а також класну керівницю, учительку математики Любов Василівну, яка завжди знаходила час вислухати і підтримати кожного учня. У школі я прагнула допомагати іншим, і ця риса супроводжує мене і сьогодні. Зараз моє життя нерозривно пов’язане з освітою та вихованням молодого
громадянською позицією, креативним мисленням і
героїв сьогодення, славетну спадщину козацьких предків і активно розбудовуватиме країну. За час керівництва мені вдалося впровадити нові педагогічні підходи, зокрема в межах дослідно-експериментальної роботи «Організація педагогічних умов для формування лідерських навичок в учнів закладу освіти»
– З якими викликами стикаються
освітяни в нинішніх реаліях?
– Освітянам доводиться долати чимало викликів. Це адаптація до дистанційного навчання, підтримка мотивації учнів, інтеграція сучасних
технологій у навчальний процес, а також боротьба з професійним вигоранням і стресами. Крім того, ми маємо підтримувати моральний дух учнів і колег у складний для країни час.
Однак ці труднощі зміцнюють нас і стимулюють до пошуку нових рішень.
– Розкажіть більше про проєкти, які Ви реалізуєте.
– Ми активно працюємо над впровадженням проєктів, що спрямовані на розвиток патріотичного виховання, емоційного інтелекту, креативності учнів. Одним із таких є освітній проєкт у партнерстві з БО БФ «Незламний дух України» Олександра Костогриза – «Лідерство, засноване на цінностях», яким я дуже пишаюся, адже до нього долучилися учасники громади школи і не лише… Головна мета проєкту, який започаткували у 2022 році – це можливість створити власний освітній контент, філософією якого є увага
громадській діяльності, позакласній роботі. Зацікавленість дитини до навчання є основним елементом при викладанні та головним принципом мотивації до навчання. Всі дорадчі рішення щодо дієвості освітнього процесу узгоджуємо зі шкільним парламентом. Завжди звертаюся до дітей,
upils need love, respect and consideration of their individuality. Teacher and director of Lyceum No. 157 in Kyiv Tetyana Yermak is convinced of this. Schoolchildren, parents and colleagues call her a leader who inspires and leads. Mrs. Tetyana spoke about her path to success, educational challenges and initiatives in our interview.
– Mrs. Tetyana, did you dream of becoming a teacher as a child?
– I was very lucky: my dearest people – my parents – raised me with love. Our family often organised creative performances for children, where we acted in plays, sang songs and told poems. That’s why, as a child, I dreamed of having my own theatre, where fairy-tale characters would come to life.
I was taught by extremely kind and talented teachers. With special warmth, I remember the school director Mrs. Nina – an extremely kind and wise woman, as well as the class leader, mathematics teacher Mrs. Lyubov who always found time to listen and support every pupil. In school, I wanted to help others and this trait accompanies me even today.
Now my life is inextricably linked with the education and upbringing of the young generation of Ukrainians – future leaders with an active civic position, creative thinking and outstanding talents. I sincerely consider pedagogy to be my vocation and I am proud of it. After all, working with the future is a big responsibility. How we will shape pupils at school – this will be the tomorrow of our country.
– How long have you been in charge of 157 Lyceums in Kyiv?
– I have been managing Lyceum No. 157 of the Obolon district in Kyiv for five years. My main mission as a leader is to create a safe, comfortable
and free space where respect and a culture of interaction reign and pupils can develop.
We, the teachers, have no right to neglect the principles of didactics and pedagogy. Our task is to bring up a generation that will honour the heroes of today, the glorious heritage of our Cossack ancestors and actively build the country. During my leadership, I managed to introduce new pedagogical approaches, in particular within the framework of the research and experimental work “Organisation of pedagogical conditions for the development of leadership skills in pupils at educational institutions”.
– What challenges do educators face in today’s reality?
– Educators have to overcome many challenges. This is adaptation to distance learning, support of pupil motivation, integration of modern technologies into the educational process, as well as the fight against professional burnout and stress. In addition, we must support the morale of pupils and colleagues in a difficult time for the country. However, these difficulties strengthen us and stimulate us to find new solutions.
– Tell us more about the projects you are implementing.
– We are actively working on implementing projects aimed at developing patriotic education, emotional intelligence and pupils’ creativity. One of these is an educational project “Leadership Based on Values” in partnership with Oleksandr Kostohryz’s Charitable Foundation “Unbreakable Spirit of Ukraine”. I am very proud of this project, because it involved members of the school community and not only... The main goal of the project, which was launched in 2022, is to create our own educational content, the philosophy of which is to pay attention to each pupil, to their needs and desires. International collaboration, stakeholder engagement, the realization of abilities and the formation of responsible leadership, a new trajectory of specialized education, integration of subjects and project activities, the organisation of new
pedagogical working conditions, in which teachers create their own educational content (write books, develop author’s lessons, methods), and by their own example involve their pupils and colleagues in co-creation.
Our institution pays a lot of attention to inclusivity and the development of STEM education to ensure that our pupils have access to the most modern knowledge and opportunities. We are convinced that the development of the pupil’s personality should be ensured not only by studying theoretical material, but also by acquiring practical skills through the participation of children in social activities and extracurricular work. A child’s interest in learning is the main element in teaching and
Big and Small», which I consider extremely important for the education of legal culture and values in the younger generation and their families. It is based on the idea of the First Children’s Poetic Constitution written by a judge of the Supreme Court Volodymyr Kravchuk. The museum pedagogy project «Unbreakable Ukraine», within the framework of which, in cooperation with the People’s Artist of Ukraine Andriy Kholomeniuk, the talisman painting «Unbreakable Ukraine» was created. The projects are actively supported by Kyrylo Fesyk, the head of the Obolon District State Administration in Kyiv, Bohdan Kushnir, the head of NGO “AdvoBat” and other partners of the educational institution.
the main principle of motivation for learning. We coordinate all advisory decisions regarding the effectiveness of the educational process with the school parliament. I always turn to children, because today, at a time of great changes, children are our teachers, and they have a better sense of what changes they want.
In 2021, I initiated the project for female educators «A Woman Raising the Nation», which was implemented with the support of the institution’s partners and friends in 2022. The «Keeper of the Law» project within the framework of the All-Ukrainian legal education movement “Constitution for All: Both
– Has the role of the teacher changed for modern children? How to gain authority among pupils, in your opinion?
– There is no doubt that the role of the teacher has changed. The task of a teacher is not only to impart knowledge, but also to develop critical thinking and 21st century skills. The authority among pupils is gained through sincerity, empathy and willingness to listen to them.
I always encourage my colleagues: “It is necessary to work with the child in such a way that in decades after school they remember you as a sign of gratitude.”
– Mrs. Tetyana, you are a strong and successful woman! Where do you get your inspiration?
– My inspiration is my family, our pupils and their achievements. Each of their victories inspires me to move forward.
– What message do you want to leave for your readers?
– Believe in yourself and your capabilities! Every action we take matters. Together, we can overcome difficulties and build a strong Ukraine.
Education is the key to a successful future. By supporting it, we invest in the nation. Believe in good, act boldly and take care of those around you!
знають про нас
– Багато українців зустрінуть ще
один Новий рік не вдома через
війну. Чи дійсно еміграція за-
кладена у натальній карті? Як
часто до Вас звертаються за порадою щодо переїзду?
– Навіть якщо людина не знає своєї
натальної карти, проте підсвідомо
вона може відчувати небезпеку.
Це проявляється через сни, загострення внутрішнього почуття самозбереження. Події, які відбуваються там, де тривають воєнні дії, можна співвіднести із гороскопом
країни, адже у кожної нації теж є свій гороскоп. Наклавши його на
натальну карту людини, астролог може побачити, чи існує реальна
загроза її життю.
Особливо це важливо, коли в натальній карті є тяжкі напружені аспекти, що створюють складні ситуації. Вони можуть виявлятися
по-різному: іноді людина досягає
чогось, прикладаючи багато зусиль, але інколи виникають обставини, які краще попередити. Як
кажуть, «береженого Бог береже».
Тому у випадку явної загрози краще
переїхати у безпечне місце.
Астрологія допомагає визначити,
куди саме варто переїхати. При цьому важливо розуміти, чого людина
прагне. Наприклад, вчитися, знайти роботу, відкрити бізнес, зустріти другу половину чи народити дітей.
Адже зміна координат може як гармонізувати життя, так і викликати дискомфорт. Правильний вибір місця залежить від гармонійних
Іноді трапляється так, що людина може бути тільки підлеглою, адже її гороскоп не передбачає достатньо сили для ведення бізнесу. У такому разі це чудовий професіонал і майстер своєї справи, але не лідер. Дуже багато залежить від того, з ким людина планує відкривати бізнес. Тут важлива астрологія партнерства, яка дозволяє зрозуміти,
бути активним, працювати багато і наполегливо, тоді як інший лише рахуватиме прибутки. Таке також часто трапляється.
