Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 31 / oktobar 2019–februar 2020 No. 31 / October 2019–February 2020 www.SEEbtm.com
Interviews: Zivorad Vasic, InterContinental Hotels Group | Aleksandar Vasilijevic, Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences | Ivan Vitorovic, Mona Hotel Management | Ivana Perkovic, Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb | Ivan Gajic, Hotel Regent Porto Montenegro | Robert Gasser, Courtyard Belgrade City Center Hotel | Slobodan Cvetkovic, Novi Sad Fair | Andrea Knezy, Congress Center Master of Novi Sad Fair | Petar Medjedovic, Top of the Hub | Miloje Tomasevic, AMEC
vog septembra starija ćerka mi je krenula u školu. U školu! Đak pr vak! Proletelo je vreme kad od plača, nespavanja i nervoze, i njene i moje, nisam bila sigurna da li radim pravu stvar, da li i u čemu grešim, da li je moj maksimum u organizaciji, strpljenju, snazi, razumevanju i ljubavi, čije sam granice trostruko premašila od kada sam postala mama, dovoljan? Kao da sam je juče držala za ruku dok je nesigurno i bojažljivo, ali uporno, pravila prve korake. Nije ih napravila sama sve dok nije bila 110% sigurna u to. Ali je zato bila vrlo sigurna u svoju priču, te je vrlo rano progovorila, bez stida i pardona, šarmirajući i ostavljajući bez teksta svojim zapažanjem i komentarima. Danas kreće u školu, puna samopouzdanja. Uzbuđena je pred novim izazovima. Preplavljuje me osećaj ponosa i zadovoljstva. Lepo se skla paju kockice uloženog truda, rada i posvećivanja. Za sada izgleda da ni greške ili propusti, koje svaki roditelj u manjoj ili većoj meri, obično nesvesno pravi, nisu strašne, već su ispale deo neizbežnog procesa učenja, i mog i njenog. Zašto ovo pišem? Prvo da se pohvalim, jer, hej, dete mi je krenulo u školu! Drugo, časopis koji držite u rukama je za ceo naš tim i mene poseban, jer je prvi broj istog ugledao svetlost dana pre 10 GODINA! Treba li ponoviti da vreme leti? Put i proces razvoja, usavršavanja, uspona i padova, poleta, nedoumica i (ne)sigurnosti je vrlo sličan onom koji doživljavate sa detetom. Kada smo počeli da objavljujemo SEEbtm magazin, isto nismo dobili uputstvo kako se to radi, kao ni za ćerku kada se rodila. Mada bi to bilo svakako korisno, naročito za dete! U oba slučaja, instinkt je tu najviše odradio svoje. Instinkt, ljubav, posvećenost i želja za uspehom.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Tako da, da, SEEbtm magazin nam dođe kao drugo dete (prvo, starije, je portal Kongresniturizam ). Bilo je perioda kada sam sumnjala da li radimo pravu stvar, daje li rezultat taj rad i trud koji ulažemo u svako izdanje SEEbtm magazina? Da li to što radimo, radimo na najvišem mogućem nivou, jer ništa manje nije prihvatljivo za ono za šta se zalažemo, industriju koju predsta vljamo i dugogodišnje partnere i čitaoce čije poverenje uživamo? Šta možemo da poboljšamo? Šta je trenutno potrebno event i kongresnoj industriji u regionu? Koja znanja ili informacije su potrebne organizatorima događaja? Kako da probudimo i održimo interesovanje? Kako da budemo inovativni? To su neka od pitanja koja stalno postavljam. I kako to obično biva, potvrda rada i posvećenosti, dolazi kada se najmanje nadamo, divan komentar, poštovanje, fantastična pohvala, čak i otvoreno divljenje, su najveće satisfakcije koje smo dobijali proteklih godina kao potvrdu za sav naš rad i vrednosti SEEbtm magazina i ono što on predstavlja. Nakon svake neočekivane pohvale, svet zastane za tren, kao kada vam vaspitačica kaže ne znam šta radite, ali šta god da radite, samo nastavite tako. Bez ogromnog poverenja i podrške mnogih naših dugogodišnjih partnera i saradnika, SEEbtm magazin svakako ne bi bio ono što jeste danas, verovatno ne bi ni postojao. Veliko hvala, oni će se prepoznati. Bez vas, najdražih čitalaca, SEEbtm magazin ne bi imao svoju svrhu. Hvala na vašem vremenu i interesovanju, to je danas teško izdvojiti i pobuditi. SEEbtm magazin će, zajedno sa svima vama i portalom Kongresniturizam, nastaviti da opravdava i nadmašuje očekivanja, postavlja standar de u organizaciji događaja, event menadžmentu i razvoju MICE industrije regiona. Ovo jubilarno izdanje je posebno i po tome što smo za vas izdvojili specijalne intervjue sa našim dugogodišnjim partnerima, regionalnim liderima u kongresnom i poslovnom turizmu. P.S. Srećan polazak u školu svim đacima! Pitam se, koliko među njima ima budućih lidera u kongresnoj i event industriji? „Tajna uspeha u životu nije u tome da čovek radi ono što voli, već da voli ono što radi.” Vinston Čerčil
Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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va u Šta se ku iner e Falkenst loncu?
Vasić: Živorad
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75. Od čega na zavisi cete? avio kar
124. prve Najbolje vio klase u aaju saobrać
ktiva: Retrospe
od Najbolje SEEbtm a magazin
Novosti .................................................................... 5 Događaji .................................................................. 8 Novo i renovirano .................................................. 16 Intervju: Živorad Vasić: Važno je dati svoj maksimum, čime god se bavio.................... 20 Intervju: Aleksandar Vasilijević: Šta se kuva u Falkensteiner loncu? ..................... 27 Hotel: Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort, Hrvatska ..... 34 Intervju: Miloje Tomašević: Drugačiji vidovi edukacije u medicinskom sektoru ..................... 37 Intervju: Ivan Vitorović: Hotel Mona Plaza – spoj poslovnih potreba i odmora ......................... 42 Hotel: Hotel Well****, Hrvatska.................................... 47
Istraživanje: U trendu su inovativni događaji na neobičnim lokacijama ................................... 49 Intervju: Ivana Perković: Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb – tradicija i moderno poslovanje........................... 57 Hotel: The Westin Zagreb ............................................... 63 Intervju: Robert Gasser: Svet će postati bolji zahvaljujući promenama............................ 65 Intervju: Ivan Gajić: Pet godina sjaja hotela Regent Porto Montenegro .....................70 Avio industrija: Od čega zavisi cena avio karte? .......................... 75 Industrija: Slobodan Cvetković: Novosadski sajam – najstarija sajamska kuća u Srbiji ........................ 81
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Industrija: Andrea Knezy: Novi Sad kao kongresna destinacija .................................. 83 Hotel: Hotel Constantine the Great, Beograd............... 90 Industrija: Petar Međedović: Top of the Hub – recept za savršen događaj!.................................. 92 Retrospektiva: Najbolje od SEEbtm magazina............................ 97 Reč stručnjaka: Uradi nešto lepo za sebe danas ........................ 118 Predstojeći događaji ............................................ 123 Zanimljivost: Najbolje prve klase u avio saobraćaju .............................................. 124 Kratke zanimljivosti ............................................. 135
This September my older daughter started school. School! First
grader! The time flew by when crying, sleepless nights, and anxie ty – both her and mine – made me doubt if I was doing the right thi ng, if I was making mistakes, and if my best efforts in organization, patience, strength, understanding, and love – whose limits I exceed ed three times over since I became a mom – were enough? It’s as if it was yesterday that I was holding her hand while she – hesitant and faltering, but persistent – took her first steps. She didn’t take them on her own until she was 110% sure. On the other hand, she was very confident about her words, and she started talking very early, bold as brass, charming people and leaving them speechless with her observations and remarks. Today she’s starting school, full of confidence. She is excited about her new challenges. I am overwhelmed with pride and satisfaction. The puzzle pieces of invested effort, work, and dedication are nicely coming together. So far, it seems that the mistakes or oversights – made more or less by every parent usually unintentionally – are not terrible, but instead they turned out to be part of the inevitable learning process, both mine and hers.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t r o d u c t i o n
Why am I writing this? First of all, to show off a bit because hey, my kid is starting school! Second, the issue you’re holding right now is special for both myself and our whole team, because it marks TEN YEARS since the first one saw the light of day! I know I don’t have to say again that time flies. The path and process of development, progress, ups and downs, momentum, doubts and (in)securities are very similar to what one goes through with children. When we launched SEEbtm, we had no manuals or instructions on how to do it – just like when our daughter was born. Although it would most definitely be helpful, especially for the kid! In both cases, instinct did most of the work. Instinct, love, commitment, and desire to succeed. So yes, SEEbtm is kind of like our second child (the first and older one would be Kongresniturizam/SEEmice ). There were times when I wondered if we were doing the right thing and if the work and effort we put into every issue of SEEbtm even yielded any results. Are we doing what we’re doing at the highest possible level because nothing less is acceptable for what we stand for, the indus try we represent, and our long-standing partners and readers whose trust we enjoy? What can we do better? What does the region’s event industry need right now? What knowledge or information do event planners need? How do we spark interest and maintain it? How do we innovate? These are some of the questions I keep asking. And as usually, an acknowledgement of work and dedication comes when we least expect it – a wonderful comment, respect, fantastic pra ise, and even open admiration are the greatest satisfaction we’ve encountered in recent years as validation of our efforts, of SEEbtm values, and of what the magazine stands for. After every unexpected praise, the world stops for a moment, just like when the teacher tells you, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but whatever it is – keep it up.” Without the tremendous trust and support of many of our long-standing partners and associates, SEEbtm would certainly not be what it is today, and probably wouldn’t even exist. Those who have our deepest gratitude will know who they are. Without you, our dearest readers, SEEbtm wouldn’t have a purpose. Thank you for your time and interest, those are not easy to set aside and stimulate these days. Together with all of you, SEEbtm and Kongresniturizam/SEEmice will continue to justify and exceed expectations, set standards in event planning, event management, and growth of the region’s MICE industry. This jubilee edition is also special because we have prepared special interviews for you with our long-standing partners, regional leaders in MICE and business tourism. P.S. Happy first day of school to all those starting! I wonder how many among them are future leaders in the meeting and event industry? “The secret of success in life is not doing what you love, but rather loving what you do.” Winston Churchill
Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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of The Best SEEbtm
News ....................................................................... 6 Events ................................................................... 12 New and improved ................................................ 18 Interview: Zivorad Vasic: Whatever You Do, It’s Important to Do Your Best ............................ 23 Interview: Aleksandar Vasilijevic: What’s Cooking in the Falkensteiner Kitchen? .............................. 30 Hotel: Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort, Croatia ........ 35 Interview: Miloje Tomasevic: Different Forms of Education in Medical Sector ............................... 39 Interview: Ivan Vitorovic: Hotel Mona Plaza – the Combination of Business and Vacation ......... 45 Hotel: Hotel Well****, Croatia ....................................... 48
Survey: Innovative Events at Unusual Locations Are the Trend ........................ 53 Interview: Ivana Perkovic: Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb – Tradition and Modern Business .......................... 60 Hotel: The Westin Zagreb ............................................... 64 Interview: Robert Gasser: Making Changes Will Make the World Better Place....................... 68 Interview: Ivan Gajic: Five Years of Shine of Regent Porto Montenegro ............................73 Corporate travel: What Makes Up the Price of Airplane Tickets? ..... 78 Industry: Slobodan Cvetkovic: Novi Sad Fair – The Oldest Trade Show Venue in Serbia ............. 86
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Industry: Andrea Knezy: Novi Sad as MICE Destination ............................. 88 Hotel: Hotel Constantine the Great, Belgrade.............. 91 Industry: Petar Medjedovic: Top of the Hub – the Recipe for Perfect Event! .............................. 95 Retrospective: The Best of SEEbtm ........................................... 107 Expert opinion: Do Something Nice for Yourself Today ...................................... 120 Upcoming events ................................................ 123 Interesting: The Best First Class in Air Travel ....................................... 129 Interesting news ................................................. 136
n o v o s t i PETA ZVEZDICA ZA HOTEL VERDE IZ PODGORICE Hotel Verde iz Podgorice rekategorizacijom dobio je je još jednu zvezdicu pa ih sada ima pet. Nalazi se na obali reke Sitnice, nedaleko od centra grada, raspolaže sa 81 smeštajnom jedinicom kao i tri kongresne sale koje su pogodne za organizaciju razli čitih tipova događaja. Najveća sala u teatar postavci može primiti do 254 osobe, a od dodatnih sadržaja gostima su na raspolaganju restoran, wellness centar, zatvoreni i otvoreni sportski tereni, kao i garaža.
BROJ PUTNIKA NA NIŠKOM AERODROMU U PORASTU Otvaranje novih avio-linija kompanije Air Serbia-e na niškom aerodromu Konstantin Veliki rezultiralo je porastom broja putnika, koji je bio u opadanju još od kraja prošle godine. U avgustu ove godine, skoro 20.000 ljudi više poletelo je ili sletelo sa ovog aerodroma u poređenju sa istim mesecom 2018. Linije koje su uvedene ka Crnoj Gori, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Mađarskoj, Italiji, Sloveniji i Švedskoj donele su veći prihod, kao i statistički porast od 6% za prvih osam meseci.
OTVARANJE NAJVEĆEG KONGRESNOG CENTRA U NEMAČKOJ Na ovogodišnjem IMEX-u u Frankfurtu, Kongresni biro Hamburga najavio je otvaranje najvećeg Kongresnog centra u Nemačkoj, CCH, za 2020. godinu. Njegova ukupna veličina biće 36.000 m2, imaće 12.000 m2 izložbenog prostora i 12.000 mesta u do 50 dvorana. U okviru kongresnog centra biće moguće organizovati nekoliko događaja u isto vreme, a veliki ulazni prostor, svojom visinom doseže visinu glavne zgrade i osigurava dodatni višenamenski prostor za organizaciju događaja.
KOPAONIK DOBIJA GARAŽU SA HELIDROMOM Kopanik će pre početka ovogodišnje ski sezone dobiti najavljivan parking sa helidromom. Kako stoji u projektu, nadzemna garaža je planirano da bude izgrađena na četiri nivoa, sa 309 mesta za parking. Helidrom će takođe biti na zemlji, tzv. Surface Level Heliport, prema ICAO klasifikaciji. Biće namenjen javnoj upotrebi, kao i za operacije poletanja i sletanja u VFR uslovima, danju i noću.
NAJBOLJI HOTELSKI RESTORAN VISOKE KATEGORIJE U HRVATSKOJ Ovogodišnja nagrada Dobri restorani, koja se dodeljuje restoranima u Hrvatskoj, u kategoriji Hotelski restorani visoke kategorije, pripala je restoranu Zinfandel’s hotela Esplanade u Zagrebu. Projekat Dobri restorani započet je pre osam godina, a pokre nuli su ga Jutarnji list i Vinart kako bi na godišnjem nivou ocenili najbolje restorane i motivisali da što više aktera na gastro sceni ove države pokaže što bolju uslugu.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
n e w s FIFTH STAR FOR HOTEL VERDE IN PODGORICA Hotel Verde from Podgorica got another star, and by new categorization now is a five-star hotel. It is located on the Sitnica River, not far from the city center, and has 81 accommodation units as well as three congress halls that are suitable for various types of events. The largest hall in a theater setting can accommodate up to 254 people, and additional amenities include a restaurant, a wellness center, indoor and outdoor sports fields, as well as a garage.
INCREASING NUMBER OF PASSENGERS ON NIS’S AIRPORT The opening of Air Serbia’s new lines at Airport Constantine the Great in Nis has resulted in an increase in passengers’ number, which has been declining since the end of last year. In August this year, nearly 20,000 more people departed or landed from this airport compared to the same month in 2018. Lines introduced to Montenegro, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and Sweden brought in more revenue and also statistical improvement of 6% for the first eight months.
OPENING OF THE BIGGEST CONGRESS CENTER IN GERMANY At this year’s IMEX in Frankfurt, the Hamburg Convention Bureau announced the opening of Germany’s largest congress center, CCH, for 2020. Its total size will be 36,000 sqm, it will have 12,000 sqm of exhibition space and 12,000 seats in up to 50 halls. Within the convention center it will be possible to organize several events at the same time, and the large entrance area, which by its height reaches the height of the main building, provides additional multipurpose space for the organization of events.
KOPAONIK GETS A GARAGE AND HELIDROME Kopanik will get an announced parking with heliport before the start of this ski season. According to the project, the garage is planned to be built on four levels, with 309 parking lots. The heliport will also be on the ground, Surface Level Heliport, according to ICAO classification. It will be intended for public use, as well as for take-off and landing operations in VFR conditions, day and night.
THE BEST HIGH CATEGORY HOTEL RESTAURANT IN CROATIA This year’s Good Restaurants Award, which is presented to restaurants in Croatia, in the category Hotel Restaurants of the highest category, went to restaurant Zinfandel’s in hotel Esplanade in Zagreb. The Good Restaurants project started eight years ago and was founded by Jutarnji List and Vinart to evaluate the best restaurants on an annual basis and motivate as many actors as possible to show the best service in this country’s gastronomic scene. 6
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope 3. HOW FESTIVAL Poreč, Hrvatska
16 – 18. oktobar 2019. godine HOW Festival, jedina konferencija na temu hotelskih operacija u Europi, ima za cilj Festivala da predstavi međunarodne trendove u hotelskim operacijama i primere dobre prakse, da olakša implementaciju novih proizvoda i usluga i da omogući umrežavanje učesnika. Teme programa, koje su kroz anketno istra živanje izabrali sami hotelijeri, segmentirane su na panel diskusije i predavanja namenjena svim učesni cima, dok se u drugom delu Festivala održavaju po dve radionice paralelno koje su podeljene na hotelske segmente.
Prostor: Hotel Valamar Collection Isabella Island Resort
Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 23 – 24. oktobar 2019. godine
Međunarodni sajam energetike, vode i zaštite okoliša RENEXPO® BiH u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina, značajno je mesto susreta ključnih poslovnih ljudi, donosioca odluka i stručnjaka u području obnovljivih izvora energije, energetske efikasnosti, hidroenergije, energija vetra, biomasa, PV, e-mobilnosti, obrade otpada/vode itd. Na sajmu će biti predstavljeno preko 80 kompanija, a izlagači dolaze iz 25 zemalja širom sveta i regiona Zapadnog Balkana.
Prostor: Hotel Hills Sarajevo
Ljubljana, Slovenija
23 – 26. oktobar 2019. godine Ovaj ESCP simpozijum biće orijentisan na digital nu revoluciju: kako podržati kliničku farmaciju putem e-zdravlja, digitalnih sistema podrške, velikih podataka i još mnogo toga. Konferencija je koncipirana tako da pruži inovativan i sveobuhvatan pregled najnovijih dostignuća tehnologije u kliničkoj farmaciji. Digitalizacija kliničke farmacije omogućava razvoj novih usluga, sistema podrške i brže i lakše prikupljanje podataka. Očekuje se oko 500 delegata na ovom događaju.
Prostor: Kongresni centar Ljubljane
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
6. GOLOBALNI FORUM O KORISNIČKIM USLUGAMA Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 24. oktobar 2019. godine
Ova konferencija o korisničkom servisu biće posve ćena veštinama koje su potrebne da bi se postiglo zadovoljstvo korisnika, kao i profesionalnoj komu nikaciji, poštovanju klijenata, poboljšanju odnosa sa njima i obezbeđivanju konkurentske prednosti putem izvrsnosti usluga za korisnike. Program je osmišljen tako da bude veoma interaktivan, izazovan i podstica jan. Delegati će učiti kombinacijom aktivnog učešća koristeći programske materijale, pregledati studije slučaja i video zapise o treningu i diskutovati o svemu navedenom.
Prostor: Hotel Hills Sarajevo
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
d o g a đ a j i
26 – 27. novembar 2019. godine Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR je internacionalni godiš nji skup stručnjaka koji rade u oblastima telekomunikacija i informacionih tehnologija. Učesnici su uglavnom telekomunikacioni inženjeri, ali i ekonomisti, pravnici, menadžeri, operatori i drugi. Zbog ovoga TELFOR je forum u okviru koga se razmatraju sva relevantna pitanja telekomunikacija: tehnička, razvoj na, regulatorna i ekonomska, pitanja proizvodnje opreme, usluga, servisa i funkcionisanja sistema.
Prostor: Kongresni centar Sava Centar
Kopaonik, Srbija
28 – 29. novembar 2019. godine ICT Security Konferencija je međunarodni događaj koji svake godine prati trendove u oblasti online bezbed nosti. Deo predavanja biće posvećen bankarskim bez bednosnim operacijama, uključujući on-line, mobilno plaćanje i sigurnost platnih kartica. Specijalna predavanja biće na temu pravilnog upravlja nja sigurnošću informacionog sistema, sigurnosti mo bilnih uređaja i aplikacija, napredne antivirusne zaštite i sigurnosti Linuk sistema, kao i digitalne forenzike, etičkog hakovanja i tehnike zloupotrebe u informaci onim sistemima.
Prostor: Hotel Putnik Kopaonik
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
d o g a đ a j i 3. HR KONFERENCIJA Zagreb, Hrvatska
11. decembar 2019. godine Treća po redu HR konferencija ove godine biće organi zovana u hotelu Westin Zagreb. Ova konferencija namenjena je vlasnicima kompanija, menadžerima koji su na različitim pozicijama, HR me nadžerima, kao i svima koji se suočavaju sa izazovom privlačenja i zadržavanja radne snage u organizacijama ili državi. Događaj organizuju poslovni nedeljnik Lider i Udruga U4HR (Udruga za upravljanje, umrežavanje, učenje i unapređivanje ljudskih potencijala u Hrvatskoj).
Prostor: Hotel Westin Zagreb
Zagreb, Hrvatska
18 – 19. februar 2020. godine Adria Hotel Forum (AHF), vodeća hotelsko-investicij ska konferencija u JI Evropi, vraća se u Zagreb 18 – 19. februara 2020. godine. Konferencija godišnje privlači ugledne međunarodne hotelske vlasnike, investito re, menadžment kompanije i stručnjake iz područja finansija i savetovanja. Nedavno, AHF je akviziran od strane poznatog svetskog organizatora hotelskih kon ferencija, Bench Events, te će sada biti organizovan kao događaj u sklopu novog niza hotelskih investicij skih konferencija pod nazivom „IDEEA“ koji se fokusi raju na regije Srednje, Južne i Istočne Europe i CIS-a.
Prostor: Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Zagreb
25 – 27. mart 2020. godine Glavni grad Crne Gore, Podgorica, sledeće godine dobija Prvi sajam opreme za ugostiteljske objekte i hotele, a biće organizovan u hotelu Hilton. Za vreme trajanja ovog trodnevnog događaja svi po setioci će imati prilike da vide kompletnu kuhinjsku opremu za navedene objekte i restorane, kao i posu đe za serviranje, nameštaj za opremanje i osvetljenje prostora. Ovaj internacionalni sajam namenjen je hotelijerima, restoraterima, vlasnicima barova i ostalima koji rade u ugostiteljskoj industriji.
Prostor: Hotel Hilton Podgorica
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Events in the region of South East Europe 3RD HOW FESTIVAL Porec, Croatia
October 16th – 18th, 2019 HOW Festival is the only hotel operations Festival in Europe with the main goal to present global operations trends and best practices, to facilitate implementation of new products and services and to ensure networking for participants. Program themes are selected by hoteliers through inter nal survey and first part of the Festival will be consisted of the panel discussions and lectures for all participants. After that discussions and workshops will be divided by hotel departments.
