SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018 / June –S eptember 2018 / broj 27 / No. 27
Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 27 / jun–septembar 2018 / No. 27 / June–September 2018
tema broja:
I M P R E S S U M Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail:
Customize Your Event and Make It Personal
Personalizovani događaji
Direktor: Ivan Milić
Sigurno ste nekad imali osećaj da ve
Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić
ćina događaja kojima prisustvujete liče jedan na drugi. A možda i osećaj da ste samo jedna osoba u masi ljudi koja pri sustvuje tom događaju.
Urednički tim: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov Tiraž: 3.000 Periodičnost: 3 puta godišnje Datum izdavanja: jun–septembar 2018. Broj 27 Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (3 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 3.000,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj publika ciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgovoran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti nastale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije po trebna je pismena dozvola. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2018 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 27th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2018 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 92 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm Tiraž 3 . 000 .
Kako napraviti razliku i izdvojiti vaš događaj? Kako učiniti da se vaši gosti na prijemu, učesnici na konferenciji ili tim bildingu koji organizujete osećaju da se obraćate baš njima i da je svaka pojedinačna prisutna osoba važna za vas i kako učiniti da i njoj bude važno što je prisutna? Ne zaboravite, SVAKO voli da se oseća posebno i da se njegova/njena prisutnost ceni. A krajnji utisak o događaju se velikim delom formira iz onoga kako ste naveli vaše učesnike da se osećaju.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
u v o d
Personalizacija događaja može biti rešenje za ovaj problem i predstavlja jedan od glavnih trendova ne samo za 2018. godinu već i par godina unazad što se organiza cije događaja tiče. A u budućnosti će postati standard. Šta znači personalizacija događaja? Znači maksimalno prilagoditi događaj učesnici ma, njihovim profesijama, interesovanjima, željama, implementirati lično obraćanje kada god je to moguće, primera radi sa lično adresiranim pismom dobrodošlice u hotelskoj sobi, personalizovanim poklonima, kreirati aktivnosti, ali i brendirati do gađaj ne samo u skladu sa ciljnom grupom, već ZAJEDNO sa učesnicima. Prilagođavanje događaja znači i uključiti učesnike u sam proces kreiranja događaja. Putem ankete zajedno doći do opcije koja aktivnost će se realizovati, ili šta će se sledeće dogoditi (putem event aplikacija na licu mesta). Iz tih razloga, možemo da očekujemo sve češće interaktivne displejeve na događajima, interaktivne podne ili zidne LED displeje, Tweet zidove, osvetljenje koje reaguje na publiku uz pomoć LED narukvica i privezaka, crowd-responsive osvetljenje i slično. Cilj je kreirati što ličniji i „custom-made“ doživljaj putem angažovanja i uključivanja učesnika u proces planiranja i sam tok događaja, kao i stavljanje fokusa na individu alnost svakog od njih. Na taj način, učesnici nose sa sobom osećaj da su stvarno bili deo tog događaja i uticali na njegov uspeh. Sada je uspeh događaja i lični uspeh sva kog od njih. Ono što uvek i želi da se postigne svakim događajem, zar ne?
Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik
ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
s a d r ž a j
33. jte Organizukao j a događ nalac profesio
18. era Prava m lizacije persona 48. meru” „Uzmite a događaja učesnicim 38. de Handma pokloni i poslovn
83. s– Las Vega svetska a prestonic zabave
i 54. nedostac i i t s o n d Pre lizovanih persona događaja
Novosti ................................................................... 5 Događaji ................................................................. 7 Novo i renovirano ................................................. 14 Tema broja: Prava mera personalizacije ................................ 18 Tema broja: Personalizovani sastanci – Pojedinac čini tim ............................................... 24 Kongresni centar: Kombank dvorana – Vaš izbor za uspešan događaj ............................. 29 Industrija: Redizajniran regionalni portal Kongresniturizam ................. 33 Tema broja: Inspiracija za handmande poslovne poklone ..... 38
Događaj: Crna Gora, destinacija o kojoj treba da se priča.................................................... 44
Mišljenje stručnjaka: „Isti, poseban, slobodan, biti samo svoj”.......... 70
Tema broja: „Uzmite meru” učesnicima događaja ................ 48
Edukacija: Ambideksternost – jednako važna za pojednica kao i za kompaniju........................ 76
Istraživanje: Prednosti i nedostaci personalizovanih događaja ............................... 54
Zanimljivost: Bitmoji – personalizovani avatari za online komunikaciju ...................................... 78
Zepter hoteli: Skladan spoj starog i novog – Zepter hotel Vrnjačka Banja .............................. 60
Predstojeći događaji ........................................... 82
Industrija: Mađarska prva u regionu – ICCA statistika 2017 .............................................. 63 Zepter hoteli: U skladu sa prirodom – Hotel Zepter Drina i Vila Drina ............................ 67
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Kongresni biro: Las Vegas – svetska prestonica zabave ............. 83 Sajam: IMEX America 2018 – Priprema za „okean gotivnosti” ......................... 87 Rečnik pojmova .................................................... 90 Zanimljivosti ........................................................ 91
I M P R E S S U M Publisher, production and marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail:
Customize Your Event and Make It Personal
Personalized Events
Director: Ivan Milic
Surely you sometimes felt that most
Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic
of the events you attend look like one another. And maybe even that you are just one person in a crowd of people at tending the event.
Editorial team: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov Circulation: 3.000 Periodicity: 3 times per year Issue date: June–September 2018. No 27 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (3 issues) for: - Serbia 3,000.00 RSD - abroad 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that accuracy of information contained in this pub lication, The Best Solutions cannot be held res ponsible for any errors or inaccuracies contained within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consignment. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2018 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 27th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2018 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 92 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm Tiraž 3 . 000 .
How can you make your event stand out? How can you make attendees at your rece ption, conference, or team building event feel that you are speaking to them directly and that every single person present is important to you and make being present important to them? Remember, EVERYONE likes to feel special and his or her pres ence appreciated. And the ultimate impression of the event largely comes from how you made your attendees feel.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t r o d u c t i o n
Personalization of events could solve this issue as one of the main trends in event planning not only for 2018 but already a few of years back. And in the future it is going to become standard. What is event personalization? It means tailoring the event to the participants, their professions, interests, and desires to the greatest extent possible; implementing direct communication whenever possible, for example with a personalized welcome letter in the hotel room or personalized gifts; designing activities and branding the event not only in line with the target audience but also TOGETHER with the participants. Event customization also means including the participants in the event design pro cess itself. Using a survey to come up with the activity options or what happens next (using on-site event apps). For these reasons, we can expect more and more interac tive displays at events, interactive floor or wall LED displays, Tweet walls, crowd-re sponsive lighting, and the like. The objective is to create as personalized and customized experience as possible by engaging and involving the participants in the planning process and the event course itself, as well as placing the focus on the individuality of each person. This way the participants will feel that they truly were part of the event and influ enced its success. The success of the event now becomes also a personal achievement of each attendee. And that is exactly what every event strives to accomplish, right?
Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief
ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
c o n t e n t s
35. an Organize a s Event a nal Professio
21. e t Measur The Righ alization of Person 51. r Event s Take You s’ Measurement e e Attend 41. de Handma Gifts s s Busine
85. s– Las Vegaital p The Ca of Fun
57. and Benefits cks of Drawba lized Persona Events
News ...................................................................... 6 Events ................................................................... 10 New and Improved ............................................... 16 Cover story: The Right Measure of Personalization .............. 21 Cover story: Personalized Meetings – An Individual Makes a Team .............................. 26 Congress center: Kombank Hall – Your Selection for a Successful Event ................. 31 Industry: Redesigned Regional Portal SEEmice .................................... 35 Cover story: Inspiration for Handmade Corporate Gifts ....... 41
Event: Montenegro – Destination Worth Talking About.......................... 46
Expert opinion: “Same, Special, Free, One of a Kind” ................. 73
Cover story: Take Your Event Attendees’ Measurements ...... 51
Education: Ambidexterity– Equally Important for Individuals as for Companies ....................... 77
Survey: Benefits and Drawbacks of Personalized Events ....................................... 57
Interesting: Bitmoji – Personalized Avatars for Online Communication ................................ 80
Zepter hotels: When the Past and Present Match – Zepter hotel Vrnjacka Banja .............................. 61
Upcoming Events .................................................. 82
Industry: Hungary Beats the Region – ICCA Statistics 2017 .............................................. 65 Zepter hotels: In Harmony with Nature – Hotel Zepter Drina and Vila Drina....................... 68
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Congress bureau: Las Vegas – The Capital of Fun .......................... 85 Exhibition: IMEX America 2018 – Powering Up for a “Cascade of Cool” ................. 88 Term dictionary .................................................... 90 Interesting news .................................................. 92
n o v o s t i Montenegro Stars hotelska grupa zvanično postala velika kompanija Hotelska grupa Montenegro Stars iz Bečića zvanično je svrstana u 29 kompanija koje se u Crnoj Gori mogu nazvati velikim kompanijama – više od 250 zaposlenih, promet preko 50 miliona evra, stalna imovina i obrtna sredstva veća od 43 miliona. Montenegro Stars hotelska grupa zapošljava 661 radnika, ima aktivu od 98 miliona i prihod od (podaci iz 2017.) 20,6 miliona evra, a čine je hoteli Splendid Conference & Spa Resort, Montenegro i Blue Star.
Muzej iluzija otvoren u Beogradu Muzej iluzija otvoren je ovog proleća u Beogradu, prostire se na 400 m2 i nalazi se u Nušićevoj ulici. Posetioci će, između ostalog, moći hrabro da uskoče u vrtlog iluzija u Vortex tunelu ili isprobaju stolicu koja menja percepciju veličine, tako da se osoba na stolici čini izuzetno malom u odnosu na druge ljude u prostoriji. Doživite večeru sa svojih 5 kopija za stolom za kloniranje i vratite se u detinjstvo uz kaleidoskop, čije razigrane uzorke, umesto šarenih papirića i perli, čine sami posetioci.
Osnovana Hrvatska udruga turizma Udruženje poslodavaca u hotelijerstvu Hrvatske zajedno sa Kamping udruženjem Hrvatske i vodećim domaćim turističkim kompanijama osnovali su krovnu turističku organizaciju pod nazivom Hrvatska udruga turizma – HUT. HUT će se baviti svim strateškim pitanjima u industriji turizma koja je donosilac 18% BDP-a i zapošljava više od 10% ljudi u ovoj zemlji. Za predsednika ovog udruženja izabran je Tomsilav Popović, predsednik Uprave hotelske grupe Maistra.
Bloom MeEting House daje popust novim klijentima Bloom Meeting House, suncem obasjan novi poslovni prostor u Beogradu na Senjaku je počeo sa radom u februaru 2018. godine. Za ovo kratko vreme ovaj event prostor imao je prilike da ugosti neka od zvučnih imena u Srbiji – kompanije Nordeus, Lumina Images, Heineken, Lenovo, Ipsos Marketing, Novartis, GSK, Servier i mnoge druge. U cilju daljeg razvijanja poslovanja Bloom Meeting House odobrava popust od 30% svim novim klijentima.
Prvi Restoran u Dubrovniku sa Michelin zvezdicom U Michelin vodič za ovu godinu od skoro je upisan i dubrovački restoran pod imenom 360o. Ovo je istovremeno i prvi restoran u ovom gradu koji je postao ponosni vlasnik Michelin zvezdice. Inače, u Hrvatskoj postoje još dva restorana koji imaju Michelin zvezdicu – u Šibeniku restoran Pelegrini i restoran Monte u Rovinju. Ove godine su prvi put dodeljene i Michelin oznake Bib Gourmand – za restorane koji nude kvalitetne menije po pristupačnim cenama. SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
n e w s Montenegro Stars Hotel Group Officially Became Big Company Montenegro Stars Hotel Group from Becici officially became one of 29 compa nies in Montenegro that are called big companies. It has over 250 employees, turnover over 50 million EUR and current assets over 43 million EUR. Montenegro Stars Hotel Group has 661 employees, has 98 million assets, income of 20,6 million EUR (2017. data) and consists of five star hotel Splendid Conference & Spa Resort and four stars hotels Montenegro i Blue Star.
Museum of Illusions Opened in Belgrade Museum of illusions has opened this spring in Belgrade on 400 sqm and it is located in Nusiceva Street, in the city center. Visitors will be able to see over 70 exhibits in Museum of illusions since it offers an intriguing, visual, sensual and educational experience in a fun adventure for all generations. Attractive and entertaining illusions will teach you about vision, perception, the human brain and science so you will be able to understand why your eyes see things that the brain does not understand.
Croatian Tourism Association Is Founded Association of Employers in Hotel Industry along with Camping Association of Croatia and leading domestic tourism companies founded hub tourism organization called Croatian Tourism Association – HUT. HUT will be in charge for all strategic directions in tourism industry that brings 18% of GDP and gives employment for over 10% of population in this country. Elected president of this Association is Tomislav Popovic, President of Board for Hotel Group Maistra.
Bloom Meeting House Announced Discount for New Clients Bloom Meeting House is new business center that is opened in Belgrade, on Senjak, in February this year. In this short period of time, Bloom Meeting House had a pleasure and the opportunity to host some of the most significant companies in Serbia, such as Nordeus, Lumina Images, Heineken, Lenovo, Ipsos Marketing, Novartis, GSK, Servier and many others. In order to continue business development, this event venue decided to offer 30% discount to all new clients.
First Michelin Star Restaurant in Dubrovnik In Michelin Guide for this year, one more restaurant from Croatia has been registered. It is from Dubrovnik and it is called 360o. At the same time this is the first object of this type that became proud owner of Michelin star in this city. In Croatia, there are two more restaurants that have Michelin star – restaurant Pelegrini in Sibenik and Monte in Rovinj. Also, for the first time, Michelin Bib Gourmand labels were given to the restaurants that have good menus and are not so expensive.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope MEDITERANSKA KONFERENCIJA GEMOLOGA I PROCENITELJA DRAGULJA Bečići, Crna Gora 18 – 20. maj 2018. godine Po prvi put u Crnoj Gori i regionu održana je Mediteranska konferencija gemologa i procenitelja dragulja. Ova četvrta u nizu konferencija, čiji su osnivači svetski priznati naučnici ovog polja – g-din Branko Deljanin i g-din George Spyromilios, se održala u Mediteran Hotel and Resort u organizaciji agencije Meridian DMC iz Kotora. Konferencija je brojala 80 delagata iz sveta, a imali su priliku da uče od najboljih svetskih laboratorijskih gemologa koji su visoko obučeni i opremljeni najboljim alatima za testiranje, ocenjivanje i procenu.
Tehhnički organizator: Agencija Meridian DMC
13. KONGRES KOZMETIČKE DERMATOLOGIJE Dubrovnik, Hrvatska 28. jun – 1. jul 2018. godine U 2018. godini Hrvatsko udruženje dermatovenerolo ga, Univerzitetski bolnički centar u Zagrebu i Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta Zagreb bili su domaćini ovog svetskog kongresa. Na kongresu su bila predstavljena najnovija dostignu ća, a gostujući stručnjaci su podelili znanje i iskustvo sa ostalim učesnicima kroz veliki broj predavanja i prezentacija koja će biti održana. Kongres ima i zadatak da ohrabri mlade specijaliste i stažiste da prezentuju svoj rad, ali i da im pruži i priliku da prošire svoje znanje.
Prostor: Hotel Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik
8. KONGRES KARDIOLOGA I ANGIOLOGA BIH Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 20 – 23. septembar 2018. godine Udruženje Kardiologa BiH organizuje 8. Kongres asocijacije kardiologa i angiologa BiH i 4. Kongres medicinskih sestara Tehničara BiH, u terminu 20 – 23. septembar, u hotelu Hills u Sarajevu, glavnom gradu Bosne i Hercegovine. Očekivani broj učesnika na ovom kongresu je između 300 i 400, dok će broj predavača biti oko 60. Neke od tema o kojima će biti reči na ovom skupu su metabolički poremećaji, hirurgija, aritmije, pedijatrijska kardiologija i mnoge druge.
Prostor: Hotel Hills
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
d o g a đ a j i SEETEST Beograd, Srbija 27 – 28. septembar 2018. godine South East European Software Testing Conference – SEEtest konferencija je skup koji se održava jednom godišnje, na kom učestvuje oko 300 IT stručnjaka, poznatih autora i predavača iz oblasti testiranja softvera. Ovo će biti sedma konferencija u nizu, a misija SEETEST-a je da prisutnima omogući razmenu ideja i uvid u oblast upravljanja kvalitetom softvera. Ove godine biće prisutno 20 predavača iz Srbije, ali i celog sveta.
Prostor: Hotel Crowne Plaza
9. KONGRES LEKARA OPŠTE MEDICINE Zlatibor, Srbija 27 – 30. septembar 2018. godine Kongres lekara opšte prakse sa međunarodnim učeš ćem ove godine se održava na Zlatiboru, u hotelu Mona, a u organizaciji Sekcije opšte medicine Srpskog lekarskog društva. Ovogodišnje teme kongresa biće faktori rizika za kogni tivne poremećaje, terapija bola u opštoj medicini i racionalno propisivanje antibiotika. Srpsko lekarsko društvo osnovano je sa ciljem da se poboljša uloga i položaj opšte medicine u zdravstve nom sistemu Srbije.
Prostor: Hotel Mona
HOW FESTIVAL Poreč, Hrvatska 3 – 5. oktobar 2018. godine Ove godine će se u Poreču održati drugi po redu Hotel Operations Weekend (HOW) festival od 3 – 5. oktobra. Ovo je prvi je festival u Evropi na temu hotelskih operacija koji ima za cilj da okupi predstavnike turističkog i hotelskog srednjeg menadžmenta iz celog regiona gde će biti predstavljeni međunarodni trendovi u hotelskim operacijama kao i primeri dobre prakse. Takođe, biće pokazano kako olakšati implementaciju novih proizvoda i usluga, ali i omogućeno umrežavanje učesnika.
Prostor: Isabella Island Resort
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
7. HRVATSKI PSIHIJATRIJSKI KONGRES Opatija, Hrvatska 24 – 27. oktobar 2018. godine Na kongresu će se govoriti o svim psihijatrijskim oblas tima i biće predstavljeni rezultati najnovijih stručnih istraživanja. Kongres će biti održan pod motom „Hrvatska psihijatrija početkom 21. stoljeća“, time pozivajući da se istraživa nja ne ograniče samo na poslednje godine, nego da se u izlaganjima treba osvrnuti i na sve što se u psihijatriji događalo od početka ovog veka. Na kongresu će se govoriti o svim psihijatrijskim tema ma i uspesima koji su postignuti na planu lečenja i reha bilitacije kao i celokupnoj zaštiti pacijenata.
Prostor: Hotel Amadria Park – 4 opatijska cvijeta
17. KONGRES STOMATOLOGA SRBIJE Beograd, Srbija 27 – 29. oktobar 2018. godine
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
d o g a đ a j i
U beogradskom kongresnom centru, Sava Centar, na Novom Beogradu, će se od 27 – 29. oktobra ove godine održati 17. Kongres stomatologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem. Za organizaciju kongresa zadužena je Stomatološka komora Srbije, a cilj je da se na jednom mestu okupe stomatološke i medicinske sestre, tehničari, lekari i farmaceuti, kao i svi koji deluju u sferi stomatološke opreme i lekova, kako bi usavršili postojeća i stekli nova znanja iz ove oblasti medicine.
Prostor: Kongresni centar Sava Centar
2 – 4. novembar 2018. godine Asocijacija za preventivnu pedijatriju Crne Gore or ganizuje Drugi kongres preventivne pedijatrije Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem, a koji će biti održan u Bečićima, u hotelu Splendid. Predavanja će održati eminentni stručnjaci iz oblasti preventivne pedijatrije i srodnih disciplina, iz Crne Gore ali i inostranstva, koji će zanimljivim i korisnim temama i prikazima dati dodatni značaj ovom među narodnom skupu i unapređenju nauke na polju pedijatrijske medicine.
Prostor: Hotel Splendid
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Events in the region of South East Europe MEDITERRANEAN GEMOLOGICAL AND JEWELERY CONFERENCE Becici, Montenegro May 18th – 20th, 2018 For the first time in Montenegro, and in the region, was held The Mediterranean Gemological and Jewelry Conference. This fourth in a row conference whose founders are world renowned scientist of this field – Mr. Branko Deljanin and Mr. George Spyromilios, was organized in the Mediteran Hotel and Resort in organization of Meridian DMC agency from Kotor. The conference was attended by 80 delegates from all over the world and they had the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s top independent lab gemologists, appraisers and gem experts who are highly trained and equipped with the best tools for testing, grading and appraising.
Technical Organization: Agency Meridian DMC
13TH WORLD CONGRESS OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY Dubrovnik, Croatia June 28th – July 1st, 2018 In the year 2018, Croatian Dermatovenereological Society and Department of Dermatology and Venere ology, University Hospital Center Zagreb and University of Zagreb School of Medicine hosted the World Congress. Current state-of-the-art knowledge was presented by global leaders in the field of cosmetic dermatology through lectures and presentations that will include a wide range of topics. The congress encouraged young specialists and residents so they were able to present their work along with the opportunity to expand their knowledge.
Venue: Hotel Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik
8TH CONGRESS OF ASSOCIATION OF CARDIOLOGISTS AND ANGIOLOGISTS Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina September 20th – 23rd, 2018 Cardiologists BIH Society is organizing the 8th Congress of Association of Cardiologists and Angiologists of BiH and 4th Congress of Nurses of BiH Technicians, on September 20th – 23rd 2018, in hotel Hills, in Sarajevo. The expected number of participants for this year is between 300 and 400, while there will be around 60 lecturers. Some of the themes that will be talked about during the congress are metabolic disorder, pediatric cardiology, surgery and many others.
Venue: Hotel Hills
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
SEETEST Belgrade, Serbia September 27th – 28th, 2018 South East European Software Testing Conference is the annual event, which is organized by the South East European Testing Board (SEETB), together with Quality House. The South East European Software Testing Conference (SEETEST) is an event in the area of software testing and software quality management. SEETEST 2018 will take place in Belgrade, and this will be seventh conference in a row. This year there will be 20 lecturers from Serbia, but from other countries too.
Venue: Hotel Crowne Plaza
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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September 27th – 30th, 2018 This congress for general medicine with international participation will be held this year on Zlatibor, in hotel Mona, and it will be organized by Section of General Medicine of Serbian Medical Association. This year’s themes will be risk factors for cognitive disorders, pain therapy in general medicine and rational prescription of antibiotics. Serbian Medical Association is founded in order to improve the role and position of general medicine in health system of Serbia.
Venue: Hotel Mona
HOW FESTIVAL Porec, Croatia October 3rd – 5th, 2018 This year in Porec will be held second in a row Hotel Operations Weekend (HOW) festival from October 3rd – 5th. HOW is the only hotel operations Festival organized in Europe. The main goal is to gather tourism and hotel middle management representatives from the entire region, to present global hotel operations trends, to facilitate implementation of new products and services and to ensure to participants great entertainment and networking.
