PATRIZIO PISCAGLIA issue fifteenth
Messagerie concept Adv men campaign Lookbook menswear ss 2018 Welcome to the world of Slim Aarons The club jacket Bertolucci atmosphere Adv women campaign Lookbook women ss 2018 Contact
pg. 4 pg. 6 pg. 8 pg. 24 pg. 26 pg. 28 pg. 30 pg. 32 pg. 44
Messagerie Magazine
french influences of fabrics
Forme Volumi in contrasto slim/over.
Shapes Contrasting slim / over volumes.
Tessuti Lini e cotoni con aspetto raw con punti irregolari e materiali a contrasto. Tinture fade si alternano a lavaggi old e rotture. Il denim, con laserature e ricami manuali, propone una immagine vissuta, per un look sartoriale rilassato.
Fabrics Raw-looking linen and cotton with irregular stitches and contrasting materials. Fade dyes alternate with old washings and rips. Denim, with laser-cuts and handmade embroideries, offers a lived-in image for a relaxed tailoring look.
Colori Si alternano tonalità varie di blue denim a canvas khaki sbiaditi, una palette terracotta alternata a colori neutri. I grigi in sequenza ai blue presentano striature bianche approssimative. La palette si completa con toni off white declinati in sfumature dei toni sabbia. Un deserto desaturizzato dove ecru, sabbia, beije, ocra e marrone si esaltano bene su texture grezze come lino e cotone. L’atmosfera è rievocata dal film “Un tè nel deserto “ di Bertolucci dove gli abiti comunicavano perfettamente con il luogo.
Colors Different shades of blue denim alternate with faded khaki canvas, a terracotta palette contrasts with neutral colors. The shades of grey follow the blue ones with slightly white streaks. The palette is completed by off white declined in sand shades. A desaturated desert where ecru, sand, beige, ochre and brown stand out on rough textures such as linen and cotton. The atmosphere is reminiscent of the movie “The Sheltering Sky” by Bernardo Bertolucci where the costumes perfectly communicated with the place.
Stampe Fantasie che virano dal blu indaco, al naturale e marrone, righe in sequenze imperfette dove il tratto a mano riporta ad una dimensione artigianale. Il camouflage è una sequenza floreale con sbavature bianco gesso irregolari, tipiche dell’estetica del contrasto di Messagerie.
Print Patterns ranging from indigo-blue, to natural and brown, imperfect stripes where the handmade lines recall a craftmanship world. Camouflage is a floral sequence with irregular chalk white blurs, typical of Messagerie’s aesthetics of contrast.
New evening La tradizione dell’abito sartoriale è influenzata da dettagli militari che conferisce ai materiali e al capo un aspetto casual contemporaneo.
New evening The tradition of the tailoring suit is influenced by military details that give the materials and the garment a contemporary casual look.
’archivio è la chiave di ispirazione della collezione Messagerie pe 2018. Influenze francesi di tessuti e cromie unite a dettagli marina vengono assimilate in una proposta caratterizzata da contrasti e contaminazioni. La stratificazione e l’aspetto relax fit su tessuti naturali lavati costituisce l’essenza della collezione.
he archive is the source of inspiration for Messagerie SS18 collection. French influences of fabrics and colors with marine details are combined into a proposal characterized by contrasts and fusions. The layering and the relaxed fit aspect on washed natural fabrics are the very essence of the collection.
