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Back Row: Coach Vretto , oach Harvey, Colleen Aiello, Jes ica Dahnke, Shelby ewland, Hilary Lindauer, Kat lmwalle, Whitney Cole, Head Coach Pari h Middle Row: Paige Fedor, Brandi ole, ydney Hogan, atalie Van tta, Hannah Imwalle, Morgan Gib on, Megan Folev, Jcna Pari h, Jc ica Bow cr; Front Row: Chcl ca VanHorn, mv Bricker
Back Row: Kyle Knepper, Chris Warfel, Cory Hopwood, Dustin Riley Mark Becker Alex Downard, Ben Liles Middle Row: Daniel Parsons, Myles Greely Jeff Messinger, Brad Richmond, Caleb Liles, Ryan Beatty, Coach Kris Stiver Front Row: Tyler Ewing, Spencer Kimball, Andrew Foged
Senlort;: Courtn6y Hur16y, Elyt;6 N6Ioon, KatJe Campvell, Molly FttzpatrJok, 1..6al6y KJm, AIIJoon Me~~ Ke!aJ Hur16y
f3aok L to R: Aeet. Coaoh6e: JamJ6 Barton, Clatr6 Atzpatrfok, Clatr6 Norton, Farran Etd8, K.6ID Cook6, Aehley Durham, Jordan Pool6, Mok6nna Warf6~ E116n Woolf, Katt6 Mor~ Coaoh: Dlok Mt116r Mk:ldl6: Kat16 Hamilton, Er~oa Datltl6r, Katt6 Campv6ll, Allloon M6ae6~ Mlel Hurl6y, Ely~ Netoon, Courtn6y Hurl6y, Laur6n Pr!G6 Aret Row, Captrurw: Molly Atzpatrtok, Kaytt6 Rloharde ana L6el6y Kim 29
Back Row L to R: Taylor Peter , Michelle Eckle~, Megan Markl, Molly Zeh, Emily tanley, hel ea chaaf Middle Row L to R: mber Helton, Natalie Dowe, Tasha Tipton, Brittany Stacy, Bet y Jone Front Row L toR: ikki McGeehan, Cry tal Stacy, Brittanie Etienne, Jamie Withrow, Andrea ackett, Whitney Violette
r I s 38
Back row: Mandy Viox, Mckenna Warfel, Molley Alford, Katie Hamilton Middle Row:Carly Crowe, Kaylie McCloud, Katie Morgan Front Row: Sarah Dick and Kayla Farra Coaches:Dick Miller and Jamie Barton
y s Back row: Matt Storer, Eric Berger, Arick Downard, Justin Mohme, Kyle Markl. Front row: Danny Parsons, Michael Dunkin, Myles Greely, Ben Chamberlain, Caleb Liles, Josh Apple. Coach: Not Pictured:Andy Hoeweler, Matt Unger, Nick Tuck, Josh Howell
Back:Dan1el ~1arkl. \111chacl Ryan. Randy \111ller Th1rd RO\\,'v1aggJC l ngcr. Elh Gilbert, nd)' DC\\inc. Andre\\ Fogcd Kyhn \11alonc)'. Dan1cllc Johnson Second Row:Ehzabcth Raspcr. Jennifer mith . am ofTe)'. on1a houp. pencer K1mball. Deena Plamondon Fmt Row:TifTan)' Vochringcr. \11cgan R1mpo. Knstcn tubbs. Karla talcy . .\nna Abrantcs. Abb} Hall. Angela Dermer
Hen, Devin rnold, Quentin ailey, icole Baker, Courtney
Benge , Te a Boring, Zachary arrier, Brian
,Da 1d on, Korey ermer, Kell~ eter , Brad~ Doran, Elizabeth atalie
Etde, Farran Elton, Cameron aul, ichola ergu on, Oli 1a rank, Jame ood, Tyler Hamilton, dam Hamilton, Ju tin Hamilton, Kati
John on, arah Jone , Mallori Keegan, K~ I Kemp, K~ I Ke e, ara:
Rtchard on, Bnttany Richmond, Brad Rile~, Du tin Robert on, Brittney chwerdtfeger, Luke
ard1 , Bret crncll, Michelle racy, Tyler Vanatta, amantha Vanhorn, Brandon
Top Row: Coach John Murphy, Garret Hahn , Joe Lamb , Wes Larkin , Dylan Schwerdtfeger, Cory Hopwood , Coach Mike Violette Bottom Row: Kyle Violette, Andy Dewine , Cameron Jones, Brady Deters. Travis Williams
Top Row: Coach Stupp, Shelby Newland , Erica Danner, Michele Jewett, Jessica Dahnke; Middle Row: Kat lmwalle, Kelly Dermer, Mallorie Jones, Jessica Williamson ; Bottom Row: Sam VanAtta , Lauren Price, Farran Eide
Coach Meredith, Jeff Messinger, Dale Coffey, Dustin Riley, Jimmy Frank, Austin Beam, Jake Kindred , Max Gabbard