Venue: Hotel Valamar Collection Isabella Island Resort
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina October 23rd – 24th, 2019
International Fair of Energy, Water and Environmental – RENEXPO® BiH in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, is an important meeting point for key business people, decision makers and experts in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, hydropower, wind energy, biomass, PV, e-mobility, waste/water treatment, etc. The fair will feature over 80 companies, with exhibitors from 25 countries around the world and the Western Balkans.
Venue: Hotel Hills Sarajevo
Ljubljana, Slovenia
October 23rd – 26th, 2019 This European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) Symposium will be oriented to digital revolution: supporting clinical pharmacy through e-health, digital support systems, big data and more. The conference has been designed to pro vide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest technology developments in clinical pharmacy. Digitalization of clinical pharmacy enables deve lopment of new services, support systems and faster and easier data collecting. Around 500 delegates are expected on this event.
Location: Congress Centre Ljubljana
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina October 24th, 2019
This customer service conference will be dedicat ed to the skills one needs to reach the customer amazement as well as how to communicate with professionalism, gain respect, enhance customer relationships and secure an overall competitive advantage through customer service excellence. The program is designed to be highly interactive, challenging and stimulating. Delegates will learn by a combination of active participation using program materials, case study review, discussion, syndicate group work, skills practice exercises, training videos and exploration of relevant organizational issues.
Venue: Hotel Hills Sarajevo
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e v e n t s
November 26th – 27th, 2019 Telecommunication Forum TELFOR is an international annual meeting of experts working in the fields of telecommunications and information technology. Participants are mainly telecommunication engineers, but also economists, lawyers, managers, operators and others. In this way, TELFOR is a forum in which all relevant issues of telecommunications are considered: techni cal, development, regulatory and economic, issues of production of equipment, services and functioning of the system.
Venue: Congress Center Sava Center
Kopanik, Serbia
November 28th – 29th, 2019 ICT Security Confecence is the international event, which follows the trends in the field of cyber security every year. Part of the lectures will be dedicated to the banking security operations including on-line and mobile payments and security of payment cards. Special lectures will be based on proper management of information system security, security of mobile devices and applications, authentication problems, advanced antivirus protection and security of Linux systems, as well as digital forensics, ethical hacking, penetration testing, systems for data recovery and the latest threats and abuse techniques in information systems.
Venue: Hotel Putnik Kopaonik
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
e v e n t s 3RD HR CONFERENCE Zagreb, Croatia
December 11th, 2019 This year, third HR conference will be organized at the hotel Westin Zagreb. This conference is for business owners, managers who work on various positions, HR managers, as well as anyone facing the challenge of attrac ting and retaining workforce in organizations or the state. The event is organized by the business magazine Lider and the U4HR Association (Association for Management, Networking, Learning and Human Resources Promotion in Croatia).
Venue: Hotel Westin Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
February 18th – 19th, 2020 Adria Hotel Forum (AHF), the leading hotel-investment conference in SE Europe, returns to Zagreb from February 18th – 19th, 2020. The conference every year attracts international hotel owners, investors, management companies and financial and consulting professionals. Recently, AHF has been acquired by renowned world conference organizer, Bench Events, and will now be organized as an event as part of a new series of hotel investment conferences called “IDEEA” that focus on the CEE and CIS regions.
Venue: Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Zagreb
The capital of Montenegro, Podgorica, will host the First Tableware, Café, Restaurant and Hotel Equip ment Exhibition next year, and it will be organized at the Hilton Hotel. During this three-day event, all visitors will have the opportunity to see the complete kitchen equipment for café, hotels and restaurants, as well as serving utensils, furniture and lighting. This international exhibition is for hoteliers, restau rateurs, bar owners and others working in the hos pitality industry.
Venue: Hotel Hilton Podgorica
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Valamar grupacija gradi Pical Resort
Porečki hotel Pical uskoro će biti transformisan u luksuzni resort sa pet zvezdica i oko 500 smeštajnih jedinica. Ukupno će moći da primi 1.700 gostiju, imaće sedam barova i sedam restorana, bazene sa 2.200 m2 vodene površine, a uređuje se i plaža sa Sundance beach klubom, izgrađuje kongresni centar za 1.200 gostiju, kao i unutrašnji bazen i well ness centar. Izgradnja ovog velikog objekta predstavlja najveće pojedinačno ulaga nje u hrvatskom turizmu, a završetak investicije planiran je za 2021. godinu.
Novo i
RENOVIRANO Casa del Mare Hotelska Grupacija proširuje svoje kapacitete
Crnogorska kompanija Casa del Mare Hotelska Grupacija proši rila je svoje kapacitete i u junu otvorila dva luksuzna hotela u Boki Kotorskoj. Boutique Hotel Casa del Mare – Mediterraneo je renoviran i sada raspolaže sa 17 soba/apartmana, kongresnom sa lom za 40 osoba, spa centrom sa zatvorenim bazenom, plažom sa barom i restoranom. Fine dining restoran i bar se nalaze na krovu. Boutique Hotel Casa del Mare – Vizura se nalazi u Dobroti, hotel ima otvoreni i zatvoreni bazen, saunu, tursko parno kupatilo, sunčanu terasu, parking, lounge bar na krovu i restoran.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Mona Plaza postaje najveći kongresni centar u starom delu Beograda
Tako će ovaj hotel, čije otvaranje je najavljeno za jesen postati jedan od najvećih kongresnih centara naše presto nice. U cilju povećanja multifunkcionalnosti, za potrebe konferencija, svečanosti i drugih događaja, na drugom spratu hotela biće angažovan dodatni prostor od 400 m². Konferencijsko-izložbeni prostor hotela biće površine preko 2.000 m², sadržaće veliki multifunkcionalni banket prostor i ukupno 10 konferencijskih sala, od kojih će naj veća biti kapaciteta do 450 osoba u teatar postavci.
Hotel Hyatt Regency Beograd otvorio je STUDIO – nov prostor za organizaciju događaja
Čuveni restoran hotela Hyatt Regency Beograd, Focaccia, transformisan je u STUDIO, nov prostor za organizaciju događaja. Površinu od 460 m² zauzima jedinstven multifunkcionalan i moder no uređen prostor, sačinjen od foajea i dve sale, a mermerne deonice saču vale su prepoznatljivost hotela. Lagan, prozračan ambijent ispunjen dnevnim svetlom, prvenstveno je prilagođen poslovnim potrebama gostiju u smislu funkcionalnosti i uređenja prostora, te će gostima omogućiti da sa lakoćom organizuju različite tipove događaja.
Beogradski hotel Crystal otvorio restoran The View
U srcu Beograda, nadomak hrama Svetog Save na sedmom spratu hotela Crystal, ovog septembra otvoren je restoran The View sa panoramskim pogledom na ceo grad. Predstavlja kombinaciju modernog ambijenta, ukusne hrane, velikog izbora pažljivo odabranih vina i posebno dizajniranih koktela. Sa toplim eneterijerom i udobnim ambi jentom, restoran odiše bojama prirode i elemen tima moderne arhitekture, ima idealnu atmosferu za korporativne i privatne događaje, te može ugostiti do 80 osoba.
Otvoren hotel Paris u Opatiji
Sredinom jula ove godine u Opatiji je otvoren hotel Paris. Hotel poseduje ukupno 90 soba koje su moderno opremljene, wellness centar, garažu i pan sionski restoran sa velikim izborom svežih i domaćih na mirnica za doručak i večeru koji se služe po principu švedskog stola. Takođe, u sklopu ovog novootvorenog hotela postoji i a la carte restoran sa terasom koji se prostire na 250 m2, a nalazi se u prizemlju hotela.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Valamar Hotel Group Builds Pical Resort
Hotel Pical in Porec will soon be transformed into a five-star luxury resort with around 500 accommoda tion units. In total, it will be able to accommodate 1,700 guests, it will have seven bars and seven restaurants, 2,200 sqm pools, beach with a Sundance beach club, a convention center for 1,200 guests, as well as an indoor pool and wellness center. The construction of this large facility represents the largest single investment in Croatian tourism, and the completion of the invest ment is planned for 2021.
New and
IMPROVED Casa del Mare Hotel Group Expands Its Capacity
Montenegrin Company Casa del Mare expanded its capacity by opening two luxurious hotels in Boka Kotorska Bay this June. Boutique Hotel Casa del Mare – Mediterraneo is located in Kame nari and after the renovation has 17 rooms/apartments, a spa center, beach with beach bar, restaurant on the seashore, small gym and congress hall for 40 people. Boutique Hotel Casa del Mare – Vizura is located in Dob rota, hotel has an outdoor and indoor swimming pool, a sauna, Turkish steam bath, sun terrace, parking, a lounge bar on the roof and a restaurant.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Mona Plaza Will Become the Largest Congress Center in Old Part of Belgrade
Hotel Mona Plaza, the opening of which is announced for Autumn, will become one of the biggest congress centers in Belgrade. In order to increase multi-functionality in the hotel, requested for conferences and other events, there will be used additional space of 400 sqm at the second floor of the hotel. The conference and exhibition space will cover over 2,000 sqm and it will include large multi-functional banquet room and 10 conference halls in total with the major capacity up to 450 individuals in the theatre setting.
Opening of STUDIO Event Space at Hyatt Regency Belgrade
A well-known restaurant Focaccia in hotel Hyatt Regency Belgrade, is now completely transformed into STUDIO event space. The 460 sqm area displays a unique multifuncti onal and contemporary decorated space consisting of a foyer and two rooms connected by a movable par tition wall that leaves the possibility of connecting them into a single unit. With all its features, audio and video technology, this event space will enable guests to organize meetings, presentations, creative workshops, art exhibitions, wedd ings, and other forms of formal and informal gatherings with ease.
Belgrade’s Hotel Crystal Opened Restaurant The View
In the very heart of Belgrade, near the St. Sava Temple on the seventh floor of Crystal Hotel, this September restaurant The View is opened with panoramic view on the city. It represents the perfect combination of modern ambience, excellent food and a great variety of carefully selected wines and custom made cocktails. With warm interior and classy vibe, restaurant will endure in colors of nature elements with refined touch of urban architecture, it has an ideal atmosphere for corporate and social events, and can accommodate up to 80 persons.
Opened Hotel Paris in Opatija
In mid-July this year, hotel Paris is opened in Opatija, Croatia. The hotel has a total of 90 modern equipped rooms, a wellness center, a garage and a restaurant with a large selection of fresh and homemade break fast and dinner items served on a buffet basis. Within this newly opened hotel, there is a la carte restaurant with a terrace of 250 sqm, that is located on the ground floor of the hotel.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Hotel Crowne Plaza Belgrade
Važno je dati svoj maksimum, čime god se bavio Gospodin Živorad Vasić danas je na poziciji regionalnog Generalnog direk tora IHG-a i zadužen je za hotele Crowne Plaza Belgrade, InterContinental Bucharest, Hotel Indigo Belgrade (Opening soon), InterContinental Ljubljana, Regent Porto Montenegro i InterContinental Sofia.
Svoju karijeru u hotelijerskom biznisu započeo je u Americi. Know-how koji je tamo usvojio, doneo je u Srbiju po povratku i već 10 godina ga uspešno imple mentira u poslu kojim se bavi. Ističe da je ponosan na sve prepreke koje je savladao i izbore koje je pravio, a danas se trudi da šansu da mladim ljudima te pomno prati članove svog tima i prepoznaje njihove afinitete. Pored zavidnog obrazovanja, šta je to što smatrate da Vam je bilo od pomoći pre 10 godina kada ste počinjali karijeru u Srbiji da se pozicionirate kao jedan od lidera hotelske industrije regiona? Postoji mnogo stvari koje su bile komponenta mog uspeha. Na prvom mestu rad i obrazovanje, na dru gom sreća i na trećem mestu činjenica da sam u pravo vreme došao u Beograd. Tada hotelijerstvo sa novim inostranim brendovima jos nije zaživelo, pa samim tim, nije bilo ni puno ljudi koji su hotelijerstvu pristupali na inovativan način. Nije bilo dovoljno hotelijerskih obrazovnih ustanova, škola i univerziteta koje su, kao što je to danas, omogućavale studentima da uz školo vanje pohađaju i stručne prakse što je izuzetno važno za formiranje pravog stručnjaka. Rekao bih, da mi je na poslovnom putu pomoglo prvenstveno obrazovanje koje sam stekao, praksa, a i socijalna inteligencija koja je dobar orijentir za odluke. Sa 30 godina sam u Beo gradu postao Direktor hotela Continetal, tada najvećeg u regionu. S obzirom na to da je zauzeće u hotelu bilo
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
daleko od dobrog, zakazao sam sastanak sa zaposleni ma i porazgovarao sa njima. Pitao sam ih da li misle da je bolje da imamo dve sobe popunjene po višoj ceni ili osam soba popunjenih po nižoj ceni. Mogu vam reći da su mi zaključci do kojih smo tada došli pomogli da shvatim zbog čega se Genex, kao nekada velika i ozbilj na kompanija, urušila. Ljudi su želeli da rade manje, a ne više. Došao sam iz uređenog sistema u Americi, gde sam napredovao stepenik po stepenik i dao sam sebi period od godinu dana da se oprobam na ovom tržištu. Kompanija Delta je u tom trenutku kupila hotel Continetal i tu zapravo počinje moj razvojni put u Srbiji. Da bih se vratio na vaše pitanje, ispričaću vam
Prosečna cena u Ljubljani ili Zagrebu je dosta viša u odnosu na Beograd. Jedan deo problema jeste taj što imamo previše hotela u glavnom gradu, samim tim i veliki broj soba koji ostaje nepopunjen, pogotovo petkom, subotom i nedeljom. Drugi deo je taj što sebe ne cenimo više.
anegdotu koja najbolje oslikava spoj gore pomenutih komponenti. Gospodina Miškovića sam samo znao po čuvenju, kao predsednika kompanije, i drugi menadže ri u okviru kompanije su mi govorili da će moj rad zasigurno biti prepoznat ukoliko budem radio posao kako treba. Ali, i pored toga, znao sam da treba na
neki način i sam sebi da otvorim vrata jer to niko neće uraditi umesto mene. On je posećivao frizera koji se nalazio u pasareli ka Sava Centru, a ja sam primetio da kod njega redovno odlazi svake tri nedelje. Odlučio sam da ga svaki put kada dolazi, sačekam znajući da imam samo tih 45 sekundi dok se popne stepenicama do frizera i još 45 sekundi kada bude silazio. I tada sam razgovarao sa njim. I zaista, on je tada video kod mene želju da napredujem, učim i učinim stvari boljima. Bili ste jedan od prvih hotelijera, pre 10 godina, koji je uveo poslovnu filozofiju „Vrednost za vaš novacʺ. Uticali ste na to da se tržište menja, da se drugi ho telijeri više bore za svoje goste. Da li je danas cena u Beogradu niža u odnosu na region? Prosečna cena u Ljubljani ili Zagrebu je dosta viša u odnosu na Beograd. Jedan deo problema jeste taj što imamo previše hotela u glavnom gradu, samim tim i veliki broj soba koji ostaje nepopunjen, pogotovo pet kom, subotom i nedeljom. Drugi deo je taj što sebe ne cenimo više. Ukoliko svi zajedno nastupimo i počnemo da cenimo više tržište, i cena će biti viša. Ukoliko tako budemo radili, i ponavljam, zajedno i sinhronizovano dizali cene, cena za tri do četiri godine može da bude kao u glavnom gradu Slovenije ili Hrvatske. Koliko su uzori važni? Koliko mislite da su, u Vašem slučaju, oni usmeravali Vaš razvojni put? Naravno! Kroz čitavu svoju karijeru imam uzore i sma tram da su oni jako važni. Ponosan sam na to što se broj takvih ljudi kod mene vremenom povećava. Moji prvi uzori bili su moj otac, koji mi je govorio da uvek treba da dam svoj maksimum, čime god se bavio,
i ujak koji me je školovao. Nakon toga sam upoznao gospodina Michael Hickey-ja, Generalnog direktora hotela Hyatt u Bostonu, gde sam tada radio. Sećam se da sam, kada me je unapredio u Operativ nog menadžera, došao na sastanak u crnoj košulji sa narandžastom kravatom. Čestitao mi je, odveo me u kancelariju, dao mi novac i rekao da kupim nove košu lje u beloj boji. Od njega sam naučio da u njima uvek izgledate profesionalno i toga se i danas držim.
Hotel Indigo će za soft opening biti spreman između maja i juna naredne godine, pričaće takoreći „priču iz kraja”, u sobama će biti detalji koji će podsećati na taj deo Dorćola, svaka od soba će biti drugačije urađena i ceo koncept ovog hotela će se jako razlikovati od korporativnog, uk ljučujući i to da će sve u mini baru u sobi biti besplatno.
Kada sam se vratio u Beograd, imao sam privilegiju da upoznam gopodina Miškovića i počnem da radim sa čovekom koji je zaista uneo velike promene u Srbiju. Jako mnogo sam naučio od gospodina Miškovića, ali ne samo o samom biznisu, nego i o građenju ličnosti kroz nova saznanja. Jer nikada nije dovoljno samo ono što steknete kroz redovno obrazovanje. Svaki dan je mogućnost da se nauči nesto novo jer, kako on kaže, čovek je vredan onoliko koliko zna i to je ono suštinsko što vam nikada niko ne može oduzeti. Jedna od važnih stvari koju su mi uzori govorili jeste da je uvek najvažnije preseći odmah kada se odluke donose. Ako postoji problem, nastojim da ga rešim što pre. Naravno ima situacija kada je bolje proanalizirati, porazgovarati, čuti savet, malo sačekati, ali i to mora
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i n t e r v j u
Hotel Indigo, Beograd
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i n t e r v j u da bude efikasno. Možda je zato kod mene izreka „Jutro je pametnije od večeriʺ malo modifikovana. To naravno ne znači da odluke donosim apsolutno na prečac, ali recimo da sam razvio različite mehanizme da ih brže donesem. Kada pričamo o ženskim uzorima, tu su moja majka i moja supruga. Da zaključim, ono što jeste najbitnije je da te ti uzori guraju napred, da želiš više i stigneš dalje. Ima li nešto što biste istakli da je karakteristično za hotelijerski biznis danas u Srbiji? Primetio sam da u određenim sektorima, posebno Prodaje i Marketinga, koji su po meni jedni od najvaž nijih u hotelijerstvu, u Srbiji figuriraju isti ljudi. Sma tram da to nije dobro i borim se da to promenim. A sada ću vam objasniti i kako. U našem sektoru pro daje, gde radi 15 osoba, mi imamo menadžerku koja je radila kao konobar u našem Novom Baru, menadžerku koja je bila recepcioner, menadžerku koja je ranije radila u restoranu, menadžera koji je želeo da postane glumac... Doslovno smo izgradili taj kadar jer danas sve te osobe odlično rade svoj posao. Nismo se plašili te različitosti, ako tako mogu reći. Menadžeri u Srbiji su u strahu da daju šansu ljudima koji se određenim poslom nisu bavili. To je, recimo, nešto što nisam primetio nigde drugde osim kod nas.
U martu naredne godine gradimo Holiday Inn u Ljubljani i to je investicija od 25 miliona EUR.
Još jedna stvar je karakteristična za Srbiju kao posledi ca toga što nismo deo EU. Beograd, u odnosu na druge glavne gradove u regionu, ima ubedljivo najveći broj hotela i stranih lanaca. Zbog toga je ljudima koji rade u hotelskoj industriji jako teško da odu odavde i posao nađu u regionu jer se teško dolazi do radne dozvole pa su primorani da ovde idu za većim primanjima. Ova nas činjenica ponovo dovodi do gornje opserva cije, a to je da uvek viđamo iste ljude. Njihove plate bivaju veće, jer su traženi, a mladim ljudima se ponovo ne ukazuje poverenje i ne daje šansa. To smatram ne pravdom. Mišljenja sam da je posao dobrog tim lidera, ili nadređenog u nekom sektoru, da prati i prepoznaje talente i afinitete i time otvara vrata novim mogućno stima za mlade i perspektivne ljude. Duboko verujem u promociju unutar kompanije tj. organizacije. Otvaranje hotela Indigo u Beogradu se dugo najavljiva lo. Kada očekujete da ćete moći da primite prve goste? Hotel Indigo će biti jedan zaista specifičan hotel, nala ziće se u Knez Mihailovoj, a radovi dobro napreduju.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Mislim da će za soft opening biti spreman između maja i juna naredne godine. Hotel će pričati takoreći „priču iz krajaʺ, u sobama će biti detalji koji će podse ćati na taj deo Dorćola, svaka od soba će biti drugačije urađena i ceo koncept ovog hotela će se jako razliko vati od korporativnog, uključujući i to da će sve u mini baru u sobi biti besplatno. Na šta mislim kada ovo kažem? Pre svega na jednu opuštenu atmosferu, konobare kojima će uniforma biti farmerke, košulja i patike, moći će da imaju bradu/ pirsing/tetovaže, restoran koji će biti na krovu sa po gledom na ceo grad u kom će se služiti nešto što smo nazvali „srpski tapasʺ, kao i džin bar. Ciljna grupa Indigo hotela su ljudi koji su hedonisti, koji rade u centru grada i koji žele da budu u opuštenoj atmosferi. Otvaranjem hotela InterContinental u Ljubljani Delta Holding je pokazao ozbiljne namere u širenju na re gionalno tržište. Koji su sledeći koraci i planovi po ovom pitanju? U martu naredne godine gradimo Holiday Inn u Ljub ljani i to je investicija od 25 miliona EUR. Tragamo za lokacijom u Zagrebu jer nam je želja da budemo prisutni u Ljubljani, Zagrebu i Beogradu. Blizu smo dogovora za izgradnju hotela u Skoplju koje nam je postalo interesantno tržište. Za crnogorsko primorje kao destinaciju nismo zainte resovani jer smatramo da je sezonska, a u Podgorici već postoji dovoljan broj hotela. Želimo da budemo prisutni u gradovima gde hotel živi cele godine i gde postoji kongresni biznis. Kongresni Centar Sava u Beogradu je trn u oku kada se govori o velikim međunarodnim kongresima, i godinama, ako ne i decenijama, veoma je primetna nesrazmera u kvalitetu hotelske ponude sa postoje ćim kongresnim centrom. Delta Holding, opet, duže vreme najavljuje privatno-javno partnerstvo sa gra dom i renoviranje Sava Centra. Da li vidite razrešenje ovog problema u naredne dve godine? Grad bi do kraja godine trebalo da raspiše tender za prodaju Sava Centra i, ukoliko se to dogodi, kompanija Delta će se javiti jer smo jako zainteresovani da investi ramo u ovaj projekat preko 70 miliona EUR i napravi mo najmoderniji i najkvalitetniji kongresni centar. Taj novac i znanje može uložiti samo velika i uspešna kompanija kakva je Delta. Želimo da ga renoviramo i od njega napravimo najbolji kongresni centar na Balkanu. Miona Milić
Hotel Crowne Plaza Belgrade
Whatever You Do, It’s Important to Do Your Best Today, Mr Zivorad Vasic is IHG Regional General Manager and manages Crowne Plaza Belgrade, InterContinental Bucharest, Hotel Indigo Belgrade (opening soon), InterContinental Ljubljana, Regent Porto Montenegro and InterContinental Sofia. He started his career in the hospitality industry in Ame rica. He brought the know-how he acquired there back to Serbia and for 10 years has been successfully imple menting it in the work he does. He points out how proud he is of overcoming many obstacles and choices he made. Today, he is trying to give a chance to young people and he therefore carefully observes his team members and identifies where their strengths lie. In addition to the enviable level of education you got, what do you feel helped you 10 years ago in Serbia when you first started your career and also helped you establish yourself as one of hospitality industry leaders in the region? There are many things that contributed to my success. First of all, there’s work and education, then, I was luc ky and what comes in third is the good timing of my return to Belgrade. Back then, the hospitality industry, with new foreign brands, was still in early stages and accordingly there weren’t many people who had an innovative approach to this branch of industry. There weren’t enough educational institutions, sch ools and universities, which would allow students to acquire necessary skills as is the case today, when besides studying they can also get practical training, which is enormously important for any real expert. I’d say that it was the education that helped me the most on my professional journey, then practice but also social intelligence which is good ʺpointerʺ for
decision-making. I was 30 when I became Manager of the Continental, the biggest hotel in the region at the time. Since the hotel’s occupancy was far from satisfactory, I organised a meeting with the employees and had a talk with them. I asked them if they thought it was better for them to have two occupied rooms at a higher rate or eight occupied rooms at a lower rate. I can tell you that the conclusion we reached then helped me understand why Genex, which once was a large and serious company, collapsed. People wanted to work less, not more. I had come from a regulated
The average rates in Ljubljana and Zagreb are signifi cantly higher compared with Belgrade. A part of the problem is that there are too many hotels in our capital and it is only natural that occupancy is not very high, especially on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The other part of the problem is that we do not appreciate ourselves as much as we should.
