Use of high-tech on events - SEEbtm 25

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SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · oktobar 2017 / O c tober 2017 / broj 25 / No. 25

Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 25 / oktobar 2017 / No. 25 / October 2017

tema broja:

cover stor y: h i n r e d o m U a se of n e m i r a P n a ij g o l o H n igh-Tech h te a m i j on Even događa ts Izmenite st varnost n

a bolje:

Kako da koristite Augmented Realit y na svom događa ju

D r o n:

Petar Vašeg Pan događ a ja

Change Reality for the Better:

ted How to Use Augmennt Realit y at Your Eve

T h e D r o n e:

an The Peter P nt of Your Eve

I M P R E S S U M Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Direktor: Ivan Milić Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić Urednički tim: Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić, Milica Novak Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov Tiraž: 3.000 Periodičnost: kvartalno Datum izdavanja: oktobar 2017. Broj 25 Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (4 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 3.000,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj pu­bli­ka­ ciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgo­­voran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti na­stale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije po­ trebna je pismena dozvola. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2017 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 25th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2017 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 116 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm Tiraž 3 . 000 .

Sigurno vam je nekada palo na pamet

pitanje – kako smo se zaboga, pre, kada mobilni telefoni još nisu bili u upotrebi, IKADA nalazili sa nekim? Nemoguće da smo prosto svi dolazili tačno u dogovore­ no vreme na dogovoreno mesto?! Bez mogućnosti da javimo koordinate do­k­le smo stigli, razloge (realne ili izmiš­ ljene) zašto kasnimo, i da pitamo gde na kraju da dođemo, jer u hodu onlajn pro­ veravamo review-e kafića i odlučujemo gde ćemo sesti? Možda tugujemo za „prošlim” vremenima kada smo kao deca više trčali za loptom, bili po ceo dan napolju i igrali se improvizovanim igračkama, možda i za periodom pre nastanka društvenih mreža kada smo bili primorani da se viđamo isključivo uživo sa prijateljima i porodicom ukoliko bismo želeli sa nekim da komuniciramo i da čuje­ mo šta ima novo kod njih. Možda. Ali jedno je sigurno – moderna tehnologija je tu da ostane i da zauzme još veći deo naših života. Mi, kao ni način našeg funkcionisanja, više nikada neće biti isti kao „pre”. Niti treba da bude. Sa razvojem uvek idu i promene, kojih se većina plaši, ali ih samo lideri predviđaju i pobednici prvi primenjuju.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

u v o d

Isto važi i za događaje. Da li smatramo da su događaji koji nemaju inkorporiran nije­ dan detalj gde se upotrebljava savremena tehnologija, zastareo ili nedovoljno kul? Dijapazon mogućnosti za brendiranje, dizajn, registraciju, angažovanje učesnika, is­ poručivanje sadržaja i znanja, postizanje WOW efekta, promociju i svega ostalog što nam padne na pamet prilikom organizacije događaja, ogroman je. Tehnologija je te mogućnosti multiplicirala. Zamišljam sve te tehnološke mogućnosti kao gomilu aksesoara za neki događaj, i kao i kada zaista uđete u neku takvu radnju, uzbuđeni ste šta sve ima u ponudi, puno toga vam se sviđa, cene i modeli su različiti, ali ako napravite pravi izbor, dobićete „ubistveno” dobru kombinaciju, koja bi bez tog aksesoara izgledala sasvim obično. Kao obična, već viđena haljina. Kao običan, već viđen, događaj. U ovom broju SEEbtm-a, imaćete priliku da pročitate pre svega zadivljujuće prime­ re upotrebe tehnologije na događajima i sigurno poželeti da što pre nešto od toga iskusite ili upotrebite na svom događaju. Ne brinite, u tu svrhu odmah možete da pročitate i naše savete, kao i osvrt na prednosti i nedostatke. Pročitajte kako Japan na prvo mesto stavlja znanje na putu ka dostizanju uspeha, među kojima je i njihov uspeh kao kongresne destinacije, zatim kako se sve mogu koristiti roboti i hologrami na događajima, koja je razlika između virtuelne i prošire­ ne stvarnosti, i još zaista, puno toga inspirativnog na ovu temu. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik

ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


s a d r ž a j

34. Roboti i cija organiza događaja 28. ni Kongres na: biro Japa Znanje –dut glavni a 68. n! Dobar da je realnost. Moje ime realnost. Virtualna

51. etar Pan Dron – P gađaja Vašeg do




Primena modernihija tehnologu u region

75. koristite Kako da om AR na sv događaju

Novosti .................................................................... 5 Događaji . ................................................................ 7 Novo i renovirano .................................................. 14 ICCA statistika 2016 – Sve veća konkurencija . ....................................... 18 CEATEC – sinonim za moderne tehnologije .......................................... 22 Kongresni biro Japana: Znanje – glavni adut ........................................... 28 Tema broja: Roboti i organizacija događaja . ......................... 34 Intervju: Dr Aleksandar Rodić – Biti robot u Srbiji............ 41

Događaj: Tehnomarket se već 10 godina vraća najboljem pogledu u gradu ...................... 58 Upotreba RFID tehnologije: Mala pomoć za velike profesionalce .................. 60 Ozbiljne investicije u MICE sektoru: Hrvatska – idealan spoj posla i užitka ............... 64 Tema broja: Dobar dan! Moje ime je realnost. Virtualna realnost. . ............................................. 68 Izmenite stvarnost na bolje: Kako da koristite AR na svom događaju . ............................................. 75

MK Mountain Resort: Razvojni pokretač kongresnog turizma . ............. 47

Agencija EURES-TIM: Napravite korak više – Otkrijte „produkcijske večere“............................. 81

Tema broja: Dron – Petar Pan Vašeg događaja . .................... 51

Tema broja: Upotreba holograma na događajima ................ 87

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Istraživanje: Primena modernih tehnologija u regionu......... 92 Mišljenje stručnjaka: Da li smo korisnici ili nas uređaji koriste? ......................................... 97 Agencija: AS Kongresni Servis – Ne pamte se obični, već odlični eventi . ............ 103 Zanimljivost: Urbansurf – spoj moderne tehnologije i sporta . ................. 105 Predstojeći događaji . .......................................... 109 Sajam: Uživajte u novim perspektivama i kontaktima na IMEX America 2017 ................ 111 Rečnik pojmova . ................................................. 113 Zanimljivosti ....................................................... 115

I M P R E S S U M Publisher, production and marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Director: Ivan Milic Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic Editorial team: Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic, Milica Novak Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov Circulation: 3.000 Periodicity: quarterly Issue date: October 2017. No 25 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (4 issues) for: - Serbia 3,000.00 RSD - abroad (4 issues) 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that ac­cu­racy of information contained in this pub­ li­­ca­tion, The Best Solutions cannot be held re­s­ ponsible for any errors or inaccuracies con­tained within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial co­nsi­gnment. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2017 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 25th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2017 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 116 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

You must have wondered at some po­

int: How in the world did we ever mana­ ge to meet with people back when we di­dn’t ha­ve cell phones yet? It can’t be th­at we ju­st used to turn up precisely at the a­gre­ed time at the agreed place?! Without the ability to relay our current co­ordinates and reasons (real or ma­deup) for being late or finally ask where to co­me, while checking online reviews of bars and deciding on one on the go? Perhaps we’re longing for the “long-lost” times when we were kids running around with a ball, spending entire days outside, and playing with improvised toys, or per­ haps for the time before the emergence of social media, when the only option of meeting with friends and family was face to face if we wanted to talk with them and hear what’s new. Perhaps. But one thing is certain – modern technology is here to stay and occupy even more of our lives. We, as well as the way we live, will never be the same as “before.” Nor it should be. Development is always followed by changes, which most people are afraid of, but only leaders anticipate them and winners are the first to apply them.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t r o d u c t i o n

The same goes for events. Do we consider events that don’t involve a single detail that uses modern technology dated or not cool enough? The range of options for branding, design, registering, engaging participants, deli­ vering content and knowledge, achieving the wow effect, promotion, and anything else that comes to mind when planning an event is colossal. Technology has multi­ plied these possibilities. I see all these technological possibilities as a huddle of event accessories. And just like when you actually enter such an establishment, you’re excited about everything that’s on offer, you like a lot of things, prices and models are different, but if you make the right choice, you’ll get a killer combination that would look so dull without these accessories. Like an ordinary old gown. Like an ordinary old event. In this issue of SEEbtm, first of all, you will read some amazing examples of using technology in events and surely wish to experience or use some of them at your own event as soon as possible. Not to worry, for this purpose we prepared some tips, as well as a look at both the advantages and disadvantages. Read how Japan places knowledge first for achieving success, including their success as a MICE destination, all the ways you can use robots and holograms at events, the differences between virtual and augmented reality, and much, much more on this inspiring topic. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams

Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


c o n t e n t s

37. Robots nt and Eve Planning

31. Japan ion Convent Bureau: ge – Knowled orte Japan’s F

54. e– The Dronr Pan The Pete vent of Your E

71. Hello! e is Reality. My Nam eality. Virtual R




Use of h in High-Tec n the Regio

78. se AR How to U vent at Your E

News ....................................................................... 6 Events ................................................................... 10 New and Improved . .............................................. 16 2016 ICCA Statistics – Increasing Competition ...................................... 20 CEATEC – A Synonym for a Modern Technology . ........................................ 24 Japan Convention Bureau: Knowledge – Japan’s Forte ................................. 31 Cover story: Robots and Event Planing .................................. 37 Interview: Dr Aleksandar Rodic – To Be a Robot in Serbia . ... 44

Event: Tehnomarket Returns to the Best View of the City..................................... 59

Research: Application of Modern Technology in the Region.................................... 95

RFID Technology for Events: A Little Help for Big Professionals....................... 62

Expert Opinion: Users or Being Used?.......................................... 100

Serious Investments in MICE Sector: Croatia – Ideal Combination of Business and Leisure . ..................................... 66

Agency: AS Kongresni Servis – Only Extraordinary Events are Really Remembered ........................ 104

Cover story: Hello! My Name is Reality. Virtual Reality. ......... 71

Interesting: Urbansurf – Modern Technology and Sports Combined . .... 107

Change Reality for the Better: How to Use Augmented Reality at Your Event . ...................................................... 78

MK Mountain Resort: Driving the MICE Market Forward . ...................... 49

Agency EURES-TIM: Going the Extra Mile – Discover ’’Multi-Sensory Dining’’........................ 84

Cover story: The Dron – The Peter Pan of Your Event ............ 54

Cover story: Using Holograms at Events . ............................... 89

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Upcoming Events . .............................................. 109 Exhibition: Enjoy a Business Boost and New Contacts at IMEX America 2017 ........ 112 Term dictionary ................................................... 114 Interesting news ................................................. 116

n o v o s t i D-RESORT ŠIBENIK POSTAO DEO SMALL LUXURY HOTELS OF THE WORLD D-Resort Šibenik postao je deo Small Luxury Hotels of the World - sinonima vrhunskog iskustva boravka gostiju spajajući najbolje destinacije, kvalitetnu uslugu i jedinstvenost svakog hotela. Ova je posebnost za D-Resort Šibenik bila podsticaj da postane član ove asocijacije jer žele da nastave da razvijaju svoj stil personalizovane usluge, kao i dodatne sadržaje koji će gostima boravak učiniti još ugodnijim. S tim ciljem ove sezone otvorio se i novi deo resorta, prostor s velikim spoljnim bazenom, luksuznim ležaljkama i restoranom u kom su kuvari specijalitete pripremali pred gostima.

ADVENTURE PARK OTVOREN NA VRDNIKU U cilju bogatije turističke ponude na Fruškoj Gori u toku su radovi na realizaciji dva zajednička projekta Nacionalnog Parka i kompanije Promont group. Za sve buduće goste koji su ljubitelji „aktivnog odmora“ koji podrazumeva or­ga­nizovanu psiho fizičku aktivnost u različitom vremenskom trajanju, koja od učesnika zahteva i fizičko i psihičko angažovanje radi ispunjavanja i savlađivanja postavljenih atraktivnih i nesvakidašnjih zadataka, na prostoru ispod Vrdničke kule u blizini Etno kompleksa Vrdnička kula otvoren je ADVENTURE PARK. Park je u vijugavom spustu od 450 m, sa preko 30 platformi za savlađivanje 30-ak smerova različite težine i visinske razlike od preko 50 m. A za one kojima prija još više adrenalina uskoro će u ponudi biti i ZIP LINE koji kreće sa Zmajevca ka Vrdničkoj kuli, u dužini od 1300 m, savladavajući visinsku razliku od 120 m krećući se brzinama i do 80 km/h.

SKY BAR U HUNGUEST HOTEL BAL RESORT NA BALATONU U Hunguest Hotel Bál Resort, u hotelu na obali Balaton jezera u Mađarskoj, na XIII spratu nalazi se sky lounge koji je do sada bio korišćen samo kao sala za sastanke kapaciteta do 50 ljudi, ali je od skoro dobio još jednu namenu, te se može koristiti i kao sky bar. S obzirom na to da se nalazi na XIII spratu hotela, gosti mogu uživati u panoram­ skom pogledu na Balaton jezero. U Hunguest Bál Resort-u gostima je na raspolaganju i zatvoren Wellness centar sa velikim bazenom, finskom saunom, parnim kupatilom i đakuzijem.

OSVEŽEN DIZAJN LOBI BARA HOTELA TULIP INN PUTNIK BEOGRAD Ovo leto hotel Tulip Inn Putnik Beograd je iskoristio za preuređenje enterijera lobi bara. Prethodni enterijer, u kom su preovladavali nežni, zemljani tonovi, zamenjen je modernijim, koji se odlikuje izrazitijim koloritom. Ova promena učinila je da velike staklene površine i obilje dnevne svetlosti, koja je glavni adut lobi bara hotela Tulip Inn, dođu do još većeg izražaja i učine atmosferu još prijatnijom. Raznim detaljima osvežene su i druge javne prostorije hotela, dok nekoliko značajnijih funkcionalnih i estetskih zahvata tek predstoji.

HOTEL CENTAR BEOGRAD NA MESTU JUGOEXPORT-A U Beogradu je počela rekonstrukcija zgrade Jugoexport koja se nalazi na Trgu Republike, te će biti preuređena u hotel sa četiri zvezdice. Kako je ova zgrada sagrađena davne 1923. go­ dine, pod zaštitom je države kao spomenik kulture pa je trebalo vremena da se obezbede sve potrebne dozvole, a fasada neće biti menjana već obnovljena. Kako je pozicija ove zgrade od 5.500 m2 u samom centru grada, hotel će shodno tome i nositi naziv – Centar Beograd. Ukupna vrednost investicije biće oko 14 miliona evra.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

n e w s D-RESORT ŠIBENIK BECOMES PART OF SMALL LUXURY HOTELS OF THE WORLD The D-Resort Šibenik is now part of Small Luxury Hotels of the World – synony­ mous for superior accommodation experience, combining the best destinations, quality service, and uniqueness of each hotel. The emphasis on uniqueness that propelled the D-Resort Šibenik to become a member of the association because the hotel wants to further develop its tailored service style. In light of this, this season a new part of the resort was opened, an area with a large outdoor pool, luxury deck chairs, and a restaurant with an open kitchen.

ADVENTURE PARK OPENED IN VRDNIK The tourist offering on Fruška Gora is being expanded as works are underway to complete the National Park and Promont Group’s project. Fans of “active vacation”- planned activities for both the body and the mind - are able to enjoy the ADVENTURE PARK near the Vrdnička kula ethno complex. The park, spreading down a 450-meter curvy slope, boasts more than 30 platforms with around 30 directions varying in difficulty and height by more than 50 meters. Those who want even more adrenaline will be happy to learn about the 1,300meter long ZIP LINE, which will soon be running from Zmajevac to Vrdnička kula, with altitude varying by 120 meters and moving at speeds of up to 80 km/h.

SKY BAR IN HUNGUEST HOTEL BAL RESORT ON BALATON The Hungarian hotel located on Lake Balaton Hunguest Hotel Bál Resort’s 13th floor is home to a sky lounge that has been used until now exclusively as a meeting room with 50 seats. However, the space has one more purpose as of recently - it can now be used also as a sky bar. Since it is located on the 13th floor of the hotel, guests can enjoy a panoramic view of Lake Balaton. The Hunguest Bál Resort also has an indoor wellness center with a large swim­ ming pool, Finnish sauna, steam bath, and hot tub.

TULIP INN PUTNIK’S LOBBY BAR GETS A REDO The Tulip Inn Putnik Belgrade used this summer to renovate the interior of its lobby bar. The previous interior, which was dominated by gentle, earthy tones, was replaced with a more modern one with distinctive colors. This change made the large glass surfaces and the abundance of daylight – the most prominent feature of the hotel’s lobby bar – become even more pronounced, creating an even more pleasant setting. The other public rooms of the hotel have been also refreshed with various details, while several important functional and aesthetic interventions are still ahead.

BELGRADE’S CENTAR HOTEL TO REPLACE JUGOEXPORT Few days ago, Belgrade will see the start of reconstruction of the Jugoexport buil­ ding, located in Trg Republike, which will be renovated and turned into a four-star hotel. The building was built back in 1923 and it is under state protection as a cultu­ral monument, so it took time to obtain all necessary permits, and the facade will not be changed, but instead only restored. As the building spread over 5,500 m2 sits in the very center of the city, the hotel will accordingly bear the name Centar Beograd. The total investment will total around 14 million euros.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope CENTRALNO EVROPSKA KONFERENCIJA O INFORMACIONIM TEHNOLOGIJAMA I INTELIGENTNIM SISTEMIMA Varaždin, Hrvatska 27 – 29. septembar 2017. godine Ova međunarodna naučna konferencija posvećena informacionim i inteligentnim sistemima (CECIIS), održava se u Varaždinu od 1989. godine. Cilj konferencije je razvijanje pristupa i odnosa između istraživača i profesionalaca koji su uključeni u istraživanja i razvoj na polju informacionih tehnologija, inteligentnih sistema i ostalih nauka koje su srodne. Naučni program uključio je veliki broj svetski priznatih predavača i međunarodnih eksperata, kao i radionice, diskusije za okruglim stolom, prezentacije novih hard­ware-a i software-a i prezentaciju knjiga koje se bave ovom tematikom. Zvaničan jezik konferencije bio je engleski.

Prostor: Hotel Turist

SVETSKI KONGRES TOTALNE INTRAVENOZNE ANESTEZIJE I KONTROLISANE INFUZIJE Temišvar, Rumunija 28 – 30. septembar 2017. godine Ovaj događaj realizovan je u organizaciji Asocijacije anes­te­ zi­ologa sa intenzivne nege iz Temišvara, Svetskog duštva int­­ravenozne anestezije Rumunije, Udruženja anesteziologa i intenzivne nege, Medicinskog i farmaceutskog Univerziteta Temišvara i Rumunskog udruženja hitne medicine. Kako je kongresu prisustvovalo preko 1.400 ljudi koji rade u medi­cin­s­kom sektoru – lekari i medicinske sestre, postao je naj­ve­ći godiš­ nji događaj u Rumuniji koji se bavi ovom granom medi­cine. Cilj kongresa jeste unapređivanje dijagnostičkog protoko­la i lečenje, a sve po najnovijim zaključcima iz internacional­ne literature, kao i integracija ovih zaključaka u praksu.

Prostor: Regionalni biznis centar

KONGRES EVROPSKE PEDIJATRIJSKE AKADEMIJE Ljubljana, Slovenija 12 – 15. oktobar 2017. godine Evropska pedijatrijska akademija (EAP) promo­ više zdravlje beba, dece, adolescenata i m­ladih osoba u Evropi. Osnovana je sa ciljem da po­bolj­­ša standarde u obuci, kvalitetu pružanja zdrav­­stve­nih uslu­ga i istraživanju kao i da zastupa profe­sionalne in­terese pedijatara na teritoriji Evropske Unije. Teme o kojima se govorilo i predavanja bila su na temu neonatologije, medicine za adolescente, neu­rologije, reumatologije, pedijatrijske kardiolo­ gije itd. Govornici i predavači na ove teme bili su iz Švajcarske, Slovenije, Engleske, Austrije, Italije, Grčke i Holandije.

Prostor: Kongresni centar Cankarjev dom

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

d o g a đ a j i SAJAM PRAKSI I ZAPOŠLJAVANJA Beograd, Srbija 13. oktobar 2017. Sajam praksi i zapošljavanja se ove godine održao 13. ok­to­bra u Galeriji Progres, a studenti završnih godina i diplomci imali su priliku da upoznaju potencijalne pos­lodavce i in­for­mišu se više o poslovima i praksama koje kompanije nude. Na ovogodišnjem Sajmu učestvovalo je više od 15 kom­pani­ja, kao što su Delhaize, Mercator, MOL, Milšped, So­ciete Ge­nerale i mnoge druge. Prateći događaj Speed dating dao je mogućnost mladima da se kroz šestominutni intervju sa kom­panijom predsta­ve na što bolji način i tako do­biju praksu ili zaposlenje. Ceo projekat je delo organizacije AIESEC.

Prostor: Galerija Progres

NETWORK KONFERENCIJA Podgorica, Crna Gora 13 – 14. oktobar 2017. godine Druga po redu Network konferencija održala se u Podgo­ rici, glavnom gradu Crne Gore, od 13 – 14. oktobra 2017. godine. Kako se radi o događaju iz oblasti poslovne prime­ ne digitalne transformacije, ove godine su konferen­ci­ji kao predavači prisustvovali vodeći međunarodni eksperti iz di­gitalnog sveta i predstavnici kompanija poput Google, Deutsche Telekom i Lacoste. Učesnici su imali priliku da, između ostalog, saznaju kako da iskoriste mogućnost digi­talne transformacije na lokal­ nom tržištu, kako da uspešno sarađuju sa influenserima, kako digital marketing utiče na potrošačko društvo kroz omni-kanale i mnoge druge stvari.

Prostor: Hotel Hilton Podgorica

PRVI SIMPOZIJUM O PSORIJAZI Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 13 – 15. oktobar 2017. godine Udruženje psorijatičara u Bosni i Hercegovini u saradnji sa Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network (SPIN) ove godine od 13 – 15. oktobra organizovali su Prvi simpozijum o psorijazi u Sarajevu u Bosni i Herce­govini. Teme o kojima se na ovom simpozijumu govorilo su imunološki sastav i psorijatična bolest, pso­ rijaza kao sastavna bolest, psorijaza u dečijem uzrasu i trud­noći, kliničke i dijagnostičke specifičnosti psorijaze i psorijatičnog artritisa kao i terapije u vezi sa ovom bo­lešću. Predavači koji su na navedene teme govorili došli su iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Irana, BiH, Ho­landije, Velike Britanije, Srbije, Hrvatske, Nemačke, Belgije, Mađarske i Italije.

Prostor: Spa Hotel Terme Ilidža

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3. MEĐUNARODNA KONFERENCIJA SVETSKE FEDERACIJE GLUVIH OSOBA Budimpešta, Mađarska 8 – 10. novembar 2017. godine Ova međunarodna konferencija, treća po redu, će se održati u organizaciji Svetske federacije gluvih osoba i Mađarske asocijacije gluvih i nagluvih osoba, u Budim­ pešti od 8 – 10. novembra ove godine. Na konferenciji će biti elaborirani različiti pristupi na temu inkluzije ljudi koji imaju ovu vrstu smetnji sa akcentom na bilingualnoj edukaciji, znakovnom jeziku u okviru porodice, komunikacijama bez barijera i novim IT dostignućima. Zvaničani jezici ove konferencije biće međunarodni znakovni jezik, mađarski znakovni jezik i engleski i mađarski govorni jezici.

Prostor: Kongresni centar Budimpešta


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9 – 11. novembar 2017. godine Sekcija za radiološku dijagnostiku Srpskog lekarskog društva i Udruženje radiologa Srbije organizuju četvrti put Kongres radiologa Srbije sa među­ narodnim učešćem, koji će se održati 9 - 11. novembra 2017. godine na Zlatiboru, u hotelu Palisad. Ovaj kongres organizovan je sa ciljem razmene znanja i iskustava na svim nivoima zdravstvene zaštite i nudi sveobuhvatan pristup radiologiji, kao multidisciplinarnoj nauci i neizostavnom seg­mentu rada svake zdravstvene ustanove i svakog oblika medicinskog delo­vanja. Naučni odbor Kongresa planira da kroz izlaganja više od 70 doma­ćih i stranih eksperata definiše odgovore na pitanja koja se posta­ v­lja­ju u svakodnevnom radu, prikaže novine u radiologiji i predstavi ori­gi­­nalne naučne radove. Takođe, biće organizovane radionice sa ciljem praktič­ne primene savremenih principa u ovoj oblasti medicine.

Prostor: Hotel Palisad

CONVENTA Ljubljana, Slovenija

24 – 25. januar 2018. godine Deseta po redu Conventa, sajam kongresne industrije, koji se održava u Ljubljani, biće od 24 – 25. januara 2018. godine. Ono što će ovaj sajam razlikovati od onih koji su održani prethodnih godina jeste koncept doživljaja Conventa-e kroz čula - sluh, vid, ukus, dodir, miris i osećaj. Za dva dana, koliko traje, izlagači će imati priliku da se povežu sa oko 170 internacionalnih i 100 regiona­ lnih organizatora događaja, a biće predstavljeno 15 različitih, novih, evropskih destinacija.

Prostor: Kongresni centar Ljubljana

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Events in the region of South East Europe CENTRAL EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Varazdin, Croatia September 27th – 29th, 2017 The international scientific conference CECIIS focuses on information and intelligent systems, and it has been taking place in Varazdin since 1989. The conference aims to develop approaches and relationships between researchers and professionals involved in information technology, intelligent systems, and other re­la­ ted fields of science. The scientific program included a number of world-renow­ ned lecturers and international experts, as well as workshops, round table discussions, and presentations of new hardware and software and books that tackle this topic. The official language used at the conference was English.

Venue: Hotel Turist

WORLD CONGRESS OF TOTAL INTRAVENOUS ANAESTHESIA AND TARGET CONTROLLED INFUSION Timisoara, Romania September 28th – 30th, 2017 This event was organized by the Romanian Society of Anes­thesia and Intensive Care, World Intravenous Anesthesia Society of Ro­ma­ nia, Association of Anesthesiologists and Intensive Care, Uni­versity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, and Romanian Society for Emergency and Disaster Medicine. Since the convention was atten­ ded by more than 1,400 people working in medicine – doctors and nurses – it became the biggest yearly event in Romania that centers on this branch of medicine. The convention aims to improve the diagnostic protocol and treatment, relying on the latest conclusions from international research papers, as well as to integrate these conclusions in practice.

Venue: Regional Business Center

CONGRESS OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF PAEDIATRIC SOCIETIES Ljubljana, Slovenia October 12th – 15th, 2017 The European Academy of Pediatrics (EAP) promotes the health of babies, children, adolescents, and yo­ung people across Europe. It was founded with the aim of improving standards in trai­ ning, health care service delivery q­uality, and research, as well as representing the professional in­terests of pediatricians in the territory of the European Union. The topics that were discussed and lectures were about neonatology, adolescent medicine, neurology, rheu­mato­logy, pediatric cardiology, etc. The speakers and lecturers came from Switzerland, Slove­ nia, England, Austria, Italy, Greece, and the Netherlands.

Venue: Cankarjev Dom Culture and Congress Centre


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FAIR OF INTERSHIPS AND EMPLOYMENT Belgrade, Serbia October 13th, 2017 This year’s Fair of Internships and Employment was held on October 13th in gallery Progres where final year students and graduates had the chance to meet potential employers and get informed about jobs and internships that were offered by companies. At this year’s fair, more than 15 companies participated, like Delhaize, Mercator, MOL, Milsped, Societe Generale and many others. Following event Speed dating gave the opportunity for young pe­o­ple to present themselves through the six-minute interview with the company in the best possible way and thus get interns­hip or employment. The project is created by organization AIESEC.

Venue: Gallery Progres

Network conference Podgorica, Montenegro October 13th – 14th 2017

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Second Network conference was held in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, October 13th through 14th. As this is an event about usage of business digital transformation, this year’s lecturers were leading international experts from digital world and representatives of companies such as Google, Deutsche Telekom and Lacoste. All participants had the chance to hear, among other topics, how to use possibility of digital transformation on local market, how to make successful cooperation with influencers, how does digital marketing influence on costumer society through omni-channels and many more.

Venue: Hotel Hilton Podgorica

1st PSORIASIS SYMPOSIUM Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina October 13th – 15th, 2017 The Psoriasis Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina partnered up with the Skin Inflammation & Psoriasis International Network (SPIN) this year held the First Psoriasis Symposium in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, October 13th through 15th. The topics that were address at this symposium include the immunological composition and psoriatic disease, psoriasis as a comorbidity, psoriasis in childhood and pregnancy, clinical and diagnostic specificities of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, as well as therapy related to this disease. Lecturers invited to speak on these topics came from the United States, Iran, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Serbia, Croatia, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, and Italy.

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e v e n t s 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE WORLD FEDERATION OF THE DEAF Budapest, Hungary November 8th – 10th, 2017 The third installment of this international conference is organized by the World Federation of the Deaf and the Hungarian Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to take place this year in Budapest, November 8th through 10th. The conference will take an in-depth look at different approaches to the inclusion of people with this kind of impairments with emphasis on bilingual education, sign language used within family, barrierfree communication, and new IT developments. The official languages used at the conference are the international sign language, the Hungarian sign language, and the English and Hungarian spoken languages.

Venue: Budapest Congress Center

SERBIAN CONGRESS OF RADIOLOGY WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Zlatibor, Serbia November 9th – 11th, 2017 The Section for Radiological Diagnostics of Serbian Medical Society and the Radiological Society of Serbia will be holding the fourth Serbian Congress of Radiology with International Participation on November 9th through 11th, 2017, in hotel Palisad on Zlatibor. This Congress is aimed at sharing know­ ledge and experience at all levels of health care and offering a comprehensive approach to radiology as a multidisciplinary science and an indispensable segment of any health institution and any form of medical activity. Through presentations by more than 70 domestic and foreign experts, the Congress’ Scientific Committee intends to define the answers to the questions posed in everyday work, introduce novelties in radiology, and present original scientific papers. In addition, the event will include workshops that will tackle real-life application of modern principles in this field of medicine.

Venue: Hotel Palisad

CONVENTA Ljubljana, Slovenia January 24th – 25th, 2018 The tenth MICE industry trade show Conventa will take place in Ljubljana, January 24th through 25th, 2018. What makes this trade show different from the past ones is the concept of experiencing Conventa through the senses – hearing, sight, taste, touch, smell, and feeling. Over two days, the exhibitors will have the opportunity to connect with around 170 international and 100 regional event planners, and the event will explore 15 different new European destinations.

Venue: Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Center


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Hotel Heritage u Beogradu otvara Rooftop restoran Hotel Heritage u Beogradu u Srbiji, najavio je otvaranje Rooftop restorana na poslednjem, IX spratu hotela u aprilu 2018. godine i time će proširiti svoju ponudu za goste. U Rooftop-u gosti će moći da uživaju u panoramskom pogledu na Beograd kao i u vrhunskim specijalitetima ga­s­tronomije, a ceo ugođaj biće upot­pu­njen različitim muzičkim te­matskim večerima. Restoran će ra­ di­ti svakog dana u periodu od aprila do no­vembra. Radovi koji se odnose na otvaranje Rooftop restorana su u toku i privode se kraju.

Novo i

RENOVIRANO Nove sale za sastanke u hotelu Courtyard Belgrade City Center Courtyard Belgrade City Center hotel, koji je deo trenutno zva­nično najvećeg lanca hotela na svetu – Marriott, od skoro u ponudi ima još dve nove sale za sastanke. Nove sale nalaze se na VII spratu hotela, modernog su dizajna sa modernom opremom i besplatnom WiFi konekcijom. Kapacitet svake od njih je do osam osoba, pa su iz tog razloga idealne za manje poslovne sastanke. Posluženje kafe, vode i sokova je uključeno u cenu. Pored ovoga, ove sale se mogu koristiti po principu „Sastanci na zahtev“, koji se u svetu već uveliko praktikuju, a od skoro su mogući i u Srbiji.


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Mostar dobija Marriott Hotel Mostar će krajem 2017. godine biti bogatiji za još je­ dan hotel. Naime, u decembru će biti otvoren Mostar Marriott Hotel, na samo nekoliko koraka od Starog Mo­ sta, u samom centru grada. Mostar Marriott će imati kapacitet od 182 sobe i apartmana, pa će tako biti naj­veći hotel u ovom gradu. Pored velikih smeštajnih kapaciteta, postojaće i osam manjih sala za sastanke, a povr­šina celog kongresnog centra biće 3.206 m2. Najveća kongresna sala može da ugosti 742 gosta, dok će ostale, manje, moći da prime do 360 osoba. Takođe, u hotelu će biti sedam restorana i barova, teretana, SPA centar i veliki bazen na krovu.