Steven Rice, Cory Young, Brandon Gautreaux, Stephen Gossard, Danny f:'arsons, Josh Apple, Spencer late, Caleb Utes, Myles Greely, Luke Dale, Devon Burton
Back: Coach Jenae James, Emily Michael, Kayla Spires, Hannah lmwalle, Beth Cardona Middle: Molley Alford, Ashley Cornett, Lauren Price, Morgan r---~ Gibson, Jessica Dahnke Front: Jessica Bowser, Alanna Stewart
Front Row L toR: Michelle Eckley and Taylor Peters
. Jeff Winkler, am Homm, helsea t, Anna Megan Foley; 4th: tcphanie Bellar,~ t ax Gabbard. Dale Coffey, Michelle Eckley. Emily Stanley, Sarah Johnson. Bobbi Wilson, Briann Woods: 3rd: Adam Konen, Jake Lamb, Abe Farley. Michael Dimascio. Karla Staley. 1 ¡atashia Tipton, Branda Reynolds. Claire 1\!orton: 2nd: Sam Davidson. Kristina Beckett. Heather James, M1chele Jewett, Jimi Hanaur, Kir. tin Felumlee, Jonathon Ma1e, Jacob Stock: Bottom: Amy Bricker, Courtney Hurley, Farran Eide. Lucas Hammonds. Elyse Nelson. Mrs. Lcuth. Hugh Stockier. Cameron Elton, Tyler Good, Joey Kapper
, L to Johnson, Jennifer Smith, Jena Parish, Jordan Davis, Rachel Martin, Mrs. Polzinetti, Dani mold, Sam Coffe). Katie Patton.
Amanda omb Megan Rimpo Danielle John on Maggie nger arah John on
Megan Ke e Angela Dermer .\ hle~ Tire~ Megan Rimpo Brom>v)n Jone Kirstin Felumlee Branda Reynold
J/UiJJ!w~ V ~resibent
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Choir Director DavU! Coffey
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Agnew, Jame Alford, Kel ey Arm trong, Falon Arnold, Danelle Beam, Au tin Becker, Mark Beckett, Andrew Beckett, Kri tina Benge , Zach Berger, Eric Ble in , ndrew Brown, Du tin Bulpin, lly on Bunnell, Michael Burkard, Brian Burke, David ar ten, Ali on a on, Je ica a idy, Kayla offman, ngie ole, Whitney omb , Chri tie ook, Zachary ook K lli ouch Jo hua ro gro e, Caleb Da i , Jordan Dille, ydney Dima cio, Anthony Down rd e and r Duff, aron Durham, hley Eltzroth, Timothy England, u tin Feluml , Kir ten U
te den, Ju tin Fole , Megan Fortener, Brittany Frye, ourtne Go ard, Emily
d Hanauer, J arne Hapner, Janna Ha tell, nna 85
nJamm ton, Alexander McGilli ra , ichola McKee er, Matthew McKinzie, Zackery i -
au e , ra 1 Pitzer, Britani Poole, Jordan Proffitt, Tyler Richard , Katherine
tewart, J am1e tump, Leigha inne., Holly ata hia hley 86
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Top Row: Coach Foltz, Coach Jordan, Jessica \Villiam on J a o · , en 'ood, Jordan Poole, Erica Danner, Shelby 1 • C\\ land, Che a orn, Erica f'ogcd, Coach Stupp Bottom Row: Sam Vanatta, Amand tevenson, Heather Sharpe, Kayla Farra, Katie Morgan, vcnson, Amy Bricker, Tashia Tipton Hillary Lindauer, Rach I J
Amy Bricker, Chelsea VanHorn, Rachel Stevenson
am, enJamm ole, Brandi omett, Ashley omett, Brooke omett, Kevin
rna cio, Michael arley, braham arley, Tyler arra, Kayla ee, m elumlee, Ben oged, Erica rangaki , Maria autreaux, ¡b on, Morgan ard, Stephen Greely , Myle Cortney
egan er, Jeremy , Jacob on, hley wi , Jordan
ay, Lauren cloud, Kaylie
nan a r , Brittany
nk, Chel ea
Waynesvi!k Jl1fJii Scfioo{(}Tom 2007 StarCit ~mance
Waynesvi!k JfiiJii Scfioo{(Jlrom 2007 Starfit ~mance
Wayru.witre 1fieft. Sclioo[(hom StarCit ~mance
Waynesvitre 1fieft. Sclioo[(hom 2007
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Nikki, You have made us proud since day one. We love and cherish every moment. Set your goals high and live life to the fullest. Good luck in your future. Love, Dad, Joey, Bandit