system in America, where I advanced step by step and so I gave myself a period of one year to see how I would do on this market. At the time, the Delta com pany acquired the Continental and basically that’s when my professional development in Serbia started. Back to your question, I will tell you an anecdote whi ch is an excellent illustration of the combination of
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
i n t e r v i e w components I mentioned. I’d known Mr Miskovic by reputation only, as the CEO of the company. Other managers from the company told me that if I did my job properly, my work would for sure be reco gnised. But despite this, I knew that there was a door I needed to open myself because there was no one else to do it instead of me. He regularly went to hair dresser’s at the Sava Centre’s gangway and I saw that he went there every three weeks. I decided that I wo uld wait for him every time he went there because I knew I had just those 45 seconds when he went up the stairs leading to the parlour and another 45 sec ond when he was on his way down. This was when I spoke to him. And he did indeed recognise in me the desire to develop, learn and make a difference. A decade ago, you were one of the first people in the hospitality business to introduce the ʺValue for Moneyʺ business philosophy. You impacted market changes, you made other people in the industry fight harder for their guests. Are rates in Belgrade today lower compared with the region? The average rates in Ljubljana and Zagreb are signific antly higher compared with Belgrade. A part of the problem is that there are too many hotels in our capital and it is only natural that occupancy is not very high, especially on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. The ot her part of the problem is that we do not appreciate ourselves as much as we should. If all of us join forces and start holding our market in higher regard, we’ll create higher rates. If we do things in this way, and I re peat, we jointly and in a synchronised manner increase rates, within three to four years our rates can be as high as they are in the capitals of Slovenia and Croatia. How important are role models? Do you think that in your case they provided guidance on your profession al journey? But of course! Throughout my career I have had role models and so, yes, I do think they are very important. I am proud to say that over time the number of these people is getting higher. At first, my role models were my father, who used to tell me that I should always do my best, whatever I did, and my uncle, who made it possible for me to get my education. Later, I met Mr Michael Hickey, General Man ager of the Hyatt in Boston, where I worked at the time. I remember that when he promoted me to the Operations Manager, I came
to the meeting wearing a black shirt and orange tie. He congratulated me and took me to his office, gave me some money and told me to buy new, white shirts. He taught me that a white shirt will always give you a professional look and I still use that simple trick today. When I came back to Belgrade, I had the privilege of meeting Mr Miskovic and working with the man who introduced really major changes in Serbia. I have learnt a lot from him, not only about business but also how to build personality by acquiring new knowledge.
The Indigo will be ready for soft opening between May and June next year. The hotel will be telling a “neighbo urhood story”, rooms will be decorated with details res embling that part of Dorcol, every room will be furnished differently and the entire concept of this hotel will be far from the corporate concept. For example, all items in the minibar will be free of charge.
Because what you learn while getting regular educati on is never enough. Every day is a possibility to learn something new because, as he says, the man’s value is measured by how much he/she knows and basically that’s something no one can take away from you. One of the important things my role models told me was that it is very important to always be determined when taking decisions. If there is a problem, I do what ever I can to solve it as soon as possible. Of course, sometimes there are situations you need to think through, discuss, ask for advice, wait for a while but that too needs to be efficient. Perhaps this is why ʺsleep on itʺ has a somewhat different meaning for me. This certainly does not mean that I make decision hastily but let’s just say that I have developed various mechanisms to make them more promptly.
Hotel Crowne Plaza Belgrade
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
As for female role models, they’re my mother and my wife. To cut the story short, what matters is that your role models push you to want more and reach higher. Is there something that you believe is specific for Serbian hospitality industry today? What I have noticed in certain sectors in Serbia, espe cially in Sales in Marketing, which in my opinion are among the most important in this industry, is that we always see the same people around. I don’t think this is good and I strive to change this. And now I’ll explain how. In our Sales Department, in a team of 15 people there is a manager who used to be a waitress in our New Bar, manager who was a receptionist, manager who worked in the restaurant, manager who wanted to be an actor… We have literally developed these staff members and all of them are excellent at their jobs. We were not afraid to embrace differences, if I may say so. Managers in Serbia reluctantly give chan ces to people who’ve never done a certain job. For example, this is something I haven’t noticed anywhere else but here.
We’re building Holiday Inn in Ljubljana in March next year, and that is an investment of EUR 25 million.
Another thing that is Serbia-specific is a result of us not being part of the EU. Belgrade, as opposed to other capitals in the region, has by far the highest number of hotels and foreign hotel chains. This is why people who work here in the hospitality industry find it very hard to leave Serbia and find work in the region because work permit is hard to obtain abroad so they are actually forced to work here for employers who offer higher salaries. This brings us back to what I already noted, that we always see the same people around. They do get higher salaries, they are sought after, but young people have to be given opportunities again and we need to put our trust in them. This is what I call injustice. I believe that the job of a good team leader, or any person holding a higher position within a sector, is to observe and recognise people’s talent and likes and in this manner open new windows of opportunity for young people with potential. I deeply believe in in-house promotion. The opening of the Indigo in Belgrade is long-awaited. When do you expect that you’ll be able to welcome the hotel’s first guests? The Indigo will be a truly special hotel, its location is Knez Mihailova Street. Construction works are going
as planned. I think it’ll be ready for soft opening bet ween May and June next year. The hotel will be telling a ʺneighbourhood storyʺ, rooms will be decorated wi th details resembling that part of Dorcol, every room will be furnished differently and the entire concept of this hotel will be far from the corporate concept. For example, all items in the minibar will be free of charge. What do I mean by this? First of all, atmosp here will be laid back, waiting staff’s uniforms will be jeans, shirts and sports shoes, they’ll be allowed to wear beards/piercings/tattoos. The rooftop restaurant will overlook the entire city and we will serve there something we named ʺSerbian tapasʺ, and there’ll also be a gin bar. Target group for the Indigo are he donists who work in the city centre and who want to spend time in laidback atmosphere. With the opening of the InterContinental in Ljublja na, Delta Holding demonstrated how serious it was in terms of expanding into the regional market. What are the next steps in that sense?
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We’re building Holiday Inn in Ljubljana in March next year, and that is an investment of EUR 25 million. We’re looking for suitable location in Zagreb because we want to be present in Ljubljana, Zagreb and Belg rade. We’re close to reaching agreement about the construction of a hotel in Skoplje, which has become an interesting market for us. As for Montenegro’s coastline, we are not interested in this destination because of seasonality and there’s already a sufficient number of hotels in Podgorica. The Sava Congress Center in Belgrade is a ʺthorn in the sideʺ as regards major international congresses and for years, if not decades, and the disproportion between the quality offered by hotels and the Center has been far too obvious. On the other hand, Delta has been releasing infor mation about prospective private-public partnership with the City regarding the Sava Center renovations. Can you see this problem being solved within the next two years? By the end of the year, the City of Belgrade should in vite a tender for the sale of the Save Congress Centre. If this happens, the Delta company will bid because we’re very interested in investing more than EUR 70 million in this project and we want to turn it into stateof-the-art and premium-quality congress centre. This much money and plenty of knowledge can be invested only by a large and successful company such as Delta. We want to refurbish it and make it the best congress centre in the Balkans. Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
intervju Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade
Šta se kuva u Falkensteiner loncu? Pitali smo Aleksandra Vasilijevića, regionalnog direktora ispred kompanije Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences za hotele u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, koji su razlozi za to što je Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade već skoro punih sedam godina visoko pozicioniran na listi beogradskih hotela i uživa veliko poverenje poslovnih gostiju. Otkrio nam je sledeći recept. SASTOJCI: – 170 soba – 111 zaposlenih motivisanih kolega – Odlična lokacija – Vrhunska usluga
– Intimni ambijent – Kvalitetna ponuda hrane i pića – Najbolji doručak u gradu – Fleksibilnost u radu – Istrajnost u kvalitetu – Lični pristup gostu i pružanje posebnog doživljaja i iskustva
Šta vam je posebno važno u pristupu u poslu kojim se bavite? U svakom poslu, nevezano za industriju u kojoj se nalazite, mislim da je najvažniji integritet, ali u smislu iskrenog odnosa koji imate sami sa sobom. Da budete svesni u svakom trenutku gde se nalazite, u čemu ste dobri a na čemu treba da radite. Ukratko, iskrenost prema samom sebi, ali i okolini.
REZULTAT: Gost koji je postao prijatelj kuće, gost koji kada putuje u Beograd ne razmišlja gde će odsesti već dolazi pravo na naša vrata. Gost koji prepoznaje hotel sa dušom i koji se u njemu oseća kao kod kuće.
i danas svakodnevno koristim u svom radu. Zatim sam imao sreće da sretnem gospodina Agrona Beri šu, uz čiju sam pomoć i savete iskoračio dalje i stigao ovde gde se sada nalazim. Ipak i dalje mislim da mi je ostalo još puno toga da naučim.
Dok ste se izgrađivali u profesio nalnom smislu, čiji su vam saveti i sugestije bili dragoceni? Moj prvi pravi mentor bio je gospo din Richard Bamford, čovek sa preko 40 godina radnog iskustva u hoteli jerstvu. On je imao očinsko-mentor ski pristup i izuzetno mi je pomogao, od njega sam naučio mnogo toga što
Photo by Leon Bijelić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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Možete li da se setite neke poslov ne odluke koja je bila izuzetno teš ka i izazivala skepticizam okoline, ali se na kraju ispostavila više nego ispravna i uspešna?
Photo by Mirko Tabašević
Mogu, ali ta odluka je nažalost nije bila moja. Bila je to ujedno i situacija koja me je najviše pogodila u dosa dašnjoj karijeri. U pitanju je odlazak Falkensteiner-a sa Stare planine. Stara planina je bio projekat u koji smo ceo tim i ja uložili puno rada, ali pre svega emocije. Prekid sarad Aleksandar Vasilijević nje sa ovim hotelom nas je stoga po remetio na nekoj emotivnoj osnovi. lja verzija sebe. Naravno uz to, današnjim generaci No, kako to obično u životu i biva, jama, za koje imam utisak da u ovom brzom vreme ovo nam je i dalo novu energiju da se potrudimo i nu žele da idu još brže, poručio bih ipak da krenu od pronađemo novi adekvatan objekat u regionu. samog početka, polako, strpljivo i temeljno. Tako se desio naš ulazak na tržište Crne Gori tri Da uvek nadograđuju sebe i svoje znanje. godine kasnije. Uspeh je u tom slučaju neizbežan. S tim u vezi, imate li neki savet za generacije Kako vidite današnje stanje u hotelskoj industriji? u hotelskoj industriji koje tek dolaze? Da li je situacija bolja ili ne u odnosu na prethod Ne bih da zvuči kao kliše ali iskreno verujem da kada nu deceniju? Šta je najveći nedostatak a šta prednost? vam je najteže treba da ustanete i postanete najbo
Photo by Mirko Tabašević
SEEBusiness SEE BusinessTravel Travel & Meetings magazine & Meetings magazine · okt.|2019–feb. februar 2016 2020
Ako posmatramo Beograd, stvari su krenule da se ubrzavaju posle 2007. Do tada, mogli smo na prste da izbrojimo hotele u našoj prestonici, a imali smo samo dva zaista velika hotelska brenda. Tada u Srbiji, pre svega u Beogradu, kreće hotelski bum koji još uvek traje. Danas su na sceni prisutni Hilton, Marri ott, Radisson, Accor... Konkurencija je ogromna, i re kao bih nemilosrdna. Greške se slabo praštaju kada su današnji gosti u pitanju. Internet je naravno učinio svoje, gosti su informisani, više putuju i imaju više izbora. Razvoj tehnologije je svakako prednost, ali je
ujedno i mač sa dve oštrice. Morate da vodite računa o svakoj recenziji, o brzini kojom se trendovi menjaju i da konstantno budete spremni za promene. Čime biste se bavili da niste u hotelskoj industriji? Možda će vam zvučati čudno, ali iskreno verujem da bih bio vojno lice da nije bilo nesrećnih 90-ih. Tako da mi je uniforma izgleda bila suđena. Miona Milić
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Photo by Leon Bijelić
RETROSPEKTIVA Po čemu, u poslovnom smislu, pamtite proteklih 10 godina? U poslovnom smislu prethodnu deceniju je svakako obeležila grupacija Falkensteiner gde sam dobio odličnu priliku od strane menadžmenta kao i veliko povere nje koje sam, nadam se, opravdao. Imao sam sreće da se, pre svega u Ziri, oprobam na mestu Generalnog menadžera jednog lokalnog gradskog hotela, a da zatim pređem na rukovodeću poziciju u okviru hotelske grupacije. Bila je ovo stvarno ključna decenija kad je moja karijera u pitanju. Kako je izgledao vaš poslovni put od tada do sada? U hotelu Hyatt Regency Belgrade sam započeo svoju hotelsku karijeru kao noćni recepcioner, da bih, preko Svetog Stefana, hotela President u Kovilovu i beogradske Zire, 2012. godine došao u Falkensteiner Hotel Bel
grade na mesto Generalnog direktora. Naime, tadašnji regionalni direktor hotelske grupacije Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences, a današnji COO kompanije, gos podin Agron Beriša, odseo je u hotelu i pomno posma trao kako radim, nakon čega mi je ponudio posao. Danas sam zadužen za celu regiju Srbije i Crne Gore, na čelu sam trenutno dva hotela, dok su uveliko na snazi planovi za dalje proširenje u ovoj regiji. Na šta ste posebno ponosni u prethodnoj deceniji? Poslovno, naravno na rezultate koje naš hotel u Beogradu iz godine u godinu postiže. Na ulazak i pozicioniranje na novom tržištu. Na sve uspešno savladane izazove. Ipak, smatram da svaki poslovni uspeh mora imati lično utvrđenje bez čega ništa od gore navedenog ne bi bilo moguće. U mom slučaju, tu tvrđavu i vetar u leđa predstavljaju moja supruga Danijela i naše troje dece.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade
What’s Cooking in the Falkensteiner Kitchen? We talked with Aleksandar Vasilijevic, Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences Cluster Manager for Serbia and Montenegro, about the reasons that have been keeping the Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade high on the list of Belgrade’s hotels for almost seven years as a trusted brand among business travellers. He passed on the following recipe. THE INGREDIENTS: – 170 rooms – 111 motivated employees – Fantastic location – Premium service
– Intimate setting – Quality menus – Best breakfast in town – Flexibility – Unwavering quality – Personal approach to guests and ensuring creating experiences
What do you find particularly important in the business approach in your line of work? In any business – no matter the specific industry – I believe that integrity is central, in the sense of being honest with yourself. Being aware at all times where you are, what you’re good at, and what you need to work on. In short, being honest both to yourself and those around you.
THE RESULT: A guest who becomes a friend of the house, one who doesn’t think twice where to stay and comes straight to us when traveling to Belgrade. A guest who recognizes the hotel’s soul and feels at home at it.
A lot of what I learned from him I still use in my work today. Then I was fortunate enough to meet Mr. Agron Berisa, whose help and advice moved me further forward and got to where I am now. However, I do think I still have a lot to learn.
Whose tips and suggestions you valued while you were growing as a professional? My first real mentor was Mr. Richard Bamford, a man with more than 40 years of experience in the hotel business. His approach was one of a father and a mentor, and he helped me immensely.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Photo by Leon Bijelic
Can you think of any business deci sion that was extremely difficult and caused skepticism but ultimately turned out to be more than right? I can, but that decision was not mine, unfortunately. It was also the situation that’s struck me the most in my career so far. It was the time when the Falk ensteiner was leaving Stara planina. Stara planina was a project that both myself and the entire team invested a lot of effort in and – most of all – emo tion. When we stopped working with Aleksandar Vasilijevic this hotel, it upset us on an emotional level. However, as is usually the case times, I would advise that they start from the very in life, that also gave us new energy beginning – slowly, patiently, and diligently. to try and find a new suitable building in the region. That they always keep evolving and learning. That is how we entered the Montenegrin market Success will be inevitable in that case. three years later. In this regard, do you have any advice for future generations in the hotel industry? I wouldn’t want to sound cliché, but I honestly beli eve that when at the hardest times you need to get back on your feet and become the best version of yourself. In addition, for today’s generations, who seem to want to move even faster in these fast
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What do you see as the state of play in today’s hotel industry? Is the situation better or not com pared with the past decade? What are the biggest shortage and the biggest advantage? When it comes to Belgrade, things started to pick up the pace after 2007. Until then, the capital’s hotels were few and far between, and we had only
Photo by Mirko Tabasevic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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two truly big hotel brands. At that point, Serbia – and above all Belgrade – experienced a hotel boom that continues to this day. Now we have the Hilton, Marriott, Radisson, Accor... The competition is steep, and I would add also ruthless. Today’s guests are not quick to forgive mistakes. Of course, the internet has done its thing, guests are informed, they travel more and have more choices. The development of technology is most certainly an advantage, as well as a double-edged sword. You have to keep track of every review and
the speed at which trends change and be ready for change at all times. What would you do if you weren’t in the hotel business? It might sound strange, but I honestly believe that I would have been a military man had it not been for the wretched 90s. So it seems that I was desti ned for uniform.
Miona Milic
Photo by Leon Bijelic
RETROSPECTIVE In terms of business, what do you remember the past 10 years by? The previous decade was certainly marked by the Falkensteiner Group, where the management gave me a fantastic opportunity, as well as a lot of trust, which I hopefully justified. I was fortunate enough to try on – first at the Zira – the role of General Manager of a local city hotel, and then move into a leadership position within the hotel group. This has truly been a milestone decade when it comes to my career What has your business journey looked like since then? At the Hyatt Regency Belgrade, I started my hotel career as a night receptionist. Then through Sveti Stefan, the President in Kovilovo, and the Zira in Belgrade, in 2012 I came to the Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade to step in as the General Manager. Namely, the then
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Regional Director of Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences and now the company’s COO Mr. Agron Berisa was staying at the hotel and closely watched how I was working, after which he offered me a job. Today I am in charge of the entire region of Serbia and Montenegro, at this time I’m at the helm of two hotels, while plans for further expansion in this region are largely underway. What are you particularly proud of from the last decade? Professionaly, surely the results that our hotel in Bel grade is delivering one year after another. Entering and positioning in the new market. All the successfully overcome challenges. However, I believe that every professional achievement must be backed by the personal, without which none of the above would be possible. In my case, that mainstay and wind at my back are my wife Danijela and our three children.
hotel Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort, Hrvatska
Novi centar za sport, zabavu i događaje u Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort-u Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort s ponosom najavljuje otvaranje novog atraktiv nog i savremenog sportsko-zabavnog centra u maju 2020. koji zadovoljava sve vaše zahteve prilikom organizacije različitih vrsta događaja. Naš novi centar će se prostirati na 518 m2, u sklopu kog će biti kongresna dvorana za 470 osoba, fitnes centar po vršine 800 m2, Punta Active Bar, kuglana, stolovi za bilijar, prostor za video-igre, terasa od 500 m2 s veličanstvenim pogledom na more i planinu. Kada su u pitanju sportski sadržaji, centar će biti opremljen najsavremenijom teh nologijom i sportskom opremom. Naš novi uzbudljivi prostor Punta Meet savršen je za vaše predstojeće do gađaje i zadiviće vaš tim, poslovne partnere i kolege. Ako su sportovi vaša strast, naš centar na 600 m2 s pro storom za fitnes, stoni fudbal, kuglanje i e-video igre poziva vas da organizujete sportske konvencije, tim bil ding događaje i druga okupljanja za partnere i klijente. Naš stručni savetnik pružiće vam kreativna rešenja za sve vrste događaja, a naša profesionalnost, podrška i odlična uslu ga doprineće uspešnoj realizaciji. Promocija automobila, međunarodna konferencija, tim bilding, seminar, poslovna radionica, kurs, lansiranje ili promocija novog proizvoda ili svadbeni prijem – u svakoj prilici naš tim vam stoji na raspolaganju i garantuje fantastičan uspeh vašeg događaja. Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort nalazi se na samo 15 km od grada Zadra i 28 km od me đunarodnog aerodroma Zadar, a kompleks je odlično pozicioniran na bajkovitom mestu. Od očaravajućeg pogleda na Jadransko more
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i obližnjeg sijaseta ostrva do fantastične mediteranske klime, odmaralište je obavezna destinacija za poslovne putnike koji žele da dožive nešto malo drugačije. Okolni krajolik i veličanstven pogled na more obezbeđu ju gostima netaknuto, osvežavajuće utočište i fantastič no pribežište u samom srcu Evrope. Hotel & Spa Iadera*****, porodični hotel Diadora **** i Senia Premium Residences u okviru resort-a obezbe đuju izvanredan smeštaj gde se moderna arhitektura, kreativno uređenje enterijera i mediteranski šarm spajaju s odličnom uslugom koja oduzima dah i pretvara poslovne događaje u savršeno iskustvo.
Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort, Croatia
New Sports, Entertainment and Event Center at Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort As of May 2020 Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort proudly announces opening of its new, stylish and contemporary sports, entertainment and event center built to fulfill your requirements when organizing various types of events. Our new center will feature 518 sqm, Event Hall acco mmodation for 470 persons, 800 sqm Fitness center, Punta Active Bar, bowling lanes, pool tables, E-gaming, 500 sqm terrace with magnificent sea and mountain view and top rated technology and sports equipment. Choose our exciting new „Punta Meet“ venue for your perfect upcoming events and impress your team, busi ness partners and colleagues. If the sports are your passion our center with its 600 sqm fitness area, foosball, bowling and e-gaming welco mes you to organize sports conventions, team buildings or other social gatherings for your partners and clients. Our professionalism, support and excellent ser vice will be surely recognized as the extension of your office and your professional advisor who can provide you with creative solutions for any type of your event. Be it a car launch, international conference, team building, semi nar, business workshop, course, launching of promotion of new product or wedding recep tion our team is at your service to guarantee your event a roaring success. Falkensteiner Punta Skala Resort is located only 15 km away from city of Zadar and 28 km from Zadar International Airport, the Resort is a conveniently placed paradise on the edge of the Croatian landscape. From its mesmerizing views of the Adriatic Sea and the nearby colle
ction of islands to its enviable Mediterranean climate, the resort is a must-visit destination for business trave lers looking to experience something a little different. The surrounding landscape and magnificent sea views offer guests a pristine, refreshing retreat, providing an exquisite haven in the very heart of Europe. Hotel & Spa Iadera*****, Family Hotel Diadora****s and Senia Premium Residences within the Resort, offer exceptional accommodation where modern architectu re, innovative equipment and Mediterranean charm meets excellent service that will take breath away and turn business events into a perfect experience.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Drugačiji vidovi edukacije u medicinskom sektoru Prof. dr Miloje Tomašević, direktor udruženja AMEC, smatra da savremena edu kacija ne podrazumeva samo klasičan vid predavanja, već je ključ u maksimal noj interakciji sa učesnicima. Tako je deo planiranih aktivnosti ovog udruženja praćenje i primena domaćih i svetskih inovacija, izrada i objavljivanje stručnih radova, udž benika i drugih publikacija, učešće na domaćim i stranim skupovima lekara, u nacionalnim i internacio nalnim projektima iz oblasti me dicine kao i edukacija studenata medicine i srodnih fakulteta. Možete li nam reći sa kojim je ciljem osnovan AMEC? AMEC (Akademski medicinski edu kacioni centar) je osnovan maja 2013. Osnivači i članovi AMEC-a su lekari, prevashodno kliničari, profe sori medicinskih fakulteta i mlađi saradnici, koji za zajednički cilj imaju sprovođenje kontinuirane edukacije i usavršavanje lekara i drugog medi cinskog osoblja u raznim oblastima medicine. Skoro ste, po ugledu na svetske trendove, pokrenuli stručne Webinare. Kažite nam nešto više o tome.
AMEC vrši uslugu kompletne or ganizacije webinara (definisanje teme, obezbeđivanje moderatora i predavača, promocija na društve nim mrežama i putem emailova, snimanje sa tri HD kamere, monta ža, emitovanje uživo). Koristimo studio za snimanje webinara, koji može da primi do četiri sago vornika, optičku internet mrežu za neometani streaming, svu potrebnu audio i video opremu za ma terijal najvišeg kvaliteta. Koji je najveći skup koji organizujete?
radionica i brojne manje radionice koje organizujemo u toku godine. Kakva je veza između organizacije događaja i razvoja različitih oblasti medicine?
Savremena edukacija ne podra zumeva samo klasična predavanja „ex cat hedra″ već maksi malnu interakciju sa slušaocima. Samo dobro organizovana, podržana najsavremeni jom tehničkom i elektronskom Prof. dr Miloje Tomašević opremom, edukacija ima smisla.
Prolećna kardiološka radionica je najveći i najvažniji skup koji orga nizujemo, a broji oko 800 učesni ka. Jednako su važne i Prolećna dijabetološka radionica, Radionice opšte prakse, Jesenja pulmološka
Vrlo je teško u današnje vreme za okupiti pažnju slušalaca-lekara, pa je neophodna perfektna priprema edukatora i kontinuirano praćenje najnovijih stavova i preporuka Evropskih udruženja za pojedine oblasti medicine.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i n t e r v j u Koji su vaši dalji planovi? Planiramo da ideje o interaktivnoj edukaciji uz prikaze bolesnika i kliničkih slučajeva širimo dalje u region. Gledanost naših vebinara iz meseca u mesec raste,
sve je veća i van naše zemlje. Takođe, na radionicama imamo sve više učesnika iz regiona – cilj nam je da postanemo regionalni lideri u edukaciji lekara. Svetlana Gavrić
RETROSPEKTIVA Po čemu, u poslovnom smislu, pamtite proteklih 10 godina?
edukacije naših lekara i naišli smo na odobravanje i zadovoljstvo korisnika.
Osnivanje i razvoj AMEC-a, širenje mreže, uključivanje sve većeg broja korisnika, sve kvalitetnija edukacija lekara različitih profila je najveći poslovni napredak poslednjih godina.
Na šta ste posebno ponosni u prethodnoj deceniji?
Kako je izgledao vaš poslovni put od tada do sada? Bio je u potpunosti posvećen edukaciji edukatora i lekara praktičara. Sva iskustva koja smo godinama unazad skupljali na evropskim edukacionim događajima primenili smo kod
Pokazali smo da su mogući i potpuno drugačiji vidovi edukacije, zasnovani na praktičnim prikazima i interakciji sa slušaocima. Događaje koje organizujemo lekari upoređuju i izjednačavaju sa evropskim događajima slične namene. Direktna razmena iskustava, stavova, mišljenja, praktični treninzi „hands on″, prikazi bolesnika u cardiohub-u i interaktivne sesije postali su uobičajeni načini edukacije lekara na našim radionicama.
AMEC: Academic Medical Education Centre
Different Forms of Education in Medical Sector Prof. Dr Miloje Tomasevic, Director of AMEC, believes that modern education in volves more than merely the traditional form of lectures, as well as that maxi mum interaction with the participants is key. For that reason, the association’s activity plan includes monitoring and applying local and global inno vations, writing and publishing pa pers, textbooks, and other publica tions, participating in national and foreign professional events and in national and international medical projects, as well as educating uni versity students of medicine and related fields. Can you tell us about the reasons behind launching the AMEC? The AMEC (Academic Medical Edu cation Centre) was founded in May 2013. Its founders and members are physicians, mostly clinicians, medical university professors, and junior associates, all who share the common goal off providing ongoing education and training for physi cians and other medical staff in different medical fields. Following the global trends, you recently launched expert Webinars. Can you tell us more about it?
The AMEC offers the service of fully organising webinars (defining the theme, securing moderators and speakers, promotion via social media and email, recording with three HD cameras, editing, and live stream ing). We record webinars in a studio that can accommodate up to four participants. It has a fibre broadband connection that ensures unob structed stream ing and all the audio and video equipment re quired for the highest quality material.
a slew of smaller workshops that we organise throughout the year. What is the connection between event planning and the develop ment of different medical fields?
Modern-day education involves not only the traditional lectu res from the pulpit but also maximum interaction with the audience. Only well orga nised education supported by state-of-the-art technical and electronic equip Prof. Dr Miloje Tomasevic What is your biggest ment makes sense. event? Nowadays, it’s very diff icult to capture the attention of The Spring Cardiology Workshop an audience of physicians, which is our largest and most important necessitates perfect preparation of event, bringing together around educators and continuous monitor 800 participants. Equally important ing of the latest views and recom are our Spring Diabetes Workshop, mendations of European associati General Practice Workshops, Au ons centred around specific areas tumn Pulmonology Workshop, and of medicine.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
i n t e r v i e w What are your future plans? We intend to spread the ideas about interactive edu cation with patient and clinical case presentations further across the region. Our webinars’ viewership is growing one month after another, increasing even
outside the country. Furthermore, our workshops are attended by more and more participants from the region — and our objective is to become a regional leader in physician education. Svetlana Gavric
RETROSPECTIVE In terms of business, what do you remember the past 10 years by?
in training our physicians, which was welcomed with users’ approval and satisfaction.
The AMEC’s founding and development, growing the network, and drawing more and more users. Also, the ever-improving quality education of physicians of different specialities is the biggest business stride we’ve made in recent years.
What are you particularly proud of from the last decade?
What has your business journey looked like since then? Fully centred on educating educators and practitioners. We used all of our experiences from European educational events over the years and applied them
We’ve demonstrated that completely different forms of education – based on practical presentations and interaction with the audience – are indeed possible. Physician compare and equate our events with similarly purposed European events. Direct exchange of experiences, views, and opinions, hands-on training, cardiohub patient presentations, and interactive sessions have become common ways of educating physicians in our workshops.
intervju Hotel Mona Plaza, Beograd, Srbija
Spoj poslovnih potreba i odmora Beograd će od jeseni ove godine postati bogatiji za još jedan hotel, kada nas očekuje otvaranje Hotela Mona Plaza. Najveći kongresno-izložbeni prostor u starom delu Be ograda nalaziće se upravo u ovom hotelu i zauzimaće preko 2.000 m2, što menadžment sa posnosom ističe. Gospodin Ivan Vitorović, generalni direktor kompani je Mona Hotel Management d.o.o., otkrio nam je više na ovu i druge teme. Hotel Mona Plaza se uskoro otvara u Beogradu. Kakva su vaša očekivanja? Očekujem da ponovimo veliki uspeh koji smo ostvarili sa našim prvim hotelom na Zlatiboru. Dokazali smo se na resort destinaciji, a sada je vreme da se dokažemo na, verovatno u ovom trenutku najzahtevnijem, beogradskom tržištu. Beograd je ne samo regionalna, nego i evropska metropola i samim tim poslovanje je zahtevnije sa izazovima koji su konstantni. Ipak, naša predviđanja su pozitivna, ek spertiza koju imamo je značajna i ovaj projekat gledamo kao sledeću stepenicu ka etabliranju brenda Mona Plaza, ne samo u Srbiji, već i u regionu.
Šta će sve od dodatnih sadržaja i mogućnosti biti na raspolaga nju poslovnim i ostalim gostima u hotelu Mona Plaza? Pored 170 smeštajnih jedinica, mo žemo se pohvaliti brojnim multifunkcio nalnim konferencijskim i banket salama. Najveća sala je kapaciteta do 450 osoba u teatar stilu, koju prati sala kapaciteta do 250 osoba, a zatim pet sala za 30 do 100 osoba, kao i dve banket sale površine od po 250 m2. Naravno, tu je i obavezan sadržaj u vidu Wellness centra koji će biti kako za goste hotela, tako i za eks terne goste – članove kluba. U ovom centru, koji će imati deo za opuštanje, saunu, parno kupatilo, tereta nu i deo za masaže, akcenat će biti na individualnim treninzima.
Ivan Vitorović
Šta smatrate osnovnom prednošću Mona Plaze u odnosu na ostale beogradske hotele? Teško je reći kroz jednu reč, pa ću pokušati kroz akro nim koji se koristi u industriji putovanja, a to je blei sure. Spoj poslovnih potreba i odmora je nešto što će krasiti naš novi hotel na Dorćolu i to je možda i ideja
vodilja koja je protkana kroz naš koncept ovog hotela i daljeg razvoja brenda Mona Plaza. Sama činjenica da se nalazimo na poziciji donjeg Dorćola, koji je doživeo neverovatnu transformaciju u poslednjih 20 godina i koji i dalje evoluira u skladu sa današnjim tendencija ma, daje nam pravo da budemo ponosni na lokaciju. Ovakva lokacija, sa svim poslovnim kapacitetima unutar hotela, krunisana je jedinstvenim Šonda kafe barom i restoranom koji predstavlja omaž prvoj fabrici čokolade koja se nalazila na mestu gde je sada hotel. Ovakav spoj ponude i lokacije, smatramo da je dovoljan razlog zašto će poslovni gost ili turista da oda bere Mona Plazu i doživi lokalno iskustvo kroz našu ponudu.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Hotel Zlatibor Mona, otvoren je 2007. godine. Kroz koje je transformacije ovaj hotel prošao u proteklih 12 godina? Zapravo, ovaj hotel je otvoren 2005. godine i tada je to bio hotel Zlatibor koji su krasile skromne 3*. Međutim, 2007. godine počinje veliko renoviranje kada se kapaciteti proširuju na 90 smeštajnih jedinica i otvaraju kongresna sala i Wellness centar. To prvo izdanje hotela Zlatibor Mona, po današnjim standardima, bilo je dosta skromno, ali u to vreme to je bio jedan od prvih modernih hotela van Beograda i može se reći da smo bili pioniri u brown field investiciji u hotelijerstvu. Hotel je za kratko vreme doživeo veliku popularnost i paralelno sa njegovim rastom rasla je i popularnost Zlatibora kao destinacije i verujem da je to bio uzajamni proces. Vođeni dobrim poslova njem već 2012. godine renovirali smo postojeći deo i dogradili novo krilo hotela, čime je kapacitet proširen na 120 smeštajnih jedinica, a hotel dobio modernu kongresnu dvoranu od 550 mesta, kao i igraonicu za decu površine 200 m2. To je sadržaj koji i danas postoji, a glavna transformacija koju je za sve to vreme hotel prošao jeste izlazak u susret potrebama tržišta. Koliko je kongresni biznis važan u okviru vaše hotelske grupe? Popularni MICE segment čini najznačajniji segment poslovanja budućeg Mona Plaza hotela i projektovan
je tržišni udeo od 54%. Zato smo u koncept uvrstili brojne konferencijske i banket kapacitete. Destinacija Zlatibora ili Javora svakako pruža odlične uslove za jači razvoj incentive komponenete, dok Beograd pruža bolji prostor za konferencije, kongrese i događaje. Međutim, ono što je jako bitno da biste se pozicionirali na ovom segmentu jeste jedinstvena ponuda kvalitetnih sala sa jedne strane i odlične usluge i dobre priče sa druge. Možete li nam reći nešto o daljem razvoju i planovima Mona Hotel Management-a? U ovom trenutku naši planovi jesu da regionalno pozi cioniramo dva brenda. Hotel Mona Plaza, u kategoriji hotela sa 4* sa preko 100 soba i tzv. punom uslugom, i brend Argo, sa 3*, ograničenom garni uslugom i kapa citetima do 70 soba. U tom smislu, pored hotela Mona Plaza na Dorćolu, sledeće godine renoviramo i dogra đujemo hotel na Zlatiboru koji će takođe biti pod ovim brendom, dok u kategoriji brenda Argo sledeće godine otvaramo hotel na Javoru. Paralelno sa tim pregovara mo i za lokacije na Zlatiboru, u Beogradu i Budvi, u vidu ulaganja u sopstvene ili zakup drugih, postojećih hotela. Naš plan jeste da u narednih pet godina dostignemo cilj od 1.000 soba u vlasništvu ili pod zakupom, nakon čega ćemo intenzivnije krenuti u eksterni rast kroz ugovore o menadžmentu pod Mona Hotel Management brendo vima u regionu i Evropskoj uniji.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t e r v j u
Mirjana Jokić
RETROSPEKTIVA Po čemu, u poslovnom smislu, pamtite proteklih 10 godina?
uživao, radeći posao koji volim, sa ljudima koje cenim! I to mi je najveća želja za dalje!
Rekao bih najviše po jednom lepom i intenzivnom rastu hotelijerstva u Srbiji, dolasku međunarodnih brendova i stvaranju srpskih hotelijera. Zaista, Srbija je u proteklih 10 godina prošla veliki put u turizmu, ali ono što me još više raduje jeste potencijal koji imamo za dalji razvoj.
Na šta ste posebno ponosni u prethodnoj deceniji?
Kako je izgledao vaš poslovni put od tada do sada? Definitivno je to uzlazni put u svakom smislu. Bez lažne skromnosti, o tom putu verovatno najbolje govore poslovni rezultati koje smo ostvarili i dalje ostvarujemo. Pre deset godina, bio sam zadužen za marketing i prodaju u hotelu, zatim sam radio kao izvršni direktor i sada sam na poziciji generalnog direktora kompanije. Međutim, pitanje pozicije nije najbitnije. Ono što je meni na tom putu najvažnije jeste da sam sve vreme
Ponosan sam što sam od samog početka deo jedne pozitivne priče koja se zove Mona Hotel Management i koju kao primer dobre prakse izučavaju budući eko nomisti i hotelijeri! Na tom putu prošao sam sa investitorima sve izazove, učili smo i razvijali se svakog dana i uspeli da zajedno od jedne male poslovne jedinice sa manje od 20 zaposlenih, u okviru tada već etabliranog poslovnog sistema Mone, napravimo nezavisnu kompaniju koja danas broji preko 300 zaposlenih i koja će se i dalje širiti i koja će se i dalje razvijati! Ponosan sam što sam uspeo da opravdam ukazano poverenje kompanije i da ispravno donesem strateške odluke, a posebno sam ponosan na svoju porodicu, sina, kćerku i suprugu!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
interview Hotel Mona Plaza, Belgrade, Serbia
The Combination of Business and Vacation Belgrade will become richer for another hotel this fall, when the Mona Plaza Hotel is expected to open. The largest conference and exhibition space in the old part of Belgrade will be located in this hotel and will be spanning on over 2,000 sqm, which management proudly points out. Mr. Ivan Vitorovic, the CEO of the Mona Hotel Mana gement Ltd., revealed more to us on this and other topics. The Mona Plaza Hotel is about to open in Belgrade. What are your expectations? I expect to repeat the great success we achieved with our first hotel on Mountain Zlatibor. We’ve proven ourselves at a resort destination, and now it’s time to prove ourselves at a market that is in all likelihood the most challenging of all – the Belgrade market because it is a regional, and European metropolis, so do ing business here is more demand ing due to constant challenges. Still, the expertise we have is significant, and we look at this project as the next step to wards establishing the Mona Plaza brand not only in Serbia but in the region as well.
vacation is something that will mark our new Dorcol hotel, and this may very well be the basic guiding prin ciple imbued with our concept of this hotel and the further development of the Mona Plaza brand. The very fact that we are located in downtown Dorcol which continues to evolve in line with today’s trends, gives us the right to be proud of our location. The unique Sonda Coffee Bar and Restaurant, which is an homage to the first chocolate factory that was located at this very site, comes as icing on the cake to this hotel that also offers plenty of business-related amenities. What additional amenities or options are going to be availa ble to business and other gu ests at the Mona Plaza Hotel?
In addition to the 170 accomm odation units, we have many multifunctional conference and banquet venues. The largest venue Ivan Vitorovic has a capacity of up to 450 people in theater-style, followed by a venue with a capacity of up to 250 people, five meetings and conference venues for 30 to 100 people, as well as two banquet venues with an area of 250 sqm.
What do you consider to be the main advantage of Mona Plaza over other Belgrade hotels? It’s hard to explain using just one word, but I’ll try to do it using a term from the travel industry, which is bleisure travel. The combination of business and
Obviously, there are also mandatory Wellness Center facilities, which will be available to both hotel guests and external guests – club members. The Wellness Center, which will have a relaxation area, sauna, steam room, gym and massage section will ac tually be focused on personal training.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
i n t e r v i e w The Zlatibor Mona Hotel first opened in 2007. What transformations has this hotel undergone over the past 12 years? Actually, this hotel first opened in 2005, and at the time it was called the Zlatibor Hotel and decorated with modest 3 stars. In 2007, a major renovation began when hotel capacity expanded to 90 units, including a convention room and a wellness center. The first edition of the Zlatibor Mona Hotel was one of the first modern hotels outside of Belgrade, and you could say that we were pioneers in the brownfield investment in the hotel industry. The hotel became very popular in a short peri od of time, and in parallel with its growth the popularity of Mountain Zlatibor as a destination grew as well, whi ch I believe was a mutual process. Guided by good busi ness operations, in 2012, we renovated the existing part of the hotel and constructed a new wing, expanding the capacity to 120 accommodation units, and the hotel got a modern congress hall with 550 seats, and a children’s playroom with an area of 200 sqm. These facilities still exist today, but the main transformation that the hotel has undergone is meeting the market needs. How important is MICE business to your hotel group? The popular MICE segment is the most significant seg ment of the future business operations of the Mona Plaza Hotel, and the forecasted market share is 54%. That’s why we have included numerous conference and
banquet facilities in the concept. The Zlatibor and Javor destinations certainly provide excellent conditions for a stronger development of the incentive component, while Belgrade provides a better space for conferences, congresses and events. However, what is very impor tant in order to position yourself in this segment is the unique offering of high-quality venues and excellent service and a good background story. Can you tell us a bit about the further development and plans of Mona Hotel Management? At the moment, our plans are to regionally position two brands, including Mona Plaza in the 4-star hotel catego ry with over 100 rooms and a full service, and a 3-star Argo brand with a limited garni service and capacity of up to 70 rooms. In this sense, in addition to the Mona Plaza Hotel in Dorcol, next year we plan to renovate and upgrade the hotel on Mountain Zlatibor, while in the Argo brand category next year we plan to open a hotel on Mountain Javor. We are also negotiating the locati ons on Mountain Zlatibor, in Belgrade, Montenegro, in terms of investments in our own or leasing other, exis ting hotels. Our plan is to reach a goal of 1,000 owned or leased rooms over the next five years, after which we will intensify our external growth through management contracts under the Mona Hotel Management brands in the region and in the European Union. Mirjana Jokic
RETROSPECTIVE In terms of business, what do you remember the past 10 years by? I would say most of all by a nice and intensive growth of the hotel industry in Serbia, the arrival of international brands, and the creation of Serbian hotel industry. Indeed, Serbia has come a long way in terms of tourism over the past 10 years, but what makes me even happier is the potential we have for further development. What has your business journey looked like since then? It has definitely been an upward journey in every sense. False modesty aside, the business results we have achieved and continue to achieve probably speak the most about it. Ten years ago, I was in charge of marketing and sales at the hotel, then I worked as the CEO, and now I’m the general manager of the company. However, the question of position is not the most important.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
What is the most important to me on this journey is the fact that I have enjoyed every second of it, doing the work I love with the people I appreciate! And that’s my biggest wish for the future! What are you particularly proud of from the last decade? I am proud to have been a part of a nice story called Mona Hotel Management from the very beginning, which is being studied by future economists and hoteliers as an example of a good practice! Along the way, I’ve gone through all the challenges with investors, and we’ve learned new things and de veloped every day, and together managed to create an independent company with over 250 staff members from one small business and I’m sure we will continue to grow! I am proud that I have been able to justify the trust shown by the company and make the right strategic decisions! And I am especially proud of my son, daughter and wife!
Hotel Well****, Hrvatska
Drugačije, moderno i inovativno Pripremate poslovni sastanak, konferenciju, kongres, ili razmišljate o team bu ildingu? Odmaknite se od standarda, dosadnih prostora, središta gradova i kla sičnih druženja. Poslovnim partnerima, potencijalnim klijentima, kolegama ili zaposlenicima pružite novi doživljaj, pozitivno iskustvo koje će pamtiti i uvijek povezivati uz vašu tvrtku. Kongresni turizam ili MICE segment koji uključuje kon gresna i poslovna događanja, seminare, edukacije, ali i team buildinge, sve više jača u Hrvatskoj, a idealno odredište za održavanje takvih vrsta poslovnih skupova svakako je hotel Well****.
