1985 Waynesville High School Yearbook

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he Spartan 1yne v1lle High c hool 1ynesv1lle, Ohio 1~0611 >1. XVIII

Cruisin' 1985

TABLE OF CO:'-:TE:\"T Cruism Through 'H L........... ............. 2 A Fall Crui e .......................... •........•..•• 10 football ... ......................................................... 18 Band ........................................... ............... 24 flomecom1ng ................................................... 30 Faculcv ..................................... ................... H A \'('incer pm .......... ................ ........................ 41 Freshmen ............................................................... k> ophomores ................... ..••....••...••• ................ 49 Juniors ................................................................ 5~ Fun Yearbook ...................... .................. ~~~ emors ........ ....................................................... 65 Basketball .................................... ...................... .•... 84 A pring Race ........ ................... ..................••.... 104 Academ1c Av.ards . ............................................... 116 ~iusical.......................... ...................... •................. 110 Prom ....................... ........................................... 121 Graduation .............................................. •••••.•••..... l.lH Junior High •. •••..•.•••••...••••• •.................................... 136 Ads .............. ................................................................ !~

1ttinE:, wa1ting for somtthing to happen, ometimts 1c's only worth a yawn; , omtumt things art txming. likt tht trip to Cadiz, a ca ual timt with fritnds, dancmg at the Computtr Valenune's Danct or our \~It from Fa1rmom H1gh's smgmg group~. Atrobics helped tht football ttam ,.tOnt up" (and goof off!).




Fall Cruise Cruising back to school after a laid-back summer, Seniors wanted to be m the driver's seat for their final year. William Merris got called down in the first assembly and the tone was set for a disciplined year. With Seniors at the wheel, we traversed the events of Fall: Powderpuff, Football, Marching Band, Golf, Spirit Week, Homecoming, the Sauerkraut Festival, Mock Weddmg and numerous other events. A lot of people were ready to drive hard and make it a fast year academiCally, socially and competitively.




Spirit Week Candids


Eat }·our JeUo through a straw: pant Week! Bonfire, Hat Day. Powderpuff too pant Week! Games, Punk Rock Day, Pep Ra1 } pant Week! llomecomang Tnumph. King. Queen: pant Week 1


POWDER PUFF!!!!! The senior/freshman team won the powder puff game by a large margm. The night was known for one of the roughest powder puff games ever played. Pictured at right are Scott Campbell, Robert Mann mg. Danny Davis, Joey Howard, Steve Taylor, and Rodney Kmg. They were the Freshman who cheered on the game m.l. Junior/Sophomore team. Coaches were Jeff George and Jeff Osborne. m.r. Sen1orjfreshman team. Coaches were Jarome Farley and Tro> Patton. b.l. Cheerleaders are trying to be se~y but not succeeding b.r. Sophomore class is showing the excitement of spirit week.

CHEERLEADING! Top left. Res. Squad Khrisu Behnken Sen. Res. I yr Donna Carter (Fr., Res. I yr Jamie Brower oph Res. 2 yrs.), Debra Robtson Soph. Res. 2 yrs.). Top right, Lora Whne une shows her school spine. Mtd. r.: Varstty Squad: Lora Whitesune (jr. Vars. I yr.), Missy Davtdson• Or. Res. 2 yrs., Vars. I yr.), DeAnn nedegar Or. Vars. I yr.), Tammy Bargo• l)r Res. I yr., Vars. I yr.), Melanie Moser• Sr Res. 3 yr ., Vars. I y·r ), Cathy Robertson Sr Res. I yr., Vars. 3 yrs.). Mid. left. Mrs. Heileman wnh the gtrls who finished the year out. Bottom left. Seniors: Cathy Robertson, Melanie Moser. Khnsti Behnken. •girls who did noc fintsh the year of cheerlead mg.


Below, coaches for the eason are: Tony Hampton, Tim Gabbard, J im Phalpot. Billy Jo Wooster. a'!d Duwa}¡ne Rains. Bottom Left; Anthonr Lamb, Field Manager and pant Booster Bottom Right Cindy Malcolm, Tramer. Julr came early to partan Country as coaches and players gathered for the annual Spartain Football Camp. Tam Gabbard became head coach when Coach Mescher left to become head coach at Madison Plains. Tim's first big task was to hire a sistant coaches. He hired Billy Jo Woosley from W.C.C.C., Tony Hampton and Jim Philpot former coaches at Waynesvalle, and Duv.rayne Rains a Waynesvalle Graduate. The Spartan team had several seniors and other lettermen returning. The team appeared to be heading for another good vear Dunng the ummer practices and scnmmages the players were exmed as the team performed well agamst ummit Country Day, Middletown Fenwack, and Carlisle.

1985: A Long Road For The Spartans

Above, Team Picture· Front Row, cheerleaders: Tammy Bargo. Melan1e Moser, Lora Whitestine, Mel1ssa Davidson, DeAnn Snedegar, Cathy Robertson, econd Row Greg Jones, Scott Hathaway, Rodney Bailey, Vance Vair, Mike Cassidy, Chris Brooksh1re, Wilham Merris, Delmer Isaacs, Third Row Brent Wentzel, Bnan Agee, Bobby Davis, Enc Coffman, tan Jordan, Tom Osborne, Denny Johnson, Mark Wolfe, T1m Livingston, Fourth Row Andy Morgan, Steve Taulbee, T1m Cassidy, Paul Woods, cot Stiles, Darren Amburgy. Carl Reeves, Maynard Sandy, Steve Rice, Bill Hoffer, Fifth Row· Rodney Kmg, cott Campbell, Dav1d Foster, Dan Dav1s, teve Ta}·lor, Robert Mannmg; Cmdy Malcolm, AsSIStant Coaches; Billy Jo Woosley, Tony Hampton, Head Coach, Tim Gabbard, Assistant Coaches; Jim Philpot, and Duwayne Raines Week /11 arrived with a very important match-up agamst State ranked Cadiz High School. During the long five hour bus ride to the game the Spartans seemed to acquire bus lag. They dropped passes, missed scormg opportunities and made mental m1stakes which gave Cadiz a 26-6 win. The Spartans d1d hold well known Eric Peterson to 87 yards, mostly as the result of the fine play of Delmer I aacs.

Week #l aw the partans till ick and inJured as the re ult of the lon~ trap ro Cadtz. The\ lo t a~am Tht ttme to Little 1rami, 14-6 It v. a the fim vic ron· for the Panther m er~ht year . Week ~ the partan broke mro the wm column wrth an impre 1\e 26-o rout of '\ew Mramt. The partans Hogs opened hole for Chns Cote as he earned the football I time for 141 yards and 2 touchdown D . Isaacs again led the defen e wrth 1-1 tackle . the partan traveled to Falcon Field Omton Week ia te had not won a ain t t 1e par- n for 6 ·ear , o the team wa loo ·mg for an ea v. The Falcon and coach Ander on had other ideas would be Coach Ander on Ia t \lctOn agam t \X'a\ ne 'ille a he dred dunng the winter of injuries suffered m an accident Wavne 'ille wa led offensrveh br coer Hathav.ay who ru hed 16 time for 104 yards.

.. .


Week ~ the Span.tn.s traveled to Southea tern and played Wee the panan.s of old The coaches had made ch n es by moVlllg M Cass1dy to the lme for more bloc m , R Batley co the backfield and Coach Gabbard up top As ed "<hy he moved, Gabbard sa1d that he never had ltked bemg on the fidd You can't see anythm from down there Even th the much 1m proved play of the panan.s, they couldn t overcome bad calls and fumbled fOOtballs whiCh led to a 20-14 defeat The offense was led by R Bailey h e the defense was a am led by D Isaacs wuh 16 tackles and P oods wuh 1~ Week the 1-4 panan.s met the Greenv1ew Ram who were ~-o. ranked 11 m the tate, and 1 Ill Re 10n 16 computer pomts It -as homecomm and the Spanan team came ready to play as the offen.sl\"t !me cons m of

n10r are. Vance Vair, Delmar I aac , , cott Hat ..I'IUI , William fern . Rodne) Batie , f1ke Ca id1, Chri Brook h1re. and GreF, Jone f a 1d1 , \X'. ferri . B. Dav1 . C. Brook hne, T. l.1'ngswn. and B \X'ent1el opened holes and lead the often e to 35·1 total yard and a Big, Big "·6 'ictOr). The defen e also had a great n1ght holdmg Tim Earlr, one of the be t bacb in the tate, to JU t 51 ards. Week the partan took the1r th1rd \1C!Ofl 2 ·16 o'er the Ea t (lmton A tro Af-ain . trOnf, hne play and the running of Chri Cole, R. Baile1, and . Hatha"al pro,ed too much for Ea t Chnton Week a" the partans lo e a very phi' ical and heartbreakm~ game B·l:? to the hif,hl) ranked ( edar\llle The part an offen ive pa mg game looked great a oles pa ed to receivers V. Van. D Johnson, and R. Bailey for 121 yards and I touchdown. The Orange Crush defensi'e back had a uper nt • t a the1 held the Indians to zero pa mg ards Wee· the partan controlled the Yellow prinp Bulldog Contmued ...

