Index Intra., p.2 Dedication, p.14 FALL ACTIVITIES, p.16 Football, p.20 Homecoming, p.24 Band, p.33 Cross Country, p.38 Golf, p.40 Volleyball, p 44 WINTER ACTIVITIES , p.46 Boy's Basketball, p.48 G1rl' s Basketball, p.55 Vocal Music, p.60 Honor Society, p.68 Yearbook Staff, p 72 SPRING ACTIVITIES , p.78 Musical, p.80 Spring Concert, p.84 Track, p.88 Baseball, p.92 Tnp to France, p 94 Softball, p. 96 Tennis, p 98 FACULTY, ADM ., STAFF, p.102 CLASSES, p.ll2 Seniors, p.ll3 Graduat1on, p.129 Juniors, p.l32 Sophomores, p.l38 Freshmen, p.142 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, p.146 Eighth Grade, p.148 Seventh Grade, p.150 Sixth Grade, p.152 Jr. High Sports, p. 154 ADVERTISING, p. 167 IN MEMORIAM , p. 192
The Spartan Go For It!
Waynesville High School , Waynesville, Ohio , 45068 Volume XIII, 1980
Gomg for 1t means try1ng your hardest to atta1n your goals. G01ng for 1t means gettmg up off your dernere and g1v1ng your all for success. Go1ng for 1t means reaching out for good grades, good t1mes, or the b1g w1n. And gomg for 1t means try1ng harder even 1f you fall In 1980, many Waynesville students went for 1t: the Band went to Washington, D.C.; the French Club went to Pam; the G1rl's Basketball team went to D1stnct Finals; the Football team had a w1nnmg season; the Chorus went to State Contest; the Tenn1s team went for lst 1n the league; and many 1nd1v1duals achieved small and large successes at our school.
Go for the good t1mes call up a fnend; Be1ng together ... fun tn the gym ... fire batons & flashy majorettes . Donn1e & Lonme on slave day ... Cathy, All1son, Anne, & Cary party1ng? .. Cad1e & fnend Chns & M1ke ..• Mark and All•son diSSecting clams .. Am1e may not like th1s p1cture . Freshmen are tn1ttated before the Boro game:
Football film1ng by Jeff Se1dl & Matt Gheanng helps the team see 1ts m1stakes ... Jenm Jordan bemg art1st1c . . the candlelit magic of the Nat'l. Hon. Society's mduct1on nappmg m zoology are Darrel, Robby, & Dav1d Dav1d Hurley & Dean Edwards m a relentless attack on clams ... J1mmy N1x feehng a httle pa1n . . Lam Ste1hohrt be1ng accountable .. reachmg goals takes work and pa1n but somet1mes 1t's really worth the effort
SPIRIT WEE I<: GOING FOR FUN! Sptnt Week provtdes an opportuntty to go for a lot of fun and games Freshmen, commandtng the htghest premtums, are auctLOned off at the Slave Auctton . The next day, they come dressed as thetr Sen1or master commands. There ts a Sophomore Jumor vs. Semor Freshman g1rl 's powder puff football game Contests are held between the classes and mclude the bed race, pie - eating contest, tug - of-war, egg toss, t1re-roll1ng contest and so forth . Thts year, a greased pig catch was added to the somet1mes wild games. Included 1n the mernment were: Penny-pushmg . . C1ndy Meece with her magnificent ' fro . . Shara Cherryholmes tend1ng some pnme livestock . .. Mindy Kronenberger & Scott Graham ready for their Hawaiian debut . . Scott Kennedy w1th a slightly exaggerated figure ... C1ndy Patnck, Queen of the Roller-Football Dtsco Set . Amte Buxton's " Mocha Bear" dressed up for the Powder Puff game . . Steve Gingench helping bring tutus back in style . . Mike Spencer pnor to h1s English Channel sw1m . other Spmt Week coverage follows ...... . ..... . .... ... ....................................
â&#x20AC;˘ ' ) 8
Randy Ridinger picking on a little k1d ... Rose Kruer rolling ... Randy, Mike, Roger, Steve, Scott & Mike as cheerleaders? . .. Cary in the Spnng Sun . . the Pepsi Dance Show was very entertaining ... Darrell Wahsum at another grueling football workout . .. Dale Edward' s BeatBora- mobile . . the Vocal Music Department sing1ng at the Xmas Concert ...
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the Sp1nt Week Bed Race warms up w1th left to right, the Juniors, Sophomores & Freshmen on their mob1le beds Michele Moser, alias Groucho Marx? Shelley Davisson roller skates 1n her bedroom? Freshman basketballers fold chairs after the C1ncmnat1 Symphony Orchestra performance We move and do and roll nght along 0
Pallas surpnsed while hard at work in the library .. It's hard to get to school m the mormng ... Lan1 Stemohrt & Arnie Buxton made a very n1ce Senior Art Project ... Dan Mercer intently at work .. Chuck Crone at play ... Freshman cheerleaders working out . another time test 1n typing class ... cards were popular aga1n th1s year ... Tony, Darrel & Jeff ''screwing" around ... Jenni Gerspacher being flexible . the cheerleaders in the1r sk1t, " the devil in Georg1a" ... Robby and Anne hard at work in French III ... School 1sn't all work and 1t isn't all play ... we go for the good t1mes and we go for the grades and somet1mes even for the thrill of learning.
Dedication Frances Emma Anderle is retiring after being at Waynesville for 29 years. The beloved teacher has taught such diversified subjects as Typing I & II, Amer. Government, Business Law, Consumer Ed., Shorthand I & II, & Bookkeeping. After attending the U. of Wisconsin and graduating from the U. of Dayton in '48, Miss Anderle did a 3-year stint in the Navy before coming to Waynesville in 1951. Although she is a Dayton native and now lives there, she was a long-time resident of Waynesville (Caesar's Creek area>. After battling broken typewriters, writing endless lesson plans, and telling hundreds of Sen1ors of the intricacies of our government, Fran will have lots of time to sleep and read, her favorite passtimes. She has presided over the boiler room and has seen many faculty members as well as 4,698 students come and go. When asked for a statement about her long career at Waynesville, she said she would simply like to thank the children, parents and community for "many enjoyable years". "Fran", known for her steadiness and rapport with all people, will be very much missed!
After 69 Years Of Service
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Fran Anderle and Dorsie Benton Go For Well-Deserved Retirement
Dorsie Benton will begin his retirement after 27 years with Waynesville Schools, 12 of which he served as High School Principal. Calling Cannel City, Kentucky home, Mr. Benton attended Morehead State U. (B.A.> and the University of Kentucky where he got his M.A. He spent four years in the military service, living a part of the History he so ably taught. He started the Waynesville H.S. chapter of the National Honor Society & was recently honored by special membership in that group. World History & American History are words synonymous with the name Benton in Waynesville. Retirement will bring more time for reading 1n these areas as well as for doing woodworking. Mr. Benton has been a steadfast example to students, teachers and the community. Pipe in hand, he was the king of Boiler Room activities. He was the calm voice at W.E.A. meetings, "Wait a mmute, I'm afraid we're hurting ourselves." His leadership, as stated at the retirement dinner, "has been that of a benevolent father ... reminding us about the past, assisting us in coping with the present, and helping us in preparing for the future. "Best of luck, Dorsie!
Pictures on these pages are from the retirement dinner given for 4 retiring
Spirit Week Fires Up
Sp1r1t Week accomplishes a lot of things. It gives the classes a chance to compete and unite. It gives Freshmen a chance to become assimilated into the high school ' s activities Spirit is built through class compet1t1ons, a powderpuff football game {very intense!), Freshman Slave Auction & Slave Day, a bonfire and pep rally and of course the Friday night football game {Homecoming) & Dance
The Fall Spint Week is a good time for the school. It' s a fun, crazy time that unites the k1ds in spirit. This year, the Seniors won the Spirit Week Competition, followed closely by the Sophs. The Soph.-Jr. Classes won the Powderpuff game. Donny Rockhold was the most expensive slave. Phil Merris unloaded the greased pigs with finesse.
Orange Crush Went For It! 6-3-1
First row Richard Benson, Roger Kronenberger, Steve Ra1ns, Mark Fransisco Scott Howard, M1ke Dyer Second row; Dan Mercer, Cra1g Darrell Wahsum, Brad Couch , Todd Patton, Eric Messer. Third row; Kuriger, Ken Osborne, Chris Chenoweth , Erich Raasch, Jeff George, Russel Wmstead, Lonnie Miller, Don Rockhold, Doug Perdue, Chuck Mr. Hampton, Mr. Mescher, Mr. Gabbard , Mr. Bunce.
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Creekmore, Randy Ridinger, Rod Akers, Tim Osborne, Tim Coffman, Robby Krorenberger, Duwayne Rains, Greg Patterson, Bill Elam , Darrel Woods, David Deters, Kirk Kennedy, Rusty M1ke Gadd , Fourth row; Chuck Parks, T1m La1rd, Julian Farley, Crone, Tim Peyton, Jim Nix, Mike Ramby. Fifth row; coaches,
The Spartan football team had a great season this year, 6- 3- l. The team won their first season opener (which was against Batavia) since 1971. A lot of support from the fans kept the Spartans in action . Coach Mescher had the guys working out night and day. The team had a lot of terrific plays as well as players. Though we are losing many experienced players, next year' s team seems very promising.
The Senior players; top 0. to r.l Tim Francisco, Roger Kronenberger, Steve Rains; middle; Bill Hammock, Rod Akers, Tim Osborne; left; Richard Benson; above (1. to r .l Tricaptains, Mark Creekmore, Mike Dyer, Randy Ridmger; right; Scott Howard.
Dance of 1979
The Homecom1ng Dance turned out to be a hit thanks to Alison Haxton for her support and effort on the dance. Rick Flynn Disco Show was presented by the Sen1or class to provide the entertainment. Food and drinks were served .
Parent' s N1ght annually recognizes all of the sacrifices made by parents 1n helping their children successfully complete activities at Waynesville High School. All PARENTS of Seniors involved in fall activities were announced and proudly walked across the football field at the half t1me of the Waynesville vs. Southeastern game, Oct. 12.
Soph. & Jrs. Go For a Win Powder Puff Game
Soph.-Jrs. 1st row Shelly Davisson, Jackie Fisher, Sandy Gross, Mary Boiling, Missy England, Brenda Smith, Tnsh Garret. 2nd row- Lucinda Stapleton, Shelly Kronenberger, Shelly Powell, Tracy Shelton, Ann Wardlow Kim Eak1ns. 3rd row - Mary Agee, Becky Houseright, Tracy Kidd, Tracy Waltz, Tam1 Lynch, Lisa Campbell, Bonn1e Alford, Gma Young. 4th row Pam Shutts, Penny Jones, Kathy Booher Janet Rush, Cindy Allen, Bobbi Jo Leyes. Sth row Mary Davis, Carla Taylor, Sherry Anderson, Mary Gilliam, Joni Benson, Kim Kidd.
This years powder puff game was emotion packed with the Soph.Jr. team coming up with a 14-6 victory. The weather wasn't the best it was raining and the field was muddy- but everyone had fun. After the game, both teams forgot their differences and went for p1zzas.
Mike Dye r
Mr. Ugly
Fresh.-Sr. 1st row Amie Buxton Steph Clark, Debbie Campbell, Lani Steinohrt, Karen Wical, Chns Sheehan. 2nd - Rhonda Purkey, Tammy Jones Cathy Joefreda, Cary Karmen, Alison Haxton, Anne Joefreda, Shara Cherryholmes, Julie Snoddy, Donna Campbell, Lisa Elam, Janet McKalip 3rd - Cindy Meece, Lon Foust, Mary Chattin Angie Bauer, Kristy Rathweg, Wendy Schmidt. 4th - Penny Burnell, Cindy Patrick, Rose Mary Kruer, Michelle Moser, Usa Humphrey. 5th Pam Koelher, Chris Rockhold, Mindy Kronenberger, Jenny Keller, Debbie Cook, Julie Waddell, Wendy Anderson This year the Mr. Ugly candidates were (below). Steve Rains, Billy Hammock, K1ng Dyer, and Rod Akers.
