Flagship 05.04.2023

Page 2

George Washington to replace

Ronald Reagan as the forwarddeployed carrier in Japan in 2024

This marks the second time George Washington has served as the FDNF-J aircraft carrier arriving inJapan in 2008 as the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to be forward-deployed toJapan before being relieved by Ronald Reagan in 2015. PageA6

Norfolk Naval Shipyard leadership Gembas help resolve issues through workforce engagement

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

You may have recently heard the word “Gemba in shipyard communications So what the heck is a Gemba? Gemba simply means observing work in action, often to provideseniorleadersabetterunderstanding of how things get accomplished and provide any help that may be needed.

Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) senior leaders have been increasing Gembas throughouttheshipyardaspartofanongoing commitment to the workforce, ensuring standards are upheld and barriers are removed.Departmentheads,groupsuperintendents, and project superintendents are all taking part in this significant effort across all work sites to include shipyard detachments “Gembas are important to understand how work is performed, any associated working conditions and to understand if we can incorporate improvements right

at the source,” said Shipyard Commander CaptainDiannaWolfson.“Gembascanalso include observing working level meetings and sometimes even having one-on-one conversations Our Gembas are not just about finding problems; they can also be about recognizing excellence in action. That’salsoamajorpartofwhyweGemba.”

In taking Gemba engagements to the next level, participating leaders provide a follow-upwrittenreportonwhatwasseen, what was learned, and what action was taken.ThiseffortwillhelpNNSYcontinue to self-identify, self-assess and self-correct as ONE TEAM, leveraging the Navy’s Get Real, Get Better behaviors “Direct observation and engagement matters,” said Wolfson. “Ultimately there is no substitute for eyes on target. I have always enjoyed my own Gembas—that’s oftenthebestpartofmyweek,tomeetand engage with those who do the heavy liftingandaredrivingresultsforourNavyand Nation every day.

Gembas may lead to something that a division head or project leader can go immediately resolve, such as a quick-fix in safety or cleanliness Other Gembas may support morale and quality of work life, helping to identify facility issues with HVAC and restrooms

In one specific example, NNSY’s Naval Sustainment System—Shipyards (NSSSY) Champion Brittney Wright shared how Gembas have helped with the transformation of Building 1505 as a “sub hub” to improve work flow of the established work-execution cells for each tenant production shop “Having senior leaders walk the space has not only brought attention to the need to improve our work space standards, the needed space and tooling to work efficiently, but has also driven accountability to the line organization owners to continue the progression of their transformation with urgency,” said Wright. “We also identified the work-execution cells could not be optimized with-

Dahlgren civilian employee retires after 42 years of service


Surface Combat Systems Training Command

DAHLGREN, Va A Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC)

AEGIS Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) civilian employee retired after an extraordinary career spanning over 42 yearsofserviceonApril27

SCSTC ATRC staff wished Mr Walter “Dwayne” Norwood, director of Aegis functional integration/future configuration,“FairWindsandFollowingSeas”ashe saidgoodbyetohisAegisfamily.

“Forty-two years of dedicated service to our nation is truly awe-aspiring,” said

SCSTC ATRC’s Commanding Officer, Cmdr Shaun Dennis “Dwayne is a role modelforourblendedworkforce Hewasa firstclasspettyofficerintheNavyandeven though he no longer served aboard a ship he continued to take care of our warfighters.ThankyouDwayneforyourunwavering service and commitment to our Navy andnation.”

Norwood began his career in the U.S. Navy in October 1981. After six years of service, Electronics Warfare Technician 1st Class Norwood transitioned to civilian life.HestartedworkingatATRCinOctober 1987 as a software developer and systems quality assurance contractor In February

1988, he transitioned from contractor to government civilian, establishing the role ofinformationtechnologyspecialtysystem administrator division lead for ATRC’s director of training readiness He quickly became an indispensable member of the Aegistrainingcommunityandmadesignificantprogram-wideimpactsonAegistrainingthroughoutitsevolution Norwood guided the installation, connection, and testing of Aegis and associatedtrainingsystemsattheschoolhouse from the first baseline (BL) to BL 10 As the Aegis Weapon System evolved from

out simultaneously improving the quality of life spaces—specifically improving the 1505 mezzanine break area and creating a breakroom/internetcafétopreventeating and drinking in the same industrial work spaces.”

“We have been doing lots of Gembas on USS Toledo (SSN 769) and 1505, focusing on the mechanics and what we can do for them, and helping them get better every day,” added Joe Singer, Code 900F Facilities Manager “Actions speak louder than words, and Gembas will show how we’re listening to our employees today, and every day, said Wolfson. “We recognize our projects, shops,departments,andsatellitelocations mustallsupporteachotherandbeinvested in our mutual success Because as ONE TEAM, we must look through the lens of ourworkforceandmakesurewedon’tgive uptheshiftinmeetingourONEMISSION Together we got this!


NPS, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability team up for Department of the Navy’s latest Climate Tabletop Exercise

The exercise convened participants from the DOD federal agencies,Congress,thinktanks, non-governmental organizations,and the private sectorto generate solutions in support ofDON’s “ClimateAction 2030,”and broader sustainabilitygoals. PageA3

Shipyard CommanderCapt.DiannaWolfson and Production Resource OfficerCapt.FrankGasperetti toured Bldg 1505’s Sub Hub Mar 7 as part oftheirGembawalks around the shipyard to see the progress being made to the shops,and speakwith shipyard personnel.(PHOTOBYDANIELDEANGELIS)
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DOD SOH, IH, EEM professionals learn the latestinsafety,environmental protection trends


NavalSafety Command

Safety and occupationalhealth (SOH), industrial hygiene(IH), and environmental and emergency management (EEM) professionalsfromacross the Department ofDefense(DOD)learnedthelatestinsafety, occupational health and environmental protectiontrendsattheannualJointSafety and EnvironmentalProfessional DevelopmentSymposium(PDS)April17-21,2023.

In its 31styear,the PDS is afreeprofessional development opportunity hosted by the NavalSafety and Environmental Training Center (NAVSAFENVTRACEN) in a jointsettingtoshareinnovativeideas,trends and information in safety and occupational health,environmentalprotectionandindustrialhygiene

Hundreds of education sessions were punctuated by DODkeynote speakers throughoutthe week,toinclude Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness Shawn

Skelly,who acknowledged the attendees fortheircollectiverepresentationofDOD’s safetyexpertise “You eachhavea role in the implementationofthe department’sstrategicplan, Skellysaid. “It’syour wisdom and experience; it’syour technicalvoices that enable senior leaderstohighlight the importance of incorporating safety and occupational health riskmanagement processes to get aftereverydecisionthathasthepotentialto impactthesafetyandoccupationalhealthof thetotalforce.”

Thissymposiumincreases thevalue and relevancy of our attendees’ professional disciplines,said NavalSafety Command (NAVSAFECOM)Commander, Rear Adm. ChristopherM.Engdahl.

“Attendees’inputstoDODoperationsare critical tomission successand this symposiumisavehicle to provide training that is bothready,relevantandindustry-aligned.”

More than2,700 participants representing all DOD branches, as well as multiple

federal and international agencies and students pursuing classwork in related fields,attended100-pluseducationsessions Participantshailedfromall50statesandthe District of Columbia,20time zones and 27 countries.

“Eachyearwecontinuetogloballyexpand withmoreattendees and topics presented by our government, industryand academic partners,” said NAVSAFENVTRACEN CommandingOfficerCmdr.CharlesWilhite “Whenwebeganofferingthisonlinein2013, we only had roughlyhalfthe attendance andcourseofferingswehavenow.Buteach year the symposium growsand the flame of attendee andpresenterinterestisinno dangerofgettingextinguished.

Sessionpresentersrepresentbackgrounds in safety, environmental,occupational health,public health, industrial hygiene, radiationhealthandoccupationalmedicine Educational sessionsincluded general safety,operationalsafety,hazardmanagement, occupational safety and health,

industrialhygiene,occupationalmedicine, environmentalprotection,ethics,teleworking and other trendingtopics.Participants can access recordings of mostsessionsfor furtherreinforcementandreflection.

This year’s symposium also featured claimant meetingsdiscussingrespective safetyinitiativesfortheAirForce,Navyand MarineCorps,NavyBureauofMedicineand Surgery,and U.S. ArmyCombat Readiness Center Meetings and sessions provide participants withattendance certificates to documentCEUsearned.Safetyandoccupational healthprofessionalscollectivelyearned1,017 hoursofcontinuingeducationunits(CEU).

Forthose interested in participating or presenting during next year’s PDS April 22-26, 2024,emailthe symposium’splanningcommitteeatNAVSAFENVTRACEN_ JOINT_PDS@navy.mil.

NavalAcademy,NSA Annapolis release installation resiliencyplan


ANNAPOLIS,Md.—TheU.S.NavalAcademy(USNA)and NavalSupport Activity Annapolis(NSAA)releaseda jointlydevelopedinstallationresiliencyplan,associated projectportfolio,andphasedexecutionplan


Completed in 2022and in alignment with the Secretary of the Navy’s priorities, thisplan providesanintegrated adaptation framework, project portfolio,and year-toyear execution strategy that will mitigate the combined effects of land subsidence, sea levelrise, ground-waterchange, coastal flooding/stormsurgeandinadequatestormwatermanagementattheNavalAcademyto theyear2100.

“Sea levelrise and land subsidence are increasingly impacting operations at the NavalAcademy,”saidViceAdm.SeanBuck, the NavalAcademy’s63rdsuperintendent. “Thebottomlineisthatwearedealingwith increasingamounts of water on the Yard everyyearandtheprojectionsshowthatthe

effects of climate change are an existential threattotheNavalAcademy.”

The combined effects of sea levelrise, coastalflooding (e.g.,nuisance and storm surge),groundwater inundation, land subsidence,and surface water flooding fromextremeweathereventswillcontinue tointensify,andaproactive,integratedadaptationstrategyiswarrantedtoaddressthese threatsasdirectedbytheDepartmentofthe NavyClimateAction2030strategy.

The plan uses mostrecent sea levelrise projections,asrecommendedbythe USNA Sea LevelRiseAdvisoryCouncil (SLRAC) and the DoD Regional Sea Leveldatabase Itrecommendsavarietyofcomplementary adaptationand resilience projects thatwill work together to provide protection of the campus.