Venue: Isabella Island Resort
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
e v e n t s 7TH CROATIAN PSYCHIATRICAL CONGRESS Opatija, Croatia October 24th – 27th, 2018 During the congress, all areas of psychiatry will be discussed, as well as most recent professional and scientific contemplations and researches. The motto of the congress will be “Psychiatry in Croatia at the start of the 21st century“. This invites not to restrict the research and ideas to the past years, but rather to analyze and review all that has happened in Croatian psychiatry from the start of the century. The congress will encompass all psychiatric topics and successes in treating, rehabilitating and the overall care offered to patients.
Venue: Hotel Amadria Park – 4 opatijska cvijeta
17TH STOMATOLOGY CONGRESS OF SERBIA Belgrade, Serbia October 27th – 29th 2018 In Belgrade’s congress center, Sava Center, on New Belgrade, this year from October 27th – 29th will be held 17th Stomatology congress of Serbia with inter national participation. Serbian stomatology chamber will be in charge for congress organization, and the goal is to gather dentist and medical nurses, technicians, doctors and pharmacists, as well as everybody else who work with dentist equipment and medications in order to improve their knowledge and make new ones in this medical field.
Venue: Congress Center Sava Center
November 2nd – 4th, 2018 Association for Pediatric Preventive of Montenegro is organizing Second Pediatric Preventive Congress with international participation that will be held in Becici in Hotel Splendid. The lecturers will be held by most prominent experts in pediatric preventive filed and related disciplines, from Montenegro and abroad. The subjects of discuss will be significant for this international gathering and it will help improving this field of science.
Venue: Hotel Splendid
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Otvorena Kombank dvorana u Beogradu U aprilu ove godine, u Beogradu, otvorena je Kombank dvorana – jedinstven multifunkcionalni prostor koji poseduje najmoder niju koncertnu, pozorišnu, kong resnu i festivalsku dvoranu, i još pet bioskopskih sala, veliki hol sa VR zonom, zabavnim sadržajem i kafeom, dečiji zabavno-edukativni centar, press centar, lounge i jazz bar. Ima ukupno 6 sala, koje mogu da ugoste između 50 i 1.378 učesnika, a postoji i mogućnost korišćenja velikog hola za kafe pauze, i/ili postavku promotivnih štandova.
Novo i
RENOVIRANO Kovilovo Resort Hotel President u novom ruhu Kovilovo resort hotel President, nadomak Beograda, nakon renoviranja nudi jedinstveno iskustvo, kombinujući luksuzan smeštaj i bogatu ponudu sportskih sadržaja. U okviru izolovanog kompleksa na 27 ha sa novom uređenom hortikulturom, u svojoj ponudi ima 28 smeštajnih jedinica koje su renovirane, internacionalni restoran, renoviran bazen na otvorenom i spa centar, dva fud balska terena po FIFA standardi ma, zatvorenu sportsku halu, otvorene terene za tenis, dva ko šarkaška terena i teren za mali fudbal sa veštačkom travom.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Renoviran Hotel Austria & Bosna u Sarajevu U maju 2018. godine Hotel Austria & Bosna, koji se nalazi u Ilidži, u Sarajevu, opet je otvorio vrata za sve goste jer je proces renoviranja završen. Hotel ima pet zvezdica i sada raspolaže sa 115 smeš tajnih jednica sa 250 ležaja, 12 apartmana, od kojih je jedan Predsednički apartman, restorane Austria i Bosna sa letnjom baštom, kongresne sale kapaciteta do 300 osoba, bazen, wellness centar kao i parking i garažu za svoje goste.
Hotel Fontana u Vrnjačkoj Banji otvorio se sredinom juna Gostima je za sada na raspolaganju 186 smeštajnih jedinica, moderno uređenih, od kojih je deo prilagođen i osobama sa invaliditetom. A ostatak do ukupno 248 smeštajnih jedi nica očekuje se do početka naredne godine. Hotel će sredinom jula imati u ponudi i fitnes centar i zatvoren bazen, a od septembra i wellness i spa centar. Renovirana konferencijska sala opremljena je kompletnom audio-vizuelnom opremom i profesionalnom rasvetom, a prostire se na 480 m2 sa mogučnošću deljenja na 3 celine.
Hotel Villa Breg iz Vršca ponovo dočekuje goste Nakon rekonstrukcije gostima hotela Villa Breg, koji se nalazi u Vršcu, pored postojećih sala, na raspolaga nju je od nedavno i nova Banket sala. Kapacitet ove sale je do 100 gostiju u bioskopskoj postavci, a uz to raspolaže i najsavremenijom teh ničkom opremom – projektor, platno, flip chart, ozvučenje, WiFi. Za kafe pauze i koktele gostima je na raspolaganju Kamin bar, koji se nalazi u nepos rednoj blizini nove sale. Takođe, proširen je i kapacitet restorana, pa je sada ovde moguće ugostiti do 308 osoba.
MGallery by Sofitel Tarčin Forest Resort&Spa – oaza nadomak Sarajeva MGallery by Sofitel Tarčin Forest Res ort&Spa otvoren je krajem prošle godine, a objekat raspolaže sa 55 hotelskih soba sa balkonima kao i 20 luksuznih vila koje mogu da ugoste do 6 osoba. Dve kongresne sale opremljene su najmodernijom tehnikom i, kada se spoje, maksimalnog su kapaciteta za 200 osoba. Pored ovoga, hotel raspolaže i restoranom, wellness i spa centrom sa različitim vrstama sauna i fitnes centrom i bazenom sa panoramskim pogledom na planine. Dodatni sadržaji uključuju bar u boro voj šumi, dečije igralište i poni park, a na 350.000 m2 netaknute prirode nudi se niz sportskih aktivnosti i rekreacije.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Kombank Hall Opened in Belgrade In April this year, in Belgrade, Kombank Hall is opened – unique multifunctional space which consists of the most modern concert, theater, congress and festival hall, along with five cinema halls, big hall with VR zone, café, fun-educational center for kids, press center, lounge and jazz bar. It has total of six halls that can host between 50 and 1,378 participants and there is a possibility for using big hall for coffee breaks and/or promotion stands set up.
New and
IMPROVED Kovilovo Resort Hotel President in New Robe Kovilovo resort hotel President, in vicinity of Belgrade, after renovating offers unique experiance, bringing together luxurious accommodation and perfect training grounds and sport facilities. Within the isolated complex spreaded on 27 hectares, on disposal are 28 renovated acco mmodation units, international restaurant, renovated outdoor pool and Spa Center, two football fields as per FIFA standards, indoor sport hall floor aproved by FIBA, outdoors tennis court, two outdoor basketball courts and small football field with the artificial grass.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Renovated Hotel Austria & Bosna in Sarajevo In May 2018, Hotel Austria & Bosna, located in Ilidza, Sarajevo, opened the door for all guests because the renovating process is finished. The hotel has five stars, and now has 115 accommodation units with 250 beds, 12 suites of which one is Presidential suite, restaurants Austria and Bosnia with summer garden, congress halls with capacity up to 300 persons, Wellness Center as well as parking and garage for the guests.
Hotel Fontana in Vrnjacka Banja Opened in Mid-June Hotel Fontana now has 186 accommodation units, modernly decora ted, part of which are adapted for disabled persons. The rest up to 248 accommodation units is expected by the beginning of next year. The hotel will have a fitness center and an indoor pool in mid-July, and from September a Wellness and Spa Center. The renovated confer ence room will be equipped with complete audio-visual equipment and professional lighting and it will extend to 480 sqm with the possi bility of dividing it into 3 parts.
Hotel Villa Breg Again Welcomes Guests After reconstruction of Hotel Villa Breg, located in city of Vrsac, besides existing halls, for guests is available a new Banquet hall with capacity up to 100 people in theater set up. The hall is equipped with modern audio-visual equipment (projector, screen, flip chart, sound system, Wi-Fi), and fireplace bar, near the new Banquet hall, is at guests’ disposal for coffee breaks and cocktails. Also, capacity of the restaurant is expanded and now can accommodate up to 308 persons.
MGallery by Sofitel Tarcin Forest Resort&Spa – Oasis of Serenity near Sarajevo MGallery by Sofitel Tarcin Forest Resort&Spa was opened at the end of last year. It has 55 hotel rooms with balconies, as well as 20 luxury villas that may accommodate up to six persons each. Two congress halls are equipped by latest technology and, when joined, can accommodate maximum of 200 people. Also, the hotel has a restaurant, spa and Wellness Center, and a gym, as well as a swimming pool. Additional amenities include a bar in a pine forest, a chil dren’s playground and a pony park, while the area of 350.000 sqm of untouched nature offers a range of sporting and leisure activities.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
tema broja
Merljivost rezultata personalizacije i zaštita podataka učesnika
Prava mera personalizacije Alati koji se koriste za registracione sisteme i aplikacije pomažu da skupite vrlo važne i korisne informacije o učesnicima kako biste kreirali što upečatljivije isku stvo. Ali, koja je prava mera personalizacije događaja koji treba da organizujete? I koja ograničenja u tom smislu postoje? Na koji način napraviti balans? Ono što jeste sigurno je činjenica da je presonalizacija postala jedan od vodećih trendova u event industriji. Učesnici svakako od vas kao organizatora očekuju da im pružite nezaboravno iskustvo, da dobiju priliku da nauče nešto novo i steknu dodatna znanja u određe noj oblasti, ali i da ono što sam do gađaj komunicira bude prilagođeno i osmišljeno samo za njih. Ali, koliko god ovo sve dobro zvu čalo, postavljaju se pitanja kako možemo izmeriti rezultate takvog pristupa, da li personalizaciji treba uvek težiti, do koje granice treba ići i kako uspostaviti ravnotežu u smislu zaštite privatnih podataka učesnika na nekom događaju? Što se tiče detalja koji se vezuju za ROI (Return of Investment) seg ment, istraživanje koje je sproveo portal Eventsforce otkriva da
uprkos tome što je ovaj trend u usponu, i za 73% planera događaja predstavlja prioritet, 51% njih ima problem da tačno odredi rezultate i vidi koliki je efekat donela perso nalizacija događaja. Sa druge strane, 44% ispitanih ima problem da odredi pravu meru personalizacije. Najpopularniji metodi personalizacije, po ovom istraživanju, jesu pozivnice za događaje, personali zovane registracione forme i oda bir delegata za komunikaciju, tj. one osobe koja će biti zadužena za proces komunikacije sa klijentom i učesnicima. Ne tako zanemarljiv procenat, 36%, event menadžera smatra da će dolazak regulative o zaštiti podataka – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), do neti prilična ograničenja u persona lizaciji događaja. Drugi izazovi, ili bolje rečeno prepreke, jesu pitanja koje vrste podataka su potrebne
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
organizatorima događaja od uče snika i šta da rade sa netačnim podacima koje dobiju? Najefikasniji alati koje planeri događaja koriste u procesu personalizacije događaja jesu registracioni sistemi, CRM i marketing sistemi, istraživanja i mobilne aplikacije koje se prave specijalno za određeni događaj. Velike kompanije skoro uvek koriste bazične alate za personalizaciju: u pozivnicama koriste lična imena učesnika, postavljaju specifična pitanja osobama na određenim pozicijama kako bi događaj prila godili što više njihovim potreba ma i/ili interesovanjima, „kroje“ agendu prema njima tako što pri registraciji traže odgovor na pita nje zbog čega se osoba prijavila za učešće. Dalje, kada se biraju predavači, zamole ih da svoja predavanja i prezentacije skroje što je
b r o j a
alate za povezivanje koji omoguću ju samom korisniku da kreira svoj raspored sastanaka, radionica i predavanja. Mogu da kreiraju i svoje personalizovane agende ili da kroz aplikaciju dobiju materijale sa sesije kojoj su prisustvovali.
više moguće prema publici koja će prisustvovati tako što im proslede njihove inpute. A kako doći do podataka koji su važni? Prvo treba da znate koje vrste podataka su vam potrebne za personalizaciju događaja. Zatim nađite način da kroz što manji broj pitanja od krajnjeg korisnika iste i dobijete. Niko ne želi da beskonačno popunjava upitnike, čak i ako je to zbog sopstvene koristi. Budite kratki, jasni i precizni što je više moguće.
Ukoliko imate i dodatnih pitanja, na koje bi bilo dobro, ali ne i neophod no da imate odgovore, treba da budu obeleženi kao opcioni. Ukoliko se, na primer, radi o kom panijama koje se bave različitim tipovima edukacije, personalizacija za njih podrazumeva višejezičnost na događajima – u smislu simulta nih prevodioca, ali i kroz registra cione forme i elektronsku komuni kaciju. British Council ima bazu od preko 60 jezika na kojima se obraća svojoj ciljnoj grupi. Takođe, koriste
Recept za uspeh jeste da uvek sebe zamislite na mestu učesnika. Previše personalizacije ljudi mogu doživeti invanzivno i agresivno, a to ne želite. Česti su negativni primeri u praksi koji se javljaju upravo zbog preterivanja. Zamislite da učestvujete na konferenciji gde se, npr., bedž koji ste dobili pri registraciji, skenira i nakon toga počinjete da budete konstantno „bombardovani“, informacijama i materijalima za koje uopšte niste zainteresovani. Zapitajte se šta će vaš učesnik o tome pomisliti? Kako će se osećati? Sa kakvim će utiskom otići sa doga đaja koji ste organizovali? Ideja je da napravite balans, a ne da iziritirate učesnika.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Od kada je na snagu stupio GDPR, više nije moguće imati registracione forme u kojima se na nekoliko
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
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stranica popunjavaju demografski podaci jer je za to sada potrebna posebna saglasnost korisnika. Ova tema je postala od skoro po seban izazov za organizatore doga đaja jer, da bi došli do podataka koji omogućavaju što kvalitetniju personalizaciju, moraju pronaći drugi način da do njih dođu. Što može predstavljati problem. Sa druge strane, sami učesnici događaja treba da znaju zbog čega organizatori traže i sakupljaju podatke i na koji način će to dir ektno uticati na njihov utisak u vezi sa događajem. Zapravo, ovo predstavlja ključ balansa i uspešno odrađenu pesronalizaciju. Tako da je preporuka da se držite ovih jednostavnih pravila u prikup ljanju podataka kako bi se izbegli potencijalni nesporazumi: – Prvo odredite koje vrste podataka ćete učesnicima tražiti, o tome prodiskutujte sa svojim
kolegama i utvrdite način na koji će se ti podaci koristiti u svrhu personalizacije događaja – Učesnicima nemojte postavljati nepotrebna pitanja jer će to do vesti do negativnog efekta – Obavezno naglasite učesnicima da će podaci koje treba da daju
biti korišćeni isključivo i samo u svrhu personalizacije događaja, prilagođavanja njihovim potre bama i interesovanjima, kao i da ćete voditi računa o njihovoj privatnosti – pogotovo sada kada je na snagu stupio GDPR. Milica Novak
cover story
Measurable Results of Personalization and Participants’ Data Protection
The Right Measure of Personalization The tools used for registration systems and applications help to gather very im portant and useful information about the participants to create a more striking experience. But what is the right thing to do to personalize the events that you need to organize? And what are the limitations in that regard? How to make a balance? What is for sure is the fact that the transformation has become one of the leading trends in the event industry. Participants certainly expect you to provide them with an unforgettable experience, get the chance to learn something new and gain additional knowledge in a particular field, but also that the communication point of the meeting is adapted and designed only for them. But no matter how good this sounds, questions arise as to how to measure the results of such an approach, whether personalization should always be tended, to what limits should we go and how to strike a balance in terms of protecting the private data of participants in an event? Regarding the details of the Return of Investment segment, a survey
conducted by portal Eventsforce reveals that despite this rising tre nd, which is for 73% of event plan ners a priority, 51% of them have a problem to determine exactly the results and see the effect of the personalization of the event. On the other hand, 44% of the respondents have a problem det ermining the right personalization measure. The most popular personalization methods, according to this survey, are invitations for events, perso nalized registration forms and selection of delegates for commu nication, i.e. those who will be in charge of the process of commu nication with the client and the participants. Not much of a negligible percentage, 36%, of the event manager believes that the introducing of
data protection regulations – Gen eral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will bring about considerable limitations in the personali zation of events. Other challenges, or rather obst acles, are questions about what kind of data are needed by event organizers and what to do with the incorrect data they receive? The most effective tools that event planners use in the event personalization process are the registra tion systems, CRMs, and market ing systems, surveys, and mobile applications that are specifically designed for a specific event. Large companies almost always use basic personalization tools: they use personal names of participants in invitations, pose specific questions to people in
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
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certain positions in order to tailor an event to their needs and/or interests as much as they need, by tailoring the agenda by them by asking, upon the registration, for an answer to the question why a person applied for participation. Furthermore, when the lecturers are selected, they are asked to design their lectures and presentations as much as possible for the audience who will attend by forwarding them their inputs. And how to get the data that matter? First, you need to know the types of data you need to person alize the event. Then find a way to get as much of those through as less questions as you can to the end user. Nobody wants to infinitely fill in the questionnaires, even if it is for their own benefit. Be as brief, clear and precise as possible. If you have additional questions that you might want to ask, and which would be good but not necessary to be answered, they should be marked as optional. If, for example, these are compa
nies that deal with different types of education, personalization for them involves multilingualism in events – in terms of simultaneo us interpreters, but also through registration forms and electronic communications. The British Council has a base of over 60 languages in which it add resses its target group. They also use linking tools that allow the user to create his schedule of meetings, workshops and lectures. They can also create their own personalized agenda or receive the materials from the session they attended through the application. The recipe for success is to always imagine yourself in the particip ant’s place. Too much of a personalization can be experienced by people as invasive and aggressive, and you do not want such an experience. There are often negative examples in practice that occur pre cisely because of overstatement. Imagine participating in a conferen ce where, for example, the badge that you received when registering
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
is scanned and then you begin to be constantly bombarded with information and materials that you are not interested in at all. Ask yourself what your participant will think about it? How will he/she feel? What kind of impression will you leave with the events that you organized? The idea is to create a balance, not to irritate a participant. Since the entry into force of GDPR, it is no longer possible to have re gistration forms in which demographic data is populated on several pages, because this requires the special consent of the user. This topic has become an almost special challenge for event organizers, because, in order to get data that provide as much personalization as possible, they need to find another way to get those. Which can be a problem. On the other hand, event participants themselves need to know why organizers seek and collect data and how this will directly af
c o v e r fect their impression of the event. In fact, this is a key balance and a successful personalization. So it is a recommendation to stick to these simple rules in collecting data to avoid potential misunderstandings: – First determine what types of data you will ask participants,
talk to your colleagues about this and determine how these data will be used for personalization of events – Do not ask the participants unne cessary questions because this will lead to a negative effect – Make it clear to the participants that the data to be provided will be used exclusively and only for
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the purpose of personalizing events, adapting to their needs and interests, and taking care of their privacy – especially now when GDPR has entered into force. Milica Novak
Principles for the processing of Personal Data under the GDPR Lawfully
Proper legitimate grounds are required to process personal data and can be done by authorised agents only under the GDPR, EU, or MEMBER State Law. Processing activities can be carried out only when there is an appropriate legal basis or legislative measure.
Povide all sufficient information regar ding the processing activities and its purposes to the data subject at the moment of collection. The information shall include fairness and transparent processing.
All data subject should be made aware of risk, rules, safeguards and rights con cerning the processing of one’s personal data and how to excersize their rights to such activities. Any information or com munication to the data subject shall be concise, easily accesible and easy to un derstand in clear and plain language.
Personal data must be collected only for accurately defined, evident and legitim ate purposes specified at the moment of collection. Personal data must be proc essed in a manner compatible with those purposes.
Limit the storage of the personal data to a strict minimum. Process personal data only when it is relevant, appropriate and limited to what is essential for the pur poses for which they are collected i.e. not excessive.
Responsibility to take every reasonable step to make sure that personal data are precise and up to date regarding the specific purposes for which they are col lected and stored. Inaccurate data shall be erased or corrected immediately.
Storage Limit
The data storage has to be set in a way that personal data is erased when the purpose has been served. The personal data should be kept just as far as neces sary to indentify the data subjects for the purposes established.
The duty to process personal data in a manner that ensures proper security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing and accidental loss, destruction or harm, using approp riate organisational and technical meas ures.
The obligation to submit to the princip les and to be able to demonstrate that processing is carried out according to them.
tema broja Male izmene znače velike promene
Pojedinac čini tim! Nije lako biti tim lider. Pored obaveza koje imate u smislu koordinacije i delegi ranja posla, treba da vodite računa i o zaposlenima. O njihovoj produktivnosti, kvalitetu posla koji obavljaju, brzini kojom se posao obavlja, ali i o tome kako se zaposleni osećaju za vreme radnog dana. Opšte je poznata činjenica da su produktivnost i kvali tet obavljenog posla u direktnoj sprezi sa atmosferom koja u timu vlada. Ukoliko su članovi tima nezadovolj ni, frustrirani i neraspoloženi na poslu, ne možete očekivati ni dobre rezultate. Nije važno da li ste deo manjeg ili većeg kolektiva, da li radite u malom, sred njem preduzeću ili velikoj kompaniji, očekivanja sa jedne i druge strane su uvek ista, i donekle važe ista pravila – sastanci su definitivno neizbežna stavka. Zbog toga uvek možete da počnete da se koristite malim trikovima koji će vam pomoći da atmosferu opustite i pokažete kolegama koliko cenite i vrednujete njihov rad i zalaganje. S tim u vezi, da li ste se nekada zapitali kako bi izgle dao jedan personalizovan sastanak? Šta on podrazumeva? I kako ga organizovati? Pročitajte naš predlog u tekstu koji sledi. Čak je i poslovne sastanke moguće prilagoditi merama, željama i interesovanjima učesnika. Potrebno je samo malo vremena, strpljenja, mašte i dobra komunikacija sa zaposlenima. Naravno da svaki poslovni sastanak ima unapred utvrđene teme i tačke o kojima treba da se razgovara. I naravno da nije ideja da sastanak, zbog personalizacije, potpuno izgubi svoj smisao. Ali, male promene mogu da naprave velike rezultate!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Napravite plan tako da svi učestvuju Prvo je potrebno da napravite plan sastanka i odabe rete teme o kojima treba da se razgovara. Ukoliko ste zaposleni u velikoj kompaniji, i niste u prilici da pričate sa baš svakim zaposlenim, naš je predlog da osmislite dodatna pitanja i napravite upitnik za sve koji treba da prisustvuju sastanku, a koji ćete im poslati nekoliko dana ranije. Na primer, ako je tema sastanka organizacija godišnjeg tim bilding putovanja, možete im u upitniku ponuditi nekoliko opcija za lokaciju, pitati ih koji tip tim bilding aktivnosti bi im najviše odgovarao, dati im više opcija u izboru restorana, hrane (pitati da li ima vegeterijanaca, vegana ili da li neko posti) kakvu vrstu muzike bi želeli uz večernja, neformalna, druženja. Naravno, sve ponuđene opcije treba da budu u okvirima unapred opredeljenog i definisanog budžeta koji je kompanija za to odvojila. A čak i tim bilding aktivnosti možete donekle perso nalizovati. Puno je primera igara koje se ubrajaju u ovu kategoriju, a koje su, zapravo, personalizovane prirode. Evo primera. Jedna od igara može da bude ona u kojoj članovi tima pogađaju o kojoj se osobi radi dok neko čita grupi osobine i situaciju vezanu za nju. Može se krenuti od najopštijih stvari, poput, „radi se
o muškarcu“ ili „radi se o ženskoj osobi“. Nadalje se mogu nabrajati neke specifičnosti: „znamo da voli samo sladoled od jagode“, „kafu uvek pije bez mleka“, „stalno je nasmejan/a“, „nikada ne kasni i vodi računa o tome da drugi ne probijaju rokove“, „uvek je rad/a da pomogne ako treba“ itd. Mogu se čak navoditi i smešne situacije koje su se desile, a kojima su kolege prisustvovale.
