1983 Waynesville High School Yearbook

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thh page. ~tarting upper ldt: Mark Coffman g0ing .. C0ld Turkc) ·· \\ith a branch: Dan Shellenbarger & Miss) Buckle painting the 'n1.1s decorataon~: Jcnnafer \ an<.l\Cr at Pep Rail): Debhac Shuler · Blake 'mall\\ood thankful \tart) \1 h,l'n t bl<.l\\n up the (hem lab toda). a sagn of the time>: Bcrncda in a pcnsi\'c mood. \1addlc: I auric Co..)k \\rcstlcd down b\ I ' n \lc\· andcr. P 5. CI<Xkwisc from upper left. :\.1ark Rush.

Candids Out Of


The Hat

alias /\rnold .Schwartcneggcr: Larry l"ergu on da)¡drcaming: \1ikc Coff¡ man holding up a fence: Paul mith & Paul Smith: wait1ng to be auctioned arc Tamm} Ball, (f),tal Gibson, Tamm) Bargo, Dcnn} Johnson, L}nn Hatfield in a graceful po'e on Sla\e da) . .

The Magic Of Friends, Creativity, Opportunity to grow, Laughs, Experiments in Life!


Clock" I e from the top of p 6: art\\Ork by 1ane Kronenberger; l.mda l.mng ton & Jim Deters hard at \\ork; '1 ere a Stammen & \ 1ark Wampler in Chern. lab: urter :\1erm in broad da)light, 7-B girb "ith a ne" dance tep; 1 ynne Wil on in her Sla~e Day finer); Rodne) Robbin entertains the Homecoming Court at Fri ch' .



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t •tAe t t •ltt4


The Return to cla~~cs an the Fall brought the '\.1agic of 1¡\pcct tion and Hope fllr a good school )Car. Talent "a' C\ident on the I ootball field as both the team and nMrching band h.td ~ c 11 ~ca~on~ . Fall acti\IIIC included Homecoming. 'pirit \\ ed. ...,port' & '\.1usical seasons and getting acquainted '' ith \ChllO lrk. and nc'' friends ... pic. thi~ page, clock'' isc, Jeff. Alan. Russ & Jeff arc chefs for ada): Heather HaS\ back at ''ork: .trt \\Ork b) Julie Waddell: Rod cats Jello " f o a spoon: p. 9. clock\\isc, Julian takes a pa~s at football practice: Ben (I heanng at the drums: \\C have a super >r band .tnd field Cllrps: nn carl) cason pep rail): De \nn ncdcgar & Brent Wcnt7cl \\ere Freshman Homcc 1mang attcndanh.

Abracadabra, it's . . .


~'#~ IS SUPERfOR -2

Eric Coffman dre sed k. . Right The Home Ec Depttogoltll. wlthh his. Ma ter Wendy chmidt · m t e sp1 · · · Board Middle left. Jr ~t with this fine Bulletin - - -_.- - . y take the greased pig.

Frosh lack of ex peri· ence made a rather ad hall· way!




Top I Tim Peyton taking a shot at his former French Teacher; below, the emor Hall took top honor for its originality & thoroughne ; p. I 0 lower right: Tony Stafford & Eric Coffman take the Three-legged Race flanked by (left) Kevin Elcook, teve Morgan (Jr.) and (right) enior cott Kleski & Don Rockhold

Mtddle I. emors cott Kle kt, Mtchele Moser, Ru s Wtn ted, Julian Farley, Wendy Schmtdt & Don Rockhold "lit up" with pride after building the Sptrtt Week bonfire; ~iddle r. The crowd waiting for the grea ed pig contest; left, leave and original art "1\-0rk made the enior Hall reali tic. The emor were the Winner of the ptrtt ~ eek Conte t with Fre hmen taking 2nd Place. The Sophs \\-ere Jrd & the Junior Ia t


The 19 2 football season was one of great expectation for the Spartan who were coming into the ¡ea on followmg a I 0-0 season Ia t year. The partan hope re ted on the shoulders of the enior ¡. led by returning 11- talers Ru sell Winsted and Doug Perdue, with Julian Farley, Ttm Peyton, Jtm ix, Tim Laird, and Brad Measel. They et their . ight on another KT tttle and a try at the playoff . The sea on opened as expected with a big win over the Batavta Bulldogs at their home field, 46-20. Rus ell Win ted led the partan attack, acquinng 122 yd and I TD. Julian Farley caught 2 TD pa se rushed for another. Brad Measel returned a 2 yd Interception for a TD. The next game was agamst Little Miamt at thetr home field The partan defen e was the highlight of thts game, holdtng a very powerful Panther offen e careless. Wtnsted led 1n rushing with 144 yd . and Farley scored a TD. The partans knew tf they were going to make the playoff they mu t defeat the ew Miami iking , who were the last team to (can't)


ORANGE CRUSHES IT'S WAY TO 7-3 SEASON defeat the Spartan before their Winning treak. It looked a if it would be a great battle between the 2 undefeated team . The Wedne day prior to the game, it wa learned that Ru ell Wm ted would be lost to the Spartan indefinitely due to illne . This wa a severe blow to the partans, and it . howed a Wayne ville was defeated, 32-16, by a much larger Viking team. The highlight of this game was an 80 yd . kickoff return by Chris Hender on. (continued next page)


Wa)nenolle bounced back from the heartbreaking I to defeat Cion ton 'l.fa soc at theor home field, 2 -12 Th1.> '-<rved a a real bool.t to the Spartan a the) recorded theor lir t KTC "'on. Julian Farley acquored Ill )d The neu "'eek the partan traveled to Sou thea tern to take on the TrOJarL> on a ke) match Winsted returned, (con't)


althou h not unaffected b) ht til ness. and ru;hed 40 )d> The Sp.~rtans lost thetr fir 1 II. TC pmetnJ)r 11·12 The Spartans nc<t cru hed the Circenv•e"' Rorm. 2n·O Wtn ted "a at full trength agatn, rushtn for II )ds and completing I TO "1•k• Cas td) scored 2 TD' \\ 1n ted and Pc)ton h d 10 tackles QCh nd I> Jug Perdue, 7 ~ ..,came the 1.1 I Chnton \ '""' "'ho \\ a\ne vtllc defeated 36·0 \\10 ted ru hed 221 )ds and made 2 To· , Jam Deter added an nS )d> and 2 TD' Rod B.· C) J! t 6 tackles. Ste•c \1eeee, 5, and Chns !lender n completed h1> Jrd mtcrceptton of the )Car The nc\1 "'cek came the ho.,do"n "llh (eda"tlle and Ceda"alle put on a p.~rl.hnJ! performance and an error· free game, but "'th I 'ccond to go and the :«.'Ore lied. the lndtan completed a r ' In the end11lne and "'"h II, a 2o-14 \!CIOn (COni)


19 3 Spartan I ootball 1 to R Ro" I Jeff Jo;ec~an. Ttm l atrd, Ttm Pe} ton, Juh.tn f uric}. Ru 'ell\\ msted. Doug Perdue, Jtm ~. '· Brad \ 1casel Ro" 2 Phtlhp llubbcll. \bu \\ olfe. \ lan Cook. R~<hard Br}ant, Ld Orr Jeff Q,borne. Ste•e \ 1cece. J•m Dcte", Chm Henderson. \1 arl. Jodreda Ro" 1 \ 1gr J n.llhan Slone \1~r Jarome I arle• \1 il.e (awd}. Rodne} Batie), Wilham \I ern , Da•e) Bogg>. Scotllatha"a), (. hri' Brool.shtrc. \a nee \atr Ro" 4 Tom O•borne T•m flenneu Brent \\ enllcl. l·ddte llenr), Dcnn) Johnson, Chm Cole, B,>bb) Da"'· Ttm I 1\IOJ!>lon. \1~r Tom ( artcr Ro" ~ ( oach Chuck\\ 11 n,llead (oach Jo;cnh \ 1e her, ( oach Ttm Gabbard. Tramcr Bob lo;cnned)

and the !I.TC Champton>htp \\ a)ne 'llle "" thetr record drop to ~-3 "'lh no Jo;TC Champaonshtp and n•> ch. nee for the pta) off,. but the panan pnde •hmed th">ugh •n the fmal 2 "eel., The) defeated the \ ell••" Spnngs Bulldogs. 12·0 and the \1 ason Comeb, 24·6 \\'tnsted ended h" fine career ru, hmg 160 ' d' and completing 2 TD\ He had oHr 1100 )d from onl) 7 of the game pla)ed \ II·State 2nd Team Doug Perdue \ ·State Jrd Team Ru"dl \\ ut ted \ "TC Perdue. \\ '"'ted, rarle•. Pe)IOn II. T<. Honorable \l enllon Bade}. Deters, Br)ant \\ e•lern Star \\ tn•ted, Perdue Jour .at Herald \ II· \ rea \\ an• ted, Perdue


Seniors Will Be Missed!

Pic. left & above: 1982 Spartan Seniors! kneeling, Brad Mea el, Tim Laird, Jim ix, standing, Russ Win ted, Julian FarIcy, Doug Perdue, Tim Peyton. Above, Mike Ram by. The e athletes have contributed a great deal to our Football Program! They will be missed next year.


Pictured left, the 1982 Cro s Country Team: kneeling, Art Wilson, Rick Dunham, Mark Rush; standing, Rodney Robbins, Coach Bob Lohse, Carter Merris. Above, Outstanding Performer Mark Rush ; Middle, left to right: Lone enior Rodney Robbins; Carter Merris on the local course; Mo t Improved Runner Rick Dunham. Lower right, Art Wil on glides through the autumn woods. Although several members quit the team, Cro Country had a good ea on thi year. Even though the lost column outweighed the win column, the boys gained in d1 cipline and tone. Di trict qualifiers were Mark Ru h & Rick Dunham.


en or¡ I ro,h Team: Bottom L. to R. Debbie Cook, Usa Humphrey. Cherie Ba)es. \1tchele 1oser, Wend\ chmidt, Mar) Chattin, '\.1ichele Didton. Cheryl tevens, Wend::; nderson. Rose Mar) 1\.ruer \1iddle Briget ampbell, Teresa Bishop. Tamm) Ball. Missy Davidson, Miss) Buckle. Lynn Wilson. Tammy Lamb. Top Donny Rockhold, cott 1\.lesf...i. Tro) Patton Junior- ophomore Team Bottom L. to R Cady Haxton, Beck} htnkle, "v1ichelle Elton. Pattie Frit7 \1iddle Tama Rot.:der, Barb cherer. Julie Taylor Ltsa "v1anning. Laune Cook, Em ly Purkey, Kim Youtsey, Melante Coy, Teresa Forsythe, han Ram b). \1elante \1o. er. ngie \rthur. Paultne Lamb, and) l\.1eado\\os, Gail Haltom. Top 1\.ath) Kolonich. Karen Pettit. Linda l ivingston. Jodi Marriott, Jenny Marttn, Jada Jenktns, Donna Keegan. Loretta Casebolt. tacy haffer. Cind) Young, Mr Elton Back "v1ike Ramby. Rodne) King. \1r King. Tim Osborne.



