1982 Waynesville High School Yearbook

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A . P . State Champs!

10-0 Season Brings Many Honors! 1981 Spartan Football Team, L. to R.: R.l, Rusty Kuriger, Kirk Kennedy, David Deters, Chris Chenoweth; R.2, Eric Measel, Chris Elton, Mark Clark, Jeff George, Darryl Wood , Bob Keegan, Eric Hass, Ken Osborne, Tony Davis; R.3, Bryan McKinney, Julian Farley, Doug Perdue, Russell Winsted, Don Rockhold, Jim ix, Scott Kleski, Tim Peyton, Mike Gadd, Erich Raasch; R.4, Jeff Keegan, Jim Deters, Chris Henderson, Roby Hockett, Jeff 0 borne, Mark Joefreda, Ed Orr, Carter Merris, Matt Wolfe, Philip Hubbell, Tim Laird, Brad Measel, Scott Graham; R.S, Jerome Farley, Mike Cas idy, Delmer Isaacs, Scott Hathaway, Vance Yair, Rodney Bailey, William Merris, Chris Brookshire, Steve Boggs, Richard Bryant, Mike Ramby. ot pictured: Head Coach Keith Mescher, Coaches Tim Gabbard, Don Bunch, Tim Pounders, Trainer Bob Kennedy.

L, Doug Perdue, All-S.W.Dist.Def.Tackle, All-State-Second Team Def. Tackle; R, Russell "Clyde" Winsted,All-S.W.Dist. Linebacker, All-State-Second Team Linebacker.


L.to R, Chris Chenoweth, Honorable Mention, All-S.W.Dist.and State; David Deters, All-S.W. Dist. and All-State Safety; Rusty Kuriger, All-S.W.Dist. Lineman of the Year, Most Valuable Lineman in the State, Class "A"; Kirk Kennedy, All S.W.Dist. Center, All-State-Second Team Center. All players in these 2 pies were all-KTC also.

District Champions! 1981-82 Spartan Girls' Basketball Team: L. to r., Seated, Cynd1 Allen, Bobbi Jo Leye , Mary Williams, Shelley Kronenberger, Pam Scherer; standing, Coach Tim Gabbard, Li a Isaacs, Mindy Kronenberger, Lori Stoneburner, Barb Scherer, Billie Hubb . ot pic. A 't. Coach Barb Howard. Middle pies, I. to r., Cyndi Allen, All-league, All-Area, AllDistrict; Lisa Isaac , P.H.D. Award, All-League, Hon. Mention-All-Area, All-District; Shelley Kronenberger, Senior Starter; Bottom, I. to r., Bobb1 Jo Leye , All-League, Hon. Mention-All-Area; Pam Scherer, All Area Player of the Year, All-League Player of the Yr., All-Di trict Player of the Year, All-State, 2nd Team; Mary Williams, All-League, All-Area, All-Di trict

13-2: A Sea on Of Superlatives!!


Mr. Mescher pred1cted a pretty good season over-all for the players. Instead it was an outtanding one. But. the 19 I partans winning ·cason didn't happen in one year It took a lot of voluntary work. pride, and dedication. Both the coaches and the players pent endles hour~ of preparing for games, both in- cason and off-season. In the off- cason. Coach \1e cher started a weight program to start new Spartan pride. By the time the 1979 season ended, the record increased to 6-3-1. When the 1980 season ended. the "Orange Crush" was beginning to be known throughout the area with a 9-1 record . When the 19 I ea~on began, there was immense pride from the ixteen seniors, the eleven junior . the eleven sophomore.. and the even fre hmen . The fir ·t game of the ea on was against Batavia at home. They won by 29 points, but had over 100 yards in penalties. Russell Win ted had 116 yards rushing, 18 carrie , I 0 tackle , and 2 touchdowns. Chris Chenoweth had 7 3 yard ru hing, 12 carrie • and I touchdown Don Rockhold had tac le: and I touchdo,.,n, Kirk Kennedy made an extra point. Defen e was going trong, giving up only 72 yard total offense. The econd game against Little Miami was also at \'. HS. where the Spartans came through again, w1th a 26-0 victory The defense kept barrelling, giving up on I) 32 yard· But had their cason low in yardage, onl}" 205 \\-ins ted had 66 )ards rushing, II tackle , 13 carnes and 2 touchdowns. Chenoweth had one touchdown. David Deters passed to Brad Measel for a 28-yard TO run. Rockhold scored on a Safety in the first quarter on a punt blocked by Winsted. Then Winsted ran the next kick-off back 72 yards for a TO. The next game was at '\ew ;\.1iami. the team that tarni hed the partans' no-los record during the 1980 cason. this time. though, \\- HS ranked tenth in the State, wa ready for them. The offense totaled up 211 yard . Winsted had I 03 )'ard • I 0 tackle , and I touchdown. Rockhold and Chenoweth each had one TO. Deters passed to Juhan Farley for a touchdown. Defense gave up 166 yard and 8 point (the first time the opponents had scored) Kenned). Rockhold, and :\.1ike Gadd each

A Season of Firsts

had 6 tackles. Erich Raasch recovered a fumble. The Spartans, now rated sixth in the state, returned to their homef1eld for their first league game. where they struck Clinton Mas ie with "Orange Crush Fever," winning 44-0. The offense gathered 394 yards, thanks to the work of linemen Raa ch, Kenned}, \\'oods. Perdue. and Kuriger. Deter threw TO pa es to Farley and McKinney. Deter al o ran for I TO and 2 extra points. Winsted rushed for 182 yards and I TO. Phillip Hubbell also made a TO. Rockhold and Kenny Osborne made I extra point each. Kennedy intercepted a pass and ran 32 yard for a TO. (one of his two interceptions) . Defense gave up 145 yards. Gadd had 6 tackle . The next game, also at home, was only game in which the Spartans didn't score first, as Southeastern lead 7-0. The offense had 356 yards, Win ted havmg 133 yards rushing and 14 tackle . Chenoweth had 57 prds rushmg, 8 tackle . and 2 TO . Deters had 112 yards ru~h­ ing, I TO, 2 extra points. He al o passed to Farley, who had 2 TDs, I extra point. 4 catche , and 28 yard~. Chris Elton had 2 catches and 27 yards. The defen e gave up 132 yards. Kenned) and Rockhold had 7 tackles each. Perdue recovered a fumble. The next game was against Greenview. The defense had a good night, for the first time getting over 400 yards rushing 414. Deter... in h1s best game- 188 yards, 2 TO pa es and rushing 64 yards. McKmney made I TO. Farley had I TO, I interception, and I fumble recover}. Elton caught 3 pa ses for 39 (cont. p.l2)

1'1/J•; IJR EAM GOES ON yard . Winsted led in rushing with I 09 yards, and had II tackles and I TD Chenoweth had I TD, and I interception. Perdue had 9 tackle and I fumble recover}. Kennedy recovered I fumble Kuriger had 7 tackles. The defense gave up 144 yards. The Spartans then traveled to East Clinton where, a before, the "Orange Crush" won 56-0. Thi wa the highe t point total of the year The offense also had the highest yard total of the vear- 446. \\ insted had 118 yards rushing. 8 tackles. and 1 in. tercept10n. Deters rushed 128 }ards, had 2 interceptions. and 1 TD. Elton had 2 catches. 67 yards. 1 TD, and 1 extra point. Ed Orr, backup QB, made 2 TO's Rockhold had 1 intercep· tion Kennedy intercepted a pa s and ran it 40 yard for a TD. and 5 tackle . The defen e gave up onl> 53 yards. Then they traveled to Cedarville, where once again the opponents fell 36· 6. The offense gathered 382 yards, with the help of the line· men: Wood , Kennedy, Perdue, Kuriger, and Graham.

Waynesville No~ l in Class A pol1

Winsted, in the Cedarville game, rushed 94 yards, with 2 TD's and 14 tackles. Deters had 99 yards rushing, 78 yards passing, I TD, and I extra point. Kuriger had 8 tackles. Elton scored I TD. Raasch had I interception. The defense gave up 92 yards. They were now third in state, first in region, 20 for playoffs. The next victim was Yellow Springs 54-0. The offense gathered 428 yards. Winsted rushed 144 yards, with 2 TD's. Chenoweth rushed 133 yards, with I TD and I extra point. Kuriger, Davis, Hubbell, and Orr all had I TD each. The defense gave up only 23 yards. Gadd made the only interception of his career. Roby Hockett and Tim Peyton had II and 8 tackles respectively. The only thing left to do before they would be able to go to the playoffs was to beat Blanchester. Blan was bigger but the Spartan Pride showed through in a 26-0 victory. Winsted broke the old record for the single season rushing (set by Duwayne Rains) with 183 yards. He also had 29 tackles. Chenoweth, the team's head scorer, with 76 points and 16 tackles, made 2 TD's. Deters passed to McKinney for a 35yard TD. Kennedy and Peyton had 17 and 13 tackles respectively. Bailey, Perdue, Kuriger, and Davis each had fumble recoveries. After this victory the town of Waynesville went crazy. The team was not only first in the KTC, but also first in Class A in State and number one in computer points for Region 20. They were now on their way to State playoffs, against Marion Local. On ovember 13, at Wayne High School 7000 people watched as Winsted scored on the first play. But at half-time the score stood 137 in favor of Marion Local. The Spartans scored in the fourth quarter, but Marion Local countered with a TD of their own. The score now stood 20-12. With 5:35 the Spartans got within 15 yards but failed to score. Marion Local took hold of this opportunity and cap off their lead. The final score was 20-12, this ended the 1981 football season. The football team's winning season affected the school in more than one way. Coach Mescher said that the winning season carries over into other sports, along with giving Waynesville publicity. The 1981 team and coaching staff will be remembered as the ones who made Waynesville proud of their football program. The Yearbook Staff joins with the student body in congratulatmg the team and wishing next year's team the best of Luck in the 1982 season.


Below. Dave Deter cuts the name of )et another Spartan victim from the T-Shirt of Coach Mescher, while Kirk Kennedy looks on . There wasn't much left of the shirt b} ca~on's end

Chris Chenoweth Mark Clark

Tony Davis

Chris Elton

Mike Gadd

Jeff George

Seniors Provide Leadership . . .

Eric Has Rust}' Kuriger

Robert Keegan Bryan McKinney

Glimpses Of A Fine Season:


Great Catches, Defense, Expectations, Plays, Runs, Tackles, Wins!



