№242 Ексклюзив / №242 Exclusive

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n times of trials, when the world around us is raging, it is especially important to maintain inner harmony. Mariana RUSYN shared her thoughts on how to find yourself and live a full life even in the most difficult circumstances. In the interview, she spoke about the power of female energy, the importance of spiritual development and the ability to find happiness in simple things.

– The art of being yourself is, first and foremost, about individuality. Being yourself is extremely difficult, especially during wartime. It is about a deep and at the same time difficult work of the soul and heart.

Despite all the difficulties, it is important to learn how to create beauty even from everyday life: to turn ordinary days into bright moments, to live without hurry enjoying every minute. The key is to

learn to find joy in the simplest things and maintain a positive outlook.

I am often asked: how to live if there is a constant struggle for a better future in our consciousness? The answer is simple: to study. To be less dramatic, to simplify the approach to life, to accept it as it is. Find time for personal development. Every life drama has a meaning that is invisible to us.

I would also like to emphasise the incredible power of Ukrainian women’s energy. Wherever you are, fill yourself with love, positivity, unity and gratitude. Live in harmony with yourself; fill your life with goodness, despite all the difficulties. This powerful feminine energy has the ability to change the world.

Everything done with unconditional love brings love in return in all its manifestations.

Ukrainian men are extremely courageous. Their heroism inspires the world and remains an example of bravery. Our beliefs are the map that guides us through life. Everyone chooses their own path. And the more we are ready to work on ourselves, the more opportunities open up to us.

The year 2025 is coming. May it be a time of self-discovery and spiritual development for each of us. I wish you to take advantage of the opportunities it will bring to discover your own uniqueness and achieve inner harmony.


– Мистецтво бути собою – це, насамперед, про індивідуальність. Залишатися собою – надзвичайно складно, особливо під час війни. Йдеться про глибоку й водночас нелегку роботу душі та серця.

Попри всі труднощі, важливо навчитися створювати красу навіть із буденності: перетворювати звичайні

на яскраві моменти, жити без поспіху, насолоджуючись кожною хви-

Головне – навчитися знаходити радість у найпростішому та

зберігати позитивне світовідчуття.

Часто мене запитують: як жити, коли в нашій свідомості закладено

постійну боротьбу за краще майбутнє? Відповідь проста: учитися. Менше драматизувати, спрощувати підхід до життя, приймати його таким, яким воно є. Знаходити час для особистого розвитку. За

будь-якою життєвою драмою приховується невидимий для нас сенс. Окремо хочу наголосити на неймовірній силі

Mariana Rusyn marianna_rusyn

– Mrs. Yevhenia, we suggest starting the conversation with introductions.

– I’m currently in “free flight”, but before moving to Odesa, I worked for a long time at the Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy. Photography has always been a hobby for me, but fate decided that I needed to develop my passion. After moving to Odesa, I met the organisers of the “Miss UkraineSouth” National Committee, and that’s how my career in the beauty world began.

– Is modelling really as difficult as they say?

– Yes, it is not as easy as it seems. From the outside, everything looks easy: go to the podium, smile and strike a pose. But there is a lot of work behind it. For a good photo, you sometimes have to stand in the cold for hours in a thin dress. And preparing for competitions is even more difficult: it’s important to think through every detail, not to miss anything. It can take up to 20 hours a day! Constant heels, rehearsals, dancing... But you can’t complain – if you want to succeed, you have to work hard. Competitions are really exhausting work, similar to sports.

– Beauty is a multifaceted concept. How do you manage to keep yourself in shape?

– I don’t have any special secrets. I believe that a woman should be happy, harmonious, and smile at her reflection in the mirror. Of course, I take care of my skin and use moisturiser, but in everyday life I prefer minimal make-up.


Yevhenia Kharsiuk has once again proved to the world that Ukrainian women are incredible! In our conversation, she talks about her path, the courage to change her life, and her daily work on herself. Get inspired by her story!

– Do you engage in self-development?

– Yes, I travel a lot, because I am a travel business manager by education. In addition to modelling, I explore countries, create interesting routes and improve them. This is my path to development.

– What are your achievements in beauty contests?

– I won two titles important for me: «Mrs. Worldwide Ukraine 2024», which was held by the National Committee «Miss Ukraine-South» in May. Also, on December 9, I entered the top three winners, receiving the title «2nd Runner up Mrs. Earth International 2024» at the competition in the city of Manila (Philippines). I hope I managed to represent Ukraine with dignity.

– Mrs. Yevhenia, thank you for your optimism. To whom do you dedicate your victories?

– This year has been very difficult for me. Unfortunately, my son, who has always supported me, went missing. I dedicate all my victories to him and believe that he will return soon.

I want to inspire women by my example: even in the face of trials, you can’t give up. Life is beautiful and worth living to the fullest. I could, and every woman can too!

If you have a dream, go for it. Many women put off their desires because they are afraid of what others think. My advice is to take on what you strive and make your plans come true.


Олена Щеннікова

The New Year has always been a symbol of change, hope and belief in the best. Recent years have been a time of great trials for our people that have revealed the strength we did not even know we had. Women – mothers, wives, daughters and friends – have played a special role on this difficult path. Each of us, despite the anxieties and losses, has become stronger, wiser and ready to build the future. Since 2022, when our world changed forever, every woman has faced challenges that turned her usual life upside down. We learned how to keep balance in chaos, find the strength to smile at children and support those around us. The woman became a symbol of unwavering faith and a source of hope. Today we are not the same as we were a few years ago. We have accepted this reality and learnt to live in it asking ourselves: who am I, why am I here and what can I do for myself, my family and the world around me?

I, like most other women, went through the stage of acceptance, realised that being strong is not only about fighting, but also about taking care of yourself, about the right to happiness and dreams even in the most difficult times. Being a woman is the art of combining fragility and resilience, light and shadow.

These reflections inspired me to resume the work of the club I once organised – a space where every woman can feel supported, inspired and find inner strength. Our club has become a place where we meet online to share our thoughts, discuss interesting topics and learn from inspiring speakers.

I want this space to be not just Zoom meetings, but a real source of warmth and mutual understanding. This is a place where you can be yourself, share your experiences and find strength for new undertakings.

If you have a story to share or are looking for a place to be understood I would love to see you in our circle. Together we will create a space filled with joy, support and faith in the best.

On the eve of the New Year, I would like to wish everyone the most important thing – peace. Peace that will be not just a word in greetings, but a reality that we strive for. Peace that will fill our homes with silence and joy, without anxiety and loss. Peace that will allow us to see fireworks of joy, not explosions.

I dream that this New Year will be the beginning of a time when our children will live under a peaceful sky, build their dreams and we will greet the dawn with lightness in our hearts. Let this peace be real, not just a phantom promise. May it come to every family and every heart. Despite all the trials, I hope that our faith, strength and love will help us wait for this moment.

May 2025 bring the peace, warmth, inspiration and harmony we deserve!


Natalia Gutarova

chief physician of the communal institution “Novomoskovsk Dental Polyclinic”, deputy of the Novomoskovsk District Council

We are coming to the end of a year that brought us together closer than ever before. Despite all the difficulties, we continue to support each other. Although this year has brought many challenges, the New Year holidays remind us that even in the most difficult times it is important to keep faith in ourselves and our loved ones.

I sincerely thank everyone who stands at the forefront of the fight for freedom and defends our country. Ukrainian doctors save lives, teachers pass on knowledge, and soldiers protect our peace. You are the true heroes of our time, and we bow low to your dedication.

This year has been full of challenges, but it has shown how capable we are of doing great things. We have become stronger, wiser and ready for new achievements. May the coming year bring us peace, well-being and prosperity.

I want you to take with you in the New Year all the best that has stood the test of time: our dignity, desire for freedom, humanity and mutual support. Exactly these values make us stronger and help us overcome any difficulties. Let the coming year be generous with pleasant events and open up new opportunities for every Ukrainian, every family and our country.

I wish everyone a festive mood, warm meetings with loved ones and the fulfilment of dreams. Let the New Year be the beginning of a happy and successful stage in the life of each of us.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the coming New Year and Christmas!

своїх близьких.

Щиро дякую кожному, хто стоїть на пере-

Українські лікарі рятують життя, вчителі передають знання, а воїни оберігають наш спокій. Ви – справжні герої сучасності, і ми низько вклоняємося перед вашою самовідданістю.

Цей рік був сповнений викликів, але він показав, наскільки ми

робити великі справи. Ми стали сильнішими, мудрішими та готовими до нових звершень.


Ганна Дубілевич





Happy new time, happy new year!

More precisely, with the beginning of the New Year, with the time when everything is still ahead and is just beginning, even if it continues, of course, it is still beginning.

The beginning of the new year is always a special time - the old waves of trials, losses and obstacles are in the past, behind us, and the future is ahead.

We look forward to it with hope - will it be the one we dreamed of, will it be the time when our wishes come true?

Faith is power. Use your time, opportunities, and discover your talents and abilities. Remember those who are close to you and those who need you. Attention, support and kindness will be the key to your dream future and will empower you.

In difficult times, also believe in the purposefulness of your movement and your goal! And even if life makes its own unpredictable adjustments, you will be able to say with dignity that you have done everything you could!

Life is one and everything is in your hands and God’s will!

Therefore, dream and move, go boldly and confidently and the rainbow of a happy future will surely shine on the horizon!

With love, your Olena Malm Journalist and public figure, member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, chairman of the board of the NGO “Santa Lucia”

бливий - старі хвилі випробувань, втрати та перешкоди в минулому, позаду, а попереду - майбутнє.