Neka početak bude zabavan Zar ne bi bilo zabavno da na početku sastanka svakog na stolu dočeka šolja sa kafom ili čajem sa imenom ili nadimkom? Možda i slikom iz neke komične situacije koja se desila u kancelariji ranije? Ili lapsusom koji je nekada imao/la, a po kome ga/je ostale kolege pamte? Svako od nas se bar jednom našao u toj situaciji J. Ako vam, na primer, na sastanak dolaze saradnici ili kolege koji ne rade sa vama, možete im napraviti be dževe sa njihovim imenom i prezimenom i dati im iste pre sastanka.
Drugačije može biti bolje Ukoliko spadate u malo „fleksibilnije“ kompanije ili podržavate opušteniju atmosferu na poslu, početak sa stanka možete zakazati onda kada većini to odgovara, a ne kada se obično zakazuju – ujutro. A verovali ili ne, postoje istraživanja, sprovedena od strane psihologa, koja nam pokazuju da sastanci pred kraj radnog vreme na mogu biti zabavniji od jutarnjih jer ljudi znaju da nakon toga idu kući. Plus, većina se potrudi da sve svoje
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obaveze završi pre nego što sastanak počne pa su tog dana i produktivniji i obave veći deo posla nego inače! Možete i dati kolegama na volju da, npr, izaberu stolicu na kojoj će sedeti. Nekome je udobna regularna kancelarijska stolica, a neko bi možda radije sedeo na hoklici ili nekom tronošcu. Neko voli da sedi pored prozora, neko se sigurnije i komfornije oseća ako su blizu njega vrata. Ako znate kojim redom će ići izlaganja tokom sastanka, možete čak i unapred napraviti slajdove koji najavlju ju onog ko sledeći treba da prezentuje tako što će na istom biti ispisano njegovo ime. A ako ste kreativni, i imate malo više vremena na raspolaganju, možete se „poigrati“ i u taj slajd ubaciti i neke zanimljivosti o toj osobi ili neki detalj koji ostatak tima vezuje za nju. Iskoristite priliku da svakog od kolega koji prisustvuju sastanku pitate da li bi imao još nešto da doda ili kaže, pogotovo ako se radi o polju u kom je on stručan. Može vam dati dragocene smernice, a može vam i ukazati na nešto što ste slučajno zaboravili ili prevideli. Svakako, na ovaj način pokazujete da vam je stalo do tuđeg mišljenja i da ste spremni da čujete savete kolega i saradnika.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Ovo su neki od predloga koji vam mogu poslužiti u svrhu personalizacije sastanaka. Opcija ima puno, samo treba porazmisliti na ovu temu. Sve ovo predstavlja ulaganje u tim kojim rukovodite jer, na kraju, ne zaboravite da pojedinac čini tim! Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
cover story Small Modifications Mean Great Changes
An Individual Makes a Team! It’s not easy being a leader. In addition to the obligations you have in terms of coordination and delegation of work, you should also take care of employees. Of their productivity, the quality of work they perform, the speed at which the work is performed, but also of how employees feel during the working day. It is generally known that the productivity and quality of work are in direct relation to the atmosphere in the team. If team members are dissatisfied, frustrated and unhappy at work, you cannot expect good results. It doesn’t matter whether you are part of a smaller or larger collective, whether you work in a small, medium-sized enterprise or a large company, expectations on both sides are always the same, and, to a certain extent, the same rules apply – meetings are definitely an inevitable item. Therefore, you can always start using small tricks that will help you relax the atmosphere and show your colleagues how much you appreciate and value their work and dedication. In this regard, have you ever wondered how a person alized meeting would look like? What does it mean? And how to organize it? Read our suggestion in the text that follows. Even business meetings can be adapted to the measures, desires and interests of the participants. It takes only a little time, patience, imagination and good communication with employees. Of course, every business meeting has pre-determined topics and points to be discussed. And of course, it’s not an idea that the meeting, because of personalization, completely loses its meaning. But small modifications can make great results!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Make a plan so that everyone participates First, you need to make a meeting plan and select topics to discuss. If you are employed with a large company, and you are not in a position to talk to just about every employee, it is our recommendation to create additional questions and make a questionnaire for all who need to attend the meeting, which you will send them a few days earlier. For example, if the topic of the annual meeting organization is the organization of a team building tour, you can offer them several options for the location in the questionnaire, ask them which type of team building activities would best suit them, give them more options in the choice of restaurants, food (ask if there are vegetarians, vegans or whether someone is under fasting), what kind of music they would like with evening informal gatherings. Of course, all offered options should be within the framework of a predetermined budget defined by the company for this purpose. And even team building activities can be partially personalized. There are many examples of games that are included in this category, which are, in fact, of a personalized nature. Here’s an example. One of the games can be the one in which team members guess who is the person in question while one reads to the group the characteristics and the situation related to
that person. It could be started from the most important characteristics, like “it’s a male” or “it’s a female”. Further on, some specificities can be mentioned: “We know that he/she likes only strawberry ice cre am”, “coffee is always drunk without milk”, “he/she is always smiling”, “never late and takes care that others do not break the deadlines”, “he/she is always ready to help when necessary”, etc. It’s even possible to men tion the funny situations that have happened, and that colleagues have attended.
Let the beginning be fun Would not it be fun to have a cup of coffee or tea with a name or nickname for everyone at the table at the beginning of the meeting? Maybe a picture from some comical situation that happened in the office earlier? Or the lapses that he/she once had, and by which the other colleagues will remember him/her? Each of us found ourselves once in such a situation J. For example, if an associate or colleague who does not work with you comes to your meeting, you can make badges with their name and surname and give it to them before the meeting.
Different can be better If you belong to a little more “flexible” companies or support a more relaxed atmosphere at work, you can schedule a meeting to begin at the convenience of the most colleagues, and not when they are usually scheduled – in the morning. And believe it or not, there are research conducted by psychologists, which shows us that meetings at the end of working hours can be more fun than morning because people know
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they go home afterwards. Plus, most are trying to com plete all their obligations before the meeting starts, so they are more productive on that day and do most of the work than usual! You can also give your colleagues the will to, for exam ple, choose a chair on which they will sit. Someone has a comfortable regular office chair, and someone might rather sit on a hiker or a tripod. Somebody likes to sit next to the window, someone feels safer and more comfortable if they are close to the door. If you know the order of presentations during the meeting, you can even make slides in advance by announcing the next one to present with his/her name on it. And if you are creative, and you have a little more time available, you can “make it a game” to put in this slide some interesting things about that person or some detail that the rest of the team binds to him/her. Take the opportunity to ask each of your colleagues that attend a meeting whether they have something to add or say, especially if it’s a field in which they are professionals. They can give you valuable guidance, and they can point you to something that you accidentally forgot or overlooked. Certainly, this way you show that you care about someone else’s opinion and that you are ready to hear the advice of colleagues and associates.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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These are some of the recommendations that can ser ve you for the purpose of personalizing the meetings. There are a lot of options, this subject just needs to be re-considered on. All this represents an investment in the team you are managing because, in the end, do not forget that the individual makes a team! Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
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Kongresni centar Kombank dvorana
Nov multifunkcionalni objekat u centru Beograda – Vaš izbor za uspešan događaj Kombank dvorana (Rekonstruisana Dvorana Doma Sindikata) je najveći kong resni i poslovni centar u strogom centru Beograda, sa višedecenijskom među narodnom, regionalnom i domaćom tradicijom. Kao kulturno zaštićeni objekat, Kombank dvorana je moderan kompleks jedinstvenog arhitektonskog identite ta pogodan za organizaciju seminara, predavanja, kongresa i svih vrsta konferen cijskih događaja. Sa odličnom lokacijom na Trgu Ni kole Pašića, u blizini javnih ustano va i kulturno-istorijskih spomenika i savremeno opremljenim ambijen tom, Kombank dvorana je idealno mesto u kome možete organizovati svoj događaj. Klijentima su na ras polaganju: izdavanje konferencij skog i kongresnog prostora, izlož beni prostor, savremene tehničke performanse za svaki događaj, VIP zona za koktele, garderoba, ugosti teljske usluge i ketering, besplatan Internet, VR zona.
Kapaciteti Kombank dvorane Objekat raspolaže sa 6 sala i ukup nim kapacitetom od 1.900 mesta. Održavanje kongresnih skupova u svim salama je uz odgovarajuću tehničku podršku – kongresnog ozvučenja i odgovarajuće opreme za video prezentovanje radova učesnika skupova.
Sale su različitog kapaciteta i opremljene po poslednjim svetskim standardima.
Velika sala Velika sala sa kapacitetom od 1.380 mesta idealna je za organizovanje događaja većeg obima. Pokretljiva bina prilagođava se za filmove, predstave, koncerte, operu, balet, seminare, kongrese.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Sa proširenom binom sala ima 1.302 mesta, a sa manjom binom 1.380 mesta. Posetiocima pruža posebnu udobnost i komfor. Tehnička opremljenost: – BARCO 32B 4K HFR – SILVER SCREEN - Clarus XC platno (13 m x 6,6 m) – Dolby CP750 Digital cinema processor – JBL amps – JBL speakers.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
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Dvorana poseduje i tri VIP apartma na opremljena po najvišem kriteri jumima Raider lista; garderobe sa tuševima i toaletima, kapaciteta od 25 osoba i dve garderobe za voditelje (200 m2); šminkernicu (20 m2). Hol ispred Velike sale prostire se na 450 m2 i ima dva nivoa. Pogodan je za organizovanje izložbi, postavki različitog tipa, štandova, ali i za žurke i koktele.
Sala 6 Nalazi se na prvom spratu, kapaci teta 230 mesta i poseduje direktnu vezu sa holom ispred dvorane koji je idealan za prijeme i koktele ma njeg obima.
Sale 2,3,4,5
Ugostiteljski objekti
Ove sale se nalaze u prizemlju i imaju kapacitet od 50 do 78 mesta.
Kombank dvorana raspolaže i sa Lounge barom, Maršalovim sa lonom, Caffe barom i Jazz barom koji su u kombinaciji sa salama pogodni za organizaciju prijema, kafe pauza, ručkova, korporativnih žurki ili „after work party-ja”.
Tehnička opremljenost: Tehnička opremljenost: – NEC NC1700L Laserski projektor – SILVER SCREEN - Clarus XC platno (10 m x 4 m), nova generacija – DOLBY ATMOS 3D audio system.
– NEC NC1201L Laserski projektor – SILVER SCREEN - Clarus XC platno (5m x 2,7m) – Dolby CP750 Digital cinema processor – JBL amps – JBL speakers.
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Congress Center Kombank Hall
New Multifunctional Object in the Center of Belgrade – Your Selection for a Successful Event Kombank Hall (Reconstructed Hall of the House Union) is the largest congress and business center in the center of Belgrade, with decades of international, regional and domestic tradition. As a cultural protected object, Kombank Hall is a modern complex of unique architectural identity suitable for the organization of seminars, lectures, congresses and all kinds of conference events. With a great location on Nikola Pasic Square, near public institutions and cultural and historical monuments and with a modern ambience, Kombank Hall is an ideal place where you can organize your event. Clients have at their dispos al: conference space, exhibition space, modern technical perform ance for each event, VIP zone for cocktail, dressing room, catering services, free Internet, VR zone.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Capacities of Kombank Hall The building has 6 halls and a total capacity of 1,900 places. The holding of congress meetings in all salons is with the appropriate technical support – congressional sounding and appropriate equipment for video presentation of the works of the participants of the events. They are of different capacities and equipped according to the latest world standards.
small bit of 1,380 seats. It gives visitors a special comfort.
– Dolby CP750 Digital Cinema Processor – JBL amps – JBL speakers.
Technical equipment: – BARCO 32B 4K HFR – SILVER SCREEN – Clarus XC canvas (13 m x 6,6 m)
The hall also has three VIP apart ments equipped with the highest criteria of the Raider list; ward
Big Hall A large hall with a capacity of 1,380 seats is ideal for organizing large-scale events. The turning stage adapts to films, performances, concerts, operas, ballet, seminars, congresses. With an enlarged bin of the hall there are 1,302 seats, and with a
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
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robes with showers and toilets, capacity of 25 persons and two wardrobe for show hosts (200 m2); make-up (20 m2). Hall in front of the Big hall extends to 450 m2 and has two levels. It is suitable for organizing exhibitions, settings of different types, stands, but also for parties and cocktails.
Hall 6 It is located on the first floor, with a capacity of 230 seats and has a direct connection to the hall in front of the hall 6 which is ideal for receptions and cocktails of small size.
Halls 2, 3, 4 and 5 These halls are located on the gro und floor and have a capacity of 50 to 78 places.
Technical equipment:
Technical equipment:
– NEC NC1700L Laser projector – SILVER SCREEN - Clarus XC canvas (10 m x 4 m), new generation – DOLBY ATMOS 3D audio system.
– NEC NC1201L Laser Projector – SILVER SCREEN – Clarus XC canvas (5 m x 2,7 m) – Dolby CP750 Digital Cinema
Processor – JBL amps – JBL speakers.
Catering Facilities The Kombank Hall also has a Loun ge Bar, Marshall Lounge, Caffe Bar and Jazz Bar, which are suitable for organizing receptions, coffee bre aks, lunches, corporate parties or “after work party”.
Organizujte događaj kao profesionalac Portal pokrenut je pre 12 godina, kao prvi portal koji objedinjuje kongresnu ponudu regiona Jugoistočne Evrope. Preko sajta, svi organizatori događaja, mogu pretragom doći do prostora i lokacije koja zadovoljava njihove potrebe. Na sajtu se nalazi preko 230 kvalitetnih i proverenih dobavljača. Sa druge strane, po potrebi, stručni tim portala www., koji se sastoji od event mena džera sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom, pomaže organiza torima da dođu do pravog izbora prostora i usluge, i pruža podršku oko planiranja i realizacije čitavog događaja. Portal Kongresniturizam služi za pronalaženje najboljih hotela, prostora i svih ostalih usluga potrebnih pri planiranju i u organizaciji događaja. Namenjen je kompanijama i organizacijama, tačnije event menadžerima i ostalima koji
Redizajniran regionalni portal Kongresniturizam
se bave ovim poslom, a potreban im je pouzdan partner – pomoć, savet, pregovaranje sa dobavljačima, brza i prezicna realizacija. S obzirom na to da regionalni portal za organizaciju događaja postoji toliko dugo, prethodna decenija je, prilagođavanjem na tehnološke promene, obeležena sa tri verzije
sajta, a sa dva kompletna redizajna, svaka verzija karakteristična i napredna za period u kom je bila aktuelna.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
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Poslednja verzija urađena je tokom aktuelne, 2018. godine, uključujući kompletan redizajn portala po poslednjim standardima, ali pre svega,
Šta je je više od 12 godina vodeći regionalni portal za orga nizaciju svih vrsta događaja, sa bazom od preko 230 proverenih hotela, kongre snih centara, event prostora i pružalaca usluga na teritoriji Jugoistočne Evrope.
slušajući i analizirajući potrebe korisnika. Sada je sajt, naravno, mobile responsive – prilagođava se svim veličinama ekrana, bez obzira na to da li je u pitanju desktop računar, laptop ili mobilni telefon (što pre 3-4 godine čak nije ni postojalo kao tehnologija za komercijalnu upotrebu), slike i fontovi su značajno veći, dok je ponuda hotela i prostora u prvom planu. To je takođe nastalo kao rezultat osluškivanja potreba i promene tržišta, da se bez mnogo pretrage i filtera dođe do što šire ponude hotela i prostora, a u sledećem koraku, po potrebi da se sužava izbor.
pre toga da se vrlo jednostavno, besplatno i brzo registruje – samo putem svoje email adrese. Svaki od hotela, event prostora ili kongresnih centara na svojoj prezentaciji takođe ima dugme UPIT koji služi da se njima pošalje upit pojedinačno. Korisnici portala mogu da pošalju upit i portalu koristeći dugme NAPRAVI UPIT sa desne strane u hederu sajta (ili putem strane KONTAKT), ukoliko žele da im event menadžeri Kongresnog turizma sa višegodišnjim iskustvom i poznavanjem tržišta, pomognu pri izboru dobavljača i/ili dostavljanju ponuda. Napomena: Navedena usluga je besplatna za korisnike portala.
Kako radi pretraga? Jednostavnom pretragom (samo jednim klikom na home strani) izlistavaju se hoteli, prostori ili agencije, čiji izbor može da se suzi korišćenjem pametnih filtera, shodno potrebnim kapacitetima, postav kama sale, preferiranoj kategorizaciji, kao i prema željenoj destinaciji(ama) i ostalim kriterijumima važnim za event planere. Kada se pretragom dođe do hotela, event prostora ili agencije koji potencijalno odgovaraju potrebama događaja, svaki od njih može da se stavi u Favorites (ikonica srce), kako bi se sačuvali za kasnije – da se naknadno razmatraju ili da im se zbirno svima pošalje upit (mogućnost za registrovane korisnike) koji stiže odvojeno na mejl adrese svakoga od njih. Da bi korisnik mogao da koristi ovu naprednu funkciju, koja uveliko olakšava posao i skraćuje vreme potrebno za slanje upita, potrebno je samo
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
S obzirom na promene i zahteve klijenata i tržišta, koje su se desile u prethodne 3-4 godine, portal, koji je na početku
Na polju event menadžmenta portal www. je zabeležio najve ći rast u protekle 2 godine, od čak 100%.
bio fokusiran na internet marketing u kongresnom turizmu regiona, prerastao je u regionalnu event menadžment kompaniju koja prati trendove kako u internet marketingu, izradi sajtova, optimizaciji sadržaja, tako i u organizaciji događaja i personalizovanom pristupu klijentu. Miona Milić
Redesigned Regional Portal SEEmice
Organize an Event as a Professional The portal ( was launched 12 years ago, as the first portal that unites the congress offer of the Southeast Europe region. Through the site, all event organizers can search for premises and locations that meets their needs. The web page has over 230 quali ty and proven suppliers. On the other hand, if necessary, the expert team of the portal, which consists of event managers with many years of experience, assists the organizers to come to the right choice of location and service, and provides support for planning and realization of the entire event. The portal helps you find the best hotels, venues and all other services needed in planning and organizing the events. It is intended for companies and organizations, specifically for event managers and others involved in this business, and in need of a reliable partner – assistance, advice, negotiation with suppliers, quick and repetitive realization.
Considering that the regional portal for event organizing has existed for so long, the previous decade, by adjusting to technological changes, was marked with three versions of the
web page, and with two complete redesigns, each version having been characteristic and advanced for the period in which it was ongoing.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
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The latest version was made during the current year, 2018, including the complete redesign of the portal according to the latest standards, but above all, after listening and analyzing the needs of users. Currently, the web page is, of course, mobile responsive – it adapts to all sizes of the
What is has been the leading regional portal for organizing all kinds of events for more than 12 years, with a base of over 230 selected hotels, congress cent ers, event venues and service providers in the territory of Southeast Europe.
Portal users can send a request to the portal www. using the MAKE REQUEST button on the right side of the web page header (or by the CONTACT page), if they want event managers with years of experience and knowledge of the market, help with the choice of suppliers and/or submitt ing bids. Note: The specified service is free of charge for portal users.
screen, whether it is used on a desktop computer, a laptop or a mobile phone (which did not even exist as a technology for commercial usage 3-4 years ago), pictures and the fonts are significantly bigger, while the hotel and venues offer is in the foreground. This was also the result of listening to market needs and changes, so that without a lot of searches and filters, you get as wide a range of hotels and venues as possible, and in the next step, if necessary, narrow down the choice.
How does the search work? By a simple search (just one click on the home page) you will get a lists of hotels, venues or agencies, the presentation of which can be narrowed by using smart filters, according to the required capacity, halls settings, preferred categorization, as well as to the desired destination(s) and other criteria important for event planners. When your search gets you to a hotel, event location, or agency that potentially corresponds to the needs of the event, each of those can be placed into the Favorites (heart icon), in order to be saved for later - to be considered later or to be sent a request collectively to all of those (possi bility for registered users) that will reach each of them separately on the e-mail addresses. In order for the user to use this advanced function, which greatly facilitates the task and shortens the time required to send the request, it is only prior necessary to register in a very simple, free of charge and quick way – just via yours e-mail address. Each of the hotels, event venues or congress cen ters in its presentation also has a REQUEST button that serves to send the request separately.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Considering the changes and demands of clients and markets, which occurred in the previous 3-4 years, the portal, which was initially focused on internet marketing in the regi on’s congress tourism, turn into a regional event In the field of event management, the portal has recorded the high est growth in the past 2 years, as much as 100%.
management company that follows trends in both internet marketing, web site design, content optimization, and event organization and personalized access to a client. Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | februar 2016
tema broja Inspiracija za handmade poslovne poklone
Razlikujte se od ostalih! Poslovni pokloni su neizostavni deo svakog događaja. To je, ustvari, mali znak pažnje i zahvalnosti kompanije za vreme koje ste odvojili da biste prisustvovali ili nagrada za trud i marljiv rad. Verujemo da ćete se složiti u našoj konstataciji da se često radi o istim stvarima – rokovnici, blokčići, hemijske olovke, tefteri... Više na to ni ne obraćate pažnju i verujete da unapred znate šta se nalazi u kesi ci koju vam pruža hostesa. Zapitajte se sada kada ste poslednji put dobili poslovni poklon koji je kod vas izazvao reakciju? Kada ste poslednji put pomislili „WOW, ovo je baš korisno/interesantno!“ ili „WOW, neko se zaista potrudio da ovo osmisli i napravi!“? Verovatno ima i onih koji nisu nikada... Veliki je broj organizovanih doga đaja koji ostave „mlak“ utisak, koji je mogao da bude popravljen da je postojao neki inventivniji poklon na kraju. Ovo pišemo i tvrdimo iz iskustva. Naravno da sam događaj ne treba da se bazira na poklonu koji će gost na kraju večeri dobiti, ali pošto nije uvek moguće sam događaj prilagoditi i personalizovati za učesnike, upravo taj poklon može da bude nešto što će dati pečat. U tom smislu, pokloni mogu biti personalizovani prema tipu, tj. vrsti, događaja/prilike za koji se prave ili prema osobi ili ciljnoj grupi za koju je namenjen.
