Successfully Yours, W.H.S.
The Spartan volume XIV , 1981
Dear World Well we ' ve had a great year and we thought you would enjoy hearing about it. We ' ve seen much success this year but of course there have been a few bad times too' Our Cross - Country and Football teams got the year going strongly with spectacular seasons. Just when everything seemed to be going right we suffered the tragic loss of our friend Cindy Patrick . It was hard to refind our strength but we have persisted . Christmas brought the beauty of the Christmas concert this year with the addition of the bell choir The National Honor Society in ducted a fine new crop of students who show academic excellence. Basketball season was a success too as the girls went to District Semi - finals and the boys to the Sectional finals . Spring saw the sue¡ cess of the musical. " Annie , Get Your Gun ", the Chorus' trip to St. Louis the French Club' s Dinner and trip to France the Spring Sports Programs and good achievement in the District Scholarship tests . Students found pride in higher grades and better attendance after the initiation of the assertive education plan. There were fewer disci pline problems and school spirit remained high all year 1980 - 81 was a smooth school year. It seemed to fly by until Feb ry and March. We only got one snow day plus a few fog delays, but then no year is perfect! A lot of effort went into our achievements this year. We hope you' ll enjoy the pictures and story of 1980-81 at W.H.S.¡ Intro ..... .............. ............... .. ............. p. Fall Activities .................................. .. ............. p. Cross Country...... ..... ....... .. ............... p. Football ..... .............................................. p. Spirit Week .. ........ . ................... ............. p. Band ................. ..... ................ .. ........... p. Volleyball .. ..................................... .. .......... p. Winter Activities ...... .. .......... ... ..... ............ p. Girls Basketball ... ................. . ................ p. Boys' Basketball ................................ .......... p. Vocal Music .......... ............... .. ...... .. .. .. ... p. Honor Society. .............................. .. .......... p. Yearbook ...... ................... ................ ............ p. Spring Activities ............................................... p. Musical .. . ................. ............ .. ........... p. Track.. ...................... ................. .. ............. p. Softball ................ .. .... ....................... .. .... p. Baseball .......... ....... ........ ..... . ........ ........ p. Tennis ............................... ........ . .... ...... .... p. Prom .............................. .... ........ .... ........... p. Graduation ........ ............. .. ............ .... p. Classes..................... ............... .. ........... . p. Seniors . ......... . .. ................................ p. Juniors ....................... .......... ............. p Sophomores .. .... ...... ................ ..... .. ............ p. Freshmen ........ .. ........... ......... .... .. ........ p. JuniorHigh ............................. .. ...... .. .... .. p Faculty Staff ......... ....................... ....... .......... p Ads. ........ ... .. ....... ............ .. ...... .. ........... P Successfully Yours W .H.S
1 4 b
9 1b 30 34
40 46 50
56 b2 72 74 78
84 88
90 92 100 104 109 11 2 129 133 13 7 141
Fall Activities Are Successful
Summer flew by and late August found us back at school. We took advantage of the warm fall days to complete many fall activities: golf cross-country football spirit week halloween dress-up pep assemblies volleyball homecoming Senior pictures came in and Seniors realized that their last year was really here Fall got the year rolling
They began
The Cross-Country team had a great season winning the KTC Championship. The team at the beginning of the season and at the end were quite different. Pictured right are the people who began the season <I. to r. l John Ghearing Mary Williams Chris Colvin, Jenn1 Finke, Craig Campbell Jodi King Bobby Campbell Janet Rush Coach Bob Lohse. Below are pictured the team members at the end of the season; front I to r. John Ghearing, Scott Kleski, Craig Campbell, Bobby Campbell , Janet Rush ; rear left to right: Chris Henderson, Chris Colvin and Scott Kennedy .
and they finished FIRST!
C.C. I<.T.C. Success Story It was " the best year we could ask for". The C.C. team had a very successful season with a record of 24 - 3, 1st place in the K.T.C., 3rd place in the sectional run , 5th in the district and 2nd place in the Ross Invitational. Janet Rush competed at District and Craig Campbell missed going to state by 1 place. The school C.C. record was broken twice ( C. Campbell 13. 33 & Scott Kennedy 13. 26 ) Team awards were: B. Campbell , all-league w .6th pl. & 4 yr. award C. Campbell , all-league (4th ) M V. runner; S. Kennedy, allleague ( 5th >. The strong team effort resulted in the K.T.C . Championship.
Spirit Week -
Spirit Wee is a winner wee ! Games contests Powder Games Powder Puff slave auction hat day the Homecoming game & dance slave day and gene a rowdiness get the spirit rolling at W H S
.' .
Above left Jenny Agee m her Sunday best dunng slave day Below nght the egg toss below left Cmdy Patnc Bollmg Janet Rush compete m the ac race
Rtght Scott Gorsuch modeling one of the many hats een on hat day. Far nght Brad Measel Eric Measel Jeff Setdl (banJO! Todd Patton perform Mama Don t let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys during a pep assembly held tn the Jr Htgh gym
The games begm t late afternoon and contmue unttl after dar Aga n thts year the Senters won the Sptnt Week competttton wtth the Freshmen taktng second place honors The Sophs were 4th
Above Alan Cook wears a prom formal of 1960 s v1ntage heels are out and casts are ml Above nght an ear1y seasor. outdoor pep assembly began the spwtt rolling 1t C.Jim1 nated 1n Sptr.t Week R ght Jimmy Johnson Mary W lliams and Tony Dav1s try to defend the Sophomore s honor m the Red Rover contest Jenny Agee & Ann Wardlow competmg 1n the obstacle course are p1ct red below
R ght Dav1d Gmocch1o apprehensively att ng to be sold at the Freshman Slave Auct1on F r nght Powderpuf Cheer to r Ph Hubbell Rob Fisher Matt Wolfe id leaders very well as novtces and brought laughs to the game
Freshman Follies Raise ...
P. 18 I to r top Jodi on slave day · Tony Davis 1n the sack race · middle Blake Smallwood moves his penny; Freshmen won the greased pig contest ; bottom Or ange Crush fever reigned · Mark Joe freda won the egg toss for the So phs· Sen iors like to dress Fresh men boys in the latest fashions . P. 19 top Ed Orr banks in Akron? Kevin Maloney dis covers Cross Your heart magic!
P. 1 9 m1ddle left the bonfire star ted quickly this year and burned just as quickly ... spirit seemed a little burned out at this point in the evening because the rigorous games had sapped every one 's strength . Middle right Juniors Tra cy Shelton Tracy Waltz <behind Shelton) and Janet Haltom ready to hike in a pre - Powderpuff practice game. Left , Kristine Sigmund Rhoschel Smith and David Lewis enjoying slave day. Spirit Week began the year well. The week was topped off with a great football victory over Cedarville and a great homecom ing dance ( seep. 24 ) at the 1776 Inn .
Powderpuff This year 's Powderpuff game was one of the most hairpullingest , roughest games ever. The favored Soph. Jr. team was very surprised at the toughness of the Fr.- Sr. team. With the score tied in the last quarter the Fr Sr team pulled ahead to win 28 - 22 . Differences were buried at Cassano' s after the game .
Top, Cheerleaders Rob Fisher (top), Phil Hubbell ( 1.) & Matt Wolfe; Above, S. Pettit scores for the Seniors; Below, Shelly Kronenberger scores for Jr 's.
Above, the Freshman - Senior Team : I. tor. , row 1 , Miclele Elton, Jenny Agee , Cady Haxton, Patti Fritts, Donna Keegan, Tina Satterfield, Michele Wiley R. 2, Jenni Finke , Vicki Va1r Missy McKeever Karen Pettit Jodi King, Becky Shinkle Sherri Matter, Lesl1e Shelton. R. 3 Scott George , Rob Karman Sharon Pettit, Sherry Anderson , Dana Spitznogle, Mary Davis Dana Wilkerson Mary Gilliam , Brenda Smith Gina Young Nickel , Shelly Powell, Jenny Rush, Phillip Merris Bobby Campbell.
Soph. Jr. Team pic . right , I. to r ., R. 1. Kris Rathweg . Michele Kronenberger Tammy Lynch, Tracey Shelton, Kim Eakins, Janet Haltom, Becky Cook ; R 2 Lisa Campbell , Penny Jones , Mary Boiling , Cindy Allen Kelly Worthington, Tracy Waltz , Cindy Patrick , Lori Foust , R. 3, Pam Koehler, Angie Bauer Wendy Schmidt, Michele Moser Jenny Keller, Melinda Kronenberger, Lori Stoneburner, Mary Agee, Lisa Humphrey; R. 4, Kim Kidd Christi Rockhold, Pam Scherer, Lisa Marriott Faye Hatfield , Mary Williams, Bobby Jo Leyes R 5, Glenda Cherryholmes, Wendy Anderson , Rose Mary Kruer; R 6, Scott Gorsuch, Jimmy Johnson , Troy Patton , Tom Karman ; R. 7, Bryan McKinney, Chris Colvin Craig Campbell, Bill Madison .
Mr. Legs Mr. Ugly Below , Mr. Ugly cand . Greg Patterson; Midd . Mr. Ugly Darrell Wahsum. Top r Todd Patton, Bottom r. Phil Merris . Below Merris, the 5th Mr. Ugly candidate , Eric Messer.
At the spirit week pep assembly a new tradition was begun: the Mr Legs contest. By voice vote, Mr. Legs of 1980, David Deters was selected. Just prior to th1s Mr Ugly of 1980 Darrell Wahsum, was chosen .. for the first time this year by voice vote.
Queen Trish
l<ing Rob
Homecoming 1980. was celebrated by the crownmg of Trish Garrett and Rob Karman as the queen and king and beating the Cedarville Ind1ans 26 - 0 The royal court is as follows : upper I. Jackie Fisher, upper r. Vicki Finke; lower I. Ann Wardlow , lower r . Tammy Spencer, 1st runner-up : and below , Trish Garrett.
Upper I Shelly Kronenberger and Chris Chenoweth , jr att. Upper r . senior candidates , Vicki Finke & DuWayne Rains Tnsh Garrett & Rob Kronenberger , Ann Wardlow & Darrell Wahsum , Jack1e Fisher & Rob Karman , and Tammy Spencer & Greg Patterson Far I. Lisa Humprey and Brad Measel soph . attends . L. Lynn Scott and Matt Wolfe, fr. at ten
The 1980 Homecommg Dance was nearly perfect It was held Satur day evening after the Homecommg v1ctory over Cedarv1:1e The scene was the par ty room of the 1776 Inn Cold cuts rehsh plate and punch fed hungry dancers wh:'e the band L ivmgs ton Road proVIded both fast and slow music mcludmg Longer than and Rocky Top Trish Garrett and Rob Karman re1gned as Queen and King at the sem1- formal affair
Th1s page top slow dances found the floor crowded R Tnsh boogymg down. M1ddle I. c1nother slow. r. Livlrgston Road's lead gUitarist Bottom Becky and Rusty reflect the pleasantness of the evening. R The dance floor was crowded w1th lookers too!