Seniors in Drive All the Way

The underclassman shmed leadmg the team to a 2 -6 ' ctor} P. Woods ru hed for 2 touchdowns, Eric Coffman had two interceptiOn and teve Rice had another Brent Wentzel and Vance Va1r both reco,ered ke\ f nbles. Week 10, the final week of the sea on, aw tl e partan agatn lose a hard fought battle to the Mason Comet Bad weather poor field po inons, and turn o'ers kept the partans out of the m zone as Mason won IQ-0. The season wa over, but w1ll be remembered forever. Many thanks to all the young men who are seniors that w1ll not return again to play for the Spartans. We wish you the be t. pee al recogn1t10ns are a follow All League; Rodney Baile} , Mike Ca idy, Delmar I aac . I Ionorable Mention; Chri Cole, Vance Va1r. All Area; Rodne} Bailey, Mike Ca 1d\ Delmar Isaac . Vance Va1r. Honorable Mention: Chris Cole, Bobbr Davi . cott Hathawa} outh We tern D1 met, Fu t Team; Mike Cas idj and Rodne> Bailev AI, tate pecoa MentiOn; Rodney Ba 1ey and Mike Ca idj . Journal Herald All tars; Rodney Ba1ley and M1ke Cassidy A peCial thanks tO the fans who upported the partan this eason.

Superior Again!

1984¡ 5 Spartan Marchmg Band' Left ro nght, row 1, Robin Morrow, Dav1d Ashmore, Terry Salyers,

Shannon Coffman, Kathy Van ' uys, John Gmocch10, Cra1g Minnick, Chns Freeman, Doug Elliott, Dale Sp1rznogle, Dav1d Van Hoose; row 2, M1chael We1dl1ch, Theo Smith, Edd1e Bucholtz, Heather Maloney, Krisu Brunron, Tom Bonham, Laura Morgan, K1m Kleski, Randy Freeman, Peter Brown, Calvm Crutchfield, Greg Shellenbarger, row 3, Darrick Cook, Debbie Ditmyer, Mark Hurley, Dav1d Young, Ja on Van Hoose, Caroline Rogers, Rhenee Sm1th, Ang1e Prewitt, Carl Chaney, Ben Ghearing, Ryan Campbell, Wendell Ferguson; row 4, Lisa Weeks, M1chele Ames, Chns Fngel, Kevm McCann, Jason Wnghr, Aaron Wnghr, Ben Thacker, Amy 'ap1er, Jenmfer Ces na, Dall~s Hollan, Greg Freeman, Bret Jameyson, Kevm 'ichols, Dav1d Clark; Row 5, Rick Pemr, Jill Cessna, Viv1an anders, Amy Prewitt. Becky Forsythe, Amy Hess, Margaret Withams, Bmr 1gmund, Amy Smith, Tonya Cornett, Melanie Maybury, Wendy Lmron, Missy Gradel, Anne O'Connor; row 6, Mr Bilbrey, director, Julie Dunham, Tawn Withams, Bonme Hoffer, Dawna Edwards, Apryl Shelron, Heather Musson, Lynn Houserighr, Mendy Kmsley, Jodi St. Pierre, Janet Rogers; row 7, Jason St. Pierre, Tom Llewellyn, Tim W1lhams, Bnan Miltenberger (parttally hidden). The Marching Band received a Supenor Raring at the Secuonal Compeuuon. They also received an Excellent Raung at the tate Marching Band Contest. The Marching Band attended band camp at Rio Grande College in the summer. They marched at all Foorball games and in the Children Day Parade m Dayton. Their scope was much broader this year as they rook a tour to Washington, D.C. where they played a concert in front of the Jefferson Monument. The Band also gave Chnsrmas and Spnng Concerts. The year concluded with a fine performance at Commencement. Awards this year John Philhp Sousa: David VanHoose, Loute Armstrong: Dale Sp1tznogle; Robert Bernard Award Doug Elliott; D1recrory's Award: Greg hellenbarger Congratulauons to the band and Mr Bilbrey for another successful year"


Above, Senaor Marching Band Members


((The Corps"

Row I. Margaret Williams Row 2¡ Khri te Behnken. Lori Wentzel, Melante Moser, Missr Flannerr. Dana Wilson. Row 3: Enn Ray. Beckr For yrhe, Dawna Edwards, Holly Haye , Rl(a Marconer, Ktm ichols. l.t a Raa ch. Melissa David on, herri herrir, Julie Hender on.


Golf Has Winning Season The Wayne nile Hogh School Golf Team had a 8- winning ea on thos year and fini hed soxth 10 sectional golf, and chord 10 the league. The mo t valuable palyer was Tom Me utt and mo t improved was Mark Ander on. The coach thi season was David Liffick. Team picture to the right goes from nght to left a follow Da~id Liffick, Chri lar, Tom Me ' utt, Peter Brown, Da~id Ger pacher, and R\an Brockley.




Seniors this year are Mane Kronenberger and Heather Has Below them is the Varsity team gotng from Left to Rtght: C. Patrick, M Kronenberger, T. Williams, Coach . Gray, H. Has , D Bunch, . Rockhold, K. Van ' uys, M. Arne , and). George.

Bottom left. Left tO Rt 1-,c Re er'e \OI Ingram, D. Bunch, A la\en, T. Dee

e~¡ ball

. Rockhold, A.



Above, Fre hman Attendant Am} Thornburg & Maynard andy Below, Junior Attendant Jamie George ¡ Mark Wolfe

Above ophomore Attendants Michelle Lucas & Andy Morgan Below, K1ng Rodney Bailey & Queen Tanya Roeder in a casual pose

Tanya Reigns at Homecoming!

Tanya Roeder (above) retgned as Homecoming Queen at the '84 Homecoming viccory over tate-ranked Greeneview. Her lovely Court included (below) Julie Henderson. Runner-up Melanie Moser, (Tanya). Kelly Mtltenberger, MIChelle Litherland. Rodney Batie} wa cho en Kmg (p. 30). Senior Court i pic. right.


Homecoming Candidates


War Of

Wits Thas year's War of Wits team is pactured left. Mr. Cessna. advi or, Mike Tidwell, Tim Livin~ ton Ryan Brickley (alt.), Becky Maloy, Greg She lenbar~er (Capt.). The War of Wats team competes wath other Warren Co. Schools in a contest of knowledge tnvaa and qulck-9.-its. Th1s year, The WHS team won Its first round a~ain t Spnngboro but lo t to Lmle Miami in a close second round come t.

W.H.S. Student Council

tudem Councal 1embers. above left, I. to r., row 1: Jamie Brower, Aimee Jones, Bonnie Hoffer, Tammy Christy De Ann nedegar, Lora Whitestine, Julie Henderson, Michelle Latherland, Sonia Creech, Jennifer Vegso: Row 2, am mae Bailey, Aaron Wnght, Tanya Roeder, Andy Morgan, Jon Beacham, Melanie Mo er, Greg hellenbarger, Mane Kronenberger, Darla harp. 1r. Ce na, advisor, IS nor pactured. Above right, tudem Council Ofiicer Marie Kronenberger Pres.), Greg Shellenbarger {V.Pres.), Darla harp Treas.. Julie Hender on Secretary). Left, Senior tudem Council Members. The tudem Council ponsored the Compu-cupe Dance in Feb. held a tudem exchange 9.-ith Cedarville H .. , t 1e Council al o held a tnvi al pur uat come t . This ear's group raa ed a lot of mone}¡!


Chauffeurs Top left. Mr. Dillon Mtddle left, Mr . Town end

Right, Mr. Webb & Ms. Colvard; Far right, Mr. Liffick


Below top, Mr. Polly Below middle, Mr. Brower Rtght, top, Mr. Tharr; middle, Mr. Barton

L~ft, top to bottom: Mrs. Finch, Mr. C~nt~rs (stud~nt t~ach~r),

Mrs. Clark & Mr. C~ssna; M1ddl~. top to bottom¡ Mr. L~i t, Ms. Coo~r (2nd ~m .), Mrs.



Below: top, Ms. Tack~tt; bottom, Mr. William (1st ~mest~r).

Top row, I. to r., Ms. Waldroup, Mrs. Lacy. Mrs. King

Bottom, left, Mrs. Heileman; right, Mr. Watson


Middle row, I. to r., Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Hartsock, Mrs Conley

Left, top to bottom: Mr. Henson, Mrs. Ames, & Mr. Philpot; Mr. Weirauch & son; Mrs. Watson. Middle, top to bottom: Mr Osborne, Mr. Collins, Mrs. Ke1r has the draw on Mrs. Malcolm.

Below, top: Mrs. Gradel bottom¡ Mrs. Yair

ClO<kwi ~ from th~ ri~ht: Mr. Vanderpool. Mr. Bilbre1, Mr . Ma h. 1r . Polly, 1r. Gtbb , Mrs. Phillip , 1r Edv.~rd , Mr. Gabbard (in middle). On page W Reur~ment Dtnn~r pic mclude ( ee tory p. 103): top left, Mr. Polly; top ri~ht, Mr Richard . middl~ left, Mr. Franci co, middl~ nght, Mr . Laq~ bottom left, Mr.{&: 1rs.) Vanderpool


Faculty & Retirement Dinner Candids


The Wayne Local Schools Admtnamauon & School Board work hard to make our schools among the be t around Pactured clockwase thas page from upper left: uperintendent Charles Williams; Waynesville chools Board of Education, l. to r. Leo Perry {Pre adentl.Jiles Farley, Paul Machener, Claire Dunkan "ot pic. are John Rudd (Vice-Pre .} and Betty RICkey(Treasurer). Marla Banks,Jr. High Ass't. PnnCipal >tands between Mr. Osborne and Mr Gibbs. Janet Carter Sec"y to the Treas.) on phone & Caroline mall wood Sec v to the upenntendent). Byron Arne . Elementary Pnncipal. Craag Francisco, Hagh chool Pnncapal.


