Delta Helps Plastic Packaging Manufacturer Achieve Centralized Control of Entire Facility with DIAView Software A manufacturer of plastic bags for food
control individual machines and monitor
packaging that operates a factory in
the production line. Trend graphs are
Poland has been using Delta automation
available and operators can check for
technology on its production lines for
anomalies and generate reports. Some of
years. The company has recently expanded
the metrics available include total machine
their facility and installed additional
running hours, average production
machines. As a result of the expansion, the
speed, and machine efficiency. Users can
manufacturer decided they had too many
receive different levels of permissions
machines to continue monitoring and
and an operator log stores the history of
controlling them individually. The company
each user’s actions, making it possible
needed to deploy a centralized control and
to monitor operator performance. The
software interface has also been localized
The vacuum and high-barrier plastic bags produced at the plant are used in the
into Polish to make operation even easier machine and use the HMI. The reports can be generated from the factory’s control
for local workers. The project involved close coordination
food and beverage industry. Several heat
room or anywhere else within the plant.
sealing machines and conveyer systems
The functionality of each machine’s HMI
were in operation at the factory before the
is now also available from within DIAView,
expansion. Until now, there was no way to
allowing remote control and operation.
collect and analyze production data from
The DIAView system accesses the
the machines from a single location. A
production information hosted in the SQL
new, customized solution would need to
database to generate charts and reports.
the last decade of collaboration. Of
The Delta solution is built around a
very straightforward since the Delta
standalone instance of DIAView, which
automation equipment already in
is also available in client/server and
operation at the facility was completely
a browser-based versions. Additional
compatible. The benefits were so obvious
Since the manufacturer was already
Delta equipment in the plastic bag plant
for this project, no other solutions were
using Delta automation hardware, Delta’s
includes an Ethernet switch to enable
even considered. Should the customer
DIAView SCADA solution was an obvious
communication between DIAView and
install more machines in the future, they
choice to implement centralized control
the machinery and four units each of the
plan to acquire additional DIAView licenses
and visualization. Delta’s trusted partner in
and incorporate them into the existing
have the ability to collect and aggregate data from all machines, including the new ones, and generate the corresponding reports and graphs.
Poland, Induprogress, was able to deploy a powerful combination of DIAView SCADA and SQLServer to collect production logs and statistics and aggregate that data inside a central database. Induprogress
• DVP SV Series programmable logic controllers • DVP EN Series Ethernet communication modules
between the customer, Delta, and Induprogress. Delta offered the same high level of technical support during implementation that Induprogress has come to rely on already over course, implementing DIAView was
system. “This is a perfect example of how Delta’s broad portfolio of industrial automation solutions can really benefit new and existing customers,” said Ufuk Ozer, Product Manager at Delta
has been the official and exclusive
• HMIs
Electronics. “The breadth of our portfolio
distributor of Delta Electronics industrial
• DVP Digital and Analog modules
allows a factory choose Delta products
In addition, ASDA-A2 servo drives have
in this case. That makes things a lot easier
been installed to enable the bag making
when it’s time to implement a monitoring
and filling processes. VFD.
and control solution like DIAView.
automation solutions in Poland since 2010. The system implemented for the packaging factory allows users to choose individual machines and generate reports
E series Delta motor drives come into play
that span the selected time period without
for sealing tasks. The manufacturer now
requiring an operator go to the physical
uses the new DIAView SCADA system to
34 FDPP -
almost exclusively, like the customer did
Everything is compatible right out of the box.”