Po čemu su toliko posebni? Jer… · Zagreb vam je nadohvat ruke, samo 40 km · Zračna luka udaljena je samo 60 km · Resort je okružen zelenilom zagorskih brežuljaka · Hotel Well**** sadrži 264 smještajne jedinice vrhunske kvalitete · Kongresni centar raspolaže sa 10 multifunkcionalnih dvorana za prihvat do 500 osoba · Dvorane sadrže suvremenu audio-video opremu, ka bine za simultano prevođenje i prirodan izvor svijetla · Tehničko osoblje pomaže oko realizacije poslovnih skupova · Organiziraju banketne ponude te ostala gastro iznenađenja · Hotel ima neponovljivu SpaArenu – amfiteatar za dnevna i večernja događanja · Selfness kongres nešto je što morate uvesti u svoj radni raspored · U hotelu se nalazi besplatan WI-FI kao i besplatan parking za sudionike poslovnog skupa
· Nakon radnog dijela uživajte u različitim wellness i spa sadržajima najvećeg Svijeta sauna, SPAeVITA centra njege i ljepote kao i najpopularnijeg kupališta u Hrvatskoj · Organiziraju transfere i izlete za upoznavanje ljepota Hrvatskog zagorja · U svojoj ponudi sadrže velik izbor različitih team building aktivnosti · Za aktivnosti u prirodi savršeno će se ukomponirati veliki sportski park s brojnim sportskim terenima · Restoran Dvorac Mihanović s odličnom gastronom skom ponudom bit će točka na i svakog poslovnog skupa i neformalnog druženja Organizacija poslovnog skupa, druženja, team buildinga ili bilo kakvog skupa koji ima poslovni karakter, uvijek je poseban doživljaj za sve sudionike. Hotel Well**** poznat je po individualnom pristupu te kreiranju posebnih tematskih programa koji osim edukativnog smjera sadrže i zabavni i opuštajući fak tor. Jedan od takvih je selfness kongres gdje goste kroz različite radionice, uče pozitivnim navikama koje mogu primjenjivati kod kuće. Za kongresne goste pripremaju i wellness oaze kako bi se opustili u pauzama, a gala večera uvijek je doživljaj koji se pomno planira zajedno s organizatorima kao bi gasto iznenađenjima dali onu posebnu notu.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Hotel Well****, Croatia
Different, Modern and Innovative Are you preparing a business meeting, conference, congress, or are you think ing about team building? Step away from the standard, boring places, down town and classic get-togethers. Give your business partners, potential clients, colleagues or employees a new experience, a positive experience they will re member and always connect with your business. Congress tourism or the MICE segment, which includes congress and business events, seminars, trainings, but also team building, is growing stronger in Croatia, and the ideal destination for holding these types of busi ness meetings is definitely hotel Well****.
What makes it so special? Because... · Zagreb is at your fingertips, only 40 km away · The airport is only 60 km away · The resort is surrounded by the green hills of Zagorje · Hotel Well**** contains 264 superior quality acco mmodation units · The Congress Center has 10 multifunctional halls for up to 500 people · The halls feature modern audio-video equipment, simul taneous interpretation booths and a natural light source · The technical staff assists with the organization of business meetings · They organize banquet offers and other gastronomic surprises · The hotel has the unique SpaArena – an amphithe atre for day and evening events · Selfness Congress is something you must introduce into your work schedule · The hotel offers free Wi-Fi as well as free parking for business participants
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
· After work you can enjoy the various wellness and spa facilities of the largest Sauna World, SPAeVITA Center of Beauty and Care as well as the most popular pool-complex in Croatia · There are organized transfers and excursions to get to know the beauties of Croatian Zagorje · They offer a wide selection of different team building activities · A large sports park with numerous sports courts will provide the perfect setting for outdoor activities · The Mihanovic Mansion Restaurant with its excellent gastronomic offer will be the highlight at every busi ness meeting and informal gathering Organizing a business meeting, socializing, team buil ding or any other business meeting is always a special experience for all participants. Hotel Well**** is known for its individual approach and the creation of special themed programmes that, in ad dition to the educational content, also offer a fun and relaxing factor. One of these is the Selfness Congress where guests learn the positive habits through a variety of workshops and can later apply them at home. Well ness oases are also being prepared for congress guests to relax during their breaks, while a gala dinner is always an experience that is carefully planned with the orga nizers to give culinary surprises a special touch.
istraživanje Organizatori događaja o promenama u protekloj deceniji
U trendu su inovativni događaji na neobičnim lokacijama S obzirom na to da u rukama držite specijalno 10-godišnje izdanje SEEbtm ma gazina, bilo nam je zanimljivo i korisno da istaknemo koje su to promene u or ganizaciji događaja obeležile prethodnu deceniju. U tu svrhu, za pomoć smo se obratili organizatorima događaja iz kompanija i hotela u našem regionu i spro veli istraživanje, kako bi napravili paralelu u događajima „nekad i sad”. Event profesionalci iz regiona većinom (83,3%) sma traju da su danas događaji inovativniji nego pre 10 godina. Promene su najviše uočljive na tehnološkom nivou (njih 75% je to istaklo). Organizatori ističu i promene u marketingu i promociji događaja, a kažu i da se broj događaja na godišnjem nivou promenio, te ih je sada više (skoro 60% njih je navelo oba trenda promena). Takođe, sam format događaja se dosta izmenio u prethodnoj deceniji. Rezultati ukazuju na to i da je broj učesnika na doga đajima porastao (33 %), a u skladu sa tim, organizatori navode da se promenio i budžet koji je danas veći nego pre 10 godina, a promenio se, tačnije, povećao i broj ljudi koje učestvuje u pripremi samog događaja (33,3%). Izbor vrste prostora je takođe danas drugačiji nego pre. Ljudi više razmišljaju i o uticaju na životnu sredinu, pa zabeležavamo promene i na ovom polju (Grafik 1).
Promene vezane za tehnologiju na događajima Organizatori događaja se slažu da je danas veća pri mena tehnologija generalno, a sve više i pojedinih inovativnih rešenja. Danas se, tehnički gledano, orga nizuju kompleksniji događaji, a često se traže nova ili „custom madeʺ rešenja koja će kreirati wow efekat i potpuno nov doživljaj. Zato i kreativan pristup produk ciji dolazi do izražaja. Brži i lakši pristup informacijama je MUST, kao i dos tupnost informacija kroz društvene mreže. Naravno, pristup internetu se podrazumeva u toj meri, kao što se podrazumeva da ćete dobiti pribor za jelo dok ruča te. Stoga i nije neophodno donositi opremu sa sobom na mesto predavanja, sve ide jednostavno – putem mreže. Priprema, pozivi, predavanje (video-konferen cije, telekonferencije, prezentacije…) i plaćanje. Danas su veći zahtevi za modernom opremljenošću sala, zvučnim i vizuelnim efektima. Takođe, imamo prilike da vidimo primenu modernih tehnologija kao što je virtuelna realnost, hologrami i slično.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i s t r a ž i v a n j e
Danas postoje posebne tehnologije za produkciju i lo gistiku, posebne za event menadžment i marketing. Bolja je interakcija među ljudima zahvaljujući društve nim mrežama i mobilnim aplikacijama gde se povezi vanjem ostvaruju poslovni kontakti i stiče poverenje.
Koja vrsta prostora se bira? Hoteli sa odgovarajućim kongresnim i konferencijskim sadržajima, salama i dvoranama se, naravno, najčešće koriste, međutim, veoma je primetna promena u
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
potražnji za nestandardnim prostorima. Kada god to okolnosti dozvoljavaju, a sa ciljem kreiranja doživljaja za odgovarajuću ciljnu grupu, traže se neformalni, avang ardni prostori, prostori za druge namene, muzeji, istorijske građevine, pozorišta, ali i novi neobični pro stori i lokacije koje su retko ili nisu uopšte korišćene.
Formati događaja Što se samog formata događaja tiče, ima više panela, radionica, treninga i edukacija. Na panelima se pri
mećuje više inostranih gostiju nego pre 10 godina, a predavači su inovativniji (ili se trude da budu) i kvalitetniji. Trend je i organizacija poslovnog doručka umesto jutarnjeg sastanka. Radi se u manjim grupa ma, a sve je manje gigantskih događaja. Međutim, ono što se ističe kao najveća promena koja se tiče formata događaja, zapravo nije sam format, niti oblik ili veličina. Teži se opuštenijim, casual okupljanjima, sa maštovi tim detaljima, originalnim i kreativnim konceptima. Jedan detalj kao primer – pre 10 godina organizatori ma uglavnom nije ni padalo na pamet da postave „lazy bag” fotelje za učesnike nekog predavanja. Danas bi bilo inovativno kada bi predavanja slušali, re cimo na kranu (kao što su tzv večere na nebu („dinner in the skyʺ u Londonu, Dubaiu i sl.) ili da vise sa nekog konopca. Naravno, ovo je malo ekstremniji primer, ali ono što je sigurno, jeste da organizatori danas treba malo više da se pomuče oko smišljanja inovativnog koncepta, nego što je to bio slučaj pre 10 godina.
Ekološki održiv pristup u organizaciji događaja? Osnova ekološkog pristupa prilikom organizacije doga đaja jeste svest o tome. Ta svest se tokom protekle decenije nažalost, nije promenila, ali možemo reći da se uzdrmala. Jedan od najlakše primenjivih koraka, bez uvođenja bilo kakvih standarda ili komplikovanih procedura jeste jednostavno izbegavanje štampanja materijala. To zavisi od kompanije do kompanije, ali možemo reći da većina kompanija, pogotovo „mlađih” koje su stasale „onlajn”, zasniva svoju komunikaciju i pos lovanje elektronskim putem.
Pored izbegavanja štampanja materijala za događaje i pronalaženje svih informacija online, reciklirano papir no posuđe je takođe opcija – papirne slamčice umesto plastičnih, čaše od recikliranih materijala za kafe pauze, voda ne u malim flašicama, već u bokalima koja se si pa, korišćenje biorazgradivih materijala za dekoraciju, biranje korporativnih poklona napravljenih od recikli ranih materijala ili od lokalnih udruženja koja se bave zaštitom socijalno ili zdravstveno ugroženih grupa. Ekološki osvešćene kompanije u tom slučaju biraju tzv. „eko” prostore koje u svom poslovanju imaju implementiranu odgovarajuću praksu i aktivnosti, i zaokružuju u svojoj ponudi sve pomenuto i više od toga.
Marketing i promocija događaja Event profesionalci se slažu da je najveća promena na ovom polju omogućena upotrebom društvenih mreža i interneta. Naime, većina informacija se prosleđuje upravo ovim putem, pa tako i najave i promocije događaja putem društvenih mreža Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn i sli čno, kao i internet marketingom, sve u zavisnosti od ciljne grupe, a najbolje odgovarajućom, dobro ispla niranom kombinacijom svega navedenog.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i s t r a ž i v a n j e
Promovisanjem događaja na ovaj način se digital nim putem kroz odgovarajuće kanale komunikacije dolazi do korisnika odnosno potencijalnih učesnika događaja, koji putem linkova dolaze do stranica za registraciju. Naravno, e-mailovi takođe imaju i dalje značajnu ulogu ovde, pogotovo kod događaja koji nisu otvorenog tipa.
Šta to znači za organizaciju događaja? Pozivnice, agenda, raspored predavača, dodat ne informacije, umrežavanje učesnika, sve se nalazi onlajn ili u sklopu mobilnih aplikacija određenog događaja kojima se pristupa sa kompjutera ili pametnih uređaja. Registracija se takođe jednos tavno može vršiti skeniranjem bar koda sa mobilnih uređaja ili narukvica sa čipom. Ankete tokom predavanja, na licu mesta ili feedback nakon završenog događaja takođe se na razne načine prikuplja elek tronskim putem i obrađuje.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i s t r a ž i v a n j e Oko segmentacije tržišta podeljena su mišljenja, neki organizatori događaja smatraju da je upotreba društ venih mreža i interneta dovela do slabije segmentacije i masovnog obraćanja publici, dok drugi smatraju da je marketing na ovaj način postao više personalizovan. Kampanje i cela komunikacija ka korisniku nije samo prodati nešto već je važan i osećaj zadovoljstva kod korisnika, njegovo mišljenje. Ja bih dodala – svi ovi alati omogućuju segmentaciju tržišta, po uzrasnoj dobi, polu, geografskom poreklu, zanimanjima i slično, samo je pitanje da li se oni koriste prilikom kreiranja kampanja, ali ono što jeste diskutabilno prilikom dolaženja do ciljne grupe na ovaj način, jeste relevantnost. Prvo da li su određeni korisnici, odnosno profili uopšte realni, da li iza njih stoje stvarno određene osobe ili su lažni, a drugo, tehnologija je omogućila segmentaciju na osnovu raspoloživih podataka, ali nema pristup emocijama i društvenom statusu, pa se tu dovodi pi tanje relevantnosti ciljne grupe do koje su došli ovim putem. Jer ono što se računa na kraju, jesu realni učesnici, koji su platili registraciju/kotizaciju/rezer vaciju (ukoliko se radi o takvoj vrsti događaja) i fizički se pojavili se događaju.
Šta je danas MUST u organizaciji događaja, a nije bilo pre 10 godina? Odgovor na ovo pitanje logično sledi nakon svega pret hodno napisanog, tehnička opremljenost i primena IT tehnologija na događajima imaju primat, što nije bio slučaj pre 10 godina (Grafik 2, str. 54). Kreiranje doživljaja i tzv. „user experience“ je nešto o čemu svaki organizator događaja mora danas voditi računa, a mi smo čitav prethodni broj SEEbtm magazi na posvetili upravo ovoj temi. Sa tim u vezi, vodi se mnogo više računa o podsticanju interakcije sa i među učesnicima. Poštovanje satnice događaja kao i stavka parkinga je danas važnija, jer je vreme postao vredan resurs, a za mnoge i luksuz. Za društveno odgovorne aktivnosti i ekološku svest prilikom organizacije događaja još uvek ne bih rekla da su postali MUST, ali se svakako više vodi računa o ovom važnom pitanju nego pre 10 godina, što su i učesnici u anketi potvrdili. O dekoraciji događaja i brendingu se sada vodi više računa, a za mnoge kompanije ovo je neizbežna komponenta i velika budžetska stavka. Miona Milić
research Event Organizers on Changes in the Past Decade
Innovative Events at Unusual Locations Are the Trend As you are holding the special 10th year edition of SEEbtm magazine, we find it might be interesting and useful to point out the changes that have marked event organization in the past decade. With this in mind, we addressed event organizers of companies and hotels in our region and conducted a survey, to draw parallels in events “past and present”. Professional event organizers in the region for the most part (83,3%) believe today’s events are more innovative than 10 years ago. Changes are most evident in the techological level (according to 75% of survey participants). Organizers also point to changes in event marketing and promotion, and many believe the annual num ber of events has grown (nearly 60% indicated both trends of change). Furthermore, the form of events has undergone significant changes in the past ten years. Results also indicate a rise in the number of event participants (33%), prompting changes in event budgets which have grown compared to those of ten years ago, and boosting the number of people involved in the preparation of events (33,3%). The choice of event venues has likewise changed. Growing environmental awareness has also trigge red changes in that aspect of event organization (Chart 1, page 50).
Technological changes in event organization Event organizers agree on the growing use of technol ogy in their activity and of individual innovative solu tions. From the technical perspective, today’s events are more complex, with organizers often looking for new or custom made solutions to achieve the wow effect and a brand new experience, giving greater significance to the creative approach to production. Quick and easy access to information is a MUST, as is making the information available on social networks. Needless to say, internet access is as much a given as being served cutlery with lunch. So there is no need to bring your own equipment to a lecture venue, things are simply done – online. Preparations, invitations, lect ures (videoconferences, conference calls, presen tations...) and payment. There is greater demand today for state-of-the-art equipment and audio and visual effects at the event venue. We are also witnesses to the growing use of modern technology, such as virtual reality, holograms,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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etc. Special technologies are used for production and logistics, and others for management and marketing. Interaction between people is easier thanks to social networks and mobile applications, facilitating business contacts and mutual trust.
What are the preferred venues? Hotels offering suitable congress and conference facilities, rooms and halls are, evidently, a favourite choice, however, there is also a growing demand for
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
unusual venues. When the aim is to create an event for a specific target group, circumstances allowing, there is demand for informal, avant-garde venues, fa cilities otherwise used for other purposes, museums, historical buildings, theatres and new, atypical places and locations which have rarely or never been used.
Event form Due to the event form, there are more panels, work shops, trainings and educational seminars.
There is a greater number of foreign guests at panels than ten years ago and the lecturers are (or try to be) more innovative, with a view to improving the experi ence. Another trend is organizing business breakfasts instead of morning meetings. People work in smaller groups, with gigantic events becoming less popular. The greatest change in terms of form, however, is not really about form, or setup or size of the event. There is a growing tendency towards casual gather ings, involving imaginative details, and original and creative concepts. Here is an example – ten years ago it would never have occurred to event organizers to place lazy bags in a lecture hall. Today an innovative idea would be if you listened to a lecture perched on a crane (the so-called „dinner in the skyʺ in London, Dubai, etc.) or hanging from a rope. These are extreme examples obviously, but event organizers definitely have to work harder to come up with innovative concepts than they did ten years ago.
Environmental feasibility in event organization? The basis of the ecological approach to event organi zation is environmental awareness. Unfortunately, this awareness has not changed much in the past decade but we can say it has experienced a nudge in the right direction. One of the easiest steps to take, which does not require the introduction of any standards or com plex procedures, is simply to refrain from printing. This varies from company to company but we find that most companies, particularly “younger” ones that have grown online, prefer electronic forms of communica tion and business operation.
and making information available online, recycling paper cups and plates is another option – using pa per straws instead of plastic ones, cups made from recycled material at coffee breaks, serving water in pitchers instead of small bottles, using biodegradable materials for decoration, choosing corporate gifts ma de of recycled material or made by local societies for protection of socially or medically vulnerable groups. Companies practicing ecological awareness look for eco-friendly venues, whose business operation, activities, and offer incorporate all of these things and much more.
Event marketing and promotion Event professionals agree the greatest change in this area was brought on by the use of social media and the internet. Information is mostly communicated by these means, while events are announced and promoted through social networks Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. and through online marketing, depending on target groups, while best results are achieved by a careful, well-planned combination of all these means. Event promotion by digital means, using appropriate channels of communications, reaches audiences or potential participants through links they use to arrive at webpages where they can register for events. E-mails clearly also play an important part in this, es pecially in the case of events less open in character. Opinion is divided about market segmentation, with some organizers believing use of social media and the internet have led to weaker segmentation and mass communication with the public, while others
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What does this mean in terms of event organization? Invita tions, agendas, lecturer sche dules, additional information, networking, everything is made available online or by mobile applications for an event which is accessed from computers or smart devices. Registration can also be done simply by scanning barcodes from mobile devices or brace lets with a chip – RFID. Surveys at lectures, either on the spot or through feedback after the event, are also conducted and processed in electronic form. In addition to avoiding print ing of materials for events
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
r e s e a r c h think this has made marketing more personalized. Campaigns and the entire communication directed toward the user are not only about selling someth ing, the user’s sense of satisfaction and his opinion is also important. I would add that all these tools enable market segmentation, by age group, gender, geographic origin, profession, etc., the question is only whether they are used in creating the campaign but what remains debatable in this way of reaching a target group is its relevance. First, whether certain users and/or profiles are even realistic, do they involve actual people or are false and, second, technology has enabled segmentation based on available data but it cannot access emotions and social status, so this brings up the question whether a target group arrived at in this way is relevant. Because what really matters in the end are the actual participants, who paid the registration/participation/ reservation fee (if any) and their physical presence at the event.
What is an event organization MUST today as oppose to ten years ago? The answer seems logical after everything said above (Chart 2), technical equipment and use of IT at events
produces the best result and that was not the case ten years ago. The need to create the so-called „User Experience“ or UX, is something every event organizer has to keep in mind today, and we have dedicated the entire last edition of SEEbtm magazine to this topic. In this regard, much more attention is now paid to encouraging interaction between participants. Respecting the event time schedule and addressing the question of parking has grown in importance, because time has become a valuable asset, even considered a luxury by many. I would say that socially responsible activities and ecological awareness in event organization are still not a MUST but these important questions are cer tainly given more attention now than ten years ago, and it is something the participants in this survey have confirmed. Event decoration and branding are also given more thought now, and for many companies they are a vital component and account for a large part of the budget. Miona Milic
intervju Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb
Pravi spoj tradicije i modernog poslovanja Ivana Perković
Praksa nam je pokazala da kada se moderno poslovanje oslanja na tradiciju, dobri rezultati ne mogu izostati. Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb, sa zaista bogatom istorijom, sam priča svoju priču. O važnosti tradicije, kongresnim gostima i daljim poslovnim planovima, razgovarali smo sa Ivanom Perković, Direktorkom prodaje i marketinga. Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb poznat je, osim po svojoj izvanrednoj lokaciji, i po tradiciji dugoj 90 godina. Možete li nam reći nešto više o tome? Hotel Dubrovnik upravo ove godine slavi svojih 90 godina u pružanju usluge kako domaćim tako i stranim gostima. Sve je počelo davne 1929. godine, kad je svoja vrata gostima otvorio hotel Milinov, koji je svoje ime dobio po poznatom trgovcu Svetozaru Milinovu, ujedno i prvom vlasniku. Uređen u art deco stilu, u to je vrijeme predstavljao jednu od najupečatljivijih građevina na glavnom gradskom trgu. Posebnost zgra de definitivno je kip boga Merkura koji je na pročelje premješten s kuće još jednog poznatog zagrebačkog trgovca, Pavla Hatza. Kipar koji mu je „udahnuo″ život je Anton Dominik Fenkorn, kasnije zaslužan za izradu još poznatijeg kipa, onog bana Josipa Jelačića nasuprot hotelu. Kompanija Dubrovačka plovidba kupila je hotel 1942. godine i odlučila mu dati današnje ime, Hotel Dubrovnik, a početkom 80-ih i dodati novo, stakleno krilo s nove 152 sobe. Svakako treba spomenuti i našu nezaobilaznu Kavanu Dubrovnik, jednu od najpoznatijih i najstarijih zagre bačkih kavana koja već desetljećima ugošćava ljude iz
poslovnog i kulturnog miljea te sve istinske zaljubljeni ke u ljepotu i kulturu življenja. Sve to Hotel Dubrovnik čini jednim od pionira hotelijerstva i ugostiteljstva u Zagrebu, na što smo posebno ponosni, a početkom godine smo to i proslavili u krugu naših navjernijih dugogodišnjih partnera. U poslednjih devet godina konstantno radite na preuređivanju hotela i poboljšanju usluge. Šta je sve urađeno? Prva preuređenja hotelskih kapaciteta počela su 2010. godine kad smo krenuli s potpunom renovacijom pos tojećih konferencijskih dvorana. Pretvorene su u mul tifunkcionalne prostore s najmodernijom tehničkom opremom, uz veliku pomoć i sugestiju naših dugogo dišnjih partnera koji se bave audiovizualnom opre mom potrebnom za organizaciju svih vrsta događanja. Našim klijentima na raspolaganju je tako 12 dvorana kapaciteta od sedam do 250 osoba. Slijedeći veliki projekt je bilo uređenje recepcije, lobbyja te kompletne unutrašnjosti staklene zgrade, uz ekološki aspekt uštede energije zamjenom cijele staklene fasade koji je dovršen 2014. Kroz cijeli taj period preuređivane su i hotelske sobe te apartma ni. Zbog činjenice da je hotel izgrađen 30-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, jedan dio jednokrevetnih soba, soba isključivo za jednu osobu, bio je izuzetno malen za
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i n t e r v j u današnje standarde i u odnosu na rastuću konkurenci ju, pa smo takve sobe spajali – po dvije u jednu veliku. Time smo dobili novu kategoriju sobe, deluxe sobe, idealne za sve koji iznad svega cijene komfor i estetiku.
nostavno se opustiti u nekom od obližnjih barova ili restorana, bez da moraju sjesti u automobil. Na samo nekoliko koraka od Hotela nalaze se sve glavne gradske atrakcije, značajne kulturne i poslovne instituci je, shopping zone i mnoge druge zanimljive lokacije. Druga stvar koju svakako moram spomenuti jest usluga koju pružamo – naše osoblje ističe se profesionalnošću i poznavanjem struke i oni su pravi razlog zbog kojeg su nam klijenti vjerni i uvijek iznova koriste naše usluge. Istaknula bih još i činjenicu da sve naše konferencijske dvorane imaju dnevno svjetlo, a većina njih i predivan pogled na grad te mogućnost parkiranja u strogom centru Zagreba, što je klijentima također bitno. Možete li nam reći nešto o daljim planovima hotela Dubrovnik Zagreb?
