at the !31. Mary'S P!,rlah House. Pror. Smith 's addres8 w1ll be most timely. since he will talk about tbe need for Increased par· tlolpll1ion on the part of all peo· pie in politics. the ' exercise of vat· lng prlvilegea. and tile necessity 10 a thorough knowledg~ of gov· local. ernmental organluUon state and lJational.
12, 1950
Forest Crahams Honor ~.phew
In theli' new borne on 'I'b Ird street, Frida), eve ning. October 6. IIU98 PhylliS Martin b came the brde or Mr. Clyd e Smallw/>od. Bon of MI'. and M1'8. Oliver. Sma.llwood. ·Mlas Mal'tln Is the 'd aughter of Mr. and ' ?l11·s. RU Bsel Mnrtin. . Mr. Onl s Small\vood served bls brotber as bell t man. . hs. Martba: Hlldebralll W8S her Blsler's only a lendant and wore n. tan suit. with green ac eBsories !lnd ·a CO{· sage. of red rose buds. 'I'be bri de chose a 'green two· piece street lengtb model wilh brown acceasorl s. She wore II hea db ~nd of white rOBes and' car· rled a white Bible witb wblte rosell. Mrs. Martln wore brown com· pllment with yellow carnation CO.l" sage. nnd lhe groom's mother chost? . II \\rlne ~1'OS Il \V~ yellow cnrnuti n corsage. Rev. Jo hn wecigewoo4, minister of tI~i! Methodist churcb. Iler.lormed th e dOllble ring ceremony In the p rot. H a of ' Ule lDunecUate . ·(am. Illes lind a rew frlendll. Imm dlntely follQwing the ceremony n reception was heltl at tbe hom e or the brlele's parents. atler \VII h tile brld anel ·groom left for a short hon ymoon. They are now at bome to thell' fl' lends at tllelr new honle .on Thll:d s treet. Both Mr. nnel Mrs. Smallwood are gl'aduates or ' Vaynesvllle Hlch f¥hool and Mr, Smalhvoqd is con· nected with the DaYWn Power Dnel LIght In Dayton. .--------~------~-----
3. l.eb· Managers of 1111 MUng Aud up""".LlIr of the 'I'wln drinking establiabm nls In War. KNOW ren county are I'emlnded of tn e ~ meeting railed . by lhe (Jounly MI' . 1\linll Petel'son · \\,II S ho s t~~ s Mr. Charles Lew1/! ' al,d Miss '. baals. Health Commissioner. DI·. AI' 'b to the arden ·tub Ol~ Thursday Emma Lou Le\vl ' have purchased Mr. and ·Mrs. · Forest. Grabam en· Bob :Is lending D. Harvey. for 'Ootober 1 • 195Q. evening lit bel' home with ~1rs. the L e p~operty at Miami and tertalned on Sunday with a t!lm' Red's ' curreJl~ This meeting w ill open ' promptl y Fred Hook ' as o.host sa. Third and expect 10 occupy It 1m· las t week a.t 2:00 P. M. at Memol'llo l Hall . A1r5. Rnth Sboup olld u ·ted. the Ily gathering honorIng thlil\.r nep- wblch was medlaY ly. MeclulDlc and SlIv I' atl'eel s. 1_ b . . busine ss s salon and '1'011 call ' W8S hew. Mr. Donald Dyke. who will Po nel. Is jlrovlng ". The Woman's Auxiliary of ' the leave Boon tor military service. the R~d8' Oh~o anon. ,Ohio; an swered by giving the name ot St. Marys church will meet on A delicious basket .dlnnel· was O'Reagan II '.rhe term "I' ' 8t!lUI'll nts", refel' a favorite chrY 8llnthemiJUl. the Fl'lday. October 13 with comulUll' enjoyed at the noon hour. ,Reds In this to all el\Unl: and drinking estab. r1o\\'er of the month. Ion at eleven·thlrty tollowed by a Those who spen~ the day to- bappy to c~U lI sb ments including : holel!!. cafes . Mrs. Elizabeth mlth read 0\1 covered dlsb luncheon At. lhe nooll gctber were Mr. and Mrs. AJvln who mlgbt ' be cilteterla~I ' bars, grills. I'efre~ h · Intel'eeling paper, after wbl h hour. Tbe l:egUIRi· busilless lIe8' I Mrs Dyke •an d daug ht er. Nancy. M'r. the Reds up ment atauds an d any p1h (11' pat: , . CeCil Conklin. of Xen'a, alon wlli · b . hel~' dUl'lng the uf· In . vblb tood or drink. Is pre· .IIhowed 51 des of many be.JUl\ful Prof. Smith de lal'es hlml!elLto and Mrs. Frank Critzer and c liU· dltferent tl temoou. lh·en. Genelva and Tommy . Mr. are oUerlng pared and served to . the p Ubll t owers. p. and Mr.q. ·Ralph Dyke. Mr. !lind M i l on kJl n . ' Mrs Ray . be vitally oll cernea In these MI'. and Mrs. Cburles B. Flarn· Tbe ' plans and consumed on the premises. rl! .Oee I . d Is proud d \" If d fro 11m ' l'el~ Ics all" tile Civic . club hart and daughters ' Joan a 1 1 ' " Mrs. Ray Smith. Mr. and . 'MTS . Of games and It Is ~ssent1a] tbat each man. fIIon .,0 II 0.. . . .•.' d to be able to secure a man ot hlB X I " 1 Ell Ios Sharon. of Trotwood. MI'. and Mra. Harold Dyke. daughter. Sharon. Plan A • a age r attend In .pet;son or be rep. of en a , .. rs. a 0 a Ifl II. .... IlI _ Ollt the w aknesses Mrs. Carol Fritz anti Mrs. Martha Redleg 1960 J. N. lUlblnson and cblld/'en. Don· Caliber to nolnt .. reBent d . by a responsible tn d t. alii 11 Willi ams, M 1'"'" . Oll\'e ul'l aid and Manbll Jane. were Balllr· and the strong poillts 'of our prell: Gllvelll and chlldren, ' ,Sandra and or reservell vldnal. Mrs. Hoben Bakt.r, Mrs. Geo~ge day venlng dinner guesLs of their ellt system. John. all or Dayton , M I'. a d Mrs . gaine and onl' Henderson and Mr6. R. 13. Petel's parent.a. Mr. a nd Mrs. E. F. Earll' With the numb l' of Issues com· William ' Dyke and SOIl~. · TedJy. opponent. II. LA~RC-EST-SH-EEP--- CLAiM~ were gueals of Ihe e\'enlng, u~d hart. • ~ng. up 10,.- the df¥)islon of the Dale and Donnld of Union, Mr. The lattel' I they wltb . tho members njo.yell 0 MI'. , and Mrs. A. '0. OI·Wy. Wl10 voters at the Nov embel' elecUen; and MI·s. Wmlam Gl'llbm. MT. IN HISTORY OF TWP. dell htful ~OCI !\l hoUl'. with dollllJ 'have be n I'\lslell ng In Sabino. tor ~e question and answer 1Jerlod Chal'les Burnett. Mrs. . ollfe Bur· IS FILED 'H £R£ reC re. hm enl s s e I' V e'd b y tile tbe past few montbs, bave returned following the addJ'(,ss' should be nett, Mlsees [;}Izabeth and Ruth ai . - bosle!lses. to (hell' home 011 Third street. M I'. eSl)eclally Interesting. Bllrl!ett. Mr. Horace Burnelt. Mr.' O'Rell8an by Twenty.two -sheep clalD1s.. t h and Mrs. Robel't · Bernard. wlio ~Ince tbls Is to . be an open Dick Grabam, Mrs. Dorothy P~r. at 30'. largest lIumb l' ever fli ed In l wAYNE TOWN SHIP TRUSTEES had occupied th'e Grmy hO.m . Bre meellng, members of the Civic !dns and daugDter. Cheryl Ann. Wayne Township. were med with WILL HOLD MEETING the Wayne Township Roo rd· of now resldlllg In the Urown ap81'1.- Club are ul'ged to be In aUend· 'I'he Bourd of Tl'ust es of Wayne ment on Fifth ,rtreet. ance and : to brln li' 1l1lY-One In the Trnstees at I he OctoJler 2 meeting. lalm!! were filed .by· Leonaro Townljb lp \vlll hold their semi· • The Pa8t Malro1l8 of Miami .comDlllnlty wbo Is Inte~e8 ted In' Cbapter 10'l Order of Eastern Star tbis vtal manner. 'I'lnney. F'Ioyd Oney and Rober t monthly meeting at the TownsbJp ball qn 'I'l1esday. 0 I.o be~· 171 h at Reservatolls for the dinner meetFurnas. .-pent a pleasnt evening togetber at the h.o me of MJ:s. Jo.bil. Fro~m' Ing may be mMe efther by con· 'I'he ("alms amounted to $540.00 7: 00 P. M. on ·Wednesday. The Matrons now tactlng a member of the Civic nd tile sheep were all k illed by JEiSSE PRENDERGAST . Pres. 1\1 A YNARD WELTZ, Clerk have Q ' newly organized oll'cle Club or ' by, notifying the Secre· Four vlsltoni from T ehll"(l'1 dogs. whloh will bavs" regular meetings. taT7 MaynJlrd Welts on or before Rotary Club we I'e guests at the .• _ _ ___________ _ ---------~.--~----~.,~.--~. MOVE INTO NEW HOME The Wo~an's Soc ie t y 0 f Ch1' 1ft .... Saturday. October 14th. ~8sday night ~eetlng of the RoMRS. GRACE F. FOX LEITER RECIEVED Mr. ' and Mrs. Geol'ge P,lIn~r and t1an 'Servlce WllS NipJ'esented al tary Club - Karl Dakin•. Rob~l Ml's. Orace F. Fox. 70. passed FROM OLD EMPLOYEE· Franklin Metbodlst Church on FORMER WAyuE . KI (')rvlll Keever and Law SOilS have moved 1nto tbelr neW L'W ng. e . ' away at her borne 1 mile West M~nday ,veiling by Mrs. L. C. ·St. renee Young. -r Ft. Mclflnley Sllnday At 5 : 25 home on RO\!.le 42 . . ~ This week we received a reJobn. AfIBl Dorothy Drummond, RESIDE,NT WRITES Atter the meeting. a spelling . ! . newal from Mrs. . 'Mary K. stuc~ Mrs. Howard · Drummond, Mrs. TO MIAMl CAZETJ'E ~ntut !!.. beld. , P· :;...... __ .' rll, . httr. ,'.hl..shlUUL ot Lo8 ~ ..; C~ · "'ay "'DO"· ~D'. ~ ___•• n_ B Cbal S -~"'oe n .. , . -, ... _ ....ne rown. rmu Frank. 2 da ugbtes. Mrs. leanei:te rnel'l f tif a)'1l6 . - . Mrs. \\t . li!. :·Stroud. Mrs. menn A letter J'ecelved t"fs' 1Il01ld.Jng of the l\'.aynesvWe Iwtarr Olub . Aft·s. atuck s'tate/S ' tba~ ,"he s~t . AleJlo'ldol'. '~J'8. "ohll Wedgewooil. ' C i t D"'~ " Hutchinson of Medway. OhIo. Mrs: Mr. ' and' Mrs. Sylvester Nartker ... oJ troin .Fred M. . 0 e. 0 ' a.......... program committee unounced better' Informing tble people 'a bout V· erd-a Mardis. o~ Dayton. six and cblldren of H1I1sboro,. Ohio. type on tbe old Miami VlsUor, now Mrs. ~D. d. ' Ridge. Mn . .Alma Peter· ( I f W vlU states th b H Cb I 'P Taft f "" ormer y 'O aynes e. at t eon. ar es . . 0 'th 1m t t k of United soilS. Ma ....on. 01 Washington, D. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. the Qalette. in 1892. and that ahe son. Mrs. Walter Whitaker: MIBs th~ on a recent trip to the W88t olnclnnati. "'Ill I'Ireak at 1. he ,..,e por an W()J' 'h as In her possession &n l88ue ot . ' a ran SIIoUP. coast to vlBlt C., Kenneth. ot Miami FllorJda. Geo. Miller and 80DS. Sarah Smith. Mra. da;ugb,.e.... Methodist Ohnrch in Waynesvllle Nations. Leonard. of s,umner. Wasblngton, June, 1874. te1l1ng of her mother's y A 'queaUon session will follow Mrs. Je~nle Oonner. Mrl!. Reba phyllis 1", Oregon. ib.e also ViII' Ion Optober 17 at 8:00 p. m . This death. Braddock IIJld Mrs, R . .C. ?,toler. b Z I Fl . Harold. qt !lsyton. Marvin. 01 W~NGS BRING lted t e h A. Immermans non· ·Is to be a publlc meeting. and all Mr. Taft·s address. OInclnnatl, Lyle. of Germantown, Mr. Ronald Hawke recelv~d mul· iana, ClI1Jtornla. Fontana. h ie • FORTH A SONG Uple cuts and bl'uises and a rruc· states. 18 s small thriving beautl· 13 grandc·lilldren. "Last Sunday the minister of the WI. C. T. U. TO MEET tured, coUar bOlle on Saturday ful town. Re, repo. rts that tbe FllDeal Bervlces were beld Wed· Met'bodlat churcb said tbat. we are 1'he W. C. T. tr. meeting will afternoon. when ' he WUf$ thrown Zimmel'lllanS are well und enjoying ,nesday at 2 p. m. at the Ferry as' tall or as near to church aa our bJ Mld Thurs~y evening. Oct.. from 0. . trud/or while 011 lUlute 42 retirement to tbe utmost. PaUl Is Hello FolkB! Well. bere' Is tile sembly on 'Wrlday IS. .Oood luck Chu~ch of Chris}, with Herbert love (or Ood lind our needs and ]2 at 7:30 at the home of Mr.I. neal' his home, . A PIIsslng ,c ar In bU81ness In Fontana and lives end of tbe t11'\!1t six weekr of gals. Hope you IU'en't superatl. O;l'~ham orn~iat1ng. our ' lconsClousness of the rea I Oltv~ Wardlow. I,All are urged to struck the u'actor causing Mr.' at OOme, They, also visited Mary schOOl and tbe begtnnlng, of a new tlOU8. Burl/lil. WIIS In tbe Sprl~gboro values of Ufe. When We no longer a,~t~nd tbls meeting: Hawke to fall . unde r the wagon Lo'u lse In Laguna, Beaoh. editorial con.cerDing the school The F. B. 'l\ . held their first cemetery. feel we '. need to worsblp In Ood's news aDd hllppenl.ngs. . Hope you meeting of the "ear last ..week Tht? tuneral w,as c'qnducted by House o'n Sunday or that we can CHURCH RESPONDS whloh they · were pulling; Mrs. Lewis Flrel with bel' d'augh· like It. . wUb the following officers elect. the Stub~s Funeral Home. get along witbout such .worsblp \Vfl 'I'he new'spapers axe commending Mr. Rnd Mrs. Cbal'les M Cullock. In co,~pany with Davlon friends. W need to eX8mln'e ourselves and see ' on S un d ay tet Mrs. Rober.t Meredith and joyed, All a arrell County en· ed the "~g\c state of OUI' lives. .po th.e churcbes ' of . America for opel'. visited Old Man's Cave meetlllg ... t tea.chers Kin-a U1118 ' for , {he coming ·'year. President. ~ UA I r children. wel'e ' W ednesday guests .. ..... 1ft Virginia Bl'own; ' Vlce .Pasldent. ~ ating Il tremendous united I'el e Mr. and )Mra. Harry SaUenh, S M' October n . Dinner wu Berved at .. feel we no long-er need Obrls tian of Mrs. Raymond tomp al , I' Mary Frances Hartsock; Secre· fl worshl n and fellow eblp Is 1.0 have program ,n response to this deBpe ... I La waite spen, week n x· amlsburg. 6:30 with ~ntertainment at 8:00. t ....... Lilia Jackl'ln·. TreoAurel'. t. 0 U ¥ I d Th Ch Istla Rural K the pallt OIl d tt d d tb -J • d loat a vel'y vital eiement In one's a e nee. ern (liD«t • . .,. • . an n e e Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Davis are va: High IIchool qlectlon of clasB of· Helen Wren; F'arllamentarlan. MRS. HILY lire Jesus snys we alwaYl! to Overseas PI:ogram (CROP) Is the races. -allonlJlg at Coldwat·el'. Mlcillga·n. rtcsJ:s was an' important. event 'ot Caro ' I BllDilell·• . News Reporter. . large t united church relief activity The Senior Class spent one day ~ I t k.... h f II I f CorreBpo/1dent have a "hungerIng and thh'stlng II , . In Day'on 'd urllig" the l,lalit, week. . as wee .w..... . t , . o. ow nil' , o· Martha Rush. ,. Lo'~s of ~uck for ~ftel' righteousness." Let us not that America. baa ever' known. ·It • , . Tbe Eatern Star Past Matrons fleers elected: 'Senior ' Clailli - ° Bucces!ltul year l"'al1\l. . . The Ladles Aid of Mt. Ho)ly: '" . b h C ho'li d P >_ bavlng. their pictures . la!,el\' .. f or ' and Patron's Asp-oclation of ·DlsI· Pres .• . Warren Sheehan. ;. Vic e ~ ~ I church entertained the ladletl of "IOS8 ' t' bat sens of our need. Do Includes ot at.. c a,n ro!-"s· Waynesvllle. I plaY'e d tbeh' first Zoar church last Wednesda.y: find ,vourself In some ch\1rch nextJ tant ·and. Is officially .,rojected graduatlon~ . rlet .21 held their annuill m~et Ing P[es.. Dorotby WIlson; Secre*:&ry. f b W by: Id Mls's Dol'ls O . hnrlton Was a. guest at the Masonrn Te~ple hn Friday . home baseball gaD)ie Fr.lday, Oct. Sunday seeking spiritual food' Cat~ollc Rural U e. Ohurc or. 61th Mason. W aynesviII s led . Mrs. Alice Furm!1n of Dan.on. wltliout .w hlcb lite Is only' dull and S • Virgtnla Brown ; Treasurer. .'.Allie of Miss Betty ..IFtatterthwa,te duro with a 'covered dish dlnner at .tbe Carter. ' w erv ie d an Lut bel'an World . Relief lng tbe pa's t week and I 'll Wednes. noon hour. Elgbty·flre 'woinen ·en. , , . 1-0 until the 7th '-Innlng wben Is sP!'lndlng a few d8YS wltb Mr. boresome not to menUon hopele!js Ohurc4 · Wodd Service 18 compo8ed Ju.nlo} - . Pres,., . QeOrge Maeon ga led' ' h e (InaI an d Mrs. Hlly Gibson . day . night. the•. v were joined by j oyed ,t b e ellliner an d fi ne pr0 gra m Hartsock.; • Class n .. ruDe. .T and meunlngless.' . 0 t "2 ,d enomlna' tlollB . Vice Pres... Jlnl Jor· U. ~ Miss Vlrglil1a Brown. ·dur.ng the afternOon. Mrs. B. t. dan; Secretary. MarY Rose' Ward; score being Mason, t , Waynesv Ie Mrs. Delaney of Ilear Olnclnnatl, At the Methodisl church ne~t ' Mr. and Mr~: Clyde l"rom;li and Hili of tbe Harveysburg cbapter. l1reasurl[lr, Joyce lIeal; Buslneu . 1.' . The Carllsle-W'17nesvUle game Is' making her home. wJth her Sunday the mlllisterwil preach FIR.E DEPARTMENT n Bon of S"'rlngfleld." wel e Saturday will be ,. nresident the' grou .. .of. . . for'· MaJl!lgers •. Peter .ICaYB and . Janet Bcbeduled . b for 'f1,l81Sday f I was post· daughter ' and son·ln·law. Mr. and on the them-v "Wings Bring Forth CALLED ' WEDNESDAY over 'nlght Kuest s ' ot their par· 'the' comi~g year and MI·s. 081'1 M.lchener. ' . po~ epause G Ir. n. . Mrs. Tbomas Runyon. A . Song." Special m.uslc by tbe enta, '.MI·" and Ml's .. j. P . . Fromm. aanker of Maion. la the ret1rlng . iIopbomore Class .- Pres '," aUl : ' '1'be JunlOr . CIUIIl' , haa chosen Mr. anit Mrs. ,Lewis Cmwfprd cbolr. ·· Come prepared. to' com. • The' Fire Depai'tme~i was 'called ldr. and MI·s. MelVin BlU\ta of New pr~lildent. . . . Stubbs';' Vice Preside~t Miriam theli- Olass pl~y wbioh :will be a~d daugbter Donna Lee. of ,Xenia, mune wfth God II,nd you' wiU find to the bome of Warren Braddock Mr. .and M.rs .. Oharles Anderson. WlIson; Bec.r etary. t.ore~ Hougb'; ~Iented: in tbe'· iDeal' f.Il't~. Mr. ' and Mrs. 'Lewls Thomas and cburcll 'Worehlp an experience to.o W~dnes~ay evening at 6;30 to exCarlisle, also were Sllilday ~uestB. the basea small Watch for the data) It Ben· d·aughter Debby ' of. Dayton. spent valua bl e t0 d 0 W Itbou't We'n be UnlNlsh , Jr.. llJ!e annQunclng the birth of a .euurer Bob Moran ' . The Woman: a 80cle t y 0 f Cb l'Is· . ment. There wasfire no in 108S. tlan Service will meet on Thllr~· daughter Kristin. at Miami Valley Fresru::.an C1aes __ . Pres.. Bob tltJed ~~'They Gave Him a 9O-Ed." ~nday witb M~. and Mrs. Cfar· looking for you next Sunday. . , day a·fternoon. October 19 at the Hoapltal on' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Borton: Vice President'. J. C: Car- T~ outs W'1ll ~ be oondilcted tIIlB ence Crawford. ,. . ' wee~ t Ie , bome of Mrs. Uarold Shutts, with Anderaon's little Bon. Charles, B' ter; Secre~ary. Sandta Simpson; .,. .,., Mr. Lue Morgan spen a coup NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Mra. J, C. HI1aey., ; 'KTI" lJariy BpeDdlng several days with . ·h e. ~reas';l"1'. Unda Hamby. Well. I gue88 tbllt.·s about all ot days last week witb Mr. and RALLY DAV A SUCCESS Admlnl.~rator . Schen.k , "Mrs. s: S. Ell1s as co- gr~ndparent, Mr. and Mrs, Obarles The halls' an.d gym are 81)bolng that·s baPpeli~ at W. H. 8. tillS M.rs. Robert G~eene .and famlly. Althoygh tlie goills .set (01' . at· Estate of ' Thomas T. Barger de· bOBt_Bes. ! . , ) . , ' Anderson. Sr. . wltb the. .aunds ot "Go 8pata,ns~ week but I'll be 1I~lng you ~galn' .ot nay ton: . tendallce for Rally Day Jas.t Sun: ceased. Mrs. 'BIIl Penney returned t o ," . . 00" and· "Figbt Teall)l Fight." a8 next 'week w.th all, the )atest news Mr 'a nd ' Mrs. Richard Haines day were not Quite reaehed.; at the Nptlce I~ hereby given that DallSY her home iil Prescott. Arllona, af· ~r. jlnd M.rs. E;rettRsears';n~ ' the' glris, practice for cbeerleader .an~ bappenlnp .llrom" W. I'f. ;S. an.d 4au~hter ot nllar Xenia. ' Mr~. Methodist cburch m,l one left ~he Batger wbose 'P oet Omce Address tel' spending several mo.n tbs here s~n. with Mr. anll .rs. oger .a .- trYouts which wlll be at ail Be;rOYOEl BlllAL R.obert R,U8t. Miss Norman Wy. daYB worsb:lp without a ' sense of Is Il R. 1. Waynesville, Ohio. haa '\ ton 0 . ' Spring· Valle", ,enjoyed' a " ' lrit I t t b had Wltb h r ' parents Mr -n'd Mrll J # rick Sunday afternoon With Joy tor the sp ua • re~ e, . e • . .. . ' moto . r trip ,· to TeQneBBee over 'tile FIRST QUARTER "'ONFEDENCE FOOD ID l l T R I . U l · E D . .s""nl .. been "duly appointed as Admlnls· ·B.. Crabbe. . MIs8 Ruth Le'M~Y ' ac· week end. ' .. ... Mr. and Mrs. BUy Qlbson. received. For tlie cl~slng 0 the Tbe first Qu.J!terly conference The ~or amo"al of tlie ~ worsbip In .spnday . SChool the tratrlx ot tbe Elltate ot Thomas T. comp8Jlled Mrs. Penney on thl!.. of the Wa.... el.llle Method . lat whlcb the" Paraat Il. _ encl.. at Mrs Alice Furman and Mrs. . . 'Barger . late of Warre.n ,County. trip home Mn. Cora Rich and Mrs. Reba ,.. Hlly GibBon were Bupper iqests adult and cbllilren's department I .. Braddock b.d a8 Baturda, eve- church w11l meet at Leb_noD. CROP dlatrlbuted Jut ,e.r came M d Mrs were togetber where lieveral num. Ohio,. deceased. The Prog~e88lve Women beld -"'ur'c b Tue.....y. October 17 at. tbrol;-h .hla at ulilted Tbursday evening of r. an . b b Dated this 4 elay of October 1950. WI.... • berl were presented. In -the cure their .regular meeting on W,dne. nillif dlnn.r pestll. Rev.' and ·Mrs, 7'.10. p. m. "II offlclal' memben a' otlon. 77 .... of · food bandled Morris ,,_ ....w Is nd atamUv ,. RALPH H.OAREY Wedpwood 8Jul .ons, M r . . . . . . , h hour Ule regular oholr sang a very d~)' evening. wltb, a delicioUS din· .John': are "r---' 'to att.n" an'd all othei. bw ~ . came CROP. Mr. and Mra. Ellsworth 8m.lt d . 'JUdge of tbe Probate Court ud Mra. H. R. M088 -"d Mr. and ...- " , ... ·n"" :beautiful uth.m. ,.. v.ry goo nero.. rved at 'the Far ~WB rart)' Mrs. GUban Frye and aon.. are welcom.~ Reporta or tbe p,. More thaD oe lbe lood spent Monday In DQ'tOn.. att8l).dance ' W&l prelent to heu the . Warren CiMmtJ. Ollto HOWIe. Fo\lowlnar the busine88 . rreu of tbe icboor w1l1 be h.ard whleb OROP Mrs. E1"is .Koester. ot Lebanon, Insplratlon., mUBle of "The . loy C. Donald DDatUBh, Attollrl!-ey .81111on which ~~ condllcted b1 Mr. and Mn. Dal~ Durfee. of aloD8 with l'8DOrtB ot pI.D.· for b7 Doa-cbDrch Bpent: Bun~ wltb Mr. and Mrs. Bell lU....rt. In tbe evenllll!. PubllBb 16-1%-111-28 the vice president.. ~.... Ch,arle. Bowling G....~ wert lunda, Pilau alae I'8III&bId.r· of, the cburcb &lV81 8very MorrlB LeWtB and famUy. Elley. Rev. Bernard BanKhn w.u of tbe latt.r'. pareab, ),r. and .. , , • to _.......... Ball, DaT. it ma, colIHrfatlvely II,...N II r...... -_... ~ W·· lira. lilme1'8On I DtII. Miu Ethel of fine tellow. introduced as the ~eat .~ lin. J . J; Bu .. r. _lee, • -:uter --"- .....,f PI'OII'UD C WI d be .-'d. DIU w.. & .
Meets Her.e
. ..
News 0f the.W"aynes - viiie Hi,. School
m JJ.
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- "nel gave • fine iaUt OD ......to... HDlor .tud"llt at .wll. Green who bava ....lded at Uae 00I'IMtf e.... opera"" . EnerD'." A Iarp 111U1lW of ma. UqlvenitJ. had recelYe4 ordera to t of II..... aDd TJdnI .treat.. ha.,. · be,. and ...,eral Peltl w.."port for IIl1lltart • . . - III • 8IOYe4 lata the tonner W. P. SalpNl8Ilt. . few 4a7a. J ·Ilome. Remember to
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BIb" GIbeou. .... lin. Allee J'U.
to ()Jl()P ~
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.........r to CoDtrlbute to CROP
THUR DAV,OCTOIHm t:!. \0; 1'1
THE MIAMI GAZETTE E.tablllh.d 1&aO
ann Morning
PAUL A. aCH£REn., ... , .... , ' , .. . ... .. . ...... edltor .hd Publllhlf O.OILIA .. , 8CHERER ... . ...... ... ........ .. Veer.tar)' Ind Tre..urar I
·1 }JOOA
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WaYbesville Lumber & Supply C~.
The Bible Proclaims Life's Sa.~,redness; So·Must Soldiers
" WEEKi.Y CRO$WORDjPI)Z%LE .r:r~ ~~,!"'; L ' -, r
war in tbe J)nIeDce ot rutblea ....... lonandtbeperpetu.t1oo,of a\l'Oclties. 5~.d, we' mUll make plain lor aU to lee thlt we 0ul7 beelUN' we conde~l
Young Actress
" ::':'11'
To restore and Uphold to the world the' ~... humin ' Ute Ja the .....te.t PUIpOH of an wbo . are invOlved in the ftlnt apiDlt brutaUb'. Sc:ourIIncman, \ Jqnd t)irO\\lhout blstory. ;wu hal , " been a dbeaee, lnfeettnc Ul. mind• \ of a desire tor 'power. connoIaseur . "'" __ leaden with . 21 One who ! 3'Performance .. ne IInmedlIIte tbJq 'to do Ja to ~ . fllbt the, pruent elildemlc with trains 34 Flock " weiy poIIlble weapon ' and re26 Story, . '~ 35 SootbuYer iOUrCe. . 28 Verbal . 38 EXclamation And In thla CODftld to repro29 Saddle . pad 3. Excittment dalni 'the lICrednea of Ute. wbat 31 Sports . 39 Also' textbook can better MI'VW .... than stadium ~ 41 'rhlnll tile ,Bibler ' 32 Individual ; (Latin) In Genem, it Ia uierlect ~t ~ is made In God'i '1IDaa. tbat mID is an InUWpat' beiq 'of Inare God', World. In lIomaaIt If,,we nminded of oUr ' obIIptloall to one .another. sun IIJOthao ,n mlader tbat it 'Sa mID', prlv.n.. , 10 b.e Use,' temple of ~ I1YlD1 God II CGDtaIned In CorinUlJau & Tbe'readlq of th_lMIoU 1DI71
aOalZONTAL VIIaTlCAL. { 1 PlctuncS child 1 '1'aDlle ' (; .eneD etar, 2 O'pwatl~ solo _ _ 'SeM In
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PII)'ment . • Pel'UH I. British IObooJ $ E\ cetera Ii • 114 hO!1N (ab.) , • 2000 d I. Duration u poun s 1.8IdD dllea.e ' IndMduals _ ..... '(ab,) • Perfect I ,,·u • ----... t Arls'orra\ J' PoInted a ' 10 New York , . . .pon ' , City 10_ 1$ Send . . Point 17 EncOunter . . .,ive (ab.~ 18 Food Ii Palm 111)'
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EXlide .Battel:i~s ' .
W. E. Frost. J. W. ~el1 , of PerrlntowD. WBS a caller In the village ~Iday. He ~POU.S INTO ' PLACE reported that Mrs. Snel~IB reeov· INSTALl: erlng nicely following a malor op· \si.p.., ,... z.aoUre bccw_ 101 ... By JANE FITE era{lon. .. ....c ... lMIICI.i••l~..la.hlo. . ' Mra. Ida CoUlna has I'eturned _ " pipe.. brMe.. etC. 10 fo,. a Mra. Anna Beckett anel Mrs. u .. from Cent~rvliie""1l'here she was Sarab W.rlgbt. were callerB In t~,"proof.'* ....f•••, .. ioproof I...!ado. , _ a 'g uest l or several days , at the Sharonville, Friday. ....._ r-r IIO.e •••i _ taW ia home 'of her Bon and daugbter' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lamb. for- ............. ~ _ .... Inlaw, Mr. aud Mrs.' 'L ee Colll~s. mer citizens of. the village• .have A.da Bell 18 Iii at the hom,! purcbased the 'Ogleabee property ber brother, Lawrence DIxon, t on Main street. ' The, ' and their •YeUow Springs. son8 plan to move here lmm eI. '~rd was received bere laat, lately. week of th~ !leath of IIrs. ·Rattl,. , MH. ,Ann MaBOn. Rnd her aon: Carter. who paned away nt her Ho,,-ard Mason. Were week' end ..J home In Pasadena. Ca:llfornla~ house gueata or' Mrl$. Mason's ........ ce..... ,., . . . . She ~nd be~ husb~d were fOl'm er hrother, CharleB Woodson. and r.sldents of thl. community. Mr. her . nelce. Mrs: Batty Dawson Carter preceded her In death just Hayea, of Cincinnati. a few wee'k s ago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dosler at· Mrs. Fiorence Froat, accompan· • ended thCl mces, 'n K~ntucky, led by MrB. Ethel Stump. Mrs. laBt week. ..., Mr. and Mrs. )V.al,tel' Via, o( Phone 2281 Minnie Welcb, Mrs. Mary Levley. Wayneaville and Ma. EInnla Tlebneyer: were Portlanel ,Jndlana, ,were guests. among those present at a '.Tea Sunday of Mrs. F\(JJ'ence Collier. ' atye~ for Warren County Repub. Maynard Froat. Who has been llcall Women at the Golden Lamb a patient at Holmes Hospital. Cln· Hotel tn Lebanon. Thursday .r· clnnatl. for a' m9ntll Rnd who un· ·t emoon. .. 4ewen~ a major operation three Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doster weeks ago, retllrned! to his home. ani! Mrs. Esther .Dollter attended here Saturday. Maynal'd was acthe televised . broad(~t of Rutb c()JJIPllnled home ' by his .parents In Lyon's " "Fifty Club" at WLW, their aqtomoblle. Mattie Jo Vaughn, wbo ~aB ,W iednesday. ,Miss ~yon Sl ~J.er. been III for several weeks, bas ravie.wed Mr. Doster. , Mr. anel Mra. RObert Eaton and coevred. ' Mattie Jo )VaB unable to family. of Springboro.. were gueats enter school at tlle opening of tbe 1IalDId. blaebbead. of Korel. aU Friday evening ot Dr. and 'Mrs. term. and has just re.~~ntly Jqlned peace-~ people' in the world are_lllml" COIdroD~ with the problem .... "",--,, __ o.A , . of .-- ----_a . ....- _~._
MorulDg Warehill. 10: 30 A .I'4. YUl11lg PeOllltlB' . AI eeting. 7: 1)0 ~'allll'r n H K rllmhnlli. I'""tur MIlIi"clI. II lind' IU A ,M , P.M. ~:venlllg Survlce. 8 : no· P ~· I\1 . Prl4YIH Me~tlng and 'Dible Study CAESAR'S CREEl< FRIENOS WfdDee4a'1. 8 P.M. AI. I'II'U~on, Mln~.I" \'Uoflbl" 8e,."lf'e, 10 A,M. M'T " HOLLY METHODIST , :lul.da, Scbool. 11 A.M. T. M S,cnrr. Mlnhlte, 8 1.11.11 It 1 ScboOl. II ; ao ,\ Ii:. WAVNESVILLE F~'ENUb A . a;:lIrllbllrt, :911 ol. "01'1111111 serv,c.. , )u n lU' A.M. Jl'lrlll Day /)w-tJOIJI ~ :1" A. M MeeUn. rOr Wl1rllhlll 1.. :141 A. M. F;"enlng ServlcfI. 7 : HI) " .M.
Both Items
l! hul'cb 811h,1(11 IIl l au 1t . 11l. II through' "I
Wprfl lll". III ' all
' ,11111
Immediate Dellve'r y on
DO . IT.
,M.: D __hanl Disc Barrows .- -- -- ------ - -- - and' Cuilipackers .. . CIi:~·RLES DOSTER
; ( , \ 1("8
OY"OIl CIHver, Mlulettlr Bible Scb60l. 9:30 A.M . Morning ' Worsblp, 10:80 A.M. Pra,,4tr Meeting. 7: 00 P.M. ' V (JIIII!! P"uple', Meetlnl. 7 : 00 ~JVlllIllIg Servllles,. 7 :1I1) P.M .
M : H. COrr!!)'. Minister Bible School. 9: 80 A.M .
";'1 '
Cf)AL STOVE , . $~;9.95 · '$ 139,, 95
"rarm Morning
J. W. \ edgewood, Minister B. E. Daughn. Paillor Gburcb Scbool, »:30 ,A.M., Mr. UIlItItHI Servtce, 9146 a. m. Harold Earnliart l SUpt. Worsblp SIII'vlce. to:3U A.M. ST. MARV·S E,PISCOPAL , \' outb FelluwRhlp, ~ und u y 7 : SI) • he Rev: HnlDllel ' N. 'KeYB , Reotol P.M. , .. I1nduy : ' C~oh' Prnctl:e TblJl'sdny !l : jlO. l',.hIl81·y
Jesse Prenderga t, Will Sl John and Robert . •. ,When'" were. the ftnt United , St._ adIfeI1ve. poatace Ramp' Furnas, members of the Boad of Trustees of Wayne Township by an unanimous vote adopted a resolution I 1"-' .. at .the Board's meeting Augu t 15t whereby the voters til . 1. Name tbe ftrst dirl,lble to CfOIt ,the Atlantic. of the Town hip are to be asked to approve' a hond '8t61 UI unaddaz J8.1f) au . ~ issue at the Novemher ele tion in the am(')unt of . L~81 's Q;),l8W •., " S 10, 00.0 0 fo r e n trueting. an ade'quate building for ·8.J8n~p 1l1nl 8 pue XIS lnoqv .£ , ,housing the equipme'nt of the Way ne Township Fire . ' uo mW8H "IPU8XIIV 'Z ..1anadl Uo w .t DeplIriment. The B al' j of Tru tee .1I1d the Vi ll age Council are of the opinion th at an adeq uate luilding is highly J.S3~' necessary f or an efificient Fire Department. , 0.. SJaNoSUV Plans ' are being l11ade, ubj ecl to the al pro val of the eleCto rs. to constru t ~uc h 'a building on :\ lot on Miami s tr ~e t ea t of-Main li nd recently purchased from Orville J. Phillips. ueh builctill'g as contemplated y the Board, would proviL1e ample p'ace for all the equipment ·()If the Fire D eparhnent includjng " , the all bbx, whi h ha been un atisfactory for years H at the pre ent location, and llue to the building's acces· sibility w ()uld pro vide for the speediest departure of i'I!Ii ' the equipment 'for fires in the Corporotion or Town- ~~ YOURSELF ship or an y point in the villa re o As computed by the Coun y Auditor, A. M. ~ AND SAVE FQIL PlIrk{!r, the levy neces ary to provide for such building ' • THIS WINTERI amc;> un1s to th ree and eight-tenths cents (S O.0 3 8) til N_ i.,h. tim. 10 I"..lact YOII' ho_ for ea ch. S'I 0 .od. of tax valuation :lnd over a period Zonoli,e. Sa.....p 10 4.".. i" W .... wi.'~r whit ,h •• 081 p e , . _ of leen year . urely. a small amount to onsider in ... tAci.Dllo ....uo.~W.ID ..... vie\\,' of the eOficient Fire ProteCtion that would he . . provided thereby. , ' .. TIl e members of the Board Of Trustees or the Clerk, we are sure, would be pleased to answer any'" OUR que lions that are hrought to their attention On this _ .
Subscription Rales- ' ,2. Per 'Year; 1u IIdval~ce. in Ohio; $2.60 ~Isewber
------------------~----------~--~ LV T LE METHODIST
OI:L BEATER $139.95
'P ubllllhed Every T~ursday Mornlq 8t "nyna.vllle, Warren Co'unty, Ohio Entered 88 8econd cJau matter at the postoffl ce Rt WaynesvlUe. OhIo.
.....I. :,
- - -.
Jirestone 'T:ires New ,and Recapped -- $8.95 $2.00 Trade 'In',Allowance Lubricat~ Service;Firestone Accessories 0,.. 5;30 • .' ~, '0 9 ,.' 11.' s.uJ~ 7;30 I. ·•• t. 9 PDI •• l'
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Bob Servis Waynesvill. ' t
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Members of the tarm' ,veterans cla88 at Wayne81lllle will appear on her 8opbqmore !CIa... Mrs. Mary Bogan WBS~ 0 - recent tbe program lIomeUm~ In the lIear C'u ture at the 'Hlgh S hool. Tbl8 Mrs. Willie t.h)Ore la tbe hou8e hostess to the Women's SocIety Is a paa of a state,w,l de drive by farm veterans' classcB to ClIt tlown luesl of be~ son.ln.la, wand daugb. of tbe Friends Church , tbe, toll of tragedle8 due to careless 'use of kerosene In , kindling tires , The hazards., of us,ng kerC?sene and ways 't!> k!,ndl~ fir s 8ufely be Mr. and M:r!l. Cly4e MCK:ln· Rally Day will be observed 0 t ahown III , a film , IItrlp ' picture entitled, "Kerosene Kindling KIIJ~:" ney, of Miamisburg. tbe Metbodlst cburch h ~rpi ' next The , plctur~s ,. w1ll be preBe,nt~d ' by the two veterans, classes. " ' Tbe loc!ll Wom . en's 'SocietY' of Sunday. J( BPeclal I'l'ogram will -,-------"--'---........."'"--.:..--...,.'-:':~-:.-.-------~ Mrs . ,J eaSe Pennington Is l'ec"Ov· C'braUllD Service, will 'be 'gue8ts" be f0110wed wltb, a basliet dln!ler Su nd ay dl , nne,r g~est8 f Mr. nnd an;rA k of , ne'ar erlng from an : Illness. ' M WIlli Tbursday of tbe :Women's ~oclety Baved 'I!l Ihe church Boc'lnl rndm~ . r~ . . hm "" ..... A er. ot , Chrl~tllin Servl~ at ~)\'e'rB' I¥t noon . Wilmington. . B_ to Preu Heml MI'. and Mrs. Howard Gl'al1am Mr, ' and Mrs, Charles Doster onll ' ville, As this date Is ' the regular Pr... ,bema from tile ,bottom up meeUng ttme . 'f'or the. 'local 110' , were Sunday dinner g'lIe!lts of Mr. Mr. ' nnd Mrs. Albert Reynolds ql· -not around the bottom of the dety., the regular ~'eetlng has and Mrs. Henrt Harl'!s. J..ebanon. tended the Barn ,Dallce brOlulclIlll .Jdrt, Tbe latter D\ethod may Itretcb the fjlbrlc out of shape. been deferred until the. following .' M'r s'" )"I'I\l1'k MOI'tow wns bostess at. WJ,.w,. Saturclai.y l1gbt. Wednesday. for the o-ctober ' meeting of t.he Mr. ann Mrs. William DoBter wJll ,-, Mrs. Minerva Glenn 'r w~o bas Women's Chrll!tI~n ' 'Temperiulce be bOBts nt the 0 Lober m(letinll Hay tiropa . . , . t h w:e.lrom, e Bible Cln ss, Of haMor. , thaI' 7UI 'million" -acre. 01 been 111 for tb.. e pnst Cew ' weeks ·Unlon . 'rhursday nfterlloon . o. t e ' '1 crop. ir... ~Ilr "el\ted , annually,
"00''''' .
L.w_e_l.e_.~_o~_n_~_.s_R_ 1_1~~.__Ch_'....,l1r_.c_h._.,..-_ _ _In_tb_._U_nl_te_d.:....l:i_!,_.I._·~_.______ '
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'DQ,r., '
List Hallowe'en I rec~ived a pumpldn trom one of my fans. No bomb leerets. no- submarine plana in It, mind you-)ust plaln punkinl Speaking of Hallowc'tm.
Did you hear about the little girl who wai wa"tching our show trom home? When Ihe lot her first look It me, Ihe said, "Oh, Mommlelook~Boril , Karlot!-with , freckleal"
lIary .J. 'n Il an, !';\\ate Fil' ~1nr·' ehal nu d W . 'r . IJ oll itl ny, bnl r mnn 'Or the boal·d. 'l'hl1 SUlIlclonl au Co. ( Oblo) nnd Gen i'tl~ ' hnirfillln or The Ohio F ire al'aty ' omm ltee. culled on all t he ltizeils or 6 hlo t o Sll pport Fit' Pl'eve ll llon Week will 1\e obl!ervnd from 0 tob I' 1I to 14 ' tbls yenl' by J'lrol)lninntlon of Pre l;lldenl TrumA n a nd jQverno,' Lnuscbe, DUring 1940, fI,'es ill lhe Nation bllTned to d ntl) 1,1.00(1 1)1:' 1'90n5 I,nd
~ ~ ~h,t o
"'ire , Marshal
by the Into Will'. F ire. lI'fill'shll l Cal'l en cited t he sevell mnjol' ellu es of 'tires In caU, Ing for ' recognition of tbe menace pC . s llYl'onket lng fire losses : J.
many tim a tbal nUmbElI' sufi' l' d , Incapl\ I tlllUng or 'pnl nrlll bltl'n!! and In j uries, The vlc·tlm!l or UIBlla fh'es
Inlches nnrl
' By George
Typhoid Ftve... ;
y' Venereal
all right.
I was . talkin, to a HawaIIan lirl the other day, Ah. those lovely South Sea belles! I asked her It she could do a hull. When she replied that she could, I laid, "If I'd have known you we re comine, I'd have brought my uke!"
Idds don't leare nowadaYI like they ueed io. Why just outside the theater last Monday night there was a bunch ' ot kldl IIt8JIding when this illY went by. He was a , bir, anailly-toothed, "'ea~ey ,uy 'with 'a mask on. One of the ki4s yelled : "Aw, don" be afraid I It's hllh: Godfrey l" ••• It was me,
y Bacillar,- Qy"'~ ! . r'1 y Amoebic Oys'lnltfY y T'( phul , " ,
V n/O " ,re !:luL" ty ''<.rmmittee
Cholera IUnde.
Plague lin Labl Tuberculosis
leprosy Bod.riol Pneumllnia 11
V Virus Pn• .,monlo
'1/ '1/
y '1/ '1/ '1/
Diph,,,.ria Scarlet fever Relapsing :Fe".r lin lab) Infectious JatJnd ICi! Impet!go ~ Menl""",. '"
The ne~est 'Wonder drug ti rramycin, cures ',or atreets favorably IS of the 18 major diseases f;ced by GIls in Korea ond similar Asiatic area!, according Ito experts In tropic medicine. Terramycin is an ea~th. mold antibiotic, l:'ecently discovered by a team of r~se~rc,h 8cientis~s. All water in Korea is considered unsafe for drmking, and frUita ani:! vegetables c~annot be eaten raW without danger ~f infection. Disease. luch a8 amoebic and bacillary dysentery lurk In waters ,of the rice pa,ddles, contaminated tor ,c enturies by human excrement ulled as fertihser. Other drBea8ea, such as infectioul jaundice and til ague, are borne by rat:s and the rat flea; typhul Ilnd relapsin~ fever are bome by lice paraeitic on human belnge. In a.ddltion to the dillaales listed above, terramycin has ~roved to be efrective .. 'treating peritonitis and Iral gangrene, !elultmr from
nlok it:l~ 2929%.
2. 3', o l' ig l lllltl n ~ ofr Tl rElml ses ,0 ,*, 4, Deredh' e II nUng np' varntlls 6.S '<;1-., 5. I?e(ec llve cblm, n ys, ri ll s. 6,6'1~" 6, Open lights 6.50% 7. Petl'oll\lIm nnd Its pro, lillC'ts 6.3~ 'ft . It Is felt that IICh Of us has uri OPl101'tllnlty ;() eX('J'(~ise consid er. nble oU ~I'ol Qver th He condi ti ons. One of. th e prln o\Jlnl l:easons (or holdi ng F ire p ,'ev ntion We~k eaoh yml r i s to Jllt V a,n ~ Illlortuni ty to concentrate and fa \I S public aUen. tion On these Sill pie all8es of ,fire s ",hltlb we f requell tly oV ~ l'Iook, alld t hat w , may g l \'e t hem not only Oil \, aU ntion at. t his Ume. but
Mi!1l1 11e F lrllS
wore WOlll f' n lind ch ildren , Holliday • Buld. Du rl n~ t he Ram'l ) ,y fit w e bu rll~d ovet· six hun dred IllllJ lon (10 11 0),5 worth, of PI'OP rly. Th Ilill hest tire IOS8 In hlStOl'Y, We ~vast d this a ccnm n lnllon (lr b\l lIdl ngs Rnd goods nl a. tlnle wh n our pl'ollnc· Uve plnnla WaR world n nt a Cull, ' capacity to lIu Ollly 1>"'" ;W11 needs UlI'oug hout t hEl yenl' so that we may and tllose of nMlolIs uil'ough oul the ull bave a bappicl', au fer pin e In yorl~ whl cb hall pee tl de\,!lstated w hl h to live und lV,ork. Pa..eDl'cr Cara WAYNE SOPRANO , RallrollcU of , the United State•• ..TO ,SING IN LEBANON havlii, extensive plli en,.r -•• rv· " .
lee. now use mech.nical wllllen ~ ~ for deanin, the exterIor.. of pII· \ Tobs Bnll Waynllsvillo SODI'I\1l0 , senrer·tr;lin carll, . ,
I ?
will be , OJOJ5t at ,t he f!lMtllrn S o.r '/F rtendshlll'" n lg/lt 01\ Tuesday Oc tober 17 Ilt i he Enslerll Sta\' H all In Lebnnon, Miss J oyce Beal also , o ~ ,W n'y nesvllle wm ho he r :lC om' panls t.
~.s. M.rJn~·
United States marilfea wer. ln' China as tar back 81 lllM, When they 'were sent there to protect the . lives of foreIgners. iIlcludln, Am'erJean.,
n the big job of carrying, natural gas from T exas your electric service is to the operation of yo r ,h ome. 'and Louisiana to the E8J8t Coast, Texas,Eastern On the Inch Lines, el~tririty has double impact . relies upon the dePendablE! day-to-da:y service of , At work on the .pipe lines it COes 'its energetic; pump, '" '. . twelve busin~-managed electric ~wer companies , ing job. Then; when Texas' ~tem pays its electric in eight states. This se~yiC4~ i:8 "j'¥'t as vital to t he bill, .that mOh~y goes to yv.a in' every community operation of the Texas 'Eastern pipe line sys~m as through which the Inch L~ paS . ~.
In round figures, our electric bill is'six million do larS a year. This ,money helps provide new facilitif ' , for ~tter ele()tric service. It helps create new emplol ment in the ,c;llectric. industry; It goes intO the p~ chasing power of every en . , present power company . ployee's family.
'Delight to ail'who ~njoy' good r~d is ~h~ apP\!a ..ane~ 0'( ' freshly , .baked homemade brend, WIth ,b utter or margarmc and ' "
.. preserves to IIpretld ,im it. ~,
' Though bU~y homemnkers like to ~epelld , on th~ ba~cr for their daily supply of enriched brcnd, there IS notlllng qUite Ilke the w~n derful atoma of homemnd'e 'lirend bllkin!; ill the kitcllcll and famtly enjoyment of th'i s special t l'Cllt. ' , Thick alices of fro.sh ho)ne ba ~ ed broau may l?e cut ~or snacks, to be spread with ,butter ~l' mlll'glll'lIlC l1 ~ld toppcd ' Y.l th a btt of brown lugar or jelly; ,thmner shces for SlI l1dWI Ch s to go mto ~he lunchbox, , others to be dipped in egg-and·milk and fri ed a golden brown for breakfast French toa.. , : _ , However 'you ,like- ft. enriched brc~d from home k , teho~ ,!r bakery fits w:ell into any normal diet nnd provides excellent nourtshment. In 'the well.plnnned reducing diet! t,oo, ()nrich ~d brcnd is inclUded nt cae'h meal for its food energy, protems, and B,vltnlll ins. If you like n decp-browned loaf or 'bread. bwsh molted butter or margarin'e over the -top of tho lonf aftet it hns been shaped and plnced in bread pan t:> ri,sc. Bake in moderately hot oven for lightness and ;
,. ! en rrain.
I PIC"~ yellt. comp~.u"d or dry ~ IIbldl"lUn, S",I, '4 (UP IlIkewi,m wl ter " l tnspOons 1111 , l (UPS milk ' I •• btOlpOOll sho.tcn,nll G (UP' si(ted en.idlOd O"U. C.bou,) ,
Soften yeakt in lukewarm water. Scald milk. Add lugur, BaIt and .horte.ning.,Cool to lukcwo.rn\, (80 to 85" F.) When cooled, add 2 eu I flour. sUrring well. Add
,oftened yeast. Add enough more ~ flour to mnke a moderately . tilf ' dough. Tum out 01) lightly floured ' lIoard and knead untillmooth Bnd". . .tin (5 to 8 minutes). Shape llIto Yball and place in lightly • ........ bowl. Greale lurface of 101i1h Uchtly. Cover and let rise ......... Place (I!O to "" F.) unOI
doubled (ab,out }l~' houra). Punch down. Let risc ngnin until doubled (about 45 minutes). If preferred, " fl 8~~pe do~gh mto loav.t;1 after rat r l8lDg.
DIvide dOurh mto 2 ClJual
portions. Shape each portion into IItnooth ball. Let relt 10 mlnutu. Shape Into loaves. Place In greased bread panl. Let rile untU doubled (about 1 hour). ~ in moderately hot oven (400 F.). IO mJnutel. _ M.~~_~uncI JoaYea
On,the Inch Lines, electricity deliversdoubleiropaci
------= -,,A
, THE MIAMI GAZETTE, WAYN!:SVlllE. OHIO Form 86%1 He . 7· ..6
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP Managl'1It lit, 'lI'I'ulalion . III' .. l'tlQlliI'l'Il ' by I h., AI'l of Co ngrells of AugUllt 2", 191 !!, liS /lme nd ed lJ} III · A,'to! of ~nl'c h 3, 103:1 , lind Jul )' 19~1I of :
The Miami Gazette
Publl II .1 week I)' tit \\'IlYll . " ,' Ille, Ohio, for lktob :,:, 1~50. Stn \e of \)hlo, WIlIT n ·Oli llty,. SB, 'netore m c , a NoUu)' Publl<' hI lllld ( 01' th e ,~ I nl .. lind COUlllY a fOl'e· said. peraotlal1y OIlP nr,N l PUlIl A, Sell I' 1', wlio havI ng bee n Illily s\\'orll a('cordlng 10 Inw, d [IOSCR and ~IlYB lh l~t h Is Ita · E lI llor. Pllbllsber,
reat Song and Dance ream
STRICTLY FRESH· THE !ederal gUV(;I'1II118tll has ordered 4610 spools at red tape, according to 1he A sslJui at 1<)11 or Commerce in Decatur , Hi. Guess the bureaucrats a r'e \1/ ml1ng up lOme more affairs,
• • •
A h pusewlfe told a dl Vnl'ce cou1'l in Louisville. Ky" th a I wh lln 'he
'0'1'1'\ I' or Ule M IOUll OUten" , a n d t hlll the , followi n g Ill, 10 th \lest or his kllowlcdg aud b JI C, n tru stlltOD) lit of the ownel'shlp, Ulllnage· asked her husband lor' ''' m Ol't ntmenl. · Ie., "r lhe aforesaid ]JIIbllUI\t1o l1 tor the dutEl s how n In lhe !lbove tentlon," he slapped he... Suullds caption, I' ulred \ly th act Au g us t ' 2~, 1912, liS amended., by til like she got attention plus. aCl8 or Marcil 3, 1933, a nd July 2, 19'16 ( ctio u 537, Pos tal Laws lind Regul~Uoll s), 1ll'l ntcd Oll tlt e l' " er!! . of IbJa r01',I)I, to-\ It : In Berlin a 43- :r ea~-0Id mid ge t l . 'l'hlll Lht'> UI\DI ' 8 and Ildlll'eHSeS rille publls h'l r, ed lt0l'. lUan· ·was charged with kno cklnjl no w lJ aging edl1;Ol', nnd buslil 86 managers nr : • , a slx-tooi. slx-inch lid, ~1."," .1 ar.d Publl li eI', PI\ul · A, ~herer, Wllyn lVl"nle, hlo.; Edltol" P aul A. S Ile rer, Wuyne8 Ille, Ohio. . , ~ , That th own I' Is: Paul A. Scb I' I', \I\' llynosvllle, Ob.lo, 3, That I he k no"'D \londholders,. ulOTtguge s, li nd oUlor s eour lty hold ra o\ynlng 01' holding 1 pel'cent 01' more of tota l amount 01' . bonds, mortgages, c;tr olbe l' 8 '1II'lU IlS nte: No n . . ' 4, That the two pnl'ugrallh s nelct. abov , glv l..n g the llllmes of Ute own 1'8. 'stockholder s, and security' hold 1'8, If any, contaill uot only . ~he Us t ot BtO ~hold e l's lind 8e urlty hOI'd ers fiB th ey allpear upon the books or til ompany but n lso, Ln cllses w it I'e th e SIOc.kbolCel' 01' se· ourlty ho lder appea l'a UJlOn t.h e l,)qok s of the conirJuny nil trustee 01' In any ottll'l' tldIl Clo l'Y ·I· laLion , the mime of th e pO I'8on ai' COI'llomtion brellking three at his tet!th, G "u_~l for ' whom BIlCb trustee 18 !lil tin g, Is glveu; a lso t hat the s a id t wo IlItTIL' thing he didn 't pick On II Ill'>' 111.1: it:l\pb8 ontain sll1temenls Clllbl'llclng arrtallta hlll knowled ge and own size. , . belief 118 to lit olrou m stan e~ lIud ondltlo1l8 IInder w hl 1J toC' khold ~rs AutPorlties oQ alcoholism In and' se ur lly hold ers wbo do ' nol appear UPOn t.he boOks of the com· pa llY' 01' trus t s, bold sloc l! lind ~e() ul'ltl e", In II oa paclty otllol' thlln New Haven. Conn .• 'l'e<:ornmend fi ' Lbllt ot a bona fille o.w n e l: ; li nd lhl ~ artlol'lt bnll no renson to believe teaspoon at salt in a glass of willeJ as a cure fOl drinkers who o·a". • I.h at IIny oUler !lerson. 8880l'inUon, 01' corpoT'lItlon blls ·n.ny luterest llquo It's ironic "that brine wJll direct or Indirect In suld sl.o k , bond ', 0 1' otllar securities than 118 prevent . you trom becoming so 's tated by hi m. • . '6; That 'the · av rnge n umbel' of 'oples of 11aob IS8UO of litis pllbll- pi~ed, Brion sold or dis tributed, tllroug ll ' th e mulls or otb &rwI 8e: to Va1d 6u~s c riber8 duri ng Ihe t\\ e lv montlls pJ'ec ding tile date s boWII above FRY GAZETTE CLASSIFlE~S
Federal Depo5it Insurance is a service supplied at bank expense, Each d e po!Oit.or of our bank is now in sured up to a maXJmum of $1 0,000 for all deposits held in the ~a m e right and cap~ci ty. We and other member banks pay the f ull cost of f ederal .Deposit Insurance. Good bank managenle nt , sound bank' liupervision, and .the security of. deposit in~ surance- work together to safe guard your deposits with uS, WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT
• • •
Waynesville .National Bank
18 5.60.
(ORPO P~T' ~'"
Sworn to and 811bsCI'ibed before me this 6th day ot oci.obe~. 1950, ROSS H. HARTSO K, Notnry Public, fy commission Expires February 17, 1963,
*** rrrrn
4 Mil.. North of ,Xenia on Route &S'and 235
P:ER. .c. rBAR · ,
i8 ·t~ljoin.t. Job of 150;OOO,OOOpeoplf!.lt'8·the,bigge8tjob in the world today
-keeping it running tiJI.,,libe,..tll and for ' freedom. And the whole world's watchiniJ to see whether' A~rican8 call .do : itl '\ " ' today.·' the people 'hilve resigned 'from run~ing their ('wn countries. , Other'. have 'been quick to ~tep in-lir8t with pro1)1i?es ' of "security" -and then with whips and I/,un~-to run t~Jng8 their way. The evidence i8 on every front page in the world, every dayi :IN MUCH 0" 'HI WORLD
.IIIDOM COMlt UNDII AnACIC. The reality of
izations spoke o~t-giviog the great United St1tes Congress its unmistakable Grass Roots signal from home!
war bas made every American think hard about tbe things he's willing 'to work and fight for-and &eeclom leads the list. .
And ever ~atchful, ever •• nsltl"e to an al.rt p.opl., . Tlie Co",re.. .aw that Ilgnal, and h.ard the peopl. speak o'!t, loud and plain. 'h~t/ d.mocracy-in action. That'. tlie American "",ayl
lut ,,,at fr..dom hal be.n a"~:kecl hererecently-Iuit , .cult hal been attack.d In oth.r patts of the world. One of the mOlt .erioul threat. to Individual fl'HClom hal . been the thNat of Oovernment-ldomlnatecl Compullory' HHlth Insurance, faliely presen'ted a • .a new'auarant. . of health "Dcurlty" fo~ everybody. -
today among the ('10,000. great organizations on' militant public tc:cord aga.inst "Compulsory Health Insurance" are: , O• .n...al '.de;atlon 01 Wom.n'. Club. ,. American 'arm lureau '. 'ed.ratlon · . Natlanal 'Ora.... ' V.teraM of .or_e lgn War. National Conf....nc• . of .., Catholic Charltl•• American Prote.tant : Hoapltc" 'AllDclatlon _ .
'HI PIOPLIWlI<tH'THI 'ACTS. In ·the American manner. the peoJ,>le studi~d the case for Social,ized Medicine-and the case against it. ,
On th. John Mohn, Farm, R, a, 1, Spllng Valley, Chari •• Martin , III' up a fa 1m yard' light an. the milk hou.~. , .
Madera' LiJliting for the fapl~ yard, dairy barn. milk bo~ iUl~ other farm buildings kjust as im. portane •• eye.saving lighting io th~ house, For, most of the reat', m,oroing and evening farm ,chores must be doot' by ~ti6dallight. When there's plenty of light CO see wh~e you're go og, what you're doing. .ork goes faster, easier, cleaner-and sQler. Modena lighting is an ,essential farm tOol, one that helps IJI many ways. ' Besides the general convenience of a w~l1.lighted fum yard and properly I~ghted farm buildings, good lighting discourages prowlers, reduces fire hazards, It increases prod~ction by lengthening the feeding and watering hours, thereby- stretching' the ,",erk day of poultty and fum animals• . The center distribution pole is the ideal place fez the maiD yud light. A lamp, at least 200·wan, in • weather-proof reJlecto·r and mounted feet oc more from the groun4 throws a good light over a luge area.
They fo~ ' that Gove! nment. domination, of the,People's medical affairs under Compulsory Health Insur'ance means lower standardS of medical care, higher ,payr911 taXes, loss of. incentive•. damage to research. penalties for, ~e ~ident. re~¥atdS for th~. improvident.
'hey found 'that no country on .ar:th can .urpall Am..... lea's luder,hlp In ...... Ical cal~ and' pr.N... They found that able d~orI,. t.ach••·., nur.e. a.nd Iclentllt. -workln. In labora~orIes wh." Science, not ~olltlCl, I. malter-are blazing "'matlc n.e w· trails to .....Ith for Amerlcanl-and for' ... world. , . . 'HI "GRASS ROOTS" IIGNAU tONOIIII. In every com· munity in the Nation, people stood ut" to be counted o.n this important issUf', ThoUsands of local wo.~nen's dubs, civic groups, farm, business, religious, taxpayer, medical, educational and patriotic organ· - - - - - - - - - - - - --
NIWUa"-WH'O.1V-...."',,7..u ,.. At
,.00 ,. At.
American Legion " Hatlopal Als~clatlon of • _ 5mbll Buslnes. Men ' .. , United State. Chamber. of Commerce ,~ Hatlonal Alloclatlon of ' , Retail Grocers Na.lonal Retail Dry Good. A.lDela.lon , American Bar Association (
,,- - -
• . Doctor• .of thll Nation ' are grateful that the p.'opla· r.fu ••d to be wooed by the 'antastlc promlsas of this un·Amerlcan excunlon Into Stcate $oclalism~ • Doctors of A••rlca ar. dedlcat.d to s.rve thalr fallow citizens at home and their comrad•• ln uniform, wherever serv.. Ice to this Nation may take th.m•• And the thing they atand ., ready to fight for-to sacrifice ,' or....to die far-is not the anen way of·lIf. of Socialism, but the prideful lecurlty of a. fr.. and·.••lf.rellant people I
, • Throughout the ~ation, free men and "ome~ working and ,planning ' .together, .are finding, the American a~'~er to f!Yety. q~tiOD of meCiiw service, care and COst, HundredJ of Voluntary H~th Insilrance Plans are in healthy competition-sPonsored by dIoCton, insur:aoce companies,' hoipiu1a,ft1u~ organizations-by ind~ ,sgrkulnare and labOr•• Today ----------------
If anyone on yoW' farm 'stumbles around in half. clark to do' chores, talk over plans for lighting im. provement with your county agent or with the farm reprtteDtative of your electric lUVice company.
An American". ".,neatlw1,.,.,.'1te rl,h'
learn the.fact.-and to .peak hie mind• (orever that Malntalned 1A",h honor an4 UI8ff 1111'11 .,neerltp-'hat rl,lh' will
'r--~111111 j
. '""\ .
in America-70 million ~ople are protectlld by Voluntary Hen1th Insur. ance! e Throughout the Nation, 'families are insuring themselves against the major COSfS of iUness-at reasonable,.. budget-J>asis prices. Voluntary Health I~urance takes the economic shock out Qf iUness. Protect your family now.• For information, ~ yOUt dooqr-or your insurance man,
MIIa._ .•
~RunLIII~1 i )
."... ~ 'MllClPA'IID IN 'AYlN'G POt THIS SPAC.
n' ''''~r!;
.... . . .
- 'tl
_ •••• -
_11-"' .......-......
_::lJr'J .I<iJge A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier OCTOBER 9, 19GO, - T be ra in came a galll, after n' week of love· ly weatller'. Tho clover cut to tbresb for seed hnll Unally dried olrt but O'ut combln I' was husy pickIng corn and had Jll st come to our mutte agnln Otl lhe lis t or things to do lind It rain ed u g llll N.ow tile. que stio n Is will It be ,any good wb en it does 1I ,'y out '/ Tbat Is one or the dlfi'lclilties of mode l'D ma chine fa l'mlng , a med· lum sized or Rmnll fllrw cannot 811pport expenll ive IDQchl nery but CllstOll\ work mlses Ule costs nnd you oun't ulway s get thlng!\ dOlle when you nre · reudy. You. !l Rve to walt your turn, They got moM of the pumpkins pi cked up beroro t he min and this lIIol:nlng tlHiy hal!led th em to the cannery. 'rh y ba ,'e not. come back yet YO I 110 not know ltow mnay tlll:iy ' hnd 0 11 the t!'llCk Ol' whnt they were going to ,pay. Not 8 0 mnny peopl l) .rnlao \lump· kln8 now ' becuuse they g t In the way of the corn plc lt:e r hut we mlsed tbe se lit Olll' sweet orn and Iu Bome smnll pntch 8 or corn that ""e did not expe t to pick. The pumpkin Cl'Op always ~eem s like rtn dlllg so mething he all se t be only e tra work pboll t It la picking t bem up. l bope our b!Lby guinea s .lIdn' t drown ID the do.wnpOlI 1' 'I 8terdny. About a week ago olle of th e guinea hen& Rm ~ orf Ule nelit with twenty-th i'c little ones. I s aw them berol'c the m in bllt I couldn 't count t hem Ut ey ron so fa st but I Ivqnde r If ahe was able to take c(ire or them In nil that wet. lost ~n e or Qur nicest calves, Plnkey's . nice t en·day-olcJ helter. · 1 noticed In the ' e,:,enlng that sbe was n little scollry bllt I dld/ilt 'simI Iler \lP, I let ber go: wUh bel' mot ber, os I.t wasn 't very cold and sbe had been running out all the Hme, but WllElD we .went to .the barn III the morning Ibe was stret ched out rtM and thougb we bad the do('tol' and did -everything we coulil. s be nevel' even \'Qised he r bead. , Poor old Plnkey ' bawled all tll'l 'lime untiL 'atter the ('aU tiled and ebe .cnm In and smeLle.) It , e v n the n s ht' .CSDle back and bnw led to It olLce In a willi e. I WR S VOl'X Rnd over' It A S. It ' W Ail a ll UllIlSlI ll ll y nice mUe he lrel'.· I s ~ e ,that th ey 111'0 (l ctunll y go, Ing to do aomethlng about the 8anltary oondillonll at the jail. It cert.alnTy Is about time, Th .. grand jnry coiled It unsanitary lind In· Ildequa~e, but ( wonder how n11\ny 1'80pl'e know how unsanita ry a nd bow Illadequate. Ret'elllly Orf> n COUD!,y was .dolng f101nethlng abollt a place fOI' juvenile del1nquents Ib Xenia. I wonder II tlllything wa s
renlly done ? Why dO(l~n't Orl'eill' County and Clinton and Warren and some or th E' oUler rurlll C'C~lIn · ties In tb Is part. or the BUlte gel together lind I:et au Ildt!qua.t~ penal ranll. . Warren Co u n t 'I couldn 't AllppO.'t one lind I 'doubt Ir t he othol'8 cOlJld hut toge tb e ~ they (rould lin ve Il decent place wbel'e those with sentence8 frow rt rteen daya to six morllhs or a yell I' wouW not have to l'Ot In Idlen,'s s li nd could nl. leus t f..a lse enough to t e d tbo prl ~d lLe rs. Theil tltey' cO~lld have separat e qu ar ters rOt: the juvenile d ' lIn· quenta, Lnnca.sler Is crowded BO full th lLt they can not gi ve Ute boys sdequate t','olnlng but U we could keep all lh e nrst. offenders In n smaller Ins tltllt lon ,perhaps som ething eQuid be done to keep them trom becoming repeaters. Even Wben, condilions Ilre hil, proved at the jall, 110 one' should b.. kept there e)(cept wblle wlLlt· Ing trllli. No one believes In paml' 'ring rn'lson ers but It does seem lik e good · sense to!> t rellt th em 110 thut when tbey I~Ollle Dllt they have a beUer chance than whert they go t In. I think I bavl' quoted berOl'e R compari son ma.de by u JUa ll who had tried both th e In· diana Penal Fa rm and 0111' jail. In Indlnn n 'they have to work hlll'd , tbey feed ~h elll well and they don't worry IUId cowe out In bet· t e," condition than they wellt In eo _ba va a bette.' cb nee ot going strulgbt. Here they .10 not tee.l them w'e ll, th ey haven't a nything to do and they 1V0rry nil the time and come out leaB abl#! t o. do a days w ork th a R whe n they we nt In. AB Wrigley always said, " U you any II. t1;I'lIg often enongll, p o· pie will belie ve YOu" 80 perhap8 If I re peal thl 8~ about our Ja il of len enougb someone may !i0mo day do something. 'rluy will It enongh voters get a rter It. Corn plcklhg has just begun and wheo.i. planting Is lale bllt wh en -yon pick your corn don't rorgel a bout. Ihe coming CROP program. Tile time. and place \\'111 be a.n· nOllnc d later but wake your piau\, to give either money or orn , It refugees frolll . Communist coun· trleB ' that are escllplng every duy. Wltbout your hell' they will go bung.·y and ma ny at th e m wilt starve. The toad ' Is distributed throug)J ' the cburch agencies to IIchools , orphanages and ref4g e camps ~hat receive no overnment ald.
Poultry Stud,
Poultrymen who .,atherell eUI three or more times a day. kept layer. confined, and kept no m.le. In the.layl!), flock bad Maber qual. Ity eg,1 than poultrymen wbo cUd not follow thea. practice", accordIn, to a recent ItUIly of pout..,. ' ~rmlln~r~
pa..'eqer ean
Railroads lit tbe United , State., havln, extenslv. pa .. en,er ICrvIce, noy.. ule mecbanical wa.hen for cleanln, the exterlora 01· p.,.leD,er-tr.1n carl.
oi=ioi====:i[C"=:i[C"=====iii=iia -0 OClO'·'====-'OClO ~',0
Rli:8 1m \' E Ill s'rnll;T Nil, ,I Report of the Condition of ' The W.ynelville National Bank of Wayneav,Uo I!! the St . te of Ohio, at the Cia .. of , Bu al nees on October 4, 1050 ·Publ18hed in Re sponse To Cat'l Made BV Comptroll er of the Currency, Under Seot ion 5211, U. S. Revised S tatute.
ASSETS IlId lng rClll"'I'e bal· 0111:1> , a nd ('a~ h ilew" In IJI'O(' e~~ of uol1 ee llull _$ l ' !:l. U O \ et' 1l 1l1 0 1l1 b bll 'U llOIl S, d ll'e 'l lOud g,i"run iel'<I Obll gn l ions ()f Siutes and 110llU cu I ~ lI bdl \' i lOll s. _ Olher bonda, no les, IUld deb Iltllrcs _ 'url/orul o s tllcks (including $4GOO.OO sto It ot F dern l _ _ ___ _ lI eseI've DlIlllt ) _ • _______ . __ I.o.nn,; a ud dl ~ co llnl s (In clu di ng $·, 29. U 0 1' rd I'll fLs ) Bank lll'eflli ses owned $ 19,500, flll'l1l l llll). l'I "' lll l' e ~ $·1, I) (H a nk p remi s, s oW11ed Ll r o s llbJe I 10 $ Nil",; lIel1~ no t Il IlSUIlI d b y b lLnll) r: al eMtll te 01 n ed 0 1hBl' t han b8.nk prem iS8!l __ _ ih r estm ollt ll UII U alb I' assels Ind lre Uy 1',l1rps ntlng blin k premi ses or olher real csl at _~ .__ . __ _ ' il. la mers ' IIl1hlllty La lh ls \)an k on !LC,' pl flm' l'B ol1i Sla nd. O.her Assets _ __. ________ " ____ _ _. _.__ _
Cll sh, IlIll allc S wlt lt
Cooperation of Farmers As~ed In' .Stamping Out Local Hog Cholera
0 1her bu nk s, I n
377,a99.90 630,0 11 S2 ~ 72, 7 80.5 5
4 ,O UU.Oll
4,50 0.00
. Inatances of carel»ll8 b.8ndJln~ 'without rLrat dl8clCl,s lng to th e p r· at Infected animals tbrougb.ont the son to w'hom It was Bold, btl r· county bave recently been brou gbt ter~ d or dlspolled of tlrat It Is 80 to tbe attention of PI'. Arcb D . disessed o.r baa bElen NO expose,l. Harvey, Warren OItnty Henlth or knowingly perDllts It to rUn lit Commissioner, The. m!lJorlty ot large. or, kn&wlng Slll'h a nimal cases report~d bave b,eeD the nco to be so . diseased , permits It to tlcina of well·lntentloDed, but at com e In COD tact with 811cb animal unthlnkln'g tarmes or ot Indlvld· ot another Wlth:~1I1. his knowledge ualB Ignorant ot the law. or permlssln, Bba ll h... fine!1 not Tbe molrt recent case wa s tbat less than tweDty dollarH 1I0r more or a farmer wbose sow bad died than five bundred dollars or Iw· torw cholera. :Mle farmer 1m· prlsoned not more than ' tblrty mediately gave tbe o.rpbaned lit, .days, or botb. (R. S. Sec. 6855.) tel' ot pigs to his blred band who "Sec. 13365. ·SE L.J.. INC . OR ~ER. In turn aold the pigs to a third M.ITTING DlSEASli:D SHEEP AT party. These pigs were tben LARGE-Whoever, owning or hll v, transferred to the third f1aTty 's lug' charge at ~ sheeP ntfecte.) farm , thuB ltx'posing a large herd ",lIh toot-tot or scab, Permits It or tIne hogB to Ihls devastatin g to run upon a J\lghwny, common disease. or unlDclosed gound or sell8 It, Had tile tblrd party been aware having reaBon to bell e\'e II lIS so or tbe -details, he would never dlsessed, wit bout dlsc;los.lng tbe have accept ed the pigs; The fol. ta('t to the purcbllser, sball be lowing sections of the Oblo State filled not mOl'CltbBln one hun" red Code are quoted tor the benefit dollar. and be Ita ble for all dam· of the tarmer mentioned above, ages sU8tamed tlierebf. ( 85' v. SS6, b'ls hi red baDd , snd all farmere . Sec, 3.) tranapot't.erB of ' livesto ck 0. n d ' :Se,~ una. TRANSPORTING dead aniwa I removers : A HOG WITH CHOLERA.-Who"Sec. 13S64. SELLING DIS· ever traD8porta .. llOg within tbls IDA.SED · ANlIM,ALS; ALLOWING sta.t.e" Infected 'lfhh cholera, ' aball · THEM AT LARGE OR WIT H be fined not more tban five 'hun· OTHER. ANIMAlS. Wboever, be- dred do11an or ImllrlBoned In Jng the' owher _ or having cbarge not more thaD IIIx nlonthll, or both , ot a borse, mare. foal, filly, jack, alld be liable tor all damages l'I~. mu Ie, 8 heep.·' goat. cow, a t eer . bn II , Rultlng from lIuch disaBle tbereby. belter OJ' an aSI ox or swine " , , , This· sect1~n -ahall not affect com· kDowlng It to bave aD IntectloUf\ man carrlerl or their employees, ta I dl oth th or con g ous sellBe, er · an (92 . v. 388, Sections J, 2, S.) toot·rot or Br ab In aheep, 0)1 . to bave been receDfly nposed tbere" . F C. 12780. J\NIMALFI DYINf to, Belis, barterl or d18p08es · of It FROM CONTAGIO US DISEASE Whoever, being the owner of an imal dying of a (,ODtBgtOUB dl ORDINANCE No. 214 AN ORDIN \N e E OUANTIN'O T(I Beaee, within . ~we:nty-four hourI THE DAYTON POWER 1\ N n after knowled,e t1!ereot 01' after LIGHT COMPANY, ITS !'lUbC&~· notice 'In writing from tbe town. SORS AND ASSIGNS, AN ELEC· TRIC FRANCHISE IN THE VII... ablp trultee8, fall s to ' burn the LAO El . 0 F WA YNESVILLE; I body of luch animal, or bury It STATE OF O.RIO, FOR A PERIOD not Ie! ! tban' tOllr fllPt below the OF TEN (10) YEARS, OOMMEN(}. 1 . ..: f" -d ING ON THE. 4TH DAY OF NO. 8i1r... ce 0 t""e l!:TOIID or remove
501 ,094 .6 1 22 ,500.00
None NOlie None ' cin e
---.---- ... -_._- --
1 ,11.1 ,3 16 .41
LIABILITI ES f)elll ll iid d(' polIUS of Indl l'i . lll a l ~. partn ' s hl pB, ;11111 COl'p. 'l'1n! depollils ut int!II' hl uflls , jJrL l'tn rshlllS a nd co r p. _ DE- pos ha 01' • S.. Go vt. (i ncluillng IIO>ltll l slll' ings) IIf: HOs il s or SUII santi I)oll tlcli l s ll b d iv ls ioll ~ ----- __ _ l lt'I)Olllls or bllll k s _ _ _____ __ . th ' r deposit!! (('e rtiCl ed nnd .'usb l 1" 8 hecks, et ~.l __ T O·I'A I. J E P \) ITS _ __ ___ _ $1.,664.92 . 4 Cllis Illl ynLlo, red ll,cou llts, IIlI d othOlr lIabll it los for hoI" rowed Illo n 'I .--. _____ • ______ .__ _ Mortgages 0 1' ollJ r li ens, :f NOll e Oil bli nk PI' m ise!!, lind ...,. NOli e o n othei· real estll te .___ _ ._. . _ KDK. ..... new lG-mlnut..aod .." 6veoday.·.·week prorr.mJ "Shar. A('ce pt. cxeculed by 01' 1'01' HCCOUll t or 11', ls bun k. rllHl OIIL Lh er II l1bl lilies ______ • ________ ,-. _ ___ __ _ the Wealtb," .tara BUI Slater, ,.ni., rentlem.n from Gotham. .. TOT AL. L I AD ILI '1' IE 8 _______ ____ _______ ______ _ it. flul&m •• ter. A native We.t Vir· iinia", Slater matehea wUa ·and puni with' hi. guef" ~ in the I)nl, CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ,arne In which c:onU,IILllnta chooI4 'flplt ul Stoelt: themaelvel. The .bow il hearclJlon. , (a ) luss A pre!. tot. par $ Non e, reUI'. I'aitl $ No ne uy-throlllb-JlIridayat 12:'0 p.m. / I11 8 1 ~ 0 1 di v. on reLiru ble valUe Is _~_ % ) (tl) "lass l:l pl'af., lot. par $ None, I' til', Ylllu" $ one 18 YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PAST (Hnl or dl v. on I' lil'u bl e v lue I ~ _ _%) (d ODlmO Il ___ stocll, iOL pa l' $75,0 00.00._. ____ __ ___ _ DU E If It I. - won't you plene ___ __ ____ . al _____ ________ tend UI a check for $2,00, ' II(Jl vllled [lI'On ls · . __ ________ _ 11 Sel'\'(,8 tnnd I' til' JUenl account for r re!ened stock) _ U ,8. Marille.
1.15 ,22 9.13 223,09fj .6 1
J 6,619.77 :!65,2 32. 80
NOlle 851 .50
ne None Non'! 1,750. 00
1,656,67 8.8'1
- ----
S ll
United States marlnel were In China .. far ' back as 18!i4 wben they were lent there to 'protect the livel ot forellllera, IDcludln& Atnerlcan •.
j01l 1
' 0 . :! ~Cl)
CIl ART rm
We al'e very 80rry that tbe Warren County Coulrt News IU,.,II' tills we k, bUl ' we wll1 bave It next week. 8l!:aln.
l' pl
115,000.00. 8 ,4,239.64 7,a 9l!.03
')'S • __ . ___ . __ ___ _____ _
' l'O'l' AJ~
191,6 37.67
1,8,\ ,31(J.n
,MEMORANDA :! 3,9al .25 reI' Assets pled ge d 0 )" 11 11 )g'd to 'll cmll lIa'b, ami for other p1Jt.. (J LOlln as sho n a bol' e lITe litter deduction or .l'er. of Noile. tJ1l2lng establlsbment, shall be (h ) Se III'. ~ 1l 8 hQwn all v., ar e arter dedu t , ot r s, at None tined nol leBs tha1l flv dollars nor fl,l. LO 01' OhiO, County of ,Varrell;88: e more than twenty · dallal'S and P9 Y I, J ames E. Jon s, cas hier. at the above·named ban k. do solemnl), all Decessary 8'""enses Incurred In e'\1 I.'" thul th e a bove BllII In .nt Is t rue to IlLe b s t o( my knolvledge -,. dlBpoalng at such aoll;1Ial8. R. S . IIIllI beller. J AS, E. JO NES, Cashier Sec. 6923a.) , • S WOI'lJ 10 Ilnd sull s rlbad before me tid 1Jt.h dllY o f Octolie l', 1960. "Sec, U78J. DUTY OF TOWN· COl·ect- Attest. sHip ' TRUSTEES. - In event of T•. H. Gordon , Notnl'Y Pnplic ROSS tr. R.ARTSOCK failure to- c~pl)' I"'ltll (Section HO'\VARD SU RFA. E 12780) the townblp trustllee Iball CEO J, W ATIDRliOU SE bave 8u'oh body burned or burled Dire tora. and bring an action before a justice ot tbe peace to recover fine s, PHONE 2143 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CO lite !lnd expenses. (R. S . 'Sile . 692'''a_)'' DON'T HESITATE TO CALL· 2143 IF' YOU l-JAVE 'NEWS " - - - - -.- - -- - -1\ 11'0 te l' tight tnnl! to a
it In
VENBER, I~iiii~iiii iiiijiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiii~~~~~~~ii~~ BEl IT 1950. ORDAINED BY TH~ N .1 COUNCIL OF THE VILLAOE PI! WAYNESVrLLE, . SIT ATE 0 ~ OHIO. " SECTION 1. Tbat, 8ubJect to the terms lind c.ondlllo)ls bereof, Tbe Dayton Power and Light Com· pany, ItB 'eS80rs and asslg08, Is granted the rlgbt- and pJllvllege (or the period of ten (10) yearl, , , . comm encing nn tbe 4tb day ~f November, 1950; to do, carty 011 and tranBact wllhln the said Vll· 18Me ' of Waynesv1l1e, O~D. the IDeBs ot Bupplylng electricity Never bef.... aw:b Low Pricea on G~ Qt.aIity Coal Heater. and Ranges Check Your Present Equipment to said village ard Its InbabltaDtll and Replaeelt With a Ne~ Heater or Rance at New· LoI.w Price P .. i~., .At . Even B~low, ~ealer• . Coat! (or light. heat and power purposell, and lor any other .purpoles· for wblcb ,e lectriCity Is DOW or .may MOORES , 204' LARGE CIRCULATOR be u8ed hereafter: and to that end to entH upon and In, use 8Ild oc-
v:r: ~:r:~~": 4",. 1.50. W.,..A
. Warren (ounty (ourt News
cupy etll, aVllnuel, alleys tbe andstrpubllo wa,. of lane., 1I.ld '. Vma~e, to maintain, U8e, erect, repair or replace poles, towen, WE HAVE PERMANENT ANTI.FR~E, ~COHOL• ..,RES. structures, guys• .Bllchorll, bracel, IUId all otber necelllary and ,proper MUFFLERS AND TAIL PIPES. WE ALSO DO IGNITION devices and appllaDce, for tranlmUting and supplylDg electricity . WORK AND LUBRICATION. GIVE US · A. TRIAL· t , . • to 8ald village and Itll InhabitaDt8 tor 8110h purposes, . Tbls l!:rant sball ' apply tA- aU 8ucb polell, towerl, 8tructurel, gUy8, ~nchor8, bracell , . a~d aI".other devices and app!llUlcel UBe41 or u8eful tor the aforesaid purpoles wtllcb are now oWDed by said Tbe payton Power ,arid Ugbt ~lIlpanlr ' l In Bald VIUi!£e and to .. ber eaf er may be placed or erected therein' by It at: ItB sucessor" and assigns, . SEC TION 2. ,T hat IIpon the mova) or re'ocaUon of any tower, structure, guy', anchor" brace, or any ,otber devlf e Dr appliance, the surface of each Btreet or public wa.y, whlcb shall I been d,l sturbed or broiten, be reillaced ID lood and workman· conclltioD by lIold The Dayton Power and LJght Company, ItII ceSBora or aSlllgns. SECTION 3. That ilothlnh In thlB . ordinance shall \le cODstrued all. grantlnl to Tbe Dayton Power lIod Light CoP!pany, Ita lI~cce. 80r. or IlIIslgns, an exclulIl ve priv, liege or rlgbt. SECTldN 4. Tb.at this ordlnl\nCe ;11..1 ' be accepted ,by lIald Tb.e Dayton Power and Light Comllan)', In WTltln., on. or before tblrl.y (311) da,a after Its etfectlve date. Sucb I''''''''I~'.''''''' IIban be ftled with tbe Villale Clerk" and, thereupon, tbl. ordinance 8ball be and con.tJtute " contract between the VIll&ae .nd uld CompanJ Ita 8uceeBIOra &lid ualln .. fOT the u ... and purpolIBl berelD provldecl. SECTION 5. That tbll ordiDanee PLUS TAX aIlall ~ eUeClt Blltl be In force , ull after the earlleat period . . auowed bJ laW', .
'-I ........
. ID4
thl. Ootober, R. II. BBDWOOD, ",a,or
I ~=rro lUES, Clerlr. II
" Full 81z~ Laro. All Poroelaln Heater that hold. fir. "Illy. Con.lnrct.d w'ltt. H••lI)' Round Fire Pot with lafg8 capacity.
Porcelain Coal, Wood Ranges. Thl. Price Cannot Be Matohe,,1
15'9 .9,5
'99.95· .1
Fln.lt All Mall •• bl. and Porc.laln RAnge on American .Mark.et. ;ull 1V.I~Ch oven - four wall con.truction. Built for ye .... Of ter:vlce.
COAL, WOOD, ELECTRIC RANGE A Modern Stove I;; every detail, A Range designed to glv • . vou, your lummer and winter Range In one - a very prac-. tical, and economical Range to use. REGULAR
189.'5 0 .
SAVE 'THE DIFFE"ENCE~•• Llmlte·.. Stock···Flrst Co~e First Served .
/It. vary Pr~ctlcal .nli Inexp.nllve · 8tove -
of fuel -
hold, 100 Ibl,
glv•• quick he.t.
Two·tone Color - . a Sea.utifu·1 CIrculAtor wllh oblong fl ... pot, . Fin. for wood and coal. REGULAR
No Pipe or Stove Mats
'..AIRLEY H~~!~RE STORES Waynesville
WQMa91Qe ......
'.'WIN THEATRE Waynesville, Ohio FRIDAY
Top Moll. Hlulln... S.',d. Ora••' Ibu."aUD. Wltll flac. 8oe. Dr. .·Une Uld BuUCSO..,
Especially For Farms
R~y E~
ReD)ember Wh en "Hello" wile th' Dli 0 s I: populllr greeting 'wolrd ohlldl'eu '! YOII 'beard It everyw JlPre. Even the Qld fo lks IIlIerl It. NO\II I I has bee 1\ 's tl'eamlined to plain "Hf." Alld It you don't wall 1 to b considered old fush. loned b,. -s1DaJl fry, don't forget It·~ the model'll way to gl'eet t he m. Remember?
MARCH - FLORENCE .ELDRIOGE The ollcover)' of a New World
Rt. 48, 5 mi. South of Centerville.
Plus -
PHONE Cen~tvme 7056
~mllllllllll~mrnIIWllllllllllllllllllllllmIIID~rnlllllllllllllllllllllllII1II I1
Whe,n need ilrlaes you can I e a v e ever·ythlng to UI. You'lI apprec;late our carerul aUen. tlon to every detail.
---------.----~ . ~.------
11~llllllrlllllmllllmllllll · llllrllllllllllllllllll 1IIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllil i
14 That Slnglftg Hillbilly EDDY ARNORLO - In -
WQD.,.W" Ohio . Pho"l: Wilyllllllville 2111 .
(Tel'hnl colol')
Phone m1
Plus -
BANK RUN GRAVEl- . Loadell.
u.l nllvla Ful"DQ PIL JO Mzata ,'UbIC :yard we ' 10 dell"8r. AJUI· I"AOE " SON. Phon. loti. at READY FOR FALL PLANTING Hard y hl'y santhemUIIlB and lieI" oon10ls. ST. JOHN'S GARDENS. 'acrolls (rom ' Texli('o . Phone 2661. , X- I 0-5·12-1 9
WAN/rEI Latly t Oi ~ e ll fJe::llta nll' COt!ll\elics In Waynesv ille. COl'yln und I.cbllno", fu ll or part time. Int rested. telephone WllynNlvllie
JOAN CRAWFORD In One of Her Belt DlIlmatlc Rolel
ol'laDlaaUon second to none.
Strictly seUel'1l on the best aUaround market In the count1'1. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES For Dally ",arket Reporta:· WHIO Da.yton. 12: 50 E.B.T, Dial 1300; WLW Cln rl nnatl,. IUO. · Dial 700,
X- l ij· 12
Ltve 'Wire and ProgrelelYe, An
.'_t_v .. __ WEEKEND
With the"?" T.ken Out
The Larid Bank . 'ay
DOT Tip.TOE Canned
Owned Auociatio n'
F ooch . Are . F,nest Quality
. . . AI"".,.a
The·Lehanon National ' Farm Loan · -' . and LEBANON, 0 .6 10 '
Phone 448 .
ELLIS, H. STURM. Sec'y-Treaj.
Rural (
Bottle Gas •
.~s •
A L080 Macle-Can Be Repaid From Farm Income
FOR RENT-4-rooDl apllrlmpnt 011 MELLIE MORRIS . X- 10·l2-19
R. ' R. 3.
-:- FOR -
T elephone Wayne ville , 21120 CHARLE
l3. MOOR,E
Kincll of
~ '.
and · REPAlit
-----.. .. ..
2983 ~~~~~~~~~~~'!' WayneaviUe
Phone 37371
to your.
25 MON'IH GUARANTEE - Acid Water Once A ·Year LUBRICAnON
door. r·or
at your
- -.... - - - - - - -....~--...:....:.:l!!:.
HEATING add ' PLUMBING ~i~nJ6 .JJ~me
Spring Valley Hardware Co.
LEGA'&: NOTICE Notloe' Ie hereby glveo, that In pureuance or a resolut Ion by the
• I _a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . • •
Mrs. Ralph Lalle .. of near l.eb8110n, was tlie" . dinner guest oC loire. OIlYe Ourl on FrIday. Mr, and Mrs: . Earl Boston and dailgbter, Mrs. Ste!enson, .ot Pendleton, IndIana. visited tbelr aunt, Mts8 Mary Boston on Thursday
Mrs. Lucille ..Armitage wa~ the
'HA~VEY88URQ :1148
CWA8S • !'4A8 ~ASK£T DI~NEIl The Harl-e:mbllrg High Scbor•• gradu tlllg clue dr' l946 f'njoyetl' a basket d lnnei :1wadllY tbe hOllle oC :Mr. a~d ...... .. Harry .' The ~~.IOl ... "'.. . t;be ' flrEf' reumon' oJ' that e1Ua; Member8 .~vho .attended In' .uoa' t Mr~ (,'e utry 'Were . JlCk Rel·n"ld·s. 'Burl Plummer. llu. .n Hlieman," ~rll_ Dorothy McGraff ·1I.:Cftorren, 1011118 Ma!'Y ~ IIaOre. 'In guests we re: ·Mlaa Coleen WllIIam-, 80n, 'MIMs MarllJll Goorge. Miss Mary Hopkins O:"en .M.('Cnrren,
glJlest of Mrs: Olive Wardlow a.t 'and ,HenTY Gentry_ supper 011 . Sunday evening.
Mles Mary KellY 'l'nd sl!Jter Mls6 Mayes Rickey, of ·Columbua. vls- . Ited Mrs. Hannah Davia on Sun· day a.nd . ebe was their guest a the Oreen Room for dinner. In the 'afternoon, Mr. Robert New"~n, of Columbus. wo8 alao a calier. Dr, Emma Holloway. Mrs. Olive Curl, Mi811 Olive WlIllame. Mrs. Ella Dakin and Mrs. Leab Yine attended the Garden Club at the home of Mrs. 'Alma feler.aon on Bellbrook ltoad on ~day ev~nlq.
- WJnt
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CuJaa .......... . .............
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OCTOBER 17,.)8
O f
... t,
OCTOBER 13, 14
I~.taU.tlon and G..
.A.k About our Price on
Spring' V~ey, 0-
-FRIDAY ... ----and ....SATl!RDAY
Townsbip, Warren . County, Obto, ru~DAY' · WJJ)NESDAY lected For Unuldal Flavors 'Passed 1st day of Sel1tember. 1950, there wlll be s\,bmltted- to . Goodneu. ; & Tote of ~hei people ot the Town · • ahlp at ijle General EleCtion to be Also Top · Qdality In MealS beld in sdd TOWDShlp' a thl' reg· . ular 1Ilaoee' of vOtlDg thereln~ on . , IT.·.... ,I.v the 7tb day or Noveinbpl·.. · a. Bond IS8ue, for t he pur· of CONSTRUCTING AN }\D· ATE BlJILDlNG FOR HOtS· INO THE EQUIPMENT QF TH I~ FOOD STORZ WAYNE TOWNElltIP FIRE DE· Phone ~1 • PAllMENT, "In the 811m or Ten _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t~-_ _.... I'J!bousand (,10,000.00) Dolltlri<. lind a levy of taxes be made ontslde the ten mill Ihnl~tjon . estImated the County Auditor to IlveragQ . DEAD ' STOCK ,. mUle for e,ch.· one dollar I, .: "a}uatl0n wh'i ch amounts to ,I COWS ".00 110 dol1ars and tbree and eight All Stock Removed Dally __ . tenths ('0.038) cents for ~acb One· Hundred ($100) Dol.lnrs of Lilrge or &millJ -- Call Collect tax valuiltlon-. for ;a maximum IJe I': of ten (10) years to pay the Xenia 454 principal and Interest . 011 e\lch bonde. . XENIA fOOIUZER Polls for sold El9!'L1on w III open Ol.vllion of Inland Producta, InO: at 6 :30 A. M. and remain open ,_ •...:. _ .,_ ,_, •• , _ _ , _. _ _ until 6.30 P. N, (Eastern Rtand'Rrd _ • . . Time) of sf!.liI day. ' . f'I •• h. ' . T III Hi ~~o~~ ,:Jy order or the Board of Elec· " ' , tlons ,of Warren County. Q/ll0. . JOHN E. HOl~DE~·. . .
FOR SALE- l.nte· '949 Ford V·~ Hogi and' Other Small Stock c u st~m Z·dool' wfth estrus, low Removed Promptly R .' H. KIER. "'uyneev llle No.' 3221' 01' 2341. X-1o-12· 19 CALL COl_LECT Wilmington 23'6 2 Lebanon 439 !\,OR SALJD-J.legl~tere;1 7-monthi< Hampshire Boar, W(}n ' 7nd placl' INLAND PROnUCTS, Ine. ClInton 'county 'Ft~lr. U N D E R-
FAR", .10ANS
'UN EI~l HOMf'
.in -
. ALE-71 POIlJlds M F"esh Pur Hog Lard. 16c per ll()lllld . WANTED See nOSI:;RT GON ~ or may be . .COWS $4.00 seen at Loell et Plant. lL
16- _ _
Abbo~ -and ~o.tello -:
1• •__________
m!l 1l 1l 1l 1111W111II111 11111111111111111111111 1I11111!I I IIIIIIIiiilllllilim ~~~~~~~~ ~~D
WHAT IS MOST IMPORTA.NT IN A SERVICE? To leave a . bereaved family pleased with tbe attention they l'eceived, ylth the last hnpresslon they carry with them and with tbe. price they pay. WE ' MAKE EVERY EFFORT . '1'0 MEET THESE REUffiEMENTB.
SALE-Estate H eutroltl (COlli medium size, good conti 1I,ENA l-lAR'J'. cre Phone
FOR S ALI':- l used 22 Inch" Cilst furnace. Ilerfe·t oOlldltlo'!. 8 utomlltio control s. lIulolllII lIc. delu\m. Itltrler, cold 'lll" bool s Iln~ Illp08. ClI~ENN HO~.LINO. W<)RTH. Hllr· veY Rblll"g . . Phone 2001i. X-!l·28·10·[:-12
bap. 4- Adr. ot Sir Go.IBho.d
THun: DAV. OCTOBER 11, 1Q50
CLOSED ON TUESOAY, WEDNESOAY I Thurlday, Friday and Monday .____ , Continuous' from 7 P. M. SaturdaYI, Sund.iaYI and Holidays _ __ Continuoul from 3:00
.... V. . . . ' . , . . . . . . . . . . at Gaia-
_ID .....
~ .~
N ' Ig. .' hAn ';" d".D;;.y. . t .
ville Since 1850 FIVE
.~lJfJllf TfJwn ITEM~
Professor J . 'p, Smith: Rural So· of ~he Ohio Slate Unl· vel'slty e~en810n serv loe, sPoke to a . large gathering or Civic' Club memberll and tbelr guests at th!! St. M'IlI'Ys Pal'lsh. hOllse on Mon(1!lY\ October 16. Frof. Suilth, Interested mafnly III I'lll'a l adjU$t'lOent, dl!lplaye~ gmphlcR lIy n cOlOpreheuslvp study ot' the many P1'oblonill fac ing the fll l'aler In relallonshl(J to over·or· ganlzatlon, fron ller ext ension, Itl· nuence Itr the prosent-day ,econ omy, Conn management, IlIck ot adolesl:ent jnterest With emphRsls name a placed on . Industry, few, Mr. Smith organized 11'1 8 I clUre around the Inubilit y of people to speak and" meet on II cOUlmon ground [ 0 discuss Ihelr various problems Intelligently. l!e sug· geated II. "Community Coun ~ II " fOr tliis end. ,'. Th(' Clvtc CII~ ts.. lndeecf gl'ate· ful tor 1ul'Vlng Pror. Smith as the I' guept speaker.
Mr. and ~'lrs. L . O. St. John bad Wedne'ailay e enlug dinner guests Mr. nUll Mi's. bon Beck, or Ill'lngbul'o.
' U8
. M)·s. Rhodes D·u nnell. 1\11'11. EIlI'1 Jiochelt, ,Mrs. Nel1,e DUll nell Ilnd Mrs.. Qlui;1es Doster retul'ned Mon· daY ' II I hi Rfter spendi ng a rew days ' f ilII "MISS Rhol\u Dnnnl'lll at Ge~)I'ge ~ cbbof 11\ Pelllls>,:lvUIII.Il . 1\'[rs. J : M. Silk und Inrant. son, John Paul, writ! ,\'a/l bor a 011 lI{olHlay ven1ng, bave returned froUl Mluml VoLley Hospital nnd nre JlOW at til Ir ' borne on Muln treet. Colonel aild, M1'8; ' lIlt 0.1' now tbe ', l'll'oud. (lnrents or on danghtal' and W'o lions. Mrs. 1 •. M. HenderSOn and MI·s. Lu l1e 'Al'mUa~e wero In 'Innat! vlSltOl'8 011 Monday.
. ROY 1,;. PA:1lTER~O'" Gov, DiaL 231. Rotary Intern.tlonal Ror L. Patterson, Governor of Dat!,1 t 231, Ro,tary International, will visit the W.a.yn~svllle · Rotary Clubs at ItB ' meeting next Tuesday ' night. .
MI'; ,' lI.lId Mrs. 'Yfllt I' Whllalter, wllh Mr, a nd Mrs, ' L~teJt pofr, or Day:ton, Ill'e enjoying n motor. ll'lp '[0 Florida. ~ HALLOW.E'E'N PARTY
Farmers Club
Hello eVllryone. nere we are agllin wrtb '!Dore new.s and notes from W. ,n, S. I gu ss t11e first Ilem or grea.t In(e~elll to every athletic fan In and out 01' ilcbool ia the reBuits or tbe q.b erleader .tl'Yout~ 116ld ,la !3L r. g1 I h will Th e .our e k w. I' s IV 0 lead tbe ' I'ooters and boost 'the ... eams mornl this bask etbaU sell. SOil' Aj'e, Mary ' CarnJlne Brallloy, , . ~ary Frances Hartsock. WandalGu W1lson and Sandra Slmpsqn, MT. George Eva,!otf wiU lie their .ad' vltor and J, )mow: the.alrJe wtl1,.,d,Q. their best Dnd I hope. everyone will yeU e:;tl\a loud ,tills year. Monday 17 all grade school and hlgb scbool puplll! el\joyed an nB· sembly preHented by ' tbe Ohio Zoo. . , logical BoCiety. It concerned anf·
Hallowe'en 'party Friday Evening
and Sausage Nov. 4
It~T.. A.
Happy Hour ' . 'Club ·Me-.ts
. 'Oms
Mrs. Emm~ McClure: ot Franklin called 'on MIIlII May Wright Sun. day .afternoon, Mrs." Olive Ourl and Dr, Eu)m!l Holloway attended tbe W . C, T. U. meetlnl at the. bome of Mrs. Olive Wardlow ~n Tbursday e1(enlng. Mrs, Lee Mason, of Mason, Qhlo. .v lslted bel' 1I1·... ·-r.ln.la·w. .urs, Alice a"" . OI~rk on sunday afternoon,
singing two songs Rnd Mrs. Ward· 101' the speech .by Mr. Taf~, who low having cbarge of the devo- used "11he Ullit d Nations 'In ~ona and program read trom J Korea" DB bls theme. . John 3rd chapter and Lucy t'lmley ~he mixed chorus of tbe WayneB' offered prayer. After 'the regular vJl.le' high scbool , presented several , buslne8B' sesslan another song was numbers In their usual manner. !lung and ':Mra. Curl gave an ac· count 'oC tbe convention' at HlI.r· ,yeysburg, Jennie Beadley read an YOUTH FELLOWSHIP IUItlcle on "What a Fa m 0 u s TO ME.ET OCTOBER 22 ) Preacher Thought .a bout tlle Voterll The Dayton M,etbodlsl Youth Obl.galIon" Sa.rab ."Brllddock' had Fellowship wlll meet at St. Paul's a reading on ." Problem Parents". Ohurch, Dayton. (or tbelr Fall II.nd Lucy ~mley on "Arkat;l1l&Bl Rally at~l'noon and evening or WlII Yote," After a few, moment.. neltt Sunday, 0 'tober 22. The of Bllent pra.yer tbe westing .was M. y, 1". 'or Waynesville, are plnn· closed wltb , pr~yer by' Dr. Emma nlng on gOing in a body, leav~ Holloway. pellclous ret[tishments from tbe church at i:so p, m. }Vere served at this time. '
. '1001188 Glenna lIarllb ~r D~ton, wli, a week end guut of bel' coualn Mra. Lucile AnDltage. . MII/l Jesllie Garner l wltb ·ber " nepbew, Mr. Lee Talmagll. lIj1ent ' " Sunday afternoon ' vlaltlng relatives and frlend8 near ber' tormer bfme In tbe F,lat FOrk nelgbbOrhood. , Mias . M argaret Ed ward8 en jed oy Mr. and !\frs. 'M. ~ . Fulkerson a program ' wa·s presented, with Four . ~e~ att.elnded "'t he Metho. II. visit on Saturday night trom her and 'daughter and Mr, .... W. Van l\Us8 Detty Oglesbee giving 'read· nepbe;" Dr. Gale Russum and: wite, dlst Men's Brotbel'hood a.t LebanoD . M'. M , _ P!!lt· were Friday evening ' /JUPp r , Ing OD "Tbe ereed ot tbe Club." last wellk : R. C) .. M()ler. Charles ot DaJ'lton and her niece .1D8 ar· gue,sts of Mr, ~Ild MI'II, J. W. Ful· Mrs, Esther Michener. ga.v~ 'a flne. RUHsel wliso opened. her Ed .". w~ds, Carl F.ll'.e ~d JObn W. garet Ruasum. . ll ~er!lon In Spring Valley. M'r s. review of "Tb~ Peabody Sisters of' h M .{8, Wed d [ . f Wedgewood, AftElr a deUclous 8Up' Mrs. ~a.beth Smith was a din· . opklnlS or Spring Valley, alsl! Sal mn and Ml'S 0 E Mac Innlll ome on nes. ,ay a t.ernoon or ' ntir SW!Bt at the Home. on Sunda,. W. H . e , .. , " " the Octobel' meeting ot the 'Fl'le~d. , .perl tbe ReV , L ' H. Mayfl~14 , 0' . .' gave aJ,l 11l~~I'.e8t1ng talk on In·, ship' Ohib. - .... Ib twe·ntv.rlve· memo Cincinnati" milo, gave. tbe addrelJ.:j. ,.Mr. Raymond, DaVlll, . ot :Dayton,. was II. supper gues~t. . .. t I ....' ., , called on l everal frlend8 l1er~ on er or De col'a tl ltg, .. ' ' . . . '_ Mr. and Mrs. Morris !?herwood , " The club adjourned to -m'e et wltb bers an~ )111'8. , nerhert Mc~Unan Wedne~da, afte~oon. '. o( , Sorlng, "Valley; . wOlre ' Satlll'day Mrs. 'LOyd' Davis Novembe~ and .and da~ghte' pf:esent. . ' NOTI.~E OF A.IPP'O INT' MEN"'" . Mrs. J. O. Cartwright. ot Olncll',l' 1 lit r Mr. an d .Mrs. during tbe 80clal hour,'. dainty 1'0- The b us In",slI ' -.sess Ion was con· I .· ' , even ng gue ~ 0 . naH, vlllfted MIII8 ·, lIay Wrigbt, on Max Hartsopk alld 80n. f h '.. . ed b th ductfld, "l\urLn, wblch the · rollc'lwiug Admlnlatrator Tu....' afternoon. ' , • , res men.... were " I!erv. y e ...... . I d'~ t ', ' , ' ., ~ Eel d sQ " ' OUlcer, w . ere e ~~te or t Ie com· Estate of TboDllas T. Barger de;. _I .. _arpret war B w~ a gte ' Mr. IUld MfR, fJ. C, St. J ohn ra- ho Inl year' President M Belty ed . . tIi brtd I b ' I turned on Monday evenl~g ,,(ter . . . ,. 1 re. ceas .. at e. ge. unc eon I ven '" DaleY; . vice prealdent". Mra. Callle NOllce ' la_ bereb~f ~Iv~n that Dalll.,y bt lin. D. R. emlt.b .. 00 ' Tuesday spending a' fe.w d~ys · with ' their G " r " ~.. . I ,--g8 Olark : secretary, 'Mrs. BeSB AnBar . ger whose P""lt Ott . l, e e Addrell8 aftenaoou. 'so~ · and daugrbter·ln·law. Mr. ' and ....... ..... -, dBaehlke°r.n•. and treasurl'r.. Mrs. Irene 'is R. R. I, Wayn..nlJle,' Oblo, has -~---, . Mrs. Kenneth St. John and daugh. ter at Bubba.rd, Ohio. Enroute been diJJy .. apJlOIJI~te4 ,RB Adminl. .GarIt7 ........ . ' -. "Se~ret Sisters" were revealed 'tratrl" ot the Ea"ate ot ,T ho-as T . -. ., ,... bome tbe,. spellt Ii abort time ~tb ' "d.anun.. DGt to .Farmers Grange 13 will meet on and new names "flere drawn. Sev· Barger late of Warren Count" ~" do DOt auta. the ..... Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Cl,Jamplon at.. . ' Perry, Ohio, and v1Blted ~helr large $aturdal' evenne, Oetob!!r 11 for a eral cobt,e sts were condllcted and ohio, deceaa8d. .. . " tIceI ", c1IarIV .in 'u.. eftort W Dated this 4 day c.f o'ctober 1960. ,u.p 'lour dilldren clean. II I. apeclal Booate" · me.H~. IIr. Rul\:" 'ollwolng adjournment to mt'et nuraery. ael Dunlap, D1atrtct BulDua qent with Mrs. Bu, .ADdenoD to Nov., more ImIlOl1aD& 10 F.... • chll4 tor waratlDc to IIaan! 1l1li food ·with Mr. aDd Mrs. Cbarlell Davis lett wfll be the put.apeaker ud mualc a -.etal hour w.a en!o)'~d. Dainty . RALPH H, CAllEY, tor their bome In Albuquerke, N: will be tunalsaed b, the R&wlellh retreabmentli were lerved by tbe Judie of tbe PrObate COurt tbe famIIt Pit Iban to acold bIm for be1nI clirq. to ..an "edco, after spendIng · the put Bogau family, of New Burllqton. 1Ioatesa and ' ber aal!latantll, Mn. County, Oblo abaG& pnDI ..... 8M b o1du. It ,veek with the Cormera »&i1mta; Thill will be aD open meeUnI ,at Leala MUla and Mrs. "Beruard O. Donald Attouf!1ey mq . . lie 10 . .. , 10 uaInID Mr. ud lin: Charlee Davia. • ellht o~eIoek for the public. ' SaurhJl. . . VUbllllb
F rlen .. d snIp C '" 1U·.b Meets He're'
'rh" Waynellvll1e.1~ arent.Teac.ber/t Association Annua l Hallow e'en Oar· nlval to be held Saturday, October Ohio, since 2~ th at t he 'WnyncsvllI 1:' I g h In 'Harrison, Sohool promises to be. one of till! ".ld\llatE!d from MI· largest ever held . OxCord. Ohio. New booths are being built by tho the MlddloThe Girl Scout group met wll~ I' It's s wonderful thing to know agrlclIltural la ss · of the Hlgb M411't111!lnt8 ABsoclation, their leaders. Mrs. Dorothy Wol· Ihltt, for most or Ull, lit the end Schoo) In ol'der 1.0 prov ide IH1(1I- , fllro"''''A nnd Meat lard ' and MI'I!. Ruth Kllworth. , I of 6 days hard \vork there Is a tlol!al ' eQul pmenl Col' the cllrnlval, lind tbe Mid· The tollowll1g were selected st day ot rest. "A day ofr we Bay. The prizes for the rarrIe are: the electiond or offlcer~: I W.hilt for? Yes, for rest from OUI' Model 97 . 12 gauge Winchester Patrol leader, Cal'olyll Blu'ton; dp'lly I'ou'llne work, aillo a day for Shotgun, Ev'el']iot El ctrlc Roaster, Assistaht patrol leluler. LaRluidra , l,elol1; a.t I\ome with ,rf3lall ve,B or and Il. Hll nl . Holmes; sec'y and· treas., . Rob.erla fdends but more too. It Is 'a day AJI person s are cordially Invite!i Bunnell; New l'eporter, l.asandra ; which Is 1I0t complete without to partiCipate In th llIrtslted parade Holmes. using pllrt ()f It In definite worship to be held 1n the gymnasium, (01'. The meeting Of Thn1's day, Oc· 1 nbd devotion in God's HouBe-tlle ' which prizes w ill be ,gIven: The following . chairmen h 've tober 51 h - The Il lc·a·de s w l'~ ' church of our choice. When that of the 'hostess to the Telewanda, Wh ip· Is done, our Camlly fellowship Is. beeD appointed by lhe ex.ecuUve Pl'1lM1tlctl~~ Ao:muust.rallon poorwhllIs a,nrl Cardinals, serving DlOre. enriched lind our neighborly cOplmlttee: refreshments ot Devils tood. Angel : vlslls more meaningful. Attend Popcorn, Mr9. Robert Chapman; thf: food cake, cokes and fudge cand y your church next Sunday, Fish pond, Mr, lind Mrll. marl Hub· IIlnce 'The group theD discussed a trill / The me8sage at the' MethodiSt bel; home mad 'andy, Mrs. Hal" ot tbat to Fo~t Ancient which was taken ·! ('h urch next Sunday will be "FolkB .rlet ?It-cMlIlan; DovelUes and bnl· Saturday. OClober H. A lo~g bike 'rbat Are Dlffer,e nt," . We Invlt~ 1001lS, Mr. find 1I[1·S. Roy 'Fox : and cooking lh ell' dhmel' ovel' the ' you to come and fellowship with darta, Mr, and ~fra. al'l'y S haDk.; open tire wa s enJoyed by all . 'Ph \;' , God and ChrlstJan rrlends at Sun· squirt gun, MI'. and Mrs, ROy FlflCh· meeUne. weath r waH most ravorable - I, ' '<la y SchOOl llit. 9 :30 and Churc~ bacb ; 60·G.0 dancing, MI', and Mr8. Moran; fqod , Mrs. Tl.lmbleljon : · lovely fall day whl b made Hie " ors hlll at 10 :30 a, m. trip enjoyable, picture show, DI·. a';ld .Mrs. 'A. 'E. NeW1l' reporter, Lasandra Holmes. Stout ;llingo. Mr. and" Mrs. Jam 9 Jones; properties, M.r.. ]j) d gar mala and facts aboul ",*",1»" . ili(ji&AA if ee l5Fl L. Smith; raffle, lIb. -Mott; candy them. n w~ . Interesting aud , • WAR N I N G I ' soliCiting, M'rs., Dona Id Hadley; educatlC)Dal. ' • Hallowe'en pranka will not be bingo soliCiting, ¥rs. Oharles Me· The Junior olerated ~ ollr offlcera have been The Adllit youth € o\ln8elors ot bame; soft drtnks by the Junior ln8tructed- to' arreat If. necellary, I I.e M'" YF Mt h 0dl 8 t class. 0r th e e :nd. In caee of deatructlo n of prop- ('hI h t Itb th I. 'rtv by minD"', parenta will be - Irc me w a y.ou comm .... • t.ee to in.a ke plans for a pancake '".Id .' Hable. The village will Ile Oo-Ed." 'I and Bausage supper to be g1 ven, st 'latrolled, and I am .ak.lng the co· th e cb urcb ' ballelIlen t S a t urd ay, The bigb .. c:IloI"'ml:Jl~)J'1li8 "'b er 4t h [ rom 6 : 00 to 8 : 00 '-watlon 0' all of OUl' citizen., NoVeau a program. . cb~reJ~"rbe'" tM1i1trnil we ",a)l not have tha de· P. ~ Tickets a.re a.yallable trom M'etli~let atruCtion of property thl, year a. cl~b bad .. IP4MOter, ' " members of tbe M. Y. F . 01' at the 1n pl'lvloua Vta.... , ,'" . J J. r .tI, Y III Oberle. Tan. " y • 'aHERWQOD, lI..reOnale or ",,0. ou w ro~e flJ'Jt ,,~~".!IJ'I_~.J!If.:.,f1':·4+~_--...... _<"" eel,,' "All tile yau.£ak.~ t ,.n mU81c director. Mr. Lowell Artblir. eat" plna .sausage. salad aDd com; , .At the Tuesday, Omober 1l11d tile ml..ed choir. ..... ~~~~~~~~.~y~~~~~~b~ fee. Plan to patronize thls fin I! meeting ot the WaynesvUle Rotary " rell , r g tcess that's abOut all ' ror FRANCIS GEN£ BROW,N Bupper. · Club ther.e were two visitors from tbls week, 80 I'll Bee you next Lebanon, Carl Abac'h erll and Bill week. ATTEN.DS MEETING _ Francis Gene Brown. District W,!C. T. 1,1. MEETS Dupuy. and of , oourae the gu~st JOYCE BEAL. Bpeaker of the evening. CharI s ,.' Manager of American Farmers LAST THURSDAY M".ual · Inauranee· companv , atTb W C U at P. Taft, brother of !3e nator Bob ... # . e , . T. . me Ing was Tart, ot Ci~clnnatl. tended a meeUng ot Ohio Zone III hll id on Thursday. evening. October managers and agentl In .Lanoaster 12 at tbe home ot Mrs. O'llve Ward. Atter the dlnner·meetlng at tile Far fllilB P/irty Houae, the Club last Wedoe'lIelay, October' 11. low. The meeUng was opened by adjournlld to. the Metbodlst cllur h
Mrs, Oharles Eills wll\ be ' h08t~ to the New Ce'ntury Club at ber horne on ,Friday', October 27, tov the regular Octobl\l' meeting, when' !\f rs~ ' Glelln Bordfln and :~ns. R. E. ABbury ' will presen't the pro: The FarmerB CI~b held tbelr' gram. regular October meeting on Th·u rs· duy with Mr. and MI'S. Seth Furnas 10011'8, 'Ru·tb Cutler an" Mr. Fran· aa.,...bQa boJI'~a at the Far cJa CUt~ ehl. 8I1,n1a,.~ HIIIB Party House. . ' gues't s of bel' mother, ~frs. Bertie A. IlIrge group of membel's nnll ·Mllls· . Rev. anO ' l\I),s. ·.R. n, olemll11, oC Miss Mllrtha. Luken, daug hter or UIlp!Jr S!llldU9ky, MI'. lind MI'!!. Mr. and Mrs, William Lllkens, i8 ' Ern'ell~ook amI Mr'. and J\tr~. , n(lll" enrolled In the College of Set h ]<\11'1)11.8 , JI' .. and d \ughhll' · ell · Home E ono ml(l8 . a~ OhiO , State joyed a l1eJlclolls !ism dlnnel'. '. Th.e I'egulal' lJu ~lnel!s ses>llon \ ' liS and Ihtlng at Baker f1nll . Mr. Don i.Aikens. ' lIOW Il. SQllholllore at Ohio he,ld following the dinner, Mr. C. .. E. Stan(orth pres llted the papel' S\8.te. la !It the D~It8 Ohl .' hOIl8e , on the specll\l tOlllti "Ownership M.r. (lnd lIfrs. R.nlph Hasting/! Sbould Be n (l oal .1'01' Every Tbe Way~esvU\e ' Rotar;)' Club snd ¥rs, W, -E.. St. John ha.ve re: Farmer." .. '1;1118 was ail e~cellent ; Will hO,ld a Hallowe'en Party Fri· turned trom Ne"c. York CI~r where . talk glvl'ng ' many thought!! (or day lll~ht at lh o st. Ma.ry~ PaJllsb The' Pilre~t.Tea(lbers Association : Rouse at 8 p. IIi. of Wayne townsMp ' will meet on they vls.ned the former's "aon, 'Mr. botb Ibe rentel' ' nnd' owner: Ro~el't : Haath'lgs, ~'b~ is· hi '·t~le. ' ~ev, Coleman' wa"s Illtn)dUce~ us 'The memberB ~C :the Clv!c Olub . Monday evening, OCtober 23 at 8 vision I!cb~ol thOle. ,Tile),! .I!ISO the guest speaker. and gave a ~Ivld and . th~H;r wlv4!s have been InVited; p. in, lI,t the WayneBvllle , hlgb went , 8Igbts~elng-. vll!lUilg. muny deacl'llJtion of the We8t, ae he and aild 1111 · will corne ma8ked. !l good sllboo). ~In,ts or Interest,. {lIld saw l!eversl M.rs. Coleman saw It on their reo time Is assured by tbe commIttee. Miss Tobe Ball and Miss Donna 8t~ge aDd tele-vIBion shows. cent trip. . Hadley will pres.mt p'art of tbe Dr. and Mrs. A.. E. Stout And The cl,nb adjourn d to meet "fIfE OF GROCER . ILL program. daughter were Saturday, cvenl ng ,,'Itb IIIr. and Mrs. L : V. ran~ tl'nt, I' Mrs. Walter Fraaure, wlte of • Mr. Sven Helk~ n senior guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Glenn In November. th~ owner. of tlte Dot Food S~o~e, Btudent at Wllnllngton C.ol1ege, . will, ,s P. e a k tq tbe I.roup. , · I.\,lr. B'l and. .' has be n 111 for .lhe p'ast two Weeks; , , "," Helkl{a la trom Sweden and · be wlll Bpeak abou"t bls experIences hii', nnd ?II rs. A" H. Sl\lbbfl. an'(l behind the iron' i~urtnln .where he DINN,ER·. GUESTS IN DAVTON chlld'r en : MIs8 Y.vC;lnlle " a~d BillY' ·1· E. B. Pepper.~, and Mrs. Anna spent two years working w ith the wllJ;e und ny guests or Mr. an~ • ffiu'l8~ck' were dll!ner guests at Friends SerVice Committee. Mrs. Everett' Mendenl'ull1, or New -- > I I Mr. Cbarles Wolfe and family, and .This promlsf1.s to : be a very In· Burlington. Mr. and Ml'S, Stubbs . MI·s. JORluh ' .Davis WIIS lIostess' . " Mrs. Lacuea Fjolkel'lb of Wat:er· teresttng and. Infor.maUve evening. had,, ·. upOn' their 're\\I; n. ns , guests, to th\! Happy 'HolI·I· ' Club on Tues· vliet A\'enue, Dayton, Mr. and Mrs, Gus Wilson a.nd Mr. day afternoon' ne the home, o( Mrl!. and Mrll. "Rusllel .Lelghler, of Co- Charles AndersQII. ,. ATTEND BROTHIERHOOD lumbus, for the even In!'. Ii'. '. fOllowing th.1\ >business• session. MEETING AT LEBANON
Holds .Meet
Parent-Teachers Assti. To Hold Hallowe'en' Carnival
News of. the Waynesville ' School
. '£b .. Juvenile Grauge wl11 have Mr. and' MI'!!. ·C. E. Ed gington H II ' P t S d gh a a oWl! en aI' y ntul' ay nl t lind BOll, Mrs. , p, J., n eilson, 14ra. t 8 00 : . t Oharles Fostel·. and uon l •S. Sarlle a ' Everybody sbonld Ollle to t b ReasQn Silent Sundny arternoon at pal ..... mUIiQueraded. · '3 . L..ftJte Wblte.
A COpy
ol ologls~
F-.- .e· ra To Hold Meet
ATTENDS CONFERENCE . . . AT V~N WER~, OHIO Mrs. J . W. Wedgewood' attended the Conference W •. S. 'C. S. , meet· Ing ·al Van Wert last week Cor their two day lIellslon. Wblle there she vlahed be~ mother' Mrs. J. A. Greulacb at Convoy, ' Oblo. . M'ETHODIST BOARD MEETS . Tbe Olloolal Board or the Metb. . odis.t Ohurch will hold a month· IJ meeting at the cburcb tonight
(TbUr8d~r.) at 7: 46 bP. m. All mtem• ber are urged to e preaen a t ' tblll Impol'tant meeting. ,
:J)eaIL' THOMAS W. HICKS , Thomas 'w. Hicks, aged 80, dle(l at bls home 'near Centerville, ·Sun· day. . He . W,lIS a Tetired: farmer. Surviving are htB wlte, Mary, two son" Cb~rles~ of Dayton, and Thomas, ot ,Iridlllnapoli a. Ind., apd a. daughter, Mrs. Katherine Hun· Ingh acre, 0 1ne IDnll: tl. . Services were ' held at 9 a. m, Wi ' ...... ' d at st. A'ugu8~in ,..,..nes. ay . pchurch Waynesvllle In chnrge of 'the 'Re'v Rohert Kr~mbo1tz, Burial ' . wa· In TlentervlUe Conletery in . S " .. oharge of McClure FuneraJ Home.
DAYTONIANS VI81T HERE JAMES L, LAMB Mr. and lira. Ruaaell E. Wbite, Jamel 1.. lAmb; 68, passed away of Dayton. vl81ted .Mr. • .and loin. 'at bls home In Butlersvllle, Ohio, Walter Elae, 1I0nday afternoon. Sunelay at 11: 10 p, m . ae Is survived by biB, wife, Ora, TAKES PLANE TRIP 2 Ion II, MelVin an!l John. Funeral services were bel d 'TO LOS ' ANGELO B.~.am1D Fum.., son of IIr. Wednuday at 2 p. m. at tbe J'ree . aud lin. lIohert left b, Pelit8OC.tal church Ilt Corwin. p!aDe Wedn~ mo~ for LotI Burial wu made In IIIaml oem.......1., cautorala. ' for • or .tAn. _ ~ral_ .JTaDlemenh . .re " tbrM " ..Ila YIalt,. by Stubbe J'uPral Hom..
THE MIAMI GA Z ETT;E EI t,bll.,h.e d 1850 PAUL A. SCI .. -" . • . . , .... , ... , . . , Edi tor and Publ lsl1er CECILIA J. 8C HE RER .. . .......... , " Seoreta r y an d Treasurer
I~\ e , ~
I'uhlh; httl
'rlJ\II'~ dny
Mornln i at W:J~ nI'8y lII (> .... ar r n COllli ty, Ohio F}lltf'rNI :IS $1)<' pll IMS 'q I, ti er a~ t bo
)10 , lott ie
' HlIO III'lI ~f1'11l.
\\,nyllesyl ll l' •.
I,,· k elld '11th ,M rs. UUIIIl"n '" dil \l~ht\ ·r. Mlsl! nirocln OlllllwJl, \\ hu i" ulH' lHlIng sclloOl, Jol-!.... t'h!\r;l!:; ;'lIt'hellor. 0 r \\ ':I~IIt""1 I,h', WilS 0 /ru >st, lIdda)':
~ I rs. ell Harlan ht\1i 1'('1111'11 ' " nf . l ls . .10hll \y IHJl ull d h r m o th r from n vlslL \\<llh lIer Hlsl(,I', "I'fl. ~11·1) . ) , l' n:l l1ilpil}. IilJmno Kiln, of ],)o)-Ion : W I',l l I lIe lllbli' l'~ Ilr lb~ Worn· Til fl1clI lty or tb JI lIn OYl1bllrg 1"11 '15 Socl~ t J' of ("hrlst la ll S ' I·vlc('. S bool s ott'!!lld tl tlll~ lIlont,i II g. ,oj IH'I'" !;lll"h t Thljr;.cI ,\ y un Cl'noon til Warren 'oullty T ,,('\U'1'8 0 KI lIg~ UUW r. "ill" " h 1'(,' ih Y wer\' gu SIS or I h WOUWll·:;. ' 0"1 l~' (If ' 111'15f ills, W \!dn sUny \' nlng. ~r l'. I\.ud ;l1t·1I. Rob ert, En lon 1'1:\11 ! ia n '(',1'\ Ice th I' . family otprlngbol'O, '\. r(' s n elll" ::\11'. and .\11';1.. John 'yf I'd . u[ 'rue ouy ' yen lug of .\ \,.. n1111 :Il l'S. I anon, rll" I\.n llOllll i ug Ih blrell '. N. Prollc unf1 t hei r Ron. Mayn n)·II. or a SOil. K 'on tho at :0011 SlUIllH: Ml's. _\11111 ~Ioor IllIS retllrn c.I IUUI lJo 1}i1nl. ntly~OIl. : 3tlll'l1a), f ro lll a vill-H' \\-ith h I' !!OIl·ill<\HW ()ven/ng. The 111/11 rnal g\'lll1~pp;lI" and duughl 1', ~n·. u lld Mrs. '1)' 11 1lL'1 til' MI'. unCI ~lr ll. H . R. 'r uelH' 1" McKi nMY, at" Mlurnl s b llrg. . 1I1ld. t h Imlfli'l1 lil gt'nndmother is 1\11'8. T org "ate'rhOIl A' a nd h e.r P/t'rs ol1 . gl·1l.n tldnulttel·, ::\1'1 $8 Barba I' ll ,~lIeD. ,\tr8. Jam e PIlrk. nnt! fr' thlly or of WilYllesvll1 e. were gues l ~, Til .~iOl:illUlLti. \I' I'e • IInday gU4lSlfl of ilay artcl'noon. Mrs. l.ouis(I Fit ~II'S, P 'al'k'f\ parent >!. MI'. and Mrs. In Ll e a Cl moon . and II I' clu.ugl1l r, Mi" , Jane FILe. IT. . TlJ l'k('r . Ed. Burton . son·ln-law of Mr. fl1lUily III ('O'lIlf\1 ny w ilh M I·S. and Airs. nTI O!lborn. of Jlal've 6- "" ary '. Pit.r aQII , \'11111(111 M r ~ . J ohn burg, has been I' 1 ns d from V t- yfercl a.nd baby Hon (It Goo(\ 11· eran's 1J spital , UH·yinn. wb l' b e. marltnn Ilos}li tal. underw III :t seri R of I r('n lm lit, . , nally nIL).' ,,' as ol1 ae l'\'ed at lh e
Hemlan L wI, . sqll of • fl. llnd ~ I 1:11011 111t OhU TI·h. !>\lIld ny. Miss Mrs. Ed. Lewis, bl\!i rolnrll (1 to 0101'1;1 .~\.l1n Jucol). , lfCf'QID )lanl ea hili home In 1,0\' llln d, ( rom , a 1I- b~' Mr. H. S. Tu 'k t ' :11 l he )li a lio. el'al H OSJ)Itlll,. ·ln cinnaU. whE)I' frO Ii. " DUlI11), HQY" . hy W eatherl y; he ' riB onfin tl lor :l f IV W ek~. A. baek t dllln I' was sen' d 1n t he unde rgoi'ng obaervnUoli. H Lq 1:01\- cllllrl'h .0(;1111 ' r ooms at· 110 ' 11. r.£: dltlon Is I' 110ft tllo be gOOd . •• '1vlilli,gllll. fo r1lwr r CH ldel)l of th e frs. An uo. f a BeCKett Ita a - ,\111:\ btit no w of Mason. was. ill1· Cilpled !j. )1QslUon 1\8 ml\na~ r of n,ble t i l e pt an nl):llge tn nt llS Ihe I TA.rye II burg n.eatnu runt. :Mnl., gil bl ~p C)ak 1'. Edward H I?o r. who 11118 lleml oper. ' ~\1 1'. and ;\, rs. mrord noster athlg tbe 8lnbl illllllwni , roLn rlw cI !tllli fa mily or .'nr ilillrie1,], \\,I'r to her job rl Auto T,lt , ],0 1t II1I111 , . gu :;ls, l'l11J) lltty of I I'l\. n o ~ l. ers Evelyn (}nr rJ~ o n. iV-hi) h n~ I;lee.u par n l1l!'! , '11'. nne! II! 1'8 . Robe rt' 1\1 for S \'E)rnJ we kil, hos l ' turn (1 'Dos ler , to scb(lol. ~h e Is til ' ~ l1\1J;hl I' of TIlt) Crnl!nclel's . lass or th ~ Ml'. and Mrs. Ra ll)h OnrrlRoll. M thoft is t lllll'ch , w ill siloncor !Ill ' Rev. J!l. PIII'llnJ ton l'nlnins ' 1II ,, ' ant Je lllima ] lin '[l Ire Slipper in at his bome. the bome e of)omh:;!! ro om of the Mayn:\rd Frost w bo just r . ~ig~ ' "chaol . buildi ng • a turda y cen t ly returned (.0 Ius 110m f rom evening, begilljflng at 5 D. m. p'~o, Holmes I:fospitnl, C lncl n nntl . .Is <,,\ etl ~ '[r om Ill.> · !!~1 1) 11 I' ,win I)e ~flQ (1 io t il III AS 'fuull!!. rapidly Irnl)J'oVing. " Ada Be ll r OlOains 1II ot I.h e Imme . ;\I ~. a nd Mrs. Wi ll/om ~\m l)b II '. 'ot h er bl'Olher. J ..'1.w rp nl'o 1)1):1.'\ 11. ' .11.nd (lllUglo tl' l' h:L\' I'l't l1 l' ned rrom ·ot Y Ilow S pl'ingg. u bl'i f lI'Ip to till' Smoky Mo unItUBs Barba.ra Bri neglll', ' of Ha.m. taln!!. lIton, was It g ues t Sitt ur do.y of ber · M~. null '\Irs. W lllinm S. Dosie lgrnnd(tbe l',' r.a.wrence Brlnegor, were bOHts ~U; their bom o. F r ida), . manager of Smith 's Dry C M lIs 1"'(,lling, 10 tIl ' 'II I 'orne Blbl
persons: The Bible II a n eastll rn ~okJ It Is f ull of the Im agery that b as chllt a ct.erized tbe literature,. both sacred and secul ar, 10 emerge from the east. Many mJslnterpret the Parable 01 the Sower , which was Intended to be sym bolic rather than ·Uteral. In this age of , agricultural mac!V nery, met.hods of SOwing seed have tor t he most part changed: The essential d etails of the parable. bowever. have not changed . The p ara ble pos~ a ch al ~eilgf! concern ing the sort or h earts and rilinds we ' or e offering to G od'~, seeds of truth . No matter how good the sceds may b e. t he sowi n!: wJl\ b e fut ile If the grou nd has n ot b een prepared. . Designed to remi nd u that Go will dl) H is part If we do ours. Hie p arable tc lis to confuse somc' with Its use 01 the word " broad· cost," a word that has come to ha ve a n e~ meaning In this world of r aqlo an d telev lsl on . References t o the P arable of the Prodigal Son al80 indicate tha l many rea del's refuse to exercise leniency in their B ible study. In the P l'OdJgal SOn Parable. Jesus may have ' ba d some one actual f ather a nd h is wayward son in m ind; 'but It is mor e likely t hol He was telling Ii story designed t o fit any such sl tuaUon. Another-the Parable of the Must ard Seed-serves to mUSll'ott, 'how great th ings In God's di vi ne economy grO,¥ from small ·begin· nlngs. The actual d etails of the parable are Inconsequential albng· side t he In'spjr ation aJ theme 01 the incident. And ' l or those whose la ck 0 ' fa ith m ust be bolster ed by c ut al~' d ried proofs, ~ he growth of C l)l ,e t ian ity itself a ufhenli cal ~ H· lIloral of the Para ble of the Mus tard S eed. - - - - - - - -- -- - -.- s e~ved during the pnst yenr wer \ re tained. They Include Mrl!. H . S. Tueker , President . Mrs . A.. S. o llett. vice preaill ~ nL; Mr~ . .O ~ec f '0 r y H ar IIln. lIecl' I n I'Y: "n 11·s. .;.... -. ~, - .
Tuck~r. 'nsl!lstnni. ~ec retllry :
11r s.
Ho ugh, COI'repon d lng se l" I'e tory, lind ?f rl!. ?tlal'Y I.e vler, I rcOSUI'Cl'. Mrs,' Ida ol1ll1s was a r ecent guest of her ~oJl.ln.law and ' dough· ter, M r . and Mrll. Sterling Ingels' antl ·fa mlly. of. Gree n rleld. Miss Mary ~ll e ,Bogan. a fresh· ma n. a t Miami University, s~,ent thC1 w~ek ,end w l ~\j b el" Pllrents. MI'. an d Mrs. -Wtlla r!l Bogan and dllughtel·. Miss Bett~' 'A n'lIe Bogan . Mrs. ,D.avl d E lboll and dJlu ~bter, Jacqueline, o f Morro w. were gnesls Sunday ot ?tl rs. F:Jbon 's sister. ?f r l!. Anna ,M ae Beckett. 'Mr, and Mrs. Lee Colllns of Cen· S t olte bere. tl~ij8 of J Ollull'a RUn Baptist t ervlUe, were f:u ell~S suod!\\y qf Mr. Ilnd MrS. Carl Os born nnd (~hu ~·c 11. • \ ollln's m o the r, "1.11'8. l da Collins. dnugbters hove _ l 'ented 'l il.., p rop, -The n. r. J•. mel In regu~a r seseriy /'ecE!ntly \'n.(l~tcll by ::\>[,.. im cl sloll r. litHI a), OV ning i n t he socinl Mrs. \Vlllln/ll ",V nJl. Th e Oabol'ns room~ of J Olll1h '" RUn nn pt.~l1t aye. aye, Blaellboard It', Bye. Bye. Blac:kboard In lb. bave , beel! r eSid I ng In t ile jJobert· JI urN]. ' m oder n Ichool room: Green ehalk sOn aportm nts 101' " I'verlll III (I nUl R. M I'. :;lDcI ) 1rs. Jo h n And I'SOIl nnrl boards wi th yellow 'cbalkl taka ,WJIIlllm Brook's. w bo is tsa llon c d fa'mll y sp ent S Ullll ny with ,. 'Iollves theIr place.' The Inn o~ation II rec· ' at Ft. Knox, Ken.tur.ky, s pent th in HfII llbol'o. ornmended by the A:m erlcan Op' week nd at til home of his pal" 'fh e h'I<" L aguos III t n~ t he tometric' Au od atlon In th'e InterillS, Mr. ancl ;\1[8. HOY WOtHl home of 1\] I'S. f al"Y ' L e vi y qn tu r- e.t of eas.ler l eeln,. BJaekbol1'da abaorb too m uc)! \I.ht a nd caull Brooks. lIny vMI llg for t he Il.nnual elec- vlaual distortion .
Morning BEAT'ER
Western Literalism Has Spoiled .Bible Read~ng for Many
J . W. Wedgewood, Minister Cburoh SchoOl, 9:10 A.M., Mr. Harold Earnh'art, Sopt. Worablp Service. 10:30 A.M. Youth F ellowsh ip, ' S nnd ny 7:3 '
$139~. 95
wAy.NEaVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST . Itt. H. Coftey. Minister
Bible School. 9: 80 A.M. MorolDg Wor.hlp, 10:10 A.M, Young Peoples' Meeting, . UU P.M. i;)venlng Service, 8 : 00 P. M. Prayer Meeting· and Bible Study WIIl,D '.,. 8 P.M.
Delivery· on
Both _t~ms'
Dunhalm Disc Barrows
'aad, C'u _tlpackers .
C~ rdlac
Dop Owne,. wbo try to determ ine • do,', condlUoa by Ustenln. to ttl.
beat or Itl heart may be badly mit· ,ed. warn. Dr. W. J. Lentz, at lb. Unlveralty of Pennsylva nia veterl· nary . ,talr. While th e cardl.c rhythm In abould be re.ular. even when the rate is speeded up, the rbytlJm Ih loes may be ha,IJI~ 'ually trri!gular without 'necessar lly Ind,lcatln, that .nythlnll II wr0t4. Dr. Lentz aa,. ••
Th e fi e,' .
awuel N. Keys, R eoto . '
( Ages 0 t broug h II )
" d ul
WOTa bll). 10:30 a . m .
William Sh anDon. Mlnh, er , Sundo.JI Sebool, 9 : 80 ,\.M ., Mrs J a m elt GurllOlI, 8 ulI&. PI'eacblna. lit. !lod Sr d. BIIIl' Itnya of f'af't month, 10 : 30 A.M. JDveDIDI Servicea, 7: 30 P .M. ST. AUGUSTIN!! CHURCH ' rather B. H. Enlmholb. Putor lI...el, 8 and 10 A.lI. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS
... ~IIIidI"" WonIlI» 10 A.Jl. 1!I0IIdQ 80Iloo1. U. A.Jl.
T. II. Bcaft, MJolster SUnday School. 9:30 A.M., F.. WAYNE- VILLE FRIEND6 EarDbart. Sup,," ' " .. Wo rship Service , 10 :110 A.M . nrat Day School, ':80 A.M. hJvenl,ni Servtce. 7:110 P.M', MeeUDI for WOl'lhlp, 10:10 A.Jd
Armitage &Son
:l'EL.PHON. . WAYNEWllL • • , LEBANON OffIce 471K
liKe. 1.1.:
FOR. A SECOND TERM ~ener.l Election; Tue.day, N'ovember 7. 1950 Your ' V~t, ~nd , Support WllI Be Appreciated -Pol. Adv.
aL V: aid .'misl1nderst~ding, we call 'attention
rules now established. I
out· and misrepresentationa being clra bout my record In ~he- Uni ted State. ",,,,,,,,,,,,u a re t a ken dir.ectly fro," the c . m~alg" dbook of the CIO·politlcal . Ac:t1o~ Com· IU ee. Th 8 means that the Top Labor sq .... ~ th e c ountry think t he)! can cO.me In and
decei ve th e voters of Ohio, I am lure that our Fa rm era and other Clt lzenl wIll show b y th eI r vote. November 7 that t he y resent thle Inaultl " War. Co. Fa rm Taft Com", H. c . ~L! d ~e f' C h I' .. lebanon
, : ; ; : ; ; ; ; . - - -_ _ . a. ,. : • .• .• .• •• •.• _ • •• .' WAYNESVILLE ~~~~~ .. and 'CORWIN FO.· R"R"BN~ATrv.
'F or Your COnvenience we have arranged with , MR. LEE HAWKE, U.R. NEXT BARBER SHOP, for you to leave ' your Shoe Repairina. AU Work' Will Be CaUed For . and DeUvered IreD Oll'e . to l1or1hem New 'l1'ork " the . QuaUty Guaranteed pd Pricc third , Iar,tBt Iron ora field In. the Reuonable United Stat... the New Y ork sta.te
department · of commerce repor". Owln, to Ibe natJon'. wan1n, tron deposit. In mld,cl:mtlnent. N.w York's huge bleh'lIrade Iron ora reser ves' 111 ,and ' nl!)ir fbe AdJrond.ck mountain. <hB IS allUJ1l.4 an Important position ,In the mlnln, Industry.
Primary churcb scbool l O:30 a .m
FERRY CHURCH 01" OHRIST , Byron Ca rver, Mlnl8ter Bible Scbool, 9: 80 'A.M. MorDlnr; Worsblp. 10:80 A.M Prayer Meatin" 7:00 ' P.M. Youn, P eople'. Meetin., 7 :00 'Evenln, Servloes, 7:30 P.M.
O. I~. Baug hn, Pal tor Unified ServIce, 9: 411 a.
S Ulu lllY :
C.bol r Practice Th \lrsdll)' 8: 00.
to employ cold, lit "'nyneR Jll(,'. Ohio. . western literalism has I PQiled the reading ot the Bible for many
nlU lt OAY. OCT IH: I( l(). 1950
The .~ove requirements are contro~ed , ~ntirely . by tenns'and conditio!)s we t~~ I. must meet~ ·The .wa,y; · ~'ou pay ,U8.for w~at ·, you '.buy controls our ,'ablllty ·to,buY 'jlft.d·.the service· we are able to
"' -\GE Tnnr:e -
-5POr/ "
, Vi sitors to Dayton' wlll Ilnd 1\ Idls rhl Y windows hav e been rebuilt beo ulll'1I1 11 IV ,exte l'ior ou tlle Hi ke, I (l IlIc lt ell cloSl!I' LO jl t l'eet lew'l f'o l' Kllm le r olllJ)any l1It. Sec'olld and ' I.J Iter v iHlblllLY Ilml eQulll l) 1\ wltlt M ain s lreet s: A new, lIIotl el'll Call' 11110 la t es t lYlle lighting, oPY 11 11(\ ..,0 III IJI lely IIU\\, IIl n lll ('e' l 1' 1t > nt!i' storr> Is 111 I' adlnef:l l:l ways h,IIV be" n compl aLNI on ~ I a ln 1'01' n lire'!! Rail Ji'eH lI vlI l al e whl r,)l s t l'oet :1 1111 work Is III pl'og r esil 1111 I \\r lll h gi n .'lIlllnlllY, OCl ober 21 til > 8"(:011\1 stl'O l frOllli(go, 1I 11l1 IIlI M Ollua y, Oct obe r !iO, ~ i v. \\ 11 n complet d, ihn ~a nopy w ill ' ilig out,ot-Lnw l\ s h oP fJ e l'~ t \\'O Mon· e.xt lid a roulld til enUra bu ild ing, I"ay ni ghtA IIlld t wo :,;:\ wl'daya ill Fanny Brie_Snooks to you J.I6 feet on Main Btl' e t und 2,1:5 whi c.h to tnlce n d vnutn r of Ih e brIugs ber Impish "Baby Snooks f('c t 011 Seconu s ll'f'el. ons tJ'ucted on r e·I\·YPIU' lillI'!,\' dn s, of a luminum s ides nnd porce lain" E ve r y dOll lll'lllI ellt In HIICe'l\ Show" to WLW ·NBC Tuesdays IHllg on SU'UI'.IUI'aI at e I f l·am o. Mli in SLur li nd ha sem. nL will i li lle a"t 8 :30 p,m., EST, with the prom[h cunopy t'catllr S I' C B8 d II g hl . 1 pa rt in this vent. orfer'l ng pl'i ce ~ ise Ihal Snooks bas lIot Impruved with are. ' lug Itt th e ' lUng jus l 1.0 fe t I w he ll li re UU II un.ll y low III l odll Y'p above Ihl3' s ldew nlll to g il-.> rree· mark et. F a Jl nn rl wint er clothing ti~' e, non-g lure IIhllnlnutlon . fOIl m en, wom n li nd ('hll11l'en, lind Old I' volvlng door!! have , be 1\ nil types or hODH! furni shings 111111 repluced willi modeI'll plute gl ll ~1I porsonal lI CCII1!81H 8 nre in cluded doorw a ys 81H\ lI ew vesUbui s. All i,t t.hl s g r III storewid e 8 11 1e,
PO,RK CHOPS Pound Pound ______ . _____
The winters really are ,ettlnll
cent warmer than the IS-year aver· age tor these seven months. Sill' worth measures tempera1urel by de lll'ee·days, and the nU1"(lber ot de· Iree·days for one day Is determined by taking the average temperature for the day and .ubtractlnll It f\"om 65 delrees, Figures tor each day ar. then totalled to determine the number 01 degree-da}'1 withln a ' ,Iven period" Durin, the .even month. preceding Jalluary 31, 1950, itate college had 2B44 degree day., a. cOmpared to S095,l for the same period ,last year, and an averale of 3415 for the sa'me period dW'inl tbe pasl 13 years.
Pound .
(bree or more times a d ay, kept layeu confined, and kept no inale. In the laying Dock had higher qualIty eggs than poultrymen who did TTE CLASSIFIEDS not tollow these practicel, accord· TRY GAZE " , log to a recent study of poultf7 -, TIlEY GET RESULTS FAST farm. In the Northeast,
CAREFUL ' all ,d
, ~'tiGiil
Living Life
NBC'. "$M QUestlOll," aired Sunda,. at 10 p.m., EST, II sltUn, prettJ whea pia,lD, ,IUer to daUJ~~r
(jive ~ltI ,fattti"
• ,
' Eaerl')'
Kitcben arra\'lgements that eave stooping, .tretching and lUting Bre 100d Ideas tor every home,
Hay Crop. More tball 70 ,ooillion hay crop. E<l'tl harvested in the United Slatel. ,
By ."C"and "D" PERMIT ,'H OLDERS "C" Permit allows Sale of Be'e r for carry -out. ' . . "D" Permit twhicli is to be voted on Nov. 7th) allows drinking .of }jeer both "O'N" & "OFF" the premises. ,
--"UntteP-OIliO S~S
- - '- -
'TAKE lack Pur, emcee or w,-W'
Poultry Study
__ _
,- "- .maple .. IIrhtlnc - a peltove,- -
Poultrymen who lathered eila
Singeing chickens ia just one of the household tailka ably and ealOJ hAndled with a new hand t OTch made originally fo r the' work bench cw Jlobby .hop of th,e \nan of the house, 13y making use ot a new type of fuel III a handy container which Is thrown away when empty, the new "Prepo" torch Ii~:hts instantly without pouring, pumplng 'or prlmlDc. Other home uses include lighting coal, wood and ' briquet firet in fir&place or outdoar grille and remov ing paint from ' furniture. The 2200 degree ~,mt Ilwc:kl#, lighta 1111Gb fires without kindling or paper. The torch fl 10 .afe and eelY to UR that anyone can light It with a matah
North ernmo'llt French City 'fhe eartie!t record or the Ci t}' ot Dunkerque, France reaches back to the 7th century, when the French bishop, SI. Elol, tOl,mded a .mill church there on the sand dunes, From these l urroundlngs Dunker· que took its name, which freely transla ted mea n s "the chlirch , among the dunes," Historically, the city's importance has been in It, strategic location as th, northernmost French city, and, next to Calais, the nearest one to' the En,· Ush' co~st. In the past thele factors have made It .a vit,al F:rench de· 1 fense cenler. and the enenUal pri ze ot any would·be conqueror of ~.
Sitting. Pretty
warmet, R. Y. Sigworth, compullnll . !aUstic. at the Pennsylvama slate , college, where he's lupervisor of utilities reports that ' the seven· rno,n th period ending January 31, 1D5()" waS 8,8 per cent warmer thlill the same period in 1949 lilld 16,8 per
Wa rmer Winters
35c 59c 79c 59c
CHICKEN NOODL· SO UP 2 Cans ___ :.. ____'__ .. _ .~
Vote "NO" NOVEMBER 7th
MINNOV'o'S A~E NOT 'li!E ONLY ITEM ON li U ~ ifN :'1=15 IER,'S
Dler ·
TO f;iVOi/H CRICKFrs ....
It uluaU)'
1. Good balll: 1manatement. This ,is the urttl!"rlyin~ factor in the p rott.ctipn of yOl~" de'posi s. 2. Sound bal1~' supcl'ttisioll. Adher. ence to rigid standa rds is checked through regulal' bank examinu'tions.
takel a subltantial bun-
dle 0' mone), to .tart 7.0ur own bUII-
,.ell. 80, It you're lootlnl' forward to iIle ,rca' day when your name
3; Federal D eposit [-lIst/ rance. E:l.ch , depositor in an insured banI - is in· su'r ed up ' to the ~ew maximum of SlO,OOO 'for all deposits held in the same right Bnd capacity. We and other member banks pay the full cost of Federal Deposit Insllrance.
wID be up there on • I.ore front or a ahiDl'le, now I. tbe time to think about iIle Clash you'll need. There I . ODe lUre. way to be ready for that Cash mlln Bud Collyer Is qulzilme, to take tbe plun,e If ),OD want to, aDCI that II by iDveltiDr reru larl ), mn~ter of the new Monday, WedIII n. 8. 8avlDa'1 Bondi. Thea at the end .t ten yeaH you'll ret baok $4 nesllay, Friday "~roeak the Bank" , for every P yoo iDye.t today. An iD· radio show on WLW-NBC at 11 .,.....u~ .. $18.'J5 III s.ylDp Bond. a.m., ES'f . The C~lh program t.s , week, wm brInr 7011 ,10,m.'. In Us fifth ye,a r O.D tile air. I ~ 'I"', ,EDroa today for iIle PayreU ---. ......... I'IaD wben YOIl work or &be TRY GAZE17E q..ASSIFIEDS 1I4NM1-A-lrIootb PI.n •• 70ar baDlt. , u. S. 'I'....ur,D,j>lr''''''1ll - TH~Y GET RF.SULT,S FI- ST
, Oil
BELLE BAKER .. : COMES TO A L BEE , CINC INNATI THURSDAY Tb e slars wbo brol,e. Cll! ' re or(l~ 011 the fllUlOUS N w York Plllnel'! Tbl'nlr stage In ow Yorl( , fin'! omlnl!' to lh(\ swge or t'hp TIK() Albee Th ea tre sl,nrtlng 'fhurll clilY,
Dal i3
th ell' unroa "lou!!
c"'t, lho ,.] r. l\l'onh k 11,(," Hki l. Al1otht"1' ~ Ull'. clll'N·t fr'0 1l1 Holly\\'oocl, Qn fhe I ill, t!< ( 'Ii fr .. kill e-I, Iko·.' Jl:.l ,,'a nls . ho s om ely orforlti
we k. Foul' h :we- IW' ,\l' 1<1" 11 1'\),. Y III'S on til l' tamollt; 1lel1illll.lel'1\ ]l l u~ ther 10[1· s'reon. ,\n(1 n l ~o ri'01Jl Hollywood notcb stage ."tl\('1 RC I'con tll)Toril 8 Is that II l1 Sa lt 0I1C\ 1 fj 'Intlng sta r. al'e 8ppell l'ing In ~his );l'I!IIL st of .Tohnuy or. OllieI' Ilc·t.s 'om pl t 1111 altl'nctlon s. hI. big .Anllilrer~ ar·y s ho\\'o Patron . of lIle ,\Ib e Thenlr .\ II lll llll'inllf.l. t Olllody Is book ed wlU Bee Belle B(tk 1', III Inf'om, for Ibe ;\Ibe.' Th eall' f'(Wtl II with parable stilt' who 11 M' IJ en 011 oT I hlR gipllt st:l~e Rhow. entitled the al l-tim e gr'eats In \'[\ucl ~vi ll ~. " T1-l8 F LLI~ n un '1-1 ~ IRL" tobe l' . )9 for' on
Four Funsters
Waynesville .National 'Bank
u t lt . .. ' ••
- .f s:. I t Who Ca_C. 1. r!:I"~h . JiND
L. , ..
'p ",.r;u
WAYNESVILLE ,FARMERS . EXCHANGE Phone 2371 Waynesvm '! A Carload of AllOr\ed Fen( ,and POlll JUlt Arrived
. '.
................ ..... ~
Inataliinsulatiol\ YOURSELF and
comedians, from Urof\dwIlY. fimlth IeI' Dl'u$b .\Iou:' Aslalre's Fool,ear Fred Astalre buys ,dancing pumps sIx: pai rs at a time. They're buOt On special lasts, and are handstitched. Aslaire' always uses soft leather uppers lind mellow leath.r soles, .
LI.ten every Tuesday and Thursday marnj~g Station WLW 6:3.0 AM
. SAVE~ ONLY $6760
Ing:lng II11e songs Wh!clr hav marIe ber famous . She w)1I be ,Illi. i led wilh I,uei ll nail ilnd Eddie AI, by 'HI onn( at I ho I) (ano. o. berts lall1dling Ol e I uds III thi s starred with h J' Ilr,t' th ose fumol! ~ ' tllll'Olll'io\ll; !Ill ·.:es.'Ur II> th e
, Curb ServiCC! Curb se.rvlce is not as modem os one ml,bt think. In the seventeenth century, ladles used to . sit ,outside P,arl. catel m (bell: sedan choirs, tIPpin, coffee served by the walt·
GoOd fum. are m ..de bellcrbdc. pleled f.rms .. re lurned incu ilia prQdu~erJ simpl y by fQlluwioa Ptaceic.1 Land Usc pia .. , Hear fa rmus, who hive do lie ii, lell , how easy II is .0 !Cd 1I."It'd-bow much they i.ncru.td Ih e I!~oduc. tivily of thelf farms (and 11 COlli lIolklnll to gela nlan for your Carm). ,
vaccina tioll without UI 'etrec: beClauae a deadly virus used In this treatm ent, many o ll sp'e$=lal precautions arc neces3ll. 'fherelore these materials shoo be handled by a person who L .' the proper Bclen title 111111 t ICllow\cdge. nd tor B t r w we: Alao,
Hqr cholera ' coata American IWine produeeri at least 20,000,000 dollar. a year, according to good
["our fUll ter, called ,lit' "Coul\try Cousins'" focus their talent WI., 's "lIlidweloterll H,nyrld~" pro:m(m Saturdays al 7:80 p.m., ESl'. to Itrin ~ a wide '!ll~c llon ol ,lIonU>" slantlard al~d fo lk lune. lO the hour lonl entertalDJDent. ' , ' , ,
m .~
anat many dllrerent way.,
It often
itilke. without warning. And once a q ar herd Ia Infected, the.re 1.1 DO crure. . . Y.t all thla 10.. could be pre. i- 5 ted It every har raller took ,., taJ.e of a protecUve. meuure
NE\~ ,YORI{;-Tlle shorl evening dress, a filv.orite this'
. !;easan mid 'for some sensons, past, sfuys in fos}lio'il be- . cause il ' i:; :)0 welJ-suited to American I j"in~.
SlOp or call Jor FREE
.Waynesville Lumber & Supply Co.
opei2 by vete~J.nan' aclentlata OVII' SO yeara .ago. Thla meuke t.s vacclnaUon by the double tn;muniliation method. Th. pig . 11 lnoc~ted ~ulta neoualy with betli serum and vlruJ. The telUltlng tmmunlty itom chol.ra UIU&lJy lalla for the reat ~ the pi". lite.
WayneaviU ~
alter vacclnation, further pr". cautions Il10uld be ob.erved . I.. the care an.! feeding of the pl~." ,Proper vaCCination coati onl; a small traction ot the colt 0: IMttU.,. ' jiay. ~tId out ' II a ilngle outbreak of ' den~I ' ~ "'" swine cholera. Ordlllarlly, the be.t Unl hi.T.f tht vaoclnat- tor' vaccination Is around wee,n· I-I~~~~~~¥-II ritertnarlan. 1t 1.- Ing tlme. Pigs at that aga....r I the pig. be ev- eaJJ)! to handle, and require leas ... it they are In to give , tbem the dulred
Accomp~nying Jacke.ts and Ove's~;~sPe'm;t"CostumeSwJ,tch~.~
authorlUea, Becauae the virus can be curled great 411tancea In a
to receive the
....aI ' Arraq_ _ _ , too few nowen "than too In ;rour noral auan,emeDta Pro'porUqa II of ere.t importanc • . 1h.t 7QU1' f10wera .re apprOai,i!' matety one and • half timet 1hel h.liht of 1he vaae. ' or one and' 8 half tim.. \he width Q.t the '00,,1, .Ma.. *he' heavY or dark flowers ' near ,1he bal. witb the lICht, colon aDd forml toward the· top. "
Therc a re JUS!))' evenings when the average womon does Jlot \ :;nt to "dress'" ill the sense of pulling Oil u flillsld'rl ed evening gown ~~lld 0 forma) 111t' 's hort e~e~ ning dress is. th!:n. the perfect answer to the small evening aDd lu SOI)ll' large e\'ening!i', too.
Ti c short e\'e~in'g g~w~, is, very often, a shealh with lu::compa nying jacket " overskirt. which permits cos. lllmc 'switches. In one such design, 8 strapless short evening dress becomes a dinner 'dress 'with U'~e addition' of a long-sleeved I.ace jacket. Tbe dress. in 'carbon 'blue impor-ted Chantilly lace over satin. has 8 . alim.hipped skirt which flares awuy at the knee. -. ' ~. . , hi another Jnslance. one of, this season's short evening dresses l1U5 a SCp31!}tc ·ove~sltu,.i,made .o l'yards of iin))()rted , face, The dt-ess, ill>CIf is heavy coooa-brownsatin, 8 strapIe 'S~ sU tn shea ih cllffed with laCe. ' ..
sborl ePellhrg gown Is a .ua.pl ess satin sJlca.lh willi a. • ~plI.rate overskirt of lace. 'l'ILe Ihellth is cuffed hdaco and the . dress itself is In bMl.VY «)!,Jcoa.brown satin.
,P••• EOPu: ' every du)" are IInding out' for t11eJDSc4v~ you oan make 5 millllt:s of your t1m,e worth
IIf;:WS WILL.S!: 8~1~1t, 11IIS tsJOHHC;I'E~aMr:IE~,
~~'!II:IIIJt. WOJt.l..P CORJi~POHDfNT! '
60LL Y, Ml/vlr, TilE WOIi:L P $EEM~ To BE C~UMBlIN6 ABOUT O$! I'M .J\J$T
. ". y!. :;~ ME) PI!) YOU KNOW :rHAT . M.t, ~11!
AND ..IAGtc: CAL~.r;, p IT .
seTWEEN '>OU"AND ME, X "CWT I :t:1E A PATE FO~ l'HE VJ(;;ro~y D,i! :«:e VET! WHAT A ......MI!:o:,
$l,OOO-by spen~ing it at, yow Dodge dealer',. Hell demo!lStr\\te hpw you could pov 5:1J OOO J.Ilore and not get till the extrl,l roomin"l's; lit\: c(ridll~ cue, tne rugged deptjndllbility of this slIlurtly styl 'd Dodgel ' You1J see thnt podge givCll you renl stretch-out roominess you can't Rnd in cars <'~ Is t jrr:: hundreds ,of dolllUJ mote. And a few minul s b hlfld the wheel wiD open • your eyes to \'ase of hlllldlin/l yuu never thought polsible. Five minutes .•• thut's all we asld
NEW BIGGER VALUE "8HOWTIME ; .. U.U."-The Gro"""~ 0., Tol."loIOll-t" Vour Now..Plper For TI~o & 1t..tlon )
[) ~, OCTOBER 19, 195r. •
____ . _
•• _._.
~rg ledge
Pi\(jF f-I\'I :
CIlWB you have I'lfsed are dltfel'ent, , !l:orly mlnutes...-That was how long by the clock It took me' to get Lebanon this mortling. Forty mlnllte~ Rnd Dot all becHuB tll~ "" line wae nlways bIlBY_ AtlcaDt tI,,,.
~ and Walter E. Chesney appolDted
Warren County C01rt, News • -
! In the mRlUer or the will 8f Wlt-
SEE bUI' Jerfrey, dec'd ., will tUed, aPIlJl., HEAR cl\t!on Ret ror hearJng on O(ltober ~-~----:'''i;'''_:'--.J' 113 at 10 B. m. . , A Farm Diary M PLEAS ' ICatli'e rlno Haines 1 allre 'In Wasil. Estate of Williard A. Fox, de('d, p ,. CO MON T' I Itransfel' of real estate granle,l; de. By ~. J. Frazier time I waited while H. signal rung Mariah BIlt·h. VS , Edward D!!. cll. I ln~~~;:la;ttee and Carla nelle Lee termination of Inheritance tax. Democratic Ca~didate For until' we wel'e ' cut orr and then Maxwelll Wink leman IIl1batJwted at! to Emma Lou Lewis" 2 lots In I Ellt.ate of 1.llla P. ,Monson, d.ec'd, tried agR~n Ilnd again (;l1Ily to counsel (01' l'e(1ol'lI in stead or J. T. Wayne TW]). . H. C. Monson, admInistrator, mell OOTOBER 16, 1960.-Ln8t nlgbt · r Beech and Martlla 1'lnll to FIOI'- first, final. distributive account. John C. 1I'lId Sylvia Mool~ V 8. e ce Mehl ]Wblson 0.972 II l'Iis In Eatate or Arlhur Jame! Brown. bav the sa~e thang ba[lpeu 01' Once Wellingloll Leonard , et Ill. 8'i! 1' 1'0 11'~anklln Twp.· ' I ell, Sr., dec'd Grace JobnBon. ad. --ON-1be wtlll geeae went' o"er, 80 1 wua (llId the line busy IIgnl.n. told. I hope th~t like the weathl1r there were three at us on the IIno ' by publlratloJI ordered. _ I w. H. 'McHenry to \V , C. a.n4 mlllistratrlx, ied Inventory, hearforecas tors that (orell1\8t rain roi' . 11, ll;ylng to 'get f1 0m ethln g, and Ethel V. A. , Kh'k VS . Melvin WJlma 1. McHenry, 0.34 acres In ling set f9r October 28 at 10 a. m. SlInda.y they w1ll be i'ool,!d aud II . . ke ~unMII,' r,nOtlOIl ovel'rulcll. I Pleasant r laln In the ~ter of the will or o.th , el'. Id Luckily vs. Joseph E ' M'eyer to Jasper lind james Arthur Hartman, deo'd, that we will ,not bave any cold Just h I getting ' d nol~ I b J. 08ctr. C.I ' Jqnes b bll ,Frnnces tl d ave dones, . . the I It( · 8tal'te enr y 0t: ·! WOII d ' son' co y J)lI e ll on 111'- Mary Smith, 2.n ..aCI'IIS 'In nlon De~D1ceI E . Hartman, appointe weath"l' yot. I didn't so · them " . '1'wp. ' ,'. exec~lr x. . " been too lat~ to got the , 1nM.em- ere. ',Iast time, but I alw!lYs IIke ' to In,lltor This Lime illm trying fOI' Ann Wbeel n ,'fl. CI!ue~cel Willy Adol! and Lilli R. Lange Fh~t and final accounts wele . WARREN COLDMAN FOR CONGRJ::SS COM. watch' Ulom. A few moJ'o days or . ' SmUh, et ai, leave granted to IIII' 10 Alrred T and FllI ~llbeth S. approved, al\owed . and confirmed bave th the answer lIud Blackburn porfect October ,weather. 'Phe a Hel'erorl,i r I calf IlB tbey . ,.. cross velltion. I L I ' 5' nCl'e8 iJ1 Hamilton on the following e8tates : -p{)1. Adv. WILBUR HUTT, Chairman bee breet s now as well 118 e EI~rl M""ael, CL 11, v. . ~ \\' S TWIl. : . ~Btate {If Lonnie Hammond, leaves are ' at their brightest a nd dairy ones. So~e one hud laId Livingston" et ai, dismis sed \\ Itb-, Geraldine E. Grill 01 to Thomas , dec d" Mattie F. i;lam,mond, execu. most gorgeous coloring. Tbere nre me tbat sorvlce tor beeC br.eeds out record. . . lL Dnd Mary E. Wagner. 6,85 acred tl'lx; e9tate or Shirley Stayton, still Bome 'g reena but the sllgnl' The Lebanon OHUzens National. in Wayne Twp. dec'd, Ml1dred Wels, admlnlstra , c.ost elg.ht dollars . hut it tumed Bank va. Beebe . Mills aka Joseph Maxamllllan W. Hirshberg to h'lx; estate or Hugo Fettwels, maples shnde from yellow to deep out Iq be only tlve' while service B. Mills, judgment .to plaintiff tor IJohn H. MlehJe" 5 lots III Uoel'I'leld de 'd, Ben,lnrd E. F.etwels. ex~cu. red. The woodblno 0Jl St. M~I1YII to 'the dairy breeds Is ' slx. r' am $1 .022.37 and costs lInd Interest. ITwp. · tor; estate of Lydia Kibler, dec'd, cburcb Is brilliant scarlet. Tbe glad lIlUt they h~ve adde(l th is Neille Foley vs. Jobn B. F~ley, Leo.wrd Tinney, I.llrll T. Werntz, Fred ' 'Sherwood, administrator; ea. dIvorce to 'Plalntlfr, child to plllln- e t III to She.rman and Harriet tate 01 Cbarles Kibler, dec'd, Fred beechea are, bvlght orange bronze servl~e be.caus e for ord :nary ml;;o(l tift. . Tll1n~y, 3 lots In Waynesville. . ,E . Sherwood, administrator; esllnte and the gum trees , deep crimson.' row8 . It wll) be lilce to bnvti the Jennie Marie ShOl·t VB. Jobn W. Clinton and Bertha Pelle to CIlrl of Ernest Dakin, doc'd, Pearl E. Eve1'yone who could wus Oll~ 011 beUer calves. and t\l~n bl'epd ollly Sbor~, derendant granted 30 days W. Epperley, 0.21 Ilcres In TurUe- Dakin, administratrix. and the ~8' the I'oad on Bundll.Y so uftel', Il III liea( 1'01' replaeem nU. to 'plead, ('reek 'rwp tate of Bertbo A. Presley, dec d, .,OUZONT4L '59 Simplicity brief ll'ip I came In lind de voted The Flrsl Notiona l Dank of .' Elizabeth DuBois to Idt) 'L . )tuth E. ,McClure, administratrix. 1 Pktured eo Edge 'l'bls Is the tlmo ot YOHI' to c18ll'O BateSVille, Indiana, as executor ot Sa i1gbam, 0.14 aCl'es In ChiuJ'creelr Estate of Harry B. Thompson. myself to picking lit> \v.ulnuIS Bnd 'up the yard I'~r ~vlnter nnd tllllt the last wlll and te8ta~ent of TWp. ' .. dec'd, Tbe Central Trust Co., ~us. movl. actor, e2 He Is. a motion plcklJ\g' Illy UJ'oli ot Qulncos. Nllw III Whnt 1 am tryll1g to do. It Is Quirin · J. Wru slllBn , dec d., vs" Harry 'L. and Emm tt Hardillg, tee, 10th account approved, allowg in to )IBve to gfl t bUllY 11 Lyric poem ' ::0 • I OharJes J;J. Fubr, ex, ccutor 01' the et III to Paul L. an' d' 111 "~gnret F. ed and confirmed. 12V"rbal VERTIOAL -riolI~r;',*,-t§ .- - 0 um pl'esel-ve 0 g jo)) on these lovely Estate . or Lee W. McCormiCk, and thom b lore they Il pleasant .• I I . I bdays lb lust wlll and testament of Henry d 'Schro'd cr, 1.- 97 acres 1n I,vt n'lon 'T WD. . " JI t t'lO11a I l Q . -- '0 0 Ja Evenln, n erna ;>! 1 1l:I _ 0 !lnu lOP to get sODle til Ip \I S J. ;Fubr, dec'd., defendant grante Anna Vella Pllimer to William ,decld, Lynn McOormck, executor, ro~. That mll~~ be soon becauso and gel them plullteq \vhllo till! l ao days to plead. V. Al'I1old, .oA8 acres I II Deerfield I' first, flpal and dlstr,lbuttve account !anluaie 2 Smell 21 Mc:.sure of 40 Also 1I0me bave spots on them already.' wenl'Ilel' Is stilI nice. There nre J. D. Brownell dba. Brownell Twp. .l\Pproved, allowed an,d conflrme~. 1. AlI•• ed force 3 Sleeping lenf-cit ' , 4J 11 1!r I used to make jelly of th em hut It It. ' r tl . d th t, d Rose -ResearCh Gardens VB. Beld~n C. Roy and ' Lila 1.., Gallimore to I Estate of Fred Dletel1ch, dec rl 1.~=•.lI'e'. furniture 23l ndl cn 47 Agbinst now I cut them , In IIn1all plece8: QII a ,0 .. 0 OWel. Hee s n,' 0 C. Saur, d.., R<*Itnoll Nursel'lY, 'Joseph , and llutlr Bnrr 1 lot in larD DIeterich -appointed e:'l:eCIIIe Biblical " Flower 24 Infant II!) Place well If planted In the fall. J al· dlSnlismsM without record. " Mason . : tnX', GIlY 1'homPBon, :Eben Leaf pronoun . 5 Three ( comb. 2G Woody plant:; 50 On Ille ocelln cook illem until tender tben . ndd hope to do It but the bnd Delores Shiverdecker VS. James ' Lizzie May McKeev E'f to ,ParIF. and C. C. Beckett, appointed liP., Spoil fu~m) 28 AI no time .51 GrOup f plenty of sugal' and cook them weathel' ca tches ille lind nolhl ng Shiverdecker, case dismissed witb- and Edna Davis, 2 Iota In Waynes- praisers. I'JIlm 6 Pale 31 Be indebted th ree IIntil tbey lire n ~lch red 11.1111 0 1d f out record. ville Estate of IlIl'a Tbompson Cra n20 Either 7 Too . 33 Kitchen 53 Account (ab.) ' 1I .have <julte a lotb 0 Elsie Marie Kalller s. Irvin C, ' ' Ral' ph W"'-ht to .C.arl E. and dall, deo'd, estate exempt from in' most lellied nnd lb yare really gels oDe,kl '''6 2t N••atlv. word BLock opener , o\ensll ~o Vehicle varlou,!I 1118 .of nal1cIssllS ut ' Kobler, healiDg dote set. Order to Helen E Clutter, 2.05 acres In IberllanCQ tax. notle. ' 8 Smoo\h 360bsel'vti. !,I, C'("" ,}Y:; Doint good. none thnt I Wc e b,e tter thall th e serve a certified copy or motion DeerCield' Twp. , . . E~te , or Howard ,Marshall 25"'" IV 10 M i l t 37 Moist ::~ _':i!1 Maxamfllian W. , Hirsbllerg to dec'd, Inventory a~proved . . , When I Inst co'un\otl the D;l ollr " ommon IItlle ~Ilrly yellolv Jon- und cntry on de tendaJ.'t. MTutllum us eli no e 38 Uppermost 5il l";pi 1e (ab .) twenty.three' lillie guineas 'wore QulJs , that grow In almost ev ry ' Nelson W. ,and ,GeneVieve Oather. 1 Estllte of William M. Peel'. (limbo}) ~~ g~emtnt pnrt III Wrl M"n form NEW Cltll'.ens SUITS ' Natlonal . Twp. Ine GllIman, lOots • "In Deerfield dec'd , Inventory approved. The L.ebaoon " . Estate of Wl11lam M. Peer, reduced to only a von. The otber door yard. 'fullps and , f,lthel' s pring day' os I was eating Iny brenltra~t bulbs shOU ld be plant d deep In Bank vs. Beebe MUlIt aka Joseph I!.dlVard· aod Beatr CEI M. Haw . dec'd, In ventory approved , ' so Portal. iii by- Ole willdow I Bnw the gulneRs good well dl'alned soli and III y B. Mils, cognovit, Cllrl Aboecherll, thorn to Sylvla DuncaDElon, 1 lot In Estate of SArah Jane Harbach 31 Btatlon 3.\1, go hy and 1 'Riso anw tit two old will come ngnln year after year. ! Wa~J'(>n YOIlDg'. Franklln, . Idec'd, Carl J . Harbach, aDd MarEdward Ward to Euglane E Rod garet E. Beachler, executors, tiled , Ell 1,1 L. . Casson 'VS. TI'uman aas· UVlrJlnID CI'OWS, one In II tree und on on The cbr)'.santbemull~8 ,are be!1~~I . , aon, JI'., Idlvorce, gms!! neglect, gel's, 1 lot 111 Hamilton Twp. · first, final and distributive account. , (ab.) " . Earl and 'LilUe Ross to B1\rton . the fence. They were both eying ful tills year. ! haven t (IllY but I I Young nn,1 Young. SlBupry thtl little ones rUDnl~~ along Ith enjoy the other peoplq!s. B'aI'IlJo , ,Dnrf VI!. Lilia Ourf. o. U . and Sue Colyer, 1 lot In Deer· MARRIAGE LICENSES' ~'lAuu '0 groR!! negle l Young a nd fl Id m- ' , , 4. EJecliieal the old OIlIlS', but thlB time I Baw Don't , forget to ,give to ' CROP. VOl' Voun' " . _e £ .. p , ' Samllel E Kesling 32 radio en. eI\IlnHJ' (ab.) ..."....... "+--+--11 tbElm first and drove them away, E ll . n B nabaw V B MaJ:.~hn ll L T Mtallle W llllOn beaDrtd LRoblert 'tLele glneer, Dayton, and' R~tl1 Mann, to R0 4''nwJfor~ . BI! negl ' L,. ] es ew s, e 0 3'~, t e Iep b one operator ~ Franklin . but tbere Is no doubt that that HiIlSh.\ w, divorce, gl'O loterman In MainevUle · ... IrI4Iwn th I 0 Mal'Vil\. E " Young - c o tfactory Charlesworker, Franklin 'raulbee, 21, (Qmbol) III wbere some of . em .ave 8 ne, , [ Joseph E. Jame!. to barles South Lebanon, ~~1am.tlon The cold wet waUleT probably REAL ESTATIO and BllUe B. .. , 2 lots IJ; t and Geneva Johnson, 16, South ~ Greek Jetter . got the Test. Robert lJt\Tl'lson 10 Ill, I r J'I Waynelvllle, Lebanon. .. P1aee (lb.) . Trcl'!I P r\.lns, 1 lot In Fl'onlcl hl James W4111ard, 28, farmer, OreI am always sorry to see a cow 10 RoUlh Java f Twll. ' . PROBATE gonia, and LlIl!an Neace, 19, vn to the mal'k t, Tile steer nnd, III II PecIal4llll ' John O. ' !ehauB to IInlllOny .' . Estate of Ella B. Cook, dec'd ., Wayne v e. IllSoc11um' tbe veal calf wero raised just for , HOlv'kamp, 7.211 aCl'es In ))eerf:chl dstermlnatlon Il( Inberlltance tax. E , £Ugenll Rodgers, 22, me(Qmbol) tbat 'purPQs,ll 'but the ·C«:l\\'8 are -~-.::....::.~:=-Twp. . . III the matter of the will or John chanl c, Foster', and JaniCe E. LeeIf I'roItI • clke ,'. I d t I Jolin D. Nlebaus to Rll'llal'd J . D. Hott. 'dee'd wiD admitted to Iner, 19, stenographer, Foeter. dlfterent, ,110 I felt a lilt e so 0 Han kamp, ~. 789 Beres tn l)oertield probate, Bettbs'·B. DaviEI and Mary J. C. Hlnsber, 18, coating mUl, put. Dolly U\o truck Twp_ I A. Ireton' appoInted ' m.-ecutrlces, ; Franklln, and JUlia 16, .~t"'l(ab.) F. L. nnd Oettrudc Rose to Rob· D. E. Heywood, L_ Earl Thompso!'l, ' Franklin. bel' or( to' Wilmington ~tlls IIIQrnlng, bllt , my barn ",m not hold ert and Vado Leonard, 1 lot 10 tbem au' and she seemed t«:l be the Fra~kUn T'vp. . • Fred Gray, ir., to R,obert and best one t.o Boll. he la only ",'e Minnie ROlre W.fnebarger, 1 lot in years old bllt' she ~vn8 In mnllY Franklin. ,. ways pest , and a 'nlflBance a n d . , . ! Robert TJ. nnd William M.· Ha.W' ", the boys do not I1Ile to milk ber. _~IIIII tho'fn VB. Wylie- and Dorsie ·Creen. .She WIlSO ne' of thosc ,. ows tllat ' ..rSlrS~. 1 lot In Franklin. Allee . F. Bergbalbt. to ..Margaret never wllnt to go ·.In t1le ' bnrn with , W I' k 0930 .OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIG!'\WAYS and e .y Wblta er, • acres the ~eBt ot them. Willm , the OIVISION OF TRAFFIC: AND SAF[TY Salem Twp. . . ot cows started UP from' the pas· - .. -. "' _. -..- ----- - Olive P. Meuger to S,c ott H. and ture bolt the time she wOl1ld Kllce M, ~ay, .. acres in Hamilton break and rUn and then have to IHB Allto I'rodueUoD Tw:~nry S. and RDSB L. Sample be brougM up separnt~IY and men The 53 ilutomgLU.. . manufactur· Harry E. Beachler, 3.12 acres. In u __ & _ _ _ Check Your Preaent Equipmenl Never before, IUch Low· p..!.._ 011 "'-_.11 ~ ~_I:&.. ~7 _...__ 1 ~-. - ':".11 Ran, , - -abe just couldn't see ,t he d9 0r ers In the United statu let a new Frllnkln Twp. . and Replace I. Wi~ a New Heater" or a.q. at 1'hi8 ~ Lo!w Paoic. ~ieel At Evtm BeJow /Dealer.s Cost! production record In 11149 by t~m· Jolin ' W_ and Rena Tllrner to F. when you got }rer up I hel'~ nnW In, out .6.250,000 carl, ,trUCk •• and 'D. Amburgy. 1 lot In ' Clearcreek about the fourth time she w~nt bU •.eel. ThI. top. the previoUJ ree· Twp. . 2()41 LARGE" CIRCULATOR MOORES .rome!! and MlI.ry YoUng to J'ean pnst It ,so she Is on b'~r w:ay out: ord. ',et In 19~, 'by almost I mU· We stm have hel' linug,lter, bllt I Hon vehicles. ' , nette Payne: 1 lot In Lebanon. HEATI~ hope sbe will be better 'behn,v41d, LeI\'ls and .Edlth . ~v1ng&ton A Full Size Large All Porcelain He.ter that hold. fir ••allly, "II White Porcelain Coal, Wood Ranges. This Prloe Cannot Tbey Ilre ' the ' deace)Hlllnts ·of the Constructed wlt~ Heavy Round Fire Pot with capacity, Be Malchedl cow MIlly that I bought as a , .' helter at tbo , H'ooket~ lIale. Mlllr REGULAR REGUL.AR Dotty, Dolly, ' nnd now 1 have her daugbter DIxie nnd lIer calf De· . , , IUall. Milly Is 8f1~1 owned by' tho WALL AND 'WINTZR, VA.lET", , . ' peOPle to whom i s9h~ her a,lld tbey cqnalder hel' one Of tbe best COMBINATION MONARCH E~·' . CO~VII .they ,ev,e r, had. Later ,I aaw OPE,. EVf;NINGS .... CLOSED , S UNDAY poor 1)0\1)' III the ' pel) nt . tlle sale ~LECl'RIC cIfo~ded litto a pen so tul . it t. · A Modern S· t ove I"' , every. detail. A Range designed to give Flneat All MalltJlble and Porc.laln Rln" on American cows; tbat. slla (lllidn't n:rov~ with WOU ~our ' lummer and winter Ran' g e In one - a v.c ry prac· Ma~ket, Full 18·lnch oven fo~r wall oonatruotlon. .ullt 4 W,IIII (lionh of Xen·l;' ~~ Route 68 . 'nd ·235 , . , Bueh a forlorn, mls~ra~le e': pre8~ tical, and' economical Range to Use. for yeu. of .. rvl~e, Blo~ on her face t~lIt It has haunted me ' ~ver slnco. 'Tbat, Is Lhe REGULAR REGULAR tTou.ble 'wl~.b . rnlslul$ stock! ' , 1t, ls easlel' on 'the feelings to raIse 'Ule~ by lhe d~zen ali 'a like 80 that tbey have , no personality ~ but mUir ,
Representative. to ·Congress
WHIO-TV Channel,{1'3 )
Friday,' October 20--7 p~ ~.
1 WEEKLY CROSSWORiJ ruzzu"] i.1-----------------------. Movie Actor 1 --
'' '0...
I j
WIillh .' lM,L. ,·J'A 7IIIIfii'
an~ ~en!1
RBD Her!
.. ,
M41J ,..~OAL R~NGES ·
:A;NTI~F.EEZE .~••
THE.- DIF'lIIiN8E-I.ImIte~1•:.toCk.-Flr.t Co~. First Served '
CO~L HE~TEII. A very Practical ' and Inexpenllve etov. , of fue,li - give. q'UI~ _h.at.
64~95 . ,PoRTUS PluDE
100 Pauada
'D0 T
•• ,% MANY
II1£11il'8' '.sum SBIJI~'
STORE ...... ·. .1
WlilDllmlle·I!_"'_ 2441 ----(.\-
Two-ton. Color - a BeauUful Circulator ·with obJong ffre , pot. FIJIa for wood ' and coal. REGULAR
'9 9.95
O'I'HU RANGE AND HDTER sPraA,s NOT WTED At "... Prices - No .... ' ~ 510. . . . . IacIuded
AIRLEY, HARD,W ARE S'TORES 1.IY.... of,.... w.,.,.mue --- Sabina Ph 'I 'r - Lj 111. . -- WiIIDIDttoa Pboa.
holl.1 100 1111,
95 59.
SVIl.t.E, OHt(J -
~rnllmmllllllllmmm~III~lmm~oomlllllID ~il:~wllmlilll@uIWllilllliiiilllliliillrnlmm
Waynes~lle, Ohi~
CLOSED 'ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Thurlilay, Friday and Mo"c!ay _~_. Continuoul from 7 P. M. Satt,lrda.YI, Sundays .and Hol idays Contln~ous tram 3';00
BUYERS WAITING J3specially For Farms
CAPTAIN CHINA . Joha Pay ~e - Gall Ruuell - Jeffrey Lynn A Great Adventure Picture of the China Sea V .AnT ON
Rt. 48, 5 ml. South CentervlUe~
21 You Asked For Him , ROY ROGERS -
beauty eQllIlpment Inoluded n curling Iron with which to frizz bel' hnlr ? Most or them wera Rolllly tor 11I·no· teal li se, but others we I' ml'olle of tlilver and hi gh ly ornam entlld. Altl?ough ,not In gen ern l us o to(Iny . tile curJlng Iron pll\.Y~d u mn· jar pnl't In " r... e lb ln liP" mllJ\dy botol'e the dny of perman ents. Romember ?
When need "arlles you can I e a v e everythIng to UI. Y()u'lI , appreciate our careful attentlc'n to every detail.
S T U, B B S
( 0 10T' )
hnp. 5-A,l v. o'r , 11' Oalab nd ARTOON
FUNERAL · HOME Phone 22.!J1
oeD" •••.••••• ______ . _....... _____ .. .' ._'_____ ___
Da... i'urD. . Pit, 1li0 eublo ,arGo We alao 'deU.• er. AJUI· ITAGH. " SON, Phone ZOI1. tl
and the HAWK (T('citnil'olof) An Action Filled Story of Olvll Wa r Days W. B. NEWS . . A. ~\n1'OON
lJve Wire aDd PIo&riul"e. !iii - - - - - - - - - - ' -- - organJlaJlOn IecG!l'4 to Strletly sellen on thlf, belt all' around market m the country.
SERVICE THAT SATISFIES For Dally Market RepotU: , WHIO Dayton, 12:50 E.S.T, Dial 1300; WLW ClnelDnati. 1240, DIal 700. NORRIS' BROCK COMPANY.
WHAT IS MOST Ir,1PORTANT IN A SERVICE? To ~ Ilave a bel'eaved fnnllly plea$ d lvitlJ Lh I.lttention they I' c Ived, yUh th e I!\.R~, Impresal(lD ',h.e). CUrry with U,eDl ~ r1 with t11e p~lce they pay. WJ!J MAKID liJVERY EFFORT 1'0 ME ET THESE . REUIREMENTS ,
lise Del'IQu. Odorless. slal nle ll~, guara nteed tOI' ; F I V E YEAlI.S. " AYNElWlLLI!J. F RNITt. RE , . APPLIAN'CE COM~ANY \V,ANTED , -
Truck OJ'i\·
Wilb the "1" Toaken Out ,
The Land Bank Way
OHiO Phone 448
Service .
___ _ a s
aa .
Color By Tecbnicolor • ••••••• ____________ • ___ ._ ••_._._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._
X~10·J9.26 -11 ·2
YOU will fint! Bor\ou t be 'p est moth' sp ray you've evel' li S el . One sJlraylng guaranteed r 0 r f I,v e who I e years. WA YNFlSVILL£ FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO.
FULLER BRUSH EEDS Telephone Waynesville 28'20 CHARL~S BI MOORE ,tr
Hogi and Othel' Small Stock Removed IPromptly
m JJ.
~~::'h1~~ J'::'r~~esCOl~~ty, W~~ro~ mllllllllllllllillllllllmllllllllllllllmllllmrnlllllllll l l lllllllWlIll I llI11IIIIIW.m~mlllllllllllmlllllllllmmmll_ _ --'1'"1- - -........;.------:-~-:--......~------~-
'PUlled 1st day of ,September· ELL1s, H. STURM, SeQ'y-Tre... 1960, there ' will be submitted to " CALL COLLECT a vote of tho people or the To\vn· Wilmington 2362 Lebanon 439 ahip at the General Eleotion W Jj , held In aal4 Township at the regINLAND PRODUCI"S, lae. uJar placea 01 vot1D~ therem, on Tuesday the 7th jlaT, 01 November. - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 9 6 0 , a: Bond Issue, for the pur· . ._•._ •••• _._ .. EQUATE pose of CONSTRUCTING _.~ B"UILDtNG POR AN aoAD· S. - . DEAD STOCK . lING THE EQUIPMENT OF TH E WAYNFl TQWNlSlIJl' Fla'E DEHORSES $4.00 COWS $~,OO PARMENT, In the Bum 'of Ten All Stock, ftemClved Dally _ \ Thousand ($10,9 00,00) Dollars, and , .. a levy of taxes be made outside Large or 8mall ,;... Cell Collect the ten ' mill limitation estimated - I)y the CoUnty AudJtor to average , Xenia ,464 ". 38/ 100 mIDI for each one dollar ot tax valuatiOn which amoullts to XENIA FEitTIUZER no dollarll, and three · and. eight Dlvlaion of : Inlllnd PNsducta, InCo teDths ($0.038) cents for ench One Hundred , ($100) Dollats or
I.. ,.
U (1
tax ,valuatlon, for a mnxlmum per - RayDlonCl Luc-"s Bud family of near
at ten (10) years to pay the Sablna.
, '''l~' A Wbash A.ITRESS in a Denver Co1 , house IJJherited a million
such . 1Ilrs. Robert Greene, of Dayton j . dollars overnight. That's becom- ~ -it tor saId Election ,wlU open 'vlslted l'elaU ves hel'e Sunduy ~r· Ini rich in "shorf order." I at · 6. 30 A. M.. and ren;raln open ternoon ' , e, e • " . until 6.30 P. M. .(Eastern Standard ' . ',' 11;1 the Yukon ter rit ory, ,·cslder.!,. 'WAYN VI~LE, OHIO. Time) of saId day. ., .Mr. and ¥ ra. Lewis Thompson of WhJtehorse and Mayo voted to' , ,By order o~ the Donrd 'of Elec· nnd daught er Debby. or DII,YlOn, allow women to , enter cocktail AIJ Kin~of ..;... Ions of Warren County, O,hlo. spent the week end with ' Mr. and bars. Bet the womell clamore<l, ' M C C , "If..Yukon go In there, so can we! " . JOHN ,E. HOLDEN, Chalrmnn" I·S. 11I1'ence raw ford. .. • • WM. HUFFORD. JR. Mr. and M~. LeWIs CI·n.wr~r~ Police arrelted a ,mar. in Rigby, Clerk Ida,. after ~e drove his Cili' across and daugh ter ,Donna LeI', of Xenia , . a 15-100t canaL'and through ,two PultJlBh ]0-12.]9-26-11.2 ' and .REPAI~t. WORK -:------'-----:-_ _ _.....-_ called on Mr. alld Mrs. ClarenCe potato ftelds • . ShUCks. instead of {: , ." Craw[Ol'd Satunlay afternoon. . ' Mr. and Mra. Charles DavlB, of ·W IL, D ,I NG 'NeW' MaxiM and Dud Davis. of I 1. How muc;h of the world" WayneByUle, , vldte4 Mr. and Mrs. , RADJANT~T population and land lUI1ace .. 1J1. C. Runyon Tuesday. .... L.'!' ••• represented b7 the UN ~t) Mr. and, Mr". ' ErneSt Lucas, " of Council? . SprIng V~lIef' were lUI/per lrUeB~ •. How many ft!)On were In Waynesville 2963 , ' Nci8b'a ark? ' , Saturday evenll'lg 01 th ell' moth'e l', I.· Identit1 the man C~HC8tured ,Mrs. Anna Luclls ,. and Mr. and arr_una nun tney lIJowa nave Mrs. Loyde · 'Plom~lon. mounted a canDon on pia car and' Mr. DennIs Humphry called Qn sent him to ~~ea. . ' Mra. MorriS Lewis illld fnmily FIfty aJrJa who Quit' a balcery Monday evening. ~hqp in Belfast. kelanl!, bec:aUle • M'r . and Mrs. Henry Finke. of they. weren't allOwed to lme OD' l3ea.vt!1"town, cnlled ,on l\{I'. anit "'- Job, went baok to work 'when Mrs. George DraUen Sunday af· (he)' reCeJved permlla10n to bum. HOI ternoon. ' • Mr. Olarence LUCIIS of near Tw~ 8-,ur-Old exhibitor. at the ~ f. What are 'the ehlnctt Beavertown, calle(l on Mr. and State, 4-H Fair iDYaldma, Waab., ICOI'Iq en ace In J01rj • Mrs. AJfred 'M organ F rid a y were awarded blue Dew rlbbOll. , &. Whleh two ltata have the &tter their ~wlnnlnl .oatll , ~ num~ 01 countlel? eve~lng; . ____ Mrs. Anna LUCIIB called on Mrs. ~r~ u:m~ • _.• rI:bona' l _........... .Na"" Hti" .r Spri. . Va'ley, hadn't ' a~ardeiI troph1el~ ,tbeJ I .
' Mra, ElsIe BUllnell. and dau,h. ters Edna. an\1 , Sharo.n anll Mr Clyde Jones, of Leban.,n, w. en,
sUllper £\leala Sunday evenln. 'ot MRS, HILY GIBSON Mr. anI! )[1'8. Bny OIbao" an'd Correapondent Mrs. ,Alice Fre6man. Mra.' C. R. CrRln Rnd lILtle grand ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Hen~y B. ('rgea and daught.e r Nancy of MadisonVille. cbl1dren, of Beavertown. clllled on' and Mr. and M.rs. Robert CraIn, MI'. L\le Morga n SundBY, n·t lernoon. and Ilaughtel' June of New Jersey. " Mrs. Hlly Gi bSOn Rnd lifre. Alice visited Mrs. Grain, sIster Mrs. ,T . Furman. oalled on ~11': lind Mrs. . . , C, R\lnyon and her mo~ber, Mrs. La.wrence Harding .. or Waynesville ,'f)eLaney las t W"dlloada.y, !:tst ThurBdny evening. Mrs. 'Anna LUCRS, Mr. and . ,Leyda Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Erne8t Lucae, and Mr. Jobn LUca8 II . • spent Sunday- with Mr, and Mfa.
Installation and Gas
- ron-
- --
Ask About our Price' ,on
set. In red greenOrey plnld. trimmed A·l condition , s izeand 6. MRS. LEO CONNER. Telephone
From Farm 'Income
••••• ---...
~Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ T'he Lebanon Ma't,·o·nal ____ DEAD S~OCIt WANTED LEGAL NOTICE NoUce Is hereby gIven, that 'In HORSE'S $4.00 cows $4.00 pursuance or a resoh11lon by thl' Farm Loan
A Loan Macle-Can Be Repaid
A Farmer Owned AI~iation
3·plece win tel: (loal
FRIDAY, SATURDAY ' OCTOBER 20, 2l TIM HOL To in "WESTERN HERITAGE" L0AVI!J YOUR SHOES to be reo - Plul ,Hit No. 2 pal,red lit L EE HAWKE U R N0~T BRrber SholJ. W,o rk will be called MARIA MONTEZ - .in - "GYPSY WILDCAT" fOI' a nd dellvel'ed. THOMPSON
~-.J. ,j tIIL.I....,L ....... . , . . , , , .• • .,.. $riM.,.....
lAIr •
STANLEY WEST, enter'vllJ e Coal TUESD~Y, WEDN, ESDAY OCTOBER 24, & ' Feed Co., 1 1 W. Mnlll st., WIl· • 1 O·J 9,26 mlngton, ' Ohio. : TRUL.Y THE GREATEST ' HUMAN INTEREST n N'T feed the lriotb ~. (:1I'e them MOTION PICTURE EVER FILMED Berlou and end their expensive eating. F I ve ye'ar guarantee. WAYNESVIT.LE FtJR,NlTURE &
-----------------~ ""'-- -
FOR SALE- Iatte ]949 Ford V·S custom 2·door. wlU, extras, low mileage. R. H. KIER, Wl\yneBvllle Phone No. 3221 or 2341. X' 1,0·12·1~ FOR SALE-Registered 7.montbs Hampshh'e Bonr. wan 2nd plnce ClInton ('OIl Uty Fnlr. U N D E R. 'WOOD ,ORCHARD. Ha rveysburg. Ohl0. It- 10·12
NO \\f()RB moth wonit's wh e ll YOll
_.-- ---
roR PAl,L PLAI,IITING Hnrdy hrysnnthemnl1la nnd per. nnlnJs. 'ST JOHN'S OARQ'I!" NS . . . ~ .' across from Toxnr o. P hone 2551.
S HOE SHOP, HnI'veysburg. ' ,. X-I0·19 ·2 ti - ll ·~
RemeUlbe~' wh"n ' mllady's BANK RUN ORAVlIII-
111 -
Warnemu.. OJaJo
E. Smith.
I .
Top SoD. BaUUq, 8&Il4. Oraye) Jlzcaqtsq Willa Baclil Doe. Drq.llDe ael " BuJI40Hl'
.Spring Valley Hardware C... !-
.lUers' Gar••e:'·' MA.lN ,. ",IAII1I STt,
.......... . -... -
., TEST.YOUR I. Q. i
•• ••
.. . . 'r.'lIIrl "" •- . 1PI04'.tO,
T••""" ""'nk.
Mr. and Mrs. BUy G,baon spent 'DIll. ... Bfftoleat pqqa.. __ .... .,.. Saturday afternoon wltb Mr. and The IUm at 'palm oil 011· tilt an~ .." 1 "":~.. Mrs. Harry Olbam an4 mother, fabed bot iUPPtCI tID . ._ used ID ~• •~ •" ' ' ' ' .. '''''1' Mrs. li:mma GlblOn of Bel!!'rook. r IIIIIdnJ "tiD 'iIIIII" ...10 It can ~ be . . ,tIdD . . ·tbat ...
__, _r-- -..,.., I~ :~
!o,'Z, i I :t
~~ el. .n:\w
WJ~,~M!I~~'" MU~. _
~_ "
Mr. and
V. B.J>efaney
a~ ::n~~!.:.a::.:::'1.'*:
_I of Mr. UUl ..... '1'. C. IlUDrOD. = ....... . -..-=-IJer--:to'"-::Coa~bi"":'bUe~-to-cao~~,
8 T fI ,,, E ' T:>
"He 'Since 1850 WAYNE$VILLE. OHICJ, ,THU1~SDAY , OCTOBER 26,1 950'
The voter.s of Wayne , Township \Yan n youo t.y 1'6!1tnurant man· will be asked ·to approve ·1l. Bond S' The Ellst Wayn ,Advisory COLIn. Moj, E. Forl'est DISTe ' 'ag rs mel a t amOl'lal Hall, Leb· ... BOUT· FOL.KS YOU ISSUe ,In the amount of '1,0,000.0.0 • •. • . h UfilIhiy nllll.]t, recently appointed DI.,ecto~ , Of II anon, Ido. on <' loher 18 at the KNOW at the coming elec'tlon on Novem. .., Ootober 26, at. til home of Mr. Civil Defellse and Disuter Rellet invltatl n of Dr. Arllh D. Harve)' , ber '7, , lor ,constnlcting a new and Mr~. ~utlll!l' 1 al't8~ It. fol' Warren 'county; ' announces 'ounty HeA lth ommlsaloner. Mr. atl(t Mrs. WIlliarD Lukens bulhilng or the Fire Department. Mr. and Mrs: P 1 Campbell and comptellon of the ' IniUal ' at ages of Tile meet ing, fic ordlng to Dr. are the proud , vrandparentll of. Subject to tbls 'a pproval, tbe daughter, Mrs. J . Campbeil and organization. Gen . . Harding ha~ Harvey. was ca lled for tbe pur· baby aon born to thei~ son·ln·law Boal'd ot T.rustees is plannlnr a • ~ Mrs, ~gan W~ , or 1300nev llle. divided Warren County nto elev<Eln poseor discussing BanItary reQ.uire. and daugbter. MI'. and Mrs. lWbert building tbat will meet the speo· l{entuoky, and . Robel1; Brllce 'sectors, cor responding geograpb., menta fOr eati ng ~'nd drinking es· 'Qreullcb at Reid Memorial HOs, ifIco.ilons ot 't h e State Fire Mal" Mrs. Harold Shutts opened' hel' of Hamll~n, we J Sa.turday eve· Ically with the eleve~ tOWllBI11ps • The 'Waynesvlle Rotary Club had tAbllsbrnents. TheBe l'equlremen ts pital In RIchmond, JndlaDa. Mrs. sho)'s omt'e and ,'.'111 a8sui'e tbe bome ,on Tbursday afternoon. tor nl'n g suppel' gu s of 1111'. una of Uie ' county. EaCh . Sector will two guesta at their r gular Tues. are now In ,1;l1e process of revision the Ootober meeting bf tbe Wo . Mrs. Ra,y Ma1q.9u be administered by a Sector 01. day evening meeting Ton y by the Warren Qounty Board of Gruellch was ' the former Esther snd bllslne.ssea: Lukens. The Wayne Township Volunte.er eli's Society oi ChrlBtian Setvtce, , Mrs, John 1'r way rell at ber reo tor and · Staff, in accordance Young. of Lebanon, and Dr. Hoff. 'H ealtll. The purpose, ot this action, all Mr.' and, MI·s. WtIl18m StrouBe FII'e Dep~l·tment personnel .I·e de· with thirty melnbera and two home In M1dd e ' ,'I' ll during the witb his policy of decenttallza tloll, man, or Franklin. and little daughter, Oarol Sue. and Pl'oPllrty o()'W nerli ot tbe beBL obtain· guesta. Mrs,. Clar,!- Kles ~nd · Mrs. ,past week and · ter d a , frao. In order that looa l . officials, may Supt. Ken Retall1ck presented a announced by Dr. ,Tames H. ·Arnold, llll'ed hlp. Sbe. lIalldle emergencies with mlniml1m , petition for scbool teachers sal. president ot the Board or Health, )dr, and Mra, Jobn 'Burske recently able tire I)rotectlon for llleir homes Opal Hetzler present. vlllited friends aud relatives in s'e rv ln g of adell\lBt~ , hous:n g- 'for . 'Devotions for the afternoon were 1.h ~ r.f.,IddletoWb lI.elay and maiXImum ,ef(lcieuoy, reo aries, atter wbJch Roy L. Patter- at a, recent meeti ng ot tbe Board, Athen'a. their valuable equipment. The new ' In charge of MBr. Glenn ~Iexallder ' sbe I'emalns in 8el'lous CO'Il' garjlles8 o( when anll where s uch ', 80n, Governor of D19It. 231. Rotary IB to raise the Btandards of all eat· Mra. L. i, Burton. aclcompanted building will provide ample Bpa.ce and Mrs. Cbarles ,Davis reviewed ditJon. (tmerge ncles mllY arise. A county International, was introdu ced by lng and drinking establishment!! Mr, Ohul'es Bl1rton a~d tamlly. ot both tor taking care of this ,equtp· the booklet ,on t he fheme or the Mrs. i s . convat· staff t" be known SB tbe Zone Prell. Cap Stubbs. in the mtrren County Genern.l , Staff, w ill ,operate under the _dl. Gov. Patterson recommended Health Di strict to a level tbat will Spring Valley, to Cleveland on Sat· ment and a place for the memlier s day, "Tile H ealing Gift That .He aeelng at her urday morning wbere they spent to bold tbelr bl·weekly meetings to. Lend.8." . Mrs, Jobn V;re~gewood " urlng tbe receiving Tectlon of Geflera l HardIng a nd the local club for Us fine altend- asaure protectlon to the eating the week end with Mr, and · Mra. talk' over their pI'oblem5 which at· a)so gave a report on a meeting serious JnjurJe.s. wl\ cool'dinale and assist Sector ance and said in regard to at. public. which she l'eeantly attended In Thla telng tilrect~ra, anll • heh' respective tendance "You elthe.. want to , 0 Thos,!! establlebments indcating Charles LeMay and children. The tel' all ure (lur ' probhims too. LeMays are ,~ow occupylnl tbelr AtI Pr Investigation a nd the ap' V8n Wert. , ·and Self Denial StaftB In civil defenBe Bnd disaster or you don't want to go." • a. sph·!t or cnopprnUon with 'the new home at 6909 Brownfield Drive p.r oval or the Wayne Townsblp Plans , were mad~ t~ attend II relief activities. ' ' After tbe ' speech by tbe Di st. Health QlDmlssl\l n I' In , thl efParm•• 27 •. Ohio, Po suburb ot Cleve- Fire Dopa'J'lment and the Btate meeting in Leba.non on November Wa.yne ;t.ownshlp has been des. Gov .• an assembly wa~ held and fort , SS , evi d ~nce d by nttendance lanj!. ', . Fire Marshsl · til " insul'IIJlce rates , 14, when Esther Lalrd . ret.urnlld Ignat d as the fourtb sector anll written reports, In tr!~\lca te,. were at the m t ln g are AS followlI: W, Fl. Sawyer haB been named turned in to the Governor. Camp us In,n. C aat· , lty BakEn,)·, Mra. ' Anna Hauenste in of Long ~111 b~ reduced accordingly. The mlsalon~ry from Korea ; wm "peak Be.ch. California, cailed on frlenda saving thUB efCeoted, In many also Cor the annual turkey lIupper director and Ja'mes E. Jones ' dep During tbe assembly. Cap. Stubbs Golden .Lamb, L banon Don U l here during the past wsek. Mrs. cases, '11(11.1 practically balance the an.d I>u~r on November 16 at tb.e uty dlreetol" recefved a', call and had to leave: Shop. Sweet Shpp. Lebanon Gmd.e Hauenatel n wf\s the former Anna additional aPlollnt pla<:ed on the Metbodlst church. Tbe- society General Harding pointB out that TII~ meeting waB then turned over. School areterla" Lebanon R lgl] Clemmons, dBlIlhter 01 Mr. and tax duplicate by' the passage of adjourned to meet at the home of ·thej'e are approximately 700 reo to Vice Pres. Raymond 'Braddock, Scbool Cafeteria, Lebanon. ' 'Mn. Cbarles Clemmpna" who are the Bond' Isslle.· . Mrs. L. O. St. Jobn on Wedn~day sponslble positions to be filled In Far El1ls Part>' Bouse, T~lma's former r~8ldentB 01 Waynesville. Wltb new homes sprin ging ,IlP; afternoon , November ?9, change oj cO!l1pl-tll'g the organization. all Lunch, Wayn II iIIe Drug Store, ll'r. and Mr~ Ralpb HaaUng/5 all over the tow~sblp eWe: ·)t and , time due Ito tbsnkBgi.v lng. or which are ot the non·pay~ng W:ay~e nyn sv llle. were omong the gueal s when Mr. adequate fire protec;Uon 18 nne or Mrs. S. S. Elli S, Mrs. Harr, variety. l\i nney's . Dine Bar Care, Frank· Uld Nra. David Ross entertained the ~rneratonea . s.r ~ny comml!n· · Schenck. Ml'S. J, . C. -Hi.ley. Mrs -- - . Hn, Ohio, .t theb- home 1n Lehanon Slinday. it)' and mllBt', be oonftlclered by LeRoy Moran and M'I'S. Rutb Kill, """401........., n --. Spr(ngboa'o Grade School Oafe· Mr. a nd . Mrll. Clyde FI'omm and everyone In .t. Rt lI nh l l ud "'1 h a worth asslat~d the bostess. Dainty • WAR N I N Q I Joseph James, son ot Mt'. and terla. $ prL11gboro High School 8Gn ' .K.nneth of .springfield. and ne"," school bt:l:tllng In !1 0 ' 6\SII ot refreahmenta were erved durlb~ waa Hallowe'en pranks will , not be Mra. Charles G. , Jame~ Waynes- Cafetetla, S.ptlngboro. Mr. and Mrs. PI'elfln Banta. or New being tlllllt the ofil'd I f T "n lleea tbe sOcial hour. .p1a~e ot . tol~rated - our offtc~ra h.ve been vllle, was recently aelented tor the ,DI': Harvey wlBhes to expreB8 Carlisle, were Sunday guests or tbat the 'voters or tile allO clam,. Ifletructed to , arrelt If nece ...l')'. callt of I'The Silver Whistie" a biB appreclation of the , Interest ,Mr.•l,Id Mrs, .Jobn FrOnlm. ,·to1wlllsblln rsallzlng what flre proof .nd In case of d.atructio n of prop- colleg4kOmmunity Production' of ' shown by the rilllnag~rs of thol1e MT. and P,rra. M. A , Frlbrson t. lion means 10 their h,~:neB, ' VlSOry Qunm . _ked til ert)' b~ £ "'Ino.... p..... nla will be tbe WUmlngto CoUege Dramatics establlsbments wbo attended . the. 1: ' Cove)' held liable. Th. vIII... ' will lie DepartmeDt. n. . ,meetl~. and suggests tbat · the • nd dauyb~er , and Mr, and Mra, RchoolR, ('hllr es and hnRl" " · lIe q • E. Stroud a motor will t ote l a '4lr1\tJl¥ tor tbe Bond ' -• <• l!patroll'" ind I am askl'" the c~ Now a:' ~ JalDe waa I. m.DI1,~fs tbe remaiDlng eatab-
Youth ,. In Wilm. Cast
:. C ·1 ' Hold. Meet Here
1"ll1I~ _~
f~1 1M the acc.dent aDd tbe victim waB
: .....-: ' J hive the d.. , bOtIl
Jl8IaAl__ t~,cp~
UIJOII trbfllr return ttlnner was beld tbelr Octoher me tlng at we may not tbe college aJld -the local '~an at ' tbelr earlieat conven· le"ed at tbe Smith Tea ' Room MOVES TIN ' CHOP home of Mr. alld ·Mrs. Rudolph HIl· remOVed to the I\rlamt y'alley Hos. .~ru~tlon of p~operty thtl year. aa community. "The' Sl1v~r Whistle" lenpe. ' .. TO NEW HOME t debr~cht. "Drivers TralnIJlg III the pltal. In Day!toD. In previoul yearl, WaR flret prqduced by tile New - - - . ; ; - -......i ' honoring Ml'lI. Fulkera.n ·a blrtbday 8DDlvereary. Tbe Morgan Tin Sho'p moved School" waa the topiC' tor dl'ltnlB' ' ' H. M SHERWOOD. York Tbe~re Gund In 194-8: It will Tbe Claude'. ~il'ud family had all lut week end from Ila do wn· s10n. conducled )Jy Mr, R. 0: Mil· M.yor be alaged In the Wllmjngton Col· . ' SUlld.y atternoqn guests Mr. and. town location to Ita now hilme ' at IeI'. lind many hUeresUng rpmllrks . NOTICE TO ~LL GMHM'_' eelge_eee leg. auditorium November: 8 and 9. Mrs. Charlee A:zIlng and daughter, the nortti end ~f tdwn. ' 1Wllr,e made. The Conncll adjourned Laat week, through In ove,.Ig'ht, ----. and Mr. Hnd Mrs. Ahrens ' . to baye a. llhankBgl'fillg supper· the Ilgnature wle off the t No stTlng/i e,re attached to this cl.a.ugbler of Dayton, , I meeting In , November ,with Mr. Waynelvllle Dry Federation adver· relier. [t IB distributed by otIlcJal and Mrs. Horace Shanner as host tllement. It Ihould have read the ~~ church agencies wlthollt regard to . l.f r. snd Mrs. Cbarles Meha.f1e '6I111d children atte.ndf d the marriage and ' , bosteas, A dainty dessert ume •• the IIGlflatur~ on thll , I. O . race, class. creed or nationality. of'tht form,r'. Ilelet.. l'ofl8B Rutli ' . _ '. Icourse wa~ served du~lng l tbe , 8()· week'e ad On Page Three. The Girl Seouls met with their Tbe refugee camps get the food MIiII1lfUe tp · Plr, Irvin L~ke at !'of,. ·and' Mr•. 'E, F. Earnhart 081· c:I,1 bour. ,. leaders. Mrs. Doroth~ Wollard , and MRS. ,HIL Y GIBS'ON frOtn ohu.rch warebouses 04 'tbe ' dbrlill EpIICOP.1 ClJutob, Dayton lel)rllltOO their Ulirty.tlfth wedding P"'NCAK,E ·,SUPPER M1'8. ]lutb KllworUi Ootober 12. Correapondent w:arebpuse,s get the grain from local 0.11 Satur4ay evening at sllven· Innlversar'" saturday and' were I Tlckels tor the Pancake Supper The Wh.lpporwllls had a: tesl on Mr. and ' Mrs,' Jess Mlcbael spent flour mUis -where the processing tblr,y o'clook lind rlcept10n which hon~red with a six o'clock dinner . Saturday, Nov. 4th at tbe Meth· how b, fold dlfferent bandages. Saturday evening with Mr. and pl'Ovides lahor to Bupport the eeon· followed at tll.e bride', parents· .~ the bome of ,their Bon·ln·law and , Ea~nhtrts odJst CIII1'l'ch ballement WI.IIi ' be, The ChickadeeB were dlscUBS lng Mre. Olarence. Crawford. omy of the people. .ERP rebates 110m, on Kenilworth Av.nue. Mr datr«hter, Mr. and Mr• • J. N. Ro\). avalable through any of the M. wbat tbey may do In order to earn ~. Oeorge ' Bratten remains ocean freight on this grain to the . )feblrne ser'vad a. ullhlr. little Inson and ohildren In O(lyton. Th~y Ma, E. V. Barnhart opened ber Y. F. members or at the parsonage. tbelr ba~ges. qu.lte 11I at his bome bere. ,eUef agency. Thus the grain doThe Cardinals, the newco.m ers to na,t ed I)y local fa rmel'l! IfJ on ItI1 way )IIlla Julla MehatJIe WaR a junior alllO were overnight gUest a ot Mr. bome during the past week to the Serving will be f1'<lm 6 : 00 'to 8:00. brl,d esmald and IIIrs. Meharlle w~s and Mra. Charles B, Earnhart and ' ArgUnot I!rldge Oh\b, nnd the (01· "AU the Panca.k6£1 you cnn eat." the Scouts, were· studyl"g on their Mr. K,e nnelh Bratten. Mrs, J aB, by th,e shor test rbute~ freight r. ~ hostess Cor tbe recePtlon7 children In , Trot wood. Ilowing guests, Mrs. LURie Rldy. salis age, salad. anil coUee for , 500, laws and Pl'oml ees s o they can so~n Bratten. IMrs. OIara Moore, of paled. uplifti ng ovel'seas economy, , Mrs. ,Marie , Rl.fflA, Mrs, Sla'nlev be ",ble to wear, the uniforms owhh Geor D8)It,on, BcaUed anltnfrs. assuring surylva1 nn d rene~ Ing Mrs. OJ:'ace L. Smith enjoyed --'''-'::'''''==':':;--'' .., ,, Plnn on beln~ , the r e . . . . tt on M Mr. d Batley. M.... ·D. R. Smith and' Mrs. '. tbe otlie r troops: ge ra en on n.y eveni ng. bope. I ~U;;;:f:With friends In Xenia' Oil ~lvlI Thompson . • A deliciOUS (I,s. WOULD YOU LI~l; TO GO BACK ' News Reporter .t.a8a~dra H<rlmes ' Mr. al!d Mrs. HHy GI bson iml\ed _ __ --'_ _ 1"L.~.8t. se" course was sill'ved and three on Mr. and Mre. Harry Clb$on rll~ d TO CLOS E', FOR \!A9ATION ' M"II. E. V. Bunhart anct M.... ~ TO' GRANDM ... ·S O... V? 1II0ther MrR. ' "'mma Glbs'on. of ta.bles of bridge. were In piny ~ur" Ol.'v ille Oro,}, a nd lle , ter Carey Marie Rlln.' bad alt FrIday .ven~ng Ing the afternoon. with Mrs, R. ' G, You can. For 0'0 SU!lday night , 0 , , BellbrOOk SatlIrllay nfternoon , annO\l11 e tbat til II' bar'b er lIil: p di"ner ...·.atll. Mr~. B. lY A""e, of Mr. and Mrs, A, H. E.rnhart had November 51h at (he Met)lodl st #' . Miller, Mrs. H. L . Rye and Mrs . 1 h "'r9. Elsie 1{0 ster of ]. ebullou, w ill be closed for vaca.tion 'from 'P hN I au Art "M D_ BI week end guests Mr. '1tex, Vale. I b bl t ,. ... o.n l[, IOU.\ all,. ~II; ....y. Hldy receiving the prizes. 0 !UrI) we 8re go la g to A e .0 s'p ent Sundsy with ll er ~ and ., Nov, 6 to Nov, 20. ~ond no... ,.of Batavt.. Mr. and Mrs. lilvel'.Btt Dodd and look. III Oil 0 ho~e seene ~r Q-rand, lII18s Mabel Vale 01 Smithfield and family, Mr. Mo'rrLs Lewis , , ' ma 's nnq Grandpa's dny 'wltll COil' We bft.ve many varIed perlOnal Mrs. D. C. Ridge was a week Mise Edna and S harOn Bun neu , . lIIr Alto Earnhart of PaUlding VISIT POINTS OF ,INTEREST cueat of ...latlve, 1n ·'Maosfleld. ':<: • n ." tumes ot that pel' lad . and w'ltllJ t he o.plnlol\s about many .of our, BOclal of Lebanon; $pent the we It end Tbey were joined on Sunday by U r and Mrs Albel·· Brannock I 1" . Mr: aud Mrs .. Raymond Braddock . .... . , •• old fashioned 01\ . amps. practices of ~he day in whch we with their grand paren ts .Mr. and Greetings and sallllallpns folk s. Mr.T and M r<1 ' e · ' and cIauIhter Ramona, visited MillS IIIr:. and Mrs. LaMar Jilarnhart and aplt BOD Billy an" " h holr of ,.he cl1urcb w1\l live. , But r.eally. as ChrIstians, i1 Mrs. !:lll-y Gibson .' Here's more neWB nnd ;notes fro m , , d!Jlghter, Be.ttl, ~I\" all wer~·. aun. Milton E, Jonea vlBlted , Serpenl d • I th " Old F ft'" d W .. WIJl!el~'~&I Brfl.ddoejt ,anll Miss ' reSD n e a,..uone ay Isn't a matter of ,,{bat u~r opinions ~ ....... _ B.... n..I. ·.t -o.or"e Sohool, dinner gU • .,ts of Mr. alld Mrs. Mound 'and other 'pointB of Interest and 8sslst in, the Binging. are but 'the important thing Bbould' P;b. and lIfrs, Lewis ' Tllomllon B.r\d Wi. It S. llOt off tbe preslli to' you, _...... _.. D Ea." . E"rn"art and children, In aouthe'rn Oblo s· un' day. IItJtle dDught Debb t D oy t on. To 9t .'t clUt , wltll, ~el'e'8 an ' .... The congregation ·wlll enjoy a n be, wbat Is the opinion of Jesus. el' y, 0 hDDII11vania ,over ·the week end. ... Mr. 1IraCJ400k alSI) attend.d a .. "Old Fashioned" l,Iymn sl g. sing· tho Christ. Tbat Is the question to spent Ihe week end ' wit b their item t llll t had Lh · Agrlcu'itul'e boys . Friend. " OOIDlPlttea ' meatinK 'af LOCAL GIRL PLEDGED TO lug the old hymns that you loved be considered at t.h e Methodlst Parentll, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence up' ln t he IIlr l/lSt '[1uesda.y. T \1e vocal'lounl agrlCltlture tNlcher, MI'. Pblladelphl.. .:.l ALpHA PHI SORORITY 10 sing years a~(>. ' ·I)hurch · next Sunday, "What Would ,Crilwr.ord. Mowbray nl~d lli R class went to . OUl\ge in Alpha Pbi Sorority of Ohio state No one will wa'nt to mlSB tbls Jesua Say?" ' . Mrs. Hily Gibson, Mrs. Alice . , , Mr. au4 M1'II. B, L. Robluoll Mason and enjQyed · an a irplane 84 girls ' ou 'Service of song and drama which ,If you do not have a church Furman were slipper Iguest s of bave retumed from Pblladelphla. . . University pl""ged "" . , ' 'rlde ' at the Mason :l i., ort. wbere the.. -ere calied by the .Mr. Carl Selrm.n l wbo ~ealded Wednesday. October 11 . will bfin~ back memorles ot years ho.me, !Ie Invite YO\1' to worahlp Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Runyon last The Hi·Y boys tUf.d their dal l B iI' " , willi his ~andfatber. t.be late ' In . t hls ..... 0 ' up ' was uartha J gone by , Tu eday deatb tbe torm.r'a fatber. Mr. •• .... ane · · with U8 in friendship ,and devotion, . e , , H01l1ard Hawke, and g~d· Lukena. of Waynesville. Everyo e Is welcome to 'a ttend, Sunllav .scboQI Is open to all ages . Mr. Lue Morgan returned bome ellJ9YAd a I"one l' roa st nt I be Gecqe B. Rob. InIOn. ' . tb... H awe. k a I ao w I lh bls ' ~o . er. mrs. ----;__"__ With splendid teacbers. Attendance Sunday arter spending a few · days hlgbway pill'le last Fl'ld Y nlgbt. Gloom and dr n6 wer e ou eV11l'Y Mr,' and Mre, "'Ull~ . Strouse au.. .. t, ~re, Ellube'" n... .. and ·115 DAVTON VISITOR8 600 K LL.E" BY L fI T, , .., ...,. 3 I, .. FI E ' goal tor the month Is 160. .....st Vi'It h bl II daughter Wild Ca.mily, ,Mr, ~4 Itttl, daucltter .entertllllled on. now ••rvlnJ with lhe Infantry In HERE 8UNDA'V Thirty. f1ve.hunldred farm people Sunday the goal was more than and' Mre. Henry Bergel' of Beav. fn ce Friday · when I'el)ort ca rd s were I n Ollt ror Ille tlI'st six lI_urcla, '" ellln, With the Cill' !Co,.a, IaaII racelved two lIertoul! " . ClIDa.U Card Club all tb,lr pelts. tor whlcb be baa received , Mr. an,d Mrs. Kenneth EIlI:ey and loae lhelr livea in fires every year reached with, 170 present. The ertown. wee Its IeT'm. J\ ~ tel' they we rA gt ~e l1 Mr.. and Mrs, Ernest 'Ea rnhaJ't o,lit sonl", l'uI'ell Allowed ]'/~lIef , M" and. MfI, JlariIJ $4tterth. two "Purple Heart.... He la n01l1 dauabter, M_rJorle. of .Da?ton. viII' and tbo~sand8 al'6 Ini ured for llf~. 1 church wortlblp at 10:30 wltb Ita . waite ball •• Bunda, dIaD... Pllte reoo,.erlnS. from a ' I . wound Uld Ited Mr. IU,ld Mrs. Waltet' EIlI:ey Llght'nlng acoountja for Ulost fl\rm flne oholr a.nd opportunity for and, son Da'Vld; Miss Clal'a Daugh· oth ItS, more r;-\0011l , vr....... Itr.. L. J. Sattertb\ralte IcbNp"el1l1ound at tbe 1I00pl'.' In, Sunda, afternoon. fires. meditation and prayer la tba.t ters, Mr. and ~rs , G. H. Kesinger Wa.yne Vllle's ba ketllo ll team ... -" ""to w-blcb we canoot afrord to miss. ISpent Sundl\Y alerno: n ,~ i I'll lias sta rt d traIning ond h:tye been a114 claUdl'd or DaJtoa. Mr, a;nll Tolllo, , Upon oomplete reco,.ery ,GOLDEN RULE CLABS MEETING P08T.HOLE DEP'rH You will find Ii real welrome eacb friends in Kings MillS., pra tleing every night after Bchool II.... 'w.rnD Eape,. lira. Sarah ·be wm rejoin bla unit In Kore,a. I wellk. Mr,' and , Mrs. Melbourn Smith fol' lIvo weeks now. Keep at it Tile ~Ide~ Rule Clus of the IOn the handlea ~ poathole diggers, TaU and Mr, Robert Batt.ertll"au. and daugbter called on Mr. and boys. We surely would l~te to win ot CeDtenll... aDd Mr. Heal')' Bat· Mr. Don Ha1l1ke arul Mr. .Toy MetbodJat Sunday School will meet meaal!re oU paint various . M . Y. F. RALL V Mre. Arthur MorBan Sunday: tbat cbamjlonsblp trophy a ••1n tertlnralte. 'l'be, "'fere JoIned In Bbeehan flew to' Oleveland on at tbe 0( the teacher of tbe : deptbll. , tben ~n keep rIIbt Ten young people .ttended the Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Smltb thiB year. Tbe llrst buketba11 Ute .,..nhle It, IIi'. od Ifn. 1II')'d Tbunda7 wh.... tbe)' attended tlte OJaae, Mr. aDd Mra. R. C. Moler. on dlgglq until see tbe' dealred tubJ. Ir.. q4 IIr. aDd lin, MIIIoaIc GraDel Ladle lmeatlllI. re- AU member or !)I.e cl.sa are In. : deptb marked On tbe abCW81 AI. Y. F, Ball, aJ ·St. Paw'. church au4 famll, returned to their home Bam~ will. be Friday, ~ovember 10 In Da7ton ..at Suntl87 nllbt. for the winter In DaYton. (Continued on Pille SIX) .. StDrJ JIa1I IItdd1etolflL - - turIdq by ' on I'rIdar IIIIbt. ,..hId to be pnHDt. bUldle.