З надією вдивляємося - чи воно буде омріяним, чи стане часом здійснення бажаннь?! Віра – це сила. Використовуйте час, можливості, розкривайтє свої таланти та здібності. Пам’ятайте про тих, хто поруч і про тих, кому ви потрібні. Увага, підтримка та дооброта стануть запорукою для омріяного майбутнього і нададуть спроможності. У складні часи також вірте у цілеспрямованість свого руху та свою мету!


HOBBIES: rhythmic gymnastics and fashion industry.


Award at Milano Fashion, Powerd by world Fashion Festival & MRL events as the best participant among young models.


FAVORITE BOOK: «Fahrenheit 451».

LIFE MOTTO: tomorrow will be better than today.


to prove to the whole world how Ukrainian girls and women are not only beautiful, but also talented, intelligent, ambitious, able to reach the top thanks to their own efforts.


One of my most secret dreams is to have posters of me created in all European capitals. This will become a symbol of Ukrainian indomitability and demonstrate to foreigners the strength of spirit of Ukrainian women. I want to popularise Ukrainian culture and traditions so that our country can be an example to follow.


to attend as many interesting cultural events and fashion shows as possible in Paris and Singapore.


Запрограмувати себе на рік щастя й здійснення мрій – можливо.

Ось і добігає кінця 2024 рік... Яким

він був для вас? Впевнена, кожен прожив його по-різному.

Цей рік був сповнений злетів і падінь, перемог і важливих уроків. Усе, що

траплялося, ми склали у власні «рюкзаки» досвіду. Я переконана, що кожна людина здатна впливати на події свого життя, змінюючи внутрішній світ. У моєму досвіді є чимало прикладів, коли люди долали найскладніші життєві повороти, змінюючи свої думки,



Despite the challenges of 2024, the “Eurasia” chain of restaurants continues to work and support its guests. In the conversation, the head of the establishments, Oksana Tikhonenko, talks about the importance of the team, care for visitors and plans for the future.

– Oksana, we have been cooperating for many years! Please accept our gratitude. How do you assess the past year?

– Thank you for many years of fruitful cooperation and professionalism! I am immensely grateful to my team, which despite all the difficulties is always there and support me. They are the best in my life. Special thanks to our guests for their trust, for being with us in this difficult year and sharing both happy and difficult moments. 2024 was a busy and very difficult year. But we are moving forward and keeping the line together!

– An unfortunate situation occurred in your network - a fire in one of the restaurants. How did you cope with the problem?

– At the beginning of November, a fire broke out in Nivky due to a voltage drop in the power grid. Fortunately, no one was injured, and we are gradually restoring all losses. The terrace on the second floor, the roof, equipment and the director’s office were damaged. Today, the roof has already been covered, the metal structures have been replaced, and we are installing windows. The facility will become even cosier and more comfortable!

Special thanks to the staff for their quick response, which helped prevent the fire from spreading to the first floor. And, of course, I am sincerely grateful to our guests who called, wrote words of support and offered help. This is invaluable, especially in times like these.

– How do you generally assess 2024 from a business perspective?

– It was a year of challenges and instant decisions. Unfortunately, many businesses have closed, but new ones have also appeared. For us, 2024 was a year of realizing the value of people — our employees, guests and partners. It was filled with events, recognitions and warm greetings.

We have done a lot to support our defenders — we have purchased the necessary equipment for our defenders. Helping the frontline is now important for each of us.

– What do your guests want most?

– First of all, attention. In “Eurasia” establishments, we create an atmosphere of warmth and cosiness, where every visitor feels comfortable. We have affordable prices, a varied menu and a bright taste of dishes.

Workshops for children have become very popular this year. They and their parents, at least for a few hours, forget about everything that happens outside the restaurant and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of love, beauty and creativity.

– Are you planning a new menu for next year?

– We constantly update the menu, add interesting dishes and listen to the wishes of our guests. For example, we are returning favourite dishes that were once removed from the menu. Every visitor is important to us.

By the way, we are currently preparing New Year’s boxes. When you don’t want to cook yourself, you can order and set the festive table without too much trouble. I plan to use this service myself. On behalf of our team, I wish all of us victory and peace. Let warmth and coziness prevail in your homes, and the love of loved ones fill your heart with joy. I wish you stability, inspiration and selfbelief. We are a nation of strong and brave people! Discover the new «Eurasia» and become part of it. «Eurasia» is always nearby! Glory to Ukraine!

обладнання та кабінет директора. На сьо-


спішна бізнеследі, «Віцеміс

важливість саморозвитку та

– Пані Олено, цього року Ви маєте безліч досягнень. Поділіться з нашими читачами тими, які вразили Вас найбільше.

– Цього року я досягла багато висот, і

і світ навколо мене також трансформується. Люди, які



Successful businesswoman, «Vice Miss Top of Ukraine», coach and author - Olena ILYINA shares her impressions of 2024, talks about achievements, overcoming difficulties, the importance of self-development and plans for the future. Join the conversation!

– Mrs. Olena, this year you have many achievements. Share with our readers the ones that impressed you the most.

– This year I reached many heights, and each of the projects I participated in became really important to me. I am very proud of the fact that I received the title of «Vice Miss Top of Ukraine», was a speaker at Women’s Day and won the «Mark of Quality» award. All my efforts were not in vain, because they contributed to the publication of articles about me in prestigious magazines, as well as to the opening of another salon in Europe.

Besides that, I developed the concept of «Business in Business» and became a professional coach, conducting many sessions for my employees and subscribers. But perhaps the most important achievement for me this year was the realization of a childhood dream. I immersed myself in the world of singing and dancing, and also began to study the Bulgarian language. This year has become a period of growth, selfrealization and new discoveries for me!

– What was 2024 like for you in general from an emotional point of view?

– This year flew by incredibly fast for me. I experienced many bright emotions, and perhaps the most memorable moment was receiving the title of «Ms. Top Ukraine». However, not on the first day, but on the second, I realized the fullness of these feelings.

Of course, there were also difficulties. One of my salons was having problems and many people advised me to just close it. But I couldn’t give up so easily. I challenged myself: in two to four weeks, the salon should start making a profit. And, as always, I managed to cope with this task! I am proud of the fact that all the efforts I have put into developing my thinking and worldview now help me find solutions even in the most difficult situations. It is extremely interesting and inspires new achievements!

– Do you feel any drastic changes in your life?

– Change is an integral part of my being, like breathing or the flow of a river. I realize that each new test, each bold attempt to learn something new brings me not only experience, but also a deeper understanding of myself. What used to exhaust me, took away my energy and strength, now no longer occupies a place in my mind and

heart. I leave these things in the past, allowing myself to be freed from the unnecessary burden.

Living on this land is a real pleasure, especially when you are constantly moving forward and improving. I am changing, and the world around me is also transforming. The people around me become a kind of mirror that reflects the aspects that I still need to work on. They help me see my weaknesses and strengths opening new horizons for self-development.

Every day is a new chance to become a better version of myself, to get to know my inner world and the surrounding reality more deeply. And I accept these changes with gratitude, because they fill my life with bright colours.

– Olena, thank you for your frankness. However, we cannot but ask about your plans for 2025.

– We all have dreams and ambitions that we tend to keep secret until they become a reality. I also belong to such people. For me, talking about plans is like sharing treasures that have not yet taken shape. I prefer to act and talk about achievements when they have already become a part of my life.

One of the projects that I have been working on for a long time is my book – «Encyclopedia of laser business». This work for me is not just another project, but the result of 17 years of hard training, research and practical experience in the field of laser hair removal and business in this field in general. I have watched this direction gradually lose its weight, and I want to restore it to the importance it deserves.

In the book, I try to share the most important information that will be useful not only for entrepreneurs and specialists, but also for customers. I am sure that many will open up new perspectives and understand how important it is to consciously choose services in this area.

I wish all readers to find their favourite thing and create something truly valuable. For example, I created the international network «LaserZona» and the line of professional cosmetics «LeAr», which give women joy and confidence. We came into this world not to compete and drag each other down, but to support and inspire. Therefore, I urge everyone to strive for high goals together and make this world a better place!



My greetings to those who continue to read my articles!!!

And to those readers who read me for the first time!

Let me start by thanking all the military and defenders of Ukraine’s skies.

We spent all 12 months of 2024 praying for the end of the war.

1000 days of struggle and 1000 days of indomitability of everyone living in Ukraine.

Is it hard? Of course it is hard.

Life knocks you out of the rut and does not allow you to live and develop normally. A lot of tears and pain.

The business continued to work in extremely difficult conditions of destabilization starting with power outages and ending with aerial alarms and shelling.

The period of adaptation, restructuring, and the transition to the new.

This is what made us all create new projects, something special in everything, which became the basis for making us more resilient and stronger in a very difficult time for Ukraine.

Having many obstacles, Ukrainians continue to develop all spheres of activity in order to carry on their full-fledged development. After all, only together and in support of each other, acting as a single mechanism, we have possibility to continue the general development of all processes.

On the eve of the holidays, I would like to wish everyone a little faith in miracles. I really want to see love and goodness in that light, which will definitely make all your wishes come true.

I would also like to thank everyone who has been with me this year, who has held my hand, helped and supported me in difficult moments. And of course, I want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming holidays

Merry Christmas and New Year 2025

the Year of Faith in a peaceful and happy future))!

Good luck and peace to everyone.

I wish Millennium magazine prosperity and success in the New Year.