Крім того, важливо правильно обрати час для реєстрації фірми, підписання договорів, розміщення реклами, запуску сайту чи блогу, а також для ділових поїздок. Наприклад, не варто відкривати бізнес на ретроградному Сатурні або Юпітері. Ретроградний Меркурій також може спричинити труднощі з оформленням документів. Уникайте відкриття
Natalia TRETYAKOVA is a speech therapist with many years of experience, who shared with us her impressions of working in full-scale war conditions.
In our conversation, we will learn about how the war changed her life, how she adapted her work methods and how she helps children overcome the effects of
– Natalia, we are pleased to welcome you! Another year of your professional experience has passed. What has changed in your activity?
– The war forced me rethink my values and purpose in life. I started thinking about what is really important to me and the world I live in. I don’t know how you can live without dreams, especially during a war. Looking to the future, even if it is uncertain, is a great power. Dreams make you feel that this experience is temporary. The war taught me to value love, to value time spent with my family, to value each other.
– How have the children who are currently studying with you changed due to constant stress?
– The war has radically changed our daily lives, forcing us to interrupt work, research, development and even communication. But the hardest blow to the population, especially children, was not only physical but also psychological fatigue. The war dealt a significant psychological blow to children, especially small ones. Even those who did not directly experience the combat actions feel fear and anxiety, adopting the emotions of adults.
The war has dealt a significant blow to children’s mental health. Speech therapists have had to face new challenges: stress, evacuation, and the destruction of schools. Nevertheless, the professional help of a speech therapist remains extremely important for the
development of children’s speech in this difficult period.
– Are there any special moments this year that impressed you the most in professional aspect?
– The work of a speech therapist during the war is a complex and delicate process that requires considerable flexibility and creativity. It is important to approach each pupil individually, as each child may have their own unique experience. An individual approach allows you to create the most effective programme for each child, focusing on their emotional state and speech problems. A speech therapist should
take into account the child’s personal needs, emotional state and the circumstances in which they are living.
– Mrs. Natalia, how have you personally changed in 2024?
– The war turned everything upside down. The most important thing was the realisation that the true values are our loved ones and the peaceful sky above our heads. The war made us rethink life and appreciate every moment spent with our loved ones. Previously, due to their busy schedules and everyday routines, my children and granddaughter came to visit about twice a month, but now they visit their parents’ home every week.
The war taught me to appreciate my home, my surroundings and my native land. I realised that material wealth is not as important as the freedom and safety of my family.
– Can you share your plans for the coming year?
– May the next year be better than the previous one. May it bring us more good news, faith in a good future and family happiness! I want the most cherished wishes of parents and children to come true. I want children to grow up strong, healthy and happy. Let every morning start with a smile, and let their days be filled with fun and joy.
– Наталіє, раді Вас вітати! Минув черговий рік Вашого професійного досвіду. Що змінилося у Вашій діяльності?
Війна змусила мене переосмислити свої цінності та життєве призначення. Я почала глибше замислюватися над тим, що є справді важливим для мене та світу, в якому живу. Неможливо уявити життя без мрій, особливо в такі складні часи. Мрії дають надію, що цей
стрес? – Війна суттєво вплинула на повсякденне життя, зму
а й психологічна втома, особливо для дітей. Навіть ті, хто не переживав бойових дій, відчувають тривогу, переймаючи емоції дорослих.
Психологічне здоров’я дітей зазнало значного впливу. Логопеди зіткнулися з новими викликами: стресом, евакуацією, руйнуванням навчальних закладів. Проте професійна допомога у розвитку мовлення залишається критично важливою. – Чи були особливі моменти у цьому році, які вразили Вас у професійному аспекті?
Victoria STRYHUN is the name of a magical master known to many women who dream of a perfect figure. Mrs. Victoria’s unique methods of body modelling LipoKiller and Lipoplasty turn over the perception of the possibilities of figure correction. In this issue, our guest answers questions about the quality and effectiveness of the methods.
– Victoria, the feedback from your clients tells us only one thing – you are a true master, a magician for women’s bodies. Let’s dive deeper into your profession, shall we?
– I teach two unique methods, LIPOKILLER and LIPOPLASTY, to specialists around the world. These techniques redefine body correction and allow you to achieve results that previously seemed impossible.
My mission is not just to remove excess volumes, but also to change the genetic shape of the figure helping women find harmony with their own bodies. My courses are available both online and offline. I train specialists from different countries helping them to become leaders in the field of body modelling and offer their clients revolutionary results.
– What would you say about the main values and effectiveness of massage?
– The main values of the LipoKiller and Lipoplasty techniques:
- Individuality to achieve the best results.
- Change in genetic form. My methods make it possible to correct the figure contrary to natural data.
- Working with “difficult” areas.
- Safety and effectiveness. A natural approach to body shaping without injections, punctures, incisions or bruises.
- Minimal rehabilitation. A woman can return to her normal life almost immediately after the procedure.
- Effectiveness. The results are noticeable after the first sessions and last for a long time.
– You currently live in Barcelona. Please tell us more about your story of war and, despite it, your story of success even in a foreign land.
– When the war started, my life changed radically. Having lost the studio, employees, clients, I went to Barcelona and started everything from scratch. I worked with clients for two years and also learned another unique Italian technique. I am now passing on this knowledge to masters in Ukraine. Due to circumstances, I am forced to live between Barcelona and Dnipro.
I have mastered unique techniques that make it possible to model the figure without injections and surgery. During the war, I am learning valuable techniques and conducting training for masters from Ukraine. I also teach Ukrainian masters who are forced to stay abroad.
If you want to become a professional in a unique niche and master techniques that are in demand all over the world, I invite you to study. We help not only transform the figure, but also give women and masters a chance for a new, better life!
– Вікторіє, Ваші клієнтки називають Вас майстринею, яка здатна творити дива. Розкажіть, будь ласка, більше про Вашу професію.
– Я навчаю фахівців усього світу двох унікальних технік – LIPOKILLER
і LIPOPLASTY. Вони докорінно змінюють підхід до корекції фігури, дозволяючи досягати результатів, які колись здавалися недосяжними.
Моя місія – не лише усунути зайві об’єми, а й змінити генетичну форму тіла, допомагаючи жінкам знайти гармонію з собою. Мої курси доступні як онлайн, так і офлайн. Я
допомагаю майстрам з різних країн стати лідерами в цій сфері та пропонувати своїм клієнтам справді революційні рішення.
– У чому полягає унікальність і переваги Ваших методик?
– Основні цінності технік LIPOKILLER і LIPOPLASTY:
• Індивідуальний підхід, що забезпечує досягнення оптимальних результатів.
• Зміна генетичної форми фігури –це дозволяє коригувати тіло неза-
lga YELCHENKO is a brave Ukrainian woman who returned to Ukraine from the United States and started scaling her own business. She is the president of OY Consulting, actively strives to help Ukrainian children and to develop national culture
– Mrs. Olga, greetings. Tell us about your professional achievements.
– Among my biggest achievements, I would highlight the opening of my consulting company in New York in January 2022. My first client organisation was the influential “U.S.Ukraine Business Council” (USUBC), with offices in Washington, New York and Kyiv. I worked as the Executive Director in New York. During the nine months of our cooperation, we achieved significant success on the international market.
– What projects became indicative for you in 2024?
– The biggest challenge and, at the same time, an important achievement was returning to Kyiv with the company. I managed to adapt the business to Ukrainian realities and set up its operation in a new environment. At first, I was more involved in volunteer work, but now I am focusing on
restructuring the company while networking with Ukrainian businesses and NGOs.
– You devote a significant amount of attention to children. Why is this important to you?
– I am deeply disturbed by the forced deportation of Ukrainian children to russia. Currently, more than 20,000 such cases are known. Bringing these children home is a difficult process, and I feel a duty to help them, because children are most vulnerable.
– What are your plans for 2025?
– I plan to continue to strengthen my company and expand our activities. This will include not only business consulting, but also the import of American products and services to Ukraine, the export of Ukrainian goods to the US, as well as a cultural exchange in the fields of art, literature, and music. I want to bring Ukrainian culture to a new level. As for politics, I have had such thoughts, but this question remains open, because the future is not yet certain.
– Do you have an appeal to Ukrainians regarding support for volunteer activities?
– Yes, I want to say that children are our future, the generation that will rebuild the country after the war. We must help them become strong, successful and resilient so that they can build a strong state. I urge you to join initiatives and support organisations that care for Ukrainian children.
– Thank you, Olga. Are you ready to share your personal story related to the war?
– My story began in 2014. The war left a deep mark on my life and the life of my family. The Revolution of Dignity became for me the starting point for changes and a new vision of Ukraine. Currently, I am working on a book titled «The Ukrainian-American Chronicles». This is a historical novel based on the realities of war.