Homecoming Dance Is Nearly Perfect!!
Top I Janet Haltom spms to the beat r Greg P ard Tammy S JUSt sw1tched with Scott R and Jom F M1ddle I. Plum Bob Rye too cool for school. M1d. the ladies led the fast dancing right go1ng for a I ttle punch. Bottom t1me to sit and relax.
The Homecoming Dance wi! long be remembered for how smoothly 1t went and for the great feeling that came from the combiration of victory friends food dancing and lots of fun!
Parent's Night Parents
+ kids + limelight
Top , parents line up. Above I. The Andersons ; r. The Ed wards ¡ Below, 1. , The Finkes; r. The Pattersons. P. 29 top Russell Winsted gains tough yardage in the ' Boro game as Chris Chenoweth looks on .
Below left , the Lairds ¡ below right , the Wardlows . Bottom left , the procession begins, bottom right Katrina Hogan and Mother beem ... with Pride!
Marching Band - A Winning Season
First row (I. to r . ) Becky Maloy Kim Eakins Rob Karman Andre Roeder Calvin Crutchfield Ken Kurtz Scot Gorsuch Chip Schmidt Sam Tiedtmann Mike Lamb Robert Campbell Mr Ling Director Second row Becky Houseright Dawn Lander, Debbie Shuler Beth Stamen Jod1 St. Pierre Roschelle Smith Jenny Rush Theresa Stammen Rae Townsend Cindy Anderson Pam Egbert. Th1rd row Kathy Eakins Dale Edwards Cheri Bayes Dave Boggs Dean Edwards Steve Anderson Lynn Riddle John Ghearing Scott Kleski Dana Spitznogle Joni Frye Shelli Powell Patti Hayes . Fourth row Katrina Hogan Vicki Vair Diane Bumgardner Steve Hoffman Lisa Manning Ed Orr Pat Cassidy Chris Colvin Mary Davis Lisa Hazen Kevin Maloney David Dunkin, Lori Foust. Fifth row Lisa Humphrey Mary Williams Bobbi Jo Leyes Lisa Weeks Dan Shellenbarger Danny Chaney, Andy Engle , Lisa Stoneburner Glenda Cherryholmes Paul Bernard Mandy Johnson . Sixth row Cindy Patrick Craig Campbell, Vance Vair Chris Henderson Doug Combs David Van Hoose Dale Spitznogle Dean Cook Steve Ryan Bryan Hisle Margie Fredericks . Seventh row Cheryl Stevens Steve Engle Kevin Fultz Jim Patton Heather Hass Marie Kronenberger Eric Hass Todd Smith .
Above Field Commander ¡ Dana Spitznogle reaches new heights . Below Flag Captain ¡ Lori Foust stands at attention. Right Middle Senior Flag Members; Tammy Spencer and Katrina Hogan , are all smiles.
P1c lure right Players warm ing up Picture below left Band members leaving Jr High Pep Assembly. Pic lure below rightDrum Major Majorettes and Flag girls doing their thing . Picture bottom right Band members performing the Sunburst. P. 3 3 top I. Majoret ts I to r. Michele Powell Capt. Joni Frye, Connie Laird¡ Top r. Joni in action. Bottom I. Michele and bottom r Connie performing.
The Waynesville marching band and majorettes went to four marching band contests this year The band placed 2nd tn their class at Hamilton and Edgewood They received 3rd place in Class C at Valley View. The majorettes were awarded with two " Best Majorette Line" trophies . The band participated in two parades this year. They placed 3rd in the Honey Festival and 1st in their class at the Childrens Day Parade in Dayton. The band was made up this year of 65 players 12 flag girls 4 majorettes and 1 drum major.
Above Stoneburner " bumps" Below Eakin " spikes'
•• Above Rush " sets" Below
( --
Spitz " what a pose for a serve
Double block for Davis and Davisson
Top l· r Coach Finke , Shelley Davisson , Dana Spitznogle , Lori Stoneburner Sherry Ander son Mary Davis Bot . I· r Jenny Rush . Kathy Booher Tracy Waltz Michelle Kronenberger Kim Eakins, Not Pic . Bonnie Alford The Varsity Volleyball team started the sea son out with a volley ball camp held in July. The Wright State coaching staff and team came to Waynesville High to teach basic volleyball skills such as, hitting , spiking blocking , set ting, and receiving the ball . The volleyball team felt it was a very rewarding camp . " It was a disruptive sea son because a lack of spiri t was in the team due to the gym floor not being finished and the ability to practice because of that " commented Coach Finke. She also thought the team did well with only two re • turning seniors. Sherry derson was best re · ceiver and best server. She also got an all League award . Alford goes for the block while Davis back ers her up .
Stoneburner caught with the wrong end up! or Booher caught with the wrong end down?
Right Top 1-r Coach Cann Jenny Keller Patty Fritts Cheryl Stephens Cindy Patrick Lisa Isaacs. Bottom Billie Hubbs Holly Ratliff Leslie Shelton Lynn Riddle Mindy Kronenberger Angie Bauer Lori Foust The Reserves finished the season with a record of five wins and eleven losses. They are hoping for a better record next year.
Above Members Row l (1-rl Michele Moser Trish Garrett Jackie Fisher Donna Keegan Pat Koehler Vicki Finki . Row 2 Glenda Cherryholmes Ann Wardlow Wendy Schmidt Brynn Ray Kelly Worthington Dana Spitznogle. Row 3 Rob Kronenberger , Lisa Campbell Mr. Cessna Mike Gadd Donna Ruse Scot Gorsuch Rob Karman.
Above Officers (1-r> Trish Garrett Vicki Finki Rob Karman and L1sa Campbell Pictures at left Another interesting meetmg The Student Council had a very successful year sponsoring both the movie Smokie and the Bandit " and the Sweetheart Dance.
Golfers Are Above Par!
.. . I
Top left, Blake Smallwood putts 路 middle Pat South concentrating right Todd Hoffman practicing his drive. Above left Jeff Florence (I.> and Tom Sackett made the all - Conference team ... Jeff taking First place and Tom Fourth place. Right, Jeff Florence watching his drive. P 39 , top left , Tom Sackett putting 路 right , Coach Dave Liffick giving Todd Hoffman some tips Stats WHS 183 , Blan 236 ; WHS 183, Goshen 197 路 WHS 180, Carlisle 186; WHS 189 Southeastern 194 ; WHS 180, Kings 177 WHS 176, Cedarville 229 ; WHS 185 E Clin . 180; WHS 176, G- view 191 , WHS 187, Boro 177 路 WHS 177 Blan 236 , WHS 185, S- east 164 ; WHS 175, C- ville 198, WHS 177 , L .M. 192; WHS 176, E. Clin. 170; WHS 18 2 Goshen 18 7. 38
1980 Golf Team pictured below; I to r ., Derwin Hansard, Jeff Florence Rodney Gruber, Todd Hoffman , Rob Fisher, Blake Smallwood Andy Engle, Pat South, Tom Sackett , Ed Orr, Coach Dave Liffick. The Golf Team made a strong showing this year and placed 2nd in the Kenton Trace Conference The Spartans also took 3rd in the Sectional Tournament and 7th in the District Tournament. For the season , they had 28 w1ns, 13 losses and 1 tie. Jeff Florence and Tom Sackett led the team this year and their hard work paid off with all-conference selection . Jeff Florence was Conference Medalist with an impressive 74 . This year, two girls went out for the team. They are Becky Shinkle and Sherri Matter (not pic.).
CHRISTMAS CONCERT AND ASSEMBLY The Christmas Concert and newly arnved Christmas Assembly were great successes this year. The orchestra and choral groups plus the bell choir made beautiful Xmas music .
The Xmas Creche was presented to the hall this year so that concert - goers could see it as they left the concert. The Xmas Assembly was something new this year and it drew wide participation. Included were Plum Bob Kze (M-B Rye) & her punk band Alvin & Chipmonks the teachers skit "A Christmas Story ' readings choral music and assorted other skits some serious many hilarious Spirits were up lifted!
Clockwise, start1ng above, Mr. Tharr & Mr. Wierach join Dana Pat , Jeff & Todd for foot tapping music ; Mr Gradel leads the Xmas Choir ¡ DuWayne Rains as Elvis¡ Mr Gradel preps Brenda Sm1th for the Xmas Creche, wise man Scott Ray & shepherd Darrell Wahsum in the Creche; Plum Bob Kze & her punk band <Mary Gilliam, Vicki Finke Mary Beth Rye Pat Lander> , Mr. " Scrooge " Moreland Mr. Williams and " Tiny Tim " Kennedy perform in the teachers ' skit at the Christmas Assembly .
R. 1 I. tor. Vicki Finke Kelly Worthington Pat Lander Sherry Anderson Scott Borgerding ¡ R. 2 Mrs . Townsend Adv1sor Dana Spitznogle Dean Edwards Dana Wilkerson Penny Jones Bobbi Leyes Tracy Shelton Scott George Brenda Smith Jeff Seidl Bob Campbell. Pictured left are the Senior editors Pat Lander Sherry Anderson Dana Spitznogle Dean Edwards Bob Campbell Vicki Fmke. Mrs . Townsend s Communications and Mass Media class produces the Spartacus quarterly with special edit1ons at Christmas and in May for the Seniors . The Sen.or edition is offset printed with pictures of Seniors in various school act1vities This year the cost of the Sen.or edition was raised to meet the rismg costs of puttmg out the paper. The class is responsible for interv1ew1ng writing articles typing masters and running off the paper. Mrs. Townsend ends up with a lot of the work . This year several of the Seniors acted as co - editors The Senior edition was especially good this year as it combined good writing and lay -out with the Senior p1c tures
Varsity Girls Tough Again
The varsity girl 's basketball team did very well this year Coached by Mr. Tim Gabbard, the team carried a 16 win and 6 loss record . They did not win the league despite this good record . But they did place third in the district. In the tournaments the girls defeated Franklin Monroe 4 7 - 35 , Covington 4 7 - 2 5 and finally they fell to Ansonia 35-26 . Pam Scherer, Mary Williams Cyndi Allen all made the district 15 Pam making the first team and the other girls making honorable menticn. Pam , Mary and Cyndi made the all-league. These girls also made the Western Star All-Star team and Bobbi Jo Leyes had honorable mention. 46
Top row: Left to right, Coach Tim Gabbard, Leslie Shelton, Lisa Isaacs , Bobbie Jo Leyes, Melinda Kronenberger, Angie Bauer, Bottom row: Cyndi Allen Sherri Anderson , Mary Williams Sharon Pettit, Pam Scherer. Dayton Christ. -2 6 , 2 7. W H S 7 5 Leb W.H.S.- 49 ; Oak W. 23 , W.H.S 31 Carl.31 , W.H.S .- 62 Cedar. 25 , W H S 65 ; Clint. Mass - 25, W.H.S.- 54 , Mid . Fen.61 , W.H.S.- 44 ; Mas . 42 , W.H.S - 43 ; S.E 22 , W.H.S. - 52 ; E. Clin. 56 , W.H S. -46 ; Lit. Ml.-42 , W.H .S. 50 ; Gr View - 41 , W. H.S. - 39; Cedar. 28, W H.S.- 48 , Yellow Springs 30 , W.H.S 60 · Clin . Mass.- 48 , W.H.S.- 64 ; Kings - 41 , W.H.S.-45; South. East. 51 , W H S.-44; Green View - 32 ; W.H .S 25 E. Clin. 27 , W H S 47. Good work girls'll
Top row: Leslie Shelton Mary Chat tin Colleen Hattin Wendy Anderson MISSY
McKeever Karen Pet tit Bot tom Row Michele Elton Lisa Hazen B1lie Hubbs Lynn Riddle Christy Rockhold The reserve record this year was 7q This was improvement over last year. Most of the girls will advance to Varsity
Barb 's girls improve
Varsity Fights to Semifinals The WHS Boys Varsity Basketball team had an " almost" successful year. They ended regular season play with a 6 4 KTC record, and an 8-11 overall record WHS was more successful in tourney play ending with a 2 - 1 record. They won their first game defeating the Bethel Bees, 82 - 72 . They then defeated the Franklin Monroe Jets 63-59. In their final game , WHS was up against a tough team the Covington Buccaneers, who had a 2 2-0 record . The Spartans fought hard and tried their best But at the buzzer, it was the Bucs on top, 64 - 38 . David Deters was named a member of the KTC All - League team with Darrell Wahsum, Kirk Kennedy, and Duwayne Rains receiving Honorable Mentions. The Team -( 1- r l -Sittlng Darrell Wahsum , Brad Couch Duwayne Rains, Rob Kronenberger, Standing - Coach Ltffick Tom Sackett , Chris Colvin Doug Perdue, David Deters Kirk Kennedy, Chris Elton Scot Gorsuch
Above Left Darrell stretches for " two. " Above Right- Another hard practice? Below Left David aids a downed Jet.