Messagerie Concept
Messagerie Magazine
SHIRT MOD. 001968 ART. 9080 - GILET MOD. 008044 ART. 8996
JACKET MOD. 009105 ART. 9002 - SHIRT MOD. 001930 ART. 9078 KNITWEAR MOD. 001083 ART. 9124 - PANTS MOD. 004502 ART. 9001
Mattia Santini
Menswear spring summer 2018
JACKET MOD. 007362 ART. 9055 - TSHIRT MOD. 000036 ART. 9090 DENIM MOD. 000258 ART. 9066
JACKET MOD. 007308 ART. 9003 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001087 ART. 9126 PANTS MOD. 003910 ART. 9025
BLOUSON MOD. S07388 ART. 9068 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001084 ART. 9125 PANTS MOD. 004516 ART. 9030
CLUB JACKET MOD. 007348 ART. 9023 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001071 ART. 9120 PANTS MOD. 004570 ART. 9068
JACKET MOD. 009117 ART. 9008 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001075 ART. 9121 BERMUDA MOD. 002021 ART. 9068
SHIRT MOD. 001807 ART. 9078 - GILET MOD. 008043 ART. 9068 PANTS MOD. 004575 ART. 9030 - BELT MOD. 000246 ART. 9138
Messagerie Magazine
BLOUSON MOD. 007388 ART. 9060 - POLO MOD. 000034 ART. 9089 - PANTS MOD. 004462 ART. 9030
Menswear spring summer 2018
BLOUSON MOD. 005501 ART. 9047 - SHIRT MOD. 001924 ART. 9077 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001071 ART. 9120 - PANTS MOD. 004516 ART. 9030
JACKET MOD. 007520 ART. 8999 - SHIRT MOD. 001807 ART. 9044 PANTS MOD. 004517 ART. 8980
CARDIGAN MOD. 001091 ART. 9127 - KNITWEAR MOD. 000045 ART. 9083 PANTS MOD. 004515 ART. 9045
JACKET MOD. 009117 ART. 8994 - TSHIRT MOD. 000035 ART. 9090 PANTS MOD. 003907 ART. 8999
KNITWEAR MOD. 001077 ART. 9121 - PANTS MOD. 003907 ART. 9027
JACKET MOD. 009117 ART. 9009 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001073 ART. 9120 PANTS MOD. 003757 ART. 9009
BLOUSON MOD. 006213 ART. 9055 - SHIRT MOD. 001924 ART. 9042 BERMUDA MOD. 002023 ART. 9103
JACKET MOD. 007405 ART. 8999 - SHIRT MOD. 001948 ART. 9076 PANTS MOD. 003757 ART. 9061 - BELT MOD. 000245 ART. 9138
KNITWEAR MOD. 001081 ART. 9123 - PANTS MOD. 004574 ART. 9031 BELT MOD. 000246 ART. 9138
JACKET MOD. 009105 ART. 9004 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001095 ART. 9128 PANTS MOD. 004502 ART. 8999
POLO MOD. 000033 ART. 9091 - PANTS MOD. 004574 ART. 8999
KNITWEAR MOD. 001079 ART. 9122 - SHIRT MOD. 001948 ART. 9037 - GILET MOD. 008043 ART. 9060 - PANTS MOD. 004506 ART. 9061
KNITWEAR MOD. 001080 ART. 9123 - SHIRT MOD. 001948 ART. 9035 - PANTS MOD. 004576 ART. 9030
SWEATER MOD. 000047 ART. 9091 - SHIRT MOD. 001491 ART. 9034 DENIM MOD. 000257 ART. 9065
DENIM JACKET MOD. 000284 ART. 9066 - SHIRT MOD. 001930 ART. 9036 DENIM MOD. 000261 ART. 9066
KNITWEAR MOD. 001089 ART. 9126 - SHIRT MOD. 001932 ART. 9075 PANTS MOD. 004514 ART. 9067
DENIM JACKET MOD. 000285 ART. 9066 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001100 ART. 9129 PANTS MOD. 004502 ART. 8995
JACKET MOD. 009117 ART. 8997 - POLO MOD. 001093 ART. 9127 PANTS MOD. 000051 ART. 9082
JACKET MOD. 009117 ART. 8995 - SHIRT MOD. 001948 ART. 9040 PANTS MOD. 258129 ART. 9067
BLOUSON MOD. 006776 ART. 9058 - KNITWEAR MOD. 001076 ART. 9121 PANTS MOD. 004500 ART. 9065
KNITWEAR MOD. 001088 ART. 9126 - PANTS MOD. 000052 ART. 9082
SWEATER MOD. 000049 ART. 9082 - POLO MOD. 001093 ART. 9127 PANTS MOD. 000051 ART. 9082
POLO MOD. 001093 ART. 9127 - PANTS MOD. 000051 ART. 9082
BLOUSON MOD. 006154 ART. 9058 - SWEATER MOD. 000048 ART. 9082 PANTS MOD. 000042 ART. 9092
SWEATER MOD. 000048 ART. 9082 - PANTS MOD. 000042 ART. 9092
Messagerie Magazine
SUIT AB7099 ART. 9017 - GILET MOD. 008044 ART. 8996 - SHIRT MOD. 001397 ART. 9037 - PANTS MOD. 003480 ART. 9017
Menswear spring summer 2018
SUIT AB7099 ART. 9061 - SHIRT MOD. 001948 ART. 9037 - GILET MOD. 008043 ART. 9048 - PANTS MOD. 003480 ART. 9061
SUIT AB7099 ART. 9019 - SHIRT MOD. 001948 ART. 9053 PANTS MOD. 003480 ART. 9019
SUIT AB7306 ART. 9018 - SHIRT MOD. 001937 ART. 9038 - PANTS MOD. 003757 ART. 9018