Мої вітання тим хто продовжує читати мої статті!!!

І тим читачам хто читає мене вперше!

Розпочну з подяки всім військовим та захисниках неба України.

В молитвах про закінчення війни пройшли всі 12 міся

проживає в Україні.

Чи важко??? Звичайно, це важко.

ті, хто прагне тепла, і ті, хто шукає зимову казку. Для перших – це Мальдіви, Дубай, Сейшели, Кариби. А для шанувальників снігу – Австрія, Швейцарія, Лапландія

це розкіш чи потре

за межі буденності, проводити час із близькими та пізна

– Alla, greetings! How many Ukrainians choose travel instead of New Year’s hustle and bustle?

– Oh, of course! Ukrainians are increasingly appreciating the opportunity to escape from the pre-holiday chaos, blackouts or even the sound of sirens.

Instead of long queues in supermarkets, people dream of the white beaches of the Maldives or the snow-capped peaks of the Alps. This is a trend that is gaining popularity every year. After all, what could be better than celebrating the New Year with a glass of champagne while enjoying a carefree holiday?

– What destinations are particularly popular during the winter holidays?

– There are two categories of winter tourists: those who seek warmth and those who are looking for a winter fairy tale. For the former, it’s the Maldives, Dubai, the Seychelles and the Caribbean. And for snow lovers, it’s Austria, Switzerland and Lapland with Santa or charming Prague with its Christmas markets.

By the way, Nepal with helicopter tours over Mount Everest has appeared among the popular destinations this year – this is an option for true adventurers!

– What New Year’s offers do you recommend taking advantage of?

– Now is a great time for exclusive experiences! For example, it may be renting



ravelling for Ukrainians has become more of a necessity than a whim, says Alla Ostrozhynska, travel expert and founder of L’ete Concierge Luxury Travel. More and more people are looking for ways to reboot and maintain their mental health in the difficult conditions of the third year of full-scale war. Read on to find out about the most popular winter destinations, hot offers and invaluable advice from a high-class specialist in the field of concierge service.

a private chalet in Switzerland with a personal chef or going dog sledding in Lapland with the aurora borealis. For gourmets, I suggest tasting French champagne in Champagne wine cellars. I also recommend booking cruises early – it’s not only luxurious, but also costeffective!

– How can you comfortably arrange travel in the absence of air traffic in Ukraine?

– It’s a challenge, but it’s not impossible! We offer well-developed logistics: transfers to the nearest European airports via Poland, Hungary, Romania or Moldova. And then the whole world is open!

Ukrainians are very adaptable, and their thirst for adventure is only growing. We are an invincible nation that will always find a way to open new horizons.

– Is travelling a luxury or a necessity nowadays? What is your opinion?

– Travelling is both a luxury and a necessity. It gives meaning to life, allows you to go beyond the ordinary, spend time with your loved ones and explore the world. In today’s world, it is an investment in your own development and happiness. Even a short weekend can radically change the way you look at life.

– What should Ukrainians who are going abroad for the first time know?

– The key is to trust the professionals. This will save your time, nerves and, by the way, your money. Open yourself up to new things: culture, tastes and traditions.

Don’t forget to check the validity of your passport –this is an important nuance that can cause unexpected difficulties. And most importantly, always have a phone charger with you, because the first photos from a trip abroad are priceless!

– What are you working on now? What new horizons are you planning to open?

– We have recently launched a travel channel on YouTube and a series of original tours in the style of “Heads and Tails”. These are interactive expeditions where tourists can feel like real stars!

In addition, we are working on opening new unique routes - from the Arctic to the Amazon jungle. And, of course, we continue to develop our concierge service, which is ready to fulfil any customer request.

– What do you wish our readers in the New Year?

– Travel, dream and be inspired! May your every journey be filled with surprises, warm moments and the joy of communication with your loved ones. And remember: the best investments are impressions and memories. I wish that in the New Year you will see whales in Mauritius, stroke elephants in Sri Lanka, feed turtles in the Seychelles, visit the jungles of Bali and taste food in an underwater restaurant in the Maldives. Happy holidays!


Travelling as a path to self-discovery. In an interview with our edition, Olena Andrykevych, owner of MarLen Travel, who has more than seven years of successful experience in tourism, relates how travelling changes her worldview, values and promotes personal growth. She also shares her personal travel experiences and useful tips for tourists.

– Mrs. Olena, you are an inspiring person. Please share your life story. How do you manage to live an easy and positive life? What motivates you?

– My story is a combination of life experience and my own beliefs. I am convinced that the ease of life is not an accident, but the result of constant work on oneself. The key thing is the ability to find joy in the little things and set the right priorities. I have always admired people who remain optimistic even in difficult times.

As for motivation, for me, it is primarily my children – Alinka and Olexandr! I am ready to overcome any difficulties for their sake even when I feel tired. In addition, I am inspired by the opportunity to do what I love and help others.

I am convinced that even in the most difficult moments, you can find your way to the light. I am grateful to God for the right people in my environment who help me to maintain balance and set me up for a positive outlook.

– What are the main travel tips you give to your clients?

– When clients ask me how to make travelling comfortable, I always share my key recommendations. Among them:

• Plan ahead, but leave room for improvisation.

• Learn about the local culture and traditions to better understand people and avoid misunderstandings.

• Don’t forget about rest. Travelling can be exhausting, so it’s important to take time for relaxation.

• Try the local cuisine – it’s always a new experience.

• Travel in an environmentally friendly way. Respect nature, local customs and don’t leave rubbish.

– Please tell us about the country that impressed you the most.

– I have visited more than 25 countries, but Mexico has left the biggest mark on my heart. It is a country that harmoniously combines the richness of culture, history, nature and gastronomy. In Mexico, you literally touch the heritage of ancient civilisations.

This country is striking in its diversity: white beaches, tropical jungles, mountainous landscapes. And Mexicans are also a very hospitable people. Everyone will find something special for themselves in this country.

– What are the most popular requests from travellers today?

– Today, tourists seek unique and unforgettable experiences. They choose eco-resorts, eco-friendly transport and programmes aimed at preserving nature. Travelling to lesserknown places is also popular, allowing you to avoid the crowds and discover truly cosy corners.

There is also a growing demand for multimodal tours, which combine cultural events, outdoor activities and family entertainment. In addition, much attention is paid to wellness resorts, yoga retreats and spa programmes.

– What can regular travel do for you emotionally and mentally?

– Travelling to new countries and cities opens up not only new horizons, but also new facets of our personality. They help us to go beyond the usual, to rethink our values and life guidelines. Travelling enriches our inner world and makes us more open to change and new ideas. Don’t be afraid to go into the unknown! Every journey is a chance to discover the best in yourself. Let your travels be full of vivid emotions, new acquaintances and unforgettable impressions!

Пані Олено, Ви – людина, яка надихає. Поділіться своєю життєвою історією. Як Вам вдається жити легко та позитивно? Що Вас мотивує?

– Моя історія – це поєднання життєвого досвіду та власних переконань.

Я переконана, що легкість життя – це не випадковість, а результат постійної роботи над собою. Вміння знаходити радість у дрібницях і правильно розставляти пріоритети є ключовим. Мене

завжди захоплювали

мотивації, то для мене це насамперед мої діти

екологічно. Поважайте природу, місцеві звичаї та не залишайте сміття.

Розкажіть, будь ласка, про країну,

допомагати іншим.

Я впевнена, що навіть у найважчі моменти можна знайти дорогу до світла. Я вдячна Богу за правильних людей у своєму оточенні, які допомагають

зберігати баланс і налаштовують на

позитивний лад.

– Які основні туристичні поради Ви даєте своїм клієнтам?

– Коли клієнти запитують, як зробити подорожі комфортними, я завжди

нині найпопулярніші?

– Сьогодні туристи прагнуть унікальних і незабутніх вражень. Вони обирають екокурорти, екологічний транспорт і програми, спрямовані на збереження природи. Популярними є подорожі до менш відомих місць, що дозволяють уникнути натовпів і відкрити справді затишні куточки. Також зростає попит на мультимодальні тури – вони поєднують культурні заходи,



Повна зала людей: дніпрян, гостей міста,

експертів, журналістів, поціновувачів мистецтва… Абсолютна тиша та затамований подих від очікування. З цього почалась

прем’єра неймовірно унікального, абсолютно

інноваційного культурного проєкту «Психологічний театр «Ситуація». Авторка проєкту Людмила АКИМЕНКО зазначає, що дуже довго виношувала ідею, аби вона, сформувавшись, увібрала в собі виключно

собі звернутись до експертів по допомогу. Статистика розлучень говорить нам про те, що ми не маємо на сьогодні культуру побудови здорових стосунків, через

комунікації, досягнення порозуміння з оточуючими, розкриття внутрішнього


Окрім того, психологічний театр «Ситуація» має за мету розвивати психологічний напрямок театрального мистецтва. Це абсолютно нова концепція, що може бути ефективно застосована, як інноваційна терапевтична модель. Психологи зазначають, що в деяких життєвих обставинах саме театральні вистави можуть стати єдиним

глядачеві можливість побачити схожу ситуацію зі сторони та зрозуміти, як варто діяти, аби зберегти стосунки,


A full hall of people: Dnipro residents, guests of the city, experts, journalists, art connoisseurs... There was absolute silence and bated breath from anticipation at the start of the premiere of the incredibly unique, absolutely innovative cultural project «Psychological Theatre «Situation».

