lena RATSIUK is a Master of Banking, a lawyer (commercial law), business development consultant and mentor. She is a co-founder and CEO of the international consulting company “Anti Fragile System”. In recent years, the company has helped more than 20 businesses adapt to crisis conditions, strengthen their positions and find new opportunities. Below is a look at Anti Fragile System’s non-standard approaches and specialisation.
— Mrs. Olena, greetings. Today, the issue of business sustainability and survival has become more relevant than ever. In your opinion, is it possible to build a successful business in conditions of constant turbulence?
— Greetings. If you expect stability, you shouldn’t even start a business. Stability is a trap, and those who seek it usually end up on the side-lines. The modern world is built on constant change, and there are not the strongest who survive, but the most flexible. Chaos is not an enemy, but an opportunity. For example, one of my clients, a textile manufacturer, lost his main sales channels due to the pandemic. We quickly re-profiled production into household goods, which were in demand even during the crisis. It was a risk, but the result exceeded expectations: sales grew by 60%. In chaos, there is always a chance for those who act faster than others.
— Where should entrepreneurs start to adapt to these conditions?
— The first thing to do is to get rid of the illusion that stability will return. Instead, we should focus on three things:
1. Flexibility. Create a system that can change course without losing efficiency. It’s not about long-term strategies, but about quick, real-time decisions.
2. Experiments. Mistakes are not defeat, but the best teacher. Don’t be afraid to try new ideas.
3. Reputation. The trust of customers and partners is the most valuable thing. A strong reputation will help you survive even in the most difficult times.
— What are the main mistakes entrepreneurs make during a crisis?
— There are three main mistakes:
1. Expectations of stability. It no longer exists. If you have built a business on the basis of “calm waters”, the waves will destroy it.
2. Paralysis due to fear. Fear is natural, but it should not stop you from acting.
3. Searching the perfect moment. The perfect time for action is now.
— What tools do you use to help your clients?
— Our approach is based on three main principles:
1. Reconnaissance by combat. We test ideas on a small scale to get real data without significant losses.
2. Vulnerability analysis. We thoroughly investigate the business, identify weaknesses and turn them into growth points.
3. Non-standard solutions. For example, during the crisis, we advised a company to invest in digital technologies. It sounds risky, but such steps allowed them to expand their client base. We help them not just survive, but win.
— What do you consider to be the most harmful business myths?
— There are three myths that do more damage than any crisis:
1. The perfect plan guarantees success. Reality is changing faster than you can predict. Instead of a perfect plan, you should build a system that can adapt.
2. Mistakes are defeat. In fact, mistakes are the most valuable experience. They teach better than any training.
3. Crisis is a problem. In fact, a crisis is a moment of truth. It shows who is ready for change and who will remain in the past.
The crisis opens up opportunities for those who are ready to recognise them.
— What would you like to say to our readers?
— Remember: business is not about stability, but about the speed of adaptation. Chaos is an opportunity for those who are ready to act. Don’t be afraid to change the rules of the game, invest in your team and experiment.
And most importantly: trust is your most valuable asset. In a world where everything is changing the human factor remains unchanged.
Оумовах постійної турбулентності? — Вітаю. Якщо ви очікуєте стабільності, то краще навіть не починати бізнес. Стабільність — це пастка, і ті, хто прагнуть її досягти, зазвичай залишаються на узбіччі. Сучасний світ побудований на постійних змінах, і виживають
та відвага. Ці принципи й спонукали мене стати ад-
життя кожного українця, і я – не виняток. Моя головна місія тепер – захищати права військових, ветеранів та їхніх сімей, допомагати тим, хто постраждав від війни.
Justice, quality, results are the main principles of the work of the famous lawyer from Vinnytsia Maksym STOROZHENKO. He is chosen by clients because he is not afraid of complex and high-profile cases, and is also ready to explain legal intricacies to everyone in an understandable language. Read about the protection of the rights of the military and mobilized, the fight against corruption and free legal aid in our interview.
– Mr. Maksym, greetings! In what family did you grow up? Why did you choose the path of a lawyer?
– I was born in a family of workers and military, where honour, justice and courage were always valued. These principles motivated me to become a lawyer to protect those in need and to fight for the truth.
– How was your career forming? When did you open your own office?
– My career as a lawyer is a path of continuous improvement. I always strove to achieve the best results and help people. I opened my own office in 2005, and since then my team and I have been running a successful law practice.
– How did your life change after the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion?
– The war changed the life of every Ukrainian, and I am no exception. My main mission now is to protect the rights of military personnel, veterans and their families, to help those affected by war. At that time, the «Prometheus» project was born – our initiative that unites lawyers, human rights defenders and not indifferent people to fight for justice and create a better future.
– What kind of cases do you work with most often now?
– Most of the cases concern military law, protection of the rights of the mobilized, support of veterans, as well as the fight against corruption and lawlessness. As
part of the “Prometheus” project, we provide free legal assistance to military personnel and their families, as well as develop modern tools to protect the rights of citizens including a legal chatbot.
– Today, 96% of the cases you lead are successful! Could you mention the most resonant one?
– Case No. 120/359/24 concerned the dispute with the Pension Fund.
The fact of the matter:
• The pension fund denied a war veteran an early old-age pension.
• Courts of first and appellate instances returned the statement of claim due to the alleged missed deadline for appeal.
• In the cassation appeal, we emphasized the special status of the military and the conditions of martial law.
• The Supreme Court satisfied the appeal, annulled the previous decisions and sent the case for a new consideration.
This victory became an important precedent that protects the rights of servicemen and confirms the need to take into account the circumstances of their service.
– Openness, perseverance... What is the formula for your success?
– My formula for success is a combination of professionalism, honesty and belief in what I do. The support of my team, friends and brother Adam is also important.
– Tell us a little about yourself. What rules do you follow in life?
– I am a person of word and deed. I believe in justice, goodness and the strength of the human spirit. In life, I adhere to the principles of honesty, decency and mutual assistance.
– In your opinion, is it possible to defeat corruption in Ukraine? What is needed for this?
– Yes, I am convinced that corruption can be overcome. This requires the joint work of the authorities, civil society and every Ukrainian. It is necessary to root out corruption schemes, change the system and ensure the inevitability of punishment. The “Prometheus” project is actively working on this, providing legal support and creating public control tools.
– What would you wish Ukrainians, in particular the military, in the New Year?
– In the New Year, I wish all Ukrainians, and especially our military, good health, strength of spirit, faith in victory and a peaceful sky overhead. May 2025 bring us happiness, well-being and the fulfilment of dreams!
I want to thank the three women in my life. My mother, Lidiya Storozhenko, for giving birth to me and bringing me up.
Mrs. Olha Tereshchenko, Head of the Vinnytsia Region Bar Council, for the gained work experience and advice.
Mrs. Maryna Yaroslavska, designer, founder of the “Yaroslavna” Company, for supporting me in style.
eople’s Artist of Ukraine, Member of Ukrainian Parliament of IV, V, VI and VIII convocations Oksana BILOZIR talks about the development of Ukrainian music in an exclusive interview, shares her observations and plans for the future.
– Ms. Oksana, how would you assess the current state of Ukrainian show business?
– Very high, because it has become nationally oriented. We have many talented performers and quality Ukrainian content. Modern Ukrainian music is stylish and competitive. Our songs have a significant number of listens on international streaming platforms, which is a testament to their quality. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ukrainian music became popular not only in Ukraine, but also among the English-speaking audience.
– What do you think our performers lack?
– First of all, finances, and this is objective. Today, artists direct most of the money they earn to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Due to the war, our incomes decreased significantly: many Ukrainians went abroad, which also affected concert activities. However, creativity is especially important now. It helps support people spiritually and is our front in the struggle for identity.
– What events of this year did you remember the most?
– The year was not easy for all Ukrainians. We were waiting for good news from international partners, we gradually got used to the brutality of the aggressor. However, I remained faithful to my convictions. I have always been a Ukrainiancentric singer, and now I continue to create meaningful songs for thinking people. I am happy that my music is listened to not only by the older generation, but also by young people.
Every year I perform in the USA where more than a million Ukrainians live. I am glad that my concerts gather an audience, and even new songs are received with warmth. This proves the relevance of my texts.
This year, we continued to develop the «National Prayer Breakfasts» project. It was especially important for me to organize such a breakfast in Great Britain. I had the honour to thank the mothers of British soldiers who died for the integrity of our country on behalf of Ukrainians.
– It’s hard to plan things these days, but do you have any ideas for the future?
– I definitely have plans. Despite the challenges, we must plan our lives. If a person does not have a goal, he or she loses his or her bearings. I want to return to politics. During 17 years of work in the parliament, I gained the experience necessary for the development of the state. I am sure that there should be mature, well-formed individuals in politics who understand the needs of society.
Today, it is important to build a nationally oriented government that will work for the benefit of Ukrainians and promote their spiritual and cultural growth.
I wish that the next year will bring our country more opportunities to implement good plans. We are masters of our land and we create our own future.
– Пані Оксано, як би Ви оцінили стан українського шоу-бізнесу нині? – Дуже високо, адже він став національно орієнтованим. Ми маємо багато талановитих виконавців і якісний український контент. Сучасна українська музика стильна та конкурентоспроможна. Наші пісні мають значну кількість прослуховувань на міжнародних стрімінгових платформах, що свідчить про їхню якість. З початком повномасштабного вторгнення українська музика стала популярною не лише
українців. Радію, що мої концерти збирають аудиторію, і
навіть нові пісні сприймаються з теплом. Це свідчить про актуальність моїх текстів. Цього року ми продовжили розвивати проєкт «Національні молитовні сніданки». Особливо важливою для мене стала організація такого сніданку у Великій Британії. Я мала честь подякувати від імені українців матерям британських солдатів, які загинули за цілісність
ksana MERHUT is an orchestra person. She is a Ukrainian, who unites people around her. And she does it extremely skilfully. In an interview with our publication, she shared the achievements of 2024 and, of course, talked about her plans
Oksana Mergut-Ladyko
— Mrs. Oksana, looking at your titles, achievements and diversity of activities, which area prevailed in 2024?
— As a teacher with 28 years of experience, an artist and a master of sand animation, I cannot single out one particular activity. Everything happens in a complex way. This was the case in 2024: the first half of the year was mainly dedicated to online work. I conducted energy courses and marathons for women aimed at raising their inner energy. These events provided new knowledge, offered practices that stimulated growth, development and inspired creativity in various fields.
I devoted the second half of the year to concert tours in Europe together with my daughter Olena. This became possible after winning the «Golden Time Talent» international competition.
— What events were significant and influenced your priorities in your work?
— In Spting 2024, I won the «Golden Time Talent» international competition in Great Britain with two of my warthemed sand animations both of which won first places. These
works convey the truth and pain of the Ukrainian people. This became a decisive moment in my realization as an artist.
The culmination of the event was the invitation to the festival of winners in London.
In July, we went on a two-week tour of Germany and the Czech Republic, and after receiving visas to Great Britain, we conducted two autumn-winter tours of 15 cities in the United Kingdom.
— How did the European public perceive sand shows? What mission do you put into your performances?
— Germany and Denmark are already familiar with our performances, but in Great Britain it was the first opportunity to show local residents contemporary art of this scale. Spectators were delighted, especially considering the mission of our tours: supporting the defenders of Ukraine. These tours were dedicated to the 14th brigade named after Prince Roman the Great, where my husband serves, as well as to fundraising for the needs of our defenders.
In September and December, we presented sand fairy tales, «Prayer for Ukraine» in animation and Christmas compositions.
For the third year in a row, with the help of sand animation, I tell the world about the events in Ukraine, reminding that the war continues and we need international support.
— You are tirelessly fighting for the Light through art, demonstrating resilience in fulfilling your mission. What is planned for 2025?
— 2024 proved that nothing is impossible. My task is to inspire those around me not to stop on the way to their dreams and to believe in their own strength.
For 2025, my plans are unchanged: to continue fighting on the artistic front. My contribution to victory through the means of sand animation is also a tool of healing and inspiration for the spiritual growth of humanity.
Changes, expansions and new projects are planned in all areas of my activity. You can follow updates on my social media pages: @oksana_Merhut.
— What would you like to wish our readers?
— Above all, what we all lack now is peaceful life on our land. Unity and powerful common energy for our Ukraine to end the war. Hope that every soldier returns to his or her family alive and well.
Inexhaustible resources, the ability to acquire and multiply them. Mental harmony, dissonance in relationships in families and society as a whole. Realisation even in difficult circumstances, clear planning and achievement of goals. Life is only in motion! So let’s live, people! And may every day be filled with creativity and God’s grace!