“The study provides information and a projectportfolio that needstobeaccomplishedoverthe next forty-plus years,” said Navy Capt. TomMcLemore, NSAApublic works officer.“We mustnow balance the information from the study with condi-

tionsoftheexistinginfrastructuretocreate aprogram of projects that balances the mission of the Academy, funding availability,andtherisksassociatedwithrisingseas.”

Projects arerequirements-based and phased over time,beginning in 2023 and continuing through 2065,resulting in a short-term, mid-term and long-term portfolio of projects.Actual execution of the planwilldepend on availablefunding. One of the first majorprojects of the plan, raisingseawallsinthevicinityofFarragutField and Santee Basin,was funded this year and constructioneffortsareunderway.

“The expertise of our faculty and staff on theSea LevelRise AdvisoryCouncil has beenakeyfactorinourabilitytobuildaplan thatisconsistentwithscientificallyaccepted scienceinthisfieldaswellaswithourdaily operationsandmissionrequirements,”said NavalAcademyDeputyfor Facilities and ConstructionSaraPhillips

In addition to the work done building the plan, solutions continue to be refined through faculty-led midshipman research

projects “Thereare manyopportunities to create resilience atthe Academy and we are invested in finding the mostefficient and effectivewaystodothataswemoveintothe realities of climate change and its impacts hereinAnnapolis,”Phillipssaid.

The resilience plan, which includes an integrated adaptation framework, project portfolio,andphasedexecutionplan,aswell as an executivesummary, can be found on theNavalAcademywebsite:

„ ExecutiveSummary

„ NSAA/USNAMilitary Installation


The Department’s Climate Action 2030 strategydocumentcanbefoundat:

„ Department of the Navy Climate Action 2030 Formoreinformation about the Naval Academy, please see www.usna.edu or the academy’sFacebookpage

Editorial Staff

MilitaryEditor |MC1 Maddelin Hamm 757-322-2853 |maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

GraphicDesigner |TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com

Contributing Staff

NinoshkaBasantes Travis Kuykendall Kaitlyn Hewett MC3 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 |news@flagshipnews.com

|Ski Miller ski.miller@virginiamedia.com



MNVMilitary Manager
Commander,NavyRegionMid-Atlantic(CNRMA): RearAdmChristopher“Scotty”Gray RegionalprogrammanagerforNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic(NRMA): PublicAffairsDirector| Beth Baker The Flagship® is published by Flagship, Inc., aprivate firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense (DOD)or the United States Navy under exclusivewritten contract with Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the paper, including advertisements, are not necessarily the official viewsof, nor endorsed by,the U.S. Government, DOD,orthe Department of the Navy (DON). The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts and supplements, does not constitute endorsement by theDOD; DON; Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic or Flagship, Inc. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase,use, or patronage without regardtorace, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or anyother non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. If aviolation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by thePublic Affairs Department of Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic. Stories maybesubmitted via email to news@flagshipnews.com. The Flagship® is published every ThursdaybyFlagship, Inc., whose offices arelocated at P.O. Box2820, Norfolk, Va.23510. ©2021 Flagship, Inc. All rights reserved The DefenseDepartment paystributetothe contributions and dedicated serviceofAsian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Learn moreabout #AsianAmericanPacificIslanderHeritageMonth: https://www.defense.gov/Spotlights/ Asian-American-Pacific-Islander-Heritage-Month/
2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 1| Thursday, May4,2023



Naval Postgraduate School Office of University Communications


The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) hosted the second Department of the Navy (DON) Climate Tabletop Exercise (DON Climate Action II) in partnership with the Stanford Doerr SchoolofSustainability,April27-28.

The tabletop exercise convened participants from the Department of Defense, federal agencies Congress think tanks non-governmental organizations and the private sector to generate solutions in support of DON’s comprehensive climate strategy,“ClimateAction2030,”andbroader sustainability goals Under a recently realized academic partnership, NPS and the Doerr School will pursue identified solutionsetsinordertoprovideconcreteactions andoutcomestoadvancetheDON’sclimate prioritiesandsustainabilityinitiatives

“FortheDepartmentoftheNavy climate readiness is mission readiness: it makes us better warfighters, said Meredith Berger, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment (EI&E) and the Navy’s Chief Sustainment Officer “Our installations whether at home or abroad are where warfighting begins, our power projectionplatforms Weexercisedelements andgeneratedactionsthatensurethatthese platformsaresurvivableandthatthecoastal communities that we call home are just as resilient.

During the two-day event, participants concentrated on three focus areas water security, energy security, and coastal resilience and briefed their results to a group of senior leaders including Berger NPS President retired Vice Adm. Ann Rondeau and Dr Arun Majumdar dean of the Doerr SchoolofSustainability

The six exercise teams two for each focus area worked to identify problem statements, challenges, and specific solutions A common outcome among all team memberswasadeeperresolve,commitment toactionandfurthercollaboration.

EachteamalsospoketotheneedtoloweringbarrierstoestablishandstrengthenpartnershipsbetweenDOD industry academia and civic leaders to leverage the combined talentsandresourcestowardsasharedgoal of protecting our communities and people The senior evaluation group committed to supporting these efforts and the applied research necessary to inform purposeful solution development with new incentives tostimulateinvestments

Additionally 90 days from the conclusion of the exercise, NPS will coordinate a planofactionandmilestonesacrossparticipant stakeholders on how to accomplish thefollowingsolutionsidentifiedduringthe


Establish a partnership agreement between the Department of the Navy and the Port of San Diego to add the sharing of data and testing to improve climate resilienceusingthePort’sBlueEconomyproject. Ensureinstallationshavepersonnelidentifiedtodevelop,manage,andadvancetheir waterpolicieswithafocusonlookingacross thefencelineandviewingwaterasashared resource

Develop a master plan framework that directly connects climate risk with readinessandmissionassurance

“Thedirectionwehavereceivedfromthe President and our nation’s defense leadership is clear climate action is a national security imperative, said Rondeau. “Our future Navy and Marine Corps warfighters mustbepreparedtoaddressandaccountfor theeffectsofclimatechangeintheiroperational planning. Here at NPS, we are proud to work with the Doerr School of Sustainability to address these challenges and seek out climate solutions that will benefit not only the Department of the Navy but our nationasawhole.”

The collaborative effort involving DON leadership and two prominent California educational institutions is the latest exam-

ple of the Navy’s commitment to pursue climate-informedsolutions

In May 2022, the Navy released “Climate Action 2030,” building on a decades-long foundation of climate action, and setting the DON on a course to meet national and globaltargetstoreducethethreatofclimate change Inthisstrategy,SecretaryoftheNavy CarlosDelToroidentifiedclimatechangeas “one of the most destabilizing forces of our time, exacerbating other national security concernsandposingseriousreadinesschallenges.”HechargedtheDONwithbuilding a climate-ready force by increasing climate resilienceandreducingtheclimatethreat.

One month later the Navy held its first Climate Tabletop Exercise in Washington, D.C., examining the impacts of climate changeonNavyandMarineCorpsmissions, readiness,andwarfightingcapacity

DON Climate Action II not only built upon the outcomes and lessons learned fromtheinauguraleffort,italsocapitalized on the Educational Partnership Agreement (EPA)betweenNPSandtheStanfordDoerr SchoolofSustainability,finalizedinDecember 2022. Faculty from both institutions came together during the exercise to focus on coastal resilience and operational readinessinaworldimpactedbyclimatechange

“Building solutions to the challenges of climate change depends on turning knowledge and innovation into impactful solutions,” said Majumdar “This tabletop exercise along with the broader collaboration between Stanford University and the U.S. Navy allows us to identify the connections and gaps in our knowledge It thenprovidesaforumfortakingthiswealth ofinsights,data,andinformationandlaying the groundwork for solutions that make a difference.”

Berger is visiting NPS as part of a series of visits across the country from Earth Day to Arbor Day to demonstrate the work of the Department of the Navy and the EI&E portfolio to highlight the importance of Communities, Climate Action, and Critical Infrastructure.

The Naval Postgraduate School provides defense-focusedgraduateeducation,including classified studies and interdisciplinary research, to advance the operational effectiveness,technologicalleadershipandwarfighting advantage of the Naval service For additional information, visit NPS online at http://www.nps.edu.

NPS, Stanford Doerr
MONTEREY Calif (April 28 2023) Meredith Berger Assistant Secretaryofthe NavyforEnergy Installations and Environment (EI&E) and the Navy’s ChiefSustainment Officer,addresses seniorleaders attending the Department ofthe NavyClimateTabletop Exercise II at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) The exercise,held in partnershipwith the Stanford DoerrSchool ofSustainability,brought togetherparticipants from the Department ofDefense,federal agencies,non-governmental organizations,and the private sectorto identifyproblems and potential solutions in support ofthe Navy’s climate strategy (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSJANIELADAMES) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, May 4, 2023 3 TWO WEEKS ONLY! OFFER VALID UNTIL 5/14/23 FREE INSTALL all shower &bathprojects 12 MONTHS no payments &nointerest LOCK IN YOUR LIMITED TIME OFFER BEFORE INTEREST RATES GO UP DON’T DELAY –LOCK IN OUR COMPETITIVE INTEREST RATES BEFORE THEY’RE GONE Avoid wasting time shopping around for affordable interest rates –get your project installed quick, easy,and stress-free! Simply meet with one of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote with our competitive interest rates. 4.8/5 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 17,000+ GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branches as of 3/02/2023) EVENING &WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALLNOW TO STARTYOUR PROJECT 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures,and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal latecharges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannotbecombined with other offers. Offer expires 5/14/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
School of
team up for Department of the Navy’s latest Climate Tabletop Exercise


VIRGINIABEACH,Va (Apr 26 2023) Ensign Moran Ke (right),assigned to the SanAntonioclass amphibious transport dockship USSArlington (LPD 24),fends offa simulated attacker afterbeing sprayedwith oleoresin capsicum during securityreaction forces training atJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort StoryinVirginia Beach,Virginia,April 26 2023.Security reaction forces training teaches basic sentryskills aswell as individual and tactical team movements.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJOHNBELLINO)