Hotel Villa Magdalena u Krapinskim Toplicama renoviran u junu Hotel Villa Magdalena iz Krapinskih Top­ li­ca je 2016. godine započeo prošire­nje kapa­citeta i preuređenje postojećeg objekta, a novo otvaranje bilo je poče­ tkom juna 2017. godine, te sada ima 24 luksuzno opremljene sobe. Proširen je i wellness koji se danas sa­s­toji od fitnessa, unutrašnjeg bazena, parne, bio, infra i finske saune, relax zone s ma­sažama, whirlpool-a s termalnom vodom, terase za sunčanje i spoljnim bazenom u letnjim mesecima. Kapacitet restorana je 60 sedećih me­s­ta i 30 mesta na terasi, a u hotelu su danas i dve kongresne sale koje se po potrebi spajaju u jednu veliku te stva­­raju prostor za kongrese do mak­ simalno 70 učesnika.

Otvoren kulturno-turistički centar Gervais u Opatiji Od aprila ove godine Opatija je postala bogatija za još jedan objekat velikih kongresnih kapaciteta, a radi se o Kulturno-turističkom centru Gervais. Projektovan je tako da zadovolji svaku potencijalnu mogućnost njegovog korišćenja, a moguće je istovremeno održavanje tri ili četiri paralelna događaja. Gervais se prostire na 4.700 m2 i ima ukupno četiri sprata. U prizemlju se nalazi klupski prostor koji može da primi oko 1.000 gostiju, na drugom spratu nalazi se Velika dvorana koja je, između ostalog, predviđena i za kongresne skupove i može da ugosti između 500 i 800 delegata. Pored ovoga, objekat ima još dve dvorane čije su površine veće od 1.500 m2.

Do kraja godine otvaranje hotela Sheraton u Novom Sadu Novi Sad će do kraja godine d­obiti pr­­vi Sheraton hotel u okruženju, a zah­va­ ljujući ostvarivanju saradnje između kompanije MK Grupe i jedne od najve­ ćih kor­poracija u svetu. Hotel Sheraton biće smešten u centru Novog Sada, prostiraće se na 11.000 m2, a imaće ukupno sedam konferen­cijskih sala sa kapacitetom od skoro 800 me­sta. Na poslednjem spratu go­stima će na raspolaganju biti i spa i wellness centar, a u okviru hotela na­laziće se i klub sobe sa posebnim benefitima za članove loyalty kluba Sheraton, za koje će funkcio­nisati i poseban concierge program.

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Belgrade’s Heritage Hotel to Open Rooftop Restaurant The Heritage hotel in Belgrade, Serbia, announced the opening of its Rooftop restaurant on the top 9th floor in April 2018, which will expand its offering for guests. At Rooftop, guests will enjoy a panoramic view of Belgrade, as well as superb gastronomic specialties, with different themed music evenings enhancing the overall mood. The restaurant will be open every day from April through November. The works related to the opening of the Rooftop restaurant are underway and close to a wrap-up.

New and

IMPROVED New Meeting Rooms at Courtyard Belgrade City Center The Courtyard Belgrade City Center, part of the officially lar­ gest hotel chain in the world – Marriott, has two new m­eeting rooms as of recently. The new rooms are situated on the seventh floor, featuring modern interior design and state-ofthe-art equipment, as well as free Wi-Fi. Each room accommodates up to eight people, which is ideal for smaller business me­ etings. Serving coffee, water, and juices is included in the price. In addition, these rooms can be used for meetings on demand, already a widespread trend in the world that is now available also in Serbia.


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Mostar Set to Welcome the Marriott Mostar is going to get another hotel at the end of 2017. December will see the opening of the Mostar Marriott Hotel just a few steps away from Stari Most, in the heart of the city. The Mostar Marriott will have 182 rooms and suites, which will make it the city’s largest hotel. In addition to its considerable accommodation capacity, the hotel will also include eight smaller meeting rooms, and the convention center’s total surface area will be 3,206 m2. The biggest convention hall will accommodate 742 guests, while the other, smaller ones will accommodate up to 360 people. In addition, the hotel will have seven restaurants and bars, a gym, SPA center, and a large rooftop pool.

Villa Magdalena in Krapinske Toplice Renovated in June In 2016, the Villa Magdalena in Kra­pin­ske Toplice started to expand its capacity and reorga­ nize the building, and with the re-launch taking place in early June 2017, it now has 24 luxury rooms. The wellness area now includes a fitness center, indoor pool, steam, bio, infrared, and Finnish saunas, relax zone with massages, whirlpool with thermal water, sun terrace, and outdoor pool in the summer months. The restaurant has 60 seats and 30 seats on the terrace, and the hotel today boasts two confere­n­ ce rooms that are combined in­to a bigger one as needed, making for a making for a convention venue for up to 70 participants.

Gervais Cultural Tourist Center Opens in Opatija This year in April, Opatija added another large-c­apacity convention venue – the Gervais Cultural and To­urist Center. The venue is designed so as to meet the requi­ rements of any prospective use, and it can accommo­ date three or four events simultaneously. Gervais sprawls over 4,700 m2 across four floors. The ground floor features a club space that can accommodate about 1,000 guests, while the second floor bo­asts a large hall that – among other things – serves to host conventions accommodating between 500 and 800 delegates. In addition, the building has two more halls with more than 1,500 m2 each.

The Sheraton to Open in Novi Sad by Year’s End By the end of the year, Novi Sad will get the first Sheraton hotel in the region, thanks to the collaboration efforts between MK Goup and one of the world’s largest corporations. The Sheraton will be located in the center of Novi Sad, spreading over 11,000 m2 and featuring a total of seven conference rooms seating close to 800 people. The top floor will offer a spa and wellness center, and the hotel will also include club rooms with special benefits for the Sheraton loyalty club members, who will enjoy a special concierge program.

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Predstavljeni novi rezultati rangiranja zemalja i gradova

ICCA statistika 2016 – Sve veća konkurencija po broju učesnika i održanih događaja Ovogodišnji ICCA statistički izveštaj za 2016. godinu, koji se kreira na osnovu broja održanih kongresa na svetskom nivou i broja učesnika na tim događajima, pokazuje manje promene u odnosu na prethodni.

Sr­bi­ji se neznatno povećao, za dva događaja, a obe zemlje su doživele pad na listi. To nam govori da je konkurencija ove godine veća po broju održanih događaja i broju učesnika na njima.

Kada se radi o kotiranju zemalja u našem regionu, Mađarska je, za­jedno sa svojom prestonicom, i dalje veoma visoko kotirana u svetu, tačnije nalazi se na 33. mestu sa ukupno 129 održanih međunarodnih kongresa, što predstavlja bolju poziciju nego prošle godine kada je bila na 36. mestu sa 112 do­gađaja. Budimpešta je čak napredovala tri mesta ove godine – sa 19. pozici­je sa 95 kongresa na 16. sa 108 kon­ gresa.

Neznatan pad su doživele i Rumuni­ ja i Bugarska, dok je Bosna i Herce­ govina skočila za 5 mesta, kao i Cr­na Gora.

Promene u regionu su neznatne, ra­ zlika je u jednom do dva mesta na rang listi, ali većinom imaju la­gan pad. Tačnije, Hrvatska i Srbija su ove godine neznatno pale na ICCA listi, za dve pozicije.

Hrvatska je sa 41. mesta i 96 ko­n­gre­ sa pala na 43. mesto i 75 orga­nizo­ vanih događaja. Zagreb je sada na 81. poziciji i 32 sastanka, a u odnosu na prošlu go­ dinu pao je 17 mesta i tada je imao 41 kongres.

Zanimljivo je da se u odnosu na pre­t­hodnu godinu broj događaja u Hrvatskoj smanjio za 11, a u


Najveći rast od zemalja u regionu, pored Mađarske i Budimpešte, do­ živela je Slovenija, koja se popela za dve pozicije sa 8 međunarodnih događaja više, a pogotovo njena prestonica Ljubljana koja se pope­la za 7 mesta i sada je preuzela vođ­ stvo u regionu, ukoliko ne računamo Budimpeštu.

U Dubrovniku je organizovano 19 kongresa, pa se nalazi na 134.

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poziciji, dok je prošle godine bio na 109. sa 25 sastanka. Odmah nakon Hrvatske, dolazi Slo­ve­nija, koja je na poziciji 44 sa 73 međunarodna događaja, što je napredak u odnosu na prošlu go­di­ nu kada je bila na 46. mestu sa 65 kongresa. Ljubljana kao destinacija ove godine je napredovala pa se vodi na 47. poziciji sa 54 konferencije, dok je prošle godine bila na 64. mestu sa 41 organizovanim sastankom. U Rumuniji se situacija nije mnogo promenila što se tiče pozicije – tre­nutno je na 45. u odnosu na pret­hodnu godinu kada je bila na 44. poziciji. Međutim, ove godine je organizovano 69 međunarodnih događaja, dok je prošle godine bila je na 44. poziciji sa 77 kongresa. Glavni grad, Bukurešt, doživeo je veći pad – te se nalazi na istom mestu kao i Zagreb, 81., sa 32 međunarodne konferencije. Prošle godine bio je na boljoj poziciji, 55., sa ukupo 47 događaja.

Srbija je sa prošlogodišnjeg 47. me­sta i 64 kongresa došla na 48. sa ukupnim brojem organizovanih konferencija 66. Beograd je sa 52. mesta i 52 kongresa, ove godine dospeo na 51. mesto i dva događaja manje - 50. U Novom Sadu bilo je 9 sastanaka međunarodnog karaktera, pa je sada na 279. poziciji, dok je lane bio na 301. sa samo 2 sastanka manje. Bugarska se nalazi na 64. mestu i 31 kongresom koji su tamo održani, dok je prošle godine bila na 61. mestu, a imala je samo jedan kongres više. Kada se radi o Sofiji, ona je sa 132. mesta i 19 sastanaka, koliko ih je bilo u protekloj godini, sada na 186. sa 14 konferencija. Bosna i Hercegovina bolje je rangirana u poređenju sa prethodnim ICCA izveštajem – trenutno je na 77. poziciji sa 13 kongresa, što je skok sa 82. mesta i samo jednim kongresom manje. U Sarajevu, gla­vnom gradu ove države, bilo je ukupno 11 međunarodnih sasta-


Rang na ICCA svetskoj listi (2016)

Broj održanih kongresa



















Bosna i Hercegovina



Crna Gora






naka i nalazi se na 239. poziciji, što je boljitak u odnosu na prethodni izveštaj kada je bio na 276. mestu i 8 sastanaka. U Crnoj Gori bilo je 8 konferencija, te se nalazi na 92. mestu, što predstavlja skok u poređenju sa statistikom od prošle godine kada je bila na 98. mestu sa 6 kongresa. Zemlja u našem regionu koja je u odnosu na proteklu godinu ima

najveći negativan skok je Makedonija. Sa 91. mesta i 8 održanih kongresa, ove godine nalazi se na 113. poziciji i samo 5 događaja međunarodnog tipa. Skoplje kao grad bio je na 373. mestu gde je bilo održano 5 sastanaka, dok ga ove godine nema u zvaničnim podacima zbog zanemarljivog broja organizovanih kongresa.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n d u s t r i j a

Svetlana Gavrić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017



New Rankings of Countries and Cities Presented

2016 ICCA Statistics – Increasing Competition in the Number of Participants and Meetings This year’s ICCA Statistical Report for 2016, based on the number of meetings globally and the number of participants at these events, re­veals fewer changes than the pre­vious one. When it comes to the ranking of the countries in our region, Hun­ ga­ry, along with its capital, is still ve­ry highly ranked in the world – it came in 33rd with 129 meetings, which is better than its last year po­sition, when it came in 36th with 112 meetings. Budapest even jumped three spots this year – from 19th with 95 inter­ national events to 16th with 108 ev­ents. The changes in the region are insi­ gnificant, the differences are one to two places on the ranking list, mostly demonstrating a minor decline. More precisely, Croatia and Serbia dropped slightly this year on the ICCA list by two places. It’s interesting that in comparison with the previous year the number of meetings in Croatia decreased by 11 and slightly increased in


Ser­bia by two international events, wi­th both countries plummeting on the list.

Dubrovnik saw 19 meetings, ending up at No. 134, while last year it stood at No. 109 with 25 meetings.

This tells us that this year’s compe­ tition is heavier by the number of events and the number of their participants.

Coming right after Croatia is Slovenia at No. 44 with 73 internati­ onal events, which is a progress compared with last year when it was 46th with 65 events.

Romania and Bulgaria experienced a marginal decline, while Bosnia and Herzegovina jumped five spots, as did Montenegro. The biggest mover among regional countries – in addition to Hungary and Budapest – was Slovenia, clim­ bing two positions with eight inter­ national events more, as well as its capital, Ljubljana, which moved up seven spots and now takes the lead in the region, if we count out Budapest. From No. 41 with 96 meetings, Cro­ atia dropped to 43rd place with 75 international events. Zagreb is now 81st with 32 meetings, taking a 17-spot fall compar­ ed with last year, when it had 41 me­etings.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

As a destination, Ljubljana advan­ ced this year, coming in at No. 47 with 54 meetings, while last year it was 64th with 41 meetings. The situation in Romania hasn’t cha­ nged much in terms of ranking – the country is now 45th, in contrast with the previous year, when it ca­me in at No. 44. However, this year saw 69 interna­ tional events taking place, while last year it was 44th with 77 events. Its capital, Bucharest, experienced a greater decline, and it now sta­ nds same as Zagreb at No. 81, with 32 meetings. Last year it was better positioned at No. 55 with a total of 47 international events.

From last year’s 47th place and 64 meetings, Serbia moved up to 48th with 66 meetings in total. From No. 52 with 52 international events, this year Belgrade dropped to 51st with two events less – 50 of them altogether. Novi Sad played host to nine meetings, now holding No. 279, while last year the ci­ty came in 301st with only two meetings less. Bulgaria ranks 64th with 31 meeting held in the country, while last year it ranked 61st and had only one meeting more. When it comes to Sofia, from the 132nd place with 19 meetings last year, the capital is now at No. 186 with 14 meetings. Bosnia and Herzegovina is better ranked in comparison with the la­st ICCA report – it is currently 77th with 13 international events, which is a jump from the 82nd spot and only one event less. In Sarajevo, the country’s capital, there were 11 international events in total, bringing the city to No.


ICCA World Rank (2016)

No. of held congresses


























Novi Sad




th th

239, which is an advancement in contract with the previous report, when it was 276th with eight ev­e­ nts. Eight meetings took place in Montenegro, making it 92nd, which is a jump compared with the statistics from last year when it was 98th wi­ th six meetings.

From No. 91 with eight internati­ onal events, this year it ranks 113th with only five international ev­e­nts. Skopje as a city ranks 373rd with five meetings, while this year the city is left out of the official data because of the negligible number of meetings that took place.

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i n d u s t r y

Svetlana Gavric

The biggest tumble in the region was taken by Macedonia.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


aktuelna tema

Najveći sajam IT tehnologija i elektronike u Japanu

CEATEC – sinonim za moderne tehnologije Ono što je Consumer Electronics Show koji se svake godine organizuje u Las Ve­gasu u Nevadi, to je CEATEC u Japanu – najveći godišnji sajam IT tehnologi­ja i elektronike. Tamo ćete pronaći svakog velikog japanskog proizvođača elek­t­ro­ nike, ali i druge svetski poznate, a služi kao platforma za prezentovanje naj­no­ vijih dostignuća u informativnim i elektronskim tehnologijama. Održava se početkom oktobra meseca u kongresnom centru Makahuri Messe koji se nalazi van Tokija, a ovogodišnji datum je bio od 03 – 06. oktobra. CEATEC je skraćenica od Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies, kombinovana izložba nap­re­dnih tehnologija, a održava se na istom mestu još od 2000.-te godine. Na prošlogodišnjem CEATEC sajmu, registrovano je 145.180 posetilaca, što daje dnevni prosek poseta od 36.295. Skoro tri procenta od ovog broja bili su „prekookeanski gosti“, a izlagalo je 648 izlagača. Sam sa­jam je po segmentima po­ de­ljen na četiri zasebne zone: Com­ mu­nity Area, Home&Lifestyle Area, Devices&Software Area i THEMED Area – pokrivajući dostignuća koja imaju primenu u oblastima biznisa, industrije i u kući. Na ovom sajmu CEATEC je nastao 2000. - te godine spajanjem dva sajma: “Japan Electronics Show” i “COM JAPAN”.


se svake godine predstave novi tehnološki trendovi u oblasti nosivih uređaja za komunikaciju, veštačke inteligencije, kompjuterskih igara i još mnogo toga iz kompanija kao što su Panasonic, Hitachi, Fujitsu i Mitsubishi. A naravno da postoje i nagrade za najbolje i najinventivnije! CEATEC AWARD su nagrade koje se na ov­ om sajmu dodeljuju za najbolje tehnologije, proizvode i servise među velikim brojem izlagača. Sudijski panel pobednike bira pre­ma akademskim, tehnolo­škim, obećavajućim za budućnost i tr­žiš­nim kriterijumima i na osnovu njih izabira one koje su najinovativniji i najsofisticiraniji u tom trenutku. Nagrade se dodeljuju u četiri kate­gorije: Inovacije koje se odnose na život i kuću, Inovacije koje se odno­se na život u gradu i dru­štvo, Inovacije koje se donose na tehno­logiju i softver i Inovacije

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

koje se od­nose na zaštitu životne sredine –„zele­ne“ tehnologije. Svi dobitnici takođe dobijaju i počasnu nagradu ministarstava Japana: Ministarstva Unutrašnjih poslova i Minsitarstva Ekonomije, trgovine i usluga. Još jedna interesantna stvar u ve­zi sa ovim sajmom jesu i CEATEC INNOVATIVE AWARDS koje dodeljuje nezavisni žiri koji čine najpriznatiji i najpoznatiji novinari Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, a koji prate polje IT tehnologija i kućne elektronike. Oni najpre daju kritički osvrt na određen proizvod ili uslugu, a njihov kriterijum na osnovu koga se odlučuju za pobednika i proglašavaju ga, jeste inovativnost i potencijalni uticaj na tržište SAD-a. Svečana dodela ovih nagrada se odr­žava za vreme trajanja samog sajma, a ceremonija se prenosi uži­ vo širom sveta.

t e m a

Na prošlogodišnjem C­EATEC sajmu, registrovano je 145.180 posetilaca, što daje dnevni prosek poseta od 36.295.

A pobednike je jako teško izabrati... Nakon što pročitate više o novinama koje se na CEATEC sajmu predstavljaju, sigurno će Vam biti jasnije na kakvim je mukama stručni žiri svake godine u oktobru mesecu. Evo nekih primera koji su nama bili najinteresantniji.

Očekujte neočekivano Kompanija Panasonic napravila je televizor koji je nevidljiv. Doslovno ga ne biste razlikovali od staklenih vrata. Dok se ne upali. Leteće papirne origami ptice koje oponašaju pokrete kontolora sa zemlje. 3D skener koji je u stanju da ske­ni­ra celog čoveka za samo četiri sekunde. Ovaj poslednji podatak ne mora da Vam zvuči impozantno. Ali, ako Vam kažemo da istom tipu skenera za to treba između 12 i 14 sekundi? Takve vrste izuma možete videti na CEATEC sajmu svake godine. Želite li da popijete šolju virtual­ nog čaja? I to postoji! Kompanija ALPS je dizajnirala upravo to ko­ri­steći haptičku tehnologiju koja korisnicima dozvoljava da dodiruju, osećaju i manipulišu stvarnim objektima u virtualnom okruženju. Izgleda kao termos veličine veće čaše za vodu i u stanju je da prenese temperaturu pića. Bilo da se radi o hladnoj vodi u plastičnoj čaši ili vrućem čaju u šolji. Dakle, ovaj termos je kablom povezan sa monitorom kompjutera na čijem displeju se može videti ljudska ruka koja takođe drži čašu. Kako se ona puni virtualnom tečnošću, osećate da se težina čaše koju držite povećava, čujete i zvuk bućkanja, a jagodice prstiju se hlade ili zagrevaju u zavisnosti od toga šta pijete. Možda je sledeće virtuelna hrana? Odlična za one koji su na dijeti J. Kompanija OMRON dizajnirala je i


na ovom sajmu predstavila posebnu vrstu sigurnosnih kamera – Family Eye. Zašto je ona posebna? Zato što ume da prepoznaje lica, gestikulaciju rukama, godine, pol, razlikuje facijalne ekspresije ljudi – može automatski uslikati bebu ka­ da, recimo, plače, a prepoznaje i pse i mačke. RoboHon, skraćenica od Robot Pho­ne, je verovatno najslađi smar­ t­phone koji trenutno postoji, a na­p­ravila ga je kompanija SHARP. Bukvalno izgleda kao robot, veliči­ ne je mobilnog telefona, staje u džep i možete ga koristiti kao i bilo koji drugi mobilni telefon. Pored ovih opcija, RoboHon može da igra, projektuje fotografije i ma­ pe, a ima i displej od 2 inča. Ok. Znali smo da postoje smart te­lefoni, ali smart ogledala? Radi se o interaktivnom ogledalu i stručnjaci koji su u kozmetičkoj industriji smatraju da ovo može

biti revolucija u šminkanju. Dakle, stanete ispred ogledala kome treba nekoliko trenutaka da skenira Vaše lice i detektuje nepravilnosti, ako ih imate – fleke od sunca, bore, bubuljice itd. Zatim analizira i ša­lje podatke u makeup štampač kome treba samo dva minuta da odštampa kombinaciju i nijansu pu­dera i korektora kojima će se nesavršenost sakriti. Upotreba: samo zalepiti na lice J CEATEC sajam bi definitivno bilo dobro posetiti jer ko poznaje na­pred­ne tehnologije bolje od Japana? Biće interesantno čitati i videti šta je od noviteta bilo predstavljeno ove godine. U svakom slučaju, jedno je sigurno – i kada pomislimo da izumi ne mogu biti čudniji, luđi i interesantniji, ubrzo bivamo demantovani najnovijim otkrićima najvećih svetskih proiz­ vođača tehnike.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

a k t u e l n a

Mirjana Jokić

Smart ogledalo

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


hot topics

The Largest IT and Electronics Trade Show in Japan

CEATEC – A Synonym for a Modern Technology What the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, is to the US, CEATEC is to Japan – the biggest annual IT and electronics show. There you will find the biggest Japanese electronics manufacturers, as well as those from the rest of the world, and the event serves as a platform for introducing the latest achievements in IT and electronics. It takes place at the beginning of October at the Makahuri Messe convention center, located just outside Tokyo, and this year it ran from October 3rd – 6th. CEATEC stands for Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies and its venue has been the same since 2000. Last year’s CEATEC had around 145,180 registered visitors, which makes the daily average of visits 36,295. Almost 3% were guests from overseas, and the trade show welcomed 648 exhibitors.

and household applications. Every year, the trade show is tas­ked with showcasing new technology trends in wearable communi­cation devi­ ces, AI, gaming, and mu­ch more co­ming from the likes of Panasonic, Hitachi, Fujitsu, and Mitsubishi.

The show itself is segmented into four separate zones: Communi­ ty Area, Home&Lifestyle Area, De­vices & Software Area, and THEMED Area, covering achievements used in business, industry, CEATEC was launched in 2000 by merging two trade shows: Japan Electronics Show and COM JAPAN.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

And of course there are awards for the best and most innovative! CEATEC AWARDS are presented at the show for technologies, products, and services that prove as the best among a large number of exhibitors. The jury panel of rates

Last year’s CEATEC had aro­und 145,180 registered visi­tors, which makes the daily ave­rage of visits 36,295. the contenders against futureproof academic and technological market criteria to choose the ones that are the most innovative and the most sophisticated at the moment. The awards are presented in four categories: Innovations in home and living, city life and society, tech­nology and software, and environ­mental protection, or gre­en technology. Every winner also receives the ho­no­rary prize awarded by Japan’s mi­nis­tries: Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Services. Another interesting thing about this show are CEATEC INNOVATI­VE AWARDS, awarded by an indepen­ dent jury panel comprised of the most acknowledged and well-kno­ wn US reporters who write about IT and home electronics.

They first give a critical review of a particular product or service, and their criteria against which they de­cide on the winner are innovation and potential impact on the US market. The award ceremony takes place for the duration of the trade show itself, and the ceremony is broadcast live around the world. And it’s quite difficult to choose the winners... After you read more about the novelties introduced at CEATEC, you will surely be more sympathetic to the hard choices that the jury faces every October. Here are some examples that we found to be the most interesting.

Expect the unexpected Panasonic developed an invisible television set. You literally couldn’t tell it apart from glass doors. Until you turn it on. Flying origami birds that mimic the movements of the person controlling them from the ground.

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A 3D scanner capable of scanning the entire human body in just four seconds. This last information might not so­und too impressive. But what if we tell you that the same type of scan­ner takes be­t­ween 12 and 14 seconds to do this? Inventions like these can be seen at the CEATEC trade show ye­ar after year. Would you care for a cup of virtual tea? It’s a real thing! ALPS desig­ ned it using haptic technology, whi­ch allows users to touch, feel, and manipulate real-life objects in a virtual environment. It looks like a thermos somewhat bigger than a water glass and it’s able to transfer the temperature of the drink. No matter if you’re having cold wa­ter in a plastic cup or hot tea in a cup. The thermos bottle is con­nec­ted via cable to a computer moni­tor, which shows the human hand holding the glass. As it fills up with virtual fluid, you feel the weight of the cup increasing in your hand and hear the so­ und of liquid sloshing around while

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

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your fingertips get cool or warm, de­pending on what you’re having. Could virtual food be next? People on diet would be thrilled J. OMRON designed a special type of security camera and introduced it at the show called Family Eye. What makes it so special? It can recognize faces, hand gestures, age, sex, and facial expressions. It can automatically take a photo of a crying baby and also recognize dogs and cats. RoboHon, a portmanteau of R­ob­ot Phone, is probably the cutest sm­art­ phone on the market, and it was made by SHARP. It literally looks like a robot, same size as the mobile phone, it fits in your pocket, and you can use it like any other cell. In addition to these features, RoboHon can dance, project photos and maps, and it has a two-inch display. OK. We all know about smart pho­ nes, but what about smart mir­ro­rs? Experts in the cosmetics industry think that the interactive mirror can revolutionize the art of makeup. You stand in front of the mirror


for a few moments so it can scan your face and detect imperfectio­ns if you have any – dark spots, wri­ nkles, acne, etc. The mirror then runs its analysis and sends the data to the makeup printer, which takes only two minutes to print the combination and shade of the face powder and concealer that will hide the skin imperfections. All you need to do is put it on your face J. CEATEC would definitely be good to visit because we all know that Ja-

pan is leading the way in ad­vanced technologies. It’s going to be interesting to read and see what novelties were re­ vealed this year. In any case, one thing is for sure – even when we think that inventi­ ons cannot get any more weird, crazy, or interes­ting, we are soon proved wrong by the latest inno­ vations of the world’s biggest technology pro­ducers. Mirjana Jokic

Smart Mirror


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


Znanje – glavni adut Japana

Sensoji Temple in Tokyo credit JNTO

kongresni biro

Kongresni biro Japana

Margaret Mann, Menadžer Kongresnog biroa, Kongresni biro Japana

Japan. Zemlja izlazećeg Sunca sa oko 130 miliona stanovnika, u kojoj je skoro 100% stanovništva pismeno. Zemlja čiji vozovi dostižu brzinu od 300 km/h, mo­ bil­ni telefoni služe i kao kreditne kartice (osaifu-keitai), a u restoranima može­te očekivati da vas usluži robot. Zemlja u kojoj je nezaposlenost manja od 4 odsto. U Japanu se deca podstiču da uče druge o stvarima koje su savladali, kako bi upamtili 90% gradiva. Takođe, deca se nakon svakog održanog školskog časa zahvaljuju nastavniku na znanju koje im je pružio. Možda je to razlog zbog kog je čak 15 Nobelovih nagrada otišlo upravo u Japan. Japan je zemlja u kojoj se znanje visoko ceni, a međusobno uvažavanje i poštovanje je deo kulture. Sve to je doprinelo da se Japan is­ takne kao lider na mnogim poljima, uključujući i kongresni turizam. S tim u vezi, o ovogodišnjim ICCA rezultatima, savremenim tehnologijama na događajima i budućim planovima, imali smo zadovoljstvo da razgovaramo sa Margaret Mann, menadžerom Kongresnog biroa Japana u Londonu. Ovogodišnji ICCA statistički izve­ štaj pokazuje da Japan i Tokio zauzimaju visoku poziciju. Kako komentarišete ove rezultate?


Japan je globalno priznat kao lider u različitim industrijama i akademskim oblastima. Zahvaljujući reputaciji koju ima kao centar znanja, on predstavlja atraktivnu destinaciju za udruženja iz svih oblasti koja žele da svoje članstvo upoznaju sa novim idejama i inspiracijom koji potiču od mnogoljudnih resursa znanja i talenata u Japanu. ICCA rang lista stavlja Tokio na prvo mesto, još tri japanska grada nalaze se u 100 najboljih, a devet gradova ove zemlje ubraja se u prvih 200 u svetu. Ovo odražava snagu japanskih re­gi­onalnih gradova i prikazuje razno­vrsne mogućnosti koje Japan mo­že da ponudi udruženjima.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Koje su to četiri ključne prednosti Japana kao destinacije ko­ja je ostvarila ovakav rezultat? 1. Znanje: Ugled japanske akademije i industrije predstavlja ogromnu prednost za udruženja. U Japanu se nalazi velik broj akademskih i istraživačkih institucija sa naprednim istraživačkim i razvojnim kapacitetima koje mogu da posluže kao uporište za događaje sa eminentnim izlagačima, inspirativne obilaske lokalne industrije i razmenu znanja na visokom nivou. 2. Kultura: Jedinstvena kultura Japana pojačava njegovu atraktivnost kao destinacije

za okupljanja koja organizuju udruženja. Iskustvo različitih kultura i dalje je jedan od glavnih razloga zbog kojih ljudi putuju na konferen­cije. Konferencija u Japanu je retka prilika da doživite stvari koje nećete naći u drugim delovima sveta: od jedinstvenih nastupa na gala večerama do interaktivnih sesija tokom pauza za kafu – japanska kultura može da prožima ceo program događaja i to privlači veći broj delegata. 3. Infrastruktura: Japan ima dvanaest globalnih kongresnih gradova koje je država prepoznala zahvaljujući njihovoj infrastrukturi i povezivosti koje omogućavaju organizaciju međunarodnih okupljanja i događaja. Organizatorima događaja je na raspolaga­nju raznovrstan port­fo­li­o namenskih kongres­ nih centara i visokokvalitetnih ho­tela. Uz pet međunarodnih čvorišta i mnoštvo regionalnih međunarodnih aerodroma, pristup iz celog sveta je prilagođen standardima dugih putovanja, a sistem brzih pruga šinkansen povezuje sve veće gradove,

što olakšava putovanja unutar zemlje. 4. Iskustvo i stručnost: Japan je bio među prvim azijskim zemljama koje su osnovale kongresni biro. Japanska turistička organizacija sarađuje sa lokalnim stručnjacima iz pokrajinskih kongres­ nih biroa i na taj način pomaže or­ga­nizatorima događaja da maksimalno uvećaju vrednost ko­ju Japan kao destina­ cija dodaje njihovim do­ga­đajima. Svaki od naših dvanaest global­nih kongresnih gradova ima sop­­stveni kongresni biro koji blisko sarađuje sa na­šim iskusnim kom­panijama za destinacijski menadžment i profesionalnim kongresnim organizatorima. Šta smatrate da je sledeći veliki tehnološki trend u industriji organizacije događaja? Mislim da tehnologija nikada neće moći da zameni sastanke licem u

b i r o

Mt. Fuji and Chureito credit JNTO

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lice, ali verujem da će najuspešnija tehnološka rešenja unaprediti angažovanost pre, za vreme i posle događaja. To može da se desi uz pomoć nosive tehnologije, kao što su nosivi komunikacioni uređaji koje je Panasonic predstavio na prošlogodišnjem CEATEC-u, ili možda korišćenjem veštačke inteligencije ili interaktivnih aplikacija. Japanske tehnološke kompanije stalno smišljaju kreativna rešenja

Pacifico Yokohama credit JNTO

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


k o n g r e s n i

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koja u kombinaciji sa potrebama industrije mogu da se razviju za praktičnu primenu. Pošto je Japan poznat po pos­ve­ ćenosti visokoj tehnologiji, da li možete da navedete naj­češće primere upotrebe mo­derne teh­ nologije na događajima u Japanu? Pored softvera koji su kreirani u cilju podsticanja nesmetane organizacije događaja, brojni prostori u Japanu koriste savremene tehnologije koje promovišu održive događaje. Na primer, PACIFICO Yo­kohama je jedna od lokacija koje su prve uspostavile tehnološku saradnju sa lokalnim univerzitetima radi poboljšanja održivosti. Pored toga, u Japanu se održava veliki broj vrhunskih svetskih sajmova i konferencija, što doprinosi usvajanju novih tehnologija. Možete li da nam kažete nešto o planovima za budućnost? Japan je 2016. godine ugostio re­kordnih 24 miliona posetilaca, a naš cilj je da pomerimo taj broj na

Nagoya Castle credit JNTO

40 miliona do 2020. godine u kojoj će Tokio biti domaćin Olimpijskih i Paraolimpijskih igara. Kongresna industrija ima ključnu ulogu u ostvarivanju ovog cilja. Gradovi širom zemlje nastavljaju da ulažu u kongresnu industriju sa novim prostorima, saobraćajnom infrastrukturom i primenjenom tehnologijom. U toku je dalje proširivanje već bo­gate ponude za organizatore događaja širom Japana – trenutno se rade novi kongresni centri i prostori u Jokohami, Nari, Nagasakiju,

Kumamotu i suptropskoj Okinavi. Posle uspešne saradnje sa vladom na implementaciji ubrzanih proce­ dura za konferencijske delegate, unapređivanju programa za oslobađanje od poreza za posetioce i pojednostavljivanju viznog režima, Japanska turistička organizacija sada blisko sarađuje sa gradovima na otvaranju važnih kulturnih lokacija za korišćenje kao jedinstvenih prostora koji će upoznati delegate sa Japanom. Mirjana Jokić

Makuhari Messe credit JNTO


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

convention bureau

Japan Convention Bureau

Tokyo credit JNTO

Knowledge – Japan’s Forte

Margaret Mann, Convention Manager, Japan Convention Bureau

Japan. Land of the Rising Sun. With a population of around 130 million people, the country boasts a literacy rate at near 100%. Trains run at speeds of up to 300 km/h, cell phones are used as credit cards (osaifu-keitai), and many restaurants have robots serving their patrons. The national unemployment rate falls below four percent. Children in Japan are encouraged to transfer the skills they acquire to their peers, which helps them to remember 90% of the curriculum. In addition, after each class children thank their teachers for the knowledge th­ey were passed on. This just might be the reason why as many as 15 Nobel Pri­zes found their home in Japan. In Japan, competence is highly re­garded, and mutual respect and esteem are part of the culture. All this helped to Japan taking the lead in many fields, including the MICE industry. In light of this, we had the pleasu­re to discuss this year’s ICCA results, state-of-the-art technology in ev­ent planning, and plans for the future with Margaret Mann, Mana­ger at the Japan Convention Bure­au in London. This year’s ICCA statistic report shows that Japan and Tokyo are very high ranked. Could You please comment those results?