• • •

Above top i~ the Frosh and enior powderpuff team. L. to R . Front- Janet Rush, \1ary Bolling, Row I - Lisa Loehng, Cyndi Allen, Tammy Lynch, Tracey helton, Becky Houseright, Becky Cook, Laurie Cook, Jod1 \1anott Row :! - Kathy Booher. Becky \.1ellot, Kim Kidd , Pam cherer. Glenda Cherryholmes, Michele Litherland . Row 3- Coaches Paul Bernard, Scot Gorsuch. Lisa Manning, ~1ary Williams, Rita \1arconet. Tonya Reeder, Bobbi Jo Leyes, Tomi Farley, Darla harp, Melame \1oser, Coache J1mmy Johnson, Bill Madison. Above bottom L the ophomore and Junior powderpuff team, L. to R . Row I Cddy Haxton, Rose\tary Kruer, Becky hinkle, Michele Moser, Wendy Schmidt, Donna Keegan, Brynn Ray, Jod1e King . Row 2- Coach Tom Karmen, \1i~.:hele Didion, Patty Fritts, Michelle Elton, Loretta Casebolt, Sheha Hollan. Kris Rath\\eg, Karen Pettit, Stacy haffer, Cheryl Rice, Coache Troy Patton, \.1r Elton, Todd Patton. Above top R.ght - Po\\derpuff Cheerleaders, L to R. Kneeling Bottom. Chn Brook!>h re. \\ illiam \.1err ~. Steve Boggs. Kneeling econd rO\\, Scott Hathaway. vance Va1r tandmg Rodney Baily, Delmer Isaacs, M1ke Ca. idy \t1ddle right. game action hot . Bottom. right more of the cheerleader Left- Rodney Robbin , Andy Engel. Lisa Humphrey. Beth Myers, cott Kleski, and Brad ~1easel carry the flag for the singing of the tar Spangle Banner. The senior and frosh po\\derpuff team won the game th1 · year. Everyone had a good time in the game and also at the bonfire afterwards. The week wa full of pep, excitement, spirit, games, contests and alot of fun .



• • • • • • • •

MR. UGLY Top. left- Mr. Legs himself, ~r. Kennedy. Right, another contestant in the Mr. Legs contest. Middle and bottom. Mr. gl} contestants. L. toR. Enc Measel, Darrell Woods, Mark Clark. Bottom, left Br)'an ,'\1cKinne}. Middle, Pre ·enting Mr. gly 1982- Darrell Woods. Left, sophomore' hall decoration during spirit week, \\ hich won first place. Thi was the second year for the ne\\ tradition of the Mr. Legs contest in which this year Micro-Bob won hands do"'n!


Above: King Chris Chenoweth, Queen Kelly Worthington. Below: Freshman Attendants Melanie \1oser, Bryan Patton.


• • •

A Royal Odyssey On October 2. 1981, the \\ H.S Homecommg game took place \\ ayne ville played Southeastern and wa. v1ctonous. The Homecoming Court \loa~ announced before the game.

Clockwise from lower right hand ¡ide of p.20: Junior Attendant Doug Purdue, .\fary Chattm Semor Candidates clockwise: Mike Gadd, Rust} Kunger, David Deter . Chris Chenoweth. Chris Elton. Kelly Worthington, Shell} Kronenberger. Janet Haltom, Tracy Waltz. Tamm} L}nch, Kelly and her escort Ed Orr Kelly bemg cro\\ ned b) the 19 0 Homecommg Queen, Trish Garrett. Sophomore Attendants: John Kidd, Angie Liffick. Shell) Kronenberger. 1st Runner Up. Kelly and Ed at the Homecom1ng Dance. Kelly made the comment, "I was reall} surprised by the choice. but I \~a glad to receive the honor."


The 1981 Homecoming Dance was casual, but mce. It was held Saturday evemng after the Homecoming v1ctory over outheastern. The place wa the party room of the 1776 Inn. Junk food and punch fed the hungry dancers, while the band, The Brown Road entertained Kelly Worthington and Chris ChenO\\eth reigned this year.

This page, top: slow numbers found the floor crowded. R, Erich and Donna making an entrance. middle, I. The Bro~>.n Road. r. a fast number. Bottom, I. Bill and Tim ~>.atch the dancing. r. Angie and Julian, Kevin and Cathy- pau e for a moment before hitting the dance floor. Everyone was in high pirit over the victory in the Homecoming game the previous night.

Homecoming Dance

This page. top: left, Rosey and Keith boogie down. right: some guys hitting the punch and cookie table. Middle¡ left, another crowded slow number. right, boys and girl separate on fast song to do their own thing. Bottom: left, Chris and .\1andy enJoying a break between song . Midlle: Brian and Berneda resting from dancing. Rtght: Everyone decided to call it quits for this one number. The dance went well and everyone enjoyed themselves.


Above, The Band- 1st Row (left to right) Ben Ghearing, Calvin Crutchfield, Tom Carter, Ken Kurtz, Paul Bernard, Scot Gorsuch, Tom Karman, Chip Schmidt, Sam Toedtman, Becky Malloy, 2nd Row- Mr. Gradel Corps Director, Tracy Shelton, Vicki Yair, Jenni Finke, Gail Haltom, Cheryl Stevens, Karen Pettit, Mr. Ling- Director. 3rd Row- Angie Scott, Bryan Hisle, Dale Spitznogle, Mark Hurley, Alan Wardlow, Steve Ryan, Tim Shuler, Carib Hice, Kathy Eakin , 4th Row- Dee Plummer, David VanHoose, Chris Freeman, Doug Elliot, Mike Hess, Jonathan Slone, Mark JoeFreda, Dan Shellenbarger, Kevin Ihle, Ro chel Smith. 5th Row· Becky Houseright, Andy Engle, Roger Brigg , Lori Stoneburner, Bobbi Jo Leye , Mary William , Glenda Cherryholmes, Lisa Stoneburner, Jennifer E te , Sheila Hollan. 6th Row-Teresa Forsythe, Chris Colvin, Tom Osborne, Pat Ca idy, Diana Bumgardner, Steve Boggs, Ed Orr, Brian Howard, Theo Smith, Lynn Scott. 7th Row· Lisa Humphrey, Lisa Hazen, Dawn Lander, Kevin Maloney, David Dunkin, Danny Chaney, Chris Phelp , Pam Egbert, Mandy Johnson. 8th Row- Michele Elton, John Ghearing, Brent Wentzel, Shane Williams, Debbie Shuler, Beth Stammen, David Kurtz, Chris Brower, Melissa Hadley, Patti Hayes. 9th Row Cherie Bayes, Michelle Lainhart, Julie Dunham, Jodi St. Pierre, Rae Townsend, Cindy Anderson, Tere a Stammen. lOth Row Kevin Fultz, Tim Livingston, Todd Smith, Heather Has , Jim Patton, Julie Williams, Paul Smith. ot Pictured- Dean Cook, Kelly Worthington, Tonya Conner, Ben Levy, Cindy Allen, Lynn Hatfield, Brent Coy, Davy Boggs. The Band will continue to grow and expand its popularity. Good Luck to Mr. Ling and Mr. Gradel for a great year next year and THA KS, too, for a job well done. May the band win even more awards and contests.

• • •

''NEATER THAN GRITS'' The Spartan Marching Band and auxiliary unit traveled to 7 conte t , 3 parade , and performed at all the football game , including the Regional Play-Offs The band placed 1n the top 3 in their cia at every conte t. At both orwood and Tecum eh, they received 3rd place. At Edgewood, both the band and the rifle received 2nd and the majorette received their fir t I t. At Miamisburg, the band took 2nd and received a rating of Excellent (II). Then, at Valley View, they wept the spectator and the Judge off their feet by winning everything a class C band possibly could. They received four I st place trophies one each for the band, flags, field commander, and percus ion. Then at Hamilton, the Spartan took I t and received a Superior rating (1), which qualified them for State conte t. There, they proudly marched their be t how ever, and Boy, did it pay off! The band and rifle received ratings of PERIOR (1). At the Honey Fe tival Parade, the band and rifle marches off with fir t At the Dayton Children's Parade they marched through Dayton and earned S I 00 They al o marched in the Sauerkraut Fe tival Parade. At the after- ea on banquet, 4 outstanding members were cho en. The Out tanding Marcher wa Paul Bernard, Out tandmg Player Chris Colvm, Outstanding Flag Mandy Johnson, and Outstanding Rifle Tracy Shelton. The band' 1981-82 officers were; Chri Colvin Pre ident, Li a Hazen Vice Pre 1dent, Bobb1 Jo Leyes Secretary, and Scot Gorsuch Treasurer. The band had many fun times, sad time , and happy times freezing at tate, burning up at the Honey Fe tival Parade. The be t way to sum up the band's eason wa stated at band camp, when the band' in tructor and friend (who also wrote the awardwmmng how), Mr. Bilbrey, tated the band wa . ......................................................... " eater than Gnt !"


Flags, Rifles, Majorettes, Field Cmdr Right, from the far left of the p1c.: Teresa For ythe. ngie cott, Becky Hou enght, Ro chel mith, yndi J\llen, DeeDee Plummer. Cheryl tevens, Patti Hayes, Jenni Finke, heila Hollan, Karen Pettit, Lynn Scott, Vicki Yair, Mandy John on, Tracy Shelton, \fichele Elton, Kathy Eakm , Lisa Humphrey. In front of the Flag and Rifle Corp i Majorette Kelly Worthington. The Flag and Rifle Corp added a new dimension to the Marchmg Band performance th1s year The crisp nappmg of the flag . the preCISIOn dnlls, the Field Commander's pizzazz and the MaJorette ' showman h1p made for great halftime performance & parade th1

Mr. Gradel wa the director of the Flag and newly-formed Rifle Corps. helley Powell upervi ed the MaJorette . Above are orne of the trophic won by the Band and Auxiliary group thi year. Congratulations!


• • •

Add Excitement To Season! Left, Majorette Kelly Worthington; Middle, Field Commander Paul Bernard

Above, M ajorette Gail Haltom




19 2 Reserve Cheerleaders- first ro\\, Patty Fritts, Darla Sharp. Cathy Robertson Second row, Loretta Casebolt, Melanie \1oser. On top, Julie Hender on Reserve cheerleader' cheered for Re~erve football and basketball and also helped sell program .

Above left and middle- portrait¡ of Ro ey and Michele. right, cheerleaders doing their stuff at a game. Bottom middle, Re erve and Varsity get it together and do a mound for a picture. Right, the first game run through for the 1982 Spartan football team Watchout! coz we're Back in Black


The 1982 Varsity Cheerleaders- left to right, Donna Keegan, Brynn Ray. Angie Liffick, Michele Mo er, Ro e Kruer, and Kris Rathweg. Vars1ty cheerleaders cheered for Varsity football and Var ity basketball and also helped ell program .

PARENTS PRIDE Left, Parents lineup. The Aliens, The Bernards, The Cassidys. Below right, The Worthingtons, and The Campbells. Middle left, The Koehlers. right, The Eltons. Bottom, another parents lineup The Cherryholmes, The Colvins, and the Dunkins. Very bottom, The Clarks, Right, The Houserights otice the Parents faces filled with pride as they pose with their children at the parent's night.

Cann's Survivors

The volle)'ball team urvived it Journey through the ~orld of B ~1P, ET. PIJ..E 'vii Pegg)' Cann took the JOb of coaching both var ity and re erve quad . Mi Cann taught the gtrl ho~ to "Back" et, how to et aero court, and how to tmprove on team defen e. The team lo t 2 of the 3

P. and named to the KTC Fir t Team; Lori Stoneburner received Honorable Mention in the KTC Mo t Improved Player wa Heather Ha and Be t erver wa Mind> Kronenberger Pictured Rtght, Var tt} L to R. Coach Cann Cher_>l tephen , Lori toneburner. ngte Bauer, Jenn} Keller. Kell} troop, Btlhe Hubb . R 2 Holly Rathff. Mtndy Kronenberger, Kim Eakin , Lt a I aacs, Le lie Shelton.