" Here They Come!
Below Right -
. Reserves First 1n I<TC The WHS Reserve Boys Basketball team was first in the KTC with a 9 - 1 record Their overall record was 15 - 4 . The team displayed good depth and promise J . Farley, M. Rice K Purkey led the team in rebound , with C Campbell , J. Farley K Purkey and T Sackett leading in scoring Julian Farley received the Most Improved Sophomore . The team Row 1 (1r) Marcus Rice , Jimmy Johnson, Craig Campbell Bryan McKinney, Tony Davis. Row 2 Rodney Gruber Julian Farley Kurt Purkey Mike Gilliam Andy Engel , and Coach Dave Cessna.
Freshmen Have Winning Season The WHS Freshman Boys Basketball team had an overall record of 6-4 They played Yellow Springs in the tourney game, in which they lost. The most exciting game was the first game against Yellow Springs, in which Ed Orr, with 3 seconds to go, put in the winning basket. Ed Orr received the Most Valuable Player for the year. The team -( 1- rlRow l - Ed Orr, Jimmy Deters, Chris Henderson , Mike Hess, Kevin Elcook. Row 2Jeff Reed, Mike Coffman , Alan Wardlow, Ken Kurtz , Jeff Keegan, Alan Cook , David Lewis, and Coach Dave Barton .
Basketball Candids
A Swinging Success The WHS Swing Set was added this year to a long list of musical activities for the students. Under the directron of Mr R.L. Gradel the Swing Set had a very active and very successful year. They performed at many programs rncluding performances for the Jr. High The Mother and Daughter banquet at the Methodist Church and the Country Fair. They attended camp at Indiana State Unrversity and also a winter workshop at Oh o St University. They plan to become even better and more active next year. The members are Mary Davis Patty Koehler Gina Young Nickell Angie Nix Michelle Powell Kris Rathweg Janet Rush Jenny Rush Tammy Spencer Dana Sprtznogle Glenda Cherryholmes Paul Bernard Craig Campbell Pat Cassidy David Dunkin Scot Gorsuch Eric Hass Rob Karman Pat Lander Scott Ray Blake Smallwood. The alternates are Mary Boiling and Lori Stoneburner. The band consists of Mrs . Gradel on piano David Hisey on guitar and Robert Campbell on drums.
A Singing Success
Top Left Mixed Chorus ( 1. to r .l Row 1 Billie Peters Becky Cook , Joni Frye Brynn Ray Tammy Spencer, Kris Rathweg , Mary Boiling Michelle Powell Donna Keegan . Row 2 Karen Pet1t Rae Townsend Patti Fritts Kathy Eakins Glenda Cherryholmes Gina Young Nickell Lisa Hazen Jenny Rush Michelle Elton , Row 3 Angie Nix Lisa Humphrey Beth Myers Lori Stoneburner Mary Davis Dana Spitznogle Janet Rush Candy Haxton Lynn Scott Rose Mary Kruer Row 4 Roby Hockett Scot Gorsuch Eric Hass Jeff Coleman Pat Lander Chris Colv1n Paul Bernard David Dunkin, Pat Cassidy Blake Smallwood Rob Karman Pam Koehler Jeff Keegan . Middle Left Girls Chorus Row 1 Joni Frye, Tammy Spencer, Glenda Cherryholmes , Janet Rush , Donna Keegan, Michelle Powell . Kris Rathweg , Lisa Hazen, Rae Townsend. Row 2 Angie Nix, Lori Stoneburner Beth Myers Jenny Rush, Lynn Scott, Cady Haxton, Mary Boiling Row 3- Mary Davis, Gina Young Nickell Dana Spitznogle. Bottom Left , Trio - Mary Davis, Dana Spitznogle, Jenny Rush. Below Boys Chorus - Row 1- David Dunkin , Rob Karman, Blake Smallwood, Pat Cassidy. Row 2-Eric Hass, Scot Gorsuch , Paul Bernard , Chris Colvin . The WHS Mixed Chorus and Girls Chorus went to District Contest , this year. The Mixed Chorus received a Superior rating and the Girls Chorus received an Excellent rating. The Mixed Chorus then went to State Contest . where they received a controversial rating of Excellent.
Music Candids
Jazzing It Up - A Big Success
The WHS Jazz Band under the direction of Mr. Ling had an active and successful year. They performed at the Jr. H1gh and Spring Concert as well as the All - American Drill Team and Cheerleading Tryouts and the Miami University Jazz Festival where trumpet player Chris Colvin ( mid. left) received the outstanding player award . The band plans on being bigger and better next year. The members are Steve Anderson Steve Boggs Craig Campbell Robert Campbell Chris Colvin Doug Combs Mary Davis Andy Engel Kevin Fultz John Ghearing Eric Hass Bryan Hisle Lisa Hazen Mark Joe freda Scott Kleski Connie Laird Mike Lamb Ed Orr, Dana Spitznogle. 59
A Peppy Group- WHS Pep Band
The WHS Pep Band consists of the members of the marching and concert bands. They played at all the home Boys Basketball games with the exception of those games when the WHS Jazz Band played Mr. Ling along with Field Commander Dana Spitznogle directed the band
An Almost Successful Year
The WHS Concert Band had an almost successful year Under the direction of Mr. Ling the band went to District Contest where they received a not-so-bad rating of Ill. We are sure they will do even better next year The members are Cindy Anderson Steve Anderson Cherie Bayes Paul Bernard Davy Boggs Steve Boggs Diana Bumgardner Craig Campbell Robert Campbell Tom Carter Pat Cassidy Danny Chaney Glenda Cherryholmes Chris Colvin Doug Combs Dean Cook Calvin Crutchfield Mary Davis Dale Edwards Dean Edwards Pam Egbert Andy Engel Chris Freeman Kevin Fultz John Ghearing Scot Gorsuch Eric Hass Heather Hass Lisa Hazen Chris Henderson Mike Hess Bryan Hisle Steve Hoffman Katrina Hogan Mark Joe freda Rob Karman Scott Kleski Marie Kronenberger Ken Kurtz Connie Laird Mike Lamb Dawn Lander Bobbi Jo Leyes Becky Maloy Kevin Maloney Ed Orr Jim Patton Michele Powell Lynn Riddle Andre Roeder Jenny Rush Steve Ryan Ch1p Schmidt Dan Shellenbarger Debra Shuler Rhoschel Smith Todd Smith Dale Spitznogle Dean Spitznogle Teresa Stamen Beth Stamen Lisa Stoneburner Jodi St. Pierre Sam Toedtman Rae Townsend Vance Vair Vicki Vair David VanHoose Alan Wardlow Ann Wardlow Lisa Weeks Mary Williams.
First row left to right Mrs . Clark Bobby Campbell Derwin Hansard Katrina Hogan, Patrick Lander, Ann Wardlow, Trish Garrett , Patti Koehler Jackie Fisher Vicki Finke. Second row Pam Koehler Michele Moser, Mike Gadd Rose Mary Kruer, Dale Edwards , Steve Anderson Connie Laird, Dana Spitznogle , Chris Colvin , Rob Karman , Dean Edwards. Third row Billie Peters , Glenda Cherryholmes Cathy Booher, Patti Hayes , Rae Townsend Missy Marconet, Lisa Hazen , Brian Hisle , Janet Rush Kns Rathweg , Fourth row Lisa Campbell Tom Karman Patrick South David Dunkin , Pat Cassidy, Eric Hass. Fifth row James Grice , Andy Engel Craig Campbell Chris Elton. Sixth row Scott Ray Scott Gorsuch . Pictured below: Left to right - Treasurer- Derwin Hansard SecretarY Katrina Hogan; Vice President - Bobby Campbell¡ President Steve Anderson. First Year Members Below Right - First row left to right Pam Koehler, Michele Moser Rose Mary Kruer Kris Rathweg Second row Cathy Booher, Patti Hayes, Rae Townsend , Melissa Marconet Lisa Hazen Third row James Grice Lisa Campbell Tom Karman Patrick South. Fourth row Andrew Engel , Chris Elton , Craig Campbell.
Left: Graduating Members Top to Bottom 1st row D. Edwards , V. Finke, A. Ward ¡ low B. Campbell. 2nd row P. Koehler, J . F1sher D. Hansard 3rd row T. Garrett, K. Hogan , P. Lander. 4th row S. Anderson C. Laird R. Karman, D. Sp1tznogle, D. Edwards.
Chess Club Chess Club Members I to r. seated Patrick South Eddie 0 Dell Kevin Rathweg Todd Hoffman ¡ Standing Dan Shellen barger J1m Grice Mark Creech Jeff Florence Bill Dodds . Not p1c . AdviSOr Mr Florence The Chess Club had a successful season w1nn1ng over half 1ts matches MVP was 4th board Jim Gnce The well balanced team included J. Florence ( 1st board ) Bill Dodds ( 2nd ) K. Rathweg (3rd l and P. South ( Sth l. ' We tried hard said J Grice the top players played each other and then we went over our mistakes Mr Florence was advisor.