The author of the project Lyudmila Akymenko notes that she has been nurturing the idea for a very long time so that, once formed, it would incorporate extremely useful practical advice and the effectiveness of psychological assistance to people through the format of a theatrical performance.

«As a woman who has gone through a long way of her own transformations, I understand that young people who plan to create strong unions do not know how to prepare themselves for this at all. Most of them do not allow themselves to turn to experts for help. Divorce statistics tell us that we do not currently have a culture of building healthy relationships due to a lack of self-understanding and inability to communicate. For a very long time, these questions formed in me the idea of creating a project that through an interactive format would be able to help our nation, help women and men find a common language, create an atmosphere of trust, harmony, understanding and support in families. Thus, years later, the Psychological Theatre «Situation» was born, which we presented to the birthday of our city,» commented Lyudmila Akymenko.

The format of the project includes theatrical productions of a wide variety of situations faced by every person on the planet. Psychological theatre is a special form of influence on a person through creation, because theatrical art is able to perfectly manifest the inner world of

a person and change him or her.We can empower people in the light of creation to take important steps toward change. It is also about improving relationships, establishing communication, achieving understanding with others and revealing inner potential.

In addition, the psychological theatre «Situation» aims to develop the psychological direction of theatrical art. This is a completely new concept that can be effectively applied as an innovative therapeutic model. Psychologists point out that theatrical performance can be the only way to resolve difficult relationships with others in some life circumstances.

The experts with a psychological specialty reveal the topics of situations, causes and consequences and give practical advices in the project. They take their professional tools and help people see the objectivity of life’s situations. The themes of future performances will consist of real stories, which we expect to receive from you through social networks.

Due to the realities of our lives, not all Ukrainians can turn to a psychologist for help today, because this type of communication foresees openness,

which requires special courage. And this is where a theatrical performance can come to the rescue allowing the viewer to participate in a familiar situation without direct contact with a specialist, but to get the necessary answers. This interactive will give the viewer the opportunity to see a similar situation from the outside and understand how to act in order to preserve the relationship that will be discussed in the play.

The premiere of the first performance of the psychological theatre «The Situation» proved that Ukrainians today desperately need psychological help. The project’s experts answered more than a hundred questions of the guests of the event. Specialists who were presented at the project noted

that the great war further worsened the state of Ukrainians and they should be saved. They repeatedly emphasized that psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, sexologists, neurologists and coaches should consult in any life situation to support mental health. In this way, we will be able to create relationships having a good continuation and giving our nation strong unions and a healthy generation of future Ukrainians. After all, it is for them that we now choose our freedom and independence.

We thank everyone who joined us at the premiere, we are waiting for your comments on social networks and we are preparing for the new performance.

We are waiting for everyone!


цінують потенціал кожного і кожної особистості й допомагають його розкрити. Наприклад, у компанії Google діє принцип


nessa SAMBROS is a trainer, a member of the International Coaching Club «AS», an expert in conducting trainings at the charitable foundation «Right to Defense», the Civilian Preparedness Centre and the Serhiy Prytula Foundation. She has more than 15 years of experience as a psychologist and was the owner of a hotel business. Today, Inessa helps people overcome life crises, find harmony in themselves and solve financial issues. She has more than 4,000 successful cases in her arsenal. Mrs. Inessa has become the driver of positive changes in the lives of thousands of people around the world.

– Mrs. Inessa, what practices are currently the most effective in your work?

– Among the most effective, I single out a few.

First, my author’s method «Your answer». It is a system that helps to find true answers through a systematic approach to life, personal, economic, material and even medical issues. It allows you to better understand yourself, your goals and needs.

Secondly, the transformational game «Energy of Health. Harmony of Soul and Body!» It helps to identify hidden internal blocks, change settings and find new solutions.

I also actively work with group practices. Support and exchange of experience between participants create a powerful impulse for personal development.

Besides that, I use consciousness techniques that include working with emotions through mindfulness, body practices and arrangement techniques. They are used for both personal and business inquiries, online and offline.

And, of course, I use the «Human Design» method. This is a unique system that serves as an «instruction» for understanding the peculiarities of each person: his or her body, health, choice of activities, attitude to money and behaviour.

– What exactly did knowledge of psychology give you?

– Psychology taught me to listen and hear – myself and others. It gave tools for self-regulation in difficult life circumstances, help in crisis situations. Thanks to it, I have a deeper understanding of human nature and the diversity of personalities and I am convinced that every person has an internal resource for solving their problems.

– What key tips for a harmonious life do you give to your clients?

– First of all, learn to be aware of your needs. Listen to your thoughts, feel your body, find joy in moments of solitude. Understand your emotions – there are no «bad» or «good» feelings, because each of them is of great importance.

Find your own supports. Be open to change. Take care of your body and soul, maintain a balance in your lifestyle and develop positive thinking. Harmony is a combination of inner balance and a healthy lifestyle.

– Thank you Mrs. Inessa! What do you wish our readers for the new year?

– Be honest with yourself. Explore your wants, needs and boundaries, because harmony starts from within. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and ask for help. Live consciously, appreciate every moment, because just such little things make a happy life.

– Пані Інессо, які практики зараз є найефективнішими у Вашій роботі?

– Серед найдієвіших я виділяю кілька.

По-перше, мій авторський метод «Твоя відповідь». Це система, яка

допомагає знайти істинні відповіді через систематичний підхід до

життєвих, особистих, економічних, матеріальних і навіть медичних питань. Вона дає змогу глибше зрозуміти себе, свої цілі та потреби.

По-друге, трансформаційна гра «Енергія Здоров’Я. Гармонія Душі та Тіла!» Вона допомагає виявити приховані внутрішні блоки, змінити установки та знайти нові рішення.

Також я активно працюю з груповими практиками. Підтримка й обмін досвідом між учасниками створюють потужний імпульс для особистісного розвитку.

Окрім цього, я використовую техніки усвідомленості, які охоплюють


слухати й чути – себе та інших. Вона дала інструменти для саморегуляції у складних життєвих обставинах, допомогу собі в кризових ситуаціях. Завдяки їй я глибше розумію людську природу, різноманіття особистостей і переконалася, що кожна людина має внутрішній ресурс для вирішення своїх проблем. – Які ключові поради для гармонійного життя Ви даєте своїм клієнтам?

– Насамперед, навчіться усвідомлювати свої потреби. Слухайте свої думки, відчувайте тіло, знаходьте радість у хвилинах


The transformational game Power Inside, psychological support and the development of internal resources - we talked to psychologist Daria KUNCHENKO about this and many other things. She spoke about the game’s impact on the emotional state, changes in Ukrainian society, and the importance of accessible psychological help.

– Daria, good afternoon. I would like to start with a question about the effectiveness of the Power Inside transformational game. In your experience, what effect does it have?

– Power Inside is a truly unique transformational game that works with human consciousness on many levels. It helps to understand oneself more deeply, find hidden resources and overcome internal barriers. The game can be a tool in coaching and working with psychological trauma. My experience with this technique has proven its high effectiveness for both children and adults. It is also great for family therapy.

This game helps to develop emotional stability, increases stress resistance and helps to find new ways to overcome the challenges that life presents to us.

Power Inside integrates the archetypal approach, making it a universal tool for deep diving into the subconscious mind, avoiding the usual mental defences.

By the way, I’d like to share some good news: my team and I have created a new English-language version of this game. It has new characters and additions. Besides that we are actively working on developing a mobile application that will be useful for those who face bullying.

– You continue to practice successfully and help Ukrainians. Tell us, how has our society changed in recent years?

– There have certainly been a lot of changes, as recent years have brought us many challenges. The level of stress, anxiety and psychosomatic manifestations has increased significantly. At the same time, I admire the ability of our society to adapt and show resilience.

In addition, Ukrainians have begun to value psychological help more. More and more people are looking for internal resources to overcome difficulties. In difficult times, a psychologist becomes a guide to balance and strength, helping to cope with life’s challenges and find strength in oneself.

– Do you have any specific suggestions for improving the psycho-emotional state of Ukrainians?

– I am sincerely convinced that the key to improving the psycho-emotional state is the availability of psychological assistance. It is important that it is of high quality and confirmed by the professionalism of specialists who have the appropriate education and training.

One of the areas I am actively developing is group programmes. They are proving to be effective in practice. In addition, I consider it necessary to use interactive tools such as Power Inside more often. Educational activities also play an important role today: webinars, mobile applications, etc.

I believe that psychological support should be integrated into educational institutions to help children overcome stress, anxiety, bullying and other challenges.

– Thank you, Daria, for your contribution. We would certainly like to hear your wishes for the New Year’s holidays.

– On these holidays, I would like to wish all Ukrainians peace, stability and harmony. May the year 2025 bring you faith in yourself and support from your family and friends. I sincerely believe that each of us is able to find an inner resource and rely on our own strength even in the darkest times. May the coming year be filled with warmth and hope.


подолання викликів, які ставить перед нами життя.

Power Inside інтегрує архетиповий підхід, що робить її універсальним інструментом

фахівців, які мають відповідну освіту і належну підготовку. Один із напрямків,

свою ефективність на практиці. Окрім цього, я вважаю за необхідне частіше використовувати інтерактивні інструменти, як-от Power Inside. Важливу роль сьогодні відіграє також просвітницька діяльність: вебінари, мобільні додатки тощо. На мою думку, психологічна підтримка має



The utility model «Bee Treatment Bed in a Pyramid» invented by apiconsultant Anatoly OLSHANSKY belongs to the methods of alternative medicine and is aimed at improving human health. In his work, the inventor successfully combined the healing properties of bees and the energy field of the pyramid. This combination creates a powerful flow of energy that harmonizes the human biofield and promotes its purification at the cellular level.