Top, left : 1r. W•lltams & his alter ego; nght, Mrs. RICkey 1 takmg a med1cal di ability and will be orel)· mis ed b)· our chools. irs. Rickey' concern for people, her hard work, her great semce and friendship w1 .. remam in our better memories of Waynesv11le chools. Mrs. Wilson Sec'y. (H•gh School); Mr Patton, Sec'y Or H•gh}, Mrs heehan, Sec'y (H•gh chool till Xma Mr. Franc1 co w1th h1s orange cru h cap at a fall pep rail}·· Pictures are identified clockw1se from the upper left.


One of the greatest assets of our school is its hard-working staff. Top; Left, Mrs. o·Banion upervtsor); nght, Jr Htgh/Elem. Cooks: Row l, 1. to r., Mrs. eeley, Mrs. Honaker, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. o·Banion, row 2, Mrs. Momoney. Mrs. tiles (co-supemsor), Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Hopkins, mtddle, High School Cooks, 1. to r., Mrs. Mellott, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Powell; bottom, maintenance, 1. tO r., Mr hepherd, Mr Keplmger, Mr. Lamb. We regret that several taff members are not pictured.


Bob & Mildred Retire

• • •

Bob Campbell, Head of Mamtenance and Mildred heehan, H1gh School Secretary took the1r retirement this year after many years of faithful eJ'JCe to Waynesv1lle • chools. They are pictured here at a d .nner prepared in their honor. Both Bob and Mildred will be very much mi ed.


A Winter Spin Spmning through the ice and snow of a cold winter, we escaped school 6 times due to snow days. Things seemed to gear down during this cold season, yet many activities took place attonal Honor OC!ety Induction and recept•on, School plays, Boy's and G•rl's Basketball, the Comp-lJ-Cupe Dance, the Xmas A embl} and parties and (yuk!) emester exaMS orne of the enthu iasm we started with in the fall was exhausted and it seemed we had slipped into a slower gear.


Cruisin' Toward '88

Mark Ander on Massy Bailey · ammy Baaley Ma y Boggs Tom Bonham

heryl Bowles Louas Bower am Brewer Rpn Bnckley Denase Brown

Denna Brown Jamie Brown Peter Brown Ed Bucholtz Ja on Buckle

Debra Bunch Campbell Donna Carter Staci Chnstman John Cole COlt

Robert Collard Darrack Cook Dennas Cowan Bryan Coy Danny Davas

Tonya Dee Dawna Edw-ards Chns Engel lkcky Forsythe Randy Freeman

Laura Furnas ik>erly Garrett Doug Graham Scott Grooms Luther Hacker Jeff Hall April Hawk


PICtured below are the Freshmen Class Officers. left to right, President Robert Manning. Vice-President Shelly Lamb. Atmee Jones-Secretary-Treasurer, Jennifer Vanover-Busme Manager Left, Joe}¡ Howard and his buddy David Foster pose in the gym.

Bonnie Hoffer Joey Howard Addie Ingram Mike Isaac Aimee Jones

Yvette Jones Ket y Ktdd Shannon Kikta Rodney King Cry tal Lamb

Shelly Lamb Tara Lamb Toma Lamb Brian Le~is Jeff Ltpov ky

tan Lynch Robert Manning Jay McKeever Julie Michener te'e Milby Craig Mmnick Rob} n Morrow taq Murrill


Cathy Myers Michelle Orrender

Jodi Parks Bob Parks T racee Patton Kevin Peercy RJCk Pettit

Berry Ratliff Erin Ray Carl Reeves Sherry Rockhold Lalmda Rodgers

Ru ~ll Rogers Holly Rohrback R1ta andy ceve chmidc Chns Sesslar

Apryl Shelton Ang1e Slaven Debb1e Sm1th Marvm Spears Mike Sutherland

ceve Taylor Amy Thornburg John Turner Jason VanHoose Jenmfer Vanover

Melame Waddell Shannon Ward Mike We1dlich Margaret Withams Knsu Wilson

'or pictured: J.P. Carney, John Ell1s, David Foster, Mike Hubbell, Tim Kilpatnck, Gary Proffit, Maynard Sandy, Charlotte Spears, John Tucker.


Jeff Winkler Aaron Wnghc Heather Young

Frosh-Sophs In The Gym!


Sophomores Cruisin' Cheryl Abner Debb1e Akers Darren Ambur.!n M1chele Ames L1sa Ashburn

Teresa Bollmg Kath} Boyer Jamie Brower Mark Brpnc Tim Ca 1d}

Jill Ce na Renee Cook onia Creech K1m Dakm James Dale

Chns Dav1s Debb1e Dnmyer Bnan Fenner M1ss}· Flannery Julie Fox

Heather Frasure Gary Gnsmer


Julie Hacker cote Hafner Ron llamlel M1chele Harner Pam llarri on

lrm lle1den Am} lie Alana Jenkms Br) an Johnson Rebecca Johnson

Denn1 Kmgan Charlene lamb Lo1s Long Michelle Lucas Jerem} McCloud

Ricky McCloud Andy Morgan Amy ap1er M1 y !\eeley K1m 1chols

There a Prew1tt Knstm Raasch Robb1e Rasnake Phillip Rice

teve Rice Debra Rob1son Rob Robinson

Keath haffer hern herntt Melea haveley Bratt agmund Amy math

Jerry tapleton Kathy tapletOn teve Taulbee Ben Thacker Eric Thompson

Make Tidwell Tammy Turner Kathy Van uys Jennafer Yegso Lori Wentzel

Tawn Willaams Mike Wil on Paul Woods Mike Zammer

ot Pactured Kevan Cate . Don Crawford, Joe Cupp. Wanda Ferguson. Les Hames, Bill Hoffer, John Isaacs. Jam my Myers, Will Purkey. Tracey chaeman. fark muh, cott nles, Mark Yolkenand


Juniors Don't Drive 55

Bryan Ag~~ Traq Arthur Tma Bailey Tamm} Bargo T~r~ a Bt hop

Rog~r Bnggs Chns Brower Mt y Buckle PJ. Burk~ Alan Ca ebolt

Bridgette Campbdl Tammy Chri t} Enc Coffman Chn ole Ton)a Conner

Bryan Cowan Brent Coy Jeff Crutchfield Meli ~a Davtd on Dtane Fergu on

Rob Fredrick Jamte George Davtd Gerspacher Ben Ghearing Mi sy Hadler

Tamm}· Chn t}·. Bus.

Lynn Hatfield Holly Haye Edd1e Henr\ Brian Howard Mark Hurler

Pam Hus y Renee Isaac Denn\ John on Leon John on tan Jordan

Tammy Lamb Glenn Kura

Tim L11'mgscon Rich Longacre

Chris Lowe Larry McGu1re

Marchelle Merlet Ronny M, bv MISSV l\eace Jerry ee•v Tom 0 borne

Chnstma Patrick Chns Phelps L1sa Raasch Mike Randolf


Olaf Roeder Carolyn Roger Greg Rush Ang1e hafier Tim huler

tanle1 Bnan tephen V1kk troop L1 a Thornburg Mar~ Tnmble


ec1a Valentme Brent Wentzel Lora Wh1te tine 1.ane Wilham Dana w.l on

Lynne ~ ilson Mark Wolfe Jason Wright

Bobb} Dav1s. Julie Dunham, Jennifer E tes, l.1nda Johnson, Car b chwab, Doug e1dl Lee a1¡ers, and Dann, pears are unfortunate!} not pictured.

Juniors Gear Up For The Big Year!

And Now, ((The Carton

• • •

Bruisin' '85 ''

Clairvoyant Visits Corwin Tech H.S. Gyp y Assistant Holds Candle-Itt eance Professor Bike Bidwell, :\ew Corv.m Tech Pnncipal pre tded at a . eance in the ht~h school ~vm. asststed by Rosaltta Bayberry The\ prediCted new and greater thin~s for Corwm Tech, includm~ a new home for Dr. Btdwell m Morocco. Rt):ht, 1ts~ Bavberr, prepare~ to lead the 'eance.

Prof. Bike Bidwell eeks the Future at recent eance · ew Corwin Tech Prtncipal Predicts A ROS} Future

eance parttctpants Pra}' for a snow dar Pnnctpal's new home tn Ca~ablanca; Chauffeured Mercedes included!

New Cooks; New Victuals With the arnval of new cooks this }ear at Corwin Tech, new cookmg methods were attempted w1th gratifpng results. For the fir t rime, freeze-dried bat and helmets (left) were ser,ed resulnng in E:reat prai e from the students (l>elow). Below middle, !>:e"' Cook kip Tomallou demonstrates a new wa} of ervmg potatoes au gratin from her face Belo"' left. tudent regale themselves on that new cafetena dish. PIZZA'

Bottom left, new cook k1p Tomallou & Diette Burger on sen mg pot aroe au grattn Ia Corwin. Left, Burnco Acn p) prepares SIO hot dog for the Junior Oas ProJeCt, ¡¡w,enie Across The Waters."



