
Dear readers and residents of MILLENIUM BUSINESS CLUB!
On November 1 this year, our media holding celebrates its 23rd birthday! Over the years, the team of the edition has changed, but those who know their job perfectly and appreciate it have remained side by side, because our mission is to create quality content for your professional growth and reputation maintenance. This is especially relevant in the difficult conditions of war. Also, throughout all these years, loyal clients who have become our sincere friends remain with us.
Last year, which was quite busy, we organised three MILLENIUM BUSINESS CLUB meetings in Dnipro and Kyiv. This was already the 34th event! Each of our guests, customers, and partners is satisfied, because they get exactly what they expected from these meetings. These events have united the business community and become an important platform for the exchange of experience and ideas.
We should note that we have now updated the format of the events. We managed to create a unique atmosphere at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The decision to make the changes proved to be successful. The participants were sincerely grateful. Our main mission is to contribute to the development of the country’s economy by uniting Ukrainians who aspire to develop their own business and create a favourable environment for future generations.
Millennium Media Holding continues its activities, which are extremely important and of great value to the entire Ukrainian society. Despite the dynamic changes in the country, we do not give in to difficulties and do not give up! Our team continues to create a common history together with you. And now, after 23 years of growth in Ukraine, we have decided to open our first representative office in Europe, namely in Germany. Our goal is to create a space where Ukrainians and Europeans will have the opportunity to express themselves, increase their level of expertise and maintain a positive image.
We would also like to emphasize that our magazine is already published in electronic format in three languages: Ukrainian, English and German. This is an important step for popularizing Ukrainian products among Europeans and, at the same time, European products among Ukrainians. By supporting each other, we are able to change the course of events for the better.
Our ambitions have no limits. We plan to open representative offices in other European countries and the USA. Together we will achieve even greater success. So, if you have any interesting ideas or suggestions, we would be happy to take on this challenge!

Dear readers and residents of MILLENIUM BUSINESS CLUB!
On November 1 this year, our media holding celebrates its 23rd birthday! Over the years, the team of the edition has changed, but those who know their job perfectly and appreciate it have remained side by side, because our mission is to create quality content for your professional growth and reputation maintenance. This is especially relevant in the difficult conditions of war. Also, throughout all these years, loyal clients who have become our sincere friends remain with us.
Last year, which was quite busy, we organised three MILLENIUM BUSINESS CLUB meetings in Dnipro and Kyiv. This was already the 34th event! Each of our guests, customers, and partners is satisfied, because they get exactly what they expected from these meetings. These events have united the business community and become an important platform for the exchange of experience and ideas.
We should note that we have now updated the format of the events. We managed to create a unique atmosphere at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The decision to make the changes proved to be successful. The participants were sincerely grateful. Our main mission is to contribute to the development of the country’s economy by uniting Ukrainians who aspire to develop their own business and create a favourable environment for future generations.
Millennium Media Holding continues its activities, which are extremely important and of great value to the entire Ukrainian society. Despite the dynamic changes in the country, we do not give in to difficulties and do not give up! Our team continues to create a common history together with you. And now, after 23 years of growth in Ukraine, we have decided to open our first representative office in Europe, namely in Germany. Our goal is to create a space where Ukrainians and Europeans will have the opportunity to express themselves, increase their level of expertise and maintain a positive image.
We would also like to emphasize that our magazine is already published in electronic format in three languages: Ukrainian, English and German. This is an important step for popularizing Ukrainian products among Europeans and, at the same time, European products among Ukrainians. By supporting each other, we are able to change the course of events for the better.
Our ambitions have no limits. We plan to open representative offices in other European countries and the USA. Together we will achieve even greater success. So, if you have any interesting ideas or suggestions, we would be happy to take on this challenge!

пані Людмили АКИМЕНКО, представляти Millennium Club в Німеччині.
harismatic, intelligent, and talented—this is how we can describe our regular expert, Ganna Storcheus. Her presence, openness, and sincerity attract thousands of people. Today, we have a unique opportunity to glimpse into her world and learn more about her life, career, and perspectives. Ganna has traversed a challenging yet incredibly fascinating journey, discovering true life values and becoming a woman beyond comparison.

— Ganna, welcome! You are a successful woman working as a lawyer in a family business. Tell us about your journey. How do you manage to find simple solutions to complex problems?
— Thank you for the warm welcome and trust! My journey began with a desire to obtain a law degree and help people. Working in the public sector and in our family business, I realized that the most important quality of a lawyer is the ability to see simple truths in complex issues. For me, clarity and simplicity are key. This allows me to find clear and effective solutions without unnecessary complications.
— You now live in Germany with your large family. What is life abroad like?
— Living abroad was initially a true adventure. The adaptation process is not easy and is still ongoing. With a large family, especially with four children, it’s a constant quest! However, life in a different country opens up new opportunities, broadens horizons, and forces you to see the world more broadly. Different traditions, cultures, and challenges—all of this makes me stronger.
— Managing four children must be difficult! What kind of mother are you?
— I consider myself a loving yet demanding mother. My children have taught me how to manage time and emotions effectively. It’s important to give children the freedom to grow as individuals while also maintaining discipline so they understand responsibility. I strive to be an example to them: if you believe in yourself and your abilities, you can overcome any challenge.
— You have been dealing with serious health issues for several years now. How has this changed you?
— Yes, it was a difficult period, but I am grateful for these moments because they made me reconsider my priorities and attitude toward life, toughened me, and made me stronger. Now I am convinced that it’s essential not only to win but also to have the strength to keep moving forward, regardless of circumstances.
— Ganna, you are truly a fountain of ideas! Where do you draw your inspiration from?
— My inspiration is life itself. Every day, I find inspiration in the people I interact with, the books I read, and the experiences I live through. My children and parents are powerful sources of energy and ideas. Sometimes, the simplest moments, like a walk in the forest or time with loved ones, can bring new thoughts. I also love traveling; new places, people, and impressions always refresh my mind and open up new possibilities.
— What is your life philosophy?
— My philosophy is lightness. Life is as beautiful as we allow ourselves to see it that way. “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.” We need to look at ourselves with love, faith, and an understanding of our uniqueness. Every day is a new page, new opportunities to change, grow, and become better. And even if things don’t go according to plan, it’s no reason to stop. In life, there are no mistakes—only experience. Let’s remember this and continue to reach our goals.
— What projects are you most proud of as a public figure? What are you working on now?
— I am very proud of the opportunity to help and unite people. I support children and families who find themselves in difficult situations. Currently, I am actively working on organizing events for families living abroad and assisting children in Ukraine through charitable programs.
“Life is multifaceted, and there are always countless ways for events to unfold. The main thing is to focus, and the solution will inevitably appear.
We must rely on ourselves, but it’s equally important to remember that there are people around us who are always ready to support and help.”
“I am always open to new acquaintances and cooperation with those who share my values and are ready to work together for mutual success. In unity, there is strength, and together we will reach new heights!
Sincerely grateful to you!”

The fight against corruption should not violate human rights. Lawyer
MAZALOV is convinced of this. He knows from his own experience that loud statements by law enforcement officers are not always supported by proper evidence, and courts can sometimes succumb to public pressure and pass unfair sentences. Details are in the interview below.