' .
C 1b W dd· e e . rate e lng Anniversuy Here'
Girl Scouts M•• At Meth' Church
m JJ.
'How Food' Is DisROP trlbuted By C
Bridge ClUb
. W
Have,. . ••It ' .. , End
W ha.t 'w uld ' Jesus Say".
High School News
Wayn. Youth W d·"
aorea .
. .-.:•• Nov.
Keep It That
THURSDAY. OCTOflEn 2~. tt)50
t'Hcll ,Ia)'. Mrs. Hiram OllOl'ge, rlrst grade teat her. here, nterlalned her Eltabll.h~d 1850 pupils alld tblltr parents, and SUIlt. PAUL A. SCHERER ....... ... . , .... , .. . .. Ed itor and Publisher and Mra. Jobn Ames to a HalloO_CltIA J. SCH ERER..: . •. , , . .. , , . . .. . .. .. Secretary and ~re3&urer w.,'en IlHI't.y, l"rlclrlY veiling at the ~r hQOI gymnnsium. . LYTLE METHODIST CHURCtc l'll bliRh... d EI'e l y 'j'hlll'. ,In y ~1ornlnl Tbe cbUdren came masked. METHOOIST CHURCH B. E. Baulbn, P aato r' J. W. Wedgowood, Minister n t Wnyn ' ~l'lIle, \'.'nrTon ·oIlJlty. Oblo PrLzes were glv n to Sblrley oon. Ohurch Scboo), 9:30 A.M., Mr. Unltled Service, 8:46 .. m. Entol' d fiR sO('(JIlcl cltlRS. matter at the prettlejjt, Gn.ry Plummer, tb .. Aarold Earnhart. Supt. til po wm e at \\' lIyneR" IlI ~, Obi ugUest, lind Gary FIBb er, 'the ~OBt . Worship SerVice, 10:80 A.M. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL . OFlglnaJ. Youth Fellowshlrl, SlInday 7 :30 '1'he }lev. Samuel N. Keya, Rectol Botb pupils and their parenti P.M •. S und ny: s ubs rip lion R~teS-$2. P r )'ear, In "dw\oco, in ,)1110: $:!.GO e\!:I€!where 1oloed .IIi a group of Interesting Choir Pl'actl'll Tbllrsday K:Ou. Prlmar)' ohurcb schoo l 1U:30 a.m. gnmes. The pupils- surprised Mrs. (Ages 0 tbrough 8) by singing "HaIlPY BI,r tbGeorge FERRY CHURCH 011' CHRIST GO TO THE BALLOT BOX Adult Worship, 10 :30 a. m day" and .l¥'esentlng her witb mnny Dyron Carver. Mtnllter The h. lIot box ~ l:tllJ S be{l,' en a fre' 1eOl' l" ;\n.1 lovely gUts. . Bible Sebool, 8:80 A ,M. Mornihg WOl1lhlp. 10:80 A.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH en~l a"em nt. The right 10 vol' i:1 Ih II' ll ~es l de) 1 r1l, George served cider. dough· William Sblnnon. Mlnieter PraY,e r Meetlns, 7:00 P.M. (ill e we have a~aill . t npl'res.i fln. Iluts and c'andy to the .-.Ighty Sunday School, 8 :80 A.M .• Mra. Younl People'. Meetlnl, 7:00 Few p 'opk , ill It'll,. IN.,. "l·t· hll~c 11\II11I,el'S guests. EvenJn, Servlcea, 7:80 P.M. Jamel OarrlsOD, BupL Preacbl",. 111. and IIrc!. Sur.' of li1 ri 'il Jl'. \\'1.10 re.~:trd th em: 'I vl! '; it g n (l and Mr. nnd Mra. W. . Brown and da,l of eael. month, 10:80 A.M . . pa tri ofi itiz,' ll ', ,f ai l t(l t:lke :1,lvalll:Lg nf til II' gr at- . WAYNEBVILLE CHURCH O~ Mr. and ?t~ra. hn rles ' Hartman Slvenlnl Servlcea, 7: 30 P. M. CHRIBT ,est pri vUeg . -AND-· Rnd fn mlly. of Springboro, visited " M. H. Coffey, Mlnlater ' 111 loca l c1ec1iall\ it is co mllHln fM Ie 5 [han tbe Indllm rese\'\'ntlon, neRr Hill,,· Bible School. 8: SO A.M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIEND8 \Joro , Sundny_ h:llf f th e ligibl ' v l lee to go I? the polling 11001,11 . . Mornln'g Worehlp, 10:30 A.M, . .... ParUqlGD. MIJ1IIt.r E en in n:t lion:lI ell! ' [ions, ill w hich men arc rUlllltnl!: The A(lult ('Inlls 9r the MeUloYoung Peoples' Meeting, 7 ;00 WoftlaJD Bemae, 10 A.M. P.M. . dlst chllrch' will hold their' QrWher fo r the hi " hcst t (f ice . :llld ill ",hi h is,\I ' !'; :Iod prill8UIIdaJ 8cb001, 11 uri. , , , . ., EvenIng Service, 81 00 P. M. iple.s of LI; ulrn n t J1I om .nl are li t . lflke, mi ll ion. of llI1'etlng In the hnrch sorlal rooms Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ' 118 Jon·t vote. Fl'lday nigh t. OREGONIA EVANGELI,CAL U. B. WedD-.da7, 8 P.M. MI'. lind MI·S. Maynard Ecton The r SlI lt, of our. " is ~nv rnlll nl hy minorI Jame8 H. Riley, Pa~tor are announ cing the birth. of a Sunday Scbool, 10 A. M. it - there is nQ IV:I" fo men ure fhe vit',,;. :lnd opinST. AUGU8TINE CHUROH Morllln~ Worship, 11 M. danghter, IRst week, at Mla.ml ions f the man w li o fails 10 ')\ cr 'i e the righ l f hther JL H. Krumholt1. Pastor Tbls 'Is Valley Hostlltal, ])Qyto. n . Mauel. 8 and 10 A.... , t nll; his. Governm ent f til peapl i pO 'sihl on1_ WAYNESVILLE FRIEND6 their second Mid. 'Mr. and Mrs. , hen the peop le make 'Iheir ,;Iand kn \\'n :Ino I'lr.t Da, School, 8:80 A.M. MT: HOLLY METHODIST William Ecton, ot HarveYsbur,. that ill1 he done onl y at the hrillol hox. Meelln, lor Worahlp, 1" :.80 A.M, T. ... Bcaff, Mlnllter lire tbe patemal grandparents. In a short lim' . Ih rc will be :lnot h~1' ele' 11 11 Bunda)' SQhooi. 8 :10 ·A,M .• (II. Mrs. VivIan Frye WIIS a caller In Qrf great importan ce. The on irol of C n Yj- 'ss \vill A. lIIarnhart. Bupt. PHONE 2'l4i WAYNESVILL~, OHiO Let lbls Sunday a nd ,'very • nn· Dayton Thursday. WorshlD Service. 10:10 A.M. be deci ded. The Pr idential al11jla ign of 1952 will day find you In 80me ('IHl l'ch Evenln. Senlc:e, 1:10 P.... the chur ob of yOll!' chOice. be ,Irongly influen'ced hy \d1~t hnppen th i Nove mThe 10CR I ehapt~ -ot the WombeT. J ali ie whi h wi ll detcrminc th future of the en's • oclely or Christian Serv I(le u.s. lIarlDee Flora. .4.rranlrementa nation, for f!'ood or ill. ",ill ll.e e lahli hed. Th ma· · c ntQrtalned the Martinsville chap-- United State. marine. were III Better tOo fcIY f:owers tban 100 tel' lit the MetbQdlst ,·hurcb. here, vQulI,ly resided 'In Waynesville. PIll·k.·S JJRernts. Mr. lind Mrs. H. Chlua II tar blck a. ISH, WbaD jorily wi ll rule, a:; -u ua l. But 'Ihet ruc Yak of tJle many in your flOrll 1 Arrangement., . they were .Ient &hera to protem Proportion I. at great ,imparlance. ' ''I'ed nesday a rteruoon. Tile ntrah' Johnnie Edward n II I' ton . or .' Tu ker. majority an never be known if a~ain , :1" in .th pa I, marked the celebration of t h'e Wnynesvllle, was It guest •. F I'ldIlY', ']'he Pco'ent , 'l'~acher;; Assocln. the live. of foreJ,a nera. InclwifA. See that your flowers lire approxl. millions of pe pie wit pos ea the t ight 10 vote' American •. mately ene and a h8lf Ume. the tenth nnnlv~l'So ry oC t he \V.S.C.S. of his grandparenLA. ' Mr. nnd Mrs , t11111 Will SPOIISOI' itrell' annual Hil i· shi rk lheit duty and re ron -ihilit y. heiaht of the vile. or one and • The visiting 'chapter brought ' the Carl Osborn. lowe' n - llmlvul II.t the I! hoo l ~ tud y the C:'If! jjdate. anti the ~ . ue ' ., M ~I~e. ~P ~alf tlmel the width Qf the bowl. SaYe Your ~r" tnTthda.y ca.ke which was de (lrl'olr. and Mrs. Barley Cnrtwrlght gymnasium IItllntllY nlgJlt. They . ,ill' mind as Lo \"hi h f them, III your op llllon. Kitchen arranaemenu thlt NVe Mall the beavy or dark f1owe". nted with t II candles. !'tfrs. Olaudln af1'd family. Qf Ath..-ns. weI' week will start I!ervlng the cnfeterla .Itooplna, Itretchlnl and 11fUn, ·ar. n.ar the' bale wltb the Uaht colora can do th e m '1' 10 keep thi s counlry s lron .~, 'oh'eilt Brandenburg, president ot this end house pests of Mrs. arl· s tyle flUllpel' at 6 p. m. The com· good Idea • .tOI' eV'17 borne,. and form • . toward the top. an I f ree.. And th en vo l e. chapter. presided at the business wrlgbt's parents. 1r. IIJld Mrs. ml ltee In c bnrge of I he festivi ties llPt. J<)bn nleellng, ' Mr. Dorothy Bollinger Todd BUDce. hil S Imllounced tba{ there will be Dosler ex· hnd ()harge o-f tbe program. and , l\flS8 Mary Jane Moor , who lin'! 1\ wI/Ie sele tiOIt of foods, pm'tlc· two m ill school tax Mrs. Mary S. PierSOn I d tbe group been living ,At ttl(' bpnie of her I lIlarl Y t o nccomodnte I.""~e wbo 1f'''Y whif!1,I will be llresel'\ted fQI' In devotions. Jtefreshments wer mother. Mrs . .MlIlI e Moore, .tor ' deslre n (1111 dinner. The 111111><1\lerTo The ·aPln'oynl ()f vaLerI) In. this district s rved by tb~ local cbapter. ¥vernl weeks. nns r movNI . to j ll de nnd gptnd nlnrch wil l begin By JANE FITE CENE~ at lhe gene.r.al ele lion, Novembe'r Mrs. Dorothy Bollinger enter · Dayton. ' lll'omptly at e'ght (l '('1 1)1.. Prize.; MillS Mal'1lyn R, George Is r cov- . 7. ' cbool offiCial s eXlilnln tlml tAlned I~ lth II birthday party, Sat· Mr. and Mrs. I.awreure Hongh . 11'111 be gjvPn to tlie beat (l,'e sed. el'jug fronf ,. Il major sll1'gery. per· t het Is !I ll lIl'gent n el'd [or U11s urday complimenting their elder lof Sabina, were glU's t s SatllrdaY' 1 the ugliest, yonngest C(lIl I, 1!~ , th .. . formed last wrek at Minml Valley to {la 9, :u; lhe VI' sen t runds Ilr~ daughter, Ma.rgy, ,who was eele- of Mr. Hough'lt moth er', ~h·s. Lizzie l .mo~t original anti lhe be~ t n .. p· .Hospital, Dayton. Sbll is tb e inaclequllte to' operate the S·11001s. brating her eighth birthday arinl. Hough . . , reSel\tation of Molher Goo~/!. The dallgbter of Mr. and ~rs. BY I' t.t h' r rre Uvely. T... arKb Ferguson 'VersRry. Following a group of sevMr. and Mrs. Carl s boln hnd ' commlttcl' Is 0 1&0 J,l nmi' ng 1I " like ' REPUBLICAN GeOTge, of nen.r K ingman, presented 11 musical l)rogrnm and eral games the hostess served Ice aet heJr dlnuet guests · Sunday , walk. Guests ~ere: Mr. and Mrs: EdWard Burton Ilnd Mr. and ]\frll. Harry Es te!le. 0: Mrs. Susie Gilliam who bnlj been a motion. plctw'e, " The CrosBro~ds cream a.nd cake. LEBANON, OHIO tbe bOl1se ' g~est for AI' eral , eeks. o[ Amerca" was IIhown, Barbara Bogan, Linda Tlelmeyer, son, Johnnie Edwa,·t1. of· 'Naynes· Gel·mantolVll. were l'eC6nt guests FOR A SECOND TERM of Mr. and Mrs. JllmeB Rad,i!r ll~l\l Mrs. Emma itJine, of Dayton, ~s MaT), E l11s, Marilyn Doster, Kath), ville. Clyde RUlIYon. of Sligo. Don- or 'Mrs. W. C. Tichenor. CeDeral EleCtion, Tue.day, N.ovember, 7, 19£0 famU", r turned to her hom .' III lbe house gUest of her s ister, ·Mrs. Etz, LiJlda Harl~n. James CalDpbell ald ' Schleebae. of Morl"O'W. and Daywrt Tbursday night. Osee ir~rlan. and Donn·a. Fls.her. Mrl). Mary Hoel'llt.ler, of here. Mr, ahd Mrs. 3am Welch, of Your Vote and S",pport 'Will Be Appreciated . ....d'" l' P It d Iowa, have 'been vlalttng for sev· Xhe 0 toller meetlng of tile E. , Partlngton who bas lleen Mr. and Mra. Glenn Hopkins ...... an ....rs. 1 ames ar an World 1'1 Vetem -Pol. Adv. Parent TeacbeTs . ~ssOl)tatlon wns ~erlous.ly Lll, hae improved to the have moved Into the llobertsoo daugbte rs. ' o( OlnpLnnaU, ' were eTRl days In the home of Mr.
,Coal Heating S~TOVES
Fairley Hafdware .
tlle school
gymnasium extent tbat lie can Btt u'p briefly apartments here.
The couple pre-
.WE "SAilED :~;tOOOl
a~oid mis~nderstandirig,
we call attention
o\u rules now established.
2 mE 3 INTEREST THe 4 .5 ' . DER 1, 1950.
Come ,.~;, I •• wily you cou/J pay $',000 more no' gat oil 'Ir.e ,,'ra room, ease af ' ItaaJ/iItv a.nJ 10_' Jep.nJablll'y Do4ge , HAT IlF.TTIlR wnv 10 spend li minules 11"'11 by Sll\'ing' I.bool Ye. just 5 mil1u ,~ Is all it takt.'S.for liS 10 ~how )'0 11 why Ol~' n ers . sal' you wIIIII pay , 1,()O(l "lUre for a ( ar ~"1d still not 81:1 all that Dodge gin'S ),olll . ''''c'lI show volo roomine~. inside-h':'1d ronl11 . 1 ~ ro 1\1 . ' houlder room. Wc'll lei you' &ample h~' lI l1iL\g c:t , the 5Iart·:ln,l·sIOJ'I slI\(!olhn s of Fl"i.1 f)ril'C. \ 'ou'lllearn ~bO Ul fnmoll 5 \)o,lge ruggcdncs., iUl() depenilahill lV Ihm ~:l"G'S ) 0 11 '"111\,·), ~ear after ye;,\,. : ' Bdon! }'O~r drohlr on :lIIy car. olli e Ill ! 1)011't W'..il, .pend l'i nliuII ICS "'itll IIS-S;'''c 1,0001
_ "m
YES, ANY IJ11IIR CAll 'THAr PlIASED (J$ 80TH . C(JS'ft #1,000 MOIIEI . AIrW &;g.r Uru
• "IHOWTIME ••• U.S,A."-The Greateat Show on Televl.lon-See Your Newlpaper For Tlml & Station
MURRAY AND-LAUTERBACH AUTO SAL-'S . . .IIIIW., at Oakwood L....non, Ohio
The: ab~ye , reqti.irement~. · ~e · c~ntrolled entirely by. t:erm~ .a~~ c~nditionswe too must meet. ' The " ~a1~ ,y.:ou pay us.' f~r what you buy controls' Qur . abl11lty to buy and ,the service,we are able to
reu!d er.
co-oP. ASSN.
- --
~ TII[
Witch ','ley Will .He Go Now? -
People, Spot~ In rhe MIGIITY MO i n action " U ,S,S, ' Missouri, world 's mightiest bat · tleship, ' looses broadside tha t bombarded Korea coas t.
' ''''.I: ~'''''
palg n of lies being waged agalnlt me Is nder the direction of out-of..tate Labor Itlclan.. fity opponent haa no more to , about the running of hie campaign than would have to ally about hi. vote. In the U. S. Senate. I am confident the farmera and other CItizens of, Ohio will ahow their reaentment agalnBt thla I~!er. ference by their votea November 7 , warren County Farm Taft. Com, " Henry F. Hudson, Chrm. , Lebanon, Ohio , ' \
food help8 the OF SERIES E BONDS . J . Wll ~go n el', \ "n lTen 'oullty It does no t rench r ruge e~ rOl' It 1M Savings (louds Chll ll·ullln. lUI, Bolil by tlle fOl'olgn government Doun ced toda y thllt 81des of ol'les and I'efugees bave no funda with 'E Bonrls d UI'lng . ellt mhe r LOt ~ lled ,,'ble h 10 buy. II I0 reov~... fugeos $26.3!l1."U us c-.ontl'us 'e I w ith Scp, are no more a parI of the . local t IJlb I', 19,i!! 81d a o,r $!!il, !OO,OO. economy tllll.lI they 111'0 o f Ame)" Ills 1111110Il rt("'m nl fo1! olVe;d n lean e~oDomy, Fug l Ll ve~ are pea· ' IltlltelJlent ,fl'oin ' dl l/1l\)IIK • . r llel' pIe wlt h01lt n hOlll o. w Hhont n 1,1 the I I 1l~ 1( 1 11 ~ t ll\"lO',dll M/d ·s country and lI.lO ort II wllhout an y for eptemb r. IllLhough /:! tIIl h low hope, Beat n.u llJorlt l 8 estlmllte 1919 lev Is, were only l e ll per ' rtt that n t housund. reCu '0 s a dll Y und er the • Hm c month IIl8t Y Ill', tlee to Westel'll Gel'mony Ulld August 19nO nles had het' ll 18 (lOI' Auatrlu fO l' asy luUl. This doea not cent below Augu at l~H 9, InclUlle the VG at n dR In JlIplID, Totul sa le ' , tor the at.ll'le 1. !I t Korea, ' blna am!1 tit PllllllplllOS. montb \\I I'e $1.16.347, 07.00 ' Pilln
f Ol'elgu et'onoml eR wonderfully but
8eycileUea Nu' The largest true seed known to
Lslands 1n the Indian Ocean. Re· sembling an oversIze coconut, a single Seychelles nut may welllh 30 or even 40 pounds, Clusten of the nuts require five years to rna· , ture, "
A ll atlrHc tlve m odern kitchen h .. Ill e l t<s' and cabinets enameled 1n
DOl1BIJE ~IVE-G eo rg e Kell of Delrni t losp.s cap as, he sild!;;; Into second inches ahead of d iving , "1.\ Ly , I'Inkce shortstop Phil '. ' , , ,
- - ---,-Foreat RehabllltlltloQ '!'he grea test forest rehabillta. tlon proj~ct ever undertaken by either , slate or federal government h.. been 'iniUated by the .tate of OrellOil with a '10,000;000, 10 to '111 year planting and improvement pl'Oaranl ' startinll tn the hUlle TIl. lamook tlurn.
fnd er •• Kltoben Colonul ,
lIH9 Aulo Pr04ue&\on
The 53 automobUe manura turers in the United Slates set a new production record In 1049 by lurning out 6.250.000 cars. Il'uci{s. and bu s~es, ThIs t01J1 tho! prev ious record, set 1n 1929, by almost a mUUon vehlelel,
Deepest Lake s : •..:. a..::i..... H... trlcUona The world's deepes t l akes s r F , d~'! U 1;0 0 , t,; (e laws Impose Baikal in southern Siberia, with II such re, tr ctfb!IS on msrgarine soundlnll at 4,982 feet ; and Tan' l th3t . ·,t c po I' mun' s butter" II ,anylka in Africa, plumbed to not , :bd{"d by aLout 40 per cent
0 ......0 --
4.708 teet.
loH salmon· r ose, '!'he waUs sllslnat w hl~, ' these cabinets are placed are coated in the sam e color. End W<llls a re a light fern·green and the IB me color uaed to coat the drawer linings. Li noieum and work coun. tn sur faoes are brown, while door fram 5 are dull silver to' match
Don't 'For'g'et P.-T. A. "
Carnival Saturday- Eve At the School House
~t theOnA~j~, n.s'o gro:~e.~rs~==~tb~e~l'd~giln~g~O~n~,t~he~w~or~k~Cin~uniteirL~iiii~~~iiii~ii::~~~~~~~~~i 1::
To ... ..
o o
IT', J;)'E PBIVES FAMILIES, mainly children, of .UCR NEEDED clothing ' and fOOd.' ' , . . ,. ., , ,., " ". , ' ~IVERTS 'O PERATING · RE~ENUE, tlltat Is so badly needed, forE~TRA. ' pollc~ to mal,n taln peac~ a~d order. " ~, ' , .'" , "BE' ON:LY MONEY r~ceived by the ,village by having beer sold' within ,is' o derived 'from the beer license. . , .-' " .' , , , . .PLA£ES WuEBE,BlmR has been sold .i n thevlll~ge have, III the .past, created 'a place for '1lltoxicated persons 1~o con&regate un't il LATE at ,night, us_ally· ' e~dlng In "' ' ' . a brawl or fist fight. . COND~TIONS , s~clt as ,'THESE require PO~ICE to be on dutf -.:antit SUCH , p',ac~s arCt ,elosed and "~ ' persons ,are~ checked, for . lnto~icatl~n" etc'.' ·:IT. DEFIN'ITELY WOUld' have a DEG'RAI~I' NG influenc. on the children and young people."l'n ~Dr tow.n. • •
. "
VOTE' NO NOV~ 7 ' -'
- -
OOER 26, tC)50
mam s r r t.he thl rrl quart I' Q( 191'i(\ on ~r before mjdllight 'ruefldIlY. t.ob r 31. the Bmell ll or ( u omplol'menl omlll)nsallon "nr\le d lodltl'. B dmlllislrntor Fl'nnk J , ,0 110PY l'olnt~ out tha t both tax: IlIL}" ments a u(l l'eDur\ R must b l)Ost' ma.rk ed loliev 31 01' enrll r fl) avoid llena lti 1\ Imposed 1)y lh Ohio lAl \\" 'rh e J,aw IU'o l' id ~ 1'{ )l'; 1. ve nalt y of ,10 pe r cellt 61' tbe ta x alUou nt ~ u e tor a h ' Qlla rrille terly repo rt tiled aH I' I h dot I ' with II m inimum hlll'g of $6 and a maximum barge of $25. 2. . An In terest ch ill'S .or. Ix DCI' cent pe l' year o( the lax a mo unt due ro~ raHn re to na y the tax: on time. E a b fracti on of fI mOl iLh wtil be. f igured 8S a ful l montb , In oompullng th,e period tor whi ('.h Interest Is being clmrg d. 'T he r eports and lax pay m nts are due fl'om emplQ¥el's baving tbree or more. t \IIl-tlme 01', pa rt. time work rs on any aile day durIng- tbo quarter. ' Twenty-one types of employmol\ a r rioL COy red by tho Oblo and employers who are uncertain whe ther or not \.hey are subject to tbe law nre ndl'is tI to w,rlte to; 'Ohlo BUI' au of nemploym li t mpe ll ~a tlOIl , 127 Clel'eland Av ., oillmbus ) 6, Ohio.
_"--___ __
II'OD Ore In northern New York la the third larlest tron or. field In the United States. the New York state c!Qlartment at commerce reports. ,Owtn, to the nation's waning iron deposit, In mld·continent, New York', hUie hi,h·,rade tron ore nlerve. In and near the ' Adlron· dack mountains has .. aumed an Important pOSition In the mlnln, IndUltr)',
GIBSON CDrrespDndent
Looks to 11I\\' e Pliny weat h I' rOl' II few d flYs . P QIl.lP Around 0l'w1n hal' e been busy ga.ther lng COI'U lind flome
SheDao ID Olden TIme. More than II 100 years before the !ellon. of Julius Caesar, invaded Gaul, the naUve. , of milia belaD to uae sbellac to protect the surfaces of their temples aDd 'b omes.
Boston. the FCC ha~ warned operators of sma ll boats allainst the use ot profane language o'n theh- shlp-lo-shore radios. The ruling Is probably tal' l and 's sake!
• •
Democratic Candidate For
Bottle Gas
Superstitious offici ols in Grand Rapid s, Mlch " will number the 'thlt' t eenth firehouse No. 14 _ Wonder if the smoke-eaters are allowed to wa lk under ladders?
Representative to COngr•••
Reports trom Africa I.n dicate that Gold Coast cannibals who Uie hair ,oil as a sandwich spI'ead
..Alk About our Price
Installation and, Gas
l -Early Statesman •
il1l heads : 'of
-have '-ab-UU-dan t
Sou!1ds like an In~lde job.
has designed diamonci jewelry that ':lings to blll'e skin. Thl' outlook
YO:k· ia:hion' deslgne.·
A New
VDnCAL HOIllZONTAL I Pictured early 2 Rupee. Cab,) U . S . dlplomat. 3 Airplane' Btnjamln • Nltlonlll Re· , f South Caro· ' , ~ver,. Ad· minl.trltlon 11nl Cab.) (:lb.) 10 Suecesslon I Equipment UUk. , • For telr • • IS Beret 1 Exists , 1& Rodents 8 Shop Be Hated t Eccer. tr!c 17 Fruit wheel UIRa• . 11' River 1.let 22 Either. 12 Direct 23Thu• . 14 Imperious 24 Symbol tor 10 He was In .odiwn ear.b U S. 2& DaybreU (comb. tonn)
Spring Valley Hardware Co.
I~ brIght fol' heuvy sales in nudist camps. '
n PlrInaclf"
36.11.J11n,natlv. 4Z Mal.
la Toaatm..ter a
' ,l mIetlt 44 Shield bear In, 45 Weapon mel~ 48 Me"1 'aaten., 29 Paid nollc:et 411 Diin. !2 Buick 52' Symboltor 33 Loolu uk.ace tlln..lum 3& Rectify $S Stmlor (ab.)
20 Repll.. 21 FI.h eu, 27100 lClua~
An :lrtt!r ' with what tiOW
• • •
'Phone 37371
Sprih~f lndiana car landed in II ditch the ' drivel' averted collision a runaway so. Wonder else the farmer 1!i;;;:;;;;===~============3==-E;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;~~ besides a ".road hug,"
Valley, O·
called the
,( TES'-:·'VOUR I. IRica. 1. Nalllt
the capital ot
'r- -- ~- '----- --
2. W~ a t play has h a.d 'the )ong" est continuoUS run 011 Broadway'l S. When was the first Min America ooDtest held?
I MAi~~!!·' G~!:~!!d41
2a Flxid look 30 LeiallK'lnt
31 Marry ,' 32 AIr raid alerm .......-I--I-_~ 34TreatlJe 3'7Id est Cab.) 38 BJmbol forlren 3tReem Cab.) In-+-"", 40!tl1aU
0'-'-*. -
for a
•. What ,1ft Is proper
weddin, annlver,sary'l
44 Indllns
~ , Who WIIS the composer of op~ra. "Hansel and Gretel"1
48ReJaUv. rab.) 47 Oil. who ..........~ 1IiJmJea SOConverlt I
Grul.." ror Do,. Green feed for ' plt. to eat in the Jleld mak.. Iram feed further, pillS ·tatten faater. and make. pi,. healthier and freer from lIarailte •.
t o Del! ny Andel' ~ o n and II! building a nIl' honse. I) wey Lamb l ~ buildin g 0 new bouse ~l\ Kew 'Burling ton road , ::\, r, a nd ;\GI'8 , ' Preston Loul callell on Mr. lind i\11'1l. Ernest G'ibson Frid ay nlgb t. Ern at Gibson [Lil li wi re and n ph ew La l'r), GIbson wer e in ' Dayton fj lltul'day on business, Mr. and ~1 rs . Pe nny Lamb llUlI SOll calJetl 'on their dauS!lle l' Mrs_ Margaret Stiles. MI'. and ?II'''. Jnnior J ohnson ohIO werC' ]\frl<. Stil es compa ny. Bet ty Lamb :\lId 11ll1ll'eo' sl)ent Sunday venlng with Mr. nnd },frs, r.ra rtln Boggs. Mrs. ~'a Lamb has 1111 or her (rl ends and )11', T.aUlb's relatives s ympathy 011 the loss , of h ~ r 1msband, 1111', JlmL.'\mb. who pass ed a wa. las t Monday. Octuber 15; nny Lam b nnd bls s lsw r, Mrs. EI'nElst G1b80u Iver" cnlled to Conway. Ky., OU II ccount of th e death of then' nUllt, Mrs. Mary ,Mollison Powell. who died til lOtll or IhlH montb. Mr. and ]\f1·S. Alb ert Lamb untl fnmlly culled ()n lIll', and Mrs, Jam 8 Stil s Sunday evening. Mr. and Mra. 1.eonul'd Gibson attended MI'. Lnmb'a funeral at the Free ' Pente oaw) Cburcb at Corwin. M,'. Gilbert Lamb lID !! bnrl n. loud S J) nk I' JlIl t on his "Ilr, '
Oct. 27··7: ... 0 P. M.
WPFB (910 on
' Some 7, .Oll
IIIp \ l' rs subj at to the Uhlo U WIJ\Oy ule ut ('om~n 11un 'Lf\w muS( fit th ~ lr tllX • 11 por ts and 0\ . k ~ iii Ir till: 1111 )'-
... --
Armitage &So~
'OZ61 UI '£ .. ·.I01U113 llllNi OII'L. 'z " 390/ qeg 'I
"() "I lInOA .1S3J.
..a ..
''1:lIi rp.radwnH 'Ql311U3 'S , 'Pl eJ3W a 'tr
11 Symbol for tin &2 Experiments &t North D.kota (ab.)
Starlet Explains Make- Up M 'gic I
IRLS who compare their own slapped-togethef lOokui8 moke-up win. tbe smooth, Ilnisbed 'appearance of mo.vie, stars often wonder what tricks. tbeyuae' to achieve Ihis perfection. Ruth Roman, well-known 111m actress, reveals a few of her dressing-table secrets ·in these tips OD .pplyina cosmetics. . .. For Ulal "portrait look," sa{e borrows a painter's tech,,' nique, brushllig on her make-up. To apply rouge iii this way, she touches the brisUn of a soft brush to a cake of the shade best suited to her eomIJlexion and costume, and then genlly atrokee her cheeks with the brush until .the color is well-blended. ". In the same way, she applies dry powder~ using another , £oft brush 'reserved for just that purpose. Care should be taken. she warns. to avoid caking" powder in your . \lair." lin&. " , , After applying' lif'stick, she finishes hel;' ,milke-QP job by " patting her face" ove-r :with" a cold. damp spon~. She\ prepares the sponge for Olis fresh-up luk by dipplDg it iu ice waleI' and ,'then squeezing it well to eliminate extra lOf,)isture. ' A small bowl of water is standard dressing·table equipmenl for Ruth. She finds it particularly useful w1,en she 'AppI1lna' her favorite cake with is applyil)g eye make-up. , A small, slightly.molstened . a bl'Ulh, MI... RomsD wili ned coHon swab is excellent, 'stie 'finds, (or removing smudges bruab on powder. tru:u. pet her of mascara. lace with a cold damp IPOnJe.
1tIIHi... ,.,.
,.rolc... ,.,...,...
$40 "un",..,..r."n... " I.ful.' t. . . . . . .,'Artltur'. warn.,.•• ~••r H..... a .." Ito......x. 'va', ... ~ur Jfa'. D.part....n'
'lcrutN" per';''' Ne.." " , Cru...""". Oltlo It"lIway. 'fwlt". '~avHIt. a ....... '
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2>r'J Rdge A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier O( 'T O Ob:n ~a, 19r.U. --to Ultl e rulll
lallt II lght Il l)d /l hen.vy tog lhla morning lIul s tili mllcJ unci warm. 11 ta Is us t flO\IS h thol'e lill g ht lie • a Iltll,· 1II01'e min. T he til n fi t· Ung lilt' 'I{ I' 0 1I n r:\ nnd Illnntlng \Vh al SHY thut there Is plenty of lIIoll! tlll'e alld flO with th'lH min t be ., wheal "llonld come up Quickly. The I 11"08 ILI'e ti l III, bl'l ghl Ilnll lovely a ne! t hlH week I\'n~ n whole 'Y ek of "O,.tl111 I' bl'l:;ht bl ue wenthel'. W OOlly \~OI'l1\ ij
n I' hel'e nglll n and they lind lhe wenth I' Dllln III
the plljler ngl'eed this .tlme tllIIl we IIr dne fol' mOl'e warm ",enth· 1'. Tlie black llrut to\\'arel the head of tile woolly wOl'm this yellr Is quHe long wh'll'j ! as I w as told rorete lls thnt the warm weather will contlnlle quite Inte In the sea· 8011 but t'he IIgllt brown ·part Is lougel' t hlln the t ll ll enil blnck . which IR Mid to meR u a late spring. Now . we call w;lIl and Ile~ I seldqlll l'crn (lL"Ube l' to uh !;Ik lIjl on the wOI'm foro 'llstel'8 s o I con not le ll you how often they IIrc 1·lgllt. . Does It really mak e any ctlfrel" ence In whic h sig n ' of th e moon YOIl wean 11 ~a lf or nny Ollie I' bahy ? Some people sllY thaI It d.oes luid In many almana cs the best dfl~es for wenning lire glveo; .A bout 1\ week· ugo I shut up Di xie's CIII(, UII she li nd lhe cnir lla",led all ulght IInrl In th e mOl'n lng the cnlf jumpet) tile fence lind got Ollt 10 Its molhe l'. to ('ouple of d1lYs, ago on one or the du.l s r r.omrnended. I sbut the "alr up lignIn, this time Bhe ba wled n littl e whenever she saw hBI' moth r and DIxie hawlpd a little Ilnd l hnt was all. Was it the proper d llte ' 01' 'hod t hey just gotten more used to thQ Idea. 1 have talked with n Dllolller of people wbo ROY It olways worl.s bettBI' wbeD YOII' toll9'W the argus. I Dlust I'ememt.el' aud try it nculn, rt woUld be Interestng to II or frOIll eXileI" an), OU, 1'8 "wbo havo lence e lt)lel' wily. The gl>lden lod nne\ nR t~1'1I are nlmost gone but here find there Ie 'I\ome blue chicory. The gaM n8 are etlll lo"el)' with marigolds and zlnnia.s· allCl ·twclj! " I ~ r qt 'the I·aln· bpW wUh ch.'YSnnl·hf>mUlllS, bIg and .Ilttle, tall 8ud !'IHlI't. dark and Ugbt, The lovely llllrt sbout tbem Is thot ·tli IlY con stand quIte a goed deo l 'o r rl'l1Bt niHI will hloom ror a
1II0li th yet I.UI 'II11 t hel'o III u It t E8tale or Benjamin Beckett, or f1'007.lllg wellthcr. 'rli e 11 II !; ll\ I" I uel",I , ' Anllo Mile Beckett admln· 11110111 have tak II u ,lew 10;\"0 '111 / 1lIll'utrlx. fIIeel Inventory, henrlng IIff>. We Uluught U y \\'I're III "' Met for Novembel' 3, ICt til: 00 n. m, ntos t goue IlWIII II ugo, but '-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..; DC Jl,llm A .. Dondll1'o.
W.ren (oun'" (ourt
mOIl ~ lI
I' . Htll~e
COMMON PLEAS Frank W. aDd Edna ,M. tnbbs to now ~hoy ale III filII hhlom ulIlI Eugenia M . HUIII vs. ErneRt M, Mylea H. and Virginia H . Pence, 1 sending out 10ll g llew s ho ntH wl lh puds . on lhem,. If' JIIHt I,(,~or the HallZ, hearing date set for October lot In TlutJecreek Twp. fl'(lst ('(lOl Ei YOII " 'k thOHe long 25 at 10:80 a. III, CIII,renca I, and GoldIe A. Baker to Leon,l1rd and EJti(l or Bower, 6 shootij wllh hndR 011 Lhp'm Lhey will 111\ ('ome out In wal r ,un!! you NEW SUITS' lots In Harlan ']1wp. will have flowers fOI' a long ti~e. E ugenia M, HafiZ V 8'. Elrnes t H. James D. and Katber lnE! Kirby to It tbls keeps up. our late planted lfa sz, dl'v orce, extreme cruelty', C. Will H. Euverard, 'h acre In turnips \vlll 'Olake a fter nil. There Donald Dllallisb. • "'" Franklin TWp. ClennR L. Oharlton VS. Paull.. Jacoll and Ruth Schoml to The aile SOUle about the s l?e ot marbles all'eady, nnd ' s ome of' th o late Clturlton, divorce, gross negle ct, Goodwill Enterprise, W, If. Euvel" ani, 3.117 a c rf>S In Frankln Twp" plant d beaus ha ve ballnR on them . Marvin E . Young. 'rhel'e was anothel' men UlIg h III Mary Jan'e Walk r "S. I.awren ce . AugWit M. and Lavolle Doller,' for oaop lalft Thul's llay nigh t, but . Ellmburg, tal' money 0 n I y, Jr., to Andrew C. and AlJ.ce M. Lit· It was not "err well attenderl Dnd aUlollnt clahned, $51000 and cos ts tl , 1.98 ucre~ In Harlan 'rwp. eViryone reported havhig n hnrrl Sl'auley and Stanley. Harry A. and A~I.oelle . Penn to t ime gt'ttlng nnyone to wO/'k 011 Alfred H, Hardy VB. Harl~y Don L, Wise, 58,62. a cres In lilaI" tbe campaign and ye t It , menlls H~rdy, Clyde Hardy, Andrew cl'eek Twp. ' tood fOI' thousands who will Sl1f. Hardy and the J,>roductlon Plating Vivien Lee Blair 1'0 '1'1 ,111 "V lllag fer Unles s , somllone tll,kea ca re or WorkB, Porton real eatate, Oray, of LebanoQ" 7.98 acres In Turtl e· them. Tbls food goes to th e fl Q . Risinger and Gray. .cl'eek Twp. ilia who have no one to look nfter FranCis T. McCurdy VR . Charles Daniel ,.M. and Margueri le M . them except the church reller SO", .1. \Vaggone and Emmor D. Bally, Collete, 0.832 .a cres In Tllr tlec ree k CletieH. PerhaP.R YOIl "'a re IIh:eody as a.dmlnlsb'otol·s wll h the will an. Twp. giving to Cbllrch Wm'ld , ~ l'Vlce or nex.-d of the estate of Rice P . Sted· ehe.s ter L. and Miriam I•. Barton oo e of i~1l oth e l's-alrlght th ell - \10m. dec'd, to' contest will. Stnn- to Mike V. Lamb, 1 aCl'e In Wayne give a little. more money II you Jey · tLll4 'Stanley. Twp. huven't any COl'll to give . This Pranc l~ T. McCurdy VB. Charles Robert and Oleo F(;ltner to service wns Inten!led 10 mule e 'I~ Waggoner and Emmo.r D. Bally, George W . and lofery Lou Turpin , ea~ lel' for th080 w110 h:;d commocl. wll h tbe will , annexed of the estnte 6.98 aeres In Franklin T wp. Hies 10 giv e n"d who f (.)L that they ot· Rce P. Steddom : dec'd , declnra. Harry and 1II11Ion la:qhope to could g ive more that way'. ']' hoI'8 tory judgment Including construc'e 1) I I f I I I _ II .' Walter Ritchey, 2 lots In F'ranklln. al eOl! e w 10 ee t IRt \Ya)' but If tOn 0. IV I and other reltef. Stan. no one aRks the m rel'h UPR ' t.hey ley and Stanley. PROBATE will not hen/l' a 00' it IL ' Pel'haps In 1be matter 'Of tile . ' vIII of they wlll .notl',e ad hUs 01' th e othol' REAL ES'T ATE TRANSFERS Marie Wblte, dec'd, will ordered Infol'llla llon nholll It. Pel'hllr;ll AI R. all d A nna Countt'/man ', til to. fllf'd . George ,F. Whit a ppointed . :y nre wlllting to be fis k II - TTarold Kenneth and ~fnl'Y L. Bow. e Xf>C'utor, 'Earl H;eywood, Ha.rrlliOl1 w en n phlce and a lilli e nrc ' nn- nlUII .. J lot In Franklin. B van IUld Virgil ShTlIts appOinted n~lm ce~1 : 10 on e . ollght 10 !,old 0 a CurUs and Ruth M.cCIaln to appraisers. back. ~ ere YOII tWill' hUlIg ry ? Howard and Claire· Ann Korman Eetule of CIBTence Balori, dec'd. Did " Twp. ' h YOllr child!' n VOl' ('ry fOI' food ' 6. (JO acres In 01 enrc l'oek Betty B. I\lIngersmilh , admlnl stra· w en you hud nOlle to give til 1O ? . Oordon 'W . and h ' ne 1,. Gifford trlx, rued fir8.\: alld. finnl account. ']1hn1. huppens e ven Ilere but her e to RI " b d J d M H F the' I I I " ar . fI)l IIry , raut· Est'a te ot Hazel Ellnll Beekman, Ie are poop e IV 10 cun und will Isclll 1 'J ot In ,Leb help bnt there, Is no~ one to heir R~bert A. OSb~~on' t'l Alice Ii'. dec'd , estate e>:empt from Inberitance tax. these refugees IInless we !lend Bel' IIOlt, 1 lot In ~Iem Tw . Ihem flomethlng to help WILh. The. I CIIIII ] " P .1·;state o f H a1 el la J3eekman', mers ~. nnd r oulse . E people of WesterJ;l Iilurope :11'('0· do· " , ' . . IlIg all til . b t h ' '" . n le er, Jr .. to Joseph M pbael 011· rleC" d, eBtote e elUlit frOID Inherit· allee tax. ey .can \I tel . gees ,lOll. I lot In Franlt ll'\ Twp E . tafe rf ~ , 9 • c I Rabm dec'd keep. coming and tbel'e Is n,,' lllll{: Alice M. nnd A , .I . 1r"rr ;0 Mahel , , ' for , them bllt wbat you s ncJ IInt ll e eClltor, m ed In' entory, bearing they C 11 rI d I ' D' I S.hllh, 0.42 U 'I'es In Hamillon Twp. , • n "'01' I. on t 11'10 t Williard and Alma Vlln Dermark set tor November 3, at 10 a. m. U11 ~' (It1 nre a sked, \I'hen lhe lime t G R ' Estat~ or WiJ1a Haggard, .dec'd IUld l/lnce, lire 8111101111\';)11. n"v, ,]0 <2eorge I' Han~1 J]dYTthe Snyder , 2 ." acres II Edward Davis., executor flied InM k ar an wp , II h:! 'il It Fr H . a , e YOllr Illall s now ready. Thal)ksglvlllg d illner will . . a nk . Il)Id OJetba . tbey to ventory, JtBOl'lng..set for November tRiLe holter It yoU IIrc 8har!1I !r It vivien Lee Bllllr, 7.98 acres In Leb· 3...,at -10:00 a , m: with the de~tltute. anon. ,/ Napcy B. Fred to Iva H. Edmon, ----~--------------------- 1 lot lD LebAnon. G,e orge and Mar~aret Uhlen· ,brock to' Wl1llam E. and lmo Bucll. Yey, 1 lot In FrankllD, George D. ·• .nd Faye E. He:od~!r·.1 SOli to Ellton and Ruth L. Oox, 1 lot 10 Franklin Twp, • 'I • Ike lUld Mac Gabbard to William F . and Velma Dorothy FrUs. '80.24 acres ID East TurUecreell: Twp. MariOn V. 'and Marie Keltner to Fred L, McCir.rran: Jr., 5,15 acres In Deerfield T'fIP, H al'old J. ' ~Dd Barbara J. Sherman to Malcolm E. Soule: 1 lot In "F'l'an'klln Twp. Waner B. Rardin to JosepH L. I ... and Mary B. Barrel'S, 10114 acres ~n . Ha"rlan ~wp',
cJf>c'lI Ray EmerlJon Uondaro. ex"('ulor, filed Invenlory, bearing se l for October 27, at 10 :00 a. m. Iilstate or Will tel' .Reynold s, cl ("d. KatherIne A. Uarot, admln· strntrlx, flied Inventory , heating set for November 4, Ht 11, : 00 n. 10 . Estate of Margaret Nob I .. Whited , dec'd, Lee C. Noble, ad· mlnlalrator, flied Inventory , hearIng !l6t tor October 2~, at 10 :00 a, m . Ealote of Chul'les W . Hurley, d c'd, eBlate relieved foom adolln· J strRtlon, Estate of Elln. B. Coole, der' ct , detarmJnation of Inherlta,n ce ~ax. Est a te of Rosa B. Hurtt, de 'd, Mary O. Goodpaster, admlllistro· tr lx , eSlnte exempt from Inherit· Rnce tax. First, flual alld dlstrlbll' live a ccounts rued. Es tate, of John D. Hoff, dec'd, Henso B. Davi s and Mary A. 11'8' ton, executrices, fil ed Inventory , hearing 'Iiet for Octol)~' 30, at 10 :00 a. m. Estate ·or Willard A. Fo· . de 'd, det~ rmlnatlon of Inheritance ·ta x. Estato at Fronk 'Minnick, dec'd, Inventol'y approved . E s t ate or Melwood Fles ley. dec'd, 13ert '" cesley 'appOinted a d· mlnls trator. Estate of LoUis P. Krc:otz, 'dec'd, determination of InbarltRo e lax. . E stute ot Wilbur Jeffery. rlec ' l, Ge rge Je ~tel'Y and Wanen C.
.,' .RCIIA;RD 'LANE' --, '4 ",lles North of X~pl. on Route 61 and 2:15
COMMISS"IONER General Election November '7, 1950 YOUR SUPPORT WILL ,BE APPRECIATED World War 1 Veteran -Pol. Adv.
,"Market Boy"
. '. <,ANN,U AL
at the-
.Saturdai ]~v.ning~ October 2S TH,E
-------_.. _--------_ _------------
GHOST ...:---..----------.:...---------------~-..;.- $1.00 HOBO _______ "_ ._____ '_ ___________._______ $1.00
SL~~!d B~~~_~ __ 55e
WI::U!~S :.~=~-_==·4 9c
FUNNtEST _____ ._.___ ~_. _______ --"----------- $,1.00 MOST ORIGINAL __ ~ ___ _____ . _____ _______" $1.00.
OLD .FA:SHIONED GIRL _____ ~~~ __ ~ ____ ~ ___ $1~OO OLD FASHIONED 'BOY ___~ _________ _______ $1.00 COWGIRL _________ ~_~ __________________ $1.00 COWBOY \ _________________ _____ ________ $1.00
GYPSY ________ .__._____________ ..: _______'__ $1.00 I .
' 0 0 0 STORE ........1
Texaco ,
nvinga account.
-ope n a
New and Recapped - $8.95 " $2.00 Trad · 10,AIIowuce Lubricating Service Firestone Accessories Oiu ~· ;30 ro 9 p. m. Suu" 7;30 I ••• i. 9 P DI. :Bob IS ervis '
fnture by Il fwin cr. Do YOyR saving NOW
A wi.'Ie person pre pares for the
;r...L AND wlNn. V....7...
aSu~ply COt '
bone .
hury his
AUqulppa, PeDnsylvanla MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert C. Greer, 58, co~stl'ul'Uon Queen Aliquippa of the LenniYaung· appointed exec u tor s bU8lnes,s, Augus.ta, Ga., . and E llt .. Lenapes Ind ian tribe ruled villa,el George p , Oales , Donald House, abeth M. Gose, 5 , hO\ls"l;e 11 r , on 'the Monongu hela and Ohio Rivand Paul A, Watts appOinted ap. South Lebanon. ers. She lent assistance to Geori,e pral8ers. Edward Baugh, 21. f8rm ~J'. Fos· Wa shington when he went into the Estate of Ada ' Hewitt, dec'd, ter, and Betty J one Wolre, 21, Ohio Valley . The clly \vhich now bears her name Is about 20 miles Sophia HeWitt, adml.nlstrator, rued Fost er. from P lttsbu'rgh , on the Ohio Riv· inventory, hearing set for Novem .. William , D. ,riffln , 17, . la borer, er, in the region over which she berlatl0 :00a.' m. 0 ,regon Ia, an d Jo Ann DI keu- onoe reigned, Steelmaking began In Aliquippa towards the end of s'h eets, 19, Wayne8\'UJe. the, 19th Century. Today, the town VlaarllJ lD Cb114r. .· Kenneth PaUl Johns on, 26, Air ,hos a capacity of ' more than Althouab "cle80Hn... I. Den to Force, Mas on, and J(I Ann Coop r, 1,700,aCO tons ot open bearth, belGodI1ne ..... do not .t1fIe the P1'.~ 22, sec retary, Milson. semer and electric furnace steeL Ueea or charity In the effort to keep your chlldnn clean, It .1. mOl'e Important to pral ... a c:b1ld for wantln, to .han hi. rood with ~ famlly pet than to Il:ol4 'lI1m for being cllrty. It.. .a., to learn about lerm. when ont 11 oldtr. It may not b. 10 ,"), to um.arn
Wayn~ville Lumber-'
IT'S NAlURAL for a dog to
, E~tilt~ .
.~.........-~~ . . .CI - - - - -
. ALi.
Landa •
• Dalitiag - Coa~ssiolS
SPCtNS4aElb BY WAYN~YW.E P. ~. ~
4'5e ------.:.59c ---- ---
49C T·BONE STEAK --79c' __ _________ __ '-. _:-~:- SSe ~
___ -- --- - -- ------
• Pound
Round -~
TH R. DAY, OCTOBER _6, 950
Waynesville, Ohio
CLOSED ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Thuraday, Friday and Monday _ _ Conti nuous from 7 P. M. Saturday" S\Jndays and Holiday' Continuous from 3:00
Remembelr when you attended dancllBg school In your ,F auubero', suit, Including leather P~IIDPB? Soy, ,how you loattled It I To make matters worse, you alw&YII had to dance at least onco w f.t b Henrietta who though t boys were horrid and rude. If It hadn't been tOI' Marj. all dlmp~es and ourls, you never would have Ilved through It, Re : membf,' I' ,
Roy E. Sniith!·
CARTOON At 7 :00 At 7:15
, Broker
Rt. 48,. 5 mi. South
~ntervl1ie. PHONE COntel'Ville 7056'
Top Soli. HallUnw, BaQCI, Granl lboayaUli. Wit. 0.0' 11M, Draa-Una &lid BuUClo.. r
Especially For Farms
~lllIIlllIIlIIrlllllllllllllllll 1111111~IIIIIII1IWI~
TEXAS DYNAMO - w1th SMILEY BURNETTE - Also Chn.p. Ii- Ally. of Sir Gal~blld • - nnd W. B. CARTOON
BANK ·RUN GRAVEL- Loaded, al Da"V"," J'urnal Plio SO oeDts
rubll' rare!. We .110 deUyer. AllII ITAOE 1& SON, Phone JOin. If
--_._'- .,-_:.-
- --............. OCT. 27, 28 -..
The Welt'. Migkty DII" . ,I .
NO MORE - molh worries wbell you lise Berlou five yem' g:1'lll'le d SUNDAY, MONDAY OCTOBER 29, 30 Live Wire and Prolre..h .. ~ Mothspray WAYNESVILJ..E }'URNorganlzatJon ..colI.d 1.0 nOll.. LORETTA YOUNG ·VAN JOHNSON ITURE ANI) APPI,IANCE Strictly sellers on the beat iIllJ DEAD STOCK' WANTED ------------------~--~ -inaJ:ound market. In the couuU7. WANTED - .Trn k Drl"<'I'·, npply HORSES $4.00 coWS $4.00 STANLEY WEST. Centerville Coal SERVICE THAT SATISFIE8 & F41ed Co.. 1 1 W . Main st" WII· Hoga and Othel' Small Stock For Dally Market Repor": mlngton. Ohio. 10·19-26 WHIO Dayton; 12:50 B.B.T, Dial Removed Promptly - ~--.- - FO.R SALE - S-plece \vintQI' ('oat 1300; WLW Clncln,natl, 1240, Dial HAlJ.OWE'£N SPECIAL ocr. 3~~ NOV. 1 . CAlr L' COLLECT set. Grey .t rimmed frl rllel' nnd 70Q. ' Wilmington' 2"6,2 Lehanon 439 green plait!. A·' ~1,mdItlOl\, s ize 6. NORRIS' BROCK COMPANY , J ... MRS. I..EO ONNEn. 'relep!llm .. .I NLAND PRODUcrS, Ine. 2471. X- IO-19-26 - lt·2
WayDIavllla 1111
NOTICE Berlol; Guaranteed Mothspray SlOps moths or pays ~or the damage. Five year guarantee . V ~YNESVrLLE F U R'~ ITUnE AND ·APPLIANCE. - - - - - - - - -- -FOR SALF.- Reglstered 7-montbs Hampshire ' Boar. WOn ,2nd place ' When ne'ed arises Olinton county Fa il'. . UNO E 'Ryc>u can I e a v e WOQD ·, R HARD. Hnrveysburg, ' . It- IO-12 e.,,'eryth Ing to us, ohio. Y,ou'll appreciate A.BSOLU TELY NO 00 R - when our careful atten\I se B~ rlou MothslJrny tion to eve,ry detlil. you Five yellr written gmlrantee with spraying. WA YNESV ILLb1 STUBBS Feach RNITURE AND APPLIAN e. FUNERAL HOME LEAVE YOUR SHoe, to be re o Phone m1 paired at LEE HAWKE U R NEXT Barb r ShOll. '\/\'PI'k will be called for and delivered. THQM PHON HOE HOP, }{lIl'veysbllrg. )C- \O-19·2G- 11-!l
1I~lIIm!~1II11111ll11ll1l1ll~~lIl . 1l1 l1l l l mIlIl Il1l 1 1l1l Iil l l l l l lll l
W&1ll_vlUa, Ohio P~on.1
~.~1I11111111111111111111/l1ll1ll1111ll1"'11II11II1I1II1II111II1II1II~lIIllll11l11l1llml!llIll~1I1II1II1II111~IlWmlllllllllllllllllmlll Il JI I II~OOIl.uJ~ '
!lfllmm~1II11111 111I1 11 1 I 1il l l l~ ~II I I I IWI I1I 1/l 1 1 1l 1
- -. . . ._ _ _ _ FOR RENT * _ ... _. _ _ _ ._ ..
__ • • • • • • • I
Modern l101Ise in
~~~yn~~~I~~:' 2 ~b~~2 ro~~~~ $~~~~~
per m.bntb. Phon Middletown DEAD STOCK eS588. X- 10-Z6 i HORSES $4,00 COWS ' •. 00 WANTED TO JtI:;NT- B ll) r, I"GOID hOllse or aPlu·tment. 11 11. 2113. All Stock Remoy.d Dall)' With the. "?" Taken Out X-I 0-26 L .. flU. or Small - cln ·ColI.ct FOR SALE-.Double ·blll'l'elell shot· Xeoia 454 gun. 1 box al.l ells. ohlcllen hallS XEN~ FEIRTILIZER and t.,ed boxell. MARY E; COOK, A Loan Made--Can Be Repai:l DhOaion of Inlanid Producta, Ino. Main street. X- 10·26-1 1· 2-9 From Farm Income -.~ ~. FOR SALE-;-Hou!le trailer, 21 It: TERM S ARE LON G Alma, kl. Sleeps 4. J. F. GANGER, , LOW RATE - 4% M(lllnd Rd .• mld'.>way between N;w Burlington and Harveysburg. X- Jt A Farmer ·Owned Auoc:iation
~n > sillte ot In('reased opel'ating
expenses A FUNERAL SERVICE WITH US ] 8 STILL EXA0TLY WHAT A BEREAVED ~AMILY WANTS IT TO BE. Our Jlrlces reJllatn lDoclerate alwaY8 ·1Vlthln easy reach of an)' famlly'a aelectlon.
ne Land Bank Way
_.- -
The Lebanon National
Jesu~ lEne'w When
FUll Loan
,To Speak Out."and,
. ~ON'-OHIO ·
When to' fie Silent
Phone 448
WAYNESVILLE and CORWIN For Your Convenience we have
, Walhln, . CbenWe .. Chenill. a P ,l e a Ii. Ibould ~e washed al 10011. 8S they have be. come &oUed. Short, frequent wash10,. ate bettc·r Ulan an occasional lOne one. Do not soak the spread•. Field Moule The . vole, .or field mouse, does Ileal damsle tQ e:raln1ields. 1n ;rear, of mouse "plailles," as many 81 lZ.OOO field mice may live GIl a slo,le ,Bcre, canslng tremendous crop 101sel. Mar. S&eel tor Fra~ce KechanlzaUon Is on the way for "ar-weakened- French .teel indul·117. We&UnJhouae · I. buUdlnl. $9,.,000 ".... of electrical equip. ment to help bolater ,ft. Order for die eqldpnent waa placed b1 IOLLAC. a pr:tvaleJ7 owned a ..ocllltion ,of IlIDe French .teel firm •.
CIIIYreD'a T ..... CbUdrq and babl.. have taste tlftIennea 'ust •• adults hav.. aDd therefore should not be 1Grced .. .at &nJthln, .et before them. CIIvJq cbil4ren aom. lee,.,a,. amount and kind 0« food the,. .at .... mWlll to IDaure the btalUl of . . obUd and the peac. of the ...... 1UnQr.
arranged with MR. LEE HAWKE, U.R. NEXT BARBER SHOP, for you to leaye your ,'ShOe AU W~rk Will , Be Caned and Delivered QU:llily Guaran,eed, and , Reasonable
A1:' the
FOR SALE - Raslnette .coDlPletl'. Will sell to'r ,5,00. ·Call 2261X-lt
WASHING AND mONING done In my· home. cheap. M~S. ERNEST GIBSON: New Burllnlt"on Road.
United ·llatlonl Genera Assembly, where represents tlves from 60, natlons ~re gatherei NOTldE--Oul.' barber shop will be it Is the diploma,. ' par excellenco closed tor vacation Nov: 6 to Nov. that knows when to be snent ani 20. ORVILLE GRAY &: CHESTER when to apeak ou.t. X-10-26-11-2-9 ' Jesus was just" .uch a man, a' CAREY,. evidenced by His deallnls with th shrewd.tongued If'hariaees. Whel - FOll He healed the man with the with ered hand He knew quite well tht FULLER BRUSH ~EEDS the blgotlll were watching HIm t see whethe/i·· H'e would dare t Te~phone Waynesv ilJe 2$ 20 ' --...-----~-:-7-::----:---'---......;----_.r_- perform a mirach!· on the Sabbat. CHARLES B. MOORE Day, t ~ Although ,Jesus ,on many Ot'ca sions had no words to m'atch wit those of his ~spar-alers and critiC' LEGAL NOT:CE He met these crltlcs on their ow Notice Is hereby ~1I'e~, tbn I In grounds. H~ a"tagonlzed onloo1-' pursuancp. ot a reso111'llIn by tbe ers ' were left answerless when F. Board ot Trllsteu or WIlJD<> asked th~m wheth~ It was lawft Township, Wllrren Ollllty. Obi:>, to do lood and tIl\ve a Ufe ·on tt. Pll8.ed 1st day' of September. Holy Day. . . , ' thJlt.fL. will be RubDl1tted to MIfliY'C5f'; ,tt)t!- -pftj(fjsees . Wt\1 '-+~""""""v"'o"te ot the people or the Town· , trulY sltilltlll .' orator~ . yet n,o r IblJl at the Cenerat' F.lecti l i1 t,1.' lJEl could deceive or ' mIslead Jelll beld In said T crw{llIhlp Qt · the reg. with their polislled rlietol'ic. Jesl ular piaCeB 0 " voting ' t)1e~eln, on when He answer~d His d'itles, di Tuesday the 7th 'd ay or NOVember so for their·lown good and ' whe 196.0, a Bo.n d · Issue, tor the pur·· Jesus met with men, they elth. poBe of CONSTRUOTING AN AD. became better mE!n or theil' stul EQUATE BUILDING -FOR ·HOU born willfulness d!l'ove them deep( ING THE EQUIPMENT OF 1'HE into evil desll11s and ways. WA.YNE TOWNSIUp · Ftne DEIt is well to i remember th: PARMENT, In the sum ,of Ten while the w rd Plltarlaee. has con Thou/land (flO.OOO,OO) DoUar!\, and to have an ignominious meanln '8 levy ot taxea be mllde ol,lt.a!de some of ,t heWharl:sees were ,amor tbe , te n , mlll lIinltation eSUmate(l the most sincere und earnest Jev by tbe County Auditor to avera"e of thelr Hm~. ,38/100 mllli ·,ro,r eaoh one IIollar . The diplomats meeting In Ne f t ' I tl bl h t 0 ax va ua . oll> w c "moun s Yo' ric to difl.'d· e the fate '0 I tI no dollara ' and three and eight _ world mlgh . well. remember th, tepths ($0.038) oents for each . ~!O.h, 100II "e bubbleal" That will probllbly bo there are moments to cry 01 One Hundred (UOO) Dollars of . first reaction wh. . they 'lip)' this n/lve) lind nttl'llCltivo agaillst deceit and moments to l tax valuatIon, tor a maximum nero ,d'."rt. Using gll\&C)r ;ole a1l an lngl'<,dicnt. )'o~ tlln ;1110111 h,ll,hl ••• patiently silent. ' loci of ten (10) years to pay the Into the gelatin, lftatin6r a special " sparkle)' I eff~ct tP(lt And for guidance in tl1eir In prinCipal and Interest ort sOcb will love. ' . mense task,- they would do well '. bonds. "What a grand /lavor'" That will be the next exclamation of find moments for prayer in whll P II t Id "I tl ill plea.ure, when · your family tnste. frellh fWal'lI, t op of the· .,aeon, tbey can silently Ilear('h then 0 s or sa J!J ec on w open molded in this wonderfUl tillite· comblnatldn of "lo"cl· IIle an.- lu!lCio\&l at 6:30 A. M. and remain open raapberry-flavored gelnti... .. _ , . selves and cry out fqr strenl untll 6.30 P. M. (Easte~ Standard . "This is an idea for ' my recipe file!" And thllt', whlit you'll say and forgive?e,sa. TIme) ot saId day·. " , ' to YQurself, when you see how casy It i. 10 prcpaJ'e II llU)'ly oriiPnal By orcler or tbjl Board of EI~c- dei.er,t 'th~t adds real freshness lind charm ;. to )' OW' l~t.-a\IIIUD.r tlonll ot Warren County, Ohio, menul. . .., , JOH~ Ill. HQLP~N. NOTICE OF AF'POINTMENT GI!'!I(}ER PEAR' MOLD Chairman Allmlnll.trator WK. HUFFORD, JR, J p~ckagCl rIlSpb~I'l'f·fl !IVI'\\O\'l J.cl\\lin . , W cuv 4o~ w~te" . . C1erlt Estate of Tbom,aa T. Barger de- Publlah ](1.12-19-26-11-2 tcaapoon. lemon j~ic, ceased. 1 ~ 911.PI tinger III. I oup diced Irell!) pearl NoUce is bereby given that Dailly DJllolve relatln in hot wllter, Add into I -quart mold. Chill Barger w hose Poet Office A.ddreis III 118. .Franc.. BICOD WNIe, I,mon juice and ~ iflgl'r "Ie Irrlld. ' Unntold. Oa r ni s h Is R. R. I, Waynesvllle. Ohio. haa ully. Chill until alighUy UriO". halves, green grapes and '''l'IIe 'l'IIrb hava a ' drink c:aDe4 been • duly apJl()ln,ted Ill! Adminis- calla, made of a belTJl of the .ame ,ned: Then ,fol<l ,in Renrs, TUI'l\ 1(,lIve , ~,Inkes G s rvini" tratrix of the ot Tbomall T. DaJIl., al black a. .00& and of a 1'....... Tra4i• . Barger late ot Count,.. '1troD.' acet. '1'IiIa drink comfGn. .", ~. brain and heart and btlpeth ForellD trldl c:onatlUrta. an im. OhIo, deceased. 41.·ltm" " portant Plrt '" New York Itat.'. Dated thhi 4 bllJlD••" act1v1b-. AOcOlclin. to tha' RALPH New York ..... department pi commerce. tha tour c:1f.IOJIlI cU,,tric:ta 10 the atate bandJe abaut balf the entire dollar volume 01 tile 1m .IIOriI IiId ....... of . . .....• MIda1 VDlted . . . .
HIGH -SCHOOL 'N EWS (ConUnued from Page One) at Blanchester. Let's hillp Waynesville make n good showing an~ all
tl·Y to be t.here. The mixed chorus . moved into the almo t ~ompl ete.l n w ·music room tills weeK. E~eryone hss a rlgh ( to be very ' pro,ud of It. . Tile Junior class Is working· Uk.e b~ a"ers to /:et tho II' class pia,)" .Ip perfel's!'t forlll ill order to prellent it Novemb·er 15 .at :00 p. m, at the high !lchool auditori um. Our drector. 1\ll'S. Hougb, has been unable to be with u~ this last week becausE' M~. Hough Is c'o n!lned to bls bed RS the result of an Injilry received wben he was kicked by ~ horse last 'aturday. We all hope his reCOYery bl! Ilpee4y and Mrs. Hougb wl11 Boon be with 118 ~ln.- Mrs: Harlan Is taking ber place temporarily, Well, I gueaB that's about ,all tor this time so bye-by!! until next 'Week. JOYOE DEAL
your door ... or. at ,our favorite
azette }
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 WAYNE SV ILLE, OHIO, TJ
::! ,1 1)5 1)
·eiiiiiiiiiin~'Jii i i i .iiiiiiiiiiGiiiiiioiiiiiildiiiiiirniiiiiiiiiii,i i i i i i i iai i i i i. i i in~~A--TT~EN--i~iiiiiMiiC.ii iOF~~ i i i LO~ CA~ L A~IR;';MA--;;; N
---iiiiiiiiiii , 1Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, ()ii i i i iwni,i i i i i)-r- ,
Speaks At RotarYc. CI~ c~~~~:us G~f~Tull~:!sE Truman By Two Tbe l'egulal' Tuesday evening meeting of the Waynesville Rotary Club waR held at the Far ' Hills Par ty HOWIe with two gt!estll
Mr, and M,ra. MlfYnard WB!l1!J and Mr, and. ,Mra, Don Hawke were week end Peet. or Mr. and Mrll. K. R. Hill at Grove City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fries. of Fremont. Oblo. are announcln« the birth ot a seven ~und Ion. Robbert Wendall, on Friday, October ~7. The Infant Ie Mr. and Mr•. Frles' lIecond lIOn" and a ' «rand· .on of Mr. and Mr• . Louis Frie•• Mr. Iud MrB. DIvis li'lrnas and 'Mrll. Ada Smltb were ' Sunday lUeats of Mr. ~nd Mra. Ed Paine and .famlly .ln OhUlicothe. Mrs. Lewis Firo was a Thuraday pest ot her . aon·in·law and daulhter, Mr, and Mn. Paul Ha.r,ley and , daucbtera In Da1tOn.' Mr. and M.tII. A. H. Stubbs and tamlly were Bullday lueats 01 Mr. and Mrs. W . R. Allaman In Day· Ilon. Mr. a.u! Mn, Allaman and f"Uy are nOW lM¥lup,lq theIr new . home at Academ{ Place and held "Ope~ HOUle" OD '"'ilUud".y ~r· tenwon celebratine their twelltyfifth wedellne al!nlveraary. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. JUcb, MrB. Cora JUch and Mra. Reba Brad· dock _re , Sunday dinner cuellla of Mr. and Mra. H. R. Mo.I. Mr. and Mn. William strouse. ,M_ra. CeeU ~aimer, Mrs . .Paul, Shipley, Mrl. D. C. IUdp. MH. Roee Jlart_k, M~. Stanley H. Baile y, lin, cbarles ~cCullj)ob , MIIl\ Je.n Ilartaoet, .M n. · Bertie Mills. ~. J., J. Bunka alld lin. m.. F. EU'D'
~piiti i i i i iT i i i i iOioi i~Kii i i i i i i i i'i l -
OiiiiiiiOiiiiiio,F ' A iiiiiiiiiiii t iiiiiiiiiiiii te Oiiiiiiiiiiim- -,
BEN J. GOLDMA'" • Speaka To Rotary Club ,C andidate For Congreaa From 7th Ohio Dlltrlc:t FILMS NEEDEO= BY CROP OFFICE If any county lias a film wh;c b Is not bein« JIJIed. J)lease return " to the CROP o[(tre as soon as pOll· aJble. Now conntles are being 01'· ganllted daily and ,they need to abow thtl n1m, alllO.
~ He'r~, .~.
Flrs l ( ' I! 1\ HUllu1e1 n, Wllyn 8v illu Hnllt(· ., this weok rl'lJ lll 111 0 ' Al l
affon, and DI·. Hoffman , of Fr anK'. lin, Ohio. After B deUclous meal WRS ell' Joyed by all , Fl'lll)cls Oene Bro'\Yn, lil8JIr man of tll e Progrnm COIn· mattee, Introduced the speakel' of the evening, Ben J . OollllDllll; of Springfield. Democrat! Candidate for C,Qngresllman. 7th Oh io D1l1trl ct. The speakel"g sllbje t wn.s non· political In nature, and hUlilorOtls iBtot'J~ were In!ect d Into the BPeech In tbe beghinlng. 'Mr. Ooldmf!.n . aald that t 11 e frlendshlp he experienced · In' his travels over tPe 7th District is 1I0mething that COUld happen only '. In America, he believes.
FOI'C'o C Olli 1I111ll it:lll to ' /I H, ' lo rll,1 III ~ " u tt ,\ 11' l~o l ' (> B fl~. IIl1n ulij, Il. wu s al/nml nel! LJ y 111<1 I,w!(' ,' 11111
lIIand el·. '0 1011 (· 1 0' /1'1'(" " ' . PIl I'd ) , (1l·lln duat.ing II'om' all ud",," ' d COl li':! In II ll' liol'll ,. 1110111111 \' 1\t!> l1R, pr '. Ru sh 11'111 8~\'''e In a key pnslllul\ In l h 111 ;01 '1\ 11 11 /1 " ... or ; A II' F'or" e'a VIJR t Il twol'lr of l'A dia 11 0ok lJj/ ~, prO' llll s h. ' 0 11 of ~ II' , lin d !\I I·B. 1"1'('d 1\1. P. \I ~ b , ROllI .' 2. Wa YIl"!I' , ·l1\e. AIllIiI I/ Ht.I' d r l'l1n1 111 I I n l~ h chool a l1d hilS IH)P Il on hel l\'e dllty 1 ' l'l tll I he A I' (1'01 CfO nln' " ,\ pI'1I
G·u nrnen . Fale.Is
One White tHo lise GUflrd Dies, Two Others S;'ot, One AsSfl Idnl Befit/, One Cfl1icfllly Wounded In Fierce Glln Bflffle WII'II PI' ~ id e nt T t ums); s l pi. \ \ ,,<111 SJhY a ftel'uoon lit 2;20, 1\\' 0 ' 1' I'W RJ nil wonld·be nssasslns attempted to s torm the Blair Iioll se. d OOI'~ L P lind were promptly 'b rought down by gunf\re of alert , WlaU Ifolol e g uards . (
On Wh~te Ho use guard , 'Les lle orrelt, dt d II .t ew boun later of bull et WOIlIHI R 111 h ili c h ~st nlld swmao1l, , Ouard , Joseph 'Downs Wall 111 flU('flJ condition wltll n buIlet wound in the neck, ad guard Donald ' 1', Blrdz II Wfi S 111 [ttlt· r ondll1on with wound s In both legs. ' 1946 ,. 1 ' ' I'h ''lund d Pu rto Rlcnn, Os ar CoIlazo. 37. of New Yor!l:. was Prior 10 'entlll'ing tlje Air FOI'c:e, a Was hlngtoll bos pltal under heavY poli ce gtl a l-d. He will face a pro Ru s h II' n mcmher of lh~ ,n Ge,nan rrown, Cbalrmo,n T '. S, Mnl'IUme el'vlcp. ,lIl/ rd el' 'hal'ge 'wben he I' covers. ,Commltt.ee Till' ~I ell d Pel'lo RI an wus Gl'ls 110 Torresoln , friend and fellow of the WIil.yJ:I. . .le Clvfc lub. a lLOC'I\TION OF PRECINCTS ' PW . York er o~ ~l1il7.0, a nd reputed American lell~e~ "of tbe rabid tel\ded at th The Jo . tiQfl, of Ih ' preclll '\.(; 1' 1.0 R ican Nation a li s t B pllnl~r movement. tn l' th e No v. 7th e l . lion roll \v~; N orth -At. F'lI'~ TTouile. olll h~M" M !l I' ), E ul'nharts.
ENTERTAIN WITH BUFFET SUPPER SUNDAY EVENING Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hicks and. lIOn, Jobn. of Lytle-Ferry Road. ell · tertatned on Sunday wltb ~ bu ftet supper. Guests were; Mr. a.nd Mra. E arl Ricbter,. of Fairborn, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brow" and 1!OQ of Billy, of Waynesville. nnd Mr. a d Mra Marvin Ryan. of Dayton .
Notice To All Legionaires
T he Wayne Towns hip etf! ro. ns SAU GAGE S UPP R 1 'ost No. 61 5" Wllynes.V1l1e, Wlll 'ATUIiDA~ MATINEES WtLL i\ pun/'u (t llTld f' nusare ' ''ll'pr' I' I) eet next MondllY, No,vem ber 6, BE DROPPED AT TWI .... NOV. 4 ist r , !th .nll ,d 111,,1 011'. e will ,. 'll p. m. tn th 1_'glon Hall. 1t Is hoped this medIum of In. FIll'mers and tlJelr o·rganization. In· . rl'ed llY t' p M . Y. Ii'.· II I l , 'Tbe mau«ement of the T win LOC~L GIRL PLEDG f D . iii II. (ho(li 0, t (ill"I''' bnD ..,...~m ',It n" I, " t pu-bllc ra1&• .. , 11 f nrm lng the memh ra wm. Buffioe II llve a more I mporL~ TlIeat~ repon8 t~t ,beglnnll g TO ALPHI Ptil ~T OBU " emb I' 4 - fl'ol11 fi;iJ l I r l' the monthly publloa.tlon. Sioce tiona I' spollslblUty than they CneD ul'd1iY. Saturday. November · •• the ~at u r· Mutha J . Luil.o>..ns, of W'a ynes· 1/' 1(1 I'. m, VOII w l11 1'1''0' d " Post Not s" g La 100-0/< ' covel'age- r allze b~uae tbeyrepresentonly day maUnees will be ~roppe I. ville. was among tile 51 5 plrd : es "n lj Ih ll11 ocnlc,'s ~'O\I /':.I n f '." o( !lctlve member s hlp. speak to )6 perc!!nt of the' nations popula.Mr.: R. H. Hartlock, Mn. Cha". tu the 22 80clal sOl'orltl· sa t \ he tO I' Ii e Come "" lid g t yo ur til l Y0u.I' comrade of thi s meeting. H tion e ' yet they pI 'Od uce It8 f 00 d and McCUuUoch, Mill! Jean Ha,· t f;ock Ohio State U nh'er d ty rece t1y. WelJ, may not ha ve' read thl!! dmp!)r- still ~on stltute Its largest produc· Salurday. and M.... Fred (lons lIaw " Ki lls Me a1'8 gahe tlUlL meetlng notice. live Industry" That was~ the Ctst Kate" In CIncinnati' _un Saturd;y the Orijpge The edltol: ot yoif\' bUlletin ' Is .or what Glen, Masaman, poted pub~AVE QUEST8 !FOR WEEK atta~. Jl. Ip,d 'away fo'l' the \'~!(; t1!I:-lie relations cou~sel of' Dayton, Mr. /lnd Mrs. Edward Blch h ave naxt Ocl~bjtr ~~. ~.~.~~~.r + -~~~~~~~~~~. RT H ARD D. Me'FADDEN, '. dblO, told m.to and fildlana ,JIa.!' lUll 01' t e ~'eek Mr: i nd nuil ulllitoa. or the ell.flter the Woman'. Society of Cbl , ,,Han Fred Deaton and daughter, Oinny, p/!!nty of sosp' to wo ~ll /,he souped AdJ,utan t. tlona l form lo ~ n assoclaton repre· Mr. lind lIfl'll. Vel'non Ban n hi!. 1'. of Ohio, Ordt!lr ot Eastem, iltar. Service will serve a tllrkey s up- or. Jackson, Kentucky, formerly of w1ndo\Y8 that are benomlng' II HentUvos at their joint IInn.ual' con· In OlevelaD.d durin« the put week.. per to the public In the Meth· Dayton. fe;l'enco at Richmond . Indiana. . . Ha.lIoW'e'ell traditiOn to t h e of ,E ll st Bank. W. ,ra., call ed 011 younge.r genera.tlon. Ra.lowe'en ,the Mi sses Annie eltd M'ame Drown PAYTONIANS VISIT H ERE Mr. and ' Mr.. Leo CODDer and ociiat ChurCh dlnlng room. Rill" Attending the cont rence on Oct. liD'S. M~I,re rtrJittnJ)1 an{l Mr$<. just Isn't Hallowe'"n , wllhout a nd Miss May \\ 1'1 Itt 011 FI'ldny, dau«bten ~d a. 8unda~ cueeb, per wtll, be srr,'ed from flve·thtrty 27 all(!. 28 were 8'ecretary·trea8urers Mrs. Qllve uri left 011 Thurs. OJ'Me Wilson . of Dayton , s pent 'MRS. OM'AR HOU.lNGSHEAD lloaPed windo ws. Mr. ,and Mrll. James Edward!', of p. m. lind during the afternoon tbe Rlld directors ot national fnl'm loan Mrs. Omar lioilingsh eod , 75, The P.·T. . A.. . beld the Annu~ dny to attend lbe Stille ,meeting of I MOllday with M19B eVIL Llpplll cott. aBSO It.lIons' whicb, 8 0 fAl' tn 2960. DaytoD. will ()pen. where mnny . have made more than $8,000,000 Mre. E. V, Ba~art "nd ' Mrs. beautlr\ll hand made art'cles' aud I,felong Warren county resident, Hallowe'en Ca rulval SuturdllY 211 Lh e W. . T. n. at ,\I[J' OIl . 0 1110. NJIIJi .. Loe MlU!'on . of Maac,ll, vl t!. BlA'1I! VIS!TORS HERE From t'l e In farm mortgage 10llns W farmers Marie RIffle bave .. tlielr house-. dellclo\l8 food 11'111 he for. ssle. elleil ' Sunday at ' her 1I0mo In Ore- at the Hlgll Sohool. l te d hell sis te r·n·la \\'. Mrs. Aline Mr. and 1111'S. CiaI' nee Fordyce. ~n these ~wo states.. $e88lone of gudt; IIlIa E4ltb FrIedman of Mf'. and Mrs. Luther Har.t80llk (Onla after an Illne8s of two reports Cly1ug Ilround It wus n Clul'k on Wedne ~ d ny Mlol'noon, ot Blallcheste(r, visited Mr. and the cOllferen ces w ere presided months. great sucoes . , New, IUahmoJld. Ohio. They ,were' were boat and hostesa to the East MisseD Rllth C'hfiu!ll r l' fin d Mi '" Mrs\ Wnll~' E lzey Wedne sday ovel' by Olyde Clark, Muncie, InS~rvlces were c.onducted by the The 'Sophomores cele bral d by Joined ~ Sunday by a nUl~ber of Wayne AdvUory Council on F.'" nl Dod ~on attend d fh o N .w en· afternoon., He. v . William Fox, of Sprlngbol·o. havl. n g a Hallowe'en Party Thurs· ddlana, ond Ed. R. Clar,Ir, Eaton, guute from CinotDnati, day eV~,nIDg with Mr.' and Mrs. tury Club on Frlrlay ane l'nool) at ._ at 2 p: m. Tuesd~y at Ol'egonln day 26 al th Hlgb School. ~ Olllo, prl}ldentB of rthe . two etate Mr. and loin. Gl.e nn Borden ,bad ' Henry R. Satterthwaite and lam· ( he home ot'Ml·S. . T. Elli s h~ "OLD FASHIONED fedlloraUons. ae SundaY .8I1eatl. MI'. and Mrs: 11y; . Mr&. C. E: Macinnis and Mr. United B~thren chur b. BudaL . Don't forget the Junior Class Centel·vllie. ' HYMN SING" was In Miami Cemetery, Corwin. play· coming liP Novl!mber- 15 and . The Lebnn,on National· Farm Ed EfJ:e of SprIngboro. IIr. and and )In. WtUard Furnas as: cuesta Mr. Paul Dak in , of Lebanon, v'ls, Surviving are her husband. a also the flr Rt bas ketball game 011 Everyone Is welcome .to look in Loan AssociatIon was represented M.... Donlen and . cuelts eaDed ~ of the OOllllcll. A pleasant social Iled his mother, II . Ella Dal<l n 011 a. bom'e scene of grn ndl1la'~ a.nd by E lll s H. Sturm and J. C, Wilson. lIOn Jonathan,' Oregonia; ,two sis· N'ov. lO. lIIr. and Mn.· RObeI't ~en In evening WI& enJ9yed and dainty ters, Mrs. Fred Grove, Middletown W.ell , [ guess that 's about. all fOI' ono day t hlll week . .' In the Saturday morning dlllcUIlo IP1nl~dJla.1s (lay with the old 011 MI~dletown dUrinc the afternoon.' refreshments we~e served by the and MlBa Mary Sherwood, Ore· tliis week, so bye unllll .next week. M l s~' R\lth hanrll e r 1I.II." "d<>(\ II lam ps and lhe large fam ily Bible. s loo , M . S. Kennedy. Jr., president Mr. and Mn. lA....iII Jl'tre. were hOlf,elll, . JOYCE BEAL meeUn g arid I\m.!heoll or Alplln Mr. and Mrs. Heber Ja ksoll and or the Fe.deJ'(l1 Land Ban.k, of gonia. ' 8unc1.a.y eutlla or lin. Rose Firel MI_I Mlrla.m and Dorot.by Phi cltnJjt,er De lt a Kappa Gamms Miss V II·g1nla. Ha.rdln will fur nish Louisville, Ky.• s aid, "Tbe amount and Miaa FlOhle Fires. . Wlllon; MillS Betty Sa~lerthwalte ou Saturday, 0 tobe r 21 at. tIle the dramatic part .of l be servlc'! of money owed by farmers on both .'C .8. C.8. MI". and lira. A. H. Earnhart, and IlUsr Jan,t Eeten . attended Van lev& Hotel In nll)' too, e\'e l1 at the Methodi s t cburch bere this long·term and their sbort-term ' The C. S, C, S', of the Meth· opened abelr bome on Tbunday the Dllltrtct youth Conference al ne~v memb 1'8 wel'e I~I}U~ d ,Sunday, No,v emb er 5 al 7.30 p. m. d.ebt~ · ba s been creeping upward 0,d14l; churcb will meet at the eveDlne , for the October meeUng .Georgetown on Saturday. among 1 hl)m bein g on e of our own Th en, too, ·n.s a ougregatlon In recem. years. Higher farm oiler. ,c hurch Sat.urday from 2; 00 to 4 ; 00 . .of . the . Soutb Wayne A4vl8orY teac hers, Mi'R . MlnCI'\'ll HOllgh. bave til Joy of slll gi ng at Ion costs and lower net Income you 'll chUdren e>r the cburo~ are All MRS. HILY, G'IBSON Council. The recular' buinasi MI!Mr. ' and Mrl, Raym,ond Brad· Dl'. Ru enel! Browne. dil,l1 ght.: many of Ule hymns of ~ong ago, are largely responsible for ,this InCorrelponcllent alon '11'11 beld arul Mr. Earnh-art dock were Ohtcag~ visitors on welCome. ~arllyn and son Thomas . Ed s uch 118 "J n th e Sweet 'Bye Rnd creMI;!. Tn Rddltlon It has been condt¥lt.ed 1I1e interetlDe ' dlscua- Friday and. S.turday and were ac·, l\frs .' EmerSOn Dill spent lost fJrowll anti wHe, all of nnyton . Bye. " sUnJt\lnted by farmers borrowing .Ion DB "Wllo Sball' Speak for comp.nled bume by their daugb· Saturday, In Clnclnnat wi th 211 w(jre ~und ay calle l's or ' Miss H 'rh church ' c hoI.' unoe,' III dl· to fll')anee a'dJU8l'm ents In their ter, Mil's Jen.nle Lee, Bradd~k. Farmer?" ,( ladles trom the Phenix Rcbelql h Ann ie, Mnme and Bertha 13rown. r e tlon of Philip 'v"orkn!RII, w ill tYlle of fa.rmlug to meet changiDg who h.!! resumed her stu4ies III Lodge of ~enla, OhIo; They were Mrs. WOod l'OW Owen s IIn.t l'~' () fui-n lsh Rpeclnl Illuslc nnd 'w ill 08 · marlrc t demnnds and to conserve The counell adjourned to ' meet Antioch COllege. ...... on the t elevision ' lihow ot the children. of ,SIHingfleld . pel, t I4ls t In 1 he (,'0 n g'rElrrntl()ll'lal Rang soil I·esources. wltb Mr. an4 MrA. H, R. "'.088 ,ln Th e demand for Mr.l _ CharI" ,Anderson, Sr. an~ November, and durini the IOClai The New ' Century Club met on Mor ning MaUnee. , . . S undny .wlth Mrs. Owe ns' moth lJr, fes t. ' Th~ i1lnyerR In th e drnmn' 10nir lerOl loans ,' bas )'esulted In a little gioandllOn Charles Anderson, hOUr ' dainty refresbments 'were were dinner 'g uests 'of Mrs. ' Nettle Frldl\y afternoon for the regular Mr. and IIfl'!l, Erlllest ' Enlilhnl't Mrs. T~ u,olle AI·m ltn.ge. nnd me rnbel'f! of I.h l1 I:!mh' II III he 23 perc ill Increase In "Federal lerved ,br tha hOlt .Ild hostese. and' son" D"vid arid Mr. nnd MI·.· . M1'. nnd lIfl's. RobCl'l IC.' reae"J , dross' d . III clo,t.hlng of /',rnnrlmo'R Lnn<1 Bunk 10llns made the frst n, O.T. Emrick In Lytle during the past October Ilea' IS Ion with M Ellis sa hOBtellS at her home In G. H. K s inger entertained t he and chlld_ren. of Ph lUlpBbl11·g. Oh io, and gra nt1 pn'~ <l Ily. n ine month s 0' 195()O ove r the same Mr., ,J. K. PNlton aDd Mrl. week. qenterville, following to dlDJIer SUnday; Mr. ' ,visited t1ielr m lllt 1\1 i ~s M ,I Tgil I' I , W'I\ loolc 1'01' yo n C" 01 enl'\Y perl'od of last yeal'." Lurie Hldr entertained Bit their ratm.er. Graqe 13 wl11 meet ill; Mrs. Earl Hocket,t, preSident, and Mrs. John McTa:ggart lind Bon E dwards on. Sllnd~,y nrtertlooll. 1;0 get n good sca t . . home, "Far BUIll" OD Satunla, recular , lesiion on SaturdaY eveMrs. Vroln . Lamb has been ~ n Miss Mal'garet Ed wnr~ WIIS n to .. Ballowe'eD IUD,4lheOD witla., tbe ~ with an enlertaiDine , pro- presided over the bUBlne,a s Besslon of Lewisburg, Oblo (lnd Miss Mill' the Rick .Ust tor · two weeks a" d and Mn. Glen Borden and Mrs . nle Zemkgraf, Mr., B ind Mi·s. Nor· guest on Tue!llluy at II' IUl1 chpon Mcunot _ l a, Club ana ae.,.nl cruD which II beln« arraqed. 811, .J 'not Im proving any. R. E. ~b1l1T were In 'charge of man Kesinger, Mr. la nd Mira., Ar· glve.n by Mrs. Joh n P l'eslon. othar frlenda I I their , Mr. and Mra. W . E. Stroud, Mn. Mac StUes hns quit working at Little ,Ponna H aOAs. o,f neal' Tha, bOjl...., ~n. ~ton. wear- .Irene HendarlOn and Mn. Grace the procram, Mrs. Borden Intro- ' (thur Kes lng(jr and 8011. ' Mrs. Frigl4nlre for tile win t er. MRS. ' MVI;ITL E OIB SON in, a -.oat ri4ICft11oU eoatum,. Vice were Bunday lUestll of '; Mr•• duced u their guellt speaker, IIrs. .Bar~er, Mr, 'and Mrla. ~alPh T(e~· XenIa, s pent. Il rew dllYs ' i lll he l' Mi'. and. Mrs. M8iI'Un Bor;gll Correspond ent · . creeted laer Mend8, after whio'h O. W. ltI'cWUlIams In €ovlngton, Maureen Clark, a dan.clog t eacher Ineel' aud son, MI'. lind MI's. Rob· grandparen ta Mr. alllt 'MI'!I. Hlly ca:\led on Mj~ atld M'I's: 'Ernl.',qt In. the Centervsll.e schools, wbo ert Bomham nud SOilS. or Dayton. GIbson ~be pas I we lr. a moat, dallclaua luclleQn '11'11 Ky We IlI'C till hllvlnK nlep wenther Gibson SlIndny. had lived In England arid came Mr. and Mrs. James Wl'dmnl'8. of . Mr. ' and Mrs. B ill DRrl ng allrl • e"tId ,in lUIa dlDiD&' room, where • Ess ie Lanlh 'from Hamilton, vis· . the tablel were mO!llt beautirullJ' lIr. and ~r8. John StaDBberrY bere 811 - a war bride. Mrs. Chirk J~kson , MI'. and 'M rs . Rob l 'l Mrs. Em !'Son 1)111 eml1 ed on MrB. ror the ('01'11 pickel'S. Ited his Blst I' fyl' tle Glb8 ~n Sot· Betty 1.0mb, Frands Sc h n~e !\ .. 'al'l'&D«ed wUh HallOwe'en an4. talked to ~elr lIOn R~rd, In told of' many EngliSh custODlS. Earnhart and daugl)t,er Mls!I lara Ully GlbRon l'¥IOII!lay ' ovenlng, u\'day mornin g. Daughters. autWDD a potntmeDaS, Tba &rte~ San DleKO, California, dUrln~ tbe Mrs. Arnold Clark and chlld\' II. Mrs. Stiles nurl Ml'fI. MYl'.tIe Glb· comparin. tbem to our mude or Jurl ge LnDlb. nJBo E rnes t and son W8J'e In Day 1011 s hopping S1It· DOOD -....Plpellt ID ave..,. pleaIant put week and be told, tbem or his livlDI; and expl.lned her joy at Mr. aud 1111'11, Ern est Lllca !<, nf or Dllylo.n, spent , Sl1nd\lY sftel'noon wife made a t!'lp to Hamlltoo !lun· . .tal manaer. . ' .,nduatlOD trom the Naval Train· lI~e in AmeriCa. Her talk WRS Sluing Valley, Mr. MId Mrs. En!'1 with Mr. and Ml's. Morris, l..ewHI urday. day 'morning to sell EssIe Lamb IDr School, where he haB been extremely Inter8lltlng alnce the ex. LuORS and fnm.lly I~pent SU\llln y and rnl1llh~. . Llltle TODl,my Gibson Is mllklng 0 J1 bustness. Mial DorotbJ and Miriam WU- .~oDecI for the put few montbs. " evenIng with Mrs. A. nna Lucas. perlen.cel were all her own, Mrs. Anna Lu clI s spent 1\ few his home with _Mr. an(I Mrs. Ern· , OIl ..... lIOn an..rtalned on Tlul...dar ev. . t Gibson, HloJ-en III Corwin . all had a 'Tbe clUb adjourned to meet \!lith Mr!!. Lewis Tboms')n !lnc) d,llugll. duys last Week wllh Mr. Imd MI'8. DillS wltb a of ......... IIr. and IIr.. Claarl.. Andanon IIlco time '1111 drssed up for Hal· RUBlle.1l Tqba l11e and [n'pilly R nrl and rrleadlt .. tllIilr petrta. III.... wa... Suelay dlDD" cuellta of Mr. Mra. 8. 8. Ellla in November and ter Debby or ·Dayton. Is, SllclIlllng Rhoda Lamb WIl8 " 1!)lthlg her lowe'e n Tuesday night. ,V ..... Blaenrood. CIIarIatte tlurnatt, .... 'Mn, Lawrence Group In durln« the IOClal hour a deliciOuS a few days with her parents, Mr. Mr. a 011 Mrs. John Tracie. . of 1J1"'lerr-ln-Iaw, Myrtle GlbRon. ?,I I'S. RhodlL I. RlDb and \latlp.ter Dayton. de...rt. eour... with all Jlallowe'cn and M,rs. Clarence Ci'awrord. V~ BroWD, BeUF Batterth- C....OWD. I M~e' Stiles made a trip to Xellia Louise GlbR on who lIRS been Mr, and Mrs. LewIs Crawford Mrs. Emerlon DII1 wal.... IIettJ Wloal. DorI. Cbarl· Mr., lin. Joe Dav", of DaJton, appointmente. wu .arved to ' tbe on bualne88 Tuesday m~. with 1!el' uncle '01' the put eight and dAugbter Donna, of Xenln, Mr, nllI'Vey taD, I1u&b ~ aM GeMIce _ "......aer. ...... BunelaJ' eve- membe... and Jtfelts, Mt.I~lth fUneral , of . Mr. and Mrs. Bas nr. oUt driv'Monday apent Monday evening wltb Mr. week~ haa gone back! bome- to ~ ."... Oy......1at -..ota Illq aa.pl*' or tbelr JIU' ....ledlDlUl or New JUchmond. and FUlkerson, Ing SUnday throqh CarwJD: Virginia. and Mra, OIarence Crawford, Putt." ......... aDd II,.,. ~d Da~. II.... Clark and UWe daulb.ten... attenaoon.
M.rs.'""- ·......•..·........
mi. JJolI"
New Century
Club Meets
CU.,,,, .
Corwin News
fOr'" "IIaa_
fro lind :\lr8. Hawl\l,t! AYI'eK. o r PJlOon l . A r izona. luld 1'11'8.' Nlnll • \ilOI)top.. of. M a.son. \ ~." '" dEI ta bll s h4d 1850 Publlaher lloM (lny e v e nll1 ~ lIlnn I' g il S 1R or PAU~ A. 8CH E RER ............ ,.... .. Ed itor and M J's. ,0fllJltou 's M\w ·ln·la w IITIf\ CECILIA J. SCHE;R E R ......... . . . . ......... . S ecret a ry Dnd Treasurer du u ghlel', ~1 1·. nn ll ~11·s. H RI' III n O ~ ltll und dllllghter. BUl'bar!l . V\c' I'OJ' Lo81'. of l .1' hl1l101I . ~(>I'I' (l1l .PlIllllsll,' r1 ]~\ t r 'rlnll'selny Mormoa METHODIST CHURCH LYTLE METHODIST CHU~OH J . W. Wedgowood. Mlnlster B. E. Bau.blJ, Putor III '~II) nps, ' lIIe. W RITen Cou nty, Ohio u~ nSKi ..t ll.IlL !!1I1' I'lllte ndc nt 1'\1111 . Church SchOol. .:80' A.M., Mr. UnUle4' Service, 1:41 L Ill. J,:illcr('d ns (lC nd la88 lUaHor at lll ught .th Acl ul t (, I !ls~ nt t h ... Harold Earnbart. Supt. tllo 1l0 ~ IOrrlce nl ~vnyiles l'llIe. Ohio. Met hodl t ' burch I1I1Crny. Worsblp Service. 10:80 A.M. ST. MARY'S EPI8COPA~ Til Pnl'en t· T ell('h e l·S "\Rsoclntion Youth Fellow hlP. S unday 7 : 30 'j'be ,Rev. ' Samuel N. KeYI Rectol . , sllOnSol'!ld . l he 11 nU lla l H'illl owe'en , I P.M. SUllday: ' S ubsorlllUon na tes--~!!. 1'('\' Y ar. III :1I]"ltIH' • III OhIo; $~.50 els,ew'b ere Cnrn l vR I and $Ot'i:d Ht Ihe ht gh Chotr Practice 'l'bunday ' 8 :00. Primary c~W't!h Icbool )0 :80 a·m. !<~hC)ol IP' UlIIlI >\ilIOI -'utll l'd ay r·\> e~ , (Allee 0 througb 8) , nln$. Mrs. Edna C. Bogart III'eSl d .1 VO.TE YES FOR BOND ISSUE FERRY OHURCH 01' CHRI8T Adu. l t Wo!'hIP. 10:80 a. m. a t t he l,juno to r t h., ~n1n .1 II1HI'\'h Byron Carver. Mtw.ter ext "Tllcs,b l', Nf) \'c I1I 11 er 7. th e elect .. rs of of th e masQue l·a de. !':; 1'61'01 Ilrl7.E'~ Bible ScbooI; 8:80 A.II. 'W :lyne T \\'Ilship,' ill ' 1 IId in ~ Iht! 'o r~H1ralc I vill:t~c:i Mormn, WorabiP. 10:10 A.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH were II \\, lLl'de ~ hy Ih e j ud I!; Ii rol' . 0If W:tynt! 'v illl' ;11\ 1 , C r\\'i n. will 1 C :b kc d to vole PrQer MeeUDc. 1:00 P.M. 'WJlUam SbannoD, MlIltller t he \' nrl olls re llr e~{. nt ll tton H. T ilt, .Youn. People'. Mee~ 1:00' Sunday Scbool, II : lIO /\.M.. 111'1. YES or U 0 11 ,I BOil" I ~ ~t'le o f : I ~ ,(1 1)0 '10' Ill' 1I ed m rc hrults or t his (:O~lIl11 l1l1 itY rio· Eventng .Servlcel. '1: 80 P.II. Jamea O..-rllOo., Supt. to onslrll ·t :til alic1ll lat· j1l1i1,li n!(, ' for h lI~i n ~ th' n:tted t he mon ey (or I he pr izes. P,_chlll" I.t. 1l0,d 'rd, Sur.~lu iprt1clll I( lIle' W':IYI1C TUII I1 ship Hre Depart ment. dQa 01 _01. IIIbntb, 10 ' SO A.Jot. Mrs. Llsu ·ul'l. has return ell .WAVNE8YllLE CHURCH ' 01' Iilveolnl 8ervlcel. ., : 31/ P.M. The 'B wd o f 1' 1'11 tce:; has eslilllatt'i lh at il wo uld CHRI8T Crom a '1'ls lt w it h M I '. lind irs , -ANDr qllire the :l bove all1 0 unt to 'olll plcte th eir plans for M. H. COfrey. Mlnllter Har TY Orr. of Dayt on. Bible SchOOl. II: 80 A.M. an a I quatc Fire D 'p :lrtl11ent. CAEBAR(8 CREEK FRIEND. Mr. a nd Mrs. ,,\tl'tn :\1oore :lull MornIng Wor.blp. 10-:80 A,M. son . of ILblna . lI'e l'e guei/I..·. '. un· At th e pI ~t'nl lime one t ire Iru ' k i ' housed al Y,.oune l'eopll!s' Meetlng, 7 :00 oM PartIqtOD, IIIDII.... WONIlJp . . , . 11 A.II. day oC Mrs. Moor e's I'llr e ll u. MI'. th e T II' n 'hip gar:l. l' :111,1 th' n tHcl' at th e huilding P.M . B1III4&J IIcbo01. U A.II. and Mrs. Todd Bu n e. kn WIl as th e ..Jail, wi th part o f th> equ ipmenl ·tur'd Evenlng SerVi ce , 8~ OO P. M. Mr. Ilnd Mr!l. w.m \\"lIIln.DlB. of at ea.:h pIa e, . Pra,er MeeUng and Bible Study W~, . j! P.M. . OREGONIA EVANQELLCAL U••• A m eli a. ' er e \lnelllY gu estfl nt \ illl !l .ne\\' I'llillin ~· hoth trucks La n he housed , . James H . Riley. Pastor 1\[r. and M rs. H . S. Tlle ke r. wi th all their ' lJlliplllent and \\'ill al 0 pr vi Ie ample ~T. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Sunday S chool •. ] O A. M. MJ's . barl es 'Pr ire I' t lll'ne() to spa e for : 'rvi cing and kee pin g i n repa ir • Heh equ ip"~~er R. H. Krumholta, PallDr. ~OrJ;llng . Worship. ]) A. M. Grand view HOSI)ltll l, Dn.yto n. F ri· ment. . . MUMa, I IIId 10 ~II. day a nd und erw ellt :1 ru ajol' . Ill" WAYNESVILLE FRIEND. H ow Inti 11 \I'ill tit ' pa~ngc o( thi s Bond I sLie gery th oro Satw'day mO/·ll lng. H er nUl Da, SobOOI, 1:'0 A.". NT. H'DLLY NETHODI.T co ' t ? . . condition Is r eported to b p gOO d . Meatiq ror WorlblP. Ut:IO ...... 'l'. IA. Bc"". Mlnlater ollnl Audit or A. ' M. 1':1I'kel' ha. ~stilllated the cost . . Mrs. C'ojI'llce Bayes luis II'C p i ef! SUn.d ay 80bool. 1:10 • .11 .. at three all I ei g ht - t~nlh cellts ((1. 38) for en · h 10 WAYNESVillE, OHIO PHONE 2441 A. Earnllarl. · SUIIL n job i n Hlzar's Res t cUll'ant h r eo Let thll Sunday and evel'Y Sunin Tax Valu:ttion. That 11I (';l I1 S thaI for :1n ient ~ day find you 10 some cburcb WorBIII" BerYt".., 10:111 A.M. :;)Ie Bucceedll Mrs. A nn a. Bec k ett Elvenln, ~erYlce. '1: 80 P.M. tbe churcb of your choice. Fir Oepartm Il t your share af the ' cn. l \\roul l be les. w ho I'eslg ned to !\.Crept t1 ai m li ar th a.n fOllr ce nts for en h ne hun Jred lollars On y our job n.t 'BIlI n.nd Dot's R estaurant. tax dllp l ic~tte_ 'r hL.' as es ment \vould exte nd over a . B,e, B,e, 'Blackboard ·Wil mlngton. Mrs. Bn y s worked ' u. form er resident ot lllis comm un- . It's Bye. Bye, mackboard in the perio I of ten years at w hi h lime the 130mb; allli inhere previous ly wh en lhe ~ 8 lab· [l.y , h as fujly J'~ovel'eil fro m Il modern Ichoo] room. OrHn chAlk terest will have heen p aid iil f ull . . lIshmont was owned by !\f rl!. ser iolls 1I\ne$lI. '. boards with yellow ch alks hake 'to The B eckeLt . Mors. A. S. Collett 1I 1lt! lis h.e r The Board of T r u te . and the V ill age Co un ils their place.' The Innovation il recH. ·S. Tucker has pllrQhllS d tbe luncheon yu,e8ts Frlctill. :>J rs . C,a ll ommended by the American Op. of. aynesv ille and '~r win IJ Iieve tha t for the proOglesbee home from Its rec~ nt Gordon, Mrs, E th I S t llmp, n£1(l tometric Association In the lnter· tection .of life :lIlti I roperty in Ihi om munity, ea h e st of easIer seelne. Blackboards owner, Cecil Lamb. MJ·s . Bertha Gordon. and every eleclor, rem el,nbering tha t rire is nO respecabsorb too much li ght lind CIUIe' t or of per on . or property, sh o ul ~ onsider wisely, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest M eeks. of MI'. and MrII. Gaill OOl'don nnd . v:ls ual d lli tor tl6n. DI\-)fton • . were gUQllts. \FrIda , of Mrs. A. S. Collett nlld so n Robert and V TE YES FOI THE DO 0 j.SU E. Mrs. Meek's brothe r Ilnrl sister-In.' colle tt flnjofod n ' I' c lit tl' lp REPUBLICAN . law, Mr. and M ri!. HPJ'lIh el HII (le' throu gh s outhern Ohio. BE SURE TO ' VOTE brecbt ond .sons. The Adult Blble ,Cllass of J ona.h ·!! LEBANON, OHIO We Ji ve in a country wh i h !!ive L1 _ th e right to In celebratiOn of tb e h' btrlhd nr~. Run Ba r(.,ls t chur h met at tho Mrs. W. . Tlc.hene r and E. B. home of ~r. and Mrs. HO\\,tu 'd ' 01vote-the pri vilege tha i m any people all over thi FOR 'A SECOND TERM wor ll1 do \lo t have-'o 011 Nove ml I' 7 let ' all get D akin e ntertliined Mr. and Mrs . l ett, .\V llmlogton. 1r ll iIil llY e-. ( Ceneral Electioa. Tueaday, Nov.mber 7, .950 Ml·s. J'ennt e Or,. hlll]l. p"out and vote-let's net neglect th at great privilege. '& rry Estelle. or Oermllutown I~ niug. seJited Lbe prograul ~1 I's. J. I'. . 'Your Vote and Support WlU Be Appreciated To 11 dinner at Mr. Dakl'n's home. t.l elJcioll Itml'h to about t we nty. Fnda.y. Thornbury led, tlllr !P'~up . In ci e·-Pol Adv. World .Wer II Veteran n"e m em bers. ·votlons. u.n~ MIss Mae Harla n lell • Mr. ; a.nd Mrs. B. 1. HlII sto Pll tl t be r ecreational hou r. The grollp H l:mnlL Lew is. ' !lQn or Mr. a nd brlefiy in tbevllIage Friday en1Joll . .I1ld . J.ew l s. o r here, ha s rea'.lso elect ed orncer s tOI' t h is yeu r. SN OOD lor tonK. e.. tlo mmii tft . route to<thelr home tn Mt. Healthy. R, B. Howa.d. Cbm .. L ondo.. O. DON'T HESIT.L'TE Tn. CALL 214 IF Y By JANE FITE cln nn tl - rOT anot her 'serle~ oC tbey visited Mrs'. Hili 's brothel' met In regultll' '' l!~,1\1Im Itt, the Mrs. Jenny Be]l , of Som el'Bvllle. t l·ea.tmen ts. and 8IS.l• .,;jIl.I~w, · Mr. nnll Mrs. p range Hall, Monday night. Mrs. ja a hou8egu ost o f her brol her·in Ml'S. L eu a C llvln . who lias been Edwl~, Jta.ndalJ a nd famlls'. Oarl Mool'e lild' .th e !In'OIII) lu varlaW' and sUIter. Jr. n.nd Mr s. H . S. II. bouse gtl e8 ~ fOI' se ve1'n) w eek~, M d M Ch I B S I.o us g'a mes In k eep'lug with the Tucker. . r. an - l'S. ar es ogu n, I'. , Ha') lowe'en sea son . of h I' son-hl·law and da ugh tJ-l', M.r . had liS the ir guests, Sunday , Mrs. Mrs. Mnry S . PI raon h as sold and Mr s. J ohn Welsh, I~et\lrned Violet Snell Mt!for !l alI d Mr. and Mr. and MrR. Ralph Dell were her home and n ew9stlllld to J esse ]ast week Lo he l' home In Spr.l ng- lIfrs. MlI.rl'ln Yea.zel . of ' R eartlng. bOBtS to tbe W~ bl'n!liton.Ma.ssJe Cmlth, own ar of Smith 's D.ry boro. Mrs. Snell. r e pOrted tha.t her A,d vlBory Council 'FrIday nlght. Goods .S tol·e. The home is to be Mrs. Anna. Mae B eckett lIns lie- · motber~n-Ia.~. Mrs. J . W. ' ne ll. 1 SI~) . . . '" Allee, . . . . . occupied by m lth ll11d MI'. IIlld cep tell It job a s -cook In Bill a.nll 'canw. I i' • ,--. Mrs. L. K. Bl'in t>ga r. Ml', Dl'lnegal' Dot 's R estauran t . WilmIngton . S he • • L ....... V.W.. . will contbm to. mnllnget' t il dl'Y w111 continue to lt v" here nnd r;om,...T...... ~ ••• /a... goods store and Ml's. B r in ega r w ill m nte to .he r job. L L .,...,. M.c../I MaW. T. c.-. ~ operate the n ewRst.aUll. Mr!l. P ierMrs. 6 m eJt a nrl' (lord on. who ,... " em ',.. , ( ~ eon is leav ing iUlOledl:'IItel y to I'e- w as seriously .ir juiled In an aut oc.tIaii L ~. ~" side in Dnyt()n. . ,...II. .......· M•• W~ mobile n.cc ld e nt, Monday n ight. II! ......;~ A. L . _ c..t....HIa Mr . and Mrs , EItner Bayes nnd r eported t o b "doing ,1. . well as (7th. Diltrict Ohio) ~ j.. ~ family have r nt I) tb B (·),et t clln be eXpected " Goo<1 ~aroa rO.Wl ........... ~ "",, '1 • ....,~ ..,•• c..... ' double on ' Maj n at r et IUlIl w ill \tlln H os pital, Dayton . Frer hU8FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRE~S ............ eaw..II \ move the l'e immedi ately. Th e ba nd . Ev~rett nnd th~lr . _ _ H. ~ IIIIce For United States Senator v ..................... BaYes family b ave sold t heir [arUl !la ugbter . ba l'on, wel'e not ser__ •• ..,." Mcaw.· on R1dge ~o ad. 101lSIy bur t , The group were re"-ItY L Lee. "... .• , lrt.. ,HI"....,. M'r . a.nd Mrs. H. S. Tlkker ami ' tll llilin g from W'lilmln gltOIl (DemoCrat) ,L •• ~.aH. •• 11*1"'.1••• ,.... and Mrs. · FI'cd Sber wQod wer e th e A.CC~d ent occurred. ; ........., MW'...W hoata to the ·. Ad ult Olass tn t h e , 1\1 IS9 l\f a.rll y n George has r eo BEN GOLDMAN FRIDAY, NOV. 3-7::30 P. M. .trw" PemeIN, C"'HIaIt I. . . . . J. ' ...... , ..1014 ,M ethodist social r ooUlS Frlday .eve- t lll'lled to bel' hoole lIellr Kngm\lD. WPFB--91Q ON YOUR D~) . G. W, 1I11aMW. , ...... . nine.. Arter II gl'Oll jl of i.uter eALin &; '1'01ll Miam i VallljY Hos pital . D ay• • P....." 011.... WARREN CO. GOLDMAN FOR CONGRESS COM. Help stop the Invasion of Ohio by: out~ ,....~.~.w games In keepIng w ith th e Ru]- ta ll . II"h I'e she un derwent :.L m lijor -Po.1. Adv. WILBUR HUTr, ·Chairmln ,.... ...... II. M..,. · . weeks a go. side Labor Czars, Left-wing S·o ci8ll.t8 Wal,oI hll... w...,,,.,.. e.." .......
Coal Heati~g . STOVE'S
Fairley' Hardware ,~
FO. . . . . . . . . .TATIV.
~m~ to ~~~I H~pll~. C~froml\~d~~M~~~~ The ~~~~ ~ . ~ G~~ ~~~~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~~~~ft~~~W~~~~~~3~~~O~U~,~~~~V~E~N~~~W~S
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......... ,
UeWtl, ....~"
AH, WIC.L,MY rRmIti" WI ~L&.HAVI.~ • 011UW'WMo HtlCltA . CM t#. MOfflYl
u.... . w'"'-
d.rH. ...........
and Communist Fellow- rravelen, who are attemptihg to tell us how to run· our, . Fal'ms, ' Qur Businesses, our' Qpvemment.
Leel. I. t ...., · c...... ""' 1r~"', Alii ,
D. •.
V~, ~
' o' O. YeIIIlGIt. MI. 0...., L.Ie p.• 1liiie,
... W.I ....., lee.....
. Mo,Ior
W.".... ..,,,..,.,
......... M. Welle,
HEY. .MA',.. S!E 11-115 $10 BIll ? WJ>.TCH IT CLOSELY! "lOW WU SEE IT...
The Outatandiq ID8II til u.. U. S. Seuate "The ·-Nnra.r IlWII'J the .... iaue .. 1M reet 01 tl&. American population ~Li""'y
qainit Comril&ptiam."
_ .:A
' TT];, WAYNE'-;VII.I .E, 01110 ,
. ' ..
. '.EVERY WAYNESVILLE .' , INorrlCIIL,I".'LI ' " . . ' ,CI1:IZEN ' WANTS: ' .
. aalStiDaS ,Dr IssalslallDt .,'. . ,
UPON,THE '.'. .. QUESTlON'OF mE,SALE Of . I:lEER ' .
(Election By Petition)
. '0
, Yea .
1. Who. esome En\Tironment for Youth. "
2. ,C leaner 'I'OWD. .
" :3- ',. Mor~ ;Economic City Gov.ernment. . .
011::;':::=I'0 •
~---.!.-...:~""":,,,,"----.,.~..,...s=I ~~" ' .,
4~ .
:A. TQWD Of' Which T.o'· Be Proud.
. '. -
• •
MRS. Ol.IVE CU.L, Seer.ta,, '
ROGER BROWNl~halrm.n
[_w_a_rre_~_·-_(_ou_n_tY_(_o_ur_t_"_e_w_S_l III :-;n 1(·11\
RemovlD, Sponae meat j grav)' stain. with cold or lukewUl'1n wa · tel'. Never use hot wnter ; It sets the stain. If a grease: spot remains, launder washable ma·t erfaIs in w'a rm soap)' water. It th e cloth is not washable. use a 'g reasc s ol vent.
1';:lf'1 nml Jlildlp (' 1'(11 10 :;;" I11 \w l Lnlll'1t Was, "S. Eclw:l I'.1 mll~~. H. lhulHOlI, liel al l-{'~ III nnl'~lln dlvo! e gl'lIlIt c1 to plallltHr, :::ltan fof d .p 0 1:: a 11 vs. fln'l TIll'. Oreellrt Ijl: ' rllanliss<>d fo ,' \I' 11 Il I ilr (1 eo l'g(' , nnlllh Ilnd 11:11'1'), 10un' ~ro sec lltiOll ; l to 'IlIHll'll of Edll lI trOll 'A I'lis i e 1..0' John H . ~trlJl'l' ,·S. Hel'h'I't 1',1 " ('al cJIOO) nr 11'1c' I , I i.ll'-l't' til dlsmlillH?t'I fO,I', " ":lut 4lf II1'OS"(' 1I lion , i'~'n llllllll '1'11'11,
f r-
Ole! Kllebens Hospital diet kitchens ore using , s tainless steel eonv e'yor belts and IItts to carry hot toads to the pr op er location on e ach fl oor.
•• .AP.PLES •••
0 .,
mnde PM'ty
. :l'U.PHON.a
"."' 118L
_~ _ II _U_~.
is ·E·A SY. TO. INSTALL Don't pny ' high pdces to have workmen insu, lale.your home! You can do the jo'b yourself in a few hours jf you use Zonolire. This lam.o us Vermiculite insulation is lightweight, easy to handle, Just open a bag and pour between joists in your attic. It flows ioto every nook and cranny. And once install ~d, Zonolite i. good for the life or the build ing. ' Yo u do more than save doll ars on instaUation costS by using Zonolit'e. You save up 10 40% on your luel bill., This amazing ~nsDlation also g ives you extra lire protec.; tion, It's Fla.me Tested-is so 6rep.roof it actually 'nuB'. our flame! COOle i n today and get Zonolite, It's me mDQeyi sa\'ing way to, insulate your home!
COMMISSION'ER General Election
7, 1950
XOUR SUPPORT Will BE APPRECIATED World War 1 Veteran -I" I. Adv ,
Colonial F lnallce Co .. vs. Rob J'l Fro t, og no" ia" ul'l hne 111'1'11. Albert He l'fick.
*~ ;s.
MI'S, Hobbll' only, amount clalmM, $355.00 wit h interpeL! el l':' Becker and L(mtenburg.
.-.~~ . ---.. __ ~
grsso negl at lind Xb'lllllt' C I Ity, lI{Qrvln E, 'YOlll!S, Fnnne Alb r tson vs, "liUam E .
. _
'R.place .Confusion 'wlth ~.......
4 Miles Nortl\ of Xenia on Route 68 and 235
Camp, ror mon
., _
Russell Marshall, m inor, YS. Re1'a ~fae ~fllrs ball , dh'orc-c, gross neglect, J.T, RIl ey, Ce 11 .D. r..a'n'l b vs, Della I.a lnD,
11 _ _ ve.1.... ,, _
[0 111111 .
__ ; _
"'-"~~ I'-"~ "-"~ "_il _U_~
Nell li. Pelfrey \·s. I{ lo J. p(\l r"I1)', divorce gron ted 10 plalnttrf.
Albertson, dJvoroe 0, Donald DJlatusb. Charles Free' vs,
William F , Dl'owney "~ So ~I!HY Ln · Joyce DOllruey, minor, HOrl)!,1 0., Ri s inger 3.llPointec1 · gun rcllll n n<l ]Jtew, divorce grant d to (Jlblll!lff. Euglnla f. Hllsz va. £OI' U .R I, Hasz, def ndant OI'C] I'ell ttl 1I11}' · DlatnUfr ,W,OO pel' week, pi ., ' Sebu.Tu J. A I . And I' VII, nWi!;ht 'v;r. MlchellOI', ' oHnl)l', und ~ 11 111'l il~ r,rll'hel\er, S late" UlOll'lobU JlllHll"
Armitage &Son
l1ru\\ n fur C.CUl l' r(·N "'un,mluea .!t. U. }i uwnro.. ("hm .• Lundon.• O .
CONGRESS [M,,~!~,!·'G,!!~!~~J
LllIIon 13\1I'I1I\1)on ". .lumps '("OT!! ,\I . .FII ~ IOIl , Jr., til 'M erDuoboulln. def ndnnt ol'dered lo \'1.11 lind Ol'A ,mil h. 1 lot in Lob. pay pJlllnllrr , 5.\10 p r week, :1.1~o nllon, Ohio, 60,0 loward pin [nt iff'!! f' 'llPrt~(, R. P otrlcla nn \\'lIltC'. millO I', "S. ,l llm~s D. au ti 1',"1111 1" Y. Alklll~ loyd .oJ'. "'bit lIef udonl Iln:1' 10 ,O I'Ji(l'"1. I' UC'stOI1. !! lotll In p laint f fr ~7 .fiO pN" " 'N'I< lind ,riO., 1.,'ho 11(111 . 00 On '0 1' b fore 90 d oy, . . POIH:I n Ikn t I~dglll'~. Horfer . Lll.na Fl'an,' l s Crlmu Pllul h :1I' 1'1l!\' n F'I'll llklll 'I' \\'p, TRY GAZETI'E CLASSIFJEDS Grlfflll , clivor to 11)l\lJI(itf. ( OUI.Illued on J'n.ge l<~iI' ) _ ' THEY. GET RESULTS FAST . LoUis cUvor'ce .ElI·ooks I! rIlnft (1 MAry' .10 · Brooks, to (lInin·
OVEMBl:I~:!, i' ;'~l
",.,iI.ltd I'''''t'''.~
of €inclnnat1, bu 1Ie.a
called by WIIIhinctoD _ men "the beat Senator." Collier'• .ummtd It. up by ..JiDI: "ft. has riaen to lNd~ , ..
throuch character aIIod JU.PIrior , ab!lIty and nothing , . No
!me . '
nd u~rv
could watch b!m hi experience. iDtIepIty
:nd absolute
' etu. n .thla outatandina c:IUuD :0 the U , S. SeDate.
,/ bwli" t:.,.p..,
W. E, Atkins to Alhol,t lo'lllflJey,
1.06 a cres ]n Harl an Twp. ,
Alger and DQrolby JOlIO Neel y VI!. Sam Ilnd Frances ,0)'101', 0..365 acres in So:lem TW]), WUJlam B. Yulton to Robnrt ·M, Blair, 2 lots In Leba non. ' Stanley IUJll 1If.II I,gU ret tpllh ,no 801,1 j.o POIII )1~. and , LahOllna R. D~r8bem. ].72 a res. In ClellfCl'o Ie
'S ales
EdwDl'c1 F. anll A lberta M . Payne to Jo r,d an D. and Jan t . Hill , 3,69 acres 1n Franklin Twp.
Phone 2281
Service ,
fol' elec:ti n as GOVel'.10r, h ·' proven bill ability os a top r \ ' O! adrninlstrot(\r dudng ]2 yCr.ro /IS Ohio's TI'(!nsurer. A M I!lIe
of Columbus•. Ebrighl Uve(l ·tor awhile in Akron wher(!' llelb()k over .. Finance Director during-the height of the 'dt:prEl:Sion and put the city on a P.DY· M-
you-go basis, He kn OW! t: pr9blems of Ohio. As CO":-I';: •. he will get th!ngs done.
Ask About our Price on
Leiman Colll v J' to hades \V, and Bertha IlL Olilles, 2.216 ncreB
Installation and GaS
The Jooo.t!on of the precl nct.i for the N o y . ?lh e lection is as tollows; North-At .FIre ' House. South-At. Mary Earnhnrts,
Spring Valley Hardware Co. . Sprin~f Valley, 0-
Phone 37371
Worry Can.OnlY Be Banished .by
Attoihlng faith W HAT sorl of life is ours going
to be ?
. To those constantly tormented by this question, I should like 10 · point qu t t hat .no life can be st rong t l;mt I ' m a rked by d oubt, d istrust
and incessant worry.
. 'Yet 1aith is not always easy and w e wou ld be Jess tha n hIJina n if W E' eli not worry \i; h(!11 things go wI·olic. 'l'he atlainmeh t of . deep a bl< illg faith i nv snln ll accom -
pli slu\)cnt .. Wit 11 0 u t
st r£'l'Is} h, undc,,"j,\,sble illiatiO)1S arc . apt 10 depl' 5 nJld cOllquel' I\S . "h(' enchlngs :ll'ld Ufe r JI';IIS off I' llS a inean s of m "',lil1~ lie 's p roQlcms cheerfLllly. A'.'c'oJ'rtl li ' t o J esui'\. our l lle wm be ,'1,!lt \\ (> make it. Love \ 'i ll m:dw rOllj(h ro,d~ smoother. Hl\lnlll1.v .will in · cr <c our stature. ('1 :: rily, \', ill pl'o\'ide us with a n 1)1J(1I'1, (unity 10 learn , through aiding other!; in JI e Solul H) n o f 1hcir pI'Ouh!nIS , h1ol'e a alit meeting our own misiQI'-'
tu n . ,
, .#
We must t:\k the~e 1 l',1chjn~s uf J t':I· III heor! if \ 'C Dr" to I 111'11 to lh L l ·bu e worry. J\ucl \\' III lis t nl.>o put t hese teal'h illg~ into :lctiOt:l, ( \ lm pllI'C li e Ih ('5 f tile tl10ny I'hll' .-)' llICmbt-I'S who p. ttl ch\:rcll wi , " lit :J f e l like it \\ ilh the liCe o( I 1'1.' I CI ri:lian \,'h\J h!l s m'lde till "viC.: 01 G od :\nll !lis (cl10w · m " ,!Ill sllprcnH' Ihjng ill his lire 1\ I Ilot :J matt er ci l'pcndont UIJOI I In (It.l ,
whim and convenience,
E\ n y' !I ll" «no .. i I uation , rrc ds t hl'~l' \rho \\ ill 0 " 1 \'l' 'lnd love. 1\ nd nl It\u.~c Idtu," lit'fs t a ke coo·
e1m, til ;,.liulI, 'uch I1S .....·IIR'Utn.Jf. \ -m lind tht'mscl\'l's ·Ihe ehaUenge 0[ ' ~ ·It'. laith. strenllh ~_.. UlUbllICeebWH1ief in Ood.
~1~~~M~_a:n~_o~.f~~~~e~tt~e~rs~~11~~;i~if~~~ HORIZONrAL 54 LIne of 1 Pictured earl), junc:Uon man of letten. 56 Wicked Nat}laniel 117 Small
9 Curl
58 Gaelic
13 Ireland
59 Parts
14 Precipitation 15 Fork prong 16 Arabia n gu!1
17 Caper 19 Sainte (ab.) 20 Wri\lng t ool
2 1 Place (ab .) 22 Accomplish 23 Ever (contr.)
24 Senior (ab'): 25 Father 26 Of the thing 28 Nova Scotia (ab,)
VERTICAL 1 Piles 2 Helpel's 313lrd 4 Numbel' 5 V er b a I 6 Sped '1 Louse egg 8 W lfl' of ,
10 FI'ench \' i\,er 37 Type of fur 11 Purpose 38 Elevate 12 Looks 4Z ·F ogs a ska nce 44 Afternoon social event3 18 Amend"~ 21 Mountain 46 Is indebted lions 47 Bulging jill' 25 Flower 48 Encourage· Ge'raint in 27 Weird , 51 First wom .. n Arthur/a n 30 Hawa!i:m lood 52 Mouth part legend 32 Be seatfd 53 Harem room . .;.9.;;C~Q\.;.I",rt~('I'!'a~~,~)... . -,:3l"'5_RIl".0_\'.,l'~ro"" . 55 Myself r.
3'l Pause . 330nt.llrio
( r. \))
34 S ilk worm 35 D esire 36 Q uo te
38 Symbul for radium
39 Biblical pronoun '40 Symbol .fo!,
tellurium .. 1 Ream (ab.) 43 Emmet 45Internatiol1 <1!
langullge 47 Bone 49 Friend (Fr) 49 Fish 50 Dilate
03 Kimono ..1heI .
What good are' wage boOIta when your earnings COnstaDtly buy you ,I less and less? Not even this riCh s~te and nation can afford C~D t.hlued blunderinp and mismanagement in public and world ' affairs, Goverl)ment services nHa not' cost more iban ~~y ~ wortb, Republican candidates are pledged to give you good government you want~d pay for. RemeJJ:lber that when "you · vote, •. YOn ......LICAIII
Will you lea,a' these to yo·ur chilfren1 Men " ave ,lie il in leave you tb esc 4- 8ymbol~ of freedom: A door k~ y .'- YOllr ri ght to lock you,r ~loor l1j!ainst itt gul ~O\'f'i'lImcut force mil] l)ryiug. '-.' (Ft)lIrllr AIII ~'/I(IIII.ellt, U. S. COII./ill/tiOIl) A Holy BI 10 -- 8Y'r11101 of y~lIr rigllt to , or~lliJl as you wi h. IFir~1 ,,'mondllllllll. V ..s. Comlitul ioll) A pencll- ft'eedom to sp eak or write \yha i yo~ lbink.' \\,].c lli er you ngt·ee. with the government or not. ' (Fir8t ,'m fill(1men', . V. S, COIULilUl i on) And a free ballot-your r i ght to ...llOose tit· kincl of gc~vcrnment yot.J w l1.11t -: your protection !lg:linst govcl'lIlment tyranny. (.41'Iir li·l, U. S., Con~tiluti'lII )
llav,e no I~'ealling in cOllntrie8 wlle~ P' \ e tll ll lC' n t ~:o llll'o1s evcrythin u:"" tor tlt e re ' the indio \ i,lllni l1l!lU 01' woml\U hus '10 free.t iotns.
, TII BSJ; SY ,\ IIl()U!
,,,••• Nam •• Will Appear 0 .. a Separate No.... '."..... ·Iu'dlda' lallot
il l 1 II.t'1'I'· ar~1 pcoTl lo ~ho arc trying 10 givc ~Ie U:. S. 10'0'. r llm nt mo)'(~ alld more COil lrol 0 r A mencan life. "Le t the government ~turl," tbey say, " by laking over cerlnin itiuusitries ond services - lhe dOCIOI'II, the rail. rooos, the electric light and power companie8:" Mosl or
- like most Americans- don't S. A. They have other reosons ror jtolntE'o!. But ' when g(lve rnment, moviJ1t!:
.~Olntr'oJII enough tllinge, YOIl have a social. "O'l"el'IID1le!~t, whetller yon waul it· or nOl o You'll be
whut freedoms will you be abl. ",,,vO'>r
,... ,... ............ .1...,. , . ........... ........... -. ,.,............... =-...... •••AI. L """IAI '-' T_ _ _ I..
.IUI. . l. IIAI1
.... ..., I, 1t51
....... 1. " "
, _ _........
- --,.
A tew birds come to the Buet
2"'J RiJge
tbese tbere halle mice ates.
da.ys bu.t 1I0t as many IlS ·ar.e sometimes. So tar I llCeen very few tufted tit. wblch are IIlnOog ruy favo/·. I bope we will bave thew ~lth liB thll! winter. Twh!e I'e. eenUy we 'have Reell n 11lJ'J; long legged bird. once roosting In the old dead 'elm and on('e flying over blt I bllivjm't been able to get near enougb to know whether It was a crane or a heron or whllt. ~ ' 8Ummer 'In New HamPRhlre there was o. grent hille beron that lived acrORS the lake and w(' often saw It wading I~ the s hallow witter 01' flyIng over. We thoughf It had a. . llest ROme where Blong tbe BW'8mpy sh'o re but we never tOllnd The crows are gathering In It. great ,locks for the winter. I wouldn't mInd a few , crow, hut ~bere ~re far 100 many of t h em.
Court News (Conttnued from Page FOUl')
James and Evelyn Jordan to A Farm Diary Lucy Datel!. 2. aCl'es III .D eerfleld Twp. By D. J. Frazier James and Evelyn Jordan 10 (II'U _al_U __ • and Cleo Johnson. 4 lots In Deer· OCTOBIilR 30. 1960.- A low ly. field Twp. ing fog hUng over tbe P&.8ture tbls l'rene Ni chols to Oecorcle and morning. 'J1he tl'ees stood Ollt like CallIe -Begley. 1 lot In Fl'8nkln. paper cUtOlits sllbouetted agllln8t Clltfofd W . Wilson to Beatl'lce a sllevr background. . Now It has Ha.wthorn, ) lot In Frankll'n Twp. lifted a. little and the aky Is gray Roy· L. Hudson 10 WlIIlam John· a.s thougb we might have a misty 1 lot In Franklin. rain. There waB a white frost the Ed Bnd Ada Wills .to RIcllard pnd other morning but stili lIothlng Anne Mae Warrell , 10 Fl r cs In bere has bl'en killed by the frost, Franklin Twp. Yes.terday I tricked a mess or Mal'lln BishoP' to Bru('e . [lnd green bean8~ gl'een and WU, from Betty Ral8ton, '] , lot In Franklin. our late planting. They were EssIe W. . K eever to Charles .J. ariher small and only one or twO Waggoner, ,0008 AOl'es ~n Lebanon. to the II1ant but they t BBted very Loveland Park ASSOCiation. Inc.. good, and tbere are more to come to Wlll.{am E. and Isabel Cartel'. 5 weather permUting. Tbe . leavell The three kittens ha.ve moved lots In Deerfield Twp, are '&Jung fait now, only bere and ·to the brooder bouse because they Minnie Oglesbee to Harry 8. and bav& found ' that Dick takea milk ""argalret 'E' • Tucker. 1 lot , In Hal" there aTe a few splasbes of color.. ... Wbeat planting has ' been going' on theerf w\'t:e II day but .they are veysburg. • all week. It I. late thIs year but IItlll Jio wild tbat I hnven''t, been RaYlIlond C. and Catherine M. 11 tbe wooly worms are right tt able to catch them lind take thpm Foxbower to. Dave and Frances the bouae that was otrered Flannery, 69.RS acres In learel'eek may be safe. We bave never been to . able to see that It made mucb tbem. One of Mrs. BarnMl'A< kl~ Twp. dlfference. 'We lot just about tbe tens bas grown Into a I~rge' an Roy L. Hudson to - Martba P. lame averace when we planted handsome orange aan wHIte long ' Hudson, I lot In Franklin Twp. early as wben we planted Ia.te. We haired cat. I do not know where Hertba, Emma,' Dorthoy ,and bave planted a email patch at lbey got that. long hall' but In Helen Marte Oromme; 47,73 Bcres wJnter oatl .this year. . We were evecry Utter there is generally one In Salem Twp. a little laler planting It lbat was long ba.lred one. Roy L. and Tbelma CaUl,h an ,recommende4 but it 1& up now and Tbey reeommend quICk milking RoBe L. Emson , 0.74 a0l'8S ,..e . are Interested to aee wbat It alii being good for tbe cows so ollr Franklin Twp. We . planted rye grallS present system ought to be good. Was son DownIng and VIola Mae. will do. and Kentuoky 31 wIth It Bnd In Tbe by turns tbe cows In ·on.. at Redding to W. f. 'and . Effie Doebtbe spring we are going to lOW It a time. Our three f~rlr-Iegged leI', 1.68 acres hi Franklin Twp. to blrdsfoot trefoil, 80 It 18 , our milking machines get to work Rnd Roland and Helen Call1ban to eX1lerlment lot. In tbree minutes or 80 rhey Are Rose L , ElIIsOD, 0.40 acres In n ·, 8eems to me t.hat there 18 an ready for .the next one. The mluk F;anklin. Twp. awful epread betwaell tbe price ot la not only mllked but- taken cal'e. MlJdr4'd Peddery to. Allen lind ers on foot lind tbose In lhil of and ne&ds no refrIgeration. trow. Ida May Stegsll, 2 lot In Deerfield market. Franke lu Dayton only .ever we are milking two and some Twp. . MildI'M Pendery to Robert /lnd -.. paying .twenty.at. Ce.n ts a. ))<lund times Ii. :tlJlrd b~ to .be stripped. and drealled In the atore9 they al'e Fritlle sbould be tumed dry but Lois Doyle, I lot In Derfleld Twp. MID bringing twice tbat. I want IIhe loves bel' bit or corn aTl d Is Mildred Pendery to Raymond 1 to put lIome In the look.,r tbls alwan tbe tlrst one- In tbe harn a nd R08Bmal'y H. Yorlr, l I t ,...Jt &nd Bell BOlDe because thoy and In the Rtanchlon. Dixle'R r.alf DeerfIeld Twp. . are eUfDa' an awful iot of corn II getting traloed and I belll've w11l Dn.le nud Anna l.ee Warl'lck tll. . 4.,.. make 110 fil1e cow. LU8ter and LenabeUe Smp!;, ~', , The cryaanthemums allo1 marl· O.31i aCrl'B In Turtlecreek TWI). golds a're stJlI malilll8 a. fine sbow, l.ilIla n Roll to ' Cbarles 'R !\ nrt ,butt many or tbe other flowers are I Mary O. Chenoweth, 1 lot In Mar. begmnlng to IIbow that winter Is roW'. on the way. . Hallowe'en hi· over : Myron D. ()$born to Helen ' Oil01' will be by tbe time lb!1I comell horn, ' 0.92 8l1reS Iq Lebanon . oft tbe pre. and lbe coming elec· Myron D. OBl>orn tlon III the main topic of Int.erest. born , 1 lot In Lebanon. Be sure and vote. Engelle L. aull Mary. L. to Fred Kahn. 6 acres 'creek Tw]). Edith Baas Lindeman IIi'owa fa Ooll~_ eom_1tioo!e • HOllles, Inc.. 10.70 acres II. B. How.rd. Ohm .• l.ondoL U • . , fIeld Twp. John M. and Vlrneda Brownlnlt to Cash C. and Lizzie L. Cole. 33,43 acrell In Union TWJl, ........... 00........ Cbarlle and Lottie Hogan to Ida . Mae Smith, 0.264 acres In. UnIon Twp. - . . . 1..~ .. t'"~t .... WilHam and Oladys Lall to Mary C. Latr, 6.20 acre's in Harlan T"'·p. A WORTHY TEAM , F, D, Amburgy to' Bessie King, GOoD ~VUNIIUT 0.226 ~rea In UniOn Twp. IN OHIO ~
- ---_l<I_.-.. ...
J,Jwtate of Lee , 'dll l" d , Olli e F~tllle of ROb&rl H. Milson. executrix. '1lI1 S ("I' of renl (lec'd , uxyM Ellell YNlzel, I elltJlt granted, ell{:lh" e~eUlp,t [1'0111 1I.1 ll'ntl'I':. flrs t, [fnlll and Inherltunce Live lU'counts [lfJproved. aJlo,:"ed Estnte of Ed Pl'es lon, d ,<d, , alld confirmed. Puul E . nnd LouIse Hau('ock a,,· Robert Jt. ~Wll son, Rdmlnlstmtor, polnled ndmlnllltr:,IClro;, m on I..' uf. J'hiilt, fnal u.nd distrIbutive lie. Joe Kersey and Gu ThompSOn I'P' COUllt fi IlPI)J'OV d , a llOW ed anli con. (I·med. • pOinted appraISei'll. IT'S NATURAL ·for a dog to bury his Estate of E III I' W. So u Lhg ~ t, ti:stille 01 Our-Ita AhollSC, dec'll , bone. A wise perlon preparPfl rol' , l:e d1!c'd, Mnrtha W lell R,loolnt d Joseph . AhoU8e. adllllnlsll'stor exceutl'lx, .Lawl'cn . In ll\l, El g/l l' ~ firs t a nd final accollnt approved , future by sav·ng. Do YOUR sllving NOW 'Ludlum nnd J!l!leph ~l c t{llisey ilil' allowcd and confirmed. -open a lIavings account. poIn ted IlPpralsers. IDslate ota Jas per T. Fa 1'1", dec'd. E Ktllte of 11el.·o D. ' No 1< , d c'll, fIrst ., fi nal and dlslI'lbuUve a e. John A. Nock. Sr.. I!XePlltor tl'llIlS' counl flied, fer at real e stllt gl'anled , detel" EIltllle or Leora B. Parker. de "1. minBllon or luheriLa.lll'e lax , Mildred C. Coburn ap[lo'.lted 1111. EstJlie of Alva E . Jam ~ . de 'tl, olJlis trattr·bc. Cnrl D. Stiles. 88mh ~s ta~e exem-pt from In h ed tnn ~ e chwarth !lDd J . Ray ta~. pointed a l' pl'alllel·s. MrMn~R FEDERA( DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Estate of JOf\e ph 1\. Sc hilling. . Estate of Anna E. dec'd. Roxie M, Sc htll in ' . ex ('u. Rnd cOllf.l rmed . tor, f"led • InvCntOl·Y. llc81'Ing et for' 1~8 t lltO 'of Harry N . Pel'k, Sr" November 6. at 10 :00 n. m. Estate of Fred 1\ . Mon'ls. dec'd, dec·d. Harry N. Pel'k. JI'.. execu· Pretty Parsni p Pullman Oar pets determInation a Inia erlrance IllX. tal'. fil ed first Bnd fInal nc~o\lnt. Sweet potatoes. carrots or par. Cal'pet s on the tloor of Pullm.n ,mlp. can b~ growll in water as a cars have to be replaced about """tale of Edward F. Mor l'ls. ~ " house plant. Cut ott a sec llon of every two to sIx years, depending MARRIAGE LICENSE thf' top and put In wat~ l' upon carpet type and color used. d ec·d. Robert n. Ell' wei' hnd ·I1l el. ICtn !leth Schuchtel·. 19, ' farm er. lie Morris., executol'll. rlr~ l. fill I Monow. and Mal'gu{el A. Homlln, and dlstrlbutlte ab · LInts' allprO\'ell, . 19 s tenographer. Franklin. allowed a.nd ,co 'rimed. E'!ltate ot EIU'I 13, Young, d' 'J , Iglnlnf onuErjaf EO MuV . Be~lwlbll 01 CboouJa'e Cbocolat~ was arl,lnally called Lida B. YOl!ng. mdrnlni Rtl'B tl'h, first and £lnal nCCOlllll . 1IP[lI'OVf> I, "jocolatte ." .nd wu arlt de· veloped. In Centr.l and South allowed and ontll'lll ed. Amerlce. _ _ _ _ _ _...:.-_'_ _ _ _ _..;.._ _ _ _ _=======~
"BL ............
, _ la ....ale. . . . . . . Ia· ren'-H by ..a ..... ' Bt.....-lell lao. daeY ....aH _ . IDo.,y.•ilh .... woO" allD.p_I, by foUoW!,~ • PracdcaI ....elu.. IWO.-':.... - - eI tJ\em b4 f _ Iik. yOWL Li...a to da••• pro.nau, ...., mar ai ... yo. ilDP!UUDC moaey. .. aId. . . . .el .,,11 labor· .en•• id.... ,
ever, T~e~~y .nd~ ........"" Statloo,"
WLW 6:30 AM
• ".we....•__ 101 .",.~ s.... WII. c... Le 7, .......... ·• . &
EXCHANGE Pboae ~7,1 ·W.,...... ·A, c.rIoad of .AuortM Fuce ~ POI,b Jut Arrived
". J
r"....r Oht" Ilupr.m.. ,COIU'I Ch.. "
('loM.... I. Ohio ' mu '11/. for LI.u\, 0..". Com,
E!itate or Bertba M,able Rolfe Selpy; dec'd. estate exempt from Inbe&1tanee tax. Trans(er of rea] eBULle granted. Estate of George Peterson, ,dec'd, Alma Peterson. admlnlalra! trti, tued "rBt and ,final 'account. Elst.te ot William G, Stl>well: dec'd, ~lItate exempt from inberit· IUIce 'tax. Transfer of real eatste panted. , EaULte of Mosie Wblte, dec'd: Georg'! · ~1te. '8Jtecutor, 111ed invelltory, bear.lng set for Novem· ber 3, ,at II) a. m.
ABE '~OU 'B EADY ••• .
, -~--
Sing'er Sewing Center 1223 Central Avenue . MIDDLETOWN. OHIO NAM E ________________ - _------ ___ ___
. _,~
ADDR EeSn~r!lclt ___ __________ ~ -------- -
Phone 31801
___ ______________•
PHON~ -- -- ---.. --.
CI TV ______ __ - - _.. ________ ____________ _
)' New
) New: Singer Vacuum CI.aner
RaYlflond Braddock . . .
"II:ark~t · ' Boy~'
N.tTop QuIll, ........
r 11 r
r, ~ I LON :
£~ T ,
' ~epresentative
As a businesa fllan, newspaper publisher, fanner and former state oaciaJ. he Imows the problems of 'the people of the 7th District and the Sbte of Ohio, and hall fo,ught fol' the! )' beat 'intel'est9 :~ t a ll t ime, >
He is known as the friend alld champion. of the men and women in our fighting fOl'cas, and hal;! voted
and worked for their welfare, and in the interest of aU 'veterans and theil' d~pendents. Born and reared in Clinton County, the Seventh District, of pioneel' stock, Congor seman Brown has been such a constant foe of radicali' ni and Commu. . nism as to ca4se these element to put on a vicious ' , campaign of misrepresentation in an effOl't to defeat him 'for re-election. Olarence J. Brown is a champion of Amel'icanism and the free enterprise system. He belie,' s all citizell~ are entitled to the opportunity to WOI'1e for fait" compensation, and to enjoy the fruits of their Jabor and industry, undel' a free and representative form of 'government. He is opposed to making this country over into any 80rt of 8ociali~ed .state.
L,fa keep a Good Mall in COllgtesE.
..... 1141
Clarellce J. Bnwn has been a most valuable Congressman in .t hese troublesome times. He has proven his worth- to the llilltrict and the Nation.
29c Pouad _______ _ 5c CAitROTS 15c Two Bunches ___ GREEN' BEANS 2S'c Two Pounda ___ _
BROWN Blallchater
POTATOES. . 10 Pound. ____ _
100 ......
-Pol. Adv.
Send Back To
R,epalr of' My Machine.
b YoUr Car . . . F. WiDter? -- Do You Have Your Aati-F. . . . Ia? - Do You Haft Your Oil ADd c...... 0aupcI .....,,.... FIuahed Out? - U Nol. Better $top ill ad s.. U. Soon.
STAT..~ -- -----------
Uy George
Waynesville National Bank
X aelr,l.,i ..
I'M,I: FIVfj
Vote For ,
. . . . .....,... ChalmlEn. Lemdon, Ohio IIJJtaa I:kc',. SJ)rlaaJl I" 0Il10
• I
Joins• Farln
TWiIi Theater WAYNES VILL E, 01 :1 0 'CIOIed Tue.day " Wedne.day
with -
VAN JO~NSON ELIZA BETI-\ . - Rnd 3.'1'
O~t E l)r..
G'El 4
W .. B. I'fEW~
at Davia Fum.. Pit..
WA'''UYIUI. . 0 ... 0
With the"?" T."en Out
The Land Bank Way
\\ III I)sy 'top·noldl \ \' ANT,ED price fol' goo<l blu&-gltlNB sad. Cl~lI Dayton FU lton 5735. X- 11 ·2·9
DU II gu l(lw 5 rooUl>! with bnUI. st.oke l··fe(1 fllrllllc.e, hot and cold soft water undt' r pressure.
ANGELES mother gave her son a hot wh isky toddy for his cold . • Soon a fter. he jUlNled up, hl~ ' ~ls M(Jm . and bit fQW' PQllcemeD. Guess he's al· l~ralc to' h!s mother and pOlice.
FIll blUlement. garage In bllseln nt. Located on 5th street. Wal. I]!'!!· ." "l e. 0 1110. l'hone ~ 7 . ~ II : Lt' l' r. : 3()
. .. .'
.'.FOR _SA-- LJ:'r - 'l'ubt'e un(l P. M.
.. .
-~-- - -
"" .ANTED- Womnn 10 lIo w ::, shill' Ilnd Irolllll~ I;V l'y IV ek. ',P bo~e 2143. GAZETTE O.F FlCE. dh
WASHING Nn IRONlNG don e In my hOQ1 , h i'll. MRS . ERNEST GIBSON. Npw 'B nrlln gtoll Rond.
woman In
u,bter.. ,bow'~~;'~~_r
NOTI rr- III' bn "l,er IIh\1fJ will b closed for ' U 1\ rJ.i11 0\' . Ii ('0 Ntlv. 24. ORVll.t 11: OIt A V , 'CHEST >;It CAREY. X - 1( ;-: C ~ ~':'· 2 -9
Removed Promptly
For Dally Market Repol1e: WHIO Da)'ton. 12:50 E.S.T. Dial 1100; WLW Clnolnnatl. lUO. Dial '100.
Phone 448
J. Ott" White. Louisiana optometrbt.. It merely means ' that one
Iii". I
Tile idea that 20/ 20 vlalon I, ." per. feet" I•• tallaey. accordln, to Dr.
e ', ;.
A ml.1D1qlpal W.sh ':meet 85
e' ~..
jUliI8e .
to_ 1&.( -- . prllsonetfj
can aee shOllld see at 20 in~ to teet. butwhat ,Iveshe no Indication ot· IQD'~es ~~ .~ of be.lnIIapp.:~~er one', ability to see wl~n arm'l the ~ees .... d.e . , • •on
. .~, W-~ B ••." •• Cow . r~
' .. _
..... .:
BrOwD for Coo",,,,,.. Commlttd R. B. Howard, Chm •• Londun. O.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =
TEST' "'O '=.'I TUESJ;>AY, I - -'qU~'R' I.-Q
\Vas Joseph St::llin premier of the U, S. s. R.1 2. What was ~he biggest news· paper story of last year? .J,. Who is ('arl('a1tur,~
_ _ _ .,.-.........,- ...
. . •. 1.1"..,... .._ _ . ';c-. .J... ~
1. When
J.; '.
"B4TTLEGROUND" , IlllllllljllllllWIIIllIIllIl1I11I11Wlllllllllllllll1ll11ll1l11llllrlllllllll~lillllrllllijlllImJlllmlllmlllllllllillllll~lllillIIIIIJlllllllllllllllmlm~~mlllllmlllllmW,1
4. Name the
with November. 5. . Where was HerJ;lert HO'over
!lPln?,. ~"
DEAD STOCK cows $4.00 HORSJ,;S ~4.00 . All Stock Removed Dally La rge or Small - Call Collect
Xenia 454
XENIA FERTIUZER Dlviaio n of Inland Product,, ' Inc. a_u_ u_ . _a ____ ' _ _ ._
HARVEYSBURG oJltlnued from Page T wo)
WAYNESVIllE and CORWIN F 01' Your Convenience we. hav, arranged wjth MR. LEE HAWKE, U.R. NEXT BARBER SHOP, for you to leave your Sboe Rep·a irina. AU Work Will Be Called For and Delivered Quality Guaranteed and Price RealOnable
'BI 'l\:lUe:rg lsaM I; aqJ. ·t . " . ·uosaq~v.
·wnw a4~ u c\!.\J4;)
atl?'jS ,
AJBjahas'C • 'els~nH U!
;)!W (),l~
·ue s.ul?wn.l,L l
UB JO luawaaunou 0 P! sa" d 'Z
' 1i-6t uI ' 1
...-.. . . ._._._.-..-.._._._.,---
,~ o
Miss EUzaeth CIIlI'k ~ave fill In· terestlng Ilc<:ount ot. the Teach r Meeting abe IltteIH1o(1 that. dar In ClnclnllaU. Mrs. A. S. Collett and he r son Rohert Collett were dlnn el' gues ts Bunday of Mr. and Mrs, Hoberl -COli n . of Dayton. Mr. and .MrS'. J. P. IrhOlllbuJ'Y were dinner IU\lSl8. ·uuday. of tIlelr 8OII·ln·law lind dnughter. Dr. an4 ,Mra. Carl Tetri k and family, of. ColumbUs. The B. Y. F. lIad 'lUl-rge of 8 ' T V' kes at the BAptist, chureb\ SundllY. Ifr. aDd Mra. William Ertan CJelebratlKi tbetr wedding annlver· •....,. Sunday. by holding open IIouH. ft. Ertonll IIR\'(I ODe Ron. of Dayton, and two
ELLIS, H. STURM. Sec·y·Tr....
Wa&er-and VUamlDa water dissolves not only many TRY GAZETI'E CLASSIFIEQS vitamins . but minerals . 81 well. ot water used lD cookln, -'I1fEY GET 'FAST 'Amounts . RESULTS . fruits and vegetables should he small. Food; that need to be washed should be washed rapldl)' and !'lot ~o8ked.
.Qock To
_lIlillll 1111II111II1I1~1I11111 mlllllllllllllllllllllillmlll
--.-~-,-.-.----.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.- ~.~~~~----.......~.--.--.--------
Wayne ville ::!8:!(l CHARLE B. MOORE tr
'108 for three 'relephone
o'• •
Gloria Henry·Mary Beth Hughes·Robert Livin!ston Alan nale,JI ... PAT'OOTIRAM '
.11111 ValJlon
TERMS ARE LONG ...-_~ ,Ida Chances of flnding 8 de :.,. harmed. . Well. he can bridge LOW RA~E - 4% that problem when he ~ to it. A Farmer Owned Association
The Lebanon Nallonal Farm LOaD
lJ,·2·!l·.I 1J
I \\'0 llencllC!;, . l()r bl·eakfu!!.l nook. MILo' B&!\ L. T elepllon 264 1. ){- 11·2-!)·16
ne OeIterrelohische und Bay... ertsche Frauen Unterstuettullls Vereln 01 Cblcqo bas changed its· name to the AU$tflan and Bavariar welles AId Society. . Guess thE ,othV name IQt ijre.$QD)e ~tel' a'
S teeth in an aeeUlent. ~ that
-.-.-------...-_. -NOVEMBER .. -.,- .. .. ...3, 4.
the dlatance at wllich mOlt ttle d~, al)ple-ibat A Loan M~de-Can Be Repaid len,th. critical auinl II done, he laid. _ . e .... . , . From Farm Income ' . A laborer in Malan; .-lost
Un Wire aD4 .l.D orpnlIaUon 88CIOn'l1 to nODe. . strtctly aeUel'1l OIl ~e beat a1l~\ around market lD the countl7. '
"My Little Chickadee"
\VANTED '1'0 R ENT- :1 LO 5 I'oom 011 o'Llve' boil Be or .IlPllJ·tUl en t. 2193 D!I)·toll. X- ll ·p
L EA 8 YO R SH E to be I'e · pnll'e ~1 ILt LhE HA WKE U R NE~T Blll'ber ·SlIo)1. W.OI·I( wlll be called. for 1\lId delivered . T.HOM PSON SHOE flOP. Ha'l'veysbllrg. X- l ().19·26-1 1 ·~
Wilmington 236~ Lelillllon 439 INLAND PRODUCTS, Inc.
.llm~IIIII~ ' 11~1I~lllIlImll l . 1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1
WANTED-One \'00111, 01' will shure with ompanlon. Pi a se cu ll the GAZETTE OFFI E. Phone 2143 .
Hogi and Other Small Stock
• __________:..-________,__________....__
FOR SAL E-Re,,'is tered "7·montbs Hampsblre Bonr. WO II 2nd pllLce ClIntoll ounly Fall'. D III R· WO D R 'H ARD. Hnneyshurg. hl o. ] tr-10,) 2
Phone 2291
COWS $4.00
FOR ALE-Double burreled shot· gun, 1 box. sh.ells, chiol,en hO\18e 5 tUB B Sand reed boxes. ~1AR\' E. OOK. FUNERAL HOME Main street. X- 10·26- 11·2·9
cublo r&l'd. W. allo dellver. ABlI· THURSDAY I.TAOE ··& SON. Phone .ZOII. tf
One of I11Y fnends has lust ~Il ne Into business for himself. QU ite an undertaking, these business ventures-and he's really glllle into this In a big way. even WIlIII so far as to buy two new cors and everything! Only he ha~ Lu go halves on everything. On p IIf the BEAUTY REVERENCE AND . cars belongs to him- ·a nd the s hould. mark olle's depl1lil.ng t rUi· other' to the fin ance cumpany. ".- - lite. slice It Is ' olle of t o I)lemorles Honest to ·good nt!Il~ . llome or ·the . of li fe .tlln t, Is seld om dlmmed · . politiciap5 really have a 5pf, job They work Just su long- lind be· fore' you know it they're oJf on never el'Used, vacation. I'm beginning to 'think Flunilles pel'mjt tlng us to rtttend Borne ot them sp Pllci mlll'e tim e i. them g ive li S th'elr 8'I'ate tul a.p' Florida thaI') an ora nge crop provnl.
BOY 01' 1"( R A 0000 GIRL 01' fl ome oth el' s o· tJUlental W'ordB wl'itlen III gold were ' ·0 11!!1,1.,1· II qilit th e propel' gift to!, ·!tll· dren ? .A Itbough It IK qu es· tlonabl e llS to ho w well the male gender rtppre IHt~d those sell tlmen tHo s u e h oops and slIucers w er the tacl. Todar t hey 81' prized all colle t OT S' iteLU s, Re· member? When need arlles YOLI can Ie a v e eve:rything to UI. Yo u' ll appreciate our carefu I atten· tlon to every det'!U.
A h'lend of ours had ~ new EngU sh builer in the huusetlOld. and the fil'st afternoon b~ served tea to some guests. Our 'hustess cOlnplimented him on the appear· ance of the lea table but qu ietly nimal'ked that there was only a . Barry Andrews has joined . ~m'all amoun t of lemun and cream. Betty Brady \nd &)' Battles The butler drew himself up a" d the WLW' farm department, aDd said he had done that on pUI· p u ~e. b1/I voice is ~~d on the "Every· "1 always thought Amer il'a ns lOo k . body's Farm" pro,ram over WLW their le'lI st raight."
WalneIYUle. Ohio Phone.: WaYllllnvllle 21111
Remember wh c lI CliP S nud aaneers \\'lllh FOR A GOOn
Teleyblon ls cer ta inly different all ovel' the country. in New York if sOJn!! thing goes wr ung yuu get snow on th e scree n ; in Virginia you get ham and gravy.
In --..
1lI:~lmlllmllllllllllllllillllllli!I~llIilll!III1I1I11!lIll1ml~llIIllmllllli li l illliilllllll lll!lilllll!!11I11IIIII1I11I!lIi:I!III! ~!!!I!!!li !!!1I11!11! IIII11I11II !1I I1 /: !II I :m:1
Top Soil. Haullna. Saud. Granl IllJ:cay"Un. Wltll haill ' Hoe. Dra.·lIne and Bulldos.r
This weather lately is certainly something. On e m in ute it's s tifling -the nexl.you·re f reezing. Ever notioe how wumen wulk arou nd on (hese ni ppy days in flimsy stutT 'lind ho t .seem cold'l Wel l one 01 th em t nld me her secret the ot her day. Yes sir, tli is .is it. She said her hat was by l:.i.ly Dache. her Buit by J acques Fath-a nd her snuggies by Long-Johnl
/?/J .' .Il.
THI IHSDAY. NO\,EMHcH .~ . 11)50
ell ... lInOA· .1S3.1
"E"VB . ·I ( OW. (al~t .Mak. This Kind .f Mil! II
Elsie says. "Sof.Kurd Milk is ex· clusive with Borden's in Dayton. It's the. only milk thot stays fluid.
during dIgestion ••. unlike or· dinary homogeniz,!d . soft ' curd milk which .c 0 a 9 u lot e s or "clumps" in the stomach. Be. cause Sof·Kurd' mil k remains fluid, it digests easier and perm/ts the body to retain more calcium and phosphorus thon any other milk." "Borden', Sof·Kurd · Milk tostes better. too." Elsie odds. "There i. cre~", in every drop!'·'
TQke a tip from E1.i_ S,.,itch to aU.purpose Bord."'. Sof.Kurd Milk today. All your 9ro. cer, lord.,. drlYer, or col HEmIaU 1275.
21' I. IfIIS......
Notice Is . ~ereby given.. that In :J, l'osolll lloll by the Board of Trustee's . of Wnyne TownshiP. Warren G91111ty. Ohio, . . passed 1st day c)f ' September. 1950. tbere will ' be su.bmlUed to a vote ot the peoph~ of tl1e Town· Ihlp at the General Electl cn to be held In aald Township at the reg· ular placel or voting therein. on' Tueaday the 7th day ot November. 1950. a Bond Isllue; fol' the pur· pOlle at CONSTRU OTING AN AD· EQUATE BUlLDlNO FOR ROUS· ING THE EQUIPMJI!JNT OF THfJ WAYmJ TOWl'{SIUP FIRE DEPARMENT. In the Bum of Ten Tho~lssnd ($]0.000.00) J?oJlaril. and a levy of taxes be made oulsjde the tcn mUl Ilmitailion estimatec} by the County AudItor to a,'erage 38/ 100 mllJs for ea.o h one do.lar of tax valllaUo n whfch amounts to no dollars. and three and eight tenths ($0.038) centll ror each Qne Hundred ($100) Dollars of tax valuation. tor a maximum per· lod of ten (10) years to pay the principal and Interest on 8uch bonds. Pou. tor said JjJI~"! tI">l1 at 6:30 A. M. ulltll 6.30 P. M. (EaJilUlim "Ime) of Said day. By order of the tiona of Warren ,,..,.n,,,,,.
. 1pursuance of
SJ3'\\:: ! ~ V
Uncle S..m Says
, ",hlte (':lkc Is • dessert to be e.n)oyecl the year around. wiUt . a' varlety of 8111n'l' and',. frilstln, •. T~l it ,yith two.toae • . • blm 01 choeolate ,and white !!ulry 'rOllin,. .
-The (nn~ily haa a .lIpl'cial appreciati.o!) for the cllkea Mother make. whether served warm from the oven with f,uii, or prettily ' 'rosted ·and fill ed. . Becau.~ today's white eake ~ec!pe U8es only two egri and baa thrifty enrIched flour liS th e. marn rngretl.ient: It Is one YQII'II want to make OVer and over agnrn. Always 81ft flour before mea~nrina to g,:t II':' accurate r~sult.. Have sharteninl!' at room temperature 10 that It will Cl'enm ells.lly WIth the sugar. Let egga stand at room temp~rature. too. because. they will beat up ftutfier than whe!) taken dIrectly out of the refrIgerator. "' " . Paper.lined pan a insureea5Y removal. of the baked cake. After tak~g 18r~ra (rom pans. cool thoroukhly on wire cake raek.befo... frostrng. 10 make the two·tone frosting, dlvfde fluffy double 1Io1l'" - 9.r ·"seven.mi.nute" leI'ng in half. To nne Part add' one oq~ 01 rneltad chocolate ; . FIll .c ake I~Yl!rs with chocolate icing. then ice lidel with more of tlie chocolate. Spread top of cake carefully with white tolna anq decorate aa desired. . ,
,ift.d .n,ichod Sou, I IIbl"~n. b .kin~ po-do, I IUJpOOn ralr ~ cup .hO,lon/n,
Sift together 1I0ur. baking pow. de.r Dnd salt. Cream toeether ",.u "Unel. &am" .. ,road Ie Ihortenlng and sugar' until light IolD .......1Dc onr ~ and flulfy. Add vanilla ex tract. DIg ;""',the new.,.,.boJo. '1'Iaae Bellt t'I'P;1 until liv.ht. Au.! .o ,01Ull mea, 111,_ 0' Utem. are dem- . ('rc:~hll!d I ixture. A.III :lou r milt. Ute plinelpal feCI...... mea.. lor nece. ...1IIU0II0 l1li....
Un, eaterprIoe; .... . , HI ...,..
.. peaeeUme
..... ~
an .... lal1.
tIIeIr .... ''JfOW
1 ell.,.
r....,... .....
nap ....., • IOUpGOQ ",nill. atracI "... ..... .... cup IlUNIo
' I
~ ••••
'ure to ~ed lII~re .Iter.' . ately wiU, milk.' Pour Into 2 .I)t'r-Iined 8-hteh ClOke ;Janl..sake h mod er3 te nv.' ., 11111.) .. irautEI.
,oL(dl~s.~ lI.inch
Serving Wa~ne~ville Since '1850 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO, TI'IU . ~SDAY~ NDVEMBtm 9 1950 , '
.......... .
Women.s Club Meets, Here
ABOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW ·Mr. and Mrs. Clfford Albrlgbt. of Frank Street Da~ton, are an· no~nclng the engagement ot their daughter Karen to Mr. Ja~k As· bury, aon or Mr. Dnd Mrll. :n. E. Aabury. No date h'l s been Bet tol' ~e wedding. MI8s. ,Albright Ie at· tendll'lK.. Stivers Hlgb IUlbool and M,r.· Asbury, 11 graduDte of Waynes· ville · JUgb Scbool, Is connected with tbe Inland ~lInllfaoturlng Division. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Debore, of Ham!ltou; were , Sllnday lUellts of Mr. and. M,J'II. R. E . Asb\lr)' , Mra. Fred l:iook returned on Tbursday afler spending a week with ber dau,hter, 'MrA. Elelen Allen and children In Sprlngfleld. The iadlet! ot" the Methodist cbnrcb are working Vf\ry hard on their bazaar and "Turkey S\lpper" .to be held In the church dining rooml on Novnmber 16. Mr. and Mr8, (,'bRrle!\.l~RI"''' e n· tertalned with a family dInner on Sunday and bad 88 their gUel!lts: Mra, Ada Hanselman and son , of SardJnla, Mr. ,and Pi .... 'Jobn Berry, of Georceto~n, Mr .•nd Mrs. ~obn Clark and son, .of Dayton, Mr. and ~. Harold Bauer, Mr. and Mra.. Robert Berry and "on, MIll Deloree Berry and Delmar Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye and .ons were Sa.turday evenln, Kuesls of Mr. and Mrl. Jobn ,SettlUllyre and cblldren nellr Ore,onlD. Mr. and Mn. Dale nurree, or Bowlln, ' Green, were BatIlrday ov.l1lIcbt peete of tbelr parenu,
- - ......;1;," r. 'anil ~ Kn.'1.
The Prot;res8.1ve Women's Club met Ilt tho Far HIIIII Party House On Wednesday evenIng wltb I\. de· IIclous ~tnner enjoyed by twenty. tour members and two gueata, Mn. Don Worley and Mrs. Guard. Fol. ~IDKI the dhmet, the bu&ln!!68 s88slon was bel~ altd Mra. Worley wu IntrodllCe.d as 1h·e ,ueSt speaker. Her r evis w of "Bells on .thelr Toes" was very flne and .en. joyed tiy everyone. The club adjourned '1.0 mee~ In DeCember at the Party House wllh Dr. Samuel Muble, of Wlimlngton, Oollege aa guest apeaker. Mre. J . 1. Burake was bOSt.l'S8 to the Put Matron's CIrcle on Wed· besday eveblng. ¥r. and MrA, William Davll ar~ now occupying the RoblrsOD apart. ment on ThIrd IItreet.
Observe 80th Wedding Date Mr. aDd Mn, Fred Hook were among the ,Ilelta 011 Sunday wben Mr. and Mn. FraDk Hook, . of WU· m~~, celebrllte.d tbelr 80th weddIng anniversary wIth a large ramlly dinnpr lit the G"nl'ral Denver Hotel. Mrll. A. II. ~amhart fa conUned at bpI' bome Butrerln, from InJuriFI receIved I~ Sll outomoll~l. aC'cldeDt near ber home on FrIday eveDlng. Tbe ' Woman'. Auxiliary or the St, Marya ChllJ'Clb will meet on J'rI4ay: Noy. 10 wlUl a covered dllb dinner at the nOOD bour. DuriDI
.......' _ _ -rollow1a
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Bond lasues For New Fir.e House Carries ' By Good Majority; '
One Mill Tax Ren~W81 Levy 'Also Goes Over By Needed Majority and Corporation Goes Dry 3 to 1
, The Methodtf ' ebllfcb Banc~uar)l was : tJlled lu Sunday night ror Dr. Arch D. Harvey, Warren the "Old ~ IM!rvlce. All were Oounty HaUth CoiOmlsMoner, announces tbat tbere will be a meet- taJte~ back ID. emolry by Mr. and . ra. H • .".)" :t::OII and VIrgInIa Ing ot an Warren 'County Plumb- M port.rayed a bome era and bullden on Thursday, Nov. Bardlu u th ecena of GraD 's day wltb th E! II, 1950. Tbe meeling will be lampe taJD'UY or gan and fam· At til " 1>\o\'l1mb r 7 to etlng 01 held . at 8: 00 P. M. In the Audl·, Oy BIble: ~pture was read the ROlJll'y Cluh uetU at Hui I"ar torlum, County Court HOUle. l.ebrolllld the famJ}f table and a pagl) HUls J>8Tty House, tbree guesls anon. Oblo. Tbe purpose of th.l s ~m the old Mc:;Guftey Reader were present -: Fred Lang a nd meeting I'll to dlaculB detalla In wu elv.n. Lester Aberaole, of Xenia, and reference to' regulations gover!)· Tbe .ClOnCN! on :lolnOO In sing· Tony Young, of Lebanon. Ing plumbIng InlltaUa't)ona and e" ,hymnll or the FrancIs Gen~ Brown, Pl'o "..... am lIeware dllpoaal lIysteml, cnrrent- Ing the "014 e choir leading Committee ChAirman, hltl'odu ced Iy uDder . ClODBlderatlon by tbe cbprch with Warren County Board of Heallb. With, PhDlp ollmlan directing I lhe speaker of the evening, K. M. It fl the earneat desire of the 't he cholJ" ' an anthem anll. Retalllek, _ ~uperlntendent of' the Health Commlulol1eJ' that a N . ...... th. y of Ilevera) bymns loca1 schools, who lold of his artet. ga.ve aver: a.nd work. He RaId he lhollght hiS .poD.Mble 'representative or eac'l mbelr . rea.sOn tor n1ilrlng tea.c11111g wo s l~rest.d firm , will Ittend th o! I . in the cbolr, a bepause his ~o lh e !' \ lis u 1ellcher meeting. and hts tbree bl'ol hers wel'e t,eacbers a lso.
. 'I n fairly heavy vote cast T,uesday, th e vo tej's of Wa ynes\ tll e and W ayne Tu wnship v oted fo r a bonn issue to raise money fo r :I new f ir e ho u e to acco mmoda te the equipment of , Ih e "Yay ne ,Tow n hip Vo lunteer Fire D epartment, also' rOOm ror mee tin gs and r epair to the equipm ent. . . yh e voters also approved th e rcneyai, of a ,one-mill levy Or I/un ds to ·h Ip finan 'c the corpor ation of W aynesvi lle. T he vill ager also voted to keep the village dry by more han rl th re e to on e vote.
HI SCHOOL NEWS Hello tlVerybody. Here'! tbe la:· .It bappenlDCIl of Interellt at W , H. S. The first bl'h Ilchool party svon, 80red by t.he Seniors was jlfl "er Friday. Nov. S, at tbll l1l ~ h 511ho"1 'g ym. The trellbmen InltlaUon Wlf held and a vel')' .odd Iookln, grolll of Fr.. abmen were prel«mt to rr celv. their punllhmllnt, Some 0 the Freshmen,boYII make V'lry ent. pia and the P'teahmiUl atrIA bave lOIDe ve.,. Clute palUDal. Tbe SeDlor bi14 •
was well receive ' for more Sunda' All fel fello"
CLARENCE BROWN Methodls' In a statement l88ued WednesM9nl . , "'~I''6''I''U.'' '· China clay, Ben J . Goldman, defeated DemWllmlN'tor ocratlc CandIdate for Oongress Ip~takler at theIr \ fiol!l lbe 7fu Oonl!\l'esslOl1al ~IB· trict, ltated: :McAfee
~I cha~.
, drI,,........._IQ~ ...~~...:'.....~;..;.;~~~
aetit lit.
All ca n d id~teS fo r offi e el ected 10 ally we re Republican . "\'lih '.h e ex ep \l on "of tw o. Ra y mond Br addock., fo r Repre-
;('n tatt ve to th e Cen ral AsselT\bl y and Kell er HQak fo r Warren : oun{y Co mmissioner, Both a,'r e from W aynesvill e and bo th I emo rat s. Mo ssle Towtishll> also went. dry I For Secv or State- Drown G";; by three v{)les, bill It Is expected Sween y 42. I·hnl lhe vote will be contested be. l For TI~ liS. or ,Stnte - Qtllnn .1(1 : Tracy GO. fO I'e th e Boa l'c! of Eleotions soon. I For A IM,y. en'l _ Du rry A 1; ,The rollowJng Is how t hl) voters O'NeUl 68. of Wayne Township and Waynes. For U. S. Senatot'-Ferguson 38 ; ville Corporatlon voted by pre. Taft 81. , clncts ' For Rep to Congress-at·Large...,... . Bender 68 ; Yo ung 43 . North Precinct For Rep. to Congress (7th Dlst.) For Goevrnol' - Ebright 168; .,-Brow1\ 79; Goldman 32. Lausehe 104 . For tBt Senatol' - McOandless FOI' at. Gov. Nye !i6; Roberts 160. 65; Wllmel' 38. ' For Seey of Slal:tl-Brown 160; For Rep. to Gen. Assembly, Sweeney 89. , Braddock 51; Stanley 62. For Treas. of Sta.t &-Quln n 80l i I!.'or 00, Commlssloner- lJoak 70 ; Tra.ey 164. Lake 46. , For Attorney Oen'l- Duffy 87; For 00. Auditor-Parker 76. O'Neill 147. . . Fire Dept. Levy For U. S .• SenatoI'-Ferguson 82: Yes 74; No 42, Taft 177. For R en. to Cllngl'ess at Large1 54 ; YOWl~ )01. ' For Rep, to Congl'ess (7th Dlllt.) -Brown 17 ; Golqman 63. ' For State Sena~or--McOIln.dles s 150; W.llmer 1. " , For (l,pp. to Gen'l A8semblyBr8ddock. 146; Stanley 129. For County Commlssioner- Hoak 169; Lake 90. .' . I'ar Go. 'AudltDr-.Parker 191)"
North' Township FOI: Covernol' Ebright 197; Lallscbe 102. ' For Lt. Gov.- Nye 107' Roberta 177. For Seey or State- Brown 180'; ,' Sweeney 100. ' For Treas. or Stato-'Qllillll 93 ; Tracy 180. • A!ty Gen'l ~ Duffy 101; 178. S•
G~d 10U ,bad DIee weath.r kldll. to ... p ....eD.&' ~ b.... tb~ to Congress and in)' Yes 1 :. No For R p. to Con ~re~s .nt-Lntge~ Tbe 1'. r. A. boys joUrneyed to IIltereet'"'-. YOonJ , pel'8On . 'trum best wishes for him during · the ,, 0 1"7116 Ml!1 T Bender I SG; Young 96. 788X Renewal For Congre~lImlln , ' (7th Dtat.)-· Jeffenon, Obto, for ' a ccniteat ClOn· motller ';Dd, .. next two years, In otrlc e . ' es ;w;~ · an~ Dry Brown 215: Gilldmll n 67. earning ParlIamentary Procedure. The VQter8 or tllifl nlalrlcL have FOI' ~2; AgaInst 215. For Stu'le . enalol'-McCllndless From report. Uound acbool, we ~. I d d I south Precinct ha l.' WOMEN'S CLUB TO REM EMSIlO en cleLt,r y an_ ec Alvely nnd· n G V' "'b I I 116 176; Wilmer 89. may ye aome futu..e Senator . all gOQti citizens Including t,I1ose .., or 0 ern or '" l' g It : , For Rop. to Gen'l Assembly t i r r A claa IER IOYS I,.. 8ERVIC~ /Lausche 76. . Brnddol'k 120; tAllley 167. ' arm.r n CMlI' • . , I. wh~ may feel , somewhat d lsap· For LL Ccv.- N e 69' Robel'ts For Co, Commissioner Boak Once . .alil here'e a reminder or Th. ProgretlBlve ~" omens Club .pointed over the results, I, am sure . 108. y / 17,1 ; Lake 116. the Ir. Olua pIq Nov. Iii, 8:00 , fM WquelvIlle, ""~el~ rem em- Join me In bopln&" that they...ba.ve For Secy of State-Brown 105; For Co. A.udltor-Parker 218, P. I!l.. :rr,olleta ~ on HIe .now ber the boya In ...~rtce Who are .,ukell wtaely and la the best In- Sweeney 68, Fire Dept, Levy &lid call be olltallled from ...... In the . Wa;yne T01rnllblp Local te . t f count For 'Treas. of Btatlt-Qrunn 67; ,Yea 174; No 98. • . -rea 0 our "I, Tracy 114 member or the J'IIDIoI' clau. Tlcke" 8ehool Dlatrlct. WfU the parenti! Fo . Atty' ,,- 'J Duff 61', wID alAo be aold at' the door. The or th.. e 00,. pleue, cet In touen I wish W thank tbe bundreas of O'Ne~1 106. "",n, , ""or E~!tvern.oWal~n~ (O Eobrw r"g'bnt) ' 131', . " , frlendB, worken, . and well wlsbers F ' '' ' uv , lunlora are &lao HlIIDa 'lIaaketbaU wltb tbe com,m lttee an'" furnish For U, S, Senator- erg\lJlOn 70; Lausohe 89. . bed I 11th d add Thl I In . every eounty or. tbla· DIsl,rJllt Taft 126 · ' . F or Lt G _N -1.._ lie u.~.... • namell an realles. s 8 wbo Interested themlM!lvea tn my For ctingressman.at.Lru:ge ~Ben. US-. . ' ~v. f, ye 79; ~bert8 CA8T OF' JU"NIOII flLAy oUl' 'only AIOt.,:e of aecurlng 'the . der 107', Young 78. . beba1r aJld gave 80 generously of For Secy of, 'State-Brown 116; '"THEY GAVE HI .. A CO-ED" llAIIle and tbe COIDlIllUee II Mra. theIr time and energy to s upport For Congressman (7th. D1st.)- Sweently 7'1. ' . Dlrectell I), Mra. Kenn,th Hough Buth SbGUp, Mrll. lllarJe Wedge- my candidacy. ' Bro~ 127; Gi>ldmon 66. . For Tress. of State - Quln 72 ; Dean Brown ____ !____ Pete Keye wood, Mrs. M"ary,iJilargaret AllderFQr State Senator - McCandless Tra.cy 1116. n • I' Atly Qen')-Duffy 78; O'Neill 'Gary Blain. __________ Jim Jon.. ~!l and Mrsl Opal St\1bba. To a11 of them I express my deep 10~rW~~rt:°Gen'l AAssembly- lO·Fo 9 appreciation ' Dnd gratitude," Cbarlea Brader BroWD_______ __ Braddock 100; ,Stanley 87. For U . S. Senator-Ferguson 83; ________________ _ Warren Shutta WJL.L ATTEND. COINVENTION .. ./ For Co. CommIssioner - Boak Taft 127. Herb GranL _____ _~ __. Jlm Jordan IN MINNEAPOLI8, MINN, VISITORS AT GAZETTE 129; Lake 66; For Re p. to Congress·at·lar!':&Dal Thomaa ______ Dave Hartlloc" For Co. Aud,l Ior- parker . 137. Bender l,18: Young 71. .. Mr. lind Mrs. HllIrvey Burnett, TuesdllY visitors at th.e Gazette Fire Oept, Levy For Rep. to COn~eg8 (?th l'io't. ) . VI:, and M)'II, George Borer, of Mra, C, Iil. Frasier a,ccompPlle4 Cbuck Rbolde~ - -.' Geo. Hlrtaock or .Waynelvl!le, will be among 1 w'el'e lWy A. Scberer, MO\Ss Zelph~ yes 128: No. S.j~ -Brown 128 ; Goldman 7], . ' Dayton, w1,lii tbeLr ruellt, , Mr. Mrl. GordOD to WuhingtoD for a Ro~d Graves __ o1.tck Hammond thoBe present at 'tbEI BUh · annual Roberds IInfl ~er parent9, MI'. and One ' MII Tax Renewal . For StQ.te Se!latAll.......McOan(lIO~ 5 Bryan "Boew.U' or Enlland, were few; The Su.....r ___ ___, Bill Slmpl!4)n ocmventlon of the Natlona) . Milk Mrs. Roberds, or Dayton. Yes 137' No 65. 10.9; Wilmer 72. Frld~y evenIng .... esta or Dr. aad Gloria Almalee ·.Dyer ' .W et and Dry For . Rep'. t;, 'Gen'l Assembly.,I . .. , P,mducen Federat~:Il . In Mlnne. Dry 165' Wet 48. Braddock 123; Stanle,y 'is. , 1 MJ'B • .A. ,. Jil. Stout. Dr. t and Mn. Oar..l . Una - ---- --- Judy Devil! ...,.,,....... - November 18-116 at th·e'.Nlc· ,SECRET SISTERB OF FER RY '",,: - Hoa!. u. ~n . ... Scanlaa. B ·. ,ou th W ay"e 77FOI'• "Co. k Comrolssiollel' 3 Stou~ atao ha.d all guea I on Sat.. 0WV,d ---.-- Carol 'Bunnell OIl..t Hotel. Tbey wUl ltOp at the F · G' Ebrl 'bt 69 ; 1 ; -- e 4 • urday .venln.· Mr. and ·Yr•. Geo. laD. IIoabIOD _____ JaDet Peters ~tIDp. ' Tho November meeting or the LaU~he ~~~rnor. g For Co. Audltor-Parl~e l' 137. Walt. ot D&J1OD. Ihrcte Thornblll __ __ Joyce Baal DaIry tarmer spollism'D from 46 Seer.et Sisters or F~rry waf! held For Lt; Gov.- Nye 48: Roberts Fire Dept. Levy Ves 13·~; No 61. . The Farmera Olub will bold ' Tbe Wayneavllle Garden Club Eml.y Wqne ___ Janet Mlchen.r .tatelll ·wlll attend tbll. convention. ,November 2 at the home of Mrs. 63. Beth u_"__ .. ta R VirgInia DIlVall with 11 members , theIr November meetln, OD Tbur. beld their regular November meet· ------- .. Ir usb Tbe orpnlsatlon I• . compolM!d of XENIANS VISIT, FERRY T S.. present. " b "6 ..1_ a f Mae -- -~ - --~va COw 88 uaoclatioDII wtth aome 660 10day with Ill'; aDd Mrll, L. V. Bran· IDC on Thun4a, afternoon at t e .... Mrs. 1\{QI'lon Pol.a nd ·' and Janet, luato u bo.t ancl hOlteM at bome of M"n. Horace Sbatle., with 'I'lle Senior democracy c~s beld cal and region." d&try plana, ,and ot XenIa, ,vere Tuesdlr)' luests or • tbelr home tn WUmlllgton. lira. Jennl. Colmer aa eo-boatesi... mOCk election Tuesday wIth vot reprellenta 440,000 farm lamutes. FELLOWSHIP CLASS Mrs. Barvey K. Hole and family. Mr. WIlliam .Doyle, of Clncht· ~be Happy Hour Club .~11 meet The u,1I&I bUlln.......1oIl and ID, lrom the 7th ~ < lZth Ifadea. Tbe October meetlng of till' Fel· natl, with his little BOil Bill, and ---~-- . , on ~a1 afternoon, November 11 ion call wu cond1lC~ed, after, .Canlpalp lHeeb" were ",Iven at lowsblp Class or Ferry was hcid daughter ' DIana. oalled on MI!"s a.t the bom. or M.... Loyd Dayl8. wbteh MrL Atha rul'lLlil ·read an an a8ll...,11 J'rtda~. Tbe ,reaultl OCTOBER MI8810N;'RY at tbe borne ot Mr. and Mra. Ed. W. C~ T. U. TO MEET May Wright Sunday a flernoon. ·O bange of date of meeUDC due to ill_tIDe paper, "What II , Your of the elecUoD loob al If ·there MEETING OF FERlllY CHURCH Linville, MIamisburg with 15 memo The W. O. T. U. meeting W1il be :Another ca1 ler was Mrs. Eimm 'l anoth.r meetinl fallfug on ..... OVclen IQT" , are quite a few Republlcanll In The 6etober M"'lol1&l7 ' meet- be .... present. held at.fthe home or Mrs. J. W. date. II.... .JeDnte Conner ClODducte4 a W. H. 8, ' , IllS or the Perry elaurcb wu beld Wed,ewood Friday afternoon at McClure, of Franklin. , Br:yaD Prendercut, . or Oln, conte.II . --.a MI, .... Mn. · ..... neIeD H-"'-- - 'W:'_II .... I ~. that'. a.bout aJI un- at th.• hOme or Vie.- Hunter, In 2 o'clock. Ev e~Yhoi\y Inylted. clDnat!, was ': ' week 'end peat or 4.monlllrat~. the maJilq f)1 cor- til 'Dert week when I'll be back Oat.mUe. · . --NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ., "" J elle Pre-A .._at ..... wMob more bew, , 'T" &1111 notes from The ' followlq ~ffleerll were ...r. and _no uu"",._, ~-' . Admlnl.trator CI~ss OF , APPOINTMENT NOTICE, and Mia. Katherine J»rendlqut. . . FoUowl~ adjournmeal, a pI.... W. H. S. i 'lOYCEl BEAL. .Iected: , The Amerleao Leeton Auldllary an.t loclal hour w.. . . , enjoyed. II~ . lIary GIlUazo, prelldent; , - 'Exeoutor E state or Anna K. Madden, de. lin, Shirl.,. Hole. "fl.c e prealdent:; will hold th.lr .regular meeting on THE LITTLE CHU"CH . Mn Iil ' • __ ta The first award a earned ,t his Estate or Edythe Hoo Mead De· ceased. , . nna uaMUIoIOllt8, Mcre r)'; school , N tl I h b I ' ·t hat Thunda1, November· 9 eJlht p.m. AND . THE IKYICRAPER , year have now a.rrlved iIl-nd ceased. 0 ce s . el'e y g ven . DoroQly Llnvl . II., ,_It. lIecretary; P t or with MI'8. William Ollluon, Ame... Attend tbe cburcb of your Vera Hunter, treUIU',er. been presented to members of the Notice Is hereby glvEm that Clyde Albert H. Stu/jbs whose os lcall Leeton AunlJary Repre..n.... choice Dert Bunda)-. In theBe dayS Senior Cl¥a wbo are enrolle~ In W. Me~d Wbpse Post ,Of rIce ad; flce Addreas Is Waynesville, OhIo, tive to the Veterana Admlnlat..... IIr. and Mn. lid Porter UUIOWlH of tenatoD, ~he and dla_ _ Typing II. dreBB III R. F. D. No. I, Wayne8- bas been duly a ppoInted as AlldOll ( In DeltoD, .. the peat ......._ .......nt, we all nee4 God MAE HOP,tER Tbe Gregg ,ElIamlli.lngo Board tn · vUle, Oblo, bas been .duly appoInted mlnlstrator DBNWWA of the EIiIthe IIIrt1l of a _ 110111 SatllrdaJ· f K 1\1 dd 1 t C .pe~. Mr.. Loll · Olborn, PN8- ' The, haVe leJected tile II&IIUt or ilion thaD e"fer. . ,e can became lIae ~per. agejl 14. N.w· York City bal IIBued a JUI,lor aa ~ecutor or the Eltate of tate 0 Anna , . a en, a e 0 Ident. wiD P1'8llkt. and durlq tbe Ed Rakt••• for the . " antYiL mon real . . w. wQtabtp ·I opth.r away Tbunda,., October 21 at the Ord8l' of ArtIstic Typlsta Certlfl· Ed)'tbe ' H. Mea.d, late ot Warren the Vlllage ot Harveysburg, Wll rIOIlIal hour ref1'8ahmenta wllt be PortsI'll athletic co&eIl sa Oo4'.~. If 10U doullt It, DaJton S~ H.~ after an cate to eac~ of 'the fQllowfng Connlf, Oblo, deceased. ren County, Ohlo, deceased . .."eel. 0' tile local .11001 \. h7 It. TIle ~ wbo do wor- lllDeIa of I _~ ItudelttJJ: Ilated thfa 26 ~IlY of Octoher, Dlted tlJlB 3rd day or November, .. •. .111, on hDdaJ aN.~ tbrough TIle run. w. . I~ld' from the Billie Bowles, VIrginia Brawn, 11160. 1950. Miami Cbaptel' 107 O. E. B, will RALP.HH, CAllEY meet In replar _loll on IIoJl. Mr. u4 lin. 0nWe G..., ud 1M .,... , lIoCIan ...... Home SaturdaJ' DOria Obarlto.!1o PatrIcIa Perry, RALPH H. CAREY, " daf .valQ, MDY. 11, with a ..... 1Ir. CU. . . Wt Oa • ...- .u til. ...tM4Iipl elaurcb tile at I ,. m. trttb · B.. Caff., Betty SaUllrtbwalte, Ruth! .Ward· Jud.. of tbe Probate Cou" Judge of tbe r'rObate Court ered dl.1I dbuler at ........, aol'lllq 'or a two weeb .... wID lie "'I'be Utile _ ......... low, Genelce Wllkel'llon aIId Dor· W~1l COUlltJ'. Ohlc. Warren Cou'!ty, Oblo o'c1oct. . . . . . of oCfIGei'a fOr III I'IarIda. II.... Or&r'....te ad CIIarcIa ... 1IaeDparapen.""'" BIle fa aantnl otby WIlBon. c. Donald Dllatula, Attom8)' "Po 0118 and Gray, Rillnger. & Gray, . Attorneys 00IIIIDc ,.... wtII ... aD taportaDt daqIder. of I'fuIIdID, alIo _ _: ....... will ............ ~ ...... t D",.", 1M'. move on ancl . 1b+1NI r.atun err til. . . . . . . . . . . .11. pudId til... 1'_ 1ItIl , . . • nil . . . . . . ..... ".. .... all I dlDner. a new pJO'ject fit- "Sunday Mr. and Mra. Frank Hea, of Scbool by Mall" wil. be i11acua , sed. X.nla, were Sunday peatl ot Mr. and Mf", ErwIn Ellis. Mr. and Yl'II. J. J. Jlunke at· tended t)le _ twent"mtii annlverl • aarY dinner of tile Ilo~ebu\lden . . at ' the Norwood Cbrl ~UDn Mrs. 1... H. OOInlon new .to Wub.. cburch on SWldDY. Mr. and Mrs. IUlIton D. C. durin, the PUlt wee,k B.li!'.'ke are Qha~ membel'8 ~f wbere ~e will be the Buelt of ber tbe 018811. .. • lit er, "'I'll, LllUa:n Fife. Sbe will Mr. and Mrs. l{arold B. Ela~n· allO remlln ror the wflddlll." of I:art and daugbtel' Wtire wrllk end b6/' lIelce, MI'II. File's dallg~ter, , r R U R B ~ .. ~!lt\9 i!> ev ., t, ' tl ... rs. ' . ' Mifli Miriam Fife 1.0 Mr.• Norvai . Coleman at U·.....er Sandu~kv. . Wb~16 "" Jean · In,ber, on Wl!CJnefldll.y eve· tbere they visited many Inll'~est· nJ~, Novelbber Z2 In the Pilgrim ' tl log pIaces, amon, th em b ' IIll; :e PresbyterIan Chllrch, WaP.Jtlngtllri, FIrat ~ethC)dlst Mlsl\l~.lD. HO.IM. ' D. C'" Mias Fife attended Ohio ~fr: and MI'I . William Strou8e State University and will tskll lIer and dau,hter, Carol Sue, -were delrea at the George WlLllh!nKton _.. ' amon, t h e gues t a . a t a ClOVen", Unlveralt,. Mr. IIl,ber, is a grad. dish dInner on SlInday even In, at. uate memarilcal en,lileer 'and t.be 1I.be bome (0 Mr. and Mrl. Runel ' young couple wUl resIde In ArUng: Lumpkin In Wilmington. ton, Va.
Fly To Wa:,o:o -ngton .ddln'"
11_" __.
Olub Me.t.
Seniors Awarded In Typing
Son Bom To Port•• Saturday
( ~lr8. Toni my Smith enterlallined with a surllrlRe fal'I)\\'e" paTty Tuesday e.,renlng. hOIlClJi'i'nlt ~1rll. E,'.blllh4ld 1850 . Sndle Reason, who will b," 101,vlnl1: A. 8CHERER .....•.• , ... . , •.. , .. .. ..•. ,Editor and pubJllher soon t.q ruake her bOllle In Wa),11t'8' Ca:ILIA J 8CHERER ....... \ .... Secretary and Tr'.lur~r ville tOI' the wlUl er lIIonlhR , A'I. ' ' ••...• ,. . ~ slsllng 1\Ir8. mitll hi hosl\ltulitleB w re he r two slst"rH. Ivy 111111 Mary Publlsbed Every Thursday Mo~ Ann. A dell .Iolls 11I1II'h Wag IIPI'Vf'd I \\. I neBvllle Warren County. Ohio to the following; 1111's. Rell, elli. n. II. . ' Mrll. A. S. ollett. MrlO. Ollee Hill" Entered 118 second class matter at lan , Mr!!, Berllot(:1' Dogall. !\[I'!!. the postortlce nt Waynesville, Ohio. Levlcy. Mrs. LIM uri. Mrs. Weh;h, and Mrs. 1.lzzle Hon~h. ____________~___________:::_:_:__:__.:= Obn Mrs. Ca rl Osborn. Mr.~. Mllry In hlo; $2.50 elsew h ere Boei8,t1~'. "" and MI·s. Agnes Medley I d " SU,,~b~S~C~rJ~()~t~lo~n~R~a~le~S~$~2~.~p~o~r~1:~·e~fl~r,~n~.~a~v.~.n~c~e~,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ IWttended ' 0 show at I,he IIrl,'('.ln ; theatre, 'Lebanon. }'rlJllIY. ARMISTICE DA" 'J1he rOllowlng ladies had lunt'll' eOn· Frlduy noon lit the hal llnd Thirt y -two ,years :t 0 lI!i S:1tll rday, oveJ1ll~er hew Restllurant l .eb,ulon. MI'!!. 11, 1918, thL' ,rmi 'tke ,\I'a s : I ~ ned I'elll'een the Allies see Harlan. Mrs . Cly,le 1..evlc1o'. :1nd th e \ e tern Powe rs, el1dir~ ' '' 'orld War I-the rMs. Sad I Rell.8O,fI, Mrs, IIrl Os· ,. born and her daughter. )"s" Jellny W:1t to end nil \\':lrS--llLll did il ? Lee Osborn. and , Mrll. A. S. Col. ince, we h:lV' lraj flit! sne;lk a!la ' k On Pearl lett. , After making se\'crnl ('ails 1-I:1l'l1or by th' .I :IPS 011 : uII1a ,v JllOl'lllng, I e ~Illb~r In' Lebanon, they moton' d to Ih.e 7 '1941 \vhi ' ll lOll ' h d otff Wo(ld ar II , endmg III Farm and Hom e Center. Ileal' Mil· , , t' W Id W III ford . where 8 yu ld e took th 19-15, nnd 110W W~ are' o n tire v rg-e 0 or . :lr , tllrough the store. aDd wel'I;' sel'Ved tou hed .off hy th e in vasion of So ulh Korea hy the refreshments by the mana~e,' 11'\ orth Kore:ln' thi s 1:1 [ 'urnmer, and In u~ht 10 el' the cafeteria. Mrs. Coll ett wal! pre. hy the intervention of [he Chine 'Orl!l11unists. .. eented n package of sugar cllred Wh:tt will be the outcome of thl? If Rus r:l hickory smoked bacon, by the man·
Just .R eceived-';Six . ' Only •• ' ~ ' FUI~L OIL TJiNK'S '
Church School, 9:30 A.M.,
Mls8 Kathleen Graham. or Da)" ton. WfiS J\ gllest during the week o leI' gi ve pau 'c thi Armi tiee .nay to pay end of hel' j)arenl!!. Mr. and Mrs. I d Howard Graliam. tribute t tho e \\'ho hn ve fo~g It and dre for u . Jimmy 'Long Is spend in g a I'lir. lougb a't lhe home or hla parents, Bn.rbanl. Bogan. Frank ' Hnrt, brolher of )frs, Ida Mr. and Mrs. G<lrdon Ilong. , 011ln 8, of hel'e. passed away ' at Mrs, Oba Welch and Mrs. M ary Itls hOllle In Springboro. Monday Denny we re dinner guests, Thurs· morning. }"\unernl services were dll.y of Miss May Harlan of n ear conductNl at the First nuptlsl HarveYE\bllrg. By JANE FITE lIuch, Frankln Thursday after· Mrs. H~le~ 'Vall was hostess to noon. Burlnl was In pl'lng boro tbe Women s Christian Temper· Dallas Darton j6 conflued emetery. ance Union , at her hom e Thurs· E lLzabeth Hospital, Dayton . where Mrs. Ruby Price bas returned day afternoon. MrA. Wall led the, be Is undergoing obsen·atlon and· tID bel' borne here follo~'lng a group, In devotions lind M~s . Ob~ treatment. . ' mEO!>I' o'poratlon at a Xenia Hos· Welcb ebos8a8 her them" Peace Edna Flo. youngest daughter of Pital. for tbe lesso'tl review. Mr. and M1"ll. Vlvan . Frye. 'WI\I raE . .Partington. who bas been lIfr. and l.l .... John E. Welsh and turn t.o Miami Valley Hospital, ~rlously III tor several weeks. IBIMr. Harold Tucker went to Chilli· Dayton , tbls , eek w~el'e she wlllreco-vering. In hODor or his birth·. cotbe Wednesda.y .and visited ,the undergo the last a series or day anniversary Tbursda.y, many old bome of Ohlo-9 ~Irst Sena.tor. pperntlons, beginning two year.J cltlzens ot this community pre· Wonblngton. The state Is restor· ago. septed bm ,,'Itb ylftjt anll 1'8rd&. . Ing tbe bome to It~ original status. JIlI·S. Flol'enoe Frost. Miss Doran MnynnJ'c1 F'rots returned to HolIDes The B. Y. F . met In regular 8es· SQulres Bnd WlllInm Smith were Hosplta.I, ll'tul'day, for a ··check· 810n at the Baptist Church Sunday csllers In Dayton, Thnrijday. up," follO\vlny Ills majO/' operation evening. Will HarlRn who hn s beeu 111 ']s tJlere everal weekii' abo. . Mrs. Ralph NlI will be hostesll rapidly recovering. 1\1 r. Harlall is Miss Ida Mae Bunce and M188 tp the Welcome Bible GIMS, ' of living at the home of Mrs. Mary Lilly Bumie. ot Saylor Park, " 'ere Jonah's Run Baptist Church .. a~ Tucker and bel' son Hfll'old Tucker gnests Sunday or their brothe~ her bome on Main street., FrlllllY of near Harveysburg. ' Il.nd slster-(\n·la\~, .M~. and M.1'8. evening. . Mrs. Delia Smth and Mrs. Louise Todd Bunce. Mrs. OBee }farl/ln wJll "eoeh's Flte and daughter Jane Fite, were Mrs'; Msrle Gray . of Dayton, was the members , of the Civic ' League gues'ts Saturday afternoon, of ll- guest Sunday afternoon, of Mrs. at ber home Saturday e.vening. Tucker and her son; A. S. Collett and her Ban Robert )Irs, Barsh Wright will assis t "MrR. Mrs. Harold Tucker. Collett. Ha.rlan In hoepltallUes. Mr. and Mre. Walter Nell BUllCe have sold their inte l'est In t he Corner Tavern to 111 ,'. and Mrs. Gassert. Bunce is returning to aoUve duly with the armed forCeS. Miss Mary Jane MooJe, of Dayton, was a gueet dW'lng the week 'S A T . U R DAY, NOVEMBER 1 8, 1 9 <50 Cfld of ber m((ther, Mrs. M illie
P.M.. '
Wonbip 10 .LK. 811DdQ 8eJMIol. 11 A.IL
MT. HOllY METHODIST T , M. Scafr, Mlnlste.. · Stfhdll~ School; 1:30 A.M.,
A. ilJlU'Dbart. SUPL . Worship SerYlce, '10:80 A.II.
... Mil" 'North of Xenia on Route 68 and 235 :
E,venlns Sen Ice, 7:80 P.II.
.,...,,,. _U _l_l--.. . .
i'Ir.t D81 BOOool, 1:10 A.II, MeeUn, tor W~nhtp, ' II1:.0 A.M. II.
Let this ' Sllnday and every Sun: dny find you In some ohurch _ lhe church ot your cboice.
4 ~_ " _._
Acid Water Once A ,Yenr
K.lers.' ,Garage MAIN & MIAMI 8'f:8.
·.a.,_u_u_'_'.l J . '_'.W .'. " .
.Armitage &SOD
, EVening Sarvlce, 8: 00 P. 'M. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study' OREGONIA EVANGELltCAL U. B. WedaHda,. 8 ·'P.M. James H'. Riley/ Pastol' Sunday School, 10 A . M. ST. AUQU8TIN£ CHURCH MornlDg Worship, 11 A . "M. Fathllr R, n. Krumbolt.. Paator Maesee, 8 and 10 A.M.
• ... APPLES ••• WAI"1. AND
13. I,.. l.Iflllghn. Pastor Mr. Ualtlud ServlcII, 9:"11 ..
Worship Service, 10:80 ,A.M. ST. MA,RY'S EPiSCOPAL YOlJ~ Fel~o"'lIbll), IIlldny 7 ;3Q 'l'he Rev. Snmuel N. Keye, Reatol .M. Sunday : ChQh: PI'a~Uce 'j' bursdll.Y 8 :00. Pl'hnnry llb\lrch sohool 10 ; So . a .m. .., (Acee 0 through 8) , FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Adult Worship, 10:30 a. m. Byr on Cnrvec, Minister BIble School, 9:S0 A.M. Morning Worship, 10:80 A.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH Prayer ' MeeUng, .,: 00 P.M. William Shannon, Mlnt.ter Young People's Meetl.ll,. 7:00 Sunday School, 9 :30 A.M., Mrs. FJv~nlog Servlc~8. 7 :30 P.M. Jamee 01U'r180n; Bupt. Preach1n" lit. and Srd. Bunclays ot eaoh' mODth, 10 :30 A.M. WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST ' Evenla, Berilcea, 1:30 P.M. M. H. Coffey, Mlnl8ter Bible School, 9: SO A.M. C~E8AR'S CREEl< FRIENDS ..Morning Worahlp, 10:80 A.M. YO\Jng Peoples' Meeting, 7 :00 .... .PartbIIIoD. IUaIater '
Harold EarNivt, BUilt. ·
250 Gallons ,
J. W. Wedgewood, Mlnillter
ShOLl! i happen to interven' t oo much per onall., it would ertainly lead t \ odd War III
Clt~urr~ -(£uilll'
WAVNEe'lILU _1 LEBANON OffIce 471K Jlu. 1_J,: MDRROW
Mrs. Anne Wh elen who
8:00 p. ,M
tamed a severe arm , bum last week III bel' job In WJlmlngton lias recovered and \VlI retw'n 10 workBOOn.
SCH0 0 L
Mrs. Lowse J'Jl.e- IUld lIer daugh, SOc Include. Firat 20 Gamea of BI.N~O. tin' Mias .Jane' File were supper . and DANCING • guests Salurday' evening , «;If ~rs. Harol~ Bogan and ' ~b~e~r~d~aU~g~h~t~,e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .,f;
, 49 out of 86 c~ampion truck driven choose DOcIgel cbampio,n drivers know champion trucks! The, nation's state champions ••• with proved reputations for safe,yrecor:di and driviDS IJdU : . . compeced . recendy in New York at &be National 'fruck Roadeo. Given &be ~rivileJe of drivioa "'"y make cruck. th. champIOns ~ecreal ~ge for national competition by more &bao- Z to lover aU other , makes combined! ' • In the even.lI in which DocIae trucks. putid. pated, 6 out of 9 national wllUleft drove DoCIp. "lob·RtII~tJlI crucks. • . ~ The champion • .elected Dodge fOr these cOQ8la ' usn because ! 'DE \:1'1 nua vblbility, itt areae . inaoeuvuabiliW. Sood braJdol. and ease of haD. dlin'g." So,. lab a 'tip from the men who kuow:
FIIIOW.I' ,lOUSES A Finer HOI HOIse fat Less' MooI,,~wing -Back RoQf ,KeepS 'Inside Fresh and D",! A factory .enginee,ed farrowi ... houae that's ~ruly "air-COndi •. new BLUE RIBBON House hal lID ..t-r._t.o.lcin roof. counterbalanced ao that it tUb back easily. · Floods of healthful IUJllhine IIIId ! treeb air can be admitted. eliminating damp noon. When dOled, 'curved roof keep. the natural heat of . the _ the noor,. where it is needed.
, BLUE RIBBON Farrowifli Houses are r",cedly built ' by uperie~ producers ol line buildings. in a bIc , moclerD • production !.ine factory. Our . time-lavina IIICtboda IIIId tremendOuI buying power brine you tIIeIe i -taUDdinc hoc houaea for leas coat than you could '. build them youneIf. Write for facta! I
drive a DOdge ' "J~b'~/.d!1 TtuCk!
~ ,
.IRST ''IGIIHY In ~he TraCtor. Tandem·AIIe Semi-rrailer Class 'woo. DJ O• .& Chapman, Pacific Inrt'rmountuio -lit.. Expre5:f, Oakland. Calif; Chapman, Colorado Siale Cham· .,. pion, (J~ove a' DocI,e Y1.-142 4-ton "Job·Rlll/ut" (frock.
,v.. ,
", ;'00 "}oll-IlIIIIH" t Truck, IUpCrlor conltnJc:tion
aiId material. .. hoC hoUIe
Strolll, tilh~ wat~rool Built of hlah InKte
roof •
~ IIIId pooved lumber
..... •
wllla ,atecl t..... uat _
'HIID ndliHY in the' Tractor, Tafldem-Altl ~ Semi.T"raller cfa~s . was w.~n by Harry W . Pollpck, Johnson ~otor Lim,s, Inc.. fi ...hi. more. Pollock. the M"ryJand 'Slale C.'h'llmpioa, d~oYe a DoJgc YA-14;ZA-ron "Joh-Rliled" Truck. .' ,
I... FI ••, .f F... III -. TI••
...... ..-. ..
T"IItD "'<WHY in tbe Straight Truck Clast ..... won R. D , WIl~lace, Johnso,. Motqr Line.. Inc.. Chulo"•. Wallace. who ~ Norlh Cllrollna Siale Champion, drove a Dod.e 'GA.-UZ (~-coo. ")ob·ll.aJ4IJ" Ttuck.
tHIIlD " .O,HY ' in die Tractor, Sioaleo~e Seml.Tn1Ier
was- won by Fra/lk )~tkpacrlck, COlumbia' llivl1' Truck eo.. Ponldd, Klrkpatr(ck, the Ore,OIl ,State CWapiOD cltov. a ' ~e JA·l2S 2~.roQ "Job-LIM" Track. '
' At-
either end for
~ autom,ticaII7 locked , .- I ~ to maintaIa _ fJow of 'eel r -Ieevy lied tiouriIa UdI • Water'pnIOf .f::.::dioa over ..... ~ • PaInted wida • ~atbIc ..... MIl Gil pela(. . . . ~ ~ ./older ...
~ . 'II" 1rlOPHY ia the Suaishr Trude: Class was WOIl I),y Richard Wold, Glendenning Motorwa)!s, Inc.. St. Paul. .. , Wold,1 MinQ~ia State Champion, drove a Dodse GA",52 1!:i-ton l'l()~IUI~tl" Truck, ...
"CONl~ tlO'HY in the 'Tractor, T andem.Axle Semi:Trailer Cia!! was . ,on by Robert "Rudesill, Glendenning Mororwa)'l, In!!... St. Paul.lludalll, MiDlJ'flOtli Sfale'ChalIlpion, drovc II L)odge \'1.·142
THURSDAY, NOVt:1.\BER 9, t9!;O
•• • - - , . - - _.
calved a warm ",elcome. . I bad gone on for a arhool reunlol\ so' tba.t the next r_ days were fel')', bUll)' onea but Monday marn!lng I \had time to t.aIte a drive about tbe city and Bee the A Farm Diary many cbangu thlj t have b"en ' - - - - . . ; . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - _ - ' COMMON PL:EAS port, made since I Waf( there tbe last By D. J. Frazier The C'lty Loan IInri ,al'llIg!l C'I'. time. Tbe Jonger you slay 1)1 Itn,1 Robert n. M..Coy, parenl and na· ~_ ' _I_. - -~ about Washington tbe more Ihe tural gunrd,an ot Kenl'lh 'McCoy, VII. William H. Stlll'!:I!I, R.... NO"H WlI.8blngton Monument becomes minor VB. Mary L. Schapp. ex. M. Sturgis Rncl 1I,lullIl Vullp)' NOVF.'MBElR '7" . 1960.-wi\l~hlng. the pivot around whiCh tlje city tOil and bs k again, all In the revolveR, even In Ihls day .of tan ecutrb: ot tbe esta.le or J. Thomlls BuUdlng and Lou II. ('JiK . , . cllHnll!l~(Oti same week lind bere Is how to do /buUdl\ngsl It IJOldll U/Io (}wn and Schapp dec'dt defendant granted wltllOut I'e~ord. It. Thuraday aft moon M ra. GOI" you aee. It from every nngle nil 90 days to plead. . LOis ,Monell, mlnol' 'VR . ' niHil don ond I left WaynellV1I1 D' at you' go llbout the -'l'v . , ~ ..... Kenneth McCoy VS. 'Mnry L . Morell, hell,rlng ~Ilt I'or NOI'llllbpr tli~e o'clcoll nnd In Rplte ot get· The Lincoln Mouuml'nt standll , tlng slowed dowlI . by Ule ubllnge at' the other "nd of the 101lg nar. Schnapp, executrix of th e tH!tllte l!!, 1960. ot a hlft al i he Delco nnd (Jars com· row pool that renect& them botb. or J . .Thomaa Sc~napp, dec'd. de· NEW surrs lng In Rnd qlrt ot thet.r IJlIl'klng The .outslde of It 18 ImpI'ellslve tendant granted 30 days to, plen". lot 011 Pott 1'8011. Blvd., we I'''ac'hed but YOIl need to climb the BteP!! Alice E. Donaldson vs: Walter JluBs~ll E. Garr~8C)n VII. Betty the utrporl a~ V'nndnlla by fOllr. and aland berore the great figure J. Garrl8Qn, dJvorce, extreme cruel· Mrs. C-ordon weighed In our lug· of the man seated, looking out' B. Donaldlllln, cass dlRmlRsed. gnge while I went lind pnrked 1 he with hili eyes fixed 011 the futurp Letha Mae Schwletel't VB. FI,pd ty, C. Donald Dllatllsh. Bonnie MQKlnn ey VS. Delmn lIBr In th e buge parking lot~ Our to teel the true JlC)wer or tb .. man H. Schwtetert, divorce gl'anted to plane was a few minutes Inte get- j h McKinney, divorce, groB8 tlng In trom ' tbe we~t- but we did I, onors. plalnUff. nOlI. have to wnlt 10llg before our Congre~1I ~a8 not !n 8e881011 but Gilbert Biggs "8. Form BUl'ellu J. T. Riley. . we drove, past the Capitol and lila r1tght Wl18 called nnd we went . out other' 'bulldlngs thollgh we did not Mutual Automobile lnsurnnll8 Co .• The . Clnj!lnnati St.llmplng and Furnace Co. VII. Olenn A. Wllaol'l, to the big ' plane nnd snw 0111' go. In any of . Huun, One ot th'e ellRe dlsmilliled. lIultollse8 b(.llng put on board and hlgb polntli of gol'ng to school In Arthur G. Pounll(ord VB. Mabel tor mODey onlr." amount claimed cllPlbed up' the gangpWlnk (It that 18 what they_ call It) and YllL8lblngton was going to the T. PounBford "bange of venne $1,428.20 Intereat tl'ODl October l-Ibrary of CongresB to study. ~ 26. 1950. at 6% and <'08tS . ' c limbed In. We chose ollr seats. 'Pbls time we only 1001l;ed I\.t It ordered to Butler County, Lovena Wlliln vO. Harl'iBn WII. We fastened 'our belts nnd Slink r m the outllide. To see every' Lena MorP'ls VS. ~aymond Lell'ls. down Into the deep sott cushions. ro . k.s • sn, divorce. groBs neglect, J . ' T. Before long tlIe engines ' starled tblng In WashlngtDn takes wee I agreement approved, Ib t ' so thlB time we only looked at tbe Mary E. Lambert VII Jnnles M. ruley. · up an d t be p IlUIe b egnn to v ra e, city Itself with Its wide avenuea . Tbe engines . war'!led up a HUle and many parks, Its gl'eat blilld- Lambert, divorce to plntnUrt, . Helen Osborn 'Y8. Myron ·D. 0,,· ~. divorce, gross neglect, ex· ond then we taxied around unUI tngs Bunday morning we went to agreement approved. we were In place ror the takeoff,' . C tb d I ., another short walt and then we .ervlce at. tbe National a e ra Wmta.m E. Burna VB. Eler u Ic treme cruelty, Maille and Maple. netty J. Garrison VII. Russell E. were off with a I'oar round Bnd 80 tbotthand tlIl e l.InCOlln MemOTrlhal Auto LIte Co., plalntJU granted 20 , "ere · e on y except ons. e . Garrison and Loveland Building round and 1'11~n before we knew I Wblte . House 18 only an empty daya to plead, It tbe earttJ b~gan to look farther 1111011 Juat now and due to tho reRussell Marshall, minor V". Reva and Loan., partllt>n , Hayes and. away and we were orr. It 18 our· , 10118 tbat In a plane there Is no cent duturbanoo .Blalr Houae was Mae Marsball, minor, M,e ryl H, Hayes . . sensation of apeed 'l'he earth IropelCotc trom the general public. Gray appointed guardian ad Utem ' . But I came away with a 88U8f1ed ' fJEAL ESTATE TRANSFER'S shlftll slowly beneath you like ba reeling and tbe sbort. night home Maurice E. Hlghtall, minor VB . moving picture on a acreen. T e oompleted an unUlmaJly Inter8llt. Inall Hlghfall, minor dlvor('e to . 04jOrge M~ Fue~ton. Jr. to Cath· air was veryllUII that day- no erlne M FoXbow...r 1 lot In Tllr boles or bumps and In about a log week end. plalulUr. ' , ' llecreek . TwJ>. '*'!11 an bour ..v:.el.a w.-e toldd to Ivan Wallace Ploroo, admlnls. Ralph E and Catbel'lne L. fasten our aea~ .... - aga ln an we DUll.... trator of the eltate ' of Leone . were at the Columbu" airport. It CottoD- bale. which baYe brill Henry to Glenn and Bertha V: began to let dark now and we lIlerce dec'd, vs, 1.\I(lme ~chwena- young, 107.50 '/lIlI'es In Wayne climbed 'Ilntll we were -looking , .tared mora than 110 ,.arl ba.. aka Ll&cllle .ooodrlcb, at ai, answel' • I d beaD found tg be In excelleat c:_ Twp. down on a van pi a1 no., c au s. dlUon tor tabr'-.t!on ..... _ ....... heretofore flied, permitted to be I . L began to serve "' He At. Wheellng tney withdrawn. " en and Chestel' Cam pbell to dinner. Each one. brou.ht a '- tb tt Vary ,Lewls. 18.98 BOI'es In Wa. ". cardboard tray with a glBIII dlBh Ka erine Money VB. Evere I t T . ...rUUaarl BIane Money. dl vorc!} granled to . ngR~lth~r(ord on wp. C. and Corn n. Mo pr like a smaII casserole IWltes d 0 t a plate with , meat, polateea and Drill or plautai' attachment ap. J!}alnUtf. to .Ada ' Wollard 1111(1 Pa II.lin cD_. ....ota on It. A bowl o( toued' -....... pUcatioD Me.~'fr ' S' ,~ - .-of t.rWlura at tim, of .... Duff V8. Opal D .1, \ aalad had Ita speclaJ place on tbe - - , I .. rec:ommmdtd tor ma.t Uvers a IOt8 In W,Il' n r- R\, I' ll. tray, also a paper cup of coffee, ac:onomlca. NlUlb. plaintiff to pay $30 lIer week. SliP' MarVin T. And IfcoJe-n M. . hr. i1 tiny paper ..alt and pepper con· to amuel P. and Dorlhll Senlr, !alnen and a roll ot blltter and a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •!II.III!I!!II• •Jiiiiiit.iiiiiOiiiiw~~ 0. 7 ~ n r · In ' Franklin 1'wp. piece or cake ror deallert. We ate slowly and by the time we bad (;athtlrwe Emma Brlslier to fln1ahed we belan to oIIee lIgbt!! Artbur Graves, 6 lots In Deertlelit below, we were down Ollt of the T\Vp. ~OUd8, About leven or a little Aibert T. and les8le A. Chen), after we could lee more ·town!! and vllIagN .a nd then , the IIgbts of 10 Pbllllp Henry and Sophia W48hlngton like a spnrkllng map Hacke; .. 6 1U'.retI In Wayne Twp. at tbe city, spread 0111 before Ull Bertha- Iil- ' F~rrls to William with all Its bra'lChlng nvenues Edward Blair, !l92 ~, acres In marked by lines of light., Then one wblte spot of light beCame WashlnCt.an Twp. the famllier dome of the Capito. Daniel M. and Mllrguerlle M. IUId tuthe IILWJ.Y a tiny shart of CqllettlLto Fl9Y.4.~ Mlnel Beotri., light beciame the WashlngtDll mono 0.1115 acres In Leb~noln. lIment and we began to come Ud tbere w& were, JUlt a little GJ'Over and Mary Ellen Rich· over three bours from 'the time ardson to Je818 L. ,a nd Oeatgfa we had left the Dayton airport. Turner, 1 lot III ·FranlkUn Twp. It did not hike long to claIJD ollr Grover and Mary Ellen · Rlcbard·' baggage IIDd flnd the ~I 10 talea us to town. A few minutes ride Ian to Ernest r. and IIna Lakes, 1 past . parlls and over a bridge, lot In Franklin Twp. ' gUm pieS of the Wuhlngton MOllument aSllqrlng l!f t,bat we were rel'lly in tbe KtBat dIy, and w. were soon getting Ollt I a:\, tbe apal'tment of Mrs. Gordon's ailler, rllht dQwn' town, where we ra-
Warren County Court
".ark.t Boy"
. " 39C Pound ~ ___'.:.__
PEAS 12 Qu.
~~~ ___25c 0RM«a: 2 Caaa JUICE _:.___ __ 4S C
_________________'____________~ 2'Sc
GeOl'J::t! M. Flle~lcm to Fl'ank lIud Decller, 1 lot In I~banon. , Heltm E. and Jamea L.. Walker I t() Frank C. Oelrich, 2,6!} aer4'S
1111 Morrow. Allen T. GlIpln to 'l'homBs P. j and Bfllttl'lce Jeu.nnlne Rlchurds, 1 nCl'e In Clearcreek TWI'. . Oh stel' 1\. nnd Adll li'el'll fan. , nlng to John H. II II c.1 Minnie D. Wultl"" 0.291 acr In Lebanon.' Do,rll M. Mote to IRrerwe R. MOle , 52 'll IlCl'es Fmnklln Twp . JUlia n. ChaDlbel'laln, ltuRt.ee 01 the wlll und testRment Hnd codlal or athr rJJle" Ithoff, deC'·d. Lillian Weavl"r, 2 lotll In Deerfield Twp.
Fred snd Minnie Lou DllCOn 10 Ollie B. Logsdon, I lot In Frank· l1n.
Lu y Freclel'IC!lc to 'George and tnnl ey A. .1.ewls. 0.1127. act'es Slll"m Twp. Frank nnd Belle De('k"'r George M, and RlIth Fue~ton. Jr. 74.46 acres In Snlem Twp. Alex, Koenig . to Kal'l J . Alter, 2 lots hI Mnson . . Leomar Bennett to 1.lIth,·r D. BI'UCC, 2 lots tn Frflnklln 1'wp. Chnrles Sdmuel nnd Irene Dow· son to Chnl'lea and Mabel Bent-
Singer Sewing
),223 Central Avenue MIDDU:TOWN, OHIO NAM E ________
- '
Phone 33801
____ ,. __ _ _ "_, ___ _____ .. ________ ______ __ , _____ _ ~
ADORESS-Street - __________ -- - _________ PHONE ________ ~_ ~ ST AT-E _~---_. _____ _ I AM INTERESTED IN: New S'lnger' Machine
) New Singer Vacuum Cluner
Repair of My Machine.
.t. -- -- _ 1 __ u._u_._a •. _at_ . Exide ',Batteries Firesto.ne Tires
heln 6 acreR In TurtJecreek Twp. ~~=;;;;;:;:;===;;;==;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:==;~~~ Hel en HAyes to Marcell L. DUI'· '. _._I_~_iJ_ ton, 1 lot In Plpa~8nt Plain. .T1Ull estf'\ , and June A, Curry to David Fl'ancls Mllyne. l00.H acre ~ n Union Twp.