Mi vam u daljem tekstu dajemo primere i ideje za poslovni poklon koji svakako nije nešto što se često može dobiti. Možda ćete nakon čitanja poželeti da baš jedna od ovih opcija bude nešto što biste poklonili svojim poslovnim saradnicima i partnerima, a možda ćete u nekom od njih pronaći inspiraciju za sledeći.
Survival Kit for Event Planners Za regionalni portal Kongresnituri zam koji je pre dve godine proslav ljao deceniju rada, na proslavi poz natoj pod imenom SEEbtm Party, kao deo poklona partnerima i sarad nicima – koji se bave organizacijom događaja, organizatori su pripremi li ručno pravljenu poklon teglicu sa interesantnim sadržajem koji odgovara šaljivom naslovu – prva pomoć za preživljavanje onima
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
koji se bave organizacijom i plani ranjem događaja. Naručene su pra zne teglice, odštampane nalepnice na kojima je pisalo Survival Kit for Event Planners i „kapice“ za tegli ce sa odštampanim svim logotipi ma kompanije koje su obložile poklopac, vezane kanapčićem kako bi ličile na domaću zimnicu koja je bila aktuelna u tom periodu. Ali, ono što je zapravo napravilo WOW efekat kod svih gostiju je sadržaj koji se nalazio spakovan u teglicu. Kako je posao event menadžera, ali i svih onih koji su uključeni u sam proces organizacije događaja, stresan i nepredvidiv, fokusiralo se na male stvari koje su „pomoć u preživljavanju dana“ svakog event planera. Kafa – jer bez nje event menadžeri ne počinju dan, čokoladice – jer ne znamo kada će nam pasti šećer, parčence pucketave folije – za situacije u kojima postajemo nervozni, dva
citata koja popravljaju dan – odštampana na malim karticama i po jedan magnetić sa nazivom „SOS for events“ i kontaktima portala Veliki broj učesnika događaja je ostavio vrlo pozitivan feedback na čitav događaj ali i na poklon teglice sa manjeviše istom rečenicom i impresijom: „Ovo je jedan od najduhovitijih i najinventivnijih poklona koje sam dobio/dobila na korporativnoj proslavi, a uz to, upotrebljivo je!“.
Iskoristite Instagram Jedna od najviše korišćenih društ venih mreža danas je definitivno Instagram. I ne koristimo ga samo u privatne svrhe. Veliki broj kompanija takođe ima svoj Instagram profil gde se postuju fotografije sa tim bildinga, svečanih korporativnih večera, atmosfera sa različitih kompanijskih proslava. Upravo taj sadržaj možete iskoristiti i napraviti personalizovan poklon u vidu kalendara za zaposlene ili članove svog tima! Možda kao novogodišnji poklon J. Izaberite 12 najatraktiv nijih, najsmešnijih fotografija ili onih za koje smatrate da imaju posebnu vrednost za kompaniju ili ljude koji u njoj rade. Ovaj poklon može biti napravljen u bilo kojoj fotografskoj radnji – u većini njih postoji opcija da se sa vašeg telefo na direktno „skinu“ fotografije, ali možete i vi to uraditi i snimiti ih na USB pa odneti ili ih poslati radnji putem email-a. Kada izradite tih 12 fotografija, potreban vam je lepak, kanap, bušač za papir, makaze, ha mer papir (u bilo kojoj boji) ili kar ton i stranice kalendara koje treba da odštampate, a možete ih naći na internetu u raznim oblicima. Fotografije, hamer i odštampani kalendar treba da budu u istoj veličini. Hamer ili karton isecite na iste dimenzije u kojima ste razvili fotografije i zalepite ga lepkom sa zadnje strane slike da bi dao čvrstu potporu. Isto uradite i sa kalendarom.
Jedan mesec – jedna fotografija. Uzmite bušač za papir i probušite i kalendar i fotografiju i naslažite ih po redu, od januara do decembra. Zatim ih povežite kanapom kroz rupice koje ste probušili i voila! Personalizovan ka lendar je gotov! A ako u kompaniji ima puno zaposle nih i ne možete da postignete da napravite tako veliki broj kalendara, zabavu možete podići na viši nivo ukoliko organizujete da kolega pravi kalen dar za kolegu. Tako svako može da bira sam fotografije i da mu lični pečat. Verujte, bićete iznenađeni kada vidite kao ljudi iz tima vide i doživljavaju jedni druge kroz izbor fotografija koji budu pravili. Ako se pitate zbog čega na korporativnom kalendaru ne bi bile slike proizvoda kompanije, evo odgovora – prvo, to je već viđeno mnogo puta, a drugo, kompaniju čine pre svega ljudi koji u njoj rade J.
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#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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držačima za šolju. Potrebna vam je malo čvršća tkanina u boji koju izaberete, makaze, bušač za papir i lastiš. O dekoraciji držača će biti reči par redova ispod. Dakle, isecite tkaninu u obliku pravougaonika, a veličina treba da bude za par centimetara kraća od obima šolje. Zatim je izbušite bušačem za papir i kroz te rupice provucite lastiš kojim ćete spojiti krajeve i vezati ga. Nakon što ste popili kafu, držač uvek možete vratiti nazad u tašnu i iskoristi ga
Držač kafe Ah, ta kafa... Skoro svima omilje ni jutarnji napitak. Čak i ako je neradan dan. Ima nešto posebno u ispijanju prve šoljice kafe što vam daje osećaj da ste spremni i fokusirani na dan koji je pred vama. Krećete na posao i pre ulaska u kancelariju zastajete da kupite sebi (možda i kolega ma) kafu za poneti. Uzimate u ruke svoju šolju i shvatate da je toliko vrela da je jednostavno nemoguće držati je! Desilo mi se nebrojeno puta... To donekle pokvari osećaj o kom je par redova iznad bilo reči. Zbog toga, porazmislite o
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
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b r o j a „Pomozite nekom u svom timu oko današnjeg zaduženja“ itd. Važno je da sve poruke budu afirmativne prirode. Na teglicu možete zalepiti logo kompanije ili natpis „Učinite nešto lepo danas“. Ideja je da kada ovaj poklon nekom uručite, taj neko svakog dana izvlači po jednu poruku koja je zadatak za taj dan, a sve sa idejom da se i vi i taj neko drugi osećate lepo.
Bakin recept Bakina kuhinja čuva posebno mesto u sećanjima iz detinjstva. Sve je uvek mirisalo na pecivo, kolače, a iz te kuhinje su izlazila najukusnija jela. Naravno, vama ta jela nikada ne ispadnu tako kao baki, iako recept pratite od slova do slova. Misterija na koju niko još nije dao odgovor... Ali ako organizujete tim bilding koji za temu ima kuvanje (ovaj trend postao je veoma popularan, a kako i ne bi kada je zabavno?), evo ideje koju možete iskoristiti. Svako od zaposlenih može ispisati svoj omiljeni recept iz bakine ku hinje na hameru koji će prethodno iseći na A4 ili A5 format. Uz to, sa interneta možete „skinu ti“ ilustracije sastojaka ili samog jela, odštampati ih i zalepiti na papir i potpisati recept imenom svoje bake – na primer „Jelenina
baka“. Recepte možete zameniti sa kolegom u grupi i poneti kući kao uspomenu sa tim bildinga. I naravno, obavezno probajte da napravite gulaš kao Jelenina baka J!
Učinite nešto lepo danas Zamislite koliko bi život bio lepši kada biste svakog dana uradili nešto lepo! Za sebe ili nekog drugog. A poklon ne mora uvek biti materijalne prirode niti mora da ima materijalnu vrednost. Svi znamo da je najvrednije ono što se ne može kupiti. Zato vam za ovaj personalizovan poklon treba mini malno novčanih sredstava. Potrebne su vam teglice, a sve ostalo možete pro naći u kancelariji. Dakle, u teglicu ubacite poruke tj. zadatke koje ćete ispisati rukom po put „Pohvalite jednog kolegu/ koleginicu koji/koja je danas ura dila nešto dobro u vezi sa poslom“, „Donesite kafu prvom kolegi/ koleginici koji/koja vam se javi“,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Photo: Pinterest
sledeći put. Ako ste u kreativnom zanosu, možete uzeti još jedan tip tkanine, u drugoj boji, i od nje izrezati inicijale kolega ili ime kompanije u kojoj radite i zalepiti ih lepkom na sam držač. Ovo čak može biti i ideja za neku grupnu aktivnost na poslu u kojoj mogu svi da učestvuju kada ste og raničeni vremenom i prostorom.
Širite pozitivnu energiju, radite na atmosferi, budite primer drugima. Personalizovani pokloni koji su handmade su jedan od načina da kolegama, timu sa kojim radite ili svojim partnerima pokažete da vam je stalo do njih. Da cenite nji hovo vreme, prisustvo, poverenje, posvećenost i stručnost. Ovo je vreme digitalizacije, i kao takvo, ljudski faktor polako počinje da sve više biva isključen. I iako smo stalno u trci sa vremenom i imamo ga sve manje, treba da
se potrudimo i zadržimo što više ljudskog faktora, makar kada je reč o poklanjanju. Danas su najvredniji oni pokloni koji pokazuju da ste uložili vreme i trud. Milica Novak
cover story
Inspiration for Handmade Corporate Gifts
Make Yourself Stand Out! Corporate gifts are an inevitable part of any event. They are indeed a token of app reciation and gratitude offered by the company for the time you took to attend or as a reward for your effort and hard work. You’ll probably agree with us that more often than not they’re commonplace – agendas, notepads, ball pens, notebooks... In all likelihood, you’ve stopped paying any attention to them, and you believe that you already know what’s in the bags that the hostess is handing out. Now ask yourself when was the last time that a corporate gift caused you to react. When was the last time you thought, “WOW, this is really useful/interesting!” or “WOW, someone really put some thought and effort into this!”? For some of you, no doubt the answer is never... Many are the events that leave attendees with a lukewarm impre ssion that might have been fixed with an inventive gift. We’re telling from experience. Of course, the event itself should not hinge on the gift that the guest receives at the end of the evening, but since customizing and personalizing the event is not always an option, the gift can be just the thing that makes a mark. In this sense, gifts can be personalized according to the type of the event/occasion or the person or audience it’s intended for.
Read on to check out some corporate gift examples and ideas that are certainly not something you’ll often come across. After reading, you might wish for one of these to be your next gift to your business associates or partners, or perhaps you will find inspiration and come up with your own.
Survival Kit for Event Planners The regional website Kongresnitu rizam celebrated its 10th anniversa ry two years ago by throwing the so-called SEEbtm Party, and the organizers prepared – as part of the gifts for partners and associat es in the event industry – a hand made gift jar with interesting goo dies that played on the whimsical name: a first-aid kit for those who work in event management and planning.
They made mason jars labeled Survival Kit for Event Planners with lid covers patterned with the company’s logos and a string around them to echo winter pickling, which ties in with that time of the year. However, what really had the WOW effect on the guests is what was packed in the jars. Since the job of event managers – as well as all those involved in the process of event planning – is stressful and unpredictable, the focus was on the little things that serve as firstaid for surviving the day for any event planner. Coffee – no event manager starts the day without it; chocolate – we never know when our blood sugar will drop; a piece of bubble wrap – for when anxiety hits; two quotes to brighten up the day – printed on small index cards, and one small magnet reading Event SOS with Kongresniturizam. com’s contact info printed on them.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
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s t o r y endar template for printing, a variety of which you can find online.
Many of the event attendees gave extremely positive feedback on the entire event and the gift jars along the lines of the following: “This is one of the funniest and most innovative gifts I’ve ever got at a corporate party, and – to top it off – it’s actually useful!”
Take advantage of Instagram Instagram definitely counts among the most popular social media today. And it’s utilized for more than just personal use. A large number of companies also have their own Instagram accounts where they post photos of team building ev ents, corporate galas, and various company parties. You can use this content to make a personalized gift, for example, a calendar for your employees or team members! Or even a Christmas present J. Choose the 12 most interesting, funniest photos or those that you feel are of special value to the company or the people who work there. This gift can be made in any printing shop – most of them offer the option to download photos directly from your phone, but you can also download them yourself to a flash drive and send them via email. Once you have the photos, you’ll need glue, string, a hole punch, scissors, cardstock (in any color) or cardboard, and a cal
The photos, card stock, and calendar should match in size. Cut the cardstock or cardboard to fit the photos, which you’ll paste with glue on the back for firm support. Do the same with the calendar. Each month should have its own photo. Take the hole punch and punch both the calendar and the photo and place them in order, from January to December. Then, tie them together with the string through the holes you punched and – voilà! Your perso nalized calendar is finished! And if the company has many employees and you can’t make that many calendars, you can take the party to the next level if you have each employee make a calendar for another. This way, everyone can choose the photos themselves and give them a personal touch. Have no doubt, you’ll be surprised when you see how people in a team perceive each other through the photos they choose.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
If you are wondering why the corporate calendar shouldn’t include images of the company’s products, here’s your answer: Firstly, this has been done many times, and secondly, the company is primarily made of the people working there J.
Coffee cup holder Ah, coffee. Almost everyone’s favorite morning drink. Even on non-working days. There is something special about drinking the first cup of coffee, creating a feeling that you are ready for and focused on the day before you. You leave for work and before entering the office, you stop to buy yourself (maybe your co-workers, too) coffee to go. You take your cup and realize that it’s so hot that it’s just impossible to hold it in your hand! I can’t even count the times it happened to me... This somewhat tarnishes the feeling described above. And that is why you should think about cup holders. You need a tighter fabric in a color of your choosing, scissors, hole punch, and elastic. We’ll tackle the decoration in a few lines. Cut the fabric in rectangular shape, the size around an inch shorter than the circumference of the cup. Then punch it with the hole punch and string the elastic through the
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worker who did something good on their job today,” “Bring coffee to the first co-worker who says hello to you,” “Help someone in your team with today’s assign ments,” etc. It’s important that all messages be affirmative. You can put the company logo or write “Do something nice today” on the jar. The idea is that once you give the gift to someone that someone pulls out one message with the assignment for the day and the main point is for both you and that someone to feel good.
holes to put the edges and tie them together. After you drink your coffee, you can always put the cup holder back into your bag and use it for next time. In case you’re on a creative roll, you can take another type of fab ric in a different color and use it to make the initials of the co-worker or the name of the company you work for and glue them on the cup holder. This can even be used as an idea for a group activity at work where everyone can participate when you are constrained by time or space.
cardstock cut to the A4 or A5 sizes. In addition, you can download illus trations of the ingredients or the dish itself online, print them, glue them on the cardstock, and sign the recipe with your grandmother’s name – for example, “Jelena’s grandma.” You can exchange the recipes with a co-worker and take it home as a souvenir. And of course, you must try to make goulash like Jelena’s grandma J!
Grandma’s recipe
Imagine how much better life would be if you did something nice every day! For yourself or for someone else. And the gift doesn’t always have to be something physical nor have financial value. We all know that the most valuable things are those that you cannot buy. That’s why you need a minimum amount of money for this personalized gift. All you need are mason jars – everything else you can find at the office.
Grandma’s kitchen holds a special place in childhood memories. Everything always smelled like pastry and cookies, and the most delicious dishes always came out of that kitchen. Of course, when you make them, these dishes never turn out just like grandma’s, even though you follow the recipe to the letter. It’s a mystery that is yet to be solved... However, if you’re planning a team building cook-off (this trend has become very popular, which is no surprise considering how fun it is), here’s an idea you can use. Each employee can write their favorite grandma’s recipe on a
Spread positive energy, work on the mood, be an example to others. Personalized gifts that are handmade are one way to show your co-workers, your team, or your partners that you care about them. That you appreciate their time, presence, trust, commitment, and expertise. This is the digital age, and as such it’s slowly excluding the human factor.
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Do something nice today
Insert messages or assignments in the jar written by hand along the lines of “Say good job to a co-
And although we are constantly racing with time and have it less and less, we should try to keep as much of the human factor as possible – at least when it comes to gifts. Today, the most valuable gifts are those that you invested time and effort making it. Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Talas Montenegro DMC
Crna Gora, destinacija o kojoj treba da se priča Očekivanja klijenta se ne smeju izneveriti. Pogotovu ako ste deo event industrije. Koliko je kreativnost zaista važna u tom smislu? Koje su specifičnosti podsticajnih (incentive) putovanja? Na ova i druga pitanja odgovore su nam dale Ivana Sofranac, Project Manager i Iva Vujović, Senior Project Manager, iz agencije Talas Montenegro DMC. Organizacija događaja važi za kreativan posao. Koliko se ovo ispostavlja tačnim u praksi? Itekako. Zamislite da uvjek organizujete evente koji liče jedan na drugi, gdje bi stigli? Šira vizija i izlazak iz zone komfora su definicija kreativnosti u MICE-u. Kada vidite plažu, vi ne smijete vidjeti samo nju, morate vidjeti stolove na plaži, možda stolove u vodi, sinhro-plivačice u moru i naravno pričati drugim ljudima šta sve vidite. Onda će i oni sami to uočiti. Upravo naša kreativnost i nalaženje rešenja za skoro nemoguće, nam je omogućila da budemo prepoznatljivi i uspiješni na MICE tržištu. Na koji način opredeljujete kreativan koncept? Fleksibilnost u našem poslu je svakako MUST stavka. Ovog puta naš klijent je bila kompanija iz Francuske, koja već osam godina, jednom godišnje vrednuje rad svojih zaposlenih kroz incentive putovanja. Kako je u pitanju jedan od vodećih proizvođača sredstava za higijenu, zadali smo sebi temu „čistoća“ koristeći našu čistu i netaknutu prirodu kao glavnu ideju. Tako smo krstarenje kroz Boku i posjetu Cetinju koristili kao osnovu na kojoj smo radili dodajući uvjek nove i interesantne elemente. Onda smo se zapitali „a zašto svaki dan ne bi imao drugačije ime“ pa je jedan dan postao „eau claire“ (čista voda), a sledeći „air frais“ (svjež vazduh). Kroz Kotor smo organizova-
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
li otkrivanje grada kroz pet čula i tome dodali još jednu aktivnost, a to je kotorski karneval. Ovo je ujedno bila i prva grupa za koju je organizovan mali karneval onda kada nije vrijeme za to, a savršeno se uklopila u cijelu priču nesvakidašnjeg otkrivanja i upoznavanja Kotora. Šta se grupi za koju ste ovaj događaj organizovali najviše dopalo? Upoznali su zemlju koju, možda, inače nikada ne bi po sjetili i imali su ujednačen program tokom kog su uživa li u stvarima koje ne čine dio njihove svekodnevnice. Sve u toku njihovog boravka bilo je organizovano samo za njih i njima podređeno, a rečenica koja nas je vodila do uspješnog događaja bila je želja klijenta, njihovog direktora, „I want to see stars in their eyes“. Šta za njih znači incentive putovanje? To su putovanja o kojima se priča tokom cijele radne godine. Sam događaj je onoliko uspješan koliko su učesnici zadovoljni – ukoliko su naučili nešto novo, osjetili se uvaženim i uspostavili čvršće veze sa saradnicima.
je procenat ROI (povratka investicije) nakon incentive putovanja. Tada nam je jasno da smo svi u lancu svoj zadatak obavili, što zaista pruža satisfakciju. Da li se očekivanja klijenata koji su sa naših prosto ra razlikuju u odnosu na one koji dolaze iz drugih evropskih zemalja? Kao što je rečeno, sve zavisi od tržišta. Kada su u pitanju tržišta koja već dobro poznajemo često u startu znamo šta klijent hoće i koliko laki ili teški zahtjevi mogu da budu. Većina naših klijenata je iz Evrope ali sve više dolaze iz skoro svih krajeva svijeta, otvaraju nam se nova tržišta koja nam daju nove smjernice i navode nas da izađemo iz usvojenog okvira poslovanja. To je ono što ovaj posao čini izuzetno interesantnim i dinamičnim. Uvjek istražujemo, edukujemo se, osluškujemo, svaka kultura nosi svoju priču.
Motivaciona putovanja su važna i pokazuju zaposlenima da neko vrednuje njihov rad i uviđa koliko je svaki pojedinac važan dio velikog sistema. Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo kada dobijemo informaciju od klijenta koji
Sve ono što je novo i do sada neviđeno je za nas izazov. Nakon svakog eventa na pitanje „da li možemo da or ganizujemo…?“ mi dodamo jedno „Yes, done“ . Na kraju, ipak, imamo samo jedan cilj, a to je da Crna Gora bude destinacija o kojoj se priča.
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Svetlana Gavrić
Talas Montenegro DMC
Montenegro – Destination Worth Talking About Client’s expectations can’t be failed. Especially if you are working in the event industry. How much is creativity really important in that matter? What are specific needs of incentive trips? Answers on these and other questions gave us Ivana Sofranac, Project Manager and Iva Vujovic, Senior Project Manager, who work in agency Talas Monte negro DMC.
sea) and the next day “air frais” (fresh air). The visit of Kotor became discovering Kotor through five senses enriched by adding a small Kotor carnival, as a one of the first things that came up to our minds when we mention Kotor. This was the first time that we organi zed small carnival out of period of carnivals and it perfectly fitted in this unusual way of discovering Kotor. What did this group liked most about the event?
Event organizations is said to be creative job. How does this turn out to be true in practice? Of course, can you imagine organizing events that always look like one another, what would be the purpose? Wider vision and escape from a comfort zone are definitions of creativity in MICE industry. For example, when you see the beach, it’s not the only thing that needs to be seen. Besides that you need to imagine tables, why not set up in the water or synchro nized swimmers? Your next step is passing this idea to the others. After a while they will be able to share your vision. Our creativity and ability to find the solution for “almost impossible” made us recognizable and succesfull on the MICE market. How do you define a creative concept? Flexibility is MUST in our business. Knowing that the client is one of the biggest manufacturers from the cleaning industry in France we picked “cleanness” as a theme and cleanness of our country perfectly fitted in. Our idea was to give different name to each day, so Boka bay tour became “eau claire” (our clean
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
It was a chance for them to visit the country that they would maybe never visit on their own. They had a well-balanced program and they enjoyed the things that are definitely not part of their everyday life. The fact that every single moment during this trip was planned especially for them was also an important factor. During site inspection the client said “I want to see stars in their eyes” and this sentence was leading us through all the preparations all the way to the successful event.