– Mr. Andriy, how would you comment on the state of work of anti-corruption bodies in the conditions of a full-scale invasion?
– Unfortunately, even the war has not changed the mode of thinking of corrupt officials, who continue to seek to enrich themselves at the expense of public funds and humanitarian aid. The news shows that anti-corruption agencies are not left without work. The NABU, SAP and HACC should not only detect corruption crimes, but also prove that justice is an integral part of the state’s defence. At the same time, lawyers in corruption cases play an important role in ensuring a fair criminal trial. After all, loud statements by law enforcement officers about the detention of our clients are not always supported by proper evidence. Unfortunately, unfounded accusations often become a side effect of PR campaigns by anti-corruption bodies.
– What cases became your calling card among the bar association at the High AntiCorruption Court?
– My first case in defence of a client before the NABU and the SAP, at the very beginning of their work, resulted in the cancellation of the suspicion and the closure of the proceedings against my client. This was a good sign for me that justice for anti-corruption agencies is not just words. The essence of the case was that the head of a state research institution was accused of taking a bribe of USD 500,000, and my client was considered to be involved in this crime. Two months of hard work and a “gentleman’s” bet with the prosecutor, in which I promised to prove my client’s innocence, yielded results – the case was closed with the signature of the Prosecutor General.
– Do you consider the work of the Anti-Corruption Court to be competent and honest today?
– Honest – yes. Competent – with certain issues. The fight against corruption has become a priority for the state and society, but sometimes this public demand puts pressure on judges, who, in order to avoid accusations of lenience, tend to hand down guilty verdicts even with dubious evidence. This gives rise to a dangerous phenomenon – the replacement of a fair trial with an accusatory bias.
Courts, fearing public condemnation or loss of reputation, sometimes succumb to pressure and ignore the presumption of innocence. Such an approach not only violates the rights of the accused, but also undermines trust in justice. It is important to remember that justice should be above public emotions and that sentences should be based solely on evidence.
A fair trial is not necessarily about punishing someone, but about
establishing the truth and respecting the rights of every citizen. This is the only way to build a strong rule-of-law state where the fight against corruption does not violate human rights.
– We know that at the beginning of the invasion you were engaged in volunteer activities. Could you share the details?
– At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, I was a member of the territorial defense battalion in Kyiv and the region. When the threat to the capital had passed, my colleague and I started volunteering in Donetsk region. We provided our soldiers with two dozen cars, FPV drones, electronic warfare systems and other equipment. The military appreciated our efforts with gratitude and awards. However, the highest reward is to see the guys from the frontline alive, to hear your call answered by a sworn brother’s voice, to have a coffee with the guys in the east and to plan the next trip when you return to Kyiv. The guys at the front are heroes. I tell them about it every time. I know they will see this publication, and I will tell them again: thank you very much, a low bow and Glory to the Heroes!

– Пане Андрію, як Ви прокоментуєте стан роботи антикорупційних органів в умовах по-
На жаль, навіть війна не змінила мислення корупціонерів, які й далі прагнуть збагатитися за рахунок державних коштів і гуманітарної
допомоги. З новин ми бачимо, що антикорупційні
без роботи
залишаються. НАБУ, САП і ВАКС мають не лише виявляти корупційні злочини, а й доводити, що справедливість – це невід’ємна частина оборони держави. Водночас адвокати у корупційних справах відіграють важливу роль, забезпечуючи справедливий кримінальний процес. Адже гучні заяви правоохоронців про затримання наших клієнтів не завжди підтверджуються належними доказами. На жаль, безпідставні звинувачення нерідко стають побічним ефектом PR-кампаній антикорупційних органів.
– Які справи стали Вашою візитівкою серед адвокатської колегії у Вищому антикорупційному суді?
– Моя перша справа із захисту
однак іноді цей суспільний запит створює тиск на суддів, які, аби уникнути звинувачень у поблажливості, схильні виносити обвинувальні вироки навіть за сумнівних доказів. Це
породжує небезпечний феномен –
заміну справедливого суду обвинувальним ухилом.
Суди, побоюючись громадського осуду або втрати репутації, іноді піддаються тиску, ігноруючи презумпцію невинуватості. Такий підхід не лише порушує права обвинувачених, а й підриває довіру до правосуддя. Важливо пам’ятати,

Our guest, Volodymyr Hrytsyk, is a doctor who sees the medicine of the future and is already using its capabilities. “I am deeply convinced that we are on the threshold of a new era in medicine, where innovative biotechnology will take its rightful place in every field.” Read more about stem cells and their effectiveness.
– Mr. Volodymyr, you have been engaged in regenerative medicine for over twenty years. How would you characterize the future of this field?
– Today, we have results from the use of stem cells that can be called fantastic. One of these advanced methods is a programme in which children with spina bifida (a hernia in the back) are treated with stem cells in the womb.
Recently, doctors from the University of California performed a unique operation. They made an incision in a pregnant woman’s abdomen, lifted the foetus up to the opening in the uterus, which allowed them to reach the hernia on the baby’s tiny spine and carefully apply a patch with stem cells. If the child had not been treated, it would have been born with paralysis of the legs. This is no longer fantasy, but the real future of regenerative medicine.
– Is this line of medicine used for our military?
– I think that not many of us, including doctors, are aware of the unique Ukrainian technology of bone restoration using stem cells in case of severe combat injuries of the limbs. Many fighters have already avoided amputations thanks to this technique.
I am sure that after the creation of organoids – mini-organs from amniotic fluid stem cells – we will learn to “print” human organs of full
value. Then the problem with donor organs will disappear by itself.
– There is still an opinion about the oncogenicity of stem cells. What are your comments on this matter?
– I often hear similar fears when it comes to stem cells both from patients and from acquaintances. And, unfortunately, I hear it from colleagues.
Here is a quote from Dr Li D.: “Today it (umbilical cord blood cell transplantation) is already a widely
accepted treatment option for many types of blood cancer and genetic haematological diseases.”
Thus, stem cells not only don’t provoke the malignant tumours, but are also used to treat certain types of cancer, especially in oncohaematology
– Mr. Volodymyr, there is a war in our country today, and we have many wounded defenders and civilians. Do you work with such patients?
– I remember well my first patient with a bullet wound to the spine and spinal cord. It was in 2016. It was for him that the traumatologists grew and implanted a fragment of his shoulder bone. But we started treating his spine. Just imagine how happy the whole team was when the patient who needed constant outside help recovered after stem cell treatment. At our rehabilitation centre, we do our best to help our defenders recover as much as possible after combat injuries. We have to treat wounds that do not heal for a long time, bedsores and the consequences of extremely severe pathologies –spinal column and spinal cord injuries.
DOSSIER: Graduated from Ternopil Medical Institute. He is a neurosurgeon, co-author of two monographs, author of more than 20 scientific articles. He worked at Ilaya Medical Company, DEVA Clinique. Currently works in the ADONIS group of medical companies. vladimir.gritsyk
– Пане Володимире, вже понад двадцять років Ви займаєтесь регенеративною медициною. Як би Ви охарактеризували майбутнє цього напрямку?
– На сьогодні ми маємо результати використання стовбурових клітин, які можна назвати фантастичними. Одним із таких передових методів є програма, в межах якої дітей із розщелиною хребта (грижа в спині) лікують за допомогою стовбурових клітин ще в утробі матері.
Нещодавно лікарі з Каліфорнійського університету провели унікальну операцію. На животі вагітної жінки зробили розріз, підняли плід до отвору в матці, що дозволило дістатися до грижі на крихітному хребті дитини та обережно наклеїти пластир зі стовбуровими клітинами. Якби дитину не вилікували, вона народилась б із паралічем ніг. Це вже не фантастика, а реальне майбутнє регенеративної медицини. – Чи використовується цей
напрямок медицини для наших військових? – Думаю, що не багатьом із нас, в тому числі й лікарям, відома унікальна українська технологія відновлення кісток за допомогою стовбурових клітин при важких
та генетичних гематологічних захворювань».
Отже, стовбурові
деяких видів раку, особливо в онкогематології. – Пане Володимире, сьогодні
гато поранених захисників та цивільних. Чи працюєте Ви з такими пацієнтами?

eurosurgeon DMYTRO ORLOV from Kryvyi Rih has helped thousands of people get rid of back and joint pain. The doctor shares unique methods of treatment, stories from his medical practice and effective physical exercises with everyone on his blog. Let’s get to know each other!

