Flagship 06.15.2023

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US Navy SEALs conduct nighttime non-combatant evacuation operation training

The elite maritime special operations commandos embarked on the nighttime training to enhance theircapabilities and readiness in the event of humanitarian crises,natural disasters PageA5

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling)

University: Refreshing and refining skillsets for a safer flight deck


Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic

The flight deck of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is a fast-paced and complex place especially when operating at sea It takesonlysecondsforamulti-milliondollar aircraft to “crunch” into another one and render both unable to fly This miscalculation of movement and spilt-second mistake made by personnel working on the flight deck creates huge complications for operationalunitsthatprovideforwardpresence aroundtheglobe RearAdm.JohnMeier,commander,Naval AirForceAtlantic(AIRLANT) believesthe unfortunate mistakes made on the flight deck can be mitigated through more rigoroustrainingintheclassroom andhands-on experiences on the flight line. From his perspective, the naval aviation community has a duty and obligation to train and prepare Sailors who will, or who presently, workandmanageday-to-dayoperationson aflightdeck.

“The vast majority of reportable safety incidents we have in naval aviation are ‘crunches,’ said Meier “This is when personnel working on a ship’s flight deck or flightlinetowa 100 to200milliondollar

aircraft into something else The worst of thesetypesofeventsoccurwhenoneaircraft istowedintoanotherone,andthenasquadron or unit is down two of their aircraft. Mission and readiness are automatically impactedinablinkofaneye.

Due to these incidents mostly resulting

fromhumanerror,Meierisworkingwithhis team at AIRLANT to take necessary steps towardmakingnavalaviationsaferbytrying to stop problems before they happen and to close out the most preventable mistakes in order to keep Navy aircraft where they belong:intheair

“Last year we had a significant number of crunches throughout the fleet,” said Meier. “A-B-H-U is our approach to that. It’s basically our ground school for aircraft handling.”

ABHU, or Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) University is a new course that Aviation Boatswain’s Mates (Handling) (ABH) within AIRLANT’s claimancy can now take part in to refresh their skills, or acquire more knowledge in an area they maybeunfamiliarwithduetoshipmaintenanceperiodsortheirassignedjobposition within their shops ThefirstABHUparticipants,fromUSSHarryS.Truman(CVN75) and USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), graduatedfromthecourseonNavalStation Norfolk on June 2, 2023 The second class of Sailors comprised of participants from Harry S. Truman and they graduated June 9,2023 ABHssupervisethemovement,spotting, and securing of aircraft and equipment ashore and afloat and provide crash rescue, firefighting, crash removal, and damage controldutiesinconnectionwiththelaunch andrecoveryofaircraft

“It’sabasicABHcoursewithalotofextra reps [repetitions] and sets that they can use

ByNavalFacilitiesEngineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic NORFOLK, Va Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune North Carolina Partnering Team was recently announced asrecipientsofthe2023EPANationalNotable Achievement Award: Federal Facilities Excellence in Partnering Team of the Year for their exemplary partnership, and for effectivelyimplementinginnovative,timely, and sustainable remedial actions onboard the 156,000-acre military base Teams from all 10 EPA Regions submitted packages and competedforthisyear’shonors

The MCB Camp Lejeune Partnering Team included: Dave Cleland and Lindsey Mills, from Naval Facilities Engineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic(NAVFAC

MIDLANT)Environmental;JenniferTufts, from EPA Region 4; Thomas Richard and Laura Spung, from MCB Camp Lejeune; RandyMcElveen,BethHartzell,andAngela Moore,fromNorthCarolinaDepartmentof Environmental Quality; Matt Louth Kim Henderson and Monica Fulkerson, from Jacobs; and Dylan Elks and Shaun Whitworth,fromMeadowsCMPG,Inc

“I’m extremely proud of this team, but also proud of their ability to assess tough environmental issues by incorporating innovative thinking and reasoning, positive communication, and efficient managementpractices,”saidKellyKnight,NAVFAC MIDLANTEnvironmentalDirector.“Their efforts also helped to support beneficial goalsoftheDepartmentofDefenseandour partneringagencies.”

Workperformedwasmanagedunderthe Navy’sEnvironmentalRestorationProgram (ERP),whichutilizesapartneringconceptto facilitatecleanupactionsrequiredunderthe Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation,andLiabilityAct.

Theteamwaswidelyrecognizedfortheir functionality and for the performance of their duties During the submission period, the team’s combined efforts included: the treatment of more than 6 million gallons of groundwater, injection of more than 3,000 gallonsofemulsifiedvegetableoilsubstrate as part of a bio barrier replenishment and recirculationsystem,andtheoperationofair sparge systems for more than 9,000 hours Additionally the team saved more than $40,000byreusingremediationequipment from a decommissioned site, and increased

efficiency through the installation of a new solarpoweredtreatmentsystemthatreused 70cubicyardsofsoil,recycled7,530pounds of metal, reduced remediation-derived wasteandpaperwaste,andsavedmorethan 52metrictonsofcarbondioxideemissions, amongotherbenefits.

Their dynamic structure allowed them to establish and maintain effective working relationships with external organizational units, including the Restoration Advisory Board, a stakeholder organization that provides input on MCB Camp Lejeune’s cleanup program. The team’s partnership involved frequent engagement and collaboration with stakeholders to execute the Navy’s ERP in a timely efficient, and

Biden moves to improve opportunities for military spouses


RearAdm.John Meier commander NavalAirForceAtlantic (AIRLANT),speaks to Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS HarryS.Truman (CVN 75) during theAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Universitycourse ofinstruction onJune 9.
NAVFAC MIDLANT Environmental recognized
EPA Federal Facilities Excellence in Partnering
VOL.31,NO 21 Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comJune 15-June 21 2023
as part of 2023
Team of the Year award
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NORFOLK,Va (June 9,2023)- RearAdm.John Meier commander NavalAirForceAtlantic (AIRLANT),poseswith Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS HarryS.Truman (CVN 75) following theircompletion ofthe secondAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Universitycourse ofinstruction onJune 9.ABHU is a newcourse spearheaded byAIRLANTspecifically designed forSailors in theAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) rate During the course,Sailors refresh theirskills and acquire more knowledge through classroom and hands-on training (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSTATYANAFREEMAN)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 1
Fort Liberty North Carolina, PresidentJoe Biden
an executive order designed to strengthen economic opportunities for
and veteran spouses, caregivers and
TurntoUniversity, Page 2 TurntoEPAaward, Page 2

USNCCGraduates Naval Studies Certificate Recipients


U.S. NavalCommunity College

QUANTICO, Va.—U.S.Naval CommunityCollegerecognizedthegraduatesofthe NavalStudies Certificate duringa virtual graduationceremonyJune9,2023

These six Sailors, Marines,and Coast Guardsmen areamong USNCC’s2,101 students enrolled in degree-seeking programs that include the NavalStudies Certificate

“Thechallenges we face today aredifferent from those of the past,”saidUSNCC’s PresidentRandiR.Cosentino,Ed.D.during herspeech.“Wecan’twinthenextwarwith money alone; we must educateour wayto victory.Asyou continue your educational

journey,Iurgeyou to embrace this challenge.Takeadvantage of every opportunity toexpandyourknowledge,skills,andexperience.”

The fivecourses of the NavalStudies Certificate include NAV101 —Naval Ethics andLeadership;NAV 102 —Modern Naval History;NAV 103 —Naval ForceDesign; NAV104 —Civilian and Military Relations,Organization, andAmerican Government; andNAV 105 —Introduction to the Geopolitical Environment. Thesecourses aretransferabletoeachofUSNCC’spartner institutions and fulfill 15 semesterhoursof pre-designated corecourses towardsassociatedegrees. These graduates maycontinue their educationinoneofthefiveassociatedegree programscurrentlyoffered:MilitaryStudies

Cybersecurity,NuclearEngineeringTechnology,Organizational Leadership,Aviation Maintenance Technology,Uncrewed Systems,orMaritime Logistics. USNCCis currently working on developingits Data Analyticsprogrambytheendoftheyear

“Werecognize with pridethe sacrifices thateachoneofushasmadethroughoutthis course,” said U.S. Navy Chief Intelligence SpecialistJon Vacho,graduating student speaker.“We did it. We endured.Wewere abletocompleteaverydifficultcourse.”He went on to talkabouthow the NavalStudiesCertificateexpandedtheirskillsbeyond the tangible.“It expandedour abilityto research. It expanded our perspectiveof globalevents as well as those unique to the navalforces.Itincreasedourleadershipand ourstrategicthinkingabouttheoperational

environment. “Lifelong learning is ajourney,” said U.S. CoastGuardCommand Master Chief Ed Lewis,USNCC’sCoastGuardliaison,during theceremony.“Sharewhatyouhavelearned andbringsomeonewithyou.Again,congratulations on this monumentalstepinyour personaldevelopment.”

Thegraduation ceremony is available on USNCC’swebsite, www.usncc.edu,aswell asitsofficialFacebook,YouTube,andLinkedInchannels

The United States NavalCommunity Collegeistheofficialcommunitycollegefor theNavy,MarineCorps,andCoastGuard.To get moreinformation about USNCC, go to www.usncc.edu. Click on the InquireNow link to learn howtobeapart of theUSNCC PilotIIprogram.

to practice inbetweenbeing underway,so theycan get extraproficientfor whenthey go out to sea,”said Senior Chief Aviation Boatswain’sMate(Handling)MaurkBurks, aSailorassignedtoAIRLANTandoneofthe instructorsofABHU

Thecourselengthissettomeettheneeds ofthestudentsbasedonhowfaralongtheir ship is during their maintenance phase which is part of thefive-phasedOptimized FleetResponsePlan(OFRP).Iftheshipisin theshipyardorbeginningtheirmaintenance phase,thecourseisfivedays:twoclassroom

and three that arehands-onmoving training aircraft. Forships entering advanced and integratedphases,the course is three days:oneclassroomandtwohands-on.The three-day course is for ships that areout of the shipyard and haveoperated, or are preparingtooperate,at-sea in preparation forexercisesandanupcomingdeployment.

“Whatwe’reheretodevelopisarelentless and flawless executionofthe basics,” said Burks.“So,basically,Sailorswhoarerelentlessinexecutingthebasicresponsibilitiesof theirjobsaboardaircraftcarriers.” ABHsoftenworkoutdoorsonthe flight decks of various platforms in all climates, and the rate is largely considered afastpacedandoftenhazardousjob.

“Duringthiscourse,Iwasabletoworkon somebasicsthatIhaven’tbeenabletowork on for awhile,”saidAviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 3rdClass Ramon Antonio Reyes, assigned to Dwight D. Eisenhower andoneofthefirstABHUgraduates.Reyes emphasized that the course allowedhim andhisclassmatestoslowdown,getbackto basics, build on knowledge,and to improve withintheirrate

Bymakingthebasicsfreshandstrivingfor perfectioninany waypossible, AIRLANT strivestominimize the amountofpreventablemishapswhenitcomestoaircraft,and ultimately,makenaval aviationmoresafe everyday.

“ABHU is justone of manyinitiatives to

getahead of aproblemandto stop preventable mistakes from happening on ourflight decks,”saidMeier.“Itstartswithourpeople andensuringthatourSailorshavethetrainingand means to be successful within their rateandtoputsafetyfirst.

Commander,Naval Air ForceAtlantic (COMNAVAIRLANT) is responsible for sevennuclear-poweredaircraft carriers, 54 aircraftsquadrons,1,200aircraftand52,000 officers,enlisted and civilian personnel basedontheEastCoastoftheUnitedStates It provides combatready, sustainable naval airforceswiththerightpersonnel,properly trainedandequipped,withafocusonreadiness, operationalexcellence,interoperability,safety,andefficientresourcing.

cost-effectivemanner.It also focused on strengtheningrelationships,improvingopen communication,and meeting stakeholder objectivessositescanberemediatedquickly andreturnedformissionusage.

“Congratulations to each of the team recipients, and theentireMIDLANT Environmental Restoration Team, on this great achievement,”said Capt. Matt Riethmiller, NAVFAC MIDLANT Commanding Officer.“This atestament to the hard work and

tremendous effort done by theNavyand MarineCorpsteam to not only protect, but alsorestoretheenvironment.Italsodemonstratestheimpactenvironmentalrestoration hasonthemission,andwherewelive,work andtrain.”

NAVFAC’s Environmental Program provides high quality,timely,cost-effective,andefficientenvironmentalsupportto the Navy,MarineCorps andother clients Environmental management is the means of conserving,protecting and restoring the environment, and natural and cultural resources,for futuregenerations.NAVFAC offers sound environmental management

and technical support necessaryfor Navy andMarineCorpscompliancewithfederal, state, local andhostnation regulations.We strivetocontinuallyimproveour relationshipswithour clients, regulators and other stakeholders through focus on common operational goals,sharing of information regarding our products and services and availability of ahighly skilled environmentalworkforce.

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spansfromSouth CarolinatoMaine,and as far west as Michigan,

anddowntoIndiana.Asanintegralmember of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlanticteam,NAVFACMIDLANTprovides leadership throughthe Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructureare managed efficiently andeffectively Visit NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic online at www.navfac.navy.mil/navfac_worldwide/ atlantic/fecs/mid-atlantic.html.Also“like, ‘follow” and shareand visit the official NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/navfacmidatlantic.