"Don't walk when you can run ... "

Pictured Left, Re erve L. to R. Coach Cann, Heather Has , Wendy Ander on, Patti Haye , \1arie Kronenberger, Melanie Coy. R2 L}nn Riddle, Billie Hubb , \1ind} Kronenberger, Chn ty Rockhold, Kelh Stroop, Jenny Keller.



- ...

Golf Team's in the Swing!

bove 1 piCtured the 19 I Golf Team kneeling, I to r, Todd Hoffman, ~arty Morgan, Curt Booher, Rob Fi her tanding, Patrick outh, Tom ackett, Rodney Gruber, Brian Koch, Blake mall..,ood, Jeff Florence, Coach 1cGeehan. The Golf Team had a 50-13 record thi year l\.1r. \1cGeehan feel the} had a really good }ear. "The} tried, "'orked hard, and a lot of effort came from "'ithm them," he aid. "We really only had two ea oned veteran thi year, Jeff Florence & Tom Sackett . . that hurt u ." Florence wa voted M.Y P. in both the team and league. Blake mall"'ood "'a Mo t Improved. Rodney Gruber, Pat outh, Todd Hoffman, Brian Koch, Curt Booher, Rob Fi her, Mart) Morgan & Jeff ¡e.., orne all made a good, balanced effort & improved great!)'. 2 team defeated the partan a total of 7 ume : Fen..,.ick (3rd in tate) & league champ, E. Clinton. McGeehan' technique included "gomg back to ba 1c " & hard pracuce. He feel the team "'ill be "'ell-balanced ne:w;t year. even though It will lack e:w;perience.



Clock~ 1 e. pp. 32-3 : Jeff e~ ·orne. team pic., To"1 c ett. Blake mall~ood ( \1ost Imp), Jeff Aorence (\1\ Pl Curt Booher. Patnc ... t , Jeff about to putt.



Pic. I. to r. I t row¡ Kelly Worthington, ngie Bauer, Debb1e Cook; 2nd row. Darla harp, Cady Haxton, Lynn cott, Tracy helton, ngie Liffick, L1 a Humphrey, Rita Marconet, Marie Kronenberger, Lisa Manning; 3rd row: Kim Eakin , Glenda Cherryholme , Kathy Booher, Rodnev Robbin , Chri Elton, Rob Fi her, cot Gor uch. Th1 year the student council e changed students with Lntle Miami and Lebanon High chool. They al o pre ented the movie ;"The Incredible Shrinking Woman" during school before pring break.

Pictured above left to right: Kelly Worthington, trea urer; Scot Gorsuch, ecretary; Kim Eakins, President.


An Evening of One Act Plays

An evening of one-act plays was presented b) the drama class. Four plays were presented that evening. "Lullabye for Lindy" by Ruth A. Aldred starring, Janet Rush as Meredith Garner, ~ary Bolling as Ruthann Garner, Cat h) Booher as hcl e:.- \v m'low. and Cyndi Allen a¡ Dr Lynn ,\forgan The time: The Present and the Place the Living room of a countr} home. "Begone Begonia'' By Hal Hobart starnng, Traq helton as Begonia Fur I, David Deters as Truman Trueword, Brad Measel as Cyote Wolf. Kim Eakins as Madame ""aaome Seesall. and Steve Boggs as Mayor Hiram Halfcrat The ume The turn of the century and the Place: Ed11onal offices of the Da1l) Blabber. "I Bring You Flower " by William Lang starring. Cyndi Allen as Faye and Ste\¡e Bogg~ a Jim. The time: The Present and the place: A flower garden, "The W1 hm' Tree" b) Cleve Haubold starnng. Cheryl Stevens as Widder Matilda parks, Donna Keegan a Gramma Twiggins, Kathy Eakins as Grann) Creep, Becky Housenght as Drusilla Pursel). Laura Madden as \frs. Richly Van Carbunkle. Tammy Lynch as Flotilla Van Carbunkle. Kim Kidd as Labilia Van Carbunk;e, and Scott Ra} as "The Wishin' Tree" The time: autumn 1873 and the place: Tarnation, ebraska. the Sparks home. It was an eventful evening for all who came. There were five mmute intermissions between each pia) . The plays were -well liked by the aud1ence.

Cross Country On The Run

Craig Campbell and Chns Colvin lead the way thi year in XCountry. Craig Campbell placed third in the league & wa picked a Wayne ville' only league runner. He received "Most aluable Runner " Chri Colvin placed 16th in the league. They both -went to the d1 trict meet with Craig placmg 7th, m1 mg tate by only 3 point , and Chris placing 19th. Both repre ented Wa:,.ne ville well. In the league meet, partans placed 4th. R ick Dunham took 19th plus Rodne:r Robbins 21st, and John Gheanng 29th in the league. Jodie Kmg and Becky hinkle did a mce JOb placing 3rd and 7th in the girls competition. Rick Dunham received the mo t Improved runner and 1 to be a top runner next year. P1c. I. to r. J . Ghearing, R. Dunham, B. Shinkle, C Colvin, J . King, R. Robbins, C. Campbell.


F . H . A . Is Involved! Thi year the Home Ec. Dept. was involved in a lot of activitie . They sold cookbook to make money for a display ca e and al o collected money for the Shriners Ho pital. The department again had their play chool for prechoolers, one in the morning & the other in the afternoon. The playschool wa a real uccess because the tudents enJoyed it and the parents gave it a positive re pon e. Pic. below; FHA 4th period clas ; J Waddell, Pre .; D Snedegar, V. Pre .; L. Shelton, Sec'y; L. I aac , Trea . Bottom I. pic. I. to r.; FHA 7th period cia M. Didion, Pres.; T . Sackett, V. Pres.; T. Jackson , Sec'y; R. Gruber, Treas. F.H.A. members at their fall initiation . R. I Tanya Robert , Laura Campbell, Donna Dodd , Julie Waddell, Dawn Snedegar, Tina Satterfield, Jenny Agee, Dee Dee Plummer, ngela cott, R. 2-Michele Didion, Angie Liffick, Rhonda Burnell, Jada Jenkin , Lisa Shelton, Lisa Isaacs, Tom Boyken, Jodi Marriott, Julie Henderson, Michele Litherland, Shiela Hollan; R. 3 unny Ellis, Linda Hollandsworth, Tomi Farley, Sherri Adam , Shelly Hamiel, Julian Farley, Darla Sharp, Linda Livingston, Jodie St. Pierre, Clyde Win ted, Tonya Jackson, Rodney Gruber, R1chard G1b on: R. 4- Jimmy Bi hop, Kurt Purkey, Tom Sackett, Kathy Robertson, Mike Coffman, Carl "vtiller. At the candlelight ceremony, new F.H .A . member were pre ented with silk rose , the ro e being the F.H.A. national flower. "F.H.A. is more than homemaking . .. it's an opportunity for personal growth, development, and learning to better cope with life," said Julie Waddell.



Top I. tor.: Mr. Gradel leads the choru , \1ike Gadd and Janet Ru h portraymg elves, "viiddle I. tor.: Mr Gabbard and Mr. Liffick, the "urban Chipmunks", teve Coff· man on piano, Eric and Brad Mea el on guitar, Chris Elton on electric guitar Bottom r, FHA skit.


This was the 2nd year for our widely participated in x-mas assembly. It brought in enou & humerou skits as well as mu ic by the students and teachers. The annual x-ma concert, entitled "A Chri tmas Carol" wa held Dec. 22. The mixed choru did a variety of x-ma ongs including uch popular ong as: Silent ight & Little Drummer Boy. Solos were performed by Eric Ha , Janet Ru h, David Duncan & Kathy Booher Li a Hazen & Chris Colvin did a trumpet olo al o. The Concert Band performed uch number a : We 'eed a Little Christmas, Rudolph in\! onderland and The Special Songs of Christmas. It wa a good way to bring in the x-ma pirit.


Seniors Lead Winning Season

The partan Yar ity Ba ketball Team's record this year i I 2-9. Coach, Dave Liffick, commented, "All in all the year wa relatively ucce ful. We had hoped to win league, o we're di appointed, but the team played well and we had a good chedule. We were defeated (by 7 pts.) b)' Middletown- Fenwick who went on to become tate champ . The 5 eniors showed good leader hip and et the tone for the team." TEA \1 PICT RE Front: Cheerleader Ro emary Kruer, Donna Keegan, Michele Mo er, Kri Rathweg, Angie Liffick, Brynn Ray. \.fiddle: Jimmy John on•, Enc Mea eJ•, Craig Campbell, Dav1d Deter , Brian McKmney, cot Gor uch








cont from p. 42 Back Mr. Kennedy, Mr Ces rna, Tom Sackett, Brad Mea et•, Julian Farley, Kurt Purkey, Jarome Farley, Coach Liffick. • = did not finish eason.



Reserve Team Picture: Jimmy Deters•, Mike Coffman, Philip Hubbell, Chris Henderson, Ed Orr, Alan Cook*. Back, Coach Ce na, Andy Engel*, Rodney Gruber, Kenny Kurtz*, Kevin Elcook*, Mike Gilliam, Mike He . * - didn't complete eaon. Coach Ce na commented, "I till think a few boy can perhaps help the Var ity. It' going to take individual work this urnmer for them to be ready for Varsity ball."



Fre hman Team Picture Vance Ya1r, Mike Ca idy, Rodney Bailey, Doug Miller, Tom Me utt, Davy Bogg . Back, Greg Shellenbarger, Rick Dunham, Todd mith, Jon Beacham, Curt Booher, Jim Oakes, Coach Barton. The latter tated, "The ea on tarted low, lo ing fir t three of four game . They ended w1th a record of 9-6. The team wa led in coring and rebounding by R. Bailey, M . Ca idy, J . Beacham, and C. Booher. The Fre hman howed a lot of talent thi eason!"


All Systems Go; The Varsity Basketball Team' members thi year were Cynd1 Allen, Bllhe Hubb , Li a Isaac , helly Kronenberger, Mehnda Kronenberger, Pam Scherer, Le lie helton, Lori toneburner, Bobbi Jo Leye , Mary W1lham , Barb Scherer. Their final record was 23-2. They were KTC Champ and District Champ . The Senior' record over the past three year i 55-12. "They were a good group of Senior , they'll be mi ed," aid Coach Gabbard.



/ --


But Red Light At Regionals

Scherer Delight





BA KETBALL 19 1- 2

RECORD 23-2 K.T.C. CHAMPIO DISTRICT CHAMPIO S ALL-STATE AP Pam Scherer 2nd Team ALL-STATE PI Pam cherer 3rd Team Dl TRICT 15 ALL-ST R AAA Pam cherer (Player of the Year) Mary William Cyndi Allen Lisa Isaacs Honorable Mention K.T.C ALL-LEAG E TEAM Pam Scherer (Player of the Year) Mary William Bobbi Leye L1 a I aac Honorable Mention Cyndi Allen Honorable Mention WESTER STAR ALL-AREA Pam Scherer (Player of the Year) Mary William Cyndi Allen Lisa I aac Honorable Mention Bobbi Leyes Honorable Mention ETC. Team MVP Pam cherer Team MIP Shelly Kronenberger Top Rebounder- Pam cherer Top Shooting %· Pam Most Career Pts. Pam cherer (II 02)


A.i , ~ . •

~ • ., ··~ I Ll!:'

• ,)



In '82 Season

Girl's Reserve

Team Ptcture: Front, Barb cherer, Mandy John on, Lori toneburner, Mary Chatttn, Mtchelle Elton. Back, Btllie Hubbs, Mtssy McKeever, Colleen Hatton, Leslie helton, Manager Lt ¡a toneburner. Reserve team had a trong ea on thi year with Mrs. Barb Howard pu hing them to reach one of their be t record ever,l5-3. Team member felt the team had tmproved greatly during the ea on.