Japan is a well-respected globally as a leader in a diverse range of industries and academic fields. Its reputation as a knowledge hub makes it an attractive destination for associations from all fields se­ eking to expose their membership to new ideas and inspiration from Japan’s pool of knowledge and ta­lent. If you look at the ICCA ran­ kings, you’ll also notice that while Tokyo ranks highest in the ICCA ra­nkings, Japan has three cities in the top 100 and nine cities in the top 200 globally. This illustrates the strength of Japan’s regional cities and showcases the diverse options that Japan can offer associations.

What do you consider as a 4 ma­in advantages of Japan as a destination for achieving such a result? 1. Knowledge: Japan’s academic and industry reputation is a hu­ge advantage for associati­ ons. Japan is home to highconcentrations of academic and research institutions with advanced R&D capabilities that can support events with res­ pected speakers, inspirational tours of local industry, and highlevel knowledge exchange. 2. Culture: Japan’s unique culture contributes to its attractiveness

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


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as a destination for as­sociati­ on meetings. Experiences a dif­ferent culture is still a key rea­ son why people travel to at­tend conferences. Attending a conference in Ja­p­an is a rare opportunity to experience things that c­annot be found anywhere else in the world; from unique performanc­es at gala dinners to interactiv­e sessions during coffee b­reaks, Japanese culture can be in­cor­­po­ra­ted throughout a m­eeting program to attract higher delegate levels. 3. Infrastructure: Japan has twelve Global MICE Cities which have been recognized by the govern­ ment as having the infrastructu­ re and connectivity to host inter­ national meetings and events. Meeting planners have a diverse portfolio of purpose-built convention centres and high quality hotels to choose from. With five international hubs and many other regional internatio­ nal airports, access from around the world is convenient by long-haul standards, and the

high-speed shinkansen (bullet train) system connects all major cities making domestic travel easy. 4. Experience & Expertise: Japan was one of the first Asian coun­ tries to establish a convention bureau. The Japan National To­urism Organization works in coordination with the local experts of our municipal convention bureaus to help support meeting planners to maximize the value Japan as a destination can add to their events. Each of our twelve global MI­ CE cities have a professional convention bureau who work closely with our highly experi­ enced DMCs and PCOs. In your opinion, what is the next big technology trend in event industry? I don’t think technology will ever replace face-to-face meetings, but I think the most successful technology will enhance engagement be­fo­ re, during and after meetings.

This might be through wearable technology, like the human body communication devises launc­h­ ed by Panasonic at least year’s CEATEC, or perhaps through AI or interactive apps. Japanese tech companies are always coming up with creative solutions that the industry needs can develop into practical applications. Since Japan is the country known for its Hi-Tech appro­ ach, can you share with us what are the most common use of modern technologies at events in Japan? In addition to the software that is developed to encourage the smooth organization of events, many Japanese venues are using modern technology to encourage sustainable meetings. For example, venues like the PACIFICO Yokohama have pioneered technology partnerships with local universities to improve sustainability. Japan also develops many of the top technology trade fairs and

Kiyomizudera Temple Autumn in Kyoto credit JNTO


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

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conferences in the world, which helps encourage the adoption of new technology. Could You tell us about the future plans? Japan welcomed a record 24 mil­ lion visitors in 2016 and we aim to increase that to 40 million by 2020, the year Tokyo will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The meetings industry plays a key role in this goal. Cities throughout the country are continuing to invest in the meeting industry, with new venues, transportation infrastructure and applicable technology. Further increasing the wealth of options for meeting planners throughout Japan, new convention centres and venues are currently in the works for Yokohama, Nara, Naga­saki, Kumamoto, and subtropi-

Osaka Dotombori Cruise credit Osaka Government Tourism Bureau and JNTO

cal Okinawa. After successfully working with the government to implement fast-track immigration lanes for conference delegates, im­prove tax exemption programs for visitors and relax visa requirements, the Japan National Tourism

Organization is also working close­ly with our cities to open up important cultural properties for use as unique venues to showcase Japan for meeting delegates.

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Mirjana Jokic


tema broja

May the Force Be with You!

Roboti i organizacija događaja Kada bi Vas neko danas pitao šta su roboti, sigurni smo da biste znali odgovor na ovo pitanje. To su elektro – mehaničke jedinice, koje po nekom programu, ili pod kontrolom čoveka izvode određene radnje i zadatke. Reklo bi se da se radi o neče­mu što bi se usko povezalo sa modernim dobom. Ali, stvari stoje drugači­je. Ideja o robotima, zapravo, vuče svoje korene još iz do­ba antike. Koncept veštačke inteligencije po­ti­če još od prvog kralja i osnivača Te­be, Kadma, grada u Beotiji u cen­ tral­noj Grčkoj. Legenda kaže da je posejao zub zmaja iz kog je izrastao vojnik. Još jedan od mitova kaže da je Pigmalionova statua Galitea oživela. Grčki Bog Hefest je od zlata napravio mehaničke sluškinje. Primera ima još, jer su mnoge priče iz antičke mitologije zasnovane upravo na idejama o robotima.

Prvi eksperimentalni primerci robo­ta napravljeni su na američkim uni­ver­zitetima četrdesetih godina prošlog veka, a njihovu komercijalnu proizvodnju započeli su George Devol i Joseph Engelberger. Engelberger je prvi počeo sa pro­ da­jom robota i smatra se ocem ro­bo­tike. Njihova primena je danas ogromna u svakodnevnom životu. A kako može da izgleda njihova pri­mena u segmentu organizacije događaja, pročitajte dalje u tekstu.

Makr Shakr – prvi robotski Bartender sistem u svetu Za početak, na pametnom uređaju treba da imate instaliranu aplika­ ciju Makr Shakr. Sama aplikacija nudi konzumentu da za sebe iza­ bere sastojke svog koktela. U bazi postoji preko 30 alkoholnih pića, sokova, soda i dekoracija za koktele. Dalje, kada izaberete kombi­naciju za sebe, informacija stiže do tri robotske ruke koje vrlo

A kako je sve počelo u modernom dobu? Koren reči „robot”, verovali ili ne, dolazi od slovenske reči „rob”, a prvi ju je upotrebio Čeh, dramaturg po imenu Karel Capek. Međutim, tek 30 godina nakon toga, prvi ro­bot je proizveden. U početku ro­boti su pravljeni za izvođenje zadataka koji su bili opasni, teški ili naporni za ljude – npr. otklanjanje nuklearnog otpada ili repetitivne poslove gde se zahteva istrajnost i preciznost.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Makr Shakr

pažljivo i precizno dodaju i mešaju sastojke, dodaju led i dekorišu Vaš koktel. Pred Vama se piće pojavi u trenu, a Vi ostajete u čudu! Aplika­ cija Makr Shakr korisnicima čak

Zamislite sledeću situaciju. Približavate se mestu na kom treba da bude događaj i, iz daljine, na ulasku vidite damu koja pozdravlja goste i razgovara sa njima. Pomislite,

Koren reči „robot”, verovali ili ne, dolazi od slovenske reči „rob”, a prvi ju je upotrebio Čeh, dramaturg po imenu Karel Capek. nu­di i mogućnost da vide koja pića naručuju ostali gosti i njihove cene, ali i da odmah fotografije podele na društvenim mrežama. Zamislite koliko bi bilo zabavno ima­ti ovako nešto na događaju koji organizujete!

Interaktivni hologrami Roboti nekada mogu izgledati kao prave osobe, ali izgled može da vara! Takav je upravo slučaj sa hologramima. Hologrami kreiraju nezaboravna iskustva korisnika, tj. učesnika na događaju tako što Vam na događaju pomažu da ga učinite atraktivnijim. Mogu biti deo hologramske naprave, virtualne relanosti, ali ih isto tako možete koristiti na mobilnim uređajima. Kako rade?

hos­te­sa ili neko od domaćina. Me­đu­tim, kako ste sve bliže i bliže, poči­njete da uviđate da se ne radi o pravoj osobi, već o hologramu – vrs­ ti robota koji je projekcija osobe u stvarnosti. Ali, ona izgleda toliko stvarno da u jednom trenutku niste sigurni da li vas oči varaju. I ako se ne radi o ljudskom biću, kako je mo­guće da ljudi sa njom razgovaraju, pitate se. Odgovor: hologrami mogu jako verno prikazati ono što projektuju, mogu biti programirani da razgovaraju, požele npr. dobro veče ili lep provod na događaju, ali i da prime povratnu informaciju od svakog gosta – kako se proveo, da li mu se dopala hrana, muzika, šta misli o predavanjima / konferenciji / temama koje su obrađivane itd. Više o ovoj temi možete pročitati u tekstu na stranici 87.

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Fotorobot - Photobooth Ovo je nešto što se već dugo koristi u praksi – Photobooth. U poslednjih nekoliko godina vratio se na velika vrata. Sigurno ste prisustvovali nekom događaju gde su se pri­sutni slikali u onim mobilnim kabi­nama za fotografisanje. Jedna od novijih varijanti fotorobota, a koja je dostupna i već se uveliko koristi, jeste SoloShot. To je kamera/fotoaparat koji je programiran da se, na stalku na koji je postavljen, kreće kako se učesnici događaja oko njega pomeraju. Idealan je za neformalne delove Vašeg događaja, kada se ljudi druže, plešu i razgovaraju međusobno. Sigurno Vam se nekada desilo da previše vremena provedete sortirajući fotografije sa događaja. Što može biti frustrirajuće, pogotovo kada je događaju prisustvovao ogroman broj ljudi. Treba ih podeliti na one gde su portreti, one na kojima ima više ljudi, one na kojima se vidi samo mesto na kom se događaj održao, one na kojima je zabeležena atmosfera itd. Xerox je razvio posebnu aplikaciju – Aesth­etic Search, koja je od velike pomoći u vezi sa ovim.

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DA LI STE ZNALI? Jedan od najpoznatijih robota sa TV ekrana, prodat je za skoro 3 miliona dolara, a javnosti nije otkriven identitet novog vlasnika ovog robota. U pitanju je Artu Ditu (R2-D2) iz serijala Ratovi Zvezda. Možda niste znali, ali R2-D2 je zapravo skraćenica za “reel 2, dialogue 2” (rolna 2, dijalog 2).

Funkcioniše tako što prepoznaje i automatski sortira slike po „tematici”. U trenu će razdvojiti fotografije u zavisnosti od tematike na njima, a istovremeno će u poseban folder smestiti one fotografije koje ne za­do­voljavaju određene estetske kriterijume – premalo ili previše sve­tla, izraz lica osobe koja je us­li­kana, loše portrete, mutne fotogra­fije itd. Ima i onih koji su dizajnirani da sa­mi obrađuju slike, prilagođavaju osvetljenje atmosferi i uslovima u kojima se slika i fotografišu Vas iz ugla iz kog najbolje izgledate. Dakle, na Vama je samo da budete doterani, fotoroboti će se pobrinuti za sve ostalo . Impresivno!

Zabavni roboti

> U svetu se koristi preko milion robota > Polovina od ovog broja je u Japanu > Prvi humanoid robot, Elektro, napravljen je 1939. godine > Oko 4.000 robota trenutno služi vojni rok u SAD Toyota je 2016. godine osvojila na­gradu za najbolju marketinšku kampanju baš zbog toga što je za promociju novog modela automobila unajmila Titana. S bzirom na to da je Titan doprineo osvajanju ovog prestižnog priznanja, bio je pozvan i na pozornicu kako bi pomogao u preuzimanju iste . Za proslavu 40 godina postojanja automobila Ford Fiesta, jedan od najpoznatijih DJ-eva današnjice, DJ Yoda, zajedno je sa inženjerima ove kompanije konstruisao robota DJ-a pod imenom DJ Yumi. Njih dvojica su na početku događaja zajedno počeli sa puštanjem muzike da bi u jednom trenutku DJ Yumi preuzeo DJ set i nastavio da muziku pušta sam!

Asimo – VIP među robotima Kompanija Honda je 2000. godine dizajnirala robota pod imenom Asi­mo. Tri godine kasnije, kada su Japan i Češka Republika proslavljali

10 godina diplomatskih odnosa, Asimo je bio deo japanske delegacije pri toj poseti. Tom prilikom se susreo sa češkim premijerom, rukovao se sa njim, čak i plesao. Asimo je umeo da prepoznaje glasove i pokrete u okolini, da priča na japanskom jeziku, ali za svoju prvu diplomatsku posetu naučio je da kaže i nekoliko rečenica na češkom. Zaključak je da se budućnost mo­ derne tehnologije na događajima može polako svoditi upravo na ro­ bote. Čest primer korišćenja robota na događajima jesu i dronovi – leteći roboti. Više na ovu temu možete pročitati na stranici 51. Ali, ne brinite se! Ovi roboti se ne­će pret­voriti u zlo poput onih u filmovima . Umesto toga oni su tu da Vam pomognu u organizaciji događaja i da posluže i kao još jedan dodatni alat, koji može biti vrlo koristan. Milica Novak

Organizatori događaja dosta vre­mena utroše osmišljavajući kon­cept zabavnih aktivnosti. Što je i prirodno jer učesnici nakon na­pornih i dugih predavanja žele da se odmore i lepo provedu. Naravno, pošto su planeri kreativni ljudi, kreativnosti ne manjka, ali glavno ograničenje je budžet koji je na raspolaganju. Ali, evo nekih vrlo interesantnih primera iz prakse. Titan je robot koji je napravljen u Velikoj Britaniji, stvoren je za privlačenje pažnje, visok je 2,4 m, a težak je čak 350 kg. Zahvaljujući tome što može da se brendira i izgovara tekst na bilo kom jeziku, pravi je ma­gnet za organizatore događaja u svetu – korišćen je kao demonstrator, panelista, spiker itd.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Robot Asimo

cover story

May the Force Be with You!

Robots and Event Planning If you were to be asked today what robots are, you would surely know the an­s­wer to this question. They are electro – mechanical units, which either programmed or controlled by someone perform certain actions and tasks. We might say that it’s something that is closely linked with the modern era. However, that is not the case. The idea of robots, actually, has its roots in the ancient Greece. The concept of artificial intelligen­ ce comes from Kadmus, the founder and first ruler of Thebes, a town in the Boeotia in central Greece. According to the legend, he sowed a dragon’s tooth from which a soldier grew. Another myth says that Pygmalion’s statue Galatea came to life. Greek God Hephaestus made mechanical maids out of gold. Examples are many more, because numerous stories from the ancient mythology are actually based on ideas about robots.

people – for ex­ample handling nuc­ lear waste or doing repetitive tasks that require stamina or accuracy. The first experimental copies of robots were made at US universities in the 1940s, and their commercial production was first started by Ge­or­ge Devoll and Joseph Engelberger. Engelberger was the first to start selling robots and he is con­sidered to be the father of ro­botics.

Their implementation today is ubi­ quitous in everyday life. And if you’re interested in how th­ey can be used in the event planning industry, read on.

Makr Shakr: The world’s first robotic bartender system For starters, you need to install the Makr Shakr app on your smart device. The application offers the

And how did it all begin in the modern age? The root of the word “robot” – believe it or not – comes from the Slavic word “slave”, and it was first used by a Czech playwright by the name of Karel Capek. However, on­ ly 30 years after that was the first robot produced. At first, the robots were being ma­ de for performing tasks that were dangerous, hard, or demanding for

Makr Shakr

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


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consumer to choose the ingredie­ nts of their cocktail. The database contains more than 30 alcoholic drinks, juices, sodas, and cocktail decorations. Next, when you select your combination, this information reaches three robotic hands that very carefully and precisely pour and mix the ingredients, add ice, and decorate your cocktail. Your drink appears before you in a blink of an eye, and you are stunned! The Makr Shakr app even allows its users to see what other guests are drinking and what the prices are, as well as to immediately share the­ ir photographs on social media. Imagine how much fun it would be to have something like this at your event!

Interactive holograms Robots can sometimes look like real people, but looks can be deceiving! That is exactly the case with holograms. Holograms create unforgettable ex­periences for users or event participants, helping you to make your event even more entertaining. They can be part of hologram devi­ ces or virtual reality, but they can also be used on mobile devices. How do they work?


Imagine the following scenario. You are approaching the location where the event is taking place, and from a distance, you see a lady at the entrance welcoming the guests and talking with them. You’re thinking it’s a hostess or so­me of the hosts. However, as you get nearer, you are starting to realize that this is not a real person, but instead a hologram - a kind of robot that is a projection of a re­al person. But she looks so real that at one point you are not sure whether to believe what you’re seeing. And if this is not a h­uman being, how is it possible that people are talking with her, you ask yourself. The answer: Holograms can be ve­ry convincing in what they show; they can be programmed to have conversations, wish you a good evening or a good time at the ev­ent, as well as receive feedback from the guests - if they

Robot Cameraman – Photobooth This is something that has been in use for quite some time now - Photobooth. Over the last few years, it made a big comeback. Surely you have attended events where the guests were getting their pictures taken in those mobile photo booths. One of the latest variants of the robot cameraman, available and already used by many, is SoloShot. SoloShot is a camera that is prog­ rammed to move on the tripod it is attached to, following the movements of the event’s participant around it. It’s ideal for informal pa­rts of your event, when people are socializing, dancing, and talking to each other. You must have at least once in your professional life spent too much

The root of the word “robot - believe it or not - comes from the Slavic word “slave,” and it was first used by a Czech playwright by the name of Karel Capek. had a ni­ce time, if they liked the food or music, or what they think about the lectures/conference/topics at the event, etc. More on this subject read in the text on page 89.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

time sorting photos of an event. Which can be frustrating, especi­ ally when the event was attended by a huge number of people. You should separate them in groups:

Did You Know? One of the most famous TV robots was sold recently for nearly three million dollars, and its buyer wished to remain anonymous. The robot is R2-D2 from the Star Wars series. Maybe you haven’t heard this before, but R2-D2 is actually shorthand for “Reel 2, Dialogue 2.”

portraits, group photos, just the venue, overall mood, etc. Xerox has a special app called Aesthetic Search, which can be great help with this. It recognizes and automatically gro­ups photos according to the “theme.” In a blink of an eye, it separates photos depending on the subject and at the same time uses a special folder to put photos that do not meet certain aesthetic criteria – too little or too much light, facial expressions, poor portraits, blurry photographs, etc. There are also apps that are de­ signed to process images, adjust the lighting to the mood and the conditions in which the picture is taken, and takes your photo from your best angle. Your job is only to look good, and robot cameramen will take care of everything else . Impressive!

s t o r y

> There are over one million robots used in the world > Half of that number is used in Japan > The first humanoid robot, Elektro, was made 1939. > Around 4.000 robots are in the USA army at the moment to read text in any language, this robot is a true magnet for event planners worldwide – it has been used as a demonstrator, panelist, news anchor, etc. In 2016, Toyota won an award for the best marketing campaign thanks to hiring Titan to promote the company’s new car model. Since Titan contributed to winning this prestigious accolade, the robot was invited to come up on the stage and help to receive the award . To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Ford Fiesta model, one of today’s most famous DJs, DJ Yoda, partnered up with the company’s engineers and designed a robot DJ named DJ Yumi. When the event started, the two were playing mu­sic together, only for DJ Yumi to ta­ke over the set at one point and continue on his own!

Asimo: A VIP among robots In 2000 Honda designed a robot named Asimo. Three years later, when Japan and the Czech Repub-

lic were celebrating ten years of diplomatic relations, Asimo was part of the Japanese delegation to the visit. On this occasion, the robot met with the Czech prime minister, shook hands with him, and even danced. Asimo was able to recognize voices and moveme­ nts nearby and talk in Japanese, but for his first diplomatic visit he also learned to say a few words in the Czech language. The conclusion is that the future of modern technology at events could be slowly coming down to just robots. One common example of the use of robots at events are also drones – flying robots. You can read more on this topic on page 54. But, not to worry! These robots will not turn evil like those we see in movies . Instead, they are here to assist you in event planning and serve as one more additional tool, which can be very useful.

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Milica Novak

Fun with robots Event planners spend a lot of ti­me coming up with concepts for fun activities. This is only natural because participants want to relax and have a good time after strenuous and long lectures. Of course, since event planners are creative people, creativity abounds, but the main limitation is the available budget. Here are some very interesting real-life examples. Titan is a robot that was made in the UK. It was designed to attract attention, eight feet tall and weighing as much as 770 pounds. Thanks to the ability to be branded and

Robot Asimo

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017



Dr Aleksandar Rodić, Centar za robotiku Instituta „Mihajlo Pupin” u Beogradu

Biti robot u Srbiji

Dr Aleksandar Rodić

Kada pomislimo na robote, asoci­ ja­cije su uglavnom na one koji ima­ju ljudski oblik i koje smo viđali u fil­movima. Od Robokapa, preko Transformersa i čuvenog Terminatora do C-3PO iz Ratova Zvezda. Ali, roboti su mnogo više od toga. I njihova primena je dosta šira. Imajući to na umu, zapitali smo se kako sve to izgleda u Srbiji? Na ovu i mnoge druge teme razgovarali samo sa Dr Aleksandrom Rodićem, rukovodiocem Centra za

robotiku Instituta „Mihajlo Pu­pin“ i podpredsednikom Skupštine Instituta u Srbiji. Dr Rodić je autor više od 100 naučnih publikacija, 6 istra­živačkih monografija, urednik nekoliko nauč­nih knjiga i član ure­đivačkog odbo­ra u nekoliko među­naro­dnih i doma­ćih nauč­nih časo­pisa. Njegova primarna istraživačka in­te­resovanja su, između ostalih, u oblastima robotike, veštačke in­te­ligencije i mobilnih obnovlji­vih izvora energije. Najznačajnije priznanje koje je Dr Rodić dobio jeste ono koje mu je u martu ove godine dodelio lično Predsednik vlade Provincije Anhui u Kini, u gradu Hefei, a radi se o Nagradi za značajne doprinose u naučno-poslovnoj saradnji.

Centar za robotiku Instituta „Mihajlo Pupin” u Beogradu vodeći je u regionu i vrlo cenjen u Evropi. Koliko smo „u koraku“ sa Evropom, da li u nečemu zaostajemo ili pak, prednjačimo, u domenu razvoja i primene robotike? Centar za robotiku Instituta „Mihajlo Pupin“ je jedna od najstarijih svetskih laboratorija iz oblasti Robotike.

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i n t e r v j u

Osnovan je 1967. godine od strane Akademika Miomira Vukobratovića, svetski poznatog robotičara i jednog od pionira svetske robotike. U skladu s bogatom istorijom i naučnim rezultatima koji su postignuti za 50 godina postojanja laboratorije, Centar za robotiku je jedan

Dodela Nagrada za značajne doprinose u naučno-poslovnoj saradnji, Kina

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


i n t e r v j u od najuspešnijih centara izvrsnosti u ovoj oblasti, ne samo u Evropi već i svetu. Mnoga čuvena imena svetske robotike citiraju radove i rezultate naših vrednih saradnika. Naša laboratorija je imala jedan te­žak period svog opstanka koji se vezuje za 90-te godine kada smo delili sudbinu našeg naroda i države i bukvalno preživljavali. U tom periodu smo izgubili značajan broj naših izuzetnih saradnika koji su danas veoma priznati nau­ čnici i vodeći menadžeri na svim kontinetima. I pored toga, Centar za robotiku je opstao i danas radi s dosta uspeha kao ravnopravan partner vodećim evropskim akademskim institucijama na međunarodnim projektima s Nemačkom, Kinom, Francuskom... Na domaćem planu, Centar za robo­ tiku se redovno promoviše novim tehničkim inovacijama i projekti­ ma koji predstavljaju izazov i za eko­nomski mnogo bogatije drža­ve u Evropi. Po znanjima i veštinama iz oblasti Robotike saradnici Centra ni po če­mu ne zaostaju za kolegama u razvijenim evropskim zemljama zbog čega nas redovno pozivaju i uklju­čuju u različite naučne odbo­re i stručne komisije. Može se reći da uglavnom zaostajemo u opremljenosti instrumentima i uređajima pošto je Robotika veoma zahtevna nauka. Taj hendikep premošćavamo među­ narodnim povezivanjem tako što svoja znanja i rezultate testiramo u kooperaciji s kolegama i partnerima s bogatijih zapadnih univerziteta. Srećom, ovaj model uspešno funk­ci­ o­niše i, dok se ne steknu bolji us­lo­vi, omogućava da i dalje veoma produ­ kti­vno radimo i budemo zapaže­ni na istraživačkoj mapi Evrope.


Konferencija RAAD 2016, Beograd, Srbija

Centar za robotiku Instituta „Mi­ haj­lo Pupin”, čiji ste rukovodilac, član je EURON-a i EUROP-a. S tim u vezi, kada se uzme u obzir Vaš međunarodni ugled, znanje i iskustvo, prošle godine imali ste čast, ali i odgovornost da organizujete RAAD u Beogradu. Kako je tekla organizacija i kakve utiske su učesnici poneli sa sobom? Zahvaljujući našem veoma aktivnom opredeljenju ka međunarodnoj saradnji - kako s evropskim nau­č­nim institucijamam tako i s kineskim univerzitetima - stekli smo dobar međunarodni ugled i ušli smo u više međunarodnih naučnih komiteta. Kao rezultat toga prošle godine (2016) bili smo domaćin najvećem na­uč­ nom skupu iz Robotike koji je ikad održan u Sr­biji. Radi se o veoma cenjenom jubilarnom skupu „25. Međunaro­ dna konferencija iz Ro­bo­tike u alpsko-jad­ ransko-podunavskim zemljama (RAAD2016)“. Skup je okupio oko 80, mahom evropskih stru­čnjaka iz Robotike, i goste iz Japana i Ame­rike. Skup je trajao dva dana i učesnisci su uživali u interesantnim naučnim predavanjima

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ali i veoma interesantnom društveno-zabavnom programu. Moto konferencije je bio „Konferencija na reci Dunav“ čime smo želeli da istaknemo lepote naše zemlje i Beograda i evropski značaj Dunava koji povezuje narode i nauč­ nike u regionu. Ove godine (2017) RAAD2017 se održavao u Torinu (Italija) i mnoge strane kolege su s puno emocija i lepih sećanja potencirali veliki uspeh konferencije prethodne godine koji smo organizovali u Beogradu. Lepo je čuti takve pohvale jer to doprinosi većem autoritetu Srbije na međunarodnom planu.

Koliko znam, u ovom trenutku tako nešto još ne postoji, ali se radi na tome. Zbog nedostaka materijalnih sredstava i odsustva interesa in­dustrijskih preduzeća, ova ideja sporo napreduje ali će se svakako realizovati. To je predmet našeg interesovanja i cilj istraživačko-razvojnog projekta u koji ulazimo za par meseci s već urađenim nekim delovima posla. Kako napreduje projekat robota koji imaju emocije? Koji je najznačajniji projekat na kom radite trenutno? Teško je reći koji projekat je za nas trenutno najznačajniji s obzirom na to da paralelno radimo na više njih. Finansijski, svakako to su projekti koji rezultiraju novim uređajima namenjenim tržištu. Ovog leta aktivno smo promovisali naš novi Mobilni robotizovani solarni elektrogenerator, uređaj koji koristi obnovljive izvore energije i služi za navodnjavanje. Naš cilj je bio da ponudimo Srbiji tehnološko nap­redan uređaj koji će u relativ­ no kra­tkom vremenskom roku ub­lažiti posledice velike suše koja nas je ove godine zadesila. S druge strane, naučno i tehnički za nas su trenutno najznačajnija dva projekta. Prvi koji se bavi razvojem podvodnog robota za naše velike reke Dunav i Savu koji bi trebalo da pomogne u spasilačkim akcijama ali takođe i u ekološkim ali i podvodnim arheološkim zadacima. Drugi projekat radimo u saradnji s kineskim univerzitetom u pokrajini Anhui. Zajedno radimo na razvoju daljinski upravljanog, mobilnog ekološkog servisnog robota na so­ larni pogon koji bi trebalo da služi kao prevencija i prvi odgovor u si­tuacijama industrijskih hazarda i prirodnih katastrofa. Ovakvi roboti su danas u svetu veoma traženi, pogotovo posle nuklearne katast­ rofe u Fukušimi.

Naši naučnici poseduju specifična znanja u projektovanju ovakvih si­s­tema, ali nažalost u Srbiji ne postoje mogućnosti finansiranja ovakvih projekata pa moramo da se snalazimo u kooperaciji s me­ đunarodnim partnerima. Da li ste se susreli sa robotima koji se koriste u turizmu? Iskreno, još uvek ne, ali pripremamo jedan interesantan projekat ko­ji planira razvoj robota-zmaja, zapravo tehnološku verziju mitoloških bića – zmajeva. Ovaj robot bi trebalo da bude „tačka okupljanja“ odn. sredstvo koje će omogućiti da se ožive legende o dunavskim zmajevima koje žive u usmenim predanjima naroda u regionu. Ideja nam je da na osnovama ovog projekta povežemo te žive dunavske legende i formiramo novu turističku rutu u podunavskim zemljama koja bi se zvala „Tragom dunavskih legendi o zmajevima“. Robotika je tako široka, interdisci­ plinarna na­učna oblast koja ima ogroman tehno-ekonomski, kulturološki i društveni potencijal. To treba is­ko­ristiti kao podsticaj regionalnim ekonomijama. Da li postoji robot koji je napravljen u Srbiji koji može da se koristi, možda i iznajmi, u svrhu organizacije događaja Ili koji ima potencijal za tako nešto?