Are the expectations of clients from our region different in relation to those coming from other European countries?
What does the incentive trip mean for them? Those are the trips to talk about during the whole year and this company organizes them once a year. The success of an event is measured by satisfaction of the participants and the fact that they had a chance to learn something new, that they felt privileged and built the stronger connections with their team. It’s a pleasure for us to learn from the client about the percentage of the ROI after the incentive trip. That’s a moment when we realize that every link in the chain completed its mission and it gives big sa tisfaction to all of us.
As I already mentioned, it depends on the market. When we talk about the markets that we are familiar with, we know at the very beginning what the client wants, and how easy or difficult the request can be. Most of our clients come from Europe but we also open the door for more and more new, worldwide markets. They put us in the new missions and thanks to that we run out of the usual way of thinking and acting. That’s what makes our job so interesting and dynamic. We put so much of our time in exploring and education. We listen because every culture has its own story. Everything unknown and unseen is a challenge. After a successful event the questions like “Can you organize for us…” gets its answer “Yes, done” . After all, out task is clear – to make Montenegro a destination worth talking about!
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Svetlana Gavric
tema broja Kako kreirati personalizovan događaj?
„Uzmite meru“ učesnicima događaja Setite se osećaja koji imate na svoj rođendan. Baš je vama, baš tog dana – rođen dan. I vi ste tog dana svojoj porodici, prijateljima, kolegama, baš posebni. Celog dana. Svi se trude da vam ugode, da na vas obrate posebnu pažnju, da vam po klone baš ono što ste priželjkivali cele godine. To je, zapravo, dan personalizovan samo za vas! Ima puno primera u životu koji os likavaju personalizaciju. Evo, na primer, otišli ste kod krojača jer vam je potreban nov kostim ili odelo. Birate materijal, boju, mod el, dužinu. Kada to izaberete, krojač će izmeriti vašu visinu, potrebne ob ime i ostalo. I daće vam, ukoliko je iskusan, još predloga ili sugestija u vezi sa odabirom kako bi nov kostim izgledao što bolje. Jer to mu je posao. Da vašu potrebu što je više moguće približi vašoj želji i mogućnostima. Da stvori osećaj posebnosti, nečega što je kreirano samo za vas i vama namenjeno. A kako ovo iskustvo možemo preneti u sferu organizacije događaja? Personalizacija i prilagođavanje događaja prema meri i željama učesnika se praktikuje već nekoliko
godina unazad. Razlog je jednostavan – moć koju personalizacija ima na događajima u očima učesnika vrednovana je više nego bilo šta drugo, kažu najnovija istraživanja. Ovo postaje jedna od najrelevant nijih merilaca uspešnosti događaja upravo zbog tog osećaja koji kreirate kod učesnika – osećaj posebnosti, posebnog tretmana, davanje na znanje da je to nešto upravo i samo za njega napravljeno, kreirano, osmišljeno.
Lični asistent Vaš učesnik na događaju osećaj personalizacije razvija od samog starta. I u tome mu treba pomoći. Evo jednog primera. Ukoliko kong res ili sajam koji organizujete ima svoju web stranicu, može se posta
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
viti opcija chatbot-a koji će biti vaš lični asistent. Naravno, treba da bude programiran tako da ima sve detalje i informacije o događaju, mestu sastanka, satnice, rasporede radionica i predavanja. Nakon prija ve, osloviće vas imenom i prezime nom, poželeti vam dobrodošlicu i upitati kako može da vam pomog ne ili vas podsetiti da vam stoji na usluzi ukoliko imate nekih pitanja i nedoumica. Savet: ukoliko je doga đaj formalne priorde, chatbot treba da „barata“ stručnim terminima, dok za neku malo neformalniju izložbu, ton komunikacije chatbot-a treba da bude relaksiraniji. Imajte na umu da AI (veštačka inte ligencija) tehnologija uči i razvija se kroz interakciju sa čovekom, tako da treba voditi računa o tipu pitanja koja mu se postavljaju.
Učestvovanje Jedno od večitih pitanja i briga organizatora događaja jeste na koji način povećati procenat gostiju koji želi da učestvuje u događaju. Već smo pisali o tome da je ljudima generalno neprijatno da se na taj način involviraju – neki su stidljivi, neki ne prate dovoljno pažljivo, a neki imaju strah od toga da ne ispadnu glupi pred kolegama i saradnicima. Zbog toga se najčešće pribegava korišćenju tehnologije. Social media walls, hash tag-ovi ili opcija glasanja uživo su samo neke od mogućnosti. Tehnologije koje su naprednije, poput VR (virtualna realnost) npr., povećavaju procenat ljudi koji učestvuju, omogućuju im personalizovano iskustvo kroz korišćenje različitih proizvoda.
Budite korak ispred! Na događajima koji traju po nekoli ko dana, vrlo se često dešava da učesnici prosto izgube pojam o vre menu. Zaborave kada šta počinje, gde je sledeće predavanje, i koliko traje. Da bi se to sprečilo, postoje aplikacije koje se prave upravo u te svrhe za svaki događaj. U njima će
svaki od učesnika pro naći informacije koje su mu potrebne zajedno sa rasporedom. Takođe, svako ima drugačija interesovanja. Zato je dobro, još u fazi pripreme organizacije, ispitati goste o njihovim interesova njima i željama. Kada određeni koris nik aplikaciju down load-uje, ona će ga upućivati na radionice ili kurseve koji su naj bliži njegovoj želji ili interesovanju, a može se i dodati opcija da ga, npr., pola sata pre početka sesije, podseti da je vreme da krene, tako što će mu stići email ili SMS.
Follow-up aktivnosti Nakon što se događaj koji ste organizovali završi, uvek je korisno ima ti povratne informacije od samih učesnika. Kako su se proveli, šta im se najviše dopalo, koje predavanje im je bilo najinteresantnije, u čemu su uživali, ali i o stvarima koje bi
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trebalo popraviti i na njima poraditi kako bi sledeći put utisak bio bolji. Najvažnije je se follow-up aktivno sti sprovedu dok je utisak „svež“ i dok se gosti sećaju detalja. Ovo je i dobar način da se organizacija celokupnog događaja zaokruži – da ima svoj početak i kraj. Time pokazujete da vam je zaista stalo do mišljenja svakog učesnika pojedinačno i do njihovih impresija. Pa čak i da sve nije išlo po planu, da su postojali i neki sitni propusti, verovatnoća da to neće
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
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biti zamereno se povećava ukoliko gostu pokažete da vam je stalo do njegovog mišljenja. Ovo je, zapravo, neka vrsta ulaganja u građenje bu dućeg odnosa.
Zaštita privatnosti Kada govorimo o personalizaciji, često se previdi aspekt privatnosti, koji je od velike važnosti. U digitalnoj eri, u kojoj se svet nalazi, zaštita privatnih podataka postala je neminovnost. Ono što je u tom smislu važno jeste da se u samom procesu personalizacije ne pretera! Ljudi neretko ne žele da dele previše ličnih informa cija pa organizatori događaja o ovom aspektu treba posebno da povedu računa i uzmu ga u obzir. Naravno da personalizaciju nije mo guće primeniti u svakom segmentu u organizaciji događaja i da personalizacija predstavlja povećanje u
budžetu i iziskuje dodatna sredstva koja, uglavnom, nisu baš zanemarljiva. Ali, ukoliko se pametno i racionalno izaberu načini ili sredstva koja će pomoći da se učesnik na događaju koji organizujete oseća posebno, ovo nije problem.
I na kraju, ako se pitate kako kreirati personalizovan događaj, odgovor je da treba kreirati personalizovan osećaj. Baš kao kada vam krojač „uzima meru“ za nov kostim ili odelo, vi, kao organizator događaja, treba da „uzmete meru“ svojim učesnicima. Milica Novak
cover story Designing Personalized Events
Take Your Event Attendees’ Measurements You know that feeling you get on your birthday? It’s all about you on that very day – the day you were born. And on that day, you are very special to your fa mily, friends, and coworkers – really truly special. All day long. Everyone is try ing to please you, pay special attention to you, and get you something you’ve been wishing for all year. That day is de facto personalized just for you! Many are real-life examples that illustrate personalization. For instance, you go to the tailor because you need a new costume or suit. You choose the fabric, the color, the design, and the length. Once you pick your options, the tailor takes your body measurements – your height, circumferen ces, and the rest. And – if he or she is experienced – you’ll hear more suggestions or recommendations on your choices to make your new garment look as best as can be. Because that’s the tailor’s job. To bring your need as close to your wishes and possibilities as possible. To create the feeling of uniqueness, something designed and intended for you alone. And how can we transpose this experience to event planning? Personalization and customization
of events tailored to the liking and wishes of attendees have been in use for several years now. The reason is simple: The powerful impact that personalization has on events in the eyes of attendees is valued more than anything else – according to the latest research. This becomes one of the most rele vant event performance indicators precisely because of that feeling that you instigate in attendees – the feeling of uniqueness, special treatment, letting them know that this thing has been made, created, and devised for them and them alone.
Personal assistant Your event attendees develop the sense of personalization from the very get go. And they need help
with this. Here’s an example. If your convention or a trade show have a website, you can set up a chatbot to be your personal assistant. Of course, the chatbot must be programmed to have all the details and information about the event, venue, schedule, workshop timetable, and talks. After registration, it will call you by your full name, wish you welcome, and ask you how it can help you or remind you that it is at your service if you have any questions or concerns. Tip: If the event is more formal, the chatbot should be privy to the terminology, while a less formal show requires a more relaxed tone of voice. Keep in mind that AI (artificial intelligence) learns and grows through interaction with humans, so the type of questions that are asked should be germane.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
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Engagement One of the eternal questions and concerns of event planners is how to up the percentage of attend ees who want to take part in the event. We have already discussed about how people are generally uncomfortable to get involved this way – some are shy, some can’t pay attention close enough, and some are afraid of looking dumb in front of colleagues and associa tes. This is why most often people resort to technology. Social media walls, hashtags, or live polls are just some of the possible features. Technologies that are more advan ced, such as VR (virtual reality), for example, increase the percentage of engagement and enable personalized experience through different products.
Be a step ahead! At days-long events, attendees very often simply lose track of time. They forget what starts when, whe re the next talks is, when it starts, and how long it takes. To prevent this, there are apps that are devel-
oped just for this purpose for every event. In them, attendees can find the details they need along with the schedule. In addition, everyone has different interests. That’s why – as soon as in the planning preparation stage – attendees should be surveyed about their interests and desires. When a user downloads the app, the app refers him or her to the workshops or tra inings that are most similar to his or her goals or interests. Plus, you can add the option to remind the user for example half an hour before the beginning of the session that it’s time to go by e-mail or text message.
Follow-up activities Once the event you hosted ends, it is always useful to have feed back from the attendees them selves. Did they have a good time, what they liked most, what was most interesting, what they enjoy ed – as well as things that should be improved and worked on in order to leave a better impression the next time. The most import ant thing is to conduct follow-up
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
activities while the impressions are still fresh and the attendees still remember the details. This is also a good way to round up the entire event planning cycle – give it the starting point and the finish line. This shows that you really care about the opinions of each attendee and their impressions. And even if everything did not go according to plan, if there were some minor failures, the likelihood of your attendees not holding it against you increases when you show the attendees that you care about their opinions. In a way, this is actually a kind of investment in building a future relationship.
Privacy protection When it comes to personalization, one aspect that is often overlooked is privacy, which is of great impor tance. In the digital world we live in, the protection of private data has become inevitable. What matters here is not to go ov erboard in the process of persona lization! More often than not people don’t want to share too much
personal information, so event planners should take particular care about this and take it account. Of course, personalization cannot be applied in every segment of event planning and personalizati on represents a budget cost and requires additional resources that are not quite small scale for the most part. However, this shouldn’t be a problem if the ways or means that help you event attendee feel special are carefully and cleverly chosen. Finally, if you are wondering how to create a personalized event, the answer is that you need to create a personalized feel. Just like when your tailor takes your measureme nts for a new costume or suit, you – as the event host – need to take your attendees’ measurements.
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Milica Novak
Kako da vas upamte i kako da steknete lojalnost klijenata?
Prednosti i nedostaci personalizovanih događaja Personalizacija događaja je trend u svetu i zapravo „must” element organizacije događaja u prethodnih nekoliko godina, ali i trend koji će u budućnosti još više dolaziti do izražaja. Želeli smo da ispitamo koliko se u našem regionu organizuju personalizovani događaji i koliko se u organizaciji događaja u praksi stavlja fokus na individualni pristup svakom učesniku događaja, kao i prilagođavanju samog događaja u skladu sa željama i mišljenju učesnika, ali i šta oni znače za učesnike i kompanije koje ih organizuju. Više od polovine ispitanih event planera u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope je organizovalo događaj sa elementima personalizacije. Misli se prvenstveno na događaje koji su prilagođeni željama učesnika, gde učesnici mogu da utiču na dalji tok događaja putem glasanja (ili na neki drugi način), na događaje sa personalizovanim pristupom – bilo da je u pitanju lično obraćanje učesnicima, custom-made pokloni, personalizovan brending i slično (Grafik 1). Nešto veći procenat, oko 64% njih je lično prisustvo valo ovakvom tipu događaja (Grafik 2). Kao primere, koje su event planeri iz regiona koristili ovom prilikom, ubedljivo se najčešće, u 90% slučajeva koriste personalizovani pokloni (poslovni i rođendanski), zatim personalizovane pozivnice i poruke (85%), i u manjem procentu personalizovani meniji (25%),
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
zatim podela učesnika po grupama u zavisnosti od personalnih (ličnih) interesovanja i drugim kriterijumi-
ma, evaluacija događaja koja obuhvata i lične stavove učesnika i slično. Event planeri smatraju da je u najvećem broju sluča jeva (81,8%) najbolje koristiti moderne tehnologije (mahom odgovarajuće mobilne aplikacije) kao alate u organizaciji personalizovanog događaja. Pored njih, kao načini za postizanje ovakvih ciljeva navedeni su u oko 73% slučajeva, personalizovani pokloni i personalizovan brending i dekoracija pros tora, ali i uključivanje učesnika u proces planiranja i razvoja događaja, doduše u manjem procentu, 27,3% (Grafik 3). Po pitanju benefita i nedostataka personalizovanih događaja, event planeri su jednoglasni. Slažu se da je to nešto novo, nešto drugačije, a to je ono što je potrebno u marketingu. Slažu se da će na taj način klijenti svakako više upam titi i događaj i kompaniju odnosno organizatora, da se na taj način svako od učesnika oseća kao organizator, te da se i njegovo mišljenje uvažava. Zato je lakše povezivanje sa učesnicima, dolazi se do emocionalnog povezivanja, a samim tim povećava se i njihova lojalnost.
Nedostatak je smanjena mogućnost predviđanja samog toka događaja – čim se dopusti da eksterni elementi utiču na organizaciju može doći do neočekivanih problema. Pored toga, kao čest nedostatak se navodi da je mno go više truda, vremena i rada potrebno (a i novčanih sredstava) kako bi se personalizovan događaj organizovao.
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Postavlja se i pitanje logističkih mogućnosti ali i po tencijalne ograničenosti svih drugih resursa prilikom uvažavanja mnogobrojnih želja i ličnih stavova koji tom prilikom mogu da „isplivaju“.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
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Organizatori događaja smatraju da će personalizacija događaja postati standard u organizaciji događaja u budućnosti (njih 54,5%), ali i da je već postala stan dard (27,3%). Oko 9% smatra da odgovor na to pitanje zavisi prven stveno od industrije kojoj kompanija i ciljna grupa pripadaju, a isti procenat smatra da ovaj trend nije dugog roka i da neće postati standard u budućnosti (Grafik 4). Miona Milić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
survey Make Yourself Memorable and Earn Client Loyalty
Benefits and Drawbacks of Personalized Events Personalization has emerged as a global trend and indeed a must in event pla nning over the past few years, as well as one that is expected to come to the fore even more in the future. We set out to investigate how common personalized events are in our region and how much focus event planning puts on individual approach to every attendee and on customizing the event itself according to attendees’ wishes and opinions, as well as what they mean to both attendees and companies that host them. More than half of the surveyed event planners in SEE reported that they had hosted events with elements of personalization.
personalized gifts (corporate and birthday), personal ized invites and messages (85%), and to a lesser deg
This refers mainly to events that are tailored to att endees’ wishes, where attendees can influence the event’s course by voting (or otherwise), and that apply personalized approach – whether through personally addressing attendees, custom-made gifts, personali zed branding, and the like (Chart 1). A somewhat higher percentage – around 64% of the respondents – personally attended an event of this kind (Chart 2). The examples that the region’s event planners gave almost entirely – as much as 90% of them – involved
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
s u r v e y ree personalized menus (25%), followed by grouping attendees together depending on personal interests and other criteria, event evaluation that also includes attendees’ personal attitudes, and the like. Event planners believe that in most cases (81.8%), modern technologies (typically mobile apps) are the best tools for planning a personalized event. In addition, means to these ends in around 73% cases included personalized gifts and personalized branding and interior decoration, as well as involving attend ees in the event planning and development process, although to a lesser degree – 27.3% (Chart 3). When it comes to benefits and drawbacks of personalized events, event planners are unanimous. They agree that it’s something new, something differ ent, and that’s exactly what’s needed in marketing. They agree that this way clients are bound to better remember both the event and the host, every att endee feels like the host and that their opinion is appreciated. Connecting with attendees is easier – the connection is an emotional one – and as a result, their loyalty grows.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
One drawback is the reduced ability to anticipate the event’s course: Once external factors are allowed to influence the planning, unexpected issues might arise. Another commonly reported drawback is that personalized events take much more effort, time, and hard work (as well as financial means). There’s also the issue of logistics and the potential limitations of other resources when taking into consideration the myriad wishes and personal opinions that might surface.
Event planners believe that event personalization is poised to become standard in event planning (54.5% respondents), and some believe that it already has (27.3%). Around 9% think that the answer to this question depends mainly on companies’ or target groups’ industries, while also 9% believe that this trend won’t last long nor become standard in the future (Chart 4).
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
zepter hoteli
Zepter hotel Vrnjačka Banja
Skladan spoj starog i novog Jedinstvena banja Srbije, popularna u narodu kao Kraljica banjskog turizma, bo gatija je za još jedan impozantni hotel. Nekadašnji hotel Zvezda, biser banjske Promenade, sada sija pod imenom Zepter hotel Vrnjačka Banja. Hotel jedinstvenog eksterijera, zakonom zaštićenog kao istorijski spomenik, skladan je spoj starog i novog dela. Zepter hotel raspolaže sa 120 visoko rangiranih soba i četiri apartmana. Svojim gostima pruža raznovrsne sadržaje: dva restorana (Zepter SmartLife restoran i Kristalnu dvoranu), Zepresso Aperitiv bar, letnju terasu sa pogledom na Promenadu, u kojoj gosti mogu uživati u raznovrsnom asortimanu hrane i pića. Hrana se priprema na jedinstveni Zepter način u Zepter posuđu za zdrav i dug život. Od sportskih sadržaja, najatraktivniji je novi zatvoreni bazen sa
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
termalnom vodom (temperature od 24-27°C) i đakuzijem (koji u letnjem periodu ima svoju baštu sa aperitiv barom), kao i potpuno nova teretana, centar za masažu, Zepter Bioptron centar i sauna. Zepter hotel Vrnjačka Banja je poznat i po svojim kongresnim salama – Zepter Kongresna sala (Conference Hall) i Zepter Mee ting Room, kapaciteta do 1.200 mesta, s mogućnošću rada u plenumu i po sekcijama u čak pet manjih sala. Pored aktivnosti zatvorenog tipa hotel organizuje i aktivnosti na otvorenom kao što su: pešačke ture, biciklističke ture, trčanje, vežbe u parku…
When Past and Present Match
zepter hotels
Zepter hotel Vrnjacka Banja
Vrnjacka Banja, unique spa well known among people as the Queen of Spa tour ism, is now richer for one great hotel. Former Hotel Zvezda, the pearl of Vrnjacka Banja’s tourism, now shines under new name Zepter Hotel Vrnjacka Banja. Zepter Hotel Vrnjacka Banja has an unique interior, protected by law as a historical momentum, it is a harmonious match of past and present time. Zepter Hotel has 120 completely renovated and well equipped rooms and four apartments. It offers to the guests: two restau rants (Zepter Smart Life Restaurant and Crystal Hall), Zepresso Aperi tiv Bar, summer terrace with view on a promenade, in which guests enjoy all kind of food and drinks. Food is prepared in Zepter dishes by applying Zepter unique way of healthy food preparation for better and longer life.
swimming pool (24-27C0), jacuzzi, sauna, massage center, Zepter Bioptron center and a new fitness center. Zepter Hotel Vrnjacka Banja is well known as a congress place with two famous congress halls – Zepter Conference Hall and Zepter Meeting Room. The capacity is 1,200 seats in thetare set up. There is also a possiblity of using smaller meeting rooms (five sma ller meeting rooms). Hotel also provides outdoor acti vities like walking tour, running, bicycles rides, trainning in the park…
At Zepter Hotel Vrnjacka Banja gu ests enjoy usage of indoor thermal
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
ICCA statistika 2017
Mađarska prva u regionu kao kongresna destinacija Prema ICCA statističkom izveštaju za 2017. godinu, koji se kreira na osnovu broja održanih kongresa na svetskom nivou i broja učesnika na tim događajima, a koristi se za rangiranje zemalja i gradova u kongresnoj industriji, Mađarska je, zajedno sa Budimpeštom, i dalje visoko kotirana u svetu – nalazi se na 27. mestu sa ukupno 159 održanih međunarodnih kongresa, što predstavlja napredak u odnosu na prošlu godinu kada je bila na 33. mestu sa 129 događaja.
Budimpešta je ponovo napredovala četiri mesta – sa 16. pozicije sa 108 kongresa na 12. mesto i 128 kongresa.
Što se tiče gradova, svakako je najupečatljivije Sarajevo, čija je pozicija lošija za čak 60 mesta u odnosu na ranije.
Promene u regionu uglavnom pokazuju napredak. Protekle godine su većinom imale lagan pad, ali se u ovoj godini situacija znatno izmenila na bolje. Države sa najprimetnijim pozitivnim promenama su Makedonija sa skokom za 19, Bosna i Hercegovina za 12 i Crna Gora za 10 mesta.