та Чехією. А після отримання віз до Великої Британії здійснили два
осінньо-зимові тури 15-ма містами Сполученого
Oksana Mergut-Ladyko
Now, in times of drastic changes in space, perception of time and values, people are increasingly turning to magicians. They are the specialists who possess the energy and can fundamentally change lives and destinies in cooperation with a person. Today we talk about magic and its possibilities with Maryna KURSANOVA. For more than 30 years of practice, she has proven that we are capable of anything, we just need to start changing and becoming a better version of ourselves.
– Mrs. Maryna, thank you for finding time for us. Tell us about the most important events of this year that had a positive impact on you.
– Greetings to all readers. This year has been quite busy for me and my students. We travelled a lot and organised effective retreats. At the beginning of the year, we visited Venice, where a large-scale European exhibition dedicated to magic, the occult and spiritual practices was taking place. Together with my students, in
particular from Italy, we saw unique artefacts, learned many stories about the craft of magic and got acquainted with the spiritual European meanings of the last ten centuries.
Then there were trips to Egypt, Germany and France, where we explored castles on the Côte d’Azur. I was particularly impressed by the depth of Celtic magic, which has much in common with Ukrainian traditions. These trips brought me a lot of new knowledge and new students.
– Some people think that magic is something ineffective. How would you comment on this?
– Magic is energy. Being a magician means becoming the best version of yourself. It’s not just about rituals, but also about a great responsibility to oneself, the environment and the Universe. Everyone can become a magician, but it is a long process that requires knowledge, hard work and talent. And talent is a manifestation of previous spiritual experience. Magic works as an energy-information field.
– How did you personally come to magic?
– I have been practising magic for over 30 years. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by creativity and have expressed myself in it as much as possible. Over time, I became interested in the question: who am I? That’s how astrology, psychology, and
then tarot cards and runes came into my life. I was interested in how I could interact with the world and how other people perceive me.
– What questions can Ukrainians address to you?
– Practically any. Most often, people want to understand themselves, reveal their talents and find answers to questions about relationships, health, finances, fate or integrity. There are also frequent requests to remove negative programs.
Magic accelerates external processes. If a person may need 10-20 years to achieve a goal, then magic helps to get a result in a few months. But it is important to understand: magic works only when a person works on himself or herself. In itself, this phenomenon is neutral and everything depends on who is the operator. For balance in the world there are those who do good and those who choose evil.
– Thank you, Mrs. Maryna, for the interview. We are sure that our readers will appreciate your knowledge. What would you like to wish them?
– Ukrainians should work on themselves and develop resilience to overcome challenges. We must use the trials of war to become better. It all depends on each of us. Every day we have a choice. Choose to become better and do good.
й організовували ефективні ретрити. На початку року відвідали Венецію, де проходила масштабна європейсь-
ка виставка, присвячена магії, окультизму та духовним практикам. Разом
із моїми ученицями, зокрема з Італії, ми побачили унікальні артефакти, дізналися багато історій про магічне ремесло й ознайомилися з духовними
raditions that create a mood! Travelling that breaks the boundaries of imagination! And gifts that help shape life values! Inna YAVORSKA, the founder of the unique educational institution «Amadeya» in Vinnytsia, told us how the lyceum is celebrating the New Year 2025. Believe me, you will also feel this atmosphere of wonder!
— Mrs. Inna, the education and training system at Vinnytsia Lyceum «Amadeya» is distinguished by its exclusivity and innovation. And what about the New Year and Christmas celebrations?
— New Year’s holidays at Vinnytsia Lyceum «Amadeya» are a special time when everyone feels magic, warmth and joy. These are not just bright events, but also an opportunity to give each other care, attention and a real New Year’s fairy tale. Every year the atmosphere in the lyceum becomes unique: pupils, parents and teachers together create unforgettable impressions!
For “Amadeya”, the New Year and Christmas holidays are not only the calendar end of the year, but also a great opportunity to do more good deeds, unite people and share love. At the centre of all the festive events is the desire to unite the team and bring joy to both members of the lyceum family and those around them.
— The main element of the festive mood is the unique traditions that unite us all. Which of them do you continue at «Amadeya»?
— One of our favourite traditions is the exchange of kindness and warmth. This year, the pupils decided to show their care in the most delicious way: they made New Year’s cookies with their own hands!
At the cooking classes, the children not only learnt how to bake and decorate dishes, but also shared their good mood. Christmas trees, hearts and stars – each cookie was created with love and creativity. These little creations became part of a festive tradition: the pupils gave cookies to passers-by in the centre of Vinnytsia.
A festive concert dedicated to St Nicholas Day was also held in the city centre. The event featured themed songs and bright dance performances, creating a sense of wonder. The concert left no one indifferent! The residents of Vinnytsia were amazed by the talents of our children and the warmth they generously gave to all the guests.
— The lyceum is particularly proud of travelling, which is an important part of the educational process and cultural development. Have you managed to visit any places?
— This year, before the New Year holidays, the lyceum’s pupils had a unique opportunity to visit England. This trip was a real gift, as the children were able to enjoy New Year’s Eve London, immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the festively decorated city, visit famous locations and take part in festive events.
The peculiarity of this trip was that the pupils lived in English families. This gave them a great opportunity not only to practice English in real-life situations, but also to learn about the traditions and culture of England. The families hospitably welcomed the children, organised interesting activities for them, taught them the niceties of the language and shared their everyday life.
New Year’s Eve London amazed everyone with its beauty: bright lights, Christmas markets, festive performances. The pupils walked around the
famous Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and the streets decorated with thousands of lights.
In addition to the unforgettable experience, this trip was a great opportunity for cultural exchange and broadening of the worldview. Staying with English families enhances the educational effect of the trips: students not only improve their language, but also learn to understand and respect another culture. It is a unique experience that they will remember for the rest of their lives.
— Do you exchange New Year’s gifts?
— Another favourite tradition of our lyceum is “Secret Santa”. Every year, this game brings pupils and teachers together giving them the opportunity to show attention to each other. According to the rules, everyone chooses a secret recipient for whom they prepare a small pleasant gift or surprise.
«Secret Santa» teaches children not only to give gifts, but also to appreciate unique moments of care and attention. This is a great opportunity to strengthen friendships, create warm memories and learn to bring joy to others while remaining an «invisible» benefactor.
— I know that you also give delicious gifts to the families of lyceum pupils!
— Every year, the lyceum brings festive emotions not only to children, but also to their families. A traditional surprise is a gift from our chefs – delicious pies that each family receives. These culinary masterpieces symbolise the warmth and comfort that are so important during the festive time.
The pupils solemnly hand over the pies to their loved ones to share a piece of the holiday at home.
Such traditions strengthen the bond between the lyceum and the families of “Amadeya” pupils. After all, the festive atmosphere is not only about concerts or performances, but also about small, sincere expressions of attention.
— What is the celebration like for the whole lyceum community?
— The central event of the festive period at the lyceum is a large-scale New Year’s concert that brings everyone together: pupils, parents, grandparents.
This day is always looked forward to as the children prepare for it with great enthusiasm.
On the holidays, Pupils show off their talents: they put on magical plays, perform fiery dances and musical turns. For each class, this is not just a performance, but an opportunity to show their achievements and make their relatives happy.
Traditionally, the concert ends with warm wishes and words of gratitude. The main purpose of this holiday is to unite the lyceum family and remind that the New Year is a special time for love and kindness.
“Amadeya” pupils understand that celebrating the New Year is not only about Christmas trees or gifts, but above all about warmth, mutual understanding and love that unite people. Thanks to traditions, concerts and trips, the lyceum creates a unique atmosphere in which everyone feels part of a large friendly community.
The magic of the New Year in our institution is the ability to create a miracle not only for yourself but also for others giving warmth that remains in hearts for a long time.
nna RUFANOVA, in our opinion, the most famous proctologist of our time, shares not only her achievements over the year, but also emphasises the importance of taking care of your own health in the New Year’s issue. With her extensive practical experience in medicine, our guest continues to learn and introduce innovations for the comfort of her patients. Next, we will talk about the results of the year and plans for the future.
– Mrs. Anna, greetings! Share with our readers what 2024 was like for you.
– In 2024, I studied a lot and participated in various projects, including online courses in proctology and related specialties. Professional development is very important to me because I am responsible for the health of my patients. For my active charitable work on the medical front, I was awarded the international award “Business Gravity. TOP-100” award, the Gold Star “Grand Doctor” order, was awarded the honorary orders “Volunteer of Ukraine”, “Leader of Ukraine 2023” and “Pride of the Ukrainian Nation” and received the all-Ukrainian award “Woman of the Third Millennium”.
– We suggest reminding our readers about your possibilities.
– With pleasure! At «ON Clinic Dnipro» I use only the most modern technologies for the treatment of delicate problems in proctology – without surgery and interruption of work. The main advantage of minimally invasive methods is that the patient can solve his or her problem without pain, in just one session.
Rehabilitation takes place quickly and without discomfort under the constant supervision of a doctor.
For over 14 years, I have been using methods such as:
• vacuum latex treatment of haemorrhoids;
• infrared photocoagulation of haemorrhoids;
• removal of haemorrhoids and fissures using the Surgitron radio wave apparatus;
• laser vaporisation - one of the most effective methods of treating haemorrhoids in one session;
• regenerative medicine methods, including plasm lifting, which accelerates wound healing and minimises the risk of complications.
– Mrs. Anna, what volunteer achievements of 2024 are you most proud of?
– Now I am an official partner of the volunteer NGO “Angels Movement”. Unfortunately, the enemy came too close to my native Dnipro region. That is why my main motivation now is my belief in Ukraine’s victory. We don’t know how long the war will last, but I am ready to
keep my medical and volunteer front as long as it takes. From the first days of the full-scale invasion, I have been helping IDPs, supporting our defenders, and delivering the necessary supplies to the frontline. Every day I do my best to bring Ukraine’s victory closer. Despite all the difficulties, we must remain united, support each other and give positive vibes - at least with a sincere smile.
– Thank you, Mrs. Anna, for everything you do for Ukrainians. We wish you strength and new successes. Finally, tell us about your dreams for 2025.
– Like every Ukrainian, I dream of Ukraine’s victory. We are a united and unwavering nation that strives to be a free European state. As a doctor, I want my patients to recover quickly and come to me only for preventive examinations.
I also plan to continue my professional development, participate in conferences and training courses in proctology. I wish all Ukrainians to find time for themselves: take care of their health and support their loved ones.
Ukrainian specialists, in particular doctors, are extremely experienced, professional and ambitious. They serve as an example for many colleagues from all over the world, because they quickly master everything new and highquality. Today, our guest is Inna YAKYM, an orthodontist, co-founder and medical director of EVOLUTION DENTAL CLINIC. Together with her, we will talk about the realities of modern dentistry, the latest technologies and professional achievements.
– Mrs. Inna, greetings! Please tell us about the changes currently taking place in Ukrainian dentistry.
– Modern dentistry is actively transforming, turning from a classic medical service into an industry with an emphasis on aesthetics. The latest technologies allow procedures to be carried out painlessly, comfortably and with a predictable result. I am especially pleased with the high level of Ukrainian dentistry, which boldly competes with the world one.
– What technical capabilities can your clinic boast of?
– The peculiarity of our clinic is that we have assembled a team of the best specialists in all areas under one roof. We have available a wide range of technologies that ensure diagnostic accuracy, comfortable procedures and a high level of aesthetic results. The main ones are:
Digital X-ray machines - allow you to get high-quality images with a minimum dose of radiation.
• 3D tomograph — creates threedimensional images of jaws and teeth.
• Intraoral scanners — provide accurate digital modelling, eliminating the need for traditional impressions.
• Photographic protocol — used to assess aesthetics, plan restorations, and demonstrate results.
• Dental microscopes — allow you to achieve high detail during procedures.
• Electronic apex locators — help to accurately determine the length of the root canal.
• Implants made of biocompatible materials — titanium or zirconium, they are durable and well integrated with bone tissue.
• Aligners (transparent gum shields) are a modern alternative to braces.
• Digital simulation of tooth movement.
• Self-healing bracket systems.
• Veneers.
• Digital smile design.
• Professional teeth whitening.
• Sedation and anaesthesia — make it possible to carry out treatment in sleep, without stress and pain.
– What innovations will await your patients in 2025?
– In the new year, we will continue to introduce innovative technologies, including 3D scanning and printing, laser techniques, plasma therapy (PRP therapy) and more. Our doctors actively attend international congresses, exhibitions and educational forums. All this helps us to raise the standards of service and provide patients with access to the most modern methods of diagnosis and treatment.
– How do you work with patients who are still afraid of dentists?
– People usually fear not the dentist, but pain or an unpleasant experience from the past. My main rule in working with such patients is to create an atmosphere of trust and comfort. To do this, I combine emotional support with modern pain-free treatment methods.
The team at Evolution Dental Clinic wishes you bright smiles, good health, confidence in each day and an end to war in our country in the new year! Let the year 2025 bring many reasons for joy, and we will be there to make sure your smile is always charming! Smile more often, because it adds light and warmth to everyone around!