I I II 64
Ski Club
Ski Club members I. to r front Jeff Florence Shelly Powell Jackie Fisher Angie Bauer ¡ 2nd row Marty Morgan Tracy Waltz Shelly Kronenberger Rob Karman 3rd row Kevin Fultz Ken Osborne Mark Clark Rodney Robbins Tom Karman . ( Several members are not pic l Mr. Mescher was club advisor.
Carter-Reagan ''Debate'' Mr Barton's government classes Mr. Gavin Dillon and Dale & Dean Edwards organized a debate between local representatives who were working to elect a new Pres1dent. Pic lured left Dean Edwards applauds a comment made by the rep for Carter The debate didn' t seem to change many people ' s opinions . There wasn ' t much time for the students to ask questions so interest in the event was low. There was an occasional cheer when a comment blasting the opposition was made.
FHA/HERO 1st row K. Miller S. Matter L. Marriott J . Waddell D Cook P. Burnell T. Robinson L. Hollandworth . 2nd row - L Shelton M Agee M. Wiley F Hatfield L. Shelton B. Hubbs T Shelton, T. Lynch L. Kerr P. Lamb K. Sigmund . 3rd row- D Jones L . Campbell C. Rush J Kmg B. Shinkle K. Price L Isaacs K. Kidd P. Scherer A. Buckle . 4th row M . Coffman P. Gibson, M. Gilliam J . Nix D. Rockhold B. Madison C. Miller M Spencer. Mrs. Watson & Mrs. Conley are the Adv1sors . FHA/ HERO OFFICERS. Below left Sitt ng L. toR . reporter & hist. T. Lynch secret & treas. P. Burnell Top V Pres K K1dd Pres . T. She1 ton . Middle I to r s t ting H1st C. Rish Secret K Price Top: Treas . M. Coffman V Pres. L. Marnott M. Chattin Pres Not pictured . Below right I to r. sitting Hist S Matter Secret. D. Cook Top Pres J. Waddell Treas. B. Cook V. Pres . F. Hatfield.
Class Officers
Sen10rs: Left I. tor. V. Pres. Trish Garrett , Secret. Jackie Fisher Bus. Manager Steve Anderson Pres. Rob Karman Not pictured Treas Pat Koehler Bus. Manager Anne Wardlow Juniors Below Middle left: I. to r Bus Kim Eakins Pres Rusty Kuriger, Bus. Lisa Campbell, V. Pres . Scot Gorsuch Sec Glenda Cherryholmes , Treas . Mike Gadd Sophomores ¡ Below right <middle) I. tor. Pres. Tom Karman Sec . Donna Ruse V. Pres. Wendy Schmidt Treas . Michele Moser Bus Manager Todd Hoffman. Freshmen: Bottom Left: I. tor. Pres. Richard Bryant V Pres . Lynn Riddle . Treas. Alan Wardlow. Sec. Brynn Ray Bus. Manager Lynn Scott.
Office Assistants
The Of flee A sistant s help cc1rry out the many taskc; 111 runmng an off1ce They ~ort distribute mail run errands type absence lisb and bullet111S answer the phone at times and assist Mrs Sheehan and te1chers in many other ways The majority of the ol ice ass1stants are pictured nght Row 1 Melan1e Coy Donna Ruse lllâ&#x20AC;˘chele Moser Jenny Keller Sharon Pet tit Jeff Keegan R 2 Trish Gclrrett Cathy Booher Shelly Kronenberger Kim Eakins Jeff Coleman B low Bil' e Peters who kept attendance records up to date in the office
Library Assistants
The library workers assist Mrs. Clark in the many tasks which keep a library running r>10othly They check out books reshelve them help m 1nventory and cleaning and complete other JObs pertaining to l1brary work. Most of the library wor ers are plctured ,1bove. I tor. seated Kristine Sigmund Cady Haxton Vicki Vair standing Mrs. Clark Llbrar ell' Angle N X Patti Hayes MISSy Marconet
Boy 's State & Girl 's State Selected for Boy 's State and Girl 's State This Year Are:
Above Chris Elton Below David Dunkin
Above Lisa Campbell Below Glenda Cherry holmes (alt.)
1981 Yearbook-A Lot of Work! Pictured right is the happy, always energetic & hard working 19 81 Yearbook staff: Front I to r : Joni Fry Greg Patterson Mary Beth Rye Pat Lander ; back: Lori Stoneburner Jenny Rush , Cynthia Reeves. 1981 Yearbook plodded along and then as spring deadlines approached some of the staff members finally got into gear and finished the work. The ones who stayed to work after school was out did the most for the book: Lori, Cindy , Glenda , Mr. D.
Below: What has to be lit under some kids to get them to work.
The Y.B . staff would like to thank Rob, Gwen and Fergie of Osborne Studios for their great work . .. also , thanks to John and Lizie of Herff- Jones for their patience and helpfulness .
Left : Glenda Cherryholmes our hard-working Editor - in Chief. Below: Pat Lander, Art and Cover design . Below left : Glenda Lori & Cindy ( the Summer Staff)
From raising advertisement money to picture - taking and finally , to laying out the book , a yearbook is a lot of work . Miss - filing of pictures and typesheets proved to be an ever - present problem. Some of the staff members didn' t take their job seriously , but we finally got it all together and made all of our deadlines! 73
CHORUS BEST IN ''THE GATEWAY TO THE WEST'' The WHS Chorus took an active and successful Spnng Vacation in St Louis, Missoun April 2 3 2 6 They boarded the bus at 7 A.M. for the long 8 hour ride to St Louis arriving at the magnificent Henry VIII Inn at approximately 3 P M That night they enjoyed a delicious dinner at Garavelli' s and a hilarious play at the Westport Playhouse Under Papa' s Picture." starring Dody Goodman. Friday morning at breakfast, everyone was serenaded . This was also Competition Day The Girls Chorus performed first, receiving a I rating . The Mixed Chorus also received a I. After competition, it was off to a barbecue at the Six Flags theme park , after which the group split up to enjoy the park , meeting later to dance the night away at the Disco . Early the next morning , it was off to the Magic House, then to see the Gateway Arch , which stands 630 feet high After seeing the beautiful view of the Mississippi and the layout of St. Louis from the top of the Arch the rest of the day was spent at Six Flags, where later that evening, they all met for the Awards Ceremony where , to everyone' s surprise they were awarded " Best In Class. Sunday, it was up early, back on the bus for the long trip home. From Springboro, they were escorted by police to the school and an awaiting crowd of cheering parents, friends and teachers
Above - 1. -The Disco Queen r. - A hair raising experience for Mr. G.
The Chorus - Row 1 <1- rl Lisa Humphrey Patty Fritts , Brynn Ray, Tammy Spencer Kris Rathweg, Mary Bolling , Shellie Powell, Donna Keegan. Row 2- Joni Frye, Becky Cook Kathy Eakins, Glenda Cherryholmes Gma Young Nickell, Lisa Hazen. Jenny Rush , Michelle Elton Mr. Gradel d1rector. Row 3 - Rae Townsend Lori Stoneburner, Beth Myers Angie Nix , Mary Davis, Dana Spitznogle, Janet Rush, Cady Haxton Lynn Scott. Row 4- Roby Hockett Scot Gorsuch , Eric Hass Jeff Coleman , Chris Colvin , Paul Bernard, Pat Cassidy , David Dunkin , Blake Smallwood Rob Karman , Pam Koehler Jeff Keegan. The members were well chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Cherryholmes , Mr. and Mrs . Dunkin. Mr. and Mrs. Elton, Mr. and Mrs. Gradel Mrs . Powell . Mrs . Bernard . Mrs . Frye , along with Missy Gradel.
Cast of Characters Annie Oakley .. ......... . . . .... ... .... . ... .............. Tammy Spencer Frank Butler ................................................. Eric Hass Dolly Tate ...... ............................................. Dana Spitznogle Charlie Davenport ............... ...... ............ ......... David Dunkin Winnie Tate ................................ ... ........... Mtchelle Powell Tommy ..... .. ..... ...... .. ........ ... ..... .. .. .. ............. Blake Smallwood Sitting Bull ..... ...... ............ ... ........... .... .. ..... Rob Karman Buffalo Bill ...... .... .... .... .... ............ ............ Scot Gorsuch Pawnee Bill ......... .. .......... ... ............................ ... Paul Bernard Jessie ....... .. ..... .. ....... ..... ... .......... .. ............ .. Donna Keegan Nellie .... .. .. .. .. . . . ......... ..... ... .... . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . Vicki Vair Jake ..... ... ..................... ......... .. .. .. ................ Scot Stiles Mrs. Sylvia Potter - Porter/ Mrs. Black tooth ...... ... .. Mary Davis Mac / Footman .......................................... ...... . . Scott Ray Lit tie Girl ... . .. ................ ............... Jennifer Vegso Foster Wilson / Conductor ....... ........... ............... .... Pat Cassidy Mrs . Schyler Adams Mrs Littlehorse ..... Glenda Cherryholmes Accompanist. .................................. . .. .. Mrs. L.K . Gradel
Chorus and Dancers Cyndi Allen Mary Boiling Lisa Campbell Kathy Eakins Kim Eakins Patti Fritts Cady Haxton Lisa Hazen Chris Henderson Penny Jones Laura Madden
Angie Nix Ed Orr Jim Patton Kevin Rathweg Kris Rathweg Brynn Ray Janet Rush Lynn Scott Mark Tidwell Rae Townsend Darrell Wahsum
A MUSICAL SPRING-Cincinnati Symphony Waynes ville was one of the few schools to have the honor of having the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra ask to come back and perform for the students. This was the second year for the Orchestra to perform for WHS And although they only brought part of the whole Orchestra , the students enjoyed the performance.
And WHS Spring Concert
' J
Boys' Track Team Rebuilds
1981 was a building and learning year for the boys' track team . The young team showed signs of maturing by the end of the season. With hard work and the return of 8 lettermen next Spring should see a greatly improved team . Letters were given this year to: D. Montag M. Joefreda, T. Patton , M. Rush S Ryan ¡ 2nd yr. msert R. Robbtns 3rd year plaque K Osborne, C. Chenoweth Senior Plaque : Eric Messer. Most Improved award was given to Mark Rush. Right: R. Bryant in a blur of action¡ Far R., J. Patton in the 100 yard dash.
1981 Track Team : I. tor: Row ! - Rodney Robbins, Ken Osborne, Eric Messer, Bob Campbell, Kenny Lowe, Mark Rush, Coach Tim Pounders ¡ Row 2 Richard Bryant John Kidd , Matt Wolfe Jeff Osborne , Jim Patton , Mark Joefreda Row 3Mike Wiley . Larry Whipkey , Steve Meece, David Montag, Craig Campbell ; Row 4 - Steve Kennedy, Carter Merris, John Ghearing. P. 84 , top left: C. Merris vaulting¡ middle I. S. Kennedy warming up in spite of an injury; center & r: Most Improved Trackster Mark Rush P. 85 , right: R. Robbins sails over the high hurdles; below Seniors Bob Campbell Phil Merris, Eric Messer. Bottom: Chris Chenoweth (not pic. l above, receives 3rd year plaque.