Hrvatska je napredovala, i sa 43. mesta i 75 organizovanih događaja došla je na 38. poziciju i čak 102 događaja. U glavnom gradu Hrvatske, Zagrebu, situacija je bolja za čak 25 mesta – sada se nalazi na 56. poziciji sa 44 sastanka, dok je pre godinu dana bio na 81. poziciji sa 32 sastanka. U Dubrovniku je
Rang na ICCA svetskoj listi (2017)
Broj održanih kongresa
Crna Gora
Bosna i Hercegovina
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
i n d u s t r i j a organizovan 31 kongres, pa se sada nalazi na 84. poziciji, dok je lane bio na 134. mestu sa 19 sastanka. Sledeća na listi u regionu je Srbija koja se takođe popela na rang listi – za 6 mesta i 5 sastanka više u odnosu na prošlu godinu, pa je na poziciji 42 sa ukupno 71 kongresom. Beograd je, što se tiče gradova u regionu, na drugom mestu, odmah iza Budumpešte, sa organizovanim 51 sastanakom. U odnosu na prošlu rang listu, nap redovao je devet mesta, ali je imao samo jedan događaj manje. Novi Sad je pre godinu dana imao 9 sastanaka i bio na 279. poziciji, dok je sada na 325. mestu sa 7 me đunarodnih događaja. Sa 45. mesta i 69 kongresa, Rumu nija kao destinacija je došla na 43. sa 70 kongresa. Bukurešt, glavni grad, napredovao je čak 16 mesta na rang listi pa se sad nalazi na po-
ziciji 65 sa ukupno 39 međunarodnih sastanaka, 7 više u odnosu na prošlogodišnju listu. Odmah nakon Rumunije, dolazi Slovenija, koja je doživela pad za jedno mesto i na poziciji je 45 sa 68 međunarodna događaja. Prošle godine bila je na 44. uz 73 organizovana događaja. Ljubljana kao destinacija ove godi ne je pala za devet mesta pa se vodi na 56. poziciji sa 44 kongresa dok ih je pre godinu dana bilo 10 više. Bugarska se nalazi na 61. mestu i 34 međunarodna događaja, što je napredak za tri mesta i tri kongresa u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Kada govorimo o Sofiji, ona je sa 186. mesta i 14 sastanaka, koliko ih je bilo u protekloj godini, sada na 130. sa 21 konferencijom. U Crnoj Gori bilo je 13 kongresa, te se nalazi na 82. mestu, što predstavlja skok u poređenju sa statistikom od prošle godine kada je bila na 92. mestu sa 8 kongresa.
Podgorica je na 358. poziciji sa 6 međunarodnih događaja dok se Budva nalazi se na 406. sa 5 sastanaka. Na 89. mestu sa 11 organizovanih kongresa nalazi se Bosna i Herce govina, dok je protekle godine bila na 77. poziciji i 13 kongresa – pad za 12 mesta. Grad sa najvećim padom u regionu, Sarajevo, sada je na 299. mestu i 8 sastanaka dok je lane bio za 60 pozicija bolji, ali sa samo 3 sastanka više. Makedonija je sada u osetno boljoj poziciji – na 94. mestu sa 10 doga đaja, u odnosu na proteklu godinu kada je bila na 113. mestu i samo 5 događaja međunarodnog tipa. Skoplje kao grad je na 358. mestu gde je bilo održano 6 sastanaka, dok se protekle godine nalazio na 373. mestu sa 5 sastanaka. Mirjana Jokić
ICCA Statistics 2017
Hungary Beats the Region as a MICE Destination According to the ICCA Statistics Report for 2017 – prepared based on the number of meetings held worldwide and the number of attendees at these events and used to rank countries and cities in the MICE industry – Hungary, with its capital Budapest, still ranks high in the world: It comes in 27th with a total of 159 international conv entions, which is a step forward compared with last year when it ranked 33rd with 129 events.
Budapest jumped four spots once again – from the 16th with 108 congresses to the 12th with 128 congresses.
Herzegovina 12, and Montenegro 10. As for the cities, Sarajevo certainly saw the biggest change, dropping as many as 60 spots.
The changes in the region are mos tly showing progress. Last year saw a slight decline, but this year the situation changed considerably for the better. The countries with the most visible positive changes include Macedonia jumping 19 spots, Bosnia and
Croatia advanced from the 43rd place and 75 events to the 38th spot and as many as 102 events. Croatia’s capital Zagreb changed for the better by 25 spots – it is now 56th with 44 events, while a year ago it was 81st with 32 meet ing events. Dubrovnik saw 31 con
ICCA World Rank (2017)
No. of held conventions
Novi Sad
th th th th th th
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
i n d u s t r y ventions, ending up at 84th, while last year it stood at 134th with 19 meetings.
spot with 39 international events – seven more in comparison with last year.
Next on the regional list is Serbia, which also climbed up by six spots and five events more than last year, and now holds the 42nd place with a total of 71 conventions. Belgrade – as far as regional cities go – takes second place, right be hind Budapest, with 51 meetings. Compared to the previous rankings, the city advanced by nine spots but had only one event less. Novi Sad had nine events one year ago and held the 279th position, while now it takes 325th with seven international events.
Just behind Romania is Slovenia, which dropped by one spot and placed 45th with 68 international events. Last year it placed 44th with 73 events. As a destination, this ye ar Ljubljana fell by nine places, now ranking 56th with 44 conventions, while a year ago it had ten more.
From last year’s 45th place and 69 conventions, Romania moved do wn to 43rd with 70 conventions. Bucharest, the country’s capital, ad vanced by as many as 16 places on the list, and it now holds the 65th
Bulgaria is ranked 61st with 34 international events, which means it went up three spots and three conventions compared with last year. When it comes to Sofia, from the 186th place with 14 events in the past year, it now placed 130th with 21 conferences. Thirteen conventions took place in Montenegro, making it 82nd, which is a jump compared with the statistics from last year when
it placed 98th with six conventions. Podgorica placed 358th with six international events, while Budva is at 406th with five meetings. Spot no. 89 with 11 conventions belongs to Bosnia and Herzego vina, compared with last year’s 77th spot and 13 conventions – a drop 12-spot deep. The city that experienced the biggest decline in the region, Sarajevo, now placed 299th with eight meetings, while last year it was 60 spots higher, with only three meetings more. Macedonia is now in a much better position – it ranked 94th with ten events, compared with last year when it ranked 113th and hosted only five international events. Skopje ranked 358th with six meetings that took place in the city, while last year it was 373rd with five meetings. Mirjana Jokic
zepter hoteli
Hotel Zepter Drina Bajina Bašta i Vila Drina
U skladu sa prirodom Tamo gde teče moćna zelena Drina, na samo 168 km od Beograda, nalazi se Bajina Bašta. Ovu rajsku baštu na najbolji način prezentuje hotel Zepter Drina koji se svojom autentičnom arhitekturom utapa u njen prirodni sklad.
Smeštena je u zagrljaju dve reke – Vrela i Drine – obe udaljene od hotela svega dvadesetak metara.
Pored 45 standardnih soba i 29 novih deluks soba urađenih po standardu za 5 zvezdica, hotel raspolaže i kongresnom dvoranom (kapaciteta 250 mesta), kompletno opremljenom za održavanje kongresa i seminara.
Sa ovog čarobnog mesta gosti nose nezaboravne uspomene na okrep ljujući boravak i zdrav san uz huk vodopada.
Moderno opremljene sobe dodatno upotpunjuju i jedinstveni Zepter proizvodi za lepši i zdraviji život. U restoranu hotela Zepter Drina (kapaciteta 120 mesta) mogu se organizovati sve vrste svečanosti, a na jelovniku se nalaze domaći i internacionalni specijaliteti. Hotel Zepter Drina nudi odlične uslove za smeštaj i ishranu sportista tokom sportskih priprema na otvorenim terenima i u sportskoj hali koja se nalazi u blizini hotela. Za goste hotela organizuju se razni izleti po Nacionalnom parku Tara, vožnja brodom rekom Drinom, krstarenje jezerom Perućac, poseta istorijskim i nacionalnim lokalitetima ovog prelepog kraja Srbije. Vila Drina je ušuškana u bujno zelenilo Perućca, 13 km uzvodno od Bajine Bašte, u podnožju planine Tare.
Na tom mestu vodopad reke Vrelo, najkraće reke u Evropi, duge 365 metara, uliva se u Drinu.
Hotel Drina
Raskošna vila, građena između dva svetska rata, nedavno je pot puno obnovljena i pretvorena u moderan garni hotel sa 15 soba i apartmana koji sa nestrpljenjem očekuju goste da provedu svoj od mor za pamćenje. Vila Drina
Iako Vila poseduje i sopstvenu res toran salu sa 40 mesta, u kojoj se održavaju manji seminari i skupo vi, u njenom sastavu nalazi se i obližnji restoran Vrelo sa jednom od najlepših terasa na samom vodopadu. Kapacitet restorana Vrelo je 250 mesta, od kojih je 100 u samom restoranu i 150 na otvorenoj te rasi, u prirodnom okruženju kome nijedan enterijer ne bi mogao pa rirati, pogotovo ne u letnjim mese cima kada su svežina i huk vode pravi spas od visokih temperatura. Restoran Vrelo je pogodan za sve vrste svečanosti i proslava.
Vila Drina
Restoran Vrelo
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
zepter hotels
Hotel Zepter Drina Bajina Basta and Vila Drina
In Harmony with Nature Zepter Drina Hotel is located at Bajina Basta where the mighty and green Drina flows, below the breathtaking landscape of Tara Mountain, only 168 km away from Belgrade.
Hotel Drina
With 45 standard rooms and 29 new deluxe rooms equipped to satisfy 5 stars criteria, Hotel Zepter Drina offers a conference and meeting facilities (it consists of 250 seats), and it is completely technically equipped for cong resses and seminars. Fashionably arranged rooms are additionally supplied with unique Zepter products for better and longer life.
Hotel Drina
In Zepter Drina Hotel restaurant (120 seats) all kinds of manifestations and celebration can be organized, with domestic and international dishes.
Hotel Drina
Restaurant Vrelo
Zepter Drina hotel offers excellent accommodation and nutrition ser vices for sportsmen, sports trainings are possible as well on open spaces or in a sports hall nearby the hotel. Various trips can be organized wit hin the Tara National Park for hotel guests as well as boat tours on the Drina, boat trips on Lake Perucac, visits to the historical and national localities situated in this magnificent part of Serbia. Vila Drina is located in Perucac surrounded by the beauty of nature,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
13 km ahead from Bajina Basta, below the mountain Tara. It is situated between two rivers Vrelo and Drina, both rivers are 20 meters away from the hotel. Beyond the river Drina is a beautiful waterfall of river Vrelo, the shor test river in Europe (365 m). All guests keep unforgettable me mories on refreshing and recharging vacation and a good night’s sleep by waterfall sound. This luxurious villa, originally built between two world wars, has been renovated recently and transfor med into fashionable garni hotel with 15 rooms and apartments that are awaiting new guests with desire to provide unforgettable holiday. Although Vila Drina offers restau rant/meeting room (40 seats) per fectly suitable for small seminars and meetings, and restaurant Vrelo is a part of this complex. Restaurant Vrelo has one of the most beautiful summer terrace in Serbia. The capacity of restaurant Vrelo is 250 seats, 100 seats inside and 150 outside on the terrace with natural surrounding by river and waterfall, this place has unique ambience, especially during the summer where water sound and refresing air become escape from warm days. Restaurant Vrelo is suitable for all kinds of celebrations and events.
mišljenje stručnjaka
Sopstvena i posebnost drugih potiče iz osećaja ljubavi ili prepoznavanja sličnosti
„Isti, poseban, slobodan, biti samo svoj“ Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut, lajf kouč
U moru medijskih objava, ali i poruka koje na ličnom nivou razmenjujemo sa poznanicima, dominaciju zauzima vest o Nekom. O nekom ko je na određen način poseban ili o nekom, sasvim anonimnom, ko je važan samo onima koji ga vole – porodici i prijateljima. Posebne i važne okolnosti se ne događaju običnim smrtnicima, već samo važnim osobama, pa je dobro, a pre svega isplativo, kažu savremena (nenaučna) istraživanja, biti poseban! Nauka kaže da ne postoje dva ista prsta na jednoj ruci i u svetlu te činjenice, nijedan čovek na svetu nije isti. Sa jedne strane, čovek je toga svestan negde duboko u sebi i, nema sumnju da je jedinstven. Ali sa druge strane, na površini potreba velikog broja ljudi, pojavljuje se snažna želja da tu svoju autentičnost na razne načine pokazuje i dokazuje, pa ponekad i preteruje u tome. Biti jedinstven, autentičan, poseban, neponovljiv – poriv je svakog čoveka, i kao takav pripadati raznim sistemima ili grupama sličnih. Te dve potrebe – biti sa sličnima, a ostati poseban, nalaze se u osnovi postojanja. Tokom života, u svim razvojnim fazama, postavlja se pitanje na koji
način ili, možda još važnije – kojim se redom razvijaju ove potrebe i šta će presuditi u smislu prikazivanja i pozicioniranja sebe, bez obzira na sasvim izvesno prisustvo obe dimenzije? Kako znamo da je čovek veoma kompleksno biće i u psihičkom i u fiziološkom smislu, i ovo predstavlja polje gde dominira individualnost. Nećemo se osvrtati na detinjstvo, u kom svako ima naglašenu potrebu za pripadanjem, za sigurnošću, za prihvatanjem, koje se, pored emotivnog i porodičnog nivoa, zadovoljavaju i pripadanjem grupama u kojima imamo slične interese i / ili interesovanja. Mlado i odraslo doba, nakon završetka srednje škole, polaskom na fakultet i integrisanjem u društvo putem zaposlenja, usmerava nas na
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
zonu sličnih, onih sa kojima delimo određeni nivo interesa i interesova nja, sličnih socijalnih potreba, ali, najčešće paralelno, započinje razvoj potrebe, preciznije rečeno – osveš ćivanje potrebe za posebnošću. Biti poseban definitivno izaziva doživljaj da osoba može biti pri vilegovana po raznim osnovama. Ako ne donese neke konkretne privilegije kada se radi o takozvanoj „pozitivnoj“ posebnosti, protežiranost, transparentnost uspeha, svakako donosi okolnost da osoba bude primećena. Najznačajniji epilog primećenosti je anuliranje jednog od navećih strahova – straha od samoće, iako realnost to ne mora opravdati.
Biti poseban se može biti i na način koji ne doživljavamo pozitivno. U narodu poznati izrazi kao što su „bela vrana“ ili „crna ovca“, najče šće su se odnosili na ličnosti koje se ne ponašaju ili nisu u skladu sa
sto u životima drugih na neadekva tan, reći ćemo čak i – neprijatan, možda agresivan način, ističući svo ju posebnost kao neprikosnoven argument za širok spektar zahteva. Pomislićemo možda da je neko, bez obzira što je poseban, postao Psihološki autoportret posebnosti ili portret nečije i narcisoidan, pa posebnosti, kao i uvek, ima i drugu stranu medalje, će posebnost tada a to je šta se od nas, kao posebnih – očekuje i svest gubiti draž. o tome koliko je teško opstajati na tronu na koji su
nas drugi postavili, dajući nam etiketu posebnosti. prihvaćenim normama, ali su pose bni. Svi za njih znaju, svi za njih i o njima čuju, svi se za njih interesuju, čak i onda kada ih se plaše ili od neke vrste posebnosti zaziru. Biti poseban za mnoge znači sa mo to – biti primećen, napustiti anonimnost življenja koja se često interpretira na nepoželjan način. Za te osobe ćemo reći da su pose bne, samo zato što imaju neke nepoželjne osobine ili ponašanje. Neke druge osobe će, kao posebne u smislu vrlina, tražiti značajno me
I za one koji su posebni i koji sebe smatraju posebnim sa nekim konkretnim razlogom, ostajaće trag potencijalne nametljivosti i pitanja okruženja do koje mere je to prija tno i prihvatljivo. Da li neko ko je poseban ima prava i na posebna ponašanja, koja pre vazilaze kapacitete prijateljstva, kolegijalnosti, rodbinskih ili roman tičnih relacija? Ko to i zašto treba ili želi da toleri še?! Ima li neko poseban zaista dru gačija, veća prava od nekog ko se (s razlogom ili bez) smatra običnim? Odgovor se čini lakšim nego
s t r u č n j a k a
što na prvi pogled deluje, jer doži vljaj posebnosti drugih – kreiramo sami ili prihvatamo ono što okruženje nameće. Naš je izbor da li ćemo to prihva titi, podržati i ponašati se u skladu sa tim, isključivo naš. Isto tako, osećaj sopstvene posebnosti kreiramo mi, uz želju da ga manji ili veći broj osoba iz okruženja prihvati. Kako raste broj onih koji nas doživljavaju kao posebne, rastu i naši zahtevi i menja se ponašanje u pravcu podizanja kriterijuma u odnosu i očekivanja i to u smislu šta su ti drugi, koji nas kao posebne vide, spremni da učine za nas, da nam ugode ili pak – oproste. Pogled u ogledalo sopstvene posebnosti koje predstavljaju baš ti drugi, kreira, često nerealnu, sliku o nama ili bar uvid o tome šta je korektno tražiti i očekivati, a istovremeno ne pružati. Psihološki autoportret posebnosti ili portret nečije posebnosti, kao i uvek, ima i drugu stranu medalje, a to je šta se od nas, kao posebnih – očekuje i svest o tome koliko je teško
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
m i š l j e n j e
m i š l j e n j e
s t r u č n j a k a
opstajati na tronu na koji su nas drugi postavili, dajući nam etiketu posebnosti.
Kada pružimo ruku nekom ko nam sliči, nećemo razmišljati da su naše ruke uvek jedinstvene, počev od otisaka prstiju, do utiska i osećanja koje jedni Istina je da jesmo posebni, ali da širina naših u drugima izazivamo. uvida u sopstvenu i posebnost drugih potiče Pružićemo svoju ruku iz osećaja ljubavi ili prepoznavanja sličnosti. autentičnosti nekoj drugoj jedinstvenoj ruci, Da, razlike se privlače, ali sličnosti ne razmišljajući unapred da li ćemo ostaju zajedno! Zaintrigiraće nas za tu osobu ili situaciju biti (postati) različitost mnogo ranije nego slič onaj ili ona koja je posebna. nost. Najčešće će različitost biti u Toga ćemo se setiti kasnije, onog sferi osobina ili postupaka kojima časa kad prepoznamo značaj od težimo, ali ih ne posedujemo ili ne nosa ili okolnosti za sebe. ostvarujemo. Mnogo puta ćemo poželeti da budemo drugačiji, kao Pogledaćemo svoje tek rođeno oni koje doživljavamo kao posebne, dete i radovati se što liči na nas i veoma često samo zato što žive istovremeno mu, iz sveg srca po neku, za nas, nedostižnu dimenziju. želeti da bude posebno, da bude Mi ćemo ih vrednovati kao poseb bolje, lepše, mudrije, autentičnije ne, iako će za neke druge oni biti od nas samih. I vaspitavaćemo ga u sasvim obični. Flertovaćemo sa tom pravcu veoma često. sopstvenim aspektima posebnosti, Budi svoj, ali ostani moj. Budi poeksperimentisati sa mogućnostima, seban, ali mi uvek pripadaj. Za nas ispitujući granice sopstvene percep su jedinstveni i posebni oni koji su srcu najdraži. Oni koji u našim živocije jedinstvenosti i poredićemo se sa onima koji su svoju autentičnost tima imaju važnu ulogu, poseban učinili transparentnom. značaj i mesto.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
I zato, kada se zapitamo da li postoji neko ko ne želi da bude poseban, odgovor će biti negativan. Svi to želimo i svi imamo bar po nekoliko osoba koje smatramo posebnima na sasvim ličnom nivou i svesni smo da bi nas zabolelo kada i oni ne bi za nas čuvali neko posebno mesto u svojim životima. Istina je da jesmo posebni, ali da širina naših uvida u sopstvenu i posebnost drugih potiče iz osećaja ljubavi ili prepoznavanja sličnosti. Kada to razumemo, posebnost će postati ogledalo prepoznavanja sa onima sa kojima se volimo ili aspe kata koje volimo, a dobijamo od drugih, bilo da su umetnici, sport isti, šefovi ili slučajni prolaznici. Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut i lajf kouč, sa stručnim saradnicima kreira i održava tematske edukativne radionice kao i tim bilding radionice u skladu sa specifičnim potrebama manjih i većih kompanija. Za sve informacije možete se obratiti na e-mail (
expert opinion One’s Own Uniqueness and Uniqueness of Others Stems from Feeling Love or Recognizing Likeness
“Same, Special, Free, One of a Kind” Dragana Deh, Psychology MSc, Systemic Therapist, Life Coach
In the sea of media announcements – as well as messages that we personally exchange with the people we know – news about someone reigns supreme. About someone who is special in some way or about someone completely ano nymous who is important only to those who love them – family and friends. Special and important circumstances do not happen to mere mortals, but ins tead only to important people, which is why it’s good – and above all lucrative, according to modern (non-scientific) research – to be special! Science tells us that there no two fingers on one hand are the same, and in light of that, no two people in the world are either. On the one hand, people are aware of this deep inside and have no doubts about their uniqueness. But on the other hand, on the surface of the needs of many people emerges a strong desire to demonstrate and substantiate this authenticity in various ways, and sometimes they go overboard. Being unique, authentic, special, and singular – every human being feels this urge and as such belongs to different systems or groups of kindred others. These two needs – being with one’s birds of a feather and staying special – are fundamental to human existence.
Over the course of life, in every stage of development, the question arises as to how or – perhaps more importantly – in what order do these needs evolve and what prevails in terms of showing and positioning oneself, regardless of the very certain presence of both dimensions. Since we know that people are very complex beings in both psychological and physiological terms, this too is an area where individuality holds sway. We won’t be looking at childhood, a time when everyone has a pron ounced need for belonging, safety, and acceptance, which – in additi on to the emotional and family levels – is met also by belonging to groups in which we share similar interests and/or proclivities.