VIRGINIABEACH,Va (Apr 26 2023) Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Micheal Derry(right),an antiterrorism training supervisorassigned to the SanAntonio-class amphibious transport dock ship USSArlington (LPD 24),monitors Fire Controlman 3rd Class Octavio Beltran,also assigned toArlington,afterbeing sprayedwith oleoresin capsicum during securityreaction forces training atJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little Creek-Fort StoryinVirginia Beach,Virginia,April 26 2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSJOHNBELLINO)

NORFOLK,Va (Apr 26 2023) -Airborne Command & Control Squadron (VAW) 126 meetswith local media to be featured as this month’s Squadron ofthe Month.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYCHIEF


4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 4, 2023
GULFOFOMAN (April 30 2023) Ensign Nicole Bucci participates in an OC spraycourse on the flight deckofthe guided-missile destroyerUSS Paul Hamilton (DDG 60),April 30 2023 in the Gulfof Oman.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSELLIOTSCHAUDT)
VIRGINIABEACH,Va (April 27 2023) Musician 1st Class Manuel Pelayo takes a solo (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MUSICIAN1STCLASSDANLIECUENCA/RELEASED) NORFOLK(April 27 2023)Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Equipment)Airman Jonathan Houston,assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),pets a dog from Canine Comfort,April 27 2023.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSRYANCOLOSANTI) NORFOLK,Va (April 27 2023) Sailors assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77) playswith a dog from the USO Canine Comfort event April 27 2023.(U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANAPPRENTICEPIERCELUCK) NORFOLK,Va (April 28 2023) - Sailors assigned to USS Nitze (DDG 94) conduct line handling on the pieras USNSJohn Lenthall (T-AO 189) moores in Naval Station Norfolkaftercompleting a three and a halfmonth deploymentApril 28,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYRYANCARTER) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, May 4, 2023 5

George Washington to replace Ronald Reagan as the forward-deployed carrier in Japan in 2024


NAVAL AIR STATION NORTH ISLAND, Calif. Incoordinationwiththegovernmentof Japan,Nimitz-classaircraftcarrierUSSGeorge Washington (CVN 73) will return to U.S. 7th Fleet replacingUSSRonaldReagan(CVN76) as the forward-deployed Naval Forces-Japan (FDNF-J)aircraftcarrier,forward-deployedto FleetActivitiesYokosuka,Japanin2024

ThismarksthesecondtimeGeorgeWashington has served as the FDNF-J aircraft

carrier, arriving in Japan in 2008 as the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to be forward-deployed to Japan before being relievedbyRonaldReaganin2015

Prior to George Washington’s return to Japan in 2024, Ronald Reagan will depart YokosukaandrelocatetoBremerton,Washington, to conduct a scheduled docking planned incremental availability period at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility after completing nearly a decade of service in the Western


More details will be announced closer to theactualmovementofthecarriers

The United States values Japan’s contributions to the peace security and stability of the Indo-Asia-Pacific and its long-term commitment and hospitality in hosting forward-deployedU.S.forces Theseforces, along with their counterparts in the Japan Self-DefenseForces,makeupthecorecapabilities needed by the alliance to meet our commonstrategicobjectives.

GeorgeWashingtoniscurrentlyundergoingrefuelingandcomplexoverhaul(RCOH) at Newport News Shipbuilding-Huntington Ingalls Industries RCOH is a multiyear project performed only once during a carrier’s 50-year service life that includes refueling the ship’s two nuclear reactors, as well as significant repairs, upgrades, and modernization. Ronald Reagan, the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 5, is currently forwarddeployedtotheU.S.Navy’s7thFleet areaofoperations

Navy Week Program sails into St. Louis


Navy Office of Community Outreach MILLINGTON,Tenn. TheU.S.Navyis

bringing Navy Week to St Louis May 8-14 withSailorsfromacrossthefleettotakepart intheservice’ssignatureoutreachprogram. St LouisNavyWeekgivesthecommunityan opportunitytolearnabouttheNavy,itsSailors and the Navy’s importance to national security and prosperity The Navy Week concludeswithanairshowperformanceby theBlueAngels

Participating Navy organizations include Namesake Sailors from USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), USS St Louis (LCS 19), USS Constitution, musical concerts by Navy Band Great Lakes, demonstrations by the Ceremonial Guard, Meteorology and Oceanography Command, Office of Small BusinessPrograms,NavyTalentAcquisition

GroupMidAmerica,theNimitz(VRtrailer), U.S. Fleet Forces, parachute jumps by the Navy’s Parachute Team (Leap Frogs), and the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron (BlueAngels)

More than 75 Sailors will participate in education and community outreach events throughout the city, including live performances by Navy Band Great Lakes at Ball ParkVillage,JackieJoyner-KerseeFoundation, St Charles Riverfront Stage, the City Museum,andKienerPlaza.

TheNavy’sseniorexecutivefortheweek is Rear Admiral Ingrid Rader Reserve Deputy Director for Maritime Information Warfare, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Rader is participatingincommunityengagements,meeting withstudentsandspeakingwithlocalbusinesses, civic, education, and government leaders

“I am excited to represent the Navy

and engage with the city of St Louis and surrounding areas,” said Rader. “Being able to share the Navy’s story and interact with thecitizensisbothanhonorandprivilege.”

Since 2005, the Navy Week program has servedastheNavy’sflagshipoutreacheffort into areas of the country without a significant Navy presence, providing the public a firsthand look at why the Navy matters to citieslikeSt Louis

“We are excited to bring the Navy Week program to St Louis,” said NAVCO’s director Cmdr Anthony Falvo. “Seapower and America’s Navy are more important now thaneverbefore TheU.S.Navyremainsour nation’s most powerful instrument of military influence and Navy Weeks allow us to showcase how the Navy serves America at sea,intheair,andashore.”


engagingwithstudentsacrossmultiplehigh schools and volunteering throughout the citywithorganizationssuchastheVeterans Community Project Girl Scouts St Louis Food Pantry, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, SSM HealthCardinal,GlennonChildren’sHospital, St Louis Cardinals Ceremonial Pitch, andtheBlackGirlsDoSTEM.

St Louis Navy Week is one of 15 Navy Weeks in 2023, which brings a variety of assets,equipment,andpersonneltoasingle city for a weeklong series of engagements designed to bring America’s Navy closer to the people it protects Each year the program reaches more than 140 million people abouthalftheU.S.population.

For more information on 2023 Navy Weeks, visit http://outreach.navy.mil or contact Mr Isaiah Sellers at (228) 281-3940 orIsaiah.sellers.civ@us.navy.mil.

NAVSUP Business Systems Center cleans up Sporting Hill Road for Earth Day

FromNavalSupplySystemsCommand Business Systems Center Public Affairs

MECHANICSBURG, Pa Sailors and civilians assigned to Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Business Systems Center(BSC)celebratedEarthDay2023by removing trash and debris from a two-mile stretch of Sporting Hill Road as part of the PennsylvaniaDepartmentofTransportation (PennDOT) state-wide Adopt A Highway program,April21.

The cleanup served as an opportunity to helppreservethelocalenvironmentandwas the latest event supporting the command’s 15-yearpartnershipwithPennDOT

“NAVSUP BSC has been in Mechanicsburgformorethan60years Overthelast15 years we’ve maintained a partnership with PennDOT to keep this strip of road outside ofthebaseclean, saidCapt DavidD.Carnal commanding officer, NAVSUP BSC “We

want to have a good partnership with the community andthisisourwaytogiveback foralltheydotosupportus.”

The Navy partners with local communitiesinpromotingenvironmentalandenergy education initiatives aimed at preserving, protecting, restoring, and improving the environment.Theseinitiativesmayinvolve activities such as fostering environmental awareness among young people teaching the values of environmental protection and energy efficiency, enhancing environmental and energy science curricula in schools, implementingrecyclingprograms,andorganizing or participating in events focused on energy conservation or environmental cleanup, such as the PennDOT Adopt A Highwayprogram.

“It’s an honor to participate in this event and be a part of a long-standing tradition,” said Lt Kile Green, NAVSUP BSC project officer and Adopt A Highway coordina-

tor “It’s important for us to take some time out of our day to do something, no matter howsmall,tohelpkeepourcommunityand planetsafeandclean.

Adopt A Highway areas include state highway rights-of-way, interchange areas, trafficislands,ortwo-milesectionsofroadway.

“PennDOT is very thankful for civicminded groups like NAVSUP BSC for stepping up to help to keep our roads clean through the Adopt A Highway program, said Dave Thompson, community relations coordinatorforPennDOT.“Groupslikethis provide a great service to our Commonwealth and augment our county maintenance programs, allowing them to focus on road safety and other initiatives We are so thankfulforallthattheydo.”

Community partners volunteer for two years PennDOTprovidesmaterialstomaintain designated areas and posts signs along


“The highway cleanup is a great way to show that we want to take care of the communityandmakesuretheyknowwe’re here, not just to support the warfighter, but our local community as well,” said Lt j.g. Riley Petsch, project officer for NAVSUP BSC

NAVSUP BSC provides the Navy with information systems support through the design development, and maintenance of systems in the functional areas of logistics, supply chain management, transportation, finance, and accounting and is one of 11 commandsunderCommander,NAVSUP

For more information about NAVSUP BSC, visit https://www.navsup.navy.mil/ NAVSUP-Enterprise/NAVSUP-Business-Systems-Center/

6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, May 4, 2023
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a stand-alone combat system to a node of a combat system network, he ensured that ATRC’strainingsystemsandnetworkskept pace. He performed countless studies and analysestranslatingthemintowhitepapers that defined the requirements to enhance trainingcapabilities

He interpreted and translated numerous simulationrequirementsthatdrovetheability to train combat system interoperability throughdistributedtrainingacrossthelabs atATRCandLandBasedTestSites

Mr Jeff Noordyk, ATRC’s director of training (DOT), says Norwood was the driving force behind the requirements and specifications that influenced the developmentandinstallationoftheReconfigurable CombatInformationCenterTrainer(RCT),

atrainerthatispartoftheDirector,Surface Warfare’s(OPNAVN96)programofrecord, SurfaceTrainingAdvancedVirtualEnvironment-CombatSystems(STAVE-CS),which wasintroducedin2015asameanstoinvest intrainingtechnologies,devices,andfacilities to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, andavailabilityofallsurfacetraining

“Dwayne worked closely with SCSTC’s technical support department, N9, me as DOT Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting DevelopmentCenter[SMWDC]Integrated Air and Missile Defense [IAMD] Division and Surface Training Systems Program Office [PMS 339] to ensure that the RCT would meet training requirements,” Noordyk said. “He provided continuous testing, technicalexpertise,andconfigurationmonitoringoverafive-yearperiodthatresultedin atrainingsystemthatprovidesthehigh-end tactical training needed to build lethality warfighting and tactical proficiency Due

to Dwayne’s technical expertise and tirelessefforts,weareprovidingbetter-trained better-qualifiedwarfighterstothefleet.”

