1 minute read
by mctpalazzo
... Al giorno d'oggi la lingua più parlata è l'inglese, infatti una delle più grandi potenze mondiali è l'America nonostante sia Presidente uno degli uomini più criticati al mondo: Donald Trump.
Rif. Pixabay
Nowadays climate changes are a very big problem of our society, in fact every day we listen to news about burnt forests such as the Amazonian one and endangered animals. Lots of people are working in order to improve this situation: in 2019 there were 3 global strikes for climate changes promoted by a young Sweden activist, Greta Thunberg. However, there are some politicians who are not interested in it: Donald Trump, for example, in 2017, pulled out of the Treaty of Paris, which aims at the reduction of harmful gases emissions to keep the global warming under 2°C. He motivated his choice saying that he didn't want to damage his economic system based on the production of carbon, losing 2,5 trillion of dollars and hundreds of thousand workplaces. The problem comes from other countries, like China, India and Russia.

In addition, there are scientists that agree with Trump's opinion stating that there isn't a relationship between human activity and global warming because the Earth has always been characterized by warm and cold periods such as the Glaciations. In 2019 Trump partially changed his mind about this topic because he defined the problem as “extreme climate” but he kept on not recognising his responsibilities.
Trump has changed his opinion in order to increase his number of voters in the next 2020 elections.
Rif. Pixabay

There is a large amount of evidence that proves that climate change is real, the plastic in our oceans are killing sea creatures, more people than ever are suffering from cancer, and the traditional seasons are disappearing. Instead of denying this, all of us should try to do something to save our planet.
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