Hotel trenutno ima na raspolaganju 214 soba i osam apartmana dizajniranih za maksimalnu udobnost i funkcionalnost. Šta je to što poslovni gosti posebno cene u vezi sa hotelom Dubrovnik Zagreb? Zbog svoje lokacije, Hotel Dubrovnik predstavlja ide alan izbor turistima i poslovnim gostima. Obzirom da gosti u Zagrebu provode uglavnom dvije noći, biznis gostima je vrlo bitno da nakon napornog poslovnog dana imaju vremena obići znamenitosti grada ili jed
Naš cilj je definitivno postati jedan od najboljih poslo vnih hotela u Zagrebu i u tom smislu namjeravamo učiniti sve što je u našoj moći da bismo to i postigli. To podrazumijeva daljnju obnovu soba i hotelskih ka paciteta te podizanje razine usluge na način da ju što više prilagodimo potrebama poslovnog gosta, naravno pazeći pritom i na goste koji iz turističkih razloga posje ćuju Zagreb i naš hotel. Specijalizirali smo se za evente s manjim brojem sudionika obzirom na naše kapacite te, ali priželjkujemo i one veće koji bi trebali uslijediti izgradnjom kongresnog centra u Zagrebu, barem po pitanju smještaja. Slijedeće godine imat ćemo najbolji test obzirom da Hrvatsku zbog predsjedanja Europ skom Unijom očekuje veliki broj događanja u prvoj polovici godine. Milica Novak
RETROSPEKTIVA Po čemu, u poslovnom smislu, pamtite proteklih 10 godina? Proteklih deset godina pamtit ćemo po postepenom oporavku turističkih kretanja nakon pada koji je kulminirao 2008. godine, po sve većem udjelu rezervacija preko online turističkih agencija koji je kao kanal rezerviranja prije deset godina bio u povojima te sve većim interesom za organizaciju banketno – konvencijskih događanja. Kako je izgledao vaš poslovni put od tada do sada? Hotel Dubrovnik doživio je potpunu transformaciju spomenutim renovacijama u proteklih deset godina i ponovo se nametnuo kao nezaobilazan poslovni hotel
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
u Zagrebu. Što se mene osobno tiče, u spomenutom periodu prošla sam sve stepenice odjela prodaje – od referenta za individualne pa grupne rezervacije, preko voditelja ključnih kupaca do današnje pozicije koju obavljam. Cijelo to vrijeme imala sam veliku podršku u kolegama koji čine odjel prodaje i koji su vrlo odgovorni prema poslu kojeg radimo. Na šta ste posebno ponosni u prethodnoj deceniji? Prije svega na izvrsne rezultate koje ostvarujemo, ali i na radnu atmosferu zbog koje je to tako – veliki broj naših djelatnika već je dugo godina s nama, s tim da je nekima od njih to prvi i jedini posao koji su radili. Svi smo kao jedna velika obitelj, lijepo je znati svakog kolegu poimence.
Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb
The Perfect Match of Tradition and Modern Business Ivana Perkovic
Practice has shown us that when modern business relies on tradition, good results are guaranteed. Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb, with a truly rich history, tells its own story. We spoke with Ivana Perkovic, Sales and Marketing Director, about the importance of tra dition, congress guests and further business plans. Hotel Dubrovnik in Zagreb is well known, beside it’s excellent location, by it’s 90 years old tradition. Could you tell us more about it? Hotel Dubrovnik just celebrated 90 years in provid ing service to his guests, domestic and from abroad. The story began as early as 1929, when hotel Milinov opened his doors to the guests. It was named after famous merchant Svetozar Milinov, who was its actual first owner. Hotel was designed in art deco style and at the time presented one of the most significant buildings on the main city square. What made the building itself special was the statue of roman god Mercury that was transferred there from the house of another famous merchant from Zagreb, Pavao Hatz. The sculptor that brought it to life is Anton Dominik Fenkorn later known for making of even more famous statue, that of ban Josip Jelacic right across the hotel. Shipping company Dubrovacka plovidba bought the hotel in 1942 and decided to have it the name that bears today, Hotel Dubrovnik and in early eighties upgraded it with the new glass wing and additional 152 rooms. It’s worth to mention our unmissable Cafe Dubrovnik, one of the oldest and most famous of
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Zagreb’s cafes that has for decades hosted significant names from business and cultural milieu and all true lovers of culture and beautiful living. All this makes Hotel Dubrovnik one of the pioneers of hospitality and tourism in Zagreb which we are very proud of and cel ebrated it with our long term partners earlier this year. For the past nine years, you have been constantly working on remodeling your hotel and improving your service. What is all done? We started the first renovations of the hotel capacities in 2010 with complete restauration of the existing con ference rooms. Thanks to our long term partners, an AV company, that helped with the suggestions, they have been transformed into multifunctional spaces with the most modern technical equipment, necessary for organization of all types of events. Our clients have 12 conference rooms with the capacity of 7 to 250 participants at their disposal. Next large-scale project was renovation of reception, lobby and complete in terior of the glass building, with ecological aspect of replacing the facade with energy saving glass. During that whole period hotel rooms and suites have been renovated as well – taking into account that we are hotel that works al year around and that we have regular guests, we decided to set a certain number of rooms that will go into renovation each year. Due to the fact that hotel is built in thirties in the past
century, certain number of the single rooms, rooms exclusively for one person, was exceptionally small in regards to modern standards and growing competition so we merged two rooms into one. With that process
a long working day. At just a few steps away from the Hotel you can find main city attractions, significant cultural and business institutions, shopping areas and many other interesting locations. The next thing I have to mention is the service we provide – our staff excels in knowledge of profession and are the real reason why our partners are loyal to us and continue to use our services. I would also highlight the fact that all our conference rooms have natural daylight and most of them have beautiful vi ews of the city as well as the possibility of parking in a strict pedestrian zone which I know is very important to the clients. Can you tell us a bit about further plans of Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb?
we got new category of rooms, deluxe rooms ideal for all guests who appreciate comfort and aesthetics. Hotel currently has 214 rooms and 8 suites designed for maximum comfort and functionality. What is it that business guests especially appreciate about Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb? Location wise, Hotel Dubrovnik presents ideal choice for tourists and business guests alike. Guests usually spend maximum of two nights in Zagreb so it is very important to business guests to still have time to visit city landmarks or just chill in one of the nearby bars or restaurants, without having to go there by car, after
Our definite goal is to become one of the best busi ness hotels in Zagreb and for that reason we intend to do everything in our power to achieve it. That means continuation of hotel rooms and capacities renovati on and improving the service we provide in terms of adjusting it to the needs of a business guest but not losing from our focus the leisure guests that visit Zagreb and our hotel. We specialized in smaller events because of the capacities we have at our disposal but we hope for the larger ones which should follow once the congress center is built in Zagreb, at last in terms of accommodation. We will be able to test our com petences next year given the fact that Croatia presides the European Union and expects great number of events during first six months.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t e r v i e w
Milica Novak
RETROSPECTIVE In terms of business, what do you remember the past 10 years by? We will remember the past ten years by gradual recovery of tourist movements after its deterioration which culminated in 2008., by increasing share of reservations made through online tourist agencies which as a channel was in its creation ten years ago and by growing interest and demand for organization of banquet and convention events. What has your business journey looked like since then? All this time I had nothing but support from the colleagues in sales department that bear great responsibility for the work we do. Hotel Dubrovnik experienced
complete transformation with mentioned renovations in the past ten years and profiled itself again as an indispensable business hotel in Zagreb. As far as I am concerned, during this period I have experienced all segments of sales department – from individual and leisure group reservation coordinator, through Key account manager to the position I am on now. What are you particularly proud of from the last decade? Foremost of outstanding results that we achieve but also of the working atmosphere that enables it – most of our employees have been with us for a long time now and for some of them this has been and still is the only job they had. We are all like one big family, it is nice to know every colleague by their name.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Rezervirajte svoj boravak u vrhunskom zagrebačkom hotelu
The Westin Zagreb Zagreb, nova zvijezda na turističkoj karti Europe, jest u središtu svih poslovnih, kulturnih i političkih zbivanja Hrvatske. Zagreb je šarmantna kombinacija bo gate povijesti i nasljeđa te modernog srednje-europskog duha. Povijest Zagreba zrcali se u infra strukturi i spomenicima, kao i u brojnim parkovima i raznim kulturnim događanjima. Povijest grada tvori temelj današ njem urbanom životu te nudi 19 kazališta, 24 muzeja i 65 galerija. Ponude variraju od istraživanja Starog grada, Kaptola, Zagrebačke katedrale te poznatog Trga bana Jelačića. Osim ovih atrakcija, Zagreb ima i uzbudljiv noćni život te niz terasa i kafea za sve ljubitelje kave. Vrhunski shopping je također na raspolaganju svim posjetiteljima; trgovine poznatih brandova smje štene su oko Trga bana Jelačića te u većim shopping centrima oko grada. The Westin Zagreb sinonim je za moderni luksuz u samom središtu Zagreba i sadrži 340 luksuznih soba i apartmana, sve sa jedinstvenim programom za spavanje, tzv. Nebeskim krevetom.
Posebno opremljeni i raskošno na mješteni apartmani, Westin Guest Office, kao i Deluxe i Predsjednički apartmani, mogu se pohvaliti pre krasnim pogledima na Zagreb. Apartmani nude uslugu room service-a te sve VIP tretmane i pažnju koju bi posebni gosti mogli poželjeti – The Westin Zagreb je drugi dom za mnoge međunarod ne državnike te za sve koji su u potrazi za vrhunskom uslugom i raskošnim smještajem. Čak 13 višenamjenskih dvorana različitih veličina, uključujući i prekrasnu Kristalnu dvoranu koja može ugostiti do 1.000 delegata, jesu idealno mjesto za sve vrste evenata; od konferencija, među narodnih kongresa, poslovnih sa stanaka pa sve do raznih svečanih večera, banketa te svadbi. Moderan wellness i fitness centar s prostranim unutarnjim bazenom, centar za uljepšavanje te saune čine omiljen izbor gostiju hotela za trenutke opuštanja.
Sobe i apartmani su udobni, pro strani, s pogledom na centar živah ne prijestolnice Hrvatske, Zagreb.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Book Your Stay at Premier Zagreb Hotel
The Westin Zagreb Zagreb, the new star on Europe’s tourist map, is the centre of Croatia’s business, cultural, and political life. It represents a charming blend of a city that is rich with a long and exciting history and a modern mid-European spirit. Zagreb’s history reflects itself in its infrastructure and monuments as well as in numerous parks and through cultural events. Its history forms a foundation that explains its urban lifestyle and off ers 19 theatres, 24 museums and 65 galleries. The offer ranges from exploring sights in the old part of town, the must-see trip to Kaptol, the Zagreb cathedral, and the famous Ban Jelacic square. Apart from the sights in the city centre, Zagreb has an exciting night life and an abundance of terraces for coffee lovers as well as superior shopping. Flagship stores of world renown brands are nested around the downtown area of Ban Jelacic Square as well as in larger shopping centres located around the city. The Westin Zagreb encompasses modern-day luxury in the in the very centre of Zagreb and features 340 luxurious rooms and suites, all with the unique sleeping programme, Heavenly bed. The rooms and suites are comfort able, spacious, overlooking the
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
centre of Croatia’s vibrant capital, Zagreb. Specially equipped and lavishly furbished Westin Guest Office Suites, as well as the Deluxe and Presidential suites, boasting breath taking views of Zagreb and featuring 24/7 room service and all the special VIP treatments and perks that special guests need, The Westin Zagreb is the second home for many international dignitaries and everyone looking for impeccable service and lavish accommodation. The 13 multifunctional event venues of different sizes within The Westin Zagreb, including the beautiful Crystal ballroom that can accommodate up to 1,000 guests, are the ideal place for all sorts of events; from conferences, international congresses, business meetings, to various galas, lavish banquets and weddings. The modern wellness and fitness centre with the indoor pool, beauty centre and saunas are a favourite leisure and relaxing spot for hotel guests.
intervju Courtyard Belgrade City Center Hotel
Svet će postati bolji zahvaljujući promenama Robert Gasser
Gospodin Robert Gaser, generalni direktor hotela Courtyard Belgrade City Center, deo je porodice Marriott već 16 godina. Zajedno sa svojim timom i hotelskim brendom Marri ott pokušava da učini svet boljim mestom. Pročitajte više o tome u narednim redovima!
Marriott kultura glavni je razlog zbog kog i dalje radim za Marriott. Do sada je Marriott u najvećoj meri ispu nio obećanja koja su mi data pre 16 godina.
Šta biste rekli da poslovni gosti prepoznaju u hotelu Courtyard Belgrade City Center?
Ova kultura, oličena u Serve360 i Spirit to Serve aktiv nostima za naše saradnike i s njima, briga o okruženju u kom poslujemo, učestvovanje u programima za loka lne zajednice i njihovo pokretanje – npr. u Beogradu s domom za stara lica BelHospice i SOS Dečjim selom kao globalnom evropskom inicijativom – i još mnogo toga predstavljaju srž brenda Marriott i odražavaju moja lična uverenja o međusobnom pomaganju.
Najprepoznatljiviji kvalitet našeg hotela od početka do danas je naš tim. Veoma smo fokusirani na stvaranje osećaja povratka kući za naše Marriott Bonvoy i stare goste. Vidimo da smo prepoznati kao jedan od dva najbolja hotela u Evropi među 67 hotela Courtyard brenda u Evropi s najvišim ocenama u svim segmentima zadovoljstva gostiju, a naša dobra lokacija zasigurno pomaže u privlačenju gostiju. Ali kada govorimo o međunarodnim poslov nim gostima, naš program lojalnosti Marriott Bonvoy – koji je prepoznat kao najbolji hotelski program lojalnosti i koji trenutno ima preko 130 miliona članova – snažno utiče na goste koji odluče da odsednu u hotelu Marriott. Član ste kompanije Marriott Internati onal već 16 godina. Šta je ono što vas povezuje i zbog čega ostajete uz ovaj brend?
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i n t e r v j u Ovog leta bili ste domaćin konferencije Food Waste, koja se bavi borbom protiv organskog otpada. Koje korake je vaš hotel preduzeo kako bi smanjio otpad od hrane? Marriott je preuzeo vodeću ulogu u hotelijerstvu i pro menio brojne procedure i ponude koje podržavaju pro jekat za zaštitu životne sredine. Bili smo prva hotelska kompanija koja je zvanično najavila da će prestati da koristi plastične slamke u svim u više od 7.300 hotela širom sveta do juna 2020. godine. Hotel Courtyard Belgrade već je 2018. godine izbacio iz upotrebe plastične slamke i zamenio ih bambusovim slamkama za višekratnu upotrebu, a kasnije metalnim slamkama, dok se za događaje koriste jednokratne papirne slamke koje se recikliraju. U 2020. godini tako đe ćemo izbaciti male plastične boce iz svih kupatila i zameniti ih posudama za ponovno punjenje. Kada je u pitanju kontrola otpada hrane, Courtyard hotel je predvodio inicijativu koju je pokrenuo WWF Adria i postao je prvi hotel u Srbiji koji se fokusira na kontrolu otpada hrane. Program je razvijen za merenje otpada pre usluge i posle nje i za njegovo smanjivanje kroz različite mehanizme. Prvi korak je bilo širenje
svesti kod kuvara, konobara i poslužitelja o proizvodnji prehrambenog otpada, a oni su i naučili tehnike za izbegavanje otpada hrane. Do sada smo primetili sma njenje, posle sprovođenja celog programa, za oko 12%. Naš cilj za narednu godinu je da smanjimo celokupni prehrambeni otpad za dodatnih 35%. Na šta ćete se fokusirati u narednoj godini kao vođa tima? · Nastavićemo svoju priču o uspehu odlično ocenje nog hotela u matrici zadovoljstva gostiju Marriott hotela. · Dalje ćemo razvijati kadrove za karijeru u okviru kompanije. Razvijamo karijere i naslednika članova tima koji napreduju dalje u Marriott kompaniji i saradnika, a oni dalje mogu da pronađu prilike u no vim projektima u Srbiji ili, ako su voljni, da se presele na neku drugu balkansku lokaciju, ali i dalje u svet. · Planiramo da se zabavljamo s timom koji pravi #MarriottBonvoyMemories za naše goste tokom boravka. Milica Novak
RETROSPEKTIVA Po čemu, u poslovnom smislu, pamtite proteklih 10 godina? Mislim da je jedan od ključnih poslovnih momenata bilo vrlo iznenađujuće preuzimanje Starwood hotela. Toliko je čuvano u tajnosti da to nisu predvideli ni du gogodišnji saradnici 2015. godine. Privatno, sigurno bih rekao upoznavanje svoje supruge na poslu u hotelu Marriott u Minhenu. Tada je bila Direktor za finansije grupe hotela, a ja sam bio u radnoj grupi koja je analizirala i razmatrala rezultate i mogućnosti za unapređivanje tog hotela. Ona je bila razlog zbog čega sam kasnije prihvatio ponudu za posao u tom hotelu, gde sam svoja zapažanja pretvorio u stvarnost. Kako je izgledao vaš poslovni put od tada do sada? Karijeru sam započeo kao pomoćnik kuvara u Nemačkoj. Nakon nekoliko lokacija u Nemačkoj, otišao sam na Bermude da radim za Italian Restaurant Company, a posle toga sam započeo studije u školi za hotelijerstvo i administraciju u Hajdelbergu u Nemačkoj. Osnovao sam konsultantsku kompaniju koju sam kasnije prodao i iskoristio taj novac za godinu dana putovanja kroz Australiju i Tajland. Po povratku, započeo sam svoj drugi život, koji je podrazumevao pridruživanje poro
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
dici Marriott u minhenskom hotelu Marriott kao Menadžer, a kasnije sam postao Menadžer za usluge hrane i pića. Odatle sam otišao u Šangaj kao Direktor restorana, pa dalje u Peking na otvaranje hotela s 1.312 spavaćih soba 2008. godine za Olimpijske igre, pa sam se vratio za još jedno otvaranje hotela s 400 spavaćih soba u Šangaju, i posle toga me je put vratio u Evropu kada sam postao Direktor za usluge hrane i pića u Marriott hotelu u Kopenhagenu. Posle Kopenhagena otišao sam u Lisabon, onda nazad u Minhen, pa u Istanbul, a pre tri godine sam stigao u hotel Courtyard Belgrade City Center kao Generalni direktor. Na šta ste posebno ponosni u prethodnoj deceniji? Vrlo sam ponosan što sam došao na položaj Generalnog direktora isključivo na osnovu napornog rada koji sam uložio u Marriott. Na svim pozicijama sam razvijao mlade kadrove koji su karijeru nastavili sa Marriott brendom, a većina njih me naziva mentorom i još uvek je u kontaktu sa mnom. Sad to već čini da se osećam staro, ali ipak donosi veliko zadovoljstvo. Drugo, izu zetno sam ponosan na sve što smo kao tim postigli u hotelu Courtyard Belgrade u poslednjim godinama. U 2017. godini osvojili smo 15 domaćih i međunarodnih nagrada za različite vrste dostignuća.
Courtyard Belgrade City Center Hotel
Making Changes Will Make the World Better Place Robert Gasser
Mr Robert Gasser, GM of Courtyard Belgrade City Center Hotel, is part of the Marriott family for 16 years. Along with his team and Marriott hotel brand he is try ing to make the world better place. Read more about it in following lines! What would you say that business guests recognize in Courtyard Belgrade City Center Hotel? The most recognized quality of our hotel from the beginning till today is the team. We are very much focused to create a feeling of coming home for our Marriott Bonvoy and returning guests. We can see the result of being recognized as one of the top two hotels in Europe among 67 Courtyard brand hotels in Europe with highest scores in all segments of our guests’ satisfac tion and the convenient location for sure helps attracting guests as well. But when talking about international business guests, our Marriott Bonvoy Loyalty program, recognized as the best hotel loyalty program, with currently over 130 million members and growing, is a strong influence for guests choosing to stay with Marriott. You are a member of Marriott Inter national for 16 years. What is the thing that connects you and keeps you with this brand?
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
The Marriott Culture is the main reason why I am still working for Marriott. So far Marriott mostly lived up to the promises given to me 16 years ago. This culture and believe, represented by our Serve360 and Spirit to Serve activities for and with our associates, taking care for the environment where we are acting in, participa ting and initiating programs for the local society, in our Courtyard Belgrade cases for example with BelHospic, Elderly Home Belgrade, SOS Children Village as global Europe initiative, children shelter and more, is in Marr iott’s bloodline and also reflects my own and personal beliefs in helping each other.