SUIT AB7305 ART. 9028 - SHIRT MOD. 001937 ART. 9038 - GILET MOD. 008044 ART. 8996 - PANTS MOD. 003757 ART. 9028
SUIT AB7519 ART. 9029 - SHIRT MOD. 001937 ART. 9038 - PANTS MOD. 003757
22 ART. 9018 ON THE RIGHT SUIT AB7099 ART. 9014 - SHIRT MOD. 001951 ART. 9041 PANTS MOD. 003480 ART. 9014
Messagerie Magazine
MESSAGERIE has always been celebrating with nostalgic charm figures who for passion and artistic genius have contributed to creating a world of more or less famous icons. the character surrenders the scene to the place that has become famous as an oasis of well-being and a life-style typical of the 1960s and 1970s. A celebration to the concept of elegance, good taste, fun and carefree. “Attractive people doing attractive things in attractive places…” Welcome to the world of Slim Aarons: where the elite are captured
Icon taked by the photographer Slim Aarons
looking effortlessly beautiful lounging poolside, on a sailboat, on the beach or even whilst skiing on holiday. In his six decade career (he died in 2006), Aarons traveled to the most beautiful places in the world – all over the south of France, Palm Springs, Lake Tahoe, Palm Beach, the Hamptons, and so on. He made friends with socialites and jet-setters all over the world with his charm and trustworthy casual approach. He photographed everyone from the Kennedy family, Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, and Katharine
Hepburn just to name a few. Aarons didn’t start out as a fashion or party photographer though, he was actually an Army photographer in World War II where he was awarded a Purple Heart, and said combat taught him that the only beach worth landing on was ”decorated with beautiful, seminude girls tanning in a tranquil sun.” Aarons never worked with stylists, makeup artists or lighting. He preferred celebrities in their own clothing and surroundings in natural sunlight. Take a look into this beautiful dream world, just don’t get too sucked in…
Messagerie Magazine
essagerie propone in maniera inedita un capo trasversale, “Club Jacket”. Una giacca dove la contemporaneità è permeata dalla volontà di far riemergere il valore delle tradizioni, quelle in cui gentiluomini dediti all’agonismo declinavano con disinvoltura la propria eleganza nei salotti borghesi così come in contesti sportivi, senza sbavature. Volontà che si traduce in un manifesto ben preciso: una giacca che permetta di agire ai confini delle nostre comfort zones quotidiane, strumento perfetto per essere attori di un futuro modellato sulla dignità e il fairplay che ci contraddistingue, spaziando tra magnetismo e accurata estetica culturale. Come uniforme che esalta invece di conformare, “Club Jacket” sublima in sè la scelta di indossare bellezza, facendo sfumare le barriere che separano luoghi e occasioni. Preziosi dettagli sartoriali e la suprema ricerca dei materiali, la rendono una uniforme del tempo libero, un capo immancabile, firma personale di vita e passioni.
essagerie unusually proposes a cross dress, “Club Jacket”. A jacket where contemporaneity is permeated by the desire to re-energize the value of traditions, in which gentlemen dedicated to agony declined with ease their elegance in bourgeois salads as well as in sporting contests, without blemishes. A will that translates into a precise poster: a jacket that allows us to act on the edge of our daily comfort zones, the perfect tool for being a modeled future of the dignity and fairplay that distinguishes us, ranging from magnetism to accurate cultural aesthetics. As a uniform that exalts instead of conforming, “Club Jacket” sublime in itself the choice of wearing beauty, shading the barriers that separate places and occasions. Precious tailoring details and supreme quest for materials, make it a uniform of leisure, an inexhaustible boss, a personal signature of life and passions.