Majorettes, Band Going Strong! The Waynesville marching band and the majorettes went to two compet1t10ns th1s year, M1am1 Trace and Hamilton Taft. At each of the two, the majorettes placed first over all. The band placed second 1n their class at each competition. The band is hoping to go to more competitions next year. The majorettes are as follows; Clockwise (right top) Capta1n, Cary Karman, Michelle Powell, Jon1 Frye, and Conme La1rd .
First row (left to right>, Anne Williams, Rob Karman, Kenny Kurtz, M1ke Lamb, Joni Frye, Cary Karman, Dana Sp1tznogle, Michelle Powell, Connie La1rd, Mark Tidwell, Andre Rhoeder, Scott Gorsuch. Second row; Shara Cherryholmes, Bobb1 Jo Leyes. Katrina Hogan, Pat Cassidy, L1nda Ramsey, Lisa Hazen, Diane Bumgardiner, V1cki Vair, Danny Channey,Ed Orr, David Duncan Steve Boggs, Mary Davis, Chns Colv1n. Third row; Mr Lmg, director, Rochelle Sm1th, Cheri Bayes, Lynn Riddle, John Gheanng, Dale Edwards, Scott Klesk1, Judy Briggs, Dean Edwards, Steve Anderson, Ken Osborne, Donna Campbell, Ann Wardlow, Tammy Jones. Fourth row; Pam Egbert, Debb1e Shuler, Andy Engle, Mary Will1ams Glenda Cherryholmes, Doug Combs, Alan Wardlow, Rodney Robbins, Mark Joefreda, Chris Henderson, Mike Wiley, Bryan Hisle, Paul Bernard, C1ndy Anderson. Fifth row, J1m Patton, Eric Hass, Tammy Spencer, Kim Eakins, Cathy Joefreda, Cheryl Stevens, Carla Taylor, V1ck1 Finke, Lon Foust, Mary Gilliam, Jeff Vanderpool, Kevin Fultz, Rae Townsend, Becky Mellott, Theresa Stamen Not Pictured Sandra Armstrong, Robert Campbell, Craig Campbell, Sandy Gross, Pat Lander, Bryan McK1nny, Eddie 0 Dell, Dan Shellenbarger, Kelll Stroop.
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Flying High!
The W.H.S. Flag Corps marched at all the football games and also the competitions. The members of the 1979-80 Flag Corps are; above (left to right) Lori Foust Carla Taylor Sandra Armstrong , Mary Gilliam ; left; Cheryl Stevens, below, Capta1n, Cathy Joefreda.
Cheerleaders Rev It Up!
Th1s year' s cheerleaders gave the1r all to fill fans with pep and enthusiasm. Summer practice, camp & the general backing of the teams got the season under way. The cheerleaders used creatv1ty & imagination in their pep assemblies, as shown in the p1ctures on this page from their sk1t, " The Devil Went Down to Georgia" . Pictured above is the Freshman Squad, w1th, top to bottom 1n the middle Michele Moser, Wendy Schm1dt, Chnsty Rockhold , & Janna Jones . On the sides are Pam Koehler (1.) & Kns Rathweg.
To the left, the Varsity Squad (1. to r.l V1cki Finke, Ann Wardlow Annie Joefreda, Tammy Spencer, Chns Sheehan & Julie Snoddy Directly below IS the Reserve Squad , w1th, top to bottom in the middle Rosemary Kruer, Michele Powell, MaryBeth Rye, Trish Garrett. On the sides are Brenda Sm1th (1.) & Mary Boiling (r.l . The pictures below show a pep assembly which the fans really enjoyed, The Fifties". The " Battle of the Sexes' often got the pep assemblies " cooking ".
1st Place Eludes Harriers Again!
Left: Mary Williams, 2nd 1n girl 's league meet. Above, several of the award winners at the fall banquet. Right: Chns Colvm in stride, Below, Coach Bob Lohse.
Above: Bob Campbell. Lower right, Steve Roark receives h1s second year award.
Pictured left are the members of the 197980 Cross Country Team, I. to r., Craig Campbell, Cheryl Lohse, Mary Williams, Chris Colvin, Steve Roark, Bobby Campbell, Chris Smead, Coach Bob Lohse. Below middle pies, I. to r., Steve Roark, Craig Campbell (M .V. runner, aii-KTCl, Cheryl Lohse (lst in girl's meet>; bottom left: Chri s Smead, most improved runner.
Once again ths year the Cross Country team fin1shed 2nd to Cedarville, narrowly losing by 4 pts. With a league record of 41 & an over-all record of 46-14, the team provided tough compet1t1on especially in invitationals. Three of the team members were all - Kenton Trace conference selections: Craig Campbell, Bobby Campbell, Chris Colvin . Craig Campbell also finished 14th in the sectional tournament and qualified for the district meet. He was chosen as the Most Valuable Runner while Chris Smead received the Most Improved Runner Award . The small but mighty girl 's team consisted of Mary Williams & Cheryl Lohse. They dominated the league with Cheryl tak1ng 1st place & Mary 2nd in the meet.
Florence Leads Low Scoring Season
Team members and the1r averaged S1tt1ng in carts from right to left Jeff Vanderpool (49.8) Scott Hoffman (49.5) Todd Hoffman (64.0) Rodney Gruber (58.0) . Standing, right to left Charles Overbee (49.9)¡ Jeff Florence (43.4); Tom Sackett (45.7); Coach L1ffick (00.0). The 1979 Golf Season started with high spints and low scores ¡ but by the end of the season the team had moved on rougher grounds. The team deserves a hand for placing 2nd in the Kenton Trace League and 4th 1n sectionals Tom Sackett was the most improved player and Jeff Florence was the most valuable player. Jeff Vanderpool Scott Hoffman, and Charles Overbee, the senior oldies but goodies, will be leaving. But new members to take their place are Tom Sackett, Rod Gruber, and Todd Hoffman . The team tried hard this year and did their best.
Student Council Student Council members are pictured dunng a fall meeting . They are (row 1, I. to r., Rob Karman, Alison Haxton, Tnsh Garrett, Jackie Fisher, Kris Rathweg; Row 2, seated Kim Eak1ns, L1sa Campbell, Chris Colvin, Debbie Campbell, Wendy Schmidt, Pam Koehler, Michele Moser; Row 3, against wall, Jenny Fisher, Vick1 F1nke (partially hidden) , Chris Sheehan, Ed Hass, Stefanie Clark, Cathy Joefreda, M1ke Gadd . The Student Council battled Indebtedness this year but still managed to put on good dances at Xmas and around Valentine' s Day <Sweetheart Dance).
Above are pictured the Student Council Officers, I. to r. Pres Cathy Joefreda, Vice Pres. Alison Haxton, Sec'y. Jenny Fisher, Treas. Stefanie Clark. Mr. Cessna (not pictured) is the adv1sor of the group. Below nght are pictured the Sen1or Student Council members.
Drill Team Regroups; Sheds ''Porkette'' Image Drill Team members at the right are, front, Katnna Hogan , Angie N1x, Row 2, I. tor., Jenny Rush , Becky Houseright, Judy Briggs, Fay Hatfield, Row 3, I. to r., Mary Davis, Dana Spitznogle, Tonya Young, Becky Mellott, G1na Young . Middle left pic Officers, Line officer Judy Briggs, Captain Katri na Hogan; First Lieutenant Angie Nix.
Katnna Hogan All-American Drill Team member and Captain of this year's Drill Team had her hands full re-organizing the group th1s year After football season, four new members joined the team and several outstanding performances were given during basketball season. Enthusiasm and life seemed to return to the group at th1s t1me. Angie N1x and Judy Briggs assisted Katrina through the endless practices. Mr. Ling served as faculty adv1sor
Varsity Volleyball!!
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The Varsity's season was capped by an outstanding 13- 4 record . The Spartans made it to the tourney, seeded second 1n the KTC, & brought home a trophy for the first time in WHS history. Every player received a plaque. A. BUXTON earned the award for the most outstanding performance. B. ALFORD was the most improved . The server award went to L. ELAM . Team mcludes; COACH J FINKE J . McKALIP T KIDD, S. ANDERSON , J . ELAM , A. BUXTON , K. WICAL, V. SMITH, B. ALFORD
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Junior Varsity earned first place in the KTC with a decisive 13-1 record . Coach Peggy Cann was the force behind the team ' s tremendous success. Top row; Coach P. Cann, 3rd row K Stroop S Davisson, K Booher, 2nd row; C Stevens. J Keller A. Bauer, M Kronenberger, 1st row · J Benson J Rush, T. Waltz, S. Kronenberger, & K Eakins.
Varsity B- Ball The 1979-80 Waynesville High School Varsity Basketball team broke even with ten w1ns and ten losses. At the beg1nn1ng of the season, the team had h1gh hopes and qu1te a few victories. But as the season went on the spmt was lost and was not eas1ly regained . One of the most successful games fan wise, was at Spnngboro High School. Fans came to BORO with pom-pons, s1gns, megaphones and a lot of planned stunts, Unfortunately, Ted Nugent was never freed that n1ght. The picture below is of the 1979-80 Basketball team. Back row (left to nghtl: Duwayne Rains, David Hurley Rodney Akers, Mark Creekmore, Tim Osborne, Darrell Wahsum, Vincent Leyes, Randy Taylor, Robert Kronenberger, David Deters, and Brad Couch. Front row (left to right); Brian Thacker, manager; Mr. Liffick, coach; and Mike Fox, manager.
<L to Rl S Roark, T. Dav1s, K. Kennedy, B. McKinny, S Gorsuch, J . Johnson , P. Bernard , M. Rice, E. Measel, S Ray, C. Colv1n, C. Campbell, Coach Dave Cessna. Not P1c. - D. Deters The reserve team had a good season for gaining experience. The team conSISted of all sophomores w1th the clutch shooting of David Deters and Craig Campbell combining w1th the rebounding of Kirk Kennedy and Eric Measel. Excitement was prov1ded by the close scores of the games and last second shots . At the banquet, K1rk Kennedy rece1ved the Most Improved player award. Much is expected from the players next year.
Tough Freshmen Take K.T.C.;
R 1, I. to r Scott Kleski, Donny Rockhold , Tom Sackett, Kurt Purkey, Rodney Gruber, R.2 I. tor., Mike Gilham, Russ Winsted, Jimmy Nix, Doug Perdue, Julian Farley, Chuck Crone, Timmy Peyton Coach Dave Barton. (Rockhold & Peyton did not complete the season>: K.T.C. Champions!
Perdue Leads Scoring, Rebounding
The Freshman Basketball Team had a super season, ending up with a 14-2 record The team was undefeated in the KTC, rolling over all of 1ts opponents. It finished 2nd in the Yellow Springs Tourney. Perdue led scoring & reboundmg; He & Sackett were cocaptains
D1stnct Finalists Girl's Varsity Team : Row 1, kneeling, I to r , Shelley Kronenberger, Cheryl Lohse <cocaptatn), Anne Williams (co-capt) Tammy Jones, Sharon Pett1t, Row 2, I. to r., Jenny Durb1n, Pam Scherer, Cyndi Allen , Coach Tim " Bubba" Gabbard, Bobbi Jo Leyes, Mary Williams. The girl's vars1ty team had an outstandtng season, with 16 wins and 4 losses, three of which were to AAA or AA teams. Greeneview agatn proved to be the Spartans' nemesis, as the rams took away first place in the K T.C. The Spartans' drive and determination took them to the finals of the Dayton District Tournament where they lost to Twin Valley North in the final minutes, 38-36. The girls were not recognized until late in the season when their hustle and class were well -known.
Pictured above: the Super Seniors; above r., a pre-game dnll; far nght, Jenny Durbin goes for a rebound; middle nght, Pam Scherer making a jump shot, right, Cyndi Allen concentrating on her shot. P.SS, top left, Lohse <w. ball), Leyes & Williams bringing the ball up court against T.V.N.; middle left, leav1ng the court at half-t1me of the Greeneview game; bottom left, Cheryl Lohse showing skillful ball-handling.
Smooth Varsity Sails
To District Finals 16-4 Season Is Best Ever! Left, Anne Williams tying her shoe; top right, Mary Williams lets one fly; M1ddle r., Tammy & Shelley waiting their turn; Bottom, Jenny, a Globetrotter?