- - -----'--PRO~ATE
E>!ltate ot Edythe H. Mead, dec 'd. Clyde W. Mead appolnt.ed eXl)Cutor, J . W. Goddard, Karl M . Brown and WlIllnm lIutronl. Jl' appointed appraisers. Esule of John C. Hllwke, dec"ci C. Lea }J a w k e. nLlmlnlsu'ator flied artldllvlt In l.ieu or O"C"-II , t . (Continued on rage Four)
New and Recapped - $8.95 $2~OO
Trade In AIIowa~ce Lubricating Service Firestone ~ceessories o••i 5:30 .... it 9,.•. Su""
ne Land Bank 'a,
Loan Made
CaD Be Repaid.
7:30 I. II. II 9 p. •• /
Bob Servis
Willa the "1" 'fakeD OUa
~~i-~--ri, i-~'~-;.~-;;-~I_;; ,. E . LON Glj-iiiiiii-:-:-::-'.-:·~~:II • _.•.•,~.:-;;.~-;.~-~D_~b_~':_~_;;'_~c: -- _1- _._._._.-.... ,1-,. E RFMroIDS' F-:-RIDcome LOW RATE -- 4" \ Farmer Owned A.lOCiatioo
The LeboOD Mali'" FII1II L... LEBANON, OHIO PIaoae 448
COW8 ".~ HORSES $•.08
COWS '4.00
All Stock Removed Dall1 -
tlOll1 and Other 8m.1I 8tock
Larga or 8mall -
Remo._d Promptly
Call C~t1.ct
Xenia 454
WifmiDgI..n 2.':&2 l.-.aD 439 lNLAND PRODUCTS, Inc.
DII,lalon .of Inlalld Pro~uct., Inc,
:E~L~L~'~8~,=H~.~8~T~U~R~M~,~8;.~O~~~.~T~r;-a;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::_::_. _ _ _ ,_ . _ _
WAtch That Cioc;k;!
_~~_.;~ 25c ' UMABEANS STRAWB£RRi£s Packat. ______ .49C 12 0... ___ ____.29C
TIl 1111111111111&01111 CD.
'. '
LI•• ' Wire and P................ ol'llUlll&tioa Mco.d to DOD.. Str1cU, ..uera OD tile . . aD,around market ID ' tb. ooaatrr·
8ERVICE THAT IATIIFIII For D~1I1 Market ...,.l18t ftI_1 WHIO .1)QtOD. UIIO ,as,T, ..-
!.IHO: wLW 'Cm~ 11~,~t~ij~~~~~ii~ii~;ijiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~:i~~~~~
attOCK .
I 'J , ...
• 1 •
Do. gc - more head loom, SlUlUl•
mati£' Transmission .. . . Dodge Is avallable on Coro'p et models at moderate exua cost.
strelch·out l~g r('..;ltn~ than. in many carl costing far morc.
roOlll ,
See for yourI.elfi You co~I" RQy $1,000 mora and stili not gat tt.a extra ,roomi"a", d;ly~g a~.e and-rugled d.pendallility of DODGEI of your time" worth $• •OOO? the h1ne we need to .how you the Dodge bigger dollar valuel You'll 5ee that .this smart big Dodge gives you a DeW !dnd of driving ease-ellua roominesl-aad mesney·
s Iproof of
. ,
That'~ all
savillg .Iependabillty that you don't get In many cats (~tillg as mlK'h II a thousand dollals more. Come Iii tOday-and . . how easy it is to own today', bigger vUu, Dodge. YpUl present car will probably tab care. of the down paymellt. ".
. . . . . . .1
,'r1 ,\ ~ f : H [
, 1 " ,\ I ,
r. •
·8HOWTIME ••• U.8.A."-TII••Gr.ataet ........ .,......1...
8M Your N.wep.per For Tim. & StaUon
C ..andmother'. Kitc:heh
Remember wben kit chens we/'o real kJtcllen!l? No mile two by fours wlUl s tanding room only. In nddlUoll to t h huge wooo runge lind t n b I e big "nollgh to .SM t · the whole truully, 1here WRS ample room for all tho children to tllmble alid tUBSI' In· cludlng tbe cat und dog . Mother even had 8. rook· lug hair! Just In cue she ever bad a few ' mln· lites lels ul'e time to sit down . Remember? When need arll's
with - .
Chn,p. •
- sm
yo can I e a v,e everything to \l"
W. B. NEWS •
our careful attention to every detail.
moths when YOII use Bo/'Iou. One spraying guaranteed (or five YOurs. Top Baal1q, BaDd, Or,aftl WAYNESVILLE ll"tJRNl1' RE & Jlzoa••Uq W1Ul 8M' Hoe, APPLIANCE. Drq·UD. aDd Bulldoaer
elo.ad TUliday 4 W ednelday
be !lILten by
."'twia ftealer ,9
WAY~ES\,II.I .r: "
Wa11le..w" 01110 .
Phone: WI~vlll. 2fl1
FOR SALE- Double barreled s hot· gun, 1 box sheUs, chick ell house and teed boxes,' ~fARY E. COOK. Main street. X- 10·26-'-1l·2·9 Will pay top-notch price for good blue-glass sod. all Dayton FUlton 5735. X- ll·2·9 WANTED. -
FOR SALE - Bungalow 5 l'OOIllS with bath; s toker·fed furnace, hot and cold soft water IIn(\('I' pressure, FIJI basement, garage III basement. Located on 6tb ' s treet, Y. ayn eK' ville. Oblo, Phone 27 2 after 5: P. M. X-ll·2·9-16
Jo'OR SALE>--Uprlght pl a no, 6 v 11 · eURn blinds, ex,ceUenl cUlldiU(lll. Tuxedo, size 42, huiles b llUUfll l ('oat , 8iZ(> H. hat t.o mutch, all III A·l condition. Phone 2176. 11 -9
the odor ' or old· tashloned moth killers ? Get Derloll . No odor lind guara nt" d for flVA years. Economical too. \VA \'NE:· VILLE FURNITURe &. SUPPl,\'.
FUNERAL HOME ,C AN'T Istand Phone 2211
FOUND-Bl'Own Call ' 2] 61 .
Armistice Day, Celebr~ting
men who wore the uniform for (reedom t • 'sake.
,.~eCLURf ·
'. 'NEI~L
c::,:,c-:-_ _.;a
'Th~e y~rs' P"' ~aS a ....mUnil,y'd~zen _
• .. in aIX.$tel.
" I
faul Zimpber's' farm workshop, 2 mile. .ouch of Jacktoo Caatcr. 0.. ia equipped .ncb dcctric aU compRNOr, welder. lip P. dtW Pfe!s, back saw, grinder wbh fJedb1e ...... _ . " sripder, band saw ~d electric spark plua dcaaer. " '
• ~ul Zi.lllpber is olle of Ohio's producdOll·miDdecl farmen.bo, doem·, believe iP hauling cqulpmmt to Ion for fCpein, waldaa Cor &be job to b~ done, cbm hauliaa it IiadC to die,farm. ~, Zimpher furm bas. modem worbbop ileccdcaDJ""" 10 ' do prompt repairing of fann machiDeq ,liablac......: All clccuUicd workshop ia a IOIIDII . . . . . . . tar,.. ......
AnyOne who laat _w the Inch LiDee'darin, World War D ' would,hardly reco,mze them today. So much is ~. Since Texas Eastern first became. a -tupayina citizen of your county, we'have worked on ODe objective: to buDd. an efficient, economical, natural g~ piip e line syat.em dependably 'Berving the p~blic. , ' . • • The result is a fine new plant' which t()day 8el:VeI people and industries in nine states with 140 JllliUion cubW feet of
natural gas each day. The future iii promising. We plan to build additional facilities which ,\.vill enable the Inch Lin. to '~o an even , better job. But now is a good time to_~(J[Ok ~und""and ~ what ~ already been done in the 11 BUltee, 104 countaes and all the communities in which TeUlI Eastern is a local ' cit~n. At the right is the Box Score,tcj, cblte:
lOG. It prcvCIlll coady ciday. for repaI( wadi . , __ . . 'Hying of an imponant,trOl1 at hanett dmt.1D eiNftfacr.Jcame ).ou Year'UoWldJacillties fOr Al.lplq farm aDa1MtDlIIioliJ . . . . malt Ja .,orkiug conditloo, uel II ...... . . . . . . . .
~ ptCl, udUty trail..... WIllIG
wnW \ CIIde'.......
"adler II uafa1'lJllll1e" ~... ' MOIOMIriYea arIadaa IIDCltlet., ...,. . . . . . . . .
etc.. "Wbm
welder for quick fCJIaIn CIA . . . . . . . IIIdoa, . . . . . . . . , farmt dolo. larp-JCaIe pN4 , . . . . . . . . . .......,,_ .. ~ worIubop meet dae IOi ~ If Jaar ~ ---..-_ -"'C ...... I ~.' aJUCt)' aaeat w our farm ftJo-..~ ...... . ', OD
NEW COMPIUSOI STATIONS . ; . in 26 commUDities.
. .. NEW. VALVI5~ ,
NEW SA.1n'
DEVICES ... on three thousand miles
otUne. NEW PIPE • . • installed where nee·
essary ill a complete ·testing alld rehabilltatio~ program on 800 miles of the 20·inch line.
• . AND , . . 8uch "minor" items al new river crossings, e~el'gency power systeme water and sewerage systems, co~uniCation8 aud transportation equipment, -warehou8es, measuring stations, dispatchers' offices, anq employee home.; .
'and operdtor of the Big Ineh and Lime Big Inch pipe lin. 'Ylflm, II • •• ",rli... nt.td in cOI)',munity"life of ten Ita tel where It I employe.. IIYe and work •
o"'~ of ~AJJCos' Edslern is at 306 Milam St., Shreveport, Louisiana,
~...,.., Texas Eastern S'atlon is at LEBANON
,Jiorn \n \World War II, the Inch LiDes • have Qeen equipped to render even '8~ter senice ai, a natural glIB pipe,. ~ine Ify .. ~m ilWlny new emergency. Alrea\ly they are provl,dinlf-indulltry .wilib ubimdnnt new energy to -meet the requirements of' defense at home and I.1 broad.
Servill:g Waynesville Since 1850 J
l\Unml Cbapter 107 O. E. R. will 8pelal Il'esslon 011 Monday, November 20 at elgbt p. m. fOl' the purpose of Inltlatlou Ilud me· morlal. ... ' , me~ I~
Mr, Rnd Mrs. Ronald Hawke spent the PaBt week willi tbelr Kon and daul;lhter-ln-Iaw, Mr. arid M ra. Frllnk Hawke 1111(\ ch IIdren In Wymnlng. 1l1Inole. l\t r.
8nd Mr8. Oharles Fry allil
flb IId" PII were week end guests oi
relatlve8 In T..ogansport, Indiana.
Mills Ruth BIIl·nett. of Xenia, wa.fI u. SWlday and Monday· guest of her parentR, Mr. and :\1 re. Cliff Burnett,.
M.r. and Ml'S. Warron Bl'O.ddock were guests of Mr. Arch MIlIlOf\ and sl9ter, In Qakwood. [llInol8 for I\. few dlQ'a during the pa8t week Mnt. lenDle Braddock, who had spent the PlIst. t.wo week8 IlII gUeRt at tbe Milson. accompanied tbem home_ Mr. and lIIrs. Rosa H, Hartaock, MilS' Jean Hartaock and MI'. Jamp,. Jones' attended the formal o l'lonllli 'of the neW' Preble Count., Natlo'nal Banli ID Eaton on Almday arle.r· They alad called ' on ~r. noon. and MM. Gene BlUngtDn while In EI1Um. Mr. and MMI. L. C. Rt. ;.iobp weN SUD41q · dinner gll(,AtS 'of Mr. ~ M*",. Don !leek nellr 8prln,;l -~-~~
Mr. Robert Hunter' hliR 'rea'lme4 hla studl.e8 lit the Unlve ... lt,. ()t CincinnatI. Mr. HUllter bas b~n In Baltimore for leveral weelcs 011 biB studies and. .Is again on tbo Dean's list for bl,s I,ne work. Arriving home by 1I1ane, he waa abl!' 1p bave a few dayi' vacation wlUi bls .pal'Pnts. .Mr. and Mrs. Willi! Hunter.
Mrs. ·B1anche Baker baa retlll'l1ed 10 her bome in Cincinnati after
spending the P\flt t",o weeks with 'Jler ·slst~r, Mrs. R. H: Hllrl.Rock. NT_ ' and Mrs,
William Stl'ollao
lIad 8e Sunda~ dinner. pestR, Mr.
ObarlM Strouse, wbo bas been tbelr gueil 'flor Reveral days, Mr. Jacob St.roUI!e -and Mr. Rnd l'oln J . J . BUMlke. Mr. and' Mrs. P_ L. Rearon had Da gueat.a 0,:\. Sunday of the pallt
week. Mr. and Ml'B. Ralph Wat· rous ~d . daugbtell, Mra. · Ollal'les FMter 8lId' Mr.. and Mrs, Virgil Ott o~ DayWn. Mr. AltoD Earnhart, of Pallldlng, was a week end guest of hili pa.... entl!. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ellrnbart. MMI. was a. tn-I&w A. H.
Elnma. aearbar-t, of Dayton, week end gu8!\t of her sonand dau,hter, Mr. lind M11I . Stubb8 and children..
Wayne Fanners Club Meets Here
I. W. Wedlewp04 w.. ' lD obarre of the' pro..... of' readlDp; con· "\eli... and mule. Tbe club &.d., joUl'DBd to meet wltb II .... WaUer Whitaker In December aDd durlDr 'the 8Q1OJa1 laour, tile boat_ IiDd IUI8I8taDt8, lira. Bernanl Dale)" 1Irs. A. H. Stub... and lira. Robert Babr, IIened deUeIoaI ... fnIJI. . . . to tile ...... bwaller or
Go. a.u.,.
Meets Tuesday .
, At 1.1,.. Nnv I.nhe l· '\ ·1 m
HARVEST CORN· atMa~ln~~;r:s:e~~~;~ts and advertisers have their FOR NEIGHBOR
your cooperation in this matter and
ling or
t he W:lynellyl11 e Jlottl l'Y '1\1 b , nftei· (I deUclnllR ,I hille r of Kllugh ttl
and ment hnlls . 1~ I'UI\l~I B H e llO BmwII . C hnll'ma ll or 'w e Progra m qomlllil1pe, InLI'otluc'lI I~ rorm I' bu slneRs mOil or W'lyn e!l 1110, Bob O·Regn.n . ·who rOI ·tn B1·~ operated the 1'wlh 'I'11I)utl'P.. , Hob I.s flOW ('ollnp(!lp(1 \I Itn th e I l ... ket BtHf t of lir e Cincinn ati He.l!! n ans D!tll Club. I-Ie gave n s hol'L It.l k on lh e, tl 'IUiL ', 1I1ell plan s ror th e omlng !\ell!lOn, I\lld dl stl'j butcd 'Irou In rs to nil th e memh rll 'plnlnll1 g rh e vl~l'lolIS n lnns. Don Balrd Inlroduced Francie Gene Brown, speak r of t he eve. ' nlng, who .to,d of his life and hla work In the InRura.nce business. Gene Is District Manager of the American Farmers flfutual Insurance Company. A note of thanks was r eceleved from Mrs. Ed PO,r ter f9r nowerS sent by th.e Rota.ry Olub during her recent· confinement. ,AI AJlabaugh talked brieny on tpe four way test from the Rotary International mo.g1Wne. Ouellts were Mr_ Mote. and . Mr. Ad61'son from FI'D.nklln.
~TmtNi~~~~IIIWi~I~III~~llill~I ~ :. : : . ml l : : : I~I~lmlll~ ~lIm~~1111~1111111~111II~~IIiIII"II!~=! ;= .! !I I: lI m~: " I : I I I I=ml m=1 1 1 :=:1 1 1 1 :~:~ ~~:;d:~c~:;~ie;~,:!~~!lo~:dd~~~
Have Sunday Dinner du••t.
---..:....-- /
' f.,"fJ/WIR "ttWS
He,at of 'Iro.n Can V · ar"l
"Martha Adama, Beal. JDvenlDi J:&llars were Charlotte . ~rnett. 01Da1" Dyer, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Killinger and Ad",lnlatrator BIll ' ·l'1Icbbaek. Da.vld HartlOck, funU" or Dayton. Estate or ADDa K. Madden, de· Qeorp Hartsock, ' P4pter Ke,l, Mr~ and Mra. Cillule. Bratt'ln ceuecl; Janet Peten, Vera Sherwood, Har. called on tbelr granllparents, Mr. Nlttle. is bereb)' ,1"811 that. 014 StaDt.,., and Mre. Georle Dnltten Bunda.., Albert H. Stubbe wlao.. Poat Of. BIll ~ ~lv8d an O. altel1lOOn. Add W I Mr. Lue _. Stevena\ ,Mr. Ooorge &)'Deavl Ie, ......... B. ID. plD :lorIlavl~ aubmlUed the ftce . rea. la baa ....D dul)' appolDte4 .. Ad- beIIt. paper lD the cWs. · Bra.tten are on the alck llat. mln1atntor DBNWW',A. ~ the £a. n. toUowlal II student. IIr. and Mrs. Lellrta Tbomson. tat~ or ~ K. II14den, late 01 have beeD awarded CompeteDt and daucbUtr 01 Darton. IIr, and the VUIap 01 W .... TJplq CertWcat.et; MI'8. . Lewla and daqh· reo Co~, O~ . . . . . . . . ~ P.n1. 11. Det word. perter, or Xenia. called OD IIr._.llIId Da~ tbla Ird .., III.......... ............ BftIeI. 40: BettJ lira. ClareDC!e Crawfcird SuDilq. 11110. ' 8atiMthwalte, 40:. JbdIa Warcllow, M... ~ HU., '. 41: ~ WOIOa. 41. Oillaon, anll lire. Craw· IlALPII H. c.utEY ford ..u.l 08_..... YOUDl - Iudlle or &be ....... Court V..... 1ft ..... ..,... of the Jut W.......,
' .
__'-s aDd 1'l8IIta. wllO . .re·' l1l'i. 0ItarIee A u - ... ClIdJo 0. .,.... cIND _
N.fltt 1~ CtJrrllp.n',nfs fin' Adfllftlsers
R ta . C~I b (i) ry u
Th e nelghbol'ij of !'If1'. lind Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. &as HartBock Charll's Zimmermlln gntheJ'ecl with ~ere host and hostess to the West Wayne AdviSOry Councll on Friday Avenlnt, wltJl thellr bouse guest, Mrs. Blftn~he Bakel', of Clnllinnatl, D~ ~~ERTO during the paRt wee k and pi cked .I:oftft. Rud slOl'ed Ul e h ' "'ltole (,0 1'1\ crop as the guelli of tbe club. During' the bU,<j,lnells 8ellion tbe following lJB MONDAY or corn. lind Dumer lofilt eo. pl'''llal'sd RPt'vellwasat fnrn III hom officers were elected for tbe com· ot Mr. nnd M1'9 . n Ibel't 'Oil 'er . Ing year: President. lli. H. F. Dye; orp!er PII.1Ili11' o( by tbe wives ' of the comulU ntty. Secretary, MrR. J. K. Prelton and lit Church, nnll 'McAlee Mont...... Oh l Mr. n-nd Mrs. Zimmerman, tho lat1\1 r. Ro. s Hartlock as dlsc\lljslon Ith the Journal. t d . ..~mel·y, a nI's" will ~ddre!l~ the I II u e~ _ Wilmington ollAge. tel' an Invalid and confined to her len.cler. The dlscllsslon topiC of. th.e evevllc Club at t,IIe:r $'ave a very Interesting talk to 20 bed, are s'o "et'}' appreciative or ning "Who ~ 1111.11 Speak fc;>r tbe to be beld MOl . membera or the M. Y. F, or the tbls fine deed, -and thlnk they have . I;t. 7:00 p_ , 1 ~. Methodist church Inst Sunday the finest neighbors In the world. Farmer'" ' W:Jf\ ably dl"cIl98.. d. . ,ollo,*,ng IIdjOurnment, a ' plell llMr. M.yera ",U Ik on bls worl~ nigh t. He sllOke of lbe dltferences Those who ,w orked in til fields lint 80clal 110 I~ was enjoyed wUh In the newa~ fteld and Ibo II In ChlneRe hig h lichool!! nnd Amer- ~re: David Furnas, Davis Fur· dell~10I18 ref! esbmente served by be Iln lnte • p~ of tile d,n-, Iran high ' BC~IOOI8 ~aylng It Wl\.l\ nail, Dop Asbul'Y, William As bury, ner Oleetln; , all worll In Cblnll, students Inking Leslter Orifflth, ' Bob Thompson, the bOlt an4 hoatells. Mem.berahi p ......nduce card ~ 8 to 10 coUrse", II. day, many or Rhodes Dunnell, Harr¥ Lacy. Earl are ' ID the . man.T.I?Jan tD attend the.m ~Illvalent to Col1f!~r r.o nr,.... 11 Crawford; Edwin Surritce, Everett tb18 ' meeUn, "'~ "rtq pest . 'n U. S. He Rlated. howevol', only McCullough, Ernest Cook, Erneet ' . a 8'llect ff!w III-e privileged to 1(0 Butterworth, Fred King, Lawrence VJSrI'ORS~ ' It.; , to high Hchool. ' Davis. ShorUe DeBo.rd, ChIl~les After' ble talk. 011 participated In Iaaacs, Delbert onger and Olenn __ I)'S HERE reoreation snd concluded the eve: Smith. ~st. The Oblo Stale UDlveMllty Scbool , . DIng wltJb re rr eshments. ' REV. WEDGEWOOD of Mnalc will Pl'eaent aeven stuM... lind Ma. Wa1~er ,an BE THANKFUL CHRISTMAS CHECKS VISITED BY PARENTS dente lD a recital on Thursda)', Mr; apd Mna. ~I PeWan~l, r VISITORS' SUNDAY All good and wor~hwhlle things GO OUT mlS W£EK Novembe«' )8 at J :00 p. m .• In Fairborn, vi . t;be home I , .MI'. a nd MrA. HOI'I'ey K. Hoi come to 'UB ~ut Of the love and Hup~ . Hall Audltorlwn on" the Rev. and Mrs. I. We4pWOf and da~l~ht.pr , Jeuiile :0 ' ,I .Judv mercy of God. Tbls Democracy of' Rev. 8lId Mrs. O. P ., Wedgewood IUDeI E. JonM. <;&lhle.r the C&lllIlUS. TbOfle appearinl are: Tl1 ese rrieDde called on '.I rll. JllII~l' b ~ th 11 '" 1111 • ours Is an outgro,w th of prlnclpleB visited at the Wedgewood. bome W&)'Deavllle Natonal Bank, J'lIpOrtB lobn G. Kovach, violin, Rtruthera; lIfrs. Mllrlrrd ' Campbell Rmuln ' found III tbe teachings of t~e Son. here lWlt week. They a.re the parthat the Cbrtatmu Club degoeltonl I'nDIt laenoD, ))Iano, J.49 ActoD P . M. of God. Sc;Jentltlc dl8coverles fOT ents of the MethodiBt minllter and: PIleclrS. tGtailnJ over $0 ,000.00, 1l4.. CUlumbaa: Dolores 1', Murpll7, '---. __ meD's development and comfort serve a church In ClDcinJl'atl at were put .1 . die -mail (his week, .opriuto, Pf"!U:l.; Jimmy T..... mn, ar'e not new tblnga to God. He the .lIl'9811lnt. Kr. Jon .. al80 , atates tbat the clarinet, as Powba.tnn Ave.. Cup1aeed the elementa at our dillo new olub, will . n December flrlt. lum,....: Jack Mulrorrl . cl .. rlnet, poaal_ and gave U8 b.ralna tD d& W'at.cll the a4vertlli.ment lD W&7D,n1lle; llaf atatwro. cJar. A; POUP velop these things Into pf9\lllCts 01 nNt .,"ka ~r. IJ)et. x.~;, ...I1Ute eln" 'C'!~ lIe1pCn J nMe - Onr food~l,~ _ "1" I~ Clefetand. Accompanillts wJD u1'l\l reBOu~8, in fact everytblng be Patricia. Wa4e, Ruclld and ~ . ; jJ we c8n mention we bave because AJlt,er- school 1& "hungry" time Harriet Reeder, :Tame8town. "God soloverl the World." The for scores of children. Many or grea.teBt gift was Rls Son Jesus . 1lhEiD )Vant anei neeel a. light snack , MRS. MYRTLE OIBSON to! carry them through until tbe , May we il\'l\r a('cept Him into our eW<lIlng meal. ' . Mr. an.d MI'I\. Buslel WIlBOIi and hearts and flottI'm our 1I,'ol.j by H is Alma Gal·vin. ol( ten fllon nnt.rIUon. Correapondent ' tamlly h&.d .. Sunday dinner Mr.' lind Mr". Mortin' Bnggg \'I~" eX8lIlple. ' 1st, OhIo Stato Un lyel\'1lty. 1l0intR baeata Mr. and· lIrs. ComelL ·WU.' lied theil' ~arents " "1' we 'wee" The Me~odlst church, will ob- out tbu this Is a first-rate time tG MR •• HILY GlnON Hell~ frienda! Well, to ' ltart lIOn, 01 Cleveland, IIr. aDd Mrs. ..nd In KeD"·c"., build up tit", daily milk Quota. InCorre-aponl••.,t .... .. • ael'V'e Than_Vilng tbls Sunday. stead of serving milk "as Is," she Orvllle _Wilson. Yr. and MMI_ Ar- thJqs off In a not too bapp), mood '. Mr, &Dd Mra. Dewy Lamb 8lId Tbe message or ilie morning 'w:1ll suggeBUr "dressing It up" somethur WilBOn, ,MI'. and Mrs. Bobert tb!a year the buketbAlI OOI.S A group. 01. youn, ,people. Iil."io daugbt,er Doll and Acla La~b' all be: "Thankful For .Endurlrig times as a speclill trell.t. jO\lneypd 10 Blllnllh6l\ler la i't Fri· Wilson, Mr. and ' Mrs. Ed WIlBon, Eggnog bl\.l\ long been a. favorite, day to play their (\rst game or the the ,mlnllter oC New Bur1lncto'! had dinner with MI'. Lamb'. daugh- Tblngs." We trust every ono . or Mr. and MI'8, Robert .Jent and M. .. E. <,.burch had t'b.l'g~ of the ter-, ' Mae Stiles Thursday. U8 Is thank.r ul n uglt .t G d rand , I,t .Is packed wltb nll,tl·lents . season. In spl~e or the falll that service. here SanrioS' evenln~ Ill. Bertha Lamb of Berea. K.,., la e 0 0 0 orK.eep ser.vlnp average In size in , Bobby Kenneth and Warne WIIBoD. b8 fReT M S r all His Oo6dness and Lo:ve ~hat ~rder not ,to "dull'" the Il))petlte Cor Wli)'aesvllle pta)'ed a good lame, t~ a eOAle 0 v . , . CIlI' : , viliting her brother In 'Hamllton, we will flnd ' it not ooly an obU- ~e evening ,meal. ' ' et 18 HaSTEn 'T O W C T U. Blanche"ter came out on ~p wllb . ."Mra. DI~k Haines. "nd' daughters and 18 colne to come 't o Conrln. ga/tlon .but 11 prlvll.e to be In Eggnog -Is easy to mnko and re.. . ' • • , a tlna1 Icore 'of Blancbester 66, and Pamnla c:f near . X~nln, to vlBlt her' brother and sbltel', Ood'8 House on Sund for wor- quires only a minute or two. Beat ~RI~AY ~"EItN'OON Wa:yneavl11e 31. We "now you DoDna spen~ Sunday . wl~h ber "pllrent.'!, I;)awy IAmb and Myrtle GibBOn. ay an egg thoroughly. sw eeten v.ery On ·Frldq afternoon, November did your beBt bo,.. and we do hope Mr. , and . Mrs. Hlly .QlbsOn. Mr. U'_ , Gr·."le T --b 18 a' ble to b ' e ship. lightly. add Ii. few drops. of vanilla _.... _ ........... ani' then add the milk. Turn Into 10, MjrII. WadgeWOlDd wa.s boateBs I you bave be~er luck: nelt tI,me_ , 'tbe II¥lrving glll8ses ' and a.dd, a to the W_ C. T. U. " \ - An &laembly w&!I . held Il'rIdU at Clyde Jones, MI'/l. Elsie Bunnell out again, and bel' baby Is I}olng and; dapghter Edna of Lebflnoll , nne. . sprinkle 0 nutmeg' or Cinnamon or Tbe meetlne w.. opened. with., whicb ~_ R:etaJ1lck' dl\l(lusBed called In Ure atterDllOn. K1'. Tommie Gibson spent one II. bit · of. whlpJ)e.1l cl'eam. Vury the slleDt prayer, follo.w ed ",Itb ~ I ..Spo....manshlp and tile New u d ~J 'Wlldm 1 J' k ' '. fhi.vor ' a.s you 'Wish. by adding fresh ~r. an . n MI. ' an, 0 hC· nlcht . ·~t week with h18 bab)": or' CjUlned fl'uH juice, malted milk prayer by Dr. lIlmma ,Holloway, a Method 01 Awarding a Sportsman' or tnllt sy song , wal IUnl and Mr. Wedge- : ship Trophy. Sportsmanlhlp III 1>On. Oblo, were GUPIIeI' rue.. on llttle Tony T. R, OlbBOn, who hi I Monday even4ng hf "their parenlJi, s~ with Ernest and Myrtle " rl1P· ' . wood had cbarp or the devotions Important to botob eohool and com· Mr. and Mrs. Emeilt Eamhart and 91baoD. -Ohio . farmers DiP-ply lime.. Rayon ', ed Mr:" Wedpwood the prorram- munlty. Let's all tl')' to be good tamJly. t stene to sod fields tbJll fall snl1 " A.ft.er tbe rellllar bualD.e ea se~ sports this year. ,Kra.I Myrtle Glbaon. Is planning winter wb ...... 'weather and feld con· M n ~r. -, J<;ellnethrottplI, ril. to B K i t h h ~II , . on 10 na erea. y., w er d1tl0na permit a IImestlJll18 . spreader S~D, MMI .. Olive Curl cue an lD' Tu8lllay - 8n -aslembly a·t whlcb tareaUng account of the. Conven· the .Junior CllIf)8 prellented II pre- lames B~tten, of l)Qt.on, ca.1 ...·.d IIIlter, MI'8. Lamb, ' to spend a few to work. Rayon Is really ,o. whole "family lion at Akroa, and Mri. Wedge- view of their ~Iallll pljly, whlab on MI'. and Mrs. Ot!Orge Bratten dq-a, alJo t,O viilt ber younger 'Earl Jone9, ' ~tenllion agronomJst Monday evening. saater lira. G.... W'ren and tamUY. at Obfo St~e Univer,slty, advlse8 of fabric" ,80 , you need to cbeck wood read a , ,,III')' IOod artIcle .DD ,.-aJI p,..ented Wt:!InelldaJ night, Mr. and Mnr. HUT GibBOn, M r s . ' " , , f.rmers to IItockplle lime their ironing temperlltute carefully und IIr. and 111'8. HllIble t.amb vlB· farmB or In railroad yarde If they 8ult It to the kind 01. rayon you're , "HoW' We Should Preaent to ,WIUI condUcted. . Youth the UCl~r 'Queetl0D." The . Don't for-get the basketball game Morris Lowls called., on Mr. lind I.te4 IIr• .and Mn. Ernest O:lbBon. are to receive sblpments by rail. Jrpnlng. 1111' 1 1. HarrY GtbBOl~ Ilnd .1\11'11. also 'Mr. and· Ml'II. James H. SUle8 He ,explains that little' limestone Edltb Bf.'jl"I'Y, extcl'\s loll clotblng .met!lJna. was. cloeell w I-t II t b ,e FrIday ~lgbt: We'll be looldng for Emma GibBOn of Bellbrook Sllt- one DlIht lut week. ' II ablpped by ral ,ln open cOJ:s' III speclilJlllt at 01110 State Unlxerslt.v. UD10n BenedlctlOD. you, Glleea tbat'a all tbll week. uNay afternoon. . ' '. ' wlnter because or the danger or. lay. cool, ,amoth ray'ons, such lUI' IIr. aDd lIJ:8. Fred Bul'lemeler rree~. . . barkskln and jersey, ' do require a. Dellcloul relrelhmenfil w ere ao b),e:' 10YOE BEAL. . "'r. and .Mrs.. Ernest LUcaa, of were Kr• . IUlcl Mra. J:am.. SWes Lime , Can be trUCked. ho:wever" Telat1vely cool IrOn and, conse- ·· Bervet! ftl t.... time. • ' 8CHO.OL NEWS .SpnnK" ":alle)" spent the week end tor -cUnner wt Sunday, from ' the quarry dlre~y to the quently. they ta.ke longer to Iron. Carm a!nce there Is I1ta1o or no 011 the other hanll, many of the 'au.lnl.. Educ&tlqn ..o..,artmlnt wlt.b. Ilra. Alula. Luca. and Mr. DAYTONIANa VISIT HERE Tbe Bookk-ln,' .1 Cws _a ...le- IUl4 MI'8. Lo;yde Tompaog. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT freellna danger. " spun rayons can be lrohed with iI. -... ..-.. ~ d u ~ t "",A h ~~ut .Jones points out that , wll)ter- moderately hot Iron, Quickly' and aUNDAY AFTERNOON . lpaled In the BwI~neal Education .... r. an ""n., ....-.... .-rn art ....- or limine' recommetldattoQII a" e easily. . Ill'. and M.... 1[enneth Eluy and World DctoberBooklreeplD, C,on- ~n:tea:Utn~ to 8uppeJr ~dq- ev,'" Eata~ of EdyUw H. Mead De- merely an ex.tenslon or tlme In ' It's 11. . good plan- and the aarest da.u.btel' Marjorie, of Dayton, vi.. teat '1Ul4 SeDlor Certiflcatea bave nl~, MnI. · Ada· DCt5D, Mr: ~d cealed. earUer liming advice. Uming mao one - to 8ta~t your ironllU! on , a. Ited ' Mr-•. and Mre ' .Waltel' EIII), bee~' reeei"e4 by tbe followlnr; M,rt. Robet ~al'IL and daugh· NotiC!e Ia herebT liven that CI,d. 1erlala can. be applied satlsflUltorlly hidden .!3eam. 'j You can use tbls as tudents: te!. Pamala. Mr, ~~ ' 111'8. O. H. W. Mead Wb0l8 Polt OWc. ad. dUJing summer 8,nd tall on mead· a test, and f thout . damaging t~e , Sunday attenaoon.
Th. J'rIendlhlp Club held tbelr November- meetlDl !OIl WedDellday with lire. , CUrl.. An.del'loll aa boatess at ber home. lin. Be... nN'd ~e." the preliteni, prealdad over the bualD8M leulon and lira.
On of the Thanksgiving holiday next T hursday, we ask all cor~es~ondentH and advertiser:; to get their copy in Tbe Wayne Townsblp Farmers -----......:.-...:...---- .arly next we Ie. an order that the Gazette may cloSt for the
Olub met on Tbursday at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. 1... V. nral1litrator for the regular Octo.b er meeting, with Dr. and Mrs. Danford, Mr. and Mrs. Eveland, Mr. and 1\\I'S, Donald Oreen ot Wilmington, Rev. !lnd Mrs. R. n . . Coleman. of Upper Sand\ll!lky, Mr. ltDy Battlell" of Cincinnati 8lId Mr, and Mr8. Ralph Bran!3trator Il8 guests. A dellclou8 roMt turkey dinner was enjoye!! at tbe noon hour, fol. lowed by t.he regular business les. ilion. M'r s. Harold Whitaker pre.. ' oonted !the special to III c on "Worthwhile Thlng8 of Life at Tbls Seoson," especially mention· Ing t.he collling Tbal1ksglvlng Benoon, Its origin Bnd meaning. Mr. Battles was Introduced as the gueat spealler and be especIally atre9flad In hla t,&III, liS '0 whether' people are rea.lly inter-. eIted Ino ur government or not, elnce 'Ruch a. amall percent renlJ~ UBe the ballot. and -{hat we mus t get people more Interested. Some dlSCUS,Blon followed . arlor whlcl\ the club adjourned t.c. meet at ,tbe Party ROuse In December with Mr. Omar Holllngs"'OIth :"'8
F IV E CENT.;; k
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W.... Co1Iatft ..... GAlan.. d tIM 'l'AYNUVILL. Mr. u.s lin. Pat ...UG MInTa ... prau4 ...... fit
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D~ No.1,
f=:a!p~~~o ~e
:::n~~iurelflst':o't~~h.Stlf~:' B~:
plowed the 101- ' Tbls Is &mIre1y $atlsfactory on When the Iron moves smoothly. .. Esecutor ot the Eltate of llmad 11elds or fields only sUghUy Ee,uae H. lIead, tate Warren :~~~ a~n ~:~~~='I~~PI~:!~~!O!r ~, Ohio, deceued. , fine materia! abollld be applied "80\ n-ted th1a J8 day of October,. 'that It wlll be In' ,the lurtace soli wbere clover and alfalfa &eed start llALPB B. OAllEY. to PO"." Jones lays up to oneI".a •• of til. Pro".-. CoUrt half the entire application 'mlght -be made BO It 18 In the .urla~e I WarreD. OouDt7" Oldo 8011. ' , ' , GraJ', JUalDser A OraT. Attorn.,. .....;..... - .... 11-+11011 ...tile JUaml Valley Boepl~ BoOt 0 N LY moUulr and IOD are do... IIDe. SerIL ud II1w. Ralph W. · Dill ana 80Il 'l'oDua)' were week ADd lU8IIg of Bel'lL DIU'. pareDta..-llr: SHOPPING DAY8 LEFT UNTIL and lira, Ji1IDeNoD DIlL CHR"TM~ .... leJ'It, DIU retunIed to camp ".... CUlp... x.t1Iokf. 8a1111q... DO YOUR .HOPPING NOW
vUIe, Ohio, hu been dul), .ppolDted
iHUIL DAY, '0\
THEMIAMJ GAZETTE E"abll.II,d '850 .AUL A. 80HERER ........ , .. , ...... .. ... ~.. , Editor and Publl.h" OaCULI~ J. SCHERER ." .. . .... . , .... , . . , .. S.cretary · and Trea.urer
. II
...,.,. .liS'"
I don't wllnt to sound too IIm\ll .bout the whole lhing, but wh f'n I bride clln give ner own n\OI h. Pllbllshl'd Every Thursday MornlDa 80m ... tipl! on hous!l!keepin,-that" ,at Wnyn esvllle, Warren County, OhIo ru~wt\ ! . T He iliA' Moment cam... wh.'r • blntered AS s cond cl8llS matter at )1 ,,11 1\' 1' .I t opped in un experted ' , tbe Vo ~ lotrl~e lit Waynesville, Obto. j uot d~ I Willi putting away II , bSI \\'l',k ' ironing. , .. no n,y ... yea deceive me," U '" 'lu:, " uc j,:,Yt YOII Bl1lurgcd aln!,,' , SlIbSOl'ljltJon Rates-$!!, P r Year, In lIdl'Itnce, in Ob lo; '2.60 elsewbere :u' ~ :"1 lhe talk I've heard a\,(,; , u ,',r " con~ my drive 1" Sin (> n nllwlywed'. budget ie 1 THANKSGIVING $OUI" of pride I might hll\(' sOIHl<l ~ d 1I bit touchy in r eply ir' The early se t-tier ag ree \ t\1(lt they had ,much but , .\ !o\h ~ r wasn't to be put 011 "1'011 klow , vl.'ry w(>l1 whllt 1'1 10 l.>e t hankful fo r, be ause they ha 1 t'oupd the new t " !1d nQ lit out. Those lovely IJ " , sht'.-t lind pillow casel W lll'l'Il't II. 'I' orld, and ;11th ugh the y h:ld fiel'l'e Indian to fear , )'o ur lI ope chl.'lt, young lad)'." olet \\'e~ lh r ;JIll mall v time a t: :H it y of (ooj, dol II· A IIlI lllllt'l wbere Mother got II • . " surprise of ' hel' in,~ au d sh'eIter, the y ;Igrec.\ up on a eta. to .~iv thanks • "" 1 ' ,h 0 memail i I' for what th ey did heLve. 't::t: career b ~C I\ ', I the sheets , This day waS set aside fo r fea tin an d mak ing ellses had d·>, It' \' jUtll. that . . merry and offering th:lIIks to God for their good for· . ~ come ano\\' y .\ ~ white 8trai, ' .. tune ' and fina lly' lhey st:trted to ~all this jay Thank ' ·
E'MI3EI~ H I. I "~O
Just ,Received .. • Six enly ••• .
FUEL OIL ,TANKS 250 Gallons
MET,HODIST CHURCH \\' 4?d go,vooc\, MllllfliOl' Cburcb School, 9:30 A.~" Mr, HlU'old Earnhartr SuPt, Worship Sen-Ice, 10 :30 A,M. YoUtb Fellowship, Sun,l ny 7:::1) P.M. ho lr t>I'6CU ~!e TllIlI'sd'1Y Ii :00. .1', W.
FERRy CHURCH OF ,CHRI8T Byron Carver, Militster Bible School. t :30 A.M.. Mo'rulng Worehtp, iO:sO A,M, l'rayer Meetin«. 'l : 00 P.111. Young I'eople'l Meeting, 7:00 Evening Sen-lce8. 7 :30 P.M.
Uulfl II Service, 9:U a, Ill. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL
The Rev, Soniuel N. Keys, Reotol • ,111'1110 ) ' ; ,
' PI'lnlar), (lburch Bolt.opl i o:so a,rtI. CAgea 0 throulh 8), Adult Worship, 10:30 a. m . UTICA E.U,a. CHURCH William Shill Don, Mlnllter BUDda, Scbool, ' 9:30 A.M., Mrs, Jamel OarrllOD, Supt. . Preaebl'nl. tit. and Srd Sun" day. of eaat' month, 10'80 A,M. ~venlD. 8e"lee8, 1 :30 P.M . .
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH Oil CHRI8T M. H, CoUey. 1Illniiter BIble Scllool, 9: 80 A.M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIEND8 M,ornlng War.hlp, 10;30 A.'K. PHONE 2441 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO YOIlDg Peoples' Meeting, 7 : 1)0 P.M. ~ " Evening Service, 8: 00 P . M. gi ving- Day. an I Ihis is the -am da :l we kno,,' it Ihe nnth'es nre going. Thoy drfoi: Prayer MeeUnl and Bible Study through t il ' ' ow rl /l:l1l on 0111' Melli ('lIrry ln<t OREGONIA EVANGELI~AL U. B. , today. . • washing n I,· ,everythi ng t il)' Iltt\' ell lheir W~. 8 , ~.II. James H. Riley, PAstor res ent thel'e fire II hollt chine. and wound up h'l perfp .: t hend ll,' I II ~;.: I Thl1r da y, ovemher J is Thanksgiving Sunday Sohool, 10 A. M. hurmo/lY with our blul.' and g r \ )1 r I "e 1.11111'£' ItS mnny of then, " ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Morning Worship, 11 A. M, Day, We f in our~elves in th e same po it iOn as th e , bed\'oom! ' thlif porl 01' the cOllntry ' lls 10..1 1 Father R. B. Krumholta. Putor With lin air of ",these min ." mully, They would rntlJ er , I ~avo , lIanel, 8 and ,10 A.1l. early- settler. We too, have our troubles, wars and mirn('les come to me naturally," I W~lh lhel!' bome~ Rnd belongings be· WAYNESVILLE FRIEND. ~xpluint'd that the lfC!ret .of m. U. S. Officer Serville • hliJd lhem ' than live under th rumors of war, sfrikes, riots, murders, etc" but on J'tnt Da.J School, 1:10 A..~. linl.'n wardrobe lucceSIl ,was . ";. Famou. ' 24'th Infantry domlnntlc;1D o[ th ommllnlsti. MT. HOLLY METHODIST MeeUn. tor Wonb!p, 10:10 A,M, the other hand we also haxe mllch to I)e. thankfol for. limpl(' as the two words' dyt' IL • .. • There ar Cal' too mllny of tllet'n T. II. Scalt, Mlu18ter It all SUtrted when I came aeros~ DivllSton here for . t he food, su pply, avail Sunda7 School, '1 :10 A.M., So next Thursday w hen we part a"e of our aus· 'Let this Sunday 'and every S UIl' a leaIlet outlining tb ... r.imple PI O, __ ta.ble und many of them are starv· A. I!IarDJuut. 8upt. , day find you In 80me ehm'ch c:esl of dyeing bulky articlt'f " , , , \Ing. It ~I> pntl\etlc to see them try., Worahip 10:10 A.M. tomary tu rkey, dressing cra nberry sa uce and pumpkin the church of y,?ur ('holce. elt'~tric walhen. -(Yflou bcan 'tt;t Il Lt. Ro\>eli: El. BJII.t t, I.'-O,n of .gMrr, Ing too 91'1\ their baskets of a p!1lEts EveuJDIf Semce, '1:10 P.M. pie, let' s nbt forget those brave pioneers who braved free copy of the l ea ...t y wrl mg , llnd Mrs. N. P. m att ot tllp e· wbarel'er YOIl go put even 11 w 'l'intex Home Economies BUt:l'DU, men Holel, \tIL" IjP4H\ sel'vll1~ wl~h do move north I~ the nenr fllltn' ;:~:~~~:~::~:~:~:~:~::~:~::~::~:::::::::::::::~::::::-+ the! w ilderne 5, In dians, cold and hunger fOT u and 486 F'ifth Ave.: New York 17, the , vnl\ellt 24th, D I ~ISIOIl , since thert' WOII't, he It. rloe CI'OP ,t hl l started our Thank givin g Day. ' N.Y.) 'Til then I had alwa~'f E'arly In Allt::usl. "1 h .HIt \VII the yen.r, They barely ex lstetl betol'll, XEL.PtlON •• thought of dyeing In Ulrml I)f , 'h ~ rtrs~ U. S. ~'vISlon to reach tile ro YO'll CUll ~ee Bome of. tbe add i WAYII£evILL. . . . iU n. Oba. Welch Is seriously ' \II ~~~: ":hi~~' ~~~~i;t~~ld~~t ~~ Korean battle front alld . It,,!; slIf· 'tiona} i mplications of t he CI'lmillll : LEMNON OffIce 471K. squeezed into tod"y', apartments fered bl!8VY c&8.wlti s, IIwludlng a('t on (11 Pllrt of Rusa hi" In slll.rl at her bome. ..... 16L ' t er tht' lean!!t I s toppcor' It I commanding orficel·. ' M itio r ' lng this wa-r . 1\[I$S Mar:)' Belle Boyan, treah· But af ' . . . '' .• General William P. Dean wbo bas 1 SAND and GRAVEL MOR~OW MDt' man l/t.udent at Miami University, Vining for bed. linenll in th.- ne,· been misslu In '1 tlon s ince the The range oC· 1emp~[lltUJeH ,!lI N, Oxford, spent the week end at the paatel shadee and got busy. \\ itli Iddl rJ T,j 11~ th Division liS SUr pl'181 hg, At night It goeH BLACK-TOP DRIVES ., I , tfuwn to (reezlng, sometimes 8n home of bel' parents, Mr. and Mrs . a few inexpensive lint ex packll ge- m e ? II y. TAR aDd ROAD OIL nd the plu .. ,in, in of ollr wash·, along ItJ.t. other , " 1roop8, bas '(lOld we 'cn'O't sle 'p Then In th.· By JANE FITE Willard Bogan, ' a .. S reoently rq.!lsed Ute 3 Itil. . parnUel ,daytime, It Is too e. , n, s hM . hot torMrs. Mary Brinegar, wlte of ing machine the )'o~ng tUilrt,>LA YIN and FILL DIRT Into North Korean terl' tory. I 'got to stay on ly fOllr days Ii, LawTence Brlnega, manager ' of were In the height of fashion. The Community Helpers Club Smith's Dry Goods !'ltore, Is IInder. . Mother iot In a few was hing READ'V-MIX CONCRETE 'Ilhl! (0I10WII)8' e~('f' I·P t. fl'om a JaplW antI' we Welle 10f a tell ill served the Elleotion Day dinner In going treatment a,t II Ham litO!) ,mathin. ideas of h.r own about recent leUer to, his IlUre-nt give wblllt . WIIS fromerly Japan's 'Vesl EX<;AVATING · and DUMP TRUCK STRVICE tbe Grange Hall TuesdJlY. 'eI,.eln, tablecloth. , to the nllw" some Interesting o,bservntlons on I Point. Geneml Wainwright wa ' Hospital. Mrs.. , Mary Syf I'd Plerso!) l eft Icolorfal Ihadel; .bout heavy the flr.sept c'()l\fll t : L t. Blatt. held prisons-r t here dUl'lng t il,. M.J'S, IWa Volers Is 111 at ber Tliursdn.y afternoon /0 'make bel' borne. Idra~, aha, ru,s, bath mil", ~?n~ oorved overa a~ wll It lhe~lghth WAI' and ' th e OffiCers 'hll/ h' I~::==~=~=========:;:=:;:========! home In Dayton. ]\fl's, Plal'soll was ~hat an. Me, AIr Forc~, In World \\ or - nnil named after him. ( spent two dny. MI'S. Ralpb NIII was bostess at 3' cion' know vel')' active In ('Ivlc affairs amI 01)0 her ' borne Frfday evening to the :4empora rll y aatlalled to ~Ilve was comml~sloned In the AdJu· III Tokyo. 'rhe Japs 80em to be II erated a newss.tand here for many members of tbe Welcome Bible ~wn a .••t.ran a few new ",lek8! tant p eneral S DellR,rllllent 11\ 19,IS r IIgo\ll! ll eo l~le and If gui ded hi , being. stationed In t. ].0 11 15 b~ the rIght \Hrr ctlon enn be of great years. She. recently Bold }jer home Class of thl! Jonab's Run Boptlst and new's stand to J. E. Smlth. churcb. ' , Mn. Nina Compton, of Mason, rwe nylng to JI~ ~nn lInd n to lIell) to 118 In tile 1o' or ' Bast. Incl· Dalla.s Barton under~ent a. lJlajor Mr. and Mr& Ed. BuMon and son spent 8eyera} daya of last weele at Korea. early lu A\I~t. His YOllng. dentSi ll y, the enilre countrY ,spemli operation at St. Elizabeth 110spltal, Jobnny ' Edward, bave moved Into the home of her son·1u·law and er sister, Doro\l'i)" Is Il lso a vet· to ndore Cleneraul 'MCArthur ' rolll $ AT U R DAY, NOV E M ,B E ~ l ' 8, Darton. , He Is reported to be 1m· the rooms occupied as a buIlty daupter M:r and IIIn. Harold eran of Worald Wu~ 2, havl,lg wbM We rel1ow8 , BR.Y who h[\.V1\ ' served 'In the W.i\v ms. wbll e his been there fOi' lIome tim . ' 8:00 , M. ' p~"::. Flo yonngest. daughter ' of sal(l1l, by ~rs. Joan Bf,lckett "pnes. Bopn. " faitper Is an ov~rsells veteran Of ! It , 18 now eleven o'clock ' nn'd I " ,1 MiI'6, Amelia. ,G ordon, 18 "Ull con· ¥r. and Mra. Yjvan Frye, um et· filled at Bt Elizabeth Hospital \\rorld War '11 ' have to make the rOllnd s or tb , WAY N' E S ,V I 'L L E , HI G H S, C 0 O. L went lin o.pera.tlon. Thursday, at .. , "Since I last wrote we hn \'e ~ e' n lIuard' [loats (on dbty ni'i nlgllt tr-. " M.iaml Valley Hospital. 'Dayton. Day to,n , following serious Injuries almost ronBtantl)' on 'lhe mo ve. I nlgllt) 110 I ""Ill close nnrl "')'ltl' NO~ ' CRAMER GANDER SW~ ORCHESTRA Mr. alld Mrs. 'Elmer .Bayea and suslatned In an s.utomoblle accl· baven1t bathed very o{wn ollll "I n~aln Boon family hl\ve moved ' Into. tbe double dent I. What 'is the area or Conti· ,bave lost ten pounds pr more go· DQnation SOe - Includes.! Firat ~O Ga~, of BINGO , ago n~ar Xlngma)l, , ' several w~kJl , InlJ up and down' these bill wl~h : ' d DANCINI'! . structure o~ Main, street, belong· Mrs., Sadie Reallon baa returned MfItal United States? 2. Name the "rat law school forty pounds of IlQillpment on my EDlTOR S NOTE-L't. BIIlU, SOlI , \~.._an ,' ,... Ing to Mrs. Anna Mae Beckett" to Waynesville to make' her home to the le,al education ot back Dne to a lack of hard phys(.' of MI'. ,a nd Mrs. N. P. l:llut.t. ,4'i" ~::~~=~~==;::===~===:::=====;::=::;~, Mrs. Oliver , Jacobs and Mrl!. there for the winter 'mo.n ths with dedicated cal 'training !lerore ItQldlng 1n Bro~en, rornlerly ,resided bel'8 I. ~ Charles E\JIs were callers in Day· her daughter, Mrs. Em,le Hockett !\Iomen.' 3. Who Is thl! man 'caricature::! 1(: 0 rea • 'had 'l ore 'feet and an W~~eevll~e. and is a grandSOn J ton, Thursd~y. an,d her son Percy Reason. ach~nr bach ' for '" wll,lle but " am Mr. and ,l\I,rs. 0. R, '1)nglj!8by,r 01' W. P. McCar,ren, of Walhound. below? Mrs. ()See Harlan was hostoss to In good condltlo~ B&aln. Waynesville, He went t o WaY'ncf_. tihe members of tbe .. Civic League lng, spent several daYII> of last Tbe war news l ounded good In v~Ue school and _ hla fatller nnll at her borne, Saturday evening, weck at bls home · here. the arUolea you lent- but the part mother both taUiht school bere. Mrs. Charlea DOster and Mrs. Mrs. ~arlan was a.s slsted by Mrl!. we see oC It bere Is pretty .ortJd. Sally Wl'Ight. Albert Reynoids' were callers In Mr. and Mrs. Clarence l. , 1?rlce, "Dayton Thursday ThlJJaB sound gooll as of .tIiJa date '. of LebannD', are announcing the ' . . . too but It Isn't easy. It takel u. birth of Ii daughter. Evelyn. ' Jean Gwendolyn Ga,rr~son. daughter of mendoua ·effort" 8'n4 -very careful' Supplied Vitamins 81,' !h, Iron and NiQcln Ilt St. Ann:s Hospital, Da~ ton. The ~r. IIrnd Mrs. Ralph Garrison. III I pllUlJllnr ~ overt~o.me the - haDcU· paternal gi-andparents aT,e Mr. and at her bome, Which Sy.t.m Lacked ,.,. , caps ' w e a I' e worklDa " under. Mrs . .clarence Price, of Barvoys· The Community Club met In reg. J ' . " Everyone here J'4!lallQ 'tile reUburg, and the maternal grand· ular ses910n at the school "ulldlng .,' How -many 'license<! a ri\'el's on and importance of "hat we are: -dement. I!O vital to help maID· -(I. mother is Mrs. ~n~ 'Wilkerson, of Wednesday eV!lDlng. , Ho.sts we1'e~ ~.re the,. in the U. S.ln 1848? taln 'loOd health and phYllcal At· doing 80 we ill. give ev81'J1hlDa Lehanon. H. 8. Tucker, A. H. Stnbbs, and •• 'W hit is a , P1'rope? M". ' we have. We believe Goa ttl with Mrs, Charles PrIce, WDO llnder. Earl Earnhart. Pati~nt. us and ewe are bound to wtm ' Wh, nUl Vlta.lna a1l4 went Burgery, rece,nt)y at a Xenia "Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bogan Rnd We don't know ' how they do It Mla.r." COllie la IJquld F.... 'w;, .(J~II " 'H lu e! CHiLDREN, thr~UJh the ales of ' hoepltal, bail recovllred e nougb to daugbterr Barbara. were SUndR)' but .the Gooks C'Kor.-) bo" be "out." ' evening dinner guests ' of Mr. and ~Ol~Jd aQl ' )O .(\;IJ!I~\ V 'Il four, to f,li,bt. ftnd *he world I ,T here'. a !U'Y coocl ....IM/n why how ·the tide Is l'WlDIDC leveraJ lIADACOL c,om.. in special liqll/« '000'69t'rC; '. hu,e question-mUk. , And they are Mrs. Fred Irvin, Sr., of Xenia, Mrs. Nelilon CUl)g~r Rnd famiJy, of mues forward a1lDost before we 'uatSII1S PIOJeH '£. form. 'l1be.. precioUl Vitamina and and MrB~ Charles Bogan, Sr., of Mason. If the cQlun~nl of refUgee. apt to besle,~ their elders with a • '$ " ! ~~ do. Minerata are more ...lIy and qwck, barrage of Questlo.n., almost all or here, entertained with a s tork Miss Barbll;l'a Bogan, WIUI an start heading ' north lfe figure w~ Iy. absorbed fnto' the blood ltNam 'UOllOS ',OOq3S "'r] 'n~oJ . ~ tHem beginninc with the word shower ,at the home of l1ra. Irvin. overnight guest Satll rday of Mist! haye moveJd abea4 lome ,place but thll way - read)' to:- co 1'l,ht to ·S3: !.o a.l1lnbs 'L9£'<;;;O'£ '1 Baturda:p evenlug, honodng' Mra. Llndd Tletmeyer. It they: turn and , bead lOath we "Why-." work, .A hir Improvsment i. often ~Bny otthe quest,lons are apt know we have be%" pushed out. ' Robert 'Bogan., Tho"e .'Ittendtng Mr. and Mr. James Rader , an~ notked within ~ few day •. ' ,. from here were, Mrs: Bogan. Mrs. daughters, Marsba 'Ann and Ruth It Is II standing Joke around here to concern , God, "Wt)9 is Gocl?'" Don't lie A '.Dol1~tl... TIIo•••• , U you want to ' know how thlnn '!Does He know when I don't b1'\lsh Etta' Brooks, Mrs. E dna Bogan, Allee were guests during the wel'kl , ,Mrs. Lucille Pdoe. and Mrs, Helen end of Mr. and Mrs. 'Lee Garrett, 04 SJl"'SUV . ' are going, YOll look over at ,tile my .-edil : ': "It He loves children, readi~ ~ra. ,Adele', wonBogan. of Da.~ton. nearest, roacl to check. which way Why do sn't he, ever play 'with szpenehc:e with BADACOL . me?" These are but a £cw. or t~e - how can you doubt 'that thi. Querie~ the parent is liltely to lle areat, new nutritional formule' will' con(ront ed with. l' • ' ' help you It your 'YBtem lacka VitaFA-THER'! HE'I... H flf:r':-: Thc an swerin'g ot 't hese questions B" B., Iron, and Niacin! ' poses a ' challenge if the parent is ANY MINUT£!.lVf ~~t~~ .. () \ What , HADACOL did for M.... / to explain the nly sterious and lov. Adele, It 'c an do for you It you're TlH: TI£ I ~ YOU TO WE-AIL ing \\lays of God in Ii simple, troubl"d w i~h aches end pain. In WITH YO!i1t ~EY, ~V'T1II0W the Ihould~r.. legB, and arms, c~ truthful ' and ' convincing m:lnner. HIlIUtY!' , tain nervous disturbances, III.om,4 chance remark or' offhand' ex~ planation', carelessly phrased, Mrs. Jennie Lee Adele, 412 N nl .. When 'due to an upatt atomach, ~ontradict earlier answers ', 27 St., Eaat St. Louis, Ill.,' a tlUrs., "tomaeh dis~'t'e8s and a felleral run· we.kened ('ondltion dUI to the stage for later confusion and sayis she wishes ' Jihe h.d found down suCh deftclenclea. disJ1lusion~ent. " " out about HADAGOr; sooner be. So what ar.' you wllitlnr for? How then can parents be ' sure cause since taking' HADACOI,.,lhe ~ou lee that HADACOL I. , they. are proi>er.ly preparing their teels so good. Ml'S. Adele was I"t. Don't the i:cind of product you need - the '. child's attitude toward religion? , Ierlrig a ' dl!ftciency of Vltamilil ,8" ki nd you should buy and the kIDd One ,answer is by meeting' the Bo, N:lacln .nd Iron whleh HAD~. you '~9uld "etart ~14ln. tmm.... ' child's que,stlo.ns , with dil'ecl and r COL contains. . , .ately I '. " , honest answers. A slIre way ~ Here i. Mrs. Adele'a own ·atate· , Sold On A Strlct 'Mon.y.Baek test their adequacy Is to ask your" Gu ....nt" " sliif, "Would this cJear ,my 'con- ment: "I have beell a nura. , for fusion on the ,topic?" Another 'way over 14 year.. My food nevn HA-DACOL even help. "'bulld up of a~q\.laintinl your c:hlld :with the seemed to Igree w.ith me. 1 heard tIle ' hemoglobin Content . of ,0Ul': rewards of worship Is by mok\ng 1,l!le day how 80 many folk s were blood (yillen Iron ia needea') to tbroulh yout l, OOdy, UIJ')'·' being helped becau.. of ,HADA· daily praye.r a part of. the child's ,....t bealth·bulldlq el.· COL. I tried It ,and after S bottles Ufe. Sunday school nurseries will also 'help your ' child find the an~ , I cou ld tell a blir Improvement. insntl to every bod Yj orgali: No swers to. mony questions' about Now I tilt anything 1 want-sleep 'Yonder HADACOL h. pi you feel • God. ' , we,lfand I 1m full of ener&,?" " U.l.ondtrful. Bo f.lr to yourl8lfl Give JOurMost Important, t!'tough, Is the Wh1 , IlADACOL Glvea ~elf a breaIt If you have .\lcb cIeil· realizatloll that a child, emerging Sueh Fins' Reaulte elencl•• , Why eontinue to . . . from a chrysalis of ' self-preoccupation Into the cOmplex world HADACOL does not brinr jUlt youl'1lelf around-a burden to JOur· I,.mptomatle rlUef. HADAOOL IIlf and your t&mlly-when nUef about. him. has need of no'l¥ makn it po...lbl. to actuaUy tnay ~ a. clole ,at hand u Joar guldDnce il he Is ,to fo.rm reU"e the CIUI8 of aehes and palna neareat drullltorl If you s d . , Ito values that wJ\l ble In the , moulden, \er. ~nd atm. deftldency of Vitamlne B" B•., NI&later Ufe, to. Jive certain Denou. dlsturbanenz anil cln and Iron. Thla IJ"Ut . BADA. life Ind, derive DelcsolnlH a ren.ral run-dowD w..klnea con· COL b iDexpeul••, too-:eoetI OIIIJ, from felllOYf'shlip 'IjI'IUl",,",UU. dition due to deflelsneles of Vita· If TrIal , mini B., Bo, Niacin and Iron In it Imall a!DOdt a , lng, rernernbl~r )'Our I,.tem. only '1.25, Lus. faaailJ . ' ... crown sell-QOnltrol BADACOL DOt 081)' IUppliea de- pital II"; ".10. It 1OUI' .......
;f1 '
Wl \-l "-
. ,~~!s~,f ~ito~~" ~
Armftage &SOD
" __,
Chi:ldren's Questions About God Require A Answer:-
Nur. Tells How Hadaool Was So. Helpful ' To 'Her H.r
'~, 'I InO': 153J.\ ' --
,~atelt ~~I~:!l~~I~~SIIiJ;: ... reI), .1 .1. children
fteient oetem. 1tIth extra quaDdtl. of· VUamiae B. •• Iroa; ... Nlaaln but (I'ff) 1111"1 .mounts of u..por ..nt CakJum a:uJ PhOtllhoru'S
dOH not Ita•• BADACOL, . . . it. direct froal The LeBJane
tlon, tat.,ette, Lolli. . . . C mg, n.'l.IIrIue _ .........
ttl, 1950
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"\ I' 1',lIe o.• bullt'UII lItt.er which gels bel,ter the older ~ gets. Bullt·up iUel' simply OIeanR that I'nIItelid or ltLklng It 1111 out every week, you ' (Left Over from Lalt Week) I ~JHt 8Ur It up and Slid so'w e mOI's Iand kept on dohll! It os 101lK · all A Farm Diary . )lOU ClBn glt ill t.he door, Ul4ln tat'!' Mrs. Olive Cllrl returned on IS STARTING h SCm:DULE OF HF.CU I.AH By D. J. Frazier out I\. little lind Olll! Rome mOl·... Monday rrom AkrOn where shll a t · NEW SUIT3 , I'~Hl a . !' nf \'''·/tll Turn er . dec 'd, WEEKLY VISITS TO WAYNESVILI E EVEHY , 1 10 i ilt seems tbat It producos v.lll1mlllll tended the Stut l' III Pethl~ ot lho 'MHI Fll'Ht N n ~lon!l 1 D RIlk. "f (Ol n 1'1I1',lel' " 1 1 llt'll eXlwUlrl x, ami growR ItII own bioUI''', abRorllR . Morrow . V8 'he lll'r :11111 Vlrl\lnl a lPall1 Jl UIIllCI'l . Ol Ive r Chnmbl'l'la hl FRIDAY • more moisture Rnd Is healtbl er W . C. '1' . U. 'ralg ( COgIlO\' It, I' rllll lc \ ' . .\IHll' l·' lind Ornc" ll. PHII'II' k lIf1 riolute,1 Ilk . ~ IF YOUR SEWING MACHINE O R VACU UM S NOVfolMBJ••R .14, 1050. - l A this than the (.lenne8t litter thllt It Is Mr. Millon Sheehnn. of Cont.·..· aon. Illralsol'R, quaw Wlnte l' 01' Is It re RI wlntel' ? 1I08slbie to hRve. Also (lOW manu .. e v lil t'. called on I\fI's. Alice Clark Th.. I-<>bllnon ( ' Itl zt'nl' N,' II.",:,I I 1':Hlltt or Po lhl M . 10000n ll. dlll'·tI. CLEANER IS IN NEED OF ADJUST NG O f{ It It III real Winter, lhen ollr woolly ~I II wonderful 80urce' of vItamins And Dank VB D. W . llIs hOII . 10, ll o\'l l, !\f ll l'vln B. Young. nlllll inl!ltml/)\' . wonns wel'e wrong: but If after ~ey are IUanufae tlired In t b ~ MI ~ seN Annie lind l\tllll'le . '1 Aboecberll. eHUlte IIxelllllt 'from InherltJIIWA OVERHAUL; PLEASE FILL OUT THE tbls we have n nice long Indian ' cows stom8ch, so trlll't. the chll'J; . nrown 011 Ttlelldoy oCt e rnoo'l. Allied BuildIng Ct'edi t~, IIII'. \~. Iinx. Firs t. f innl Il nd dl llt rlhll Uve B~NK BELOW AND OUR REPRESENTA. Summer, thell thllY' we"e right or en8 tbat' (ollow lhe cows' ge 80me. Mrs. Hazel. neplo'g le nnlt Ir s. Artbur and Clam .Io nlnn. ,. ~I\IJ' IU"C01lOt8 1ll1l1roved , nllo\\'/ld nnll TlVE WILL CALL ON YOU. FREE ESTI· those who made the propbecy blug more thllll a little undhte8ted vlt, John W. KUI·oy ne. 'onfi I'lIle(! . wer~ rlgbt. , corn. hn't ~cl(ln.ce wonderf\ll' We Helon Koepper , of Du)'ton , we re .Mary Roberts VB Ed WIl l'd 1'~ hJl"r j.~ ta te 01' I.oe Million. dl'C·d. MATES - ALL WOR~ FULL Y C UARAN · My po8tw'ell I . empty. We t cok do the things that come e~ICl91 Rrlday ' nfl,el'Ooon cnll prK or MI Rj\ Robel'I,s, divorce, e~tl'elll e c l'lIell ). 01110 M n ~oll. c's ,·utl'll:. mer! fil'Bol TEED ON ALL, the tbree big heifers and the Rtee r. 1hen .we try the hard way thf'n' .res.lie ·Gnrnor . g)'O!;s ne glpct, J . T . RlI ey. li nd. rin ul ,lI llcounl. over to the othe r rorm and yeotel" , 8ol~lIce comes nlong and te ll s UB Su",.IIIY collPl's we re Lee 'ra lRuby Abney mln01' v~ QIIIII ,\I'(I I",k llli e of 1':l.lhl'lam II. Smith. ----- -~ day we Hold two of the cows. I ~hOl tbe e/(sy wny wns h~!.t IIftel' Abney illvol'ce. exll·olll l 1'l'ue ILv, der d. Ge l'trndo n ulley, admlnls· hat~d to see tbem go, but whell all ! m ~e or Wllmlngton, nOli Mr . and J . T. RUey. . t ra trl x. s tiLII" esomjlt (rom In· )'Ou raise . stock nnd YOll can se.l . The hunting season be~ll1s til, Mrs. Robe rt n a llntd. or ¥ inmis· PbylIIs 'S[lenr~ \'8 I'cd R ilenl'rl' l hel'~lllllce tux. . nt Il reasonable prIce, whn~ eve r morrow. For the first ye 'I1' (01' bllrg. divorce, groRs neglecl, .1. T . nut'y. I..~ tllt e of Ell ythe H . Mead. Central Avenue P hone 33801 they lue wOI·th, it 'ls Bometimes the ma'ny yellrs we' nre planning to Hl'nry Isaacs vs 'J,·1U1'II IR'I'I s dec d, Iyde W . f ead. exec lltor thing to do to sell. So the big close the III ace to hllnte rs. Wr Mr. and Mrs. Fred SCh\\,II I'~Z, I1lvorce 81'OIIS negle (' ;' Fl'f,n k' . riled IIl\'eOlol'Y, hea ring Bet for MIDDLETOWN, OHIO !J'own and WhIte Daisy hnv.e gOlle to ' bave so milch stock and hog oho1.. of Coltimb1l8, wel'c welcome cal· , AJlders~n. . ' No vember 20 li t 10: 00 ::I. m • . a new ~ome. We had 0111' enlf ern II 110 pr,e vnJent tbat we d(l,, 't . Iera on ~f1lsBes Annie 01111 Mame I' Potomll C 1118111'11.11('(1 .( '0 "~ 11:o y Estate of Roc hel Dugal•• dee'd. feeddll"g .F.Ylsdtem working v ry weU "ant huntera ,tl'l1 l11n g tb.roll~h th l' l, Brown on Sliturda y afte\'lloon 'W . Oonovel.·, '1:01' IIfon ey olily. Clarence Dugan a nd Helen Sellers. lut wO\l bave done be tter I.eI" other mon's farm and then through . Amount claimed $311:1.9li [tn t] fo r administrators, ttrst, fin al and PHON haps ' to bave Bold one of them but OU1'8, We have only u 'led to 4' /1' ,Mrs. E mma McClure. of Frank.. CORts , J~dwal'd J. Ut z. dl 8~rlbutlve accounts aJiproved. al· he wonted them bQth ond a t ter all force t he rule that all hnnl e l'!! , lin, Dr. nnd Mrs . Gale Russmn, of' · lowed nnd confirmed. • STAT that Is what J ralB~ t!iem for. \\ e MlUST hllv6, permiSSion bllt 'thi s Dllylo.n , vis it ed Miss Marga l, .. t Eiltllte of Ma rgaret Will, dec'd, then hlld to Bell Ulree or Ihe calves. ;yeor w.e lire not gOing to I':lve that I Edwards on Sunllay hfternooll . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mary K. lind Kotherloe Will AM INTERESTEO_' IN : One WII..9 Just right to sell. ~t permission. ' The law ' 8ays thnt RUllsoll McKeehlln to (plln M . First, ' Inlll lind dl8trlbullv Weighed two hllndred It nd rh'e hunter must have the fllrmers per. MI'. Elmus ClUmoll~' , or Spring· Young, 2 lotll In Frall klln. cOllnt npl)I'oved, nllowed lind con· New'Slng,er Machine ( ) Ne w ST n g e ~ V j\CU lIlII Cl ea ne r paunda snd brought, thh'ty·f\ve mission berore CODling on hl8 IlInd field, WAS II gllP!I( at lj\e Hom!' on WllIlnm D. and Ellz~,b\'t" D. tlrmed. Beventy,flve Iler lIundred~ I pnlll aud ,al\ Olat ,,18n8 do Is to tell the ' Wednellday e ve nln ... nr,,1 showed Long to Stev e M. lInd EII III E state oC 'H ownrd Marshall. Repair of My MachIne. twenty dollors tor It when It wits hunters tliat there 18 uo \llle going .,' Brewer.. 1 lot. In 1~l'ILn l; lln '1'\\' 11· ad,m1nillh 'alri x. tlrst, rlnal lind about a week old and) kerlt It ten to. ·th& house to get pennlsllion . . beoullltlli colored P.lC',tlll' s of hI!; Oha rles Robert, }~:lIl1h 'e L. Me- dlatrlblllive OCCOUllt IIppl'o ved, nl· Weeks, which wasn't sUch I\. bud In Colorado and Wyoming the 11'111 to tb e NOl'thwe Rt this summel·. haffle to Ruth fl . Edging-t Oil . 1 lowed and confirmed, .. market tor, lilY , Dlilk cOllsl(lerlng rnncbol's are hAvlllg a terrible Ume Th" Doarfl Qr TrWltees or the lot In Waynesvl1le. E state or L~n !1 Del erlel 11'. der'd, that I dldn t have ~ do Ule milk. ,.,Ith the dee r hunters It III 11.8 . '. Jlfargaret and Gordoll Al'mbrus· ,?lar enC'e Frymlln, n·dmtnletrlltor. Ing. Tile othcrs w~elghed one hUll'. much as YOUI' life 18 ~ortll to go Home met 11 re Wednea~ay and leI' to Cedric A. Stnuley, 1 lot In es4tte exempPJ! from Inh e ritance fired nnd , firty·flve eacla and they out, a red hUnUDg cop Is not the followin g perSOM were ~}lIr Waynesvtlle, " t ax. brought around thirty dollar8 11 enollgb, ri spent rine bullet OlIn ,,14'8t8 tit dlitnol': Mr, Merritt RobMargaret lind Gordon Ai'll 'I I'II~' Estat.1'l ot Wilbur J e rrery, del." d, . hundrell . . We , look' them to WU· klil at a lMg dl8tnnce. One rnn cb . I erts ond Milia Mab,.1 \\ I1s lln o( tel' to Cedl'lc A. S Lant y. J lut i ol George Jeffe l'Y and WArrlln C. mlnlJtOn whIch Is aurely t he big· er that I know had hl8 favorlle' . Lebanpn. Young, executol'S til d Inventory , gest market around here. They riding horsl! IIh~t 8m" nil of th em I SOllth Oharl s lon , Ohio, MI'. Se1.h 0.1\' 11\ n. PatrIck leO Glenn onll heAl'lug Ret fOI' NO\'emhe l' 29 ot kept coming In Rnd "omlng I~ lare IGIU . ng ~atue. A ' .22 hnll"t Ik Fu.rnlll~. Mrs, J( lIur, Hoa l. . MI·s . Bel\ty fI-.o'l Patrl,ck., U. acre In ] 1): 00 a . m. u~UI we were tired of looking at Just II!! deadly anll even a shot gnn L, M. flenderson, Mn<.· Oonnlll Clearc l'eek Twp. ERt ll.te or LilliA n K. ·RnPfI. t,!Jem , We still hnve two cnlyef:l lCap malDl II: cow, or I\. hog QI' hill HIlIHey. or Waynesville. Auza Vinson and John Coll1,lti dec'd. LIlWI'pn cr H. Rll flll, Jr. ap· lind I hope that we will lmve mill, a chloken 110, hllntel', please be to Willis A. Yeary IIDd Ott. 9 pointed n dml.nl ~ t rntor. Ray Kay· enollgh for tJlem , \sure ),011 know what. you nre .fIhoot. Angel, 3 lots In Blltlervlll e . lor, E nrl Fl'fmkllil lind John I a~ getting ready to movQ tile tng ~ and prOtec'" liS 11111\ 0 11 1' ' MARRIAG£ Ll.CENSES W. V . Dyer to Cha;rles ami Zleglm' Illlpoi t ed n JlP""lsel·~. pullets Into the loylllg hOU Re Cor stock _ also our frDces Shirley AlIne Ingram. l.l ac,reo; E.st, te or ;lfllr)" C. Kroen e r, Ihe winter. For the lut fe w ye:II's ' Snve Bome Cl)rn ' to j(IV~ to r; nop. (Left Over (rom Lalt Week) In Deerfield Twp. dec d, He rbert n. Kroener ad· ) bave not been shutting them In ' Cheater SmUh. 2]. va per mil, Catbl'rlne Mclntosb to Guy a\1I\ hlIIIIRtn.t.oi'. f!l'ld fir l and' flnnl except In ball BIIOWY wOllth e r. I Ethel B ndenburg, 1. lot In Soul ll a ccoun t, can't hell) but be amus ed lit tho 00. ' &0 ADtelope Franklin. and Emma Evans, 22, Lebanon. ' xEs ba f::sF) banges thllt have come about In Gnu II lorndlme. called e wild 'Fi'anklllL Florence T, OIea.ve r to Franl recent 'Ye~8 n accepted pOultry bolr. 'It, I. e m~mber of llIe emt'lupt' Wdlls.m "', . D S. PJneH. · 1.62 acres In Olearcrep. p.ract!ce. , Wben we (irst. started , 'amily. . 1', IlmD8<'6'1o 23. stu· Twp. MARRIAGE LICENS~S and took VI e cOII,rse In Poultry dpnt, LebanOn n lid ORl'nl yn M. AIbtlrt Hendrich to P a ul M. nn RO!lel't Ll'n:j. :17 , drill pres8 Ralelng Pllt out by Ohio, tate UnlYoung. 19. Lebanon, Mildred Freeze Z Iota In De" opentor, n"yton, lind IAIUI'Il John· Vllirslljy, lllf)nnUl}eA8 wn..s the grpnl ~''''l.1I· ~,~'S Logan Sb:emo l e. r, 'i, I:II' IOl'y YIeld Tv,oll. son, . ' J ""I ' 26.II Ji'rnnl(lin· v.'. ' 111'lwer 1Ilogan. Clenn your chlc\, en h Oll R . I.e: uy l'eOI'fum to TAlllt r 01 , -19" fRctory not. le!la thon oncl.' a week, etc.. worlle,·. Farnld ln :lIl d lIn n S: ., ~I MILlld6 J : hnson, 2 Ilures In Fral\ wO I·lw,'. ,' outh r ebll non, lind ne· etc. We ,...ad 1111 thl' books In th r" MRS. MYRTLE GIB - ON gal, fi7, Frnllklln., lin Twp. 'r 101'0 J enn Powell. l R, II r eg nb , IIbrnl'y on t he slIb!ect. IIR well nf< Corre';J;onucnt F)1' ll n P rown robeltson to F r I h "' ''II 1 ,. Is , . h. F I IIt811'1' ollr leRROUS Rnd Inonc book we I( nhn. I . .ot In l ..1'banl()n. Franlllln and Opol Smith , 2'i : found ' n man who \\' 1\.8 a !4leepll(' . (Left Oller f~om Lut Wee k ) K KI b l 'W V Dyer, Fl'Igldnll'e, Frankl 'n. H e ran a teat caBe, 'fc .WIIS Ul'f,,1 1111'. alld lItrR. Clydl s 1.11\ 11 II . •, 1' I I allfl l; ee:' ; d ;'WIII' . .1' m . ": . ·al'oett . 211, luborpr, of flO DlIICh cleaning 811 he rem e m, I ~ l ~ Mn I \'t O. . nd Ma:r;ha 1I0rt TIe dlnl'(. . nd 8 t l \cla " PI rr · . bered ihat· Ilown on the 0111 home t le " prolld parentll of Ii ti !'0 ,. 1I.1 Mal el 1'. cr. 0.387 acres 1 16, Mo l OW. farm the chlckenB that .iI1H t look !Jaby bQy. ( Le :t ever : r~m Latt W'ee l:) Hllmllton Twp. . i\ rvll OgR. ~3. I'lg hllll' e. l ob care of tllemJlelyes hordh" I'veI' h nd ' P,ir, nu.1 M·I:!!. Hughie Ll\lIIb 'IIUti . ' J r m(,R Bnd r:eodn Horton' I anon li nd Mnrg'le rlto Rm'ly 1'e ..1 ' III 'h t . I I MOIST HEAT ·~ Ir )' 11 I' 1. 0 ,. III ~. 20 1.eb·' llon . any 0 r lh e 8 . n. were fI .lIgue lIlt 2 daughters Dorothy IIn .1 Dt' Uy . Flore, III II Dorothy Wolfe, I I.M. . , . " , t.he c hicken grower- RO he fixed " II ILtell b~' fill" III . tlot W:0 11'1' or ~aJem T\\'l1. (,IB\lde Hnll. S3-. 111\811e moldH ~ 1 Joo Wel'e visiting hlR .s1t1 te,', Da I up bls chicken hQ\ISC and l.heu JlI~t hot 1111'. It hI a 1:\0011 1)1'''(:(11111(111 to' Stanley Fl. onll Eloise K. COl"" yo '. lind Cnrolyn Fr ..nch. 21. let the .1Ittel"- go: 'he let the.m rlln -'M yrtle (llbsOIl, alBO bls t.ruUle1·, kOOp II. 1.0n of \\'a t 61,' 1.1 p(II'h IOOln. to Charl a' L, and lIf8l"Jol'le eral :fJ'Jlnk1in. In. the barn yard lind, a rq,l1n(t t.he Dewey Lamb and f~mlly. . 2.30 acrc.8 In Ramllkm Twp. Robprt RII "rlson, Jr. ~6. renl ma.nure pile ana .surprising lore. M EI I RI I Tile. u81\.nl Amel'lc:l 1) heAlng !\)'8· Preslo R. 8pence~ to Mac all eslAte. ro'l'ankll'l anel Margie Ann Z e chard~oil or Del'eu. t temB dry th'" all'. . ....lle (} mb lnll Llon Ca.rrle IIClancy. 0.1" • Lf"l h lat&. tboRe cblckpn9 were ben Itblel' . r5: " aCres , I ll ' .,.eyltl'S. ". I >ftl ..., ep one operaWr, than Ihe othel's. Thle WaR before Ky .. hll8 \lcell "Isltlllg nerreln.t.h ea rof too muc h hent (wh"~h Is; the Sa.len'l. Twp, '. Fl';8nkl,~n. vitamins bnd becoine common alao bel' . ~'Other Mort l4l1111b. tendency ii mORt homeH) I\nl1 ab- 'Clyde W1Iltacre to Marlon artl - - - - : . . . - - - - - - - - - - - ----:.- - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - ' - - - - - - ' - -- -- -knowfedge. Now the gl'eatB!!t dis. JllIlmle EltlIes and wife took her hormally el' I I I ' kl Mary Steven a. 2 lobI In Morrow. .Call 'p143 to report an" newa you WI:: ' C}.N TAKE CARE OF -'OB PRINTING NEEDS covery In 1I0uitry TIII!Jlng is the to Cincinnati to cateb a trlli back . It dri U ry ~t a Itvoc-wor ng. . Irs and Naomi Fawley to TOil m.y have. • . OUR · MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IS YOURS FOR A CALI. n 110 Berea. es Ie 8 n aD! the nlll<' OIlS N leley. 99 ~ fj/lrp q In }farl"n Tw , . metnbranes. , predlsJ'¥lRlng 118 to ITnro1l1 V. M . t tz t o W . Lesl i, Mr.. and M·rs. Albert 1.11mb <:!I)lp(1 colds Rllll reSIJlratory InrectlOIlR. nI'll ·'tlerl' lce F.. F.larnb:1 rt, 0: " 011 hlA alster Mrs. SUles Sund:IY A temperature In the nel~ltlt()l" 'n<'"PIl , In FI'!l'ri kllll Twp. Ii- -
Warren (ounty, (ourt News
Singer Sewing Cente r
the Orient!
lIubll'C lea1th II'dill' )11'
roo ·
Wilh the
flvenlng B whil e.
1" Taken Out
The LaDd Bank Way . A Loan Made-Can Be Repaid Fi'om Far. 1D'COtM TERMS ARE LONG LOW RATE - 4" A Farnr 'Owned Asaociation
The I.e.on National FUll LII~ ,, I.E:·4~;110
ELLIS, . H. 8T",RM, . .o"·Tr....
=~==~==::::~==== ......__..._..,"___....:.'____..,...__.........
'. COWS , •• 00
Xenia 414
. Dlvllion of Inl,a~d Producte, Ino. .~._I_I-
PROBATE rfltat e or "lor,mcEt S. Towsl ev . dec'd'. I i , M. Hohn . lul .n inlllt,·al lll· fteld Invelltory I eaJ'lng 9Pt fO I' November 16 Itt ) 0 n. Dl • . Rllt.:! tl' of · De nnie' ohlngl,PI" dec'd': Ml\l'gte PcllO" lll, :hE; CI( 11ft· polnt~d adm.nJstrlltor, · R n I " I, "licker, O. H. Cheno;weth ten" n ,l ' v~d C. McKlttel'lcK lal1llo:nted ap· praisers. J Inv~ntoj.les were approvl)d, 011 tbe following esta.tea: Bfl tJl.te 01 Mafle Whltedec 'd '0 • • Stat eo r:, Td II Bell Rnh~I, elec'dl estate or E ,l Ptretiton, dec'd. 'estate . "f ' " e nJn· mlp Decke.t t, dec'd. ' ('slllte . or WlIIl\. Haggard. deC'd, elliate of Walter ' Reynolds, dec'd, nnd i lle estate of Jo!'.eph A. Schilling, ec'd.
, 5 ,
...,.,!.. __.
ih( 10
~;, . .
_ _ _ 01:10
mould be dl!d,arecl IneU-
rllbJe. The,'ve 'been banlJig the ,tourUtl'. buck .nc11U1lkiPc Ills doe
. ..
lot 71en.
, A maD 111 ftor1cla ClI\l&ht a pretbt atrIDa' of ftlb OIl II ftlhhook he bad painted with DAlII ~U.b. ' But .t the rIIk of beinllabelecl . ....~
, '
I ••
c1octon ~ a pre-
Yo" couJd pay .1,DOO,more arid not get-all .-th. extra room, ease ,o f h.andling, famous d~"nd.&ifHy at fodayls ' big, rU.~g~d Dodge I
mature)) ,born bab;" ~ two , pouDdI, lived fw t» ant l.w day.
on ,b rand1 and ....ter·. Wonder be apen' the nut Jew d.71 on uplrln .nd blCarbon.te of aodaT
• • •
In tbe Weat. archM?!CJIlatI found ,
I.RVICE ,!HAT IATlI,.1I F.r DaII1 Mailret WHlO - - . U:" ,-a, 1100: wtw ClDOIDIIaU. 'IUO. DIal '100.
lAVE YOU .,•000 !
INthat fs mloutes ~ith Dodge you'l\ discover rol)m(neIJ! ell~lve . cllfs can't mlltoh- h«ad room.' ler, room,
0-=::;==:1'0 aroWlCl marDt III ... .....,.
U~ ean
.....'.tIoD ....... - . ..u.ra OD eM IIIIt ....
5 minltffis with
U.,. Win ... .,...•• ' ... y ,
, §fHO~
- -- -
' NEWSPAPER in New York '01::10 A Clt7 is runnln, ' 1)eu: ~unt· 1111 Cont_t. Broadw., nlabt cluL
All Stock R.moved Dall7 La .... or 8".lail ...;.. C.tl CDllict
- .__
hood of 68 degl'eee Fahl'enhelt is
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ma.rtl n I30ggR vis- beat 'Qr '0111' well belli .... bllt It muat Ited Mr. and 'Mrs, Ernest Gibson .. cont~l" the pro.,.r degree of mola. ~·ul1d\l.Y evening. ·ture . ..Incld,enmlly. Ihe te~perlltlll'o . Betty Lamb lind fllmlly \I',el'e compnilY Slit. i11 the sleeping room should be ap' Mrs. MarUa Bog~s proximately 'ten degrees belOW urdn.y night. that of tbo living rapm. Friends of Mrs. 'Jimmy Stiles at. WA8HING 1'HE' HANDS. - A Frigidaire pve ber a stork show",.. I)roll\inellt bealtll authority has Friday and sbe received many stated that In his oPlblon, tM (hOi" beautiful glrta. . ~ h h . at eae/» Shirlie Jobn80n was III In.st wee1c o\lg was Ing of the hAnds, but has recovered this vit ek 111111 t Ime beeore (ood III wlten wOllld probn.bl)" be the most effe ctive her mother; Mrs. HaUle John!l{) l1 meallure PORsibie In ' the control of haa returned to work, . Much m· ' ~kllrt Boggs, of Middletown. trausmlulble disease. visited his 1i1'Other. !IInrUn Poggi n~ might be avoided if more people . would follow the doc lors Sunday. Ma.rk 'Powell vl81ted ·hl& children e;mmple and make frequent and thorougb 1I.a nd wll.6hlng a r l'g\llnl' In Corwin Tbursda.y nl8ht. . Betty Lamb, FrRDCls -, S~boke8. habit for their own protection and and Mr. and ,Mr.. .Martin Boggs 88 a. aafeguard for their assocll1tes. ~ere In Dayton shopping ,Monday. , WARREN CO. HEALTH DEPT.
Biy'18" VQlve
DODGE ", ' t
ft"m .'h
~ ~W 4J"I:~ /s. ffl<,jr.
',J .. ~dtu:·.J (:"'.'
lbe S*rUIed rem.ina ~)f • man •....lth onl foot in b1I ~ ~bl)' an old Notre Dame JP'ad who bet ap1Dat Purdue.
. "SHOWTIME .••• U.I.A.--The careatNt ahow Oil TII.vlllon-8 •• You .. NeW8p"pel' For Time &. Station
ca.... • amcl'~ .....,. anDCIUIII*I tbIlt tbe ~ of
• • •
shoulder room ... a higgec ror Ills/de. yet a ellr thlit',~ ",?re rompact outdd. for ..uler "anillin~ In traffic. t:IlSier parlan\!. And COUllJl!le th~ riding smuorlmtl" . . ' . tile n_ grdlter vililbllity , • • the roe,I .I.ugging stability ,of Hodge wltl, l.~,rs "OIling much, mlK'h 0101'1'1 ('.omft In t~y. St'e "0,," you can ..ve with today' • .l:igger value Dodge.
.... IIIIdmO lUll .. I .... over..,.... But DOt tilt . .hnq
PI. we'll
to." .
'road••, lit Ollkwood
Lebanon, Ohio
!w ill Thealer -~ Call 2.. 43 to
Cloled TUeida y
~Wednea dlY
Top SoD. Sa.", . ..... Glaftl II&oaq gq wsu.' IItI* .... Drq.Ib ae aDd BaDGo llr
Plin To lIave YOUR
me mber when Sis reeel ed he r rlrs\ 1)1111' of BANE R1JN CJBA.V IIIr- ~, j;IJ k 81.O(l.kln g".; how at DaYia I'IIrau PIt, It lhrl\led she was ? They weI' bln ck, of course. (ull cablo 7arc1. Il18o d81hv . ABII· fas hioned. I\.Ild wer e worn ITAO• • f:ION. PIIou "L U o nly on very pec l~ oe. cll Rio ns. Little did she FOR SALE- Double barrele d shot· drea m thllt some dny It gun. 1 box: abells, chicken house woulll be the 8('cepte d and teed boxes. MARY E. COOK, th ing to w.e nr s ilk Ma, • e t. X-I0.2 6-11.2. 9 (> \'('r), fI llY. Rf'lRemh ~ rhose 1 n 8. r e
8 : 21-
9 : 30-
Serene beauty and re.tful d I·g nit y mark every eervlce planned a",d con· ducted by our ataff.
T u rk e y
D· . .
-----------~FOR -SALE) - ----Bungal ow 5 rooms ba.th, .stoker- fed furnace . hot and cold soft water under pressur e. Ful baseme nt, gal'llge In baseme nt.
ivR SALE- 600x20 tire and tube , Centerv me 7417. X-ll·9- 16
Phone 2211
FOR SA..LE-T&bJe and two bencheS for breakt ... nook, MILO BEAI:.,
"'~r~liarlll,.eJePhone 2641.
X-ll·2·9 -16
'Ii. FOR SALE- Used Frigida ire. $30. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~. Contac t S. M. BALL, Wayne8 vllle :: --
~~::=::::~~~~~:===:~~~~~iiltbe Waynesville.
fIS ... ,nAVI
Located on 6th "treet. W~ynes vIII,. 011,10. Phone 2782 after 5 :30 P.· M, X-ll·2· 9·l6
FUNER AL HOM. like new,
a CII .. lfled Ad
16 BARCA IN NITE- ' 7-
, X-11-1 6 Modern house In
~rn~ W@1!11m~
1 !\tile South of WaynesVille on Route ~2
~W1ll: ~~ l!&~~.
2 2'lS bed mll8!S rooms, trom $50.00 pe.r moli't.b. . Phone Middlet own
Dl ~IIlY
dollars. • Ince we' h8.\'8 only one standar d of 8ervice. THE LOWFJ ST PRICEC MUS! BRJNG TH E BEST ~I'E . HAVE. , The only differen ce 18 In mater· iaJs sele tell and this alwaye a mlltt er of choice. BO
Mc ClU R.f 'U 'N ' ER~l HO Mf . WAY "U.'l Li.
X-ll·1 6
LOST- NeekJa ce. Pearl and ~Jd, on 'Maln atreet. Call 2181. X-l1-l 6 FOR SALE _ SmaiJ oak heating stove. burned five months . Reasonable . 'Vaynes vllJe 3222. X- 1l-16-23 FOR SALE- 19H Chrysle r 4.door ltadlo and heater, 1948 CI'08ley wagon. KIER'S GARAGE. Phon~ 2341 or 3221 Waynesv1l1e. X- 11-16
- ICE CR£AMi '-
,Dtlys' II Wee/(
PHONE 3474
Sympto ms of Dlatreu Arising fron
. . . . . 1.
Pimoe 2541
Ask About IS -Day Trial Offer!
. PO:!..~~~~ ____ SLICE D BACO N. Powid _____
59c' 57C
1740. 1IIne marilla nllmen ll were reeruil&ed III AIDerDEAD STOCK WANTED 'kia, "'8II!b1 e4 m Ne", Yon qncllr , the eommend of Gent.raJ HORSES $4.00 <;OW8 · $4.00 IpollwDOd 01 Vil'llnle Aluan4 er , end per· formed vaUant .erviee In the Hoga and Other Small Stock Wilt Indie, , for ,the R01ai BI'1U1h Removed Prompt ly na'l7. •
29 c. . . . POund ,.---- --.
SOC Wilmh igton 2382 Lebano n 439 .:~- ---IN·LAND' P"OD
Leather 80'" Laborat ory test. preve ' that there can be as much 'aa DCI ciearess . var' "'lll:lll In ttmpera ture Wtween the outaIcle' en~ m.lde of • leatJaer .olel OD ~ wint,r' , claJ. "
UCTS, Inc. 65 c _________ __.... FRESH GE· PoundSAUSA _____ __ 45 c C-:!!t~ ___~ 75c =-
'49 c
~RK ROAS ' : _ POUnd --T____
':. __ ___ ._
4 » -
UZ; »
II, t.iellDdafsigDad lercilDtl, 'ill clala
it I '.1. 'ldDlldaJ~
FrlS1lre's . Dot Food Store Ralph Smilh. Oscar'Smith .
.,.. =-
~11!'Y t " - ' , Q8riQ 7, II.i:
P,... lttfiJ
Sl.d t. VI. • •. (
.1 •• t. .J .
EXCH ANGE Phone 2371 W.yneaville
A Carl~d of Astorted Feace TRY GAZ£TJJ: a.ASSIFIEDS . and Poa.. Just Arrived -nlE Y GET RESULTS FAST' _ _ _ ••• • ••• u
1 _---------:-------------,1 .' I' I' ~ I•BOUZO~T"L
Waynesvill. Drug Store [ WEEKLY CROSSWORD "UZZLE PHONE 2121 WAYN ESVILL E Pretty Swect potatoes, carrots or par. • • snips car. Pl\.rshlp
be grown . in water 81 a
plant. ~
CUt 'oft a section elt thee top and put in water.
» f' -.--,. . --,. ..... . - - -, -..._ ..."
Former President
1 Pleturecl ~ former U, S.
I president, • WUlIam I · 9?Cenoe MJael'
"ERTIC AL 1 Monlh (ab" 2 Vull.r fellow 3 Kimr
warriol" 4 ·RequlrI Cond~llon • Thee 'J-e,eel. S· WandeFI
: sa. Form
of . - , -.....riddle J 34 Gives .ar to :
l aeSmall ,\_g: um•. ft ...
401'oNl & _tuN
PHONE' WAYN E.. 114'
Station WLW 6:30 AM
, 2.&ithe r
'l U er s' G ar al e'
CIruI . . . . . . . Ideal
Llet.n every Tuesd ay and Thurs day mornl ne
, 30 Western nltl.
...... . ..,. caale.... IIDuah w,ta. ...... ftJua .. .... III . vi COIDPU 'id wttb Iaq.
: 27 Unc:los a 28 Oeor,la 'lib. I .
an.. .....
Incuui nr Ihe prod".I I .. ll)' of farmloC aI kindl il m.de poltible by follo ...ing a Pnctlul Land Ule . prollraM . Intu"iews whh f.rmen ... bo hIVe fIlfned run.dow n fu..... InlO Prime Prodllce U. a,ve you cOIl\'ind nll pl'OO(-'proof"lhal )'Oil 100 be able 10 inu.lle the Prll d tlcttVlry of youe Icre.-w lth. <> ,, 1 s.1 ilion.1 COSI ,.. I.hor,
24 CUrB Camill" n.me 2~ Netlves of 42 Pltther , 14 Rel1 Moro«G 43 Mu.lc nelle .1'1 Channel 30 Her 48 Emmet I Illanel. 'ab.t U Frtabte n. 47 Sft,"," .31 Irritate "..... 18 Brlti1h I 2 01ant 112 Diner IIO"H. _ one ' .I account III Exclamation Dl t t of the ••sall1. : money (pI. J 10 Comp..a point ;: Ex~e . nated U, B. .; 20,Conceal ' . 18 Harem room 36 Sainte (Ib.., ../ preiide nta . . 21 Satiate III 8esll'lt; rI ' 40 Debit nole liS NorwCI,lln 23 Abcllcat~ ~ 21 Peerle" l b 25 On • wall 22 Measures of Cab,» (I ., , 28 Oillier . . •
1 10 BIrd'e home : 11 Army order : (lb.,
'It'••a.y to b • •
Novembar II.
' U~r . ofliO Sll1es
4 MIIM North of Xlnla on Rout. 61 and 235
Kroger Grocer,
.u earq al
Abo Top QuaIit , In Mea.. ...dV......I_
. --OF--
39 c Per Pound
•.•.• AP PL ES ,•••
Under New.,Management ·
.".ark~t BOy" ,
,Yhe Openin,g
Call 2143 10 place a Claaelfl ed Ad
4Ulraf ted (h•. ) ....+-+ -+-+- 1
alJlab Ol for
Fuhlo l,.'Prockl of" Cinebmati . . . . . euf\ of r"on eo"rt cloth,
.....-sum ...-
..... JacJcet to.,. •
~ for year:rounCi w~r, The dre-
eleader 1Ildrt, IIIaHat for IUJ ...kI.... A~ .... cItrectI, in hom.. from houIe-
wiI. repNlll ltlittv...
41 Doetor .....)
41...... IIIJ111bo1Iot tIIIurluIIa
Itattld l..
,Let Us All Builders, Plumbers
~lJouf .Town
KNOW TlIe New Cantlll'y Club will meet. for tbe Nov mhel' session at. the bome of ¥rs. S. S. Ellis on Ffl!lay afternoon. No.vember 2·1. wllh JIll'S. J. H . SllCkett and Mra. ~. K. Pres· tou' In charge of the program, Mr. Dnd MrH. ~nley II. Daile; were a'mong tbe gu '~ l!< 011 Sunday evening whllu Mr. and 'Mrs. Ral1l b II.rey entert,lIned w:th I\. ver.. d dish !llnner li t Ibelr ' no~ o near Sabina.,
M·r. nlld Mrs. Orville OI'lIY ond h ~8tr r 'I1rey retUl'ntld on SlI.lurday ~lter a two weekS vllcn· Uon In Florida.
M r.
Mr. and M.ra. Paul Horl"y lind children of Dayton. wel'i' S"lId 'IY dlDner gl1J!8tll o( their Jla.r ents} A.f r. and M.rs. UjUls FIres. I .
O. K. Health Plan Twenty·tbrfi!e pl cml:el'S II n d builders h8llrd the County Sanltar· Ian olltllne planlj ror ' on' en\' h'OII' mentnl . sO,nftary code 18 ~ t TIHlr~ · day; These plans now I,nde r COli: Rldf>ratlon by tbe .Wanen C.Jllllty Board of Healt.h IncHlde eXllmlnll' tlon an!! licenses rot' flll p U TI t .. .!, . permits and InapellUrms ' of .. II aewage dlRpoaol RY RtemR n nil plumbing InatallatlonR. II nel the IldopUon of a ('o.mty l ' lnmhln ~ Code. In IInl) witn Ihe Ilolley of Or. Arch 0,. Harvey, Helltn COlD m L.. Iioner. to coordinate actlvltleA, the attention of all plumberll and bUlldes W&ll dlrecteiJ to 11: e II" /I ) adopted resia"ilrant r6l(1IIal.l01l. I e· tails wlJIi rellpect to pllnblnK we l'e explained tn order .tbat plumbe~8; ,!Dleht UIII,s t relllaurant IUl&nger~. In co.mplyln·g with certal!!;.! , Ull" ...u at the new 1'8IUlatlon; This lituation Is of IIpeclsl Intereat !n reference to bar. and taverns wbere the dea,cl-lille fol' completion Is Janua.r y 6, 1961.
·Dr. E. C. Wright 18 ·C'QI1vale3cing.
at bls home ' rollowlng nn oltack 0: vlMlll pneumonl~ He WIlS ('nnnned at Orandvlew 1ToSIIIUII fm' a fllw days.
The tcmnal charter presentatiOn to Francis Dunlavr Cbapter, SOD. ot ·tbe American Revolut.OQ, wUl be made at .• banqUet. to be beld In tbe 'Goldell Lamb Hotel In aDOD, on. Wednesday evenloe, De. cember' 6, according to William MuoD PhUllpl, preeldent ~f ~h8 chapter. Mr. BarlY I , fla:1 l ell, land, prellident of the clet)' of the SOlle at tbe AUlf'rlcaa ReYOlutlon, will PretI!!llt tile qllUw ..... . ~ h ....~I Hpea.r: Odier 'Btate OUlCo1l'11 and t bel r wlvel will be present. The memberlllip o( thla orgaDJulion 1& composed of deecen~ of RevoluUonary War 8OldJers. All W~D CoUJltians "Wllh RevolatIoDary an.cutora are.1nvl~ to Iub" mJt their '8PpllcaUoU. Farther In. formatIDD IIlaT be had from ~ Secretary• .Toaellh R. e ...y. cr Gr.lY, RIsiDler an.d Griy, Lebanon. .
~GISOV£R ----'"
The Womail'l Soolety 01 ' Clhrll'
~D Service wlU hold their reg·
u1ar November meetlDl o~ Wed· lleaclaJ. NoVember 119. ' wtth Mrs. 0.' St .John .. hOlt... at the
Methodl.t chareh, The chaDIe of date Sa due to the Turn, Bupper 8114 ........ whlOb' w" held OD the elate. A""" IUDber rrteDM aDd ID8IDben atteqded the ....atIM ....... UI4 811
".te .....
......... tarbr 1IIDIr.
OES Elects
New Officers
Miami Chapter 107 Eastern Star bal elected as ofrl· cerl (or the coming year: Worthy Ma t ron. Marydell Burake; Worthy' Patron , John J. Burske; Associate Matron; Jane McCulloch; Allo~late Pat ron. M.cCulloch; Secret.a,ry. Mary L. Earnhart; · Treasurer, 1:u.. clle Armitage; Conductresa, Orace Prendergast; Aasoclate COllducDIIY a,amat Pennsylvania via IO-yard pau from tral8, Mary Lou Palmer; Tnlstee Bob Blaik. eon Army coach, to end John Weave.r . Cadets beat tor three yearB, 'Barbara Sawyer; Quakers in Phlladelpbia,.28 to 13, to run their unbeaten streak Mra. Barbara Sa.wyer IB tbe reo. to 26Ia me$. tlrln, W~rthy Matron and Mr. WII, -,-~~-~.~~-~~~-.....:.-.:.-....:.------------- ltam Strouse the retirlDg Worthy S.~NDRA · BALL Patron. .
On Monda.y evening. November 27. at elgbt o'clock. the Wayne
Township Parenti-Teach ers AIIROd· ,atlon will bold · Its next meeting nt the high achool. Dr. ' Warren Grlfrrths, ProfesSClr of SoClolo!n' of Wilmington CoUpge "'111 speak on the subject "Oood Community. Good .\Chlldren." Tho ChoruB of Ule high achool will prea4!nt ~veral mualcal aelectlon tl f! part of the program. DU I'ln g the buslnesa seslllon , r eporlJ!l of the Carnival wm be . gJvf'n. Everyone la urged attend thhl n xl P.-T . A. meeting.
We . hope no one teels that Thanksgiving I~ ovrr just becaWle we eelebra.f4!cl a ~IQ' pt' For ()od la conatan~IY.· glvln. U8 and beatowlng H.\s Love and , Mercy on. all of UB. Therefore we are necessarily thal\kluJ to Him every day. May we go to the chUrch ' of our choice " nellt Sunday and with others exprese our thaDks 'and draw our lOuIlI ololer to Him. We invite you at the Me~odlst , BRAn'S BIRTHDAY I church next Sunday til worship ~O"'" NEW GROcERy with UI. ' Come to Bunday Schoo) M.lss Sandra Ball recently celf!TO OPEN SOOIlf at 9:30 an,:! Churc~ ' worship at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, of ]0:30 with BJ)eclo.l musIc by the brated her 12th blrtbday by h:1vlng Dayton, caned on 't helr a'1Dt, MrS. a few little friends In fol' a. lU.tle choir. George Burns hos been remodei· supper and a. movie later. Stili Allee Olark on Sunday. bls home and store room on Ing BENJAMIN F• .JAMES, received many lovell' gifts and' a. South Maln Itreet extelllively, and Mlse GJ~nna · Marsh, of Dayton. LF.BANON, PASSES AWAY good time was ·had . by al1. espec· Election of otflcerR and Installn· lliellt the week end · wlth her plana to open a grocel7 and mea.t lally tbe boatesl, " . . . tMre soon. tlon were" beld at MaMnlo J.~dge coullln, MI'II. LucUe ArmItage. BeDJamln F. James. 86, p&81e4 C~~ . 163 F. and A. M. on Monday ev.,RALPH HASTlNCS a1nJ" at ,Is home, 7 Columblll ' " . \ SA:M BAlLS HAVE nlng. The following orrt~el's w ill Avenue. LeballOlll, SaturdaY eve_ ,~ , VlSI1rs PARENTS MIsII Ruth Chandler wu a lUest VISITOR FROM LI~ 'be In charge for1961: _ . ' I at the Golden Lamb In Lellanon nlnl at 4:46. , . ' Worshipful Master, 1;> o'n a I el 'He la ,.urvlved by.bls wife Lett&, Dr. Arch D. Ha~l, Warrell on Tuelda,. and In the evening bad Mr. . ant Mrs. RclJl~ Has t.~ll · g 1 brotber. Elmer, of T~rre .Hallt e •. County Health , comm; loner. an· Mrs. Maurice Myers' and Ion Hawke; Senior Wo.rdeL. J 0 h n as their Thankll,lvillg hol , d ~ )' the pleaanre 'o f hearlnc Yfrah , 1I0unced the adoptIon ' tbe reTony. of LIma. were rscent guests Sbeehan; Junior Ward en. CeQ II Indiana, 3 Irand d&ughtera; Mrs. \iaed regulatloL'!o to taktl': efrect De' gUest their lIOn R0b08rt, who IR a1' ,NeamaD, a talen~ ' 'vIoUnilt. Davia; Treasurer, Lowell Tbomas; of Mr. aD4 Mfie. S. M. Ball. Heater Rogers, Mra. Charlot~ tepdlnl sCHool 'In New York ("'t ·, Secretary; CbarleB . James; Senfor Andera, Mrs. La.vina Rldlngdr, nn cember 3. 1950, Mr. aDd lin. -II8J'IIUID Brel"'r. of MIamisburg. , " , Restaurant manacers may IIbDeacon, Loren Hopkins; Junior It/II VIaIea of Detroit, Mlcht.ran, and Mr. and ' Funeral semres were held 'Yed• tl!Jn c~lea of the regul~tion and HIGH WATER AGAIN 'DIe Idea that JII/III .lIlon .. ''per. DeaCOl), Wllllam Penewit; ChaPr ac:conllD, to Dr. laIn, Milo Beal; SenIor Steward, CLOSES Sc:.::HOOl.S Mn. loe Scble,. of Ft, Thomu, ,..... Ii a nelday at 2 P. M. at Stubbs FIla' '''Standards of Compllanoe" from KT.. were welcomed .. peete of I. om. WhIte, LouIII.a na optom.. Joe Jamel; Junior Steward. Ro~ eral Home. Rev. Harriet' Druley Ibe' Audltor'a ' Office. ' Collrt Houa~ otrlofadnk. In Lebanon, at a COBt of twenty· Hl f h water has a~,"'ln cl.::led the Mlaaea AnnIe and JlaDle Brown OD trlIt. It m~ ;meUll that on. ert L. White; Tyler. Carl Smith; tan ... what be lhoul4 lee at JII schoo.la. and the children ha\'p Tue4i.7 afternoon. Burial was 10 Mlanll !lellult"ry. five cenu. ..... bIlt live. no IDdleaUon of Trustee for 3 yearl. Jesse Prender· Tbe Coonty Sanitarian will be been ~I ven an . extl'l~ tw,.lay holi.... abWl7 to .a wltbiD arm'. gast. HO.-AD. E' MENTION . avllable to· answer any flu611tlons dAY tor ThankRglvtng. On Hunh,. aftemoon their cal· te.IIII. die dlataDee at wbleb mOlt Mr. G. F. Brown. of r .ebn.non. • n~ on MCllldaYI ID the Health J>e.part. era ,rere Mr. anel lin. WUlIam ....81 ............. be laJd. wae the lnatalling officer. ' ,' FOR WAYNE M. Y. F. meDt ornceJl (Dr. Arch D. HaJ'v8Y) OAKWOOD RESIIDENTS Tho.... of Lebanon anel IIr. Q. on Mulbem Street, Lebanon: M. JUd&'e. TOBE BAlJ.. TO GIVE VISIT ~ BAllS Hpoorabia menUOll was Ilnll .tc! '. ONLY CONCERT IN UMA the Booth made b7 the WQDMBils. M~t Edw"ela apeat Y11la M. . Y••• at ., mile cJl1ll'Cll RAZlNC BARN FOR Mr. and Mrs. w mJl a. Payne and . - . POST lIOn Douglu, 01 Oatlirood, were reo the put "... .. the ....' or her MilS Tobe Ball wlll I,Ive a con· for Booth F ..UnL Blaven nCo" Dephe., Dr. Gale RUlum .Dd wife _..0 f h d cent callera of Mr. aDd Mra. I:;' cert In UQla. Ohio, on December 4 be... ..ueD.... I'OIQ ere aD IHOPPING _ DAY" LEFT UNTIl,. 10. Whtle thero abe will 1IIn, at In na,ton. w... boa.ore4 r.rtber b,_ OIle of WOD..,..h" IIeeD .taa1ecl rallDc M, BalJ.. CHRI&TMA8 a bUllDua women'. Cbrjatmu tea ........ Bob lIorID. ItehII the ban DU& to KI.·. a...... OD YOII can get Of the DO YOUR 8HOPP.ING NOW liven b, the bualneu womeli of eIeated .. viae .,....l4eDt. Of'~ MIaIIlI.treet to mau room I . tile GAZETTE, at the ·U!I'JlVI.... I.VILLE lira. Huel BllpiOCIe. 01 Da,um, Uma. Later .he wJll alnl DYe .... clIIItriet 11. Y.•• cl the Dinr Pas",,"ee JRdI4lD, to be DRUG 'TORE GAZETTE .pent .SUlldai eveDlDc wltb her _ l ltatiOD WINo• DIatItat. . IenctetI abe.... · otrioe. 1rrleJid. MI.. .Teule Garner.
The Cheerful Circle _roup met (or their November gathering at the home of Mr. and Mra. L. V. Br anstrator In. Wilmington. A deIIclolll covered dJeb dinner waa e~ joyed, ,,,llo.wed by an ' eV~Dlng of carde. The members- preaent .w ere '. M. A. ,Co~ell. Mr. and MrI. S. S. Ellis, Mr. anct Mrs. . Glen BordeD, Mr. and Mra. J . B. Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Ernelt .B utterwortb and ¥ra. H.a rry Smith.
Bernard Daley, aon of Mrs. Etllel Daley. ' Waynesville, left Sunday afternoon for ' a four·day vlalt to the United Natlona In New }'orlt. D~y was w;lth a group of ~~ studentl from' Wilmington' €ollege. The group was achedUled to stay In the Paramount Holel in New York. They were to visit 8esalon Mrs. J. P. Fromm, Mrs. J. W. of the UN Security Council and Wedgewood, Mrs. Charlea Davia, aenel"lll Asaembly. They were also u-TO ......... . , La::w,son, Mra. CIarence to vlalt ,the Quaker House. a New Rye; Mrs. 1.. C. St. John. Mn. York project of tbe Friends dCldt Oram Shoup, Mra. R~y Clark, Hi'll. aated to a peaceful Hettlement ot Leah Mills, Mrs. Reba Braddock, the East-Weet dispute. After a condUcted tour of N w Mrs. Cora Rich, M 18S Sallie Smith, Mia. Glenn D. Borden, Mrs. Walter York on Thursday morning; the Wbltalter. Mrl. jennte Conner, group was "to entrain for home. IIJ7' Mrs. J. B. Crabbe. Mra. R.~ E. As- rlvlDg jn Wlbn1ngton Friday morn· bury. Ml'S. Warren Braddock, Mrs. Il)g. 'l1hey were under tb~ chap· Glenn Alexander. Mra. Alma Peter- ronage of Dr, and Mra. Warren IOD. lira. BoWard Charles Ander- Grifflthl of the ' WllmInaton Col· sOD. . lIii. ; tJrUb (" r.:-<r. tii8ii01qIC'il BC ence'" j)a ~n . R. Unglesby, Mrs. R. C. Moler and Daley ·graduated from Wayneil;Mrs, S. N. Ball, were among thoae' ville high school .In 1948. 11e served who heard Esther l.alrd, the ;re- ~ the U. S. Marines ,In the Pat'UrIled ,mlerelonary, at tbe Lab- clfle Area during World War Jl anon Men~.odIRt church on Til e !lay. befoa'e o~ter;ng WlIrnl'lgton Col· lege. Now a sen ior, On ley I ~ 1lI11} orlng In hi story, govel'llm lit IIlld Engllsb.
Mrs. OIenn Borden and Mis" LUla Benbam were Friday dlnOllr gueata of MrI. Looelln' DeArdoft In A ,ood orowd enJoyed the Bingo Lebanon. " aDel 60.50 Dance given bj St. Aug, ulUne Altar Society , Saturday Mrs. Georg~ Peterson haR all ber night a,t the local Rchool b!ll:dlng guest her · daugh ter. ~rs: S. A. !!'wenty free games of Dingo Drago lind l!ttle 8011 of New 'York were played and then Bingo at 6c OIty. a game wall participated In. A balketof grocerlea wae glveD P. L. REASON HON. as a door prlle. and four turkeya . OR ED ON BIRmDAY were giveD ' to the! lucky 'Soket hoMers-. . Mr. and Mrs. P. r" Reoson en· Flrt,..flfty dancing waa · enjoyed tertalned to dhiner on Frldsy. bon· by good crowd In tbe ID'mnaalum orlng the blrt.bdllY annlveraa 1')' of to the music of Norman Oramer's Mr. Reason. -Th"lr glleHtII ' were Gander Swamp Orcheatra. Mrs.. Sadie RealOn, Mrs, Eillie Refrelhmente. of soft drinks. Hock!ll,t. Mr. and Mrs. C. ·E . Edg· coffee, plea. callea a~d sandwiches Ington and aon, Mark, and Mr. and were Berved. Mra. Rhodes Bunnell and daugbter Carol.
Wayne¥outh Visits U. N.
CT .J,utuU
. ,
THll1 SIJAY, NO\'E MHEI< _3 . I (}'Ii'!
M "RE mT! I <n~urc~ ~utbl' _ MORE COMFORT! I~-E-T-H-O-O:"'I-S-T-C-H-U-R-C-H-----L-V-T-L-E-M-E'T- H-O-D-I-ST- C-H-U-R-C-H.-I;
EI tabllah"d 1850 PAUL A. SCHERER .. ........ .. ' •.. , Editor and publlaher CECILIA J. SCHERER . ...•...... .. .. : .... . . 8ecntuy and Trealurer Puhllshed }<J\'eI'Y Tburs day Morniq
\\'R)'nesvIlle, WllrreD County, Ohio 1:"lt!I'ed as Hecon d class matter at UI Il pOlOtu CClce n,t WaYDeS\>lUe, Oblo. li t
'. W.
J~~~C~!=, 9~::t.A.M.,
Mr. Unified Service, 9:.6 a. m. WorBbip Se"lce, 10:.811 A.M.
Youth i"eJlolVshlp, SundllY '1 ::10 ST. MARY'S EPI8COPA1. The Rev, Samuel N. KeY8, Rectol P.M. 11011' P l'nelia TI\lIl'sd/lY 8 !00. ::lUlulu)': ebm'cll 'oobs ol I (}: 30 1\. m. Adult Worship, 10:80 a. m,
SubscrIption Jtnle!l ~$2. P ur Year. In udyauce. In Oblo; $2.60 elsewbere high
~lJ's. \\'lIb ur :11 ('l 'lln,m ' lin d M r:l , 1 hyills 1\lIl.1l hI ~1I . l1 l 'rll e. llny In Rlclimlld , 1ndillOil liS th e 'u 51 or frs. no\) 'l·t GI'lIPIl(' h , nlill !'r,lI. \vIII IAm . .' It!>. t: l'uel lrll If' lhl ' ro \'o m I' 1I11Hi; Bst h 1; I.llk(,ll !!.
'I'he l'arC'nl-'1 Itc h ;'s .\S~ O('IIl t(lln met In rC' "ular s!' s~ lolI al thl! hi;:' school gymml ~ i\l\ll \\' dn ada), 1\\ efJl's t gl',l<lo 1'111 )'1hill n ,l\ld
under tllO rllI'CCLloJ! of tit e II' I' II i: f' 1' frs . Hi ram G org ' . Ul;td 1111 ,li lt· Inl. a.DIleItI'lUl e o( I h yom'. If ca /;Uest s p allll' rol' Ule IIrogntl11 "liS Rob erl • tUltrOI \11, or 811.blml. :111-' S t:l.l1fOlllJ 1Ii!l(' II1lJlo:ll 8M I Y nut! ShOWl'd n 1II0tlon 111('0 11' >~)l la ln lug th II rI vel' trai n 1t1P: l' I'O ~1'I1t'1 \V~ b L; 11 (1\\ "il'lm til ma'[\ h ig h
hools .
~iJ's. J':IIlI'U ~ hi dn l, I' was cn \1 ('d hOIll l Ast 11'1' k froll1 Albe r(lo r; ,Ut'. N w M exi eu, owing til th o l!llll(\ en death o~ h)' bl'nUIII', Howolli }raham.
IU1U ," J·S.
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST l1yroti Carver, M1nlater
IIl\l s il' wall
It's Christmas shopping' time onrc again - for me, one of the mO~l enjoyable times of the year. 1:," choosing gifts for thc' home to gIve most of my friends - s«ems as if her home. _ Mr. a nO lItrs. Harry Estl!.lI e, of '150 many people are mO"ing into new homes 01' buying older pinel'S Germa~towll . ","re' gues t ~ Fri(IR.)", and l'emocieling them that thl'RC home gifts will b(' most welcom(' of or Irs . W . C. Tlc.hener. :'II los . AnllP "'be Ian hns I'eturned all. One gift that I llI10w will b(' a.pto · 1101' Job In Wilmlngl.on follow· .preciated is • new plate glMss mll'i ng ;. O""I'Y from II. ~e\l er 8 1'm 1'0.1' - it's the touch that call add ao much sparkle ,",d friendJi nc!!s t() bllrn. • room. The decorative tricks ,tha( ~II'. a.1Id Mrs. )1o\\ca.l'd HI~Rr hnve earl b4: a chieved with mirrors aTe 'old tllelr Interest ill th e lfa rve ys- nothing ahort 01 magic. ·Notlling elae can so effectively dress up a bmg He ' lllllran1 to ?ltl·. a llli Mrs . room - lighten it - or even e/<Erne~t lilli , of ] uylon. palld it.. And ••• becauae ~ey ~~e Mrs. ~I ary Brinega r h a~ b e n reo available ready to hang, lust hke picture., it's one gift ~hat most leased [rom tb hospital a nd reo p~ople will begin u,lng right on tll~ned 10 her borne here la st Christmas daxl You can see that the ",Inor de\I'eell. . partment in our store here bas been Pu.t Fol y lIuffe'\:ed a brok e!! arm a great help in my Christmas shopI' contly In all I\rcldunt at h is ping. One' thilli', though-the salesman who helped me, cautioned me hom e. . ' to get the beat because it will lallt 'l'be MI!ls\o l1l1 ry oclety or Jon· and last for years. He recommended nh '!! nun B:lJltl !it hil I' h Dlei at mirrors of Pittabut;gb Plate gla's_ and I'm glad I fonowed' his suggesthp IlOme oC I\l rs. ,Ol'gP "PIdgeloll. tions for everyone I chose was Wed nesday Mt(lrnoOIl . . irs. Ma l'Y hally heautiful! For June and Joe - the young Penuy I d Ih e gl'QIIP In devotions couple wh'o've just s,noved ~nto a d M U onie served as all . .rs. ."I\1'Y .. new home, 1 .elected a large .Oblong copper-ba4lked mirror that will lit Jlrog ra m lea.der . . over their mantelj for my Bister'~ ~1r. ami Mrs. Homel' KIrby " ha\'e home I chose' a bJg square mirror to fit' into· the alcove in the dilliTlg ~I'turned to their home In Indian- IIhe's .w anted to do some· a~olla, .1tldlana. · Artel" bing callell room thing to make the room look larger bere o wIng to t be Ileath of Howard -and I k1JoW thia will ~o the trick. For my t.ejln-aged niece, wno has (:I'ahum . \ . just Te-done her bedr.oom, a huge mirror to cover the entire wall over . her frilly new dressing table is ju»t the ticket tor Christmas.·
gymnaslulII, F!'lda Y:'
rurul!< lui'd by Dill (:1'0I'~ s on' l1e. t I'll, of PorI William . :'Us:< Gw e nd oly n Garr i ~o l1 wh o liAS hO(,11 Ill. I!' illlpto\·lng. '\\'1'8. ()bn \\' elrh J'olllnlnll III i\t.
nlllg. Til
sc hQol
an nOli II Ing lh lilrtll home, 'l'hllJ'~ dIl.Y.
Bible Scbool. 9:30 A.III.
The Reater Tha. Pays for Ilsell.'In .F1Iei • "S.1Iriags!
Sunjlo.y Schoo), 10 A . M . '
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Fatber R. B , KrumbolU. Paator Massee, 8, ,Qd JO A.M.
Morning WorshIp, 11 ' A. M, WAYNESVIL.LE FIUEND6
Flrlt nay SchOOl, 1:30 A..M. MeeUn, for WOl'llhlp, 111:10 ·A.M.
T. M.. ScUf, MlDleter Bunda)' SChool. 11:10 ' Iil. . A. lIIarnbart. Supt. Let till s Sunday ond IlV ry SIlII' day Clnd you In s ome c lmr II Worahlp Seri1ae, 10:80 A.Y. Evening Semee, '1:10 P.M, lhe clmreh of YO\1f (·bolce.
~ ' ''II~
. . .-.. _._ ._u ___
•• _
II Armitage &Son
L.EBANON Office 471K
A... 1bl.
_ _ _ _ 11 _ _
_ 1_ _ ••
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -06 .
a u_ _
~~I _'_ IJ _ II _ ' _
Exide Batteries .Firestone fir.e s ,
'. New and Recapped -~ $8:95 $2.00 lJade In ,Allowance Lubricating Service Firestone Accessories .
1. Nnme the capltal .of India. \
2. Whcn w as the Trea~ of Vcr.. s ilIe!! signed?" _ 3. Who is caricatured below?
"". ,
a_~_'_~ .I~_'_._'_II_I
U!sy .I8au
, 'lOam
'lap0lt1:l.. JO punIs!. atn uo papaJa SUA\, 0uodV. JO am"l9 aitJ; ·S · _
Bob SerVis
' 4. What does the word HClwtDlBS"- mean? 5, Where was the COIOssU8 of llhodes, one of the seven won"ers. of the' an cient world, ,built?
35 Metal seorla 3'7 Winglike part S8 Golf teachers 42 Fondle' 44 Siribad's bird 411 One who
Opel r;:30 I, m. ,10 9-, ••. S.....'s 7:30 L ~ It 9 ....
31 Offer
~o IBhHsa~
- _t_ ... -c'
.10 H1IW S,lS!.lq:> tu1lilW ..'jilSSON ' 1.p\st;n~::I .. };lleu!BPo 'nU!lsl.110 .• '0fltO 10 U .L 'y 1l0CloU .liaS , ·S ,
4'1 Compass pol nt
of the U. S.
Ird Sur.montb, lQ ' :\O A .M . Irvenlll'l ServlC4!II, 7:30 P.M.
dllS'1I 0 1 8a..t,
MornIng Worsblp. 10:10 A.M. .... ~ IllAI8ter You ng PeoDles' Meeting. 7:00 "'orablll Sen1ae. 10 A.M . P.M, dWldaf 8cbooI, U •.11. ,E vening Service, 8:00 P. M . , ~. Pr&7el' Meellng and Bible Study 'OREGONIA EVANGEL't.<:AL. U. 8. \\'ed.DudaJ, • P.M. Jamall H. Riley, Pulor
PHONE' 24i41
82 Encountered . 34 War god
48 Closer ISO He was formerlyan as. socla~ iusti cc
Prearblu'II, lit. and
DIble SchOOl, 9 : 30 A.II.
Gurllou, 8uP.L
M. B. Corte)" l1un1sler
WlllIullt Shannon. Mlnilter . SUllllay School .. 9 ;80 A.M.• Mrs.
28 BoIlt paddle 29 Symbol for radium SO Rupees (ab.)
UTICA E.",.&' C.-lURCH
Morning ' Worship, 10:10 A.M . Pra),er MeeUng, 7 :00 P.M . • YOUD/I Pl!ople'l ~eellDl, 7:00 r;:~ttll lttg Servlce8. 7 :30 P .M.
1\11'11. BerUla Gordan wbo hu been 111, Is recovering. The Ad~t Bible Clase of Jonah's ------------------~ Run Be.ptlat Chureh met at ·· the , Former U. S. Officiol home of Min May Harlan, :riles· day ~venlnl. HORIZON'rAL VERllCAL ' 'Mrs. Anna Mae . Beckett. bas r~' 1,6 Pictured 1 Jokes slPed. her 'ob as cook at Bill l\T\d newly-elected 2 Ascended Dot's Restaurant, .Wilmlngton. Cov. ?1 South ' 3 Mother ,M rs. Vera 'Ragger II In serious Carolm8 Dnd " Easl (Fr.) condition all; Obrlst Hoepltal. Cln· . ex-See. of State, 5 Anglo-Saxon !!!~ i2 Rub out slave clnnatl. . MI1I. Rqel', who resides 13 Antenna 6 Surety 23 Epgle's 38 near Clarksville, Ie the former Miss 14 Greek lette1' 7 Shout 24 Conducts 39 Unusual Vera T1bl}aie, of H~eYlburg. 15 Paths · 8 Railrontls ( nlJ. ) 25 Shapes 40 Bone 1'7 Observe 9 Symbol ror 26 Artis t's stand 41 DenominHlion MIll! Cheryl Doeter. of Spring, 19 Belongs to I t nickel 31 'One ' who 43 Symbol rOI' field, Ie a housegnest' ot ber grand'20 Dropped over 10 Church makes firm tellurium . parente, Mr. and Mrs. ~ Herbert 21 Number holiday 32 8111811 candles 45 Three limes 22 Fur animal 11 Frozen r ain 34 Unaccom(coll1b. form) Doster. 25 Lower 14 Jumbled lype pa nled 46 Fish ell&s extrem lti~ 10 One (Scot ,) 36 Ex ploit 49 Part or "be" . ~ >2'7 Born 18 Halt-em 37 Area measureSl Ch~dean city
D. F.. Dau,bn, Pastor
\ ' edl!" 1V0od. Mlnillter
,'1 .I8JA Pl.iO.A\ 8UJ
Canova II
-pua f.rt tu J : 1- '61 ! 'ee: ;:ll.:nr .~ Satur- ' ituCa, 11'.01-1 ' J
day .Dllbl·llsteDen ueoDce acaID treated to ber miSadventures with rOiDaDee over \Yb14!~B(:. at 9:30 p.m., EST.
'Sul?reme112 'l'~ . of fur
sa Succinct
·0"8~nOA OJ
SJe~51! '1
" r==z=r t;'"
0;' :: OO~U !!! I/~E' 0 ' :=1, WA1-IT'N' 10, i!JUt••• \I\'ELL, (etiL.p) HOW~ AtK>UT A
~~JA: HEJtE 8E$JDf: ME·...
$,U-Y, l'SH'T
. LITTL'li ""~?
WANT lb A$tc.
STRICTLY ·FRESH THIS month,. 'with the aJI~ar,! . ance of Chr1stm4a dlaplQ., · Pl!C!ple will start whlltlinl CIuiIt. mils caro]s. ' .Next month, with the DPpeal'ance of .floPPln, bUls. they'll start singlnl,the blu~. ' .
• • • The reBson a lot bf draftees are
theli 8elt:etlve Hl'Y1ce medical exams 1s ~aUltl they cc fulftp 4epariment store qUll1acl. tlons for a Santa Cla\ll. . , ~-
It the aldea are UDcertI1Ja ~
we WODder if
Donder will turn 'to
ask, ''Rain, deBr?" •
BUtzen ID4
• • •
Father doesn't buy • new abIrt In November because he JcDow. that he'U get one -on ' Deeember 25th and 10.e.1t when be pa1l aD the bills In January. '
••• Department store complaint d..
partn;Jenta shouIcl recruit I00I. cd the Marine h'alnees OIl the Wilt Coast who are lettin, a tate cd live fire and haod-to-band COIPbat In their war games,
Opening ' D·ec. 1, 1960 When the next CHRISTMAS . . SEASON rolls ar9und. be pre!" pare~ for those Gifts ~and Holiday Good Times~
National Bank
Production at broomcema. wbIeIa
IDcnuecI IhafJll7 III 11M __ IDetali foI'-1IU'pe& ~".... UIl
.aauum. cJeaUn ."tn - . ...
l'UUJDed lt1 JINo..... lfteL QIda. llama .nd Colorado ..... &be JI'In. eIpaJ broomconl-ll'awIDt ltath.
'rHE MIAMI un£o ....
I---_d__ ._ I 2J1'Ij.Ridge A Farm Diary . By .D. J, frazier
PAGE THRF.E ~~-----
(ounty Court
COMMON PLEA3 , Mal')' F.. LamWrt- to M. Ralph W. Turner VB. Ednn Lambel't, 1.004 'acre» In FranidJIl Turner, der<1ndanf urderell '10 o~ y TwP. . . plaloU rr $7.10 rei' week ro\' Rill" I Paul I!Jld Beatrice KamUton to pol"t of ml'nor ch\lll1. Chartea O. and· FaY, E. Carpenter, Vaugh Milo Rye I'. by power Iota In Fran)Ul1IJ nttol'ney and on behalf -of Jurn Ii Rpy, and Dqroth7 Mle McCI·'re . H. Qulller. V8 peal·l . Gr lam , (\39" Ito Lloyd C. aD4 Olive L WUllaml. dlBmHlaed wltho~: t rl'cor . 1.83 acr.. I~ . ~kllll TlrP. ' RU88ell Marshall VII Revn Mae A..\\I.8Ul1 RJ and' '<;:oroll& ' B. TroplaJnt~ rf ordered 1.0 vl,le tq WIWlm, Marnn, 6.77 II(1res Mal'mall, In =r.an !I'wn pay defendaot 'l~,O O Ifer week. I ~' . : - j - "1 'l!';' ", , Don Stanlter ' Vl\ Edna Abner Ceo . ~~ ' L; alld Shirley. Ro8k& Stanifer mUltary a,ffldnvll fit I'd. ,.Charles 8 . allil lreiie Dewlon, 2 , " . Iota In Lebanon. - -I JeB8~ aoli ' Mattie Hal e to NEW SUITS Cbarl~8 and' LoOlBe ' Moorman, Howard J~. lndls VB Dorothy J . acrel iii Maille Twp: ' InniS, divorce, g l~OR R nB,;lect of . Sllve8i~r and LJIlle B, Lamb to duty, Meryl B. Oray. IRI18s:eIl. &Jl4 l~- IAmb, 0.81i BelUe Turney va. Irvi n Turney, acrel .,. Wao, TWP. !. dor8v a . eBpdll'lIInol v. h Jodd l B. .r••'U~ttiI 8af;l~ to l~.. S. Jr., divorce, extreme ol'unlty, J. TflllDPltWD,. 0.18 ~ree ~ 14~0~ IT. RUlIY. , O~~ " ~ ~ to 'B~.... Albert Parka . !)ad Call'ert Fire ford C. ' ." ~~ R Moler, 1 lql TnBurance CO. VO·. Charle8 A. In Le'llluuiil! ', Tf . ~ MWer, for m 0 III e y damages, J~UI &. 8waDIer to Joiall .... amount c}ahped U!;6.00 and COllts C~_,B; GoocUIl, ' l;I Jot 18 LeIliaDoD. of suit, Wiles aod Doucher. Ew'eat P. aDd ~ M. ~; Bobble Oamp vs \\ ullaee A. In Hamilton Twp. · , Camp, divorce. e~' tJ'l'me cruelty, S~ei ~JI: ~ .101m M. aD4I Malile &; Maple. • VtrllecJa Bro~ j: Iota In U~ ' LeRoy Cayse an(1 M,ade CaY8e TWp. • ,. "" .. r • , VI Adrion and Mne P. Brown· JUDII D. , TOlIoQ to I'Inier G. tlead, and Tbe Standnrd Building· T~ 1.18 acre. III UD,Ioo Twpl
NOVEMnER 19. 19lill. - 'Thunl s· Thl" 'ol'n pllllt· 01'8 have boen ha rd at worl! n,ll, week. Thol'o . 1·llS Il whole pell full of turkeys lit the community Bill" . and III Bplte of the ChrllltmaB thlng8 alrOlllly In the atOJ'es It I~ TbanlCsglvlng. There 114 tlOmlllhl l.g about Thllnkaglvlng IIllCI:lully 111 tbe country thn.t 11118 II different fla vor thlln OilY of 0111' mh I' Iloll ~ d/4Y8. 'rhere ' Is . 110 gift giving 01'
glvh~g III lut hand.
curd sendlug IIbout It .. exeevt the . gJCIB Clt feiod lliat we shul'o wllh , those who need tlle-m.· There JII no ", d ape Ia I f OI'Dl 0 r gree tl ng. .. e 0 nol. . Bay HllllllY 'rhanksglvlng to. OUI' friend s. It I" 'I n grest d/Lugel' or getllllg 10Bt between foolbltll games and tooo early ChristmAS
decoratiolla ,and the (nrthel' from the Bource 'of uur food supply we Sing tbe Bong or llarvp.st home. be<\ome UIO ulore (\tlnger ' '11 01'0 Is All 18 Bafeiy gathered In that W9 maY ' loso Borne or that Ere Ute wlntel' ' stonns begin. ' God, our Father, dot h provld"
Oeo!rc~. '"
Singer Sewing Center ' lZ23 <A_a! Avea.
3 :180 1
to rerre8b,cd Iitl'Ong. So whet/ler we grow o\1r' own or patronize the supel·· IIIf1I'IlOt. let us. sing. "Como yo Lhanllful llMllla emno:
AM INTERESTED IN: ' New Slnlltr Machine
SlnOel' Va cu u m ' CI"R n ~r
Repair of My Machine.
&4 Loan,983.00 Co., ;wllh money. amount 1Ul4 Ora Cook clafmed 'interest at Joseph 1~ aa~~ 1'. st.pbe~ 41% from December 10. 1949, fore- 10 acres .,~ Un T-:p. . Wassoll.r and dec'd, . Miriam S. 0 nto n /lll' closure of mortgage, Hale of real LIMlIIJe Ail.... " ade to Jr. appoDt.ed poln.1ed, appraisers, 4lIItaie, peraQnal ' . j lldglllPnt . and Gertnlde oBIHii'U, t?)ata Eltate of LelghCee Connel',' other reller, FI'ed' W. MlI l'llhy. un.. , I n . ' ~ ~, ! ~ of ' BeIlDle Schlapbeck, administrator r II II d inventory, Farm Bnd Home Center, Inc. VB Manln H ; ~d B.uth E. D!llIOa deC'a, IIu1e Scbl~heck, admlnla. hearing set ror No.veD')ber 29 nt. WJl'derhold, f,~r money ooly, to WlWam . B, ·a1uI1-~TII.l.a '· ~ U'IIrU flIeet Invlllto..,., b••rlq 10:00 a.m. . alROU/lt ()lalmfld SU8.17 with In · Jamlj 'O.M..aera lDA'aklID .p. ' . 'for December 1 al 10:00 a.m. Eetate of li'rllnl\ V. Still, dec 'd . teres L .. t 6% from. date or jUdg' II1"II' q. aoct ·(.eUi:a.. I. 'M&aUI to JDatale or Huel Edna Be.kmau, Clara F. Stitt, execu tol', t.mnoter meDl and C08ta. , lam.. ud Ttllf AmblU'll'. f'lota dee'" MWJI B. Ora,., admllita. of real ettt.ate granted. Lem ~el Burton, va Martba Marie I" Sout~ lAbaDo~. trMor filed' nrat ...d final ac. "",'- __ Burt ~.rt, divorce,. groBS ne,led, Oeol'ilS A~ to Sank,. A. COUt.. , MARRIAGE LICENSES , Maple and 1(apl.. lAwIs, . O··~r acme, In 8aIem T~. '~Iof I'ranIt 'lIurtt, dec'd, Russell Scott. Jr., :!6, mechanic, '.ov,ly Jane Wlllon, lyric.... REAL E8TATE TRANSFERS I ~'O!o.' Bn ~~ Ta~... 1I-rt; appointed ,8xecutru. Muon a.nd ,Ma·rlbn. Lon Irwin 2tl prln01 ,ot F.r,ed Warlnll'. Pennl),l. _ . o.r ree wer, . 1 acra Kans.oa !\lasters, Lee liar an4 stenograpber, Mason. " voInlan .... n over CI.S.TV on William aDd Marjorie Klo, to ID I'raDklln Twp. JlaJ1MD4 Dupn appoluted ap. Pr8/lton C. Rbinehirer, 11!, racdolYL a.. the radio a,,11 Charles ~. ~ . Mil!')' M, ¥fDll.' Crawford H. aad Olive N. ~ . tory 'Worker, Lebanon and Berpille for time: iDO, 0.736 ~~_ ill ~a1.m Twp. Copehav.r to ~Y .... DorotlaJ' ' Dtate of Leu B.lerleln, dso'd, ~e W11Ibolte, 19, B1onche8ter. • Carl 11. • . aud MIU10rle ScbolieR 1loQ1se Cavin, !4 acres Inll'raakUla ~ i'r)'1Dm. adJDJolltrator Jaues <r.lnlner, 22, mecnanlc, BIBL~ CO ' MIIlENT to Oba.liea a . ".JilJJdred. KtlD4,le. Twp. tIle4 ftnt, flnal and distrlbutlv. Franklin and Joy ce WUson 18 ,'1 . i07%~ acre'!! hi ,~aJDllton Twp, ' DoDaJcl C, ...d Eatller DWire to UCOWlt. Franklin. ' , Ch&rle~ G. 8II~ ~~Ildr~d M: K.D· Lela 8PiJ1ll. 45 acre. ID Ila...... · of Job...... M. Gustlll, Carroll Cle.ver, 3G, Khlpplng dIe 11) K'-1I... . 1!V":.t ~~k. Ttrp. "'d; Ilv....tt L- 0u~1u. executor clerk, Clark8vllle a nd M/ll'Y len.· I be~, 100 t.. ~ -::. ~n uf' Ernest Eo ...d Dorotla, It OlJl. 10. . nnt aDd Dnal aecouDt. vel', 24, Clarksville. '. ' . ' Fr~ and Do~ 'rJ'.e 1'." . am .· to Haro-. C. a4 -JI OUlul, -tate or Howard S Conover Herman Hel'llcbel Halfleld. 22, P a~RIe&thln" ~M nt ' IWto, D_ d &DcI 107.6. acres III lIul'- ~, "'1. DeaD il Staale;. admlnll: pape worker, W. C:lTl'ollton, ntld , . U .. OB..-, e a , Gwenia Faye Mil' U·C1 e, 21 , "9! HO . Marte Jcn~ 10.041 Iloree In, Wafl. , tfaIOr med tblrd &CCCMlIl1. . Frankll.n. I 'rWP. ' • ..QM.TE · IIIt&te or EUen Adama, d~c'd, _ _ _ _ _ _ _, ' J erllJl' Gromme, et · al to Frar' Estate 'f "d. 1.•"Ut. dec'd, ..t&&e • •mpt from Inh.rltance will ~TH irld ~ctlvities at tbetr J. and AAnD& J. Scblake, 115.0 determlDaUoIl ~ Jllberltaace ~ tu. t.raur.r of real est (I. t 8 ..,oIIeUM Ifllt peak, readertl know how 1D~dI IlCies n Salem Twp. . Inv.nUJr.81 were ~pr:lve4 OIl....... '11Ie lar,elt true .eeel mown to conditioning means In the per- . Robelt and CI8O! Hawthorne t. tile ,rollowlna _&a_l Eeta,. of Jasaate of Palrle COlIDor, dec'a, . . . it the ~ychell.. lUll from a Cormance of a football team. In Martha P., !:Iud!!c.~ 2 Iota I Tbomu T. ua ....., dee'd, estat. K..adIIllnlltrator flied . . . .. tr .. native to the '.ychelle8 ....oxing, too, as weil 85 a h~t of FranklIn TWp. . of Sua...tha EltarGtla .ee'.' ~ nn& .ad flDal account. faIaIIIIs Sa tht Indt4n eeun. R.- · ' o~le!" sports. quick reflexes, goOd Henry' OtoUi. tq .Sopbla · Groll:, ...te or Ed I-rel,tG1l, de~'tI, BAd tl. J:at&t. 'of lAna. x.. Blsh.r; dec'd. seml»JbI. aD overslz. aoconut, • wiq(: and supple muscles are a 2 l~ . ln Barl&n 1'JwlI· I.....te of Leora B. pull.r, dee'cl,. C........ BlBber ~polnted .yecu- . . . . 8e'Wlltl nut lillY wellh must for the athlete. Walter N. uil XatbleeD ~ I Eatat.e of LJ.... P DraIaam ak& tor. . . 80th WiUlaai Kina and • • eVln '.0 pannu. Clulter' ot Ppyslcal he!,1tb, Is . very mu~h :;087~t:~. :~~T!:P~' NIDa . oiullD, J. T.' at- u.". Oopal QpoID..... pptalb........ DUll r~uIl'. five yearl to Inl. lio<e spirltuaJ h~al.th in that it C811 . Rhea • .... LeID / ~j~a1'ter T. I*IDted B4m1ll1atnWIl'. WUllaa I Eatate 01 Elro, C. Delltoll, tuN. onI) be achieved and maintained .....____. ......____- -.....- - - - - - - - - - -.....-----""":"----.-----""":"~tnrougb disclpUnJ! ,!nd self-controL aDd Marlon it. ' 8t ,JlUli ' OR • Said Paul to the Corinth~ In HIIIIliI~ Tw)r. ."Every man that atriveth for DIUM. Sheri 10 ~erscbel W, terY Is temperate in ali thlDp.'t and EUpIll& Cj 1lattWd. '1 lot ID Hi: words are at sbarp O,dds wl~ Turtl~reek ~. . . . tilose uttered by modem-day.,.. Robert N,llIOu &Ild Etbel Ap~1 obisUcates who describe tempt. Cummo... tb Frank 11. ' aad ....., tion al IIOmeUtlng to yield to. ' . Harbach, 0,18 acrea III lI\'aDkUII, • .... a football player IOft",~ lOugh acrlmmage Session. to per' fect h1a abilities on the field, on' a.,. a boxer .seeks to develop l' ciooroination through bac-pullcilt and rope-skipping, so must ~ Christian exercise his spil'itua_ convictions and daily strengthen' his faith. . ~ Prayer is, of course, ' the bes SIJOPLlFTING: "There are •. :. oowork out" Se.t~~tQn ~~ . .hoppin~ days left before Chriat· . iIh'i c~stl~t1y) ex4rrtU'ieIl ', tdr slIRI ' IOU . •- ," Tbli reminder Ia ' re- 0 : "·pettih&a. · ~e11.i:ii1Sy diU,st·. be peated tjme and aaain ~h1s month recognized a8 a Weaklle88_of ,&I)[r-,Iand It reaches the ho"es' ana !tual mu~e, I:.ust must ,be d1Jhoneat alike. The amateur 'as Ii decaying IQfluence. ' Ihoplifter II ahort ?t money ' and By earnestly seekln, O\,It God, prowls the stores for ,ui table ' the:> Christian 'In'creases blS Pro1\M &if~but lhe amateur 1s in 'th~ dency ot finding God. With ~ach lfeat minority. The rul pro lit RJ'ayell, the individual can offer· a shopliftiJl, takes adva'1tage of the . little more of .blmBelf thaD ~os:e. holiday :~jrlt and crowded dE'Eac,h victory over temRhltloJL eIl- .,.., partm.nl Itore,aod ' pUes a I . doWI tbe followel of . God wIth 'CocWIa 'Itealthy 'trade. HOIle»t , shoppers ' gr@~er atrepjth ~ resist aDd over q • ..,. "1JHn,1 lIltIr;c wordr W hYI min wbo ·report evidence/ of shoplift- ' ~e the forces or evD. ~ ............ Sa .~~~==~ In,. 8re a better tllorn to this , By practiclDl a well. dlacip\1Ded ..... to JC8IM .J ...... p/ ,b.mril, JOts 10llr htil,l'.s blood thrill " rade than store detE'ctiyes, program bfflllth and self-Improve- _ _• • , . .. " .. . ment, the <ilhriBtlan will ftnd that. ,......,. ~..... III 1M . .I flW ",/Ntb ]ollr fillhm bled? W.leb For Mr. D...\.·s Calendar like tbe ' blgh17 trained atblete, be IlADACOL "'~: ;, Jr,... ~ II lftIIio". J,N' f"ei/om For Crlme~ hi ~)ecl"ntlM'r! will 'possess reierves of 8treniUt II .... 10 '" ItItIIiIJIUlI ill ~? I, " 'he "gh, of " num OIl,.W"""_Y' 010,,1.. h_cI enabUn" him to meet We'll mOl B .. Ji;-' :'';~l_:~' ..., NIC • ' 1 ' _ . 't • . k II _ _ II1II (I /H1I"i Ihl rJgh, '0 ptliim " exacUn. c:haUe~es. . . . Sa 1Ir~1' , ••• ! .-d: ' I11III JM./, ., tllill",,; ,ht righl 10 If • BADA., COL-I ·.... Ita _ _ . . . ' ....~ rJi,ioll-MNl " rhtlr/U'~r of hil OWl!, "",.... ~ IIH ;iiJ 01 "floli!er." ,
tbankful alIII'lL II:' IiIB IlImJor to reel tbankful to GodIt for b()unty FOr OUI' wants to bo sUPIII\I'I /I. wllcn the 8uper 101l1'ket RllpplleH loR Come, ye thankful people, M m . Sing n. song ' o( Harvest Homp so adeqat.ely. It I'"qulres a speel L net of falth to conni,.t Ule ro,',os aDd ' rOWB of cnD S, the lI~nt pnc).!· Bell Fraaltlla ell Pell4le' ngell of meRt fl1l dono up In ('clio. . At lenlth WI Ire In pe·ace. God . II be pralled, and )on,. · ve,., lonl. phnn4.' , the frozen poultry, til 1) eR may .1t continue. AD war. are to], or shipped tn vegetables (rom 'nil Ilea, verI expenllv. and very -mi.. over the world, with God'8 bounty. chievoul OIIe •. When will mankind Tho. Ilutomatle 011 ·flirnncelR n .be convinced ot thl., Ind laree to wonderful thing butt we rQr~(lL It 'elUe their !Uffer~nc .. by ·arb'tr.: entirely except wben It dooll not lon ? work. There 18 none of ·tbat con· selous' appreciation o( Ute Joy n nll~ ' t.!I ~mtol't- ot beat tbat we te I W11l"1 '. , .,' _ ' _ I"' , . • • S the fire Is ~Ight: thei'e 1 ~~)Jll' 1111. • "" . 1"\ . .:: fill All of our comforts COUle 10 \I ll . . t~ an through llI ' mllde macl~ll1ell /10 the "" ' : , . CODBcl08nesa of God'lI'carebecomrs more dIm and for awa.y. We luwe to deliberately u~tnk RM cnDAlder ' for all thlng8 IlI'a ~OVfMSEIt I. h. MOil'" ,~, . th ~ftt the patterns ... . tn tbe Datural world 11I'ound \Ill Ard ' SPORTS SCANDAL: You' )) hear hat we have thent becallse of Ihn charKel 80<1 .C(lunt~r charlles of t ftxed . lights (lOP cj'ooked game. tI8e ot '000'8 laW8. \'e havl' h this month. There PI I'l!peroonslder the mind of mll.n , giv en cusslolU, particularly' In (lrore~blm by ' God to 1111 0 (or II vlug ill slonal sports whel'e gambl ng IS thlB world. Then If :we ("onlll(le r rampanl, and repeJ'cussionli can th. h.art of man Illld tbe lov" of ' Ieud to a , full-blown seli nda). Whether you can put your I\nger God and .bow'· 0111' !'ellt I'fror! S to on it or not, this Is a -time fol' lIhare get U8 Into the wor!lt Im:lhl.. upsets 8nd strange outcome, of we get more mixed' liP than evel", (lUtletlc contests. G8mbling lIooms 01' pCII:haplI we ean lay these CQm· ID November and there's bound to be a ruh of lICandab In the pin dlfllcltles Belde pnll fOl' lIPOT.ts world. ' . Tbank8g1vlng Day ·.t least ~ bRCk ' . to the simple Idoa of Th~nkfulne"s· BRE:A-KlNG AND ENTRY: Thl.l Is a bad month for house burglal'L • Go~ for the s1mple el'eTYday There will be a sharp deJ:line, ,I tblngs. Tben we wlll ('ome hll~k predict, In the breakina and.entry · 6eld this month. The bad weather .. " .. keeps people ind~ra and the mere fact of occupancy, In the h9r:n e dlsdolJ1'8,eS prowlera. f('o keep dut '-~ the cold and wind peopl. keep their wlndow4 Ught shut 'Ind With the .. 7" Tallen Out Dolted, and It's touah for the e~.. pert at Jimmying windOW' to make It over the window sill. You're ,8,fer at' home than at the A Loan Made Can Be R.p.i~ ra~ traok.
R 0 A'
The ~nd Bank Way
. Fr~ Farm Inco". TERMS ARE LONC
LOW RATE - 4%. A Farmei' Owned A..ocilltion
The LebaDoD National Farm LoaD .LEBANON. OHIO
·...... :448
_ _ _ _"'1""';;"_ _:--_ _ _ _ .. •
- ' ,-
The Athlete Should . ImseIf ,. ....-ond.t..on,
uv., .
AM'ER.ICA" .. ~
EL.LIS, H•. STURM, 8ec'y·Tr.~ _ I
Ch·· rlshon LOke
•• _IM
rh 'e
~EAD ' STOCK COWS S4,00 HORSES ,4,00 All Stock Relllolleci Dal~l Lar"e or Smlll - Call Collect
Xenia 454
.,111.1.'''' _"'(I!II&
'O J::lO·.
....,..1..,.. ....
plvlaion of Inllnd Productl, Inc.
- - - •.~.-.- - •
• _ ........T
IIuaaa 5ro...
:.. ~:;,""' foIU . . . . . . .'::i. . . '. . :.1 til'!::''1i\:l:1'1 .... .
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.... a ..... I I ~~ ' . . . I , M .. ,.u"',.._~ta'" ~ ~
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.....a-I ......... ... II I
• • It ... ~ . .. . . . ..
IlIl..... ·....~1. ~QOIo, , _ . ~
1 ..........
.wE HAVE BOni -
MHI TIl( I ,) GAllON Tf~T.
Tht D",·IIJ.n Pow,r and Light' Company
tH RSI?AY, N \'EMBER H, -IC)5(l
Na Th ell el
Call' 2~' to pf.~ a
WAVN E8VILL E, 01'110
Cloeed Tuelda y &. Wednea di y
.rnndCllther return and
Serene beauty .nd reetful dl gnl ty mar,k every •• r.vlc. planned and c.... dueted by our .~ff.
·C/\R.TO N
(Toc hnl l'olol') WALT DISNE Y'S BEST
WaPw l .... 0M0 Phonll W.~" .,1'
~0lIA.vmL- 1AIdMJ, at Da11a ........ PIt. .. cubto ,.,.. ..u..r. UII· ITA.OII • SON• .~.L . U
(gIEtr W®WJ]l~ Wf!IUIU ,trJ]]mW , llJA\~tr
\, , I
FOR' $ALE - $maU oak he&ting 8tove, bUl'Jled five months . Rell· ponable. WajDellVtlIe 3122. X-1l-1 6-23
\ \ \,L
FOR SALE- OU he&te~, practic ally new, with pipe. GEORGJD GILIJ· ~D. 'Route 1. ' . X-11- 2S·S0
til ... IIIIVI
Dna-Ib . le ..... .. III
'OIZ lO'
veneU&D blinds,
'OJ ::lO '
'ubUe lealth Sidelitls
excelle nt concUtlon. Tu.xedo~ aile 42" lad:lee beautif ul coat. Bile 14, hat to match, all in A-1- conditio n. PhontJ 2175. X-U-23 -30
With Ike
':lOMe - - - - - - - - - - - - phon. 2211 ' WANT EJ).,-So meone to care for
'l'op' 8011. ""'" ' ..... ~ 1IIa&. . . . . . . . .. '1IIIIl . . .
Remem ber When Th~ka· giving meant going to . Orandrl llhers tor dhiiler7 No on ould ret u r ' n tbanks ' like Grandf atber or CI\.l'V the tli rkey .bet· tel'. either. You hay e 'served mallY ThI\nk~v. lug 4inners In ,your own home sin ce then. but what wouldn 't you give to hear thankB ollce agnln Bee him • Il r v e the tu rk ey. Remembe l' ? '
btlp. 10-
CI ..llfled
rfhe Disbeliever
whJIe mother .work.e. ~ MRS: HARoL D FOX, 'Thlrd ~treet.I_":==:;=::== =:2= ==' ::~= =========X-11-2 S·S0:· ~
childre n
u -_
___ __ _
"~:.q.:. ~:=ID- : : Sea. a..~ IDKnr Y" . - .
til. cpmm ." crI AJaa ..... I ~. .wood crI VlrJlDla, u4 """ formed ..met In . . WNt ~. . . . tile -078l ItI'IUIII
-- --
_ _ sn _ _ _
' Ve' (u'e prepared to extend our coopera tion prompt ly an d,- 0 t cOll1'8e. tn lrt.moet conr1de nce. ,\ sl<. li S about it In advanc e of need If YOU ' like.
Kahn'. AmericaD
HAMS, Small
SSe .... Abo·. T~ ~
In Mea..
TlQ'lor, f. _____ _____ .-_ _ 4 Penle, f. ______ ____ ___ 1
r. ____ __ _ • _ 1 il Abrams. r. __ __ .______ I) II Pondor f. c. _. __ •. , _ _ n II W~18on,
"M ark et ·Boy"
Combs. g. ______ • _ 0 Testerm an. g. •. -'. _. .. _ I Schutte r; g, • ___ __ ~ __.. 3
.. F.'·O O .D. S TOR E p~ 2~1
2 ;l '0
4 7
W.y~e.v. llI.
. !'fOIl.
Tinney, ' r. --------- II Stanley , r. --.--- ... --- ... ~ ~ Keys. c. 2 Sbeeha n, g. 1\ ---------- 1 Jordan, 11'. Hartsoc k, r.----------.. ----- 0 earter, g. --------""_... 1 Robbln l, g.1 --_____ ____ ' 4 Kings Mllls ------ 3 9 W1lynelWlIIe 16 37 .
----- ----
HORl n ..... ~
..... 01..... Slnall. ltook Rtmoy~ Pro.... ptly
~ Z3G bb.o a 439 .~ND ,.OD ucrs. Inc.
t . .
ALL, wqRK GUARA NTEED .' Call After 4 P. M.
____ ___
39 c
- ------ --- -:..--- ----~-- ---------
. 10'
2 5
13 2 6 1 11 1 3 1
28 69
Really .Different for the Holidays
Executo r Estate of Edythe H. Mead De·
Notlce ~• .bereby 81ven ,tbat ·Clyde . W. KM4 \1nio•• Post Olflce 84· ~ ~'. ~ P. D. NO. I, Waynes.vila.. 01lI0. '. .-. ,been duly appoint ed .. -....... - ~ ' of .. th.e Estate ~r
is ·
~.· lI, 1I..a"l ate of Warre~
~,OIIIo,deceued. ' .. nate( ~H
\lay of Octobe r,
tHO. :r RA.J,.PII JI. OA,llEY, Judie of the Probate Court Warren Conn"', Ohlo
Gra.y; JUalDger
il-9-18 -U
2~ MON ni GUARANTEE -:- Add W.te~ Once A Yea&' LUBR ICAnO N
lU er s' G ar aa e .. ..,. ....... ..... ....... . I _"ala =11& MAIN •
___ ___ __ ..... . wild-
member or ... ~
PHON . WAYN......,
&; 'Gray,
Attorne ys .
IQltate of Anna K. Madden. de· oeued.
Notice· " Ie bereby given that H. 9t.ubba whose POlt Of: flce A.ddlels Waynes ville, Ohio. hal been~ cluly appoint ed as Ad· mllllltr ator DBNWW.A. of tbe Es· tate- of ADDa. 1(, Madden , iate of tile· VIlJap 'o t Harvey iburg,' War· rea CouDt7. Ohio, deeealled. Dated tbla 3rd c1a7 of Novem ber; Al~rt
......,....."1. deliclou l and delightf ully differen t ' p~rty dilh C01IIIPllrtel!y p~p.red al)d ready to serve before the drat ~d quickly made, when "llished it haa the "party" ap 'QnUlua! "tade thrill" that will bl'ing m~ny c:ompl1·
RALPH H, CAREY Judge of ihe Probat... Court W~ Oount7. Donald Ddatua h, Attan .,
ODe cd tile UHiitla I eJ'1!J ....... • .....uf ul '-rm II a tC, c. .... lIfe. • 11-14 '"
•la lO • l
a z e tt e
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 ONE HUNDREIYr H YEAR
AbDllt Town ITEMS OF INTER EST ABOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW MRS. HARTSOCK HOME Mrs. Max D. Hartsoc k and little danghte r , Cyntbla Jean. are n'llW at tbelr home On North street. . ynthla jJean Wile born Novem'" bel' 20 ()l Miami Valley Hosplta lweight seven pounds, two 'ounces . Mr. IIlld Mrs. Hartlloc k l\.I'e now lh pl'Oud pa;'ents of a. son .. Jimmy, . a nd the I.-e,w duughte l'; MI'S, Dai sy Hlol-tsoclc, or Spring Valle y. III spendin g Il Jew daYa with ' her son li nd daught er-In-law and grand1I1I1I"re n. OREGONIANS ENTER TAIN Mr, ODd Mrs. Jobn Settlem)'re a qd children or near Oregontn , h:HI , aB guests Mr. a nd Mra. I... O. BI.. John. Mr. Bod M1'II. Olenn Bland nnd Mr. and ~frs. DOn Beck. Du ... Ing 'Lbe a fternoo n, Mr. ·Settlem yre was taken 'V ery III and was I-e· moved to the Miami Valley H08pl~l. wbere he II remaini ng tor observa tion and treatme nt. Mra. Settlem),re and cblldren . upon 1hell' relurn from the hOBplta l on SatllrdBY became snowbo und at ti,e bome of, Mr. and Mrs. Bland li nd rfimalne d ror n few day s.
LOCAL BOARD NAMES · . . [IUlsts of Ice 'allies aB 58th 'BBivenar, 1 WAYNESVILLE DIGS OUT;
31 COUNTY DRAFTEES' Sm;:"Phy~/~:'" 'ublic aealtb lid.lites For In'cluction '
. ---
" '.
The following named men have B~·HEADED MEN been or.dered by Local Board, 122 to repol't for Arined Forcps . phys· Stoll 8pendlr g ) 01'1' mon ey ! T :le e leal examln ath n on Wednes dny, I 8 nl>_ known Ila Ir I' ijt Ol'e l', the Decemb er 13. ]960: ' Am.r~n M e II t ,~ n I "',,"ol'l ,;.tiOI1 Jobn IMln ' G,Itllens . ChorleM warn s. It bas beell es\lnt Rt "d ,t-,ut I 8 a a C II, Waynes vJlle; Richard bald-h eaded mim 01' I he U, ~ , H'lP ud :ihnrel', Klm neth wif'son, Horvey s· illl ot doUm's e,'el')' YIIll' "III burg; Hobert Singel', Harold GB!'rl· mons b t Ilelll -~' 0 111111'-811VI IlI; lind ha ir· son , MOI'I'OW ; ",Incent GI' );,ory, relltol'ln,g t-re:ltmer il~'. 1'h ,' C1mBlaliche ster ; Pllul Upton , Sum. Itt m ee on ()olImeti cl> of th e . ~ I. A . , amll, Willi Do no Id W00d , Leban n; Victor Hlckll, OI'OlgO"IIl ; C_r.oU Inform s . liB thllt " 'Ielt hol: nt~I R~lIliel1. Ward. Clarkllv llle; Olyde Oharlto n, mechan lt'o l Ilev lcOl'l. Lo nl 'lI. 11111'.,Springb oro; Ralpb Landme ler, violet , ligh t. hormon ' K, \ 1 nl il l,)!,. Mason ; Frankli n Elmore, Love- nor allY U tl " I' t: e_11I1I 'IIt will 1'0· generat e hn b " lo::t II ( l'd i !!:l I'Y land; Charles Oatley, M&IIon. bltldn esi:I ' r olde r men 0" In ' lIre - moture- hrll" ne8H of younge r men . The followin g , namecl men The only . . dvi"e which the (lor.l' been ordered by Local Board lU 1JIltt.ee can Klve to men who wallt to TepoJ1. for Inductio n on D6(l!lm. to avoid LlI,ld ne ss IA- lise ' greater bel' 18, 1950: care In cl,oosin g , ur an cestors ,
.' , { ' . '. , • .; ..
Eugene Haney, Lauren ce Brown, Wa,n.es vllle; 101m McClin dless, Wlllklm M&ys, Robert UndsRY, Mlt.Ck Meadows, Charle. . May.e r, }c'ranJLIln; Donal H ..yner, Perce Bolmer , Muon; Wm. Dyer; Foster; Wm. Redmon , Clarksv ille ; Billy Schuyl er. Soutb Lebano n; Frank Oblsma n, Lovelan d; Wendel l Cleo SELL HOME ON FIFTH ment, Lebano n ; Francis Ol:more . ,\It·. 111111 ~ I'. . ~b a rl es "1\iehnt I'" !oIor/'Ow. ,m ltl child ren have 801d 111I!1t' hi,·"' -· on Fifth IIt reet and fler now li ving CHORAl. EVENSONG I.T ()n ItIe PI'opel tarm e lit ot COrlY. ,:, EPISCOPAL CtilJRCt-I
Obl'o's He allh
.,'. SCHOOLS ARE ,€LOSED; . ~1!," '!~~~~ICrll!~' HAL TED SPEAKS AT MEET
. . .. '.- .
'j~: ~/~ ':-' .....:,.:-.';'.. :~..: .
Unoleaby, \', ho ",,1\1 soiln c~l cb r .i t.: theil' 58th Ariin1'''eir. a ry. had the "I"as~ re of being \junta of the' Ice Gal'den," ,on T han ksgi\'lr. g Day. Th:y ~~~!::~3H:~=:~!~~ Vi Sa lt-aave r and Mr. Roger Watkin.. tlie Ice 8how, with It. cast of accomp.. I IIghta, ,II a mOlt thrilling ' uperlen ce.
ou t Thur/ldll Y f OlD 0 116 of t he wors t sno w sLorms ' th.at eve" st ruck l lilll commun ity last FI'!(l uy an d Saturda y, All tl'lltrlc was halted - trai ns, buses, and l1'1I l'k8 were sWI ,ped 'kahoo l Wf're ' clo"e,1 - t ile 111'.' 1-1." ~ " " 'cre lall' :111 eI , 1I0n.oUt l i eH tl"'n, \ e l e nona I,ell .•le \I "1'0 l11a · 11)011 d III IIII! 1'ltIl .I,I·Y III 1:1 II' (' ;.1'11 -. " 1'11('1'1' 1'6 1'," 11 11. , 1 ,,1' III"· " I ' ~ ", i lll a I,d III h"l' I'nll,l M fI '1,10 I' 0 "I 1'1111 (J t. 1 01' :u,,1 I" t (I 1M fl l' cold - and creWIl worked day and night to ollen \I () t he Dtr ets and get trarrl c mov ing IIGII .,lll. Au tomobil es wel'e nlmost bur led III tbe tl eo~ Anow d lft~ , and had .. to be shovelP d out before tbey could be moved, Many fal'me l's [lre ssed tractor s Into ser vice to get to town through the deep"snow, and one man from New Burling ton, came In lO town wltb a hoese and buggy to get 8upplle s. _
WALTE R L BLUCK Tbere were 288 d aths from the • • . S'peakl at MVMP Meeting storm In the nation and 60 In Oblo PAPER CI,JPS Walter L . Bluck. '1I1um bus, Ex· and d eaths In 26 othel' st tes, BLOCK THE PASS ecutlve Secretlll'Y ot the Ohio Coun· ranyed from 37 down to 1 . cll of F arm Cooperu.Uves, will be . -,-Cohl ,erms lire 11:,8 ed 1'1'01. the [I,I'IoClpO I speaker at ' the anSCHOO L OPENS MONOA~ pel'89Jl to l,e:'lIon by II oe,::[l1; nunl Cllstrlct mem h lll' ~ b'lp meelln g. Accordn lg to the latest reports, OQU,hlnc or eXpetll,o ratl l,g• • r by for milk and cr eam membe r s of school will r eOllen Monday, barrins AllY frealaly contam lna.ted arU Ie, the Mia mi Valley Milk Producers a n y more S IIOW or bad w('othe r. such .. a drinkin g glass, wblch Assoola ton In the Clinton -Wnrr!ln' wUl CU'IT the Infectecl saliVa f,'om Highlan d-Brow n county distr ict oil THANKSGIVING DINNER one penon to anotber. Monday, n6cemb cr 4. 1960. T be IN CINCINNATI meeting will be b'eld In the gy -IlUnIl ls Healtb Messen ger mnasium ' of the Kingma n H igh Mr. and Mrs . P . !:t Hardin: and School, loca.ted in Cbester NQ abj ect Is ' Dlore inll . ~ telY ~ A IIpecllll Advent ChoriLl Even· MOV~ ON FIFTH STREE T TownramUy bad Thanks giving dtoner la ,s~IJ) In Clinton county, and OOIlnec t.e4 with the oong bapplne will a be lind 8ung lit St. Marys M r. ond Mn. Jobn Jo:dglngt .1I1 w ill Cincinn ati and attende d tbe ICII ltart at 8: 00 p. , m, are now QOclIpyln8 the 'I'orruba Episcop al (''burch In Waynellvllle, ,prospe rity ' or a people 11'\ 0'11 the Sed"" nlcM. IJetHnllber II lit 1: 30. d....... et- ~C! .1lealtb bza. ' t-ll81 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~aN~ , ~ _ .Mr..Bluok was ~ l1--OO' 8n Ohio Meltnt e hORle 011 "FI, th IItred . . 8pecla l mnalll with Beveral beauti- elljo)'_ fann and WIIS II. student In VOCIl' War. Co. Health Dllpt, tul aolo& for the service wtll lit" tional agricul tur& I n h igh, school THANK 8GIVIN G IN DAYTO,:.I elude': " COmfort' Ye, The Hol,y HOSTS TO GUESTS ON and at Ohio' State Untvers lty. Be l\h's . F.ertle MIlls ~nJoyed thl! City, Teacb Us, and THANKSGIVING DAY HoI,. Art A'ITENDS DAYT ON agricul tural extensi on agent Thanks l;vlng holiday In Day tOll T/lOllo" The enti re service ' will be __ FEAn rER CLUB III Cil ntoa q: llnly for 16 y aI's SHOW wltb Dr, und At rs. 'Mardis lind musical . • ' M ~. a nd 1'.1 /'8. 1:1'1. '1lIktll' all ,l rol'!} UN' B() tl ll g It 'l\ 'PI'C" lfl IlL 11fI1I1U o lI . la mlly. Ever),orie Is urged to ('ome und Earl Evans and Cletu8 L1lmb at· lion C~ I, J r., ('I f ~!Iil!OIl , ,ivel'e He Inl H g:)ln tl lIali(fll :0 1 n (:1')S'lIi L! O,1 bl'lng t.helr friends . tea4ed tbe Dayton Feathe r UIlI;' h08ta to: the following guests on tlbrollgh hi s wor k with "1,.ut:I•• cool 0" after a hot ... h......1 untUr thi the s ta .e 18 8L.OWJ,. V IMPROVING Ibow III Dayton on Saturda y, MI'. battery of TV I 0" the top row are 8yMa Tlxtor .nd Joapnl , ThllnkR glvlng Day : Mr. and Mra. coun Cil. ot f n'l'm coopera ti ves. Wheatle y; on the bottt,m row, Pe"ny Plrry" Jana Wllaon and Dall, Mn:--(lo ldle Surace Is slowly IlI;l HAVE GUES TS FOR Evane 11'110 la a f~cy breeder ot O. II. Unglesb y, Mr. ond Mrs. M. In additio n to lho ~ Jleoke l' Lhe 8.rnler~ ,The Fred War/nil Show' Ie •• In on CBa-TV on Sunday.. eea proving a t he bome on FOllrth bantD.D1 ll. bad 110 enlrles d \I e to D. nail'll. Mrs. Evelyn Watkin s, l,lrogrnm inclu(le s n repol't the r~dlo HOUD AY DINNER lind te/evll/CI" p.oe for time. Ou _As. street a[tcr un IIIne88 of sevet"a,l bad bealth. Mr, Roger. Watkin s, and Miss VI 80cilltio n affa irs by Leslte C. we ks. Saltsga ver o[ Lebano n, , !of,app, general ma nage,: of t h e Mr. &ltd ' ~lrs- .Howar d, (Pete) ,HAVE GUESTS ON Miami Valley Milk Pl'od ucers As· , Btanley and daugbte rs had for HAVE GUESTS FOR THANKSGIVING DAY RETUR NS TO 8TU.pI E8 llIANK SGIVI NG DINNER soclatlo n. I?urlng t il it b,1I811nesA Thanks ,lving dlnn.e r Mr. and Mrs. DR. MARY COOK HAS Mis!! Judy Conner baa re urned HowlU'd 8t.anley and children meetln g tbe m embers III Clinton , THANKSGIVING GUEST S Mr. and Mrs. . Mr~. Raymo nd Davie, Mr. and I\[ra. Uuyle E Vlln ll had • Mrs, Vell a Kle in, lfl rs, Ra lpll 10 Iler Jltud ies at Athens Unlvflr- Cleo Plaster Warren an,d Highlan d c,ountJe s will and daughte r, Mr. A11'l1. Minnie Davis, Mr. and Ml'II: [h'R., Robt. J. lind Jllne C. Mac· as their dlimer gU(\!ltl4 011 TllIm)(s- McPher son and her mother , Mrs. alty nttel' "pendin g tbe ThankttglY WUlIam Schuele r, elect - the Ir advisor y council men for or Waynel vllle, Milian BUl Davia, MlBs Eloille Davis ond wit h their lwo daugbte rs, giving. Mr, and M I'N. .;aI'l Evans Nettle , Doan, were dinner guests Ing hollda:)'8 with ber paren tI . I'll' Mr...nd M.r&; the coming year, an,d t bl s year w-Ill Rlobard Stanley , Mr. Mary Mr. Elizabe Jack Blair th and were .Tone(. Anne, Thank&glvlng of Mrs_ Olive Curl on Thanks glv· und Mu, Ray Conner . Jobn StaDley, or 1..eb8tion. and Mr. aDd Mr. Hay Mills. pests of Curt Burnet t and famtly. of Boston. also Mr. and Mra. Ne-.r- elect a directo r. Ing Day. EMertll 1nment w ill be provlde ll man Powell and childre n ~h and Mn. Carl Stanley and dall gh- HAVE TH1.NKSGIVING by Mrs. Bermlln Ross ond M rs. Dr. EDITOR'S r .....11 ':Y UU! terl of New C&rllsle. - VISIT PAREN TS HERE ond Estbe,r of Va lparaiso, Indian&, rl'UU&& o ~ DINNER IN DAYTON Mrs. Lee MaSoD. of Mall01;l, Tb ank sg vi ng gu ests of D Coronet t, botb of \Vol'ron coun ty. nvry IN D' AYTON Mr. a~d Mr B. F rank Da)" of Win _ \ were r, spent Thanks givin g Day' wi Ii ber TURaw;. A s pecial reatm'l) of t he meetin g Mal')' L• C00"" .c he ~ te r" Ky., were recent lueelll EARL EVANS' HAVE r,ol!,ter-In ·law, Jlirs., Allcel CI/lrk, MI' .. IIl1d will Mrs. be a. program for tbe childre n. Waltel' -' Elzey spent of their parents , Mr. and Mn. A. Mr. and Mrs. , Pa-ul A. Scherer WEEK END ,CALLERS Tbanks ghlnll , In Daytou , guests or Dur;lng the nAult, meetlilg II sepK. Day. Mrs. Woodl~ w Owens and two and family , enJoyed a turkey 'din. CHANGE OF DATE Mr. ond Mrs.. Kennet b EII'ey and arate sosslon w11l be conduc ted for FOR P.·T. A. MEE ..... ING cblldre n of Springr teld, Ohio, were ner on Thanks giving day at the Call_It on ' Mr_ and Mrs. Earl dallght er M&rjorle. The Wayne8 vllle P.-T. A. meet- the cblldre n wher e films wHl ' be VISIT REL.ATIV~8 HERE 'Uhanksglvlng day guealls of Mrs. home of Mrs. Scberer 's m~tber, Evane t.lle past week was the lat· SbOWlI, Th19 same plan hils peen Ing wll1 be h'eld Mondny. Decemb er Mr_ and " Mrs. John Feall', e,i rt.el'll br~ther, Mr. Orville ~ampbel Mrs. Ow Rose ens mother Probst , Mrs. in Dayton Lucille . ~ used l'1n. In severn l other d istrIcts thIs l, 4 at 8 p. m. at the bleh. Rchool Atlanta , O~orgla, ha'Ve been , 'uestll of Wilmin gton and Itage. year. Mr. and Mr•. building Instead. of. on Npvem ber ot rel~'tlve8 here Cor the PAlt ~e~ ,A lfred Fruee, of Oreg9n1a. A socia l houl' dUI'1ng wbic):! ra- .27. eral d&YI. MrR. Elizabe th Smltb Is now a rteshm ents will be ' sel'Ved, 'w ill , ' residen t of the Homl! for tbe conclUde tho llrOgl·am . 'The r eHAVE THANKSGIVING GUE$T 8 SPENDS HOLIDAY MRS. MVRTL.E GIBSON , ,wtnWr. THANKSGIVING QUEST freshm ents wUl hl<;lude Dai.ry Maid ,. 8 Mr. and Loyd Davis, Mu_ VACATION HERE ice cream, one of the major 111'0d· Corr8lp ondent Mil. Ilnd MrR. Orville Gray a nti IOllab Davis. and Mr. 'a nd Mrl. , Miss Margar et Edward s ~pent Quite 0. cbange in the weathe r Mr. lind MrS. William Sawyer were WIlliam uctll of "the Mia mi Valley P roduc· Davla were ..mong th. Mary Ka.y Menden hall, Xenia, the Thanks giving hol1days witll .mce last writing tbe Corwin Newl Tbankl glvlng guNta of Mr. and ers AssOICiation. ruesta on Thankl lg!vlnl when. Mr. Ohio, is spendin g her Tliimkl gtv. the ramlly ~t bel' nepbew , Mr. WII· everyth Jng white with snow. Mn. Jrwood TowllOn and · family :ljIId Robel·t Hackne y; R. R. ;$ , WIl· ~ Howard Hurley , C)ntel'Ing viwat~n with Mr. and Mra. Hon Ed w~ I'd 1!-, .nonr Sprlngr le,ld. Mr. an,d Mrs. Ernest Gibson vis· wben they enterta ined' with a fnn" taJned mlngto n, who Is president of the with a large famll,. dInner Itecl Mrs. Gibson 's brother in Ham. Howllrd E. 'Stanley , lIy dinner on ,Thursd ay. Clinton county organlzatl9n~ wJ\l at their rome near New Bu_rllng , JlUIIS fY I'Ue Steve ns ill tbo gue,1t Uton. Ossle L6mb came baok home ~ve cbarge ot ,this meetin g. , The ton. Mr. and Mrs. Perl', Diehl and of II nlec tn Hyde -? o:rk. ,Clneln- with ~em and can't g~t back for other, district officers lire Vernon 8On, of Warren . Ohio; aee~mpanlBtJ FLORIDAN . VISITS HERE llIoti fo l' Il f ew wqe Ill • a few. days. ' C, Wood, R. ' R. Leba Don, 'v ic'e Mr... and Mrs. DAVis home fnr tbe Little Tommi e mr;eoll 18 con· Mr. Homer Ramb" or Lantp.na, 'preSide nt, and ElUs Inlow, R. R. 6, , wellk eoj. Tho Spartan s pla)'ed their Hec· fined' Florid&, Is spendin g several dals to his bed with nu, MI'H. El lo Dakin had Th,a nksglv,Wl,lDll nston. secreta ry. AU mJlk ond league game of the season Aibert Lamb ' and sOme oiber l;Iere wltb his IOD, Mr, Eel Ramby ing dinner T.hu Mlday evening' at and cream produce rs In any of the Novem ber n, wben , tbey tO,ok on and famllJ. Mr. Ilamb)' was called HOL.IDAY WITH P,.REN TI the home of ber Bon, Mr: PaUl feUow worken were sDowbound IoUI' countie s are invited to attend 1I(r, Alton Earalia rt, of Pauldin g. a rougb and tou'b M&son te.m. J)akln and wl£e I " Saturda y night ,and couldn' t . NOTICE OF APPOI NTMEN T bere OD aoooun t ~ the deatb or ,this &I1DD&l membe rsblp 'meetin g in Lebano n. ' get home till Sunday . They: work 'Ex_to r his s~ter, lin. Walter MalOn In ,vaa • Thanks llvlDI lUelt of hi '· Altbou lb 1I(uon proved to be a on Decem ber .' . 1950. ., w 0 r thy oppone nt, Waynes ville parents , Mr. a/ld Mre. A. H. at the ' Morain e Cit)' plant of tbe Estate of Howard Gra-ham DeDa)1ton, caine out on top wltb a tlnal score Mi ss cealed, ' R uth 'Chnocller atte~ded tho Fr1gld&lre Division. Earnhar ,t. You un III' extra coplel of th~ ot W ..yneevll te 39. Masnn 33. Tbe New Century Club at thoo' N;oUce .. home hereby of Ernest given Giblon that GAZET and wlte TE, at the WAYNESVILL.E and VIlIT MR, AND MRS. IUR8K E score was VBI')' close, Wa¥nBlWlIIe lIrrs. S, R. Ellis Friday ' afterno on. Judie and rAnlom oe Lamb all bad Jennie Graham wboae Po..st Office DRUG .sTOR E or thl GAZETTJE FT. KNOX IOLDIE R HOME " Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dutree, of leading only by , a 'few points un· I turltey supper with Mr. and Ill'll. addre. . II R. R; 8, Wayne lV1lle, of ,:,=f::,'C~"~~~~_ _ _ _ _ __ Ret. Rooald 'C lark hili returne d uat:ll the lut Quarter , wben nowlin , Green, were Tl1anks llvlng the Martin M Docp Monday nl,ht. All 01.110, bas been duly appoint ed as lSI! Gel·trl de Cha~lInt !r delight · hollda, guelts of tbelr parenta , to Forl Knox after sModln g Spartan a came ~,b to lain lib ed the Hom famtly JOIrlday eve· bad a wonder ful time. Execut rix of the Estate of Howarc1 Tbanka ClYinI ant lbe wMlt ent J)OIIlta In the Mr. IIDd Mrs. Jobn Burske. rp minute s and 111"11' by Ililowin 1I(rs. 'Lonlo Lisle III lUll on the Graham late or Warren Count)', g beautif ul colored ONLY with his pareD~ Vr. •4 lin. C. wID th8 ucltIDJ pme. plctlll'e8 t.aken this sunune r , duJlo slclll list. Ohio, deceue d. A. Clark. Tile Reserv e pme wblch endecl Ing Lenlom oe Lamb apent the nlcht tbe Chand ler. trip tbroulh Dated tbls 22 day 01 Novem ber VIIIT AT CALDW ELL ID two OyertJl nN, pro'ed to be the the Soutbw Tuesda y witb Mr. and Mrs. 1I(.u:tln 11160. est and W..t:: Mr. IDd MrI. laMar _mba " .AIL.! !' HOM I FOR HOLID AY _ 1II0d eftltIDC of the ,WO pm... SHOPP ING DAYS LEFT UNTIL Boggs. aDd IIWe dIlupte r, Beth. apeat RALPH H. CAREY Donald L. BaWD, 8. A., or tr.B. TIle Warne nm- IadI ~)'e4 lOme CHRISTMAS lull", _ Th"" '" aDd ,....., with tba Jato. ·Na~. 8aa l"riIDaIaoo, ....t of the Probate Court. GIIIIu ...... . tJM yel7 ~t bubtba Jl altboul b 18 YOUR aUaaCR IPTION PA8T. WI IJI1'dta , IIr. aa4 U .... S4tu 'ftlUb alYlq IIolIdaJ I wUIa County , Ohio DO YOUR SHOPP ING NOW a... Is lIDIDeUmal IdI ...... cam. out em top with a two DUE? If It II - WOft'l 1°U pl~'" YOUDI I: Youq. Attomr LoU at CllldftU . Olll{ll. baar. nil. member YA ' JIr..... ... .MIL BawD. lIOIDt .... over the Spartan s. alnd UI • check for . . famIa,. Publlab U-ao -l %-7·14
. - "--
q , ./ II Jrie nd6 -H-o lnlJ
,CD",in News
".ynesyille Spartans •
TH'l lhSD Y, NoVEMBtm
1 0,le)1\11 '
E. tabll_h,d 1850
.AUL A. 8CHERER . .. ..... , . ...... .... .. .... Editor and publl.he' CaelLIA J. SCHERER " " , .,." . , """ ' " , SecrelJiry and Trea.urer )' llblillb('d BI'ery 'l'hlll'l\dny Mornln. Ill, '\ llyn Bv ll\e. Wnrron CountYI Ohio F. lllll1 u (I S ~'C(\n cl c lnss roa tte r. at tho i)QHl nffil'O li t Wn)·n8sl' lII(>. Ohi o.
I, W ,
\ ,e' ar t.' ; hil'l'i'n)t
It a l ~',
t!l nk '(0
",hi ' l1 we
b'I ,~I~'
!lee I Oll r. l' h'cs in I-: ore a, ~In I ).\iv illK Illu 'h Ill o re 11111 1tary :t id I other ~O tlJ1 t r ic s, when we do 11 I 11:1. ve naugh utse\ l'es. What i - \(' r 11 ~) Anoth I' hlunder- \ e have :2 7 ' 'aliollal GLI~lr~~ I i v i ion lin d how Il\any \I'e re ca lleel t active dut ? _ Four - when all - (\ 1' nearly all : h uld
h:\ ~~ been pre Ii I~ us - ia
d int o en·ice.
10 ' tart a , w ill' ;1, :Iin t th ' 11'lndfu l uf men \ e have in Eur pe. they cou l l OVe rrun turopl' in a few \\:i.!e k "
hou ld ·hOil $c.' n
1\ \ '
COOPERATION IN A CRISlS Some C mmlln il ies ma ou t w:tr l1y see m 'o ld h a s tran g-er. bul in a time O'f cri i- - as \~e recently w,ent th rough in the blizzard - w,e C,Ul see people fr~m an . v ' r the 'ount r y heing ' tranded and taken In Ily. people who do
ha ve e!,ollg'h 1'0011\ f o r themsel ve ·.
'And coope rotion betwe
poll e an~. lhe mil- ,
Il th
ita rv i another thing Ih:! 1 shou ld he olllplimented n.- National Guardsmen de l iv t!rin ,~ milk an I l ak · in r wom n to h pilal s t have hahies, ta kin g' pc qpie fo work allli oth er errand of mere i- ;t V'I'. fine ' ooperati'ol1 I et \\'een Ihe ivil ami the mil itary, Be W.. RICbl ' One 01 the arelltest foot special· IIti iald thlt {he h~an loot Is a meehanlam more , delicately baluce4 and .;rnehrool.zed than the 1In.J1 watch, but one whIch must abaorb more punishment than an1 pl.ca of machinery could take.
Now that all the le nvcs II I ~ p. been 'raked and those th a t h,'~· .. n·t benefitted (rom this kind nf l 1' ,'; , t ment have blown awnl'. th l' Y ""q~ , liters are in for ' n se:l SO" "r f. 11:< \ IInll accidents t hat ha v(' t h'(> < lll"I' net reault as Ull)Se of th e 'wn" ,I1" ', even though th ~y sp r inl,{ fl'Ufl' somewhat dift'e"e"t ca ll ~ .. , It's a «ood ideo to wa rn \Our bundle 01 youthful ene rgy a 11(1 ~ 11-' thusiatlm to have a whol i'~0I1 l(' I'e'. peel for the slippery qua lities of ice whether caused by a fl'oz .. n puddle on the sidewalk or by a frozen pond. ' It's also hilthl), desirabl e to ex. plain to him thnt tht' bi·g .ti",le collelte and pro football pl l\ y j>r ~ earry out tl1eir a et ivitie! on g~ ld irons whose,.turf, has been carcfully screened and treatcd. ,and to ac· quaint him with the hazarda of engaging in this manly pastime on a lot or field which may havE' such accident-hazards as a piece of broken Itlau. an old tin can. or a th'orn)' bUllh . ' All too often. tomorrow ', college halfback has no hesitancy in mak- . inl!,' a thrilling end-tun acros.s Ii lot in such 'co'ndition that it. wo uld throw an adult ~~iron .tar into • frenzy. 01 fear. • And. if your young Ali-American· to-be does come home with an all· aortment . of cuts and 8l:ratchu, dOn't let it. worry you unduly. elve him the same treatment millions 01 mothera use .ucceaafully each year. Cleanae the wound and cover it with an adheaive banda«~nc 01 tho.e ready-to.use dreHing., w'ith ' the aauze pad already attached to the< adhesive tape-.and "he chancea are you'll never hear of it agl\inuntil he play. football again" that i ..
Dllleover, 01 Colfee Anlericans. It II recorded. be ••n drlhkln. coHee in lees.' B!St coHee was orillnally dlIIcovered about 865 A. D " accordin, to lelend, hi By JANE FITE Arabia . Because ot it. exhUaratin. eHects, It was used a. a medicine Due to tbe bUzzard. tbe copy for and also, pulverized and maee! Harveysburg did not reach the IVltl) fat. a. a food . Ouett;e ofllce thIs week.
Grapelnal& ' Color 8&4 II. . Grapefruit ' production , in the 'Men are five Umes .. liIteq a. United Stat.. II now ont aevan time. u : ,reat al It was 111 19~-26: women to be color bllrid. Ma,be Over the •• me period. Texal pro· , th.t'l why the)' can't appreciate ducUon has increased by 1211 times, tho •• 11ft ties,
..ow ()ltIldru Leal'll ChUclren "learn by lood tralrllnl in nfe -to pr4!~,rit accident •.
' e k H, I es . .
. ~:' '1
, ,
Tbe ' Bealer That ' •.)'5 for, IlseU la, Fuel Savillgs!
_ao,. ___ .
o ) -.... >l _ _ • __ .. ,..
Havin, Sold Miy Property I Will Sell at Public Auction All My Houlehold Goods on Main Street in Waynesville, Ohio,
"u , ..
HOUSEHOLD' GOODS 3 P iece Living rloom set, 3 Overstuffed Cll ol rs, 2 Matchln.g Olson
Rug. 11x13, Ax·m lnster Rug 9lC12, Carpet 12111 8, 7 Throw Ru ga, !'tacking Chair. T eleph one Sta nd , teat, e os oh RadiO, Radio Stand, Pedeataille Table, Se ats T we lve. Lh na Closet ~uffet. 6 Chair•• 2 Edra Hostess Chairs, Parl ' r T able P ~ desta l 3x6, Square ,Mirror, Large <>val MIrror. Kit.hen Mirror,· 3 Floor La mps, Stand Lamp. Elec~rlc Fan, Dressing 'r llble and Mirror, S immons Single Iron Bed a nd S pl·,.nll". ~, . u are 1\ a role Top Stand, Wash Stand. Standing Cha ir. lJouble Ber Spr in _s ,.lOd Inner Spring M..ttr•••• Daven\:ort Table, DreSSing T ble w th Triple Mirror. Bed.lde Table. E:lectric La mp, 'T riple Mirror t or Bathroom, Set of Gold Banl$ i-IJ.viland <-hlna Se ... ice tor 12, 2 Haviland China Steak Platea, 11 Ic~ d Tea Glaslles .: nd 101iscellaneouS' Plate •• Cup. and GI...~., S ilver Tea Set. 'l., Lid Coal Oi l Lamps. G. E. 7 ft. ReJrlgeratl)r, Eiectrlc P OP-.l P To u e" Breakfast Set (4 Chair. and -r:abl,~ ) Good, New Hoover E lec t rIc Sweeper and All Atuchmet.. Premier Electric Sweeper, Modern Chief Hand Sweeper, ~mall, Table. Bread Box, Ch est of Drawers; Singer Sewing M~chln~-Good One. Westinghouse Electric Stove 3 Burner and We t . ' IUers Kitch e n Cabinet, Ro und ExteMlon Table (2 Board.:). Full Set Everw..1 re Gast luminum. Pre.to Prllaure Cooke~~ Aluminum. Sunbeam Mixer (complete) Milling Bowl, American Beauty Elec.t ric iron, Uti e h Oven Roaster (Ca.t Iron). 3 Skilletl, Fooel Cl1opper., Glass «hurn, Lar ge Coffee Boiler and Lot f' Small Kitchen Ware. IIron, Glan Stand Wlre Flower Stand. 2! Porch Chair., 5 Pro Mal'qulselte Curtai ns 3Vz , yd •• Long. 3 Pr, 'Marqullette Curtain. 2 Vz yda. Long, 2 Blankets. 3 Quilt., Lot Goose Feather PJIlo_, Feather Bed, 8 P ictures, Lot Booka, 1 GI~I. Themo. Ju,g (new). Porch Swing, Lawn Mower, !'loe. Rlk_. Shovela, ~cyth. and Other Small Tools. .
fifth floo rs
..• a gift from Rike's '
Holillav' home8' Illul rooll1 , II "" " d ecora't ed for Clll:i s l m:11S sixth lIoor
mea'lll more!
... ,;
Shopping. NOW With' ¥our Local ,
, S Exclamation
.1 YoGIlDpter
CI7 Toward toy
to'l')pe moth 21 ~ (ab.>
8 Important
;a llake
.. seine
it Put on
10 Stl'Dlll 251\001 IInlal veptable 2'l PJa:r 011 word. 11 Mklday ~.::eare. 11 Earl), EnI..
of "bl, three" 39 Sunender agent 40 Operatic iolo· 24 Entitle ' 41 For fear ·that 26 Type of 42 Was indebted architecture 43 Symbol for 27 Grows pallid I8marlum ' 29 Employ '44 Waste
.Jsh (ab.)
22 Forelg!,
SO Encountered
' allowaliee
~DiDaar alilStiiS
33 Peck ... 4IS Put to d l!· 35 Malt drink orderly ftllht 38 Palatable 48 Moecasln 60 Pinnacle 38 Crimean meetln, place 64 Frenc:h artlde
a. BqlJke part
'""",t ., • "•,.}.. .
I.~ '
,. ~
'.i '. '\l ' ,""!,.- '\ id7 '.. . ..
s.. .... s....a 011 "'l'lf!llWon, Monday ,'.,..~ Friday ... 5 PM, "£".D. S,,,,,. No". :r. '
1'7 Crafty atTPI ' 40 J'fearl,)4SAuriei. 47 Eplltle (ab.)
Opening Dec. 1,
an queen 31 Nova Seotla <ab.) nCloth measure w.,...;+~ 3JJ:xplre '
CAL I 2 Qdtble 4 __ I CleaDJDS ' } IIDpJement l4 Shout
II WblrJw1n4 It Laq_ river , III J\'aDce 10 Ihptlve
17 Entree.,.
'OI:!O '
", , _
lIOaaoNTAI. se ~ 1,11 PSeturecl t~ C8b;) 70UftC Jock~ lJ7 LeIImed 12 S7mboI for ~'PlII7 ' the PlIl't 4ItJSum of hOlt, •
..,u-.- '-T.·
Boxes and Separate Cards
-~~ . ~
161IL"IITIII41, Illcatril
'...-. oi.-.u _ '~l ~ '" L__
Dental Office IOlxtU,..•• ' Ohair, Cabinet, Forcepe. Sterili ze r and Tabl.., Overhead Light. Spittoon. Dental and Medical Book •• R",bber Mat. Boo k C..., Numerou. Small Tool •• Hat RaCk and Stove.
REL 119" '
OF THE LATE H. E. HATHAWAY, DECEASED " Cllfi8tmal! window di ~I,lay8 • Ci ant c:H.hedrul candle l! Oll the main floor • , :1I';'la in sixth floor 'foylalld " Imported Brt giful, fOllrlh 1I00r • Vogue 311.1Gtalllolir m'ugazin'e& /l.ifl!! of the year Oil the thi r el floor , Holielay tah1r- 8etlill g~. fOll.·tll all"
il l'd
AT 12 :30 PROMPT
See Ever,. T.rllll_. Fe•• arel
the pine LJ'ees on onr n ew canopy . '.. to old , Santa jo p ersull in 'royland, evel'Y inch uf th.e s tore is a If.rillillg spertacle! And the m c n·lulIIdisc iL elf . 'i s the b t trea t of ",jfts imPOI-,' d fro m m'ontul the wo.:ld to g j v~ you a king'. c·hoic!e fo), YOl.ir .I,,·j l'lmlill 1i t_ Co~u' an d look! COllie :mel shop!,
II' . and
I:Armitage &Son L::?::~~!::.II
S.-'rday, Deeember 9, 195e
From Santa's.sle igh, sai'l ing hisll ab,fI e ',
This Christmas!
• Plan a trip to Rike's ill Dayton as a Chri tmas tJ:eat fo r your whol!" famil y.
1'I'I"a 1'111 1>11
Even More Beautifnl
D. f! . Saugbn, Paltor
'Iay~ II I ..M,·t. montb. 10 3(1 A .M , WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF 'jj,'vellllJ J< Ssrv!cee. 7 -,30 P M CHRIST M, H . .Cortey, M Inlsler Bible School. 9 : 30 A M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS MOl'nt'ng Woreblp, lo:ao A ,M . ...4111 P... U~ 'Ullla'.r \'I)lIng " ·Olll t:l!l' Meelln g. ,i ' Oil '.Vor.bJp s.1'Y2~e. lO_A.M, 1'.11' • RULd., 8ebOCll. 11 A,M. Evenlug erv Je , 8 : 00 1', M. Prayer Meellng alld BIble Study OR EGONIA EVANG EL I.c AL U. B. \\'ed0811da,. 8 P.I4. Jil l lOti II . un y. Paslor ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ~.I/ndlly ~' bool, 10 A , M , Pull.sr II , H. !{rumbolt., Pa.tor ' M(lrnlll g \\ 01'111.111), j j A. /01, Maslloll. g aDd 10 A.M. W"YNESIIILLE FRIE~I,)& 1"1ni t Day ScboOI. 9 ' au A M, MT. HOLLY NlETHODIST .I1 C'C!llng tor WOl'8hll' III au .\ ,M. 'I', M Scafr. M lolste r Sundnr School, 9 : 30 A,M., E. A. Earn bart. Supt. Le t th i A Silulln)' Hllll H I "" Rl lIlWorship ServIce, ) 0 : SO A.III, cllll: 1'1I - ~ day IllIcI YOU ' In SOil l!:velling Ser:l'lce, 7 : 3U I'.M. Lll e ' l,lIl'cll of )' til' dlOl <; ,
\\Io:odg wooel, 1.IInllli
Cburcb School, 8 :30 A,M :. Mr. Uu1l'l e,J Service, 9 : 411 a. m. Harold Earnhart. Supt. Worsblp Service, 10:30 A,M. \'(luth l~a l1ltl !th il>. Sll lllln y 7 ::to ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL 'J h., Ilev. l)ufOllel N. Keys, Rt!ctOI , P.M. ('h nll' rl'nlllh'e 'l'hlll'(lIlny , ' /10. ~~ IJIH I" 'y: \ CllllI'c b ~ h ao l )0:30 n. m, ;\<111.11 Wor8hlJ,. 10 :30 n, U\ FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST , Byron Carver. AlluJBter Bible School, 9 : 30 A.AI. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH Mornin g Worl!hlp, 10 :30 A.M. W-lllilro Sbannon. Mlntllter "· I'uy ~ ,. MeetlDa : 1 : 00\ P.lIt , HIII1.lay Scbon'. 9 :30 ,\ M .• lit rll, \' nung People'a MeellJlK, 7 : 00 .I anJf)~ CI,.rrleoll, Supt. Evulting l;!ervlcea, 7 ~ 30 P,M.
\Ibllr.rllltloll Hl\les~$2. P \' Year. in (ldl':l l\~e. In Ohio; $2 .50 elsewhere
O il C olguin it 's th ' o ld ;ld:!gc of " too little, loo , lat~ " IIr foret's in Kore ll arc hd n,~' pu shed arolilli at will I)v n va tl y . lIp r iol' l'llc in.\' f r e Il tlll1here i in Ihe hundr ed l'l' t llOll, a'll ds :lnd ",i l h hUll Ired ' o f Ih 1I• • :tnd ~ in rc ~en' l·. h;ICkt'd, ft r ll1 ' .I ;111 i t rain '.I h ' I t\l ~ ·ia.
L,OOK AHEAD to ~th. NEXT , CHRISTMAS Season. A Club Account i. th~ beat Way -to,do
' "'~~-l~~r*!~~
,it. '
4161dn blemish SIBeboIdt
The' Waynesville' National ' Bank
UThe I04b
U ...... be. twIID row.
« ....
--- ._.-----
STRICTLY FR~SH IF it ",aln't for the bard work of l
..... ,·.c
PAGE TIIHEE - -------
NOVEMDJo:Jt 21<. 1950. - 1I0me al;llln III II plte of the Imow lind bllz~III·'J. ')'hlll1k aglvlng IVRs 'lovely nnd thl' ,,, hilt willi the PlIl'k~ ramlIy \\'n,~ tI,e llg htfUI. bill coming hOlDe WI18 not 80 good. \\'hen W II. J)ui ~y S1Iydol' nnll J, f;tllrted for home !:In till dllY mOI·ning. thc II'lntl WII8 blowlllg IL fine ~ now . but 1II11 ' hlgh wny ';VIIS clollr AO WI' lVelll 011. '!'lIe [OI'Ulel' \1'1l went~ Ihe mOI'e II. lilaII'. It. oblew so hILi'll It ' kept the 1111;111\111)1 l'lellr excolll In smu ll lOWn!!. !l0 that we w e l 'l) nbll' \CI I)lUk,' I'olrly good time.
(ourt News
I will admit ad . . . . . . . . " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...J
eolll'tbw"" die ... ..... . .
... '"
-::'u:\.-: u..
COMMON PL.EJ.,S 1:'1,. per annum from July 22, 1949. WEEKLY VISITS TO WAYNESYI!.I.E EV ~; ,Y aoued.~."' lid tMI 'l1beodo'.re Halll!tlid \'R Sarah (;blltR and otber rell.C• after a certaIn u~ N .. H.lIsted, hearing Rei. I'f!t Novem· FRIDAY. rwpolllib&e I . dIaee . - 8IdItI REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS tbatcuaeeaJlburfor ... oreoan. ber ,22, 1860. IF YOUR SEWING MACHINE OR V ,\ CU J i\l ~ =-~u:.. Ol:u('e MlIIal'd Y8 J., T , Hl!ey, t..:heRlr r A. nnd Martha A. Wit· CLEANER 'IS IN NEED' OF ADJUSTH 'C I~ Mdeed. But. loDe' aIIoat tile el III• •lef.d unel dilltl'lbution, 'teman to Cahl n and Ii:dDIi Kirk, OQI' - • • • dar. ... -' It oeean.iI OVERHAUL, PLEASE FILL OUT T , IE Jennie M.arle Shott R Johll to me that Jell ... .... _ .. Sbort, Carl Abaec:herlll to with· Il 73 al,r69 In FrnnklJn Twp. BLANK ~ELOW AND OUR REP;{.li:!3EN 'f:,r.lary L. Wels to Ro~rt and _jlaalleat I , Iuaew.·1& also dr....... on aaD . . tIIat....tlllw_ .. draw flS counsel lor deCpndant. Marcella T. Duma, 1 lot In MaInellVE WILL CALL ON YOU. FREE ESTIIts beaches, officials point out that to be U'OaIId to take eIII'J ., Helen: Osbol'n V8 Mlr,;oll D. Os- ville. MATES - M.L WORK FULLY CUAI~AN onl}' 46 bathers have been uitten m, 'lo"'l~ tro....... t ....... la born. appllcaUon granted. Elgie and Anna Lake to Martha Iholt. tJae DeW . . . . 8taart "'119TEED ON ALL MAKES. Alma , IshlllD VB Clu.u de i ~bam. P_ HudJlon, 2 lots In Franltlln. Q,......-'!!I ------~ dlvorl1e to plah~liIr. Plllln.t llt rt!· Ova and Jennie LawBon to B. atoed to fOJ1ller IlIIJIU' of AlmA. R Heralll, 107.978 a.crPR In Clearcow.w.d tltat Murflby. ' I'jlek TWTl. &boot the 11M EUswolrh Ertel vs J.('()nll, Ertel, Earl Ilnd LIlla Jnrvla. to Ed and Central Avenue Phon e ~ :18 [) 1 aoJHlutlc utIde' IaIowD .. a d,lvo'\"Co to plolntlff. ag l'eement Ada Willa, 2 lote In Franklin. MIDDLETOWN, OHIO ae.l~wed ba4. aPlll'OIVed. Frances Ward to Edward Ward, , pt. AIid . . . . Loueva Willlon VA Hn l'rll'on , WII· ) lot In Hamilton Twp, Iiad ..... aopv. by sharks since 1919. Wonder i! yJaIoD III said bu4«e' 1(1' a .......... lion, defendunt ordered to lillY Bobble Qalton to Grover C. . and that includes , casualties from maehlDe. " • RI0.00 per week fOI' SlIpport, of Mary Ellen RchardRon . 2 lots In ADDREaS-Street __ . P HON " "pool shal·ks." TIleD aDd there be~ the .aoet • • • • intenalve campaiml ~ Jeff baa _mlnol' child and COlill Rl' 1 re,!s III Fl'illllt1i.ll Twp. STATE For the yo ng couple llving In a been throUCh to date aIId ..... OD sum bf 37,6.00. James M. Car to Donald ond smsll on~-room apartment, thlll'e's that atra~ for what it'. wo~ Ruby Jean V" Qllilhml Abney, Edna M. Robinson. ,9.18 acre. tn AM INTER~STED IN: nothing like a majestic Christmas • -t~- fowrdroanbelnVleDtemlto"!..""of ilia defendant ordered to pay $15.00 Frankll.n Twp. evergreen to prove that "tree's a ••• ~ ..... wa • - "Ierr ( ) New S'lnger Milchl". crowd" . tubbiible .rUde I ownecl, eoatP led Iler week. 111111 oOlln>lol fpc!; In Hum ) ,New Si n g!!I' V o1otJ\,Im C lc:lf1er rva ,n. Wrldner to Elmer W. and . .." ' !1~!·tf!J:,:u:~"'g~I~, .~~: of &as H, Lucaa. 2.60 acrea In MtRepair .of My Machine. Th~ plntoon system started w.lth Rued . even me. I appealed to hla Marr Leach VB COI'I W . Leacb. ami Twp. the first people to think ot sE:ndmg Amerluft love of meehanlutlon;' Jr divorce to IllainLI.I' Ilefendnnt " Cobro.d Purkey to Qewey and II.~!:======::::::::::::::::::::====::=====:=: left-over last year's 'Christm.as pointed Ollt that a mecb.nical or~ered to .... v ,10."" ~er week. cards to new names on this yelil"s waibel' wa. sanitary, we, and .. ...." vv .. Flos,le HIsle, 1 lot in Oorwin. Walt~r G. Blum, Jr., administrator dec~d . Joh n A. Hn r() rk~mp ltllpolnt. list and' theft· new cards to the eal)' to operate •• the mere lUck of ' I!'rancls McCardy ve Charlee J. Hartba Powell HUdson to W. W. A.; eAtate of TUll e Hurn, ed executor. !tay ,ulllmol'l.l. D. 8 . peo'nle lhat were nn I nRt year's list. !l .wiwh. With the bud,et bUlaboo WacIUler and Emmor D. Bailey. Myrtle Maple, I lotI!' ... I'ranldtD. d~. walter 9. Blum, · Jr., ad· Heywood UIlII 10XIIIIII , r G, 1\.00' In mind I noted carefully that a I home w.shln« m.chine helped U a4m1Dlatrawl'll wlt:1l the wUl Sam , anel I'rance. Sa,.lor to m1nistn.tor W. W. A.; eBtate ot nlg appoin t II (111 1)1'11 111 r R: .pare the life of dothln... • eveA'! annese4' of the ..tate of RIce P. EJpr and Dol'OthJ lalle Nee1eJ, Fred Granville Smltb, dec'd, Wal· Estate of I'llI'! H 'h II'" I'1y.. doc· tI , brouatit Interior. decoratln« into ' Steddolli dec'cI, def.dam gruted the Icene by 'pomtln.. out th.t a ' tel' 0, Smltb', administrator nnd Adllh SCltwlIl1..7. ' tlJ IlOil) tl"(\ IlXD1 lot in Union 'I'wp. machine wa. a wonderful Item in 3 ~ to plead. Thelma l'raDel. to EmIlIe Q. the eltate of EIIII. B. Coolt, dcc·d. utrb:, Ja"k Miller, Don House nnd tinting .heet. or .p....de or Della H. Lamb VII GeeU J? FlJnn. 10 'acres In W ..hIn&toD Ernest n Cook, admlnls~rlltor. Horace Fltzpall'lc;l, t1 PllOlnl cd up. Then' there the poulblUty of Lamb cue ellamlllJe'!l baby clothes I.ter Oil that would ' Twp. Estate oC Florence S. TOwlI Rley, praisers. Mve to be <:lean and sweet·ameU. Agnea Ma7 Tb.omaa VB WIlJIWl F. D. Amburgy to Boby CeD- dec'd, InveDtory approved. EBt.ILl,e of Vi rJ!,1\ '1'UI'lIOI', (\.,(,'11. Inc. I wound up the ~.mpal.-n In a F Th.omaa, cUvorce : cratecl to to ,bunt of oratory which I.beled tbe • t,e~.: lD, t InAm~utr!' Lebano TnOO' _ u Estate of Allred H . RoberlloOn, Corn. Turner. ,~ 'tltl'lx fll ' /I h)to . . . . . . w••hln« machine •• vlt.U)' .. plaIDtUf. ., uu D # ventory, heltl'lng sot rIJI' noe lnbcl' tlal to the morale and health of Tile follcnrlq cues were d18' BroWll. Jr., 1 lot In South Let>- Sr., Alfred H. Ro.beraon, Jr. D.p- 12 fit 10 n.m. polnt.ed admlnllltrator, PaUl RupAmeriean home. \ mJaaecl wttbollt record· Jilrmon ttbeJeff couldn't', help blmlelf: ... " pve In and came thl'Oul'h with a Brouahton VI ErIleat LaucbDer, Thomas J. and Morpret E. pert, Ollver Chamberlain 0 n d MARRIAGE LICENSES ''Patrice "ppolnted apo .a.binl: machinl' that I. th~ pride Rutb Ann ' Reed va GI'I!en. Monroe 8Jsell1Ore to Wlnfrecl aDd Olea I. G I' & Floyd E. "uk, lO , (I' ' 0 trlmof our hOUI.hold_ Tb4.- belt part of R M--" '1>_ in ScNtb lAb- prallei'll. the .Itll.tion I, that I came to Ret!el, uuell _ .....aIU vs aava Lewta, 0.20 mer, Leban on ;tn(1 nlatlYR V. MeEatate or F r 11 n k Drruldock, realiz,e that evel'y .. 11111 point Willi Mae Mar,,,all, Carl N. Kroll V ~ &DOn, Commus, 22, wultr" B~, Ll? banoll. true. ,A nd while I'm gilid I talked I.' Paulne Kroll Jolm Eugene ' Taydec'cI, Fred Braddock., adminisJohn O. zecher to Ida Ka1 Roy MOOI'O, 2 1, fa 'lOI'y worltol'. Jeff into It. I'm even nlur__ dellJthtcd " trator, first, and tlnal account npto Inct OQt how ..i_hl I " 'II1'! lor VB Corrine T.,lor, Ella HiP8- Zecher. 1 lot ill I'ranldtD. Franklin and D I'n lc Gn bb:lI'd,]!j, her VI Jeff.nt>n Hipsher. , Martha Eclwar4 C. and Grace V. l1li4 Pl'DIYed, a.llowed and conUrmed. Franklin. WIlli, Top MIIIl HJ1Iard va RIley RUlud. Ceon D lolarr M. Weer to CloJd W. aDd Estate of Clarence Do.Ion, dec·d. Martin L. Denney. 24, All' Forcil" Top milk can be whipped Lamb VB DelJ& M. Lamb, BeUy Marme Cllck. i acre in PrUkUn 'Sou, B. KlIngensmith. admlnlsfortable Ilnd I' con' stay borne and Soltth Lebanon, lind - Hal'/'Iet Jj. POIlriDl it lnlo s container and C olarie Martin va Erneet E. Mar 'fwP. t.rWU, Flr8t and final account walt. . wiilllUDlI, 22, sllles el eJ'k , Fouter. placJD& . .·balf teupoop 01 III.ln Fred Kabn to Walter L. and appro~ed. allowed and' confirmed. This Ie by telephone. because ,e1aUn ID tbII. Set In the rerrl,- Un. Eather Keaton va Ernest Kelo Thomas Alleli, 23, f:l ·tory IVol'k, lIlatete of Lula P. MODaon. dec'd. even the poatman hasn't ome by erator to IrMle until. ready to whip tOD, Albert Webb VII Mlollte Webb IAlID B. Dettz, 1 lot ,io LebanOD.. er. South Lebanon, and Otilt Mile IUcurd Byrn8l. Jr. V'8 LorrainE Frank II. and EI.a E. Weber to IL C~· )lODlon, admlnlstrator. first, for uN, nil yet. Roark, 16, Kings Mills. a1mes aDd Ina B. ' Durham vs Alva C_ Btl.... Trustee, 11.'&7 alld ftDal account apprOved • .a1· - - - -- '-----:........:..---,;"..--'---.....,.-----,,-----James Leffew, 2·1, popel- worker, Davl(1 T . DUrham. aClU In HamUwo Twp. 10".-1 oDd confirmed, D ~~,' 7 I>() Franklin, and Grace Jo~e~, 17; QUI ['tlif) ",f)Veu I () ..-...., e,.v Aha C. BtI..er. traat.ee to Ralph Fint, final .nd ~ dlBtribut1ve aocertain nurserymen along about nOw. Christmas wouldn't be verv much of, a holly-day. • • • • A child becomes an adult when he quits believing in Santa Claus, An adult becomes childish when he chides his youngsters fol' b ecom Ina disbelievers. • • • famous for' In Sydney, Australia,
- , - - - - - - - -,-..)
=..to .....
"'1:',,= ............
Singer Sewing Center
'rile garll ge waa Cull, 110 they tooJ, the CD I' to .be parking lot and we selOed down to get something to ent. People were coming In (raID ev ry direction. Foo~ball lans rrom Oblo . Mlchlgall gam. p ople headed ,fo r Washington, O. C. aud Ileople like us com ing frO,na 'l'hankl\glving dlnnel'o. 1I1 ~ h w1lY No. ~ to Dayton \\"08 cloue,1. We Hilt 1111 ovenlng nll d WI.ltchcd til e Ilcople nnr! listened to Ulelr storlf>s. The Holol WII!! full. :41 bede laken. Sunday. Btlll lIothlng rno\'lng. 'HIghwll.Y 4 wult open to Oayton nhna.t !l In llle evell lng. · bllt \ e oould not 1:0 )t we had wnnted t!> lor 0111' ca i· waH burled RO . deell In lh" pal'kIng lot Will th y . did not get it out ul1 Monday !lOon . Dy .hat ume the I'Oad to OilY ton wan (olrly lileur lind the down ~own s tl'eE:t8' In Da.yton were ·Ieaf. Dill s), gOl a hilS (01' Clnc lnllall - I hended rOI' homo, bllt of course, our lullO wIIS 1. lI ed d CBll with . dl·trt.~. bill they ('arne Pllt til meet me III the trnctor and I 1'0(1,' hOh~ ' on that. Now we nr BtUl tryi ng to dig out.. but Ule house Is COIl1-
;../.,. New ' II"",.,..,.'S III.,. At
FARI LOANS With ·the "1" Taken Out
The Land Bank WIY
- -
A Farm DIary . By D. J, Frazier
Houl' IIfU'1' 110111' we ('1I11l.0 LIII'u storm. It lJelTnn to get worse .. li t Dollefontalne lind \Vorl\e yet [I t 1l1'b1l1lU, but It WitS stili t1l1y llght and wc co uld get through. , nul ~llI'lngfield wns a dlfr"rcnt 8tOl'y. It begnn tD Itel IhlJ'k lind the snow begll ll Ktlok to the wind Rhlehl. 'l'Jlu 1I11 t) of ll'llfl'l ' ~ tlll'tt'11 nnd 1:1101>11 d und' sl,O Jlpell again. so we ~ . v.. 1." 111)11 turned to wlil'd th... ..... cencel' or towlI and stOPllud nt tile ( 1I'lIl 1I0tei - tbe Bancl'ofl. Luck:ly 1'01' 1 . la, we wore nhend or the I', owd II lId got II good room.
Can iii Repai:l From Fum Income
A Loan Made
1'.' )lohne" ~I.• Louis VolJtercUDa" v. WIlllam 1i1 &erN In HamUton Twp. H. Scbwepe, for 1D'~n.ey 0111,..". OoQrtneJ I. Com... to Walter Amount claImecl ,1,000. mat. . and AD4 Doroth1 Huddleson, 1 lot ID ot,ber ~u.r. ~ Le~n. , llaJIDontl 11., ~Il va Elatae lllal. , B. Snook to a. D. an4 I . . Buchanoll, c1Jvorce, CJ'OI. ne- BIle!ta yPOiaDaIaaIl, 1 lot iD gleet, J, T. au.,-. LebaDon. Emut , Colteel va Gla4Ja eo. Theodore E. aD4 Be&trice Jelm . .. 1 - 1 Of III teel. dlvoree, J. T. lWe:r. to Ne~ II. ........ II. ... BIlby JD. )lUllen, adlDtDlltratrill Union IJ'wp. or the . . .te of ~'J" Perrine, of the e.tate of Forrut JIatha. PROIlAT& wa.1. dec'd. for iDooe, only. ~e.. of .... ~ . . . amount elabned ",8Iil.1I with ......te4 CIA ua. foUcww1Da eQ;ot.ea: luter~t thereoll' at , tIIIe rate or Estate CIi WUUam Jt 1I1II'Dt ~'d. NEW aUITEI
D. ,a Dd Marjorte
were approved. allowed aDd' cOD(lrmed on tbe .followlng e.~t8l: estate of lWaa B. Huitt • dec'el, Mary O. Goodpaster, admln. hltraub; 8lltate of S~rah Jane Harbac". dec'd, Carl J . Harbach nnd ~t Eo Beachler, . execl.l tol'Jl: .nd the estate or Laura Jllcl(son 4";'d H-er Jaokson and FrRnl: 'P", C. ADderson, admlDlatratol'B. 111 tbe matter of the trust cre. ated by the will of Marie Conover, , dec·d. Den E. Stanley appointed t.ruatee. E.tate of Katherine :A.. Lanigan, eoanta
'M. l.J8.mbert, 1-1, I11Ill Fl'IlJlkliu o.n(1 ElsIe M. B!ldger, 37, ~ altre's 8, Ft:1I1.klln . wright,
"Cup of llullplne
I HeBalzac , wns anol.her enlh~NI:St. laid much ot hJS success a a S"
writer to cof!ee. ,"When one drink. 'coHee·' he so.d "Ideol come marcbtn' In lik. a~ army." As for WlUlam Dean Howells. 'he, too, certalnl,y ' admtied "the cup of happlness." "It makes you think ot all the pleasant things that ever happened to youl" was what he said about It.
Newa from tbe ·. Cincinnati ZOi\ No\', 1, In 19 £;0. bus crea led a debrings the Intorma~Jon that the mand tor greater lIn king SJlace herd' of bufraloes bave been moved within the Zoo" Fre l uently during LOW RATE - 4~ , A FlIl'ID*r Owned Auociation from thell· 60 year old Btand alon~ the past summer. HeU8B ~ r 88ld, the Dury Avenue line to new Quart· the 7.001'8 t.1I'0 parking lots aa well el's just beyond thedeer yards a ll Ilubllc iliolougbfareR In the vlw..~re iltbe bISOn .wlll be ' seen at clnlty oC the Zoo. were we 11 / . cloBer range tban bill been possible cl'OlI'lied by nOOn 011 "t.lg .Iuys," under ilie old arrangement; Tbe to such on e::telll that ulallY IlrOB, LEBANON, OHIO bulc reason 'for tho 'transfer Is to pectlv(' patrons passed up visiting . PbOae 448 male poaslbJit tbe utUzatlon o( the the IInlmnl sbow because of ' park· EL.Lt~, H. STURM" S.c·y·Tr•••• 'spaclous 'burralo range as part of Ing Inr ollvenlence. E. W . Town. tbe new pal'klng &ya~em wblcb Is sley, Zoo troosllrer, )'cee:l:t!y pre:' , ~ uneler development at the gardenll. d'ioled bat the enlarged parking J . F. Heusser. Zoo dlreotor. bas, 'polnted o,ut tbat increasing Zoo would be completed early ' In the atronage ~ 900,000 visitors to 196) 800son. COWS $4.00 P HORSEB , '.00 I
The Le"'08 National FII'II l.OaD
- · ._1- ,_._.,
All Stook ·R.moved D.II~ Call ColI.ct
:0 1:10
Larg. or 8mall -
Xenia4A XENIA fERTIUZER Dlvllion Clf Inland Prod_, Inc.
for'. wlMNI...... ~. Y.w
pr.....T.Cor will ..........., c."' .... "'..
dewIt JMI,m'" 'n ........ ....... pND u~ your eats for Ilve miDUIeI L and we can'show you bow to $1,0001 'Step Inside, the -big new DOclge . -and be llmazed by the em. head ,room, shoulder fOflm. Itretcb-oat . . room. Get behind the wheel-ud be thrilled by the flashlng pick-up mel,... fonnance of L:le£prealoD ·Cet-Away" ED I I , , ' . the vtilvet i/uwUmcss of u&dl Drive. , SeII' Dodg_mel )'0lI1l ape ... YG!l could pey $••000 ilION aDd DOt let aD thesC" extra-value ....... See _ ItOIII . ror Ihe best deal III towAl
Llv. W.... oil ............... ol'laDIMUOD MOOIItl 1.0 ..... Strlc~ 011 tM beat '.... aroUJl4 IDU'bt ID tb. ooaatrr·
. . eo 1I111X1U
'DODGE, Vv.rf, lew (/0119rs more
~e Io~sf-I'rke(/ &.Irs/
. MAKI THf In (,I'd ION TfIT.