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University from Page 1 EPAaward from Page 1 2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, June 15, 2023

The “Devil Docs” of Belleau Wood: Stories of valor and sacrifice

U.s. Navy Bureau Of Medicine and Surgery

OnJune6,1918,Lt JoelBoone,Regimental Surgeon with the 6th Marines, watched as Major Thomas Holcomb and his Marine unit trudged through a waist-high wheatfield in Bouresches, on the edge of Belleau Wood.

“While I did not know it at the time, casualties began to occur among his men,” recalled Boone “Later I learned one of the first wounded Marines was Captain Donald F. Duncan, commanding one of the companies of the Second Battalion. LieutenantjuniorgradeWeeden[sic]E.Osborne, DentalCorps,U.S.Navy,whowasassignedto thatcompany,wenttotherescueofCaptain Duncan, and in the process of carrying him toward the rear where he thought it would be safe they both received a direct hit whichprovedfataltoeachofthem.

Osborne, a 26-year-old dentist from Illinois that Boone remembered as the “cleancut, blonde, rosy-cheeked young man,” was posthumouslyawardedtheMedalofHonor. He was the first military dentist to receive thisawardandthefirstNavycasualtyinthe epicbattleofBelleauWood

Today, the name Belleau Wood garners instant recognition from anyone who has worntheuniform,andnomoresothanU.S.

Marines This is where the Marine Corps first earned the moniker “Devil Dogs”— fiercewarriorswhoarealwaysreadyforthe fight. And this is a legacy that has endured eversince

From June 1 to 26, 1918, the 4th Marine Brigade (comprised of the 5th Marines 6th Marines and 6th Machine Gun Battalion) foughtthroughagauntletofthickwoodland, jagged rock and barbed wire, and against unrelenting machine gun fire, poison gas andaformidable,entrenchedforce Despite these seemingly insurmountable odds, these Devil Dogs seized Belleau Wood and successfullyturnedbacktheenemy’sSpring


For Navy Medicine Belleau Wood is where our deep Greenside roots first took root and the developing concept of field medicine took that next formative step All alongtheway,thoseDevilDogswerejoined byGreensidephysicians,dentistsandhospitalcorpsmenwhosefocusonkeepingthem inthefightandrenderinglifesavingaidwas unwavering.Theyincludedthelikesof:

Pharmacist’s Mate Third Class Joseph Johnson of Elizabeth, New Jersey After crossing the wheatfields with the 5th Marines, Johnson worked “unceasingly in caring for and evacuating more than 200 wounded men while under unrelenting machinegunandshellfire

ChiefPharmacist’sMateGeorgeG.Strott of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. While serving withthe6thMarinesontheeveningofJune 6th,Strottfearlesslylefthissheltertorender assistancetopersonnelstruckby“fragments of a large calibre [sic] shell.” Despite poor visibilityandconstantshellbursts hehelped carrywoundedmenacrossadifficultterrain toadressingstation.

ThroughoutBelleauWood,Navymedical personneloperatedseveralmakeshiftdressing and aid stations anywhere that offered a modicum of protection—in wine cellars, farmhouses,andculverts

FromanoldfarmhouseoutsideofBelleau Wood,Lt Booneandhismedicalteamoperated a regimental aid station where they helped control hemorrhaging bandage the wounded and even performed extensive debridementby“flickeringcandlelight. To preventshock,theyusedmorphine(applied throughsyrettes)andkeptpatientsaswarm aspossiblewithblanketsand“cannedheat.”

There were no antibiotics or plasma, and wounds were often infected by contaminated soil and dirty clothing And although the Carroll-Dakin therapy was used to controlinfectionsatbaseandfieldhospitals, itwastypicallynotavailableonthefront Forseveralweekstherewaslittletimefor respite “These weeks in the Belleau Wood area had nearly exhausted me, for I had

had very little sleep, very little food and no opportunity even to change my clothes or take them off,” Boone recalled. “I had lived many times in a steaming inferno and the stresses and strains on the nervous system wastremendous.”

Throughout this fight, many of these aid and dressing stations were subject to constantbombardment.Boone’saidstation received a series of direct hits from heavy shells on June 9th and 10th which took off partoftheroofandkilled10patients

On June 11, Lt Orlando Petty, a physician with the 5th regiment, was manning a dressingstationatLucy-le-Bocagewhenit came under heavy fire from German artillery including poison gas shells Among the casualties being treated by Petty in the attack was Captain Lloyd Williams, commander of the 51st Company, 2nd battalion, 5th Marines, and famous for answering a French soldier’s call of retreat with: “Retreat? Hell, we just got here!”

During the bombardment, Petty was knockeddownbyanexplodingshellwhich destroyedthedressingstationandrendered hisgasmaskuseless Hediscardedhismask and carried Williams through the shellfire andmustardgastosafety Despiteincurring severechemicalburnsandirreparablelung damage,Pettycontinuedtotreatcasualties until being evacuated to the rear

Casualties at Belleau Wood were significant. In total, some 616 members of the 4th Marine Brigade were killed in action at Belleau Wood with an additional 332 later dying from their wounds Some 2,468 werewoundedinactionandover900were exposedtopoisongas

Among the Navy medical personnel at Belleau Wood, two were later bestowed theMedalofHonor—physicianLt Orlando Petty and dentist Lt.(j.g.) Weedon Osborne (posthumously). And a total of nineteen physicians, dentists and hospital corpsmen receivedNavyCrossesincludingChiefStrott andPettyOfficerJohnson.

Dr Joel Boone was later awarded the MedalofHonorforheroicservicesatVierzy (in July 1918) After the war, he served as physiciantothreepresidentsandrosetothe rankofViceAdmiralbeforeretiringin1950.

While reflecting on the battle some forty years later, in 1958, Boone noted that the “Herculean achievements,” at Belleau Wood came at a “frightful cost of human life,” but this has given the Nation a “spirit and new sense of pride in the American soldier and Marine to fight not only heroically and determinedly, but most successfully.” And more importantly for Boone, it wasatBelleauWoodwheremedicalpersonnelprovedtotheMarinesthatregardlessof the fight they were always going to be “by their side, even in the most intense fighting experiences.”

For over 100 years since Belleau Wood this has remained true. And you can bet everywhere and anywhere a Devil Dog is serving in the future, a Devil Doc will not be far behind


„ Andrews, John F. Biography of Orlando Petty Retrieved from: https://img1. wsimg.com/blobby/go/ebe1bf4e-4777439e-a419-ec7559788b4b/downloads/ ORLANDO%20PETTY%20BIOGRAPHY. pdf?ver=1598199621657

„ Boone, Joel T. Memoirs (Unpublished), LibraryofCongressWashington D.C. Boxes 44-46

„ Ferrebee R.A (Dec 11, 2014). “Retreat hell! We just got here. American Legion. Retrieved from: https://www.legion.org/ stories/other/retreat-hell-we-just-got-here

„ Miller, J.M. The 4th Marine Brigade at Belleau Wood and Soissons: History and BattlefieldGuide Lawrence,KS:University PressofKansas,2020

„ Strott George The Medical Department oftheUnitedStatesNaywiththeArmyand Marine Corps in France in World War I: its Functions and Employment (NAVMED 1197). Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED):Washington,D.C.,June1947

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Military Sealift Command looks to keep the fleet “fit and ready”

USN Military Sealift Command

CivilServiceMariners(CIVMARs)arethe key to Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) success Nearly6,000CIVMARskeepMSC ships mission ready Whether they work in theengineroom,galleyorpilothouse,each and every one is invaluable and the reason MSC is able to provide continuous support tothejointwarfighters

Oneofthecriticalelementsofmaintaining readiness is keeping CIVMARs fit for duty

The healthofthe fleethas adirect impact on the ability to get ships underway Promoting healthandsafetywhileimprovingfit-for-duty statusisapriorityforMSC’sMedicalForce.

“From a readiness perspective, non-fitfor-duty(NFFD)statuseshurtourabilityto get CIVMARs relieved on time,” said MSC Pacific Medical Officer, Cmdr Jamie Vega. “The more CIVMARs we have who are not fit for duty the more people we have out thereonshipswhocan’tgetrelieved.

Vega says the command has 375 NFFD cases, and about 122 of them have lasted beyond six months The causes range from hypertension to sleep apnea and the most common, musculoskeletal issues, such as neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain and otherjoint-relatedinjuries

“Currently our NFFD status is about 6.4 percent of our basic allowance,” said Vega. “What we’d like to do is to get that number down to 2.5 percent which is a lofty and ambitiousgoal,butwecandoitinanumber ofways.”

Vega saysone of the ways is to establish a consistent line of communication between medical and the CIVMARs that includes routine chart reviews better case management and working with the CIVMARs to ensuretheyaremeetingtheirappointments andstayingmedicallycompliant

“It is a team effort with the mariner and medical staff,” said Vega. “It is incumbent upontheCIVMARtoprovidetheirmedical documentstoussowecanreviewthem And important also that they provide updates routinelysothatwewillknowwhatwecan do to help end their non-fit-for-duty status orifweneedtoextendthem.

Establishing better dialogue between medicalstaffandCIVMARsisoneapproach toward getting current NFFD cases down, butVegabelievesMSCalreadyhasprograms inplacethatcanpreemptcasesbeforehand. MSC’sForceSafetyandHealthandPromotionsProgramsaretoolsthatMSCstaffand CIVMARs can engage with that will help their own health and fitness while keeping MSCmissionready

MSC’s Force Safety

Focuses on Creating Safe Work Environments

MSC’s Safety and Occupational Health (MSOH) Program promotes safe and healthy working conditions for personnel in order to enhance operational readiness

The program aims to reduce occupational injuries,illnessesordeathsandmaterialloss


“Safetyhasadirectcorrelationwithreadiness,”saidSafetyandOccupationalHealth Manager Scott Muller “You can look at our program two ways One is preventive or being proactive and in front of the issues by looking ahead. Then we are also, fromtimetotime,reactive Whenthingsdo happen,wecollectinformationandcreatea mishapreportthatdocumentstheincident, eitherdamagetoequipmentorinjurytothe person, and we use what we learn to raise awareness.”

The safety program’s hallmark is sharing information with the MSC staff and CIVMARswiththehopethatitcanprevent future incidents. They produce quarterly newsletters discussing the latest safety trendsandpoliciesandhowtheyareimpactingmaritimesafety

“Learning from past instances and being betterawareandpreparedforfutureactivitiesandimplementingprotectiveactionsor riskassessmentsareallimportantfactorsin creating and maintaining a safe work environment,”saidMuller

Muller added that it is important that CIVMARs be willing to share information when mishaps happen Obtaining mishap reports from ships is vital to safety promotion,includingnearmissandhazardreports

By Navy policy MSC can only use reported information for safety purposes only and it cannot be used for enforcement action, we maintain confidentiality and do not share reported information with the U.S. Coast Guard Itisinvaluablethat

According to Force Medical, musculoskeletal injuries that make up 33 percent of the NFFD cases can be attributed to the waypeopleliftthings,movethingsaroundor evensitattheirdesks MSOHalsopromotes theergonomicstrainingthatshowsemployeeshowtoestablishandmaintainasafeand comfortable work environment that could helpsuppressinjuries.

“Ergonomics is really the study and the optimization of fitting the workspace to the worker To make it comfortable so that work can be more efficient. Like arranging chairs and desks to be conducive for the worker,” said Muller. “Making adjustments to the work environment can help prevent chronicconditionsfortheindividualsinthe longterm.”

An article in one of MSOH’s recent quarterlynewsletters,discussedthelinkbetween fitfordutyandsafety Fitfordutyisdefined as a combination of physical and mental factors thatenable peopletocarryouttheir jobs competently and safely The article listed the main causes of degraded fitness fordutyandhowsafetyifaffected:


„ Misuseofalcoholandordrugs

„ Physicalinjury

„ Illness

„ Stress,worry,personalproblems

„ Mentalimpairment


„ Inabilitytoconcentrate

„ Confusion

„ Degradedsituationalawareness

„ Beingdistractedbyfeelingunwell

„ Poorphysicalcoordination

„ Fallingasleep

„ Communicationfailures

Mulleremphasizesthatsafetyisn’tabout one individual or one office Its impact on improving MSC’s fit-for-duty posture requiresculturalchange.

“Safety is everybody’s responsibility,” he said. “We want to make a shift to where safety is embedded in our overarching mission. We are sharing literature, lessons learned and knowledge so that safety will beinplayeverydaytopreventincidentsand keeppeoplehealthy.”

MSC employees can get the latest Safety newsletterandmoreinformationonMSC’s portal at https://navy.deps.mil/sites/msc/ Pages/MSCSafety.aspx

MSC Health and Promotions Program Offers Tools for Healthy Living

MSC’s Health and Promotions Program (HPP) gives MSC staff and mariners the toolsimprovetheirindividualhelpandputs themrightattheirfingertips.HPP’smission is to improve the health consciousness and health status of MSC employees in order to increaseoperationaleffectiveness,efficiency andsafety,andtheprogramsoffernumerous servicesthatcanhelpnon-fitdutymembers returntotheirships.