Girls Strong In Running Events
1981 Girls Track Team (I tor ) Row 1- Angie Bauer, Mindy Kronenberger Rose Mary Kruer. Michele Moser; Row 2 Lisa Shelton Brynn Ray Angie Liffick; Row 3 Jodi King Leslie Shelton Jenni Finke ¡ Row 4- Paula Malicote Janet Rush Coach Bob Lohse. Lettering this year: L & L Shelton , J. Finke J Kmg A Liffick, B. Ray R Kruer P Malicote; 2nd year inserts : A . Bauer, M. Moser M Kronenberger, 3rd year award: Janet Rush
The 1981 Girls' Track Team consisted of Freshmen. After a slow start , the girls began to gain experience and by the KTC Championship Meet all were performing well. Some of the highlights of the season were ¡ The Two Mile Relay Team (Leslie Shelton Michele Moser Jodi King Janet Rush ) repeated as league champs and the girls were named all - league; Janet Rush, 2nd in the 880 and 3rd in the 220 at KTC M1chele Moser 3rd in 880 at KTC Brynn Ray 4th in the mile run at KTC Angie Liffick , 5th in the high jump at KTC Based on season long performances, Jodi King was named Most Improved and Leslie Shelton, Most Outstanding Performer.
Girls' Softball Season¡
Pictured top left Senior Softballers Bonnie Alford Jenny Rush Shelly Powell ¡ Middle right the girls receivmg their awards at the Spring awards assembly bot tom left Billy Hubbs Most Improved Player bottom right Bonnie Alford Most Valuable Player and All - League
''Rain, Rain, Go Away
• •
The 1981 Girls' Softball team members are, I. to r. front : Lisa Isaacs , Dawn Snedegar Patti Hayes Lori Foust Penny Burnell Billie Hubbs Jenny Rush Michele Powell · back Coach Keith Mescher Donna Keegan, Becky Houseright , Michele Elton Bobbi Jo Leyes Cheryl Stephens Bonnie Alford Karen Pettit. Rain cancelled a number of games so the season never got rolling smoothly. The following awards were given: Letters and inserts B. Leyes. L. Isaacs B Hubbs . P. Burnell D. Snedegar L. Foust C. Stephens M. Chattin K. Pettit M Elton P Hayes J . Rush M. Powell. Third Year Plaque Bonnie Alford· Most Improved Player Billie Hubbs · Most Valuable Player Bonnie Alford (also All-League.)
Spring Health Fair
This year a health fair was organized to present information on health and to promote better health and habits. Various community organizations and Individuals participated and gave information out or had demonstrations . on such topics as drug abuse CPR Sports Medicine Aging Birth Control Hearing Safety etc 89
The Skies Opened ; The Season Closed! The ram practically wiped out what promised to be a very successful season for this year 's baseball team Pictured left, I. to r front : Coach Bob Kennedy Kevin Maloney , Doug Combs Chris Henderson , Don Rockhold Duwayne Rains, Rusty Kuriger, Ed Orr, Mike Hess; Back: Ken Kurtz , Jim Johnson , Darrell Wahsum, Chns Elton , Kirk Kennedy, Dave Deters , Bryan " Whitey McKinney . Not Pic .â&#x20AC;˘ Hubert Smger. Awards other than 1st year awards were given to the following 2nd year- J. Johnson D Rockhold ; 3rd year R Kuriger B McKinney K. Kennedy D Deters 4th year trophies D Wahsum and D. Ra1ns . Selected as Most Improved Player was Chris Elton. Pitcher Kirk Kennedy was chosen the Most Valuable Player. Losing just two Seniors, the team looks tough for next year!
Above left Kirk Kennedy, MVP ¡ Right: Chris Elton , Most Improved
The tennis team had a rebuilding year after losing four seniors from the conference championship team of the previous year. Their team record was 4-6, but they did lose only one match in the KTC for a second place finish All conference players were Jeff Florence and Mark Tidwell. Most valuable player was Jeff Florence and most improved player was Derwin Hansard . In the Dayton Sectional Tournament Tom Sackett Derwin Hansard , and Rob Karman were defeated in the second round. Jeff Florence and Mark Tidwell made it to the third round playing doubles . The team consisted of Jeff Florence (1st singles> , Mark Tidwell (2nd singles> Derwin Hansard (3rd singles) Rob Karman and Tom Sackett (1st doubles), and Mike Gadd and Scott Klesk1 <2nd doubles> , Lisa Campbell , Blake Smallwood , and Tom Karman played 1n several matches Pic right ¡ kneeling Rob Karman Tom Sackett Mark Tidwell Jeff Florence , Mike Gadd , Standing, Mr. Barton Lisa Campbell , Tom Karman, Derwin Hansard , Blake Smallwood Scott Kleski.
Left graduating members of the tennis team. Left to Right- Rob Karman , Derwin Hansard , and Mark Tidwell.
Paris, Switzerland, the Alps . The French club went to Europe again this year, visiting Paris Geneva & the French Alps.
. Grrreat!
Pictured left are the students who went to France, April 9-21. L. tor. , Scott Ray, Wendy Schmidt, RoseMary Kruer, Tim Peyton, Pam Koehler, Donna Ruse Erich Raasch, Greg Patterson , Cyndi Allen , Lori Stoneburner, Anne Wardlow, Darrell Wahsum , Tom Karman Angie Bauer. Part of the trip was paid for through several club projects: tulip bulb sale, onion soup sale, hog raffle Gourmet Dinner.
Highlights of the trip include¡ a gourmet dinner at world - famous Troisgros Restaurant the Metro Pere LaChaise Cemetary, LePalace Disco the prop flight from N.Y. to Philadelphia, Tut and Bruce Lee at the Madeleine - Plaza dodging traffic on the Place de I'E toile riding on trains the magnificent scenery and scary ride on the teleferique up on Mont Blanc and the even scarier ride on the aerial gondolas across the Italian border It was an unforgetable experience!
Academic Success For Many!
Many students achieved academic success this year at WHS A number of them were honored at the annual Spring Academic Recognition Program, organized by Mrs . Clark and the National Honor Society. This program, attended by an overflow crowd , recognized excellence in the classroom . Many of the students who received honors are pictured here : This page , top right: The top students in their respective grades in the American Legion Citizenship Test. I to r - Missy McKeever and Blake Smallwood <Fresh l , Missy Marconet and Tom Karman <Soph .l , Kim Eakins and Steve Boggs (Jr. Anne Wardlow and Derwin Hansard (Sr.l. Middle and right: Scenes from the reception given after the Academic Awards. The Art Classes had a display in the library during the week. Bottom right: Rob Karman, Pat Koehler, Derwin Hansard after having received the Award of Distinction from the State Board. This award is given to students who have followed successfully a prescribed course of study set up by the board . It includes 3 units of math, science , language and 4 units of English .
Scholarship Team Takes High Honors! Annually , top students are selected by their teachers to represent the school at District Scholarship tests in a number of study areas. This year five of our students did particularly well. They are pictured left , (1. tor.): Glenda Cherryholmes , English 11 8th in the District Patti Hayes English 10 1st in the Distnct 5th in the State of Ohio Pat Cassidy Chemistry 3rd in the District, Honorable Mention, State Mike Gadd , American History 7th in the District , Honorable Mention, State Pat South , Algebra II 1st in the District, 7th in the State of Ohio Below¡ Board of Regents Scholarship Finalists Derwin Hansard and Rob Karman. Other pictures on these pages show scenes from classes and the Academic Reception.
Blake Smallwood Is Freshman of the Yea r; Many Students Maintain 3 .5 Averages
Above: Seniors with 3.5 or better averages Row 1 Jackie Fisher, Missy Fox , Anne Wardlow Vicki Finke; Row 2- Rob Karman Steve Anderson, Derwin Hansard, Robby Kronenberger. Below Juniors with 3 .5 or better averages Row 1- Gienda Cherryholmes , Eileen Smith, Lisa Campbell Kim Eakins Steve Roark ; Row 2- Mike Gadd, Pat Cassidy Harold Long David Dunkin Scott Gorsuch. Below, right: Sophomores with 3.5 or better averages Pat Smith , Rae Townsend Jim Grice Patti Hayes Andy Engel. Bottom right Freshmen with 3.5 or better averages. Jeff Ross Debbie Shuler, Brynn Ray Rob Fisher, Donna Keegan Staci Shaffer
Above: Dr. Moreland congratulates Blake Smallwood, Freshman of the Year. This award is based on excellence of scholarship and service to the school. Below : (con ' t.l , Row 2 of Freshmen¡ Blake Smallwood, Dan Shellenbarger, David Sheehan, Marty Morgan. Missy McKeever, Melanie Coy, Allen Begley.
Dissection and Diligence Bring Rewards
" It grosses me out " is the usual comment when dissection begins in Bio classes . But exposure to ·• surgery," art, theorems, paramecia, literature, wood grains .. starts the process of learning ... and that ' s our most important task at WHS!
Pictured left and above left is the induction of Officers of the National Honor Society. Left, Katnna Hogan passes the candle to Kris Rathweg . Above , the new NHS Officers. Kris Rathweg Secy. , Missy Marconet, Treas. , Glenda Cherryholmes, V Pres. , Chris Colvin , President.
The 1981 Prom was held at Ball Room on Saturday M ihe Dayton Sheraton Hotel preceeded the readings' 6, 1981 A buffet meal queen. ' nee and crowning of the
Prom '81
Many pe_ople got into the
~~~; ~P~It . but some felt the
USIC weren ' t up to par. The evening did rolling . get . . and the Sen1ors rea IIZing it was th e1r . Iast ' prom , got down to boo . gymg and having fun.
Trish Garrett Reigns Over '81 Prom Miss Trish Garrett was crowned 1981 Prom Queen by outgoing 1980 Queen , Cary Karman . The Queen 's Court includes Attendant Tammy Spencer and the 3rd Place Attendants (pic. below, I. to r.l Anne Wardlow, Teresa Brown, Mary Beth Rye, Connie Laird. Pictured left is Queen Trish Garrett. Below left is Attendant Tammy Spencer. The Queen and her Court were a lovely addition to the Prom.
Prom Candids
Waynesville's l09th Graduation!
Commencement was held at 2¡ 00 p.m . on May 24 , 1981. The band played " Pomp and Circumstance," during the Processional. The Invocation by Bro. John Burchfield was followed by Class Pres . Rob Karman 's Welcome. After speeches by Salutatorian Jackie Fisher & Valedictorian Steve Anderson , the band entertained with " Novena" . Rev. Sherman Cook gave the sermon and the Chorus sang " Time is My Friend " . The Presentation of Awards and Scholarships preceeded the actual awarding of diplomas . The Benediction & Recessional followed . The ceremony was fast-moving and pleasant this year.
