eflecting on 2021–2022 seems timely as we approach the end of the calendar year. So much has happened in the past 18 months. At this time last year, vaccines were being made available to Kindergarten to Grade 6 students, and those in Middle & Senior School had only become eligible for immunizations a few months earlier. 2022 looks more familiar to us in most ways, and often the challenges of 2020 and 2021 have become distant memories.
However, understanding where we have come from is necessary if we are to successfully navigate our way onwards from here. A return to normalcy brings greater value to our girls in their educational experience. As I have a daughter in Grade 11, Anneliese, I have observed this resettability first-hand.
When I consider what it means to inspire girls’ imagination and the courage to excel, to reach, to lead, and to care, who comes to mind presently but our faculty? By example, they model Balmoral Hall School’s mission through their dedication to our girls. I simply cannot overstate the incredible capacity of our faculty as they elevate their teaching to support all girls’ learning.
In fact, more than $500,000 in scholarships were awarded to Class of 2022 graduates, many for their achievements beyond the classroom, including athletics, artistry, and
service. The collaborative efforts of Head of School Joanne Kamins, administrators, directors, faculty, and staff have created a nurturing environment that is designed for girls to thrive. Ray and I are proud to entrust our daughter’s education to Balmoral Hall.
By enrolling your children here in 2022–2023, whether this is their first year or their fifteenth, you have made a significant investment in their education. In my role as Chair, I am pleased to report that Balmoral Hall School concluded the 2021–2022 fiscal year operating with a surplus, which was then transferred to capital reserves. Despite ongoing disruptions caused by the pandemic and increasing operational expenses in the current economic climate, we remain focused on financial stewardship with discipline, strength, and sustainability.
I must applaud the enthusiastic volunteers who foster a true sense of belonging while building an inclusive parent association through various BHPA initiatives. In the spring, Shawna Pachal succeeded Kellie Damphousse as President. Should you have the opportunity, please thank them for their support.
Also, I wish to acknowledge the contributions of governors whose terms have ended, Tyler Gompf, Lisa Heimbecker, and Marilyn R. Robinson, who was Chair from 2019–2021 and continues to serve as a director of The Balmoral Hall School Foundation.

We welcomed Ash Modha to our Board of Governors in July 2022. Lastly, I would like to thank Past Chair Bruce King for his steadfast
leadership throughout his tenure as Chair in 2021–2022.
As I look ahead, determining the impact I can have as Chair, I am wholly committed to furthering equity, diversity, and inclusion.
An Equity & Inclusion committee, chaired by Isha Khan, Class of 1991, has been established as a subset of the Board’s Strategic Planning committee. Their mandate is to create a safe environment where all voices are heard and everyone feels comfortable contributing as we learn from and with each other. Following the open space conference on November 19, 2022, my hope is, together, we will be empowered to persist with this important work
We challenged ourselves in 2017–2018 to set ambitious goals for the future of Balmoral Hall School.
At the time, a global pandemic was unfathomable. Since Winter 2020, COVID-19 has evolved teaching and learning past the point of no return. The economic impacts of the last two and a half years are yet to be resolved, particularly in the charitable sector.
Five years ago, we boldly reinterpreted Meliora Petens as “Pursuing Excellence.”
While “Seeking Better Things” remains our motto, the strategic pursuit of excellence holds truer today.
As better things were exchanged for excellence, Balmoral Hall School aspired to be the best choice for girls’ education. When we began to pursue rather than seek, we became the architects of that fate.
Our strategic goals have come to mean more to us post-pandemic.
Consider …
A family in Japan entrusting their daughter’s education, health, and well-being to faculty/staff at a Canadian boarding school for uncertain periods of time.
An international debate and public speaking tournament occurring on Zoom when travel is limited.
A financial aid campaign allowing students in war-torn Ukraine to find a home-away-from-home to further their education.
These exact scenarios were not under consideration when the Balmoral Hall School community envisioned a globally recognized and trusted brand, an unlimited learning community, and a culture of philanthropy and financial sustainability.
Nevertheless, we persisted.
Uncertainty creating unity. Obstacles begetting opportunities. Struggles generating support.
To say that engagement from Balmoral Hall School employees, students, parents, grandparents, and alumnae was unprecedented would be an understatement.
Throughout 2021–2022, donors, volunteers, and friends made a difference at Balmoral Hall School, and I thank you for your enduring dedication to girls’ education.
Joanne Kamins Head of SchoolLCol Amanda Aldous ’02
Dr. Douglas Brown
Mrs. Kelly Gasmen, Chair