SEX ED FILM ORA WS HUGE CROWD fr . Telleman\ annual ex ed film met With great general approval thi ear as ovtr students 'at ~pellbound through the enme film . Onl) Cleve Bitt and His 1 Loggs wooned. After the film. a general discu 10n v. a held and it i rumored that Mr . Telleman wok lot of note and learned a lot from the kids. Davey f'irester came up with the be t que tions on TDs.

The V 10lence Club gained everal new member thiS 1ear. Thev pamcipate tn and in tigate fight . arguments. spats. clubbmgs. etc. Far nght, W1 a Leeks chases a group of Freshmen. R1ght, 1ike Bubbell slams Jason Paint Pear 10 the ground'!


Violence Club Gains ... . . . New Members

Seniors Anxiously Await Year's End! Below. ~niors Boarding their motor coach for a fun-filled en1or Class Tnp to Lytle! The Senior Class had a very uccessful year, elewng go-get¡ em class officer (see class meeting below) and raising enough money to take a glamourous class trip to Lytle, Ohio. Cia flower Dandelion; Class Motto "Amt It Beaunful?"; Class Song. "We Are The Weird".

Penn} Ante Jerr} Arrick Ted D. Baer Pam Cake

td Down Polh Ester Tadd Poll tmon e s

Matt Tres es Bud Vases Pollt Wannakracker Han Zoff


((The Carton" '85 Presents ...

I Balloon Club Fmallr Gets One in the Air'

,'\1 &. M Club Pres1dent Ron Pmocch10 eats a few'

The Cincinnati ymphony Orchestra VisitS Corwm Tech!

Another .. L

tudent Sobneq League) Meetmg!

The Corwin Tech Comm1ttee co Re-Elect Ron Reagan.

The Arson Club held serious practices twiCe a month'

... Clubs & Personalities

Above, the Mountaineers (Climbing Club) practices on the gym bleachers.

Coach Slim Garbled led the "Feed Ethiopia First Campatgn at C.TH.S.

Below, the "Twist" was once again popular at Corwtn Tech!

Dr. Leeks, opcomecrist, was successful in transplanting eyebrows for the first time on Bug lkllyup. left. Mamie Gorge waving co fnends in the crowd .


Duos, Trios

1iddle R1ght: emor ffiCer ; L. ro R. reve Hoffman Bus. Mgr, Mane Kronenberger, Pre ., Greg hellenbarger ec., Kelly Miltenberger Trea or Pictured Tan}a Roeder



Seniors Complete A 12 Year Drive!


Parents' Night



Winter Senior Parents' Night



FHA In September officers were tleeted for each of the Home Ec cia ~s The year began wtth our attendance at a workship held m Columbus, 0 to explam the ta e projeCt "I am1.hes and Futures ThLS prOJeCt was cosponsored by the ~rch of Dames There were 3 repr~ntauves from our chapter that attended this meetmg. The} were Apry! Shel on, Bryan Johnson, and Braan S ephens When ,.e returned from th1s rr. etm each repre~nrauve helped plan a • Famil es and Futures prOJeCt to be presented dunng FHA/HERO ee The money rna mg prOJect thLS }ear was selling coo books o make enou h money to buy a secunty cabmet for our computer At Chri mas the FHA chapters held a Chr mas reception for the student body. We provided cook~.es candy, and red and green punch It as alot of ork but everyone had a good ume and studenu seemed to enjoy the spec~al a tent1on. Feb. HH6 was procla1med FHA/HERO wee m Waynesville by ~yor er and platLS ere made to celebrate Our celebraun had to postponed d e to weather. In April, Kr~·• Wilson a tended he FHA/HERO e con"en on held m Columbus, OH She served as a vex Delegate

Comp-U-Cupe (Sweetheart) Dance After filhng out que uonnaire . tudent · 1ntere t were fed mro a computer to try to match up couple for the traditional weetheart Dance. If a tudent came with one of his/ her top three choice • he/ he got into the dance at half co t. Julie Henderson was crowned weetheart Queen, w1th teve Taylor a VERY clo e econd!!! The DJs were " In The Mood". ong included Let The Good Times Roll", " Rock Lobster", ''I'm o Exmed ", ' I Can't Fight This Feeling" , " Let' Go Crazy". The gym was decorated w1th red and wh1te creamer , balloon and heart . Even Mr D had a heart on his arm. People la ·ed the dance and it Ia ted longer than expected. It was a lot of fun e pec1ally for the Sen1ors.


Proves Popular; Julie Henderson Crowned


Freshtnan Boys Basketball

Team p1cture top nght From 1 to r., Top row Rodney Kmg. Kelly K1dd. Denn1s Cowan, am Brewer, Mark Anderson, Jamie Brown, Coach Barton, Bottom row; Robert Manning. Doug Graham, Bob Park , cott Campbell, Joey Howard, and Bryan Coy The leadmg scorer and rebounder was Mark Anderson. He was consi tently in double figure in both categones. Most of the ball handling was b\ cott Campbell with the re t of the coring and rebounding shared by Rodney Kmg, Dennis Cowan, am Brewer, and Jamie Brown. The freshmen lost seven of their first eight games but 1mproved late in the eason wmnmg three of their last five games.


Reserve Boys Basketball Team P1cture top left From I. to r.; Top row; Rodney Kmg, David Fo ter s,ott Hafner, Ke1th Shaffer, teve Taulbee Bottom row; Coach Ro si, Jerry tapleton, RICk McCloud, M1ke Tidwell, Bnan Fenner, Mike Z1mmer The Reserve team had a 9-11 eason this year w1th R1ck McCloud top scorer, and Robert Manning, and KeJth haffer Be t Defense. First year coach, John Rossi, had a rea onably good season w1th the Reserve boys.


From L to R., Eric Purke}, Todd m1th, Curt Booher, Tm l •v ng ton, con oles, Back, Melame \X'addell, Darren Amburg}. te\e RICe, Coach aunder . Tom Me 'utt, Rob Fredenck, Don Booher.





Curt Booher Tom McNutt

Even though the relationshtp between Coach aunder and the players was rocky. the varsity improved from a 1-8 start to a 9-11 fimsh . The M.V.P. was Steve Rice, the Mo t Impro,ed Players were Todd m1th and Darren Amburgy Steve Rice and Tim L1ving ton made the All-League Team . T1m al o had the h1ghe t field goal percentage. Curt Booher and teve R1ce made the All-Western tar Team. The highlight of the season was during the East Clinton game since 1t was a close game. The crowd was very supportive With the1r s1gns, chants, and threats to the referees.


Eric Purkey Todd Sm1th


Girls Varsity Basketball

Team p•cture top nght. Top row from L. to R.. K m Dakin, Mane Kronenberger, Barb l •erer Coach Gabbard , Tawn \' illiam . Tere a Bolling Front ro"' , Kathy Vanl'\uy , Jam•e George, Michele Arne The Garl' \'ar 111 Ba ketball Team had a ucce lui, if not winning ea on. endtng the 1ear W1!h an -11 record . They were urprised in the ectional tourney , lo ing by I point. The ea on "'as ucce ful becau e of the vtetone and becau e of the great development of e1eral of the pla1·ers and the ream a a whole The 1o 1 Valuable Pla1·er wa Jamie George. 1o t impro,ed, elected for both the Re erve and Var ttl', wa Bonrue Hoffer. The Di trict All- tar wa Jamie George. who al o rece11ed all-lea_.:ue M•chele Arne recetved Dt trier Honorable Mentton and wa all-league also.

Mane Kronenberger


Barb c •erer, graduattng Senior , will be mts ed .


Reserve Girls Basketball


Reserve team p1cture from I. to r. Top Row; Julie Michener, Tonya Dee, Addie Ingram, Debb1e Bunch, Coach Rodney Weuauch, Bottom Row; Sherry Rockhold, Donna Caner, Bonnie Hoffer, Jodi Parks, and Kristi Wilson.



The reserve girls basketball team fin1shed with a lo mg record . The team finished winning mo t of Its games at the end of the season. Sherry Rockhold was the leading scorer for the team and Bonnie Hoffer was voted most improved for both varsity and reserve teams .

Student Aides

Library Aides At the left are this years library workers gomg from L. to R.: Top Row; Beckr Maloy, Jenifer Estes, Jill Cessna, Beth tammen, Jodi t. Pierre, Ttna Ba1ley, Mrs. Lmda Clark, Bottom Row; Dav1d Young, and Chuck Jones.

Office Aides At the left are this years office workers going from L to R.: Knst1 Wilson, Erin Ray, Lynne Wilson, DeAnn nedegar, Dav1d Young, Tammy Chnsty, Emily Purkey, Jul!e Henderson, Kathy Robert on, and Missy Helm.


War Lords Sink Brew Crew!

