2008 Waynesville High School Yearbook

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James Agnew

Kelsey Alford

Fa/on Armstrong

Danelle Arnold

Austin Beam

Mark Becker

Andrew Beckett

Kristina Beckett

Zachary Benges

Eric Berger

Andrew Blevins

Dustin Brown 2

Allys on Bulpin

Michael Bunnell

Kimberly Burgmeier

Brian Burkard

David Jackson Burke

Alison Carsten

Jessica Cason

Kay/a Cassidy

Angela Coffman

Whitney Cole

Courtney Colvin

Christie Combs 3

Zachary Cook

Kelli Cooke

Joshua Couch

Caleb Crossgrove

Jordan Davis

Sidney Dille

Anthony Dimascio

Alexander Downard

Aaron Duff

Ashley Durham

Timothy Eltzroth

Austin England 4

Kirstin Felumlee

Zachary Ferguson

Justin Fielden

Amanda Fish

Megan Foley

Brittany Fortener

Courtney Frye

Eddie Greenway

Emily Gossard

Frank Haer

Garrett Hahn

Chelsea Hamlet 5

James Hanauer

Janna Hapner

Lukas Hartman

Lauren Henderson

James Hooser

Dustin Hogan

Cory Hopwood

Joshua Howell

Katherine lmwalle

Tammi Isaacs

Michele Jewett

Elizabeth Jones 6

Joseph Kapper

Chris Klein

Kyle Knepper

Adam Konen

Samantha Ledford

Samuel Lewis

Benjamin Liles

Alexander Linton

Brandy McGeehan

Nicholas McGillivray

Matthew McKeever

Zachery McKinzie 7

Chelsea Mercatante

Justin Meyer

Eric Minton

Marilyn Moffatt

Joshua Morgan

Claire Norton

Katie Patton

Kyle Patton

Jonathon Pauley

Travis Pauley

Jordan Poole

Tyler Proffitt

Branda lynn Reynolds

Katherine Richards

Bradley Richmond

Elise Roberts

Ali Rockhold

Benjamin Roeser

Ben Rush

Holly Sackett

Nathan Search

Justin Shaffer

Sarah Shinkle

Christopher Spradling 9

Crystal Stacy

Joshua Stacy

Blake Stephens

Amanda Stevenson

Hannah Stewart

Jamie Stewart

Leigha Stump

Natashia Tipton

Augustus Unverferth

Nicholas Tuck

Whitney Violette

Brittany Vostad 10

Christopher Warfel

Sarah Weber

Karlie Whee/en

Kristin Wilson

Jeffrey Winkler

Ashley Zamora




1Varsttp jfootball

Left to right. Top row: Coach Harvey, Hannah lm\1 alle, Colleen Aiello, Deidra Bogg , Paige Fedor, Je ica Bow er, Erin Bertollini, Je ica Sexton, Hannah Buflod, oach Bo wick; Middle row: Morgan Gib on, Je ica Dahnke, helby ewland, Brandi Cole, Hilary Lindauer, Jena Pari h, Kel ey Hubbcl; Front row: atalie VanAtta, Kat Imwalle, Whitney ole, Megan Foley, Chel ea Hamlet, Amanda Fi h, Hilary Rain .

Top row from left: Coach Jen Stubbs ::1~~~t~~~~~~U~~~~ Dustin Riley, Cory Hopwood, Agnew~i Marl< Becker, Coach Jon Stubbs; Middle row from left: Michael Dunkin, Danny Parsons, Myles Greely, Alex Downard, Matt Storer, Ben Liles; Bottom row from left: Josh Apple, Nick Tuck, Jeff Messinger, Eric Berger, and Kyle Knepper




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Te a Benges Zachary Bonng Emtly Brant hri tman ofTey



\1tchelle Eckley

Tyler Good dam Hamilton Ju ttn Hamilton Katharine Hamilton

Jo cph Hernandez ydncy Hogan Jacob Hudgcl Jon Hu cy 1\manda Jacob

mtesha James arah John on Mallorie Jones K;,-le Keegan Robert Kemper Chelbt Ktdd

Kn uan Land Juan Lechuga-Ramt Bnttan;,- Lettch

aleb Morgan Kaitlin Morgan ody Myers helby ewland Ellie

\1egan 0 zakie\., ki Jena Pari h Thoma Park

Moll;,- Reed Brianna Rice Brittan;,- Richard on Bradle;,- Richmond Du tin Rile} Robert on


an Alta Brandon Vanhorn \t1 Ichacl \\ I!kcrson J ustm \v I!hams Tra\ I<; \\ I!hams

