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We are a group of students of IIS G.B. PENTASUGLIA in Matera. We interviewed some tourists in order to find out their opinions about our city, as we were curious to know their thoughts and impressions. Is there a better way than asking foreign people for advice on how to improve our city? Here are some interviews that we have also filmed: has Matera satisfied tourists’ expectation or were they disappointed by our city?


Tourists of the 1st interview: Ferenc and Margit (Hungary)

Interviewer: Have you expected more green areas in this town, famous for its history and cultural heritage? Ferenc: No, I guess the landscape is green enough and it is very beautiful, I like it. Interviewer: What were your expectations on the landscape? Ferenc: We have been here for two days, and I think Matera is a green city; my expectations have been totally satisfied. Interviewer: Which aspects of your country would you like to find in Matera? Would you prefer to see more green areas and parks? Margit: Yes, we saw a lot of green areas in Matera, like parks, gardens, squares that have an important recreational aim, since people can spend their time in outdoor activities and make their lives healthier. Furthermore, I wish I had found a better organization of public transports.

Tourist of the 2nd interview: Vanida (Thailand)

Interviewer: Do you consider Matera a city interested in the environment? Vanida: Comparing with the most modern towns, I think it is a clean and modern place where to live. Interviewer: Compared with Thailand, have you found more green areas? Vanida: I think Matera is improving in managing its environmental impact.

Tourist of the 3rd interview: Piotr (Poland)

Interviewer: What were your expectations on Matera? Piotr: I’m really surprised about Matera; it is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. I had no expectations but I think it has stunning views. Interviewer: As regards green areas, what are the differences between Matera and Krakow? Piotr: My city is very old too; but I think Matera is a clean city whose inhabitants take care of the environment and the green areas. Parks are wellkept places where children can play, adults can go running or walking.

Tourist of the 4th interview: Kristiina (Finland)

Interviewer: Have you expected more green areas? Were your expectations satisfied? Kristiina: This is my first time here in Matera and I didn’t know what to expect but I think Matera is quite amazing. Interviewer: Making a comparison with Finland, do you consider Matera a green city? Kristiina: I have just arrived, and I was pleasantly surprised by the very nice downtown; moreover, Matera seems to be as green as Finland: everything here is clean, and people take very care of nature. In conclusion, we found really interesting foreign tourists’ opinions because they let us see and judge Matera, UNESCO heritage since 1993, by new, different eyes; we have discovered our city as it was the first time.

Matera is the Italian urban centre with the highest amount of green per capita, around 59 million square of historical green areas, which improves the landscape and makes the city more liveable. Have we persuaded you? Is Matera on the same level of the other cities of all over the world? Would you like to visit our city now?

Ilaria Donvito 4AS Piera Fiore 3CM Nicole Tedesco 5AS Nicola Tragni 4AC Fabio Vizziello 4AS



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