InJune2020 Norwoodbecamethedirector of Aegis functional integration/future configuration.

Mrs Amanda Blackman, SCSTC ATRC’s director of training and facilities readiness, first met Norwood while she was still uniform.

“Dwayne and I first worked together while I was a Chief Warrant Officer 3 and instructor at the schoolhouse,” she said. “Everythingheaccomplishedwasguidedby hisdedicationtoourSailors.WhenIbecame agovernmentcivilianandthenassumedmy currentposition,IworkedwithDwayneon a daily basis His technical acumen, unique ability to translate training requirements intosystemcapability,dedicationtomeeting the needs of our warfighters and personal drive has kept ATRC on pace with evolv-

ingAegisandfleettacticaltrainingrequirements HewillbegreatlymissedbutIknow Dwayne’s efforts will continue to ensure missionreadinessforyearstocome.”

Norwoodplansonspendingtimeenhancing his tennis game with ambitions of instructingtennis “Iamhonoredandblessedtohaveworked withsomanysubjectmatterexperts,whom I consider good friends, throughout the years,” Norwood said. “I feel very fortunate to have helped shape our future warfighting force I will miss my Aegis family but I amalsoexcitedfortheopportunitiesthatlie aheadformeandmyfamily.

Before his departure, Norwood provided guidancetohisfellowemployees

“Have fun and take everything in stride,” hesaid

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Lakewood HS student receives NROTC Scholarship

Marissa Karpinski,a seniorattending Lakewood High School,was awarded the $200,000 Naval Reserve OfficeTraining Corps Scholarship during a ceremonyheld at the school. PageB3

MANAMA,Bahrain (April 30 2023) Lt Levi Ceitlin,a rabbi and command chaplain forU.S.5th FleetTaskForce 52 speaks during a Holocaust remembrance ceremonyat the U.S.Navybase in Bahrain,April 30,2023.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNAOMIJOHNSON)

NAVCENT holds Holocaust remembrance ceremony


U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet

MANAMA, Bahrain U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) held a Holocaust remembrance ceremony at the U.S.NavybaseinBahrain,April30,tohonor andrememberthevictimsandsurvivors.

MembersoftheU.S.diplomaticandmilitary community in Bahrain attended and participated in the remembrance ceremony, including the U.S. ambassador to BahrainandRearAdm. SeanBailey, deputy commanderofNAVCENTandU.S.5thFleet

“As we remember innocent victims who endured tragic and unthinkable circumstances at the hands of antisemitism, we

also honor the perseverance, courage and strengthofthosewhosurvived,”saidBailey during remarks at the ceremony. “We must rejectprejudice,wemustrejecthatespeech andwemustrejectantisemitism.”

The Holocaust was a systemic genocide, killing six million Jews and millions of othersfrom1938to1945 beforeandduring World War II. Guest speaker U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain Steven Bondy, noted the unimaginable perils victims and survivors faced “Families were erased. Mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, were brutally murdered,” said Bondy “The reverberations of these crimes against humanity live in our collec-

tive memory because we made a deliberate efforttoreport,studyandteachpeopleabout the Holocaust All driven by an unshakable commitment ‘neveragain.’”

Thisyear’sDepartmentoftheNavytheme for Holocaust remembrance was “Home and Belonging,” to highlight the humanity of victims and survivors Lt Levi Ceitlin, a rabbi and command chaplain for U.S. 5th Fleet Task Force 52, spoke at the ceremony anddescribedanencounterhehad15years agowithaHolocaustsurvivor

“I was in Prague and met a Holocaust survivor who was liberated from a camp 45 miles outside of the city, and he took me there and showed me the camp from his perspective,” said Ceitlin. “He showed

me what he actually experienced. It was a surreal moment that brought an unimaginableexperiencetolife Itmadeitreal.”

Bailey also honored the 550,000 Jewish menandwomenwhoservedintheU.S.military with distinction during World War II. Some were captured and placed in concentration camps, 10,000 died in combat and 36,000receivedcitationsforvalor

“JewishAmericanwarfightersmaintained theirresilienceandcourage, saidBailey

NAVCENT includes 8,000 American personnelandfamiliesstationedinBahrain and operating in the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, parts of the Indian Ocean and three critical choke points at the Strait ofHormuz,SuezCanalandBabal-Mandeb.

SAPR 5K - A race to support


Navy Public Affairs Support Element West

The starting line; to many this is the place that a race begins The checkered floor pattern and billowing arch represent the beginning to a set path, a set distance. For some, this is where the race begins For others it is another step in their personal journeyofpersistence

The SAPR (Sexual assault and prevention response) 5K is an annual race, typically held on the last Friday of the month and run on Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI) during Sexual Assault, Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM). The race,heldthisyearonApril28thtocloseout SAAPM,isopentoallmilitarypersonneland anyonewithbaseaccess

“It’saneventthatismeanttogatherindividualstoreallybringawarenesstotheongoing issue of sexual assault within the Navy and DOD wide.” said Kelly Smith Riccardi, the lead Sexual Assault Response Coordinator(SARC)atNavalBaseCoronadoFleet and Family Support Center “It’s also an opportunity for survivors to feel supported that there are x amount of people wanting to come out and participate in awareness eventsandshowtheirsupportoftheprocess asawhole.”

The event started in 2011 with only a few hundred racers. Since then, the event has growninpopularity,peakingwithmorethan 2,500 participants Today, Riccardi is hopefulthatnumber willcontinuetoincrease “Wearereallytryingtobringnumbersup andhavepeoplecomeoutandsupportboth our survivors and the program itself,” said Riccardi.“Whenyouareabletogatherlarge groups of people that are willing to come forward and participate in these awareness events,itshowsthattheissueisontheminds


Many different commands and communitiesparticipateinthiseventeachyear,but each individual has their own reason for participating “I am out here today to bring awareness to sexual assault, said Cedreka Bagget, a civilian SAPR victim advocate and former active duty culinary specialist. “I think its very important that we share the informationandmakeeveryoneawareoftheimpact


This event provides a connection for not only survivors and active duty military, but also serves as a way to connect to civilian operatorsandmilitaryfamilies

“Asprioractiveduty thiseventrepresents theconnectionandtrustoftheNavythatwe have,”saidBaggett.“Goingfromactiveduty to now civilian and being with SAPR and a prior VA, I think it’s awesome to see all the peoplecomeoutandjustbesupportive”

As the last pairs of feet pounded over the finishline,thestandardhadbeenset.Survivors may feel as though they have been running alone, this race and its supporters are here to show they are not. Many have joinedthemontheirpathtoraiseawareness and support, to provide a helping hand and to set a new standard of excellence, both in today’snavyandforyearstocome

MWRvolunteers hand outwaterto participants as theycomplete the annual SAPR5Kin support ofSexualAssaultAwareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) on NavalAirStation North Island,April 28 2023.SAAPM is recognized inApril byboth civilian and militarycommunities.The Department ofDefense observes SAAPM byfocusing on creating the appropriate culture to eliminate sexual assault and
commitment from all Service members.
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, May 4, 2023 1

Tripoli officer named NBSD’s Admin UVAofthe Year



USSTripoli (LHA 7)

SANDIEGO —Naval Base SanDiego (NBSD)awardedtheSexualAssaultPrevention and Response (SAPR) Administrative Unit Victim Advocate(UVA) of the Year awardtoUSS Tripoli officer Lt.j.g Zachary Aldrich, April 18,2023

Aldrich wasrecommended and selected for the awardout of 475 credentialedUVAS attached to commands across NBSD

Aldrich, aColombia, Maryland native, has served as amphibious assault carrier USSTripoli’s(LHA 7) administrativeUVA sinceJulyof2021,managingtheship’sSAPR program and providing SAPR training to over4,400 Sailors in addition to his existing duties as adivision officer and surface warfareofficer

“Receiving this awardisveryhumbling and Iam very grateful to the NBSD Sexual AssaultResponseCoordinatorandteamfor the award,”Aldrich said. “Toberecognized byleadersontheforefrontofbattlingsexual assault in themilitary means the world.”

The Navy’s SAPR program supports victims of sexual assault byproviding advocacy andaccess to resources such as counseling,guidanceforreportinganassaultand legaladvice,whichhelpsvictimsunderstand the military justice process

NavalBase SanDiego’sSexual Assault Response Coordinator,Kristin Kammermeier,presented the awardtoAldrich on the ship’squarterdeck.

“Lt. j.g. Aldrich has created an environmentaboardTripolithatencouragesSailors andMarinestocomeforwardandseekhelp,” Kammermeier said.

Aldrich noted that Tripoli currently has

one of the largestcredentialed UVArosters of anyship on NBSD,sporting six times the minimum requirement of twoUVAs stationedaboard,aswellasnumerousvolunteers who support the program.

Capt. John Kiefaber,Tripoli’scommanding officer,praisedAldrichfor his efforts

“The Navy has zerotolerance for sexual assault and Lt.j.g.Aldrich did an outstandingjobupholdingtheNavy’svaluesandpolicies,” Kiefaber said.

Aprilisrecognized as sexual assault awareness and prevention month by the military.

Tripoli is an America-class amphibious assaultshiphomeportedinSanDiego.Itisin ascheduled maintenance availability.

Ifyouorsomeoneyouknowhasbeensexuallyassaultedandwouldlikehelp,pleasevisit Safehelpline.orgorcall877-995-5247.