Jacqueline \\IIIiam Jessica \\II ham son Bobbi \\II on




*ADVISOR: Angee Polzinetti SENIORS: Katie Patton Jordan Davis Courtney Colvin Zachery Cook Kim Burgmeier Eric Berger Doni Arnold

*JUNIORS: Jena Parish Kyle Markl Bobbi Wilson Amanda Combs Ryan Duncon

*FRESHMAN* President: Alyssa Ritchie President: Tyler Good Vice President: Tanner Hopwood Vice President: Courtney Baker Secretary: Ellen Reeves Secretary: Kyle Mark! Treasurer: Andrew Valiquette Treasurer: Ellen Wood .-~r. *SOPHOMORE* *SENIOR* President: Morgan Gibson President: Jimi Hanauer Vice President: Seth Millar Vice President: Jeph Winkler Secretary: Michael DiMascio Secretary: Kirstin Felumlee Treasurer: Tyler Johnson Treasurer: Nick Tuck MEMBERS: Courtney Baker, Austin Beam, Mark Becker, Kristina Beckett, Katie Chaney, Amanda Combs Anthony DiMascio, Michael DiMascio, Liz Doran, Natalie Dowe, Erica Danner, Ryan Dunn, Michelle Eckley, Farran Eide, Cameron Elton, Felumlee, Kirstin Felumlee, Meagn Foley, Max rd, Morgan Gibson, Tyler Good, Chelsea Lucas Hammonds, Jimi Hanauer, Shelby k, Andrew Hammill, Tanner Hopwood, Miwett, Sarah Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Betsy Kelly, Adam Konen, Hilary Lindauer, , Seth Millar, Hannah Morgan, Katie elby Newland, Claire Norton, Jena Pares, Branda Reynolds, Katie Richards, Andrea Sackett, Luke SchwerdtSmith, Crystal Stacy, Tashia Tipton, Unverferth, Andrew Valiquette, on, Bobbi Wilson, Kristen Wilson, Jeff o od, Ashley Zamora

Students helping Students


Book Club '08

Top Row: Janelle DuFresne, Lauren Boland; Bottom Row: Ashley Lemon, Mrs. Purkey, Amanda Combs


Top Ro¡w: Claire Norton, Jessica Seman, Ashley Lemon, Stephanie Bellar, Bottom Row: Ashley Zamora, Kirsten Felumlee, Amanda Combs, Amiesha James, Miss Beers (not pictured: Mrs. Syvertsen)

Genre Artists

Genre Artists

>Jazz >Nick Faul Reed Farley Andrew Beckett Mason Wisecup Michelle Bailey JD Smith Deidre Boggs Katie Maloney Jessica Blair Kyle Revels Hannah Stewart Mallory Jones Katie Stephens Josh Roeser Alec Petrack Andrew Valiquette Spencer Jones Erin Bertolini Danl Arnold Ashley Durham Emily Gossard Nathan Faul Andrea Ames Josh Wilson Erica Foged Featuring >Jamie Stewart Director >Jesse Catanzaro


Genre Artists

>Concert >Kelli Cooke Michael Dunkin Morgan Felger Emily Gossard Kayle Sizemore Kayle Spires Mandy Viox Sarah Dick Nathan Foul Janelle Dufresne Ashley Durham Tawny Jewell-Huff Megan Merkt Ellie Northern Alyssa Wheatley Molly Zeh Sarah Johnson Jeremy Koogler Jordan Summers Andrew Beckett Andrea Ames Doni Arnold Danny Parsons Jordan Poole Grace Williams Josh Wilson Molly Gossard Ellen Reeves Aly Shinkle Kylie Abrantes Michelle Bailey Nicole Bailey Ryan Beatty Jessica Blair Deidre Boggs Christie Combs Kaylee Hood Katie Maloney Jeremy Payne Michael Persen Kyle Revels JD Smith Matt Unger Erica Foged Mallorle Jones Mason Wisecup Michael Fisher Chris Spradling Katie Stephens Cody Taylor Zach Cook Reed Farley Jarod Haman Max Holum Kyle Petersen Spencer Jones Andrew Valiquette Erin Bertolini Nathan Buchanan Jordan Davis Adam Cassidy Austin Durbin Nick Foul Zach Ferguson Stephen Gossard Andrew Hammill Cory Hopwood Hannah lmwalle Kyle Markl Brian Mease Asher Morgan Hannah Stewart Director >Leslie Schleman J e Catanzaro 77