– Dmytro, what made you interested in neurosurgery?
– I was constantly thinking about how our consciousness works, who we are and what our mission is. These philosophical questions troubled me. And for some reason I decided that it was neurosurgery that would help me find the answers. This is the science that studies the brain! And the brain is the least researched human organ.
– Now you are focused on helping people get rid of back and joint pain. What diseases are you talking about?
– This is a very common topic today and quite relevant. What I exactly do includes such aspects as the spine and joints. Spinal problems: pain in the neck, chest, lumbar region, peripheral pains. This may be due to hernia of intervertebral discs, stenosis, neoplasms, scoliosis, spinal and peripheral nerve injuries.
I also treat knee, hip, and shoulder joints.
According to statistics, out of 10 people who come to me, 7 have a sore back, two have sore joints, and only one person simply needs a consultation.
– What are the common mistakes in everyday life that lead to back and joint pain?
– Our body is designed to move. It needs loads. But not overload.
Such common mistakes are a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, eating poor quality food, abnormal loads on the spine, constant lifting of heavy objects and lack of good posture. Various systemic diseases, such as gout, arthritis, diabetes, are also factors in the development of diseases related to the musculoskeletal system. And these are the problems I face when treating my patients.
– What treatment do you offer your patients?
– I use a stepwise approach to treatment.
First of all, it is an initial examination, prescription of additional examinations if necessary (MRI, ultrasound, analyses, X-ray, consultations of related specialists).
After that, I usually prescribe a short course of treatment with certain drugs. For 5-6 days to see the effect. If it gets better, then we continue the treatment and add physical therapy, massage, acupuncture and others.
If the pain persists, I consider the need for a blockade. Patients are often afraid of this word and the procedure itself. In fact, it is just an injection of the drug in the “right” place.
In more complicated cases, I offer surgical treatment. I operate only on the spine. The patient always has a choice of how to be treated.
– What motivated you to start your own blog?
– I love when people leave with gratitude after my treatment. That is why I decided to share my practice on my blog and thus help as many people as possible to get rid of their back pain.
This inspires me! So, please contact me!
– Дмитре, чим Вас зацікавила нейрохірургія?
– Я завжди замислювався, як працює наша свідомість, хто ми є і яке наше призначення. Ці філософські питання не давали мені спокою. І якось я вирішив, що саме нейрохірургія допоможе знайти відповіді. Це ж наука, що вивчає мозок! А мозок – найменш досліджений орган людини. – Зараз Ви зосереджені на допомозі людям із болем у спині та суглобах. Які захворювання Ви лікуєте?
– Це дуже актуальна тема. Я займаюся лікуванням хребта й суглобів. Серед основних проблем: болі у шийному, грудному, поперековому відділах, периферичні болі. Причинами можуть бути грижі міжхребцевих дисків, стенози, новоутворення, сколіоз, травми хребта чи периферичних нервів. Також займаюся лікуванням колінних, тазостегнових і плечових суглобів.
За статистикою, із десяти пацієнтів, що приходять до мене, сім мають хвору спину, двоє – проблеми із суглобами, і лише один потребує просто консультації.
– Які поширені помилки у повсякденному житті призводять до бо-

Тoday, more than ever, every Ukrainian must preserve his or her own resources for the restoration of Ukraine. For me, this resource is my professional activity and, of course, my personal space.” This is how our conversation with the charming Dana MEKHEDOVA began. Let’s talk about work, endurance and achievements.
– Dana, what are the most successful projects you have implemented over the past year?
– The most valuable thing for me is to support and unite people. And our Humanitarian Development Centre “Into the World Together” has been such a space for over 12 years. It is the first family correctional centre of integrative pedagogy in Ukraine. Our team of specialists works with children and adults with speech, cognitive and communication disorders. “Into the World Together” is a space that unites people with similar experiences and joys, where everyone can share what is “painful” and find support. Over the years, more than 3,000 families have come a long way in terms of correction, rehabilitation, education and recovery. This is probably my greatest professional satisfaction.
– What did you mean when mentioning the implementation of the «Women’s Happiness» project?
– Each new project for me is an opportunity to move forward, develop my professional competencies, create products that change, help, and unite people. One of these challenges is the author’s project «POWER», which I have been working on for a long time. It is intended for those who want to be heard.

– What results have you achieved?
– I am a specialist in special education and neuropsychology with a specialization in neurolinguistics. This is an extremely interesting and relevant field, because it not only allows you to understand the personality, but is also fundamental in restoring mental health. I also work with children and adults who have special educational needs, physical and psychological-pedagogical disabilities. I am most pleased with a sincere smile, the first spoken word or confidence in my patients’ and students’ own abilities.
– What is your main professional goal?
– I will never be a “format” person who acts according to standards. The basis for me is professionalism, knowledge and evidence, and everything else is creativity and my emotional nature! Therefore, it is very natural that music and song are my balance and resource in life. And this is really my talent, without which I cannot imagine my existence. I can do my scientific work and social initiatives with high quality only when my soul sings!
– Share your professional achievements.
– I have been involved in public initiatives since 2015. My acquaintance with the All-Ukrainian Public Union

“Union of Women of Ukraine” began with the project “Peacebuilding in Ukraine –the role of women”, which became my life motto. In 2018, I became the head of the PA “Union of Women of Lviv Region”, and in December 2023, I was elected chairman of the Board of the AUPU “Union of Women of Ukraine”. It is the largest all-Ukrainian community that has a tradition of peacebuilding, humanitarian support, volunteering and values women’s communication based on barrier-free gender-oriented support, regardless of a person’s physical or social status.
– How, in your opinion, has the psychosomatics of Ukrainians changed? What does it manifest itself in?
– Unfortunately, war is a terrible challenge facing our society. It is impossible to prepare for this, and the duration, uncertainty, sense of hopelessness and losses completely destroy our mental state. Aggression and discord are not the best decision-making tools. Today, more than ever, it is important to form quality communities that will help us restore our personal resources and preserve our nation!

Наша команда фахівців працює з дітьми та дорослими у сфері мовленнєвих, когнітивних і комунікативних порушень. «У Світ Разом» – простір, що об’єднує людей із
подібними переживаннями та радощами, де кожен може поділитися тим, що «болить», і знайти
підтримку. За ці роки понад 3000 родин пройшли довгий шлях корекції, реабілітації, навчання та відновлення. Це, напевно, і є моя найбільша професійна сатисфакція. – Що Ви мали на увазі під реалізацією проєкту «Жіноче щастя»?
– Кожен новий проєкт для мене – це можливість рухатися вперед, розвивати свої професійні компетенції, створювати продукти, які змінюють, допомагають, об’єднують людей. Одним із таких викликів є авторський проєкт «СИЛА», над яким я працюю вже давно. Він призначений для тих, хто хоче бути почутим. – Яких результатів Ви досягли?
Я – фахівець зі спеціальної освіти
очолила ГО «Спілка жінок Львівщини», а в грудні 2023 ро
Це найбільша всеукраїнська спільнота, що має традиції
ва та цінує жіноче спілкування, засноване на безбар’єрній гендерно орієнтованій підтримці, незалежно

Valeria SHYNKARYOVA, the founder of several social projects and mother of many children, shared with us in this issue interesting achievements that will not leave any Ukrainian indifferent. Our guest skilfully balances different spheres of life and inspires others to show empathy, especially when working with children.
– Greetings, dear Ukrainians! I would like to start by saying that last year was quite a busy one professionally, as it was for each of us, wherever we were. I have the honour to mention here a few important events that we have managed to implement. And I assure you that we will not stop! Firstly, I continue practical classes with future teachers of preschool education institutions. The psychological health of children depends on them. Our teachers and students work on projects every day, which can be both individual and group. This helps develop planning, research, and organisational skills.
We also continue to support the Ukrainian military. Our expert team has developed a series of communication guides for commanders, swom brothers and the military encirclement. We have been successfully developing this project in Cherkasy for several months.
The most important thing is, of course, our children. The war left a deep mark on their souls. Working with children who survived the war, we felt the need for new approaches to psychological support. That’s how we discovered hibuki therapy. Thanks to the support of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I became the coordinator of this project in the Cherkasy region. Our team selflessly works with children from different regions of Ukraine, providing them with psychological support and helping them overcome the consequences of the war. We have recently successfully completed negotiations on the online formation of a team in Zaporizhzhia. As a result, teachers from 35 educational institutions in Zaporizhzhia now