For 0&11, Market R'~~ _." WBlO DQtoD, 0:10 ., 1100·, WLW ClDoIUatI. WO, DIal • j '100.
01:10-==:10. . .
""i.8"lca ,no SALES CO.
.r....., .. ....... .IIlY I
Lebanon, Ohio
TH H. D Y.
NIN, THEATRE WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Closed Tuesday 'Il Wednesday
Wash Bowls, Pitcherl
OEe. l
(Teclmi 0101') 'l'h l'illlug (Ot1' of I he West POPIiJYE
FOR SALE-Oll hea.ter. praotlcally Gl<X>RGE GILLI. X-11-2S·S0
Phone 2291
WAN-TED ....: Expel'len ed
• •
We I\re
pared io extend promptly and, ourse, in utmost confidence. PI'
~ ooperatlon
Ask 110
11 5
ST 0 R E
---- - -..
Babies are subject to chan,e without notice. But the washiil, machine handles these crises of llie cribset wl\h the greatest 1>( ease. Modern motherS! In their crustl de for dean liness, conside r the w ashi n, machine of vital importance in this campaign. The washer has proved essential to the monlle, health and happiness of the American home. And it makes bringina up baby, American plan, the latest and happiesl on earth: It is easy to k·eep up with th~ Ci.uick turnover in Baby's w,ardrobe with the washing machine. Baby's clothes shouJd be wa~hed once a day, or at least ev('ry other day It Ihey are to I)e kepI $weet ' smeUinl and pr~lty , AI a l1ule, baby clothes. do n9t need a long washin" or pre-soak IDJ. However. an oU'aslonsl item will be easier to wash when it has been soaked. '. The best way to take care of wet .diapers and' sleeping gal', ments Is to put them to soak im· mediately after use in 8 container half full of ,cold' water ·to which two tablespoons of borax hilvp been added. A two· gallon enamel pail' with 8 cover Is t!;le belit con tainer to use, Diapers may be kept in this manner and wa shed everv other day However, fhey should not be kept lonler than this : before wallhing in the washing mil· C!hine. . Washing Saby's cotton wrappers. knit shirts, and nllhUea is ea,Sy in the washing machine. They are washed in the same manner as any other cotton. In time, flannelette will tnke on a pebbly appearance but tri.s does not mar Its softness and warmth or the attractiv~ appearance it .ket'ps through a 1011g life • Baby's tiny d rel'se~ and slips will stay frpsh and dainty and like new through maoy launrleri ngs in the washing machine.
DEAD STOCK WANTED 'Ho"a and Other' Small Stock Removed ' Promptly
Baby's wool or part-wool blan'. kets can be washed with complete safety ' In the· washin, machine. Blankets should be, wf lhed fairly o.rten and alwan in lukewarm water and t:insed thorgu,hly Ih, tl ) same temperat,,;,re water. Woolens should pever be soaked, bleached or boiled. II there are soiled spot! which (\0 not wa.b out easily, use a soap jelly made . from a mild soap. Then rinse It. out immediately line• .• oap applied directly can harm the wool. Always use a mild .uap tborou,h. Iy dissolved in loftened water. Woo,lens should be, dried · away (rom excessive heat or sUllIhlne. Always remove 'the stainl from Ba~y's clothe whiie they are still fJ'esh and before tt.e garment is washed. Old staml may have to be bleached wHh an apprppr,late ble.ach. Milk staill!' ~hould be, ri,. ,sed in ('old water. Ihp,1I sponged with cal'hon t etrachloride before \\'IIShin;! In lhf. whshi ng machine.
... •
~\ ~ ,
:.'CASH INGOMES . 1 \. I . If there a;e Ihlo,_ Ihlt I
1 I· 1 ,
I I ,.
YOII and ,olldamily wlI"ot and oHd-tbin,l, .bat a Jj.de .... catb locome
Station WLW
' 6:~O
, ..... " 1IIiMI. ,.,.
Itlers' Garale .n.
...... .
I~._- .
·t]IIIJI:~~IIIIII~lllIIlIm~.llllIIllIIlIlIIllllIIlIIllIIlmlllllllllmllmlmmlllllllll1II!llllIIlmlll~IIIII11I11II11~III1II1I1ImIlIllIllIlIlIllIl~II~111 M/M V.eI.a. The Idea that 20/30 vilion II '"per. feet" I, a tallacy, accordln. to Dr. J.. Ottb WhIte, Loul.lana optom.uut. It merely mean. th.t one caD lee what he should lie at" JO teet, but .lvII no IndiCation ot one' l ab1llt,. to lee wlthln arm'a lenlth, the dlltance at wbtch most critical aetlne II done, he IIld.
..,eheu. Na.
The lare.. true lee4 ~own 10 man Ja the StycbeU.. mit tram a palm tree ll8t1v. to lbl BerclieU,. lIlaDU In thl Indian Oeean. R.aembllna aD over.lI. eoc:onut. a Iwlle s.,.cbeUe. nut ilia,. .... Iab ,a or enD 40 po\DIdi. CUiten of me DUts· require flv, 1"1'1 to ' rna· t,ure_'
"Sc:otcb, pI....... lec:med to be the request Of the NtC pattenl creatorl when th., deslaned the ehie ICOOp.necJdme ~ 'at rlPt, to: their 1950·51 collection of wl rJer fubion ~ .
Still another mallCuline tyPe creation emboci,iD, plaW . at leLl, a SlDokina jacket done In FarqubarIcID PaDama doUI. Masculine In flavOr, the novelty jacket is palnd with black vel· veteen s1ackl to mateli the ,aekl,'s ey~-eatchlnl trim. ' Scotch plllid p~ttel'tll ~ twice-bluM<! choices m that tb"I' ceo be uaed in bath c:oc:ktaU ClOI1W»eI aDd c:Uual ·.·arOuDd tbe bOUIfI"
eaaemb.... ;
I'UrtbtrmoN. plNlllii . ..plaldJ ean be obtalaed with' warm eoIora that wQ1 wvd ~:ott Nan Winter's cold b,..ga
a' .... -, '
WAYNESVILLE 'FARMERS , . EXCHANGE .~ ;~7·i , WaJft8lvilie
I I , " .................. S.... & .... ( ..
'i ---.~
25 MONni GUARAN:r£E -
Phone 555
~ '. .
OUR MANY YEARS ExPERIENCE IS YOURS FOR la' CAli 8ympto~~of DI.w.Arl,alna fro", __
U.t." everY , Tuesday and Thursday mornlnl
1 .
Baata Implement Company
~ .. .~,," ~, ,
7:30 to 5:30 Daily
And so small wond.r thlt the aU-cottoD w~ ~ by the National Cotto~ Council 1D Naw York baM MID "'"'b.... . ·'Oh5".rId "ahl" from fashion fUll everrwhera.
.he "Redfr Brsnd "dlo pro,ram,. Farmers. hi .even_o ,I.at.. tell how the, incre~ncI ' .belr incom~1 . -~c no .dt'tlOllal· espeno. Or labor-l imply by folio ..';"" a p raUi.(at Land lJI. pro.~ .
Store Hours -
Plaids Are, Picked Jor 1950-51
thrift; ,pricee.
~ belp YOII ,e(~,,-lIst.n to
f ' ... .
Come In and See UI Durina Thi. December Sale of Quality Farm Mach~~ry and Save. Trade-ins Accepte d.
Fourth 8tre.t <
Oliver, Deere and New Idea Sp readers Deere and I He Horae Corn P.lanterl - Can Se Adilpted To Mount , on Tractor. IHC a Foot .:;omblne with M ~tor Case 6, Foot Combine With Motor Case 2·row Corn Picker John Deere H).lnch H.~",er Mlli John 'Deere 1-row Corn Picker . . .. . I He, Cale and Deere Dllk Harrowl Allle·ehalmer, IHC ond Deere Piowl John Deere S·bottom -12 Inch Plow with Hydraulic Control John Deere Side Delivery Rake IHe and Oliver Wilgons .
F.eaturlna a reversible tlJl!;ec:\o coat with black veIwteeD .. cae 'lde that c:ontruts pleaalnrl1 wltb the Galq UId .LaN.. maIaI1IcItrlped plaid on the reverse aide (rillh.o. the ..... S. IcIIaI tor "lifter dark" ocullons requiring IOphlstleated Ilamoi'.
termlnlng conlum~r pricel.)
her place in Milady's Urneli,hl.
Wilmiaeton 2382' Leb~ 4 . INLAND PRODUCTS, IDe.
Clean C!loth~ fOil the baby ar. readily provided It, tllat ~nUaI domHtie tool. tlte wu.. lna machine. whIch b .. beeome a ,.Ital necellSlty 10 deanllne.,· health (trld morlll,.,
- MAGIC nylons, IIi1k1 QnthtUe fabrlCi aDd Q..eatchJ,q I'QOIl blends aU bava their place In tile modarD ,fuhlCID world but ,. fol' all around u~fulness, old·fuhloned Dam. Cotton atut~
PHONE 2143, TO PLACE A CLASSIF~D A~VERTlSEMENT ' ._ _ _IIiiiii~~_iiiiii.\
.-Mother Finds Wasl1e~ Vital Tool
And all this Jesus made mOl'C II'f!c~li~ .l~ 6 later date by w,ashin ~ th~ dl!lciI1.' f~t. The fact thaI lbia lndden~ occuned near tht very ~nd ot His ministry Ihow~ how ,low the disciples were in lea rning. l3ut aren't we all . at times, a little lIlow In ~raaplnll the Iul1es~ ramifications of Ii ntw leliSOn to bE learned. particu.-rl" one as exact· Ina ill the attatnment of spiritual
-------1' -,.- - - - --.1 35
D,O.T Ph~
John Deere Model "8" -'" New T lrel John Deere Model " A" - Star-ter and t llghti 1940 John Deere MOdel " B" . 1947 Avery - Starter and Lights 1938 Ma .. ey Harris - Twin Power 1950 John Deere Model "M" Demohltrator Toheae Tractore Have All Been ThorOllllhl)l Reconditioned and Repainted, and Cilrry a Guarantee. Prk:ed To Sell or Tradll. 1944
l>Ce.m \O .be learnt.QC lUlu, ,..~ . (lbIlIu. or J . - . IIDwb rt h llIereton a wonder tbat JesUi "' •• able to tolerate the 1h0lU0m1nc. at 1OI1l1 of Ill. dtsdplet wjlo .Welt petnfull, .10 ....' In learning i'Fie It!S eon of true ireamess. . AI· Umt:s it/me 0' the dlsclplt::· dUJllayt'd cvch a iross mi suI'doel "a,tGth. ut their Moster tllat ont """"'del'~ hI) ..... they ever came .t o b.. ~hr~'·. follow4a!rs. Dunn, a Journey to Capernaum •. 10.'1 .i LSclplea dISputed \i'"\lh one: "" ... &her '!Ver which of lheTl1 was In. Irt'alb(, dbplte the fuct. thot the, nad. man) times heard J e~\I ~ preacll the important>e of humility . J esus sdmonhlhed them and set a UttJe child in their midst to reG'llnd them tha t they must becom t! .$ liU:~ children If they \Vo~ld Hue thei,. true place in His Klng-
DON'T feed the mOths. (live th em o rlou aDd end Itbelr xilensh'e The lowest whol..ale coffee price eaUng. 5 yr. gUlU"l\ntee, W AYNES- reacht~ In thla country in modern VILLE FURNlTURE AND AP. tlmes-tol' ereen, that II, unrout- ' Id, "Sanlo. 4s," a ballc repre..n. PLIANCE. ' tat1ve quaUty - was O~ cent. a FOR SALE '\\·lzlll·d or Oz pound In mldlummer, . 11140. Tbe Book II, hI condition. '. i z e ~ 0 hf,be.t was In mid-November tb1a tailor made Bult, b wn . CH I! 3141. year. 51~ cent.. (The trade point. --11 .30-12·7;14 out that areen .coffel lOllS 141% per cent ot Ita welebt In ,"oastln., TRY GAZ£TrE C1l.ASSIFIEDS wblch II, ot tour.. a factor in ct.-
and Vqetables
""I .
Also Top Quality In Mute
McCI. U~f
raDCJ BraOlril1
about It in advance pf like.
operatlOrs ancl job s~tter8. meD over 51! years of age. pay. excellettt opportnnlty) growing company located of Dayton, Oblo. Cau MIt, ~IAMS collect WAlnut 2144. FO R SALE-rSb vllneUan bUnds, excelle.n t CODdition. Tuxedo, 81ze 4%.. ladilea beautiful coat, size 14. • bat to match. aU in A·l condition. ,realness, If <I~..> ·,,·m reclill the mt'el~n"sr Phone 2175. . X-ll:Z;l-30 anti ;:'lntl"fI '~ ,;r. uf J E~US In .Iua lin. wilt. I h~ f,; ,·"t!t1ulnelo~ oC HIS dis N.( ) MORE moth worries wheD cipl~~. an,) In': ~c;IlI1. II,)~ li v(' man you ul\, ~~rlou. Od orleB~. stai n· . ner in ", .. If. h Ii. '·Ul"\,~·ted thei Iells•. guaranteed fol' F IVE YE~RS. rmllls. ~11\) t ..mpt4UI)r. to be impn WAYNESVlLLE lFURNIT RE & til!nt \'.,j th t;H~1 ;"hit'l ': ~· "n , In :. cAl>PLfANCE. \ lar l(o! rtl('uS\!I'e, he t.I·~ : · . i.rn l'. I . By lIO (!6illg W~ •.... ilt ~w; \, ., 1 arno;:d WANTEJ),-Someone to care for a valuable leswu ~ I Y~D am children. days white mother works. 'wlll be r,llIre wor\Jp' r,r t he l)a' MRS. HAROLD FOX'. Third street. Hence which He ..,..ntl ,14 (fAlly.
2111 '
Ia.the Prefer ~~~~r~~~. ,Good ~1 with South
new, with pipe. FUNERAL HOME LAND, Route 1.
1 _
often ' . '-"~. t... T HERE be impatient .... t~ 'lb<Me "'h~
YOU wUl fineS Borlou the best moth IIPt:t.y YOu.'ve ever used. ODe IIpraytng guaranteed r 0 r ! 1 v e whole yeQ,l'B. IWAYNESVIt;LE FUlf,NITURE AND APPLIANCE.
~,Oblo '
Phon.1 Wa,..lVllla 21.1
(Tocllnlcolol') CLAUDE RAINS, VALLI, GLEN ,N FORt.' Filmed In Swit~erll\lId From the NO"el ARTO(lN
Remained .Patient '.
BANK an ORAV:mL- Loaded, at DaTSII I'Unau Pit, 60 aat8 IIlonl IIt'C tut'nln~ I~I m Into Buch practl co l thl,lgS eublo JUd. W. al.IO ctlUYer. ABII· U 118 Inml'S tOI" tllt.' hom e, (TAO• • SON, PIlon. JOI1. Remembel'? IDEAVE YOUR SHOES to lie reSerene beiluty and paired a.t LEE HAWKE U R NEXT reltful dig nit y Barber Shop. Wprk wjlJ be called mark every lervlce for 8l1el delivered. THOMl'SO,N planned and con· SHOE REPAIR, Harveysburg. , ducted by our X-U-S(}-I2-7-U
-ftUDa WItJa BuIJ Doe. Drq.IJae eel BulldoMr
ReDlemh r wbell Ii: wosh bo.wl 'nuo pitchel' were lUI IndlslleUSllble J}al"t of every bedP:lom? USuo llr the) wore made or heavy white china, emboal!led or decor· ated witb colored flower!;. Wltb modern plumbing In li se they OfB 110 ~ongel' needed 110.1· morning ablu. \.lOllS. 80 Ingell lOll s dl'col"
C'....lfI.d Ad Disciples Were Slow WAllII.N _.MDDOCK To Learn But Jesus 8011. SU)1l-. 8aDd.
._a.__..__''_;'' __ '
,*iIRR _____
.QUICIU.~IEfORNOCOST A sk Aboul IS -Day Tnal Ofter!
weu. ._If ' ·()U1.L
Pa:a..ISE 1000 >ST~'~UT TO IH!!D. ; AHI> HO T~L"'H61 YO&I"P fJeTTEfC. CALL
~ FAMILY, WII_I" •••• :a
C"""_ _
Bzette DECEMUER 7, ' 1050
AIOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW.' ENTERTAIN SUNDAY Mra. Iva florence Daker enter· talned wlth "a. Sunday dinner and bad as her' gueata. Mr. nnd Mrs. 'ldu Col'tey, Mr. and Mrs. Ra)' Klontz an.d lamily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fox and Bllns, ' Mrs.' Gro.ce L . Smith, Mrs. Go{dle Bentley. Miss Lucy E.'mley nnd Mrs. FlolIsle Carey. GUEST'S' AT ICE FOLLIE8 . Mr. arut Mra. B. V. Smith were gueatlt on Than'k eglvlng Day at ~he Ice ' Follles In Cincinnati. Mr. lIud MrR. Jesse Mengle, their son· Inrlaw and daughter, and Mr. and _'1rs. George Mengle o.ceompanled them for the FolUeR~ and' upon thel..- ruturo all wer~ !llnner cuestl or the. former, .Mr. 'and Mra. ,M engle at their home In Lebanon. WOMAN'S ANXILIARV MEET'S The Woman's Auxiliary or the St. Marys church will meet on ll'rlday with. a lunpheon. at the Golden' Lamb Hotel In Lebanoo. at twelve-thirty p. m., 'arter whlcll tile group wUl go to tbe Bethany 1I0me for gll'IS ' I~ O,endale. HAPPV HOUR CLUB MEETS The Happy Hour Club held 'their del",ed meeUn. at the home ot Lloyd Davle on. Tueaday, Novem.b er 211 t.nd Jln. JilIlte Hockett entertaloed everyone with 'u tine report on ber trip through tbe New EDlland lltaul. Tell
The local school building was bur«larlled 80me time Tuesday nIght by' thieves who gained en· tra,nce by a crowbar. Thej broke Into the kitchen, office, book store and caCeterla. The loot o~lned was UO.OO In clish and 11. . QUlIntity 01 sugar. The gang Is ~lIeved to be tlle. same that hal been operating In this loc~lIty for some time. bavlng burglal'lzed several other schoolll In thIe vJelnlty. The Bchool at Cllrllsle was bu .... glnrlled of $1.000 early We(lne:illtlY morning. and .t hl8 gang. It hi believed. eoold PPl8lbl), be the same one. The door on the school hilI') been jlmmed 'eo much that It will Ilrotiably be neces-.ry to replll.C6 It with Ii new door. he 'rqbbery- was discovered by Herbert burden, janitor.
Despite the lact ' that dlabete. Ie the easiest of all · diseases to diagnose (0: urine an81ylils Ja aU that II neceasary) It III eB.U, mated that there are at present 10 thls country one million llndls· covered cue.. Here are II few palnis to remember: 1. Diabetes Ia .. serlous.dlsease. It 18 most common In people of m~dI.aee and over: women get It JIlore often tbln meo: people w~o are over,w@llght are mol'8 Ut.~ to eet 41a~... I. 'l'beaa ' are the 8f111ptoma of dlabotea: Lon of welabl t.nd energy. be~ hl1Jllr1 aU tb. tIlDe. heine tbtrst, aU lb. Ume, freQuent urInaUon. 3. Dlabet.,s can be oontrolled wltb: RE1lJRN. FROM . DOVER, OHIO Diet aQd InauJlD treatment. 4. The earUer cUabet.., II tound, ' Mr. and Mrll. Oarl Norman bav~ the eular ... .. to oontrol. Even returned from Dever, OhlO. atter It you tblnk 10U .... weU, It m ~ kll . 8pendlne tbe Thanksglvlo. hollo .en.. to lee your do~tor tor perlodlo; regular check:upe. Don't p t dan with the former's mClther, on extra. wel ... bi. e sjj'ecl ~ lIy :l-s y I1'OW older. Moat chroDlo dlleli.Se • ENTERTAIN TO Ut. cancer, heart d...... ud Ilia· IUNDAY DINNER betea, can k controUed. or c reJ, It tla81 .... found earl1 oough. Tbe Claud". Strowl family ..nterW AJUlEN CO. HEALTH , DEPT. talned to Sunday dlDner. lofr. Chas. and Horace jernard. WATER AREAS. OF ' On Monel,. &be)' entertaine4 Mr. WARREN '""'_~ ud' a.-n. W. E. Stroud • . pro~bly
T:Olmprov~meBts Pres~nted,
School House·Is Burglarized Here
. To Village Councd Monday For Consideration
Am Some ,.t\l~1 on annual the Sal vaUon Semce UBit
Arralll,ellDe~!l ue being made to s~d a card by mall to friends ~ not yet reo spon4ed to ..... ,;a.~ ... a.ppeal, these oa1'4& to he by tbe ·chal ....
baa been done
cannot be r~ n.,••trljlLt as the Army "",," ,,,[ VIr ...
of tbe peocan 'Dever bu
COIJI ' B~1t11t1LlCS .
COlllmltte(, to contribute to It you pleag" seud your OO'''1!,IIU,,·lolUI direct to LeMay. 11.1 the TreIUNr. OIUZlRI Na.t_1I Lebwnon, UblO. All oiU~1
REVISED RESTAURANT CODE NOW IN EFFECT RECOMMENDATIONS ·ARE. MADE TO WAYNESVIll.E VIL_. _ LACE COUNCIL 'BY SAFETY COMMITTEE AT Dr. Arch D. Harvey; Warren MEETING OF COUNCIL MONDAY' County Health Comm,lll/l{oner. SUI/:' , gests that aU reRtaura~t managers illmlliarue them8elv.~s with the reo villed ro~ltiOnlj ..... blCh became ef· fectlve ~broughout Wim 'en County on December S. 1960. Township ond Qlunlclpal govern, ments will be rllrnlshed copies ,()( the regulations ' at an earb 1I:.t.r'. Hes l.Allrnnt Ollerlltorll mny obtain cor;.ell from the County Audltor's oUlce or from lhe Healtb UJeplI,rl. ment In 1.ebnnon. l'rlce Iler 1!011)' 2& eenl1l.
EDITOR'S' NOTE- Some time ago the Waynesville Civic C!ub and the Waynesville Rotary Club appolilte-d Samuel N. KeYI, J. B. C~abbe. Fred Grauman and Edgar Smith to serv~ jointly on a Safety Committee for the ~terment of our community. 4/. For e prope l'ty owners (e~, 'Tbe following are the r C(lll!' mendatlone tbtlf, 'Were I1lllde to pecla lly In til e bnsil1cij8 (U"trlct) the Village Council [~t thelr ' lUce.· to repRII' tbelr sidewnlk A, Ing Mondtly night by the joint Tpe Improvemcnt thllt shl wa! lt Sarety ComlDtUee or tile Waiu·e .. repllir 'all mllke cun be ob llpl·v.'(1 ville Civic (J)ub and Lhe \\'a.ync8· by lnspectlng the lIew Hi,I"\V,,lk "JII .. Rotul'Y (; Iuh ; laid' liround the Wayn (!'v ille N fJtPARKING ON MAIN STREET ioual Dank Borne months oal:1181' AND BUSINE'S8 DISTRICT this year. ' 1. Muke 1111 y We~t of. lorllin 3. Deve lop IL Villago (lud '1'..,1111' LOCAL MERCHANTS ., LI'lIct - olle WilY North. ahlp OIBnfll r 01' E tuel'ceucy C lin, TO REMAIN OPEN 2. Mulie alley EaRt or . (ain mlli,el!. strEllll - one way South, 'DATA ON PARKING MET ERS Stal'Ung 0118 'next Monday (De . :I. Mlloke nil lrucks except mall 1. It Is estimated that t he cos l 11. WqtleHovllle FurnIture and Ap-, lruck use aUeys behind stores for or Installing pm'klng . metel's i8 pliauce. Day and. KartBocll , Hy. unloadhig, or provide IIl)eolal Ull' '66.00 eacb. man'a Department Store and Fair- IQacllng' lones.. • 2. The esUmntcd mal thly illley H&n1ware StAIn! will remain 4. Pnlnt Unell on MlIln stret (for come trom one pnl'ltlng 1Il llL I' .8 open every ' nlgh~ Including Wed. pur.knlg culdell>belwe(,n, Mlllml $7.60. l,leBdy. untU 9:00. and Chapman IItreet8. AlllO un 3. APPl'oltllUat, Iy !Hi IDot e l'R call See their advertllements and Nortb street, between the two al· be InBtn 11 d in tbe- nlacC!!l m ell1\-1 ..0 II.dil of other m~:rchRntfl on leYIt on ellch tilde of Mnln Btteet, tioned ,abOlVe. u .., .u8id& i,ulles. ' lind on Miami ~treet, between lhe 4. The t,otul monthly J: \'enuo two alleYII on each Iide of M.aln from 66 meters wOllhl be ,.bout CIVIL DEFENSE MEET street. CAli ED DECEMBER 13 5. [ustall Pllrlting metel'l! on 5. Total annual revenue \\ ouJt.l, . MaJD street, betwllen M~ml street be about '6,000.00, A , meetfol' of War en Cou ' tf IIiUd 'tbe Town Hall;, QU North 6. Meten t can be purchllsed nefelLle ortleral. wiD be held SU'Ht, ,between Lbe alleYI on e,~ch wltbau.t any cash outlay lind lla'itl tile Goldel\ .Lamb }'Jot.el on 11I1\1e 01 MIAIII'. "treet, , aud ,ou Mtaml for trom receipts. It ould tllite in the. one-,half bl9Cll lA- DIne IDo'nths of 1'8.\' e nn to ,Jlny for 13 at 8;00 to O( baruorlul the Kropr the .DU!tft& 'T he ue\. income t.ll· • lira, ,t r WOUld' be all/:illt .~!IfD!"" '4 h•
wn areU"'': ·~~~~~'1't .... Hut week and driveways. able IUPpUe.. of ,ground water _n fll" ...'"-'b.. ·.... II •__ • 6. Study tbe gutter cond:tloD au .. &Ie ... a......... PEOPLE PREPARED" A Mr. aDd Xn. RbCHIel ' BUDIleli Warren County are the 1J18claI flU WayneivllJe 11M holde..... 80 the Main Iitr~8t for . llml'nIlUon' of per month . and dau,hter Carol. hlel al Tbun· aJoq the MIun1 mver alca& the cltlltu of Waynov.IUe can bette.r TO BE USED AS THEME IIntety hazard. 8. Parking meters CQuid be day evenla. dlDDer &IM.a. Mr. northweltern conaer 01 the count1 lee what our local mercbanta bave AN'D ~I:'red fOJ·. tickets written, e tc .• by , SPEEDING C h ; Eve,ryone'l thoughts have been ud Mn. Eel Paine and lamUy, ot and In the .laol&1 lOl aIon. Little TRAFFIC CONTROL to offer for t,helr :brlltmas s opo tumed It':' Chrlstmaa. S' bopplnr, some oldel' peIson III th v1llngo ChllUcotbe. Mr. and Mra. Davta lI:I&mI RIver aouth of Morrow. ' plDc needll. "I" 1. InRtllll ; new and largel' s peed ' who la I'ellable and can do tbe ' lum .. aDd Mr. ' Davitt Fum.I. Read the Xmas ad. of our mer- buylnl' ,« Uts Ucl card I, plannln. H i 61l ~ . worlt-. clia~tI ID this "s~le 'ud In the a walt With tbe whole' family. SPECIAL CHtISTMAS 2. Reduce present 25 mlle speed 9, 1~lue8 fOJ' o,'cr pill'killg could RETURN FROM FLORIDA, ' Y89. IlI;UnY are ,!the 1~"flIonCJ THANKSGIVING GUE'8T8 . PROCJtAMS ANNOUNCED next two I..\lea' to follow. ZUlU: to :..0 nllies Iler lIoUI·. be paid nt SOlno BtOl'e or bu sl nCllB . we rnake rer ))ec",mber !lr;. But Xl'., n1l4 Mn, Ro1 Elila -and IOn, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond · Brad· 3. HIre a rull U~e lrul'flc LIll' bouse on A1n/n Iltre~. (Perll[l!lll 000 000 000000 0 O~ 0 0 0 0 000 stop II minute, Will , you? Aak fl'1Ie Metbodllt church &nnounces dock haa 'al Thanu.lvlDg guestl. Charlel. returned on Tu.lda1 af· ),ollrl!elt thul Cluel:ltlou : "Am I lrolman to enforce h 'atflc laws. 1 l'ul(C8 o,r -tho Dank.) )ll'. lind Mrll. Fred Brudock and ter two weeki In Eau Olllle. Fla., two apeol&1 "mcel during the Tllo !lingo C uUlH~ I hilt< been GOLDEN RULE CLASS I 1'\111 1l y IIrepllred for Chrlsl.mas I'D.Y hili IlIlary with parking melel !J Children," :Mr. and Mrs\ Wan'8n wtlere they were ~ of Mr. Christmaa season. The tint, a lind fines. wllI'k'ng- OIL IUnny or !~L~e JmMEETS 'VEDNESDAY 1950. 1 " . That IB, prepa.red to wal· BraddOck. Mr, &-nd ' Mn. Bernard and Mrl. Lou Summer_, at their Ohrlatmas ,cantat·p~ea.n'C. aDd can· GE~ERAL MATTERS provemellts {oJ: Quite 8(}li1e tltu e, , come a Saviour? dle-It,hUDg service, wUl be given Daley and daucbter. M"n: Jennie touri8ts resort .. :. I1JlIIlO~e ll!:'hUug B yiltem nil !lut In, thn rnc~ of much opposition The Golden Rule Sunday School This i8 the theme to be used BuDdy nl.ht. · December 17 at Braddock and Mrs. Wllhe,l mlna over Wltynesville. Put bOlllelll'd bu)'\.> been unll.ble · to malte mlleh the .Method18t church. wUl at tbe Metbodlst cburch ' n elet Sun. class of 'I :30 p. M. b1 the choir and n CARt IUNDAV DINNER GUE8TS , Uriderwood. Mu.ln liA.1·eot. · Ill'o!:'reIlH, m.., Wedneada1. ~ecember 13 , at dll.Y. We ' Iuvlte you and !n8ure lights ., Mr. Ucl Mn. J. P. Fromm had of ),OUDg I,eople &Dd adults . the churcb. Iilveryolne of the class you a 1'0 111 welcome. Do nttend the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - The other program will be tlven I I Sun4ay dID~.r gueMs Mr. '.nd . THANK8GIVING DINNER .. urged to 'be prel~ot. 'Covered church of ),ollr cbolce dUl'lng t!L1!1 'SUR,PRISE FAREWELL 'e. S• c • S • TO MEET ,\ ir. Rnd Alra. Ed Ramby and Mrs. Clyde Fromm aDd lIon of by the Sunday Sc~ool chmlJren on dlah supper at 6:00 p. m. followed I Chl'Istm.llB Beason and you will ~h·lI. Loyd lJaviil, MI'II. O. Jl. SATURDAY AF'tERNOON children, and their IUIIt, Mr. SPrtnctteld and Mr. and Mra. Mel· Wednelclay olght. December 20th b, Chrlltmaa meeUlIlg. want tQ continuo lin throughout Ungleilby. Mrs. A. H. StUbl)s, M.I·B, at 1:80 p. m. A pl..y will be Ho~er RoiDb)" of JADt,aJur.. l'Ia., vln nanta. 01 New CarUsle. --'tilt! ),ear 1961. C. A. Clark. Miss Phoebe Miranda, The C. S. O. S. of the Metbod lR t given entltle4 "Chrlaunas ' Cus· THANKfttVING DINNER Miss E mily Jacobs and Mrs. Jennlo chlll'eb will meet at the ' chul'eh and Mr. aDd Mrs. Earl Conner aDd toms" alone with 8Oog. and reel· Ion ('njoyed Thnnkagtvlnc dinner R. HARTSOCKS , IN DA.VTON Mr. and Mra. Rlhocl.. DWInell COUNTY BROTHERHOOD COUlter plea!lantly lIurprlsed Mrs: SntUl'day, ,lJecemb!lr ' 9 from 2:!lu Mr. and Mn. Roie 'R. Hartsock tatiOIUl. ~antll. and his treat lor and daUgbter,' Cam)l. entertained with M.rs. Goldle Su~acej MEETS MONDAY NIGHT H. E. Hathawa.y one evening duro to 4:00 p. m• . A splendill afl ol" a4 Mila Jea'D Hartaock ' were til6 ~b.ldren. , to cllnner on TbaDkactvlllc 4ay Mr. iug the past week, as a. farewell noon Is planned inclttdlng '1I iCllIl'IlS ThaDlulctvlnC cueats of M I ~ a ' Everyone Is Invited. Details of and Mn. George Bunntll1 and f8m' bel ore ahe lenves to reside at the entitled "When the Littlest Carnel WORD FROM eON IN KOREA "'-"'ba .Drathe...... Is a I»Otb ..rvt~ will lollow next Ily, of New , 'LexlnCton, Mr. aDd Warren.' :county Methodist Men's Jo'rll!Dds , bome. Knelt" a Christmas film strip: Mr. and Mra. Jobn Stansbury ........ ._...... week. Mothers or the Society , [11'0 'In· ' Mr8. Keller Hoak, Mlue. ADD Brotherhood wUl meet at tbe bave word from their lOll William. Marlon Brown In l>a¥ton. vllCtl to, a.ttend liB gueSlH. 1\11 L.ouJse and Eu... Hoaie, Mr. Seth M.8aon Met.l;locllst · churCh, Monday STUBBS ENTERTAIN who Is with the U. S. NaV)' that., , w. C. T. U. TO MEET Boak. Mrs. Earl HGekett. Mn. Diehl at 7100 p. m. Jar RUpper and Mr. nnd IIlrs. A. H. S\.ubbs and will want to he there. be IB nC)'W on dUlY In KONla, D. HART8OCK8 ENTERTAIN The W. C. T.' U. meet.tnc will be Nellle Bunnell. Miss Monlm10. Bun· program. Dr. Jobn Danford. of family enlertalulld to Thankilglv· .. Mr. ucl Mra. Dav14 Hartaock .n· RETURNS . TO DUTV • tertalDed to ThankactvlDC dinner held at the kome ,of ' Illra. Walter nell, Mrs, Ada. ~mlth. Mr. Glenn Wilmlniton. will be the · lpe'aker In&, dinner, .Mr. 'and Mrs.' N. n. THANKSGJVING IN DAYTON MI'. Ilnd ,~rB. p, L. n enAoa spon t ' . Doa,ald Sawn b rlltumed ~ Mr. ad 1[11'11. Stai'ley H. ' Balley, Whltakei' I'rIclaT eveDlnc at 'I :30 &mlth and Mr. antl Mrs. DavIs or the evenJng. Tbls wlll be ladlea Allaman and fawOy, Mrs. Emma II Mr. abd Mr,. Jame. H~It. o'clock. Evel')'bodJ' Invited to at- Furna.. night'. 60 bring aloD, your wire. Gearhart and Mr. and M,rs. Pau.l Thank9f!lvlng with M.rs_ C h :, I'1 ~:1 Oall In reservatioDs to Mr. R. C. F II.rQU h ar an d Bon o."Day ton. on d Fester ,In .Dayton. :~ d=c.:!!h :~r~~~~:.:~ 'O eoree, Tommy and John tend ~.. meatiq. Moler or the mlDlster. J : W. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Andrews and QUElTa FOR THA,NKSGIVING Tb.aIlka«tvlnc hoUdaye with hla lIartaOcll, 1(1'. Bill MclOnney,., Mr. children, o( Ashland. . and Mrs. Joe Hartsock. ,,· NEW CENTURY CLUa"" U _A ~ ""'-d W 1.Wedgewood, ' , parenti. Mr. and Mrs. ,Job o Hawn. .. 1'. ,'auu _1'11. , ___ nar e Wi SUNDAY DINNER. GUESTS Mr.. 8. S. EWa 'opened bel' alld famO,. enterta1Jjl~ to Thanka· ,...-----1M r. and lofrfl. n oss H. f[a l'lBocll, IUNDAV DINNER GUEUS e0UDtr7 bome OD 1'rlda1, Novem· glvlnc dlnner."Mr. aDd Mra.. C. Lee FRIENDSHIP C.LUB TO MEET THANJ<8GIVING IN , HAMILTON ENTERTAIN BRIDG~ iCLUB Miss Jean Hartftock, Mr. , and Mrs. IIr. ud Mn. Paul PleklDc ha4 ber It for, the ,.lUlar meetlnc or Hawke, Mr. and MTlL Don Hawke. Tbe FrJendsblp Olub will meet ' Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Stout and Charles ~Culloch ,and MrR. l.OIl a. 111'1. Rois B. HaJ'tIOck opened 81 ' Sunda, dinner cueatl, Mr. and the Nri C••WI')' Olub. MI8I Doris Hawke, Jlln. ,Mae Ca1'4· on Wedueaday att.rnoon, Decem. daughter with lira. J. J. stout. of her :bome on Tu,elJday for the Mrs. Jobu Homln.., or Dayton. M~ Earl Hocn... preald~nt. ' and Mr. . Robert Hunter, Mr. __I: II at the home 01 MrA. Walter Dayton, and Dr. an'd Mrs. Clnlre Hartsock were SundltY dinnH ArPDOt ~dce Club and Mn. ~ pnlldlcl' ov.r tb.e .buaIDe.. ae..lon and Mn. William "Dru., of In· Whitaker. A prolJ'lU!l and Clft ex· Stout and children ' and Mrs. , ,AI. guelt! of Mr. nnd Mrs. Uw en StaDler Bailey, M1'II. Marie RItO., SUNDAY DIKNER GUilT. and roUt wbleb, each p..&werecl with 4 .....polI•• we,. aft.e1'llOOn callers change will the entertnlnment fr~ Lambert ot West Muton. were .Hartsoc~.. Mra. lt41a T~PBOn ucf Mrs. D. Mr. ad Mri. R E. ,AlbUrJ were BOme facta on their (awrlte hobby. , )(n. Welta aecomPUIe,4 tbem I lor the afternoon.. . TbanksctVlnc gueats of Mr. and R. Smltb. cleUcloaa luncheon , ' • ' Tile lll'011'1UD CODUDIttu then 10· home f~r lob. wee~ end,' but was lira. Jamea; Snyder In Hamilton. ' HAVE SUNOAV GUESTS was enJoye4 ucl three tablee of Bwa4&7 dlDDer guesta 01 Mr. ad trallucecl.. their .peaker. Mn. D. .1lOW.bouD4 Ucl 411d not reach Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Frye Dull brldp were · In plaT durinJ , the lira. OlIffor4 Allbr.lcht lAd aqh· BI4P. who In .. moet entertalD. home unUl Tueaclay.. THAN.KSQIVING GUUTS ' Bons had as Sllnda,y guests" Mr. THANK'8QIVING IN AKRON afternoon. r ter, IOu Karul Allbrlaht, III pay. Iq mallll8l' toN of her v817 latel'_ Mr. aDd Mrs. Charle. An4eraou. Mr. aid Mra. F, E. Anderaon I ~d . Mrs. 'Burnett Dutten yol'lh unll ton. 111'. an4 Mra. AabUl7'e 8On, ut,Ine ,pJeUure aDd eJchtaeelDr DINNER AT WIIH,NG WILL 81'., ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rile'" Thukaglvlng and lbe week 80n of Lebanon, and MI', nntl Mrs. O. E. . . MEETI MONDAV lack Aab\U7. of Da1~~ &lao WII trJ ... _.a. th Eaet dUra the u Ucl M EIIm DaY1a and Andenon, 11'.• ud children. were end hi Akron. , I Ernost Butterworth. ' a 111"t, and on Kond&T mol"lllq 11 .... e q _1'. 1'11. ' ThantlltvlD' cueste of Mr. and Mla!DJ Chapter 10'1 O. B. S. wi" h I fto tor IIlIU.-m . put &1I'!m n MU1 hlatorleal lira. D. C. IUdp olio", Tlaank~ M H Ev In Columbul. meet III replar a..1Io1l OIl MOD- e e -.r H ceo palDta wer,e vII1&e4 III all of th!l "vlnC cllnner ~ tbe W ..blq Well 1'8. ermen ana CLARENCE RVES 'HAVE GUE'ST8 day eveDin... 'Deeemller 11 with New BJlIIaD4 1IIatu. aIio ... the III entenlll... Mr. and Mn. ' Clarence R)'e bad ONLY InatallaUon of officer. for the com- GOLDIE IUR.,ACE IMPROVI. .tatea oroate home, ,MAB. GORDON RETURNI a. their Thankacivlnc "uesta their IDa ,..... Mr.. Helm B. HUI, lin. Goldie 8urfaee, wbo baa The club ai.Joame4 to meet wlth .UNDAV GUE.T. Jln. L. H. Gordon has returned lOllS Mr. OIlarlea and Mr. ' Carl Grand Dectra of the Grand ~ ...... QUI" m at her bome on lira. C..... Hawke .. . . - . In Mn. Lou.lle Bin 'ad lOR, Ill'. atter lpendln. a rew weeka with llJ. of -Ohio State, and their IOn· t.r of '01110. and Jln. KatIarJa I'GurtIa '1U'88t, II Ialpro,,_ at thII ,.,.,........ at tile I'ar HUla PU't1 SlclDeT Hili. of CeDtenW., were _er alater. Mn. · LIllian ne ID 1D.law and 4aqbtar. Mr. aDd Mr•• IHO'-PING DAVS L'EFT UNTIL OnIlIQtoD. Depu~ G~ IIat,roD time. , B o u t , with tbe PI'OII'UD u4, SuclaJ afternOon or ~1'1, WuhlDltOD D. 0. WIlDe theN lin. IniDl' BOIIIIn of C1oclnnatl. or DIaII1ct 11, will be the YIIItIq , -- ~ DeIIeIou.... D. C. JU4p. Gonion. was a ",,!i at the wed' CHRISTMAS IDItallbII' omeen. All ........ or v.alT .N lllA_.UURA free'..... w. . Ml'YeI MrIaI tIa. " 4IIIC of bel' Dlece••Mln Miriam Vou can ......... ClOP'" .f til. IIlaml C1Iapter aN ncaQlltel to Mr. u4 lin. G..........................., . . the . . . . . . . . . DoD't fall ·.to rea4 I'Ue &lUI 111'. Non... -JDPel'l at GAZITTE, a' .... WAYNESVILLIE DO YOUr. SHOPPING NOW In'IDa .... .... 1&D4'W1eJwa far 'I'IIUbIlytq ..... IIaroIII au ..." lin. Joe WoMJ. 01 a4a of Jour Iaeal the PIia'rIm Preabyterlan -cburcb, D.RUQ STORE or &he QAnTT~ ............ Bordea , . . .. M ........q. IMllDOL .... ad &aa. ...._ _ wblck 1a~1N4. ....... journmeot '0 11014 a COftnd dJoner at the home of Alrl. Ray· mond' Bra4dook on December U. daltlty retresbments were served by the hoeteas ..alate4 by Mrs: WIU~m . Davle and Mrs. Clyde l:lmallwOod.
t:: DanQ..
u.fte... of.an..01'"
or ..
1 '(
slster·ln·law, Mrll. Rowanl Graham of near Harveysburg. IIII', aud M rlf, Ert,leSl Hill, or . . . . . . . . , ..... , ... , Editor and publliher Waynesville. wel'e Suesls, S unda >·. ...•.....• , .. , . , Secretary and Trea.urer or Mr. 11111\ ;.11"8. Jnmu Rad.'r and family.
I)ubllsbed Evel'Y 'I'bursdsy Morn1D& 1I t ' 'YllyuC'Bvllle, Warren Count1, Ohio Enler d lit! aecond class matter at
B. PIlI·t1ngloll rerual ns III at bl l!
METHODIST CHURCH LYTLE: METHODIST C .... URCH J . W. We dgewood, ?flnlsl r B. E. Hallabn; Pastor Cburch Scbool, 11 :10 A.M., Mr. Unlfte,J ,Service, 9:46 a, m. liarolll lilarnbart, Supt. . - Worabrll SerVille, 10 : 30 ·A.M. \' outll 1? f! Il(l\V Rh I p, ~ lIt J(I IIY ; at) ST. MARV'S EPISCOPAL I 1111 I/.ev .• nllIliel N, Keys nt'ctal f.M.. . . 'llJillu y ; ,, ' 1~(lIJ' PI'~I! Uc'e 'l'hUI'8c1fIY S' fill. '11111' b ~(! hstl 10; 30 O. m . ,\ d ull Worsbln, I tI':sO a. PI FERRY CHURCH OF 'CHRIST Byron o rver. Mlniater Dible School. 9:80 A.M. UT ICA E. U.B. CHURCH Morning WorshIp, 10 : 110 A.M . \\ 1I11 ~ IIJ Sbll.\l llOll, MinIster i'raytlT Meeting, 1 :00 P.M. SUlltin), Scbool, , : 30 ,\. M., Mr•. Young People'. Meetlog , 1 : 00 JI1UltlJ; Ullrrteoll, SUpL l:i:veo illg Sen Ices, 7 :30 P.M .
1'om JUch I ' s8rlouslY ,1l1 lit Ills .. home Il eal" Harveyaburg. lhO ' po. toftl<;e nt Waynesv ille, Ohio. At 1'. fl lld M 1'8. Charles l)oster en· lertl41ned ",vllh II family dinner ttt
hlo; $2.50 elsewhere theil' ,h ome Than~glvlng 'dIl,Y. MI'. 11 n d 1.1 r s, Glib I t \Vel c h, or Detroit, Mchlgan, were recent Ken.llet h, of Dayton, and Mr, and guests of Mr. Welch's mother, Mr!!. Mrs. James Park arid daughters , or Oba Wel ch and otber rela.tives.
SubsurlpUou RIl.les
Inclnnall Mrs.
eOJ'gQ F I'O$t bas been
Jeru ad from Ilu) hoapillll t~l\d Is now at. her hom o n (I I' town.
11l.·y] lenny 8\1 slal ned n Mrs. 1,,11 .. 'qlerH Is III II I her broh en firm In a r II til hpt' home, bOlD . nellr tOWII I nst week. 'touy E tz srent sevenll days In Mr. lind ~1 1':1. ,J obn yrl'l'd anti Dartoll last 11' 11. k , visiting friend Lllal .. Infa nt SOl1 , K en n e lll, or DtIY' and I' lathes. ton, wer g u Rts, SnndllY o( . 'I rs. , j\ft·s .. Amelia Go rdon. who bas Sytetd 's parents, :\'11'. lind ,~11'1I . H . been n patient at Good Samaritan , '. Tuck r hos pita l for !l vern l weeks, fo llo.w· conM,·s. Johlluy ;';luit!I, of IlC'lU' Ing nn 1l1ltomoblle a nddent, Hllrv ys blJ\'g, iR J'el~OI' l'lng foJlc)\\,· \' ule ac lng lit the hom of bel' Ing nn II hi R~ 01' se\? e~'111 w elIR. , dllught er, MrJi, Jnnlna ,MOI;nn, of
War!\. Ints 1.J(~\'ll re (' II'e(l of tho death . ot Footer U, Bullard , ot En.nls, Monlllnn. Funeral sel'Vl s llnd burlnll\'ere he l(l 11\ UlIlt lilll , Saturda y, December 2., 1II r. Dal1aJ'd wlla II fOI·mo.\, res ld nl of th e lilll" veysburg community. SurVivors In ad!lltlon to Ihe_ willow, Rosa , In· clude one al st er, Mrs. Emma Swln· dler, o ( Day;ron, Illld M nrl'eys blll'S, lind one brothel', Edgar llnlltll'a. of Dn.ytOll. The MllJOOle Town hlp s hoo1 system was c108t'd til weak of Novemher 27 be ' 1111 \ o{ the Il\(\le· me llt wenUlel'. Miss Mltry Dell BOgIlll , t\Jdent ot Miami ' nlv r lilty, .. p nt the Thanksgiving hoUda,Y8 at tbe bome of bel' parent s, .11'. IIfrs, WI11· Rrd Boglln. . Mlss Mary .Jane Mooro I undt'r· gOi ng lI'ea'lm lit :\t O\'R.lId 1 w I-Ios· pilat, ])nytoll.
Dnyton. E ll Lewi~ 18 III III Ills home. ~'I ;'. Obn Welc h -who has been serious l y !II fo l' the past few weeks II:! l'epOl1.('d to II s lightly Improved. Mrs. Susie GIlUam of Payton, Is II. house gueet ot' Mr. and Mrs. James Rader and tamlly. Dallas DartOn hall been releas8\t frOID Lhe b()II~'ttn I where he re' cently ul\derwent tl major opera-' tinn, and Is nOI at his bome. The D. Y. F. o{ Ule J~nab's Ruri Ba.Ptlst ' ('hurch met Sunday at tb(' home of theft· I,aatol', Re I'. and ~1J . J . P. Thombury. . • Irs. A. S. Collett and ber son Robert Collett and MI', and l'ofrs. H oward Collett, ~ Wilmington, "\\' el'e Tbanksgiv.lng day guests of MI' a nd Mrs. Walla e Collett Itnd fa mily, of "lnclnnltU. . Wilbur hlclaker Is I.:on(tned to Hal e Hoepllllt. Wilmington.
The A.l\t.E. church w ill spon sor a turkey 'supper at tile ~ 11001 bundlng Saturday cv.enlng. About forty·twa or their [('Jends Ilnd re1ath'()s , lIsseD1!>l ed nt !.he home 0;C MI', and Mi.s. Marc Wile en Tlumksglv1ng .day . to help Mrs. Wileen I .. brnle 'thel' bIrthday' anIIlversary. Mr, I\nd . {I'll, H. S. TucKe.1' bad Bli 41elr' dlnnel' g uests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John, • yl I'll lind Ilon,
Mr& Laura Sbldaker has Te· t Urned from a visit wltb Mrt!, Mamie Hntfleld , o( Lebanon. M.rs. ·ida Collins bad BEt her guests SatW'dllY, her son Bnd daughter·ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee C01llus, o.f Centerville. 1\("". Osee Hill:lan was .gu~t. Tbanl<glvlng day of Mrs. Rubye Stump, of Dayton, Mrs. t.aurlt Shldl.. l, I' Is pendIng a re,~ (lays IIi the .home ot be~
William Brookls bas returned to Ft, Knox, Ky., 'Collowl,lg II brief s tay at tbe home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brook,!! and family. ' The Nove mber rueetl ng oC the Adult luss of the Me lho",lst cburcll wns cancelled because of the Inclement wcatbel·. The group will convene Oll the regu l ar dllte tbls month. Mrs. Mary Brinegar visited relatives III HIUJlllton Saturd ay. Mr. and Mra. Frf>lt Sherwood en' t ertalned wllh u family dInner Thanksgiving dilY. Mt.. and Mrs. Charles Bogan, Sr., wer,e Tbanksglvlng doy guests of their 80n.jn.law twd daugbter, M.:. and Mrs. Herbert neH ' and lion , ot Mlltord.
"'l'ea('IIIII8, let and ~rd Bull" I)"YII 01 au(:!. mouth , III SO A.M ,
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH OF iIl V"Jl lu ll Sllrvlcell, 7 : 30 P .M. CHRIST Por. H. Cqrtey, MlnlBter Bible chool, 9 : SO A .M . CAESAR'S ' CREEl< FRIENDS' Morning Wor.blp, U\: 30 A.M. _ ParUnltoo, 1Iam.ter l eetlng, 7 ,110 Voung Peoples' WorabJp 8emee. io A.II. P,lI' . , I'IULda, Sobon" II ~r Jl& . I:;venlng S rvl es. x : OO J\ M . , Prayer Meetlll$ IIU(I !lIbl e Study Wj4Dee4al, 8 P.M. , OREGONIA EVANGEL-tiCAL U. B. Jnnes H. Riley. Pastor nunday School, 10 A. M . ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Morning Worship, 11 A. M, Father R. H. Krumbolta, Paator
We're deepl~· qrateful for the qift of hjendship
"'asles, 8 .and 10 A.M.
WAVNESVILLE - FRIEND6 ~'lrl!l nay Hchool, 8 :80 A.M, MT : ,HOLLY METHODIST '~'j(! Lllig for Worllblp, 111 :30 ~.M . T M tlcalf, · MinIster Bunda1 ScboOI, 8:10 A..II., III. A. JIlarDhart. Bupt. Let thi s Sunday and every unWorship Senta., 10:10 A.JI. day find you In some CbUl'ch EYen1Dtr Semce. 7:10 P.M, t be cburcb of your choice.
___ ._._.3... ,__.'___
'laClura rU"Dlr,al IOm8
471K . "Do, 'ilL
'. ,••.•••.•• -
. i . I •• "
8eclllllea' Dame.e
N ....,..... CapHa,l
tlon 11 approximately no mUllon dollan, lay. the U. S. • 011 con..rva. tion aervlce.
Amlterdam, the capital 01 the Netherlandl, II crlll·croaltd with mar. than 800 brld,... Canlla nm throuab tb. city and divide it Inlo 110 aeparst. blanell, .
Avera,. annual dama,e from all forml C?f ledlment and "dlmenta.
i .
_ l
NUro.en lllar"e$loll " Nltro,en itarvaUCIQ In com can W be eul1y detected by the llpt yel. IOOW='O "Olor of $h. leaV.I,
' . :
'ftID. ,., Efflcl_ The fDm ot Pllm oll OD ftbe 'IIDIlbed hot dlJlPed tJp plate uaed tu makin, "Un canl" II 10 thin · that 1& can bar.1y b. leell wltb lba nalu;d IY," It II Ilv. ''tim .. . tblc~er than the ann,e coatln, of tin on
Arml-tage .&Son' ~A~~=~~:~'
V'" ,ood
I t'roleoUCIJI A blanket mid. from a ,rain lack 11 protecUon for calve• . in cold weJlther.
To all in
~ Do
YOUR XMASShop'ping NOW I' Wi~h :Y o'Qr [oo: a l' 'M 'e rcliants.
our low .. '
May you enjoy _
;luper"., happy
;. 'The.lIiami i
GazeHe~,i ,
~ I
"'oi· ,,~,
ii :C.c
SHA2E·· IN '
ou~ SUCCESS' Greatest PocJge sates in history mean tower cOst to you I 'We've never lInd such snles as In the past few 'montha! Ne bad so many cars to seU - as Dodge production break; iill records! 11lnt's why we can give you lID eye-opeuing deal!
TotIay your present car will probably· more than
cover ·the clown payment on a great n~,,. Dodge Libernl trade·in allowances will give you this value-packed Dod2e at the lowest total COlt of any time tfUs yearl Speod jUlt !5 miuutea willa UI and we will prove: You could pa~ $1,000 more and flat set t,,! !X'ra room, flulUng r-tOl'fftDrlC., e&/l 01 handling and ruegN tUpentt4bllUy 0/ Dod-gel Don't delay! Come In todayl •
PlICES SlASIIID ON w. han .... ~
usiD CAlsI po'" •••
1iIdottt, _ 1 f t........... ......... C - lot . . . , . ' •• while Iew_ , 0 , . . . . .l1li II -'1
- - - - -.GET PROOF. SPEND 5 MINUTES WITH,U S I - - - - - - - -
FOR .1'9 51 ,
"SHOWTIME ... U.8.A."-The Greate.t Show on T.I.vl.lon-See Your Ne_lIaper For Time & Station
M~RRAY AND LAUTERBACH • roadway at Oakwood
L.......dli, Ohio
The Waynesville' Nltionll taik WAYNUVlLU, OHIO
~MI .~
1 ...... ier.· .. ....
and natur. ang ,OU
. ...... h. .16 .elll •••
::~c'!__ .__ 17
~~~c: ~ ._~_ 15c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO JUICE - l __.__ 25C 4$ OL Can!
MEN'S COSMETIC SETS ..:- Mennen and Tawn
WHlnlE IFA\M'OlLlfi"@ "
' ~®rn
_______ 29c DOT SWEET I'OTATOES Vacuum Pac:tc 19C No. 3~Clln _
HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE C Crushed, No. I F:at Can. ~ Can.
CANDIES AU K.... and Color.
a:rro :II
CIGARS ~ Boxe. 25 . ' Several Branet.
Frozen. 2, C;&I;1'
~;JPES $l~1o $3.
: rr®m
'k "
* * "
~rn W®~~@i~~rnm~ ~
. PHONE :Z541
110 '"
TOBACCO .In 1 POund Can, Xmas ~rapped
btY~-A-WAY .
.:~ '~~~)q.~~~~~~~
PIIONE 212.i
£ S VI L L E,
0 H lO
"ltlaJ!.ket' Boy" .
,!tJr@isi~l~l ,~ \t.' ..~ to ~ .• "~rn.
Ph. H3Z . , W.,.mille , HARVEYSBURG;' OHIO
, 1;
V'\.oM.l ............ ~ ~ ....
•9It/JeJ'I'lt,-,BA~KlI~· •
,I thai" M~rr.,'
C·;'r;.s lmal, ca"
. i, 0"" s;ncere
m~a• .
.. '
for 10" thif glad holida, l~dIO,.1
Our. heuti•• ' .
~- . """w;..... ~
Pound' ____ ___ ..:,.. __ _ .
.....-'_ .•~ : fOr ,yow .
________ ___ _ .
p~ - ------ --- -
' 53c ,49.c 39c '
THtlH. DAY, DECI:!MBEr~ 7, 1')50
·-.RM~~~~NN~PN~~~~PN""~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~ ;. ~ =
The peace of , ' Chriatmaa
be yours.
'Ar 1950 ' .
B~auH£ul--D~rable--Restful '
, '$47.ZS '
FRAN,CE;S GENE ·B ROWN All TypeJ ()f Insurflnce To Fit Your N,eds--At A S6,lIillgS
, ~,
' ..:... .
8 .
~;~... t ~ 'I~ ,:.
. ,, )
AII "Sleel Wardrobes '
I. '
OC"'_-OCI(IC-CIIt'C;;;'-;cm!( .
' ~
~t ,~c~ ·.
~ .... frlool.,
II ..
~t ~:::~.:: ->1-:
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: . JlIlJolllllcltllll»;l. ~ :;: " i:.
:.;! ..... '!"!"·t"'l'tfIf' ~"' '4"'C 'C~lClfIlC.CIC.!C
1 'r::~~f(;'c:e'~'e't·~, ":'~t: ~'C'C;C"'* - .;c;c.-,;- « " Si ,,!l tl(lC:iC;C~>eIe!C:ICIl! . . '
~I ·
.. ,
iJ We ' Congratulale
~mer;'JCh"~I;;'a~ . ' (I ..., ". ~ ~
.Maytac' Washers . Tappan Gas Rang
Waynesville Furniture ,and Appliance
• ' ~ ~lIIl1J;~":t.:UI;);lIl:!t,":t, )l ll;~~,,:a; ,1;);):',);lI
SZ4~90 Each
. Refrigerator, ,Frigidaire Deep Freezers, Hoover Sweepers
.",. !o ...,
.. '."'- .... It ..~-' r ~~~· ""-:-~
wll.MJNCTON 2111 '
. . .,
. ..
The Merchants ··ON•• .. .. TI£
'l! ,
u .. THIS ~EAR ..
PHONE 2441' ,
ii~Ig · =
STUBBS , . FUNERAL-HOME i l ~~ · ...._ ...c . . ."".._c.~~
" StartiOg·Monday~ DeCemher'II, we . , wiD' be"open everr night .includibg ' . Wednesdays until 9:00 P. M. ' WaYne~vlil. Furniture ',' Hymans
Day anil ~Hart.ock Falr'.y H'dwe ,
\::.. - -. .
t .'
.,i Be'st ~ish..s~ I for
YO,u r ,
... . : ha,p piness , " , ", t~is YU~le.' . ,t ide. ~
, "'. Jog ']~e· .. . " : .' YOun~ this " "HffP'1nESS 'RULE CHAS. DOSTER· " :. Chrisitmas'. , YOUR ' HomfS " . . HARV~YSBU~G, ;~'950) , TH rs,SffJSOn. "..
To. 'you,
afull '.
" Diatribulor of GULF ' PRoDucra. QASOLiNE
MIl ru.... OIL Phone Cente,vill. ~1408 W.,....v.... RUr.. Rou' I
.-2,." ---..• ----JeJg~ A Farm Diary By D. J~ Frazier
DECEMBER 4, 19liO. - The b'lg anow 11:1 stili the chief topic of conver.!!ntlon. People were eltber out In It. wel'U stranded some;.I'bel·e, 01' had unex-Pected or delayed' guestA. It w'a'sn't untll ·Sat. urday lI(tornoOI1 tba.t we were able to break th,'ogh our lalle back to my house. Until tben I bad to a~ wblch was walk ot to my Ilarked nenl'er tbe road. When it did vo, It went III a. hrry, a rain j.'l'lday night ulld warm weather nil day Satul'day and It was gooe, Now It Is hlgb watel', but ihat does not bother us on Dry R,ldge. Today It Is cold again so It mllY hold back some of the water, The Parks family iOQulred about nil tbelr old friends and ac'luolntanees and sent their r~gards and best wisbes to everyone. Melissa anll Step ben are big children now and And \,ew, .'tbe two yeaI' old, Is a big husky liVe-wire with nn engagIng g)'ln. Mrs. Merrick Is wltb them j'L~t now. thwgh she bad been tor vlaita with bel" otbe .. daugbters. Wyandotte iso't lUI clean anll pleaiant a place to ltve as Wynesvllle. but the work Is so Inte~sUng tbat It makes up for some of the otber things. Wyandotte Is an Industrial community domlnat~d by the grellt cllemlcal plants, lit Is a clly In Ita own right bt wben yOU drive ' to Detroit. It Is 'bard tell wbere Wyandod,e leaves . ort and tbe next town begins. Jt Is .oli the Detroit River and tbe 'blg boals go by, and would be very nice but tor tbe fumes aod amoke trom tile chem· leal wwks, Saturday wall more like a Marcb day than. a December OOC. wltb tbe meltIng anew ond the 80ft wind and the birds singing. Tbat beavy snow was bard on th.e birds. I saw quIte a. number at tbe suet and • put BOm'e ground teed out on the porcb but before the blr!ls could find It ~lIe dogs ·came alpng and lIoked moat or ~ up. . Tbere wall II red bird around L1ut I do pot tblnk 1t found tl!'e oorn tho It IB aU go lie now ,- I thln.k It 'I'as the turkeys tbat got It. 1'here waa II ' · ~aro1Jna wren opplng around on tbe porcb and' afterwal'd J lIaw It at the suet, ' Ita leathel's· were an nulfed out making It Tbe look very round and tat, .chickadees a.re illso around agal n but not many tJtmJce. We e.re still troubled w I~h COOtell, Tbe rabbit huntera bave shot at one _Reveral Umes but· It stili rUllS and comes back . .alo. It Is too bad th!lt our Interests and those ot the wild thingll or the woods contl1ct. ' 1.( tbey didn't eat my tlhlckens and my ducks I woUld not begrudge 1he fox bls ebare of the rabblla' and _round bop. but D11 youns chl~keliB are as taBt.J , to !a1m as they, are to me alld 80metJmea It aeeJDa that be more than b~ allire. It we could ollly bep clearly In mind wbat beloDSs to us and what to someone elae both ;.. paraolill and as natIon. m~be peace would be not aD " ar aw&Y. . The twice 'a week cream CQllecUon doe. not WOlrk. 80 well for us this cold weather. . 'We are .only mi111lng one cow now and by tbe time I have used what I ·want, tbere' Is bardly enoush cream left to be worth comJug after. LalIt week thla time there was no POB, IIlblllty ot collecUDI It for t,bls eDd , of the lane 'WIUI aUll blocked with clrlrta tbree and fOUr teet blell.· Friday they say he tried to ,et In . but the a~ BtiD too deep 10 I am WO~rIDC . 1f be 11'111 come today. 1 made aome butter the other dll7. Ua~ly I bave ' no trouble at all and 1 wouldn't bave bad with tbl. If I bad coae ahead a~ flntshed It rlllit away. Just al U. broke and the 'butter w~ In laJ'Ce BOft. &rUns, n waa Interrupted and ·I thousbt I can f1n1ah thJa later aDd lett It. When I came back I itld not DoUce how, tbe b~er and poured In .pm. cold water before I tried to take it o~t because '1 thougbt DOW I 11'01 pour orr lOIDe of th~ butter milk to use berore I put In any water BO I pve the daaher a tUrD or ' two IUId all of that 10ft butter meltecl nabt bacll· 1Il10 cream an4 then 4Id I uve a ·tlDfe ,atUn, It .e(llU'&te qaIn. It la alwap much banlei' to I'MIUII'Il It U4 tIle _ bu&ter la aeldom·very Iood UI4- tJaat wu tile WQ tbIa wuoyel'Chul'lled. .
1 ERlI1t.. 'or Bertha
Selby, dec'd, Melvin
W.ren (ounty 'Court News
..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
trlbutlve ftc'count.
With the .. 1" Taken Out .
COMMON PLEAS I Esll1te of Ro bert I". S Otl.. de "d, Elltat.e of Wlllllir Jeffery , dre'd, IS STARnNG A SCHEDULE OF REGULAR Pemllwn . Tuck·e r va Ida Tucker. Samuel TIII'lIel' , IIdmlnistraatol' George J effery lind Warrrn C: WEEKLY VISITS TO WAYNESVILLE EVERY divorce to defendant. f'Jled Ii&·"t, (1Ill, 1 nnd dilltributi l'9 Young, exe cutors, 1m' IItory ap · FRIDAY. Barnle Duff Lulu DlIfr, plain· accolJ~t. pro,·ed. A. Loan Ma"de-Can Be Repaid IF YOUR SEWING MACHINE OR VACUUM tit.' to pay def~ndllnt s um o! $10,Ou I Estate or M AI'It! White. (lo(' ·U . From Farm Income per weck anll $25.00 on or beforo determination pr ~ lnh e rlt.al1 ()() tll X. MARRIAGE LICENSES CLEANER IS IN NEED OF ADJUSTING OR December )0. 1950 and $26,00 011 . Estate of Joeellh F. MeKlnn y. stan]'y T . Julien.. 24, blol'k TERMS ARE LQNC OVERHAUL, PLEASE FIlL OUT or before January ]0. 1961. 1"111:111- dec'd Jolin I;!u.iene 1'01 Kinney. layer and Edna Logslllon, 20, AecLOW RA'fE - 4% 8LA~ BELOW AND OUR REPRESENTAtiff to pay defendants attorney' , . ' I retary. Pleasant Pla.ln. . A. Farmer Owned Auociation -6000 ' Decem b er a"u, Evan Wilda Condon and Ceel e TIVE WIlL CALL ON YOU. FREE ESTI. • . on or be rore . 1960. ' J.l.ell.ll BarntbouS18 nppolnted ad- ' Ph~lilP Gordon GII·ayblll. 05, MATES - ALL WORK ' FULLY GUARANmlnlstrl4tors DBNtWWA. clerk, Dayton and Susan Corwin TEED ON ALL MAKES. NE;--;;ITS The followlngeslates "i'e e X' WhUakc)-, 6~, clerk, ' l\I:orrow, Eg· Homer David Leppla, 24. terb' William Oarr vaBrucp. L. Carr, empt from Inheritance tax: Mary Carr and the Springfield tate of Leah Smith, Ilec'd, Wilner I nlchm. Mlamlsbllrg nnd Wilma LEBANON. OHIO , Savings Society df Clark. County C. Smith, administrator; cAt ale of , Lee POIwell. 20. cashier', F ranklin. Pbooe 448 1223 Central Avenue to set aside deed' and mortgage" Fred GI,mvill mlth, dec·d. \~alWilbur Rltch,ey. 23, fo rm er, ELLIS, H. ST.URM, Phone 3 3801 and to Quiet title aod tor tem· ter S. Smith. admlnl stratol' '. and Foster and Virginia. M. Barot. 17, MIDDLETOWN, OHIO porary and permanent Inspeatl0 n tbe estate of Rob"rl F. Rcott. keypun(~h ?perntor, FORte I'. for ' otbe~ . equitabl e reller. dec'd, Samuel 'ru rrier , odmlnlslraCbarles E. Leist;, 24, farmer, ••_....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......_ Slanley and Stanley , tor. Leb~on and PhylU a J, Glllbrenth, DEAD STOCK. PHON E Oharlea T. Henderson Vs Alfred Estate of Nellie Newcomb. dec'd, 28, secretary, ~oqtb ~ebanon. P, T.homas for termination ot estate relleved from administration. Merle E. Mowoary, 26, tree aur- HORSES 14,00 ST AT E . _ .-- --r---contraCt at sale and eqUitable reEstate ot Uzzle Lillian Hopltlns. gOOD . Dunkirk. Ohio. and La.ura All Stock Removed Dally _ dec'd, will' ordered tiled. J , Culberson, bookkeep.'r , FOllter, lIet. Maple and Maple I AM INTERESTED IN: Large or Small - Calt Collect Estate of Ada. Hew itt. dec·d. Mary Louise Bya.r s. minor VR New "SInger Mac!)ln. ) New &l nOel' Vacuum Cleaner Xenia 454 Charlell Byars, divorce. grOBS ne· transfer ot renl estntc granted. Spotted Varnllbed Floen Repair of My Machine. When varnlabed Hoon become XENIA FERTIUZER gl ect. Young and Young. Estate of Ednn. E, McEwen. . Youllg. elle ,~utor .potted. apply. U'luld vamllh re" dec'd, Warren the .pot. then 'Indpaper. Dlvle;c n of Inliind Product.. mover to REAL ESTATE TRAN8FERS tlle~ Inventory, hearing set for· du.t, aDd appl)t a coat of floor courtney J . Combs to ClaUde J . December 20, at 10 a.m. vamllh. _ .- _.- - _. WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR JOB PRINTING NEEDS anel, BeUye , Am bu rgy. 1 lot IIi Unlon Twp.' J. P. Lamb to Flols C. and Voda M . Snodd)', " lOIs In Corwin. Jobn T . and Emma DI!lhun 't 0 Enoch E. Chamberlnlll, 0.546 acres In Franklin Twp. Alma Nilsen Brh~e to Tbomal , W. and Mary Ann Weber. 2 lots In l"raoklln. lOOn "'ranc'8 to Estel J . and Ruth I.. Wright, 1.146 Ml' PS In l~ rankllo Twp, John i:ranCis 1.0 Fred Oray, 0.B21 acres In Fran.k lln Twp. . Edna Hill to Birdie bnlder. lOl~ acres In Marlon Twp. , Pemllton P . Tuckel' to Ida Tucker. 3 lots In Franklin Twp. Courtney J. CambsR to I(ash D. Amburgy, 2.6 lol.! In Soutb L4.banon. Mllla,rd and Chrls.Jne Hellon to R08coe and Mamie L. McCoy. 6.H acreR In 1'urtlecreek Twp. 'Mabel Sml,tb to .t. Jer...ld and , Vlrllnia P _ Whitley, 1.61 lI.e l·e8 Hamilton Twp, J. J'a rald Whitley to Vlrgin :a p. Wbitley;. Ui] acrea In I{ltLilht.,n Twp. , Raehael E. HoYI to Stella \' oung i lot ,In E'r~nklln, . John . J : and Ruby F, ' Burnett to Roben P . and Boyde Copeland, 1.081 aCl'tlS In Fra~klln Twp . George w:. Orr et aJ to O~a Orl', 1 lot In Turtlecreek Twp. . - ~. . :-:.f~_ .Frank H, aDd Mary Mount to ~~i~ ~ ~ Velma Mouot. 0.72 acres in Ham-~L_ ~ 'i . J. ilton Twp. ~~---_ Margaret E, Me),mann to PaUl Bel~r. 1 lot In Franklin TWJ), }'lo)'d A, Oney to DoTOtby E, One)" 11 lots In Wayne Twp. Leslie L, Spaetb to' C. W. Ber. --.: --=:a,. -.....,: - -~--==-~~ ' 1:. ~ ••• -~-_-~Ii'~..:;r::~"1a:::. caw, 1 lot In Deerfield' Twp, . L'i1te ;J~ I,. the NIl • ~ • ill the hllIe rotary clrilliDc rig on lts platform seven Mae W'Uls to JIUII~ C, and JDileI. off the coat of Tesu: On board the bill platform tender, a con ver-ted l S I' , MarU)'n . I.ak, 10 acre. III Barare quartera ror the clrilIm, crew, ~I for the DiMel enginet!, tanks of HpeciaJ muds Ian Tw.p, 1br babrica&iDc dae clrIII1ut bita, aDd ibouaaDda of leetolsteel drill pip and casing. El1Jiworth. Ertel to Leona Ertel .. Iota In Union Twp. 'Lovelan4 Park Association. Inc. to Nina Pauline Ladd. • lots In Deerfield Twp. . .Myron Wittmer ~ . Frank and FWa-eye view 0{ a,. e,.,ineer·s problem . •. deter- · Ethel Harpe, Z Iota in FrankllD, mimlll the oE I!l new underwater gu ~d ' FraIlk and Ethel Harpe ' to lID... iaa lotcrurerentfroman on-land job. The derrick can't very well be moved; IlO Bpeci81 methOIM Are ert aDd Cleo hUner, 2 loti In . uaecl to drill a deviated bole W the deaire4- posiFranklIn.. tiOn 'l eVeral, tholl8lUld feet down. A. M. an.d EUsabeth Cornett to Teus Eastern, through its subsidiary production com p~m y, • Jamea anel S,""b Cornett. 43,21 recently became the first natural gas company to engage in acres In Wai~ID~Q 'i')vP.
The Land Buk Way
The' Lebaon·National FinD Loal '
Singer Sewi"ng Center
J't.• -
'Men and mac;hin.s conquer Gulf, (Jf
PROBATE Estate of John B. Gooa. dec'd, Infentory 'approved, FAltate of Howard G,.bsm. dec·d. JeDnle Graham, eucutrlx appointed executrix, Floyd' Hook. Lewla Bevan and . Robert SetU. iDeyel'll appointed appraisers.
, ~
It'. G lO"'lllfUJim to ltmd ••• FindiDf natural ,.. underwater ill tolllb eDOqh,.but getting it to the lDch Un. to aerve the natioD ia toqher Rill. The men who lay pIoDeerll'iD
They 8BJl1 a number .of lovel)' b1DllUI. '. often wonder wby more URe Is ' not made ot this beautltul Advent music ... a: p~paraUon for Cbrlatma' ·011 rad10 procram.. Tbey are alw.,a IitnlOlins to find new aultable thlng& for tbe aeaeons and here la a wealth of sult~ able and beantlfUl muele almo. untoched wblle we are forced to lbIten tal ."Here Comes Santa OI&u8" over and over ...In, . . . . . . . ...... Ia . . , ............... . . .
- - drIDk . . . . aap . . . . .... ~~~:. : :
...... __.....
... ... _.will..t--. .. ... ee .,....,...
St. Karp CIIoJr bad. • . . , . . . . • . . . . tilt .... 1DIIIfCIIl ' . . . S-.r, ~_"'I._ I • II.........
·Mexico to provide fuel for .the future
pipe IineiJ
'underwater ezploration for neW reserves of gas. With some nelda already found, geologists view the Gulf as this (JoLln- ' try's greateet futule lOurCe of essehtial natural ga::J t1 nd petroleum. H~ in pictures is the story of the se~ sea r 'h ' "I.J r ' gas-gas which the I~ LiDeshopeto carry in futureye.:L s .
under the .......
a DeW acienCe.
"l\ " • .' . ",.,.,... ~ .,,::'!';~iil ·~ ' ;;:.. ,,; .~_
~ "
'IANSMI'SSION COIPOIAtlON opeNlter .. 1M iii Iftch and LIllIe lit IMh pipe 11M ..... II ...Nlliliiollll In ~nIty life of ten ....... - . . . III e.pll~ 11M . . . ..
Of r"CII·EG""~ II at 3Q6 . . . . . Sf. . . . . . . ., 1.' Ed...'
a Clall,fled Ad
Cloud Tuelday 4 . Wedoelday
Soli, Hauling, Snml, (h'IIV ' 1, Excavaling \NlLh Oa('k 1'100.
Drag·lIne IIInd .Blllllluzl'l'
' DEBORAH ~ERR ~ RO~T WALKER Good .c lean Family Comedy
Waynes."lIle. Ohio' ,Phone : W ~lynelv ~ lIe 2191
RIDERS FROM TUCSON T IM HOL..T is Back wllh HId T ~ \1ol Hard·HILling ~\ ,.tlOIl - PIUs 3 • T OGE COMEDY CHAPTER 1 2-~ 1lt GAI..AHAD'
T he Gun Th"t WOn the We.t
WINCHESTER '73 . (Tech ntco.1or) Jimmie Stewart S'heJ1 ey . Winter. 1unrllllteed to Keep YOIl on the Edge of
\\ . B. NEWS
Ht:\mllttln , 10 11 No. 3072 ColllmbllL t rOl'l, New· MRS. SMITH ,ll'lease call 2422 \Oi, [lOl't, 1.{ClltucIIY, et nl, more IDlormaticlD on ltow to HlOP DefendnlltR. moth ~ace In your \ home with Bmu.oU guarllUlteed l\fothsptay. WAYNESVILLEl F UItN ITUR m &. Ip JlUrBUO'Il('c or illI 01'1101' of the APPLIANCE. Probato COlli·t of Wurren County. OhiO, [ will offer for .. nlo lit pubBANK RUN GRAVEL. Londed, lic au, lion 011 tbe 13th du'y ' or. at Davis Furnas ~It'. 60 ,'ents Ja.nua.ry. 1961. ot 2 :00 o'clo Ie cub4~' yard. We "Iso (I .. lIvel', ARM· P. M.. on the prenus('s. the rol· ITAGE. &; SON, Pbcne ' 2091, II' lowing desorib d rca I estate: EEAV,E Y,OUR ' l:lHOC;S to be ·I'e· Being tb EAst , one hulf or l..ot paired at LEE HA WKE U R NEXT No. Forty·two (~, 2) DB the SBme 18 Ba.rber Sbop. WoOI'l!- w ill be coHed Jrnown and dcslgnrited on t)1e (or and deUvol,'ed. THOMPSON recorded plAt of tho Village of 'One of Pitteburih'l beat knowD SHOE ' REPAIR" HarveY8burg. orchNtra directora - be . . . head Wanen County. X-ll·So-12-7·14 HarveYiI!>urg. of ' the Nixon Cafe band tor mon Ohio. und be ing tb~ preml~es 10' than 10 yearl- II AI HanicoLmu. ABSOLUTELY NO ODOR when cated on tbe North s ide of Mllin Ileal director of the bi. KvKA rOS8 st!;cet muaical·variety , program, The Iron you UBe BERLoU M othsprny. •'ivl.' street. and between City show. A Thursday niiht f.· year wrU.tel:l guorantee wllh ellc h On the 'West. and a new ·\In· turl: at 7. The Iron City Show tea- aprayJng. \VA Y NESVILLJo~ Fli n· 'named thorou g hfare on the EaAl, turel Bun Alton. linilni emcee, _NITURE Ii APPLfANCE. conlloctil!g Ohio tRtll Highway vMaJiat Elaine Beverly• . the Iron No. 73 and .Main IIt rect. all In the City F'our and the orchestra. A WANT E'D -+ Ji:xperlenced tUlTel VlUage of Hl\J' veYllbtlrg. Worr 11 long time favol'ite KDKA. the Ihow I, famous for ita lpeeial mu.l. lathe operaf\otsl alltl jpb se llers. COlmty. Ohio, unci 1II0re' Il llrtl ('1I1Ilr. PI'efer men ·ovm· 50 yelHi! of Ilge. ' 1y described, lis' follo\\'s, to.wlt : cal arranR'omc)'lta - and it. "p)'. Good pay. eJ(,~e llellt opportunity nillctiea" .electicnll. . with growing comllany located Sftu""ted In tbe County or Wllr· South or Dayton. Oblo. Cull' MR. ren , State of Ohl . And III the Vii· WILLIAMS coll.act WAIIlut 2144. lage or HHTvey~b\ll·g. Rnd bOllnclecl . and dcscrlbed as [ollows, to·w lt: .'OR SJ;\LE - :: 5 WIzard of Oz Book~. A· I condition. S I z e .j 0 Beginning ul u stone at t he . E. i. What are thll DamN of tallO)' mlltle KU fl., brown. UH II 3H l. corner of Lot No. 42, und runnin g X- 11·30-' 12·7· 14 thence with Main 8 t;e~ N. 62 J Santa's eilht reindeer? 2. When ·will Halley'. comet be.. 1.- --.,..---- - " ' : - - - --:-- degrees W. 3 poles to a Btono Rnd "Islble a,aln? sALE - Approximate ly 2~5 S.E. corner of ,Charles l\1l\ddc ll 3. Who il the maD carfcat~ , of clover and timotby. QJllU. lot; thence ~ N. 2 7 ~ degrees E. belowt It R. 3, X-12,1 (with tbe Une or s&ld Chlll'les, FI'ltllk
, ,n
4. Can a wife obtaia a cUvorce If her husband joilll a rell1ioul order disbelieving in marriale?
"WE DON'T like It here" say tile motlls when you trent 'them with BERTAlU Mothspr.ay. Five y ar cuarantee. WAYNESVILLE FUR· NITURE &: APPLIANCE.
n CII . Ct. GlbaOli' llefrlgel'ator. SAVE $50.00 on Brand New 1950 BfJRD'S GEN:eRAL M'E RCHAN· Lytle.Pbone 2571. 12·7·14
5. Name the capital of Finland. FOR SALE Six: weaning pigs. 'PlullIlaH .~ JOSEPHZAJBEL. Wa.ynesville 'al !\{sdIUIIH 2848. X'-12·7
,...aN pU'C ~l{:mlU":.l UI 'saA l,(at.\iI(I ':;r ~I!WOli t 'M)!) ':I.·N
'!I , 86 T,
,,,, '
- New and Recapped - $8.95 '.' $2.00 rr~~e In, AbQw~e . Lu~riCating·Service Firestone AccessOries.: ,
'Opel 5:30 I. m. to 9 p. m. SUDdlJS 1:30. ' .• ' "t. 9 p •• ,
~~I~IIOOIIIIIIII~lllm 1111~llllmllllllllll mlllllllllll!llllillllllllllll
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Executor Elstl!te of Howal',1 Graham Dacellse.). Nollce Is l1m'e bY given that Jennie Craham :whose Post Office
add~e88 R. ~l. S. Waynesville, 01110. has hl!8~ duly appointed Executrix· ot the Eflotat.e or Howard Graham late Wa rren . Coun~y. Ohio. deceased. Dated tblll %2 ds.y of November 1950. ' Lt.e Wire ad AD RALPH H. CAREY Oqant.UOD MOOi.4 to DODe. ,Judge 0' -tbe Probate COllI t. Strl~tlJ lell,... OD th. ' belt aD' around, m.rket In ' the eGuntl7,. 'Ws~rren C,o llnty, Oh io & Youn~r. AtJorncys , '8ER~ICE THAT 8AT18FIE8 ,
boundl,1ri of 01'OS8 street; thence
QUALITY USED MACHINERY TRADE-INS Oliver, Dee re and New Idea Spreade r. Deere' and IHC Horae ,Corn Planterll - Can Be Ad .. pted To Mount 0'; Tractors IHC 8 Foot ~omblne with Motor Case 6 Foot Oomblne wIth Motor Cue 2·row Corn Picker ' John Deere l()'lnch Hammer Mill John Deere l·row ,Corn Picker IHC, Cue and Deere Dllk Harrows AllII'Chalmer, IHC ond Deere Plow. John Deere 3·bot\om 12 Inch Plow with Hydraulic Cont ro~ John Deere Side Delivery Rake ' IHC and Oliver Wagon,
Come In and See U. Durin, Thi. December Sale of Quality Farm Machinery and Save. Trade-in. Accepted. Store Hours , .
7:30 to 5:30 Daily
Phone 555
.. _. -....
_-........ • • • a . a • • • • • • • • •
,_ 'a
with aald C,'OSII str eet N. ; 21 tAt degrees E. 2%polcB to n 11[00 ('; thence S. 62% (legrees E. 6 Iloles to a stone and N. E, ('orn f.1 l· of said Lot No. -12; (hence with lhe S• . E; Boundary of said Lot 'n. 42 S. 27% degrees West 12 pol os to the stOnE! and ~ace Of ' boctnnblg. , ' aoUZONTAL , Indian And being the same premlsos 1 PlctuNd .. Snatch deviaed by John D. Vandervol't, . actor-. Cher. 5 bprea surviving spouse at Ruth Vamler• He Is no," dlapleuul"l vort. deceaBOO. t,o, Annu K , Mud· lew btl _ • Pedal dilit den by Quit Clalm Deed dated .bUlb" , Upon May 27, 1924. and recor41P11 In 11 Leaal' point • A,II. Deed Record Volume ·t12, lit Ilnge II Comfort .Sh.' 482. of the Deed Recol'ds Of War· I' ""·t ren ~unty~ Oblo. ' 15Wo:~~:U !OMlnfsh,fthut leavlnp l1 ,M I~c:ial SaJd premises hav beon .Iuly 11 Bill of .. Ie , lanau. ,to and degaliy appraised for the flum , (ab. ) 14 We1tb' (ab.) Two Tbou~and. Five Hundred 18 InaU,ate 1. TJpe .of tieaa Dollars. and must be III Daybreak ' II Every Bold for not leBa than two·thlrds (comb. form) 2-1 Tap (%) of the appraised "o lue. otld 20Low LaUn 22Dutch dty Cab,) 21 NelBUvewOl'Cl the terma of s&ld sale are ellsh. 21 COP. coin 2& Mdtnc ALBmtT H. STUBBS. Adm lnls· 2U)epart • tratpr De BoniB' Non wllh llle Will 2IBuatIa Anne.J:ed of the Estate or AilDlL K . 2tEd.. M.!idden. ' dece~sed, Waynesville. ,."... (oomb. Ohlo. toml , " . Do.pn Sale conducted. by ST A'Nl.E¥ & .JIalt..... KOOGLER; :AlJc~onecrs. Ral·veys· .Irq.... (ab.) Inuy. Warrell COlJllty. Ohio'. "31.,..1aII wiN IIItD C. DONALD DlLA.TUSH. Attorney for P!alntf,tf. Lebanoo. Ohio. . eJaeulallon • Publish 12--7-14·21-28, 41~~.n~ "~-i-44 Three (prell). 45 Shank .......... THANKSGIVING IN MANSFIELD 4TAnnoy Rev. \Uld Mrs. S. N, 1{~8 Itnd 41 He Is. --(pl.) family ",vere Thollllsgiving holhlay 51 Werld of toe ' gueBts or the IlItter'lI I)RI'ellt ~ 111 (None m"tb) ManBfleld.
1' •
Scree. Star '
meuwa ..-_-_ 2. CaIltena ' 41 Wrl..... fonn ~7C:rm"" rlvw 01 ..........
~ ~ (ab,) 32 a luckbb'd GI 4lCOIt, iDIur;' cuctcoo"'~ ,,*,t(alt.) If Wril&1& ... SaInt. (ab.' 1'1 MountMln 41 V.rb intra(ab.) alUve (.b.)
':11 DistrIct
:sa...... . . ance. sa LImb
eo'l'hNe-t_ ,loth
n ......
Itor Dall,. Market R.porta:
By Georg~
.. De,.
Bob Servis'
'uaxJA pue The Joumal,a:r , the American la 3U8ld '.1VPUOCI '.l:'4sea '-- "--'\,£ ,1 II'1nIJT Medical alloclaUon hal ' p ! d n:J '~ " \41 -0;) ' 'U;)~nQ ' t ' oauUol!.d a.lIJJut livtn, do,1 a .. cellv. do ••• 01 vUam1n A, Experl· m.DII ~th pupptea Ibowed that .!lo... lftaU,~ In ace .., of the 01 uy mount Dor:malb' rqulre pro. cluaecl lOll 01 1!"l,bt, poor appeUte. eel other .)ID4ealrabl. chad.... \ ErQJloD VtoteoUOD Th. 1rUDlD, lOUDiIecl for OWDUrowlnl plantl - form e1fec:Uve era Who m1Jta)IeDb' ...,... tllat llrotf'ctlon for loll ala inal _ utra lar,. amountl or vttamJD Ii lion to the extent tlta t thel' cover wUI ' aid their 'ele),.· h.alUL tile lurf,ce,
·0'·. lInOA .LSU u,••
Exitle Batteries Firestone Tires
,t "
Madden lot.) 9% poles to a stono and N. :!lJ. corner of aald"Madden's lot: thence .With another line or said Madden's lot N. 62~ degrees W. ,3 pole,! to a. stone and S. E.
1944 John Deere Model "B" - New T ires 1941 John Deere Model I' A" - Starter and lights 1940 John Deere Model "B" 1947 Avery - Starter and Lights 1938 Malley Harrll - T w1 n Power 1950 "\I olin Deere 'Model "M " Demol)ltrator ' The.e Tractors Have Ali Been , Thoroughly Reconditioned and Rep aint ed, and Carry a Guarantee. Priced To Sell or Trade:
A Ques'tionable -tiuest
Albert H: Stubbs. Ad· mlnlstrl\tol' T)e , Oonlll Non With th e will An· ne-xed of lhe EtltBle ot A ntill K . Murlllen, d c· e nser!, Plillnrll'r.
THI!R. ()AY, OECEMI3EI 7. I ill
lAttIDtI I LOre
Da1toD. 12:60 E.B.T. DIal 1300; WL'W 'ClnoiDnatl, 1140. Dial 700.
_~ml 11111111~lllllmllll '11111111111111111111111111111111 DEAD STOCK WANTED COWS $4.QO
HORtES $4.00
Hog_ and Other Small Stock Removell Promptly CALL COLLECT
Wiimiaatoil 2362 Lebuoa 43' INLAND PROD1J~, I~
Symptom. of ~Iat..... Ariling from
if 1~._ ¥. -r:;~
J,' ' . .
... ...;.~..,.. •
oJ> . ' ._"
... o{;~~f. ' " ' . ' I'
tour 'mntlOil battla 0 : !lIe ''I''',UD ,..,"'!' ba•• lIMn ."'d lor r"lIet ot
......... ............... Ta••
q .. pC.omaordJelNMarlelnl! troml""" ud ........ Uf..,. due 10 tOC"' Ad":"
u .JI.~
Ask About 15 Day Trial Off('(' <nw
................ or u....a ........11, , -\ dUI to . . . . . JWIIL .uk tor~~/,.II . . . . ........, whlrb tuU,. e/Cfllah" tw. to_rk-
II1II ...... &reII\_, " - . ,
W.,.... ".t
Slle ur : t:.. :.• :.. :. ~".. . ~ act In viiudfvlJl.... ..
"Our new wllltr... f•• DP.
Irq St••
. I<~OW
. GRANGE· MEETS 'S'ATUROAV Tbe Waynesvlllo Fa.rmerlj Grangl) wlll meet In regular session on Saturday evening with the birth· day supper at slx·thlrty. Everyone Is requested to bring a basket 8Ul" pe with table' service. Following the supper a Ohrilltmas program and exc:ange of %6c gifts will make an entertaining evening.
1'htl conierenc{! at r .oil I Cooperatlvl' ~L--d _ ~ ..1 T ' . . ' l..and lInnk for tlIla Dlst, Sbor . UIIIII..... YPII1& Studenls ' 1'leL ~IlS rei>ct1led ",ell attended. Get· A""arcla in Local ThlH weetinK held December B...ine.. Classes 4 and 5, The rel)J'e!iea.t1vEIII .ot the Leb-' Loan memo WJ1tton Muo .The following stortband. I students have been awarded Order of ClIIlIlMlce JOrd:W, Fa~. Grell' AlUBt& Certificates by tbe Gre~. ExamlnIDg Board: Martha Adam", NlUloy Baird, EIleen Blqham, BlIlle Dowie". Carol BWlnelJ. Evelyn .Lucas. Kalb· greater au4 tyn Murph1, Barbara Stanler. , ' to fannen. Mary Role Ward, Wandliiou WI!; Tbe lan4 IIO~ WaDda Woo1l!-rd. owne4 aD4 The prize Winning paper was era or submitted by Wanda Woolard. who and T8IIlIUI8I4" ~ recelve4 an 0. ' G. A. pin as bel' iUes In O. reward. rate real . Genlace WlikersoD bllll recelve<l a lyplDc prol1'eu certUlcate tor CHRIITMAI 30 words per inlpllte. INaTALLED VOl\JJllt,eeI' all day We41lHCh7 and cold IDBtaIlIa& 1M "~~lIla9 lights and decoratSala Main street In the vuiap.
t . I Officer P rograms For Civilians A.re Opened For Young T wl!nty.N'ne Nations Are Re !~-' College Graduatea I e!>Cllted Among SiKty.one
F,ol'eirn St~dents , ,\ ll "'"l ol1e o r Ohjo l; :H 1'" lIn d( .1 are I'(lill'bsc ntcid U1ll011 ~ tit., fi.~r.~ studellt/< enr ollCtl1 "01' lhe t'UI'I'e~ nl semeHter . nt Ohio 1 Jl l v I·Hl ly. HI _"1.hens, fl Rtlllly or r '~' g' I " I I'U t.ion recordR sholVl<. ')'h 4,1)6~ Ohio stlrdr'nls atLetlfl· Ing the IInivel'Hlly on t h e CB lnlllll; rnnge from :I ,<i ll ~ I e stili! n t, from Mercel' COllll,ty t9 the 95 Ilstlne: Cuyllhoga as t helt· hom.. "llllllty Only' ;PU~11/l111 cOImi:y III '" I r )J r esented. , Thlrty·t.wo of the 48 s ato}!, fi lII ('ollntlng Ohio. conlrlblltt' ,: 79 t\l· dents to tile campus eJ1l'olhnilt' wlth New Y~rk State " ~ I g "h,· leader with 1: ::'. ~M cI In nddltlon 2" uother natl n il I< U e l' ' 1)I'e<lPlIletJ among the Gl foreign Hltl t!OIH S en· rolled for the rtrst semester. The ·eleven. stud ents from War· r.en coun ty to I' 1I1e Cnll se m('s le l' al Ohio Unfyers1Ly ure : Bnrold AdlUDS, Frankln ; Thoma" Hartzell, ] 18 Elm St., FI'anklln; Carl Hathaway, 1101 Central AAve.. ~'ranltllo; James Imes, l4 HIghland Ave., Franklin: Nancy ,fohns, 725 Clark at.; Franklin; Carl Murray, 407 EaSt Second St., Franklin; .J omer Weaver, Franklin; Patrlclll · lIllth. 613 S. East ' St., Lebanon; .. u8sell Gentry, Loveland; ' Judith \Jenuer, NOI·th St.. Wa.ynesvllle; QonaJd Foulks. R. F. D. 2, ·Waynn vUle, Oblo.
'I'll", Nll"r I~ nu\\' :In' I·,,lIl1 p: :II ' IJlt e; nLlOllfl, rl~~ n \ '.11':1 11 ,·I (",I\)le 1"1'1 1· Jog'" gl':\d U:Ll .;~ 1101 (1111 1:" 11 1l.1:(' 101 IlU ,.. "aW (I ii I'" lI , f(u ' /-()l111l11 ~l! lo u " ;l R ElnKign 111 brl lh t il .. 11 0 11 0 1'11 1 J.llI e
lIud Su Pllly ·OI · P ~ . Il \ as an· lIoun ced lodlty by C nmlllund r :Iay Marketing Quotas For CiJiar')'. Palme l', Qri'!c- I' In I'lla l·~c . o. Fmer and Binder Tobacco tb e Pllllndelphia Nn.vy t'<w rui ling Are Announced lItation. hThe' sutJden tUl'n 6[, world af· falrs / ' Commauder PalUle r l!tutect, ....cLing SeC I·dur. y of 'Agriculturfl " has c.lUllet1 th e Navy 10 reopen Knox T. Hutchin son proolllimed Ita OHICH Ill'ogl'llms COl' civilians. marke ting quotas tor· (he 1951 e' ro [l WORD FROM SON IN KOREA lind there l. now lin urgent need of 11.11 contlnental types of c\ ~I II '- , Mre. :1. L. Kenrick. ' baa: word for more young offi cers In the flJl el' n.nd clgar·blnder toblwco. " lIti from lier' son Staff Sllrgeam WIl· Generlll Ulle lin d S upnly Co rps des ignated 'A eclnesday. Decemll I' liam F. Freeman. th"a.i be Is now JA'ME'S' E, JONES' Cutegorl£'s for Inulltld lut o activ~' 20 1950 as the ' date fOl' rel'('I'ell da In Korea. He la In go"ernment •.• Heads Warren Bankera dllt y. In whlcb growers may vote (I ) fol' service witb the 3'1 4th Malnten· James E. Jones, cas bier of tbe To bo pllglble fo r " \,oUllnlssioll qubtas for ttiree years beglnnhlg o'nce Squadron; Waynes vllle National Bank, W!lS h~ the Line or S upply ;urp8, till .w lth the 19Gt crop, (2 ) fol' quolal'< elected President ot tbe Wal'ren male canclldates mU .l; t have for 1950, . only, 01' ' (3) nga'ln!lt GUESTS FROM MI,D~LETOWN County Bankera ABloclat lon ",ben reached theIr 19th tlut not their ql1otas. lIfarkeUng quotas can llot Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Lackey. or !:hat organization met In FranlllIn ~ 6lh lJiI{bdIlY. H,e mus t be ·c1I1.ss, be ' put. Into effect unless· th ey ill'O 1\1 Iddletown. ~ere · SUnda.f gu.e llts December 11 as guests of the Iflcel ·' l·A'· by th o lo ca l Se leetb'e appro".,,1 by at Iea8.t two-thil·tlll o'r ot their parenti, Mr. and Mr~. 'Franklin ,National Bank. ' Dinner Servlc!e ol'flclu) s dl' bu eligible Itol ltlJe I;l'l'owers voting In I'erel'e'llthl. Ha~1'f Sattenb:walte. Willi at the new AntHony Wllyne ij u (: It clatl~Hicutlon. Edllcatloll Although marketl~g q\lot ll~ ha yO wise, he UI \1 st be II. gl'ullII:\te of ILl! hf>ell III "freet on some of tbe oth Ol' Grade School. SUNDAY DINNER GUE'STS l!,Ccl·edltt)tl . collelle 01' un lverllity kind,, · of tobacco durIng Nlt'll ot Other oCtlcera .elected were : R. Mr, lind Mrs. William Olivia had M. ' Bradford, ASlllatant Callhler of with tbe following: tile past 10 years, todaY'll Ill'tle·la· as Sunday dinner guests, ~ir. and the First National Bank. Morrow, For a ppoIntment 1n the Navy 's matlona are the first La be 1 ~"II QcI lIne 8. baccalaureate degree (4 Mrll. Cecil M. Davis and son, M/lr,k V1ce l'resldent; WDi. W. Sheets, 'l'I*e -.111ti year jC OU TSl! ) , whic!) 1ncludes the for cigar leaf tobacco. A88l8lant Culiler of the LebanoD ot . Dayton •. IUll4I4 Cdl follo\\rln g: i\.t lenst 12 college se. The quota proclaimed to tlny l'oi' Clt1Jena NlltonalB Bank, Secret ary 4I4-1t meste'r haul'S ' o f lIeademlc 'or e1ltile 19'51 crop of clgar·riIler 10· Treuurer. . 80ttl '18 BORN FRIDAY ClrIatmu gineerlng mathe matIcs (nol 111- bacco (trpe 41) is 47,300,000 POlIrHJ A Speaker of the evening was ?tlr. Fourteea Studeata ~ At /t.. Job Mr. and Mrs. Thomall Flortj/1ce eluding bu siness mathema ti c!! ) and , antI fOI' the olhor typos of e1l:nrCapito~ Ua1 ...nil7 An are proudly announcing the' birth Calyin Verity, President of the nl lr ast G . ollllge semf'II!t1l' houl'~ till I' lIud binder tobacco 70.900,001) Firat National Dank of Mltldle(Jf their second son on Frid ay, t' rom .. -{.ynea~iIIe of pbyslcs. I,ou'tl.d!!. ~onver s lon of tbe pound· town. rus subject WWi "MncDecember .8 at. Miami V"lIe)" HO/l' Pt 'l' :1 ppo!ntment In Lila .NII ";!)! age quOtllll to ' IU:I"CS all tbe bn sla A rth\l r anll Japan." J)l1al. Mrs. Florence anll little so'n :-l llt'llIy Corp!!', a bllccahllll' at!! lit" of lhf'l 194r.49 yit>lds .pcr ncre reo Tbere are 26 ItI1d8lltl .nroU_ Mr. Verity spt'"t eloven montbs are DOW at their hom\' on Thi rd ~ I'ee with lin aCltdemic Ill ltJor i l~ lI\ll ts In nbout a:J.OI)o ac res for clg· In Japan helping to get lhelr steel in Oilio Stale lTDlvel'lllt, tlIIa 411· street. . WILL HAVE SPECIAL one or the followin g: MllI'IIP,tjl1g, a r·fll1tll' toQba ~co (typo 41) . alL d induat"y In motion ritte r World tumll quarter .n4 , 14 or them are CHRISTMAS WORSHIP accounting, . purchasing, ll·:IIlSJlor· about. 47,000 acreH {O l' the otber, from WayDesvllle.' , War, lI . SUNDAY GUESTS OF PARENT$ tatton, finance. statisth'1I 1 metho'ls contlnentnl types 'of elgar·(!lIer and The following Ia • list or tile Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strolld, 01 bl nde!; tobacco. und.ol' business ma (·.bln<'s. , lItudenta and t heir home loeatIoU: The Oregoii!a Evangelical Untied Lebanon, were Sunday guelts or PRE· XMAS MESSAGE l(l:I!Utcl1er, ot Nor· .Breth(8n church 1. ha.Ying a Christ,. ' T oday'!; proclnmatlons (1.1:e made MIlIlOD-- Alvln C; Erbeck, llarl W. theIr parenta, Mr. ana Mrs, Will AT ME11IOD15T CHUtlCH ot her mu wonh1p program at' 7:3~ p,m. - - - -. . . . . . . . . . . . .,' In conrormlty with tho Ag l·le~ lI l · FranlUln, Oer. Id C. q....., 1Ia~1 Stroud. . , .~~cll<.r on Sat· Bada.Y .December 17. , Included in llll;nl Adj ustment Act . of 1938, 1'.5 . L.. ~. JIUIWi J'. ~~~!e '. _..·v....... .., . . •, rlme nd ~d, ", hlch nrovtdes that .....,t'UI...priI.~. ."iII . - _____ · Q»I....... ~'bIrilldaJ.-W IIMJl H. ~ ..... 7 ...... .. ·~ .. d • r. . ( . .. ciUESTS FROM l.~.A· will al\ want to n.ttpnd ollr own I Karl.n Wblted. .. Un. lI.bel H.UI....." .1s no'w • reU.soua movJe "Child or Beilile. SANTA CL~ . no to ~~ ben eVer the Sec.tet!tfY· fi!,c;1s that Mr. and IIIrs.. John Kel' oy 11 1111 cbl\l'ch recularly during this sen· 1 M WelO9lDe addltlo to the FrieDdl 'h .. RadII ta t 0 nIa d WOIyneslIlIIe SaturdOlY ntght, De· the lotni Ilupply of any kind of »al R C son lIad as Sundny guests, Mr. o.nd snn, We need to ' rf'conKocrlite our. 0IT0'iI'~ , OI1lett. Home f..mll" n • . ," ~-"'_8 en 0 It~ a! oember. 23 OIt McC'lu re'. corner. lobl\Cco 9 $ 'of tbe beginnJng of till! .. ' . ne_..... ..-.; commun es, rega - There will be a Xma, tr:ee and a mo.rltetlng year tben current ex!loll'll. 'y!lIatd Kers!'y and dl1l1gh· "eIYE:1! to Hlm. , . Pleasant Plain-Lloyd.. Ii. Con· Mr. Lee Talmage, of Wllmlng- leas of church artlllaUoll; are In- treat for 0111 the kiddie'S f1'om santa .ceed8 the r eserve supply level, he . terB of Lebanon. Tbe m1nllfer at th, Methodist o~er, John W. Shlll'1l. Clau.. shall proclaim 0.. national market. ('burch Sunday morning will V,reach Springboro - Robert W. Lldlng- ton, called on hls ,a.unt Miss Jes· vited to attend ~b18 progro.m. a~e Gamer on. SWtlday .moroIDg. . The 101nt committee of the Ro· Ing quota., ,The total supply of WEEK·E~O QUEST on the Christmas tbeme and the ton. tary and Clv.le CI~b' ~ eompoaed ci'gar-fllJer ' (type 41) which Is deMr; Charlell Lewis and Miss Mr. William A. Smith, ' of To· worship will cons I8t of Ohrlstmas Wa)"Desv1l1e - Roy E, Crockett. of Sam KeYI~ chairman; Dick fined In the Act lUI a separate kind ledo. was a .w eek end ",eat of lils Oarols by tbe conpoegatlon and- RIchard G. Forw&rCl, IUchard L. Emm. Lou Lewis visited MI9l1811 MQFadden, !Carl Smith, and John of tobacco, as of October I, 1950; brother-In.law and sister. Mr. and Cbrlstmu music by 4he choir. ~ OltheDB, Seth Hoak. Mary D. May W~bt an4 lIarpret Ed· Fromm. th, beglBIIIDg ot ' the 195()'Sl -DlarMrs. Charle. Anderson, Sr.. Mr, You. will be gru.tly helped and Hou,h, Doul4 E. LUkens. Eugene wards Sunday afiel'lLOOn. The Santa Ciaul treat will be ketillg year, was 1116,400,000 pounds Mrs. Charles J/Uchener W&a a Smith was enroute to St. Poters· be~ter pre~ to observe Christ- E. lIaclnn!I, DWlKht W. Mlcbener, aponlored b)/ the merchants of Qnd tll$ reserve supply level Wlls bu1'C, Florida. where he , will spend mas It you attend Sun'llay Rchool Edwin C. Mlohener. John B. Maw. Visitor of MI8ses ~~ay Wright and I Way~·..vllle, j~9;400,OOO pounds. Tho' tot41 IIUp· the winter. and church worsl1lp ' eaC'h Sundar. bray, Jack R. Mulford,' Charle.q l~. Minnie Dollson O~l S~nda.y afternOOn. ' ply o( tho otber types of cigar, Rye, n 1;. Rye. E8~1 w. R. y.e .. .- tiller and bInder tobacco grown. In , R'ETURN . 'ROM DETROIT ATrEND BROHTERHOOD the continental United Slates WI18 Mr. and Mrs. RObert -Allen- and BUNNELL8 ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Bunnell TO HOLD DANCE MEETING MONDAY 238,700,000 pounds aIid tbe rese~vo little daughte'r bave retllllrnccl af· B,1lpply 1 e "e I 'Vi as ' 222,600,000 THURSDAY NIGHT ter apend"" the pa.a t tbree weeks entertained on Monday evenlog 1I0unds. DENTAL HYGIE with the latter'l parenta. 1111'. and wltb members ot the WaynesvUJe ... ..... hA~'" B I'd r DI • NE FOIII' rrom Wo.yoeaylllo attended Mrs. E. w:arren 'In Detroit, Mich. ..armera .,.... 0 _ e oa 0 ' Tile annual Cbrilltmo." dan~ or recton and wives 8S their guests, the WIlmtu-- CoU":ge S~I"gm. Many ehlldre.n are receiving no th e \Vnrren -coullty men'" Bl'olhol'th J I I I tb C ta .~.... dental attention lbecaulle parents hood Monday night, it flne tur· CHRISTMAS CANTAT. 8UNDAY DINNER GUEST8 e men 0 n ng n e anas I' Zeta. Fratel'Jllty wUl he held ~ur.. bvo not been toilli how mucli the key Bupper was enjoyed af~er 'PAGEANt AND CAN· a~ I "'~- h d 'games following their meeting: day nlaht, Decemb"· l.f In th . ThOBe present Iwere: Mr. and It" "" ' . , e .f uture healtb and hlll'lpiness ' d/'. B.Y JOY,c e Beal which the progrnm was given with Mr. and Mrs. .,..,r .,....n art an , OLE LIGHTING S~RVICE children were Sund.y dinner,.. H. I." R M -d M ' K 1 co ere gymnaalum. ' pend on strong, stlralght teeth. De· Lhe Rev. Konneth seary &pe",klng lJ, D.n.cIn g t 0 th e mUA Ic 0 t "Ten. fecta woh as 'cavl.t ies and ' decayell Hell 0 lr " Iend 8. R ere we o.re bllck , on tile' organlzq.tlon ' ",ests or Mr. and Mrs. A. .H . Jil. Ilrn·. .. Jarrl. Hoak Mye, r.d an M . rH. GUb e·t of..the National hart, . ~r.•nd Mrs. Karl'Sabb Rnd ' Frye and' ~on:~ ::-. an:sMrs: c~~i Men an~ a ...Meloo1" ,will last from aputa crooke4 te4~~ ,wblch may again n.ftel· a. long I'Crcll,Uon. till •., tb CouncU of the Ohurohes of Christ Eve"'one wuf want to be In' son , Dean Palntervllle of the an- cI eaI a c hlld II' ., at ,~he ~ethodlst Cllurcb • ,. of ~ ~ , ~ were PltlUck, Mr. and ?,Irs.. · Ronai d 9 to. 12 .30' . Coronation . "eIl!Jng millery and snow nd . high witteI'. Ojel lOon. In the U. S. A., nw . very Interesting service also afternoon , can~rs, Hawke' lIr and Mrs H n Mosa nual .cbrlstmlUl Que.en, other en· unhapplnesll are not at all uncom. winter III relllly outdOing .111[H~ ,II me~sa~. . Sunday night, December 17 a,l ,. ",_. . . tertaJnment and re[reshments wUl . h . th1I year. . Th' e Ilftvt meeting I Feb ua..... - .. I and Mrs, HarlT DlDlth. b In I d d I th " 0 mono A pe~ etlc a(gbt, II'b :r. b I ~ ~ n r . , 7:30 when members of the C h lll'l' I 0 u e n e pro~ . . P,8n all too common, I. tbat of a grow. School children receivc,1 t heII' wlll be ' heltl hore ni WllyneRvlllt'. will' present a Christmas Canltlln .. e ATTEND ICE ~"'OW t~:r!,'::lIC' admls!lToD , I~ $1.00 Ing cbll4 between ~he ages or say report cards lhl a Monday aCt('r n. .' pageant. The cnoli', under Ufe. d i· . Mr. and Mrs. Oram Shoup with POTATqE8 'ROM ALA8KA lZ and 16 ¥ears wlth .a lIet 01' pe," long period of dread arul suspense. CHILDREN'S XMAS rectlo~ of Pbtllp W~rkmaD with a larr;e group ot friends from Troy, Mr. aiut Mn. John K;erBey reo maneut teeth Ihowlqg Dlarhd ev· . There Isn't mu ch eble to Bay th :s Vlrgln1a Hardin, accompanist, will . saw the Ice Sliow at Troy on Sat· celved 4urln, the , PllIlt week, a Jdence or decay, the result, pos· week as numerous ' actlv~tie8 have PROGRAM WEDNES~AY furnIsh the Obristmas atmosilbel'o urday evenlq. ~J; r~m Mr. and Mra. J. P . Lar. A~E QIIAND.'AIIE~TS· of an Impro;per diet IIlltl th.. been postpo/1Eld ' de to tho bad I tht-ough ,the sInging 'o f Chrlstmns albly, • rick In .A.I)chorage, Alaska, co~. . J'rIeDda bete bve Mlcelved word lack of proper demltal clI.re. Whnt weatber, RD unln' next Hilla. bye. A . v ery 81leclal Obr18~aB pro· muslc. Tht) pageantry wlll center RETURNS HOME ~lnlng Alaskan. procliicts. Amonr;. (rOm M~. and .. n. Lor.n Had.ley II e~n baa ,. ' g ll;9at \Iea\ to do bye. Joyce, 'Beat gram will be given at. the . Metb· around the manger scene with Mr. Homer Ramby has retUrned them were some of the 'very' large at Kent, 01110. t,h.t they are the odlst cburch Wednesday nlgbt at , ~r. and Mrs. Max Hartsock taking· to his . home lJi · LilDtanll, . Florida. white ~toea grown lo Alaska.. proucl grandparents of a ·~by w.lth the kind o( teeth we huvo rui The Spartans g:llned th eir t hird 7:30 P. m. by the chll4ron of tbe the role of Joaeph an,d Mary. Mrs. after speDdlD, a few weeks :wIth velT ditterent In qu.lIty: and slle daulhter, Counle Jean, bora to teeth are living tissues lind 't h ey' their son·lo·law and daugbter, Mr. muat be no~httd. As teetb are league vlctol:y ot tbe SenSOD In ap S\1llda:y school with Mrs. G. W. Kenneth Hough Is . the ReadeI', who hll son, Mr~ Ed Ram))y an~ family. f~mt hOle loeallr crown; an4 M.... Cbarli!s Waring ID Colum· compose4 largely of cal~ll1m lind' eaB1 67.30 viotory over Monrh\! Alexander, Supt., In charge, We ·through Script: re t a k e s ollr "UI. Mr. aDd Mrs. Hadley land phospbo,rufl, a diet containing tbe~e hete on Friday when tbe tw o teums will enjoy tbe I'ecitations and minds back to the l3e.tblebem· $ 'UNDAY EVENING GUE~T8 .UNDAY DIINNER ~UESTS daucbter Patsy, Jllre apendlng the mineral Is ' necetiaary [01' thelr met on the .Iocal floor. 'Waynes. 80ngs of the children as tlley J·e· scene. Others will take VlIl't III Mr. an<l Mra, WIlliam Strouse Mr. and 1!fra. Ronald Hawke. en~ CII~ season . wi$. Mr. Uld proper development. ' vUle led all the wtty wlt h J ILek ·mind Us o.t the Berthday of Jesue, the' pageantry. were auiog , the lUeats on Sun· tertalDed to dinner on Sunday eve- IIrs. Harrr PattersoD, the fonnel' . The problem Ut,e n become~ oue Tinney ncUlng 26 ' IloJntll fal' l be There will be a. play "Christmas At the close, members of the clay evenlne when IIr. and IIrl. ~ with Hr, and MH. Alva. Lud· Louella lanney; In DeLand. Fla. of, aD adequate Intake of both VIto wlnner/:l, \Voo.I ~ , Aohtfl l'Ol/ln nnd Cantata" bringing to us In pag· M. Y. F , w1l1 assist 1n the candle· 1Ial'014 Shaete, of Lebanon, enter- IqtoJl, .Mr. and Mrs. WlIJlam amln D and tbe liillneralli. calcium Rttgland h ll~' lng fj I/oll1t 8 (,uch. led eBntry form Bome 'Of the customs llchtlng s'ervlce where ait tbe ,<:011, , . . tabled With a turkey 41DDer. O'BulDloD .nd Mr. and Mrs. Geor,e HOLD MEETING and ph08pboruB. COd Uver '011, the Morrow seorel·s. ,at other lands at Cbrlstmas time. gre'gatlon' will b~ve 'tbo pl'lyll cge HarV,ily. Mr. and MI't!.· LudlDKWn The Proa'f'eul;e Women beld ell yolk and dlrt~t sunshine wml The Reserves, although L b e y AAlter the progral;Xl tbe 'c hildren of re~edlcatlon 10 tile ~rn 8lel' of have now moved to tbelr It.~ their . ~r mestlq on Wednes. Bupply the' nece8l1uy Vitamin D. pla)'ed a I;ood game, took tllelr are expecting Santa who ' will have Bethlehem, LEAVE FOR FLORIDA IIJ1. and Mn. R. B. PeterB 'a nd wtlIell they recently purchued 'd ay eVullns wlth a dlDner se"ed Plent,y or mUll. mleat or fl8h, freflh second 109S this season. 'a treat for all the children ' and We feel thIs 'I'll! be nn outstalHh . ne.r ~l.nchester. at .·the J'ar HUla Party House. All l7eptables 'and" frutts. tog.et,b er Waynelvllleyollpg people. Everyone hi. wel- Ing evening 01 Pra ise 'In honor of SOD Mr. "Chiok" Petera lert on appolntmenta for the cUnner .nd with butter and clheeae, bread and B. F. T. come to come to t~11 fine program. our Mrd and Saviour. J e911S Cllrist. Saturda7 tor · st. PeterabUrc, Fl.... decoratlonB for ....e rooms were ID ce....u.. aupply the DeCe8Sary Tinney __ • _____ •• _•• __ 9 8 26 I-M,I ..aoKG A.o8MBtus P We Invite YOll III be willI lift SUTt· to apend a few 'weeki 'WIth ' Mr. VISIT IN IPRINGPIELD Mr. HeDIT Satterthwalte and MMPlq wltlr th~ CbrlSllDaa Ilea' ~c1W1i and pboltpborua. · and Mlia. Peter's daughter, Mrs. Stanley ____ • ____ ___ - 5 Ii 15 day night. Mr. .,J!arrr Satterthwaite called OD Gene Alexander. Mr. Ill'IUIl Sattert.hwlJte at the Samuel lIarble, of Wllmln,' I. O. O. 1'. 'h ome In Sprlqfle,14 ton Colle,., w~ the ",est ape.ker DecaJed, .bscel..114 teeth and py. Robbin!! • ___________ - 2 0 4 0 N L Y ATTEND INaTALLATION NEW SUND~Y to be paid ·Keys ____ II Ii 0 . Mn. Stulle, R. Balley, Mra. D. on S&turday. Mr. Sattertbwafte of tile eveDln" .Dd gave to hili oubea ma; be SCHOOL TEACHER hu been fn very poor health ror llst...e ... a ve.., nne ~ which lor ll8Ilectln, and Har't8ock ___ I 1 3 O. RJdce. lIrs, R. H. RartIOclt, aome time, .... treatl, eajolia 6', the memo tuUq to a. reput- Morrow- , M'nI. Charlel McCulloch, Mrs. Ber2 6 Mr. Kenneth Relall1c~ began ben an4 t1IeIr hllltaancill who were aII1e deutlst. more Ber- Woodg -- ---- -- ------ - ~ tie 1I1l1a, lira. ' LueUe Arqllt.... IU8lta of ..... eY. .I.... Iou .ystemlc such as Achterman ____.____ 1 2 5 SHOPPING DAya ,LEFT UNTIL BOnday 'as teacher of the Golden Mn. Jolin 7romDl, Mr. aD. IIrs. FALLa ON ICE SUNDAY 'I'M cia' adjouDed after ave..,. U'tllrltI.. sept!· 'Raa1an4 ___ • __ • ___~- 1 2 i Rule Sunday Bchool clalla at the CHRISTMAS J. J. Banke ~D4 Mr. ~ l1l'i, m. IIr. Will 0; 8t. John IlIPped aIiil are ott- BWard ___ .___ _______ 1 1 3 lI.¢hociJBt church. lie fa takiDa , •• B'arD1aut atteaded tile ......~ fell . . tile' dewallt OD 8....., pleuant . . .taq to meet with 410- aulDla (blood aer..... to .. MI'nC1 &t the t.bMt tile eD4 .bacesapd ........ -_____________ 0 2 , DO YOUR SHOrPING NOW the place of Mr. R. C. Moler, who tIDa ot omcu. at the C1arknUIe m,omlnc, IUtteri,D& .11 I. leaving tbe community velT 1 Z PuV ....... and all ..... Pub!' ---.:....----.----. 0 'OIter at ........ Btu ClIIPter OD.... ae" C8IdIJIiMt at ilia ..... 1Il..u.a ......... WAJIlUI:N B,atr --_____________ 1 Q 1 .ooD. .,....,. eYIDIIIC. . .. 'I'IaW Itnet.
From 'Warren 'Attend O.s.U.'
W .ith
D . o
'uhlic Ilalt'bSidllitll
Jaynes- .--'--........------ville . Spartans
u!-:"WJl:~:n: I!:u~~el~aytl!:~~: ~!:::n _========_~== ~ ~ ~. -
.. ]\(1'1. OIenn Cook 4 11 d her blll'f preseute,l 8811u1q II . .b_ nephew, Benny David Beckett, Of PBI'M by h"r dn Prl'llI&tol'lc Indian. wer, the tlr,\ ,F'ranklln, wert' guesl R Tuesday, oC NUl , wbo waft to ~p tbe rubber tree, They mad. EI tablr.hed 1S50 Mrs. Cook'~ mother, 1\Irs, Annn bel' Buse ot Illil' rubber Iboe~. bottlea Ind coated PAUL A. SCHERER ........ . .. ,., , . ..... .. .... Editor and Publisher Beckett. ' Hough fabrici. Columbu, dl!covared them CECILIA J. SCHERER .. : . ,., . ... " . , ~ ,. " .. Secretary and Trellurer Mrs. 'Oba Welch wbo ball been .UOII. ~yin, with Tubber balla. It wa, Quite III for tbe Piist several weekS, The Civic LeRlI(lUp lllt-t :; I I h' not 'unW 1770 that Dr. Josepb Pllbllshed Every ThursdllY Mol1l1Ds Is much improved. , ' home of Mrs. I lumA Shid,, ',,' ,', ' ;d Prleatly ,ave It tbe name ot "rub_- .. H f LYTL~: METHODl8T CH\JACt( , , , The , AME cbureh sponsored a urday ('v enlng,..,. rOl' tlil", ' n't! ". ,1. .......-· e oun d th at th • rum r.· METHODI8T CHURCH ;;. \\ nrnPlw llle, wnr~e.n County, Oblo turkey supper, Saturday evening, J. W. \\'ed "cwood. Mluillter n. E. Daulbn, PlUtor Ellro mark. But moved pencIl meeting and nnnlllll l ( ' hl'l ~( I II H • . • " planl found rubber ' too lUcky In Ohurcb School, 9:30 A.M., Mr, Unlfle.J Service, 9:n •. m. 'J.: nlerrd 118 , second clae s matter at ot the high school gY1l1naslum. ' F ollowing lllt' Air, !."." II " l ' bot w.ather and too brittle In cold. Harold marnbart. SuPt. Ihl.' /lOstorn ce !It Wnyues "lIle, Ohio. Mot'll. Ella Voler re11lain& very 11\ party. Ibe bost itnd bel' ,,~ ~ I " I"I1I , :\'I'~ Charlel Goodyea r, Yllo kee Inven· Worahlll , Servia"., lO:31l A.M. lit her home !lere. Len", Clark , ' 1I1!.!'''",1 !I ellt'lou " 1 ·," tor, Invented the vulcanlzlni pro.. Y01\~h /0' JfOlY/chlp. SllIlllay 'i : :J1I ST, MARY'S EPISCOPAL Several pers01l.ll fro/ll this com· c,e!S In ~839. Alte r that the rubQer P.M. 'I htl ftev . amlle} N. KeYII Rectol Subscrlptlon' Ra.tes-$!l P ar YeRr. 1n IldYll nce, In Mo : $2.50 elsewlhere t!l,uulty attended the public auction f~eBhmel'ts. IIIr, and l\fIos, UIlIl (:.11', 1:1" ""'H' Industry boom ed, Vu lcanization Oholr 'Pl'flctiae 'fblll's(lny R; 00. Humlay; , sale Saturday at tbe home ot !\trs, In LOIII ~ \' IIl' ·, I"m l 1l1'i. ~' , ' made possible the many rubber Ch\lrch schaol 10:'30 n. DI. Il. E . , Ha!haway In WaynesvlJle. callers. products WI hnv e today- Urea, Adult Worship. 10:30 a. ~. Owing to the inclement weather Tue.day. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRI8T l\ir. and M rs, ' hal'lc!l \)o Kll't' c1othln,. Insul:JUon. foam rubber, BOULEVARD LIGHTS tbe Muele TOWlllbJp Scbool sys· Byron Carver, Mlulster "'- tem was closed at noon, Tbursday. were bosts. Saturday t'\' ~ n l l1~, to Dible Scbool, 9:80 A,M, Our Coun il de ' rv-cs I11U h credi t f or. the eflf.ort Mrs. Bertha: Gordan who bas their bridge club, 'I'he gronl> LLt· Morn'l ng Worship, 10;10 A.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH William Sbannon, MInister they are making 01,1 the iIl 5(:1I1:111011 of boulev:lrd lights tended tbe tUI'key flin ll'l' N'I1l 1i been Ul, Is Improving. Prayer Meetlnl. 7:00 P.M. Sun",ay Scbool, 9:30 A.M., Mr•. sored by tb AM F.: 1'11\1 1'1'11 :It II If' Young People'. MeeUna, 7:00 which We ne ' ,1 b~J ly , nil Main ~ trert. The main bus· Mr. and Mrs. Oharles Swindler, Jamel Garrison, Sup\. Evening Services. 7: SO P.M. ' hlgb school gym mailim if ill! 1;ltf't' of Dayton, ~pent tbe week end inc .. SI! lil ll1 I f 1(1\1' 11 i ' all lit a' lark:\ so me of th e ' Preallblu" IlL and Ird. 81m" at 'their country !loml1 n ar tOW11 . retllnJ d to tIle hUlll e u tll " 11' dll),' 01 eac1. montb, III ' 81) A M. side II' d~, Bo lile v n r,1 Ii, hI. \vclIl hl sol ve ,the prob. hosts for an eyening ur ell 1'1 h,. ~:.rI~~QYILLE CHURCH OF Mls8 Mary Jane Moore who un· rt'v"lIhlk 6er'~U'IIIi. 1 JO ,' ,M. 1t Is roth(,I' late to bo lll tllllling I m very well :I nd' \\' o ~lIct I'l' a grea t iil11pro ve m ~ nt to derwent treatment at (irandvl ew M , H. Colr ey, M Inl8ter ' Hospital, Dayton, ' has been , reo nil ' or the gentlelll'I;'n , who gil 1' " ~ Ollr' v,ill n,~ " 01 ble , !:lebool, 9 : 30 A M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENOS leased and roturned to hE'r J10 ~ 1. Yer), gene)'ous ly or their' tillIP III Morning Worship, 10: HO A ,M , lending a band , dUf"ln g th ' hllu ,:II'jl .M ParUnatOIL Mllllst., tion In tiaat city. Yl),lIng PeoplAB' l\16A tiIlA, 7 . l ln TELEPHONE SERVICE '''nrebl" 8.,..,,,., JO . ,M, Mrs. Laura Shldaker returned tl.Jls past month. 14 0w ,' I' ull P .l\ , ' ScbUC'L II A,M. to ber bome, Wednesday, attel' them do deserve l'o,'ognllic\1\ I'UI' The kleph tme servi e in this locaHt. i terrible', Evening !-;" I'vh'e. !I : till 1', M , spending a. few daYB at tlie bome tbe tremendous ' tnl<k th y Ill' I" ,· Prayer MeeLlng UUlI 11\1,1 Sl,lItly and after being acclistome t to the g00l1 ervice of a of ber sIBte~ln·law, Mrs. Howard IIgingly accepteCt.' Wtc1DHday, 8 Pda, ' OREGONIA 'EVANGELIICAL U. ~. larger omnlllliity, it eem ' even more terrible. Tht' Special services we I' condu (' I('I1 Gral1&m. of near Harveysburg, .Io tles H. RUey, Pnator Mis!! Cberyl Doster bils returned by - Rev, R. 1.. Ze:nts - Ill the F lli l telephon e comp arl ay. th ey are ~oing the be t with I :undoy School. 10 A. M. aT. AUGUSTINE CHURCH' to her bome In sprlngrtelil, follow· (;cope I IIburch, T i l ij(lny C' \ ' ,nlng, MOl'lllng Worship p.A. III, t he quipmen t they h :l vet 0 ,3 'ordillg ,to the servic e I'ather R. R. Krumbolts. Pastor Ing a. visit here at the liome of Mr. Zents sbowed motion Ult-tlll' , MBA.ea, 8 and 10 A.M , 1hey ha ve bee n r nd ering they mllst n t have very IN ' l ol lI ~' ber grandparents. Mr. and l\h·s. s howing the WOJ'lk It WAVNESVILLE FRIENtl, there as ' Il qI"sloniory. He Ill u Herbert T. Doster. muc'h equimpent. MT , HOL.L. V. METiioDI8T to return to tbat conti ll('nt 110 9 11 , Dallas Barton who recently un· I ' ~:;I;:::III~arora~~7!bl:: 8:1/ ;OMA.M. T , M . Scaff. Minister derwent a. major operation Is able to be OUt. ' ~JIIO. . . . .rt«~~~~~~at«t~~~pEl4IM~Etta Sunday Sclaool. 8:30 A.M .• OUR MERCHANTS ~=-'~~~~~ A. ~Db~ BUDL Let this Sunday and overy Sun· ' Miss Hatlle De'nn)', MI ~8 Edllh day find you In some cburch Our merchants I 'Waynesville have a good 'line WOl'lhip Sernce. 10 :10 A,M. Denny , Qnd Miss Marla Denn)', the cbureh or your cbolce, . , Even'ln" Santee. 7;30 of m~rchandise, where you can get almost anything all ' ' of Lrulcaster, were receut guests' of Adam Campbell. Mr. needed for your Christmas shopping. They need and Campbell took the group tbrougb deserve everyone' support. • his "Antique Hous" where hp Read " th~i r advertisement: in this i sue and then keeps his colle('tion of many v ry old items. tha't ;1 re of pa I'll' lal' dO all tIl e shopping po sihle with your hom e town intere~t to natlyes of this 1)0111' merchant, ' munity, Th e gllests li Ved In thl' SAND and ORAVEL village several years ago IUlII at BLACK-TOP DRIVES ever elae that WitS needed. Some one time opemted II' millin ery a ll fl wenl out Into the country to cleal' dre.s sbop her , TAR and ROAD OiL road!!. often fOI' the el;press pur· I LAWIN and FILL DIRT pose of enabling SiCk persons to Mr, an,d Mrs. H. S. Tllckel' w, 're either go to ' their doctors. or have overnight guests SWldsy of thell READY ·MIX CONCRETE them come to them, sOIl·ln·la.w -and daugbter. Mr. ,a 1111 By JANE FITE £XCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK STR~CE We \\"Ish that It were possible to M.... Jobn Syferd lind son, 01 ~ _W_I_·_ . .~ ~ On beb"alf ot Adam Ullm)llleU, give eacb one personal recognition. Dayton. su-eet commlsslolJel' COl' Ut e vII· ~owever, we believe that ollr Hal Miss Kathleen Graham, of D 'l ' lage otHa~vey,9blll'g, lind many ot of names Is in,complel and we tOil, spent tbe week end with Ih.r ~~~~~~"~~~~ I our othel' citizens, Including my· cel'lalnly would not wlsb to slight mother Mrs, Howard Graham, MI'&. Laura Slildaker was ho!\l· selr, I wJsh to publicly extend our anyone. Bill each person who .~e appreciation to the per· gave any of his or her tlIne, reo e8S to the December meeting 0 , eons of this community wbo as· gardle~s of how big or small, mar the Womens Cbrlatlali Tempel" alated In easing' the ha,rdshlps we be aisui'ell 'tbat whatever was ance 'Union, at her home. Thurs· , experienced bere dw:lng the recent contributed Is appre.clated trom day afternoon. She wII,s assls te i now 'storm. the bottom of our', hearts. by Mrs. Helen Wall w b 0 had ~~~fq-~~ Orews work'ed for bOUTS to clear ~lrs, Sadtes Reason, or Waynes· ,charee of . tlLe progr8m because of the streets und alleys In town. ville, was a house '_guest durlq the a.bsence of !\fra. Oha Well'h. ~~ The job ' bad to be don l' at flrsi the wee.k end of Mrs. La u r'\ who bas been sick. with shovel!! and then ' with the Sbtdaker. Mr. Robert Collett wa,s ' host rol' enOW' bladea, MallY made pnt.hs MI'. nn(l Mrs. L. K. Brinegar' the December ,meeting of the Wei· arolUld tbe homes of lnvalhls nnd had nil their guellts, Saturday, cOIDe Bible 01888 of Jonnh's Rlln women, br011lht t.hem' theh' 001\1" their lion lind dllllghtel'·III·II,w. '01 l3aptist Cllullch. nt ' hl'R holll'e Fri· aod sot tl~eu' groceries 01' what;. HamllLoll. day evening. Mrs, J . P. Thonl.
Q!~urr~ C6uihr . . ·
, ,
IHI -'-------.---- ---=--------------
' J
- ___ I__
We're deeply grateful for the qjlt of' friendship.
BUY YOUR Nfl IDOl ·TODAY! ABetter Deal Thon Any Time This Year Jihl
lor ,lfllll
. .
... '"
McC·]lare rUDlral I
J"~MES , (
E. McCL1:JRE l
{ ,
DODGE ./wf• ...", IlbItfr,.. mM@
1~ "OD"V , •• Rnd oul how' ..asHy , ou can own a big new Dod/(c, Your pft!lOCnt caf will prub .hl, 11I0r" tlu,n cover t.he dow" P;lp "t'fll. l ,lIl111Cdillt/' del!vt>rv- \'ollr ('hoke of modt'l a nd l'0'10I '! ' Don't wait-Shme In Our SU.l :l'C," ! (;0111 .. in lur a grand u OIw,,·.;adnj( cI",,1 1" lhtY! You'lI De mfl($ ltn,1 tl ill1:trs "I;..,adl
- - - - - - - - - GET
P"C- ,-: . .-,: ND
11111'111 aln FROM'
·lener'l IIDI Sbop
Lebanon, Ohio
.aua alllSTIAS 'aLII
.upcrlt.y h.ppy
FOR 1951
~ MINUTES WITH US, ---.;....--.;~--
1HOWTIME .•• U.S.A.It-The Ora-teet Show on' Televl.lon-8.. You r N._plper For Tim. 6 Station
1IroIHIw., .t OMwood
Mai,you· ••i.oy •
\ .
COM !?
Bigpi' ,VoIU8
Share in our _access I'Oreatest DOdge 'sales.in ,history mean .the deal of the year for you I ~
Phone Lebanon 6s.t
_____ ...
' LelNlnon, Ohio
JOIN ·0 U ~ ,
Matiollll a.k
.w AYNaVl""" OHIO
ft• .,...
May h••na
and nature .ng . ~fq-~~~
p ...• . . . '; " of th ••
...~ .. tt.
for you thi.
. , . ,ou •••
9 5
$1, . 00 TO '11'. ~9 00 COTY COSMETIC SETS __ ___ ,___ , . _$2.50 UP EVENING IN PARIS COSMETIC SETS
CAMPI;\ELL'S TOMA1'0 C JUICE 46 oz. Can ._
Mennen and Tawn
HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE Crushed, No. 1 C FIat Can, 2 CP-na .. .
Frozen,2 Can. _,
* * * '* . [F®Ill ~II111 ·W®~~@~trIE[3~
No.3 Squat
XMAS CAIIlDIES AD Kinch and ·C olor.
CIGARS - Boxe. 25 and 50 Several Branda
* *, * * ·lr®LB oo11roo
._______ 29 C DOT SWEET POTATOES ·Vacuum Pack 19. C Can _ ~~~_
TOYS··hns aad Holsters_For the Kiddies w••o>pe<t $1 35 ro $4 5'0 ~ II BOX CANDY . • ---. • . . " ~"ArJ()'1 SPEC51A;ot~~S:~~~~~~ _____ ___ __~_~__ $3.19 o~~ ,BillFOLDS FOR MEN AND , $3,. 50
$1.00 jTO SlQ.OO
____ 17C
PHONE 2541 ,
TOBACCO In 1 Pound CallI Xmu Wrapped ,
III 5 ~IPP , ""'. ' !. ~~,/ $2.
~. ~
~""M" ; ,
~ ,
CAMERAS from -
75 TO ,.
. . . . . . . . . . . CIcI(I(I~ -
, S~ · I
ciiR'S!t:.. PlA.N ~
o::~ I 1114NJ~;i;AGiTiLli~STOal
~ I USE ~~f~ ~s LAY -A~WAY
Some With Flash Units
wI.ahe .. •
Ph. Wa~ViIle 2832 , HARVEYSBURQ" ,OHIO ...c ...c . . . . . . . . . .1(t(IIC1I
i' hat a Merr., , Christmas can mea. is our sincere .,;sh
•••••• 'If
'Y0~ thii glad
hol.ida1, I,alon/ '
, •• 'CHIITII&
'Our llear,i.., . . 800-d o •
·.-L..:...•: . W ...... .
-0,: for your : Yuletide joy• . , o
S5e WEINERS , . .. _____ _49c Pound ___ _ _____ Fa:;!!:ID~~ _______ __ __ ~'_ 4ge ' PORK CHOPS S_5 C Pound ___ ________ __
, S~~~~ B~~~~~ ______ "-
. __
, iier's Garage
i II
. ' .' Vanity,
Table' and ' Floor .
iTWO. Sto~es FULL of Other FINE . .
:L 1950 .
, THURSDAY. 'oFCEMBER 14, 1/)50,
Thepeaaeof . be
"IPracti_c al. Remembrances at Ba.r ga·. . IPri'ces. '.,.. .' '. '
All Types ()f InSlJlfJhCe ITo Fit YOUI Needs--AI A SlJlIllIls '
IcoNE QUICKLY · and .
Tappan Gas
: = - - - -- -
••CC...._ ...~.~I(.
~ \ ~ ' ~~~~~_~~~_~~~_~~~.~.b~~~ ~~ ,~~ ~~~ ~=~~~~,~" ~~~~~ _ .. - - -----:-:-:-:--:--::-:-:--....---.:" ,_.,' ".
~!ci4:l«lClltlClCtC'CW::ICI(Icl(telC rc;tC~IC:If:II' 1f:l('C!C~!C....cI(• •IC.!CICIC!ClClClClI
We Congralwale ,
'The Merchants . ··ON··
Gifts for the Whole ·Family . .FAIRLEY' HARDWARE
PHONE 2441
Seleet Layaways!! .. YOUR . .
~. . Waynesville Furniture and Appliance . .
Refrla-erators Frigidaire . , Deep Freezers .Hoover Sweepers . , HaytaK Washers .
Startiog Monday, December 11, we wiD be open every Bight including Wedoesdays DI~ '9:00 F. M. .Waynesville FUrniture Hymans D.y and Hartsock Fairley H'dwe
.,I Best wishes
2 ' " ' I for · your II
happines's r
thiSYU~le- . &!~-
~. "
Far.ars Ilchanga
Jog be " , 1]OlU' S this , .Christmas "' ~4950) ·. .1 •
To 'you, a full
4 ~
" measure of peaoe
. pl~b'.
~"bator of
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, '1950 )t_ ...... -
-... --RiJ,e
•• - "', . =
n_c~ou_n_ty_c_ou_rt_N_e_w_s~] Christianity and
A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier
NEW 'SUITS ' . l Estate of M~rry N. Perk, Sr., Je.neUe Rawllng8 'VII Rarry J. dcc'd, Harry N. Perk. Jr., ueoll· Rawling", dlnoce. I!rltreme cruel: , t.or, f lrlit und · 1'11\&1 accounts. Il!). ~~I_ : _ proved, allowed ,and confirmed ly, C. Donald DlIatush. Eamte of TIIII& Hurn. d~o'd DECEM'BER 10. 1960. - rt 18 . A. A. Meneley va Ed Ntokell. , snoWing again. This Is a Hoft f~r money only, am.ount clalm.. a Walter 6. Blum, Jr., ~dmlnl8trnlor N0W, U OIVlr blforl. ,u,trlce needs more true f.mlrlUIlS. feaUlery brlstmall·cord snow. '600. plu& Interest from July Hi. W.W.A. filed flrRt, tina' nnd dli<' AND UP , ' ~r ' w.r aaatnat eornmulll,rr. trlbutJve !\Ccount, Tllt'ra Is not mucb wind nnd the 1950 .and OOlIte. Mary! B. Gray." Ohe8ter Borders. 'Vs Cletull DorEstate of William H. nurn. bllnl w ••ecl wtth moo.)', food tne; PLUS INSTALLATION RUn keeps trying to sbJne. Ou thn dora for money only. amount deo(tl.. Wal~r ' G. ilium, Jr.. Rd· ·Ium. demandl that WI cobl!t1el wbole a lovely winter day - bill d~moeraey vlrtuall,y a re:l,,!o(\ . I went to church tbls morning and claimed $&16.96 w.lth interest at mlnlatrator W.W.A. 'flIed tlrst Unless we beUlve In the ':I",e tOI could not get lip the Waynesville 6% from June 3, 1960 and ' costs. final and distributive account. wbi~h we are battllnl In tn, UI';. Estate of Minnie May Jack, EUrope .nd '~or.l. thl AtnttlCBII M hills until I ' went IIIld had my Earl S. Moore, Jr. Dona. Joan Wilson VB 'Ilh~ore ~ec'd, Arthur Hamilton, executol' . Ideala of brotherhood. jasti.!e Ind cbal.n!! Ilut on. It aeema to me tbat tbey Bre very slow wltb the WlIIOn. divorce. elrt1'lm1e cl·uelty. fUed Inventory. hearing ' Bet for good wlJl can never be fulAUed Proot ot thla can I~ Men In , cinde1'8 on our hills tbls year -' grOS/l neglect, Frank C. Anderllon. December 27. at 10:00 a.m . . Itudy ot lIra.l', hiltory. In thll t . Estate 01 Chari 9 ~. ShMi.II. moat years we have had better dec'd, H. O. Finkelman ItPI}()inll\(, ancilnt co~ntr7 thtre werl a h"~t service on tbe Blipper>, turl,lll ul REA~ ESTATE TRANSFERS of h!,h.mJndl!l patrlota. dtdlcated least. Who Ie responsible tor that·! Clarence E. and Thelma Mary e~eeutor. C. C. Beckett, Marvin ~ . to the ,belief Ouit Ifnel, with Its Y. o ung and Dorothy Crolldor 1111rich rillaioua badqt'Ound could The trouble with putting on the LWlas to ·Alfred E. and :MabelI'. wen aerve .a • model of PI~ce and • chains Is tbot as aoon A8 t}le high. Morgan, l2 aCTeS In WaYDe Twp. pointed appralser~ . Estate of Ada Hewitt, dOll'd. \Jnlly tor .other wOl'ld natlonl: Clarence E.. and Thelma MOI'T way ~s clear•. tlley need t.O be til Clln admlnlstralrl Sophln Hewitt. Bot certalD Hlt·seekU'l lot the oft again before tbe bare pO Y& Lucas to W. W. and Gertrude I\. FROM UP upper band ~ tar.ell want down meJlit, grlnda tbem to vleces. ' 11'1'. Elliott. .05 acrJs Itl Wayne T\I\'Il. rued first lind linol areount$. to defeat .a nd dlautlf'. Now It reStout bas a good system, but 1101 EHzabeth nugbea t.n Jes Ie Il. malDl for Amerlca fulAU' the one tbat mOlit .of U8 oOli lise. He and Wilbur H. Oerlebeck, 'l o('rl' NOTICE OF 8ALE 'O F BONDS aDClent prophecy. "In tb7 lied had two cars. 01le wltb ol'dlnal')' In· Deerfield Tw)). SEALED P·ROPOBAI.R will be Ihall all · naUdDI of the earth be tires and a. bad we"tber car wltb ' Frank W. and Edna M. Stubbs received at the ornee of the Town· bleaed." mUd.grlp 'tIreB to get him In and to Lowell J. and Bett.e Jean Sta· ship Clerk' of Wayne ' Town!4hllt. ~ II'Httit ,t uk toda7l1 to aout of bad country lanes Ilnd, for ton, 1 lot In LebanoJ;l. . Warren County. Irl Waynellvlll'1 . tend .nd deepen the 111Ow" of that 11'r:ID1c. W. anll ,Edna M. Stu'bbs Ohio. until 2:00 o'cloek of ·Decen)· 1nIe Amer1C8DJ1m wblch procla1ma "bad BlIppery roads, He ' came In our lane the day the IInow melted to Robert C. and Virginia WolCe, .l Ier 30. 1850. for the purcbass of the worth and value CIt Cbriatlan. a~d' went through that water and 1 lot in Lebanon. bonds ot .&td Township, In the lt7. Tbla caDDOt be IIccompllahtd ldolatora Icy Ilusb with no trooble at nil. Frank W. and Edna M. Sthbbs IIRrepte amDUnt of UO.OOO.I)U. 10 10111 u we Ploaa Ill. wh.o lUte thli worshipers I had some one year and they were to _Hubert fJ. Jq¥en'. 'l lot in ' ~.ted tbl 1st day of Decembel', 0I1b1 rold- caU, ..t iDaterla11D. a great help going In and out tbe Lebanon. 119&', alld bearing Interest at the tlNltl atiD" the C!Om~non PHONE 2834 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO lane. but they made such a noise Frank W. and Edna' M. Stubbs ~ate of Three (3%) per cellt, pr r rortunateq Amerleall8 bave a on the blghway that I didn't OIlre to Hubert C, Jeffery.1 1 lut In IlUlJl.Um. payable leliil·annually, Is· VGlce .t ·~ po11I and un do much for ·them for ordinary driving. . If .L ebanon. Illued for the Purpal,ot Oonstruct. to m.ct true ChriatJ.ans tor the we could only know In November Chalmers H. and Loulae E. IlIg an adequate building Cor pJacea Of retpOllJlblUb' .1n our IOV. C....IDI 'be CleaD.r MARRIAGE ~ICENSES whether to prepare tor Ice aud Brewer. Jr. to Joseph Mk,b UlIl\ housing the equipment ot' the ClUl\lDt. Am'l'lc&ns also bav. It Ion. thr;::lCa an Ulhtb' boUDd John Matthlns Keller, 21. fnrm r . HOW SMART ARE YOU? . snow '01' Cor an open winter. It. Dillon, 1 lot In Franklin TwJl. Wayne TOWlUlhip Fire Department pradoul .,aditlons Which upholel FIN_D OUT ON PAGE .S.IX would helP. but we nlwoYB bOlle JameB A . and Sarab E. Cornett . and under authority ot the lawB' of tboIe virtu.. which fOlrm the b.... . around the o,Under and caulht III Pleasant Plain, and Juonlta Eil een of CbrIaUanit7. bru.he. 01 the vacuum eleaner J h ' . nnd paat experience has upheld us, 10 Edward A. and Gertnlde M. Oblo and of the UDlform Bond _.B7 1Iv1n11n the spllrlt of "God the clip them In leveral placet In' d....: . 0 nson, 19, Pleassnt PlaIn ... Carl Richard \\ ebster, 20. ro: tba.t tbls one won't last long and Lange, ".88 aereB In Hamilton Act of tbe Oenerai COcle of Ohio. ~_ Amerlea,If wblch. Is too otten CID be pulled out ...1· perhaps there will not be any TWp, alId by virtue or' & vote ot a 66% auq· wlth.ollt Nard for Ita betu- Ihort IT. Ailpleen accumuilUOD of threaell wW tory worker. Sprlngbo~o, nnd BOil. ' more . snow thla win leI', so we do George lind MaTlanna Noell. Jr. majority of the electors , of lald UIul warda, ~erlealll can do cawe ID 1Acreue .ID ... e\llHllt nle Jeun ·ole. secretary. 20, ""b' not do an>"tblng about It, . I won· to Lyle V. and Alice WelBh, 82.1 78 Townablp and under alI4 in ac· more to furtbIr the Clute of free- nece.I• .., to J'\ID a. motor. anon. Herbi.u-t W . Gray. 36, sheet der If we would like It 80 well 'to acrel In Turtlj!Creek Twp. oordance with a certahi Belolu· dom IDd CbrIiUaDity. meld ·worker •. l.ebanon, and I ..OIII H6 knDW what 18 10 store Cor \18. A John M. and Vlrneda Hro..... nlllg taoll of the Boud of TOWnBhlp E. MUI'phy. 05 , Inspector. Foster. mfd Ohio wln:ter can he I'ery to Willard E. and Hele~ K. SJI·cer. Tru.tees of" I&1d To~P. en· NE CAN TAKE. Ct\R£ OF YOUR JOB PRINTING p)eaaanl. 6 aores In UnIon TWII. Ut)ed; Re801uUoil to IlIlIue BOndi Th'nrman .10neB. 60. f:lrmer, 9arIJ Rle _nnd Dort,hn Jon e, . !i fi , GUY H. ORborn to Rllth A. Tay· afte"r Suhml.. loa to' ~ectonl. I put soine fresla /luet oul ror housek eper. Cnrlll!le. the birds yesterday and this morn. lor, 1 lot In Morrow. puled on ' the 15th ' da, or ' Nop",t on your thinking cap and Inc I saw the chickadees and a The Oborte/l' A. Mal!':h (;,). :0 vamber. 1950. ~ turn to page 6 where a span :<· tltmouBe out there at work 011 II. ·Rallway Supply ~d Mfg. 0.: !l li SAid bonds are of tbe elenolDlD.. In-g new Quiz featu re promises Bea Ila.,e &at Uce There . waa still aome .Iett but Ilor acreB In 'Fran "lin. tlOn and mature. reapecUvely at to 'provlde fun for you 'and the Ule only ~. treatment tor .:GnIS STARTING A OF REGULAR wf10le family. VoIliJII manae 'and liea 011 hapI tbhr .waa more tutY 'or ealli' l' Estel Brooks to l.og,m J. and followa: . pl •• and bOil. it'. beDzlne hexa· 1.0 get. The little wo<H1peclCer s had Loy Eva Gabbard. 12.148 a(:reB In Bond No. 1-11.000.00. WEEKLY VISITS TO WAYNESVILLE EVERY chloride. ~pnlY ~aUed BHe. been coming to the old regularly Franklin Twp. m.ture December 1. 1962 RUDAY. ' Tblu, but EWele"t but perhapa they could reacb It _ Martha P. Hudllon to WIDlam Bond No. :l-$1.000.00. The fUm . ot palm oil on the tin· more easOy. with their longer and Mae Willis. 1 lot 'In Spring· ' mature December. 1. 1953 IF Y.OUR SEWING MACHINE OR VACUUM ....... Ir .. alcll.... l\ihed ,hot . dipped tin plate . used In beaks. Here it Iii Monda)" alread)' boro. Bond No. 3-$1.000.00. The r~dIaba lIIed In th. orient making "tin cans" Is so thin that CLEAN£R IS IN 'NEED OF ADJUSTING' OR and when I looked out this morn. William V. Mote to Eyelyn R. mature De6ember 1. 195. Ioda, wu IIInnted ·by U. S. Ma. It can borely be sel'n with the OVERHAUL, PLEASE Ing- there were at lelUlt huH 11 Clark. acres In' Frank.lln Twr , Bond No. 40'-41.000.00. 'OUT ~ . . . I~ Goble. who visited naked eye. It Is fi ve times thicker dozen cblckadees trying to get IU John Byferd to Jesse '}:, SUllth, m~~re December 1. 116& J.pan III 11M with Commodore than the 8v ernlle contlng of tin on BLANK BELOW AND OUR REPRESENTAthe suet and one mean little wood· 1 .lDt In HarveYlburg. Bood No. li-'J ,000.00. steel. .e07. J}~ WILL·· CALL ON YOU. ' FREE ESTI.' )ledrer cbllslng : them a,,'.),. ,K athryn S. M)'ers to OJ-IlIn" and matu,re n8cemlier 1. 1956 The three little kittens a,'e I<till Mlldred H. Wlgbt. 6.68 IlCTelt tn Bond No. 8-J1;"OO,~, , MATE$ - ALL WORK FUU.Y GUARANIh-ing In the chicken holt:<e ,,;,(\ Qlearcreek 'l'wp. , mature DeeelDbar 1. 18&7 TEED ON AlL MAKES. no one . has been asble to oll1<'h John H. and Mar), Conley to Bond No. 7-'1.000.00. ....--,. tbem yet. They are almost ('au JameB E. and Marian Martin. 1.26 mature December 1. 1968 now. They come ln the . house acres 1n Fr.nklln T'!YP. Bond No. 8-41.000.80. , throUlh a -hroken cellar window J,o lleph B. nd Myrtle M. H",!18 mature n.cember. 1. 191)9 and they eat what. Smokey lind to WlUlam and Imo B. .Buckle)" Bond No. ~l,OOO.OII. 1223 Central A'~eDue Phone 32801 Dinah leave r what I 'put down fol' lot In Frank.,n. iliature December 1. h60 MIDDLETOWN. OHIO (hem espoolally. after the others Jamea C. and AmlUlda Yeary Bond NO. ~1.ClOO.OO. . have enten but sUll I. clln't get nt.ar to Fred and Viola campbell. %.9R mature Dec8Dlber I, 11161 any 01 Itbem There Is onr thlll acrea In Harlan Twp. ADy one dealrlng to do 80 may , bolder ' Is a. IItUe ~han the others Emma Wellner to Herbert 1fr ),e. ,reseDt • hid or bld8 for ijald ADDRESS-Street ___ _~ ___ ___ _, ____ ___ ___ PHONE __ __ ___'-__ _ bute ven that one Ia gone It I put et al. 5 lote In Salem Twp. bond. baaed upon their bearing a out my hand or come a /ltep wo Wallace , A. and Bobble Camp to I different rate or lnlere'!t thSD CITY .:____ . ___________ __ __• _____ __ ____ STATE __;. ___ ______ _ . near. ' I doubt If tbe home 'l was Wa~_ and Lessle COlr. 61.90 acrf'S apeclfled herein above. provided. :however.t bat where a fractional DromJsed lor them Is sUlI open In Salem Twp. I AM INTERESTED IN: to them for I hear tliat tbey UBed -'Ed 'and Doroth), Folt to James Int~relt rate . Ja. bid such ' fraction some of thla new Warfarin . rat W. anel Margaret H.rt. 1 lot In aball ~-one-quarter of 1 per cent ( ) New 8'lnlll" I~.chlne .' ( ), New 81nge, V.cuum pleaner killer arid cleaned out tbelr rats. M~on. o,r mwUpl.. thereof. ( Repaln of My Machine. I do not like to ha.ve them run. ' ---S&ld bon~ will be sold ' to the niq wild to become woods catll PROBATE btghlIIt bidder at the time and or contLnue to llve In the chicken EAtat.e of Robert M. AnderaOn. place aboTe mentioned. ,t not lesB liouse and drive awiLy my little dec·el. ,J88sle Anderson.' eXeilutrl:c than par alId accrued Interest. blrdl. If I could only be lure tbey, rued InveMoI'Y. he.rlng set for Bldl may be made upon all or ._ would .only .caltch rats and the December 21 at l{):OO a:m. aD)' number ot hOnda of thlB lasue. Eng11llb sparrows that..(:Ome In to 'Eatate .of Emma B. Whitacre. All blda. 'mllat stat.e the Dumber eat the chlck.en t4led , It might ,be dec·d. Jennie Wbltacre; elteclltrlxof ~ndl bid (or and the grosH all right. but .,after all they are rued ' Inventory. hearing set for amount of bid and· .a ccnled Interest onl)' cats and undoubtedly a til. DeoUlber 'I f at 10:0() n.m . . '. : to .date of dellve~. m.oule oro a 80ng I~rrow wOllld IlItate of Be'n nle ' Schlnghecll. All bfdl . mllAt be accompanied taste JUBt as good to them. dec·d. Inventory approved. b)' a Certified Check drawn In The ~ar news cloudl tb.e ChrlatEatlLte of Lydia E. Bevan. dec·d. favDr of the SOal'd .of Townshlll lIedr'c Water System mas aPtrlt. Peace 00 earth leems Harrison ~v.n apPOinted admln· Truatees of Wayne Township, very tar- away. We were 80 all. llti'tor. Karl Brown. George Wblte WUren- CDunt,. Oblo. In tile SUDl does a man's work for ,~ a day xlous to disarm. to 'torget all anel Virgil Shurts oppolnted ap· of '.00.00 ' upon condition that I{ abOut war, 1.0 furnlsb anns for pralaen. the bid accepted, the bidder will 80meone elBe to do the flgbtlng. Eatate of Katherine A . Hen. receive and pay f.or Buch bonds as . 'Y.our time, your slrlriglh are pari of your working . to trust In the possesllion of the derwon, dec·d. M.rl0 n E. Hender- may be ,1l11ued .lI.a' above set' forth, capital. nol to be wal.led. Such jobs as pumping and . at.omlc bomb for wllich we llpent 110ft. appOintee! admlnletnlotor W. within ~O 4&),8 .of .the award. saJd ,IIWlh vaat sum8 .and for which- ·at W. A.. J.' W. Goddard. KIU'I M. Certlrlaa Cheek t.o he retained by carrying water are besl done by "wired help." For the prelent . time they Bay we Brown and WIlliam HuttorfJ, Jr .• IIJd Warne' Townlhlp If .ald con· Ie an eleCtric water system pumps more wale, Ihan have nD 8u1table ~get." hat we .pPoInted appraleen. nol .of fulfilled. Township Truateel . • cllton TIle .. .B0ar4 Q mon would pump all ~oy 10"9. So it quic.kly pays have fDl'lotten uaat III al;llt.e of ~te ..(]I M.ude Glrtoll. dec d. 01 aatd T.oWnsbip reserves tbe for ltltlf. everythlnS war I. !oulllt b)' men. .Toaeph ~. Glrtoa, a4IIIinlatrator. prlvUe.. to reject l.I1y and all We value ours aDd we are at a !1.184 IDveat.ory, · bearlns let ' fO'~ blu. .N.o Conditional 'BIds will More than 'hree Ions of ' woler a manlli are used dlaadvantale ....IDlt. 'a foe with Deeember 1. at 10:00 LID. be ·l'8Ct\lved. In ,Ih. form kitchen alone. And If you raise poultry Eatate of Lena M. Blaber. dec'd, auch nuinbers tbat they d.o not Tile NlPl'Ov1D1 opinion of Peilk, you can figure 0 Ion of water a month for each .100 tb tb c.re awa,.. Cbarles Blsber. uec, utor flied In·, 8bafter and WUllams, . bond atnrlll how man), . be eybl row to .-k hensl Thot'~ a l.ot' of woter fo~ anybody 10 lifl o~d ../I ~ weI everf thl a eto .. e "i vento-. th n " hear1nl set tor December torael. of Clnclnnatl. Oblo. will . I opr vew 0 DP. see '8 18 at 10:00 a.m.. . be tunalahecl to the lucc88srul hid· carry. •• tbey are and not aa ,we want them ' to he. We can not. cUllle l!II~te of ZOI& L. MOBle,. dee ,d. 4e,. without COlli., 'DaIry farmers find Ihat an electric waler system tbti w.orld over nlgbt (thOqh LuI& M. Molle,. admlnlatratr!x Bid. abould be' sealed and, en· . with water healer loves hours in the pr~per core of. p.ru.P8 we could deltro)' It) but med . laTentort. bearlnr let for ~~:BIDS FOR l!'iaE. HOUSE milk uten,l" and equipment r~quirin9 sterilization. we are an IIDpatleDt people aDd 18 .t 10:00 ...m. ~ ..... our 'leaders caDnOt dO alI,thlDg Estate of lrA.ard lA1lo1 Millard Board .of TDWII8blp Trulltee. o~ frelh drln~lng water ,upplild to thll callie wilh aula· that tbe people reaUf, oPlJOH. Let dec'" J: T. BUe,.,· ereeator, tint WQUe ; TowIlllhlP. WUTtIa Oounty. m"lc watering cu"s increases milk produc)r~n US therisfore be patient BIlel pray a~ { • •roved. alhnred and Ohio. MUch a. 5 to 10 percenl. tor aucCUI ID their n8l'Otiatlo.... ~ . IlADLUlD 1'. WELTZ. fOr advice abovt .Iectrlc waler systems to' meet tIuIIt, til.,. Ill&)' not Jump to .hort . llltate of ~a& MlDCIber Marta. a.rk. Boar4 of TOWll8blp "oreA,.",.""., ....... lIOIICIlalloaa ad that tbey ...,'4, . . , . . . . S. MaIU. euou·T rust. . ?f the reqll';ementl of you, farm home and business. IUJ' reillember ' the old Q1IUer tor, ant aD4 tIDal aoaouat ~ W~ 'fowuhlp. conWIt your county ogenl. vocational ' agriculture adale that JlothiDl .. aettled UIItO PI'Oftd, aIIowec1 aDd coallrmed. -. ..... _.. Warrell Coun", Ohio teocher, or the farm rep,esenlative of your eleclric It .. _Wed' rlrbt. ' . DItatII or Super T. J'arta. dec'.. _... I_ .._14-_I_l_"_8.-;........_ __ COmpany. . waihr execatM. fJ,rat, -.. M,'ft . . . .&7111 a
True 'Americanism
_._-.1 .•
'Must Be Practiced
TELEVISION SETS .~ .$259 . 00
$199.95 DEEP FREEZE--12 CU" FT. SIZE $409.95 .
,'!IIIIIIII InIII 1101111 OD. SCJiEDU1.£
--..-----Singer. Sewin.g Center
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THE DAnON 'POWER AND'lIGHT COMPANY ..........IWA". NIW"."- WIIIO rv -Monda,.
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ORDINANCE No. 215 Giving Con..nt 01 the V,lIalia .to the Improvement of Waynllvllle· Corwin Ro.d U.nder the Superv\· alon of the Director 01 Hlghwaya. WHEIlElAS, the Director of High· WAYNESVILLE, OHIO waYI II conalderln& the matter of the Improvement under his supel" Cloud· Tue,day 4 WedneldlY vl\llon of the public highway known aa State Route No. 731 and WHEREAS. WayneevUle·Corwln 11> Road within this village lies lr. BUCCANEERS GIRL' whole or Part along the line of eaid state !'Pute. said Wa.ynesvlUe-CoI·· . (Technlcolol') win Road. being more particularly YVONNE DeCARLO-PHILLIP FRIENO described as fOUOW8: Thunderl.,u Guns - Ripping $311s A new relocated road lying be· tween South street in Wa.ynesvllle Clashing Swords - Pirates and the South Corpal'aUon line or CAll TOO arill JO E])( AK~ OM F.Tlr Waynelvllle. WHEREAS. It Is prDPQsed to e~ · 16 tend said Ktate highway improve· ment into. within or through tblH THE DURANGO KID vlllage and along the .al oreso.ld - In WayneavUle-Corwin Road . STREETS OF GHOST. TOWN NOW THEREFORE, - with Be it OJ;'dained. by the Council of the Village of Waynesville, SMILEY BURNETTE State of Ohio: POPULAR SGIENOEl ~RORT SECTION 1 : That It Is declo.red CHAPTER 13- SIR GALAHAD to be In the pUblic Interest that the consent of said vtusge be. and ' 17 DOUBLE FEATURE · 18 such consent Is hereby given, tho.t T WO JOHN WAYNE R E-IS UES said WaynesvJlle-Corwln Road 01' , so much thereof as Is above de. BACK TO BATAAN acr~d lying alongl the Uue ot said· State Ro~te No. 73 may be . MARINE RAIDERS , Improved under the Bpervlslon of Two of ~e BEST War Pl ctul'es t,he Director of Highways, said Dl· PASSJNO PARADE rector to obtain the necessary . B. NEWS rights of way and assessments, '~~~~~~~~~~::~::7~~~~~~::::::::~~id. SECTION 2, That the «Ierk be, ' and be Is hereby, directed to fur· DlIh to the Director 'of Highways and to the Board of County Com· miss ioners of Warrell Coun:t:r DEAD STOCK Ohio. a cerUfted copy of this 'Ord: HORSES $4.00 COWS '4,00 Inanes immediately upon the tak · Ing effect thereor. All . Stock R.moved Dally ~ . SECTION ;I, Tbat lbl ' Oral· ~ 70U do your Christmas . !MUlne earl7. the pottman La,,,. or 8mall - Call Collect · DaDce sboJl. tuke effe(lt li nd be 11.1 force from and after Ihe en I'lIe.;l ='::"Je1~oI41r1' the ba, an pel'lod allowed by law, , Xeaia454 H. .M. SHERWOOD, Mlly r. r 'At a ICbooI f« Santa Clauses. XENIA FERTIUZER Pn.ssod December 4, 1950 .......... an taulht t • .lauch jovi- Dlvlalon 01 In'lnd Prodllote, .no. Attest,: CHARLES .TAMBS. I 1'1, ~ with bea,:,-d p\lUers and Publish l,2·}4·21
ace a Classified I d
ATTENTioN HO SEwiv ES OF POI'I, WAYNESVlLLE ! Sto)llllilth dll m · nge rOl: fI\'e wbole yea nl with IIb:JtLO . It'll gllul'lInl ee.!. III wl·lt· Ing. WAl· NEISYILJ.lD F'L'H ·WR I·: ~ APPLIANCE.
t~e 'tlllIICIe-powered mow shovel i!
' I ul.
l lof pnel" i,l tI.
-11·3 (}-12-:-7·H
- ---+ ' -.,.--"--,....- - -
d-~mage f~1' five whol" years with SERLO . QnBI'anteerl In writing. WA¥NESVILI... E F ·n· NITURE &: APPLIANCE. STOP mo'th
-;- ElIperlenC,ed tUI'l't~t latbe operallors tlnd Job set WI'S. Prelel· men over GO yeara of ale.. Good pay, excellent oPP'lrtunlly With grOwing . comllany , lo('.nted South of Dayton. Ohio, CI\II lItn~ WILLIAM~ ,COllect ',"Inul 2 L4'1, FOR SALE _ . 55 WIZlll'd or ()TBooks, A·1 condition. . ·1 7. e ll) tllilor molle !!tIll. 1)1'0\'"11. 0 111\ a lii. X- 11.30~ 1!l.7 . 1-I
NOTICE BERl..O U Gllavanteorl Motnsllray st()\IS moth ~ 01' puy!! ro r the damage. l<'l ve yell r gil II rlUltee. WAYNESVILLE )1'1 IlNITt )lE .'\: APPLIANCE.
. A new addition to the air arm of the N.vy J. the turllo-prop driven XA2D Skyahark attaelc bOmber built by the Douclu Aircraft 09m- . pany, Ine" of Santa Monica, Calif. It ia the Ar.t pelt ,,'ar tac,t teal airplane to use turbine driven propeller.. Sides of the cockpit al'e glo.zed with Pittaburgh ' Fl~a1. The forward area of tho cockpit is glazed with PPG Multipl"te, .the bullet feel.tant laminated ,lu •• It i • .aid that tht! nevy plane combines the apeedof ' modern jet propul.ion with the payload and economy 01 conventionally powered aircraft, It can operate from earriers as well al from advanc:ed military .i"trip"
wItIi 11\1• •' ~ that WANTElD-'Rlde to Dayton. HoltI'll ID ..... eI the 12·]4·2)' the Out mOUDl 'thQ< normall7 require Jln·. 8 to 4:45. Phone 219·1. daee4 lOll eI wIIIat. JIOOI' app.· 1ue. UId ............\1........ FOR SALE - Davenport. DuoT~ wu 1OUIIdt4 tor own· Therm 011 he:atel', Hoo\lt'r s weeper. "}2·14 er. wlao. ~ UIIIIDe that Phone 2901. A Loan ' Macle-Can Be Repaid . .a aDlOUIIW ' cd fitamJII A From Farm Income FOR SALE--Accordlo.n . 120 base, will aid tlleir 40,1' ...w.. bla.ck and white peo.l·!. P , h 0 'n 0 . .ta
The Land,Bauk 'ay.
TERMS ARE· ·L·ON C ..... DIe be.t W87 to .et down to LOW RATE - 4% tile bottom 01 tranlJlOl'tatJon dUllc'ultI-. A Fanner Owned A.lOciation
••• SeeuriI1 oIIldala, eDtruJted with
. ..
.Iao bave kept Christmas pl'ftet1ts • ~-drawer" aecret for months.,
,1! _J!t_ ~
ELL:'e, H.
Score 10 polnu for eacb eorreet unr. ID tile 1m • "'h~. 1. Wblch of the followln, football teama doll DOt btIoq to . . . . . Te~ ~:::=='''. -N.' Dakota -obIo MWr 2. A robin Is related to the: ~Tlirusb -Sparrow -WreD ~~ . 3. WbJcb' of tbe lollowlnl Is Dol a paullcal -Ocarina -Viole · -Clavlele -a.actM.... 4. The Turkisl1, city ,of Istanbul we. forin.r~ Imown II: .' -~.ghdad -Con.tanfJnople -Blleb,"'·· ........_ .. S. In 8 woman's dress you would not be HkeI7 to ADd a: -Peplum -Yoke -Bod1ce -ValaDce
' ___ -1IlIIi·-'mll
Is , lIel'e~y given that Jennie· Grnbolru , whose Post OfHce atldreRR Is ' n. n. a. Wayneevm., Ohio, . has leen' (ruly 'tPpoI~b,a al Elxe(lutrlll of the Ell'tate of Howard, Graham lote of Wnt'ren Connty, ObJo, deceallllld. Dated this 22 dny oC Noveruber 1950. IilAl.. PH H. CAnEY· Judge of tbe Probate o.lrt. ;. War'r,en OOlinly, Ohio 'Young & r(llIng, A~tbrn oYfl
6. The. steamship Titanle sunk in the 1eu-: -1912 -1914 -ltl& -11111 • _" 7, The fQllowln, is a mateblq problem. P1acI &be 1.- JII' e• each weapon lilted at left in the proper Ipaoe at riIbt, ........ numerical designations of the weapoDl baYe ~...... ..... yourself 10 PoInts tor each eorrect (A) Ruulan 'tank .. , ... , .... , ..••• q • • • • • • -IIIGIl
J...... '
(B) U, S. super-b\lZooka ....................... -1'-10 ·(C) RUlilan' jet plane . .. .' .............. ; ....... ~ (D) U. ' S, jet
pl.ne ... .' .. : ...... ~.;. ,......... -T-I6 ,
PubllHb 11 ~'3g..:;.1,2.,...H4
Total your point.; A Kare of o..ao I. poor; . ~. ~ ,.... ~uperior: 90-100. very superior.._
oan ..
Cal,," C.lv.. need plent,' of ·fre.h wat.r cd'. ..It. just al 4)ld.r animal, do. and the.....entlal. .1I0uld be kePt ,within ell), -:eaF,h ~ the 70un,~ .~. at aU tlmn. Calves )W8ttr~ only once a day may drink mora .than i, ,ood tor , them.
awmtc "f Ihe ~Jtlr" cash iocClme made po sihlf hy a Pracrlcal Land r.,I5~ "Ian } USt~n io
tbe " Red" BUDd Rldio pmgram and hut bow oth.,.s are !ftlling the rhlDg$ they wlnt Ind . o~ for themselves. their children Ind .heir homeS-I' no
HORSES $4.00 .,.. Hog. anti Other Im.1I 'took . R.~pv'" Promptly ,.
. ,. . INi..AND PRODUCI'I, W.
LI.ten .very Tuesday and Thursday morning SMilD WLW. 8130 AM
, ........ .,r.,..... .... •..... 1 WAYlGSYIU.& FMNFRS
s)'mp~. of DI.t..... Arlalng STOMACH U~I;.n
..... " . . .sMID
w., ....m.
EXCESS ...... u
quiCK IEUEF OR NO COlT .....'nc for tile ...... ., ... tree, BIB ftaII .... _ _ .. .... raUDe biD.. _ tne II' ' I fro. RaOa L1~ '!be _ .. In the IIlldat of pia.. on ..... DOOD. EST. "Fifty Clab" prO,ruD oyer WLW lor Cbrialmu parllea lor hospitalised .hlldnL
...... us-
. . ImIte lINd ID IIIIIN ......
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'Mil
A·. ~ A/JOur 15 D(J~ TriO ! Of I, ,! ~_
............... fer""'" 0'
==fII~""""fNm_h a a d _ ,"-.duelo _ _ ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01' ~ II 1'11_ ..........................hI due
k) . . . . . . . . . . .
AI" Co..
",7 ,
.,.,.... .........
_" "bleb f\l1I,.aplaln. clrlJ ,.,lrII.
~1Io_~. . . . .
w. t..DRAKE
PHONI 2111
40 Electrical unit • f1 ExcJ.mallon
43 Blood mont-y 4t1 Melancholy . SO Ex l!tt
51 Male sheep 53 Machine P';I'I S4 Official n\'l $ 55'Conceive tI'I Holy tl9Mork
... Bur.. 'rl =.;J Pi:fttV\P; YOlI AIt£ "enE-it
VEmCAL 1 Conducts ' 2 Detaln ' ln porI
and star 31ndian 4 Clamp 13 Complete tI Symbol lor 14 Fruil erbium -21 Subjects to 44 Hebrew 15 On top or 6 For fear thal heat measure II Rail bird 'I Fly throueh 22' One who 461)~ of 1. Courtesy the nir t\Xcltu moldln, title (pi) 8 Credit (au .) 2& Enellsh 47 Mysell 20 En.Ush rlvt'1' ' 9 Headland ' rdyal family 48 Bachelor of 21 DrfS! . ;)0 Wlte 211 Root edges Arts (ab) 23 Detachm~nt " Gel'alnt in 30 Boat paddl~ ~9 Gaelic (ab.) Arlhurian 32 Kitchen ' SOLand measure 2. Senior (ab.) legend ' , utensil tl2 Capuchin' 25 Symbol for 11 Exit 3t1 Pompous monkey ~oron . n ·Blrds' homes show !If Perform on 2G Xenon (sym- J7 Overtime 3'1 One who sorls e;(age bol) tab.) 38 Caustic 56 Kind or pipe 28 SteamshiP . 18 Measure 42 Body pariS tlB Like (ab.) 29 Speech part 3J Hea~ cove... 33 Late Amerl- I r-4-+-+-l:"",L-.....r4~ can humorIst Ie 34 Yellow buele ........J--""'...; 3t1Canoe 34Number (pl.) ......j...;~38~ou,h lava 311 Rllht ,1Jne
~JI; ~OGI(.;rr
Sale conducted by S'M NIJEY &. KOOGLER. AuctlonecrK , Haneye1mr3. Warren County. OhiO'. C. DONALD D1LA.TUSH: Atlorne~' lor Pwntlff. ' LebaJiOl'lr Ohio. Publish 12-7-14.21-".
.•• Of~
. 'Tip Top
' ..... 2I'lI
1IeIw'. &lie Aaa.....
Radio-Screen Star ·1 tm~~UGit
6TURM, ~.o')'.Trt!'"
Test Yoilr Intelligence
CRO~SV/OR[) e PUZZLE:'-'l .-... •
actor. _ BalTJ1llore 'He Is a radio
FOR SALE--TUl'keY8 OD loot. or dreased, C. l&l MICHElNER. Phone 2926. . " 12·14
HORIZONTAL GO Compou·nd 1 Pletured ethers
At otftce Ohrlstmas parties, the CJariitmaa tree .is not the only ODe
Waynesville 284'1,
The Le....·MatiODal FII'II1Leu
DIltfOll'. top seeret mlUtary mIIbt well plek up -.e pointers from their wives CIUI'
Do YOUR XM·AS Shopping NOW With ' Your ' L' oca~ 1 Merchants. '01::10 oc::ro, NavY ' Skyshar~ Attack ·lkml:.er
M,dlcal .u.e4 .,a1Dit ...... d. ClllYe dONI eI 'fItaIida At ...,1'
FARM LOANS' ..... ....u" With ··1" Taken
SAVE $50.00 on BrllndN'ew 1050 11 cu. ft. GIIlIIOII ' nel'rJgerator. BAIRD'S GEINERAL MER HAN. a ..oc:laUon ba, u. · DJSE, Lytle. Phon e 2571.
D........ Ie D.,a Ttl. Joumll of th. American Vat-
..... ,..t blizzard that para__ the mldw..t proved that
.,.t, "'('\\'
l'lEAVE YOU.R f:;Ho.ES 10 be re o pnlred ot .L'EEi H .... WKJ~ t l R . ' EXT Barbel' ::;bo{l. w~lI'k Will he culled 1'01' and delb'clied. THOMPSON ~1,[0~ J1EPAJIR, Harveysbul'g.
R I l'
1\ ~1Itl l\! l{y :
BANK RUN GRA \ 'E I. - Lm HI f'rl. at Davis FUTUa.s Pit, 60 r'ell,!" cubic yard. W.e also del iver. ARM· ITAGE & SON•. Phone 2091. If
• • •
:-/011 W ith thl' \\,11\ An·
xed o f , he li:Rttl.tp of Top Sol1, Haul In'", Soul! , GI'lIvcl. .. Anr.!l 1\. Mndtten. rio· N OTI CFl ·EJca.vating With Da k Ho OF' Drag·llnEI mid D\llI cloz f'~' I'lnl nllrl'. punu , • :\ Til';: Wa.Ynesvllle, Ohio lhlll lill o n . 1\) 11 No . 3072 Phone I Wayne.vllie 2191
...... . all quesUOOJI from the .m.Ufr7. Walt·til the State De.......t bears about this sehool tOr Red diplomats, .
Alb",·, II. Slubbll . •\d · mIIlIRIt'lItOl' 11e non r..
Bzette ville
IIbollt 'Town ,
Christmas Lights . Add Yule Look
To Main Street,
Col. We.t Urge. Full Staffs Be Organized By T Qwnshipi
By December 31 ATTEND CARD MEET Speedy QrgulllzlIUon of t he C01l11· . Mr. and Mrs. J . J . BIIJ'ske. find llr. , 1!,ld Ml's. William Strouse 'I CIV~1 D~renl!Q program key· !llld !\a ugh.~er attendod the meet- noted week 8 meeting of county Imd. township directors. Meeting In t be Golden Lnmh ing of thei]' card 'lull In I1l<ilH : 1I1I1I all Snlurdll)' evening. l!otel, Lebanon, more than thirty __ rllrectors of tbe deren se eUort bere .TRIP TO FLOR.lDA ,were yrg~d to stop ~IP their r· . ..... I U , - lilh (}rultment of 8toft personnel. ,Coun· l\[ I'. . UII d 1r~. . ..... 11 [" OrOr lY leaders (Ire ' a iming fOl' ,a com'forme\" l'cSldont8, now of xenia, ! plete organlzlltion by the tits\. of Ilre enjoying· I\, delightful trlp to the year. . F IOI'hla Inoludlng till' wlntel' LtlIIl· 1 Presi~lng In Maj. G n. Forrest '. Harding s nbsence wna 001. n. John to Oulla nnd Key Wesl. West; of Morrow. dep uty fl ll'e ' tol' or ~h e Warren COUllty zone. CELEBRATES BrRTHDAV COl. West urged sectol' (to\\'n· Mr Elme Sl elinn c Jebraled ship) dlrecto1'8 ~ obtnln flll .1 Hlil rie • s. r . I , bY December 91 aud "/;let. I h III on her bldhdll.f on Sunday uud on tho lob so we ' won't"b 61l llgbt SUndRY eYenlng her children nnll short." 1:lllatJvel! I·oll ed to' ~C lp her r.(lleApPI·old rua lcly .790 resilonsl).ole bt.... ' posltlolls must be filled before tlte ....e. ~Ounly or.&.lIl1l.~nUon Is complete, he '-'---' . r llported. ' .' " VisiT IN SPRIN'GFIELD Need tor an .alert organization In Mt. and MI'\!. J~hn F'romm were Warren conty ~s lIIustrnted by ~he , thl'eo mll;or ~rgot Areos In thia In s~tlnitleld ~l4tUliday to VIIl,lt portion' of Oblo. Hea'd lng <tho list their son. MI'. Iyde Fromm, lit ot desirallle h.l @strJal targets aro tho prlngflelcl Hosplto1, \I' ~ I'e 1\ \ the Day tOil. dfnclnnaU·'Einmllton. ' ullderwent • an emergel1c\~' 0POI':\·, lind yo u clln areoll, seer" Col·. \Ve8~ __,"-_ _~_ _-':;:""::;_:"::'::'+--'--;-~_ _-l:;-_-I~___"":"-:-____________~"':"'_ ' " AsSpringfield lion 011 Th\ll'sday l\1ght. said. "WArren County Is In the
rullie Ilalt~ Sidelitll
Waynes"llle, for tbe first time In Plant, Crane's Garage, Fulkerson Its bistory, 100ka Ifke Otlrlstmas Sohlo Station, Smith Salcs 4n(1 tlme on Ithe milin street. " ' ben Ser"1lce, - BelcJu31' SUIIOOO Servlc' tro.!flc approllches from eltber dl· Satalon, Smith Electr c Service, reetion . on Route 42, " milin street The Mlam' Gazette, Bob's TSlInco looks like ' otber' 'progressive citie s Statlon, Stubb's Funel'lll Hom, E . . At tbis llme of year. C. Wtlgt, D.O., Bm Sawyer, Twin ,Yollr IMltol' belioves this Is Tbeater. Gray's Barber Shop. StOI) Dnou er forward move , for Waynes. and ED.t Restaurant. Coyle r al.'k· , ville and community In keeping up ing Plant. AmerlclUl ~glon I'ost to date. Tbe toto 1 cost of this No . 6)5, Kroser Stllre, ' Ray Car· project w.as about ,360.00. rler Grocery, Thelma Miller Rea· Tbe .thnnks for theMe uec:oratioDs taurent, Ray~ond IkaddllCir iiI' 10 dUe to th' contr ibutions from.. surance, Elzey's ' Varl~ty . tore. the following ml' l'chants ODd town Gustlil. · Radio Service. B. &, R. officials: Cleaners. 14 C. st. ,JOhll, Real f'rIiMure's Dot Fooil 'Store; Tbe Elltate, Gene BrOwn InsurRllce. WIA.)m'8vllle ';.[ot1t;\nal' Rank, Hod.- 1.oTd Davis. Max Hartsock. How· 100 Hatchery. Waynes ville Furni· ard ·Brown. CbBJI, James. CMrlle ture alid Applillncc', D. R •. Smith Joy" Homer Carey, Harry Sher- · Grecery: Waynesville Lumb Er and WOOd, D~ y &, Hartsock. Wnmpler SUpply, It.. R Stout, M.D.• Kler'a &: Covey, Lester R, Gordon. Doii I Gara"Je, Mom'l Pantry, Hyman's Brown;- Mary Cook, M.D,. Prl)ston ,'D ept, Store. Wa),nesvUle Drug Party HO~Be, Rogel'B ' &: Slmpaon Store, Smith Meat Market, WI!-ynefi. Tral:tor Salell, McClure Funetal ville FlII'mers l:lIC~Q.,e-, Fu.I"ley Home, Rerrl~lgton "'(KId Working Hardware Co .. WayDe.vUle Locker Sbop.
HPSTESS TO--;-;. C. S. staIr the J...FAYI;s FOR PACIFIC SANTA CLAUS I. coming to 1\1 .1: White' ,' Wltltnkcw will be lw.tJon hel'e ui)l ' consll\lS or ' <I dl· Wa) nesville Saturday night, De· I, Irector :uHl deputy for e,()h tow n. Have you purobMed 10ur,Chrlst. , ID, cembtr ~3 at M~Clure'. corner. hoal S9 to lho W. $ . '. S. on !lhip itl the county, On theRe. IDen mas Seals? The lIgbt acatnst tu· TIII~rsdny IIrte l'nool'l. \'vltll Mnt. WI'S rest!! th~ reslJlln!llbll1ty fOi' settine beroulosis bas NOT been won. Ap. c. Donalcl E. Wel~b of the U.S. Ther. will be a Xma. tree al1d I LegloD .Alr Force. who bas beeD boma fOI' _, eOlt hr ~II th. klddlu from 8anta Conner, Mr'/!, 'Cbarle!! AndOl'lIon, UP .1l> corulll Ie On~anl1.ulJOIl' In tbeJ:r proximately 3~"O()O lleo~le (t h . sel«o1'8 ...... ' llresent POllullltion of Warre~ Coun· Wcdne-A-- the PIUIt IS da.),11 l~ ft Frlil&y tb. Mrs. Roher t Kbol1l, Mr~. Jpllllla 'Thill ' de:6n I'IIHzotl(l 0'1' t h e de- ty) died Itl Lbe United St:at~l\ at 7 :30 at'lb: 15th tor Sa F;ra,~cI6CO. Cr.UCOfDia .:1111 ' 8. .. '0111)01' . nnrl ~1I: 8 Snlly SllIlIh nil fellse·or ..u .."nl-at1on wllI"erlnble tocal this so-called "Greot Wblte PlaPlle" B:fI"I«1Ilal c burc .. .. par.. .10 ' Ttle j<,lnt commit ee .of the "0' Tbe \VayneevtDe ,Rotary Club • ., wbere b. e ,will be l.IItilgned furtbe \ d bpr fl8818tnnts. 0'fl<\la1ll t;o baa"le emergen iea with durJng 1950. tar}, and Civic: Olul;-. I. compHC Tilesd"" rdrlit belll tbelr ROla..,.· ~ ~ onlers to ,s o. ell'bele In ·tlle to'a' I!.. h I DI k 'N j • .mInimum d Iny . lind IiIIlXlhll\ l\t ef. :), or m Keys, .c a "",an. c ann meetiDS' ·u .th 'Far mllll O.E.S. XMAS PARTV t1clency , regardleslI of . \\' hon or East, McF;adden, /Carl Smith, and John Party House, where a ' deilcloull _ ' where lIuch emel'f;'onCleH u,a y <L1'lse. rgo' l: m~ • I Miami Chapter 107 O.'E,S . • \v.I~1 t;ollnLy le"der 'I\lall to II ,lIdle .Thl Santa CIa",1 treat will be ham dluner "'as enJoTed. lJ)' a I, hold their annusl CbrlstnJa8 porty orgenluatiQnal !>J'O)I in~ 11Y "011' tfifftMred tar ,the{ ,m erehanta T'l"o g\1eeta"were.,.pr t -,."Wr. venl at the Q Ille ~ultRtloll!l with ector Il!Jldcl'li tl Ii ~"""'YI . ............... -~- iIIIIo tftd-Mr, H~ Of Let.' o , t1td!ft1ITf' III _.- S d I b ,._. , Tel!lpll'. 1\11 Eastern 1:Jtara ~~d qOI~lty organl.otloll'. In caee ' you hI''' 9 •.not received . - UD ay • w en ",e met: ; allon JW~l'y Club. ~falOnl!. with their familie s arelu. 1 . Chrlatmas Seltls. plollse phone Mrs ~er .wltb CbrbUaDl ever: _ _IIiIII4CC...........ICCIC.1II: '!\foney WIIS donated to tbu V. A. vlled.. All excbnnlle of flfly ,cent ' FARMER-S' ' CLUB ..... EETS Nellie K. Bolmel', Lebanon 31;1.·L, whir. la cele,;ratlon or tbe Birtl,. ' HARLAN EARNHART III Dayton to' buy cun,t een 00.011:" M and a sup ply wIlL be mailed to CAND.&d:oLo.' ,~.' IGHT RERVICE day .O't J esus Cb rI I;UL~. 1I1aO' gifts to be provl<led [or . st. S our llviour . ' HoME FROM YALE (01' tbe Inmates · o~ II WInd t\l,ere . . uny child IIccompanylng nn ItdUILI T he WaYllo TOWII8 hlp Fltl"mel'!! you. I TO BE HELD AT :Sf. 14.,. 'We make it a dt.)' of woribl., __ 'rue group -hHel' moved o"er to allto will 0I'penT \\"~h tr'entll rOI' Club held Ihelr' reglllM D~ m\) I' WARREN O. HIiJALT DEPrr. MARYS ClR:JRaI HERE anel praJat thereby maktng ~brJt! tbe Sl. Mary" lui:ris b hOllsc fOI' UII e,'eryon ,' , ' 'meetlng Oil Thul'sduy at til e ~'ac' - - - -...-raU)' joJIUl u He sus Gur loyalty Uarlon Earnba~. u t. etlbman at eveDlng of CUll uDd l·eh·eBbmenb. !HlI1s l'm'ly Hou sc \I'IUI MI': Omul' HONOR MILDRED BOURNE , -and Jov.. BrJ~IDC 6Urselve. to' Yale UniVersity. New Jill.ven. Conn., Kenneth Retalllck abowed sound ' LI III ST, MARYS EPISCOPAL CHU·"'H uo_ -.on be tbe .....4te.t ""t _~ is home ror a two week v-acatJon. HOSTESS TO NEW CENTURY I1.... 0 ng1lwol'tlI IlA tlOS t e~ !I ..'I ' r. "-101 t· • ..... ~..... "~ color films entitled "Let,:8 Esp Iore M eLee Hllwke will be ' IlI~g8worth was :lssisleQ In rGcelv· MIIlIi Anne W cHz entertnlned on R·ev. 'S·.muel N', IIC.,.. Rector eaJl Ma)' we aU be In GCr He wut resume Itudles at Yale Oblo" and "Oddilies of Ohio." host;!! t~ the New ' Century. Club I ing hla gllestIJ by MI·s. Elsie Tlleadal; 'e elling honoring Mias CHRiSTMAS1:IDE. 8E,.VICE8 cIlurcll dda SlIDda,. on J~uual'1 4th, . The group then patlclp'ated tn Hockett IlDd 1\11'8 e n r 0 lin e Mildred Bourne who wm become Xmas ~e-ll:16 P. 1II.-ca4l. • various " ame~ and several couilles, , at tbe Fnr Hills Party House on . the hride .of Mr. Wanen Sheeban The - c e lit tbl Iletboclbt li'r1t11'-Y o [ternoon, Dece~ber 22, Swartzel. durin!\' th lI'oUtlays. lIght service-Whole " ,l 8moe wID cIlvell 81IDdt.)' will be "BJa Blrtb· DIFI'.·.~ among them the Editor and bls with Mrs. E . . V:' BII~nhnrt nnd A deUplou8 'f[led chicken ,dill· , be carols, das'." TIle cbolr will brIDe tile 11 filii" wire. demonstl"<lted bow t hey pro· "USII Ruth ' Cbondler III charge of nel' WIl S 'serVl'd unci th e IIftemoan The , C" OIl II)I\' . was deligh tf ully Ohrlstmas Da.y~:80· L ' m. - CJu1atau mtillUle In .111&'. Auy , 26 ' ,~ posed In their younger ~uytl. Dill" ' wu o[lenecl withIllyoca· ' s pellt. alld tlae bl'l\le bpened ber Oboral se.rvlc" or Bo~- "'--mUOIl. -AR" .' -_o-'DI to ·--'te -Itb lh-~ I . McFadden sbowed bow he Int. end"; 1be pl'ogram. T'bere .w III II IAO I)\! " Beasion . ' t .....,......_. ....... • " nn 8.Xrhanlle of gtftl\. tlon by Rev. F~x nnd t1) (> s pecial ~lnny loy-e.ll' Il tr,s, artel'. whicb deSnday after Xmu-l0:IO a m. cIlaroJi a.DdaT 'w in be "Yen tbe rto pl·opose. ~lJ' to do .0. -- ' , t Later In tbe evening square , toplo Willi presentcd In 1\ lovely. helolls l'el rC'shmell ts, w!tb Ohrlst· -Tbe Holy eo'iDmunloD. ChrIstmas 8tory by ~i l'R: nl'ollne mns apllOlntmellt!\, \\'ns !I l'l'od by Wayn~sV1l1e Splll'tanil met th tol r dancing was enJGyed under tbe CHR.ISTMAS VACATION . SWlll'tzel. the hostess. REV COLEMAN .I I • •• ••••• • , S80GIlil d etell.t Ibid ijellROIl . Yo' h ell ''l llUpervialon of Mra, Sam Keys, bey met a rGugh and, tougb Alumni and afterwardS refreshments were Miss Robolla Bunnell and Miss' Dr. "amunl D. M.ol'ble, of \ \ , 1 1 . ' ... ~ Tlla gnes tl; ,,'el' ,Ii'll. David VISITS E~ . LUMaER YARD TO CL.OIE Welbelmtna BraddocJ( ba"e nr- mingtoD OoUege wns Int rodUl1ed liS II nl't!lO~ k. MI'!>. JoiUt P. ackkett. 5 here 1~lIt Tuesday. The Spllrtan8 served. rived frGm . Gl!Org'e Scbool. Poone the guest speaker and he gave 1\ . MISt! Rill\) 13UI1IBlt . Mrs . . James TIle W.,.eavWe LwDber ' ud lltarted out ahead but. began trail· - - - - - - -...... 8ylvnnia (or CbJ\lst.ma~ vacntlpn - "ery inBplrlng tal~. ' Bourne • .l\tiss s Jeanette IiBCI Del" Rev. R. -B. ColemalD . . . a 8~ BUPM aanouncel that tbe, will \Ie 101 in ,tbe second quarter llnd the lol' Carll,le 3020. with their parent", Mr. ~na Mrs. . The guosts of tbe day wJr Dr. nlc~ Sheebll,n, irs . \Yaltel' Shee" day dinner gue/St or the Buold II. cIoMIcL as usual, at -ibis time of Alumni outacored . tbem by a 45 to Carllal. F T B Rbodes BUDnell nnd, I'\,r. a'?;tl .Mrs. Marble, .Rev and Mrs, FolC, M:r, hllll. MrEr: Rich",." W hIUl ltel'. Mrs. fsmlly. ;..,.. from SaturctaJ 'Wlbt, Deem· 26 vtCtGry. Foale, r, .____________ 7 H 111 ltl,\ym~na . Brnddock. IUld ~ra. Clemm IIllrl Mrs. Ruth William Rl ohey, 1\1r:s . t: c r' u I d ber 27 to TueBda" Janlaal)' , 2. W."nuvili. Spartane1. Schupert, r: ________ 2 2 (j B F T pelice. c.• ________ .___ () SherIVood. Cl'eech, Mrs. Elmel' he"hn\1 and 1951, tor IIlT.tory. "',\I 3 DINNER PARTY . IN lEBANON 7 !Phe clull ndjollrued to m at In l\{rf\, Enl'l \roolnl'd . • •••• 0 • 0 • • • Tinney --------------- 1 i :~ t OalesbT, g. ____ --~ ~ () 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Strouse lind "anuary ,. ...... Robbl w It II U.ur. I\ll d 'Mrs. ·H uro Id .... . Oil --- ---------- - 0 B, Shupe~ g. ________ 0 2 2 .d"ugbter were 'IImong tbe ' Wbltnko~ at tue L . "'HURC'H OF CHRIST TO ' I"t-tle • .. P'\l'ty ' .nOlll!~. TIM E " Stanley ------ -- - - -- -- 0 2 ~ Totals _____ __ . • ___ _ 17 l ~ ij~ , gueats on 'Sunday evening wben __ HAPPV HOUR CLUB MEETS TO SAY HAVE SPECIA\., PROORAM SbeebaA ----.. ------- ~- [) 2 !I Wa}'n.u vlll_ Mr. ond Mrs. Omllr ~lelloy en· SIXTV-TH-IRD ANNIVERSARV ' The il~PPY Ho~r Cillb met 011 'You are Invited to IIttp04 OUI' Hart look . --- - ---- ----- O . 1 2 Tinney, t. ____ _____"- _.! '1 2 ltl S Robbins, r. _____ __ ____ ~ tertnlnell at tbelr bome In LebMr, and Mrs. B. V" mitla ,Will ' TlI~sclay" Decernbet' 11 ,.,Ith a COl'. TO EYE'aY 'Cbrlatmal program Sunday nlgbt JordaJl -------------- 1 1 0 () anon Wlth)l dinner pllrty. ONE OF YOU . pletur, K eyos -- - - ---- - .. --- -- r 0 1 Stanley, f, __~ ____ _ _ _ _ .. 3 11 ..... u Ie Uy 0 b lerve t b e i r' s iJ[t y. tbl I'd erecl cHait dinnel' ~t twelve o'cloc~·, at 7:10. A .ac~ed mov(ng wedding annlversary on Sunday, .wl th i\lrs. Sill'll tlroddock as BEST FOR entlUeeI "Oslptha" will be shown, Jone8 - - . - -- --- , .-- - - 0 0 0 Sheehan, ·c. ,___ . --,--- - - 4 6 H ENJOY HAM DINNER Decembllr 24t,b, Mr. Alld Mrs. hOOttoss lit hCI' homo. Twenty·Clvc mE MERRIES'lr OF AlL ' Tbls II a pol1rayal oC t,be last AillmnlHartsock, .g. __________ 1 0 2 · MI'. abd Mrs. 9. S. Ellis, Mr. and Smith are. In good ho.alth and 'a re membel'l> (md lIpy en ' children ell· CHRISTMASES __ AND ' A week Gf "the mlnl8lry of Cllrist, Hunt~r -- - -- -.-- ---- -- 0 2 .. Jordan, g. _________~_ _ 6 1 11 Mra, OIenn DO\'den, ¥r. D.nd Mra. to be congratulated on this, tbeil' joyed tbe dny togElthel'. . TGtall___ _______ __ _ 21 12 64 u ... DftV . wbose birth we commemorate iA Vickers - - --------.-- 1 6 11 NEW YEAR 8 ZO J. B. Rioh. M1'8. Harry Smith Bnd 63rt1 Anniversary. A'1I elltel:tll IJ}i ng program' wa s thlll I8UOD. S~pson - ----.- -.. -- -- { Carll lie __ _____ 16 ;12 82 46 62 54 ' ., Mr. ' alld Mra. Erne's t .Butterwol,tb F '~lIDdaT mGrT.lng 8er.vlce!t begin PGwell ----- ----- -.- --- 2 2 6 WAynelytlle __ i 27 37 46 62 64 , , given dtll'ln'g the afternoon. !lnd ~iro Satiii'ilay e ven.lnlJ guests ot EN,T E'RTAIN WITH DINNER \l' ltll tlle. ex hllnge' of gifts, th e R at 1:80 and dGse at IIppr031lDately '~ebal1le. - -- - --------- 6 0 0 Mr.. M. A, Cornell when he enterMrs. Ro8e Fires and dnughter, names or MII I'ot ' slslel'R were' re0 I1:C5. ' There' wUl be Ii. baPtismal ~'B&Dlon --------~-- - 0 0 0 SCHOOL NEWS tained , at bla .bome in Oakwood, Mls'8 Flossie entertained wllh ri. voolell. • M . senlce foUowlo, tbe mornl. . me&- = n ----~---- ~---- ~ ~ : By Joyce a.al tbe beerful cl rcle.. . A delicious Obristmas dinner Sundny,. MI'. rmd After" a 'yery plea sant day • . the mfroR sace. wtaat a marvelGus way to ' . ---,.--------- -Hello readers! Well here.r am ham ' di~er WB8 serVed alll~ cards Mrs. RObert Meredltb and dllugh. club ad journed t.o meet In Febru. remember HJm wllo «a'l'e Himself WantlvlUe ----- - 8 16 22 26 apln to tell you of -tbe co~lng were ~njoyed during tbe evening. .ter8 of Xeni&, Mr. and Mrs. Paul al'Y , making .Jllnllary lhe vacatlou Diet ~ a ransom for ull AlumDI ---~------ 6 21 83 46 and put events of W. H. S. Harley and da\!ghten of Dayton, month. Ho.pltal diet. lEI...... ronowlnC this service the (lhll. . -Tile music department under ~UE8T8 AT WEDDING nnd' Mr. nnd 1'\L/'8. Lollis Fires. ~tatnla......1 CClDftJOr HIt. ... dreD wW receive a tr~aL Wou't CA"LI.L~ IEATEN the direction of Mr, Lowell Artbur Mr. ami Mrs. A, H. Earnhart . IJ.fta tal ..ea1'l711ot toocla to tile -...... you~. there? We bope so. IN OVERTIME 't,AV Is presentln" _ .. a concert eon.lsUug Mr. Alton, Earnbart. Mr. Dnd Mra. BROTHERS IN JA~AN er loe ......., OIl taeb Goor. . Tile WayneBvUle ' Spart'ans of Christmas music Frlda.y, Decem· Walter Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. GARDE'N CLUB MEETS lIlBIJe4 bo.t. to the CarlllIle In· ber 22 at the bin sebool. The Elmer Sheeban, ).II'. Richard SbeaTbe Waynesville Oarden Club MI'. and Mrs: John Stll-nsberry FRIEN'D8HIP CLUB Ii1 EE WILL PREIENT dIaDa December 16. TIIII came crll glee mIXed choir and the Ilan. MIII8 Mildred BounCe, Mr. met at tbe Home Economics Room reoelved a letter from their 80n. The FriendshIp CJbb held their C.H""TMA. PROGRAM w .. both lookeel forward to' aud band will participate In t"-e plIO•Warren Sheehan. Mias , Marta In tbe bigh' school on Wednesda)( William O. Stanliberry. S . .fL, ~r , December meetIQ a'B WedD__, ., Oa J'rIdaJ' eTenlll&', DeeeID..... D. a1eo dreaded as Carllale had gram. Sol018tl lor' the event are' -Rusb, Mrs, Dert Sbcehan, Mr. eveni~g with Mr8. Oram Shoup as U. S. S. Glendal e completelt bi8 a(temoon at' the home of lin. Mr, Lwoe~ Arthur, malic director lakeD oaIJ one losa thli leaSOn. TGbe BaU' Mary Frances Hart· Jobn Sbeehan, Miss Dorl. CGUlns, bOlte!!" uslated by Mrs. Jennie training at San Diego and left on Walter Whitaker, wUh 8aII1 or the W.,u LOeat Sc~ will BlIt Spartaua came out Gil Sock, Doria' Brown and Joe Small· Mrs, Alice CrOll and son. and Mr. CODDen and Mrs. Evelyn Adams, Nov. 4 for Koten. He made plans SoUth, 1111'8. Rutlt DI~'" U4I ·lIIn. ~Dt a Clarlatma8 PI'OII'UII, TIle top after a bard foucht battle re- wood, Pianllts are Joyce Beal, and ' Mra. Dearth Sbeehlln and M.I'8. Harriett Clnl')( was a guest and LOet bls I)l'0th e r , Sergeant IrVin Harrla u caa!~. WQIl_...m. Bcbool Cbolr, Girls Mdttq Ia lYo overtbDea. At tlie Unela. Bamb, and Donna Hadle1.. dauehtera were t).le Waynesville of the club. . ' Rlcborll ,Stansberry. who )I a s ~Uow,*!the bu&~ ........ GIIe Cia" . . . . . . . ' .... to ·~ r... ... or recnaUoa time . the . pme TIda I. the I.nd ~ppeU'llBce 01 guella at tho ,,'eddln, Gf Mias A mOBt deliclGlIs turkey dlnnel" been In Japan for ~\t past 28 an enteJ't!WIloC PfOI:I. . . , . . tared. lIn. . . . ~ wtU »Iq . . . Uld .5-15. Alter tbe Ont til.. croup. Harriett McOlure and Mr, Lamar was .erveel tbe beautifully d~c· mouths. Thl'Y cole.brated RJeb· aented ud 'Santa CIUI appeaNII a . . . . . . . f1InIaIa ~ ..... alalate OYertIm. tile IICOre 8cboo1 cbJIclreJl looked tbelr D• . BpriDler of At,bIIlB at tile Grated tabl.._ .rds· b:lJ'tbday in Yokohama and brlnslq III.. f. . ey.r,... .aIIe - __ ...... ,... JNP- WU . . tied U-U. Ia tIle.ecoacl beI& Ia.at Week- wliea tile auual Ohmer Park Metbodlst church In . Mr•. Atba Furnas presided over bad a few daye toptbe". The clUb _. . . . . . . . WIll lie MIt.. tile BIlla 8oIIoGI . . . . . . . . . . . . b, Jack TlaDeT lOlIooI ~ we... taIleD: Tb. DaJtcm. on &atunlA)' afterDClO1l and the baeln". luslan and the 10· Mr. aud Mrs. StanlbelT)"s third I the .plMUDt ~ ~ 0,.. . . . . . . 'I:. Po . . 'I'M . . . _.. _........ a two JOIDl SaJon Ian aIIo recelftd tUlr tile receptfoa, wbloJa followeel 1m- cIal hour w....817 pleasant wltfJ IOn, Nolan. t. nGW reeelvtn, hla r.,.rNllameDbt 'W8l'e b, .... ~ ad ......... will ..,. oY.- .......... TIle name IftduUOa JAcbartl. "",,&p~ the cIlurcll pU.10n. &II. of ,sn.. naval · t.ralalnl at Gtea, LUel, boItIII. . . _~I . .... .... .............. III...... (~ oa. .... 8Is)
0' .
cuu-.- •
an... :r1
"r' ~',
1 ""
DECEMBER 11, 1l}50
I' m' 7. j.1II - LIn Jln,<I haH' '1 (11rl~tllmR ' l,i'UAI'ILIII RIlIlIIIlY af!! l'I u/un.
Ectabllshed 1850
( 'bades
~lolc>I'~. 1'11 1'1 "~ol'lhy
PAUL A. SCHERER .. .<. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . £dltol' ~nd pu.bllaher Matron , WIlI'I'eJI ., e llllllIOI' ~21 01 CECIL,A J. 8CH~RER . . . . .. . ..• ,, ' •. ... ,. " Seoretary and Treasurer th e, E,uHern tar,- e nt erta ine d wllh
a dilln I' ut h el' hOIll Il, . ~ U J1lhlY ' 1'0' Pu bllshl'd J!)vel'Y Thursday Mornlnl nlng. III oml1l1lUenl to the tOl'mP I' lit Wa.yn(\s rfllu, W,lrrol\ 'County, Ohio officeI'll., bU h b3lld ~ Hnrl '\\'Ives, I ~ nter d us se colld class mll,Lter a t Mr. (inti !I (J·S. Johu Sllll p~ bn , Mr. Iba pO~ l orfl ('e at \raynes'lllle. 01110. 11Ild Mrs . Flo}'!1 ddlll-\hl., 1\1 I' ~. . ' J\f~"'lle M Kni ,~ hl. nli lj ~ II ·. anrl j\lJ'fl.
('u rI Llving Rtoll W I'
Subscription Un.tes-$2. P I
Year, ill 'n,lvlIllce, 111 Ohio: $2.&0 elsewbe ve
.111'1011 1,: g uest !)
.,t a
dhme.t: gil' n by Ill'. ;lnd l\lJ'tI. ,ordan 1t111 ~ C) n . o r ORylull . Snnd(lY.
~1.I·S. CI:Jl'a ~ ;l1 <l l'j nli o I l'lI a~ lI el' mllnlly Help ' 1'1; lub include(1 Mrs. home... WalTen CIUllJler 2-~ '4 or Ule !i:Ml· Olive Jacob!!, pl'es ld,ent, !'Ill'S. Hel 11 nObl' rlson, ,' ice 1ll'eSicJent, Mrs. ern Star w il l me~ t. Thursday .' udl·oy Plummer, se relary ,' mId Din g to in StR lI new o fr k I'll. 1\1111. Mnl'l !" h\Jllo walh,! r ensu\, r. TIle ' groll]) wa s c loNocJ 'I'llesdny unci c,-elling" Ivh n th e}' III t III r .'!! lil li r k e ud
The lie\\, · Ofl'It'e r's fOr - t\IO
' Ollt -
" , S~~nger Sewing Center , '1223 Ce~ltral Avenue MIDDLETOWN, OHIO
JOhn ' Rbodes Is co~['ned 10 t. caulle at ChrIstmas. ,\ basket. din· mlltabel\l Hospital, Day,ton. Mr. ner wm be Ilel'ved at tlllB me!itlny. Rhodo& WII8 severely. frost !litten .All me~b eJ's Irt'e urged to att en.d. t1 ul'lJi g the IlnoW"stOl~ three weeks 'The 1'0'1111 (lospel cblll' ,II ,,,fi t W ejlgo alle1 lilts ,not "PI'!,!vel'ed sntis· Ilen t :l 'hrfa Lm1l5 iJI'ogr:im il V t.fl e Co.ctorUy. ' \, 'CbIJl'~:h' aturda yevenlng. 'rh e rlllb , , MI'. 1\110. ~lrs, em,fo rd DO!lter' !Lull Ii(, I s 1,I P'ite d Lo attend, , , f:'u;ntly, ot Spl'iugClelcl. w er E! gues ..... 'I'he A. 111. 1':. c b.IIJ·l)h wffl [ll'eKelll . SUnday of Mr'. ' Doster'$ ' pnrent~. Its ChrilitnillH prOl)'l'ant .• IIndlly I ' ~{r. lind Mr~ . Uel'bert, DOHter. n ing, ,~t '" p. 111. EIil ' Lew is ' I~ fmpt,(,\' i1lg t rom 1\ l.ecenl J1h~e.8l!',
The Women's oc[ety of Cbl' ls· LInn SOl'vl\'O' met r~1' ' l lleh' ~)lllUl\ l hrlstmns llarty lind 'IMt excha nge , 111 the Rocial ' t'OOroM of the Metb, odlst l lmrl)b Thurslla)' Ilfter nool1. Tile lOCAl or/.lel' of t£le Ol'll\l ge i'o'guiar s es's lon at till'Grange :fIall, .¥Onday night.
, ;,
IN :rl~ R~STEO
New ,IS'lngc,' M :\chlnu ' , ( ,,) New SInger V t10uum Cl ea ner.
R~p aj,1' of
lVI~c hl n e .
We ' school bulldlJig here Wet!nesday nu,al 'Ohrlstmns
'~~~~~~E~.@~~~~~~~~~PPIPIt~~~~~t.C~ Kids have saved ma tcnco\:el':;
lienerations. Patricia Foster, 14, of Belleville, Nt J./ is tbe 'n elvest m(,nl· bel' of the EmpIre Ma tClhcov r Clut)
and at
Armitage &Son
is ,6-1ncholl long 1\ nd th<: I) QII(, is, about t he size of 1\ di nl'e. 130 h contl\in the \I's ual 20 ma t\!h(!,S ;md both do an eflic:lei1t job." Th r(O 1\ I' C abollt a nlilllon hobl)yists, wliQ SIlVe m a tches, 1\ nd about ,one-fall rth' art' amon!!
matChbook cover i ' on,l ' of t he fv" origin~l American hobbies , J •
deeply grateful for the gift of frie~ds'hip~ . '
A XMAS GIf.T· Awaits' All Ou~ ' Customers-- , YC)llz:Lg and Old~-Call At' Our Service Station.. .
FRIDAY; DEC.'22 From' 8 Until • o'clook
We Wish All A MERRY ' CHRISTMAS and a HAPpY ' NEW YEAR and Thank All For Th«;ir f " Palr~'nage of ~e Past Year.
rUlaral lama
J~MES ,E. Mc<;::LQRE
BEL€BERS',' .".
___ a_I'
YELaPHON" WAVNEWILU L.EBANON Office 471K • ..... 111L MORRO* No.'
, tll.mily.
first meeting nsto\l nd (!d
members with i he laJ'g('st.nncl Imlll· est book ' matc h e~ . 'Th'c 'Ial'g e on('
Ol'ltilnize d
WAVN~8VILLE F.RIEND&. ' First Dar School, ,9:10 , A.II. MT. HOL.LV MET,HODIST MeetLng tor Worablp, 111:10 A.lrI. T. M, ScaU, Mln1fiter Bundai' School. 9:30 A.M.. Il. A. IIlanIhIU't, Bupt. , Let ,this Sunday and every Sun· Worahlp Sen'1ele, 10:80 A.M. da.y IJud you In some church Eventng Semele, 7:80 P.M. the cl\lIrch of your cbolce.
~ 1I _·_~~-~~ · -n_a_lI_a_u_·n_._
Mrs. 4, S. Collett attended tbe December mee ting of the Wayne Township Fanners Cllab held at tbe Par HUla PIlI·ty HOlls~ WlIynes· fllle, T1luraday. , A Ohrlstmas Pcogrnm will be 1) 1'esanted at the Metbodlst Cilurch. SUD,day morning; . ' Ii. ,C. lftllltail, of l\lasoil, (lOllductEi!l ' apeC~al ..' aerv.lcea at . the Friends Ohurch Sunday morning. Mrs. I'rma Worley and 'daughter. Barbara. Johnny Brown. Bud Mr. and Mrs'. WIU1run Drake, '\\U of . Dayton, Wel'e gllestl!. Sunday. ,of Mr. and Ml's. iameii" Rader IIl1d
Will Be at the
. evening,
Sanla aaas
M. ·R. Cotfey, 1I11nl8tel'l Dible School. 9: 30 A.M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIEND8 Morning WorshIp, ' 10:80 , A.M. Young Peopl es' Meeting , 7 :()O Ae Par~ KlDJiter Wol'IhIp ~moe. '10 A.M. p .l'Ir . " : SundQ 8cIaooJ. i1 ,A.,M., , EvenIng S rvlee, 8: QO P. M. 1'r&yer Meeting and Bible Study OREQONIA EVANGEL.r.cAL 4, B, WedDu4Q. 8 ·P1 Jnraes H. Riley, 'P~ator ' Oun'd ay School, 10 A. M. AUGUSTINE CHURCH ' {o-rnlng Woral\lP. 11 A, .l\t FIlth.r R. H. Xrumholts. Palltor
MaBBel, 8 and 10 'A.M. ' ,
met in
Mrs. A. S. Collett (Iud Mra. Laura ' bldaker attended f uneral services ill Sp1:lngboJlo-; Tuesday. ,tor their cousin; W,lUlam TIIllts. : " The Baptist cbUJ'cll will observe the. Yuletide 'senBon ' by bavlng a spec.1al llrogram 'lIt t he ('hurch, l:lIioday mornfn'g. • ' , 'The 'CommunIty Club belli Its an-
Phone 33801
Ohurch School, 9:30 A.M •• lrI.r. U/illiell Sex:v1c., 9·: 411 •• m. HI!rold EaMhut, suPt. ' Worship Service. 10:30 A.M. OUtil l~el l oWli h l ll, ~111111 fl Y ·7 ::W ST. MA,R Y'S EPISCOPAL. P.M. , The Rev, SlUIluel N, Keys Rectol Choir I'I'JI(l~lce 'l'hurstll'Y 8: 00. Sunda.y; , ' " . Ilurcfl scbaol 10: a0 a. m, FERRY CHURCH OP' CHRIST " Adult Worship. 10; SO 0., m. Byron carver, 1WnIster BIble School, 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship. 10:30 A.M:. UTICA' E.U.B. CHUROH Wlllfam Shannon; MlnfBter Prayer Meeting, 7 : 00 P,M. Sunday School, 9 :30 A.M.. Mra. Young P~ople'8 Meetln8, 7': 00 .fame• . GarriaoD, Supt. Evening Semces. 7:30 P.M. : Preach In I, lIt. a.nd 8rd. Sun• '; I dar8 of eaot.' month. 10:30 A.M• ' WAYNESVILLE , CHURCH OF .Evenlng Seritcea. 7:30 P.M. Cl-tRIST
ADC\R ESS--Stre(! t
n h\>ll se gues t (01' sllyeral weelis ill The regulal' meeliug dIlLe' of ,the III the home of M,', and' Mrs. Jam eH loc al oJ'der ot. 't he Trange u(ls I.t, en 'TIndel' a nd fam ily. hilS "eturil<' \i to c halll,rCd from 1onduy, lJecemb I' ' Dayton. '. 25 lo Tuesday, Decerubel' 26; ' I) e·
~-~---' --
M)', and Mr. F,llIrry frunll , of M:trlon , \I' S ijt!ioll rol' th oil' b l l'lhdllY (\ i !lIl l' ho"so J.(l1!)st s the lioille ' or Mrs, (1IIc1 . g ill e.~i·h ll n ie, «(, hJ'i N hlln~ Klft lin e,s p ar nts. :\11'. 11Il,I Ml'~ : 'H }'. \!X' han/l'E'). ' b rl Do t e l'. ' ~ lJ·s. ~I lid J' ' d n ug h n Ilnd Ml'.:ru(l IIll·S. liMls ), C'1It'! wl'l!;-ht' uucl tumlly, or AtJlells , wore gll cs t ~ ' oI lL lIghtel' ~, :-"arJieue ai ld Mallie In. ' Satul'da)' nlgllt or Mrs, Oarlwrlght's h:wc mov ed fl'om thell' hom o Ull 1)\11'0I1ts, MI'. a.nd "?IIrS. Todd Dun e. tb l! "new I'oad " Il l' no lV I' flidlJl,8' on · the AvoDlle. 1111'S. M1ielfa. and h er KeQueily \ \ 'Uaon wbo dll.ught,e)·, Mrs. Wilbur Moberly and fam ily, .of KI~gman ., were g\\est ~, took II nbys ic'Ri ('.xRmluati\lll foJ' the '!lll.esd rty, of Mrs: (':ol't!nn ';< motllel·. lIrDlY, hu !; I.t l'U ' ,le rC>l'I 'ed un til SIlt'IUg. "' ifsuu 'i ,t I' stud ont ILL 2.1 /,s . BlAn i)o '1\1'1'. ~fTIl. usle GilHam who M ~ 'b een "llmlngtorl oll ege.
J. W. Wedgewood, MinlstElr
l! . it' ~
w =
I J'
!f !t , " It
.= ,w
!I !I
I I The 'Hut Restaurant· =
~ ~ mAY All THE · .~\~/Blfssm6S Of .... -
8£ YOURS~ .
FOR. 1951 '
·Follow ,the ' Crowd . ,
and ,Join TODAY · The
Wa,n~ille ~Nationif , . WAYNaVlL.., OHIO
, .
... VI\~IJI't.Y, DECEMBER .ll, IlJ50
.... ..........."1"
b..... . I
and natUJ'. 8ing . fo~
..".... ......_~..·59 0,
BEVERAGE 46 OK. Can ____ _
. . i) \ ..
I' .~......~~~:-~.~ ~'
tS C'
$1.00 T~ $10.00
MEN'S CoS!\tEnc SETS -
~I~ c... ___.~ 25 c
Mennen and Tawn
TO ,
* * ' * IF. tll11~ ~
C ___ ___ 29 TOY 5 ··Gas aacI HoIsten'rer lIIe· Kic1ii• . DOT SWEET POTATOES Vacu..... Pads 19C ' & ~ 1 35 $4 50 ~ 11ft No, 3 'Squat CaD_ ,BOX ---~ .... ~"A"';'I HAWAIIAN PII""EAPPLE, CnuW, No. l ' 27c SPEC5~Ot~~IS~~_~~~ __ __. __ ___ : ___,_ '$ 3.19 o~ Flat Caa, 2 c.a._ . XMAS .CANDIES , . BIU-FOLDS FOR MEN AND WOMEN . All K-.. aDd Colon $3.50 Up .. SHAW. XMAS Wrapped CANDY __
. . - - . - •• • • •-
$1 00 TO $9 • 00 . , COSMEnC S E T S . .' ........ \~~COS_~~C_ ______ __ $2.50 UP
'~~~~""-~ "!"'T:~'''~~ ~
G_~r. ••• .,"~ ~HD}IE IFAM.Do.\Y~~~
-P AG E 11 1I,LEl;
. . . . 21 ..... 50
.~~J $2·~~:O~~24'~O ..,
Froaa, 2 c.n. _ . BIRDS EYE' FROZEN FOODS
~ U~
All PriaM
~~IPES SlOO .. $3 ,
F R A SUR, E " S
'DDT raDD SfDl1
* * * * .Ir®lJl YWrE W®lg~@I~~!EIJl~ BEAUTIFUL DOLLS
Cl Cl Cl
PHONE 21541
W~th 'Flash U~•
, • W AI Y It E' S V' I ~ L E. . 0 H I 0
"Market Boy'"
. I.lah laRIHI
"" w.yne.... 2432 HARVEYSBURG, OHIO .
\\,/~ii$rn!ACll~l ,. ~~, \ ~ \!"'I~ to . • . ,
. ~I.
l ......-u... _
.t}lt/irlefGIJIS,.,t·1ASKlI~· •
.,II., a
.' Chrislmdl
, . ;S OU,
lor, I~il ,tlld . hoUd., . •
1~.'0fI1' '
Cd" ;m~a.
...... .........
_,_YeANDlEjet/O,,! -
~Rn IO,OD':~ .
.:: ftJr y .... ' ,
79'c · , ' .PORKP....OIOps________________ __ _51c HAMBURCER .' . 58c -----------------.'T!. " ____ ~ ___ ~ __~___ 49c
-----' GIlt .... fl•• ~:.
flOOd wi..... . '
1f!II '
". POIK~
/ TlIlJ l{!'it AV, DH<.J:MnHlt .!\,
,,,,11 -
The ~ac.of .
011. Ultm. .
be yo",•• l '
~.· f950 .' I" .,
4 -
. III/types ,flnsUfdnce T, Fit YiJUf. N~ed$-~lIt II' SI/vings W.LMINGrO~
to i8 , Cup ', .
{r '. . . , Waynesville'Funiture and .Appliance
Frigidaire . ,Refrlg,rator& Frigidaire .'
. . Deep Freezers '. Hoover .Sweep~~ . Mayta ',Washers Tapp~n. ~'a ., ' 'a nces
,Gifts .for the . Whol '. amily. FAIRLEY .HARDWARE' .
to ••,. with
. .d••peat . IIlnoed..,.
• "..., ftappy ..'l1
holiday to you..
~~~~~~L - .
Startiag Moad".. December 11" w~ · will. be .·open every aight including Wedne.-!.,sIDtil· 9:00 P. M. " , , .
Wayne.vllie Fur.n ltur.' . Hym..... . and H.rt.oak "F.,rley H'd.e ..
. 1]0011, t~i\S
.Christmas .
I HffP InESS RULE" . woo HomES
''''~ ,' THIS SEllon.