Latin Club Picture: I. to r, Steve Hoffman, Advisor Mr. Weirauch, Tere a John on, Kim Eakins, Brian Hi le, Missy McKeever, Marie Kronenberger, Sheila Hollan, Pat Ca sidy, Billie Hubb , Curt Booher, Jodi King, Leslie Shelton, Sam Toedtman, John Kidd, Greg Shellenbarger, Michelle Wiley.

Latin Club Officer : Assistant Treasurer Le lie Shelton, Treasurer Steve Hoffman , Secretary Billie Hubb , Pre ident Kim Eakin , Vice President Jodi King


French Club Picture: Front, Alan Wardlow, Scott Kle ki, Rodney Robbins, Mindy Kronenberger, Colleen Hatton, Michelle D1d10n, Melanie Coy, Andy Engel, Carter Merris, Missy McKeever, Deanna Rice, Dan Shellenbarger, David Ginnochio, Ian Schultz. Back, Wendy Schmidt, Michelle Mo er, Kri Rathweg.

French Club Officers: Secretary Dan hellenbarger, Treasurer Carter Merri , Vice Pre ident Colleen Hatton, (Pre ident) Michelle Didion.



Mixed Choru I t Ro-w (I tor.) B1lhe Peter , herri Matter, Becky hinkle, Becky Cook, Brynn Ray, han Mullin. , Donna Keegan, ady Haxton, K1m Eak1n , 2nd Ro-w Tracy helton, Rae Town end, Bambi Higgins, Glenda Cherryholmes, Beth Myers, L1sa Humphrey, Lon toneburner, Cindy Young, Vicki Yair, Diana Bumgardner. 3rd Row· Cyndi Allen, Kelly Worthington, Jodi King, Patty Fritts, Jenny Martin, Kathy Eakins, Kathy Booher, Lisa Hazen, Lynn cott, Michelle Elton, Kris Rathweg, Janet Ru h, Mr. Gradel. 4th Row cot Gor uch, Paul Bernard, Chris Colvin, Brad Mea el, Chris Henderson, Eric Hass, Chris Elton, Jeff Keegan, cott Ray, Tom Karman, Jeff oleman, David Dunkin, Eric Mea el, Mark Joefreda, Ed Orr, Bryan Koeh, Blake Smallwood, Pat Cassidy, teve Boggs, Mrs. Gradel at piano.

hove cene from X·ma A embl:r. Graduation, and X·ma Concert. The choru workmg hard.


MIXED AND MEN'S CHORUS Women's Chorus Excellent The WHS Men' , \ omen's and Mixed Choral group~ were ucces ful again thi year. Under the direction of Mr. R.L. Gradel, they worked hard and long all year. All three groups went to DI trict Contest, where the Men' and Mixed received rating of" uperior" (1). The Women's Choru didn't quite acheived thi ; they received a rating of "excellent" (II) The Men ' and Mixed groups then went to State Conte t, where again they received ratings of " uperior" (I). The Mixed Choru performed for the X¡mas Concert and the X¡mas As embly. All group performed at the Spring Concert and for the Jr. High. It wa a wonderful year.

Men's Chorus 1st Row (1. tor.) - Tom Karman, Jeff Keegan, David Dunkin, Byran Koch, Ed Orr, Mark Joefreda. 2nd Row Eric Hass, Brad Measel, Paul Bernard, Chri Elton, Chris Colvin, Blake Smallwood. 3rd Row Scot Gor uch, Eric Measel, Scott Ray, Chris Hender on, Pat Cassidy, Steve Boggs. Mr . Gradel at piano.

Women's Chorus I t Row (1. to r.) Kris Rathweg, Donna Keegan, Vicki Yair, Becky Cook, Glenda Cherryholmes. 2nd Row - Lynn cott, Kim Eakins, Shari 'vfullins, Cady Haxton, Kathy Eakin , Cyndi Allen. 3rd Row Michelle Elton, Janet Ru h. Lisa Hazen, Lori Stoneburner, Kathy Booher, Mr . Gradel again.

JAZZ BAND-''Swings'' Into Action The \\ H Jan Band, dtrected b) 1r Ltng was wmgmg thts year with Big Band sounds, Pop and Jan. They performed for the Jr. High, the Honor octety Honor Banquet, and a home Ba ketball game. The band members ~ere on Trumpet hn Colvin, Lt a Hazen, Da~n Lander, Ed Orr, on Trombone Paul Bernard, Mark Joefreda, David Van Hoo e, Ian \\ ardlow, on Ba Trombone Kevin Fultz. on Ito ax Eric and Heather Ha . on Tenor ax John Gheanng, Chn Freeman, on Santone ax Ben Levy, on Electnc Ba s Becky Maloy. on Electric Guitar Kevin Maloney, on Ptano Diana Bumgardner, on Percu sion Tom Carter, Calvin rutchfield, Ken Kurtz.

Above left - behind the scenes look, Above right- Li a Hazen and her Flugle Horn olo. Far Rtght - Here' Mr. Ltng Right- Mr. Ling and Trumpeter Chris Colvin.



A ''Peppy'' Bunch Of Musicians The 1981¡82 WH Pep Band brought pirit to the Basketball eason. They played at all pep a semblies and almost all home Basketball game , where they kept the fan gomg at pre-game and half time. The band ""a directed by Mr. Denni Ling and con i ted of a member of the ~arching Band. They helped pick the boy up during ""arm-ups by playing the fight ong.

Swing Choir The wing Choir performed for the Retired Teacher , the Jr. Htgh, the Lyon Club and the Lebanon Health Care Center. The member were - Paul Bernard, Mary Bolhng, Pat Ca stdy, Li a Campbell, Glenda Cherryholme , Chrt Colvin, David Dunkin, Ktm Eakin , Kathy Eakin , Chri Elton, Michelle Elton. cot Gor uch, Lisa Hazen, Donna Keegan. Tom Karman, Jeff Keegan, Bryan Koch, Brad l\.1easel, Eric Measel, Brynn Ray, Kris Rathweg, cott Ra}. Janet Ru h, Yickt Yatr. & Blake mallwood


Toxic Shockers sink the Boat People

Thi year the Toxic hockers defeated the Boat People 57-4 ... in the final game of the intramural seaon. The following li ted made the II- tar team: Tony Davt M P, with the leading core, Chri Elton, Darrell harp, Don Rockhold, Jeff Florence, Delmer Isaac , teve Roark, Jim Johnson, Tim Laird, and Robert Keegan. Pic. at right, I. to r.: Daryl Woods, Greg Spear , Delmer Isaacs, Bob Keegan, Erich Raasch, cott Kle ki, Troy Patton, Tony Davt , Herbert Baker. Bottom I. to r.; Angie Bauer, Jeff Florence, James Grice, Ian Wardlow, Chri Elton, Tom Karman.

*'. . ~

' 1.7 .., ., ·1. _.




Office and Library Assistants

The office a istant help carry out the many task in running an office. They sort and di tribute mail, type ab ence li t and bulletin , an wer the phone at ttme and do other things that may as ist Mrs. heehan and teacher Pic. I. tor. are M. Chattin, A. Bauer, D. Cook, D. Ruse, W. chmidt, R. Kruer, B. Peters.

There were 3 enior who worked in the office thi year. B.J. Leye , B Peters, M. Bolling. Top r M. Bolling, bottom B Leye .

Pic. above I. tor: are seated R. Burnell, D. Shuller, B. Ray; standing I. tor; Mrs. Clark, librarian, K. Pettit, C. Haxton, D. Messenger. The library workers help Mr . Clark with jobs pertaining to library work.




Small But Mighty, Year book Staff This year' Yearbook taff wa. mall in number but, under the leaderhlp of Editor Glenda herryholme • it got the job done! Thi is the econd year of Glenda' editor hip, followmg three years where her s1 ter hara wa at the helm. We are orry to ee the herryholme Era come to an end. Glenda i to be congratulated for the excellence of her work and especially for her con i tency and faithfulne to the book. The rest of the staff de erve recognition al o. They could be depended on more than any other staff o far. The Freshmen brought new enthusiasm to the group and Fre hman Kelly Miltenberger will be the 1983 Yearbook Editor.

I ..

--Cherryholmes Era Ends; Miltenberger to head '83 Book 62

Rolls To Meet All Deadlines!

Pic. ident. Clockwi e p. 62: Editor Glenda Cherryholmes; layouts: Melanie Coy (r.) and Debbie Cook; Mr. Dillon- photographer; the group at "work"; Kelly Miltenberger and Greg hellenbarger- layout and advertt ing. P. 63, orting pictures was a tediou ta k; Julie Taylor completing a final copy; Chen Baye Class layout ; Lynn Riddle, Bus. Mgr. Congratulation to these tudent for completing a Yearbook which more than ever reflect the students own initiative and work.

Kodak Tri-X pan

~L~~~~ Tri-X pan







.... .•·•·•••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••· •·••· ••••••••••••• ••••••• .•.•••..••••• ··········~ ~






·········:· ......:..


Pictures- Top (I. to r.) Alfie and the boy , The Race Has Begun, A cot Ladies. Middle- Profe sor Henry Higgin , Mrs. Higgins and Eliza in the garden, Servant , Mr . Pearce. Bottom- Eiiza and Col. Pickering at the A cot, Profe or Higgin and the dreadful Hungarian Zoltan Karpathy at the ball, Higgins' box at A cot. Eliza Doolittle.


Cast of Characters In Onlet of APPMroFr.ddy Eynlford-Hill ••••• , •• , •••••• , , • Mn. Eynsford-Hill. • • • El•u Oool •ttle

• •

• , , • , ••

••••• , . • • • • • •

, • • •

Colonel P1ckenng • • • • • • • • • • • •


• • • • •


• •

• • Jonet Rush

• •••.••••. Stove Boggs

Henry H111111ns •.•••• , •••• , • • • . • • • Cockney Cuonot

• Bred MIIMI

• , •. , •• Lynn Soon

• • , D1v1d Dunk1n

• • Poul Bornord, Pot C.aidy Enc Meuol, Bloke Smollwood

Borttndor ••.•.

.•••••.•.•••• Rob F•shor

Horry • • • • . • . • . • • • .


• • • •

• .

• •

• Bloke Smellwood

. .•••• , • Pot C.a•dy

Alfred P Doolittle • • • • •

. •••••. , , • • •

Mrs Poorce

• , , •

Mr1 Hopkms • • • •

• •

• . Soot Gorsuch

• • Glendo Chtrryholmft

• •••••• , •. , . • • .

Butler • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • St<vonu . • • • •

• •

Mrs. H•ggms . .

. .•..

Chouffour. • • •

• •

, ,

• •

• M•cholle Elton

•• ••

• •• Rob F 1shtr

• ••••••••. M•chtlle Elton, Cody Hoxton L1so Hozen, Donne K-n

Brynn Ray. V•ctor11 Va•r Cynd1 Allen

• •

. .