– Anatoly, the uniqueness of your invention, which is based on centuries-old experience in alternative health practices, has opened the shortest way to effective human recovery. Please tell us more about your invention.

– The «Bee Treatment Bed in a Pyramid» utility model is a pavilion made of eco-friendly materials and topped with a 35cm thick pyramidal reed roof. In the centre of the pavilion there is a bed made of beehives with bee families. The positive impact on the human body is caused, firstly, by the pyramidal pavilion itself, which concentrates energy, and secondly by the aroma of propolis, pollen, nectar and other products of bee activity. The sound frequencies from

the buzzing of bees also play an important role. These frequencies are a kind of «music» that correlates with human bioenergetics. By the way, the famous inventor Nikola Tesla once spoke about the positive impact of sound frequencies.

– What problems does the «Bee Treatment Bed in a Pyramid» help to solve and how long does it take to get a tangible positive result?

– A person feels a significant improvement in mood, stabilisation of the psychological state and work of the nervous system, blood pressure and metabolism are normalized, headache disappears and the respiratory tract is cleared. My method also helps fight cancer in the early stages, obesity and drug addiction.

As more than a decade of research has shown that an hour and a half is enough to restore strength. But for sustainable recovery, I recommend a course consisting of at least 10 sessions.

– Anatoly, have you presented your innovative development at the international level?

– Having received a patent for the utility model «Bee Treatment Bed in a Pyramid» in Ukraine, I patented my invention in Germany. I have participated in international exhibitions several times. Recently, I received the International Certificate of Expert in Green Agriculture and submitted documents for copyright registration in the United States.

– What are the future prospects for the development of your innovative method?

– I consider my start-up «Bee Treatment Bed in a Pyramid» not only as a technology that promotes human health and harmonisation of human coexistence with nature, but also as an investment-attractive project for the USA. In particular, it is about the construction of such pavilions at hospitals, boarding houses for the elderly and eco-hotels. This will expand the access to my wellness method for people who are constantly exposed to high physical and psychological loads in their professional activities, are in stressful situations (pilots, military, IT specialists, etc.) or have problems with metabolism and addictions.


The Landscape Company “Yeva” is a place where you can find everything you need to create a picturesque, well-kept garden and a cosy natural space. The company’s specialists will help you choose the best plants, provide professional advice, design and implement your landscape dreams. The quality of Yeva’s services is confirmed by the favourable feedback from clients and their admiration for the gardens created by Olesya KLYUSHNYK. Today we will talk to her about the beauty of nature and the services offered by the company.

– Mrs. Olesya, welcome to our information space. The first question is obvious: is it reasonable to engage in landscape design now, in winter?

– Thank you for the invitation! Yes, it is quite logical to do landscape design in winter, although this season has its own peculiarities and requires certain adjustments. Winter is an ideal time to plan, prepare projects and carry out work that does not depend on weather conditions. For landscape architects and designers, winter period is a great opportunity to create concepts, prepare drawings and 3D visualisations of future objects. At this time, we can carefully consider the style, choice of plants and materials. In addition, winter gives us time to make corrections and approve the final plans together with our customers. This allows us to start work in the spring without hindrance.

Caring for your winter garden shouldn’t be put off either. For example, you can now carry out sanitary pruning of trees and bushes. Winter is not a reason to stop some construction processes. This period is important for preparing, developing strategies, and completing some of the work so that you can immediately move on to active project implementation when spring comes. This is a strategic time that allows a landscape designer to always stay one step ahead!

– Tell us about your company’s unique features and achievements.

– The Landscape Company “Yeva” offers a comprehensive turnkey approach - from project development to implementation. We have our own production facilities and are the largest importers in Ukraine, which significantly distinguishes us from our competitors. Our team brings plants from all over the world, including Europe, the US, and Japan. In addition, we already export our own products. This confirms their high quality and competitiveness in the international market.

On the territory of 100 hectares, we grow and nurture exclusive plants that we import from different parts of the world.

– What services do you provide and why did you choose this industry?

– We offer a wide range of services including:

• sale of coniferous and deciduous trees imported from different countries;

• projecting landscape design;

• creation of green roofs and stylobates using the best European materials;

• landscaping and plant care.

We chose this industry because we believe that nature is an integral part of a harmonious life.

– You are an incredible team! What plans for this year have you

successfully fulfilled and what are you planning for the next year?

– Despite all the challenges, the Landscape Company “Yeva” maintains its leading position in the market. This year, we have been actively expanding our range of services and working on the development of a unique author’s park. Thanks to the positive feedback from our guests, we plan to further expand the park’s territory and attract investors to implement new ideas next year.

We are extremely grateful to our defenders! Thanks to their courage, we are able to continue our work. The war has brought many challenges, but we remain unbreakable, gradually and confidently moving forward, working to create a green future for Ukraine.

I sincerely wish the readers harmony in the environment of nature. Love nature, create your cosy corners and find time for rest and dreams!

андшафтна компанія «Єва» — це місце, де

можна знайти все необхідне для створення мальовничого, доглянутого саду та затишного природного


– Пані Олесю, вітаємо у нашому інфопросторі. Перше питан-

ня очевидне: чи доцільно зараз, взимку, займатися ландшафтним дизайном?

– Дякую за запрошення! Так, займатися

ландшафтним дизайном взимку цілком

логічно, хоча цей сезон має свої особливості та вимагає певних коректив. Зима — ідеальний час для планування, підготовки проєктів і виконання робіт, які не залежать від погодних умов.

Для ландшафтних архітекторів і дизайнерів зимовий період — це чудова можливість створювати концепції, готувати креслення та 3D-візуалізації майбутніх об’єктів. У цей час ми можемо ретельно продумати стиль, вибір рослин і матеріалів. Крім того, взимку є час для внесення правок і затвердження остаточних планів разом із за

серед конкурентів. Наша команда привозить рослини з усього світу, зокрема з Європи, США та Японії. Окрім цього, ми вже експортуємо власну продукцію, що підтверджує її високу якість і конкурентоспроможність на міжнародному ринку. На території площею

гектарів ми займаємося вирощуванням та дорощуванням ексклюзивних рослин,



s it possible to live fully in the present moment, to develop, to bring goodness and help to people? The answer is given by Natalia POLYANSKA, a professional rehabilitation therapist, vertebral neurologist, osteopath, massage therapist, psychologist, ergoexpert, energy expert, medium, emotional coach and Guide.

— Mrs. Natalia, we are summing up the results of the year. What achievements are you proud of?

— This year was truly incredible - dynamic, full of challenges and breakthroughs in several areas. We have prepared 21 grant applications, of which we are already implementing four.

There was a lot of invisible but important work that required quick decisions and organisation. Sometimes we had to do in one night what would otherwise have taken months. It became a challenge for me and for the whole team. Ideas were born and disappeared, but the result of this tension was a nearly finished little «soul repair shop» – «Safe Space “Live».

This year I also made several extremely interesting trips to Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Malta, Germany and Denmark. I joined the “Association of Doctors of the Carpathian Region”, received more than 20 certificates of advanced training, and entered a master’s degree programme. Among the many awards, I especially appreciate the Order of St. Anne –it is the most important recognition for me.

— What difficulties have you faced this year?

— This year was not easy; there were many challenges in the areas of health, work, finances and moving. It was also a year of loss that taught me a lot. In particular, my views on people have changed: those whom I relied on in difficult times did not help, instead, support was provided by those with whom I was not close.

— In your opinion, how have Ukrainians changed in terms of psychological and emotional aspects?

— Nowadays, most Ukrainians, both those who stayed at home and those who were forced to leave, feel tense, anxious, and uncertain. This state is becoming dominant in society, because people give the world what they are filled with.

That is why I urge you to cherish faith and a sense of joy in any situation. In addition, I notice a growing interest in esotericism among Ukrainians. As a practitioner and a person who strives for the positive development of society, I am only happy about this.

— Mrs. Natalia, what are your plans for 2025? What advice do you have for Ukrainians?

— My main plans are to live, develop, create, teach and learn, enjoy, travel, and polish myself as a person and a specialist. I want my work to continue to benefit people. And, of course, I want the next year to bring us the most important thing – Victory and peace! And I want to say to Ukrainians: live! Live, not just exist. Fill every day and every minute of your life with meaning!

— Пані Наталіє, ми підбиваємо підсумки року. Якими досягненнями Ви пишаєтеся?

— Цей рік був по-справжньому неймовірним — динамічним, сповненим викликів і проривів у кількох напрямах. Ми підготували 21 грантову заявку, з яких уже реалізуємо чотири.

Було багато невидимої, але важливої роботи, що вимагала швидких рішень і організації. Часом за одну ніч доводилося виконувати те, на що за інших умов пішли б місяці. Це стало випробуванням і для мене, і для всієї команди. Ідеї народжувалися та зникали, але результатом цього напруження стала майже готова маленька «майстерня з ремонту душі та тіла»



yudmyla DALI is perhaps the most famous psychologist and tarot card reader in Ukraine. She has not commented on the events taking place in our country for a long time despite the fact that she has extensive experience in the field of psychology and working with tarot cards. But she subtly feels the changes in our society using her tools. It is worth noting that this year it has been 28 years since our guest has been consulting people with the help of tarot cards and she has more than 22 years of practice as a psychologist. Join the conversation and contact the professionals.