. ,
au DIlb'lINtor
Wa;BenIIe h.I R&Iti
OE~EM,BER 21, 1950
t' (~W_ar_re__n_(o_u_n_ty_(_ou_rt_N_e_w_.s_•
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JXIIS alrTS!~ 1
A Farm Diary By D. .J. 'Frazier
COMMON PLEAS Ic5t.aLor rIle(1 fir8t aud Potonll~: 11I8uran.c e Comp/my; VA o (lCount. Estill f> "r ,Tolin Curlls 1,llsey, , , WllJlllm J . ' MlJler, deC"'lIlnllt KI'IIIl't.ell ~Il ClllYfi to pleali. dec'u, Clara D. Hise)', eXeCI1~I' . Albert Parks lind Glllvort Ii'lre filed inventory, bearing set lor DECEMDl~n. 1 , 19GO.- \Vlnte r III Inlluranoe <::0 VR Ohau'les A Miller IJllnuar)' :a a.t. 10 a.m. . , I,Ull with m l , I. a fi t nl~ht Il1Id the \e ll Vo 10 file "m~Uon lind d~murrcr' 101state of Joseph A, Schilling, ~ IItc ht bO~OI'~ the temuel'atul'e WII !! elc., within ~I) d1lY8. ' dec'd, determination of Inheritance AND UP \,1080 LO v.elo thOllgh It warmed 1111 1IIYl'n ~. WebKtc,1l' YR. I,ennetb tax. Il little dul'lng the da y. Friday E. lJ!t'ow n minor, confirmation Elltfllle of John E. Woodrey, I~LOJ~nlng wlla tl'uly \l WIntel' WOIl' rU cll ' " . _ de!l'd, d~tel'mlnation of Inheritance PLU.S INSTALl.ATION derl nl1ll. Tbe snow had COIDe down Elia I~. Casson V8 'rrumall Cns. tax. \ . \1~1Ietly l\lld ever), bl'nllcl! and twig 80n. S I'. • rJ I VI'oce granted to plain. Estate of lI\ancy Lee . Miller, 1.111S outlined III white . Whitt WII ' IIff dec's, estate relieved from t be (loem we Ufled to lelll'll III . Jtance w .. 'rwenty·fly. out Cllt 25 pati onts ~!(~ hool? Tbls I\' UB jllst lik e It. ' Estate 'of Virgil Turner, dec'd, wltb .evere ealea ,o t pneumonin GOOD SUPPLY - ' 8trr HURRY inventory' o.pproved. NEW S'UITS wne' cured witb tl!le new 1'8rlh. " The lInow hud beglln In t h (J Be tly J. Murphy VB Rober.t~, Est.a.te of Dora May McCormick, mold "wonder-:druc.' t()I'rtlll1y ri n, gloaming, ' I . And ,bus ily IIIi lhe nl.... ht' Murvhy. divorce, groBs neg eeL, dec'd, Thomas F. McCormick, ap· a('cordlng to lbe' repcJrt of a A'J\lIlP ro Cllrl Abaecbel'lt Ipolnted executor, Albert Hen . of four doctol'l at Np,w YOl'k' s Hod beon heaping (Ield. nn(1 hIgh· ll.obel't DOllald I~Ums Vs t Nlna ,drlcks, Lealie Gilbert and W. E. Colulllbia·Pte.byterilm H 0 S pit:t I. rJ';.e . 100 per cent reCClrcl Ivns \0\ Ilh 11 sllonce' deep .l1nu wblte: Elizabeth Sims; d vorce, ex reme Chesney appointed app.ra.1silrs. cl'Ilelty. Stan ley and Stunley. . Estate of Fred Kahn. dec'd, H. u: hievl'd when 18 cases of lohur aDd '1 eases of viru s Ey ry villo Ulld fir an(1 hemlock '" Z. Gray appolntcd administrator, Pllllllmoflia pneumonia were treated with the Wqre ermine too deur for un eud. REAL ESTATE TRAN'S'FERS J . W, Goddard, William Butlol'd, newest dh'covery anlong the anti. Mnrga.rot Elizabeth Meymann to IJr. ~d Arthur Hamilton nppolnted biotic: drugs. And the IlOOl'est twill on th e Itll .. FROM UP :' '" The lab technieian :above' is tram,. , tree . ' I Hnl'ry Gcorge Meymann, 2 lots In apillaisers, Was ridged Itl h doep ,'. lth pent. I Frnnkl1l1 Twp. .. -f p.lTing a Soil solution from a fl a!Jk to a glasl dllb with mold food\Vben we hnve 80 mnl' h SIIOW be· 1 Roy c: nnel Joann Ke (llci" to MARRIAGE LICENSE:8' flnt .tep In the IOlng search for tore Christmas I alwllYs wonder . Robert W. lind Vella M. Dallard, 1'homns J. Cleaver. 25, gracey 'earth molds wjth curative vlllue·. wJl1 It be a white "Cbrlstmas,' fOI'12 /\,Cres In Wnyne' 1'wp, .. bus lnes8, Milford, and MnrJorle A. Terramyein WAS administererl by (hill 18 such an uncertain cllmatl). A. M. Cornett to Melvin L. nno CilQdw ln, 20. cas hier, Plea8ant mo"th to all 26 pati.mis. None hud Th e .Tnllullty tllIlW.' Bometlmcs gets Lena. V. Johnson, . .63 ' ncre/! . In Plain. IIny eomp.lIcations, Imd nil r ecov· Raymond Dozier, 21, punch press ered rapidly and completely. In one here hl'iijtmoB Eve and even with .Washlnglo/l Twp. :t1J the allow we bav e no \\'.I t coulll Margaret E. Meymalln to Mnr· operator, Goshen and Etbel Burnell, aile a. 39~year-old 1105tnl worker, , ill .ix daYI with virus pneumonia, he I~one In balf n day. , garet Deuc lel'h, 2 Jots In Fr"nklln 18. Morrow. aaw hi. high fever disappear 36 1'be fields arc sUIl (ull of corn. Twp. --------~---1~be ground under the ,snow haS not. Walter R. Fitts to Charles ·P. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS houJ'l after he was given terra· lleell (rozclI hard enough to holll and Geneva Priest, 1 Jot, Franklin. SEALED PROPOSALS will be mycin. Anothel' patient, dangerous. 1)1 ill w.ith lobar pl1,eumonio, was tt'l' the tractors and corn picllel's ' Cu.rl E. and Tbelma Hawthorn received at the office of the Town.· d~ldedly Improved ' 112 hours after though these last few cold lIays ! to Uay anll Virgie Smll.b. 4.90 sbla.. Clerk of Wayne Tow-uhi!), taking tile earth·mold drug. PHONE 2834 ' HARVE;YSBURG, OHIO IIIIOY ho\'c taken oore of thnt. Ours ncrell In Franltl1l1 Twp. ~ I Ovcr 200 leading cllinic3 through. was not ready to pick ellrly so 'rhomns. R. and MaI'Y m.. Wllguer Warren County, In WaJlle.vU e. out the United Statles and abroad was n quea Uo n of wblch way we to Pearle Cummings. 1 lot In Ohio, will 2:00 o'clock of Decem· have reported t erramycin's effec· would 10tlc ·the JOost, In the crib too I<' J'IlDklln Twp. bel' 30, 1950, for the purchase of tiveJ\eH aralnllt a total range of __ green 01' 'In the field , It Is s tili I Robert D. ami Ruth Cook Davis bonda of uJd Townlhlp, lil ' the oVe&' 60 cIiIe..... , In the rleld. The corn bero at home to Fred J. lind '.orenoe M . Fox· aggrega.UI &mount of nO.ooo.OO, wris harvested by the hogs nnd' the ' bower. 4 lot'!! In' WaynesvllJ e. dated the lit day of Decem"r, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,,~' , ,h,OgB 80ld b fore the s now came. Charles W. lII cKlnney nnd Ethel 1962, .and bearlns InUlrest .t the Thi s cold waathet· bas brought L . St evell8 ·to Hubert fl . StAv.ens, rate of Three (3%) per cent, per IIl01 c birds to . tbe suet. There haK '87.01 a cres In Clearere k rrwp. annum, parable .eQil.......i;.lIy. t&Ileen ' n. pair or nuthntches there! Palll nnd Ra),mond PaUl " oore el"e ry day for (l we~k ' 1I0\\' , A I to, Jo....Knk G: .lInl\ b"crll ft,.. Nieder, sued for the purpose of CoDatruet· woodpecker comeS dO\\\n the tree Jr., 158 ncres 111 Hurlan Tw[). Ing an a'dequate butJdlq for , , 1J./~ckward d8 bllt o' nutnat h runs Albert He lldl'lcks to l~veJ·utt and bous1Iig the equipment ·of thc down it head (Irst. This mornin g Eve)yn L. Dill, . 0.1,79 lLCrea In Warne To'Vnllhlp Fire Department they were there and a red·bellled Mason'. .' and under authority of the laws 01 woodpecker, tho little downy wood· Jtuil(\s and NormlL J ean MUlllnl Ohio and of the Uniform. BOnd peckcrs, a flicker, and severn I t~ Kasb D. Amburgy, L lot lu Act 'o f the General 004. of Ohio. chickadees, all waiting for a turll . ' Wnshlngton Twp, '1~here wAs n strange bird out III G. 'Rulldall Illld Mnrtin G. Ulley and by Virtue of a vote or a 65,* tnle weedl! yester<\ILY bll t It didn't to Ernest C. nutl Mory F:. Stephens majority . of the electors of sal'l com e nel11' enough (or III ' to ho · 3 Jots In Salem TW)l. .Township and unller and In ac- sure wbll't It wus. It look d IUt ! . Job n I<'rnnci s to VI I'~ iI K. nnd cordance with a certain Resolil t\ purple (Inch but I hllve nel'e l' Milrgl1l'et E. t.LI 11. I ... ~ I . ,' . "s III tlon of ~he BOnl'd of Town"bil. Beall any of tbem hel'c.- Cold !I S It Franklin Twp. TruBtees of Ba.14 TOWDIhlp, e'n was this morning when I stepped f Leonard E. and Wlln.a J . . Willis titled: Resolution to luue lIondF out II hen.i'd a. bird ' 8lnglng. to Louise M. Gross, 1· lot hi Frank. a~tel' SUbmission to Elector. ' . ' The Communlt), Sales' Barn 18 be· lin Twp. 'Onci: more slar, Jlope Itll!: sold and ilie company dlsI!Olved. ! Joseph Short it,D Ste.I.,: . Hurrls, passed .on the ](ith day of ..to , I was sorry to heal' It and I bOI' O; 0.36 atll'~s In Hamilton ~",. vember, 1950. . that It will be bougbt by 80meone I WIlIlIUp L:. and 18a .. e1,e .. .!.lllck Said bonds lire of the deno,min ,,· . t/lat wUl conlinue the eate. Virgil to Walt r P. and 141L\Wt. !,oID!lhr tlon !lnd mature, respectlvoly a I Fussels bealth wll\ not permit hili] 0.4U acres III Deert"~I! II ,. p.' , follows: . . i pierces" the d~1I1es~ night. wjth its message til 'clirry on the work IInd 'lhe other I Walter Duane li nd holltll'l., L. llond No. 1.- $,1,000.00. ' I 'nlen In " tho ' comllany do /1l0\ teel I l\lal~ell!'.... t.o ,Hal'Old O. . . U<lll, ,I, ml4tul''l 'J>e<l'tmbei' 1, ' ~91i:'~ able to cll'1'Y' on. " I.Utle Jo'/ os 1 "'1.7~ acre~ in TnrtJecreek "'\VU. I llle), call blm baR become t\. good I C_therlne Weller T~llllll! to D,o nd No. 2-$1,000.00. of peace and Jove. Across the centmies IIl1ctlo neer but I.i takes /I. good 1J0rothY",< J. Frudet·,. ~U . 52 fle res In ~lIture December 1, 195~ bu.cklng to !lIIrry 'on stlcb a .lIl'OJCI: ,. , 'lellrcl'eek ~\\f P. . l:Iond No. 3-$J ,OOO.OO, I am sorry when I Bee all the tIllll "S iJorothy ,I. FJ'Q)'.lel' to Cortous . mature Decem . ber 1, 1954 .1 ltl'OllIId th e house that l ' had mea.nt and MM\le AUll)UI'gy, ~u. 62 !lcres Bond ·N.o. +-$1,000.00, toe pUFe light (i'o m 'the Sl.lr te) take to the sllle antI haven't, lln(j ·11\ Cleal1lreek Twp. mat ure December -1, 195G what ' lire we on Dry Ridge going 1,0 1 Lec' !Jutton ,to Wllii:l~1 11 . ltJ~ d I Boud NC). 6-$1,000.00, t n...---be 1 1861' do on Thur/ldllY afternoon. It has :TlIllIee .ll. Klnlllerlln. 12() S(I. It. .' Bo ma ure ~ r, ' , IL farm bol1dny [or so Ion:; In Lebano n. . ' "--1 000 been liow that we are going to tlnd It I ha"el L,rOokes to William fl. nd No. ~ ,00. • reminds till i1lU'd.. to 'Wo~k that day. We ca n lind Jnnl ·e 'R. KJJI1bel'iiu, 0.05 acres • ,mature Dectlmber 1, 1857 tl~ke 0111' "tock to Wllmlngtnn but In ,Lebanon. Bond No. 7-f1,OOO,OO, I\, hat arcI we gci1ng tQ do with 0111' 1 J. M. and Dora Hogg to OI'~I,1 0 mature Decttmber I, 195~ jtlllk, ohloken.s and odd lot8 of IIml Edith R. .BI~~h[l eld . 4a ••O Dond No. 8-$1,000.00, that tl~e Prince of' P~ce In the hearts of mank,ind prodllcl!. T.he snle perfol,'med n )( ('rell In \J i e aN.!l·c~k TWI/. mature December 1, 11159 lelil ~olllmunity ~ervlce. Where lire lIonel No. 9-$1,000.00, we .i0lng to sell t hat extrn bu~hel PROBATE , matllre ne.;ember 1, 1960, of turnips. and ~hR.t old hen \\IUI Estate or ' J{atberlne A. Lunlgan , Bonll No. 1.0-$1,000.01), .' IS 'the only sure SQhl ~ioll 10 ' the world's c hicks tbat wall t ~tay out, of the dec'd, .\olm A. Hofel'kamJ.l, execll' , mature' December 1 1961' gorden? We, wish them luck ILnd . til" 1 t bit ' ,j. ' .or e.,. Qven ro)" ~r ng se A.n. Y one , deSiring ,to aO 80 m.• y hope that som e 'other grou".. of lor December 28 at 10 a. m. ' t I Illen will take over and carry , on. EB~ of t.ydla E. Bevan, dec'd , presen a bid or bids for sa d Deforo another 'paper comes otlr, HarriSOn Bevan, ad'milll~ trator bonds ba8~ll upon thj.llr bllarlng 11 tI,ctight ~Ihr~stmas will be bere. A Ohrlst.- flied inventory, headllg Bet f.or different rate at Intercst than.. Dlas clouded with threats of war, 'December 21 at 10 a.m. s'peclfled herein above, provlded1 ,~ st.range war that 8~em8 ' to have Estate of Francis A. McGonlglll. l1owever,t hat , where a fractional boan brought all by our desire for dec'd , Mcryl B, Gray, ndmlnlstrn.· Interest rate .s bid 8ucb (rKctlon heralded hy the :lngc,:ls above Judaean hills; can 1 [l61' ent poace. "Peace onel\rtb. to men o[ tor W. W.A.. ll'll.nsfel· , or l'ell.l · es· shB.ll lfe ":"one-(JllarLer " good, will' but when men are n~! tate gan\ed'. ' . . or mUltiples tbereo.t. ~f goo!! will" w/ll\o~ ' Clln we do. ·Erst.a.te- 9 f · Lizzie Lillian Hopkins, Said bonds wlll . be sold to the Nothing Is settled un~i1 It i8.~etU.ed dee'd, Gprdoll 'Rtch . apt/onlted ex· III h t b\Cld '" t th ' time and lead men into the way Qf peace and brotherhood. g . e8 er a ~ . raght. Let us hope ,that CbrlBtm~ g ecutor,. n ,r. Fhiiik; Batscbe, Leah h l'ilI h~lp us 8"e tlie wa~ to the l'lg It Jonos and Oharles J. \ 'Ilggoner plfl,Co l1~ove m~ntloned, .at n«?t le$s set.tlement, 80 that we' can slllg IIpponted appraisers. .' than pnr and a l)crued Interes t. . . Estate of Matilda Wbltenn ok; Bids may be . mn'de lIpon all 01' . "Glury to God In . the Hlgb!lst and As we how om hearts aro~nd .th~ mang([ , . 'on earth pea.c e; good will to men.' ~ , Ilee'd, ' cstate 'TeJleved fro~D ' 'n6111ln· /lny number oC bonds oC this Issue. All bids must' state the Dllmbel' ' ' 1 r epeat tJils rt'Om my World WBr latratioD. , J note bO,o k, Estate ot, Laura B. Walker, of bonds . bid fOI' and tbe gross "Cis hard to ' ~hlnk: of Cbrlstmas joy. ~ec'd , Waldron C. Gllmo'1I'. ' admln· amount o.t bid '!Uld acen,i ed IntereJ;t 'let ' \lS welcome AUd 'Peace, . . . to da.te -ot .dellvery. ,I When rumors of war ring Iii OUI' ......... All bids must be accompllnled " eara ", . . by a Certified Check- drawn In , . And will' not cense. favor ' of the Board of TownRbtl1 to reign In our lives. Trustees . of ' ''Wayne TOWDSh!tl, Dut ns I wrapped the g ifts . And wrote tbls .rhyme': Warren County, OhiO, In the 8um . _.. .,. , ' ONE ' ~oOd thing about ,ala.New of $200,00 upon condlUon 'that II l i:s joy: sang hi my hear t . And ' then l knew, 'twas Chrl$t· Y~ar parlles is that ev.~n the the bld, tII accepted, the bidder will As we knl..'d b~l]eath the Christmas star, each of~ mas time. ' . 'mollt th nid" souls get :1 ·chance. receive" and pay tOT luch bonds alt to- you all. to blow their own horn. may be Issued 88 abo've set foi'~, }~erry chrls'tmas, ' • . .. - . within 30 day. of the award, ~all! .. '- Even' so~e people who can Certified Check to be retained, by ' I'cdeclic.;:Jlc our lives III the prayer, . . cherish old school ties. for years. said Wafne' Township If a.ald COli' never Clm grow .fond or tbelr new diton i8 not fUlfilltld. Cnristmns ties. , • -.. The Board of TOWnship .T rustees • Of interest to ,oUl'm~ts : l'umors .of laid TOwnship reserves ,~h.e '. With 'the ·'1" T.ken Out· It II \' C It thnt if'Russia evoer take5 'p rivilege to reject - any and all . '~ " bids. -No Conditional 81ds will be· ..ecelved, . , The al'P..ovln, opinion of Peck, Loan Made Can Be Repaid Shaffer and WIlHamI, 'bond at· ' tome),. of CIDcln~atl, Ohio, will From Farm·lncome be flmlI.hed to the successful bld~, " der . .thout · COtIL ' ERMS ARE LONG , BId. aJaould H ' sealed and en· RATE ..;... 4~ " doned "BIDS 'FOR 'FIRE HOUSE 5armer Owned AsIociatioa over .the U. S ., 'D_-to - - BONDS." '• ~ DaU<' WD .. (_or toft) will be named "Bonehton." u.r.s of Tonlhlp Trustee.. of W&JIle ToWJU\hlp, Warren Count,. ~ that we COiWder. the Ollio. beIJt.1aIpt' I8eret of. 1150 was the . KA.YK.UD WELTZ, DAY~t'ON 'tblal in the IOnI called - ''The CIuk, Boercl 01 TcnnIalllp LEBANON. 0fU0 Thlnl.'" r TIuIteea of WUae ToWUlllp, Whm we wrlDi in the New H. ""RM, ..,.T...... 1'IIna Ohio 1110 will be ofBrlal~ wub.,
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The LeltU. Natiolal
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'.. . . '
C.RDINANCE No. 215 cllvln" Conlln t of the Village to the Improv lment of Waynn vllle· Corwin Road Under the Superv! . lion of th. Directo r of Hlghwa YI. Call 2143 to Illal:e n CI"sslfi ed /lcl WHERE AS, the D h'ectol' of H1!(h· WAVN UVILl E , OHIO wa)'s Is conshle rlng tho mllll l' of ---~--------th e lmprov ement lUII)el' hl ~ IIlIll e l" WARR EN BRADDOCK Clo~ed Tueeda y & Wednea day vision oC the plIbll ' hl~hw ay knoWII 'rop SOil, Httlll lng, ~"Ilii. U"lll'ri . 11 8 State Route 1'\0. 7::, IIl1 d )o)xcllv.Iltlng Wll h Hlll·l. 110('. WHERE AS. \r ayncs \ ill e· '01'\\ ill 21 Road )Vllhln tllis vUlag lies .i .. 'OPERA TION VITTL.ES Dl'ag-U ne nlHI DulldllZCII' whole or part along tbe IIl1e ot said state route, said \\ Il YllesvUle·Col" THE BIC LIFT Waynes vllle, Uhlo ~-In Road, being more IHlrticll l nrl y MONTGOMERY CLIFT Pt,one: Wayl\eB.vilJ e -? '9, describ ed as follows : PAUL DOUGL.AS A new relocate d roml lying he · tween Soulb slr eet , in \\ ayn 11 \ \II ' MOTHS ur~ s tolwed tit'ad III I hOir FUmed In BOI'lin nnd t he SOll th 1'0 l'lJO ml.iClll lin of tracks \\' Ith BElt'Ll 1 f\\'., ) 'Ill' THE COST{" ME neSJG, E R Waynes v lIIe. MOtlISllIlY. GIl \ll.'~ nt e d In ",r ill ll),;. WHER EAS, It i ~ JU'opllse d to ., . \\A YNESV lLLE F I 'HN I'1'1 Ill·: ,. , tend sR II,1 late hlsh wn y InillrO\' c, .\.PPI.I ANCE. men t Into, ",JUl in (I I' thrOugh t ht. TICKE T TO TOMAHAWK vJllage and a lo ng th l? uforesa i,\ B ANK RUN GJlAVI~ L -, [.0<111 ".1 , ( Technlcolor) Waynesvllle-Col'\\ III Hoa,l. ut DlIvls ,FlIl'llas Pit, 110 " ell I s NOW THEltE FOllB, OAH DAILEY - ANN BAXTE R Be It Ordal ned , lJy th e l:ollucl l cubic yai·d. W RlnO (\"II\'el'. ARM· letter Know" ~I The Sheriff ', Daught er of the Village or \\' /ly ncs III , ITAGE & ON, l>llOn e· ~O!1 I . If CARTO ON State of Ohio: . , . CHJ.PT ER 14-;-S1R GALAH :! D SECTI ON) : 'fhat It Is declnre d ,C AN'T !lland, Lhe otlOl' or old· to be . In the public Inle r est tha.t fas hio ned m o tt h \dll.' I's ·! (; et the consen t of Rnld village be, ll nel CHRI&TMA'S No odo l' alld gU1lrlln· s uch conscnt Is h el'cby ' I\'en , thnt nERLO U. said Wajtncs v i\Ie·C'01' \\ In nOill1 UI ' Ie d for five ·y eal's . ICl'O Il OUl! lllll TREASURE ISLAND 80 much the reor ' IHI l ~ abO I' e " . 100. (Te(1bn lcolol') WAYN ESV IU .I;: Fll fl NJ· scrlJ>ed lying along' tit Hlle of or ' fl E 1088'1' . D~ISCOL,L ROBER T NEWTO N 8: APPLI ~ I~. said 'State Ronte No . 73 lllay be St ~"enSoD ·s. Greot Story In (; ol'geou.: --.-'- -'-_. _- -.impI'o\' ed IIl1do l' the $ )\01'\'] 8 1011 01' NTI~'II ·J~ ~Jlel'l l'n . : e.l ('0 \0 1' I IlITUI tJle Dire 'l ol' of B Ii;h \\,IlYR, Rli id Di. \\A la tb 0 1 ettaloOl'S >\1\11 job ~o ltP l· S . CARTO ON rector to obtala lhe u el' eHaRI'Y W. n. NEW:'; PI'cfcir Ulen ovel" f.O y ""j< uf ,' g,'. rightl of WilY und H!lsbs·s mollts. GooI I nay, ex 1111 n t OP» 'I'lllu\l ~ '!! !~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~=:;:::==~ _ 'fI and SECTIO 2. Tb ntd irected tbe Clerk be. willI 1;l'OlYilll? C:'Julllan y (()(lUlOI I he isNheretiy, to fill" oC Duyton , OhIo. ALUMN I DEFEA T9' 'nl l ~n ( . DlIh to the Directo r of llIghwaYl! South WTLLIAM col1e(l~ WAlnu t tlH . .'' -._'_ ' _I_' _'-' ~--' anel to lbe J;loat'd of 'ounty Com· (Contin ued from Pace One) mission ers ot \Vnrren COllnty , DEAD STOCK Tile Junior clus' Is present ing a. OhIo, n. c" rttrle d 0 I>~' a ( t bls O rd· FOn . f::A Ull-T~lrki'YI\ on fool I' bake 1.1(') /:Ja.turd~y, Decemb er 23, I-tORSE S $4.00 COWS $~.OO iDance Immedi ately lipan tho tal{· dl'ellsed . C. E. MI CH EN I,}R , P hone t(l be held at Cap Stllbbs F\lrnltu re ing effect Ulenlof. 2926.. 12·1 .1·21 All Stack Remcve d Dally SECTIO N 3. That tills Store On NOnf Main 8treet. All nil· ------------ ;--~,------Lar". or Small _ CIII Collect Dance sbllli tak e effect a nel b i l l ATTEN sorta of baked ,ODds ",til be on 'l'J N HOl'SE W IVFl force from and nftel' Ih ll "l'li Ck l 8a.le. The public Is Illvltecl . Xenia 454 Don' t let DlothK I'lIl n yOIII' 1'lIgS. period allowed by la\\'. Well, I lUeU that's about all H, l>I. SRERW OOIt, May( I' Ci ~ f:lEnl~OJJ M otll spI'U)·. ' F I " ' E' XENIA l-UTI UZER for . WI week 10 here'. Wishing ' .......... eu Decemb er 4, 1960 year gu n l'onte ~ , \\· AY!:'l I~S V I LI.1:! . , I I "'d P d you a very Merry Clirtltm as. I ' .......T.· 'CHAR LES J A.MMi. le l'k FURNI TURli: <\l APPLIA 01 v ISion 0 ' n an :'o' Cl'" r~ uotl, no. 12-14.21 .
.\ILel·1 II . s lut/il k. .\,1 11I1 1l1"Wa l " I' I I., nnll i ~ . 'on " ' 111 t it!' \\"111 All' Ill.' ~ctl 01' lhtl 8 !;taLI1 uf
\lInn 1' . ~1 1I" tll II, de· tl . i'l llInllfl' .
No'rI CE F Pt' DT.I C . .U. I~
No .
l ' l f:a ~
I I /un iltn ll . 1!111 'olumbll L ,.,,, r ,II. Nf'W
l,rll't. Ii ('Ill Iwl. y. I 'ef
:l07 ~
t a l.
Il lhlII Lli.
JII llurs uan ce ot an I'del' of lbe Probate Court of Wnrren County , ObIo, I wlU ofrer for sale at pub· lic auction On the 13th day of January , 1951, at 2 :00 o'clock P. M., on the premises, tile fol· lowing describ ed real estate : Being the East one half of 11>t No. Forty·tw o ( 42) as the same Is Jrnawn and designn ted ' 00 rccorde d pint of the Village of Harvey pburg, Warren County , Ohio, .a nd being the premises 10' cated on the North s ide of Maln street, and betwee n Cross Btreqt on the Wellt, and a new un· named thoroug hfare on the ' East, connec ting Oblo State Highwa y No. 73 and Main street, nll in the Village of Harvey~burg. Warren County, Ohio, and more particu larly described ns (ollows , t.o-wlt: Situate d In tile COllnt~· of War· ren, Stnt.e ~r Ohi.o, a n(\ .In Yte VII· la ge of H nl'veysb urg. nnd bOllnde ,1 and descrlh ed a8 follo\ S, to·wit : Beglnn lug a t a lIione n t the S. 1·: . corner of Lo t N(l. '12. and rllnnlllg thence will) Main s t reet N. 6 2~ degrees W. I! poles to a ston e. !Uld S. E. corner of Oharles • 1\1 III III on lot; then e N. 27% degrees E • -----~ F OR' SALE- AccordIAll, 120 base, (wltb the line ot aald Charles WANT ED-Rid e to Dayton . HOllr" bla.ck, a nd white Ilenrl. a Atone P II o' n e Madden lot) 9~iI [lOleR . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 to 4 :4 6. Phone 2194. 12 ·1 ·1·~)' '' nyn esvllle 2~ '14 . , 12·14 ·21 and N. E. co rner of Hillel MIHlllen's lot; tbence with another line of suld Mad den's l ot N. U tA. degrees DEAD STOCK WANTED 'Y.' 3 pol es to II !ltone a nd S: E. HORSE S $4.00 COWS $4.00 hOliOlItU'Y' or ,1'OSS street; tllence Hcg. and Other Small Stock with said Cross ' street N . 27 'r.I degT'e es F.. 2% 110108 to n stone.; Remove d Prompt ly tbence S. 62~ degrees E. 6 poles CALL COLLE CT 10 a stotie And N. E. corner or Wilmington 2382 LebaDon 439 8ulll LOt. No . .12; (henc,e willi the S. E. BOlmd nry o( said Lot No . . INLAND PRODUCTS, Inc.
beautiful ·
'a,Delville Lumber aDd Sup pi,
ESTEL LA PENNE WIT filIttella J'ennew it, 76, pasaea a.way at the home of her toster 80,n WUUe HUDterFd~ay Itt )0 a. m. Sbe i ll s urv ived by hel' bsuban ll. 1'08, foster son , One lister Lelah. Olle brother Alva or WlIm1ncton. FluAerat Hl"Vict;'s were held Mon· day at ' 2 p. m. Irom Stubbs Fun· eral Home. Rev Scarff oUlciat ing. Burial In Miami Cemete..,..
The Hope ~f Men of Good Wil.1
NITTIE J. TREADWAY. Nettle J, Tl'eadw ay, 67, pasBell ~wl.y in Middle town at 6: (6 A. M. Tuelell.1. 8be II survive d by ber husban d, John, • dl.upte ra, Mrs. Nanoi HeD· derson, \Vapes vllle; Mrs. Loutae TUMler of phoenix , ArlzoDa May of IJay~n, AniUl Gay of D&yton , 2 BOIlS 'Vallac e of M.l ddletow D. RUB-
LI.e Wire aDt ~ft. . . orpDIaatJon MOCIM to ...... Strlctl7 aeUen OIl the beet aU'
27, 1924,
and recortled In
Annexe d of the Estate of Anoa. K, Madden . . ,d eceased ; · Way neavllle ,
Ohio• . 'Sale conduc ted bi STANL~ \r &. KOOGL ER, AucUon eers. Harvey s· burg. Warren CoUllly . Oblo, '. C. DONAL D DILAT USJI: ,HI " I'Il"), for FlaintU f, Lebano n, Oh i o . . Ptibllsb 12·7-U·21·~8.
Funera l sel'\1ce s were held TueB-
illleUac .. 0ItIa u.... Mol'. thin. leo 7.ara '''''ore ~e ~.lollr lit JIIllas ca"af. Java""" a.nl. the na\(vM 01 ~....... .. tel· , u.. .beUu to .rNJ* •• Illth" . gf their tenip'" a.li __ ...
West 12 llotes
1014 for ~ot leal than two·thl~ds (~) 'of tbe IlPprats ed vallie. unll the te,r ms said aale ur e Cub. ALBER T H. STUBBS, Admlni s· tratDr De BODls NOD wllh the wm
around market In the comali7.
II'8n4l1On. 4.)' at 2 :00 p. m. at the ' St~bba Funera l Home With bW'la1 III Miami cemete ry.
d (!~ ree8
Deed Reco rd 'vqlume ]1 2, at page ~32, of tlle Deed Record s of \Var· "f'n County, hlo. . Sa.ld prciu i~ es have been Iluly and d"gnlly apprais ed, for tbe sum of Two Thous and, Flv~ HlIIldre d' t,2,500. 00) DOllars, anti mll sl be
Dayton ; 1 () I:'randc hlldren. Funera l servlce 8 at Stubbs Fun· eral Horne Tb,Uraday at 2 p.m. with bu~al in Bea.tt yvl1le. Xy. on w .. "n ..•..
He 18 IU1'Vlved br hi' wife, Mary B ., ' 2 sons Charl('s B , ,of Obicogo , Robert of Wayne sviue and one
$. 27
to the ston , ond plAce of be· ginning . An.1 being the same premis es devlaed by _ lohn B. Vander l'ol,t, survivi ng spouse of R.utb .Vande r· vort, decell.se I, to Anna K. den by Quit Claim -Deed da ted
imil!~ililml l l l l l l l l
HuUur· Bolte.. Whale 'lbe Jar,elt animal ever to . . habit tha urtb or Its waten II ItW in nl..tene e. The .u1tur-bottom wbale, W hie h som.t1m el weipa 1110 lur~..ti · In wel,ht and size even the ,lint dlno .. llr, of the A,e of Reptile • .
n County Probate Couit . In pur......ce of an Order 'o f the Probate Co~' of Warre n Couaty , Ohio, I will offer for sale at Public Aue'lion OD. the 13th day of Japuv y, 1951, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., ON 11IE PREMISES, the follow iq deac:ribed real
". I~~ . ~ ~ c.
~ Il i tl
ha Ul'!; of :I :111.1 . 3 o·clorl.. , .1.AMf.fI Fl . .l Oi>!P.S. 1 ~·21·2 ' -1.··1 'I\~ h l"r
MI',' Will St. Joint . who. hll R heelt con fin ed to hl!l Jj'oJn(, ng . ;I , result ' ~ of Il bad fnll on th e Ice. ' wl she8 ......1(1C~_ICIC..-.ICICIClCIC~II1ltIlI.
10 ' than k
evcryon e ' fol" the many
Beln" , the East one half of Lot No. Forty·tw o (42), aI the .ame ia known and deelgna ted on the recorde d plat of the VIlIi,ge Harvey illuro, Warn" County , OhiO, and bel.,g the premlee of a 10~ated on the North Iide of Mat" Itre!'t, and betwee n Cro.. on the WHt, and.' . new un-nam ed' tllorouu ghfare on the street connec ting Ohio Sta~ Highwa y No.· 73 and Main Street, Eut, all In the VIII.ge of HaMleY lbur" Warren County , Ohio. \ And beln, the' lame premlae s deviled by John B. Vander vort, sur· vlvlng IPt?UIe of ·Ruth Vander vort, deceaae d, to Anna, K, Madd.n by Quit Claim Deed dated May 27, 192,\, and recorde d In Deec! Record Volume 112, at p.g. 432, of the Deed Record . of Warren County, Ohio. " Said premin e hay. bee" duly and legally appr~l.ed for the aum o.f Two Thouta nd, Five Hunllre d ('2, ~OO.OO) Dollar. , and muet be .old for not Ie.. than two-thi rd. (2·3) of the apprall ed value, and the terma of .ald lale are Cuh. .
fol' other kindnes ses dOll" f or him
For PIe'
,a, L..
Da, 0W0.
12·21- 28
h /l ld' Ilt the ol'fll'o of llllllk llle 011 ,JAN ARY 9. 191)1. be tween. Ul t
h.pp~ ·
cards, gifts, and Ir tters sent, and
Sale Coaduc~ ~ STANLEY &It KoOc L£R, AuctiQn~• ....., ... ., W ...... County , Ohio ' Co DOIW .D DlLA nI!H. Attorney ~
estate: .
. Aclmln l.trator De Bonl. Non With the Will Annlxe d of the Eltate of Anna K. Maclden, deeease d, WaYl'lelvllle, .0.
,ou · onjo, •
195 0
The onnual meeting' of th(' ~tock· holders of The Wnyn a . Villfl .i':HtlolI· ·nank, Wn),nes v ll\<'. Olllo, rot' j 1' 0' e lection of Dlre¢to l'lI lin t! the lrnll >l· acti!ln 'o f any QUIet·, I)llIihleS8 thot may come betol'e' tbe meet In t;~ will
.let a holiday spirit prevail, and liver and receiver alike cherish the happiest Christmas everl, ~MaY the faith of the ~. children be strong in ., ---.. your hearts.
T••11 in ear
dutlng his ' conf\lle ment. ~ARD
'OF :THAN ks During the time .or our ,deepes t sorrow,· youI' kind expreRs lon of sympat hy wos plost pom forUng. It, 1/1 grn,tefll lly Itcknowl",Igecl alld Itp· pl'f!ciated, , , . . JoSeJib Pennew it WJl1Is Hunter and t,' arnlly
. .IC. .IC. .~
Exide Ba tte rie s .Firestone Tires ' .
New ..tReeipped~ - $8.95 $2.00 .Trade In Allowance Lahricatiag Senice Firestone Accessories· . ,
Ope. 5:30 •. m. Ie 9 ,. •. SaU,s 7:30 I . . . 'I 9 p,'"
·8o b Se nrl s
Wa yaa avl ll.
People, Spots In 1
IIbfJllt Town
ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW XMAS IN PENN8VLVANI Mr. Rnd Mrs. Paul Plclt lnf; left on Friday to spond the Christmas , holldo.y with the 'Cormers plIronll! In Som r.Bot. Penmlyl"anln,
, '
'QHEEHANS IN FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheehan left on Thursday for their wlntor bome In nradenton, Florida. PIOKINGS HAVE GUESTS MI'. and Mrs. Paul Picking a8 recont cllnner guestl!, Mr. :\lrs. John Hornlnl of Dayton, Mr. and Mra. li:arl Conner Ron.
had and and and
RETURN TO OHIOAGO . Ir. and Mrs. Cbarles B . ' Chap· Ulfln hR\'e returned to Chloago. uf· ~~.r bollig, called bere on account vC t he ;dell1h of tbe former' s [athOr. MRS. SQUIRES ILL )\Irs. W. B. Squires wail taken 111 tlurlng the past weeJ,t. and remo"ell 10 Miami Valley hospital for treat· mont fllld obBervation. CARRIE MILLS INJURED MhlB Carrie Mill, for m 0 ~ Wny ncl'dl!e reijldent, nOw near Fer!')'. la. conUned at Mlam Valley hORjllltil " I. ill! a badly crushed.. 11mb, 8uflered .In ap 'lulo ~CO ldent at . her Mme. ,
in war's shuffle. A tiny ' half·!rozen Korean child, huddles in a br idge gutter to escape the cold ns U.N . truck convoy 'w heels
Mrs. c. ' Leo Hawke was hoste\lll to the New century ' Club on Fri· dny aftornoon at thll Far ~llIs 'Party Houso with II large o.tte·nd· ance of membel'B and guosts. Mrs. Earl Hockott presldlld over the bu siness session after, which Mrs. 'E . V. Barnhart and Mis" Rulli Ohandler preaente.d the program. The High School Glee Club opened the program with a grollp of Xmas carols, which were very baautlful. Mias Ruth Chandler then gave a day by day diary of hoI' trip to OaUfornln. Thi s" was very Inter· eating 'and MIAs Chandler left her 'listenerB almost teel as If t lley had been on 11 journo)'. Thj) membclrs and guests were then invited t,o.. the dining room where everyone ' Joitterl In tho ex· chnnge or glflll. During the SOCII,1 hour, a deU· ('IOUB dO RSOI·t COlli'. e In . Ileeping with the holiday BeSHon , w a a aerved. Tbe club wlH mect In January with !'Ilrs. Mllrle nltfle fiB hosteaa at her home.
lT1_lIIlhr.,ahl ,
1\01. ..... t M,o, e
Pup~ in ~ SelMM:JIa
. 'l'hW Year ~
€ourlel Under CI
", 8iU f. Only Seven ,
Months. Awa;; - -, ,.
Miami Cliallter 107 O. S. recently held their reg)lIRr InstallatIon meeting with Mrs. H ele~ Hill oC HIlI'\'e)'sbul'g 'hl1\llel', · Orand Electa of the Gran4 Chitpter of Oblo aa InltaUJDg ofrlcar, and MI'I. Ka~ryn . Cramton; ,Deput Matron of Illatrict ai. as lnstalllng 'M.~ba)). The 'followtnc 'oUlcers were in· atalled for the' coming -year: Worthy Ma t ron ~rarydeJl •
teacben in or bJgh 8cbools O}l Veterans may obt: In fll l·thel· In All Correapondenta and other AlIIOC, Matrou-JaDe- l\fcCulloch. temporal')' cerUiJca.toll and eve.1 formation troui theil' neae, V- 'I ne~. con,trlbutorB . ."d a!Bo all Alsoc. · Patron ~ Charles Me-: though .we bave 811 more elemen· emlls Admln!stratlon otfl ~e. .d",ettlserB are u~ged to get their Culloch. " XMAS IN ·'S'PRINGFIEl,.D tary tMdlera than lut year 'we ,I' oOPY' In ea~ly for next wee!.'. Is· 8ec·y . .....,;yary EnrnhBrt. Mrs. Lu We Armitage en~oy e(l a have iuued 683 tewer tempOary • .ue; b'ecauBe of the NeW Vea'i Treasurer-Lucille Armlta. g e. lIrlstmns holllla)' with hel' hll· elemelitq certificates. VISIT COUSIN N HOSPITAL , Holiday on Monday. . . tlren MI', and M,r s. Woodrow O,,'ens . :A.8oo. Conductress - Mnry I'o u The people of Ohio eaD point Mrs. Annabelle 1~1 II aDd he l Palmer. nnd cblld ...n In SprlagrIeld , • with prlcle to the progresll their nepbew Richa rd D. Bloke, vlsitec' Chaplaln-~llnrue Fl'omm. schoola bYe made · ...",.rd reeov· Mrs. Maude Wall(or, tbell' cOUHlu Marshall-Dertle Mills .. erlng from the effflcta of the de- ,vito lis ".. ri? IlRly ill . ut C:Ylltl~lalla. TWINT~TRE L,EI,.H MILLS ON VACATION · Organist- Marjorie Smill!. TREATS 45 KIDDIES pree8lon and World War II. }(.mlucky. COl\ducll'ess-Gran(\ P I'GndQI' a, I. Mrs. Lenh . flJl II Is onJoylng 1\ ua, hope for an Improvement in I , Adah-Cecll . S hipley. few (11lYIS n .caUoll (rom hOI' dutlell Rutb-Jean' Hartsoel;. I 'Services ror Floyd Alfred One),. Dr. H. J . Swain, chairman of the world OODdtolUm0Daove lab° !~da,t anwed' Cnli' n Tbe Twin "henue uc1l11l1toll Uil' nf tfio Friends H'omc At tbe , home ot ' 62, of Wayneavllle; who died ·Sat· ,Division of Sch~nces ' at the Unl-I'C(,ntIDllle _ IlToxlmately Hi klddlus SutUl'(iay Esther- Elvira Oea.rhnnlt. ' · of hOI' flo n ~"'r. IIntl MrR. William urdlly night lit Miami Vallet h08' yerslty d( Houllton. 'has , been "In- have to 41vert our energles alld " ' nlgbt ,free to the I>hO\I' li S Ii XI11II~ Martha-Phyllis Hllit~orl;. Strouse 11,111 little daughter. 111tol, Daytol1, after a long Illneas, ,eluded In the 1960 edition at "who'. reaource8 to all Out war. treat. Elec.ur-Paullnc ,Antbon3'. were cOlldticted at 1 II, m. Wednes- Who In the SoUlth and Southwest," .., ' Warder-Bonelta Strollse. ,. day' at the Mo.r rla Sons , funeral a. bl~graphlcal (UcUonar,. of noteGUESTSI FOR XMAS Sentinel-\VIlUam .strouse. Mr. and Mrs. A'. H, Earllhart en· Truatee , for 3 years - B·o.rbllra home, 1809 E ., Third street, Dayton, wort~y men ancl women 'O f soutb. ern · and soutbw88tern atate• . by the Rev. H. S. Zleter, All coller; ~tud en\>S of Ihe Meth· tertalned to· Ohi'latmBR dlhner, Mr Sawyer. odls t cilurch will ,>,; we lcomeu Ho,lde, of a bacbelor of arts 4. B.urlal wos In Memollli Parlr 'and Mra . .Earl Jilllrnhart; .IInd ehll· FOllowing the Inktalll\t!.lll, a 110· g.'ee from Earli:l&al college, Dr. home for the holltl'tl'YIl at the mOI'n· dren, Mr. And MrR. JAMal' Earn· clal bour was spent In tho' il lnln~ cemetery. MItS. UN-A 'MaKALE Miss Dorothy Dllkln. ot fulholln, Mr: Oney W'8s born In Waverly, SaWin received bta master of arte , Ing wOl'HIJIp Rel'vlce" ~ h i i:! S \ll ld a~', hart and dRughter Bnd M~. ,\I ton room wb~l·e . refreshments were Wl!sb,. vil:!lted her aunt MillS May Mr .. 11111. J, McKale; 57, of n.' They are Invited. to Bet together OhIo, and bad lived here one ye3r. and his doctor of phUolOpby d. Earnhart. , served ' at tables beautifUlly dec· R, 2, SOcial Row Road, died 14\ during wOI'shh, and several vlll Wrlcht and waB a ' Chrl8tmati din· H,e waa employed at. the Dlyto ~ $'ree from Hal'V'ard univeralty. orated In keeping wltli , the XmA!I . 7:50 p.m. T.\lesday at the ,resldenn!' uslst In tbe service. The church ~er peBt at tho Home. ' Hobart Manufact\1t· 01'. S!lwln, a, member of ·the Scnle DiviSion, seAson. XMAS GUESTS OF OAUGHTER ' Mrs. 14Ucile Armitage s f!lint Sun· .--:-, I ln ,;r .co., an Insped~r, where be Houston MU80lilin Qf Ni.tlUti ~ ~ ~er daugbtel'" MI'B. Robert K , : Is always ' concerned' about [til the honle ot hel' da ugbter, Mr. and Mrs, L.· O, 13t. ,Joim were . youth and Is on, hand with praye.rs day had workeft tor 29 years: ; tory, lsnl'arr!ed to Mr., Kathei1ne Bailey. Cbrlatmas iueBls' of Lbelr. 801l·ln· SPEND VACATIOli IN Sbe is survlve.d 0 180 by hoI' for their succeas and concern for Mrs. W.oodrow Owens nn\l famil y I He was a ntemb~r ot tbe Wa),nes' Swain alld hOB five children, Fred, springfield, IlIw and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. £AU CAW£, FLORIDA Ville , Methodist church and tho age 11); Joan, J:t. BetSY,10 ; Philip, 1D0tber, Mr•. Jellrue Moss of Chal· their future, Every 8tudent home in Mrl. Leah Mills Is bav lug 0110 Glenn Bland. Mr. 'antl 1\11'1;. John tanoo'g a, Tenn.; a BOil, Hal ·S. of for vacation If! urged to be present Qua,r~er CentulT;Y Chlb , oC t.h.e .,Ho· 8.; and Tom~y,~~. ' weeki vlI/CaUOn whlob sbe ,Is s·l1ent\. Settlemyre and clilldten and ' Mr. bart Manufacturing Co. He WIIS Dr. SaWin was bOJ;D In Waynea. San Bernardino, CuI.; two 1!18ler~' 1 Sunday ,morning. Mr. and Mra.' Edgar Sinlth, W40 past master ot Arcanum lodge, ville. and " MI'$. Doft Bec,k also weI''! . Mrs. Beecher Reno and Mrs. Ros· Tbere was a fine attendo,nee on IJlg at the bome ot her ijon, : " .. operate Smlth'lI Electric Service, F&AM, and WII8 a D\,tlmber of the guestl!. coe Wells. both of Cbattanooga, Chl8tmas Sunday and Ol\el',y" nc WIlliam StrollMe HI~d (u Ulll y . I'll left Friday ' noon tor a Christmas Scottish Rite, Valley of Dnyton. and two brothers, Emest Mo!!s of telt the . Iplrlt of the Cbrlst , cblld LyU,e, Mlaa Olive Williams wall a guesl vacation lI.t . the bome of Lou Itnd Surviving' are hla wife, Dorothy, T. S. '.HARDI~fS HAVE '. :lIMMV MILLER HOME Chattanooga ·.. nd Jnml'B of Clove.I,Bnd prayed 't bat this spirit of love Marllil Summers wbo operato B &. daughter, ,-Mrs. Hel~n Byrd. also DWl DAY GUESTS land, and four . grandchildren. and 'sharlng be continued thi ougb. on Cbrlatma8 day ' of the Kelhll' Mr. and Mr8. Ro G. Miller were . trailer park In Eau Gallle. ·Fla. of Wayneavtlle; three brothers, She wal a member of . tile Cen. out the year. May eo.:1t o'ne be lit I:{oak t~lly. ' pleasantly surprised on Thurs!1ay Tbey plan to return around Jan· l\ll'. and !'Ilrs. Kenneth Tbomtl8 OrvUla and Theodore of Springfield worsblp ne~ Sunday. nllht when their 80n .. Staff Ser· ~r. and Mra. T. S. Hardin and te rvllle Methodist ,cburch.' of near Lel!anon. ' Visited wltll and Jon of SO\ith Chat le.ton, lind family had n £1 Chriatmas day geant and Mrs. Jimmy D: Mlllel' uary 1.' , Misses Mamo and Annie B,rowtie a granddaugbter~ Pamela Kay, of 8Uestl! Mr. and Mrs:' Jamea M,earrlved from Texaa for the holl· OTHO SNVDER PROGRESSIVE WOMEN'S CLUB on Chr[stma8 ~ernoon. GEORGE BURNS. OPENS , ' Wayneavllle. dan. Mr. and Mrs. 'Miller ba" .a8 Cormick a'i1d son Tommy, of Day· Otho Snyder, 71, was {ollnd dead TO MEET JANUARY aRD , Ml's. ·Ellzalieth Smith s p,e n t Christmas, dinner 8Uests their son ton, Mr. and Mra. Lanalng Hardin, NEW· MARKET HERE ' ---:I a. m. Saturday at hl ~ 011n· The p~.()&-re9·slve' WomeD's OIUb Cbrletmas at 8. family dinner Rt the . lUlel wiLe' and, Mr. ' and M"rB. John ", - '. VISITS IN KENTUCKY of Marymont, M·r. Ronald Hardin, ton county farm house ~ast pt will meet at Preston's Party House bome of. Mr, and IMrs. Se'!b E. Hoover' and ·chlldren. ' I ~Mr. and Mr•. oeorce Buma have Mra. AnnabeUe Flora attended o! Cincinnati. Harvey.bllrg. -He dilld of II. se)[· Wednesday, January 3 ~t 6:80 Fornal!. ' opened t~elr .new grocery and meat churCh at Cf,1'1I11e, Kentucky,-sun. Innlcted aliot8Un 'wound, according o'clock. Each me~ber Is requelted J! ~'B ElIzabetb Chandler, of market .on Bouth Mala atreet, "near elay and met her nephew, Richard DAVTO'NIANS VISIT HERE ADVI80RY COUNCtL MEETS to Olluton county of~lclals., , , to bring' a package eultable for. l.Iampton In.s Utute, Va" Is spend· D. Blake, no 11'&8 home 00 fur- . Mr. and ~fI. Kenneth Elzev and A ,. z:eUred far m worker, ' be was , glvlne to one 01 our boys In s,ervl('e, Inc the hOlldllys with h!lt sister. 'l'he Ralnbow ' AdvisOry douncll BOb ·Servlce TexaCo Station. They 111&11 to carry a {ull line of Iough from , BellevnIe, nUnola. # met on Tuellday evening wltb a «t'QCeriea . Mba R,uth Cb'a ndler. and freeh meats Rnd will , daughter MarJorie of Dayton, spent cS.lpoadent beclI.use of III healtb. Su"h1q are hla wife, · !I(ar)l; , ~ ,Gale Russum; Mr. and ~lrtl. Chrlltmas party at the hOllle of " Sunday, af~ernOOn with Mr. and two daulhterl, . Mrs. Marjorie $PEND CHRI'STMAa OAY Robert Xeresey and chlldl'en, ' of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Bu...A short be oP.!IL ~I day on Sundan. HOSTEl. TO W, 8. C, 8, Mra. Walter ElIICY.. PrIce of XeDla aud Mf!I. Vlr«inla VI~I'f!ING~ iN DAYTON ' Dayton, Mr. WilBon Edwardl!, Mi'. bUllnel1 and , dlBcusBlon i>erJod ---Mra. Waiter 'W hitaker was. hOBt· McCoy. 'I, Waynesville; ' anel Mr. and .Mrs. Paul A. Scheror and and MrS. Gene Rhein, of Sprlllg· waa conducted and everyone ·en· QE8 XMAS PARTY e88 to the W. 8 . C, S. on Friday STUDENTS HOME • ; a lon, Martin, at- home. IOna Paul, Jroo David and Richard fleld visited their aunt ·Mlss· 'Mar· joyed the real 'C hl'istmu party, Miami Chapter Oder of Eastern afternoon at her bome, tbe cbange Among the a~,uelIDte home from ServlCliI were beld at ! po m. we,r e. gueste at a family reunion Edwarda on. Chrlatmo'a arter· with an exchanle of girts and all Star otricers entertaln,d wIth a ot elate due to the funeral service college are: MIi,s SUe Furnu, of Tu.day. at the Stubbs Funeral on, ~u .,clay at tbe home of the noon. ' IlInds of Chrlstmaa goodies. The CbrlBtmas party on FrIday eVe- of 'Mra. John Trcadway.. Only a Oberlin, Harlan Earnbart . Bome, with bUrIal In Miami eem- latter'a ~other,Mra. Rose Probst, Mrs. Mabel Hothaway wo's IL hOllt and hoatess also served denlng with all Eastern Stars and few membera were able to attend. Yale, Roy Fumaa ' from WllmIDClicious cake and Ice ('ream. etery at Corwin. at ~yton. Cbrlatmos day guest at tJte h'bme ~M8lIonlc members and fa.ml1y in· A ChrilltmaB ..procram waa enjoyed ton College, Mila Judy Conner of her Bllter, Mrs. Hane), Burnell. "Ited guellts. A program \lnd'er ~~d baaiteta "ere arranged to Bend fom Ohio Unlveralty, Charles, Earl LEAVE FOR PASADENA and family In I.Qtle: DI~NER PARTY DECEMBER 19 .the dlrecUon of MI'". John Ker.le7, to the abuMn members. Following anel Don Rye f~l»m Ohio Btate, Ed- IELLI HOME HERE .... and K .... A. n, CLeaver hnve Mn, ~abelle ~ra and Mra. Mrs. Ella DaIdD apent the Cb~18l. Mr. and Mra. Keith AlIhmeo.d en· 11'&8 ,'g lven by the children and adjournment to meet with Mrs. win ·and nwllllt Mlcllener from I'urau Jeft Wednesday for m.. d8T at the bome or her' son tertabled Xr. and MI'8. William S,u ta arrived with treata for John Wedpwood, In January, tbe Ohlo 'state, 111811 lIary Boolia IIOJd their hO.lD8 on Fifth' street ancl Ba.-:ver anel lIr: and loll'll. Gene enrrone, GJrte alao were ex' l loclal - waB pleaQllUy spent with I trom Ohio 8tatAa, Joe Jamea froID iDoYe4 to Dayton Thul'llday. Tb.,. Pua4. . . CallfOl1lIa. . Wblle tbere Karl DakJll an4 raJD,lly In ~ba· II a "e plmlhued a bome · the.... &IMJ wiD atteDeI tbe toumamcDt of DOD, III the .venlal .he wa. a Brown and elaUlbter at a dinner 1\ ehaDaed. A large decorated Xmaa, refreahmente 1I.rvad by tbe bOSl., Wilmington, ..I.d ,IUIII Ell e e wbere. Mr. Cleaver II eQlployecl. roMI. (CollUDuecl on Pale f , Col. 4.,. tIU't7 December 19. • tne wal the center of all activities. ell. and her alll.tants. . Brown froni ).fIRml,·
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( Tt'chnl( 'olol') OAN DAILEY - ANN BAXTE R Better ,Known 01 1 The Sheriff' s Dau ghte r CARTO ON HAPTE R 14-SIR G:\ JJ!\ HAn CHRIST MAS
(Te!'lml rolol' IOB8Y DRISCO LL , ROBER T NEWTO I\! SfOl 'Y ill ( :(l ()I ·f.!t~fllt .:'
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, _ ALUMN I OEFEA TS' ..... --- . --.- .- .-.....;.-~ l~ntln ued from' Page ' One) · . STOC K DE A D .T he Junlol' e l llSs Is present in g II boice Rill e Sat urday. Deoemb el' 23, non ES $.f.Otl C() \vR $~,O Q t(\ he h'eld ot Cap Stubb ~ Fll I'll it lire All Stock Remo ved Oally Store on NOl'th :\tall1 stnet. All Larg& or Small - Call Collect f.orts 01' baked good s will be on sale. The public is In vited . Xenia 454 Well ,' I guess tbat's' obout !ill fol' tble week. 80 here's wishin g XENIA FERTILIZER you a very Merry Cbrletm,lIs , Dllfl,io l\ of In'and P roductl , I nc.'
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FOR SALEceo )·lliall . ,120 bns e, WANT ED-Rid e to Da Yl o n . J\ our, bl ack n l1cl w hi t e l'If·IlI \. r h O' n to 4 : 45. P hone 2194 .
l'foDDe:\l' 1\ .
9 wa~· lit ille homl' of hel' fos l el' a01l Willig HUDtel' F I'ld:IY li t 10 ~ . m. She i~ sun'IH d b~" lI el' .hsu bull d , Joe. fOlltel' s on , one Ris t oI' Lela h . one brothe l' A1\'8 ' of Wilmin gton. ~nerll.t sel'\'!c('!; wel'l' beld ~fon · d ay ut 2 p. 111. f rom S tubhs Fun· el'nl Homtl, Rev Scarff orric lailng'. lImial iu Millmi Cemetery.
HORSE S $4.00
COWS $4.00
Hogs and Ot her Small Stock Remove d Prompt ly
. 1 2 · 11 · ~ :
--- -- ---
,Y nYI I(' RV Illl' 21;1 ·1.
The Hope of Men of Good Will .
Wilmington 2362 Lebanon 439 INLAND PRODUCTS. Inc.
~,,:lil, ~
I ~,
~ •
WaYDesville Lumber aDd Supply
, ,
Sale co nllu cw d by 8'1' .\.", 1.\0; \' &. KOOGL ER. A I1 ctlonec r~ . ·. II" I'I·eys· burg, Warren County, chtlo, .
1.1' ; 11 <:
T••11 in .ur towns
C. DONAL D D ILATU< :\I : .\1 \ I"" 'Y f or Pla intiff, J ebanon . Pul>lIs b 12·7-14-21-28.
m\il!!I'I!lllilllll~i!IIIII!1 1
.upe,. ,ly happy -
-------.---.------ --------
SuUur-B oUom Whale 'lb. lar,est animn I ever to In· habit the earth or its wlterl I• • tW in existence. The sulfur·bot· tom wbal~, w hi e h·' sometlm •• wei&hs 150 (un. . ~llr pa ..tI In w.l,hl and ~i :t.f! ~I'fl\ th. ,Ial11 dinositll l'S of the Agp l)f Rr,pUlu .
you enjoy _
N .0 TIC E
Wane n County Probat e Court
puraua nce
Order of the Probat e Court of
Warre n County . Ohio, I will offer for sale at Public Auc-
tion on the 13th day of Januar y, 1951, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., ON THE PREMISES, the followinr described real
Being th\! Ealt one half of Lot No. Forty·tw o (42), as the lame is known and dealgna ted on tile r"c orped plat of tile Village of Harlley eburg, WalTen County , Ohio. and being the premile a 10· cated on the North .Ide of M Olin street, and betwee n Croll street on the We.t. and a new un·nam ed thorouu ghfare on the Ealt, connec ting Ohio State Highwa y No. 73 and Main Street, all in . the "Illalle of HaMleY lburii. Warren County . Ohio, Alld be'ing the lame prem ises devised by John B, Vander vort. ·I ur· v lvln g Ipoule of Ruth Vander vort , decease d, to Anna K. Madd"" , by Quit Claim Deed dated May 27, 1924. and recorde d in Deed Record "oh,me 112. at page 432 , of the Deed 'Reco r ds of Wa r ren County . Oh io, Said premis e. ha ve been duly .. nd legally a pp raised for the lum of Two ThoU l.l nd, Five Hundre d ($2,500,00 ) 0011 an, and muat be lold for not le51 than two·thi rds (2·3) of the . apprala ed value , and the terml of laid lale are Cash.
.let a holiday spirit prevail, and giver and receiver alike cherish the happiest Chri'stmas ever. ~~May the faith of the ~~) children be strong in ., _~ your hearts.
=S ~._
.J O!Iel'h 1'1'11 II (,.WII Willis II llIl ! !) I' a lld [,';J~III1~ Ie CI(ltc:tC!€ t« 'CtC'C\C'.':;IC,(;~IC'«1( I~·i"C".
Admlni atrator De Bon is Non With the Will Annexe d of the Estate of Anna K, Madden , deceille d. Waynes ville, O.
Sale Conducted by .Sq'ANL£Y at KOOGLER. Auctioneers, HarY.1tbur•• Warre n County, Ohio r C. DONALD DILA ruSH, Attorn ey For Plaintiff, lANIaoD. Ohio. 12·21· 18
Duritl J,[ t h e time of 011.1' d e e llesl yo ur kl11CI express ion or sy mp nt:hy \\'n~ most. .' omrOl:li n g. II Is gl·:.tefll il y n... kll()\\, J, · ll~(' •.1 anrl ' q l , ~O l'ro\l'.
~ .
!~ ~~
Iii' sume p l'emlseg Ly lohn n , V;\Ilder \,oi't. ~ l1l'\' h' il l g SpflllS of Ruth Vn nde r' \,ol'l, d 'as II, to Ann n 1>:. ~l ll d· den by Qll it Cl a i m D eed dated May 27. l!l ~ ~. anll re"ol'd" 'l In Deed Reco rd \ 'O ltlll , tJ 11 ~, ilL [luge .132, o[ the l iced ltc"onl g o\' \\'111'· I"n ('onnt y. I hio. ai t.! prulld us Im' tl l)e E' 1I ,1u ly !l ntl d egally apprais ed for Ihe ~ um at Tw o :l'lin ll ~ a nd, l" h ' e I til II cired ($2.500,O ll) 1)0 liars. nllil mll !1I he sold tor not lesB thnn I WO· I hll'd8 (lit) of tho apprais ed vil l ue. flllri ~ the terms of sllld sale Ill'(, (,,,g h. ., ALBER T H, STUBB S, Adm lnls· ' trator De BonI s Non wi th th e Wl1\ of tile Est ate of Ailna K , d e('MSOlI. ' 't'1I Y11 mII' 1110.
JOSEP H B, CHAPM AN SERVIC E THAT SATISF IES Joseph B. bupmlln . 73, Ilas8ed For Oally Market Repor" : Ilway at · hls home S unday at 3: 00 WHIO DaytOD , 12:50 FJ.S.T. Dial 1300; WLW Clnolnn atl. 1240; Dial p, Pl,
J\fol'r th .. lI • JOO , .. ra belol'l lb. U!,l io.t. IIf Jlll*'11 Ca •• ar Will .... Oa \ll, t he nuivN 01 In ••• lI.,aa to uae . h.,Jlllr tel Jltolaet .1 • .athOI' lit tM il' tam ple. e.4 ~ ••.
6ft ,'"
J II jlUI'Il I.I Ult(·,, · oe all Onlel' OL l ht' Pl'obnto COlll't of \\'nl'1'en County . Ohio, 1 11'111 rf(' r for iju le n t pub, It c niL lion On tit 13th day of J a.nuary. 1 Dril, . III 2 : 00 o'clock P. M .. on I ho Jl I' Cm.l!;('s. th e fol· lowI ng d escrl hed real eslute: Bel.ng lhe Enst on li nlf of L ot 1'\'0. Forty·lw o (42) ns' lh e ~ame III [Dawn an ti tI" Rig nate(l · on Ule r ecorded [litH DC the \,illnge of Haryeysbn r g, \\'al'l'o n County. Ohio, nnd b t? ing th e \JI'o ml se R 10· cat ed 011 t he l'o:Ol·th ~ i d of ~IRin street, antI b etwee n .1'0SII s tl'eet on tile ,,'es t , ant! a new un· n nmell thoroug hfare on the Ellst. connect ing Ohio Stnte Hlghwll Y No. 73 and !\lnia s tre ot. n11 In tbe \' l1Illgo of Harvey sllul'l:'. Wnrrcn DImly, Ohio. lind m orc pArtlcu l nl" Iy descrlb N I liS follows . to· ,vl l : SIOlat ed III th(' Con n l )' or War· ren. State of Oh io, lin d in th e \ · ll· Illge of Tl n l'l·cysbl ll·g. n lld bOllnd •• \ li nd d eA rihell fi R 1'0110\\ S. Ill ' lI'il : fiC'l':i ll llillg ' HI " s l olle a l Ih ~ ::; . E. co rnel' or I,ot N o. ·12. 11 1111 I'llllnln )! th (,lIce " ' Hh ~r ;l;'n ~ tl'l''' t N . 6 ~ 1~ degre es \\'. ;1 poles to a. SllIn (' Hntl " E. CO l'llel' of Ch nl'leR !'t l ad.ll ·n l ot; th e n c'o N. 27 % d eg r ec~ E , (wllh th e line or anl ,1 'It II 1'1 ~ Mndde n lot) 9 % pol es l,i n ~ ton .. nn,l N. E, (:o m el' of !'Ill III !\I a dllen'. Int ; t hencc wllh Hnolher lin e 01' ~nlcl Mlld<lell' A IOl ~. 621/~ degl'e .1 II'. 3 \,ol,>!; 10 ;J ~ to n e a lld S . K hnuntlfl l'Y fir I 'I'O ~ ~ ' slreet: t h!.'n.' c II lib ~ rt lll C' I'," ;' ~treet j\; . 2'1'. t1 g l'oes 10:. ~'3 IIO]" S to n s t o n,': th em'c , . 1i2 1_ degrees r~. 6 nOle !! to 0 )'< tone :llld ~ . 'E. 1'0 1' 111' ,' or M i l l l.ot 1'\'(1. I!! : fhence with the S, F., BOlln d Ary of :alll L o t 1'0. ·12 S . 27 '/:' Il ('~ I ·t'es W esl 1 ~ "ol eA to tho KIOII(' (1 11(\ p l nce of b e· .\ Il l!
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Sbe Is s urvI ved by her busband . John. 4 dllugbte rs. MrR. Nanoy Hen· deraon. Waynes ville ; Mrs. L Ollise Turner of Phoenix . Arizona . Mny at I1nytol1 , Anoll Gay of Daytoll . 2 Hons \\rallace or Middlet own ,' Hus· Bell o( Dayton . 10 gra ndchild ren . !-"'mel'lll servlc('s a t Stubbs ~'Ull' LIve Wire aDd Pro&rt Pl.e. to. eral Home Tbul"Bd ay ni. 2 p.m . with Orpnlsa tlOD HCO~~ to DOD.. burllli in B eat ty vlll(', Ky. on Friday. Strictly lIeUera on tbe belt around market 1D tbe eountr1,
I!lbt:UaCl ..
g lllnill /r,
Tuesda y.
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NETTI E J, TREAD WAY illllillmlllllllillmllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllill111111111111111111111111111 Nettle J , Treadw ay, 67 . IllIs lIell nway In Middlet own at ' 6: 45 A. 1If.
He Is 8ul'y ived bs lIie wife. ~l n l 'Y , B.. 2 8 0n..~ Cbal'les n. 01 Cblcngo . Robert of ' Waynf'l' vill c aDd one grandeo u. Funera l sel'vlcps were held t 'lIes· dllY at 2: 00 p. m . at tbe Stubbs Funera l Home with burial In M 111m I Cr ml'tllry.
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nand ),·ltb1n Uli~ " I\ I:lg" l ie" i.. whol e 01' purt al ong th l in o~ s::lI,1 s tnte routc, ~aid \\'fl)'ne~ ,·ill · ' 01 w in nand, being IIlOl'e l':ll'l klllill'l r , III'S{, l'lb ed a s fo.llo\\ :; : . I A new I ' I(ll'utl'd '4);11 1 I) 111' 1.(' t wee n ~ou lh SII" (,1 ill \\aYII". , III ,' nml the ~olllh ( · 0 1'1I01·:.li" 11 lint' " f \\' ay'nesyW e. . "'H E REA :;, I I i ~ "1<'1 1\' ~, d [II l' " lend Haid " til le ··lt l h \\ lI)' i llll' I (I" (" Dlent into, wl lh ln ill' Ihn '" g h 1111 _ yll\llg and a l ng Ih,' ;11'01'(,,, ,,1 01 \V aynesv ill e'l'ol'lI III 1Io:\ d. NOW TH EHEI, l H I·: . Be il nlaillcd . !Jy . ihe ('ti,lllel l ot lbe V lIlage ut' \\' ''YIIM , ill, '. State of Ohio : SF-eTI ON 1 : 'I' h .tt. It .Is ol et'lal'cil to be in Ille pllb ll ' hIL"I'P: t 1I1a.1 the CO UHc li t o f ~ /I id , IlJ;, g lif', allli s u ch consent i~ h,· ,·p by ~ h('n , Ihll l Hald Way ile~ '· i ll"' · o l'\dll B oa rl ' " HO 1II11 c h lIl ' l' "I' " H i ~ 11 1)11' tI , · lIel'itlf'd 1)'11l!( a llllll;' .11\" Hll e ,,1 said Slllh, HOlll(' ~" . ,:: 1I1lly 10 .. \ improv ed lI lI(((' 1' I h.1? " p ' . l'I'i, I(1I1 ,, \ t.he Di l'~(' l nl' cd JlI ~ I I" a)' H, sa id I II
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G,ving C to the Improv ement of Waynes ville· Corw in Road . Under the S lIjle"V I ' li on of the ' Directo r of Highwa y s. \\'HI';R F::A S , tbe fl i,·N ·tOI' 01 Iii h
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.Exide Ba tte rie s Fir es ton e .Ti re s New and .Recapped -- $8.95 $2.00 Trade In Allowance Lubricating Service Firestone Accessories Ope. 5:30 I. m. to 9 p. m. Sund.,s 7:30 I. m. to 9 p, m.
14LTII T.· ILlIY SHOES and VARIE TY STORE 1ft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~'C'C_. . . .
Bo b Se rvi s Tex aco
Wa yne svil le
Serving Waisville Since 1850. DREDTII YI~ \I<
RETURN TO CHICAGO ~Ir. uwl MI'H. ' hurlcl! R Chap· 1II !1 11 h",'" re tlll'\led to Chicllgo, a[· V' I' boi li R called here 011 Recount .. f l ha d :tth of the 'fol'mer's fnth e r,
MI'R, C,. LeI' Hnwk c WIIK hU Rt.eRH to tt." Now C" lItur), CillO on Fri· day aHemoan al thl! Fill' Hill s ' Pnl'ty HOII~ o wllh :1 IUI'g" attend · a nce of members and glle.{ts. MI'H. Earl HockC'tt J'l'estelNI over the ou s illoHs s ells.ion after wh ich MrR, E. V. Barnhllrt and ;\1i KS Ruth 11aJld I r presented lhe IJrogram , The High Srhool Glee luIJ ollened thl' program with a gI'B1l11 of Xmas 1'111'018, whit'h were vcry IJtlRuUful. Mi fls Rllth Chandl e· 1' thl'lI gave a dny by dny .li elry 01' h"r trip to Ca lifornia , Tlti " \l'ILH \' \' ry IlIter· osling nnd MIHf\ Chnndlor left her listeners almost fc e l (If! if I hoy lind been on rL Journ r.y, Tho memb" J'B' :\11,1 ~ I sl H wore then invlled tt) Ihl' ,llnl llg l'OI,m wbel'o ",'C'rYO n(' joill ed ill till' .!..x, c hango or I;lrl >l, During I III' flO 'jai hOllr, udell· ('iolll' dORSC I'1 c'ourse hi I,eeiling wllh lh o hullelay fl f' u"on: was Ile r vrd. Th o c luh · will m Cf't in Jnnuary with :'111'1<, ?llarle H1ff1e ll~ hostess at hOI' hom l' .
MRS. SQUIRES ILL Mrs, W. B. Squh'eB wC\ ~ tuko lt ill ,luring the flllst w eek and remm'e,1 to Miami Valley hos pital fo r tr at· mont 111'111 ob~ervntl\ln ..
,-OST in war's ~hllffle , A tiny half· froz e n Korcan child , huddl c~ in :l bridge gLItter to eSC3pc the cold :l ~ U,N , truck co nvoy whccls past •
TwentY·lilt noUaand M 0 r e Pupils ift 8ubUc School. "J'hia Year
KNOW XMAS IN PENNSYLVANIA 1\11'. and :'III' ~. PUIII l 'lcld n ~ Id l 01; fo'l'ldllY to Hfl nd lhc ' hri~ tl\1ll " holftl:ty with th e i'ol'mel'!; lIart'n t1\ In Somr r sl' l', Pronnliy!\·ani:l . "uHEEHANS IN FLORIDA :.II'. and 111 r l<. ElmoI' Rheehlln 10ft 011 ThuHlClny , for their winter homl' III Hl':ld.'nton. Florida . PICKINGS HAVE GUESTS :'11'. nllil Mrs. Pllul PlckhlR :I!' rOl!ent d in ner guests. MI' . ~II'R . .10hn Horning of Dnyton. MI'. und 1\1 rR, Bnrl ann t' 'inn .
had and nnd ami
Assist Vendor. in ' Prep.r. ation of Repo.-ta For~" Half of 1950.
Ourin'g the mont.h or JIIIIIIIII')' a Tax Elxamlnel' ",'W b il t,,· tlon ed lit WilyneNI'1I1e Nu Uol1<11 \Jun k on Janua ry ;':~, ]'()5 1, Danl'inl;. HOUI'R to nsslst vendors In th of trieir !lilies l.1IX 1'('til ms or Informal Ion fOI' the 1~1'lotl July 1. 1950 to lJecelllber 31, 19M Vendol's should take with them nece$ijllrY .I'cco r(1s lIUCh ~'M 1\ C1'I'Y or, thet r Inst rel)()rt. ~It ICK l' uCOfll~ and ' vendol' Il\lr~ hrus e orrlel's I !~ il\k copy), Plu'lIt'u)ar IItl.6l tlon Is dll'e,' te d to lhe scbedule C pro'yll,lecl on t\le reo ~ulell
DeacJi ,le For Coursell Under Gl Bill I. Only Seven Months
Vete ':t ll IIf \\ orld \\'111' II plan nlng I; r illlI O(\IICII till ILncl tl'llin Inl{ W"I'(' r eminded to(la), by the Vetel'lll~ fI AdUlIlIls1-I'utfon th:1! til e July 2:i. 1961 tlelld Un (01' Mlllrlin j course" III only Seven monlhs a wny, This coming Spl'lng ~chool IlIrn' v""'C ~ I(I~ 'of the .c)i-I~inAI ,,(It''j'II. ' will b the rillill 8\1 II terll1 Il,IOS TbQ v H.ler I 'l'eQulred, to '\lilt all ' "6tel'Il.Ul! may enl el' 01' l'e·I'llll1 I·. II · 01 theil' lltamp 11;lr ·husel!: r.r\lld c chn'· lore tile dendffne, VA !I .' ld. nd 'l h l ipl(t lJ ~ (I(·nod sbowlng th dllte. tbe that IC tbeypla.n to enroll It's nOI owl Illllotin"' ot pl\rcblllle~ lind lob' too early to iltar't making al'II'11llrfl>l ·nljDII...... whlob ' ll oarned on e!,c~ ments now, ",Up JU8t helow Ute space shb.-Ing The ] 951, 4eadUne applies the amount. Tbe total amount De' mos~ WQrld War U ' veterans llurchaB8s 10 listed should !tgl'eo thoa, cllscbaJoged (roJQ . service be- with tht' Inb;y .on line 2 of the tore 'J'\&l,. .' 25. 194'7. ~., Tho R ~ dis· returu. • canred .ftorj tllat dJlte hu\"c ' fom ' TJle.' e reports mUAt be flied wltll years" Crom their discharge datE' h ' 0)' lualled to Treasurer of St.at,e.. P • ."ht.oh \0 .begin trllin hI;, ,0 . I\l,lI 1799. Columbus, Ohio, betore " t~ nl:tI·Y '1,.1951 In ordel' not to ~ delinquent. \C a dertcllncy Is hullulll lion the I'eport, due to ' (811~e to c"ucel aUUlclent prepaid taX receipts to orrset'lAx dne.. reJullt,fnce should uCCODlIlan)' the report IIU',UUIII< of. th:e det\t)lcney. UIU'(~~~'r >
CARRIE MILLS INJURED MI t'R ("aniu MIlI H, t' \l l' III 0 I' \\' :. VII t'l '11 ~ e ro:lld Ill. nO\\ nf lIeur ,,~ 1';')' , IA r onnned lit ~lIallli Vallc), I!O R~Ii\lo\ ' .. ill! II hudly crn h"tl limb, s uffor d in nn :tIitO uc('/(I PIII. at II I' hom!l.
MllLml Chapler 107 O. 1': . •. re('cntly h eld th ~ ir rogulnr In !italla· lion 1U. ·ctfnr:' II ;Ih · ~lr !\. Jl dt'l Hill of lin I'voys b1tl'f.( ChI! ptPt', Orand Elccm of the Grl\n~ t:h:lI.ter of Ohio as Installing officer, and Mrs. KathrYn Cramton, Deputy Grand Matron of Distri ct 21. I\ S \ iHltlng installing Marshall, XMAS D'INNER GUESTS The following oftlcel's were In· Mr. ' 111111 Mrs. GUhert Frye and !ltalled ror' the co~ln~ YNlr: . son K ont.61·llIlnecl to (,lil'i~illl "s , in· Worthy 1\1 n t r o 'n :'Il ,lI'ydell lIer =>11', allc;\. :\II', . II. n. :'Iu '" . ~ il', DUl'ske, " WOft Y P4'fFOn mmll ......'.= r,,"'·.,."......._ __,uul .,..~--" .. ",~- :, 'Ull ~. toll'\I. ~JI'{~ 11.' ' 1~4lI4 teacbers or high schools OJ! , ;\11.... n "h n · l~ r:r cltlnck . All Correspondents and other A.lisoc. Matron- Julie M e ·ulloch. temporary certificates and . eve .• news contributors and also all Assoc, Patron hlll'l e~ M('· though we have 813 ' more elemel)' mil s ,\dmin istrat ion oft'i .t!, ad~ertisers ' :1re u~ged t~ ge t their Culloch. . XMAS IN SPRINGFIEl,.D tary tea.c:hers than last oopy, In Colrly for next weel.'s IS' Sec·y.-?iary barnh art ~Ir B , l.,u('1lI Armitll ~1' .' n;o), ,I n have isaued 563 fewer tempoar), sue, becalAle of the New Yeal S Treastll'or - Luc ille A rDlllage. (,hri ~ tmn R holillny with hcl' .. h il· elementa¥ certifIcates. VISIT COUSIN IN HOSPITAL Holiday on MO~day . Assoc, Con<luctrI'R .• - Mnl'v lo U Ilren 'Mr. IInll "VI!, woodrow Owen s The people of Ohio can point :\fl's. Annabelle FI"':I :tI1d h Palmer, :mcl c hlldr~n III S(lrl ·l gfif' ld. with pride to the progress their u.-I,h ew R' 1lfl l',1 I . m :, k ~. I. iLel' Cll/lplaill-~I innle Fromm. schools have made toward reeov· M I'll, Maltll WII 11(1' 1' . tIle il' "'~lll s l l1 Mal'~hall - n el tic MIIIR erlng from the effects ot the dc· whn hi ~",' i(J\l i< I)' ill , II I ('ylttlli OIl:l . TWIN THEAl'RE LEAR MILLS ON, VACATION Or~\1111Ist-1\I:lrj ode Rmil:'. TREATS 4~ KIDDIE::i pr68s!oD and World War II. LeI I\ p.n lll cky, .roll\lu('lr e !'.~ .rall,1 "I'cml r- r a \I ~lt, . Lcnh :'Iillis ·Is c njoyill g :1 us hope· for an Improvement In Adnh-Ccc il , hifll ey. I'ell' rIa l S l' I' (!lIt Ion 1'1'0111 hel' rlu tl .... 11 I SUI'V i 'es fur Floyd Alrr~d Oney . 1)1'. 1-1 ••1. wain, chairman of tbe world conditions BO that we can 'rhe Tw ill Theall'e ;) rllIIl ; l~·tI Ruth--Je all H Il I'tHoe l:. n. th e 'FI'f(' lId ~ 11011\1' lI.t th o home I &2, of Waynesville. who died Sat· Divis ion of Scielloces at tbe Unl· continue to move ahead, and not f1roxJmntely ,15 l<iddj,,!! l:> a ltll'{\ ltY 1 !:!l th e r B1l'il':l Gl'eu'h:U'cH, of h"I' s(ln :'II r. ullcl )1 r~ , William "nln y night lit ~liamj Valley 1108' versity of Hot,Jst.(Jn, has been In· have to cHvert onr energies and nIght Cl'c e to th" ~ holl II .; /I )(nlll o;. . Martha-Phyllis Il rtl't' ot·I' . ,'troll "e nllc\ littl e clalll!htel', pilul. Dayton, ul'l r· (\ long llIness, eluded In the 1950 edltlon.o.r "who's resource. to out war. tr('ot. J.:lccta - Pnllllnc Allthonr . \I oro conducted al 1 V, m, W dn es· Whu In Lhe South and Southwest," \\ IIl'Cler- Dolw lln RlI'ollse. day at th !\Ionls Sons fun oral II. biogra phlClI1 dictionary of note· GUEST'S: FOR XMAS ,'entlnel- WilllaDl , ~ Irou so. Mr. nlldM .. ~, A, H , Earnhllrt en , Trll Rtee for :1 yelln; - Bllr!J~ll'a home. 1. 09 E . Third ~tI'eet. Danon. worthy men and women of south. by tho Rev. H. S . >liore l'. f'l'11 und sonthwestern states. All .'ufleg.· H IIUI f'Il I ~ II i' Ih·· ;\1 III I!. tortaln!'11 to ChriRtmall dilln e,:, .M!' Rnwyel'. Bllrinl \ nll In :'I emoia l Pari: Holder of It bacbelqr of arts deQ(~i A I (' hul'.'h will IIf' we lt 'oru eu 111111 1\1 1'8. Earl Nn.1'lI hn .. 1 n nil ·hU· Following HIli ins lllll ull.Jn, Il so· gree I'ror/l Eurlh.a m college. Dr. horue fill' til holfll ll Y~ Itt '!t il Iunl'n dren. MI'. nnd MI'/I, l':li\lul' Ellrn· clnl hOlll' WIL li spent ill th (!illil1'.~ com tery. MRS. UNA McKALE . in b\' \Vont ili" He l'l' ice . li tis SlIlld:t !'. Miss DOl'othy Ollkin, of Pu 11 11111 II. MI'! Oney ,,"nR born in W /lv' rly, ' nwl n I'ec h 'ed his master of arts hart nncl ClllU/l:hlfll' :11 It I Mr. ',\ilt>ll room wh !'I'e rofrellhm Oll l ~ \\ C!'t' Mrs. Una. J, MeKale. 1\7, of P .' The)' nre in vi ted to Het togethel' \\ns h., vll!ited her aunt Miss May Oh io, and had \I1'('c\ h ' 1'1' on YO:lr, IlIHI bls doctor of phOosophy deserved fit table!'! bea utifully (I,·c· Earnhnrt.. n, 2. Sodal Row Iload, died 111 during wor'ship and several will Wright and was II Christma s ,lin· He was 'cmployed III l!t ll lJJ Vlni gr ee fr om Hnn'a,r,d uniVersity. orated In keepIng with th e Xmu H 7:60 ,p.m, Tuesday at the reHlden C'(' aSRls t ill the sen ·lcc. The cburch ner guest at thr Home, Scale DivIsion, Hoba I't ~I II nllfa~lli 1'. Dr. Saw in . a. member of tbe BeaRon, XMAS GUESTS OF DAUGHTER I In~ Cu .. nn iu s lle l· tor, whr'n' IIC H ou s tOIt M U ~ \1m of Natural lIis. or' ber daughter. MrR. !lohert. K.' Is alwaY!I concerned about It~ Mrs, Uucll e Armitage 81 eui. lin· Mr. 'a nd MI ' ~, 1.. C, :oil. JOhll we ..•· I yout b unO Is Qn hand with' IIrllYus day at the home o( her daughler. had worked for 29 :,-ears. tory. i ~ n,lan:ed tC) Mrs. Katherine Bailey. Chrlatmn s gu Rl S of their sOIl· hl· SPEND VACATIO~ IN She Is Burvi\'ed . !l lso by IJ· I' for theh' Sliccess and conc!crn Cor Mrs, Woodrow 0,,"eIl8 !lntl fall1il~ I Hwas a n1embe r of tilt, Wayn'c s· S\\,lIln 1I 11l1 ha s flvo children. Fred. IllW nnd duughter. 1111': nlld ;\I rK, . £AU GAlLlE, FLORIDA ' ville Methodi st ('hur hand th ... age I G: ,loan , 1:1 ; Betsy. 10: Phfllv. mother, Mrs. Jennie Mos~ of Chat· til ir future. Every student home In Springfield. Glenn Dlanc\. MI', :lIul ~fI'H . John tanooga. Tenn,; II. son ! Hal S. of fO l' "ucntlon Is urged to be present Mrs. Leah MilIH Is hu.vlll" \lll<' Qllarter Century c)u I) of thc II . s,: :l1u l 'l'ommy , 6, Settlemyre and children And ~Ir . weeks .vaICatlon whl e'lh s he Is :penl l, ~ -' bart Mnnufacturing Co. H e W llS I r. Sawin WitS born In \\ lIynes· San Bernardino. III.; two ~~Hter.< , ! Surrduy morning, nnd MI'll, Don TI('l'k alsn w !)r~ Mr, and MI's. Ed,:ar Smith, "'h o past master of ArcanulU lodge, \' I fI " Mrs. Deecbel' Reno lUlII , ,. K, nos· Ther e was Il fille attendance Oil , ID,g at the 110m of her ~o n, : II . ope~'ate Smith's Electl'ic Sel'vl 'e ; F&AM . nnd was n member oC th ~ guesls. coe Wells, bOlh of t:hnltunooga, ClllRtmas l:)unday null 0.1 1 cr,l ~ llC William HtrU1IHE' Iltl el falldl }, ill le(t Friday IIoon tor n Ohl'istmllR ' SC10ttiah Rite , Va lley"of Dayton. and two broth~rs. Ernest Moss or fe lt the spirit of the Chris t 'blld Lytle, vaenUo lI a t the hon~ (" or L~lI n n~1 Surviving are bis wife, Dorothy, T. S. HARDINS HAVE Chattanooga and Jilm "R or ClovC-' add (lrayed that this spirIt of lov e Miss Olive Wllllnm ~ WII!! 1\ ~" CH I JIMMY MILLER HOME ;\IId sha.rlng ho rontinllerl through. 0.11 . ChrlstmaR day o[ th e hf'lI :..!' XMAS DAY GUESTS land, Ilnd four grll nddlll,l rBII . 1\11', ' and Mrs. n, :, )1IIler \I' c r !l 1\1141'111\ SumlDers "ho ollelllt(' .l It daughter. Mrs. ' Helen Dyn.l. also trailer park in Eau Gallic, FIn. of Waynesv1Jle; three brothers, She was a member 01' I hp I' ll, out tbe yelir. May "'1(:11 0110 be, at Hoak family.. . ' • plea sn nll~' surprised 011 'rhUl'sdn), They plan to return nround Jan· Orville aod Theodore of Spl'lngfield ,worsblp next Sunday . Mr. and 1\11'8 • .Kennelh 1 1l0Ul as te rville Metbodi~1. chu r h, night when thell' !lOll . taff R ()I" MI'. nnd Mrs. T. S. Hardin lind , of neal' .L ebanon. vIsited \\'iLh and Jon of Sonth Charleston. and genot !I nd M I·R. ,Timmy n, ~IiII(1r uary 1. family had as Christmas day M·isses Mame nnll • Allnle Broll'n u a grandda.ughte l'. 'Pamela I{ay. of arrived from T e:mll for tho hall· guests Mr.' and Mrs, James Mc· OTHO SNYDER PROGRESSIVE WOMEN'S CLUB' on Cbrlstma.!! nlJertlooll , Waynesville. dIlYIl. · MI'. allll MrH . MiliCI' hllrl nil GEORGE BURNS OPENS Cormick and son Tommy', of Day. Mrs, Elizabeth Smith s II e II I. Otho Snyder, 71 .. "U S fOllnd d ead TO MEET JANUARY ,3RO Chrlstmns dinml' gnests their ROil. ton, Mr, and Mrs. 'Laneing Hardin, NEW MARKET HERE. 1i'bout 2 a. m. Satlll'c\:IY at hl H ·lIn· Thc Progres sive Women 's Cilib Christmas at [\. ramily dinner lit th o Ilnd wlfo and MI', IIlId MI'I< . ,lohn of Mllrymont. Mr. Ronald Rnrdin. V~SITS IN KENTUCKY tan county fal'm hou se Pllst of will lI1ect nt Preston 's ' Pal'ty HOlise 'home of Mr. nnd I ~I n; , Seth E. Iloover lind ('.hlldrell , Mrs. Annabelle Flora attended of Clnclnn3l i. Mr. and Mrs. veorce Burus have Harveysburg. He died of II solf· Wodnesday. Januna'y a III 6:30 Furnas. opened their now grocery nnd 'mea.t churCh at Carlisle, Kentuckysun· Miss ElIzulJcth Chnll,lIol', of Inrlicted shotgun wound. IIN' onllllg o'clock. Eu<>b member I~ I:equested market on South Mnln street, lIear day and met her nephew, Rlcbard DAYTONIANS VISIT HERE ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETS to Clinton coullty official .,. to bring a (lackage Bultable for Hampton 1;lij tlLlIle, Va .. is s (JolHl · D. Blake. who wae bome on fur. A ~etlred tarlll worlte r, h e W/IS gIvIng to.. ono of our boys In sel'v l\,l'. ing the 'hoLidays \\'11 h hl'l' Mi,.t e r. r.,l·, and M I'S. .Kenneth Elzey and The Rainbow Advi sOry COllncll Bob Service Texaco Station. They plall ·to carry a full lln() of laugh from Belleville, Illinois. MIRS Rt,l th Chandler. daughter Marjol'le ot Dayton. spent despondent bet1aullc of III he-u lth, met on Tuesday evening with a Dr, Gale llussllm. MI', IIlld ,\ll's . Surviving ' are . bls wife. Mary; Sunday afternOOn with Mr. and Christmas party at the honie of groceries and (reMh meals and will two daughters, Mrs. MarjorIe SPEND CHRI'S TMAS DAY Robert Keresey und c hildren , ur 1\{rs. Walter Elzcy. Mr. and Mrs. William Bax. .A short be open all day 011 SunclnY8, HOSTE'S'S TO W. S. C, S. PriCIt oC Xenia and Mrs, Virginia VISITING IN DAVTON Dayton, Mr. Wllsoll E'lwa .. d ~ . ~I r. business and discussIon period Mrs, Walter Whitaker was host· McCoy, n. R. 7. Waynesv.Jlle; Irnd Mr. and Mra, Paul A. Scher"I' lind and Mrs. Gene Rh l'l n. ot SVl'lll g' was conducted and everyone ep' OES XMAS PARTY , ess to the W. S. c, S: on Frldny STUDENTS HOME a Bon, Martin, at home. sons PaUl, Jr., David and Richart! field, visited lIl eh' uunt M·Iss 1\1ar, Joyed the real Christmas IJarty. Miami Chapter OdeI' of E.astern afternoon at her home, the change Among the students bome (rom Servic68 w.e re held at 2 p. m. were guests at a. family ~ellnlOll garet Edwards 011 C'hristlllns IIrtl'l" with an exchange of gifts and all Stltl' o!flcerR ontel'talned with a of date due to the fun-eral service college 'nl'o : Miss Sue Furnas or Tuesday at the StubbR Funeral on Xmas day at the home of the noon, kinds of Chrlstmas goodies. 'l'he Christmas pOI'ty 01\ Frld~y eve· .of · Mrs, John Treadway , Only II Ober·fill . Harlan Earnhart f~m Home. wltb burial In Miami cern. latler;a mother, !\Irs, ROBe ProbRt , Mrs. Mabel lIuthnivay WIIS It host and bostess Illso served ,\., . nlllg with nil Eaaterll 8tnl'~ and Cew members were able to attend, Yale. Roy Furnas from Wllmlngetery at Corwin. of Dayton. Chrlstmus day gne ~ t at t,j,e itOIM IIclo119 cake and Ice r renm, Masonic members ond (nmlly In· A Chrlfltmas program was enjoyed ton 'College. MlslJI Judy Conner of her sister, Mrs. Hanley Dl,lrll l1 l "I ted gnests. A pl'oY-l'am untl I' I\nd baskets were arranged to Bend fom Ohio UnlvereUy. CharieR. Earl LEAVE FOR PASADENA and famlly in l.ytle. SELLS HOME HERE . OINNER PARTY DECEMBER 19 the direct/on of 1\11'8, John Ker,le , . t.o th shut·ln members. Following and Don'Rye froUl Ohio State. EdMrs. Annabelle Rora and . Mrs. Mrs. Ella Dakin spenL lhe Chl'lHt· Mr. and Mrs, A. Po, Cleaver h llve Mr. and Mra . Keith Ashml'ad en· ' was given by the children and adjOllrnment to meet with !,frs. win nnd Dwight Michener from tertalned Mr. ' Ilnd Mrs. William Santa. nrrh'ed with trt':rta for ! John Wedgewood In January. thl' Ohlo Stote. MIss :lItfary Dora HOUSh !!Old their homt' fin FIfth Rtreet and Grace Fumall lett Wednesday for mna day at the home or bol' BO il Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs. Gene everyone. Glft.~ also were ex· , social was plelUlantly IIpenl wit II from Ohio State, Joe James from moved ~o Dayton Thur"dll~', 'l'hey Puadena, California. While there Karl Dakin and family In 1. hllBrown and daughter nt Il dinner II changed. A large decora'ted xmlls\ refreshments served by the bo~ I', \\ limington, and Miss EJ II e e n h·a v e purchlUled a home there. they will attend the tournament of non. In the evelling sbe wn.1I I~ roM.. , (ConUnued on Page 4, Col. ~) whel'e Mr. Cleaver Is employed'. limy December ]9, ' tree was the center of all acllvlUep, eS8 and her allslsllhlls. , Drown fro 111' MI~ml. ·
., iu FI'llIIklln. MI'. IInci M1'8.
THE MIAMI G . .l\ZE'I'tE EI abUlhld 1150 PAUL A-: aCHI!.RER ..... . .... ........... ...... !ditor and pubUlher CECILIA J. SCHERER .. . . . ... ... .... ... .• , . Secretary and Trealurer
PllbllRhed E"eI'Y Thursday Morninl at WayneBvlllo, Warren County •. Oblo Jilntered aa second CIMfI matter at t.he p()8toCflC'e nt Wnynesv.IIJe, Ohio. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _~__;-------------- , KubHcr!Dtlon Rnles- ,2. Per \'ea'l'. In adl'nnce, In l )hlo: $2.50 elsowhere
ot th
~ hur('l1 0;;
t111 ~ 1·1I1lI·
, munity obee n 'HI th e \"lIlollll a HN" SOli UYJI res Ii tllI~ :;pll.-la I lH'Og l':i 1l1 ~ durIng tire wee k. eml. 'I'b,' FilII Gospel cll"urch bnd lhelr, a tUl'day evening. The Jonah 's RUII Balltlsl, The Friends, fllld th Methodist churches presented their Sllnd~l' morning. during th e ir I·... gul or ~(' J'\ •. Ice IIOUI', '1I11l tile 7.lon RRlllist. nnd the A.M. E. chllrdl ell IHes nt.e(1 theirs SllndllY '1ft rnoon lIlHI Hlln · day eycmng real)ectl"ely. . Mrs. Millie Moore nud lI el' s n. Rellben Moore llnd lIS tholl' g Ull til. S unda.y, Mr. nnd Mrs. I.ee "rnlmad g-" and their ' san Albert of Wilmlng· ton, Mr. and Mrs. Alvlu Moore Knd 80n, of Sabina, MI'. and . Mrs. Neal Bunce and Mrs. Annn Vinson, or Dayton, II'. lind Mrs. 'T ocifl HI,n e and MillS MRry JlIll !' ~loors .
IIrl,.. II ' 1 Hlltl,,· bl'edlt 111111 UN thpll' cllnllel' j::lICH I ~ . SundA), e~nlnl!'. ~11' . 1IIIcI ... hr, Ch l ' ~ 'brotber.ill.la~ aud sl~(~I', ].(1' . ' " 11.1 1\[l's: Forrest" ilel'" til' IJIlYlon . Mr. and Mrs. IYll e IIId{lllney, or Miamisburg, and MI·,.nnd Mt'R. Todd Bunce ,Vere dlOlWl' G'nps t!l. hl·I.. Imas day of Mrs. Millie Moore alld lIer Bon, Rueben :'1001'0. 1111" Bnd Mrs. JUIDC", Thol'lIbury aro announcing tho birth II da11ghter at Mlnml Vull,' y h IRr.ltlll . The child is theil' tllll"(l. Th" /tl'lllld· PRrElDts nre Re I'. :011(1 :'>Irk. J . 1'. ThOl'lIJlUry IIl1ll .MI'. IIno ~II'~ . Tho!!. WelC'h . nil or 1-l,II'Y YAI11I1'j!'.
The Wan'en Ch~ptel' of the Order ot the Eastern Star met Thursday ev~nlDg for installatiOn of officers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold BogiUl lind tbelr daug~te r. Bnrbafn, were din· n I' guests Sunday DC Mrs. Bogau'li mother, Mrs. Nina Compton, of Muon. . Mr. nnd Mrs. H . ~ . "rucker had aa their guests, Cbrlatmas- day, Mrs. Jenny Bell, ot SomersvUJe, and Mr. and Mrs,' John SYterd and _IIIo...,;;K,;.e.nneth of Dayton. Mr. "Mrs'; "If: e. Brown wllre. dinner gnests Saturday evening of Mr, and Mrs. Hiram George of
SUBo. The Adult (llaas ~f the Metho· dilt c,h !Jrch w1l1 hold its Decembel' , meeUog In the church's Boclal room FrIday evening.
The Massie Township schools wUl be oIolled until January 2, 1951 tor Its unnunl Cltrlstmal!
vacaUon. Mr. and Mrs. James Rader en· tertalned a. grou" of friends, Tues· day evening, In honor 01 their younger daughter, Ruth Alice, who \VaB celebrating hsL' bb·thday annl, 'ersary. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swlndlel' wera- ' dinner guests Sunday eveniDI'. 1n hOllor of their younger daughter, Ruth Alice, who was eel· e bratlng ber blrthda, anniversary. !\fl'. nnd l'frR. Chnrles Swindler WOI'C dlOllel' guestA, SlInday ,·c· ulng, ' of MI'. lind' Mrs. ThomnS W~~
Clarli- GuarJuUo , who
. .hl\8
he en III, III reportpd to be I·erov· r rlng no,,'.
. Mr_ and Mrs. JamQl! postel', of Dayton, ~re nnJ1oun.bing the 'recent birth of II. daughter at Good Samar~tan.' Hospltal. Thl!J Is their th'st c~lId. GrandJlarents -are : Mr. and J\ir s. Hel'bflrt DOBter and Rev. lind :Mr . J. P. ThOl'llbury . all or HIli':
19 Dropped 21 Gorges .
16 Possessive pronoun 18 Drag through
31 Soaks 41 Age$
, . 23 Charge for haullng 25 Moistened
42 Nct • 43 Small p nrt 44 Ffsh sauce 26 Ext!'. 47 Creek letter 31 Pick 48 Entomology 32 Boat rowed b), (ab,) 51 Centiliter (ab.) 52 Senior (ab.) .
mud 19 Fuu)' cover-ing
"'20 Row 22 Allot 23 Demigod 24 Mountain nymph 28 Farlnaceous
WllIlam Sbannon, Minister Sunday School, 9:80 A.M •• Mrs, Jnmee aarrlsoo. Supt. Prea(:hlng, lat. and 3rd. Sundays ot eacl& month, 10:30 A.M. EVening Services, 1 :30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting, 7:00 P.M. Young People'. Meetblg, 7:00 EvenIng ServlceB. '1:30 P.M •.
M, H. CoUey. Mlnlster
raIBLIY .14IDIAII ao. PHp·N E 2441 '
Bible School. 9: 80 A.M. CAESAR'S ' CREEK FRIENDS MOrning WOfllblp, 10:80 A.M • Ae P&rt.lJIItqa. IOnIatel' Young Peoples' Meetin g, 7 :00 , Worahlp Samoe, 10 A.M. P.lI' , . Sunda1 Schoo1, U A.JL Evening Servlco, 8 :00 P . M. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ORE~ONIA EVANGELI'cAL U. B. WeclDa4a7. 8 P.M. Janes B. Riley, Pastor flunday School, 10 A. M. ST. AUGU8TINE CHURCH Morning" orshlp. 11 A. M. Father B. B. Krumholts. Pllltor - Ma8lel, 8 &J1d 10 A.M. WAYNESVILLE FRIEND'
It'lrat Day School. 9:80 A.M.. Meeting for Worahlp. 10:10 A.M.
I~==~~~~~:=~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~I MT, HOLLY METHODIST ~ ~. -T, II, Scaff. Minister aabln. Pretedhlll IrOD Ore SUnda1BchoO..l, 1:10 4-14,.
i .'.
British Actress
Byron C.arver, MlnI.ter Bible School. 8:80 A.M. Morning Worahlp, 10:80 A.M.
Tree-JUUIJI, Inleetl 80m. wecta, no lareer than the .wldth ot lead tn a pencn, can kLU .• ~ea by "pollonln,." These are .,.d.. of allckln, In leota. In luck. b!I jule._ trom a tree, they Inject· aD enzyme Into a tree'. vascular lJ.tem or up Itream. The enzyme ,ell a. .• cataly.t, makin, the 'ul~.. di,..tlble 1pr the inaect. In . • ome c.les-notably the ,olden oak le.le, obscure Ic.1. of o.k, • curl,y .cale of elm .nd apple, and 1M plna twl, .phld and ,pine needle aphld ' which att.ck pinel - the eaqme becomll a dlrect toxin or poIaon. In othefl, a secoild8ll)' IiUmlcal action may produce the
D. E. Baugbn, Pastor I. W. Wedgewood, Minister Churob School, 9:30 A.M.. Mr, Un1tle,l . Service. 9:4/5 a. ~. Harold Earnhart. Supt. Worahlp ServIce, 10:30 A.M. Youth l'eUow Ah lp, Knnd i l~' 7 ::10 ST. MAR'I;'S EPISCOPAL 'j'he Rev. Samuel N, Keys RectOI P.M. Sunda.y: ~ I Choir Practice Thursdn y S: 00. Chur'ch schsql 10: 80 11.. m. Adult Worsblp, ' 10:30 a. [11. FERRY CHURCH OP CHRIST .
A turkey dlnn ... ]' Wll ~ NeI' I' o d to tllll(lnts And teachl.'l·1\ In th e high cboel 'nret rio Friday . GUl's l of honol' wero s hnol bllUl'd memb e l' ~ n nt! thei I' wives. Fun ral 'sen'lces for Otllo SnideI' were coudu(:ted nt th e lubb ~ FUll· eral Home Tuesday HftSI'OOOIl, Mr. Sulder, :t former r eside nt oC this town, WII8 found dead Snturday momlng With n self inflicted bullet wound, at Ills 110mI' near the, WarI en·Clhilon county line. His sur· 1eIdJI. vlvor s j nclude. h! ~ widow. Mary, two daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Prke lIud Mrs. Vlrglnill. McCoy., anrl one Mrs. Anlla 13 ck tt Kllsnt th TRY GAZETtE CLASSlflEDS ~ OI1, MArtin :::Onldel'. Chrlstmns woek ,' lid with It I ' r ill!· Call 2143 to place a Claulfled Ad The nnnual rWsbnlls )l rogl'nm was ' presented by lhe studentR of .--------~---------------------------------~--~ ·the Maf!81e TOWTls hlp scbool Wed· Ileeday. evenin g, III the high acbool auditorium. The r a S l IlIclllrlllg members oC nil lhe classes, BPO j)ear('d under lite dlt'ection or Mrs. Averill Glead!lli. _\fl'. and 1\11'/1. H I'ben DoslAll' \\,sl'e ~ hrlstmRII gil sts or their son au,] HORIZONTAL 50 South Arner-' l\aughter-ln·IM\", M\'. lind lIfrs. CIItford Doster ' and {umlly. of $prl)lg· field. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. EaI'1 Brinegar alld ·Iamf1y. or Hamilton, were week .end 'h ouse guest, of Mr. Brlnegar's '2 Continent 3:i Anelent Euro. parents. M.... and )frs. 1. K .B.r lnp· 1'1 Prophet pean country ' .
. Offlclals of tJlle Untted States pubUe hulth service say federal studlea have prodlliced sOLislactory ' evl· dence that a~lnual vaccJ nation 01 doC' is an ef!c~ctl ve ' mean. at controlllna I'abiea In lanimals and ' bu. man beln,•. Owners who are unable to keep their pets In strict confinement dW'lna rabies outbre aks and for a period of sIx months afterward are advised ·to proteI! them by vaccination. The health service ' recommends that vaceinailon be used In con· junction with licenlin,. Quarran· tine,. and elimln.tIon of stray and ownerl,.. petll in aU localities troubled with rabie.. .
In north.rn New York, I. the third largest Iron ore field 111 the United states. the New YOFk at.te department of commerce' reports. Owing to the natlon's waning Iron deposits In mld·conlln·e nt New York's ' buge hlgh·trade · I;on ore reserv.. In lind ncar the Adiron. dack mounlajns has assumed ImPortant pOSition In the m in in, ' Intlustry.
Stored Carrotl After 30 weeks of Itora,e, nine va rieties, of carrots contained more carotene, the basic materIal of vita. min A, th an they contained betore {he stor.ng!' P(,I'lod started, a recent' gOv rnmenl study. shawed:
A. Earnhart. Supt. WOl'llhJp ·S enlce. 10:10 A.M. Evenlnl Seme.. ''1:80 P.M. ·
Let this' Sunday a.nd every SIIIIdny find you .1n some churcll the church of your ch~ice.
PRAISES FARM FAMILIES speclallsls) would be at a stand· FOR 'S'AFE'rV WORK st 111," Stuckey. IIIlYs.
Congratulations on an effective aqoldent prevention program nre extended Ohio farm people a.ud their organlnatlons by W. E . Stuckey. extension ' farm safety specialist at Ohio State UnlveJ"8lty. "All ,ot credit for a sUb8tan~ tlal decrease In accidents ' during the past'tour years ' should be given these organllaUons and 'tbelr memo hers, W11h()U~ 100 percent cooperatlo~ ot tllese groups, (aalely
Reducing · acoldents
Is I\. tas:t Tho safety specinllst believes any past Sli t:· cess Is "just a stimUlus 10 grent r nctlon <during the 'c omlng yeal'."· Getting the coming year oft to a good st.a rt Is the proclamation by Governor Frnnk J. LauBche which makes January Farm and Homo Salety Moblllzzation Month . .. lire n.~~l nnd Sa.ve .n 'rot" is tbo s lo· gan beIng emphasized. just started, bowever,
By Georg.!
. Jick'er~s
2'7 Sinew 28 Heart heat. 2trlle of Wight t.-t::--l--I--I~4r::..Ii.4-4-~--Io.
SO Morlndln dye m-+-~l 31 Withered old wnman ~~~~~~-}--4 ~,j 34Prlcea . 38 Turned leC! 39 Country In Africa 40 Individuals ' 41 Blood (suftlx)I.-;;:-_!_-J..--l_-k..~!-ii;;;;;w:;;:;;~;;;r~ 45 Creat Lake "
25 MONnl GU~ -
47 Louiliona native of
(1 \
(l1e1llllD, ... Clea..r
It lonl thread. are tlahtly bound around the cylinder and cau,bt in the bl'Ulhea of .the vacuum ' cl.aner, clip them In several place. and the thort piecel can be puned out ea.l· I,. An accumulation ot threads wllJ caule an Increase In the eUJ;J'ent necessary to ~un the motor.
Add Water Once A Year
~-I--I~-{...... ~~'-~-I-~I--f.~-'"
46 Peculiar
~f\ Nr,tiv~ l ' ~,
Coff.e. hal made JtI way tnto' folk bebavior, . .In the Anuuel, brld.1 CIII'I7 coftee blo..om. tnlte,d 'of oraqe · laJoIIODlI. At . . time • Turldah de could dJvorca her hu.· band It he' did not Jee.p ' her a4equately npplJed with "~e Jovable
. ..
"Are ¥ou Sure Your· Razor Is;,'t in th~ Medicine Cabinet~"
Ilrr.r. NBI till ,,'
.' .
0 ,
, . \'eYRbn rg-.
Rockr Road
For there IS a New . .Yeai" IJpon.' us,
bright and unspoiled. it remain so for you.
Waynesville ' National' Bank -. , WAYNE.SV...LE,
~HIO if.
laDlarl raDlral IOIDI, 1 JAMES E~ McCLURE :.
- - - ." ' 0
~~~'-'''''''''f ~fl''''''''''tta1.-.
I::b", JeJge- l_'W_ar_re_n_'_Co_u_n.;....ty_C_ou_rt_"_e_w_s---..;] t
A Farm Diary
Solomon y
.:... . • •
• nrc \'('rj' El o ~ry, tilt 111'1 News did nOL 1'('Rch tho -~_,-------'--.-:::--___~~ _ __ - I 'rh e CIIUl'ch· Ijl'esenteti Llle p.lStol' 1\'1 1'1', Fl'Il%ior IR on 11 m' Ghl'lkLIn "" IIlltl wife, Rev, nnd MI's. Berna rd \ 1It'1I111111, bm h(>I' COhl1ll1l wlli. hi' lJlLughlJ , II Illmp II ml st and , l\h:~. l'o"-lIIn o,1 IIIHIII hel' r t Ul'n . VM'noll Pursley "bi O I' ' coh'ed HllV' 01'111 JlI' sents (rom th e \'outh CllISS. The "oman's Sor lety, of L.ytle MRS. WALTER ' KENRICK CARD' OF THANKS Correspondent chili' h, will he entel'tnined nt tllo Our Hln:cel'e til t! 1\ k g al'o ex t nded MI'. Ilnd 1\11'8, Eldon Recker 11IIC: bome or Mrs; MIlY HI," t a next LO relatlvell lind rrl end s for tll ' ll' children or Northrldge-;- flll)' lon. \0 ednesduy. JunuD·I'Y 3 . at I : !lll. klndnesH, s ympathy and 10\lely rtoral !lnd Mr, 8ud Mrs. Robol'! Mon e The worship service III c/wl'ge of bOIlQuets I'ec I\'od dll)"1I1g the PII S' IfIld daughter, of W.aynes l'ill e Vis. ,Mrs, ''''lIbul' Fouills, the l,tl'ogrllm Bing of 0111' belov ed mother nnd Hed their parents, Mr, Illld .' Mrs, by Mrs. Charles MOI'gan , and a Wife. M rs, John Tl'eadwll Y, thl' ney, Bartlett Monce Satlll'di.y. 111 I'S. !lPC 'htl fentllr~ , Mrs. EO I'I Young. Jpltn WedgeWOD!l rOl' hi B 011 801lng Mance JR. stili ('onrlned' to hc l' b ed, Assl8L1ng the Itoslo!ls n l'/' : MrR. wOI'dll ' lind lilo SlIlblJH li'un e , u l from a. (aU mOI'e than H yen I' "1;0. Cn l vin Lollg ac l'o, . M 1'8. lIa l'l II Homc fol' lhe h' eWclont sOrVlceK. MI'. and Mrs. Erlle~t Cook, or' Bunll.1I and M,I'II: 1 0I1It"1 W/llkins . . John 'r'· ~'lI dwar. :'1 I'll. ueo. He n' Deur ·W aynesvllle. weI' Ilinne'I' 11 0 1'8 011 , 1\111';;, Mu e l.n I'll in. M I·S. guellta Ohrlstmas day of , lbe lilt. '. . .' " Anna GIlY AlIsdclIUlllne, '1\1 "a. ' Y'ldo tler's pm'eats, MI'. and MI'S, e lll Turnel', \\ 1I1111('e - II n d. RlI K~ ell Furnas, Sr. or Soclul Row Ro:ul. UIlcl~ , . . . Trend wily. . . . .... Mrs, Nettle Emrick s pent the : . bolldays with Mr. and Mrs. Leon SPEND CHRISTMAS WEEK Salfsbury and fainlly at Wll shington 0, H. . IN ST. PETERBURG, FLA. Mrs, Alice Trickey and 111~. and M.I·S. QIIl ~Y8 Frye' Is 8Jlondlng O hl'1 8tmu ~ week with her ?lIughtel' Mrs. Irvin Harris attend ed n. rumMl·S'. Arch Ie Klontz nnd rllmlly In 'l1y dinner Ohristmas DIIY lit t.he home ot Mr. and Mrs, Ray Mili el' S t: ]> t£'l'abul'g, Fla. and children lit Waynesville. Mr, and Mrs. Lestel' Kenrick NOTICE OF . SAL.E OF BONDS .. ame. BlIClbanaa were among tlte guests III It ' famEALF.D PROPOSAL w/ll ht'- Ily dinner Sunday evening nt he lam.a Buchanan Intended to rl' received II.t tho omoe of IIle TOWll· home of Mrs. Ruth Slwnge nt ~II' tIr. to private lit. atter hla aervlct IIhlll '(erk oC Wllyn 'rown ~hijl, lervllle. They accompnnl('11 :'Ir. 111 the lerlalature, The audden death of hi. fiancee tauaed him to Wnrl'eil County. In \\'1I ~ no~ vlll "t. alit! I\lr·". Orville l'nvlI g" I n 111 II' chance hi. plana, He continued In Ohio, 'IIn~i1 2 :00 o'clo k .Of n c. m· home I Greenville unt! s ll llnL active politics and in 18117 wa • II I' ao, 1060. tor tbe Pil l' 'hus or , Chrlstm::s dllY. • lect,d pr..ldent, Ilonels of slIid TOW1I Bhll.l, in th Mr, lind M,·s. 'l'lu~rle Jonas nnd trJ,O(/".~)o), Mr. and MI'S, Milton Jon ei\ nnd nggr<'8 ltte amOlll1t or Lariat BllIb. .. Uti II R~ClI Lho l ~ t day of U cember, daughter, Ji'ran(1es Arlene, WMe Lleht bulbs' were iO tr.~. up ' 1902, j~ nd beurlng in te res t at Lila !;;unday evening dlnnel' gllestR ot to 1913 that they were wrapped Geor,e Washin&1OD, our first Pre.l. I'Ilte 01 'rlll'e ( 37< ) PCI' cent , JI" I' Mr. and Mr~. Ellwlll Nutl. of Il eal' 10 cottOll and ahlpped 111 wooden delli. said: "Thrlfi maketl happy all~ynl , IIUY:\bI 8e'tnI'lInl~uIl1l)' . Ill' Centervllle. " ' hom.. aDil SODDd nations. InltlD It boxes slIspended on .plral bed l '"I,e il for the [lUI'. poile or. Con stn , 1\1 r , and M.I'!!. WlIlter Kenrkk a nd d"p." .prln.a. ill'g' lin UlleOlll\te building lor J nmes HaInes were nritollg the One of &he best wa)'s to put that hous in g lile e.Ql; l? m lit li t I he I guel>ta at a family dinner Iniat- advice ..to acUoa Is to enroU today Wa)' f1e Towl1 shlll 'll lre llep nl"tLU il L mas day' at Ule 1I0me of M r . and lor &he payroU Savings Plan for the anll u'~(le\' Il utbority Of tbe luws ot Mrs, Robert Haines anrt k~ n s In parcbase of U. 8. Sa'l(lnp Bonds. NOW, LE'r8 .u.L BUY U. 8. Si\ v' Ohlo . llull of tlte Unlfol'm 130nll Dayton. !NGS BONDS. u. S. T'_lIf'r Act or tlte General Code of O~ lo' l S~veral' ladies from here enjoyed oOl-lIO DEPARTMENT OF HiGHWAYS IIl1d by vlrlue o( u. vote or a 6 J't~ the. Christmas mCllllng anti dinner TRY GAZETIE CLASSIFJ r D5 DiViSION OF TRAFFIC ANO SAFETY l~njorlty of the elllotOl'lI of ~a lol or the Womnn's Soolety ll i' the 111:0 'Iowns hiJ. null unll.e l' and In nco Mllthodlst chm'oll at ~ !lr ! n l!;h ol'O. Call 2143 to place ' a CI ... lfled f d VaUatre cordon.ce wllh n ,·ol·tulll n ed ol~I' Thursday, Voltaire was lib. kin. ot coffe. tion of I,h e Board of Tow II , ill n "Irs. J' . D • •J'"uneR, ,'I', • J1 n. I 'f " I'S. ' dtlnkcrs. When he . was 80, it wa •. 'rruflleos of flni" To\\"nshlt' • . en· Willlllm Strouse lind '/laught er, 3ald, he drank 5(11 cups. day. t ItJell : H\lIlOll1t lou to IS5 111' Elondt; Mrs:' Leah Mills. MI'S, Palll ShiP. . :ltlel' SU'bmlss lun to 1::Ie 'Lonl, ley and doughter atte',dpd the w&P: ...... 4 AND UP passed on til 15th (lilY or ·No· Ohrlstmas party of ttl" !':1I!ltern vembor, ]950. stuI' at Wn ynsRvllle l IN' .. l!n 7 PLUS INSTALLATION Said bOllds nre or 'Lbe lIo:l()mint\· evening. . tlon anll mutllre, l'etipeclh,.. I)' 11 .1 Mr. Will ROBR III I\lo,,"Iy \mllrQv , follows : ' IlIg lit Miami Vulle}' HOR!l;t'll lind 1:1\ ,... ... WlTH c01')gressmen threatening 1_ _ r - _.,-_ __ll, Oncl Mo. l:ntll~'~'QI~~·O:~I)el. I , '91i" able to ' sit np' n. little ellt,;h clllY , • - - oJ ('I~ I UrOUlen, to Impose all sotts of price, GOOD SUPPLY - BUT HURRY 110nd • $] 00000 • ~ I Mrs, Ross and daughter, MillS Mar· year 1950 Ia DoW historY,' wage and rent controls, we hope No. 1; 'D' ••. . I I' -" jorle, ore staying nl tb e horn" of and all mankind stands 011 the they will fi nd time to lmpose a mu· tlIl·e e cemue l' , :I'" Mr. ROS8 r b1'0th el', M1'. MIIC k It OSR t h reshold of a new year ~t must little "self. conlli·ol." . _$ 000 00, ' 111111.1 ]\;0. :1 1, , , . _ and wjte In. Dayton. be dedicated to renewed dorts A colllldenUal Up: "the &ht..... mature Decemb r ) , J !) tl4 1 The C/lndJe Light. ' Chri s tmas en . . to restore to a war-troubled world Is a ' nuty lettelr from l'rnfdeut l lertalnment Ilt 14ytle Chi,rob W !. blessed peace, . lJond N~. t - $l,OOO.OO. Truman. . • .11 • In retrospect, 1951) was ,one of Illllture Dcr-embel' I. 19/i6 nesday evenfng was enjoyed by Ii lIom.l No. (;-:-$1.000.00, lorge crOWd. The beautiful .large the most Ilorious and, lrOnlcally, An Indian In mbowoods, N. D.• t' mature Decembel' I, 195 I Gbrls~as tree added to the ell- tragic years in the hlatory of the is repor~d to hlave chanBed his Bemd No. 6'-$1.000.00, . . world. FROM Seldom has reHgion claimed the lDature Dectlmber I , ] 9li1' tsertatlnmCelnt. Mr. Ther~h JOSnes, I a~ . an a. aus, gave e UUl n~ headlines as consistenUy as It dld nand Nil. 7- $1,000,00. ,School ('bildl'en a trent undn)' lasl year mnture DeCl1mb I' 1, ] .11i!! morning. Count1~ss hund.reds of thoUlBBnds flond No. ~-$J ,opo.OO, Mr, 'and Mrs. C,,)vln Lon ~U(; I't: ot p,lgrbns flocked', to Rome In ulllt.Ul'e December 1, 19[.9 entertlllne4 to 'l 'f.a mlly dhl11 pJ' celebration 01 the"Holy Year. SUnday evening tho followin g In Cleveland, !eaders of eight' I ,(JI1I1 'NQ, 9-$1,000.00; mature Decembur 1\ J 96.) Christian den om inations met to ,/ gneats: ~r. nnd ~rs_ v!r~n Lor~~- form the Natiollal Council of Bond No. Jo--$l,OO(),OO, mature December J, 1[16l acre o( J?nyton. MI . and MI S. 0 < \ ,d Churches of Ch rist in Amerh.!a, name from George orap Wolf to . A new Cathol i~ dogma was pro" An one d'esirin to do so IllllY Stratton lIt;td lilUe daUghter. ;\1". Geor«e Crow .Flies High. You'd , y t bll g bids for s uid and Mrs. Keith Lohgllcre, MI l'S claimed by the Pope Bl !d a mhn- get. tired of draggin. wolves tool pre~en II a d ( or I I ' h 'I ' Oarrol and Stephie Lqngacl'£'. bel' of inspil'ing religious books bon a !,se uJ)()n t Ie I , CUI ng U Mr, and Mrs, EVerett Kelll'lck and broke into pl'int alld recelved Lots of womeii are enjoying dltferent . ra.te of illtel'l'at thun . widespread acclaim. things they've wldtted for years. PHONE 2834 HARVEYSBURG~ OHIO " specified ' herein , IIhove , provided,. c~l\drc.n ~ntertalned 10 al. family But on the other side of Ule ('riley bought thE!1'D for their hus'. however,t hat where 'u (ractlonal Chrlstu\lIs 11Inner on ' SlHllhty . ledger. the invasion of Korea shat. bsnds at .Christmas.) Interest l'ate Is bid Buch frllction Those \vha. enjoyed tile dny weI': tered a war-weary world 's hopes 8h0.11 b'e"Qne'fluarler of I !'lor ~'cnr Mr. and MrS. Edward Hopkins. MI'. for a lastillJl peace oll .earth. And Boghdnd ,?cL ntista ar~ tryJng Ie: QI' multiples tbereot, and Mrs. Stanley Dalley. MI'. anti atrodties. as shockin~ as those ,,:is- find ,the mis<i ng lUnk between the ' Slitid b~n.ds will be sold to the Mrs. John. Hull and MI'. lIud Mrs. Ited upon the Jews In the slIckmg ' hlghest bidder at the t me snd David Hart~ock and· daughter. M I'. of Je.rusalem !~tt a wake of death tive to' till ti 1:e1d, The' link v···· proiJably t urn Olut to be' not·1 . . . . . . , place above mentioned at not less and Mrs. Artbur HopklnR IUlII anThdangry I ~ " f II' d ht . M and Mrs Glen Hope -g orlous upsurge 0 I'e glon more sUlrtl l r, ·. lh ~, n an olrt hoe. ~ than par lind accrued interest. aug er,~, 'r '~ ·. and the dark evil Or'1the. Commu. ----------~--~.' -------------------~--Bids may be made lipon Illl ql' klns and , Mr,.s" Mabel "elll'l. 1111 or nist aggl'essors c(lntrasted as vio- ~==~~.~~~--~--------any number of bonds of this 1.88 1.1 0. \ WaynesvUle. lently a$ the grandeur and ugliness All bids> must state Ihe numbcr Mr, Ilnd Mrs, Thol'le Jones ent.sr· In the Book of Revl:lation, of bonds bid (01' Ilnd ' the gross tAlned to a ~urkey dlnne r·" Chl·l!>t, The daily newspaper became a amount ot bid and nccrlletl interost I maa day. Mi'. and Mrs. Edwin Nlltt- factual occount of one of the most to dllto of ' delivery, and giand8OD. Garry Moran, or turbulent struggles between good bl" must be accompanied near Centerv1l1e Mr. and Mrs. J. and evil alnce 'Adam, and Eve. .. 8 . j • '. , . . On this the be,lnnln, of • New by a Certlf.led ' Check drawn II B. Jonea and Mr. and MI'II, Milton Year let take heart from lavor of tho Board of 'TO\\"D!lhlll Jones and daughter. 1950'; reUgloul renal"anc:e. Tru~tee8 .of Wayne 1'o.\\, n8b1 11, The Adult Clus o~ Lytle Sun· And let the horror of the blood. Warren Ce;lUnty; (,lhlo, III tbe sum day School presented the teacber, shed that might have been avoided • of . UOO.OO upon condition ~hat it Mrs. E. B. L.ongacre, with a fine in Korea ,lve new urlency to hil the bid 18 accepted, the bidder will sUver bread tray fol' Chrlatmas, prayers ' ~or pesce., . . and pay for Buch bouds as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
J,-, -,,~,~r:.:~~~_-c.
.. ..
Sam ' Says
. .
LIT BliFTS ~!..!!!!.J.!..!
-Glory and Trageciy Marked t he.Year
. ..
..... .. .. .
tlrstcllvo mll.,anllithe1!r'stprlm'~
may b, Iss\lod as a~oye set forth,
wltbln 30 days the award; enid Oertlfled Check to be retained by said Worne Town$hlp if 8ald condUon Is not foUlIIed, . The BOlLI'll ot Township TrOstees ,of' said Township reserves' the privilege to reject any and oil bids. No' ConditionaL Bids will be received. Tbe a.ppro,v lng opinion of Peck, Shaffer and Williams. bond at· tome),. ot Clncln~atl, Ohio, wni be fUrnJsUed to the succe"srul bid, der without COflt.. ' Bid. Ihould be Be~ed ond en· dOl'lled "BIDS FOR FIRE HOUSEl BONDS," Board ot Township Trustees of . WaJDe TOWDahlp, warren County, Ohio. MAYNARD P. wELTZ. C)utr, Board 01 ToWDSblp Tru.t. . or
WaJDe Towulalp,
W..... Po~ ilol,,-,1"18
COUDt¥, Olalo
I -
--.4 > . ------.-:0---------, . . Te:s.t· Y'ou. InteUl.-"'e"ce ~
- ......
II •
. Sc(;rc 10' poInts for each corl'~ answer ·i n the nrst six proLI 1. A murrain is which 01 the following: ~ :l.
~. 5. 8. 7.
-eye~ropper -sand dune . ---cattle dliellse -wind storm .santa Claus oriJlnated In: . . --EiYpt· -Germany -England -Holland The Secretary 9Cnel'al of the tTnJted Nations Is: . -Watren ~u.tln -Dr. TilaIlJ -5i1! Gladwin Jebb -TrylVe Lie In the first American Leque-National LeaJUe World Series, who -tid the Bostcm Red Sox pla)'? '. -PJrates - -PbIlU.. -Reds -Braves The Wille II\oM were Qrdered to ftad the new-born Christ Chlld by -Joseph --Solomon '- Herod -MOles . ~'Istl,etoe, which P'OWII on other trees, is cronsldered a: -vJpe -bWlh -shrub . -tr~ The names of four of Santa's reindeer beJin with the ,letter "1>." ~urselt 10 pC)lnts for each of the four reindeer you Can eo Identity, To refresh ~our ~Gr7, the names 01 Banta', remalftlns be1pera are llited at left, . Comet D-CupId D-BlIt2eft I Do--
S· .•, .p py. NEW
y, ' BAR
THUR DAY. DECEMBa:'R 28. 1950 ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a-~. .~___rl. ______ . ~.·~______'~
Call 214~ 10 plaoe a :: Iassille d I d ,\Ibel.t Ii , ~lubb!\, All. mlnlsJl'awl' I'll Hon lll WAR~EN I!IRADDOCK Non. "'fth th C' \\' \11 An'rop Soli, ~!lu.lin g. ,SlI nd, fl l'l" ,C'i , Il(} XtlU of tho Estate or ExcnVl\tlng Witil Un,'k 110<'. AIIUII K , Maddon, d·
WAYNESVILLE) OHIO Clol.d Tllelday & Wednelday 2!l DONALD O'CONt;"0R - In -
CURTAIN CAI.:.L ( Te('hnlcoI Ol')
Wn)'nellYiihi, Ub i" Phone: Wilyneaville '2191
" "'I' r e H"' ,;
n , ~ 07:!
et I III . I \M /inrl nll( k,
A PI'\.I·
In Illll'llllun . of ';il Ol'd l' ot t he b t •C' , C t
ro ne
f'\ arren
J;~ W: ~
I, nd
011 mho l'"
oun y, • damajCe.
N(). 73 and MaIn street, aU In the
J(lb ' s ( to I'll.
lUell 0 \' 0 1' 50 year s
14 1' O UOI[
,--- - - - - - -
--- - ...
r R
I~ '
by SllIltl\: 0 10118 w ho odelerl t il 1I1( flln ' and p)ea IIrl . A' t)essel·t ,:OUl' ~( wns served to tlho ,m(omllel'R of lhlr
Inb and
PImOe 2541 _
• • • 1 _1 • • • • • __
AD ' OrganlSJition.' lecolld to 11011..
A Loan Made Can Be Repaid From Faim Income . \
ARE t. O ' N G lOW RATE -, - 4% A F........ OWned ~o~tion
Strictly sellers on the llelt "aU- T E R M 5 nrountl market In Jhe oo~tr7. 8ERVICE
T , I n.v Igt"ce est ~II·
8Ar.8'FIE8 ,
For Dally Market Reporu: m,S.T, Dl&l
WHlO , Da~on. 12:50
. 'DC
, 1800;
WLW Clnc1nn&tl, lICO, Dlal ""-......--.-:;......--J 700. ,. , 1.,...Cohle dlsnBe. Z:-Holland. " , ' -'I ' 3-Trygve Lie. 4-Plrates, · 5NORRIS BROCK CQMPANV ' H el"Od, 6- Shrub. 7-Dixen, Don- II1II111 nn ' 11 11 I "I
. del', Dancer,
leLRIIv,. ...... , Nal,·onal , :Fann Loan ,
~llIIrullllll~lIIlIIijllll WE,LLlI,
Stale of Ohio, Warren Coo~ty ' Probate Court In purluanc:e of , aD Ot.r of the Probate Court ,of
televiSion, Fbr Instllnce, 'toey ask me the dIfTeF'( .tlce ~elween a 'k ine, scope and W -,livc" show, Ida ten ine some' tlrlfe and ~yoU: ll knowon Ii kinescbp~! (',m dead. 1 look like the ' ad~, that Say, ''Don't let this I}appen ~o ;you." In ~act: some
Sale oonducted by, S'l'ANLBY & KOO,G LER. ' Auotlonecl's. tb,,'veys·
burg, Wart'en County, Uhlo.
DON~ DILATUSH , Atwl'Ooy fo]' Plalntlft, LebaDon, 011 In, 'l'ubllsh 12-7-L4-2!l-28,
of my frierids thou ght I was a preview otrthe Fred Allen !lhow.
As tlie dog said to the leader of the fl ea circus, "I can't cany th", Bhow alone."
• By ,?'VlS'ON OF w,LDiTF~
w~ 'S,'tea m CI~an and Paint ALL' MAj(~ TRACTORS and · FARM , EQU!PMENT
Ohio, anc! being the premi'''I' 10. 0' Main atreett .nd bet,w een Croll Itreet W .... Ind ,_ hew, un-lIam.ed ttiorouughfare on the Ea.t,
c~ted on the North Iide'
i2·21-28 '
Ot;,lglnal coloI' dupUcilted wIth McDougall.Sutle,."..l·glo .. Hard
v lIIage of
,Pbne 448 H. STURM, See'y. Treat.
Being the .E ••• ,one half of Lot No. Forty-two ~~2), as the lime
ANSWER: (B). The • •el 01 a car' hu ,IIO~ do wllil .nttlnae. y...... ur. 1ft ...... ,rellable .tud.nI· .ntI·r....N lib z.r... l1li.... 70a tlri"••t billl altUud.. or In teaperattlrn be.ow SO '~ Fahrrihtlt or If 1ftr cal' haa. "hlJll-oDltaJna" Ihen.lllta" t ....... caua, I , . . ,nalaa.prleed . , prociact .IM u n l . . . . . .ed.
ter~s oC said 8ale lire' Cush, ' ~ElRT" H. STUnDS, Admlnls·
Warren Couftty, Ohio, I will offer for sale at ~lic AUclion ~n lbe 13th day of Jan~, 1961, at 2:00 o'clock '. . P. M., ON 1lfE PREMISES, .'the lollo)¥iq desdibed '.real . e!Jlat'e: .
on' t~. connecting OhIo .~te ' Highway ,No. 7S "lnd Maln 'Straet, ali In Ihe VIII .... of HarveYlburg, Warren County, Ohio. And ~el'nlt the •• m., preml... devl..d by John B. V.ndel'Yort, :.ur. vlvlng IpCHln of Ruth VlnderVort, decelled, to Anna K, Madd.n by Quit Clilm D~ ,ctated May 27, 1024, and recorded In D.ed , Record Volum' 112, af page 4$2,~ of the Deed Recordt of Warren County, Ohio. laid preml... have been duly and leg'a lly ap'prai.ed for the I~," of Two Thouland, Flv. ' Hundred ($2,500.00) Dollar', ' Ind mUlt b ••old for not Ie.. thin two-thlrdl (2.3) o~ the apprall.d ~alue, Ind the te""1 of uld .. Ie are Ca.h.
Deed . Reconl ,,"otllane' lJ ~ j III Illljl(~ 132, or ilte r' II Hccordil of" -
n illY
uiidir:ohiO J4i:i;;'$~ ~,,:
H'arveyebur,g, WaN'en
(l~ l'~
, ,
ia I.cno'w n and dellgniited on 'Uie' ~cord.d , plat of the
r -;---..-..,-...,...,
~NSW~: (8). WileD adcl~. to .D .ntl·I....N IOtado... ala tile 'antl.freeze wIth ....tn In tile. propo,rtlO1ll orl....111 nco. . . .ded• ,Sine. both ."U·frH.e .nd w.ter are at lD Uoat tIte .... proportion, tIter,e '. no Deed to add .atl·'...... 'uU .trenrth. " 'ou do. ,oa'r. oyer·proteetlnl-and W.ltln, ~
trawr De Bonis Non with th \\ III AlIDexed of 'tho Esta.te of Al1nt~ K. I ge~ a lot offaln 'maD frOJTl people )Iadden. docensect \\'IlYI1 '!wllle, who don 't kNow very m.uch abou t
The Land Bank 'a" • '
ot"thoSe mUsicians
the swamp
With the. "1" Taken QUi
Lt've Wire and' ProgN)nlv..
trouble geUina, Irene to go home the
as Ihey had. , IUln'! Chloe out 01
... "
W~ 2362 Lebaaon 43'
...... 2I"Il
I .... ..~
and Other 8nNIf) Btook R.mo~ Promptly CALL COLLECT
~E A1)J)EO
1'1'11 eOlltity, , '111110. a tax.i to Q rn~iie Hall "\;"ib n fl o:: , Said Ill'O,1 I 'es luiVe been dul)' ,, ~nps h S v , In Jth 0 a papel' Un ' nod degally Illlpl'Rised fo ,' Ille 8um fUld sneak ~ VCll' to this stud io or Two Thollsnnd. Fll'e Frllndred , i beal tb ./mg. "(Tood Night, ($2,600.00) Dollars, nnd must; be lrene( Is gOI~ strong, It . Bold for not less than two·thlrds lookS' like tHeyl're having as much (~) of the appraIsed vahu;. and
t10,,8Ea ....00
2 % Iioll's to a SLO IIC:
' I '~ .
t! gre 9 E. 6 110I !l~ 10lle lI lId' N. F., COJ'llfW 01 sttld LoL No, ~ !! : (bonce with thE' S. E. lJollndal'y of sllid l..o t , No, 42 s, 27'h ' (lngl'c,e s We8t 12 1,l) l e~ to th !Ito II and' place of be· jtinnln·c. ' And l e il1 ~ the same premIses. d~vlae(l ' by· John ·B. Vnndervol·t. £I1i1'villl!: itilOll 80 of 'Ruth VIIIl(lervort, dnC(\ ll-s~d; to AnnA $ , Mnd· den by; Quit _Clllim 'Q<>ed' dilled May 27, 1024. ' Ulllt l' ('o)'(ll'd Jo
show lI','e P1,etty high-to ny il: ; ' tl l v ~onday J)litht one- ~r tllcm tIl : !',.;
to.....,.. ~ ..,.... SIMI & Wire c.: ~
to I~
.. . . .' WLW 6130 AM, , hIiIII' . . . . . MI» ..'
(legre II
tlumcc S ,
LI.ten every ' Tu••day aajill Thursday morning ., • r.
Pumu. 00 all type. 01 C.. rIllS r~11 how Pucdcal Laod Vie helped , rhem lncr.ate 'heir iocom n al¥i improvetbeir fuml. The KeYlrooe SeHI It ~lre Company'l ....,.. . - _ bOoklet may bave moaey. aulD. sus.e.tioDS for YOIL Come ia and ' ift a copy-or ask to be ,adudftl ia tbe mallin, Ii.., ,
S,T 0 R E
" Wf.I£N ANTI-
'D0 1, FO 0 D
(B) ·FALSE '
age. VJlIngo of H arveysburg, Warrell e~~~~~~=~~=~~ lIll Y, ' xI'ellent OIIIl '> l'tllnll), County', Oblo, [lnd more pnt'UCIIlarWith 'Ilrow1l,lg 'olUpany IOf ated I)' described 1\1\ (0110\\'8, t()·wlt: DEAD STOCK MO'l' H . can 't IIwnd n~lU.O'" \,(111 011 th of D'ty.ton, Ohio, '11 11 MR. SUllated In tbe COHn t y of WllrOdorless, stnJnless , W)l;t.IA1\I S 'ol liect \\' Al l1ll t 21 ,j ,l . . HORSES $4,00 COWS U.M can though . I' n, s tllte of Oh\o"IlI\ <I III tbe Vtl. guaranteed f o ,r fi \" e yo a r s , ----..,. , ht ge of ITnl'yoys'\)UI'g, I~tid b(Htn l\ c r\ All Stock Removed l;)all1 'WAYNESVILJ,E F n N ITt R1': & IHld d eso l'lh d 118 fo lio\\' , LO· w lt: APPLJANC~, Large or Small - can Collect DeglllUlllg lit II Ilt,OIl1l at lite , I,'. (Contl nucd f rom Png-c ' )1\ ,;1 cornel' of Lot No. ~2 , nl!ll 1'llllllillA' IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION PAST xeniA 464 DUEl If It II _ won't you ple.se gu est al the hum t' of II I' )\ 011 , :,11', thence with Mllln ~ tl'eet N. 62 \~ dllgrees W. 3 polell to a at" n nn ,l XENIA FERTIUZU lend ut a check for $,2.00, . lloul Pllkln. • h nl'1 QI! . la dd"11 • E , OO1'n e l' 01' MillS Hel n' 'l'rim 1 unl! ~l l', Dlvlaion of Inland Producta, ' Inc. Fa'lI nk TI'lml?l, of F'ost'el'~ ~Ia l l d lot; UUlIll'O N, 2H j, II grc O'J!l ll:. (With ,the lIlle of !mId Chlll'l 5 • tbela' aunt ~la ~1'YI'Ue S ie vell!! on Mn(lden lot) D% (IOles to Il stoll e Sunday . even!n!;, alld N, E. COl'nel' of sllid ~'II.dllen ' ~ The Oent(\v..tll'l !lIn g 1'1\ t h", Ilfl i ,I lot ; thnnce wHit unotber lille of T I.ey'ce youi" Coc tbe a.kina~ Its annul1l \ 'llllt (n l ha \J ()m' , 0 _S_ON_G_BIR_D_--",J s lLld 1\I1\d<lel)'8 l ot N. 62'h ~ e greo3 cOpje. olrhi. iIIultUleci bookicl. 'r / Tiley te" how fumen aad rbeir 'l'uetldllY evel Inl!; ' auu tleli~htetl it \J ,,-, 3 pOles to n. stone a.nd S, E " lamru .. ue ,.wac more or mc or UI! ' with t!lelr muslcnl pro{li"Rm , bOllndary of ( ~ I'O S S street; thenl'e lhin,s Ihet ,..anr aad aeed, T bIs time th~y ''''el'e nccomranlt'l I"ilIl &lI lt! ('I' ~R , sl;reet N, 27 'h 1'1'
'fop Quality In Mea..
' ANSWER : (A). () Anli-frenl! iK "pt'rmanent:'-lhere's 'bound Co be sume losli ' frllP' leakllKe ur 4I \,('rnnw. No matter whit type It 1M. If anti-rrl!l!~t' i .. Il'fl in y •• ur car Ind"flnltrly--()r eVIlD durin, lhe eummer· -)luu·r.. lakinR D ri~k. It mn.lllf'(~"m .. rllntllminated and ClUBI' serious
ll\lh e
I' n n , j( nlll(·I, y .
~ E G' G ',\, (Tcchnlcolor) See ~he nose Bowl Gnme wllh 01110 Stille
'.leJ Ir~elril'
1 • • • __ ' • • _ . _
Fl'ulIl< IIl1lil ilt, n. , J(1I1 CClllllllblit ~ H I" ,'1.. . ' ",.
(' 11111' yem ' rOl' /I S U l lo FIve y ea\' J:,uflni nle , W i\ \,j\'I~ ~ , F'~nNI'l'nH;
• A \ . F.
6 1_
PIli Intirl', I'~,
la' U, (\11.
TOP moths III 11':;" (' O ~ I, UI~ H. LU I ' ~'OSI'
seeme<l so wonderful liS Ohio, l will oCtor for snle nt pub. I ,...----------,~-----"'l tbnt nigbt with her slttlllg FOR ALE - <lIleC(l <l illln~ room lIc aucUon on the ] SUI ,lay , of rloM b ~!; icl (' YOll In her IIl1lle. $26.00, ;\1H. : ItO.l1'r , I 1\ V! ~ , SINC£SA~ &.QWERS I ~ -!! Janual'Y, l!lIil, at 2:00 o'clook , , 2631. genh<1 itl ('nl \(', It IIH"mbt'I' '! Pbon' TMEm£Z.H&P. M" on tho premises, Lhe f<)l· Serene beauty and BANK RUN ' oG RAVEl. LO':i d .. ,I , lo,,-Ing descrlbcd ronl estute : rea tfu I dig nit y it Beillg Ule East one hnlf of rAt Dllvls FIII'IlIlS J'it, lit) <'(lilts . IT MA~S GOO1) , mark every service oublc YIli-tV -\\ e ah;o II li ve I'. ,\11.\1· No. Forty·t\\'O (~2) as the same 18 pla nned and con- ITAGE &. O'i\', Phol)c , 3tl!/I , the .. \ f Ir:nDwn and tl slgnatod ducted by our ataff. recorded pin t of ' the Village of 'Van'en County, DON'T puy Wbllte to' maills , LO P Harvey~burg. STUBBS, them wi ,t lt eElRlJO , 1'1I' p y e,ll' Ohio, and being UIS pl'emlses loFUNERAL 'HOME guarantee OdQrl esii mul ~lttl ll l 'N ", cated the North side' of Main , WAYNESVLLL1~ FnnNI 'I~ l1J1Jo. .'1: street, and between Cross streot ,ANSWER: (8). A 8a ll·~secl anU·freeze i, reported hJChl)' Injurious Phone 2201 on the West, and a new un- . by the National Bureau of 'Standards. h. can corrode "Ital plrta of ,\ PPLIA NeE: named thol'()ughfare on the East. your cooling sy.tem. ' and even ruin It c!omplet,I,. Th, Go"ernment banned Ihe 'sale of luth antl·frees" during the W.r. ' W A N'l'I~ n IGx IlCl'lolI ,' e 1 lilli' I cQnQectlng Ohio State Highway I ' ,
RernclI1brl' \\'hen yOI) took I-:','\'? I l "'1\;< yOIII' fi I'fi t blg d'Lle, ' 0 \\'ond el' YOII s p e llt IlIlIf Ih t" d 'IY I'I l'lInlllg ,nnll Il ol h<hill g lh ' b\l~gy, Lh ll WlI')! .11111 10 1' ,10 '!< l h e flllll ' Ill' l' III" loday ~ Although )'011 CO Ulll make It ,ill half :tn hOlll' no \\' , 110' tril' e ver
Wild Weet Frolic 'Alt1'OON
( olor) Open At 2 : 30 Oramlng Afl4J\' Fir~t Sttow
l)rng·llne alld nu II t1(JZ " I',
h e l' lO 10\\' 1\ 011
'lfINTEM'I6 Fl~S~
SiJhtlED ilY SfOIITSli1EH' .
Fln leh' Enamel; " Prlcea"Reaeo"abie. PICK·UP:and DELIVERY 8.ERVtCE C"U U. ,Tod ... ~or An Appo,ntment , '
• PHONE 555
Coorad ' N.rel, noted ltar of 8C!reenj radio and telev1a1on and .n . ou~iandlnr amateur eitel, adds the' expert touch to 'Ccl.bril,. Salad.' hi. verelon of "caun Sa ad." Napl', recipe for two .mlnp:· I Held .I,""" J GooIdltd, ~ IV. Cups lroulonl ,'t.n .nc~o.I" Ot
:' ~
Cup crisp bacon bib ,
I.e' _. eh_ P._"
Salt Ind Pepper In>onosodiii!D ,I..tamale) . lI~cJ.
Guile (opt;"".!)
, Chill lettuce. Coddle (soft IIoU) i:h'~'Vlel or ~ruahed bacon. S~k1. ~I for one ml,:,ute, then chili. well with Bait. pepper and Aa'OeIl" M.~e croutons by to~8tlng or deep Add '..1.1 ..... _ ~_I_" fat frylnw %-inch ,bread cubes. ' el'· A_ ~ ....nc~ - , Rub sarad bowl with ,arlie, ,then eheeae.: lIlx th,l"Ou~. On Break lettuce IntI) bite-sizod , servin.r, dust IIrht11 with Aa'cent, pi~ Add crout()nl. Add anIP'8ted pepper Ind ~ chee...
It.. I -
O&l"ld. ., Ce,
ABOUT FOLKS YOU KNOW VISIT IN LEBANON . Mrs. Leah MIIIII wall a Sunday afternoon guost ,of Mr .. Roy Sher· wO'od 10 Lebanon. WEEK END GUEST OF 'STUBBS Mllis Yvonno Slubhll IlIld . n8 hoI' week end guest ,Mlftil Gwen Mnck.eU of Bowling Greon University. FRANKLINITES HERE 'S'U,NDAY Mr. and Mrs. 'Ray Malnons hAd , lUI Sunday dinner guest!! ' Mr. anI' Mrs, Earl Kimberluill . (tf 1~l'Ilnlllln .
.... _-,
WEEK END GUEST ·IN DAYTON ,M,s. n. Rld~e WIIS u week eluf .' guest of Mr. lind Mra. Enrl Dn vls .. 1n Dayton.
FRII;ND8HIP CLUB TO MEET . ,\;he Fl'lendshlp Clllb will meet on WNl ll<'9(lay nftt,rnoon" MarCh 1<1. nl tho 1\1 .t hodlst hUI·oh. SOLDIERS' VI81T HOMES, Pvt, OIolln Smith IlIld Pvt, nob· crt Cam(lbllll. or ForL Knox, Ken· ttlclly, "IKlted lhell' hompt! hl're on Suntla)' {or a 'tew holil·s. . VISITS' BROTHER FRIDAY Mrll. N. D. Bmith , 0 Sllrill c Valley. wall the gll elll of hN' brothel' and ·sIBtet·· ln·lnw MI:. IlIlI.1 !\IrB. Earl Evans 011 Friday. WOMAN'S AUX, TO MEET The Woman'B Auxiliary ot tbe St. Maryl cbul'ch wlll ·mf'et on Fri· day with a covered dlllh lun ,\1 In the Parish HOllse. .
SerVing Wayn$ville Since 1850 WAYNESVIU .E. 01-110 . ,THURSDAY, MARCH il, 1C) ~ 1 • .
• I
Til l! IrJl'UI Pl'Ilft 110111'11 No, 122. located at Lebanon. has announced t hil t. :;T Ill ell buve b.-eu (l 1'Cl\,red to report tor armed forces physi<!al Is ' un ai u l llo ll Oil Tll eK du~' . 1I1 nl'l'h l10, and tbat 33 regIstrants have been ol'l1 cI'(o<1 Lo ""port 1'01' Indlll:tJon on Wedn.eBday. Marcb 21. Locnl Tlolll'd No, 122 announces fhut the followlll l; roglytrun b bave bcrn . ordered to I'ellolt (or Armed . F01'ces PhY/llcal Exanilnatlon on Maroh 20. 1961 : Waynesvtll_Errol Haines, Robert For ward. Wm. Schoonover. Chlls·. laal\ca. RIIIl!l WIClI I and V1n· cont 'l.Vtlklll'kOIl. J.ebanon.-J'ames Dishop. Arthur McGee: Richard Davis. E I III e r Number of Guests Enterh,ined Smith, nml Fred Kibbey. Jr. With Dinner and Showing Franklin H~rrison M Nally, c',f Film "Enterprise" Onrl Thompson, Cordel Donathan. W'~r,'ell Hufr. Ganett Dnlton. 'F"I'd D,.ltoll. Jr.. Luthel Lamnl', The, Wll y neS vlll e J(ol;lry C hilo Wm, MIIIII(:bat. ThomaR DePf\w. ' had quite a. ' number p[ guests III MOI'j'ow- V'lrgll Cocl{ol·hnm. and their Tuesday night meeting at th l Bugon" lIn~Rard , . Fa r HJlls Party House where the .. ·11II·l'I!vi11e - John ~otUolllyre. partook of a delicious chlcke:, {)(lnn"l Prler8. dinner • 1..0 eland - Wallel' \\ .... 11 ... Ro, The following were present 8 ' Wolt. gueltll: 1\1 awn:":"'By rOil !'.tc Illng. '( 'hllr les James E. JoneB. Lawrence Cool C o ~· . lind A'Jvln 1': rhrCl k. Lester H. Oordon. Ross H. Har, CO:l.znd:ll - Eugene l.ful'ller. sock. Cui A. Pitstick, 1.. D. llakel I-'olltl'r - - Floyd ~nld " r. 1.loycl Tom Norris. RAlph HILBungS. Fre, . Sullllll'. Grauman. Walter Sheehan. R: J . SOlllli I. ~ bnnon -' Howllnl Speno Ohapman. Carleton Sherwood, Lee ('C/' , lI('rhol'l Tlrynnt. ' S. Conn.er. of Waynesville; C. B Harold 1\1 c- 'Cotllnll. RldgeYiUe; A. L. WUde PIC'llIHlDl Phdn t..nllJ!hlin. , R. D. Hunt &lid IOn, of tile Hunt Qregonla--Garlrt lui 1I10l"II"Y, Palll Wilde CorporaUon, manufacturel'l! Knl!:'1 . of Plaltlo Productll. (~ After the d'l nner all adjourned Thl" following r~glstl'llnt il have to the St. M~I Part)' House 'H!ell ol'de" o,1 to report · fOl' Indll . 'I'be re Ken Retnlllc.k IIhOWE'd a ti ron on MArch 21. 1961 : Qrndorf. sound 111m wblch depicted how s ",luYIl(,6vllle John .JackRon. sml1.1! rnc tol'Y could a.ffe~ t tha rI' Charles Hayden . Wm. nanl-llli cQndiUon ~ 'and gene"al 1\1111'10n Shutts. wotrnre of a small town. Leballon - Fred Miller . 'W e ndpll lemollt, Lmano Fhdlor, .Jl' .. P tLul _ ••••••••••••••# • • •# • • • • # • •# . . . IltoU" 0"11 Nixon, Rudy Hnd, m'l n, Franklln-Joleph Jobn"on, Wm. l:un; graf. Frederick Crel\,;e l'. PI,ul Once again, we must call to 'your nuckleS. ·Wllburn FergusolJ. Emnll'- attention the flct that we MUST uel JohllllOlI, VerDon lAunb, Eldon hl"e all COpy fO'r reading mltter Matthew... ,{a~ .. Collin".'. Ell'1-]. ae ~1I n lid,;ertis~ments' ITt this Lanlldale. ' " ,office 'BY 5:00 P. M. TUESDAY. ~lon~w-Dl1vtd Armstrong, Don, COPY RECEIVED ON WEON.ES, aIel Schleebauf, Harold Garrison. DAY WIL~ BE REFUSED FOR MUllou- Ralph La.ndmeler. Oha8. PUBLICATION THAT WEEK. Oatley. 'We MUST do this ' ln order to l\f1a.m.1sbllrg-Wllbut Beckett: get' your paper in th.email on HarveYlburc - 'Harry FergulOn, Thursday. when it is supposed to Jr•• Kenneth WlltlOn. be published. -THE EDITO~. OrepDIa~harle& Cooper. Foet8J'-lames Kotte, BlaDcbelt........Vlnc.tlnt GregorY. Sprln'borO--CJyde Cbarlton. GIRL SCOUTS TO KiUp M~I-Donald Burne. , WORSHip SUNDAY
"lhdlcIIUOU8 I\re lhat tile largest I r hanges brough t nboul III, th e Int · group ot member producers In th e ter half of the year by Ihl' KOl'e1l 1l hl"tory or thl! organlzatlou will at'j War. tand the 26tb consecutJve annual 'rile second lI J)enkel' on the PI'O' meetng ot tbe Miami Valley Mill. gram w111 be MI·S. J . I.Alllllg Ta ylol'. Producers Assoclntion. on Friday, Educational Dlrel\tol' of th Nn' March II." predicted Leslie C. MalII' . tlonsl Milk ProducC I'A ,. ed, 'I'alinn general manager ot tbe ASllociaUoll ot Wasblngton, D. C, ' tOOay. 1'111'11 . 'rarlol'. I hO He home Is In Mr. I\{I1IIP. who has be('n mun· New York state.' wl\1 discuss wilh &8'er Of the local Association Billl' O ,the members "The v.r~sbhlAton SIt.. 111.5. 18 In cbarge of tbe Prolll'UUI uattoD As r Vi ew It," III addlUon and genetnl arrangements , ~e an· to her work Ill! Edurnt loll il l 'Oi"(!l' nOllnced 'tbat tbe program for th· 1tor ot · Women's AcUvlUcs for Ih e 1951 membership meeting will fell' Natlona.I, Milk Produ cers Fedel'ation. ture top talellt thro,u ghout. ahe bas been. slucl) ]942 , I.egls la, ~ ' , One or the outs tllndlng f~lI'm tlve Assistant to Charles \ , Hoi· leaders of the nation ~'1Il speak 011 man. Secl'otary of the F'edeI'Il.Llnn. MEADOWS Speaker tbe afternoon poog,'am. He III ,,~ . The Uilrd 8p<'lIker will be FIlY' ~ J. Rrrer. mllnnger ~f lhe Mld,Wes t I.e Meadow a, well,known Dayton Product>rs' Creamerlell. Inc.; Soulb m'lnlster and bMlluet sl,el1ker , Dend, Indlaua. Tblll regional co' whose sllf)ject will .h e " Ler ll 1.lve." operative wbleh . represents memo . MUlllcal eute rt.ainment will be bel' crllamerlea In a five-slate area, provided by Hetty Stump, 110[lulal' Including Ohio, lodlana. Mlchlgall. Dayton vocalist and star of the As, Tenneasee and IIlIn.ola. lIoclaUon's regulur tl· ll:lvlsl on pro Mr. Ryger. "bOle lubJect tor the gram. "Since rely YOUI'!!," t..lln~ · h ef·'l1 Marcia 11th meetiDe "111 'be "Mar· mu sic will be fJrovldeil by l he ]JII' ketln~ Problema in. 1961" reported Campbell .Instrumental (llIal·Let. a ·fe ... 4&)" a,o t ..at the total butler Sl,eclal radio fl1l\tu l'es llfe beln:! produ.ctlon. for tbe member cream, j planned by ellch or th e ,I.h l'Ii!e IJIlY' OTlee hll repr~entl approximates Iton r/l.dllo stations, \\ lNG, WON Ii: Z5 mllliou pound. annually. Ht, and WHIO, P,'ealdlng llt I he bll 8 ln e~K seH' 8ald. "DuTlng the flleal yea,- of t960. do\1ar salee oC lu'oduct8 hnn .. slon which will Immedial Iy follo\l died by Mill·Welt for ita memben the luncheon will be John W. Col· was neal'l; $ wblCh In- IIns. R. o. Xenln. a d lI'e<'t<ll' of lh ~ volved a volume of , pro!lucta eon· Miami Vall ey Milk J' I'(ldll\'ers As liderably grenter than In former loclation for Lwenty y"' II'~ and yeai'll," president since 1~H 5, Mr. Kyger also said tbat "ConThe annual report to lIie lII em· 8W11pUon or da\[y products 1m· berl o~ AS800lation a ffairs for tile prove4 ' materially In tbe rlnal po.at year will be gIven by Mr, IoAI".1I11II TAVLOIl mC)nths of 19:0." He e .\pla;l!oo tblll Map",. the manager.. , <His subject ". Educltlonal ~rector N.M,~.F. \Vall due lugely to the economic I will be "Appral8lng Ourselves."
A nll~l' l ('nn n ell CI'OSR I·PR pnn!llbll· Ity In dlRns le,' I'olll:'r i s to Rssls! ramlll()fI nnd Indh·itlu nls In meet, Ing dlsas t"I' cti usec i I\ ~e d s t hoy call not meet by themseh'es. Will" "en 'ounty n ed Cross Dlans'tlll' ommllt ee has pl nyr d a large PaJ't In the IIlls t fe ll' yea rs. Ill18ls tlngwith (\oo(ls alld fires, Numbl1rs of I)ill'son . ~w e l'~ R'I ve il food.. shelte1'. clot,hln!\', medi cal cnre ami ~tl1 e l' hUKk necessities . of life. Ne\·",· lJ Co re 11\ th e hl stnl'Y of tbl s 'ounty haN It hee n neCOS8111'Y fOI' /lit (,' i t i ze ll ~ I n t hink Ami ad for 0\11' l'o:u tlonlil Wi.\ lfal·e. YOlll' \V.ll'l'e n ollnt)' <J ivlllllll I)pl'('II"(\ ,vIII pin y an Imllortunt 1'01 , ; 111 f' omml1n!ty \trlfle r!<t:indlnJl' IInel c·ool.erlll.ioll, Corwin NlxoU. ' nl,,· aSI I' f:llnlrrn l\n , lI ~ k " roul' h '11l I'iir the R~d 1'0/1:1 lind ' 1" lIll\n PeCe lll'o ofl'k ... l.. nR Ul"y 1II' I' I'OIl(;h. togelh er lhe 1II II IInllll: nl:'ce"s'\l'y to 11111,,110 dislI!< tnl·s .
Wbnt woulll you do It you knew The Gnrden Cluh beld theh' first ---' l~t )uU " ere goln~ to mnke a MAXWELL AF BASE. ALA .. ~eellng alnc I~ ~\'Intel' ~a('aUon. 4t . Mrs. Frf\~ Jlrad4kiillk f\'141nell her trill .Into 'Dayton or Clncl!,natl for !\larch 8.-I,.t. CGI. Joseph, M . Sl1k,~ t,b e ~Iollle or ~Ir M. lAna Harll\ock , 10~ on~' ed(\e~y ul'ternoon 1.1) the lut Ume before the IIlId or o( WaYlleBvllle, ,Is presently 'o:t OU :J hlll'lId;JY af.l e rnoon , with.. MI'~. , \; rOll fl 01 Indies" the pea?e !tnd Jour life? . \\ e wonder don't we? dut,. here altendlng the I'"gular. R. H , Hurtllnc k Ht! a gUeBt. Mr.!. ServiCe group r~n the I· I'lendM Yet there wllre iIOme detlnlte course It was announced today by Atha Fllrnas. l)re,;hlellt. cond~ Q~l' d GU!8TS OF PARENTS church. Dllrlnc tb" afternoo!lp1anl th1D.r;. tb~ Jelul clld , whea He Colonel Leslie G, lIhllzer, l\i8JCWell tbe meeting wllh MI·s. Oram 'houl' Mr, Maynard IUch and son8 1~ '! l'e (1l IlCBI)OO Cor helping l.ewla went, to J~l:WIalelll for the last commanda~t" , . . . as , r ' portin g lIe(' l'etB''Y and _~ri<. " Plttllburgh. Pa.. were guests I.Tt' I'. m"'~tll~~ uJoJlQn . ~Ith. bile 'l'ltit"~~4!f'e' wolltferral Thlnp CQloQl ~~ Hrnrn> Collnel "'" Iet\)JtHn,r tbelr parenta. lilr. and ....... J. vacation Bible SQha.>11I in lbut cound' f th t i d to M- a.ry ~~pnl Sthllk at IngomTar. Pa. t~ry Roll ,,," "' !I S IIn ij l\'ered on H e serv.... n 0 European healre. , . k 1111 ' Jlone 0 em per a ne . . t I·Y. S ew Ing f or I IIe ~rouplI Rich during the past wflek .end , "Vor His own Batet,. or concern but for durlug World War II and lust 'Blrds 'lll YCIII' Yard ." Mrs. Lola No wonder we' worsblll served at Wright AFD , 0 hlo. Bel'rr r ead a I> np" r .on "F. D. , IJ' also was done nnd the meethl, for uthel'll. RETURN8, FROM 'DAYTO~ the twpnty-elghth ot M.llrch Wall arand call Him ' Ma~ter. Tbe regular course 18 or thl'ee ot your gllrden. and M I'll. Glenn ranged to bit beld at the home or We IDvite yOU ' to attend the and one-halt montbs' dlll'lll iOIl , 11) 101 ~\Ie}"ll1der talked 011 "New Flowers , MI'II. BerUe MUla hos retu~nod Mrs . .~taymolld ,BI'Il(~~OI·k .' . •. Methodist Cburcb next, Sunday Is .otfllr.ed by the Air Oomlll l~ncl .llntJ of 19!>1." Artel'. a v"I'y pleasent Hlld atter lpendlng aeveral days In DayRolI~lIhm ents of tQu anrl cook In.. I If ' h th t", Starr School three time elt . h ~ u t. In leresUnl(' a fte rlioon the club ad, , ton wh,re abe attended the funeral wel'e ' served by thE' hosteHH . ,morn nc you ave no 0 er e.. It!! mlllsion is toprovld selecterl services for Dr. MarcUa, .ular rhl1reh home when we IIhall ottCQrs with. an errecLlI~e Ilild 1'1'41' jom'ned fOI' th e socl.al hOllr dlll'lug ------hear what Jt>HUH did on thl'll lallt gre881ve aDDI'oarh' to cOlUmand anti. wblch the hosteHs I:InI'ved delldoul! 8UNDAY £VE DINNER GUE8T8 LOCAL BOY PLEDGED 'tTlp to the clt.y. I.et ue. all we alaff ,dull!!!! wllh All' Force group¥ cake IIpd, coffee, Mr. aDd Mra. Glenn Borden had TO FRATERNITY near tbe wonder{\l1 Ea!\\.er day. a;n:;;;d;;:;;;;\\::'I;:n~g::B.;::;;::::;;;::;::::;:;;;::;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;=;;;::;;;:;;;;::::;;:::=====~ al Sunday ·.ev~Dlng dllmer gueals. . promlBe God tbat we will be l 1II01'1! devoted to .Hls ('ause and , live Mr. IUld Mrs. Wanen &I'4en and A local boy WIl!> In the morc closely to the teac.bln«a or daughter. or Miamisburg. KOREAN MISSIONARY frnt.ernlty pledges al the Ohio Stato HIB Son. and that we will demon. ' The GiI'l Scouts will nttend the University a Ci;ordlllg to a recen', strate our loyalty by atlend~n~ th'! By C £ D RIC A" S T A'N L £ ' Y . ' ·O. ~. S. TO MEET WIU. SPEAK MARCH 15 Metho~lst Church .thls 'SundRY In announcement by 'the Doan of M('ll House, of Worlhlp eBrh week . Slate Repre.entat!-vc, Warren COllnty Miami Chapter 107 O. E. S . will , - ,, . . III Josepb A. Park. . , Q, body and du'r lng t1~e worship W Dwight W. Mlcbener. ,R. R o' 2. , meet In r~lar soaslon on ·Monday, Next ,Tbursday, "'ve their Scout, Oath II,nd ' Lnw, Wayn;"sville, Alpha O·amma. Bl"ma. F,ERRY OIURCH .. l\Ianlli 1.2 at 'S' II. m , Plllns .tor the , . March 16 Estbert ... ~., Two headlines lilt , tbe "npel's tax,pa.yer by Federal taxation and wtll ' also ausist. wltb thfl ush', Alao one student trom WUmln ., ...· HOLDIN'" MEET lute Thursday whlcb domlnnte ' .. Ute· e:<pendltul''1 definitely Imllerils ann.ual IDlpecUon to be held on· LaIrd. mlsllOnary ' to ~orea. JUB "'hey • ." U le~sla.tlv e news of th~ IV ek . In stale sources of revenue. T.hi" I~ retlll'Ded. wllJ ..peak at the Metb' erlng, Scout jea(Iers nl'e MfR. Ell, ton. Herman G-. Qartll1 r lgbt. ...32 W. , April ' 'I will be dllIeullled. o4Iat W. S. O. 8. mllltlna at the wood Kllworth and M 1'8, hal'l Main street. WaR pledged to Phi An EvaDgeUltic meeting now In one. ' 'Jll'Uman requBilted an add ed , baslcally .the root or stllte flnanclnl Gamma Delta'. pror;reu at the Ferry Church of $1.464.00() for detenu!.' - th e sec· probl~lI: In comparison with th o RQBT., HUNTER ON DEAN'. LIlT ChUl'Cb at 1:00 p. m. You w,11\ "'oolard. , " Ohrtlt will continue thtough Mal'~h ond was th budget ,'requ oll t of UO\'. (unds going to Waahlngton, th tl Mr. and MI'I. Willis Hunter haV& want to be there tl> hear her. A'l80 the ani ~e harmony 'band under OP N EAT '. , MRS. ARLEY . B. A:LLEN It8th. 8ervlc;es bec\n "each evening IAusche presented' to the joillt Oblo money passing through ' th e boen ' notified that their sOn. Mr. the direction of MISIi Virginia ST A D - 'M ' A'I BAli' 15 dl d Fri'lat 7 ~30 el,cept Sa~urdIlY; Harvey sesB-l on or Hou.se and Sen at . Th ~ state u'easllry become~ ~ (l ltt lmM, Robert Hunter, tI.If~D wall on. the Hardin ,,111 play, The women will CHANGES !:lANDS ! fl. I cy '.. en", e . Bre,am. Jr., minister of the MOlll· \laUnr. once again set a j. cord for I Olllnl;' that, Inc"OaHel! In 11.1' " "Dean'l 'Ult" at the , UniversIty of day In tbe bome of ·a da~ghtel , 'ome..... Road ChW'ch of Chrtst. CIII- budget estimates for , tile 6tate US praised va.Jue ,of real estate \\'011141 meet at 12:00 .o'olock for a ('o\', M ·1 St b (H I l ' # Ohio.' II . tbe Evangelist. ' 0<. Clnclnnat,i lor the , patit !lemelter. . . r8. "ar.y ep. ert~. 0 am no. t CI~t1. a toal or , $7~9.LH , 319 W ~ 8'; re' benefl t 'Ioeal governnHl ntl~1 1111-1' ereel, dllh dinner" ., The Stop and Eat Rcst.nul'llot. ufter (\ thl'ee.w~ek U\nl)~lI. . . You are cordlall), Invited to bellI' quested fo t: expendltlll'\, from gen- the Q6vernor l'ecolllme~4'ed a .ro· SPENDI 8~'NDAY ,S ISTERS whiCh has' been' Ollerntild by MI'. Services we,reb:eld at 2 p; m . Ithe co~plet& ~ape" preached. and leral reveoue, ' . . , du,c tlon of .slx ~1.1!IOn In , . str~ f" and Mrs: Wm. Sh~pard. of Dayton,- , Mond~y at lhe McClure, Funeral enjo,. ,&b6clalnc\nc under the lead, Th? cnrret;lt reQ.ue$t rel)relilfnu< , funds for- . thls ~oulI.e. l!lC. l ~nB l'll Mra. lIar&;' Satterthwaite aepnt. WSCS TO MEET " ha ' b n I ' d b M d Mr8 Home wllh burial In Miami cenl.~.tlIiIP o.f PaUl ·Dunn. !D ln j8ter 0.' an Incre8.8t:! of $64.1 87,OOO , ~)V e " l! lm' w~nt..!~rgely 1.0 srhools , I\hole Ill: Sunday !liternoon with ber listers.• THURS., MAROI 1 - 8 ee easc y r. ,nil ~ . -r the Eut Darton Oburch of Chrl8t. ' llar expenditul'es I\lIthol'lzed by tIl creased enrollment o.utomnth-nll) · Mra. Marpre.L ~ BQ8chler of Mid, , , ,. Elmer Jones. . ' etery. Attendlnr' tbl. meetln'g will be last legislature. Two yeal'Y 0. ,,0 , require additional B tI~te fllnd y 1111 ' dletoWD culd Mrs. Roy Thlrspach, Th~y plan to operate the ellilng the moat Important action of you I' total appropriations, in l.'l\!<\illg ' ap ' der the Scbool " FOllndaU~n PI'O· The Woman'. Society of Chris· place the saml! IlS before. ser\'ing MR'S~ GEt:>. BURNS ' ILL lite .!:- If rou bear the gOMllel and propTlations for additions IlDd bel, gram. and alldltllll1 nl fund s will b (. · or Franklin. tlaD Service will meet on Thursday. lunohes. 8OUPS, s nndwlcheR, Ice Mrs George Duna8 wall taken fo ,o bey the Chrl8t. . ' Iterments, hl~hwaS'8, lUI \\'el\ ar; ' required to meet the minlm\~m pay March 16.WUb a covei'ed dllh diu· c1't\8Dl. etQ. D Hardinger Spr'lng Valley' Wed. ' . 'g~neral. measures , ran In e:.: c~s,~ of bill C08t In tbe e.vent It pas s!>:> lho CALLED TO Df(VTON ner at 12 :30' p. m. The afternoon . r.. " T " olle billion to,' lhe rir6t'time In the' , house.; likewise b "lle rl~e(l by III, . Mr_ and Mrs. , J , p, ~romn. were' Ptosram will ' open at t,wo o'clock; noaday mo.rnlng by' Stl1bbs Funeral W. C: T. ~. TO, M-EE Ihilltory of ' Ohlo 'PreseJlt liudget creases will be the ~\'e: r~l'(' n f" Home nmbulance. The W . C. T. U. meetlnlt wl~I , b" !l'equests. If they be Il pulLern for partment. In this I~tt I' l' e ~ :tI'd called to. Darton d~rlng ~he past when Eather Laird. who Just re- WIll. HOLD GOOD held at tbe home of Mrs . E1 ~ le , additional meal!ures yet to "ome ' tho budget "'ould III'ovili e NU rf! · week on account of the , drath of turned from , mlulonary work In . 'FRIDAY SERVICES ~ocltett .Frlda7 afternoon at 2: 00 Will 'again reach ' lIew recQI'1i [11'0': clent funds to meet n hl4'I'OIl14" ' the former', ' brothllr·ln-law. Mr. Korea. wlll' 'be the !Ileat speaker, 0 clock. . ' portions ' old age penslon,s, Bills now In , John, F, Dup~.. and attended the Special muelc ' wlll be given ,b y the rl.. . .. ~ Evel'J' member III urged to be In presenting hiB bud~et. the the hopper for "\l4'h IIICI'eh aes As uBual. the M'e tbodlst, ' Epls, . funeral aervlctll OD Frida)'. ", HarmOny Banel from Mias Virginia I.. _ . , prCllent.. Governor called att~ ntlon to tbe rrange .from .$6', l)er ,m ontb to 'l hlgll copal and the Friends churChes ~ I 'HardlD'. Wrcl trade at BCllool. ' fact that spending proPosBIH 11\ or U&. • ' . , will hold a, cood FrIday Ser.vlc'e at RETURN FROM FLORIDA MRS. HILY GIBSON ,. current legislation ~Il for an ad, 1 Additional money will al\lO be the FrIends ~eeUng. HOIIRe April dltlonal $92.500.000 over and abov" jneelied f~r new state we!tllre In, Mr. ancl Mra. ElIl!'urnaa and obll· CALLER8 AT, EARL EVANS Correlpon'd .nt ' •..:... w.m.;" his increaaee. His ,proposed eBU, ItitUtlO~s whlcb are no)v ol'eninlt. dren. haye r:etDl'.ned to the.l!, home .Becent ca1Jera at Ul!! Earl EVa'l 2~ a~ 1: 30 p" m. .. _r. . u " . mat_ of "evenue and th e. rl!8ulUng \A1SO In the school Iner eAseM ar,· after. ' lileDdlDwtb~ ~t: ~vera' ~ . were ~ra. 'K athryn Oaley. Mrl!. EIBle B~nnell and family. ' ell h ' , budget were computed upon _:I three IItnd .a hnlt .mlm~n , for Iwhool · weeka ·wlth . the latter' I parenta, ~dll Bini and- Kathl'Yi~ Irone .WARREN' COUNTY MIlia . Rnth Chan er .. 8.8 Ie baell of 0~1~ one of his IIddltlonlll' }lUles and ,three mli.lion fot' f!l\~ool lIIr. Clyde Jo.neB. of Lebanon. Pvt. , Mr. and Mrs. L, Branatrator In BIaI,. of Dayton, . M,. and Mr.. D .. "~"''''S TO MEET Vlrglr Bunnell. of Fort Knox;' Ky .. t~ed trom la, two ;~8ekB E~~(!a~I~~ recommendaionl'; being tla ~l!ed, building , rehabHltatlol1. III the two ftorId JIan7 B ......bot, sOD and daugbUftJ.. ~ ater t ... IIV and Mra. Morris Le,,11 and "C'ht 'd l er I !lH ,za e Coming as It does this early .In latter cat~gorle8 !DIICh laTg,' !: 8\lm/l Dradenton, ~ . t.er, of. CJDclDDaU. IIr. and Mrs. MONDAY IN MASON Mr. _":"1 y. Umrs. ,RI cb ar d H anes an d Ij Mra an er n amp Ou. and a. daugh. the year. 'the executve bu d get w III are n.eeded to ,(ully do the flUl.U Norman 'BrowJl . . . Job: ' ~ A4uil C&mplMili and chndren. of . ' daughters Donna and Pamal.. or ter Mill Lucile Bro"n vlBited MIlS enable · legislative !lommltteeR to Only other Itl'm dl.lrlng the weel! !;IAPPV HobR CLUe ~bul'K, MI;'. Evanl 111m· go ' to work on fiscal measureB ~o dispute the budget tor SPIICO m 'Th"" Happ,. Hour Olub will mallt ~ .10....1)' from hili Ilecen~ ,T he regular !Jual'~erly meeting of 'I)ear Xenia, wero dll1l\er ·pe.tIt Dertb,a BroWD on TbUl'llday, tht¥ Warren County Banker" AIISD . Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. ' BJly Glb· Mrs. J. 0, Oartwright, ot Cln. ab!Mlt two montbe · earllel' than ~Iy pa.pe~ "as the flnal.~oun(l of at ~e home, of MI'I. Ada J'urDaa ~I DtiIeaiI. " will be helel at the Pre8byteriall BOli. Ottlcir caller~ In the afternoon clnnall, 'CaUed a on friends at tbl' ::~. ye;~e w~~~:g~O\~n ~~~~s ~~.:~ ~a~~s:~a~~ C~I~~~~dRel\ ~I~ on Tueldll¥. Marcb 18, at two II.ID. A bridal aIIower "III be c\.en fot WHEN TREAIURE 18 FOUND i~:hi2t:.aa8::;nc.?:!~i b:'~:~~~d were Mrs. Blanch Ringler. Mrll. hO~~ :a.:'d J~1I0w1Y and Mr~. Jul,., let to July 1st. from til!' cal, Brotherhoods had the flC)or "Ild rtT. the daughter . of lfn!. Eatber At lb. lIetboclllt church on ~un. at 6:30 P: M. · , Alice Thurman of ,near M~. Mrs. Olive Curl attended a W. C. T. U. endor year wall pas8ed by tbe . pre- and Iparks flew during t ile 1'0nl' dq. Mareb 11 Rey. J. W • .Wedge-, Mr. David Auch. Executive Man- Lewis Tliomaa. M.I'II. H.enry Bercer conyenUOn In Harveysburg on. vlous -..slon: Ellmlna~lng the urltte~ \l8slllonll . . Mlch8Der. WOOCl. will take for hll topic "WheD, aler of the '0/10 Bankers Assocln. and da.ughter Nane:,. Lue of Da,ton. Tbllftldll¥. DNd for temporary apprqprla.tlonl!, Meanwblle the House pall"ell MAJ." M.... ALVI8 HAVE GUEIT.. lb. 'l'nUure Ia I'ound" at thll re.· tlon will be (he principal speakel·. Mr. and Mrl, !Bob Murra)' and Mr. an!! Mrs. Jene Carter and WI cbange enabled tile Dudget DI, ,two mea MIres to be.nertt KOI'ean ..... WOI'I,hIp ·. .rvtee. Th. IIrl 'offlc:era and directors of family have moved Into lbelr Dew daughter. of Sabina. called Oil Mr" . rector· to commeMe upon the per~ vete~1lB, Including those In ciVil h hi h the boupt fro Olive Carl recently. , maDent meaeul't' at the first of th service preferencl' benefits. Hou~e MlJOr and M.... r. J. Atris In· aeo.au wni have a part ID lbe pro- banka ID Warren county are urged h formall, otertatDed OD SUndaY at· , to attend. ome ere w c ) ' m Mn. Leab MUll visited fdendl )'IIU'. Bill 63 to co"tlnue Ohio rebablll· tenlOC)n aitcl bad aa tbeir peBta, " . . , ~ .. uabe... aD4 IIYlq Fred Morgan. ID IAIIaDoD ' OIl Sunday afternoon. A1tbough the Republican leader· tatloo corperallon and makp \1111' Mr. uul II... C. E. StaDfortb, IIr. ~r (IClCnJt pledp ad laWIt. lira. DIU of 8P...... Val· Mr. and !lin. Lee . T.almage. of ebl~ In HOUle and Senate have re- of federsl lundl provided PRIRed ; and ' Mn. H. C. HodaoD. Rey...... ~ IDUW'OttIl aad II.... Earl LOCAL PA8TOR TO GIVE, darl With bl. WllmIDgtbn ....ere wilicomil vilitorl "ned Ju.....ent until BOm(l stuely alao a btll to penalize rsll"r ('hltel· lin 8 N Ke,. IIr...... lira. 1. B. W_lard aN tile ICIOUt I..detl. - TALK IN CEN'tERVILLE 'If81ldparenta Mn. of lb. BUIlt. Mill .14111141 Garner call be .Iven the meuur.e., lin IDe.
--- .
fJ ~~
:J, J, JJ.
Mr. and
II.... Oeorae CurftIlt. lIn..uris bw /"U~tII wlUt .....1 beUltIIal pIUO
' BeY. MD Wqewood .. to If .,... 81l1llcrtptlcm. .. . . espS~. ..~ • lAa&eD talk at the centerMIld 111 • cbect ...... lIelladlat Church, Wettn8llda)" 10 ...... ooauau. rlMlr papet"? 'lIal'Cb lflb.
wall",. ,.....
I .
ODII:-~ a~~tt '.Iterela)' :r.~:l)''''lIf~ ~;;~'l~~: apot luiida)' to a,eatS • • fe'" da,1 wltb btlr b1D II drafUHl Into final Corm. ' On Do yO~ want your newlIflIlr,er to 1IInaeat r.._ of COUlD. )In. Cbarlel Brant III FaIr- ODe palDt. bO...ever. all will aRree CODUnue. Th('n Y,QtT mUlt IUppart . - - Oblo, -tilat lbe temno drain 1IItOn th~ I it.
, ....
( '., I \n
.. t , \1 ' r , I:': r" I
__ Editor and Publl. he, , WJttmARD In N.d'!IOn Squal'. just before a basket. ' Secretary .and Trea slJrer ball Garden doubleh e3drr: "Getcha pro,ram here ; can 'l tell the playe!'1 trom the gambleI'll without a- proPub 116h"ed &v ry ThUl'tlda), "'I ol'nln, ',rami" . at WllynesvJlle, ~ orren County, Ohio. , Entered as second cln98 matter at A man wh!l ran down the slr'eeta th postotfice nt Wnynesvllle, Ohio. oC Oakland, C:I'lIt., in the nude ex- ' IInd er the nct or March 3. 1879. plnlned to police thl;lt while takln, his bath he somehow hull lost hi~ tul>. Maybe it slipped dOWIl (he SlIbscrlDtion Rat ea.- h) Ohio•.$2. }'el' \' Cltl' III nd YRnre ; $2.50 ell! w h e)'~ drain.
__ .
Bob MorAn, 15 year , Old son of co IV. He sell s milk. uhd t.he ow Mr. and Mrs. E . C. Moran. oC Cor· blls si nc e blld n heifer. wh l\'h hi' win, ~Xll8lS1ls to be a successful Is raising. : t armer and buelncss man . He Ie II sophomol'e at W/Lynes. He's nl.r eady made' a success In vllle High Sc hool and alao flucl . bUBlneBs for he Is an honor Dayton time Jor othcr nctivltles. D#lJy Ne,ve pa.per boy. He uscd He Is se l'I'lng II. second time n l:! the profits' from ' hlEI paper ' l'oule treasurer of the V\ o.ynesvllle 101 tho to' buy a aow, and ~Ieeplng occur· odlsL Youth Fellow!l hi) . Is a illem ate records or bls f,~ed and other ' ber of th.e F utu re Fllrm~l's or • News note: Mynahs are talk ina deXlli enseB, 'and a lthough tbe sow America. nnd aI~o an oS!llstn nt I'e, ed. he made a $6,fi pro fit Crom porter for the same ol·ganlzntloll . birds that can even ou ttalk hu, In addition be Is a mt'rubcr of t Ill' mUll. Good thi n, for the nt lssUl the litter. Bob used' Ule profHs to buy two Waynesl,llIe Schoo l HI.Y iltb :tntl more pigs and a registered Je r.sey 'the W,arren County Farm Bill' nu.
Happy Blandings!'
( METHODIST CHURCH J. W. Wedgowood. lIUnlster Chureh School, 1i:80 A.M., Mr. Harold Earnhart, Supt. Worship Se~lce. 10 :80 A.M. Youth FeUowshlll. Su ndn y 7: ao P.ll. , Choir Practl e Tlbursday 8 :00.
LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH B. E. Bauglw. PlIstor UnW e,1 Service. 9: 46 a. m. ST. MARY 'S EPISCOPAL 'I'he nev. Sl1\uuel N, Keys, Rectal Suuday : . Churcll scllaol ]0 : 30 'J. m. Adul t Worship, 10 :30 a. 01.
FERRY CHURCH OP' CHRIST Byron Carver, Mlnlllter Bible Sebool, 9:30 A.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH MorDing Worship, 10:30 A.M. By JANE FITE WI\llatn Sbannon, MlMster NOTICE 10'"CONTRACTOR'S In Lebanon Corpol'ation. by clean P u ...... 7 00 PM F OHI r&Jer ....eo.......: .. STAT.<II 0' Sunday School, 9:30 A.M., Mrs. 0 lng • . scaling (sand · blast Dl ethod) YOUD, People's MeetLn •• 7:00 :'1 1'. and M 1' , nolnnd \' Ollri,lil James Oarrlson, Supt. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS and pilntlng Bridge No. WA·123 · Evenll1l ServIces, 7:80 P. M. Ilnd famJly Were guests dl"'ln!: th e ColumllUB, Ohio, 190 over Branch of Turtle Oreele Preaching, lit. and Ird, SUIIw ek enll of M l'. Yearlcl; 'j; 1I1!\l e r. February 24. 1961 (Span 60 (eet 0 Inchos. Rondwny :!:l da),11 oC eact. month, 10:80 A.M• •\II's. Winton ELZ nod famlly , Engineer of S.le. Legal Copy teet 0 Inches). ' WAYNESVILLE CH·URCH OF Evening ServIces; 7:30 P.M. MrR. In.mes Pnrl(!1 nnll dall glltel'a No; 51-4iiJ PRO~OSAL No. 13 CHRI8T l'oggy /lnd T~ l'yl , of Chwillllllti. UNIT PRIOID CONTRAGT' Warrcn County. ·OhID. on part of 11. H. Coftey, MIniSter wore .guests during tbe .week end CAESAR'S CREEK FRIE'ND8 next Ume ahe needs Sealed proposals will be received SectIon 8.45, State' Route No. 48. BIble SchOOl, 9: 80 A:M. of M~ . Parke's 1l1l1'~ ntR, MI'. Ilnd for ber ~rld.e club. at the 'otflce of the State Hlghwat Jn South Lebanon Corporation, by MornJng Worshlll, 10 :80 ' A.M: .... ~ IItn1Iter ~IriK Ii. '. Tucker. .. • • D1toeetor of Ohio at Columbus, deanlD, scalll1l (sand blast method) Young Peoples' Meeting. 7:00 Wonlllp Bem., 10 .A.II. lIfr. /llld i\{rs . " ' alt er (Babbs ) , OD. TO ftLEWSION Ohio, until 10:00 a.. lID •• Ohio Stan- and paJntJng Brl.d ge No. WA-4S.891J P.t;, Donaldson nnd thelr"daughtel'. Mar· SunllaJ School. 11 .A.II. ............... 1IMt . ., to' \'bB dard Tlme, Tuesday, March 20, over Branch or Little Miami River ' Evenlng !3ervice. 8:00 P. M. ilyn, moved Sunday Into lheh' 1'& i ' . . . . ell A_l ...... 19sf, for Improvemente in: (Span 54 feot 4 inches, Roadway . Prayer Meeting and Bible Study cently acquIred 'property on Rom· N . . .a.& ..... __&area f...... ProJlOlala' Nos. 1 t() 21 Inclusive 19 feet 0 Inches). WedD Ida1 8 P.II bach Aven.ue; In Wilmington . OREGONIA EVANGELI!CA!. U. B, .. YIIIf ., .....'••II......! are oflered as one project and 11'111 PROPOSAL No. 14 e,. Mr. Tommie Smith. is It guest or JarQes H. Riley. Pastor . • • • • be awarded 118 one (!ontract. Warren County, Ohio. on part o[ his s isler, In Texas. Elunday School, 10 A. M. Roy Ab'bolt. 10co.J gQl·8gcmlln. Is 4-8CIIeDUit prtrdlct. that by the PROPOSAL No.1 Section 3.59, State Route No. 132, ST. AUGUSTINE OHURCH Mornln« Worship. 11 A. M. III. ' . : ~ mOD """ , . . cble to' PMbI. County Ohl. or In H.d.. T'~'h Ip, by . I"nlng, Fatb" Tlm.U.y MoNI.I"I.. , ...,," " . I S I 2 S 't " • . scaling .csn nd blast. method) and M MI'. IInrl MrR . .Tohn· Syferd nnd , ' . _ to the ~oon, . Bl;1t th~ bta et Oil;. • 2, Sta 0 ROllte No; 726, In painting Brldgo No. WA.132.56 ovet'. Mosses 9 : 00 · oncl 11 : 00 A. . Hon Kellll'eth, of Doyton, . w re WAYNESVILLE FRIEND6 ~, to our mind, I, ~h~ wiD : Somers Towll shlp. by . cl ailing, LiCk Run Cteek (Span . SO teet IJ g l.1Ml R Sunday of Mrs. yr rd 'q Firat Day School, ':10 A.II. . .,. poIIIb» for him ,to journel acaling (Baud blast metbod) and Inches, Roadway ·15 teet 9 Inches1. MT. HOLLY MIlT'HODI4lT J)al·ent.s. II'. and Mrs. ll . S. -rucksI'. p.lntmg Bridge No .•;fl,7~5.82 over . PROPOSAL No 15 11 _ MeeUnJr tor Wol'Iblp, 10:10 A.M. The ;Rru-veysblll'g Women's 11I·ls· - -- - - - - -- - - - _ Paint Oreek (Span 8.. feet 6 I.n chee, Warren County, Ohio, 'on part of T. M, Scatt, IODIater Uon T l'mpernrice t nlon held t.heir Ir•• Or. Roadway 21 feet O'Y.! Inchcs). Section 0.04. ' Stale Route No. 123. 8wi4q BcJaooJ. 1 :80 A..II.,!I. Let th!~ Sunday and every SlIn. InstHute Thursday In' tne home ot PROPO~AL No.2 , In Harlan Township, by cleaning A. JIlarDIw't. Built. t d I h b MnI. A. S. Collett. Out of town ID nOl'th,rn N,,, YQ1'k I, th.. Butler County, Ohio, on J)art or scaling (sand blaet method) nnd Wonlllp Semoe, 10:10 .A.ll. day In you n aome 0 urc gueBts were Mrs. Viola Curl lind y t Iron or. tIeld In . tbe SeoUOIl 0.00, State Route No. 122. lIalntbig Bridge N o.' WA.123.03 over _ ...JIIy~e_n_'ft..:.=-8:..em~_ce....:, __'1...::_.0_P_._1I_.--,...........th_e_C_h_u_r_ch-o_f-o_u_r- cb_o_I_.C_e._ _ third Dr. Emma. Holloway. of Waynes· Ulilt.d Statea, tile Ne" York .tat. In MIldl80n TOWDShIP. by lea1llng. Secon d Creek (Span 61 feet. " ville. and 1011'S. Balon. Mrs. Neva dep~rbn.nt ot c:ommerce report •• scaling (f:\and blast method) and Inoh s. Roadway 2~ feet 0 InCheS)~ 00 .. ·--·--·.....•...- •• - · · - - · - - - - - - . - - -.....- - - - - - - Clifford. Mrs. Bortln. and Mrs. ~ , to tbe r.tlpn·~ wlnlfll Iron palntina Bridge No. 13U·122·29 over . PROPOSAL No. 16 , :rEL.PHONII8 Roberts, all of. Franklin. C.17 Grant and his Wife, ~bt clePfllIt. iii m,ld.contt'nen~ New Elk Oreek. (SlIa!l foul' (4) at 33 teet Warren County, 0h l~, on pnl't The ' Washington and Masflle Ad· WAYNEeYILL • .• , vlsory 'Councll met 'F"lday evening former Betsy Drake; pl.y the hi1a~', York'. hu.. bl.h'lrlel. irOD or. ~ lnche., Road way 30 feet Olncbe!!) . Section 9. ~5. State Roulo No. 123, LEBANON ~ ~K ioUB of ·'Mr. and lIrB. Blind· r •• erv .. In .nd near the Adlton. PROPOSAL No. 3 , In Morrow COl'poratioll. bv cleanIn the homo of Mrs. ,A. S. Collett. tnga' in the new KDKA $unda1 " ..... tBL A pot luck, dlnher Wll8 ser,·ed. IIh·. aft4!rnoon' radio series at 5:30-'. d.ek mountain, hal a .. umed an Butler County. OhIo: on po,.t of Ing. sctlHn~ (~n:n ~ hla'!\l. "'''tlloll> SAND _ situation comedy b.aed· 011 Eric lmportant pOlltlon In the m~n. Sectlou 8.9 ). Stat .. flollte No., 122, find Jltl lntlll g nrld ~e Nq., WA·123·98 Fronk Swartzsl. of Oregonia, as· MORROW. No.' In4U1trJ_ ,In IAlmon Township, by I ~onln g, ove.,. LI~tle Millml R iver (>: pan 171 slsted MrR. CoHett with the pro· liOdcillll' ·two belt-sellers. BLACK-TOP DRIVES gratn. , scaling lindr feot 6 .inchl's,. 'Ronjlll"ay 17 leet 8 painting (sand Bridge blast NQ. BUmethod) ·122·101i ove Inches) TAR _ ROAD On. Mrs. Eva MacDoDald who has I Dicks Creek (Span 35 Ceet 6 In Il ea, PROPOSh I. r.{o. 17 boen BerloUBly m. Is slowly 1m· .LAWN ...d FILL DIRT Roadwa¥ 20 feet 3 Inebell ). Hamil ton County, 01110, on part of provtng. . PROPOSAi. No. 4 Section 26.54, • tate Routo No. 126. . READY-MIX CONCRETE Several persoDs from bere at· ! • DuUer County · Ohio on ' Plll'l or In SYCl1mpre TownHlilp, by ('\ennlng. ,t ended the waYnesvlllo Farmers EXCAVATING ...d DUMP TRUCK SERVICE Section 16.77. Stilt i(Olll e No . 73. scaling ( RIl Dll bloHt method) nnd Excbange .dlnner Bnd stockholders Score 10 polnts ,tor each corre9t' .. nswer in tht first ;iX. llrobl~nlI. meeUng. held SaUltll",y e.v enlng ' I n lAlIllOU '1'owfI!ll!il' . by ele 1111111;:. IlalntLhg Ul'ic.lg, No. I rA-12(l· L'lfl ove r ...._ _- . - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _..,._ _ _~------_oo. . . IIcnllng (sllnd hlnSl It,etho,l) 1\11 I I fill Cr('f'k ( S JiUIl ~ two (2) at 1r; .. at. the 111gh school gymnuslum In 1. Heli9trope is 1I: - Gas -Flower -Animal -M ineral Waynesville. . 2. Sug'ar nUng Urld&e 1\0, D U.73·1 7~ OVtH fect 6 JII~: h .s , Hndj!l,'ny 24 r (' Pl 01~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ray ·Robinson hopes to ' \\lin the 118ht 'heavyweight crown 'P& BrBnC(h of Grent 'l1laml River Inches). I,j Mr. a nd M I'II. J. P. Thornbury b om: . PRO~OSAL No. 18 ,(Spans' four (4) at 38, feet!! In abe$, and their houae guest, Miss Vir· -JII1~e LaMotta ' -Ezzal'd ChiH'les -Joey Maxim ,Roadway 24 feet 0 hl(,bes). Clemon t County. glnla 81mll!lon \I' ro g\ie8t~ during -Willie Pep. . P~OpOS No. Ii , S cUo.n 34.69, State RontEltN'o, 1n which of the tol\ow-lng years w I'e rood price. the IQwest? ~~~.I~~I1~ .~~~ O~Il~I~tt;.~or;l~u~~~ 3, -1919 Butler Coul1ty Ohio on pai'l oC In W!1yne Township. by cleaning, , 25 MONTH GUARANTEE - Add Water ODce It. y .... -1929 -~ 1939 ':"1949 · ' /!callng' (snnd bl8JIt method) and· Mrs. Carl Tetrick nnd 'am lly, of S ection O. 0O. State Houte , No. 126, pamtlng Bridge. No. ClrI88-84'l over LUBRICAUON' CO~lIm.bu~. . 4, Which 'of the following explol'ers was not Spanllih? :"'Vespuccl . In Morgan Townshi p. by cleaning, Stone Lick Creek (Span 98 feet 0 -Ponce ae l;eon ' -MIlIellan .-Balboa COMPLETE' AUTO SERVICE Miss Kathleen Graham. of Day-, 5. Who waa the first poet laureate of ·England? _cl1mg (Band blast , method) and Inches. Roadway 18 feet 4 Inche8). ton, s pent tbe weekend at tbe home PROPOSAL No. 19 . -Tennyson -CI)Bucer ' -Masefield -Johnson , ' palnt1Dc Brldg~ NO. BU·126·34 over 24 HOUR WRECKING SERVICE . of hel" mother. Mrs. ' 'Howard 6. How many stars would 11 LieutE:nant General have vn .. ach ~houl- Dry Fork Creek ,eSpana two (2) Clermont County Ohio on part of Grabatp. ~!ef~ ~f:te: I n . , · Rgallway 30 Sectton O.l O, .-:t;te . Ro~te No. 758, der? ' , ' ," The .Civlc League of HnrveY8' . . ~ ._ , tn \\ asl\hl~to~1 Townsbll1. by clean· -One -Two .....'1'hl·ee - Foul,' , burg, will s[)Onsor a Foo!l Snle at- 7. Anyone who knows their way around the woman'. world will be PROPOISAL No.6 Jng; .scallng ( sflnd blas t method) urday mor9lng at tbe Grange Hall. able to matCh the women I~sted below at lett :\'lth .1Ie uccupalions ,Preble . County ' Ohio on pal't of and nailltlng . Br idge No . CL.766.01 ~~ctlon .11,94 U. S. ·Route No. '35, over. Big Ip(l lnn ,rer l! ( Ila s . at right. Score five points fOl' each llUU's-eye. ·/ ,T he 'Welcome Bible Class ot . Jonah's l blll Ohurch will meet In Lanier. ToWnB"" by cleaning, (1) a.t 62 feet .t) . ln'.'hes and two ' (A) Babe Zaharias -Senator _ ' scallD~ (sand .111 t method) ,auC! at 34 feet 0 .In hes . Road wa }l 13 Frlday evening III th~ . home or Mr (~) Faith Baldwin , -Novelist , palntlJig BrIdge O. ,PJl,35-160A feet 0 Inches) . ', " and Mr/,!. J . P. Tbornbuh. (C) Margaret Chase Smi th -Television .:ctress overBant~·s Cree (SpanB two (2) PROPOSAL No. 20 Mrs. Ethel Smith will be lIostl'S8 (D) FaYII Emerson -Athlete .t ·66 f!let 3 Incbes, Roadway 2'" ClermontCauntyOlilo on pnl't o[ to the Women' Society of Christian Total Y9ur points. A score of '0-20 is poori O-zo, h _ ; ' 0"30, feet 0 Inches. : Section 2.43. State Ro~te No. 743. Serv1ce ~t her home. Thursday af· superior; 90-100, very superior. t ernoon. PROPOSAIlO No.7 , ~, Washington Townllhtp. by clean· Preble County. Q,bJo, on part ot ing, scalmg (sand blast method ) Mr. . and Mrs. Lawrence ,H ough, Arln'ere on P,ABe I'our, ColIuDil 6. of Sa.bina, were guests SnturdAY of' j::s-:r=e::p=ort==e:;d-:'::'n=o-::t-:s=o-g=oo::-:;d::":-'-:R::-e-w-a-g-':.......-:-'-==:-:-----~::--"'--,... Section lS.76, Stat' >'litoute No. 122, and pa~tlng Bridge No. CI...74S·4 ' In GratiB TowDsl!. p, by .cleanlng, over Big IndIan . Creek (Span 4r. fr_ Rough'!! motht'r, i\f I~, Lizzie mucb tmprQ:ved the carly 1I0rt or ecaUng (sand bl8'8t, methOd) ana feet 5 InQhes. Roadwny 21 feet II Hough. last . week. bu t suffm'ed anothel' painting Btldge TN,!), PR-122-2,45 Inchell) . . The condition o( ~e Partington relapse ].l1ter. . OV!lr ,Elk ete'e k (Spalns two (2) aL PROPOSAL No. 21 46 feet 3 Jnches , Rq:a.dway, 24" fee~ Clemon~ pounty., Ohi O" on part o' 1,* inches).,. . '. • Section 6,66 ' S~ate.Ilol1te No. 48. I . .· P,ROPOS4~ No. 8 ' . L~velatid ·Corp.orntl ~n. by, c1eanhv" Warren County. Ohllo, on part '0£ scaling (sand bJ ast metbod) 8.1111 . " Se,etlon 30.50, ~tat18 .1!tbute No. '128; pa1ntlng Brldge No. iJr.... 18 ~li7 ow ,' In Franklin TOWDSblV, by cleanJng, O'Bannon Creek (Spall llO feet .~ I've been Ituck here .in Florlcla. scallq (Band blait method)' and inches, Roadway ] 9' Ceet 0 Inche!l Y0UJl Blue Cross. contraa is "1I1NII6/;' Hospital biUs The time 'came to &0 but I J\IIt painting Bridge .N'I. 'WA-123-S20 PropoBals NOB. 1 to 21. Inciuljlve 01' paid by Blue GroSi Hospil.!l Care have am'o unled to as Dry Run Crepk (Span 39 feet this project to .be com.,leted not coUldn't I1rin. my.elf to l••va the over' much as '5,578.80·. Tb'tt's ,~hy your Blue Cross 9 incheB; Roadway' 24 feet 0 l ate~ tb~ September 15. 1951. hotel. You n.-lltill hacln't UHd CODlract i. so valuable ' ~o own ... "nd Itt,e p! ' IncheB), . J' The mh'llmum wage to be paid tl) up all the clean towel •. Now yo_ can apply for Blue ~ross membership, rePROPORt\J~ ,No. n, '. ~ 011 labor ' employed 6n thlfl contrar'l ga.rdless of ~"ere you '\Yor k, ' if you atc' 11. re~i d'enl of with th·· Wal'l'f)n CoullL~' , Ohl'D. 0 11 fl!lrt or shall be 1/1 nllcol'dan I've down in IliaQl1 ~ectlon '2.90. ·Sf.n~1l 1Il01lte No. :73 . "Schedule , of ' frev allln g HourlJ' . thIS c~mmunlty. , '. learnlq ' ,*0 fty :thW A~w J,t . " p_ .!.... __ ._ '_11_ • .... tn' Clenl' C.reek TQi .lliSbIP; by cleal!" W'aIr. Bate,a 'Ascert!l,ned and De· pl~.~d boy th~y rut, Jng. scaling (san rvr ~~••",vrmGflOll; w ...... •• blast method) term1J1ed b1 ~e Departml;lnt of InWith one of thee. 'yo11 . ~ have and painting Brill e' No. WA :n ·52 dustrl.a1 RelaUonB applicable to , HOSPI'TAL CA8E,' CbRPQ'RATI()N Dayton 2, Ohio brealcfut In New YcirJc, lunch in over Grllpevln e r eek' (Span ' 35 State , Highway Department 1m: . ChieacOt 'and, Indlautlon In Gal. teet 9 Inches. Ro \tway 24 feet 0 pronll1ents In accordance wlth SIlC' ,.' " (C,s, #416,525-:-44J,636, Dayton) iup, New Mexicio. . ' . tloDB 17-3, 174, i7-4a, 17·5 and 17·5a InOh es). ONLY ILUI CIC)SS .IOV.DIS sO MUCH '01 SO Llmf ot the General Code of Ohio." , ' PROPO A~ No. 10 . Two bircla were .Ittiq OD • tel•• Wnrren County. hln; on nan or The 'bldder must submit wIth bls phone pole dpwn here in MIami Section 6.3'1. Stal ' Routt' No. '7a, bld .A ceI1ltied check In the amount when a jet plane flew by OVal'- 1n Cleol' CI'eek Townshill. by clea 'l' of ,734:00. , NO DiNNE~, NO HOUSe, head: The . fult bird .aid. ')\\'owl lng, scaling (liund bll\st m~tlHl d ) Plans and specifications a.re 'oll NO HAROLD, NO WIFE ••• !! Look at that ,uy ,01'" Said tile anll pnlnLlng Brll1ge ~ No. W A·73· Iif, file In the departme.n t of highways NA110NAl IOAiD or IIU UNIPH1W• • s~ron.d bird, "You'd '0 too, If your over Brnnch or Cleal' 'ret' k (SlIali. and . the office ot the dlvlBlon deputy ' t 8 II IV~S on fir.e,.• . 38 fe~t 0 ·In ches. p ovldway2~ r('et dliec;tor. , 4 Inches). ' The director reserves the right to . , To give you an idea haw feat PROPOSAL l~o, 1l reject any and all bids ' • . , Jhey're rettbl, plane• . o~ the Warren €ounty;: Ohlla, on Pfli' ~ oc. . T. J. KAUER. 'sembly line these day. and into Sectlon .0.0\1, Stat. Route No. 350 . State HIghway Director , , combat-they rolled one off ·the In Was.l dngton Townslblp, by c1 an· assembly .t 9 in the momin,. ing. scaling ' (9aIl4 ' ~'la8t. method) 8-1·8 The pilot .ot in. took olr. Three and painting .Brhhie No, WA·Sr.O·29 - - - - " ' " ' " - - - . . . , . - - - - Uar,ulae ReairlcU... hours later they got • wire from ove l' Little MiamI Hi'v!}1' (SI)IIII 177 federal' .nd .tate Ilw, ImPOlI Korea : "Just arrived ·here. Plea.. teet 9 Ill( hes . llo:tdwny 'I !i re"1 7 ,Iuch restriction. on mlr,arJne Bend motor." . in ches). PROPOSAL No. 12 _ - !hat "the poor man'. butter" .. Played Ii little ,olf the other day. Warren COllnty, Cj)bl'~, on port of not Itocked by about 40 per cent Oh mel I'm I little . itilr-from Section 18.74. State ,Fto\lte No . 12:t. of' ~. ·nl~lon'. ifoctrl. ,,,aIkins, After aU it'. been years ' . . lince J caddied 18 holu! Babl.. Protecu.. Care of Boraes,' Teetb OfacWa of the, United State. pUbHor~e owners occa:slonoJly notice "lAID O 'N ~ . . fALIN' 1C0un , Ihat thelt horses do DOt do well and Uo health Iarvlc:o ..y fedlral atu4. even .. \lvate alldr expel rood from 1.. .hav. produced .attar.ctor:t" ..... NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT . Executor . ih'lr mouths. TbJ, tr,Duble II usual- denc• .that annual vnc,lnatlon ~ ( Estate or Joshua n. "rotton , \J' due to diseased teelt h !hat should doll 11 an .u.cUve IDeIUll ·err ClODbe removed. Sym~toml of diseased troWn, rabin in animals and Inadeceased. . _ Notice Is hereby given that t.eth In horses are f,~UH to !ceep man beJn,•. . , ~.Ie Bratton, whose POBt Office In proper fie.h .ven thoueh well Ownerl_ who are unabW to bep ~dreBs IB R. R. I. Waynellvllle. ftd. (qulddinil ' .plttm, out of tbelr pall in Itrict . cOD!lnemeJd Ohio. baa been duly appointed a:. of feed paasm. .dmtq r.bl .. outbreak. and tor • Executrix of thl! Estate of JOllh1l" of whole ,rain. parlo4 err liz mOll~afterWar4 art! D. Bratton, late of Warren county. Ilow, clfeful with the .4vi1ed to protect tUm bT v.cct· Ohio. deceased. I he.d· often lid.; cUI- n*Uou. Dated tbil J5th day of Filb~uary. ..r.eellble mouth or '!be bea1th lervlco rocolDllMllldl' 1951. I ~ nOltrll , .hd flUd aa.aI that vacoluUaa .,. . . . JJl CODRALPH B • . CARE\.". W~d:::l~r~~~ I,vlng B,rlln'. "Loule'.na Pur.h..... IhouI4 be ~ witll JIo~ ~ Judge or Probata Court, dllchar,e. Horae.. tell108'~ PI NIC.TV'e "Mullelal Comldy T ........ examined bl . at ........ eUaalDatta of . . , ad . WarreD OouD~, Ohio rol. . . nd 181ItIIraDe., •• tIM pretty PHONE 1441 .WAYNESVILLE 1 .. lt once a ),e.r. clef_eta cor. . . . . . . pete to all kialUlll ,lohn r .. 'aft II. AttnrnflY MOln_lv nlaht. the' Mu,.lolII ....w produMl • r " cted . troubled with r.b..., el'J[: III~IIIo_1 "":led, 0" tel.v.. lo... . 'I • •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiQ ''JIMlhII 2-22 ::·1 ·8
, ..JJal've'l6bUNj
=" _
Armitage & Son GRAVEL
-;:=========================:;,. __ ~ y 1)11' ']ntelligence l'
OUT 0'
One·.f the moSt VALUABLE· contrl~
pu can own!
,. ." +
h" at.
Attention', Farmers!
:B argaln Price 'On ",
~!!~~ IlL
,11,'8 Mu~ica, l Comedy,,T ime! .
. (Pump Type)
13x29x38" Als,o ··· BULK · OIL SOc Per Gallon
'airl." lardlara Itau
Ttl!: MiAMI GA
'I ql r.(;
Owen Mntl Susan no\\Ung "-asb D , AlIlbul'ln", I lot In ,Olllh Lebano n, Martba Po: \\'1$1(> to Jobn Ft, 1\1\(, Nunc), Jenn F iRh. fI' Rcl'es In Clenl"
Is·l .rnlrl., 1'1111 1 BUPP" I I. 111 ",·1' I' li;SLa( ur Hltl'l'~ ('" IIIIi.·, d Irl Chambe rlnln li nd \Vrdl('l t l j ll" " III" ( rh .. m a~ ( ·(,1Iill.... a,I,1Io1I1I:" ,II"" \pOlnte d npprHlll tll' H. Ill ed rh'st anll Iltlll i :11"'1011111 F:slnle IJf Lill ian Fl. n np!" 111:1",1. 1. r'','' ilttp of \\:00111'1 LawrenC' If. TInIJ P,- ,I I' .. nd nlllli " I" d . Thumllll 01l111!1 )" .. r'''II.~ '' 'I, r,h 'd ".~I c~ek t\\'p, . t rnlor flied Iril'l'nto . h" n l' ill ~ ,,"I H I1 ~ fin ll l ~, ' c~() u A Farm Diary nl. . " Robert and Mollie Ad a nis ' 1.0 fot :\1arc h 17 Hl 1'0 i·)· COM'MON PLEAS' A . :'II , '. Em I'aon J . OeNel·. a,15 a('re~ In Harry Ilnd ~Iayme 'Ls tat(\ 0 1 1,r:\II .. lc. ii I" .. B. ' nld"r. -la.ln Estal4,> of Joh n .\ ..IJOll d :~~·(l . (I\·(·· d. Lt) UI".. M lll niek. k ,\lI11IU WlIllallJ Logtlson \'s Ruth L!lgd· 1' l'IIlIklln 'WI'. By 0, J, Frazier aoll1lllll ll'llff'I .. M rNl In F'ntl1l{\ ln tWTl . ~state vlthletl Ilt $ I.V/:I n.fo ,... son . tlismlss ctl lUI' \\'Hlll of p rORt·· 1 A,ln'cll E. III I ~ Mallell rUtl ll first nll {\ lin n] 1I1'<'ntH)1 p , :llll1'ga ll Alton P. nn,1 .\do enp p tn .'nlll ' ~ cution, Iilsta t til Hobe l't ~1I1() 8 ~"tI't'IiL n.II Ilnel MO\l ~ ' p ... Ct1l1ln ~ I I,', i" de r'd . • or .l oh n I':. \\untl l'''!: I, 1 1\ \· e.nrol'l l'~ """" "!Jtm"11 11\1 Ihp MAlC H"""" 'en,,.f .... 1o<)llyen 110 Wllsoll III IlILl'l'i ijO I1 nl'\'c~ In \\nyn {:lutl) ' l ~a ('. HII'l'r: "Slll'lI ll QWlllg PRllIl,,!': hwl:;I, MARCI l 4. 1951.- Tber WOB I~ .RURA L CRIME S: 'FarmtW(l. , .· ul .r"IIi' jrrnnkll I'.•.: '. , ' rirs t . final H·nd ,1i ~l rlhlll" " IIh ,r.· ,' lu bound Wli /loll. dl vrn.·u lp plll\)1l1r r. ('h ilt! : l'llIm H. 'orrUI{lll.I\I'(··lI . "I:q. Ilr \ , ,1\, Illlil' o f hltl eblrtl ~ In the .old IO Cll st (and often lnow-b ound) rl lt h to' I, rad " "d , I) r' · throUlh to plllin tirr. 11t1ltmda nt .unler d lit M~Il'!< Ie 'kfI\t,Ie Icounls a lm.'on 'd. 101 11,\\,,,\1 " '111 !"lxOt\, tlel'·'1. a11<1 \I" , 121. H nl'\" ~ III Tllrll l" l U' 0 Ulls rIIo rnitlg fll' hh'lllly loo<k· the lonai wbter s l,1 III . , confirm ed. months . rural PII), $l1).OIj IJC I" week , j",,'d J lell" 'II'II, dpl.:·t1. Ing ovel' the 1I1'IJlWeCtll (or hOlls, dweUe ranowl lndtheu I\! I' ell til' " . PROBA TE uelvea·out,. Oinclnn F'i "!<t atl lind Sbeeps !inlll" kln '1" Co. """ 11 \'~ 1)< 0. up. 'fh ol1u,,, [t nt! 1·~\l 7.nbeLh S UO.th 10 I F:"t:l!e o C ~' [t rtha GI1t101· ~:;!!l aLe or Wnltpl' \{l')nnl ,ls. ,I,·,' d . lng, Lll clcy blt'ds. no ,;ovcl'11mont of-doo r. and rarln' to ~'. d(J('· c\. l'egulaU oiL'I no r Il1fhltlon 1.0 worry up emotlol ll are .udden,0. P~t- Ii, Toney . et ul. Albe rt L. lI elTk~ 11111 John so:" l.l0 n('res I" r. ','1111 11 '1 ~jeryl n. Gray. e~ ee l!to l' !'lIed In p,'ovell nllowec\ ullII C(Hlfir'I)1l.'11 0 '1 ]{atbcr ill H. IlH 'llt. ;ultIlJlli_CI;,lrI, ly the loosed~ r'()ilowln aVllolnt ~ .'stn eU ll'!I ; mSlnle- fl'r estlltE', x n lp L 1'\'1)111 hlh ,·rl l;\lI" f examin er. lin twrl. tbem. The cows m 'o out here licit· 'old Hames and animos . , ..ntol')' h ~, "ing He t 10 .. Mal'l'h 11 Jo hn McKn ight. dOI':'1. 1':l h I 1~ lIi H. ltv... \!:s tale "n lIWII fIt r.~'l. E, lwllrtl .lntl \I 'lz I Hamme l'le 10 l1 t 10 n m, lng liP eVllr)' blnc1 or CTlIll!\ thnt c,Ued. Re.• ult: vloleM e, ities re. burglar y. 04m lnl$trnt l'lx ' «~~n~ I' r,( ("hlll'l Ii . NEW SUITS' H ersch II IlIld Helen :Fra1.ler . I"~ I Estate or ,Ed hns turnell green as ltbour h thl t ,allrava tecl ....u1t ~ Pre ston. dee'd, 0 ThOlll1PflOI;' d(>"'d Llrlll ,!'hum'., p~pl. Ohio Oasualt y Insuran ce Co. v ~ 11 ~1ik III ~1~"I;~I:I~I:e:~n~~;r~ MARRI AG E LI CENS ES ·. taBted good . The 1'C' II! lII.y n e crime keep country law enforce - La to Geo ' I Pa~1 1\ IJ~e~1.0n ~1111 ll Lo 1I1t1~ Hall S~Il , ex e(' lI l0~: "Atilt" oC (:la '''1 J . Gorilon d J cl Fa at Lakes fo " barn bill th eBe bits ot green musl ment oft\eerl hoppln e 1\ l3Iac·llIuort'. 21. P,tlllll')l1., • ' (,0 " ullin stl'a rM. rnnR el' 0 ThomllRol\ Cnlnllt'llI dec"r! F ,. You. n H'1 11!!bol'o at III HOI'l'i,.I taBte hplter. '['be lVoods w.-re full name an upswin , in ruralln eaa moo:e~r OnIY."~lIIuon~e cloUDed '441, H'fIssel bll,·h . :Ufi ncrl'S In Fl'alll.lln real est 1\ le granted . t .1. .'\'1111111,,( , Conr'e ~': ' II C!l;llnl"il''1lor :' t·S("I ~· . ~ . t 1l (: b ('I', 1.eb'"IIII1. . tWll: . I of robins yesL'Irday and we sti li ttom In almost every crime frac- 31. Young uud Young. .' I' ,I Cstllt~ of 1l'1 'lmlt COrRlI ch, II. t·'t1. Gertl'lld e \\ . 0 1'1'. ,ll'c"l. (>'or.~ ,' \\\ cateThe Cln ci llnali Sheeps kin 00 VH h nve m U"u e ve tiywhbl'R~ . Tho lalh' Daa lel J , ~I oore. :! I I'UI'I.'il .\ " . ' '' . r.Shlllll o I ",';cnl re 11m W . E , hes ney, o.dmlnlsl,I'utol' W, 01'1'. 1I\ll11lnIH 'gory, Thll not merely the hu:- 0 H 'l'one y ct al to "egls. ter Imoge ne ." rn e: 'l 'I'ot tl'll1.01·: l1!<hlo' 1) 1' 1,'1 01'- \l'OJ'kel' nSt 11 Jonh 111'11. \V A flle'd first fin' I nnll dlstl'lh, I oll lh I bun "" :LillI 11I1I1I ge ts worso rnther tll l1 11 be Upr. . ardtn, ot aII guess: I ;1 n · · I I . . I l' '1f .. r,. .,'I \ ," u crime repon. ' In"lds ' Gra" Risinge r & Gray , 1 e nl:e ' . T OWIl !! I e ~.' lV " 01' ""0 [lays . IUR Sayl. or.. 16. C(l ~lll-lda lt' . . . €! \\ ~ . l1y( ,\..r~l\e we.' 1. 11l't0nu " ?I "I to tll/ve a ccoun t. , . ~ • . t Wf' .'It 'coverin g. farm areu jumped , . .. ' I Holln, COl'" ndmll1 I', . UIlII lstl'nto Robert W, Corwin vs Betly l' 111111 lltr " f<. J~rlle8l' .". 'n'A f F' d p ' ele 'Iell de~"" '\Is ~l'''l . ', :: ' UlhOI\'I' I an eta ' 'k '." ~~~~~ l:~eYhll~,~t 8P~'ir:;t~~et p~~\V ~~~ 'per cent this tim. Jut year aDd :Saub r ' a Inll. I I) r.8 ........ 0 tl'l I" ' I'e I . I I . ' . . , y , ,tat 0 '. nyto.ll ny, "''I . '. 1" ~ 1I ., F1'flnk h n Ilnll .\1u rj . rl" .Iohnso ... OOl'wln . minor. dlvorc ,2 'j~~~~:I ?1I F'~nnnd '~~:~~~'!\ . ~';~~'OW~ n . 21 . l'IIIIAll bIll. t he Rlall", ,' ITI,' In lb') are stlll on -the rise. Homlc l". ld estale- f'xelllpt fl'om Inherlll1nel1 OilY. adrulnls tl:lltdx, .~, IllI'Ullk li ll, . .. " and ' auto thefts, oddly enouch . gross neglect, VIncen t A. Sisson. to Soll y M" Jones J lot I ehallOl1 l~ t ' r n. I h S B h it 'd air. or 'hllt'I,,!) " , U'\\'i ~ , ~ Gayl 0 I'll· E. 11)\111 • :: I. IliI,ur r. . • .' 'drop noticea bly in rural areal. . ",sta & 0 n .. t p . e m. ec ' de ERtn!c ·d. \~ I . 'hea t el' ~"IJ )I". I ,nt"l ~., ·].t'bnllo ll. lI)ll1 1':1'11 ~J . \\l!IlItu~lt, T his Is the s u.Bon oC nnlllllli . JOS6 1,h O. ~:In.t .)t to Lee II. loU ldred B&hm appoint ed executr i REAL x. fIIpd ESTAT tblt'(] I1l·I·OUII 1. E TRANS 'FERS ShuIllm I I f!. lubol' r , I ,,,'lIlll\ on, mootlng s, This wo k It WH S Lhl:l THE EQUIN OX : CrIme" . J(Hl.7! /l c rp!; 111 llnm\ll( .n RusBell Dumr~rd" R'ay WelBnll ul 'Estate of ' layto n J . W. Reese to Ed l \'V11Is, 1 lot twp. . Loker Illant and the l'nrme rs Ell" 'sonal, Later this month, are sea, aod Waltel' yerB .appoln ted , RP- e fltate exemp t fr om Plln n )' . edl"d, I, .fe nnln>,;!! Allt·'lI. 2;;, i\1;1(IY. :-:ew the sun'. In Fr4nkll n. I n lterjta\1 , <'~ to und , Ky .. 11IHI A IHI;\ •. 1ralll, Hi . j~I's t e l' and .\'ltl.l'glll'l'l te change and next weele It 11'111 lie ;center crosses equstor and l.Ieonard and lAura. Peters t il 1.0 AI,'lIe and Mat ti e HoI\. 1I01l s tO,1 praisers . Inve-ntory riled, hearln" tax, Sout h. L" bnnon . lhe milk produce rs CO·OI)· Dy lh e days and nightsthe 2 1I1>l'eii set for M'l\rch 13 at 10' a. ~. beeome of equnl Homei' and Hazel Euckey. 4 10tJ.> in . a lem twp way, at the "levato r dinne r lIuiL length. In many ways the I Estate of Carl p , Rahm, d ec'd seasona . , l III MoKee, Ky. ., P . · LOll JIll \\"irs(:h ln g' H' .\lnn·11I Hazel Marie ,Ra.hm night I wos told thlLt I \11,, 11 wrong. change affects people ILppointed ex · • • • • I • • I • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • . 0 0 strange ly. J. P. and Hulda Lamb to Con· II'. lIud Rulh I;;. Dunga n. thoy dldn·t B' rve Ullll'gllrlllo III lltf.' In some re~p~ts Wte persona r..O;: h C'I'CS eeutrlx. Cllrf 'Brant, Edward Frenl - • lily rad and Emma. Purkey , 10.70 a cre!! In (;lllal'cr E'ek twp , FIII'mel' a jostilullO IUI!c h OilS th l} change takes a ~rend tow • I zel alld Wl1I.lnm Culbert .son l1ll ' • hl'·ijt!n, ' lind Paul E . Pl' e~lol\ .10 pointed apl1rale ers. Boost out·put pel nue-im County Home·t e of the Grange ungove rnable action - ard r ash. In Wayne twp, ., and • lawWilliam IT," 'ohl and D ,''llll), H. R. lind Mn tlltlJl . hal\' , 1 lo t 111 \ E lltate woulril lot do lIu ch n thing! though breakin g, Persons never prbve c:rOI) 4U'" -increase of Idn :Bell Rahm, de('·O. • they llid have a ,Ift\s In tb e kitchen Involve d In such matters belore White to Feldma n Form ,mil ~Il)nt" LEbnno n. Carl' P. Rabm, profit. , , • you Co,1 1.10 aU thr"e Jr" appoint ed ex· • are sud('..Elntel'. In c.. '15 a'cl'eB i ll Sal elll S. A. nn rl Louise Taulbe e 10 ocutor. to cook , with 111111 I think mllybe denly- but here predic with BIG M Brand Fettil· '. . Quentln e lind Mildred Wi ,It ('11 , Bomo one made I~ mlslu.ke and mixed up in violent physicatably- twp. Estate of Walter E. Squier. dec·d. l out• . izen. F ree-f1.owing Bro ~ ha,s Harold O. an d wancln W. Ho d sot~ 026 acrea in Hamilt Bomn got nn our table. Howevo~, b reak. InHllencinlt their Catheri ne Squier n[lpolnt ed admln· • entire to C1IBr ies I'l, ' ood l{ulh Sm ltll. 1 . 11; 1 . Wllhorl lo Hymel' on tw p. been a growing favorite · fo r pe.rhaps ( do not kllow the , dlffe l" . Uvea. to I (' \\' oy alld _ • acres ill Turtlec l'eek t wp. . more tha n 25 years. It gi\7e5 l Acy Lam h 029 arl'CM In Way ne I . . . . . . . . . . . e«ce. At. any mte th y hud good ADVLT DELIN QUENC . . . .. Y : The ,Earl and Ethel Sams torAlVII," twp~ o maximum ' yields b~causc it IS . ' butte!· I\.t tile e lev.tllOr 1IInner . . anll kids are well into the V year's tlrst ' anT tltlAda E' Ves,t, 6 .28 ac os '. Ellis C. the best bot rolla. It was a t ood Tbomp m .. nufa~tu red · up to sLandards son to Clu, II DEAD . STOC K W~ . turkQY dinner but so mnny .people semest er after an early ur ecreek t wp.. ' . 01 iI ' 11 I I buno l revolt :Rob rt Luther and Minnie ROil' and never down 0 prire, Be a $10 el ~1 c 1. I. went borne aftel' , they ate tbot , a,~inst the discipli ne of acres 1!1 .Al. I. HORSE S ".0 COW ..He to get BIG M. I ~nn nnll. FrO.ncos , Lolillettlu. when they tried to vot e on some room. Sporadic inciden t.l)e ~lasl. Wlneb~rger to Raymo nd W. nnd HOOS' '2. CWT ts of JUvo· Eva. B ' Mears 1 lot In Frankli n I nr~ nn! Ito e importA nl IIme udmOlllH to the al·· nUe deli nquenc y will (:ontihtl Mbert . Bn alit! 1).3!l1 Accord ln, to Sizo and .Condlt lon O,el.,., l ro m your dca16r NO~V tlCIOH of Inco!'pol'I~tlon tll!'y foUlld crop up but on the :-"hole, e to , JesB~ L. and Mary Virgini a ~ICb' IlCl'es In Hntnllto ,\ twp. . wi~ lot Spring ardson to Lester N. a nd ,Leah Jnnr I Vlrgtn ln McGa.h 't h ey did not hnve ol!OUllb people mid-ter m exams starmg . Hog_ .nd Other Small Stock .. them in Stlole, 171.90 acres In .War n e twp. DOl'othy R e p.oda. a to 1.)'10 Po. IIo nd 6 lot.s In \)P~I\" to vote Oil It und IlO" ~hey lIaY(\ t~e face, the yo~ng.~ lel's Remove d Pl'Clmptly ~i11 not 'LeRoy Peyton to Charles anll field LWp. The M iami F ertiHzu Co. le to go to tile llxtra work of ' ~In g CALL COLLE CT out of their r.e belllou8 shell Mary FrJend, " .68 aorOa In Wash· In Indc l>t'n denl M ilro"1 Ve llt'y The Miami Fertilizer (0, IU'Ol1ud and ge tth.lI: ellou gb 11I'Oxif's I:!reak \ F. n. Arl1bur~ to lLubert and W!l-= -....-n 2362 Leb••OD 439 I until summe r vac!\tio ns. But pa· Jngton twp, eonf'cnl " under dlttet ope ra, Betty 1.011 T rry. ] lot In . Union to tllko Mre or II. Aft I' 1\ lov!lly rental deUnqu enb will , FACrO RV & OffICE tion o f itl . OwnCfI . ......... be up and Trulen and .Lena Mac CarroU to tW I'. II'IM I' li ke 'that i ~ HO; m il IL K ' doingl The childre n being l UBliN, XENIA I OH IO INLAN D PROD UCTS occu, lac. ' -~-------.----thOugh t he leuRt lhl)Y ('ollld do ' pled remove s that aspect " ., a.ASSIFIEDS I Dan,er..., " D.,I was ' ~o stuy al\d do t h I,· d ,ty fit own obligati ons-so the of their TRY ' grown- , The Journal of thl Amerll: ln ....... stock holders . up, step out, have a ,ood time, The Locke\' ~ ~etl ll g waH .rlnery Medical ~..oc:latlon bat : become careleaa, and get Into GAZETJ'E PHONE"IS 2143 • Qy night without enterto ln· trou. blel on Frld ~ • caution ed a,alnst livin,. dOl' uI menl or dlnner; It \VIIS not w cuivi dOle. of ytgm!D .A. bperi, e . ateb For "Mr. D.,\,'J" CaleadlU" allnb with puppiel .wnrl4 talat uttel1(1rd Ithe r 11101111'11 th" ro wel'( Fenough .- .. "prill to do th Ie ·C. 'IIary 1:1111;1 .a Crime ... do... ,reaUy n 8A. Tbe I'ellol'ts Rho\vl'd 1\ slow' in oeoll l ~.It' :'.:l.:~~O:;~~~'d mount the, aormall y 1'<IQUire pretIy Improv ing COJl~ltlon. .Muny oM dlleed lOll 01 ~I,ht, DOOr appIal;conn ts hnd .bren . )Iald orr nnc1 Ute, and ouilr Wld•• lrabl. dIaD•••• Income tronl t)l'ocess lng hnd In· . 1 ' Blue Ne". Th. wamin . "al Ioundtl dfor owncrenso(I, but vOI'101l8 other Pxpl'~' When 10U are ptannln , ' to pain' era who mlltalle n17 ...ume OIat ses I'UII kept ~h f' bodl,st rom 1'1110'" the walll of a room. tako ,into conotra 1,r,e am~ .. ?1tam1a A ,Ing II profit, . Tlfl' mall ugor br I .Ideraj,l on the varioul quaUttu of ",JU aid ihlr do,." h!.1th. out the ' fa.ct t hat , hoD,l ri'eezj1r H a color, Blue, tor in_tance , . . t. the are not bU11Ung pIe' hllslnclIs all color. alloclat ed with -----~--"----__.,._----~..;....;...;...:..-- --~ Ik1 --and ------' -~-;;... ..:.:..------much liB ~' n9 feared rn .. thoy al'o wailr. It II clear, cool il,olng rin rnel'ena lng Ilmount. of ilro· parent In quaUty. BlcaUl and tian.. I It lI.dlm. OONT .you ""IHI( It; eeHslng rOt· the hO'mo tr<l(' ~el' nWn· "uU to foc:u ••b--'-, It t. 10ft and ORANCE ·8EVERAr.E Fi~ IN llIJr: HJ!A1mf or s. Th ey arc nlaCl tlo1nlt 1111 the ... .. t'Y WOULD '~EL COZy ' curing they have rOOm fOl·. IIInee aUDoQ Uvkt. UDder ua. ~,IENRY~ they " begaD cbrillK. 1i1eat tor BeY. lII ' lIIIa -~&; ...... II Influenc e "8Ibe. Hd ~ -eral nellhbo rlng lock('rs , Many .an. . . . . . . . '....ue cd tbII, lockllr plants baVe Increue d . . . II Jar.b to loWer tile bl,004 ratee recentl y ' alid there 18 lome ,I,"",W ' . . . ndaa. pulM ancI qUlllon u to w)tethl r we may nee. .~ODall)r, the , have to c1Q ~he same. FrOm the toIu ~ ....e. and talk or tlie manage r aQd fl'Clm lUOa.!SI .... It II found Introlpe cto be the Also , TOIl Qualit y '0 Meatl talkin, to various . people a nUm' moat and Ve,eta !jl_ of color8. 'ber 'of suneBU ofus haVe coure' (or better use of the locker (/lllll· Itlee. . . , - ' .. Allah '. r ...... nrat. Don't butcher aU yOD~ J'N4.u talre bU)'1 dauclnl pWDp' bogs at once. It would help th" ~ at a time, They'r. buDt · , locke r and gl~" yoll lletter m ot If • the blltch~lng was !!IIresd out aD lpeclal lA,ta, ed are lIand, fOO D STO RE over the year, Pork begins to 1Ute)lecl, AataIr. alway. uall 10ft Pbn04t 2641 \oso itS' tine frosh flavor In ,t hree l..~r uppere and mlUow I.a~.r 01' fOil l' mOnthB . r IIacl .on e rnllst tolo•. of pork ' that had· bee~ I.nlbo loo.k~r abo'll. :11 }lear. It was not. spoiled , It was not ran.cd, .but.lt hlld , , itttle na.vor and Beomed .• dry, 'S o, If yi)~1 want 'be ' pork do not put m01'1l In Ilt a than you will ulle while It Is at lis best. With plodel'll faclllUe9, butcher ing can btl ,at any Um~ ot y.enr, ·wltene:vCl your animal Is at Its befit. , Again OUt' 'butche r III mORt nco commo d'atlng but he Is Il~ mind roader . 80 I~ you like stew be tter thiln ' hambur ger tie BUl'e to tell him 80,' There are a "great mnn~ atyles of cutting up ~eat ' 110 be , sure tbat you and h e mean the lIame t!llng by what you flaY, ~Olr ter Btlll, be thr re wl,en YOllr me!'t Is out up, thon you ~n n hav It jllst the way YOU like It And III urlnl your weights don't the waate In 'tTlmml nss and 'bones, etc., You 'c an have tbat extra Bllet and bones. etc., it you wnnt . It.. but , many 'peopl,e: hav!l no use (or It flO U ' Is lold fol' tallow • . etc. t. reo cently had 11 half o r beef (11'0' I ceBsed~ I wan~ all. the and Buet etc.. and when 1 took home and welgbe d It. thera was almoRt tblrtr poundf\o or It ao If your pac1ta'ged meat doesn't weigh as much a8 the .Blde you put .In . , . . don't think you at(\ b~lng short changed . ' Don't be afral4 or ashame d to put In as Utile lies ~lie ]){Io~aJl:e at. wbo . . . . . . . . .va DO GIN momta:" for beau,", a time. TileY ar8' lliere, to a.~~m routiDel o&D . .u.ave r . . , CBJl btl the n...... .,. time b7 modate 'y ou and do It Very pleas· eombln1 n.c actlyltle&. r antly and while you ml,ht not -. want to ~.make a trip" t1' to'WJl . U. at ~ _ III a loiii WOIttDI dQ.' 70U WGUId ....... riIIxfIII BO little you inay \ be coming witb a boot to 80meth lng elM and that pack_Jt1 up JWr baadI, :reu IDq diIeove r It 1ID't will taste very good some , other reau" neceaBl'1 to _ . . a C!haIce. Do boaa. time ..' T'be locker I. here for Ollr conven ience but it won't do you n.re', no need to lit wHb _.~-. wbDe 70U " " any .ood If yQIU do 1;Iot '\lS8 It. . ;rour c:Uticl.. ;your w.eIEl7 ....bnIDt. . . . . bud at· • tbU, . Here'l hi }IOU tor 'b~tter eaUnc: 1O'I)lp , lOur ~ AD a bowl of 011. Iba . . . tree .to : ',urn tbe'pap a or ~........, fa~te aova1.