Razvijeni su matematički modeli i algoritmi za mikroprocesorsku im­ plementaciju. Radimo eksperimentalnu verifikaciju rezultata u Nemačkoj, s našim partnerima s Univerziteta u Kajzerslauternu. Nekoliko naših studenata – doktoranata je uključeno u taj projekat i s nemačke strane isto tako. Ali, u jeku rada na projektu izgubili smo par istraživača saradnika koji su otišli u inostranstvo u potrazi za boljim uslovima rada. To nam je kamen oko vrata s kojim se najteže borimo. Taman odškoluješ mladog stručnjaka i osposobiš da može samostalno da radi i onda ga „poklonimo“ drugima. Zato nam stvari sporije napreduju nego što bismo realno mogli i umeli.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t e r v j u

Koji je najinteresantniji robot sa kojim ste se susreli? Za mene lično to je jedna japanska konstrukcija rekonfigurabilnog ro­ bota koja menja modus kretanja od lokomocije po neravnom terenu do kretanja na točkovima po asfaltira­ noj stazi. Robot u zavisnosti od kon­figuracije terena i trenja menja način kretanja tako što zaokreta­ njem „stopala“ menja oslonac s os­ lonca na točkovima na hod po­put pauka odn. heskapoda. Biološka inspiracija je uvek u robotici veoma atraktivna i efektna. Miona Milić

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i n t e r v i e w

Dr Aleksandar Rodic, Mihajlo Pupin Institute’s Robotics Laboratory in Belgrade

To Be a Robot in Serbia When we think of robots, our mind usually goes to those that have hu­ man form seen in movies. From Robocop, Transformers, and the famous Terminator to C-3PO from Star Wars. However, robots are much more than that. And the­ ir use is much broader. With this in mind, we wondered what this field looks like in Serbia. We talked about this and many other to­pics with Dr Aleksandar Rodic, the head of the Robotics Laboratory at the Mihajlo Pupin Institute and vice-president of the Institute Assembly in Serbia. Dr Rodic has authored more than 100 scientific publications, six re­search monographs, edited a number of scientific books, and he serves on the editorial board in several international and natio­ nal scientific journals. His main research areas of interest – among others – include robotics, artificial intelligence, and mobile renewable energy sources. His most important acknowledgment is that which he received in March this year – awarded by the head of China’s Anhui Province him­self in the city of Hefei – for significant contributions in scientific and business cooperation.

The Mihajlo Pupin Institute’s Robotics Laboratory is one of the world’s oldest robotics laboratories. It was founded in 1967 by academician Miomir Vukobratovic, a world-renowned roboticist and one of the pioneers in the field of robotics. In keeping with the rich history and scientific results achieved in the laboratory’s 50 years of existence, the Robotics Laboratory is one of the most successful centers of excellence in this field - not only in Europe but also in the world. Many famous roboticists cite the works and results of our valued associates. Our laboratory experienced a difficult period during the 1990s, when we shared

The Robotics Laboratory of the Mi­ hajlo Pupin Institute in Belgrade is a regional leader with outstan­ d­ing reputation throughout Europe. How much are we on a par with Europe? Are we behind – or perhaps ahead – in the domain of robotics development and application?


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

the fate of our nation and literally struggled to survive. In that period, we lost a significant number of our outstanding associates who today are renowned scientists and leading managers on all continents. Nevertheless, the Robotics Laboratory survived, and it continues its efforts with notable success as an equal partner to leading European academic institutions in internati­ onal projects with Germany, China, France... On the national level, the Robotics Laboratory is promoted on regular basis through new technological innovations and projects that are challenging even for much more developed European countries. The Laboratory’s

Dr Aleksandar Rodic

associates have knowledge and skills that are far from behind that of their colleagues in developed European countries, which is why we are al­ways invited to participate in various scientific boards and expert com­mittees. We could say that we mainly lag behind in the availabili­ty of tools and devices since the sci­ence of robotics is very deman­ding. We manage to overcome this handicap thanks to international networking by testing our knowle­dge and results in collaboration with our colleagues and partners from wealthier Western universities. Fortunately, this model works well and – until conditions improve – enables us to be very productive and noticed on Europe’s research map. The Mihajlo Pupin Institute’s Robotics Laboratory, which is under your management, is a member of EURON and EUROP. Taking into account your internati­onal reputation, knowledge, and experience, last year you had the honour – as well as responsibility – of hosting RAAD in Belgrade. Can you tell us more about the event and the participants’ impressions? Thanks to our very active commitment to international cooperation – both with European scientific ins­

Conference RAAD 216, Belgrade, Serbia

ti­tutions and with Chinese univer­ sities – we have earned good inter­national standing and joined several international scientific com­mittees. As a result, last year (2016) we hosted the biggest sci­en­tific robotics event that ever took place in Serbia. The event was the noteworthy 25th International Conference on Robotics in AlpeAdria-Danube Region (RAAD2016). The event brought together around 80 robotics experts - mostly from Europe, in addition to guests from Japan and the US. The two-day event’s participants enjoyed interesting lectures, as well as an exciting social and entertainment program. The conference slogan was “Conference on the Danube River”, which placed emphasis on the beauty of our co­untry and Belgrade and the Dan-

ube’s European significance in connecting people and scientists in the region. This year’s RAAD2017 was held in Turin (Italy) and many of our colleagues from abroad noted the great success of the past year’s conference in Belgrade with lots of emotions and good memories. It is nice to hear such praise beca­ use it contributes to Serbia having greater authority internationally.

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What is the most important pro­ ject you are currently working on? It’s hard to say which project is currently the most important for us, considering that we are working on several at the same time. Financially, these definitely include projects that result in new devices intended for the market. This summer we were very active in promoting our

Hefei, China

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


i n t e r v i e w new portable robotic solar generator – an irrigation device that uses renewable energy sources. Our goal was to provide Serbia with a technologically advanced device that would mitigate the consequences of this year’s drought in a relatively short period of time. On the other hand, we have two projects that are currently the most important in terms of science and technology. The first one concerns the development of an underwater robot for the Danube and Sava rivers that is designed to help in rescue operations as well as in ecological and underwater archeological efforts. We are working on the second project in collaboration with the Anhui Province’s university. Together, we are tackling the deve­ lopment of a remote-controlled, solar-powered, mobile ecological service robot, which is meant to be used for prevention and fir­st response in industrial hazards and natural disasters. These robots are highly sought after in today’s world – especial­ ly after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Our scientists have specific knowledge in designing these systems, but unfortunately Serbia offers no opportunities to finance such projects and we have to manage in collaboration with international partners. Have you ever worked on robots used in the travel industry? Frankly, not yet, but we do have an interesting project in store concerning the development of robot dragons – a technological version of these mythological creatures. This robot should serve as a meeting ground – a tool that will breathe new life into the legends of the Danubian dragons from the tales of the regional peoples. Our main idea is to use this project to connect these living Danube


Award for Significant Contributions in Scientific and Business Cooperation

legends and create a new tourist route in the Danubian countries, which would be called “The Trail of the Danube Dragon Legends”. Robotics is such a wide, interdisci­ plinary scientific field that has eno­ rmous technological and econo­mic, cultural, and social potential. This should be used to fuel the regional economies. Are there any robots made in Ser­bia that could be used – or perhaps rented – for event planning? Or any that have the potential for something like this? As far as I know, there is still no such thing at the moment, but irons are in the fire. Because of the lack of financial resources and interest among industrial enterp­ rises, this idea is progressing slo­wly, but it will certainly be come to fruition. This is indeed an area of our interest and the goal of a research and development project that we will start in a few months with some segments of the work already completed. Where is the sentient robot project currently at? Mathematical models and algorithms for the microprocessor

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

im­plementation have been develo­ ped. We are now verifying the re­sults in experiments in Germany, with our partners from the University of Kaiserslautern. Several of our and German PhD students are involved in this project. However, during the peak of our project, we lost a couple of research associates who went abroad in search of better working conditions. This is our biggest stumbling block. As soon as our young experts finish training and become self-sufficient professionally, we “lose” them. That is the reason why things move slower than they could and would otherwise. Which is the most interesting robot you’ve ever come across? For me personally, that would be a Japanese reconfigurable robot that changes its movement mode from locomotion on uneven ground to wheels on asphalt surface. Depen­ ding on the terrain and friction, the robot changes its movement mode by turning its “feet” and switching from wheels to spider-like mo­vement – a hexapod. Biology as inspiration is always very appealing and effective in robotics. Miona Milic

Razvojni pokretač kongresnog turizma Godinama unazad Kopaonik i MK Mo­untain Resort su prepoznati kao prestižna destinacija za organizaciju MICE skupova, a trend rasta i popularizacije ove destinacije nastavljen je i u tekućoj godini. Ono što izdvaja MK Resort i čini ga liderom kongresnog turizma svakako je spoj najvažnijih činioca kvalitetne ponude, a to su: moder­ no opremljen kongresni centar, kva­litetni smeštajni kapaciteti, izu­zet­na gastronomska ponuda, brojni sadržaji dostupni u hotelima,

ali i neograničene mogućnosti koje nudi prirodno okruženje Nacio­nal­ nog parka. Kada se svemu dodaju atraktivne ponude i profesionalan pristup stru­čnog tima dobija se odlična platforma za razvoj kongresnog turizma i organizaciju brojnih stru­ čnih skupova i timbildinga koji su postali prepoznatljivo obeležje ove kompanije i učvrstili njeno mesto na mapi kongresnih destinacija. Od početka godine u MK Resortu održano je više od 200 događaja, što je apsolutni rekord i izuzetan rezultat značajan za čitavu destinaciju. Osim tradicionalnog Biznis Foruma koji predstavlja najznačajniji skup iz oblasti privrede i ekonomije, brojni


MK Mountain Resort

međunarodni stručni događaji i ko­n­ferencije okupili su impozantan broj stručnjaka iz različitih privre­ dnih grana na Kopaoniku. Sa pravom možemo reći da su ovu godinu u MK Resortu obeležili kon­ gresi iz oblasti medicine. Ugostili su otorinolaringologe, kar­di­ologe, interniste, fizijatre, glau­ko­ma­tologe, a na jesen će biti doma­ćini i infektolozima. Kako su timbildinzi ono čime se posebno ponose i što im daje naj­značajniju prednost u odnosu na konkurenciju, te nešto čemu se posvećuje posebna pažnja, može se reći da polako postaje tradicija i da najveće kompanije našeg tržišta organizuju svoja godišnja timska druženja upravo u MK Resortu.

Novi jesenji konferencijski i timbilding paketi Osluškujući potrebe tržišta i klijenata MK Mountain Resort je pri­ pre­mio nove korporativne pakete skrojene po meri organizatora i potrebama učesnika. Oslanjajući se na sve prednosti, ali i dugogodišnje iskustvo kreirali su specijalne pakete koji garantuju vrhunski događaj uz minimalno angažovanje klijenta. Jesenji konferencijski i team building all inclusive paketi MK Resor­ ta uključuju sve neophodne sadržaje i usluge koji su potrebni za us­pešnu realizaciju događaja, i obećavaju nastavak ostvarivanja vr­hunskih rezultata na polju kongresnog turizma.

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i n d u s t r i j a To svakako nije slučajnost jer iza sve­ga stoji ozbiljan sistematski pri­s­ tup i posvećenost svakom po­jedina­ čnom klijentu. “Najbolji recept za uspešnu organizaciju događaja je pre svega jasna komunikacija sa drugom stranom, dobra strategija i blagovremeno planiranje svih detalja. S obzirom na to da su eventi kao živ organizam i da se često dešavaju i nepred­viđene stvari, veoma je važna fleksi­bilnost i spremnost tima na brzu reakciju. Da bi jedna konferencija ili kongres bila uspešna osim do­brog, stručnog programa, ključni su atraktivni dodatni sadržaji, inicijativa i sugestije za dovođenje programa na viši ni­vo.“, ističe Bojana Kuzmanović, menadžerka sektora za kongrese i skupove MK Resorta i dodaje da su značajnu komparativnu prednost postigli i činjenicom da su jedi­ni kontakt klijentu za rea­lizaciju


kompletnog događaja, uključujući i vanhotelske aktivnosti koje su na Kopaoniku doživele pavu ekspanzi­ ju i koje u velikoj meri obi­kuju tim­bil­ding ponude. Klijenti više ne žele da provedu sate u sali za prezentaciju i da se nakon toga druže uz muziku. Potrebno je mnogo više od toga – učenje, igra, zabava, autentičan doživljaj sredine koja ih okružuje.

MK Resort i Kopaonik nude potpuno novi doživljaj, iskustvo koje će pamtiti – od jahanja konja, do timskih igara u prirodi, pešačkih tura, streličarstva, kreativnih radionica, adrenalinskih sadržaja poput boba na šinama, zip lajna, paraglajdinga, alpinizma ali i mnogih drugih aktivnosti koje omogućavaju da se izađe u susret gotovo svim zahtevima klijenta.

Driving the MICE Market Forward For years, Kopaonik and MK Mountain Resort have been known as a prestigious destination for MICE events, and the destination conti­ nued to grow even more popular this year, too. MK Resort stands out and makes for a leader in the MICE industry most definitely thanks to fusing together key features of top-qua­ lity offerings: state-of-the-art con­vention center, superior accommodation, outstanding culinary ex­perience, numerous amenities, as well as the infinite possibilities presented by the natural surroun­ dings of the National Park.

Add the appealing offers and the professional approach of the expert team and you get an excellent platform for developing MICE tourism and hosting myriad professio­ nal and team-building events that have become a distinctive feature of the company and reinforced its place on the map of MICE travel destinations. Since the beginning of the year, more than 200 events took place at MK Resort, which is an outright record and a noteworthy result that have important bearing on the entire destination. In addition to the traditional Business Forum, which is the most im­portant event in the field of eco­nomy, numerous international professional events and conferen­


MK Mountain Resort

ces have been drawing impressive numbers of experts from different areas of business to Kopaonik. This year at MK Resort was undo­ ubtedly marked by events focusing on medicine. Having already welcomed otorhinolaryngologists, cardiologists, internists, physiatri­ sts, and glaucomatologists, come fall the resort will host also infectious disease specialists. Since team building events are a particularly strong suit giving the resort advantage over the competition, they receive special attention and it’s clear that they are slowly turning into a tradition – some of the biggest companies in our market use MK Resort for their annual team gatherings. This is certainly not without cause, because every segment is subjec­

New fall convention and team building packages Taking note of the needs of the market and customers, MK Mo­un­ tain Resort has prepared new business packages tailored to plan­ ners’ and participants’ needs. Backed by its advantages and years of experience, the resort designed special packages that guarantee first-rate events planned with minimum customer in­volvement. MK Resort’s fall conference and team building all-inclusive packa­ ges include all amenities and services required for successful eve­ nts, promising further excellence in the MICE field.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


i n d u s t r y ted to a serious systematic appro­ ach with commitment to each in­dividual customer. “The best recipe for successful ev­ ent design includes above all clear communication with the other par­ty, good strategy, and timely planning of every detail. Events are a living, breathing experience, often entailing unexpected incidents, which means that the team must be flexible and quick to react. For a conference or convention to be successful – in addition to a well-structured, professional pro­gram – appealing additional amenities, initiative, and suggestions for bringing the program to a higher level are key,” says Bojana Kuzmanović, Event Manager at MK Resort, adding that another advantage over the competition includes also the fact that the co­­ mpany provides customers

wi­th an end-to-end event planning ser­vi­ce, which includes also outof-hotel activities that have seen a colossal growth on Kopaonik and that greatly affect team building offerings. Customers no longer want to spe­ nd hours in the conference room and then hang out with music playing in the background. It takes much more than that – lear­ning,

playing, entertainment, and an au­t­ hentic experience of the surroundings. MK Resort and Kopaonik offer a whole new expe­rience, one to re­member – from riding horses, to outdoor team ga­mes, hiking to­urs, archery, cre­a­tive workshops, amenities for adrenaline lovers like bobs on rails, zip line, paragliding, alpinism, and many other activities which allow meeting almost anything the customer could ask for.

tema broja Organizujte „leteći“ event

Dron – Petar Pan Vašeg događaja Znamo da je cilj svakog događaja ostavljanje utiska na ciljnu grupu kojoj je na­ me­njen (ukoliko ste zaboravili, podsetite se u tekstovima iz prethodnog broja SEEbtm magazina J). E sada zamislite reakciju prisutnih učesnika kada shvate da im se iz vazduha približava „leteći“ koktel ili fotoaparat. Stvaranje ovakvih, u svakom smislu nezaboravnih, trenutaka na događajima upravo je ono čemu mi, kao njihovi organizatori, treba da težimo. Upravo tom WOW! efektu. Klasično snimanje na događaju će moguće polako otići u prošlost jer od skoro postoji jedan puno kreativniji i atraktivniji način da se to uradi – korišćenjem drona. Ali, osim ove namene, postoji još dosta stvari koje mogu biti urađene pomoću ove naprave, a koje će Vaš događaj učiniti jedinstvenim i posebnim. Pročitajte na koje se sve načine pomenuti dronovi mogu koristiti u organizaciji događaja. Počnimo od osnovnih informacija – šta je zapravo dron? Puno ime ove naprave jeste Unman­ ned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), u najslobodnijem prevodu „terensko vozilo

kojim ne upravlja čovek“, letelica bez pilota u njoj. Da bi se dron koristio, potrebno je da postoji osoba koja će sa zemlje upravljati njom i sistem komunikacije između kontrolora i drona. Letenje može biti kontrolisano putem kompjutera koji se nalazi u ovoj letelici ili ceo proces može obavljati čovek. U početku su dronovi konstruisani za korišćenje u vojnoj industriji – u poslovima i akcijama koje su smatrane previše opasnim za čoveka ili je trebalo da se obave bez njegovog prisustva. Međutim, kako je vreme prolazilo, njegovo korišćenje postalo je sve učestalije i u drugim sferama:

komercijalnoj, naučnoj, rekreativnoj, kao i u dostavi proizvoda, fotografisanju nepristupačnih de­lova planete, ali i u organiza­ciji događaja. Kako je danas u ovom poslu (ali sa druge strane, u kom nije? J) pristup internetu, pogotovo Wi-Fi mreži, postao MUST, organizatori događaja često imaju problem sa ovom važnom stavkom na event-ima koji se rade/organizuju na otvorenom prostoru velike površine. Pritisak je još veći kada se ovome dodaju i očekivanja i želje učesnika, ali i organizatora – uključivanje što većeg broja ljudi na događaju u interakciju na društvenim mreža­ ma u vezi sa njim, ili je gostima

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


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b r o j a Čak postoje naznake da će se u skorijoj budućnosti dronovi opremiti sistemima koji će skenirati ogromne površine utvrđujući da li na njima ima nekog oružja. Ovakva sofisticirana tehnologija predstavljaće revolucionaran zaokret kada govorimo o sigurnosnim merama na događajima.

internet potreban kako bi na svojim pametnim uređajima proverili agendu, ili žele da se informišu o nekim drugim stvarima u vezi sa događajem. U najvećem broju slučajeva, Wi-Fi signal iz objekta ne može (ili vrlo sla­bo može) da pokrije toliko veliku teritoriju. Dronovi se tada koriste kao platfor­ ma za umrežavanje. Naime, na njih se zakači Wi-Fi transmiter, i dok nadleću određenu oblast, internet je dostupan svim korisnicima. Pametna i vrlo praktična upotreba.


Ali, ipak, postoji nešto što je veći problem od nemanja interneta. A to je sigurnost. Pogotovo kada se radi o događajima kojima pri­ su­stvuje veliki broj ljudi i gde je teško sve kontrolisati zbog gužve. Na dronove se, u ovu svrhu, mogu postaviti posebne kamere koje su napravljene tako da vrlo precizno detektuju potencijalne probleme kada je sigurnost u pitanju. Na ovaj način, dronovi zapravo uo­če potencijalno opasnu situaciju pre nego što preraste u pravi problem.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Evo još jedne vrlo interesantne i inspirišuće upotrebe drona u organizaciji događaja. Naime, belgijska telekomunikaciona kompanija BASE je na jednom muzičkom festivalu koristila tzv. Party dronove. Svaki učesnik koji bi online kupio ulaznicu za festival bio je pitan za svoju omiljenu pesmu koju je potom dodavao na Spotify muzičku listu. Kada bi se taj isti učesnik pojavio na festivalu, na ulazu gde je trebalo da preuzme svoju kartu, dron bi ga prepoznao (jer je umrežen sa Spotify listom), doleteo iznad njegove glave i pustio pesmu koju je učesnik dodao na listu. O stepenu oduševljenja svakog od učenika nije potrebno pisati J. Gosti jednog drugog muzičkog festivala koji se održava u Južnoj

Africi su preko aplikacije na svojim mobilnim telefonima naručivali toče­no pivo, a piće su im isporučivali – dronovi! Inicijativu za ovu ideju su pokrenuli organizatori festivala i jedan proizvođač piva. Kada bi barmeni primili porudžbinu, stavljali bi je na dron koji je koristeći GPS koordinate telefona sa kog je porudžbina poslata, kretao put svoje destinacije. Jedini deo festivala u kom nije bila moguća ova usluga bila je na i u oko­lini „main stage-a“, gde se plesalo i gde je bila velika gužva. Još jedan kreativan način za upotrebu drona jeste u marketinške svrhe. Zamislite samo koliko je bolje da na Vašem događaju, umesto npr. brendiranih torbi, gosti dobiju nezaboravno iskustvo – na dronu koji nadleće ceo događaj možete zakačiti ime kompanije, logo ili ne­ku drugu poruku koju je važno preneti ciljnoj grupi. Isto tako, ukoliko niste u mogućnosti da sa klijentom zajedno posetite mesto na kom bi trebalo da se održi događaj, možete poslati dron da ga snimi, a snimak gledati iz svoje kancelarije. Nešto kao virtuelan prikaz. Dobra ideja, zar ne?

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Stoga, ukoliko planirate da korišćenje dronova uključite u organi­ zaciju svog sledećeg događaja, evo nekoliko saveta sa tim u vezi:

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Proverite da li je na mestu održavanja događaja dozvoljeno letenje drona. Ukoliko jeste, znajte tačno o kom prostoru se radi. Ponekad se može desiti da je upotreba ove letelice dozvoljena, ali samo na ograničenom delu jednog prostora. Raspitajte se da li onaj od koga dron iznajmljujete ima osigura­nje. Zašto? Naprava koja nije baš malih dimezija treba da leti iznad glava učesnika. Nije potrebno da dalje objašnjavamo do kakvih komplikacija može doći. Opreza nikada dosta. Obavezno tražite ranije snimke koji su istim dronom napravljeni kako biste bili sigurni u kvalitet i rezoluciju istih. Dronovi su prilično glasni i bučni dok lete. Što, naravno, nije problem kada se radi o npr. organizaciji festivala, ali ovu činjenicu treba uzeti u obzir ukoliko organizujete seminar/konferenciju/sastanak, odnosno bilo koji tip događaja gde je učesnicima potrebna veća koncentracija. Važno je da onaj ko upravlja dronom pre samog događaja dobije što precizniju sliku prostora u kom će se dron koristiti. Pilot treba da zna za sva ograničenja – počevši od toga koliko mesta zauzima brending, gde tačno stoji dekoracija, kada se svetla pale i/ili gase, da li postoje neke vrste specijalnih efekata koji će biti korišćeni itd. Sve ovo mu je potrebno da bi mogao da odredi tačnu putanju drona, odnosno prostor koji će mu biti na raspolaganju. Uz sve ovo navedeno, treba voditi i računa o detaljima koje dron treba da zabeleži – važne trenutke u toku neke sesije, predavanja, neke VIP goste možda, atmosferu na samom događaju itd. Imajte na umu da dronovi ne mogu beskonačno dugo leteti J, uglavnom do 30 minuta bez prestanka. Pogodili ste, rade na baterije kojima je potrebno da se s vremena na vreme napune. Stoga, pažljivo isplanirajte vremenski raspored snimanja i držite ga se. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


cover story Plan a “Flying” Event

The Drone – The Peter Pan of Your Event We know that the goal of every event is to leave an impression on the target au­dience that it is intended for (in case you forgot, please refer to the articles in the last SEEbtm issue J). Now imagine the reaction of the attendees when they realize that a “flying” cocktail or camera are approaching from the air. Creating these - in every sense unforgettable - moments at events is exactly what we, as their planners, should strive for. Precisely this WOW! effect. The traditional video-recording at events will possibly slowly become a thing of the past because, as of recently, there is a much more cre­ative and appealing way to do it - by using a drone. However, in addition to this purpose, there are many more things that can be done with this device, which can make your event unique and special. Read on to find out the ways in which these drones can be used in event planning.


controlled by a person”- an aircraft without a pilot inside. Using a dro­ ne requires a person to control it from the ground and a communication system between the controller and the drone. Flying can be controlled by a computer placed inside this aircraft, or the entire process can be performed by a person.

Let’s start with the basics: What exactly is a drone?

In the beginning, drones were de­ si­gned for use in the military indu­ stry - in tasks and missions that we­re considered too dangerous for humans or that needed to be done without anyone’s presence.

The full name of this device is Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), which loosely translated to plain English means “an SUV that is not

However, as time passed, their use became more and more com­mon in other areas: commercial, scientific, recreational, as well as in de-

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

livering products, photographing inaccessible parts of the planet, as well as in event planning. Since today in this business (but then again, this goes for every business J) online access, and especially Wi-Fi, has become a MUST-HAVE, event planners often have issues with this important item at events that are organized outdoors in large areas. The pressure is even bigger when you add the expectations and desires of the participants, as well as the organizers - to involve as many people as possible at the event in interacting on social media in connection with

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There are even indications that in the near future drones will be equipped with systems that will scan huge areas and determine whether there are any weapons around. Such sophisticated technology will be a revolutionary milestone when it comes to security measures at events.

the event, or to make online access available for the guests so they can check their agendas on their smart devices or get information about some other things about the event. In most cases, the Wi-Fi signal at the venue can’t (or does very poorly) cover such large territories. Drones are then used as a platform for networking. A Wi-Fi transmitter is attached to them, and while they are flying over a certain area, all users can access the internet. Smart and very practical use.

But, nevertheless, there is something that is a bigger issue than not having online access. And that’s security. Especially when it comes to events attended by large numbers of people where it’s difficult to control everything because of the crowd. For these purposes, special cameras can be installed on the drones, designed to very accurately detect any potential issues when it comes to security. In this way, the drones actually detect a potentially dange­ rous situation before it becomes a real problem.

Here’s another very interesting and inspiring use of drones in event plan­ning. Belgian telecommunications company BASE used the so-called party drones at a music festival. Each participant who bought the ticket for the festival online was asked about their favorite song, which they then added to a Spotify playlist. When he or she appeared at the festival, at the entrance to pick up the ticket, the drone would recognize the person (because it was connected with the Spotify playlist) and then fly over their head and play the song that the participant added to the playlist. No need to describe the attendees’ degree of enthusiasm J.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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The guests of another music festival that takes place in South Africa used an app on their mobile phones to order beer, and the drinks were served to them by drones! This idea was initiated by the festival organizers and a beer producer. When the bartenders would receive an order, they would place it on a drone that was using the GPS coordinates of the phone from which the order was sent to get to its destination. The only part of the festival where this service was not available was on and around the main stage, where people were dancing in big crowds. Another creative way to use drones is for marketing purposes. Just imagine how much better it would be for the guests at your event to get - instead of for example branded bags - an unforgettable experience. You can use a drone flying over the entire event to attach a company name, logo, or another message that you deem important to be conveyed to the target audience. Likewise, if you are not able to visit the venue for site inspection, you can send a drone to record it and watch the video from your office. Like a virtual site inspection. Good idea, right?


So, if you’re planning to include drones in your next event, here are some tips: Make sure that drone flying is permitted at the event’s venue. If so, you need to know exactly where the venue is. Sometimes it may happen that using this aircraft is allowed, but only in a limited part of a venue. Find out if the person who is renting you the drone has insurance. Why? A device that is not very small in size needs to fly above the heads of the participants. You don’t need any further explanations about what kind of complications might arise. You can never be too careful. Make sure to ask for earlier shots that were made using the same drone to verify the quality and resolution. Drones are quite loud and noisy while they’re flying. That, of course, is not a problem when you’re organizing events such as festivals, but do take this fact into concentration if you’re planning a seminar/conference or any kind of event where the participants need to concentrate. The person controlling the drone needs to get an accurate picture of the venue where the drone will be used before the event itself. The pilot needs to know about any limitations - starting from how much space does the branding take up, where exactly the decorations are placed, when will the lights be turned on and/or off, whether there are any special effects to be used, etc. The pilot needs all this in order to determine the exact route of the drone, the space that will be available. On top of all this, you should also take into account the details that the drone needs to record - important moments during a session, lectures, perhaps some VIP guests, the mood at the event itself, etc. Keep in mind that drones can’t fly infinitely J, their usual time is up to 30 minutes without stopping. You guessed it - they operate on batteries that need to be recharged from time to time. That is why you should carefully plan the timeline of the recording and stick to it.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Milica Novak



Top of the Hub

Tehnomarket se već 10 godina vraća najboljem pogledu u gradu Tehnomarket, jedan od pionira u Aluminijumskoj industriji Balkana, organizovao je u aprilu ove godine koktel povodom uspešnog nastupa na Beogradskom sajmu građevine i 27 godina postojanja firme u restoranu Top of The Hub.

nizaciju prijema bili su saslušani i ispunjeni do detalja.

Ovo je jedan u nizu događaja u ov­ om prostoru, kojim je Tehnomarket potvrdio vernost restoranu sa najboljim pogledom u Beogradu.

Fantastično osvetljenje, pogled, sam osećaj da ste na vrhu jednog grada čini Top of The Hub pravim mestom za bitne i posebne prilike. Uvek odličan izbor vina iz restorana svaki put nailazi na oduševljenje gostiju koji se u to dobro razumeju. Kao firma koja posluje više od 27 godina, Tehnomarket je svakako je promenio nekoliko prostora za organizovanje događaja, ali Top of The Hub ostaje na samom vrhu, kao što mu po imenu i organizaciji odgovara.

Prvi event firme Tehnomarket u Top of The Hub bio je 2007. godine kada je organizovana velika Novogodišnja žurka. Bilo je prisutno oko 150 zvanica, a fantastičan bend i dobra akustika prostora garantovali su odličnu at­mosferu. Zbog veoma uvežbanog prijema nije bilo nikakvih problema sa stva­ranjem gužve prilikom ulaska. Takođe, profesionalno osoblje se postaralo da gosti budu opušteni i da bude dovoljno šampanjca za dobro raspoloženje. Firma Tehnomarket se bavi ekstruzijom i proizvodnjom aluminijumske stolarije, ventilisanih i ostakljenih fasada. Poslednji u nizu događaja bio je 27. rođendan i cocktail party povodom nastupa na Sajmu građevinarstva 2017. u Beogradu. I ovaj put Top of the Hub je ispunio najviša očekivanja. Negde oko 100 prijatelja i partnera firme uživalo je do kasnih sati uz sushi i jazz. Svi zahtevi od strane firme za orga-


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Takođe, veoma nas je iznenadila i inicijativa zaposlenih prilikom oda­bira dekoracije i u opremanju prostora.

„Kao kompanija koja brižno neguje svoju korporativnu kulturu veoma često organizujemo okupljanje za svoje zaposlene i partnere. Top of The Hub nam je omiljeni prostor zbog izuzetnog pogleda, veoma profesionalnog osoblja, originalnog keteringa ali i veoma dobrog izbora vina“ slaže se Miki Krsanin, Direktor Borda. „Uvek kažem da je Top of The Hub najlepši način da našim gostima iz inostranstva pokažemo Beograd. Fantastična organizacija predvođena menadžerkom Katarinom, koja je uvek dostupna za sva pitanja, svakako je pored pogleda jedan od glavnih razloga zašto ćemo nastaviti našu saradnju“, izjavila je Kristina Zuliani, Brand Manager kompanije.


Top of the Hub

Tehnomarket Returns to the Best View of the City for 10th Consecutive Year A pioneer in the Balkans aluminum industry, Tehnomarket hosted a co­cktail to celebrate its successful exhibit at Belgrade’s Building Trade Fair and the company’s 27th anniver­ sary at Top of The Hub. The event, one in a series taking place in the restaurant, reinforced Tehnomarket’s loyalty to the venue with the best view in Belgrade. The first event held by Tehnomarket at Top of the Hub was its 2007 New Year’s blowout. Around 150 partygoers were guaranteed to have a good time thanks to a fantastic band and the venue’s great acoustics. Staying perfectly on script ensured there was not a single overcrow­ ding issue at the entrance. In addition, the professional staff made sure that the guests were relaxed and champagne was enough for good mood at all times. Tehnomarket extrudes and produ­ ces aluminum joinery, as well as ventilated and glazed facades. The last event was the company’s 27th anniversary and cocktail party to celebrate its appearance at Belgrade’s 2017 Building Trade Fair. Top of the Hub met the highest expectations yet again. Some 100 friends and partners of the compa­ ny enjoyed sushi and jazz to the late hours. Every company’s request concerning the event planning was heard and followed to the letter.