– Mrs. Lyudmyla, greetings! It has been a long time since we talked to you. Could you tell us about the most relevant topics in your communication with clients today?

– The first question that people are interested in is when the war will end and hostilities will stop completely. And almost everyone who comes to me asks whether they should return to Ukraine at all. What will happen to it in the future? The second most frequently asked question is about the financial situation of people and their families. Every second family I consult, and there are a lot of them, asks how to live on, where to get money, where to earn it. And the third most common question concerns emotional states, which are quite severe due to constant stress and already undermined health.

– What exactly attracts you personally in working with tarot cards? What is their special feature as a tool?

– I am interested in and very attracted to working with cards, because they can absolutely accurately explain the fate of people. They reveal the present

and are able to reveal the future in concrete terms. The cards can explain how a person can change his or her life situation, what steps they should take to improve their life.

Tarot cards are a quality tool and my reliable friend. I don’t personally believe people, but I fully trust the cards. This is confirmed by people whom I consulted 10 and even 20 years ago. In a conversation, they all admit that the cards really showed the truth then.

– Do you currently have any courses or trainings that may be of interest to our readers?

– I have never done courses or trainings and never even thought about it. But now I have decided that after the war, after peace has come to our country, I will definitely create the «Five Degrees of Tarot» courses with the issuance of certificates. So follow me on social networks.

– How do you see the future of tarot as a tool for self-discovery and development?

– Once in Ukraine, until 2012, tarot readers were in the register of professions, they were fully


legalized. By the way, I was the pioneer of tarot in Ukraine at that time, it was 2000. I created the TV program «Dialogue with Dali», which was in great demand. But in the period from 2012 to 2013, the profession of a tarot reader was fundamentally removed from the register. Now I am sure that tarot reading is the profession of the future, because the cards have proven their effectiveness. Tarot cards were, are and will be, because this is a really high-quality tool.

– Thank you, Lyudmyla. What message would you like to address to our readers?

– Firstly, if you are interested in your fate, your life and the fate of your families and loved ones you should contact only real specialists, those who have extensive experience and have helped a large number of people. Health, business, relationships, children... The cards will tell you the whole truth. I wish my native Ukraine a peaceful time as soon as possible. I wish Ukrainians happiness, health and a long-awaited peaceful sky.

постійною експерткою, авторитетним атмологом – Евою ІЩЕНКО. Окрім того, пані Єва поділилася результатами втілення грандіозного атмапроєкту «Новітня Україна» та розповіла, як подбати про власний СвітлоЗахист і допомогти тим, хто на фронті!

сильної, незалежної і процвітаючої держави. Надихає й те, що дедалі більше людей не лише слухають, а й починають застосовувати сучасні технології та квантові техніки, аби змінити себе й своє життя на краще. Це свідчить, що українське суспільство пробуджується,


ow to set yourself up for easy fulfilment of your wishes in the New Year? And whom will 2025 help? We talked about this and not only with our permanent expert, authoritative atmologist EVA ISCHENKO. In addition, Mrs. Eva shared the results of the implementation of the grand Atmaproject «New Ukraine» and told how to take care of your own Light Protection and help those on the front!

– Mrs. Eva, summing up the results of 2024, what are you most proud of?

– This year was special for me, because at the International Academy of Atmology we focused on the development and implementation of the large-scale social atma project «New Ukraine». Its main idea is to help people realize their own inner strength and understand that no external circumstances can overshadow our essence. Each of us is the creator of our own reality, and together we will co-create a new life. We strive to support everyone in finding harmony with themselves and the world around them, to strengthen their inner support and to expand the vision of their personal vocation in society.

In 2024, we laid a strong foundation for this program: we developed thematic training courses and various useful products. It was especially valuable that Ukrainians from different countries joined the process, forming a single network of «their» people - hearts united by love for Ukraine and the desire to actively work on building a strong, independent and prosperous state. It is also inspiring that more and more people are not only listening, but also starting to use modern technologies and quantum techniques to change themselves and their lives for the better. This proves that Ukrainian society is waking up, growing up and realizing that our common future depends primarily on ourselves. For me, this is a real victory, because deep changes in society are impossible without changes in consciousness.

Now we look to 2025 with even greater faith and determination and plan to unite the efforts of numerous volunteers, charitable organizations and educators who help spread the ideas of the «New Ukraine» throughout the country. Our goal is to create a new space where everyone will feel part of a larger community and receive support on the way to their development. It was this year that laid the foundations for the further development of the platform,

which will provide a systemic vision and understanding of human development in modern realities.

– What should we expect from 2025?

– At Atmalogy, we always look at the issue of forecasts integratively. If you analyse the energy of 2025, then numerologically it is the year of the number 9, in Feng Shui it is the period of Fiery Yang, and the symbol of the next year is a green snake, which embodies birth and wisdom. Nine is often associated with spiritual fullness (a kind of «Three-Ninth Kingdom»), after which comes the «Three-Tenth (forty) State» –new space and new opportunities. On the moral and social levels, the political games of the «powers of this world» are becoming more and more apparent. However, we see the growing maturity of society: truth and goodness make us freer, and those who live in lies are increasingly losing their own positions. From the point of view of karma, Russia has already accumulated enough negative «charge» and we are watching how it starts to boomerang back to her.

From the perspective of Atmalogy, taking into account all these factors, the year 2025 will favour those who are on the path of spiritual growth, enlightenment and union in a common Spirit. And our Spirit is united by love for Ukraine – therefore, we must remain mature, strong and wise in order to create our future together.

– The New Year’s miracle is able to fulfill all wishes: how to set them correctly?

– Remember that the New Year’s miracle begins with us. When we are open to the world, our dreams gain enormous power, because they are a reflection of the true desires of the soul. This is the best time to remember that there is an inner child in each of us. From the point of view of archetypal psychotherapy, it is this that brings us closest to our Self, our real and true «I». In Sanskrit it is called Atma —

your own personal Om, that divine principle within that seeks to play its own part in the great Universal Orchestra.

When setting a wish, it is important not only to follow various recommendations, which are now enough. First of all, you should turn to the Universe with a sincere intention and wish that the realization of your dream will bring happiness to you, your relatives and at the same time be useful for the whole world.

And in order to unite with the field of our love for Ukraine, wish that together with your wish, the aspiration of all sincere Ukrainians who wish for the prosperity of their native land will come true. Then you are asking not only for yourself, but for something major and this major will surely take care of your personal desire as well. The main thing is to be genuine in your intention, because only sincerity can lead to a real result.

– Can we tune our energy flows to make our wishes come true easily?

– Access to this flow that makes our dreams come true is in our heart. This is the part of “Me” that still believes in miracles. Unfortunately, many have lost that connection, stopped trusting life and with that loss ease and inspiration also disappeared.

– How to restore this connection?

– In the pre-New Year and Christmas period, the general field of belief in miracles becomes especially strong in the worldand you can use this wave of kindness and light. Try two simple steps:

1. Visualize yourself as a child, at the age when you believed in miracles. «Communicate» with your inner child as if you were a wizard or a fairy. Allow you to feel immediacy and inspiration again, reconnect, listen and experience the joy of meeting.

2. Do a good deed during the Christmas and New Year holidays. The one we call the Holy Miracle Worker simply did good deeds

that became a miracle for others. Therefore, let your good deeds become a nourishing energy for the realization of a miracle in your life.

Remember that when your heart rediscovers the belief in miracles, your wishes can come true with amazing ease.

– They say that in order to support someone, you need to be able to support yourself personally. How can Ukrainians take care of their own Light Protection, so that they have the strength to help those who are on the front lines?

– You are absolutely right: your question already contains part of the answer. Each of us, Ukrainians, has not only a physical body, which is part of the material world, but also a body of light, in modern science it is called «quantum». It is because of this quantum (light) aspect that we are all united in a single multidimensional field. It can be tuned to different frequencies and vibrations.

In the Research Laboratory of the International Academy of Atmalogy, we have developed a quantum technique called «Atmasatsang Sophia». Its effectiveness has been confirmed by the Lisbon laboratory. We invite every Ukrainian to join this light-bearing practice in order to raise the general «frequency of sound» of our common field of love. It will take only 21 minutes: it will be enough to lie quietly listenning pleasant music, keeping in mind that you are contributing to the Light Protection of our heroes.

Within this technique we gain access to the spectrum of energies known in Christianity as the «Holy Spirit» and in Gnosticism as the energy of «Sophia», the Soul of God, the Mother of the World, the Vedic ParaMatMa. In Slavic traditions, this power was called «SVA» – Verse Vibration, First Word, what is called «Glory» or «Pure Light». Thus, modern knowledge reveals the deep origins of these great forces that influence our lives even today, we can scientifically explain what was previously considered mystical and incomprehensible. From time immemorial, you and I have known the power of common prayer, but today we offer you something much more, quantum nanotechnology of light accumulation and transmission. You can find information about Atmasatsang Sophia on any of our official resources. Join not by word, but by action!

– With what words will you address our readers in these Christmas and New Year days?

– Falling asleep and waking up, wish Ukraine strength and prosperity with the subtle intention that with this, you «illuminate» the realization of the best destiny of our native country. Know that if the country is strong and prosperous, then the people in it are the same! Therefore, in order not to be stupid – study to be rich – work to be strong – train to have well-being, become it for others to be strong – unite. To be with your own, look for your own. And the most important thing: do not believe, but act, because faith without action is dead.

Glory to Ukraine!


ow did a passion for make-up turn into a successful career in the beauty industry?