Conductor: David Co:f:fey

Pianist: Steve Estep

Varsity Choir

Josh Powell, Cory Spitzer, Jonathan Burgmeier, Andrew Shutts, Caleb Crossgrove, Kim Burgmeier, Cortney Gregg', Amanda Combs, Bobbi Wilson, Courtney Colvin, Tiffany Pitzer, Jamie Stewart, Jena Parish, Brittany Leitch, Deidre Boggs

Treble Choir

Stephanie Bellar, Riley Bowman, Brittany Brouwer, Jessica Real, Katelynn Bulpin, Lana Mocas, Kristen Wilson

Senior and Junior Girls Ensemble

Jamie Stewart, Jena Parish, Kim Burgmeier, Courtney Colvin, Amanda Combs

Waynesville Art Show


Justin Mohme: 1st day People "\ ward Recipient

tephanie Bellar Kaitlin Berger Jon Boland Riley Bowman Je ica Bower athanial Buchanan

Devon Burton Kyle Campbell Brandi ole hley Cornett Brooke Cornett

Kevin ornett Carly Crowe Mollie Crutchfield

Kayla Farra Paige Fedor Kimberly Fee Benjamin Felumlee Erica Foged Maria Frangaki

ortne) Gregg Jarod Haman Kelly Hart

T)Ier John on Bronw) n Jone pencer Jone lainy Kendall

onnor K.trb) Jerem) Koogler Jacob Lamb \ hie) Lemon

Ictona \1 Jltenberger her Morgan Dana Myer Daniel Parson

Jerem) Payne Landon Perdue ncl Phipp \1atthew Pierson Lauren Price

Kayla ptre Thoma prauer Emtly tanlcy 'Vttchacl tan ell tewart

nger ¡atalte Van tta tephanie Vanhoo e manda Vtox McKenna Warfel

ly a Wheatley Taylor Wheelen Grace William

tephen York ory Young pencer Zate Molly Zeh

Back Row: Coach Foltz, Coach Goeke, Jess1ca Bowser, Brittany Vostad, Jordan Poole, Shelby Newland, Enca Danner, Nicole Lew1s, Hilary Lindauer, Kat1e Morgan Front Row: Kayla Farra, Hannah Morgan, Beth Cardona, Amanda Stevenson, Tashia Tipton, Heather Sharpe, Morgan Felger, Amber Simpson , Coach Stupp



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ndrea mes dam tkms Michael Austin Ely ha Bacca Jacob Back Michelle Bailey

Je 1ca Blair De1dre Boggs Lauren Boland

amuel Buchanan Katelynn Bulpin Lauren Bunn Jonathan Burgmeier

ole Burton Tyler aplinger Angel Carrier u tin Carter

Jordan Deters '\.1ale1gha Dodge Margaret Dowe

Kyle Duncan Je 1ca Eckman Kylie Eckman Elizabeth El on

lexander Frank Chandler Gianatta io hase Gianatta io Je 1ca Gib on

Le lie Gold berry Brandon Gordon ~olly Go ard Dylan Gnffin Thoma Griffith ndrew Hammill

Tanner Hopwood Kel ey Hubbell hel ie Hull

Alex Jacob John Jenkin Tawn; Jewell-Huff Brittany John on Trent Jone " icholas Jone

Eric Kelly Jared Kelly Mari a Kelly Tyler Kilby icole Lewi

athan McGillivra; vetlana Moca Zachary Mohme Hannah ~organ bbey orthem Ali ha Parker

Michael Persen Kyle Petersen Ciera Philpott Ryan Potter Jo hua Powell Caleb Powers

Katie Power Hilary Rain Jennifer Real Je ica Real Ellen Reeve lame Revel

Amber imp on

Steven Spear Cory Spitzer Katherine Stephen Cody Taylor Harley Trusty Jo eph Tweel

Andrew Valiquette Derek ostad Travi Wampler Parker Wanle Sean Wareing Casie Wells