The Spartans' height dominated their opponents and they maintained a 2 to 1 rebounding advantage over their rivals (avg. 38 rebounds per game>. They had terrific balance, with no main scorer (even though Lohse, M . Williams, & Scherer had double-fig. averages>. Anne William's defensive rebounding helped earn her the team defensive award. Cheryl Lohse got the offensive award. Both of these girls were named all-league & all-stars (Western Star). Scherer & M. Williams rece1ved honorable mention. The avg. score was 48 while opponents scored 35. The team was a winner because of hustle, abil1ty to handle pressure, desire to work the1r winning attitude. 55
Bubble Bursts for ''Bubba's Brutes"; T.V.N.'s Late Foul Shots Do It! Late minute foul shots gave the final tourney game to TVN . Pictures on th is page show both tourney & regular season games.
Top 1., Cyndi Allen double - teamed; middle, Mary Williams drives for a lay- up; right, Anne' s ability as center was an often decisive advantage. Middle left, an important rebound in the District final; middle, the big pre -game huddle; right, cheering on the team; Bottom right, a joyful moment when the Spartans were ahead; Bottom left, the tears flow when the pain of defeat is just to much to bear. The girls and Coach Gabbard can be proud of the1r successful season. Their full - court press and tough fast break provided many thnlls for Spartan fans this year. 56
Reserves Struggle Through Tough Season Reserve team pic. left: Miss !Barb Cann (front>; I to r , Cmdy Patnck, Penny Jones, Sandy Gross, Mindy Kronenberger, Wendy Anderson, Angie Bauer, Trac1 Shelton , Kelli Stroop, Lisa Hazen. The reserve team fell on hard t1mes this year, compiling a 3 and 12 record. The g1rls were basically young and lacking m expenence. Pic below, nght, M1ss Cann try1ng to pep up (1. to r.l Cindy, M1ndy, Traci, & Angie; below middle Bobbi Jo Leyes in a defensive position? (waiting for Encl Below left, Sharon Pettit, who is not camera-shy; left pic (bleeding to p. 56) Pam Scherer driving¡ Bottom r ., A tete-atete.
The Reserves are hop1ng to make great stn des this summer and follow m the footsteps of th1s year' s varsity
Christmas Concert
In this year's Nativity scene was portrayed by Ang1e N1x (above), and (left) Rob Karman, Mark Creekmore, Brenda Sm1th, Randy Ridinger, Jackie Fisher, Missy Edwards, and Janet Rush.
Gets the Spirit Going This year's Christmas Concert got the Christmas spirit going When the concert began, the room was pitch black. Candles were ht and the singing began . After the Chorus filled the room with beautiful music and the aud ience' s hearts with spirit , the band played many familar carols. The directors, Mr. Gradel for the Chorus and Mr. Ling for the Band, did a wonderful job. Below, right, Jeff Vanderpool's solo; left The band plays to bring out the spmt.
Vocal Music Shines Girls Chorus Takes Highest State Honors
Right Picture, Girls Chorus L to R: Top row Cathy Joefeda, Debbie Hall, Cindy Gross Middle row Angie Nix, Tammy Spencer, Sandy Armstrong, Gina Young, Stefanie Clark, Pat Koehler, Dana Spitznogle; Bottom row Sandy Gross, Cathy Booher, Janet Rush, RoseMary Kruer, Cindy Meece, Margaret Peters Picture Below Mixed Chorus L to R- Top Row Tim FranCISCO, Kevm Fultz, Paul Bernard, Eric Hass, Dav1d Dunkin, Pat Cass1dy, Jeff Vanderpool, Maria Vint, Randy Ridinger; M1ddle row Sandy Gross, Angie Nix, Cathy Joefreda, Dana Sp1tznogle, Stefanie Clark, G1na Young, Sandy Armstrong, Cindy Allen, Karen S1zelove, Pat Koehler; Bottom row Becky Cook, Pam Shutts, Cathy Booher, Joni Frye, Tammy Spencer, Margaret Peters, C1ndy Meece, Janet Rush, Jenny Rush RoseMary Kruer, Debbie Hall
Upper nght picture-Boys Quartet L to R Eric Hass Paul Bernard, Dav1d Dunkin, Jeff Vanderpool. Bottom Rightpicture Adrian Singers Top row David Dunkin, Dana Spitznogle, Jeff Vanderpool; Bottom row Tammy Spencer, Pat Koehler, Jenny Rush.
With Superior Ratings All Groups Take ''Superiors" In District
T.B. chorus, Kevin Fultz, Tim Francisco, Paul Bernard, Pat Cassidy, Jeff Vanderpool, top row L. to R.; David Dunkin, Eric Hass, Scott Gorsuch, Randy Ridenger, Mana Vint
Madrigal picture above; bottom row L. To R ; Cathy Joefreda, Tammy Spencer, Margaret Peters, Dana Spitznogle, Jenny Rush, 2nd row; Patti Koehler Stefanie Clark, Gina Young, Debbie Hall, 3rd row; Kevm Fultz, Eric Hass, Paul Bernard, David Dunkin, Jeff Vanderpooi.TnpleTrio picture right: bottom row L. to R.; Tammy Spencer, Patti Koehler, Jenny Rush, Margeret Peters, Stefanie Clark, top row L. to R.; Cathy Joefreda, Debbie Hall, Gina Young, Dana Spitznogle bottom left picture; the Senior members Bottom nght picture; the Adrian singers
Stage Band Looking, Sounding Good!
1980 Stage Band, I. to r. , row 1, John Gheanng, Dale Edwards, Dean Edwards, Steve Anderson, Eric Hass, Mary Williams, Glenda Cherryholmes, Connie Laird, Rob Karman; row 2, Mr. Dennis L1ng, director, Doug Combs, Paul Bernard, Brian Hisle, Kev1n Fultz, Scott Gorsuch Mike Lamb; back row, Mary Davis, Chris Colv1n, Steve Boggs, Lisa Hazen. The Stage Band accompanied the Marching Band to Washington D.C. for the Cherry Blossom Fest1val this spring. They placed consistently well in competitions . Most of the Stage Band members also play in the Pep Band, Marching Band and Orchestra. Their Repertoire includes the big band sound h1ts, pop, sw1ng, and some rock. (Not Pic . C & B. Campbell, M. Tidwell , " Pooh" )
More Candids .....
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Students Chosen For State Convention Students are selected for a convention in Columbus whtch carries out the functions of State and Local Government. 4 acttve students were chosen to attend th is year, based on leadership, scholarship, and character. The American Leg10n Auxiliary sponsors the local students. The students elect mayors, senators, etc. & learn better how our govern ing processes work.
Boy's State
Girl's State
Above , Robby Kronenberger Below, Dean Edwards
Above , Ann Ward low Below, Conn ie Laird
FHA/ HERO Challenges the M up pets
The Future Homemakers of America / Home Economics Recognition Organization are the two united youth organ1zat1ons which have been in Waynesville H S. for 8 years. FHA is the h1gh school chapter and HERO is the vocational school group. The two groups establish leadership and give a sense of accomplishment to young people in the home ec areas. Th1s year FHA HERO raised money for the Shrine Hospital by selling computer tee-shirts. They also held a nutrition puppet show (watch out muppets!) which is pictured below. This show was attended by a lot of the elementary pupils. FHA / HERO is open to anyone who has one semester of home ec. Some of the members are p1ctured here: I. to r, Mrs. Conley, advisor, Penny Wright, Kathy Randolph, Janet Haltom, Mike Jones, Mary Boiling, M1ke Merely, Donna Chattin
Above, FHA/ HERO Officers; Left, Puppets and Puppeteers from the FHA/ HERO nutntion puppet show.
Chess Club Front, I to r Jeff Florence Scott Hoffman, Back; Steve Stevens, Charles Overbee, Mike Jones, Jim Grice; Pic's. below, I. to r. : Jim Grice; Steve Stevens concentrating; M1ke Jones & Charles Overbee. Bottom left, the Super Semors; & bottom right Mike Jones & Charles Overbee with the1r advisor, Mr. Bill Jones. The Chess Club had a successful year, taking a first place tie in the league. The1r record was 3-0-2 and this allowed them to be invited to a state tournament. Individual records are: Mike Jones 4-1-1, Charles Overbee 3-1-1, Scott Hoffman 2-0 Jim Grice 2-1; Jeff Florence 4-1-1; Steve Stevens 3-2.
CLUB 1980 The sk1 club was headed by Mr. Mescher It met, usually once a week, at Sugar Creek Sk1 Lodge 1n Bellbrook. The Season started out slowly because of lack of snow.
Bottom, I. to r., Mr. Mescher, Kevin Fultz, Rodney Robbins, Rob Karman , Mark Clark, Tom Karman; Row 2, Chen Beyes, Jon1 Benson , Ann Wardlow, Angie Bauer, Cathy Joefreda, Jackie Fisher; Top row, Jenny F1sher, Stefanie Clark, Anne Joefreda, Lon1 Ste1nohrt, Julie Snoddy.
First row left to nght Mrs. Clark, David Hurley, Chns Sheehan, Debbie Campbell, Jenny Fisher, Greg Polly, Debbie Hall, Shara Cherryholmes, Cary Karman, Ann Wardlow, Pat Lander Second row - Charles Overbee, Chns Smead, Mark Se1dl, Dean Edwards, Dana Spitznogle, Chns Colvin, Trish Garrett, Patt1 Koelher, Jackie Fisher, Jeff Vanderpool, Third row- David Dunkm, Scott Ray, Janet Rush, Anne Williams, Scott Gorsuch , Mike Gadd, Vince Peak, Katrina Hogan, Dale Edwards, Fourth row Enc Hass, Rob Karman, Bobby Campbell, Derwin Hansard, Billy Peters, Glenda Cherryholmes, Pat Cassidy, Connie Laird, Steve Anderson, Brian Hisle, Mark Kennedy. Pictured directly below: left to right Secretary- Debbie Hall; Vice President Debbie Campbell; President- Jenny Fisher; Treasurer Katrina Hogan.
The Graduating National Honor Society Members (Uh, Dav1d , the other way!!l
Spartacus members, front, I to r , Donna Carter, Joni Frye, Mary Davis, Shelly Powell, Lillian Carter, Mary Beth Rye, Terri Kidd, Bonn1e Alford, Doug Combs, Mrs. Townsend, Advisor. Back row: Missy Edwards, Jenny Gerspacher, Anne Joefreda, Dale Edwards, Richard Benson, Alan Russell. The Spartacus Staff, with Mrs. Townsend 's untiring assistance, produces an informative and popular school newspaper several times each school year, with the Sen1or Ed1t1on com1ng out just before prom. The first per. journalism class makes the paper
Semor Spartacus Staff members are, standing, I. to r., Tim Francisco, Terri Kidd , Donna Carter, Richard Benson ; Seated ; Lillian Carter & Anne Joefreda No editor was selected this year, as several people carried out the editor' s function .
Office Girls Front, I. to r., Debbie Campbell, Mary Chatt1n, Michele Moser. Rear, I. to r., Vicki Finke, Rhonda Purkey, Chns Sheehan, Jill Michi, Sharon Pettit. The office girls carry out various jobs for Mrs Sheehan, Mr. Williams & the teachers. They can be depended on to deliver messages, run off tests, keep an eagle eye on suspended students (esp. Jill Michil or cheerfully disturb any class to call someone to the office.
Library Workers
Above, Library workers I. to r., front, Donna Campbell, Maria Vint, Pat Hayes; back, I. to r, Rae Townsend, Melissa Marconet. The picture to the right shows the girls after having received their certificates at the Academic Awards Program. The librarian, Mrs. Clark, IS pictured on the right of the photo. Besides checking out books, the library workers do many of the tasks which help keep our library running smoothly.