Parent's Night

PARE"'T' 1\,IGHT ovember 5, 1982 Parent's night is a "Thank you" for the involvement of parents in their Senior's activtties. (more pies, page I 06)


The Wa)-ne ville Htgh chool Marchtng Band from left to right Row I, Field Commander teve Hoffman, Majorette tacy haffer, Majorette Kelh troop, Majorette Gall Halton, Field Commander Lt a toneburner. Row 2, Flag Cheryl tephens, Flag Jenny Martin, Flag Yikki Yair, Flag Donna Keegan, Brian Koch, Ben Ghearing, Greg hellenbarger, Brad Mea. el, Kenny Kurtz, Tom Karman, am Tocdtman, Calvm Crutchfield, Jamte Brower, Flag Karen Petit, Flag Rhoschel mith, Flag Kathy Eakin , Flag l\1andy John on . Row 3, Teresa tammen, Cindy nder on, l\1eli a Hadley, Lt a hburn, Britt igmund, Debra Dttmyer, Becky For ythe, Becky Maloy, Rae Townsend, Tonya Conners. Row 4, David Kurtz, hane William , Chris Brower, Khrissie Behnken, Tawn William , Julie Dunham, Jodi St. Pierre, Beth tammen, Debbie huler, Amy mnh, l\1elea hiveley, Cathy Boyer, Jill Ce sna, Amy He , Lori Went7el, herri herntt. Row 5, Flag Michelle Elton, Jennifer Estes, Theo mith, Chris Phelp , Ja on Wright, Dawn Lander, l\1ichelle Arne , Kevm Maloney, Brent Wentzel, Ed Orr, Li a Ha1en. John Gheanng, my apier, Debbte Robtson, Tracee Patton, Kathy Van uys, Jerry tapleton, Ben Thacker, Roger Briggs, Tom 0 borne, ndy Engel, Flag heila Hellan. Row 6, Flag andy Meadow , Flag Beth \1yer , Flag Brynn Ray, Mark Smith, Flag Patti Haye , Matt Baron, Mark Coffman, Chri Freeman, David YanHoo e, Dale pttznogle, teve R}an, Carib Htce, Bnan Howard, Dean Cook, Doug Elliott, Dan Chaney, Dan hellenbarger, Flag Angie cott, Flag Holly Hayes. Row 7, Flag Cind)- Young, Flag Lisa Humphrey, Flag Rita Marconet, \1tke Hes , Mark Hurley, Jtm Patton, Mark Jocfreda, Andy Morgan, Davtd Young, Todd mtth, Flag hari Ramby, Flag Tere a Forsythe. ot Pictured, Jtmmy ~yer , Flag Lynne cott, Lori toneburner. The 19 2-83 WH Band had a succe ful year in both marching and concert ea on . They began preparing for the 2-83 school year with practice m July with 2 playmg members, 14 flags, rifles, 3 majorette , and two field commander . In ugu t they moved on to band camp to tackle the most demandmg how ever attempted by a \'. H band. Throughout the months of eptember, October, and ovember the band marched mne football games, 3 parades, and eight contests. They recetved numerous first, second, and third place , a well a an excellent rating at tate Contest In l\1ay, the Marching partans Entertained the crowd at the Waynesville 1\.tght Red 'game. As the band moved mto concert season the> adju ted to 85 playing member The Concert band played at the annual WH Christmas concert. and competed at Dtstrict Conte t where they received a superior rating entitling them to compete in tate ontest. In April they traveled to tate at Yandaha-Butler where they received an excellent rating. The band fimshed the year with thetr spring concert



The Reserve Cheerleaders, left to right Row I, Donna Keegan, Missy Davidson, Juhc Henderson, RO\\ 2, Loretta Casebolt, l\1clante l\1oscr, and Darla harp t right, Varsit} Cheerleaders, from left to right-!\11chclc \1o er, Ro e \Jfar} Kruer, l\1ichelle Litherland, Cath} Robertson, ngie Liffick, Kns Rath\\eg, Cheerleader Adv1. or Karen Ba1le) P1ctured belo" are three cheerleaders who arc cniors th1s year, left to right Ro e Mar} 1\.ruer, 1\.ris Rath\\eg, Michele Mo er


The sentiments of this }Car's Volleyball season \\-ere, "\\chad the skill but our season v~a . n't as good as it could have been." The av~ard this }Car "-Cre '1.1ost Vnal Player - Lisa Isaacs, "vfost Improved Playcr\bbey Finke. and Top corer '1.1anc Kronenberger "ho scored 5 points. he "'a close!)' foiiO\ved b)' her sister. Melinda Kronenberger, who scored 7 points. The team plajed first tournament game against C1ncmnau- umm1t Da> and were victorious. but the} were defeated b)' t Bernard in the second game. The ollcjball player will be losing their coach next }ear, Mis. Pegg)' Cann. who "'ill be mov1ng to Kettering. One of the girl ex pre· ed her feeling : •· he know her volleyball and "'hat it's all about. she'll be mis ed because she is a good coach."

Varsit} Volle)'ball Team lttlng, Lisa Isaacs Kneeling, Leslie helton, B1lhe Hubbs, L1sa helton Mgr, tanding, Coach Pegg} Cann, Holl> Ratliff, '1.1ind} Kronenberger, Lori toneburner, Ang1e Bauer. ot Pictured, Jenny Keller.

Reserve Vollejball Team Kneeling, Lynn R1dd le. Marie Kronenberger, Dana \' 11son, Kristina Patrick tandmg, Coach Pegg} Cann, Heather Ha. s, Abby Finke, Ang1e haffer, Lisa Raasch, Lisa helton Mgr. ot Pictured, Tammy mlth.


Horizontally from upper left enior Bauer, 'Vfehnda Kronenberger. and Lon burner


Pictured nght IS the 19 2 W H . Golf Team (I tor) oach Dave L iffick, Bnan 1\.och, J1m Oake.. Tom ackett, Rodney Gruber, And:r Engel. urt Booher, John Fillmore ot p1c. Tom ~1c utt.

Sackett Leads Competitive Golfers

"The 19 2 partan Golf Team was a surpn e as well a ¡ a disappointment," a:rs head coach Mr. Liffick. "The player played well. orne boy we thought would do well didn't do a well a expected and vice ver a " The coach also feel ¡ the kids were competitive all-around. Tom ackett \\as a good team leader. The team looks for improved score next year. "Altogether. the player . hO\\ed a good team attitude, even though the team average was dO\\ n."

emor Tom ackett

enior Rodney Gruber

The cason record was 6 wins and 9 los. cs (I win and 4 losses in the KTC} . The team played 10 several tournaments. The 'partans' overall season record was 24 wins and 40 losse w1th a third place in the KTC Tournament


enior Andy Engel

L. to R bottom Leon McGeorge, Greg Rush. Olaf Roeder, Bob tegemoller, Dennis Ktngan, Mark Rush . Top J1m Patton, Greg hellenbarger, Carter Merri . Ian chult7, David Gtnocchio. Darrel Reidmger volunteered hi time to coach in this fir t }Car of soccer. The team started practicing Saturda} in Augu t running laps and doing conditioning. In spite of si1e, man} player "'ere consistent and conpetitive. Lo. ing onl} the first game. the team had a -I record . Bob 'tegemoller \\aS Htgh corer. Ian chult7 MYP, Da,¡td GmocchioBest Offenstve Player, and Carter l\.1erris Best Defensive Player.


FHA Installation and initiation to FH / HE-RO "'as held just before Thanksgiving. The ne"' members are RO\\ I Greg pears, Tammy Lamb. Pam Hussey, teve Coffman, 11chclle Litherland. Leslie Messer, Annette Livingston, Darla harp. Ro" 2 Mr . Conic). Beck) ha,v, Jenni '-1ontag, L)nn Buckner, Canb H1cc. Tina Part1n, Jeanne Rohrback, Laurie Cook, Mi S) Blevm • Juhe Henderson. Renae Isaacs. Ro"' 3 Mrs. Watson, l con Johnson. Barb chercr, Deanne Rasnake. teve Bogg . Randy Brown, Tim Hoffer. Todd Robertson, kath) Kolonich. RO\\ 4 LeRo) Ph1pp • k1p Duncan. Jim IX, Chns Henderson. J1m B1shop. and David 'hafcr. Th1 year the program has been active in the 'Toy for Tots" Campaign . They had a Yalent1ne Candy Rafne "'ith the proceeds gomg to u I EF. Feb. 6-12 "'as proclaimed FH week m \\.< aynesville by \1ayor Sue '\nderson During this \l-eek members participated 1n many activities. Darla harp and J\nnette Livingston competed in the District tate FHA Representative Competition Darla \\as selected fir~t runner-up "ProJects planned for later in the year are a fashion show in March and the tate r I lA convention 1n Apnl," informed Mr Conley P1ctured right top; 2nd period class I tor Deanne Rasnake, Pres.; Canb Hice, Scc'y.; Tammy Lamb, Treas.; Bottom right; 4th penod cia· I tor Darla harp, Pres.; \11chelle Litherland. Y. Pres. nnette Livmgston. ec'> , Juhe Henderson. Trea , Le lie Messer, Reporter P1ctured left top; 5th period clas I. to r.-Laurie Cook, Pre .. Tina Part1n, Y.Pre .; teve Boggs, ec'). Jeanne Rohrback, Treas.; LeRoy Ph1pp , Reporter Left bottom; 7th period class I to r. Chri Hender on, Pres.; Missy Blevins, ecretary.


1ag1c seemed to leave \\ H ¡ during the \\inter. The school spmt \\as IO\\; basketball teams had lack-luster seasons: and for the second straight )Car. there \\ere no snO\\ da)s 1 Lots of activities did go on though p1c th1s page. clock\\ ise. mas part1es (and cakes') enlivened the season; omething's rouen an the band room) \\ell. not rcall). but unloadang and sorting took a long ume; Teresa B1shop painting an mas mural: medicine ball \\as a popular game in g)m. P 37. clock\\ise from upper left Donna Ruse finishing her mushrooms on the French Room\ mas muraL The I lome Fe Dept mas Bulletin Board. Tom 'ackell & parents at Winter Homecoming. Cad) Ha\.ton & Jod1e l'v1 easel earning for the prom: Da\ld 'haffcr dreaming of Xmas.


Abracadabra, it's . .

- ....



Freshman The Freshman Basketball -;cason started very slowly but v.ith hard \\Ork the team improved very much during the eason. The reshman team finished the ea _on 4th place in the Kings Freshman Tournament. The team wa led by Tim Living ton in point and rebound with Allen Ca-;ebolt second in both categories. Eric offman was the point guard and led the team in as ¡i ts. The eason record was 4-10. TEA \1 PICT R : itting I. tor. Jeff Crutchfield, Ben Ghearing, I:.ric offman. Tony tafford, David Ger pacher*, Jerry eeley, tanding I. to r.: Rob redrick , lien Ca ebolt, Cliff Minnick, Tim Livingston, Ed Henry*, Coach Barton. *- did not finish season.

Reserve The Reserve Basketball sea. on was a disappointment as far as the record, 6-14, hows. "But I was pleased with the improvement of some player like Chris Cole, who wa able to dress Var ity at the latter part of the year. "The leading rebounder was Mike Cassidy (5 rebounds a game). Ca. sidy also led m sconng (8 points a game). The be t field goal percentage belong to Doug Miller with a 41.9~ avg.: Booher with a 41.6~ avg., Cole with a 41.4% avg.: and with a 40.6% avg., Ca idy. Vance Vair led the team in free throw percentage with 76~. Cole wa 2nd with 71%. Cole led in assist with 38; Booher had 24 Cole also led 1n steals w1th 37. TE M PICTLRE. S1ttmg I. tor: R1ck Dunham, Doug M11ler, Mike Cassidy. Eric Purkey, Chris Cole. Standing I. to r Coach Ce. sna. Curt Booher, Todd m1th, Vance Va1r

Varsity Starts Well The partans Varsit} Basketball team\ record th1s year v\as 6·15 fter a good start the; began a steady decline. "The inabiht} to handle pressing defenses a nd an inconsistent offense led to defeats," stated Coach Dave L1ffick . "The bright spot th1s year v\as the development of undercla . . men such a Rodne; Bailey & Chris Cole." The partans were led by three eniors Doug Perdue, Julian Farle;. & Tom ackett. Perdue and Farley received the M V.P av\ard Perdue also rece1ved the be t foul shot percentage.


• • •

• • •

Then Falters

(con't from pg. 40) ackett "'as given the P H D. plaque. The best field goal percentage & mo"t rebounds a"'ard \~J-. credited to Balle)- . TE M PI T RE ttttng I to r ( Mgr ) Jerome Farle}. Mike Gilliam, Julian Farle)-. Doug Perdue, Tom ackett, Kurt Purkey •, tandtng I to r Trainer Bob Kenned)-, Coach l.tfftck, Jtmmy Deter., Rod Baile)- , Jon Beacham, Ed Orr. \1el Po\~ers • • didn't finish season.