After finishing high school, getting into college, and integrating into society through employment, adolescence and adulthood steer us towards those that are like us, those that share with us a certain level of interests and proclivities, or similar social needs. However, most often simultaneously, they prompt – or more precisely make conscious – the need to be unique. Being unique definitely creates a feeling that the person can be privileged on various grounds. If it does not bring any concrete privileges when it comes to the so-called positive uniqueness – owing support, transparency of success – it certainly brings about the circumstance that the person
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
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gets noticed. The most important end result of being noticed is the annihilation of one of the most common fears – fear of loneliness, although reality does not neces sarily justify this.
behaviors that exceeds the capaci ties of friendship, collegiality, fam ily or romantic relationships? Who and why would or should tolerate that?! Do unique people have actually different, bigger rights than someone who is (with The psychological self-portrait of uniqueness or or without reason) a portrait of someone’s uniqueness, as always, considered ordihas the other side of the coin, which is what is exnary? The answer pected from us as unique people and being aware seems easier than it of how difficult it is to survive on the pedestal that looks at first glance others have put us on by labeling us as unique. because the experience of others’ Uniqueness can come in forms that uniqueness is either created by we do not see as positive. Widely ourselves or accepted as imposed used terms such as “white crow” by the environment. or “black sheep” commonly refer to individuals who don’t behave We choose whether we accept, or comply with social norms, but support, or act accordingly – and who are indeed unique. Everyone no one else. Similarly, we are the knows about them, everyone hears ones who create the sense of our about them, everyone is interested own uniqueness, wanting few or in them – even when they are afra many others around us to accept it. id of them or they recoil from a As the number of those who perceive us as unique grows, so type of uniqueness. Being unique to many means just that – being do our demands, and our be noticed and abandoning the havior changes in that we raise anonymity of life, which is often interpreted as undesirable. For these people we say that they are unique only because they maintain certain undesirable traits or behaviors. Some other people, unique in terms of virtue, seek a significant place in the lives of others in inadequate – or even unpleasant or perhaps aggres sive – ways, emphasizing their uniqueness as an irrefutable argument for myriad demands. We might think that someone, despite being unique, has beco me also narcissistic, and so the uniqueness loses its allure. And for those who are unique and who consider themselves unique for some specific reason, there’s a hint of potential pushiness and the question of to what extent is it comfortable and acceptable to the surroundings. Do people who are unique also have a right to unique
our criteria and expectations in our relationships, in terms of how much those people who see us as unique are willing to do for us, to please us, or even to forgive us. A look in the mirror of our own
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
uniqueness, which is precisely tho se other people, creates an often unrealistic image of us or at least an insight into what is alright to ask for and expect, and at the same time not provide. The psychological self-portrait of uniqueness or a portrait of some one’s uniqueness, as always, has the other side of the coin, which is what is expected from us as unique people and being aware of how difficult it is to survive on the pedestal that others have put us on by labeling us as unique. Yes, opposites do attract, but similarities stay together! Differences are much more likely to provoke interest than similarities. The most common differences pertain to traits or actions that we aspire to but that we do not own or take. Many times we might wish to be different, like those whom we perceive as unique, quite often only because they’re living in a dimension that is unattainable to us.
We judge them as unique, altho ugh for others they are pretty ordinary. We flirt with our own aspects of uniqueness, experiment with possibilities, testing the limits of our own perception of unique-
ness and comparing ourselves with those who have made their authenticity transparent.
a look at our newborn and revel in the fact that it looks like us and at the same time wish the child from the bottom of our hearts to be unique, to be better, It is true that we are unique, but the breprettier, wiser and more adth of our insights into our own uniqueauthentic than ourselves.
ness and uniqueness of others stems from feeling love or recognizing likeness. When we shake hands with someone who is like us, we don’t think about how our hands are always unique – starting from fingerprints to impressions and feelings that we inspire in each other. We offer our hand of authenticity to another unique hand, not thinking in advance whether we will be (or become) the one who is unique for that person or situation. We remember that later, the moment when we recognize the importance of the relationship or circumstance to ourselves. We take
And quite often we will raise the child in that dire ction. Be yourself, but stay mine. Be special, but always belong to me. To us, people who are unique and special are those who are close to our hearts. Those who play an important role in our lives, who have special importance and place. So, when we ask ourselves if there is someone who does not want to be unique, the answer will be “no.” We all want it and we all have at le ast a few people that we think are
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unique on a very personal level, and we are aware that it would hurt us if they too wouldn’t keep a special place in their lives for us. It is true that we are unique, but the breadth of our insights into our own uniqueness and uniqueness of others stems from feeling love or recognizing likeness. When we realize this, uniqueness will become a mirror for recognizing those we love or aspects we lo ve, and get from others – whether they be artists, athletes, bosses, or random passers-by. Dragana Deh, M.Sc., psychology, systemic therapist and life coach, together with her fellow experts designs and holds themed educational workshops and team building workshops tailored to the specific needs of both smaller and larger companies. If you need any information, please contact us at (
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Institut za inovacije
Ambideksternost – jednako važna za pojedinca kao i za kompaniju Zašto kompanije, iako vođene idejom da je „jedino promjena konstantna“, i dalje ne uspijevaju strateški stvarati inovacije? Razlog je jednostavan – teško je i naš um jednostavno odustane. Kako bi tvrtke inovirale, potrebno je da zaposlenici razumiju vlastiti mozak (bez obzira radi li se o top menadžmentu ili talentima). Mi, čak i kao menadžeri, nismo osmišljeni za stvaranje inovacija. Naš um čini pogreške i opire se svakom propitkivanju, redefiniranju i stvaranju. Ali naš um može biti prevaren, jednom kada razumijete osnovna načela njegova rada. Ključ je razumjeti ambideksternost na razini pojedinca, gdje se ambideksternost odnosi na sposobnost pojedinca da uravnoteži konvergentno i divergentno razmišljanje. Konvergentnim razmišljanjem odabiremo mogućnosti, dok diver gentnim razmišljanjem stvaramo mogućnosti. Različiti izbori i pro blemi zahtijevaju različite načine razmišljanja. Proces koji nam omogućava promjenu (ili balansiranje) između ova dva načina razmišljanja je ono što prof. Laureiro Martinez s ETH Zurich zove „kognitivna fleksibilnost“. Kad smo suočeni s problemima, možemo fleksibilno promijeniti način razmišljanja ili kut gledanja. To nam daje sposobnost da se odmaknemo od ustaljenog načina razmišljanja, primijenimo nove strategije ili nanovo poveže mo već pohranjeno znanje.
i izvan kompanije. Problem je što izazovi, zadaci i odluke nisu isti za eksploraciju i eksploataciju. Ključ je prilagoditi naše procese razmišljanja , tako da identificiramo same komponente problema. Za pojedinca, fokus na eksploataciju nikada nije bio problem – pošto je to naš „prirodni“ način razmišljanja. S druge strane, eksploracija se treba usredotočiti na strukturirani pristup identificiranju i propitkiva-
Konvergentno razmišljanje je pove zano s eksploatacijom, dok se diver gentno razmišljanje može povezati s eksplorativnim mogućnostima. U poslovnom kontekstu eksploa tacija se odnosi na optimizaciju i korištenje postojećih poslovnih kapaciteta, a eksploracija se odnosi na stvaranje nove vrijednosti koja se nalazi u mogućnostima unutar
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nju temeljnih načela, što zauzvrat zahtijeva značajne resurse mozga (pošto je „neprirodno“ i ne donosi kratkoročne rezultate). Svaki način razmišljanja ima svoje izazove, ali odabir i balans između njih u pravom trenutku omogućuje nam da prihvatimo sve potencijale ambideksternosti i priliku da tvrtka strateški krene stvarati inovacije. Za više informacija posjetite:
Ambidexterity - Equally Important for Individuals as It Is for Companies
Innovation Institute
Why companies, although led by the idea that “the only constant is change”, still fail to strategically pursue innovation? The reason is simple – because it is hard and one’s mind gives in. Therefore, for companies to innovate it is necessary for employees to understand their own brain (regardless whether it is top management or talents). We (even as managers) are not designed for innovation. Our mind makes mistakes and it resists focusing on questioning, redefining and creating. But the good thing is that our mind can be tricked once you understand the principles behind it. The key is to understand ambidexterity at the level of an individual. There it refers to one’s ability to balance convergent and divergent thinking. With convergent thinking we make choices, while with divergent thinking we create choices. Different choices and problems require different types of thinking. The process that allows us to shift (or balance) between these two types of thinking is, what prof. Laureiro Martinez from ETH Zurich named “cognitive flexibility”. When faced with problems, we can flexibly change our way of thinking or our point of view. It gives us the ability to break conventional rules of thinking, adopt new strategies or build novel combinations of stored knowledge. Convergent thinking is related to exploitation while divergent can be associated to exploration capabilities. In business context, exploitation refers to optimization and usage of existing business capacities, while exploration refers to creation of new value that lies in opportunities both inside and outside the company. The issue is that problems, tasks and decisions related with exploration on one side, and exploitation on the other, are
not the same. Whether it`s about exploration or exploitation, key is to adapt our thinking processes by identifying problem components and reflecting upon them. For individuals, focusing on exploitation is never a problem – as it is our “natural” mode of thinking. On the other hand, exploration should focus on a structured app roach to identifying and challenging underlying principles, which
in return require significant brain resources (as it is “unnatural”). Each type of thinking, has its challenges but switching betwe en them with recognition and reflection on the right timing to switch, allows us to embrace all the potential of ambidexterity and the opportunity for a company to strategically pursue innovation. For more information visit:
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
zanimljivost Nacrtaj se! Ali doslovno
Bitmoji – personalizovani avatari za online komunikaciju . Polako, ali sigurno, čovečanstvo se ponovo vraća piktografiji, slikovnom pismu riji najsta Prisetimo se prvih oblika komunikacije među ljudima – crteža. Zvanično u pećinski crteži na starom kontinentu, prema rečima naučnika, nalaze se na sever preko Španije, datiraju još iz doba paleolita, a istraživanje je pokazalo da su stari rnih 40.800 godina! Naučnici tvrde da su ih naslikali ili predstavnici prvih mode ljudi ili čak neandertalci. u 2018. goA kako se ova praistorijska priča uklapa kompaniju za čuli dinu, pitate se? Ako do sada niste o istoj. više o Bitstrips, evo prilike da saznate nešt su vali Ovu kanadsku kompaniju u Torontu osno iz telj prija crtač stripova Jacob Blackstock i njegov bila a je srednje škole, novinar Jesse Brown. Idej kreira i da gući omo želi, ko om svak da ovaj servis, ebno neko nacrta svoj strip bez da mu je za to potr je Brown Kako na. vešti ili nat posebno umeće, tale likova istih je avan iscrt no tada objasnio, konstant to uz ena, vrem iše prev je iscrpljujuće i oduzima pa put, ni hod pret kao nikada ne ispadnu identični nov za vu osno ravi je odlučio da sa prijateljem nap om momentu način komunikacije, koju je čak u jedn nazvao i „Youtube za stripove”. tako poseb Zvuči zanimljivo, ali po čemu su oni baš prva platfor ni, pitate se. Radi se o tome da je ovo stripove ma koja je omogućila ljudima da kreiraju e, praktično koristeći personalizovane avatare, dakl . Prvi put je strip an lizov ona pers možete da napravite nu, u TekOsti u ine, god 8. Bitstrips prezentovan 200
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Southwest. sasu, na festivalu koji se zove South by postala ije Ova pilot vrerzija je godinu dana kasn je probno la neka vrsta edukativnog softvera i poče – Bitstrps da se koristi u nekoliko škola u Ontariju ci su primefor Schools (Bitstrps za škole). Nastavni jezika, vrlo tili da se učenici, pogotovo na časovima savladavaju brzo uključuju, produktivniji su i lakše da su učeetio prim zatim o gradivo. Brown je ubrz is kako bi serv ovaj ste kori nici spontano počeli da pravili stripove i kod
z a n i m l j i v o s t kuće, van školskih aktivnosti, i za neke koje je video kaže da su bili izuzetno dobri – kreativni i puni humora. Jednostavno, ideja im se dopala, jer su glavni junaci stripova bili upravo oni i njihovi prijatelji! Slika uvek govori više od reči, stara je izreka. Naravno, jasno je, najveću popularnost Bitstrips je dobio kada je lansirao verziju za korišćen je na Face book-u, u decembru 2012. godine. Za samo pola godine, imao je neverovatnih 10 miliona korisnika na ovoj društvenoj mreži, a procene su da je
mogućnost da kreira perso nalizovane avatare i koristi ih u svakodnevnom dopisivanju porukama – u vidu stikera. Ceo svet je poludeo za ovom aplikacijom i poželeo dobrodošlicu sopstvenim emotikonima, emotikonima sa licem korisnika! To su bili Bitstrips karakteri koji su se koristili u različitim šablonima i za različite situacije pa ste mogli da izaberete kako se osećate, šta vam se jede, da prikažete radnju koju trenutno obavljate, a reči vam više nisu bile potrebne! Sve pod sloganom „Kreirajte svoj Bitmoji i budite vi gde god da krenete”. Snapchat, jedna od najpoznatijih multi-
za to kratko vreme na pravljeno preko čak 50 miliona stripova! Već u oktobru iste godine Bitstrips ste mogli da imate i na svom mobilnom telefonu u vidu aplikacije. U 40 zemalja sveta ovo je post ala aplikacija koja se najčešće download-ovala, a krei rano je preko 30 miliona avatara. Odatle se nadalje razvila ideja za ovo što ćete pročitati u narednom delu teksta. Gore pomenuta kompanija, Bitstrips, otišla je još jedan korak dalje i razvila je mobilnu aplikaciju pod imenom Bitmoji 2014. godine u oktobru. Ona zapravo korisniku daje
medijalnih chat aplikacija, videla je i prepoznala veliki potencijal Bitmoji-a i već u julu 2016. godine pripojila Bitstrips kompaniju. Kako bi se fokusirali samo na dalji razvoj Bitmoji-a, Bitstrips je ugašen i praktično prestao da postoji, a Snapchat aplikacija je ažurirana kako bi mogla da bude integrisana sa Bitmoji-em. Korisnicima je omogućeno da povežu svoje naloge između ove dve aplikacije i, nakon što to urade, mogli su da u svoje međusobne prepiske ubace i Bitmoji. Nakon akvizicije, za manje od godinu dana, Bi tmoji je dospeo na sam vrh rang liste aplikacija koje se najčešće download-uju na iOS App Store-u u nekima od najvećih zemalja sveta: Australiji, Kanadi, Velikoj Britaniji, Francuskoj i Sjedinjenim Američkim Država ma. Krajem prošle godine, kompanija Apple je iznela zvaničnu statistiku koja pokazuje da je ova aplikacija bila na prvom mestu iOS App Store-a globalno,
dok je na drugom mestu bio njihov zvanični proizvod – Snapchat! Prošle godine u septem bru su nam predstavljene nove verzije Bitmoji-ja, ani mirani 3D renderi koji se koriste u proširenoj stvarnosti (AR – Augmented Reality) Snapchat-a pod imenom World Lenses. To su zabavni avatari koji dolaze sa svojom 3D animacijom. Kada dodirnete ekran telefona, možete da projektujete svoj 3D crtani lik i smestite ga u stvaran svet, u neku od unapred ponuđenih situacija, poput vežbanja joge, vožnje skejtborda ili ispijanja šoljice kafe. Kada sami krei rate animaciju, možete je poslati prijatelju ili je postovati u svoj Story. Animacija koju ste napravili ne treba da bude duža od 10-ak sekundi i u početku je bila dostupna
samo iOS korisnicima, dok se od skoro može koristiti i za Android operativne sisteme. Počnite da koristite ovu zabavnu aplikaciju, ako već niste do sada. Pored toga što će vas, i ljude sa kojima ste u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji, sigurno nasmejati, nudi i druge, takođe zabavne mogućnosti poput Friendmoji-ja, emotikona avatara na kojima ste vi i vaši prijatelji. Sasvim je u redu da i vi ponekad podetinjite J! Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
interesting Draw and Share! And We Mean Literally.
Bitmoji – Personalized Avatars for Online Communication
g in Slowly but surely, the human kind is reverting to pictographic script, or writin le – pictures. Let’s look back on the first forms of communication between peop Old drawings. According to scientists, the officially oldest cave paintings on the Continent are located in northern Spain and date back to the Paleolithic. that And research has shown that they are more than 40,800 years old! Experts say they were painted either by the first modern people or by Neanderthals even.
istoric story Are you wondering how does this preh trips Bits of d fit into 2018? If you’ve never hear ut it. abo e mor n before, here’s your chance to lear by nto Toro in The Canadian company was founded ool -sch high comics artist Jacob Blackstock and his was for the friend, journalist Jesse Brown. The idea draw their service to allow people to create and special skills, own comic strips without needing any the time, talent, or craft. As Brown explained at over again and over rs acte drawing the same char and one ng, umi cons time can be exhausting and h is why whic last, the to character is never identical for base a lop deve to he teamed up with his friend even t poin one at a new way of communication, referring to it as “YouTube for comics.” der what Sounds interesting. But you might won the first makes them so special. This was actually te comic platform that allowed people to crea h means you strips using personalized avatars, whic ic book. can practically make a personalized com
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Austin, Bitstrips was first showcased in 2008 in val. festi Texas, at the South by Southwest an educaA year later, this pilot version became tested in tional software of sorts that was being Schools. several Ontario schools – Bitstrips for cially in Teachers noticed that the students, espe participating, language classes, very quickly started the material being more productive, and mastering the more easily. Soon after, Brown saw that
i n t e r e s t i n g students spontaneously started to use the service to make comic books at home, outside of school; some he thought were extremely good – creative and very funny. They simply liked the idea because the main characters were themselves and their friends! A picture is worth a thousand words, the old saying goes. Of course, it’s clear that Bitstrips gain ed most popula rity when it launched the version used on Facebook in December 2012. In just over a year, it had a stagge-
in the form of stickers. The whole world went crazy for the app and welcomed personal emoticons – emoticons with the user’s face! These were Bitstrips characters used in different templates and for different situations, so you could choose how you feel, what you crave, or what you’re doing at the moment – and you no longer needed words! All this under the slogan, “Create your own bitmoji and be yourself wherever you go.” Snapchat, one of the most popular multimedia messaging apps, saw and recognized the great potential of bitmoji and in July 2016
ring ten million users on the social netw ork, and estimates indicate that more than 50 million comic books were made in this short timeframe! In October, Bitstrips was alre ady available for download on mobile pho nes as an app. In 40 countries across the glob e, this app became the top downloaded app , with more than 30 million avatars created. That ’s when the idea for what you’ll read about below started to emerge. The company took a step further and developed a mobile app called Bitmoji in October 2014. This app actually allows the user to create pers onalized avatars and use them in everyday texting
acquired Bitstrips. In order to focus on the further development of bitmoji, Bitstrips was shut down and practically ceased to exist, and Snapchat was updated to integrate bitmoji. Users were allowed to link their accounts between the able to include bit were they did, they two apps and, once on, in less acquisiti the After . moji in their communication aded downlo top the than a year, Bitmoji ranked among biggest world’s the apps in the iOS App Store in some of countries: Australia, Canada, UK, France, and the United States. At the end of last year, Apple published the official
statistics showing that this app placed first in the iOS App Store globally, while their official product – Snapchat – placed second! September last year saw the introduction of new Bitmoji versions, animated 3D renders used in Snap chat’s augmented reality named World Lenses. These are fun avatars that come with their 3D animation. When you touch the phone screen, you can project your 3D cartoon image and place it in the real world or a situation template, like yoga, skateboarding, or drinking coffee. Once you create an animation, you can send it to a friend or post it in your story. The animation you created shouldn’t exceed ten seconds and at first it was available to iOS users only, while now it’s available for Android, too.
Try out this fun app, if you haven’t already. In addition surely making you and the people you communicate daily laugh, the app offers also other fun options such as friendmoji, emoticon avatars showing you and your friends. Nothing wrong with getting childish once in a while J! Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
PREDSTOJEĆI DOGAĐAJI UPCOMING EVENTS ICCA Association Meetings Programme 9 – 10.07.2018. / Ljubljana, Slovenija Association Meetings Programme (AMP) biće održan u glavnom gradu Slovenije, Ljubljani, a prisustvovaće ICCA članovi prodaje i marketinga koji pripadaju srednjem mena džmentu, gde će raditi sa međunarodnim asocijacijama i udruženjima. Biće predstav ljena najnovija istraživanja, programi pro daje i marketinga, trendovi, a glavna tema biće partnerstvo. Ideja je da iz prakse izađe „prodajna atmosfera”, ohrabri se i podstakne otvorena razmena mišljenja i iskustava.
PRIVATE MICE Munich 2018 30.9. – 4.10.2018. / Minhen, Nemačka Ovaj PRIVATE MICE Forum se organizuje samo za hotele koji se ne nalaze u sklopu lanaca i grupacija. Za četiri dana, koliko ovaj forum traje, predstavnici hotela imaće priliku da se susretnu sa 170 kupaca, 75 dobavljača, biće moguće organizovati čak 50 1-na-1 sastanaka po izboru pa će njihov ukupan broj iznositi 3.750. Kako je broj hotela ograničen, biće stvo rena intimna atmosfera koja je pogodna za uspostavljanje i građenje odnosa.
IMEX America 16 – 18.10.2018. / Las Vegas, Nevada Imex America, najveći međunarodni sajam u SAD za podsticajna putovanja, sastanke i događaje održaće se u Sands Expo kong resnom centru. Očekuje više od 3.000 dobavljača iz različitih sektora kongresne industrije – turističke agencije, kongresni biroi, velike hotelske kompanije, kongresni centri, avio kompanije, organizatori događaja i mnogi drugi. A biće predstavljeno više od 3.200 destinacija iz preko 130 zemalja sveta.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
ICCA Association Meetings Programme July 9th – 10th, 2018 / Ljubljana, Slovenia Association Meetings Programme (AMP) will be held in capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, and it will be attended by ICCA member sales and marketing mid-level managers who will be working with international associations. Newest research, sales and marketing programmes will be presented and partnership will be major theme. The idea is to discourage a “selling atmosphere” and encourage open exchanges of views and experiences.
PRIVATE MICE Munich 2018 Sept. 30th – Oct. 4th, 2018 / Munich, Germany This PRIVATE MICE Forum is designed specifically for the independent hotel sector. In 4 days, hotel representatives will have the chance and opportunity to meet with 170 buyers, 75 suppliers, and it will be possible to organize 50 meetings per supplier table which will bring up to 3,750 meetings in total. As number of hotels is limited, it will create an intimate atmosphere highly conducive to relationship building.
IMEX America October 16th – 18th 2018 / Las Vegas, Nevada Imex America, the biggest international trade show in the USA focused on incentive travels, meetings and events will be held at Sands Expo congress center. More than 3,000 suppliers from meetings industry will come together – global tou rist offices, convention bureaus, major ho tel companies, airlines, congress centers, event management specialist. Over 3,200 destination from over 130 countries all over the world will also be presented.
kongresni biro
Svetski trgovinski centar Las Vegas
Las Vegas – Svetska prestonica zabave G-din Chris Meyer, Izvršni direktor i podpredsednik prodaje Svetskog trgovinskog centra Las Vegas
Las Vegas, simbol svetske prestonice zabave. Verovatno mnoge stvari o Vegasu znate, ali evo nekih sa kojima možda niste bili upoznati. Osnovan je davne 1905. godine, a status grada dobio je 1911. Glavni grad Nevade je Karson Siti, ne Las Vegas kako mnogi misle, ali jeste najveći grad. Grad je pun svetlećih reklama, ali pošto se često menjaju, završe u Neonskom muzeju. U Vegasu možete videti šine, ali vozova nema i njima nije moguće doći do njega. One su tu kao svedoci prošlosti. Poznati znak sa natpisom „Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas“ se zapravo nalazi par kilometara izvan grada, u mestu pod nazivom Paradise. I još mnogo toga... O interesantnim temama za event menadžere i organizatore događaja, razgovarali smo sa gospodinom Chris Meyer-om, Izvršnim direktorom i podpredsednikom prodaje Svetskog trgovinskog centra Las Vegas.
sajmovi premeste u Las Vegas i da posetioci provode više vremena na sastancima i u sajamskom prostoru kada se programi održavaju u Las Vegasu. Koliko ste poslovnih gostiju imali u 2017. godini? Da li ih je bilo više u odnosu na 2016.? Las Vegas je imao rekordnih 6,6 miliona poslovnih putnika u 2017. godini. Pored toga, ova destinacija je proglašena za sajamsku destinaciju godine u Severnoj Americi 24 puta za redom prema medijskom sajtu Trade Show News Network (TSNN). Ovde se održava oko 22.000 okupljanja i konvencija godišnje, a poverenje u kongresnu industriju je veliko pri čemu nekoliko partnera širom destinacije gradi i renovira kongresne prostore.