Tht acurdav mormng Intramural program had six sp1nttd teams vying for tht Intramural Basketball Championship. On Thursday. April 1 after the mov1e '" War of the Worlds"", a htated crowd saw tht War Lords deftat the Brew Crew m tht stcond vinory of three games. The winmng team, the War Lords IS piCtured top right, I. to r.. M1kt Cass1dy, Maynard Sandy, Shant Williams, Paul Woods, Brian Cowan, Dan Davis, Olaf Roeder, Chuck Jones. Middlt right, the Brew Crew ttve Boggs. Chns Cole, Bobby Davi , Dtlmtr Isaacs, Tony Stafford, Rich Longacrt Bottom right is picturtd tht all-star ttam, stlened by all of the intramural playtrs: I. tO r Mikt Cassidy (1st ttam; Capt of War Lords). Paul Woods, Dav1d Ger pachtr (1st team), Enc Coffman, Rick Dunham (Capt of Hmdu Stone-Bashers), Dtlmtr Isaacs (MVP, Capt. of Brtw Crew), Chns Colt (1st ttam), Jon Btacham, Vance Va1r (Capt of Wall Flowers). Mr. Wtbb advistd; Debra Robison & Theo Smith kept stats.



The Drama and Advanced Drama Oa" e pre emed an e1emF of One-Act Pia son ="o' , 1984 tncludmF ·PaJama Parry" & "The PJcture of Fate". On Jan. 26-~ the pia\, The lh,!:h Whne tar·. was pre emed. The cast mcluded Tamm) Bargo, Lnn lleJden. Doug [IJiott, Tina Ba1 e1 L1~a \~hburn, Tamm} C rost Jamie Brower herr rerrttt, Kn tln Raa ' I an lOn \\ard, Am1 rn1t ~far Hurle\, Chruma Pa•nc" Dave Young. Jenmfer E te , L1 a \\'ee , fdame 1oser, Dana \'< ilson, and direCtor ;\1r. Da1 1d Lei : Conpatulauon to the ca t> · Mr> l.e1 t for a JOb well done'


CHOIR Pactured top nght a the Jumor Hagh C' 101r Top ro"' 1r. Lea t, Rhenee math. Jeannie rield , Rob -ules. 1att Carter, Make Litherland. Mike Allen, Joe Carter, Brad Thacker, Mane Gaffin, 1ary Lander, Amr Myer . Lea Watson, 1iddle Ro"'. Heather Miltenberger, ian Ann 1aar . Jill Parks . .Margae .McDonald, Am} Pre,..att. Melanie bybur} Roban Lirtle. Wendy Boyer . Lorrene Lamb. Vtrgama Foster Bottom Row; Crystal Meador, Jeanne Jamer on. \ ane sa \'air. Bechanv Ell tot. Pam Puckett. Tara Williams, Courtney l.tmmer,Julte Pettit, hananne Miller, Debbie Penmnpon. and Ju t uthc rland. PiCtured an the lower right hand corner 1 the ll•):. chool chotr from L. to R.; Top row, 1tke Wetdltch. Lt a Weeks. Do g Elliott, Dean Cook, Dale. patznogle, Ben Ghearing. Glenn Kura , David VanHoo e, Middle Row; Jenntfer Estes. Da..,na Ed ... ards. Julie Dunham. Kathr Robert on. Charlene Lamb. Canb ch ... ab, helly Lamb. Mi sy Boggs; Bottom Row; Amy 1\apter, Julte Fox Kathy tapleton, Becky For yrhe. Carolyn Rogers. Debbte Dtrmrer. raq Murrill. Lots Long. and oma Creech.


Band Goes To Washington, D.C. On April 2~-2 . the Band & 10 chaperone plu several choru member travelled to Wa hington D.C where they ga'e a concert m front of the Jeffer on fonument 11 Good Job!


French Club

WHS French Club, I. co r row I Jennlver Vegso, L1 a Thornburg, Kathy Van 'uys, 'eCia Valenune, Becky Maloy. Sheryl Bowles, Heather Frasure, M1ssy eeley, Yvette Jones, M1chelle Ames, Caroline Rogers, Cathy Roberrson; row 2, Debra Rob1son. Missy Hadley Tracey Arthur, Marchelle Merlet, Paul m~th, M1 S} Helm, Lori Wentzel. Bnan Fenner, hern Shemtt, Amy m~th; row 3. Holly Hayes, tan Jordan, Bonnie Hoffer, Add1e Ingram, Tammy Bargo Julie Dunham, Joe Cupp. Todd Sm~th, Kristin Raasch, row I, Tawn Williams. cott Hafner Tim huler, Mike Z1mmer, reve Taulbee, Bryan Agee, Jerry tapleron, row 5 Jason Wnght, Theo Sm1th, RICk Dunham. 1984¡~ Officers (pic. below) L co r. Tawn Withams (V.P -Fr.II), Becky Malo} (V.P.-Fr.III). Julie Dunham (Pres. she d1d a great JOb!!), Caroline Rogers V P -Fr. I), Amy m1th Sec'y 1. 'or pic., Treas. William Merns.

Stage Band ..........


rage Band Members, I. to r, row I, Tom Bonham, Peter Brown, Carol me Rogers, Janet Rogers, A1mee Jones; row 2, Chns Freeman, RICk Pemt, Ben Thacker, Amy ap1er, Jason Wright, Lisa Weeks, Aaron Wright, Chns Engel, Beth tam men; row 3. John Ginocchio, Doug Elliott, Dale Spitznogle, Mark Hurley, David Van Hoo e; row I, Calvm Crutchfield, Amy Hess, Bnan Miltenberger, Mr. Bilbrey, D1recror. Mr. Leist and Pep band members.


Year book, Spartacus Yearbook 'taff ('la\t\) l tor ro~ 1, Beth A~hhurn, Bern Ratlatf, Alana }t: •km~, Kath, 'taplewn, ro~ .2 I r lle•den, ~ oma Crtech, Kelh ~11ltenher~er

Ldiwr}, Ro~ ~, 'teH R\an, Gre~ 'he It 1harger (Co· Ed1ror).

F cu' taft r' w I, DeAnn nedegar, Heather II a '>lr \\ olte (ad' ); row 2, Ang•e haftc.-r, Tma Ba1le', Charlene Lamb, Heather I ra~urt:, Julie llt:ndn,on, Michelle Lnherland.

I up nght, ,re • She lenbarger, Ed110r; m1ddle r ~ 11 Kt !\.ltltenber~er, l.d•tor, bottom n~ht emor Yearbook taft member , .\1r D1 on, ad'i or photo rapher With a he\\ of heaune at the Prom. The Yearbook 1 a TO.

of wor 11 ' A' u~ual there ~ere lot' of problem (Jo,~ of nearh p•cture . hnanoal problem\. lack of ~k,Jied ~orker' enthu ta\m). On the po\lti\C \ldt:, we ha'e co,ered all of tht e\etll\ and we have recorded them, rneenng all of our deadlines. The parucu~ produced e'eral paper th1 )ear mcludmg the emor ed1non m May'

6partacu~ 10.2

Retirefllent Dinner

On Wednesdar May 15 a retirement dinner was held at Huscon¡s Restaurant in Mason for five fine educatOrs. Over 100 people attended the party for (clockwise from left Mr Franci co (High chool Princ1palJ. .Mr . Lacy 6th left .. Mrs. Richards (1st grade), Mr Poll}¡ (H1gh School Sc1encesl, .Mr Vanderpool Or. H1gh HistOry). These wonderful educators repre ent over 150 years of service co educauon and the young people of this commumty. The pra1 es have been said; the platitude pronounced & the glasses raised ow we wish them a great retirement


A Driving Spring prmg IS a bu y. drivmg season at WHS. Th1 year, the Tenn1s and Track teams had great succe . The Mu ical "Oklahoma" was famastic as was the prom. Emil}' Purkey reigned as Prom Queen. Lora Wh1temne and Jamie George reigned as queens of the Girl's Track team with outstanding tate performances. Chm Brower was king of the Tennts court , agam gomg to tate Other evems included graduatiOn, where Greg hellenbarger was Valedictonan; Julte Henderson was alutatonan and Jon Beacham took 3rd honors. It was a busy, awve pnng.


Tennis Team Coasts to An 18-1 Season The 19!1~ Tenni Team '"'a tough. cough. cough . It coa ted to tht Kenton Trace League Champ1on hip · repre ented 1t elf well m the ewonal and DIStrict Tournaments. Team member . pictured nght are, I. tO r. row 1, L1 a Raasch. Tom Bonham. iiChelle Luca . Aaron Wnght. Knstm Raasch; row 2, Brent Coy. Jeff Lipov k1. iark Wolfe. Tim huler. Chuck Jone • Chns Brower. row '· teve Hoffman. Jason Wnght. Jon Beacham. Theo mnh. Olaf Roeder. Coach Dave Barton. The partan Tenm Team. League Champ for the ~th time in 7 ear blev. awa} the compennon m everv match except one (lo mg co 11am1 Valier Academy '.-2 w1th . Hoffman ick). Perhap the be t w1n v.a over Chaminade-Julienne. an AAA chool. The mo t uluable player was Chns Brower. who wa runner-up m the ecnonal courne} & m1 ed tate b1· one match. Brent Co1, top ub, was named Mo t Improved player. 1 t mgle Chris Brower; 2nd singles: Theo m1th; ~rd mgles: teve Hoffman. 1 t Doubles: Chuck Jones/Olaf Roder; 2nd doubles Mark Wolfe/Larr) McGUire Congratulanons to Coach Barton & the team!