Ptctured above left to right- RO\\ I. Jamte George. Ltsa toneburner. Mane Kronenberger, Angte rthur Ro\\ 2, Coach Rodnej Weirauch. Tamm} Bargo, Kathj Kolonich, L isa helton. ot pictured and} MeadoM and Julte Dunham. The leadtng scorers thts ]Car \\ere Mane Kronenberger and Jamtc George. The top rebounders \\ere Mane Kronenberger and L.tsa ' toneburner. oach \\ etrauch comments, "The team improved great!} throughout the season. Each girl tmproved her individual defensive and offensive kills . AI o the girls learned to pia) as a team. The season ended on a high note \\ith a modest three game \\inning streak."




Top Left. pictured I. to r. Mindy Kronenberger. Mar} hattln. Wendy nder~on . Lori toneburner* . Coach Gabbard. Barb cherer. 'v11SS) McKeever. Billie Hubb . L1~a baacs. *did not complete season . Top Right. emor Mary Chattin. Middle Left, enior Wendy nder~on. Middle center. emo r Mindy k.ronenberger. The 19 2-83 ediuon of the \\ aynesville Girl\ Basketball team had big shoes to fill by folio" ing a 23-2 record and a trip to Reg10nab With only one returning shooter ( Li a Isaacs) coming back, the team had ver} little experience at the arsity level. The inexperience showed in the first two games \\ith losses to Lebanon and Oak\\ood The team next traveled to Fast Clinton to battle the undefeated and lost a heartbreaker in t\\O 0 T \ 4644 The} bounced back to defeat Clinton \1assle by I pt. the following game. ,\t the annual M . . 'v1 . Christmas tourne} the partans defeated Mason to get into the finab aga1nst the Fcm\ ick falcons '\It hough \\' ay ne ville put up a good fight, they were defeated 51 -36. The ' partans then lost to Greenv1e\\ by 7 pts. The g1rls broke the1r two game los~ng streak and defeated Yellow pnngs. \ \ ajnesville lost to 'outheastern. 37- 34 and then defeated edarv1lle rematch wa set \\ith East Clinton but the stro-. were nctonous for the econd ume "ith a score of 66-50. Then \\aynesville lost 3 in a rO\\ to Little \lliam1 , Clinton \1assie. and Greenvie\\ They finished out the year \\inning over Bellbrook. Yellow 'pnngs, and outheastern They ended \\lth a I 0-10 record The girl to t their I t tourney to em a Woodrow \\ ilson 44-42 OT. There \\ere onlj 3 Seniors on the team, 3 Juniors, and I 43 ophomore L1sa toneburner. 'v1arie k.ronenberger, and Jamie George participated .

Alacazam . . . Swooosssh!


Pictured left are emor \\ ho pla)ed intermural basketball. Ro\\ I, I. to r., ndy Engel. Angie Bauer. Tro) Patton, Todd Hoffman R 2, Russell \\ins ted. Brad Measel, Scott Kleski, Jim ix, Tim Pe)ton, R. 3, Tom Karman, Tim Laird (hidden). Jim Grice These eniors strongly urge everyone 1\oOT to '>moke.



National Honor Society

The \\aynesville Honor octety; ptctured I tor. Row I. Rtck Dunham. Jon Beecham. Mtchele Dtdton. Tom Karman, Kn. Rathweg. "vfichele 'vto er, Rodney Robbtns. Brynn Ray, Angte Liffick, Dan hellenbarger. Rodney Rtce Row 2. David Ginnochio, teve Ryan. Greg hellenbarger. Patti llaye . heryl Rtce, Lisa Ha7Cn, Rae Townsend, Donna Keegan. tacy haffer. Mtssy 'vtcKeever, Debbie huler Row 3, Cathy Robertson, Mis y Helm, Becky 'vtaloy, Doug Perdue, Andy Engel, James Grice, Pat outh, Kathy Eakins, Davtd heehan, Marty Morgan. Row 4, Heather !lass, Julie Henderson, Melanie Moser. Tanya Roeder. Berneda Pennington, teve Morgan, Rob Fisher, Allen Begle;, Danny Peters, Blake mallwood. Jeff Ros , Fred De aples, Donna Ru e, Ro eMary Kruer. ew members I. to r., Row I. Greg Shellenbarger. 'vttchele Didion, Tanya Roeder. Berneda Pennington. Row 2, Rtck Dunham, Jon Beecham, Missy 'vtcKeever, Melanie "vfoser, Julie Henderson Row 3, Steve Ryan, Beck; Maloy., Heather Hass, Cathy Robertson. Row 4, Rodney Rice, Jeff Ross, Fred De aples, David Ginnochio. "vfts y Helm. Below nght, Officers top to bottom, Rodney Robbtns (Pre .), Michele Moser (Treas.), Tom Karman (Y.P.), Kns Rathweg ( ec'y).

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FRENCH CLUB The French Club members th1s year were: L. to R., Row 1- Jada Jenkm , Wendy chm1dt, Michele "vfo er, Donna Ruse, Jenni Finke, Rae Town end, \11chele Didion, Dawn Lander Row 2 Alan Wardlow, Melame Coy, Tom Karman, teve Morgan, Danny Peter , Melanie Mo er.

LATIN CLUB The Latm Club member this year were: L. to R., Row I Y1kk1 troop, L1 a I aac . Patti Fritts, M1chelle Wiley, Leslie Messer. Row 2 Mr. We1rauch, "vfarie Kronenberger, Teresa For )"the, Mary Tnmble, Mi y McKeever, Michele D1d10n, Kelly Miltenberger Row 3 Fred De aple , J1m Deter , Vance Yair, Barb cherer, Heather Hass, Curt Booher.


OFFICE WORKERS Office Worker . L. to R., Julte Dunham, Cheryl Stephens, Cathy Robertson, Michele D1dion, Beth tammen, DeAnn Snedegar, L)"nne Wil on.

LIBRARY WORKERS Library Worker : L. to R., Dav1d Young. Cheryl R1ce, Debb1e huler, Kath} Eakm , Melame Co}. Rna \1arconet, Becky Maloy, Tamm} Lamb.


Swing Choir The WHS 19 3 Swing Choir member are: Row I, I. to r. Lisa Hazen, Jenny Martin, Michele Elton, Donna Keegan, Vicki Yair; Row 2. Kris Rathweg, Rae Town end. Lorie Stoneburner, Kath)' Eakins, Cindy Young; Row 3. John Ghearing, Andy Engel, Brad Measel, Todd mith, Tom Karman, Blake Smallwood, Mark Hurley, Brian Koch The 1983 Stage Band members are: Andy Engel. Roger Briggs. John Ghearing, Chris Freeman, Ben Levy, David Van Hoo e, teve Ryan, Dean Cook, Dale Spitznogle, Lisa Hazen. Ed Orr, Diana Bumgardener, Dawn Lander, Kevin Malone, Brad Measel, Ben Ghearing, Calvin Crutchfield, Kenny Kurtz. (Pic. below). We remember "Rosanna" & "Truly".

Stage Band

Pep Band members (pic. right) this year were: B. Maloy, R. Townsend, T. Stamen, C. Anderson, K. Behnken, D. Shuler, J. Dunham, B. Stamen, C. Brower, J. Ghearing, B. Wentzel, L. Hazen, K. Maloney, T. Smith, T. Osborne, D. Lander, S. Hoffman, J. Wright, A. Engel, L. Stoneburner, J. Estes, R. Briggs, G. Shellenbarger, D. Chaney, D. Van Hoose, D. Spitznogle, S. Ryan, C. Freeman, M. Coffman, J. Patton, M. Joefreda, M. He s, M. Hurley, C. Crutchfield, B. Ghearing, K. Kurtz. The pep band performs at home b-ball games and assemblies.


Pep Band

Boy's and Girl's State \

Becky Maloy



C.Y.S.O .

Girl's State representative (above left) eated, Melanie Coy & Mis y McKeever (alternate) bove right, Tom Carter, Boy's State rep. bove, Carter Merri , Boy' tate rep

Becky Maloy is a very talented musician. Her interest in Cia sica! music led her to audition for a position as nautist in the Cincinnati Youth ymphon) Orchestra. he became the only student in our chool and area to be elected for this presttg10us musical organization. The C.Y.S.O . performs several concert throughout the year. Becky is also active in other school musical organization . Her playing of Mozart's "Concerto 1n G " at the pring Concert wa a great treat for all.


The Magic of Christmas

The Chmtmas \sscmbl: and Concert brought the magic of the !-.ea~on to our school. The ,\s embl) included a skit b) the cheerleaders. sing1ng by the cho1r & french Club, mu ic b) the tage Band. etc. The Chmtmas oncert featured the \1ixed Chorus. vvmg ho1r and the Concert Band. The poinsettia and candle bedecked stage made the trad1t1onal and popular Chnstmas mus1c sound even more beautiful Featured on these pages arc member!> of the musical organizations. the Lhcerlcadcr's skit. ' tevc Coffman at the p1ano. an Xmas party.


Comes to Waynesville High!




The mixed Chorus consisted of the following: Row I, Lisa Hazen, Brynn Ray, Lisa Humphrey, Li a toneburner, Cindy Young, Shari Mullins. Row 1, hari Ramby, Jenny Martin, Kathy Eakins, Julie Dunham, Vicki Yair. Row 3, Kim Yout ey, Rae Townsend, Lori Stoneburner, Michelle Elton, Donna Keegan, Kris Rathweg. Row 4. John Ghearing, ndy Engel, Ben Lev:,.. Brad Measel, Ed Orr, Tom Karman, Blake mallwood, \4ark Hurley. Bryan Koch. The girl\ Choru~ (pictured right) was made up of: Rm' I, Kim Youtsey, Brynn Ray, Shari Ramby, Lisa Humphre:,.. Vicki Yair, Cindy Young, Kris Rathweg. Row 2, Jenny Martin, Kathy Eakins, Lisa Hazen, hari Mullin , Michelle Elton, Donna Keegan. Row 3, Lori Stoneburner, Rae Townsend, Julie Dunham. The member of the boy' Chorus are pictured below to the right; they are: Row I, John Ghearing, Brad Mea el, Ben Lev:,.. Blake mallwood, Mark Hurley. Row 2, Andy Engel, Tom Karman, Ed Orr, Bryan Koch. The Chorus this year did an excellent job and received a I (S PERIOR) at the tate Competition. Congratulation !!! The Chorus performs at the Chri tmas and pring Concert , and at other area concerts.


Chorus Takes State Honors!

Art Flourishes at W. H. S.

The pnng rt how 1 held each )Car at the arne time a the cad. A"Ward Program. Fine examples of papier machc, pencil & ink drawmg , balsa culpting & serigraphs were een thi )f.


Hop Into Style

• • •

with F .H.A .

The Annual Future Homemakers of menca tyle hO\\ \\a held at Easter time th1s year and had as Its theme. "Break Into pnng nd Hop Into t)le" \1us•c and student Masters of Ceremony accompamed the styles modeled by home ec students. Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Watson \\ere Faculty pon ors of the event.

The pnng was cold and "'et and filled with activities. emor looked for"'ard to Prom & Graduation, while underclassmen made out schedule for next year and awaited summer. This page clockw1 e from the right. Carter !\-1erris about to pole vault, Pat South "valedictoriating", Chris Brower took 3rd m the di trict tennis match, Khri tic Behnken enjoying lunch period . P. 59, clockw1se from "Spring": Mr. Ce na & kids at the Yello"' pring Tennis Match, Art ¡tudents bus1l)' prepanng for the pnng Art ho"', Kevm Maloney & Kell) Miltenberger playing "hide and eek", Denny John on & Rich Longacre tapping into a Cha e Manhattan Bank Account, local celebrity Woody Lakes (photo by Alan Wardlo"') saying, "Yaaah Boys".


Abracadabra, It's . . .