“CIVMARshaveavarietyoffreeservices and taking advantage of these services will not only enhance their physical and mental well-being but when they do take advantage, it tends to ripple down into all areas of lives, from enhancing their relationships with others to improving both their quality ofworkandqualityoflife,”saidMSCHealth

Promotion Coordinator Leighanne Gerstbrein HPP’s virtual classes are online and tailored toward encouraging healthy routines such as effective dieting, working outandmanagingmentalhealth:

„ Virtual Health Education Classes offer a new class monthly on a variety of topics such as, Meal Planning; Weight Management; Exercise Basics and more. (link: www.millenniumenterprises.net/ civmar-classes/)

„ Virtual Fitness Classes also monthly focusonfitnessworkoutssuchas 10-minute AbWorkout;20-minuteFullBodyWorkout; TurboKick and others (link: www.millenniumenterprises.net/civmar-class-type/ classes/fitness/)

„ Virtual Meditation Classes are mind and body practices that promote calmness and physicalrelaxation,improvedpsychological balance, coping with illnesses, and enhancing overall health and well-being. Available classes include: Introduction to Mindful Meditation;GratitudeMeditation;Labeling Thoughts Meditation. (link: www.millenniumenterprises.net/civmar-class-type/


HPPalsohasscheduledeventsandinformative tools available for CIVMARs on the East and West Coasts These include newsletters that are routinely distributed to the fleet:

„ SHIPFITWorkoutsaredistributedquarterlytoallMedicalServiceOfficers,Medical Department Representatives and Masters and provide beginner, intermediate, and advanced level workouts for CIVMARs to do while underway The workouts require noequipmentandareintendedtobeableto bedoneanywhere,anytime

„ WeeklyWellnessNewslettersaredistributed to the fleet every Monday Often, the topic is in accordance with the monthly health observance, however input from CIVMARsandhealthriskassessmentfindings also contribute to the topic selection anddesignofthenewsletter

„ The MSC Resiliency Team which aims to build resilience and morale among the CIVMAR pulation to increase employee satisfaction and decrease employee burnout,stressandworkplaceconflict

„ HealthRiskAssessmentsgiveCIVMARs the ability to create their own free wellness profile at www.mhfwellnessportal.com. This provides them with access to a variety of resources such as sleep food, water physical activity and weight tracking and logging devices and feedback, mindfulness practices,recipestotry,interactivelearning, daily pursuits, a health library, social blogs, andafreehealthriskassessment.

„ HealthCoachingisacollaborativeprocess bywhichcoachandclientworktogetherto bring out the best in the client and help the client create and live the life they want to live

HPP recently launched a new Website that provides a “one-stop-shop” where CIVMARs could visit to learn about all of the HPP services and direct links to useful resources: https://civmar.sealiftcommand com/health-promotion-program.

“Our health impacts everything we do,” Gerstbrein said. “We can’t neglect it if we wanttoliveafull,richlife.Takingresponsibilityofitmeanstakingresponsibilityofour livesandputtingusinapowerfulpositionto getthemostfromlife.”

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, June 15, 2023
NORFOLK,VA(July26 2022) MilitarySealift Command (MSC) East Health Promotion CoordinatorLeighanne Gerstbrein observes as Civil Service Mariner(CIVMAR) MarkAppel takes an inbodyscreening during MSC’s East CoastWellness Dayhosted bythe Health Promotion ProgramJuly26 in Norfolk,Virginia.MSC held the event to offerCIVMARs tools to help them improve their individual health.(PHOTOBYHENDRICKDICKSON/RELEASED).

Naval Special Warfare Group Two

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va East-coast based Naval Special Warfare Operators (SEALs) recently conducted a comprehensive training exercise focused on non-combatant emergency evacuation operations Thetraining,heldatnight,involvedtheuse of simulated munitions to better emulate real-lifescenarios.

The elite maritime special operations commandos, renowned for proficiency in executing high-risk missions embarked on thetrainingtofurtherenhancetheircapabilities and readiness in the event of humanitarian crises, natural disasters, or other contingencies that require rapid and effi-


Under the cover of darkness, Navy SEAL elementsassembledatlocationsthroughout Southeastern Virginia where they meticulously planned and executed the exercise The scenario aimed to replicate the unpredictable and challenging conditions that SEALs might face in real-world situations, wherelivesareatstakeandtimeiscritical.

During the exercise, the Navy SEALs employed simulated munitions to create a high-intensityenvironmentwhileensuring the safety for all participants The realistic natureofthetrainingallowedthecommandos to develop and refine their skills in a controlledsetting,replicatingthestressand pressuretheymayencounterinactualevacuationsituations

The training encompassed evacuations fromhostileenvironments,rescuemissions in treacherous terrain, and transportation of non-combatants under extreme circumstances

CommodoreBillGallagher Commander, Naval Special Warfare Group TWO, expressed his appreciation for the dedication and professionalism exhibited by the SEALs and support personnel during the exercise He emphasized the importance of such training in ensuring the Navy SEALsremaintheworld’sleadingmaritime commandos.

“These exercises provide an opportunity for our operators and support personnel to hone their skills, coordinate with other units, and enhance their ability to conduct

complex operations,” Gallagher said “It is critical for us to train under the most challenging conditions and thereby prepare ourteamsforwhattheywillfaceduringrealworldoperations.”

The recent withdrawal of the U.S. Embassy in Sudan underscored the importance of readiness to exquisitely plan and execute non-combatant emergency evacuation operations. The real-world event was a timely reminder of the critical role these elite commandos play in safeguarding lives duringcomplexinternationalcrises

TheNavySEALs’commitmenttoconstant training and refinement is a testament to theirreputationasthepremierglobalmaritimecommandos

US Navy SEALs conduct nighttime noncombatant evacuation operation training VIRGINIABEACH,Va (May25,2023)An east-coast-based U.S.Naval SpecialWarfare Operators (SEALs) clears a simulated enemythreat during non-combatant evacuation operation training Naval SpecialWarfare Group 2 produces trains,supports and deploys theworld’s premiermaritime special operations commandos to conduct full-spectrum operations and integrated deterrence that support national objectives (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSMATTHEWDICKINSON) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 5 ROSIE’SSUPPORTS OUR TROOPS 1996 POWER PLANT PKWY,HAMPTON,VA23666 Mustbe21orolder.Problem Gaming? Call the Virginia Help Lineat1-888-532-3500 ROSIESGAMING.COM Valid every TuesdayinJune.Mustcheck in at the Rosie’sRewards Club to be enrolled intothe promotion. VETERANS TUESDAYS FREE PLAY $5 R'BURGER +FRIES $5 POINTS 5X JUST SIGN UP FORAFREEROSIE’S REWARDSCARDAND INSTANTLY RECEIVEBETWEEN $25-$1,000 in free play FOR YOUR FIRST VISIT! Valid only fornew members in Hampton. Mustprovide email to receive $25.

USO opens first-ever afloat center aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77)


The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) and USO held a ribbon cutting ceremony officially opening the Fleet’s first ship-based USO center, June6,2023.

The afloat center includes many of the sameamenitiesasaland-basedcenter,such ascomfortableseating,TVs,videoandboard games,USOprogramkits andsnacks.

“Today we celebrate as a team the openingoftheGeorgeHerbertWalkerBush USO Afloat Center in our Dorothy Bush Koch library This is the first USO Afloat

centerintheFleet.”saidCapt.DavePollard, commanding officer of George H.W. Bush “This center is the latest example of the awesomesupporttheUSOprovidesservice members around the world and the impact oftheUSOonTeamAvenger.”

The new afloat center which will be open while ashore and at sea - is outfitted with computers and phones to give Sailors another way to communicate with their familiestofurtherenhancethemorale.

“We operate in more than 250 locations, but this one is special,” said Dr J.D. Crouch II, USO chief executive officer and President “We are honored to cut the ribbon on

ourinauguralship-basedUSOcenteraboard GeorgeH.W.Bush TheUSOgoeswherethe menandwomenofthemilitarygo.Now,we canadd‘atsea’withthiscenter.

The USO is opening another ship-based afloat center aboard USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20), the command ship of U.S. Sixth Fleet.

For more than 80 years, the USO has servedthemenandwomenoftheU.S.military, and their families throughout their timeinuniform.Fromthemomenttheyjoin, throughtheirassignmentsanddeployments, theUSOisalwaysbytheirside Withmultiple ships now carrying a USO presence, the

organization is charting a course toward an extraordinaryeraofUSOsupportatsea

George H.W. Bush provides the national command authority flexible, tailorable war fightingcapabilitythroughthecarrierstrike groupthatmaintainsmaritimestabilityand security in order to ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S., allied and partnerinterests FollowtheUSOonFacebook,Twitter,and Instagram forupdates, and jointhe conversationusing#BetheForceonsocialmedia.

For more information about the ship you canvisititsFacebook,LinkedIn,Instagram, orofficialwebpage

the USO National Board ofGovernors,middle,J.D Crouch,chiefexecutive officerand President ofUSO,middle right and otherUSO members cut a ribbon during the USO afloat ribbon cutting ceremonyaboard the ship June 6,2023 This is the first USO afloat centerin the fleet.George H.W.Bush provides the national command authorityflexible,tailorablewarfighting capability through the carrierstrike group that maintains maritime stabilityand securityin orderto ensure access,deteraggression and defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSNICHOLASAVIS) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 keb' Mo' with specialguest PeterOne JUNE18 FULL LINEUP, TICKETS, & MORE INFO: VAFEST.ORG OR CALL 757-282-2822 Presentedinpartnership withVisit Williamsburgand funded in part by theCityofWilliamsburg and theWilliamsburgAreaArtsCommission Co-presented with theCityofWilliamsburg andthe ColonialWilliamsburgFoundation. JUNE17 SPECIALGUEST JUNE 16 VIRGINIAARTSFESTIVAL THIS WEEKEND! 2023 PLATINUM SPONSORS GUARANTEEYOURSEATS FORANUNFORGETTABLE SUMMERMUSIC EVENT! GREATMUSIC,FOODTRUCKS, CRAFTBEER ANDWINE! Lawn of theArt MuseumsofColonial Williamsburg
Pollard,commanding officerofthe Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),middle left Marilyn Cohen,memberof

NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Personal Property Offices here to help with PCS moves


Now that the calendar has turned over to June we have entered the peak moving season.TheNAVSUPFLCNorfolkPersonal Property Offices (PPO) are hard at work taking care of customers during this peak season and with a little planning it can be easier for everyone involved to prevent a stressful evolution.

According to NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Personal Property Director David Stone the most important service the PPO’s provide is coordinating and paying for customerpropertystorageorshipmentsor asanalternativetheyalsoprovideguidance onself-procuredshipmentsandcompensationallowances Hesaidthemostimportant thingtheircustomerscandoistobeginthe processaspreparedandeducatedaspossible “With customer’s using ‘self-counsel’ they sometimes miss key information that shouldbereadinadvancetopreventmoves from going sideways,” said Stone Stone said customers should become familiarwithMilitaryOneSourceandNavy Customer websites to help identify their responsibilities and the Transportation Service Provider (TSP)/Agent responsibilities A good placefor customers to start is www.navsup.navy.mil/household and www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-pcs/ plan-to-move/pcs-and-military-moves.

During2022,theNorfolkPPOcounseling team processed 12,451 shipment applications through the Defense Personal Property System(DPS) in an average of5.3 days from the time a customer submitted their application. Stone advises that customers should allow at least a 21 day lead time to schedule a shipment, and during the peak summerseasonit’sbesttoallowsixweeks Thebestpracticeistosubmityourapplication as soon as you receive orders Stone offered the most important tip to avoidingcommonpitfallswhenplanninga moveistobeflexible “Weather,equipment andmanpowerissuesdohappenandcould causedelays,”saidStone “Thesedelaysare not just inconvenient but can have financial impacts as well. Customers should leave some flexibility in their schedules to

accommodate “the unexpected.”

Stoneofferedasecondtipthatcustomers shouldsetasideanyitemstheymightneed duringtraveltoensuremoversdonotpack them. “Passports and other travel documents, medications, uniforms, cherished toys - anything not planned for packing shouldbesecuredoutofthemoversreach,” advised Stone

Healsoadvisedthatappliancesandother items need to be properly prepared for the move “Disconnect anything in the home from the building and other items,” said Stone “Anythingmountedorconnectedto anything else must be disconnected by the customer Drain, clean and dry anything that is being included in the shipment, including refrigerators, water beds, lawn mowers and any other item that uses fuel or water.”

Customersshouldalwayswaituntilthey have a confirmed carrier and moving date before providing notice to vacate their current home “Customers can prevent unnecessary stress and last minute scrambling by NOT giving notice to vacate their residence prior to ensuring a moving agency is assigned to service their shipment,” said Stone Most importantly Stone cautions customerstoensuretheirhomeiscleanand ready to receive movers “Vendors cannot come in and provide services if a customer has not at least organized and ensured everythingiscleanandfreeofsoilandpest infestations. Insect infestations and dirty homes are encountered frequently and vendorswillnotprovideserviceiftheyseea concernformoldinhomesorstorageunits that can result in health risks and skyrocketing costs for professional remediation services. Homes should be safe to access, enter and work in, including clear walkways Ensuretheresidenceisaccessibleby pavementvicemuddyorsnowydriveways and paths and treat for pests in advance of scheduling a mover.”

With a little research and proper planning customers should be able to look forward to a relatively stress-free move Your local HHG office can provide all necessaryinformationtogetstarted,orcall 855-HHG-MOVE.