<I ..,-, CH 1981 \\a)nt\lillt IIIKh 'xhuol
Honors , Awards Graduation was dignified and fast-moving this year. May 24 was a fair and sunny day. The stage was decorated with white mums. 87 graduates made it flawlessly (well, almost> through the ceremony Steve Anderson pic. on p. 107 upp'er left addressing the audience was Class Valedictorian Jackie Fisher, to his right on p. 107 was Class Salutatorian. Derwin Hansard took 3rd Place 1n the class. The following Departmental Honors were given Math - Steve Anderson Science- Robert Karman Soc al Studies - Derwin Hansard English Leigh Ann Bursey French - Robert Kronenberger Outstanding Sen1or Vocational Student - Denise Colvin Outstanding Senior Musician Dana Spitznogle Anon Award (Chorusl-Mary Davis Sousa Award <Bandl-Robert Campbell Citizenship-Trish Garrett Activities - Robert Karman R.F. Hatfield Award Duwayne Ra1ns 5 yrs. Perfect Attendance award went to Bob Campbell The following scholarships were given: Hon. Soc.- Bob Campbell· Rotary Connie Laird· J. Brent Crane Tammy Spencer· Ohio Regents - Steve Anderson; Boy Scout- Rob Karman, Lions Derwin Hansard , Dana Spitznogle , Vicki Finke· Enterprise Federai-Jack1e Fisher· College Scholarship Pat Lander. Congratulations to these award winners and to all of the Class of 1981.
Mark A Adams Patrma Anneue Adams \\ 1lllam J Agee Bonnoe Mane Alford Sherr) Beth AndeN>n • + Harold Stephen i\nder-.on Ce)rrae L. Ba1le) Dean A Bla1r Soot Borgerdmg li.ell) Lynn llo)c:t +Teresa Kay Bro"'n Treva Suzanne Bro"'n le1gh Ann Bur..e) + Robert Stephen Campbell Allen D Carter Paul Da"d Carter Aaron Cra1g (offman Tere.a Lynn Coffman Deno"' Ann Colvm Doughtl. V. Comb. Bradle) Couch Wa)ne Couch Mary Jeanne Da" Da" n Jeanetta Duncan +Dale Warren Ed"ar<h + Dean Douglas Ed"ar<h Tma Eltzroth Tma \1ane ferguson +VICki L Fmke
• +Jacqueline Mane h~her Meli <oa ll:a) l·o' Joru L)nn I r)e + Tmh Ann (,arrett Soon George Jennofer L)nn (,er pa<her 1ar) Meli\\a u1lliam • + Der"'" ( harle1 llan<ard RIChard Dale H1llard MIChael Thoma' Hoffer + Katnna L)nn Hogan Bradle) E Ho,.ard Sus1e Jeanette Huffman + Robert John Karman Rhonda Lou1\e Keegan + Patnc1a Ann Koehler Robert Kronenberger + (on tanc:t Sue L.a1rd + John M1chael Larukr ('harte> athan La~~o "'' Brenda Sue Loh>e David L)nn \1adron Dan \1a) nard
t~~~ B~~set1~~~~
Angela Ma) ~ .. Gregory Lee Patter10n Todd Patton Sharon N Pettit
+ Member of auonal Honor Sol1et) Clas. Fto.. er Whne Rose lipped m blue Color Whne g. 'The Be:.t of T1mes" l} Styx 1otto L1fe 1s a road that 1 d1V1ded And "e do not kno.. "h"h "a) to go But, as "e .. alk to our de>tm). "e'll ..ee How life, to• e. and happm grow
MIChele t>o.,ell Du"'a) ne Alan Ram> Rohert Alan Ramb) Kath) Sue Randolph Ton)a Renee Re)nokh Randall < Roark Jenn1fer l )nn Ru1h \1ar) Beth R)e Jeffre1 Jacob 1d Thom·a ( S1mf"'n Darr) I Ph1ll1p Sllelo•e Brenda Ka) Smith Lolita Leah Spark~ Tamm) Arleen Spencer + Dana l.ou11C Spltznogle Ten Lec tephen' Bnan Da111cl 1 hacker
V~ek) Sue Wampler + Ann '\lane Wardlo" Thoma J Watkm Arthur '\1,tchell W1le) Dana Mane W1lker.on George ~ugcne Wm>ted Gtona Jo)c:t Yeazel B1ll Young Regma Su11n Young Ton) a l )nn Young
'Cum Laude
Charles W1lliams Stanley Moreland Da-.d Barton Paul Bro~~oer Jennofer Buckley David Ce na Lmda Clark Jacob Collm> Sara Conte) Terry D1llon Marajean hnch
Judith hnke T1m Gabbard Rodney Gradel Robert Kenned) Betty li.mg Da-.d llffid Denn" l mg Patnck Mc(,eehan Keith Me\Cher BOARD Of E:Dl-(ATIO
Paul I\11Chener Gar) lhle ( l31re Dunkm Betty 1 R1tke)
hed lluhbell
Pnnc1pal Supermtendent Patne~a Patton Johnn•e Polly Vernon Polly T1m Pounde" Donald Tharr Juha To,.nsend Yutonoa Watson Ph1lhp Webb Rodney Wc~rauch
Pre>1dent VICe Pre>1dent Warren Sheehan l rra,urrr
Anderson, Fisher, Hansard Lead Class
Successfully Yours, 811 82 8 3, 84
Smile! You're in WHS' Yearbook!
Successfully Yours, Class of '82
Mary Agee Cindy Allen Steve Begley Paul Bernard Steve Boggs Mary Boiling Kathy Booher
Kelly Boyce Judith Briggs Craig Campbell Lisa Campbell Pat Cassidy Clenda Cherry holmes Mark Clark
Jimmy Coffman Chris Colvin Becky Cook Tony Davis Shelley Davisson David Deters David Duncan
Bill Elam Chris Elton Jeff Florence Kevin Fultz Jamie Ferguson Mike Gadd Jeff George
Jeff Gillis Scot Gorsuch Sandy Gross Cathy Haines Eric Hass
Brian Hisle Steve Hisle Becky Houseright Danny Johnson Jimmy Johnson
Doris Jones Penny Jones Robert Keegan K1m Kidd Duane Knisley
Shelly Kronenberger Rusty Kunger Bobbi Leyes Harold Long Tammy Lynch
Jeff Malicote Leon Mcgeorge Jeff Mckalip Bryan McKinney Eric Measel
Becky Mellot Jeff Miller Jeff Newsome Brenda Page Billie Peters
Erich Raasch Kevin Rathweg Mark Ratliff Scott Ray Marcus Rice
Steve Roark Pam Scherer Darrell Sharp Tracey Shelton Shane Shively
Pam Shutts Karen Sizelove Eileen Smith Troy Timmons Tracy Waltz
Darrell Woods
Kelly Worthington
Junior Candids
FULLY Yours, Class
of 83 Wendy Anderson Angie Bauer Cherie Bayes Jimmy Bishop Doug Boggs Jeff Brown
Ed Brown Jodi Buckland Penny Burnell Mary Chattin Debbie Cook Sonya Dill
Michele Didion Tim Duff Andy Engel Julian Farley Lori Foust Mike Fox
Margie Frederick Aaron Frye John Ghearing Phillip Gibson Mike Gilliam Steve Gingerich
Scott Graham Rodney Gruber Mike Hall Jeff Harrison Fay Hatfield Patti Hayes
Sophomore Candids
Successfully Yours,
Class of '84
Jenny Agee Ronnie Alford Cindy Anderson
Herbert Baker Allan Begley
Laura Blythe R1chard Bryant Allison Buckle Diana Bumgardner
Rhonda Burnell Laura Campbell William Carter Loretta Casebolt
Danny Chaney Michael Coffman Jeffery Coleman Lee Cornett
Melanie Coy Jimmy Deters Scott Dunn Kathy Eakins
Pam Egbert Kevin Elcock Michele Elton Jenni Finke
Rob Fisher Richard Gibson David Ginocchio Ralph Haines
Colleen Hatton Charles Hawk Cady Haxton Chris Henderson
Not Pictured K Brady E Brown , M. Clark , J. Christman , A Cook , C. Conover D. Dodds S Drake, P. Fritts D. Isaacs S Jackson , A . Lawson D Lewis , P. Malicote
Mike Hess Roby Hockett Sheila Hollan Linda Hollandsworth
David Horseman Phillip Hubbell Billie Hubbs Lisa Isaacs
Jada Jenkins Mark Joefreda Amanda Johnson Teresa Johnson
Donna Keegan Jeff Keegan Lisa Kerr John Kidd
Jodie King Brian Koch Charles Kurtz Paul Lamb
Jennifer Lamb Pauline Lamb Scott Lander Angie Liffick
Not Pictured D. Montag S Morgan K Pursley M Ramby, P Sears, M Spencer
Kenny Lowe Kevin Maloney Sherri Matter Russell McGuire
Melissa McKeever Steve Meece Carter Merris Carl Miller Marty Morgan Beth Myers
Ed Orr Jeff Osborne Jim Patton Danny Peters Karen Pettit Dee Plummer
Angela Rambsy Holly Ratliff Brynn Ray Jeffery Reed Deanna Rice Rodney Rice
Lynn Riddle Cindy Rish Tonya Robertson Jeff Ross Mark Rush Tina Satterfield
Ian Schultz Angie Scott Lynn Scott David Shaffer David Sheehan Staci Shaffer
Dan Shellenbarger Leslie Shelton Lisa Shelton Becky Shinkle Debbie Shuler Christina Sigmond
Blake Smallwood Rhoschel Smith Vicki Vair Mark Wampler Alan Wardlow Larry Whipkey
Mike Wiley Michele Wiley Matt Wolf
Successfully Yours ,
Junior High
8th Grade Sherri Adams Angie Arthur Rodney Bailey Jon Beacham Davy Boggs Steve Boggs
Curt Booher John Brookshire Randy Brown Cindy Buckland Dawn Burgess Mike Cassidy
Lynda Chappius Steve Coffman Robin Creech Dean Cook Laurie Cook Calvin Crutchfield
Jeff Crutchfield Skip Duncan Richard Dunham James Elam Jarome Farley Tomi Farley
Gary Ferguson Larry Ferguson John Fillmore Teresa Forsythe Chris Freeman Tom Fry
Rhonda Fullerton Don Fueston John Fuston Lisa Hadley Gail Haltom Shelly Hamiel
Heather Hass Scott Hathaway Julie Henderson T1m Hoffer Steve Hoffman Delmer Isaac
Marty Isaac Tonya Jackson Greg Jones Marie Kronenberger Keith Lamb Dawn Lander
Class of '85
Kevin Lawless Michele Litherland Linda Livingston Lisa Loehrig Lisa Manning Rita Marconet
Gene McNutt Tom McNutt William Merris Debra Messenger Kelly Miltenberger Melanie Moser
Sheri Mullins Bryan Patton Berneda Pennington Leroy Phipps Dewayne Purkey Shari Ramby Larry Randolph Steve Reed Cathy Robertson Tanya Roeder Jeanne Rohrback Steve Ryan
Darla Sharp Barbra Scherer Chip Schmidt Greg Shellenbarger Todd Smith Scott South
Greg Spears Dale Sptiznogle Beth Stammon Carl Stiver Lisa Stoneburner Jodi St. Pierre
Lisa Sutherland Julie Taylor Roxi Thompson Sam Toedtman Vance Vair David Van Hoose
David Ward Lisa Weeks Arthur Wilson Kimberley Youtsey
7th Grade Bryan Agee Tracy Arthur Tina Bailey Tammy Ball Tim Bennet Teresa Bishop