Track The 19 3 Wa}ne nile Track Team i~ p1ctured nght L. to r. Rm\ I . \1ark Wolfe. ' teve \1organ, "v1att Wolfe, Brent \\entzel, tan Jordan, Tim huler; RO\\ 2. Phllhp Hubbell, h1p chm1dt. William IVtems. Rodney Robbins, Vance \la•r. RO\\ 3. Carter \1em . Chn Henderson. R1chard Br)ant, Doug Perdue, l\1Jke assJd}. Coach huck \\til on. The track team ' ea on wa "not as good as we had hoped. but \\e had md•v•dual succes es," .,aid Vance \a1r '\ew school record m three events were set· Vance Ya1r set a record 1n the I 00 meter dash ( 11.3 sec ). The "ville Relay Team et a record of 4 min 35 sec.; The 440 rela} team et a record of 45.5 ec Even though the team was 5th in the league, It had a ta te of success placmg 6th out of 19 team~ in the Blanche ter ln\'ltallonal \1eet The Most aluable Pla)er wa · Doug Perdue who placed I st 1n the league. 1st in the distnct, 3rd in the Regwnal and 6th in the tate 1n the discus. Mo t Improved Player wa "vi ike assidy \\hO took 2nd m the D1 tnct 1n the hot Put Rodney Robbin., the only other emor be 1de Perdue, rece1ved the 4 year award. He ran the 110 high hurdle and the 330 IO\\ hurdles.



Records Fall In Girls' Track 1983 was a year of Outstanding individual ach1evements for the Wa)ne ville Girl · Track Team a several chool records were broken 'emor Mindy Kronenberger was the team's mo t Improved performer he et new marks in both the hot put (30'6 ") and the di cu (I 02'1''). Fre hman Jamie George, the team's outstanding performer, e tablished three chool record : long JUmp ( 15' "), high jump (5' 114') and the I 00 meter low hurdle ( 15.4 sec.). Jamie wa Reg10nal Champion in the I 00 meter low hurdle , earning a tnp to the tate Meet. Team pic., I to r Row I, M1chele \1o er. \1md) Kronenberger, Li a helton, '\.1eh sa Helm; R 2, Jamie George, Kell> \1J!tenberger, Mane Kronenberger. ·

P1ctured above i Coach Bob Loh e. eated in front of the Girl · Track Team P. 62 clockw1se from upper left. \11chele & ~1ind} were the emor track ter . \1 \1o er in the 440. Jam1e clear the bar; Coach Loh e & Jada at the finish line; K \1iltenberger at the League Track meet at Cedarville College. P. 63. below team pic.: warming up: far left. M1chele at the fini h line: Jamie capturing league title. C. Crutchfield action phot page 62-3.


The 19 3 Girls' oftball team consisted of a lot of fir,t-timc pia yer' inexperience resulted m a dismal Ill season . The girls \~orked hard great improvement \~as noted . The girls ~ho started out stuck to it. with injur) keeping onl)' Lisa Isaacs out of action.

Improvement, But Experience Lacks

• • •

Pic. left, kneeling De nn nedegar, Mary Chattm, Jodie Measel, Billie Hubb. Karen Pett1t; tandmg. Tammy Bargo. Holly Ratliff. Barb cherer. Chn tina toneburner. 1\1 Y P was ~ary

Chattin. Mot improved was Chri tina Patnck. The coach. Mr Gabbard, p1c. p. 64.




• • •

Magic Needed! \1agic wa sorely needed as the young Spartan Ba eball team struggled through a 1-15 sea on. The lone win, 7-2 over Yellow Springs was pitched b} cott Hathaway. Mo t valuable pla}er wa Steve Meece who accompli hed the following: .36 avg., most hit , double , stolen ba e . Mo t improved wa Dave Van Hoo e, a fir t year man with a .329 avg. & 2nd in hits. Team pic. I. to r. Row I, Eric Coffman, Dave Van Hoo e, teve Meece, Matt Wolfe; R. 2, Alan Cook, Randy Brown, Jeff Ro , cott Hathawa}, Roger Brigg . R. 3, Jeff Keegan, Doug Miller, Mike He s, Coach Bob Corwin. Ru Win ted & Tom Sackett not pic.

Tennis: Barely Misses 1st Place The 19 3 partan Tenm Team. \vhich barely missed 1st Place 10 the League. IS p1ctured right: Front. I. to r. Larry ~1cGu1re, 1elame Co:r. Olaf Roeder: Ro\v 2. Jimmy Oakes, cott Klcsk1. tevc Hoffman. Jan \\ardlow, Row 3 Thco mnh. Jon Beacham. Todd mnh. Tom ackctt. oach David Barton ot pictured hris Brower and Brent Coy The key match of the sea on was the econd mcetmg w1th Yellow pnngs After defeating the Bulldogs on their home courts, the partan fell 3-2 at home The tar of the cason was Freshman hris Bro\ver hns' diligent work tn the off- ca ·on brought h1m these a\vards: Waynesville \1VP. all-League. League MVP. 2nd place in the ectional Tournc) Chns advanced to the Jrd round of the D1 tnct Tournament Tom ackctt also had a decent year. attammg all-League and ad\ancmg to the 3rd round of the ecttonals. Theo mnh won the Most Improved award . 1st ingles: Chris Brower: 2nd ingle. Tom ackctt, Jrd ingles cott Klesk1, I t doubles· Thco mith & teve Hoffman (alt Jon Beacham): 2nd doubles J1mm) Oakes & Jan \\ ardlow Rc erves \vcre Larry McGuire. Brent O), 'VIelame Coy, Olaf Roeder and Todd mnh



Dept. pre ¡ented its pnng Concert Thur~ \1a; 19 at 7:30 in the H. udttorium. The Concert Band, under ir. Ling, pre ented a varied program with Beck; Maloy's flute solo a ¡ a pec1al feature. The Women's & Men's Choru e. a well a the Mrxed Chorus gave excellent performance directed b; Mr. Gradel.


Waynesville High School Music Department presents

Spring Music Magic

The \\'omen' Choru included "Johnny haGone For o•dter'' & ''I'm Gonna ng". The '\1en 's Chorus ang "Little Innocent Lamb" · " 1ovin' On" '1\tth Tom 1\.arman. o o. & Rae To'l\n end, flute. The Mixed Choru. included olo b} Rob Karman Vicki \'air.

~: ~.:.:tion'

b) the ~h cd ' mduded, " orne da) .\1orning", "Trme \1) Friend" · ·c te Domtno" The Ba ~:d '1\ttb " ther '1\0 "Mambo" (


This year's mu ical production was "Fiddler on the Roor¡. It was the tenth spring musical under the direction of Mr Rodney Gradel here at WH The musical kept with the tradition of being a ver} profe ionally tyled production. "F1ddler on the Roor¡ i a stor} of a Jewish famil} m Czan t Ru ia, set in 1905, a time of turmoil between Rus 1ans and Jews. Tradition is the main theme of this story; orne tradition can be bent, but none can be broken. This year' ca t included Andy Engel as Tevye; Michelle Elton a Golde; Tom Karman a Perchik, Vicki Va1r a Hodel; Rae Townsend as Yente; Blake mallwood a 'vfotel, Donna Keegan as Tzenel; and Julie Waddell a Chava. The Chorus and Dancer mcluded Juhe Dunham, Kathy Eakins, Jenny E tes, Ben Gheanng, John Ghearing, Lisa Hazen, Bnan Koch, Jenn} Martin, Jim Patton, tacy haffer, Dan hellenbarger, Dav1d Van Hoo e, and Cyndi Young A sistant Director was Rob Karman, Accompanist Mrs. L.K Gradel and the Director Mr. Rodney Gradel. 72




Close, But Not Paris! The French Club' Party at the chm1dt Farm on Ma} 22 "'as clo e to Paris in fun and in a gastronomic sen e but far from the goal many had et for the year that i ', going to the Cit} of Light in per on. Plans are already m the making for ne~t year. The party at Wend} chmidt' was mellow and mcluded Y trip teaks, volleyball and aquatic merriment.


Chris Brower is Freshman of the Year

Jhe, Annual Award5



Chris Brower was awarded the Freshman of the Year Award at the Annual chola tic Av.ard. Banquet held May I th. This award IS based on scholar hip and character. Its presentation i the highlight of one of the school's mo t important evenings. The cholasuc wards banquet included thi year . . the pre entation of award to student attaining a 3.5 average or above. Amencan Legion Test finalist , award for tudent assistants. French award , tudent Council awards, ational Honor ociety and Cia Officer certificates. a musical presentation by the tage Band (playmg "Rosanna" & "Truly") Mrs Clark & the 1\ational Honor Socict}. Mr Williams and Mr. Cessna help to make the event a succe s. irs. Buckley also make the wards Banquet vi uall} exciting b)' having the pnng rt how 1n the L1brar} (sec p. 56) Following the 1\cademic Awards Banquet. a reception is held in the Cafeteria. Pictured left are Frc hmen \Hth 3 5 avg. or better¡ seated. I. to r. Tamm} Bargo. Tina Bailey, Holly Hay e.. Julie Dunham: standmg. Ben Gheanng. Chns Brower, Tim huler. bove left, Dr tan Moreland. uperintendent, pre ents the Freshman Of the Year ward to Chri Brov.er Chns' name is in cribed on a plaque kept 1n the trophy case.


Waynesville's Top Scholars Clock\\i e. from the right, enior \\tth 3 5 or above avg.: Rae To\~nsend, Tom k..arman, Andy Engel. Pat Haye . \1tchele \1o er; Jr 3 S or above: seated, Fred De~aples, Mtchele Elton, Donna Keegan. Ben Levy; standing. Dan hellenbarger, Blake mall\\ood, Dan Peter~. oph. 3.5 or above seated, Becky \1alo:,. Miss:r Helm, J..elly Miltenberger, Khnstte Behnken, standing, Greg hellenbarger. Dave) Boggs. Outstanding French I tudents thi ¡ )ear were Tamm) Bargo, \tis } Helm, Beck:, Maloy. DeAnn nedegar and Chris Brower. Dan hellenbarger, President of the '\attOnal Honor ociety, pre tded at the cademic \\ard Banquet. everal students are not ptctured tn the e photo .

Above, merican l eg10n H1story Test winners, seated emor to Freshman, Michele \ioser, Debb1e huler, Beck} Maloy (1st- County), Julie Dunham: Standing, Sen. to rr., Andy Engel, Blake Smallwood, Greg hellenbarger (I st County & District), Tim Living ton

Student Council member pre ent at a-ward banquet: seated. Andy Engel, Rodney Robbins, Wendy Schmidt, Tro} Patton, Donna Keegan, standing, Eric Coffman, Jod1e Kmg Mea el, Theo mith, Angie Liffick, Paul Smith.

Middle top. Student asSIStant pre ent: Tammy Bargo, L1sa Ha7en. Billie Hubb., J\ngie Liffick, Kns Rathweg: tandmg, Jerry eely, Heather Ha. s. Cheryl Stephens. teve Hoffman. \.1iddle bottom, library a istants at the banquet: Becky Maloy, Dave Young. Rita \1arconet, Debbie huler. M1ddle left. Dr. Stan Moreland praised our top scholar and presented the Fre. hman of the Year Award. Bottom far left. a reception wa held b} the ational Honor oc1et} after the award pre entations. Left a future cholar (Fre hman of the Year in 1994?).


Spartacos Front, I to r: Theresa tamen, Cheryl R1ce. Ian Cook. ~11ke Hall. Mandy John ·on, ady Haxton. Le he Me ser, Michele Wiley, Beck\ hmkle. Jodie Mea el, Mrs. Town end, John Ghearing, Lisa Ha1en, Beth Myer~. Back. L1sa Isaac.. Dave hafer. Jim B1 hop, Mike Coffman, Russ Winsted, (con ' t.}

. ~

~.J •


......... ...........


..••••••••••• .:.:.: :.::.:...




partacus taff (con't.} cott Kle ki, Rodney Robbm . J1m l\1x, Brad Measel, ndy ngel, Marty Morgan.

P1ctured above are the Department Editors of the 19 3 Spartacus: I tor.: Michele Wiley (Graphics}, Cady Haxton (Features}, There a tamen (Feature ·), Leslie Mes er ( ports}: Back, M1ke Hall (Graphics}, Rodney Robbin ( ew }. cott Kleski ( ports}: not pic. Marty Morgan (News} nder Mrs. Townsend's able guidance, the partacu produces 4 newspapers each year with the enior edition in May being the culmination of the Communication Clas. · effort . 0

Above, Co-Editors for 1983: Andy Engel and Lisa Ha7en

Yearbook Has A Tough Year! 1983 Yearbook Staff member are pictured clockwise from the upper left: Greg Shellenbarger and Kelly Miltenberger (editor); Michele Didion; Eric Coffman; Calvin Crutchfield; Mr Dillon, advisor. Tammy Smith i regretfully not pictured. The ummer worker who came durang the first two weeks of June got the job done: congratulations to Greg, Kelly, Michele, Eric.