The last three years in Ukraine, despite the horrors of the war, have become a period of cultural revival. We live in conditions of constant terror, but at the same time Ukrainians have achieved incredible changes in art, literature and culture in general. I am convinced that these achievements will become the foundation of a new Ukrainian identity after the victory.
– Пані Ольго, вітаємо. Розкажіть про Ваші професійні досягнення. – Серед найбільших здобутків я б виокремила відкриття компанії з консалтингових послуг у Нью-Йорку в січні 2022 року. Моєю першою клієнтською організацією стала впливова структура «U.S.-Ukraine Business Council» (USUBC), з офісами у Вашингтоні, Нью-Йорку та Києві.
працювала виконавчою директоркою у Нью-Йорку. За дев’ять місяців співпраці ми досягли значних успіхів
міжнародному ринку.
Які проєкти стали
– Які у Вас плани на 2025 рік? – Я планую продовжувати зміцнювати компанію та розширювати нашу діяльність. Це буде не лише консалтинг бізнесу, а й імпорт американських продуктів і послуг в Україну, експорт українських товарів у США, культурний обмін у сфері мистецтва, літератури, музики. Я прагну вивести українську культуру на новий рівень. Щодо політики – такі думки виникали, але це питання залишається відкритим, адже майбутнє ще не визначене. – Чи є у Вас звернення до українців щодо підтримки
or many years, Ukraine has remained an attractive location for international brands to film. Such giants as Apple, Mercedes-Benz, Netflix and others have created their projects here. This demonstrates the high level of our production, creativity and professionalism. Today, this potential is confirmed by the talented team of Oleksandra KULIKOVA.
– Olexandra, we are glad to welcome you! Your company provides a lot of interesting products. Let’s start with the main ones, shall we?
– Thank you! In short, we create videos for businesses such as Lenovo, ROZETKA, EVA, MD Fashion and others. These are commercials, content for social networks, as well as educational and informational videos for campaigns and nonprofit organizations.
That is, we take an idea; add professionalism, creativity and technology. We also have a whole animation department.
They are masters of what cannot be captured on camera: do you want a dinosaur in the office or a space journey? You’re welcome! And let’s not forget about content strategies, so that all this actually works, and not just looks nice on YouTube.
– What exactly distinguishes your team from competitors?
– We have what I call “flexibility with logic”. We are divided into units – these are separate teams that work on different principles. Some of them specialise in large television projects that require a serious approach, scale, planning and detail. Others are focused on the fast and high-quality creation of content for social networks where speed and mobility are important.
This structure allows us to adapt to different types of clients and tasks. This also means different budgets and approaches, which makes us flexible in our cooperation. In addition, we have a creative department that helps to “screw up” clients’ ideas or adapt agency ideas to production. It is often about finding non-standard solutions and even removing some of the routine work from agencies. And in general, we are about finding the best solution for any project, and we do it with humour and love.
– What challenges do you face today in the professional sphere and how do you overcome them?
– Creative business and today is an entire challenge! We had to change many processes. But we remain here, maintain the level and even develop new areas including animation projects.
– What was the most significant project for you?
– We have implemented many interesting projects for such clients as Flipper, Lenovo, Nova Poshta, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and Diya.City. Each of them is special and inspiring. However, what I remember most was the documentary, which became not only emotionally complicated, but also an extremely important mission.
So my advice is not to be afraid to dream and take risks. Support Ukrainian! We are all part of a big team that is building the future. If you need help with the video, get in touch. We will find a way to make your story vivid and unforgettable.
Oleksandra Kulykova
– Олександро, раді вітати! Ваша компанія пропонує
безліч цікавих продуктів. Почнімо з основного?
– Дякую! Якщо коротко, ми створюємо відео для бізнесів, серед яких Lenovo, ROZETKA, EVA, MD Fashion та інші. Наш
контент різноманітний: рекламні ролики, відео для соціальних мереж, навчальні й інформаційні матеріали для
кампаній та неприбуткових організацій.
Ми беремо ідею, додаємо професіоналізму, креативності
та сучасних технологій. У нас також є цілий відділ анімації, який здатен створити те, що неможливо зняти камерою:
наприклад, динозавра в офісі чи космічну подорож.
структура дозволяє
швидкість і мобільність.
Oleksandra Kulykova
Greetings! My name is Kateryna Kharkivska, I am 38 years old. I am a happy wife and mother of a charming daughter –10-year-old Yelyzaveta.
Dreams about a career in law began to appear in my 10th grade. Even then, I was fascinated by detective films, TV serials and themed programmes. There was something mysterious and at the same time attractive about people in strict suits and uniforms, with serious faces.
In 2008, I graduated with honours from the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy (now Yaroslav Mudryi National Law
University) and received a specialist diploma in the specialty «Jurisprudence».
During my 4th year of study, I started working as a “public assistant” on a voluntary basis in the district court of the city of Kharkiv. This experience strengthened my confidence in the right choice of profession and became the starting point of my career in the court’s jurisprudence.
As a certified specialist, I began my professional career at the Commercial Court of Kharkiv Region.
In 2011, I graduated from Kharkiv National University of Economics with a degree in finance and a diploma.
In the same year, I entered postgraduate studies at the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. In 2017, I defended my dissertation on the specialty «Commercial Law» and «Commercial and Procedural Law», receiving the scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences (PhD in Law).
However, my thirst for knowledge was not exhausted. In 2020, I obtained a master’s degree in public administration and management at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
Combining study and work, I have always found time for family, friends and self-development.
Unfortunately, our usual way of life was disrupted by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Our country is going through a difficult period - a time of change, rethinking of values and priorities. Many of us had to adjust our plans and postpone our dreams for an indefinite period of time.
The changes have also affected the professional sphere, including law. Significant transformations in legislation, both substantive and procedural, require constant updating of knowledge and practical application of innovations, which takes a lot of time and effort.
In this difficult time for the country, my main goal is to provide legal assistance to citizens, businesses and NGOs, in particular in matters related to legislative changes.
ми, серіалами і тематичними передачами. Щось таємниче
Dear ladies!
Another year of our resilience in all its manifestations has passed. 2024 was a year of remarkable achievements for each of us. We remain devoted to our work, support each other, help our brave soldiers and work for victory.
I am incredibly grateful to every person I have met this year. You are an important and valuable part of my life.
My team is sincerely grateful to every Ukrainian woman for their trust, for the fact that together we continue to be charming, sincere and improve every day. We have a great responsibility on our shoulders, and we are coping with it.
Each of you is a real queen! Thank you for letting me to contribute to the creation of your unique image. May 2025 be the beginning of a new chapter in your life, full of beauty, harmony and happiness.
My dear, beautiful ones! Thank you again for your trust and support. Your beauty inspires me to create every day. May the New Year bring even more warmth, love and beauty. I wish you to always remain as charming and unique as you are!
founder of Hair Studio Yulia Kushnir
– Пані Олено, раді знов спілкуватись з Вами. Пропонуємо
почати з особистих і професійних досягнень за 2024 рік. – Коли повномасштабна війна триває вже понад два роки, важко щось планувати далеко наперед. Не менш важко підбивати підсумки року, що минає. Подивитися на цілі, які ставила собі в грудні 2023 року з вірою в краще, і викреслити їх левову
ще те випробування.
попри всі труднощі я вдячна собі за те, що не опустила рук і рухалася вперед. Багато вчилася, здійснила свою мрію: закінчила академію краси,
мене мотивує до власного розвитку. Я знайшла себе в житті
vitlana BLATOVA, a well-known cosmetologist and laser epilation specialist, shares her knowledge and experience. “My mission is not to harm, but to make women better,” says Svitlana. And her words are confirmed by numerous positive reviews from her clients. In this interview, she talks about her work, how to choose the right skin care procedures, and the importance of an individual approach to each client.
– Lana, greetings! Let’s start with the services you provide to your clients.
– Greetings! In short, in my beauty studio “Svitlana Blatova”, located in the charming suburb of Kyiv, namely in Belogorodka, I provide the most top-notch cosmetic and laser epilation services. In addition, you can do make-up and use the services of an eyebrow artist in my beauty space.
– You have extensive experience in laser epilation and cosmetology. Tell our readers about your main advantages.
– My journey began back in 2014. There is always a comfortable and
cheerful atmosphere in the studio «Svitlana Blatova» and clients always have the opportunity to receive feedback. I also want to note that I am only in favour of healthy cosmetology. My mission is not to harm, but to make women better. You can get high-quality and competent advice from me, which will not harm your health. It is not always possible for the patient to do what she wants. The doctor must clearly convey to the patient information about whether this or that procedure is necessary.
Recently, I started training in laser epilation to pass on my knowledge not only through quality procedures, but also to help those who want to take courses and become qualified masters developing this area in Ukraine.