– Пані Інно, вітаємо! Розкажіть, будь ласка, про зміни, які зараз відбуваються в українській стоматології. – Сучасна стоматологія активно трансформується, перетворюючись із класичної медичної послуги на індустрію з акцентом на естетику. Новітні технології дозволяють проводити процедури безболісно, комфортно та з передбачуваним результатом. Особливо тішить високий рівень української стоматології, який сміливо
зі світовим.
Якими технічними можливостями може похвалитися ваша
– Особливість нашої клініки полягає в тому, що під одним дахом ми зібрали команду найкращих фахівців усіх напрямків. У нас доступний широкий
спектр технологій, які забезпечують точність діагностики, комфортність процедур і високий рівень естетичних результатів. Основні з них:
• Цифрові рентгенівські апарати –дають змогу отримувати високоякісні зображення з мінімальною дозою опромінення.
• 3D-томограф – створює тривимірні зображення щелеп і зубів.
• Інтраоральні сканери – забезпечують точне цифрове моделювання, виключаючи необхідність тра-
• Фотопротокол – використовується
• Імплантати з біосумісних матеріалів – титанові або цирконієві, вони довговічні та добре інтегруються з кістковою тканиною.
• Елайнери (прозорі капи) – сучасна альтернатива брекетам.
• Цифрове моделювання руху зубів.
• Самолікуальні брекет-системи.
• Вініри.
• Цифровий дизайн посмішки.
• Професійне відбілювання зубів.
• Седація та наркоз – дають змогу проводити лікування уві сні, без стресу та болю.
– Які новації чекатимуть на ваших пацієнтів у 2025 році?
– У новому році ми продовжуватимемо впроваджувати інноваційні технології, зокрема 3D-сканування та друк, лазерні методики, плазмотерапію (PRP-терапію) тощо. Наші лікарі активно відвідують міжнародні конгреси, виставки та освітні форуми. Усе це допомагає нам підвищувати стандарти обслуговування та надавати пацієнтам
Accompanying a woman on her life journey, especially during pregnancy, is not just a profession, but a true calling.
Motherhood is a great responsibility that requires proper support and care. Kateryna BRYGADYR, an obstetrician-gynaecologist and reproductive specialist with over 10 years of experience, is well aware of the importance of this mission. She shared with us her secrets of building trusting relationships with patients and the challenges faced by the medical community due to the war.
– Mrs. Kateryna, did you decide to become a gynaecologist right away?
– No, I hesitated for a long time. At first, I thought I would become a paediatrician. However, fate intervened: when I started studying midwifery, everything fell into place – I felt that it was mine. The emotions that a woman and her family experience when a child is born are incomparable. So, in my fifth year of study, I clearly chose gynaecology, I was fascinated by it and could not see myself in any other speciality. Of course, working as a gynaecologist, I sometimes miss childbirth. But I look at it positively: now I can help women get pregnant and give birth to healthy children. It is incredibly touching for me when couples find out about a positive pregnancy test. This is real happiness.
– It’s a big responsibility to give parents hope and help them give birth to a healthy child. Do you ever get tired of it?
– Of course, it’s not easy. In each case, you go through it together with the couple. You need to be not only a doctor, but also a psychologist – to find the right words and approach to patients. It is not easy, because they trust you with the most precious thing – their future children. I always carefully calculate all the risks, try to foresee possible complications, but at the same time I believe that there are higher forces that influence the outcome. Sometimes not everything depends on the doctor. The birth of a child is a great gift that a couple must deserve. I am a religious person, and I am sure
that there are moments when the result depends not only on our efforts.
– How has the war affected your work?
– The war has changed our work significantly. Initially, most women put off taking care of their health because they had no time to visit a gynaecologist and planning a pregnancy was a matter of fear. However, constant chronic stress led to an increase in the number of gynaecological diseases. Today, we see a different trend – women want to take care of their health, restore it and plan pregnancy.
– Is menopause really getting younger?
– Unfortunately, there is a trend. However, the war played only a partial role here. Climate conditions, nutrition, a woman’s psycho-emotional state, and overweight also have an impact. However, it is important to understand that the absence of menstruation due to stress and premature menopause are different states that require an individual approach to treatment.
It is quite possible to fix a menstrual cycle if you approach the problem comprehensively. First of all, you need to restore your psycho-emotional balance and learn to cope with stress. And, of course, it is very important to see a doctor in a timely manner. After the examination, the gynaecologist will be able to determine the cause of the disorder and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Пані Катерино, Ви одразу вирішили стати гінекологом?
– Ні, я довго вагалася. Спершу ду-
мала, що стану лікарем-педіатром.
Однак доля втрутилася: коли я по-
чала вивчати акушерство, усе стало на свої місця — я відчула, що це
моє. Емоції, які переживає жінка та
її родина під час народження дитини, неможливо порівняти ні з чим.
Тож на п’ятому курсі я чітко обрала гінекологію, захопилася нею і не бачила себе в іншій спеціальності.
Звісно, працюючи гінекологом, я іноді сумую за пологами. Але див-
люся на це позитивно: тепер я мо-
допомагати жінкам завагітніти та
народити здорових дітей. Для мене
неймовірно зворушливо, коли пари
дізнаються про позитивний тест на
вагітність. Це справжнє щастя.
Це велика відповідальність
дарувати батькам надію та
допомагати їм у народженні
здорової дитини. Чи не втомлюєтеся Ви від цього?
– Звісно, це нелегко. У кожному випадку ти переживаєш разом із парою.
хронічний стрес призвів до зростання кількості гінекологічних захворювань. Нині ми спостерігаємо іншу тенденцію — жінки прагнуть дбати про своє здоров’я, відновлювати його та планувати вагітність – Чи справді менопауза помолодшала? – На жаль, така тенденція є. Проте війна відіграла тут лише часткову роль. Впливають і кліматичні умо-
– Вітаю, шановні читачі. Розпочнемо
з причин цього стану, серед яких:
• порушення гормонального фону;
• вагітність і пологи;
• різноманітні травми в області про-
• вікові зміни;
• вроджена дисплазія сполучної
Стресове нетримання сечі
поділяється на три ступені: легкий, середній і тяжкий. Залежно від сту-
пеня прогресування захворювання симптоми посилюються. Наприклад, у жінок після пологів зазвичай спо-
стерігається легка форма, яка до-
бре піддається корекції. На цьому
етапі можна досягти результатів навіть без інвазивних методик. Для діагностики стресового нетри-
сечі використовують
стресового нетримання сечі застосовують ін’єкції гіалуронової кислоти. Введення філерів високої щільності у парауретральну область дозволяє імітувати дію пубоуретральної зв’язки, звузити уретру та відновити її форму. Ця
наступного дня.
Ці процедури не мають вікових обмежень і підходять як молодим жінкам, так і старшим пацієнткам. Усі методики зарекомендували себе як високоефективні, малоінвазивні та з коротким періодом реабілітації або
фб mikle.yershov
та жовчнокам’яні захворювання.
– Що є причиною утворення захворювань, які Ви так успішно вже багато років долаєте в
операційних? – В першу чергу, хвороби з’являються через стреси. Також місце мають фактори, які підіймають внутрішньочеревний тиск. Важливе місце займає в патологіях недотримання дієт. Щодо військовослужбовців, вони систематично підіймають важке: боєприпаси, екіпіровка тощо. Це призводить до кислотоутворюючих процесів, які, авжеж, спричиняють ускладнення та загострення хронічних захворювань. Також на ускладнення впливають перехідні сезонні періоди, як то весна чи осінь. – Розкажіть трохи про Ваш професійний шлях, чому
Про те, щоб стати лікарем я мріяв з дитинства. До того ж саме хірургом.
навіть брати участь в бойових діях, коли ми були в оточенні в Шахтарську, Авдіївці… Саме там я здобув найцінніший досвід. Війна, як зазначав Пирогов, це академія для хірурга. Це неймовірний досвід, коли ти оперуєш абсолютно усе та усіх в зовсім, м’яко кажучи, не комфортних умовах. Після цієї практики я повернувся до рідного інституту та очолив відділення. Проте я не зупиняюсь, кожного року продовжую навчання стосовно оперативних втручань, шукаю нові шляхи вирішення проблем
Dear friends, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
For three years now, we have been celebrating the Christmas and New Year holidays to the sound of sirens and explosions. But despite all this, our Christmas trees are decorated, garlands shine, and the fire in our souls burn in spite of all enemies!
I would like to express my deep gratitude and bow to our defenders who are courageously, devotedly and uncompromisingly protecting Ukraine’s independence. Thanks to you, we are able to celebrate, spend time with our families and be at home.
I am grateful to everyone who, regardless of their profession, does their job honestly. Our joint work will be the key to a happy future. Each of us is important. Taking small steps, we will definitely achieve a big goal!
May the New Year be full of warmth, light, hugs and time! Time for family, travel, work and joy. May victory come to us unexpectedly, making every new day calm and happy. I believe that this year will be a year of recovery, unity and prosperity for Ukraine.
With respect and love, your Iryna Skrypnyk and the entire “Iris-Dent” team.
віддано та безкомпромісно оберігають незалежність
проводити час із рідними, бути вдома.
Дякую кожному, хто, незалежно від професії, чесно виконує свою роботу. Наша спільна праця стане запорукою щасливого майбут-
веться до нас неочікувано, зробивши кожен новий день спокійним і щасливим. Вірю, що цей рік стане роком відновлення, єдності та
процвітання для України. З повагою й любов’ю – ваша Ірина Скрипник і вся команда «Ірис-Дент».
Ирина Скрипник Стоматологія
Dear friends, colleagues, partners, patients! Dear Ukrainians!
I sincerely wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We turn another page of our life. During this time, we have overcome many challenges and obstacles and strengthened our spirit. The war forced us to rethink life values and define new priorities. We are here and now, which means that we have succeeded!
Be sure: this world is held on love. It appears even in the darkest moments — in the excitement and care of family and friends, in the support of complete strangers.
The New Year is a kind of boundary between the past and the future. Do not compare your achievements with others! Think about how you yourself have changed from yesterday. It is within our power to change the world and our own lives for the better. Do what you can with feeling and conscientiously and cherish goodness in your heart.
On these magical winter holidays, I would like to wish each of us not to lose faith in miracles and not to postpone life for later! Let happiness be new, real and unforgettable. Let all hopes come true, and the news will be only good. Joy, peace and love in 2025! And most importantly – victory! With love and respect, your Maria TAGAEVA.
ometimes one small action can set off a chain of events that can change someone’s life forever. And namely moments like these, full of firmness and compassion shape people’s lives and create stories about the indomitability of the human spirit. Our interlocutor is Olha SHAKHIN, a deputy of the Ternopil City Council, head of the TRNGO “Entrepreneurs of Galicia” and the NGO “Association of Women of Ukraine “Action.Ternopil”, author of the “Angels of War” project and host of the “Not Indifferent” programme on Ternopil1 TV channel.
– Olha, you combine different social roles: deputy, public figure, TV presenter. Recently, you were also awarded the national prize «Pride of Ukraine» in the nomination «Woman of the Year-2024». How do you manage to find a balance between these areas, and what was the impetus for such an active public position?
– Life has taught me a simple truth: nothing is impossible if your heart is open to goodness. When you do what you love, strength comes from everywhere. My journey as a public figure began with a desire to make the world even a little bit better. The most important thing is not to be afraid to start small. Every big thing starts with a small step: a call, a meeting, a helping hand reached in time. This is how a community of like-minded people ready to do good is gradually forming around you.
When I formed the team of the NGO “Association of Women of Ukraine “Action.Ternopil” I realised how powerful our strength is. Each our participant is responsible for a specific area and we always support each other.
– The NGO ”Association of Women of Ukraine “Action.Ternopil” implements numerous volunteer projects. How has the war affected your organisation’s priorities?
– The military is our present day. If we do not support them, we may lose ourselves
as a nation. Since the first days of the full-scale invasion, we have chosen the mission of being a reliable rear guard. We communicate a lot with military families, support them and help their children. In this difficult time, our task is to be there for those who need it most, even if they cannot ask for help themselves.
– The «Angels of War» project has become a powerful media phenomenon that tells the stories of fallen defenders of Ukraine. What prompted the creation of such a format for honouring the memory of heroes?
– Every story of a fallen hero must be preserved, told and passed on to posterity. This is not just a TV programme – it is our national memory, a treasury of heroism and self-sacrifice. When recording these stories, I often cry together with the families of the fallen warriors. Each of them is a whole universe, a life laid down for our country. Preserving their memory is the least we can do for them.
– How does your worldview change when you work with children’s projects after such emotionally difficult stories?
– Each child is a unique universe that needs our faith and support. The most amazing thing is that children teach us more than we teach them. They give us
lessons of sincerity, unconditional love and the ability to enjoy simple things.