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Mr. Merchant ---Your Ad Should Be In Every Issue of ·This·Paper .
46 O~. Can
• •• • • • •
Ill . . . .1.... _ _ tit
,..1Iti -''W'A j._clll a ...nlR' fIII' .... . . .
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-Cfa66i1(JJ I"
1'1 I!
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Call 2143 to place II C:"I.a,.ln•• d
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Close ~ Tuesday and Wednesday MA l'
. Thursday and Friday'
h 8 nnd 9
Bible Comment ~
. Grand Ope.n l"K
~BURN~ ***.** BURNS ****H BURNS
Jesus Chose as Friends Men From All Walks' of Life
. '
I EXCAVATING and - . - - - - ABRAHAM LI NCO LN, Walt , Whitman, Hen r y Ford and RemE'mber Wh{,ll a hoy 1....- - DUMP TRUCIK SERVICE Babe Ruth are but . a lew of th .. D ICK POWELL JUNE AL L YSON namea that are certain to pop ur u. d to c'oll!e fl'O ln I he . Phone Waynesville 2191 A prize fig ht picture wlttl 01 novel .twis t . 'T he tr ai n i ng camp a nd gn)(' 1')' s l o l'e o\'ery mOlln· In any dl!icuuioD on men whOSti THE BURNS MAR~ET ON SOtJTH MAIN ST., OPPOSITE I'Ino sce"e~ ,n" e OIn air of realism that nas s eldom been seen, 1 1I ~ 'to t il II (, )' 0 11" o"der WAYNESVILLE, OHIO personal Uvea truly upheld th. for til l' din '! Thnt was "rinciples of democracY. MOM CAR T OON': "B A D L UCK BLACK.IE" THE TWIN THEATRE WILL ,NOW BE OPEN FOR BUSINESS b('(OI'c 'ille 1J ~I \'e ll l of cash BANK R.UN GRAVEL-Loaded 'Few st.op " to realize that Jesus ~ ___ .....!.. "-',..... ,............-.,_ t..... I~'-'J_' ~I~'~· .....' .. ' a nrl car ry g rooeJ'ies. and at Davis Furnas Pit 50 cen·ts a led the most pertecUy democrati;o Saturday . lI utomohiles' and l&le· t i d d We a') so de\'lver. life, The proof of any man's wMarch 10 . phone!! \\'(,I'e ilOl In gen. on . oa e . volvement in a day-to-day liCr. "NORJ H OF THE GREAT DIVIDE" I' ml l1A(-. <'Ol1 SPQll l'lltly, ARM IT AGE & SON. Ph one II)mpletely free trom bIas and t he order bn y Willi· nn es· 2091 tf !ft'ejudice is in the company be COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERI~, MEATS, FRUITS, ~D ,( Color) . nU1I1 il,n t o f t he ato re's a:eeps. • VEGETABLES PENNY E DWARDS ROGERS RO plIl'lIonn!'1 1\ n d '11 I!'T('at NO MORE motb worr lM when you Let us look at &be trienciJ of JeeIU. . (1on vl' nl en ce to lhe Cl \l slOo Rqy, 'with the help of the . Royal Ca nadian M ounted Police, aga in us e BERLOU. 0l1orlell8, s tain!e ~8, m e l . Rpm.embe l'? 'l11e disciples themselves were gels his man, He never le is us dow n. , guaranteed for , FIVE Y EA R S . WE SELL YOU WHAT ' yOU NEED AND 'BUY WHAT YOU Serene beauty and \V A YNESVILLE F UR.NITURE & trom fishing boats, customs bouses, C h apte r 10 -Wild Bill Hickoc:k ~laces of learning and all walks HAVE TO SELL. 'WE BUY THE BEST 'AND FOR restful dig nit 'I APPLIANCE. Phone 3462. Qt' lite, Jesus said ot them,. "1 MGM CARTO ON : ':GARD E N GOPHERS" marie every service ) bave not called )'ou servants, for LESS. THIS IS WHY WE SELL FOR LESS-WE PAY NO planned and con. WILL DRAW HOUle PIaDa, relit, Ule sen'apt knoweth not whllt the __ ENT AND NO HIGH PRICED ,WE DO THE.WQRK ducted by our staff. dentlal or comm.rc~IlJ till1lclln&. Lon! doetb, but I have called you r," ! and 12 Sunday and Monday reaaonable charge. Can also b1l11d triends." OURSELVES AND WE PASS ALONG A LOr ~F SAVINGS STU B .B S your neW' home, remodel or repair But among His friends were also TO OUR CUSTOMERS - SO FOLLOW THE CROWD 'AND "TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS" your olel one. Wayne.vm. t!t'eat me!) in authority, .like the (T ec hn lc oJo r) FUNERAL HOME ' l~-(1Jt)-a-I2' Homan ccntul'ion. whose faith He BUY FOR LESS. J. CARROL NA'SH M AR IO LANZA cOlllmer\dcd. There was also NlcoKATHRYN GRAYSO N Phone 2291 ATTEl~TION HO USEWIV ES OF t:emus, the ruler of the Jews whu ***********~.************************ Here Is MGM's newest singing t ejlm In a lush musical \/IIhich will Waynesville! Stop m o ~h damago came to Him by night,· really give you your money 's worth. Tnere Is some opera singing for five whole years with B ERLOU. Throughout His We Jesus re- WE SELL THE SAME ON SUNDAY AS ,MONDAY. EVERY In this bu t don't le t that make yo u miss a wonderful pi cture. It'/j GUARANTEE D In writ ing. ce ived Invitations to feas~ and WAYNEBV1LL~:: F n.NlT R TiJ .& bllnquets In the homes of· suet. DAY IS A BARGAIN DAY ATW. B. CARTOON: "T H E F RA OTURED LEGHORN" W .B, NEWS , wealthy personages 85 Simon, the. APPLIANCE. l'hone 3462, Pharisee. In ' fact It was prosper- . ous Joseph oi Arlmatheo who FOR RENT SlselPlng rooms. "claImed the M~a body and MRS, W, H : MADD1ilN. Phone gave It burial. . . 26Bl, 2·15-tf But Jesus also befriended tbe South Main Street --~.. from Twin Theatre - Wayne.ville 'By JOYCE SEAL -FO, -R--S-A-L-E---9~'1-5-A-X-ID""iu-!l-te r hlck and the needy, some of whom were unkempt and dressed in III f l'l an!l R: I'ug, chrome and plastic breakrast rags. And those pubUcly eon- OW' Siopn La to Satil;fy .- - If Displeaaed with Any Article, \\' II Oti C aga in, ' (1 ,' I ~ili d In>>t. set, •'Congo" f snge, 3-burnel' k r · demned as sinners also "heard Relllrn Good. and YoW' Money WiD Be Refunded LONG :t'ERMS ON FARMS wee l" th smell o)' ,S l'rll1.& i ~ fu the oaene stove, P . J . THOM AR . nt, Him gladly." Hls kindness was For a h', All th windo wl' a1 W . 11. :'. 1, Waynesvill e, Ph on e ,~ lIt,,1 \ Ule' such that it brought upon Jesus are 01)('1'1 to th r r ca h lil l" :l nd SUll' 7013. X-3-8 the reproach of·the P.hartaaie. "this • BUYINC • U\tPROVING shine and stildents ret"1 111(8 IHlli lng ma'n receivetb slnnera and eeteth 8.wa)' theIr books (01' goocl (1I1 d 1\0' WILL .00 hou secloanlng. ~)Ione with them." , • , ' • REFINANCING It · 27..&2 a-,ll . The riCh,. poor. sick aDd stron" LOW RAT.E _ 4 % nil' out 0 d001'S . nu t th:,( feell n " 1 . werethe ·CriendsofJeaus. And He Is typical of this LImo of y aI', and i.E was a friend to them all. . ..... -0...... · now Is DO· time to put. books away JUST AVF. ,'Youn S HORB ~L Can the records of ~~ntJQu1'" • UU" ..... ' Lee Hawk's Darber ShoO. Will '" pro1,Iv WIre nnd .ProgJ't'slIlve.. AD . ASSOCIIATION OF with the IIcholarshlp testa at MI· be called fol' li nd de ll vI'I''III. \IV !),'!' duce one other llfe as alorlouslt orga.nI~Uon secon(1 to nool. ami comiog up in the near future. guaranteed . PriCI'S I' :1Ho nfibl . democratic? Rlrlctly sAilers on t he best all- FARMERS FOR FARMERS The Juniors, after mUCh dsbate, 'l'FIOMPSO N SHO I, II I~ p,\ 1 R. ..._ _ __ __ _ _ _-,-_ _ arOUI d 1U;1.!'I«~t In . the country. . L--.D ha. e decided on the dat,e for the HR rveys blll'~" OhIo.' X ~· I r.,2~- ,:1·1 French Port of Dunklrqu. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ua Junlor·Senlor Banquet. It Is' to be ' . ., '< ! April 2'1 at th S III R t t :llO'l'H S In r OIll' hOlll " , 1':11 t il '1 R'lalnln, Us World Trad. For ,O;!lIy Ma r ket Repo~t.: hi Da to T: Jev 1 e ~qrr wltl, BEm J .() ( ' . . 11111'11"11';. tlLltlll 1 t'H Dunkerque, scene 'of , the epla WnIO Daylon, 12 :50 . E.S;T, Dial "1 n, e un or an en or .,1l:II'u,n eC11 f QI' ~' \' ", . .... p . ]300; , LW CinCinnati, 1240, Dial LEBANO~, OHIO gitls are already talklog about WAYNESVILLE ' J1:N1T . & Brli1ah evacuatiof/. 01 World War . :JJ, II ,rapidlY re,a1ri1n8 U, pr.war 700. • Ift: ___ 448 their outfits for the occasion. PPLIANCE PI ' 3 ~6? .-_ In the sPorts section of the A . 10!'Q , . , po.ltJOD In Franc.', .conomy. NO RRiS BROC~ COMPANY ELLIS,' H. 8;TURM, a.o'y.Tr.... news the Junior girls are.the cham. The c1ty'. main aoU,v1tT, ~p p~, . now almo.t equala ill 1_ lim!!!!Ull l ml l l l l lm............................... . ........... t~po. With mOlt of Ita 40ckJ aDd WUehoUl" rebuilt, tbe "' .... ma.ltlng them champa, The boy. ~.d harbor. rlJlb ~lt. ~.~ ~ ~.1 tournament will begin nut week. .._._ ••• _._,_._._._._._ .. 'formv plac.-amon, I'nDcb porta ... The Waynesville Junior High . 'DEAD STOCK wCQ\J4 comm.rce. 0Dl7 a,rteam defeated Klng. Mills March , I.e Havr. and RoUl!l haDd1a 2' In the Jr, High tuornament at HORSES $10 .. COWS $10 'more trade today. Morrow, but were trampled Mon' HOGS $2, CWT, r UnW tha Germall bUb of 1JaT. . day, Marcb 5 by Springboro Junior Acoordlng to Size and Condition liDiO, Dunkerque \1(al lust another FUNERAL' SERVICES WIT.H ·U8 Hfg4. T.uesday, Maroh 6 they,net IJIlace name to most of ' the .wo~ ' are DOt . just 10 Inan7 "bUSfDeu CarllBle In a battle tor third . Place, All 8took Removedl Dally ~en overnlaht it became Ii word elqquenl of doaaed courale .and units," we folloW" no mecbaD1sed but .~el'4f defeated. Larg. or Small - (:111 Collect .• tln1Dl drama as 330,000 Brltllh performance :AND IS NO The cborus, glee c~ub ~d , baDd Xenia 4$;1 and I'uncb troop. wer, .natched , . are preparing their numbera wbtch Time .to thinking from Ule b.ttered · beach.. and UNSEEMLY HASTE. they wlll .enter In the state . wide XENIA FERTIUZER We plan every service lor what' music contest. TblB contest Is Olvilion of Inlanlt Produota, Inc. ,."'cu~1I4 to EJlIlapd by th. amaz'8 IIDProvlltd armada Ulat InIt Is SOME ONE'S FIN A. L sponsored by the OhlQ Music Edu· 1_1_--'- _._a_I •• - - - - rol1'ltlJ4 ."el'J1hlo, from warlhJps fertilizer; and farm ma• catlon ASSOciation, and Is held In and IJUll plealUl'a craft. TRIBUTE - and we ,condl1ct It this dlllh'let at Wilmington eollegl', Wllhoul YOUR support your "we4 f~c,. re-eDtere4 the chinery.1f our banking ser, IH' cOl·cHngly. The winners c hosen: at WlImingt,oll newspaper, which Is onr 100 ye~rs ~ , qet flve ' " ' ' later. thet " ' Ill comtlE!te for state honors. .Id, ....... ",U,ue. ~ .... a.... .,.,. ." yice will help, see ps soon. T~e. music department would 1111 BoDow akeletona of to oUer their thanks to the Parent , .tood crumbllDl where 'Teachel's AssocIation who made en· ~.. b~d been. Th. prewar ~ . , , , tefln~ this contest possible. ' ~tloD of .ome 11,000 bai . . .f ' . IIIIhI'ii to only a lew ,coN. The ·Well , I guess, that abOllt II'lnd s ,Olt;' im4 it. one. p~cl barb,or had things ur. for tll.ls VI eli, so I'll b , to M nbwU almOd from .cratch. seelng yoU,'
, j ....
8 a. m. tililD p. Dl•••• .S.VID Da,s I Illk
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Nallo..aI The Le Lou Farm
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i!A lIP,
1 " I.': 6:
_ *Hta. ,'\7,
GrastDe for Bop . Marine InsurancI Green teed for pi,. to eat in the The oldest form of 1nIuranc. 11 further, marlne .insllrance, Iracu of wbtch 'Ileld make. 11'81n ' feed ar e fOund tn the sea relulation. pI IS fatten faster. and make. pll' healthier ' and freer from par.. ltea, ot ancient Greece and Rome ,
By George
"j •••ta"
VDdena" ~".rinaa
water .pear fIIb.rma. II a 10.100t .haft of .tI1r41, corro.lon r ••I• . t.ant .talnle.. .teel.
H.,I •• ner,I•• It, D••ttl' Preliminary re.Ult. OD firat ·ex· tenaive atudlu undert.ken to de-
m.ata to
and abIp.
The oulT wa.pOD of an
1-21, .. ·. - . , :; 19~9.. -- .' .. ,! '. G-'fhl' • ..:,
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~.-. ' _.:~t!-. 01 1.0 ~.aree. . JPqa~ ta.lI wa• .reportI . ~· J'lo14 A,. :pe)'ton, profe..
~ o\l~ that tha
toptb e~1l 11 about 100
41,"", and lbout a l8-4ell'" rile
.........Dev .
. .~i - - - ........ MTtON POll AIUMAL,HUl.TH
The cycle Is compi6~ when Ulve" eat this grass, Veteriuarians lillY that three Internal p.ru1t.. t.ke a terrible types' o~ such. parasltE!8 are among toU or loung calves. Many lin. the most danlerous, They a'~e yoU~. ~lI)all nevw m.ture. be- " stomach wOI 'ms (tometlniel called twisted wireworm.), lunar worrna, and nodullir worin!!, Stomach worms Jlye In the 101lll'th stomach, lung worms In the luna.,-and nodular worms in the la~Jle Intettlne. They otten draw off enouah blood to leave an anl~ anemic. Pale skl'n, and a wa1tei.'y .wellblar under the , jaw are both a result' ot anemia caused by ·atom.ch' wonna. Cattle bOlhered by IUD, \forma may cough frequently, while thOle' sutferlng from nodular infection eomln. oJ117 ICnIwny, )ow·arad. Bre IIhly to blLc1ly. runta. Othen JIIa)' 41. from In· B'y careful juri. .uatalned due to parasitic lnarlana can deterJlliD4il'tII . ,1ftftct10na. parul te presen t. '111. prlnclgallOlU'Ct of thla trou. Important, beeaute bI. II aUowtna catv. to ,rue on medlclne" Is eUlCtlve I••'.........
., shodrl/,
" "" 11
W ,IS . 01.
"tf!re "'n ." .. ~" 'go ..,hen :;
S!l C> '
..tlllt cattle I!prMd paralte.... III tb.sr dropJID.p. , Ill. few dar..... lUI batcl1~ 10 tbrou,b a ella.. of form. tIleD attach tbC!Mspl\'ea to Irrl!SJ .lemt.
Ulan a few klnlla
.nd carborundum cuttln, toob .u,-
thet lell temperature rill. 00cur. wben d.r,lD1n, II 400. It low .n.tda, with imaU cuttln, tool .izes
Ind with 1I,ht pre.aurl ·P....c.-
tlon., He also indll:lt.d that contlnUOUI forcl on the lnItru'ment caUl" areatar beat than an IDtetm1ttent method of drWln. lor 'twp 01' UlrH .econd. and .toppln,
for a .'cond. lCxpulmenta with th. n.w ,a.
pr~Uad alrbtaatv. tecbnlqu. noW'
und.r development thow th.r, 11 DO .ilnlflcant temperature cheh,.. durin. d.r1llInl, Dr. Perion d.c1ar-
He .&14 thet futurl upartmenta arl plamled to .tucl)' tile IfIect of
,temperature chanle.
·mouth U.
above reaulta de~td b, Dr. ~ were aU obtaJDe4 from 'meaunmata made OD extnetecl ; adult molar and b1cuap1d teItb. 1'be 'temperaturl chanle. "... ~ . . ." IaIe11Jq • tIDe win .... • \.,...u QeOIIJlr drI1IeII bole tIIrcIqIt
,tile b,-V7 J _ low paruI,t e 1Dr.1IIII4_
I:':'-=D~.r ~tIII...
1- Famed Musician . J. 11-----------BOIUZONTAL 55'GenUJ of' . b bs
I.Pictured 'mualelan
-12 Scope
13 Babylonian
deltT ·
oocur. when drWln, the dentin. un- . 14 T)'pe of derl71Dl the .Ufface enameL ....." . . Dr: Peyton .aid Ulat preUmln.r)' .. I......... .tudle. with ,.teI1, ' dlamosid Poln~ II...... '
Tben, worldu. IDarIan. owner.
apm_t I1ItaIDI
h. a'. ,maraw4 ' In the
:f!Ported b)'
4,urlnI dentll 4rU11n. he • .
h. ,var,4.-. .. ""t-,-.,..
coDtammattd putUrtl,
D.t.rmln." It, III.nlla'
'bl 'arll.villl latiDllllllk "
Joyce Beal ." Cu" II. . . He.V)' kDJtted c:otton ttt..," or cottOD m\lll1n are uled .. COYV cur.d protec:t them In ators,. ment.
'I". '" eDUU1 aide 01 ... tooIL ware. can.t • ''lblnDaDh'-'' CD ....
• ru cerium
5e S),mbollor
57 Developed by
58 Cuddled 69 SlraiD
mIIta1cM ': 1 ..... lWDe II New IlalcaD I Pled ' . river ' J Plant . ,. I" CwbJoD .. Crow'. C!'I . 20 Handled I Anblaft auu
D Lepm IJea. I Wile or Zeua IIatuI (ab.)
II DllDlmaUn 01 , DIncUoD ' . • ",adl' '.~.. ___
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S ca, :1'=$;.
til .:.....,; l1l-I1-+-
.... .. -
,I t '
Serving Waynesville Since 1850
Rotary, Guests Examine New Plastics
B·RIDAE SHO'WER' HELD HERE Local Churches To FOR 'MISS ANNE WELTZ BolClSpecial Service Bride-To-Be
Beautiful GfElI ~.t Wedneada), Evening
Dr, . AI'cIL ' 0 . . HalW8)',. Conll't ;?.. l· - ,Jien.,tb ComJuJssioner, u.nhounca ' ' , ' At th e" Me U,od !sl (' htU'l, lI bit'" .Mrs. Nor-mah Dn nlc el't lind Ml's . toda1 tbn.t tbe pro{lOsed 1Ilumbln!:' 'ginning S unda.y night lit .7; 30 Il'iil 8UNDAY DINNER IN COLUMBUS Rlcharrt beelill" comillilllented regulatlonll lor Warren 'Colmty will ' b thl' 'e eve nIng Holy WC" k' lI ' I' \" Mr, and ?,Irs. Loyd ' Davis 'were ~tllIlI Anne W~ltz ""lIh :~ brill III b'8coble effective 2 April, 1951 , All , • ices. ~'e ryo n i ~ Indl r ll to :l tt.NIII '13unday dinner guest ot Mrs. Mary sbower on Y,' c4"esdll.y e \'E'nln!; ut Warren County reslden tll de-II" 'lnG and t hlt s pl'e illll'e rOI' I he J;'I· .Ot C~· n6r&blan in , Columbus. the home of 1111'". 'Wailel' S heeha.n. to enga~e In. the bUsIness of pl.umb· pCl'ipnce (tf Easter. 'I' hl' lill'I) O KI>]': Games And conuets were rnJoypd, Ing In Warren County (}eneral vices al'e a t! rollow s : ::;UNDA Y- :\f.essap;p : " Why Cnll nnd the. honor a!te8t was In\'lted to Health DIsi.rlc~ . lIhould apply for a Seth Furna. Spakell On Special DELTA KAPPA GAMMA t he dining room" whel'c Hhr round IiceD.lle from the Wanen OUlll) Topic _ "Changing Me LOrd ?" Iyltb s lJcc lal mll si', ' 1.1', Mrs. K. N. HOUGh nll.cndell a many lovely glfi an'anged on lIitl Health Dcpll.rtml'nt lll'hir lo 1 ToM Buli s inglnl'; .. ne S tili lind Delta ~appa Gambla luncheon al dining table •. o~r Which was ~\lII' ApriL, 1961. Neighborhood" Know Thllt I Am God " nnt! II dlll' ( the Van Cleve Hotel on Saturday. ' Pil",ded a wllttriilg . Cllrt. All deror· An additional IIU1iouncelllelll .wall by Wlnlll q Jo . 10llt IllIII I.iI\da aUons In the dilling I'oom were In made ' changing Ih e place tind rtute 'rbEl " , ayne TOWllllhlil Fupn l's Hnmby ~~l1gl ll ~ " My TUflk.'· 'SUPPER GUEST OF ST, JOHNS ·the briIJe8 colon, green nnd white· of tbe plumber"I' mertlng .1'l'om Ule lub ,met on T hll ),llduy at I ho : 1' 8 DA Y- :\l esSill\'c : " [)Inn!')' IR Mr. and Mrs. Gl~nn . Dland · were 'AII joined In a6nlh'lng the man)' Court 11.ou8e Auditorium on 23 country homo of M1', uno.! ~) I M. ~. Rea(l y·' . wil h spe 'llIl mush' hy Saturday e\':onlng S,uPP4lr guests ot lo\,ely ~ift8. , l\farch to Memrolal Hall 011 Tbul'Z!. ·S. l'~llIs. w.lth '1\1.1'11. Ve im a. l;;toci( · Mr/; , MOlTi s ]l'ulkerKO(1 wi'll their parent8, Mr. IIl1d Mr8; L. O. Delicious reCreshmelltl! weI" day 22 MarCb In ·IAI'lo.non; OhIo. , stili, ~r Dayton, M.I's, l·hIlTY· . 'm ~I / , 'sl ng, "My GOII alld I" lind u .,due\ sel'Ved by thc bi:istesse!J. MI'II . Glenn DQl'dell alld MI': a 1);1 by MI·S. , Helcl1 '\I1'O\V1l nnd Philil) , St. Jobn. '. The Invited lrUe ~tI! were: ~11'8 , M"I. Joe Worley tlnd lion II!! gUOi;tK, Worltmnn. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - Thoma8 McClun, of Oil), to II , ~li. K RROGRES~lVE WOMEN A delic ious ham diM I' \\' 11 q' Hl RSf) " - HOT,Y r.O~I M li :;; · RETURNS ' HOME TO DAVTON Dorothy Cnm(!1:j1l of Be ilbrook. HOLD MARCH M~ET fjel-ved. follow('d by Il Khon sol'la l ION. ·7:30 to 1<: ~ P. M. Th .. wh ol,· Mrs. Ohn.rles Fester returned to . I Mrs. I)(wld H lutKock, M" l), Oc-ll peliod before o)l(!lIlng th lifter· seniee 11'111 bl' ill s ilen('c e XI'elll her bome In . Day·ton on Monday ...-."-. . . . . ~.,,...."",iI"' Hawke, Mrs. PIItsr C"N1CIl, MI';;. AT FAR Hlu.s HOUSE nooll S~8SjOIl wilh I be IlI'Pll iil ·nt. fOI' tbe 'lui I OI'Atln O1U 9 1(· by th, · . after llpen!'ing the past two weeks IMr. Gilbert FI're pre!;I(llllg. clllircil ol'gnlll!Jt. Miss ' VirAinla C. Lee Hnwke, 1I11s" Huth I;;~nl with Mr. and Mr&. . P. L. Rcnllon. bart, ..Mrs. . H. 11. "::U1'III1:11 t. "Jr. . Mr. Seth FiJrllJll! KI.ok e on t h Hnrdin . \\'orllblpPO'I'" mllY cl)m~ Walter Sheehan, Mrll. M. 1-'. \Valtz . The Progresllive Wonien , held s pecial loplc. "(';lIl1 ng llll'; Ne l~hb()l'" alld lenve :IS they wish (hl l'llIl'; III ,· lI:s. Howllrdl}lIltoll . .I'I I·S . .\lul" their MlIrch meetiqg on Wednes· hood." 'He remurk ed thal '''I'imll'' holt houl' sel'v.ic'e. MoaTES'$' TO PAST ¥ATRONS Roger!!, I\lriI. Gen,(' J)UIlIL\\"t \'. MI')t. dllY even ll4r JUlineI' '8er\'pd at the and ..change ill uiodel'll nteLllod s FRIOAY- I : 30 to :1 : 01) 'P. M. Mm. William Sl l'Ooll~ , WIIR hOt.lt.. Willis Hunt(\I'" lo,lr~ . JOI~II P. Sack' Flll" 'I{UlIi "Arty Honse. Following had mnde qulle n - ' t'lllln l1~ ', a 11 (\' Coo d Friday ::; .. 1'\,1(;11 (.J I hi. F'rlcllllH eel . to ihe ~11Ul11 (hapl~I' Past . etl, M'·8. \v1I11~11I t'! h: ke )'; . ii,'; ille dpll('iol18 dinner Ilnd bUl\lnell1! that each olle I'euliy Ill Ade tlw\[ ' hul'ch. . Ma*ronl Oil'cle on \V dneflflay evaVee Hawke, 1111'.., :\111 0 :lLl'd\\'ell , sesllion ,\Irll. Alice Tomlinson O,WII ne l.g hborbood. nlDC 'a t .her' home In l~ytle. the honor: ",U('llt and 1.0:111:1 . 1>:l.I'e he r liat enel'8 n fine re\'!ew Mr. Cedl'lc S[aill ey. 0\11' Slul ' Mlsl:I \\'('It'T., "lI 0 ~ 6 I !! IT O' ', ' " . '" Repl'ecntntL\,e. WILS Intl'od uCcll U~ GOOD FRIDAY 'S ERVICE Mr. }{obert lhlbtlli' will he lUI ~ . " .-- - ~ ---.1. b Ucuess, whh'h the glle8t speaker und he Lalkcll VIS~ .'" 'SPRING ,VALLEV AT FRIENDS CHURCH event on Su.lurda.y aCterllOPII at St 11'118 enjoyed by eveITone. OIi . lhe Is-suos before til I gh;llllll l' . M,s. J"ol\9le nohll~Cl' nntl Mary's Church. ' was attio ~U"Rt 0 Tile club acl.Jo\J11U!CI · to meet III the hllfbwtlYII find ' I\(;hool s "'('il1~ The rollowlnli Is Lh!' 1 1\'()~ mrn ur Merlo K ..rnB, of. Clevl'ln,JId, honor recently wh~n MI'Ij. 1'1&", . .\I,rtl, lLI!'aln Ilt the Party Hous!). the luO~ t Impol·tunt I ~ OjI\!l , II the Goorl Friday 8o]'\' i\' " tn tit' lIe lil week end guests of Mr. llnd Mr8. 'I'hoblas Iissl8tefCl by Mrs.. m.·. ood I uribeI' ,.inns were 'made to I'e. ul~o told of the to wII !;. grourJ~ :\11(1 ul. lIte J1:l'lelldH Meetillg ILOusr 0/1 A. H. Marlatt at their home near Hboneillus and Mrs. Harry Thoma~ b II I lilt : . ol'gll lllz~t1onJj nllJJearlltJ;' (1 )1 lhl! / March 23 nt 1 :ao p. m. by the Met hSpline Va lillY . odlst. l1:llh;('oplI l lm ,1 i" II I (' 1\ d " /'ntertJllned Rt ho\!' hOllle nellr n . ll· mem for a men 0 m Ilry tier.· lel(lphone qu ....s t ion . brook wIth a lolsc(>UaneoulI brIdal I" :tud :uhlrel'l..es or correcUon, The Club ad~our'lI Ii to m et Churcill's : RE1'lUIN FROM TRIP ABROAD shower. In aAldrel! NeS will be tnken by !III . with MI', and M\'~. Wnl'cul, 11 ), ,' "The MeUlI III /t or tho 'rll 'lf\Jtioll" !ir. all~ Mn. JlA)leoe Fumas and 'Fbe wElrldtng "hbear'!;nl will tit: A. H, l;tubb~. ' at Ole Pu,l-ty H'OUSC! III AIII,n. ITymn No. 3'1.I-" One COfll,DlOn' PU\" iOn ba'V8 returned after a mOilth , held 0,. , Frida" l'venlng Il f t e ' ~.'t.IEZER " - -_.p' .l.RTINGTON'. 73~ . 0 ' 'F' HARVEYSBURG, pOl!e" ~~~ •.• ~. 'OJlg l'eglltioll lpent bi travelhig by motor , to whlcb Mr. and MI'8. Don Rs",; " "The Backg'l'onnd 01' Uie l'u('inX', aunt of the bl'lde, wI! DIES SATURDAY AFl'ERNOON AT HIS HOME lon" ~ _._. Rev .• ilmllel No K,'Ys \' ocl" und New Orleab8, by boat to. Ecllador ',' ntertaln to dlnrter at Ihe )'arl!;I' SHen t M.1ld ilalion and b, plane to Quito. £CUl\dor. .- " 1 }fouse. F:lleller partington. 73. retlr '.•' nnn'eysburg, nnd 'Ne" , aSllE! , Ind .. ' Conmcts Leading ,Jes us to · th WEEK END IN KENTUCKV FTtendll churob ~1n1ster a.nd C" .' D100mJn gdale, Illd .. allli I.A,.'~\JUI·I;'. .Cross" - Re,' . J . W. WerlltC!woorl M-, I'Oreat Grabam !,Dd lIlUe, W C T U MEETs ' Ill. .' t eacher, d'ied at 1: 46 p. " ,. Ohio. ~i\oIlL ~f!ditallon ' . ...,. , • • •. • . ~!ltIl.t(!a:" :01 hIs home In TT:. (· I I'unel'a!' sen' ices were helll at 'Tho Mossage. or Jesus" _~ __ ...::. "".........., Shirl." . .,.... ... ~ FRI~Y , .."bu,. m. ot <h' . '."." . - - - ___ _ ____ _ , _ SO'" E. ""'"I'"~ companied Mr. and MrtI. Vlrsll Hol, . A nath'e of l:ln gla~d , Mr. Pnrl· Creek Friends meeting house. H SUeut Medl\aUon . IUktoo cll,!!e \0 t.he 11nltl'!i ~LU.~ ~ . lB., s~rvlve~ lly \ hI. ' ir.,. _. "')0 'I!: HYl1}n No. 11'11;-"fJ o)y . IloIY ,. lloIy." I brook., her Bon·in-Iaw and ilaughter , to l~ n~u,q!q or tAl! '!!.!:~" .~~~:::::..~;6:6!:~~i:::J:=~:r:::::~=.:::;::~~~=::::.~~:::::::::...::..:::=-.::::;. 0.11 .l'!Ilih\y I. Mnn'1f -:1, , at the . Age of fh:to .ani! llett.ied lie thl:ee daughters , :\11'6. Eether H elL' ~_ •• ~~._~.:~_ ~___ ollgt'llgnlloll end. ' .... _._ .' ~ RS . ..... l' lhe rogular. monthly meeting 01' lPennSY1Vlllllll. lie latel' mov{'d to neld ; ot :;null !'it.(>: MUI'IIl. [\tic-I)" Prayel' _ DlUIAaI:. ' , BIRT.,.DAY D1N ~.. ER ~he W. C, T. U . waR hElM Ilt tltr Mt. Pleusant,. 0 ., nnd. Wllll • edu' and Elizabeth nnd 1\'IIwgal'l'l, haUl GUE8T8 8UNDAY EVENING ENTEJtTAINED BY , HONORS HAROLD home or Mrs. I.llsie HocI~e~t, t.i1·~· l cated I!ot ~YJ'\l.CI!"e (1oll('ge, und re· ot Columbus; rOIll'SOI1M, 1')(1\\,111.01' ST. AUGUSTINE TO HOLD Mr. aDel MrS. '1. 1. Bunke were RH'ODES BUNNELLS '. . . GoldIe Dorden ' hliVillJ; ('harK~ ot celved hi8 An degree at · Eurltiom NorfoIk . VIl.. ·Pa.ul, of Reading. PII., SPECI,(L SERVICE ' TAYLOR, OAKWOOD ., [he 'devotions and IlrOgl'!LIII, .M IN· I college. . Walter, of Indiaml\lOlh, and ' lt n I"h. omoDg tbe guests on SlInday eve; .\ tho regular business meeUur;. MI'''. .M r. ParUII~ton h.ld pastol'l!trll or Atlnllta, GIL.. . aruL eig ht 1:1':-1m1· ON GOOD FRIDAY nine wheli Mr. and Mrs. Harold " I .... i . ' Dorden read several good II.rllcled In CaesuT 'reek, Slll'illg Vulley . 1cbfldl'en. , Rheetll entertaln.ed "Vltb a covered Mr: and Mj.s.' Rbodr s Dunnell en· M.r. and Mrs. I.e" ~ , q eB Will.!! from the Union Ignu,1 amon~ ;===:::::::::===:;:=::::::====:.:;========:;:;~ dllh dinner at their hollle in tertalned \0 dinner "on Saturday among the guests Sunday. when them were "Tbe I.;touor Advents· , Sp"dUI 8~ 1'\' lc"K fOl' Good Fl'lIllI Y evening with the Bridge Club memo their. son-In-law and daughter ... Mr. In'g mil" "The Waate. of Oralu" e'venlng. Marc h 23. have been ;111 ' Lebanon. ' and Mrs. Robert Meredltb enter- and "Ohlldren Allo'wed To Go Into 1I0llDcod (01' st. AI/ltllsl.ine ' athol 1( ' bfmI aa their gueatll. A most dell· . n hurch, \\ lIynesvllle. AT1'EfciD FRANKLI N O. E. S. cloull d,l nner and evelling of brldgl' Inlned .'tl'lth t~ Iblt:t'fldiltlY .<J ln:~~r HhOn",: I ~:Itft~:d T~T.?~·h~~'rl::::n,::n R~:tpl~!~. B., C E D RIC A. S TAN LEY AII hll \'r be ell extend ed a V('I'Y .... r. _Rei "n. Jobn 1. Bunke. waa en,oyed by Mr., arid Mrs . Chns. orlng "rs .•<r e'" 1\ Ie\', Inl. ' .. , cordial Ivelcome Cor the Holy hllu i' .... ... .. . ' ' slblIIty to the Foreign Dorn" by 'Sbte Rep, renntatlve, Warren County Mn. WillIam StrouBe. Mn. J. P . Doster, Mr. and Mrs, WJlllam Dos· old Taylor or Oallwoo<l, who WIlli Francis Willard. Tbe mEleling WI\"" -8 to 9 p ., m . rommemOl'ntlnlt ·the Fromm and Mrs. E. f. Earnbart ttlf, Mr, and M1'8.. Donald Coates" celebrntlng hI .. 15th Ilhthday un ni· I closed ..... Uh the Union .·DEtnedlction . . dea t h of ChrlsL i\ II wJll ha ve the, 11 M 1 .. oppOl~ tunlty to " elltll'nt r lind T) e attended the lJ'I8pecton of Frank· Mr. lind !ttrs. George ,Wa, r. ,lin' . ~erslll'Y. pUler f;uest.~ with . 1Ilr. · · The entire leG1elath'e IIe.t,.U I' Willi ,henl·lng". Amid. Nulms thllt th e bl1l8sed' Indlvl(lua lly wi th II /'Ilila a t ' lin Eute ro' Star Chapter on Thu", MI'II. Bernard Halne_, 1\1r. and J.{rs. ,', ' Ii . well ·under · ille4m during the Illlllt ITl'nnllPOl'tatloll commIttee WUS the true CI'OI:l!! o( Cll iv ary. day evelllng, ' . c. 'E. Ecfirlnton, M'rs: ·LIIllan .'Carr. T:~lyl?r were MI'. 111111 ~ll·s:. . ". FARM TRAINI.NG week, Now tbllt the Governol' hal! "sUicked" III ra\'ol' ot the bill. mo, All ~nn sblLl'e III III ij uffel'i ng.; . INSTRUCTORS ~rISIT submitted bla budget, 11I'0~rtlm 8 tlOII was made to' "'ulllgr. th I·er· <if ChrIst f!'Om F,fls U'bll b rm'l) Mr. ami Mrs. D:' I. HllI lind llll Hnrbeson alltl 11011 of ()nkwootl\ 'h osf an'd hostess. The prlze~ . ~r Mrs. nhyniond Stom.ps and ~on. or FARM NEAR 1.ONDON may be formulated, filleal HIt u erenee, to the .IudlchuT Committee. Pllnte to ' RIB delltb on ulvnry.' MRS. SMITH'S .' BIRTHDAV the evenlDl were won· by r.lra. MlamJsbllr"', MI', . nnd U I'S .. , Leslln i10nll analyaed and the Unal colll'~e Ho~ever bl:' lIlI 0':6rwlll'imlnl;' Th e 8chedule f,ol' Sunday ~'IILSR h Mr. aDd MI'II. C. C. Archdeacon Ch I V t ,., " of ledslatton determilled. Hearill ' lf ; voice \'ote· the members hip sup·, ,Is nOl" :00 and 1.0 : OQ, . . and da.uchter. lletty ' lind Mrl,l. George WaU, Mr. A, rde~f '!,et·, 1lI1(1 SOIlS ot hlphU. the hOllt . host· "'I'. Eldon nan'~, o[ LeL--lon, ' comblenced upon the appropriati on ported ·tbe nellon oj' th r ,J: u IIII' . . Mn. Charles Doater an "r. ",I·n· ... ... ...... I h H fl It f . itl ' Ethlli . Trimble, of Dayton, and Mr. ()SS and dallliilterR. and "fIo. Lamnl' Earnhart, Vetllr· bll ID t e ouse Dan ce COll1nl tee re erence comm ee. HOLY WEEK SERVICES AT Edging ton. and Mrs. Robert Atcbdeat;on and ellt ~~====--=-::-:~-=-=-::-:-=-===----- ans' In8t1tutlonal on t he Farm on Wednesday morning. Coming to th e floo l' for "at . eon or Mlamlsb\lr&,. " ,etc Sunday ' E, FOR fiRST 1JME, IN .RANKS OF WAYNE . Trn'lnng Ins tructors with Q. group On MODday. Mucb 6, the SellutE! also dlll'Jn,; til" we'k \\1M the bill ST: MARY'S EPISCOPAL p ..ts or Ml'I!'. Grace L. Smith, FEMAL of students visited tbe farm of uDaDlmously adolited the I'esohition to authorize the ~o,·eJ'llor lo r~--'. HIGH SCHOOL FUTU~ FARMERS OF AMERICA Mr. Gwln, Durr near lAlndon OD creaUn&' a joint House.Senalc Iti- deed the .J)0rtlon. ollhe .[llh'gl·ollud S Th e following hI the s (:h dul "o[ wben Ibe cele~rafell Wor bl.rthday . j 'l'h·ursday. Mr. , Owlll hl\.ll· a large v8IItlgaUng ~omuiittee to IH'Qbe ' back. ~ tile ?o.unt ~ O!nmitlKlllllel' R floly \v('~k sel··vl es- . ll:t the , l. ann I ':'OI'Sary, ," F61' tbo first lim!' thero n fe· bel' wishes to tal(e the /l:'i lt 01' gilts. commercial beef ber'!' ot·cattle and subversIve ~UvlUes .In OhIo. It Is or Warren .. COUJlty. 'I h(' lIi11 fl') i l\'faI'Y~s Eplfl<lopal ChIlI' " 1 lo·. lJo , .. rT male In the rankll of the Mlnmi they wtll be sold II!J \I til(' mOIl"Y ~IRO l'u1808 cash rlum crolls. :Among bopeel that when the conlmlttee 1'.)' Int~ the non.contr,over~lal \:lltegOl:Y held ,dally Mondlly .t bl·ough Hat, . NEW CENTURV CI,.U·B TO M~~ 'VallO)' Cha.pter .of t~e Future PlIt back ' in the chnpter . lou1'ney. those w'bo ncoompanie(l the ' In- portll on or before May 10 of Lhli! Qnd 'pused the lj.ollse ,wilh but oll e uraiiy: \ The New Century Club will meet Fo.rmers ,of AmerIca lit Wayn!'3' A committee c'Qmllose() ot Wa r· Instl'llCtors were Doll llQId William year. any cban~ell In existing 10.", dissenting vote. . Holy · Co mmunloll~ I Q: 30 n, m . on FrIday, March 30 at the Far Ville l:dgll Scbool. She Is n pllt·Co 1'00 Shu tts, Dob O'Ullnioll , n o b Am· Asbnry. Willard . Fnr.nlls. Rnlph, and any neW' requIrements to COlli' Several ot\lel' non·conlt·o'·ersi,,1 Noon-Dn)' PI'Aye l's- 1.2 NoOl) . Hills Party; Hau80 with Mrs. Allee bred regl8tel'ed s potted Polllnd burgy and J , H. Mo·"lbl·ay. Vo·Al'\ Drnnstr~to\'. Hnrrett . Ev~rett, Her· bat tbe present threat agalnillolll' or correctlve meas uref; wei' p!lIl~1'l1 Thlll'Sdny- Mhl week Len tcn ' 01' 1" Tomlinson aa hos~csa, 'a nd MIBS Ohlna gilt th'at wns. pllruhl\9C'd b~' Instrnctor. contacled sWin,, ' bl·eed· schel WhIte, Dert Myen, WllbJ.\'d internal 98CUrity will be forthe!>\lI' during the we",k. one to 1\1· , Ice--8 : 00 p. m , ) Minnie Dodson. MNI; IL E. Hatha- tho members for a gilt chain. e rB in the community nR to· lhe Helton. Roberl HaU.' Oren Ehl, I~. The House had I)revlolllll), crE'aee penalties (01' attempted III ' Good Friday - 'ommltnlt y L"lIlc lI -'ay nnd u ra . E F. Enrnhnrt In . The gilt wilt be taken by J erry 1ll'llUnblllty of bred gills. prices, Herbert Clark, E8tel ~lantn an(1 paned tbe me&llure . unanimoullly. Umldntlon or JUI'ors, unothel' to III ' Sel'vice ut FriendR blll'cb. .. LV.. tI I I 11.1 e pedlgl'e'es nnd othel' IlDlJorlunt. Later. ill the week, ~f8oubel oC the ·creasl:' substlln.tially ~h e penalUeH Satllrd~y-(Easlel' Even) - H ul,' ('barge of thlrprogram. Copas a8 avoca ona altr cm I 1'. facta. A "'lit rl'Onl th hel'd of MI'. Don Charlton. committee were appolnted by the for jail breaking, IJermll "suis tan l Daptlsin-ll: 0'0 p. m. . ___ project nt. s chClO;I. From the IIUcl .. . . o[ ~i ..... the cbapter wlll receive 11 ~ . 0 , Sheehan' wm; Bugge8te(1 b)' Speaker of the House and the Ma,· eounty BUJleJ'lntelldenil? to lell h Enstel' unday'S'ATURDAV EyE IN ' CINCINNATI gilt bic\t at llia~ket time In ex- the commltteo. at nil F'l<"A mcetlng LOCAL Bpy WINS jority 'Floor Leadef In the Sepate. part time, and yet anoth er to In· Holy C ommIlI1IQtI~ 8 : 01) R, Il'l. , Sr: and Mrs. Mlllam. Strouse change tor the orlr;lnal gilt It tbere and the members o( the c bapter The' Hilt from thtJ HouBe . lnclllde1l crease a8BeB~mehl.s ullon lIubil ~ Parish Eastel' DI·e~krll,.t - ~: ·I r. HONORS 'A T U. OF C. ODe' ,f ormer judge and member or· utilltle8 r-or support ·or the Publlo th IItl If there electeld· to buy he 1' . 11.. 11,1. , were SatUrday evening gueats of are four p Igs I n e , er. , The lise of the J:'1It chain Is only -counter-ln,teIUr;ence tor the 4th Air Utility Commission. ChUr(' h 8 cI\001- 10: 30 a . m. Mr. .and' Mrs.1. C Youni In Cln· are five .or more pigs ro.fsed, the one \"ay In Illcb th. e memhel's of , will receive two gilts liS , One bill receIving con stdcr ablll hornl , E'IH::hllrl st-l0;3~ il. m, Lansing Hlll-elln, eon (If Mr. nnd Force during ' the war, II. formel' clnnatl and IItt.l e . (:arol Sue. their In ellchange for the ot'lg. the Minml Valley lI'a l)ter p'lan lo Mrs. T. S. HlLrdln. bas NlCeDtiy F.B.I. qent, a former 1i8!l I~to.nt attention was the rep~al bill WhIch little. daughter, waa a.n Inal gilt• . T.h~ gUt or gills> wl\l then Illcrense rllrmlllg pro~ll-m8 of lbe been ndm', tted to Bet:n. · Gamma county pro8ecutor a second 'm em' l would remo~e ce~~1l 111 o,d law . HORACE D. STU MP guelt of ber grandparents, Mr. be given to other 00)'8 In the chap- meblberB and help make th.eir .1""' Sigma National bonoro.lI'1 fro.tern · ber of counter·lutelllgence . heHe ~" .~. i rom the 8~alllte book. Hora'o D. .Stump·. 'Ii I. o( Lebanon and Mn. '1. J. Buralee. The Burskes ter who ma, ' want to ' 4lke a gilt. ture Fnr.mers organlzationA more Ity of DUBlneBII Admlnlstrlltlon. CODtroversial "in the extr me ' tlnns. kn~.\Ii n nR t he · V~g,I.l:lI1t~ . e(: . R't. 2, pnslled Ilwny .1'111,), 1II1exp.>ct.. aillo had, as Sunday gUests Mr; and ~on~th~e:.....:8::a:m:e:....:t:e:rm:;::8~.~1:.f..n::;O'::.....m=.:.e.:..:m...~_:_;w:'o:-r;-t1';I"'-;"~Ii;;le;_·w;:;~;_;;;;;;;;;,;_--- 4 nsln g Is a student lilt the Unl- Wall a meeting In , comnlittee to tlons, or HOl'1le Thiev('H ~('ction l!. rdly a t tb e home QC hi H brothel' ver81ty of Cincinnati, and bn Dlnde d te I upo a name ;or .lhe provided for the orgnnlzatlon of Iand s lsle l's on \\ aynes\' lll e RtlUlP Mri, Bert Gal~lnClnnati . LOCAL GIRL -WINS PALM SUNDAY SERV. , the "DeMe L18t" during his lIre· e rID De n mutual protecti ve nl!soclutiolll! to · . . vlolls threc 'years '11i school. atate collep at Wilberforce. Oll' ' catch borse-thleves and othl' l' 1'01.1 2, at 1 . Q5 P.• MC;>lId,a~ . . ' FRESHMAN HONORS ICES WIU: BE HELD CHEERFUL CIRCLE MEET8 . . IIOIlng f~tlODII flnnlly reacbe.d. luntary police aoth-Ity, Since ro.1 He Is survived br hiM wiro_ AT OBERLIN COUEGE BY METHODISTS apeebl8Dt . anet; It tbe leglslatol lcently the use of the' I!f!\itlonti hnv t;\ :Berlha, 2 dau ghl,er·l!. "lr~ _ Mil'inm Mr. anil Mrs. S. S. ,ElIIII enter· CIVIC CLUB . WJJ.J.. foUoWII out the committee re POI:~, Ibeen abuRed _ IIIBtllncos of 01'!;1\1I . I B81:ton , of Xenia. Mrs, 1111al'jol' ii' talned the CbeerfUI ' Circle on Sl,ltMEET MONIDAY EVE the I~te portion of t~e school wlll llzatlonB belllg rc;>rm (I tOI' blll.cQ I. Kenna rd. ot Centen ·lI1 e. I [<tep' Tille ·is the d ~}' when Jes us urday evenIng to a dell~lo\l8 flab 'Dorothy Sue FDI'nBS, tludghter of ~efe&fter be called Central Stnte lectlng and plivllte dete<:U va lige n. daughter, i\tl·~ . Clnra nn(·heIM·. or bla.de Hus trluml)hal ntry ' Into din no, an!l "n evening of ' carda. Mr. &(\D': .Mrs. Ell K . . Furnns, or . . ColleJe at WJlberforce, Tbe name :cles ' who cOlJld not obtain sallGtion Lebunon. Rt. 2, 6 grlllld chll,." ·en. !! Thos.e present were: Mr. and MI'8. Routo 7, Wayne8vllle, i8 on the Jerusalem. It \\'1\6 II. great dny The Waynesville Ohl,e Club " ' \IIj"WUberCorce ' UnJverslty" orll-'ll1nl' 'from regular ~heI'ICf!; or polille of, SistOl'8, Revl\ ILIIII Irmll S tumll.· t Keller Hoale. Mrs. Ada Sbllth. !\Ir. IreabmaD houor Hst of hte Con- t.ben and We sbould Rense the snme meet Monday evening, ' March '19 II, lfas uled by the cburch Inatltll" ficials. were reported to tile HOllae brot~er. La"Tenco, 1111 of Wayne!!· triumph In our day as we come 10 and )(1'11, Glenn Dorden, ' Mr. anll ,"natol')" of MUlllc at Oberlin Col· at St. Maryll Parillh Housr. ' Itton, who c\aJmed that the. UJi e of ,_ th<l member8hlp pas Bed .the bill . .vllle ROllte' 2. HIl~1Ie to worsbill. M... l ' B RIClb Mr. and Mr.. le,e. Tbe bonor list Js the tethn God's The annual election of ofricen the name by the state Vi al! COil· I Howver the I'ote was elolle nnel ui Funeral ~er"i/,Pll Wl!r" hAId We Invite you to w()I·"hlp lit the . e . .. •h d?of Miler cent of the clan having .wlll be the maln event of tbe rulln, and an effort \0 deprIve the ready a move hIl S beell made tor Thul'1lclllY a t 2 Il. m. at thp tllhb!\ Emut Buttel'Wo~t ' an r. . hlcbelt Icaolllrship standing frll Methodist clnirch Sunday morn· evening. acluirch Icbool of a part .ot Ilil reconsideration. Fllneral home. " Inr; If you do not have any other A. Cornell. the tint semester. ire/I, herlu.e ID tbe educatlon tield . "I1ri"l WI\" mn(le III Spl'ITI"'bol'tJ attendance 18 des full A chUrch home. Th!! messo.gll Palm ' Tile acreemeDt Irons out one of Another' lIem of explosive Ilossl· .~ n' ~ .. the bitterest and dee\)'seated COD' bllity hns been cluml?ed Into cite ('emetrry \yith Re I:. 1'1\111 hl\(,lI . "'liT IN , NEW LEXINGTON Sunday blomlng will be "No Othel' tro••niell of .tbe pust few nan. hopper. T~omlls A. Chrlsly. ror· of Lebanon. of(idnlln~. Choice." Mrs. Harold Hodson will Mr. anel lin. R.hod" Bunnell left METHODIST CHOIR , mer democrat. who Irs now sen'lnll' allllr "The (JM1clflxlon" . Come to on Wednellday aDd. IIp,nt the nl,hl PRACTICE TONIGHT Sundar Scbool at ~:30 and to the Allnll PetersoD Friday And the coDtroverslal "Delt·Llne all tbe oDly indepllnrl ellt elected to FIRED EPARTMENT with Mr. aDd Mn. Georce BuDMIl Coming tbe House Introducd' II resulution Church Worllhlp at 10:30. VOII'Il n'-ht with Belile ' Atll. v"n.:nn In BUl" allO bad Ita day. anel famll7 10 New ' lAxlnllon, O. Oakwood. oftr from the SeDate .the bill auto-Iror appolnimont ot a flvl' mlln com. CALLED TO DUNH,.MS find a real welcome. leaYIDI on tb~ follo"'q day for The Methodillt ~ Churcll Cboir IlUlltJcally Coel to tbe Refer('ncQ mitt., to Investigate recent (lJlo Th(' \\ ayne Town8hlp rlrp deGeorie School PealUl,l.anlL Upon will reb..,.. tonlcbt (Thnfllilay) Committee. anel wu referred by \' polntmentl of JUdces by tbe Go,', pnrtment WIIS railed Tllur.41lJ '1:10 lor the Ea!ler CantJta to DAVTONIAN8 VISIT HERE lilat eommittee · to tbe Commerce ernor. Tbl.l r~lullon will hp mrnolng at !): 00 o'(\loek to eltfothe tr - - ...- WeN . . . . . , . . at be linD Euter Sunelar lI'-ht. . all4 TraDlportatloD Comll)lttee for ••WI before the Ileal Ion ends. gulllh a blaze In tbe boll.'r roow led ." thell' daQlltel', JUaoc1a and Also the De" cbolr robea will be Mr. aDd Mra. Kenneth Elley and The WarM.vnle of the Dunb.a m Hatt:be..,. OD tbe Bra4Ioc1r. boda atad· IlftD _ to ......... III readln.s 4aqhter MarjOrIe,. of nayton , VIR- want to thank enn.lna latWdar, Manb 17 II Saint Don't foreet to give all you can SpriDgbroo road . .ata ..... ~ for Uae Bu&er fOr Paba SImfq. . . . . , ebolr Stell Mr. aDd II.... Walter T. Elsey helped make The> 108ft "'lUI """1 1 "1' )n. PII.b1at·s· Day. to lhp. RF.O ('no~~. bo Sa ill'I"cl to be JlJ'IIINt1It. .S atarday e.flnJn~. . ' • IUCCl8rI.
Waynesville ' Council In Recent Session
' I',
M ' £MBE
__________ ,$
w .
TH_E 'MIAMI GAZETTE . Eatabliahed February, 1850 __ . __ Edltor ;and PublJaher _ • Secretary and Trealurer
nif.1l(SLJAY . MARCH 15, I lJS t
' l
Bible Comment:
Jesus' Claim to Fame' Was· Unique In Several eWays have been famous the MENbooks they have written, for
I' ,·' ' .. 1,,, I F:vcry Tbu rsduy ;,(orulng _t • • ". I ",I·iIIe. Wal'l'so Cou 11 l y-. blo. fOl l~tIlered a second clas!! malter at the postorflce ol Wny nes\<lIIe. Oblo, creating powerful orcanizations, under tbe nct or March 3. 1 79. tor establishing cOdes and laws, and for great works of ar:t. Yet Jesus did none ot these. This Is one of the most remark~ able aspects .ot His fame. From a li te seemingly ' casual' and sponIn Nodh Carolina. He hos held PUSl.011l ell. In N \I' taneous emerged the ftiUre of o!)e 'astle and BloODl.logdnle. fnd .. nnd whom the world will never fOlcet. L esburg, Ohio. F or the past twt) Living with 'men called from the reors be has sel'\'ed . ba rlte~ ht'l'e fishing nets arid custom seats; .d own in history III prin g \'Il Il I>Y 31\1\ at a HRI'S Jesus was to By JANE FlTE as a "King of Kings." reek. . It was to the men that came 1011'11. LaUI'O ' Shldllkel' 1$ Survivors Include his 'widow. he l' hnmo here. Flora, three daugbters. Mrs. Esther .rter HIm tIlat Jesus l~ft 'the at· of O1'Ianlzin. ~e , -'ill .·: lIUIUIlS. or Hearlold, Sue Saint (arle, Mlcb· pnti'c . -_ ..."..... •. r ll v U!,,, gJ ests lIur.ing Ilran. 1\1 IS9 E lizabeth and MIlia Mar· church aDd th. laborious writln, th week ond or Mr. and Mrs. H. garet partington. both of Colum. 'or that book .of booD-the Bible. S. ·Tuckel'. bus. four sons. Edwin. Norfolk, - The opportuDltles for buDdin, Dr. WE. Frost tlnd FoUl'l PO)Je al· Vh'glnla, Paul. Readin g. Pa" Wal· up • mllhty army of foUowers tended t hl;' . ollth"fn W s t VII" te r. Indlnnapolls, lOll.. and Rulph , were 1DID7. To 0011 a few did He "Inla FJelils TrlnHl h Id during the 'AtlantA . GO .. nnd eight g'n,nddlll· MY; "PoUn me." MaDY otbert were entrusted ·with· the harder I ;e k end . dren. or:,olni' home 'anet telUq of WlIIiam Wetz .1 II'ho · lind..,!'\\, Ilt Mr. tllld :\\ 1'8. me nu 'oak a:nd talk . , /lul'ger), rcc nO)' at (I J)ayton hn ~· fnmlly of F1'IInklln , \\,6J' g~l'H t8. HIm. . ' ~ N~ cU4 JeIUS seek in an)' way pita I, jl> steadUy Im(lrol·lug. SllIIday of Nrs. Cook' I:! mother. to CU1T7 favor With those in power . Mrs. l.nu.tersoblagel'. of Dayton . 1\11'11. Anna Heokett. " or 'aeqWre rlcMs. For tbls very Wll8 ~ housoglles,t (luring t he w(·ck P lans 'are being mlld e for II. spe· reIICb, certa1n outrapcl persOllI end of her eon· In-law nnd da.ugh· clRl s unrise serv1c to b e~ gl\'ell lD~ ~ do :ye eat anet. tel'. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wertz Easter Snnday nt the MethodIst drlDk' wJtb ~IblIClUS aDet linDen." and rtltnJJy of neal' Hal·v6ysbul'g. churcb : Groups ,11'om a ll t he ~ Ap1n aDd aplD do we have exFr:. ...!. hutts is III At his lIome cburches here wm partiCipa te. liN'. ' . ampl. of JIll m04e1t)'.. BJa fot~ tul yet UftpretenUous command of Mr. lind Mrs. Blm r l)ayes lLntl lIotore Kltehn Colo Mal I1tuaUon... ooe of the ·most lamlly were gl1t:lSl!l 1I1\(h l ~' 1'0 ;\f1·S. Ah attractive modern kitchen ha. trqIe facta of bIstcI7 tha~ even Payton of ]I'armorsville. Tbe Civil! )..angu sponsor <I 0 Ih.lvea al'\d cabinets enamale4' III with aU · of BIa ·compualOll and food market at tbp Grang Hall , 10ft 'almon.rolt. The walla a.alll.t 'JfnC!el'i\l', thOle ' whom He loved whWIh then cabinets are placed moat f.uect to und8ntaDcl BJm anet atul'day morning. are 'cqated in the .. me color. End expe,rJenced true faith onl,. .a~ MI'. nnd Mrs. Howllrci DeBoard . walll are a li,ht fern-,roen .• nd the his resurrectiOD.. and 80n, of TennesI\6 • lire guests JeWs was, jndeed, unique In in tbe llome ot M I'. DeBo.lI·d'6 lame color ' uted to coat th' drawer many reapects. But let us not forllD1n" . Linole\1lll and work coun· mother, Mrs. Mae DeBoard. HJs areatest alory apran, from Mr. and Mrs. (Jarl Jones and ter IUrfacea ar. broym. whUe . door aet then· daW!;bter, .ro Nell are r mov· trame. ar. dull Inver to match HJs 41v1ne praet1ce of thOM virtuet ing to the village nnll will reside the edlinl ' on th. work counter• . wJtblD . our. eve'l'1d8Y_IJ'8SP. . in t eh Got'dart apartm .nts on • fajl1 street. Mrs. Plmlln e VIIl I'S. or Xenln. nnd ~1r. and Mrs, Soott or Dayton. wel'e g'llests Sundar of ~1.1'8 . Laul'fi ,..:._ _ _;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _...._~-----------... Shldaker. . Elie7.eJ· (Lee) Pal'lington. fO l'm I' Score 10 points for each correct answer In the t\ rst six problems. paslol: of lh e li'l'iends hurch, he re I. .W ho wrote the Canterbury Tales? dlcd 'Sllturdny ilt 1 : 45 Jl. ,no Ilt his -Milton -Chaucer -Shake~peare -Byron ~ome 011 MatI) street. He hud been 2. ' How many nations are members of the AUantic Pact? 111 for s ix months :lIld critica lly -4 ~ -:-12 ...,..21 . 111 fo\, thep9st three weekI!. FUll' 3 Which of the following Is not 0. type of china? eral services were conducted ')lues· • -Wediewood ' -Dresden -Wormwood . -HavlIand ~'a y aftemoon iu tbe 6\1al'S feck 4 Which of the following words Is spelled lIlcorrectly? Friends Cburch with t he Rev. . -Frieze -Psychology -Recommendation -Sieze Homer ' J. Coppock, of Richmond. 5 Man 0' War, tamous racing horse, was known as ; Indiana. oftielating. B11I'Iul WlIK • ~B~I Train -BIg Red -Big Noise -Big Ben In the cllurcb cemetory. 8 . . Units of sound are measured in: MI'. P~rtlngton wall born In Lan· -BTU's -Millibars -RPM's . -Decibels Q!lshlre, .England, a nd came to this '1. Listed 'below are fOlll' well-known abbreviations. At right are country when he was five Y\lllrs spaces in which you may write the words each inltiol stands for. Old. The famU)'" first settled ' 111 Give yourself 1,0 points tor each cOfl'e\lt judgment. Pennsylvania and later in MI. U S 5 R ________ Pleasant, Ohio. He attended Syra· . . O., C.I. cuse College. Pacific College and A. F. of L .• Earlham College. , receiving his VI C T U A.B. degree from tbe laUer. For .' . . " • awblle be taught at Pacln c <;:QI. ' Total your 'points. A score of 0-20 is pOOl'; 30-GO, average; 70-30. lege; OakWOOd Boardlulr School. wperJor; go-100, very superior. . in New York and 'Glltord 'C.ollege, Answers on Page Four,.'Golumn 5.
J. W.
f aith~
T.8.t' Your Int 'e II-Ig•. nc.
you"lI. sfill say
LV T l.f, METHODIST 13 tC. OIlIlKhn. I'lIsl or
\-\'edgewood. Mlnlsl.tll·
', "!1 (lny:
' 11111'\:11 SChSlll )0 ::.1011. LlI . .1. , 11
FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Byrol, Carver. MIn.lster Dlhle Subonl. 9:80 A.M.
Mornlr)& Wor.bl[l. 10 :30 A.M. l'rayer Meelln" 1 :00 P.M. Young PeoplEI'll Meetln,. 7:00 EYeul.ug Services. 7:110 P.M.
Church Scbool. 9:30 A.M.. Mr. Unll le' l S"rvtc• .. 9:46 a. m. \11 'I!rve Haroll1 Earullan. Supt. Worsblp Servlce. 10 :30 A.M. any formality :1 !1Iilliste r o f a yout h li'ollowf4hlfl. ~ 1I11 c:l ny 'j ~ :: c, ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL . " II". ,'l\wlltll N. KII) 8 , Ilecwl to.M. 1'\' I' t' :I\, ,\\ ,: \rll ily 1ll1l V rCli'Liirc. hO i]' J' I'!\ctl,,1l 'l'hW·wn..v R: 00. l i .~ i(1l1 :'
'ala •
\\ors hill.
r lt ' lj il ••. I"
WlIlIao!" sbllllnon. til Inl81 er , Sunday Scbool; ' 9 3u ,\ .M •• J UIDtlll Oa rruluu. SUI't. ", ·e~l<· /lII!IC .
a nti
~fr• .
o. ,,,wi, montb, 10 au A.M. Ii'ventlll< SUrVII'1I8; l ' 311 P.M.
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH 0 ' · tHRIST M. H. C,ofrey. MInister
__ .r_. . . . . . .
~~~4' --.-.. ---
SAND and
'- .- "- ,;- -'.- '.--"- t.
.. ....,.......
Armitage &Son
WAYNE. .... . LL..
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Jo'lI thf!r 'l'lmot hy !\(c:Nlcboluf4. Pus I01' MetRR ~ K: ill)
"'OR~OW No. •
CAESAR'S CREEK, FRIENDS Dible School. 9 : ·:10 A. M. MOl'lling ·\Vor.~hl(), 10 :30 A.M. ' " Partln,tOA. MllIJetet rllllllg Pe OI)l p~' Meeting. 7 : Oll '.Vonsblp Sem"... 10 A.II. P.lI . i:lulldl1 8"b~l ; 11 A.M. Even'lng Service . .1< : 00 P . M. ~ F'rayer Meellng anti nfh le Study OREGON ! A EVANGEl.IC A '_ U. 8 Wedllt1.da7. 8 r. M. J unes U. nlley. J>ll8tor ~iu llday Sc hool. 10 A. ~t. ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH M~rnlllg Worship. 11 A. 1\1 .
~.---.:- -_~~I~
MT. ,. M
'1 "cI
11i : !),1 A.II I.
HOLLY ME;THOOIST '. seerr: Mlnls! s r
$I'buol . 9 : 30 A. gruban . 8UJ)L
. . . .:.
WAVNESVILLE FRIEND. ~'lr~1 [)Il~ Ii ·~ onl . 9:.1I1i A.M.
A.M ..
Meeting ror WorshlD. III 811 -'.M.
E. I.llt
, ....... ,..hlp Ser v lC1tl. 10' 811 A. N . Ewenlll!! Servl..tt. 7 : 80 P.M
rhls Sunf1ay un''''
Sn n
cla y tlntl yo u In 80rue ohurch the church or ~' o llr ('holne.•
Be Sure To Attend Church:During Holy Week (
,~ .. !f;6eat' Or/gi'l
C""_ _ '
millions of wor~ers, . Mr. De f:ra.res protecls and family aga;nsr hospital .b illil wough hip in Blue Cross. , .
d ay
in Blue
~¥~ . ... • > .. C:#,~ .
Sp.. lflc.llona and eQillp""nl lubi_" to' chang. "",Ithou. noti~ .
NEWengi'neering advancements' make traditional ORlATER VALUE THAN EVER
HE DODO!! reputation (01' dependability and'long Car life Is a matter 'of record. I . 9 rocord of t hirty.seven yeats .. . a· record no OHler car can matc11. And with the many new advancement! engineered into the great '51 Dodge. this famous dependability makes Dodge an e\'eo bigger value, an even bigger dollar buy. Yes, everything about tius great new Dodge -the way it 100kl, ride, \Uld handlei-tells you that here', a car built to deliver years and mJl. of dependable, lowoQllt IeMc:e.
Dodge depe.ndabHity
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nnd women of Armco,. i~ Middlttown, Blue ' Cross members almosr ' sioee the Cross was founded ... 97.6% are e.otled C~0SS.
ARJI>ICO CHOSE THE 'BLUE CROS! JPU1N OF HOSPITAL CARE BECAUSE: ~"""-·D. Blue .ero·55 is a non.profit o'l:ganizatioll-a .0hlO" . tar y plan ' sponsored by [he hospi'tols theml(:h'c" Blu e Cross costs less nnd provides ,ilO)'e proifction.
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hospi,al,.....pllls a s ubstanti al r90m aflowance! .
One family out of every three wiUhaM a hospital. bill in 19' 1. -Your (amily may be the OM thil year. . .
Here~ Ho~
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Ybu can apply for 81u. (rOS.5 ... mb.rshi,,·regardleu o( ",here y~u ~ork. i~ yo~ are a resicient of 1111. community. Both YOLl and your family caD be pro· rcered.
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TO HOSPIY1<L CARE CORP., Dayton 2, Ohio .Please send complete details about Blue Cross. I understand no ...... man will telephone or vilit. me and I will b. un~er no obll._Hon whatsoever.
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THE MIAMr ~n'''' &::J[1
praisers. V!l.If' !l:lll'. (' 911111' ,nlIlNI :1I :a;:,. W MARRI"GE LICENSES I. EslAtl' or F . (', flltll . flt'f"d. ''''lIl ' ClCPlilpt Il'on, Inhf"1 hilliN' I" 1I0h("'1 ' l-IlIIIII'I' . ~11I .1o III . oIIInlAJr.. 1ly l..oulRe ~ellerF,. PX f'(" "I'I ~ fll;;d 1~!\lalt' of IIp''nIltn I.(,h lli , ,1 "' .'11. \\·:'t)' III'l!,·lIlro . and .\1111Ill. " \\ I'ln~. !.l l : fourtb II.ccount. M:tr~nl'Pt I.. .Il1dd , "rlllll nlHI 1':11 ['1 . \\'nYIlNll' lIl e 111111 .'" 111' ,,",' 11'1.. ~k It true that pitcher JJm Heam I Estate of Anthon~' C, ::;" pn"r. QHllLte 1'1'1111('(1 III ~~:'U1I1 1"0111['11 1; r rel.lll'Y. WItYIIQ~ ' 11If', of th• . New York GlaDu baa '"'"--------------------------~ Uf'C'U, Cbarles< F . Wh eel I'. e~nr II · rl' m Inherltanl'c IIIX. A Farm Diary .Johll ·I'elld.ll n 11 111' 11", .1" " :!::, hand towell In -hi. IIome labeled COMMON PLEA'S Virgil n. anll Adelltllo CO\"tOIl t'lJ I' tor filed first and flnlll It 'COllnl : F . j . t., r' \ ' K:l1 II I .' I "Hrs'n" Iftd "H..rn'" Lo ll K. d Elltal& of Alben l He nn!'11 . , 1; ,1 0 I lIn.1 , . /If (I'll . ' , " tle(·ollnt/utt. I,' rank lln ,,1;,1 .' Iul'l' By D. J. Frazier '. • .. • John . lind ylvln Mqol'P VII lot :: Waa~e ~tty .J. Keys. J.T., t 'dec'Il: 'Wlldn Bennet L np~oinled nil ' e~lnle exemlll r"llm Inhl" 'l!nll "p 10 . , 1!:lIl' n anl'ef'nUII. 211 . JlH~ i .. rall~ I" i, Y p. . InllnSltrlttrlx. C. T . DI('hl. \\' 111 II', F.stnlf.' or ('burl" " Ilo,unld '\·CI' l echnlc·llIn. 1?l'an ldln o 'The Philadelphia BJatorlcal So- Weillngtun 1.('ono.l'lI. I't ' 111. Litle -~Glenn nU !l~f' 1l .\1 (JJ';'OI\ . :::1, IlI l'Ilt,., U d ... Qult,erl. Andrew , and ~dnll. Ln.urtce I,omlil / will and Georrre /;uJT('1I 0 1111 01111'1'111 bl'yl(t" ,I f',.'d . III ""11101'), 11I',,"OI' tI . I .,. ""uyne ~" I1 ... Mid )In.rth:o JlIll f" S'III 1" MARCH 12, 1961.-Wlnten again cFiet •ch " racen y ec:...ed that,John Cort' 110 , Tllylol' I'H .1111111 1';lIg"1I0 lo ell/lIlton M. nlld ('nmlltl !' n , appraIsers" · RH In.tl' I' I'" . 't! I.' II 'I ' . tt f operated .a steamboat before Taylor, case (11r; mlllij d. ' ~1ason IR6 r.:J ItCl'es '1 T I I ' '. • . 0 0 "11/ .. III 111 \\ ,\\. a er a ew days of real sprlns RO"-rt Fulton G 11 I.e.. ; , .i/ , ' - ' I III' N'I' 1' 1: I, stute 0[' George I.. Rile ll I'. dec'd dec't!, ~lnb(' 1 lIuhl :l\\':I.'·. "" IllI'I·" key. H . ('lul'k'HI' lIlp. ~·th Tb e mu d h as dId ..., , U e l l ear er - - ' "'·] elilia I·, Chlll'llOll ya. ]'alll I.. ,w/) w_ er, · r e up t la ' th U " . ' ' Evelyn I,. · , ockel' IlP'JOiIlU' r1 e~N'· I'liell rll'~ 1 lilllol lind d l~I"hlll "'P 11(" ·Cba.r lton, C·!l.S-,• fll al"I!lQnd . 'I).(I(! \\'' • •" II I t '" . ~ .. ,." . v, en to ~ II . ra y· utrlx, Cnrl Stiles . .Iohn Deedle nnd "0111\1. TRY GAZElTE CLASSIFIEDS a nd we b ave. b een, ge ttl IIg. some or Q8 .1 1 ' - e boat. plowing done but It'8 cold wltll nn M her t· C·I ·'A_A' Johu Eu~ene TllyIOI ' 1'8 Conin e " I'ofl, 20 lI e r /I ~II WaYII lllp. I H nrv HIl.m.llton :lIIIIOlnl'.1 111/' _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 1 t I" b i b em so , eve_·. Wood- Taylor. dlvrocc to plilinlifl', de· " cy eas w n .. t at cuts to t Ie one. wind Quintet recently canceled an. fendant I'cstored to malden name Alton 1'. and ,\dn 'oOne to Chll S, pralscrs. The yellow crocuses open when the beca R. Ilnd Dorolhy i\fol'l'I ~ , 1 lot In I Estate ot Jonas . n it?, dc,"d sun sblnes on them but titey too engale~ent · use of ..vere· o~ Corrine Rertltt . Franklin twp. · Inventory approvold . shiver in the wind. It Is cold but Leroy and I\o[url e Cnyac VB Au· Emmett O. and Nettle n. Dal e to Estate of W. E, Dlsholl. I! 1''[1. there nre ~'gns of spring every rlan and Mary F . Bl'owllstead Bnd Clarence E. and Chal'll otte S. Tn)'. Mar Ionna DI S b id ~ " , .' op RPpO ute excc· wbere. Tho Standard Building and Lonn, 101', ] lot III Franklin twp . utrlx. Waltl'r E. " psuey. \\,i~li ll ill Tbe cellar window hus been for $2,006.70 IIt~o Judyment t A. J. Baker to Herman and Od Ball and Leslie QllherL uppnml II mended so that we only h=\ve IIlalntlr( for '1056.00, elc. Tlbb 1 1 F ra appralsel'1l. SYMBru three cats In the · house now bul s, ot In rankliin twp. . Estate of Uepbemll1 Esll'll :l 1', ' 11 ' OF A we have just ' lI.B mallY cat flgbts .NEW SUITS Herman and Odra Bibbs to ~ob· ewlt. dec'd, estate vuluer!.:11 p , as befor&. Mrs, Calico Barncat Dorothy L . Hammonds . VB AI" .,t BalT18oo. 1 lot In Frankllll 336.84, SUCCESSFUL FARMER has become the ag~essor: YCB' tll"r " VllIlam Hammond!;, d ivorce, twp. Estat.e 01 Edlla ~"non , d(' o'll. f ttn'day 1 saw bel' crouch, and colds Yes it would...... It J T . flil ey. Paulk Wl . i t Tetrick . th eltl.~me crue y, . Ttl I Ii' toIIIEmma ' L. trallsfer of reol estate .."'I'anted lind Jam .. g.la~llIn •• r • ••• jt l . Grttn .. 8prlng and there wero bOlvls anll ' .. . ...... ra er Opai l~ee Sbelton VB Irvin Sh \. e .r C' , 0 n ran t It twP. 88set of $512.42 to be doll l'Pi'rd to 10'111.; 0 ., d.m.n,h.'.1 hI. _Ipellnl dJftIcult to live down a ... _ on' . crow Ia an d th e f ur fl ew tor a t ew -ton, divorce, eX,t reme. cruelty, J . T. Otterbein Home. ",lIlftn, .vn.m I, low'lI OYf'~ minutes until SlII()key Jumped up the oboe! ••• Hiley, . . PROBATE Estate of Eva l>I. MilleI'. tler:·,!. I OPAL Att ic",ltwtal Enelnu" d her 1I0S0 In Ilull stoPfJed A warnan in Cleveiaud ....v I Uoy 1... lInd 1:II'Llla H~dson I' ll J-:stllte ot .Allred Shumolte l'. Miriam Rutb M\l1or, IlXCl'utrb: I'il elt taDh putrn em. nah retrcated unuer a birth to a baby girl tipp'R. 1,lobert B. tlnd Dorothy C : S~bn ld , dcc'd, Slelln 0 : Sbum a kpr appoint. Inventory, hearing Npt ror 111 a.rl' IJ cbair and aat there growling Ilnu scales at 17 pound !I~.... lor mon.'y III tile 11111."0111 01 $1.· c d exeOlllrlx, JuliUs C. Wolre, ·ltln. 22 II.t 10 a, m, licking her wounds. Theil 'lul.er That' I ounces, 919.06 l'oreeloMure 01 mortS'ag, ley Miller und Robert l,ymallgrovl'1' Estate of Emil M. Runyan. d c'd. s what you caU sw'tlng off mar!;halling of liens sille of J'oal Mrs. Bl\rncat was on the table ' lI(lpolnted apprslsers, Charles J. Waggoner, trust ef'. filpd wh""n I let Mrs. Kitty PUBII In' . Slle .In a big weld'" ...... • ('state, allPolnlOlent 01 l'ec('lver walked along unconcel'ned and 1111' I Natate of J~ydla P . (l':lna) Ora third account. . .,. J ones of Sevierville, nnd Itll,ne ~ l at t II' I rA ,J0 hn P a... rate othel' of 6'70, rellet per al1num from Janu. lUlU, d ec 'd , t l'anS",I' 0 I' I'ea l cst lite Eslutr of Ch 01' I' es A. K0 h I', d pc, 'd • suspectll1g wben ' Mrs. DU1'ncat leaped on her from tbe table aud ~Nenn., WM recently reJ.ectecl by the ory I 11151 YOllns 1111,] YOllllg. granted, Gstnte v"hlfld III $I?,~/\a.· Howard J!l, Korh apPOinted nllmln· tbey rolled. clawIng and spitting avy because of flat feet. Too ' , 111. Istratol', Paul Ruppel·t, .(,llll·er E. on the noor till poor Kitty Puss bad 'cause even If , his teet oren't ' i':atate or Tid WOI'r('lI. doc'd, Id a. Coomberlaln 'and I.n.wrllnc.e Bltnw· took to the ce,l Iar. Tbe worm baA ftat, no other. branch of service REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Worrell appointed ndmlnl!ltrntl'I", han appointed appraIRel'~. turnettr- Talis lasb whenever tbey would have' him. Ralpb I1ml Josle Terlvlllig r to Paul Ruppert, Olivel' Chlllliberiain Retate of Edythe H. Mild . Ilef:'(\, meet but 80 far to(lay nQ mora - . ... - - VlrgJl V. Barnes, 20 BC'l'eS in J-Iar~ and G·mee B. Pat~cb apllofnled up- perHonnl proJlerty orqered to ,"-iflgbt., rll, to Calico Barncat bas IanAlma twp. W. Kraegel', et al to Mnll· i~!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!!!!i~!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ won her M rlgbt live ill the bouso
;])"1 -ledge
Warren (ounty (ourt N
... - .,- .
_e. __ ..
ioins the producti on ' line PREMIUM ·PRICE D MILK t PIPED TO CAN
Ison .c. nnd l:lnhh n. IInl r. hin8nn, wants to do so, .08 acres In. }"rllilklin. Tbe wrangle over price controls Almu W . Kraegc,I·. CL nl to MIIII· and wage controls stili goe8 on, l80n C, and .'nrllb 11. Hlttc lllll ~ IlIi , Naturally most or U8 want loWer ,3) acrea ·In Fr:lnkliil. prlees, Even the fal'mers would . Jobn C . tlnu S),l vluM . :\I (lllrl! If. wUlIllgly accept lower prices on Fred F, HawkH, !l lOLK 111 Mas ull. (arm products if .It meant equully Thomas W. and MlLry Anll ",,,her lowell price" on the things he bas to Frederick J . ' 111111 Mal'Y I.. Me· to buy, but all too often farm Nabb, 2 lots III Frflnklln, prices' have ' been the ·. flrst to go C'. D. 'oc l! to Evel'ett A. IlUfI Ma o:: down and the IlI.Bt to come up 'so Johnson, 66 ncres In Wayne twp. tbat many of U8 have b"come n Rahlh John Asbury to Ralph E. lilt skeptical when lower prices and Norma C. Asbul'Y, 126.62 ucres wIthout lower wages are talked 1111, Wayne twp. about. It does seem as though Robert Euwllrd IIlId 'Vlunle Gar· the big industries such as·the mlloh ner to JOlle,'h ],'. ':O l1 d G!:ulys Bill" talked about General Motorl could , oWHlri. 1.:!1i ILI'I" 'H In 'rlll'llf·C; I·e~>k well have pIned favor by lowering twp. prices a little on cars instead of I Ev 1'0 11 .\ . ; lid :,Inc ,John~on 1I ralslng them btlt wben labor takes Chnrl('s It elJll . I lot III \\ tl •• 1I0. a crack at the· huge profit. and I"lIle. , . the polltlclan!l talk abo.u t exceSB I JAM,I"I' !':u. ilh I MII"Y Hmiti.. profit. taxes nothing Ia said about lot1l III Sonth I t' IW' IOII . I Jnsnel' ~ n1.1I 1 I" MIlI'Y SII';I h . . the stockholders without wbom there could be no w·a ces. no protltR, 10lS III l ' ilion tWII. . . notbtng to tax. Gen.e ral Motora W V. li , l'l' to .1 , 0'"'' lltltl , \ IlI"I~ h .. paid generous dividends this do l.\; eH· I': f, lilt!' hI Doertif'ltl' II\" year but every bit 01. that money Is A. coupl. of stlok ohlou ,xFh.nl' Het1r~' },' \l1: I. III IIfford 1·'lig, lr wed not ollcei not: twice but three tl'101cL "OlC1e De Younl, on. of firNcl 4S.Hi nCI'eR III f1 rlllnn iW(1. ratlon tax first In, Wa,ln,·. Penn"I".nlan...... til. l Iwr'" lu HCII,II I !< to ' hnl'll'R T' Ume ll • . CO....... • I'" lowdown on wh.t'. up 'or f••tII...... clud. ,flllceeJ profits ta.x;. . thell 'or .EaIt,r. On. of .... ntwtat and l.)'llu nOM Il , I lot in Frunl, lI , personal tltx on the money .nd lounl.1t meritbe... of .... FNCI t wp, . received 91ial'cbolders, tben Wart", .how, . .1tl-kl:OY W , 111111 EM'p itr M . }~tzgeralrl bere l";i?~~;~~I1~~'::~~~(;re1~;:::~=:.=;:;~::!ft:~ upltl»:;,;J. lot In "rank· 011 all to ,..,. Til. .... lin 1ien~ twp. .un on ....nd., Robert BIII'l'iHon to H&I'nlllll u~I(1 glacl that we bave 8ucb able man· Wa,lng ,Show aie'lll~nt 't hat Jabor ~n draw hIgh ove; C,a.TV. Od,·a, Tibbs . 1 Ict In Fraliitiin tWI', w.,ell and the IItock)lolders good L&vl H. and '1Illirgnl'e t LUII'HOIt dlvtdend. lnstsad of working untll Y to Simon nnd Domth), I~ . 1111. we ktll the goose that lays the OU ~.n get .xtr. oopl.. 0' the maker, 60.86 fLcres 111 ClcltI'<'rl'e!' -Iden e....s 'wltb taxatloll. GAZETTE••t the WAYNESViLLE BV &6 DRUG 8TORE or .... GAZETTI E. llnd Edllh . wanl, LO Speaking of taxes, there Is one office. Grace E. Ryan. 1 lot In IpllI't:rei'k bri3ht llpot In tbat we no Ion gel' twp, have to declar& all our personal property.. wa.at a relief It III not goes back to hunting 101' a living to have to ~ to flguro ·out tbe be wlll be as much of a menace He might not, get II. filII value 01 every sUck or furniture as a aad pi&no and radio and television, crown ohlcken but be could get that there Is IJl )'our hOUle, and the small oneSl and so could thos~ every bit of jewelry you bave' put three wild kltteris ot mine but bo,,· away. Reluctantly as we pay any can. catch' them? Tbe /111m" ques, tax ,tbo Income tax Is undoubtedly Uon . whether' we '1lght with atom the ' best and. fairest. ' And wh)' bombs or claws and fangs. How . aJtOuldD't the lower , IDcl)mes pay to keep tbe. balance between the their proportionate '/ lbare? After hunters and the hunted? they are usually tho lint ones to .TeGomobomz call upon the services or the gOY, ernment. HOW SMART ARE YOU, . There was a fox drive through. here (rom RJdcevlllo Saturday. the FIND OUT ON PAGE ORANGE BEVERAGE lui or the leason, They sold that the, cot t."o (oxes near Utica ~n 46 " :. _ ___ _ l~c the morntpl' but they, didn't Bee CanOz.____ ' , any when tbey CIUIle tbrough here In the att4!nioon. · ;Now It tbey ' really want fo protect the birds anei small Saml.' tbey 8boul~ bave a cat drive and get every cat not llvlq .peaceably at hOme. The big Also Top QUillity In Meats Tom that was' vlBltlng us ;was a and Veletabl. hand80iDe creature but when he If sh& wants to and evidently she
fOl .
The Delapla.n.e milk house is the last word in efficiency. A press~re water system wirh an 82·g3110n eleceric water hel;t er
(tin We Wtlfcl,- On, Hour'
10Lt·,I ,IOUI aOOD rIIDA,! .8:00 •• 9:00 P. ,.,.' ,
Passion and 'Death of Christ .'iorro.wf~y of the .Cross 'Veneratte Relic of 'the 'Cross "
] :unes Delaplane & Son, dairy farmers, milk 55 registered Holstein cows on their 375·acre farm in Darke CounlY, 0, They don't do it the old,fashioned 'way, but as a completely electrified production line job.
on an off peak meter supplies the hot water to keep all equip: ment coming in contact with milk in top Sllnitluy condition. Modern fluorescent lighting i~ another help to deanliness. Here's how the ptoduction line: openues:.each cow walks into milking parlor which is equipped wilh 6 elevated mils, each 'Vith its o~n electric Illilking machi(le. The cow is washed in , Ihe enlrance stall, thcn moves inlo the connecting milking nail, After milking, Ihe cow moves on out the opposite end ()f the ·milking pllrlor and back to the harn. The electrically operated pipeline milker carries the milk directly into the adjoining milk house wherc it pa ~es inlo an ~utot1latic' c:.tn liller, Filled , U05 are cooled in 2 recessed electric milk coolers of 8 and 10 C31l capaCity, where cooling temperatures are thermostatically con: trolled. t~e
Good mllnageme~t. a healthy herd. lind electrical production ..and sanitation equipmenl-;-all add ~r. 10 Grade A premium, priced milk. For experienced counsel on milk houst plans, lighting o,r equipment, consllir your co~OIy agent , vocational agriculture , tucher or your rural representative. '
THE· DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY ....- "WlIlI.DAY'. HIW•• IIl"'- WH,O, 'V-Mot,do,. 1 •• S " M.
r ••• 1.-WHIO_IUCfIIC .THIATU- Su.do,. 9.00 '. ,M.
KliR'S GARAGE,Salesmen For 141111·r14ZII aDd
.'aDC,' Grocerils
·• .... ....................... ....•,.• .'
• •
~.ur OU,' " Ii0Ul
Boott .out-put per acre-im,. pruv. ClOp qual. r-i _ _ proftta ~~. You.c:~ do..u tbret 1JVith BIG M BnIIII FtrtU·. 'iaerI.' Free-Scr:wiaI BIG M baa beal,'a 'PI1riaI I~.. I. DlGAI than 35 1NIL It Ii..... muJm~ yielda beca...e it •
: . 'OUT. PUI "
••• •••
llUllWfactund up .. ~ IIDd aever cIowrn to price: Be lure to pt BIG 101. .
~. MIa.1 ' ...11.. c..
FOOD $TOR'E Pimoe 2541
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I If 'hue Ire Ibla,. U;" YOIi lad I' , . Yolll laGlII, waot loil DCed-lbia~ I I cha, a little ClItra ca.h' iocome I , " wOlild belp'You I" aow-tiueD to I .bc..!'Red" Brand radio prollram•. I· Farme,. iii nvcatcea "at.s tell I ., how iOClelaecl'tbc:ir incoDlu I -at DO Idditional upeiue or I . labat-limply by (ollowin" a I I Practical Llad Use pro,~ I ' I.am . -_ I'
...... ..... .............. .. .ACTORY • OffICI
...,., ,tA.,,,,,, .1tM ''''''' .rut 1o",' 'M
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1HUtH,.... PUla.. ~1I.1l , ... tiI. J'.rJlr.1 , .... ,eitL (1IIIy ..ltt,. ,I....U ,., .., .. /lUi_
'1 LI.ten every Tuesday I and Thursday morning I
..... wa.we.. AM 1 ·~·~·"_""'&Wlr.-c:.. . ....." ".
.... aan •
w..,_.1Ie• PHON I
•~ • • • • • • • • • • _ • • • d I
1.1 it at 1111'S IABAII
. ;. ,
. 1
BURNS .....~. BURNS ....*** BU"NS Call 21 43 to pla,:e a Ciollsalfled Ad
WAYNESVILLE OHIO Closed Tues~y and Wedn~day
Remembsr whl'll lhl' I'a/:. I man wou ld ,. It. I I " 01<1 Phone Wa)l ~le s v i lle 2191 I'·a ·g·s, old IHI'PeeI'II, 0 I d WAYN ESVILLE, OHIO l'I"o·n ," In hi!! n 11 R a I twanl\' 11 8 hlK bony bOl'S UANK I{ UN GRA EL-L o :l ~led Illodd cd down the t il Y s tr s ts? ' Tll ragman has at Davis Furnas PiI ,.5 cents' a. IlnSsed from ' tb.e s eno, ton loaded. Vv,' e also de liver, nnll tile (,lop, clop oC 111s 1,.n. .• ",uT AG E &. SO , Phone horse has been replaced 2Q91 tf by t he hum of trncks sent out by organlzatiollS. to FOn. SALE - Tnl e-Ton ... ('ontblll ll Co ll ect your pld paper li nd radio;phonogl'lIph In A· I s h a ,, ~ ,.ag~ , Remembm'? , 421 olltbb n [Jrlv(> , l)n.ylC1n 9, Ohio, Phono \V Al nut 1797. 0 1' Serene beauty and InQulro at Gaze ttll Ofl'i r e, reatful , dig nit 'J X-3·J5·22'~!J -,-'I .~ mark every servlc. planned and 'con- YO R lIew !'llg won't bl' e at en by dueled by a ur ataff_ moths w h n you URI' Jil.; R I, ll II , One sprayll)g gl1l1l'alll,'ed 1'01' nve STU B B S yeu.rs: WAYNESVILLJo:; F tJ lt1"l· T URE & .AP,PLIAN CE. Phone 3 4 U~. FU~ERAL: HQ."E WILL DRAW House PI alia, resl· . Phone 2291 dentlal or comtDerclal bulldl,,!! , reasonable charge CaD aluo bul ht your new bome. remodel or repair YOlll' old one, \llaynBsv llle 2631. h - 4'-:' ( Ull-3-22
"THE GUN FIGHTER" HE LEN WESTCOTT GRe:GORY P Ee ", H!'rc is :1 ' western that is full of ,suspense spe lled with a ca pita l " S:) This one was wrlHe n up In LIFE: a few weeks ago; Chapter ~ 1, -Wild Bill Hickock W. B. CARTOON: " TICKTOCK TUCKERED"
March 18 a nd 19 Sunday and Monday "KING SOLOMON'S MINES" (Techn icol or) STEWART GRANGER DE BORAH KERR I don' t have eno ug h spa'c e to do this one Justice. You'lI haVe to come s ec It and everyb ody Sh,?uld, Vou will. ml.a the beat one of the y&a r If you don' t, TOM AN:) J E RR Y CARTOON " HOLLYWOOD BOWL" ALSO - W . B. NEWS
lj:!lIllilliIIIDlm:IIlIllI!1 IIImlllllllllllmlll ' 1IIIIIImllllllllllllllilimii
Live Wire and Progr(illlv.. U ASSOCIlATION OF q rganlzatJon aecon11 to nOD .. Strlotly sellers on the best all- , FARMERS , FOR F ARME.RS Ilrouod , mark~t ,In . t he country: . SERVICE 'THAT SA'TISFIEB Fo r Da lly Market Report-: , tHO na y ton, 12:60 Fl.B.T, Dial 1300; W LW ClnmnnaU,. 1240, Dlal 700. NORR IS BROCK COMPANY '
~rll!~~mllllllllllilmlill 111~llllmlllllllllll 1IIIllllllillmlrmWlilimii
The Lebanon National
'. Farm Loan
WANTED E,'!pCI'lenced U'lIck ilriver,' FAnMER ~ I" X 1ft" r:r;. Phone 2371. 'r ::·lr.
NOTICE BERLO eell l\Iothsllra y- stolls ', moth(JURI'a a 0 1' ulIlIlY", , . for the damag ' , Fil' yelll' gua r,ntbout '\ OUR support your antee. WAYtJES VJLL~: . r.' ' HNI, newspaper. which Is over 100 years TURE & APPLI AN E: Phon E' SIG2. old, connot continue,
Th~ I'~ 's bee n so muc h inl k. 0 mall l' lI(' ws pnpel' al·ticles Illtel~ about tularemia - \\'hich \\' oftell cnll "ra bbit ('VCI'" - th ll t I II skctl our fnmi lv c1ocl OI' to h'c I11 C !Om ... iil rormnli'im , Fl .. r'all ... we 're nil tryInJ(' tv 1"'(lt r L 01 11 ' (lt lll ll i£'s, fr 11' t hes p drl':. d(·" cI, ';,,:!. ~ , I thou j!ht you'd h inte l' 51 d ill wh a t he tol d m l),
nn ill r{'c ti olls <Ii ea ~ l' wl\i(' h I,. t r nll $,llitLe ti 10 r, lIl n th rouf! h Ihf' lllte of II fly (l n d o th " I' in: l'r b. It nla y al (l h ~ ('tI Il U"H'ICd hv ,II'l', ' inl! 'h e tla l '('n ~~ r a rabbIt ~ '1ui l'r 1 - 0 1' lJ y 'O tin s: IIIN l l of' he(' 11 i nfN'lc\1 Ulllnt:l l ~ h·fore It IlI'opel'i y ~ r n LHI • I'HI ,cook.,,!. T he syll1 IllOllls , .11'(' ~ lll1l lllr 10 l hos .~ of u nd ulan t fe\'c l' 0 1' Lhe. pluC' ue, (' on· si ~ t ,nl; of I' roln n!\,NI fev(O r. li nd ' Orl ('11 \\' lI ill\:, li nd "'IPllilnlt inn Qr 111(> lym ph IHld,'s n a li the s it of t he i nC 'ct lOll , If a humnn dol'S J.!' l l ul nr{, lll ia, ' w's a pt b Ill il!ht~' i ~k - but \ odIl Y. antibiollc druj.:'!< Ill,,"" L:lk~ n e war IftllCh of Lhl' f('al' of Lhl lIl " CII S{,: P unt il 1!l4(: the r ule Wa!; " 3 1 \In\'s of f V" I', 3 1 dllY, III bE'd anti n 'total d uralion of lh sllbility for about 3,5 months. " But , \\' i ~h til... di scov(' ry tha L 'S u 'p ptomycip h('lpt'ri to ("ure lh (' d i ll e, thi ~ Wil li ~111 rl 0 \\1 11 . In l Oll !). dar t r. be ~an tI , lll g' the wonder fu l aliI' om~' c in f rt~ l lI the Lederle Laborntol'ies, anti th l ~ was di~l.1ovprC'tI rea ll y etTectivt> 8 '; .. CUI'e, It" b~l tlJ.! u ~ ec.l totlay to c ure patients in A f,·\\' da ys. \\'{' are C" !'lulnly fO,. l u nnle to 'h l\v, such all tl'~~ Live antilJiotic dru g available , for it 11I kes awa y most of lhe worry refl'lIrding su<:li - nange rotls d i ea des as tulaI'l~ m n- and gi ve ~ II;; l he con fhlence thllt we CRII pl'ote,'t t1Ur fam i lies lI.11d keep them safe alld \\II'II! , T ll ln"Nlli a 'I
E' B
98c 8 a. m. till 10 p. m.... S.'.D Da·Js &Illk IC~~~Mf~~ ~~~ __ ~ ' ~ _________________ :.
******....************.*************************** EVERY
South Main Street "~
S · AllI:: _ ', e~~ pot'atoes. S 1. 75 per bu, Phone 2 701.
BRO NS~ET- ' TER. General Dell"I"I,)" Waynes, vIDe, Phon e 2271l. a ~ lt for BraD' !It.ettel', 3·15
WH~N you buy new equip.
ment, investigate our finanei~g plan. Bank credit p1 .. ys an effective part in Yvllr ~J!(.. .jress.
Hello, everyone! There doesn' l Rhll" to Frigidaire 8eem t o be much going 011 t il l' Plant 2 by illonday 'COI' 1st trick week hut 1'1) do the best 1 [1 .1. The Juniors ' are havin tllt' II' lit 6 : 00 n. m. ,'Pho,nl.> 2261 X,.....3·16 High School Party Wedlll''l<la)'. March 21. ' They plan to mnke it a big "shlndlg'." All the High School .students are Invited, The reaulta of ' tho boys busketball tournament, which waf! II III ' ("1' this week, which wUl hI' :tn ~ nounced neit week In this c I'IlIml11 Mr, Retalllck called all a!l!Jem ~ ' - Tuesday afternoon for ,tho hlRh school and 7th nnd 8th ~rall s . GUt:'8t speaker WIlf! M.r , fll-ll\vlnll , from ' the Mlaml·Jacobs DII"lne~9 Cd ll~ge lit Dayton. Alliloug h hi li speech Willi e8~eCIDllY inter ~s tl'l g to the · Seniors, it also had some v ery good thoughts for everyone else. Well, I guesR that's ' about all for this week, liD bye for now, ' Joyce Denl.
C,ARD 'OF TH'A'NKS . We wish to expr~8s our' heartthanlts and apPI'eclation to ' many relatives, . friends ' and neighbors tor their many a ctll of kindness and aympllthy shown \18 In the Joss of ciUr door wife ,and mother, MTII'. JennJe Planck. Especially we wl~1i to,' Reverend Coffey "(or hie COllllj)llng words, the donors of thc lalmitabJe Walter' Wlnchell noral offerhigll, tbe . p","u.,,,ro,,,.~ and Stubbs Funeral Home 101' their· ......... the Jat~it news Hashes ~ WLW.Jistener:1 each Sunday eftlQlent leI'vlcea, ' naID, at 11 p,lIIl" EST.. ' Mr, ROI81 Planck and Ohlldren ,
COlmAN 'SCIENCE SOCIETY' 01 C.alerville· OhiCl~
If JOUr n1NlcrlptJon has explre4. WOIl't JOu pleue 8eDd ua a check
ao n
.ocnauau. JOur paJerT
Thl WaYDISville· ,NatiGDilla.nk \.
:J,.i~n~ JJOItIIJ ~
, Dr, E mma Hollowav R.llendpd the speech cUnlc at thu J .e 1\~ll e ror the 'Hard of HparlolI In Day· ton 011 Tuesday, Photo s hows RALPH CLAIBOURN E, Rural Repr.lentatlve of The 'M I'I!, Elizabeth 8mHh ha.s r!'Da yto n Power an d Light Comp ~ny Inspecting Albert Wlgal'l electric tu~ned 1.0 her home on Third stl'e"lt fee d gr inde r a nd m i xer. . after spending the winter here, Miss Ruth Chandle r atLnnlled 8 A ~ml\ lI compu!'!' ()Io(;tl'i(' [ ,.,,1 just pr esses a ' switCh button ' and 111nc h-con 'meoting of .Alplia' Ph! Ia'indel' all d 1)1 ,', ril' feed mb:e l' starts shoveling t he grain Into 't he Chnptol', Delta Kappn. Gamma, at b avo limiua t i1d II Jol of ;w ol'k 0. 11 11 gri n1l8l". The gr-lndel' attomaUc· the Vali Cleve hotel In Dayton on toste 11'1 iii 'OI'CI'Ul!OIl or hi.' da lrf a lly elQvates the ground grain Into SQ.turday. farm, S<lys Alb rl \ C. Wigal or R. the e lectric. ' mixer, where it Is 11 , !!, J<llJ)'CStOW II . mixQd wJth specinl · feed supple· a"'!"------'!"!"''''!'!''~""'''!'~~--------,------:. Mr. anll Mrs. Harvsy Ullrnet D fore getllng 11 11 "I ,·td , g l'iud· menta in the correet proportlona visited theil' sistoI', MI'S, Mabel p,;r and mil( r .. "'iga l had his fe c1 and Is ready to be . fed to the dairy Hathaway on Sunday afternoon. Il'L'(Jund n t a: cOUlmerclal mill , Tb ls cows, . jnyolycd [t lot of Lime nnd , x, 'Wlgal's tl rlnder Is II. email com. , Lather Ailt. Shav"" pellSE), He ba,l lo fl R-ck lind load pact hammer.mm driven by. a 5 HOw do.. latherln, the face al4 t it gl'a llt jllto n t r llel" ,tll eu d 1'l \'e HP. electric motor, The mixer is a 1D .bavlnlT Th. fuootion of the to lown lind \ra~l. ill ,lIn e for his ve~tical screw.type and is powered tun! , t lh(' mill , l he, rl ntllng, th by a 2 HP electJ'lc motor, . Th'3 lather II to .often the beard by 1I'1p 1oM l, 10 II\(' fU I111 all tl 111<' 1111 · I ill a d I b 'a It or IOUlnI .ach whisker thoroughly 222 SOUTH MAIN STRUT ,n m :ter ave a c pac y I/lP.lllw or IIIP CN'II loolc morn n and keep,l n, " mol.t tor the dura· t.ltU~, ·,\I t.Og th"r: lit!!' e ll.llrl> 01](" " l OOO to 1500 Ilounds PI'!' hOIll', ,Uon of lhav.. SbaVln, .oap manu· CORDIALLY INViTES THE PUBl.IC T,O ATnUon 10(11, a l> 1I1111l11 II !> o ll e ha lf or • Oh io Slate Unl vel'slty Agrlcul, j,.cturen ...commend that the tae. tUl'll.l E ngine"'I:' estimate that feet! n cl ar, TEND SERVICES SUNDAY AT II A:M!- 'AND ,h -.albed with lOap and water be· No\\', "Ilh a Illod t'l'll derll'ic f&'d a n be ground nnd mlJCsd electrlr.· tore Iather1nl, TbJ. removea both SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR PUPILS UP TQ THE ,::I'lndfll' nlld mix I' 10 ' ;ll e rl lIalll' lit ally all the farm tor a8 ,IIttle as a ........ .bleb might repel the ",t.. In lIllI ' nntl r oln! <) f U SC), ,Viga l ea nts per hundred pounds. AGE OF 20 AT SAME HOUR. wale an)l pment thorough .oalc· Iq Clf the beard. and gritty mateWEDNESDAY MEmNC 8 ·P. ~ GETTING MARRIED? See Our Beautiful We"'" .An. rIIil that m.;r bav. a duWn, diet LlTF.RATURE AVAI' 4N E FROM ~,..,&nu OD the ..az~r'l ~. nouncements' and Rec:eption Carda - W.u. Our Method You
and W. Guarantee Salial. -tion
Sometimes FINANCING is the best, way·. • •
Con I'mana r"mhQIAm. -
# . . . . . . . . . . . ~·• • •
. Intelligence Test • f 1-Chaucer. 2-Twelve. 3~ Wormwood • • 4-Sieze, I5-Bl e Red, 6-Decibels. 7-Ulllon· of Soviet ·Soclallst RepubUcs; Congress of IndustrlaJ Organizations' American Federation of Labor; Woman's Christian Temperance UnlO.\l.
Cu Save MODeJ and Tame By f..Iiminatiq Costly and Time-
•••••••• ~••••• ~ . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 •••••• 4 •••• 44 •••••••••••••••••••••••4
3-8-15-2 2 ' .::;;;;=~~~=-=-==-::
Our Slogan is to Satisfy If Diaple••ed wiili Any Article, , Return Goode and Your Money Will Be Refunded
ANiMaS '1'0 •
hOIl!<tw lenll ill·.
unny , FOP,.
NEW YORK, N, Y.-When the' kid a dig down into their Easter Basket. this. year. they' call eat the .. gra.... too, if p~renw take thl. .ate, almple trp .from Hizzoner, the Ea.te B~nny. J ,U lt mix four'dro\ll of any · of BUl'nett's four LiqUId Color. with 14 cup milk' or water. Then dip ,two CUPI of Ihredded coconut In co!ored.-nlxture, dl1t dn .bIOrbent papel' towelling and spread in basket as ilhown here. . '
Across from Twin Theatre -' - Waynesville
••••",••" ••,#." •••,.#,...,,,••
- '- -
274 2,
Let 'em Eat "Grass"
ays aster
49 21 c FI~~~~~K ~~~~~_~~'~ :.:~~~_~_~~~_____ '_ 3 9 ~ c
KAHN'S AMERICAl\J ' BEAUTY POPLAR BACON POUND ____ ~ -_------.--_------'_~ - ----
. FOR SALE _ " I\X I1l I ns II'r !.' x] " rug, 'cbrome nnll plneli!: in'mdtra!l ' set, "Congo" ra n ge, 3·blll' ll(\ 1' kl' r osen s tov. P . J. '1']( OM t\~ , Itt 1. WaynNlVllle. ~Ph o n e Ct:' nL 1'1'11 10 701 8. X- 3·
Dlvlaion of Inland laroducll; Inc. •• _._ •..;.._._._._ ....... _._ .lUST LI~AVrJ Y..O ll Tt SHOE at Lee Hawk's Ba~lbel' Shop. , W It be callild for au. deliver ed. Wlrl, gUaranteed, Prl'pes rea80nable. , ' THOMP ON ~HOE REP A I H. Harveysburg, Oblo, X2·15-22- 3-]
_,. ___ ~, ____12 ~ c
=::::::::;==:::====~= FOR RENT . Rl cll oI It l'oonHI . .- - - - - - MRS, ~V . ir', M,\ 1!1 J1';N, !'hone DEAD STOCK 2681. 2· I r.~tr
HORSES $10 COWS $10 HOGS $2. CWT. LEBANON, OHIO According to Size and Condltldn Phone 448 All Stock Remov.d Dally ELLIS, H. 'STURM, Sec'y-Treat. Larae or Small _ Call Collect _"".... 4 ........ ...... ,.............................C ....
DON'T pay trlb'llt, to mOLh ". S top them w'ltb DERI• . l'. Fil'l' y a r gllRl'Il.ntee, Odorl l'8!! and Sta ln1 e8,.. WAyNESVIl;.... E ,'F RN I.T RE & A PPLIANCE, Phone 3H>2,
HORSES $10 COWS $10 " " . ,• • •- . . . . . . ~##".## . ~ . 'HOes $2. CWT According to Size and Co " dltlon SHOP will be ('108 d Mal" 1 21i th'rol1gh April 11. C, 1.8'8 H i\ \"KI ~. Hog. and Other Small Stock X- ~ ·15·2. Removed Promptly
-IMPROVING Wilmington 2362 Lehuon 439 - BUYING INLAND PRODUcrs, lac:. • REFINANCING LOW RATE - ' 4 % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _
EXCAVATING and - - - - - -,...-- DUMP TRUCK SER VICE ,
BARBARA STANWYCK CLARK GABLE C. blc pl,lYS .. deyll ma y CiU'e racing dri~er w ith a "w in the ra<:e, lin m~tler who gets hurt" " hllosop hy, Midget racisg , stu nt driv. ' Ing and b ig car raci ng ill! in one. , , W, E!. CARTOON: " DOUBL E CHAS.,.ER "
Thursday and Friday
March 17
C:,\'IU,r.:. e rIO '
"$ PEe I A 'L S' JO~~n~~~~__ ~_
FR=dSA~~~~ 45c
SL~~N~A~?~ .. ___ __ ~~ ____ ___ ~ • ____ :.. ~~_ 5Sc , AU KINDS OF FRESH
Open 'Every Day Until 8~OOIP. M~
,------ .
Outllclt 0' Co.
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 "
AbDut TDwn
1'11 ... nenr1le of \:\ ay.noRI'ill" "lid \;1 IlIlty wel'e ca ll ~d I,ll wnl' ~ h i r
IInd ay mOl'n," ~ .by tho 1)(lII lIl.ilul tones, of ch ime, peell:ng- Oll t from the M c;tllolllAt ohul'Ch W I\i:· 1' , Irir· tee n mlnuies of t hlll"'1\ h YIll II ~ Ill" fore the $ undoy chno l hOll l' ,111 ,1 ! five millute8 n.rl',,"'e(lin i; ,' IIII'n ,h ',worship ' were I~E'O ril by u II \I h , ' come to ser v!t't' a II ell 11 " lil' s a rt'S In thelt' , horn s, 1.I'POI'I:< came In from Corwin. froru It 1'11111' l1y three mUes lioiol·th 11',011 1 01' I Il II' I ond fl'om , IIl'Ioth l' famil y ai, l eu~1 thi'eo miles W$l Aayln~ Ih " III ', .' w a", plalhly " helli'd, on.1 !;i'ea:J . If' pre ola~e d , A telepholll' r'lt 11 l'IITIl " til the Pill'ijOIlU AP q I hi' ,,111111'1 f l'olll a fnmlly In . Ute NOI'i h enll n THE M HODIST CHURCH In the tower of whiCh the chimes we re town I)x pres81ng holl' l'e l'Y nilit'll r~cently' In.talled and w(h ich provides 1111 the townspeople with their" the musIc lI\ea.n~ to t hom un,l hOI' beautiful ,mulic. , gl'llterlll th ey' \\' ~J'e to 1he ,10 '1111" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " . . - - - - - -- -_ _ _ _ _ _ ' 01' the !'hlm",1i aod th 1'111'I'(' h f.1I'
KNOW CINCINNATIANS VISIT HERE Mr. and YI"II, Clyde 'Burtt and lIOn. of Clnclnnatl, were Sunday guelts of Mf: ' ~ and Mrs. HUton Hartsock., ' WEEK ENO ' QUESTS Mr. and Mrl. Byrd Lnckey, Jr .. ot Middletown. were week end guesta of tbelr parents, Mr. IlIld "re. Harry Satterthwaite. -,
Peel Fort" 'Program of ~eautiful Music Every Evenin, at E; :00
WEEK END , IN 'FRANK'LIN Mr. and MI'II. Raymond Clnner were week end guests of tbelr son· In.law and daulbter. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cbi:lteen In Franklin.
- '- -
GUEeTI OF , BRAODOCKS Mr. alld MH. WArren Braddock, MI'II. Jennie Bradd~ck al)d 'Mrs. WllhelmliUL Underwood were Sun· day gueltl of Mr. and Mrs. ,B ay· mond ,Braddock and ' daulbtorll, , ,
WEEK lEND QUESTS OF AVES ' Mr. and' loire, ft.: J1.. BenBon, of Indlanapollll, were, Ii;Il0sts ,of, Mr, aDd Mrs. H . L, 'flye for till" past week end and ,Mrs. DeDBOl1 re· "....Ded fOl" the Jlut ·week. VIIIT ".IIGADMIEAOOW" Mr. Eldon Danta. and Mr. Lit Mar Ji.l&rDhart w,ith tbo lnlltltutlon!ll on the I'arID Tralnlnl Clan, vl81ted the Btoa4 Meado~ Farm n'aar WII· urton ' .Frlday,
The Rotary lilt" of Wuyn p.l1vlll o incllliln LI anlI ' f~'om publl!!,splrlted announced today LhaL, It 11'1 11 He)11t I.J U S I il (\ fI' H orgaulzrmUo1l8 and ,Betty Satlerthwalto flnel lIarold Rolury . '" , , Stanley. both \\ aynes l'lIIe hl )(h I The III$titllte will open on Frl' school stud,enls,' a~' d oleg;lles t(} tiny even'lng, March ,30 with a din. tbe Fifth Annual WOI'ld AfCah's nel' at Ulfl Netherland Pla~a Hotel, Instltuto to /'e he ld in (;Ind llllall. Iltu rduy tnornlng etudent dole. at t h/l Netherllllld I'I:tzll liolbl, ga.tes w ill lOoet to heal' IIOV 1'&1 Ml:1rcb 30 and , 3.1.. 'I' he ktud <tnt:; H.Ill'ukm'fI un .d1f!erent ,phaRes of ¥ve been 'chosen , on th u h:tals 0( wOI'ld 1"I'ohil DlB. Af tflr theRe Ild· a COIDIM!t1t1ve fBctllnl o .. I1lUinaUOIi dretl!leH, t "ey will break Iii) Inte. 011 current world arrah'8 tlud t. l1l· s maller dl,:u'usalol} gl'OUP'II, nlll! 'Ill' ted Natlolls 111'0".16"'8, , <I eI' llll' g .. ldllnce ot t rai ned , dis '1 18, The lnBlUilte,. " ll,l'ojc,c t 1111(111 ' s lim Itl,.d ·I'li. ""m de ot n . 'h /.L .. ... so~ed by the Hotm'), Cluo,' of lila lI, malllder 0 1' tlUI morning to II"" " II ' Indana, Kentucky and \Vl!flL Vi" , lng t1w lr' a ' 11 oplnlu ,,~ ti ll ,h ' ctma. 1s 'conduucted by (,}I ~ qUI!IStiOIi R ra lfled by the fj . : , '" ,'1 world Attalrs Council of alu. Inlm .! The Institute luncheon tolloWli, for the purpos.) of ~Iu 'atlng U11d Huch 0; Ihe studenu l.u'OIlg'ht In(ormlnc (u'ture c lt h,e ·' Il or A~ l "'l ' CIncinnati by the ROt oll',.\' ,:J Ica In m",tel's or intqrlHlli<).1U1 ;;(011 ,will Ill/end the' night In ttill h ' IlI' ceril. Approxlmat. Iy 6 0 stud nl..O; of 1\ Ui nclnnatl family, wllo "Ij' \ will partlclPllle. Tb IOlltl I Rot:,I'Y rll'o\'lue lodglijg and breakfllst ' 0' Club will cover th e e~ (lell ses of them, Tl·•. nS(!ortation fa('lIit!" s 11' 11 the del4gates ijenl from IU~I'e, also be III'Ol'htod, as well a'l ' I)" . ' whlle other COlts o( tbe IIIBtltll ~" tunlLi s fQr visiting lilac ~ of In . are met .. IUa ' funds obtulned III tel'osl III Cinolnnatl. ._...~ • -
- - - - -- -==>--- ,
IKENNETH RETALUCK q-lOSEN TO HEAD CIVIC CWB'; J. B. CRABBE IS 'PICKED TO lEAD ROTARY CLUB IN THEIR 19,51 AC,TIVITIES Melli be l'lI (jf I he Wa yilc.",t11 • elvi Chlb at: their ~Ial'('h dlnn ,ll' mer itn/;, he ld Monday ni g ht nt t II ~ St, Mal'Ys Parish House !llc!'l OIi l, ennel h 1\1 . Retolliok. Illca l !;UI't' I'· In ten(\ "llt of schoolll, to "AI'VO III< PI'pskle nt dllrill ~ t he 31':1 1' 19GI. 'Jamel< !oJ, Jone!!', cushiol' or th e Way nrR I' III ... N!1tLt>nlll , Flonk, w hn se .. ven as t ..eIUl1lre l· III lO af). II' UI< naru ed Vloe PI'eslde nt. Cn l'l ft· I')' , IQcal: h'elght agant, w ill be tl'elll'. Ul'e l' alld Maynard Weltz will (o/)IJ · Unue a, Se c ~'etal 'y, has, ,E , M Irh ene r ond Davis Jo'lIl'lIaS WOI'e elc.'I, ed ~o th e AOl1rd of Director.. til ~erve with Les f r H. GOl'<Ion :11111 Fred RU ti h.
TO BE SHOWN IN COUNTY First Flilm Will Be Shown To · night At 8 :00 in High School Auditorium - ,-
COl'w lll ")ii. on, \','lI rl'!!1I I ty Ch 'iI Defe lis" lJil'ecl<IJ' or '1' 1'0111' Ing Il ild O llel,utloIiH. I' I.!/O Orl ll Lilli the lonn Il ll'nft,ed sd,Pel l, I,' u ' , II' ! Defense tra Ining fIImli wi ll be In I lated lodll )" The rl r'lIt , Ih,. to b .. ho wil ,,'Ill b,' " ,\1 p(Ii ,'1I1 I~ ruo'! H n Atomic: \\' (wl'tll'e" CUl1l L e It'dl ':; • t,he 1st !-ie('tlll' ('l'ul'tle (; , <'e l; '1'" " ~ 1I11 1) lllHlI,;hl lit ,tilc, f ,elHdlllll f Ii ~ l Sdlqo l , lI l1 clitol'fum lit !o: "f, 1'. n. ~ 11 'Ivil I pl'l'nHe ,'IlI'R IIl lIe l 11 11 othe r Inl e l'f'~ t ,I nlli v .h l I " III I, l ilt Se<; lOI' III'e UI'/;.ctl I.tI fil l ' rill. Th ... s<:l)e<lule el f sh o wl " ~ H 1\11' I, C,'o ulli.y Is as 10110\\'5 : lst . ' (' ' tor ('I'u l tie (' !'l'lll; 1\ ;" ,Mal'cll 2211d , 2nd Oo:lOl' ( I~.'a nhlin 111')1) ~1 1l 1"' 1 2)h'd 01' ~H l l· ' ' 3rd ":e'lPI' (CIPII I' ('l'l'e:; IWI ', MRI'ell 2/i 01' 2litb* 4th ~cctOI' ( IVIIY II " t WII,) :,: :lll: " 27th Ai Hi~h 91'hool gY 1\1. " l'll'" I, 5th , 1!f'tOI' (MIlS:;lfl ~II p, ) " , 2 th, li lh ~'e(' tOl' ( W" H h : n ~t II I II Jl ) Mnr ' ll il9 lh , j lh Rrc:OI' '( Hal'lnn tWII,) ~ I "r .' h , MI',
KENNETH M, RETALLICK .. . Elected Pres. of Civic Cluj,
J. B. CRABBE ELECTED TO HEAD ROTARY FOR 195 t 'I' llI.' Wll~' 1I 0~ \ ill e ROlIII ')' lull :It Lheh' Tllcsduy III hl meeting h~ "i
II I, lhe 1~11I' Hills Pnrt HOIl Ae led , ed.1. Eyr! Vl'tLblJt> Lo be Presiden t fo/' a o ne yelL!' I 1'111 bo/:lllning 011 .Iul y 1. I!l /i l. 1111 recommendat ion Qr tlie lIollllnuUng' commi tte'" eorn ' posed or Hal'olo ' H.odaon, bdgar RETURN FROM HOSPITAL aO~~i, fiedcll' (Sale m t\\'p,) ~llIr.';, ,~mllh und F , (', llrowu . JAMES E. "ONE'S' 31 s t 01' Ap ril I . E lecl ecl tn Vi('e Pl'esldt'nt "'II~ " .Elected V. Prea. of, Civic r;lub Ill'll. Jobn D " Edllngton and baby claurbter Beth. ADn have reo The l\fethodlatllb\lrch 8 S well I ~ !Ith s ... (,tOI' IIl(lrnilt a ll l WI ' IHll'Ies I)OStl' l', Or Harveysburg, the ommunl~r, 1ft Ind ~ed tha It'rl " I ReI'. Sa n.nle I I~I'YS Wil l! ol ec t~ d PLAN ANNOUNCED FOR turned to tbelr home on FOllrth for tbls rlne gift. Th\' e ntire h101' April 2M, ,\ ,,'l l lo fin t he ofCi ce of .l'eretHry· ,.treet from Middletown bospltal. FIRST AID TRAINING outfit.' plu8 10 record s Will< I": I 1 Oth ~ , tor . ( 11101] tWit ,) I, '1'I'ea8l11'ol'. whi .. h Wlt8 .'omblned wharf: tbe Infant was born Mar h AND HOME NURSING c hased by tlte ('}tUdre'D of the lat 31 'a, " ll\' , Into Oll e oUice, 10,1fM. , loIrs, Anna WUU~aon: nOomel)' I A.1~1~!Jh 4tl~e~ tol (n c rrie ld I ,) I 'rhe new BOll'l'd or Dlr"etol'!\ 11'1\\ Harold and Ra ond ~"" IlIrI"""': Th\l l ime 1~lId plne!I' slt';", I\\I:. be ~,()m,"OIl d 01 S. I'ab~e" A, H . MI'. lIlunln S"~hl. County , ivil IATURDAY DINtt£R GUEaTS Mre. lAIella D ,Mrs. Ethr ' In eae!1 Sectol' will b .deslgnnt,,,,I tubbs, hlt r les Im1:er. Som 'Keys IDurEllrae CI'iJet or Welfare Sen lees, Mr. aud Gldll -Alenader IDIRECTPRS F-tECTED ' Houk a nel M18~ Gro ce Wllllnmso! b y the , S etol' Dire tor l'onCCl'I1 el1. :Io lm ~l'08k i. p, (}, Drown , Kcnn j·t h eiplalned' th!! 'lleneFal 1111111 of, 1'11'0' had .. Saturday evening dinner HOLY COmmuniON " THURSDAY NIGHT AT ' BY L NFL A FOR T hey have g Iven th!sl ,In m ~mOl ThOijO ,illlllbl e to obtllin t h Illror, ]~etlllh o k Ru<l Eal'l Coyle. vipln~ jst Aid Tra lnlng- An:1 !fOil.., P ..tI!. Mr. anil M.... Paul DlLwson Ir. ' • , •• • of, tbelr D,othel' \\, ho lived a Ii ' " I !iureing dur'lllg til t), h 'll Defellso 01 Yellow 8prlnp and Mr. and Mra. ~mODJS~ CnURCH ' THREE YEAR TERM, of love and "Bervlec to ,lI ell, cbilcl rr l :~t lo~e~~I~=II~h:~~~1 Ob,~~~1 t~:u;:t~: I W.S.C,S. HOLDS MEET Directors' meellll g last 'rtl\JI'IlIl;l~' Bernard Sutton. of Springfield. as weH I1S to he r c h" I'oil Whit- Ie Oh 'lI Defells!' Otfl.·~ In l:eb:1Il0u, THURSDAY , AT THE ' nlgh.t. , The moat elgniflcant day of Holy The membel' of th ... l",el)II IIO n meant ao muc h to her., ThQ"e Tole phone 894 The training goa l Is to Qu;cll fy SETH HOAK GETS D'EGltEE Week Is the communion Service National Fal'nI Lo:1lI AlIso'lation remember MFfI: \\ IIlIamson ~lI~\I' A aMond 'film, "The A t o tn ' METf.{ODIST CHURCf-I every person III CIvil Defe ll!lc In Mr. aDd Mrl. Keller }foak and on Thursday nllnt, the same nlgbt elected lwo direc'lol'S {Ol' II three that nothing could J)1~'1se hel h ~ t, St r ikes" will be II.vailable lat 111' __ , ~st A ld. and onl' lllem bel: of eve ry dauahtet Eula were In Columbue that leaua At at the table with year tCJIm at tbe nnnllal meeting tel' or be a more fittin g mentorml April. A, sohedule of showings w ill 'rhl' \.\'Ontllll'S SU( Ic(" ur 'llI~ s , tamJly In th e couuty In Hom o OD ~ for the . Iraduatloll of ala dlaclplell on that 18IIt week of MarCh 9th, They wer e Davl ~, Fur, than to hm'o the me8H~t:'e , of 1)"1' be llubli, IIOd Rt a jatel' date. t I:m S noicl' • he ld ti,e l'a:~lIlul' th...... Mr. Seth Hoak, wbo ra- His Ure. At the Methodist ChUl:ch naa, Waynosvllle 'a nd ,I. C, \\ Ileon , church Bound . out lhlOIl p,1t th o "The dnt" of showing to b(> ije· tn()uUlly meeLing 011 'rlml'sdllY Ilt ~~_.u.~.~·~ ..u .. ~~~## ............uc ... celyed hla Bachelor of Selellen ilo· tonlgbt this s ervice \1111 be from Mason. o~mul\lty, In 11I1lHlc, " leoled by Lhe Seatol' Direct!) 1' , t,he Methodl~t (,burch, A l'I) VOI"',1 NOT ICE IretI In Acriculture. 7:30 ~tll 8: 00 p. m. \VoOlhlPP.OrlIl Tbo, ASBOCin,tJolI I'ecelvetl l'eco,£;':' Every e l enln g at ~,OO P' ,TIl, lho " dish lunc heon WIlS sel'ved III lh A.II pers01ls Interested In h 'll --will come adn leave as they 'choose nillon fl'om the Lalul \,lllnle or Methodist ('hun'II ' W ill ":~II " II ',0 , ............... ~~..........._ ••••••••_ dllling I'oom III Ule nu01l hou r anil Defen8e, meet lit th ... Townllhlp VI81T ~ARENTS SUNDAY or may rems~n tbrougbo,u t the Loulsv1l1e to), the coopernlive serv- /I. pe~lod of devotiollall merlllfiti oll NOT ICE ., IWllIl e lljo), ell by /!(!\'Ewul H.ouMe 11"1 ,11 : 00 II. III. Wednl'sday . " and service In ,silent wOI'8hlp alld med: Ice to farmers In Drown, CLermont, tbrou~l\ tbe ch ime mUlllo, R Il \" " ' from Cenl;(l /, ville the ~Iletlt lipeal1. o rl l t IIr. :~'l~dM~. ~d~\!lilrar.:e a,nd itatlon. W, l1 p , luggestlons will Hamilton and 'Warren c~~ntles, , Wedgewolld, 111l~tor OIC the ~1 Lito' In an effort to relieve conges~l c n or, Miss ,E stll 1" ]~all'd lind ILboUI Marcil 28. 'CMlr , ren o c o e d be banded eacb one all ' hI) enters Tilerc were 116 mOlnb I'll lind ,dl!lt church, ann,oulI!~~S l hal ~I ", ahd reduc,e your wal41ng periOd" . thll't ' nlcnlbel's, \ Tl)l)l'e 11'111 he IL dof'i,nlte 111'0 ' Mr. ~Ild MI'II. Ji)8te1 Prln~le an th!! sanctUllJ'Y where he may ra- frlen(Js present: " , \ bOpeS evel'yon o wllI , tllke this br III , appointments will be tal ,en. ' I 'fh~ a(-ternooll seHll lolI II" IK held gl'am set :U I' al t hi s ,lnee UIl!;. cJauPte~ of ~~lJn. we~ , s~n. malll for a period and then come The, dividend ohecks l'orires eli l. period ,to renew h bl spirit with Patients without appolntme"ts In ' th l:' (' hI1I'('I1' ,,'110111-0 1"111;1 with ....."".....- ..........~"........,~... clay peat;.ri. .!!..::ren 8 , r., to tbe altar a.n d kneeling r'(lCel~e In,g 6 \Ier' :celU ~n atocl! :is ,of No· God thl'ou ~ h l'II'ayer and Rilenl will be taken in turn. MI· ~. Howa,/'Il rir nmlllolld conlln ' t, WARREN COUNTY' and !'tint, , ........ ' the Holy Communion and remalll vembe t· 3Q, ,1950 ' we l'e dl lllI'IIJllted , \ medltatton. , " A. E. STOUT, M.q . Illg the d e\! otioi1~ Mrs, I., ' , Sl. SALES OF E BONDS at prayer at the altar as long lUI The eQ uf(.lmenL Incilldes the (' 0 11- X- 3,22·29- ,1·5 ' John the 11I'e~ldel~t Il'as In (' hluS' HOME 11:011 EASTER be fee.. the need aDd tben eithel' .... ' ItT\>l cabinet with automatic re'!01'I1 .... .........." ...........#1".......... ' at t1;e bu Iness ~e~lI loll ;\111<8 Vir, TOTALS $25,968.00 IIr Don Rye of Oblo State MIIII ' return to hIs place and cOlltinllQ DAYTOnlANS VISIT ,cbange r, tl'!lnsJ'ormel: nnd 1\\' 0 i glnla Ha~clln 's 'UI II'll ~rI:de blLlld lUIoda Bunneli and Mlaa WllheJ. ,wor:a,b~p or quietly leave tbe SClnc, HERE SUNDAY large tl'ump(·ts w~t~ drivel' Ilnlt~ , EAStER SERVICES 11I'esentelt rOil;' IIUlllbl'rH . with 5;el" C. J . Wnggoncl·. Wllrre n "ollnt)! ,The Instnllatlon \\,11.8 (lone hy 1 .('0 end vOl'al P81'tS 111111 Mrs 'Ilr ltOl ' defe nse bond Chllll'tnUII, announced miDa Bradc100k of Georce School tual")' In ~verence. lilA Judy COQll8-r 'Of ,,.\thens Unl: Tbl6 promlaea to bo 'vel'y worlh· - -,' ' Conn~r. RIIY MiI1~I' find , .1., W, WILL BE HELD AT Cook's fourth gl'ade c illld;' n "ll l.1IP today tbat lIales or Sel'lell E bollrio; veralty, ,Mlu' Ellee'n BroWD. of foll· wblle ~~ helptul anll ' we invito, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwl\rC\ 'Re ich :\11(1 Wedgewood , , .' METHODIST CHURCH as guestl<. 1\IIB6 I.ull'll . i'CI Ul'lied <lunrig February totalled $26.968.00. ami' UnlyeraJt¥" are among thoso you to, ,P!lrticlpate in this n~Clan· 80n Don LOllis. of ,:PIlY,t9n. vls lto\l l)edlcllt!oll of t,hl ~ , l:Oemolllll , \I III mi ssIonary ro'OIll KOI' 1\ nuw spollr lor th o' same mouth tl 'yp.ul' hom~ : for Eaata'r, vacatlon~. " Ing(ul ~vorehl[l· hlP. al)d !!ofrs. Paul A, S hOl'e r nntl ,b ~ mado, qt BOUlI:' lo ~(ar date \l'he,1I "', ' to lbe c hildren 111111 '1l,1 Ill'eilollt, 'age were $22,51 8.00. '" ales o vel' , family Sunday uftel'noon It will be possible for the donllI s 50 worsblppors Is the "'on I sel l " , i I 1'{ ,.' ...,.--" , M ' R I ' . t ' II l .. t ' t 'V ita' n un * Ii ' ' ? on Ie I' mllny ~)(Ile l' e ll l' e~ 11 orca the state WE're$I S,287.862 in 'Foil· PANCAKE SUPPER , r, cch , i~ ,fQI'Cn!3I1 , of , fae 0 a ul' Ilr,e sen , I I ., on 0 , (' ' lit t hE! Methodi s t " hun'h Inl: ' l be and ilOw s h,' Is plnnlllllg h l roturn rlllU'Y. t>r $3~8 60 , O"6 lind!"!' sal eK nr QUE8TS FROM, WILMtNQTON SATURDAY APRIl,; 14 ' composing, room ' or the J)llyt nn (our Ml'vice~ tn be ' hl'l d .boste l" when cOllllit ions lieI'm It. n yenr ago, Krl and 1\In. Fred, Hook had as ' " , Dally News, FRIENDSHIP CLUB S,unda y at the Mcthodlst Chl1l'1:h'l Dul'ing the bu s ln cMs session. t he Thlll'llc1a7. ,ueate Mr. ' and Mrs. ' MEETS w.EDNES , DAY A full dllY Is Bchedul l1ll. followlu g nomlnatl lll,( co mmltl C NEW. CHOIR ROBES , 'U·~ld .... _":k and daulbter. or The Waynellvllle high school The Eas ter SUIIl'lse !;Qrvlce will i I t I to I I ' .u.av seDlor, class will sponlor a Pan· HAPPY HOUR CLUB ., ,. was al'po n a( :~e r l t w ncw ARE WORN SUNDAY WUmlqtoD. Mr: and MI'II. , Hoo~ k S t th 0 H II ' Tile Frl e nd ~ hlrl Clu b h.'ld (he ' l' be held at 6 :3u I~. Ill, willi me ul' officer s , fol' the (loming yeol' : Ml'~, allO bad 'aa tbelr gueat· (or the ca e upper a ~ range a MEETS WEDNESDAY bel'S (tr the Mettio.llst In hnr/l:e 1, IVoitel' \'i'"hl tnker, MI'S, .Ieuni,' ""'.t week end. their dau"hter Ure. on Saturday evening, Anrll 14 from , ' , • regular ly meeting lit t b" or \V.)rBhIJI ' . Aftel' the .f;o r Ice . • Connel'. i\t 1'1IP, I r.. ,n 6 tll8 Methodistmonlb chul'ch 011 Wcdll e sd~' j I'~· , H a1'o Id Sb UUI! . 'I •> I'll. ,'",' th 0 dl st cb ur,/) II Ch Ol' Helen Allen of Springfield. UD p.: m. afternoon with Mrs, Il ernard Dilley , breakfllst will be sEll' v,,1'l. In the Harry Schc nk, Mrs, 1'olla nl ..II\'SIIIl wore t,le ir newly PUI'ohase4 ch~r , All tbe pancakes you Ctl~, ~at Mrs. Hany Sm,lth )I'as hMtes8 basement dIning I'oom, a11d rl'~ , Alma P tel'80n, robes last Sunday. The cnth'e con, 8URPRtaEO' BY FRIENDa' for. SOc. " lo the Happy HOIlI' Club on Tucs· !\I 1'8 , Charles A nders~'n, Mrs. J, W. Sunday school with HllI'ol I.I-:nr ll • ' gtegaUon expl'eSHed tb~11' dc,> Ji ghl , day afternoon ,at her' borne•. with Wedgewood unli ' ,~,fI'B. " Warren hal't H;H sUl,lerlllttmdent, will h }lin at tbe beauty and dignity lhei'!" Mr. aDIl MI"II._'Honry R. Satterth· 'LAST I'OIUOIRPD&'CTICE abOut , twe.nty, m , cmbel's pr.esent. Dl'Ilddock DS hostess. ~bollt t we n, promptly ol 9 :30 witb FJRstel' s in g· FRIENDS SUQPRISE ' b ' h Ii I waite and clilldren. who 'Isave , '"'" , Aft t b p'e ent T' e ' MRS ' W H " 'MADDEN . new mal'oQn I'~ es 1"ll W 1 te co . ,' ' BEFORE CANT'&TA ~e afternoon' wae ii\l8nt In 'n vel'Y y mem erA 1I'0l'e IS . ling and a. stlldy oj' tll e EIl8tel' les, • •• lars gav,~ tb e c hoh', mo"" 'to the farm formerly, ~ccu. " ft ple&eant , manner, 1I0nol'Ing M'Is8 bll81nes9 sessioll W 11\9 , held "lid 80n (roOm God's Word. " ON HER BIRTHDAY I 'A t t.\le Euster Ca,lItu III SllIlIll\)' pl~ b1 the WIlliam 'noster fam,IJ' -- , . EIJzabeth Ann MU~llener wlt.h a Mrs, Ollbert FI:ye ellltertained The mornln~ worship ' h01l1' Idl l _ _ · nlgbt the urrel'llIJ: will go tOII'lurl near Haryepburr. were pleuanUy El'er.y 'membcr of the Methodlill bridal shower. Much time WIIH group by s howing 1'lclUl'e~ whl h , be rroODI 10 :30 to 12:0(1 o'c' lucil Mrs, 'V , H.. M.uddell 1·,'lahmt 'd I'Il)lshln~ )laying rOl' thelll, aurprlie4 by 'a group of rrl~Dd8 on church cholr, il urged to be pres- given to opening and admiring her bad tak en on "url,o us ' vnCfltlOll lWlth til l' paetol' II/Icaking on til t!, he I' blrtbdl1Y 11i1fIlnH'Ha1'Y 'dur lnl( , _ _ _.~_ _ _ . S&turday evenllll'; ent for the lut two relieareall tor lovely g1tt~. als(l several contests to.urs, , , suhjec t, "VIctory Ol'el' the Tem· the past lI' eel; IlIHI \\'U S 11le:umnlly the Euter Cantata whlob w,l\I be were 'conducted by Mrs. Lawl'once F~lIowlllg od1011rnment to n~oet l poral." During the wors hip therc 'Sillpl'iHed whell [0 SI'OIlI' of (rien,l s CARD ~F' THAN~S' W. 'w. ADV. COUNiCIL MEET8 beld nursday nlrbt imme~lIatel, Fum,tie and Mrs, Ual'I'y 'Sattel·tll. with MI'S, HOII'al'd Dl'Ummond In will ~e tbe , 'Baptlsm of babies, ,I n I hbOl'S arrived wltll w II It , Is with dee p ~rahtude and Th. W..t Wayne AdV,I80ry Coun- foilowiDr the eolbDluulon lervlce waite. API'II, I' freshments were 80 1'1' 1:'(\ Parents are ' lnvlted to bring, their ~~I~d ~!k ctB for U delicious ov. apPl'eclaton ,that we e Xllress 0111' , cO members enjoyed their March at 8:00 P, m. aDd FrI~a1 ' night ,The club adjourned to meet hi ' hy ,the cornmi ttee, young , bo.blbes or children to the e l'ed dish dlnne l', T hose who en. ,heartfelt thanks to 1111 ..olat/vell" m:ee~ with a. fiDe 'dInner and promptly at 7:30 p. m. , April Vflth Mrs. Warr~lI DI'lIddo r.k alta~ for this Itlgniffcant lIe r vlco Joyod tIle Iloy with MI'~, ' Mndrt nn fr~nde, and nelghbol's for lhelr IlleuaDt evenln8 IlJlent at the Gen· as hoa.tclIJ, ,', . BROTHERS ON SAME SHIp' of dedication, There 11'111 alKo be wero Mr, and 1111's, 'al:1 Fry lind ipany actll of ~lndn eM8 and remem· eral Denver Hotel on- Friday eve· QPEN ' " HOUSE ~O DaInty refresbments were served MI'. and Mrs , Jobn Stansberry baptism or youth and rtlCelltioll of chUdl'eli Brenda Sue IIlId Co nn ie :r.an~e f during , th... II1nes8 an~ 1lIDr. Mr. and Mrs" Earl Hubble ba,ve been vel'y haplIY to huve al! membe rs In cluding th e pl'eplu'atoty Jeoll. Mrs. Elal HOll kl'Lt. MI'II, eat 0 our lov ed one, Amy, have heeD voted aa new m.mbers BE HELD AT LEGION , their guests 1'01' th e post \\' ~ ek class. Tbe choir will gi ve sl'ecilll 'Sadie Renson i\1I'ij , Ino Flol'onro We, especially wish to thank or tb. ' ~JUb. ' ......... ON MAR--- 30 "LOOK OUT ' LIZZIE" Illielr son Nolan who has graduated I East!l il' music "Chl'ls t Is Rllaen." Dakar. ~1rs, doldle' lIentley. :\11'$, Hev. Wedgewood rOi' bis uonsol\ng ~ '"'" from Great Lakes Naval Tralnlog wltb solo by Helen Drown, dll'e r te<l M, D. Coff,,), , Ji)r, ~ 8I'y Cook , MISti me8sage. the Mla,OII «blll'ltel' Ol'd,'1' , -, - -' DAUGHTER FOR CONNERS TO BE REsENTED BY Station. He left 011 M.~nday fili'I by Mrs , Har~I~ ' Hodaon lind , ac· Lucy Erpley RIlII M1;8. }'108!! io ',o f Eastern Star 101' tlmir brlluur,ul U&.'. BieN Conner. IOn of Mr. Tbere wUl open bouse March, Y11.E ' ,San Francisco. wilel',e he has been companied by ' M 18 s Vll'gil\ln Cal'e' , servl~e and the Stubbs Funet al aDd Earl CODllet:. ,Ia proudly Ie. at the ' ADleriau Legion Hall L CRUROI CLASS aS8igned to the U, S. S.' Glanllllle, Hardll11" y, Home for the Ir many do ds ot teDlDe eY8ryono of bls new alX, rgllD 7 p. m. until cloaln~. , ' -' the same ahlp on wl)lch hili bl'1>' , At .8: 00 p. m, th e ChUl'clt chOir kindness. poG1ld. 16 ouaee baby aliter. Rachel A1RiUarJ membel'l and their The "Mr. and Mrs," class of th~ ther. William . Is 1l(IW serving, wlU present all El\etel' Cantnt:t, ' Stanley H. Dalley ~D. wbo ;,.. bOrn WedJl8l4al. famlUes aDd Legion memben and Lytle eburch ,vIII present 1\ play ," Tbe First EaHlel'" und el" lhe eli· Om(l Pbyllb and , D~ve HOTtso·k IIarcIllt at Miami Valliy HOIpkal. ~_!~!!!. are iDvlted, "Look . Out Un Ie" at the \\ a. yn~8' MRS. JENNIE OAVltS SURPRISED recti on of !IIrs, Hal'old HodRon Thl' Hopkins raDllly lin. Coaer aDd Uttle daqbtar ea aud cioftee will be "me mgh School building, Oil Fri· MI"II. , .Jennle Davltl opened bel" and IIiccompanled by Miss Virginia Mrs, l3ertha Gray.. , or Dayt41n 11&," DOW return_ed to, their 1Iome., a-~-. by membel'll 0 f t h '.I day evening. Marcb 30th with tb:! ' door to IInexpect" d guests on I Thl:' whil e (:ommunlty IK was fI Thursda.y 'uller of Jessltl GUESTS SATUROAV MORNING ......... , following playellll: Vernon Pursley Tburada)' evening when Mitis to attend, all theae Rer'I" Gal'D/'r, Mr, 8J1d ;<'lrR, Robert Dul· IIlr. and 1111'S, A. H. F.III'Jlhru:t we urge that YOIl 1\0 10 'lard and daughter, 1\11118 WlIJadeall and son Mr. AltQIl Elu'lIhart hall IIl1 8·22- 3·29 al C)"rUI LOllg. the old farm!'r; Pboebe IIIlrandA, MilS Emfly HONORED WITH .'HOWER _______ , Mildred Tumbleaoll ail Sara. the Jacobs, Mrs. Conner. Mr8'1 church 01) Ea8t!'r "Sunday. of. ¥Iamlabul'g. \\,el'e ber SundRY. breakfast tuests ' on ~atllnlllY Mn. Leo CoDner: ~.... IlaymoDd MRS. ERNEST HARI.AN farmel"ll wUe; Patey Ward ~ royd Davlli. Mn, Bentley the laeplratlon o( It anll visitorS: morning, Mr. and MrH. John Park· CoDIler aDd lin. Chart_ Edward_ .... _~u TO UftIlDITAL Halel. their dau,hter; Mym Mor·,IMN. Grare Smith, . Reb,a Drad· ,.our lo)'all)' to your Mr, au8lleJ a"nner Mrl. Della er, Jr.. or Akron and Mn, John " . . . . . . . the P • • ""'~, . llUYIon ~ Llule Black. the hlr.BlJ clock. Mrs. Cora Mrll. \VII· tbroughollt, tbe w h I> Ie Hoa •• Mr. and 1\11'1. l\Iflton Benn"r Parker. Sr.. ot North Bloomfield . ....... wbH lin. CJr4e Keller ~ ,. IIrl; Charlea Bql1D8ll as Hanlt Ba"lu, Smith, f Indianapolis. wen entertained Oblo. -:::!fIle IJ&rty waaJlU'Oute to ... ..... I . . . Jil4warda - . .ter1Ita. Ern.t. sa....... of l4'tle- BllDIrs. me blred mall; Janet Ruah Ill'll• .Janlda son arrived at a dinner on Sunday at Louille'" Cincinnati wbt're the ,atter left by taIMI-,I& ~ of .... ~ W~lIe. wu .. MiDDle Sail. the nelgbbOrhOOd to help ber b.r blrtbda)' GreeD Boom. train to visit relative!' In Oeol'fla. • ' 1Nil 1icni.cntDI'M1'8. ..... ftIdq to tile 111. .1 van., I...-IP: Kell1letll Ward as 'Rlcbard Ianniversary. "..a B 8ubscrlptlon baa ellplred, loin, Ella Dakla, r uturned on Sa t. , Mr. Blld Mre. Parker !lad »r. Altob --........ .. - . . fDr. week of 811...... .(be lID'aDrerj Pete Tal', pluaaDtl1 speat you pleale leDd ua. ch('ck urday from a vilit with hl'r ('()uR!n IEaroba!1 were cl ... matee at 01&1" .. "':'~ Han ""., 1Ii • Daft Jltft1t'f', t ... lI"~e .., II.... Rt'M'l'rI. rnn I'fml!nl'p yonI' IIRllnr! . !,.... rttllr'O,R 'f'Ir"llt In ,.... 1 .. AI·... Btato t n"'e' 'It '.
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THE MIAMI GAZETTE EatabUahed Febru_ry. 1850 A. SCHERER __ , _Editor and Publlaher CECILIA J • .~HERER . _ .• _ . Secretary and Trealurer ~AUL
Presentation, With Value of $500 to $1,000. Wiu Be, Mad~ April 7
As Ii move to promO! ' J " r~uJ jlattle among young [arm I' ople, Ii regJsterlld JerRey Itl'tr I' wort h $600 to $1,000 will be given abso· ,SlIblCrSpUoil Ra~-ln Ohio, $2 •. Per-Yenr' ln advance; $2,50 elsewMr41 lu~elr tree to 60me Ohio )'OUDy' ster by -!Dreey breeders of the state, Pr~el1taLion wlJl bl' malle WE NEED INDUSTRY April 7 at the lime of the Hllrln ll heifel' I>Ole at Del wnre. Ohio, U ,. We need ome kin 1 :t S'ood reliab!.: slIIall ('ordlng to R.ussel Hoar. N I1 WIlI'k , manufacturIng plant to locale in our vi llage! - one chalrmnn or the snle committee. -Tb only restriction, Is tbat the that could be depended upon to continue ope~ation s bo)" ar, girl must havil completed not only durin,g this defense preparedness penc;>d one' year of 4·H work (not ncces· but one that \v.ould continue after that is over. sarlly In dairying). or ODe year The committee which was formed to work on of high scbool -voclltlonal agrlcul· ture, a nd bave nn ntry blank project has held several meeti.ngs, a nd they seem to signed by bll;! county 'a!;ent 01' _ h;lYe the ball rolling now, so let'.s keep it going teacbcl'. The balror III Ulen t(lbIJ and let's GET TI--IA'-: 'FACTORY that \I'e need so carried a f! a proje~l nnd Rh() wed lit badly here, There is no rea on wh \\'e can't accom· ono fnlr at least, 'rhe heifer to be· M~ Il'rt ell ' Il' ili ,plish thi s wlth . om good 10 alion ancl ex ellent rail· be tb olle adj(ulgQd 1)('8t at th e road facilitie to offer. spring sale. A nutlonllll)' I"I\O\\,II judee will 110 the I"-a rli , sel (ltlng "SOAKING UP" iNCOME first the hest In each ~Ile group and then tbe grand rhamplon of It is frankly and lIniversally said in WaslJington tbe show. Registration of the . no\v that the proposed new mountain of taxes is to qe helfllr will be transferred, wlthollt cost to tbll willner, Mr, Honr saYH. imposed, 'for the purpose of taking the average fam) Tbe winner mulit bpI' k nl nt ,i1y's "excess' incom~ away from it. Ithll eale Allrll , 7th nt t he Jif)lawure , Now, we see a new 06jective. We ee budgets IfaJrgrounds, All (,Oil II ty Ilgents actually sw-elled artifi ially so that 1I,1e "pending of and agriculture ,IOn<' hel's lIu \'(1 Ii,r" llllcation blanks; 01 ' thoy may 'IJ the country can be- mann ed frpll1 Washington instea:t .!Iooured from the Oblo Jersoy of from 50 million households. We hear bureaucrats lJreeder~ ' ,A8w('\atiall. HBl'UPR VIlI e, talk frankly' of absorbing, th rough jaxes. all the spend· Oblo. able income of the people, aboVe barest necessities. A~101l1; l'ho 50 Jel'scy h~lrel's ror sale wHi be one of 1;'l'lll1cls E-ustll\, A dellber.ate philosophy of confiscation of a ,large part Lebo.non.,
METHODIST CHU.RCH J. W. Wedgewood, Mlnl8ter Cburch School. 11:10 A.M., Mr. Harald Earnbart, SnpL Warship Service. 10:30 A,M. youtb F,e lloW's hlp, Sunday 7 :30 P.M, Choir Practice Thursday 8:00.
FERRY CHURCH OF CH,R I8T , Byrou ClU'Ver, Illnlater , Bible ScbooJ, II : 80 A.M , Morning Worlblp. 10 :30 A.M. Pra1er MeIlUn., '7:00 P.M. Youn" PeoPle's Meetln'. 7:00 Evening Services. 1 :30 P.M.
t"'''' ,el)"le's income. neatly rationalized as ,a c~fe
ic.n. There is no more -certain road to the los8 of in· dividual liberty than excessive' taxation. There is no , , morc- certain road to excessive taxation .th~n to turn · over to politician:; the express power to "-absorb'" the spendable income of the people ,,"ith n~w ta xes. . Pa:y.as-yoll-go is a sound principle. But' tile Inoment it is stretched to over _wasteful and unsound government: spending the whole husiness ' he'c.i)mes an unsound principle. ' There ,is a sound way to curb inflation. The , first elementar,)l step ' is - not more taxes - _but to cut down government wast~ and public spen<Jing. Can it be pOSS'ible that the country would rather do it the hard way ~ by destroying Our free enterprise syst~m of production and distribution? . We are now face to face with a mounting tax burden that can . ,Iit~rally destroy our - w;ty of life. What, can we -do about it,? , We- can do a great deal about it. We can tell Washington in very plain language to cut its fantastic sp~nding. Our senators and · r~presentatives are the men to tell they haVe it all in their hands. An<t tight now is the time. Fatmers have- a very great stake in this issue, They and their organizations should make themselves beard - and right ~o\v. I
Peg. who ride the luteat mov· m. .!alrway, 111 tile United State. hardl;y nollee the difference 111 'pead. Two unit. at Rockereller Cftlter In Haw Yortr, travel 125 feet I minute, while all .tendlrd mav, .tall'w':y I In thle tounir" move • ta.t or Ilower.
da+h~V~~:e~t f)'cucherll Association eponsered a 50·50 dance ,at tbe hig)1 school gymnasium Friday evenl~, Mr. Herbert Doster who has 'been 11111:. I:.r:o~~~: Charles' Hartma.n and son. Gary, oC Springboro, wel'e pests \Vednesday e'l(ening of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown, ' Tbe Adult Class at the Metbodls t cburcb will bold a potluck dluner in the church soclall'Oom, Thursday evening. Hostll&8es Cor the evening will be Mrs. Roy Ellis and Mrs, Thomas Welcb. The Cruaaderl Class of the Meth· -Odlat churcb wtu lponSOr/, R 'food ~t at Welch', Hardw~'re store Saturday mornlng, beginning at 10 L m; • ••••••••••• ,..,.,.....,.,.,..,.,..~•••• Wetzel are 'taylnt tor a lew weeks, SUI'iI'RI8E 8RRVICES ' wltb their 80n, Robert 9t Dayton·, Sunrise le .... lces w1l1 be presllntcd Mrs. 'Louise Fite was a guest" 'I - Wednesday, of Claude Stroud and at tbe Methodist ehuT<;b at 7 a. m, bls sisters Mrs. Grace Vice and Mrs. Easter morning, with memberij or . , JANE triTE ~o, Watel'bouse, all ot Waynes. ,t he Friends> Ba.ptist und MIlt.hodlBt Churehes partlcipatlng. Guest solo· Mr, :Pred Oakiu sustained a 8e- vUle. vere knee burn when he feU agalnilt M N 1 . 1st wlU be Mrs. Harold Olendall. of &e ' ", r8. e lie Elbon and' her daugb, WllmlD&ton.,' who Will sIng, "Tho a stove in hili bome lall ".' . " ter, Jacqueline, of Morrow, lYere H J Cit'" I I d d I th ~r&. Eltubet4 Penny bas 1'('· guests Sunday or Mrs: !!Jlbon's sis. 0y ~. ' nc u e .a: so on Il turned to ber bome b re fo11ow1n,; progr!UD will be II. pageant given tel', Mrs.. ~na ,D eckett. · by ' Mrs. ImojeaD Volellll. Mrs, a visit with relaU\'es in MacoD. Mr. Alva Kennedy 18 serlauslJ\ The D. '\. F. heJd theIr regular Evelyn Masters, ?drs. Helen Hobr.>rt· 111 at his home. ' " meeting, Sunday evenIng, ,I~ the , lon, Mrs. Margaret 'l'ucker~ MI'S, Mr. , aDd Mli/, ' H. sC.ofMlIl\ga.n, at 'Boclal McCarren, ....e.lell lIIa80D were guest. 'friends ill Baptistrcoma o~urcb.0( , the, Jonah s Rnn ;LUCY BolUn,er and , Mrs. Mrs.Dorotby Eamlltslna ~e Sunday. Mr. Milligan The local ardel' of t!le Grante Moore: The program is being glvell conducted 's ervices at tbll Fdendll held a birthday dlDner,,Monday eve· under the direction of Mrs. Eldna churcb In the mornIng and Mrs. ' IIIn, compllme~tlng meml1ers wboile Bogan and Mrs. Lucy McCarren. MWlaan attencJed l3unda.y scba(H bJrthday annlversares occur Gluing • ...............,.,......... ler,1ces at the Methodist cburch. the montha of January, February Tbe Oruladers Class of the Math, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Clinger and an.d Mareb. Following tbe dinner odlst cburch wlll aponsor an Easter family, of Malon, were guests Sun. the group played several games. breakfast In' the blgh scbool caf.e· day ot M.ra. OJiltger'a brotber·ln·law The CIvic League held tbelr an. tem, beglllning at 8 B. m. Tbe aad .later. Mr. and MrR. Harold lIual dinner for melnbers aDd tbelr affair la open to the pubtlc. The re Bopn and tbeir daugbter Barbara. families -)n the qome IIconomlcs' la ,no charse for admission, but n Mrs. Laura Sbldaker wh~ baa I'O\)m or;Oj,be scbool building. Satur, free will offering will be accepted, b~n senously U1 with a cald II! 1m· ' provine. Her daugbter, Mrs. ·Paul· iDe V1Uars, at Xenia. haR been atll)'· Ing with bel'. Mrs. Flom ' ParUngtan left Sun· _day for Ind~napollsi Ind" wbere Ibe wtll remlilll for two weekI as tbe bouae guest or her lion and daugb· t.er-1D·law, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Partlngtan, Mr. and Mrs. William Wot2el spent. a few hours at their bome bere, Saturday. Mr. Wetzel undel'· weDt a. major operation recently. at Miami Valley hospital. He and Mrs.
2.:!. 19~ I
-ColIl'tesy-oM MRS, ROBERT E. HUNTER Sprine hues In tbe ,o~ns or ber Ifant fl~OI' length skirt, matching Aitendants blcnd4~d wltb tbe bios· mitts urid , n plaited - halo In h I' 110m tints -In · th& clecoraUons at the hair. S~. Mary's Ephlc(,pal church when The brideBmalds, Miss Dorothy Mlu Ann E, Woltz. daughter of Mr, Camden of Bellbrook and Mrs. IUld Mrll. MaynaJrd F. Weltz. 01' Halph Hibbard at Clucl nnati, wore Waynesville. beo,lme the bride ot pastel aqua und yellow styled as R~bel1. E. Huntej', son of Mr, sJ)d the mstl'o", of honors', EaGh' CSI' Mrs, Willis Hunter. Waynesville, at rled ('0101111\1 bOllquer!l of matchlu/; three,th!rty on S ',"urdn), allel·noon. ca l'nfl~iol\8 and Uie!J' ornnmE'nts 'I'll Re\', S, i K~Y8. - I'O()tol' or \vere r11111estolle li l>t'l<laces, gtrJ" .t. Marys perfOl:"lll d the doubla jTam the b l·lde. ring cllret'nony , &efol'o the nltl1l'. 7111'. WllI~am MelUl-tfl Ner\' d all which was beatltlfully an'anged btlst ~sn 1-01' -'11'. Hunt(>I', and the wjth baskets of snnpd-ragons in' lIsherlj \'" re Mr. t?an Woltz. bl'O' pa"tel colQrR, Pij1lms and lighted tber of t.he bl'ide, nnd MI'. Ralph wUb tapera In .; 'ven brancb can. Hibbard. friend of the groom. delabra. LightedD' ,tallerij nnd IYbllP- I F 01' Ilei' dnug ht' or s \\'e ddl ng,.1\1 1'8. satin pew markOJ'!11I1~0 OlltilM(1 lhe \\ 0lt2 ('lIo~o n. gOlVn of aqua ct·lln". ' '1w'lth bl_a:(·Jt accII1I8aries and yellow bridal aisle. ~fJ I Bol rarna.lloll cOl'snge, and 1\1I·s. ' Hun· "r8. a III It! presented It PH' tel' , "';\6 attired In 1\ na"y ('I' pe gnun .. o~, -orgaru numbel'S .. "Av ~ frocl< wllh matching aces!! 1'1 s M~r1a , Oh. Pe;rfect Love lmd and Ilin k carnation corsage "Llebestra~m e," j~nd accompa.nl<!d , Immediately {oUawlng th~ ~eJ' . tbe salolst, Mr. ~umell Wellz ..~J'o, many It r eception WAS l)elcl In tilE' ther or the bride. who liang, De.· St Mal'Y's Parl ..h House whel"l' CRuse." " I LO"e YOIl 'Truly," "0 th ~ bridal table ~ WOti beuuUfulh' Promls~ l\<te" and ':The Lol'd's arranged with snn.pdragons Ii, PraYllr. the latte dur-Ing the c'J!,~' pastel sbades tall burning tapers mony. ' i ' , in crysta l hoiders nnd Ule thl'ce Given In .,Iarl Ige by ber fatbel', t1erell decorated weddIng ca~e, tbe bride walked to the altar In Il. Hoft'csbments of wedd~ng (;ak, gown or white Upper satin, but· and fruit juice \I'('1'e ~ rl'ed t.o tile toned pawn th front wlUI tillY gUl,'lIts. ' ' • _ saUn buttons. a mandal'llI neck- ( For hel' honeymoon thl> hrld 11ne. embroidered 'With seed peal.'ls, chose ' a gold checked Hult wllh long fitted slee\'es, and 'a bouffant black a ccessories, skirt, cOlJlplet d with II- fu ll trllin. MI·S. , Runtel' Is a graduate of Her fingertip "cd at illUSion tulle Wayliesvllle high scbool lI-~tell(l(', 1 fell from II- pelU'l tiara and she Oapltol 'University and Is' empillycli C8J:rJed hIM', pray.er book. ,vltb a In the product development divj· wblte orchid, Her only orUl\ment lion of the National Casb Reglliter. was a Illlal'l necklnce, n Il' i r~ of the Mr, Hunter, who also lT1'~ duat.e!! "'groom. from WaynelvlDe blgh school, IR , MI'S ' Rldl/lI'd studying aeronautical englno('rlng brlde's matron at the University of Clnclnnoll. an oft tbe The young couple pllll). to I't'RIc.le faille mod r:1 In Waynesville,
LYTLf: METHODIST , ~HURCH D, E. , BUIIgbn. Plllllor UuU'lu,J Service, 9:.11 L m. ST. MAR,V'S EPISCOPAL ' I he -Rev. S!;lInllel N. Keys RecWlt 'un~a y : ' " Church scllsol 10:30 8. m. " Juli Womhlp, 1~:30 u. IJI , UTICA E.U ••. CHURCH William _ Sbannon, _Minister Sunday School, 9:80 A.AI., Mrs, James Garrl8un. Supt. Preachll'iI, hL and Ilrd Sundays 01 eact. mouth. 10' 10 A.M. EveDlng SerVIces, 7 :30 P.lII.
WAYNE8VILLE CHURCH OF CHfU8T 14. H. Cofte" MinIster Bible School, 9: 80 A,M. CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDS Morning Worsblp. 10:30 A.M. - .... ~.... MlIlJater YlluDgPeoples' MeetlDg, 7 :00 Worship &emoe; 1. A:.II. P.A' . iundaJ 8cJaooL 11 A.IL Evening Servlce, ,8:00 ~. M. , Pra,er, Meetln, and BIble Study OREGO.NIA EVANGELI~AL U. 8. WedDeld&J. 8 F.ll. Jaraes H. Riley, Pastor ' liunday SchOOl, 10 A. M. ST. AUGU8TINE CHURCH Morning Wors,hlp, 11 A. M, Fo.ther Tlmotby McNicholas, pastor ~lasse8 8:00 an'd 10:00 A,M. W4VNESVILLii FRIEND6 .'Irllt Da, I:Jchool. 9:30 A.". MT HOLLV METHODI8T ." eatlng lor Worship. Iv:" A.II . T M Scaff, MIDiater !:Iunda1 8cboo11, 11:10 A.M., A. AilarDbart. SUpL Let tblB Sunday lIud t'w'ry Sun Worebip 88M'I08. 10:80 A.M. day lind you in aome ohurch E"t'elliDa 8eme8. 7:110 P.M, tbe cburcb of your cholee.
'STATE POLICE REPORT tbllt only about tblrty percent of motor· IstH make the required 8top tor school bUle8. A scbool bus filled with children Is THE HIGHWAY'S MOST 1M~ORTANT STOP SION OF., MANDS U:rMOST CAUrrION.
MeCtUl1 . --- , 'UN~ '."L HOMI
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10Lt'101. 100D rRIDAT 8:00 •• 9:00 P; M. ORANGE BEVERAGE '
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AIeo Top Quality In ' Meata
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Passion and Death of (hriit Sorrowful Way "of th. (ross Venerate Relic of the (ross
!f.1!!l!!.Uatbalic UbllfCb WAYNUVIL.... OHIO
lee it -It 1111'1 alllll' C.A:RA~GB
.---. -.--_.... :J),." Ridge A Farm Diary By D. J~ Frazier
Sible Comment:
Christianity Is
il I
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' L'f Not an Easy I e CO MM'O N P LEAS . Albel'l 1'111'1(11 lUll! t 'al\I')'t 1,'tl''' l n~1I1':1ll 1l Co, Ys. ('hu'I .., A. ,\ llIIer, Th. oug h 0 ne 0 f Joy I defendAnt ~ 1':.lllu.1 'L '~h IIII'IU!. THE ,late ,c. ' Sylvester Horne, John H , , ~Iool'e iI"lLY ' ~I famous m1nlster of White- MOOl'C, lTIolilm wi1-1111 1'111\'1 1 nl 1<1
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, '<I.' ts
Geld', Tabernacle in London, En,- ot defendant. land,wrotea book under thetttle, T Ilt! nloll Savill!!:; !JIlII I( 111111 "The Lite That Is Easy." It was Loan CO. VII ';lIllu pl J , alld ~Inllh ll the ChrJJUan life of wJtich be was E lizn,belll VIlli, ,lel'l'In duhl ~1'llllt ,I wrltrn, ~ 10 the UUe proved 3() days to Illend, , miIleadlhc to many. ITm n W ils oll "1\ , IIII' C, Wl\lIU Il. True Chrlat1anlty is 110t an ,e asy dofendanL (mler d 10 pay *20,011 .' relilioD. Jesus never olfered his p r w k nllll ~(jIl, ()O WWf!I'II ~x· dilc1plu ease .or pleasure, He of- pe nses. .aA th lI1a ry I .011 Myel'S I'll \( l in Jam'!! em •JOy. ter..... Ue bade them in a very dark 'Myers, Jr., dh'orce granted pll~in· bOut to be of loed cheer. He tlrf, . Pla intiff rCKto l'f!c1 to 111111111 '1\ spoke of rich rewards ot ervlce na me of MaI'Y Lou Snill 1', in the Kln,dam of neaven. But ' J uanl tu D, -rhOJ'r'l IINOn n. 1111'1' II ' He always speke ot'sac:riftce. Did W . Thompson, tl'lln ~r 1'1' d lo j \l\" not He describe the Kingdom ' os e n lle ('Oll l't of MOlltgome l'Y (: ullty. a pearl of areat price which one Doroth y Kro un I' I'S Gorge Mil. should be willing to sell all for? to n 'K roener, dh'ol'M to plaJ ntlff, The d lstinc:Uve thine about the P luin UCr l'eijlOretl tl) ICInrl I' IIl1ln!> rellaion, ot the Jews from early of DOI'ot by DeZtLrn . times ,WDII the ~Istence upon the Opa l Ll\e Rheltoll ' \' ~ In 'ill Rh p.I· supreme demands , of a righteous tOil, hen dlng 01' petition IImcl1 (INI. Ood. Clear and plain was the --commandment, "Thou shalt h a ve NEW SU IT S, tb . Ood bet II H C1aren (':e H. lIlid Ul an 'ho \\I, no 0 er ,• ore me. oli- ;Brow n V!l Carl 0 1'9\1'11 , for mllney, neSll was the ' law. of Hfe. 1\1 I d 'I I In this, Jesus fulfilled the law Ol) a n . " al,l e. and the prophets, He gave rus Chambers Elef'LtOIlI.: ~nllilly o. followers no formal tasks and set VS. Evel'elt Ra jmio dhu Ras ll ic! TV up no artitlclal observancea or lind a.ppll once, Ilttachmelli. Orny , dUUu; He demanded no aUe- Risinger and Cray, It~ce to Hlmsell, except 'In the Willinma lWei Mnl'tln , 'orll \' s a~e way ,He ,ave allegian'ce to ,Eve l·et t . ll a llu ic, uttlll' hm~n t, T,ll;cl< . the Father. ' moo, IIdn Declmlon' nlld ('d l1oc,·llIo. And so the IU. of Chrl5tianity Helen ,E , Go\\' It WII [laher 0 ..1\' , shoul<f not be 'c:oni trued as an easy ~e. The ease that Rev, Horne wrote of was the ease ot m as te ry ~roUih IORI and InUmate'fellow,hip With .the M astel', ' There is no hall-way pl!}ce In Christianity and that is wh)' SQ , ' many professing Chl'lsUans nevel' bd either ' eAle or happiness In their r.IJclon'. It is In' the lives ~ too, tboIe y,oho have given themThe work on the old Bofa move a lelv~ tully to Christ that t he I am now down to the power. beauty and b-ue saUsCa,,1I10wl,. hare aprings and wbat do you tlOD of the Chrlstlall w ay rorc think I foUnd on the boards to found aDd nvealed, wblcb the sprlnga were raltened l ·MUd, from t he Dayton (lood. Yea, Do you want your neW&p8per to It 'bad· been In our bOUle on MOB' cODUDue T Tben YOU mn'st :1111'11111" j' UlDent A.ve, In Dayton when the It. • ""ater stood tllreo reet deep, My father lind motbe r had Ilrolll1ed the furnitu re u p on boxes and 01 Il£'l thlDel Sl) tbat only a Ilttle wutel' lOt In arOund the bottom of tbe . .t, Dot eDou.Jb to llpoll the UIl' botaterf but enough to Icavr ,_ tblli rum b,e re and there or that mud whleb wu just like paint. It hu alWr.YII beep a. deep regret t.o me that althouah I wu born· all.d Uved 10 DlJAny yean In Dayton, 1 grass waterwa ys art! tho first stell mllllsd the mOlt llpecto.culllr thing and doW' 18 the tlme of yea r to' that ever happened t here. Our t hink about t t. Will YOUl' Jund bOUle was l'lsht on the river batik ca~h and hold t he water till It llsar ,Main Street bridge, but tha, can MIn oft gently ' o r Ill'l! your II blgber ,round than much of gullleR full ot 8.' yellow flood afte r dowilt own DaftQD and though the ~ach, raIn? There Is a lot of talk water roared by and wlalhed. out about home defe nse and whAt to most of the yard alld tilade a deep do about the a tomic bomb but auUey wbere the driveway had don't forget tbe de re njle ot ollr beon, tbere was only about tbree land and streams- from Cloods and teet of' water In th,e hoaae. It wall j from: pollutlolls , W hen, III s omo· &"0 welta " ,ore I waa ,allowed 'to thing going to b dqlle IIh,Ollt t h o buy a raU,oad t icket for Dayton local sewe rs and tbe polllLtion of aDd wben I lot theTe mud wall tbo oUr river? Do-Il' t let wunl alld mOlt ,0U~I~ featllre o( th4\ rumors or wal'1I prevont UII f tlllll land.cape In 811Y direction a lid taking care o r OUI' homo IUlltlfl 111111 _YeD 1lOW' U J.O. toUch any "Iocol the thl,l" ulo!lll ut Mil d. Thi' d :I II ' of furniture tbat bad flood water ,er of germ warfure Ii:< PI'Ohlllll on It, ,Oil ..an IUr liP a clQud or so Il l'oUlt 'ltH t he dll lll; I' clo!;!) Ilt ftII& dust or ' find ' BUleaTli ot whItt band of tbe pollntlon or 0111' 10«*11 like brownhrh yellow IlIl lnt streams, • for nood water 18 only lltluid mil(1. 1 Euter Ia lit hall(1. '1'0 ICIIOW 11t,1 It 1,e alwaYI 8urprilling to m Q Ireatellt Joy of Easter s huro III tb.) that other pam ,o f tbe dYer VIII· :!ladness ot Good FrIda y, ! UR~ ' leYI bave been' ao alow 10 leal'll a group of c:bUdren no t 10llg a go, the I_IOn or the Miami COnser \,· If tbey knew 'an)' Eas~el' "OUIlS RII I DC7 DlItrlct and bellitate ~.() pay, with one .,olee they n.llBwe l:41d ," tho COlt, Since tho grlliat dum!! "Oh, YOI. Peter Cotton·tall." were built Da)'ton haa nevlll' bad (There be goell nOM', ' bopping • deatructlve [lood even tMugl1 hrough tbe enow dOWD by the there bave been, floodll elll~where . ..,ring,) Do you -ever ,think thatTile pl.,e tobegtn ti0q4 protee· ,Euter ena' were once the s ymbol " tIoIl II at the h;ad o'r 'ever'! gullll)' or tbe relllrec,lon! and Instead or and In every field wb~re woshlng Peter ,J Cotton).ai,l.. let'lIj tel\.c lt the 1l/Ll't8. '. There It serves t lte ~o~bl e c~lldren to ' alng, "JesuB Christ .Ia purpose ot protectlng, flu! laud as risen tOIla)', Alle ln i n." p, B.- The maple B)'fliP buckett; weU 81 'Protecting from tlood s ~ ARTH,OR* is Proper plowing , pracUcei aDd 'ar~ o~t.
and Int n ,,' 11111'1.011 . , T II l'tI I'rl'~ ~ t\I-II,
!\!Ul~ a,.]·,·~ In
C'lInl'1!!s \T . "lIl\ ln.
At this master, reservoir, Jim Arthur c hecks the cleanliness and ,circulation of oil 'going to each cylinder of t~ l,OOO·horse-
an enthusiastic attendant to the 10,000 . mechanical horse~ that pu~~, natu~ gas in this Texa8 Eastern compressor station. ' "Like 'other Texas 'E astern mEm near,. your community, . he h~/3 one big objective in his job: to keep natural gas moving through the I,nch Lines 24 he.urs a day, eVery day in 't he'year.
lu ."·>lS'· I •. 'I:"I'I>H.I'II 1,:... k"I'1 :11111 lluwllnl I~, , . llI lIh , 1I;I,~1 II,'I"'S jl\ ~laK~'" all.! ; 1'111'1 11. lajlllll ll is l l·al<,I'." 111 .. 1 "lid :'1i~a "1~lIn ~Il' I" :~ I·...~ a ll il 1.'Jln , \vnyn~. I'~' JI. . , (f ill'L l Ht' ~ Olln lS fll'I.I',lI ,.,1. "lln\\" I " hal lon . I,n.!!., ~C.I e:j III T III II . .1 nd s . '''I d .\1111'1 l'ullul'll III '1\ 1111 ('o nrt l'lII t'!l. r reek twp" ~ h£,>! l fll' 111111 ,\.111 1'''1'11 )1"l1 l1l ll c, ; 1::~lIUl' or . 1 <l~P\lh I':. (i1l".1;1 , 1 A lme na ':1,8W(' 1I 10 Jlona ld .1. <LII.I 0.206 IIcre6 III 'J'ul'lt.' I·I'cel( 1\1 1" , dec'd., Ma lJl' l ~; l1 !1 l ln . ndl11!rt11<1l'lI Ilil}' ('0 .. I'OT money ' ~)I\ly, 11111011 11 1 ~ 11J~ rl'd ~. (JtWII'IJn d. ~~~ IIC ' I'''~ III 1..011 I,', anrl LI \'onIH )1nclIl.>~ 111 tI'L~. tll'a t (J1Il1 finnl :lC'C'OI!lIl ~p " lld n"," $10.000 a lHI l'flRtli, IllIr,; h· f1 nllan I\\ P, , ' ' Ro b I'l I., Ilntl DOl'u\,hy .I , ~1i.ltll"· pl'oved, Itllu\\,pd 111111 ,·un(\I'III('/I. Ulan Ilnd YoU\~g, ' j Fred l(l eS lll gel: , l~ n?n!l~e . \l lO l ~' I loL 1 II , ~lllS~II" , I P:,s tllie of l~nllH'I!i ,\ " ~ I I,nlln"'II,l , J.:iIIl·Ol\t'e \\ hill e n, ud mln :lill'al01' P h lll p h ~, 1.71 a<:l~" III '1,..Ll I' I~(> ' ~clmoll I" ,11111 /,oldll ' ;'\1. \\ IIlt"I" lIel' d . ~'rf'I'~: 1 B, GJ'a~', adll1l1li ~ l rll 01' Ih e state or ~Inl'~' ,\ , \\'hn lplI " twp. , '1HI I", : , .. be , l' \\ HYPH 111111 \ ' 11· lor, W'W ,\, I'II'Sl. I'I n'l1 aIHI II I ~· d ,,'d , \'>1 Pen n, H, n. Co. for mllney i\ lbc l't I.., f.I'l~! 10 .l eH"fl :JII/I Mal" , glnln Knh. ley. 1 lo t III \\·:c~hlll.:,;t( ... tri hllfh' {' """1)11 1118 Hll prr,\·,·.I , "I· oIly ,IS rlnmag s, amOllnt .; 1: Illlpd. Jor le Hngood, ~ lot~ In 111' I'rleld twp. luwed alld conrtl'lnNi. UJ55.50 !lnd {'OSIS, El m 1' 1.. Con. twp, I J..ea ndol· ' II! LOll Lo ,John , ulld l /':t;tate of C'Ja r Ill ' Ir, wlII'ri, WILY, • Ilrie A, Stalll y. I 1'll,ll'old D, l .... wlR 10 ~l l1 ton l.e\\'lR Emma Pa ul, ,Or, a,'1' " ill .... bILllnn. dec' d. statl· I'ello", 'd frolll al\ II Ii !I' nULh . Carey I'S .T hn Wi ll ill lll 1 lot l n Morro w, COI'die 1'1. IIlzlll' t tl (' hlll')t',; ~I " iK~l'l!tlon , . IIl'ey. I' hange or van Ill', Mal'll 'J'.I Ohm'les A. LIJlkOIl ' La C.e\' lI ulI,l and Oe l'llit'e K, 'oUl ns . 1 lot 111 1 Rata l", or l, d w'\ I'Jj \\' 11111111' Ilia II'. 111'0\\'11, Andrew. Hild Weiss, "paUl. Welch. 1 lo~ In T f'b.lll1on ., I Le~unoll: , . " (I c'<1. orln11 C, 111 la'" Xi'l.-UU'!X, Helen Fr nne l' to "'l1lll1m ,I. alH l Kn tllc,l lne 1.1 10 11' to Jalll S \' . Well In e ll tol'Y , helll'illJ; H" I rol' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS , Anlla. L, 'Hoover, I lot In "l .i!banon, nn d ~)1'U 1·;Un SettleR, 6 lots In Apri l 2 Ilt 10 fl, m. IM1ua 0 ,I G' i J b I Mnrga rat B. ~ obl son to 'Ham id HI Oeel'lIelel til'\), ' I ESlate of Alhe,l'l J.. U ... n 1\1'1 I , .... ~ \V, un" I a(' e ..11m to. an d J enne t te R . 1\'.>ontl;'om('I'Y, . ~. I h' J 0 h n ~!. nnd ' Inrence and HIM 1" VlmedR nr')l\'nln~ de ,d , \\ . ilda lI£'ilIlCll. adntlnltlrl'H O,aa 09 ilCrl1S 'ln ' Wlln! ~' :~' (l~' IIlC)' 18cres In Fran kJl n twp. . ' to Hubert Lyn ch . 2 ucres In 'lI ion kix, rued In"a ntOl'Y, It :p'ln,g k.·!. Danie l 1'homns lind Ir.en !low. Ed wnrd L. und Audl'ey J enn Cor, twp, for April 3!H 10 it: m , man 1 Duv ld E d 'c e I 'j . : tey to Curtis nnd 1.lIclll e Oll \· h., Ii I Eslat e 0 1 lome nl V, Bl'IlWll, \\ OOI IJ ~ 1 Cl'~' t'~n T UI'~lt I ~ ~ Ill' ac res' In Wnslnhgton tW IJ, ' PROBATE de 'd, flll,y Brow n. nilmlnfstrntllr F'rnncill E ~nd n It I F: ~~ ~te Edwin a lld FIOl'em'E', E, Honk ln,.; ' ENtitle' or Lalia Alb 'l I t I , ,' I l'II E'd Inventory, hearing !I 'lt t(l" t • . . .' ~ I .. ' ,11 el to I .. nul'!lnce IIl1 d V II'gl nla 1 ~e R I I R . . , I g I. I" ' : MIll' 'II ~7 I,' l 10 tl . rn , , () ~ loIIJ ? ,II Ti!] 1111 ~n"ce n. 00\\ .m~ n . Powell , 0.1 S 1I C1'(,S In \\ ay ne t\\' p, nil PI,' to \I e all~oln,t c~ eX(>(' \1~O I, E!lIJll e or Ralph S, neil ITI, cl('(",1, t~.p° ncl es . III S~ I _ m I\l1d L ilion Cla rence arlll Mu rJol'l(' (: rny to Ig:~el' ~;nciC:; l~tl~r ~I;I le~ ,'1. ~I~ Mjld l'e.l Up hill , execlltl'L~" 1(l v,'II. C' I d rd 1 1< I Floyd C. and OBs ie M , Dunn, I.!HI :lll ll l'lli (, I'S ", n a IlI/JlO n e lory nppro\'ud. to ~;~I'de ~~I n~, ~ute r- ~~ n. acres In Franklin t wp. , ' " ' 1 ' ~::Stlitc of (;eol'g~ A, HI'IlWII , tl ecl'e~k t w In, I.. aCies II III · Mary J-,: Morga n to Ne llIe I~ ,F.st.aLe, 01, E.\lI'(lrcl P('1'I'Y , " lIlh· dee'd, eSlut,' exe ml1t ['1'0111 ill i1f'r' T , .p, ' , lIfuchmol'e,l acre In HIlI'lnn twp Uld, d ec d. Inv I1tol'Y :I IJI) 1'0 \' ... d. ' Iwllee l11X, , n8 ~!! , Hen tz U) P l e~lo ll anti, ' . l~ t:J t e or Alfl' \1 Shllmn l(fll', II C'(I ]' Es tate or' l·lnrry n , Kll'b)" .1 ,"(I ' . onll Lu l,es, I II l'l'e III 1"l'flll kll .1 John and Olnrn. D. Goodin 10 ,Slcll n 0 Shu lIIlIk l' r CX/l.('lI l l'lx IWI" 1< tI J KI h " I ' I I' tW11. ' " . Samuel adn Pem'l N. Tl'lI mtlll. 21J.l l aona l PI:ppel'ty o l'(l ~re'd to P~h-M f nne ' \ : . l' Y 1I1lI)0 IIte l }I~ . f r~en ox nnd Eld HIJ M.. Is hmu el to ,ncreff In UnIon twp, I snle In v4ntol~ 'II II, Ileal'III" "nl ~1111111Kllnll °fll ' 1I0l roi (\1 R hude hlll ,tl I, ~ I' 2 ' ' . .. I" " ." , • . " n ," n "8 n\ s nn( J ,~' e ,leWII!' fiJI' , a l'y B. \~ Iiso n, llt'I'I311 In f:' I'ullkCas h C. and I.izzlr L. 0' " lO fo r Mill' II 30 fit 10 n, m. ' Joi nted 'I' 1I'llis I'S' lin, Ohio, , ' Lee nOl!' Rnd J\lI II~ Ann HIII'lt. 33.·'a , Estill I' of LolliS LewIs ,Mll1 s"Ii . I , ' II , Q, Frallc ls n. lIud $tolill ~l l\.e Steml acres In UnIon t WIl. • " dec'd. estate \'a l ll ~d nt 27 ,~ , 1.1111, Estill or Ml\,J,t hn flllttOI'Y, in: La Fr d n ncl lInn lA anti WiIIl nm F. E]ve rel Bnd Allnn Jle nnett to Estate of Dea n 1':, Sl.lUlley, de" ,,. , velltO.'T 11 1)111'0" O. IXOII, 3.39 a cres In \\ orne tw p, Mllurlc!! F. und Ha l'l'loLt 8n rl'e ll., I J enn ie C. t!llll ey, d " 'II, Jell nl .. (" MARRIAG E L ICENSES Alvi n " " Joh nson to ArC'h IlIld lot In Morrow. tnnley a JlI\ollltell ex~C'utl'b(. JameK !,a\\'l$ BurL, 21 , l\Ial'ln Iota Whurton , 59.!)5,. a'Il'CS In 1'111"1 EVI\ l'tf. Allen 10 MilleI' I.e€) 111111.1 EMale Qf Ji'red 1< ;\.11 11, dec''' " In', Cor pI', Fl'an kli ll alld 1)01'ls ho('I;· ll ccl'oek twp, . Mabl e H. Vnllgltn . 1 lot ill 1"1'>1 111,1111 "em ory lltllll'OVl'd, Hubert Grahllm J o hl~ so n to Arc l: t.wp. , " , i E.'1tute or Geol'~11 I': ' k I'l. del"d, ley, 16" F l'lI n klln,
Warren County ( ourt :10
MARCH' 19, 19lil.-Dld li n)' one got any pell's pla nted 011 St. Put· l'i ok's Doy? T hat Is f1Ul lllosed to bo the beat duy to plllnt t hem. I didn' t thi nk t hat my ga rde'n looked In condltlon to plnp,t nnythlng. Spl\lng 1$ officially du by' t ht! Almanac o n w;ednoadny. Mnrch 21 a t 4 : 26 a. In . At 'thi s moment t be ImOw is coming do wn In u s teudy bUllln.ess·llka WilY as t hough to cover eve ry thing as quick ly as ~lIlble, The la ne Is soft with mud agaJn, Hcre i t Is more t hun silt Weeks slMe tho.t ground hog sa.w hie SI)8tlow a nd wiliter l(ee l18 co~ng , back. 'rhe l'c Uri! IIOOl'! more lilvendal' crocuses In bloom beside tbe yell!)w ones but days like this t hey close t.heh· [Jetals tight and let the Bnow bury th em and keep t hem wa rm. One of our 'llttle eong IIlllll!I'OWS was 4 rlven to look fo l' food on tllc pordi and Dinah aa\v It, Quick us a nuh Bbe leaped In t he air Hll d pinned It. a ga inst the !jcr een, It gpt IIway but befo re f could get tbere she ba d It aga in Bnd whe ll I took It away from her It wnli too late, It lay there In Illy band look· Ing up at me ~d Ulon ga.vri a little 81gb and wus dead. J wouldn't le t bel' h a ve , it but wbat good w ill that do ! It 18 ca t nat ul'e to k!l1 and eat and perbaps If It had been an EnlUsh s parro<w 01' n. s ta rling I mlCht not have felt 8 0 8a.d. but It was Bueh q. fri e ndly lit tle bird and Its- mate Willi 811l81ng 110 sweetly In the locust t roes t hat my heart W88 very liard ugalu Ht we Idller. Bul. a. cat hliK no dis 'rim· Inatlon ,and It we keep them to keel) UB free tro m m ice a nd I'IlI S It II Inevitable tbat they eat blrds,
pow~ , engines . Oil
is the life blood of the machines he tend8 .
On his, ,skill a~C:l c~nscientio\1S work depends the steady operatioli of giant compressors which boost the gas '~ong to b<;)mes and industry',.:.. industry which, t.oday, workinltat top speed to fill our increw!Jing national defense requlreDQen~. . <
Oiling scores of huge pipe 'l ine valves is , another ' never-ending chore for, Jim Ar thur : Va lves
m a y only be open ed or closed once a month, but t~en they must operate with hair-trigger effic iency.
• .Jim Arthur f. name u fjctitiou., He repre.en', the men, who, in real' life, !iJoril at 26 natura/ lBa. cO'npru80r .tation. on 1M Inch L ine•.
II 'RANSMISSION CORPORATI~N operator of the lit IIICh and Uttl. 1'9 Inch pIpe lin. system, I. repNtli!illlMil In ~nlty .... of lin 110'" where ItI ImploYI" 11'1' and work,
01 r.... EGIIenI II ", 30d Milam Sf., SfIrev'p"rt, laui,iana. NIeI..." , _ ......n SId".n
'I ."
T_ M.
R. A.
Every Ill'st. day tho II (,1,1; I~ Oall 214(1 10 place a Cla.. lfled Ad I'es llrl'edlo n llny Inor Dlemor LE, OHIO lam of Christ n~ he bl'OKO I he bond8 CIQsed Tuea~y': 8!'d Weclaeaclay of deatb ' to die JlO mOI'e, ' OUR EAS TER WARREN BRADDOCK The seeks. Churchdiligent Thur.c M.... ch .2 2 and 23 of ChrlBt High SAND. GRAVE L and TOP SOIL street , lay and Friday ly toonpatt ern Itself after the Ilew testame nt • "UNION STA;': ) N" EXCAVATING and - - - - - order. They will meet. . ' togethe r , _ _ _ DUMP TRUCK SERVIC E this coming Lorcl'R dny ns WIIR Ihe ~PY EASTER WILLIAM HOLDEN NANCY OLSEN ' llSlom or tllat tlrlll c ••lltury (' lIu l l'l1 GEM CITY ICE CREA: You enj oyed Bill HOI~lln In " Father I. A BaQhelor" 't b I M bl Phone Waynu llilJe 2191 Now lee (Heb. 10 :25) to r 'oh' the "Antl8. ONE-H I lIlC) nt I' W Hlll YOII I' 1\ ALF him as a big city detect ive out to sollie an unulual kidnapp GALL ON ' _...: ____ . _____ ___ _ ._____ _ ing ties Dou,lrlnc" (l'cn('lIinl'() fOl' th . brOllltU" lurol'me d yon lItac _ _ _W_A ' c;ase. ' _ V_N_E_S_V_I_L7"L_E_,_ O_H_I_O_~ " hreu'ldoll of . lircllll" I ( Lv rd'N ~\I II' KAHN'S AMER ICAN lhe Euster bunoy dldo't BEAU TY POPLAR BACON . I - ALSO ,'\I't s 20: ~ ) . for th 1'('lIowKII ip . bl·ln /; l;'qS ; II wa s fllth<ll' POUN D K HUN GHA EL-L oacted pel'. (the gl\'lnc of offering S) nnd 1'01' 2 MUSICAL .WESTERN~ 'G'RL FROM GUNS'IOMT" ' . -------...,. ~ Il ud mot he ... At tile lime at Davi s ful'Jl (tS ~'il, 5 . ents a prayel'll, 'rhu s ,\ ct.f$ !l:~2 Ollllill '!l< FINE PORK SAUSAGE COUN - -- '- ,- - - - - - - ' you rolt crll khod . nut the tOll l'o~. de l:! , \\'e .' llso I \' TY STYLE I the ' hrlstino 1I'01'9hll i In II'ltl It th tboght ,that you k U e w ARMI 'I':'AG~ &.. 0 . t t! Iver POUND' March 24 brl~lhuis cont inued lll('lld· Saturd ay •• more thllU your pla.ymates ----- ----- -- ----- --- --- .- - ,. . c ... Phone COMP LETE UNE OF ,GROC who ERIES s till , MEAT believe S, FRUIT d the 209 I "WAG ON MASTER" If . Are' YOll Interest ed In (lod's g-Itt VEGETAIU ES, CANDY CIGARS, CIGARElTESS,..-.AND rabbit myth. left you feel. 01 8alvatlo n ? You nre Inv\! d BEN JOHNSON JOANNE DRU \ Ing Quito gown·u p. R e· FOR SA.LE - True·To ne combln a· 11RI'ticip ato In UlIll type or WOI' CIGAR E1TES ALL H ere Is . that e)(oe lJent western we hail to cancel out membe r? LEADING BRANDS on aceo'u nt tion l'adlo-phouOI;l'allh 10 ,\ ·1 shliP'! ship ice Sunday mornin g. YOIl or th e bliunrtl . Still as good. PER CARTON $50.00. Hl southly n DI'tve. Dayton 1111 serv . ' find I'e!tr" anll cOlnfol'l ,Ill - - - ---- ----- -- - - .,..--S d 9. Ohio. Phone WAlnu t 1197, or Christ. ,. PARAMOUNT CARTOON SINGL E PACK erene beauty an lnQ.ulrl1 lIt. Cazette Omce. S - - - _,- __ .• ___ 18c Dible school n; ~o II . tn , omllnHl ' Chapte r 12-W ild Bill Hickoc~ reatful . dig nit y . X- 3.15·22·2 !)- -I· :; Ion 10 : 30 n. m. serrl10n 11 : 00 ;to 111 . TABLE DRESSED CHICKENS ,.-..,.-..'..... .-. ., -.. . ~\.......-.,I_ '1 _ ......-..-..~f...-....-.~~~ mark every aerllice young Ileolil 's meeting n: Hi I).IIl .. planned and con- A'BSOL 'fEL" KAHN S AMERICAN BEAUTY MEATS ' 0 ()DOIt 1'I'111ng 8crvic(\ 'i : SQ, ' March 25 and 26 dueted by our .tafr. you ulle BERl.,( )\ MOlhal1 r ay. willm Sunda y and Monda y. Fh'e BEEF, PORK, BACON and LU~CH MEAT yeoI' written ~llilrulltel wll h N Il! h "DUCHESS OF IDAH O" STU B B S spraying, ' AYNESV ILLE !-' ll!· OREC ONIA E. U. B. IMP BOLOGNA NITUR t: &. APPLIA N CE. l'il OIll~ (Techn Icolor) FUNER AL ' HOME 3482. CHURCH ANNOUNC" PER POUN D - ___ _ _ __ ~- ...__ _ ~ ~S C· ESTHE R WILLIAMS _ _ ~M JOH~ LUND AN JOHNS ON , EASTER SERVICES Here's a good comedy yarn broken up Interva ll wI~h long. Pho"e 2211 WILL DllAW Floule Pl unll. f4!@I ' • and pqlduot it)n number s we.1I worth hearing and leeh'g. Either .howl dent.1Al or commer cllil build",, ,. , Th e rollow l n~ f:n tCI' off her aquatio abilities. ' reulona bl.e ebar&;e. 'on _IKO hUIlII 'are IUlIlouli (IJl l1 by tll " ~el'l·It'es " • Or egoni a' YOUR CHOIC E OF 3 FAMILY SIZE WASHING POWD !RS ~~I~~Iii~1I your uew bOnle. remod ~1 or rt'l\,"lr . TOM AND JERRY CARTOON ....... HOLLYWOOD . BOWL" J,~allge ll cnl t.: nit e d 1l1'(Hlll'en OXYDOL. DUZ FAD DREF T TIDE, SILVER :t your old 0118. Wuyn"~\I1I ... lItl:l1. DUST burch ALSO - W_ B. NEWS : E2!!!!!E;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i!!i;e;;;!!!5;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;;E!!;= 3 FOR ' . " 1-4-U lIlI-a· -2ll A. fellow!; Ili(l brealttlLst will , he . , --------:-• •- - - - - - - - - . , .. - .- : - ' held at tho I'hul'c\a nt :1 : 01) n. tn. OR ONE BOX.•_____ ___ -. -33Y2C , FOR ~AI.. E - Daled ,c/oI'm' hay . Sunday school ,\, i11 lIleet ui 10: 0(1 , ' - - - - - - - - - - HAROL D Wlf1TA K8R , Lytle. :0; a , m. under the lenderS hlP .of Fmuk DEAD STOC K ,WANTED' Phone !!988. X-3·2220~1··, Swartze l. SUllt. " ••• Bastel' MornlrJ.fr Worshi p !:301" ' , ' mmlllllllllllmll~~III""""""''''.''''.''''-'''''''''''''''''''·'''? HORSES $10 • e . . • COWS $10 ...., , •••••, . _..." "••••••• ••• Ices will be < held lit ll:oo n. nt , H~GS $2. CWT SHOP will be eloted Mal'ch 26 lind will Include the aMElI·"a nce 0: According .to Size and Conditi on tbrough Aprll · ])t. O. LEE HAWI~1!J. Holy Commu nion' . . X-8-1G·22 At 7: 3~ p. m. we \\ III IlrllHelH t'toos and Other Small Stock ....... , ....... , • .".,., _••••,., throUgh proJect ed IlUl picture LONG TERMS ON F~MS Removed Prompt ly , . ' tho Easter Story In color. Thl.s I ,...·~.... ~ Street - Acroaa ftom Twin Theair e - Wayne.vUle For • • CALL. COLL.'ECT ' STOP <Iboee tracks w Itb, moths DEllLO dead U In five, their rellr. will or be the accoun accomp t anied from the by aSCl'lptlll'e'. • BUYINC, • 'IMPROVING Wilminataa 2362 LebeDOD 438 &ua.ran~ecdmoth8pray. WA~ N ES. EVI),ry one 'I~ welcom e to aU . ' VILLE . FURNI TURE & APPLI· servles but . we particu larly • REFINANCING INLAND PRODUCTS; IDe. lANCE , P.bone 8'462. ' to urge thBt our friend, and nelgb· LOW RATE - 4% " bOra In tho co~mllnfty. ' ~6BaJ'dle88 FOR , RENT Slll8pln l room!" ot ohur h connect ion, as' weU as ~ Withou t ;YOUR 8UPPort YOUT' ,MRS. W, n. MADDEN. y~one LtY8 WIre aDd our membe l's, co~e out ' for the ASSOCIATION OF ' new8papel', which la over lQO yeare 268t, organlu .Uon ~ to nGU. J' 2·16-tl beauUe ul .pr.eaen.~tlon 0 f the old connot continu e Strictly aellen on the belt aU' FARMERS FOR FARM I' ( ' . EAI __te_r_s_to_r.,.y..... ERS iD.., _fh_e_et_e_n_In_C_lI_e_r_v_II1_'l';'.. . " . . , . . • I ' nround m~rke~ In the coUJitrJ. roR SA~E . Flve-room hOu8e •. -,- , - - _._ .. IIc:reen ed III' porch. Dartt baseme nt, SERVICE THAT sATisF IEI DEAD SToC,K clltern nnd city water. House fur · nlebed with new ga8 stove. new For Dally Mark.t Repott .: Si' t,l HORSE S $.0 , OOWS · WRIO Dayton , '12:60 E.S.T. Dial $10 wuher . almost new Frigida ire. CHARL E8 HERBE RT HEAD HO'OS ~. OWT. 1300; WLW: CJnclJUlatl. UfO. DIal BII' ,ard nnd .lot I,n rear of Oustin Jl.'lA _ Funere l aen'lcll s LEaAN ON, OHJO 700. . barn. Waynes ville. MU8t 8ell lumr' f ORECO Accord ing to Size and Condl ( lon' .'' , ' rl~ S ' P 1 AINHA RT 'Wayne s- or Ch orl e8 , . t H ead. nine p ..... . . .. .• . monlh!). who Helger died Friday at NORRIS' BROCK COMPANY Chll· All Stook ,Remov ed Oall), - ' vtUe. Oblo. EI,.LII, H, 8TURM . aec·y.T r.... .. ' X-3-22 -29 dren's h09plta l, Cincinn ati was held La.... or amall - Call Collect, JUST LEAVE YOUR BHOES at Tue"da y ut the O~egonlo. Ohurch • db b S • Ha k' . n 1 Sh WlU of God at 2 P,- m. Burial was II! X.... 4S4 wan~s his youngLee 'I\' 8 .ar ,er Qp. , be caU~ for lind dellvere d. Work Miami cemete ry. . He Is survlvel1. XENIA '-"_d: PrIces , reaaona~le. by his parents . ster to g~t a fair and Mrs. Law· , . ' . • TKOM PSON' SHOE R 'EP'A 1 R. r&o cc Head and Mr. four Grnndpftrents. Dlvlalon of Inla"d Produo ta, lno. b ' Oblo X2 16-22 31 s'art life. Here arve~B urI(. '. " • - TIFF GLOSS IP ',By ,CED. RIC A. STA 'NLE Y FOR SALE ..:::. Seed potatoes. are ' two 5ugget'" lI(EW OARLI SLE Funera l . S'tate ~eprelen·tatlve •. Warren Oount)' $1.75 per bu. Phone 2~OL lIenvlcea for Tin Q10I81p. 77\ whO' . ' tio~s:(1 )Sav.ereg3-8-15 -2" pnlllled away 'Sunday at the te81· '1'0 . ' " ", - , d<luce of llis daughte~. Mrs~ E. Q. SblCO t attler full ac\!oun ts bave code hgUlati ons. NO MORE, moth womes when you Bra~lIcomb. uJarlyyourself so • " Carllllle: already been wr~tten concern ing , Your ropre,lentAUve ·becam~ . BEllLO U flveye ar"auar anteed ' were held at 1.30.1. p.N~w . tbt' m. Wedne8 ,.' . • . th release 'of .money (or the War· center of newe corre8p ondenla :' ~. that you'll have'a cash backlog to help him ~a:th8~Y' WAYN E FUn. d~y a~ the roalden ce of Mrs. Brana· l.:...ao..ts. 2:-SeA Captafu . ~ NJTUR E ;. A.PPLIESVILL ren county armpl'Y by the 'control tbeir QUe8t1on8 when.b e aunolin ANCE. Phone comb. Burial ced wUl be TayI01'. iD Sjlrlnc· 4-[.; B-.hey . 5-Soft · board , this ~9lumn will VIlSS on to Thursd ay that hearln p when he needs it. (2) Teach hbn the boro. He Ie lIu"lve d . allIo by two would tie. 8-Lem on. ' 7-(A) Open 'Places'. , aut. otpel' Items, \ U,h only lb" llasl!ln~ gIn upon the Congrellslollal . other daqhte n, HaUle tm4 Myr~le, redlst(8) Water; (C) Fe,r' itlelf' (D) WANT ED _ ~de!rs to comme nt tbat work tor this release rletlng bill. In Ihe of thrift 10, he will be able to help himself N. C. R. thl'H aon., OWe s com· ClOsed placa. · ' WaYDeavf11e. hns been continu ous< slnoll the optm- mlttec be«iDlilng' oa election • from . 7: 00 to 4! ~o .. ;Ist. l~lch. Phone M&I'sba11 of , Germanof Tuesda y. town; Mar. apd WlI· ,. .. %680. . . 'X-3·22-2l1 lard of New CarDale. lng o~ th 3~~s I01l 10 January . and 20. Membe rship' ot both in future years. We oller our bank'... and a sleponwlt'te f.~oJleralion · bet we~ n , rel)- .h ove ·'vl.rt\lal ly taken a ' paRies TRY GAZE TtE Q..ASSIf.;I£DS " 'daacbt er, MfII· Mary Hopkin s. of ' IIland in Call 2143 'to place a ClaHlfleCi Ad TRY GAZETTS CLASS resenta tives froill lbe COUI COUD- favor ot redistri cting. to help you and your child'. ~rift ~ro",. IFIEDS MIAml.burc. Polata .of , . ~les lnim'est ed was pl'asent from dlf1erenC'e boweve r will l'ea,lly de· tho start - It was a. lOllg to,ad bul ve)op wben the queltlo n or u bQw u 0 ___ 'lOA Ie. McNEAL ~,.....~ ~ , ,Ida N. McNea l, 92, pelted away the results are most gl'~urYlng. and "why" are taken up. . 'A" n n i t , at tile home of her daupte r 1tlra. TEL ..... Many contl'o)' erslnl menslllleil 8~\Y Two it;!terestlng pieces ot )egillactloo during tbe past week either laUon , •.'"". . a o g . ~' ere recomm ellded to th,,' Edith Andrew . SpriDc Valley R.n. W "'v .• ~.' . • ,. ' . " 0' _on _ _ • on th f1ool' of tbe 'Boulle or, Senalc HOUle IrOjD the Judicia ry 1.oblo , ' , . , . ·"!lUN O,.· . . . . ." or In (;Ollllliittee. The school b\ll, tee this week. One . Is th~ commit . , She Ie, .~Yed bY: her daupte r fam(lU8 E, B. 4 . Md IlddlUonal hen rings Noel slot machin e blll .... ~ aDd 0118 IlfU,dlOD Dale. which woulll GRAV In th !-Jou se E du utlpn commit tee. make IIO~seBslon of a slot FtiDenl l Ien-.,.. were helll at macbln! 3 SAND and ' . 0 . MORI\OW No. • So croll'c1c d weI' th \, qURI'lel·s. tbnt a a~rloua offense.' The bill til. rea14eDCe TJmra4aJ' at 2 p. m. grows BLAC K-TOP DRIV Es tb pl'l'cedl og week. tile commit tee out of the 'Invelltlgatlon~ "' ' ; BurIal wu III CeDtervlJle cem· of the TAR ' 0 iliadI' use or the Hou~c cbambe r tor Oongre saonal commit tee with ,Day' KelUled y oUlclato: ad R AD ,O IL tbelr beal'lngR, . R cyerber atlons arouild Clevela nd In whichIn It and' ~. de· ' LAwN"ud _F ILL DIRT. ~-sounded thlll w· ek, as many memo veloped that mUch of the flnanc.la l READ Y ' berM obj (·ted to tills ·violntlo n of basi" of orgllnu ed crime come" I;om -MIX CONCRETE the I'ul cs of th e u·s sembly - some the slots actlv,1ty. • ~~ .• EXCAVATING' *"d DUMP TRU( X SERVICE meillhel'/l \\'110 hlLve alwaY8 been . . rl A bill to enable the govern or to vel'y favorab le to all good scbool tile, <'\lal'gee agaillst ' I .. ' 0 . ----·- ------ ----.-...' ..;..__....._..... leglsllLl ion aired lheh' I'esentm ent mayor9 or prosecu ting ah.rltfs .1<,. ._ -.....---.,...- -"__~_,'"._--i ' attorneY 8 both , to lhe use of the cllambe r for for their remova l from oftlce MRS, HILV GI88,()N al80 a commit tee and also to t~e pres· was recomm ended Corre.p ondent by the JudJcla ry , SUI' being used In fayor of tbe commit tee. Two years I ~go the bill. Especia lly mention ed w~s the I n t e l l . a . e n e' governo r !lsked for arbitra ry ' power 1I4r and Mrs Edpr GarrllO fa(.t tl1al '\'I tllessos were talkmg to to I'emove sherma frOID . ,aDd. 'fainJly, Mr: 'E rneet Lucu. ofn office. . _ ' -.. __ the gnllery instl'ad of LO the ~lleJn' Thla wils Ilroperly defeate . 8prllll' Valley. were ,Illnner ,aue.... d _ local bol's ot t hC' 'onllllitl f~\lcI m e mo "mcel'a, duly elected by Sunday of ¥ra. Anna Luna bel'S II' re ulJabl e to II S\l l}ue9tlo)l11 pIe, should certainl y 1\ot the peo; Score ten pOi'!ts (or each cOfl'cd unuwer in the first six Iwobleml. and Mrs. Loyd TbomplIOn. •• Mr. be I'~' I. Mohair comes from: un del' Ullual method s . 01' conslclcl'Il' 'moved from office by . Mrs. RlQh~rd Hane. aDd daqh· the urbltrar y -Sheep '-Goal . -Cows -Llam as tiOD, 'l' bI!> tsslle . be one of tile a t of any othel' ofUcial - certaill ' t.l'a DonDa and .Pamal a of near 2. An authori ty on ~he use o( II " breeche s.buoy" would be a: m:t.jOl· cOlllro\'('i'sles or tbe session. Iy not 'wlthou t a trial 011 tile Venia, epent SUDday with ber par· merits -Sea Caplllin -Tailo r -Archi tect Good school leglRlatlon I,S ne,eded of th e lsaue. The [lresen~ -Teach er enla Mr, and Mn. HUy OlbeoJi.. bill would 3, Barbar a Stanwy ck recently obtaine d a divorce from Robert: at tbls time. especln lly lOr aid to enable tbe governo r Mr. anil Mre. Emer&qn Dtl, Mrs. rUe charges !....Monl&omeI'Y -Dona t -"{oun , those dIstrict s falllug uuder the - tbo proceed l·n g Into court -Taylo r Bratton , Misil Clara Daulh· 4. Who Is the nation's Selectiv e Service Directo r? • additio nal aid I!atcgor y. It 1M Iben determ ine the merlt8. would tera attende d the fanera t.·eemc e C W'l! L · . hoped l,hat the .o\llmlil ee. "hi ·11 The Dedden8 aoU-po llution blil of Mn. 3'e•• 'D tll at Lima Monday . - E: Jo~n~~on ' - . Hershey --M. Cald\\(~l1 \lsls mlin"y names o( ex pel'l~Ol:.e in comes up for hearing· In Mr.· and Mrl. NormaD X.llqe r Seoate 5. "Pianis simo" Is a musica l te.rm meanlft~: the edu cation field . will come 101·tll commit tee. Weclneaday, March of Dayton . eaUed on 'Mr. and Mrs. 21. -SoH -Loud -;Fllst With a good bill wltbln Ihe flnan · Anothe r mellsure that ..:siow . G. H, KealDg er BUDda, afterno on. will have (" Ial nblUties oj' Ule stute to me"'.!.. great Jntereat . h . Mr. and Mra. LewlB ' TbollW l 6. Believe d to be the llig est paid I?jt~'her In basebal l today is: whetbe r H be H , 0, 48 In It;; oriJ:"' _ _ _ _.....:.'_ _ _ _ _ and ~ter !Debb,. or D,aJt.oD. ___ . -Jim Konslll nly -Sal M:lllle -Vic flaschl " Mr. Lewl. Ora"to ", tm4 ,-Bob Inal form or wItl I mo diii cu t I ons. l-emon ' ~A.~ A~/'S ~~. . The Mechem ',llea tax l'el' i81011 ~M5""'# ~, 55, daqbte r Donna of XeDia. ,were 'l An cxagge rated ' tear ia called a phobia'. Listed belov\l b11\ men.nwhJle pnssed Ollt of the. left are ~er peate B1UlcIay of Mr. tour such phobias and aL l'lght a deftnitJoll for each. at S,enate . taxatio n commit tee. This Match the Mn. Cluenc e Crawfo rd. . MRS~ RALEIG H BOGAN . proper words to the proper mlUllUlII" ICOrlOl ten 'polnts for each 'blll would tax casual sales. In· Mra. HIley O1b~. Ilrs. CIai' Oorre.p ondent correct judlme nl.. arease enforce ment provisions. . " nee Crawfo rd spent ~ay .".. p. . . ________ ' FRESH (A) Agorap hobia GE , POanCISAUSA _____ elimina te salee of tax stamps by __ -Feu of closecl places The funeral 88"lcel l IliA« with ' Mr. aDd !.In•. ThollW l (B) Hydrop hobia -Fell' of open places private agencie s tor Jiroflt;· reduce tor. E1elzer Parting ton.tor our paa· RUD)'on tm4 Mra. . DelaDey . was con· (C) Phobop hobla .,.Feu of water· dIscoun t ' to vendors from 3"1. ' to duct~ at the churc~ , Hr: WUbur Dodd. of Da7ton. SLICED BACON , " bere lallt . .. . (D) €lauatr ophob! a • -.I'''l'offeUl~ 2'" ands'ls predlctecl will Il1ci'~ nse Toelda y afterno on. Severa ~ed 011 ,.n. Beale Bratten ·SuIl· . POUND ..:_:.. _______.:. ___ ~-- __ -~_--------l frlend8 Total your points. A score of 0·20 ... poor: 30-.80. ave,.. .; 70-10, d&7 .omID l. thrOUgh sJ\I·l.ngR nnd uddltlonnl tll~ and .relatlv es :were preaen! . Our superio r; 9a-lOO. vel'y superio r. . Items tlt e lotlll I'eyenuc by $i 7/.00,. eympat hy 10 ,extend ed ' • , ' , -------~----- F. . . . . . . . . . to tbe . . ChIck... Saow Crop 'F...... FOOIIe 000.00 0.1••" ' " _ . . . . famll". .. • I • Aldon Haines. 80n of .Mr, RJld Mill Ann Mlclien er at the bome Mn. IIan7 Went ~ retUrned or 100111 Inte~ .. ~t Itl tll 8 c,o\lnt~ 1'aIItIuIJ..... ~. crI ... ~~ Donald Haln ho h d the of Mra. Frank Lundy lIear Nell' home WBS the passage by the HOU8 ~ o?tIn f' from I'lorIda where .... cS" Vi a . Burling ton u" haC 30 dQI. the measur e giving fult wOl'kme t ..... n's mlaforLune ot fractur ing hill __ . . . . become leg. .' _ •.;."0,,. , compen sation benefit s to volunte er Is spendlD , Il. few days spell . .ve... w _ . with a -, hla Born to David and Helen Stan, Mr. aDd lira. ~ODd WI1ecm UDUI firemen bUlDg the amount of com. grandp arenla In XeDla. ua Ca_ . . ~ field of neal! Wnmln a IOn called OD thelr daqbte, Brs." "" AuI\IItU8 each peJUl&tlcm upon their Income from Mr. and Mra. William Smith and TI10maa Jesse lut cton. ItOJe aaa '" ... Wadaee day Kathry n McIntir e' and replar e'mpl011l1enL Other mea. dausht er Marilyn Sue ' famUy Saa- marYa dQa to add to tIleIr ...... were dln- n~t. day artemoo ll. luree passed . with little oPJ!ORiUon ner Pella of Mr. and ...... 11117 .... Aul!Jlt, Mra. Rei. Little Judy StaDl'leld spent part were. tbtl FIeber bJU to place state elab Bolan Sunda)' . of Jut wll8k In the Charlee stan· and taderal loalt aalOClatioDs on an lIra. lid I t b Haines. Dorotb , Ie, !Jom.. Yell baIIa. and a bill to enahle Smith. BlIf,b Ha1Des, G1.!!J1Da WU· - Kr. aa4 Mrs. Ralelll rBolan at· l~al ~nment to lI 0 to Inttlnl't1nn BOD, AIlt1i'ay Rallie. and MArlannll tdet!. til. fuMraI or Walter ..tar.. method o f Nlf,I'I'I' ''' ' ' . Bolfan attende d n I,tldnl h'lw('r t:aD at Lebano n lalt Thulllc1Ay itt· Dl'dInPI1 " t!4 and b 11141D, Tbunu J IlIpt atv.D In boo . r 1\ . , terlltlOlI. .