We were also surprised how proactive the employees were in choosing the decorations and furnishing the space. The fantastic lighting, the view, and the feeling that you’re standing on top of a city make Top of The Hub the right place for important and special occasions. The restaurant’s excellent wine selection is always welcomed with enthusiasm by wi­ne aficionados. As a company that has been in business for more than 27 years, Tehnomarket has certain­ly seen its fair share of event venu­es, but Top of The Hub stays at the very top, just as its name and proficiency suggest. “As a company that deeply nurtures its corporate culture, we quite often hold get-togethers for our employees and partners. Top of The Hub is our favorite venue because of its outstanding view, highly professional staff, ori­ginal catering, as well as its ex­cellent wine selection”, Miki Krsanin, Cha­ir­man of the Board, praises the res­ta­u­rant. “I always say that Top of the Hub is the best way to show Belgrade to our guests from abroad. In addition to the view, the fantastic organization supervised by Manager Katarina – who is always available for any conceivable query – is certainly one of the main reasons we will continue our business together”, said Kristina Zuliani, Brand Mana­ ger at the company.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


tema broja

Upotreba RFID tehnologije na događajima

Mala pomoć za velike profesionalce RFID je skraćenica za identifikaciju radio frekvencijom (Radio Frequency Identi­ fication), tehnologija za bežičan prenos različitih tipova podataka. Može pomoći da „običan” događaj postane onaj koji će svi učesnici pamtiti zahvaljujući samo jednom bedžu ili narukvici. Za šta se sve može koristiti RFID bedž ili narukvica?

Za ulazak! RFID narukvicu samo prislonite na senzor i ušli ste! Ova tehnologija omogućava da za jedan minut uđe čak 120 osoba. Ali, o tome detaljnije pročitajte u nekoliko pasusa ispod.

Za plaćanje! Učesnici mogu povezati svoj RFID sa svojom debitnom ili kreditnom karticom i tako kupovati hranu i piće, ali i bilo šta drugo dok su na događaju. Ovo je jako zgodno ako se radi o velikim događajima koji okupljaju dosta posetilaca kao što je npr. slučaj sa festivalima, sajmovima i većim konferencijama.

Za povezivanje sa ostalim učesnicima događaja! Vizit karte polako odlaze u prošlost. Zamislite da Vi i onaj sa kim želite da razmenite kontakte samo prislonite svoje RFID bedževe jedan na drugi. I puf! Podaci su digitalno razmenjeni. Ustvari, ne treba da zamišljate, to se već radi nekoliko godina unazad. RFID narukvice


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

takođe mogu imati i opciju da za Vas objavljuju pos­ tove i fotografije sa događaja kom se prisustvuje na Facebook-u. Čak rade i check-in lokacije. Ne biste verovali koliko opcija postoji da budete kre­ ativni u vezi sa „uvlačenjem” učesnika u online komu­ nikaciju na događaju bez da oni uopšte izvade svoj mo­bilni telefon. Poznati letnji belgijski muzički festival Tomorrowland napravio je takvu opciju da, kada se potpuni stranci sretnu na teritoriji festivala, mogu na svojoj RFID narukvici pritisnuti dugme u obliku srca i tako na njihove Facebook profile stižu obaveštenja o svima koje su tog dana upoznali. Jesmo Vas dovoljno zaintrigirali? Jesmo? Nastavite da čitate dalje. E sada, ako se RFID-u doda još jedna mala komponen­ ta zvana UHF tag, moći ćete i da pratite svoje goste. Ali, ne na onaj staromodan način . Dakle, UHF tag je posebna vrsta mikročipa koja se in­stalira u, npr., RFID narukvicu koju će na događaju no­siti učesnici i on omogućava da izmerite ono što će vam dati važne povratne informacije za sledeći event koji organizujete. Kada se RFID antene i čitači postave na prava i ključna mesta, uvek ćete imati preciznu sliku o tome „šta se gde dešava” .

RFID Vam može pomoći da identifikujete delove događaja koji se nisu ispostavili kao dobri ili zahtevaju neke promene zahvaljujući demografskim podacima koje će skupiti. Eliminišite redove! Već smo pisali o tome koliko je va­žan prvi utisak. A prvi utisak u ovom slučaju jeste sam dolazak na događaj. Kao dokazani profesionalci u ovom poslu sigurno ste se već puno puta susreli sa gužvama na ulasku. Ljudi pristižu u približno isto vreme, često u grupama, i stvaraju se redovi. Pogotovo ako se radi o događajima koji okupljaju veliki broj učesnika. I naravno, počinje nervoza. Korišćenjem UHF RFID tag-a, ovo se da li ste znali? u potpunosti izbegava. RFID U idealnim uslovima RFID tag se omogućava da može očitati sa čak 5m razdaljine, svi nesmetano ali ukoliko sedite na metalu ili se prolaze jer se oko Vas u blizini nalazi voda, tada automatski domet može biti manji od 1m. oči­tava na apa­ ratima ko­ji na ulasku stoje, a koji su sinhronizovani sa na­rukvicom / bedžom koju gosti nose. I zastoja onda nema. A ono što je najvažnije, ostavićete dobar utisak, što je ipak, složićete se, najvažnije. Saznaćete koji su govornici privukli najveću pažnju posetilaca, a imaćete i informaciju o tome koliko su se dugo na kojoj sesiji zadržali. Sa ovim podacima imaćete bolji uvid u to koje teme i panelisti su najinteresantniji, koga bi učesnici želeli da ponovo čuju ili vide, koja predavanja su bila najposećenija.

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Na većim događajima, na kojima se istovremeno odr­ žava nekoliko paralelnih radionica/panela/diskusija, apa­rati koji očitavaju RFID narukvice treba postaviti na ulaske u sale. Kako učesnici pristižu, povezivaće se sa njihovim narukvicama, prebrojavati ih i pamtiti koliko su vremena proveli na određenom mestu. Odavde, dalje, možete dobiti dragocene informacije i uvid u uspeh Vaše trenutne poslovne strategije. Ovo će Vam pomoći da identifikujete delove koji se nisu ispostavili kao dobri ili zahtevaju neke promene. Demografski podaci, uparuju se sa pu­tanjom Vaših gostiju na događaju i daju detaljan uvid u intereso­ vanja i preferencije publike. Broj poseta određenim predavanjima, npr., vreme ko­je je neko proveo tamo i kojim predstavljanjima pro­izvoda je prisustvovao, pomažu da sklopite sliku o tome šta učesnici očekuju na Vašem događaju. Kada raspolažete ovim podacima, možete ih uporediti sa onima sa prethodnog što će Vam, opet, dosta pomoći u organizaciji narednog događaja.

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Pored velikog broja noviteta koje nam je primena no­ vih tehnologija donela, korišćenje RFID-a napravio je možda najveću revoluciju. Baš zbog toga što je ogroman broj mogućnosti za njegovo korišćenje, ali i zbog toga što, u odnosu na ostalo, ne predstavlja veliku stavku za budžet. U svakom slučaju, ovo je nešto što bismo definitivno preporučili! Mirjana Jokić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


cover story

RFID Technology for Events

A Little Help for Big Professionals RFID is the abbreviation for radio frequency identification, a technology that sup­ ports wireless transmission of different types of data. It can help to turn an “or­ dinary” event into one that participants are guaranteed to remember thanks to just a badge or a wristband. What can RFID badges and wristbands be used for?

Entrance! You just place the RFID wristband on the sensor and you’re in! This technology allows as many as 120 people to enter in a single minute. Read on to find out in more detail about this in the paragraphs below.

Payment! Participants can connect their RFID with their debit or credit cards and use this to buy food and drinks, as well as anything else while at the event. It is very convenient when it comes to big events that draw a lot of visitors such as festivals, trade shows, or conventions.

nouncements or photos for you on Facebook from the event you’re attending. They even include do chec­kin locations. You would not believe how many options there are to be creative about “dragging” your attendees into online communication at the event without them even getting their cell phones out. The famous Belgian summer music festival Tomorrowland created a feature allowing complete strangers press a heart – shaped button when they run into each other inside the festival boundaries, which sends notifications about anyone they met that day to their Facebook profiles. Are you intrigued? You are? Keep reading.

Connecting with other event participants! Business cards are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Imagine that you and the person you want to exchange contact info can just put your RFID badges against each other. Voila! The information is exchan­ ged digitally. In fact, you don’t have to imagine – this technology has been in use for several years now. RFID wristbands can also have the feature to post an-


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Now, if RFID is added another small feature called the UHF tag, you are also able to track your guests. But not in the old-fashioned way . So, the UHF tag is a special type of microchip that is installed in, for example, an RFID wristband that is worn at the event by the participants, allowing you to measure what will provide you with important feedback for the next event you’re planning.

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RFID can help You to identify the parts of event that did not turn out to be good or that require some changes thanks to demographics data that collects. When RFID antennas and readers are placed in the right and key places, you always have an accurate picture of what “what goes on where.” No more lines at the entrance! We have already writ­ten about the importance of the first impressi­ on. And the first impression in this case is the very arrival to the event. As well established professionals in the business, you must have seen your fair share of crowded entrances so far. People arrive at around the same time, often in groups, and that creates long waiting lines. Especially when the event is such that it brings together a large number of participants. Of course, that’s when sweat starts to break. By using the UHF RFID tag, this can be completely avoided. RFID allows did You know? everyone to walk freely beIn ideal conditions RFID tag can be cause it is autoread in range of 5m, but if You are simatically read tting on metal or You are surrounded on devices that by water, range can be significatly are standing at smaller – even fewer than 1 m. the entrance, synchronized with the wristband/badge that the participants are wearing. Which means no holdups. Most importantly, you leave a good impression, which – you’ll agree – is the most important thing. You will find out which speakers drew the most attention from the attendees, and you will also know who stayed at which session for how long. With these information, you will have better insight into which topics and panelists were the most interesting, whom would the participants like to hear or see again, or which lectures were the most popular. At bigger events, where several workshops / panels / discussions are underway at the same time, the RFID reading devices should be set up at every entrance. As the participants arrive, the devices connect with their wristbands, count them, and record the time they spent in a certain place.

require some cha­n­ges. The demographics are paired with your attendees’ movements at the event, giving detailed insight into the interests and preferences of the au­di­ence. For example, the number of visits to specific lectures, the time that someone spent there, and the product presentations people attended help to paint a picture of what the participants are ex­pecting from your event. When you have these in­formation, you can compare them to those from the previous one, which in turn will help you a lot in planning the next event. In addition to the myriad innovations brought about by adopting new technologies, using RFID has created perhaps the biggest revolution. Precisely because the­re are a countless possibilities for its use, as well as because - compared with other things - it’s not a big item in the budget. In any case, this is something we would definitely recommend!

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Mirjana Jokić

From here on, you can get more valuable information and insight into how successful your current business strategy is. This will help you identify the parts that did not turn out to be good or that

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017



Ozbiljne investicije u MICE sektoru

Hrvatska – idealan spoj posla i užitka Protežući se uzduž obale Jadransko­ga mora, u nepo­ srednoj blizini Sred­nje Europe, Hrvatska predsta­v­lja savršen spoj vitalne energije koju očekujete u mla­ doj državi i prijatelj­skoga, opuštenog i gosto­lju­bivog oz­račja tradicionalnoga Mediterana.

Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Zagreb – Ivo Biočina

S čistim modrim morem i mističnim planinama, spektakularnim nacionalnim parkovima s mnošt­ vom divljih životinja, bogatstvom okusa i uzbudljivih vina, Hrvatska je neodoljiva svima onima koje tra­že raznolikost, odmor i poslovne prilike. Tu se može uživati tijekom čitave godine. U Hrvatskoj nije teško sjediniti posao i užitak te ostvariti uspješnu poslovnu suradnju. Okružena prirodnim ljepotama koje oduzimaju dah, s beskrajnom obalom, raznolikom gastronomijom, avanturama, sportom i wellnessom, Hrvatska nudi idealne uvjete za MICE turizam.

Dubrovnik – Ivo Pervan

Kongresna dvorana Opatija – Marko Vrdoljak


Hrvatska već niz godina postaje svjetski poznata MICE destinacija u Europi. Sve je privlačnija organizatorima poslovnih sastanaka, bilo da su usmjereni na konferencije i kongrese ili nagradne pakete.

nošću reći da ovaj segment turizma naglo raste u Hrvatskoj. Prednosti MICE turizma u Hrvatskoj su izravna pristupačnost, izvrsna mreža cesta te naravno ponuda ho­ tela, osobito u kategoriji hotela s četiri i pet zvjezdica. Glavni grad Zagreb lako je dostupan te je postao destinacija koju se mo­ že posjetiti tijekom čitave godine, posebice od strane MICE turista. Dolazak Emirate Airlines u zagrebačku zračnu luku osigurava lakše povezivanje hrvatskoga glavnog grada s više od 150 destinacija diljem svijeta. Grad Opatija je također otvorio svoj novi multifunkcionalni kulturno-turistički centar s nekoliko konferencijskih dvorana.

Ozbiljne investicije u kongresne ka­pacitete zamjetno su podigle kvalitetu hrvatske MICE ponude.

Osim toga, Hrvatska nastavlja s ra­z­­vojem kvalitete infrastrukture i us­luga prilagođenih MICE sektoru. No, kako je često slučaj, praksa daje puno živopisniju sliku od same statistike.

S rastom kapaciteta i fantastičnim nacionalnim rezultatima postignu­ tima svake godine, može se sa sigur-

Tako, prilikom odabira destina­cije za svoje poslovanje, nema bolje potvrde privlačnosti hrvatske MICE

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

d e s t i n a c i j a ponude od potvrde tvrtki kao što su Google, Dell ili Mercedes.

poslovnu destinaciju u kombinaciji s odmorom.

Što se tiče centara poslovnoga tu­ri­ zma u Hrvatskoj, Opatija, Zagreb i Dubrovnik imaju vodeću ulogu.

Konferencijski pros­tori u gradu imaju kapacitet od pre­ko 8000 sjedala u hotelima i dru­gim konferencijskim prostorima.

Zajedno s obližnjim Gradom Rije­ kom, Opatija nudi kapacitet od pre­ko 15000 sjedala u više od 130 dvorana, koje su sve opremljene najmodernijom tehnologijom. Zagreb je grad koji vrvi poslovnim mogućnostima, šarmantno opušten grad pun povijesnih spomenika i romantičnih priča, ali i dinamičan, moderan i gostoljubiv grad. Ima pregršt zelenih površina te raz­ ne prekrasne parkove i rekreacijska područja. Kao kongresni i incentive centar, Dubrovnik nudi brojne mogućnosti onima koji ga odaberu kao svoju

Njegova bogata povijest, geografski smještaj, blaga klima i tradicija izvrsnosti u turizmu čine Dubrovnik nepobitnim hrvatskim konvencijskim centrom s više konvencija, kongresa i korporativnih nagradnih programa nego bilo gdje drugdje u državi. Dubrovnik kao poslovna destinaci­ ja nudi izvanredne mogućnosti, s ho­telima s četiri i pet zvjezdica kao izvrsnim domaćinima za veće ili manje sastanke.

Opatija – Marko Vrdoljak



Serious Investments in MICE Sector

Croatia – Ideal Combination of Business and Leisure Stretching along the Adriatic Sea, just a stone’s th­ row away from Central Europe, Croatia is the perfect mix of the vibrant energy you would expect from a young country and the friendly, relaxed and hospitable ways of the traditional Mediterranean.

Zagreb – Zoran Jelača

From the pristine blue sea to mystical mountains, spectacular national parks with a thriving wildlife, full of flavors and exciting wines, Croatia has proven to be irresisti­ble to everyone seeking diversity, a va­cation and business opportu­nities. And it can be enjoyed all year round. In Croatia it is not difficult to com­bine work with pleasure and to ac­hi­eve successful business co­ operation. Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, an endless coastline, diverse gastronomy, adventure, spo­rts and wellness, Croatia has the ideal conditions for MICE tourism.

Srđ, Dubrovnik, cable car – Luka Esenko

Year by year, Croatia is becoming a world renowned MICE destination in Europe. The country has become increasingly attractive for organizers of business meetings, whether they are focused on conferences and con­gresses or incentives.

Congress Hall Opatija – Marko Vrdoljak


Serious investment in congress capa­cities has greatly elevated the qua­lity of Croatia’s MICE offer. With the growth in capacity and the spectacular national results

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

ac­hieved every year, it is more than reasonable to say that this tourism segment is booming in Croatia. The advantages of MICE tourism here are its direct accessibility, excellent road network and, of course, a hotel offer that is very respecta­ ble in the four-star and five-star categories. The capital Zagreb is very accessible and has become a destination that can be visited throughout the year, especially by MICE tourists. The arrival of Emi­rates Airlines at the Zagreb airport provides easy connections from the city to more than 150 global destinations. The city of Opatija has also opened a new multifunctional center of culture and tourism with several meeting rooms. Moreover, Croatia is continuing to improve the quality of its infrastructure and services adapted to the MICE sector. But, as is often the case, practice paints a much more colorful picture than mere statistics. So when cho­osing a destination for your

d e s t i n a t i o n business, no better proof of the attractiveness of the Croatian MICE offer can be supplied than companies like Google, Dell or Mercedes. Regarding business tourism centers in Croatia, Opatija, Zagreb and Dubrovnik are firmly in the leading positions. Together with the nearby city of Rijeka, Opatija offers over 15,000 seats in over 130 halls, all equipped with state-of-the-art tech­nology. Zagreb is both a city teeming wi­th business opportunities and a charmingly relaxed city full of histo­rical monuments and romantic stories, but it is also dynamic, mo­ dern and hospitable. It abounds in green spaces and has a variety of beautiful parks and recreational areas.

As a congress and incentive venue, Dubrovnik offers many possibiliti­ es to people who choose it as a de­stination for business combined with leisure. The city’s conference facilities offer more than 8,000 se­ ats in hotels and other conference venues. Its rich history, geographic lo­cation, mild climate, and tradition of tourism excellence make Dubrovnik Cro­ atia’s undisputed convention center with more conventions, congresses, and corporate incentive programs than anywhere else in the country.

Zagreb – Ivo Biočina

It offers outstanding possibilities as a business destination, with fourstar and five-star hotels that will be excellent hosts for large or small meetings. Opatija – Marko Vrdoljak


tema broja

Ostavite utisak uz pomoć virtualnog

Dobar dan! Moje ime je realnost. Virtualna realnost. Kada govorimo o primenama modernih tehnologija u organizaciji događaja, da­ nas je nemoguće zaobići virtualnu realnost (Virtual Reality – VR). Ona je tema pro­fe­sionalaca u ovoj oblasti već preko jedne decenije. A uglavnom se vode polemike oko pitanja da li sastanke „uživo” treba zameniti virtualnim. Ovo trodimenzionalno okruženje koje je u potpunosti kompjuterski kreirano, a na­ma poznato pod imenom Virtual Reality, ima sposobnost da promeni način na koji vidimo događaj, planiramo ga, diskutujemo o njemu na licu mesta i učest­ vujemo u njemu. Zadatak virtualne realnosti jeste da korisnika izmesti u nov svet u kom će biti u mogućnosti da iskusi različite situacije. Ona ga uvlači u potpuno novu dimenziju u kojoj je interaktivan koristeći sve što mu se u okruženju nalazi ili mu je dostupno. Pošto virtualna realnost danas može biti uspostavljena zahvaljujući korišćenju različitih platformi, veoma je važno da profesionalci iz oblasti organizacije događaja izaberu pravu platformu za svoju ciljnu grupu. Corbin Ball, priznati međunarodni predavač i konsultant u oblasti primene moderne tehnologije na događajima, je protekle godine virtualnu realnost proglasio za jednu od devet neverovatnih trendova u industriji događaja. A kako se, na dnevnom nivou, pojavljuje sve više i više aplikacija koje su ovome namenjene, zainteresovanost ljudi za virtualnu realnost je u ogromnom porastu. Planeri događaja, zbog prirode posla kojim se bave,


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žele da drže korak sa novim tehnologijama i da ih učine delom svoje organizacije. A kako stručnjaci i profesionalci iz ove oblasti najavljuju, VR će ubrzo postati jedan od glavnih trendova u organizaciji događaja. Zbog toga, za Vas smo odabrali neke od najinteresantnijih primera. Uživajte!

Kako događaj učiniti atraktivnijim U martu ove godine oboren je Ginisov rekord u kategoriji „Najviše ljudi koji su istovremeno koristili Reality displejeve”. Sve se odigralo na događaju u Vankuveru, a u organizaciji udruženja YPO EDGE koje okuplja vrhunske tim lidere iz celog sveta. Za vreme svoje prezentacije Ziv Aviram, CEO i ko-osnivač kompanije Mobileye je iznenadio svih 1.867 prisutnih pruživši im jedno nezaboravno iskustvo – vozili su automobil u virtualnoj realnosti. Svakog učesnika je na njegovom mestu za sedenje sačekao set VR naočara

Zadatak virtualne realnosti jeste da korisnika izmesti u nov svet u kom će biti u mogućnosti da iskusi različite situacije. koji ih je vodio kroz ovo iskustvo. Kada je Aviram dao znak, svako je stavio svoje naočare i vožnja je počela. Sada zamislite skoro 2.000 ljudi koji sede u svojim udobnim stolicama u nekom amfiteatru i okreću glave levo i desno, koče i sviraju jedni drugima, smeju se i razgovaraju. VR svet je bio skoro nemoguće razlikovati od onog stvarnog! Još jedan vrlo interesantan primer bilo je korišćenje VR na konferenciji za novinare koju je organizovala kompanija Intel povodom predstavljanja najnovije kamere koju su dizajnirali. DA LI STE ZNALI? Kroz ceo proces Žene su manje zainteresovane za učesnike je vovirtualnu realnost od muškaraca, dio CEO Intel-a, pokazuju istraživanja. I dok jači Brian Krizanich. pol zanima skoro sve što je u vezi Naime, gosti sa VR, žene je najčešće koriste da su pozvani da gledaju muziku i plešu uz stave headsetVR headset-ove. ove koji su bili pripremljeni za njih i čarolija je počela. VR ih je odvela visoko iznad pustinja i pokazala kako izgleda skok padobranom iz helikoptera! Kamera koju su na konferenciji predstavljali bila je na glavi profesionalnog padobranca a headset-ovi koji dati novinarima bili su direktno pove-

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zani sa njom, tako da su svi imali utisak da zajedno sa padobrancem iskaču sa visine od preko 1.000 metara. Kada smo kod ekstremnih sportova, koji se iz očiglednih razloga izbegavaju kao tim bilding aktivnosti, možda će se u budućnosti one upravo zasnivati na virtualnom iskustvu. Stavite VR naočare i skijajte najopasnijim liticama, budite učesnik u vožnji Formule 1, ronite na velikim dubinama ili se vozite glajderom, probajte slobodno penjanje ili alpinizam.

Pop-Up Venues Da li ste ikada bili u muzeju ili umetničkoj galeriji, a da pri tome, tamo nema umetničkih dela? Najverovatnije da niste. Nismo ni mi. Ali, verovali ili ne, ovo je zaista moguće! U Holandiji, u Amsterdamu je prošle godine u delu grada u kom se nalaze muzeji napravljen Trg muzeja na kom je organizovan događaj Access Art. Svi prolaznici koji su bili zainteresovani dobijali bi headset-ove koji su u VR svetu prikazivali najveća umetnička dela – od onih iz antike, preko humanizma i renesanse, pop-art-a do dela iz moderne. Čak i muzička dela! Ljudi su šetali po trgu sa VR opremom i razgledali slike, sklupture, vajarska dela i preslušavali najpoznatije muzičke numere. Postojala je i opcija da o svakoj umetnini saznaju više, birajući opcije koje se odnose na njegovu istoriju, isto­rijskom periodu u kom je nastala ili tražeći više infor­macija o autoru dela. Ovakva vrsta događaja u industriji organizacije događaja naziva se Pop-up Venues.

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DA LI STE ZNALI? Kada prvi put koriste VR headsetove, veliki broj ljudi prijavljuje da oseća mučninu i glavobolju. Ovo se dešava upravo zbog toga što je korisnik ubeđen da se kreće, a zapravo sve vreme sedi ili stoji.

Kako bi bilo da... Ovaj primer nas je zaintrigirao pa smo razmišljali o tome kako bi moglo da izgleda razgledanje ili poseta određenim destinacijama. Da li će šetnju po Parizu zameniti šetnja u nekoj prostorji sa VR naočarima? Sigurno je da ovo nosi puno olakšica – distanca koja treba da se pređe više ne postoji kao problem, radno vreme muzeja, npr., više se ne mora uzimati u obzir kao ni veličina grupe koja je „krenula u razgledanje”, a možete „obići” čak i one destinacije koje važe za nepristupačne. Još jedan od skorašnjih Pop-up Venues bila je i londonska četvrt Soho, gde su oživeli tradicionalni kubanski bar Casa Havana, a organizator je bio Havana Club, jedan od najpoznatijih svetskih proizvođača ruma. Sam događaj je trajao puna dva dana, a za posetioce je osmišljena posebna VR tura. Gosti su se putem virtualne stvarnosti upoznali gopspodina Pereza, vlasnika Casa Havane, te ih je odveo put Kube, na drugi kraj sveta. Tamo su imali prilike da pogledaju njegovu kuću, čuju celu istoriju ovog bara, istoriju ruma i otkriveni


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su im sastojci njegovog najčuvenijeg koktela „Srebrni ananas”, a kada je VR tura završena, isti koktel ih je sačekao kao dobrodošlica povratku u stvarnost. Kao što ste mogli da pročitate, a možda i pre toga naslutite, mogućnosti su bezbrojne. Vaša mašta je jedina granica. Progonoze su da neće proći još puno vremena dok virtualna realnost ne uzme primat u organizaciji događaja. A kada se to desi, biće to najveća promena lica event industrije! Ostaje pitanje da li virtualno može u potpunosti da zameni realno iskustvo? I ako može, da li bi trebalo? Gde treba da bude granica između virtualnog i realnog? U svakom slučaju, treba biti oprezan. A više o tome pročitajte u tekstu na stranici 97. Milica Novak

cover story Use Virtual to Make an Impression

Hello! My Name is Reality. Virtual Reality. When we talk about the application of modern technologies in event planning, today virtual reality is impossible to avoid (VR). It has been a subject of interest among the professionals in this field for over a decade. Most of the controversy is over the question of whether live meetings should be replaced by virtual ones. This three – dimensional environment, which is entirely computer generated and known to us as Virtual Reality, has the ability to change the way we see an event, plan it, discuss it on-site, and participate in it. The task of virtual reality is to transport the user to a new world where they will be able to experience different situations. It draws the use into a completely new dimension in where everything that is around or that is available is also interactive. Since virtual reality can now be set up thanks to the use of different platforms, it is very important that event planning professionals choose the right platform for their target audience. Corbin Ball, a well-known international lecturer and consultant in the field of applying modern technology at events, last year declared virtual reality to be one of nine incredible trends in the event industry. As more and more applications intended for this purpose emerge on daily basis, people’s interest in virtual reality is skyrocketing. Event planners, because of the nature of the work they do, want to keep up with new technologies and incorporate them into their planning. And as experts and professionals in this field say, VR will soon become

one of the main trends in event planning. That is why we have chosen some of the most interesting examples for you. Enjoy the read! In March this year, the Guinness record in “The Most People Using Reality Displays at the Same Time” has been broken. All this took place at a Vancouver event, organized by YPO EDGE, which brings together top team leaders from across the world. During his presentation, Ziv Aviram, CEO and co-foun­ der of Mobileye, surprised all 1,867 attendees by giv­ing them an unforgettable experience – driving a driverless car in virtual reality. All participants received their own sets of VR goggles that led them through this experience. When Aviram gave the sign, they all put their goggles on and started the ride. Now imagine almost 2,000 people sitting in their comfortable chairs in an auditorium turning their heads left and right, braking and pressing the horn, laughing and talking. This VR world was almost impossible to distinguish from the real one!

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The task of virtual reality is to transport the user to a new world where they will be able to experience different situations.

How to make an event more attractive Another very interesting example was using VR at a press conference organized by Intel to introduce its latest camera. Throughout the process, the participa­ nts were led by Intel CEO Brian Krizanich. The guests were invited to put on the headsets that were waiting for them and the magic began. VR took them high above deserts and showed them what it is like to jump from a helicopter with Did You Know? a parachute! Women are not so interested in VR The camera comparing to men, show researc­ they revealed hes. And while men want to know at the confe­ almost everything concerning rence was Virtual Reality, women use VR hest­rapped on a adsets most often just for watching professional music videos and dancing. parachutist’s head, and the headsets that were distributed to the reporters were directly connected with it, so they all had the impression that they were jumping from more than 1,000 meters together with the parachutist.

Pop-up venues While we’re at extreme sports, which are for obvious reasons avoided as team building activities, they just


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

might be based on virtual experience in the future. Place your VR goggles and ski over the most dangerous cliffs, be a Formula 1 driver, dive at great depths or ride a glider, try free climbing or alpinism. Have you ever been to a museum or an art gallery, without any artwork being there? Probably not. Neither have we. But, believe it or not, this is actual­ly possible! Last year Amsterdam, Holland, in the pa­rt of the city where the museums are located, saw the Museum Square emerge where the Access Art event took place. All passers-by who were interested received headsets that displayed the world’s greatest art works in VR - from ancient Greece and humanism and renaissance to pop art and modern works. Works of music were also included! People were walking around the square with their VR equipment and looked at paintings, sculptures, different pieces, and listened to the most famous compositions. There was also the feature to learn more about each artwork, choosing options related to its history or the historical period in which it was created or searching for more information about the author of the work. This kind of events in the event planning industry is called Pop-Up Venues.

What if… This story intrigued us, so we started thinking about how sightseeing or visiting certain destinations might look. Is a walk around Paris going to be replaced by a walk in some room with VR goggles on? This certainly brings a lot of advantages – the distance to be travelled is not a problem anymore, museum working

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DID YOU KNOW? When VR headsets are used for first time, number of people that felt sickness and headache is pretty big. This happens because they are convinced that they are moving around instead of sitting or just standing.

hours become irrelevant, as well as the size of the group that is go­ing “sightseeing,” and you can “visit” even the most inaccessible destinations. Another of the recent Pop-up Venues was the Soho District of London, where the traditional Cuban bar Casa Havana was revived, and the organizer was Havana Club, one of the world’s le­ading producers of rum. The event itself lasted for two full days, and a special VR tour was designed for visitors. Using virtual reality, the guests were introduced to Mr. Perez, the owner of Casa Havana, and he took them to Cuba, to the other side of the world. There they had the opportunity to see his house, hear about the whole history of the bar and the history of rum, and they learned the ingredients of his most famous cocktail, Silver Pineapple. When the VR tour ended, this cocktail was waiting for them as a welcome on their return to reality.

As you have seen, or maybe even anticipated yourself before, the possibilities are countless. Your imagination is the only limit. The prognoses say that it won’t take much longer until virtual reality takes the lead in event planning. And when that happens, it will be the biggest change the event industry has ever seen! The question remains whether the virtual can completely replace the real experience? And if it can, should it? Where should the boundary between virtual and real stand? In any case, cautiousness is advised. Read more about this on page 97.

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Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017



tema broja Izmenite stvarnost na bolje!

Kako da koristite Augmented Reality na svom događaju Ukoliko do sada niste bili u prilici da čujete za termin „Augmented Reality“, sva je prilika da ćete se u skorijoj budućnosti sve češće susretati sa njim. Augmented Reality (AR) u slobodnom prevodu predstavlja izmenjenu realnost, proširenu st­var­nost takoreći. Zapravo, da budemo precizniji u objašnjenju, to je stvaran, rea­lan svet koji je proširen kompjuterskim podacima i / ili objektima – zvukom i / ili grafikom. U stvari, vi ste se već nebrojeno puta susreli sa ovom vrstom realno­ sti, ali možda niste znali da se o njoj radi. Primenjuje se u umetnosti, gejming industriji, arhitekturi, svakodnevnom životu, idustrijskom dizajnu, medicini, navigaciji, auto industri­ji, arheologiji... I na televiziji! Svaki put kada gleda­ te vremensku prognozu, upravo ona karta sa vre­menskim prilikama ispred koje voditelj priča i pokazuje predstavlja proširenu stvarnost o kojoj je ovde reč.

tualna realnost Vas uvodi u sasvim novi svet koji se ne mora poklapati sa okruženjem u kom se trenutno nala­zite – dok sedite u kancelariji na primer, može Vas „teleportovati“ u pustinju, muzej, na koncert...

drugom smart uređaju. Igra Poke­ mon je, recimo, odličan primer upo­ trebe izmenjene realnosti i može se reći da je ona donela izmenjenu realnost (AR) širokim narodnim ma­sama.

Druga, takođe bitna razlika, jeste ta da je za svet virtualne realnosti potreban tzv. „headset“. Dakle, radi se o potpuno digitalnom iskustvu koje oponaša i imitira situacije iz st­varnog sveta. Više o virtualnoj re­ alnosti možete pročitati na str 68.

AR vs. VR

AR ili izmenjena realnost, kako joj i ime kaže, realnost kao takvu, sa­mo dopunjuje nekom grafikom, zvu­kom i slično, a za njen prikaz nisu potrebne VR naočare odnosno headset, već je dovoljna aplikacija na mobilnom telefonu ili nekom

Primena izmenjene stvarnosti na događajima je danas vrlo česta. Naročito u promotivne i marketin­ ške svrhe, kao i za veće pobuđiva­ nje interesovanja i uključivanje učesnika. Na sajmovima je vrlo popularna, pogotovo kada ste ograničeni prostorom.