Movers unload household goods during deliveryas the Navycontinues to support servicemembers throughout the COVID-19 crisis.Headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania,and employing a diverse,worldwideworkforce ofmore than 22,500 militaryand civilian personnel,NAVSUP’s mission is to provide supplies,services and quality-of-life support to the Navyand jointwarfighter (USNAVYPHOTOBYRUSSELLSTEWART/RELEASED)

Biden moves to improve opportunities for military spouses

DOD News

On June 9, 2023 at Fort Liberty North Carolina, President Joe Biden signed an executive order designed to strengthen economic opportunities for military and veteranspouses,caregiversandsurvivors

“Thisnewexecutiveorderestablishesthe most comprehensive set of administrative actions in our nation’s history to support the economic security of military families veterans spouses caregiversandsurvivors,” Biden said at a large gathering of military personalandspousesatFortLiberty

Theactionsoftheexecutiveorder,hesaid, focus on three main goals: more flexibility, moresupportandmoreresources.

“This executive order encourages all federal agencies to do more to retain military spouses through flexible policies, policies like granting leave when their partner has to PCS [permanent change of station] improving remote work opportunities for military spouses including when they’re stationedoverseas,”hesaid.

Theexecutiveorderenablesmoresupport tomilitaryfamilies,forinstance,byenabling

spousestoseekadviceonoverseasemploymentissuesthroughmilitarylegalassistance officers

“You also need support to navigate challengesuniquetomilitaryfamilies,challenges likejugglingchildcareandworkwhileyour partner’sdeployedorwhenyou’recaringfor an injured loved one,” he said “Too often, the people you work with, they just don’t know they don’t know what you’re going through.”

The executive order he said, establishes new training for federal human resources and hiring personnel to ensure that those people fully understand the needs of militaryfamilies

The president also said the executive order provides resources especially for thingslikeaffordablechildcare.

“Today,we’reacceleratingtheimplementationofthedependentcareflexiblespendingaccount,whichwillgivemilitaryfamilies the option to receive a pretax benefit for daycare,preschoolandsummercamps and much more, Biden said “This order also focusesonprovidingresources formilitary spouseswhoareentrepreneurs.”

Included there are new funding options,

including grants and loans to help military spousesstartandsustainbusinesses

Thedirectionsprovidedwithintheexecutiveorder Bidensaid areanimportantpart of sustaining the all-volunteer force which willnextmonthturn50yearsold

“All of you who raised your hand, all of youwhovolunteeredarethereasonthatour military today is the greatest fighting force inthehistoryoftheworld,barnone that’s the reason. And the reason we’ve been able to sustain that force year after year decade after decade is because military spouses caregiversandsurvivorshaveansweredthe call,aswell.

Today’s executive order supports those military spouses, caregivers and survivors who currently or have in the past providedsupporttoU.S.militarypersonnel. Thecontentsoftheexecutiveorderwere informedinlargepartbyworkdonethrough JoiningForces theWhiteHouseinitiative spearheadedbyFirstLadyDr JillBidenand former First Lady Michelle Obama in 2011. Thatprogramfocusesonprovidingsupport tomilitaryfamilies,caregiversandsurvivors oftheU.S.military

“This moment belongs to your commu-

nity,” Jill Biden told those in attendance. “I wanttothankallthemilitaryspouseseverywherewho made it possible Thank you for sharingyourstories Thankyoufortrusting ustomakethisright.”

Whiletheexecutiveorderwillhelpmany military and veteran spouses, caregivers and survivors find more meaningful work, it won’t solve every problem, she acknowledged. She called on the private sector to also pitch in to augment what was done by theexecutiveorder

“We’re calling on employers everywhere to do their part: Recruit military spouses [and] offer flexible work opportunities so that you can retain their talent no matter where in the world they are working Yes, it’s vital for the future of our nation, but it’s also a great way to find the dynamic talent thatyourbusinessesneed,”saidthefirstlady

Military spouses, Jill Biden said, bring experience and adaptability to the workforcethatcan’tbelearnedanywhereelse

“When they [military spouse] get the opportunitiesthattheydeserve,ourservice members can do their duty knowing that those they love most are able to thrive. We allbenefit,”shesaid.

an opportunityto build
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 7
PresidentJoe Biden and First LadyJill Biden attend an event at Fort Liberty,N.C.
to announce
to ensure the nation’s militaryandveteran spouses,caregivers and survivors have
economic securityfortheirfamilies.(PHOTOBYDODSCREENSHOT)





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Navy Reservists show hard work and team building during community relation project Sailorsvolunteered,workingwith Camp Easton staffmembers to promote safety byinstalling a barrierseparating the camp’s firing range from awalking path. PageB6

CAMPLEMONNIER Djibouti (June 8,2023) Marines and Sailors assigned toVMM-364 (REIN)‘Purple Foxes’deployed to Camp Lemonnier Djibouti,held a memorial run onJune 8,2023 to commemorate the lives offive Marines killed in a crash during a training exercise in Southern California.TheVMM-364 honored and remembered the lives ofCapt.John SaxofTorrance,California; Cpl.Nathan Carlson ofWinnebago,Illinois; Capt.Nicholas Losapio ofRockingham,NewHampshire; Cpl.Seth Rasmuson ofJohnson,Wyoming; and Lance Cpl.Evan Strickland ofValencia,New Mexico.CLDJ is an operational installation that enables U.S.,allied,and partnernations forces to bewhere andwhen theyare needed to ensure securityin Europe,Africa,and SouthwestAsia. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSMARIAA.OLVERATRISTÁN)

VMM-364 (REIN) memorializes Marines lost one year ago while deployed to Djibouti

Marines and Sailors assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor (VMM) Squadron 364 Purple Foxes’ hosted a 5k memorial run across Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, June 8, 2023, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the MV-22B Osprey crash that killed five Marines in Southern California at 12:25 p.m. on June 8, 2022.

The run served as a way to continue the legacy of VMM-364 pilots, Capt. Nicholas Losapio and Capt John Sax, and crew chiefs, Cpl. Nathan Carlson, Cpl. Seth Rasmuson,andLanceCpl.EvanStrickland

“Thisisasolemndaytohonorthebrothers we lost last year,” said Lt Col. John Miller, commanding officer of VMM-364 (REIN). “Everybody here today is family andapartofthelegacytheybuilt...Wewill never forget them and continue to honor themthroughourwords,actions,anddedication to duty.”

The5kmemorialrunwasbrokenupinto five stops, one per kilometer, where there was a speech by a member of the squadron that shared memories like remembering Lance Cpl. Strickland’s great sense of humortoCapt.Sax’sloveforhisfamily,his fellow Marines and flying Ospreys

“One year ago we lost five brothers

We are going to hurt tonight in our own way. Let’s respect them, think of them, let’s get through this and go through a bit of personal sacrifice as well,” said Master

GunnerySgt.ChadDebruyne,maintenance department chief and VMM-364 acting senior enlisted leader

Leading up to the one-year anniversary oftheaccident,membersoftheVMM-364 worked daily to memorialize Losapio, Sax, Carlson, Rasmuson, and Strickland, like painting their call signs on five of the MV-22B Ospreys that are flown and oper-

ated daily at Camp Lemonnier

“Itreallymeantalottogivebacktothose wholosttheirlives,”saidCpl.ReedLawlor, an air frames mechanic who helped paint the call signs on the Ospreys “It’s a bit of solace to be reminded of them every day. Last time I was in Djibouti I was here with someofthem,soit’snicetoseetheirnames everyday walking by the birds now.”

Since the accident, members of the VMM-364(REIN)havemetandovercome aseriesofchallengesincludingdeployingto the Horn of Africa on short notice

“I am incredibly proud of the Purple Foxes-Ididn’tknowhowweweregoingto getthroughitwhenthemishaphappened,” said Miller “We had to overcome so many challenges and making it through the first day, first week, getting back in the aircraft, preparing for a MEU, and then being assigned this mission and having to deploy a purpose built team of 300 Marines and Sailors on short notice was impressive to watch. No one else could have done what this team did. I attribute our success to what the Swift 11 crew taught us They taught us how to fight and win as a team. TheywereMarines,ourbrothers,andmost importantly they were Purple Foxes.”

The 5k memorial run is expected to continueandbecomeanannualeventheld onJune8thtohonor andmemorializetheir lives

VMM-364(REIN)isforwarddeployedto CampLemonnierservingastheaircombat element in support of Crisis Response Africa 23.2 The unit is a composite squadron hailing from Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton and Miramar CLDJ is an operational installation that enables U.S. allied, and partner nation forces to be where and when they are neededtoensuresecurityinEurope,Africa, and Southwest Asia

U.S. Navy assists mariners experiencing engine trouble in Gulf of Oman


U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet

GULFOFOMAN TheU.S.Navyassisted sevenstrandedmarinersfromOmanandthe United Arab Emirates, June 11, after their fishing vessel experienced engine trouble intheGulfofOman.

Guided-missile destroyer USS McFaul (DDG 74) spotted the vessel as its civilian crew signaled for help in the early afternoon local time McFaul quickly deployed a small-boat team to provide the mariners waterandengine-testingassistancefortwo hoursuntiltheUnitedArabEmiratesCoast Guardarrived.

“Wewereproudtoassistfellowmariners atsea,”saidCmdr AntoniaShey,commanding officer of McFaul. We remained on scene until follow-up assistance from the United Arab Emirates arrived. Our duty to render assistance at sea allows us to aid marinersindistressandwe’reproudtohave providedthatsupport.”

McFaul is deployed to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations to help ensure maritime security and stability in the Middle East region.

TheU.S.5thFleetoperatingareaincludes 21countries,theArabianGulf,GulfofOman, RedSea,partsoftheIndianOceanandthree criticalchokepointsattheStraitofHormuz, Babal-MandebandSuezCanal

GULFOFOMAN (June 11,2023)Asmall-boat
Gulfof Oman,June 11,2023.McFaul
U.S.5th Fleet
to help
region.(U.S.PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJUELFOSTER) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 1
team from guided-missile destroyerUSS
assists stranded mariners in the
is deployed to the
area ofoperations
securityand stabilityin the Middle East

MANAMA,Bahrain (June 12 2023) Egyptian NavyRearAdm.MahmoudAbdelsattar,left;ViceAdm.Brad Cooper commanderofU.S.Naval Forces Central Command,U.S.5th Fleet and Combined Maritime Forces center; and U.S.NavyCapt.AnthonyWebber newcommanderofCombinedTask Force 153; renderhonors on stage during a change ofcommand ceremonyin Manama,Bahrain,June 12,2023.(U.S.ARMYPHOTOBYCPL JENSEN


Egypt turns over command of multinational Red Sea Task Force


U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet MANAMA,Bahrain TheEgyptianNavy turned over command of a multinational Red Sea task force to the U.S. Navy, June 12, six months after Egypt began leading the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) operationalstaffforthefirsttime

U.S. Navy Capt. Anthony Webber relieved Egyptian Navy Rear Adm. Mahmoud Abdelsattar as the commander of Combined Task Force (CTF) 153 during a ceremony in BahrainwhereCMFhisheadquartered. EstablishedinApril2022,CTF153isoneof fiveCMFtaskforcesresponsibleforconductingmaritimesecurityandtrainingoperations across the Middle East. The multinational

staffsupportingCTF153specificallyfocuses on international maritime security efforts in theRedSea,Babal-MandebandGulfofAden.

“Itwasagreathonortobethecommander ofCTF 153,”saidMahmoud. “Forthelastsix months,wehaveworkedcloselywithpartner nations, maintained stability in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab Strait and Gulf of Aden, and provedonceagainthatEgyptiscommittedto maintainingmaritimesecurityandenhancing our capabilities through trust, training and workingtogether.”

Webber assumes command of CTF 153 while still serving as commander for Task Force 55, U.S. 5th Fleet’s operational staff overseeingU.S.Navysurfaceassetsemployed intheMiddleEast.


awinningteam,andIhavealltheconfidence intheworldthatwewilldojustthatincarrying out our duties with honor and commitment, WebbertoldtheCTF153team.“Your achievements are vast and I am honored in having this remarkable opportunity to serve withyou.”

With 38 nations, CMF is the largest naval partnership in the world Other task forces include CTF 150, focused on maritime security in the Gulf of Oman, Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden; CTF 151 which leads regional anti-piracy efforts; CTF 152 dedicated to maritime security in the Arabian Gulf; and CTF154,establishedinMaytoenhancemaritimesecuritytrainingthroughouttheregion.

Carrier Strike Group 11 holds underway change of command ceremony


PHILIPPINE SEA Rear Adm. Jennifer Couture relieved Rear Adm. ChristopherSweeneyasCommander,CarrierStrike Group(CSG)11duringachangeofcommand ceremonyheldaboardUSSNimitz(CVN68), June9.

Sweeney assumed command of CSG-11 in April 2021 and led the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group through its work up cycle, Group Sail, Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) and over six months of deploymenttotheU.S.7thFleetAreaofOperations HistenureascommanderofCSG-11is thelongestinthecommand’shistory

In November 2022, CSG-11 deployed the aircraftcarrierUSSNimitz,thesquadronsof embarkedCarrierAirWing(CVW)17,Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill (CG 52), Destroyer Squadron (DESRON)9whichincludesArleighBurkeclassguided-missiledestroyersUSSDecatur (DDG 73), USS Chung-Hoon (DDG 93) and USSWayneE.Meyer(DDG108).