Messagerie Magazine
In that manic attention to detail, Messagerie collection is identified with the shades of the warm and clear tones typical of the desert. The sense and the death of Islamic religion and culture are the protagonists of the literary and then cinematic journey of director Bertolucci, devoted with passion and dedication to the project of “The sheltering sky”. It’s a symbol of a ceremony, a drink that is founded not only at five o’clock in the afternoon for the British, the Indians or for the whole history of China, but also of the mysterious Sahara people, dressed in blue dresses, Tuareg to halfway between a story and the other Bertolucci is committed to caring more the scene than the story.
womenswear spring summer 2017
Messagerie Magazine
KIMONO JACKET MOD. W07056 ART. 9106 - SHORTS MOD. W09008 ART. 9106
DRESS MOD. W04076 ART. 9105
Mattia Santini
Womenswear spring summer 2018
KNITWEAR MOD. W00600 ART. 9134 - PANTS MOD. W03065 ART. 9104
DRESS MOD. W04069 ART. 9106
KNITWEAR MOD. W00595 - SHORTS MOD. W09007 ART. 9103
JUMPSUIT MOD. W00906 ART. 9075
JUMPSUIT MOD. W00905 ART. 9075
KNITWEAR MOD. W00601 ART. 9120 - DENIM MOD. W00222 ART. 9066
JACKET MOD. W07056 ART. 9102 - PANTS MOD. W03066 ART. 9102
DRESS MOD. W04074 ART. 9112 - DENIM MOD. W00225 ART. 9066
DRESS MOD. W04073 ART. 9113
SHIRT MOD. W01063 ART. 9113 - DENIM MOD. W00202 ART. 9066
Messagerie Magazine
BOUSON MOD. W06026 ART. 9068 - KNITWEAR MOD. W00598 ART. 9132 - DENIM MOD. W00223 ART. 9110
womenswear spring summer 2018
SHIRT MOD. W01069 ART. 9052 - PANTS MOD. W03069 ART. 9068
JACKET MOD. W07054 ART. 9048 - LUREX TOP MOD. W00596 ART. 9133 DENIM MOD. W00221 ART. 9065
LUREX TOP MOD. W00597 ART. 9133 - SKIRT MOD. W02034 ART. 9048
LUREX TOP MOD. W00596 ART. 9133 - DENIM MOD. W00221 ART. 9065
SHIRT MOD. W01072 ART. 9049 - PANTS MOD. W03066 ART. 9103
38 BELT MOD. W00213 ART. 9146
LEATHER BLOUSON MOD. W00815 ART. 9145 - SHIRT MOD. W01063 ART. 9107 PANTS MOD. W03071 ART. 9050
SHIRT MOD. W01061 ART. 9074 - SKIRT MOD. WO2032 ART. 9074
DRESS MOD. W04071 ART. 9052 - DENIM SHORTS MOD. W00226 ART. 9066
SHIRT MOD. W01071 ART. 9034 - DENIM SHORTS MOD. W00226 ART. 9066
Messagerie Magazine
SHIRT MOD. W01061 ART. 9038 - PANTS MOD. W03021 ART. 9101
Womenswear spring summer 2018
JACKET MOD. W07053 ART. 9101 - PANTS MOD. W03045 ART. 9103
SHIRT MOD. W01063 ART. 9107 - PANTS MOD. W03053 ART. 9050
DRESS MOD. W04070 ART. 9109
JACKET MOD. WO7053 ART. 9050 - SHIRT MOD. WO1063 ART. 9107 - PANTS MOD. WO3053 ART. 9050
DRESS MOD. W04070 ART. 9107
TOP MOD. W01070 ART. 9052 - DENIM MOD. W00202 ART. 9110
SHIRT MOD. W01065 ART. 9107 - PANTS MOD. W03067 ART. 9107
DRESS MOD. W04075 ART. 9108
JACKET MOD. W07055 ART. 9050 - PANTS MOD. W03065 ART. 9050
SHOWROOM Via Malpighi, 4 Milano +39 02 49758240 Largo Minnucci,1 62015 Villa S.Filippo - MC ph. +39 392 9707299 RETAIL Messagerie Piazzetta dei Principi Porto Cervo HEADQUARTER G.M.A. s.r.l. Repubblica di San Marino +378 0549 960019 JAPAN DISTRIBUTION WAKO & CO., LTD 8F Osaka-Sakaisuji bldg 2-2-13 Bakuroumachi 541-0059 Chuo-Ku Osaka - Japan phone no. 0081-6-6263-8188 KOREA F.G.F. CO., LTD. Beakam Bldg 6F, 1303-34 Seocho-Dong SEOCHO-GU SEOUL
Info punti vendita Italia