Spring Concert

The WH MusiC Dept .' annua, pnng Concert was held on 1ay 16, 1985 tn t 1e lli!!h chool l!\ffi It featured the Jr lli!!h Cho1r " [Just Called tO ay I Love You""), the II .. Choir {wnh \X'e Got the Power ' & "" It E'er You re in l\.h Arm A!!atn"".); the Concert Band ('The Police in Concert"' · "The Blue~". Mr. Lei t 1!.. Mr. Bilbre\ direned


Softball l<>!l~ oftball Team ts piCtured righL bottom to r DeAnn nedegar,Kathv hannon Kikta, Jeanne Van uv Rohrback, Mtchele Ames. Ltsa tannmg. row l. Tamm} Bargo. Ltsa Weeks. Amr He ~. Kri ti Wil on. Emtl\ Purke). row \ Coach Dave Liftick, Tawn Withams, Ktm Dakm. Caroline Roger . Debbte Bunch Lori \~'ent7el. The gtrls had a young team thi vear. A lot of nme wa spent on fundamentals wtt~ semor leadmg the wa} M V P v.a Ktm Dakin. r-.uP. wa rannon Ktkta. Top batttng avg. honor went to K. Vanl\uy ¡ L. Week . The team tmpro,ed to 3-~ m the league thts year.

Seniors, top, I. to r.. Emily Purkey, Lt a Weeks; middle, Darlene Hacker; bottom, Ltsa Manning. Jeanne Rohrback.

II 0

Baseball The 198~ Ba eball Team, 1. to r., bottom, Ja on VanHoose, Calvm Crutchfield, Robert Manmng. Mtke Hubbell. tan Jordan, Chn Cole: top, Eric Coffman, Jerry Stapleton, Darren Amburgy. Denny Johnson teve Rice, cott Hathaway. David VanHoo e. The partan Baseball Team aw a lot of tmprovement this year under first year coach Jtm Johnson. Mo t Valuable Player was Davtd Van Hoose, who al o was all-league. The Mo t Impro,ed Pia) er wa Jerry tapleton who also had the Be t Batting Average The team ended a sunnv eason wtth a 6-11 record.



Ter-Bear & Kids Go to Morroc-hole & Paris

The \\II路 I rcnch Club's annual tnp tO f ranct路 th1~ \ear be~an with an unusual detour. Due to the Pam Am tnke, we were re路routed at the last moment to Casablanca, ,\lorroco Tim was a rather exotiC' expeneme for tht: ten students and three adults P1 tured below are the '>tudent partlupant m the 16 dav tnp of a llfetunc, I to r, R1ck Dunham, 'teH Taulbee, Lonna Cheek, .\11Chele Ames, Trace\ Arthur, Holh Ha\es, Tawn \\ allaam' Kath Van:'\un, Todd mtth. \\ allaam ,\term 1r . MalO) of \\'a\nes,alle and fr, Chenuv.cth ot 'prina:boro accompan1ed Mr. D1llon ( fer-Bear') 路 the student to I ranee \\ ath the dollar at 10 Ira no per priCe' m I ranct: were rea onablt. On tim page are p1 tured kad' m the sub" a), \\'allaam' fnend m front of the ,\lodern Art Museum and the group an front ot the Pans Hotel de Valle (cm hall).


Money for the trip was earned through a lor of hard work, including pastry sale, cider & apple sale, bird seed sale (2 + rons1), and the annual gourmet dinner on March 18! Highlights of the rnp include a 3 star meal at HOusrau de Beaumaniere m southern France, Nimes, Cannes, Versa1lles, Roman ruins, the great delicatessen near the fountain by the Comed1e Francaise and of course the Madeleine-Plaza hotel, our home-base m Pans. The kids w1ll never forger Mr. Dillon's "pigeon problem", the beach at Cannes, William, Steve, Lonna, Tawn & Michele "slippmg" into the Mediterranean, The Sardme Pack IntO the rented van, "gypsies", "Old McDonald's Farm", the Metro, the scavenger hunt, William performing m front of the Pompidou Centre What a great mp' What unforgettable memories!!


Diner de Gala The annual Diner de Gala, the big fund-rat ing prOJect for the French Club was held at Seeger¡ Old Mill Restaurant on Monday March 18 this year tudents from French II & III do the cooking while French I students serve the sit-down d10ner This year's menu included. Greek Mushroom alad 10 a Flakev Pastr} hell, hnmp Btsque; almon 10 Whtte Butter wtth Cucumber , Quatl wtth Pate, p10e nuts, cou -cous, and vegetable , Mtxed Gtee' alad; French Cheeses, Kiwi herbet; Baked Alaska and Friandi es (assorted cooktes & petits-fours). A vaulable learning experience was gained b} the students and them meal went more quick!)¡ and smoothly than ever! 'o one went away hungry!



-D iner de Gala 1onday,


18, 1985 -6:30 p.m.

Seeger's Old 1ill Re taurant Route 42 - Waynesville, Ohio Fine Gourmet Fare $35 .00 Donation


Boy's and Girl's State

Bo( s and Gtrl's tate Representattves chosen this year are (above, l. to r.,) Mary Trimble. Julte Dunham, Ben Ghearin~. Eric Coffman. These students are cho en on the basts of their leadershtp & character & scholarship to attend state conventions where the activtties o( tate government are earned out.

Acadetnic A wards Banquet The Academtc Awards Banquet is the highlight of the academic year. Due to absences, several recipients are nOt pictured Clock-wt e. from the right. p.116 (all pies I. to r.): French Award . Becky Maloy. Amy mtth. Tawn Willtams, Michelle Lucas, Bonnie Hoffer; cience Awards: front. Bonnie Hoffer, Tracey chteman, Brent Coy, Ben Gheanng. Mike Tidwell. back. Chri Brower Kurt Booher, Greg hellenbarger, Todd mtth. Jon Beacham, Rick Dunham, Ja on Wright, Theo mtth, at the reception; Missy Helm recetves the Warren Co. Bd. of Ed. Scholarshtp; Jon Beacham receives the Acad. Boo ter s cholar hip from Mrs. chieman; CCL cholarshtps. Mr . Jameyson (presenter), Kelh M !ten berger. Mane Kronenberger, Jon Beacham. P. 117, clock-wise: Dtstrict test award , Becky 1aloy (16th, Eng. 12), Mtssy Helm ( th, Eng. 12), Tim Ltvmgston ( 1~th, Am. Hit.). Mike Tidwell (8th. Adv. Math), Sheryl Bowie (17th, Alg. I), Brent Coy (16th, Chern.), Theo mith (11th, Chern ., Hon. Mentton- tate . American Leg. Test wmners. front, Tim huler, Becky Maloy, Tom Bonham, back, Tonya Dee, Todd Smith, Mike Tidwell; Readmg Circle Awards: Greg hellenbarger, Mrs. Clark, Shelley Lamb, Jenntfer Vanover; Juntor Class Officers Tina Bailey, Tammy Chnsty, Jamte George, Tammy Bargo, Theo Smtth.




Bonnie Hoffer is Top Freshman, Many Receive 3.5 Clock·w1 e, th1s page, from the right: Bonnie Hoffer, Freshman of the Year is congratulated b) uperintendent Charle William. The Fre hman of the Year A"'ard is g•ven to the fre man "'ho shows the be t cholarship. service. leadership and character. opf omore w1th a '.5 avg. Michele Ames, Am} Hess, Michelle Luca . Mike Tidwell, Kathy Vanl\;u · . Ta"'n Williams, Rebecca John on; Freshmen w1th ' ·5 or better average: 1ark Ander on, Bonnie Hof(er, Robert Mann mg. Julie M1chener, Chris Se sler; Juniors 'Oiilth t5 or better average· front, Tammy Bargo, Tina Ba1ley, Brent Coy. Holly Hayes, Pam Hu ~ . back, Theo m1th, Ben Ghear ng. Jerry :-:eele), Chris Bro.,.er, Seniors with a '5 or better a'erage front. Beck)' Malo~. Kel) Miltenberger•, Julie Henderson•. back, Gre0 hellenbarger•, Davey Boggs. Jon Beacham•, Mis y Helm•. The • indicates that the e student maintamed a 3.5 or better average all 4 years The Academ1c Awards Banquet is organized and put on by the ational Honor OCiety and Mrs. Clark. We congratulate them for the1r role in making academiC recognition an •mportant part of our school.


Graduation Candids



Music Awards Progra.tn Se'tral of tht award prt tnted at tht annual iuste Awards Banquet art pictured here· Left to Right, top. Mr. Bilbrty set an old fritnd at tht banquet, Chorus Award Doug Elliott, Ben Ghtaring, Charltnt Lamb, hellty Lamb. Row 2, John Phill1p ou a Award David VanHoo t; Drama Award Mark Hurlty, Doug Elliott, Jtnntfer E tts, David Young Row 3. Mr. Hoffman congratulating tht Band & Mr Bilbrty; the Loui Armstrong Jazz Award: Dalt pttznoglt; Paul Bernard pre encing tht Robert Btrnard cholar h1p to Doug Ell10tt Row 4, D•rtctor's Award: Grtg htllenbargtr; Mu 1cal Award : Bt t Actrt Jam it Brower, Bt t upp. Actress Julie Dunham. &st upp. Actor Greg helltnbarger, Btst Actor, Btn Ghtanng Tablt at Awards Banquet.