BURNS ••• *** BURNS .* ••*• BURNS
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The Lebaa.. N."OD~ FUll L.,. "
~~mIllIllOOIOOII ,lll mmll l lIDI I 1IIIIIImllm~IIW~mllm
Young. man's privilege·
·'ntellig',nct' Test,..
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'i' ,SoD' . 'N..
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5 P Ee ,1A .59C
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4' 9 C 55C
OP,en Eve .., Day Until 1:00 P", a
Rt. I _ outa'dl of
a.. .~
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND YEAR
Civic" ro HoW FI'''r-DI.lpl.r II",,' Jill 18
Local. School· To ,Be Headed 'By New Man
Sam Ball, cb&lrmall of the Pro· 'gram Co'mmfttee of tbe Wayne .. , ville Civic Club hlU!' 8Trange(i a '- -'-- - - - - -- - -. -- fatber·da.ughter banquet for Monday. June 18. , •• The Bpeaker wJIl b,e Mrs. Svend IPetersoIl, who was be>rn lind lived , , tn Wilmington most or her life. Sbe gl'lLduated from Wilmington H1gh School anf Oberllll CooBel'v, , ' atory ot MusIc . rvrrs, n, R. Moss en lerla ln ed on She Is marrl" to Mr, PeterB:·n. Satul'day afternoon wllh a m is' al80 a gradua'e of Oberlin , who ' celJaneons brida.l shower hOlloring !was a native ar Denmark. Laet Mrs. Emery Robbins. ' year the,. vilited the Scandinavian The afterIloon WBs pleasant I': , ! countrlea tor 4, mon.th" apendlng .pent and the ' bride Opelled her conBlderable hm. In nenmark. many It>ftly gUte, whlcb she f(lund She haa done work In Girl awaltlnl!: ber. Scouting while living In Wllkea·1. A delicious denert course, wllh Barr~. Pen,a. bridal appolntmente. was served by Both are ,tatefol!lIted In Oblo hJe· the bOltelB, ' tory and folk I~ and 8pend lolli , Tbe guests ~ere Mrs, Fl'nn' of time vlSltlng points of Inlerest Sprague and Mrl!. Victor Carpen· IIf' Oblo. . . tar of Middletown. Mrs. Etbel Bu ,· Mr. Petel'HD wtln accompany roughe and daulrbter. Alene, or M.rs. Peterton ,tG wayneavUle and Springboro. Mn. Sylvia HawldnB between the two, ebould give u. t of Dayton, Mra. Lyle Foy of Ger, an interesting p~~. mutAnrn, Mn. Hattie Mtaeildlnl! : Mra. Davia Fumal, Ml'lI. Rhodes l 1 ' I BUllnell. Mrs. H elen B ro L.. aw, 1\f r s
aoardof Education Employs Mt. Orab ,Min As Superintendent of: Local School Honore. Slllrda, Richard Watte rs. ,4t. or Mt. WUh' 8ridll Shower Orab, Oblo, has been selected from a field of· thirty candidates to be '
Mrs. E.n Rob.lns
ABOUT 'FOL.KS YOU KNOW ' DR. MARY COOK VA;CAT,IONS . Dr. Mary L. Cook 18 ~njo)llng ~ vaCllltion with bel' neice, M.rs, New· man Powell and family In Indiana, ,'
tbe new Superinte ndent of the Wayne Local Schools beginning with tbe Fall term, He was Superintend ent. or Mt, Orab schoola for to u I' years !lUll was Cormol'ly Prlnclpie o~ the hlgb scho!)I, Deel' Pal ' '" amllton County, ~e holds 'a " ,ers Degree trom the Un! veralty of Ky , Mr. and MI·S. Walters and their children, a boy an'd girl of school age, will wove here when s uitable quarters are obtainabie, Mr. Watters will , succeed KOll' neth M; Retalli ck. who hae been Superintendent o[ the Wayne, 'Lo. cal Schools for the past three yearB.
N. KEYS FAMILY VACATIONS Rev. and Mra. S. N . KeyB, 80n alld dall,hter. left on Monday for ~ month's vacation In Florida VI81T IN !CINCINNATI Mre. D. C. Ridge with MI'. and Mrs. Earl DaVie , of DaYlo'n. were ClneltlDl).U vlsltors on 8atul'day . .
- '.
VISITOR8 FROM ARIZONA Mr. and IIlre. Wade Turner and eona of Arilona, have llrrived here' and wlll spend tbe slimmer he with friends and relatives.
MARTHA JO G'IANiNETTO, only a few ho ...· old, ie .hown b.lng held by fIt_ "udrey Prlc~ Itudent practical nurle , in B.th••da Ho.pltal In Clnclnn.tl, wtlil .... i.. Dorothy Bloom, 'f' R.N'., • .tIII••d. Db ..... rlc.1 .upervllOl:, looka on.
pre.ent p.lana Recl·'al Monda,
',, .0 WEINER ROAST SUNDAY Mr. anel Mra. 'Henry R. Sattertb, ,MariB Vandebrlnk. lira. 8 . N. Dall , . Maltlha. Jo G(ennettlD. daugbter othy Bloqm, R.N., Beth esda ob8tet· waite entertained the You n g Mr. and Mra. Marlon Giannetto, rlcal Bupervlsor. lookirrg on. The • • At-L Blra. Eth.l W)'1I&tt. Mrll. tola Wy· friend. to a weiner roaBt on Sun· 1840 Bumet AVenue, Cincinnati. 900,OOOth Blue Cross m e m b r ... ...~ natt, 'lira. Myrtle RobbIn.. tbe __, daY' evening. became tbe 900,OOOth Blue, Crol8 welgbed 8 · pouuds, 16 Olin e8 at honor gullet and boateB.. Mrs. Hel on McOoy wi ll III'es nt Car!! member whell ebB birth. Tbe Green ThiImbtlr.a 4-H Club • "L ' a 'group oC piano studellta In ,r ' ."IDGe CLUB TO MEET' at 7:18 p. m. , May 26, Tbe new ba~y girl Is the secon" met on W,edn~y. !Iilay 30 at t-,e al, ci tl1l at the WJlynes vllle 1e lhodlkt Tbe , Argunot Bridge Club and I~~:~~~ ROIpital In Ctaclnnau' "Blue CrolS baby" to the Giannetto Ihome of Patrick &ad Lynn Ireland. n I 'hurch MondllY evening. June 11 ..veral friends will be ' ThursdaY, I1 Jo waa photographed While t&mUy. The hospital bill ~or the with Lee 0'BaDlop U , adv~r uaci ... O,t 8 (I'clook, rhe recital Is Ollen few hours , old with 1141111 birth of their oldet son, Larry, Bob O'Banlan pnaJcIIt.. of""r. .. to tbe DuhUc and will ,Include pluno gu •• ta of Mrs. Alva Thompson tn Deytoo. ' . Prlokett. Itudent practical ace S, was aleo prepaid througb A hay ride w,,'~oyed. foUowed : D ,e C'.I~II'S' soh)1 and a number of duets. Tbose holdln. her. and Mis. Do... tbelr Blue CrOSB members·bip. by , the regular 1Iualne.. meetID.. " taklDg Ilal't.ln the Ilrogram wlll be =----=--=:---:-::-----=--~::_ tJter the rerular .eettae everyone ~ Tbe Waynesville TrIcky Thu~b8 Mary Joan Stiles. Sbnron .Ann VIIITOR FROM DAVTON LI Ie Martha Jane RoblDllon. 01 jlined in tbe welller roast. M-ra. ,Oll!lIn '~ebke and daueh-, Club met W~dDe8day. June 6 Shipley • .LInda Lee Rtimby, Carol . , , WUma 'G ray was a gueet. tera, or W.st De~re. Wtacon.ln. Sandra Homes bome ·wlth Janet Adelaide Longacre, Stephen Edwin DaytolJ~ 1& epe~dlng ' '~veral daY8 Plana were mde t~, meet again an tb., .....te 01 Mr. and Mrs. Mlcbener, and Mrs, ~ry In charge Longacre, Lynne 'Marie Irelan, Pa· ",Ith her r.ra~dparen.te. r,tr. and .. U on Wedn8lldQ, June 13, tbl' pla 'e Delbert Conrer. 1In. Luebke was and Toni Moran presiding. trlcla Ann Irelan, Marcia Ann 111'8.!:. F. Earnhart. to be named later. ' , the ,former Mile Barbara Walker We learned our pl"dge lit this Rader and H e I eli . F.. llzabe(h The , WByneaville BultonfS anO Patricia. Irelal.14 IIInd WlIllnm lind weU ~wn here wblle mak' lmeettng, , We started ' on our ar-ISChl'oader, WILLIAMSONS VISIT HaRE Mr. and 'MI'II. RA)'mond Wllllam· MUler wiD be, III charge or tbe lnr her home, with t.lr. and Mrs. tiele8 at .t h ls mect.1ng, We bave to ' , _ _ _ _ _~,... Tuesday ....am. . . COD,er. , , have 3 nrUcles to lake to the 8On. who were enrout et oth.Ir th4-HhiClub h met bib lId ' , NfR I" pro•• benne In ClevBland. lrom Mlam~ • g ac 00 u Ing W · Garlan stamper, Jlftporter, MI•• VIJ'Kinla Scbuler and MrB. fair. • I h Jleta1Iick In charge and Ir ' ! Orace Schuler arransed a plenle The . next meeting w Ill he helrt . '. . ' of our president. Mrs ; O:TUDENT DAY AT .lIpper an Sunday eveninl hono", Sally l.ou Smlth's home WednPB' ., .-aorlda. called on frlenda ere on Saturday. . ,presided. : , U 1111 »ra. Luebke and thoee preee t da)" Jua:.e ' 20 at 2:00 to 4:00. " It • W'-EK END iN JL.LlNOII tbe attondance b~d eell METHODlaT.:.CH · RC~ , w.re Un. Luehlle 'and dau«hters. '. Club members wbo will take "" ,d and ",e mtautes read we de, In the abMn.,. of the PMI. I' Mr. and Mn. Howarcl Burton, MI'. part In the program for the next It Mr. anel M'Ma, Ronald .Hawke all .. here the .future meetlngB Bevera! collep .ud,m.a nf t · and ;114.'1. Tbomu Sboup. M~. and meeting are Stepllanle Swartzel , - -' , :~~= :r~,=ltM~~~~an\( '/V,o uld be be1d. . ' churcb ~ b&Y~ ,Clllarae 01 Vra. Arthur 'A.Ullu80ll. Mr. and IUId Ellubeth Marla.tt. A family gatherinl'l nnd Weiner ' HAwke .. 'nd ,children ' In ' Wesl. We r"celved our 'proJect books 'morn1Dg, .w~ "I~ ,~ e t.ln. Edward Silwer 'and [amily, Janet!')jlUla Ne". llaPlOrter., roasCwa8 ~ enjoyed at U~e, 'Henr~' _ cbea . ter, IlUiloll. ' After a tborou,h dlaculslon ' over Mlltbodtst. !',cll~1 Evel'1~ne I. Uti.. Carol ~.lb, 114... . Judy .' :wru.~ln8 Iil1me (In S,p\l d3:\, ~u1l) ' we 'pla,J",~,!,- .'Dml ~ " ........ ~ . . . . . tbeM '1JOI~ · (JeDalif. , 1110 ~ ampbell; IIofft ,- , . i":~ il'i{ -'a: farewell fo r Mr. an MrlJ. 048 UD'EN; ~;SUNDAV fbOtiilli)nt,nt. of p~tz~"8 and a Boft people we are-Ilu tII,q are home and lira; Delbert COJiaer and the CARD ,OF THANKS Kenneth Fox and childl'en who 'left "' , :he:" 'othodl's l. chucb will obeer,e served. . again and cpme woubl" as t~e;: hOlteel. . " We, wleh ' to 'thi.nJt eaA;h ,and '<?r their hom e In !\flnml , Flol'hla. '. In The ne'tt meeting will lie held lead~ , . everyone who ' helped In any , way on Monday, , "Student Day" on SlIlIday. June jo at Patty Bro~ne home on the 12th COme 4> Sunday 8~hool at 9 ,SO C."f/II~"1" durln'lr the Ulness and passing of Those who en joyed the evenJng when the 'mornlnlJ woralJlp. )0:30 at June at ll:OO. a, m. ~bere there are study "l&II8ell 5, our loved one. ,The onea who sent to,ll'eth r' were: Mr, a nd .lrll .. Ken· a. DI .. will be In charge of students Amonr: tbe club, member8 who for every age: ~maln tor the nower dOnatiODS' and .c ardB. The neth Fox Rnd Children, ]\fl', nnd' home for tbe aammer vaca~lon. ' will take pa~ In tbe' prpgram. fot 10:30 w01'8hlp ' . aDd renew your MRS'. RALEIG'H BOGAN pallbearerS, Undertaker McClure lIi!'rs. Heury Watkins, Mr, hBrlef! , MRI. CO ' · ' N· E -I'R N aT'H ' ENI the next meeting 'ure: Mary Jean s pirit With God e Spirit and tbue Correapondtn' for his kind assIstance, Father WatkIns, Mr. and Mrs, Leo ConnOl' I'f .. MelllUan. be better prepared Jor the weel: ' ae McNicholas and Father Krum" .a nd daugbters. Mr. and -Mrs. Milo M1'8. Ray Conner was In Atbens, New. Reporter ~aoml J . ahead. Freddrlc.!.:-~ ~:'::nl bOla for their con80llng worda and Miltenberger and chUdren,· Mr. alld on Tue.da,. and wa • .accompanled Burton. • , .... .... :altl... b:r °parenla 1141': meuage. allO the stagerl, Menda Mrs. Doilald Watklne and daugb· bome by ber daughter, MI8e .rudhll Ev tt H I and nelChbor. who helped In t(lrs, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Watkills. D9ROTHY BERRY BAUER 'l. ' .UKra . mlt4ber~ne: ~~~ded the W117, . • Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Malcolm and , Connor, who hRe completed her, .eeond year of study at ' lhe 01110 , was named PreBldent of the ' Aft we journey down tbe .hlgb., Wia'4 National .....Ionary COnference o f Sincerely, the FalnUy sop, Mr. ;r)d i:flso:ura~~~t~ ght Uunlverllty. Mother Cburch. the Firat Chrucb wQ ot lite we eee the Bun <:ome MRS LUCY IGIUIREI Jhe Uulted SO'del, of Friends Harold , E. Ba~r so~ a~d ss y. , ot 'Chrlet. SCIentist, In BoI ~on at In the ,.omlng so brIght; warm •rr M . L 8crutr Iwomen helel at lIaraballtown, la. Chu. Berry and F,am Y an r. . mmy, ra ne. G~RDEN CL.UB TO MEET ItI annual m.e etlng on ,June 4. and ,comtortable to all the world ServiceB 0 rl. 119J. -:: Gti..a at churcb sunda),,, May . • The Garden Club wIll mllet ~ra, Ratbvon. 'WIdow of WUllam then at night It hides away a.nd we ~fj. ~~ d:;' a~ ~IC~:'::' h tIl were Bufrett Hiatt 'wife pf tbe regular June meeting on Rathvon\ who waa a member wOllder wby that can be. Yet we aug r, fl . 0 • WllmlDctoD. IIr. and Mra. G e o r g e . •• ' Tb.Unday afternoon. ,J~l!e 7 CbrI&tI~n. Science Board knoW' it ta the wIll of Gad. So It :l~g:tlIe. :1~tU":b b~~ne'!.lll: ~uinell and' family of New Laxing· " .' '. . . FrIends meeting hQu8c. and . at one time corre· II wher) one of our dear ones IB au ay a e ton ' 0bI0, lin. £ather Jean Mar· are a.ked to bring t loral arrange- Bpondl!)g ,eecretary lor .M ary Baker tWo away trom us - we wonder' l ln , ;Wa~eavtlle. Burll~ will be i n tlD'an4 '. . . Of EIarDOJUI, Pa.. Mrs. : meD~ (or di8pla)'. ' Eddy. DI.coverer and Fonnder of why. But again. we know that It IMlsalDl I eme\e~b.de ber huaband NeWe Bulla....... 1I1n lIonlmla , Chrlltlan ScJence , 'bas ~en acUve II the wlll of O\lr dear Futber In urv vore no . Dunnell 01 WaJ1lBlvUle " , Chrlatian ScIence for almoat 40 wbo gave UB the s.unlhlne. VI. B. SquireB, one lOll, Charl.. of arilJll 8ue Smith was a HARL.AN EARNHART HO~E P. M. ON VACATION IIr. H. Gordon; looal pOet, ~ It away agal,., nut Be 'D ayton, and one eletel~., ..ra. Nora a U In 11418, "arjorle Street'8 Harlan Earnbart, son of Mr. and maete!!, I. eriJoylnl bts annual , I\II.rilclpated In Obrlatian another dear Angel In Sherwood of Wayne., me. , I :~ recital at Central Hlgb 'Mrs. Harold B. Ea.rnhart, arl'lved cation from tats ~t otllce Camp Welfare activltleB .So it was witb OI1'r Dor· PHMlLLER achoot auditorium In Xenia Friday home 'on Sunday inornlng for his Gordon were tfio ~,orld ware, and bas whose' loving' and cheerful R~L nl,hL , Bummer vacation after a year of Mr. anll rue.ts of 114.... ,Emma H. .The Mot~.~ C,hurcb In a 'will never be forgotten. 1lalph',Mlller. 6~. of W~JIlenUle' l Mra. 1IIary , Bop.n bas ,retnrn~ 8tU~y at Yale University. Harlan In Franklin. , ' of e~ "'Ipm~ts. In" She was born at' Ash Ridp, died Wednesday. from a .Ielt .wlth Mr. and Mrs. was accompanied home ' by his He 18 survived by bls wlfe"Loren Perry ot near FayettevUle. classmates. William Wrigley, Gor-' - ,lIIembershlp on the Bible OhIo on Msrrb 2~, 1927 to elias, MR •• RYE IN CINCINNATI l,el80n Committee. and Lola Hanselman Be~ry a8 Louella. 80nS Jimql~e, U. S, Air I faIr and 1141'8 . Donald Haines and don Lang. Jr., and Cbarles Morrl· Mrs. Clarence Rye was In Cln· " KaUlryn Berry. ~be at· Force, Rlohard. daughter, Sarah. IOn Paul we~ elIDn.r pellt8 of' son Waite, all ot Chlca.go, and a~l, clnnatl durin, tbe paBt· "eelL viS: ~ , . ."' 80,bool at Georgetow 01110. ttye grnl}dchlldr~n I.nd , t h I' Mr. , anel lira. Vlllllam Smith ,and enjoyed Sunday mOl'nlng breakfast Ittn• . her ~n.ln.,]ai and dau.hler. ' until abe , with ber parent~. move.d Blaters, . . MarUJn Sue BUnday. " together with 'Mr. and Mrs. Earn. , "';'n~ 19 '~ayrieevl1le 16 )'earB a go. There Funeral will be held Sat\lr~y Mr. an4 Mn. Charley Warwick. hart. ' Mr. anil lIrs. Intar: ROlen and " maldDl . the acquaintance of her ' , . , .he attended school and gt'oduated "at 4 p. m. from the Stubbs Fun· Mra. Jllrma BIaN.Dtl and 80n ChslI. , -----Dew IftIIdlOn; St,even Paul Rolen. 14ra. Ollve ,Cu.r l haa beell a trom Waynesville Hlph School In era! HOme. '1' J're4ertell of Columbus. called on MI8S'IONARY MEETING w.eek ,at the home 1846. ,. Burial will be In I' 8llDi ceme~ery ,Rale"b Bap,n pd' wlte Wednes· FRlbAY ' EVENING MRI'•. '.RADLEY· HOME ' . Dl'CIlUUtr Mr. Elmer lIacPheraon, aDd On May U. 1960. slie was unlled " . daJ .r~~OOD. The MlssloDary End~vor of the M'n . ' Kennetb Bradley abd In· ~ their home l:D Sablnll. ' In marriage to Harold E. Bauer VISIT IN ,CHICAGO , ElToll f>ean RaID.. has returned Cburch of Cbrlst held Its meeting f d ht C nI Anne are .lohn SmIth and . Mre. wbom ebe loved d~arly lI,n d had ,Mr. and ' Mra. Ronald Hawke and to tile lao" Of hill parente Mr. FridA evening a.t the bome ot n~~ .ta':e~erhom:n and, IIrs. Gelle S' KaufmaJl. of jU8t celerated 'i,helr tirB.t I\nnlve~· Mrs. Winifred Hartec)Ck .pent a , and lira. EYentt ~In_ from New Mrs. YMary Hicks on the Lytle' Th.,.plc)~ of :.clDota..-g, I. IP8llclcalled on their on Mothers day May 13, 'few ,daye laBt week tn Chicago ProvldenC8,,1qwa, wbere he was a and Fer~ Road, Twelve members fng few daya with them .....1.'· Mtae Annie U. Brown on witb Frank Hawke uld family. .....Ie ..-tractor ID the school. ' were present. ' afternoon. They wllre h.r Sbe paased away after a few " , ..,.. Mr. and' lIn. WWIaDl Smltb en· The project COl' tbls month was , DR. GE,ORGE A. BUTTRICK 1ng IP the care ,of ber ne~ little nelce. ' , at the O. S. and B. O. Home Bhort hours at aevere IlInesB on SUNDAY GUESTS OIF ' EV~N. ItertalDe4 to dIaD.r Bllnda,.. MIIoY to be sent to a" colleglo blvUo In XeJlla. . Mar 18,' 1951. .' Mrs N D Smith ancl lin Velma 17 tbe tollow1D. IIr. and Mta. the soutbwest. , Dr. George Arthur Buttrick, nat· . P~.r:-: onll=da~:·a~!y h::: o~ O. Ei •• :orO MEET M9 NDAY She leavei to moum her de· Lewil' of Spring vail"y, w~... din· ~:rD~.!:':d ~.:.:~~ The next meeting will' be h;ld ::~:Ir~:~n t:ess~;te~ral~h~h~I~~ lIDamI Chapter lOT O. E. B. wUl IIr. and. 111'/1. Harvey Burnet In ' ~er -loving busband Harold ner gueets ot Mr. ~d Jlra. Earl .11 cl II 'ilobert moran and at the ,home of Mrs. Hazel ox In New York Olty. will be the rea. m~t I" rqala,r ....Ion on lI~ncta:,. Lnl.. ' , ~:10::st~e:d a::e ::::~C:!"~ Evan& ~n Sunday. , ~ Mat. Mr. Gerald on tbe old Stage Road. tured speaker at the ,OhIo Anllnnl eveDllll, ....,e .11 at ~~ 0 clOCki ' pro and Mr. Qale R\1'aum, MII8 homll. one brotber Rob. " ,.', !'W1bon ' and children Jerry ' and Confcrence of the MetllQ.list churcb , All ',Put Matrona and troD 0 liquet ,~u •• a~. Mr. and lira. "hlil wife and !Ion nenr HoME FOR VACATION Jerra ell of Dayton. Mr. and PVT. GRAHAM, TO ENTER ocs which' will con,'elle at Lak eRlde , IlIaaaI ,,"Pte~m..:;. ~~ Gleim DOl and little 8On8' ..sited be r grandmother Mlaa Eileen Brown. who ha!l :Mnr. Weldon WlllOn and Wr. and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham Ohio; June 6·] O. lmd , ~ me. ra II' " the... aWlt IIlls Mar,ar,e t Edward& 'A h Rid Obi been a etudent at laflaml for the M... Ralellh Bolan, have word [rom their son, Private Dr. ButtrIck will belld this year.',; 88n~ ~~ t' tw~n~,flve~ J"r' w~t afterJlOOn : . lIr. alld :ou~lns, ~. ho~t , paat y.eal·, 18' hO.m e for .bet .~mmer Muter Jimmy Mcrnt,re Bpent Richard .Grabam , , that , be has p,r eachlng .mlsslon ,\"hlch Is to b,e Mra. RW will loon leave for Pan· rrrenda. 'and nelghbol8. vacation. . , ' I,the week end rece!ltly with hi .. pasBed the 'officer t,I'Rlnlt:lg exam· held 011 tOUI' SU\.iCe slve ~vetllng8, ' memberahip p DAt . ~a City. Fla.. where Mr. RUt Servlcea were beld at St. AIlg. rrandpaHDte Mr. and IIIrl. Ray· ' Inatlon Rt Fort MeR.le. Maryland . June 5 tbrough 8. at ~ 0 clock In , VIIIT " . 110M HOUlTON wfll be .• tatIDned. " ) MRS. MILL.I I!I' LEBANON ' mondWIa. on, and expects to euter his tml~ing the Hoover Me~ol'lal 'I\udltorluth. 1In. ~ 8mlth and be, nephew. IIr. 'and' "n. Raiold Berryhill uetl~e church. Waynesvlle. with ~rs Leah MIllB w:ae • Su....y ...... Edith Haines, Dorothy In a sbort time. ' 'Dr, Buttrtk.'s s~I'mons Ilre entitle.1 Mr. 1IeJaIQ' I'll...... arrIftd 1Iome and three emaD tiOba were welcome ~teJ!DJDent In MiamI c!lmetery at attcrn~n lUelt 01 Mr. anil bltb and Marianna Boran at· "ConB~rvatlon Pea,c e With Inner OD .emo~ Da7 frOID I't. Bam callera ' of their· nlaU... 111".11 mn. , . S D Henkle In Laba1110n. _ded the , mla.lonary m~tlng at Man," "Pillar of a lt." "Ttlfl Ne\\! HoUtca, 'l'au, ...bere, ~ ~I.lted Annie and lIame Brcnm aDd »,IM • . Ill'll. carl JOO88 last Thursda, aC· VISITORS' OF MR. AND Oommandment," and "The Word Prlftte Olen 8m1tll. ...bo ...... BUtJaa Brown on Banda, eUNDA;V GUEin'S OF .BROWNS ternoon. ' Ura. Joe White, Mrs. MRS. EARL EVANS of the Resuneetion." They \l'1Ii ilia ,miUta.-r ~ In noon. . . ' Itr. .nd Mra. Lawrence Brown GarfIeld Peter80n alld Mn. Cbarles Callers on Mr. and Mrs. En11 be delivered in tbe orrler named . the JIIeIUeel COI'IIe. ...... ........ and IIr. and Mra. Paul palltn and .. Sunday dInner lJUeate. Joa.e and Ron , were guest! at tbe Evanl tbe pa8t week were Mr. and Ranked aQlong the top pl'rachers ~r _ , ,with· IIr....... ~ted Uftle 801l vtatted thalr motb.- II.,. and M..... R, L. Tatum of mMUDa. Mre. Joseph Cooper, Mr. anti Mrfl, of the Protestant world 111'. DUlt. polnt.l III Kaleo ~ tbeir YIalt. IIlla Dakln OD $aada1 after1loon. and Mr., aDd 1111'8. Fran. Uttle Kathryn Stanley haB blood Earl Thomplon. !\Ir. Bo~ nUTi1 !! rick su.cceeded Imother gr e a I. . ---:.:.. . , cia Gene BroW1l ad cIa_ter. pol8OnlDI. and 80D Dobby and :\trs. Ted Barr, American preacher., Dr. ' Hem'Y 'QUIITI IN MIA"'"BURQ PrIvate Don Brown. ot Oamp "arll1D Bae Smith wu an over all of, Da.yton. Mr. Adam CaDlPbell Sloane Coffin, at lhe Madison Ave. ' , ' 'WEEK ' INO IN KINTUCKY .... aD4lifra. JlarDl4.OeIlon. 1Ir. ' 1Ir. . . . KIll. LoUie nr. w... wu a Satanta,. ra~st nlrbt p ..t ~ ' her grandparents and daughters of Harveysburg, Mr. Presbyterl~n church. H~ h~ i1l-e anA ..... ~ at 'l'IIUntlar ~ ..-tiI 'or Mr. Ida parat.l, Kr. 'aDCI lira. Brown. Dtaht. Howard Leamlng or near Bu.rllng· author of six bookl\ most. of " 'blell . . ........,. . . Mr. and K .... .lola ... ..... . . , . . . . 8tGiDPi In IIIIlr. u4 '111''' Donald Halne. tOD , and Mr. 'George Bradle)', of have been rellglou. best-sellers. 8~ 8r aDd · daD.... IllDlIInarI ant '.~ tile and- WCTU TO ..._ FR-IO....t 8uDda7 ...1lInC with Mr. and Xenia. two were choBen ... l"Il(gloul ~ KIll. BtoIIIrt utIoD 01 &MIl' ~ 0IaD. ... PO, Mra. Cbarlee Jon... boob 01 Ute month. HIB latest . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...., AD ... OIl ............ tW at~ TIle ..........· WC'I't1 maetilll wW ..... . . . ' .... Ba'..,h Bopn ' ! book, "So We , ·Bellev(!. So Wf' Jh ... ~ ir tile . . . . . . DepIaew ..Id at tile 110m. or lin. lohD CIIIIeI at KeCIeII..'1l _patal one VIIITOR FROM TIPP CITY Pra,," w.. pabllthed ill 1961• ... . . . . . . III _ _..... K;~.. ... . ... BaroI4 J'rItIQ ....DI', June 8 at . . . . . . . . . ~ to caD OIl Bar! IleladflDJla1l Of TIPD Citr. Bona .... educate4 In .......... ~~1rIri~ i;~.;-:j~~U i~ or 111'. ..... 0; &va.., .member .. Je.. BID aM ..., Cur wbo ....... *Ite4 .... u4 lin. W~_ BIHJ, .Dr. Buttrick 11M ......... . . . II! & to lie , - _ ...... tIIIa'L , 'I'atIt1Q ....... ' mfn.lat17 til ~.
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TIIl J "'~nAY,
JUNE 7, 1951
·- -....-"'-3~.,. . ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!:.: -~ -.--
E.t.bll.hed Febru.ry, 1860 PAUL A. SCHERER __ ~ ___ ___ ___ ""_._ .. ,.._._ ___ Editor and Publl.her CECILIA J . S'CMERER __ ___ . __ __ __ , __ .,______ Secretary and Trealurer
fPablllhed Every"'oITEjn 'J'ht1rsdoy MornlDg !t 'WaJ'1lesvllle, ount)'. Ohio. IDnt "'1 n~ second class Qlotter at thp · I 1" lce at WaynesvUle, OhiO, uudel llle act of Marcb 3, 1~79.
u . .....v.
LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH .B. E. Baughn, Pastor IIr. UnirJe,1 Service, t: t6 a. IlL
METH.ODIST CHURCH J. W. Wedgewood, M.nlster Church School. 11:30 •.'61.,
Harolll Earllhart, Supt.
Subscrlvt1onRates- InOblo, $2. Per Year In advanoe; ,2.50 elsewbel'e
Bible Comment:
- 1··5' GLASS CASTING ROD-·-;-----:$6.95 Value I··OCEAN CITY. REEL ---- -- - --.. --$4.95 Value 1··50' •NYLON LlNE--- - - - --------$I·. 30 Value
Thomas Is .Proof . That Honest Doubt·, Leads to· ROlches
Worsh.lv Service, 10:30 A.M. . YOllth' Fellowship, Sunday. 7 :MO ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL 1'.11, . The Rev. Silmuel N. Keys. He'cto. ChOir Practice 'l'hur.sdllY 8,: Oll. ~u nilay:· Churcb scliBol 10:80 a. m. Adult Worship, 10: 80 ~. m. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRlaT Byron 'Caner, IOnllter BillIe School, 9:10 A.M. UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH MorntDg Worahlp, 10:10 A..M • WJlIlam ShannoD, Minuter Prajer ' MeeUna, '1:00 P.'6I. . Bundll7 School, 11:30 A,K" II ... yo~ People'. MeetW, '1:00 Jamea Gurilon, Supto EYe~tDS' ~ce., 'I :30 P.'6I, Pre.chinl,· lit. and Ird. BWI' day' of eacl& month, 10:10 A.M, WAYNEIVILLE CHURCH OF Jilvening Se"ieell, 7: 30 , P,M. CHRIST ' . ' If. ~ Cotte;, llUnlIter CAESAR'S CREEK FRIENDI Bible Sehool, 9: 10 A.M. Douald Haines, Superintendent. Momin. Worehlp, 10: 10 A.M. Young 'Peoplell' Meeting, 1;00 Woralalp 10 A.IL IIU11da7 8cJ)oo), 11 A.JI. P.W'. . Evening Service, 8 : 00 P. M. Pra,yer MeeUna and Bible Study OFl~GONIA EVANGELI.eAL U. 8 W~.' P.II. JaID88 H. Riley, Pastor tJundaY.School, 10 A. M. STo AUQUITINIE CHU-,CH MornJnc' Worship, 11 A, M. Father Tlmoth1MeNlcholas, Pastor , Mallses 8:00 and ]0;00 A.M. . W~YNESVILLE FRIENDa i'Jnt D81 School, 1:10 A.M. MT. HOLLY M.THODleT ,MeeUn8 for Wol'lhtP. 10:10 A.M. T. lLBOIIt KiDlllter 8undq ~ .:aO - .A..II., · II. A. ~8apt.. . Let this Sunday and ev,ery Sun Worahlp 8erYI-. . I0:10 A.II, day find you In some church EhDlns ~. '1:10 P.M. the church of your choice.
Howard .Crnham will be hOSleM rO!' the June meeting of $13.20 Value I. the " ' CTU at hel' ('ollntry bOlnl', 'IT .I~ AttI ...,. In these days ot Wide ._ Thursday arte'rlloon " J. -. ~ .... Tbe Harveyaburg Postoffke was . spread skepticism, that we pay,: moved aLurday into the bullgJl1g tribute to 'nlomas, the one disollce housing tbe Shldaker BlIl'bel' 'clple who was not content ~ith GIVE HIM AN Sh!,llI nnd mol' reoently the beauty hearsay evidence. . ~hQP opernted ·by 141'8. JOM MUdly rebuked by the Lord for Beckett Jones. The postoUice has his unreadiness to believe, Thomas been IOCR ted In the Harlan prop· received proof. The Lord poln~ arty on Main street durin g tho 1y said, however, "Blessed are they past ten years. who have not seen, yet have Mrs . Osee Harlnn, a r 81dellt ot belieVed." lhls community, r l1 eived minor The weakness of Thomas seems Complete with InjUJ'les ' last ~unday' when , a ~IU' to have lain not in his inquiring driven' by her nllJce, Mrs, Ruby mind and in his hesitancy to pe- , , F I.ASH UNIT and. CASE Stump: was Involved In.a collision lIeve except upon clear evidence, on Brown street, Dayton. Also but in his rather gloomy. pessi- . J·UST riding with },Irs. Stump was ber mism, a fault of which w~ are bemotber. Mrs. Emma. Cline. sliller roming increasingly guilty. The great thing about. Thomas of Mrs. Harlan. Accordlny to word 'received here the trio were on their . was that he truly wanted to be· way to Harveysburv to return lieve. A stncere desire for faith Mrs. Harlan to her borne. Tbe reo prompted T 'h 0 mas to question ports Indlcnt e that all of them were facta 'before accepting them. To bosvitaUz d for a while but nono a lesser degree such disciples of ACC~SSORIES ,AND FilM , faith and action as Peter; James received . serious injuries. , DEAD, STOCK Mr. ', Rnd Mrl!. Jamlls Pllrke and and John pOssessed' this trait. daughters. or Olncinnati. · were Honest doubt has an tmportant . ALL TYPES HORSES 110 ' COW8 110 guests unilay ot Mrs. Pil~'ke's part to play, both in the exp!!riHOGS SZ. CWT, parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. H. S. TUCKer. ence of the individual believer an(l MI'. and lI:s. Cb/lrles. Campbell. in the progress of religion. Among According to SI•• and CondItion . MACHINE GROUND o~ Dayton , were guest during the sincere and ea\onest seekers doubt All 8took R.movad D.lly week end of ]\frs. CAmpbell':! has been the gat~way to richer Hand and Power mother. :\hs. ~iJl11e Moore. experience: . Larg. or Small - Call Collict ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mr. and Mra. Earl Christman . But it was the fait h that cried, Call After .. p, M • . sold tbelr home on .Main sLreet at "My Lord and l1)y God," not his Xenia 454 a public aucUon conducted by the previous doubt, that has created OIaJbourne and MQDermott Co. for Thomas a /'Ii gh l:ilace amonB FERTIUZER Satllrday afternQon. The 11 0 m e those who have testified to the DIv,laion of Inland Proclucte. lno. ,Fourth at, Waynuville wus purcbased by Paul TomiJnson, Resurrection. . . ' resident -of 'this commulllty. . To Thomas and the oJler doubt• Mr. and Mrs. Vlvan Frye attended ers of his time, successive generafunerai services held ill Frl\llkl!n tions of Christians owe a great Monday for "Mrs, Frye'~ uncle, debt of gratitude for belier in the Ohesj,er Archdeacon who died at fact of thc phys~ca l Resul'rection hlB home t bere suddenly Friday . depends in a large part upon the 20 EAST MU~BERRY "EBA~ION . PHONE 560 DETROIT womsn . W8If unInmorning, . testimony of those disciples who jured when an automobile The young people of the Meth· s~w Je~us after His cruciflxl n. crashed Into a druJStot'e, Imockln, ....... ...... . odlsl ' Ohllrch "ill assist In the _ _ _ __ her Off'. 1Od. counter " tool. Maybe lIore tbaD 100 dJ&reDt IdDIIa of celebration of Children's Day next WOM~N'S MIS'SIONARY NOTICE OF AP'~OINTMENT DAVTONIAINS VISIT f: RNEST HARLANS HA,VE ,;he had ollee worked a carhop . coa.. are CIIlTIIDU, bouIbt lind Sun.day by having luirge of the txecutor RELATIVES HER£ GUESTS FROM WASHINGTON at a drive-In. . IIOld iD Use 11D1te4 ' state.. wbleb II entire Sunday scbool services. ENDEAVOR MEETS Mr. ~nd MI'IJ. . ~gust Dieringer. . • •. • the tre.teat colt.. COIlIUJJlIDI .MI'. .and · Mrs. ' LaVerne WI)S,on, The' Women's Missionary Fln· Estate 'of j;:dna Huston lDal'ly, MillS Elizabeth ' , ."opst, Donald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson, Jr.. , A Readln., EI1&13nd, cttlzen Ucm in the world. Lall ,Iar tilt deavor of lhe Waynesville Oburch Deceased. ' ot Long Beach', Calif., ,were J . and ~l'.ol m~ August. a II of Washlngtop, p. C" Jui,ve , been I~:-' __:'_ .be..~n.•ItOP. raJn ftOrp fAil: ' ' ted 'state. ~.1pJIC! • ~ • guests ·Sunday of Mrs, A. S. of Christ mQt Frldny. 6\'elllng, ~me '. Notice Is hereby given v1ilte Ii the home of lett and her son Robert Collett. , 1, at the home ot MI·8. .Edw~f(I· EyereU Eatly whose P08t Office ana Mrs. 'Paul A. Scherer and guests this week ' ot Mrs. Olllon's in, b'y steppl.,. Out Info tl'l'e Jal'de~ eM nat 01 tile' world UJla ID tilt I)(lrcnts, Mr. and Mrs. Ernellt Har· and col)eentratllll. Aw, he's prob~, ..... Ii nul. , . Mrs . Laurn. 'Sbldllker has reo Hicks.. , ' • Address II , R. R. 2, ' WaynelvUle. family Sunday. abl.Y all wetl . . , " turned ' [ro~ a ' visit with her The nel't meeting will . be held Ohio ball ' 'been duly appointed . _....;._.~_ _ _ _-'-,_.....;.._.....;..~ Inn of Lytle·Ferry R.oad. , 'coulllns, MJ·. , and Mr~, William' F~da)' eve'nll1g/ .TulY 6 at 'the hallie EXee'utol,' of' the · Elt.I!ote <!t Edna TRY GAZETI'E €LASSIFIEDS GAzElTE PHONE IS 2143 rn Memphis, Tenn., pollee ae~ . ''OQ ., lIa,pl.Dete" Grsham of Lytle. ' of Mrs. Roy Fox. Huston Early late, of WarreD COUll. cused aman of breaking his wile's . . Italuc ~V P9~1' athll.I,it ' M '.. ]II 'Cli t T l en " . ty, OhiO, deeeuecL ',. '. 1;, aud rs. n . ay or ' Mrs. Dorothy Piek'ins and chll' Dated this 14 cla,. of Mar. '1951 f .'l \Y t ..... l 'f:: (.nc~ I:>ecause hi. coil" Be Jail miiR of bb 'Roce8II . . . tertalned . the members oC their dren ' of ,L os 'Angeles, Cam., are . RALPH H. ' CAREY, . . wnW' to oarte.. ·'Wh. ODe 4rIDb card club to an evening of qards guests for the summer' months of Juage of the Probate Oourt, ......... he said. ·come at their home Saturday eveni ng. Mrs. Pick Ins brother·ln·law and War,ren County, Ohio IDal'cbiq iii Ifb an arm,.... AI for J . W. Snell, oe Perrlngton. sp~nt 818tel\ Mr. and M'l's. WIlUl\m Saturday In the vlllllg visiting Campbell, .Cedrlc A Stanley,. Atty'. WIlllam Dean HoweUs, he, too, e...• taInl7 .dmlred "the 'c up , of happt~IS many friends. " 141'. and Mrs. Drtll:e Wallace are PUbllllh 6·24.31-6-'1 n...." "n make. ),OU think 01 an : Mr. and Mrs. CIi!lster ,Klefaber 811110llncing the, blrtl. ot their " the . . . . .1 thiDl' tIIat ever hap· of Colnm.bus. ·were guests during fourth Ii son born Friday, Do' you want ,your new'5{)aper to peIlId to, ~u,~' w•• what he .ald t he week' end. of Mrs. Kletaber's ' , Mrs 'Wallace Is the t1 '? Tbl1n YOU must' support ,parents, MI\ and Mrs. Fred Sher· Miss Evelyn ,MQCarrenl of ,can nue about iL' . " . .• ,it. . wo!'q. . --' , Mrs,
ARGUS C-3 CA .MERA $8&.&0
... __ ._._._._._._._.--.
3~Da, Seniee ori. Film Developing
. 'rOYS
-- -
':Iediclill . d
ti t
~~ , ~ .~ .~ ~~ T t' ,, - ()~~ ..~
CALL ." Ii ,~or This Type '01 Cov~r.a.
DAY t:s
absolute -under. 'standing relieves ' blJrdened
a nOd
grief' - stricken
, .
IN ·S .URANCE Lebanon, Ohio
~~,~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~==::~~ .p,ne . ~ ~ ....-_~...... FA . . .~:IT~,·~R .WaiGh!
fed. tax incl.
OD the
around marllet ID the ocnmtrJ. IERVICE T.H AT IATIIFIEI
For o'all" Market RepolU:
11:&0 JD.8.T, DIal 1100; WLW ClDoInDaU. litO, DIal
Z2 S. Broadw.y Za...' A•••" Prop. LE BA,NON, OHIO
BUY itn ARMSTRONG Seed'Oil. Fired. Hi••o; Winter Air.Conditioner, ,
Cive DId '. gif.t he can be proud to own! A handsome FAITH wrist " 'stch ... uncondi· tionally gnarantt'ed for aile )'ea r (exct'pt cryslarI!, Extremely 10";'prict'd for such . quality ••. such long. wearing good looks:
U"e W1nt and PIa""",,,,, . . Orpnil&tJoa MOOad to DOH.
DaJton, -
Budget Terms. If Desired!
Priced from $21..50 up.
a' MIAMi
A '· G ·EN CY Phone 153
!11~llmlllllllllllllllllll"'. 111II1II~1II1111111111
1 - Y EIt R .UNCON[)I,n ONAL
Now y".U can enjoy Ihe con"enience . of luromuic oil·fired winler air.con. dirioninjl wirhou! wallioll space. 'The Armllronl! Hi.Boy il compaer enolljlh 10 fil S Ulili!), room, or any corner of . unused spa,,', ~er, if provides plenty. of 6hered·c1ean, aUlomatic.lly.humidified warm air ro keep your home ' at a "cady, comforlable remperalilre ·in Ihe coidesl da)'f of Ihe wlnler. Jr', a fuel. saver, 100, breau.e il 'opera In onl), ",hen Ihe thermosisl calls for heal _ ,huls' off complclely when Ihe proper lemper.lure i. reached. The Hi-Boy i ••v.iI.ble NO~/I Beuer call TODAY.I.
I.,rll ..,............CD.
IiitiDg aDd IDDfiq 7.-
"hone ......non r.............. CARL BUNKINSII.P, _ ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
1111. ·. .llmn~ ************ •• ************.*****.*****.***** ••• **, ........................,.~........................................~........~ I ·
_' _ _
THURSDAY, JUNE I, 1951 , • • , • • • • "-
THE MIAMI • ....,L.~
- •• ,
It tbe last time we had a well NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ecutors flied first, nOlI! and dlsI'iIOTIC OF APPOINTMENT drilled nn~ It 18 astounding how STATE OF OHIO trlbutlv& a ('coUlltB. Executor lhat tWig will turn and twist In DEPARTMENT OF IflGHWJ\YS Eslate of John n. Gons, (Ioc'e!, EstlHe Emil J . udol'le, <Ie· youI' hnnd Itke a live thing. No . Colurn bus, Olho, May 26, 1951 Esther H, Gons. exel'ut rlx, b'nns· relll!pd. one bas yet a true oxplanatlon for Engineer of 'S'al .. Legal Copy fer of real estate AI'Rnted, Notl(le Is hen'by gl e ll Lhll L No. 51.197 . It Imd so many people sUIl say ' il Estate of Paul F. .10hll8 de(,'lI, A Farm Diary 18n;t so, but once you have done UNIT PRICE · CONTRA T COMMON PLEAS Henry aile! Etbyl Allard to Wes- ErneSt E. Coo k lI[lpolnt ed admln· FI'!\uces Alld prle, WhORO Post Of· It you cnn't help but believe and Sealed proposals will he r ecelv('d Leonard J, Goldstein ond Olaney ley W_ and Jean D. Ha~ls, 3.35 Istrator, ChaleR ,I. WRghone , Ca l'l fIre addl' II ~ Is Wnyn('svllle, Ohio, By D. J. f.razler o. I , IlIl s ttl' ell dul y twwant to know mol'''' about It. Some at the office or th ... Slall'! Highway W . D1o~k, I,artners dba '1'. ' n. Di8. acres In Ullion twp. S.tlles a.nd Rtlnll, " dlll'lIl' t~ "p . R..R . \lo int 'd a B I,;xli' 'IIUtl'lx pf lire Es· day when I have Rome money for Dire tor of Uh.o , ilL l'ollllnbulI, tl'lbuting '0, vs_ Melvin p , Scnl. Oeorge M. nnd Nptlle L, Fu cs t n. polnte rl np Pl'llla" I's. tat or l'1m tl .1 . J\' n.ler lp late or -~----- - 6 experllnen l8 and ne ed more water Ohio, unUI I(J ;OO Il, HI ." Ohio ~t.IlIl· Il a ll l, 1I.lrendanl gralllted 30 day.l to James ~, and Dt!s8le Toml,le__ WILrreU C ullly , Ohio<, " aceused, JUNE 4, 1951.-"SlaI'R of n 1'\11111- I would like lo try ugaln n"nr my dard Time, 'l'u olldllY, I.IuIIC 19, to plead. toll, 2 loti In Lebanon, . MARRIAGE LICE NSES lJ 'Ul'rJ Lh i >l IHI ' dllY of Jlln e, mel' Itlght, FUI' hi your azul·e. barn, ,"Vo dtlJled It well there, 1951, fa\' Imllrov.'mellts In; Vllncl) Jacobs, Jr. vs MarJorie Stanley A, LewlR to T , SI, nni! \Vlllillm SlulIl' . 25. tI'U('1e d"II'f'I', 19GI. deeps." we are 1I0t nil poets bilL wltholll drowsing lind went olghty Warren 'OI1l1ly, Ohio, 01\ SeOtioll Anu Jacobs, minot, divorce to Marcuerlte Sellree, tJ ,627 ncrl's In Lebanon Ilnd Eve lyn R, E s sex, 29, many of Ua do enjoy t1i o atnl's DC rive' Cetid before we got watllr anu WAJt.22-(1l .22·l[i.4 J), U, S, Route I>lhllltlCf ehJld to plainti ff, Sale-m twp_ , fa(.tory worllol', l..ebuII OIl . Jlttlg4 of 'tbe Prnbilli' COlll't, a summel' night. I havo talke d then ' not II. strong well tbough the No, 22, In Salem lI,l d WURhingtoll Clay Hlpsllel' V8 A;nno Lee Hlp· Arthur [., and FlorelU' e M('Dofl Poul " 'allacI' , 1 9, labor I" lI'f 0 1'Wnrrell County , Ohio to many 'people who always look water Is good. When we were ex- Townships, by reBurfnc illg with sber, dlvOI'ce to plalntlrr, ougb to Guy H_ 08bol'ne, 1 lot In row. and PnLrl r la DI'llI , 17, ' ~I OI- W ebb 11.. C11I 1'1, , All y. . out at the aky tho last tlling be- perlmentlng with dowsing my rod asphaltic connole. Morrow,!'OW Pu blish (j~7-11-2 t fore they go to b d_ The other showed a , strong pull about teil Width : Pavement 20 reet; RondNEW S 'UITS Jam~s H_ and Nora .Blevins lo l\larcus ' AI'nuW FOl'thol'el-. ~. ._ _ _ _ __ night ,wh('n It was so warm I teet north or · the prosent well. I way 36 feet and 40 feel. . Phyllis M, Scbroader V. Robert Robert B_ Collier, 1 lot In South s hop workel', Rocove r y, Ohio, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT waUHld up tho ' lane to get Ilway would like ·to try a·nd seo what Length 30,r.71,3 Irel'! 01' 5.790 W . Schroader, divorce , Gray, ru. IAlluaon , . l ond Mal'Y LI~t. Cnrey, :l7, st:bool A , dm lnl strator from the trees and s tood Ule l'e fOI' could be round tbere, Jt Is an In- miles, Irr er and GI'ay_ . Jolm Paul to Cla,rpnrr, an.t Fl isill tenc he r, Le balloll . " It while watching tho bl'lg ht stilI''' ,;erFfltlng' 8~hje't and ho shows Contract 10 be completed not ;. J. Kauer, dlre(:tor of hlrb. Palmer, 2.85 acres In TUl'tl ecJ'ee k Hugh Henry Dane, ,13. tru l' I, Estate or I uu l ~' ,Johns, dec d _ overhead and · the W'cfllos ('loser how POOl' moat of the t sls are to later thlLn Octobor' 31 , l!JGl. way's Ohio Depe'l'tml'nt or Hlgb- tWll, dl'lver, ' Lebon on , amI F'lllI n lo AI- _, a li ce Is. It ro y glv~n thatl to earth_ Their' flnshes were MO whl h the doubtera try to pul It, The minimum wage to b e I)nid , ~ vs Minnie V1ct~r and Rer- Stephen an4 Mille rva Turn~r to J be ltsoll, :lx. Rlio c rlll'to "y worl; ", E I'II s t E. oak, wh n~~ l ost O . brJght, that bright as the atars teets wtl,ICh really prove nothing to all labor, emp l'oyed Oil this <;on- \Iays Lo r "'~lItr~tnlbg' order Rtch. William B. Rltd Elizabeth TIII'net'. LeballoH. 11(' A.ldl" 'ij ~ IA H . H. " Wayn es. were, they almos t Ipolled,' pul.e b,,· at all, tract shall b e In lLt:col'dllDce with be~t 0 ~~rrIR Assistant Attbrney ,08ac. r~s In Tu!'tlecrO('k twp , Pau l 'n. II :\ll'i 101 , 2 I, !'"elM), \'1 li t' , ' l11i It, "lI ~ bO" '1I , ,J ll ly, up~Ide ' thern, Tbe fields nnd tl'oes That bJ:lngs up the klndi'ed Bllb- the "Schedule or Preyalling Hour· G~ne~I " , Marvin E. Carr to W. L. and worker, Ll'bnHCm ;11,,1 1)ol'OIh l' ~,r. l~ulnU'd II ~ i\11I"jlll~l l'u tOI' or the were bright with them. Our sum· ject and just a.s controveBlal, does ly Wage Rates Ascertnlnl'd ani!' . EvelY~ Bruce va John Bruce, Emma C. 'Ramsey, 96 Iwres In HIlI'- BUl'ge melr, :! I" 11(101<1(('0 1'(' 1', r I';slale or P a ll I T , !o~',ns, lnte o~ mor nights are one or the Gom- It do any gOOd to ' watch and plant Determined by The Department of di vorce, e xtre me ' enlelty, Young lun twp, Morrow. Wayno TOWllflblll, \~arl n County, pensntionll rQI' tile hot sum mel' in the 80-called proper signs 01' Inclustl'ial R elatioll8 UIllJll cabl e to and Young, ' Cloll lIflll'[I(!I', ~ I , 1\11 \ y, MM "O Il', Ohio, de CI\",,:d, 1 es day&, The m~)\)ntnfn regions where phas. of the ,moon. Re entJy we State Hlgbw'uy Deal'jJtment 1111Etale Lambert va James Lum. PROBAT E Rnd J rmet C,'nl l;, I ', . lm' l'o\l' . Oat d t111i:1 31 s t. duy of May, 195 . the nlgbts Bre ulwaYR coo) have were talking to one or tbe best provementll In act'Ordance' with bert, di vorce, R. n_ InventOries were approved 011 Pa ul Rog I'll. 2". la hol'I" ', . II'.!RALPH H. 'AREY, eome advantnges but you nevOl' commerCial potato growers. In' th'!! Sections 17-3, ]7·4, 17·5 !I ud . folloW'lny :estu,:tes ; l'fitnte of dl,t.oy"n and 11 1' 1" (,I,s, \II, J ud g of the Probate Court, sit outside and enjoy the Rummel' county und. he Bnys It does, that If 17-511. of 'lhe Ge neral Code of REAL' ESTATl TR'ANIFE'R$ ' El'Dest M. Gross dec'lI ; flHtn te or/FI'nnlllln, , 'W a rre n County, Ohio night. There IS ' alwnys n lot s ald it Is poaslble he alwaY8 tries to Ohio," " _. Role Colwell doc'd; eHtut p of R IIDyH el1l'hyn.' \'( .' 1\1 C. DOllald ))l1atus h Atty, about Ule beuuty or II moonlight plaut In the dark of the Dloon In The bfllder must s ubmit with his Leta Lucille Slusser to Ray and T. Abramll jlec'4: cstate Walter bl, Ill\\' he] 111 1\ ' m I' III \\' III Publish G;-.7-H-21 night but there Is alBo Ih l') beauty certain sIgns. This year the ground bid a certified cbeck in the Ilmollnt Cosey Drown. 0,313 neres In Cleal'- I T . .Jordan, dec'4; and the esleta o,t ' a Btal'lIt night . Al} I walked up was too wet In his favorite signa of $3,500,00. . c reek twp_ . of, 0\11 Streck, dec'a, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. the . lane the air was sweet with but It was. atlll the dark of the Plans and specIfIcations are on Leta Lucille. SIIl~s~~' to Ray and I Firat, final and dlstrlputlve a c. It your BlIbsct1ptlcin has expIred, roses and clove r. For B few mln- moon when . we planted ours. so tile in the department of hlgh waY,1 C<lsey Brown, 0,31 acres In Clear· countll were appl'Oved~ a\lowod won't you Jlllease send us a. check utes there was'n't evell n sound of we will walt and, see_ Some years and lb'e offlcll of tile dlvil!lon creek twp, snd confirmed 011 the following psi&I so we con ':Ontillue your paper? cars <In IIle hlghll'll·Y, even the I know that we pla1)ted In tho deputy dlrsctol', Edna Krohn. to Gerald C: an.d tatel: cltate of Rerord D. Snook, .;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; gUiheas were stilI. Then a dog , lIht 'Of the moon and got more The dl l'cctol' I' s erv s th e ri ght Eunice Hopkins. 1 lot fn Morrow, dee'lI; UJdlle Snook, Il.drnlnlstra. SHARPENED and REPAIRED. barked 011 a neighborIng fnrm, OUI' tops than potatoes but tbbre again to reject any l1nd 'h11 bids: ' Mal'garel Towhey to Loul. trlx; eatate of John A_ Dondnro, Hand and p' ower dogs an8w ered, Ilil ' alrplune went we planted no check rowil so that '. '1'_ J_ KAU ER, Plepel', 6,16 acrel .n Deerfleld l dec'd, ita,. EmerRoll Dondaro, ;<;_ across the skY, ·a tl'ue k w ent by It would not meet thll requlreState Hlllghway Dlreclor twp. . 'ecutor: estate of George A. Bl'own on the road and the spell was ments o(' the sclentlflc' method, I Publish 5-31- 6-7 Leta Lucille ,Blusler to John B, ,deo'., Ray Brown, adminIstrator broken. tblnk some lettera from' readerB and Florence M. MOOI'S, 0.55 &CreI and the ..tate of Char lotte E . LONG TERMS ' ON FARMS If yO\1 are interested h1 water who have definite data on theae Thba, bUl E'flclem In Clearc reek ,twp. . Alltram Snapp, itoc'd , C, Donald "dowsIng" or water "witching" as aubjocts would be Interesting. Too 'l'bt! film of paIni oil on' the tin; Mal'le .O ayse t9 Clarence Ander- DUatuBh, administrator. WWA. For some p~ple call It, got one of the' often we forget ;lUlt tbe day and lJhed bot dipped Un plate uled in son, 6 lots In Deerfield twp_ Estate of Perry L_ Earnhart, At FAIRLEY HARDWARE Freda G_ Bullock: to I.ebanon dec'd, W_ Leslie and J. Wnbe.' . • or Phone Lebanon 689.L .recent books ' from the library, hour when anytblng WBS planted maJdnJ "Un can." Is 10 thin thlt • BUYING • IMPROVING Henr 'and bis Dowsing so that we have no record_ There ... can barel., be .een with .... Production Credit Association. ].. Earnbart aIId Grace KeSling, exRo d' y YGross Kenne t h ...... erts _ It l B are aBOr pro b) eml t b at th e sc Ien, --'- d It J Ii tim th1 k'" lot In Le b anon, . . . ' b n-b I t • REFINANCING most Interesting nnd relates some Uets lIave not sqlved yet and the _ . ..,.. • v. .. c er Foeter Jackaon Boyd to Ohill almost unbell vabl examples of Interesting thing ia that the more ~ the ,avera ire coaUpr of Un OD Homes, inc" , 188_31 acres In ))e rLOW RATE - 4% tbe UBe of this power by a trained they learn the more tbey learn that Iteel. Held twp. Thtough • dow lieI', Many people Bcotr a\, It there Is IIOm~tlme8' BomethiDI to Continued from Pa ge 2 Allee M, Fetzer to J, P. and DEAJ> STOCK WANTED ASSOCIATION OF and many . w'e ll drillers reruse to , t he things that they 80 scornfully t h t d a second time be.. Mary L_ Morgan, " lote In Butler. HORSES $10 COWS $10 admit that thore Is anything to It. call "old wives talel", WbeD [ wal . was 0" :Id Guess they both ville. FARMERS FOR FARMERS :rhls, .M r. Roberti! says, Is ' partly Il chlld they gave me codUver 011 In ca~ wa~ . _ I ' Earl and Amy Kimbel'lilin to HOG'S $2. CWT duo to the tact that the model'll t he winter and It did me good, then bave ""ound! .'o~ dl:orce_ John, Jr, and Elizabeth 0I0llS III , 1 According to Size and Condition rock cl'ushlng drill orten breaks for a while tbey called tbat "an old ti ' t t Id ... lot In Franklin. Hog. and Other Sma!1 Sto.o k up or .throw8 a wnter ' vein out of wJevs tale" -then tbey discovered . Attemp nl Oll@ B wor recora Herman and Odra Tibbs to Ida. Removed Promptly Us cOllrseso Uiat; they do not vttamlns and cod·lIver 011 Is stan- for nOD-I~ ~ian~ fJay~ng'la!'!i nnd Willie Worrell, 1 lot In Fran\!show as clearly as , when the vein dard diet ror all YOUDg tblngll_;-___ 'tdbe0n'k ~n" an tes ell ~ un It!), Oblo. , CALL COLLECT i& caerlllly opened by hand, He eyl or II COIIIleCU eo. D~lla. K. I...arrlck to Ore el\ W, LEBANON, OHIO tells many Interesting things about Or was he tryl!), to compose aD Edmon, 0,262 a res In . TUl'tlocl'ee ' Wilminaton 2362 LebllftOa 439 Pbone ,448 ll'nderground , watel' which aPPIII'. . . . . C."... un"n~ ay,:p~op!'. twp, DELIVERY DAYS ' ELLIS, H. STURM , Sec'y·Tr.a •• INLAND PRODUCTS. Inc:. snlly Is a subject which Is not C&rIleta ..... floor at PuDmau , " i1l1ilm ThomAS , CI,u,rle ~ .loRe ' won unders tood eVeD by scientists, oUt ba.. to lie' npIud -'*at Wish somebody would Invent Ii snd Ralph ROj.Tn "oll, EII,al Ln Rhod 1111 • Tuftd., If you scotled 'at It, go sometime W!frI'" to ... ,.......~ ~hrink-ptoof budgct to resist the ' v rU o Thack.ara. 2 10tR In ' JlrJn/! , Thur.clay W'\th II. good dow/lor, which Is the ..... ....... . " . '. ........ .nnual dt!luge · of June wedd1ne boro, 0 Dame preferred· 1:. •·witober" abd '~' ~ ' ' r '-; . .. ~ '''II2;-.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;;;:;;;;;;;;,;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==;;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;--. Saturday watch bim and then try It. Per~ -......~ . haps you' can do it 100, though be _ __ warns ' agnlnst putting too much "tad ~ '" , .~. . . . faith In amateur doweel's because ut sap. . . . . WIn.il ~ .... 1kID. aometlrnes tliey carinot tell seepeGIut IIt8tIIJnI -.weI THAT GOOD TEXACO GAS AND OIL veln_ We all' trled .Ide pla
Warren County Court News
l!~ l1kelman .
~I '1r.f.'nll~l1I
LAND BANK LOANS BId an (Taatl"a) Bl11'S ' . ' .
I~i!i!i!!!!!!i!i!~i!i!i!i!~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••
'Iaadaw Gald MILK
Stokls Dair,
b:oDed' :z.
Br.ncb of
The Lebanon National Farm Loan
Firestone & Lee Tires
LEBANON, ' OHIO Phone 21 - 254
• rVlee·
Zane A. Gra" Prop.
·Seft·i,no.the Date?,.·•..IH.N
'T-' TIM·. 1.0 M~i:. AMotHli-
for our camera to cov.r
IIITITO,R Wille bal.1 RIISE ' .·1 .
Yow. e.tire weddiut "tory told · in ~chaatiDc picturea I ~IOID 110m. to church-to r.ptioD-our pbotop'apber ,capturel .nry hiJhlitbt ia a I ' of happy. uapoeedl .. tW'aI caadide tha' ....-.n. the beauty of the da, Iornef. Set the date with our .tucUo DOW ••• .top m~a7 or call f. aD .ppoia'-Io
12 w.......,' LeINni••, Oa
...... 11&
W1th hi ,of
the stc;>ry of your wedding l. "
OODGE ales ha ve been zoo~in!ll T.ha!'s celebrating, '. ' wh y we're lOaklan~ It ml'1:ft) easy for you to trade now lind ge t the den 0 your e So come In .orly , . , for b 51 choice of models nnd colors! Get oW' generous IIIJ0wnnce ngure on your present It'll probably make your montTlly paym II~S milch car~J1 than yOI1 e~pect, And for jllst II few dollars a :neck~ou can start ri ght now enjoying 1111 the Illilny extrn advantKges Dodge gives YOIl. Driv. it fIv. mlnuiw With the deal of you~ IIf. waiting, it1l pay you to ttf;tl yDIIlldrWe It come In today and drive home II big new Dodge I
DOoGE (0,,.,.
ImmBditlte delivery on most mod(J/$ if
S.,.dflcallon. ond Eqyipm.;'1 Sybl."
- - - - - -'I EE ...... OWTIME •••
....-..... .rl."'.,
Good . . . . . .g
1'4 "'1h ........,
~hY w~'re
u. s.
QctNOWl ,
BOB LAUTERBACH, IN lit 0 .......
0 ....
TI If':'
TWIN THEATRE Menday, Tuesday, Wednesday June 7·8
Thursday. Fridey OPEN SEVEN P. , 1.
.1 -
"THE NEXT VOICE YOU HEAR" JAMES WHITMORE NANCY DAVIS The story of the day GOO spoke on !\he radio. This f:l lcture Is warmly entertaining and Is "ndorB~d by the Protestant Film Com-
, -
Phone Wa),neaville 2191
J:lANK I(UN GHAVEL-Loadcd at Davi I' urna ' Pit. We al ' n deli ve r. I<MITAGE & SON. J ' ho ne _()t) I. tf FOR SALE- Oustln's burp. RAndolph 7503 Dnytoll.
M·OTH.S c un't atand lII~RL.o _ YO)1 CUu though. .Odol'lelltl titnlnleslI , guaranleed fol' F' V E Y El A II S.
\VA \' NE, VILLE l'.unNI'l' APPLIANCE_ Pho'u e 3·16 2,
The story of .Qunntrill's Raiders plus the rise and development o f
the James Brothers. ' Action and blooti Rhed In tho old Western Tradition,
r- --- '---. I
Luclly Buck Nlte ~ June 7 Plus Hit No. 2 SPADE;COOLEY -
" N-
"E"".od,'. Olnclnl"
June 8·9
Frl"ay, .Saturday
FOR SALE-Bos pl'lngs wl [1I coil spring matll'es8. Phone 33. 9: X- 6-7
"NEvER USED nrl~thlng" Ifh fi\ It' aay u s eI'll of BElRl..OU Motha l, ray.
Do you have' a "Harvey" In your life, Do )'Iou talk to no!'-exlstant rabbits, share your meals with an Ihvlslble hOUI" guest or write letter, to the little guy who Is n't there. Thel) see this picture I UI CARTOON
DRIVE·IN The~fre ._..... _.-----_._--------_._ .._.....,.. ThurSday
WANTED TO BUY Iron lIlId me tal oC all k inde, !'ags. Illwer. 0111 junk automobiles. \vjJI (,Itlu n liP f en ce ·wire Cor ~ atn e , c: L'" G H WHITED, Rt. 1, Oregonia . . X- 5-24-3 t- 0-7
. ._ . .~~.......
c-;-5-3 1- 6-7- 14
EXCAVATING and - - - - -
June 9
. . • aW s ..
Call 2143 to place a Clallified Ad
misSion, Catholic Leaders and the. Conference of Christians and Jews, Your .mo'n ey back If ths p(:tu re does not please on." and TECHN'COLOR SPE.CIAL -
JUNE i. 1«)~1
Gift Suggestions for tL:_ ,y ..- DAY···
Odorles s> 'talnles s, und g U81'011teed to stop moths for riv e wllole
yeUI'B . '
.' -UTUROiy' MIDIITE ••• "HOT ROD;' .0'
iUn·d~Y; M~~~i~;·······
a •
~u~. '~o:rl
TURE & APPLIANCE, Phone 3462
W ANTED-Ride to WrIght Field, to 4 :30 shirt. Aren B. Phone WnynesvllIe 3444. X- G-7
WE REACH ALl. SECTIONS OF THIS TERRITQRY a~d 1\;1\ of its rural nelgh-
,borhoods. within a few mlqutes, both
W ANTED TO RENT - Farm In this communIty; ' Inrge or small. Have 0llwer eqUipment, on 50-50 basis. Rave IIv d In this vlol"lty for 38 years_ DEAN 0_ WALTON. Foster Rt. 1. X- 6-7-H-21
YOUR neW' rug \von't be eaten by when you USe BERLOU. One spraying guaranteed ' for five yenrs . . 'WAYNESVILLE FURNI. TURE & APPLIANCE. Phono 3462 moths
*****u,. u,.,. •• ***1r***********. ******************** C. T. M. R. A.
8' I. ID~ till 10 p. I. --- SIJID Da,s & Illk
a. ,
', • • ,' a a ..
USED TRUOKS ,e.l. Platform __ ____ __ . .
BURNS ****** BURNS ****** BURNS .
] 942 'F ORD , I lh Ton
1 Lb. BOI ORACKII' GOOD Fi, Bars , 31c :
Ge-:n City Ice Cream and All Kinds of Soft Drink•
• ' ozs' Celiophane CHEESE OHIPS ~ ,18e .: Fan~y Groc~rles, Meais, Fruits, Vegel~bles Fresh Dressed Chickens ·and Fish ' ALL CANNED
89c Maxwell House Chase .. Sanborn Boscul Folger Sweetbrier YOUR
Scratch Feed, Growing Mash, Egg Mash, Block' S~lt For Stock
.._' !",",A_tt ...,o_rn_e..;.y_G_e_.,_.--,..,) 1,eAttoruq ':ota. - _ 12 Nlmlca 11
Here's tIte ADlJWer
2 Undosed"'
. Like
, ',
~~ .~
'BEETS 10.2 Can .18 'IDC, Iraceries AbO Top ' Quality In Meats and Vqetabt.
Pbnoe 2141
N..... m
.Isth lui_ the ... tatc. , but the .mall· lui.
" ' ...... at people.
The Chore Man
17Prattl. 18 Sacra. Scriptune lJeentl_tUl (ab.)
'Rupees (ab.) IIlfandled 10 I!:xamlner U Girl'. name '
23Rags 21 Card ,ame
40SJmboUar ruthenium ~8 lJttle demon 41 Pr'o tuberance 31 Treeless plain 42 lrriSh fuel 20 AU 14 Symbol tor 32 Rend al1ew 43 E!liletrfeal Wllt 22 Lallded ' , calcium . , 34 Eye membrane46fBilll/ard lUck ~~P8W 1'1 Pair (ab.) 35 Was Governor 47 LilrB (ab.) 24 A_uJre 18 Steamship of Rhode _ 50 Billa rd (ab.) 25 Solar dJIk (ab_) 36 Shabby 52 Symbol tor faU 21 Adore. 38 Taut .irictium 88 Roman road r-,;-"ft"'. ...,.....".... 2D MUtle note
$1 &15 Deluxe, Overdrive; Cl llnn 1949 CHEVROLET e1316 Fleetllne Deluxe '. ' . One Owner, Clean 1&46 PLYMOUTH; el.11: Special J;leluxe • '" 4·Door eD16 1946 PONTIAC (6)' Sedanette, R. 8: H. ~
1947 CHRYSLER' Royal Olub Cpe.
_'_:______~_ 111&
~~~~ --- __ _:. __ 1311 ~~~~::e~El~ ___ 5111
~:E __ ~------_ 514&
See the.. Quality USID CARS At
~'Bu.lne ••like" JDean~ beinq elili ·clent, ec~nomicat .y~tematfc ~ ;. ; It JDeaD.I ~ practical and thorough:. .J . It JDeAn.-wrltinq a Check, for iDltaDce, So check 'a nd ~et all thi8-pl~ convenience and safety. Come in and start your checkinq acco1iJlt with UI'real8OOL
Thl '.Jlelvilll latiaaal Balk
~mmedlat. D.IIY~ry ,
11 Prune
aSPenlan lall7 " Important
Bab Lauterbach, Ilc.
"PaUle a. Penetrate. 42 Apothecaries' tool. .... Dutch cit,)' "SMale relative. ..8 John (eaelle) ... Dulland , moaotonoUl
1950 ST,UIWBAKER Champion, Regal
IDIama1 . 111,Cut . 8 Encountered II-Veteran (eon.) 71ndian
el .... ownor ___ • AWU
1951 PLYMOUTH Suburban, on]y 2,000
. farer, 1
. 5. , B~IADWAY o HI 0
PHONE 854 \
1951 OODGE Coronet Demonstrator Beautiful Bronze, fully EquJpped . 1949 DODOE Way·
Phon. 730
. . . . . .CIIII
111 Iovislble ernanathm 82 HostelrIes
UVo]ume of ,eloth
Jlroductl,OD of broomcorn. wldch lDdhaHd Ih~ fD INA WMII IDttalI for ci.i-pet ....pen aud YJC1IUID cleaner. WIre levee, hal ~ 111 pre·war JaveL 0Ida-
Armitage &Son
... ve tile 1Il'Ia-1!!:~=====~~==~:=~====~~ dPal & c:olorado eorn.~ ltate.. " .... a_a II
-D •
--- .....
X..... '
All cot&cln ,lint II not wbJte. It rlllle. in c~r from pure wbJte..
8~. • ...] .. Ulad b1 .om•
aN. to . . . . . III emafD Bop- .et ...... far IIIhUD& . .,.... UaD eoUou. 1M w1rIq. ' . --::'
• urllOU .. lI.tob Clr r.place dam. "ad ~.. beeaun the metal wtthltaDda bocI.J .otda and dot. act polaCIII the bl9oc1.
found .. . .
AmerIcan ulllandt
·Th. natiOD'. lIpliDJ ........... would be lJfted It CIDI7 . . , . ..at of the co.t of • Dew . . . . . . .
DON'T HESn'ATE TO CALL 2143 IF YOU ·HAVE NEWS For .......OO You ~ Gueti. F. A WIIPIe Y-.
, Outelde Of Co.
Rt. 2 -
0 ST
SelTving Waynes,ville Since 1850 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elus seg In th e COll n· ONE HI,JNDRED AND SECON!! YEAR V ' S 12 schools exclusive ot Leb· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&iiiiiiiiiii~:uon and Frll nk Un, lire ex pe 'ted g . . . ." " .
y••lh. 710 W.r'" e...
0. show a marked
t;uJ n ,
'UU lll )'
jupt . .n. R. Ha,ljI'leld said Dr. ' ' Arch' D: U urvey, WIIlTen ' '. · ' H O l . , ,::ounty health comu,lssi onor, hllK II .. :arged parents of the bOl'S li nd prls who will enle ,· 1lltlll o>rgdl'Wll ' , Approximately 710 War r e nmd first grades In Septemb I' to county boye and girls are enrolled ,rrange (01' I h UIOIl ~ h IIhy s.r· loI c., In 96 4·g clubs aneS carrying ouqmlnaUon of lhllil' c d ldr n ...1'1 1726 projects th~8 summer, accord· text. !qollth. . ITEMS OF INTEREST Iny to a report hy CO. Elrtenslon liNel'y ch ild 1,lann ing to IIL1 I:d 1 Agents lIary ·C. Wiseman ,a nd ~hool for the flmt time mus t I:c ABOUT F~LKS .VOU J8'erman Ross, Inmunlzed fOI' whoojllll g (·ough. Girls' clubs outnumber boya, ~tberla and . tetl\IlUS , a nd vae· ~NOW with 14 glrls~ groups listed as nated for smallpox. rompared to 10 boys. There are ....__ VI81T IN DAYTON 11 .clube ' ln tbe county with bot:', ~ Janet Oonner Is the guest of \leI" boys snd girls enroll4ieS. .AN.a waa8 TO cousin, Oyntbla Ranalli, In Dayton . Clotblng and nutrition bead the Te~t thll week lis t a__ the most popular with the' Jack Webb aDd ,B arton Yualrls, with many , ~nrol\ed In home borou(b, wbo star'in WLW-NBC'a lurnlabillg. bome . management, VI61TOR IN CARLISLE , . 1-Ratsbane. 2-Idlot. 3-M:laa Thursday "Drame'" pro,ram at Misl Ruth Earnliart w~s a guest cblld care, ' flower and vegetabl aardenlng. • 4-Walden Stakes. 5- 9 ·p.m" EST, IIlapeetthe run ~ or ber Bister Mrs. Norman Backert Livestock projects. Inclurllng .~~~~:II r.:!f~~:;i~; 6-St. Loul~. in the Loa AIIrel" P,oUce Depart. in Oarllsle during the pasl week. swine. dairy cattle, beef breedhl P, . "· (B) Hawthorne ; ment to anthentlcate material for . ENTERTAIN YOUNG FRIENDS are IjOIpB among the boys along ~AT;-;;m~[}AiiimrE~rEi~hlri their hard blttlDr anU·ert.me pro • Mr, and Mrs. Erne"t Coo It en' wltb . wood . working, farm elec' :ll tertalned the"Young Friends Group trlclty, poultl7 and rablt ralslll!;, 1===:....:..::=...:..:=:......:-:......:-----=-----::-:--- ;:------------, OR Sunday eVen ing. ' .Conlerv,a tlon Is another project of Interest to both boys and glrl ~. R. L.·HAWKINS IN 6URGERY Th~ annu.l t·R outing at £arnp Mr R L Hawkins Is confined I Clifton In Greene ooun~y Is set fo at Mla~1 Valley Hoapltal after July 30 tbr ough Aug, 9. This camp undergoing ma.jor surgery. period la one or the hlghUghtB of the .ummer .euon and Warren AtTEND DOG 6HOW county ( ·H .boys ~nd glrla wlll at· Mr. aneS Mrs. Rosa JI. Hartsock tend clamp. at the .ame time n attended the 1;1og Show at Indian poop from Montgomery county IS Hm on Sunday. Itbere. c'
.=======-__. . .
ED PEPPER Mr. Ed Pepper . was admitted to Miami Valley 1I0spital during tbe past week, wbere he will un· dergo a major surgery. . ___ MR CHANDLER IN aURGERY Mr. L. W. Cbandler I, confined at McOlelian HoaPlta.I, Xen.Ia, wbere he \lrlderwent Burgel')' duro lu,g the past week. RETURNS FROM WASHIN~rON,
.I. B.' Or.... TI •• . ' R . , . . . Lea ••
Legion ' Oarnival
4th ' al
The warren OUllty Amerl 'an Legion will sta ge another big cel· e bratlon July 4th nt I he 1,ebanon fairgrounds with acUvlt'es getlln under way at ' 10 a. m . lind cdnUn· ulng tbroug hout the , du y. Th.e celebratlon will be staged rain or sblne. .• According to Wl1liam H . S~w. , yer, general ohalrmall of lhe se " ond .annu al July 4lh celebmllon, this year's actl\' lti es will top anr . yet for fireworks displ ay, "udio and t elevll\:on pel'fo\'m cl's, rlde~, games and a genera l good 'time for young and old alike.' .., wide val': ly of amuseillcllt ~ ' and entertalnUlen ts, puny rlde&, aames, etc., for young aUd old ball .,een arranged, al uce the fall" iJrollDds has Ilmpl e spacl) tor pi '. Dlcs. ReIreshment stands will of· fer lunoh and col d dlinks for those ' who do not wls b to brin g tbelr own. , Tbe main attractions of the atternoolr and evening will be th , rlldjo and te leV'j!i#)n s,ltars from , extensive repertoire 6r radio station WLW which will In Judy Sings on WL" 's " Top 0 ' tolk lon8a an4 ballads In elude such well known faV()rltes ~be Morning " shows IllI well IlS 01) several or his own compo- BJlJudy Perkins. Neul Burris, JeFry l\f1dwestern Hayride" oVer WLW He Is tent.atlvely Ilgned by. Byrd. Zeke Turner, Wl1Ile and and s!ster television station Vfl.,W. Records to: cut his ro- ' Elmer, Bon ' Flynn Mel Martin T. She 1s a lso a fa\yorlte on WLW ba lla d "\Vhen I Return." I Trio, t ile Oountry Cousin" and the ::p:er_s:-o,:"n_a_l_a_Jl_p_e_a_ra...n_c_e_s_._ __ __ ' MarJan slsteTs. Eleven acts will "I'lDcllal1na~tlon B" be Included In tbe a.f ternoon s holV Bridal Sho.w ar Frl-day , Y . wblch Is SCheduled to Sctart at 2 :30 Knox, of tbe' State Board of 'O'clock . 'rhe evenIng pel'formanoEl HOllor. Judith Columus, Ohio. has agreed will Include acts by TV and radio . ' />at wltb tbe Village Councll atars , and, w1ll : get under ' way at DaYis Sliallwoods members ot Board of PubliC 7 p. ,m . , rfalrs 17,80 p. m. · July 6th at t~\f~ ' At 9 p. Dl. one of the largest .. T,lW"lIhlp houle tor a. general dis. tlreworks dlsp1ays evel' , to be Mrs. Clyde Sma,lIWOOd and Mrs. cusslon ,of condlUons In the vl\. staged a t the Lebanon fairgro'Undti KeIth LoIlgacl'e were co·boatessf's I_e, relating to. 8eWel', and water will get u~er way . ' on ~lday .eve0!ng . at ths ,former's "upply problems. , I State RepresentatiVe 'Cedric A. h!>me, honoring Miss .Tudtth Davis . ,;, Il".~ wlll ' lluggcat 801utions Stanley, a m ember of the Relph · with a. bridal s bower. Summer and remedy of the conditions .a s P. Snook Post, will read the Dec· pastel colors were used in tbe dee· lbey now exllt. : · Iaration of Indepeud ence. THis orating scheme a.nd the beautiful This . . eelillg '18 open to U'e act wall r,eq\lested by the Amerlcan COI1~ctlon of gifts w,a s 'a rrangell and I . vel')' earnestly requ~t Leelon headuartets In CoIUlp bus . . UI,lder an ' umbrella ~. aUS[)end~d In all that' llan attend l;IIense , C1o i Tb re will be a ' smal1 admission !tont ot tb, windo.w. The r·venlng 110. It Is or vlW Jmportance tl) i ll cbarge of 6Q oents lor e!ttli au to· was very pleasantly spent nnd II our clUzens. " . ' . !J1o'blle fnel'h dhig· 'T (!~up).~ts.. ella1bus-:\ce ·\lUl'Jl'e• •; ~(nt 111lik H. M. SHERWOO U jThla II being done Iq order : that and white apP?intmen ls, \V n ~ .~ ••" .,,,.•• _.,,•• ".,••, •••• ,." evel'¥one ' will bave an opJ;lortuolty served. .-.- - ' '. , ' AdvllO,, ' J to attend the celebraUoli. The gU'ests were Mesdames ~. ert. Da.vls, HaroIa Ma!;Farland. H. Ral.bow II F. Dye, Effie. Cook, J . D. RIch. W· • • IUII FiYa II,,-urad, , E. And erson, ,RII ), ,r m !l r, \V'll'er , WhJtli'k er , Will Brad ley, )'tUBae I Mr. Hnd .Mr". Howard' Wertz Ancl"ant HI-II 11artln and Sherman T in ney nlld • Misses Joan Q.rub er,. Martll Rusll, were hoilt and hostesll to the Rain· Wandalou WlJson , Annette Tl1mey, bow Advisory CQun cll On TU!lsday evenlnr of tbe palli. week for the Five pel'sons were Injured 10 a Mary OarolYIi Bradl ey, netty Sat· relUlar JUDe eeaslon, Mr. and Mrs, highway ac Ident, on ~he Flt . An· tecihwalte, the h4ljDor gue~ t !lnti J. 'II. Greene ot Lebanon, were the clent 'blll Monday, police reported, hostesaes. ,unt. of tbe eveDlng. . They .were Identlrled os MrH. Mrs, L. H. Gordon, lilTS . Carl Mr. Don Workman. discussion Virginia McEwan, Clnclnnat~; Mrs . Servis. Mrs, Carl Cook. lInss Ve,'o1 leaeter conducted the dIscussion Elale Dill, Lebanon; her \\0 chll· Sherwood and Mias JoyCe, De nl on "F~rm F.amlly" and Mr. Greene dren, 8'lllIe, 12, ~nd Betty ,. 18. and were unable to attend but added maDY floe comments. Alms Myers, .1 4. • . tp the . lovely gl[ta. After a very ' flne meetlng the Mrs. MeE" cn told police \leI Miss Davis was honored on COUDCU adjourned to meet' wltb clI:r was crowded Into Il guard ra.ll Tuesday ' eyCnlng by a brida l Mn. Alma Peterson In July and by a t ruck WhiCh, did not, ,s top. sbower a t the h<lme of Mrs. Pall I during tbe social bour delicious The accident oqcurred at ~t. An· Countryman In Dayt'on. refreshments wsre served by Mr. ,olent hilI, five miles ea st or . . Lebanon and Mrs, We~ll, She Is' well know n liS camp dI· ••• non Unil rector of tbe Cincinnati Camp Fire Clune" 101rls. Mrs. Dill 'and her son, Billie ea . r a m p· later wers admitted to Grand view . Colnll 'bosPltal, Dayton. ' . Officers nnd ' enliBtell men ~t: . the Lebanon Nati onal Gllal'(I unit. . , . ' . Bat tery B, lSGth Field Artillery Dr. Al'cb D, Harvey, Healtli Whitaker Reunion Battalion, a re getting In shn pe fOr Commb.loner , alated toJiaY that At Wayne Pa rk the , annual two week flelll tl"ll.lll ; Information h ' as reached the _ ....:.. . Ing ll'Ilrlod to' be held nt Cam!' He a It h Department Indloating McCoy, Wls'. The outfit Is sclled· .ome vault cl~aners (scavengers) Mr. aneS Mrs. Boward . Whitaker uled to leaye Leban,on on Friday. are referring to re«ulatlons ,·adopt. and ' three SOOS ,o f Mrytle PoLnt, July 13 8.1ld return on Sunday, ed by tbe Board of Health ' as ' a Oregon, Mr. and Mrs, RaymoDd July 29 ' . mean. toward obtaining , business. Whitaker and two daughters .and There" will be five officers !lnll All IneSlvlduals concerned are Mr. an~ Mr". , .A~a Whltsker of 54 enlisted men who wi ll partlc. adneed that vaul~ cleaners are Spokane, Washington bave been Ipate In the mane\·er~ . . Hereto. Dot ageDta of the Health Depart· tbe ,guelts of Mr. and Mrs, Waltl!r fore th e loca l ulli t h 1\s ' had field ment. An occupalit. or a dwslllng Wbltaker and Mr, and Mrs. Her. trnlnJng at 'Camp, .Atterbury, Ind. .hoWd reque.t vault cleanera to bert Meredith for t~e past several but the 28th Division from Penn. the.r permit when .sollclt· days, sylvania Is reported st ationed The names of those ,.hey we re also hll;l'e ror the tbere at the present , time. ClOIlcerDB opera~ .without a per· Whitaker ~eunlon w.hlch . was helli Lt. Geralll ·L. C'<loJ;e Ie In com. mit sbould he reported to the at W~yile Park on Sunday, when man d of Battery B nlld ' w.lII be Department, Leban~n 490. about sixty friends and relatives Msiated \;ly Lt. James T ~pleton, ' enjoyed dinne r togetber alld over J41i. ~~ I..llwnon,. TA. Vetl'Uon hundred 'persons 'IV re present Oondon, Lt, Virgil Conll.(lil. 1st R....-volr Belnl one for the afternoon. Sgt. Ver 01;1 Starke and Sgt. Wm. a.11t. B, Clarksville Yetter, '
The gavel wal turned ,ovel' to J. B. Ca:ahbe, tb~ new preSident , by ~xpresldent A. H. Stubbs,l when the Waynesville Rotary ' ·C lub held tbelr J'el\lIar Tuesday dinner meeting at the Far HlIlt> Party Hou... .. . i Fr.ncls Gene Drown. who ba.~ served at progt'am committe POltmaate" lind Mrs. L. H. Gor· chairman for the past· year, a n; don rehlmed on Monday morning nounced that this w.. .. bl" 19si after a mo.at dellgbtful vacatloo attendance at the CI~b's weeklY , with relatives In Washington. D.C . .meettnaa, al 14!. C(1t opan,y , The American Farmer. M\ltual Insur·· e . I I" ATTEND ,GAME IN CINCINNATI ance Company has transferred. H ' ' Mr. aod Mrs. William StJouse, 111m to Mluourl, effective July I , III .. ee wltb Mr. and Mrs, Ray 'Malnous'l wbere ba w1ll t·e fl~ld supervisor. or' Elyria, Oblo saw the ball game At thb meeting aiao ten memo e .ra aea 101 In Clnc'l nnati o~ Bunday aflernoon ber. were., presented with one, __ ' ' _. _ _ yeaI' perfect attendance pIDS. , . . fCounting on tbls II tbe JM\~104 The 'New century Cl)lb heM qON.VENTION f4T VA. BEACH ~ AprU ., 11160 \0 Jl(ucb 21, ' lli.... { Inal meeUng before 8CS' JtioD, on Friday, with M.r s. .T, P . Richard Davia and ' lamer Smlt. Mles Butll <r6nner ",nd __ group. 1961, InclUJlve. or friends from M.1amlaburl are Tboae reeclvlng the perfect at: Fro~ as )jostess at, her home. Lebanon; WiUliam Schoonover. pI atteDdlng the Kappa Delta Phi tendance pln~ were : Don Baird, An unusual featllT(l of the me eting Waynesville; Pblllp Robleon ' Call National. Convention at Virginia Bam Ball, Oene Brown, ChBS. l was a most deli ciOUS covered dish '£bompeoD. Warren Hufr, Luther Beach. Harold Hod.on . Dick dinner served at the noon hour. Lamm, , Franklin; J .011: Ford, Paul Scberer, Cap T.,-o I~ng dining tables ,ve re bean· Plain: 'Virgil Cockerbam, QUESTS FROM OENN180N Stubbs, Drake and Ken· l uruUy srranged, with crys ta l ' ani Morrow, and Obarles Cox, lIuon. Mra. D. C. Ridge had 88 neth Retalllck. tkll'al centerpieces, eaCh person Tbe pre-Induction physical enm hOUie ~.Bts from Wednesday . . being aeated by an 'arra~gemen of previously scbeduled f,o r July has until FrIday evenlDt" Ml'. and Mra. . . . . . . . , place canis, b~en cancelled, according t~ Mrs. 1- . Robert Bechtel and ' eon. of Den· •• ... Tile afternoon was taken with \ReVenllugb . seve. 0 me:n are .lated nlaon, Oblo. the business seSSion and Mrs. . tor IJlduc:tlon on July 80. Ellis Introduced . Ila her guest A 8UCCeiSOl' to F)"1~eS "Bpbbon, apeaker. MTs, Lily Gepbart of Cen· •Franklin, who has lerved on tbe DETROITERS' VISIT HERE M J llepbID Waill: r tervllle. who spoke on " Flower I board several ,years, Is expected A rah'te °Bar ba e J of e , Arrangements" and demonstrated to be named by July 1. uaul, r t f rb 0, renta her IdealS with man y lovely tllos· . were «uea so , er pa • loms. ' . and Mrs. Hay Malnous, .du rlng Mrs. Earl Bockett, president reo School . , . . . . . past ~eek. .. jured 'from h er office a~ the g'avel . twas graciously a ccepted by Mrs. II ATTEND PIANO RECITAL jH. L. Rye for tbe coming year. . ... . III'. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart at· Those enJoyng tMs lov el ~ day tended a plano recital at the Art lwere: Mrs. RaYID.ond Oolln 1', Mrs. The Warren county school IYS' In.Utute on Tuelday evening when J . B, O hap~an . Mrs. Glenn Alex· \ tem needs 13 high sch,o ol and six their ' «randllOo »Gnald Robinson ander, Mrs. LUy Gepha rt, Ml's. elementary teachers to fill vacan· pla),ed a number. Melvin , Banta, Mrs. H. I.. Rye, Jcles, according to a slllrvey made Mrs. R. R, Hartsock, Mrs. C. lby County Supt. R. F. Hatfield. HONOR MRS. ,EMERY ROBaiNa Katheri ne Barnhart, Miss ·Mi nnle ,Hatfield said tbls nUIDbe.r repre· Dods,on. Mrs. H. E '. Hathaway, ' sents . the usual reslglilitioD list .at Mba Judith . Davis entenallied Mrs, MSl'Ie Riffle, Mrs. Fred : this season of the ye.l~. a gt'Oup of trlends on Grauman , Mrs, S. S . Ellis, Mrs. , Vacancies to be filled In hlgb eveDIDc'at her bome honoring T. Ellis, Mrs. Alva Thomllson"scbools Include three IIclen~e . and Emel')' Robblos" recent bride, J . ' ~. ' Prl'ston , Mra. E. L. math teaChers; two E:Drllsh and a pantry ·Ibow.er. ' , Mrs. Walter Wllllak el', l LatlD teacbers; oll~ I".ommerclal; Hockett, ~ rs. F. W · lone physiCal ed (girls) and Eng· PICNIC, NEAR LYNCHBURG "U,,,naY, Mrs .. ·E. F . Earnhart and IIsb ; two musIc teacherl;;' ODe In· , Mr. , and Mrs. Jobn J ., Burlke . -- . ' {t he hostess. . Jdustrlal arts and .one vocational attended tbe Past Matronl and Grays Barbers will tangle with home ec teacher. Patrons plcntc.s at tbe home of \.v......... _ Hatfield reports he lis receiving Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sterltx near Boweravme bere Sunday .t 1:00 m. at the local school grounds. f h' f 11 eI1n1~~~~~ICJ~~~~n8 (110m. telichers ror ~ynchburg on Sunday. Barben ' bave won tbree out 0 IS e OW. school and , elementary of ttve ramea and are third In h . ' ATTEND N. RICHMOND CAMP their leque. , ·.as tear. Bue' Ann Hamby. Ca1'Olyn ·Con. the aecond lame at 3 : 00 p' , rel;"v~"g from a"ne Man Eltteled ner, JOYce Smltl,1, BaneSra Holmes, m.In'the American Lellon, second ~. , . BallY Smltb', SaUy KlUworth and lbe leque, also plays Bowers· , ~ By LeballOlll LotI•• Ellcabeth Marlatt are at Girls' ville .b..... , .. . , ' FrleneSly Oamp at New RtchiDond Both of thele «ames promise to . ' . this week. tl:arUlers, 110 come 'out and see Orval R . Jl(\se, of nellr Waynes· boys play. Tbey neeeS YOUI' was elected Junor warden VISITORS FROM WISCONSIN ISU'DlI4lM.. Tbere II! no admlellon ~ Commaniler:, No. ' 2ll, " Mra. Glenn Luebke and augh· Templar, at the annual ter. who have been the ' peltl of LulUe atandlDc: . , of that group FrIday In Mr. and Mra, Delbert Coqer. ra- Sprln Valle" .. 1 Malonlo Temple. Re.1 Es ' tate Tax " , _____________ ' -------:-- .... \vho I.s active In, ali bodlel . 'Ipe Is fl n Isheda nd ' turned to ber home In We.t De 'BeUbftlok 1, ltatldp J I 20 HOLY " ,COM MU NION SUNDAY Pere. Wllconsln on Sa~unlay. Mrs. Waynnv1Ue ___________ a 1 York Rite of Muonry at now under way on the ·D.adllne u y AT METHODIST CHURCH COD-r .accompanled her ,nelce BowenvUle 2 21 served Miami Command· I~.'IIUI."UI'U galloD re.ervolr and theThe Sacrament of th e Lor.d'" - -,----~--as warder durin· home for a .bort vlelt. ' Oentervtlle ___________ _ O· 4 .. tbe past . plant for t h e new . Supper will be: given next S\lnday lIarveyeburl __ _______ ..:_ 0 • Clarlt:avlll. village- water system. The deadline fo r the payment of morning at the m~'l'I1ln g worship ' , . The water wUl be pumped from the second ha~ t of 1950 1'.eal estate service at the Metbodlst chul'ch GARDEN CLUB MEET, JULV Ii The GardeD Club ' Will hold their SCOlffS WWL LltUe East Fork ' creek Into the tax.• without n., p(lnllity Is Friday , at 10:30 a. m. We are sure thltt regulal' meeting Tbursday after· . •• MEET AT WAYNE PARK hup re.erv~lr. 20, County Treasurer George ,all will want. to avail themselves announced. Warren lof this opportunity to renew, In a J I 6 at tbe bome of Mrs , ;:'r~ce u ~ha~er aDeS ,loin. Stella • STROUDS A1TEND commissioners re cently very devotional way, t;helr heart,; BoU8OeS. Tbe membera are re_ I bNpatausD uywu ;;; td DAYTON WEDDING an ex{en~lon of 30. days. with Christ. Tbe Minister wlll ted to' b I no.-al arrangeScouts will meet Thuraday. ta.:x bills are made out give a brlet eSevotional mess~ge , quel rng Mr. aDeS lin. W. E . O'nanlon of 12 at 1:00 o'clo.lk at tbe names In wblch the proP'l and tbere will be special music. menta for dllplay. Waynenllle, are announcing tbe aJiJA,rn01IAvlllle Park. After the meet. was lIated April 10, 1950. ., eDgaKement and a,Pproacblng mar· I ed IIr. 80d loin. W. E.. Stroud atWICS ",EET8 THUR8DAV rlap of their daughter, Frances tbe afternoon wi I be enjoy lIDded the wec14IDr ud reception The WomaD'1 Society of Chrle- Joanne O'Banlon, to Mr. John I W~D_daJ' Jnne 20, at INFANT CHARLTON daD Semee beld th.lr JUDe meet· Mol'PD taDe. 10ft of IIr. and .Mrs. last meeting W81 be d at chGracee ••__,Moet~,!~Ch~~chl'I' JBol~ce' Tbe 'Infant daughter of Mr, andLOUISIAMA ... DB Thnrad&7 afterDoon at the llalPb lADe, i'raDklln R. R. 2. '-t~II1a~lta.IQ~lath"lVhe~_mWeoo~ua PlpeCDDIC -th-. brl.....de of If'r .............J'vohn Obarlton passed away t roo::"· ..... lletluldlit Chl11'Ola rih lira. Barr, The ........~ a padute of I~:~I~I~: de al'd"'I"~ bl:,;:,ul The ......_~ ~_. ...._. 1'00'- will' , morning a few hours ar· Schenk . . . . . . . . ., b7 W&fIlenUIe achoOl •• Ia emplO)'ed an r . . . ~.. " . .-.- - - _ . . . . . . bom u..... • ___ ._" _ _ 11'- Vir Ill' ...- -I" . a·-n lDIUrance enjoyed h)' .al1. .,. remembered bere b)' her friends Willi' being rushed to --. _ . . . . '.....y. ... • WO'lI w. ual' .,.canilDall have a new I--Aer .. .--h a_ th I--· t - d IIDIa BanUD. lin. Howant Rrum· ApIleF offtce, W.yn..vI1le, 'Dd Swarisel wbo -" er... e...,... ... a e Valley Ho.pltal wbeD It' IIIODd UlC1 lin. Balpb Altoi'd. IIr. LaDe, a araclaate of Lebanon two other leaden, . . . .' A. ~ led III the achoola. .a enNed ID fan:nSDI ID wortb and IIrs. Doll'Otlllyii;WcMJllard. DAYTONIANI VIlIT HERE detOtloDa .... lira. It. N Boqh tile a.ca UOIl eom.nnlty. ' 'Laa8Odra LIM IlBa,lm.tI. III'. ... lira. . . . .U Wlalte, of .... ID cllarp or lbe ~ 'l'Iae ~ will be · all event a.rr.JIJDelltl ...... .wved ......... Aupat at the Cr. ell: ~~. _YIIdtecl Mr. ~ UId 1Ir•• 'I'Iii _ 8IuatQ
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. f........ d EYe" Thuraday MornllljJ at Wa)'Dearille, Warren COUnty, Oblo.
Repayment Privilese. (.cOOPERATIVE)
Ell I "-el1
as second clae. matter at lb" . v~lO ttloe ... W.,......I11... OblO, unl1l1f the sct of March ., 18'l~,
Subscription Rates-In Ohlo,
Test Your Intelligence
E.tabll.bed F.llrulry, 11C1O PAUL A. 8CH ERER __________ ____________ ___ ___,Edltor and Pullll.her CECILIA J ••'CHERER ~ __________________ ~ __ 8eor.taty and Tr.a.~rer
I ,2.
NOTICEAO\(ERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ' , Blda will be I'oceh' ed by tit I'QJ'Iln(:U of the Village DC WUYIII!H ' ville, Stllte of Ohio. · Ilt tho ofCil! Score 10 points for each correct answer In the 8nt lix p,r obleml. of snl4l Councilor Ilt til r\!slden08 1 'A cheese lover would not make the mistake of orderq: . or Chllrl es J a mes. 'ler1< ot th e . -Llederkrl<nz ' -Gruyere -Ratsbane -Gorpnzola ·ouneil. until twelv a 0 ' 'lock nool1 est inteImll~~~nllc. Q\lQUen~? July ]f>, 196J, for furnishing tho 2. Of the following, which has the1dliOw -Genius -Moron 0t I,IC\; e ' necessary laboT and materials rOI ' . s tr eta lI' i111 ltl 3 "Mohair" comes from an animal that makes th1s sound : . -Moo -Oink -Maaa -Chirp , Ule. Of the followln' events, which 'do radn. lana conalc1er'1he Ieut Important? ' - Walden Stakes -~re.k.nei8 Stale.. , -Kentucky Derby -Belmont Stokes . The word "turkey" could nDt ,be use~ to describe a : _Bowlln,'eat ' _Mediterranean country --J1op play -Surgical technique ' WhIch of the following cities hal the larlest populattOO? -san Francisco -Plttaburp -St. LouJa -WaahingtDn LIlted at lett below are tour boOlu pubUIhacI uac~ 100 JellS ' qo. In the parallel column are their a\dhorl. '1"r7 matcblq the, c:eDtur)'-oki boOks with their autbora lAd ICON 7oune1t 10 pG&Qts for each correct juQmeDt. (A) Moby DIck -Harriet BueNl' Stowe (B) HOUM 01 tbe SeveD ~ -Cbarl.. Dan1D
Pel' Year In advance; 12.60 el.ewhere
LEGAL NOTLeENOTleE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF OHIO Lebanon, Ohio DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ELLI~ H. 'STURM. Sec'),· Columbus Ohio, June 16, 1951 By JANE FITE E""ln.er of Salea Mlr . Ed Osborn, of Greenv!lle, 'Lelill Copy No. 51·271 i8 a house guest of h is nephew , UNIT 'PRICE CONTRACT Mr. Harry Ollborn an.d family. Sealed pro(f)lIals wlll - be . ra· Mfa. P&UI~M;I.Iler an~ Mra. celved at ' the office of the State Francis Zinn were guests Monday HI,hway Dlretcor uf Ohio, at CoALL TYPE or Mrs. ~able Terry. lumhus, Ohio. until 10:00 a. m. . Mra. &l8sle ;PlyDllre, New Port OhIo Standard Time, lUcky, Florida, Is a house guest Tuesday. Jluly 10, 1961, for 1m. of MnI .. Mable Terry and Mr. provaments in: . Wall(.er Terry. The guest Is a Proposals ~s. · 1 to 8 Inclusive former, reSident of this oommun· are ,offered as one ' project and Uy. , will be award.e d as one contract. Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Jacobs PROPOSAL , No. 1 and theIr dau,bt,r, Mi88 Gloria Montgomery County, Ohio, on Jacobe, and ~rs , Harold Bogan Sections (2.69, 2.94. 3.01, 3.10, and ber dAughter, Mias Barbara 3.16. 3.22 (Pt.) Germantown) Bogan are spending two weeks Stat,e Route No.4, In German FO\lrt~ It. Township. by applying an asphalt· ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! touring the welltern lltatell. Mrs. Flora Partington haa re·, fe concrete surface couree. Items .;; turned fl'Olll a vlalt with relatives T-30 'and T.36. in Richmond, Ind. Pavement: Width 39 feet, lenflh Mrs. J. Howard WUson, of Pa· 1,848.0 feet. ' 'taakaJa, waa -a dln/ler guellt Fri· Wldtb 3f feet, Length 369 •• 'eet. day of Mra. Mable Terry. Width 17 reet Lengtb 4711.2 feet , Mrs. Lena GUpin and "u,' Width 22 fee~ Lengtb 284.0 feet Luther Duncan, of Sprlqbot:O, Wldtb 38 feet, Length 381.6 and Mrs. Tom Fox, of Mlaml • .,ur, Width 30 feet, Length 106.8 teet were guests W.ednesday, ' of Total length S,41! teet or 0.85 John Welsb, the 4,a ugbter of Mrs. mile. Gnpl~. PROPOSAL No. 2 MIIII Peggy Parke, of Clncln· Warren County Ohio on Bec· nati, la' a guest In ·tbe home of Hon 24.08, State' Route' NOt 123, her grandparents, Mr. :a nd Mrs. H , in Franklin and Clear Creek Town· ' ~. Tucker. ship.. by applylllr an uphaltic , Mrs. Donald Hadley and her concrete aurlace course. Item a 'lldaughter. Miss Donna Hadley, of 30 and T.S6. Waynesville, were guests Saturday ·Pavement: Width 18 ' feet. or Mrs Hadley's sister, Mrs. Cbas; Length 27,088.4 feet or 6.19 Doster and, famUy. ' mil... ' , Mr. and Mrs. James Rader and. PROPOSAL No.8 dau,hters are spending a two Warren County> Ohio. on Sec· wee.ka vacatlDn , with relatl.ves and UOD 15.26 (Part). State Route tM.e nds In Canada and Iowa. No. 78. In )\(allsle and Wayne Mrs. Anson Dudley, ot Wllmlng· Townsblps, by applying an aspbalt· ton, IIpebt a. few days with friends 'lc concrete surface coW'Se. Item bere last week. , T.30 and T45. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker bad Pavement: WIdth 18 feet. Lengtb 16,840 feet 'or 3.00 mllell. a8 tbelr guelts, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Syferd and BOB. Ken· Proposala NOli. 1 to II Inclullve Deth, of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs . .of this 'project to ' be completed ;R1cllard WlIllams and family, ot not later than ctober 1. 1951. , Wilmington. , Tbe minimum wB«e to be pald Mr. and 1I4rs. Carl Cartwrtsbt, 01 to all labor employed on ,t his con· Sabina, were guesta S~nday of "Mra. tract IIball be In accorclance with I . Cartwrlght's uncle and aunt, Mr. the "Scbedule of Prevailing Hourly and Mrs. ~odd Bunce. ' Wace ,Ratea Aacertalned and DeRev, Verne Rup",rt, faculty term!ne(l . bt Tbe Department of IIR PARENTS DURING member of the Bible In· tiM\utrlit" Re1i1Uon. applicable to etltute, com,ucted .peclal servlc.. State, BIBhwaJ Departmont , 1mNEW at the Full Gospel Church - here, '~ementl -lD 'accordance "lth Sunday. , . SecUoD. 17-3, 1'1... , 1'1"'a, 11·5 and Mr. and Mre. Robert Collett of 11.sa' of the General 'Code of Oblo." Da.yton, who have recently reo Tbe bidder muat .ubmlt with hla tUJ:l1ed from a trip to ~awallt bid 'a certified cbeck In tbe were guestl!, Saturday of Mr. Col· amount of n,8u.OG, lett'e slster-ln·laW'. Mrs. .A. S. Plans and specifications are on Collett and ber son RObert. tue In tbe department of hllbway. The Advisory Council met In and the orrlce of the division the bome «>f Mts. ~na Clark. Fri· deputy director. day evenlnr. The program lead· The dlrecllOr relle"" the rilht ere were Mrs. Howard Grabam to reJejct any and all bid•. apd Mr. Robert Collett. , T. J. KAUER. ' A NEW BICYCLE OR TWO WITH THE P\,JRThe Adult Bible Class ot Jonah's State Highway J)lrector Run BapUat Ohurch met Tuellday Publlsb 6-21.28. CHASE OF ANY NEW TELEVISI0N SET IN OUR STOR£. evenlng 11' the home of Mr. and _ _ _ _..,.-_-:-_ _ _ _ __ fts . _ Mre. lloward Collett, Wllmlngton. 'Mrs. .Mary Denny ' .Ied· the grolip . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.,. ,in devot~l, Mils M.a e Harlan at dectlGli 'tat: nIUlti 1D ..... had charge of the program Ind' relaUoallllll ""'.... ' ~ .. alii Miss ElJzab.e th ' Clark was reerea" ........ CIdIdIIIa II'to feel , t!on' leader. . '. lag 01 a1Dc1li~ U4 11'1 ~ Mrs. Blanc:he Carr, Mrs. Em.er· _'".\. to fill aDd ·r.QICIIICl to' .. ..-.; Bon Masten, Mn. Ralpb Nill. and . . . Mrs. Amelia GQrdan were amonr IT.r I. lIDe.r. and 'IIlUIH. those present at a bridal sbower given In compliment to Mr!. Len· Ord Nt11 (1'11181 Martha Jan e A BEAUTIFUL ' TABLE LAMP ~ GE HEAT PAD 0iIII la .-n.timU aaIIed ...... Adams) at the ' bome of )\(rs, ",y. THE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW IN ·OUR STOR£. ..... n ·la,. m.m.beI" III . . ~d Adams, Corwin, F rid a 'y
SAW FILII tawnmowe
(C). thIde Tom'.
(D) Fossil Lepapidae -Nathlnlel HawtborM Total your pointe. A 1COl'e of 0-20 11 poor; 3040, aVlrAle; 10-80, l\lPedori 90-100,... vet)' ' .. IUperlor. .. ~
.n Answe rs on Page Three. Coi. 3
................ -
Bemovlq 8ta1Da The II .\I~ ma wafe 8tulSponee meat juice or grlY)' .taln. with cold or lukewarm wa· are In tba 0'IIUe4 . .tea .... MW f,er. Nevar usa hot . water; it ..tI produot1oD nccmS In IItI "" tma~ the statn. If a araa••• pot rAmalDl, fill out ..Il10.000 Can. IN" . ad launder wa.hable materlalJl til lIu ..... Tbla'tope tile IJftWto\II .... warm soap)' water. If the cloth 11 onl, ... In J.t:I8. "" almod • atnot wawble..... a are ... solvent. JIGD fttiIoIaI.
F r'e,e! ""'r 'e e! TRI~CLES
a. ........,.
METHODlaT CHURCH, , J. w. Wecic."ood, ' Minllter
LVTLE METHODlt'f. CHURCH B. 'Eo BaUibD. Pastor
;;H.4~E · OF'
I:" .. .. ~ '8CJI!OO1. 1:10 A.ILe 111'. tJn'lfte«l lIUo14 EanIIIUt. a.~ Wonhlp Berrice. 10:10 '• .11. Youth FeliowlhJp, Sunday 7:80 aT. MARV'. EPIICO~AL The Rev. Samuel N. X.),I, Baolo. P.II. 'Sunday: ' Cbolr Practice Thursday 8:00. Church achaol 10:10 a. m. Adult Wonhlp. 10:10 a. IlL
FERRV ~HU~CH 01' , CH~I'T .By:zvn Caner. IODlater Bible Bcbool. 1': 10 .A.M.
lIomSng WoraJdp. 10:10 A.M. PrQer 1leeUDa. 1:00 P,II. YoaDI PeopW. III.eetIq. 7:00
Sarrioaa,' 'l:IO ' P.II.
WAYN ••VILI•• CHURCH 01' CHRleT , II. II. CcdI7. IIlnlM.er . . . . 8eIaao1, I: 10 .A.M• ....... WonIdp. 10:10 A.IL To~ Peopl... JlMtInc. 7:00
UTICA ' E.U." 'CHURCH DUMn. IlbUtU . SaDdaJ 8olIooI. 1;10 A.II.. Un. Jam.. . OUrI8OD. "pC. PrMeblDio 1& ud Ird. 8ur of ~' , . .IIU!., 10:10 All.
1IIIItd to US. Our
Purchased. " and Do Not, Store Where
....... f:IO P.II.
·C .... K PRI.HDt
• .r..
'RIU. .
1I!f:~':'" ......... 1 11:11
s ..o. . . . . . . . . ·1
b, £VJ::LYN GARDINER Di~'or KDKA Home Forum
Meal. under the sky can be lun
,tIoual Reunion or Navy .W aves whlcb Is being beld In Philadelphia on July 28, 29. It was announced today. Serving tbre'e years In World War II, Miss Francis Is now Director of Guidance at ~er Mel'lon 'H igh School In Ardmore, Penna. DUring tbe war abe was O~f1cer-in·Charge of Waves at the Naval Ope~atlng Base In Norfolk. Virginia and later at the Navy Supply Depot In MehcanlcBburg. Penna. "Tbls year will mark tbe edi anniversary of tbe founding of the WaveB." Bald MillS Franc~ s,
----.,. ------
... l:> la Comment:
.'T he Success of Jesus' Teachings,
.Hot Dogs
WAG once said that the ideal A college would be a log with
I-Ratsbane, 2-Idiot. 3-Maaa Stakes: 5SurgJcRl technique. 6-St. Louis, 1-(A) MelviUe; (B). Ha:-"thome,; .(0) Stowe; (D) Darwin (Goat) • .; ol-Walden
"ClIp .. Bappbae.."
Jack Webb and Barton Yuborou,b, wbo star' tn WLW-NBC'. Thursday "Dnlllet" pro(I'IUD at 9 p.m., EST, iDIpeclt tbe IUD rack In tbe Los A:aleles I"olice Department to autbentt,eal4!, material for their bard bltttnr allltl-crime PI'Ogram.
Bal&ac wal anoth.r · IDthU.llalt. Be 1al4 much of bt. IUCC... as a writer to coffee. "When on. drinkl co1tH," h. .ald, "Ideas com. marchin, in lIk. an army." As for WIWam Dean HowelJl, he, too, cer· talnly admired "th. CliP of happln...... ·'It make I you think of aU the plealant thin,1 that ever happened to you." WII what he .ald about It.
When 'you land that big one that couldn't' get away, you may, after the victory, give credit to fishing. equipment that can take it. If you do, give partial credit to natural gas that flows through your county. Gas is used in making stainless alloy casting rods, . . .glass fiber fods, tempered hooks, dyes for flies. Even minnow buckets are shaped by gas. And, of cO':'-fse, gas provide~ the best way to cook the fish, -
C. S. Dwll• • ~ t.
Small Par'ing Knife
DePULy Sheriff Floyd Foote Sllld that Willie Ray Ro~rt8. 22. I'll' .Harveysburg. who was held III Wtlmlnglon jail in ollnectlon with the rape of a 13·y"ar· .I;! Wilmington -girl Wednesday nlg bt has be n lUI'ned over to Warren . county lIuthol'I,les. Foote said It had b en d flulL ely established thAt the ulleged ' \' 1I1l r .'J was committed in Wllr!'!'n ,COllll t )' "r; and not In Clinton, Rob erts. he ' / / 7 said, lied to them tor two days :18 /:;/1 tq where the crime was commll' . /)/ ft. ted because be feaced that he 'f lf// 'J would be prosecuted . Federally '/.t:~'I, tor transporting the gld ac r .sa I~'I tbe county Irne for immoral PUI ' . (,,~tll poses, 11,11 Foote said Robel'ts was remO\'eu I' f ; , I to Warren County Fl'lday b y _ _~ .... Ralph P~er. and RlchllJ'd S · t· tertbwalte, Warren County dep· . 'uty Bheriffs,
A Burvey of prospe ctive IJIlt)il s for the' elem e ~1 tl' Y dl'lmrtmelli. of the Lebanon 8chools JU 8t com' pleted ShOW8 R sharp Increase -elVer last real'. FIrat grade clu8ses III the COUll. ty's 12 schoolB exclusive of Le u. anon and . E'runklln, "1'6 expe ·ted to Bhow a marked gain. CO lin'l l' Supt. R. R. Ho,trt'leid !laid . Dr. Atcb :0. Hal' Y. WIl .... en County health commissione r. IHIS urged. parents of tile boys lind girls who will ent I' !tln,1 r g l.U· I ~ n · and tlrst grades III Seplembe l' to arrange fol' Itlo rough plly :(:",t :>._ . aminatlon of the ir hilLirf' 1l I? ~ I'I next mon.t~. Every ' II lid 1,In n nlllg LO U U Ild schoo) for the fl ..s t tim e mllS L 'I;e lmmu~IEed fa I' IVIlOOPl1lg cough. dlghtberla Ilnd t etanll s a nd vu · clnated for smallpox.
mUltatd-onion slic". relish-roUI eminent college president Mark Baked Beans "Roasted corn Hopkins at one end and a .tudent Sliced tomatoes at. the other. Coffee Ginge.r bread In 'our day of scientific laboraCold Aleats tories, crowded c1 as. TOO m a Buttered 1'0111 equipped with loudipeakers and Sliced tomatoes· , Egg and Potato Salad . A Id j 'h Fruit Coffee mas, lie pro ec"" ' SUC a' conPicklea Olives ~eptlon appears ridiculous. Yet it ,tresses a necesaary , quality of , . Ham Salad Sand wicheB Cream Chetl8e. Olive SandwIches ill true educatlon, personalization. Cole Slaw It was an ability to .J:Qake all Sliced Tomatoes Pretzels thlnis intensely Important tQ the Cookie. . . Ice Cream Coffee thinking lelf that cllItinguisbed Jesus .. a teacher. The IChool Cold Fried Chicken , I)f .raila, conducted for the most Bread and Butter Sandwiches part out of doors In an atmosphere Deviled Eggs Jt ,companionship, wu founded Tomato and Cucum1!er Salad Celery . Olives upon the 'theory that leuona are 'ChocolateOake Ooffee or Lemonade best taught by example. . Because poor pupila are otten • SUlll:ellrul Oulin.. . For a .uccessful p'icnlc, it is content to juat get by, Jesus mainimportant to have pol -foods and tained high atsndarda and strict beverages hoL *ad cola foods cold. discipline. Sayin, "Follow Me," He Arrange tbe foods appetizingly. led the way with lu~h IUcc:eu wrap salldwich 1I in waxed paper, that hi. students became Apostles adding lettuce at serving time. Car- and Spiritual world conquerorl. J nlih the top of potato. fialad attracGoIIII .OUl into the VlIIaaea, two tively. PIRc" dey i1ed eggB on a pie by two, the diIc:lpl.. further plat. and c"Over wlth waxed paper. proved themaelv.. iDOd teachers b~ 1Uc:ceutull,y proclaJmlDa ~e Coapel ac:cordina to CbrlIt. Often they held cl ..... 011 dusty roads, in market placea and near "elda of bsW,. Vet their teach. ln, methods, c:omblnln, knowledge and auldance With exper.!ence and prac:tice, are still being uaed todsy. But whl.e Jesua and his dbelpl.. have helped to &lve us a I creat textbook in the Bible, our succ:eu .. ltudents of Chrlstlan-' "!!!!::"~-.-j.-::l ity ltill d~nda lariely upon our '---....,... will to learn and our efforts to -oHIO O£PARTMENT ti" HIGHWAYS-, apP17 that know1edie to work,a': DIVISION OF TRAFF'tr. ANO SAFETY Qay ~e,,: ;' .
Ha".,sbura Man - FICIS Rape Ohar,1 I
fol" the whole family, . enn the Commander In the Naval Reserve, klomemaker! What smells more ap- III. been aboBen to bead the Na·
petlzinc than bacon sizr.ling over a 'lire or colfee bubbling in a potT But no picnic ean be taken for ,ranted. It should be intormal bu t r:arefully planned. Something .should be cooked out·otdoors--coftee, hot /. doa-a, hamburgers or potatoes. ' Cooking means wood must be , available. cooking tacilities permitted and ' the proper utensils . brou&'ht from home. The basket picnic reQllires vacuum bottles for hot and cold drink., containers for .alads, plates. tablecloth, cups, silver, etc. Oheck. over )'our supplies at home so you won'" , f'lnd you forgot to bril'lg salt, a ~an opener or ' the coffee pot. Plenie MeRua Some like 'em hot, some like 'em cold, so here al'e a few of both typel of pi~nic menus:
W.,•• To Hold . IWlrr.n O.lnl, R.lnl'. Jul, -28-28 School 'Rolls . ~ To Increase Miss Jean Francis,
Picnic Pointers .
.It. 0"" ,_" 'II •••
Jlmmr DwU 'eo •• ow., ,ric lIIot"
2, ANMUIII. 0/1,•• flwd. '" ona af ""
J HP .I.c-
IIIlIln _I, ",",.e, .. HI. pol" 1II'r1". I,,,,,,,,
'",p"', ilia _r, .,,,/"-4'1'1", .," •.
Eledr!.c forc.d air ' Ylntilatlill .·ystl'" , "
~ '
r..~IJ4I~ I '.J1fF' . • ~
• High moisture content DO Jongt.: inwfues widl dmely harVea. safe'ltOrjog and profitable markttia, 01 aWn. C. ·5. Dull' baa fouod che answer to this problem Oft bia !2o-aa. farm 00 ~Jl tl2, Aramum, Ohio.
Sh.ce 1949" when Mr. Dull m.aaued a forced air v.odlada, lYitcm, powered by a , liP mocor, pains are ~ righe in'th• . ' bins at power coSU eadmated at I... than 1.: a buIbel.• The maiD air twuW of the system ... built chroup Iht cater of four adjoiDio,bios bavinS a total "padcy of .fOOO bulbell, .I.acaaI ducts' extendioa from e.cb side bve proviaion for dolin, 01 any bin where ventilatioo iI DOt needed. In 1~ Mr. Dull dried his oab in the bin, tbea 101d them io winter after . , price bad iocreuecl about 50c 1* buIbeL In 1950, Iht oat crop wu removed early br ~ and the same bin tvU ~ecI with popcorn, chua IIIOvin, up che com barvesc bf about three weeks. . , For ..mce 011 bam curios of bay and po Oft your fum, coDlUlt JOW' COWley .gept or your .tunI reprellDlltive.
The fish doesn't Jenow it, but he can blame this Texas Eastern operator fOlr }laving had a big part ~ supplying the tackl,e that landed ,him. On the job, the operator who helps run the natural gas pipe line~ill your county keeps gas flowing to scores of industries that make 'm any essential commoditi~s ..Off the job, he and most of his fellow employees take to fisbing , as their favorite hobby, I.e lmng from the job with fishing .J ulckle they helped t(J,.make,
. Uv. lIedrlcolfr
• &OCA&
e.r.z•• I
• .
.... ~
M. TI'·... For In••ollol II, EIII-si In Mlrln.
NQTICE TO CONTRA.(:TOR8 STATE OF ORlO ... DEPARTMENT OF HIGHW.A \'S' Columbus. Ohio, June 23, 1961 Engineer of aalee "'egal Copy No, 51-314 ---l "_·'ed proposalll will ,... l·e· _ . - . 0 at tbe v,'I" ... of the""S'·b Major R V . P er kl ns, a ttl cer I n . . . ." ' . . . )Jlr'e"forL ~ of hlo. "t...... charge oJ' Mar Ine re ru It Ing In HI ..~bu,,"1' n,,,, Obi 0, announc ed 10 dflY hlmbus, ubio. IInW It) : (i() a. vvtu : f'oltthern O~~ 17,~~~~ T~~ Th~d8Y. rum w~ h~~ ~~ _~d .July 1961, for Impl'Ovemeutli u . 1IlJl'.. 1Induction b,Y their draft board Proposals NOB. 1 to 4 Inclul\lve may stili enlist In the Mnrlne are offered as o~e project and Corps. . Will bb Awal'ded a~ anI' contract. "Previously." stated tbe Marine PPROPOSAL NO.1 ' Recruiting otricf'r. "we could nol Hamilton County, Oblo, on Sec. accept men for enlistment on ce received pr~lndu otlon not tlon J1.Ot, U. S Route No. 127, in they N ~ t k . . Springfield Township by applying Ices. ow we can a e anyone an IUIpbaltic concrete surface who has not received bl8 actual cours'e, Jtems T.30 and T.S5. , .Inductlon orders. u.p to ~hc ,time Pavement: Wid t h 30 teet; he receives . the order to go. the Lengtb 8976 teet or 0.17 mile: draft board will IS511e us II reo lease 'for blm." . . Starting June 16. the nnw reg· PROP,oSAL No. 2 Hamilton. County, Ohio. on Sec- ulaUons will be In effect ror a Uoo. 2&-69, U. S. Route No. 50-B. In onMnonth period only. Att er Springt.leld Township, by applying July 15, the service choice option an asphaltic concrete surface granted the selectee may he recatll'1le. Items T-30 and T-36. voked, Major Perkins Bald. Pavement: WIdth 30 feet, length 792.0 feet or 0_16 mile. PROPOSAL No. 3 Warren County. Ohio, on Section I Inl.!l. 0.00, U. S. Route No. 22, In Deer· field Township. by applylng an aspbalUo concrete surface course. Items T-30, B-36 and T·S6: Private alen. Smith, son of Mr. Pavement: \V I d t h 20 leet; and Mrs. H. Smith, or Waynes· Lengtb 12,830.4 feet or 2.43 mlle~ . ville. will graduate trom the Mell· lcal ReJ!'lacement Training Cen· PROPOSAL No. 4 Warren County. Ohio on Sec· ter, Brook,e Army Medical Center, tlons 2.43 and 3.29, U.' S . Roule Fort Sam Houston, Texas. He Iiall. No, 22. In Deerfield and Hamilton complet d eight weeks ot tralnTownsblps. by .applylng an asphal· 1Dg I.n medical Bubjects and will tic concrete BllrraCe course, ]tems now be assigned to advanced T·30, B-36 and T·36. study In . a~otber Army school or . Pavement: Wid t h 20 feet; t() duty In a hospital or field med· Lengtb 5.832.8 teet or 1.01 miles. ical unit. . .Proposals Nbs. 1 to • Inclusive The Medical Replacement Train· or this contract to be completed 1tIg Center Is one of the Army'l Dot later than October' 1, 1961. ballc tralnlng schools for the medThe minimum wage' to' he paid 1eal service enlisted man. Here to al1 labor employed on this the soldier learns the' fundamenttract shan be In accO'l'dance wltb als Of medical support at patients
We played 4 gaOlel!. We also Club members who will take part 23 . Wlrrln Coilnlians Triok, Thl.bs talked about our things ILrf' In the program the next meetaro: Snndra Holmes lind Jean IlIlaklng. 'I'ho th e. " Iub La l'{ue. Janet Enroili. al Wilminglon 4·H Club. M..ls "TI'\.cky 'l'hIl0l\)8,"
His Hob.."
Pvl• .81·lnn Sml-III . finiS h_ Tra Ing
Twenty·tbre", " ',,rren Couilly d I 3. stu ents are flmong be 4,) I'egIstered for the (Inlt SlIllItU I' ~e~· I r 8 on at Wllmlng lon Col lPgI' . • h t'" are t \\'0 terms at rive \I' 'eks eae II
hospitals and
get tindel' way Jul y Ifi ilL II'hlllh time new Iitu(1e'llts illSI' eliteI', Local 8tu4ent registered Ill· elude: Elllzab&th J)afldso ll !Janta. Harlett Jean B\nekmore. SueUa McClure and Ertle Hollingsl\·orth. aU at Lebanon; Walter L.. Me· Carren, Harveysburg; Harold \\ m. McLaughlin, and hllex E. S bnell. Pleasant Plaln~, nOlo, Lou ella lark !Mlddletown; Ed II R l<alh'er lnr Da,'ls, Bethel L . .\\ ,~~ ner. and Rob· crt C. Workman. aliI or Wllynes· v Llle ; C. William Bel·cnw. Jr., alltl Josephine 'W. Adam oC Mason; William PaUl Bunnell . Ruth Gen eva - Gentry, and Donald Raymond Hough, Loveland.; Jrc)lm H. Tewell. Jr., Franklin; Charles Robert DemI~t, Harriet E. GU:more, Grace S. The bobby of newscaster Pete~ Woods, and John R. Woods, all Grant, away trom .hls WLW ne,". trom Morrow; Edward WHllnm eut. at 11 p.m., EST, is horae- Maag, F9ster; Marjorie Ann 1<llIIer back nUn,. Kings Mills. , .'1b1D, '"" Elflclellt 1'IIe Ulm 01 palm 011 on the fInlahecl hot dipped tin plate \lIed 10 maldnt "Un can." 11 thin that
It can barely be leen with the
uke4 ay • . It IJ flve time. th\.ck'r: . . . tha avera •• coatin, 01 ~ OD
hlBThe bid bIdder a . certified must check submitIn with the dress been duly Is . Way.neaville, appointed 8SOhl\), AdmlnlshBII amount or $2,610.00. . trator of the Estate . at- Lucy Plans and iJpeclflcatione are on Squires late of Warren County. file In the department or highways Ohio, decealled, ' IIDd the office of the division depDated thll 19 day of June, 195\. uty director. RALPH H. CAREY. 'fhe director reserves the right Judge of the J.>robat,e Coart . Warren Connty, Ohio to reject any and aU ·blds. . T J KAUER Meryl B. Gray, ~tty . ,. ,6-28-7·5-«2 State ,Highway DUeotor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6·28-7-6
25 MONTH' CU,.... D
a: MIAMI ITS. ~HONE W~.YNE8. 2141 ~F-=================::=::::=:;~"
r·, Hero of Bataa..
.,--------.---------BOUZONTAl. S4 Appear
• ••
I).trolt pollee are lr11Jl1 to aDd out who unube4 • DiIb' club
I I:· II....: .....
.......... delal H''''f-"'''1--
IIW.apcID 'IIJ1oCMr .• ~
. tlKDfIIlI of the ..,.....nt (ab,) . . .M--I-'-r flllabJlGDlUl I
1 dIl~
. 4fDllDlDutlve 41 W'rltID, luld
. PHAITOM FIBER aLASS C4STIIG ROD yalue $2&.~ NO PURCHASE REQUIRED-.luat Walk In and R.alale"
Drawing T.ISdl" Jalt 3, 11&1 5:00 P. M. AT OUR STORE
Come In and .ee Our Selected Valu.. durlna OiIr
.4 "1
BIrd BOMeI . ' 8.,.., (Birdl aIIo helpl) .
Cor_ Mulberry 8& Mechanic
I PIctured · '. sa Moth birolc com- 51 Cb~1c mander of 5. Eat,... Correclc!or 'at ·vaTlC.u. U. taU to the 1 IDiect
.Headlin.: CarpeDlrr Skill l1&li.
. As wa calabrate oai, FIRST YEAR in_Lablnon, WI wish' 10 Ihank allot YOI for .aking il a succissful onl. . III rasponse 10 your approval ~f our slorl, "I plld,1 olrsalvas 10 conlinui 10 sen you .GOOD .ar~haldisl al Iha lowasl pos.ibll price. THAIK YOU again an. drop , . in on us any· li.l.
Westent Aalo Assoc. ' Store
Jonatha" 3 He - - known 17 Smooth 4a Rete... I~.by the,~~~~':_ ." IITrJlnc . 45S;Jmbol for 10 Of the'lhlnl name, ~.)' 20 Statemenll 80dlum II Boat padclJea 4 Blre!' , 23 Drop.,. ~78 ~" rauv.! o..'!,t. II Form... 5 PerUse 2t Theatrieal .. A. • ...... I Proc:eed mock 1ewel Moneeo I. KIte pan 'Kead cover 28 Before 41 BlecIrIcal UDlt •• Knqek I Sriare 30 Dolt ,I Platform II Soft I PntUe 33 Exude ' 11~. .. 21 Priority 12 Forefathers 34 Narrow waya 13 Sbelt.recI aId.e (prdX) 13Iteland 38 Gain 55 Sfmbol f . lI'l'bat th1n, 14.lat knowledt.. JlJ:Je (Scot,) 15 MlIe.lt~......~r.::. iiilii...·~. M Cloth meuur• • Ba1f. . .
E\'tl')' American uaea ~n av,rage
=: 55
Ma:ybe 10 but just t17 Uldtel110ur wife that vice versa bolds truel
• '. •
= =: =: =: = =
K.lers'. G.ar'ale . I= =
wl~e., decJarea • ~cholotllt .at Arkansas A. " M, CoD....
_ == =
.ra.,.. OeD.,.
• • • "We!! 11 the word WCllDID " " after ''YOItl'' h.ve dou tbe .....
arrr.:' _ Add Water Oilice A I'UV'ULUBRICATION ..........
OW maida,'are .. buuutul u
of wood.
car. .. ('aIY. Calve. nud planty 01 frelh water _ and .alt, Jua\ a. olc!er animaI. do, and thele euentlab abould be k.pt within .a.)' reach at the 70~Iter. at aU tim.., C.lv•• waten4 CIIIlT ODC. a da; may drlbk more ~ I. ,oocl tor them. •
plan1lt'. pIaDO with Ul axe.' ~ ",ell: .-tbodIlD MId elf·. chOrd'.
D01' l s Guests III'aMant IV e I' mlt.b a nd M.Hrgery POtlB. YOII c~n ue' .)(tr. copl •• 0' th' The next UlMting will be held GAZETTE. at the WAYNE8VILLE Wedllosduy. DRUG 8TORE or the GAZETTE
= _
:Did You Know?
. iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~
tn the
Rates Aecertalned and Determined field, ' by the Department of Industrial Relations appllca:ble to ' State HlghNOTICE Admlnl.trator OF A'PPOt NTMENT. way Department Improvements In accordance with Sectlons '17e3, )7·f, 'Eslate of Lucy Squires, Dec'd 17.048, 17·6 and 17·6a at the General Notice Is here~y given that W. Code of Ohio." . B. Squire!\- whale Post Office Ad.
The " '[ CI W b llyn ~\'\'III (>L 'fdc,lc)' 'rhlllllb u) "r S IIU mel Lo \ ll( nesclfl), . Jut!'" 21 at ....... I nSy u mltb'K hOllIe with IJUrs presiding. mlth III I'IlIlI'g" II lId Toul Momu
d~~~ewmm~ gan June II and I. llt'Then~tb.==~==~========~======================~~ Me (Iud will
the "Schedule of 'PrevaUlng Wage in
ltilml' or
01: 0
BuraJara raua..., a air.tOP of &,000 matchei a lear, In Fr.anee, ~ . SpriDp, N. Y'i!:e aDd aIC&pi4 where match.. are a lOgern~ent 4IDaUve (ab.) with. pIUJ '1Dd two mDk m()nopoly, the average Frenc,hmari IO~ mounds . bott1el 'COQtalnIDa "OOO-1D coiDI. ' ... to get along. with 1,860 matches 'II BOOk 01 the Sourida Ilk. the wOrk. of • couple a y.ar·- match. of poorer quality lIIw. _O_1_G~r_ad __._A__ b~ ________________· _~ __t_c~ __t_m_o_~_~_ .__n_~urL __.________~ .. =IIn===~===D~ltl~de ~-.~-________________~____________~----
Sil Guarant..d.By Oneida, Ltd. STARTER'SET
• 2 Tea.poan.- -- ~ --·--~~-- ~ • Tableapoon--------------, • Fork------------.,.--------. • Knlfe-----------~-~ -~ __ ~_.
PLUS ••• $10.. W~rtl Tradin' ·Olrds
'Th.s oH'r is .mill pool.18 Ihrollh a SPIOil1 busin'ss arranlillent WI hl'l madl wllh OIEIDA, LTD. . 10 ' limll 10 Ihl nU••lr of pllce slllll,S or 10llssorlls ,oi Iftl, aC"li~ .Ihr._,. '.is. 'peelll oH.r. ,
* *
-WayntsviUc -farmers,' -Excban e Company TELEPHONE 2371
THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 19.51
NOTI~E FOR BIDS Ella Blel Mct.:r ary, dec't!. estate Sec, S17, GC Slle. 2362) ( ot Carl Orim!.'t - dcc'd ; estate or No Lice Is bereby til' nth a t IAlice HelJderllon, dl' 'd, and the 'sealed bldll will be recelved at the ~ . eslale of lJonn&m ae Hammond. office of ,the TI'ustees of Waynu dec'd. Township, ," ' arren . Cnmlty, Ohio, EBlate .of Lucy Squires, dec'd, unm. the 21st day ot July, 1951, at COMMON PLI~A8 lage to Clyde T. and' Aldrla ' W. W. B. SIJII~re6 1l11.polnt .1\ lIumltds· 12 o'clock NOOII, Ellistern S tundari:l Carrie B. Hlll vs Elbert W: Humphrey 8.63 acres In Deerfield traLor. "III l"lloud. Ross H nlt AN AMAZING NIW r Time , tor furnl:III' n,,; til lubor lind Irops, etal, Cbarles :J. Waggoner twp. ' ,sock and Geolll.\ lJ Il'n! Ie Q[JPolnt uDIAMOND RING DISCOVIRi materllli l'e'IUII'IHI llJl' til, ere Uon aJlPolntlld commlsslonElr. Hubert: ·and Cleo Wren to S. apP,ral sers . • • •. . Carl Goodin WlUlam Wade, Glen and Helen S Worley 1 lOl l 'wsLate of ~ loyd H:oIller, dec il of a Firehouse \.0 )louso the ElqllllJ ' More DlamOfNl Eye-AppMIor row Imenl of tile Wayne TOII'nshll) Fire case dlsIIllssed. in Lebanon. . , I Bestlo L. H(l,~11e r AlIll!>lnb dad · titan Ever •• 'ore • • ••. lI1abel Suntoro vs 1I11ebael San· :Josepb Louis and Hazel L. Whit. ml~ 8 trlltrlx, lill,IIIl' '' . James, Joh u IDepartm nl Ilcconling to the plnn =<, . land speclf , ' aUons for s uch IUl., toro,. dlvoroe to plalntl.ff. plalntLff tow to Otto Hoffman, 1 lot In Bendle and John \\ us;) IllJPolht 'l! provement pn fil e with the saM res tored to malden nanle of Mabel Clearcreek twp apprrusers. Township Trus lees. .'uid hlds will Robinson. Floyd Edward and Naomi Nlrh. Estate of ' Carl·le~. fulfol'd, dec'll be opened and read uloll,u at Lh ll I C. R. Campbell, et. al vs Frank Dis to JUnior Wayne und Matilda estate valued at $39,000. same addr BS at the lime HtllteoJ ole, Frank Cole grant.ed 30 days M. Gregory, 1 lot In TUI'Uecreelt I Estate of Kalhel'lne E. Hendel' above. .. to plead. twp. son, dec'd, ~1A.1· lon ID. Helldel'Ron, Sep8rHc lJIds \. . Ill be I el'e l\ (\ ! IIIfol'd J. Rice. dba, the West· Ellis I. FuUwll~r to Mildred A I udmlnl.!!trator \V\\ A fli ed Inven· on the follo wi'ng. ul> Islons of lb a g\l te Electric CO. V8 Obo L. Haok· Fullwiler, 1 lot In Frnklln. tory, beartng s t t,Qr July 5 at III work 88 IIhown on illc )11uns nnll In SOli. el aI , lenve.to file nmended Alfred Klndred' tc> GUB and Annn 11. m. Donahue, 1 acre In Franklin lwp.l E!sta~e of Davis H. Lucas , dec'd speelfl dtions, Jo~' :.11 ), one, or nu Ul petilion grat t d . 12-diamoncl Gaylord E. Gtora to Roy Creech, estate exempt rrom Inheritance ber, or all or t hI' (lIvlaloOS enUIn . filhtall MMlrad." era ted below: . . NEW SUITS 2 acres In Salem twp. ' tax. . duet .et prery L. Nesle.y, mlnol' by Norma Herbert Lawson to Louise Division No. I- GENERAL CON· ISTRUCTION Including : Le Foroe, ber. mot~er, and next son, ~O lots In Deerfl~ld twp, MARRIAGE LICE~S'ES 1127.50 · Inc. Fed. TalC Exca.vl1t1ng IIlld ractl ng: friend ~s ,09), E. Nesley . d ivorce. Josepb H. and Christine Girten Guthrie Wheeler'. Jr .• 22, chem· AvaJl.~I. 1ft It E):.:tel'lor PavIng: C. Howard Dllatusk. . to Rol!ey Center, 1 lot In Sonth 1st, Franklin and Pat.rlcla Ann .... ,.1I0w ~1" ad I. k .. whllt Concrele and Cement Work;. I. Arnold We !It Va Geraldine West, Lebanon. Hineline, 19, ' t),plat, Franklin. Clarence E. and Nellie M. 'Stepp Fernando William Hersman, Jr .. Masonry, In cluding Cut ' Stone; minor, dlvorcel J. T. Rilley. i:)ll'uctural Steel and Mlscellune- . Helen Rhoades vs Mark Rhoades to' Arthur and. Oleo Ward, 8 lots 29, cbemeal engineer, Clnclnn'uti, ous Iron Work' , divorce, Mer:yl B. Ora)'. in Union twp. · land Jill Ann Bec.k er, 22, student, Roaflng, lns~latlon' aod Sheet Elizabeth A. Haller vs George Charles " WlIIlam and Emma Loveland. . Haller. divorce, extreme cruelty, Boger to Walter J. and Pauline Oharles LFranlcs, 23. 8sslstant Metal ; . RINGS Metal Windows; MarVin E . Young. Hill, 2 Iota In De~rUeld twp. manager, Middletown and Mary MAW YOUR OIAMOItDLOOK AT WIT ~ , Wau I Ful'l'lng, Lathing and Plastering ; . I . E. R. HoustOD to Andrea and Ellen Griffith. 22, .Franklin. Flnlsh Hardware,' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Blrlie Charles, 1 lot In Salem ~p· l Eterett McElfresh, 38, Spring' IY A IIE1f.PAT£NT£O STYL£ DrstOVEIY Verne, L. and Olive B. Small\vood . boro aDd H I E". Ga Iser, 84 , ma·. Caulking; . e en It', lDIulnl what • cWf.r.nc. thlre it in a to Howard J . and Min,am Depew, PROBATE , cbine operator, Franklin. Glass and Glazing ; "MiraCl." ..t rlllil A diamond ,ainl ar., briUIaace Painting. 0.98 acres In Franklin 'twp. ' Estate of Finley T. Gage, dec'd,l Virgil Qookerham , 22. Army, alld Ilia.. • actullily .ppearl 25% ler,erl Don't DiVision No. 2-HE:A.T1NG RusselJ A. and Mary Allen tr. Helen P. Sanders appohiied ad' South Lebanon and Bonnie Lee buy a dl.mond rin, Ulltil you ... lhli "Mirada Division No.3. - ELECTRICAL O. L Lansll.w, 1.96 aClrell In Frank· mlnlstratrix, Lou Romohr, D. M. Baker, '!S, clerk .typlst, South Rln," with the pat.lltld "Mlracl. Settin,". WORK Il1n twp Mince and O. H, Cbenoweth all' Lebanon. . DIviSion NO.4PLUMBING Stanley and Ethel Waller. to pointed Ii Each bid musl conlllin th e nllme Anthon), Wingert, JIl., 1()4 ,76 acres Eatate appraJaera. of Lou EUa' mckey, dec'd, ot every roerson Interested thel'eln In Harlan twp. Mlchul Hleb" adminlltratora, T dw.y . "eb.n.on, Ohio and Ile uecolT~anled by an ap. ' Johll Francis to L.oulse B'nd tUed Inventory, hearing let for i,rov d Guaranty Bid Bond or a. Rutb C. Eadie, 0.321 acres In JUDe 28 at 10 L m. transfer or certified cbeck on a good and SOI- \ Franklin twp, ' real e.tate granted, estat, exempt vent bank In a sum equal to five John A. Beck~r, 'Obarles R·. ' from Inberltance taL (5) per cent o'f the bn.s ' bid to I Hayer, et al to Board of Ohurch I i'lnt and tlnal accounts were gual'antee that If suld bid Is 11(,' ~tenslon of tbe, Presbytel'y ?r flied on tbe following estates: eB. c.e pted , II 'onLrn l wm be (lutel'ed C~l clllnal l. 1.50 , acr~8 III Dpel'fle ~ . tate of W)llter Squier, dec'd, Anna ' TELEPHONE8 : .Into' IIn4 tbe pel'Cornumee o f I t tI p. Catherine Squier, a~lnlstratrlx; WAYNESVILLE ~091 properly secured, Said Bid Bond O. H. and Dorotby, Harding to e.tate of Harry Gross, dec'd, 'or CertIfied Cbeck to be draw n, In ProdUction Plating Works, Inc., IJoe Oro.. ezecutrlx" eltate ot LEBANON Office 813·.1< favor of said Doard of 'rrustees. 2.7°1 I\ol'es In Lebanon, IUoward. J. 'Corwin, d~c'd, Delpba. RESIDENCE 462 I The contract will be aWlIl'd d to 1. O. Finkelman to Donald anll 8 . Bischoff, executrix; estate ot SAND and' GRAVEL MORROW No. 3 the I~west and best bldde,·. ~D~w GrBentleld, 1 101 In Frank· Cbarlea L . Homan, dec'd, Emma.. BLACK·TOP DRIVES I The sttention of bidders Is dl I p. . . Homan, administratrix; estate oC rected to the specia l stald<ll', V.l.- ,BenjamIn. F. and ,J ennl F . Lena M. Blcber, dee'd, Cbarles and ROAD OIL visions (00 Se . t 7-3 at seq.) gov. ! W~ltetl lo Clarence and Martba W Blaber, eucutor and tile estate ernlng the Ilrevalllng rate of ,\'ages Glngerlcb , 119.-87 acres In Wast.· of Katberbte ~ LaWnn. deo'd LAWN and FILL DIRT , Ington twp. " . . to be paid' to laborel's and mecUan· · Alfred S. and Ellzabeltb Hopkl' A. Hotarkamp, executor. READY·MIX CONCRETE Ica on public Improvements. to Jame . J d 14 t H Estate of Lena M. Bisher, decd EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE I Tbe .\l'ownshlll .trustees reserve 1Sl i ::.n B . tI ar81~re m: Curlea . W. Bhher, exeoutor tbe right \.0 reJect any and 'all •n E °L U ,eL'fV de. W transfer of real estate ",anted. t I <1 . nn. . ucas 0 GY • ar . • bids - - - - - - -•• - - . - . - -,- - - - - - - 40' Ii Thompson 1101' In Wayn : 'state ' of WOllam Ballow RCY -----------...------- - - ->-.."..---1 Copies of the" esl,lmates, 1, Ians Dena tWI) ' , . " II deG'd eatate reUeved ~ron »eCtor'1 Reooaunea4aU.. More Steel tow Fn_ . and speclticalwns mllY be ulltaineu . ~ ,. E Tuft 0 administration. r at tbe of rico of or by wl'Hten allW enca. s to en CoUee hal alwa11 hac! enthUII· Mechanization I. 00 the 1111.81 '01 ,plication to the lerk or the 1'.00.. ' atlned Olara Yoder, 2 " lots In D ( . ' ,~s~ate of Honnamae Hammond alU. admirera, WUUam Ha"e1, war·weakeoed French .teel Indu.· of Trustees Mayna'l'd ~' Weltz b " Jd twP. dec'd, traIl.fer ot ' real est:atc who dJacovered the dl'culatlon 01 11'7. We.tlDabou.e Ie bli,Ildin. til,· depoBltlng .:vlth said CI~rk U. Q~ r ll ' Chester~, Maple, trustee. f' 'Tant~; e.t.I!.te Valued at ,c.,. tile ~, "c~~decl it II · a 1IOO.ooo, wortb of elKtrieal 1Cl!d~ fled oheck, 01' e!lsb" In \ he u'noun ' Cltttord W. and Acnel' M. FI 1iil11.ll8. ' " IOUree of baPP.ItlUl .~ wit. and lI\eo& 10 be1p bollter St. Order fOr of '6.00, which will be r elUI'll d 8.76 acres in W~~e twp. InventC>l'lell were approved cn . n ba clI8d h«lueathed aopoUll4i tba eqUIpment wa. placed by trpon reC Ipt ot plans aDd SJl elfi. Bernard H. Ii.1i . Pauline tbe tolloWtnc .Itntils: 'eatate 01 01 II to b1I frilncSi to ~ to b1I ,SOLLAC. a prlvateb owned a.ao- cations In good oQlldlUon. Ji 1f 4 IA i. .
Warren Gunty 'ourt NewsI :
,Uncle Sam ' Says ·1
LaW' ,
AI 10a drIve alOD, coun'f1 ioa..· 1011 will .ee one of America'. mo.~ familiar lCeDI!II-larmers plteblD, haT, From thli lCeDe bas come a phrue 10n bave used many, many atm.. - makin, hay while ibe lun Ibln.,., WeB, niece and' nephew, &bat'. exact11 ~ba' 10U are dom. · wben 10U ,&aek up United State. Sa,,Iup BOntll. You're makJq pleo'1 of fatnre IeCIUUy when the ,oin, Is
...... " . -Set·" ~IAMOND
I(Ii.AY'S ' JEWELERS _ 22 s. a...
pod. wben a few extra doDara haa lIMn ac1c1ed to 10ur take-home pay
throqb the new Inoome tar la..... and wheD you 'ahould be actin, for 18. future IeCnrlty.
u. S . Trttu~r, D.p.rim.,.,
1'.11'111111 GUARANTEED
• '_._1- "'" _._._.-.-.-.- --.. --- --,.
1 Week Se.rvice
..... ..·.iillli.iiiiiilii..iic:1i·itlo.niiioliiialiinii·.Flrien~cih.t_""I_jl_·i~Ii.' i ii I JDOI'1
jIC _.;ZSO:Z:
.............. . " -, 0 .... I 'l:..'- U-;'........... ;':'l ,.. t " " ' " "
By order ' of the "I Trustees, •. ' . . . ~ ?tfAYNAmJ F. ' WECTZ;-'" Township C!e,r,lc 4t~6 · 21, 2 - 7-5, 12
STIIFORD ' . 108EIIn t, . ..r
Doee a ' Fanc), JI" on, hll hl"h fI~. , In,g trapplece for all hll .I"n cu.: tom .... a. he pl)'1 hll famou. high • all Job for the WORLD'S FIN· E&T RECAPPING artlltll of Akron Ohio, 801an ·.an be .rea.hed at 47 MulbelTYatreet, Lebanon or Phone 735. He ..e. moatl, etore front. and truck ' latterl",. When he II found on any Job we all know the price being paid waa never chi.·
Stoke. 'Dair,
Phone ~.niri 726
LEBANON, OHIO Phone 21 • 264
WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR JOB ,PRINTING NEEDS 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111.
SEE 'THESE ROADWORTHY USED OARS I .... MERCURY 4-0.':. -----------~-7~-------'7---$ ,895.00 Radio and Heater Good Flnl.hand Tlrea
IMa·DQHE· Olx. 2-Dr.-:------------------- ~-- ---$II45.00 Radio and Heater
you can. "et extra cop,,,, of ttl. GAZEnE. It th'e W~Vt••aV'LLE , DRUG STORE or .... GAZETT. ffloe,
1948 DODOE Custom 4-Dr.----- ------ -:--------- $1195.00 "
Heater; One OMler, 27,000 MlIe~
184&, PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. .
FolII.Jore Cortee haa made Its way lnto talk behavior. In the Antilles, · bride• carry cortee J>lossoms Instead of oran,e blossoms.. At .one time a Turkllh wife could divorce ber hlllband It be did not keep her ' adequately .uppUed with "the lovable Uquor."
Bruch of
10. BRos. '
Foreat BebablUtaOoD The ;reatest torllt rehablllta. tlon proj ecl 'ever undertaken by .elther state or tederal Ifovernment ha. been lnitlated by the .tate 01 Ote,on with s ,10,000,000. 10 to 15 1..r pl.nUn, and Improv.ment pro,ram . It.artln, In' the bu,. TIl. lamook burn.
-----------~----- _____ ___ $
,Compl,tely Reconditioned
.' . IM7 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. Sedan- --~------":--- --'"-$ 945.00 'RiCllo, Heater, New 8ea~ Cove,.
IM. ·DODGE 2-Dr. W.yf.rer----- - -- ------~-·--- -$1395.00 H,ater; Low Mileage .
IM7 CHRYSLER Roy.1 Club ~upe:_,--· --~--- ----$1175.00 , ."
Radio and H.ater, Good Condition
. .
1110 STUDEBAKER Ch.mp Re••1 Dlx. ----:. . --- -$1575.~
Overdrive, Radio-. Heater, Like New
.,.37 .,
~ORP .....n -----------.:--------------:...---~$I4s.00 Good Tlrel, N~w Battery
. .• 140 DODGE 4-Dr.,. He.ter-~--~------------------$285.00 .NO cHEVROLET Coupe, Runs Good---- ------- -$375.00 I • • STUDIIAKER Sed.n ·-------- -- --~-~----- - -$150.00 1839 aUICK .....n -----------------"-------------$150.00
USED TRUCKS . -I " DODGE a-l08 P...... Truck --------------- ,145..00 . . .· · F. . . II Ton PI.tform Truck --------------$450.00
. . IODIE lira •• Ti'I'.I~ For I...dllie Dell,er,
Phon.'. II I I ,
• •
__ w
::b"'J /edge
Clo.e d Mond ay, Tueeclay, Wed ne.da y
A Farm Diary By D. J. Frazier
VAN JOHNSON HOWARD KEEL BA'RRY SULLIVAN . T.h.e peraona l atory of an Ajrllne Ste.war dell with a +star o~ tl1at'a a U for f\ln. Wonde r what an airli ne stewa'r den thlnkl about? See ' thla. BUGS BUNNY CA~TOON , •• , "'I""'I#~#'~""" ~####.#""""'~"""""" ••
Satu rday
JUNE 19, 1951. - Ohio. Indiana , then Union Station . llblcago . where the membe rs of lh e Epls · copal Tours to Alaska. sponSlJr "d by Forth magazi ne. Checke d ,n at tbe desk . ti ckets ' In hand. eyed eacb otber cautiou sly. then wenl to ·the ,Pullma n all mad up tor lhe night. crawled Into lheh' berths and tben wltb a bump and 11 shake We were ott. Wiscon sin went by hi the nig ht . Mlnnesot.a and N. Dukota LOok most o( Friday ond Saturda y mol'llIng round uo at Livings ton. Mon · tAna. getting Into th e buses for a Jong days drlve through Y l lo\\,stone Natllonal Park. A I,er(ect cl,ay, not too bo~. not too co ld . jUtit itgbt: No room here to describe the WOnders of the park. Just on ... Item. , Wben tbe line of carl! and busses stops. everyon e looks out to see If It is a "benl' jam." Ane ; a long days drive. we came back to tbe train for tbe nlgbt and 'In the mornin g our cars were pic,keti by the through tl'lLln. day and a night and were In Seattle, a drive around the city In bU8ses and then we were off In Greyho und bU8ses for wbere we got 011 our boat for Chllcot ln. but that Is anotber story. Having a fine time.
June 30
VENGEANCE VALL EY (Technl col or) BURT LANCA 'S TER ROBERT WALKE R Laneaa ter , In hla blggelt and flrat technie olor Weatern . Pilmed In the Rockle •. Blazing .tory of feuding brother .. j CARTOON - DARE . DEVIL ' DROOPV CARTOON - FARM FROLICS
".,, Sund ay
(T~chnlcoior) FRED ASTAIR E JANE POWEL L Come and aee Fred dance on the ceiling. It · will amaue every· body. See Fred and Jane as Broadw ay'. famd brother and liater tum.
..a........£• •C~ . . . 2
... c1~"'" ' el
~- -:w
r: ,- ..... DRIVE-IN Th~~tre ........ . .. ON ROUTE 42 NORTH OF -
.Thur sday
YoU Haw Good
dune 28
m.m. Another feature of the aynchronWn, device I, that the film Uled h.. a time-re
ference Identification, rtcordl n, when eacb picture 1. t.k· elL Thla aldlS In later ana:].yll. of data obtalJlecl. n. camerll ,yatem waa develop. ed ill th. Northw estern aerial meDS· uremen ta laborato ry, a U.S. navyaponeored relgearch project at the teehnol o,lcal Institute,
dune 29·3 0
Agen cy Ph one 153
Call 2143 to place a Claa.lfl ed Ad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Sal., June 21
Com e aefo re 10 pm. See 3 Show . For Price of One
SAND, GRAVEL and TOP SOI L EXCAVATING , and - - - - - - - DUMP TRUCK SERVIC E Phon e Waynes ville 2191 WAYN E8VILL E, OHIO
at Davis Furnas 'Pit. We also deliver. ARM IT AGE & SON. Phone 2091 . . tf :-
FOR SALE Axmlns Ler Carp l , used 6 months. Bedroo m chnir. end tables. ' 2 Rockin g ChaiN!. , I Set Double Wasb Tubs on rollere etc .. ,Some Curtaln s. 1 Chenill e Bed Spread. Pbones : W.aynesvU)e 2691. 3404. . c-6-28
Put tb... Fellows
A devlc:. tor cootrol lln, al ma~ a. 17 oame/·a . In one airplan . and five In anotl~e/:' ha' been de.veloped bJ'two resellro h .clentil ta at North· we.tern unilver.lty' a teohnolol1cal in.Utute , The .ynchro nlzed opera· tion Iy,tem 11 deslcne d primari ly to aid the ' testl:nr of experim ental airplane•. Already IIUCCesSful)y ~elted In m.ht. the device controll 17 cam· era. located In vadou. po.IUona tbrouah out the experim ental plane, . en.bUn , en.,lnee ra to ' photoll apb the ptane's IInstrument•• The .ynchll'o nlzin, ' mechan 1lm al, 10 permlta tha operatio n of five other camerllS placed In an accom· PUI)'in , plaille 10 photo....ph the . tilt plane'. pertorm ance from the outside. Work on the new remote control device was done by North· weltern researc b ' s(lentis t. Mis. Vlola ' J , Wbllte and SIdney J. HoI'· wltz for the U.S. navy. The entire system o.t camero . 18 controlled' tilU'oulb a push·button panel board Inslde ooe 01 th, two .pl.nes. Tbe equIpm ent, con.lltl ng Insur ance of only the panel boud and the camera l. Is lightwe ight '01' airplane Lebaroon, Ohio operatio n, Bnd functlo n. Irom the plane', 28-volt direct current elec· trle,l supply. An Interloc kln, relay ~Item controls the enure mecha.
TRUST EES ME!TIN G THURS DAV NIGHT ANY FAMILY, IN THIS 'S ECTI The Trustee s of tbe Method ist CHEER FUL ;CI RCLE MEETS . OR ELSEW HERE 1s welcom e Ohurch wUl meet tonight. at :00 The Cheerfu l Circle gl'OUP (I n· whatev er financia l ' coopera tion .uddeo o'clock at tbe cburcb to discuss joyed tbelr regular meeting on bereave ment may require . Improv ements on church propert y. Scaturdllay evbeliln g ItVithh .1\1 M . r· m . A· ' orne as ()st a l 8 h O e ln NO PUBLIC ITY - - NO EXTRA Oakwoo a . MI'. and Mrs. CHARG E - NO DELAY . Don' t Spen d the Four th Butterworth~ l\frs . Harry Ernest Smll!,. . Mr. and Mrs. . S. EUls., Mr. and In a Ho.p ltal •• Drive Mrs. J. B. ~Ich. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Braostr ator' and MI'. ,Glenn Bol" WAYNESVILLE OHIO S A F ELY ! .d en were tlle guests fOr this pleas. ant get·to-g ether.
..... .................,.•••... ~~w=·j
N. W, loll tlsts Dlvelo, CI.Ir . D viOl for Plan ..
EDITO R'S lfOTE - The fo l.low, Ing letter was receIved from D. J . Frazier " who Is on a trip LO ,Alll,skll and tben down to olorado . We hope to have some 1)1 tUI'eo latel' from her.
,Thur s. and Frida y OPEN SEVEN P. ·M. .
OlIT OF aJSI NES S •..• ~
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~
Tue •• , Wed . '
••••• i
. . : .luly 3-4 MON . FREEMAN, EDWAR,D ARNOLD - - IN--
"IUR BRIT" "Fireworkl" W..... ..." Jill 41. Lara
"WE DON'T LIKE IT HERE" say lhe moths when you treat tbem Iwltb BERLOU Motbsp ray. Five year guarant ee. WJ\.'lI'NESVILLE FU~URE & APPLIA NCE. Phone 3462.
_1 'D1.p lay W. Have Ever FI.....
FOR SALE- 15 cu. ft. Deep Freeze good BS new. MILLIE MOBRIB, Route 3, Waynes ville. X- 6·14·21 ,
Oklo Jbe ..,.., PlY....... lin MjyIItaI
• .
ft******** ..... .....** ••••••• *** ...... ...... ...... . . G. T. M. R. ABURNS ****** BURNS ****** BURNS . ."
Ge.eral .Conllacting CABINETS
South Main Street -
PHONE 2846 $
. p~
0' •
COWS $7.00 HOGa $1'® i CWT AQ90rdlni to 81ze .nd Conditi on All Stook lJ.mpve d Dally Lar".: or: 8mall - ,Call Collect
4." '.
'IISPIUTION FOR -INBBPRNDRIVI'141 As w. celebrate CUI; I~dependenc., may '" Nmember this. yOung.erl dwelo p their Idea.. ' prfndp l.. and devotion to Am!irkan traditio n latgely Ihrough the examp les set by oId.r folks.
Dlvl.ion of In'and Prod.ucta, Ino. .'
01 TIE ·&TH · . ,
.___.; .__. ;. .... . . .""'. -.._----. . ----1....... --..... .................. .. ;;;; .... ~ i ,h~s ~l'plred, LAWNMOW~RS :J,
..., u~ Qli 10 live thOt every ad of oUri will be on Insplr-atiOn to the boys ~:lnd girls upon whom the Mure of America depend.. .
NO. ,M ORE motb worries wben r ou use BERLO U flv,e year guar.a nteed Motbsp ray. W AYNESVILLl!! FUR· ~ITURE ~ APPLIA NCE. Phone 3462. "
FOil SALE- 226 ' pouod balf , beef. , 61c per pound. WAYlf ESVILL E LOCKE R PIAANT. e-6-28
By World's la:'gest ' bullder s of Retail Memor ials, We furnish everyth ing. Thill territor y alreudy establis hed. Write Field M:llnager or come to our omee at 536 West MA1N ST., EATON , OHIO. FOR RENT - 2-room apartmen~ unfurni sbed. Above DQt F 0 0 u Store. Ph 0 n e 2;\43, Box E, Waynes ville. e-6-~8-7-6-12
HORSE S $5.00
Wayne lyille
STOP MOTHS at Ids COBt. BER LOU coste only 8c per year for 1\ suit. FIVE Y EA·R guaran teE!. WAYN ESVILL E FURNI TURE & APPLIA NCE. Phone' 3462.
0--6-14· 21:·28
'I •
Aero.. from Twin ~tre -
WANT El}-Rl de to N. C. R. HOIlI'1I 8 to' ,5. Call 3411. X- 6-28
Pape r Plate ., Cup. , W~n Spoo n., Fork . Soft Drink .,' Wat .rm. lon. ' , Fruit s, V•••lable . Lunc h Mea l COok Ie.
OPEl ALL 'IIY ~ULY 41. E,•..,..II, For Y••r Picllc .B....I
W ANTBD TO RENT - Farm In tbls commu nity, large or s!1la11. Have opwer equlpm ent. on 5(}'50 baslB. 'Have lived in tbls v:lcinlt)' for 38 years. ,DEAN G. WALTO N. Foster Rt. 1. X-6-7-1 4-21
.; lids .... will.not iransad ...IIIS......., 4'" ,
.....",,.,,n 'TO RENT
Apart: unfuml sh.e d, 3 or 4 room Ill: f or .neaJ1 Waynesv.1lle. ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• •••• --.:. f\LtmR ;..----,--~. .;.'......-~ GOLDE Y, Phone ,1, LebanoD . :r If your. 8ubscrJ ptlon __6-_~_1_.2_8_7_-5 won't you please Bend U8 a check _ _ _ _ _...,..._..,x . ' 80 we can coDtililu e your paper? , SHARPENED
~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ ~
. E~ST
WAYNE ADV. COUNCIL ATTEN D' BLAN WEDDING Mr. Robert Wilson was host to Mr. and Mrs: W. E. Stroud ".r,, · ·.,.,tln OMtI , tbe East Wayne Advisory dounQII among Hand aad Power ' tbe guests on Wednee day ~11"IOO.mlllllllm Imll l mmWll l1 ~llrulllllllll~mllllm~n ' H~nrlet ta McKlo ley ra- for the June meeting at the Far evening at the , Blanch utei' Meth· ' t A bt ' b 1 on TUeBday Hills Party House. Various topics to d:Y a v~s~ with friends inclugln g the "Farm Family" were odlst cburch at the 1fjeddlD, ot Miss Joyce ~te. a to~m~r teacher , en d ~a.yoe8VUle di,cusse dt and rollowl ng adJourn - In the 'W aynesyl lle scliools. ,They aroun . S n ment to meet In July at the home were also gueltl at tbe receptio n At FAIRLEY OARDWARE Miss Jes/lle ,Garner spent u - of Mr. and·....Mrs. Harry Sattertb - wblcb' followed. In th,e churcb - .. available wlthoul day at tbe .home ql her nephe wI' waite, deliciou s' ments were parlors . or Pbo..e LebanoD S89·L . additional char,e. Pro. Imlina1Le~ne. Talmag e a~d wife .. In WI - served during therefresh Abo Top Qualit y In Meala social hour. ' . ,_ _ visloJls for ' any de. ' Prot. George C. Clark of ,Cbl· and V....... ... .ired music. DINNE R GUEST S IN OAKWOOD cago, m., was. a (l~ler on'l1ue aday HAVE S'U,NDAV ·EVE. QUEST 8 . MI'. and lllril. LouIs ,Fires. Mis_ ot Mines Annie and 'Mame Brown. IIII'. and Mrs. Harold B. Earn, FlOSSie Flires and Mrs: R08e .:t,'.. , no STOC - K WANT ' ED Fire!! Mn. Mabel Hathaw ay and Miss bart and family had a8 D....., , , ' Sunday were Sunday dinner gunta of Mr .. Minnie Dodson attende d the New evening guesy. Mr. .and HORSE 8 e&.OO, COWS $7,00 Century Olub at the home of Mr8. HOward Whitak er and Bonlii Mra. and ' Mre. Paul Harley In Oak· ... Bruce wOCllJ. LIttle Iba 'WIre Lou Kenned l . . Jolin Fromm on ~Iday, FOO D STO RE Bob and Jobn of Myrtle' Poln(, wbo 'had .peDt Mary HOG8 ",00 CWT '-.ud.. ucm the put week with Mr. and Mrs, Roben Keney and Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. Norman her (fl'8ndparenta, Accord ing to 81ze and -Condit ion Str1aU7 Hllen retrned to h_r tile PIaDoe 2141 lID' Uttle c1anlht er Marlan a of Pblllp . Backer t of Carlisle . A dellclou B bome .w itb them on Sunday . Ho". and Other I ...all Stock uo1llld martet ID ,tile ooatl7 . ~:~ar~ ~lle~-:.r:elro:un~u:~; ~~~~~ng.\Va8 served dnrnlg tbe ICE CRE~M SoCiAL .~,_~_~-~.~~'~-~I~-~i~-~i~-~I~-~_~I~.jl Phone Waynll ville JUNE 10 Removed Prompt ly II!RVIC E TH~T IAT •• FlEI morn1Dg and In the aft_mo on bel' ::. Its~n~~~~~~~~~~~~u~ Wayn8 l"me Farme CALL COLLE CT n Granae For Dally Market Report l: vlaltpra w!'re Dr. a~ Mrs. GaleI· W~-J.."'- 2382 lAbMoa 43' WBlO DaJtoD, will bold an Ice cream ~Ial 11:10 (with IUI.T. DIal Riallum ..... . . . . of bayton , accomp anied The GAZE i i i ---.Onl, home made cate) and a lIquart! lJOO: WLW OJDciDDatt, U.O~ DIal their two UtUe ara nd!1a qhtel'll . f t ___ aa u __ o -....INLAND PROD Ucn. .... 700. dance at the 014 Mill Bu.m and Kathlee n KeJ'lleJ'. -- .. - . --,..nlon on Satunla )' ..,enID•• Mr. ,.. .. ....., law.. KIA A ID1IIIa ..,... Marie OWena or Columb us, NORRIS COMPANY called on Millie. Andie IlJId ?fame Abou t - • tiIrII n. v . f a m e . WJcal end Mr. Ward Pam. u f¥I ,..... nJue II mOl will PNIIde cmr abe ...... . ..VM ID Illa•• C~and wi ... bal. TRY GAZETI'E a.ASSIFJ£I)•S _ on- Tlaurad llJ. JUu OW... 11I11III • _ _!IIII!! 'aaqlDC. TM tUlIa II ........ to a former W~ teacler. at1a4.
Oral,1 Pekoe 410
' lld~1
,raDC! araceries
(Taotie) Illis
..... ..... ..... ..... ....
JI._ ..
12.1 0 a Y.r - H___ ...n 0 W,
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 ONE HUNDRED AND SECOND YEAR
Se"eral Injured In .Wreck On Rt.42
o.".rlll laI'" ....1111 Ainlvlrs.r, Jill 1
Pow.II·Dafill .WaddingIKEINETH M. RETALLICK APPOINTED -. THREE WRECKS Is ·Sole_iz.. . H. r ' 1 SPECIAL AGENT IY NEW YORK 'LIFE HAPPEN HERE AI Ho.. of Ih. ·Brld. appointed Ke!lnetb M. Retalllck bas bec I 0"n ROUTE 42 . Spechll Agent for
th ~
. New York Life Ins urance om· Mias, Jud b DIl vts became · th e pany In Warren Coun ty. He 11 a Wrecks Happ~.n When br id e of Enrl I,~ Powell , so n or' belln Superintend e nt oC Rchoo' d Ur. . lind !', ~rs. · Elherman Powell. the Inat three year s In W aynBH. A\ltoiats Stop To View MR8. BALoL VERY ILL \Vayn~s "'lIle R. IR. 3, on Friday vllle, ' where he resldcs lind I; Mrs. S. N. Ball Is very First Crash , eVl'l'lh1f-'i. sevell< "hi l'ty o'clock u t widely known In Wan'en Cou nt.' ber hoOlt' In the count ry. tllO home or heiT parent H. Mr. n'nd where he t aught 8c hool for ol'e ' M'·a. Robert Da\'1s on Fift h st. twenty yea rs, and hus been ver)' Foul' PIlI'sons II' r e Inj ured, on ' RETUftN . FROM FLO RIDA The . Impressive double rln" active In communi ty affai rs. I sel'lous ly, In a co1l1sion 01" at I. '" Miss Yvon ne Stubhll und Miss C l'emnny was perform ~ d ' by Rev. He .Is a memb er of lhe Doord on mile Inol'th of Waynesv Ille Phyllis Burnett hll'v retu rbed Rlltul'dR)' n.fle rnllon 0 11 Route :2. Jolll) W . Wedgewood In the ,Pres of Dlr ectol s of t he \\' "yne~ 11 .. " from 1.1 vacBU,pn in FIOl·lda. e.l ee or the ImlMCllate fnm ll,es. Roial'Y Club lind Pres ld enl of Ute I I\bout 3 ;00 o·c1ock. . - "MI'. Orville WlIllams served hl~ \ ay nesvilJ e Civic Club. I T ile most scrlous ly Il1j ::reo \\'as OVERNIGHT GUEST SATUR DAY ' clJll s ln llS test III1IU. Mrs . Orv1 l1e Tl . Y James J . Crotty. 21, of C;evel; 11 L . Miss Petty Brown was a Sat· Williams, the bntde's only attend· Ie New ork Lire 1ft one of rll'tver or o,le of tb e C:l I'S. 1) 1lrLr, l' ~ urday overnight guest of MJss . sr.t, wor.e a ' bJue taffeta stree the WOJ'ld's largest lI~e tn ~uran (',.,. fit Miami Valley 'h ospital, U,lyl.'lI., Rhoda Blin nI'll. wh ero t he fou l' we re I' J: u,,('(1 lengt h. t rock, :wl,th white a.ccell- coruapnlcs nnd . et fectl; e Lh'l:! W I1I1~; I orl e3 Rn d a wl lte cllrn nt.ion ro r Is. now olferlng coveJage In Ilc·e·. nmbulan 'e, sa id he . \I' ll" ull >d ,II _ !lagI:'. • . dent an d slcknpss I n8ura~I' e ror t fro m Ii · 'om[lound .• fr llCl..i I·O" O !' " MRS'. BANTA. VISITS PARENTS Mr. and Mr8. Walter Elzey, or Tbe brl4e ch08,e a wblte rayon the first time In ltll 101 ) e" l' . ,leg·, )acerattolls a nd ~ hock . Mra. Melvin · Banta, of New Car· 1I81e. wo s n F riday . guest of het WAY11 eBvllle . will celebrate the ir 1J1llrqulsette. Itl'E~et Ic~gtb 8um· hlstol')'. The occupants ot lh se('.onll ,, ;,1' llaren,t s, :.rr. Rnd Mrs. J . P . F I'oUlw. 60th wedding anniversary Sunday I Iller t l'ock, compll.mented by' whit': : A8 a Special Agent l or New Inju red were Pvt. f aul T hoUlIl , July' 7tb at the home at their only l!.!U'e0801·les B.nd. lI, p~ nk and white I York Life. Mr. ~etalllck will 2] , Niles, 0., dri ver, and his pns· 8On, Kennetb Eltey of Dayton . CI _ CIl rna tion con&le. Is ct " '1 I ' sengers. PVt. J ack Miller B,m -s. VI81TORS IN COLUMBUS U E l ha I I pe .... ze n Ute Insurance and Mr. an d AIrs, lIey ve Oller· -FOUDW nc tbl! ceremony a rl'· 1 . SO, of Summ It Point, W . Va. , 11llJ Mr. aud Mrs. Rhode. Bunnell, KENNETH M RETALLICK Pvt. Robert Blak]te. '21, Canton. Ml8s Rboda Bunnell aod Mrs . Earl ated Elzey's Variety Store. here , LEBANON. _ 1\ l1PW f~ t I!row· ceptlon wa. held and the beautl· I accident and slcue.. insurance ' . The th ree so~dlers a ll sufferel1 Hockett were Colu.mbus vlsl. ors for the llast 16 years, ·and he Is Ing Sllort w ill b IUlroducel ~ o IIl I '.lldes cake wal! served with procran1a tor individual., familie s the ·olde.t bU8lns.1 man In Waynes'l llutomoblle rat'lng fnns In r~l'b IcC' Cl'cll,m to the guests. and buslnesl personnel. multiple laceration s a lid Pllsslbl y on Frl~ay . ville In point of years ot service. anon and the Miam i Valley by th.. Mr. nnd Mra. Powell lert for · a WO S· o t her In'j urles: ,Pvt. T homas com· Mrs. Elley was born at Corwin jDayton P leasur() Cnr Club when tlboJ·t. hon.eymOll)n and t he ~ 'd o plal ned of chest In jur ies. T hey SPEND WEEK, END IN DAYTON . ,~ wer e .. removed ·to Wl'lght Pall r<,Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Earnhart August 16, ]880, . and Mr· Elz ey lltOck car races ar.e staged a t, Leb- chose (of ·trav, lIn. 11 rose sill. son AIr Force Base hO$llital aftl'l' lpent the ' week ead wltb . their was born at Lebanon September al,lon Ra~eway on SUllda y. July 8. Cl'ocll with wh~ acce88orl1l8. · Time tr:lal!! are sla ted to get " Upon thelr ' r"urn tll!'Y will 1,' 1.'" ' emer gopcy tre!ltnlent at tvrtllml daughter, Mn. I . N. Robtnllon and 3, 1878. 'Ilbey, were married In Waynesv ille ;ruly ' 1 , 1901: uuder way at 12 noon wblie the Ide in tbe ~k apartmpnt on I , Two Warren County Rtudeotll Valier hos pital. children In ,naytSn , - ' - - -- -.- feature events start ,at 2:-30 ·P. m . T blrd st reet. ., S were named t o the WUmlngton . According to 'B lake be and big P.rtlclpatlng 'wJ\l be 1eadlng drlv- Iloth the bride and gronn! ar j ColJ'Ilge Honor Roll this week tor companions bad comple ed t heir B: PEPPER HOME el'll ,In tbJs area Including ' Carl gradllate a ot Wayneavllle HI!;;, . " . , " . t hi e I.. outst odl ll g academlo basic 1.ral'n ing at Ft. I'nox. Ky. Mr. E .. B. P epper returned to hll naa wert! achi evement dur ing tbe ,!Ipr lng F r iday 'and wore enroute to thell O'Harold, Lebanon, a t,op driver at School and 1IIr. POWI'll Is no ,· . ... 1. ,(i "d ,~If8. Davia home on Ssturday after being c,onForeat Park t rack In DaytOn. 'Ed employed at tn. ~rlgldalre. ~:yln un!d ~OBtcsSCoto be t StOhUllb.. semester, college officia ls have homes for lilx-day furloughs, fined at MJaml Valley Hospital Bve4fct. Mla!Disburg, Don Bierl y, 'I'llt' bride laas been campI . e v 80ry unc a e I announ ced. . At ~:OO o'clo('k a t tbe s(:ene of . for 'several daYB. , . -CbUfch Stapleton, Harold Smltb mented by m.ny lovely brll] ~we during tbe past · week. 1I11~ I To be eligible ror' a plac.e on t he first c rash, the ('.ar o[ 'VI llard COLUM,BUS, 0., July 6.-Charles Diok Aronld aU' 01:, Dayton will. b r showers by her trl.·ods . dls~:::IO:~~n~¥bec~~:t~~~I~I~ :, tbe Honor Ro ll 'a student mus t Ander.on, 61 , of Wayoesv llle. ,.. Monroe, . Sloelat. cbali man, de. scorchlDg Lf,lbanons 'halt·mlle oval and Mis. Ma Wfseman ' H ) . have an honor \lolnt average for lrammed t he back .end of a car FLORIDANS' VI$IT HERE T~~h!~, ~~~I~, ~~e S!~'::~ of partment crf dairy Indu stry, Oh' t)' J'eatured In t he taces w11l be Il;emonstraUonn'Acent a iu t(,m~. the semester of not less t han driven by Sam Markowitz, . ~6, .. Experiment Station. Wooster, has at.ack ,car.a, all late m.odels ami Itbe ve I .' , es ot 3.26. W ith an "1)." valued at four of Ak.r on. the latter·lvparents. Mr. and Mrs. 1.1I.(~eDtEld a pQSi.tiOn 8 8 a n I m,/t I none older than 1939. All hav( 'S" ,Il'len~ :nn~bl:d:~J;::ry ti ne com: points and a ."B" at I1lree pOints, Mrs. Marko witz complaIned or Ray lIalnous. nUlloanaJ~ advisor Ith the Fur m ~teel top.. .. , I The Cpuncll adjaur~ed to me t 3.25 Is equal to 11 un" [llu s aver- pa.lns In ber back. Carl DI.c e an4 Pat Yount, ~oth In J I ' h . b III . t age for the tel·l11. . At 4: 50 LeIJa . Curtner, 37. MIASloctation. ha . f tb D t '01 .j en ~ofe th men w en C"· L ' SOLDIER- VISITS' PARENTS MODl:oe, a wldely·known author- mem ..... r • . a ' e ay on ., eu .. re 'rhl k iN I b t t· taln utbY wlaell . I .Students from Jwls a re.'l wbo a ml s b u·.... . .. , . Bto ppe d to v JElW t h . Pvt. R1cbard Grabam. of 011 dairy cattle, wlll ass ulO e C.r Club. J,nc." ,are In charge 01 • wee ~ 'e t ce e r a e D .r Ie Ua ea I e IroulP h won ' plo.ces on the . Honor' Roll . w reck. Behind h im was a car Knox, was' a Saturday ,0varlllll:bH the ltock car , races. birthday of OU f· na Ion. w,!! a' d UUl . ng fe Pb~antt .80C ai .~Oll ·. were F~an cls o.\lIoore, .Morrow , driven by Roscoe Dro wn, 27, of new dut(e8 ~ . 1: ' }, ccordlng to lustly proud 01 In blstory and 0 e c Oll ~ re res men I were 8 ~ veil. and Oollo.ld · B urna. Ki ngs M ill s. Austin Tex8!J. He was . hi t from and Sunday guest of hili t ••_•••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••• oar foret.then who with coura ge . .. Both student' s' ave~n e d d the rear by a car driven by Claude Mr. ani) Mre. Forest Graham. H. . L . · Ga"Aer, a"nd Cbrlstlan tollght establlshp , . .. , g excsc e manacer at the BUDGET NOT ' Ie ' E d G dOl S·In ·'" " 3.75. ,. Alex/Ide I', 3~, at. I, l'JewtonYlUo, Fa rlD Bureau's .. , • a new . nat..... ... er 0 . . " .. VIII Mr, Cll mol·c. who WIlS gradu. damaging a ll three ,carl!. . WEEK END IN COLUMliUS' Mr. and Mrl. Harry Battenb· Fe . d . Dtvtslon. NoUce Is her.,by "yell. that a tbat ~~y we fhaJ:t .een ~n, ap ate It this spring, re<;elvod h is de' , All cars Involyed in tbese wrecktl ....... WeN _ k ...... . ..... .hldllra. tJwr " of an ~W1I~ . iii[ we ve come graa with bonors. · were towed ln oby Kier's Garo.g • . " ' s Marperlte and ' Orace ,. ~. _ ., ~ -' - _ -:on llout e · 73;' near 'Hal'veysuurg, . tid pate In many ,the ,VUlage of WayensvUle, War- ' ~::oa::SI:!:.nOr :w:'~ ~r:.=hi,) Smlll In Columbus. far m f e e.d e r ·ren County, . Ohio, as prepared by .' _ _ Saturday afternoon at 2: 00 o'clock ·meeUngs, write the Council will be held at the :l,Id ;luc~ a t~me ,.callI fo~a,e • . II. Cllr dl'lvp n by Jas. HI!-rrls, 28. articles ' on llve- Council Chambers at 7 ~ 30 p. m.. um e epen an~.e upon.. , . ,Of Mlamls bo rg, traveling ell s t li t II r,tOVED TO DAYTON steck feeding and 'Ohlo Standard Time on ' the 12th ~~fl~: afil~d::a:~,~:: th" fast ra te o~ s\leed, I'(Ul into R n ltH' Mrl. F. A. On,y ~nd family ma.,ement, . u day of .July, 1961. May ~e meet OUlr da, ·&S .. ' . B!rd II, ake r)' tru ck operlltflil by baVe moved to .Day ton, after lIel1· well as ,.sslst In H . M. SHERWOOD • .IU ~ayor W Ith corale .an d f'a Itb . \\ m. E. P lumrrier, 39, of tllS' their bome to Mr. and Mrs. ... F • • ' . Day toll. B.rry Shl"lto and ohlldren. who ... alnlllB arm Attest: . Th. message alt the MethDdlst Had Lived In Dayton MOlt of . , . are !low ocoup,ln. It. Bur e a u peraonnel In IIveltoclr CIfARbES JAMES, Clerk. church Sunday will be ., A Time H' Lif feeding and manacement. •................................ For Great-ness" There will b'e .. e GUESTS FROM CRY81:AL LAKE A graduate of the CoUege of I special music . You are urged to VOWS laYall YOUrael~es of the opportunA n ntive or Wayn psvtl le . .Jo!<e' b . . Mr. and Mra. ' Carlton Stanley AgrICUI~Ure, Ohio State ·Unlvel'· . . . . Ity ot worship each Sunday In tbe H, BritaIn , 33. of 921 SllperloJ' and tlfP. children, of crystal Lake. Ilty, w ere he ~lVed bi. bacb· fl and m•• ter a degrees, Monchurcb of you r cbiotce: Y.ou'U flnll . D were Bund.y . gueste of their parroe , Itarted wUh the Experlm!lnt a rl,al welcome and tbe week will Ave. , Dayton. \Vns II100 ll g tb e five ent.. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Station In 1920. . . b joyous Wrlght-Pattersoll AFD civilians Stanley. Monroe beclUDe Interested III e more . . who were killed Friday when an In a doubl e·rlng candlellght cer---, The Rotar ian s -,vere s urprised llI·fa.ted United All' . Lines pla ne e mnoy at 7 :30 Saturd ay evening. mlnerliJ metabolillm studtes with RETURN FROM MICHIGA.... bllb d' 1 . 1 I t Tu d ' h R crashed Into til Crys.tai moun- Miss Olara, Bernice S heAhan was 4"d Mn. ~yd Davll Il~::~::01~n1::fee4IDg, . an . cobductlll8 • ow eve I ex'0 I es ay ~venlng when t e , 0talns neBI' F t. Col1ins • .Colorado. wed to Mr. Ri ch ard DonR.ld MrIIr-. .... I tal'fanDa, were pre!le J}t at th e reg . I Mr, and ·1I1'l1. W~l1I.m Davll wltb tlie ExPf.lrlment ulal' meeting, ' . Ail 60 a board worEl killed. ' Fadden, or Waynesvill e, at the returned from Bron80n. Mlcb.. herda •. a. "fell as herd s A delicious ham d!nner ",nl!. en. R . .. Britain , although a n ative at Sprll'lgboro Refor med Chu rch . the Ttumbull and Belmont joyed on tbe lawn a t th e Far Hills , Waynesv ille, hlld resided I'u Day· The ' cel'emoD Y 'yhl. h joined ...bere Uaey 'bave vacationed for tbe put two weeki. County Eqlerlment farms, and Party Rouse. ton most or his lire. these two prominent famltles was wltb . Department ot Public Wm . Tullls, Lytle, o ( th e Opn- Corn stolks ar~! purshlng palt ""ARLAN EARNHILRT He Is sUJ'v lved by a ha.lf sister perfo rmed by the Rev. J erome LEAVES FOR NEWPORT, R. I. , His ' studles h.ve kaaelt Farm Managemen t gnve a seven foot helght8 In tbe f l e l d '/ '1 Betty In Kentucky a nd several Schulz. 1.11,,8 Sh eehan Is .t h e 11181 Mal')' Dora Houlh lett ~n to a better understand. 1leDcthy talk on the mett;ods a nd (armed by Walter C. Clark, Jr. on The ·Dean'. list 01 ~elbmen at aunts and uncles. daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. C. n. I'rldar eYeDInC lor Newport, R. I .. InC at the mJnerai and protein Ipro.b leme . of his company t n man. the Lytle-Fi ve Poilits road. Yale this year Includes the names Sheehan, Doyton·Lebanon pike, wbere ..be wm teach Spanish at requlrementl of milking cows. aging farms for oibers. I Tbls field gr:owth outdid any· 01 the I!tudenta who have attained M Y F Will M t and the gr oom Is t he son of Mrs. the Ma.,. A. Burnham "By the lIonroe is ,. Rott,r1an, member We dare say that the slIrprlre thing else Been In. tbe Miami Val· an average of 80 or blgher In the • • • ee Elizabeth McFadden, of Bethesda. Sea" aummel' school during July Amerlcan. Cbemlc&! Soclet,. . visit .of' the Ro tllryanns was en. ley by Clark. CC)J'D stalks work of the term, and Mr. and Sunday E . venin" The a l4ar was beautifully elecol"d and Auiult. · of the Ame..tcan D~lry< Javed by aU Rotary members ,above the fence allld .Ull Mra. ~Id B. Earnhart were very t!t at ed with cnnde la bra, palms. nl1 ABaoclation arici the Amer· ~ .' ." tasqels, are far bl~yo~d "the I'knee 1Ileaaed .to . rece~ve the, Information a large · fan·shoped arrngement at RETURN TO FT. WORTH So('lety' of Animal Production. 8 ' , [hlgb by tbe 4th olt Jul, theory of frO~.tbe Dean, Pr.ofe810r Norman Th.e M . Y. F. of the Methodist .m)B " e sdt Vm "'halnte ,oflrOWtehreS' ,'v"" dl' ng ,,'as W, . C, S. SCHOOL OF . oldtlmers for a IOiDd crop. B• .Duck. , tluI,t tlletr son, Harlan, uu . Mr. an.d Mn. Jl.aJ1Dond Kenrick .. ---~._-MISSION AT SABINA Clar k has 23 a(lrel ,of , that tall, bad received tbls bonor for the ch.urcb will meet Sunda y evening Joseph McF adden, of Mem phis. left tor their liome In Fort Wprth, The W. S. C. S. S "hool of MIs. ,good stand of W..e;. hybrid variety leat, term. Harl~ wllJ eliter his at .7 .' 30 p ' . m ' Devotions and dis- Tenn., brother of' .the groom. CARD OF THANKS ~~::;e!n ~~!:,rs~:~yaf:~r:IS~I::, We wish to eXpreSI our sincere slons will be held Ilt Sabina from on t~e Roy Flschlilach ,.rm, R R2, So,Phomore year at Yale In Sep. cusslon Wm be led by WinnIe Jo Mald-lof-honor Wft.S Mlljs J ennette July th to Fri day . ,J1.lly [wayneSVille. f" t,mber. St,out atter which Joe Sma llwood Sheehan, sister at t he bride. 1\lr!<. and -app'reclatlon to dur :SundDY, Desda, evening sup~r guests of ~ wtLl preside over the business Dale Sprin ger, of 'Dayton . cousin frlende and relatives for 13th. It II! hoped severnl 'rrom ·. the meeting a nd 7.ana May Fulkerson lor tbe bride, \vaS matron of hOllOI·. Mr. and Mra. James McDonald. klndnel. and sympathy and local Metbodlst c!mrch will atte:ld. . . the recl'eo,tlon. and MIRS P hylli s Bakel'. of DayWEEK E,.D IN MIDDLETOWN tloral offerings received 11 attended Inst Sunday and ton, was bridesmaid. . . Larry, and Terry 8attert"walte, ~~ ~~~~ac:t :~rd f~~e!:. PICNIC FOR C. S. C.' S. '. ' .... had a helpful aod t;njoyabl e ev e· A recep tion was held at the tWin IOns or Mr. and Mrs. Henr)' I~=:~,n lor his conBollog words, All tbe children of t he C. S. ,~. . Two 8ults were flied In . Warren nlng. Other young people 81'e In-. Spri ngboro Grange Rail . . R. Batterthwaite. were week end Stubbs Funeral Home for of the Methodist churcb wHl go on "count y courts TueHay ,a fter JudIe vlted. . The brid e was gradunfed from guestl.of their .unt·and uncle, Mr. services: a picnic ~tu rday , Jllly 7 tr.o ~ 2 :00 Frank L. Jobnao'n', ' of X8Illa • • d - . . . . . The presl~el1 t appo inted Zon a Spr in gbo ro High S<;hool and is It and Mri. Byrd' Lackey, Jr., In 'Or Cb ' B to 6:00 p. m. E veryone should mltted for rp'obatel Uae will of Fre4 " •• ,May Ful ke rson. Bob Moran and member of. Betll S igma P hi sOI·or· Mld!lletown. . ... ra. ea, rown meet 'at the ' churcb at 2:00 p. m. Kahn. Lebanon alltomobUe dealer. .. IJ BllI Fis hback as a committee to lty. . A good time Is ex pected by all. which divides hill' "2'1,000 estate pJan a part'}' In July. Th e groom WIlS gradua ted rrom Mra. Albe.l:t Cleaver AT WEDD1NG SATURDAV MI'II. Rosie Ilett between hlB wldo'", lin. Vlr,lnla Quarterly bUl1nc1l bave been Is. B!!th!!sda High ' School. ntte nl1 l'(1 Mrs. Elisabeth McFadden, of SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD Kabn and ' M.lsB Edith WIlliam a, IUed by B;oapltal Care CorporaMu sklngum College and was gradhis secretary. . tlon 'to aU Blue CroBs and Blue uated f rom tho Cincinnati School Bethesd., Mra. Helen Adami, Mr. VISI:rOR8' FROM PITTSBURGH I Mrs. Wllllaml filed ault agalnst ·Bhleld memberl enrolled, through ot Embalming. . Joe ,McFadden and Mr. Frederick Mr. and IIrs. Maynard Rlob' and MEETING FfUDAY EVENING The Boo.rd of Edu ca tion and 1Mrs. Kahn asklll8 for partition of the community of Waynesville. .. U Upon theh' return fr om a wedMcFad4en. wllP were bere for, Ion of PJttaburgh were week end P411Dent of thele fees will proding trip ' to Canada, they will the Mc~den~beeban wedding on lUelts of. the iormer'l parents, Sunday School Board will meet ,the estate and r~ueBt1ng bel' halt, make their home In Waynesville, Bat~rday evenlne were .guestl of ,Mr. and Mn. J . B. Rich. Mrs. Rich Friday evening a t 8:00 p. m. at lan,d Mra . Ka~n countered. with a teet memberll from July 10 t hru Harold suit contesting tIIle will; Oatober 10, 1961. As a canvenThe Waynesville Buttons and wbere Mr. McFadden Is employed ~. and Mra. . EIlDer Sheehan and and IOna remained for • tew 'daYB the Methodist Church. Judge Joh~n Damed to lence to members" at. leut one Bowls 4·H Club met Tu esday. June by the St ubbs Funeral H ome. )lr. and Mrs. A. H, Stubbs. Mr. Rlcb UId famll, who have .re· Earnhart, S. S; Su pt., w llJ preside sided In Plttabuqh. are ~w mov· and plans to r the comi ng months hear tbe cue at Lebanon by tbe ,banlt In mOlt Bnrolled community 26 at Ricky Palmer's wltb Mrs . K. . Retalllck and Mrs. J,a RU €l In DAUG.H'tER FOR ' DSBORNES Ina to their new home In Pilllo· wtll be discussed. All a~e urged Oblo Suprema Court after JudIe II'OlIps now accepts tees. to attend. . IRalPb L. Carey, W.nen Oounty I Blue Cro.1 mem. bera are urged charge and Winnie Jo Stout pre· Mr. ,.nd MI'lI. Rpbert OaborDe delpbla; PIa. Judge, requelted thc to take their Identltlcatlon Cards. sl4lng. , Prdlia.te • r e aDnounclll8 the . birth ot tb.elr , obange. 1·loni with them on vacation We decided to hove 'a pi cnic on BIIcon'cl daughter, ' Linda Loulle, WEDDING ANNIVER8ARY 01 Th~ estate 1Ilt~il IlidebtedilesB In U's their pulpart to worry·free July 2nd .at the Swimming Pool. wellbt five pounds !leven and one· . recove.,. wben ' bospltal care Is It turned ,out very well. A Iso we excess of $171,000. half o\lllcee on Manila" July I, at Mr. and lira. Harold B. Earn· • MiamI' Valle, 'Holpltal. Mr. and hart celebratecl '~belr wedding an· Tbe wm WhlClll Jll4le IOhDaOn\nec....ary. People are prone to,declded to go to Coney Island J uly WDayr;'sn~~lry le, ~onot ,~~~l ~:sowpnra~~ . admitted lor prob ate nted by become III or bave an accident 18. The drivers of the cars that ~ , MI'lI Ora Pula of FarmerayWe, ntv~ "n Tbund., and tbey, Robert Marta, ClnclnnaU • • ttorney wblle on vacation because they. are gOing to take tlll are : Mrs . tfced medicine herp. for man y . .... tbe matetnal fl'aDdpareat. and..... lin. Naomi BacIIert, Miss The Wayn e G C P 4-H Club for Miss WIlliam. . ' are not following their usual dally Stout. Mrs. H:adler, Mrs. Madelyn years, tell at he r home Wednesd ny Mr. and Mn. Harold O.born are lIary. Dora Boucll, MJII Donna tile paternal IJ'UIdparents. Bartl)n, Mias Rutb Earnhart and met on June 25 ~nd' ha'd a weiner 1 Mre. Kahn ...ho contencte the rouUne. Drlvln, OYer strange Hammnod . We are to take our mornin g at 2: 01) o'clock fra ctur ln J:( _ . Mr. BarlaD Earnhart en.jo,ed the roast -Ith Mr Michener In 'c barge . will Is not the taat wm of bel' road., • cbanle In ' drinking water, lunch andg- et a soft drink down ber right leg. !;Ihe was r emovell • P' I busband. nam" 111"1 WWlaIIIa .nd and 10111 hou1'8 out-of-doors In- there. to the McClellan Hospital In SON FOR ROBT. B, SHAW. eVaDing In DaJton. The members had a fine Ume. H.rry Z. 01'." acImIDI8trator, 10 crease tbe tendency toward accl. Tbe guest was Rhoda Bunnell. X!!nla by the Stubbs Funeral Home IIr. and Mn. J. H. Sackett are Tbey played maDf games. We then ~er suit to have ..t .. dents .nd IUn... Tbe next meeting will be held at ambulance. th~ pr0a4 pandpal'8Jlt. of .aother VISIT IN SPRINGFIELD had a weiner I'08st. played mor:J . . . Joan La Rue's JUly 10 at 2:00. - - - - -- rruadclllld. an aIIbt poUd IOD, lira. LlI"Ue Armltap ... as a week 1aDl8l. then went bome. ' . h. I One - guest . was present, Joan . You need Do you want Joar newspaper to CI.u b memberll who _ ~'111 take If you _ve anl- p ctures you borD1o .tUb' ....III·Ia... and d.....• ead ...., of ber 101l.ID.I." , and . l,our neWlpall81' conUnae1 Tbpn YOU mUlt aupport part In tbe program tor the next want published In ,our paper, jUl t ter. IIr, aDd II.... Hobert B. SbaW' ciaqbter, IIr. and lin. Woodro... LaR~' . ......_ toe! I meetIDg are' Glenna Jane Mer· send in a I loll8Y print to tbe of ........., .. JIIaad Yaller BOlo ow... an4 ebll4re1l ID Sprlillflel4. The next meeting wlll be held 801'11" ILJ It. rick, WUbeimina Bradclock .nd GAZETTE office, with a .tof7. pi'" IDe •• 1Ir..... lin, .t IIlahenel'll .July 9 at ~ : OO. .Joan La Rue. Then .. 110 charp for ...... picSllaw crt IAbuIoa. ... Ii.......... Bob.". Br&ddock 1lJW) TBlil WEEKLY llUDAD bmw. wiiBkLy N80IIII I, JIartOD. tueL ......... 111M» 'I'D.OMifi'l'a "'W'"'IIIIKL--I'J KNOW
1-----·- --
Siock Car lIac.s I II L.b . . non duly 8
I T Warr.n SIudanI S ' III Wa,.. A. -' W,lm'I'n ;, On' Honor Roll I ·collncJ-I I • I• At -' 0 iF ' urnas
AcelpIS.· ,.O.III01 Will.• 11111 alr.SI 0.,'11,.
F'?' :J
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01.1'. Usl'AI 'ale
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1 Wa,ne Nafav. In Plln. Crasll
10ta..,II' It . RIM 0 ary ••I-In,
McFadd.n.S••••an Are Spok.n Salurda, lIi h,
Fas.IIrowll' • l ' aom Slo.alle,. 10." A••II
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' 1
ISEeRETABY SEEKS 'IR,'I'ITIOI IJ; WID'oW FIIITS tE8111011 WIL'L ' .11. C"". 1••1. rt'.rh. 11111nls
B.llons and Bowls jlH CI b Ma.Is
1,.. I.W.I••P.r HaRoa.t I
Dr. Mall Cook Has aad Fall
(T !'[)
IQ~ t
Elt.bUahld Flbruar),. 1110 PAUL A. 8CHERER - - - - ---- ____ ~ ___ ~ ______ ~_ Edltor and Publlah" CECILIA J. 6'CHERER __-. ____-__ ~ ___ ~- ____ ._8ecr'tary and Tr,..urlr
. . . ··lk.·
Term-No Renew.1 Repayment Privilelel
STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Columbus, Ohio, June 23, 195] Engineer of S.Iea Legal Copy
-~banon. Obio Phone 448 ELLIS H. 'STURM, Sec'y.Treat.
cently 801d by Its former occupant" aD, aspbaltlc
~ ... •.
55 55
Becau.e All of Ute Item. Are Relfular Thitkield Merchandise Sold in the RelUliv Thitkield Manner.
you'~1 Find Eleilina Reductions On: .Yard
t;:d;:~wl:ahr~;n~:o:Cno!ltln:t~ye,~lO:b;l o' ~_
• Ready-to-Wear • Sho••
IM en'. Wear
T .H 1 R K ''.1 E L D 5
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' Mr. ,Donald and Mra. Barton, Walter son Dona, ot Mr. ldson. and ' couree, Pavement: Items ~ T·SO I .d tand h SO T-S6.feet; .,..~ Actt.>'rr· 5==_ Mrs. Dallas Barton .8ustalned a Length 897'.8. feet or 0.17 mne~ fractured pelvtc bOne In a tractor PROPOSAL No. 2 accident on the Tletmeyer farm HamUton Colinty, Ollio, 'OD SecAfter ao- week. of atora,e, nine lut week. The youth 16 . reporfed jio'n 26069. U. S. Rbnte ~o. So..B, In vari,tI .. of carrot. contained more to be recovering BaUaraetorlly. ' BprtDrfteld Town*bl" by al)plylng' carotene, the bulc: matarlal of vita. Mrs. Clarence Price was .. guest. aD • ••pbaltlc eoD4)rete aqifacil min A, th.n they contained belorl ThursdnY ' of Mr. and Mrs. Marvtn conNe, Itemll T:tO and T·35. , Ayers of Olnolnnatl. ' Pavement: Wfdtb 30 feet, lenltb :~::n~r:::t ~~~ :::~:~. a recent .~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 Mrs. Henry ,Gentry , clerk. In the '192.0 feet or 0.16 iDlle. 111 t BOlan Grocery, ta 111 at her bome ' PROPOSAL No. 3 near town. , Warren County, Oblo, on Section Lew Price remalnll III at the 0.00, '0. B. Route No. 22, In Deer· home o! his 80n. Olarenee PrIce. field Township, by applJlll, an 01' Mr. ,aud Mrs. ltaymond DeBoard phaltlc concrete aurtaee course, and famIly, of Wilmington, were, ltemll T-BO B-36' aDd T·S6. ' Paveme~t: WId t h 20 feet; gueat8 Sunday of Mr. DeBoard'8 '-THAT GOOD TEXACO GAS AND OIL broth&r-In·law aDd sl8ter, Mr. and Length 12,880.4 teet or 2.43 mllell. loire. OUa Rich and family. PROPOSAL No. t , LUBRICATING SERVICE - .FIRESTONE·ACCESSORIES The B. Y. ~. met In regular BeaWarren County, Ohio, on Sec. . I lDn at Jonah a ~un Baptist oburcb tlollil 2.43 and 3.29, U. S. Route . Bund ..)' evening. No 22 In Deerfield and Hamilton Mrs. Frank Morro~ will be T . , hI b I I an aspbal ho~tesl at her home near Harvey.. own. p., y a.PP 'f n, . b ThurlilaJ afternoon to the. tJ ~ concrete surfaoe cour8e, ltems urg, , 1;'-30, Bo36 aDd T·35. frv.a.~ WAYNESVILLE July me~UIll of the Women I Pa ement ' w: t d t h 20 Ieet . -....u
Bob Sems
W..,. ,. •
On ow liberal 1';l1li '1_ old .... ' IaAeI or 'A'Ito.aIIe fr......ator, rGIIge or wCllhat Il10)/ be fr.. QIIprahal, . . . . . . • . . all ycu lINd to a brcmd
new fttgWaIrelefrigaralor. EIecIrIc
SPECIAL .For13 · Days ONLY
Chrtatlan Temperance 6,882.8 feet1 or mllell. ' Mrs. Harriet Clark UnIon. of Wayne8· Leutrth PrOpou1a NOs. to 1.01 , 4 inclusive ville, wal a r~ent dinner gue8t ot f..... -ntract to be completed Mrs. Laura Shldaker. , 0 b 961 Mrs. WOllam Dollter entertained not ater thaD Octo er 1, 1 . wltb a luncheon at her Mme, ~I· The minimum wa,e to be paid -day, ' . '1 I 1f, to all labor employed 01\ tble can· ' t.-;act IIhall be in accordance with MIas Barbara Doster h 88 fa- the "Schedule of PrevatUng Wage turned to her h.ome he!,e following Rates -\ecertalned and Determined a rult with ~er uncle and aunt. .". the Department or Industrial Mr. and -Mrs. Wllrord €otlsm" of Relatlona applicable to State Hlgb. Coll1~bue. way Department Improvements In Mra. A'. S. ColleU and MII~ accordance wIth Sectlonl 17.3, 17.4, JenDY Lee Oaborn were amoni 17.04_, 1'1-6 an4 17-5a of tbe Oeneral gueata to attend a dinner «Iven by Code ot Ohio." Mrs. M~y Ch.pman at her lIDme .The bidder aluat aUbmlt with In WaynellvJJ1e Thuraday evenln,. hI bid a certUied check In the Mrs. . A. S. Collett, MIs. J."ny ":ount, of $3510'00 Le Ollborn, 14118 Martha OI&rD, .. ~ " . Mr• . Laura Slilda1ter. Mrs. Bertlla Plana and IIpeclflcatlona are on Gordan and Mr.. ~tella :Vance at· tile In t he, department ot hlgh~aYIi tended the .W. C. T. U. Conference and the offiCI! ~f the divisIon dep· uty director. ' held- at Chautaugua Tbur...t. The members of the Gran,~ held The dlrsctor reserve8' th~ rIght a picnIc Monday ennm" at the to reject any and all bids . .oountry hc.-ne of Mfr. and M1'8. T. J. KADER. Charlel Swindler. State Highway Director The member8 of the Harveys· 6-2g.,...7.6 burg CIvic League were taken on a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--"'--'--:: I'IItliaMN conducted tour of the Good Will Induatry, D~yton, Tuesday. ~he _,• ..l , a:& ....... _ , group was I~rved a dinner In the • . DrtD or - . t . a-WMIIf- - ... ' cafeteria of tlie ' Indu8try during .~es:- 01 ~ at ~ 1ft . , the noon bour. .. I II renmmllld14 tor ~ . ~ ~~ Br.ildwar Zane A.lGray, Prop. MI88 Katbleen Graham, ot Day. ...omicll rell'dta, tQn, 8pent the week ,end with 'ber Word has been received here' LIBANON, mother, Mra. Howard Oraham. the serious Illness ot Mr. Ernest Jimmy Lou, III Ipendlng a f~r- CollieI', of Nuhvltle, Tel!n. Mr. lough with bill parents, Mr. and Collier. a 'former resident of this Mrl!. Oordan Long, of n ~ar Mar· village. 18 confined to a hOspital veyaburg. in that city. . Mla8 P8I'IY Park has, returned ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mr. and Mr•. John Syferd a~d _ _Ion, Kenneth, of Oaytoll, were to her home In Olnclnnatl follow. . .&Ue8t8 Sunday of :&tr8. Syferd'8 Ing a visit of several days with ),Jarents, Mr. .and Mrs. H. S. ber , grandparent8, Mr. and Mra. Tuck~r. . ·H. S. Tucker.
' -
Firestone & Lee Tires --
Becaule Many of the Items Are Ha.lf-Price
Estate of Lucy Squires, Dec'll ", Notice Is hereby given that' W : _ B. Squires wbose Post Oftlce Address Is Waynesville, Ohio, has ... been duly IlPpointed n 'Admlnlstrator ot the .j.:::atate of Lllcy Squires late of ~ ~rren oilnty, _ Ohio, deceased. _ D a -
Beeauee the Sale II Storewide!
No. 51414
~!E:~~~~~~7' E~i;l{a~i:;t~~~ ~I:~!~~r: U:!:!:f!~~~~:P~;~i1~
E 55
Leb••on National Farll Loan '
1951 1II111111111111111111111111111111111g;
FRIDAY, JULY, 6, 1951 .
CaD or Write
Sab.crlptloll 'Ratea-ID OhIo, 12. Per :vear in adv~ce: $2.60, elaewhere,
uudilr the act of Marcib I, 18Tt,
Mr. ' and Mrs. H . J. GIeger, ot Sealed propOtala wID be reo Oakwood , were guests Saturday at OIlTed at the ortlee of the Stllte Mr. and Mrll. Todd Bunce. JI1.hway DlrectQr of OhIo, at Co' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van der lumbuB, OhIo, until 10:00 a. m. Voort and 11k yan der Voort'8 Ohio .standar~ \ Time. 1.:~ell dal" mother, Mrs . . Elizabeth Van del' Jaly 17, 1951, for Improvement8 In: Voort. of Pitsburg, Pa., we_re din·, Propo8al8 Nos. 1 to 4 inclusive ner gllests, Thursday of , Mr. and are offored a8 one pro'ec{ and v • Mrs. W1lIard Bogan and their wlll bbe a~ilrded ae one contraot. daughters, Mls8 Mar y Belle and PPROPOBAL No. ·l ' Betty Bogan. ,
.....",'5 118th AnniverSary Sale
En ' -.. II all licond Clalll matter lh ~ . lHSlofflce at WQaN~, OlUo,
~ EYery Thur.4ay Mornln, at W.,...Y1lle. Warren <Xrunty, Ohio.
:; '. ,
"I', a. FrI,I.alri Rlrfr"lrato,,'
'tll, lth Dfr
, .
lOW 'AND SAVE - FRigiDAIRE R,'rileritor Prices Start At 1188.10tRADE
!be Good Housekeeping Shop Next To Bank
Phone 23
J. W. We4Iewood, Mlnlater 0IIIIr0b 8eIIooI, 1:IO.qI., Mr. .Harold JIlanIiut. 8Qt. Worahlp Bemee, 10:10 A.II. Youth Fellow.hlp, Suday 7 :30 P.II. . Chell-, Practice Thun4ay 8:00.
B, E. BallII'D, PUt.or
The Policy pay~ the ex.,enael actually incurred for required tre.t.... at 1; .. ginninlf while .the ' inau .....c:e 01 the afflicted perlOll is in effect and ~tbia 3 ye.... from date of ~.t treat;ment, .. foUow~: , , U\S\~H EC.\I~c:.
s.mo.. .:......
I. PAjrNrS WHITE 2. KlLilS GEIMS 3. KlLllS 'tllS
The nev. Samuel N. KIU t Recipl Sullda,.: Church echIGl 10:30 a. m. Adult Wol'llalp, 10:10 L m.
Why pay ,for two 01' three spraying jobs in barn~ 'PO"-try house or cellar-fi~st for whit!i=W8sbing, then for disiafe~ing, ~en for fly control-when Carbola does .11 in
caner, JllDlater
Bible 8cbooI, ':10 . A.lI. JIonam. WonIalp, 10:10 ..... Prapr JI....... 'I:eo • .11.
Yoaa PM.,.· MeeUq. '1:00 EYenIq SemoN. '1:10 • .11.
WIlUuD 8IIaD.Ilon. llbdlter
, 81D1da7 801I0oI. .:10
J .....
o.m... --.
~ .II_,
........ IIIIAII
' . . .Ii.... ,
'. ~
.- Kills spiden, 9Oro less cobwebs for 8 Better .sarlitation. Lower bacteria
IT PAYS up .t o $S,ooo~OO for .ach penon'.
IT PA~S up t~ $1,000.00 for each p.r.on II, •
IT PAYS up to '$2,500.00.for .ach penon
THE RATES ARE LOW ••• INDIVIDUAL' POLIcY For 1 Year ' ___ _ ------$ 5.00
For 3 ' Yean ~_~ _______ ' 13:50
... _ , )
KillS FliES
(c.,Iooel .......... ,...,.,." . . _
lIlY.- Simee, 8: 00 P. M. . ....,... Meatiq uul Bible ~ ORlEaONtA EVANaIELLC~L u. L W. . . ...,. . . . . . JIl'Cl" H. RUer.. Paltor fJU114a7 SoIIooI, 10 A., M. aT. AUGVlTlII. CtlUIIOH JlOI'IlIq Worablp, 11 A. M. F.'Iler lIoMloboIq, putor ,. lI"'ea 8:_ aDd 10:00 A.M. WAYNIEIVILLIE PRlaNoe
'DIIIN".ctANi In c.r...... pro8t.~ ... 4 ....... lDcIDdlDl
and Smallpox, Diphtheria, $Carlet Fever, Spiaal MeDiqitis, Tetanu.
ONE EASY,LOWER COST OI~ERATION -trora.- tlM'·...... of DIIDI. .....,. ....,.
P"-O"'DI. 1& 'UC1 '1,r4. SlID" __ of -* IIDOD.... 10:10 ·.&.11. ., laYenJq aem.., '1:30 '.~ .
CHIlIiT JI, B. Coffer, IIIDlaMr CAIIAR" 'CllIEBK irillalWDa BtblII BduIoJ. .: 10 ..... Donald . HalD••, Superintendent. JIornlq WonIdp. 11:10 ..... . . . . . . . . . U ..... YOWIC People.' Il..usa.,' 'l:eo P~A
", .,. 10
FAMILY POLICY ..;-. For 1 Year -------__'.0.00 For 3 Ye~, __ - ____ _ 27.00
Phon. 153
PM,.. 2371 IcIeooI. 1:11 .uL II,~ ,.W-onIdp, It:" '.&.II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . .. . FOI' Jual $2.00 You Can Get .... CuIIta F. A Wlaa1e Y....
....... _
Utfbul 't1f8Joa BiiD4a7 aDd noblU'cb. .el')' SUDdaJ III IODle _
au ·oIIIIIaIa at
PUI' . . . . .
=PHOiiC~NEiEi2t.14t:3ST~~O;-P~LA:U;CECEJA~ai:AASSiilff1ilt~:o~~iim~U'IA'DtDrt DON'T HESlTA'n TO CALL 1143 IF YOU IMYJ NEWS
If 7_ I1IIIHrIpUon ~ a:pInII, . waa!& J'OU P............ GIIeoIE 10 ~ . . . . . . . . JWr 'JIiIIiI'!
THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1951 LEGAL NOTICEADVERT.SEMENT FOR BIDS Bids wlll be received by the ea:.Jncll or: the VlIIage or Waynes. Ville, State of Oblo, at til ottice of .ahl Council or at the r8llidence of Charles James, Clerk of tbe Council, unlll twelve o'clock nOOn July 15, 1961, fOI' furnishing the ucce8sary labor and matcl'lals for repali'lng cerlaln streets within Ihe said Village of WoynesvllIe.
NOncE FOR BID8 .SIC, 317, GC Sec:"'2SU) NQllce Is hereby given I bat sealed bids will be received al Ib", OrflC)8 of .tbe Tnlstees or W"YUtJ Township, . Warren County, Ohio, ButCher, defendamlt ordered to pay until tbe 21st day of July, 1951, at MARRIAGE LICENSE8 12 o'clock Noon, EM.tern Standaril Curtis E. Williams, 22, fucLory $20.00 (11' 1' week. Ruth Carey VIS. Jolm WlIlIalU Time, ror furnishing tbe labor and wroker, Franklin: Mnrguret Ann Carey, divorce to plalnUrr. material required for tbe erection Jefrl'I·Y. 17, ned Lion. Jonh D. Hogall vs. Ella May of a Flrellou.e to bouse the EqUI[J ' Ear l L . Powell, 20, assembler, me lit 0 be Wayne Township FII'e Waynesville; Judith Ann Davl., 16, Hogan, ~aae dlRmls8ed wlthollt record and wltbout preJjudl<'e. Department according to the plan., Waynesville. The work to be Ilone consists of ond speclfl.catlons tal' SUch 1m· Richard D. McFlldedn, 28. mar· State of Ohio V8 Clifford Tro· fUNIlshlng nil . lobol", equipment "rovement on file with the said ti clan, Wayne.s vllle; CIl\ra Bernice vllln, plea.of 'gull!.y, placed on lITO· . I and mat rials for the rellalr of tbe Township Trustees. Said bids will 8h ehhn, 25, secretary, Waynes bation for fl'v8 YElan. following speolfled streets: be opened and r ead a,loud at tbe vllle. ' State of OJalo Y8 Ishmll I Worth I, Gradlrig, cutting doWn and same address' at the time stated Wn llace Wlrtb, 24, factory Oraft, plea at guilty to nSHau11 and resurtaclng or Tyler Street from nbpve. work er. Ba lesvllle. [ndlana; Sylv ia batery, sentenced \0 PO)' a fine or $106 and costs. Mahi Street to Third StreEll, Chap· Separate bids will be I'ecelved Lay, 19, Morrolv. mim Street trom,' Th ird Street to on the following di visions ot the, Arnold l..ee CreeCh. 20, faotofr Dayton Road. work as sllown on the plans sod worker. Miamisburg: Reva Morle PROBATE 2. Grading .. cutting down and reo speclflcaUons, for anyone, or nuw , Melvin, 1, Franklin. Estate of Dllvld H. Lucas, dec'd, l urtaclpg Firth Street from Cbap· bel', or all of the dlv\alons enum Van., Settle, 31, shipping cler k, Anna E. Lucas. adwlnlstratrl, man Street to North Street. el'ated below : . Franklin : Ollie Hunt,· 41, Franklin. tiled tlrst and (lnol a ccount. (SUPPLY LIMITED) S, Resurfaclng ' Thlrd Street from Division No. I-GENIDRAL CON· Estate of Edna T. Park, de 'd, Miami Street to Soutb Stroet. STRUCTION Including : . NEW SUITS LOl1ls I . Park apI!lOlnled exeoutor . Excavallng and Grading ; EVil M. Harmel Vs George W . Charles J. Wllggllner, Carl' Stiles • , OIling Sixt h Street from Chap· man Street to Franklin Road. Exterior Paving: HOI·mel. divorce, extreme cruelty, and Sam Kaufmnn appointed ap. Each bidder Is ask d to preBent Concrete and Cement Work; Marvin Young, attorney. ' (lralsers. Louise Ml1ls vs, Johll Mills, dl· ta ' " M ' Inclu· ding C t Slon his bid on an ovel'lll1 basis Rnd aSOhl,)" . u v, ' vorce, ,.xtreme cruelty, J . T . Rl\e~ . Ee te of Ray IBrant, dec d, . La· alao on each street separately anll Structura l Steel a.nd Miseellane· Phil ip Stokley vs. Bernard Verne Ilnd LeRoy Brant appointed ."peclfy wben tbe work will be ous Iron Work; Hager, money In thb amount administrators. learted and completed. Roofing, Insulation and Sheet claimed or $200 with Interest at Estate or SlIllls Hill, dec'd , ~A.l1 bids s hall be Inclosed In a Metal; M " 5 d Laura Lillian Hili appoinled ad· ~1ed , ftnvelope endorsed on tile Metal Windows; 6% from ay 2.. , 19 1, all costs. .e... ~ F\ Delores Shlverdeckm' vs James mlnlstratr~x. out-Ide of lhe em'elope aB ' "Bids 1rl'IIIg, Lathing and Plaeterlng ; Shlvel'decker, divorce, gross neg. Eatate of Caril Crane, dec'd., for Street Repair" .and addressed Finish Hllrdware ; lect, H.' O. Flnk'elmaD. Florence R. CrllDle appointed ad. w the Village Clerk, Wuynesvllle, Caulk.1ng: mlnlstratrlx. Oblo. Glass and Glazing ; COMMON PLEAS Estate Of EDIlma ' J. Mayne, Painting. The right Is reserved t0 reject Dlvlllioll No.2- HEATING Harry Schultz v R. C. Lewi s t ~ec'd, M'a rtha E. Kindred, admln· any and all bids. Division NO.3. _ ELECTRICAL judgment 10 Pla~ntlff In tb', Istratrlx, w. 111. ,a . Inventory ap' CHARLES JAMES, Cleric WORK amouut or $435.00. proved. , Dlvllflon ' No 4- PI.UMBING Raymond E. BLlchanan VB Elaine ' Estate of Edilioin Taylor, dec d, .Ea ch 'hld m~st contain the name J . Buchanan, divorce to defendant · ~:~~~~ateC·ofY~::~fe~disl::::~.a~~: of every perBon Intl'rested lbe'r elu on ; plalntltf , t cross~10petiLlon 00 ' k f orderedt t a t e exemp t from In h er It ance ' ta x. PHONE 114 LEBANON, OH 10 and b· acco.nled by an· al)- 0 pay.. .. . . per" ee or 8uppor I Estate of ~lls K. Townsend, proved Guaranty Bid Bond or a of Child. . IVirginia Townsend admlnl8tra. certlt.led check on a g ood lind BI.I· I Neewana Cole man Mitchell VB. trlJ;" real estate to be sold at prl. vent blink· In a sum equal to fI e Arrnetle Coleman Broughton, will t t l (&) ~~~nt ~ ilie ~~ hld lo~ata~~. I V~~' ~ Ou~~ G~~~, ' ~~-~~~~~~--_~~~~~~=======~=============~_ guarantee that If Bald bid III ac· I Cler e Holley VB H . C. Monloll, dec'd property transferred to I Estate H. dee'd WE CAN TAKE CARE YOUR JOB PRlNTlNC . NEEDS copted, a ('ontract' will ~e entered defendant granted leave to . t . l~ Tres~le Gendon. · IClJde 'W, 'exe(!utor, first and n. R . . Into nnd Ihe performance or it ans wer forthwith. I Will or VIr,II N. Shurts, dec'd, flllal aocolfDt approved. ,"U MANY YEARS EXPERIENCE IS YOURS FOR A CALL propeply secured. Said Bid Bond I Jean Morgan Butcher VB. Pearl wl11 admitted to Probate. Estate of Carl Ha,adorn. dec'd , "~~;;;;;.;;,,:;;;.~.=.::;.;::.= . or Certified Cbl'cll to he drawn In wm of BtaDley S. Cook, dec'd, William H'redorn, admlnlatrator, favor of said 110ard of Trustees. ad'mltted to ~bllte. firat, tIDal G .d dlatrlblatlve account TELEPHONES: I The ontract will be awarded to Evebn ObUd.ra Lambert guard. aW!rove4. WAYNESVILLE 2091 the lowest and best bidder. Ian of Waldlne Childers, Walter WlIl of Mlrah W. Bolmer, deo'd LEBANON Office 813·K I The attent ion of bidders Is dl· M. Chlldera, Ill, Evelyn Dora Olara " ..mH, truBtee, DOw dec'd , , RESIDENCE 462 I'ec.t ed to the special s tatutol'Y pl'C· Childers, . Itnd "Blatblou 'Chllders and tl.n af account approved. vlslous laC Sec. 17·3 et seq .) go .· filed. first and (lnlll account. of BeJ1ha, B, Coleman. SAND and CRAVEL ·MO.RROW No, 3 Estate of ...Ethel Retalllck, dec'd H. Co~man, execu· rernlng the prevailing rate of ~ age~ BLAcK-TOP DRIVES to be paid to latOlers and mecbun· Mary A. Bradford .and Charters apPN...a . Maple, admlnlstraltota , tiled tlrs B. Morris, dec'd, TAR- and ROAD OIL Ics on publ!c Impl'ovementll. Tbe Township trustees r sen final and distributive account. 1nherltance tar determined. LAWN and FILL DIRT the rlghl to re:e r t aDY nnd all Estate of Ralpb S. Behm, deC'" Estille of Carl Crane, deo"d. REAb-V:·MlX CONcRETE bids. !rflldred Behm, E!xecutrlx, cerllf. Florence R. Crane, admlu18tratrlx Copies of the elltlmates, .&:laIl8 cate ot tranlfer ,1lr.Jered. estate ..Kempt from inheritance EXCAVATING and DUMP TRUCK SERVICE tax. lind 811eeU icaU,ons lUay be oot81ne;l , at tbe office of or by wt'Uten apWill or How ..rd 9, Con.ovel' • ••• _ ._ . __ _U _ __ I_ o_ u••• _• •• 6 &Iae "Shvens mHIO IOprano plication t.o the Clerk oC tbe Board dec'd., CedriC A. Stanley, tru'stee , of Trustees, Maynard F. Weltl, by priVate lale or personal prop rt . liar of o"era, radio aod mollon depositing with said Clerk a cerll. ordered. ' pictur8l, will be ooe of the solo· ' fled cbeck, dr oash , In t he all oUOt Estate , pf VJrrll M. Sburt s lite OD tbt Symphony Summer or $5.00, which will b'e ' I' lU~'nell dedd" Ollie D. Shurts appointed coaeert aeries, aired over \VLW· , upon receipt of plans and specm· executrix, D. E. Heywood, George 25 MONn! C1JARANTEE ~ Mel W.ter Once Itt. Year NBC 8undilYs al 8:30 p.m, EST. caLlODS In good condition, White alld Clirtord Stltt appointed , .' . ,By order of the Tow~ehlp appraleers. LUBRICATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trustees. . Eeta.te 'Pf 8.l1a8 HUl, dec'd ., COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR SERVICE G..,. ID &llcleat Gneae' ~' l\fAYNA:RD ' ~' ~ELTZ, WA'8HING'fON, D.C. - 0IaC1o. Laure Lillian Hill, admlnlst1'itrlx, '11Ie udent Greeb had the tblOl'1 . . ' Township Clerk lure. o'"Commupia, activity in In· .Inventory approved. ~ HOUR WREaaNG SERVICE at the cycloldal ,ear tooth: dl Vinet 4t- 6.21, lI8- '1.6, 12 teUect... 'i8'tioUige of covernnient' Estate of Vlclor J . Burke, dec'd, lIloWi nOt onl1 .pur Jean but .plral .. throu,h Iftfll~tion in tb~ nadon'. reJieved ftom adminIstration. Iar.. In thOle d .... -ar mlant a capital have brourht more pub" . , .1'01''' hc:ity to the aute of Wiaconetn E.tate ot Carrie D. Mulford·, .mill or a very .maU number 'of than . the dairy ' Indu.try. When dec'd., Inerhltonce tax determtned . ' lDvenUalur, today the word ,ear )'orllan trade COll8t1tutea an 1m. 'WiKonsln lent youn., dynamic E;sta1e or Anna E. Harlley, dec'd PHONE WAYNES. 2341 MAIN .. MIAMI ITI. a IIood of !nvenUona-a. doel portant of Ne.. York .late'. Irl.h Senator Josl!ph . R. "Joe" , LucUe E.rnbart, executrix, dis.