have the tools to support children in the area situated near the frontline.
At the 66th session of the Cherkasy City Council, we made important decisions for the community:
- We approved an appeal to the state leadership to ensure decent salaries for education workers.
- Changes to the budget were approved: we received a subvention of almost UAH 1.8 million from the state budget for the purchase of a car for the Cherkasy Center of Social Services, which will enable emergency response to cases of domestic violence. Also, 7 million hryvnias are directed to support defenders.
- Amendments were made to the Care Programme, which will allow us to provide financial assistance to residents affected by Russian aggression to replace windows and carry out other repairs.
- We approved a programme to create a barrier-free space, which will make our city more convenient and accessible for all groups of people.
In conclusion. In 2024, I and many Ukrainians have implemented a large number of projects and each of them has its own meaning and consequences. I really hope that all our next actions will be useful to the Ukrainian people. We continue to work, love, create, fight... Separately, I would like to note for women: you should take care of your mental and psychological health. Do not forget that we have a great responsibility now. I wish our soldiers a speedy victory on every metre of Ukrainian land.
FROM THE EDITORS: Valeria is an incredibly strong woman. She not only unites powerful teams of like-minded people around her, but also emits incredible female strength. Thank you, Valeria, for your efforts. You are a role model for many women and a strong support for our children. We are confident that your actions will bring us closer to victory.
відзначити тут
кілька важливих подій, які нам вдалося реалізувати. І запевняю, ми не зупинимося!
По-перше, я продовжую практичні заняття з майбутніми вихователями


– Kateryna, greetings! We are glad to talk to you again about the current issues. Let’s start this time with the results of 2024. What are your personal achievements?
– I am convinced that women can change the world into a world of happy people without wars. Therefore, my plans remain stable – I will probably go into politics. But no spoilers for now. I am a person of principle: I will not announce a specific plan until I am sure of my intentions.
I also do not abandon the idea of creating my own brand – probably a restaurant brand. Over the years of running a business, I have learned that dreams should not be betrayed. The universe feels it. That’s why I am confident in my intentions, my abilities and our victory. Soon we will build our own hotel on the shores of the Azov Sea, where we will invite all Ukrainians!
– Many people are interested in “successful success”. But few people talk about failures. Do you have any?
– Yes, of course, I have had my downfalls. And I believe that they have made me the person I am today. Every failure is a lesson that helps
ateryna OLIFER is a bright figure of Ukrainian business. She combines entrepreneurship, social responsibility and patriotism. As a successful businesswoman, she not only develops a network of pizzerias, but also actively participates in volunteer activities. Today we will talk about the results of the year and plans, secrets of activity and internal aspects of life.
you grow and become stronger. It is during falls that we learn about our true capabilities and limitations. And although they are not as often talked about as successes, they are no less important part of our life journey.
The key to the success of any business is its team. Each employee is an investment that must bear fruit. That is why I always emphasise the importance of self-development. Invest in education, attend trainings, and you will not only grow as a specialist but also contribute to the development of the company.
– We are all developing and adapting. What new skills have you discovered in yourself?
– Recently, I’ve noticed a significant increase in my patience and ability to adapt to change. I used to be quite impulsive, but now I analyse situations more before making decisions. I also started to trust my intuition more in professional matters. I have learnt to resolve conflicts more effectively and find compromises.
– We will not stop asking questions about advice. What are your top tips for future and current entrepreneurs?
– If we are talking about women, I would like to repeat the words from the last interview. Being a businesswoman means constantly moving forward, overcoming various challenges. Therefore, the ability to manage stress and make informed decisions are indispensable skills. Develop your resourcefulness and flexibility to always find a way out of any situation. Remember that the real strength of a woman is not only in professional achievements, but also in the ability to maintain inner balance. Never betray your dream!
– Do you continue your volunteer activities?
– Since the first days of the full-scale invasion, our family has been volunteering. We joined forces to help those who needed it most: we cooked meals, delivered food to the frontline and supported refugees. When the tragedy happened in Kherson, my husband did not hesitate to give his boat to evacuate people. Now we are actively involved in making trench candles and purchasing the necessary equipment for the defenders. Our latest achievement is the purchase of a car for the 3rd Landing Assault Brigade. We believe in victory and stay in Ukraine.
атерина ОЛІФЕР – яскрава постать українського бізнесу, що поєднує підприємливість, соціальну відповідальність і патріотизм.
Як успішна бізнес-леді, вона не лише розвиває мережу піцерій, а й активно долучається
діяльності. Сьогодні ми
Азовського моря, куди запрошуватимемо всіх українців! – Багатьох цікавить «успішний успіх». Але мало хто говорить про падіння. Ви маєте такі? – Так, звичайно, у мене були падіння. І я

Natalia MARCHENKO is an expert on women’s happiness, a person who inspires, turning challenges into opportunities, supporting every woman, every family and every specialist who is ready to create well-being and harmony around them. Our guest dedicated her life to serving mental, physical and energetic health. We offer you an excerpt of a conversation with this incredible expert, who has an interesting vision of the potential of women and the idea of an ecological matriarchy.
Natalia began her path in 1999 as a midwife and doula, supporting women in their most sacred moment - childbirth. This work became the beginning of her research on the topics of feminine power and ancestral traditions.
Since 2002, Natalia has been certified as an instructor and qigong therapist by the Zhong Yuan Qigong International School. The knowledge she has gained in practice has helped thousands of women learn methods of self-regulation, self-help and improvement of health. In 2012, Natalia became a presenter of Taoist practices and the founder of women’s support circles. She created a master studio where women could restore their inner resource, awaken their femininity and nurture their power.
Having become a student of the legendary Bert Hellinger in 2015, Mrs. Natalia joined the highest standards of systemic and family therapy based on the method of arrangements.
Since 2022, Natalia has been working on important topics, researching the impact of war trauma and methods of psychological assistance in conditions of uncertainty.

— Mrs. Natalia, how can your services be useful to our readers now?
— I work in cities with a population of over a million people in Ukraine and in Europe, because many Ukrainian women left because of the war. But I continue to conduct my main activities in Ukraine, because I understand that if I do not live the events, I will not be able to be effective for my people. I need to understand how the psyche and our bodies react to shelling, losses, problems, etc. I am engaged in stabilisation therapy, helping people to survive tragic events. I try all the methods on myself. Today, Ukrainian women need irrespective support wherever they are – at home or abroad, where relocation issues are acute.
— You note that the world is increasingly passing into women’s hands. How would you comment on this trend?
— I am for a healthy matriarchy. It is not synonymous with feminism. I focus my work, practices and energy on making the world more ecological in the aspect of male and female interaction. This is only possible when women’s voices are heard. Women are for life. A world where male and female energies cooperate is a world of art, beauty, love and happiness. It is a world where the emphasis is on unity, interaction and co-creation. Now the time is when we must rebuild families and the state based on more feminine principles of life.
— Do you have any canonical rules for working with people?
— For more than ten years, I have been creating circles for women in which I nurture a vision of sisterhood. I believe that we are able to create a dream life around us only by uniting in support. Of course, we are not talking about «rose-coloured glasses». I see the results of my work – women become a support for each other.
They merge, create business collaborations, etc. My main values are to create, restore and develop in love, joy, respect.
— Thank you, Natalia. What advice would you give to our readers?
— Every family has women who, as guardians, feel the power of the family and can expand their view to the level of the country. I wish every woman to use her inner strength to the maximum. Globalise everything positive, wise, beautiful... The world needs female, maternal energy. Unite in circles and support each other. Revive the power of your family and pass it on. In this way, we can achieve balance and realise our values. You are welcome to join our women’s circles. I will be happy to help you if you feel you need it.
And next time we will take an even broader look at women’s needs and find answers to questions that concern each of them.
ночі руки. Як прокоментуєте цю тенденцію?
Я за здоровий матріархат. Це не синонім фемінізму. Спрямовую свою

sraeli products by Rena Rosh are the choice of healthy, beautiful and successful people, convinces our guest Larysa Kurylo! Read about this year’s novelties and great options for New Year’s gifts in our conversation!

