SEEbtm magazine No 15 - MUST HAVE for a successful conference

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Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 15 / maj 2014 / No. 15 / May 2014

tema broja:

„Must-have“ za uspešne konferencije cover story:

”Must-have“ For a Successful Conference Savremen način deljenja i dobijanja informacija:

„Must-have“ aplikacije kada idete na konferenciju

Kakva usluga se očekuje:

„Must-have“ osobine i veštine event menadžera

Modern Concept of Sharing and Getting Information:

”Must-have“ APP When You Go to a Conference What kind of service is expected:

”Must-have“ Characteristics and Skills of an Event Manager

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