– Lana, you are a charming woman and an excellent professional. How do you manage to combine business and family achievements?
– Cosmetology is not just a job, but my vocation: to make people more attractive and restore their inner state. I’ll be honest: I don’t get tired at work; on the contrary, I have fun. It’s not for nothing that they say: find something you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life! These words are exactly about me. That’s why I manage to combine work and family very easily.
– What do you consider to be the most important thing in your professional life?
– The main thing for me is positive feedback, happy eyes after the procedures and, of course, the excellent result of my work. My clients usually recommend me to their friends, relatives and acquaintances. I know all the indications and contraindications to the procedures, so I can provide professional advice on any cosmetic issue. I always emphasise that beauty begins not only with our appearance, but also with our inner state.
– Thank you! In conclusion, Lana, what procedures do you consider to be the most effective in the fight against skin ageing?
– There is no magic mask or pill that will make us young forever, but we can be well-groomed at any age. I choose for each client exactly the procedure that she needs at this stage, taking into account the condition of her skin. The problem can always be solved, but it is important to start visiting a beautician from a young age in order not to trigger inflammatory processes and reduce the complexity of their solution in the future.
I wish you health, beauty and harmony! May every day bring new opportunities for self-expression and inspiration. Remember that your skin is a reflection of your inner world, so take care of yourself with love and attention. May your journey to beauty be filled with joy, discovery and success! You deserve the best!
–Вітаю! Якщо коротко, в моїй студії
краси «Svitlana Blatova», що знаходиться в чарівному передмісті Києва, а саме в Білогородці, я надаю найтоповіші косметологічні послуги та послуги з лазерної епіляції.
Окрім цього, у моєму просторі краси можна зробити макіяж і скористатися послугами бровиста.
– YoВи маєте великий досвід у сфері лазерної епіляції та косметології. Розкажіть нашим читачам про Ваші головні переваги.
– Мій шлях почався ще у 2014 році. У студії «Svitlana Blatova» завжди панує комфортна та весела атмосфера, а клієнтки завжди мають можливість отримати зворотний зв’язок. Також хочу зазначити, що я лише за здорову
– це не просто робота, а моє покликання: робити людей привабливішими та відновлювати їхній внутрішній стан. Буду відверта: на роботі я не втомлююсь, а
лександра АНОСОВА – beauty-тренерка, brow-експертка, майстриня ідеального погляду, візажистка та фахівець у
та шкіри. У цьому інтерв’ю
бачу, як вони розквітають, починають любити себе.
шлях у beauty-сфері розпочався з особистих потреб. У мене були серйозні проблеми зі шкірою, здоров’ям, а також із зайвою вагою та наслідками стресу. Тож я почала шукати способи відновити себе.
Мені хотілося жити довго, щасливо, ставати щодня кращою, красивішою та здоровішою. Ці прагнення привели мене до семи років навчання різним технікам і процедурам. Сьогодні я точно знаю, що працює найефективніше. Зараз пропоную повний цикл естетичної та апаратної косметології. Авторські техніки та сучасні методики з використанням натуральних матеріалів допомагають досягати максимального ефекту в
зони декольте, омолодження за допомогою RF-ліфтингу, насичення шкіри киснем і карбоксітерапія.
Наше обличчя та стан шкіри нерозривно пов’язані з
поставою, здоров’ям спини та роботою лімфатичної системи. Останнім часом клієнтки часто звертаються із
запитами на усунення набряків обличчя та тіла. Тому я відкриваю студію здоров’я та
на знятті напруги, усуненні м’язових
і спазмів та боротьбі зі стресом.
особливо у зв’язку з відключеннями електроенергії. Багато
апаратів для процедур залежать
від електрики. Крім того, частина
потрібно постійно залучати но-
вих дівчат і пояснювати їм переваги моїх методик.
Стресова ситуація в країні також створює складнощі. Неста-
більність і відсутність гарантій, що все буде за планом, сильно впливають на розвиток бізнесу.
– Олександро, а що для Вас означає справжня жіноча краса?
Справжня жіноча краса — це
Her performance is a combination of talent, emotion and incredible charisma. She wins the hearts of the audience with her roles in cinema and theatre. Meet Nina Volkova, one of the brightest stars of Ukrainian culture. Let’s learn more about the creative path and personal achievements of the talented Ukrainian actress.
– Nina, welcome to our interview. Please share the latest creative events in your life.
– My latest creative work is a non-commercial film that we shot right in my apartment. It’s interesting because it almost became a documentary. The film was made by the famous Ukrainian actress and stage manager Yulia Sak, her mother, a famous playwright, and other members of the film crew. The film is called “Ukraine is the Temple of My Heart”. It tells the stories of people living on the home front during the war. It is about their lives, fates, losses and endurance. The film shows the stories of entire Ukrainian families and generations, and reveals the state of mind of people living in the rear during the first days of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The film turned out to be very sensual. In the US, this film
won the “Champions Cup”, and I am very proud of this work as an actress and as a Ukrainian in general.
– Which of the implemented projects had the greatest impact on you and your inspiration?
– What impressed me most was that after many years of not filming, I managed to resume this activity in a new role. I was also inspired by working in full-scale cinema. It left a powerful mark on my heart. Participation in big cinema is an important achievement. I have taken part in many film projects in my career, and this is my life’s journey.
– What new things did you discover in yourself after implementing your plans?
– I am an actress, artist and writer. My life is full of creativity; I have many interesting ideas that are still in the drawer because of bureaucratic or financial obstacles. However, over the years, I have realised that you must always live the life of the character you are reading or recreating on stage or on canvas. I have something to show the world, and I am ready to share it, so I invite partners, patrons and investors to cooperate.
– Share your creative plans for the coming year.
– I have many plans, because my life is filled with creativity, and creativity is love. I show it in art therapy workshops for children. This is a manifestation of care for our future generation. I want children to develop and relieve the stress caused by the war – I consider it my mission. I also continue my volunteer work. Every day I am engaged in creativity – painting, poetry, filming. I also want to implement other creative projects. I am currently knitting, sewing hats, mittens and rugs for our soldiers at the front with inspiration.
– In conclusion, mark the main theses about what exactly creativity gives to a person.
– My life motto, which gives me peace of mind and joy of being, is as follows: “Not a single day without creativity. In all its manifestations”. Therefore, I can confidently say that creativity gives me love for life and bright colours. You can join this miracle too.
DOSSIER: Ukrainian actress, film actress, artist, contemporary writer, art therapist, volunteer. Awards: «Golden Fund of the Nation», «Face of Ukraine», «Woman of the Year-2022», distinction «For selfless devotion in culture»
– Ніно, вітаємо у нашому інтерв’ю. Поділіться останніми творчими подіями у Вашому житті. – Моя остання творча робота – це некомерційний фільм, в якому мій епізод ми знімали безпосередньо в моїй квартирі. Він цікавий тим, що практично став документальним. Над стрічкою працювали відома українська акторка та режисерка Юлія Сак, її мати – відома драматургиня
акторка, художниця та письменниця. Моє життя сповнене творчістю, у мене є багато цікавих ідей, які поки що залишаються у шухляді через бюрократичні або фінансові перепони. Однак з роками я зрозуміла, що
в нашому інтерв’ю.
– Алло, раді знайомству! Розкажіть трохи про себе: де народилися, ким є за освітою?
За пів години я
експромтом склала сценарій і провела захід, як могла.
Пізніше мені знадобився час, щоб усвідомити: я хочу цим займатися. Через рік взяла своє перше замовлення, і там мене підвів музикант: він вимкнув мікрофони й сказав, що вони зламалися. Я була шокована, до сліз. Але взяла себе в руки та довела справу до кінця. Увечері виявилося, що мікрофони справні, – це була підлість. Тоді я думала, що ніколи більше не займатимусь цією справою.
Та згодом я повернулася до того, що люблю. Пам’ятаю, як під час одного весілля всі 200
– Як Ви стали «святковим терапевтом»?
– Коли почалася повномасштабна війна, у нас у всіх ніби земля пішла з-під ніг. Я виїхала з дітьми до Словаччини. Там почала працювати педагогом і співала з дітьми. Згодом запропонувала організовувати безкоштовні свята та дні народження, щоб дарувати дітям радість і нагадати, що життя триває.
З часом я почала їздити по Словаччині, а потім і в Нідерланди, Болгарію зі своїм проєктом «Від Серця до Серця». Люди стали називати мене «святковим терапевтом», бо я лікувала святами.
– Що Вам приносить найбільше задоволення: підготовка чи результат?
– Усі етапи важливі й особливі. Але, звісно, мені найбільше подобається саме свято. Бачу щасливих людей, у яких горять очі, заряджаюся цією енергією позитиву та радості. Від цього я кайфую, і саме це спонукає мене щоразу вигадувати щось нове.