– Your schedule is very busy, and the activity is emotionally difficult. Where do you find a resource for recovery?
– I love life in all its manifestations, and this love is enough to share it with those who need it.
– What advice would you give to those who want to start volunteering, but hesitate to take the first step?
– Start small. Do not be afraid that your help will be insignificant – every contribution is important. Team up with like-minded people and share your experience. Remember: big changes start with small steps. The main thing is to act. Even the smallest help can save someone’s life or give them hope.
Love life; believe in people and don’t be afraid to dream big. By helping others, we change ourselves. I am a woman who believes in the power of goodness. And you know what? This faith is enough for everyone who is ready to change the world with me.
ноді одна невелика дія може запустити ланцюг
подій, що здатен змінити чиєсь життя назавжди. Саме такі моменти, сповнені рішучості та співчуття, формують долі людей і створюють історії
про незламність людського духу.
Наша співрозмовниця – депутатка Тернопільської міської ради, голова ТОГО «Підприємці Галичини» та ГО «Асоціація жінок
вчасно простягнутої руки допомоги. Так поступово навколо тебе
формується спільнота однодумців, готових творити добро.
Коли у мене з‘явилася команда
ГО «Асоціація жінок України «Дія.Тернопіль», зрозуміла, наскільки потужною є наша сила. У нас кожна учасниця відповідає за певний напрям, і завжди підтри-
важких історій? – Кожна дитина – це унікальний
Olga Sahin
In a frank interview with the school’s director Natalya KRYVENKO, we summed up the results of 2024, discussed adaptation to difficult realities, new hobbies, personal changes and her observations of Ukrainian society. Join us!
– Mrs. Natalya, greetings. We haven’t talked for a long time. I would like to start our conversation with the results of the year. How was 2024 for you?
– It is difficult to summarise. However, thanks to the adaptation to the situation in the country, we have started to think in a new way
and, despite all the difficulties, build our lives with a prospect to a better future. Let me remind you that I work as a school principal in very difficult conditions. I am grateful to all the teachers of our country for their work. Only true patriots and professionals are able to give 100% in such unstable circumstances despite air alarms and blackouts and achieve results.
My passion for the theatre continues. We have new productions. My relatives and friends had no idea how much it would fascinate me. And this year, I discovered a new hobby for myself – learning Argentine tango. I never thought it was so beautiful and feminine. And the most interesting thing is that tango became therapy for me. I belong to women who find it difficult to obey. My coach even jokes that sometimes I don’t need a partner. It’s funny, but it’s my independence that prevents me from fully immersing myself in dance and getting the most out of it.
– What new horizons of consciousness and soul have you discovered in yourself?
– This year I often thought about how to live on. It is important to abstract from external influences and focus on your feelings and needs. I listened to my female wisdom –only understanding what I need can provide answers to difficult life questions.
I’m facing a difficult choice about professional change. As a rational person, I don’t make decisions based on emotions alone, but my tendency to analyse creates a “swing” that can be exhausting. Meditation, reflection and self-discovery help me to deepen my consciousness and understand myself better.
– What changes do you notice in Ukrainian society?
– Talking about change is never easy. When I work with people, including the parents of our pupils, I see how society’s values have transformed. I do not always accept these changes, but I rely on my own experience, wisdom and intuition. We have learnt to live in new realities. We have not lost our love of life and interest in it, and this is the most important thing.
I am impressed by Odesa women who are able to create a festive mood and atmosphere in any situation. Undoubtedly, we are driven by a great buoyancy, faith, hope and love.
– Mrs. Natalya, you are an incredibly wise and sensual person who inspires. And what personal achievements do you consider the most significant?
– My greatest achievement is my daughters. They are smart girls who, despite all the difficulties, have found their own paths and are confidently moving through life. Like me, they study a lot. I am not 20 years old anymore, but I also continue to study and develop. Now I am on the verge of serious changes, but it is not yet time to talk about it. I am sure that next year I will have something to share.
– We wish you success and prosperity in the new year! Do you have any wishes for our readers and all Ukrainians?
– I will say in the words of the wonderful song «I wish you peace» by I. Balabay:
I wish you peace!
And not to know war! And let the wheat grow Golden wheat! And let the children grow up On your native land! natarosha2015
Хотілося б розпочати нашу бесіду з підсумків року.
Яким 2024 рік був для Вас?
– Важко підбивати підсумки. Проте, завдяки адаптації
до ситуації в країні, ми почали мислити по-новому та по-
при всі труднощі будувати своє життя з перспективою на краще майбутнє. Нагадаю, що я працюю директоркою
в дуже складних умовах. Низький уклін усім педагогам нашої країни за їхню працю. Лише справжні патріоти і професіонали здатні викладатися на 100 % у таких нестабільних обставинах, не зважаючи на повітряні тривоги та вимкнення світла, й досягати результатів.
Продовжується моє захоплення театром. У
життєві питання. Переді мною стоїть непростий вибір щодо професійних змін. Як раціональна людина, я не приймаю рішення лише на емоціях, проте моя схильність до аналізу створює «гойдалки», які інколи виснажують. Медитація, рефлексія та самопізнання допомагають поглибити свідомість і краще зрозуміти себе. – Які
Meet her! Alla KALEYEVA (Dovgan) is an opinion leader, successful businesswoman and tireless volunteer. As the member of the International Club of Successful Women, she unites women from all over the world, inspiring them to new achievements. Through her projects and initiatives, Alla proves that women’s power can change the world for the better. Learn more about her life, achievements, and plans.
– Alla, nice to meet you. Let’s start with the fact that you are a resident of the International Club of Successful Women (ICSW) World Woman Club. What implemented projects do you consider to be the most successful?
– This year we successfully implemented a chain of initiatives: “Born in Vyshyvanka” (embroidered shirts for new-borns), “Khustyna” (a project aimed at preserving folk traditions, our heritage and the code of the nation. We give such shawls to the military for protection). We also organised international visits to the Vatican and Washington. We actively use international platforms to disseminate information about events in Ukraine and promote our culture and traditions. We
are currently working on a rehabilitation programme for the military.
– What is the main goal of your community?
– Our community is a union of strong and ambitious women who have achieved success through their own perseverance and work. Together, we create synergy that helps us reach new heights and change the world for the better. We share our experience, support each other and develop joint projects that help strengthen the country’s economy and help those in need.
– You are the head of the Lada Medical Centre. What are your professional duties? What exactly does the clinic offer?
– I have been working as an obstetrician and gynaecologist for over 33 years. For eight years, I held a leading position in the city health department. I have been working at the Lada clinic for 14 years, 12 of them as medical director. My responsibilities include the development of the clinic, its representation on various platforms and the introduction of innovations. At the same time, I practice as a reproductive medicine doctor.
At the clinic, we provide a wide range of services. For example, we store germ cells for those who do not plan to have children in the near future, IVF (in vitro fertilization). Many of our military personnel are among such patients. We also specialise in surgical and cosmetic gynaecology. We always stay in touch with our patients through online services and this adds convenience.
– What do you consider your main life goal?
– Perhaps to make this world a better place. I am always ready to support those who need it. I have students to whom I pass on my knowledge. Since 2014, I have been involved in volunteering, successfully combining this activity with my professional and personal development.
I am convinced that our country is special, favoured by God. We must protect it, live on this land and keep hope for victory.
I wish all our readers to spend the holidays with their loved ones and with good memories of those who are no longer with us. Believe in the future! I wish you happiness, warmth and love! And my professional wish is to give birth to children!
року ми успішно
ініціатив: «Народжені у вишиванці» (вишиванки для новонароджених), «Хустина» (проєкт, спрямований на збереження народних традицій, нашої спадщини, коду нації. Такі хустини ми передаємо військовим для захисту). Також організували міжнародні візити до Ватикану та Вашингтона. Ми активно залучаємо міжнародні платформи, щоб інформувати про події в Україні та популяризувати нашу культуру і традиції. Наразі плануємо розробити програму реабілітації
ommunication is the key to success in any field. Anna Kalinina, a renowned coach in effective communication, tells us how to master the art of persuasion and achieve your goals
– Mrs. Anna, greetings. Your services are very relevant now. So, where should we start? What tools do you use?
– Greetings! I combine the philosophy of winning in the interaction of business processes with public speaking, effective communication, management psychology and interpersonal relationships. My mission is to help people develop specific skills, provide resources and tools to achieve their goals, whether personal or corporate.
In short, I am an effective communication coach, and my courses are aimed at one thing - achieving goals through improved communication. Effective rhetoric is the art of influencing the emotional and rational state of a person with words. It allows you to persuade, motivate and interest in further actions. Successful negotiations, presentations, sales, and even ordinary communication require mastering such aspects as the secrets of persuasion, verbal and non-verbal influence, manipulation techniques and conversation structure.
– What results do your clients get after completing the training?
– Some people believe that effective rhetoric is reserved for public figures, but this is a misconception. In every field, both professional and personal, there are those who achieve their goals through skilful communication.
Among the results of my clients: some conclude large-scale deals and increase their income several times, some win negotiations, some become confident public speakers, and some become influential people in their industry. Moreover, some learn to find a common language with their children or loved ones.
– What challenges do you face in your work?
– Most often these are challenges of a personal nature:
1. A person comes to training without a clear goal. The principle «I came, surprise me» only interferes with work and requires patience from me.
2. Reluctance to change habits. My techniques often contradict established patterns of behaviour, and this causes resistance.
3. People with old beliefs who believe that learning is superfluous and new knowledge is unnecessary. In such cases, I adhere to the principle: «I see the goal – I overcome obstacles!»
– What professional path did you take to become a soughtafter expert?
– My journey is a transition from teacher and mother to entrepreneur, investor, politician, philanthropist and coach. My experience in education, entrepreneurship, advertising, charity and politics, cooperation with various organisations and continuous learning have given me the knowledge and skills I use today.
At the age of 44, I have a lot of practical experience. I studied with the best trainers, created my own methods that have proven their effectiveness in real life.
Remember: the main thing is to have a goal.
Be the first and stay the best!
– Пані Анно, вітаємо. Ваші послуги зараз дуже актуальні. Отже, з чого варто почати? Якими інструментами Ви користуєтеся? – Вітаю! Я поєдную філософію перемоги у взаємодії бізнеспроцесів із ораторським мистецтвом, ефективним спілкуванням, психологією управління та міжособистісних відносин. Моя місія – допомагати людям розвивати спеціальні навички, надавати ресурси та інструменти для досягнення їхніх цілей, чи то особистих, чи корпоративних. Коротко кажучи, я тренерка
приходить на тренінг без чіткої мети. Принцип «Я прийшов, дивуйте мене» лише заважає роботі та вимагає від мене терпіння.
2. Небажання змінювати звички. Мої техніки
he subtle feeling of a person, the genuineness of feelings, the pursuit of perfection... All this is about Marina BUTS’s professionalism. She is a true specialist who knows how to overcome life’s obstacles. Get acquainted, follow the link and send a request. Marina will help!
– Mrs. Marina, you are a very multifaceted person. You work in the construction industry, have mastered the profession of a massage therapist, lead the “Life” transformational game and are a practicing MAС coach. You travel constantly, raise a wonderful daughter, often meet with friends. How do you manage all this? What is your secret?
– 2024 was a year of transformation and significant changes for me personally. In my fight against stress and depression, I started every day with the simplest tasks – waking up, brushing my teeth, washing my face and coming to work. Gradually, I realised that the harder I worked, the more I could donate to the Armed Forces. But then it wasn’t enough: I realised that by helping others I was helping myself. That’s when I decided to improve my knowledge: I entered
Kyiv Institute of Business and Technologies to study finance and started studying at the Psy Brain School. Now I am already conducting MAC coaching sessions and transformational games that help people overcome psychological difficulties on the way to a better life. The main secret is to realise your strengths and use them to reach new heights. I trust my intuition, learn new things and improve my skills.
– What character traits did you develop to achieve daily harmony and live a full life?
– Five years ago, I discovered life management. Now I know how to manage time effectively, considering it as the most important resource. In today’s world, where stability is only a dream, it is important to learn how to find and maintain balance. It is balance that helps me avoid emotional burnout. It’s about the ability to take responsibility and stay motivated through optimism. Read books, attend trainings, engage in self-analysis, and practice meditation to develop awareness and manage emotions. Try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Think of life as a journey, not a race. And remember: developing these qualities is a long process. The most important thing is to be consistent and not give up.
– Share your personal life rules.
– Creating your own life principles is like designing an individual route to help you navigate a variety of situations. Here are a few of my rules that contribute to personal development and may be useful to you:
• learn something new every day. The world is changing rapidly, and to stay relevant, it is important to constantly acquire new knowledge and skills;
• get out of your comfort zone, because it is in moments of discomfort that true growth occurs;
• a few minutes of meditation every day will help you maintain inner peace and focus on what is important;
• plan your time;
• healthy eating and good sleep are the basis for good health.