Rachel, You have been a joy since the moment you were born. You have grown into a wonderful young woman that we couldn't be prouder of. Love, Mom & Amanda
Alii, Our Little Alii, We are so proud of you, You have such a promising future in hair design. You are going to be awesome! Love, Mom & Dad
So much has changed So much IS the same So many paths it seems like a game But you're ready now for whatever life brings fill your heart and your world with many great things Congratulations with love From Mom and LB
Andy, We are very proud of you!! Celebrate this moment and make the most of all life has to offer. The future is yours and what you make of it. Congratulations and Be jlijlliii.._ Happy! ! Love, Mom, Tom, & Chanda
1.256 games, 39 skinned knees, 7 sprained ankles, 3 black eyes, 1 dislocated thumb: all for the love of the "game". What a fun ride, Aiim! Love ya, Dad & Mom
Dusty, You are such a blessing in our lives. We love you and are so proud of everything you have accomplished. Follow your dreams-Good ~-L.;I~uc;:.k. at Ohio State! Love, Dad, Mom, Tyler, Kelly, and Michael
Holly, You are the sweetest! You have a great future ahead of you. We are all so proud of you! Love you so much! Love, Dad, Mom, and April
Dear Kristin, Wow, what an amaz1ng girl you are! We are so proud of you and all you've accomplished. Always believe in yourself and keep smiling! We love you! Mom, Dad, and Bryan
Dear Jasmine, Wishing you success in all your dreams. We are so proud of you! Always keep God first place in your life. We love you! Jeremiah 29:11 Much Love, Dad & Mom
Samuel, The world is now your stage. You are our Shining Super Star! Follow your passion and you'll hit your mark. We are proud of you, by Bear! Love, Mom, Kenny, Dad
Dear Courtney, We are so proud of you. What a blessing you have been to all. Hope all your dreams come true. May God bless you in all you do. Love, Mom, Dad, & Ashten
Punkadoodle, What an amazing journey. You started school just a baby; Now you're all grown up ready to face the world. May God be with you. Psalm 32:8
May you have as much happiness as you have given us. Follow your dreams & never give up. You are special ! Love, JfliiiiiiJ!~~ Mom, Dad & Whitney
We Love You Dad, Mom
Michael, We are so proud of all you have accomplished in your first 18 years! We are always here for you! We Love You! Dad, Mom, Josh & Ashley
Billy, What you get out of life depends on what you contribute. Give BIG. We are proud of you.
Elyse, We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Your gentle spirit has endeared you to everyone around , especially your cats. Good Luck in pursuing your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad, Ryan, Andrea, Tyler, and Abigail
Dan, We wish you so much joy, happiness, and love. Now, go and make your dreams come true, you have our love and support. We love you! Mom, Dad, and all your family
Love Always, Mom and Dad
11 9
Heather, We are o proud of the inner qualitie you po e and di play of love, care, and concern of other and your pa ion for excellence in your academic , athletics, and your Chri tian life.
Congratulations ! We love you and are very proud of you. May you have as much happiness as you have given us.