Yearbooi<- We Went For It
• • •
Left, Mr. Dillon, advisor; above, Shara Cherryholme s, ed1tor- in- Ch1ef; below, I. to r., Oocked out of Anne's carl, Glenda Cherryholmes, Shelly Davisson, Debbie Hall, 1n front of car- Jackie Fisher, Anne Joefreda, Brenda Sm1th, Cindy Reeves, V1ck1 Finke. P1c 1dent1fication p. 73: Upper right, DuWayne Rain s, Brenda Smith, m1ddle left, Glenda Cherryholmes; lower left, Debbie Hall, Art Editor <Debbie des1gned the '79 cover and executed th1s year' s cover, which was based on a design by Glenda Cherryholmes); Lower nght, the Yearbook Staff attendmg a yearbook workshop in Cincinnati: around the table, from left to right are Shara Cherryholmes, Debbie Hall, Glenda Cherryholmes, Derwin Hansard Vicki F1nke DuWayne Rains, across table Shelly Davisson, Pat Koehler, Jackie Fisher, Cindy Reeves, Trish Garrett, Brenda Sm1th, Anne Joefreda. This year's yearbook staff was about the same as those in the past. At the beginning of the school year, everyone was exc1ted and anxious to put together a good book. But when the work started build ing up, fewer people came to meet1ngs and enthu siasm sagged But finally things came together with the help of the faithful four: Mr. Dillon Shara Cherryholmes, Brenda Smith , Glenda Cherryholmes. We would also l1ke to thank several people who contributed p1ctures to this year's book. Shelly Davisson, Mary Beth Rye, Mrs. Powell, Mrs . Stoneburner, Mike Anderson , Mrs. Karman , Mr Ling . Osborne Studios & Mr. Ferguson d1d a very good JOb of processing and return1ng our activity pictures promptly. We want to thank John Jones & Ms. Pat Lucas of Herff- Jones for their encouragement & help. I would personally like to thank Mr. Dillon for working faithfully to the end on the book. Also, I'd like to wish next year' s staff luck. Shara Cherryholmes 72
And It's A Wonder We Ever Got Done! A Note From Mr. Dillon : Shara Cherryholmes, pictured left, has been Editorin-Chief of our yearbook for the past three years. She never missed a meeting; she was totally dependable; her intelligence and ability to adapt to and solve the many problems of putting together a yearbook are laudable. I will miss her good humor & hard work & the Y.B. will miss her leadership.
Cary l<arman Chosen Sweetheart Queen Sweetheart Dance February 16, 1980 Amidst hearts and red streamers, Cary Karman was elected Sweetheart Queen 1980. Each school organization nom1nates a candidate & the winner is chosen by those attending the dance. The French Club sponsored Cary. "Ayre" was the band (with Gina Young singing, Dave Hendrickson, Dave Heisey, Jeff Vanderpool, Dean Edwards, Kevin Fultz & Tom R1ckey>. The Student Council annually sponsors the dance which is held around St. Valentine's Day. The semi-formal occasion was especially nice this year because of good music & food .
Sweetheart Queen Cary Karman flanked by brothers Rob (1.) & Tom .
Whipettes Down Borgie Busters
65-62 in Intramurals Finals Saturday Morning Intramurals Program Allows Many to Participate; Mr. Webb Finds You Can Get K1ds Up On Saturday For Competitive Basketball Fun ! The Whipettes Defeated the Borgie Busters in the final game of the intramural season . After defeating Donny Ramby' s Team (the B.Bs. defeated B. Taylor' s Magic Mushrooms) , the Whipettes came on strong because the team worked well together. Pic. below, I. to r . (Whipettes) J. McKalip, B. Elam, M. Morley, Capt. S. Borgerding, B. Horseman . (not pic . B. Campbell, B. Madison). Bottom (B.Bs.) Capt. M. Dyer, S. Stevens, C. Overbee, J. Florence, S. Hoffman, T. Karman.
/, 75
CLASS OFFICERS Below. The Sen1or class officers were " up a tree th is year " From left to nght Stefanie Clark, Sec.; Alison Haxton, President; Cathy Joefreda, Vice President; Anne Joefreda, Treas , Debbie Campbell , Business Manager ¡ and Shara Cherryholmes, Bus1ness Manager. To the nght The Sophomore class officers - Janet Rush, Treas .; Penny Jones, Scot Gorsuch Vice President; Mike Gadd, Pres1dent.
Above: The Junior class officers- Oeft to nghtl- Steve Anderson, Business Manager; Ann Wardlow, Bus1ness Manager; Jackie Fisher, Sec; Shelly Powell, Treas ; Trish Garrett, Vice President; and Rob Karman, President. To the left The Freshman class officers <left to right> - Tom Karman, Treas. ; M1chele Moser, President, Rodney Robbms, Vice President; and Wendy Schmidt, Sec.
This year awards were given for winter sports at the Athletic Banquet. Pictured are just a few of the many people who received awards . Awards were given to people in basketball, girls basketball, cheerleading, and also to statisticians.
This year's spring musical production, CAROUSEL was a big hit. With leads David Dunkin as Billy Bigelow, Tammy Spencer as J uhe Jordan, Margaret Peters as Carrie Pippendge, and Jeff Vanderpool as Enoch Snow, the play was sure to be a success from the start. The scenery was very well done, especially the carousel which was home made but looked like the real thing . The audience had a chance to see a completely different s1de of the actors as they portrayed their characters so convincingly. Everything went smoothly (except for Friday night when Mr. Bascombe was late arriving on the docks). CAROUSEL was a play that will long be remembered by everyone who saw it and everyone who was Involved in it thanks to the wonderful directing of Mr. Gradel.
In Order of Appearance
Cam" Ptpp!'r~d~e
\.1argarN Pete"
Jul1e Jordan
[,Jmmy '>pPne<â&#x20AC;¢r
'-1rs Mullin Bdly Btgelow Juggl"r Pol1ceman Mr Bascomb!' I'Oett1e Fowler
Pat t-.o...hiE>r Da"d Ounkm Scott Ray
J1gger Cra1g1n
Cathy Joefreda
Jeffrey Vanderpool fr~c
Stelan1P Clark
Scot Gorsuch
PnnCipal Or S!'ldon
Opposite page: bottom row middle and last Mr. Gradel, d1rector; the light crew Kevin Foltz, Dean Edwards; and Ed Hass. The lighting crew did a good job this year, as did all of the persons involved with the play.
Dan cers
Paul B!'rnard
ll!'av!'nly Fr~end
l noch Snow, Jr
Jon1 Benson Paul Bernard Glenda Cherryholmes Becky Cook Stefan1e Clark jenny Fisher Scot Gorsuch Cary Karman Rob Karman
Pat Cass1dy
Dana Sp1tznogle fnoch Snow
Pam Koehler Cindy Meece Ang1e IX Michelle Powell Randy Ridmger Dana Sp1tznogle Rae Townsend Ann Wardlow Gma Young
Paul Bernard Pat Cass1dy Stefan1e Clark Jenny F1sher Scot Gorsuch Cary Karman Rob Karman Mark Kennedy
Pam Koehler M1chelle Moser Ang1e 1x M1chelle Powell Randy R1dmger Dana Sp1tznogle Ann Wardlow Gma Young
RosE' Mary Kruer Rob Karman Scot Gorsuch Dana Spttznogle Mr< L t-. Gradel
Waynesville was fortunate to hear some excellent music this spring. First the Cincinnati Symphony Orch. gave an informal presentation of how an orchestra works ... with explanations of each section. Our students were polite & enjoyed the program. Then, 1n May, the annual Spring Concert was given by the Mus1c Dept.
Cincinnati Symphony, H.S. Groups
P1ctured above is the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra & several of the bass fiddle cases (with a little personal humor) . On p. 85 top left is the Girl 's Chorus; top r., Steve Anderson soloing with the Stage Band; Middle left, the Stage Band with Mr. Ling directing; middle right, Boys Chorus; Bottom left, the Mixed Chorus with Mr. Gradel (not p1c.l as D1rector The School Orchestra 1s not pictured .
Give Spring Performances
Band "blossoms'' in Washington
The band had a really great experience. They v1sited and saw many places: the Department of pnnting and engrav1ng, the Capitol , the Wh1te House, the Smithsonian Institution. Arli ngton National Cemetary, Mt. Vernon the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memonal, the Washington Monument, the L1brary of Congress, Iwo Jima Memonal, John F Kennedy' s grave, the Pentagon, and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In a special ceremony, our band pres., Tammy Jones, and a member of East Clinton's band placed a wreath on the Tomb. The band had fun marching in back of the Wh1te House. In the1r class, they placed s1xth . F1rst row 0. to r.> Lynn Riddle, Tammy Spencer, Kim Eakins, Vicki Finke, Cathy Joefreda, Cary Karmen, Ann Wardlow, Glenda Cherryholmes, L1sa Hazen Pam Egbert. C1ndy Anderson, Cheri Bayes, Rochelle Smith , Shara Cherryholmes, Donna Campbell, Debbie Shuler, Mary Gilliam, Dana Sp1tznogle, Darren Ling, Anne Williams, Joni Frye. Mary Williams, Bobbi Jo Leyes, Lori Foust, Carla
Taylor, Vicki Vair. Second row; Becky Mellot, Jim Patton, Andy Engel, Steve Boggs, Kevin Fultz, Danny Channey, Ken Osborne, Bryan Hisle, Dale Edwards, Jeff Vanderpool, Mark Joefreda, Judy Briggs, Cheryl Stevens, Katrina Hogan, Connie Laird, Linda Ramsey, Rae Townsend, Theresa Stamen, Michele Powell, Mary Davis, Tammy Jones, Doug Combs, Mark Tidwell, Rob Karmen, Pat Cassidy, John Ghearing, Scot Gorsuch, Diane Bumgardener Third row; David Duncan, Chris Henderson, Steve Anderson, Ed Orr, Kenny Kurtz, Chns Colvin Dean Edwards, Mike Wiley, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. Anderson, Mrs. L1ng, Mr. Ling, Mrs. Combs, Gene Reilly, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith, Mrs Frye, Mr. Campbell, Scott Campbell, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Cherryholmes, Mr. Cherryholmes, Mr. Wardlow, Mrs. Wardlow, Enc Hass, Paul Bernard, Mike Lamb, Andre Roeder, Rodney Robbins, Scott Kleski, Alan Wardlow.
Cinders In Their Shoes, Tracksters
Right, 1980 Boy's Track Team S1tt1ng , I. to r Brad Measel, Randy R1dmger Steve Roark Eric Messer, Craig Campbell, Row 1, I. to r., Chuck Parks Chuck Crone, Rod Robbms, Jeff George Russell Winsted, Dale Edwards, Todd Patton Back row, I. to r , Ken Osborne, Chns Chenoweth, Enc Measel, Mark Clark, Dave Brady, Scott Klesk1 Darryl Woods, Coach Keith Mescher. It was a rocky road for the track team th1s year. The team was young w1th only one Sen1or !Rid1ngerl. Although good individual efforts were made, the the season didn' t gel C. Chenoweth was MVP.
Ken Osborne practicing the high jump (above>.
Eric Measel perfecting his high hurdles technique
Senior Randy Ridinger getting limbered up. Randy was the only Sen1or member of the team this year.
Find The Season Rocky Left, Chuck Parks throwing the d1scus, Below, Mark Clark, Jeff George & Dave Brady taking it easy. Middle left, Russ Winsted faking a work out; middle picture, Rodney Robb1ns keeps Improving m the hurdles.
Above, Todd Patton " pos1ng."
Far left, Eric Messer trying to beat the bar to the ground . Left, Cra1g Campbell showed strength in the running events.
Girls Strong In Running Events; 1980 G1rls Track Team, Row 1, I. to r., Janet Rush, Lani Ste1nhort, Lisa Humphrey, Angie Bauer, Michele Moser, Cindy Patrick, Anne Williams; Row 2, I. to r., Cheryl Lohse Shelly Kronenberger, Karen Brady, Melinda Kronenberger, Wendy Anderson. Chene Bayes Sharon Pettit; Back, Coach Bob Lohse. The girls had a successful season, particularly in the running events The 2-mile relay team (Cheryl Lohse, Michele Moser, Shelly Kronenberger, Janet Rush) advanced to the State Track Meet where it took 8th place Janet Rush also advanced to the semi-finals of the State 440 yard dash. Congratulations are 1n order for these fine showings. Pic. below: Anne Williams throw1ng the discus; Below right: Mr. Lohse workmg on handing off the baton; Bottom: left, Wendy Anderson at the d1scus; middle, Angie Bauer on hurdles, right, Cindy Patrick passes off to Karen Brady. P 91, Top left, the 2-mile relay team with, I. to r., Janet Rush (also 440), Michele Moser, Shelly Kronenberger, Cheryl Lohse .. 8th in the State !