Lord Box1ngton •••••• Lody Box1ngton . • • • • •



• Chns Elton

•• ••

Poul Bomord

• • • • • • • Glendo Chtrryholmts

Flo- G•rl . •• . ••••••••.••.•••••••• , Becky Cook Footman . • . . . . • • • •

ZoiUin Korpothy . •

. • ••

• • • • •• ••

• •

. • • •

. .• Bri.,.. Measel

. ••.••. , .••• Enc MtoMI

Oueen of Trtnsylvania . . . .

. •

Mn. H•gg•ns' Matd


. Kim Eakins


Mr1 L K. Gredel

. V•ctona Vt•r

This year' mu ical wa one of the fine t .H.S. has ever had . It told the stor)' of Eliza Doolittle, a poor cockney flower g1rl, who with the help of Profe or Henry Higgins and Col. Pickering, was tran formed into a lovely and elegant lady. The d1rector, R.L. Gradel captured turn of the century England with hi beautiful, creative and very elegant et , costume , and choreography. He hawed the audience the pomp and ceremony of Ascot with out tanding black and white costume and a regimental parade; the elegance of ball with splendid gown and a waltz; and the carefree ways of the cockneys with colorful dre s and their happy-go-lucky life. After clo ing night all who had een it were till whi tling and inging "I Could Have Danced All ight," ''I'm Getting Married In The Morning," and "A Little Bit Of Luck." It took a lot of hard work from Mr. G ., David Hi ey (As istant direct), Mr . G . and all theca t and crews to bring out the rich and wonderful, happy and colorful, "Loverly" world of MY FAIR LADY. ~




The WH Mu ic Department presented" pnngttme" on May 13, 1982 at 7:30 pm. The WH Concert Band played " ational Enblem", "lnvicta", "Marvin Hamlisch Showcase", "We twood Overture", "TV's Crimefighters" and" till". The~ HS Women's Chorus ang" omewhere There's A ong", "Autumn Songs", and "Wisdom and nderstanding". The WH ~en' Chorus sang "Little lnocent Lamb", "The Pa ture from Fro tinia," "As Beautiful A he", "Movin' On", and "Yive L' mour". The WHS Mixed Choru ang "All Ye Who Music Love", "Ju t Before The Dawn" with a solo by "Rejoice, Give Thanks, and ing", "Time i \<fy Friend", and "The Lord Ble You And Keep You", The WH tage Band played" In The Stone", "Hannah' Blue ", "Bnan's ong", "In The Mood"," anford and on", "One More Time, Chuck Corea", "Tangerine", and "C B Ex pres . The bands were directed by ~r. Dennis Ling. The Choral group were directed by Mr. Rodney Gradel. It wa an evening of fine entertainment which wa enjoyed by all who came.



Spartacus Toughs It Out! Seniors on

partacus Staff

• Mr . Town end' Communications cia s produced Vol. 17 of the chool paper thi year and did a very good job. With a hoestring budget and often lethargic help, they per ervered. Pictured above (left) are the enior , top, Billie Peter , Kim Kidd, Pam Scherer; bottom, Laura Madden, Bill Jone , Mark Clark, Jeff George. Above r., Julie Waddell, Pam Scherer, Mark Clark (part. hidden by Roe Kruer), Rod Gray, Laura Madden, Darrel Sharp, Li a Humphrey, Mrs. Townsend, Debbie Cook, Mis y McKeever, Michele Didion.

Boy's & Girl's State

Boy's and Girl's State give students a chance to learn how our State Government works. Selected this year were, above, I. to r. Rodney Robbins, Doug Perdue, Donna Ru e (alt.) and Rae Townsend. Congratulation to the e people chosen for Character & scholar hip.


The Debate Team didn't really get off the ground thi year. They d1d participate m one contest. Member pic. above are Pat Ca 1dy, Kim Eakin and Daniel David Shellenbarger. ot pic. Lisa Campbell, Mike Gadd and Scott Ray.


Track Team Tops Two School Records The Boy's Track Team et 2 new chool record this year under new coach 'i il on. Doug Perdue, Most Improved Performer, took I st in the Da t., 3rd in the Regional on hi way to the school record performance at tate in the da cu (140' 6") . Mark Ru h, Out tanding Track Performer, et a new chool record in 440 meter da h (52.7). The Mile Relay team al o did quite well, completing the mile in 3 min. 36 ec. Pictured right is the 19 2 Track Team. Left to right, Front, John Ghearing, Matt Wolfe, ance Yair, Scott outh. rt Wilson; Row 2, Mark Ru h, Jeff Gillis, Rodney Robbin , Roy Glovier, Chri Brookshare, Chip chmidt, Coach Wal on; Row 3, William Mern , Doug Perdue, Richard Bryant, Ken 0 borne, Jim Patton, Brad Mea el, Carter Merri . o-Captam Jeff Gillis and Ken 0 borne are the only enior , so the team hold promi e for next year.


Rush Leads Successful Season!

The Waynesville partan girls track team had a very ucce ful ea on in 19 2. orne of the highlights follow: They made a trong howing at the KTC meet with the partan girls outscoring all other school in the running events. Two new school records were established by the 400 meter (52.7) & 1600 meter ( 4: 15.5) relay teams made up of Laura Madden, Michele Mo er, Shelly Kronenberger and Janet Ru h. Both of the e team qualified for the Regional Meet with the 1600 meter team taking 6th place. Janet Rush made an out tanding performance at the State Track Meet in Columbus. She et new chool record in the 400 meter da h (59.2) and the 200 meter da h (26.5) while lini hing 3rd and 5th re pectively at the tate Meet in those event . Tho e performances earned her the honor of All-Ohio in the port of Track and Field. She al o was league champion in the I 00, 200, 400 m. dashes. Thi year' emor w11l really be mi ed. PIC. ABOVE: I. tor., row I, herri Mulhn , Li a Manning, Lisa Isaacs; row 2, Michele Moser, Laura Madden, Jenni Finke, Janet Rush; R. 3, Jodie King, Shelly Kronenberger, Mindy Kronenberger, Marie Kronenberger, Coach Bob Loh e.


P1cture at the right, top row: Holly Ratliff, Michelle Elton, Bobbi Jo Leye , Mr . 'V eirauch. Middle Row: Mary Chattin, Missy McKeever, Colleen Hatton, Karen Pettit, Donna Keegan. Bottom Row: Lynn Riddle, Dawn Snedegar, Lisa Isaacs, Billie Hubbs. The girl oftball team wa introduced to a new coach, Pam Weirauch. She taught the girl how to catch, bat, and call for the ball properly. The team worked well together, they all had PRIDE, HUSTLE, and DESIRE. Bobbi Jo Leye was named MVP, and to the KTC AllLeague team. Mary Chattin and Li a I aac received Honorable Mention in KTC. Lynn Riddle wa the Most Improved Player. The record this year was 6-1.

SOFTBALL: A never ending BRUISE. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Strong season, but

Team r•<~ure kfl 10 nghl I RO'T RO\\ Scou llalha"a), \Jan Cook. Ru,ll Kungcr, K~"n \Ialone). Cahon Cru1chficld RO\\ T\\ 0 Tom Carl«, Ru ell \\ ,n,lcad, Doug \Iiller, l\1r Kcnned1 , Bnan \kll:~nnc\ , O.>nn) R -kh ld RO\\ TIIRI I I d Orr, \f,l.e llc"· Chm I hon, .hmm1 John' n, Coach Bob (or" 1n \"ard, olher than lir 1 )Car a"ard' \\ere gl\en lo lhe follo"'"8 Sc, nd 1car, I Orr, \1 lies .(' I h n Tl .rd IC r J John'<>n, r ounh \car B \tcJ.,, nc). II: 1\cnned\, R Kungcr \f,"l ' luabk pla1er ( hr" I hon, \\ho hll 4~9 \11.hl 1mpro1cd \f,ke lk'' ll:1rk ll:enned) pllched a no-hiller agJin>l Cl1n1on \Ia "e \IHeague pla\er "ere J John n ( I hon llonorable mc:nuon "cnt 10 R ll:unger nd \1 He'' K T C rc... rd v.,1,., ~. c fin1,hed th1rd \\c dcfe. cd S1 Bernard 1n the da , \ tournamcnl and "ere defeated b1 \t,ddlcto"n I en,.~ek 3·0. Our linal rc..:urd

"a'. ·14


Hitting lacks . Left: enior ba eball player .

Love At First Sight: The allure and magic of Pan became a reality for II tudent and Mr. Dillon this year a the W.H .. French Club again pon ored a trip to Europe: Pari , Reims & the Champagne d1¡trict, tra bourg with it cathedral & old half-umbered hou e , the I acian village , fine food at Boyer in Reims. ew friends, place , food: love at fir t ight!


Paris, Alsace, Riquewihr, Reims! French trip participants (left), I to r. Cindy Reeves, cott Kle ki, M1chele Mo er, Patti Haye , Michele Didion, Melanie Coy, Alan Wardlow, Debi Jett (L.M.), Leigh Ann Pletcher (L M ), John John on (L. '\1 ). ndy Engel. Thi year, for the first time, student from Little Miami H S went on the trip. Money was earned through the ale of onion oup, pa tne , 8000 tulip bulb & popcorn. The annual gourmet dinner was a great fund¡ra1ser too. Melanie a1d, "It's hard to describe because it's so beautiful." Other chimed in: "unforgetable," "I loved it", "Do we have to go home?", "Is there life after Paris?"



Team picture-front row, I. tor. Debbie Cook, Li a Campbell, Lisa Humphrey, teve Roark, Jimmy Oake . Middle row, I. tor. Alan Wardlow, Mike Gadd, Blake mall\\-ood, cott Kle k1, Melanie Coy, teve Hoffman Back row, I. tor Jeff Florence, Tom Karman, Erich Raa ch, Tom ackett, Coach Barton.

The tennis tea m had a ternfic ea on. Their season record 11-6. KTC season record 5-0. They won the KTC Champion hip. Best match: Yellow prings. All League players: Jeff Florence, Tom Sackett, Mike Gadd. Honorable Mention: Scott Kle ki, Steve Roark. KTC Mot Valuable Player- Jeff Florence, Team \ofost Valuable Player- Jeff Florence. Team Most Improved PlayerSteve Hoffman. Above enior , I. to r. Jeff Florence, l\1ike Gadd, Steve Roark. Far Left, enior Erich Raasch. Left teve Hoffman. Below left Tom Sackett, Right- Scott Kleski. It was a season of learning for some and alot of hard work for others. This paid off in and during the ea on and tournament for all who participated.