Love, Dad, Clara, and Nick
Your # 1 Fans, Mom, Dad , Jenae, Ali ha & Coco
If Gram were here today, I could ju t hear what she would say, As your enior year comes to an end, She would look at you with her big wide grin, I love you my Little HeadyShe would whisper in your ear And hold you close, probably shed a few tear . I'm o proud of you, the beautiful young woman you've turned out to be. Remember I will always be there for you; Just close your eyes and you will see me. Forever clo e to your heart, Grams
You are a great person! You have been a leader & inspiration to many people! We are so proud of you! You are the best! Our Waynesville Idol! Love, Your Family
Dear Megan Congratulations, Megan, we are so proud of you! May you always keep a smile on your lips, a dance in your heart, and God in the center of your life. May you strive to make all your dreams come true. Love, Mom, Dad, and Nicolas
Tiffany, We are so proud of you. Each day you amaze us with your determination and conviction. We know the best is yet to come. Love, Mom, Dad, Thomas
Cassie, I can't believe that my baby is all grown up and going away to college. Just know that we're so proud and we hope for the brightest of futures for Baby Ruth. Love, Mom & Dad
Lesley, From Lady Spartan to Proud Buckeye. We are proud of what you have accomplished, but more importantly, whom you have become. Continue to be great! We love you! Love, Mom, Dad, and Leigh a
Dear Brittany, We are so proud of who you are and all you do. You are a true inspiration to all. Keep God in you heart. We love you dearly! Forever For Always And no matter what, Mom, Dad, and Justin
Angela, Congratulations Angela, you are so talented and we are so proud of you. We love you. Love, Mom, Dad, April, Kenny, Kelly, Shelby, and Bailey
We are so proud and blessed to have been a part of all your achievements. May you both find happiness on life's journey. We love you both so much.
Congratulations Son, We are sooo very proud of you and the young man you have become. Your positive attitude, vibrant personality, and leadership skills will lead you successfully towards your goals. Mom, Dad & Luke
Lindsey, Congratulations! We're ve ry proud of you and all you 've accomplished. You 've proven you can achieve and overcome anything. Remember, we're always here for you . Love ya, Mom, Granny, Jessica, and Brandon
Jonathan, What we have said all these years is still true! "You ARE a Champion and a Winner!" We are SO proud of you son!
Chelsea, Thanks for taking us on this journey with you-from adorable child to beautiful young adult. Can't wait to see what the future brings!
Love, Daddio, Mum & Haley
Through the years watching you grow, our lives have been enriched and full of joy. You are truly a gift from God. May all dreams come true. We Love You, Mom, Steve & Sissy
All our love, Dad & Tish
Jayme: No words can describe the spe<:ial joy that comes from having a wonderful daughter like you to love and cherish. All My Love, Mom
Jenny, From baby steps to confident adult, we have been blessed to watch you grow. And now, with great honor, we get to see u fly. The sky's the limit sweetheart. Love, Mom, Dad and Family
Tabitha, Remember Mathew 5:14. Show the world who you are. Hold on to what you believe in and be proud of what you have accomplished rday, today, and your tomorrows. We Love You. Mom, Dad, and Abby
Jamie, You have always had the drive to make things happen. Take that passion and make the world a better place! We are so roud of you! We love you, Mom, Dad, & Morgan
We are so proud and you have worked so hard to get here. Congratulations and you should be proud of yourself.
Congratulations Class of 2007! From the Isaacs Family
Love, Mom, Dad, and Joe
Decor tore 232 tumi Street Waynewi! , OH 45068 Da•ly 10:00- 'iOO ~nday 12:00 - 'i:OO t!fll:lil· fahsh:.~ck c:arthlink.net Phone 897-0711 ToO Free 1-877-666-4245 Quilt tore - Wayn . VIlle, OH 4S068 99 South Marvm Lane PO. Box S17 10:00- 5:00 D:lily • 10:00 - 800 TIHJRSDAY • 12:00- S:OO tJNf>AY Phone (513) 897..()()92 email info fal rio.lw:k.com Fa'\: ('il3) H97-7l7S wwwJahricshack.com
Chernesky, Heyman & Kress
P.L.L. Attorney at Law
Congratulations Seniors!