2-Mile Relay 8th 1n State Below, Senior members Cheryl Lohse, Anne Williams, Lan1 Ste1nohrt, (Arnie Buxton IS not pictured) ; Middle left, Sharon Pettit passes off to Lani S. Bottom left, M1ndy Kronenberger on low hurdles .
Above, Cheryl Lohse geanng up for the State Meet. M V P award went to Janet Ru sh . The Most Improved award was given to Michele Moser.
Young Spartans Go For Winning Season!
1980 Spartan Baseball Team Row 1, seated I. t o r , Donny Rockhold , DuWayne Ra1ns, Doug Combs, Kurt Purkey, Erich Raasch, Rusty Kunger, Coach Bob Kennedy, Row 2, I. to r., Paul Scherer, Davi d Deters, Brad Couch, Dave Hurley, Darrell Wahsum, V1ncent Leyes, Jimmy Johnson, Kirk Kennedy, Brian McKinney, Chns Colvin . Oppos1te page, top left, D Rain s wh1zz1ng one by another batter; top right, D. Rockhold w1th a new- found fnend , bottom left, P Scherer helping at fieldmg practice; Bottom nght, Raasch (I l & Deters collide in the " Fielding Follies". P 93, Middle 1 K. Kennedy w1nd ing up; r., Couch cracks one; Below, Seniors Leyes, Scherer & Hurley
The young Spartan Baseball team brought a winning season to the school for the first ti me in a number of years . Considering the past, there was great improvement 1n all phases of the game: pitching, fielding and balling . The team record was 7- 6 and 6- 4 1n the K.T.C. Most Valuable player was Senior Dave Hurley. The most improved player was Sophomore Rusty Kuriger. Top batters were Dave Hurley, DuWayne Ra1ns, Darrell Wahsum, Vincent Leyes, and Dave Deters. Nine of the sixteen players were sophomores or freshmen , so the future looks bnght for baseball at Waynesville. The team had more enthus1asm and spirit this year and seemed more ready to play ball. Jun1ors Couch (pitcher), Wahsum, Rains, & Combs w1ll be back next year to lead the Spartans Kirk Kennedy showed maturity as pitcher & J1mmy Johnson d1d well as shortstop. 93
. April 1n Paris:
Above, French Club members Row 1, I. to r., Stefanie Clark, Becky Cook, Mary Beth Rye, Christine Sheehan, Cary Karman, Greg Patterson, Robby Kronenberger Row 2, I. to r., Lisa Campbell , Jeff Florence, Anne Joefreda, M1ke Gadd, Darrell Wahsum, Bnan Thacker, Scott Graham, Tom Karman Below, French Club Officers, I. to r., Christine Sheehan (Secretary), Jeff Florence (Treasurer), Cary Karman CVice-Pres1dentl, Stefanie Clark <President>.
For the second straight year, members of the French Club traveled to France, accompanied by Mr. Dillon The tnp mcluded an overnight stay in London as well as a train trip to Strasbourg & brief vis1t to Germany Money for the tnp was earned through a TV. Raffle & a gourmet 8-course dinner for 134 people at the 1776 Inn . The students earned much of the money but their parents came through with lots of francs & support. Highlights of the trip include gourmet dining at Chez Julien (Pans) & the Auberge de 1' 111 Ollhauersern, Alsacel, the Palace D1sco 1n Paris, meeting lots of people from France, Sweden, England, Pooh's Plunge from a moving train, the day spent at Versailles, teasing "Pooh " Vanderpool, meeting in the boys' penthouse at the hotel, Easter at Notre Dame, the GOOD food <Cary, Annie rooted down . so did Pooh) The whole tnp was fun .
Pictured above are the tnp participants, I. to r , M1ke Gadd, Mary Beth Rye, Chns Sheehan, Stevie Clark, Cary Karman , Ann1e Joefreda, Jeff " Pooh" Vanderpool, Jeff Florence, Becky Cook. Opposite page: Jeff maki ng friends for America; the Thinker by Rodin ; the plane trip was too long!; Tomb of Napoleon, Th1s page: fountain on Place de laConcorde; Friendship & Statues in Versailles; Alexander Ill bridge; & Ia Tour Eiffel. The universal quotes were: " I don't want to leave" & 'I'm coming back."
Softballers Have Moments of Glory; Wical
Team Members are front row L. to R Carla Taylor, Mary Boiling, Patti Hayes, Shelly Powell Kelly Worthmgton, Cindy Allen , Pam Koehler 2nd row L. to R.; Karen Wical, Julie Snoddy Tammy Jones, Vick1 Sm1th and not pictured Trish. The softball team was a young team w1th all new players except for three returning girls. The season started out slowly due to lack of expenence but, by the end of the season, the team salvaged four WinS.
top left p1cture Karen and Julie monkeying around bottom left; Vicki Smith practiCing, top right; Karen hitting dunng the Southeastern game, below; Julie going for first, Shelly getting ready, bottom right, Carla Taylor catchmg a fly ball.
1980 K.T.C. Champs, I. to r., Row 1, Robb Karman, Scott Hoffman, Donny Ramby, Jeff Florence, Mike Gadd . R. 2, I. to r., Derwin Hansard, Mark Tidwell, Tim Osborne, Rodney Akers, Coach Dave Barton. The powerful, balanced Spartan Tenn1s Team roared to the Kenton Trace Conference title again this year, with a 15-2 record . This was the second consecut1ve year that the team remamed undefeated in the league. The highlight of the season was the big 4- 1 win over boastful Clinton-Massie. In that match, tension built after Rodney Akers lost his 1st singles to C-M ' s B. Lamke. Since the league title depended on the outcome of this contest, there was a lot riding on the 2nd & 3rd singles. Scott Hoffman (2nd singles) and Jeff Florence (3rd, for th is match) came through,
Tennis Team Maintains
posting decisive wins. Mark Tidwell Don Ramby and Tim Osborne / Derwin Hansard at doubles also proved too hard for the Falcons to handle! In the Sectionals, everyone advanced at least to the third round with Akers getting to the fourth round before bowing out. Final season records for each boy are: Akers {12-8), Hoffman (16- 4), Ramby {13 - 6), Florence {17- 3), Osborne (14-3), Tidwell {16-3) , Hansard (6-1), Karman (9-4) . Mike Gadd & Mary Davis played in Reserve matches <Gadd was 1-0 in varsity competition). Allleague players were Rod Akers, Scott Hoffman, & Don Ramby. Outstanding performance trophies went to Scott Hoffman & Jeff Florence. Akers lettered 4 yrs., Ramby 3 yrs. For Hoffman, Florence & Osborne, it was their second letter year.
P. 99 (top) I. J . Florence; r. Ramby, Osborne. Bottom of Senior Akers sweating out a Ramby & Tidwell tearing up
relaxmg, Coach Barton, Akers, pp. 98-99 I. to r ., Coach & 2nd smgles match; Hoffman, Clinton - Mass1e ! 99
Students Honored For ScholarThe Honors given at the Academic Awards Program are an important recognition of the highest scholarship and service of the students of WHS. Many of the award recipients are pictured here. Right, Shane Sh1vely <Student ass'U; Far right, Billie Peters w. Mrs. Conley <Home Ec Student Ass't), Below Student Ass't. Mary Gilliam & Mr. Ling Below Mr Ling: the French awards, I. tor., Lisa Campbell (Fr. II), Pat Hayes, Rae Townsend, Conn1e La1rd (Fr. 1). To the right of that picture is shown Mr. Benton being inducted as an honorary member of the Nat'l. Honor Soc. by Steve Anderson. Bottom, Citizenship Awards, I. to r. Seniors Cary Karman, Mark Kennedy with Dr. Moreland; Soph K1m Eakins, Freshman Kathy Phipps. In the middle of the 2 pages are 2 of the Vo-Ed Students w. 3.5 averages: Paul Scherer & M1ssy Fox.
ship & Service =
Seniors w. 3.5 or above avg . all 6 years are, I to r., Greg Polly, Jenny F1sher, Mana Vint, Chns Sheehan, Shara Cherryholmes. Congratulations to these top students.
Above, I. to r Sophs w. 3.5 avg : Eric Hass, Glenda Cherryholmes Pat Cassidy, Mike Gadd .
Above, Rae Townsend, Oustand1ng Freshman 1979-80 with Dr Moreland, Superintendent.
Above, Freshmen with 3.5 or above: I. to r., Pat South, Tom Karman, Andy Engel, J1m Grice, Rae Townsend, Pat Hayes (4.0). Left, the only Junior hav1ng a 3.5 or above average, Jack1e F1sher (" It' s lonely at the top!")
M 1ss Anderle Typing, Accounting, Government Mr. Brower World Lit., Bible Lit., Eng. II Mrs. Clark Librarian
Mr Barton Geography, Government, Dnvers Ed. Mrs. Buckley- Art I, II, III M r Collins I.A. C.
Mr Benton American His., World His., Civics Mr. Cessna Guidance Counselor Mrs. Conley- Home Ec., Child Care, Home Fur.
Mr Dillon French I, II, Ill, Ohio His., Yearbook Mr. Gradei- Drama, Speech, Adv Drama, Chorus Mr Uffick- Physical Education
Mrs. Finch Gen . Math, Basic Alg ., Alg . I Mr. Kennedy- Social Science, Gen . Sc1ence, Health Mr. Ling Stage Band, Music Appr , Band
Mrs. Finke- Physical Education Mrs. King - A.P., Composition, Novel, Eng. Lit., Eng. II, Short Story Mr. Mescher- Off. Pract., Gen . Bus., Per. Typ.
Mrs. Polly Alg . I, II, Geometry, Advanced Math Mrs Watson Foods, Sewing , Home Ec., Fam. Living, Com. Ed.
Mr. McGeehan- Shop Mr. Polly- Biology I, Physiology, Zoology Mrs. Townsend- Communications, Eng. I, Mass Media
Mrs. Patton- Special Education Mr. Tharr Bio. I, Gen. B1o., Chemistry, Physics Mr. Webb- Mythology, Civ1cs, Sociology, Psychology, Fant. Lit., Eng. I
Junior High Faculty
Mrs. Ames Science, Art Mrs. Deering-Counselor Mrs. Edwards Sctence, Reading
Mrs. Brewer- English Mr. Conway- Math Mr. Gibbs- Math
Mrs. Casstdy- English Mrs. Dye Speech Therapist Mrs. Gradel Learning Disability
Mr. Osborne Science Mr. Vanderpool History
(1. to r.) Mr. Henson Phys. Ed., Health, Ath. Dir. Mr. Philpot Shop Mrs Lacy English; MiSS Walrup Social Studies Mr Watson Math; Mrs. Watson Phys. Ed , Health
Mr. Hampton IA.C Mrs . Vair Reading Mrs. Reed Librarian
Administration: Moreland Takes Over We are happy to welcome Dr. Stanley Moreland and his charming wife Jan to our school and community. Dr Moreland, who has a PhD 1n School Finance has already proven to be a strong asset to our school HIS interest in the teachers, students and general Improvement of Wayne Local Schools 1s apparent. His desire to better all aspects of the school will be of benefit to the whole community. Welcome and good luck!
The Helm! School Board Chooses New Superintendent
Above, Supenntendent Stanley Moreland Left, Caroline Smallwood, Sec'y to the Supt.
Above Clerk of Sch Board , Mrs. Betty Rickey. Below, Mrs. Rickey's Sec y., Janet Carter.
SCHOOL BOARD Pictured above, left to right, the Wayne Local Board of Education : Mr. Gary lhle, Vice-President Mr. Paul Michener, Mrs. Claire Dunkin, Mr. Fred Hubbell and President Mr. Warren Sheehan . The School Board Treasurer, Mrs. Betty Rickey, is pictured above left.