– The preparaTion hondro proTeCTor appeared This year iTs ComposiTion, enriChed WiTh dead sea minerals, supporTs The healTh of The enTire musCuloskeleTal sysTem, sTrengThens joinTs, CarTilage Tissue, eTC. and We already have very good resulTs!
We also have a produCT for WeighT loss — synergy body CorreCTor.
We sTarTed produCing sugar-free ChoColaTe bars synergy healThy food WiTh Whole honeysuCkle berries. Thanks To Their unique ComposiTion, They boosT meTabolism and improve immuniTy.
all This is for our healTh and Well-being!
– even though it is stiLL autuMn outside the window, it’s tiMe to get ready for the new year hoLidays! what wouLd you advise our readers to choose for gifts?
– rena rosh produCTs are a greaT gifT ThaT Will saTisfy any requesT.
for Those Who WanT beauTiful, healThy hair, rena rosh shampoo WiTh red algae and CondiTioner mask are available.
if you dream of sTopping Time and having a Well-groomed faCe, Choose The enTire eliTe line
We offer magiCal «mango oil» for body Care, massages and removal of CelluliTe signs.
and for resourCes, healTh, energy – dieTary supplemenTs, Creams, salTs and rena rosh masks!
iT’s my anniversary This year and i Clearly knoW ThaT life WiTh The rena rosh produCT is ComforTable! and everyone To Whom i give These produCTs beComes even happier, more beauTiful and healThier! so Choose boldly!
– what are your goaLs for the near future? what do you dreaM about?
– Mrs. Larysa, how was this year for your business?
– This year rena rosh CorporaTion CelebraTed iTs 5Th anniversary! We have noT only Coped WiTh The diffiCulTies of doing business in ukraine during The War, buT also inCreased our Turnover Compared To previous years! We ConTinue To Work, CreaTe jobs, Train people in neW professions, pay Taxes, donaTe To The armed forCes, bringing our viCTory Closer. We also do ChariTy Work and supporT people WiTh CanCer.
This year, Thanks To our produCTs, liTTle ukrainians Were born in families Who did noT have Children! in parTiCular, my granddaughTer, Whom We have been WaiTing for 10 years, Was among Them!
– teLL us about new products for your cLients.
– mosT of all, i dream of Waking up and reading The neWs ThaT The War is over and our soldiers, husbands, sons, faThers, broThers, friends and sTrangers, Whom We are infiniTely graTeful To for The opporTuniTy To live, Work, sTudy and TeaCh, for every minuTe of our lives, are Coming home!
i also WanT every home To have a rena rosh produCT – The ChoiCe of healThy, beauTiful, suCCessful people! and i Will Talk a loT abouT iT, organise evenTs and uniTe everyone Who sTrives for developmenT and sCale!
корпорація Rena Rosh відзначила своє 5-річчя! Ми не лише впоралися зі складнощами ведення бізнесу в Україні в умовах війни, а й збільшили товарообіг у порівнянні з минулими роками! Продовжуємо працювати, створювати робочі місця, навчати людей новій професії, сплачувати податки, донатити на ЗСУ, наближаючи нашу Перемогу. Також займаємося благодійністю та підтримуємо онкохворих людей.
Цього року, завдяки нашим продуктам, у сім’ях, які не
дітей, народилися маленькі українці!

he founder and owner of the STYLE_NAILS studio, Hanna Dubilevych, is convinced that beauty begins with the inner state! She makes her clients not only happy but also stylish to the very tips of their fingers!

– hanna, you are raising three sons and joke that you go to work to reLax! what Magic happens in the styLe naiLs studio? why do cLients choose you?
– sTudio «sTyle nails» is noT jusT a business; iT is a parT of me as a nail TeChniCian, i undersTand The imporTanCe of an individual approaCh To eaCh ClienT, so TogeTher WiTh my
Team i CreaTe an aTmosphere of ComforT and TrusT. i Came To This beCause of The love for my Work and The desire To CreaTe someThing more Than jusT a maniCure. iT is a spaCe Where beauTy meeTs Care, Where everyone feels speCial. The sTudio even has iTs oWn moTTo: «be sTylish To The Tips of your fingers.»
in addiTion, We are alWays improving, learning neW TeChniques and Trends To offer The besT
– Last year you Launched the star Lip baLM! what is its secret?
– i have alWays dreamed of CreaTing someThing unique ThaT Would refleCT The sTyle and qualiTy We are knoWn for aT sTyle nails. i WanTed To CreaTe a produCT ThaT noT only moisTurises, buT also nourishes The lips and makes Them look healThy. CusTomers noTe ThaT The balm helps To geT rid of dryness and CraCks, and also gives Their lips a lighT shine i have many more ideas, so sTay Tuned for more good neWs!
– share your own recipe for woMen’s happiness.
– for me, Women’s happiness is harmony in all aspeCTs of life. This is self-love: iT is imporTanT To find Time for your oWn needs and hobbies. This is The supporT of loved ones Who inspire and moTivaTe. iT is equally imporTanT To do your favouriTe Thing, WhiCh brings pleasure and self-realisaTion. and, of Course, This is The abiliTy To enjoy The small joys of life: WheTher iT is a Cup of Coffee under The morning sun or a Walk WiTh relaTives. all This TogeTher CreaTes harmony and alloWs you To feel happiness every day!
Thanks To my beloved husband, i have The sTrengTh and inspiraTion To CreaTe beauTy his supporT and belief in me inspire me To neW aChievemenTs and help me To realise my ideas. he is my mosT loyal ally in all my endeavours and i am infiniTely graTeful To him for ThaT i Wish every person To have suCh a parTner Who inspires, supporTs, undersTands and loves!
– Ганно, Ви виховуєте трьох синів і жартуєте, що йдете на роботу, щоб відпочити! Яка магія відбувається у студії «STYLE_NAILS»? Чому клієнти обирають саме Вас? – Студія «STYLE_NAILS» – це не просто бізнес, це частинка мене. Як майстриня нігтьового сервісу, розумію важливість індивідуального підходу до кожного клієнта, тому разом зі своєю командою створюю атмосферу затишку й довіри.


– Yevhen, welcome! What are the main theses you would like to convey to our readers regarding your professional profile?
– I currently hold the position of Head of the International Cooperation Department at the State Institution “Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development”, which implements the state policy in the field of export development of Ukraine and is the implementer of the National Platform “Diia. Business”. And I am also an advisor to the Head of the Shevchenko District State Administration in Kyiv on a part-time basis.
My activities are focused on creating favourable conditions for the development of small and mediumsized businesses, working out support programmes and start-up development initiatives as well as attracting investment.
The conversation with Yevhen MOTOLYZHENKO turned out to be quite long, as he is an expert in an important field and his activities are aimed at the development of our country. In this issue, we will consider current topics that will undoubtedly be of interest to every Ukrainian.
I help companies expand their export potential, enter new markets and adapt to the requirements of global trade. Ukrainian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to cooperate with international partners owing to participating in international programmes and initiatives. And this helps to strengthen Ukraine’s economic ties with other countries.
– What changes are currently taking place in the technological sector that affect the economy of Ukraine?
– Ukraine’s technological and machine-building sectors are undergoing substantial changes, which has a significant impact on the country’s economy. In my opinion, due to the challenges of the war, some changes are taking place quite dynamically and in a positive direction. The key changes and trends include the following areas:
1. Innovation and digitalization.
2. Reorientation to the defense sector.
3. Export and access to new markets.
4. Development of infrastructure and logistics.
5. State support programs and international assistance.
6. Green transformation.
– Many Ukrainians are interested in the defense-industrial sector of Ukraine. What advantages do we have in this area?
– This is a very sensitive topic, and I would like to emphasize that I am expressing only my personal opinions, which may differ from the official position or public opinion.
First of all, it is worth mentioning the potential of our defense-industrial complex and its ability to transition to a high-tech complex (HTC) model. The Ukrainian defense industry has significantly increased its own production of armoured vehicles, artillery, ammunition and especially unmanned systems (of all levels of basing), which greatly contributes to providing the army with the necessary resources and brings Ukraine to a new, competitive level of defense technologies.
– Yevhen, which of your own acquirements and achievements are you most proud of?
–I would like to deviate a little from professional topics and share with readers my personal achievements. I have been fond of sports since childhood. At first I was engaged in wrestling – judo and sambo, and from the age of 12 I switched to football. Sports taught me discipline, determination and dedication.
I also consider the upbringing and knowledge given to me by my parents and the mentors I was lucky enough to work with to be my achievements. The knowledge, experience and philosophical approach to life that I received while working with them helped me develop, learn new things, understand my aspirations and move up the ladder of professional and personal growth. This is invaluable experience of working with the best ones. You can’t buy this anywhere and for any money, and no textbook or educational institution can teach you this. Work with the best ones and grow!
доволі тривалою, адже він є фахівцем у важливій
розглянемо актуальні теми, які, без сумніву, зацікавлять кожного українця.
– Євгене, вітаємо! Які основні тези Ви б хотіли донести нашим читачам стосовно Вашого професійного профілю? – Наразі я обіймаю посаду керівника відділу міжнародної співпраці в державній установі «Офіс з розвитку підприємництва та екс-
Національної платформи «Дія. Бізнес», а також є
державної адміністрації за сумісництвом.
Моя діяльність зосереджена на створенні сприятливих умов для розвитку малого і середнього бізнесу, на розробці програм підтримки, ініціатив для розвитку стартапів і залучення інвестицій.
Я допомагаю компаніям розширювати експортний потенціал, виходити на нові ринки й адаптуватися до вимог світової торгівлі. Завдяки участі у міжнародних програмах та ініціативах українські підприємці отримують можливість співпрацювати з міжнародними партнерами, що сприяє зміцненню економічних
1. Інновації та цифровізація.
2. Переорієнтація на оборонний сектор.
3. Експорт і вихід на нові ринки.
4. Розвиток інфраструктури та ло-
5. Державні програми підтримки та міжнародна допомога.
6. Зелена трансформація. – Багатьох українців цікавить оборонно-промисловий сектор України. Які переваги ми маємо у цій сфері?
– Це дуже чутлива тема, і я хотів би підкреслити, що висловлюю лише свої особисті думки, які можуть відрізнятись від офіційної позиції або громадської думки.
Насамперед слід згадати про потенціал нашого оборонно-промислового комплексу і його можливість переходу до моделі високотехнологічного комплексу (ВТК).
Український ОПК значно збільшив обсяги власного виробництва, бронетехніки, артилерії,