OK-LA-HO-MA, (better than) O.K.!! WAYNESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL presents

Cast of Characters In Otd• of Appeer1nce

Aunt E S.r Murphy

Jute Dunham

a.n Ghea• "'l

Cur y MeCa.n Uurty Wi



SlJm W

lp If

Oluck Jones

Co<d E am



Mo•k Hu<ltv

lka Sk;dmora




Jud Fry

Dun Cook

Ado Ann e Clrrtes Ah Hll(•m

G'"!! Shelonbl'liOf

Gert•t Curnm ng11

MJrcbe It Mer et


Ktthy Stlpftton

May 9, 1985 8:00p.m.

Jul1t HenderJOn

Eon V no

Jenn fer Ettft

Catnv Robertson Doug E IOU

Waynesville High School

Enn J'ay R~¥t. Rev


M<S1y 8Min Clrler Cns e Crtb I

Son•• Ctteeh May 9, 10, lit 11, 1985

8 :00p.m.

Chorut 1 ~ o.nc.ra Oewnt Edwards Btcky Forsvtne CNr toe Ll'nb Mtc:N 1 l thor ond ~~rue Maybury

HN her M tel'lbergtr Cr1 g M-MICI( EWry Rn_ H Rt'teneeSrrut



Seat ~/..9!. __ _ Adults $4.00 Students $2.50


With David Leist, econd year as dtreccor, Oklahoma was a big succe There was a great atmo phere of cooperauon. wnh the parents helping a lot. This year, an orchestra, made up of WH band members and professional musicians, added a lot to the mu ical.


En1ily Purkey Queen of ((Great'' Pron1 Emily Purkey (right, dancing With Chris Cole) was chosen Queen of the 1985 Junior- emor Prom. 2nd Runner-Up was Julie Henderson (below nght, to the left of Emily) and I t Runner-Up ,,.-a Melanie Mo er (right of Emily). Below, Emtly hears the news of her choiCe as Queen. The Prom was lively and spirited and people danced all evening . . . both slow and fast. The buffet was a little ho-hum but the location at the College Football Hall of Fame at Kmg s I land wa a good choiCe. The Queen and her Coun were lovely and there wa a good feeling "All ight Long" (the theme of the Prom).




((All Night Long ... ''


Awards Medal av.:ards tht year went to a number of out tandmg Semors, several of whom are ptctured on this page. Following are the awards gtven Englt h. Greg hellenbarger; French. Melt a Helm: Art, Heather Ha s; octal tudies. Mehssa Helm, Math A D tence. Greg hellenbarger, Busine s. Julie Hender on, Latin A 'D Citizenshtp, teve Ryan, Yocanonal, teven Reed; Dtrector's Award-Band, Greg hellenbarger;John Phtl 1p ou. a Award, Davtd Van Hoo e: Louts Arm trong Award, Dale pttznogle; Choral Award, Doug Elliott; ParticipatiOn in Activities Marie Kronenberger; alutatorian, Julte Hender on, Yaledictonan, Greg hellenbarger; Oh10 Board of Regents Achievement awards¡ Mtssy Helm, Joh Beacham, Julie Henderson, Kelly Miltenberger; Raymon F. Hatfield Award, Mike Cassidy; Mary L. Hartsock Award, Mane Kronenberger; Presidential Academtc F1tne Awards. Jon Beacham, Missy Helm, Julte Henderson, Becky Maloy, Kell} Miltenberger, Tanya Roeder, Greg hellenbarger, SCHOLAR HIPS. Rotary Oub, M1 sy Helm, Jon Beacham, Juhe Hender on, Greg hellenbarger, Ohto Academic & J Brent Crane Memonal. G hellenbarger: Robert L Bernard, Doug Elliott: Honor octety, M Helm & G hellenbarger: Academic Boo ters, J Beacham: Wayne vi.le L10ness Club, Khn tle Behnken; P T.O., iarie Kronenberger; Lton's Club, M. Helm, G hellenbarger, K Mtltenberger. CCL, K . Miltenberger, J Beacham, M . Kronenberger; Warren Co. Bd Of Ed., M . Helm Congratulations to these fine students1

One Hundred Thirteenth


C(JMME.NC ~.~IF!'.'T Sunday. June 2

A!.IJMM BANQUET S.turday . Ma) 25



CLA' OF IN& llayn•mll• H.,t> Scl>oal lburi AdtiN AllttlaArtbw

•Rodney Bailer

··•••4•• .lld•ehci.a•

•KhrYtotlk Allan •O.nd lotp CUrt~tlooofter

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Qmuoplu aroobhiN


lbal!J Co!fmu o...., CooIt

Cook Ca.i•lnCr\IWltt"Mid l..aOIC'II

o ....... o..c

•Jtkherd Owlham Jamn llam DoYiluiWott

.t.romer• ..a., Tom• Farl.,. Ouwtopllw F'"'flan Dultna Hacku Gall Htltom •HuLhttHMI bttHt\tt.awt.y

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1 133

The 1985 Gtrl's Track had a vel) trong season, finish10g 2nd 10 the Regional and endmg two excellent cinder¡ women to the tate Track feet. Jamie George & Lora White tine took M V P award with Donna Carter the Most Improved . Debra Robtson took a new school record m the High Jump (5'2'') while Bonnie Hoffer placed high in several long-distance race . Out tde of en10g record in JU t about evel)¡thing. Jamie took 3rd in the tate 10 both the long jump & 1 m. hurdles, Lora al o et new record on her way to tate ~rd ( '>OOm.), 1. to r. D Carter, L Whnesnne, D . Robt on, J. George, B Hoffer A small but mtght> team'!!


Girl's Track

Boy's Track

The 198~ Track Team is piCtured left: I. to r. kneeling Maynard andy, Robb1e Rasnake, Vance Va1r, David Gerspacher, William Merns; tandmg, Coach Tim Gabbard, Mark Bryant, Dan Dav1s, Mike Cass1dy, Jeff Hall. The Boy' Team enJOyed several individual uccesses this season, With Vance Yair qualifying for the 4 m. dash at tate I He placed 13th in the prelims). Mike Cass1dy m1ssed qualifying for tate by 1 inch' MVPs: M. Cassidy & V Vau Tim Gabbard was the boy's track coach.



Jr. High Coasts

• • •

The Junior High coasted through the 84-85 school year moothly under the leadership of new Assistant Pnncipal Ms. Marla Banks. It was a year filled with man> events: cience fair, Football, Field Day, Volley ball, Basketball, Spellmg Bee, Assembltes, Sock Hops, now Days, Jr. H1gh k1ds going to Wa hington, D.C. w1th the band, Mr. Vanderpool' fish stories for the last ume, those WILD e1ghth graders, Culture Da}, the challenge of new courses and teachers and most of all, a chance to grow and be a better person. Some coasted through the year; others drove themselves to learn more'


Class of '89 Randy Abbotc Li a Agee Mike Allen Joe Ander on Davtd A hmore prmg Barger am Bennett Tara Bolanger Mar} Boggs Ttm Boggs Wend} Boyer Kn tt Brunton Davtd Bryant Davtd Burke Dale Campbell Rpn Campbell cott Campbell Davtd Carman Joe Carter BenJI Casebolt Da,id Cates Jenny Ces na Carl Chaney TnC!a Chnst}· Davtd Clark Rus ell Clark Am} Coffman hannon Coffman Duane Conley Todd Cook Tonya Cornett Ca 1e Crabtll David Dakm Tracy Daniels edra Ellinger Patncia Elliot Jennifer Elton Coye Ferguson Wendell Fergu on Jeannie Fields Vngtma Fo ter tm Fox Greg Freeman Mane Gaffin usan Gerspacher Doug Gib on John Gmocchto Meli a Gradel Kennr Grismer Janelle Hadle} Delon Hafner Joe Hall Jeff Harner Mike Hayes


Rob Heiden David Henry Ang1e H1ggins Kim H1sle Dallas Hollan Lynn Houseright Geneva Isaac Shane Jackson Bret Jamepon Jerry Johnson Wayne Kibler Tammy Kilpatrick Mindy Kmsley Jonathan Lamb Kelly Lamb K1m Lamb tephanie Lamb Wenda! Lamb Mary Beth Lander Deanne Lewis Wendy Limon M1ke Litherland Robin Little Tom Llewellyn Valene Long Matthew Madden Heather Malone} Melanie Maybuq Kevin 1cCann Conme McCloud Bnan McKeehan teve Me utt Paul Mead hawna Meador Heather Miltenberger Laura Morgan Heather Musson Amy Myers Joe 'eace Kevm JChols Anne O'Connor ~i1ssy Palmer Debbie Pennington Julie Pemt Amta Poole Amy Prewitt Angie Prewitt Dav1d Prew1tt Perry Purke) Knssie Pursley Chad Reeves Harriet Ridmger Deborah Rogers Rebekah Roger 139

Field Day



Class of '90 William Abner Ena Anderson tephan1e Austm Lance Bennett Paul Bledsoe Theresa Boggs Donald Booher Greg Bowser A hley Boyd Jeffery Brown Lenn Burgess Bradley Burton Mattew Carnes Jason Caner Man Caner Renee Cates Chns Chernesky Alica Choate Bilhe Jo Chnstman Virgil Clark Wilham Collard Heath Cook Collms Cranmer Dorothy Crawford Cra1g Dakm Conme Dav1s Kyle Dooley Greg Elcook Jam1e Ellis D1ana Farler Melissa Farley¡ Kevm Fenner Carman Fields Kathenne G1bson Su an Gmocchio Rodney Hamiel Rodney Hamm Rebecca Hartman Trav1s Hatmaker Sam Hoffer Ang1e Hurley Lee James Jason Johnson Kathy Jones Robert Kallage Kelly Keegan MIChelle Kibler Teresa Kilpatrick