Ms Carla Goncalo ’01
Ms Stacey Grocholski Mrs. Rosie Jacuzzi
Ms Isha Khan ’91
Mr. Bruce King, Past Chair
Mr. André Kriening Mr. Ash Modha
Ms Shawna Pachal, BHPA President
Mr. Daniel Rolfe, Member-at-Large
Dr. Ashley Stewart-Tufescu
Mrs. Laura (Lemon) Wetton ’03
Mrs. Joanne Kamins, Head of School Ex Officio
I n 1976, my family moved from northern Manitoba to Winnipeg. My parents had a thriving business in Thompson but wanted my sisters and me to attend Balmoral Hall School. They had heard wonderful things about the small class sizes, dedicated teaching staff, and more enriching environment for girls.
Despite moving to Winnipeg, my parents continued to operate their business in the north. My father travelled to Thompson every two weeks while we stayed in Winnipeg. At the time, going to school, making new friends, and exploring the city was my entire focus, and I never gave much thought to the sacrifice my parents were making. I realize now how extraordinary it was and am grateful to them for giving me an experience that changed my life for the better in so many ways.
My six years at Balmoral Hall School instilled in me a love of learning, a curiosity about the wider world, and an ability to not only formulate ideas, but also to articulate them. I graduated with confidence in myself and a sense of excitement about what awaited me beyond BH.
Returning after so many years has been a pleasure, and I am thrilled to be able to give back as a volunteer and donor. So much of what first inspired me as a student remains. The spirit of the place, the incredible faculty and staff, and the sense of community are just as they were.
Of course, there have been wonderful changes, too, in particular a most important initiative to establish The Balmoral Hall School Foundation.
With income generated annually from endowment funds, the purpose of The BH Foundation is to provide opportunities for girls of promise from all backgrounds to experience a Balmoral Hall education and to support innovative programming. The benefits to these girls and their families are immeasurable, but I believe strongly that we all benefit by making room for more girls at Balmoral Hall School. In doing so, we create a learning environment that is lively, accepting, and rich in diverse views and experiences. Girls who attend a school with many different voices gain a layered and nuanced education, which they will take with them into the world.
I am pleased to report that we hosted another successful online auction in May 2022, raising $60,000.
Many thanks to the hardworking auction committee, our sponsors, and everyone who bid on auction items.
I extend my thanks, as well, to the generous donors who contributed at all levels to drive us forward.
The market value of funds endowed by BH Foundation was $1.2M as of June 30, 2022. Combined with $2.2M held at The Winnipeg Foundation, endowed funding for Balmoral Hall reached $3.4 million at the end of the last fiscal year. We are within reach of our strategic goal of $5M in 2025 and $10M in 2030, thanks again to our generous donors.
A special thank you to Dr. Aaron Chiu, who brought great insight and passion to his role as Chair from 2019–2022. Under his leadership, The BH Foundation made great strides. Fostering a collegial atmosphere, he always made sure that everyone around the board table was heard. Despite his busy schedule, he worked tirelessly for The BH Foundation. Thank you so much, Aaron!
Aynsley (Hinchliffe) Cockshott ’83
Chair, BH Foundation

2021–2022 NAMED FUNDS
Many of our donors choose to support named funds as a tribute to friends, family, or former teachers. Named funds provide bursary support for girls of promise. A full description of our named funds can be found online. Some donors choose to support the school during their lifetime, while others make provision for support through estate gifts as members of Meliora Petens Legacy Society.
Funds listed below had a value of $10,000 or more as at June 30, 2022. Please note not all gifts made to named funds in 2021–2022 are included in these fund values as at June 30, 2022 as we invest annually in the fall.
Alumnae Future Generations Fund $92,608
Arda Thomson Bursary Fund $49,487
Ariana Meyers ’09 Excellence in Public Speaking & Debating Scholarship $15,836
Betty (Holden) Buggey RLS ’26 Scholarship Fund $77,602
Class of 2018 Bursary Fund $62,120
Class of 2019 Emma Machado Memorial Fund $74,622
Class of 2020 Bursary Fund $30,580
Class of 2021 Bursary Fund $41,465
Class of 2022 Bursary Fund $52,349
Dr. W. Grant Beaton Science Bursary Fund $65,830
Elsie M. Bartlett Rupert’s Land Fund $64,226
G. Harold Aikins Scholarship Fund $19,545
Girls of Promise Fund (formerly, Centennial Endowment Fund) $1,795,154
Growth in Writing in Grade 8 Award Fund $37,889
Gwendolyn Murrell-Wright Fund $35,326

Innovation Fund $107,337
Jacuzzi Family Science Scholarship $35,882
Jessiman Family Bursary Fund $85,434
Joe Brain Foundation Fund $35,077
Kady Evanyshyn ’13 Arts Scholarship Fund $20,204
Laura Milner White Bursary Fund $44,917
Margaret Beasley Bursary Fund $127,600
Margaret Clark Jones Bursary Fund $62,628
Meredith ’14 and Gillian ’17 Chiu Scholarship and Bursary Fund $131,318

Miss Beverley Sharman Scholarship Fund $41,765
Nellie Lucas Fund $48,437
Ossama AbouZeid Scholarship for Excellence in Math & Science $37,147
Rina Ganguly Memorial Arts Award Fund $27,619
Terry Fulton Baillie Bursary Fund $147,508
We believe all-girls education must be balanced. We believe globally minded citizens act with compassion and integrity. We believe lifelong learning is built upon curiosity, creativity, resiliency, and innovation.

630 Westminster Ave. Winnipeg MB R3C 3S1 Canada
T +1 (204) 784-1600 F +1 (204) 774-5534 info@balmoralhall.ca balmoralhall.com