These rules help me maintain balance and live in harmony with myself and the world.
– Marina, could you share your main dream?
– My goal is to help people. I can make a client’s dream design project come true and give them joy. I can conduct a MAC coaching session to help people deal with difficult life situations. Or I can give a massage session that will make a person feel better...
All my professional skills are aimed at improving the quality of people’s lives. My greatest value is to be useful to others.
I wish that 2025 will be a time of new achievements, interesting acquaintances and unforgettable adventures! Let the warmth of home comfort warm you in any weather, and let the love of your loved ones fill your heart with happiness!
I wish you the courage to move forward, faith in yourself and the strength to overcome any difficulties!
instagram: tatianakardanova
instagram: dyvo.zavrik
tiktok: tatiana_kardanova
etyana Kardanova’s story of achievements and success began with numerous challenges. Divorce, raising children on her own, financial difficulties... All this could break even the strongest person. But our heroine didn’t give up. Her dream of a better future for her children became the driving force that led to her outstanding achievements. Today, Mrs. Tetyana owns a chain of kindergartens called “DyvoZavryk” and is confidently entering the international market. This is a story of inspiration, confidence and a role model.
instagram: tatianakardanova
instagram: dyvo.zavrik
tiktok: tatiana_kardanova
tiktok: tatiana_kardanova
– Mrs. Tetyana, you have gone from a girl who felt like an “ugly duckling” to a strong, successful woman who has become a role model for her children and an inspiration to many people. Please tell us about this journey.
– My story is a story of fortitude, entrepreneurial intuition and maternal love. I went from being a single mother in difficult life circumstances to a successful owner of a chain of kindergartens. My childhood was full of difficulties. Poverty, constant comparisons with others, bullying – all this left its mark on my soul. The fears and complexes I experienced were a natural reaction to those circumstances. But I was always supported by my grandmother Tetyana, a doctor by profession, a strong and successful woman. She became a real role model for me. Our conversations were my personal treasure that helped me overcome difficulties. Dreams from childhood turned into a driving force. The desire of the «ugly duckling» to become beautiful, confident and financially independent became my main motivation. I obtained two pedagogical educations, which formed discipline and hard work ability in me. And children’s concerts became the first steps towards entrepreneurship.
My children’s complexes became an impetus for achieving success, because I wanted to create a better future for my children.
– Tetyana, was opening your own kindergarten a turning point in your life? Was it a business decision or a vocation?
– My childhood was spent amid the ringing children’s voices and the smell of chalk and paints. My mother, an educator by vocation, opened the magical world of childhood for me. I have seen her eyes shone when she told children stories, sang songs or played with them. I observed how much patience and creativity is needed to organize a children’s party, and how important it is to be ready for any surprises.
Looking at my mother, I decided that this was not for me. After all, an educator is not just a profession; it is a vocation that requires complete dedication.
And yet fate ordered otherwise. The girl, who dreamed of a different profession, eventually became a pedagogue, like her mother. And you know, it’s incredible how life sometimes brings surprises. I am convinced that I ended up where I was most needed.
– You did not just become a pedagogue, but created a network of private
kindergartens «DivoZavryk». This shows your entrepreneurial spirit and desire to create something special. Life has prepared many trials: divorce, raising children independently, economic crises and war. Each of these events could have become an obstacle, but thanks to your strong character and ambition, you turned them into opportunities for development.
– Yes, my path was really not easy. The pandemic and the war made serious adjustments in the field of educational business. But I not only saved my kindergartens, but also was able to adapt to new conditions, remaining true to my values. This shows strength of spirit, flexibility and dedication to my work.
When the war broke into our lives, everything changed. Fear, uncertainty, destruction... But even in these dark times, I knew I had to act. I felt that I could contribute to the victory of good over evil.
For me, my kindergarten has always been not just a business, but a place where children feel happy and safe. With the beginning of war, I realised that this oasis of calm was becoming even more necessary. Many military families found themselves in difficult circumstances: their parents were at the front and their children needed care and attention.
I made a decision to open the doors of one of my kindergartens for children of military personnel and internally displaced persons. Looking into the joyful eyes of children, I felt that I was doing an important thing.
At the same time, I decided to create new jobs. In our country, many people lost their jobs because of the war. So I invited them to join my team, opening up opportunities for earnings and professional growth.
But my activities are not limited to kindergarten. Together with the team, we are engaged in charity work: we help homeless animals, hold charity fairs to collect fodder. In kindergartens, teachers conduct kindness classes that teach children a humane attitude towards animals.
The «DyvoZavryk» network even became a participant in the National Record of Ukraine for «The largest number of kindness classes.»
– Your charity work proves that you are not only a businesswoman, but also a person with a big heart.
– The children of our network support the morale of our defenders with creative works and amulets made by themselves. We sincerely believe that this gives our soldiers strength and faith in victory.
«DivoZavryk» does good deeds that help in the most difficult times. My experience has shown that even in the most difficult conditions it is possible to do good and change the world for the better. I proved to myself that even in hopeless situations you can find the strength to change. The past does not determine the future, it only hardens the character.
– Tetyana, who are the people who support you in your activity?
– This is my team of like-minded people: family, friends and colleagues.
My children are modern, creative young people who inspire me to learn new tools to develop my own brand and remain a modern mum. Friends are a source of inspiration, advice and support. And my team is a team of people who share my values.
I am not afraid to hire young specialists and pass on my knowledge to them. It is important for me to prepare a new generation of practicing educators ready to meet the challenges of today.
– Your story today already goes beyond the borders of Ukraine.
– Yes, the war divided my family into three parts, scattering us in different parts of the world. My daughter ended up in Ecuador, my son in Canada, and I stayed in Ukraine. It would seem that such disunity should have been paralysing, but on the contrary, it became a powerful stimulus for development.
Today I am working on a project to create an international kindergarten in Ecuador.
– Why Ecuador?
– To answer with humour: Tetyana does not look for easy ways! Opening a kindergarten in Latin America is a new, ambitious stage in my life. My many years of experience in the education business gained in Ukraine have become a solid foundation for new achievements. I see great potential in combining the best practices of Ukrainian and Latin American pedagogy.
It will be a modern, innovative educational space where children will be able to develop harmoniously in an atmosphere of love, respect and mutual understanding.
– You are not just exporting the Ukrainian model of preschool education, but creating an international brand!
– Yes, working on an international project encouraged me to learn Spanish. Every new phrase I learn is a small victory over myself. After all, getting out of the comfort zone in adulthood is not an easy task.
Learning Spanish has become for me not only a means of communication, but also a bridge connecting me to another culture, traditions and values.
This situation confirmed my belief that age is just a number. A woman, regardless of her age, has the right to happiness, development and fulfilment of her dreams. I strive to become an example for other women, showing that even in the most difficult circumstances, you can find the strength to change and move forward.
I urge women not to stop at what they have achieved, but to constantly develop and improve.
I believe that my story will inspire many people. After all, even in the most difficult times, you can always find the strength to make your dreams come true.
– What do you think readers can take away from your experience?
– Here are some important principles that I have learnt from my life:
• Do not be afraid of your fears – they can become your best allies.
• Believe in yourself – each of us has the potential to achieve great things.
• Appreciate your family – the support of loved ones is the most important resource.
• Kindness and compassion – charity clearly demonstrates how business can be combined with philanthropy.
• Mentoring and team development – being a mentor who helps young professionals to unlock their potential is an important aspect of leadership.
• Work on yourself – key to success is self-development and continuous improvement.
– Tetyana, what is your professional identity?
– My professional identity is that of an expert in systematising the education business and building strong teams.
– Is it important for you as an education business owner to have a personal brand?
– I will quote the words of a famous entrepreneur, founder of the online store Amazon.com, Jeffrey Preston, better known as Jeff Bezos: “An entrepreneur’s personal brand is an invisible asset that works for you 24/7, even when you’re sleeping.”
In today’s world, a personal brand is not only a trend, but also an effective strategy implemented by the leaders of the most successful companies. CEOs become the face of their businesses, building trust and a strong image. This helps them attract customers, partners and talented employees.
Why don’t we, as heads of educational institutions, apply the same principles to the development of our own kindergartens or centres? The manager’s expertise and a sincere story about the institution create trust among parents. A strong brand makes you an ambassador of values, helps you stand out among competitors and evokes an emotional response.
Building a personal brand is an important component of success. It is necessary to act now.
– Tetyana, what, in your opinion, are the three key principles of creating a strong personal brand?
– Sincerity and transparency, humanisation of leadership and support of values. Your brand is a reflection of your beliefs, ideas and actions. People want to see that you not only say the right words, but also put them into practice.
A personal brand opens up huge opportunities for business development and personal growth of the owner.
My story is a story about the power of the human spirit, the importance of mutual support and the fact that even in the most difficult times you can find the strength to help others.
My personal journey is like an unpredictable river, which sometimes takes us completely differently from where we planned. But just these unexpected turns make life rich and interesting.
he year 2024 became rich in events, full of pride for our compatriots. There is the recognition of Ukrainian women among them. At the awarding ceremony of the most influential citizens of Ukraine, Olha BARBEN received a well-deserved award for her professional achievements, patriotism and support for the development of her native country. She is one of those who prove that Ukrainian women, wherever they are, are real leaders of our time. Our talented female compatriots demonstrate by their own example that we are a nation that cannot be conquered. In the December issue of the magazine, Olha seeks to appeal to all Ukrainians to support everyone who glorifies our great nation today. Thanks to her charming voice, unique style and tireless desire to reach new heights, she masterfully conquered the international stage as an opera singer. Her art is a harmonious combination of deep soul and refined elegance, which leaves an indelible mark in the hearts of listeners in different corners of the world. Nowadays, Olha not only continues to conquer international scenes, but also actively supports Ukrainians, because she deeply appreciates the richness of our cultural heritage.
– Greetings, dear Ukrainians, dear listeners, fans of art and readers of the edition! I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on the upcoming holidays!
In this issue, I would like to share my thoughts on an important topic – our happiness. We come into this world to maximally reveal our potential and share our talents. Each of us has internal settings, a kind of «programs» that we have to implement. But often these programs change under the influence of the environment: parents, teachers and friends. These external influences shape our choices, whether professional or personal. Because of this, we sometimes stop feeling joy in the moment because we focus on other people’s expectations.
To be happy, you need to listen to yourself and your feelings and build mainstay on your own aspirations. Realized talents are the source of joy most often. When we reveal them, we inspire ourselves and inspire others. Life becomes bright and full when we live it according to our own script and not according to someone else’s plan. Do not pay attention to the opinions of those who try to make us comfortable for them. Only the internal compass can point the right way. And this path
certainly leads to harmony. With such a feeling, we not only become happy ourselves, but also bring joy to the people around us.
I have good news for fans of my work. In addition to participating in international concerts, I started work on a Ukrainianlanguage album. I managed to gather around me incredibly talented authors and composers: Volodymyr Partika, Mila Kyrylyuk, Serhiy Rozumyak, Viktor Voznyuk, Yuriy Reshetar and Oles Kolyada. I am sincerely grateful to everyone who glorifies Ukrainian culture together with me and fills it with new meanings. I believe that only together we can create a healthy society.
On New Year’s Eve, I want to express my gratitude to my colleagues, relatives and friends for their support. All my awards are a fraction of their contributions. It is a great honour for me to be recognized by Ukrainian society. This is confirmation that I am on the right path. And a special connection with the Motherland helps me in this.
I wish each of you courage in your choices, harmony and the ability to hear your inner voice. Let your wings help you open up in this world. Let’s go together to victory! Let’s build a country where happy children will live!
Вітаю вас, дорогі українці, шанов-
ні слухачі, прихильники мистецтва та читачі видання! Щиро рада привітати вас із прийдешніми святами!
У цьому номері я хотіла б поділитися думками щодо важливої теми — нашого щастя. Ми приходимо у цей світ, щоб максимально розкрити свій потенціал і поділитися талантами. У кожного
з нас є внутрішні установки, своєрідні «програми», які ми маємо реалізувати. Та часто ці програми змінюються під впливом оточення: батьків, учителів, друзів. Ці зовнішні впливи формують наші
– Лесю, рік, що минає, видався для Вас дуже насиченим, чи не так? Якою була Ваша робота в кіно? – Так, дійсно, цей рік видався плідним. Я взяла участь
зйомках чотирьох серіалів. У вебсеріалі «Креативне
(де головну роль виконував Артемій
Жінки – це творчі натури. Ідеться не лише про модельний бізнес чи кіно. Будь-яка творчість – шиття, вишивання, танці – допомагає відновлювати енергію. Я завжди кажу: «Дівчата, займайтеся тим, що вам до душі!» Запишіться на полденс, відвідайте жіночий клуб, знайдіть своє захоплення.