Koje su prednosti i koristi organizovanja događaja u Las Vegasu? Nijedna druga destinacija u svetu nije evoluirala fokusirana na posetioce onako kako se to desilo u Las Vegasu. Bilo da putujete poslovno ili privatno, naši partneri iz industrije na fenomenalan način kreiraju iskustva i uspomene koje se ne zaboravljaju. Brojne su prednosti održavanja događaja u Las Vegasu. Uz gotovo 150.000 hotelskih soba i milion kvadratnih metara prostora za organizaciju događaja, Las Vegas ima najbolju ponudu za okupljanja u svetu. Istraživanja pokazuju da se broj učesnika na konvencijama povećava za 8% kada se
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
k o n g r e s n i
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Iz koje zemlje/kog dela sveta dolazi većina vaših poslovnih gostiju? Las Vegas je ugostio ukupno 5,7 miliona međunarodnih posetilaca u 2016. godini. Među međunarodnim tržištima za poslovne posete prva mesta zauzimaju
kompletnog postojećeg prostora. Projekat će dodatno učvrstiti Las Vegas kao vrhunsku poslovnu destinaciju u Severnoj Americi i omogućiće sajmovima da rastu i u kvadratnim metrima i po broju posetilaca. Očekuje se da će proširenje biti završeno u decembru 2020. godine, pre nego što počne CES 2021. Pored ovog istorijskog projekta, razlozi za poverenje u sektor uključuju i više od 15 milijardi dolara investicija za renoviranje i izgradnju preko 260.000 kvadratnih metara novih konferencijskih objekata širom Las Vegasa. Takođe, nastavićemo sa aktivnostima pos lovnog brenda Svetskog trgovinskog centra u Las Vegasu u korist svojih klijenata i partnera. Naš cilj je da razvijemo inicijative koje će podstaknuti odnose i povećati učešće na sajmovima i događajima u Las Vegasu. Pošto je glavna tema ovog izdanja perso nalizacija događaja, šta može da se vidi i uradi u Vegasu u tom pogledu?
Japan, Brazil, Indija i Kina. Ključna međunarodna tržišta za međunarodne posete generalno uključuju Kanadu, Meksiko i Veliku Britaniju. Koji je najveći poslovni događaj koji je do sada orga nizovan u Las Vegasu? Koliko je imao posetilaca? Prema sajtu TSNN, u Las Vegasu se održava 47 najve ćih sajmova u Sjedinjenim Državama. U 2017. godini, CONEXPO-CON/AGG osvojio je šampionsku titulu sa više od 250.000 kvadratnih metara izložbenog prostora, 128.000 posetilaca i 2.375 izlagača. Mesto iza njega zauzima CES 2018, koji organizuje Udruženje za potrošačke tehnologije. Januarski sajam održan je na 250.000 neto kvadratnih metara, takođe u Kongresnom centru u Las Vegasu i drugim mestima u gradu, i privukao je više od 182.000 posetilaca. Možete li nam reći nešto o strateškim planovima za ovu i narednu godinu? Organizacija LVCVA je posvećena održavanju reputacije destinacije kao najbolje lokacije za poslovna putovanja. U oktob ru 2016., zakonodavci u Nevadi usvojili su propise koji će doprineti finansiranju širenja i renoviranja Kongresnog centra u Las Vegasu. Projekat za okrug Kongresnog centra u Las Vegasu, koji je proslavio početak izgradnje u januaru 2017., obezbediće dodatnih 56.000 kvadratnih metara izložbenog prostora, nove konferencijske sale i druge sadržaje, pored renoviranja
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Sam spektar mogućnosti koje Las Vegas nudi nas izdvaja među drugim destinacijama. Na raspolaganju je fantastična lepeza opcija za organizatore događaja, uključujući jedinstvene lokacije i iskustva, ali i smeštajni kapaciteti za različite budžete. Svaka grupa koja želi da doživi Las Vegas svakako bi trebalo da kontaktira organizaciju LVCVA, koja će je spojiti sa odgovarajućim specijalistom koji može da pomogne organizatoru da ostvari svoju viziju. Uz više od milion kvadratnih metara konferencijskog prostora, ovoj destinaciji definitivno ne nedostaju mogućnosti za kreiranje događaja i iskustava svih veličina i raspona. U Las Vegasu mogućnosti su beskrajne. Pozovite organizaciju LVCVA ili pošaljite mejl – naši stručnjaci mogu da vam pomognu, a svi saveti su besplatni. Milica Novak
congress bureau
World Trade Center Las Vegas
Las Vegas – The Capital of Fun Mr. Chris Meyer, Vice President of Sales and Executive Director of World Trade Center Las Vegas
Las Vegas, the symbol of fun in the world. Probably you know some facts about Vegas, but here are some that you are maybe not familiar with. It was founded in 1905, and earned status of the city in 1911. The capital of Nevada is Carson City, not Las Vegas, as most people think, but it is the biggest city in this state. The city itself is full of neon signs and lights, but since they are replaced often, the old ones you can find in Neon museum. You can see the rail in Vegas, but there are no trains and you cannot reach Vegas by train. They are standing to witness the past. Famous sign “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas“ is actually few kilometers outside the city, in Paradise. And many more… About interesting topics for event managers and event organizers, we talked with Mr. Chris Meyer, Vice President of Sales and Executive Director of World Trade Center Las Vegas.
when shows are relocated to Las Vegas, and that atten dees spend more time in meetings and on the trade show floor when programs are held in Las Vegas. How many business visitors did you have in 2017? Is the number increased comparing to 2016? Las Vegas welcomed a record-breaking 6.6 million bu siness travelers in 2017. Additionally, the destination has been named the No. 1 trade show destination in North America for the past 24 consecutive years acc ording Trade Show News Network (TSNN). Approximately 22,000 meetings and conventions are hosted in the destination annually and confidence in
What would be advantages or benefits for meeting planners when they organize an event in Las Vegas? No other destination on earth has evolved to host visitors in the way Las Vegas has. Whether traveling for business or leisure, our industry partners do a phenomenal job creating experiences and memories that won’t be forgotten. There are a lot of advantages to holding your meeting in Las Vegas. With nearly 150,000 hotel rooms and 11.5 million square feet of meetings and convention space, Las Vegas offers the best group proposition in the world. Research shows that convention attendance increases 8 percent
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
c o n g r e s s
b u r e a u
the meetings and convention industry is strong with multiple resort partners throughout the destination developing and renovation meeting space. Majority of your business guests are coming from which part of the world/country? Las Vegas welcomed a total of 5.7 million international visitors in 2016. Top international markets for business
square feet of exhibit space, new meeting rooms and other amenities, as well as renovating the entire existing property. The project will continue to cement Las Vegas as North America’s premier business destination, allowing shows to grow in both square footage and attendance. The expansion is expected to be complete in December 2020, in advance of CES 2021. In addition to the landmark LVCCD project, confidence in this industry sector is supported by more than $15 billion in destination-wide investment in renovating and developing over 2.8 million square feet of new meeting facilities throughout the Las Vegas area. Additionally, we will continue to leverage World Trade Center Las Vegas business brand activities for the benefit of our clients and partners. Our goal is to develop initiatives that will foster relationships and increase participation in Las Vegas trade show and association client events. As cover story of this issue is Personalization of events, what can be seen and done in Vegas for this purpose?
visitation include Japan, Brazil, India and China. Top international markets for overall international visitation include Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom. What is the biggest business event that is organized in Las Vegas so far? How many attendees were there? Las Vegas is home to 47 of the largest trade shows hos ted in the United States according to TSNN. In 2017, CONEXPO-CON/AGG secured the top spot with more than 2.67 million square feet of exhibit space 128,000 attendees and 2,375 exhibitors. Coming in at the No. 2 spot on the list was the Consumer Technology Association’s CES 2018. The January show spanned 2.6 million net square feet, also at the Las Vegas Convention Center and other venues in the city, and drew more than 182,000 attendees. Please tell us something about strategic plans for this and next year? The LVCVA is committed to maintaining the destination’s reputation as the top location for business travel. In October 2016, the Nevada State Legislature approved legislation to help fund the expansion and renovation of the Las Vegas Convention Center. The Las Vegas Convention Center District (LVCCD) project, which celebrated a ground breaking in January 2017, will add 600,000
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
The sheer magnitude of options in Las Vegas sets us apart from any other destination. There is a dazzling array of options for meetings planners, including uni que venues and experiences, as well as accommodations for varying budgets. Any group interested in experiencing Las Vegas should certainly contact the LVCVA to be put in contact with a destination specialist who can assist in bringing a meeting planner’s vision to life. With more than 11 million square feet of meeting space in the destination, there is no shortage of opportunity to create events and experiences of all sizes and scopes. In Las Vegas, options are endless. Call or email the LVCVA, because our experts can help and all of our advice is free. Milica Novak
IMEX America 2018
Priprema za „okean gotivnosti“ Najveći i najiskustveniji IMEX Frankfurt do sada jedva je zatvorio svoja vrata, a IMEX tim je već usmerio pažnju na IMEX America. Posetioci i gostujući kupci od danas mogu da se prijave na internetu za osmi IMEX America. Sajam je spreman da zasija inovacijama i genijalnošću na svojoj tradicio nalnoj lokaciji, kongresnom centru Sands® Expo u hotelu The Venetian® | The Palazzo® u Las Vegasu, od 16. do 18. oktobra 2018, a ove godine MPI sponzoriše Pametni ponedeljak (Smart Monday) 15. oktobra. Ovo će biti još jedan šarenolik spektar prilika za skla panje poslova, otkrivanje novih destinacija, hotela, usluga i tehnologija, poslednjih ideja i trendova, ali i sklapanje poznanstava sa profesionalcima iz industrije. Očekuju se i inovacije koje otvaraju kako oči tako i um i koje proširuju i preokreću tradicionalne koncepte okupljanja i događaja. Jedan posmatrač u Frankfurtu opisao je sadržaj novih formata i iskustava kao „okean gotivnosti“. S obzirom na to da se IMEX America u 2018. godini prelazi na veće sale, IMEX partneri i izlagači će imati dovoljno prostora da pokažu svoju inovativnost i provežbaju svoje marketinške mišiće.
Pre sajma – 15. oktobra – MPI organizuje Pametni ponedeljak, kada će veliki broj kongresnih stručnjaka doći u Las Vegas i provesti ceo dan na događajima za profesionalno usavršavanje. Association Evening, Executive Meetings Forum, PCMA Business School i Association Leadership Forum (u organizaciji ASAE) samo su neke od aktivnosti koje će – pored bogatog edukativnog pro grama koji organizuje IMEX strateški partner MPI – obuhvatati edukativne tribine prilagođene raznolikim potrebama i specifičnim interesovanjima.
C2 International prvi put u Las Vegasu na sajmu IMEX America Iskustveni događaji prevladavaju ovogodišnjim poslovnim pejzažem, a IMEX America će predstaviti mnoštvo novih ideja organizatorima događaja koji su stalno pod pritiskom da smišljaju nove stvari i svež dizajn. Jedan od izvanrednih pobornika tih radikalnih, izazovnih i inspirativnih novih iskustava biće C2 International, pionirski stručnjaci za inovativna poslovna okupljanja. Zahvaljujući novom partnerstvu sa grupom IMEX, C2 će preseliti svoje Learning Labs u Las Vegas, što dodat no dokazuje koliko je IMEX posvećen podsticanju krea tivnosti u industriji.
Sajam IMEX America je poznat po tome što pruža brojne prilike za umrežavanje na popularnim kolokacijskim događajima, uključujući Shamrock Invitational, SITE Nite North America, Events Industry Council Hall of Leaders & Pacesetters Awards Celebration, kao i MPI Foundation Rendezvous. Registrujte se već danas i saznajte više o sajmu IMEX America 2018 na
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
IMEX America 2018
Powering Up for a “Cascade of Cool” With doors barely closed on its most experiential and largest IMEX in Frankfurt to date, the IMEX team now turns its sights to IMEX America. Free attendee and hosted buyer registration opens online today for IMEX America number eight. The show is set to shine with innovation and ingenuity in its usual setting of the Sands® Expo and Convention Center at The Venetian® | The Palazzo® in Las Vegas from October 16 – 18, 2018, with Smart Monday, powered by MPI, on October 15. There will be once again be an enormous range of opportunities to do business, to discover new destinati ons, hotels, services and technologies, to learn about the latest ideas and trends and to make connections with industry contacts. There will also be some eye-opening and mind-opening innovations to extend and disrupt traditional concepts of meetings and events. In Frankfurt, one observer des cribed the line-up of new formats and experiences as a “cascade of cool”. With IMEX America expanding into larger halls for 2018, IMEX partners and exhibitors will have plenty of room to demonstrate their inventiveness and flex their marketing muscles.
of the IMEX commitment to encouraging creativity in the industry. The show will be preceded on October 15 by Smart Monday, powered by MPI, when a vast number of meetings professionals will arrive in Las Vegas for a day full of professional development events. Association Evening, the Executive Meetings Forum, PCMA Business School and the Association Leadership Forum (created by ASAE) are among the activities which, along with an extensive program of learning arranged by IMEX strategic partner MPI, will provide
C2 International makes Las Vegas debut at IMEX America With experiential events dominating this year’s business landscape, IMEX America will showcase a wealth of new ideas to planners who are constantly under pressure to deliver new thinking and fresh design. One of the outstanding proponents of these radical, challenging and inspiring new experiences will be C2 International, the ground-breaking experts in innovative business conference. As a result of a new partner ship with the IMEX Group, C2 will be bringing its Lear ning Labs to Las Vegas, providing a further indication
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
educational sessions to suit many needs and specific interests. IMEX America is well-known for providing many networking opportunities at popular co-located events including the Shamrock Invitational, SITE Nite North America, the Events Industry Council Hall of Leaders & Pacesetters Awards Celebration plus MPI Foundation Rendezvous. Register today and for more information on IMEX America 2018 please visit
rečnik pojmova
t e r m
d i c t i o n a r y
PERSONALIZACIJA Personalizacija, u rečniku koji se koristi u biznisu i industriji organizacije događaja, podrazumeva proces koji dovodi do takve modifikacije i promena okruženja korisnika, npr. jezika, izgleda, želja, da postaje prilagođeno njegovim potrebama i interesovanjima. Suprotan proces od personalizacije naziva se akulturacija, gde jedinka postaje slična ostalim članovima društa u kom živi. CHATBOT Chatbot je kompjuterski program (ili vrsta veštačke inteligencije) koji je zadužen za odvijanje komunikacije u tekstualnom smislu sa korisnikom određene usluge. Program je kreiran tako da praktično simulira kako bi se ljudsko biće ponašalo, odnosno kako bi razgovaralo sa drugim ljud skim bićem. U najvećem broju radi se o dijalogu i koristi se kao korisnički servis ili u svrhu prikupljanja informacija. PIKTOGRAFIJA Piktografija je zapravo pismo u formi slika, tzv. slikovno pismo, najstarije pismo koje je čovek koristio. Samo jedna slika može predstavljati celu rečenicu – piktogram, a nekada čak i ceo događaj. Izraz potiče od latinske reči pictus – naslikan. Prednost ovog praistorijskog pisma je ta što se na bilo kom poznatom jeziku sadržaj može izraziti oralno jer piktogram jasno prikazuje o čemu se radi. HANDMADE I CUSTOM-MADE Veliki broj ljudi ne zna razliku između ova dva termina. Handmade je izraz koji se koristi za nešto što je napravljeno rukom, bez upotrebe maši na. Sa druge strane, custom-made termin upotrebljavamo onda kada je nešto pravljeno specijalno za nekog – po njegovim merama/željama ili za specijalnu priliku i samim tim je originalno. Ono što je istovremeno handmade i custom-made, poput npr. odevnih predmeta, uglavnom ima dosta visoku cenu. GDPR GDPR, skraćeno od General Data Protection Regulation, je regulativa o zaštiti privatnih podataka građana Evropske Unije, koja je na snagu stupila 25. maja ove godine. Ona ima zadatak da osobama obezbedi kontrolu nad pomenutim informacijama i važi za sve kompanije, bez obzira na to gde su locirane i kojom se granom industrije bave, ukoliko posluju ili rade sa evropskim ekonomskim prostorom i građanima EU.
PERSONALIZATION Personalization, in business terms and event organization industry, is used for a process that brings to modification and changes the en vironment of the user, such as, for instance, language, look, design, wishes, so everything becomes adjusted to user’s needs and interests. The opposite process of personalization is called deculturation where single person becomes similar to other members of society. CHATBOT Chatbot is computer programme (or AI) that is in charge of text communication with the user of specific service. The programme is created so it practically simulates behaviour of a human, regarding how to chat or have conversation with another human being. In most of the cases this is a dialogue and it is used as a customer and/or user service or in order to collect some specific information. PICTOGRAPHY Pictography is a type of letter in form of pictures, so called picture letter, the oldest one that man ever used. Only one picture can represent whole sentence – pictogram, and sometimes whole event, too. The term comes from Latin word pictus – painted. The advantage of this prehi storic letter is the fact that on any language content can be described orally because pictogram clearly shows what it is about. HANDMADE VS. CUSTOM-MADE Large number of people cannot say the difference between these two terms. Handmade is used for something that is made by hand only, without any usage of machines. On the other hand, custom-made we use when something is made especially for somebody – by its measu res/wishes or for special occasion. What is at the same time handmade and custom-made, such is, for example, clothing, in most cases has very high price. GDPR GDPR, shorter version of General Data Protection Regulation, is regulation about protection of private data, valid since May 25th this year. Such regulation is made so person has control over these information and it applies on all companies no matter where are they located and which industry are they in, if they are dealing with European Business Market and EU citizens.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Da li st e z na l i ?
Japanski naklon Ono što naklon znači u svetu, kod Japanaca zavisi od ugla pod kojim su se naklonili. Tako da, ukoliko nameravate da posetite Japan ponesite uglomer i obratite pažnju na sledeće detalje kako biste izbegli nesporazume. Naklon pod uglom od 5 stepeni je način da nekom poželite dobar dan, pod većim je zvaničan pozdrav, a naklon pod uglom od 30 stepeni je zahvalnost. Ako se sagnete pod uglom od 45 stepeni izražavate duboko poštovanje ili se izvinjavate.
Činjenice o medu Da li ste znali da je med jedina namirnica koja nikada ne može da se pokvari? U njemu ne može opstati većina najopasnijih bakterija, a zapravo je i najsavršeniji proizvod prirode jer se u njemu nalaze svi sastojci koji grade organizam čoveka. Da bi pčele proizvele jedan kilogram meda u košnicu treba da unesu između 3 i 4 kg nektara, što se možda i ne čini kao veliki posao, ali treba znati da iz jednog cveta pčela može da usisa samo 0,02 mg nektara.
Prvi grad na svetu sa preko milion stanovnika
Rim je po mnogo čemu bio prvi, a i ostao jedini. Još davne 113. godine pre nove ere postao je prvi najveći grad na svetu koji je imao preko milion stanovnika, dok je London taj broj dostigao 1.923 godine kasnije. Njujork je status milionskog grada dobio tek 1875. godine. Danas u svetu postoji preko 300 gradova u kojima živi i radi preko 1 milion stanovnika.
Najduži aplauz u istoriji Najpoznatiji španski tenor, operski pevač Plasido Domingo, nakon koncerta koji je održao u Bečkoj državnoj operi 30. jula 1991. godine nagrađen je najdužim aplauzom koji je u istoriji dobio jedan umetnik. Publika je bila toliko oduševljena da je na kraju koncerta bez prestanka aplaudirala čitavih 80 minuta. Na nogama! Ako mislite da se publika namučila, zamilite samo kako je bilo Plasidu.
Voda, izvor života Skoro 97% vode koja se nalazi na našoj planeti je slana ili nije za piće, 2% se nalazi zarobljeno u glečerima, tako da mi zapravo koristimo samo onaj 1% koji ostaje – za piće i sve ostale potrebe koje imamo. Probleme koji imaju ljudi po ovom pitanju nemaju, na primer, ptice albatrosi. Oni mogu da piju i slanu morsku vodu jer imaju posebnu sposobnost – mogu da izvrše tzv. desalinizaciju. Na taj način albatrosi odstranjuju i izbacuju so iz vode.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018
Bowing in Japan
What bowing means in the rest of the world, in Japans is different. So, if you have on mind visiting Japan, bring protractor and pay attention to following details so you don’t be misunderstood. Bow under 5 degrees angle is saying hello to somebody, under wider angle means more official greeting and bow under 30 degrees is being thankful to somebody. If you are bowing under 45 degrees you are showing somebody deep respect or saying you are very sorry.
Honey Facts Did you know that honey is the only food that can never be rotten? Inside honey the majority of most dangerous bacteria cannot live and it is most perfect product of the nature because it contains all ingredients that build human organism. Bees need to bring 3-4 kg of nectar in bee hive in order to make 1 kg of honey, and you may think this is not too much. But do have on mind the fact – from one flower a bee can take only 0,02 mg of nectar.
2. First City with Over Million Inhabitants
Rome was first in achieving many things, and for some of them still stayed the only one. Long time ago, 113. BC it has become the first city in the world that had over million people, while London reached that number 1,923 years later. New York gained this status in year 1835. Today there is over 300 cities all over the world where live and work over million people.
The Longest Applause Ever
The most famous Spanish tenor, opera singer Placido Domingo, has been rewarded with the longest applause in history that one artist got, when he finished his concert held in Vienna State Opera on July 30th, 1991. The audience was so thrilled and excited that at the end applauded for whole one hour and 20 minutes non-stop. On feet! If you think this was hard for the audience, think about Placido.
Water – Source of Life
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SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2018
Almost 97% of water that is on our planet is either salty or not usable for drinking, 2% is captured in glaciers, so we are practically using only 1% that is left – for drinking and all other needs we have. Problems that humans have with using water do not has bird albatross. These birds can drink salty water as well because they have special ability – they are able to do so called ‘’desalinization’’ process. This way albatross can remove and dispose salt from water.
SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · jun–septembar 2018 / June –S eptember 2018 / broj 27 / No. 27
Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 27 / jun–septembar 2018 / No. 27 / June–September 2018
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