Tasha Wheeland Tyler Wilson Kylie Wi ecup Ma on Wi ecup Luke Wylie

Joey Kmutrufu tl1llf

£ucas Jlammotufs ant£ P.ffen Wootf

Sam 4'an}4tta (from ~ncess: Courtney (Ba~ <Prom <Prince: f[jfer qootf


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~iclieCe Jewett aruf ~at(<BecR.ยงr

Wliitney o/ioktte aruf lProm 1Vne: Cory Jfopwooa

ClieCsea JfamCet aruf qarett Jfaun


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:JVu{'l'uc{ana <Prom Qjuen: 1(ristina <BecR.ยงtt


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Final A ignment Courtney Frye

Congratulations Kaytie, we can't believe you graduated. Seriously. We were pretty worried there ... actually we still are ... well good luck anyway. Love, Mom and Dad.

Congratulations on your awesome achievements! Your energy and hard work will open many doors. Laugh, learn, and love every day; and thank God for everything!! Hug-a-doo! Dad, Mom, Stephen, Molly, and Mitchell

Ali, From our little tom-boy to a beautiful young lady, inside & out. God gave us the most precious gift of all when we were blessed with you. Be happy!

Celebrate this moment as one journey ends and another begins. It's been a joy watching you become the person you are. Stay true to yourself. We're so proud! Mom & Dad

The grand day finally came as I watched you take your first breath. Much too soon came your first unsteady step; I watched as you fell gracefully to the floor. Resisting defeat, you managed to get back up on your own two feet. Ever since, you have been walking, running, and dancing your way into people's hearts across stages, dazzling the audiences with amazing performances, and leaving us with that sensational smile to remember you by. Congratulations! Love you always, Mom My precious baby girl, Don't be sad that I am not here. Remember me through the songs that I send you. You are a part of me and your mother and a piece of all of us. I am so proud of the beautiful, talented woman you have become. You have exceeded well beyond my expectations and dreams, and could only wish that I could be there with you to share them. Love you always, Dad




The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of dreams. You can grow up to be anything you want to be. Love, Mom, Dad, Brittany, & Peyton

Many exciting moments ahead for you to live them in your own unique way, with laughter, beauty, and race. You are a beautiful gift to the world. We Love You! Mom, Dad, & Kyle

Dear Mark, May you look back on your High School days with happy memories, and look to your future with hope and the knowledge that the world is in your hands. You are the bright light in our lives! Mom, Dad, & Megan

You are so special. We are so proud of the young man you've become. May all your dreams come true. E Life! Love, Dad, Mom, Callie, and Mary

Dear Andrea, God truly blessed us the day you were born. Always believe in yourself and let God lead your path to success.

We Love You, Mom, Dad, and Andy


r Michael,

Dear Alison, Congratulations Graduate! As your future unfolds, we see your gifted potential and u will be an inspiration to those you touch in life.

ng man you are ming. Always ow who you are nd what you sta for. Your journey is just beginning. May God be with you. Proverbs 19: 21

Dear Andrew, Too many memories for one lifetime! From "Ho-ho's and Volvos" to "Hot's on the left, cold's on the right" ... a lifetime of memories still to

You have made us laugh s1nce you were young--your expressions, your imitations, and your wit. Everyone wants you around for entertainment sake. We are very proud of you and excited about ....__, your decision to become a firefighter/paramedic. You will be great at whatever you do! Keep pressing on. Philippians 3:12

We love you, Mom and Dad

It's been one big adventure. WOW! It's been fun and sometimes a little crazy. Never lose touch with that big heart of yours and that mischievous little smile. Good Luck on this next big adventure!

Love you, Mom & Dad


Love you so much, Mom, Dad, and Zach

Dear Eric, What a God-honoring man you've become! You are ready to face new challenges and reach new heights. Remember, with God all things are possible! We Love you!

Each day of your life, you've been a special joy. We are very proud of all your accomplishments. May all of your dreams come true. Love, Your Family

Dani, We love you so much and are so proud of you! Congratulations on all you have achieved!

We are so proud of you .