Completing the 1983 Yearbook wa especially tough this year. The tough part: difficulty in getting financial support, Mr. Dillon' illness (and therefore events not photographed), the lack of re ponsibility of several people on the yearbook staff! But there were also htgh points Kelly Miltenberger's leader hip, the appearance (finally) of several potentia II} good student photographers. the Generous gift of a camera and other photographic equtpment bj the P T 0 .. the beginning of our dark room \\'ith cqutpment donated bj '\.1r I Koehler. nd the dedication of those who worked on the book in June show that there arc re ponsible young people in our school. Thank you to the following for their help: 0 borne tudio tn Middletown (consi tent, fast, profes ional \\COrk!), Mr. \' illiams, Mrs. Miltenberger. Mrs Clark The followmg have contributed picture to the book: Alan Wardlow (3), Mrs. Allen (I). Todd Hoffman (2), Mrs. Ha7Cn (3), Calvin Crutchfield (c. 25), Mr Cook of 0 borne's (c. 40). \' e thank them all. nd finally we thank the merchant and individuals who do. upport us financiallj


The Junior Class of Waynesville High School requests the pleasure of your company at the Junior - Senior Banquet and Prom on Saturday, May twenty-first nineteen hundred and eighty =three at half after six o'clock in the evening

Holiday Inn - Day ton Mall 7999 Prestige Plaza Drive Miamisburg, Ohio


The 1983 Junior-Senior Prom wa held at the Holiday Inn in Dayton. Wendy Schmidt was crowned Prom queen. Lisa Humphrey and Mary Chattin were her court Brown Road provided entertamment for the evening. Mr . Haxton provided the nower arrangement The energy wa high and everyone wished that it would last all night. The Prom was a great success and everyone enjoyed it. The enior thank the junior for a job well done. White dre es and gray tuxedos were the most popular clothing Wrist cor ages matched dres e in color. The food, cornish game hen with fried rice and chocolate mousse wasn't terribly popular. How do you eat game hen anyway? hould you pick up chicken at the prom? The noor was packed both fast and slow dances.


Holidome Magic



Abracadabra, It's Our . . .


Administration, Faculty, Staff

Two Master Teachers Retire

M r M s. r. D C 0


e n r w • 1 a n y g Retirement can be a n emotional event; feelings of both joy and regret are present. Mrs. Doenng views her retirement Ydth doubts . In her 21 year of teaching {II at Wayne ville) , she has taught in private, public & parochial chools. She received A .B.. M.A . and \.i.ed. degrees and has taught a range of subject from A .P. Engli h to counseling. Mrs. Doering had the mo t fun in counseling because he feels he was able to help more than in any other area . "Fun" is also the word she used to describe her teaching career in general She feels that the greate t benefit she ha derived from teachmg wa working with a tremendous faculty and an interesting bunch of kids . Mr~. Doering's legend will not be forgotten We will long remember, .. it up straight and keep your nose 10 mches from the desk" & "Don't coiffe in public". Mr . Doering will certainly keep busy in her garden. library, church and many area where her con iderable abilities may help others She is a clas ic teacher and will be mis. ed.


"Great!" That's the word Mr. Conway used in descnbing h1s retirement. fter rece1vmg h1s B.A , he began teaching at Waynesville 26 years ago. 1\n "'f.A. from "'11am1 was taken and Mr Conway continued to teach a wide range of subject ... from Industrial Arts to Math He most enjoyed teaching the vanous math course . Mr. Conway feels that Waynesville has been a good place to teach and that our school overall has the best students in the area. The greatest benefit that he has derived from teaching was "steady employment and contact with many other people". Over the years, Mr. Conway has coached several basketball teams. including the 8th grade g1rl' team this year. Retirement will allow Mr Conway more t1me for his church work and the carpentry and campmg he enjoys. Mr C's diligent and thorough work has benefited hundreds of young people in our school. His calm gentlene. s and pec1al concern for other. will be mis ed.

Working Together

• • • The faculty, administration and taff have a great opportunit} to work together with and to help mold }OUng people. We are priviledged to have a fine group of people who ~ork to make Wayne ville one of the best schoob in the area.

Administration R1ght, Dr Below, Mr

tanley Moreland, uperintcndent Caroline mallwood, ec'y to Dr Moreland

Above, Wayne Local Board of Education, I. tor Paul "fichener, Mary Ann Ginocchio, Claire Dunkin (Pre 1dent), Leo Perry (Y1ce Pre 1dent), Warren Sheehan. Middle right, Betty T. R1ckey, Trea urer of the Board of Education. Bottom left, Mrs. Dunkin "spruces up" Mr. heehan JU t before Graduation. Bottom right, Janet Carter, Bookkeeper & Clerk.


Clockwise this page from the upper left: Mr Charle William • High School Principal; Mrs. Mildred heehan, H . . ecretary; Mr . Dorothy Patton, Jr. High Secretary; Mr . Jud)' Kier, Elementar)' ecretary; Mr. Byron Arne , Elementary Principal; Mr. Craig Francisco, Junior High Principal.


High School Teachers

Mrs. Ktng

ompo ition, Engli h. Mr~ . Forsythe L.D. Mrs. Patton- L.D.


Mr Kennedy Health, General Science, Driver' Ed Mr Ltng Band Mr. Dillon French, History, Yearbook.

M r. Mescher Typing. Mr. Brower English. Bible Lit. Mr. Polly- Biology, Phys10log:r. Zoology.

Mrs. Watson Home Economics Mr Webb Civic , English. World History. Mrs. Clark Librarian.

Mrs. Polly Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Math, A.P. Math . Mi Jack on Hi tory, Geography. Mr . Town end- English, Comm.

Mr. Collins I.A.C. Mr. Ltffick- Phy teal Educatton. Mrs. Conley- Home ·conomics.

Pre- lgebra, lgebra. Mr. Gradel Drama, horus. Mr. Tharr Biology, Chemistry, General ctence.

Mr. BartonGovernment.

Mr . Finch

Mr Weirauch- Latin. Mr Ce sna Coun elor. Mrs Buckley- Art.




R1ght, Jr High ook I. tor. . l\.1rs \1arconet, \1r 1\leel:r. Mr . Booher, Mr . John on, Mr . Hopkin , Mr Robin on, Mr . Kurtz, Mr . Ho~ard, Mrs tile , Mr . Honaker, Mr . O'Banion, Mr . Bailey. Middle right, H1gh chool cook : Mr O'Banion, Mr . Howard, Mr . Mellott, Mrs. Powell.

Bus Drivers, top left: Mrs. Kronenberger, Mrs. Linebaugh, Mr . Woods; Mid. left, Mrs. Cochran, Mrs. Kinsel, Mr. Lamb. Right, Mr. McCullough, Bus Maintenance.


Clockwise from upper left this page: the maintenance staff: Mrs. Sheppard, Mr. Lamb, Mr. Dick Campbell, Mr. Stansbury, Mr. Bob Campbell (the ChieP.), Mr. Keplinger.


Seniors' Magic Days The Seniors live in days of magic ... most of life's re ponsibilities await, so there is time for simple fun . Right, class officers, Wendy chmidt (Pre ), Donna Ruse ( ec' y), Rodney Robbin (Y. Pre ), Tom Karman (Treas.), Tom Sackett (Bus. Mgr.) pose in the library.



Senior Glimpses: p. 102 clockwise, the enior's pyramid fell to ruins; Rae & Cyndi ordering cap & gowns; Lisa gives a "toot" prepping for contest; Donna & Troy on Homecoming night. P. 103, Cloch¡ise from top left: '-'fary Chattin caught with her pants down; enior Homecoming candidates; "Gotcha" in the Yearbook any\\-ay Patty Hayes!; Kurt Purkey & parents at winter Senior Parents' ight; Cheryl tevens boogies down; P.D.A .... Troy and Dana; Debbie measure Lisa H. for her cap.



Seniors And Parents


At Fall And Winter Parent's Nights


The 111 th Commencement Exercises

CLA -Of 1983 Waynenille H1 h chool Wtnd)l Kay Al\dtrton

A"l'·' S..t &Jtr Oltrll :'-IJcht • l&}et

Jam•M B.-hop Ool,j,.u Wayne Boar• Ed Brown Mary El;en Chatt1n M1k1 Clari(

Deborah Lynn Cook Anne D1dlon


S\lnny S £1 ~

• •Andrew Mah:on !1111;

J1.1 an C Fat.t)' Jr M1k1 Fox

Mat,orle Jean r,.deru:k F Aaron Fr)t John R. Ohtatu\1 \'. Phllltp Gtblon M1chae Oow(lu G 11 arn Robert Sc:on Graham •Jam•• W Gnce M1chu! H Hall

Jerrery Hamwn 8utnct Fa) Httficld •• •Pttnc•a Ha~" • Lin L) nn Hu.tn Ma.ry AlletHtm Todd Hoffman

S~ttt Ho

~1 chu T lhrnby O.•n L R•anut •Kr:tUna E aM Ratbw•l Janna ).{ant Jonn Cyn\h a Jayne R ..u• •·Thomu )f.c.h••· Karman Oont11 K R .. t )' •Cheryl Ann R.ct Jenn1fer Mant Kt •. tr Scott A:ltn Ktnnady •Rodnt)' Conrad Robb1n1 Scott A.:an K:a1k1 Don Ray Rockhold Malinda Ann Krontnbtrrtr Mary Chr.ltlfta Rockhold •Rou )1a.ry Kr\ltr Andrt 0 Rotdtr 1\mothy S La.rd •Donna 0 ant R10.1t M.chat. W Limb Thomu P Sacitttt G~o1ta>~ Ptttr Ltry hnn) Ann B~ornt ~ Scharer Ktnntlh Scott Lowt Wand)' Lyn Sc:hrn•dt ••Mtl ~t Ann Mt~onat Hubert l•nr er Uu D1wn Marriott ••••Patrick LAt SoYth lradlt) Kt•th Muwl Thtrt1a Mar~• Stammen •).l•chtlt Ann WDMr Oltt) · L) n.n Sttphtt11 .lam• Robert '•• Lor LAt tontburotr Edward Alan 0'0.1 Kal I O.n~aa Stroop 0\arltl Bnan Para• Henry tAt Totdtman Troy LiM Patton ••Rat \Iaiit Townat'nd T•moth)' Scott Penn•n1ton Jyl!a J Waddell •Dou11aa Edward P.rduf' Er•c Du•d Wll•on T1mothy W 1 am Peyton Walker L Ylankltr, J~ K•mbtri\. Ann Pn« Oydt R~ouall W1111ttd Kwrt Pl.lrltt) ~t.chttl Ra) W•Nttd



.atubworth H1.0rnphN)'

'-t ..- 1


•Mtmbtr or '•donal Honor Such:t) OUI Flower~ Wh•tt Ron o .. Colo" B.ua and W1uta o .. Son1 ""Coma Saturdt)" Morn.r11 .. o .. Motto .. Tht p&lt Ll l~<ll rntmonu 'ow all we hut ia t.ht fut\lrt ••

• • • SYmma C\lm t..udt .. )htna C\lm IAuda • Cum lAude

fACCLTY Prtnclpal Suptunttndtnt

Charlt1 W11l•am• St.anh:) Mortland

o.....d lkrum

Pul Bro•er hnrUfer 811tk t)' 0.-nd C.e~na Landa Clark. JacobColluu Sara Coc.ley

Tany Ddlon

Rodnt) Crad~t OndJ Acluon Robar' Ktnn~d)' &.tty K•n1 o. ....d l...lff•ck Otnn.• L<nl Kt Ul }tneh•r Patnc- a Patton