Academic A wards Banquet Is

• • •

hove I., oph. 3.5 or better· front, \11s y \1cKeever, Fred De aple:., Kathy Eak1ns, Br:rnn Ray; back, Dan hellenbarger, Marty Morgan, teve \-forgan. Dan Peter • Dav1d heehan, Blake mall\\.ood. R1ght, emor 3 5 Glenda Cherryholmes, cot Gorusch, Li a Campbell. Below r.. o-ed 3.5 or better; Mike Ramby, Eileen mith, MISS} Marconet, M1ke Fox, Doug Boggs.

hove, Fre hmen 3.5 or better: Jon Beacham, Khnstie Benkhen, Rick Dunham, Julie Hender on, Becky Malo}, Tanya Roeder, Greg hellenbarger Right, French ward . Rae To"'n end (Fr. II), Tanya Roeder (Fr. 1). Far right. Band Assi tant Cindy nder on, Pam Egbert, L1 a Hazen. The Academic ward Banquet was well-attended agam th1 year. Organized by Mrs. Clark & the Honor ociety, it recogni1ed the many academic achievements of WH tudent over the school year. On May 12th. after a performance by the tage band. the 3.5 or better award \\.ere given & follo\\.ed by the variou other award including the out tanding Fre hman A\\.ard.


A Big Success

Top left, Jun1ors with 3.5: Patrick outh, Li a Humphrey, Patti Haye , Michele Didion; top r., Yearbook Editor-in- hief Glenda Cherryholmes. Middle nght, American LegiOn Awards: Freshman, Greg Shellenbarber, oph Blake mallwood, Debbie huler, Jr. Michele Mo er, enior Pat Ca 1dy & Kim Eakins.

Below left, Top cience tudent Tom Karman, Ro eMary Kruer, Rae Townsend, Pat outh, Kath} Booher, Pat assidy, Dav1d Ginocchio, Billie Peters. Bottom left: tudent A istants for variou teachers: cot Gor uch, L1 a Campbell, K1m Eakin , M1ndy Kronenberger, Glenda Cherryholmes, Billie Peters, Lisa Hazen. Bot. r., Math awards, Pat outh, David Sheehan, Glenda Cherryholmes, Greg hellenbarger.

S.:holar,htp T<am R<,ult- I ngl II, T1m Pc\lon lOth d"t, (,u l <') 'th, d"t, PJt lla><' 'nd. d"t, Qth St en S Stud \1, e Ciadd Mh. fl, \I St. te P~t Ca"td\, nth dt t \rr II 't T •m J..:arman. \nd\ I nglc, ttc, 11th dt t I>J\Id Shoeh:ln ( \lg II 151h d t, ( hr" Bro,.cr ( \lg I, 1rd d"t II \1 St ) PJt S•>uth (Ch<m .1rd D"t . II \I St. te c.rcg Shellenbarger ( Bll 1rd 0 ,, • II \1 State


Greg Shellenbarger Freshman of the Year! The climax of the Academic Awards Banquet was the pre entation of the Fre hman of the Year ward, thi year going to Greg hellenbarger. The Fre hman of the Year t cho en by the High chool Faculty from a h t of eligible tudents. The qualitie of Character, Leader hip, ervice and Academic ucce determine the winner. n individual plaque a well a incription on a permanent plaque are included with the pre uge of the award. Greg maintained a 4.0 average thi year; he played on the Fre hman ba ketball team and the chool Match Wit team; he enJOY ailing, cuba-diving and 4-H activitie . Congratulation Greg!

Brian Hisle is an outstanding art student. He wa a Gold Key finalist & had his art work di played tn Cincinnati and eventually ew York City. He won in the Governor' Art Conte t! Way to go Brian!


Hisle Receives Art Honors!

Sometimes it doesn't seem so, BUT A lot of work gets done at WHS!


1982 Prom The

Junic-r Class of


igh School

requests the pleasure of your c0mpany at the Junior= Senior Banquet and Prom on Friday, Ma fourteenth nineteen hundred and c1ghLy=two at seven o'clock fchabod's (The Park)

101 fine Street Oaylon, Ohio


Kim Eakins Is 1982 Prom Queen Kim Eakins was crowned Queen of the 1982 Prom held at Icabod's in Oregon Village. A lot of people went stag this year and they seemed to enliven the dancing The facility and food were good, the band, "Qutck" "'"a a favorite of many. Slow number saw the floor flood with couple , including teacher Wtth Bobbi Jo Leye , Kim Kidd, and Kathy Booher completing her Court, Kim reigned over a happy time.

Kathy Booher

Kim Kidd

Bobbi Jo Leyes

Third Runner-Up

Second Runner-Up

Fir t Runner-Lp

I could have danced all night Queen & Court


And still had time for more! . . .



Class Officers emor . R1ght I. to r Trea Chn Elton, Pre . Rust) Kuriger, Bu . Manager L1 a Campbell, Pre~ cot Gor uch, ec \1ike Gadd Junior ·: Belo~ left: I. to r ec. Donna Ruse. . Pre . \Vend) chm1dt, Trea . Li a Humphre)', Bu . !\1anager Julie Waddell, Pre . Tom Karman ophomore Belo\\ right I to r Bu Manager Holl)' Rathff. Trea Mand)' John on, Pres Cady Haxton, Y Pre Patt)' Fntts, ec Br)'nn Ra)'. Fre hmen: Bottom right· I. tor. Y. Pre . hari \1ullin . ec hari Ramb)', Trea J1m Elam, Pre . teve Bogg





11 Oth Annual Commencement Is Held May 23, 1982


One Hundred Tenth




Saturday, May 29 1982

Gadd, Cherryholmes Lead Class of '82 Only a teenage wasteland? Many disagree.

The traditional strains of "Pomp & Circumstances" ushered the class of 1982 into the graduation ceremonies on May 23rd. It was a somewhat untraditional class: independent, clique-ish, filled with contrasting types of people. Their motto, "Only a Teenage Wasteland" was not well-received by everyone. The class Valedictorian was Michael Gadd with Salutatorian Glenda Cherryholmes. Laura Madden ranked 3rd.

After the invocation, welcome and speeches by the Salutatorian and Valedictorian, Rev. Williams of St. Mary's gave the sermon. After presentation of awards, diplomas were given to 95 class members.


College Scholarships were granted to the following: M. Gadd (U. of South Car), G. Cherryholme (U Cin ), P. Ca sidy (Kent t.), D Dunkin (Cap1tal ). C. Allen (\' ilm1ngton); Ohio Acad. G Cherryholme ; Rotary M . Gadd; Rotary¡ S . Roark, K. Eakins, S. Gorsuch. 116

1982 HO ORS (cont.)

CLASS OF 1982 Waynesville H1gh School Gre&ory Douclu Adanu Mary Ann Aeee +Cynt.h1a Anne Allen

Jeff Georce

Eric Dou&Ju Meuel Rebecca Jane Mellott +Scot Robert Gorsuch Jeffrey Scott Mille r Scott R Arnold Rod Gray JeffreyS Newsome Oav•d W Bailey Sandy Lynn Or011 Kenneth Allen Osborne, Jr Steven Lee Seeley Janet Yvonne Haltom +Btl lie Jean Pet.en P1ul Edward Bernard +Eric C. Hau Erich Wilham Rauch Steven Eua:ene BocCI Pallu Lee Hathaway Kevin Paul Rathwec Muy Pauline Bollin& +Bryan L Hulo Mark o...d Rau.rr +Katherine Louise Booher Rebecca Ann Houaen(Jht Scott H Ray Ill Judith Lynn Bri&a:• Danny R Johnaon Man:tll Rice +Craac Allen Campbell James Walter Johruon Michael R. Richarda + Lua Gail C.mpbtll Penny F_ Jonea +Stephen Ray Roark +Patrick Alan Caaidy William L _Jonea +Janet Anne Ru.ah Chnstopher Duane Chenoweth Robert KH&an Pamela Sue Scherer •+Glenda Dawn Chei'T)'h.olmes John Kirk Kennedy l>a.nell Raymond Sharp Marcua Scou Clark l(jmberly Fay l(jdd Tracy Lynn Shelton Jamu E. Coffman Duane Edward K.nialey Shane Shiveley Lisa Ann Coffman +Pamela Sue Koehler Pamela Mute Shutta: +Oulltopher Lyn Cot.;n M1chelle Lee Kronen ber1er Karen Elaine Sizelove R<!becca Jo Cook Russell B Kuri,er Michael J . Smead Ronald Anthony Oav .. Meliaaa D. Lamb Eileen E. Smith David Mac.hael Det.erw Te•ia Lewi.a Lila Gail Smith Wilham Carl Dodda + Bobba Jo lA yea Dawn Leith Snedecar + Davad Charlet Ounltm Harold L . Lone Tracy Jo Waltz +Kimberly Lynne Eakiru Tamela Jo Lynch Ftank P Williama B•lly A. Elam Leon Dale McOeorce Mary Williama +Chriltopher James Elton .~err,..y Mich ..l McKalip +Darryl Allon Wooda Jamie Cau.andra FeriUJOn Bryan Davld McKinney Roberl Scott Woollard +Jeffrey Clue Florence +Laura Lynn Madden Kelly Rae Worthin(lon Kevin Jay Fultz William David MadLJon Robert E. Younc • +Michael Scott Gadd Jeffery Keith Malicote .~erra.u,.

+Member of National Honor Society Oau Flower - ROM Oau Colon: Black and Silver Oaa Song· "Since You're Gone"

1982 Medal Honors went to the following: Valedictoria n, M. Gadd; Salutatorian, G . Cherryholmes; Art, B. Hisle; Science, K . Booher, P. Cassidy; Senior Socia l Studies, M . Gadd; English, M . Gadd; Math, G. Cherryholmes; French, L. Campbell; Business, D. Deters; Activities, S. Gorsuch; Citizenship, S . Gorsuch; Shop, D. Woods; Mary L. Martsock Athletic Award, C. Allen; Raymond, F. Hatfield Athletic Award, J . Florence; John Philip Sousa Award, C. Colvin; Arian Chorus Award, D. Dunkin; Louis Armstrong Award, K. Fultz; Outstanding Senior \1usician, E. Measel; Scholarships (see also page 116): Honor Society, S . Roark; Andrew Garland Memorial, S. Roark; Robert L. Bernard, C. Colvin & D. Dunkin; 4-H Scholarship: David Furnas Scholarship, K. Osborne; Charles Stiles Scholarship, K. Booher. Congratulations to these Seniors!

•Cum Llude

FACULTY Charlea Willianu Stanley Moreland David Barton Paul Brower Jenntfer Buckley David Ceuna L.nda Clark Jacob Collin• Sara Conley Terry Dillon MaraJean Finch

. . . Ptinc1pal . Superintendent Judith Finke Tim Gabbard Rodney G ...dol Cindy Jacbon Robert Kennedy Botty l(jnl David Lifrick Dennis Line Patrick McGeehan

Ke1th Meac.her Patricia Patton Johnme Polly Vernon Polly Donald ThOIT Julia Townsend Yuton ia Watlon Phillip Webb Rodney Weirauch

BOARD OF EDUCATION Gary lhle , .. . . • • • Warren Sheehan • • . • • Oaare Dunkm Betty T . R1ckey •. . •.


Leo Pury

• Vice-Pre11dent Paul Machener Tnuurer

Erich Raasch checking to make sure his diploma is signed.