The story of Yevheniia KHALITOVA is a vivid example of how you can make your hobby a career. From the first steps to the top in the world of permanent make-up and injection procedures – read on.

– Yevheniia, we are glad to see you on the pages of our edition. Please tell us about your professional path. How did it all start?

– Hello! It all started when one day on the way to the bank where I was working right after graduating from the University of Culture and Arts, my friend saw my daytime make-up and asked me: “Why don’t you want to take a course to work with clients? You’re so good at it!” At first I was hesitant about it, because taking courses and buying materials required a lot of money... But every morning when we were driving together, I heard her say these words.

Later, after careful consideration, I decided to try it and took an eyelash extension course. After its completion, I immediately had clients who have been with me for eleven years. I am very grateful to them for that! Then everything

turned around: I completed courses in eyebrow architecture, eyelash colouring and lamination.

At some moment, I realised that I like making women beautiful, seeing their smiles and hearing their words of gratitude. So I decided to take a course in permanent eyebrow make-up, because my clients wanted this procedure just from me. Then I had many advanced training courses in this area, as well as courses in permanent make-up of all areas. I really like to emphasise natural beauty with other means, not just make-up. And for over 11 years now, I have been working in the beauty industry, reaching new heights

– What services do you consider the most popular now?

– I am one of those people who constantly improve their skills, striving for more. Today, the most popular services are permanent makeup, eyelash extensions, facial injections and lip contouring. If earlier clients were hesitant or afraid of these procedures, now they are in trend.

– As an expert, tell us about the current trends in permanent make-up.

– Today, the beauty industry is dominated by naturalness, and this trend is constantly evolving. In particular, powder and hair eyebrow techniques, matte lip colouring, as well as light veiled and interlash arrows on the eyes are in demand.

– Yevheniia, your story is inspiring! What does true female beauty mean to you?

– For me, female beauty is naturalness, accentuated by elegance. This is the sparkle in the eyes and a sincere smile that appear after the client sees the result. I always adhere to the principle «everything should be in moderation».

I am also open to cooperation - both with other masters and with students and clients.

I would like to wish our readers to never stop on the way to their goals, to dream and believe, because our thoughts shape reality. Don’t forget about kindness and sincerity –there is a great lack of it now.

We believe in victory!

Everything will be Ukraine!

I thank our defenders for the opportunity to give beauty to Ukrainian women!

ши мій денний макіяж, запитала: «Чому ти не хочеш

виходить!» Спершу я вагалася, адже проходження курсів

які залишаються




his year has been a time of active development and new achievements for the well-known face fitness expert Olena Zhabko. She has not only maintained her inner harmony and multiplied her achievements, but also made significant progress in her professional and personal life. Read on to find out how she managed to combine self-care with the development of her own business and what her plans are for the future.

– Mrs. Olena, what was this year like for you? What are your main achievements?

– If we talk about personal things, I have long dreamed of learning to drive a car. I started this year with driving lessons and by the end of the year I had already received my license. Despite all the stress I continued to play sports. I also devoted more time to improving my English and now I have a certificate. In the professional field, I help women preserve their beauty, support each other and find inner balance.

– Where did you manage to visit this year?

– I spent most of the year in the United States. I visited many interesting places: from bustling metropolises to quiet provincial towns. Each location gave me unforgettable emotions and new acquaintances. It was especially nice to meet like-minded people who are passionate about Ukrainian culture and support our country. I was impressed by how Ukrainian women have become an example of female beauty and strength of spirit. Their image inspires people around the world.

– What are your plans for 2025?

– I plan to continue to take care of myself and develop my project in the field of face fitness. I want to promote the idea that you can stay young through your own efforts - self-massage and taping techniques. These are affordable, natural, and noninjectable methods that do not require significant costs. My mission is to convey to women that beauty is not only about appearance, but also about harmony with your inner world. Self-massage, meditation and tapping help to maintain balance, calm and even improve sleep.

I also plan to organise retreats for women – 2-3 days in nature with yoga, excursions and practices for body and soul. I also invite you to my workshops. If any of our readers are in the US, I will be happy to hold meetings in new cities.

– What would you wish your clients and future participants?

– My wishes are simple but sincere. We all dream of victory, and I am sure that it will come. I wish everyone to find happiness and realise their potential. I wish women harmony with themselves, because a happy woman creates a happy family, and happy families create a strong society.

Congratulations on the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays! I wish you health, beauty and inspiration. I invite you to my online classes, which I hold three times a week. We do exercises for the back, body, face and taping - these are effective techniques that will help you always look young.


We have known Olena for many years and can confirm the effectiveness of her methods. She has helped many women achieve impressive results. Don’t delay – contact her for a consultation. Find out more about her classes on TikTok, Facebook and Instagram. Remember: beauty is not only appearance, but also harmony with yourself.

року вже отримала права. Попри всі стреси, продовжувала

англійської і тепер маю сертифікат. У професійній

навіть покращують сон.

Також я планую організовувати

ще запрошую на свої


Primary school teacher, amateur artist and fashion designer are united in one person. In the interview, Alla KOROL talks about her love for children, the impact of war on their psyche, the importance of creativity in life and her desire to revive Ukrainian traditions in modern clothing.

– Alla, primary school teachers are people of a special profession. What attracts you to this job?

– I was lucky in life – my vocation and creative potential coincided with my profession. That’s why I’m happy to rush to class! Despite the everyday processes, school is a place of personal fulfilment and exchange of energies. Children are filled with what you pass on to them. I have creative pupils in my class who are able to think critically, solve problems in a non-standard way and inspire me to develop as a teacher.

– How much have children changed since the beginning of a full-scale war?

– Of course, war is a challenge for everyone, and especially for children’s psyches. Anxiety can hide inside and not manifest itself externally. Therefore, a great responsibility lies with the teacher. With our calm behaviour and clear algorithms of actions, we help children to be focused and responsible. My work helps them: we draw a lot, make up fairy tales, get to know the life of the Cossacks, ancient fonts, and communicate with nature.

In order for a child to grow up emotionally healthy, it is important to see and hear them

through the prism of love. I advise parents to look for their “own” teacher who will help their child to reveal his or her abilities and listen to the recommendations. It is also useful to read literature on breathing practices, visualisation, be engaged in sculpting, drawing and keeping diaries with illustrations. Children should learn to express emotions through art.

– In addition to pedagogy, you design clothes. What successes have been achieved in this area?

– I learned to sew by myself. At the age of 14, trying to create patterns, I used all my mother’s fabrics. Since then, I have been engaged in embroidery, appliqué

on fabric, decoration and painting of clothes, porcelain and vases. I also paint bags and shoes and create paintings. I have a page on social media where I share my work. I create clothes for myself and I enjoy the fact that my clothes are unique. They are a reflection of my inner world, my second self. When the full-scale war started, my husband and son went to defend our homeland. For all these two and a half years, my art has been my support, a source of strength that helped me distract from disturbing thoughts.

– In your opinion, what is the true essence of a Ukrainian woman?

– My goal is to dress Ukrainian women in modern clothes that combine our culture and symbolism. You will always find viburnum, the tree of life or Slavic runes in my work. These things charge you with energy, as if the whole family is behind you. And they are also very beautiful!

– Alla, thank you for your activity! What are you aiming for in your implementations?

– I dream of opening my own shop selling authentically painted clothes and handmade accessories. I want Ukrainian women to be recognised as carriers of their culture. After all, a happy and beautiful woman is able to overcome difficulties, support her loved ones and achieve success.

This is my goal!


вести щоденники з ілюстраціями. Діти мають вчитися виражати емоції через творчість. – Окрім педагогіки, Ви займаєтесь дизайном одягу. Яких успіхів досягли у цьому напрямі? – Я навчилася шити самостійно. У 14 років, намагаючись створити викройки, використала всі мамині тканини. Відтоді я займаюся вишивкою, аплікацією на тканині, декором



elief in our victory and love for Ukraine motivate me to change the world for the better.» Our conversation with Ukrainian Svitlana YAROSH began with these words. Despite the challenges of fate and difficult circumstances, she found the strength to continue the path to her cherished dream – the victory of Ukraine. In this issue, we introduce you to a woman who shared her story, life’s work, hobbies and aspirations.

– Greetings to the readers of the edition! Today, you often see publications where Ukrainian women talk about their achievements, experiences and life stories. I also want to share my story so that as many people as possible in the world learn about Ukraine and continue to support us.

I have a small collection of “vyshyvankas” (Ukrainian folk embroidered shirts) with inscriptions reflecting my dream of our Victory. I am Svitlana YAROSH, born and raised in Kyiv, the glorious capital of Ukraine. Here I received a higher education in the specialty «journalism». For a long time, I worked as a director on television in the projects «Square Meter» (TV channel «Inter») and «Repair +» (TV channel «1+1»). I am the mother of two wonderful sons, 7 and 9 years old, who inspire me every day to move forward and set new life goals. Creativity, especially sculpture, is also a big inspiration for me.

Even before the birth of my children, in my free time I began to sculpt figures of relatives based on their photographs. Acquaintances and relatives said that it turned out quite well. I gradually expanded the circle of «heroes»: I began to create figurines for friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

Unfortunately, in 2022, due to Russian aggression, I and my children were forced to seek refuge in Great Britain. It was a difficult time that required inner strength and adaptation to new circumstances. In order to maintain moral balance, I took part in the photo exhibition of Ukrainian art groups UNBOWED – «Stories of Ukraine, 2024». Currently, together with @natalia.sharomova and @ AnnaFox (Creative Response, University for the Creative Arts – UCA), we are working on a new photo project «Making the invisible visible». I am proud to be a part of this team.