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: Thereare three typesof housing available to families:

Public/PrivateVenture(PPV) Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different privatemanagement companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companiesare responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenanceand day-to-daymanagement ofthe housing.PPVhousing maybe located on oroffgovernment property and in mostcaseswillbe formermilitary housing GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy ManagedHousing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantitiesCONUS,Government OwnedHousing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that aServiceMember maychoosethat is notPPVor government operated.This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately ownedand operated


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with SexualAssault Prevention and Response
ship and NavalBase San Diego’s SexualAssault Prevention and Response team during the ship’s maintenanceavailabilityApril 18.TripoliisanAmerica-class amphibious assault ship homeportedinSan Diego. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSDANIANC.DOUGLAS)
(April 18,2023)– Capt.John Kiefaber,commanding officerofamphibious assault carrierUSSTripoli (LHA7) left,poses fora photo
(SAPR)advocates assignedtothe
2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 2| Thursday, May4,2023

Lakewood High School student receives Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) Scholarship



Navy Talent Acquisition Group Rocky Mountain LAKEWOOD, Colorado Marissa

“Nael” Karpinski, 17, of Lakewood, Colorado a senior attending Lakewood High School, was awarded the Naval Reserve Office Training Corps (NROTC) Scholar-

ship in the amount of $200,000 during a ceremonyheldattheschool.Presentingthe awardwereNavyTalentAcquisitionGroup (NTAG)RockyMountain’sEnlistedProductionOfficerLt VashthaiWallace,PettyOfficerFirstClassShelbiLoweandPettyOfficer Second Class Tyler Kerbs Karpinski will attend Cornell University in New York this fall with a major in economics “Right now,

what I want to be in the Navy is a Surface Warfare Officer,” said Karpinski The Navy offers several scholarship programs to help payforschoolsoapersoncanfocusontheir studies without worrying about finances beforestartingadebt-freecareerintheNavy as a Commissioned Officer. For more informationontheNROTCprogram,visitwww navy.mil. Navy Talent Acquisition Group

Rocky Mountain encompasses the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and parts of Idaho, Nebraska, and Kansas, providing Navy Recruiting services from more than 30dispersedoffices (U.S Navy photo by Matthew Wheeler, NTAG Rocky Mountain Public Affairs/ Released)

MV-22 Osprey,assigned to Marine MediumTiltrotor(VMM) 362 (Rein.),13th Marine ExpeditionaryUnit, returns to amphibious assault ship USS Makin Island (LHD 8),during a ship-to-shore operation ofBalikatan 23,April 12,2023 in the Subic BayHarbor Balikatan is an annual exercise between theArmed Forces ofthe Philippines and U.S.militarydesigned to strengthen bilateral interoperability,capabilities,trust,and cooperation built overdecades shared experiences The Makin IslandAmphibious

Makin Island ARG conducts Balikatan with the Armed Forces of the Philippines


USS Makin Island (LHD 8)

PHILIPPINES The Makin Island

Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) with the embarked 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) andtheArmedForcesofthePhilippines (AFP) completed Exercise Balikatan 2023 (BK23), April 28 with a closing ceremonyinCampAguinaldo,Philippines

U.S.andPhilippinerelationshipsarebased onstronghistoricalandculturallinkagesand a shared commitment to democracy and humanrights Balikatanpresentedanopportunity for personnel from the AFP and the MakinIslandARGcomprisedofUSSMakin Island (LHD 8), USS Anchorage (LPD 23) and USS John P. Murtha (LPD 26), to work togethertoaddresschallengesrelatedtothe Mutual Defense Treaty, counter-terrorism threats, humanitarian assistance and disasterresponse

The 1951 U.S. Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty provides a strong foundation for the U.S. and Philippine’s present-day partnership.Thisalliancefacilitatesanopen,interconnected,resilient,andsecureIndo-Pacific region.

“BK23 interactions enabled the opportunity to increase our ability to work shoulder-to-shoulder through bilateral training,

supportinglocalpopulations,and improving collective capabilities and interoperability.” said Capt. Doug Langenberg, commanding officer of John P Murtha.

“Together we are devoted to regional peace and prosperity of theIndo-Pacific.

Makin Island participated in Combined Joint Logistics

Over the Shore, in which heavy supplies and equipment were loaded onto landing craft, air cushions and transported to the beach. A temporary bilateral, multifunctioningteamwasestablished on shore to transfer fuel to andfromships stageandoperate heavy equipment, and conduct vehicle convoys The ability to executeamphibiousoffloadoperationsensurestheAFPandU.S.militaryare readytorespondtocrisisandcontingencies atshortnotice Anchorage’sSailors,andMarinesassigned to1stReconnaissance,13thMEU,conducted a Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) exercise on expeditionary mobile base USS Miguel Keith (ESB 5) VBSS provides a variety of scenario injects that require situational analysis, communication, and bilateraldecisionmaking Thisexerciseprovided

unparalleled opportunities to demonstrate thestrengthandreadinessoftheU.S.-Philippinesecurityalliance.

The Makin Island ARG participated in a groupsailalongsideMiguelKeith,andPhilippine navy ships BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150), BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (PS 15), and BRP Tarlac(FF601)intheSouthChinaSea.This eventenhancesourforces’communication, techniques and procedures across a wide range of operations while assuring a high


Makin Island and AFP conducted a sink exercise which consisted of AFP staging a floating target with the goal of capsizing it. MakinIslandlaunchedtheir6F-35BLightning IIs—fifth generation strike fighters assigned to Marine Fighter Attack Squadron(VMFA)122,13thMEU—andemployed 4 GPS guided munitions onto the target, successfullycapsizingit.

ForthefinalphaseofBalikatan23,Makin Island conducted a simulated amphibious raid at Brooke’s Point, offloading U.S. Marines to conduct live fire training, and bilaterallong-rangefiresinacoastaldefense training scenario Field training exercises create valuable training opportunities for both partners to develop proficiency in coastal defense concepts, as well as build camaraderie and respect among service membersateverylevel.

The Makin Island ARG, is operating in theU.S.7thFleetareaofoperationswiththe embarked 13th MEU to enhance interoperabilitywithAlliesandpartnersandserveas a ready-response force to defend peace and maintainstabilityintheIndo-Pacificregion 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with Allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion

Marissa“Nael”Karpinski,17 poseswith PettyOfficerFirst Class Shelbi Lowe and PettyOfficerSecond ClassTylerKerbs as she is awarded the Navy’s NROTC Scholarship Check.(PHOTOBYCHIEF
ReadyGroup comprised ofMakin Island and amphibious transport docks USSAnchorage (LPD 23) and USSJohn P.Murtha (LPD 26),is operating in the U.S.7th Fleet area of operationswith the embarked 13th MEU to enhance interoperabilitywithAllies and partners and serve as a ready-response force to defend peace and maintain stabilityin the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSELOISEA JOHNSON) AU.S.Navylanding craft,aircushion,assigned toAssault Craft Unit 5,departs thewell deckofamphibious assault ship USS Makin Island (LHD 8),during Balikatan 23,April 12 2023 in the Subic BayHarbor (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY MASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RDCLASSELOISEA. JOHNSON) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, May 4, 2023 3
AU.S.Navylanding craft,aircushion,assigned toAssault Craft Unit 5,and a U.S.Marine

TINKERAIRFORCE BASE,Oklahoma (April 27 2023) Cmdr KirbyWilliam,Commander FleetAirReconnaissance (VQ) 4 is pinnedwith his command at sea byhis mother during a change of command ceremony.Cmdr.Williams relieved Cmdr Brooke H.Desrochers as commanding officer,April 27 2023.FleetAirReconnaissance (VQ) 4 is attached to Strategic CommunicationsWing (SCW) 1,a subordinate comand ofCommander NavalAirForce,U.S.Pacific Fleet ensuring National Securitythrough deterrence ofadversarial nuclearambitions.

Fleet Air Reconnaissance (VQ) 4 holds a change of command


Strategic Communications Wing One

TINKERAIRFORCEBASE,Okla. Fleet Reconnaissance Squadron (VQ) 4 held a change of command ceremony at Tinker AFB,April27 Cmdr Kirby Williams, relieved Cmdr Brooke Desrochers, as commander of the E-6BMercurysquadron,becomingthe53th commandingofficer GuestspeakerretiredNavyCapt Cedrick L.JessupofferedwordsofwisdomtoCmdr WilliamsandpraisedCmdr Desrochersfor


her leadership during her tenure at VQ-4 Healsothankedthecrewandtheirfamilies fortheircontinuedsacrificeandloyaldevotiontoduty.

“Skipper, you are hands-down the finest officer I had the pleasure of serving with, headded“Thankyouforyourdedicationto theShadowsandthemission.”

Before relinquishing command, Desrochers recognized the Shadows for theirhardworkanddedication,shethanked her family for their support and devotion, andimpartedfinalwordsofencouragement to her predecessor Following her remarks, Capt. Majoris, commander, Strategic

Communications Wing (SCW) 1 presented Desrochers with the Meritorious Service Medal,forherendoftour.

DuringhernavalserviceDesrocherswon theAldenC.MarkeyAwardastopstudentof her fight class, she accumulated more than 2,400 flight hours in the E-6B, has served in every unit within TACAMO, and joins a legacy as the fourth female skipper within theorganization.

After orders were read and salutes rendered, Williams officially assumed the title and responsibilities as VQ-4’s commanding officer As his first order he charged the Shadows to continue to stand

the watch and carry out Task Group 114.2’s mission,todeterU.S.nuclearadversaries. “ThelegacyofTuskegeecancontinueand thrive within me as long as I apply myself, thebatonisinmyhandsnowandI’mgoing torunwithit.


Fleet Air Reconnaissance (VQ) 4 is attached to Strategic Communications Wing (SCW) 1, a subordinate command of Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, ensuring National Security through thedeterrenceofadversarialnuclearambitions

BOS contract awarded for NS Guantanamo Bay

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems

Command Southeast

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command(NAVFAC)Southeastawardeda $41.3 millionfixed-price-award-fee,indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract, April 27 to Vectrus Systems Corporation for base operations support (BOS) at Naval Station(NS)GuantanamoBay,Cuba.

BOS contracts support the daily opera-

Commander Navy Region Southeast

This year COMREL consisted of visits to veteran and senior facilities, school performancesandclinicsbyNavyBandSoutheast, visits to a number of local schools, supporting local YMCAs and hosting a “STEM” summit inside one of the Port Everglades Terminals.