Ja"'" "'jlpot Johruue Potly \'amon Polly DoniLid Tharr Jy 1& Townaand YYton•• WaLIOn Ph.. p Yt"•bb Rodn•J "••ra.. ch

The Ill th Commencement was held 10 the H1gh chool aud1torium May 29. 19 3 at 2:00. 2 members of the Cia s of· 3 received diplomas Patrick outh -was aledictorian; Patricia Hayes wa alutatorian -with Rae Town end taking Th1rd Rank 10 the cia s. The class. -with each girl carrying a roe, marched 10to the gym to "Pomp and Circumstance" Wendy chm1dt, clas President, presided over the event, after the invocation by Rev. Glendon Lamb. Patti Hayes, alutatorian, then spoke on " on-conformity" Pat outh, Valedictorian, addres ed the crowd peaking on the importance of getting the past beh10d one elf and getting on -with the future. U 10g quote from helley. it wa an effective speech fter the Band played "Exaltation", The Rev. David Harper addres ed the graduates and urged them to work to their potential and to e1ze the opportunities of life. A solemn moment came to the cia s a. the Choru sang "Come aturday ~orning" Thought turned to C10dy Patrick. The presentation of Awards by Dr. Moreland, uperintendent, 10cluded. Medal a-wards: Patti Hayes (English), Julie Waddell (Art), Pat outh ( ocial tudies, cience, Math), Wendy chmidt & Donna Ruse (French); Outstand1ng Vocational tudent -was Meh a ~ arconet, ndre-w Engel (Out tanding enior Mu ician). L1sa Hazen ( non ward. John Ph1lhp 'ousa Award), John Ghearing (LOUIS Armstrong ward), Rodney Robbins (Citi1ensh1p <\ward). Tom Kaan (Activities A-ward). Other a-wards 10cluded· Raymon F. Hatfield -ward -wh1ch \~ent to Doug Perdue and the Mary L. Hart ock Award which -went to ~ehnd a Kronenberger. everal cholar hips ( ee next page~) were announced. ~r \\'ilhams presented the class of 1983 and the Board of Education then pre ented the Diplomas fter the Benediction by Rev Lamb, the RecessiOnal -was played & the class adjourned to farewells, tears and graduation partieS.

ta~~·" f ncb

BOARD Of EDL'CATIO:Oa1ra O~ank n LAo Parry Mary Ann G nOC'Ch1o &.tty T Rid•.Y

Pno11d•nt \1u p,.••d•nt WatNn ShMhan T,.UUNr


What Will The Class of '83 See

What 'A-ill the Cia of '83 see when 1t looks into the Cry tal Ball of the Future? For many, plan are already in progress: JObs, the Services, College. Several scholar hips were awarded: thev include (w. the rec1pient) Rotary Club ( Engel, T . Karman), Oh1o Academic (P. outh, M . Marconet J.Y . ), Lion's Club (Donna Rue, Pat Hayes, Rodney Robbin ), J Brent Crane (Andy Engel), American Legion (Melissa ~arconet), Wright State ( ~ - \1arconet), Robert L. Bernard (A Engle), Oh1o U. (Pat outh), Oh1o Appaloo a Assn (Wendy Schmidt). Franklin Coli. (Lori toneburner), niv, of Da:rton (Tom Karman), the ""attonal Honor oc. (Donna Ru e). The Class of '83 ba 1cally ha "class". Its performance throughout the years and at graduation how that be ide having many good cholar and athletes and mus1c1ans and talents, it is a responsible class.



In The Crystal Ball?

f-ar left. Pat out h. Valedictorian: Left, Patt} Haye:., alutatorian.

bove, It was a olemn moment while the Choru "Come aturda} Morning", the Cia s ong.



Scenes From The Seniors' Year


Here are a fe" scenes from the emors' year. Included are k1p Day. Graduation. the last da;,. of chool (and the burning of the Ohio UP<Ival \1anual ¡ "1th en boys "caring rna ks)


JUNIORS Jenni Agee Ron \lford Cand:. \nderson Herbert Baker Allen Beglc)

Laura Bl) the Richard Br)ant Alii on Buckle Diane Bumgardner Rhonda Burnell

Tom Carter Loretta asebolt

Dan Chane) Mike Coffman

Jeff Coleman Alan Cook

The Junior class officers arc pictured left to nght ec , Rob fisher, Pres. Cad) Haxton. Bus. Mgr, Yick1 Ya1r, Y.P.. Jod1c Kang, Tres. D Sheehan.

Lee Cornett Mclamc Co) Fred De'- aplcs Jimmy Deters colt Dunn

Kevan Elcook \ 11chcllc Elton Jenn1 Finke Rob Fisher Pall) Frills


II !l

David Ginnochio Ro:r Glovier Ralph llaines Charles lla"'k Cady Haxton

Chris Henderson M1ke Hess he1la Holland L1nda Hollands"'orth David Horseman

Billie Hubbs Lisa Isaac Jada Jenkms '\.1ark Joefreda Amanda Johnson

Teresa Johnson Donna 1\.eegan Jeff Keegan John l\.1dd Jod1e King

Bnan Koch Kenn) Kurt7 Jenmfer Lamb Pauline Lamb Scott Lander

David Le"'is Ang1e l iffick M1ke lockhart Kenn \1alone:, Jenn1fer Martin

herri \1atter Russell \1cGuire anC) \1eadO\\S and} \1eado"'s teve \1cece

arter Merrb arl \1 iller Marty Morgan teve \1organ Beth \1~ers


CLASS OF 84 E-d Orr Jeff 0 borne J1m Patton Dann} Peters Karen Pettit

Dec Plummer Holl} Ratliff ngcla Ramse} Jeff Reed Deanna Rice

Rodnc:y R1ce Lynn R1ddle Tanya Robertson Jeff Ros \1ark Rush

Tina atterfield

Dand 'heehan Dan hellenbarger Leshc helton '\11esser L1sa helton Beck} hmkle

Dcbb1e huler Blake mallwood Rho chel mllh Vicki Yair Tma Wallace

OT PICT RED¡ J1m Chn. tman '\11art} Davidson Tim Duff Kathy Eakins R1chard Gib on Bruce Hogan Ph1ll1p Hubbell Jon Lamb Ben Le\") Miss] \1cKeever Br}nn Ra} L:rnn cott 120

Mark \\'ampler Alan Wardlow M ichefle Wiley Matt Wolfe


CLASS OF 85 herri dams Ja on J\lexander A.ngie rthur Rodney Bailey Jon Beacham 1\.hnslle Behnken

Davy Boggs teve Boggs Curt Booher hns Brookshire Randall Brown Da\\n Burgess

'v11ke Cass1dy Dean Cook Laune ook Rodney Cook alvm Crutchfield Gar) Douglas

Rick Dunham Jimmy Elam Doug Elliott Jarome r arley Gary Ferguson Teresa For )the

hri Freeman Tom Fry Gail Haltom hell} Hamiel Heather Hass ~1elissa Helm

Julie Hendcr on Tim Hoffer teve Hoffman Ton}a Jack on Kathy Kolonich Mane Kronenberger

Dawn Lander Kevin La\\less Michelle Litherland L 1nda Living ton Doug Mc\1111an Tom 'vtc utt


SOPHOMORES Beck.> Malo) Lisa Manning Rita Marcone! Jod1 \1arriott R1ck Marriott \\1 llliam Merris

Debbie Mes enger Doug Miller Kcll)' Miltenberger Melame 'v1oser Shari Mullins J1mm)' Oakes

Bryan Patton Berneda Pennington l eRo:r Phipps Dewa)ne Purke) Emily Purke) :ric Purke)

han Ramb) Larr)' Randolph Deanne Rasnake teve Reed athy Robertson Ton.>a Roeder

Jeanne Rohrback teve R)an Barb cherer Ch1p chm1dt Darla harp Greg hellenbargcr

Khm 1gmund Todd 'mith colt outh Greg ' pear~ Dale pllzmogle Beth tammen

L1sa toneburner L 1sa utherland Julie Taylor Rox1 Thompson Vance Va1r Dav1d \an Hoose

David Ward ¡\rt \\ llson (md)' roung Dav1d Young K1m Yout-.c)'

ot pictured kip Duncan. John Fuston. colt Delmer Isaacs, Jod1 t. Pierre, am Tocdtman. '\1iJ...e Young, and Br}an Younker To the right are the Class Officer ; I. to r.. Jimmy Elam. President, han Mullins, Vice President: han Ramb)', ecretar)'. ".ng1e Arthur. Bus. Mgr.: Gail Haltom. Treasurer. Hatha\~ay,


Br)an gee Tracy '\rthur Tina Batle) Tammy Ball

Tammy Bargo Ttm Bennett Tere~a Bt hop Meltssa Blevins

Tom Bo)ken Roger Brigg~ Chns Brower Melts a Buckle

ndrea Buckner PJ. Burke Bnget Campbell lien a ebolt

ndrew Choate Tamm:r Chri t) Enc Coffman Chris Cole

Ton)a Conner Brent Co:r Jeff Cru tchfield \1 i ) David~on

Bobb) Davis Julie Dunham Jenntfcr Estes Diann Ferguson

John Fillmore Abby Finke Jamte George David Gerspachcr


FRESHMEN Freshman class officers arc I. to r Pres Dc,\nn ncdegar; . Pres bb; r inkc. ':,ec Jamtc George: Bus. Mgr rystal Gtbson. Trcas Cltff Minnick.



Ben Ghearing rystal Gibson Melissa I Iadley Les I Iaine

L)'n Hatfield Holly Hayes Carib Hice BnJn Ho"'ard

Mark Hurle)' Pam Hussey Renae Isaac Denny Johnson

Leon Johnson Greg Jone David Kurtz Jame Lamb

Tammy Lamb Tim Livingston Richard Longacre Chns Lo"'e

LJrr)' McGuire Ron M1lby Clifton 11.1 mnick Jenn)' Montag

John Montag ".1 1ssy ~ eace Jerr)' eele)' Tom Osborne

Tina Partin Chnsuna Patrick Chn Phelp Li a Raasch


Mike Randolph Todd Robert. on Olaf Roeder 'cott Rohrback

Greg Rush Harve} a)ers Doug eidl ng1e haffer

T1m huler Doug impson Jonathon lone Paul mith

mllh mith

Ton} tafford Bob tegemoller Bnan 'tephen~ arl Stiver

1kk1 troop L1sa Thornburg Mar} Trimble Bill} \\eatherford

Brent \\ ent7el hane \\ illiams Dan..1 Wilson L}nne Wilson \1ark Wolfe Ja on Wnght K1m Younker

'\ot P1ctured. \1ark Coffman, teve Coffman, l.arr} Ferguson, Bob Fredenck, Ronn1e Gray, Ed Henry, Ke1th Lamb, Gene \1c utt, and Rand) Parsons.


