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USO opens first-ever afloat center aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77)
from Flagship 06.15.2023
The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) and USO held a ribbon cutting ceremony officially opening the Fleet’s first ship-based USO center, June6,2023.
The afloat center includes many of the sameamenitiesasaland-basedcenter,such ascomfortableseating,TVs,videoandboard games,USOprogramkits andsnacks.
“Today we celebrate as a team the openingoftheGeorgeHerbertWalkerBush USO Afloat Center in our Dorothy Bush Koch library This is the first USO Afloat centerintheFleet.”saidCapt.DavePollard, commanding officer of George H.W. Bush “This center is the latest example of the awesomesupporttheUSOprovidesservice members around the world and the impact oftheUSOonTeamAvenger.”
The new afloat center which will be open while ashore and at sea - is outfitted with computers and phones to give Sailors another way to communicate with their familiestofurtherenhancethemorale.
“We operate in more than 250 locations, but this one is special,” said Dr J.D. Crouch II, USO chief executive officer and President “We are honored to cut the ribbon on ourinauguralship-basedUSOcenteraboard GeorgeH.W.Bush TheUSOgoeswherethe menandwomenofthemilitarygo.Now,we canadd‘atsea’withthiscenter.
The USO is opening another ship-based afloat center aboard USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20), the command ship of U.S. Sixth Fleet.
For more than 80 years, the USO has servedthemenandwomenoftheU.S.military, and their families throughout their timeinuniform.Fromthemomenttheyjoin, throughtheirassignmentsanddeployments, theUSOisalwaysbytheirside Withmultiple ships now carrying a USO presence, the organization is charting a course toward an extraordinaryeraofUSOsupportatsea

George H.W. Bush provides the national command authority flexible, tailorable war fightingcapabilitythroughthecarrierstrike groupthatmaintainsmaritimestabilityand security in order to ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S., allied and partnerinterests FollowtheUSOonFacebook,Twitter,and Instagram forupdates, and jointhe conversationusing#BetheForceonsocialmedia.
For more information about the ship you canvisititsFacebook,LinkedIn,Instagram, orofficialwebpage