Sailors attached to theUSS Indiana (SSN 789), USS Cole (DDG 67), USS New York (LPD-21) andMarinessupportingtheships participatedinthetwoorthreecommunity service projects each day Tuesday through Saturday

During a visit to the Alexander “Sandy” Nininger Veterans Nursing Home, Sailors spenttimetalking,diningandplayinggames with the residents Before leaving the nursing home residents serenaded the Sailors withtheGodBlessAmerica.

After the visit Lt j.g. Nichol Klee who serves on the USS Cole (DDG-67) said “I


Theseservices are essential to maintaining the readiness and well-being of military and civilian personnel,andtheirfamilies

“Overall, BOS contracts are critical to the success of military operations, especially in a remote location such as NS Guantanamo Bay,” said NAVFAC SoutheastDirector ofPublicWorksDannyVillafane “BOS contracts include a wide range of services, such as utility system operations, facilities management and repairs,

and transportation.

Facilities management is a crucial aspect of BOS. It involves the maintenance and upkeepofthephysicalinfrastructureofthe installation. This includes everything from repairing buildings and roads to managing utilitiesandwastedisposal.

BOS services to be performed in this contract include family housing facility management,facilityinvestment,custodial pestcontrol,integratedsolidwastemanagement,swimmingpoolmaintenance,grounds

maintenance and landscaping, utilities management,electrical,wastewater,water, andbasesupportvehiclesandequipment.

Thiscontractwascompetitivelyprocured by means of the Contract Opportunities SAM.gov website with two proposals received.

Work will be performed at NS Guantanamo Bay and is expected to be completed byNovember2024


think it’sgoodtohavetheyouthofthenavy to speak with folks that have served at a different time Their experience is vastly differentfromours.Listeningtotheirstories aboutwarteachesus.”

Ten Sailors travelled to the Naval Air Station Fort Lauderdale Museum to complete landscaping painting, and minor maintenance projects throughout the grounds of museum. After the work was complete, the Sailors took time to tour the museum The staff of the museum is comprised of veterans from all service branches who volunteer to keep the museum operating Afterwards the Sailors were served lunch and explored the library section School visits comprised most of the volunteeropportunitiesandonesuchevent attendedbySailorsfromUSSCole(DDG67) andUSSIndiana(SSN789)wasattheAtlantic West Elementary School in Margate Florida. The Sailors went to various grade level classrooms to read and answer ques-

tions from the students The Atlantic West ElementarySchoolservesstudentsfromthe localMargate,Floridacommunity

Principal Shereen Reynolds of Atlantic WestElementarywasgratefulfortheservice memberspresence

“On behalf of the Atlantic West Elementarycommunity,Ithankyouforvisitingour campus,“shesaid.“Ourstudentswereoverjoyedtomeetthesailors,andlearnaboutlife on a naval ship The experience had a positiveimpactonthem.”

The L.A Lee YMCA/Mizell Community CenterheldaFamilyFunDayinduringFleet Week Port Everglades where Sailors from theUSSCole(DDG-67)volunteeredtohelp mansomeofthestationssetupforchildren in the local community. During the same time,SailorsfromtheUSSNewYork(LPD21)volunteeredtoassistwiththeFamilyFun DayinHollywood,FL

“The YMCA is very grateful for the U.S. Navy Sailors that joined us for our Healthy Kids Day, said Tongelia Milton, Associate

Vice President of Event Operations and Marketing at the The L.A Lee YMCA/ Mizell Community Center “They came in, helped with set-up and parking Best of all they participated in activities with the kids that was so much fun for the kids and the Sailors Healthy Kids Day is meant toencouragekidstostayactiveandhealthy. TheaddedencouragementfromtheSailors helpedalot.”

In all, Fleet Week Port Everglades 2023

Sailors supported more than 15 volunteer opportuniteswhichincludedprovidingVIP toursformorethan1,300schoolgroupsand visitinghundredsofyouthswithintheclassroom.

The US Navy has supported Fleet Week since 1990 The event, hosted by Broward NavyDays(BND)andothermilitarysupport organizationsenablestheNavytoshowcase to the residents of South Florida, the superiortechnologyandcapabilitiesoftheNavy and the service members who serve the nation.

Start now at PlayOurNews.com Listen to our top news stories for free. 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 4, 2023
Honoring the local community through
is at the forefront of Fleet Port Everglades
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Broward Navy Days salutes women in the military with a luncheon

Commander Navy Region Southeast

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. Nearly 80 Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen attendedaluncheonattheLauderdaleYacht Club honoring the service of women in the military and to socialize with professional women from throughout the Fort Lauderdalearea


New York (LPD-21) USS Indiana (789), USNS Newport (T-EPF-12) Marines from the 2nd Assault Amphibious Battalion and various Coast Guard commands in South Florida enjoyed a fine meal and time to socializeduringthisevent

“Total Marine Solutions is honored to have the opportunity during Fleet Week PortEvergladestohostourmilitarymenand

women. The Salute to Women in the Military has been an annual event where our community comes together to say “Thank You”foryourmilitaryservice Godblessour military!”, said Alex Anagnostis-Irons, the Co-Chair of Broward Navy Days, the civilianorganizationthathelpshostFleetWeek PortEverglades

The event opened with a welcome from Captain Greg A. Smith, Chief of Staff, Navy Region Southeast, and followed with two female military keynote speakers Lt Lexie Silva from the USS Indiana (SSN-789) and Lt Ruth Rivera-Turnewitsch from the USS Cole(DDG-67).Eachofficerspokeontheir experienceasofficersintheNavy

Silvaspokeaboutbeingapartofthetrailblazing groups of women on submarines in the Navy and how important it is to her to beagoodleader “Manythinktobeafemale

submarinertodayisexceptional.Ifeellucky to be a part of that small group, but even luckiertobeapartofsomethingbiggerand moreimpactful.Beingamemberofthecrew of USS Indiana (SSN-789) means I am part of a family - a family of hardworking and humble submariners that don’t see me as a womansubmarinerbutseememoresimply asasubmariner,justlikethem.”

Silva also stated, “I get to lead and work withagroupofthesmartestandmostcaring Sailors I have encountered. I’ve learned about working hard and how to get a “yes” inthefaceofimpossiblematerialissues.”

Rivera-Turnewitsch,whoisaNavyChaplain,spokeabouthowsheknewherjobwas vitalfortheNavy,andhowshefeltabouther roleonboardandherstrongestmotivations

“When I think about my role in service I’mnotonlygladtobethefirstfemalechap-

lain on the Cole, but what also brings me joy is the why I am where I am. I remain committed to serve at the forefront of the NavyforthepurposesoftheAlmighty…Who caresforHischildrenwherevertheyserveto remindthemoftheiridentity,theirpurpose, andthesourceoftheirstrength.”

FleetWeekPortEvergladesallowsSailors, MarinesandCoastGuardsmentoshowcase theirprideinserviceandcommunicatewhat they do in defense of our country to local residents The event will continue until the shipsdepartSunday April30 Informationonothereventsandactivities forFleetWeekPortEvergladesmaybefound byvisitinghttps://browardnavydaysinc.org/ andwww.facebook.com/FleetWeekPortEverglades.z

Rota Elementary School is “Developing Great Futures” for their students and families

Naval Station Rota, Spain

Attheendofthemorningannouncements that echo through the classrooms of Rota Elementary School each day, the students end with the phrase, “Developing Great Futures.” This phrase swaps the acronym DGF, which stands for school’s namesake David Glasgow Farragut, to something that the students teachers and administrators canaspiretoeachday.

In keeping with this intent, the school hosted a family night for social emotional wellness,April19,2023.

The event included dinner, breakout informational sessions for parents, a kids’ zone, and community resources. The event drew over 50 families totaling 150 participants!

“Itexceededmyexpectations,”saidMarla Echols, third grade teacher and event coordinator “Iwasfilledwithsomuchjoytosee the community coming out to be a part of the event. The community, base and school support were phenomenal from the planning to the execution. I say and stand by working together works Our village came together!”

The village Echols is referring to is Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota leadership Child & Youth Programs (CYP), Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS), Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC), Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs),SchoolLiaisonOfficeandMorale, WelfareandRecreation(MWR)inaddition to school leadership, guidance counselors andteachers

FamiliesweregreetedbyEchols NAVSTA

Rota Commanding Officer Capt. Teague Suarez and Rota Elementary School Principal Kenneth Kirk who thanked them for their support before releasing the families to drop their children at the kids’ zone and headtothebreakoutsessions.

There were two 30-minute breakout sessionsbycommunityexpertsonmindfulness quality vs quantity screen time age appropriate sports communication, and more.Inthehallwaybeforesessionsstarted, many parents were seen trying to decide whichsessiontoattend

“There are so many great options,” said


The sessions went quickly with parents and presenters enjoying the engagement andtopics “I really enjoyed talking with the parents and learning ways that they ‘speak’ their children’s love language,” said Laura Davis acounseloratFleet&FamilySupportCenter (FFSC)Rota

By having the event focused on parents, Echols hopes it will create a ripple effect within the family dynamics and relationships.

“For instance, the mindfulness in action sessiongaveparentstechniquesthatsupport them to develop strategies when stressed, need to calm down, etc.,” said Echols “In turn the children will benefit from learningthestrategiesandalsoabilitytoseehow parentsrespond.” The feedback from parents on the event was overwhelming positive, with many asking when it would happen again. Many parents were excited to incorporate the actionableitemsprovidedbythepresenters

“It was great that it wasn’t only geared

towards kids, but also as adults that we can useinourdailylife,”saidoneparent When reflecting on the event, Echols kept echoing one word, “excitement.” It was felt on all levels teachers, parents, kids, presenters, and community members everyone was there and excited to learn, grow and be part of this community Most importantly the Rota village was working together to develop a great future for its studentsandfamilies

26 2023).Members
has been an annual event
Fort Lauderdale,Fla.(April
ofthe USS Cole (DDG-67) pose fora picture during the Salute toWomen in the Militaryluncheon during FleetWeekPort Everglades.This luncheon
NAVALSTATION ROTA,Spain (April 19,2023) Parent and child posewith stafffrom USO Rota in front ofa superhero backdrop during the Family Night forSocial EmotionalWellness event at Rota ElementarySchool,April 19 2023.The familynight focused on informational sessions for parents,a kidszone,and communityresources to promote the overall health oftheyoungest members ofthe community.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY COURTNEYPOLLOCK) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 4, 2023
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8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, May 4, 2023

On iberty

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a taco fiesta

Pay homage to Hispanic-style culinary and cultural traditions by loading your table with an array of family favorites like taquitos, tacos, rice, guacamole, pico de gallo and more. PageC4

The Uruguayan Navy’s sail training tall ship CAPITAN MIRANDAreturns to Norfolk,Virginia,Friday,May12 throughTuesday,May16 2023.(COURTESYPHOTO)

Uruguayan tall ship

Capitan Miranda returns to Downtown Norfolk waterfront



TheUruguayanNavy’s sailtrainingtallshipCAPITANMIRANDA returns to Norfolk, Virginia, Friday, May 12 through Tuesday, May 16 2023 Norfolk was selected as one of two East Coast ports (Norfolk and New York City) for the ship’s 2023 sail training tour and is one of the UruguayanNavy’sfavoriteportswhenvisitingtheUS

Arrivingat10amonFriday,May12,2023, the 205’ schooner-style ship will dock at

Otter Berth next to the Waterside District at 333 Waterside Drive, on the Downtown Norfolk Waterfront. With its distinctive colorful sunburst sails and lively Comparsa musicians, the CAPITAN MIRANDA has wonthe“MostSpirit”awardatmanyprevioustallshipfestivalsaroundtheworld.