Class of '87-8th Grade Bonme >\gee Debbie \ker~ Darren mburgy Michelle me~ Beth \shburn Teresa Bollmg

k.athy Boyer Jam1e Bro'' er Jinnifer BrO\\ning Travis Bro'' nmg Mark Bryant Tim Cassidy

DaVId Cates Jill Cessna Bobb1 Coffman Renee Cook Don Crawford oma Creech

Joe Cupp Kim Dakin Chris Da\'IS Deborah Dnmyer Bnan renner \\and a Ferguson

\1ellssa Flannery Beck) Fors) the Juhe Fox Heather Frasure Gary Grismer Ron Hamiel

\11chele Harner Pam Harrison Enn Heiden Ton)a Hendnckson Bill Hoffer James Horner

>\lana Jenkins Bryan Johnson Rebecca Johnson Denm~ k.1ngan Ch<~rlene Lamb Lois Long


\.1achelle Luc.as Rack McCloud Debbae \1cCormick Paul 'vlcGcorge nd:r \1organ Jame~ \.1organ

Jim Myers Amy. 1\apaer 'vi elissa eeley Kam achol Tracec Patton There a Prewatt

Kn lin Raasch Rob Ra nake Carl Reeves Phallap Race teve Rice Debra Roba on

herritt have ley. Bratt agmund

Charlotte pears Tanya pencer Jerry. taplcton Kathy. tapleton

COlt tile Dawn uller teve Taulbee Ben Thacker Eric Thompson Make Tidwell

John Tucker Kathy an'\,uy Jennafer Vegso Marc Volkenand hannon \!\ard Lon Wentzel

Tawn \! alliam Make \! alson Jeff \v ankler Paul \ oods

ot Pictured: Matt Baron hawn Boucher cott Hafner J\my Hes \\ill Purkey


Class of '88-7th Grade Ann \le\ander Marl. \ nderson '\1ehs\a Baile) am Baile) am Bennett Denn) Blevins Meli\sa Boggs \1ark Books Tom Bonham her~l Bowie\ R)an Bnckle) Dcm\e Bro'' n Denms Bro,,n Jam1e Bro'' n Edd1c Bucholtz Jason Buckle Debbie Bunch cott ampbell Donna Carter arl Chane) R ussell Clark \ 1elissa Cochran John Cole Rob Collard Darrick Cool. Bryan O) Dann) Da,is Ton)a Dees Corbin Drake Daw na Fdward\ John Ellis Chris Engel '\1 onta f'lanner) Rand) I recman Dand Foster Laura Furnas

Bever I) Garrett Doug Graham Scott Grooms Todd Goodman Jeff Hall ,\ pril ll aw k James ll elm Bonnie lloffer Roger ll olland\worth J•>e Howard \1 ike H ubbell \ dd1e Ingram

Mike Isaac


Yvette Jones Kelly Kidd T1m Kilpatrick Rod Kmg Tony Koesters John Kolonich Crystal Lamb helly Lamb Tara Lamb Tonia Lamb Jeff Lipovsky Brian Le"'i~ tan Lynch Jon McCray Jay McKeever Robert Manning Juhe Michener teve Milby Craig Minnick Rob)n MorrO\\ Stacy Murrill Cathy Myers Michelle Orrcnder Bob Parks Jod1 Parks Kevin Peercy R1ck Pettit Gary Profitt Barry Ratliff Erin Ray Holl) Robm~on Sherry Rockhold Ru ell Roger Holl:r Rohrback 'teve chmidt Chns es lar pr)l helton ngie Iaven Debra mlth Marvin pears Todd tandard Mike utherland teve Ta:rlor Jason anHoo e Jenmfer anover Melame Waddell To b) \\alters Mike Weidlich

Margaret \\IIhams Kristi Wibon aron 'Wnght Heather Young


Class of '89-6th Grade Randy Abbott L1sa \gee Mike lien Joe Anderson David '\ hmore \1 arty Bogg~ Tim Boggs Dwayne BrO\\ning Krisll Brunton David Bryant Dale ampbell R;an ampbell David Carmen Joe Carter BenJI Casebolt teve asebolt Kevin Cates Cas 1e Crab1ll Jennifer Ce~sna Tnem hnst; '\m} offman Chns Coffman D\\aine offman hannon offman Duane Conley John ook Todd Cook David Dakin Jenn; Elton Patncm Elliott edra Ellinger Jeannie Field irginia Foster 1m Fox Greg Freeman Marie Gaffin usan Ger pacher Doug Gibson John Gmnochio \Vayne Glovier \1ehssa Gradel Ken Gn mer Joe Hall Jeff Harner Denise Hart Mike Hayes Rob He1den Dav1d Henry ng1e Higgin Kim Hisle Dallas Hollan L;nn Houseright Ed Howard Geneva Isaacs Bret Jamey. on Jerry Johnson




cot Johnson \i1chelle Kall K1m Klesk1 1endy Knisle:y Craig Lamb Jonathan Lamb Kell:y Lamb K1m Lamb "tcphanie Lamb \\ endal Lamb Mar:y Beth Lander Wend:y Lmton Mike Litherland Robin Little Kevm 1\11cCann Connie McCloud Bnan \1cKeehan teve Mc'\utt L1sa Me\\ a1n Heather Maloney \1elanie Mayberry Paul Mead ha \\ na \1 eador Darla Me enger Heather \1iltenberger Laura \1organ Heather 1\11usson my Myers Joe:y 1\eace l\cv1n 1chols Tom orthern \nne O'Conner 1\11ehssa Palmer Debbie Pennington Julie Pettit \ nita Poole Perr:y Purkey D1ana Purnell \m:y Pre\\ltt \ng1e Pre\\itt Dav1d Prewitt Chad Reeves Kell:y R1dinger hm Rolfe Terr:y al:yers Y 1v1an ander Tim atterfield Jeff ch1eman John haffer Jim humaker Rhenee mith I ori tafford Jason t. Pierre Joe Taulbee Paul Trimble 1\11ike !mer ue \vllliams Tim Williams Bryan Johnson Robert Yates

'-ot p1c: Tania Ball Jam1e Coffman Delons Hafner Tom Lle\~ellyn \1att Van Hoose


Junior High Boy's & Girl's Track Pic. right i the Girrs track team, small but mighty, coached by Mr. Gus Edward Ro~ I, I. tor . helly Lamb, Bonnie Hoffer, Donna Carter; R. 2. Debbie mith, Teresa Pre~itt, my Hess, Coach Ed~ard ot p1c: Melea h1vely, Dawn uller . Debra Robison. Tracey chieman, Jodi Parks, Boy's Track R I, Doug Graham, Joey Ho~ard, am Bailey, R 2, . 1ark Book . Danny Davi. . teve chm1dt. Kelly Kidd. sev not pic. Cold. no~} ~eather & small teams hurt the overall track records. but man] fine individual efforts were made. G1rl's ~VP Debra Robison. M l Donna Carter; Boy's \1VP cott Haffner, M I Joey Howard.

Spelling Bee pclling Bee finali t pic. here are: belo~. 7th gr. Tom Bonham (alt)Meli sa Baile], Jennifer Vanover, not pic. T Koe ter ; bottom, 8th gr. cott Hafner, not pic. D. Robmson, 1\.1 Tid~ell; bottom right, 6th gr Kevin \1 cCann, Jamie offman. ~1ke Hayes. Sha~n Meader, not pic. Am:r Coffman (alt.) .


• • •

Busy, Active

This year, a Junior High Talent how was organized by Mr. . Hart ock & Mr. Conway . Held in May, it brought forth 13 talented acts, shown in the photo above. Included were singing. jan dancing. acrobatics, 3 Stooges act; the most popular acts were Charlene Lamb's gospel piano playing and teve Milby's sound effects. It was a lot of fun!

Eddie Buckhol7 di tinguished h1mself with this fine sc1ence project which took a upenor 1n the D1 t Competition and Excellent 1n the State.

6th Grade Band 7th Grade Band


Young Spartans Roll To Undefeated Season

Rov~ I I. to r Coach Henson, Coach Philpot, am Balle~. Robert \1anmng. Todd ' tandard. Rob Collard. \1ike Hubbell. R1ck Pettit. Doug Graham. Joe Hov~ard. \1ark \nderson. Darnck Cook. R 2: John kolonich. Br}an Johnson. cott ampbell, 'v11ke Tidvvell. R:an Bnckley, tan L~nch, Bnan Levv1s, Joe upp, John ole, Peter BrO\~n. Craig 'vlmntck. Ro\\ 3. Dennj Blenns. teve Ta:lor. \1arvin pears, Dav1d Foster, haun Boucher, Tim CassJdj, Ronnte Hamiel. Phillip R1ce. Rodney Kmg, Robert Parks Rovv 4 J1m \1yers, \1ark Br}ant, Darren \mburg)', teve R1ce, cott ule , Carl Reeves, Dann~ Dav1s, Gar} Gnsmer, Paul Woods. 1\nd) \1organ, teve Taulbee.


Spartans Leave Opponents Spellbound

Spartans Spear 'Boro

The 1982 Jr. High partan Football team rolled to an undefeated 7-0 ~ca ...on. "The) had the most talent on the team ... ince ''Clyde the glide" left."'. commented Coach Philpot. "The} '~ere a good bunch to \vork "'ith. and had a good attitude all )Car."" oach Henson added. "The) \vcrc the mo... t enthusiastic and ea ... ie... t pla)cr... to coach in all m) )Cars of coaching. The) worked hard from the fir...t da) of practice and the work paid off. .. Paul \\oods \vas the leading scorer gaining a total 640 yd . averaging 106 )d. per game \\ ood, abo led the team "ith 16 'olo tackle' & 30 assi..,t.., . Gar} Gnsmcr \vas 2nd \\tth 42 tackles & \nd\ \1organ ''a' 3rd \\ith 35. tevc Rice \VU.., 2nd 1n rushing '' tth 457 )d . (I 0 .6 )d . per carr)). Rice had 5 TO.., and ''a' the leading receiver \vllh a 37 8 )d. per catch avg. on 3 of h" touchdo" ns . Gar) Grismer rccctvcd the Out...tanding Lineman \\vard . O.trrcn \mburg) got the 100' \vard. The Outstandmg Ocfcn'c 1\\vard \vent to Paul \\ood.., tcve Rtce recetved the l.eadershtp '\ward \vhilc cott tile' \\U ... the Best orren"ve Pla)er He completed 21 passes for 647 Yd (7 TO..,)


Cheerleaders, Soccer Clubs

Above, left: Jr. High Cheerleaders. I. tor. Miss) "'celc)'. Jamie Bro\\er. Lon atterficld, onia Creech (top), Jenmfer Browning, Donna Carter Only Jamie, onia & Donna completed the season Two nc\\ cheerleaders were then selected : Debra Robi on & Tan:,.a Lamb (pic left). Although not offic1al school club . occer mvolved a number of Jr H1gh tudent . upper r., row I, T. Bonham, T. Miltenberger, J Johnson, D. Bryant, J . Gmocch10, ro\\ 2. Coach "Law", 1'v1 Baron, Hafner. Robison. J L1pov ky, B. Burton. Coach 'vtiltenberger Right, row I. \1 Palmer, A. O'Conner, B. Hoffer, D Purnell, J M1chner, H Miltenberger: row 2, Coach Dakin, Jenk1ns, 1'v1 Luca , J. Elton. M Gradel. A. Hess, K Van uys, P. I 43. upper left p1c.(?th gr volle)ball) r. I. Y. Jone . K 'vtycrs, 'v1 Baile), H Rohrback: r. helton, ,\ , 2 "- \\ ilson, . Rockhold. Ha\~k : r 3 A Ingram. D. Bunce. Iaven, T Dec, :vtr. Weirauch. M. Williams.

Above, 6th Grade Boy "Cheerleader , I. tor ~1ark ndcrson. Tim Boggs, .\.1ike lien, Brct Jamyson .

-. 142

Volleyball In spite of a losing record, girls on both Jr. High teams made steady improvement throughout the season ... both individually and as a team. 7th grade a""ards went to Tanya Dee serving award, herr} Rockhold MVP, Mi y BaileyMlmp 8th gr Jill Ces na ervmg, \.11chelle me \.1VP. Dawn uiters Mlmp. Records: 7th 3-11, 8th 5-9. We regret that the picture of the 8th grade team ""as lost.




th Grade Team members included herry herntt, Tawn \\- illiams. Melea h1vel}. \.1ichelle me.. Jill Cessna, Da""n uner . Teresa Bolling, Kim Dak1n, Debb1e D1tmyer, Erin He1den, -\m} Hess, Trac} chieman.


7th & 8th Grade Boys' B-Ball

TE M PI <\ndy '-1organ. R1ck Me loud. Jim "viyer • 1hke T1d\\ell, Keith haffer. Will Purkey. Bnan Finner; Coach Philpot. teve R1ce. Gary Gri mer, arl Reeves. cot tilles, Paul Woods. Darren -\mburg) The th grade team had a great cason and fimshed 13-3 and averaged 47 pts. a game. "I felt good about the . cason and I felt that the team played hard and sho\\ed a \\inning attitude I've seen more BB abllit) 1n th1s team than at any time m the Ia t ten ) rs." cot tiles led the team \\ith 113 rebounds \\hlle teve Rice led in pomts (127). a lSI (3:!). teal (5:!). and field goal (4 .4o/r ). R1ck McCloud rece1ved 1\1 I The th grade partans \\On the fir t game 1n the tournament and lost the :!nd game to abma. Team P1c lttlng I to r Coach Hatton, Mike Hubbell. Rob \1anmng. Todd tandard. ammie Bailey. John Cole. Doug Graham. cott Campbell. tand1ng I to r '-1an Rick Pettit. Rodney Kmg. teve Ta)lor. 'v1ark 1\nder on. Dav1d Foster. Rob Parks. '-1an . Tom Bonham Th1s young partan team lim hed 3- 12. "The last game \\e played \\a our best one." tated Coach Gordy Hatton David Fo ter rece1ved the rebound and most points scored award . Rob Manning rece1ved the best free thro\\ a\\ard.