Я також, як і багато інших, будува-
– Lesya, the past year has been very busy for you, hasn’t it? What was your work in the cinema?
– Yes, indeed, this year was fruitful. I took part in the filming of four series. In the web series «Creative Agency» (starring Artemiy Yehorov), I played twins: two different girls with different characters, behaviour and life circumstances. The first is a diplomat’s wife, a self-sufficient and self-confident woman. The second is a show business star who has not realised her potential, is looking for herself, but does not find it. It was difficult, but very interesting. We managed it! The director is satisfied, the audience is watching – that’s the most important thing for me!
We also filmed the series «Consultant», in which Yevheny Kaporin played the lead role, and I played a businesswoman. I also can’t help but mention «Imposter Syndrome», where we play neighbours together with another actress. In addition, we have completed work on the continuation of the series –«Imposter Syndrome – 2». But the format changed significantly: we saw that the audience liked the series, so we decided to shoot full-length films instead of short episodes.
Filming and collaboration with famous brands, first experience as a TV presenter! Famous Ukrainian model and actress Lesya LABUNSKA sums up the results of 2024 together with our magazine. She also tells us how she maintains her feminine energy and achieves career success! Join the conversation – it will be interesting!
– What other character do you dream of playing?
– My desire is unchanged. I still see myself as a woman standing with a submachine gun on board the plane she has hijacked.
– I know that this year you have become the face of two well-known brands at once! Your photos can be seen on the big screens of the capital’s shopping malls. Tell us about your impressions of the collaboration.
– I am very impressed with the style of the Italian brand Elisabetta Franchi. This is the image of a modern, business woman. The clothes are not too revealing, but there is refinement and femininity in every look. I already have several dresses from this brand in my wardrobe.
Elen Ost is a product of a very talented Ukrainian designer. Her clothes also do not leave anyone indifferent! Cooperation with brands is a big responsibility. People choose you and you cannot let them down. But I am glad that I am doing what I love. Of course, I am proud that people like the result.
I don’t really know how to act. Everyone knows this – photographers, designers and directors. I live every character. The same goes for advertising shoots. I put on a dress and immediately understand how I feel in it. I live the moment and it is reflected in the frame.
– How easy was it for you as a leading model to choose the best among the best at the All-Ukrainian beauty contest?
– I have already been a member of the jury, but back then it was a children’s competition – a battle between modelling agencies. In such cases, I usually rely on my feelings and choose with my heart. I look not only at the appearance, but also try to understand the inner world of a person.
The fact is that a professional model who works hard and trains can reproduce any emotion. This is taught in modelling schools and acting courses. I know how to distinguish between an artificial smile and one that appears naturally in everyday life. Therefore, I assessed not only how well the contestant could fulfil the model’s requirements (defile, posing), but also whether she was comfortable in this role and whether her movements were not constrained.
– What is the significance of such events in our time?
– Now you can often hear that concerts, shows or shootings are not on time. But it is worth thinking about the fact that this is the work of people. They work, pay taxes and thus support the economy, which is extremely important in such a difficult time for the country.
Secondly, Ukrainians are exhausted by the war. You walk down the street and no one smiles. Concerts and competitions bring positive emotions and psychological relief. This is emotional support for people.
In my opinion, if people are not involved at the front, they should work in the rear, earn money and help our defenders. It is not for nothing that donations for the Ukrainian Armed Forces are collected at many entertainment events.
– Your new experience: host of a music hit parade! Did another dream come true?
– I really wanted to take a TV presenter course for a long time. And then I was offered to host a programme right away. The universe must have heard my wish.
I’m not afraid of the camera, because I work as an actress and model, where television is also often present. However, the broadcast format is new to me. At first it was a little scary. But later I realised that I am very comfortable.
– Does your busy schedule include time for yourself? What are the daily rituals you don’t miss?
– I do yoga regularly, at least every other day. I also like to play soothing music and meditate in a half-asleep state. Embroidery or knitting is my way of relaxing. And, of course, I read before going to bed.
On weekdays I work in the office, and I plan to shoot on weekends. That’s why I haven’t had a proper holiday in the last two months.
– Why is it important to maintain your feminine energy? What are your tips for our readers?
– Women are creative natures. It’s not just about modelling or cinema. Any kind of creativity – sewing, embroidery, dancing – helps to restore energy. I always say: “Girls, do what you like!” Sign up for a pole dance class, visit a women’s club and find your passion.
Like many others, I was building a career and achieving success in my main job. But at some point I started to feel like I was playing a male role. Then I returned to creativity.
– Do you already have plans for 2025? Can you share them?
– In January, I will start working on another grandiose project. It is about cooperation with a well-known jewellery brand, but I can’t tell you more yet.
In general, in the new year, I plan to continue doing what I love, giving people positive emotions and delighting them with my work. It is very nice to see the reaction on social media. This is inspiring!
– What would you wish Ukrainians?
– I will not say anything new. We all have one big dream: we want peace and tranquillity. And everyone also has their own personal desires – to find love, a new job or to fulfil a cherished dream.
The main thing is to feel the joy of the holiday on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I wish all our dreams to come true for everyone in the New Year!
не думали, що війна змусить нас опинитися в центрі Європи. Тепер для нас відкритий увесь світ, однак ніде не буде так легко та затишно, як удома.
Коли жінки з дітьми виїжджали у стані стресу і страху, вони не були готові починати життя з нуля. Основні труднощі — мовний бар’єр, незнання законів, відмінна ментальність.
Сьогодні українці проявляють себе як професіонали: юристи, лікарі, фахівці різних сфер. Жінки допомагають
одна одній, а ми, зі свого боку, підтримуємо їхнє об’єднання, щоб разом
захищати права наших співгромадян за кордоном. – Як щодо збереження націо-
нальної ідентичності?
– Кожен наш захід, кожне зібрання, івент не обходиться без популяризації української культури за кордоном. Усе, що робимо, – з любов’ю до
Батьківщини, з усвідомленням свого походження, коріння, своєї сутності.
Передусім, де б ми не були, маємо
плекати й берегти українську ідентичність. Це наша принципова позиція. – Розкажіть детальніше про вашу гуманітарну допомогу Україні.
– Спільними зусиллями з нашими європейськими партнерами нам вдається регулярно передавати до України необхідну гуманітарну допомогу та медичне обладнання. Зокрема, пишаємося тим, що змогли забезпечити гемодіалізом одну із Запорізьких лікарень. Також постійно доправляємо гуманітарні вантажі на Київщину, забезпечуючи мешканців альтернативними джерелами енергії, що є особливо
дітей військовослужбовців, переселенців, спортсменів, юних науковців та інших ірпінчан. Загалом з початку повномасштабної війни понад 500 дітей віком від
та в українських Карпатах. Це надзвичайно важливо,
was a landmark year for the public and professional activities of Violetta DVORNIKOVA, the head of the European Association of Women of Ukraine and the NGO “Association of Women of Ukraine “ACTION. Kyiv Region”, head of the Ukraine Society Hub in Brussels, a public figure from Irpin and advisor to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights. She has become a leader of change at the international level, not afraid to speak up for those who need support. Frankly about the consolidation of Ukrainian women abroad, assistance to the military and veterans as well as the nearest plans – read on!
– Ms. Violetta, greetings! Indomitable Ukrainian women live, work, create businesses, and volunteer thousands of kilometres from home. How was it possible to unite them in the first European Association of Women of Ukraine? How much has your organisation grown this year?
– The European Association of Women of Ukraine has already united thousands of Ukrainian women abroad! They all have a common goal, interests and aspirations. First of all, it is about protecting the rights of women and children living in foreign countries. The main goal is to become the voice of Ukraine in Europe, to constantly remind the world about our state.
During three years of living in European countries, our women acquired local resources and established contacts in municipalities. This allows them to talk about the Russian invasion, to attract aid for Ukraine, to provide humanitarian support to Ukrainians at home and the military at the front.
The Association has become a bridge between Ukraine and Europe, facilitating more effective work at the international level and helping Ukrainians feel protected and supported abroad.
– In December, the 10th Congress of the Association of Women of Ukraine took place. What are you most proud of?
– The first Summit of the European Association of Women of Ukraine was held in Belgium, where delegates from 20 countries gathered. Subsequently, we held Congresses in Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, Ireland, France, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Cyprus.
At the meetings, we discussed humanitarian aid, support, preservation of the Ukrainian language and culture, legal protection, women’s entrepreneurship and business adaptation. In each of these countries, there are active women who help the association and each other feel safe and comfortable. Every time I am impressed by their strength, confidence, energy, incredible ideas and initiatives.
– What difficulties do Ukrainians face abroad?
– We used to dream of a better life abroad, but we did not think that the war would force us to find ourselves in the centre of Europe. Now the whole world is open to us, but nowhere will it be as easy and cosy as at home.
When women with children left in a state of stress and fear, they were not ready to start life from scratch. The main difficulties were the language barrier, lack of knowledge of the law, and a different mentality.
Today, Ukrainians show themselves as professionals: lawyers, doctors, specialists in various fields. Women help each other, and we, for our part, support their association to jointly defend the rights of our fellow citizens abroad.
– What about preserving national identity?
– Each of our activities, every meeting and event is not complete without promoting Ukrainian culture abroad. Everything we do is done with love for our homeland, with an awareness of our origins, roots, and essence. First and foremost, wherever we are, we have to cherish and protect Ukrainian identity. This is our position of principle.
– Tell us more about your humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
– Through joint efforts with our European partners, we manage to regularly
deliver the necessary humanitarian aid and medical equipment to Ukraine. In particular, we are proud that we were able to provide haemodialysis to one of Zaporizhzhya hospitals.
We also regularly deliver humanitarian supplies to the Kyiv region, providing residents with alternative energy sources, which is especially important at the moment.
– What successes have you had in the area of veterans’ policy?
– This summer, the «Summit of innovation, support and health of veterans» was held in Brussels, where we outlined the real problems of the Ukrainian military and proposed ways to solve them. It’s a big responsibility, but I’m proud that we’re taking important steps to improve the lives of our defenders. This is our sacred duty.
Besides that, I was a speaker at the «Veterans – the way home» forum in Lviv, where I spoke about the contribution of Ukrainian women’s communities in the EU to support veterans and their families.
– More than five hundred Ukrainian children have improved their health this year thanks to you. How did you manage to do this?
– Together with the NGO “Association of Women of Ukraine “ACTION. Kyiv Region”, we organised recreation and rehabilitation for children of the Irpin community. We are talking about children of military personnel and internally displaced people, athletes, young scientists and other Irpin residents. In total, since the beginning of the full-scale war, more than 500 children aged 7 to 18 have travelled to Bulgaria, Italy, Georgia, Poland and the Ukrainian Carpathians. This is extremely important, because childhood cannot be put on hold. We want our children to grow up in peace and harmony, filled with love and kindness, because they are our future. And you reap what you sow.
– You have received an outstanding award – “Woman of the Third Millennium”. Please share your impressions.
– The All-Ukrainian Award ‘Woman of the Third Millennium’ honours Ukrainian women for their many years of active social work, helping people and caring. I am very pleased that my work is noticed and recognised. I am grateful to everyone who supports me, to my team, with whom we achieve such results together!
We work to strengthen international cooperation and support young women
leaders. Our goal is to ensure equal rights for women in politics, the economy and the labour market. I am sure we have even more achievements ahead of us! – What are you going to work on in 2025?
– We do not plan to stop. Together with the team, we will look for new ways to solve the problems of our compatriots in the EU, initiate the necessary changes in legislation and do everything to bring Ukraine’s victory closer and create conditions for Ukrainian families to return home.
We strive to develop a targeted programme with specific measures to support Ukrainian women abroad and protect their rights and freedoms. We also plan to introduce Ukrainian language classes in EU schools, making them accessible to all Ukrainian children. There is also an ambitious idea to create camps for the rehabilitation and recovery of military families and children affected by Russian aggression. Veterans’ policy in the EU requires decisive and coordinated action. Thanks to our defenders, we are still standing. – How would you like to see the coming New Year? What do you dream about? What would you like to wish our readers?
– I really want 2025 to be the year of our victory. I want all people to feel kindness in their hearts, and I want our children to be protected and live their happy childhoods despite all the difficulties.
I sincerely wish you all joy, health, happiness and good news! Stay here and now, find inspiration for your own development, appreciate time with your family and enjoy your work, communication with friends, your hobbies and life in general!
– Пані Оксано, як побудувати гармонійні партнерські стосунки через призму астрології?
– Якщо говорити про підхід астрологічний, то важливо враховувати в карті чоловіка жіночі планети, а в жіночій відповідно чоловічі, за ними визначається той тип партнера, який людині підходить.