The CAPITAN MIRANDA will be open tothepublicforfreetours:

„ Saturday,May13,2023,10am 6pm

„ Sunday,May14,2023,10am 6pm

„ Monday,May15,2023,10am 12noon „ Monday,May15,2023,3pm 6pm

The ship will depart Norfolk at 7 am, Tuesday,May16,2023

The CAPITAN MIRANDA originally servedasasurveyshipbutisnowtheofficial trainingshipfortheUruguayanNavalAcademy at Montevideo Built in Cadiz Spain in 1930 the ship was refitted and rerigged in1978andlogs10,000seamilesannually

The ship sails with a total crew of 77, including Officers, Midshipmen and Crew, and measures 198’ in length, 26’ beam and draws13’.

For more information about the CAPI-

TAN MIRANDA tall ship visit, as well as additional events throughout the year, including hours, park regulations and parking, please visit Festevents.org or call 757-441-2345.

The Capitan Miranda Tall Ship Visit is sponsored by Norfolk Festevents Ltd. and the City of Norfolk, with support from the US Navy, USCG, Virginia Pilot Association, RobinsMarineLLC,WatersideMarina,and CityCruisesNorfolk

Nauticus opens first phase of $21.5 million transformation: Resiliency at the core of new 7,500 square-foot gallery.


NORFOLK, Va The first permanent gallery space to open as part of Nauticus’ $21.5 million comprehensive redesign focuses on the region’s history of resiliency and adaptation Entitled Norfolk In Time thegalleryiscomprisedofhighly-interactive exhibitsfeaturingexamples bothhistoricalandcontemporary oflocalindividuals who have met challenges with innovation andresourcefulness

Nearly $2 million in specially designed interactive exhibits populate the space VisitorswillascendhighovertopNorfolkin a hot air balloon simulation, design a more resilient city with innovative architecture and crash waves into various types of city protection systems An interactive chan-

delier canopies overtop the entire gallery illustrating how one individual can create arippleofchangeintheirowncommunity

“This region has always been home to resilient innovators who have adapted to change,” said Nauticus President and CEO, Stephen E. Kirkland. “Nauticus is perhaps the only museum in the country quite literally built behind a flood wall, and so we felt thiswasastorywehadtotell.

Norfolk In Time is named in memory of FrancesMartinLindsay,thelatewifeoflocal developer,HarveyLindsayJr.,whohimself passed away last week. Nauticus members will be first to experience the new exhibits during member-only hours on Friday, May 5thfrom10AM-5PMandonSaturday May 6th from 10AM Noon. Norfolk in Time will open to the general public on Saturday

May 6th at Noon. To purchase admission tickets to Nauticus, please visit www.nauticus.org

Norfolk In Time is the first permanent galleryspacetoopenaspartoftheReimagine Nauticus project, a $21.5 million transformationofthemaritimediscoverycenter. A second gallery space will open later this summer and the entire project will be completed in 2024, including five stateof-the-art exhibit galleries, new aquarium features, a STEM Discovery Lab, and a refreshedentrancepavilion Thisrepresents thelargestenhancementandinvestmentin Nauticus since it opened in 1994 For more information on Nauticus’ redesign project, including detailed descriptions of each gallery space or for more information on how to support the Reimagine Nauticus

Campaign,pleasevisithttps://nauticus.org/ reimagine-nauticus/.

About Nauticus: Nauticus is a maritime discovery center located along the waterfront in downtown, Norfolk, VA, offering a unique form of experiential learning for all ages. Through interactive exhibits and STEM to STERN programming Nauticus uses the museum, Battleship Wisconsin, sailing center, and Schooner Virginiato tell the story of the maritime environment, industry,andthemilitary NauticusFoundationisthenonprofit,501©3thatsupportsthe missionandactivitiesofNauticus Nauticus’ missionistobenefitthecommunitythrough education,impactfulexperiences,andsharing access to maritime resources. For more information,visitwwwnauticus.org

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7

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HandyonlineRecycling &Disposal Lookup Guide showswhere Hampton Roadsresidents can safely dispose of household hazardous waste


HAMPTONROADS,Va.—Youarespring cleaningandreadytotossoutoldpaintcans, florescentlight bulbs andmotor oil. Butdo youknowhow to properly dispose of these and other leftoverhousehold hazardous waste(HHW) products?Topoint HamptonRoadsresidents in the right direction, askHRgreen.org publishes an onlineRecycling &DisposalLookup Guide with HHW disposal optionsper community guidelines ataskhrgreen.org/recycling-lookup

“Leftoverhousehold hazardous waste products do not belong in the trash, recycling bin or down the toilet. Norshould they be released into yards, waterways andstorm drains,wherethey can harm our coastal environment,”said Katie Cullipher,anaskHRgreen.orgteamleader.“Take anyhousehold hazardous wasteproducts to your community’s HHW facility,where they willbedisposed of properly and at no costtoyou.”

The Environmental Protection Agency definesHHWasleftoverhouseholdchemicalsthatcancatchfire,reactandexplode,or thatare corrosiveortoxic. Common HHW includes products usedfor house cleaning,

pestremoval, automotivecare, lawn and gardenupkeepandhomeprojects. If leaked ordumpedinditches or yards, the hazardouschemicals and poisons can leach into groundwater,contaminate soil andrunoffintonearbywaterways.Inadditiontoharmingtheenvironment,improper disposal of such wastes canpose athreat to

human health. Certaintypes of HHWhave thepotentialtocausephysicalinjurytosanitationworkersandcontaminateseptictanks or wastewater treatment systems if poured downdrainsortoilets.Theycanalsopresent hazards to children and petsifleftaround thehouse

“Alongwith knowing howtosafely

disposeofHHW,itisimportanttobeasmart consumerwhenpurchasingsuchitemsand to knowhow and wheretostorethem,” Culliphersaid.Sheofferedthesetips:

„ When buying products,read the labels and select non-hazardous or less-hazardouscomponentsthatdothesamejob

„ Buyand use only theamount neededfor your project. Leftovers can be shared or donated.

„ Keepallproductsintheiroriginalcontainers,labeledandsealed.

„ Storethem away from the elements in a secured,preferablylockedarea

Residents can alsouse the online Recycling &Disposal Lookup Guide to check for special HHW collection eventsintheir communityandtaketheitemstotheirlocal facilityforproperdisposal.

TheSoutheasternPublicServiceAuthority and Virginia Peninsula Public Service Authority also operateHHW and electronicscollection sites andhosteventsfor residentsinthecommunitiestheyserve.Check theirwebsitesfordatesanddetails Formoreguidelines and tips for keeping HamptonRoadsclean and green, visit askHRgreen.org


“Encanto:TheSing-AlongFilmConcert” is a45-city tour whereEncanto lovers of all ageshavethe opportunity to sing along withtheirfavorite GRAMMY®-Award winning songs performed by aliveband whilewatchingthefullfilm.“Encanto:The Sing-AlongFilm Concert”willinclude all themusicoftheAcademyAward®-winning film, including iconic hits like“We Don’t TalkAboutBruno”and“SurfacePressure” performed live.

The showisone night only!Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 6pmatChrysler Hall in Norfolk. Tickets start at $33 and can be purchased online at ticketmaster.com or at the The Scope ArenaBox Office.The boxoffice is located in the Scope parking garage at 201 E. BrambletonAve,Norfolk, VA 23510.Open Mondaythrough Friday from 10 a.m. to 4p.m.For additionalquestions,pleasecontactthe boxofficeat 757.664.6464 or info@sevenvenues.com.

NOW! Encanto:The Sing-Along
comes to Chrysler Hall November 1st 2 The Flagship |www flagshipnews.com|Section 3| Thursday, May4,2023
Film Concert

Spring Checklistfor Pets: 6waysto keep your pets happy and healthy


Warmerweathermeansit’stimetospring clean, get grooming and prepareyourpets’ dietstosupportthemthroughtheseason. Keepyourfurryfriendshappyandhealthy thisspring with these six tips from the experts at Zesty Paws,anaward-winning petsupplementbrand:

GiveSkin and Coats aLittle TLC: Many pets form winter coats during the coldermonths to helpthemstaywarm and comfortablethenshedthecoatsinthespring to preparefor warmer temperatures.Some pets mayneedextrahelp maintaining their shiny,healthycoats, especiallyifmatshave formedintheirfuroriftheyarebreedsthat develop athick undercoat. Professional

grooming,at-home brushing and regular bathing can all be helpful ways to speed up the process to remove some of theextrafur anddecreasetheprevalenceofdander,dust and pollen that can attach to fur and skin throughtheseason.

