Food & Drink Processing & Packaging - Issue 41 2022

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Pioneering Heinz and Tesco Recycling Project demonstrates Berry’s circularity commitments As part of its target of achieving 30 percent circular plastic use across its fast-moving consumer goods packaging by 2030, Berry Global is collaborating in a first of its kind project launched by Heinz and Tesco in the UK to enable the recycling of soft plastics, dropped off by customers at Tesco’s in-store collection points. Heinz and Tesco have teamed up with packaging industry leader Berry Global and recycling technology experts Plastic Energy and Sabic to launch this pioneering trial, with the development of new Heinz Beanz Snap Pots which incorporate 39% ISCC PLUS-certified recycled soft plastic on a mass balance basis.

This is a prime example of an innovative advancement in circular packaging design made possible by collaboration across the entire value chain

The snap pots for Heinz’s famous Baked Beanz are produced by Berry Global. Soft plastic is returned by consumers to Tesco stores, collected

product remains fresh,” said Héloïse Carlier, Senior Packaging Development Technologist at Heinz. “With this project and our introduction of the new Heinz Beanz Snap Pots, 22 tons of soft plastics will be recycled.” To date soft plastic packaging has been notoriously difficult to recycle until 2020 just 6% of the material was being recycled in the UK. It is hoped

to keep materials in use and out of our

this venture will inspire the wider

oceans and landfills.”

industry to take action in tackling this issue, both in the UK and other

and then physically segregated for

The 39% recycled plastic that the

conversion by Plastic Energy into

new snap pots contain was validated

an optimal oil feedstock. This is

using the “mass balance approach”

combined with virgin material by Sabic

“We’re proud to have teamed up with

endorsed by ISCC. This makes it

to produce an alternative feedstock

leading experts to bring this important

possible to track the amount and

to manufacture virgin food-contact

innovation to our customers,”

sustainability characteristics of

commented Jojo de Noronha, Heinz’s

approved plastic pellets. These are

materials used in the manufacturing

President Northern Europe. “Our hope

sent to an ISCC-certified (International

process. The recycled material meets

is that this prompts an industry-wide

Sustainability & Carbon Certification)

the requirements of food-contact

look at what more can be done to

Berry Global site for manufacturing

safety regulations and provides a

address the lack of soft plastics being

into new Heinz Beanz Snap Pots.

replacement for virgin polypropylene

recycled in the UK, and we can, as a

in the thin-wall pack with no

collective, get better when it comes to

compromise on processability or

developing new packaging solutions

mechanical performance.

that are good for both our consumers

“This is a prime example of an innovative advancement in circular packaging design made possible by

countries across Europe.

and for our planet.”

collaboration across the entire value

“We want our snap pots to be

chain,” commented Jean-Marc Galvez,

more sustainable while retaining

For more information on Berry

President, Berry Global Consumer

the features that make them so

Global’s other sustainability initiatives,

Packaging International Division. “This

popular with consumers: their


approach helps capture and reuse

convenience, handy snappable format,


plastics that currently go unrecycled,

microwaveability and ensuring the


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