This summer you have hosted Food Waste confe rence, focused on fight against organic waste. What are the steps taken by your hotel to reduce the food waste? Marriott took the lead in the hotel industry to make changes on many procedures and offers supporting the project to protect the environment. We were the first hotel company officially announcing the end of the plastic straws for all 7300+ hotels worldwide by June 2020. The Courtyard Belgrade hotel has elimina ted plastic straws already in 2018 and have replaced them with reusable bamboo straws and later metal straws and for events, one time use recyclable paper straws. In 2020 we will also eliminate in all bathrooms the small plastic bottles and replace them with a re fillable option. When it comes to food waste control the Courtyard lead the initiative, which was developed by WWF Adria, and became the first and pilot hotel in Serbia focusing on food waste control. The program has been developed to measure pre-service and post service food waste and to reduce it through different mec
hanism. The first step was to ensure chef’s, waiters and stewards are aware of the food waste production and got techniques taught how food waste can be avoided. So far we were able to see that we have re duced our food waste, after implementing the entire program, by around 12%. Our goal for 2020 is to redu ce the entire food waste by additionally 35%. What is your focus for next year as a team leader? · To continue the success story being top ranked hotel in Marriott’s guests satisfaction matrix. · Further development of talents for our career pi peline. Both within our hotel as successors of any team members moving forward within Marriott or for associates we developed further in their career, which can then find an opportunity in new projects in Serbia or for those willing to be relocated with in the Balkans or worldwide. · To have fun together with the team making #Marri ottBonvoyMemories for our guests during their stays.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t e r v i e w
Milica Novak
RETROSPECTIVE In terms of business, what do you remember the past 10 years by? I think as a milestone of the overall business I would say it was the very surprising Marriott’s takeover of Starwood. It was so much kept in secret that even longtime associates haven’t seen that coming back in 2015. Privately, for sure, it was meeting my wife at work in a Marriott hotel in Munich. She was the Cluster Director of Finance and I was on task force there to analyze and look into F&B performance and improvement opportunities of that particular hotel. She was the reason why later I accepted the job offer at that hotel, where I turned my observations into reality. What has your business journey looked like since then? I have started my career as chef apprentice in Germany. After certain locations in Germany I went on to Bermuda Islands to work for an Italian Restaurant Company and after that, I have started my Bachelor study at the Hotel Business and Administration School in Heidelberg/Germany. I have founded my own con sulting company which I have sold on a later stage and used the money for a year travelling experience through Australia and Thailand. After my return I have started my second life, which was entering the Marr
iott family at the Munich Marriott Hotel as Maitre d’ hotel and later becoming F&B Service Manager. From there I have moved with Marriott to Shanghai as Director of Restaurants, further to Beijing for an opening of a 1,312 bedrooms Marriott hotel in 2008 for the Olympic Games, back for another opening of a 400 bedroom hotel in Shanghai before my way brought me back to Europe with signing as Director of F&B at the Copenhagen Marriott. After Copenhagen, my way brought me to Lisbon, back to Munich, further to Istanbul before arriving three years ago as GM at the Courtyard Belgrade City Center Hotel. What are you particularly proud of from the last decade? I am very proud that I have achieved the position of GM based on solely my hard work I have put in for and with Marriott. I was able to develop in all my stations so many young talents which have continued their career with Marriott and most of them officially call me ʺmentorʺ and still keep in touch with me. Makes me feel old by now, but it still brings great satisfaction. Secondly, I am very proud what we as a team have achieved at the Courtyard Belgrade Hotel over the last years. In 2017, we have achieved 15 local and international awards for different kind of achievements.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Hotel Regent Porto Montenegro
Pet godina sjaja sa juga Ivan Gajić
Regent Porto Montenegro, sinonim luksuza u regionu ove godine obilježio je pet godina svog uspješnog poslovanja. Tom prilikom susreli smo se sa Ivanom Gajićem, dire ktorom prodaje i marketinga hotela Regent da nam više kaže o proteklim mjesecima te planovima do kraja godine / proljeća 2020. Po čemu ćete kao kompanija pamtiti 2019. godinu? Ovu godinu pamtićemo po prvom jubileju – tokom ljeta 2019. godine tačnije, 1.avgusta obilježena je petogodišnjica rada hotela Regent. Uoči godišnjice, otvoreno je treće krilo hotela imena „Baia“, a cjelokupna investicija ove hotelske ekstenzije iznosi 36 miliona eura. Arhitektonski smo zaokružili
projekat hotela i gostima nudimo diversifikovani izbor soba, rezidencija i elitnih penthouse-va te smatramo najboljim poklonom za petogodišnjicu uspješnog rada hotela Regent. Provjerenu verziju nenametljivog luksuza potpisuje tandem međunarodnog arhitekton skog biroa WATG i Tina Zervudachija, proslavljenog dizajnera enterijera iz eminentne kompanije Mlinaric, Henry & Zervudachi koji i kroz naša dva postojeća krila stoji iza već prepoznatljivog nautičkog dizajna. Pogled iz većine smještajnih jedinica pruža se na more, obron ke bokokotorskog zaliva i infinity bazen hotela koji je 2018. proglašen za jedan od 30 najboljih hotelskih ba zena svijeta. Usluga po mjeri gosta te bogata ponuda u svim restoranima i Spa centru nastavlja da pored izuzetnog komfora bude glavna odlika boravka u hotelu Regent. Kakav identitet ima Regent odnosno Porto Montenegro kao poslovna destinacija? Crna Gora je izuzetno zanimljiva kao poslovna destinacija, međutim smatramo uspjehom što je naše strateško opredjeljenje da se pozi cioniramo kao idealna destinacija za promo ciju novih tipova automobila („car launch“-a) doživjelo uspjeh. Paralelno sa kvalitetnom saradnjom važnih MICE agencija sa međunarodnih tržišta, po nosni smo što su nas partneri iz regiona te iz
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
brojnih zemalja svijeta izabrali kao lokaciju nekih od najvažnijih konferencija i korporativnih događaja za nji hovu kompaniju i poslovne partnere. Izuzetna godina je iza nas u okviru koje smo bili domaćin ukupno 230 korporativnih događaja. Usluga po mjeri gosta je naša glavna karakteristika te vjerujemo da smo u okvirima Zapadnog Balkana jedini hotel koji primjenjuje Forbes standarde usluge. Forbes Travel Guide je jedini nezavisni sistem ocjenjivanja ho tela, restorana i spa centara na globalnom nivou. Iako se ocjenjuju i usluga i hotelski sadržaji, većina standar da (čak 75%) se odnosi na uslugu, jer su očekivanja gosta od hotela od pet zvjezdica velika te je svaki detalj jednako važan koliko i sadržina njegovog boravka u as pektu brojnih znamenitosti koje će gost posjetiti. Ponosni smo na ogroman napredak koji smo posti gli kao sistem te brojne pozitivne reakcije gostiju i u konačnici pozitivniji poslovni rezultati pogotovo u Sektoru hrane i pića. Vrijedi napomenuti da smo prošle godine postali dio IHG-a, globalne hotelijerske grupacije koja broji preko 5.723 hotela širom svijeta. Primjenjivanje moćnih alata u okviru sistema za rezervacije, prodaje i marketinga bio je naš glavni zadatak kojim smo uspjeli da se približimo svojoj ciljnoj grupi kako širom svijeta tako i u regionu.
team building-e hotela Regent i nautičkog naselja Porto Montenegro. Pregršt sadržaja te lista aktivnosti su dostupne u cilju kreiranja idealnog paketa shodno afinitetima zaposlenih koji će biti učesnici ovakvog ili pak incentive putovanja. Sportovi i aktivnosti poput tenisa i jedrenja, takmi čenja SUP bordovima, istraživanje zaleđa Boke Ko torske mini džipovima idealno pariraju relaksirajućim spa doživljajima ili gurmanskim radionicama poput radionica za izradu čokoladnih pralina, takmičarskog kuvanja pod nadzorom naših iskusnih kuvara ili pak degustacije vina regiona. Posebno bih istakao izuzetan prostor i inteligentno osmišljen sadržaj Arene Porto Montenegro gdje se nižu aktivnosti poput mini golfa, kroketa, kriketa, stre ličarstva i gađanje glinenih golubova kao zanimljive elemente team building putovanja.
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Što poslovni klijenti mogu očekivati od hotela Regent? Novinu koju želimo da istaknemo su broj ne mogućnosti za incentive putovanja i
RETROSPEKTIVA Po čemu, u poslovnom smislu, pamtite proteklih 10 godina? Izuzetno sam zahvalan što sam svjedočio razvoju luksuznog hotelijerstva u regiji, te ponosan na lični doprinos istom. Period od 10 godina ću pamtiti po inspirativnim liderima sa kojima sam imao čast da poslujem, digitalizaciji poslovanja te brojnim agencijama i tur operatorima sa kojima smo sarađivali isključivo putem interneta, a ostvarivali impresivne rezultate. Kako je izgledao vaš poslovni put od tada do sada? Tokom četrnaestogodišnje karijere u hotelijerstvu, sa ponosom ističem da sam pokrivao brojne liderske pozicije prodaje i marketinga u okviru međunarodnih
hotelskih lanaca. U Regent sam došao kao direktor prodaje 2017. godine te mi je ukazana čast da od 2018. predvodim tim prodaje i marketinga sa pozicije direktora ovog sektora. Uživao sam u svim izazovima koje je karijera donosila te je svaka stepenica poslovnog razvoja bila poglavlje za sebe. Na šta ste posebno ponosni u prethodnoj deceniji? Ponosan sam na svaku stepenicu i riješen izazov, međutim, na kraju, ipak ostaju rezultati kao zaključci i svijetle tačke koji se pamte. Pripadam generaciji koja vjeruje da je timski rad, te zadovoljstvo svakog člana tima izuzetno važno – jedino ovakva sinergija može da donese kako zadovoljstvo na ličnom i profesionalnom planu tako i izuzetne rezultate.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Hotel Regent Porto Montenegro
Five Years of Southern Shine Ivan Gajic
Regent Porto Montenegro, synonym of luxury in the region this year, recently marked five years of successful business. On this occasion, we met with Mr Ivan Gajic, Director of Sales and Marketing of the Regent Hotel, to tell us more about the past months and plans for the end of the year / spring 2020. What will you remember as a company in 2019? This year will be memorable as it was our first jubilee as August 1st marked the fifth anniversary of the ope ning of Regent Porto Montenegro. On the eve of the anniversary, the BAIA was the third wing to open at the hotel after an investment of €36 million. We have now architecturally completed the
hotel project and today we offer our guests a diversi fied selection of rooms, residences and elite pentho uses, which we consider to be the best gift for the five-year anniversary for our guests. The unobtrusive luxury and great design are the work of international architectural firm WATG and Tin Zervudachi, a cele brated interior designer from the eminent Mlinaric, Henry & Zervudachi company, who, through our two existing wings, is behind the already recognisable nautical design. Most of the rooms have views of the sea, the Bay of Kotor and the hotel’s infinity pool, which was named one of the 30 best hotel pools in the world in 2018. Personalised guest services, a rich restaurant offering, and the Spa continues to be, in addition to exceptional comfort, the prime feature of any stay at Regent Porto Montenegro. What kind of identity Regent and Porto Mon tenegro bear as the business destination? Montenegro is very interesting business desti nation. However we believe that we succeed ed differentiating ourselves as the ideal car launch destination. Paralel to the great collaboration with the international MICE agencies, we take pride in the fact that our partners from the region and many other countries around the world have
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
i n t e r v i e w chosen us to host some of the most important confere nces and corporate events for their company and busi ness partners. With 230 corporate events behind us, we can conclude that we’ve had an exceptional year. Customised guest service is our trademark and we were thrilled to be recognised for this in this year’s Forbes Travel Guide – the only independent rating system for hotels, restaurants and spas globally – which scored our hotel highly for customer service. Even though that the service and the hotel facilities are rated, most of the standards – up to 75% refer to the service. Reasons for this are substantial guests’ expectations of the five star hotel; each detail counts as much as the content of a stay and visits of the cultural and natural attractions. We are proud of the progress we made as a system; we have welcomed numerous positive reactions of the guests which ultimately led to the positive business results especially in the Food and Beverage department. It is worth noting that last year we became part of IHG, a global hotel group with over 5,723 hotels worldwide. Integrating our systems, as well as the combination of ex perience within the reservation, sales and marketing systems has been our main goal to reach our target audience worldwide and in the region.
for creating great incentive trips and team buildings within the hotel and Porto Montenegro nautical village. Numerous facilities and activities are available to create the ideal package according to the needs of employees for team buildings and incentive trips. Sports such as tennis, sailing and SUP boarding are all available, as well as exploring the hinterland of Boka Kotorska, relaxing spa experiences, wine tasting, gour met workshops and competitive cooking workshops under the supervision of our experienced chef. I would like to highlight the expansive area of Porto Montenegro Arena which has extraordinary intelligent content thought through; activities such as archery, cricket, croquet, miniature golf and laser clay shooting are available as the interesting elements for the team building trips.
What business clients may expect from Regent hotel in the future? New offerings that we would like to high light are the numerous options available
RETROSPECTIVE In terms of business, what do you remember the past 10 years by? I am extremely grateful that I have testified to the development of the luxury hotel industry within the region and very proud of my humble contribution to the same. The period of 10 years I will remember after inspiring leaders that I have had honor working with, digitalization of business and number of agencies and tour operators I have worked with solely via internet and achieved extraordinary results. What has your business journey looked like since then? During my 14 years of career in hospitality, I have held various sales and marketing management roles within
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
international hotel chains. I joined Regent as Director of Sales and since 2018 I am honored to lead Sales and Marketing department at Regent Porto Montenegro. I have enjoyed each and single chapter of the business growth. What are you particularly proud of from the last decade? I am proud of each single step taken and every single resolved challenge. However the results make memo ries. I do belong to the generation that believes that teamwork and the satisfaction of each and single employee at workplace is important; only this kind of synergy can bring results at the personal and profess ional level and extraordinary results.
avio industrija
Poslovni putnici i avio putovanja
Od čega zavisi cena avio karte? Kada putujete na kraće destinacije, ponekad se može desiti da cena avio karte bude ista kao i trošak koji imate za gorivo i putarine. U ovom broju magazina smo odlučili da vam obja snimo na osnovu čega avio kompanije formiraju cene i usled kojih faktora one variraju i menjaju se. Da bismo došli do toga, prvo moramo razgraničiti šta je klasa, a šta tarifa. Značenje klase je svima manje više poznato – na letu postoji ekonomska (najjeftinija klasa), biznis (malo skuplja) i prva klasa (najskuplja). Naravno, nemaju sve avio kompanije mogućnost da putnike prevoze u prvoj klasi jer ona zahteva posebnu opremljenost, veličinu aviona i još puno drugih stvari, te su na komercijalnim letovima često u prodaji samo ekonomska i biznis. Na svakom letu postoji više tarifa unutar klase, bilo da je reč o najčešće korišćenoj ekonomskoj ili pak biznis ili prvoj klasi. Tako, na primer, ekonom ska klasa može imati i preko deset različitih tarifa. Svaka kompanija ima svoje oznake za pomenute tarife i one se označavaju slovima. Agenti koji rade prodaju avio karata, kroz sistem tačno vide koliko je mesta raspoloživo na letu po svakoj tarifi koja postoji.
Ono što je zanimljivo jeste da je nivo usluge u avionu za sve putnike koji putuju na istoj klasi identičan. Tako se može desiti da je na sedištu po red vas putnik koji je kartu platio duplo više ili čak i manje u odnosu na vašu. Iz marketinških razloga avio kompanije najčešće kreću sa prodajom me sta po najnižoj ceni, ali je po njoj dostupno samo nekoliko sedišta. Kako se približava datum leta, svako sledeće sedište je obično sve skuplje.
Veoma često se desi da radim danima možete kupiti avio kartu za manje novca. Rezervacija karte jedino garantuje mesto na letu, ali nikako i cenu. Avio kompanije svake noći u po noć obnavljaju tarife, a samim tim i cene, te može doći do promene u istoj. Najčešće, promene nema. Ali! Poskupljenja se mogu desiti usled mnogo okolnosti, poput poskupljenja goriva, promene kursa, isteka tarife itd. Samo trajanje rezervaci je upravo zavisi od tarifa unutar klasa i datuma putovanja.
U zavisnosti od avio kompanije, tarife se mogu razlikovati u smislu da niže mogu biti „restriktivnijeʺ od viših tarifa. To se pre svega odnosi na sledećih nekoliko najznačajnijih stavki: · Na uslove otkazivanja avio karte i povraćaja sredstava · Na uslove menjanja datuma putovanja · Na maksimalan period važenja avio karte · Na minimalnu dužinu ostanka na destinaciji · Na samo trajanje rezervacije pre kupovine
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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Nova usluga portala Kongresniturizam – avio karte za poslovne putnike Ukoliko vam je potrebna pomoć oko pronalaženja najboljih konekcija, vremena letova i cena, iskoristite novu uslugu portala Kongresniturizam. Naš avio sektor čine profesionalci koji će vam u najkraćem mogućem roku dostaviti ponudu. Upit možete poslati na avio@kongresniturizam. com ili kontaktirati naše agente na +381 11 40 99 343.
Slikovito rečeno, ako pravite rezervaciju za let koji treba da bude za šest meseci, vreme trajanja rezervacije će biti duže, nekada i nekoliko dana, ali ukoliko se radi o putovanju koje treba da se realizuje za dan ili dva, ona može biti validna čak i samo nekoliko sati.
Mnogi profesionalni „lovci“ na jeftine karte tvrde da je utorak najbolji dan za putovanje. Poslovni putnici čine veliki deo prometa u avio saobraćaju. Pogotovo oni koji lete na destinacije na kojima se zadržavaju dan ili dva. Zbog toga su u skorije vreme neke avio kompanije poput Air Ser bia-e, Lufthansa-e i Swiss Airline-a, uvele podtarfe koje putniku omogućavaju da putuje samo sa ručnim prtljagom i, ukoliko mu naknadno zatreba
SEEBusiness SEE BusinessTravel Travel & Meetings magazine & Meetings magazine · okt.|2019–feb. februar 2016 2020
čekirani prtljag ili neka dodatna usluga na letu po put biranja određenog sedišta, obroka, prioriteta ukrcavanja itd, iste može nakon same kupovine karte doplatiti. Ukoliko putnik misli da će mu čekirani prtljag ipak biti možda potreban, naš savet je da ga svakako
kupi odmah jer ukoliko to bude radio na licu mesta, na aerodromu, cena tog dodatog prtljaga može biti dosta skuplja. Kako svi volimo da vidimo sniženja i popuste, to je moguće i u avio industriji, u vidu promotivnih cena avio karata. Avio kompanije „otvoreʺ promotivne tarife unutar svojih klasa i daju određeni rok do kada se karte moraju kupiti, kao i za koji period putovanja promocija važi.
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Low cost kompanije nekada prodaju avio karte koje za određene destinacije koštaju ispod 10 EUR. Za određene periode u toku godine avionske karte za sve destinacije znatno su skuplje i ovo se pre svega odnosi na jul i avgust, kao i na termine od sredine decembra do sredine januara jer su to sezonski meseci. Tada je povećan broj putnika na letovima jer se tada ide na godišnje odmore i putuje za praznike. Samim tim, teže je i naći mesto na letu pa je naša preporuka da, ako znate da ćete tada putovati, što pre obezbedite sebi mesto. Dakle, kao što vidimo, letenje ne mora uvek biti skupo. Zato, sledeći put kada budete razmišljali da li na put ići automobilom, proverite prvo sa svojim agentom cenu avio karte i planirajte svoj put na vreme Avio sektor portala Kongresniturizam,
Jovana Ljuboja, Bojana Vučenović
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corporate travel
Air Travel Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive
What Makes Up the Price of Airplane Tickets? When traveling to closer destinations, sometimes the cost of the airplane ticket can be the same as the cost of fuel and tolls. This issue explains how and why airlines price tickets, which vary and change. To get to that, we must first define what’s class and what’s tariff. The meaning of class is more or less known to everyone – flights have economy (cheapest class), business (a little more expensive), and first class (the most expensive). Of course, not all airlines have the option to offer first class because it requ ires special amenities, airplane size, and many other things, and commercial flights often involve economy and business class only. Every flight has multiple tariffs within class, whe ther the most widely used economy or business or first class. For example, economy class can have even more than ten different tariffs. Every compa ny has its own codes for these tariffs and they are made up of letters. Corporate travel agents can see in the system exactly how many seats are available on the flight under each tariff.
the passenger sitting next to you paid twice as much or even less compared with you. For mar keting reasons, airlines usually start selling seats at the lowest price, but only with a few seats available. As the flight date approaches, each subsequent seat is usually more expensive.
Very often, on workdays tickets are available at lower prices. Booking the ticket only guarantees the seat on the flight, but not the price. Airlines renew their tariffs –and in turn prices – every day at midnight, which means they can change. Commonly, no chan ge takes place. However! Price increases can occur because of many things, like fuel price increase, exchange rate changes, tariff expiration, etc.
Depending on the airline, tariffs can vary in the sense that the lower can be “more restrictive” than higher tariffs. This applies above all to the following several important items: · Cancellation and refund rules · Rule for changing travel dates · Maximum validity period of the ticket · Minimum length of stay at the destination · Duration of the reservation before purchase What is interesting is that the level of service on the plane is identical for all passengers traveling in the same class. That is why it can happen that
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
The duration of the reservation itself depends on the tariffs within the classes and date of travel. To illustrate, if you book a ticket for a flight that should be in six months, the duration of the res ervation will be longer, sometimes several days,
t r a v e l
New service at Kongresniturizam.com: Airline tickets for business travellers If you need help finding the best connections, flight times, or prices, Kongresniturizam’s new service could do the trick. Our corporate travel department is made up of professionals who will send you all you need as soon as possible. You can send your inquiry to avio@kongresniturizam.com or contact our agents at +381 11 40 99 343.
but if the trip is supposed to take place in a day or two, it can even be valid just a few hours. Business travellers make up a large proportion of air travel. Especially those who fly to destinations where they stay for a day or two. That’s why
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c o r p o r a t e
Many professional cheap ticket hunters claim that Tuesday is the best day to travel. recently some airlines like Air Serbia, Lufthansa, and Swiss Airline introduced sub tariffs that allow passengers to travel only with their hand baggage and, if they subsequently need checked baggage or an extra service on the flight like choosing a specific seat, meal, boarding priorities, etc., they can pay for them after the ticket is purchased.
If a passenger thinks they might need the checked baggage, our advice is to buy it right away, because if they do it on the spot, at the airport, the cost of the extra baggage can be much more expensive. Everyone likes a discount and price reduction, whi ch means that this is also possible in the air travel industry, in the form of promotional ticket prices.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
c o r p o r a t e
t r a v e l
Airlines make their promotional class tariffs available and set a deadline by which the tickets must be bought and the travel period for which the promotion is valid. Over certain period of the year, tickets to all desti nations are much more expensive and this applies mainly to July and August, as well as to the dates
Low-cost companies sometimes sell airline tickets that cost under 10 EUR for certain destinations. from mid-December to mid-January, since they are seasonal months. The number of passengers on flights jumps because of vacations and holidays. This makes it more difficult to find a spot on the flight, so we advise you to secure your seat as soon as possible if you know that you will be traveling then. As we can see, flying doesn’t have to be expensive. The next time you’re thinking about going by car, first check the ticket price with your agent and plan your trip on time Kongresniturizam.com, Corporate Travel Department,
Jovana Ljuboja, Bojana Vucenovic
Novosadski sajam
Najstarija sajamska kuća u Srbiji Slobodan Cvetković
Pored priređivanja sajmova i izložbi, Novosadski sajam organizuje kongrese i stru čne skupove, kao i različite manifestacije u saradnji sa inovativnim kompanijama, udruženjima i pojedincima. Njegov doprinos i značaj razvoju privrede Srbije meri se uspesima izlagača koje ostvaruju pod ovim krovom. O svemu ovom, razgova rali smo sa Generalnim direktorom ove najstarije sajamske kuće u Srbiji, gospodinom Slobodanom Cvetkovićem. Koje su to trajne vrednosti koje se kroz postojanje Novosadskog sajma neguju te obezbeđuju tradiciju dugu gotovo ceo vek? U tradiciji imamo čvrste temelje za budućnost – pre 96 godina ideja osnivača Sajma bila je da se stvori institucija koja će prvenstveno objedinjavati potrebe tadašnjih poljoprivrednika, a kasnije i dela privrede koji se bavio lakom industrijskom proizvodnjom. Poljoprivredni sajam je i danas naša najveća i najznačajnija prired ba, a ove godine održan je 96. put. Teško je nabrojati i sve događaje koji nisu klasično sajamski, a čine važan deo tradicije naše kuće. Pred nama je odgovoran zadatak da, poštujući tradiciju u godina ma koje dolaze, Sajam i dalje prilagođavamo svetskim i domaćim ekonomskim trendovima i obezbedimo što bolje uslove za nastupe izlagača, te tako podstaknemo njihov razvoj i istovremeno postig nemo dobar poslovni rezultat Sajma.