Зараз популярні камерні, душевні свята з невеликою кількістю гостей. Усе частіше ставлять акцент
на красивих локаціях.
– У чому особливості Вашого
власного підходу до клієнтів?
– Думаю, моїм клієнтам імпонує насамперед моя щирість. Після розмови зі мною вони часто кажуть, що відчувають тепло, спокій і готові довірити мені найважливіший день у своєму житті. Я завжди дарую людям щастя з відкритим серцем та усмішкою на обличчі. Вони це помічають. – Чи були у Вашій практиці форс-мажори? Як виходили із ситуації? – Так, були! Я проводжу свято як ведуча, а ді-джей відповідає
талановиті та
відальні. Багато людей не розуміють, чому важливо брати ведучу з ді-джеєм
або музикантом, які давно працюють разом. Це злагоджена команда, яка розуміє одне одного з пів слова чи навіть одного погляду.
Інша ситуація була з пошуком перекладача. Спочатку планувалося українське весілля, потім — українсько-словацьке, а врешті — майже повністю словацьке! І все це в останній момент. Я знайшла перекладачку, і ми з нею напередодні весілля ретельно проговорили
presenter who has wings! Alla Zharikova is known not only in Ukraine but also abroad. She knows how to make your wedding, corporate event or birthday truly unforgettable! There are many celebrities among her clients – wealthy businessmen and family members of Ukrainian celebrities. Thanks to numerous reviews and recommendations, Alla has been included in the TOP list of the best Ukrainian hosts working in Europe. In our interview, the talented presenter talked about her path to success, ups and downs, and her immediate goals.
– Alla, nice to meet you! Tell us a little bit about yourself: where were you born, what is your education?
– I come from the famous Myrhorod – the city immortalized by Mykola Gogol. I am a conductor by education. Probably, that is why I like to manage processes and organize holidays so much.
– How long have you been working as a host?
– I have been organising events in Ukraine for 10 years and in Europe for the last three years. It all started quite spontaneously. My mother pushed me to do it. At my cousin’s wedding, the toastmaster couldn’t arrive at the last moment. My mum said that I was quite active, I sing and conduct, and I could quickly come up with a few contests to save the day. In half an hour, I improvised a script and held the event as best I could.
Later it took me time to realize: I want to do this. A year later, I took my first order, and there the musician let me down: he turned off the microphones and said that they were broken. I was shocked, to tears. But I pulled myself together and brought the matter to an end. In the evening, it turned out that the microphones were working – it was meanness. At that time I thought that I would never do this business again.
But later I returned to what I love. I remember how during one wedding, all 200 guests stood up and applauded for a well-hosted event. That’s when I realised I was on the right path.
– A professional hostess is the key to a good holiday! Who did you study with?
– I studied with Lyudmila Pukhova, Olena Martynova, Oleksandr Vysotsky and Kateryna Krasnikova. I am very grateful to my teachers. Once I was told: «Hello, you have a huge talent, but you have only just begun to reveal it.» This support still inspires me today.
I am convinced that there is no limit to perfection, so I work on myself every day: I regularly undergo training, attend masterclasses, absorb knowledge like a sponge and pass it on to people.
– How did you become a «holiday therapist»?
– When the full-scale war began, it was as if the ground had fallen out from under all of us. I left with my children for Slovakia. There I started working as a teacher and sang with children. Later, I offered to organise free holidays and birthdays to give children joy and remind them that life goes on.
Over time, I began to travel around Slovakia, and then to the Netherlands, Bulgaria with my project «From Heart to Heart». People began to call me a «holiday therapist» because I treated people during the holidays.
– What gives you the most pleasure: the preparation or the result?
– All stages are important and special. But, of course, I like the holiday itself the most. I see happy people with sparkling eyes, and I am charged with this energy of positive and joy. It gives me a buzz, and that’s what drives me to come up with something new every time.
Nowadays, intimate, soulful holidays with a small number of guests are popular. Increasingly, the focus is on beautiful locations.
– What are the peculiarities of your own approach to clients?
– I think my clients are impressed with my sincerity above all. After talking to me, they often say that they feel warm and calm and are ready to trust me with the most important day of their lives. I always give people happiness with an open heart and a smile on my face. They notice it.
– Have you ever experienced force majeure in your practice? How did you get out of the situation?
– Yes, we have! I hold the event as a hostess, and the DJ is responsible for the music. Once we were preparing a wedding ceremony in Bulgaria. Two days before the event, a musician I hadn’t worked with before suddenly refused to come. Of course, it was very difficult to find a replacement in such a short time, and even abroad! We did our best to reassure the bride. However,
nothing is impossible! That’s how a wonderful DJ Ivan Diyanov joined my team.
I work with Ivan Didukh in Slovakia and with Serhiy Lysenko in Ukraine. I really appreciate them: they are professional, talented and responsible.
Many people do not understand why it is important to hire a hostess with a DJ or musician who has been working together for a long time. This is a well-coordinated team that understands each other with a word or even a glance.
The situation was different with the search for a translator. First, a Ukrainian wedding was planned, then a Ukrainian-Slovak wedding, and in the end, almost entirely Slovak one! And all this became known at the last moment. I found a translator and we carefully discussed the script with her on the eve of the wedding. There was a lot of excitement, but everything went well.
– Can you tell us about your participation in the large-scale international project EUROPEAN FESTIVAL?
– This is an international talent competition among children that took place in Turkey this year. Coaches and parents brought children from all over Ukraine. The participants demonstrated their abilities in singing, dancing, aerobics, etc. The festival programme was rich and interesting. I was honoured to
host this grand event and have already received an invitation for the next year.
Rashel Kukhtina, the organiser of the project, is from Kharkiv. I am very proud that Ukrainians do such wonderful things.
– To give people joy, you need to have strong energy inside you! Where do you get yours?
– I am a happy woman! I am infinitely grateful to God for giving me the talent to give people joy –from the heart, with love. I have a beloved husband and fine children.
There is a lot of grief, pain, suffering around now... So the feeling of burnout is also familiar to me. I get inspired when I write scripts, watch films about weddings, listen to the sound of the sea, walk in the woods and spend time with my family or friends. I like to think and talk about love, good and evil, and the eternal. And also, I believe in the best – in spite of everything!
– What are you dreaming about?
– The biggest dream we all have now is victory and peace in Ukraine!
As for me personally, I want to create a children’s amusement park in Bulgaria similar to Disneyland. And I also want to open my own wedding agency in Europe. This will definitely happen when the time is right.
Also, I have not yet held a wedding by the sea in Spain. So there is still work to be done!
ких, вивчаю план монастиря, шукаю інформацію про нічні клуби в Києві тощо – усе це для четвертого детектива серії. Події в романі відбуватимуться у моєму улюбленому Києві та Кам’янці-Подільському у 2018 році. Пролог же повертає читача до 1821 року, на острів Святої Єлени.
Окрім того, я брала участь у міжнародній виставці живопису зі своїми картинами. – Ви маєте досить глибокі
Духовні уроки загартували мене й зробили даосом. До цього я вивчала Веди, індійські вчення, закінчила Авестійську астрологічну академію, а також навчалася у тибетських лам нетрадиційної медицини. Паралельно будувала дизайнерську кар’єру (маю освіту дизайнера інтер’єрів, одягу, капелюхів) і виховувала дітей. – Чи стало для Вас несподіванкою нагородження орденом Королеви Анни? Що
для Вас? – Так, це було для мене великим сюрпризом. Спе
The war changed the lives of millions of Ukrainians, but for Natalia VOLKOVA, it was the impetus for a new stage full of creativity. From a successful obstetriciangynaecologist, she turned into a photographer. How did she manage to overcome difficulties and find herself in a new field? The answers to these questions are in our interview.
– Mrs. Natalia, not long ago you made a radical change in your career path. Please share this story. What was the reason for this change?
«Autumn Thoughts», 2024
– On February 24, 2022, my life, like the life of all Ukrainians, was divided into two periods: BEFORE and AFTER. Before that, I was a successful obstetriciangynaecologist. After that fateful date, I became a «refugee from Ukraine» in Germany. I found myself abroad without knowing the language, without the opportunity to work in my profession and without a clear understanding of how to live on. There were months of despair, tears and searching for myself in a new world. As a salvation, as a blessing, creativity came into my life – photo art became the beginning of my second life, completely different from the first one.
Now my work is Fine Art photography, inspired by the traditions of the
«Tenderness in an old bucket», 2024
Dutch still life masters of the XVIIXVIII centuries. More than 500 years have passed, but their ability to see and capture beauty in simple things remains relevant. I continue in this line, striving to show viewers that the world is full of beauty – both in grandeur and in the smallest details.
– What are the things you turn to in order to create your works?
– I often use ordinary objects in my work: a rusty bucket, wildflowers, snails crawling on a juicy plum. It is important for me to remind the viewers: “Stop! Look at this! It’s beautiful!”