Williams, Francisco, Ames Lead Schools left, High School Principal Mr. Charles Williams
left, High School Secretary, Mrs . Sheehan below Athletic Director, Mr. Liffick
left, Jumor High Principal, Mr. Craig Francisco left, Junior High Secretary, Mrs. Patton
Below, Jan and Stanley Moreland Lower left, Elem. Principal, Mr. Byron Ames
left, Elementary Sec'y., Mrs. Kier
Staff Keeps Us Photo 1dent. p. 110: nght, Mr. Bob Campbell, head of maintenance; below left, Mr. D1ck Campbell & admirers; below nght, Mr. Lamb & the elus1ve Mr. Keplinger; Bottom left Bus Dnvers, I tor. Mr Kronenberger Mrs. Taulbee, Mrs. Kinsel, Mrs. Treon, Mr Holliday, Mrs. Lmebaugh; bottom r., Mrs. Judy Treon, Transportation Supervisor; Bus Dnvers not p1c.: Mrs . Woods, Mrs. Andrews, Miss Ge1ger, Mrs. Cochran, Mr. Akers (sub) , Mr. Hartsock (part of yr.l Photo ident. p. 111: top left, Custodians Mr. Peters, Mr. Stansbury. Custodians not pic.: Ms Stansbury, Mrs. Sheppard; top center, Jr. High / Eiem Clerks Mrs. Conners (bottom) , Mrs. Carter (topl; top right, Mrs . Howard (1.) & Mrs. Bourne, High School Clerk; Middle left, Jr. High / Eiem . Cooks, I. to r., Mrs. Johnson, Mrs O' Ban10n (Head Cook) , Mrs . Mellott, Mrs . Hopkins, Mrs Stiles, Mrs. Robinson; middle center, High School Cook Mrs . Powell; middle right, High School Cook Mrs. Hale; Bottom left, Retiring Jr. High Elem Cook Mrs . Martha Hatton; bottom right, Mrs. Malcolm, School Nurse. These are the people who work so hard to keep our school running smoothly. They are to be complimented on the excellent job they do!
• • •
Fed, Clean, Moving, Healthy!
As Mrs. Hatton (below) rettres, we wish her the best of luck!!
.._.,.... ....... f I \ .,..Of.._.
Farewell To the Class Of 1980
Waynesville's 108th Commencement was held in the gym on a warm Sunday, May 25, 1980. For the first time only one ceremony was held, with a sermon by Rev. Hugh Hurley included in the graduation exercises After the welcome by Alison Haxton, there were speeches by the Salutatorian & Valedictorian, the sermon , presentation of awards & finally the presentation of diplomas. The following are the awards presented: Valedictorian Greg Polly, Salutatorian Shara Cherryholmes; (Third Place Jenny Fisher); Medal awards in specific areas of study: Art- Am ie Buxton, Home Ec Cindy Gross, Math- Shara Cherryholmes, Sc1ence Shara Cheeryholmes, Social Studies Chris Sheehan, English - Greg Polly, French - Greg Polly, Vocational- Charles Overbee, Sen1or Mus1c1an- Cathy Joefreda, Arion (Chorus) Jeff Vanderpool, John Phillip Sousa (Band) - Tammy Jones; Citizenship award Mark Kennedy; Act1v1t1es award Shara Cherryholmes, AthletiC Scholarship awards: the Mary L. Hartsock Award Cheryl Lohse, the Raymond F. Hatfield Award - David Hurley. The following Scholarships were also awarded. Honor SocietyJenny Fisher, Lions Club Debra Hall, Christine Sheehan, Deborah Campbell; Rotary Club - Mark Kennedy; Robert L. Bernard - Tammy Jones, Jeff Vanderpool, Oh1o Regents - Greg Polly (Merit certif S Cherryholmes, M Vint, D. Hall, C. Smead), Jaycees - Chris Smead ; David Furnas Memorial - Alison Haxton Tuiti on scholarships were also presented .
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108th Graduation: Seniors Waynesville's 108th Graduation took place on May 25, 1980 1n the jam-packed gym. The ceremony began at 8:00. Several of the activities are pictured here: nght, Valedictonan Greg Polly addresses the audience; Below, left, T1m Franc1sco about to don h1s mortar board; Below, right, Cathy Joefreda receiving the Outstanding Semor Mus1c1an Award from Dr. Moreland. P 131 (Top) left, Salutatorian Shara Cherryholmes; middle, V1ck1 Ray happy it's about over; nght, Mike & Scott relaxmg
Below left, 3rd ranked Jenny F1sher rece1ves her diploma, cum laude; below nght, Mike Grice gets last-minute help from Stevie.
Bottom, pages 130-131, I. to r., Dave Johnson can't believe how good it feels; Paul Scherer is fancy-free after the ceremonies; Janet McKalip & Vicki Smith are ready to go party; last pic. Donna Campbell, Shara Cherryholmes, Cindy Gross, Cary Karman, Sandy Armstrong & Jill M1schi 1n a happy pre-graduation moment.
Go For Sheepskins, Honors The Class of 1980 was one of the top scholastic classes to graduate from Waynesville H1gh School Five students maintained a 3.5 or above average throughout the1r h1gh school years: Greg Polly, Shara Cherryholmes, Jenny Fisher, Maria Vint, Christine Sheehan. Fifteen Seniors were Members of the National Honor Society. Alison Haxton, President of the Class all four years, set a standard for leadership.
Middle left, Eugene Malicote getting his diploma from Mr. Ihle; middle, the class awaits; nght, time for fond farewells.
Juniors Finally 1n Drive
Bonnie Alford Sherry Anderson Steve Anderson Scott Borgerding
Kelly Boyce Teresa Brown Leigh Ann Bursey Bob Campbell
Paul Carter Craig Coffman Teresa Coffman Den1se Colvin
Doug Combs Brad Couch
Wayne Couch Mary Davis
Dale Edwards Dean Edwards Melissa Edwards
Tina Ferguson Vicki Finke Jackie Fisher Melissa Fox
Joni Frye Trish Garrett Jenny Gerspacher Matt Ghearing
Mary Gilliam Derwin Hansard Mike Hoffer
Katrina Hogan Rob Karman
Junior Candids
Patty Koehler Robby Rronenberger
Connie Laird Pat Lander
Brenda Lohse Leon McGeorge David Madron Dan Mercer
Eric Messer Ernie Morgan Angie Nix Greg Patterson
Todd Patton Gloria Penrod
J Sharon Pettit Teresa Phipps
Michelle Powell Duwayne Rains Jenny Rush Tom S1mpson
Brenda Smith Lolita Sparks Tammy Spencer Dana Spitznogle
Teri Stephens Brian Thacker Mark Tidwell Darrell Wahsum
Ann Wardlow Dana Wilkerson Penny Wright Gina Young
Tonya Young NOT PICTURED Mark Adams, Dav1d Bailey, Dean Bla1r, Treva Brown, M1ke Bunnell, Allen Carter, Dawn Dunkm , Tma Elysroth , Ceyrrae Foust, Scott George, Teresa Harnson, R1ck Hillard , Brad Howard, Sus1e Huffman, Rhonda Keegan, Nathan Lawless, Danny Maynard, Jon Mellott, Phillip Merns, Shern Pnce, Rob Ramby, Kathey Randolph , Tim Reed, Tanya Reynolds, Randall Roark, Alan Russell, Mary Beth Rye, Jeff Se1dl, Darryl Sizelove, Randy Taylor, Jeff Watk1ns, Darrell Wi lder, George Wmstead, Bill Young
Sophomores Shift Into Second Greg Adams Mary Agee Cindy Allen Scott Arnold Steve Begley
Joni Benson Paul Bernard Steve Boggs Mary Boiling Kathy Booher
Dave Brady Judy Briggs Jeff Brown Craig Campbell Lisa Campbell
Pat Cassidy Donna Chattin Glenda Cherryholmes Mark Clark Richard Cochran
Jimmy Coffman Lisa Coffman Chris Colvin Becky Cook Shelley Davisson
Tony Davis David Deters David Dunkin Bill Elam Missy England
Jamie Ferguson Jeff Florence Kevin Fultz Mike Gadd Jeff George
Jeff Gillis Scott Gorsuch Sandy Gross Janet Halton Eric Hass
Pallas Hathaway Bryan Hisle Steve Hisle Becky Houseright Dena Hubbs
Danny Johnson Jimmy Johnson Doris Jones Penny Jones Jenny Jordon
Kirk Kennedy Kim Kidd Tracy Kidd Duane Knisley Michele Kronenberger
Rusty Kuriger Bobbi Leyes Harold Long Tammy Lynch Jeff Malicote
Jeff McKalip Bryan Mckinney Eric Measel Becky Mellott Jeff Miller
Robert Neace Jeff Newsome Kenny Osborne Brenda Page Vincent Peak
Billie Peters Dawn Rasnake Kevin Rathweg Mark Ratliff Scott Ray
Tracy Reynolds Marcus Rice Jaydeen Richards Stephen Roark Janet Rush
Pam Scherer Darrell Sharp Tracy Shelton Shane Shively Pam Shutts
Karen Sizelove Eileen Smith Lisa Smith Lucinda Stapleton Carla Taylor
Tracy Waltz Darrel Woods Kelly Worthington Scott Woolard Not pic. Chris Chenoweth, Kim Eakins, Louie Esselman, Randy Flexer, Robert Keegan, Trevi s Lewis, Laura Madden, Billy Mad1son, Ench Raasch, Mike Richards, Rob Malicote, Mike Smead Ryan Stapleton, Troy T1mmons, Tom Wallace, Frank Will iams, Mary Williams, Bob Young.
Freshmen: In Low Gear Wendy Anderson Angie Bauer
Cheri Bayes James Bishop
Doug Boggs Karen Brady Ed Brown Penny Burnell
Mary Chattin Debbie Cook Charles Crone Michele Didion
Tim Duff Andrew Engel Julian Farley Lori Foust
Michael Fox Marjorie Frederick Aaron Frye Dan Furnas
John Ghearing Phillip Gibson Mike Gilliam Robert Graham
James Grice Rodney Gruber Mike Hall
Jeff Harrison Fay Hatfield Patricia Hayes
Lisa Hazen Bruce Hogan Steve Hollandsworth
Lisa Humphery Debbie Isaacs Joe Isaacs
Acy Jackson Sherry Jackson Janna Jones
Tom Karman Jennifer Keller Scott Kennedy
Scott Kleski Pam Koehler Melinda Kronenberger
Rose Mary Kruer Tim Laird Mike Lamb
Pleasie Lamb Kenny Lowe
Melissa Marconet Lisa Marnott
Cindy Meece Karen Lindsey Brad Measel Donnie M1ller
Lonnie Miller Michele Moser Jimmy Nix Edd1e 0 dell
Charles Parkes Cmdy Patnck Troy Patton Tim Pennmgton
Tim Peyton Cathy Phipps
Doug Purdue Kurt Purkey
M1ke Ramby Kristy Rathweg Cindy Reeves Cheryl R1ce
Donna Rigney Rodney Robb1ns Christ1 Rockhold Donn1e Rockhold
Andrew Roeder Donna Ruse Tom Sackett Wendy Schmidt
Paul Seons Chip Sigmund Hubert Singer Kelly Sm1th
Pat South M1ke Spencer Theresa Stammen Cheryl Stephens
Lon Stoneburger Kelli Stroop Rae Townsend Julie Waddell
Not pic. G. Armstrong, R. Blackburn, B. Bollmg, J . Buckland, S. Gmgerich, T. Hoffman, T Henry, R. Isaacs, E Kuras, T. Metcalf, K. Pnce, K. Pursley, P. Robbins.
Eric Wilson Walker Winkler Mike Winstead Russell Winstead Not p1c. cont. C. Wnght L. Younker
Class of 84
8th Grade Jenny Agee Ronn1e Alford Kevm Ballard K1m Brady R1chard Bryant All1son Buckle
Diane Bumgardner Rhonda Burnell Laura Campbell Tom Carter Loretta Casebolt Jim Christman
Lewis Clark Mike Coffman Johny Collins Jeff Coleman Charles Conover Alan Cook
Lee Cornett Melanie Coy J1mmy Deters Scott Dunn Kathy Eakins Pam Egbert
Kevin Elcook Jenny F1nke Rob Fisher Patt1 Fntts R1chard Gibson David Gmocchio
Colleen Hatton Charles Hawk Cady Haxton Chns Henderson Mike Hess Roby Hockett
Sheila Hollan Linda Hollandsworth David Horseman Phillip Hubbell Billie Hubbs Lisa Isaacs
Mark Joefreda Teresa Johnson Mandy Johnson Greg Jones Donna Keegan Jeff Keegan Not. P1c - D Chaney, D Dodds, S Drake, J K1ng, B. Molten, T. Satterfield, L. Scott, R. Smith, D. Taylor, M. Wiley, R. Wnght.