Ona se ne treba mešati sa virtual­ nom realnosti jer se radi o dve pot­puno različite stvari kojima je „realnost“ kao takva, samo zajednički imenilac. Razlike su dve: vir-

Uzmimo za primer sajmove automobila gde je veliki broj posetilaca, izlagači su ograničeni prostorom, a, prirodno, žele da prezentuju publici što veći broj svojih novih vozila.

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b r o j a svoje pametne uređaje, mogli su da kada dođu svojoj kući, tačno vi­de da li bi im se, npr., sofa uklapala u prostor i kako bi izgledala na određenom mestu. Jedna od najpoznatijih kompanija u auto industriji, BMW, u novim modelima svojih automobila ima posebnu vrstu pomoći vozačima koja je zasnovana upravo na izmenjenoj realnosti, tzv. heads - up display.

Kreativna upotreba izmenjene stva­ rnosti tada stupa na scenu. U kombinaciji sa tablet uređajima i aplikacijom koja je za tu priliku specijalno pravljena, kompanija VW je publici priredila nezboravno iskustvo. Šta su uradili? Ispred posetioca je bio postavljen štampani katalog VW automobila. Bilo je potrebno da samo bilo koji „smart“ uređaj prinesu fotografiji automobila iz kataloga i mogli su da vide to, ili neko drugo, vo­zilo „projektovano“ pred njima. Izgledalo je kao da taj automobil lebdi


iznad kataloga. Povećavanjem se moglo doći do njegove stvarne ve­ličine, mogli su se videti svi spo­ ljašnji i unutrašnji detalji, čak i da pregledaju vozilo u svim bojama u kojima se proizvodi. Nešto slično je još 2013. godine ura­dila i kompanija IKEA. Svaki kupac je mogao da, dok lista njihov katalog proizvoda, vidi taj proizvod u 3D varijanti, ali su Šveđani otišli još jedan korak dalje. Naime, uz određenu aplikaciju koju su korisnici mogli da instaliraju na

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Dok vozite, na tom posebnom dis­pleju, na prednjem staklu vozila, poka­zuje se brzina kojom idete, ogra­niče­nja, zastoji, navigacija itd., u zavisnosti od toga koja Vam je vrsta informacija potrebna u tom momentu. Kompanija Coca-Cola je pred kraj decembra 2014. godine uradila svoj prvi događaj u Indiji zasnovan na izmenjenoj realnosti pod nazivom „Podeli više sreće“ u jednom tržnom centru. Pomoću besplatne aplikacije koja je svima bila dostupna, svako ko je želeo mogao je da na svom

mobilnom telefonu upali kameru u „selfie“ modu. Tada bi se automatski na velikom displeju ispred njih pojavljivao Deda Mraz, ali sa licem osobe korisnika, i imitirao pokrete koji bi mu korisnik zadao. Za pet dana, koliko je to trajalo, bilo je preko 10.000 kupaca, pro­ da­to je više od 2.100 Coca-Cola flašica na jednom mestu i bilo je preko 2.250 posetilaca koji su učestvovali u ovoj interaktivnoj kampanji izmenjene stvarnosti. Ovo je i dalje najveći događaj ovog tipa u Indiji ikad održan. Kada je izmenjena stvarnost počela da se vrtoglavo razvija, kao što ste verovatno čuli, Google je konstruisao posebnu vrstu naočara koja se koristi u te svrhe.

nosti u vožnji kolima ili u toku šetnje gradskim ulicama (ovde se misli na korišćenje Google naočara). Lako se može desiti da misli odlutaju. Projektovanje velikog broja slika u vidnom polju korisnika za vreme vožnje npr., može imati ozbiljne po­sledice. Izveštaj objavljen u aprilu 2016. go­ dine, a koji je sastavilo Odeljenje za rizike u vezi sa naprednim tehnolo­ gijama Sjedinjenih Američkih Drža­ va, kaže da su hakeri takođe jedna od opasnosti jer mogu napraviti ap­­likaciju kojom su u stanju da pri­s­ tupe platformi za izmenjenu real­no­ st i praktično „ubace“ ob­jekte / de­s­tinacije / mesta / oso­be koje zapravo ne postoje.

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Ili, pak, mogu da se povežu sa Va­šom platformom i potpuno je izmene u audio vizuelnom smislu. Dakle, privatnost nije zagarantovana. Naravno, stručnjaci iz ove oblasti, marljivo i naporno prate razvoj ove, složićete se, vrlo korisne grane napredne tehnologije, te na sreću, uglavnom postoje rešenja za situacije koje su nepedviđene. Jedno od ograničenja jeste svakako i cena. Google naočare, o kojima smo u tekstu pisali, dostižu cenu do čak 2.000 evra. Ovo u kontekstu organizacije događaja može biti ozbiljna budžetska stavka, pogotovo ako Vaš događaj ima veći broj učesnika. Milica Novak

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Izgledaju kao obične naočare za vid, lako se spakuju, ne zauzimaju puno mesta i imaju providna stakla. Njima je, između ostalog, moguće fotografisati i praviti video zapise. Možete ih koristiti i kao neku vrstu navigacije, one će Vas uputiti do najbližeg kafea, dovesti u traženi restoran, pokazati gde su gužve u delu grada u kom se krećete, a čak možete i dobiti informacije ili odgovore na pitanje jednostavnom metodom – tako što ćete ih upaliti, staviti na oči i razgovarati sa njima. Šalju i poruke tekstualne prirode umesto Vas! Uprkos svemu ovome, njihovo lan­siranje koje je bilo zakazano za 2014. godinu, moralo je biti pomereno jer je bilo dosta kritika. Odvraćanje pažnje, recimo. U Zapa­ dnoj Virdžiniji u SAD-u, po­s­tojao je predlog zakona da se zabrani nji­ho­ vo korišćenje za vreme vožnje. Sve ovo zvuči zaista WOW. Zvuči kao da je samo mašta granica. Ali zapitajmo se koje su sla­bosti i ograničenja. Svakako, tu je momenat sigurnosti koji uvek treba staviti na prvo mesto. Pogotovo ako uzmemo u obzir korišćenje izmenjene real-

SEE Business Travel & Meetings Meetings magazine magazine ·| oktobar februar 2017 2016


cover story Change Reality for the Better!

How to Use Augmented Reality at Your Event If you have never heard of the term Augmented Reality until now, know that you’re most likely to start coming across it more and more in the near future. Augmented Reality (AR) could be loosely defined as an altered or expanded re­a­ lity. In fact, a more precise explanation would be that it represents the real world, only expanded with computer data and / or objects – sounds and / or graphics. Actually, you’ve already seen this kind of reality countless times, you just may not have known that was it. It is used in art, gaming, architectu­ re, everyday life, industrial design, medicine, navigation, auto indust­ ry, archeology... And television! Every time you’re watching the weather forecast you can see this expanded reality – tho­se maps showing the weather conditions behind the anchors while they talk is exactly that.

AR vs. VR It should not be confused with virtual reality because these are two completely different things that


have “reality” as merely a com­mon denominator. The first difference is that virtual re­ality transports you into a whole new world that does not have to match the environme­nt you are in at the time – you can be sitting in the office, for example, and be “tele­por­ted” to a desert, museum, concert... Another also important difference is that the world of virtual re­ality requires the so-called headset or googles. This makes it a fully digital experien­ ce that mimics and imitates situ­ati­ ons from the real world. You can find out more about virtual reality on page 71.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

AR or altered reality, as the name suggests, only supplements reality as it exists with graphics, audio, and the like, and for you to see it you don’t need VR glasses or he­ adset – all you need is an app on yo­ur mobile phone or some other sm­art device. For example, Pokémon is a great example of using augmented rea­lity, and we might say that the game has brought augmented r­eality (AR) to the masses. Augmented reality at events is very common today. Especially for promotional and marketing purposes, as well as for boosting interest and engaging participants. It’s very popular at trade shows, especially when there’s limited space.

Let’s take car shows for example, where visitors are many and exhi­ bitors are limited by space, while – naturally - they want to present as many of their new vehicles as possible to the audience. This is where creative use of augmented reality enters. Combining it with tablets and an app that was specially designed for the occasion, Volkswagen prepared an unforgettable experience for its audience. What did they do? They set up a printed catalog of the brand’s models in front of the visitors. All they needed to do is bring any smart device closer to a car in the catalog to see that or another model revealed before their eyes. It looked as if the car was floating above the catalog. The zoom-in option would make the vehicle reach its real-life size, and the visitors could see every exterior or interior detail or even check out the car in every available color.

In 2013, IKEA did something simi­lar. While sifting through the brand’s portfolio, the customers were able to see the products in 3D. In fact, the Swedish company went a step further. Using a dedicated app that they installed on their smart devices, the users were able to go home and check out if, for example, a sofa would match the rest of the room or how it would look in different spots. One of the best known automoti­ ve companies, BMW, provides a spe­cial kind of help to drivers in its new cars that is based on augmen­ ted reality – the so-called heads-up display. As you drive, this special display on the vehicle’s windshield shows the speed, speed limits, traffics jams, navigation, and so on – depending on what kind of information you need at the moment. At the end of December 2014, Coca-Cola held its first event in

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India based on augmented reality titled “Share More Happiness” at a shopping mall. Using a free app, anyone who downloaded it could turn on the camera’s selfie mode on their mobile phone. A big display set up in front of them would reveal Santa, only with the user’s face, and imitate the moves instructed by the user. Over the five days of the event, more than 10,000 people were buying and more than 2,100 Coca-Cola bottles were sold at a single location, with more than 2,250 visitors participating in the interactive augmented reality campaign. This is still the biggest event of this kind in India ever to be held.

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When augmented reality began to develop and grow rapidly, as you probably know, Google constructed a special type of glasses used for these purposes.

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They look like ordinary glasses, they are easy to pack, they don’t take up much space, and they have transparent lenses. Among other things, they can be used to take photos or record videos. You can use also them as a navigation device. They will give you directions to the ne­arest cafe, bring you to the res­tau­rant you’re looking for, show you which parts of the city are crow­d­ed, and even get you information or answers without any fuss at all – you just need to turn them on, put them on, and talk to them. They can also send text m­essages for you! Despite all this, their lau­nch – sche­ duled for 2014 – had to be postpo­ ned because of a lot of criticism. Getting distracted was one. In West Virginia, USA, there was a bill to prohibit their use while driving.


All this sounds really spectacular. It sounds like the sky’s the limit now.

practically “insert” objects / desti­ nations/locations/people that do not actually exist.

But let’s have a quick rundown of their weak spots and limitations. Of course, there is the issue of sa­fe­ ty, which should always come first.

Or, they could connect to your pla­t­ form and completely change its audio-visual aspects. As a result, privacy is not guaranteed.

Especially if we take into account using augmented reality while dri­ ving or walking around city streets (we’re talking about Google Glass here). One could easily drift. Displaying a large number of images in the user’s field of vision during driving, for example, can have serious consequences. A report published in April 2016, compiled by the United States’ ad­vanced technology risk mana­ gement department, says that ha­ckers represent another threat because they can make an app that they can use to access the augmented reality platform and

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Of course, experts in this field are diligently and strenuously monitoring the development of this – you probably agree – very high-tech branch, so, fortunately, there are solutions for most off-script situations. One of the drawbacks is certainly the price. Google Glass, which we have discussed here, can cost up to a staggering 2,000 euros. In the context of event planning, this can be a serious budget item, especial­ ly if your event is intended for a larger number of participants. Milica Novak

Agencija EURES-TIM – novi trendovi u organizaciji događaja

Napravite korak više za događaje – Otkrijte „produkcijske večere“ Osnivač i generalna direktorka agen­cije EURES-TIM, Martina Tretinjak Dananić, ima preko 15 godina iskustva u organizaciji događaja i posebnih večera. Od 2015. godine aktivno razvija kon­cepte gastronomskih iskustava u regionu, pritom sarađujući sa brojnim vrhunskim restoranima i kuvarima. Zahvaljujući razumevanju sveta gas­ tronomije, enologije i ugostiteljst­ va, i uz svoje veliko iskustvo u event menadžmentu, agencija EURES-TIM nastavlja sa podizanjem lestvice u organizaciji događaja. Kako bi krajnji proizvod bio što inte­ resantniji, pored toga što pažljivo os­luškuju potrebe tržišta, Martina i njen tim su u neprestanoj potrazi za novim kreativnim rešenjima. Danas, kada su tehnologije prakti­ čno svima dostupne, originalnost i autentičnost zavise isključivo od kreativnosti.

A kako ostati kreativan? Odgovor na ovo pitanje dala nam je upravo Martina. „Večere uglavnom organiziramo u restoranima, ali i na neobičnim lokacijama koje svojim preduvjetima odgovaraju takvoj vrsti događanja. U današnje vrijeme, normalna je pojava da su određeni klijenti bili uzvanici na večerama organiziranima u muzejima, galerijama, kazalištima i slično. I mi u svojoj ponudi imamo takve lokacije, ali ih uvijek nastojimo oplemeniti, doraditi, na­s­tojimo napraviti neku priču koja ima svoj početak i kraj. Uz te već usvojene lokacije, volimo se igrati i nekim neobičnim lokaci­ jama, npr. piće dobrodošlice u tramvaju ili večera u vlaku… Primjer još jedne takve večere je lokacija u šumi, gdje imamo miris šume i šumske zvukove, a cijelu

priču dodatno popratimo posebnim efektima rasvjete, posebnim zvukovima i slično. Tu vas posjete vile i vilenjaci koji plešu, koji sviraju… stolovi su de­ ko­rirani prirodnim dekoracijama poput mahovine i lišća“, navodi Martina.

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Produkcijske večere U svetu su već uveliko popularne tzv. „produkcijske večere“, a od skoro im možete prisustvovati i u našem regionu, tačnije u Hrvatskoj. „Zadnje 2 godine, svoje organizacijske vještine agencija usmjerava i na jedan poseban dio segmenta cjelokupnog događanja, a to je or­ganizacija posebnih ve­čera koje su često propraćene cje­lovitom tehničkom produkcijom. Produkcijske večere su uglavnom tematske večere koje uz serviranje hrane i pića na visokoj razini kva­ li­tete, uzvanicima pružaju i neko

Agencija EURES-TIM od 2005. godine pruža usluge kompletne organizacije događanja te svojom kreativnošću, motiviranošću, iskustvom i pažnjom nastoji pružiti najkvalitetnija rješenja i osigu­ rati besprijekoran tijek događanja. S tim u skladu, agencija EURES-TIM ima novi logo i radi na kompletnom novom brendingu. Sa vizijom „biti drugačiji“, pozicionirati se na tržištu s vlastitim brandom i standardima usluge, EURES-TIM je moderna, inventivna i financijski zdrava agencija koja konstantno pridonosi rastu kvalitete turističkog proizvoda.

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a g e n c i j a novo iskustvo, a da to nisu ranije znali da će se dogoditi. To novo iskustvo može značiti je­ dan potpuno neočekivan događaj za vrijeme same večere ili potpuno neočekivanu lokaciju ili uređenje lokacije, te se to sve uglavnom još dodatno poprati videom, rasvjetom i zvukom“, objašnjava Martina. Produkcijske večere propraćene su u celosti kompletnom tehničkom podrškom, gde nastoje da uključe većinu čula putem posebnih mirisa, video projekcije i raznih zvukova. Uvodi se interaktivnost među goste jer poenta je prevazići koncept sedenja i konzumacije hrane i piće. „Sve ovisi koliko daleko klijent želi ići te, naravno, o budžetu kojim raspolaže. Bitno je naglasiti da uglavnom lokacije biramo mi, s obzirom na to da znamo osnovne preduvjete koji su nam potrebni za realizaciju, ali se, naravno, konzultiramo s klijentima te rado poslušamo i njihove želje“, kaže Martina. Za organizaciju ovakave vrste ve­če­ re, potrebno je vreme, ali pre toga znanje i iskustvo, uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da su i klijenti vrlo dobro upućeni u gastronomiju, ali i vinsku ponudu.

Photo by Z CAMERA

Kako je Martina pasionirani gastro­ nom i enolog, pri Hrvatskom so­me­ lijerskom klubu završila je kurs I ste­pena somelijera, a za polaganje II ste­pena se uveliko sprema. Zbog ovoga, klijenti su se počeli pre­puštati njenom izboru jelovnika za večeru, ali i izboru vina i ostalih pića.

omo­gućiti neko novo iskustvo. Na temelju iskustva, svaki je dio cijele organizacije bitan, no na kra­ ju se jako velika pažnja posvećuje kvaliteti ponude hrane i pića te pru­žanju usluga istog.“

„Predivan je osjećaj kada ti netko ukaže takvo povjerenje, ali s druge strane stvara i „pritisak” da moraš znati više, da svaki put moraš izne­naditi nečim novim i klijentu

A da je sve podređeno potrebama klijenta govori i činjenica da je EURES-TIM uložio u ketering logistiku, tako da danas postoji i EURES-TIM FURNITURE.

Potrebe klijenata na prvom mestu

Multi – Sense Experience


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Sa tim projektom po­čeli su ove godine jer su shvatili da kako po­ me­raju granice u odabiru lokaci­ ja, nedostaje kvalitetna podrška logistike. „S obzirom na to da su današnja do­gađanja puno složenija, i klijenti izuzetno cene kada se brinemo i o najmanjim detaljima na njihovom događanju, investirali smo u izradu namještaja prema našoj mjeri i zahtjevima, jer su to zapravo zahtjevi naših klijenata.“ Nameštaj se kreirao mesecima dok nije pronađeno kvalitetno rešenje ne samo u pogledu izgleda, već i transporta i skladištenja. Svaki element je izrađen zasebno, te je na taj način i skladišten kako ne bi došlo do oštećenja. „Bitno nam je da sve izgleda kao

da se koristi po prvi put, te time že­ limo i dalje graditi svoju reputaciju u kvaliteti realizacije. Danas neke lokacije već pokazuju veliki interes za naš namještaj, tako da ih često

podržavamo s elegantnim barovima, stolovima, barskim foteljama i slično“, završava Martina.

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Svetlana Gavrić

David Kušanić, Brand Engagement Manager u Groupe Renault

Photo by EURES-TIM

S Martinom i cijelim EURES-TIMom surađivao sam dugi niz godina na raznim projektima i događanjima koje su organizirali za marke Grupe Renault. Svojom stručnošću, te najvišom kvalitetom izvedbe i organizacije, uspjeli su svako novo događanje dignuti na još višu razinu, a samim time i razinu očekivanja na nivou industrije (kako auto tako i event managementa). Zadnjih par godina, svakako se istaknula njihova usmjerenost ka diferenciranju s organizacijom „posebnih večera“. U toj organizaciji, ne samo da je težište stavljeno na najviši stupanj enogastronomskog spektra (čime dodatno pridonosi Martinino kontinuirano usavršavanje), već i na popratno uređenje prostora audio-vizualnim efektima i scenografskim elementima.

Custom made Čokolada

Renata Jagetić, Mazda Motor Croatia, Direktor za jugoistočnu Europu Obzirom na veličinu našeg tima s jedne strane i broj tržišta koje pokrivamo s druge strane jako nam je važno da partneri s kojima surađujemo postanu naši „pridruženi članovi“. S EURES-TIM-om je tako od prvog projekta. U proteklih 4,5 godine naše suradnje odradili smo veliki broj velikih i malih evenata, sastanka, promocija u nekoliko zemalja. Za Martinu nema velikih i malih projekata, ona svakome pristupa s neiscrpnom energijom i potpunom fokusiranošću pritom vodeći računa da savršeni rezultat bude sastavljen od savršenih detalja. I ono što je najvažnije – iako unaprijed znam sadržaj eventa uvijek s nestrpljenjem očekujem izvedbu. Martina je majstor u tome da nadvisi vaša očekivanja.

Ivana Mudrovčić, Mazda Motor Croatia, Marketing Manager za jugoistočnu Europu Već od prvog eventa koji je organizirala za Mazdu, Martina je pokazala da ona i njezin tim savršeno dobro razumiju potrebe klijenta i branda s kojim surađuju. Kroz godine smo stvorili partnerstvo u kojem nas je Martina svaki put uspjela nanovo oduševiti idejama, izvedbom, te malim detaljima koji čine tako veliku razliku. Sa ovakvom agencijom, koja konstanto ulaže u svoja znanja, iznimno je lako ostvariti topao i iskren odnos te u svakom trenutku možete računati da će vam isporučiti ne samo korisničko iskustvo kakvo ste htjeli, već i više od toga. U slučaju EURES-TIM-a sintagma „ključ u ruke“ prestaje biti samo fraza.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


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EURES-TIM: New Trends in Event Planning

Going the Extra Mile for Events – Discover „Multi-Sensory Dining“ EURES-TIM founder and general ma­nager Martina Tretinjak Dananic has more than 15 years of experience in event and special dinner planning. Since 2015, she has been actively developing concepts of gastronomic experiences in the region, working with numerous top restaurants and chefs. Thanks to her understanding of the gastronomy world, oenology, and catering and her ex­tensive experience in event manage­ment, EURES-TIM continues to raise the bar in event planning. In order to make the end product more interesting – in addition to ca­refully listening to the market – Martina and her team are in con­s­tant search for new creative solutions. Today, when technology is practically available all-round, authenticity depend solely on creativity.

And how is one to stay creative? Martina answered this question for us. “Dinners are mostly organized in restaurants, as well as in unusual locations that meet the requireme­ nts of this type of events. Nowadays, it’s common that cer­ tain clients have been invited to dinners that took place in museums, galleries, theaters, and the like. We, too, have such locations in our offer, but we always try to enhance and improve them, we try to create a story that has its beginning and its end. Along with those already accepted locations, we also like to play around with unusual lo­cations – for example, a welcome drink in a tramcar or a dinner on a train... Another example is dinner in the woods, with the smell and sounds of the woods, and the entire setting is complemented by special

lighting effects, special sounds, etc. There are fairies and elves who dan­ce and play music... The tables have natural decorations like moss and leaves,” says Martina.

Multi-sensory dining The world has seen a rising popularity of the so-called multi-sensory dining, and now you can enjoy it in our region, in Croatia to be more precise. “In the last two years, the agency has been focusing its planning expertise also on one special part of the segment of the whole event, which is planning special dinners that are often accompanied by full technical production. Multi-sensory dinings are mainly themed dinners that, along with serving high-quality food and beverages, provide the attendees with a new experience without them knowing it beforehand.

Since 2005, EURES-TIM has been providing the full range of event planning services, and using its creativity, motivation, experience, and attentiveness it strives to provide the best solutions and ensure flawless events. In line with this, EURES-TIM has a new logo, and new all-round branding is in the works. With a vision of being different and positioning itself on the market with its own brand and service standards, EURES-TIM is a modern, inventive, and financially healthy company that constantly contributes to tourism product quality.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

This new experience can mean an entirely unexpected event during the dinner itself or a completely unexpected location or decorati­ on, and all this often includes al­so video, lighting, and sound,” Marti­ na explains. Multi-sensory dinings are accompa­ nied by full technical support, st­riv­ ing to include most senses wi­th the help of special smells, vi­deo projections, and different so­unds. Interactivity is introduced among guests because the point is to out­do the concept of sitting and con­su­ming food and drinks. “It all depends on how far the client wants to go and, of course, on the available budget. It is important to note that we are the ones who mainly choose the locations, since we know the basic prerequisites for the event, but of course we consult with clients and we gladly listen to their wishes,” says Martina. Organizing this kind of dinner ta­k­ es time, as well as knowledge and ex­perience, taking into account the fact that clients are very well infor­med about both gastronomy and wine. Martina is a passionate

Photo by Z CAMERA

foodie and oenologist, and she com­pleted the Sommelier Club of Croatia’s first sommelier level tra­ ining, and she is already preparing for the second level. Because of this, clients began to trust her with choosing menus, as well as wine and other drinks. “It’s a wonderful feeling when someone places that trust in you, but on the other hand it creates a certain pressure that you have to know more, that every time you have to surprise the client with something new and provide a new experience.

Based on experience, every part of the whole organization is import­ a­nt, but in the end, much attenti­ on is paid to the quality of food, beverage, and services.”

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Clients come first Everything is centred on clients’ needs, which is reflected by the fact that EURES-TIM invested in catering logistics, giving birth to EURES-TIM FURNITURE. The com­pany started this project this year because it realized that as

Multi – Sense Experience

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


a g e n c y they pu­sh the envelope in choosing locations, there is a lack of quality logistics support. “Considering that today’s events are much more complex and cli­en­ ts indeed appreciate when we take care of even the smallest details at their events, we invested in making customized furniture that meets our requirements, because these are in fact the requirements of our clients.” The furniture was being designed for months until we reached a go­­od solution – not only in terms of design, but also transport and sto­rage. Each element is made se­parately and stored this way in order to pre­ vent damage. “It’s impor­tant for us that everything looks like it’s being

used for the first time, and we wa­ nt to further build our reputation re­ga­r­ding qua­lity. Today, certain lo­ca­ti­ons are already showing gre­at interest in our furni­ture, so we of­t­

en support them with elegant bars, tables, armchairs, and the like,” Martina says. Svetlana Gavric

I have been working with Martina and EURES-TIM for many years on various projects and events that they organized for Renault Group brands. With their expertise and the highest quality of execution and organization, they were able to reach new levels with each new event, also raising the level of expectations industry-wide (both in the automotive and event management industries). Over the past couple of years, their focus on differentiating with ‘special dinners’ has certainly come to light. This organization places focus not only on the highest level of the food and wine spectrum (which Martina’s continuous development contributes to), but also on the accompanying venue decoration and audio-visual effects, stage props, and highest-level service.

Photo by EURES-TIM

David Kusanic, Brand Engagement Manager at Groupe Renault

Custom made chocolate

Renata Jagetic, Mazda Motor Croatia, Managing Director for Southeast Europe Considering the size of our team on the one hand and the number of markets we cover on the other, it is very important to us that our partners become our “affiliated members.” With EURES-TIM, this has been the case since the very first project. In the past four and a half years of our cooperation, we have done a number of big and small events, meetings, and promotions in several countries. For Martina there are no big or small projects, she approaches each one with immense energy and full focus, taking care that the perfect result is made up of perfect details. And most importantly–although I know the content of the event in advance, I am always eager to see the execution. Martina is a master in exceeding expectations.

Ivana Mudrovcic, Mazda Motor Croatia, Marketing Manager for Southeast Europe At the very first event she organized for Mazda, Martina showed that she and her team understand client needs and the brand they work with perfectly well. Through the years, we have created a partnership in which Martina has managed to amaze us every time with ideas, execution, and small details that make such a big difference. With an agency like this one, which constantly invests in knowledge, it is extremely easy to establish a warm and sincere relationship, and you can always count on them delivering not only the user experience you wanted, but more than that. When it comes to EURES-TIM, the term “turnkey” is much more than just a phrase.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Upotreba holograma na događajima

tema broja

Optičke iluzije kao deo stvarnosti

Hologram predstavlja trodimenzionalnu sliku koja je, uz pomoć lasera, konstru­i­ sana tako da izgleda kao da ima dubinu poput pravih, realnih. Proces njegovog stvaranja, zapravo, uopšte nije toliko komplikovan – nastaje obasjavanjem pred­ meta laserskim svetlom. Ta svetlost se odbija o predmet i pada na fotografsku ploču gde se laserski zrak deli i pada na ogledalo. Kada se fotografska ploča raz­ vije, dobijamo crno-belu sliku, koja, kada se ponovo osvetli laserom, iza ploče pravi ono što nazivamo hologramom. Vratimo se na trenutak u ne tako davnu prošlost. Princip holografije, metod stvaranja holograma, otk­ rio je 1948. godine mađarski naučnik Dennis Gábor, za šta je kasnije nagrađen Nobelovom nagradom. Čak je i izmislio reč „hologram“ – sastavio je od grčkih riječi holos = celi i gramma = poruka. Primenom holografije, svaku površinu ili predmet možemo pretvoriti u nezaboravno 3D iskustvo, iskus­ tvo vizuali­zacija i optičkih iluzija. Hologrami naročito osvajaju svet dekoracije, a ukoliko imate neku viziju za naredni događaj koji orga­nizujete, razmotrite upotrebu holograma kao biste je i ostvarili. Ovako ćete na lak način izazvati WOW! reakciju kod svojih gostiju, a Vaš događaj će biti nezaboravan. Ako svaki događaj organizujete na isti način, ne možete očekivati druga­čiji rezultat, zato budite ino-

vativni i iskoristite novu tehnologiju koju nudi 21. vek. Evo nekoliko primera upotrebe holograma na događajima.

Kako da VIP osoba bude deo Vašeg događaja Ovo je jedna od najčešćih upotreba holograma u event industriji. Često je koriste kompanije kojima su poznate ličnosti promoteri nji­ho­ vih usluga ili proizvoda. Dobar primer je način na koji je ho­logram korišćen na jednom od rodeo festivala. Naime, jedan od naj­većih rodeo šampiona, Trevor Brazil, bio je zaštitno lice kompanije Wrangler na Nacionalnom rodeo finalu u Las Vegasu. Dok je pravi Trevor čekao da dođe na red u finalu, hologramski, interaktivni Trevor, pozdravljao je i zabavljao sve goste koji su pristizali.

Hologrami osoba koje ne mogu da prisustvuju događaju Sigurni smo da Vam se barem jednom desilo da, kada organizujete događaj, želite da jedan od govornika ili panelista bude baš neko određen. Ali, desi se da taj neko iz nekog razloga nije slobodan. I onda pribegavate alternativnim rešenjima, koja, sigurno budu zadovoljavajuća, ali nisu BINGO. Hologrami nude rešenje u tim situacijama. Dakle, Vaš željeni pre­davač može biti prisutan u vidu holograma, pre­davanje koje treba da održi kom­pjuterski se nasnimljuje i on će održati prezentaciju kao da je sa vama u prostoriji! Još je atraktivnije ako je hologram interaktivan, te može odgovarati i na pitanja prisutnih. Da, i to je moguće. Francuski predsednički kandidat, Jan-Luc Me­ lenchon, je u s­vojoj kampanji koris­

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


t e m a

b r o j a A onda, kada istu tu tablu po­gleda kroz svoj pametan uređaj (na kom je instalirana pomenuta aplikacija ili je skeniran QR kod na licu mesta), pojavio bi se ponovo Mihajlo Pupin. U prirodnoj veličini! Dalje, ako kucnete na njegova leđa na ekranu svog uređaja, Pupin bi se okrenuo i počeo da objašnjava sve što je zapisao. Ovo je bila prva interaktivna izložba ovog tipa u Srbiji, te je zbog velikog interesovanja čak dva puta produžavano zatvaranje.

tio sopstveni holo­gram, što mu je omogućilo da u istom trenutku dr­ži govore u čak sedam različitih gra­dova. A Julian Assange je 2014. go­dine bio prisu­tan na konferenciji The Nantucket Project u Masačusetsu – kao hologram.

Predimenzionirani hologrami Ako svoj događaj organizujete u ve­likim prostorima, predlažemo upo­trebu predimenzioniranih ho­lo­grama. Njihova visina može ići do čak 6 m! Idealni su za po­trebe sajmova, pres konferencija ili pred­ stav­ljanje proizvoda. Veliki ho­logramski displeji su dos­tu­ pni u različitim veličinama, dizajnu i bojama pa ih možete kom­binovati u skladu sa prilikom i potrebama. Kompanija Philips je za potrebe jednog sajma na kom je predstavljala novu električnu četkicu za zu­be, imala upravo ovakvu vrstu holograma. Predimenzionirana ljudska vilica sa zubima stajala je u centralnom delu njihovog štanda i okretala se u svim smerovima. Odjednom bi se pojavila četkica za zube, u srazmernoj veličini, i u video hologramu

koji je projektovan mogao se videti proces kako se četkica pravilno upotrebljava.

A kada se povežu pametni telefoni i hologrami... Mobilni telefoni danas se koriste za puno različitih stvari, a jedna od njih je povezivanje sa hologramima. Prošlogodišnja izložba u Beogradu pos­­ve­će­na Mihajlu Pupi­ nu, „Pupin – od fi­zi­čke do duhovne realnosti“ u Is­to­rijskom muzeju Srbije, u cilju da se privuče pažnja što većeg broja mla­dih ljudi, koncipirana je tako da je predstavljala spoj tradicionalne izložbe sa upotrebom modernih te­hnologija. Naime, svaki pose­tilac je, uz pomoć preuzete besplatne aplikacije P­u­p­ in, ili samim prisust­vom u prostoru, činio iz­ložbu in­tera­ktivnom. Svakako, jedan od najinteresantni­ jih momenata bili su hologrami Mi­hajla Pupina. Na ulasku u muzej stajala je velika knji­ga. Posetilac je otvara i iz nje „izlazi“ hologramski Mihajlo Pupin koji poželi dobrodošlicu svakom. Put je vodio ka ispisanoj školskoj tabli, te se pr­vo čuju zvuci krede kojom neko piše.