Love, Mom & Dad

Dear Christie, Since the day you were born, you have lit up everyone's lives. You are so full of life and energy. I am sure that combination will take you far in life. We're proud of you! Love, Mom & Rachel

We are so proud of you and so excited about what your future holds. You have brought so much joy and laughter into our lives. Always remember Philippians 4:13. We love you so much, Dad, Mom, Chelsea, & Charity 11 7

Waynesville High Schoo 2008

Congratulations Zackery McKinzie & Tyler Proffitt You Made It! We are proud of you!

Dad, Mom, Kyle and the rest of the McKinzie fa mil

& Dad, Kathy, Shelby, Lindsey, Mamaw and Papaw Pro

To our little "Tuffy Nordit", From the day you entered this world at Kettering Hospital until today, you have blessed us with countless moments of joy, laughter, challenges, love and excitement. You have grown to become a beautiful, strong, independent, and intelligent young lady with a fierce determination and sense of humor like no other. We know God has had his hand on you, protecting you when you were so ill, and we pray he will continue to bless you for the rest of your life. As you enter the next phase of your life, always look inside your heart and there you will always find the truth. Jordan, you have the ability to be anything you desire. We are so very proud of you! We love you! Mom, Dad, and Christopher

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Dear Whitney,

It has been so much fun watching you grow up and become this amazing person you 1----------~ are today. We are so very proud of you, and we are blessed to have you.

Dear Michele, It's hard to believe how quickly the years have gone by since we first held our baby girl in our arms. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Love, Mom & Dad



Congratulations! We are so proud of you ...the young lady at Morehead. Always remember: believe in yourself and your dreams will come true. Love, Mom, Dad, & Adam

We love you so much-remember to listen well, be fair, travel wisely, and always choose good music. We can't wait to see what happens next. Remember, life is good! Love, Mom, Dad, Michael, and Grandma

Thirty words or less, well there's seven! HA HA! You close your eyes for a second and your daughter's grown up and graduating. Life is too fast and too precious; you are part of our hearts and we love you.

Chelsea, Congratulations! We're so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You have such a bright future ahead of you. We hope all of your dreams come true and brings you happiness.

We wish you great success in your life & in love. May you achieve all your dreams in everything you do.

Love Always, Mom, Jose, Maria, Jose Jr., Grandma, and Grandpa


Dear Justin, We're so proud of you. Congratulations on your accomplishments. We wish you great success in the future you choose. Love, Mom, Dad, and Ryan

What describes you best 1s honesty, integrity, and your caring attitude. There is no doubt that you will always stand up for what you believe in. We are very proud of the person that you are and the man you will be! Live life to the fullest! Love, Mom & Dad

Hannah, The world needs you. It needs your voice, your smile, your talents, and your passion. Listen to your heart, trust your strengths, and give generously all of those things that make you so perfectly you. Watching you grow has been a precious gift. We are so proud of your accomplishments and the beautiful young woman you've become. We wish you the best at Kenyon and happiness always. Congratulations! With Love, Dad & Mom

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Proverbs 3: 5 Love, Mom, Dad, Hannah, & Joshua


If we could have, we would have kept you smaller a lot longer. You have grown up to be a very beautiful young lady and we are very proud of you and your accomplishments. Whatever lie ahead for you, we wi h you luck and may God bles you will all your dream come true. We love you so much but now we have to let you pread your wing and become the per on God want you to be.

Hartsock Village Florist Monday- Thur day 9-5 Wedne day 9-1 aturday 9-1 141 orth treet unday Clo ed P.O. Box3 16 Wayne \ill e. OH 4506 1-513-897-4026 1-800-821 -592

We will love you alway Papa and Mama Stacy


(513}897-6544 207 N. St. Rt. 42

Caesar Creek Animal CUnic S~tgarcruk Animal Clinic

Hours of


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1985 Roxanna New Burlington Rd Waynesville, OH 45068 937-862-7000 fax: 862-9113

Darin Dodge President 122

Chernesky, Heyman & Kress P.L.L. Attorney at Law

Congratulations Seniors!

Suite 1100 10 Courthou e Plaza SW Dayton OH 45402 (937) 449-2800


senior portraits






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Michael E. Foley - Prestdent

PO Box 429 258 Miami St Waynesville, OH 45068 Office: 513-897-1080

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Congratulations to the Class of 2008!

Hours: 10am-9pm Monday- unday

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60 Marvin Ln wavnesville, OH 45068

Congratulations to the Class of 2008

Miss Me

Wt L.:



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