Lisa Kerr John Kidd Bnan Koch Kenny Kurtz
Jenn1fer Lamb Paul Lamb Pauline Lamb Scott Lander Angela Lawson Dav1d Lewis
Ang1e Liffick Kev1n Maloney Gmny Martin Sherri Matter Melissa McKeever Rusty McGu1re
Steve Meece Carter Merns Carl M1ller Tammy Mmiard Dav1d Montag Marty Morgan
Steve Morgan Beth Myers Ed Orr Jeff Osborne Jim Patton Casey Peak
Tracey Peak Danny Peters Karen Pettit Daryl Plummer Angela Ramsey Holly Ratliff
Bryan Ray Jeff Reed Deanna Rice Rodney R1ce Lynn Riddle Cindy Rish
Jeff Ross Mark Rush Ang1e Scott David Shaffer Stac1 Shaffer Dav1d Sheehan Usa Shelton Leslie Shelton Becky Shmkle Ian Shultz Knstme Sigmund Blake Smallwood
Vicki Va1r Alan Ward low Larry Whipkey Michele Wiley Cindy Anderson Allen Begley Laura Blythe Dan Shellenbarger, Debbie Shuler, Mark Wampler, Matt Wolfe
7th Grade: Sherri Adams Angela Arthur Rodney Baily Jon Beachan Davy Boggs Steve Boggs
Curt1s Booher Chris Brookshire Randy Brown Cindy Buckland Dawn Burgess Clifford Caldwell
Mike Cassidy Steve Coffman Dean Cook Laurie Cook Roger Creamer Calvin Crutchfield
Jeff Crutchfield Tnsha Oils Skip Duncan R1chard Dunham J1mmy Elam Tomi Farley
Jerome Farley Gary Ferguson Larry Ferguson John Fillmore Teresa Forsythe Robert Fredrick
Chns Freeman Tom Fry Don Fueston Rhonda Fullerton John Fuston Gail Halton
Shelly Hamiel Heather Hass Scott Hathaway Julie Henderson T1m Hoffer Steve Hoffman
Delmar Isaacs Jeff Isaacs John Isaacs Tonya Jackson Mane Kronenberger Keith Lamb Dawn Lander Kevm Lawless
Class of 85 Kevin Lawson M 1chelle Litherland Linda Livingston L1sa Loehnng Becky Maloy Lisa Mann1ng
R1ta Marconet Tom McNutt William Merris Debbie Messenger Randy Metcalf Doug Miller
Tony Miller Kelly Miltenberger Melanie Moser Shari Mullins J1m Oaks Bryan Patton
Brenda Pennmgton Leroy Ph1pps DeWayne Purkey Shan Ramby Larry Randolph Deanne Rasnake
Steve Reed Cathy Robertson Tanya Robertson Tanya Roeder Jeanne Rohrback Steve Ryan
Jodi St. Pierre Barbara Scherer Chip Schmidt Darla Sharp Greg Shellenbarger Tamara Smith
Todd Sm1th Scott South Lisa Sutherland Greg Spears Dale Spitznogle Beth Ann Stammen
Lisa Stoneburner Carl Stivers Julie Taylor Roxi Thompson Vance Vair Dav1d Vanhoose
L1sa Weeks Bryan Younker
NOT PIC. J . Daye, L. Hadly, G. McNutt, S. Toedtmann, C. Wampler, K. Youtsey
6th Grade Bryan Agee Tracy Arthur T1na Ba1ley Tammy Ball T1m Bennett Teresa B1shop Jamey Blackburn Roger Briggs Chns Brower Melissa Buckle Patnck Burke Allen Casebolt Mike Chnstman Tammy Christy Eric Coffman Mark Coffman Chns Cole Tonya Conner Harriette Coll1ns Brent Coy Melissa Dav1dson Bobby Davis Julie Dunham Jimmy England Jenn1fer Estes D1ann Ferguson Abby Finke Jamie George Dav1d Gerspacher Ben Ghearing Crystal G1bson Melissa Hadley Cindy Hatfield Tracy Hatton Holly Hayes Eddie Henry Sandy H 1llard Brian Howard Mark Hurley Pam Hussey
Kev1n Ihle Denms Johnson
Leon Johnson
Class of 86 Stanely Jordan David Kurtz Michelle Lainhart James Lamb Tammy Lamb Timothy Livingston Chris Lowe Larry McGutre Ronnie Mtlby Danny Mintard Cliff Mtnnick Jennifer Montag John Montag Melissa Neace Jerry Neely Tom Osborne Chnsty Patnck Chns Phelps David Pierson Ltsa Raach Mike Randolph Mtcky Reynolds Todd Robertson Olaf Roeder Scott Rohrback Douglas Setdl Angie Shaffer Tim Shuler Douglas Simpson Jonathan Slone Paul Smith Theo Smtth Bnan Stephens Vicki Stroop Mary Tnmble Billy Weatherford Brent Wentzel Julie Williams Shane Williams Dana Wilson
Lynne Wilson Mark Wolfe
Not Pic. B. Drake, L. Fltnt, G. Larch B. Measel, T. Molten, A. Stafford, B. White
Ktm Younker
Jr. High Rolls Again; 5-l Season
Row 1, I. tor: A. Ward low, J . Collins, M . Wolfe, S. Meece, A Cook, P. Hubbell , T. Osborne, E. Orr. Row 2: D. Boggs, V. Vair, R. Alford, R. Hockett, M. Cass1dy, M . Joefreda, M Hess, B Patton. Row 3: R Bryant, D. Miller, M . Rush, D. Lewis, J . Deters, J . Oaks, T. McNutt Row 4: C Miller, C. Merris, J . Reed, S Bogg, N Lawless, J Kidd Row 5: T. Frye, R Ba1ly, S Reed, MGR C Henderson, D. Peters S. Hathway, Coaches Jerry Henson and Jim Philpot The Junior High Football team had a very successful season The young Spartan team ended the year w1th a 5 wms and 1 loss record . They were second in the Kenton Trace Conference Rodney Ba1ly played quarter back and rece1ved the Best Offensive Player Award while Roby Hockett received the Best Defensive Player Award and Carter Merris was awarded the Most Valuable Player Award at the banquet. Much 1s expected of the returning Seventh graders.
8th Graders Go For 1st In League Left to nght, Kneeling , Danny Peters Chris Henderson, Ph1l Hubbell, Alan Cook, Matt Wolfe, John Kidd, Steve Morgan, Alan Wardlow Standing, Mark Rush Mike Hess, Ed Orr, Kevin Elcook, J immy Deters, Caoch J1m Philpot. The 8th Graders won the KTC with a fine 12-6 rec .
The boys' toughest, even 1f most beaten opponent was East Clinton (whom they whipped 3 times, twice in overt1mel. Coach Philpot was very proud to award the following trophies at the Winter Athletic Banquet: Most Valuable Player: Kevin Elcook Most Improved : Alan Cook 100% <Hustle) Award: Ed Orr
Volleyball! Left to nght, Row 1: Melan1e Coy, Cady Haxton, Patti Fritts, Sherry Matter, Lisa Isaacs, Lynn Riddle; Row 2, I. to r , Coleen Hatton, M1ssy McKeever, Sherry Ramby, Lisa Stoneburner, Lisa Shelton, Leslie Shelton, Becky Shinkle; Row 3, I. to r ., Stac1 Shaffer, Kathy Eak1ns, Jenny Martin, Tonya Rhoeder, Holly Ratliff, Darla Taylor, M1chele Wiley, Coach Bourne. The varsity (9-3) & reserves (8-4) both had very successful seasons The g1rls were good friends & worked well together. Bellbrook was the toughest opponent. Lisa Isaacs received the MVP award .
7th Graders Start Slowly, Come On Strong! Left to right, kneeling, Alan Casebolt, mgr., Dave Boggs, Jim Oakes, Bryan Patton, Curt Booher, Dave VanHoose, Greg Shellenbarger, Doug Miller; Standing, Coach Hampton, Delmer Isaacs, Vance Vair, Tony Miller, Mike Cassidy, Rodney Bailey, John Beecham , Leon Johnson, mgr. The 7th grade team started out slowly, losing 7 straight games. Improvement was inevitible and the team came roaring back to end the season 7- 9. They took 2nd place to Greenview at the Greenview Tournament. Instead of choosing a Most Valuable Player, Coach Hampton chose three players who improved rapidly and helped to bring about the team 's better fortune. They were: John Beecham, Doug Miller & Jim Oakes.
Jr. High
Girls Lookin' Good!
Left to right, kneeling, Marie Kronenberger, Teresa Forsythe, Lisa Weeks, Lisa Stoneburner, Lynn R1ddle, L1sa Isaacs, Billie Hubbs, Angie Arthur, Leslie Shelton; Standing, Mgr Michelle Wiley, Melissa McKeever, Becky Shinkle, Deanna Rice, Tonya Rhoeder, Barb Scherer, Heather Hass, Melanie Coy, Coleen Hatton, Coach Bourne. It was a great season for the Jr High girls. The 8th grade was 14-3 while the 7th grade was 9-5. The varsity (8th) was well-balanced and worked well together The g1rls took 2nd Place in the Greenv1ew Invitational Tournament. Special awards g1ven for 8th graders were: Most Improved, M1ssy McKeever; Best Defensive player, L1sa Isaacs, Best Offens1ve player, Leslie Shelton 7th grade awards: Most imp., Marie Kronenberger; Best off Barb Scherer; Best def., Heather Hass
Above, the 8th grade team. Below left, the 7th grade team.
Voices, Notes, Spirit Are Raised
Anyone who attended the Christmas Concert was pnviledged to hear the pure, enthusiastic and charming voices of our Junior High Chorus. Mr. Gradel has organ1zed th is group from selected students from his Jr. High music classes. They gain valuable experience wh1ch helps make our h1gh school choral groups so excellent.
Junior High Chorus
7th Grade Cheerleaders Pictured right are the 7th grade cheerleaders and their advisor: I. to r ., Cathy Robinson , Mrs. Watson, Darla Sharp, Melanie Moser, Michelle Litherland, Julie Henderson. They are shown above in a mound performed at the Cincmnati Country Day football game. Under Mrs. Watson 's guidance, the 7th graders learn the basic skills of cheerleading and spirit- raising . They cheer at all football and basketball games.
In Junior High Activities
Mr. Lmg also has organized the young musicians of the Junior H1gh. 6th and 7th graders participated with the High School Band at one of the home football games. Most of these students take year-round lessons to perfect their instrumental talents. 8th grade students join with the high school band. These musical programs are doing much to improve the quality of music at our school.
6th-7th Grade Band
8th Grade Cheerleaders Above, left: I. to r., Mrs. Watson, Loretta Casebolt, Angela Liffick, Jeni Finke, Brynn Ray, Donna Keegan. To the left, the 8th graders are mak1ng a mound The eighth grade cheerleaders have done a lot to raise spirit in the Jun1or H1gh. They have led the crowds through successful basketball and football seasons Their advisor, Mrs. Watson sets high standards for her g1rls and the results are apparent.
Each Spring, Junior High students participate in a fun-filled day of sports contests: races, relays, soft ball pitch, tug-of-war, etc. Teams & individuals are rewarded w1th ribbons. The fans cheer their classmates & everyone has a good time.
Boy's Track
The 1980 Jr. High Boy's Track Team (above) I to r , kneeling , Vance Vair, Chris Henderson , John K1dd, Dan Shellenbarger, Art Wilson, Steve Meece, Tim Hoffer. Matt Wolfe, Mgr. Melame Moser, Mgr. Darla Sharp. Standing , I. to r , Mr. Hampton , coach , M1ke Hess, Roby Hockett, Jim Patton, Carter Merris, Mike Cassidy, Richard Bryant, William Merns, Tom Fry, Larry Whipkey, Mark Rush, Mgr. Julie Henderson . The Jr. High boys had some trouble gettmg on the track this year They did win 2 meets and a lot o.f boys had a chance to participate . Carter Merris, 1st in the County Pole Vault, was MVP. John Kidd was the Most Improved.