Ondeployment thestrikegroupexecuted five port calls, hosted two formal “Big Top” receptions in South Korea and Thailand, embarked hundreds of foreign dignitaries, militaryofficials,Ambassadors,andinterna-

tional media, and conducted multi-domain training, exercises and operations with the Joint Force and several nations, including Japan,SouthKorea,Australia,Singaporeand thePhilippines Alongsidealliesandpartners the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group’s presence inU.S.7thFleetreinforcestheUnitedStates commitmenttofly,sailandoperatewherever international law allows in support of a free andopenIndo-Pacificregion.

During his final address to the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, Sweeney highlighted themanyaccomplishmentsCSG-11achieved duringhis25monthsincommand.

“It’s been an honor of a lifetime to serve as your commander Everything you have accomplishedhasmadeournation,Navy,and StrikeGroupasafer,strongerandmorelethal force,” said Sweeney “The Sailors of Carrier Strike Group Eleven and their families who have sacrificed and been resilient and ready for the past six months away from home you are all our country’s greatest national asset. Continue to look out for your shipmates through the rest of this deployment and beyond. Build upon the lessons experiences and tactics we have developed, and together, there will be no limit to the things youcanachieve.”


She commissioned through the NROTC program at the George Washington University in 1995 and she received a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations She holds a master’sdegreeinInternationalStudiesfrom OldDominionUniversity,andshecompleted herJointProfessionalMilitaryEducationasa studentoftheU.S.NavalWarCollegeandthe JointForcesStaffCollege Shehasservedina varietyofafloatandashorebilletsasasurface warfareofficer Her most recent assignment was Commander, Naval Service Training Command.

“It is an honor to join this team during deployment as the Commander Carrier StrikeGroup11, saidCouture “Iamhumbled bytheopportunitytosailwithsuchanaccomplished group of professionals and continue the culture of excellence within our strike group.”

CSG-11 is in U.S. 7th Fleet conducting routine operations U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free andopenIndo-Pacificregion.

For more news from CSG-11, visit http:// www.dvidshub.net/unit/CSG11

called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

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PACIFIC OCEAN (June 9,2023) RearAdm.JenniferCouture relieved RearAdm.ChristopherSweeneyas Commander CarrierStrike Group (CSG) 11 during a change ofcommand ceremonyheld aboard USS Nimitz(CVN 68),June 9.Nimitzis in U.S.7th Fleet conducting routine operations.7th Fleet is the U.S.Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet,and routinelyinteracts and operateswith allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSHANNAHKANTNER)
Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?
There are three types of housing available to families: Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly
2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, June 15, 2023

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Navy Band partners with National Alliance for Audition Support

U.S. Navy Band

The United States Navy Band in partnership with The SphinxOrganization,a national organization dedicated to advancing professional opportunities for young Black and Latinx musicians,hosted an auditionworkshopatGeorge Washington UniversityJune3and4.

Known as an audition intensive, the two-dayevent followedthe National Alliance for Audition Support model which provides free individual lessons,group masterclasses and amock audition for 20 college-aged students selected from anational pool of candidates.NavyBand

instrumentalists partnered with their student counterpartstooffer performance feedbackand sharerelevant knowledgeas seasonedprofessionalmusiciansandsubject matterexperts.

SpearheadingtheinitiativewasMusician 1stClassMichaelBrownfromNewOrleans, La., amemberofthe Navy Band’sdiversity, equityandinclusionteam.

“This is an opportunity to help mitigate thedisparitiesweseeinclassicalmusicorganizations today”said Brown. “Itisthe first timeany militarybandhas hostedanaudition intensive, and Isee itasahuge honor and opportunityfor us to interact directly with the diverse and motivated potential candidateswehope to recruit for our own


In tandem withthe audition intensive, the Navy Band willhostits firstSummit for Diversity in Music Nov. 19,2023,inpartnership with Morgan State University The event will bring together leadersand performersfromacrosstheartscommunity asthebandseekstoattractthefinesttalent, and ultimately,better represent Americans of all backgrounds andethnicities in its ranks, leading the wayinadvancingthe DEIvisionoftheNavy’schiefofnavaloperations,Adm.MikeGilday.

“In order to moreeffectively recruit, develop,manage,rewardand retain the forces of tomorrow,aiming to simplyavoid doing the wrong thingistoo lowabar;we

mustactively pursue that which is right. WhenSailors feel included,respected and empowered,theywillbemorereadytowin wars,deter aggressionand maintain freedom of the seas”saidAdmiral Mike Gilday, ChiefofNavalOperations.

TolearnmoreabouttheNavyBand,visit: www.navyband.navy.mil

To learnmoreabout The Sphinx Organization,visit:sphinxmusic.org

TolearnmoreabouttheNationalAlliance forAuditionSupport,visit:NationalAlliance forAuditionSupport—SphinxOrganization (sphinxmusic.org)

PUTLOS,Germany(June 7,2023)Royal Netherlands NavyCmdr.PeterBaarsposes fora photograph nearthe NATO CommanderTaskGroup 162.40command staffarea at the Bundeswehr militarytraining area in Putlos,Germany,during exercise Baltic Operations 2023 (BALTOPS 23).BALTOPS23isthe premiermaritime-focusedexercise in the Baltic Region.The exercise,ledbyU.S NavalForcesEurope-Africa,and executed byNavalStriking and SupportForcesNATO,providesa unique training opportunitytostrengthen combinedresponsecapabilitiescritical to preserving freedom ofnavigation and securityinthe Baltic Sea.


ALife At Sea: Cmdr.Peter Baars,Royal Netherlands Navy

ByPettyOfficer1stClassMatthewFink U.S. NavalForces Europe-Africa/U.S.Sixth Fleet RoyalNetherlands Navy Cmdr.Peter Baarsistheminecountermeasures(MCM) lead for NATOCommander Task Group 162.40, which is currently participating in exerciseBaltic Operations(BALTOPS 23) Thefollowingisanexcerptofa conversationinwhichhereflectsonhis35-yearnaval career and his experience working with NATO Allyand Partner nations. This story has beenedited to improve readability and context.

“Asachild,Iwantedtoseetheworld.My fatherwasasailor.Idecidedtogotoacollege for seafarers and joinedthe merchant navy Later,Ithoughtitwasbettertojointhenavy because at sea youcan do exciting things

instead of going from AtoB,soI joined the RoyalNetherlandsNavyin1988. Usually if youjointhe Dutchnavyfromthe merchant navy,yougointotheminecountermeasures service. Iliked it: small ships, small crews, andtheteamworkwasespeciallygood.Ialso servedonfrigatesfor 5or6 years.Then,I camebacktotheMCMservicesandworked with the Belgian Navy because the NetherlandsandBelgiumworkveryclosetogether inMCM

In 2006, Ibecame the commanding officer ofthe HNLMSUrk (M861),one of the minehunters from our navy.I thinkbeing theCOofashipisveryspecialandhasbeen ahighlightofmycareer,especiallythe first time.You go on board,thereisnobody on topofyou,andyoualoneareresponsiblefor theshipandforacrewofalmost40people

Youcan’tlookuptoamoreexperiencedguy ButIloveditverymuch,sowhentheyasked metobeaCOforthesecondtime,Iimmediatelysaidyes.Iwasthecommandingofficer ofahydrographicsurveyvessel,theHNLMS Luymes(A803).

NowI am the MCM lead of NATO CommanderTask Group 162.40, which is avery honorable position for aDutch guy being in abig staff likethis.Iaminasimilar situation as beforebecause Iamthe CO,moreorless,ofseveral ships together ExceptIcontroltheCOs,nottheships.This hasbeenthebestpartofmycareer,Ithink.

Thisismyfourth BALTOPS overall and my secondBALTOPS as part of the CTG 162.40staff.Iloveworkingwith other nations.NATOisaveryspecialorganization because it brings countriestogether. When

youare in agroup of NATOships,you are together with different nations,different cultures,anddespitethatyoucanworkvery well together. Youlearn from each other.If yougoonaGerman ship,thenyou see how theyfightfires,andyousay,“okay,that’sthe smart thing to do.Wecan dothat, too.” And theylearnfromus.Itisverylovely WhatwearedoinginBALTOPSisimportantbecauseitshowsthepresenceofNATO, to showthat we can cooperate together Ithink we makea difference.Everyone in NATOcountries can feel safe going to work,shopping,andtheeconomieswillstay healthy,allbecauseNATOisstrong.Nobody will want to fightNATO, andthatisa good thing.”

4 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, June 15,2023

Naval Education and Training Command holds change of command ceremony



Naval Education and Training Command

PENSACOLA, Fla. Rear Adm. Jeffrey

Czerewko relieved Rear Adm. Pete Garvin ascommander,NavalEducationandTrainingCommand(NETC)duringachange-ofcommand ceremony held at the National NavalAviationMuseumonNavalAirStation Pensacola,Florida,June8.

Garvin expressed his gratitude to the NETCteamfortheirunwaveringvisionand learningmindset,focusedonwarfightingat everylevel.

“The teamwork, the drive, the resiliency this Team Team NETC displayed over the last three years is nothing short of inspiring,”saidGarvin.“Ibelieveitwasbecausewe werealwaysmissionfocused,allcenteredon whatwesetouttodoasateamnearlythree years ago, always locked on to our mission, our“why.”

Through what NETC calls the “street to fleet” process, future Sailors are recruited

and forged into highly-skilled warfighters as they are moved through a supply chain beginning with Navy Recruiting Command and Naval Service Training Command and then through NETC learning centers and schoolhouses In addition, NETC also has the responsibility of managing advanced technical training enlisted advancement exams,voluntaryeducation,andmuchmore.

Garvin credited the more than 24,000 militaryandcivilianstaffpersonnelatmore than 1,640 subordinate activities, sites, districts,stations,anddetachmentsthroughout the world with serving the needs of the fleet.

“In July of 2020, I asked the NETC team to remain focused on what matters most at theendofthedayandthatisSailorsthatare readytofightandwinagainstanyadversary at any time, at any location,” said Garvin. “Whatever the conditions, whoever the adversary,ourNavyandournationrightfully demands that we prepare our shipmates to dojustthat.”



Garvin will assume the role of president at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, RhodeIsland.

ChiefofNavalPersonnel,ViceAdm.Rick Cheeseman, served as the guest speaker and recognized Garvin’s and the NETC team’s steadfast commitment to the men andwomenofourNavyandournation,and forhavingthemoralcouragetodotheright thingintoughtimes

“I want to thank you personally for your extraordinaryleadershipoverthelastthree years, and especially during my time in the [Chief of Naval Personnel] seat,” said Cheeseman. “Not only did you reshape how we recruitandtrainthenextgenerationofwarfighters you led from the front in advocating for a Navy where all Americans can see themselvessucceeding.”

Cheeseman also welcomed Czerewko to theMyNavyHRfamily


man.“Inassumingcommandtoday,Iknow the NETC team and [Force Development] domainareingoodhands.”

Czerewko, who became the 21st NETC commander,thankedGarvinandtheNETC teamforthewarmwelcome.

“Comingfromthefleet,Iamhumbledby the enormous honor to join with you all to serve ourNavy and nation,” said Czerewko. “I am energized by the enthusiasm and the dedicationoftheentireteam Goingforward, wewillcontinuetobefocusedonthefleetto meetanychallenges.”`

Czerewko is a 1990 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and most recently served as commander of Carrier Strike Group 4 in Norfolk Virginia.

For more information about NETC visit thecommand’swebsiteathttps://www.netc. navy.mil and follow the command’s social media: Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/NETCHQ and Instagram at https:// www.instagram.com/netc_hq.

RearAdm.Pete Garvin,commander,Naval Education andTraining Command (NETC),left,receives the Distinguished Service Medal certificate from ChiefofNaval PersonnelViceAdm.Rick Cheeseman during NETC’s change ofcommand ceremonyat the National NavalAviation Museum onboard NavalAirStation Pensacola,Florida,June 8,2023.RearAdm.JeffreyCzerewko relieved Garvin and became the 21st commanderofNETC.NETC’s mission is to recruit train and deliverthosewho serve ournation,taking them from street-to-fleet byforging civilians into highlyskilled, operational and combat readywarfighters.(UNITEDSTATESNAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSZACHARYMELVIN)
COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSZACHARYMELVIN) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 5
RearAdm.Pete Garvin,commander Naval Education andTraining Command (NETC),gives remarks during NETC’s change ofcommand ceremonyat the National NavalAviation Museum onboard NavalAirStation Pensacola,Florida,June 8,2023 RearAdm.JeffreyCzerewko relieved Garvin and became the 21st commanderofNETC.NETC’s mission is to recruit train and deliverthosewho serve ournation,taking them from street-to-fleet byforging civilians into highlyskilled,operational and combat readywarfighters.(UNITEDSTATESNAVYPHOTOBYMASS

Damage Control Schoolhouse prepares Sailors before leaving Great Lakes

Surface Warfare Engineering School Command

Great Lakes

GREAT LAKES, Ill Surface Warfare Engineering Schools Command Great Lakes (SWESC GL) Damage Control (DC) Schoolhouse trained 24 prospective Culinary Specialist in general shipboard firefighting (GSF) training before departing to Joint Culinary Center of Excellence at Fort Gregg-Adams, Va for “A” School, the week ofJune5,2023

GSF Great Lakes meets the U.S. Navy’s six-year level one firefighting requirement, a training requirement for every Sailor stationed aboard a U.S. naval vessel. The school has qualified approximately 6,500 accession Sailors each year for the past six years “The general shipboard firefighting course here at SWESC Great Lakes builds on training provided at RTC giving new accession Sailors their first exposure to extinguishing live fires using appropriate techniques in full firefighting gear, directly building fleet readiness,” said Cmdr Ervin L.Henley,commandingofficerSWESCGL “Ourcoursesatisfiestheshipboardsix-year level one firefighting requirement, which ultimately saves the fleet time and money.