14 2

Stephen Koesters Rex Kuriger Cratg Lamb Lorrene Lamb Phtlltp Lamb Shawn Lindser Thomas Lmebaugh Dawn McKeehan Tamara Mannmg hannon Mead Thorn Michener hananne Miller Tim Miltenberger Kelly Miranda Duane apter Donald 'eeler David Oakes Robert Parker Pam Parks Jenmfer Peters Robert Phillips Chns Phtpps Teresa Poole Knsty Ray Ryan Ray John Reed 'athan Robison taCte Rodgers Jamie andlin MIChelle COte Jeff Sesslar Mike Shaffer James Shuler Billy Smith Rebecca Smtth

Jean wartz Brad Thacker ichole Thomas

Jason Thornburg Melissa VanHorn

ot Pictured are; Robert Doyle Robyn Hodge Lewts Isaacs Mtssy pencer Jamte VanWinkle


Jr. High Football

Th~ Junior

High Football T~am work~d hard but came up v.ath a 2-4 ea on. Th~ mo t \aluable pla\~r was Chad R~~\t~. fo t Hluable off~n "e lineman wa David Prev.itt; the Mo t nluable often ave back wa Jack W" te tan~ the mo t valuable d~fen i\e play~r wa teve fcl:\:utt. The team pictur~d right gaaned 1 lot of experience; r. tO 1.. Row I, Da\ad Her ry 1 awn Linde}. Phalip Lamb, Ja on John on, Jeff Brown. Matt Carter. Bnan McKeean, 81 ly math; Rov. 2.J~ Hall. Chad R~~' e . Da a Hollan. Pern tale , R~x Kur [.:er, Wavn~ Kabbler, K~van '\ chol Row 3. t~\~ Mc!'l:utt, Davad Prewatt, Matt Carn~ , Robbae Phillip , J~ff chi~man, T~rf} alyer ; Row I, Tim Boggs, Ken Gr; mer Jack Wlur~ tan~. Bf}·an Wilson, Jeff Harn~r. BenJi Ca ~bolt. Coaches (not pic.) w~re Coach~ Mr. ~s~r. Mr. Brad!~\ · Mr. Edward


Cheerleaders Pictured left are the 1984-~ Junior H1gh Cheerleaders l. to r. Teresa Kilpatnck, Teresa Boggs, Ang1e Prewitt, Missy Farley (not pic IS Connie McCloud). The Junior H1gh Cheerleaders, under the dnecuon of Mrs. Watson, cheer at all home basketball & football games ( + some away games). A small squad, they did a very good JOb!

Soccer! There was a lot of interest in soccer at WJH th1s year. Two teams were organized & are pictured left. Immediate left: l. to r Row 1, David Ashmore, Bret Jami on, Joe Carter, J1m huler, Kevm Fenner, Jeff essler; Row 2, Tim Miltenberger, Tom MIChener Ryan Ray. Paul Meade. Tim Williams, John Gmocch10, Bobby Lucas, Row 3. Coaches Roger Fenner & Larry Williams Bottom left: Row 1 Dav1d Clark, David Oake . Collins Cramner, Chad Corwm am Hoffer; Row 2 Linn Muse! in, Mike Allen, Dav1d Bryant. Joe Ander on Bradle} Burton. Kevm McCann; Row 3. Coaches AI tapleton & Harley Allen


7th and 8th Grade Volleyball To the nght is the th grade volleyball team L. to R .. Bottom row; Je se Rus ell, hannon Meador. Geneva Isaacs, Patricia Elliot. Middle row; Angie Htggins, Lynn Hou enght, Laura Morgan, Jenn}¡ Elton, Jennifer Ce sna. Top Row; Deborah Roger . L1 a Agee, Mr. Weirauch, Kelly McKenzte, Tara Bolanger. Mtddle nght 7th grade volleyball team I to r, Bottom row; Rebecca Hartman, Alica Choate, Pam Parks, Ltsa pargur, Robyn Hodge, Row 2; Carmen Fields, Kelly Mtranda, Tamara Manning, Kelly Keegan. Jean wartz, hannon Meade, Top row; Debbte Rogers, Ltsa Agee, Mr Wetrauch, Kelly McKenzte, Tara Bolanger

7th and 8th Grade Basketball

To the left is the 8th grade ba ketball team I. to r.: top row; Geneva Isaacs, Marie Gaffico, K1m Kle ki, Jenny Elton, Angie H1ggms, Mary Lander . Bottom Row; Je se Rus ell, Laura Morgan. Anne 0 Connor, Heather Mu on, Missy Palmer. The m1ddie left 1 the th grade basketball team from I. to r.: top row¡ Shannon Meade, Dawn McKeehan, Alica Choate, Pamm Parks, Kelly Miranda, D1ana Farler, Tammy Manning, Bottom row taq Col~ard , Jam'e Von Winkle, Robyn Hodge, L1sa pargur Jenny Peters.

7th Grade Boy's Basketball The 7th grade boy' ba ketball team had a fun sea on for both the coach and the boys. Although the 4 wins and 10 lo ses don't look too 1mpre 1ve on paper, It was a remarkable reCO\ery after an o-6 tart. Coach Cook tated. "The thmg that 1mpre ed me the mo t was the attitude and de ire that the boys ga\e in the 14 games and many months of practice." He al o added that a coach couldn't have a ked for a better group of young men. At the award banquet: Robb1e Kallage rece,ved Be t Offen e, Dav1d Oake -Best Defen e, and Phillip Lamb· fo t Improved. Recognition al o went to Perry tile~ and Don Booher for their leader hip on and off the court. Team p1c. I. to r., Back row: Phillip Lamb. Perry ule , hawn Lmdsey Robb\ KaUage. Ryan Ra) , Rex Kuriger, Coach Dale Cook, middle: Don Booher. David Oakes, Jeff Brown, Don 'eely. Trav1s Hatmaker, Jeff Se sler; front: managers Ryan Cook, Kvle Dooley. iatt Johnson.











'-"' "!{'"'\ ,....("" I







8th Grade Boy's Basketball

Team pic. I. to r., Back row: Coach Callahan, Tim Boggs, Jack White one. Jeff Harner, Todd Cook. Chad Reeves, Joe Anderson, David Prew1tt, Mike Allen; middle row Dale Campbell, Robbie Heiden, Ken Grismer, Timmy Withams, Brian McKeehan. Dallas Hollan; front row; managers Dav1d Henry, Joe Hall.

Junior High Track

To the far left is the boys track team p1crure: Back Row: Mike Hayes, John Ginocchio, Jeff Harner, 1m Fox, Phill1p Lamb, Front Row; Coach Gus Ed ....-ards, Rob He1den, Collins Cramer, Matt Van Hoose, am Hoffer P1crured nght is the girl track team. Back row; L1sa Agee, M1ssy Gradel, hannon Mead, Rebecca Hartman, Angie Higgins, Front Row; usan Ginocch10, Teresa K1lpatrick. Heather Musson, Theresa Boggs, Jennifer Peters, Coach Barb Edwards. The mo t \aluable pla)·er for the bop team was Philhp Lamb and the most Improved player "'-as Joe Hall The most valuable player for the girls team was Ang1e Higgins and the most improved player was Theresa Boggs. The young team coached by Gus & Barb Edwards gained lots of experience this )·ear.


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WCCC Juniors L. co r.. Front row; Cvnthta llacfield, Tere a Bt hop, Cn cal Gib on, Tammy Lamb, Mt v Buckle. Tonp Conner. Vikkt troop. 1t r Blevtn . Dtann Fergu on. Mt } eace, Pam Hu ey. Jennifer Montag, Mtddle row, Bobby Davts. Ron Mtlby, Bngec Campbell. Lee ayers, Ton1· caford. 1ike Randolf. Bnan Howard, Enc Coffman, Jerri· 1\eelev. Edmond Henry, Tim Bennett. Mike Chn cman Back row; Roger Brigg , Leon John on, Chri Phelp , Clifcon Minntck, Allen Ca ebolc. John Montag, Greg Ru h. Rob fredrick. Chris Lowe,







W.C.C.C. Seniors Pietured ri~ht ' a maJOnty of the \\ H entor~ at the \\ arren Coumv Career Center J V. I to r Anneue Ltvm,g con. Rand} Brown, Deanne Ra nake, Tim Hoffer. Roxte Thomp on, teve Reed. han Mullin . Cindy Young. Lt a utherland, Dawn Lander, Rtta Marconet. Ktm Yout e}. te'e Bogg . J mm\ E.am. Wavne vtlle Htgh chool Semors were aettve in some ~0 program at WCCC. several of whiCh are shown on these pages Several piCtures of WCCC tudems at prom are hown also. For additional ptcture . ee the emor ecuon of the 1985 partan!





In Park

• • •

We've taken a drive Through the year · 5 We've tned to show you the scene ... We've now had our lark, We've put her tn park ... And here she sits all polished and clean!



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