Roger Briggs Chris Brower Patrick Burke Allen Casebolt Tammy Christie Mike Christman
Eric Coffman Mark Coffman Chris Cole Harriette Collins Tanya Conner Brent Coy
Melissa Davidson Bobby Davis Billie Drake Julie Dunham Jennifer Estes Diann Ferguson
Abby Finke Robert Fredrick Danny Fueston Jamie George David Gerspacher Ben Ghearing
Crystal Gibson Melissa Hadley Cindy Hatfield Tracey Hatton Holly Hayes Eddie Henry
Brian Howard Mark Hurley Pam Hussey Kevin lhle Renae Isaac John Isaacs
Denny Johnson Leon Johnson Stan Jordan David Kurtz Michele Lainhart Tammy Lamb
Class of '86
Dan Lanham Tim Livingston Chris Lowe Paul McGeorge Larry McGuire Brian Measel
Travis Melampy Ronnie Milby Cliff Minnick Jenny Montag John Montag Missy Neace
Jerry Neely Sherry Newton Tom Osborne Christy Patrick Chris Phelps David Pierson
Lisa Raasch Mike Randolph Micky Reynolds Todd Robertson Olaf Roeder Scott Rohrback
Douglas Seidl Angie Shaffer Tim Shuler Doug Simpson Jonathan Slone Paul Smith
Tammy Smith Theo Sm1th Andy Stafford Brian Stephens Missy Stout Vick1 Stroop
Eric Thompson Mary Trimble Billy Weatherford Brent Wentzel Julie Williams Shane Williams
Dana Wilson Lynne Wilson Mark Wolfe Brian Younker Kim Younker
6th Grade
Class of '87
Cheryl Abner Bonnie Agee Debbie Akers Darren Amburgy Michele Ames Beth Ashburn
Tim Ballard Matt Baron Lee T Bennett Teresa Boiling Kathy Boyer Jamie Brower
Jinnifer Browning Travis Browning Mark Bryant Tim Cassidy Kevin Cates Jill Cessna
Stacy Christman Bobbi Coffman Renee Cook Joe Cupp Don Crawford Sonia Creech
Chris Davis Lesley Davisson Debbie Ditmyer Wanda Ferguson Missy Flannery Becky Forsythe Heather Frasure Janet Fueston David Fullerton Sandra Gingerich Ronnie Hamiel Michele Harner
Angela Harrah Pam Harrison Tonya Hendrickson Amy Hess B1lly Hoffer Scott Hofner
James Harner Alana Jenkins Bryan Johnson Rebecca Johnson Christina Kelly Dennis Kingan
Charlene Lamb Lois Long Michele Lucas Rick McCloud Andy Morgan James Morgan
Jim Myers Amy Napier Melissa Neely Kim Nichols Tracee Patton Daphne Praeter
Theresa Prewitt Will Purkey Carl Reeves Philip Rice Steve Rice Kristin Raasch
Debra Robison Lori Satterfield Tracy Schieman Keith Shaffer Sherri Sherritt Britt Sigmund
Amy Smith Mark Smith Tammy Smith Donald Southerland Jerry Stapleton Kathy Stapleton
Scott Stiles Dawn Sutters Steve Taulbee Ben Thacker Eric Thompson Mike Tidwell
Kathy Van Nuys Jennifer Vegso Marc Volkenand Shannon Ward Lori Wentzel Tawn Williams
Mike Wilson Jeff Winkler Paul Woods
14 7
Jr. High Tough Again!
1980 Jr. High Football Team I. tor., row 1· Mark Hurley, Eric Coffman, Brian Howard Tom Osborne , Jim Elam , Denny Johnson, Bryan Agee, Danny Lanham, Mgr Ben Ghearing : Row 2 : Steve Reed , Art Wilson Brent Wentzel, Scott Hathaway Jarome Farley , Tony Stafford Paul Smith , Cliff Mmn1ck , Row 3: Bobby Davis , Bryan Patton , Jim Oakes , Chris Cole , Eddie Henry, Allen Casebolt , Brian Measel Mike Randolph ; Row 4· Rick Dunham. Chip Schmidt , Delmer Isaacs Davy Boggs , Tim Hoffer Steve Boggs , Tom Fry, Chris Brookshire, Coach Tony Hampton, Vance Vair, Rod Bailey , Mike Cassidy , William Merris , Tim Livings ton , Ass ' t. Coach Jim Philpot. The Junior High Football Team had an outstanding season this year. After a shakey start against G- view, they scored 4 straight wins.
p. 148 , mid- r , Casebolt tackles in back field· lower I, Bailey drives; 149, top - 1 Bailey on a sweep, above , Capts. Bailey, Isaacs Cassidy; above - r , Oakes returns punt; far r Defense stops C- M in backfield , r , Isaacs scores TD.
With only 3 returning boys, the coaches had a lot of rebuilding to do . Outstanding players were : M1ke Cassidy off. . Delmer Isaacs de f. Rod Bailey Leadership Scores : WJHS b Gview 34 WJHS 32 , Cedarv 12; WJHS 26 E Cl b WJHS 48 , C.M. 8 WJHS 34 , Boro 0 . 149
Volleyball , Basketball
Reserve Volleyball Team , I. tor., Row 1: Tracey Hatton Jaime George Tammy Lamb· Row 2: Julie Dunham Lynne Wilson Tina Bailey · Row J· Abby Finke, Angie Shaffer Lisa Raasch, Coach Bourne
Varsity Volleyball Team I. tor Row 1: Gail Haltom Teresa Forsythe, Lisa Stoneburner Marie Kronenberger Lisa Manning Row 2. Coach Bourne Heather Hass Tonya Roeder Barbara Scherer, Student Manager Vicki Stroop.
Involve Many Jr. High Girls Jr. High Basketball Squad , I. to r ., Row 1: Tracey Hatton , Jaime George; Row 2: Cindy Hatfield , Tammy Ball , Teresa Bishop Row 3 · Abby Finke, Julie Williams, Julie Dunham , Holly Hayes · Row 4 : Linda Livingston , manager, Marie Kronenberger, Barbara Scherer, Heather Hass , Roxi Thompson, Ang1e Arthur; Row 5: Michelle Lainhart , Melanie Moser Berneda Pennington, Laurie Cook , Heather Collins . Pictured below is the 8th Grade <Varsity ) Basketball Team, I. to r · Manager Linda Livingston , Marie Kronenberger, Barbara Scherer, Heather Hass, Roxi Thompson, Angie Arthur, Coach Mary Ann Bourne.
Pictured above is the 7th Grade Reserve Basketball Team : I. tor Row 1: Tracey Hatton , Jaime George· Row 2· Cindy Hatfield , Tammy Ball, Teresa Bishop Row 3 Abby Finke, Julie Williams, Coach Mary Ann Bourne, Julie Dunham, Holly Hayes.
Eighth Graders Tough! 8th grade team , pic . right: r . l , Coach Philpot Tom McNutt, Jim Oakes Curt Booher, Joh Beacham , David Boggs Mgr Greg Shellenbarger; R.2 Vance Va1r Rod Bailey, Mike Cassidy, Rick Dunham Delmer Isaacs , Bryan Patton. The eighth graders proved a formidible foe when they got rolling . Coach Philpot felt there had been a great deal of improvement over the 7th grade team Delmer Isaacs led the team as Most Valuable Player. Rod Bailey & Mike Cassidy took the offensive & defensive awards . Two starters were sick at the tournament, so the team didn' t advance as far as hoped.
Seventh Graders Improve! Pictured left the Seventh grade team; r . l , I. tor Stan Jordan , Bobby Davis, Brent Coy Jerry Neeley, Tony Stafford , Eric Coffman Olaf Roeder; R.2 , Denny Johnson , Ben Ghearing, Tim Livingston, Allen Casebolt, Eddie Henry, Chris Cole, Coach Hampton. The 7th graders had a slow start this year and their inexperience was evident. Coach Hampton said " They had a great learning experience and it showed up in how well they played at the end of the season ." Most Valuable Player was Chris Cole & Most Improved was Eddie Henry. Top rebounder; Allen Casebolt.
Jr. High Cheerleaders 1980-81 Jr. High Cheerleaders, advised by Mrs. Watson, are pictured right. <Above) top Dana Wilson; sitting M1ssy Davidson Michelle Litherland ¡ bending, Julie Henderson Cathy Robertson; bottom, Darla Sharp. Below right: top to bot tom Melanie Moser, Harriette Collins Michelle Lainhart Laurie Cook; left, Christina Patrick¡ right , Berneda Pennington .
Junior High Band
Pictured right is the 1980 - 81 Spartan Junior Staff¡ R. 1 Becky Malloy , Debra Robinson Lisa Loehring ¡ R. 2, Darla Sharp Julie Taylor Cathy Robertson Greg Shellenbarger Mrs . Kostak advisor. This year Mrs. Kostak and an enthusiastic staff worked on the Spartan Junior and produced several issues of the Junior High Newspaper including the special 8th grade issue in the Spring . The staff pictured here turned out to be the faithful core " staff. Congratulations on a good job!
Jr. High Candids
Spelling Bee Champs Seventh Sixth Grade
L. to r . Debra Robinson , Tawn Williams , Tonya Hendrickson , Britt Sigmund and Phillip Rice. The students pictured in these 3 pictures are WJHS ' spelling bee champs!
Tim Livingston , Ben Ghearing , Theo Smith
David VanHoose , Todd Smith , Rich Dunham
A Great Field Day! It was beautiful weather for Field Day , held after several delays. Races, contests and fun m the sun are the attractions of the day This year, the following won out of their respective classes 8 - B, 40 ~ points; 7 - A, 42 ~ points ¡ 6-A, 43 points . Ribbons are awarded to individuals too!
The 1981 Junior High Boys' Track Team is pic. nght R 1 I. to r Rodney Bailey Johathan Slone Greg Spears Scott South Brent Coy Kevm lhle R 2 Kevin Kurtz Ben Ghearing Vance Vair, Jim Elam Art Wilson Shane Williams Lisa Manning <statsl; R. 3, Coach Dave Hendrickson, John Montag Rich Dunham, Chris Brookshire, Mike Cassidy, William Merris , Tim Hoffer, Allen Casebolt , Shari Mullins <statsl. The Jr. High track team had a successful season, finishing with a 4-3 record and 4th in the County meet MVP was M1ke Cassidy & Most Improved was Kevin Ihle Coach Hendrickson felt the season was good experience & that the boys have good talent.