Girl's Track
The 1980 Jr. H1gh G1rl's Track Team (above) I to r., kneeling, Jamie George, Deanna R1ce, Pauline Lamb, Staci Shaffer, Angle L1ffick, Brynn Ray, Lisa Isaacs, L1sa Shelton, Angie Arthur, Cady Haxton, Lynn R1ddle; Standing, Coach Amers, K1m Brady, Melan ie Coy, Heather Hass, Marie Kronenberger, Jenni Finke Darla Taylor, Holly Ratliff Deanna Rasnake Kathy Eakins. Sherri Ramby, Jody King, Karen Pettit. The g1rls did very well this year, losing only to ' Boro (AAl & Lebanon (AAAl The1r balance allowed them no losses to schools the1r size. Awards. Angle Uffick, MVP & 1st in County High Jump; Most Improved, Jody King.
Farewell to Mrs. Cassidy; Jr. High Candids Mrs. Cassidy, 7th Grade English Teacher and Director of Jr. High Publications is taking her leave from teaching this year. We wish her good luck and a lot of peaceful relaxation. Farewell, Mrs. Cassidy!
Waynesville Dental Center Prewitt Construction-Waynesville Beaty's Electronic-Lebanon Murphy's-Colony Sq.-Lebanon Hayes Furniture Stripping-Corwin LEBANON AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer Marvin's Lane, Waynesville 897-6075
897 -3383
6127 Far Hills, Dayton in Washington Square Center 434-8284
1 37 N. U . S. 42 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 45D68
- Custom Interior Design - Bathroom Accessories- NettleCreek Bedspreads - Pillows- Special GiftsJoyce Karman, prop.
Meet ing 1st and 3 rd Thursday
CAESAR'S CREEl< General Store and Bait Shop 355 South Main Waynesville , Ohio 45068 897-5016 Marine, Camping and Picnic Supplies Ice, Tackle, Live Bait, Sporting Goods Ordering System
Wayne Township Fire Dept and Rescue Squad EMERGENCY NO . Business no.
897-6006 897 - 3010
Henkle Schu eler Real Estate
WILLIAM'S SHOES 28, East Mulberry, Lebanon 932-3976 Personalized Service and Fitting For the Entire ram ily
BRANT'S 127 South Mechanic, Lebanon
6, West Mulberry, Lebanon
Hardware; Farm, Electrical, Plumb ing and Garden Supplies " We Deliver"
Residential, Farms, Commercial, Industrial
HOME FEDERAL Savings & Loan
36, South Broadway Lebanon
Colony Square 726 East Main , Lebanon
932- 2075
NELL INSURANCE AGENCY 23 South Main, Waynesville 897-4956
KAUFMAN 'S 28, South Broadway Lebanon 932-2891 Clothing For The Entire Family
Pdnt;ng Company
296 S
8 97-6886
PHONE 513-897-4036 DEP
Caesar's Creek
Davidson's Custom Slaughtering and Processing Of beef by appointment Hrs. Mon-Fri 8-12, 1-5; Sat 8-12
ANIMAL CLINIC Dr. & Mrs. E. John Raab 897-6544
Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home BUILDING, LOAN
Waynesville, 0.
The Little Red Shed ANTIQUES
Jim Wardlow
MON. BY CHANCE TUES. THRU SAT. 10-S:OO OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. VISit W1ynesv 1llt 's Other Flnt Ant1que Sho,s
WINTERS TOWER BARBER AND STYLE SHOP Main Floor Winters Bank Tower Dayton, Ohio
RUSSEL MARINE Boats Motors Accessories 932-3846 Live Bait Tackle Ice 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Sat. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 601 East Main Lebanon
Gray and Duning 34 South Broadway Lebanon
62 M.Mn Str ..t
p 0 ~ofVI'Ieh•lle
Bo· $11 Otuo 4S061
897 3211 8~2
Fred C. Hubbell, Member, Wayne Local School Board
Known as: Village Pizza Parlor PHONE : 897-8835
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF ·~ L ' From the Owners and Staff at:
Mon-Thurs 2:30-11:00 Friday 2:30-1:00 Saturday 12:00-1:00 Sunday 12:00-11:00
UNKLE JOHNS PLACE The Latest in Foosball Tables, Pool, Pinball
Hours Not Valid During Summer Months.
Jenny C's Hair Care MICHAEL E. FOLEY Attorney At Law
Men & Women 45 Marvin Lane
Waynesville , 0 .
HOURS Monday thru Saturday Evening by Appointment
Box-429 36 South Marv1ns Lant Waynrs••ll<, 0 . <45068
orr. 513-897-19<49 Rts. 513-897-5901
Phone: 897- 3876
Service Is Our Business Auto - Home - Life - Business
Congratulations Seniors from
P.O. Box 555, 59 N. Main St. Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Phone 897-3871 Call in orders 897-4916
•T-shirts • • • •sweat shirts
Many stocK designs to choose frorn
• nylon jackets
Individual-Groups-Business Custom work our specialty Centerville .. At. 48 South
Across from Elder Beerman Open Daily except Sunday "SPARTANS OUR SPECIALTY"
WAYNESVILLE LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. Your Most Fashionable Shopping Address.
31 E Mulberry
Optn for Lunch and Dlnntr 10:30 a.m . - 9:30 p.m . Clostd Monda)'s 897-4906
County Fair Playhouse Thtattr and Conctrts
ndtr tht tars
C. Goodtime Pizza Pizu, andwicht Oprn Daily - 897-3571
it Down or Carry Out -
Millview Pastry Shoppe Optn 7 a.m. - Clostd Monda) 897-1721
Sweet Cal's Confections Conts, under , hakt , odas
PHON• 513-433-8484
897-2843 433-2264 Dayton Line
Specialists In Custom Prrntrng Busrness Forms • Paper &Suppl1es
14 Marco Lane Centerville. Ohio 45459 Telephone. (513) 433-5680
Waynesville Airport Congratulations Seniors 897-7717
Congratulations Seniors
Tom Florence Realty 897-5000
Ellis C. Thompson Realty
The Village Furniture Store
77 Columbus Ave . Lebanon, Ohio 45036
27 West Mulberry Lebanon, Ohio
The Hair Tique WAYNESVILLE MARKET Open 8-10 seven days a week
Mark Clark Attorney
Hair Fashions Guys & Gals Cutting & Styling Open Tues Thru Sat All Day Eves By Appt. 105 E. Main Lebanon, 0. 932-7707
f/J«ppej Building Loan & Savings Co. JERRY D. WILLIAMS
42 East Silver St. Lebanon, 0. 45036
Managmg Off1cer Secretary-Treasurer
11 South Broadway / Lebanon, Ohio 45036/ Phone (513)932-3876
Purkey's Hardware
Episcopal Church in Warren County
Route 1 Waynesville, 0. 45068 Rev. Williams
Timothy Patton INSTIItUCTOIIt
Mellott Water Service Pools
Wells Cisterns
phone 932-1424
897-1483 or 897-5016
Lebanon, 0. Country Side YMCA 1699 Lebanon Rd.
Carrie D. Bayes Bookkeeping and Tax Service 8575 Old Stage Road Waynesville, Ohio 45068 (513) 897-3440
Good Luck, Seniors
& Good Luck Seniors
Ray & Janet Spencer Waynesville Campers 7311 No. State Route 42 Waynesville, Ohio Phone: 897-7936
3681 Vance Rd., P.O. Box 206, Dayton, Ohio, 45449
2 North Broadway Lebanon - 932- 1414
At 1142 at Western Row Mason - 398-2772
36 North Broadway At 1122-3 at 11123 Lebanon - DRIVE- IN SERVICE Morrow - 899-2695 730 Columbus Avenue Lebanon - 932-7331
7795 So State At 1148 Mamev111e - 683-4401
209 East Forrest St S Lebanon - 494-2200
St At 741-Campus Ctr t:lldg Otterbein - 932-2550
ELLIS SUPER VALU Where Your Dollar Buys
North & 3rd Sts.
8:00-9:00 Mon .- at. 10:00-7:00 Sun. Waynesville. Ohio 897-5001
CHIC-NANN'S MARKET & SHAKE SHOP 839 Corwin A ve. 6 Days 9 a .m . to 10 p. m . Sun . 12 to 10
897-7051 180
Sunday School 9:00 Worship 10:10 Summer Worship 8:00 and 10:00 Youth 7:00 The church with the future in mind.
Congratulations Class of '80 from
WAYNESVILLE Furniture And Decorating Center Wall Paper Paint Draperies Marvin's Ln. 897-4971 Glen & Sally Smith, Proprietors
<itrspachtr's anb Sons ~aragt 1479 EAST STATE RT. 73 SPRINGBORO, OHIO 885-5250
Class of '80 from Summer Hours 11:00 to 11:00
BOB'S TOWING SERVICE Local & Long Distance
Corner Rt. 73 & Main St. 5919 E. St. Rt. 73 Waynesville, Ohio 45068
897-3555 897- 7946
Caesar's Creek Mlirine 1 arry B. Jenkins 'Wgr.
l' h o nt
6344 Corwm Rd.
H Q~ 14 ~1
P.O. Box 519 ~ ayn~n·i/1~.
}QCJ-1 4 '1(
Congratulates the Class Of 1980 Agri- Urban, Inc. Corwin Road Waynesville, Ohio 897-4015
P,,r , ~,AfrpP~
~ ~;ORS
862 Ml•mlsbura · Centerville Ro•d West C•rrollton, Ohio 45449
(513) 866·1222
Res. 866-5541
Stoneburner Excavating 862-5391 2362 Cook Road Spring Valley, Ohio " Good Luck Spartans" ~
& llianri Sts. llynesvilll, Ohio
Corwin's Barber Shop 21 So. Main St. Good Luck Spartans FOR MORE INFORMATION
3farvelj {jrain !fnc. a~
/JUif, $eLL, $~, :lJ'Uf Special;~ !Jn {j1<Wt 0u4 SPRING VALLEY 862-5 21 862-4558
Dillon's Farm Market GOOD
Fresh Produce in Season You pick or we pick 748-2031
1h mile east of Route 48
on Route 73
Groceries Picnic Supplies Beer, Wine, Ba1t , Vegetables, Fru1t
Going For a Few Last Candids ...
Senior Skip Day was attended by roughly l!:z of the class. About 30 kids went canoemg on the Little Miami while the others prepared food & drink under the 171 bridge along the river. There were races to see who could knock over the other canoes: only Mike Dyer / Chris Sheehan & Greg Polly I Maria Vint escaped without being dunked There were bnef alliances (it's called ganging up) in the attempts to get everyone as wet & muddy as possible. Alison, Cary & Cathy had a bucket which more-or-less helped bail out thetr canoe. Obstructions in the river (floating beer cans) nearly capsized several canoes. Shayne Lamb found a good friend in Doobie the plastic decoy duck. After the aquatic merriment, there were aenals (see brtdge below) & hot dogs. Pies this page: nght, Mark Seidl got a little sleepy; below left, Chns Sheehan enjoying "punch"; below middle, Amte & Tim were quick to get the fire going; below right, Vincent & Rodney heading home; bottom middle Amie & Tim (loose lips sink ships?), bottom r., Amie Buxton, why that silly grin? / II Graduatton Night found just about everybody at Randy Rtdtnger' s for a farewell fling . The party was countrywestern in nature.
sen i0 r skip Day, Grad uati 0 n Night
The The band at Randy's party was country-western & there was turkey & stuffing & hot dogs and suds. Kids square danced or just hopped around . Stefanie was extremely " gone". It was lots of fun : there were no tears ... everyone was happy to graduate. Pies this page: left, Mike going for just a tad more; below, Ann1e Joefreda has found her place in the world ; Middle center, Randy & Sherry say, " come join the party"; nght, Greg & Maria together alone; bottom left, Bill Hammock & Mark Creekmore beached?; right, Tim Reed , the happy graduate.
Cary Karm an Reigns Over 1980 Prom
The 1980 senior class song was Freebird, by Lynard Skynard Their colors were light and dark blue. The class flower was the orange rose The class motto was What lies behmd us and what lies before us are tiny matter compared to what lies within us.
Tammy Jones and Cathy Joefreda complete court
Cary Karman was crowned queen of the 1980 JuniorSenior Prom. Her court was First Attendant, Tammy Jones, and Second Attendant, Cathy Joefreda. The Prom went exceptionally well. There was music, laughter, food, and dancing. The live band, Legacy, from Dayton, entertained all.
The Cia& of 19 1 Waynesville High
presents the J umor-Senwr
Prom Theme: Memories Music by Legacy Friday, May 16, 1980
/chabod's [The Park)