SWESC firefighting training shortens the newaccessionSailorsintegrationintoshipboard damage control teams, supporting efforts to increase overall shipboard firefightingcapabilities.Withusprovidingthis trainingweareassistingthefleetbyproviding better-trained, better-qualified Sailors that can positively impact basic shipboard fightingeffectiveness.”

The two-day curriculum encompasses in-classroom lessons pertaining to fire chemistry, classes of fires (Alpha, Bravo, andCharlie),firepartyorganization portable extinguishers protective equipment, as well as self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) during the first day, and live firefighting trainer labs cover wild hose, hose handling,andfirefightingproceduresduring thesecondday

“Here at SWESC Great Lakes, we train all seamanship, navigation, engineering and combat systems ratings and will now beteachingsupplyratingsinatwo-dayfleet equivalent general shipboard firefighting course which gives accession level Sailors thebasicunderstandingandoperationaluse of naval firefighting equipment and practices,” said Chief Hull Technician Nicolas Myers, leading chief petty officer of DC “A” School. “Giving our accession Sailors the knowledge and skills to handle complex

taskstocontrol,contain,andputoutfiresin this life-like-ship-in-a-box simulator using controlled propane fires Our instructors herebreakdowntothebasics for students by explaining the proper wear, usages, and DC practices for our studentsensuringtheyarepreparedtotake oncasualtiesinthefleet.”

Training accession Sailors in GSF before reportingtotheirfirstshipnotonlybenefits the fleet but delivers the right training, in the right way, at the right time in a Sailor’s careertracktobestbenefitandbuildastrong foundationwhilereinforcingbasicconcepts instilled at RTC. The basic mandated trainingprovidedthroughtheGSFcoursesignificantly reduces the backlog of more than 6,000unqualifiedSailorsfleetwide

“Aboard every U.S. Navy vessel, DC is everyone’s job not just the responsibility of Damage Controlmen,” said Damage Controlman1stClassDanielJ.Shepherd,DC laboratory and wet trainer course supervisoratSWESCGL.“Everyonesaysitandit’s true, the reason I point this out is to focus on and comprehend the gravity of what we do, the impact of training accession Sailors in damage control On a ship, we’re all firefighters.”

Shepherd further explains how his instructors are the Navy’s best instructors

to mold brand new Sailors into able bodied firefightersaboardU.S.Navyvessels

“Our job here at the fire trainer is to help familiarizeeveryaccessionlevelSailorwith the various fires how to gauge the casualty and apply the best course of action to address it, said Shepherd. “No junior Sailors is expected to report to their first ship an expert at fighting fires, that’s why we do ourbesttoequiptheseSailorswiththebest firefightingtraininginthefleet.”

Ships fleet wide are able to save time and money by focusing their training efforts on requalifyingSailorswhohaven’thadtheGSF courseinthelastsixyearsduetojuniorSailorsbeingqualifiedinGSF

“The reality is we are preparing for that fire that no one expects at 2 a.m. or the one youstumbleontowhilewalkingthroughthe ship We’relayingthefoundationforasolid basis so that when they check onboard, the fleet will build upon the knowledge we’ve instilledinourSailorstostayalive.”

SWESC GL plans to ideally provide GSF trainingtoeverynewaccessionSailorinthe future making every Sailors are more capable warfighter throughout the entirety of theirfirstenlistment.

FormoreinformationonSWESCGL,visit: https://www.netc.navy.mil/SWESCGreatLakes/.

Navy Reservists show hard work and team building during

First ClassPettyOfficerAssociation(FCPOA)and Chief Mess aboard Naval Reserve Center (NRC)Spokaneparticipatedinacommunity relations (COMREL) project at the Camp EastonBoyScoutCampinHarrison,Idaho, June9. Eleven Sailors volunteered their time, working with Camp Easton staff members topromotesafetybyinstallingabarrierseparating the camp’s firing range from a walking path As part of the volunteer project, the group constructed a 104-foot fence line andunloadedatruckloadoflumberforadditionalprojects.

“This is the first COMREL that the FCPOA and Chiefs Mess has done together since2020,”saidChiefPersonnelSpecialist Ashley Tilton, Command Senior Enlisted LeaderatNRCSpokane “ThisisanimportantbondingopportunityfortheFCPOAand Chief Mess to work together as one team Whileweareoutheredoingthehardlabor, we’re learning about our strengths and weaknesses This knowledgehelpsus hone ourskillsappropriately.”

Sean Weiler, Camp Easton’s Ranger, explainedthatvolunteersareparamountto theupkeepandmaintenanceofthecamp

“We received a grant along with a generousdonationtoincreaseandupgradecapacity of the ranges and improve the visual infrastructure,” said Weiler “This project would have taken me weeks to complete I am sincerely appreciative of you all coming outtohelpus.”

Service members worked together throughoutarainyFridaymorningandeffi-

ciently build the fence line in less than four hours.

“Volunteer projects like this are important, because the more we give back to the

GREAT LAKES, Ill. (June 9, 2023) Surface Warfare Engineering Schools Command Great Lakes instructors train Accession Sailors in hose handling techniques while combating a main space fire during a general shipboard firefighting (GSF) course in Damage Controlman“A”School live fire trainer at Naval Station Great Lakes.The two-day curriculum encompasses in-classroom lessons pertaining to fire chemistry classes of fires (Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie), fire party organization, portable extinguishers, protective equipment as well as self-contained breathing apparatus during the first day, and live firefighting trainer labs coverwild hose, hose handling and firefighting procedures during the second day. GSF Great Lakes meets the U.S. Navy’s sixyear level one firefighting requirement a training requirement for every Sailor stationed aboard a U.S. naval vessel.The school has qualified approximately 6,500 accession Sailors each year for the past six years.(U.S NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSCORYASATO) ByPettyOfficer1stClass AmberWeingart Navy Reserve Region Readiness and Mobilization Command SPOKANE, Wa Sailors from the
community, the more the community can givebacktous,”saidChiefTilton “Weplan onusingthecamplaterthisyearforNavy-re-
impacttoday.” Camp Easton kicks off their 2023 season June24andisexpectedtoserve1,100youth and600adultsthroughouttheseason
lated events It’s
to know we made an
project CAMPEASTON,Idaho (June 9,2023) NavyReserve Sailors assigned tovarious commands aboard Naval Reserve CenterSpokane build a fence as part ofa CommunityRelation (COMREL) project at Camp Easton,a BoyScouts ofAmerica (BSA) facility.Sailors spent the dayworkingwith staffmembers to promote safetybyinstalling a physical barrierseparating a firing range from awalking path.BSA’s mission is to prepareyoung people to make ethical and moral choices overtheirlifetimes byinstilling thevalues ofthe Scout Oath and Law.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSAMBERWEINGART/RELEASED) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, June 15, 2023
community relations

USS Hershel “Woody” Williams hosts MSCEURAF during Malta maintenance period

Military Sealift Command, Europe and Africa

VALLETTA, Malta U.S. Navy’s Military Sealift Command (MSC) USS Hershel “Woody” Williams (ESB 4) hosted a visit fromCapt.KennethPickard,MilitarySealift CommandEuropeandAfrica(MSCEURAF) commodore/Task Force 63 commander, whiletheshipwasindrydockatthePalumbo MaltaShipyard May24

Hershel “Woody” Williams, a Lewis B. Puller-class expeditionary sea base that providessupportforairborneminecountermeasures, expeditionary missions, counter-piracy, maritime security, humanitarian assistanceanddisasterrelief,andisforward deployed to Souda Bay, Greece, and serves as the first U.S. Navy ship assigned to the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) area of operations

“The time in the shipyard is essential to the operational safety of the ship,” said Bryan Eubanks, the Naples-based MSCEURAF Supervisory Port Engineer He also explained how the ship was going through its planned Regular Overhaul (ROH) maintenance period that is scheduledeveryfiveyearsthatincludesdrydocking the ship

“Additionally, having maintenance done on the ship in the central Mediterranean is an ideal location for when the ship leaves theshipyardtobeablereachmanydestinationsquickerthaniftheywereinashipyard furtheraway,”saidEubanks

AccordingtoapressreleasefromtheU.S. Embassy Valletta, the maintenance visit to the Palumbo Malta Shipyard promotes the maritime partnership between the United States and Malta, provides required technical expertise for the maintenance work, andcontributessignificantlytotheMaltese economy

Theshipisuniquebecauseithasahybrid crew consisting of both military personnel andMSCcivilservicemariners(CIVMARs), hasbothacommandingofficerandMSC-assignedCIVMARMasterandChiefEngineer, and operates with blue and gold military crews - a personnel rotation that allows for theshiptobecontinuallydeployed.

Pickard was greeted aboard the ship by Capt Amy Lindahl, Hershel “Woody” Williams Blue Crew commanding officer,

who recently assumed command in April 2023, and he let her know during an office callthatifsheencounteredanyissueswhere MSCEURAFcanassist,topleaselethimand thestaffknow “We’veseenimprovementinthesupport totheshipduringyourtimeascommodore,” saidCapt.JoeDarlak,theship’sMSCMaster duringhismeetingwithPickard.“Especially you making sure the maintenance periods are consistent because not many shipyards canfitthesizeoftheship.”

Following the meetings with the ship’s leadership,Pickardheldan‘AllHands’meet-

ing with the CIVMARs in the crew’s galley to provide information on new MSC initiatives such as consistent practices by detailersbetweentheEastandWestcoasts,hiring morepeopletoassistwithtravelissues,and afutureMSCappthatisfashionedafterthe MyNavy app currently used by active duty personnel “I am here to give you information and address issues to make your lives better,” Pickardtoldthegroup.“Everythingyoudo, you do it as a representation of the United StatesinAfrica,andwhatyouaredoingout hereisappreciated.”

“WithoutMariners,wedon’thaveaglobal Navy,”addedPickard.

Military Sealift Command operates approximately 125 naval auxiliary civilian-crewed ships, replenishes U.S. Navy ships, strategically prepositions combat cargo at sea and moves military cargo and supplies used by deployed U.S. forces and coalitionpartnersaroundtheworld.

Hershel “Woody Williams is forward deployed to the U.S. Naval Forces Europe area of operations, while employed by U.S. SixthFleet.

is being done on the shipwhile in drydock.(PHOTOBYCHRISTINAJOHNSON,MILITARYSEALIFT COMMAND,EUROPEANDAFRICA) U.S.Navy’s MilitarySealift Command
(ESB 4)
avisit from Capt.Kenneth Pickard,MilitarySealift Command Europe andAfrica (MSCEURAF) commodore/TaskForce 63 commander,while the shipwas in drydockat the Palumbo Malta Shipyard May24 Capt.AmyLindahl,Hershel“Woody Williams Blue Crewcommanding officerand Pickard observe and talkabout theworkthat is being done on the ship’s flight deckwhile in drydock.(PHOTOBYCHRISTINAJOHNSON,MILITARYSEALIFTCOMMAND EUROPEANDAFRICA) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, June 15, 2023 7
MilitarySealift Command (MSC) USS Hershel“Woody Williams (ESB 4) hosted avisit from Capt.Kenneth Pickard,MilitarySealift Command Europe andAfrica (MSCEURAF) commodore/TaskForce 63 commander while the shipwas in drydockat the Palumbo Malta Shipyard May24 Capt.AmyLindahl,Hershel“Woody”Williams Blue Crewcommanding officer (left) and Pickard listen to Capt.Joe Darlak,the ship’s MSC Master,as he explains theworkthat
(MSC) USS Hershel“Woody”Williams
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Its time to celebrate Dad with some delicious dishes

Make it all about dad and celebrate Father’s Daywith a table full offood to enjoywith family Serving up something mouthwatering and deliciouswill have him coming backfor anotherplate.PageC4

Sunsets on the River music series returns to The Hermitage Museum & Gardens for its 13th summer


Sunsets on the River returns for its 13th summerwithmorefunforthewholefamily! Relaxontheshorelineandenjoy:

„ Livemusicfromacrossthemusicalspectrum including Top 40, bluegrass, funk, R&B, swing, psychedelic rock, alternative rock,andmore!

„ Interactive activities for all guests from communityartists+organizations

„ Drinks from our bar featuring craft beer andwineavailableforpurchase

„ Dinnerfromavarietyoflocalfoodtrucks, includingsomenewfavorites!