Warren 'County ' Court IMews
Get Your Order In EARLY For • • •
Wheat Drills
follmer Oliver Store =.
.•:;:';_:n=_;':.=._=.•==_::;.;,:_=.• ==_=.=_;::,.=.=.=.:.=.:0
Armitage &Son
I ..-u_
" _L_
Nlw York alate department at little ...naid t he fled.tin. ""tor. ~~of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ commerce, ,the tour cuatGma ' dJa· would rock the American public
~~~~t~~~n~a~p~p~ro~~~e~d~·ii~iOO~~~~~~~~~~~m~~m~~~~i~~i~~i~~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
-.0 ********1t*.*****••******* ••••*••*....**••-.-*-••-.-.-..-.-.-.-... .:. ..-.-**-••-.-.-.-••-*-.-••-.-.....:-"
ebanlcll device,
Call ProSecUOD . A blanket m.de from • arlin . .ell II prolecUOII tor c.lve. ill Cold wI.ther.
trlct. In the .tate han4le Ibout bllt the enUrI dollar volume ' of th. 1m. porta and IJII)OI1I 01 tbt coilti· nental Vnltad lltetal.
into taklnc more concerted ad~ on ag.ln.t method~ ttlat 'hsyl' hrought World War III tht! mation', doorltep.
.......... ., .."".
1850 CHEVROLET Style.lne 2-Dr......n------- -SI495.00 One Owne,.,
II. ." . " " ..w.
ilccunc,. TIle 11ow...... CDDo ....aiOa .................. . pI.Pdq. bKeuae 01 ... ~ Mid drOp, ' ....'41C11iaa powerilifa
. . . .pda
npWIlII'ra&a. ....... ,.or~ ol
=: . . .\
daefunow oPt*-.....·4ii1Iiq aD euiujoti, ' 1(. cbe pia ildll WIIidq rot. Set. . . b
• JOHN DHR f · /:·, ' ... d .';, , ; .. " , ... ,?' : ' ":"
<"- :4 , ,..
;f <-~
IInll 1.,. .1.1
Phon. I I I
D.INK ••
.ladOI~lald· .
fh. IMweit M~CLE· creotloft-and 1(_ MIiode of '101". at thl' prlcel Stunning
Ene. . . .nt ·Dla~OJKI e_arl«ecI by 6 dia·· mondlJ wtCldlne band ,el.OmI with 9 brilliontl, foceted diamond., I,,·whit. '" ,.,,~ ,old, 01 ~I. num. Thrill her, lIOW ·ond ·tore••,:-with thl' ~E Itidol SetI
IllY" 22 .........'
w,..... a..,..... . . . . . . .1
.lEWILIEI. " ....... , .....
, Tb...., ' ~
tlttknlail! ·. . . . of
IMI DODGEt2.Dr.·.W.yfarer-----------:----------$1395.00 Good Flnllh, Lowi Mileage
, 1810 STUDEBAKER Champ ••••• Dlx. 4-Dr.--S.v. $300 Overar)v•• Heater, Radio
1147 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr•. Sed.n- ----- ---:--~--- -- - -$ 945.00 . Radio, Heater, New Seat Cov ....
apc. Dlx 4-Dr.------ ----'-------$795.00
Completely Reconditioned
IN7 CHRYSLER C'ub COU...-------------------$1145.00 New Flnl.h, RadiO, Heater
_____ ~ _____________.______ $ , 895.00
Radio and Heater
'1147 DODGE CustOm ....Dr. Sed.n--------------·S IMS.OO R.dlo .n,a Heater, New Tlrea
, .
IMe PLYMOUTH 2-Dr. Run. 000II:. . -------------$335.00 'NO CHIVROLET Coupe ---------------~----- ---$345.00
1141 D.SOTO Club CouP. -----------------------$325.00 .a,M O, 1~E l Sed.n ----- ------ ------~--- - ---- .. ---S381.oo
CHOICE ,$1 • .00 I t . STUDEBAKER .....n, COmlii.nder---------$IIO.OO I • • 8UICK .....n ------------------------------$110.00
1M2 HUDSON ......n __________ .!. __ ~ ______ _:---;--$·ilO.OO
Ca,., Only 16,040 Mlle., Heater
11,000 MIIII, Like New
, .................4'...............
1950 fl'ORD Dlx. 24)r. - --------------·-----------SI4IU.OO
.. fa.onble co........ ia driIII
. . to 6 M.P.H •
USED TRUOKS I . . . DoDGE I Ton ,P'ck...p, Good CondIUon---- '1411.00 'I ' " DODGE P..... Tftlck -------------------.--- '141.00 INZ FOIID II Ton ~.tform Truck -·- ------- -----$410.00
.BOB LAUT.-ERBACH,-- IH.C. .........,01lI0
Call 2143 to place a Clullfled Ad
2 r.c -:.-. .__e" ---
Clo~e~ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
, .July 5-6
Thursday and Friday , OPEN SEVEN P. M.
OPERATION PACIFIC JOHN WAYNE PATRICIA NEAL Here'. the' US Submarine "Thunderflsh" and the guys who made It, ,go. See the dlverfor"glory torpedo devils of the US NallY. CRATOON ,- GOOFY GANDER .~""~"""'."."I.'~
Saturday OPEN SIX P. M.
.... .Jilly 7 ~"
BROKEN ARROW ' (Techn Icolor) JIMMY STEWART DEBRA PAGET , At long last ,we got this one. You'lie probabl)t' leen It .omewhere else, but com'e see It again. CARTOON - MAKE A MOVIE CARTOON - DROOPV~ GOOD ciEED
....... , ••••• ", ••••• ~."c,#""·~",.,,·,,#•••• ,,••••••••••
Sunday ,
.luly 8
This, II the belt tehy've made In a 'ong time. - AI-'S'O TECHNICOI-OR SPECIAL-
Stat, Oi'-:Fired H~-8oy Winter Air-Conditioner
' .July 5
u~~~ ~fWlLSON
at Davi ' Furnas Pit. We also deliver. ARMITAGE &' ·ON. Plione 2091. tf FOR RENT - 2-room aparlment.
untul'Oisbed. Above Dot F 0 0 d tore. , p h 0 n e 2)43 . Balli E, Waynosv ille. c- 6·28- 7·5·12
MRS SMITH plense clllI 3462 1'01' more Informat/on on how to stop' moth damage in YOUI' home with BERLOU Gunrllnteefl Moth apt'8Y. WA YNESVILLE FURN IT RE ,'It APPLIANCE;. PJlOne 3462. FOR SALE - " Ilrl en County ' 'I'o, tary Senl, ulmos l new, P ho lle ,
lilt.in'& In'd Roalila&d ::~MA~l. J,-·20
IIn;-·:~' 1
Truetol' t1vators. 1948 Mussey HILI'I'IR_ No. 44 Tractol', Cultlvaturs and ),Illw.
Free Estimat.s1BA.NTA JMPLl!J~I\l:NT co ..
......------ LUCKY BUCK, -----NITE
Phone Lebanon 726 "
~ ; '~
EXCAVATING and - - - - - - - DUMp TRUCK SERV,ICE Phone Wayn«;lvllle 2191 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
Now ~ou can enjoy the convenience' of automatic oil·fired winter air·con· dirioninlt without' ",a5tin~ space. ' The " ArmllrOnlt Hi ·Bo)' is compae! enou~h 10, 6t a ulilit), room, or any corner 01 unused space, ),et il provides plenty nl 6herN·c1ean, automalklllly·humidilied warm air to ,keep your home 'Ill a Slndy. comforlablt ICntper:l Iurc in the , coldeS! ,days of the winler, It's a fuel , savcr, 100, becau!c it operalu onlr when the Ihermosl"l <:a lls for heal ShUll off compleu,·ly ....lttll lltt' propt'r (C~m~rature is reached, The Hi.Do;. I. a¥aiil.blt NO '~~I! Beller nil TODAY!
iarr8i··Ca~ . _ ••••';H".#.",.
Fc aBc "d_"s~"" 's,
an,o n. Ohio. pltone 555.
L b;
c - 7·"
DEERE No. '12-A 6 foot Combloe with Motor, Good I'o ll dl· tlon. · Priced 1·lght. JOHN DEEH8 4-bal' Tractor Rake. li lt ", n ew. BANTA IMPLEMENT 0 .. L, b· C- Hi anon:' Ohio. Phone 555.
CASE lice Baler with auger feed. Dverhauled. J0HN DEERE F! Id Chappel' and Blower, uRed 3 yeal'l!. BANTA IMPLEMENT 0'0 .. unon, 9hlo. PhOne 555. , 0-:7·5
STOP moth damage for fLve Whole yearl! With B.ERLOU. OUllmri in writing. WAYNESVILLE F UR· ,l>\ITURE &. APPLIANCE. Phone 8462:
FROM BUNKER HILL TO THE KOREAN MAUNTAINS we . remem· ber. tho.. wtlo wore the IJnlform, ' . .. ch In . hi. tl",e and gene'ratlon-
FOUND-Glasses on Route 73 nallr QOrporation. 0 vner may Chlllll them at GAZETTE ottlce by hi ntifylng and paying for this ad.
OF , '
*** *'************* ' Genelal. eODtraed.!
****",***'" '" '" '" ~ '" "'*************~*** G~ T. M ' BURNS .... u
DIY Cured
GOLDEY, Plioae I, Lebanon. X-4I-21,S8-7-S
ROBICHAUD' 'AND lSONS ••~~•••••••••••••• ~~....
,,BICON,' III_ ;',' . ' . Ibl &6c '& Ibl. 48e FLOUR, ,PlllslII..,'. 10ED . TEl, SI. lie••las J_2 , Ib 48e '
I PHONE 2846
.S l V110',$
al••, Val••
By Takllng Their -
Be Called
- are exerted In order
.comply ,,!ith the ~is4~
lun, Is 'lte MOII,It for •••
BREAKING AND ENT~Y: 1\ big house ,standing empty ill on op,en in,vitatim\:. \0 thieves; , this 11 t~e " time 01 year they take advantage ' 'HARVEYS,BURG, OHid of your a~hc;e. Ii wouldn't be a' X-c-7-5·1~·) 9 bad Idea,now that you're about to leave on a vacation ~Ip, to put , your valuables in a .,.,e place.' Then, , make that lut double- ' check of the house: futen every latch, lock ' every' door, secure every window and basement 'opWayne.vllle ening. Wouldn't be a bad Idea, ' either, to 'DOWy the nelih&r- , -~"""'''''''1'''~''''1111!11'''''' '1 hoo\i policeman or constable that ,you're going to , be away. The ' mere fact that they make ,a regular .check at your place JriigJ1t b.: enough', to discourage aDY hoUi. burglar. Check again when you return. T~~se looter, jimmy a ' lock .so ~everly, you might not wise up' for ,olJle time. Lt.e WIre _ ProJrelllft, b
T~lIllail' Shaa
Cigars, Cigarattas, Chawin, .Tabaee. ,.
,of the cl,eD!. , ' , . ~
S T.,U:8 8 S
Soft Drinks, Candy, Ice Cream
Ev.r,lhing For Ihe',Ta_le
BURNS MARK,ET Waynesville
Tire Shortage . Idles ,Trucks
18DO; WI,.W elDoIaatt. lUG, DIal
Orange 'P. . . . .
_ •
, ~ . ~ r~
"e1elnlbie.. I. nat to i
OocDIDu.. " clo .tIIle the pra~ Uc.. or ebarlo- In the don .to t ..p lour ~en clean. J~ more Important to praiae a cJdl4 for . . . . . to abare, bII food with tile famD:r __ tban to ,col4 blm Joi beJq dlrtJ. to ltana
It.......,. abaId aerme wbID
l1li7 DOt lie 10
'c!u II older. It e'lT to UDIIuIa
,, oleol'"I', ,
How hard ' to avoid misunderstanding,
w~eD try to D:wiaqe your affaiD ~D a cuh basisl But how easy, wi~ a cheCk. ~k ~b1q your recorda straightl ' Add the ~oiive1iie'nce of settlinO billa thiI''-way ••. ~e'qreater salet;y '~' .• the I
~ l;>ank connecti~n curl.... ';
'you'll see why we. urqe you to come hi' a~'cJ open ~ CbeckiD.g AccoUllt-.OOllI
CHANGE ARTISTS: Other' vaca-
8ERVICE THAT, 8ATIIFIE, Fo/> Dally Marke' Rlporta: WBIO DQ,tClu, 12:60 E.B.T, DIal
to ......
StrleUJ leDen on the lien allaround market lu ~e COUDtrJ.
l'IIere'8". witl ,,'~..
."Ii., \.
For and
MASON ·.lARS, .JAR RINGS, and CAPS .eet, Chicken, Pork, Fish " F,.OZEN FOODS OF ALL KINDS BLACK .PEPPER. Bulk or Can
Aero.. from Twin Theatre -
OO 'FFEE lie lb.
Main.Street -
At F.(JJU.EY HARDWARE or Phone LeI.non 689-L .
Shoe ,Reaplrina
-lldaD (Taatil) Illis
For Waynesyille and Corwin
LAWNMOWtER. SI and Hand and Power
0'0 F FEE 11e ib.
M0THS 'are stopped ~ead in their tracks with BERLOU five year Moth.pray. Guaranteed in writing. WAYNESVILLE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE. PhonE\ 3462. 'V1ANTED ~ RENT Apartment, unfurnished, 3 or 4 I'09m In or nean WayneavWeJ . JU.LBR't
kahn's American Beauty
WANTED-Ride to N. C. R. flours 8 to 5. Phone Waynesvllle 2628. • '('r-,7-5
'allcJ ,Irallrill
~ ~OO~! =~'re ripe •• _._. __ ,_ .. CINl_ with JOUl' c:hup. Count
and T..i......
~ VINDOIB, n... rot., YU40r JI add..s r: u.t "tbe tea
lat It_peia. ' . . . . .
Abo Top I
tion' hazards: counterfeit money and the short-chan,e artiaL ConviviaUty flowl freely at 'beach re.; ~rts and~acat1on c:enttira, aD Jde~ ' aituatlon for the I1P ,and · the p . .er of phon.y ,money, .,~ two weeki out of ~ 'YOU becom., a bI, ~pen4er. and you lav. It--but, I;trotber, don't be
It, •• _ _ •
HORSES ~5.00 COWS $7.00 ta _ 01 HOGS $1.00 CWT HORSES ,5.00 ' COWl ,7.DO meuut ma" 'Dae _ ad According to 81ze and . Condition HOGI $1.00 CWT ' b~Jm" wortJa tile boUda7 All Stock Remov", Dall, _ According to Slle and Condition ~ at If. ~ kid Hogi Ind Olher .mlll .Iook who .... ~ mllmedl DoD" Lar"e or Smlll~ Call ColllCt , Removed Promptly
WBadnataa 1311 lAb.trW ........LI...
_ •• 1, ••• r_I_I_. ,.
1tfLAItD~ ... ;
Serving Waynesville Since 1850 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO,
Waynesville ·Man Dies. In Car Ciash
Fonner Wayne Man Drowns In Miami Joh.
I r. . . . .'
Mobila· Unit
!f '
18 Of MI...lelo••, 'Llban'n 18; Fr'nldin ,
Drow. ' Thurs. 1124 Employeea X-Rayed 10
Dna killad
In , Warren
Counl, Oals Parolad '
O.a Seriousl'
In Crash On
HI. 48
W.rten COunty Induitiial
... EatablialuDentl State Hilhw~y . Patrol- Victim Dies of Crusbed Skull; Victim W .. Former Reaident VISIT'ING ' IN NEW JERS'EV m,n Kidnapped' Other Occupant Suffers Of W.;..vm.' Foul Horace Burnett 16 8pendln& his The X-Ray ~oblle Unit . wlll be .i n 1938 Fractured Skull vacaUon visiting I'elatlvea In New Pia, Rintecl 8tationed I,n J..ebanon Monday. Je1'l.Y. JUly 16th trom 2: 00 to 4: 30 p. m. ' A young V,rllyn\lsv llle farm er Coroner Garret J. Boone, ot at htngo's Corner, and will be III Butler county, 8ald today tba~ be ' Franklin Wednesday 18th, fl'om Coy, Russell. one of t he four was killed In stantly at 6 p. m. GUEST FROM FRANKLIN persons who Iddnapped nnd robbed Saturday and his com pn nlon ' ·j·it· M.rll. Emma H. McClul:e, o~ was contloulnK blst-Inqulry Into , 2:00 to 4 :80 p. m at the Police . . a state hl.g hway patrolman nearly Jcally InjuJred when 't he auto he l'raDklln, was a week end gUest the death, of. John 'rreadway. '11. Parking A,rea. of Franklin-Trenton Road, . whose The M6blle Uqtt X.Rayed I~I 13 years ago In Warren countr, \Vas driving at a hi gh rate or spee!l of Mr. and 1011'S, L. H. Gordon. hQtly wal found lalt Thursday In' cjustry In Warren .to t,h e total of was granted a parole Tuesda~ 'turned over flv!! times on' Stn t ' WEEK END IN INOIANA tbe Great MlaIqI River nBar tbe 11124. ' " '. St ' ..__ ..:~ Co ...... .-..-:.1 B from Ohio Penitentiary. Route 48, foul' miles nortn of MI'. and lIlrs. Charles McCulloch West MlddletowQ bridge. The numher 1124 la near 10 ~ ,o ne I~. RI_ Y RUssell was among '48 Inmates Lebanon. . . w.re week ' erid guests of the {or· I )i:arller ,the coroner had given a of all Industry In Warren count y. .OhlO I S~ GoverDor, Ire Il'anted paroles by the Pardon nnd The victim was Identltled by m.f. parentS In Linton, Indlall8. verdict of accidental drownlng. l When reports are' retl}rned t To Be.,Restored . IllAIIt Parole Commis sion. , R . MI. WUIllI\IDS, ,Varren coun ty , _ '_ but police were boldlng a 38.year. tl!e T. B. and H ealth office. Mm. -'-.... . , . . . . . . RUlsell and David l. OrosB and coroner. as LeRoy Kuebler. 23, HAS WEEK END GUESTS ' oid laborer on an invesUgaUon BOlmer, executive secreto.ry. w l.l COLUMBUS. July 12. -Adena, two girls. were on a crim~ spree Route '1, -WayneSVille. He died ' -. ~ the Middle ~ est which ended ,of a crushed 8kull, the corOl~er Mrs. J , B. Cballman bad u week charge In connection wltb , t be return them to the Individuals ol' l~vernor T~ Worthington's .end gueats Mrs. L. M. Rend.r'!»" cue. , . " employee8 lroubgh the plant pby· hlatorlc bome 118&1' Chlllicoth•• 1/1 ~rs. Mary Lloyd La,ne~ manager In the kldnappln.g and robbery. reported. ' and Mrs. R. G. MWer ' Triadway was a former resident sJctan or throc:gh the lant I1=.n'·· sUIi unde~IIlC reltoration anll will ' of tb. Social Security office at The four aelzed Powell when Bis companion was Frank Pen· . _ . ' . of W~ynelvme. , age~eDt. ' not he open to . vlsltors this year, IHamUton, 'was In' Waynesvllle be Investigated AD nccl4ent In nlngton, 28, of Wayneaville. He NEW JERSEV VIS'ITOR8 HERE Treadway. body wa. Clothed', If any need re-x~ray'e'd they will ne ord,ng to Erwin C. Zepp, dlrec. ,reCllntly. . whllh they were Involved. was taken to Miami Valley hos· lIlr. and MrJl. Jobn lUtter, of Iwith a ahtrt" un~~rwear, ' .hoe~ be noUt,1 It of lime and place fOl ' tor of Ille Ohio State , ,Ar~ba8010gl' l On tbe third 'rbursda,y of each ,· Jtussel1 and OrosB 0 r d el' e d pitat Dayton, Where It wns said Blehtatown. N. J .. were Ku eetl last 18nd .OCU, ottlc~ls reported. The thll foUaw.up. , cal and Hj.torll~1 Society. " mon~h s~e. will be In Lebanon at Pawell into h~s patrol car. drove 1hll 8uffered 1\ IIkull frnctllre. He We.k of Cltff Burne~t and family . head bore btullea, and tile VIc. The ,Warren Coun~y Tuherculosls Public satety was the determln the '. Commisalone~s room In t~e him several mUee. ,a nd tb n left 'w as reported in "falrl.y good" " --" . .' , ' tIlD had been milling illnce lat.e and Health Aasoclation wl8he8 to Ing factor In decl8lon to adopt Court House from 10 until nooD, I.hlm handcuffed and tied In a condition. . FALLIS' PAINE VIII1'8 MOTHER Wedne.day when he left the home tb!IDk tbe Industrle8 for their co· .tbis policy; Tl~e oDty acce•• to AnyonE\ interested In tUing a woods. They stole his gun and l ' Th e body of Kuif)ler was taken Mr. FaUle Palrie apent Tu.aday of bla .on and daugbter.In'law , operatIon In this T . B. I.urvey. '" IAdena Is a 'clilngeroully narrow claim for Old Age an~ SllI'vlvors ! money. , to the Stubbs bllleral home here. with hili mother Mra. Susan Scan- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Treadway drive whlch.TIIl a a Bteep hili and InllJrance or wlahlng Information The g1rls, Norma Hayes and Kuehler Is sUI'vlve<l by his wife Ian. He I. ,attending Miami Unl· o~ the J'ranldlD.Trenton Road. Tri. . . . T • • • • a.l Ipping of the .road\M!d hal ~ade abllut thla federal Jnsurance p,r a· Marie Davis, II'el'e cnptw'ed by Mal')" Ann; ' bls parents, Mr . and versity at Ostord, Ohio. . with "bom h. rellded. .., ... the aacent extlf.mely perllou •• A cram sbould call at the above Middletown pollee after they . 111ft Mrs. John Kuebler. R. I : Waynes· . Orncerl -aclftJlced one theor), L • survey of the 'roa4 11 now unde time and place. the two men nnd serv.ed terma at ville ; ,three st8ters, Mrs .. 1<atherlne DR. MARV COO'K IN H08PITAL. that Treadwa, bad loat hJa bal· •• are way, f9Uowlng ,which ' It will be .. Mary~v llle Ref 0 I' m ato I ' y for q"ral>p, of InclnnaU. Mrs. I~ena Dr. Mary Cook ' III conflned at ance and IUpped down a steep ' . _" _ , ,W:ldened to a.mmOtlate two·wn • • • •ns RII.rl Wom~. . BuraUer, ot Somerfleld , Fin., and McClellan Hospital, Xenia, a . ~pron ~1de the brldf;e end. Th Trl$)' Tl/.U)ntls HH O,ub t;~. 11; with COD plete safety. . Russell and Cross were caught Arrs. J,UUII. Kllbarger, who lives In fractured lImh ' as ' a result of a bDt Dr. 'BOoDe said he would ' COD' met Wedneadai July 11 at Char Ohlo'l sillth KI)Vern or construct !' Fr.. atbWa.shlngton Court llouse, Ohio, Florida, and two brothers, Rich· fall at ber home. ' tlnue hia InV"tI.aUon In an errort lotte Klontz with Janet Mlchene; A.dena, an imPlres81ve stone mall aliCO W, \In t hey' tried to e.acape by bUll: ard, R. '1, WAynesvllJe, and Wm. __ , to learn. U tla.re was, any violence and Mrs. Fry In cbarge and Toni a.lon, I\,- 1808 and,. 1807 , and for yea • of Westboro, fro~ another lOurce. . ,Mol'gan presldlng._ ' II, maiilta~ed ttll reputation as til OI"'le Club ·Fam·.I, - - --:'-::c--..,. RETURN FRO", HONEVMOON Mr. and Mrs. Richard Me· F il neral , .,rvtces were " peld Our nut 'meetlng wJU be held ~boWPI~c • .of ~;b. Weat. Its I" I , ' I · -~ . FacJdeil have returned from tbelr Friday at the Si).Ihbs FUneral at tbe Iwlmming pool. [f you .l orted waU palM!,r , carpets !lnd .18b P-.enlc Jul, n,lr_ honeymoon and Mr. McFadden Home at a p. m.and tbe body was come brlng a cOlered dlsb Bring Ivlndow panee ~lfere rare Items h, ' baa resumed bls work with thll tallen to ~ttJVUle, Ky .• tor bur' I,Y __ r 'own fare to get In the swtm. !fronuer Ohio. ;Adena lil It~ earl I o. a 1&1 Saturd,a,. Survivors Incllld6 ' mlDe pool. You m,a y 80 swimming years ,PIa1~_ ~ to lOme of thl Tbe Waynesy,lil e Ivl ('Iu}> w ill StJubhs . funeral hom ea. • ~our dauabterl. Mra. Nancy lIen- after we have our business meet. I nation s , I~ _~lUrea, Incllldin entertain thei r famili es with an _ . . I President Jam.ItMonroe and H.nl·..·, outdoor plculc .at CI\atauQ1l9. 'l'be Two men were Injured ' oD Route WCTU' TO MEET FRIDAV deraoll .of )VQIlelvWe, IIlra, Lolli lng, and luncb. "he W. C. T. U. meeUng wlll Turner. D1. PIaoenu. Aria.. !irs. · Guests preaent were Carolyn .clay. ' , event will be Il regular meetin g 73 one-hal[ mile west or Harveysbe h~d 'at the home of Mr•. J . Q. IIArJ LuIdD ud lin. Anna AUI, DakIn and LInda Keedon. _ Succe!!l!lve ~;elleratlon8 of ,Ih (or the month or July and all !~~~ a~~~~o !Clt~~~IIrue~~~ a!~~~: Crabbe. ~da1 afternoon at 2:00 teDiDore, 1IoeIa of Dayton, tw!» , aons Tbe n,ext meeUng w1l1 be held WortbJncton f~~I~y retained P03" membera are urged to be present 8wlped their car. c, ClOCK. "'£!ery member 11 a..,ed to :lU~J:eU~~~~' ·lIt'-aae a~ pool Wedoeadar ,- ::~~1!' W>~;tI_18_~~be I witb tbelr f~mllleli. Both men received head injuries be prelent . ' ~~ . 1July 26 at 12'00 1 'Pu." ......, v, '\nPV"",.aantet " .. ' . .. " . i ___ . way , of N .... ;York. ClUb memb~r8' wbo will . take Smith of ChHlltcotbe. Followlllg and recelTe,I!,"fl'rltt aid t· Dr, E. ,c. QUEST MONDA V . . Jlart In the program fqr the next tbe deatlul of lofr, and, Mrs. Smltb,as ollln. , oc I , ~r~~~ts ~~~~? 1l~~RWr{l~ ' t~ken ')!~ Janet Haines WII,8 a .onday . . . . . . . .L To ' m ....Ung are' Linda Eilts and' the mansion ami part of the estate F" d l P y ., lue.t or'the James McDOnald and ' .. . . . .- New,S Reporter. Janet ElUs- were presented 'to tb,e State of Oh!o ~- , ... ...... _..... •• . .-.~r aa, ' rl, ' S,t~~ba 1~~ner~1 :ollle lu~blgllu~es Lutl femUles " and Mlsa Patty ,:'1 IIH 6 : Y th '!lr ' daltughtt~. adMrs• BUDGET NOTICE ' The Women 'a Mis sionary 'En, Mi\l~e or d1t::eUlrll\!n o~~~e an;r Do~ Ultl of Mt. Holly wal th.lr guest ... tal be t s . F ,ettero JJ ....e ow· . . deavol' or the Wa}' n esviU ~ Chu rC h ' . on Wtldneeda ~ OL ' O·,e. To brook. Pennsylvania. The reapon- ' NoUce la hereby given that a or Christ held liB regUllll' meeting Lorig of T~oy, Oblo. One man Ild lng In . . 81btuty of restoring and maintain· pubUc hearing on the budget as FridaY! evenln~ July i; at the home with tbem waa not Inju red. , y. QUESTS ' IN LEBANON ' Oo.nl, "Jng A~ena as a State Me,morlaJ was IIrepared by tbe Board of lllduca· or Mr8. Hazel Fox. L - ,• Mn. Ralph Butlne, wal among Th. ijarden Club beld theJr, regu, then entruated to the Ohlo Eitate tlon of the Wayne Local School Eleven members answered tho . r l l " ' , . Archaeological and· Historical So· Dlatrlct, 'Y.arren ' County, Ohio, roll caH with a. Bible verse. Mrs. . " ~ . the 'PeiUl ,o n Thursday when lar .monthly meeting on Tbur8dar Mr.. Cordi. ' maar entertained afternoon at the hpme ot .MrA. lAIcal Draft Board No. 122 ra- clety.. (or the (facal y.ar ending Decem· BE\\Ilah Frasure had cbarge of ded 'd at tvIt; home In Horace Shaner and Mra. ' Stelln leased the namea Of , seven men I After extensive 'by mem- ,1Ier II, 1116%, "trill be held in the,. votlons and a report on " The ColJ. • • nes a , willi a 1A,b&non. , ' Holland. )Irs. Atha Furnas ope~ed who have , been ordered to rep?rt bers of the SOiolety s researoh de- oU:Ice of the Board of EdacaUon ;Iege ot Scrlptprel\" at LOIJIsvi1l~ , -_. _ _ the meeting wjth a poem. "Garden ror Induction on July 30. ' 1951 . partment. the actual re!ltoratlon of utd sobool ~Iatrlct 10 the High The project this ' montb was QUESTa FROM ,8PRINGBORO -Ulclt." aft.r which roll call wal5 Paul ~18t'k. Eugene Ha g l:!l1\,d.: work "'88 be~~n. Th,I! Involve~ School BuUdl~g at WaY1J.eaville, to pack n box foJ' the Max Ran,' 'fhe Gre~n Thlllnhel's' 4-H C!ub nd Mrs Leona d HaT- &118Wereel by cJvlng the name of a. ~banoil. Paul K.n lgbt, Oregonia, moving partltlo,na to their original 01110. on the 23rd day ot July, 'daUs in Afdca After th ~ meet· met an Wednesday. June 27th at M ba ria !nd d Qbt ~ , e of tiower In the colora of our Flag IVlncen,t WHkerson', Wayneav1l1e.; 10c/IWoQa, conjllucllng paint test8 ljII61·, , be~ at 8: :00 p" m., llng adjourned :rerresbments wcre ' the home .(If Mary Joan Stiles. S ~ bolO are s~ lln ~ "The NIlUve Trees or Oblo" was T40mas DeP~w, ~ranklln: Arnold to !1etermlne the ' .early colors,' re- Eastern StaDdar~ 'Time. ' s erved by Mr~. Fox. with Lee 0'Banlon nnd Bob P i t 'W8ot M ' d Mrs the title of a Jla~r prepared .and Creech. Miamisburg; and Clarence pairing plaster, reinforCing ,rloors, . C. W. BARNHART, The next meeting will be held O'Banlen as advisor ahd presl· ~:n ra::e~h.Walte r.!,n . reaJl by MI.a Cora Sh'e pard. Sev. Reynolds, Jr., Maaon. •and many otber taaka which are Clerk-Treaaurer FrIday evening, A).tgu st 3, at the dent. T.hEi c\ub CORIsutu~ton WIlS rJ • .ral noral arrangement. , ~ere' Eleven men will be calles! to re' still In process. , When completed, 7-12 ' ; bome of Mr&. Margnret Allen. signed by the members nnd J"YIUl macle and IhOwD by the members. port for Induction on August 22. ' Adena will app'~r as It did during •_ _ _ _ lrelan ' gllve an Intere.etlng report QUEn8 FROM PREMONT Followln'e adJonrnme,nt with , !the first twenty yeara of its ex· 'H SUITS on the planting aDd care of seell· 7S Iln. Role Flrea and Mill 1'10. plans tor a picnic In Au. .~t at tbe .IILodill Aol·I,·,llas ,late,nee, until Governor Worthlug, STROUD8 VISI:r IN OAVJ'ON • . • ling tr~es ... ., ,ton s death in 1827. 'Furnl.hlngs 'Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stroud were Project l500KS lVere worked upon ... i'treiI' hacl aa Monday pella. Sh~er home, a pleasant s o o l a l . Llsled ' For will include some original Wortb· dinner cuests Sunday of Mr. and and WaS followed by ad iScllss lon Mr. aDd ~o~rle:. Flre~::: .bour waa enjoyed and delicloull f an" d:~':bter~~f Xenia r.freshJDents were lerved by tbe ' :n:e4I~h Ington It~ms, .a well a8 other Mrs. Ambrose Sullivan, of Dayton.· ' SUITS 75 erlod. ' , e . ' d"'., -'LoUt F1 ' bOBtelles. pieces of the Sillme period. li'oUowl~g adjournment, a 1l1en~· and, Mr, all- _rs. s , rei ' . Sunday aervlces ,at ,9.:30 ' a . m. nt recl'eatlon hour was enjoyed: Vlsllon ' Of and 10 :30 a. m. wl'll be COllducted LANSING .ON . he ' Juty meeting will be held at VI811" INCHARLE'8TON, W, ' VA. ' tb Mill' h 00 75 " " . S\lDda:y; July 15 at the, Methodist U. OF C. DEAN'S LIST ' . • OHARA SUITS e. Garlan er Stamper. Qme, ' Mi'. and Mrs. -J. J. Burake and Cijllrcl!. with Ipeclal mU,slc, In both Reporter. Mr. anti Mra. William StrQulI and .' . daqhter, Carol SlIe, left on Sat. ,~ . ' Bertlcea. Fine attendance hlis u .... "" ... 'for" C"arle,Iton, West Vir. -Ibeen cOJDmon thing and we Mr. ,snd Mrs. T. S. Hardin have It ' a,a PI·CI'.e Suppar .... . . . .they were guests of Mr. an d Mrl!. Ed wa.,\ .... Rei c b an d IIn,v Ite you t 0 j 0 In t h e many ot1le 'S gratulations just receivedfrom a Prelldent letter of W con· a l . · 50 SPRINOWEIV' E SUITS ' 1ID1a. where " . 75 ' l , relatives. ' chOdren, Mr. , and Mrs. Charlea In worablp. $2 ' Ind E ,anllg SllIIa and cblldren, of Dayton. and ters of the Univer.Ity of CiDcm· HOSTES8 TO BRIDG~ ~L.UB IIJ'~ Herman Reich and son. of The M. Y, F, wUl ,have tbell' natl telUng them that their Bon $60 ' .O~ , .Sacram.nto, Cantornla, were vill- regular meeting Sunday night at Lansing has attalnecl a place on ,' ROPITEX SUITS c . l ) 75 Mrs .Ronald. Hawke was hoatels . Ito... o( Paul Scherer and family 7:30 p. m A. fine service or de. the latest "Delin's LIst." ,. ........ $2 ' Mr. and Mrs . Cbarles Fires bave to the AJ!pnot 'BrIdge Club ou Wedneaday. ' . ,votlons; l:eCl'eation and refresh. ' as tbelr guests ~helr SOl1" MI'. Tueada, . atternqo~. A deUcloua Edward Reich Iii foreman of menta will lie 8vaDabl'e (or all CARD IOF THANKS " Charles Fires, wife and two BonR ' salad and tbree tabl•• of the compolllnr ' room of Day. youtli from 12 to' 23. Do attend We Wish to, thank all who re- 556'00 VARSITY 'OWN' SUITS' 75 $3 of Fremont, Ohio. In their honor brtcf&e were In play during the ton 'Dally ' Newa. and Herman and have an enjoyahle and helpful membered UB with no'Wers an'd • '. . . . "PIfU. Mr. and Mrs. Fires 8ntertj\lned to afternoon. Relcb Is auoolated With the Call. evening. cn.qta and lovely...... 011 our a picnic Sunday Meredith t\venl'ng: ..J ' l~r. andsupper Mrs. onRobert DON "ROWN VISIT8 . HOME ' .. :tornla State Pl1lLtlng Office, at " . ' golden weddlnlr annlve.....-y. CARD OF THAN~S . and daughters of Xenia. Mr. Rnd • Sacram.nto, Calif. The M. Y. F will have a skat. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elr;ey We w,l sh to thank every one tMrs,. Paul Harley and, danghterA. P.f~. Donald Brown of · Camp All .ilJoyed' a picnic lun,c h at IJlg p"riy at Chaut/?flqua at Frank. , wbo help~ In any way during tbe IMr. ilnd Mrs. C. H. Harbison lind 'Br~enrld8e, wu a week end Old MOl Str.am Park. lin on Monday night. leaving the SPORT SHOES ' . Illness and paBBlng of our be,loved1 \\f1' Harold TaYlor, of Oakwood. gueet o( hla . p"renta, Mr. a~d church at 7: OQ' p. ~ brother ~nd. uncle. Claude Str<?tld. Mrs. Ray Stomp and son of MI· lAI~nce Brown. Pro. Brown NEW RESTA'URANT WILL. ' • . , - We a.rso thank those who aent the amlsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T\lY'h aa Il'aduat.d from lead.rablp BE OPENED. HERE The Sunday School wJi1 bave a OIIIB Dr and Mrs Robert Gregg. of beaUtiful flowers and. card!!. Ea· lor a~'" SOD of A]nba. and tbo echool now tralnl.... awaiting hll -.:. ' , ' " . . . tra fer and . for II .... rth.r •·.. 0 booya froD! Fr'" an.ltn h ave, p'ubUc Ice crea,m aoolal Satu.rday Dr. Emma Hollowa, and Mrl!. Saler,. Oregon. . c~J1ed on t he Ir pe~ Ia II y d0 we th an k his d e voted'''''' honor guo~ts. . lUI _ _ Iealed the bulldlnl formerly occu' ,e\'eJtng, Ju1y ~1 on ~he parsonage Olive CUrl allent two davi laat muy' friends bere on SUDday af· nurse Mrs. Essie Carpenter, also . , , ' -pled by the stop and Eat Reata" lawn on North street. Plan to be week at the Southern oiiio eon.. tero~n. .. Dr. Stdut for their untiring 4erv -:- •••• "-p ~ ••- ... QUE8TS. OF ·MR8. D. C. ,RIDGE rant at the 'comer of Main and there. ' ' ventIon of tlle 'W. C. T. U at Ctiau. MilS I;oretta Hathaway and two Ice. And we do thank the Rev t . \ 1 ~r. and ,Mral~ Elnl Davl., "'Of North, atreet. from SUla,n Scanlan . tauqua. .. • hrlenta 01 Dayton. V;ia.lted lIlls 8 Wedgew~ for hlB klri.dnes8 'a nf·95 Shirts, $4• • Dayton and Mr. ' Barry Davia. tbe an4 pl~n to be opeD' for bualness 8A'TUROAV EVENING QUESTS ' !for. and M..... Ha...., SbrelP.er Hatba,..ay'a .llter-ln-law, Mra. conilOling words. tbe pallbearers , ,ormer'a , taU1~r, of Man.neld, 10 the nl&r IUture aft.r estenllive Mra. Edith €hamplon and Mr. and ,of Columbua. were recent vilitors Mabel Balh.......y on Sunday af· and the' Stubbs. Funeral' Home fo,l , . MI'I. J. E . . Zecher, and sons of of lIlra. HanlU,h Davill. ternoon. their efrlcelnt 8ervlce!!. .H Shirts,' ••85 , w.re Saturda, evenln. 4lDDer repai1'l and painting. lUeets of Mn. D. C. JUdC.. ~n. , Watch tbl. paper tor furtber Lebanon 'Nere 'Saturday evening 'Miss Ruth (lhandl.., was a Sun, MI..e. Olive Ind Kate· Elliott. , Siaters and Brothers an IUd. . accompanied her P ..t.Mto d.taU., ' 'pesta of ldr. and Mrs. L. C. SI day mom!Dg breakfalt peat of Mrs: Drake and M1'I. Palmer, ~f Mr. and MrR. <;:arl Norman Man.fleld on 8u~d~ .:b.: r. lIohn. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Jobn BUb of Sprlne- Centerville, called on Misses mary. born on 'Monday. July I aI , ( , 8 7 ]_' OCCUPY NEW HOME ,....... lO' Cold Sp<mp P..... N~· .n ........... V,,",y Day.... . ' .lIr. and '-rl. Thomas '1or.nce, RETURN FROM FLORI DA Mr. Harry Dodson , of Omaba" The I'rlentJa Home w.lcomes Mr. and M:ra. Ra.Jtp,ond Burden chUdHn a~ now occupying R,ev. S. N. 'Keye and family bave Neb,,' .pent t,wo da,. thll week home the Rev. S. N. Key. famUy entertained to dlnner Sunday Mr , . the hom. wlllCh Mr. and Mrs. returned .altst a months vacation ~ng bla 11ta:ter, JI1n Mlon,le 'who bav. ".An " ...... ndlnl a va-" anc! Mrs. RoIS Tal1man of Dayton Chari.. ......._..- •• ~ ..... U' . . , eel Anderton, Jr., rec.ntly In I'lorl". .... uvouvn. · . tlon In Florida. ...r. an d Mrs. Willi am Sm Ith an d Inel Fed Ti . t . 11111 Stevena returned danlhter ' Marilyn Sue and Mrs, I ... I - 'P~-• .'Ir~--l-ed VI8lTS HERE aUNDAV QUESTS IN pAYTON on a d.IIIIlUul rialt Ralelp;b Bogan' were In Olnclnnatl t un ....· , Alba.." ot Dayton. Mr. and )('rs. ' N. ·E . Stroud were with iI.l.n Trim· last Thursday. ,. . ._ ..._ . . . . . ." . . . . .. wu l'rlda, overnllbt pdt of her Bunday peata of Mr. and Mrl. Am. ble, at . . . .~lIj , ", Mr. and Mrs. RaymoIJd Wilson SUNDAV.ecH_OOL C ' haa1laD4'. parente. )lr. and IIrs. po.. Sullvan IQ. Dayt~n. Mr. and Ifr.' Paul 01 Lehan MR&'. IIALEfGH BOGAN ' villted h.r It liter Mrs. Robert TO HOLD ICI CIIEAM IOCIAL .. JIl~. lin: Aabur,; ... Ifn. Beber Luoaa ·8!ao were jlY" vla&&ed bill Mra ~ C.QJ',.....nd.~ Fumal Sunday afternoon. ' VIIIT - IN LEBANON TIle IIr. ud lin. ....., tuDed to DQtoD OD SatudaJ .• v" DID&' petti_ at the Sullivan 110m.. Daldn OIl • Ou I)'m»&tl17- (a.. extended to lIr and Xh. G,enn Bord_"1nd "."001 ::'1___ _ ....... • _,_ . . - ..... _ to _ _ . Iu6IiaDd Ph ~. lira. Edith BalD. II Ipen4lnc Mr. and Mrs. John, Kuebler In the Mlsa' LIlia Beneham were Le\). ~;;,w-.at: ~ or CJaIDp~. Do ,000'Yant JOur Il8wapaper ' to Jack -=~ aDd Mr. a fft' 11ar'. at the home of lb. 4_th of their IOn LeRoy. Tlaey anon Tlaltors Sa~ UI'dI7. J\iIr 1t at f:. o'clOck at W1MI t •••1MtJ for 'a rft' dap CODtID. . ? Theb. ,YOU IIllUlt .pport.., __ oom"'P'!'t7 • , tile parIOUIII . . . . . . . ~ It. LacIIIe for . . DaW' Il'U4d....... ,... OmtInei OD . . . . J'oar BJiW) THE GAZET'I'ID WiiidlLLY
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Eitablllh,d February, 1180 PAUL A. 8CHERER _____ L ______ __ ~ _____ __ ____ Edltor and Publllhe, CECILIA J. 8'CHERER __________ '-_ ______ __8ecretary and Trealurer
. .1IIIIled Every Tblirsday Morning at WQ1luYllle, Wanen County,. Ohio. En' n'l IL!J second ciasl matter at lbe I " "tofCIce at. W~...vWe. Ohlo, ui..1", we act 01 March S, I8n.
' Subscription Rates-In Obto,
' Forlll... &.0'1I. 2•0r. 1160
Per Year In advance; $2.60 e,l lewhere NOTliCE FOR BIDS Sec. 817, GC Sec. 2862) NOll ' e Is hereby .given t hat sealed bids will be received lit the ottlce of tbe Trustees of Wayne , Warren County. Ohio, untU tbe 21st day ot July. 1951, at 12 o'clock Noon. Eastern Stalidard for furnishing the labor and required for the erection of a Flrebouse to hlluse the Equip.. ment of ~he Wayne Township Fire Department according to , the plan~, alld specifications for sucb on file with tbe said Trustees. Said bl~s will bB: opened and read aloud at the same addrels at the time stated
By JAN~ FITE, Robert l"rye Is a guest at his ul\cl0 and aunt, Mr; and Mrs. Paul BnabJord Ilf Athens. Mrs . , Frank Morrow W811 bos1'ess at hel' bome Tbursday tor the Jul)' mee~lng· of tbe Women's hrjst illn Temperance Union. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tbornbury departed Sunday on a weeks 'vaca. tton trip. Mra " Vivan Frye was a guest, Saturdar of, her mother. , Mrs. E4na Pllwell, or Dayton. a~ve. , . Mr. and Mrs. William. DosIer Separate bids' will ,b e received and family spent Sunday at Chau· on the following divisions ot the tauguR near Franklin. work as IIhoWI\ on tbe plans and r.frs. Catherine Pobenlx, of Day· specifications. tor anyone, or nuW ' t.on, Is a guelt here at the home ber. or all of" the 'dlvlalons epum of her brother-in·law and sister. erated below: Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wash. . " Division No. 1-GENERAL CON· Mrs. A. S. Collett. a.nd ber Ion STRlJCTION Including : Robert Coll~tt were among guelts Excitvatlng and Oradlng' ,a\ a dinner 'given ,by Mr. and Mra. Exterior Paving: • Concrete and Cement Work' Howllril Collett Independence Day III theh: home In , Wilmington.. Masonry. Including Cut 8to~e; ' The members of the Friend I Structural Steel and Mhlcellane. Church bonored their new pallto~ Iroll Work; and w.ltc), Rev. 1lnd Mrs. Dale Roofhig, Insulation and " Sheet Lewis, by glvlng a sho,wer In their Metal' ' , honor .. S!lturday evening In' the Me~l Windows; church yard. A sbort mnBlcal pro- Furring, Lathing and PIJlsterlng; gram was 'pre/ilented and tbe groU)! Finish Hardware; served Ice cream and cake. Caulking' ' Mr. and Mrs. Loll Brannon, ot Glass and Glazing; Xenia. were gu,esta 4Urlng the Painting week 'e nd or Mrs. Brann,on's sis. Dlvllion' No. 2- HEATIN,G ' Ion NO.3. -ELECTRICAL ter.. Mrs. Mable Terry. Mrs. Jennie Graham was among IW,ORK guests at a luncbeon given recent· . I)' by 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mannon at their home near Wilmington. Other gueats attending ' were. <Mr. aaid Mrs . Joaeph Davil and Mra. DailY Hartsock, of Lebanon. and IceTtU:led l>j:11. Ethel Mannon. of, WUlIliqton. bank In a sum 'equal to fl" e . Mrs. Lena 01lpln. of Springboro. (50) per cent of the ', base Is tbe houae gueat of her son·ln· parantee that If ..aid bid' law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. cepted, a 'contract will be John E. Welsb. . Into and the Mr. and Mrs. James Parke and properly Said daughters, Peggy and Teryl, were or CertUied Check to be ' gliests Sundar. of Mrs. Parke's favor of laid Board of parents, Mr. and fofrl. H. S. The cont.r act will be A' ,walrdet Tucker. the lowest an4 belt bidder. The aitentioJi of bJdders Mr. and ~rB. John, Syterd and their son Kenneth. of Dayton. were . to tbe apeclal statutory the gue8taWednel~y and Thurs· vlllo~1 (00 Sec. 1'1-S et leq.) day of Mrs. Syferd /I parents, Mr. ermg the prevalUoc rate Of and ¥fl. H, S. Tucker. to be paid to laborers and Donald Barton Is reported to be 108 on 'Public Improvements. "improving satllfactorllt" at his The ' Townlblp frultees ho.m e On Main Itreet The youth the right to reject any and was Inj/o1Jred two weeks blda ago in a tractor on the ' . . Tletmeyer farm near Copies of the eS,I:lm,ate,II, Mrl: Jennie . Graham apd and IlpeclflcaUmiIl may obllatlled daughter Min Kathleen Oraham, th,e office of or by WC.ILU'U were am'ong dlnJrer gueBts Sunday pUcation to the ~lerk of the ot Mr. and 'Mrs. VerD Brandltrator of Trusteel, Maynard F. Welts, by of near WIIIlllngton ''!'iho entertain wltb ..Id Clerk a eert!· annuaUy at tbls 'tIme for tbe or ca.h. in the amount pleasure of local clUlens wbo which wlll be returned BPend some of tbe winter months iOf plana and ,peclnIn Florida. In good condition. order of the Towneblp Mr. and Mrs Charlea Campbell of Dayton. were gueatl Indepen· MAYNARD F. WELTZ. dence Day of Mra. Campbell'" mother. lbl. MUlle , Moore. Township Clerk MlsB lda Mae Dunce and Mrs. 4t-';"'6-21, 28~7.5. 12 Ulile Kulenbrock; of CInCinnati, ltYGii~iiii~u~Iii;jE:Ds ",ere guests Independence Day ~f 1 their brotber and efster~ln·law. Mr and MrB. Todd ,Bunce. Mr. and Mr8~ and t'/lmUy, of and Mrs. Lee Hn<AraltlAI' Donald. were. gu.tl, SUJ1~Y. their parenti. Mr. and Osborn and family. ' Mr. and Mr;. Lawrence ' and their daughter Misl Jacobs and Mrs~ Harold her daughter, ,Miss Barhara returned to tbelr ' homel Wednesday 'followlng a ,two va.c ation trip throqch tbe etates. They stopped . fOJ: days ' ln PhoeniX, Arllona, to with relatives there. Mr. and M1'8. Wilbur . former residents ot tbls Iti. but more recently of moved to Tampa, Fla... Mond.l)' Mr. and Mrs. Lee Centerillle. were guests, da.y of Mr. Collins motber, Ida Colllnl. Mill Katbleen Graham will be hostel8 to the memberB of tbe 'Welcome Bible Clan at" tbe bome Jir her motber. Mrs. Jennie Gra· bam. Frida, evening. ;
• , U lather .... a blrthdu 00"";
and .. • mlmber of the Iuali Walton d .... all I'nupellll•• bat ••Icom. aU, o~ of the dlUdrea can «lye !ihn .. a boWe of bab1 oIL
Bab1 .0U for f.ther ma, IMlD all odd llineation.. but tid, oU that motherl UI. to elun.. and lubricate their babl..~ IInlltlve .klna} ..... been found to be an unuluah1 ef~ fectlve Inlect repellent. and II par. ticularly effective against- the bla~k "Iell that ~l'lJ\ent leaionl of fI.her. men every year ' during the black fly 8eallOn~May. June and, part of J~~
'In hll 'new book uThe Flaher. mln'l Guide To 'Maine." Earle Doucette ,telll how the ' value' of ' baby 011 al an In.ec~ r,epell,ent ~a. discovered by a young telephone linesman engaged In putting a telephone line th~ugh the Maine woods. teavinll hia home one mom. Inll. he diaeovered he had run out of hia usual Insect repellent. As a substitute. he coated the expofted p/l r~8 of his body with ttie nursery till by' oil, The black /fles swarmed around him all day while he worked, but he ended the day with_ out a IIln'JI'le bite,' The author cite. his own' experience al confirmation of the value, of this dillcovery. His bQok \I written primarily for the Meine flaherman. but jult aa the black fty country I. far larger Ihan Maine. 110 the book contalna a Wt!lIlth of BOund Information and advicl! that will be helpful to ftlh .. erme" no matter where they etaUc their finny prey. II lOU are In doubt about your own , 10ft lelectlon for , ,tather's birtliday, "The Fieber. man'. Guide To Maine" ,ma, 10]"., \,our problem. It II publilhed b, ' Random:Houl. and COlt. ",96."
Choir PracUce Tburlday 8:00.
O."rol,1 SI,lIn.
2.1. Sedan
,' 0,. 0'oron.I , 1141 "0r. Town Sadan ..
, Black Fln'lah, 8-tube Radio, White Tlre'a, Big Heater
1147 Dod,. Ousloll 4.lr Sedan . a,
PROPOSAL ' No. 4 01lnton County. Ohio. on Sec. \lon8 9.00 lind 0.33 . State Route ,No. 133. In Marlon Township. by ~lr::I;~2~ bl~U111lnous treatment,
"lIvemen~: W:dth 18 teet. Length 9.878.6 teet or 1.87 on. Carefu l Owner, Radio anti miles. PROPOSAL No. 5 Heater OS $1045.00 Clinton C ounty. hlo, on ec· ton 0.00 (Part), State Route No.
. "0'r 1148' 'M.reur,..
ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL The Rev. amuel N. KeYB, Rectol Suuday; Church schsol 10:30 '8. m, A.d1llt Worship, 10:l!O • .' m.
Bible SCbool. 9:'110 A.M , lIornflll WorBhlP. 10 :80 A.M. Prayer MeetJlII, 7:00 P.M. Younc People'. Meetlntr. 7:00 Evenlnl ~rYlcee. 7:80 P.M.
UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH William SbaDnon. Mlnllter Sunda" School. 9:80 .'.M.• Mn, Jamee Oarrlson'. 8upt. l'reacblnc, tiL aDd Ird. 8QLdaY8 01 ..eli month. 10 ~ 80, A . M, Evenlna Berylcea, , : 30 P.M ,
WAYNE8VILLE C'HURCH 0" c;HRI8T ~, I H. eorre,. Mln1.l1er CAESAR'S CREEK FRIE'N08 Bible School. I: 1(1 A,At: ' Donl,ld H.lllue~. SuperlntendellI . Morning Worablp, 10:30 A.!t. WonIIJp 8en'1M. 10 A.II. Young Peoples' MeeUng. 7:00 8UDCIaF 8cIMMII. 11 ..... P.II'. Evenll,lC Service, 8: 00 P. M. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study OREOONIA EVANGELI,CA L U. 8: W~•• P.M. Janes H. Riley, Pastor f1unday School, 10 A . M . 8T. AUOUITINE CHURCH Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Father Tlmotb1 McNlcholns. Pastor Masses 11:00 and 10:00 A,M. WAYNESVILLE FRIENDa .1: nut Da" School. ,: 10 A.M. MT. HOLLY METJotODI8T Meellnc for Worablp, 1V:1O A.II. T. M. 8calf. IIll1i11ter SUndQ Scbool, 1:10 A.K.. m. , , A. lllafqlwt, SUPL . Let this SlJndllY nnd ""tlrv ~1I1\· Woreblp B4ir'ftoe. 10,:10 A.II. day find you In some IJ'JIIJ'ob Jl)yen1D8 Sentee. ":10 P.II. tbe cburch of YOllf c"nlce,
Unl,ol) and Deerfield Townshlp8. , by applying a bltumlnou8 t reat· ment" Item T·Sl. Pavement : Wldtll :!O feet. length 28 sa. 4 teet. '
,ll41 lPI,nloulh 011. . Item ;~iinin aCla~~U~I~~~:hlf;e::rme~t . Widtb .18 feet, )engtli 11.616.0 T.31 feet. "Dr Sedan Paveme~l: Width 18 teet. . , Total length ~Oj550.4 feel or. .. a 'L1ell&\b 2..1,001.6 teet or 6.22 7.68 mUes. miles. RadIo, Heater, New Seat Cover. . ' PROPOSAL No. 6 $MS.OO Clermont County , Ohio, on Sec· tlon 26,93, State Route. 132, In Goshen TowWilblp. by applying a ~ltumJnoua treatment, Item' T.31. Beautiful Green Flnl.h" Radio PaVement: Widtb 18 feet. Length 908].6 feet 'or 1 72 milel. H d t G d TI an ea er" 00 rea . PROPOSAL No.7
B1I'01I Carver. Klulater
GOOD TRIISPltRTATIOI • '1142 PI,11111Ih Sp.C~ Oil. COUpe ",Fliom the "PrivaL 'FlIes Saund.~rs" c9me · tbe ' V,ednesdny, 10;10, P,IP./ EST: mystery adve.·
'tar.. ot....a. En,llsll cc.tlem~n. of·fortune liver' " LW·NHC with au ~~' In the stanIU role.
"Good Condition .
1140 Oodia 4-Dr. SetI~ Good Tire.. ' Heater
. $38'S 00
1.. 1140 PI, ... • Road KIIIO' 2.D.•• , • •, Heater
$345.00 . ,
1841 PI,.I'II Sida. . 500 $27 , ,. ·' 1842 HUdson ...,. an
0... '
'SO 00 $I •
1138 Slud••a•• r ,
•• '-. 'i ' Cr••·s.-n·g . an : .' .
$150 00
1138 I.·.c"." Sada'n'l ,
'$ 110 00
• ' I ' 1841 • S010 Ope.. D . ' sZis.oo
Proposals Nos. 1 to 9 Inclu sive of th'8 project to be completed not later than October 16. 1961. The ndnlmum wage ·to be pIild t,o all labor , e~ployed on tbls con· .trac~. sball be In 'a ccordance with the Schedule of, Prevatung Bour· Iy Wage Rates Ascertained .and Dete,r mlned ,'by The Department of ID4ultriai Relatlonl ' applicable to State Hlc~way Deaprtment ' 1m· provemenU I,n accordance 'Ith Sections ,17·8. lH. 17-48, 17·5 an~ 17·!ia of tbe Genera Code of Ohio. The bidder mUBt 80bmit wltb his bid a certlfl~ c beck In the amount of $8.505.00. Plans and specUlcaUons are on tile In the department , of hlgb· ways and tbe oUlce of the division deputy director. ' ,
Lona Term-No Renewal .. " Repayment Privile,ea tCOOPERATIVE)
......no. 1.11••,1 Faflft Loin
Lebapon, Ohio
Pboae 448
ELLIS H. S'TURM, See'J·Tr.a": '~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . , The director .reserves tbe right to , reJect any and al\ bias. T . J . KAUER, State Hlgbway , Director
Run. Good, Good TII'e.
. $29S 00
..... 1131 .' rror. '
White Tlr••, New Paint
$2911 00
:za•• A. ....y, Prop.
'L • • A NON,
0 HI 0
P~vement: Width 18 feet. length 31,81101,2 teet. Width .18 ' teet. Lengtb 2,217.6 feet. MaIneville.
6.~0:~le;~ngth ~~08.8
feet or ' PROPOSAL No. 9 Warren Conuty, 0/110. on Sectionl 0.00. 4.46. 6.48 (Part) , State ~,ute No. 741. in TUrtle Creek, NOTICE TO CONTRACTO r. S STATE OF' OHlO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Columbul, Ohio. July' i, 1951 Er!llln.. ~ O~o~;11'.;II~e!lal Copy UNIT PRlCE CONTRACT S8aled prpPOlall w.m be ' ra- . celved at 'the otllce of the State Bqbwa,' l)lrector of Ohio. at co. lumbul, - O~o. until ' 10: 00 a. m., Ohio , Stanard Time. I , Tuelday, 'July 31, )961 for 1m· 'provements In: Warren County. Ohio, on S c· tlonl . WAR-22-«1l.22 and: 16,41) • U. S. ltoute No, 22. In Sa,lem and Townships, by" rel;lur· aspbalUc COile rete.' : Paveme~t 20 reet; Road· feet and 40 teet. , 30.571.38 feet or 5.190 mUes, "The date set fot ' completion ot tblB work shall be as set forth In the bidding proposal.'" " The minimum wage to be paid to all labor empleyed oa thl8 'con· tract shall be ' In acocrdanee with "Schedule of PrevalUng Hour· Rates Ascertailied and .by The Department of ~. e Mi Burnell' Warper, Mi~' County Poultry Farmer, a Relatlonl applicable to ghway Department 1m· lot· of broilen to ' feed, One electriC poultry feeder ~ • ' . f In ' accordance wllb of hit three-I!tc)ty broiler house which houses 3000 broil. . on 17·8, 174. 17-5 and 17·5a of tbe General Code of Oblo." each Boor. Aaocher e1~( does job ·in a The bidder mUlt 'l\lbmlt with bls new ODNtoI)' broiler bOuse'wich a capacity of 10.000 a certified ehec~ In the ~/)unt
2 Dr• 1831 Do•... gJII' •
JEWELRY IDbL t .. 'b
LYTLE METHODI8T B. E. BaugbD. p ..tor UnUlell Servlc.. ':U
1.... ... Cha,roIe, ... Ton SI'a. k ....
WliOHE~ illIER"AaE "
22 S. BroadWay '
METHODIST CHURCH J . W. Wedgewood, Mlnlater Claurcb BoJaooI. ':10 ....11•• 1If. Harold EamIIart, 811pt. Worahlp 8enlce, 10:30 A.M. Youth Fellowship'. Sunday 1 :30
0.. ' R81- 0 "D
USED -TRUCKS 1148 Dod,e 1·108 ! Tol Pi1ck.up
CIt~urr~ . _tlt~f ,
Warren County. Ohio. iOn Sec. Uonl 0.00. (1.15 Pleasant Plain). 1,67, 3.59, 5.05. State Route No. 132, In Harlan and Waablngton Townships. by applying a bltum' Inous treatment, Item T-31. Pavement : Width 18, feet. length , 62,008.0 feet. ' Width 18 feet. Lengtb 'a..2.l7.8 4-'S'peed Tranlmll.lon, Good feet. ,Pleasant PlaID. ' ConditIon Total lr;mgtb 54.225.6 . feet or $845.00 10.27 miles: , . ' PROPO~AL No. 8 Warren Oounty. Oblo. ,on Se c· U,o ns 0.19. (4.82 M.inerllle) 6.2" • (Part). State Route No. 48. III Hiunllton Township. by appl ying ~n Idea' Tr~Ck for Farm ,&.ill ~..s1bituminous treatment, Item
1_ SI•••ba•• r'
'I Week 'Service' .
E TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF' OHIO DElPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Columbus. Oblo, July 7, 11161 Ehg lneer of Sale. Legal Copy No. 11,1-375 U 1'1' PRIO E UONTRA T 'ellied proposals will be re· celved lit the \lrril' or the ll'te Highway Director of Ublo at CO' lumbu8. Uhlo, until lQ : OO II. U1. . Oblo Standard Time. TuelldllY. July 31. 1951, for lUI· proveweuts In ': Propos/ds NOli , I to 9 inclusive are ottered liS one project amI III be awarded as one cqlltruel. PROPOSAL No. 1 Clermont ,Colulty. Ohio; all Sec· One Owne'r, only 11,000 MI. ti011 0,51, State Route No. 276. It) $1445.00 Stoneltck, Batavia. WlilIumstiul'll and Jackson Townsblps. by ,ap· plying a bituminous treatment, Item 1'·32. ' Pav pmellt: Width 17 fee t. 1IA.. " Length 29.620.8 reet or 5.61 Dark Oreeln Flnl.h, Low Mil,,· mUes. PROPO AL N 2" age, O. D." R3!dlo, H,. ater Clermont County, ol~io. on SeC. $1575.00 tlou 34069 and 36,!i2, State ' Jlo11le • No 133, In Wayne Townsbili. by applying a bituminou s i.~eatmeul, • . , . Item T ·32. Pavem~ut: Width 18 reAl" , , .. Length 14,836.8 feet 01' 2.l:S1 Beautiful Two-tone Flnl.h, miles. ' Fresh A'l r Heater PROPOSAl. No. 3 $1545.00 WalTen County, Ohio. Oil , Sec· tlon 0.00, State Route No. 13,3. In Harlan Township, by apl,llylng a bituminous u·eatinent. Item T-32.· Pavement : Width ' 1 teet. Lengtb 2. 428.8 feet or 0.46
, and speclflcationl fare on" tbe department of blgh· and the otflce of tbe diviSion deputy dIrector. '. The director reBervel ,the . rigbt. to reject lU!y and all bldl. T. J. KAUER, Btate Hlghwa~ Director '-12-019
Illfula =;q:;;~;~::tr.1:·:sg~i:l£.~~
DODGE. rI -LvM ' OUTH ,. Phoae 730 ,
brouen. aupply ~pper f!Sda
" Mr~ _ Warner fiuI .the looo:.pound feed diy. The power uait clriVei a continuous coil clWn which draathe broiler mash 'dItoush an endless feed trOugh placed Ja ,a ~ectansle ~d the broiler bouse. The,feeder. ~ DO a dmt dock which o~t~ it interminend,. u che feed it required. A mUllant supply of clean feed 11 before che bir& at aU . . . , r wlch waste reduced to • ~um. Electric ·PoUlII)' feeden ' house and -are equally advice ~ut electric i
trator at thl! Eatate of Lucy Squires, late of Warren C;:OUDty, Ohio, deceased. . Dated th,ll 19 dar ot June. 196J.
Judie~ :;'~~::~rt
WarreD County. Ohio
lIe171 B. O~. AttJ. Nl-7014J
,." nn •••••••"-WlllD-ft'
II" ...... &
\\ \ Y:\ I:;, \. r1.1 1', (II I ; () I
• -
- .- ,- . - .- ,- . - - -
mounta ins, mlUlY ot them with NOTICE TO CON T RAC:rORS topa, comlnl rlgllt dowu to . !':'r.\''rl!: v l~ the wator and bacll of thoDi aTO> DEP. \R'1'.\I]ij ~ 'r I' UTlH!U WH W \ n ; tbe high mounta ins wll h their eOlll lll b t\ ~ . Ohio. J\tl) 7. 1'I. , t Bnow and Ice. TboUBundg or U1110f1 Engine er of Sales L ~ gal Co p y or rmlctlca11y unillhublLl!d tlll'l·r· No. 51-374' ,EIGHT - -':: :·.! ("I. , ,.l r -,. ;' . ~ A Farm Diary tory. _ Nl'r P RIC ~~ UWrfu \ C'r test bedtJm ,e w illl . 11 n « p .. :·3Keluhlc lln was til rirs t slOll Senl d III'Ollosnla will bo re o phrase on Haml et's i a:nol;5 qu,SBy D. J • Fraz 1er tbougb )Ve did stop but !Iot long celved at th e orne of III S llile .Hon: "TV or not TV7" _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ Co enough to land at Prlnoe nup rt. Hlgllw ny 11ii O 01 hio, a,l t;o· We were late starling 80 illllte.lld or III1U 1m :!. OJJ Iv. lI ll til 10: A gust of wj nd wn~ , h '1 I -I' 00 11. m . EDt'I'O R'S NOTE- Here Is ano· ge lLing to Ketohlc an In til e afl ' !" Ohio Slauda rd '!'h ll e, '1' u (!)lda1, the IIlx-sto ry. f llJl or ;\ I '. I" 1'(.1 tber letter I'e ~\,ed from D. J . 1I00n It WII8 after n ine Frazier , who Is 011 II trip to Alaska got tber but It wal! IItllI \Vh n we l July :1 1. I!I GI, Cor In,llll'o vem e nis that landed In n c om:,'~ '. j., c"r IIgbl IllIti , III PI 'O IJ U ij ul ~ 11M. I LO parked and t,hen down 10 Cqlorad o. we went up to the (ndltlu chu rch of lare orrel' d us Oll e proj,' a IU('\llslv, Wonde on n ,Ne \I Yorl~ l ily :,tl" , l r Jt i!1 ,[ II n(1 "II I ' (, .. ld (II "y'd SI. FlIlzabeth, un E{liscopn i missIon be aWOl'll d IlR on CO lI his wlndC;;);? l l'l lI' ~ , J Ou Board S. S. Cbllcol lu lind tben to the horae!' Into Yukon PJ!UPO Al l ~ (] , I 'J ~ , Va&cou vel' Is til \! ' n e.~t stop and 'l'el'rlto ry. .At the little ";) t .-,: - ~ ~·. !l r" l.'" UII1ILOl1 Uoullly, 0h lo, 0 11 tiec· 1 'l ten days of delightful . cruising <':Il! cross we took unotber lown of "\. J I > "'; 1 1 , ' II wlll be over. 'ren days of wO,n· s t"l~mer, an old·fasb loned smaller lion 7. 6 (Part) ' Stall' Route ~ o . stern 134, hi Union, C1 \\r k- untl W 1l811111g· dertul scenery , good compon y and wljoeler aDd cruised for _ " V-':-.. t!" .: ':. ' i .:,': a. day and ton Townsh ips, by RI)plylu g an tun. , night tbrough Rese Lakes and IlsphulLlc co twrille Burruco ('ourso, When we say Alaska we usuallY nlore beautf!U 1 scenery Back lle ms T·30 und ,T ;3G, ' tblnk of tbe main part of Alltskll again to Skagaw ay with . Paveme nt : Width Hi fe et, lenglh " and th e AI·tlc regions , but the re II Ilhort visit to tbe stores.time for 15,840 teet or 3.00 mil es. i 18 a narrow pan-han dle th a l comes Tbe only bad weathe r we had .' PROPOSAL No. 2 down along ihe ' weat Olls t of was at Sitka when tbe tog ahut Clinton ounty, Ohio, 0 11 ee' BrJtlsh C(llum b)la nnd that Is ott our view ~nd It ralnlld Alaska too. and that la wbere a At Sitko. th ere Is an old a little, t10!~11 0.00 , (0,71 ( Part, Chlrk!l' ..) Russian ville ), ta t Rqule Nb. 132 In cI'ul8e up "~he Inner Pasp,ag e" church and a park wltb many pille Vel'l1oll Towns hip, by applyin g I\n takes yo u. tOl m poles. It would have aSI)~altie cOllcl;et e ·su r rac coul'sll , rnolorl zecl natioll You cnt!ae alon g tb e coast of t e n, a true 1Iitcure of not in Ihr world Aillska It Item s T·ao ~dl1 T·35. Bet th l.1 )' !oclude d onc-pa~s(!ne()l: British Columblll Plult til, town of we bad not' had Bome rain and PIlVe tn !!nt , \\ Idth , S f e e t , ,k angaJ OOS In that fi l1u!'c! Price Rupert, thell IIlto th watera rug tor In thla 'part Alaska they Il!ngth 3,7 ·1t~,8 fe t, Df terrltol'lal AltLSka to K tehleRn , ha ve ' great dea..1 ofot' raln • .' ... and faT Width 18 ff'e t, lengt h 739.l! f ill , Hc ndllne on on ad vr~e-to-lh e_ 1 Juneau and Skngaw ay, tben on tile 1Il0l'e elOJidy , days than clea r ones , C.la'J'k~ vllJ . Jov<:lom column : Ma rlll~; Try In ontslde to Sitka and huck again, The , temper atures even In win I l' Total len,gtb ~,1 1'0 t 0 1' 0. 85 dJi'l'eren ce on the, Lady! In other All the way Crom Vancou ver, are mild due to the Japan es& cur. mile. words, no more hell-cor -leaillcr - j tbere Ilre snowy mounta ins In reut but It rains day litter day In pnOPO SAL No. II n eckin g! Bight and the~e are' 'thollsa nds ot Warren COUllty, OhIo, on Scc· rocky Isla.nds dnd nnrrow ' oban· the winter and In tbe summe • • • r too. tlon 10,8 3, Stat e . ROllte No , 132, A r ecent governi nen t sur vey , ~els. (n any directio n that you W " were jUlIl lu olcy to .havc 's un· In Washin g ton Town s blp, by npindiclI\ cd J60k tb r e a re rocky wooded !lhlne. that 3,000,000 persons ' plying an a sphaltic con l:l'e te s ur· will flee New York City in the I T-:Jfj, I Leng th 3.'1 V , f('e t 0 1' 0.66 mill!. price warl ' , P!'On Olml ll NOll. 1 to 3 In oillsi oJ lili ll project to b cOJllple te'.! no t Inter th un 0 ~ ll·!' 1. ' l C~) , The IlIlU i uJli lU wuge 10 b n.. lll Ji'Af<"~ W:ELL PARTY FOR to ull Ilibor employ cd 0 11 this cun· REV AND MR ' S COFFE ' tract s hall be In aCCOl'lla tlce wi tll • .' Y th t"" :ch -clul.. r I',,,. uill g t: lt ~ e " 'r ~- , Hil Lel! All ',,!'wlne tl alld De~e rmllle" , rlle . hu rc h of hl'l~1 hoi" H bY ' the ', U pal·tw a llt Qf Indus trial fa rewell plu·ty I:I!\I 1' h tlI'Htln~' (" 'r" RellltlOn.!I a plJll cnI:Jl e to -t'lte. 1.llg h- nln /I Il ~ I. he Old Mill ~1I"'a lJl Plll'k \vay Department Imrlfov ements In (o r , M!; II ml M,r s. ocr accorda nce with Section s 17-3, 17-4. ~10\ I II~ to Vh gln ht. Ay, who II I' " 17-4a 1.7-5 Ilud 17-5a of the Gene ral ,mPtl"1 li nd enjoYll le vCll1I 111' 10 11 ln g \Vn~ I Code' of Ohio," had by nil . I The bidder must submit wtth hIs bid a ' certtrle d cbeck In the amount of $1 ,500.00. Plans an.d specitlc atlons are on -,tll~ In tbe 4eli~rtment of highwa ys ' land the office ,or tbe divIsion de p· uty dIrecto r. .. Th~ dlrllcto r reserve s the r1gbt Why p~y for two or three sprayi ng jobs in barn, to reject any and all bid". T. J. KAUER , poultry house or ceUar-~st for whitew ash!ng , State HIghwa y nlrp('t, "
.'- . --- -- -- -- -- -- -- --·-r ' lIIIiII!l.~" Arnl'l'tage &.Son W;~~~:~I~~;s":091 ..
. \11 I h l~ \\4 'I"H. ill_ ('(lI" 'I'I'!lti. ' l i' \\'JI II I ht. 1,', il' nds .Hn.1 ' :f,I ' ~ (,hl,: \1 ' Illl ... :h ,.~, lI1 0 fla lly ' \'~Il' :lliU Il 1I1j,1 . S. h ' lII' i_ b.·i ll" hl'ld u t lIJ ' Fl'i(\IlII ~ ' InC'IilI j l l!' IInn.H>. (101111 tt' ll( !WI'!< oi l '''' J I It, I'" 1I III!; tllf' g ,'n'- I'I\ I \ 111'111 of "1:", \·,\, II,. '('ell>} t, Chll l',.h ," . \1 1 (' ll ilil ren f rom I 10 l!l ~l',I1'~ r,ld III'.' \I ,' kort lE'. , ' IO:illi " R "!tio Jl 11' 111 h.I' SllU<l ny 11101'ldll , frum 9:::0 II Ill. to J(I:20 n, Jll, at thp . 1~11 nd,.;'
.. ....
1.1I tl l'C)I .
DISINf.CTANt In Carbol a d..U6Y. prolh.~ d l _ . lDd,udlD& ••ml'" , KOHCMmI IAN~"
elllAN .
Ib~ aerm. ~' . n~an, ,
.)_ .'AltHIA .... CllQUU
_IN ......
, .
OD COntaCl
WAYIESVIUE FARIERS Eli_AlOE CO. w.,. .vli l.• , 0&,10
YolW·Senie'.'nl ,~
' with
Q'uali+V Jew ef.. y .
~nd Watches '
FA I'T H ,
Bible Commel"lt:
'Bible Offers Fciith
lACK ' '.
Tha. famo'!', FAI~H 193.7 5 saMce wetch . ,. WIth 1) , tfle ot19inel INCA. PM.Tat'1nd. SLOC ,ptlll,·, e, ba"lIce ~~1 that withlfal ld,.hod end Is a~ ma,".tl~l Halld,olllalV ,tyl,d, IUIIII~ous ell,I, _p '~ ~nd.
All this .. a ""d,rfu r 10. prlcal
F~ Service RNa, l()'kt ,Gofd; 101M stone Mt,'fnNn
Ughten, all ,Iz.. and varf.
' Irom 8n Bcute case- of a tomic !fUers, we !'!ave come to accept the threat of anothe r all-out war and the peril of persona l destruc tion a_ ,a natural part of Qur everYd ay lives. . It was tbts same 59rt of aituatio o &hat ex1sted when the' 46th Psalm was written . Therefo re It was more than II pOetica l sell.tlm ent whel) the Psalmis t wrote, "God Is our refuge ancl' atrength~ ·therefo re we will not fear.'" .. Going on to declare his courage of fear. even though his whole world , mjg~t be destroy ed. the psalmis t express es ,his abiding faith Iq God. The psabn closely resemb le.. the closing', verses In . ,Paul's eighth Clhapter .of Roman s. anomer - .atirrln g declara tioD of faith. " There are several other paralle ls betwee n New Testam ent Psalms and Old 'Testam ent scriptur es, Indlc;atln g that the Oid Testam ent was the rich soil from which the New Testam ent gained much ot its strengt h. . . In both testame nts there ' are frequen t pr.otest ations of faith ,niade m the face of threats 01 war, persona l danger ' and in periods . of Intellec tual confusi on. The uncerta inty and tear grJpping tbe m~ern day w'orld has had many parallel s in (he cOurse of h15tory. ' With this In mind, a study of the Bjble wiII reveal that eaeh fear-sIT.icken ' generut ion h u fOl.1od strengt h, solace lind comfor t , in the faith 01 Its forefath ers.
_ n_ a_ D_a _ lCt
banon, Oh·10
IIIh ,
'J'I! lIihll~! 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'
Mr . M erc ha . t --Yo ur Ad Sh ou ld Appear In Tbis Paper Every Week -
. '
[ ~'astic
Reductions' on 3easonalile Merchandise. '[l1pressive Savings on finest Quali'I, Nationall, -Known Clothing, .'Furnishings, Hals and .Shoes.
1·3 O.ff $29.75
,$34. 75
$21· 75 ,
,Summer' Slacks
$6.9 5 Sla'l?ks, $4.95
$43.75 '
$43. 75
' I
Slack s, $ 3.9S
·Dresl ! iI_ i f Sport, Shirtl
$4&· 00
. '
$2.4 5 Shirt s, $1.8 5 $2.9 5 Shirt s, $2.3 5
VARSiTY, TOWN SUITS' $4&.75 53.G
Shilt s, $2.6 5
$7.95 .Slalc ks; $5.9 5
$8.9 5 5lalc ks, $6.95
laadaw I'ald
$9.9 5 Slack s, $7.9 5
$10. 95 . Slack s, $8'. 95 $10. 95
M 'I·l .K -.
• $12. 95 _S lecks , $9.9 5 $12.!p5 Shoe ." $9.,5 $2.4 5 Yalu .s, $1.81i Shirt s, $4.aI $16. 95 Slack s, $11~9S $15. 95 Shoe s, $10. 95 :S2~9S Varu••, Sl.U $7.9 5 Shl~ , SS.8S
$3.9 5 .'Shir ts, $2.8 5
$4.sO Shirt s, . $3.4 5 $4.tS Shirt s, $3.8 5
$8.9 5 $1.9 5 ' Valu .s, $1.3 $, $5.9 5 Shl,r t., .$4.35
Tuesday Thurl~Y .
Sat..u rday
Stakls Dair,
M., B. My
Bnneh of
~I_ELE., .'
TENAN TS ofa world sufferin g
. ' DRINK •• ,
n r·.
Weo'ry 'Atoltl~c Ag~ '
, _ Kills spiders. 90% less coneb s. for 8 to 10 month s.. Better saniration" J.o..-,ei bacteria '.
~on. 2371,-
a_u _ _
To Confused, War-
rhen for disinfecting, then for By contro l-whe n CarboJa dQes .It in .... --,- " ,,".~ . ' -
iii111111111 III 11111 II IIIIIIf 11111 iii 11111 II !! III 1III III III IIIflll III 111111111 III 1111111111 11111 11111 II 11111111 II III II 111111 III 111111 III II
L . BANON Off,ice B1 3· K RE - IDENCF. ' ~ .6 2
S.... ND and GRAV EL
\," ~l_· '-'Il __ ~~ ....n....tt. . . . _
f~:~~~ ~ya~e~~l~~~~ fI~~at~k~ n~~~
fa~~~O~e~~': ll~~~lI;'~O ~~~"
II B ·ll a LEBANON, OHIO Phone 21 • 2&4
Lebanon.~!~t 'I=~~==~~~~.
a - MAR X
pAGE fOUR --------
Ca , ll 2 143 to place a Cl asllfled Ad
EXCAVAT ING and - - - -
Phone Wayneavlllll 2·1 91
U. S ·. Cavalry outnumbered, fight
Apache. on the deaert of New M.ex lco 'In th e days of the old We.t . .
. WiIliam!;() ll 't:rlpllfe All F uel FurDac~ U!!eII the '~~.tIII~~ lOost ooollomiCal and readily available fuel' .,~ changeover from one fuel to (he ather i.e Bimple:
de li ver.
AHM ITAG E & Phone 209 1.
(Technlcolor) RANDOLPH SCOTT
ADELE J ERGENS It'. been a good while s ince we've had Randoiph Scott, but fin· a lly he's back a. good •• ever: . ALL STAR COMEDY "WAITING IN THE LURCH"
1 •• Lebanon Showing .-------~-----------------------------~. July· 13-14 Friday, Saturday
IiA 0 I NO NlUMMA. Be ll brook lj~2 6 4.
:\ - 7· 12· 19·: U
HO U E W I VI::S OF Stop MOlh
damage for five whole yeul'S wlt b BERLOU. It 's gu al·!Inte~ (I . In writ. :
(Technlcolor) DORIS DAY GENE NELSON CUDDLES SAKALL BILLY DEWOLFE' All the 'Old . ongl. we all love l ung !lind d~nc:ed by DO.rl. Da~ and
July. 12
Phone Lebanon 726 " .Frett' E.tim~te. ~I~;~I~ & \\A;~~~;~~l~:E P~OI~~ I CARL' BLANKENSHIP M r. 3462. . • .
Gene NellCn. What a pair these two make.
w".::::::: g"""",~:I:~7-:::
Beating aDd Baatin
July IS
O N. tf
FOR REN T - a' l'oom a part.ment . ullf\lI'nl ah ed. Above Dot F 00 d tore. l? h 0 n e 2143. Box E,
g u y IA!rmo.
$ ·1 .00' Per Carload 516.00 JACKPOT
I ~AV E l-Loa l1 ed at Davis Furnas Pit. We a l::io
July 14
It out with the murderoua
aWe £
DRIVE-IN T"t'~t~e
a nd TOP SOI L
July 12-13
Thursday &nd Friday ·
Closed Monday. Tue.day, Wedne.day
WA O IE $ VI LI..El F U n N 1· & ' APPLIANCE. P hon e
II [HII·tUI(·lI l,
FOR REN T- F u ro lljhe (j
Il l t eh ell . el eCl t l'lc I'a Il ge, I I \' I II I> l'oom. din ette. beu roOUl . MR S. SU S N SCA!I.' LA N. X- 7·12
. "DRUMS. Of 'THE CONGO" s;.~----M;;;i;y--"JuiY·is.u; --
FOR SALE - Ma hogany turn lOP telev ision ta ble. Way nNlv llle 3202. MIt-S. BROWN - Have you fo und moths In yo ur home? Stop lhllUl w\ltb BERLO . F ive yeaI' ·guar· WAY NES VI LLE F UR NI· antee.
A tllnel'a l service need no't be proached' 8S a somber ordeal. . Properly. di rected a nd In the s pirit of one's abld hig fall1l , It ma y be a comfor t· Ing ~ o ry throughout fhe ' coming years. .
,GeDeral .Co~lroctiag
'MeOLURE fUIERAL' HOME ***'" *'" G. '" '" '" '" '" '" '" II '" ~ '" *'" '" '" "'.~**.~***..... **************. T.NL R.A • .
5 P ·E C I A t S!
I •••'. ".rlc.a ...... lacon Ib·1Ic .
Tide, Dreft .... DIZ,· Rlnlo . 31e Quality Groc.rl•• M.ats and Fruits andVe••tabl..
-to render a service tha t w.ill meet with the . full 'approval of the bel:eaved .family.
MIAMI .TH~ ... ........ ~,
. F.II.Lile of,
Fr'I'. F,od,
,PILL.aURY'. a••t Flour
'S I..... 4.c
•• _._
Aero.. from Twin Theatre -
. ·IARL D. DAKII In.urance A ••ncy Lebanon, Ohio
Phone 153
~hl '.,DISlill'l
Orange PikOI 41e
Fanc, IraCllils : Also Top Q.~aUty In ' Mea'-
and" V4~.tabl.
.... ................... D:OT LAWNNow_as TRY CAZETI'E aASSlFJEDS ~
PbDoe 2141
...... of tile atate-Wlde Co-op Blacldaawk Cora Plaater ColI.... lIpIMONIIbJ· UIe Ohio Farm Bureau ()ooperatlve &uodaUOD .. AIInMaa W. IIIeotilorp. Blulttoa,· pictured ' above at rllht, cbecldq
keep at it-r~guJarly", Start no~-:-witr ~.,
Wilm.ingtoD 2362 LC,IIDOD 439 INLAND PRODUCTS, laCo
HOGIld to DOD..
.lm~1I11I1111 l]iIIIUllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ,
. . ...... tile ...... Blackhawk pIODt... , .. .1 ID opentloD, 8eo&o ~ Willa a DeW plaJl t ~ •• L'tatlq . . . . . . . . . Do CL - . iii C.. ::-:;·. .
. whe$er fOur b~k account will groW or wither• Make this d~1S10n today- ItI will save and
DIYlaion 'of Inland Produota, ' Ino.
aDd ~., . .
For Dally Market· ReperU: WHIO Dayton, 11:Ii0E.8.T, D1I.l 1800; WLW CIUclDDatl, U40, Dial
or tile B ....... ()oUDtJ Farm BII'.' :\II. 8eotbora'. pIaa&er II ............ Ita IdIId la OperataOD Ia Ohio. '" .Ia 111'1, It laM beeII ... III ,.. ....,.uou &ad .... plaDt .l . . ~,OOO acrea 'oI cion.
. Ixec~live deciSions .' EVElY DAY To buy thiB or buy that-to buy now or wait until later-each decision you make determines
According to Size and Condition Hog. and ' Other Small .Stock ' Removed Promptly
HOR$'ES $3.00 . CC?WS $5.00 HOGS 26c CWT.
. "'''-kJ
Strictl1 ..U.n on belt all' around mart.t In the counir1.
... ,.-W
Xenia 454
_ _ . _.--.
All Stock Remoyed Dally Large or 8mall - p.1I C;ollect
. . .1011 'armer Wins Contest
hi. planter With ""I \ 'an Drleat,
HORSES $3.00 . , cows $5.00 HOGS 250 CWT. AccordinG . to Size .nd Condltlo ~
**************************"'***********"' •• *~"'*****
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OD
~IOOWIIII~lIlIImlllml Ilmlllllllllllmllllllllllllll~illlllil.l l l ril l South M.in Street -
Cartoon and New.
BURNS ****** 'BURNS ****** BURNS
Ma..n Jar. " ar RI.... Certo Shure "ell
Caesar's Creek
(Continued trom Page One) MI'. and l\{rs: Eve rett Halllcs en· CABINETS CRAFTEX T~.~day, VV.d~~~d~y July 17·18 terta lned . to din ner Sunday. JlIl y CARPENTRY PAINTING 1st: Rev. and Mrs. Da vid St all" WALT DISNEY'S field and fa mily of near REMODELING MASONRY ton and l\irs. Edward Rosvere --:... ELECTRICAL - 80n Mark , of Orlando, Fla. Mr . a nd Mrs. Oran 80gan and -.nd.A8ent For the 1\I r. a nd Mrs. 'R alelgh Bogan called on Mar y Bogan a t the home of COLEMAN BLENDAlR HEATING SYSTEM 1'or r. and Mrs. W eldon Wilson S unday afternoon. Mrs . ' Bogan ha'd tIle misfortune to fall a nd 7!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i!t I fracture the joint In he r r ight II ,Should er. She accompanied he~ PHONE 2846 180n Evan Bogan and ·wlfe WAYNESVILLE for a s hort vis it. Miss Marilyn Sue Smltll accom· ........a...a.....a..a............ a....... PIIllA led the ~ fr iend Miss Sylvia mes 0 .. ,'a nkIln Sunday afternooll .
P hone 3·162
" 0 • IDE R·E L' L A " .
Frld., ••• ,Sallr••,
T URE &,
~~~~~: ~~~~~~ ~~""I"I'ti1 WEF.KI.V !
)" Illis
won't you pl.... for ~.oo. '
SAVllas .For W.yne.vllie and COrwin By Takllng Their -
.' Shoe Reaplrln. To HAWKE'S BARBER SHOP
And In Corwin To-. PURKEY' S GROCERY
Be Called DellYered
For and
T.O.,101 .... Rllllirl HARVEY,BURG, OHIO
X- '1-6-1t.19
.- - ------- "'-~ THE MIAMI GAZETTE -
'- .
--- ..-.
_ _ _ .... - - . > :JI.r_ _ _ _ _
.... &..
THURSDAY, JULY :36, . t9~ t AVNf:S\'JlI.I:, 01: ' 0 __ ,~-:l~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!JI!!II.---"
Eltabll,hed F4lbruary, 1~ PAUL. :A. SCHI::RER ____ ____ _____ _____ __ ________ Eciitor and Publlah'er CECIL.IA J. S'CHERER __ ____ ·__ __ _____ _____ __ Sloretary and Treasurer
.&I,. ···if' •
fabllalled Every Thursday lliornlng It WIJ1lesvUle, Wanen County, Oblo. E. as second c1aBB matter at . th p . ,. tl frl ce at. WQUeav1l!6, OWo, lJull .. r th~ act of Marob · I, lS'I9.
CfJrner: Mtlin tlnd NfJrllt 1/1 stfJ/J lig~1 Open 24 Hr5. a Day--Seven Days a Week
Subso.r lptlon Rates- Ill
Jpinners! ,'Lunches, Short 0r'ders!l' Sandwiches. S~ups. · C()ffee. '· Ic~ ': Cre~rn!l 8 'o ft Drinks
By JANE FITE MrB, 'A.. S. Collett r maills In Hale Hospital, \oVllm lngton, wbel'e she. I ~ recoyerlng from Injuries she sust~ lned when strucl< by an automobile ther two ,,'eeks ago. The tam ll!es .of Mr. !lnd Mrs. Charles BQgon, Sr., held t11ell' nn· nunl picnic dinner - at Sharon WQdos. near Sba ronv!11e, undny. Mr, and Mrs. H. S, Tucker will bave as tbelr g uests for the next t en cia>:s; their . daughter R.nd ITlinddaughters, Mrs. J ames Papke and Peggy and Terry, of Cln cln· natl. Ohio. ' Mrs. James Rader and daughters, ¥arsha Anne and ~uth Alice are spending two weelts wllh rel. atlves in Iowa. The voters of .Mass le Township will ballot on II $154,000 school bond ISBue at a special election nt their regular pr('clncts Tuesday, July 31; . Mr. Bnd Mrs_ Cbarles Campbell of Dayton, were guests, Wednes· day, ot Mrs. Campbell's mother, Mrll. Millie Moore. Adam . Campbell who suffered two heart attacks last week. Is recovedng, , Mr. and Mrs. David q lark bave moved Ibto the dOUble structure on Main street, belonging to H. S. Tucker. Tbe property WBS .recenUy vacated by Mr. and Mis. Fernell Green an~ flLmlly who move~ to ""Ilmlngton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baker and famU,. have 1l)0ved Into tbe Harlan property ' on Soulb street. The Adult Class of tbe Metbodlst Church wUI hold Its July meeting In th'e churcb's socIal 1'00mll, Friday evenIng'. A potluck dinner wl11 , be served at seven o'clock. The : regular' meeUng and buslnesll sesllion will follow. M,.. Dorothy Dunn. of Clarks· villel Ip spending several we,eks 'h ere, with her grandmother, Mrs. Mae De Board \U1d her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rich Bnd famOy. Mles Cheryl, Qoster who was a guelt for several ' days of . 'ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hel'bert Doster, returned to her home In Springfield last 'we'ek.
C6utbt. · LYTLE METHODIST CHURCH B. Fl. Baugbn, Paltor Unllled Service, 8:.& a. m.
I METHODIST CHURCH J . W. Wedgewood, Minister Clauroh ScbOOI, 8:30 A.M., Mr. Harold Earnhart, Supt. Worsblp Service, 10 :3lJ A.M. Youth Fello\\'~hlp, SundllY 1 : :10 P.M. " , , Cbol r , Pi'actt e Tburs(lay 8 :110.
ST. ' MARY'S I::PISCOPAL The Rev. Samuel N. KeYI, Sunday: Churcb scb8c1.10: SII a. m. Adult Worsblp, 10:80 a , m,
FE'RRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Byron Carver, Minister Bible Scbool. 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship, 10:80 A.M. . Prayer MeeUng, 1 : 00 P.M. Young People'. Meell ng. '1:00 EvelJ lnp; Services, 7 :SO P,M.
UTICA E.U.B. CHURCH William Sbannon, MJDtlter Sunday Scbool. 11:30 A.M., Mn. J B mea GarrllOD, SllpL . Preacblng, lit. aDd 'r4. , 8ul'od fl YH o[ eaeL month, 10:10 A.M, Evening Servtcel, 1:30 P.II,
WAYNESVILLE CHURCH 01' CHRIST M . II , Coffey, I'4IDliter CAESAR'S CREEK F~IEND' Oiblt! Sehooi, 9: ' SII A,M. Donald Haines, Superintendent. MornIng Worehlp. 10:30 A.M. ' Wonllip SWrICIe. 10 A.JI. \' nlllig Peoples' Meeting, 7 :00 SundaJ ScbooI. U .LII. P.A . ' .
Even Ing Servloe, 8:00 P. M. PrU.1er Meeting and Bible Study OREGONIA EVANGELloCAL U••. WtclDelClaf, 8 P.IIL J ar~e8 H, Riley, Pastor
/lunday School, 10 A. M . ' Morning \Vorsblp, 11 A. M.,
ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Fattier 1'lwOlhy McNicholas, Pastor MaA $es ' 11 : 00 and 10:00 A.M.
WAYNESVILLE' FRIENOI "'Iut Day School. t:80 A;M. HOtLY METH9DIIT Meeting for Worlblp. 1" :10 . :11 . T. II. Bcan. Mlnllter Sundar School, 8:30 A.M., JII. Let t bls Sunday and every Sun'A . Illarnbart,' Supt. day C1nd you In Bowe ollu,"cb Woreb(p Se"lee,' 10 :30 A.M. tile churc h ot yuur choice. Evening SI"Ice. '1:10 P.M, MT ~
Eddie Turpin
1 •
, ••, ••• ,." ••••••••••, ••• , .. ,.",
Plano Recital
- Mre. Hartll!! Bogan and Mlel Janet Doater w ill present their plano at"dents In a necltal. to be given at the Frlendl Church at 8 p. .,;~ Thurlday eve,
...._ _ _ _ _ _ _
............." . . . .~••••• ~ •• ,II. .#,#.~#"
1,4 Pictured '
'r adio person'allt;y HARVEYSBUAG, . .:.... Mre. Mary .. • Deed 11 aaelle Tucker attend,d the funeral I..t 13 Great Lake week of her brother, oClifford 14 He II a radio South In Eacanoba, Michigan. ~he was accompanied there by her lOn, 15 '~Iver In Livonia John and her daughter, Mrl. Cha.. Olborn and , IOn, 'Tommy. Mr, . 1. Educ:atort Jumbled type South w.. formerly of Llbal1on, 1. 20 Route (ab.) ,; ,." ~, 22Vehemen' 21 Wiater ' , 2'Cer~ln
Attend Funeral
.. ......,.,.. ... ..•.,.
., ,
hove,t at ,ytohU, 5ever - ~~... , ,way ,.•• ;' ,
, 21 Unwual
Here's the ADawer
,4% FARM LOll• . 'THE LAND BANK WAY Long Term-No Renewal
Repayment Privilele. , (,COOPERATIVE)
~.~ - ~l
1 Endures 2 Speaker 3 Bachelor of
CONTRou.ED Call , or 'Write
Selence (ab., 4 GIve ear to ~ Dr';y
6 Grape drink ?Sharp 8 Near 8 Antics 10 Vapid ' l~ And (Latin) 14 Steamship ' (ab.) l?,Sun ,oct 18 JUabt ~b.) 21 Dluatrlo~ 23 ThOle wh,o
absolute under.'
L.an.. lallo.il
standing fe lieves,
Far. L••
burdened . and
LebaDOD, Ohio
grief , • Itrlcken
ELLIS H; ~TURM,8.c'y·Tr....
Pboae ....
su rv i,VOI'S .• Some of the sweetest melody ' bea~ -on t1Je aIrlanes today is made by three pis from MUD. .,ie, Indiana," who were wInDers In tbe WLW "Star Search." 'VaU· , Ing thr:niselveS the ' 'l'bree Tones, .Lortalne Johnson, Lol.Beed and Bette Parke are he~ oYer ttLw on Saturdays on the "Your Hometown" »ro,ram at.: p.m., EST•
to ,be
27 Hoarfro.t 21 Contalne,. 'so Novel . '~AUlJDent ' 32 Low sand hOI "Row Lr~35 Orc:heatra .38 Al,erlaD .cl\7 ,38 Quallfted 38 Dedlcatied 45 Sainte (ab.) 48 Re·prlntl~ (ab.) 41 Mocken 48 Exlate SO Machine part S2EnlUah ltalesman' S3 Horse'. ,lit S5Unlt or
Do You Realize What . Your Home Town NeWl~ ' Can Mean ,To Your Community! Many Townl Have Found OUt Tool Lale ~t 'Their p,aper Meant To Them After Th.y 1:01t It. _~
ST U'1 8 S, FUNERAL 'HOME 2291
, enero
"Puts, OD , Abltracl1Hi1ila ................
25 MONTH GUARANTEE - Add Water ()Inee A Year ' , , . LUBRICATION '
... ...
Itlers" Oaraa":
IITal BarailiRI '.
_I J,~_ , ofinotleltiM"" ,
"1 Week $ervice
~ig new ,' Dodge' of , your ~hOic::e right TII:iW, Today you'll get our top allowance' ftgure ,00 . your pr~ent car. And' -for only a few a week you ca~ , start right In 'enjbying .... the, many extra advlll1tagos Podge gIVe_ yOU. So dO,n't waitl Remember'lou could par up to $1,000 more for a car an still not get aU tile extrn room .. • driving ease ... famous depend. ability of Dodge, Come ill now for a grand deal on a great, car I
previous want you to we're going to own the
"-GrIft.."," • • • COME IN TODAY I •• U. 8, A... ....,A8C TELEVI810N NETWORK-·~-----
THURSDAY, JULY 2~, i 95i
d " U _"'
tt ~
to an
w<luld bll Il Rood dr,t lel olU weed t be flow er bed, I bave been cuUlhg the taU' weoo8 tbat gro. fda ._ up 11'1 the r8spber:rles wblle I W illi (J (/ goue but I baven't gotten aroultd A Fum Diary to cleanlol ou.t tbe tan paS8 In the nower beds, Ev&rytblng Jookll By 0, ~. Frader . greeo but tbe loouat tNl68 are beglunlng to get the rusty look tha ' te lls tbat tbo little beetles are J ULY 23, 19G I.- Ohio, Ind la nu, IVroklng on tbem. They are ba v. 11110018, W181'01l81n, Minnesota, Ing a very serious time In Color. Nor th Da kot a, lIIontuna , Was hi ng· li do wltb the beetles which bUJ:row tO il , BHUSh (!olmnllla, Alaska, hi the bar k of tbe ploe t rees aud YJllI oo Territory, AIlls kn, Brltlsb' kill them. lJ undred8 ot acrea ot CoLombia. Waslllhgton, ,Oregon, young pines In .t he blgh moun. Ida bo, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, tailis are turning brown and dy. Nebras ka Iowa, ' '1I 11no18, Indillna,' Ing. They could be sprayed and Ohio, home ' agaili . Only missed the trees saved I( the govern'm aot one state III tile NOI'thwest QUlll'te r It l proprlllUoo bad not been BO slow of tbe United Stutes and t hat was coming 'through that nothlog could South Dakota, pel'b aps we wun l lJe done tbts year. Nothing was aorOSB It coroer or t hat, I must dooe lat t year aod ~van now If hunt up a ma p aud see If t he lhe approprlatloo hall gooe thru. Northern Pacific , goes dl" BClly It will not be possible to do JDllcb from Minnesota In ~o ·.N orth On. until oext sprlog: Mucb of this kota or It It goes throug\} a 1I1t1f! afflicted 'forest Is in the Natiooal cornel- of South Dakota. Forest BO nO on~ elae can do any. Home ngaln to s ti mmel' In Sou th. lhlng about It and It Is ~oo big a ern Ohio. Sund ay WRS un comtol'!' job tor allY one perap~. I read In ably bot ' but most or t he t ime th" a pape r tbat Massacbusetts Is go. wt>/l.t b~r hel'8 hal! Ileen tlllrly com. Ing hard alter . tbe GYP8Y motb (ortn ble. Today Is wet nnd cloudy that bas done 80 much' damage In afte r t be rain IR8t nJg h t.. It feel!! New England. Tbey are flghtlog It good' to · me and it r didn't bave witb wbolesale Bpraylng from air. 80 , many, other tblngs to do it p,\aoeB,
• I
. .r u
We're ,oin, fishing. for a week. (from Au·~t 4 to,.Aupst 11). We are loi..", to lock the place up _.. e v -.....- ..__ ... -"D
....._ _ _
p,IIUW ...-... t n. .LI· 'E. Iw'a, _' 'A, y' 01''.r'0.. .
lhe 0 " wa, every time he . wallo on d ie 101 and is wit.... .to . do an""'l within reason to -et rid of them _ (not 'that it'. • . r~le to ldek$10.00 a day off the pri~ duit's jUlt desperation. . . Th . II' " eli " ' . . ., are a m ruunmrqr con 'lion and moit of them have GOod l'ire~ and He lltera - SOifte have .RacHoa. . 4.Dr" R&d'o,
. 1941 1939 194 . .2 1941
Run. 'Good, Good Tirft '. PESOTQ BUline.. Coupe, ' Tranlportation __ --$145.00 BUICK Sedan (See -this one) _____ _ ..: __ S175.00 · 14 HUDSON 6" 2·Dr. Sedan, $445 Vall.le __ __ SI6S.00 PLYMOUTH Spc. Dix. 4-Dr, Sedan _ ____ _ _ . $175.00 3 G09d Tires, Radio und Heater . .~ __ $ , 95.00. 1937 DESOTO 4-0... Sedan, Good ,Tranjpoliataon 1,.3:7 DODGE 4-D". Sedan ________ ___ ____ : _____ S 75~00 1937 FORD "s" 4-Dr. Sed8n._________,__________ '115.od Reconditioned Motor New Clutch . " " 1939 FORD Dix• .'S' 4 -Dr. Se4lan _ _________ _ .:. __ $24S.00 4 White' TJrea, New Paint ,,' .
~Omor~. Thej Wlli, .
~... :
', 10 .Cks Che"'"
.t. _1_
. -
WI'.t. I 'T ~
.1 , ' \ . 1
';1R.EASURY MEN . IN uyl'BIII R Ih ood
feco~ .=ali~:! ~ ~n ~a:te~:i:;
with hie wife and two fine young.' 'te~, One of Bill', proudelt POI-'.1100, was,'s German Luger pia. tot He bad ~ken It. ~roin a Nul
t/rnm:~t~et~ a'::w~~~~!~eB~
_Ife put It in the attic. Another ,.e4l' p888ed. One day Bill's ' younl( IOn, "ohn, found the gun. took It out to Illay. An older boy lot It a~ay ~ro'1' J.obn. The next ,. nl;tlt
~~~~:~~~~1rI~~:Ce~~~~nl~a! Bill /,ll': .J:.. .t1t4k.ilio';
M! ,dtt!
8s Broaclwa.y al OakwoOd
.. ..
'1_"",. .1_Hilllbl, fot _.'l,,!oll "' .~II. A.o/II" 11" •• 1" _ultll ••1111': s.".,;,;1r U,R "'iI~tlii)
PROBA1: E Estate of BeNR I . n, 1.- 1' , d r'll , George C, Loe l'. c':ecn lol' f'lfld In· n 'o tory, hearing !let fo r July 27 nt ~O a. m. . ' Estnt o( MIl l'Y E .· Ego, de(,'d. , estate valued lit $ .I ,67~1., e emllt ,I'om Inherita nce to); . EstAte of Esther W . Southgn.te Feber to Drexel C. and Vh'll'ln la
F'u~e l t. - 1.it! R(' I'e.Q III I. ~u 11 011. Fre\' W. a nd Idll E . I>U Y Lo HUH sell lind B e va AllulIIs. li:{ Iii< 1\(' I' I'~ dp'd .. estate vn h lE d at $ I:lIl.70S.· 26,
Inven lol'les wei e npPI'ovl'll 0.\ the fo ll ow ing B8l\l ll"' : f:lt ule or Edna 'r. IJII I' k , Ul!f '(\ . es talo 01' hest er C: 'u nl e, 11 ,"'II 1111 « t he st.ll.le or Milton II ariz It . d e ·'d . . Es tate of E1I1 11 W. Whllenu :" dec'd, estnt valliI'd 01 $12,6 ::l.!ll , EIIt ote of L OII IR K .. 1'''''.11·S nd, dec'll. r stu te eXBull1i fl'o m In her· flum' e lux. E~ t ll le of ' -In ud W . ,II'Oll'l. deu'd , Wlllinm ~ll'o lld lI()(Jn lr ~led I'~e 'II to r , (leorgl' WntNh rlUSI'. \ V. n. 'Squl l'l'!; nnd f 'lIn lnn ' ( ' I IIe nrl· Ilolnlcd IIPlII'Il IHHK. Es tllle of Sa m 1.11<'1(1)11 8, dec' d., h I ll Lnc kelll!. exel : \lL r L~ II II In· ve ntol·Y. hell rin g ~e t 1'0 1' Augus t 2 III
nt .
MARRIAGE LLCENS E George O. nD1 ('J br'\I . 19, ta ' l II 1'1 ve l', FI·a.III[lIn . lin d ' Qorothy Franoes' Rob er'ls , .] 7" wal lr ss , ·Fra nkll n. Forost Akers. -12., t ru ck dll ver, Waynesv ille a nd Dol'olh y L. Pal· mel', 44 , ,'he,!kr l', WRYIlCsv lll . John Duchomm , 1. loborer, Mason and J anel P I·te. ] 9, cler .. Ical worker, LOvel(lnll. Rob r t C. Gra vitt, ~6, mnt:hl\j· 1st, Mason. and- 'elma I eCheaney, 22. 01 rk·typlst, Mason..
-:;;;;::;;~;;:;;;:;;:::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;;;.:;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;;;;;;;:~~;::;;;;:;;;~;;.;:;:a - - ,~ - - - - --- - - . - -.- - . -'- .. -..- -
0-- -
Arm~age &Son
-lfllnlnlllll!llIIIIIIllIIllIIIllI.II~IIIMIIIII":I.lIs111~:IMIIIIMllllllin:"vIllAIII~lulll~lIIlli11II1I1111II1II1I111111I!5=_==~ -,
====_ . ===
vbo couot 00 cU1ltom work to pa, ' heh' way. Modero macblnery Ir expensive and It does pay to CO D bine a poor staDd. We Rfe turIl log pigs- in '811 OUrB. ·T.htbe e summer fs ball gone at
ready, BOOn, the sweet corn will be ready aod tbe late hay. Time 00l" to beglo to,. get thlogll reallf fa' wIn ter. The farmer never hal! ti me to alt down and mourn over ooe poor crop, tbe wbellt may ba.. beeo Poor but that· certainly looks like nice corn up tiliere 10 tbe [ield, \ .
a E .... ·I I C · ED' 2 P PEJICENT ;;;_-= :-n lIIIu :it . D
_=== -
FinlldrpriniloJnn" D':.~ , .., I~. ..
S rft 0' RT SH . I RT S'
.amon.., •••
SZ.· ,S·:md S~~95
Now $1.81 3 For $5.00
. OF
;"/'0,"'.' ",w'f'"
"'••, -: "J:6 ~'''.'
White and COlored
war weapon 'over to yoIII' ·police. Or at lea.t take It to a .mlth and have It deaetlnted. . ' life. It inay be your ~wn I
,One Lut of
DRESS SHIRT'S' Re. • '3 95 a 54 9S . • • low 11.18 3 f.or $8
Eve.., ,ear in th•• countrJ ' l,ooo
are killed or InjUred by war trophl08. p~y. aafel TUrn Jour ~730 perlODI
am! Bla nche W. Kn ight, 7. lot8 1n Mt. Holl y. Charles A. !;Ind Ce,·trud L. In Wus hlngtou t wp, . Earl and F ran c $ T.... Lnmh - to Roy and Orlln e 8 81011 , 0.29 lI ~ re8 In Way ue t wp. Lulu F: Sh erzel' lo Ra lph E. and nelle J . ' u m m : lls , 4.39 ae l'os Ill' F rankli n. Frank C. fl amm ollrl t o Mll bel Ma Bemi s , 10 url'es In 'l' ul't1e· cr ok lWJI. . Geol' 'e M. RII CI' N ul .T.... Fu clIton to Willi anI' nnd MIII'Y 1,,,, 118, J 10 L in 'r,Il'lI U<'l'pe lt lll l' , FI'(l II k . BUlIIllloll rl to Georgll L. nlHI UnLh ,PI'\IR~, 3 n I'es In Was hlllAton LWp . S co lt H . und J\'!:lI' lan " ~I I" Clu l'c Lo lellil 11'\\ i n, ;) 1I 1' ,'el\ In TIII·tlct'l·oek t W)). Ckcenterr y !l1l,1 ' :'1111"1 > T . I'liel' Iillt a nd Minnie 1'n m I', 1 to fl ol' In F'mnklln l W[I . FI' d \1 1'.1 1)' 10 (;11I"an e alld Do· 10l'es IInt't'le hl , 0.<121 or l'('s 10 Fra nl[lill twp.
.fne. I .notice tbat almost every ' De DOW plaots soyl;eil n5 In rowa, l'hey Bay you get a 1,.1'1te cd! ' ha n wheo they OFe pl anted ,' I " " his ..aln will be fine for the se nd cutt ing of altal ' lIl. The P QO ~vh eat crop bas , beeo ha rd 0 11 tb. 1 1'1. wltb expensi ve ' nl" 'I" el"
Hea~r _____.__ _ $96S.00
1947 P~YMOUTH 4·Dr.j R, Heat, New ::eaf Cover. _ U75.00 1939 DODCE 2-Dr, Good Running Condition __ ~ __ .:S2"S.OO 1939 STUDEBAKER Cr~UWDI ~ • ",:,~_ . . ..... . . ~n __ ~ ." ____ ~ __ _ $I ..D,OO
'Warrel' (ountY (0u.' , N.ews
Bnd Velma L. Runyan, '1 lot In Evere ·J obntt aLnd Ellobe1b .mc.I\~lp I MaBon. . and Ros.e lla Emel'l k, Homer C. and J)lan(!b M. Oeorge 8·8 acres In Fraoklln twp. to Harold F, and Mary E. Geo.r ge, Arthu~ E. Morgan to Robert L ~.;'~_;:_~_~.~:;_:::.•:_::.~_~.:_~'_='_=':_::.~_~':-~_='-=.:-;'~_~.:-~.~n_~"~_~.~_~'-~_~"~
UI • check for t2.00,
,~~ '!.."!'..!t ~!.~~ ~ ......
...ol11ab, my little black cat, dla· r~~----~!~-"-------""'---~_~ appeared while I was gone. Dick 811YS be saw lIer once or twice the • iliA lIay after I left and never again . afler. Jackie tbe pup ls twice tbe alze be was wben I lett. 1 wieh' , he could stay just the Bbe tha t he 0.527 acres ·In Turtlecreek t wp. III but his teet are very large 80 Clint on County Nation al Bank Lucl'ella a nd J ames L. p<{. Hop. tbat proba bly ill ' Ulls thut he. Is vI! Vau gbn Swing Do,i Mrs. Vaughn klns to Heory S. and M . M:, Hop. goi ng to be big ' too. Sw ing, judgment to plalntlrt tor kl08, 1 lot In' F ranklin . We are sturtlng to try II? 1m. $626.46 and COBtB. Ra mel' and Rosa COOPOT to Pro. pro ve my eust pRsture wh h:h Is Philip Sta bley va Bernard HagE'( ducllon PI sting Works, Inc .. 11\0' very poor ground with bad wBshes dlRmlssed ' wit hout re~ord , ' x87' In Lebaoon. aod . some rougb white clay" had Willa Jones Rap p VB barles CaBale J . Brln lngel' t o ' Fred and laJld In It. Tbe otbel' day we to)'e RapPf defendaot ordllJ' d to Ilay Catherine Slezal! , 4 lots In Fra nk. up the t hlo weedy sod on one side $25 pet week . lio t wp. ~ In strips and dragged down and All ied BlIlldlng Cr edit s. In c. V 8 E mmett O. and Nettle R. Dnle drilled In a mixture of grass and. Eml1l.L'lt H . Dnd Mari'a Rpar~ , J.ldg. O. l •. I a nRa"" . 1 lot In Fran kli n sweet clover with a heavy dose IIl.Pll t '0 Illalnll fr for $ fl 4.r.fi a nd rw p. of fertilizer. This rain came just costs. Margaret Eliza beth Meymanll 1.0 In time and If It do os oot dry art . {Irllt'll Jea n How lud va Hem,}, John Sabo, J.I·.. 1 lot ' In F ,'s nkll n too quickly It may BhQw some rft- Cecil Howard derenda nt m'del'ed 10 twp. 8ults. We left all the t ra sh on top pay pla lmlff $30 01'1 Ilr heror'e Jul y MadeUn Hunter to .Est hol' H . but ~bere was bardly enougb tor a 20, 1951 li nd $30 each week th" ,·.'" Oons, 3 lots In Waynesv lllr. real mulcb. It wl1\ probably need after. , William B. and EIlIlbeth Tur ntll' lImtng, too a nd some ma nure be. . Tlt'e Clnclnn!l~t Shelellskln o. VB 1.0 William O. a nd ,Iona P. Newton , tore it a mouots to mucb' at aoy. O. H. Toney. et al. fi nal dererence 2.041 acres In Turtleoreek twp. tbing, . to examiner" ·Herbert and Nora Beulah Vaug hn -~ Tbls morning we brougbt ovel' Evelyn E. Vincent Smi th vs Jos. to Edwin D, 'aud Rllb y E . Rolland , the heifer with t he calt tbat lo.,t R. Smith, hea ring 'selt for July 26 2 acres 10 Hamilton twp. Its ears and lied the calf In the "at 9 : 30 a. 'm. noticp to serve with Groce S. Jacobs to Oli ver aod barn so tliat tbe belter will go . in .coIJY of entl'Y ntLached 1~8 uecl to LUI'IlI (' Hedg'el" 1 lot In Del'l'rleld tbls evenlog. • Sbe bas'-never be 0 Sbe l'Iff of ·Warren County. twp. . milked so now we are going ' t o C, R. Campbell, ellal VB Frnnk Raymond Curtis to George n. t!'y' to get her broken to milk 01' Coli.. ·Fraok Cole grunted 7 day!! Legulllon, 5 lots In Deerfield til'" . t o get her anotber calf and R(' II to plead. . . C. J .' eombs to Owen and Susan thlB one. The big beUer Is now Maria h Bacb V B Edwa rd Bach , Bowllng,2 lot s In UniOn twD. 'a8 tame and gentle aB any of lhe' di vorce to plaJntlft. Albert a nd Mollie Bastio to John W. and Heleo R. Dubois, 0.23 aCl'es rest and sbe lias learned to tu rn ber Il$.d s ideways so t.hat he r' NEW SUrTS In Turtlecreek twp. Allied BuUdlog Oredlts, Inc., VB Paul J. McDonald to Elmel'. J r. boros will go tbrough tbe stnn. cblon. We e!Cpeot to go to the sa.le Emmett H. and Mar'le Sars, cog· Bud Helen M-a,'le Rarrl. glon, 1 na this afternoon to get U 8 Rnot hol' oovJt, Hellker ' .and B ellker, KII· acres In learcreek twp. At coyne and O'Neal. Ft~ed E. Jonea. DRnlel and LC lU rR B. ROll tt ,. rour.legged m ilking mB('lIlne. Diana. Lee Gillum 'vs Robert 0, Fred Manyne O. Sm ith. fi II CI'PS 1'1 the pres'eut Ilrl'l' of "enl It Is lhe best wa y to sell mil k wile n you ure Gillum, dlvorce. I gros s neglect or Frankllo tw p. aot /lqulpped W sell I1;l'IId " A milk .. dnty. Marvin 'E.' Young. Verner a nd l\ihrle Slmm clls t. The OOI'D 18 tall and Is lJet lDl Ing 'Raymond E . ' Conley vs Ora Lee Donald anI Jea llne IngalJ l"Ond, .109 to· tassel. The. BOY' be:lns III tht, Conley, divorce, J . T . Riley. acres In 'F ranklln twp. ~O B a nd M-llry Robinson I... 18 YOUR 8Uaac'RIPTION PAS-T REAL ESTATE TFIA'N8FER8 Cbarles L, Rnd Mal'y 8 U9Rll H ',r ·O'!E7 If IU. _ ~ on!t you pl.lI, Oblo Homes, lite" to Floyd Tyler desty, 79 acres In Sp),lngnol'o.
In other words the p.nce. 'on th~ cars will be
1,9 47 DODGE
local ..,n-
SaY.. .
Spor" T.' EE SHIRTS .
Reg. ;--51.~..
$2.95 low $1.00
1141 Trllior ..1'" Fobl Trlltor. tl44 F.... I ....lor 1 · _ F.r. Trllior
..... ·DeIrt Ii P. WIllI a....... ,. ., .." ••1itI BI'OI........ ,......., . . . 2 StalOI' OIl., Plow... 12" ·PIo. (Plow" , 8' A....) ..... D.r. 12" .... ~ .Dlarllora U. ... F.rtlllzer s,ruRr
SIMPSON.TIlC'l1J1 SILa' PI. . . . .I.
THI OF TODAY" fodar-wllh .. wlllloul ... .. ",iIIlS" - you [011 ..lIlr ....tify 1Iit 'III"o.£· 0$ lilt mesli \IIOVII·
'~I DIomoad II", Ie ,CMH fI....'. fht palllllH MIU,ru ~I· Ijhg actvaIIr .maktJ l1li *'1MIId IdQk Of IIOSI 25\ 1or.,I' $It OIH .iqvllll.. IIIIdIeft of ,1tI11.... ...~W OiiIiIfOnd Iin!:l. A•• IIo ..1e ill 14 ,olio., . • ,4,
. kl ,
" ". " lilti iIiId.
.................... clnd pl.'\;{". '
SU 'MMER PI 'J AI AS Re*~ 54.9$, SI.95 low $3.1&
••••,.for ·.
III, li'IIl.1
.N· " ••,Ir
....... Sall- I. Itow
• I". Pis• • 814
loW' $I.1i
M-ell's SIaOp
'.-_~= '
Call ·li: l ..J to pla; e a CI .. /fled Ad
ThuN day and Fr' -:":.:j
.tt Davi - Furnas Pit.
haa a W.tern had so much .hOotln g. Get. off to .tart but buslne •• 1I00n plcke up. '
Sund ay M.
PHONE ' '"
X - i. 1 9 - 7 ·2 U - ~,
P A P j,; II H ,\ K tl l ,t; G MUMM A . Be llbroo l, . :< 20~.
PRESTO CANNERS • • .-$21.95 M.OLURE FUIIERAL HOME OOLD P~OK OANIERS - $1.95 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO All ,T,pil Tllarmol' Jugs M~ Y. F. Sund ay FRIGIDAIRE Tbe M. Y. F. WI)1 meet at the , Metbod lst Churcb Sunday at 7:30 REFRlaE,ATORS and FOOD FREEZERS m. Alton Earnba rt w1l1 be the devotio nal
'By George
. bottom of.n Idult'. 2Gte. either.
bare foot la
y:"_I _ King UAO n I
Eexout or
Estate o( ltalph G. Decea8e d: Notice Is .berebY Luella MIUer whose Post Office address Is R. R. 1. Waynes ville. Oblo. baS been duly appoint e(\ as Exesutr ill of tbe Estate of Ral[Jh G" Miller. late of Warre n County. OhiO, decease d. Dated this 23 day or Jllly, )961. RALPH H. CAREY Judge of the Probate Court, . Warren County, Ohio ABor al MoIlDt TI ' Gray, Risinge r &: Gray; 'Atty. best frieDd on the _1&'& of the 'far P7-l!G.-·8·2. 9 .
Nortb- "Chall enre Of ill. Ya~. ~ Sandar ll ' at 8 p ...... EST, .. the .amo. c1q, You
...... 7he
bolb ebUdren. alike on/ WLW.
,Unless A ....nl lurvey of 2.000 f.rm accidents showl th.t 241 Involve machiner y. In oth.r type., more farm peopl. ar. Injured by hl\t-47~h.n 1ft I"y othlr klnel of le,ld.nl. ARM FOLKS , al a cenera1 .rule, farm. muet be guarded acallUlt ch'e little thought to safety scclden ts. unUl a member of their family or An average of 47 farm people are a neta:hbo r'. iB hurt or killed, or Ire dut.roy s tbelr ,home or barn. acciden tsl\y kl11ed eveJ:Y day. Tb.u they .tart domE lometh lnl BelptDg to reduce rural calual· Uell are a half mUilon boYI aDd about satety. TbJ. year It il parUcu luly im· girls taking ...rt In tbe , Nationa l portant that eYery fum ramUy 4-H Farm aDd Home Baret')- Pro.honld do lom,thl ne about prae- cram. More thaD UO.OOO In awardl tlclq earet)'. MeaUI ' e ....n thollCb for the beat rlClOrdl of acciden t tbere II a IIlona. e of labor on prey.n tlon aDd .dueat ioD are - fanu. aDd new 84alpm entja harcl ~lna-Pro'f1ded by GtDerai lIoton • Pt, IootI JI'G41IdIon malt be for the Hnntll cODHeUUye Jear. 1Iooet.a Tbat .... tile prNent The II dJrecU14 by tlIot a&ll,o ".r all4 • • chllle, ,' on Cooperprol1"&~ aU", IlstUllJo JI' IIentce.
Yciillaw600d ·_ L E.
1 • •it! KARL ·D. DAKIN
InHr anee Aaen c,
K.rI D. Dileln C. D. ROHne rane Harold 'J. Veraln Eal,'l M. Quatln Lebanon, Ohio Phon. 113
Sun, Mon. Jul.2 9, 30 Tue Wed..... .lui 31 ,Au. 1 . . .VIIII I IUIII'. SIMI l
~~'W '= "
W e wish to thank our fri ends neighbo rs nnd . relative s . rOT thei r \clndne ss during tWe tlJn alld death of our loved .one. Y~ul' ex· pressio n of sympat hy lhrough cards and rIowers was Te'ltI}' a i' preciate d. Sarab .I'd. Elzey Mr. and Mrs. Kennet h E 12e), and Marjori e
Satu rday
N O UYl~
FOR SALE - Warre n Count y i!!!!3!!!~!!!!i!i!!!i!i!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!~~! !!!!!i!!!i!i!!!i!!!!!!i~~!!i Notary Seal, like new, in cue. Br:~.1-~~.~o-i1DJ:·r.·,~ NOT ~HE MIAMI GAZE TTE, MaiD Street, Phone 2143. . dh
. If tile bedroom 11 \lied a ..,,.... room. take care tt-~t p~, needJu, 'eUlora , etO., ar. not lett about the beb~ to find. A pin In the
l' Ll[tN I TI.HI~
Pbollo 3 ~62.
Attention! -
"NEVE ;R USED ANYTH 1NG LIK~ IT," slly users of BERLO U Moth'Itarant eed to stop moths J or five "Dmy: OdorleBs, stainle8 8. w ho) e 'Years. WA YNESV lLLE 1!'~lTURE ' and . APPLIA NCE. P hone 3462.
Open Slat. Til 9
July 27, 28
FOR ALE - Califor nia boulld Pl'acllc ally new Sears Deep Freeze $319.50, save $5Z,OO; Sears 'Elec· tric Dish ' ashel' $1.69.60; u,v~ $32.0(), PHONE \V A VNESV I LLE 2248. X- c·19·26
LI!JAVC: YOl, R SHOE REPAIR ING at Hawlle 's Do.l·lIe l' ShOll. ~ III call for and deliver. THOMP SON ,; HOE REPAIR . X- 7·26-S·2·9
. .............
Frida y, Satu rday
F R' ALE - Ullrigb t.grand . 1JlaIiO story & Clark . recently tunetl. good condlU on, $29.9;'. W"yn es· "lIIe 224 8. X- 7· I!l·2ti
White Mounlain Ice Oream Flreelers
Phon e 2441
ALD HADLF .Y . Wo)'no;I\' IIIO. Ohio Phone 3:115, X- 7·26 MOTHS can'l sl ll n(I BI·; RLOU. \' 011 '/111 though. O(\ol'les ~. Ktllln· less, ~ lIal'l1Dle l' (I ' ru]' [iI' yeul'8.
and dl8cuss lon leader and wl11 plan tbe recreati on. Zana ~ 'ruJkete oll U,e in ql!ar,e at the retresb ments. All young people are welcom e.
FuR SALE- M ucHe]' 22 Inch 'oul Furnn 'e in 'good .coll(lIl1 on. DON·
A f)aneral proache d as a somber ordeal, . Properl y directe d and In the Bpirit of one'B abiding (aith, It may be a comfort ing memor y tbrougb out tbe coming years. . , THIS IS THE KIND OF SERVIC E WE TRY TO RENDE R.
X- 7· 12· lij·: tl
I·on :-;AL E - U n whe el ,ll'fl.If: 1' . All SL l. ·HAHL l·:!:; ) IA HH.' I'.• \\' a )' 11 Il I' lII e HI. ::!.
M~RJOR.IE MAIN, PERCY KIL,RI DE and ALL THE KETTL ES' They ara back home again and f\lnnler than eyer.
We alsu
R NEW R c: won't lie elltl'1I by moth" wlJen yo u U MO OU;nLO • One R[Jl'Ilyjug g llfU'lIlll ~ t!l1 tur Ii .. ", Y ars. \ \ \' ' illSVILI ..E l~U ltNI· TLHJ{ & A I 'PLIAN C I::. Phone ;lIU2
July 29 OPEN SIX P.
......-.u_I __ a.'. _. ' .Il _ I ._'
t-' hone 201) 1.
General Contracting
1 _ ' _ Ii _~ It _
Thur sday
,atlek comed y like the old day. with Car.~n at a cowboy afraid _ of hone •.
~I "" &I _ P _
GINGER ROGER S JACK CARSO N JOAN DAVIS Thl. I, a Wester n comedy that will roll you In the al,le. Slap.
Satur day
Phone Wa ynesvil le 2191
and :rOP SOIl.
July 28·2 7
ar i
ar ...£....S~ ",_",,~ DRIVE-IN The~tre
Close d Mon da,. Tue. day, Wed nesda y
enterta iu
ahell . rrown·apt
laadaw laid' M' I£ 'K DELIVERY. DAYS Tuesday
Executo r Estnte of Claud W. Stroud jlka Claude ,... Stroud. Deceas ed. NoUce Is hereby given tbat 'Vm. Stroud, wbose POlt Office address Is Waynes ville. Obi0. has' been duly appoint ed as Executo r of tbe Estate of Olaud W. Stroud aka Clau., W. stroud, late 01 War· ren County , OhIo. d eceased . Dated tbls 18 day of July, 1951. RALPH H. ,C~EY, Judge of the Probate Court, Warren County. Oblo Harold O. Risinge r, Atty. Publish July 26, Aug. 2-9
1, ~,
'FaDlY trDceries Also Top .Quality In Mea.. ancJ, Vetetab'"
Stok.1 Dairf Branch oj(
LEBANON, Phone 21 •••.,..... ....... ....... ....... .. lliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii';
• • • • ph
DEAD STOCK HORS U $2.00 cows'
H age • and Other 8'rnall Stock
" Remoye d Pro~ptly
FOO D STO RE Phone 2541
Alt Stock Remove d D.II~ ;..Large or 8man - 0jI11 Collect
Saturd ay
.. _
Hand and Power ,
IldDD (Taatil) Illi - At FAIRLEYlIARDWARE ~ orPlaone ...... ...... .L
• F
LtYe Wire and Procnoaahe. AD
organls aUoa HCOnd to aOlle. strieUr nUera on the bel' &II' around market In the aoantrJ . SERVIC E
HQRIE S $2.00 COWl tl.00 Dally Markat R.porla : Hogi and Other . ·mall 'tock 'DartOD, U:60 m.S.T, DIal R-.noYed ~rompu, ~" G •••MI, .lItO. Dial
WIImIitatOa 2362 L. . . . . .
Serving Waynesville Since 1850
KNOW QUE'8T OF H. B. EARNHAftTS Mn. Viola Harlan spent tbe / pa.t weel!: wtth ~he Harold B. . Ea rnba rt family.
. . Mayor Sbenrood hu appointed tbe Rev. SamUel N. Ke;,.. Rector ot St. Mar,·. Eplacopal church. to organlle and dlreot 'a ' community committee WbOle duty It will be to build a . Dolt tor the Warren County hlr at I:.ebanon Aqu.t 29 to Sept. 1. The noat will repre: sent WaYDenUle and Wayue town· sblp III the hlr. Committee members named are: ALBERT R. STUBBS. for the Civic Olub: W. mDGAR SMITH, tor the Rotary Club. MRS. FLORENCE RARTiNGS. For .tbe Progressive Wbmen'S Club. MRS. ELIZABETRFURN,4 S. For the Grange. MR. RJCHARD McFADDEN. Fo/' lbe American Legion. MR. WILLIAM SAWYER, For' tbe FIre ' Dept. . MR. LEO CONNER. 'For the P.·T. A: MR. R.(\ YMOND BRA DDOCK. MISS nlAN H~RTSOOK. MR WALTER BEHRENS and MR. FRED ORAUMAN bave al.,o been alked jo eerve on the committee The committee will meet Thlll's clay. AUKuIlt 16 at 8 :00 p. m.' I St. 'Mary's Pariah Huoae.
3·KWH; Ilajared·in TrainCar 'Crash East Of tebuoa
Fair . FIoIt ........ '~..I.y•• Alloal .,..11'. If 01110 U. 8r.d.I I'"
S. ,K eys To Hea,d Jol•• F.r Float Committee
AbDUl TfJwn
18 I •• Or"rld T. D'Banioh-Morgan Vows AUTO SMASHES 11'0 R.p.rt For l.d••II•• Ar. Sp.ken .Salurda, MOVIII P.R.R. 'Rill O• .Wid., '.p.1 22 At SaClr Or~k Oh,r~h FRI. IUR LEIAIOI
Degrees were awarded to 260 Ohio University graduates at the annual summer term . commence· ment exercises held Saturday af· ternoon. August 11) with a recora number of · 88 belq awarded th lI' IDaster's degrees. The graduatea ud weir parents and friendJI heard Dr. Paul Renry Fall. presdent of Hiram Qlllege. deliver an ad'dre88 on "Confusion aDd Conoluslon." President Jabn C. Baker presided and dlrecte.d . . awarcllnr of degrees. Donald Wll~r FOUlkes. Route 2, WayJieavlll~ waa among the graduatea. He received an MA degree.
Mls8 Frances Joanne O·Banlon. ·Thr. . Die .rom daugbwr of Mr. and Mrs. WUllam O'Banlon of Waynesv lIIe. became Skull Fr.ctu...., It the bride of Mr. JOb.ll Morgan Lane VACATION IN INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. Roge~ Brown and 80n of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 'Lane. family spent the past week at a Franklin R. R. 1, 011 Saturday at 2: 30 P. M. Tbe Sugar Creek ·Three Loveland realdents wer~ Lake resort' In Indiana. clmrcb whtcb was beautl(ully a r- kliled and a: fourth t.,jured a81'-ranged with SlImUl el' flow ers, was loulily when their auto smash'e_d QUE'I1'8 FROM CINCII'1N~'TI U. JEFFRIES th e Been e of the cI 0 ubi e I'I II g cere· Into' the side of a Pennsylvania LAWRENCE lira. Logan Hldy ' and aon.. of • j Lawrellce U. J.rrl'les. form\lrly mony which was performed by railroad freight traIn 'near midCincinnati. were Saturda, gueats warden ot the olaio State Dlvlalon Rev. Clarence Bennett. the bride's n1Bht Friday four mUea west 01 of Mr. I\nd Mrs. R. H. Hartsock., of Insurance. b .. jQIDed tbe Farm childhood mln~sler. A lIl'ogram of Lebanon. Bureau IllIul'JUIee C:ompanle8 as wedding music wall presen~. by THE DEAD VI$'iT DAVTON RELATIVES ' aSBoclate cOllUlll, it waa an· Mra. Harriet Thomas, ' Lee O'Ban· EDWARD ADAlIS. 21. 01: 221 Mra. Grace L. Smith waa a luest nounced tod&)' bl P. L. Tbornbury, Ion. brotber or · tbe bride. served .treet. of relative. In Da.ytoJl from Wed· vice president, lenerlill counsel. the groom as best man\ MISS, MARGAlIJDT ALSOP. 18. nelday untll Saturday. A naHonally known In8urance Mls8 Glenna Klelnhelm. the of 610 Jfatn street. . autborlty. Mr. Jf/trrh~1I was assoc· brlde's only attendant. wore a yelMRS. BEllNA.DJNA :A.Jfl)JlBo MOVE INTO SQUIRES HOM~ lated with thl! Ohtd Insurance dllow summer sheer street·lengtb · 610 0-It.. Mr. all,d Mra. Boy Marine Ire vision ror 18 yeara,. . 16 tnen are to be called for In· frock -with white ' accesaorles and SON. 28. 01 -noY! enjoyln, ·tbe W . a.Squlre. .carl V. · Talber' Aviaton elecduetlon on Sept. 2.. . '-I ' ter ofJftsl Allot· .. ., Ii JOen are to be called tor pre. 110 w.... te carnaUon corsage. GlveD . INJURED hom,e on Main etreet. trlelaD'. mate.·thlrd elall. USN. In"uc.'on examinatIon on Sept. 1'2. In marriage by· her · fatber. the husband of Mrs. "arl V: Talbert. II .. hite summer s h ellr 'JOHN ' U ADAMS. 80, of 611. ,.. Local Board offices wUi be b r Id e c h ose a w ,V IIIT NEAR KINGMAN of Route J. - Warn_vIDe. vlalted . ~L. . . ' . .,. closed afternoons of AUi!. 29. 80. 81 Itrest length dress wlti;\ a sboulder Main street. In Mtddletcnrn .~. Mrs. A. H. Earnhart and Mr• . Ismlr. Tur~y. recently WheD the ~ for , Warren' Co. Fall'. lengtlr veU held by an organdy pltal with shoulder' and --:,.. Loyd DlI~IB were luncbeon guest a aircraft camel' USS Orlltally an · cap, trimmed In oragnee blouoms. fractures. He Sa 110t related ·to ot Mrll. Walter Williams nellr chored at the .&ala 1Il1aor port tor The Green Tliumbera foH Club An orcbld carried on a prayer the Jim atreet victim ... ¥tDcinan dllrlng the past :week. a flv"&)' call, met Wedneacla"• .l.ug. 8 at the book. comlpeted ber ensemble. Pennsylvania , offl~ Bald the Th.. mOlt Important ~ In home of David arnhar.t with Le Mrs. O'Banlon. mother of tbe crew of the freight tralD. wblcb . GUEST OF L. C: ST. OH;lN8 JUIa I(lIIor; and a principal port O'Banlon III ClaarKe and Bob bride. and the groom's mother. was iln route from MlddletoWA to LitUe Nancy Ann Settiemyre of U. Tlarktah a.pubUc. ' Ismlr ia O'Banlon p~. Mrl. Lane. ' cbose summer dresses Cincinnati. Jlever realIsed a cr.allt was tbe guest of bel' grandparents Ion. of the earl181t home of 'llhe meatiq .. . . openH Witl -wllth ~1te accesso~lea and COf- bad ocourred• • 11'. and· Mrs. L . C. SI. Jobn duraA L •• ChrIatIaD ChlU'dL Many churches roll call ud foUO~1 by the ireae .T his comIDl BUDday morning aages of garden (lowers. State Patrolman ' ¥'. JiL lIacher lnl the palt wee!t, • • • ... •• , lin the Unltecl Statea now bear It urer'a report. oole Cratcraft anI' Alton Earnhart. a pre-mlnllterlal Follow.lng 'the ceremony a r. 8&14 the Gato .".. 1IIOribI»oaDd GUIEST OF N, IACKERTI ancleal IUUDe oc. Smyrna. TourE Terry Bradley told the club 0 ltudent, will preach' at the Waynea ceptlon was beld at tbe when, the car amaahe4 · IIlto the Mn. Harold B. Earnhart was the . . . . . ...... of Ul,e city ebabled the crew 0 illelr experiences at .-H camp. I~ Metbodl.t QIII'Ch. He bas home. atter whlcb the ,.01lDC TboH kmed IIIe4 ...tanUy gueat of her aon·ln·law and daugb Plea.. mark September 2 10.30 the ablp to lee many Roman ruin Tbls was followed by a dlacu8l10 leen and I. &Cf4.. the church as couple left for a . sbort boneJIDOOD alalll rr~ 80CICIIdIIIC to ter. Mr. and Mra. NOJTUlan Backert L m. on your calendar. At St. that dot Ismlr . period and a ......... roast. Butel.. , .:)unday aehool UtaCber and In youth and 1·be 'bride chose for travellne. Your , aeUDc Warren t or the put week, 1lIUT'. ' Eplacopal C~UJ'chtblll The Orl.lu,u'y ~8 attached W tbl Bratten and SlllvPJ' stiles were "ork. In.,-o...... -..leOma to be ia plnk ' sult with white accessories. . coronal:. • mol'lllne•. tb'e Honorable Char1ea P. IIbth neet In tbe Medlterraneall ~ueata :of the ·chib. 11181_ U S1aIIdIir lChool · at II :80 Upon their return. they wUl be at Pollee Ohler olQ)lD i'r1ts~ of 'QUEST8 OF ANDER80NI Taft, of Cincinnati. wUl preach' I" Tbe aut m . . . . WUl tie held 1n1 ~ cb,,"* worsblp at 10:3i) home to their many friends at lan4; tIal4 both men ·were COD:Mr. and Mr.' . Ralph Rutlnls W. Uorthat all of JOU wDl "allt at Lee anAl ~ O'Ban1on'l ham. &. III- ~ wIu be .pe-:lalmuslc their country bome on Oreen Tree emPlw,e4 . I. aud Mr. 'and Mra. Waller SheelWl to ehar hlm. lb. 'hft 11 tile lOb r..... OD Wi •. at~ .. .elPt In De -....... '.UIar, with MI'8 ft6ad. _ . . . . . . ili7; ..a4 tliirllifbad wen s.m4:t,. e'f'_11I~ ' Of BI ard , 4hIt ~,.t_ o·clock. • E ('niY lIOdun !dDl1Da'. ''When I . Tb's brlde b~8 been compltment. been rtfeDca 'or lQDJ ataD4fQ. ~. Mr. and Mrs. Willard .Andreon. ·brother of Senator Robert Taft. '. . . Garll~ Stampe.r. Kl.leel'Down To Pray." ed by muy lovely, brtdal .honn .latera Uved 1V1th · their mother. A.lI of.you ah(1ul4 .1I0W tbat Mr. d rln th t r 11: .....ADa Tart la Seloor Warden of ChriSt Tbe tollo'jVlng men ","om " u g . e pas ew wee a. Mrs. ,Myrtle AIJIop, aDd ..... GUE STS FROM INDIANA Iilplacopal Church. Olnclnnatl Ii ren county were ordered by 1.(Ical !lerSOn waS the mother of a fiveu Mr . and Mrs._ Cbnrlr "ea"';"ld dau"'hter . ~ Mc Culloch member of the GovernlD« Board of Board No. 122 to report tor armed I"~ .. . h .. d a week end guests Mr. and the National Council of Church'es I forces physical examlna ihlll yesFuneral· servcea for the two ond . two In America and alao 'or the worldltardaY: CouncU of Churche",. He ha. had • FrankUn-Boolle E veridge. Le ) '. Tbe Warneaville .Rotary Olub '. Loveland with burial In the Kerr BACK FROM WESTERN TOUR the dlltiDctJon Of. belli( the ollly Ray McOurrln, Fred Dalton. Jr.. Th I Id I It · , 'la7 pel'llOn ever to be elected. Prea. Eupne Plummer. aC Ita Tuesday nlgbt meeUn·g . haJ . e .annun m summer I) Cll c. o cemetery th'8re. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ralph Johns wltb ldeDt or tbe Federal CouncU of Lebapon-Joh n Worley . . Leroy tbe opportunity of bearing t1.e Iii' the six Fairley Hardware stores. ·Servlces for tbe other victlm, Mr. 8nd Mre. Roy M'cKlrby have burchea. "n Pau I . eide dope on the f~tbal1 sltuaUon Wa.ynesvllle. Blancbester. WIl· "" \Val'..". . d Edward Adams. were conducted Heinlein. Sbelburn "'d returned from a .two wee k tour 0 f C EveryoDe 1. IIlvited. FIatc. at the U. 9. MllltaV Academy at mlngton, Hillsboro. Sabina an Wednesday ' at 10 .. m. at Tufts the We&tern Biaies. WaYDe.ville _ Robert Sherwood -\Vest Point. Thel: beard It from Lrnchburg wb1ch Is always antlc· tuneral home. ,Lov and. Burial The Home Econilmllca committee a man who Iii o~ \be Inside and Ipated with n great deal 01' pleas· was In Kerr cemetery there. Morrow _ Virgil Martin. Ray VISIT IN LYTLE S ....TURDAY Clted'or .".llna mond Bad,ley. of Farm ers .G~a.nge . l:~. will 'lpon~ol.,11 who Iulows whereof be apeaks. ure by every one connected with IIr. WlII C . St. Jobn with· Mr. SW..t .Cern Foater-Cllfford Renner. their annual picnic at SlDhh . Roille Bevans, head football tbe Fairley organization. was held Jobn C. St. Jobn o.f · OInclnnati. " I Muon-Bobert Dumford. Park on Saturdal'. Augus t 18 ; ulliD.e r at ths Point. ipoke to the Sunday. A.ugust 6 at Old Mill paat supper «roup' on the facts about the reo Stream Park. Waynelvllle. were Saturday dinner ,,,nUl ' or CUUord Lamb and Bli'lty Mulllns TralllferB _ Wilson Anen and , 6 o·clock. As In t~EI th , JIIl'Il. RObert Corwin In Lytle. both or Franklin, pleaded guilty Dudley Bra41ey. Soutb Leb!lllon. - I will be furnlsbed by e commit- cent oulter of 10 cadets from ·.tbe A bo~nUful buket dinner aened. when they were c'l ted before t' . tee. Everyone plea~e brine their 8ChCHIl OD the HudJon. X · at the noon hour was greatly en· GUE8TS FROM 'DAYTON . own service. Rollie aQd the boya were'nt joyed by all pre~ent. , Mra. Goldie ( Surlaee had .. a ~utre Clarence Ji'I. Rranker.' oC The public Is Invited aud urged chea"-, In t"'• •e".4 that Bome Tbe afternoon waa 8pent 111 lAbanon. ' SalUrds,.. Tbe, ' were I . .. speCial -...u .. ---TueadaY gueat. Mra. Mamie Raw· cb&rged with petit breeny aDd to <tome as funds I~or a thoulbt. Ther~ was ' no actual an· swimming. flahlng. baseball and IOn of Dayton, and Wecl1leaday Ihe each WII flned UO ud COlts and .. •• project are being made. awers on their cutfl! or anytblng just plain visitIng. b14 Mr•. Ermollle ud Mr•. EmUe Supper wlll Inc lud.~ : up their 8lee~es os they went to ThOBe attendlngJ rom the loca' sentenced to 30 da,II. ln tbe county , -Hamburger, 26 ; Baked .Beans. clallsr""ms. Only a . lIttle belp Oil store were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zeller ot DaytoD u ber pe.te. jail. Tbe Jan llentence IUS" . ... • -..,. )en~lId. It WII reported t~t tbfl . 10; Potato Snlad. 10 ; . Garden tbe outllde of tbe classroom by McFarland and tnmlly, Mr. ,. Rnd GUEa,.... FROM PENNA. pair took aweet corn frOm the The , Waynesvllle Civic Club's .Salad. 05; Fruit Salilld, 10;- Com. a feUow' cadet - whlcb tblng haB ?tira. Virgil Isaaos and family. Miss Mr. and Mn. Charlei W,blt&ke" prdeD of Sbe1lllan Powell. near next meeting wlll be beld Monday. O~: Apple Sauce. 05 ; Ice Crflam. been going 110 ai tbe Pol!lt for Esther Watkins and Mr. Eldon C. .uel· ohUdren of lOle." Kensington. Franklin. August 20 at 6:30 at tbe Meth. 10: 'Home .Made Ca~e, 10; Coffee, :mpy yeara - and not only nt Ellis. Pa.. are p ..iI .of their parenta. odlst church. : 05. Pop and Coke, HI. the J(Ul~ry Academy. but In aiMr. and Mra. Walter Wbltaker for A_ " . An memberS are requested to Come ond enjoy a IIleaBant mOlt eve.,. college. university and H• wk. . ~... tbls week. . ( brlng 'a tarmer gueat. e,,-enl~t!!. academy In the . nation tbe same To Allyl....., Council, ArtbQr Easton, of Franklin. will thln« happen'•. AT FARM BUREAU CAMP be tbe speaker for the meeting Birthday PartY - -.- --:-MI••e. CarlOt\l Brown. CarolJn On Frfday attemoon 'tbe WCTU Mr. and Mra., R.oaalel Hawke Tbe Seeretary aSKs ' th~t all Saturd.y Burnatt. Jane~ Peten. Nadine I'ry- were ho.t aiad hOlleaB to the Ad· meeting was beld at th e FrlendB _ ' . man and Mlrialtl Wllaon .Iett on vlaory Council No. t on Wednell'· cards be returned promptly. cburcb . . Mr/!. Jel(nle ,Bradley, . MonclAY to apend the week at the day evenln, witta: Mrs. Fra~ce9 A Burprlse blrthdilY pa'fty wasthe devotional. ' and program, · . ' I Farm BureaU Camp' at OXford. beld Saturday night' ,on ·Mrs. Cha~. The E;ast. Wayne. Advl80ry Coun· meeting was' opened wltb a sOng Gra, ' aud IOna. Mrs. Winifred An noun~e . Of ••u.hier Lynch at her home. cll enjoyed a picnic supper at tbe and Mr.s. Floa81e Carey read part Hartaock an4 Mrs_ IIda Mont· VIlIT IN CINNA'I'I Present were Mrs. Belle Ven- Friends Oburch on Friday evening of tbe 107 Psalm. Mra. Olive OUI'1 alnpr aa . peata. . followin,i the Mn. Clarence JlJe .peAt ... few busln...· and dlacu••IOD hour. a llr. and Mr.. Earl Rickey an- able. Goldie Bentley. SUllie Eyans, with· Mr_ . and Mrs. Richard Wat· led In prayer, tpI1QVf~ by lienday. with her ICin·In·law· and pleuant IIOCIlal ' hour w.. enjoyed nounce tbe mal'J'lace of their Fllossl~ Oarey. Lucy Emily. Flor· tera and children and Mrs. Hany lence ]1ray41ra. Mrif. Jennie BraddaD~lrt.er. Mr. \ and Mrs. IrvlDI and • "eUcloae salad,· cOUrsfl wall d,aupter Mary Jean to Sgt. Ray· ence Baker, Grace ·F urnas. Anna· Smith as gue8ts. A ilellghttul meal ley gave ('R~minll!cellee8" of the Boaen and . little iOD in Cincinnati .ened. mODd Graham on August H. In belle Flora. . ' I was enjoyed and plana were made fOrlDer WeTV' In Waynesville" 4urin~ the put week. ' LJtle. ., . . BeautifUl glf~ were preafjnted to meet In September with Mr. a~d 'alao a .plend~d review of the The, groom Is the Bon 'of Mt'8. to Mra. Lynch by tbe gueats. and Mrs. C. E. Macln~e8 I1S bost 18880ns. ,ot ~e past ' year on~ the M .... LIDDlE COLEMAN "bpen Door." There were otlier DI,NNER QUEITI Op; '~TJ' Jlm°~~! lin. LldCue' Coleman. a for- Jobn A1vaney of Los Aueleli. ' Poems of Bcbool daya were te· and bOltesa. Mr. an4 lin, L. C. S~. 0 ..... They will make their bome cited and hymns were rendered .by art1cl~s read on "'rhe Callt. aa Frlda.y ·eyeDlJl. dinner ruelta. mer ....Ideot 0' WvneavUle. died Savannab. - Ga., wbereSi!t. the group, Refresblneneta of Ice Drink." The following • W.d••w'oed. ' Mr. aD4 lin• . 1CY..reU .Smlth. of a~ 11:1~ P;.II1 • Baturday I.t a reat 'n The . Ji&Jlt !Iname" attrae~oD Grabam Is stationed. . . cream and cake we'r e eJljoyed by n. y were eleoted· for tbe. co~lng year: Mr.. and Mra~ Hebe'r .Per· bome Ii;! Ramernlile. She II Bur· all. OnV.mlon P~eBldenU Dr. Emllla Hollony; show. wbtch wUl be .tqed lilghtl,. me of· Lebanon and III'. ,and. Mrs, vlnd by a abter, Blr•. ADna ~I: . YI. Presdent, Mrs. OUve Curl; Sec· from the. Grandatand at the Stata GlenD manit. • I '!t. ban of Cincinnati: two . brothera. retary. MIBS Lucy ' Emley: TrIeRS' Fair. Wtlt pretlent HoraCe Heldt Jobn aDd Jam. Proud. both of Bev. aJ)d Mra. J. W. Wedgewood urer. Mrs; Jen.n le Bradley. Th'e and hta YOU," OpportUlllt,. ~h(lw. OweDaYllle: t"., ro.ter daqbters. and boys are on vacation at Lake- meetl~ was c~oBe~ With the AT CAMP lLIN!?O. INDI~NA weeklJ on biotb I'IUlIo aud Mn. ,DorOulJ KeUl. of IIlam" ald., Ohio. this :week and nllxt. Union Benediction. TV network.. plu. another ' out-. III.. $ua rumas. Mia. Wllbel. baPr lin. ~elma lAney of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Furnas. Mr. 'Several day. Will be epent !11 th staD,d1Dg .attr~tlOn WhIch III Ita mlna Braddock. '· lIta. Rboda Bun· J'raDkUn. II'oneral laer.vlce. were aDd Mn. Rhodea Bunnell, Mrs. and Mrs. Edlrar Smltb and lira. Weqewood'l motber. Mra. GUESTa OF b. CONGERS rilht WoUld be a headliner OD Mr. lleU. Bat .......... DanIel Wilde held at I p. m. Taead.y at me ~elIle BuDDeD. lira. Earl, Hookett. left Satur4ay afternoon I. A. Grflnlacb of Convoy. Ohio. any procram. alld Carl Bclmaltmall were at Stubbe "lI8raJ home ;,Itb Rev. III'. and M". Roea Harts?ck. Mra. 'daughter for a week's flsblng trip at Sh. They wUl return Frlda.y, Aug. 26. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hill. oC Redhead Relta daDeer Camp llindo. In4., for the put B)'1'01l caner otnat.t1aa. Barlal Lefta Hart8bck. IIlss Jean Hart· boygan. Mlcb. Watc:h out for thfl Xenia, Mrs. Edna PMlbowflr, of from Scottabluff. Neb,. Ia 0118 01 week. ".. In 1I1Im1 ' cemetery. ~k. ,1Ir. and ¥rs. IlOIcoe Furn~••. ftah stories ' When mltty" «ets Olnclnnatl and Mr. and 1111'1; Perry the Joungeat lII.....r. of the IIr. and IIrs. Seth hrnas, IIr. and baclL . BOWLING. QREEN GUEIT8 Benton and chil~ren of Fairborn. troupe. QUE.n FROM COLORADO IN CAMP NIA.. " . HILL IIrs. l7nleat Cook. Dr. Emma HOiMr. and Mn. tI. J. punlte bad were Sunday guests or Mr. and Mr. ancl lira. W. E. $tro\ld b14 CIautotte KIoDti. Janice BI'O'WIl. 1o.a,.. IlIiaea Rutb and Ellaabetb .. week en4 Kuestl Mr. and Mre. Mre. Delbert Conger. Little Terry .. SandaL . . .ta IIr. ancl lin. mdu OreDdod. · BaDdra Allen, Obillldier. Mr. A. C: TomllnlOn. Mr. GUE8T OF EARL DAYII' Dale Duffee of Bowling Green; ~nton remained ror a few dllYI RETURN FROM WEIKa aTAY . • •LY E4JDODd aud IIr. . . . Ill'll. SUD. .1 CJaIl aut Dawd ~..... I'aaI TomUDBOIl and IIr. aDd IIrs. the peat Ohio. lIr. and IIr... Burske allo with Mr. and Mrs, Conlt.r. Mr. LAKE JAM·E. A creator of·Danr Colo. lin. Ed· BObIIJ WOOlard and IJMIIrIU 800- ItaJIIIoiad Braddock aDd family Dalia OIl bad .. lIonda.y peate. lin. Elii- 1Ii!1l1ra. eo....r a.tid as Wecl.Doi.d ._ a Deloe oi lin. ~ IIeI4 baH .Pent. tbe (lUt .". .k w.... amoq tboee wbo attended Wecl1leadaJ and atte!~led the opo· abeth D1lDbar of Sprlqtleld aDd n~B1 evenln, cUnner peats Mn, . . . ".. euout4t to Toledo lor .. at __ CIIrII.... .,...,... Ceap '&Iae QurterlJ lI..tlDl at CeUna, till' of the Rone OIl W....... IIr. ad 1Ira, . 101lll Duhr 01 U.,CODftIltlOD. ..... JWt mu. OIl 8uaeJar. day _lat. Tam.... I'Ia. waitt
L.II Sailor ViSil. IlIIlr, T.rlll,1a Pori
Tbe following men have been ordered to report for Induction on Augllst 22 by Local Draft Board: No. 122: . Wa.yn psvlll e-Vlncent WlIkerson Lebanon- Alfred Hurst, James Wat~rs. W~ter Starkey. , Franklin- Arnold Creech, Jllmes tOlne, TbomaR nePew . Mason- Clarence Reynolds. UO.Iaid Hayner. ' Hl1r~eysburi!-Kennelb WIiSOll . South Lebanon-Herbert Bryant. Morrow _ James Butler. Carl Kayset. Jr. . FOBter-Stanley Swigert. .BIan.cbeltel'-CUf(ord McMullen. Sp~boro-George Davia. 'franBfer-Bobert Fields. 'Mason.
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EetabUehed ,d",ar1. tllO PAUL A. aCHERER _____,. ______ __ ________ _____ Edltor and Publisher CECILI~ J. aCHERER ____ __., ________ __ _ --- - - - - _A•• oelate Editor . - - - - - " : " " " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- ....."eel Every Thursday Momlq . It 'WQIleaYllle, Warren County, Ohio. Entf'rp-d .. s.cond clUB matter at the I ." lC)trlce at WlfDllvWe, Ohio, UDder tile act of Marcil ., 11'11. . . - - - - - - - - - - - . . . : - - -- - - - -- - - - : - - . Sl1bacnptlon Ratea- In dhio",2. Per Year, In advaDce; ,2.60 eiaewher. Wa~hlngton .
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M..tl.... othla' 11I1 lIlJllotl.ulIiL) tu Iill terell led lire Urgc·d to nllend ... expr... view. about prb· bleetlngs bf' (ng urruu/:ed IUlIl t., I',..... and urrectillg lIJ1' tllk (1111" In th jIl HCII" Hlnll or ' '' ''~I'' ... tYl)e rarlll . andt uUl ItheThefamllygrowth .e l' ,\·' 11\( of .. poron('() tli "
1' S. W. LoBh Ohalrman or the r ~ounty ' ' . afbling and Ule In k or OllllOl" UIl' v •• Warren County Agrlultural MObll"t It)' for younl~ folks to become 1aaUon COlDmlttee, announced t - famny farm .~wners Is a matter da, that plans are under way ror ot srave concl~rn. holding a se~lell of meetlng8 In the county to give farmers . and How can a young, farm,rea red ,couple wltho,u t credlt b ('orne . Partett of Dayton, and MBS Mar y family farm era: on tbelr ~wn farm ? Swatn, of Rldg!lvllle. l{ow can a "'run dOwn" fnl'Dl be IQ,)" Mr. M. W., Lo. Ant.I•• , Ca'(f• Mrs. Carl. Ollborn and h r hroupt up to a profitable produc· Speed amazi ng. rellc( (rom miseries of . eta simple piles. Wllh sooth ing Paw! A daughter, Mill .Jennie Lee Osborll tl on ]eyel by the people Ivh 0 II v . to relieve \XIin, itching instantly-soothes aDd Mrs. Louise FUe , and her on It? inflamed tissues-Iutiricate'J dry, han!g· ~ daughter MJss Jane Fhe I B\l e, .t Should a ,' .<Il'mer b e force"u to ened p3rts-hclp~ pn!vcyntoucrackln ness-reduce swelhnl!. get rea l ~omThurBday afternoon lit I.e OUl'd8' Bell at wholesale li nd buy III 1'60 fOfli~ help. Don't BuITer needless torturo ville Lake taU "~d how ~an t'h ~ altuatlon be from simple piles. Cel Paw fot (alt, won· ~ det(ul relief. Ask YOllr doctor nJlout it. Mr.' and Mre. J Ollies Pllrk e nnd overcome? Suppository form-also tubes wllh!ICr. their daughters Peggy 1U1I1 Teryl tOl1lttd pile pipe for easy appliclli ion. lI'arm folks ,and other s who are , .PQIO Q;lNon",hnJ S_p"""i~'i"® Bu.e, ot C_neinnatl. were g1lests, = ____---::-___,.:--____ Bunlta,. . of Mrs. ' Parke's ' pnrent.lI. Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Tucker. Mrll. Ida Collins . spent "~vel'll l days last week whit relati ves In Lebanon. ' 1···2 Row Case ·Mra. Laura Shldak er lett this 2···Wood • . Bros • week for Alberquerque. N~ \i· Mex, 1···Co op Picker tco. where sbe will remain tor He\'. ' 1···John Deere eral months with lier dou ght r. COME IN AND LOOK THESE OVER ?drll. Blanche Gray. ' Mrs, John E. Welsb 'hnd li S her Tilt••• Pick~r. Are Ready' To Go dinner guesta Thursday MrB. Vir. glnla. Donohoo and daughter. ' of Lebanon. -:--~~~~___:--___~_
"Suffered 7 Jears ' -then I found pazo brings amazing reI-Iefl"•
Earl Campbell hall been appointed village policeman to succeed hlBtather, Adam Campbell, who resigned because of III bealtb. By JANE FITE Mrs. OtiB Rich has returned MI'. and Mrs.' Harry Osborn, ot trom a visit with her brotber and ilear Harveyaburg, are having as slster-in,law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard ln~ De Board, of TenneBsee. the Ir giles tII, . Mr. an d Mrs• .C"-. , ,tOn ~tib, of Blackwell, Okl.a boma. Mr. and Mrs. Charle8, Ellis and Mri. A. S: Collett wbo bas been family .have returned bome from a patient at Hale" Hospital, wn. a two weeke vaellUon t.rlp to San mlngton, fol' several weeks, r60 FranCisco, Calit. Mr. and Mrs. Vlvan Frye and . turned to her home Wednesday. un ""':llett Is recov~j·Dg satis' children Bpent a tew days laBt ~ . ,• . . • "'... factorily frqm injuries she eUB' week 'YJth relatives in Athens. tamed when she waa struck 'by aD Mr. end Mrs. John Hardin, or automobile In Wilmington !list V,yton, were the gUeBts during the week end ot Mrs. Hardin' lI month. The .AU81Iat meeting of the grandmO'ther and mother, Mre. Women's Scolety or Chrlstlan Ella Volers and Mrs. Clara QuarServ ice Was beld Thul'1lday after- ,julio. lIoon In the home of Mrs. 'Valter Chal'leS' Thompson ' WIlS a guest Ellis. Wednesday of John Denny, of SUe5CRIBE TODAY!--$2.00 The high scohol Cl8S9 of th~ Dayton. Methodist phurch _h'ad. a 'plcnlc at Mrs.. Fred Sherwood Is under· ..... I.e SoW'dsvllle Lake, . Thuraday~ going observation In a Columbus They 'Were accompanied by ' their hospital: Ml'8. Em.m a Cline and her daush" teacher, Mrs. Robert Brandenburg "nd ' Mr. Bran4enburr. ter, Mr •. Ruby Stwnp Were guesta Mr. •adn Mrs. Harry OBborn 'Ilhul'sday of Mrs. 01lne'8 sister. spent Sunday tOuring ·Jndlana. ' Mrs. Olee HarJ~. T~.e CommunltY ,Club held their Mr. aDd Ml'8. 'Barton Bell and annua.1 ~c~-c for members aDd family, of Centenllle, were gueatB their families at Jacob's Park Sunday of Mr. Bell'.. ' uncle ' and Wednesday evening. auilt. Mr. and Ml'1I. H S: Tuoker. 4 . The Betsy ROSB 4·H ClUb IIpon· ' Mrs. LUlie Ka8aenbrock an1 aored a SHver Tea in the home MIBS fda Bunce of ~aylor Park', of MrB. Viola HartBock ' Wed.n es! were guestB Sunday of . their day afternoon. The affair was brother and slster-!n·1aw, Mr. and open , to tlre public. Mr8. Todd Bunce. Mr. and Mrs. Robert BrandenMrs'. Ber,nice Bogall had aB hel' burg were guests recently of Mr. cueetl, Thursday, her c01l81ns, and Mrs. }tert S~eetlezy, or Mt. Miss Mable Carey and MIB8 Sue •
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MillS East· of Wa'.II'II~ . .1 Mill Wisl of ,Ha"I,.""
Starling Tillli ••• 2. o'el_
BUSIN~SS POOR7 ••• ADVERTISE, IT PAYS ----------.----========:;:========;========------______....!:..._-:--_ __ _ _-:-_ _ _-'--
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The hidden protectoral :y~ur bottle of milk.:: --- --- --- - - -- - -----,- -.- -- _...- -.....- - _II1I _-. __ _
METHomlT CHURCH J, W. . W.e4iew-pocl, lIlntater CDrab ' 8eIIooI. ':10 A.M..
P.Jf. . Even1q Senlce, 8:00 P,'M.
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aT. AUGU,TINI CHURCH Father 'l'ImothJ McNlchola., P~tOr Masse. 8:00 and l():OO A.M.
1 ·~ 1""" .U ' A&
_._ Pnrw 1I..Uq.and Bibl. St114J OREGONIA EVANGILICA,W. . . . . . . . . P..IL
Natural gas is~the hidden protector of your bbttleor.~ilk, Because it is a 'clean and easily controlled fuel, it is 'used throughout th~ milk industry.for pasteurization, for . . . processing canned and powdered .' products, an~ in the manufacture .. -.:. / of milk JJottlet. caD.8' ~d containen.
LYTLE ,METHODliT CHURCH B. E. BaushD. hatoJ' .... UnUletl s.nt.oe. I:" a. ..
\ Huol( JIIudut. • . . W.ol'lhfP . Semce, 10:10 ~. You til Fellowship, Sunday 7:80 ST. MARY~8 EPI8COPAL ~ . The Rev. Samuel N. Kays, Rectol Chou PraeUce Thurada, 8:00. Bunda,. Churoh Bcilaol 10:30 a. m, Adult Wonhlp, 10:'0 a.: m. FERRY CHURCH 01' CNRIIT BfI'OD C&rnr. Mlp"" Bible 8c1IooJ, ':10 .LII. UTICA E.U." CHURCH Momlq WorehIp, 10:10 ~II. wUUam SbaaDoJa,' IlbU_ PIw- IlNUIIa. '1:01 ' P.II. SUIUlaf ScIaooI, ':10 A.M., lin. Y01Iq PeopIe'. 1IMtlq, 7:00 J ...... Oarrtecm." llupi. EYeDJq BenJeee, '1:10 . P.M. PreMhID,. 11&., ad Ird. SWr clara . ol each' IDODUl, 10:10 .LII. W'AYN~eVILLB CHURCH OF lilYenlna Sen!OI., 'I: 30 P.II. CHRleT II. B. CGtt87, M\IlIIW CAEaAR'S . CREEK PRtEN'" . Bible ~.l~. O•.A.K, ..Iot t. . Donald "'aiJiea, Supennt4llldent. 1I0000000000""WolWDp,' 10:10 'a;a. Youq Peoplea' Meeting, 7:00
Ur ,"
· PaatClr . fluRda)' School, 10 A. M. Mornln, Worship, 11 A. M.
. Natural gas, so' essential to the milk industry, is a pampered . passenger on Texas Eastern:~ pipe lines. Skilled operators watch ~e flow throlfgb meters, supervIse
. ,
FaIENDt · J'Snt DaJ School. ':10 . A.II. M..Una ror Wonblp, 18:" •.11.
...a."-•. .., -. : a.-
it clean and keep it dry with . complicated equipment. They Ubaby" uatur81 gas .t the focal co~i~res,or station ~o homes· and .i ndustries can ~ve the gas 'they need to keep America well and 8tJ~ng.
ELEOTRIO 'FilS • .'HRIOS .luas • . 'If OIIROQIL IRILLS • OELlil .SmoK ,TIIO ....-". 4 too. ..'allLlO .• fool ,. '. .~. 8 foot • _ . .Z ,..... TIOUallS • a .• " I, I-'c. BITHROOI ElSEllLE 121... aa us F. A GooD Tr.....ln On A NEW ~IIIDIIRE REFllaEIIT.
its prOgress 'O~ ~ter gaug~s, Scrub
Let tlIl. Sunday and evel7 Sun· day find YOIl In 80m. church the churoh of Jour cholee.
....... 2441
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Tbe 19M Ohio hunting UCenB\!" are now In the hands or the 2.500 Ilcenae agencies throughout tlle Itate. -~-., Harry' Weat, chief ot tb~ Ac· o.ll HUTC:HINGa counting and Budgeting Section of "",,,,,TING the Department ot Nat.ural , 1141' IT~TION lourees. has' ,anpouj.ced. tbat a total ,of 6OQ,OOO licenses have been distrlhuted am,ong ,the agencies and . may nl;) whe P'urchased by hunt~rJl. Tbe price for the 1961 IIcenap will be 12. 8.jl es~abllshed by the 99th Ceneral Assembly. with tllEl ullual 26e &glints fee_ Formerly rUTuRt B,ooOtbe lIce~ae Bbld tor with the YCt.T ,LINE rACM WASHINGTON C,H. ree. Nf'n-rll~ldentB licenses are $16 with a lell 0(, 26c, A ,1100 """ WeBt cautioned the bunter!! that. ,vvy axpaulon program trom ,the HUlchlngs station at a tbe new IlcenBe does not ~ecoll\e that will provide an enUrely neW- point jU8t lIouth or Dellbrook. TbQ efrectivll until ' September I. and source ~f elect.!'lca) eneI'I}' for Une wlll swing soutb near Waynes· tbat vl.o lators will lie aubJet to Wllmlnct.on and the r.t o.f OUn Ville and then almo.st d rectly easl arreat If fo.und bunting before that ton coun,t y and aurroundlnc area to WllmJngton. All of the latelll date wltb the new license ' Wal ~ounc.d by M. Eo DNle),. engineering developments B n tl .u In tbe past all hUll~ers and W~mlncton dlatrlct m~nag~1" of techniques wl11 be Incorporatl"(! In trappeI'll are required to caFry and The Dalton Power and Uaht Co. 'tbla new ' construction. The, principal ProPectll are : A The giant new $400,000 su t · dlllplay their IIcenlle on the mid. die , of the, back wblle huntlng III new 66,000 vo.lt . tranamll810n line tion w111 be con8tructed on :1 I I , the field. to WUmlngton whlcb wtu be ot ground oQ the west side .0:' I I. · Due to a delay In establlllhing ~erved directly fnlm the O. H. ~llmlngto.n·Cuba road abot;' ':, lome or the 'game seaBoDa unUl Hutcb~np , Generating atattlon. 12 mile south or State Route 1::,1 , . mllea south of Dayto!l on the MI· , later date tbe Digest or (lame I:l ml River; a new "400000 elec. The new 66,000 volt line to ~ \I La.WI, ulually availAble with Ihe trlcal aubatatlon juat lIou'th of the mington nnd the new Wilml lglu:: l,I ceole. wlll not be dl strlbuto(1 It ,. d th t ' , f lIubstaton II the second , pnl't 0 ' untU Octobel' 1 I C" ) , an. e CODII ruction 0 our , , 12.1)1)0 volt dlsl rlbutlon \lne~ to the. buge reconstruction. progr'om ,serve We city ' o.f Wllml,lgton. sur· (-or the 'entlre So.utbern Division Warren Ca Sal r.. rounding ('ommunitll'8 and rural of D, P. & L, Oft Mon.. areaB', •, The tblrd phasE' at th 's l l'og. alJl , ' I The new 66.000 vOlt .line Is ~' 6 will be a ne If 66000 VC.l l I ne t l" A. report Uled this week by mUea In length. -It taps an exist- Ing together Washlngtol C, H. Clerk of Courte CUff C, Becltet,. Ill« 66.000 volt lin. comln, eaat and Wilmington . _ _ _ _ _ _-'-_ _._ _ _...:...._________:-:--~~• bQwB D~!i car an.~ truck .:jllll\-,
* .....
TllEFiSHIN6 CO~~rl5T
Do You Realize What Your Hom~ Town New.paper Can Mean To Your Community? ~y Town. ,Have Found ,Out Too Late What Their Paper Them Mter They
FAIR FACI'S .What: 1951 Ohio Stat. Fair Where: Columbull Fairgrounds When: Friday' Au •• U - Fri·dllY Aut. 31. . Gales ,Op,e n: Dall,.. at 6 __in. until 10:30 p.m. Admillalon: •Adult., 75c:: Ch.lI. dren unller 12 free. Parking: ' 100 acres of parkin, SPlice avallilble near Fait·
In W~rreD Oounty In July tapill1ed .' •• 1UUlD. ... 'ott fol' the, .seconel, month In rue· ~ , ~~ I I 'I'.IS~, c... loD. ODe bundrecL nfly-three ! -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _;;;;;_ _ _ _ _ _ _;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;~ new cars and trucks were 80.Id In r the county last month as co~· pared to 158 In J ~ ne,
OrdlluCl 10,. 2ll. To Fix the ' Comj:lnlatlon of all • I~t.d offl"r~ I~ ' t~,e Village
' government. t, n, It Ord:llneJ by tilp r ou cl or tile Villa - I' 0 W.: y ; .e ~ v l . c.
oUIt; ..I' Ublu :
On Watch Repalrln •
-W_ , Will R,pair , ,., Wal" lig'"
S~tI'ln l. Tbat th(" compaoe" Uon' of the 'Mayor 18 hel'ehY fll"~ ALL OUR WORk, 18 II' the Iwn o.f 'JIt. I'e8 HllDd~ SeYGUARANTEED fht1 -F1ve Jl(J11~1 s ('815',0(1) pe,.r annum ~yabl qual'l r'bo. * ONLY F~CTOAY AP· Section :; 2': bat the' coml·enall· t;oo' of the Clerk 18 Ilereby fIxed PR~)vED PARTS USED at tbe sum of F.lve Huu)'ed 1.0.1· lars (.'60.0.00) j:er annum payable * .OUR 3 WATCHMAKERS Quarterly, DO ALL OUR WOR :{ AT ~ ctl q. 3. That tbe co l.e,.la· OUR STORE • .tlon oC the Tl'eMlu. el' l.i be •• by . flyed at the eum to ~t D8 H ~ n."reJ Reason.ble .Prl~ Fifty Dollars ($160.ilo) per .annul'u pay-.lbe Quarterly. F•• pylee Scictlon 4. T~t the co"pe(Ul1'I; tlon of the CO'unclJ~l!n la her 14 YEARS AT 'ued at tbe Bum to Tour ol1arll ($4.00) eacb per ' meethg. Ilot to SA_ LO~4TIPN eyceed t~ent)'·ro.ur per yaar roay· able quarterly, AUTHOIUZI;D AGENCV For _Sectlo.n 6. That tbe compellbli\' lion of tbe member. of the Board of Trustees of Public Af 'a11'8 Ie Gruen hereby fixed at the StUD of ROlli' Ddllara per meeting, not to el:c<!Ed W.t~b twent), four ~r year- pII,ya\l!. Quar· terly. Section 6, ~hat the Clo:upenlBtlon of ·the Clerk or the Board of Trustees of Public AffalrB ill b reby fbed . at the Bum' ot Sill Hun· dred Twenty·flVe Dollara ('626,00) per year; Four Bllnrded Twenty ' live Dollars (,U6,OO) ptyable from tbe Water Fund and Two Hundretl DoUaraS ...... (PW.OO) tb,e Sanl· ~~~========~===~======~~ tar1 . Funel; from payable Qual'· ~ tarly. I. ' SIClUo.n 7. That aU' ordinances or partl of ordinances or meuta of ordinances Ineon81I1tllD~ ' 1 herewith be pel th~ lIalll!" are hereby repealed and this ordinance Iliall take .erteet and be In force (rom and aner the firBt day of January, 1962. . , H. M. IIHERWOOD.
lt __
In ancient Rome men rode .tandln, on th.,O bleb 'ot bonea whUe they duhed wU41y around the hippodrome tJllclla built by emperore fer their pap.D. ~1IUT&la »reoecllng th. Chrlltl&n era. Now two modern ,ladlaton ,r ive the Roman Ride a ne.. 8Ild more dauproua twlat. Mike Mundy' and l!Iarl Wilson. each .tandIng on top o.f a 18~1 automobile. auO! 1the driver of tbelr car to brlDC them .on the race track at top all&ed. akleldlq. IIl1dllll. Iwel'Ylq and Anall)' drlnq up and over IalP rampl. It a brake eoes bad. It the drtnr Ihotll4 ,ltoP ludd,Dly for Imy 1'IUOJl, It means curtatna to.. the JIIaIl 01l top the ' car. Thll la jnat one ot tbe man)' teatur. thrillen with Ward Beam'. .. World Cbamplou Auto Daredevlla wbo ~peaf at the \\.arren County Fairl Lebanon. Thursday Night only, August SO,
On Motor Overhaw., Steam aemed FREE
I(lers' Oarale"
LLE 209.1
LE "ANON Office 813-K RE8IDE""CE 462 MOR,R OW No. S
Phone 2341
Waynerrille, Ohio
Used Tractors, Eq~p.eDI ' TR~eTO~S FARMALL R.gular compl.l. with 2· •••Iad Corn Pick.r
There'. a limple uuth in fum··
inc-the biger the ~cl per acre, the liillier the quality i. likely to be. So. feed crope. BIG M Brand fertilize:r, "bat. iia tite
Office ;.
t F:AftMILL H Traclor, St.rlar. LlChls, OHd Rlltblr ' ':
DE MIAMI fERn,... ~_ANY,
'octwy, , ........ XINIA. OI;!IO
The UJami Futillar eo...- io aD llldeptll<l.nt Wiaml VaU.y oon«m uad.. 41roct _rall"" 01 Itt ~" t
"eo 'the ,board and npnllllltative of Farm ,.....tI '.:y~uth Coanclll aD4 Huel Greer, IIUJ1vWe, F~ ltitute Poater.. '. StaDdlDa an. D. ~bert Jon,., ualltaDt t.1r Iiw'.apr, BarlJUa DIckanon, Dned.n, Bome Ecouomlui Clara Tip"tt, Columbus; Camp Pin Glda; Tbomai Bettlbr. WarI'd, Bo, Seouta: Patriek Rile" Colwnlllu, fllduaUJal ana; Pat IIc" 1cnrtD, _~~ Gbta' '. 4-B Cluba; JOIIIDA~, Oranp Tcnfubip,
A·C' ••0-, St.,rter, LiChls, Po.ar Lifl Cullivalor . lI,d Braakinl Plow '
' .
, FARMAL~ , F20's with HJdfi~li. C.lli,alors~ ~Ut. ftn lood' R~I ,
........ B. S. PGaat, director Of apIetaltan .... OhIo State Fair. ...." ...., ...tIl, Auland,
..... FUIIMIIi f4 Amerlea, &lid WapelL·....... PlaIa Qtr.""· ; ; " ' , . . . , . . for tile
OLlIERI ' ]0;.. Starter~ l~ht. , and 0.1· lilalor. ' . " ,,'
e.MBINIS Mt;OQ.B Q_ ....1 42
* ~ la', '. 00__' ....
bobbJ aho"i'Paul' Sche1~
,........ CobimbQa. db' sehGal 'JW-
Hare's one of t!bl~""" hi tanrcs Jau'~ buy t$I
",.,.............._ ,
Phone 2291
_1I1~1IW' IllmOOll l mml1 111111111~llllilllllllllllllm
For Dally Mark.t R.pol1a: WHIO Dayton. 12:60 . E.S.T,Dla1 1300; WLW Cincinnati. lUO, DIal
. Ma),or
Atteat: CHARLES JAMES. Olerk ' Pailed: Jllly 31. 1'901 8-9-16
sired m~SiC:. ~
Hamilton, EI.ln BuloYa, and. Harv.1 ••
-Is available without additional dlarie. ~o. visions for any cle·
Un WIre IUl4 Procnaal.... Aa orpnJsaUon to nou. Stricti,. s.llen o.n the be.t all' arouud market In the C01IIllt7.
It ,T. COOKI Phon. 131.
I (J:. OliO
TIlE f.I." .. i ' .. i'rTTF.
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.. .:
1'HAN1t IUAVDIIllioat ~ttacb anJIII&8C114 IAdlee,lUm. WbeD .~ .trtkN, \all. SleU·aa. tablet.. ~ CC1Dleln the , ..Iee&-&CIUIIa medlolD.. knoWD &0 do<>&on for the No.r at
Maybe it'lt true: maybe women aro unrells onllole ~,"d beyond tho bearlllum. KU ud aImlIu l1li"- au. understanding of mere males. My favorite spouse Is c'onvinced of the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT fact. But how would YOU react to ehis situation 7 Executor The other afternoon Jeff tele· Estate of Walter T. Elley, de · phoned gleefully to say he was .ceased. . brin§ing me a wonderful present. That s enough to Ilut any woman Notice Js hereby given tbat Sarah in a dither. I ' en~·iBioned . ribbon. M, Elzey wbolle Post ,Office addrels bedecked packages I'nnging through Is Waynesvtlle, . Oblo. baa been jewels and furs to II more modest extra·specia l box or I!llndy. To do duly allPolnted aa Ex.~utr1x of the Justice to the occal!ion J ·even reo Estate of Walter T. Elsey late . of vamped the dinn\lr · menu sligh~lY Warren Coutny. Ohio; deceased. and whipp d up Jeff's favorIte . Dated this 1st day or August. chocolate co ke. 1951 . Came Zero Hour nnd in wulkcd Jeff. Period. Not :So much as a RALPH H. C4REY. r'ihbo n was in Judge or the Probate Court c-vidence to say Warren County. Oh :o nothing of an Gray. Risinger & Gray. Atty. intriguing box. BCIIl'lng in mind 8- 9-16-28 trw t good things come in slIlall ~--. YOII ne.ed · YOIiI' newspaper and Packag es! I wlfited haPPIly. your newspaper Deed. you - IUb. . Finally with much ado J eff reached 8crlb_e today! ~#~.,••••• 4 • • • • • • • • • • • , • • ~~#c#c"",.~." •• ""." ~..~",. , into his pocket. pul)cd out II news· paper clipp ing Dnd allnQ unced: .. Here it is, lIweothelil't. A pres' ent from Uncle Samt" DEAD STOCK WANTr "Oh," 1V1I 8 abo ut t.he best ' l could 'manage, I read the clipplng. l[t exHOR8.ES 12.00 COW8 fS .OO plained that the gl)Yernlllent had HOII. and Other ~'mali Stock just amended an earlier <lrder and was now ' permitting the use or Removed Promptly copper tubing for interior hot s'nd ' ," cold water Iines ' in homes and all CALL COLLECT other types of buililiing. It added ' that hac! the copper order not been *************~********************.************* WilmiaatoD 2362 L........ 438 amended the conatrulction of homes would have been almost paralYZed. Completely oblivi\)U8 to my reo action, Jeff went on to rave: "That', about the beltjl!ftent we DEAD STOCK could h!&ve rl,ht ~,w. 'Va can go ahead' with (lur plana for a home. HORSES $2.00 ' We can have the best water line Hogs and Other 'S'mall Stock Without YOUR support your SUNDAY GUESTS OF tubing III the world and not have . Removed' Promptly CLIFF BURNETT FAMILY newspaper. which Is over lOO'fears worry about rUll' il.r oorrosion. We can .. ,.. • . Mrs. Forl'est Graham and Pvt. old, CQnnot. continue. All Stock Remov.d Dally _ ,My atony, "Thanh very much. Richard Graham and MI-. lind M n. Largl or Small - Call Collect Jeff" Itopped ' him cold. Frank R ess were Sunday guests "i thought , you'd be all excited," of the Cliff ' Burnet fa.mlly ..i Xenia 454 lie complained. "1 thought. you wanted a home more thall 'any. XENIA FERTIUZER thillg." Do you want your neW$paper to That. last. remadt happened to Dlvllion of Inland PrQducta, continue? Then YOU must support. Proof that the baton ' twirl1n1 be true enough and under other contelt at the 19111 Ohio State Fair It. circumstances I would have been i. aroUling .tate-widll intarHt i. delighted with the ' copper news. evidenced by the announcement But the clipping after the big that Prof. ManIe, R. Whitcomb .OHIO OEfARnIEr.T Of HIGHWAYS,'· buildup! · J don't know: " maybe !)IVISION CF iR.:.FFW L~!D SAFETY baa aeeepted appointment a. chlef women are unreasonable I , judae. Profeuor Whitcomb, coDductor of the famoUl OhiQ State Unlvera· ity marchlnl band, led the unit to It. crownin& .uccel• . in tbe ROle Bowl.in January, 1950. Boy. and girll between the aiel THAT GOOD ·TEXACO GAS AND OIL of 6 and 21 ate eligibl. to com· pete in tbe baton twir~n& conten LUBIUCATING'SERVlCE - FIRESTONE ACCESSORIES In flv!! 'diviBiolll: Intermediate boy. and ,.rla and two clivi.ionl each 01 ( junIor· and senior boYII and girll. . .tunior and ae~or ehampiolUl ~11l A. p .... be cboaen' in th. competitions y,rbieh will be ellin~ . by aele.c · LEBANON, ' TEXACO tioD of the Ohlo State Fair Grand . WAY~ESVIUE Champion of Ohio.
·(fJrne. Mtlin tlnd NfJrtll At ltfJ/J ligllt
Opan 24 H,rs. a D.,··Sa,en Da,s a Waak
Dinners, Lunches, Short Orders, Sandwiche~, Soups, poffee~ Ice Cream, Soft Drinks -
.. •.......
..... ..'.,..,.....
~~~~ONIZE THE GiZ~E~nE~ \AD~V~E~ilT~IS~E~R~S~INLAN~D~P~RO~P~Ucrs.~~IDc.~
Eddla Tlrpin
O.arla, Price
Firestone & Lee Tires·
lIob Servis .,'
22 ' •.Broa.~y .
£orJfJJtIb DEemORS' SAlE Walter O'K~fe, ' qalzmaaur or WLW-NBC'. "'Double or Noab· 1D,," UlWDei a puckilla poee be,tweeD propaDUl. O'Keefe .. kepi ,bus,. 'mID, hie IIhow at 11:10 I a.m: aad Z p.m., EST, Oil. w~· , da,~ .
We, ' a. Exec:utore of the E.bit.e. of the litt. Huber Bailey and OriOn F. Wempler, will offer at Public Auction at the Wampler Farm, 5 mll.e ,EA'ST of MIAMI8BURG, 2 mil ... WEST of CEN. TERVILLE, on McEWEN ROAD, between Route 735 and BELL• • BROQK.ALEXANoERVILLE ROAD' at 11:00 o'clock, A. M., on
S_T~RBAY, AUaUST 1~ :18&1 \
_.... - .......... ..., ........,_1. ......
... ..... .. ,.. ........... . ... .. It. ,........ It ...
,..." e.)a"-lr""'" W•• A''s ba-.~_ 'E~~
s, • s
14 • Haal of Oaille • ·14 6 extr,. good Whit. Face COM (rebred) with calv.. at .Id••
.... ............ , ....... oci,.. ...., ~...,
. . . . . . . to ..... _
........ I, ' '.."."
.Jer_y, In good flow of milk. Co~ to frelh.n In Septlmb.r Health: certlfloat. will' be furnl.hed wIth each anlm.l. .
.. DIIc....
86·' -.. Spoiled 'olan_ 0.1111 - • .
(Ooubl. .Immuned)
14 Bro04 ,80w.. ,70 thrflty ~hot... 135 CHICK~N8-S5 Wllit. Rook H.n.. 100 White Leghorn. ' 16
weeki old. '
, .
FEE~ .b,alel o( Clover Hay. 3 toni of 1001. Hay. 1048 , CHEVROLET '4-door, In
toP fe.lE:olItJmf
con'd ldon, ~nly
mil ...
ALLI8 CHALMERS W C TRACTOR, with Cultlvatore, Breaklnlil Plow, Pow.r Mower. ' ,
. . . . ,
CARDEN TRACTOR, with all attachmentl.
FAR,., I,MPLEMENTI-Rubber tire W.gon. 12.7, Grain Drill . . 8ide Dellver~ Rak •• Manure 'S'p reader. . 1l0tary'Hoe. Clutlplcker. Corn HUlker. !'fay Fork. Rop. ~nd Pull.ya, .tc,
MI8CELl,.AN!E0U8-PI·at1orm 8cal... Doubl. l.ddlr., Othlr lilt of Butchering Tooll, 'Iflchldlng a ateain.r Cook..... ~a'p.nter Tool.. PI~mblnQ Tool.. Vlsel. Wrlncl\e.. Jackl. 4 Olrag. 060'1., NIM( Field F.nce. Po.tIi. New 14-ft. Gate. . Hog Plnell. 8 Hog Housel. Hog F••de.... Fountain •• . !large ~,,:r.,nk. ~lIk aeparatorl.. ~ckota. Eillctric Motore. 1"0Wer Lawn Mow...., e4IO: " . '
'~add4!...v Compl.t.e
. You could,. Up fo$I,OOO ..... anet nat get all tM ..... POOIIt, ridlns comfOrt • ~ fimous depencfaWtlfy aF Dodge get • talle Of' Dodge roominal and O CiIlII1f«l ••• _ you lee Dodge blga dollar· HC8 '\'00
Horace Heldt', Youth O,pportunlty .h~.w· NI,ht Horse Show' e Sulky Race.· Giant ·Mldw"y. 'PLUS Hundreds of Other Attraction,
for-doUar VALUE . • . your good jucfgiDent teU. you that here ia the car for you and ,.our (awly'.
Hew.,..c..Itwt Today YOII waal • car that'. buill 10 Jut • . . ooe that laVei YOIf inoney lIlile after liIiIe. ADd you '1rUIt com/oT', (00. You WaD.l a car Ibal ProIeCU you from bU'mpa and jol,,_ven over back roadl or detoun. Wilb the new Dodae Ori80w··lUde, bumpy road•• ru" and chuclt bo1i1 mqicaJ1y melt away. Come (0 IDea jucllre for younelf. See U you don', acne that you Q)uTd pay up 10 11,000 more b a car aDd ItiU DOl . . 'a u !he otta room. ri~1IJ (OlDfort. alely aDd IaiDoUi clcpcDdabWl)' Of ·1JOCJF.
..... I• .....,..., You ,il UId iIcIe In CIOIIlfOrt in a Dodte. Then'. bell 0/ elllo'" room. Iq ~ bod room.
. Mlnut••, Lrl UI you cuuld p.y up 10
$1 1000 u)ore: andl JliII nul Net
cvtrythinl DocIee lives youl
'------tl8EE "SHOWTIME ••• U. 8, A,"- A.BC TELEVISION NETWORK--:--;i'----
BOB LAUTERBACH, INC. • , . . . ., •• O.kwood
.~1fJ/l JJ,usJlU ' ...,........ ...... .... ............. ....~:ifl " . . 1........ ~
...... ,..,
.....11. .
H01l8EHOLD. .00008- S.plece Dining Room 8ulte. Oa.k and Chair. Plano ani 8tool. Coffee Table. E"d Tablel, High Chflr. plaYI pen.. Gate. Chair alld Ottom.a n. Bird .cag., VanIty Tabl •. Utility Cabinet. I(lficlien T~ble. Mot PI.t.. Antique o..k: aed •• ~ x 12 Ru~ Victrola. 3 Ra~m)l. Frlgidliir•• fee C·... am Fr.... n. ollhe.. Cooking Ut8n.lle, Etc. . TERM8-C .. h. . Ex.~utrlx of the E.tate or ~uber Bailey•
ExlCutol' of the E .... Orion F. ",.",pl.,. . KOO~LER 6 S.ON alld ·. TAN·LaV, AUctioft.... 8HtoAflER & Ooe,.ER. 'CIe," LUnCll _ c...1e,.,,1I1. CO.....1M1t1 Gran. .
. .
'lIN -
!lilac would ""4 .a.at mllWl \0-' a II, H would bel very IoDpOpul.ll'
at.. -
Ie J.fie
lhoulb If I ,ut IOOd rences all the way rouDd · tbe beech WOods and " theo posted It, True It would l llll.a t10cll ' Of ,ame wardens to en· A Far·m Diaty force It fo I', l am told that not only By D. J. Frazier baa It been a. faVOrite hunting - -"- --"_'_ - - - - - 0 place ' for years but It Is a favorite AUGUST_ 19, 1951,-Brltht beau. tralolng place for running dogs Uful \\.satber, but l1li u8"al, wo, con. wben the leason Ie closed, It won't naty crea hIres 1\1 e cr )'lng ' tor be long before the hUntln~ seaSon I'alo. Everythlng ) 1I vel'y dl'y, One -cornea In, ' It only the hunters planUn ~ or Bwet coi'JI for t)le ' can. 'would aho~ .orne consideration for nery Is I'cady~ to pull, We have th€l pr.operty and the fencea tbey bean eating our t Hl and eiiJoylng would not be so unpopular wltb Tbat Is one of the B\1I1Ubflr the landorierl. 1 heard too, that It. pleasures, plenty ot good frellb if tbe hUnterl woull kill th'o foxel fQod f rolll t ue gar lell , If [co,uld tbat are getting 't ho Dellhbon only raise good melons then Bum. qhlckenl IUtead of jUit fUDnlng mer eaUng pleaaul'e' would bI:t their dOlI to bear them 'IIOWId oU, complete, It Is too blld that no tbey woUld be1ell, unpopular , one rallell as good m lona us they 1 was Interelted to rind • nower uaed to ra~se, TlIey say , thnt a In the woods dOWll there that I wilt afflicted ROme of. lhe ' best va. bad DeTer leen before. It II a rleUea and tbe n weI' w:lt.r slstanl lovely wlld·role pink and groWs a Idnds lack the Hne fl l1vOJ' ot th(' foot or ~ more QU. The nowera are old Rocky Roads, Certainly It Is lese' than an ~ch acroel and crow rare ,to let ' one With thnt good In cluaters, l thOll.bt I ,mew moat Iploy aweetneBs. of 'tll(' old Little ot our nOlVerl but .WI ODe fa Dew Gem and SOUle of the ot bel's" Too to Die, ..many of them are jU8t mU8h. ' The ' loCuatl have joined tbe meloDa. Our 8011 18 too heavy for ltaty·dlda In the late lumm~r realll), good water~lonJ!, though cborul and everyone ' Is belflnnlng Bomltlmel tbe amall tocal melona to talk about the fair wlalch fa are. very sweet and' good. gettiDs CloBe at band, W~e up, EaCh year I vow that b'etore next . would·be e:mlbltol's, lhe time baa year [ am going to a rrange to watel' come.to do lometlltqg about It., It DIY garden and ,each yeoI' com es Is the Interest Of the exhibitors around and I haven't done It. " It thot makes a good fair BO get busy 'wouldn't be so hard, There ai'e and do something about It, J be~ rd several ways In whiCh It could be someone talking the other, ,d:1Y, done and what a comtort It would iaylng we also need BOrne new be to be able to have water wh'e n members on the ralr board, 1I0w -you , want It, wbere you wan t It. about that! Every ol'ganiIBtlon irrigation on a Inrg(' 8cll ie Is liard needa to be conatantly rene,w lnJ work but It does ' produce wond er. Itaelf, It ' it Is going to_continue t.o ful crops, More nnd more In the meet the neerls of tbe day , £0 farm papers you ' hear ot peo!.le In how about . Borne new board mem, tlll pArt of the co.lIntr), who o're bers, a ,lot of new membeul' and jrr:p.ung limited aress with fin er lot or new exhibitors, to make the relulta: II: little waler on a paa. Wl'lfl'en County F~r be~t er every t ure, water on your potatoes at year, ' just. the rlgllt time, pay good re'l ------------~--------turns, Near Harveyshurg this • prlng a man had the ~ prinklerl colng In ilIa field of sugar COrn .~~~~~ and by atartlng It t l.llt way had ,.' roaatlng ears es rll er tblln nny.one olle. It Is extra work b t It Il-oducel edra re8ult8, 1 .Ull have not explored Hungry Hql10w but [ hope (bat before tbls week 18 over I 'IV.II have teen _&round the Une renee and throu·h tbe hollow. I met one or Il1V ne.w • 71 .. nelghborl at the sale Thllrsllav and • after taking a minute h" s .. I~. "1 hllte to bring It .up ot ,our r'rs( Loa, , . ~ RaIewal , meeting but the rne fopce do' 'n a t the e~ at corner between your RepQ...a PmIIepa place and mIne need 11 , a new cor· _ (COQPERA:r'IVE) Der Poet, [n fact It needs a wb ~ le new rODce," We.I, ' thRt wu no FMMrR OWItID.-. lurprlse to me and Is n'lI It wh t a CONTROLLED aew o,...r alwaYl' ~et8, T)be ' man ft(lm ClnCtnllatl who bou~bt t i'e (ar.m on Mlddllboro ROlld that had the .,.. pear orchard on It did a wile thing If you 'call arford t il 40 It, ,He got 0 'bulldozer anll cleared out the wbole line for about ten feet In and then built [l It 0W0 tIDe new fence, It wO!lld aimusl H. STURM, a.o'y·T...... pay to Inorea'Se ones mortgage eII01IIb tor a new tenlle hecause •
_oal o
FAil 1'0.
Warren (ounty (oult News COMMON PLEAS , .... ... 1c b ael Humbert, mc;t lon gr~nte ! . Home Federal Sa vings alld Loau Ruby Kln g • VII 'Ial'ellce King ' . va, Wolter p , ROJn ~ h r, e t Ill, judg· service by publication ordered, ment to plainUrr for ' 2291 ,S and Almll 1:..ynoh A'Il ams, minor vs cosls , 1M , orte kdama Jr" cn~ ,e ,dl!llll lSlll'd d I itb ' 1tb t Rh o daR If I ey \' s 0 ,Ol'ge nai l'" w ou ,'ecor 11m w ou t prej· divorce to plnlntlrr, udlce, • Louise Minnick v'a 'Leonard Min· Peggy L, Neely, minor vs oy E, Neely, divorce to Il la lntlff, clIlI- nick,' Fred H , Jone~, ap pplDted Guardian ad L item" dren to plan tiff. First National Bank of Mol'l'ow M)'l'tie Gephart VB Ha rry 0 " )1' VB Frank W, Coleman, et n1 , judg· ha rt, defendant ord eredt to I'll)' the ment to plaintiff from' Fronk W. Bum or $20 pel' wee k, :Qelores Shiverdecker VR JnmeR Colaman, $7,987 nnd COs ls. . Ido , Mal'le Humbe l'l VB William I Sblverdecker, divorce to plalnHfr,
cblld to plaintiff, defendant 0 \'0 Obly, amount cla imed ' III.out) lind dered tO I pay '10 pel' we.-k nlHl COll tS, Al'tbur rr~c k 8. j la l'l,), Falk, $leO as alimony. Jolm A, Keely. Lu lher Whitt IIi! 1I.\w tn sLl'lltol' or ...... L NEW SUITS the eslate of William Wh itt, ~ ec'd ACUlur Auto Sal E, BroWn db. Tbe ,Brown vs Corr I ne C, BIIl Ir as executri" of R flY O:e VB Harold Seara, mOlley lhe eBt~ te of Ed wa l'il Blair d c'd .. ~tlge ...ld " , " for money olll y, II DIOll lit ohimed. Home Federal Savings and Lonn $15,000 and COsl!!, ' RaA8S 1jOCblaRuonblvB wda~:r p , Romollr l Rob I' j \ \11111 1 ' nol' G ,. Iii'S b-..' omo r an ... aTine Romobr . , , ,. . J copov'lt, Meryl B, Gray: I Luthe l' Whitt. h i ~ (lither :,lId to .l;t friend vs or'r ' n C OIa l.. , B e~ "c· Cora Parlett' va Robert \' ou g ' , ,1 ' and Mrs Rob Y , D ut rt Of tli e8lu(,. of F1o;1wQI'd lll all' G' b ' 'd H e~1 oung, Replenln , de("(\, f OI' II10n py on ly !l tl'lOllll t aRr er al\n. naBI In.p -, Il,lm d, $:IO.UI1 (1 [I lltl l'O~ l", ena c Deatrick VB Fred PatrIck', divorce, J, T, Riley, Hub,'rt IINltOIl I't! C01'I1n e , ' Al Y 111,, 11' III! I'~' 1 ' 1I 111 ~ elr l h ~ "till of eene J, onng vs Whitp y VO li n I'; JilIIl, llt·1 111 11 1" , 11 0 ·d. 101' mone ! divorce, T , RUey, ' Luther WhItt Va Corri ne . oulf ,' 1I:n10ll nl (' lIlt nl ",I. ~ r. , on und Blair aa executrix of the estut e or 1 COl t a, , Edward Blair, dec'd , ror money nllh I lIS I 1\ ' I nr" n ~n l · llI g.
dlvo" ce, " Dona ld DlhLlfl Sh , Cbarles D .Carroll 'H ~: IIwflrd- H, Smllh, ,J r .. !Iud l ~ d wl\ld If. ,' llll tll , Sr .. money, mlil! 11II t! N I 'holl! . Oa lt! C. l?ot Ler I' '; 1 ~ t1wartl I I. Smllll , Jr .. alid F:dWtlrtl II. ~jn ,II, Sr" money, w it h Slid •I c hu l ~ , Hes ter Pnrk el' \'S Dl> wey Pnrl. el" dlvor e, e)(tl me CI'lI Ilj", Youn~ and Young , , Roy C, Oo nhn m YR r ,I III [JO ll' ha m , dlvor e. Marvin l!:, \'o ung. \
l\[ lu';orl o Jrill e anll \\' 11111110 V. Igo 10 W lllla'ni T<. lind ru rlel A. 1'(lnder, 2 Iota In Dee rf! ld twp, D, 'ook, Clenn M, Irw in to 1 lot In Lebanon, (Continued 00 Page SiX) '
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" 1llllIliiiilllt'llIIlllIIlIlIInlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~
TWO MEN .~. Experience Pr.f.rred But NGt Nec••••ry Top W.Ke.
Good Workln. Condilion.
See Car' Blanken.hlp
IYLON SWEATERS $3.&0 RAIICOATS • $Z.7&. lo $8.a&
Phone 726
2 60-t.h.
IISTALLED . FREE' WI. lili PI!cbasl .'of II, ' GAS RANGE ;HUE "
-E-5 "
21c to IIc
zac •
• •
55 ' 55
10 $1 ••
--==~ 55 e i5 -==
$1." to $2.88 $1'.18 10 $1.88
~ =
H '
, - with - , "
Nerth TBro.dway ,
se L
1111111111110 1II11111111111U1111111 1111111111111 1111111 1111111'11 II 111111111
**.........**********.......w***'***-******.*..****.**************************** Why blo. yp bccauIe ... hOi .altr f~uc:ft "~1' deli. . cold or lukewarm .a... l·............. new Skelsu ~if•.omadc w_ ~ter. From .hen Oil JOY • f~ YOI&
bave a war.r ....... J YO\&'U kno. you iI••y. hav. PLENTY of h~ Watl!_ cbt jill,· riSh. ,remptnnar. fo" eha.... barbs,
, II~~__
diSha ancJ a bl&bclred-ahcl on. 6ther '
•'l" ,
daily Mecb. Wida Skelsu die ,COIl is ~w~ . Rays low. IOO! And Sk.I.~~ y. on I ,.,. ,job-Comt hail or Ili&B wam" Ir
aka oAt", .......
, che whole 1101)'. Call
. IOcky! ,
~. E
,.efrigerators, , Ranges~ "-,'Deepkeeze' iand ;Water ,Bea~er. Gail••al mect.r ic Radio, Television . rD d Small Appliances •
~dmp .iD
Usted _ vansline Appliance,__Inc. LIMNON, 01110
E. WAYNl:iS\ Jll.I, ( WO
"qUE BEC K" JOHN BARRYMORE, JR: CORINNE CALVET A atory the screen hal never told .A ragged army of Frontle man dared, the might of an Em,-Ire and 'lormed the contine ra· ntI m,lghtleat fortre.... CARTOON - R~C~ABY KITTY
Geaeral Contracting
More tban aclv!aora from 70trated Ohio countie s last week concen00 learnin 200 4·H
" --~ -
.-- ..... ..... ..... ..... .•.. ..... •... ...• ON ROUT E 42 NORT H OF LEBANON. OHIO
Thur .day LUCKY BUCK NITE AU•••t Ie• $1.0 0 P.r C.rlo ad - Plu• .Jack pot .
FOR S Al~IV-E811lte Henll'ola, med· lum s ize. In good conditio n. Re ..· 8onabl e. Inquire fA V NAItO F , WE LT 7.. Phon e 37] 1. ttc
\ ANTED T O BUY- FIII'm 50 to acres . . JOHN L . KEM P, Box 2. R~llt e 4. Dnyloll , Ohio . .
~~~~ ~=~7.=:==:~;:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 500 ::
-FROM'. -110 _A.D'UI.S,OIRESS J-, ~.::••'_ I 11 ", , .. dJJ ~t.0m .. , LEADERSH IP cagoMr.andandMrs, Mrs. Peter Eul of Ohl· Vada
DRIVE-IN Th~~fre r... : ,-' .--."\
FOR SALE - 2·\\ I,,;el tl'ullel' with racks . Good condltt !n . Phone 2472. . X - ·16
WILLY JOE Mauldn 'a cartoon diaraot era brough t to life. The un.ave n weary highly unglam orou. "Dough reet" of ihe U. 8. Army. WOODY WOOD PE.CKE R CARTOON W. B. NEWS
C~. ~
"W E DO N 'T LIK hl .IT HE IU/' ~ a l the molh H wh en you' trent thalll
JOHN WAYN E MAUREF..N O'HARA atory of the rugged men of the W.t. See the murder oua Apach .. driven IICroe' the I!tlo Grande . CHAPT-ER THREE - FLYING 016'0 . MAN OF MARS CART0 9N - ITCH IN TIME
with BERLO U motllsp ray. Five YEaI', gl!uran lee. ' VA VNESVILLE F RNIT H E & AP PLIAN ' b; . Phone 3462. .
••••• • r •••••• • ".~•• r' •• • , •• , . , . " , , . " ,• •••••• " •••• , ••
deliver . RMIT AG E & Phone 209 1.
Sund .y
.3ANK /W NG/ {AVE L- L adell a t Davi. rurnas hI. We ~lsu
.' ,##~
E'XCAVft<TING and - - - DUMP TrlUCK SE llvlCC Phone Waynes ville 21!) 1 WAVN ESVILL e, OHIO
'# ••~ •• #"#.#" "' •••• '#'.#"""".""#."''''''''~.'''''
£F s _. s ... - . .~S . ~S -
CI.e dMo n"", Tu.....y, Wedn.....y Th....... .y .nd Frida y "Au .u.t 16·1 7
X--'8- 16·23·30 STOP moths at less cost. BER.LOU o ~ ts only c pel' year for a Bult. FIVE YEJAR guarnnt ee. Klein of WII· WAYN ESVILL E F RNITl.RE & mlll8ton were dinner guests 011 APPLIA N'CE. Phone 3462. Sunda.), of their slater, Mrs. Olive Ourl. o o 00$ DI', 'Emma Hollow ay, Missel! Ruth and 1:.1Iznb·I~ lh· Cbandl er al, Attention! Notarl ••' tended F'rlends QUarte!'ly MeeLing FOR SALE -War ren County at elma. Ullio Oll Sunday. Notary Seal. like new, in caae. , Mrs. A.rtlllll' J,ol'dan, M'I·. allil THE MIAMI GAZE TTE, Main Mr8. Jason Jordan aUQ ijOu Ue91'gb dh qf Pendlet on, Ind ., .vlslted their .ltreet, Phone 2143. aunt, Miss Oll\'e \\ IlIIaDis on Sal- ao eo urday afterno on. FOR RENT - 'S m n II fllrnls-hed Mrs. Mabel HnlhnwllY. 1\U88e8 apartm ent for ' \l'Ol'kln g couple. Rulh Chandl er alJld ~largaret Ed· Phone 2632: x- -2·9-16 wards wel'e delightf ully en tel" t,atned at . II. luuchuoiJ at tile bo.me NO MORE moth worries. ""ben 'you of Mrs. 'Frank Alols on }iriday. liSe BERLO U !Ive year gUaran1II1ss Bessie Gamel' attende d thE: teed MolbBpray. WAYN ESVILL E Rieb· Cleave r· Cal'lr reunion a l. FURNI TURE & APPLIA NCE. Jaqob" Park 111 Wellma n Sunday, I. .-,nn.'M 3462.
_O RE , Jr. 'r- ..VET -
.... E. Brown, .Judy Canova
'~JOAI Satu rday ~--
OF THE DZARKS" ""MIDNITi:"'"' "·.~.~.i~ il' "MISSII. WDMEI"
g how ,to do a. Sund .y, Mon d.y I~ better job of' Uvl.ng and how to teach others to do th same. RURAL FAMIL IES orten Bpend ' It was tbe tblrd annual Ohio tbe day In' town while makJng tun4·H Adviso rs' Confere nce at Oblo eral arrange meptB. State Unlvevlllt)" August 7 to 10. wD '1 0.BABY til They are welcom e to spend tbe Speake rs dlJrlng the first three time at our funeral pome to m.et 8ellllons . pOinted out value of good -,l1li 111.• • friends or just to rest In qu[et 1111 leadersh ip. need to learn to live they would at bome. . wttb! danger. and bow to put more joy Illto life. Advisor s' confere nces are com· WAYNESVJLLE, OHIO posed of rural lay people who donate their time to adVise and In· struct 4,·H Club membe rs In Ohio. Tholle wbo attend a.r e eelected by other volunte er advisor s In their bome countie ll. Tuesda y night, C. M. Ferguso n, R~TUR WANTED - Ride to Dayton by N FROM FLORIDA directo r of AgrIcul tural Extensi on, . lIIr~ young lady. Betwee n S: 00 and and Mrs. "Ed Ramby and OhiO' State UDiveralty, told the ohlldre n with lhe rormer';> uncle. :80. Lea ve Dayton around 6:00. group that the United Statel! toda)' 0-8·16 Mr. Walter Wasnon of Dayton . Phone 2291 . flnda Ilsel In a new role-tb at of haYe returne d from 'a two week I Ji' IRST ,,60 bUY8 . my 2·year.old _rId leaderl hlp. . He sald pr&e> ~lalt wltb MI'. HOlinel' Ramb y and I THOR automa tic wasber , In pel'tical 'e ducatio o .. on. reuon· for IIr. and Mrs. M. · L. Russel and I rect workin g conditi on. Cost over. much of the uUQIl' . p~ fa m 11 y in Lallf"n a, FIs. M.rs.. I new. R. CAHALL, one·hal i "Coope ratl.ve JIlUeul on baa pJaeed Homer Hamby Is, spendin g tbe mile East of (S on Route every family 'In ADierlca within 73. or summe r month's here with lie ,' Phone 3663 Waynes ville. the Influen ce of the ' teacbln g of c-8·16 relai1ves. SCientific' agricul ture." /. , On the secood da), of the con- 8PEND VACATION TOURI NG ference . tbe group JMard Dr. John ·HISTORIC KENTUCKY Porterf ield, Ohio directo r of bealth. .,. Misses Ellzabell:l and Katbry n He urge'd the~ to "prepa re to JIve Baumg ardner spen" their vacatio with danger. " Portt-rf leld stresse d touring historic pI8(:es In Ken\Uc n ky. the value of organiz ing within • Forframew orks of civil defense and HOM E FREE%ERS public · health program s. I He stresse d SlI.DitatlOD. fire pro0"LO CKERS (Contin ued trom Page F.lve) tectlon. vaoelll\&~11 and prepa,. ,. Bert Turher to Howard M. and tiona that would evacuat e a city Wl1ma L. Snider. ;l acre I.n WBY~e with speed, • twp. . l R. Bruce Tom. Extenal on rur'al JuUa and Avery ' A. McGraw to SOCiolOgist. Tbursd ay nlgbt. aald: Elmer and Marie C.. Meixne Phone 3171 Waynel vllle, 9. r. 63 "Let's put more me Into living." acrea in Clearcr eek ·twp. . He . advised the advisor s to "deAMERI CA'S FAVOR ITE, becaille It' plckl f ..ter and cluner'. C. D. Oook to ~e[lnlltl .,elop th'e abUlty to etat ,aliVe aa erlne Harlan, 0.276 Ilcresi and Cathdo.. a better hUlking job. LlghWl 'aft, 'eaay-ha ndllng • . , In ... Q.DDu, •• I'OR SALE-Fr~ra. C. E. MICH. ' long as live." )fou, can hit rowe right on dead centerl Floatln a gatheri ng ~ ., ENER. ' . c-S-16 ·23·30 pointe catch hlg" and low eara, Qo,wn .talkl; adjuata ble to The confere nce ' was 'sponso red Kenneth and Catheri ne Hal'lan TREES lUlMOVED ' aud trimme handle evel')ltlilng from pop corn to heavlel t-yleldl ng hybrldl d by the Ohio 4H Club Founda tion, to P. A. and Anna Belte RUDJOD'I .GD&J~t.eed satiafac toJ7 Ea"ly operate d by the Ford' TrlCtor with P.T.O. converelo~. work, part of the Ohio State Univerllity 0.276 acres In Massie hypo J"ree eaUroate8. 41so for aale kit. Iold ..paratll y; or any 2'plo)j tractor with A.S.A.~. llanddevelop ment ~und. Everett Early to Ralph . E. pd II)repla~w~ furnace .;Wood ard P.T.O. and hltctt. of . (lathery ne L. Henry. 0.56 acres In oak and blckory . FOl Informa tion, I ......... .. tWI>. call Waynes ville 36S3.' HOWA RD ~~~"~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~ . , , - ,Wayne Mary w. Smlth 100 WaUer ~. GARNE !!i~!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 S" & e&N. " 8-l6-U c Fitts. ~l acres In. ~rankln' twp. "John H. and Vertled a Browni ng • Three gatheri ng chllna keep corn moving faIt. to W. W. . 'Illtus; a:a.9() acre8 In . A product on goal 0 25.600 acrel • Leal clogltl" ", f~wet .lope! UunJon twp. of wheat for harvest In 1952 was • Giant huaklng bed, 36 Inchel long, 13% In.chea wld.1 Jell8e Mentz to Oeorge and Ruth announ ced for Warren County .toHal SIX rubber and Itael hUlking roll •.•• plul NEW day by S, W" Losh, Cbalrm an' of How:ard , 1 lot In ' Frankli n twp. Aug'e r Hu.k Feed. ' Roy and Arline l>:steB to tbe County AgrIcu ltural Moblllza. • ElCclullve poaltlve rotary anap'plna bar. L. Sbafter , 85.79 acres In Wayne tlon Commi ttee. • L..lohl-draft of Dearbo rn·Woo d Brol. Picker 'enabl ~sb explaiD8 ' tut these Soal1 h'p. )fou to pick when heaVier plck.ra couldn' t mova .. In have been sel up to help the farm· Roy and Orllne Estes to Jeck eoggy fl!lldl. ers .of Warren County In doing Sweetm an, 71.93 '~a.cres In Wayne READ THE GAZET TE WEEKL Y their III '10 the defenle effort. twP. PATRO NIZE OUR ADVER TISERS Altboug h' no Indivtd ual fann goals Owell lind SUllan 'Bowlln g to 11'111 be elltabU lhed, the county .K ash D. Amburg y. 2 10tB ope in the maill)os ...d ' In South goals will Berve a8 a ' guIde to Lebano n. . farmers In seeding tbelr rail cropa. . Kaa~ D. Ambu·r g)1 to Clyde R. ~e po.tmaD doet the nat. The 1952 goals are baled 0)'1 ~nd Helen R. ~o Ie, 1 lot In L.ba non, ' Ohio Soutb the need for aU food, feed. fiber. Lebaoo n. ' and 011 croplI and. tbe need ·for . Robert WIleD bad;weadaer o~ late L. Rams"y to Bernice malntal nlng th~ land for. future RamBe) ,. 0.338 aerefl In Deerfie ld product ion. twp. V.IITO RS OF B. V. 'SMITHS , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. The wheat goal for Warren • Albert L. Ertel to Charles and County III In line wIth the state Martha Rees!>. 1 ' lotlS In Deel'fleld goal of 2.100:000 acres and the lia· twp. • ' Mn. Walter Whitak er were ' caltlonal " goal of 78,850,000 acres. REP ' RED Ellen H. Zle.ler to .Robert N. 1era ' of Mr. - and Mrl. B. V. Smltb' SHARPENED . ancI . AJ The nationa l goal callI for a ~egler; 1 ' Iot 1\1 Diledle ld twp. ORANGE, TANGE RINE 'AND durlD. the' put week. Also 011 ellghtly larger ' acreage tban "IfU' Hand and Power . MARRIAGE LaCEN,S'E LIME JI'rlday . eveblD l. , .)Ir. and Mrs. AID; 46 OZ. CAN'S' seeded· In the fall of 1.51 for har· William Sanden . 23, dye cast, BIDIth had .1 callers Mr. and Mrs. vest fn 1952. But thl.,- goal Is ex- Harvey sburg. and ldil Sandera . 25, EYeret t Smith. of Callf., and Mr. I peeted to fill all known require- housewife. Harvey sburg. ud Mn. ' He~r Perrme "f Leb· ments for food. feed, exports "and &DOD. lilr. and lilrl. Dale ' Mengle At FAIRLEY HARDWARE aafe reeerve al a protect ion against Ollcar Rasolc, 60, laborer , Leb· anon, and Maude Mills. 54. Leb· I ud cbl\4re n' of Morrow . were cal· or Pboae Lebaaoa I89-L emerge nclel. I anon. I.... at tbe SmJthll on Saturda y. ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• •••• Chairm an Lollh urgea' Warren Dale Smith, 21~ w lpenter, Blan· Also Top Qualit y In M~.. GUE~T8 FROM KENTU CKY County Farme n ·to 11M the roaI Clbe8tel' and Jean ROI., 18. Pluant c1UIiT 8 FOR LUNCH EON ...dV....... ... . fSprel al a IUlde In leedlDJ tbelr Plain, Mr. and Mn. T. 8., Hardin had cropa thla tall aDd nut IIprlnr. lin. V. ' J. Aloll enterta ined to an Sunday gueata Mr. and Mrll.. S. 'l'he flrarea bay. lleeb' arrived at ]I'ra).k Na.urotb. 18 ruling Ita· . . . . . . un lI'rIcla)' liln. George R. Conrad of Edgewo K)'.. Mr. Uon oprator . LebIUIQo and Joan lin. Ralph Hutlng a. and Mrll. Lansing od. Hardin or att.r ,tudy' of antlclpa tetl Vernon . 17. rul,.el attenda nt, a. N. Kef" )(re. J, N. Silk. Bridgep ort. Conn.. Mr. Ronat4 neec11_careful aDd the prOdnU.,. capacit y Lebanon. ~ Edwan ll. Mrs. H. Hardin of Cmclnn atl and Mra. of the Jud. FOO D STO RE John Towet. 23, ud 111111 Ruth Jam., rut op;eraMcCOrmiCk aull 8On, or - .....- - - - - - - - - - P..... ...l · tor. Middletown 8J1d ~tb)' AU· DaJbm, PATRONIZE OUR ADVEIlTlSlilBS myer, 21, wattreu ~ Jo.ltaUlln. II.___ ___~-__~I,
Au.u at
"*Ma~.Ii, . '."""
/lACK 1rJ
B..,. U. S. Oholce . seC P.r. Pou.... .
Plckll, Time
.- Qp. Proflll
Sec rei of Speed ••• Oapacll,
111.101 Tractor SALII
1 1112 Warre' loal Set AI 21, _ L
Slie .implya,ro,.
LAWNMOW.ERS Iidoa (IIDDtl"l) '1111".
Ie,era,e•. lle,21c
raaCJ ·Iraclrils
'D0 T