Я пропоную побудувати гороскоп у будь-якій
щоб визначити, який же образ жінки йому підходить і з якою жінкою буде комфортне спільне життя, чого бажає, де
Як це працює? – Усі ми знаємо чотири стихії і знаки зодіаку: Вогонь - Овен, Лев, Стрілець, Земля - Телець, Діва, Козеріг, ПовітряБлизнюки, Терези. Водолій, Вода - Рак, Скорпіон, Риби.
Тепер ми дивимося Місяць і Венеру, в які знаки і стихії потрапили ці дві жіночі планети у чоловіка. Пропоную розглянути 16 типів: 1. АМАЗОНКА. Місяць і Венера у вогняних знаках. Жінка має бути яскрава, енергійна, заповзятлива, бойова. Важливо буде для чоловіка, щоб його цінували, як видатну особистість, хвалили, демонстративно приділяли увагу, що він набагато цікавіший за
більшість пересічних оточуючих, жінкам подобаються спортивної статури.
2. АКТИВНА ГОСПОДИНЯ. Місяць у земних знаках, Венера у вогняних знаках. За цим типом жінка також активна, енергійна, бойова,
3. МУЗА. Місяць у повітряних знаках, Венера у вогняних знаках. За вогненною Венерою активна, енергійна, заповзятлива. За Місяцем хороша співрозмовниця для нього, джерело нових ідей, знайомств, різноманітність, жінка, яка розділить його спосіб життя і думок. 4. СМІЛИВА МАТИ. Місяць у вступних знаках, Венера у вогняних знаках. Вогняна Венера визначає яскраву, активну, заповзятливу жінку, спортивної статури. За Місяцем така жінка забезпечує душевний і фізичний комфорт, турботлива, дає відчуття спо-
Місяць у земних знаках, Венера в земних знаках. Згідно з положенням Венери - спокійна, працьовита, розважлива, серйозна. За Місяцем у його житті важлива жінка,
знаках. Згідно
на, врівноважена, працьовита, серйозна, вміє рахувати гроші, харчування має місце бути. За положенням Місяця обожнювати свого чоловіка, цінувати як видатну особистість, допомагати і пробиватися в
For Natalia, accounting is an exciting process, like solving puzzles or completing quests! Natalia Voroshylova, an auditor and financial consultant, is convinced that there is a way out of any situation. She has been helping entrepreneurs solve “money puzzles” for many years. If you have an income but don’t see any profits, getting to know Natalia can be especially useful for you!
– Natalia, nice to meet you! Tell us a little about yourself and your business.
– My surname speaks for itself: I stir (“voroshu” in Ukrainian) and rustle where financial order and money are needed! I am an auditor, financial consultant and crisis accountant. My outsourcing company has been working with small and medium-sized businesses for 14 years. We keep the books,
prepare financial statements, set up management accounting and implement internal control systems.
I like numbers; I understand the energy of money and have great respect for accounting. It enables me to live in prosperity and develop.
– What is the secret of your professional success? Is it true that a good accountant never makes a mistake?
– The secret of success is that I try not to complicate things, not to intimidate clients with complexity, but instead show them that everyone has to do their job and be responsible for it. I always offer solutions rather than create new issues.
As for mistakes... Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Circumstances may be different. However, a financier must be aware that his or her mistake can be very expensive, so competence is the basis. My credo is that there is a way out of every situation.
– What would you like to wish everyone on the occasion of the New Year and Christmas holidays?
– Dear colleagues, partners, managers and entrepreneurs! I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and the upcoming holidays. We have done it! We did it! We have lived through another challenging year! Despite all the difficulties, including the hostilities and the threat of shelling, each of you has been making heroic efforts and demonstrating resilience to continue working and supporting our country’s economy.
I sincerely admire each of you! After all, remaining an entrepreneur in such a difficult time is a real feat that you perform every day.
I wish you strength and inspiration! May the New Year 2025 bring us all the long-awaited victory, harmony and prosperity to your families. I wish you happiness, joy, vitality, wisdom and optimism! May your businesses prosper and your finances always are under control.
– Наталю, раді знайомству! Розкажіть трохи про себе та Вашу справу. – Моє прізвище говорить саме за себе: я ворошу
шурхочу там, де потрібні фінансовий порядок і гроші! Я аудиторка, фінансова консультантка та антикризова бухгалтерка. Уже 14 років моя аутсорсингова компанія співпрацює з підприємцями
повідальність за неї. Я завжди пропоную рішення, а не створюю нові питання.
Щодо помилок… Не помиляється лише той, хто нічого не робить. Обставини бувають різними.
e summarise the year’s results with Olena Sereda, a well-known artist and entrepreneur from Kharkiv. Read on to learn about innovative technologies for military training, support for the army, as well as new paintings and upcoming exhibitions!
– Mrs. Olena, how was this year for you?
– Despite all the difficulties, a lot of good things have happened in my life. These include successful business projects, creative achievements, and participation in exhibitions. This year I became a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. But the most important thing for me is communication with my family, friends, and like-minded people. After all, it’s not when we live that matters, but who surrounds us.
– Please tell us more about your business projects and assistance to the military.
– As the head of the Kharkiv branch of LDS Company, which has 30 years of experience in the IT sector, I can say that we have implemented
many interesting projects. The comprehensive supply and commissioning of office equipment for government agencies and educational institutions in Ukraine are among them.
We pay special attention to innovative solutions for military training. They help students, pupils and military personnel acquire the skills they need to perform combat missions.
Here are some of our designs:
• Interactive systems. They provide realistic simulation of shooting and tactics and help to develop firing, planning and control skills.
• Safe weapons models with laser technologies. They allow you to get acquainted with different types of weapons and learn how to handle them safely.
• Laser modules. These devices improve training accuracy by allowing you to measure shot accuracy and analyse results.
Our specialists not only install and configure the simulators, but also provide training for the staff of educational institutions and military units.
In addition, the company constantly supports the military and donates to the needs of the army.
Words cannot express how grateful I am to our defenders. If it were not for them, I would not be able to live in my home, in my native Kharkiv.
– What do you paint now? What images do you prefer?
– I’m currently working on a new series of graphic works, using materials that are somewhat unusual for me. It is a philosophical figurative abstraction.
I’m also creating a series of oil paintings inspired by a recent trip that left a lot of impressions. I also have an idea to create a series of works about love.
I have always been interested in people: their inner world, their relationships with others. Perhaps that’s why my works are emotional – I want to speak about important things through art rather than being silent.
– What is your mood on New Year’s Eve? What plans do you have for the future?
– I step into the New Year with faith and hope. Already on February 1 next year, my friend and I will open a joint art exhibition in Kharkiv at the Lilac gallery. We invite everyone, I promise – it will be interesting!
– What would you like to wish our readers?
– Christmas and New Year are my favourite holidays. They always give the expectation of a miracle, the fulfilment of dreams and hope for the best.
I wish a just peace, family comfort, joy from your favourite business. A person comes into this world to be happy. May your dreams come true, but there is always room for new dreams!
– Пані Олено, яким для Вас був цей рік?
– Попри всі труднощі, у моєму житті сталося багато доброго. Це й успішні бізнес-проєкти, і творчі досягнення, і участь у виставках. Цього року я стала членом Національної спілки художників України. Але найважливішим для мене залишається спілкування з рідними, друзями, однодумцями. Адже важливо не те, коли ми живемо, а хто нас оточує. – Розкажіть детальніше про бізнес-проєкти та допомогу військовим. – Як керівниця Харківської філії компанії «ЛДС», яка має 30-річний
досвід у сфері ІТ, можу сказати, що ми реалізували багато цікавих проєктів. Серед них — комплексне постачання та введення в експлуатацію оргтехніки для державних установ і закладів освіти України.
Особливу увагу ми приділяємо інноваційним рішенням для військової підготовки. Вони допомагають
студентам, учням і військовим здобути навички, необхідні для виконання бойових завдань.
Ось кілька наших розробок:
• Інтерактивні системи. Забезпечують реалістичне моделювання стрільби й тактики та допомагають відпрацьовувати навички ведення вогню, планування й управління. • Безпечні моделі
• Лазерні модулі. Ці пристрої підвищують точність тренувань, дозволяючи вимірювати влучність
пострілів і аналізувати результати.
Наші спеціалісти не тільки встановлюють і налаштовують тренажери, а й проводять навчання для персоналу закладів освіти та військових частин.
Окрім цього, компанія постійно
підтримує військових і донатить на
потреби армії.
серією графічних робіт, використовуючи дещо незвичні для себе матеріали. Це філософська фігуративна абстракція.
Також створюю серію картин олійними фарбами, на яку надихнула нещодавня подорож, що залишила безліч вражень. А ще є ідея створити серію робіт про кохання.
Мене завжди цікавила людина: її внутрішній світ, взаємини
vitlana HOLOVCHUK is not only a talented craftswoman, but also a happy mother of three daughters, for whom kindness, love and light are the main values. In the December issue, she shares her life experience, talks about her creative path and the importance of preserving Ukrainian traditions. Svitlana is a vivid example of a Ukrainian woman who strives to convey national treasures and values to the world.
– Svitlana, nice to meet you! You fulfil an important mission – you create not just decorations, but real cultural treasures of Ukraine. What inspires you?
– Greetings! It so happened that the creation of necklaces in ethnic style turned from a simple hobby into a life’s work. This is the component that supports even in the darkest times, does not allow you to give up. This is real magic.
It all starts with the selection of natural stones, studying their properties and energy. Perhaps I should tell you how it all started. I’ve always loved wearing embroidered shirts and dresses, often embroidering them myself. On the eve of the Independence Day, my beloved gave me a coral necklace –that’s what he was told. A new embroidered shirt, a beautiful necklace, a holiday – and we went out into the city. We got
caught in a downpour, and the necklace dripped red rivulets down my shirt...
First, I started looking for information to avoid such situations in the future. I went to the “Coral” store to consolidate my knowledge, but I couldn’t resist buying a few strings of stones and some accessories. Later, I started making necklaces for my daughters, mum and friends. Now I have more than three hundred original pieces. I never repeat them because I love originality and uniqueness.
– What is true patriotism for you?
– To be brief, for me, being a patriot means loving my land, my nation, preserving traditions, passing them on to my children, and spreading knowledge about our cultural heritage. For centuries, people have been trying to erase the genetic memory of Ukrainians, creating stereotypes that we are just an addition to another nation. But this is not true! We are a nation rich in culture, customs and history. And now, when they are trying to destroy us again with terror, it is important to talk about this.
– Svitlana, what do you put into your works?
– First and foremost, goodness, love and light. Each necklace is like a child to me. Sometimes I see its image long before it is created, but often the end result is completely different. This is the magic of the Universe.
– You are a craftswoman and mother of three daughters. How would you describe your life mission?
– Yes, I am a happy mother of three daughters. I will be honest: I have never imposed my views on them, only tried to show them by example what is good and what is not. My daughters are now adults, and I see that they are sensitive, kind, responsible, and empathetic. Each of them has found her own path and continues to improve.
During the Christmas and New Year holidays, I would like to wish all our readers one thing - Victory! We will rebuild the rest: cities and villages, traditions, culture, history. We will raise worthy descendants. The main thing now is to hold out on all fronts. Sincere gratitude and a low bow to our defenders, who hold the sky and allow us to live, create and make this world a better place.
життя. Це та складова, яка підтримує навіть у найтемніші
та трохи фурнітури.
вати намиста для доньок, мами, подруг. Нині у моєму доробку понад три сотні авторських виробів. Я ніколи їх не повторюю,
мене бути патріотом означає любити свою землю, свою націю, берегти традиції, передавати їх дітям, поширювати знання про нашу культурну спадщину. Упродовж століть українцям намагалися стерти генетичну пам’ять, створювали
In today’s world, especially in the conditions of Ukrainian realities, a healthy lifestyle is of particular importance. In an interview with Natalya Bondarchuk, we discussed the key aspects of healthy lifestyles, the impact of psycho-emotional state on physical health and the benefits of a comprehensive approach to self-care.
– Mrs. Natalya, greetings. What do you think a healthy lifestyle means in today’s Ukrainian reality?
– In the current conditions, a healthy lifestyle in Ukraine includes several key aspects:
• Physical health. This includes a balanced diet adapted to individual needs and regular physical activity that can be incorporated into everyday life (walking, home exercises, light sports). Disease prevention is equally important – regular medical check-ups, timely detection and treatment of chronic diseases.
• Mental health. Keeping psychological balance, maintaining social contacts and active communication all help to restore internal resources.
• Adapting to realities. The conditions in Ukraine, such as power cuts, instability and war, affect health. It is important to learn to live by adapting one’s understanding of comfort to the resources available, to develop emotional resilience and to remain optimistic even in difficult times.
• Supporting others. Volunteering, mutual aid or sharing experiences also contribute to the overall health of society.