vitlana CHYSTOVA is a spiritual coach, innovator, visionary and author of the Illuminata method, which helps people achieve rapid evolution of consciousness and harmonise their lives through the balance of material and spiritual life. Then, you will find an interesting guest and valuable information in our conversation. Listen to her advice.

– Svitlana, you are a master of rapid transformations. That is exactly what people want today, because time has accelerated. What exactly do you offer Ukrainians?
– My activity is aimed at helping people learn to manage their energy and open the way to rapid and profound changes in life. It is important to understand that energy is the basis of everything around us. Epigenetics proves that we can influence our own genes through changes in behaviour, lifestyle, and energy practices. Neurobiology confirms that working with thoughts and managing attention changes the structure of our brain. Therefore, my offer to Ukrainians is to work deeply with their energy through my Illuminata method.
– Your services have a rather interesting format. How do you help people deal with their problems?
– The Illuminata method, which I developed based on many years of research and practice, is a unique energy management system. It combines ancient knowledge and modern technologies of energy interaction. This allows you to achieve rapid and profound changes at the level of the soul and consciousness. Compared to traditional methods of working with energy, Illuminata is like a «system upgrade» that allows a person to function more efficiently by removing blocks and increasing energy throughput. And this affects health, relationships, money, achievements and opportunities, quality of life.
The Illuminata method meets the needs of the New Age person. It not only helps to restore inner resources, but also accelerates the process of spiritual growth, providing people with the necessary tools to achieve personal and professional realization.
– What main theses could describe you?
– I find my strength in unity with the source of all things, with the Creator, through whom all answers, inspiration and confidence to follow my path come. My vision is wider than the visible. My understanding of energy and its laws is based on the wisdom I draw from the depths of the collective memory of ancient civilisations. I feel the cycles of life as part of my energy, see beyond external circumstances and help others to see the hidden.
– Can you share the achievements of your clients that impressed even you?
– Among the achievements of my clients, there are stories that not only impressed me, but also showed the power of transformation that can occur through working with energy.
One of my clients came to me in a state of deep disorientation and loss of meaning in her life. She had numerous emotional traumas. Using the Illuminata method, we began to work deeply on her subconscious blocks and traumas. We unblocked the energy pathways that were restraining her development, and within a few months she not only found harmony, but also created a new business that became a source of financial independence and fulfilment of her spiritual aspirations.
This is just one example that shows that through proper energy management, significant results can be achieved in all areas of life, from personal to professional – What could be your advice to Ukrainians to maintain their strength and develop it?
– My main advice is to learn how to manage your energy. This is not only a spiritual practice, but also a necessary skill for modern life. Start your day with a short meditation or grounding practice, and clear your energy field of negativity. Energy is the key to your health, success and inner peace. Remember that true power is born within us. Each of you has inexhaustible resources to cope with any challenge and move forward. Ask yourself every day: How do I feel energetically today? Do I feel energized, inspired, or exhausted? Is there anything that is lowering my energy level today? What practices will help me restore balance? Do I need to meditate, exercise or just relax and sleep…?
– Світлано, Ви – майстер швидких трансформацій. Сьогодні люди прагнуть саме цього, бо час пришвидшився. Що Ви пропонуєте українцям? – Моя діяльність спрямована на те, щоб допомогти людям навчитися керувати своєю енергією, відкриваючи шлях до швидких і глибоких
змін у житті. Важливо зрозуміти, що енергія – це основа всього навколо нас. Епігенетика доводить, що
ми можемо впливати на власні гени через зміну поведінки, способу
життя та через енергетичні практики. Нейробіологія підтверджує, що робота з думками та управління увагою змінює структуру нашого
мозку. Тому моя пропозиція українцям – це глибока робота зі своєю енергією через мій метод Illuminata. – Ваші послуги мають досить цікавий формат. Яким чином Ви допомагаєте людям долати їхні проблеми?
– Метод Illuminata, який я розробила на основі багаторічних досліджень і практик, – це унікальна система управління енергією. Вона поєднує давні знання та сучасні технології
енергетичної взаємодії, що дозволяє
які не лише вразили мене, а й показали силу трансформацій, які можливі завдяки роботі з енергією.
Одна з моїх клієнток прийшла до мене у стані глибокої дезорієн

y story is not just about rise and successes, but also about a significant deal of difficulties and experiences, disappointments and the search for my own mission. I started out as a life insurance consultant, not realising how important this business could be for people. At times, my work resembles a rollerdrome: sometimes I have to be a “psychologist” rather than a financial advisor, helping clients who are even afraid to invest in themselves. However, over time, I have become convinced that I am doing a useful and important job.”
Our questions are answered by Tamara KARNOVSKA, who knows everything about finance, wealth and investment.