My task as a photographer is to help people see the unusual in the everyday, to discover beauty where it may seem hidden. My photographs are mini-stories, episodes of life told with the help of a camera.
Study and daily practice for two years contributed to the fact that in June 2024 I became a nominee of the VI National Award «The Best Ukrainian Woman in the Profession of 2024» in the «Artist» category. My works have graced the covers of glossy magazines around the world, and articles about my work are published by well-known editions. My photographs were exhibited at exhibitions in Munich, Nice, and Brussels. Despite the incredible difficulties, I am grateful to fate for these
two completely different life scenarios that I managed to live in one life.
– Where do you get inspiration for your work?
– A huge champignon found on a walk or an irregularly shaped fruit or old flowerpot bought at a flea market can inspire creating a picture. I put them on the table and the process of creating a composition begins. It can take 5-6 hours, but I don’t even notice the passage of time. It’s an amazing state when you are outside of time and space, in creativity!
– What ideas excite you the most?
– Recently, I analysed my works and realised that the main theme of my work is the fragility and temporality of everything around us. Beauty is fleeting. Everything in life is a frame that can change in a moment. It was only when I started taking photographs that I became acutely aware of this.
– In your opinion, how does creativity affect a person?
– Creativity heals the soul. For example, an amazing transformation took place in my life: I used to heal my body, now I heal my soul and souls of my viewers.
– Thank you for your creativity and the interview. What would you like to wish our readers?
– Get creative! It doesn’t matter what you do exactly. The main thing is to create! Not for money or fame, but for the healing of your soul. Then the world around you will begin to change for the better!
акушером-гінекологом. Після тієї фатальної дати стала «біженкою з
України» в Німеччині. Я опинилася за кордоном без знання мови, без можливості працювати за своєю
професією та без чіткого розуміння, як жити далі.
Були місяці відчаю, сліз і пошуки
себе в новому світі. Як порятунок, як благословення, у моє життя увійшла творчість – фотомистецтво, яке стало початком мого дру-
гого життя, абсолютно відмінного
від першого.
Зараз моя робота – це Fine Art фотографія, натхненна традиціями голландських майстрів натюрморту XVII–XVIII століть.
людям побачити незвичайне в повсякденному, відкрити красу там, де вона може здаватися прихованою. Мої фотокартини – це мініісторії, епізоди життя, розказані за допомогою камери. Навчання та щоденна практика протягом двох років сприяли тому, що в червні 2024 року я стала номінанткою VI Національної премії «Найкраща українка в професії 2024 року» в номінації «Художниця». Мої роботи
oday, people all over the world are uniting for peace and development and many of them are directing their efforts to help Ukrainians. Among them are foreigners with Ukrainian roots. This story is dedicated to Oksana AMOS, an entrepreneur who lives in Switzerland with her husband Marcus. They not only promote Ukrainian business, but also actively help Ukraine, bringing our common victory closer.
Getting to know the heroes of this story deserves special attention. Markus Nortemann is an experienced specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, IT and SAP consulting. His many years of experience in the creation and development of technology companies in Germany, Switzerland, Estonia and Ukraine made him a recognized leader in this field. Oksana is a bright Ukrainian entrepreneur who was looking for just such a specialist for the development of her start-up. Their meeting changed both of them: one look was enough to understand that they were made for each other.
«Our relationship developed quite rapidly, because his charm and persistence could not leave me a single chance,» Oksana recalls with a smile.
So together they founded the MBIT Company, which Oksana became the head of. However, success did not come immediately: she had to study, work and develop a lot in order to realize her ambitious plans.
Today, MBIT specializes in developing cloud and web-based solutions that automate business processes making them transparent and efficient. Together with her professional team, Oksana offers a wide range of services to improve the performance of companies.
«We guide our clients through the full software management cycle: consulting, analysing, developing and configuring their systems. In addition, we provide training and support after implementation,» explains Oksana AMOS.
During the conversation, it becomes clear that Oksana’s work is closely connected to her personal experiences. Even though she was thousands of kilometres away from her homeland, she always felt part of the Ukrainian people. News of destroyed cities, human suffering and war crimes caused her deep emotional pain. It was then that Oksana decided she could not stand aside.
Along the way, she found support in her husband. «His support and love gave me strength and confidence that together we can do more,» she says.
Listening to this story, it is hard not to notice how much their union is based on mutual support and shared values. Oksana and Markus work together on numerous projects aimed at helping Ukraine, uniting caring people from different countries.
“Marcus and I sincerely believe that it is our duty to help Ukrainians. I am Ukrainian and I am very proud of it. I feel deep solidarity with my people. Every Ukrainian who fights for their freedom is a hero. My heart warms towards those affected by this war and I want them to know that we remember them and will always be alongside of them,” says Oksana.
Mrs. Oksana appeals to readers to join initiatives in support of Ukraine. She is convinced that even the smallest efforts are important in the great cause of bringing peace. Oksana’s sincere heart is inseparable from Ukraine, and at any opportunity she will continue to help her Motherland together with her husband. Their journey together is an example of how love and solidarity can make big changes.
мо тренінги та підтримку після впровадження», – пояснює Оксана АМОС. Під час розмови стає зрозуміло, що
The love story of Olha and Muzaffer Bayraktar began under rather unusual circumstances, which can be called a manifestation of fate. Marek (that’s how Olha later affectionately called her lover) made a mistake with the phone number, trying to find Olha, an acquaintance. When it turned out that his interlocutor was not the one he was looking for, Muzaffer was not lost and invited her for coffee. Unexpectedly for herself, Olha agreed - and this decision became the beginning of a 17-year happy married life. Unfortunately, her lover passed away in October of this year. In this regard, we asked Olha to share the story of their love.
We were 23 and 33 when our paths crossed. As if he had known me all my life, he said on the third day that I would become his wife. It surprised me, but there was so much sincerity in his eyes that I believed him. I remember how on the second day we met he took my hand – that touch sent a spark, and I realised: here he is, the man of my life. I would wish every woman to meet a man like Marek. He was my ideal, the sun that warmed me with its warmth. His love
became my most valuable treasure. He gave me a sense of security, trust and respect. I am sure that our meeting was not accidental – it was a reward for my dreams of such a man. Our relationship was like a fairy tale, full of tenderness, harmony and mutual respect.
From the beginning, we decided to build our relationship on absolute trust. I told him that I was ready to accept any truth, no matter how bitter it was. In return, he promised to always be honest with me. This promise became the foundation of our married life.
In the cruel world of business, where intrigue and competition reign, he remained an island of honesty and kindness. His colleagues were amazed at how he was able to combine his firmness at work with humanity and compassion. He was always ready to support, even if it was against his own interests. His kindness was sincere and came from the depths of his soul.
His death burst into my life like a storm, destroying everything to the ground. I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of grief. But even in this darkness, I found the strength to hold on. I made a promise to myself to cry for only three days – and I kept it. It was my small victory over the pain.
I had a dream about him recently. In the dream, he revealed that «he was released from there.» When I asked him how it was there, he replied: «Everyone is like children, everyone is positive.» In this dream, I saw beautiful places through his eyes, and after waking up I was filled with incredible peace. Marek was not only my husband – he was my seer. His ability to predict the future and understand people was amazing. Two hours before he died, he said to me: “You are the most beautiful woman in my life”. These words became prophetic. I will never forget his eyes, full of love and wisdom.
He loved me endlessly, and I will always love him.
Нам було 23 і 33, коли наші шляхи перетнулися. Він,
ніби знаючи мене все життя, вже на третій день сказав, що я стану його дружиною. Це здивувало мене,
але в його очах було стільки щирості, що я повірила.
Пам’ятаю, як на другий день знайомства він узяв мою руку – від того дотику пробігла іскра, і я зрозуміла: ось він, чоловік мого життя. Я б
Лілія Постіл (Liliia Postil)
Ukrainian artist, painter and public figure
Liliia Postil is a recognized artist who has been awarded with numerous awards:
• World Order of the «Golden Star of Cultural Diplomacy» (Germany, 2024);
• The Ukrainian-French Order of Queen Anne “Honour of the Fatherland” with a silver star (Ukraine, 2024).
She is a laureate of many prestigious rewards, including:
• International prize «Cultural Diplomacy»;
• National award in the nomination «TOP-100 outstanding women of Ukraine-2024» within the project «Ukraine begins with you»;
• the third national award «The best Ukrainian woman in the profession of fine arts» (2021);
• Patron award «Heart of Charity».
Her work has been recognized in Europe and around the world: Lilia’s works have been published in editions and catalogues by the best artists, including:
The artist is a regular participant in numerous international exhibitions and projects in Europe, Asia, and the United States. She is a winner of international competitions and has created more than sixty art projects in recent years. She is also actively involved in charitable art initiatives, including international ones.