Izreka kaže da „slika govori više od 1000 reči“, a mi dodajemo da „hologram govori više od milion“. U zavisnosti od raspoloživog budžeta, ovo je jedan od najatraktivnijih načina da goste na svom događaju dodatno zaintrigirate, angažujete njihovu pažnju i oduševite.

Vodeće multinacionalne kompanije iz različitih industrija, kao što ste pročitali, već uveliko koriste holograme na svojim eventima, a mi se nadamo da će ovaj trend uskoro zaživeti u većem obimu i u našem regionu. Milica Novak

Hologrami na svetskim turnejama Kompanija Hologram USA je bila organizator svetske turneje pevačice Whitney Houston 2016. godine. Ne biste verovali, ali sve karte su bile prodate mnogo pre zakazanih „nastupa“. Organizatori su tada rekli da je ovo prilika da se svi njeni fanovi prisete njenih nezaboravnih koncerata. Ali, ovo nije bio prvi hologramski nastup, imajući u vidu da se 2014. godine hologram Michael Jackson-a pojavio na dodeli Billboard nagrada.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

cover story Optical Illusions as Part of Reality

Using Holograms at Events The hologram represents a three-dimensional image that, with the help of la­ sers, is structured so that it looks like it has the real-life depth. The process of its creation, in fact, is not so complicated at all – it is generated by illuminating objects using laser lights. This light is then reflected off the object and it hits a photographic plate where the laser beam is split and hits a mirror. When the photographic plate is developed, we get a black-and-white image that – when illuminated by laser again – creates what we call a hologram behind the plate. Let’s go back to a not so distant pa­st for a moment. The principle of holography, the method of creating a hologram, was discovered in 1948 by the Hungarian scientist Dennis Gábor, for which he was later awarded the Nobel Prize. He even invented the word “hologram” - he made it by merging the Greek words holos (whole) and gramma (message). By applying holography, we can tra­ nsform any surface or subject into an unforgettable 3D experien­ce, an experience of visualization and optical illusion. Holograms have es­pecially conquered the world of decorating, and if you have a vision for the next event you’re planning, think about using holograms to tru­ly make it happen. This is an easy way to provoke a WOW response among your gu­es­ts, and your event will surely not be forgotten. If you plan every

event in the same way, you can’t expect different results, so be inno­ vative and take advantage of the new technology offered by the 21st century. Here are some examples of using holograms at events.

How to make a VIP part of your event This is one of the most common uses of holograms in the event industry. It is often used by companies whose products or services are endorsed by celebrities. One good example is the way that the hologram was used at a rodeo festival. One of the biggest rodeo champions, Trevor Brazil, was the face of Wrangler at the National Rodeo Final in Las Vegas. While the real Trevor was waiting for his turn in the finals, the in­teractive, hologram Trevor greeted and entertained the guests arriving.

Holograms of people who can’t attend the event We are sure that you have at least one event behind you when you had a specific speaker or panelist in mind. And it turned out that that someone was not available for some reason. Then you tried to resorting to alter­natives, which were cer­tainly good, but not the BINGO you wanted. Holograms offer a solution in these situations. This means that your preferred speaker can be present in the form of a hologram, his or her lecture is recorded on the computer, and the speaker can holds the presentation as if they were in the room with you! It is even more appealing if the hologram is interactive and can also answer questions from the par­ti­cipants. Yep, that can be done, too.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


c o v e r

s t o r y the visitor would hear was the so­ und of someone writing with chalk. And then, when the visitor would look at the blackboard thro­ugh the­ ir smart device (with the instal­led app or by scanning the QR code on the spot), Mihajlo Pupin would appear again. In life size! Next, if you tapped him on the ba­ck on the screen of your device, Pupin would turn around and sta­­rt to explain everything that he wrote.

French president candidate, Jan-Luc Melenchon, used his own hologram in his campaign, which gave him the opportunity to have speech in seven different cities at the same moment. And Julian Assange was present on The Nantucket Project conference in Massachusetts – as holograme.

Oversized holograms If you’re planning your event in a large venue, we suggest that you use oversized holograms. They can be as much as 20 feet tall! These are ideal for trade sho­ ws, press con­ferences, or product launches. Large hologram displays are available in different sizes, de­ signs, and colors, so you can com­bi­ ne them according to the oc­casi­on and requirements. For trade show where it introduced a new electric toothbrush, Philips used exactly this kind of hologram. An oversized human jaw with te­eth was standing in the central part of their booth and turning aro­und. Suddenly, a toothbrush would ap­pe­ar in a proportional size, and screened the video hologram sho­w­ed how to use the brush was pro­perly.

And when you connect smartphones with holograms... Mobile phones are today used for various things and one of them is connecting with holograms. Last year’s exhibition in Belgrade devoted to Mi­hajlo Pupin – Pupin – From Phy­­si­cal to Spi­ritual Reality – held at the Historical Mu­se­um of Serbia and intended to draw the attenti­on of as ma­ny young pe­ople as possible was concei­ved as a blend of a tra­di­tional exhibition with the use of modern technologies. By downloading the free Pupin app or just being present at the ve­nue, every visitor made the exhibition interactive. Of course, one of the most inte­re­s­ting mo­ ments were the holo­grams of Mihajlo Pupin. A big book was set up at the ent­ ran­ce to the mu­se­um. The visitor wo­­uld open it and a holo­gram of Mi­haj­lo Pupin would come out of it and welcome everyone. The tour led to a blackboard with writings on it, and the first thing

This was the first interactive exhibition of this kind in Serbia, and the interest was so high that its ending was postponed no less than two times. The saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and we would add that “a hologram is worth mo­re than a million.” Depending on the available budget, this is one of the most entertaining ways to in­trigue your guests some more, as well as

engage and amaze them. As we’ve said, leading multinatio­nal companies from different indu­s­tries are already widely using holograms at their events, and we do hope that this trend will continue to grow even more in our region. Milica Novak

Holograms on world tours Hologram USA organized Whitney Houston’s world tour in 2016. It probably sounds unbelievable, but the tickets were sold out long before the “performance” dates. The organizers then said that that was an opportunity for all her fans to remember her unforgettable shows. However, this was not the first holographic performance - in 2014 Michael Jackson’s hologram appeared at the Billboard awards.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


istraživanje Primena modernih tehnologija u regionu

Tehnologija na događajima Koliko se i koje moderne tehnologije primenjuju u organizaciji događaja u regi­o­ nu jugoistočne Evrope? Kakva iskustva imaju u vezi sa njihovom primenom i šta organizatori događaja planiraju da koriste u budućnosti, neka su od pitanja koja smo postavili organizatorima događaja za ovaj broj SEEbtm magazina. Uglavnom svi organizatori događaja u regionu (njih 90%) izjasnili su se da su koristili moderne tehnologije, i to najviše mobilne aplikacije za određeni event i uživo pre­nos sa događaja (skoro 80% ispitanih su koristili ove tehnologije). Polovina ispitanih, tačnije 44.4% su koristili Tweet wall (odnosno projekciju postova na događaju sa društvenih mreža) i snimanje kamerom 360⁰. Trećina je koristila dronove za snimanje iz vazduha, kao i tehnologiju prebacivanja beleški ili crteža sa papira u digitalni oblik, kao i E-book. Catchbox (vrstu mikrofona koji se baca u publiku ili ono­ me ko želi da postavi pitanje), 3D mapping, el­ek­t­ronske karte sa QR kodom, koristilo je oko 10% ispi­ta­nih. Robote, holograme, RFID (narukvice koji imaju čip za re­gistracije, bezgotovinsko plaćanje i sl.), VR ili AR (virtu­ elnu ili izmenjena realnost) je koristilo ili iskusilo jako mali broj onih koji su učesvovali u anketi – manje od 2%. Pored navedenih tehnologija koje se trenutno najčešće upotrebljavaju (Tweet wall, mobilne aplikacije, uživo prenos, snimanje kamerom 360⁰), organizatori najavljuju da planiraju češću upotrebu dronova za snimanje, zatim elektronskih karata sa QR kodom, prebacivanje


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

5 najčešćih upotreba tehnologije na događajima: · Mobilna aplikacija · Live streaming · Tweet wall · Snimanje kamerom 360⁰ · Snimanje dronom beleški sa papira u digitalni oblik, catchbox, VR ili AR (virtuelna ili izmenjena realnost, više o ovoj temi pročitajte na strani 68), kao i upotrebu holograma (više o ovoj temi pročitajte na strani 87) i RFID (narukvice koje imaju čip za registracije, bezgotovinsko plaćanje i sl. –

Da li ste do sada koristili moderne tehnologije na događajima?

Da Ne 10% 90%

Šta ste do sada koristili od tehnologija na događajima?

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i s t r a ž i v a n j e

Tweet wall

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


i s t r a ž i v a n j e više o ovoj temi pročitajte na strani 60). Elektronske kar­te sa QR kodom, RFID, live streaming, mobilne ap­ likacije, kao i upotrebu drona, organizatori događaja u regionu naveli su kao najkorisnije, i kao tehnologiju koja je, po njihovom mišljenju napravila najveći “bum” u organizaciji događaja. Organizatori događaja imaju najviše pozitivnog iskustva sa korićenjem onih tehnologija, koje i najčešće koriste, a to su mobilne aplikacije za događaje i uživo prenos putem društvenih mreža ili putem livestreaming linka. Generalno su pozitivna i iskustva snimanja kamerom 360⁰, kao i korišćenje Tweet wall-a, iako ovde ima i onih koju imaju negativ­ no iskustvo u primeni istih, što važi i za snimanje dro­nom. Upotreba robota (više o ovoj temi pročitajte

na strani 34), prebacivanje beleški ili crteža sa papira u digitalni oblik, catchbox i upotreba virtuelne i izmenjene realnosti imaju najoprečnija mišljenja među or­ga­nizatorima u regionu – od najpozitivnijeg iskustva i mišljenja do onog sa najmanjom ocenom. Ovi podaci mogli bi da se protumače i kao posledica ne­ ke vrste odbojnosti prema onome što nam je najmanje poznato, a činjenica je da o primeni ultra moderne te­h­nologije kao što su roboti i AR i VR na događajima, u našem regionu tek treba da se informišemo, čitamo i učimo, dok se još verovatno koju godinu neće efektivno primenjivati u praksi. Miona Milić

Dajte ocenu od 1-5 (pri čemu je 5 najveća ocena) pored svake stavke koju ste primenjivali do sada, a koja će odražavati vaše iskustvo i mišljenje o njoj.

Jestivi objekti štampani na 3D štampaču, Technology Hub 2017, Milano, Italija


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


Application of Modern Technology in the Region

Technology at Events To what extent and which modern technologies are used in event planning in the SEE region? What is the experience in their application and what are event plan­ners going to use in the future – these are some of the questions we put be­fo­re event planners in this issue. In general, most event planners in the region (90%) said they used modern technologies, above all mobile apps designed for specific events and live streaming from events (nearly 80% of the polled used such technologies). Half of the respondents, or more precisely 44.4%, used the Tweet wall (i.e., projecting social media posts at the event) and 360° video. A third used drone aerial filming, digitizing paper notes or drawings, and E-books. Catchbox (a microphone that is thrown in the audience or to people who want to ask something), 3D mapping, and electronic tickets with QR code had been used by about 10% of the respondents. Robots, holograms, RFID (bracelets with a registration

The 5 most common uses of technology at events: · Mobile apps · Live streaming · Tweet wall · 360⁰ video · Drone filming

chip, cashless payment, and the like), VR or AR (virtual or augmented reality) had been used or experienced by very few survey participants – less than 2%. In addition to the technologies that are currently most popular (tweet wall, mobile apps, live streaming, 360-degree video), event planners say that they intend to increase using drones, electronic tickets with QR Have you used any modern technologies at events so far?

Yes No 10% 90%

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


s u r v e y

What technology have you used so far at events?

codes, digitization of paper notes, catchbox, VR or AR (virtual or augmented reality, read more about this on page 71), as well as holograms (read more about this on page 89) and RFID (bracelets with chips for re­gi­st­ ration, cashless payment, etc. – read more about this on page 62). Electronic tickets with QR codes, RFID, live str­eaming, mobile apps, and drones are deemed by regional ev­ent planners as technologies that bring the most benefits and that have made the biggest bang in the event industry. Event planners have the most positive experience wi­th using those technologies that they use the most, which includes mobile apps for events and live streaming via social media or a live-streaming link. In general, experiences with 360-degree video and tweet walls

are also positive, although there are those who have had negative experiences with them, which is also tr­ue for drone filming. Using robots (read more about this on page 37), digitizing paper notes or drawings, catchbox, and virtual and augmented reality provoke the most conflicting opinions among event planners in the region – from highly positive experiences and opini­ons to those less so. These data could be interpreted as a consequence of rejecting what we least know, and the fact is that the application of ultra-modern technologies such as robots or AR and VR at events in our region is something we have yet to learn about and master, and probably a few years will pass before these come to be effectively applied.

Please rate the items you have used so far from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest score), so that it reflects your experience and opinion.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Miona Milic

mišljenje stručnjaka

Postavite granicu između stvarnog i virtualnog

Da li smo korisnici ili nas uređaji koriste? Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut, lajf kouč

Danas se retko može sresti osoba koja ne koristi mobilni telefon. Ako tome doda­ mo da zaposleni često imaju i obavezu (ili potrebu) posedovanja i poslovn­og mo­ bilnog broja, angažovanje korišćenja se udvostručava. Postali smo korisnici veli­ kog broja tehničkih i elektronskih uređaja i postavlja se pitanje da li smo korisnici ili nas uređaji koriste?! Mnoštvo aplikacija za komunikaciju na dnevnom nivou (pozivi, poruke, viber, whatsapp, mail i dr.), pa po­tom društvene mreže, koje su postale nezaobilazne i u svakodnevici jednog „osnovca“, a posebno osoba uključenih u organizaciju događaja, postavlja pitanje – koliko nam vremena ostaje za neposrednu komunikaciju – „oči u oči“? I, postavlja se još važnije pitanje – da li nam virtualna stvarnost pro­ ši­ruje mogućnosti i vidike ili nas pak pozicionira u prostor koji ih umanjuje? Pojam virtualne realnosti, nameće pitanje i o tome gde je „realna realnost“ i da li jedna drugu isključuju. Sve aktuelniji sukob tradicionalno-

sti i modernog, kontinuirano izaziva radikalne podele populacije na one koji tuguju za nekadašnjim oblicima komunikacije i odbijaju da koriste dostupne tehnologije) i one koji su bez dileme – zastupnici i predstavnici savremenog doba koji intenzivno koriste. Odgovor je jednostavan – nove tehnologije nisu samo potreba, one su neophodnost, a da li će nam samo koristiti ili nam i štetiti, pripada ličnim aspektima upotre­ be. XXI vek je vek informacija, ko­munikacija i opšte umreženosti, a sve to ne bismo mogli da živimo bez dostupne tehnologije. Na pragu zrelosti je i takozvana ge­ ne­­racija Z (koja ne pamti vreme bez

in­terneta, rođeni posle 1995.g.), a zadatak starijih, zrelijih i iskusni­jih je da joj pomognu da kreira i održi vrednosti i to one koje su joj prethodne generacije omogućile. Upravo one koje su i stvorile, inspi­ risale, izazvale moderne tehnolo­ gije, potrebu za „multitasking“ de­lovanjem, 3D, one generacije koje su izrodile tehnoholike. Stvarni svet je onaj u kome živimo, a svi mi, objektivno živimo u vir­tu­alnom svetu, svakodnevno oslo­njeni na bezbroj mogućnosti koje nam pruža. Radikalnost i isključivost su principi koji retko pomažu u životu. Upravo se iz ovakvih pozicija krije opasnost

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


m i š l j e n j e

s t r u č n j a k a

od gubljenja ljudskog faktora i, u suprotnom, nekorišćenja moćnih potencijala tehnologije. Stav ili/ili svakako je korisno pro­meniti na i/i, prihvatiti da je virtualna stvarnost ona u kojoj živimo, ali da ne treba da bude i jedini prostor plasiranja sebe i aktivnosti. Kada uzmemo u obzir da većinu stanovništva budi aplikacija budilnika na mobilnom telefonu, da će se pre pogledati aplikacija za vremensku prognozu nego prognoza na televiziji, da će pustiti omiljenu muziku, pogledati aktuelne vesti, poslati sms, koristiti viber i slične aplikacije za komunikaciju, posetiti društvene mreže dok se pije kafa, jasno je da bi svima ovi elementi veoma nedostajali, kada ih ne bi bilo. Saznaćemo šta su dronovi snimili i kako napreduje robotika. Saznaćemo u jednoj sekundi šta se dešava u svim krajevima sveta, istražiti po­ tencijalna rešenja za važna životna


pitanja, dobiti odgovore i biti u to­ku svih dešavanja.

nam mnogo više pruža, nego što nam oduzima.

Sa druge strane, dok nostalgično gledamo slike prošlih vremena, u kojima svega ovoga nije bilo (a svi su bili srećni i zadovoljni), zabora­ vljamo da ne moramo čekati na pismo iz daljine (jer, tu su skype i slični programi i mogućnost svakodnevne audio-vizuelne komunikacije) od dragih osoba.

Organizacija događaja, kao proces, u velikoj meri zahteva ko­rišćenje svih raspoloživih tehničkih sred­ stava.

Videćemo gde se organizuje sajam na koji smo oduvek želeli da odemo, kongres koji će nam omogućiti saradnju sa stručnjacima širom sve­ta ili neki drugi, za nas vredan događaj. Nekada smo nalazili vreme za su­srete uživo, a tehnologija to uspešno eliminiše. Da li? Da li bi zaista moglo da se odvoji dovoljno vremena za susrete, posete, druženja i sve ono što nadomešćuje, jer ono što nedos­ taje je vreme. Tempo života ide u korak sa tehnologijom i, ipak ona

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

Zapravo, ne može se zamisliti bez svega što smo do sada pomenuli. „Ako nečega nema na društvenim mrežama ili internetu, to se nije ni dogodilo“, često se može čuti. Uz tu, moglo bi se reći, činjenicu savremenog doba, ne treba izostaviti neophodnost ljudskog faktora, jer – sve što se čini – čine ljudi za druge ljude. Tehnologija je medij, posrednik, a ne glavni akter i, to je ta granica koja ne bi trebalo da bude prekoračena. Događaj se organizuje za učesnike koji o istom treba da budu obaveš­ teni. Najlakši, najbrži, najrasprost­ ranjeniji vid obaveštavanja omogućen je upotrebom tehnologije. Bez nje informacija ne nalazi potreban put do korisnika.

Bez tog puta uspeh izostaje. I to ne samo uspeh organizatora, već bi i potencijalni učesnici ostali uskraćeni. Vreme u kom živimo ima svoje zah­teve. Zahteve kreiraju potrebe. Da li svaki novi izum treba da bude prihvaćen i korišćen zavisi samo od jednog, a to je potreba tržišta. Tržište jeste nemilosrdno i ne doz­voljava opstanak bilo čemu što u sebi ne sadrži progres ili produktivno­st u odnosu na prethodne produkte. Da, potreba za savremenom tehno­ logijom postoji. I raste iz sata u sat. Ispunjava želje i – povećava potrebu za kontrolom. Možda je upravo u kontroli (ili nepostojanju iste) najveći problem, jer tehnologija preti da nadjača ljudski faktor. Tehnika je omogućila svakoliku kon­trolu „drugih“ i počela da služi samoj sebi, jer i korisnik i ti drugi su zapravo kontrolisani.

Kontrola se preselila u digitalni prostor i postala oružje, umesto alatke. Granica je tu, jasna i vidljiva. Moderna tehnologija počinje da kontroliše sveukupan život, po­ nekad zaobilazeći principe etike. To je prostor ljudskog faktora. Posmatrano sa psihološke platforme, a posebno sa socijalnopsihološke, tehnologija nastaje iz potrebe za širenjem i umrežavanjem. Kao rezultat često se vidi nešto sasvim suprotno. Da li taj doživljaj suprotnosti proističe iz stava o površnosti virtualnog sveta, neprihvatanju da je virtualni svet deo realnosti? Virtualni svet je realnost savremenog doba, sa svim svojim produktima. Zašto prestajemo da volimo i verujemo u ono i one koje smo stvorili sami? Ako verujemo sebi, verujemo i da stvaramo nešto što je značajno i dovoljno dobro. Na svakom pojedincu je izbor ko­liki će prostor dati virtuelnim sadržajima. I odgovornost.

s t r u č n j a k a

Virtualni svet nam je oduzeo mogu­ ćnost da ostanemo neobavešteni, da koristimo opravdanje da nešto nismo znali, nismo čuli. Dovoljno je prisutan da nas informiše. Ponekad i agresivan, ali se tu opet treba pozvati na ljudski faktor, svest i savest i zadržati objektivnost procene. Tu objektivnost nam nije ukrala virtualna realnost, ona je samo donela mogućnost više izbora. Odluka je na nama. Snaga informacija utemeljena je na rasprostranjenosti, na dostup­ nosti, ali i na doživljaju. A pravog doživljaja nema bez ljudskog faktora. Put ka ciljevima i njihovom uspeš­ nom ostvarenju podrazumeva isto­vremeno angažovanje benefita moderne tehnologije koji je u sprezi sa ljudskim faktorom. Tehnologija je posrednik i samo to treba i da ostane.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

m i š l j e n j e

Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut, lajf kouč

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


еxpert opinion

Setting the Boundary Between Real and Virtual

Users or Being Used? Dragana Deh, M.Sc. Psychology, systemic therapist, life coach

Not many people today can say that they don’t use mobile phones. If we count in the fact that employees often have a duty (or need) to own also a work phone number, the usage rates double. We have become users of a large number of technical and electronic devices, which poses the question of who – or what – is actually doing the using! Numerous daily communication apps (calls, text messages, Viber, WhatsApp, email, etc.), as well as social media, which became inevitable in the everyday life of schoolchildren and even more so of people involved in event planning, raise the following question: How much time are we left for direct communication - face to face? Another even more important qu­estion is: Does virtual reality expand our possibilities and horizons, or does it instead put us in a space that narrows them? The notion of virtual reality also raises the question of where “the real reality” is and whether the­se two are mutually exclusive. The increasingly current conflict


between traditional and modern continues to provoke dramatic di­vi­des between people into those who yearn for long-gone forms of communication and refuse to use the technology available and those who have no doubt about it – advo­ cates and representatives of the modern era who are its avid users. The answer is simple - new techno­ logies are not just a need, rather they are a necessity, and whether they will only help us or also harm us depends on the personal aspects using them. The 21st century is an age of infor­ mation, communication, and overall connectivity, and we could not be able to live this way without the technology available.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Coming of age is also the so-called Generation Z – those who were bo­rn after 1995 and who know no time without the internet - and the older, more mature, and more experienced are tasked with helping them create and maintain values, those afforded to them by previous generations. It was those generations who created, inspired, and prompted modern technologies, the need for multitasking, and 3D and who gave birth to technoholics. The real world is the one we live in, and we’re all objectively living in a virtual world, relying day in day out on the countless opportunities it provides us. Being extreme and exclusive can rarely bring benefit to one’s life. These very standpoints encom-

pass the risk of losing the human element or, in the opposite case, failing to exploit the powerful po­ tentials of technology. It would certainly be useful to sw­it­ch from the either/or attitude to the both/and stance and accept that virtual reality is the one we live in, but that it should not be the only place where we exist and act. Considering that the majority of people wake up with the alarm clock feature on their mobile pho­nes, that they are more likely to check out the weather on their phones than watch the weather forecast on TV, that they use their phones to play favorite music, read or watch the news, send text messages, communicate using Viber or similar apps, and check social media while drinking coffee, it’s clear that all these would be very missed if they wouldn’t be there. We can find out what drones recorded and the latest in robotics. In a second we can learn what is happening in any part of the world, explore potential solutions for important life

decisions, get answers, and keep up with events. On the other hand, while we’re looking at pictures of the past with nostalgia, remembering the times when all this did not exist (and everyone was happy and content), we forget that now we don’t have to wait for letters from our loved ones to arrive from far away (thanks to Skype and other similar apps and the ability of eve­ ryday audio- visual communicati­ on). We find out the location of a trade show we always wanted to attend, a convention that will allow us to network with experts from all over the world, or some other event that is important to us. We used to find the time to meet face to face, and technology successfully eliminates this. Or does it? Would it really be possible to set aside enough time for meeti­ ngs, visits, socializing, and all that it replaces, because what’s lacking is time? Life keeps pace with technology and, yet, technology gives us much more than it takes away.

o p i n i o n

As a process, event planning, to a large extent, requires using all available technical means. In fact, it seems impossible to imagine it without everything we mentioned so far. “If it’s not on social media or the internet - it never happened.” We hear this all the time. This apparent fact of the modern era goes hand in hand with the necessity of the human element because everything that is done is done by people for people. Technology is a medium, a facilitator, rather than a major participant, and that is the boundary that should not be crossed. Events are organized for participants who need to be informed about it. The easiest, fastest, most widespread forms of informing them make use of technology. Without it, information won’t find its way to users. Without this, suc­ cess is unattainable. Not just the event planner’s success - the potential participants also stand to lose. These times we live in come with requirements.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

е x p e r t


е x p e r t

o p i n i o n

Requirements generate needs. Whether any new invention will be accepted and used depends only on one thing - market demand. The market is cruel and it won’t allow anything that does not in­volve progress or productivity in compa­ rison with preceding products to survive. Yes, the need for modern technology does exist. And it’s growing by the hour. It grants wishes and increases the need for control. Perhaps it is control (or its absen­ ce) precisely that is the biggest problem because technology is threatening to overpower the human element. Technology has allowed for an allaround control of “other people” and started to serve its own purpose because both the user and those other people are actually controlled. Control moved into the digital space and became a weapon, instead of a tool. The boundary is these, it’s clear and visible. Modern technology is starting to


control all aspects of life, sometimes even circumventing ethical principles. This is the sphere of the human element. From the psychological perspecti­ ve - and especially the socio-psychological - technology emerges from the need for expansion and networking. As a result, we often see something quite the opposite. Does this feeling of contradiction arise from viewing the virtual world as superficial and not ac­ cepting that the virtual world is part of reality? The virtual world is the reality of the modern age, with all its cre­ations. Why do we stop loving and believing in that and those we have created ourselves? If we trust ourselves, we also believe that we are creating something that is significant and good enough. It’s up to each individual to decide how much space to allot to virtual content. And each individual is ac­countable.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

The virtual world has deprived us of the ability to remain uninfor­ med, to justify ourselves by being unaware or not having heard of something. It is sufficiently present for us to be informed. Sometimes it’s even aggressive, but again this concerns the human element, awareness, and conscience and requires staying objective in assessment. Virtual reality didn’t rob us of this objectivity, it only brought about the possibility of more cho­ ices. The decision is up to us. The power of information is based on prevalence, availability, as well as experience. And there’s no true experience without the human ele­ment. The path to successfully attaining goals involves simultane­ ously applying the benefits of modern technology in conjunction with the human element. Technology is a facilitator, and that is all it should remain. Dragana Deh, M.Sc. Psychology, systemic therapist, life coach


AS Kongresni Servis

Ne pamte se obični, već odlični eventi! Sigurno ste bar jednom u životu bili na eventu na kojemu mikrofon jedva radi, govornik napreže glas a vi sluh, pokušavajući shvatiti što govori prije nego u potpunosti odustanete i u mislima otplovite na neko ugodnije mjesto. Ili ste se našli u ulozi predavača, panično pokušavajući natjerati prezentaciju da se pokrene sa USB sticka trudeći se da pri tome ne zaboravite uvodnu rečenicu koju ste pomno osmišljavali puna dva dana – jer znate koliko je prvi dojam važan. Ovakva i slična iskustva sigurno ne spadaju u folder vaših uspomena pod nazivom Omiljene, a AS Kongresni Servis je ovdje kako ih više nikada ne biste morali doživjeti, bez obzira s koje strane mikrofona se nalazili. Iz malog obiteljskog obrta osnovanog sada već davne 1969. izrasla je tvrtka AS Kongresni servis d.o.o., dugogodišnji lider regionalnog tržišta tehničke podrške kongresnoj industriji. U tih 48 godina svijet se stubokom promijenio, a Internet

i pametne tehnologije postali su neodvojivi dijelovi svakodnevnog života. Ipak, neke su stvari za nas ostale nepromijenjene: želja za poboljšanjem komunikacije na eventima i strast za otkrivanjem novih mogućnosti dostupnih tehnologija ugrađene su u svaki milimetar naše tvrtke. Ili, u skladu s današnjim vremenom, u svaki piksel. Sve vrste događanja, bez obzira na veličinu i vrstu, danas zahtijevaju povezanost - povezanost predavača s učesnicima, učesnika međusobno ili organizatora sa svima uključenima. Pomoći ćemo vam da to i ostvarite, koristeći naše znanje, iskustvo i najsuvremenije tehnologije. Projekcijski i prezentacijski sistemi, interaktivno glasanje, simultano prevođenje, prezentacijski network management, informatička i mrežna oprema ili mikrofonski sistemi samo su dio ponude zbog koje će vaš event biti upamćen po dobrom. Tu su i sistemi ozvučenja, tweet

wallovi i multimedijski e-posteri, a ako želite prenijeti informacije i onima koji fizički ne mogu biti na licu mjesta, koristiti će vam usluge video snimanja, prijenosa ili web streaminga. Posljednja u neprekidnom nizu novih tehnologija koje je AS Kongresni Servis donio na tržište naša je mobilna aplikacija asappx. U partnerstvu s vrhunskim developerima stvorili smo event aplikaciju dostupnu svima! Izgrađena na fleksibilnoj i provjerenoj platformi, asappx aplikacija će u potpunosti biti prilagođena identitetu vašeg eventa – i vizuelno, i sadržajem, i funkcionalnošću. Od Programa, Predavača i Materijala, preko Push notifikacija i Mapa, sve do Glasanja, Q&A messaginga, Anketa, Check-ina i MatchMakinga. Osnovna konfiguracija ima čak 12 funkcija i kreće od samo 800 EUR po eventu, a dodatne funkcionalnosti se ne naplaćuju u paketima već pojedinačno. Pružite učesnicima vašeg eventa komunikacijski i informacijski alat kakav očekuju! Zašto bi vaš event bio običan, ako može biti odličan? Ako smo vas zainteresirali, više detalja pogledajte na web stranici com i na Računajte na (n)AS!

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017



AS Kongresni Servis

Only Extraordinary Events Are Really Remembered! At least once in your life you have attended a conference or a similar event when the microphone hard­ly worked; your eyes saw how presenter’s vocal cords are fighting to perform, while your ears were struggling to understand what is he talking about… until the point your senses decided to give up, and your mind sailed away to a more pleasant destination. Or you found yourself in a role of presenter, desperately trying to start your presentation from the USB stick which worked just fine on your laptop, trying not to panic and subsequently not forget the opening line of your presentation which you carefully planned for two days, because you know that the first im­ pression is the one that matters. Experiences like these are certainly not a part of your memory folder called “Favourites”, and AS Congress Service will help you not to live them again, no matter on which side of the microphone you might be. AS Congress Service started in 1969 as a small family owned busi­ness. Today, 48 years later, it’s not only that AS Congress Service is a regional leader in its business, but the world itself has become a very different place, with Internet


and smart technology being an in­separable part of everyday life. Still, some things haven’t change – our wish to improve communication on events, and our passion for exploring all the benefits technolo­ gy can bring to Meeting and Event industry. Regardless of event type and size, each event today demands conne­ ctivity and interaction – between presenter and attendees, between attendees themselves, between organizer and everybody involved. We are helping you to achieve that goal using our knowledge, experience and modern technologies. Projection systems, interactive vo­ ting, simultaneous interpretation, presentation management, IT and network equipment and micropho­ ne systems, along with speaker sy­s­tems, tweet walls and e-posters are just a part of our offer which will help your event to be remembered. And if you have remote at­tendees, you will surely need our camera systems, video recording and internet streaming. Last in the line of new technologies AS Congress Service brought to the regional market is asappx – our new mobile event app. Built on flexible and proven platform, asappx will always be fully

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

customized for your event, both in content and in visual presentation. Over 25 functionalities are availa­ ble – from Program, Speakers and Documents, over Push notifications and Maps, all the way to Voting, Q&A messaging, Surveys, Chat ro­oms, Check-In and MatchMaking. The basic configuration already has 12 functions and starts with

only 800 EUR/event, and additional functions are not charged in packages but individually. Give your at­tendees a communication and information tool they expect! Instead of ordinary, why not having an extraordinary event? Check the details on and on Count with AS!

zanimljivost Za sve surfere u duši

Urbansurf – spoj moderne tehnologije i sporta Uvek sam se divila ljudima koji umeju da surfuju. Ili koji žive na takvim meri­di­ janima koji im to omogućavaju. Čežnjivo zamišljala koliko bi bilo dobro da jurim talase kao oni, vešto i naizgled bez napora. Gledam vrlo pažljivo u filmovima ka­da dođe do takvih scena - plaža, sunce, rana neka jutra, nigde nikog, samo surfer i njegov drug daska. Čarolija prestaje kada se umeša neka ajkula. Pa dobro, pomislim tad, to je rizik koga su svi surferi svesni – možda da nastavim da volim surfovanje samo na televiziji. Onda pomislim da bi baš bilo dobro kada bi se to radilo u nekim uslovima koji su, recimo, više kontrolisani. Kroćenje talasa je staro koliko i pli­vanje, kaže Google. To izvorno surfo­vanje poznato je pod imenom body­surf, a kao što mu ime kaže, čovek je koristio sopstveno telo da bi se održavao na vodi, bez upo­trebe daske ili nekog drugog pomagala. I zamislite, Polinežani su ti koji su u ovaj sport uveli dasku! Umetnost surfovanja – enalu na havajskom jeziku, prvi je otkrio Joseph Banks koji je putovao na britanskom kraljevskom istraživačkom brodu HMS Endeavour sa kapetanom James Cook-om. Brod je putovao ka Australiji i No­ vom Zelandu i stao i usidrio se na Tahit­iju. Tada se tamo živelo u

ple­me­nima i lokalnim zajednicama. Njihov poglavica je tradicionalno bio onaj ko je najveštiji u „jahanju“ talasa, daska za njega je pravljena od najboljeg drveta. Samo vladajuća klasa imala je prava korišćenja najboljih plaža i daski za surfovanje i običnim ljudima bio je zabranjen pristup tamo. Ali! Mogli su da za­ra­de čast da budu tamo ako su izvanredno dobri sur­feri. Ako mene pitate, radi se o diskriminaciji nas koji nismo tako dobri surferi. Dobro, nismo surferi uopšte. I tako naiđoh na URBANSURF. Rešenje za nas neostvarene. Malo je daleko, ali ko zna. Možda se do kraja pisanja ovog teksta i preselim tamo. Ko hoće samnom, može.