FRESHMEN hem dams Angela rthur Rodney Bailey Herbert Baker John Beacham Davy Bogg

teve Boggs Curt Booher Chn Brookshire Randy BrO\~n Cindy Buckland \1ike Ca 1dy

teve Coffman Dean Cook

Laurie Cook Lee Cornett

Calvin Crutchfield Skip Duncan

Richard Dunham Jim Elam

Doug Elliot Jarome Farley


• • •


Tomi Farley Larry Fergu on

Tere a For ythe Chri Freeman

Tom Fry John Fu ton

Roy Glovier Gail Haltom

Shelly Hamiel Heather Ha

Scott Hathaway Julie Hender on Bambi Higgin Tim Hoffer Marty I aac Tanya Jack on

Marie Kronenberger Keith Lamb Dawn Lander Scott Lander Kevin Lawle Michelle Litherland


Linda Livingston Lisa Loehng Gene \lie utt Tom Me utt Rebecca Maloy L1sa Manning

Rita \llarconet Jod1 \llarriott Rick Marriott \\1 ill iam \II erris Debb1e Me enger Doug Millers

Kelly Miltenberger Melanie Moser

hari Mullins Jim Oakes

Bryan Patton Berneda Pennington

De"'ayne Purkey han Ramby

Larry Randolf Deanne Rasnake


Steve Reed Cathy Robertson

Tanya Roeder Jeanne Rohrback

teve Ryan Barb Scherer

Chip chmtdt Darla Sharp

Greg Shellenbarger Todd Smith cott outh Greg pear Dale pitznogle Beth Stammen

Carl Stiver Jodie St. Pierre Li a toneburner Li a utherland Julie Taylor Sam Toedtman

Roxt Thomp on Vance Yair David anHoo e David Ward Art Wil on Kim Yout ey

8th Grade Class of '86 Bryan gee Trac:r rthur Tina Baile)' Tamm:r Ball Tim Bennett Meli sa Blevins

Tere a Bi hop Roger Briggs Chris Bro\\<er Missy Buckle Lynn Buckner lien asebolt

Mike Christman Tamm:r Christie Enc offman Mark Coffman Chn Cole Tonya Conner

Brent Coy Jeff Crutchfield Missy Davidson Bobby Davis Julie Dunham Jennifer Estes

Diann Ferguson John Fillmore Abb:r Finke Robert Fredrick Jam1e George Dav1d Gerspacher

Ben Ghearing Crystal Gibson Missy Hadle:r Le Ha1nes Holly Haye Cindy Hatfield

Trace:r Hatton Eddie Henr:r Carib H1ce Brian Howard 'vfark Hurle:r Pam Hu e:r Kevm lhle


Renae Isaac Leon John on Denny Johnson tanley Jordan David Kurtz M1chele Lainhart

Tammy Lamb Tim Livingston Chris Lowe Larry McGuire Bnan Measel Ronnie Milby

Jenni l'vfontag John Montag Meli sa eace Jerry eeley Tom 0 borne Randy Par on

Chri tina Patrick Chri Phelp L1 a Raa ch Mike Randolph Todd Robert on Olaf Roeder

cott Rhorback ngela haffer Tim Shuler Doug Simpson Jonathan lone Paul Smith

DeAnn nedegar Tony tafford Bnan teven Vikki Stroop

.fary Trimble Billy Weatherford Brent Wentzel Julie Williams hane Williams Dana Wil on

Lynne Wilson Mark~ olfe Ja on Wright

ot Pictured: P J. Burke Briget Campbell Jame Lamb

Chff M~nmck Kell; \1organ Lee ayer Doug eidle K1m Younker


7th Grade Class of '87 Cheryl bner Bonme gee Debbie <\ker Darren mburgy Mtchcle Ames Lisa shburn Tim Ballard :\.1att Baron Lee Bennett Tere. a Bolling Kath)' Boyer Jamie Bro\1-er J innifer Bro"'ning

Travts Browning Mark Bryant Tim Casstdy Kevin ates Jt\1 Ce sna Bobbi Coffman Renee Cook Don Crawford oma Creech tac:r Chri tman Jo cph upp Kim Dakin Chris Davi Brian Fenner Debbte Dttmyer Melissa Flanner) Becky Forsythe Julie Fox Heather Frasure Daniel Fueston Janet Fueston andra Gmgerich Gary Grismer colt Hafner Ronme Hamiel Jame Harnner '\.1 ichelle Harner Pam Harrison rin Heiden Tonya Hendnck on my Hess Bill)' Hoffer lana Jenkins Br:ran Johnson Rebecca Johnson



Dennis Ktngan Robby Kramer Charlene Lamb Lots Long M tchelle Lucas Ricky \1cCioud Paul McGeorge Andy Morgan Jim Myer. Amy apter Melis a eeley Sherry Kim ichol Tracee Patton Daphne Praeter There a Prewttt Wtll Purkey Kn tin Raach Robert Ra nake Carl Reeve Phtllip Rice Steve Rice Debra Robi on Lon a tterfield Tracy Schteman Keith haffer hem Sherntt Melea Shiveley Bntt igmund Amy mith Mark Tonya pencer Kathy tapleton Joe tapleton Jerry tapleton COlt tile Dawn Sutter teve Taulbee Ben Thacker Eric Thomp on Mtke Tidwell John Tucker Kathy Van uys Jennifer Vegso Shannon Ward Lon Wentzel Tawn \\- illiams Jeff Winkler

Mike Wil on Paul Woods ot pictured Rob Colwell Steve Pennington Mark Volkenand


6th Grade Class of '88 Mark nder on Melissa Bailey Sammie Bailey Samuel Bennett Raymond Blevins Meli a Bogg Tom Bonham Mark Book Cheryl Bowie Ryan Brickley Denise Brown Denni Brown Peter Brown Ja on Buckle Debra Bunch cott Campbell Donna Carter Carl Chane} Ru ell Clark Meli a Cochran John Cole Robert Collard Darrick Cook Bryan Coy

Danny Davi Tonya Dee Corbin Drake John Ellis Chri Engel Monta Flannery David Fo ter Randolph Freeman Laura Furna Beverly Garrett Dougla Graham Brian Groom Jeff Hall Apnl Hawk Boneita Hoffer Roger Hollandsworth Joseph Howard Mike Hubbell Addie Ingram James Isaac Yvette Jone Kelly Kidd Tim Kilpatrick Rodney King


Anthony Koe ter Cry tal Lamb Tara Lamb Tonia Lamb Brian Lewis Jeff Lipov ky Stanley Lynch Jonathan ~cCray Robert Manning Julie Michener Steven Milby Craig Minnick Robyn Morrow Stacy Murrill Cathy Myer Michelle Orrender Jodi Parks Robert Parks

Kevin Peercy Rick Pettit Berry Ratliff Erin Ray Holly Robm on Sherry Rockhold Russell Rogers Holly Rohrback Shawn Sammons Robert Sanders Steven Schmidt Chn Se tar Apryl Shelton ngela Slaven Debra Smith Marvin Spears Todd Standard Mike Sutherland Steve Taylor Jonna Thomp on Jason Van Hoo~e Melanie Waddell Michael Weidlich Margaret William Kristi Wilson Aaron Wright Heather Young "-ot Pictured: Eddte Bucholtz Jame McKeever Jennifer Vanover Toby Walters


Spelling Bee Finalists 6th grade Bonnie Hoffer, \1Jchelle Orrender, Jenmfer Vanover, Kelly K1dd, It Doug Graham. 7th grade Britt Sigmund, M1ke Tid'Well, Debra Rob1 on, lt. Kathy an U} th grade Kevin !hie, Shane \ illiam . Jason Wright.

Junior High Bands Page 139left; Top pic.- row I, \-fr Ling, Sherritt, A. Smtth, J. Brower, J Ces na, D Dttmyer Row 2, A . He s, L. Wentzel, R Johnson, D. Prueter, T Williams, M. htveley, B. For ythe. Row 3, J 'tapleton, B Thacker, T. Patton, D. Robi on, A apter, K. Van U} . Row 4, J. Myers, M. Baron, A. Morgan, ~ mith, T. Ca sidy. .\itddle pic. Row I. M. Cochran, H Robin on, B Hoffer, T. Lamb. M . Williams, D. Carter, D. mith. Row 2, A. Ingram, T Bonham, C Chaney, Lynch, P. Brown, T. Lamb, T. Koe. ter , R. Freeman Row 3, R. Pettit, D. Cook. C Myers, J Lipov ky, C Engel, J . YanHoo e, l\1r. Ling. Row 4, S. Campbell, C. Minntck, M . Weidlich, B. Garrett, J. Michener, E. Buckholt7 Row 5, K. Ktdd, am mons, S. chmidt Bottom pte Ro"' I, M r Ling, B. Sigmund, S . ewton, B. A hburn Row 2, B. Hoffer, J tapleton. B John on, M Coffman. Ro"' 3, J Wright.


1982 Jr. Hagh Football Team I. to r.. row Steve Rice, Jerry eeiC}. Enc Thompson, Ronn) Hamiel. Ton) Stafford, Jimmy Myers - Manager, Joe Cupp, Tim Ca id). Brian Howard. Enc Coffman. Bryan John on \.tanager, Phillip Race; Row 2: Coach Harney. Darren Amburgy, Mike Christman, Gar) Grismer, Will Purkey, Mark Tidwell, Denny Johnson, Mark Bryant, Bobb) Davas, Brent Wentzel, Kevin Ihle, hane William . Ben Gheanng. Row 3: Allen Ca eoolt. Tim Bennett, Carl Reeves, Paul Woods, Chris Cole, Tim Livingston. Bryan Agee, Eddie Henr}. Brian Mea el. cott tib. Coach \Vii on. The Jr Htgh Football team got off to a slow start thi year, due to Coach Philpot' injury. At the beginning of the year conditioning was coached by the high school staff with Jr. High captain , Brian Mea el and Chris Cole, helping. The overall record was 5-l with the only lo · · to Cedarville.

• • •


Thi year the Jr. High had two new coaches, Duane Harney and Chuck Wil on. They proved to be a great asset for the team. This was Coach Harney's first year at coaching and to him it was a new experience. Above, left, team on the side lanes concentrating on the game. Right, Game action shot. Maddie left, Stretching out, 12-3- ... Below left Touchdown!!! Raght, Laning up and waitang for the hike. Page 141. Bottom left, VICTORY huddle after a game. Right, Team captains Brian Mea el and Chris Cole.

JR. HIGH CHEERLEADERS Left, Jr. High Boys Cheerleaders: Top to Bottom, Michele Lainhart, Jinnifer Browning, Melissa Davidson, Dana Wilson, Sonia Creech, and Missy Neely. Below, Jr. High Girls Cheerleaders: First row: left to right Sandy Gingerich, DeAnn Snedegar, Lori Wentzel, Top, left to right Michelle Lucas, and Lori Satterfield. The Boys and Girls Cheerleaders did a good job cheering for their teams again this year. On November II, 1981, the Jr. High Banquet was held. Two special awards were given to: Chris Cole, most valuable off. player and to Brent Wentzel, most valuable defensive player.



Re erve volleyball, Ro" 1- Tracee Patton, Jill Cessna, Debbte Ditmyer, Michele Ames, Daphne Praeter Ro" 2 - Am:r He , Kat h)' Van '\u:r , Kathy Stapleton, Tracey chteman, tacy hristman, Amy apter. Row 3 Mrs. Borne coach, Ta"n Williams, Terea Bolltng, hem herrtt, Kristin Raasch, Michelle Harner, and There a Prewitt.

Varsity volleyball, Row I - Tracey Hatton, Jamte George, Tina Baily. Row 2 Lisa Raasch, Tammy Chnsty, Tere a Bt hop, Row 3 Holly Hayes, Chri ttna Patrick, Abbey Finke, Lynne Wil on.