My heart unites two countries. Life is always full of challenges and uncertainties, but if we allow fear to dictate conditions for us we risk losing opportunities for growth and success.

Creativity is an important part of my life. In the most difficult times, it helps not to lose faith in myself. Everyone decides for themselves what their future will be: to move forward to something new or go back to reconsider or start all over again. I chose the way forward.

In a new country, I returned to my hobby – sculpting figurines based on photographs. I try to convey not only the external resemblance, but also the character of a person. Positive feedback from friends and acquaintances inspires me to improve my skills. In the near future, I plan to visit Madame Tussauds Museum – it seems that we have a lot in common with her.

The main thing is not to stop and not be afraid to develop your abilities and talents. Each of us, in big or small matters, contributes to the victory of Ukraine. I believe that this day will come very soon!

I congratulate everyone on the upcoming holidays!


– Вітаю читачів видання! Сьогодні ви часто бачите публікації, у яких українки розповідають про свої досягнення, переживання та життєві історії. Я також хочу поділитися своєю історією, щоб якомога більше людей у світі дізналися про Україну та продовжували нас підтримувати.

Я маю невелику колекцію вишиванок із написами, які відображають мою мрію про нашу Перемогу.

Я – Світлана ЯРОШ, народилася й виросла в Києві, славетній столиці

України. Тут здобула вищу освіту за спеціальністю «журналістика».

Тривалий час працювала режисеркою на телебаченні – у проєктах «Квадратний метр» (телеканал «Інтер») та «Ремонт +» (телеканал «1+1»). Я – мама двох чудових синів, 7 і 9 років, які щодня надихають мене рухатися вперед і ставити нові життєві цілі. Творчість, особливо скульптура, також є для мене великим натхненням.

Ще до народження дітей у вільний час почала ліпити фігурки рідних за їхніми фотографіями. Знайомі й

казали, що виходить досить

UNBOWED – «Stories of Ukraine, 2024». Нині ми разом із @natalia.sharomova та @AnnaFox (Creative Response, University for the Creative Arts –UCA) працюємо

фотопроєктом «Робимо

видимим». Я пишаюся тим, що є частиною цієї команди.

Моє серце об’єднує дві країни. Життя завжди сповнене викликів і невизначеностей, але якщо ми дозволяємо страху диктувати нам умови, то ризикуємо втратити можливості для розвитку й успіху.

Творчість є важливою частиною мого життя. У найскладніші часи вона допомагає не втрачати віру в себе. Кожен сам вирішує, яким буде його майбутнє: рухатися вперед до нового чи повернутися назад


Travels, new acquaintances, mastering of acting skills and a deep inner transformation – this is what 2024 was like for Kristinka SHCHASTYA. In a sincere conversation, she shares her emotions, talks about important events and shares her plans for a future filled with new dreams and achievements.

– Mrs. Kristinka, we are glad to talk to you again! We suggest starting the conversation with the results of 2024. Tell us about the most important events that have become indicative for you.

– The most important event for me this year was a trip with my daughter to Egypt. It was an unforgettable adventure! We had a great time, rested, recharged, met many new people and experienced many interesting stories. One of them is related to the daughter’s birthday celebration on a yacht in the open sea, which continued with a holiday on the island. It was incredibly important for both me and my daughter. I am very grateful to the Universe for these moments!

– This year you completed acting courses. What achievements have been made in this field?

– Yes, it was a new and somewhat unexpected experience. After the courses, I was even offered to act in films, but I decided that now was not the time. Maybe I’ll come back to this idea someday.

The course was very rich and interesting; it opened up new facets in me. I significantly strengthened my moral qualities

and received a certificate. At the end of the course, we staged theatre numbers. My work became a dance accompanied by an author’s poem dedicated to the memory of my husband. The production turned out to be very touching and received one of the highest marks from the teachers, among whom, by the way, was my old acquaintance.

This course helped me get to know myself from a different side, and I am infinitely grateful to all the trainers, fellow students, supervisors and organizers. Even now, when I think about it, I get goose bumps.

– Kristinka, what inspires you to constantly develop, be active and learn new things?

– Oh, I am a very multifaceted, unpredictable and absolutely easy-going person. I can sit at home, do nothing, and then suddenly go on a trip to Australia. I am very open to change. Routine stresses me out, robs me of joy, so I always try to diversify my life.

I am inspired by my inner self, my soul, purposefulness and passion for learning about the world. There are, of course, moments of calm, but for the most part I lead an active lifestyle. I am constantly developing, learning something new when discovering the multifaceted nature of our amazing world. I am the cause of all the joys and pleasant moments in my life.

– You are a very interesting person, and we always enjoy talking to you. Will you share your plans for 2025? What dreams do you plan to realize?

– Oh, I have many plans. Of course, I will not tell everything, I will keep a few secrets to myself. One of the global plans is to write a book, but what exactly it will be about is a Surprise. I also want to learn to drive a car. And, of course, another trip with my daughter is already planned. As always, I will continue to live my Bright Life.

I wish all Ukrainians purposefulness, devotion to their ideas and harmony with their own soul. Remember: peace will come to our country when peace reigns in each of our hearts.

Thank God!

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to the heroes!


оцінок від викладачів, серед яких,

мурашки по шкірі. – Крістінко, що надихає Вас на постійний


Ukrainian cinema has a rich and complex history, full of rises and challenges. From the first film shootings in the late 19th century to the current successes at international festivals, Ukrainian cinema has come a long way reflecting the life, culture and spirit of our people. Today we talk to Lyudmyla SYROVOTKA about cinema, mass media, achievements and the future of the Ukrainian film industry.

– Mrs. Lyudmyla, tell us about the most significant moments of your professional career.

– The first thing I want to mention is the creation of my production centre «Tenerife» in 2000. We were engaged in advertising, real estate and property evaluation, mediation, organisation of filming, production of television and film content.

In 2015, our team received the national «Industry Leader» certificate, and already in 2016, we shot the film «Voice of the Silent Abyss» dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933. It was an important project for me, because the topic of the Holodomor is extremely painful for our nation. However, unfortunately, the idea of the film was stolen and the film did not receive proper attention.

– What difficulties did you have to overcome while working in the film industry?

– Ukrainian culture has a powerful creative potential, but it has always suffered from a lack of funding. I worked as a director,

screenwriter, TV presenter and created children’s TV programmes that were even bought for broadcast in Brazil. I dreamed that our culture and language would be recognised all over the world. But this work was very difficult. Often I had to perform several functions at once and work for a meagre salary.

Despite this, the Ukrainian film industry is developing. Although we still lack resources, there are enthusiasts who want to preserve and promote our culture.

– What do you plan to do next year?

– Next year, I plan to expand my activities and establish cooperation with filmmakers from France and the United States. I am currently working on the “Talent Visa” project, which I hope will open the way for me to join the international film community.

I dream of participating in international projects, making my own films and sharing my experience with foreign colleagues. This is a new and interesting challenge that will help me realise my creative potential on a global scale.

– It must be difficult for you as a creative person to accept the present. What helps you stay resilient?

– The war is ongoing, and this means that certain forces benefit from it. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, I was actively debunking Russian propaganda myths. Later, I realised that those who are aware of the reality have already left Russia.

I want Ukrainian cultural projects to enter the international arena, and for peace to finally come to our country. I believe that Ukraine will become not only a symbol of indomitability, but also an example for the world in cultural development. I hope that the war will not destroy our human values.

– What would you like to wish our readers on the eve of the holidays?

– I wish you all peace, happiness and good health! May 2025 is a time of new opportunities and achievements! Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to dream!

– Пані Людмило, розкажіть про найбільш знакові моменти Вашої професійної кар’єри. – Найперше, що хочу згадати, – це створення мого продюсерського центру «Тенериф» у 2000 році. Ми займалися рекламою, оцінюванням нерухомості та майна, посередництвом, організацією зйомок, виробництвом телевізійного та


галузі», а вже у 2016-му зняли фільм

шлях до міжнародної кіноспільноти.

Мрію брати участь у міжнародних проєктах, знімати власні фільми, ділитися досвідом із закордонними колегами. Це новий і цікавий виклик, який допоможе реалізувати

Після кожного заняття донька, хоч і втомлена, виходила щасливою та постійно запитувала: «Коли наступне тренування?»

– Поділіться успіхами Злати. У яких проєктах вона зараз бере участь і до чого готується?

– Через рік після початку занять ми

вперше поїхали на змагання. Це був

незабутній досвід: хвилювання, переживання, радість перемоги. Злата посіла перше місце, отримала золоту медаль і кубок.

Згодом ми повернулися з Києва до

Кривого Рогу – міста, де народилася Злата. На той час їй виповнилося шість років, і пішла до першого класу. Ми продовжили тренування у танцювальному клубі

Улітку вдалося полетіти на море, погостювати у бабусь,

боремося за майбутнє, де буде місце для

ми підтримуємо воїнів морально чи матеріально, вони нагадують про головне: ми зобов’язані жити! Ми повинні святкувати, хай навіть скромно, дарувати одне одному радість, цінувати час із близькими та наповнювати сенсом це непередбачуване, але безцінне життя.

Адже саме це — наша відповідь ворогу. Наша здатність радіти, любити, творити та жити, попри все, демонструє нашу незламність. Свідчення того, що зусилля захисників не марні. Підтвердження, що ми

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