Boy 's Track
Girl's Track
Pictured left is the 1981 Junior High Girls' Track Team : R. 1, I. tor., Jamie George, Tammy Smith , Debbie Messenger Lisa Raasch Melanie Moser, Jenny Montag, Missy Davidson, Mgr. Lisa Loehrig¡ R 2, Coach Pat Patton, Marie Kronenberger, Holly Hayes, Rita Marconet, Julie Williams , Tanya Roeder, Teresa Forsythe, Darla Sharp . The girls had a steadily improving season, ending with a 3-4 record and a lot of good experience. As the smallest school in the County meet , the girls took 4th and were strong in the running events . MVP was Jamie George while Julie Williams was most improved. There was steady individual & team improvement
Junior High Candids
Orange & Black Day On Orange and Black Day , students contrive costumes in the brightest orange and black colors to support the Junior High Football team .
Our highly professional staff faculty and administration at WHS had a successful year. Co - operation was the key word th1s year . The school and community students and teachers worked to bring about learning successful activities and a sense of achievement.
Top 1-r Mr McGeehan Shop, Mrs. Polly - Aig. I II, Geometry, Adv . Math Mr. Polly Biology I, Physiology, Zoology. Bottom 1-rMr. Dillon Student Teacher American Government , Mr. Tharr (middle of pic.) Biology I, Gen. Biology, Chemistry .
Bottom l ·r Mrs. Finch Gen. Math, Basic Algebra, Alg . I, Mrs. Clark- Librarian, Mr. Liffick- Phys Ed ., Mr. Kennedy - Social Science , Gen. Science , Health.
Top 1-r Mr. Gradel Drama, Speech Adv. Drama, Chorus Mr DillonFrench I ,II ,III , Ohio His ., Yearbook
Top Mr. Collins I.A.C.
Middle Page - Mr. Cessna - Guidance Counselor Middle Right Mrs. Patton L/ D, Left <1 - r l Mr. Ling Stage Band, Music Appreciation, Band <Concert & Marching ), Mr. Brewer- World Lit. , Bible Lit. , Eng . II , Above, Middle- Mr Gabbard- Personal Typing , General Business .
Mr Pounders World Hist American Hist. Geography Mr. Mescher Off Practice Gen. Bus . Per. Typing Mrs. Watson - Foods Sewing Mrs . Buckley Art I II III Mr. Webb - Mythology Civics Sociology Psychology, Fant. Lit. , Eng . I Mrs. King A.P Composition , Novel Eng. Lit. , Eng II Short Story Mr. Weiraugh - Latin Classics , Gifted Prog. Mr. Barton Geography, Go ern., Drivers Ed.
Top 1- r Mrs. Finke - Physical Education, Mrs. Townsend - Communications, Eng I Mass Media Mrs. Conley- Home EC., Child Care , Home Fur. , Bot. l¡r Mrs . Kostak Eng. , Spenser of School paper, Mrs. Ames Science, Art, Mrs Peas Home Ec ., Miss Waldroup Soc. Studies, Mrs Vair Reading
Mr. Osborne
Science, Mrs . Reed- Librarian, Mrs Edwards
Science, Reading
1-r Mr. Henson- Phys. Ed , Health , Ath . Dir., Mrs. Gradei- Learning Disability, Mr. Gibbs for Freshmen
Math Teachers fixing pancake breakfast
1- r Mr Conway Math Mr Hampton l.A .C., Mrs. Lacy English, Mrs. Doering - Counselor, Mr. Watson Math, Mrs Watson - Phys Ed ., Health , Mr. Philpot Shop , Mrs . Hartsock- English
STAFF Left front Mrs. Stiles , Clerk Mrs. Connors Middle Mrs Johnson Mrs Hopkins Mrs. O' Banion <Head Cook ), Mrs. Robinson Back Mrs Bailey, Mrs. Marconet, Mrs . Kurtz , Mrs . Honaker Below middle Mrs Powell, Mrs . Mellott Below- Mrs . Howard Bot Left Clerk Mrs . Booher
Middle top Mrs . St1les preparing yet another gourmet meal. top Mrs Marconet , Mrs. Bailey , and Mrs Robinson serving our delicious meal left - Mrs. O' Banion and Mrs . Robinson look like they re having fun
Custodians , Bus Drivers Clockwise, this page: Bus Drivers , I. tor: Mrs. Treon (Super ), Mr. Holliday Mr. Cessna , Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. Hawk , Mrs . Kinsel , Mr. Kronenberger Mrs. Taulbee, Mrs Linebaugh . Custodians : Mr. Keplinger Mr. Bob Campbell (Head of Maintenance) , Mr. Stansbury, Mr Dick Campbell; Mechanic Mr. McCullough; Mrs. Kinsel " posing." Several busy drivers and custodians are not pictured. Page 17 5, A pancake breakfast was prepared for the Freshman Class for maintaining the best over-all attendance and academic average. Both faculty and administration participated in preparing the pancakes. Lynn Riddle hopes the So phs will win next year.
Pancake Breakfast & Candids
Candids Tell The Story ...
It's Been A Successful Year!
OUR PATRONS: Thank You For Supporting the Fine Businesses and Individuals Who Help Our School and Yearbook.
MICHAEL E. FOLEY Attorney At Law
Service Is Our Business Auto- Home- Life- Business
258 Miami Street Waynesville Ohio 45068 Phones: 897 - 1080 & 897 - 1949
P.O. Box 555, 59 N. Main St. Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Phone 897-3871
Erie Boulevard and Edison Avenue HAMILTON, OHIO
Phone 513/895-9566 45011
Fred C. Hubbel l, Member, Wayne Local School Board
Catch that Pe~i Spirit. Drink it in!
l .-.4 .'\TA 'S HAIR FASHIONS Unisex Salon 20 E. Mulberry Street Lebanon , Ohio 45036
Purkey's Hardware Route 1 Waynesville, 0 . 45068
Lana Kay Mummert Owner & Stylist
Gray and Duning 34 South Broadway Lebanon
0. 45370
HOME FEDERAL Savings & Loan 36, South Broadway Lebanon 932-2075
Waynesville Donut Shop 7 5 South Main St. Waynesville Ohio Baked Fresh Daily
Baked While You Sleep 897 - 4130 Open 6 :00 2: 00
Congratulations Seniors from
3l MARCO LANE • DAYTON, OHIO 45o459 • PHONE · 513-435·320'2
Call in orders 897 -4916
Wishing Best of Health to the Seniors
Jewel A. Stevens , M.D. W.LNUL
Corwin's Barber Shop 21 So. Main St.
Congratulations Seniors!
Gary & Sandee George
Good Luck Spartans
Florence & Amburgy Realty 31 South Main St. Waynesville Ohio 897 - 5000
137 N. u .s. 42 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 45068
513} 932 - 15 15
PHONE 932 . 5450
OH 0
45 03 11
3681 Vance Rd., P.O. ·Box 206, Dayton, Ohio, 45449
SINCE 1946
Carrie D. Bayes Bookkeeping and Tax Service
f!JJ«p~ea Building Loan & Savings Co. JERRY D. WILLIAMS
8575 Old Stage Road Waynesville, Ohio 45068 (513) 897-3440
Managing Off1cer Secretary-Treasurer
Good Luck , Seniors
11 South Broadway / Lebanon,Oh1o 45036/ Phone (513)932-3876
Lebanon Electric
Good Luck Seniors!
602 E. Main
Electric Heating Equipment & Systems 932 - 4015
Electric Motor Sales & Service 932 - 2889
WAYNESVILLE LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. Specializing in Treated Lumber Waynen-ille, Ohio 897-6020
__..... ~
Lebanon, Ohio
FDII -·----···-·-
, 0 lc• til Vt•vf'IH• 'e 0fhO 4\0GI
H13211 ...2 4110
Congratulations Seniors From
Congratulations &
Good Luck Seniors
Ray & Janet Spencer
Where Your Dollar Buys M--re 8:00-9:00 Mon.-Sat. 10:00-7:00 Sun. Waynesville, Ohio 897-5001
LEBANON AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer Marvin's Lane, Waynesville 897-6075
PHONE: STORE 932-6272 RES. 932-4576
Congratulations Seniors! 27 WEST MULBERRY
Scott H. Ray, Jr. Att'y-at-Law
OHIO 45036
STORE HOURS: MON & FRo.- 9: DO A.M. - 8:30P.M. WED. CLOSED AT NOON TuEs .• THURS & SAT. 9: DO A.. M. - 6: DO P.M.
45 Mervin Lane • Wey.,....,llle, Ohio • Phone: I IH·3 1 7S
Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home Waynesville, 0 .
Wayne Township Fire Dept and Rescue Squad EMERGENCY NO . Business no.
897-6006 897 - 3010
Mellott Water Service Pools
Wells Cisterns
OPEN 11:30-5:30 TUES. THURS. SAT. SUN .
70 N. MAIN ST . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO 45068 Home Phone (513) 897-3861 WE BUY SHAKER MEDICINES
Congratulations Brenda & Class of ' 81
3-larvelf {jraln !fnc.
WAYNESVILLE Furniture And Decorating Center
SeLL, SbYie, ~'Uf Specialijbt<f Jn {/.JU:Wt 0u4 SPRING VALLEY
Wall Paper Paint Draperies
897 - 4971 Marvin's Ln. Glen & Sally Smith, Proprietors
1 1 ~~ clYJoA~mety T
~ f;
r_ ~
?" f ~
~j' .~
Fast Service, Reasonably Priced !
~ ~ a
Waynesville Bridal Accessories ,}, Rob & Sheila Hammonds 897-5817
~ a f ~t~~~....,lt(>....~t~....,..~t~
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897 - 5518
1h mile east of Route 48
on Route 73 188
Grocenes, P1cn1c Supplies, Beer, W1ne , Ba1t Vegetables, Fruit
OHIO SAUERKRAUT FESTIVAL Kathy Robinson 1980 Sauerkraut Princess
1~6 Inn Three Centuries 897 - 4906
filii hr In llflh' . . . ._
41111Milllli Sis.
llygsville. Ohio
Millview Pastry & Gift Shoppe 897 - 17 2 1 Gerhard Mueller, Baker
C. Goodtime Pizza 897 - 3571 3 C Swim and Tennis Club
A Fast Moving, Smooth .
Successful Year-1980-81
Who Will Forget The Good Times?
1981 Spartan Theme . Successfully Yours W .H.S. Editor: Glenda Cherryholmes Art & Cover : Pat Lander¡ Yearbook Class not otherwise mentioned ): Greg Patterson, j Joni Fry, Mary - Beth Rye , Jenny Rush Assistant Editor: Cindy Reeves Advisor & Photographer: Mr. Dillon Summer Staff (the workers!) : Glenda Cherryholmes , Cindy Reeves Lori Stoneburner , Mr Dillon This Book Was A Bear! 192
, I. .