The R e erve and Varsity volleyball team did well this year with 9-7 and 8-7 record re pectively for the ea on. The port came to be liked by the girls and wa enjoyed by the pectator . It wa a learning experience for all and it taught them to" trive to be better players," said Holly Hayes. Awards for the Re erve went to Jill Cessna, mo t improved player; and to M ichele Arne , be t erver. Var ity award went to Tammy Christy, most improved; and Abbey Finke, best erver.


Row I Chri Cole, Olaf Roeder, Enc Coffman, Denny John on, David Gcrspacher, and Bobby Davis. Row 2 ltff 'vfinnick, Jeff Crutchfield, Eddtc Henry, Alan Ca ebolt, Tim Living ton. Brian Measel, Robert Fredrick, and Coach - James Philpot. All the boys worked together a a team and had a pretty good ea on with all playing \\-ell.


Holly Hayes. Abbey Finke, Julte \\!I hams. Ro"" 2 Jamie George. Teresa Bishop, Julie Dunham Rm~ 3 M1ssy Buckle, Tracey Hatton, and Tammy Chrbtic.




The 1982 7th Grade Girls Ba ketball Team Row I Trace:r Shiema Kathy Stapleton, Michele Ames, Kathy \ anNuys, manager Daphn Praester, Row 2- Coach Conway, Amy H ess, Knstin R aasch, William , Teresa Bolling, K1m Dakin.


The 7th Grade Boys Basketball Team Left Row I Ricky .'vfcCloud Steve Rice, Jimm} Myers, Darren Amburg} Phtllip Rice, Row 2- Coach Hatton, cott Stiles, Paul \\oods, .\1ike Tidwell, Andy 'vforgan. Keuh Shaffer, \\til Purke), Carl Reeves, managers Jerr;. tapleton and Robby Rasnake. Page 144- The Jr. High Lad} Spartan drove to the KTC Championship. and the 8th grade girls \~On the Greenview Tournament. The team had a great season, with some out tanding girls leading the wa) The 7th grade leader~ were: Kathy Van '\uysOffensive award, and Kim Daktn most improved pla)er, :'v1ichele Ames - Defensive award . The most valuable player was 8th grader Julie Williams, Mo~t improved player went to Abbe) Finke and the Free Throw ward went to Teresa Bishop. Way To Go Lady partans!!




J r . High Candids



Team picture left to right FRO T ROW. lana Jenkm , Jennifer egso. Mi y Davidson. Theresa Prewitt, Kathy Van uy , Briget Campbell, Tracy Patton, Michelle mes. RO\' T\' 0 : Daphne Praeter, Michelle Lucas, Kri tin Raa ch, my He s. Tere a Bi hop, Britt igmund, Melea hively, Kim Dakin, Jamie George, Tammy mith. ROW THREE: Coach, Pat Patton. Tere a Bolling, Dawn uiter , Debra Robison, Julie Withams, Tawn Williams, Rebecca John on, Lisa Raa ch They placed fifth in the county meet. The most valuable runner was Jamie George who had a total of 67 points this cason. \lfost improved wa Kim Dakin who ran the 00 meter run. Their final record was 5 \\ins and 3 losses.



Team picture left to right FRO T ROW: Eric Coffman, Chris Cole, Jeff Crutchfield, teve Rice, Andy ~organ . ROW TWO: Mike Tidwell, Eddie Henry, Paul Woods, Gary Grismer, Brent Wentze;, colt Hafner, Jimmy Myer , Manager Joey Howard and Brian Fenner. THIRD ROW: Coach Philpot, Cliff Minnick, colt Stiles, hane William , Kevin lhle, Mark Bryant, John Filmore, Coach Watson. They placed sixth in the county meet. They had two co-mo t valuable runners: Chris Cole and Kevin lhle. Mo t improved wa John Filmore. There record was three wins and three lo es, Mr. Wat on comment "Overall, I enJoyed the eason. I thought some boys howed great potential and hope they will continue track in high school.



Top- M1ss Jack on Am. Hi ., Geog. Bottom Mr Kmg Comp., .P., Eng. 2, Short Story, Eng. Lit.



Mr . Patton


Top \1r . Conle}- Home Fe .. Child Care. Bottom Mrs. Townsend- Eng. I, Comm.

Top Mrs Watson- Home Ec, Food, Famil} Liv Bottom Mrs. F1nch Gen Math, Basic Alg., Alg. I.

Bottom -~rs .

Bottom \1r Ce. sna Coun elor

Clark- Librarian.


Top - Mr. Brower Lit., Eng 2

World Lit., Bible

Top Mr. Tharr Bio., Gen Bio., Chern., Micr. Bot , Phy ic . Bottom Mr. Barton Gov., Driver Ed.


Mr. Collin - l.A.C.

Top Mr. Webb - Myth Fan., oc., Civic . Bottom - Mr. McGeehan Ind. rt .

Top - \1r. Weirauch- Latm, Class1cs.

Top Mr. "vie cher Off. Practice, Typing, Gen Bus Bottom Mr Gabbard- Per Typing. Gen. Bu~ .


----Top: Mr. Polly - Bio. I, Physiology, Zoology. Middle. Mr . Polly- Alg. II, Geo., Adv. Math. Bottom Mr. DillonFrench I, II, Ill , Ohio Hi tory, Yearbook.


Top: Mr. Ltng Band, tage Band, Mu ic Appreciation. Middle: Mr. Kennedy ocial Science, Gen. cience, Health. Bottom: Mrs. Buckley rt I, II, I I I.

Top: Mrs. Finke - Phy 1cal Education. Middle: Mr. Gradel Drama, Speech, Adv. Drama, Chorus. Bottom: Mr. Liffick Phys1cal ducation.

Junior High Faculty

Top: Mrs. Arne cience, Art. Middle: Mrs. Dye -Speech Therapi t. Bottom: Mrs. Watson Phys. Ed., Health.

Top: Mr . Pees Home Economic . Middle: "vir. Gibbs Alg. I, Math. Bottom: Mr. Philpot Shop

Top: Mrs. Yatr Readtng. Middle: Mt Waldroup- ocial tudie . Bottom: Mrs. Lacy- English


Top left, Mi Roderer- I.A.C.; Middle, Mrs. Edwards -Science, Reading; Right, Mr. Wat on- Math.


Middle left, Mr. Vanderpool Hi tory; Middle: Mr. Conway- Math, PreAlgebra; Right, ~r. Henson- Physical Education, Health.

Bottom left, Mr. Osborne -Science; Middle, Mrs. Doering Coun elor, Engli h; Right, Mr . Hartsock- Engli h

Mrs. Gradel, L.D.

Mrs. Reed, Jr. High Librarian

Mrs. Malcolm, chool

ur e


Left, Jr. H1gh Cook , I. to r., Mrs. Marconet, Mr . Neely, Mr . Booher, 1\irs. John on, 1\ir . Hopkm , Mrs. Robin on, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Howard, !\>irs. Stile , Mrs. Honaker, !\>irs. O'Banion, !\>ir . Ba1ley. Above, Head Cooks Mrs. Stiles and Mr . O'Banion. Below Left to right: High School Cooks, Mr . Mellott, Mr . Powell. Mr . O'Banion ay , "Cook are number 0 E" a she recovers from her late t trip abroad. The cooks constitute a very aimiable and hard-working group. Along with the Maintenance Crew and Bus Drivers pictured on p. 160, they provide e entiat services.

Custodians & Bus Drivers. Below left, Bob Stan bury, Cust. Below, Bus Drivers Mr. La mb, Mr . Cochran, Mrs. Kinsel, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Kronenberger, Mrs. Taulbee, Mrs. Kronenberger. Right, Mrs. Sheppard, Cust. Middle left, two of the bus drivers not pic. below are Mrs. Linebaugh & Mrs. Woods (6th & 7th on the right).

...... -·- --· :-::f: :: ::: -""..::


., l

-----~ 1~·-

1:;111;1 •

• __,.

.._._ .._ .,:-.. ~

Right, Bob Campbell, Head of Maintenance. Far upper right, Dan Johnson and Dick Campbell, Custodians. Far lower right, George Keplinger, maintenance. ot only do bus drivers have to deal with bad weather . . . they have to work with often unruly kids. The janitors had a particularly unpleasant winter as pipes burst in the High School, making for a lot of extra work . Congratulation to our hard-working starr.







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P.O. Box 597 34 Marvin Lane Wayne ville, Ohio


May, 1982

Soon your high chool days will be behind you and you will tep forth into center ring, the big adult arena. Whether you realize it or not, your cia mates, your teacher , and your whole chool environment during your chool years ha helped to mature you, to mold your character, and to be a tremendou inOuence on you being the per on you are. The e characteri tic will remain with you alway . Our only wish is that you will look back next year or thirty year down the road and remember your chool with fondne and that your memorie will be happy one. Re pectfully, Tom Florence and Bob C. Amburgy

We never forgot what a restaurant ought to be!

~mpachtr's anh Sons ~aragt 1479 EAST STATE RT . 73 SPRINGBORO , OHIO 885-5250

POTATO CHIPS Wi hing The Be t of Health to the Graduate


Jewel A. Stevens, MD



SEEGER'S Quality Meats Lytle, Ohio

Corner of P.r. 73 and 42 Waynesville. Ohio



Marine Supplies • Camping Supplies • Picnic Supplies Ice • Tockle • Live Bait • 5porfing Goods



Mi sy David on 19 I Sauerkraut Prince

COAST-TO-COAST Hardware Colony Square 726 East Main, Lebanon 932-5169

Village Ice Cream Parlor 22 S. Broadway Lebanon, Ohio 45036 Phyllis Hartsock Proprietor

Phone 932-6918 Ice Cream & Food

Off1ce· 513-885-7408 513-897-4983 Home 513-897-3276

Compliments of



Scott H. Ray, Jr.

3075 Lytle Road Waynesville, Ohio 45068

113&113 If A\ 1[?~\ t~\A\ II:? II\ lr= lr

(' •t cl0:u'l f J .· r uJ



'i£c,t TAf L.£5

Phone: 897-5518

1/2 mile east of R t. 48 on R t. 73

Groceries, Picnic Supplies, Beer, Wine, Bait, Vegetables, Fruit


Niw Ownen- Tom & Betty Wallace MelD Street WaYDeevWe, Ohio PhODe897·'7966 Speclellsta In CUatom Printing Buslneu Forms • Peper & Suppllea

14 Marco Lane CenttrVIIIe, Ohio 45459 Telephone: (513) 433·5680


Congratu lations Sen 1ors from

THORTON'S CREAM DELIGHT Call in orders 897-4916

John David on

Printing "'"'.,..,........ nmuu·



( !513) Q32·3g3e

(513) 932-4222


ladiOihael A Division of Tandy Corporation

LEBANON . OHIO 4150315

ACTNE SPORTSWEAR BRAND NAME FOOTWEAR SPORTS EQUIPMENT "Sport Shack . . . whtrt Amtriea gots 1nto acuon".

1 063 5



(51 3) 43l5·43go

"VISIT OR CALL" Sport Shack of Lebanon 918 M Columbus Av lebanon ..... 932-0095

f ~·



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