2 minute read
by mctpalazzo
Questions YES NO
1. HIV/AIDS: are they the same thing?
2. Can latex condoms prevent HIV?
3. Can I catch HIV from oral sex?
4. Can I get HIV from anal sex?
5. Can I get contract HIV from a kiss?
6. Can I transmit HIV to my baby through breastfeeding?
7. Can I get HIV with blood transfusion?
8. Can I get HIV while I’m having a body piercing or a tattoo done?
9. Are mosquito bites a risk of HIV infection?
Rif. Pixabay
Nicola Gaudiano 4BS Maria Teresa Maffei 4BS Aurora Sassone 4CS

1. NO, they aren’t. HIV is a virus that may cause an infection, AIDS (which is short for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a condition. Contracting HIV can lead to the development of AIDS.
2. YES, they can. When used consistently and correctly, they're very good at stopping the spread of HIV during sex.
3. YES, you can whether you're giving or getting oral sex. While no one knows exactly how risky it is, evidence suggests it has less of a risk than unprotected anal or vaginal sex. You should use protection for oral sex, too:
4. YES, you can. In fact, anal sex without a condom is a very risky behavior. Also the sex partner can.
5. NO, you can’t. Transmission through kissing on the mouth carries no risk and no evidence has been found that the virus is spread through saliva by kissing
6. YES, women with HIV can also transmit it to their babies before or during birth.
7. YES, you can. There is a high risk (greater than 90%) of acquiring HIV with infected blood transfusions.
8. YES, you can. A risk of HIV transmission exists if infected or not sterilized instruments are shared with others.
9. NO, they aren’t. HIV is not spread by mosquitoes; since the insect cannot be infected with HIV, it cannot transmit it to other human beings.
chiero che lo riaccompagnerà al Purgatorio dove proseguirà il suo cammino di redenzione. Fino ad ora non
ha proferito parola, ma nel momento in cui la luce compare in lontananza versi profetici escono dalla sua
“Sette secoli il tempo ha segnato e
l’uomo il dolore ha portato nel mondo,
l’eterna pena la fiamma ha animato
ora che le genti han toccato il fondo.
Il sole arde e la terra è morente,
non disperate del vostro venire,
donate voi stessi alla Suprema mente
giustizia divina saprà intervenire.”

Lucia Antezza 4BS Francesca Bianco 4BS Christian Villone 4BS
BOTTAZZINI U. Numeri - raccontare la matematica, Editore Il Mulino, Bologna 2015
PRISMA rivista mensile N. 10 agosto 2019, Mateinitaly srl, Milano
https://www.agi.it/blog-italia/energia-e-sostenibilta/trump_cambiamento_climatico-5638774/post/2019- 06-12/
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