– Tamara, you are the co-author of the video book «In Investments – by the Hand». What are the main tips you would give to those who want to invest in their prosperous future?
– Investing is like cooking borscht: the main thing is to choose the right ingredients and balance the amount of spices! Firstly, start with something small and never invest more than you are ready to lose. Secondly, it is important to understand that the stock market is not “quick money”. The best investments are always long-term. And third, don’t be lazy to learn, because financial literacy is the key to freedom. My video book is a “friendly hand” that will help you go through the first stages without unnecessary stress.
– What, in your opinion, is poverty?
– Poverty is not the lack of money, but the lack of a mindset aimed at growth. If a person does not believe in his or her capabilities, is afraid of change, and looks for excuses instead of solutions, this is real poverty. It goes hand in hand with “bad” habits: spending more than you earn, avoiding education, and thinking that “money is not for me”. But as soon as a person starts thinking differently, limitless opportunities open up for them.
– Share your own rules for financial stability and success.
– My rules for financial success are simple but reliable:
• always plan, control spending and set goals. I still control the urge to spend more than planned. And the habit of saving money for investments right away helps a lot;
• save and invest systematically;
• be sure to allocate part of your income to investments, as this is my lifeline from shopaholism;
• diversify: don’t put all your eggs in one basket, try different financial instruments;
• be persistent and don’t be afraid of mistakes, because they are the best teachers.
– How do our parents’ fears, prejudices, and programmes affect our success?
– Our fears often come from childhood – how many times have we heard our parents saying “living large is stupid” or “money is not for happiness”? Such prejudices are deeply rooted, and later an adult is simply afraid to take a step towards financial freedom, subconsciously feeling guilty for wanting a better life. It is important to learn to recognise these “programmes” and rewrite them. When we consciously choose to live without fears and barriers, we approach success faster.
– Tamara, is happiness really in money?
– This is a philosophical question, and my answer is twofold. On the one hand, happiness is exactly not measured by the amount of money in your account. Money is a tool, and it is up to us to use it. You can have a lot of wealth and not feel happy. On the other hand, financial stability can give you the freedom to express yourself, develop, travel, study, and it definitely adds to the quality of life. So I would say this: money is a tool, like a hammer or a brush. It can create, change and develop if used wisely. It is neither a goal nor an indicator of happiness, but a resource that helps us to realise our plans, gives us freedom of choice and opens doors to new opportunities. In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone can create their own financially stable future. Start with small, stay calm, believe in your abilities, and remember that true success is measured not only by the numbers in your account, but also by the feeling of freedom and satisfaction from life. I wish all readers inspiration and courage on this journey!
безмежні можливості. – Поділіться власними правилами фінансової стабільності та успіху. – Мої правила фінансового успіху прості, але надійні: • завжди плануйте, контролюйте витрати та ставте цілі. Я досі контролюю бажання витратити більше, ніж заплановано. І звичка відкладати

– Пані Ольго, почнімо з фінансової стабільності. Як її досягти у сь-
огоденні? – Фінансова стабільність не
з’являється сама по собі, її потрібно вибудовувати. У нашому швидкоплинному й неоднозначному світі, на-
маючи чіткий план дій, слід бути
гнучкими. Якщо раніше страте-
фінансової стабільності мала чіткі межі й кроки, то сьогодні таке
цієї швидкості, вміти на ходу змінювати свої підходи, впроваджувати
нові методи роботи, шукати ідеї для розширення та розвитку, опановувати нові навички.
Довгострокове планування втрачає сенс, адже ми не можемо точно уявити, що нас чекає в майбутньому, і тим більше спрогнозувати це. План розвитку, звісно, необхідний, але він більше ґрунтується на цифрах, що є основою, ніж на конкретних методах їх досягнення, які можуть змінюватися. І до цього треба бути готовими. – Наскільки ефективні ваші методи роботи?
Наша компанія має чіткий
що ми не лише підтримуємо, а й створюємо біз-
пів року понад 20 бізнесів отримали гранти на розвиток за нашого сприяння. Наразі на обслуговуванні в компанії
осіб, і цей показник зростає. Ми є продуктом своєї діяльності

не здійснилася.
Після закінчення сільської школи я
до Корсунь-Шевченківського педагогічного училища.
Працюючи в школі, зрозуміла, що професія вчителя
певною мірою переплітається з моєю мрією, адже ти
допомагаєш учням пізнавати світ.
Пізніше закінчила Уманський педагогічний
робота, якою займаюся і досі. І тоді я замислилася: чи

– Перш ніж стати наставницею, Ви самі пережили болючий досвід в особистому житті. Що для вас означає бути вільною? – Переживши дуже складне розлучення, я створила жіночий клуб «Я Вільна». У ньому я ділюся досвідом як знайти сили та відновитися, адже розлучення — це не вирок, а лише сходинка до нового етапу щасливого життя. Бути вільною для
жіночі зустрічі та веду особисте наставництво,
— коли чую: «Я змінилася завдяки тобі». – Чи дійсно можна змінити свою реальність за допомогою думок?
– Так, можна! Сила думки справді потужна. Коли порефлексуєте, то часто можна помітити, що розвиток подій ми самі запланували в своїх думках — свідомо чи підсвідомо.
– Що потрібно для успіху, на Вашу думку?
– Для того, щоб досягти успіху,
А якщо вас змушують, або вам потрібно виконати завдання, яке не подобається, то тоді «навіть руки ніби
не стоять», і настрій поганий, відчуття, щоб швидше як-небуть доробити і від тебе відчепилися.
Як гадаєте, який буде результат такої роботи? Відповідь очевидна.
Тому успіху можна досягти лише тоді, коли займаєшся дійсно своєю справою, коли при очі горять, ідеї приходять самі собою, не відчуваєш втоми, бо це
дійсно те, що тобі до душі. – З чого
Ви багато навчаєтеся. Над чим працюєте зараз?
Дуже люблю навчатися! За крайні півроку закінчила курс «Сила думки», «Духовний коучинг». Зараз
проходжу курс «Я Відкриття».
Мені подобається комунікація з цікавими, успішними людьми, які розвиваються та надихають на нові знання, коли перед тобою відкриваються нові можливості, цікаві події.
Не припиняю працювати над собою. У мене дуже багато

ear friends, in this issue we discussed with Natalia TKACHENKO an interesting and relevant topic – building relationships between women and men. Most of us grew up in single-parent families or in conditions where it was customary to negatively evaluate the father. Our guest revealed important aspects of this topic and provided useful tips that will help create healthy relationships in the future.

forces people to engage in self-development and self-discovery, and old stereotypes cease to work. No one wants to endure for a long time, forgive mistakes or live together just for the sake of children, as it was before. People realized that divorce is neither shameful nor scary. The average duration of marriage is now about 10 years, and then couples choose either freedom or civil marriage. Young people mostly first get an education, travel, work, and only then consider the possibility of marriage.
– How can you be useful to Ukrainians in this context?
– As a family psychologist, I work with couples and specialise in building healthy relationships. My experience shows that people choose a partner based on the principle of projection onto their parents. The first partner is often a projection of the parent with whom the relationship was most difficult; the second is a projection of the other parent. And no matter how much we avoid it, until we work through these projections, a healthy and happy relationship will be unattainable. Only after working through the influence of parental figures, we can consciously choose a partner. That’s why I strongly recommend that people go to therapy before they want to start a serious relationship. This not only promotes personal development, but also restores society’s interest in the institution of marriage.
– Natalia, could you share some practical advice for our readers?
– Mrs. Natalia, let’s start with statistics. How have the relations between Ukrainians changed recently?
– Unfortunately, in modern society, there is a sad tendency towards individualism, which leads to the gradual destruction of the family institution. People become less patient with each other and more demanding, which leads to unrealistic expectations or perceived loneliness. I often hear accusations from clients about their partners: women condemn men for their inability, and men accuse women of mercantilism. This is our reality.
– What do you think is the main obstacle to healthy relationships between men and women?
– Modern life has accelerated significantly. Even 20-30 years ago, the pace was much calmer. Now the flow of information
– The institution of the family is now very devalued. To restore interest in it, we need to provide people with relevant knowledge. Unfortunately, we don’t yet have educational institutions or specialists who could teach the skills of building healthy relationships. It all starts with the family: all traumas, values, limitations and upbringing. A person’s fate depends on the quality of family upbringing. People often make mistakes because they do not understand their own identity and do not have strong personal values. It is easy to impose other people’s ideas on them, to replace one idol with another, because they do not have an inner core built on personal principles and values. This is the basis for making important decisions in life.
So, my advice is to go to therapy, seek help from experienced professionals, create healthy relationships and consciously manage your own life.

umbers are the language through which the universe speaks to us. They help reveal the hidden aspects of our character and guide us to where we can realize our greatest potential.” This is how our conversation with Maria HAYDUK began, who today helps Ukrainians to make breakthroughs in their lives, transform and find their true path to self-realization.