A healthy lifestyle is not just about restrictions or control, but about taking care of yourself in a way that is possible here and now.
– How does the psycho-emotional state affect physical health?
– The psycho-emotional state is directly related to physical health as the body and mind function as a single system. Chronic stress, for example, provokes negative
changes in the body: increased levels of stress hormones, metabolic disorders and poor sleep quality. All of this can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, problems with the digestive system, exacerbation of autoimmune diseases or frequent relapses.
Taking care of emotional balance helps to achieve harmony between body and soul, and thus improves overall well-being.
– What are your advantages compared to your colleagues?
– My work is based on a holistic approach to health that combines knowledge of medicine, nutrition, psychology and modern methods such as keto nutrition. This multifaceted approach allows me to work effectively with clients on both the physical and psycho-emotional levels.
My medical background has taught me to be attentive to detail and conduct in-depth diagnostics, which is especially important when working with clients with specific needs. In difficult cases, I offer individual support, which gives clients a sense of support and confidence. In addition, I understand the current challenges that Ukrainians face, because I am in these realities myself. This helps me to create practical solutions adapted to modern conditions.
My psychological experience allows me to better understand the emotional needs of clients and make my approach as personalised as possible. This interaction helps to achieve real results and promotes trust.
– Thank you for the conversation. In conclusion, please add your wishes to our readers and your potential clients.
– I wish each of you to take care of your health, find harmony between body and soul, not be afraid of changes and put yourself first. Health is the most valuable resource that allows you to live life to the fullest, enjoy simple pleasures and be close to your loved ones.
I am ready to help you along the way. In particular, I offer: Weight loss and weight normalisation. I develop individual nutrition plans, including a keto diet.
Correction of hormonal imbalance. I choose a diet and change your lifestyle to maintain health and energy.
Personalised support. I help you achieve your goals, monitor progress and adapt recommendations.
Educational marathons. In group programmes, you get support, knowledge and motivation.
Even a small change today can be the beginning of great results tomorrow. Take care of yourself, and I will be happy to help!
Пані Наталю, вітаємо. Що у Вашому розумінні означає здоровий спосіб життя в сучасних українських реаліях? – У нинішніх умовах здоровий спосіб життя в Україні включає декілька ключових аспектів:
• Фізичне здоров’я. Це і збалансоване харчування, адаптоване до індивідуальних потреб, і регулярна фізична активність, яку можна впроваджувати у щоденне життя (піші прогулянки, домашні вправи, легкі спортивні навантаження). Не менш важливою є профілактика
захворювань – регулярні медичні огляди, своєчасне виявлення та
лікування хронічних хвороб.
• Ментальне здоров’я. Збереження психологічної рівноваги, підтримка соціальних контактів і активне спілкування – усе це допомагає відновлювати внутрішній ресурс.
• Адаптація до реалій. Умови в Україні, такі як обмеження електроенергії, нестабільність, війна, впливають на здоров’я. Варто вчитися жити, пристосовуючи своє розуміння комфорту до наявних ресурсів, розвивати емоційну стійкість і зберігати оптимізм навіть у складні часи.
• Підтримка інших. Волонтерство, взаємодопомога або обмін досвідом також сприяють зміцненню загального здоров’я суспільства. Здоровий спосіб життя – це не лише обмеження чи контроль, а й турбота про себе у спосіб, який можливий тут і зараз.
Як психоемоційний
мою, загострення аутоімунних захворювань або частих рецидивів. Турбота про емоційний баланс допомагає досягти гармонії між тілом і душею, а отже, покращує загальне самопочуття. – В чому полягають Ваші переваги порівняно з колегами? – Моя робота ґрунтується на комплексному підході до здоров’я, який поєднує знання з медицини, нутриціології, психології
деталей і проводити
що особливо важливо
час роботи з клієнтами із специфічними потребами. У складних випадках я пропоную індивідуальний супровід, який дає клієнтам відчуття підтримки та впевненості.
Крім того, я розумію актуальні виклики, з якими стикаються українці, адже сама перебуваю в цих реаліях. Це допомагає створювати практичні, адаптовані до сучасних умов рішення. Мій психологічний досвід дозволяє краще розуміти емоційні потреби клієнтів і робити підхід максимально персоналізованим.
Friends, it’s no secret that systematic stress has a negative impact not only on the psyche but also on physical health. This, unfortunately, is evidenced by statistics. To protect themselves, people turn to specialists who have modern tools for working with their inner state. One of them is metaphorical associative cards, which have been proven effective in practice.
Anna Lariontseva tells us what this method is, how it works and how long its effect lasts. Our expert is a crisis and clinical psychologist, art therapist, member of the Eastern Ukrainian Association of Art Therapists and the International Association of Psychosomatics and Body Therapy, the head of the “Resource” training centre for personality development.
Hello, dear readers. Let’s start with the basics. Metaphorical association cards (MACs) are a tool that is increasingly being used in psychology to gain a deeper understanding of the human inner world. They allow you to bypass logical barriers and gain access to unconscious thoughts, feelings and experiences.
The working principle of MAC is based on the fact that the images we see evoke associations, emotions and memories. By selecting cards from the deck, the client transfers his or her inner feelings to the image, which allows the psychologist to better understand his or her state.
The process of working with the MAC includes the following steps:
• Choosing a deck. The psychologist selects the deck of cards that best correspond with the client’s request.
• Setting the task. The client chooses cards that are associated with his or her problem, feelings or desires.
• Interpretation. Together with the client, the psychologist analyses the selected cards, determining their emotional content.
• Discussion. The psychologist helps the client to understand his or her feelings, find new perspectives and possible solutions.
The main advantage of using MACs in psychology is that they help us find words that accurately convey the depth of our emotions. Metaphorical cards enable you to use the language of symbols, which allows you to express what is difficult to verbalise. This is especially useful for those
who find it difficult to talk about their feelings. Working with cards stimulates the imagination, helps to find innovative solutions and creates a safe space for self-discovery.
MACs give quick and lasting results, especially in the following areas:
• Individual psychotherapy: overcoming anxiety, depression and fears as well as working with relationships.
• Coaching: defining goals, strategies and removing barriers.
• Working with children: diagnosing emotional problems, developing communication skills.
• Group psychotherapy: creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding.
• Business consulting: conflict resolution, teamwork development and decision-making.
So, metaphorical association cards are a powerful tool for self-discovery, but like any tool, they require a professional approach. Only a qualified psychologist can correctly interpret the images and help the client find answers to questions. Independent work with the cards will not be effective and may lead to unpredictable consequences. lariontseva.anna AnnaLariontseva.Dnipro
фахівців, які
уберегти себе, люди
Вітаю, шановні читачі. Почнемо з
основ. Метафоричні асоціативні
карти (МАК) — це інструмент, що
дедалі частіше застосовується в
психології для глибокого розуміння
внутрішнього світу людини. Вони
дозволяють обійти логічні бар’єри й отримати доступ до несвідомих
думок, почуттів і переживань.
Принцип роботи МАК заснований на тому, що образи, які ми бачимо, викликають у нас асоціації, емоції та спогади. Вибираючи карти з ко-
лоди, клієнт переносить свої внутрішні переживання на зображен
чи бажаннями.
• Інтерпретація. Психолог разом із клієнтом
емоційний зміст.
• Обговорення. Психолог допомагає клієнту розібратися в почуттях, знайти нові перспективи
xpert of the Year 2024” Iryna Levchenko is not only a professional but also a person with a big heart. Her desire to help others find inner harmony is inspiring. Read about how psychology became her vocation and what plans she has for the future in our interview. Unite with those who strive to help you!
– Iryna, you have many different manifestations in your life. Which ones are closest to you and why?
– It so happened that I received three higher education degrees: pedagogical, economic and psychological. Each of them was useful at different stages of my life. In addition to the specialities in which I work, I have many hobbies that make my life interesting and rich. Among them, I would like to highlight game practice. I really enjoy running transformational games, as they help people find answers to their inner needs. I have games like “Power Inside”, “Energies of the Feminine Elements” and “Flower of Emotions” in my arsenal. In addition, I use games as a tool in my psychological practice, as they allow me to look deeper into the root of the problems that people are dealing with.
I love learning and discovering new things. I also like to share knowledge and thoughts, that’s why I write. For example, last year I co-authored the book «The Way to Victory» –stories about indomitability.
– You work as an economist, but you are interested in psychology. What attracts you to this field?
– Today, many people are interested in psychology because everyone realises the importance of mental health. My decision to become a psychologist was formed gradually. There was a lot of studying, self-development, and only after that - getting a professional education.
In order to help others, you need to be stable, strong, emotionally fulfilled, and ready for someone else’s pain, misunderstanding or resistance. My life experience, love and faith help me in this.
– Mrs. Iryna, what is your goal?
– I strive to live life, enjoying every moment, and rejoice in the very possibility of living, seeing, hearing and feeling. The realities of today clearly emphasized the importance of living here and now. Therefore, I try to notice opportunities and use them to the maximum.
– What projects you have implemented this year are particularly significant for you?
– After completing my professional education in psychology, I am eager to gain practical experience. To do this, I registered on a well-known psychological platform where I can provide services anywhere and anytime. This is convenient for both clients and professionals.
I’ve been working with Mindly for almost a year now, and it’s a pleasure. It’s nice to see positive changes in the lives of my clients.
– Iryna, your aspirations deserve respect. What are you aiming for in 2025 and what would you like to wish our readers?
– In the new year, I plan to continue my development, both professional and personal. I intend to create a game, write a book, and continue to help people become happier.
I wish my readers good health, patience and faith. Evil will definitely be punished. Take care of yourself, allow yourself what brings you joy and be happy.
за яки-
працюю, у мене є багато захоплень, які роблять
Ви працюєте економістом,
психологією. Що Вас приваблює в цій сфері? – Сьогодні багато хто захоплюється психологією, адже всі усвідомлюють важливість ментального здоров’я. Моє рішення стати психологом формувалося поступово. Було багато навчання, саморозвитку, а вже після цього — здобуття професійної освіти.
Щоб допомагати іншим, треба самому бути стабільним, сильним, емоційно наповненим, а також
до чужого болю, нерозуміння чи опору. У цьому
imma Belyaeva started her successful business at a fairly young age. In a few years, she created the “Bilyzna” chain of textile stores. She had to build a reputation in a business environment dominated by men. Thanks to her perseverance and determination, Rimma succeeded and opened a modern showroom of TM “HOMMY” textiles. Despite the challenges of today, she has managed to restore her business and continues to provide comfort to Ukrainian families.
– Mrs. Rimma, greetings. The textile business is a rather complex industry. Tell us about your path to success.
– I started my business with the desire to give Ukrainian women the joy of high-quality and diverse home textiles. Back then, textiles were limited in choice, not always pleasant to the touch or aesthetically pleasing. It was with the idea of creating comfort in homes that I founded my first project, the “Bilyzna” chain of stores, in 1997. Since then, I have been
reminding people that we spend a third of our lives in bed. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this part of everyday life.
– How successful has your business been?
– Business always has its ups and downs. We opened 50 stores and even set up our own bed linen production, which was a very successful decision. However, the crisis years took their toll: stores began to close, and the war, the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of part of Donbas affected our development. Besides that, cooperation with male partners created its own difficulties. When I closed my business, I was left alone with obligations to my employees and suppliers. But, like many Ukrainian women, I was able to finish the business with dignity.
– What did you do after the network was closed?
– This period was no less interesting. After closing all business issues, I got a master’s degree in psychology and started practicing. However, over time, I realised that I lacked scale, activity and multitasking. So in 2021, I decided to return to what I did best. That’s how the “HOMMY” showroom was born – a space where customers can not only order textiles online, but also touch the fabric, evaluate its quality and find exactly what they need.
– Rimma, you are an example of resilience for many Ukrainian women! How did your business develop after the outbreak of full-scale war?
– When the war broke out, I, like many others, was forced to go abroad. However, I returned home in December 2022. Despite the difficulties - blackouts, cold in the house - I felt incredible joy. Upon my return, I assembled a team and we resumed our work. I am inspired by customer feedback, their words of gratitude, and their return to us for quality bed linen, pillows, blankets, towels and rugs.
I am convinced that home is the most important place in everyone’s life. That’s why we do our job with the soul, giving Ukrainian families real comfort. Join us!
ті часи текстиль був обмеженим у виборі, не завжди приємним на дотик чи естетичним. Саме з ідеєю створення комфорту в домівках я
створювала свої труднощі.
никами та постачальниками. Але, як і багато українських жінок, я змогла гідно завершити справу. – Чим Ви займались після закриття мережі?
– Цей період був не менш цікавим. Закривши всі питання що
бракує масштабу, активності та багатозадачності. Тож у 2021 році вирішила повернутися до того, що мені вдавалося найкраще. Так народився шоурум ТМ «HOMMY» – простір, де клієнти можуть