AddSeasonal Allergy Supportwith Supplements: Just likehumans,furry friendscandevelopandexperienceseasonal allergies,too.Giving your pets’ immune systemssomeextra support canhelpease somecommon allergy symptoms.Supplements like Zesty Paws Aller-Immune Bites for Catsand Aller-Immune Bites for Dogs arechewablesthatprovideseasonalallergy supportbyaidingnormalimmunefunctions, skin health and gut flora,and mayalso help maintainnormalhistaminelevels

Ease Back into Exercise: The change in weather meansmoretime for outdoor adventureswithyourpets,butdon’tforgetto cooldownandwarmupasyouandyourpets easebackintotheseason.Planningforshort, leashed walks and timed playsessionscan help your pets graduallypreparetheirhips andjointsforfun,warmweatheractivities

WatchOutforPetPests:Oncetemperatures start to rise,the tiny, creepycritters start crawling.Fleas,ticks and other pests can causeserioushealth concernsfor pets This spring,makesureyour pestcontrol programs areprimed and ready for added protection. Talk to your veterinarian about thebestroutineandproductsforyourpets Freshen Up Bedding and Bowls: It’s importanttokeepaclean environmentby

scrubbing,sweeping andvacuuming regularly to decrease allergens in the home When you’retackling this year’s spring cleaning,remember to put your pets’ bedding and bowls on the list, too.Updatingordisinfectingyourpets’blankets,litter boxes,toysandothersuppliesisagoodway to keep themfeeling safeand comfortable inthehome.

ScheduleanAnnualVetVisit:Spring is agood time to scheduleyour pets’ annual vetvisits.Makesurethey’reuptodateonall vaccinations, get theirdental health checkupsandre-evaluatenutritionplans Find moreadvice for keepingyour pet healthyandhappyatzestypaws.com.

www flagshipnews.com| The Flagship |Section 3| Thursday, May4,2023 3

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a taco feast for the senses



Busy calendars loaded with holidays, celebrations parties and reunions make spring a perfect time for gathering with family and friends Plus, springtime itself is worth celebrating thanks to warmer temperatures and longer days Making the most of those joyous occasions calls for a menu filled with variety to keep everyone comingbackformore.

Few options say “variety” quite like this EpicTacoPartyFeastfromErickaSanchez, creatorof“NibblesandFeasts.”Payhomage to Hispanic-style culinary and cultural traditions by loading your table with an arrayoffamilyfavoritesliketaquitos,tacos, rice,guacamole,picodegalloandmore.Add in the wholesomeness of Real California dairy like Cotija and Queso Fresco cheeses andcremasforatop-notchfeast.

Elevating your dishes starts with these delicious options,butfreestyling the menu is what truly makes it your own. Mix up proteins based on your loved ones’ preferences from carne asada and carnitas to shredded chicken and meatless options Sprinkle,drizzleandlayercheesesaccording to your own cravings then finish with a rangeoftoppingsforcustomizedclassics

Creating a taco and taquito table in your ownstyledoesn’tjustgiveyourcrowdwhat they crave; it also celebrates the people culture and delicious dairy that goes into favorite foods while encouraging guests to connectthroughfoodandflavor.Makeyour own memories this spring by looking for theRealCaliforniaMilksealoncheeseand dairybrands,whichmeansyou’resupportingfamilyfarmersbyusingquality,sustainablysourceddairytofosterfamilymoments

Find the full recipes instructions and more ways to celebrate with food at RealCaliforniaMilk.com. Recipes created by Ericka Sanchez /@nibblesnfeasts for the CMAB

Makes 12

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Marinating time: 8-12 hours

Cooking time: 10 minutes

„ 2poundsskirtsteak(orflanksteak)

„ 2tablespoonsoliveoil

„ 2tablespoonslimejuice

„ 1teaspoonchilipowder

„ ½teaspoongroundcumin

„ ½teaspoonsalt

„ ½teaspoongroundblackpepper

„ 24corntortillas streetsize (or12ifyou’reusingsingletortilla)


„ RealCaliforniaMilkQuesoFresco, crumbled

„ RealCaliforniaMilkCotijaCheese, crumbled

„ RealCaliforniaMilkCremaMexicana

„ PicodeGallo

„ LimeJuice

„ Salsa

Place meat in a large freezer bag Set aside

Whisk together olive oil, lime juice, chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Add mixture to bag with meat, seal andshake,pressingmeatwithfingersmarinateevenly.Refrigerateovernight.

Heat a cast iron skillet over medium heat. Add steak and cook 6-7 minutes on each side. Remove from heat and transfer to a large cutting board. Let cooked meat rest for 8-10 minutes. Chop into bite-sized piecesandkeepwarm

Warmtortillasonacomalorskillet,add2 tablespoons carne asada to 2 stacked tortillas (optional, you can also use 1 tortilla) arrange on a serving plate and repeat until allcarneasadahasbeenused.Keepwarm.

Top tacos with California Queso Fresco, Cotija, Crema, pico de gallo or salsa and a squeezeoflime Serve.

Chicken Street Tacos

Makes 12

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

„ 2boneless/skinlesschickenbreasts, chopinbitesizepieces

„ 1teaspoonsalt

„ ½teaspoonblackpepper

„ 2tablespoonsoliveoil

„ ½cuponion,sliced

„ 1garlicclove,chopped

„ 1Romatomato,finelychopped

„ 24corntortillas streetsize (or12ifusingsingletortilla)


„ RealCaliforniaMilkQuesoFresco

„ RealCaliforniaMilkCremaMexicana

„ Picodegallo

„ Limejuice

„ Salsa

Place chicken in a medium bowl. Season withsaltandpepperandsetaside.

Heat oil in a large skillet over low-medium heat, add onion and garlic, cook for 1 minuteoruntilonionbeginstosoften.Add chicken and tomato, stir frequently until chicken is cooked through; approximately 15minutes Warm tortillas on a comal or skillet, add 2 tablespoons chicken filling to 2 stacked tortillas (optional, you can also use 1 tortilla), arrange on a serving plate and repeat untilallfillinghasbeenused Keepwarm

Top tacos with California Queso Fresco and Crema, pico de gallo or salsa and a squeezeoflime Serve.

Potato Taquitos

Makes 12

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 45 minutes

„ 3largeYukonGoldpotatoes peeled „ ½cupRealCaliforniaMilkwholemilk „ 1teaspoonchickenorvegetablebouillon

„ 1cupvegetableoil

„ 12largecorntortillas,warmed


„ Iceberglettuce,shredded

„ RealCaliforniaMilkCremaMexicana or CremaAgria

„ RealCaliforniaMilkQuesoFresco, crumbled „ PicodeGalloorSalsa

Combine potatoes and enough water to cover in a large saucepan over medium heat.Boilfor20minutesoruntilforktender Drain.

Mash potatoes in the saucepan with a potatomasher Returntolowheat,addmilk andbouillonandstiruntilmixturethickens; approximately5minutes

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat.Whileoilheatsup,scoop2tablespoons potatomixtureineachtortillaandroll Use toothpickstocloseifnecessary

Placetaquitos2-3atatimeinhotoil,using metal tongs turn frequently to fry evenly until golden; approximately 2 minutes on each side. Transfer to a paper towel lined platetoabsorbexcessoil

To serve: place 2-3 taquitos on a serving plate, top with lettuce, crema, queso fresco andpicodegallo(orsalsa).

Carne Asada Street Tacos
(ALLLPHOTOSBYERICKASANCHEZ@NIBBLESNFEASTS) 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, May 4, 2023

Damar Hamlin launches

#3forHeart CPR Challenge

Buffalo Bills player teams up with American Heart Association to promote technique that saved his life


DALLASandBUFFALO Whenseconds matter most, CPR means the difference between life and death, a fact that Buffalo BillssafetyDamarHamlinpersonallyunderstands Unfortunately,mostpeoplewhohave acardiacarrestaren’tsurroundedbypeople trained in CPR like Hamlin was when he collapsed during a televised Monday night gameinearlyJanuary.ThatiswhyHamlinis launchinghis#3forHeart™CPRChallenge aimed at saving more lives through CPR education and training with the American HeartAssociation,aglobalforceforhealthierlivesforall.

Hamlin hopes to use his experience to educate people about importance of CPR and inspirethem to learn Hands-OnlyCPR aquick,easytolearnlifesavingskill Hamlin’s#3forHeartCPRChallengeisan exciting yet simple social media challenge with3steps

1 LEARN:Gotoheart.org/3 towatcha 60-secondvideotolearnHands-OnlyCPR

2 GIVE:DonatetotheAmericanHeart Association to fund CPR education and training, and other lifesaving programs and scientificresearch.

3 SHARE: Use #3forHeart™ to challenge 3 friends to do the same on social media

To kick off the campaign, Hamlin challenged NBA legend LeBron James, Tampa BayBuccaneersquarterbackTomBradyand formerFirstLadyMichelleObama

“I’m excited to be teaming up with the American Heart Association,” said Damar Hamlin.“It’sgoingtobeanamazingopportunity to impact and educate millions of people on the importance of CPR. It literallysavedmylife.”

“TheworldwatchedinfearwhenDamar collapsed during that game,” said Nancy Brown,ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheAmerican Heart Association “But if you follow

his advice, you can become a lifesaver in 3 steps, and you’ll know what to do in the eventanadultorteensuddenlycollapsesin yourpresence.Becausemostcardiacarrests that happen outside of a hospital occur in the home, the life you save will most likely be a loved one The volunteers supporters andstaffoftheAmericanHeartAssociation are so grateful that he is paying it forward andhelpingensureothersalsohaveabetter chanceforapositiveoutcome.”

CPR orcardiopulmonaryresuscitation is performed when the heart stops beat-

ing and, especially if started immediately, candoubleortripleacardiacarrestvictim’s chance of survival People are encouraged to participate in all three steps to learn and promoteeducationofHands-OnlyCPR.

Hands-Only CPR is a skill everyone can learn It is as simple as calling 911 if you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse; and then pushing hard and fast in the center of the chest The American Heart Association is the worldwide leader in resuscitation science, education,andtraining,andpublisherofthe

official Guidelines for CPR. It is a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives We are dedicated to ensuring equitable health in all communities Through collaboration with numerous organizations, and powered by millions of volunteers wefundinnovativeresearch,advocate for the public’s health and share lifesaving resources The Dallas-based organization has been a leading source of health informationfornearlyacentury Connectwithus onheart.org,Facebook,Twitterorbycalling 1-800-AHA-USA1.

www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, May 4, 2023 5
Buffalo Bills Safety,DamarHamlinwith his parents,Nina and Mario Hamlin.(JASTERATHLETES/JORDONROONEY/AMERICANHEARTASSOCIATION)


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