Liliia Postil is a jury member of international children’s competitions. Her works are kept in museums and private collections around the world.
Do not doubt: your desires are not just dreams. They are manifestations of what is possible for you!
Лілія Постіл – визнана мисткиня, нагороджена численними відзнаками:
• Всесвітній Орден «Золотої Зірки культурної дипломатії» (Німеччина, 2024);
• українсько-французький Орден Королеви Анни «Честь Вітчизни» на срібній зірці (Україна, 2024).
Вона є лауреаткою багатьох престижних премій, зокрема:
Ilona NESTEROVA is a successful businesswoman, devoted mother of two children, loving wife, and active public figure.
A lawyer by education and a traveller at heart, Ilona has been a thriving realtor in Florida for over 10 years where she is helping families find their dream homes.
As the owner of ILONA TRAVELONA agency, she specializes in organizing cruises and trips to worldrenowned destinations like Disney and Universal theme parks.
At the same time, she helps women in the United States start their own travel businesses, creating opportunities for them to achieve financial independence and receive social protection.
Titles and Achievements:
• Mrs. Sunny Isles 2020
• Mrs. Miami 2021
• Mrs. Ukraine Universe 2022
• Mrs. Universe International 2022-2023
Ilona is also the founder of the Lion King Tavadia Foundation, a charity foundation that actively supports women and organizes self-defense courses together with her husband.
During the full-scale war, Ilona has made a significant contribution to providing aid to Ukraine using her popularity as a Florida activist.
Dreaming of peace and victory for Ukraine, Ilona is proud of her roots and passes on her love of Ukrainian culture and the art of travelling to her children.Do not doubt: your desires are not just dreams. They are manifestations of what is possible for you!
любляча дружина та
громадська діячка. Юристка за освітою та мандрівниця в душі, вона вже понад десять років успішно працює рієлторкою у Флориді, допомагаючи сім’ям знайти омріяні домівки.
Як власниця турагенції ILONA TRAVELONA, Ілона спеціалізується на організації
Водночас вона допомагає жінкам у США розпочати власний туристичний
Титули та досягнення:
• Mrs. Sunny Isles 2020
• Mrs. Miami 2021
• Mrs. Ukraine Universe 2022
• Mrs. Universe International 2022–2023
Tavadia Foundation, який
Повна зала людей: дніпрян, гостей міста,
експертів, журналістів, поціновувачів мистецтва… Абсолютна тиша та затамований подих від очікування. З цього почалась
прем’єра неймовірно унікального, абсолютно
інноваційного культурного проєкту «Психологічний театр «Ситуація». Авторка проєкту Людмила АКИМЕНКО зазначає, що дуже довго виношувала ідею, аби вона, сформувавшись, увібрала в собі виключно
експертів по допомогу. Статистика розлучень говорить нам про те, що ми не маємо на сьогодні культуру побудови здорових стосунків, через
комунікації, досягнення порозуміння з оточуючими, розкриття внутрішнього
Окрім того, психологічний театр «Ситуація» має за мету розвивати психологічний напрямок театрального мистецтва. Це абсолютно нова концепція, що може бути ефективно застосована, як інноваційна терапевтична модель. Психологи зазначають, що в деяких життєвих обставинах саме театральні вистави можуть стати єдиним
глядачеві можливість побачити схожу ситуацію зі сторони та зрозуміти, як варто діяти, аби зберегти стосунки,
A full hall of people: Dnipro residents, guests of the city, experts, journalists, art connoisseurs... There was absolute silence and bated breath from anticipation at the start of the premiere of the incredibly unique, absolutely innovative cultural project «Psychological Theatre «Situation».
The author of the project Lyudmila Akymenko notes that she has been nurturing the idea for a very long time so that, once formed, it would incorporate extremely useful practical advice and the effectiveness of psychological assistance to people through the format of a theatrical performance.
«As a woman who has gone through a long way of her own transformations, I understand that young people who plan to create strong unions do not know how to prepare themselves for this at all. Most of them do not allow themselves to turn to experts for help. Divorce statistics tell us that we do not currently have a culture of building healthy relationships due to a lack of self-understanding and inability to communicate. For a very long time, these questions formed in me the idea of creating a project that through an interactive format would be able to help our nation, help women and men find a common language, create an atmosphere of trust, harmony, understanding and support in families. Thus, years later, the Psychological Theatre «Situation» was born, which we presented to the birthday of our city,» commented Lyudmila Akymenko.
The format of the project includes theatrical productions of a wide variety of situations faced by every person on the planet. Psychological theatre is a special form of influence on a person through creation, because theatrical art is able to perfectly manifest the inner world of
a person and change him or her.We can empower people in the light of creation to take important steps toward change. It is also about improving relationships, establishing communication, achieving understanding with others and revealing inner potential.
In addition, the psychological theatre «Situation» aims to develop the psychological direction of theatrical art. This is a completely new concept that can be effectively applied as an innovative therapeutic model. Psychologists point out that theatrical performance can be the only way to resolve difficult relationships with others in some life circumstances.
The experts with a psychological specialty reveal the topics of situations, causes and consequences and give practical advices in the project. They take their professional tools and help people see the objectivity of life’s situations. The themes of future performances will consist of real stories, which we expect to receive from you through social networks.
Due to the realities of our lives, not all Ukrainians can turn to a psychologist for help today, because this type of communication foresees openness,
which requires special courage. And this is where a theatrical performance can come to the rescue allowing the viewer to participate in a familiar situation without direct contact with a specialist, but to get the necessary answers. This interactive will give the viewer the opportunity to see a similar situation from the outside and understand how to act in order to preserve the relationship that will be discussed in the play.
The premiere of the first performance of the psychological theatre «The Situation» proved that Ukrainians today desperately need psychological help. The project’s experts answered more than a hundred questions of the guests of the event. Specialists who were presented at the project noted
that the great war further worsened the state of Ukrainians and they should be saved. They repeatedly emphasized that psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, sexologists, neurologists and coaches should consult in any life situation to support mental health. In this way, we will be able to create relationships having a good continuation and giving our nation strong unions and a healthy generation of future Ukrainians. After all, it is for them that we now choose our freedom and independence.
We thank everyone who joined us at the premiere, we are waiting for your comments on social networks and we are preparing for the new performance.
We are waiting for everyone!
• Індивідуальні консультації – це
простір, де ви зможете зупинитися і
почути себе. У світі, де стільки вимог і чужих очікувань, я допоможу вам
зрозуміти, що важливо саме для вас. Ми пропрацюємо ваші страхи, сумніви та внутрішню критику. Навчу чути свої справжні бажання та знайти баланс між тим, чого хочете ви, і тим, чого очікують інші.
• Довготривала терапія та наставництво – це глибока та стійка трансформація. Якщо відчуваєте, що
життя зупинилося, виникає багато питань і мало відповідей, то цей формат для вас. Я допоможу розі-
братися в глибинних причинах внутрішньої невпевненості та покажу як
відновити гармонію. Приведу вас до
впевненості та стійкої самоцінності, а зовнішні обставини більше не виз-
начатимуть ваше самовідчуття.
• Курс «Я обираю себе!» – це програ-
ма для жінок, які відчувають, що їх-
ні бажання залишаються на другому плані, впевненість у собі зникає під тиском критики як зовнішньої, так і внутрішньої. Цей курс допоможе змінити уявлення про себе, сформувати свою цінність і знайти гармонію між цілями і бажаннями. Ви відчуєте як це – обирати себе кожного дня, без страху осуду чи помилок.
• Клуб «Короновані» – це закритий простір, де трансформація відбувається в атмосфері за підтримки
однодумців. У клубі ми працюємо
над пробудженням сили, відновленням упевненості та формуванням нового мислення – мислення Королеви. Це простір, де ви відкриєте свої
Проблеми охорони морського середовища Азово-Чорноморського регіону набули глобального значення для
міжнародного співтовариства внаслідок агресії росії
проти України. Зростання небезпеки мореплавства та
екологічних ризиків для морського середовища спонукали міжнародне співтовариство запроваджувати нові механізми протидії таким загрозам.
Україна є морською державою з виходом до Чорного та Азовського морів, що має важливе стратегічне та
економічне значення.
Воєнні дії росії проти
України у Чорному та
Азовському морях за -
вдали серйозних збит -
ків морському середо -
вищу, а саме:
1. Забруднення морського середовища.
Під час бойових дій в
Україні використовуються різні види вибухівки, що спричиняють викид токсичних речовин у морське середовище, погіршують якість морської води та можуть призвести
Їхнє головне завдання полягає у регулярному залученні кораблів Постійної військовоморської протимінної групи №2 (SNMCMG2) до спільних навчань для відпрацювання заходів з боротьби з мінною загрозою, зокрема у межах міжнародних навчань “Cooperative Partner” та “Sea Breeze”. Боротьба з мінною загрозою залишається одним із головних завдань ВМС ЗС України.