„ Experienceourimmersiveartexhibition EchoesoftheHeartbeginningJune9


„ JUNE22:TheFuzzBand(Funk,R&B)

„ JULY6:GoodShotJudy(Swing)

„ JULY20:GratefulJed(GratefulDead CoverBand)

„ AUGUST3:RobertaLeaandBand (SoulfulR&BRock)

„ AUGUST17:AllenHudsonandthe Halfmoons(AlternativeRock)

Gatesopenat5:30pmandthemusicstarts at6pm Guestsmaybringlawnchairs,blankets non-alcoholic beverages and food –expect the inside of bags and coolers to be checked. No outside alcohol or ball sports arepermittedonthegrounds Well-behaved dogsonleashesarepermitted Museum Members: Please bring your physical membership card for priority check-in! Free concert admission for members and kids under 10 The cost for non-members is $15. Tickets are only sold atthegate Creditcardsareaccepted. Limited parking is available on site A

limited number of accessible parking spots will be available on site and across from the frontgate Guestsarrivingafter6pmshould expect to walk from neighborhood parking whereamplestreetparkingisavailable. When parking in the neighborhood, please be sure to observe all parking signage, park legally, and ensure that your vehicle is not blockingdrivewaysandwalkways For additional information visit TheHermitageMuseum.org or call 757.423.2052 The Hermitage Museum & Gardens is located at 7637 North Shore Rd Norfolk VA23505.


Norfolk to Blacksburg (via U.S. Route 460) and Virginia Beach to Abingdon (via U.S. Route 58) rated as two of “America’s Best Weekend Road Trips”


In recent years, weekend road trips have experienced a surge in popularity among families These mini-getaways offer a refreshingescapethatcombinesadventure, flexibility,qualitytimespenttogether,allata significantlylowercostcomparedtoconventionalsummerbeachdestinations

“America is a treasure trove of interesting and diverse weekend road trips From the towering mountains and vast plains, to vibrant cities and charming small towns, eachjourneypaintsauniqueportraitofour nation’s rich tapestry Every route has its own story to tell, fostering an exploration that unveils the heart and soul of America” says Joseph Gunther IV of Gunther Motor Company. Gunther Motor Company carried out a surveyof3,000regularroadtripperstofind out the most popular 100 weekend road trips they would most like to experience in summer2023

InfirstplacecameaNewYorkroadtrip leavingfromNewYorkCitytoNiagaraFalls via Interstate 87 and 90 This route showcases New York’s diverse landscapes and attractions Starting in NYC, you can visit famous sites like Times Square and Central Park,thenheadnorth.Interstate87provides views of the stunning Adirondack Mountains and outdoor activities while Interstate 90 passes through scenic towns and historic sites The journey ends at Niagara

Falls,abreathtakingnaturalwonder,where you can take a boat tour or enjoy the view fromobservationdecks.Thisapproximately 400-miletriptakesabout7to8hours

In second place came a 4 to 5 hour road tripbasedinColorado leavingfromColorado Springs to Dinosaur National Monument via US-40 The route goes through scenic mountain passes, charming mountain towns, and expansive valleys, offering stunning vistas and opportunities for outdoor exploration. Along the way, you can visit attractions like the historic town of Steamboat Springs, renowned for its hot springs and outdoor activities and the unique geological formations of the Yampa RiverValley

The Las Vegas to Great Basin National Park (via U.S. Route 93) weekend road trip emergedas3rdfavorite Thisroutetakesyou through stunning desert scenery, with vast stretchesofopenroadandpanoramicviews ofmountainsandvalleys Alongtheway,you canmakestopsatuniqueattractionslikethe ExtraterrestrialHighway,knownforitsUFO sightings andArea51 lore.As youapproach GreatBasinNationalPark,you’llbegreeted by the majestic Wheeler Peak, the park’s highestpoint,andthebreathtakingLehman Caves, a subterranean wonder filled with stunninglimestoneformations.Theroadtrip typically takes around 4 to 5 hours to drive theapproximately300-mileroutefromLas VegastoGreatBasinNationalPark Texas is home to the 4th most popular

roadtripinAmerica TheDallastoBigBend National Park via U.S. Route 67 road trip takes you through charming small towns, rolling hills and stretches of open countryside offeringglimpsesofTexas’richhistory andnaturalwonders.Alongtheway,youcan exploreattractionssuchasFortRichardson State Park, known for its historic military fortandscenicbeauty,andtheDavisMountains State Park, offering stunning hiking trails and panoramic views The road trip takes around eight to ten hours to drive the approximately500-mileroutefromDallasto Big Bend National Park. This road trip is an idealwaytoexperiencethevastness,natural beauty,andruggedcharmofTexas.

And rounding up the top 5 came another NewYorkroadtrip,startingoffinAlbanyto Lake Placid (via Interstate 87) Here you’ll witness the picturesque landscapes of the Adirondack Mountains, charming small towns, and stunning natural attractions along the way. Additionally you’ll encounter historical sites such as Fort Ticonderoga andculturalattractionsliketheHyde CollectionArtMuseum,providingablendof historyandart The state of Virginia’s Norfolk to Blacksburg via U.S. Route 460 road trip was voted as America’s 16th favorite weekend road trip Starting in Norfolk, a vibrant coastal city known for its naval history and waterfront attractions, you can explore the charming neighborhoods visit museums and indulge in delicious seafood.

As you travel west on U.S. Route 460, you’ll pass through the scenic countryside, with picturesque farmlands and rolling hills dotting the horizon. Along the way, you can make stops in historic towns such as Suffolk and Petersburg, each offering their ownuniquecharmandglimpsesintoVirginia’s rich past. Continuing on Route 460, you’ll reach Blacksburg, home to Virginia Tech University and nestled in the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. Here, you can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and biking, explore the vibrant college town atmosphere, and immerse yourself in the local artsandculturescene.

And the Virginia Beach to Abingdon via U.S. Route58weekend road trip was rated as the 42nd best nationally As you travel along U.S. Route 58, you’ll pass through picturesque countryside, rolling hills, and rural communities, providing a glimpse into the state’s rural heritage and slower pace of life Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to explore historical sites, such as the Suffolk Historic District and the town of Franklin, known for its quaintdowntownandhistoricarchitecture.

As you continue west, the landscape gradually transforms into the scenic beauty of the Appalachian Mountains, where you’ll passthroughcharmingtownslikeGalaxand Marion.TheroadtripculminatesinAbingdon,ahistorictownwithavibrantartsscene where you can explore its historic district, andimmerseyourselfinthelocalculture.

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How climate change impacts birds, their feeding habits and how to help from home

Family Features

Bird feeding is a common practice in the United States, with more than 59 million Americans participating, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. In addition to providing aesthetic and recreational benefits, bird feeding can have positive impacts onbirdpopulations

AccordingtotheNationalAudubonSociety birds provide important ecosystem services suchaspollination,pestcontroland seeddispersal.Infact,around87%offloweringplantsrelyonanimalpollinators,includingbirds,toreproduceandgrow,according toastudypublishedin“Science.”Birdsalso consume fruits and berries then spread the seeds,whichhelpsmaintainbiodiversityand promotesthegrowthofnewplants

Considered good indicators of the health of the ecosystem, changes in bird populations and behaviors can signal changes in the environment, such as pollution, habitat loss and climate change

As temperatures, weather patterns and ecosystems change, itcanaffecttheavailabilityoffoodforbirds, whichmayaltertheirbehavior

Feedingbirdscanbeabeneficialpractice that helps them cope with climate change


„ Supplemental Food: Bird feeders provide a supplemental source of food for birds when natural food sources may be scarce due to prolonged droughts or severe storms Birdfeedingcanhelpbirdsmaintain energylevels,especiallyduringbreedingor migrationwhennutritionalneedsarehigher

„ RangeShifts: Climate change can cause shifts in the distribution and abundance of bird species Feeders can serve as “refuges” for birds providing reliable food sources as theymoveinsearchofsuitablehabitats

„ Behavioral Adaptations: Some species may alter their feeding behaviors due to changes in timing of insects hatching or plantsflowering,whichcanaffecttheavailability of natural food sources Bird feeders canhelpbridgethesegaps,providingastable sourceoffoodwhentraditionalsourcesare disrupted


To attract more birds this season, it’s importanttoofferqualityfeedinavarietyof birdfeedertypesplacedatdifferentheights

Traditionaltubefeedersarebasic,all-purpose must-have feeders that work well for finches nuthatches and other small birds thatcling.Madewithstate-of-the-artmaterials to prevent warping and discoloration, Cole’sTerrificTubeFeederfeaturesaquickcleanremovablebase.

Simply push a button and the bottom of the feeder comes off for easy access Rinse well with soapy water, submerge in a 9-1 water-bleach solution, rinse and dry Then reattach the bottom; there’s no disassemblyorassemblyofmultiplepartsnecessary. Regular cleaning of feeders is essential, preventingmold,germsanddisease.

Another option, bowl feeders, can serve

not only seeds, but also dried mealworms, fruit and suet in cake or kibble form. For example Cole’s Bountiful Bowl Feeder comes with an adjustable dome cover you can raise or lower to protect from rain and prevent larger birds and squirrels from gettingtothefood.

Popular Foods

Inadditiontofeeders,offeringavarietyof foodsisvitalforinvitingdifferentspeciesto yourbackyard.

„ Birdseed: Not all birdseed is created equal Lookforqualityblendswithoutfiller seeds like red millet and oats All-natural

seed,containingnochemicalsormineraloil, issafeandmoreappealingtobirds Consider researched,speciallyformulatedoptionslike all-natural black oil sunflower, Cole’s “Hot Meats”(sunflowermeatsinfusedwithhabanerochilepeppers)orSpecialFeederblend, which is packed with black oil sunflower, sunflower meats, black striped sunflower, rawpeanuts,safflowerandpecans

„ DriedMealworms:Fullofenergy,essentialnutrients,fatsandproteins,mealworms are a preferred food for adult songbirds Dried mealworms are easy to feed less messyandlackthe“ick”factorofliveworms.

„ FreshFruit:Appleandorangehalvesand

chunks of banana are favorites for orioles andtanagers

„ No-Melt Suet: Perfect for insect-eating birds high-fatfoodprovidesabundantcaloriesandrichnutrition

„ Water:Don’tforget,birdsneedwaterjust as much as humans Drinking water helps regulate body processes, improves metabolism and maintains health. Birds also use water for preening and bathing, and on hot days standingincoolwaterortakingaquick splashcanhelpthemkeepcool

Findmoresolutionstobringbirdstoyour backyardatColesWildBird.com

Solo Travel Tips: Recommendations for venturing out alone



Whether you’re a lone wolf at heart or looking to broaden your sense of independence,travelingsolocanbearichlyempoweringandsatisfyingexperience.

Setting out on your own has many practicaladvantages.You’renotworryingabout accommodatinganother’sschedule,interest orneeds,andyou’refreetodecidewhatyou wanttodoandwhen Solotravelalsoelicits somementalandemotionalbenefits,asyou experienceauniquesenseoffreedom,liberationandself-sufficiency

If you’re considering a solo journey considerthesetipsfromthebook“101+Tips forSoloWomenTravelers,”whichisoffered byOverseasAdventureTravelinfreedigital andprinteditions

„ Make Sure Your Passport is Updated: Many countries now require your passport to be valid for six months after your return totheUnitedStates.Ifyoudon’thaveapassport or need to renew one, apply for one as soonaspossible Ideallyyoushouldhaveyour applicationinsixmonthsbeforeyoudepart.

„ Look for Trips with No Single Supplement: Often, quoted rates are “per person, based on double occupancy.” This is because travel hosts know they can make more from a couple traveling than an individual You can avoid paying a single supplement premium by being willing to match with a roommate or traveling with a tour company or cruise line with free or low-cost single supplement fees

„ Use the ATM: As an affordable and convenient way to get cash, you can avoid wasting time in line at a bank or currency exchange bureau by visiting an ATM. While you’ll likely incur a fee for using an ATM that’s not part of your bank, it is often less than the commission you’d pay at an exchange bureau. Plus, you can avoid additional fees by calculating how much you’ll needforthetripandmakingonewithdrawal asopposedtomultiplesmallerwithdrawals

Download Entertainment Before You Leave:Whentraveling,Wi-Ficanbeexpensive, slow or just not available Before you leave, download music, e-books, podcasts, favorite tv shows or movies to enjoy while you’re en route or during down time.

„ Join Group Tours: Once you reach your destination, you may enjoy joining small groups for excursions or to explore local cuisine Or you can make your entire journey a group experience A small group adventure with Overseas Adventure Travel has many benefits, and built-in

dining companions is just one of them.

„ Take Precautions in Your Hotel Room: When you check in, ask the receptionist to write your room number down instead of announcing it so everyone can hear Make sure your room’s locks work on both the door into the hallway and the balcony Neverletanyrepairpersonorstaff member into your room without confirming with the front desk first. Bring a rubber doorstop, which makes a hotel room door nearly impossible to open. Finally, have an exit plan: Know where the nearest exit

is located and the route from your room.

„ Make New Friends: For some, making friends seems to happen naturally while traveling alone by chatting with strangers ataneighboringrestauranttableorstriking up a conversation while waiting in line at a store. If those situations don’t occur naturally there are useful apps that can connect you with local people as well as fellow travelers

Findmoretipstoprepareforyourjourney atoattravel.com.