7th & 8th Grade Girls' B-Ball The 8th grade Lady Spartans finished 7-7 on the ¡eason and lost the first round of the tournament. Kath) Yan"-luys received the best offense a\\<ard; Kim Dakin received rebounds & most improved wa g1ven to Ta\\<n Williams. "\\e did well in the league but not o good out of it," stated Coach Jim Con"'a). Team Pic. diagonally I. to r. Tracy Schieman. Kathy Yan"-luys. Tracee Patton~ Middle ro"' diagonally, Amy mith, Tawn William. K•m Dakin~ Row 3, \o1lchelle Lucas, Heather Frasier, M1ssy Flanner) tanding I. to r Coach Con"'ay. K1m ichol., Bntt igmund, Teresa Bolling, Kri tlfl Raa ch. Am) Hess, M1chele A me.. For action photos of the e 4 ports turn to pages 146-147 The eventh Grade Lad) partans had a 69 season. "We lost the fir t 4 games and then started to improve. In the middle of the ea on injuries hurt us, but all in all it was a ver) good season," stated Coach Pam cherer. The P.H D. (Pride, Hustle, De tre) a"'ard went to Bonme Hoffer: Most Improved "'as g1ven to Toma Dee: herr) Rockhold rece1ved the Be. t Offen ive Player. Team Pic: I t row I to r Man Tammy Boucher, Knsll Wil on, Bonnie Hoffer, Juhe Michener, Yvette Jone . Man Rna and): Back row I. to r heryl Bow le , Tom a Dee, Debb1e Bunch, dd1e Ingram, Bev Garrett, Sherr) Rockhold, Coach Pam cherer.


Fun and Games End School Year



Favonte Movie

(I) An Officer and a Gentleman (2) 48 Hours \\II I avorite Fast Food Restaurant (I) McDonald's (2) Taco Bell \\ H Favonte TV h0\~ - (1) M*I\*S H(2) Magnum P.l. \\ H Fa\ ante oap Opera- ( I) Gutdmg l ight (2) General Hospital \\ H Favorite Actor- ( I) Tom e eck (2) } Ivester St 11lone \\ H Favorite Actress (I) Heather Thomas (2) Jess1ca Lange \\ H Favonte Hang-Out- (I) Dayton Mall (2) Bus Stop \\ H Favonte Rock Group- ( I) Journey (2) Def Leppard \\H Favorite Country Group (I) labama (2) harlie Daniel's Band \\ H Favorite Punk '\,e~ Wave Group (I) Devo (2) Men At \ ark \\ H Favonte Color (I) Blue(2) Purple \\ H Favonte ay1ng (I) Oh ~f) God' (2) uck my big toe! \\ H fa\ ante Class I) tudy IIJil (2) \merican History WH favonteCar (1)/-2 andFerrari(tied) WH Favonte Outfit-( I) Jeans and T-shirt (2) Leather \\ HS Favorite Brand of Jeans (I) Lee's (2) 1 evi's hirts (I) lzod (2) Levi's "hoes (I) '\,ikes (2) Puma \\ H Favonte Hobby (I) Gtrls Boys (2) L1stemng to music \\ H Favonte \1ale ocalist- ( I) Lionel Ritchie (2) Michael Jackson \\ H Favorite Female Vocalist- (I) Pat Benatar (2) tevte '•cks \\ HS Favonte port (I) Football (2) Basketball \\ H Favonte Food - ( I) Pizza (2) Tacos \\ H Favorite Restaurant (I) Chi-Chi\ (2) T.G. I. Friday's \\ H Favorite Movie of· 3 (I) E. T. (2) Return of the Jedi \\ H Least Favorite ~1one (I) One Dark '\, tght (2) E.T. \\ H Least Favorite fast Food Restaurant- (I) Burger King (2) 'v1cDonald's \.\ H Least favonte TV how (I) Dallas (2) Taxi \\ H Least Favonte oap Opera (I) General Hospital (2) Guiding Light \\ H Least Favorite Actor (I) Larry Hagman (2) Burt Reynolds \\ H Least Favorite Actre s (I) Brooke hields (2) Lauren Bacall W H Least Favorite Hang-Out (I) chool (2) Vlllage Ptna \\ H Least Favorite Rock Group (I) Kiss (2) Air Supply \\ H Lea t Favorite Country Group - ( I) Oak Ridge Boys (2) tatler Bros. \\ H Least Favorite Punk e~ \\ave (I) Devo (2) Plasma tics \\1 H Least Favonte Color- ( I) Green (2) Black \\ H Least Favonte Class (I) English I (2)Composillon WH Least Favonte Car -( I) Volkswagen (2) Pinto \\ H Least Favonte Outfit (I) Polyester pant (2) Dress WH Least Favonte port (I) occer (2) Golf \\ H Least Favonte Food (I) Liver (2) pinach \\ H Least Favonte Restaurant- ( I) 1776 Inn (2) Denny\ W H Least Favorite \1ovie of· 3 (I) Gandhi (2) E.T.

There "ere a number of trend and fad c.pc:.tall) tn clothmg'" I 'I 3 The lool ""' sttll.blue Jean,, mkt.~. t-\hlrh or blou'e~ I cat her. dcmm. turncd· up coiJ.tr, and anun.th ('.luffed mm1aturc' or alltgalor on 1100 htrts. etc) "ere popular I eg "armef'. ,ut ·ofl 1- htrh. the '"prcpp} lo.'l • had not faded In car. 11 ""' trans· cm or ptel·ups "ilh the btg "heels or ga> ho~' (cheap btg ars) \ tdro game> A. computers cntertatned llr•ces. multtple pccr~ car.. frcend htp pcn • the 'Ci(h

"ere rn'


THANK TO OUR PATRONS! Have a good season partans The Booher's Go for it partan The Robbins', Her chel, Bernice, and Rodney teve Boggs Go for tt \1r. G and horus! Karen, our favorite rifle Love Mom, Dad, Rick, and Julie Good luck partan · and Band Paul's Carr} OUt Congrat to Ltsa-Lon-Rae-Theresa-Tom- ndy-John Have a good year, partan 1 Go for tt partan ! The \1o er's




'Ellis C. 'lftompson~~ REAL ESTATE



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New Ownen- Tom & Betty Walla~ Main Street Phone 897·7966 Wa)'llnvtlle, Ohio

Caesar's Creek ANIMAL CLINIC Or. & Mrs. E. John Raab


Amburgy Barber Service 640 Columbus Ave. Lebanon, Ohio Hours: 8:30-6:00 Closed Mondays

Phone: 932-6378


D&D DRIVING SCHOOL 1867 Salem Ave. Dayton, Ohio

4722 S. Dixie 294-7206

6656 Brandt Pike 233-7384

Village Restaurant

Genntown Furniture

140 So. Main St. 1967 . U.S. Rt. 42 Lebanon, Ohio






W.L. Nell Insurance Associates 127 North St., Waynesville Barb Smith Bob Lohse

Village Ice Cream Parlor 22 S. Broadway Lebanon, Ohio 45036

.. Phone 932-6918

Phyllis Hartsock Proprietor Ice Cream & Food Sllli.IJ raou1h to cue ...


Bi« onouch to prove it.

Lebanon Citizens National Bank _ , . ,.01........ DU'OWl -.uoo. COfiPOI'IIoOver 100 Y"'" •f compl• t • bonking Mn'ke I



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outh M a in treet P .O . Box 6 18 W ayne ville, O hio 45068






I 17 N orth South Street W il mington, Ohio 45 177 3 2-6536


The Little Red Shed ANTIQUES MAIN 8TIU:I:T



PHONE 5 13· 932 · 1971


UPPER CUT Profes iona l Styling Me n & W ome n 62 S . M a in 897-5046

MON. THRU SAT. 10:30-5:00 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 P.M.

W e \Vi re Flower

B&B FARM MARKET Phone: 97-5518

1/2 Mile Ea t of Route 48 on Route 73 Groceries, Picnic upplies, Beer, Wine, Bait, Vegetable ' , Fruit

ROBERT E. SOOY,M.D. Medical Arts Building, Box 598 Waynesville, Ohio 45068

Lebanon Ford Tractor, Inc. P . O. Box 265, Lebanon, Ohio 45036 Telephone : 513/932-2861 or 932-3816

New Holland Brillion

Cub Cadet Woods Fox

Robert Leisz Manager

(513) 932·1410





(513) 932-4222

LEBANON WILMINGTON BLANCHESTER · HILLSBORO dba IS Ha•nes & Co · 102 S Broadway Blanchester Ohoo 45107 (513) 783-2271

Establ1shed 1875


Waynesville National Bank Friendly up-to-date banking services for over 100 years. Waynesville Office 897-2065

Harveysburg Office 897-1085

Tellerific 24-Hour Banking- Visa- Mastercard

Congratulations Seniors!

WAYNESVILLE LUMBER CO. 39 Soath New BarUDgtoD Rd. Wa711enille, Ohio 45068 PboDe: 897-6020

LOVELESS PHARMACY 33 South Main St. Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Phone 897-7076 Professional Prescription Service

Rlcbard Ball, Mauger


HENDERSON'S DAIRY CORNER Congratulations Seniors Summer Hours 11 :00 to 11 :00 Corner Rt. 73 & Main St.

Catch that Pe~i Spirit.


Drink it in!

ELLIS' SUPER VALU INC. 8-9 Monday-Saturday 9-9 Sunday

Stubbs-Conner Funeral Home W~ynesville,



Waynesville Area Chamber of Commerce pon ors

the OHIO


Corwin's Barber Shop 21 So. Main St.

Service Is Our Bus/nus Auto- Home- Life- Business


P.O. Box 555, 59 N. Main St. Waynesville, Ohio 45068 Phone 8i7-3871

Good Luck Spartans

Dayton 461-6704


WAYNESVILLE CAESAR CREEK GENERAL STORE Corner of P.r. 7 J and 42 Waynesville, Ohio

510/897-5016 Morine ~pplles • Camping ~pplles • Picnic ~ppiles lee • Tockle • Live Doir • SporTing Goods


Furniture And Decorating Center Wall Paper Paint Draperies 897-4971 Marvin's Ln . Glen &. Sally Smith, Proprietors

Congratulations Sen1ors



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The be t place for )OUr cia s ring

Call in orders 897-4916




13 WINTER5 The Bank'" ith the ans'' ers Lebanon Office 19 Dave Drive

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932- 2983

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Middletown Office

81 5 Elliott Drive




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422- 1899

45 Offices To Serve You

Lynn Fields Bus. 513-748-2352/ 513-435-7759 Res. 513-222-2768 / 513-897-1546 20 South Main • Springboro, Ohio 45066


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Lynn Fields Res. 897-1546 222-2768

Bu . 748-2352 435-7759

Congratulations to the Class of 19 3!

Teen-Age Course Spec1al $68.85 w1th rebate letter from h1gh school (8 hours classroom 8 hours Behmd · The· Wheel)

FREE HOME PICK-UP For Classroom and Behind-The-Wheel

Stan & Gladys Kleski

ADULT COURSE SPECIAL$49 .95 (For 4 units) Certified professional to teach anyone from 16 to 100. Including handicapped and foreigners. YOU CAN START CLASS AT AGE 15

AAAA International Driving School


Amenran Travel Serv1ce DEBBIE ROTHERMEL Mclnager Office (513) 932·3JOO Home !5131424-6465 20 South Broodwaj6 Lebanon. Ohoo 450

Compliment of

Corwin M. Nixon tate Repre entative 84th Di trict







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