– Mrs. Maria, today many people turn to numbers, dates and astrology for help. What skills have you mastered to help Ukrainians?
– My own transformation journey is the best proof of the power of my methodology. I went through drastic changes while working as an accountant for more than 35 years, and at the same time became a Star Mentor. This path of change requires not only knowledge, but also a deep awareness of your inner resources. I have developed a unique method of working with people, combining digital psychology, sacred knowledge and the latest practices.
My skills include building a «Road Map» based on the date of birth, where I do not just see numbers, but create a kind of energy matrix of a person. This allows me to understand which strengths should be developed first. I also use Theta Healing and Access techniques to help people overcome deep-seated beliefs and fears, dependence on approval of others.
– The question is relevant to everyone. How do the numbers really work?
– Numbers are a kind of energy code that reflects our inner light and hidden potential. The date of birth is the key that opens access to understanding our talents and life lessons.
When we decipher these codes, a plan of our life opens before us – a «Road Map», where it is clearly visible which abilities are our support and which are challenges.
– Your profile states that you are activating the «Power Code». How does it happen in practice?
– Activating quantum passwords on your birthday is the most effective practice that is ISO certified. It is carried out on the morning of your birthday and helps to transform any difficult situation, opening access to deeper knowledge about your divine destiny. Just one session can change your perception of what is happening around you and eliminate distortions of reality.
The practice of «Getting out of Karmic Stuck» helps to break the cycles of old generic programs and to reach a new level of consciousness.
«Transformation of Negative Emotions» is designed to transform the feelings that kept you trapped – betrayal, resentment, powerlessness – into a new level of awareness, where you become the Creator of your reality.
Another way is to activate the “Code of Power”. It starts with analysing the «Road Map». Then I move on to discovering the uniqueness: we analyse the person’s strengths, talents, and potential. Only then we start working with limitations.
I help the clients to free themselves from negative beliefs. I use a large number of tools to clear the energy points of the body and create space for new potential. After activating the «Power Code», the client not only understands his or her talents, but also feels ready to use them in practice. It is a concrete resource for action that leads to changes in careers, relationships and personal growth.
– What are the clients’ achievements that demonstrate the effectiveness of your work?
– My clients’ stories often resemble transformational tales. One woman who came to me in a state of loss of self was convinced that she would never again find work that would inspire her. After creating the Road Map, we discovered a powerful potential for creativity in her. She began to develop her talents and became a successful cosmetologist-healer. I have many such stories!
My experience and the title of «Miss Breakthrough of the Year» show that real change is possible for everyone who finds his or her true calling.
– Пані Маріє, сьогодні багато людей звертаються по
допомогу до цифр, дат та астрології. Якими навичками Ви оволоділи, щоб допомагати українцям? – Мій власний шлях трансформації – найкращий доказ сили моєї методики. Я пройшла кардинальні зміни, працюючи на посаді бухгалтера понад 35 років, і паралельно стала «Зірковим наставником». Цей шлях змін вимагає не лише
знань, а й глибокого усвідомлення своїх внутрішніх ресурсів. Я розробила унікальний метод роботи з людьми, поєднавши цифрову психологію, сакральні
талантів і життєвих уроків.
Коли ми розшифровуємо ці коди, перед нами відкривається план нашого життя – «Дорожня карта», де чітко видно, які здібності є нашою опорою, а які – викликами. – У Вашому профілі зазначено, що Ви активуєте «Код сили». Як це відбувається на практиці? – Активація квантових паролів у день народження – це найдієвіша практика, яка має сертифікат ISO. Вона проводиться

eople come to me for help with various issues. These include ancestral and personal cleansing, removing spells, breaking ties with former lovers and establishing relationships. However, recently, there have been more business owners among my clients, for whom I correct and fill the financial channel, as this helps to clear obstacles, expand opportunities and attract success,” says Milada Vida.

– Milada, welcome. Tell us about your experience and path to magic.
– My journey began just with magic, because our family used to perform rituals and ceremonies, although not everyone could accept it. I wanted to become a psychologist after five years of constant esoteric practice. I already had experience and wanted to master the methods of systemic placements and art therapy to expand my range of work. Later, I created my game “Grandmother’s Chest Treasures” and the oracle “Grandmother’s Chest”. They help people to know themselves and reach a new level of life.
– What have been your clients’ most impressive results?
– We recently did a group work with financial rituals. I love bringing women together in one space to create magic. There was an interesting case: one of the participants remembered that many years ago she had paid for life insurance, but had forgotten about it. Immediately after the ritual, she received a call from the company and was informed that a significant amount had accumulated in her account. This inspired the whole group.
– Magic is a rather specific activity. What exactly do you mean by magic?
– Magic is the ability to direct energy and thoughts to create a new reality. Until a person learns to feel and control their life, it is too early for them to practice magic. It’s a popular topic nowadays, but many people, lacking sufficient knowledge, pretend to be experts and give harmful advice. Magic is not for everyone; a true magician is someone who is chosen by the power and blood itself. It is not easy, and often painful.
– It is often said that magic is something dark and dangerous. How do you feel about it?
– Magic is a tool, and it becomes malicious only in the hands of someone who uses it for evil. You can perform a dark ritual of gloom for good to keep the enemy away from the warrior, or you can perform a light ritual for love, for a couple where there is no reciprocity, and thus bind the souls to each other, enslave them. It all depends on the intentions of the magician.
Magic is a path that does not come easy. A true magician is beaten and polished by life until all the facets of his soul are honed, but it does not make him extremely powerful, does not engrave crystal purity. Sometimes it can be painful.
– What are your top tips for readers to get the most out of life?
– My main advice as a witch for living life to the maximum is constant development both mentally and energetically. Look for a wise mentor with whom life will become more exciting and filled.
–Міладо, вітаємо. Розкажіть про свій досвід і шлях до магії. – Мій шлях почався саме з магії, адже в нашій родині проводили ритуали й обряди, хоч прийняти це могли не всі. Я захотіла стати психологом через
практики. Тоді вже мала досвід і прагнула опанувати методи системних розстановок

– Пані Віто, клітинне харчування: що це таке? – Клітинне харчування – це не ліки, не БАДи, а їжа, яка дає організму сили та можливості зцілити себе самостійно. Завдяки такому харчуванню відбувається регенерація, відновлення та одужання хворої клітини, усунення запального процесу в певному органі. – Коли Ви зацікавилися клітинним харчуванням?
– У мене розпочався проблемний
період: здоров’я підводило, відчувала загострення хвороб. Я чітко знала, що не піду в лікарню, бо зверталася туди більше 20 років. Переконана, що лікуватися – не означає бути здоровою. Тому вирішила шукати інші шляхи до зцілення.
На сторінках соціальних мереж я
познайомилася з чудовою людиною – Ольгою Яремчук, яка розповідала про себе, своїх дітей та свої результати після вживання клітинного харчування. У думках промайнуло: «Можливо, це воно?
Я маю спробувати!».
З травня 2023 року «зелена капсула» стала моїм сніданком. Її потрібно приймати

B-Epic виготовляють у штаті Юта. Його можуть вживати дорослі та діти, вагітні, мами, які годують грудьми. Цей базовий запатентований продукт містить у своєму складі адаптогени (зокрема гриби – рейші, чага, кордицепс, шиїтаке та родіола рожева), суміш натуральних енергетиків (гуарана, зелені зерна кави, бакопа моньє), суміші нутрієнтів (сублімовані буряк, морква, броколі, шпинат, яблуко, виноград, полуниця, чорниця тощо), натуральні вітаміни. Це синергія, формула, де кожен елемент доповнює інший.

– Як давно Ви займаєтесь татуюванням? Розкажіть, де Ви цьому навчилися? Що було найскладніше?
– Почала займатися татуюванням у 17 років. Уже 10-й рік я в цій сфері. Тоді не було широкого вибору курсів і майстрів, тому навчалася всьому сама. Починала з малого, помилялася, робила висновки, відкривала для себе нове. Було складно розібратися в
матеріалах, обладнанні, зрозуміти, з
чого взагалі починати. Але коли чогось прагнеш, легко не буває. Тільки праця та наполегливість – твої товариші на цьому шляху.
– В яких стилях Ви працюєте? Які подобаються найбільше? – Працюю в стилях «Графіка», «Олдскул», «Леттеринг» та японському стилі. Вибрати серед них улюблений
можу, бо працюю лише з тими стилями, які мені до душі. Кожен має свої