Suite 1100 10 Courthou e Plaza W Dayton OH 45402 (937) 449-2 00
Hartsock Village Florist
www. chklaw. com
Monday - Thur da7 9-5 Wedne day 9-1 aturda7 9-1 141 orth treet unda7 lo ed P. . Box 316 Wayne \ille, OH 4506 1-513- 97-4026
\\riMoW CONSTRUCTION New Contruction Remodeling Andersen Window repair
Bob Withrow
(513}897-6544 207 N.St. Rt 42
Caesar Creek Animal CUnic S11garcreek Animal Clinic (937) 657-3749
Delivery Hou odayaSaturday 4:00.10:00
YOUI 1~1i!i;i.i~~ 2028 E. St. Rt. 73 11/4 mi. east of Rt. 481 a sville
•Pizza •Chips • Calzones •Pop •Sandwiches • Or anything , Side Orders in the store
Waynesville Lumber & Supply Co
3 9 Maple Street Waynesville, OH 45068 Hours of Operation 7:30am-5:00pm (Monday-Friday) 8:00 am- 12:00 pm (Saturday)
Electrical Services
t1avidsot1 Meat Processit1g 6+90 Corwl11 Ave. WayiiUvtlle. 011 4S081 15"1 197-%971 GOOf) WCK SENIOR!//
ROBERT G. LO G PREAIDENT & CEO Office (513) 897-6545 Mobile (937) 604-2226 Fax (513) 897-7005 Toll Free (877) 435-6545
BYERS Pam & Dale Bowman
Dr. James K. Byers
Suite 150
4353 St. Rt. 73 Waynesville OH. 45068
Phone: (513)897-0997 Fax:(513)897-1678 121 S. Main St Waynesville, ON 45068 513-89'n333
E-mail: JBYERS9@EARTHLINK.NET drjimbyers.com
Congratulations to Molly Fitzpatrick, Brittany Ference, Sondra Bunnell and the Class of 2007!
Hours: 10am-9pm
Monday- unday
Proud upporters ofthe
l1 aynesville Spa1¡tans!
Congratulations Class of 2007! Be t wi he for a fabulou future, Fred and Donna Tweel
Seniors Tru tin the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own under tanding; in all your way acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Shed Antiques 85 . Main trret P.O.BOX 514 Wayne ville, OHIO PHO E (513)897-6326 General lines- Dealer Welcome \tonda}- aturda} 11:00-5:00 open unda} 1:00 - 5:00 Vi it Wa}ne ville' other fine hop Please remember us when you have an antiques to sell
Waynesville Body Shop 137 N. US HWY 42
Pro erb 3:5-6
Mary L. Cook Public Library 381 Old Stage Rd. Waynesville, Oh 45068
2969 Seal Road â&#x20AC;¢ Franklin , Ohio 45005 (937) 748-1559 Fax (937) 748-1568
513-897-4826 Good Luck Seniors!
2969 Beal Road Franklin, Ohio 45005 (937)-748-1559
1985 Roxanna New Burlington Rd Waynesville, OH 45068 937-862-7000 fax: 862-9113
Darin Dodge President 1151!. ~St. 11/a~t/e, ()~ 513-197-5966 127
Doug Rhmehart wndscap~ D~stgnu &
(937) 885-2973 fax (937) 85-5375
"THE ANTIQUES CAPfi),L OF THE MIDWEST".. Oloo SAuERKRAUT FESTIVAL - 2N> FULL WEEKEND IN OcroeER PO. Box 281, WAYNESVIUE, OHIO 45068 513-897-8855 • FAX 513-897-9833 ~L: Wf¥1SV Oaolcom • WEBSrre: www.waynesvilleohio.com
senior portraits
BE •..
937-434-7200 513-897-8700
Proud upporter of The Waynesville partans!
Wayne ville Phannacyl Creekwood Motel 415 . Main t PO Box 636 Wayne ville, OH 4506 513- 97-7076 3060 llalleywood Drive
Kettemg Ohoo 45429 fG7 299 3723 - 800 273 8805
~---~-· ==~~~~
<"> NationalBank Y
P.O. Box 555 26 Franklin Rd. 513 97-3 71 1637-2715 Fax 513 97-7366
.t. HD T R U S T C O M P A N Y
26 Franklin Rd. 513 97-3001 1- 00 37-3011 Fax 513 97-3017
Waynesville ¥earbooks! orgot to buy a yearbookwhen you were in school? We have yearbooks from 1968 to present available for purchase
Member I'DIC
All yearbooks $65 128