4. Вплив на біорізноманіття. Воєнні дії у Чорному морі призводять до руйнування важливих морських екосистем, таких як підводні луки з водоростей, що відіграють важли-
роль у підтримці існування багатьох
конфлікт наразі
тривають. Міжнародна співпраця може сприяти зменшенню негативного впливу воєнних дій та відновленню морських екосистем після завершення конфлікту. Перевагою для України є можливість стати однією
Пані Наталю, дякуємо, що знайшли час
для розмови. Хотілося б розкрити актуальну тему розладів харчової поведінки. Які, на Вашу думку, психологічні причини ле-
жать в їхній основі?
– Найпоширеніші види розладів харчової поведінки — булімія, анорексія та компульсивне переїдання. Всі вони тісно пов’язані з психоемоційним станом людини. Основними тригерами можуть бути страх набрати вагу, почуття провини або сорому під час прийомів їжі. Наслідки таких розладів можуть
виникати під час сильного стресу, наприклад, через зміну місця проживання, роботи чи навчання. Щоб цього уникнути, важливо сформувати здорові харчові звички та позитивне ставлення до життєвих змін.
– Яка статистика щодо успіхів у лікуванні Ваших клієнтів?
– Результати серед моїх клієнтів дуже обнадійливі. Дорослі, які
ariana RUSYN, a well-known Ukrainian psychologist, shares her unique knowledge of psychological self-development and ways to maintain emotional stability in difficult times. In the interview, she talks about the importance of selfknowledge, self-acceptance and responsibility for one’s own life.
– Mariana, let’s start with your specialty. What issues do you specialize in?
– I specialize in modern general psychology. It is a holistic system that covers more than three dozen branches of psychological knowledge. The word “psychology” is translated as “the science of the soul”. It is a person’s knowledge of himself or herself. The whole of psychology comes down to one point – perception and reaction.
– What is the psychology of exactly women’s happiness?
– The psychology of women’s happiness lies in the absolute value of a woman. When she feels her own value and attention
to herself, only then is she truly happy. Only the woman and God are the sources of life. This is an incredibly important process for the existence and continuation of humanity, so women should be cherished and valued.
I would like to draw parents’ attention to the upbringing of girls. They need to be brought up in a world of opportunities, not fears and limitations. A future mother should grow up in comfort, safety, emotional harmony and balance.
– What tools do you use to convey the importance of being yourself to your clients?
– I use a variety of tools in my work: systemic placements, techniques, practices, systemic analysis of reality...
– Today, many Ukrainians are in a state of emotional swings. How can they cope with this problem?
– It is important not to resist, but to allow ourselves to realize and accept everything that is happening. The people of Ukraine are going through extremely difficult life lessons – both those who stayed at home and those who went abroad. The former are under constant stress due to the ongoing hostilities, while the latter are facing the challenges of settling into life in a foreign country. Regardless of where you are, fill yourself with love, unity, gratitude, positivity, and goodness in spite of everything.
– Please share the biggest achievements of your clients.
– This is what I love my job for! After counselling, people start to think differently, become aware, work on themselves, change their reactions, goals, state, and realize their dreams. My greatest achievement is satisfied clients and healthy souls.
Taking this opportunity, I sincerely wish all Ukrainians a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May Christmas and the New Year bring you unconditional love, help you find your true path, preserve your dearest things, let go of the past, forgive and achieve the best. I wish growth, success, harmony with yourself and your neighbours, and for our country – the fastest possible victory and peace!
Mariana Rusyn
Слово «психологiя»
як «наука про душу». Це знання людини про себе. Уся
зростати у комфортi, безпецi, емоцiйнiй гармонiї та балансi. – Якими iнструментами Ви користуєтесь, аби донести до клiєнтiв важливiсть бути собою?
У своїй роботi я використовую рiзноманiтнi iнструменти: системнi розстановки, технiки, практики, системний аналiз реальностi… – Сьогоднi багато українцiв перебувають у станi емоцiйних гойдалок. Як їм
–Важливо не протистояти, а дозволити собi усвiдомити та прийняти все, що вiдбувається.
Mariana Rusyn
Я обрала шлях Camino del Norte –найскладніший, але дуже мальовничий. Цей вибір надихнув мене на переосмислення життя, навчив зустрічати невідоме, переживати різні стани, відчувати справжній фізичний голод замість емоційного й обходитися мінімумом речей. Сенси мого шляху були наповнені дослідженням себе, свого способу
Подібний досвід відкриває те, чого неможливо відчути, залишаючись у зоні комфорту. Ще один важливий інсайт для мене – «свої люди» – це не завжди рідня. Це ті, хто розділяє твої почуття та переживання. Велике щастя знайти таких людей.
– Як змінюються життєві сенси людини, яка через подорожі прагне структурувати своє життя?
– Людина очищується від нав’язаних соціумом думок і моделей взаємодії з обставинами. Шлях допомагає
повернутися до себе, здійснити якісну психологічну сепарацію. У багатьох випадках це навіть ефективніше за роки психотерапії.
На 10–11 кілометрі трекінгу я переживала альфастан, коли чітко розуміла, в чому моя сила, чого бракує і від чого варто позбутися.
y goal is to provide people with knowledge that will help them find their own path to harmony and well-being.» Yelizaveta RUSTAMOVA talks about her goal and professional values.
– Yelizaveta, thank you for finding time for us. And the first question, of course, concerns your professional experience.
– My path to numerology began with a deep interest in spiritual development and understanding the laws of the universe. Since childhood, I have been attracted to mystical knowledge, and I felt that the world is much wider than we can see. I first studied classical numerology and later integrated other techniques, such as the Pythagorean square, the fate matrix, and angelic numerology. This allowed me to create a unique system that combines the best practices from different approaches.
– You founded an author’s school. What courses do you offer to your potential students?
– I have developed courses that will suit both beginners and those who want to delve deeper into numerology and energy practices. Among them, there are:
I also carry out a course called “Elemental Cleansing”, where I teach how to cleanse the energy field, remove blocks and set up protection.
– How does numerology influence our lives?
– Numerology is a powerful tool for self-discovery. It helps you understand your strengths, challenges, and even karmic tasks. For example, knowing your life path number helps you choose a profession, find harmony in relationships, or determine the most favourable time for important changes.
– What do the numbers say about 2025 for Ukraine?
– For Ukraine, the year 2025 will be a period of great opportunities, which at the same time will require endurance. This is the year when it is important to unite and support each other. The energy of the year will promote recovery and stability. Positive changes in the economy and social life, as well as prospects for restoring peace, are possible just at the beginning of the year.
– What problems does the “Elemental Cleansing” methodology help to solve?
– “Elemental cleansing” is based on the energy of the four elements: earth, water, fire and air. Each of them has unique properties that help to clear the energy field of negativity, remove blocks, restore strength and increase energy levels. This technique also provides protection from external influences.
– Yelizaveta, thank you! What advice do you have for Ukrainians for the next month?
– Pay attention to your energy state. Support yourself through spiritual practices, get more rest, and work with ancestral energies, because the support of your ancestors can be extremely powerful. Remember, each of us has unique abilities. Believe in your abilities and stay connected to your inner source of strength.
• The founder of the school «Numerology of the new generation».
• Author of the «Elemental Cleansing» method and the book «Changing Reality».
• Entered the top 100 bloggers of Ukraine.
містичні знання, і я відчувала, що світ значно ширший, ніж ми можемо побачити. Спершу я вивчала класич-
нумерологію, а згодом інтегрувала інші методики, такі як квадрат Піфагора, матрицю долі та ангельську
нумерологію. Це дало змогу створити унікальну систему, яка поєднує найкращі практики з різних підходів. – Ви заснували авторську школу. Які курси пропонуєте своїм потенційним учням?
– Я розробила курси, які підійдуть як новачкам, так і тим, хто прагне заглибитися в нумерологію та енергетичні практики. Серед них: класична нумерологія, матриця долі, таронумерологія, родові практики. Окремо проводжу курс «Стихійні чистки», на якому вчу очищати енергетичне поле, знімати блоки
Це рік, коли важливо об’єднуватися та підтримувати одне одного. Енергія року сприятиме відновленню та стабільності. Уже на початку року можливі позитивні зміни в економіці та соціальному житті, а також перспективи відновлення миру. – Які проблеми допомагає вирішити методика «Стихійних чисток»? – «Стихійні чистки» базуються на енергії чотирьох стихій: землі, води, вогню та повітря. Кожна з них має унікальні властивості, які допомагають очищати енергетичне поле від негативу, знімати блоки, відновлювати сили та підвищувати рівень енергії. Ця методика також забезпечує захист від зовнішніх впливів. – Єлізавето, дякуємо! Які поради