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THIS TOOL CAN COME IN HANDYIN AN EMERGENCY. Backup powercan keep you connected in an emergency. Formoretips visit Ready.gov www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 3| Thursday, June 15, 2023 3

Its time to celebrate Dad with some delicious dishes


Make it all about dad and celebrate

Father’sDaywithatablefulloffoodtoenjoy with family Serving up something mouthwateringanddeliciouswillhavehimcoming backforanotherplate

Try this Cheesy Pepperoni Dip to start dinner off with an appetizing kick. With creamycheese,peppersandsavorypepperoni it’s a perfect way to hold everyone over beforeastellarmeal.

Withafunnycard,abearhugandanappetizer like this, you can be on your way to a lovingFather’sDaycelebration.

Find more appetizer recipes at Culinary net.

Cheesy Pepperoni Dip

Recipe adapted from thepioneerwoman.com

Servings: 6-8

„ 1tablespoonvegetableoil

„ 1whiteonion,diced

„ 1cangreenchiles,diced

„ ¾candicedtomatoeswithgreenchiles

„ 1block(16ounces)cheese,cubed

„ 8ouncescheddarcheese,shredded

„ 4ouncesmozzarellacheese,finely shredded

„ 1jalapeno diced

„ ¾cuppepperoni chopped

„ 1baguette „ butter


Inskilletovermediumheat,heatoil.Add onionandcook,stirringuntilsoftened,about 5minutes.Addchilesandtomatoes;simmer

Reduceheatandstirincubedcheeseuntil smooth. Turn off heat; stir in cheddar and mozzarellauntilmelted.Stirinjalapenoand halfthepepperoni.


Slice baguette into ½-inch slices Place onbakingsheet Addbuttertotopsofslices

Toast in oven until tops are golden brown.


IsDadtheresident“GrillMaster”?Keepthegrillcooking all summer long with a family favorite, seafood, and satisfy taste buds with fresh flavors hot off the grates. While some peopleassumeseafoodischallengingtocook,itcanactually beaneasymealforhomechefsofallskilllevels

Toensureyourcookoutisanunrivaledsuccess,startwith seafoodthatbringssuperiortastetothetable.Fromcrustaceans to a wide selection of unique-tasting oysters and sea scallops musselsandclams MaineSeafoodofferssomething forallseafoodlovers

Withacoastlinethatstretches3,478milesalongthecold, cleanNorthAtlantic,thestateishometoadiversityofboth wild-caughtandfarmedspecies.

Get inspired by these MaineSeafoodgrilling tips, sure to elevate your at-home seafood experience with the state’s

Grilled Maine Lobster Tacos

Total time: 25 minutes

Servings: 8

Vinegar Slaw:



„ 1teaspoonceleryseeds

„ ⅔cupwhitesugar

„ 1cupwater

„ ½smallheadgreencabbage shredded orcutthinly(approximately8cups)

Cilantro Lime Crema:

„ ½cupsourcream

„ freshcilantroleaves,chopped

„ ½cupmayonnaise

„ 4teaspoonsfreshlimejuice

„ 1lime zestonly,minced

„ ½teaspoonmincedgarlic

„ koshersalt,plusadditionaltotaste,divided

„ freshlygroundblackpepper,totaste

Lobster Tacos:

„ Extra-virginoliveoil

„ 4large(4-6ounceseach)MaineLobster tails,defrosted

„ 4tablespoonsunsaltedbutter melted

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper totaste

„ 8smallflourtortillas

„ picodegallo

„ 1lime,cutintowedgesforserving

Tomakevinegarslaw:Insmallsaucepanover medium heat, heat apple cider vinegar, celery seeds,sugarandwater;stiruntilsugardissolves

Inlargebowl,pourmixtureovercabbage;cover andrefrigerate.

To make cilantro lime crema: In blender blend sour cream, cilantro, mayonnaise, lime juice,limezestandgarlic Seasonwithsaltand pepper,totaste;refrigerate.


Brush grill grates with oil to prevent sticking Using kitchen shears cut lobster shells in half lengthwise Place skewer through meat to preventcurlingduringcooking

Brush lobster meat with melted butter and seasonwithsaltandpepper

Grill lobster tails meat side down 5 minutes thenflip

Brush meat again with butter and cook 5 minutes, or until opaque throughout. Cook to 140Finternaltemperature.

Remove meat from shells and cut into bitesizedchunksorleavewhole ifdesired.

Placetortillasongrill30-60secondsperside oruntilwarmedandslightlybrown.

Adddrainedslawtotortillas Topwithlobster meat, pico de gallo and cilantro sauce Serve withlimewedges.


„ Littleneck Clams: Heat grill to medium-high heat then place littleneck clams directly on grill grates or in a single layer on a large baking pan After 5-7 minutes on the grill, clams will begin to open Without spilling juice, carefully place clams on a serving platter Serve with melted butter orinpasta.Discardclamsthatdon’topen

„ Oysters: Place oysters cupped sides down directly on grill heated to medium-high. Cover the grill and cook until oystersopenandmeatisopaqueandcookedthrough,about 5 minutes for smaller oysters and 8-10 minutes for larger ones Placeonaservingplatter,removetopshellsandruna sharpknifealonginsidesofbottomshellstodetachoysters Topwithgarlicbutterandservewithlemon.

„ Salmon:Heatgrilltomedium-highheat.Patsalmondry;

brush with olive oil and top with seasonings Place salmon skinsidedownongrillgratesandcook6-8minutes,oruntil meat turns opaque. Youcan alsotry a grill-safe cedar plank toinfuseaddedflavor.

„ Haddock: Heat grill to medium-high heat. Pat haddock - flaky white fish that’s sweet and delicate - dry and brush with olive oil Wrap fillets in aluminum foil with herbs and seasonings;completelysealwithseamsidesfacingupward Grill8-10minutes,oruntilmeatturnsopaque.

„ Lobster Tail: For a delicious twist this summer, enjoy these tender, tasty Grilled Lobster Tacos with vinegar slaw andcilantrolimecrema

Foreasy,deliciousrecipeinspirationandtoorderseafood straighttoyourdoor,visitSeafoodfromMaine.com.

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Bug Week is here, June 10-17

Buzz. Buzz. Swwwwaaaaaarm. SPLAT!

These familiar sounds are a reminder that summer—and even more bugs—will arrive soon. To educate and inform the military communityaboutillnessestransmittedbybugs andhowtopreventbugbites athomeorwhile deployed, the Military Health System is holdingBugWeek,June10-17 ThegoalofBugWeek is to educate beneficiaries on the prevention and treatment of bug-borne illnesses as well as how some bugs can have apositive effect on theirhealth.

GetinontheBuzz! Toseewhatallthebuzz isabout,visitwww.health.mil/BugWeekto:

„ Learn fun facts and how you can prevent yourself from bugs with TRICARE on Instagram,FacebookandTwitter

„ Get the latest news, videos and information from the MHS about bugs and bug-borne illnessesonFacebook

„ See how the Defense Health Agency is supporting readiness and tackling bug-borne illnessesonLinkedInandTwitter.

„ Download a fun, fact-filled coloring book on the Bugapalooza web page at https://medicalmuseum.health.mil/assets/documents/ education/Bugapalooza_Coloring_Book.pdf

DOD expert offers tips on keeping bed bugs from hitching unwanted rides this travel season


As summer travel picks up for many military families, due to vacations or a scheduled permanent change of station, or PCS, move, there is one passenger you don’t want hitchingaridewithyouoryourfamily bedbugs BedBugAwarenessWeek,observedannually duringthefirstweekinJune,offersanopportunitytolearnmoreaboutthesepeskycritters and how to protect yourself from unwanted infestations

Although bed bugs are not known for spreadinginfectiousdiseasestohumans,bites fromtheselittlebloodsuckerscancausesevere skinreactionsthatitch.

“Like most blood-feeding insects, bed bugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts that deliver salivary proteins to the host and can causeallergicandsystemicreactions,”saidDr MariaGonzalezMorales anentomologistwith DefenseCentersforPublicHealth—Aberdeen. “Scratchingthebitescanalsoleadtosecondary bacterialinfections.”

Dr Gonzalez Morales says a bed bug bite isn’ttheonlythingtobeconcernedabout.

“A recent finding suggests that bed bugs produce vast amounts of histamine in their feces which raises concerns about their importanceintriggeringallergiesandasthma,” said Dr Gonzalez Morales. “Infestations can also produce psychological distress, night-


There has been a global resurgence of bed bugs said Dr. Gonzalez Morales and because bedbugsrelyonhumanstomovearound the military’s frequent temporary duty assignments, PCS moves, and deployments create the perfect storm to increase incidents of bed buginfestations

“Bedbugsareacosmopolitanpest,meaning theyhaveadjustedtoliveineverysinglehuman environment,” said Dr Gonzalez Morales “Bed bug infestations have been reported on almosteverycontinent(exceptAntarctica)and areknowntobeheavierinlargercitiesormore heavilypopulatedregions.”

Professionalpestcontrollersrankbedbugs asthehardestpesttoeradicateintheU.S.,said Dr GonzalezMorales During2021—2022,the top five states that reported bed bug infestationsandtreatmentswereIllinois,NewYork, Pennsylvania, California, and Michigan, each of which also has a number of military installationslocatedwithinthestate.

“Service members should care about bed bugs because infestations can take a toll on the physical and psychological health of the service member and their family,” said Dr Gonzalez Morales “These impacts can be detrimentaltomissionreadiness.”

The presence of bed bug infestations is not related to the type of dwelling structure or even cleanliness of the environment said Dr Gonzalez Morales Infestations have been reported in a wide variety of places such as

hotels, trains, secondhand furniture stores, hospitals, offices, and even submarines Anyonewhoisexposedtoalocationwithbed bugscouldpotentiallybringtheinfestationto theirownhome.

Therearerecommendedstepstravelerscan followtoavoidspreadingbedbugswhiletraveling,saidDr.GonzalezMorales.

1. Keep your suitcase as far away from the bed as possible Instead, opt for the closet or bathroom to prevent insects from crawling intopersonalbelongings

2.Thoroughlyinspecttheroomandsleepingarea includingallbedfurnitureandclose proximities, such as between the mattress, box spring and bedding, should be carefully inspected. Insects are often hard to find; it is more common to see shed skins (golden color), blood stains on the mattress, or fecal spots, which often resemble multiple black ink stains

3.Takeadditionalprecautionsafterarriving home.Ifyoususpectcontactwith orthepresenceof,bedbugs,placeclothesinthedryerand drythemonthehighheatsettingforatleastan hour. The heat from the machine will kill all life stages present. Place any luggage in bags and close tightly If possible, place the bags outsideinthehotsun.Dependingonthelocation, season and temperature, the heat from the sun, which could reach upwards of 120°F insidethebags,willkillanybedbugspresent.

If you suspect your home or barracks room may be infested with bed bugs, Dr Gonzalez Moralesrecommendsimmediatelycontacting the appropriate installation authority within thechainofcommandor,ifyouliveoffpost,a professionalpestmanagementcompany.

“Using a ‘do-it-yourself’ method or insecticides, like bug bombs, commonly found in stores has the potential to aggravate the situation and possibly disperse the infestation, saidDr GonzalezMorales “Eradicationofbed bugsreliesoncomprehensiveIntegratedPest Managementprogramscomprisedofmultiple techniquesandmethodsofattackthatprofessional pest controllers are trained to accomplish.”

Dr Gonzalez Morales says the DCPH-A Pesticide Use and Resistance Monitoring Branchislaunchinganewprojectthataimsto betterunderstandbedbugpopulationswithin military populations, assess historic insecticide use, and characterize insecticide resistanceonmilitaryinstallations.

“Theoverallgoalistocreateaneducational dashboard where each military installation can access reliable information and control recommendationstailoredtotheirneeds,”said Dr GonzalezMorales. The first step of this new bed bug program consistsofaquestionnairethatwillbeshared throughaweblink.Theevaluationwillprovide everyone whotakes the survey with a tool for reportingbedbugincidents Thiswillfacilitate detection awareness with the goal of eradicatingbedbuginfestations,saidDr Gonzalez Morales. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and can be accessed through the following link: https://usaphcapps.amedd. army.mil/Survey/se/25113745582975D2

For more information on preventing bed bugs, please visit the following link: https:// phc.amedd.army.mil/PHC%20Resource%20 Library/ento-bedbugs-factsheet.pdf

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FREE ESTIMATES 757-227-8964 Subscribe to The Virginian-Pilot today Call 757-446-9000 or go to PilotOnline.com ABANDON WATERCRAFT Notice is hereby given that the following watercraft has been abandoned for more than 60 DAYS on the property of Robert Pepper 3944 South Military Highway Chesapeake, VA 23321, telephone 1-757-949-1620. 1991 Bayliner White, ID BYQA68FSB191 Application for Watercraft Registration/Title will be made in accordance with Section 29.1-733.25 of the Code of Virginia if this watercraft is not claimed and removed within 30 days of the first publication of this notice Please contact the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources with questions Boats & Watercraft AUTOS ACCEPTED-ANY YEAR Make or Model. Top Dollar Fast, Free Towing 757-737-2465, 252-232-9192 ABSOLUTELY ABLY ACQUIRING AUTOS All Makes & Models Best Price Paid!! FREE TOWING 757-749-8035 Wanted Automotive Autos. We will purchase your collectible classic, late model autos, we will come to you. 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