URBANSURF je brend prvog parka za surfovanje u Australiji. Da dobro ste pročitali, radi se o parku, tj. la­ guni – specijalno dizajniranoj površini koju ljubitelji surfovanja mogu da koriste bez obzira na vremenske uslove jer se talasi prave veštački. Ovde proizvode prave talase, idealne za surfovanje! Ono što je interesantno jeste da je laguna podeljena na dve različite zone za surfovanje. Peak zona, namenjena iskusnim i dugogodišnjim surferima (što ću uskoro postati, samo da se prese­ lim), nalazi se u samom centru la­gune, dok se Bay zona nalazi po obodima i savršena je za početnike i novajlije u ovom sportu.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


z a n i m l j i v o s t URBANSURF ima prioritet – sigurnost. Surfovanje u ovim okolnostima zapravo izbegava, reguliše ili minimizira najveći broj opasnosti i rizika koje sa sobom nosi ovaj sport. Uz to, postoje i specijalno obučeni spasioci koji motre na sur­fere, a sigurnosne kamere pok­ rivaju svaki milimetar lagune.

Dimenzije standardne lagune su oko 2,4 m2, ali površina može varirati u zavisnosti od mesta na kom je laguna konstruiše. E sad, verujem da vas najviše inte­re­ suje kako se ti talasi prave? I mene. Talasi u laguni se generišu pomeranjem vode preko niskog profila koji, ustvari, formira talase, a onda se voda praktično lomi sama na sebi – baš kao kada se u okeanu talas kre­ će preko grebena i peščanog spru­ da. U ovom veštački napravljenom za­livu, vodu pomera mehanička sprava koja se nalazi na centralnoj osi lagune. Mašina pomera preko 30 tona vode i pokreće je brzinom od preko 6 m/s kako bi napravila savršen talas za surfovanje. U laguni se pravi nekoliko tipova

talasa – od onih vrlo malih, preko malo većih, sve do onih preko 2,1 m visokih za profesionalce. Veličina i brzina talasa u laguni va­rira te zbog toga odgovara razli­ čitim surferima – početnicima i ekspertima. Na svakih 8 sekundi napravi se jedan talas, a rezultat je preko 1.000 savršenih-za-surfovanje talasa u samo jednom satu. Više nego impresivno. Dolazimo do pitanja sigurnosti. Sve je ovo lepo, zvuči super zabavno, ali da li je sigurno? Eksperti u surfovanju kažu da je surfo­vanje u normalnim okol­nosti­ ma uglavnom vrlo bezopasna ak­tiv­ nost (ja se od­mah setim ajku­le sa po­če­tka!, ali sa druge strane, ako eksperti kažu da jeste...).

Pored toga što kamere brinu o sigurnosti, uz doplatu možete dobiti i snimak svoje surfing avanture. Čak i ako surfujete noću jer postoji odlično osvetljenje. Ustvari, ispostavlja se da je dosta sigurnije ako surfer padne sa daske u ovoj laguni nego u okeanu jer ne­ ma onih nevidljivih opasnosti ispod površine vode. A šta ćemo sa potrošnjom energije? Ok, mora da troše ogromne količine struje. Sto posto. Opet sam loše pretpostavila jer ko­riste energetski najefikasnije gene­ratore koji postoje. I godišnje potroše otprilike istu količinu struje koliko i neki manji akva centar zatvorenog tipa. Energiju crpe iz različitih obnovlji­vih izvora, a najviše iz solarnih pa­ne­la i sistema koje pokreće vetar. Sve mi ovo zvuči prebajkovito. Mora da ima nešto što ne valja! Makar nešto sitno... Dok sam istraživala na ovu temu, pomislila sam kako nikako ne bih želela da živim u blizini ovake lagune zbog verovatno nesnosne buke koju mašine prave. Surferi se zabavljaju dok ja konst­ antno nosim čepiće za uši. I onda sam bila demantovana! Mašine se ne čuju, bešumne su. A dok pra­ve talase, zapravo čujete samo šum talasa, baš kao da živite na plaži. Dakle, nema ajkula, mogu da surfujem potpuno sigurno, uživam u suncu i lepom vremenu. Selim se u Australiju. Rešeno. Milica Novak


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017

interesting For All Surfers at Heart

Urbansurf – Modern Technology and Sports Combined I’ve always admired people who can surf. Or those living in the latitudes where surfing is an option. I would longingly fantasize how amazing it would be to be chasing the waves like them, artfully and seemingly without breaking a sweat. I always pay very close attention when these scenes come in movies: the beach, the sun, early mornings, not a living soul – only the surfer and his buddy the bo­ard. The magic stops when a shark gets in the mix. In those moments I think how that’s a risk every surfer is aware of – and maybe I should continue to en­joy surfing on television only. And then I think how it would be really great if this was done in conditions that are kind of more, let’s say, controlled. Wave taming is as old as swimming, according to Google. The ori­ginal form of surfing is kno­ wn as bodysurfing, and as the name suggests, the surfer would use his or her own body to stay afloat on the water surface, without using a board or any other aids. Surprisingly, Polynesians are the on­ es who first started using the board in surfing! The art of surfing – enalu in Ha­waiian – was first discovered by Joseph Banks, who traveled on the British Royal Navy research vessel HMS Endeavour, commanded by Lieutenant James Cook. The ship set sail towards Austra­ lia and New Zealand, stopping

to an­chor in Tahiti. At the time the people there lived in tribes and local communities. The chief was traditionally the person who was the most skilled in riding the waves, and his board was made of the best wood. Only the ruling class had the right to use the best beaches and surfboards, and common people were denied access. However, they were able to earn the honor to go there if they were exceptionally good surfers. If you ask me, this is pure discrimination against people like me, who are not so good at surfing. Okay, people who are not surfers at all. And so I came across URBANSURF.

The solution for those of us aspiring to surf. It’s a bit far, but who knows. Perhaps by the end of wri­ ting this piece, I’ll end up moving there. If anyone wants to come along, feel free to. URBANSURF is the brand of the first surf park in Australia. That’s right – it’s a park, or rather a lago­ on, a specially designed surface that surf fans can use regardless of weather conditions because the waves are man-made. The waves made here are the real deal, ideal for surfing! Interestingly, the lagoon is divided into two different surf zones. The peak zone, intended for expe-

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017


i n t e r e s t i n g

rienced, seasoned surfers (which I will soon become, as soon as I mo­ve), is located in the very center of the lagoon, while the Bay zone is placed along the edges of the pa­rk, perfect for beginners and no­vices in the sport. The dimensions of the standard lagoon are around 2.4 square meters, but the surface area may vary depending on the spot where the lagoon is built. Now, you’re probably curious to know how these waves are made. Me, too. The waves in the lagoon are generated by the water moving over a low rail that actually forms the waves, and then the water ba­si­ cally breaks on itself – just like when an ocean wave moves across a reef and shoal. In this artificial bay, the water is moved by a mechanical de­vi­ce placed on the central axis of the lagoon.

The device moves mo­re than 30 tons of water at a spe­ed of more than 6 m/s to make a perfect surf­i­ ng wave. Several types of waves are ma­de in the lagoon – from the extremely small ones and some­w­hat bigger ones to those more than 2.1 m high intended for professio­nals. The size and speed of the wa­ves in the lagoon vary, so there’s a wave for everyone - from beginners to experts. At one wave per eight seconds, the result is more than 1,000 made-for-surfing waves in a single hour. Impressive, to say the least. And then there’s the question of safety. This is all nice and good, it sounds like great fun, but is it safe? Surfing experts say that surfing un­der typical conditions is usually a very harmless activity (the shark immediately pops up in my mind!, but, if the experts say so...). Safety is a priority for URBANSURF.

Surfing under these conditions ac­tu­ally eliminates, regulates, or mini­mizes most hazards and risks that this sport entails. In addition, specially trained lifeguards watch over the surfers, and security ca­­me­­ras cover every corner of the lagoon. In addition to ensuring sa­fety, the security cameras also record your surfing adventures, and you can have the recording for an extra charge. Even if you surf at night, thanks to excellent lighting in place. In fact, it turns out that it’s much safer for a surfer to fall off the board in this lagoon than in the ocean because there are no invisi­ ble dangers below the surface. And what about energy consumption? Okay, they must be spending massive amounts of power. One hundred percent. Another wrong assumption – the park uses the most energy efficient generators available. Over a period of one ye­ar, they spend about the same amount of power as a small indoor water park. They get power from various renewable sources, mostly from solar panels and wind power systems. All this sounds too good to be true. There has to be something that’s wrong! At least some tiny little thi­ng... While I was researching this topic, it came to my mind that I wo­uld never want to live anywhe­re near this lagoon because of unbe­ ara­ble noise that the machines pro­bably make. I imagined surfers having fun, while I’m forced to wear earplugs round the clock. And then I was proved wrong! The machines don’t make any no­ise – they’re silent. And while they’re moving water, you can actually hear only the hushed hum of waves, just like living on the beach. So, no sharks, just completely safe surfing and enjoying the sun and nice weather. I’m moving to Australia. And that’s final. Milica Novak


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

PREDSTOJEĆI DOGAĐAJI UPCOMING EVENTS IMEX AMERICA 10 – 12.10.2017. / Las Vegas, Nevada IMEX America je najveći međunarodni sajam u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama za podsticajna putovanja, sastanke i doga­đaje. Ove godine se očekuje više od 3.200 izlagača, iz preko 130 zemalja iz celog sveta, a poseti­oci će imati priliku da čuju oko 180 predavanja. Pored toga, organizatori su omo­gu­ćili interakciju sa predavačima u malim gru­pama u formi neformalnih diskusija, ali i 1-na-1 sastanke sa svim IMEX predavačima na teme koje će biti predstavljene na samom sajmu.

World MICE Day 25 – 27.10.2017. / Ćingdao, Kina Prvi World MICE Day održaće se u kineskoj provinciji Ćingdao – velikoj luci i industrijs­ kom centru ove države. Na trodnevnom do­ga­đaju biće oko 400 gostujućih kupaca iz Kine i ostalog dela sveta, između 150 i 200 izlagača, a procene su da će biti preko 2.000 posetioca. Na ovom sajmu će se povezivati organizatori događaja iz Kine i internacionalni organizatori, biće im predstavljene najnovije smernice u razvoju kongresnog turizma i pru­ žene prilike za planiranje budućih poslova.

56. ICCA Kongres 12 – 15.11.2017. / Prag, Češka Republika Ovogodišnji ICCA Kongres biće održan u Pragu, a očekuje se da bude oboren rekord učesnika – preko 1.000. Poseban akcenat bi­će na evropskim članovima, kojih će biti u većem broju nego poslednjih godina, jer oni čine preko 50 odsto ICCA članova. Edukacio­ni program je pažljivo sastvljen tako da de­t­er­miniše pravac budućih internacionalnih sastanaka asocijacija. Osmišljeni su različiti eks­peri­menti za umrežavanje pomoću kojih dele­gati treba da posluju bolje i razmene znanja.

IMEX AMERICA October 10th – 12th, 2017 / Las Vegas, Nevada IMEX America is the biggest international tra­de show in the United States centering on incentive travel, meetings, and events. More than 3,200 exhibitors are expected this year, coming from more than 130 countries around the world, and visitors will have the opportunity to hear about 180 lectures. The organiz­ ers enabled interaction with the lecturers in small groups through informal discussions and 1-on-1 meetings with all IMEX lecturers on topics to be presented at the show.

World MICE Day October 25th – 27th, 2017 / Qingdao, China The first World MICE Day will take place in the Chinese province of Qingdao. The event will welcome around 400 hosted buyers from China and the rest of the world, between 150 and 200 exhibitors, and the number of visitors is estimated at more than 2,000. Event planners from China will connect with those from other countries, learn about the latest guidelines regarding MICE tourism and get opportunities for planning future business deals.

56th ICCA Congress November 12th – 15th, 2017 / Prague, Czech This year’s ICCA Congress will take place in Prague, and the number of participants is expected to be record-breaking: over 1,000. A special focus will be placed on the European members, as they make more th­an half of ICCA members. The educati­on program is designed to determine the direction of future international associations’ me­eting events. Event will introduce dif­ferent networking experiments designed to boost the delegates’ business and knowledge exchange.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017



Uživajte u boljem poslovanju, novim perspektivama i novim kontaktima na IMEX America 2017 IMEX America je događaj koji se ne sme propustiti i koji omogućava stratezima za organizaciju događaja i sastanaka iz celog sveta razmenu inovacija, poslovnih mogućnosti i znanja, a održava se od 10 - 12. oktobra u Las Vegasu. Profesionalni organizatori sastanaka, događaja i konferencija imaju priliku da se susretnu sa međunarodnim destinacijama, najvećim hotelskim grupama, kompanijama za destinacijski menadžment, tehnologijama i podsticajnim uslugama. Očekuju se novi izlagači iz celog sveta, uključujući Memorable Costa Rica, Boston Convention Marke­ ting Center, COMO Hotels - New York, Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, Global Incentive Manage­ ment DMC, Viking Cruises, Live Na­tion Special Events i Hotel Xcaret Mexico. U paviljonu za tehnologiju (Tech Pavillion), po prvi put na saj­mu pojaviće se EventsCase i CadmiumCD. Posetioci će takođe imati priliku da se umrežavaju, otkriju najnovija saznanja iz industrije i unaprede svoje veštine u besplatnom sveobu­ hvatnom edukativnom programu, koji počinje dan pre sajma na Pa­metni ponedeljak (Smart Monday) pod pokroviteljstvom MPI, 9. oktobra.

Novinu u okviru Pametnog po­ne­ deljka predstavlja prvi nivo sertifi­ kacionog programa za organi­zaciju događaja (Event Design Cer­ti­ficate Programme Level 1 of Mastery), koji je zapravo celodnevna radio­ nica na kojoj će Event Design Col­lecti­ve predstaviti model za strate­ško upravljanje događajima za događaje orijentisane na kupce. Pametni ponedeljak će sadržati i Executive Meeting Forum, koji je posvećen višim korporativnim rukovodiocima i predstavlja kom­ binaciju neformalnog zat­vorenog umrežavanja i edukativnog pro­grama. Tu je i prilika za edukaciju na nivou mastera poslovne administracije koju će obezbediti akademici sa vodećih univerziteta u okviru po­pularne PCMA Business School. Inspiration Hub, koji je ove godine proširen, obuhvatiće više od 180 tribina podeljenih u deset tema­ tskih segmenata koje će obezbediti izuzetne mogućnosti za uče­nje - kao i praksu - hiljadama profesionala­ca iz industrije koji će se pojaviti na sajmu. Sadržajni program, koji možete po­ gle­dati na


IMEX America


whats-on, uključuje tribine name­ njene iskusnim profesionalcima na višim pozicijama koji traže nove ideje i nova znanja, kao i onima koji su relativno novi u ovoj industriji. Da li ste znali?

IMEX America 2017 održava se 10 - 12. oktobra u kongresnom centru Sands Expo and Convention Center u hotelu The Venetian®. Registracija je besplatna. Od tehnologije i poslovnih veština do zdravlja tela i duha i održivosti ključ­ne teme u savremenoj in­du­s­t­riji organizacije događaja obra­diće vrhunski stručnjaci putem zanim­lji­vih prezentacija, radionica i ne­formal­ nih kamperskih druženja. Ovaj događaj nije samo sveobu­h­ vatan, već je i izuzetno poučan uz intrigantne naslove tribina kao što su „Pod lupom: rešenja za probleme koji vas muče“, „Neuroscaping™ - primena nauke na događajima u cilju povećanja pov­raćaja investicije“ i „Digitalna bezbednost - da li živite u oblaku?“. Registracija je besplatna, zato vas pozivamo da posetite

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


Enjoy a Business Boost, Fresh Thinking and New Contacts at IMEX America 2017 A must-attend event, IMEX Ame­ ri­ca enables meeting and event stra­tegists from across the world to share innovation, business oppor­tu­ nities and knowledge when it ta­kes place October 10 – 12 in Las Vegas. Professionals who organize me­etings, events and conferen­ ces can meet with international des­tinations, major hotel groups, DMCs, technology and incentives all under one roof. There will be new exhibitors from around the world including Me­ morable Costa Rica, Boston Convention Marketing Center, COMO Hotels - New York, Abu Dhabi To­uri­sm & Culture Authority, Global Incentive Management DMC, Viking Cruises, Live Nation Special Events and Hotel Xcaret Mexico. In the Tech Pavilion, EventsCase and CadmiumCD will also be at the show for the first time. As well as packing in a huge amo­ unt of global business, attendees can also network, discover the la­ test industry thinking and enhance their skills in a comprehensive free education program, beginning the day before the show on Smart Mon­ day powered by MPI – October 9.


New for Smart Monday is an Event Design Certificate Programme Level 1 of Mastery – a full day workshop in which where the Event Design Collective will introduce the Event Canvas Model, a strategic event ma­nagement model for customercentric events. Also taking place on Smart Monday, the Executive Meeting Forum is dedicated to high-level corporate executives and combines informal closed networking with an outstan­ ding education program. There’s also the opportunity to ex­ perience MBA-level education from inspirational academics at leading universities at the popular PCMA Business School. Planners can discover global experts, themed tours and hands-on activities during the three days of the show at the Inspiration Hub. Expanded for this year, the Inspiration Hub is set to host over 180 sessions covering ten different tra­cks that will provide outstanding learning opportunities – and valuable clock hours – for the thousands of industry professionals at the show.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

The packed schedule, which You can check out on, reveals sessions to suit highly experienced senior professionals looking for new ideas and to update their knowledge as well as for those relatively new to the industry. Did you kow?

IMEX America 2017 takes place on October 10 – 12 at the Sands Expo and Convention Center at The Venetian®. Registration is free. From technology and business skil­ls to health & wellbeing and sustainability, the key topics in the industry today will all be illumina­ ted by superb expert speakers through thought-provoking presentations, workshops and campfires It is not only wide ranging but also eye-opening with intriguing session titles such as; ‘Fishbowl: solutions to what’s keeping you up at night,’ ‘Neuroscaping™- applying science to improve event ROI’ and ‘Cyber safety – is your head in the cloud?’ Registration if free, so please visit

IMEX America



p o j m o v a

Osaifu-keitai Osaifu-keitai je u bukvalnom prevodu telefon novčanik. Osaifu znači novčanik, a keitai je mobilni telefon. Radi se o specifičnoj usluzi koja je karakteristična za Japan pre svega, mada se koristi i u Indiji i Kini, a ideja je da sva dokumenta i kartice za plaćanje koje stoje u novčaniku budu u mobilnom telefonu. Potrebno je samo da u mobilnom telefonu bude ugrađen tzv. IC čip i da na telefonu postoji aplikacija koja se besplatno preuzima sa interneta. Haptička tehnologija Haptička tehnologija oponaša osećaj dodira kroz primenu vibracije, snage i pokreta kod korisnika. Ova mehanička stimulacija se može koris­ titi u kreiranju virtualnih objekata u kompjuterskoj stimulaciji kako bi se takvim objektima manipulisalo. Haptička tehnologija je objasnila kako radi čulo dodira kod ljudi.

rečnik pojmova

r e č n i k

Sastanci na zahtev Sastanci na zahtev (Meetings on demand) su posebna vrsta usluge koja se koristi u hotelijerstvu. Radi se o usluzi gde klijenti mogu iznajmiti radni prostor na bilo koji vremenski period (ne mora biti pola dana ili ceo dan kako je inače uobičajeno) u momentu kada im je potrebno bez prethodne najave. Uz to, moguće je odabrati i kafe pauzu i druge vrste posluženja. AI AI je skraćenica od artificial intelligence – veštačka inteligencija, a njeno razvijanje treba da omogući računarima da se ponašaju da način koji bi se mogao okarakterisati kao inteligentan. Istraživanja koja se vezuju za veštačku inteligenciju sprovode se na poljima učenja, razmišljanja, rešavanja problema, percepcije i razumevanja govornog jezika. Heads up displej Heads up displej ili HUD, je bilo koji transparentni displej koji prikazuje podatke tako da korisnik ne mora da spušta pogled na ostale uređaje koji ih takođe pokazuju već se oni vide u visini očiju. Poreklo ovih displejeva vodi iz letelica – piloti ih koriste jer za vreme letenja pogled ne treba da spuštaju i sve bitne informacije treba da budu vidljive i dostupne kada im je glava podignuta. Generacija Z Generacija Z je demografska skupina koja dolazi posle Milenijalaca. Precizan datum kada ona počinje ili se završava još uvek nije utvrđen, ali se najčešće uzima vremenski period od sredine 90-tih godina prošlog veka do početka 2000-tih, dok se demografi i istraživači ne mogu usaglasiti oko termina kada se ona završava. Ono što ovu generaciju karakteriše jeste upotreba interneta od najranijeg doba, dobra snalažljivost sa teh­ nologijom, društvenim mrežama i pretraživanjem interneta. Holografija Holografija dolazi spajanjem grčkih reči holos – čitav, potpun i grafos – pišem, crtam. Predstavlja metod stvaranja i reprodukcije trodimenzi­ onalnih slika na fotografskoj ploči uz pomoć izvora svetlosti – lasera. Kako se na fotografskoj ploči ne registruje samo raspored intenziteta izvora svetlosti već i smerovi i faze, holografija je omogućila čuvanje pune trodimenzionalne strukture objekta koji je snimljen. Shinkansen Shinkansen poznat i kao bullet trains (vozovi koji su brzi kao metak) jeste mreža brzih pruga u Japanu. Prva linija otvorena je 1964. godine i od tada povezuje Tokijo i Osaku, razdaljinu od preko 515 km, i predstavlja najzauzetiju liniju u Japanu kada se radi o brzim vozovima. Maksimalna brzina koju ovi vozovi mogu da razviju je oko 320 km/h. Photo booth Photo booth je mašina koja izgleda kao moderan kiosk koji u sebi ima ugrađenu automatsku kameru i film procesor, najčešće radi po principu ubacivanja novčića, a služi za fotografisanje. U naznačeno mesto u kabini se ubaci određena svota novca, a aparat Vas nakon toga fotografiše i nakon nekoliko minuta izbacuje slike u malom formatu. Danas je većina photo booth-ova digitalna. Pop-up venues Pop-up venues su događaji koji „iskaču“ niodakle. Zamislite da danas šetate parkom u pauzi na poslu i u povratku shvatite da je na istom mestu pored kog ste prošli malopre, sada zabava. Ovakve vrste događaja danas postaju sve više interesantne baš zbog neizvesnosti i intrige koju sa sobom nose.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017


term dictionary

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d i c t i o n a r y

Osaifu-keitai Osaifu-Keitai literally translates as “phone wallet.” Osaifu means “wallet,” and keitai stands for “mobile phone.” This singular service is specific to Japan above all, although it is used also in India and China, and its main idea is for all documents and payment cards that are carried in the wallet to be kept in the mobile phone. All the phone needs is the so-called IC chip and the app, which can be downloaded online for free. Haptic technology Haptic technology mimics the sense of touch using vibration, strength, and movement in the user. This mechanical stimulation can be used to create virtual objects in computer stimulation in order to manipulate them. Haptic technology has explained how the human sense of touch works. Meetings on demand Meetings on demand are a special type of service that is used in the hotel industry. Clients can rent workspace for any length of time (not necessarily half a day or the whole day as is usual) at the time they need it without prior notice. In addition, it is possible to choose a coffee break or other types of service. AI AI stands for artificial intelligence, and its development should enable computers to behave in a way that could be described as intelligent. Research related to artificial intelligence is carried out in the fields of learning, thinking, problem solving, perception, and understanding of spoken language. Heads-up display Heads-up display, or HUD, is any transparent display that shows information without the user having to look down at other devices showing them – the information is visible at eye level. These displays were originally designed for aircraft – pilots use them because they don’t need to look down during flight, and all relevant information are visible and available when their head is up. Generation Z Generation Z is the demographic cohort that comes after millennials. The exact dates when the cohort starts or ends are not yet established, but the most common time period for the starting birth years is from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s, while demographers and researchers cannot agree on the ending birth years. This generation is marked by is its use of the internet from the earliest age, social medias, and online searching. Holography Holography is a portmanteau of the Greek words holos – meaning whole, complete – and graphos – I write or I draw. It represents a method of creating and reproducing three-dimensional images on a photographic plate using a light source – laser. As the photographic plate records both the light source intensity pattern and the directions and phases, holography does has made it possible to preserve the full three-dimensional structure of the object being recorded. Shinkansen Shinkansen, also known as bullet trains (because they’re fast like bullets), is a network of high-speed railway lines in Japan. The first line was opened in 1964, and ever since it has been connecting Tokyo and Osaka - a distance of more than 515 km - representing the busiest line in Japan when it comes to high-speed trains. The maximum speed that these trains can reach is about 320 km/h. Photo booth Photo booth is a machine that looks like a modern kiosk that has a built-in automatic camera and a film processor, typically operating on coin insertion, and it is used for taking photos. A certain amount of money is inserted in the marked spot, the camera takes photos, and after a few minutes the machine spits out small-size photos. Today, most photo booths are digital. Pop-up venues Pop-up venues are events that “pop up” out of the blue. Imagine walking around the park on your break and while going back you realize that the same spot that you passed by a little while ago is now hosting a party. This type of events is now becoming increasingly interesting just because of the uncertainty and intrigue they bring.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Da li st e z na l i ?






Hotel za razvode Svi znamo da se u Las Vegasu možete venčati u roku od sat ili dva, ali da li ste znali da sada postoji hotel u kom je moguće razvesti se za samo jedan vikend? Lanac hotela Divorce Hotel koji se nalaze SAD-u i Evropi, tako je koncipi­ ran da se tokom jednog vikenda parovima koji više nisu u ljubavi omogući bezbolan rastanak na teritoriji koja je neutralna. Ako ipak dođe do situacije da poželite razvod, po ceni od sedam do deset hiljada evra moći ćete da se rastanete uz pomoć medijatora, advokata i psihologa.


Najmanji robot na svetu Najmanji robot na svetu zove se origami, težak je svega 0,31 gram, a širok 1,6 cm. Napravili su ga naučnici sa Instituta za Tehnologiju u Masaču­ setsu i Univerziteta u Minhenu. Origami se može sam sasta­ viti, hodati po različitim površi­nama i plivati, a rastvara se u acetonu. Napravljen je od PVC-a i malih magneta. Na njegovoj konstrukciji radio je tim stručnjaka još od 2012. godine, a predstavljen je tek ove godine na međunarodnoj konferenciji Instituta inženjera elektrotehnike i elektronike u Americi.


Čudni gradovi na svetu Manšijat Naser, egipatski grad, poznat je kao grad đubreta jer se tu dovozi sav otpad iz Kaira. Svi stanovnici se bave reciklažom i recikliraju čak 90% otpada što je više od bilo koje kompanije koja se ovim bavi. U Gibsontonu, gradu koji se nalazi u američkoj državi Florida, žive samo penzionisani radnici iz cirkusa. U njihovim dvorištima nema „običnih“ kućnih ljubimaca već se tuda šetaju slonovi i majmuni. Aurovil u Indiji poznat je kao „savršen“ grad. Tu ne postoji novac, vlada ni nametnuta pravila, a svi stanovnici teže međusobnoj harmoniji.

Aurovil, Indija

Aljaska plaća ljudima da tu žive Zvuči potpuno neverovatno da Vam neko plaća da živite na određenom mestu na svetu. Ali, istina je, takve države postoje. Ukoliko nemate prob­ lem sa konstantnom zimom, preselite se na Aljasku! Naime, sve što Vam je potrebno da biste dobili novac jeste dokaz da ste se tamo preselili trajno i očekujte uplatu od 18.000 dolara svake godine.


4. Šta je „trolovanje“? Danas se sve češće susrećemo sa rečju „trolovanje“. Nastalo je od imenice „trol“ koja se vezuje za mitologiju Skandinavije i označava demona ili džina. Trolovanje predstavlja namerno ometanje komunikacije koja se odvija na internetu – društvenim mrežama, blogovima i forumima. Ono podrazumeva namerno i svesno širenje neistinitih ili nepotpunih informacija, vređanje, podsticanje bilo koje vrste mržnje ili netolerancije, rasprava i svađa. U nekim društvima poznat i kao „čodizam“.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · oktobar 2017







Divorce Hotel


We all know that you can get married in Las Vegas within an hour or two, but did you know that now there’s a hotel where you can get divorced over just one weekend? The hotel chain Divorce Hotel, located throughout the US and Europe, is designed to enable a painless split-up in a neutral territory over a single weekend for couples who are no longer in love. If you do happen to get to a point where you want a divorce, seven to ten thousand euros will get you a parting with the help of mediators, lawyers, and psychologists.


The World’s Smallest Robot The smallest robot in the world is called origami, weighing only 0.31 grams and 1.6 cm wide. It was designed by scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Munich. The origami can assemble itself, walk over different terrains, and swim, and it dissolves in acetone. It is made of PVC and small magnets. A team of experts has been working on its design since 2012, and the robot was introduced only this year at the international conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in the US.


World’s Strange Cities The Egyptian city of Manshiyat Nasser is commonly known as the Garbage City because the location is used for disposal of all waste produced in Cairo. All residents work in recycling, recovering as much as 90% of waste, which is more than any recycling company. In Gibsonton, a city in the American state of Florida, is home to retired circus workers exclusively. In their yards, there are no “ordinary” pets, but instead, elephants and monkeys roam. Auroville in India is known as the “perfect” city. The city has no money, government, or imposed rules, and all its residents strive for mutual harmony.

Manshiyat Nasser, Egypt

Alaska is Paying People to Live There


It sounds unbelievable that somebody would pay people to live in a certain place. But it’s true, such places do exist. If you wouldn’t mind winter all year round, move to Alaska! All you need to get the money is proof that you moved there permanently and you can expect to receive 18,000 dollars each year.

What is Trolling?

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SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · October 2017

Trolling is a term we are coming across more and more today. It was derived from the noun “troll,” which is associated with the mythology of Scandinavia and denotes a demon or a giant. Trolling is a deliberate disturbance of online communication – on social media, blogs, or discussion boards. It involves deliberately and consciously spreading false and incomplete information, insulting, and instigating any kind of hatred or intolerance, arguments, and quarrels.

SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · oktobar 2017 / O c tober 2017 / broj 25 / No. 25

Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 25 / oktobar 2017 / No. 25 / October 2017

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cover stor y: h i n r e d o m U a se of n e m i r a P n a ij g o l o H n igh-Tech h te a m i j on Even događa ts Izmenite st varnost n

a bolje:

Kako da koristite Augmented Realit y na svom događa ju

D r o n:

Petar Vašeg Pan događ a ja

Change Reality for the Better:

ted How to Use Augmennt Realit y at Your Eve

T h e D r o n e:

an The Peter P nt of Your Eve

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