Poljoprivredni sajam
Koliko su sajmovi kao manifestacije važni za uspostavljanje privredne saradnje i privrednih partnerstava? Naši sajmovi su mnogo više od priredbi. Modernim konceptom oni podstiču međudržavnu i privrednu saradnju, integrišu unapređenje znanja, proizvodnje i razvoj nauke. Uz to, promovišu značaj inovacija
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i n d u s t r i j a i predstavljaju sintezu iskustva i dostignuća u srpskoj privredi. Međunarodne manifestacije koje priređujemo su i mesto susreta istoka i zapada i privrede, i politike, i diplomatije, ali i stručne publike i nauke. Možete li nam reći nešto o najvažnijim proteklim i planiranim investicijama Novosadskog sajma? Novosadski sajam, da bi ostao konkurentan, mora kontinuirano da investira u stalnu imovinu kompanije. Najznačajnija ulaganja su u revitalizaciju sajamskih hala i opremu, radi funkcionalnijeg i lakšeg sajamskog i vansajamskog zakupa. Investirano je u unapređenje sistema za upravljanje i nadzor, bežični internet, opremu za Kongresni centar, računarsku opremu i druge sisteme koji obezbeđuju konkurentnost u uslovima savremenog poslovanja. Priznanja koja Novosadski sajam dodeljuje kao potvrdu kvaliteta
Kako usko stručni skupovi prerastaju u manifestacije i koliki je doprinos razvoju tradicionalnih sajamskih manifestacija? Početkom 2000-te godine počeli su da se razvijaju sajmovi „četvrte generacije“. To je podrazumevalo neophodno obogaćivanje ponude specijalizovanim aktivnostima, uz neizostavne edukacije, konferenci je i stručne skupove. Novosadski sajam, iz tog razloga, gradi Kongresni centar Master. Poslovni ljudi nemaju vremena i mora im se omogućiti da poslove obavljaju na jednom mestu gde će imati obezbeđene sve uslove. To su bile osnove sajmova „četvrte generacije“. Otvaranjem Kongresnog centra, komparativna prednost Novosad skog sajma je jedan od najprestižnijih i najmodernijih kongresnih prostora u ovom delu Evrope. Kapaciteti u vansajamskim terminima ispunjeni su događajima koji okupljaju eksperte, privrednike, naučnike u najrazličitijim oblastima. Neki od tih skupova, uz predavanja i edukacije, kao dodatni segment, vremenom razviju i praktične prikaze. To je jedan od načina na koji skupovi evoluiraju u manifestacije. Novosadski sajam je član brojnih međunarodnih asocijacija. Koje su među njima najznačajnije i na koji način članstvo u njima pomaže rast međunarodne reputacije sajma? Novosadski sajam je član Međunarodne asocijacije sajamske indu strije (UFI), Centralnoevropske sajamske alijanse (CEFA), Udruženja evropskih poljoprivrednih sajmova (EURASCO) i Međunarodne kongresne asocijacije (ICCA). Članstva u tim udruženjima doprinose razmeni iskustava, umrežava nju i praćenju savremenih trendova. Da Novosadski sajam nije samo formalni član tih udruženja i asocijacija, pokazuje i činjenica da je bio domaćin Skupštine Centralnoevropske sajamske alijanse koja okuplja 18 sajmova iz 12 zemalja, kao i Skupštine Udruženja evrop skih poljoprivrednih sajmova, koja je održana na jubilarnom 80. međunarodnom poljoprivrednom sajmu, a na kojoj su učestvovali predstavnici 26 poljoprivrednih sajmova iz 21 zemlje. Novosadski sajam ima značajnu proaktivnu ulogu i u regionu koja je u potpu nosti u skladu sa misijom Centralnoevropske sajamske alijanse.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Kongresni centar Master Novosadskog sajma
Novi Sad kao kongresna destinacija Andrea Knezy
Kongresni Centar Master postoji 13 godina, broji preko 2.500 referenci i ima 300 aktivnih dana u godini. Andrea Knezy, Izvršni direktor za kongresne aktivnosti i Član Izvr šnog odbora odgovorila je na pitanja koja su vezana za Kongresni centar Master i Novi Sad kao destinaciju. Kongresni centar Master uživa podršku državnih institucija kako bi se Novi Sad prikazao kao jedinstvena kongresna destinacija. U čemu se ta saradnja ogleda? Kongresni centar Master predstavlja ključnu instituciju koja se bavi privlačenjem i organizovanjem nacionalnih i međunarodnih profesi onalnih i poslovnih skupova u Novom Sadu. Sarađujemo sa brojnim Republičkim institucijama, Vladom Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, Gradom Novim Sadom, Kongresnim biroom Srbije, koji kroz svoju logističku, institucionalnu i finansijsku platformu, podržavaju naučne i poslovne asocijacije, kompanije i korporacije koje svoje skupove održavaju na Novosadskom sajmu. Sinergijom svih relevantnih aktera u procesu podnošenja kandidature za domaćina međuna rodnog skupa, prezentujemo snagu jedinstva destinacije i struke u datoj oblasti. Tada naš grad postaje, ne samo međunarodni centar u kojem se razmenjuju najnovija znanja i dostignuća u pojedinim profesijama i naukama, nego se kreira unapređenje ambijenta po slovanja, međunarodna prepoznatljivost i poslovna perspektiva na svetskoj sceni.
Multifunkcionalna Aula Novosadskog sajma
Ova godina je posebno važna za Novi Sad – izabran je za Omla dinsku prestonicu Evrope 2019, a 2021. godine biće i Evropska prestonica kulture. Šta to konkretno znači za ovaj grad? Strateško opredeljenje Kongresnog centra Master jeste podrška, kreiranje i učešće u programima koji će promovisati grad kao mesto
Prostor za sajmove, koncerte i korporativne skupove
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
i n d u s t r i j a za mlade, preduzetne i kreativne ljude iz Srbije i čitave Evrope, kao i mesto gde mogu da započnu ili nastave svoj biznis, da okupe sve koji će svoje usluge i ideje da ponude na međunarodnom tržištu. To podrazumeva da u narednom periodu Grad Novi Sad treba da bude domaćin čitavog niza konferencija, seminara, poslovnih skupova, koji će stvoriti dinamič no okruženje i priliku za promovisanje Novog Sada u ključnim sektorima. Novi Sad je prepoznat i kao destinacija za organizaci ju međunarodnih skupova i stručnih poslovnih deša vanja. Sledeće godine u Kongresnom Centru Master biće organizovana dva međunarodna kongresa koja će brojati preko 1.000 učesnika. O kojim se kongresi ma radi? Osnovni naš zadatak jeste da u saradnji sa kongresnom industrijom i vodećim profesorima, naučnicima i dok torima koji su aktivni članovi međunarodnih asocijaci ja, podnesemo kandidaturu za domaćina značajnih svetskih kongresa. Aktivnosti su usmerene na asocijacije koje su sposob ne da privuku međunarodne kongrese i poslovne do gađaje. Upravo ovakve strateške aktivnosti su dovele do toga da je u Kongresnom centru Master do sada realizovano preko 2.500 događaja, a da smo sledeće
godine domaćini dva svetska kongresa sa preko 1.000 učesnika. Nosilac titule dvostrukog svetskog šampiona za organizaciju kongresa 20th International Sunflower conference 2020 i World Soybean Research Conference XI jeste dugogodišnji partner kongresnog centra, Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Kako vidite tradicionalne sajamske manifestacije u budućnosti? Zbivanja i trendovi lokalnih i globalnih kretanja doveli su do novih tendencija smanjenja dana trajanja sajmo va i megalomanskih promocija, dok je snaga usmerena na ciljanu poslovnu grupu, unapred spremnu platfor mu ugovaranja poslova i prodaje ideja, usluga i proiz voda. Pored niza aktivnosti koje se realizuju u pravcu pojača ne ciljane promocije u javnosti, poboljšane unutrašnje pozicioniranosti, savremenog brendiranja događaja, strategije koncepcije izlaganja i učestvovanja, kao naj značajniji segment nameću se stručni skupovi, semi nar, edukacije i radionice. Događaji iz oblasti poljoprivrede, medicine i IT indus trije, sigurno će i u narednom periodu zadržati primat u kalendaru aktivnosti Kongresnog centra. Milica Novak
RETROSPEKTIVA Po čemu, u poslovnom smislu, pamtite proteklih 10 godina? Pamtim po izazovima koji su stavljeni pred menadž ment Novosadskog sajma, gde sam se kao Izvršni direktor susrela sa nizom poslovnih odluka i obaveza. Višegodišnje iskustvo je doprinelo profesionalnom sazrevanju, ličnom i stručnom usavršavanju, mnogobrojnim uspostavljenim kontaktima, novostečenom znanju u različitim oblastima od strane saradnika i klijenata tokom ugovaranja događaja. Ipak, najsvetliji momenat u prethodnih deset godina jeste timski rad u Sektoru kongresnih aktivnosti i uspešan rezultat poslovanja, koji je iz takvog odnosa proistekao. Kako je izgledao vaš poslovni put od tada do sada? Mogu slobodno da kažem da živim svoj posao i radim u industriji u kojoj sam oduvek želela da se nađem... Moglo bi se reći da me je prirodan i profesionalan sled aktivnosti doveo 2013. godine na poziciju Izvršnog
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
direktora Kongresnog centra Master Novosadskog sajma. Sećam se da sam, kada je osnovan Kongresni biro Srbije, bila jako srećna i ponosna što prezentujem Kongresni biro Novog Sada, i zastupam sve relevantne subjekte u kongresnoj industriji grada. Na šta ste posebno ponosni u prethodnoj deceniji? Ponosna sam na nagradu SEEbtm Awards koju smo osvojili kao najbolji kongresni centar u regionu – Best Congress Venue 2018, za koju su glasali naši saradnici, klijenti, poslovni partneri. Ponosna sam na naše klijente koji su rasli u organizaciji svojih događaja, na njihovu podršku koja je rezultirala povećanom broju događaja na godišnjem nivou u kongresnom centru, na sve stečene kontakte i znanja, na tim kongresnog centra koji je tokom godina sazrevao zajedno sa mnom. Retko imate priliku da većinu stari koje vidite/čujete/ pročitate u svom radu, sa svojim timom u kompaniji i probate, a meni je to moj posao omogućio.
Novi Sad Fair
The Oldest Trade Show Venue in Serbia Slobodan Cvetkovic
In addition to organizing trade shows and exhibitions, the Novi Sad Fair plays host to conventions and professional events, as well as different events in partnership with innovative companies, organizations, and individuals. Its contribution and importance for the Serbian economy’s devel opment is measured by the results that the exhibitors achieve at the venue. We talked about all this with the General Manager of Serbia’s oldest trade show venue, Mr. Slobodan Cvetkovic. What are the values that the Novi Sad Fair nurtures that keep its nearly a century long tradition?
Collective National Exhibition
Out tradition serves as a solid foundation for the future – 96 years ago, the Fair’s founders had the idea to create an institution that would, above all, incorporate the needs of the farmers, and later on also the economy segment working in light industrial production. The Agricultural Fair remains our largest and most important event to this day, and this year it took place for the 96th time. It’s hard to list all the events that are not trade shows in the strictest terms and that make up an important part of our venue’s tradition. We have a resp onsibility to uphold the tradition in the years to come and keep the Fair in line with global and local economic trends and ensure the best possible conditions for our exhibitors, in turn encouraging their growth and at the same time achieving good business results for the Fair. How important are trade shows as events for establishing business partnerships and collaborations?
Contemporary Exhibition Space
Our trade shows are much more than that. Their modern concepts promote cooperation between countries and economies and integ rate improvements of skills, production, and science development. In addition, they promote the importance of innovation and repre
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
i n d u s t r y sent a synthesis of experience and achievements in the Serbian economy. The international events we host are also the meeting place of the East and the West, the economy, politics, and diplo macy, as well as professional audiences and science. Can you tell us about the Novi Sad Fair’s most important past and planned investments? In order to remain competitive, the Novi Sad Fair must continue to invest in the company’s fixed assets. The most significant invest ments include the renovations of halls and equipment, targeting more functional and easier trade show and other rentals. We inve sted in upgrading the management and CCTV systems, Wi-Fi, con vention center equipment, computer equipment, and other systems that ensure competitiveness in the modern business environment. How are specialist meetings growing into events and how much do they contribute to the development of traditional trade show events?
Balkan’s Largest Exhibition of Mechanization
In the early 2000, ʺfourth generationʺ trade shows started to emerge. This involved the necessary expansions of offerings with specialized activities — trainings, conferences, and professional events. For this reason, the Novi Sad Fair is building Congress Cen ter Master. Business people have little time and they need to be provided with a single place where they can do everything under the required conditions. Those were the building blocks of ʺfourth generationʺ trade shows. With the opening of the Congress Center, the Novi Sad Fair’s comparative advantage becomes one of the most prestigious and modern convention venues in this part of Europe. Our non-trade show time slots are filled with events that bring together experts, business people, and scientists coming from a wide variety of fields. Some of these events, along with talks and educations, as an additional segment, also develop practical pres entations over time. That is one of the ways for meetings to evolve into bigger events. The Novi Sad Fair is a member of many international associations. What are the most significant among them, and how does mem bership help the fair’s international reputation? The Novi Sad Fair is a member of the Global Association of the Exhi bition Industry (UFI), Central European Fair Alliance (CEFA), European Federation of Agricultural Exhibition and Show Organisers (EURASCO), and International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). Mem berships in these organizations contribute to sharing experiences, net working, and monitoring the latest trends. The fact that the Novi Sad Fair is not merely a formal member in these organizations is reflected in the Fair hosting the General Assembly of the Central European Fair Alliance, which brings together 18 venues from 12 countries, as well as the General Assembly of the European Federation of Agricultural Exhibitions and Show Organisers, which took place at the milestone 80th International Agricultural Fair, attended by representatives of 26 agricultural trade shows from 21 countries. The Novi Sad Fair also plays a key proactive role in the region that is fully in alignment with the mission of the Central European Fair Alliance.
‘’Prance’’, a Symbol of the Novi Sad Fair
Novi Sad Fair, a Place Where You Gain an Advantage
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Congress Center Master of the Novi Sad Fair
Novi Sad as a MICE Destination Andrea Knezy
The Congress Center Master is 13 years old, with more than 2,500 references and 300 days of activity a year. Executive Manager for MICE activities and Member of the Execu tive Board, Andrea Knezy, answered questions about the Congress Center Master and Novi Sad as a destination. Congress Center Master is supported by state institutions in an effort to present Novi Sad as one-of-a-kind MICE destination. What does this partnership include?
Prestigious International Conferences
The Congress Center Master is a key institution working to attract and organize national and international professional and business meetings in Novi Sad. We work with a number of national institu tions, the Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the City of Novi Sad, the Serbia Convention Bureau, whose logis tical, institutional, and financial platforms support scientific and business associations, companies, and corporations that hold their meetings at the Novi Sad Fair. Using the synergy of all relevant stakeholders in the process of applying for hosting international events, we are showcasing the strength of the destination’s uniq ueness and the profession in the given field. Then our city not only becomes an international center where the latest developments and achievements in different professions and sciences are shared, but also it enhances the business environment, international visibi lity, and business prospects on the global stage. This year is especially important for Novi Sad – the city was voted the European Youth Capital in 2019, and in 2021 it will also be the Euro pean Capital of Culture. What exactly does that mean for the city?
From Idea to Realization
Our strategic focus involves supporting, creating, and participat ing in programs that promote the city as a destination for young,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
enterprising, and creative people from Serbia and across Europe, as well as a place where they can start or continue running their businesses and bring together anyone who wants to offer their services and ideas on the global market. That means that in the coming period the City of Novi Sad is set to host a whole series of conferences, semi nars, and business meetings that will create a dynamic environment and an opportunity to promote Novi Sad in key sectors. Novi Sad is also recognized as a destination for orga nizing international conferences and professional business events. Next year, Master Congress Center Master will be hosting two international conventions with more than 1,000 participants. What are these conventions? Our main task is to partner up with the MICE industry and leading professors, scientists, and doctors who are active members of international associations and apply to host important global conventions. Our activities are targeting associations that are ca pable of appealing to international conventions and business events. Those very strategic activities have led to more than 2,500 events taking place at the Congress Center Master so far, and next year we will
be hosting two global conventions with more than 1,000 participants. The convention center’s long-time partner is Novi Sad’s Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, a two-time world champion having earned the title for 20th International Sunflower Conference 2020 and World Soybean Research Conference XI. What do you think will traditional trade show events look like in the future? Local and global trends and developments have bro ught about new leanings towards cutting down the number of days and grandiose promotions, while the focus is shifting towards the target business audience, ready-made platforms for closing deals and selling ide as, services, and products. In addition to a slew of activities geared towards im proved targeted publicity, better internal positioning, modern event branding, and strategies for exhibiting and participating concepts, the segment coming to the fore as the most important includes professional events, seminars, trainings, and workshops. Events centered around agriculture, medicine, and IT will surely remain a priority in the Convention Center’s calendar in the coming period.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n d u s t r y
Milica Novak
RETROSPECTIVE In terms of business, what do you remember the past 10 years by? The challenges that the Novi Sad Fair’s management faced, wherein as the executive director I encountered a series of business decisions and responsibilities. My years of experience contributed to professional growth, personal and professional development, numerous new contacts, new skills in different fields acquired by coworkers and clients while agreeing ev ents. However, the most memorable moments in the last ten years were the teamwork in the MICE Activity Department and the excellent business results brought forth by the combined efforts. What has your business journey looked like since then? I can freely say that I live my work and I work in an industry that I’ve always wanted to become part of... It was quite natural that my professional track record led me to the role of Executive Director at the Master
Congress Center. When the Serbian Convention Bureau was launched, I remember I was very happy and proud to be presenting the Novi Sad Convention Bureau and representing all relevant entities in the city’s MICE industry. What are you particularly proud of from the last decade? I am proud of the SEEbtm Award we won as the regi on’s best convention center – Best Convention Venue 2018 – thanks to votes from our associates, clients, and business partners. I’m proud of our clients for getting better in planning their events, their support leading to an increased number of events annually at the convention center, all newly acquired contacts and skills, and the convention center’s team, which has been growing together with me over the years. People rarely have the opportunity to try out most things they see, hear, or read about with their com pany teams, and my job made this possible for me.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Hotel Constantine the Great, Beograd
Poslovni luksuz u centru grada Hotel Constantine the Great je poverenje gostiju zadobio jedinstvenim koncep tom koji ujedinjuje očekivanja poslovnih gostiju, kao i onih koji u Beograd dola ze da bi uživali u njegovim posebnostima. Kako spojiti poslovne aktivnosti, odmor i istinski hedonizam? Hotel Constantine the Great pruža jedinstven odgovor. Ušuskan u centru grada, nadomak centralnih ulica koje čine istorijsko jezgro Beograda, Hotel Constantine the Great od 2014. godine dočekuje svoje goste ispunjavajući njihova očekivanja. Koncept hotela osmišljen je po meri poslovne elite, kao i svih zaljublje nika u luksuz i komfor. Hotel raspolaže sa 54 luksuzno opremljene sobe, koje odišu sofisticiranom elegancijom. Sa kategorijom od četiri zvezdice, Hotel Constantine the Great pruža savršenu polaznu tačku, kako za poslovnog gosta, tako i za one koji bi da se upuste u upoznavanje i uživanje u Beogradu. Zahvaljujući visokim standardima usluge, ljubaznom osoblju i ugodnom ambijentu gosti ovog hotela su u prilici da dožive jedno kompletno, puno iskustvo boravka u prestonici Srbije. Hotel raspolaže konferencijskom salom sa kapacitetom do 80 osoba, koja sa pratećom, superiornom tehnikom i sopstvenom ugostiteljskom uslugom odgovara najraznovrsnijim poslovnim povodima – konferenci jama, sastancima, profesionalnim obukama i seminarima. Sopstveni parking i izuzetna lokacija su prednosti, koje znatno olakšavaju funkcionisanje posetiocima i obavljanje planiranih obaveza. Hedonistički koncept hotela Constantine the Great nezamisliv je bez res torana Edict u kojem se služe specijaliteti nacionalne i internacionalne kuhinje. Na taj način zaokružen je koncept po meri gostiju različitih afini teta, potreba i generacija. Hotel Constantine the Great pruža iskustvo u skladu sa svetskim standardima!
Business Luxury in City Center Hotel Constantine the Great has gained the trust of his guests by its unique con cept, uniting expectations of the business world and those who are visiting Bel grade to enjoy its beauty and uniqueness. How to bring together professional activities, pleasure and true hedo nism? Hotel Constantine the Great provides a unique answer. Tucked away in the city center, within the main streets of the historical core of Belgrade, from 2014 Hotel Constantine the Great welcomes its guests by meeting their expectations. The concept of the hotel has been designed to satisfy the needs of the business elite, but also for those who cherish the love towards luxury and comfort. Hotel is offering 54 luxury rooms filled with sophisticated elegance. With the classification of a 4-star hotel, Hotel Constantine the Great pro vides a perfect starting point for business guests just as for those who those who would like to get to know and enjoy Belgrade. Due to high standard service, polite staff and cozy accommodation, visitors have the chance to experience fulfilled stay in the capital of Serbia. The hotel has a conference room with the capacity of up to 80 people, which accompanying modern technology and its own catering, suits the most diverse business occasions – conferences, meetings, professional training, and seminars. Hotels own parking lot and exceptional location are advantages that significantly facilitate the visits of guests, as well as the fulfillment of planned obligations. The hedonist concept of Hotel Constantine the Great is inconceivable without The Edict restaurant, serving specialties of national and inter national cuisine. In that manner, the concept suits the needs of guests of different affinities, needs, and generations. Hotel Constantine the Great raises Belgrade’s experience to the standards of the world!
Hotel Constantine the Great, Belgrade
industrija Top of the Hub – recept za savršen događaj!
Globalni trendovi sa najboljim pogledom na Beograd Sigurno ste nekada imali prilike da prisustvujete „događaju na vrhu Beograda“. Da, ovo je postao sinonim za Top of the Hub – prostor sa pogledom na ceo grad. Petar Međedović, Generalni direktor, zajedno sa svo jim timom neprestano radi na usavršavanju i unapre đenju ponude. A evo kako je sve počelo pre skoro 10 godina... Zbog čega je Top of the Hub postao nezaobilazan prostor za organizaciju događaja? Prepoznali smo potencijal prostora na poslednjem spratu najsavremenije poslovne zgrade u regionu – Ušće Tower-a i znali smo da on mora da postane ono
što je danas. Činjenica je da je Top of the Hub mesto kojem najkreativnije, najuspešnije i najperspektivnije kompanije u regionu poklanjaju poverenje za organiza ciju svojih korporativnih događaja. Dodatno smatramo velikim uspehom što su te kompanije naši stalni klijenti. U samom startu, vizija je bila jasna – napraviti multifunkcionalni event centar za organizaciju različi tih tipova korporativnih i ostalih događaja. Prednosti prostora su brojne, a ključnim smatram lokaciju, pogled i obezbeđen parking za sve goste. Uz to, naš prodajni tim uspeva da svaki prateći segment i dodatni sadržaj „spakuje“ u jedinstvenu celinu. Nije tajna da iza svakog uspeha stoji ozbiljan rad. Dodao bih – i ozbiljan proizvod. Smatram da ne postoji pro stor koji može ponoviti ovakav rezul tat (ako izuzmemo hotelsku ponudu). Za naš uspeh, zahvalni smo i Ušće Tower-u, pre svega, na ukazanom poverenju. Sledeća godina je posebno važna za Top of the Hub jer proslavljate čitavu deceniju postojanja. Za to vreme, organizovali ste veliki broj najrazli čitijih događaja. Ima li neki koji posebno pamtite?
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Top of the Hub-u je u proteklih devet godina preko 500 korporativnih klijenata ukazalo poverenje. Lista onih koje smo mi izdvojili nalazi se na stranici „Refe renceʺ na našem sajtu (www.topofthehub.rs). Pamtim veliki broj događaja, od onih kojima su prisustvovali najviši državni funkcioneri, ambasadori i najistaknutiji biznismeni, pa do događaja organizovanih za firme koje su mlade i u samom početku razvoja. Ako moram da istaknem jedan događaj, biram proslavu trećeg rođendana Nordeusa, još davne 2013. godine. Želim svakom našem budućem klijentu da ide Nordeusovim stopama, preko Top of the Hub-a.
realizaciji, od koncepta samog događaja, preko deko racije do kompletne ugostiteljske usluge. Iako je kroz naš prostor prošao veliki broj klijenata, trudimo se da uvek formiramo originalnu celinu, a da klijentima i go stima omogućimo jedinstven i nezaboravan doživljaj. Kojom se poslovnom filozofijom vodite?
Od početka konstantno usavršavamo i unapređujemo proizvod i usluge, stoga imamo plan da već početkom naredne godine kompletno reno viramo prostor. Napredak vidim u implemen taciji globalnih trendova na lokalnom nivou. Naša poslovna filozofija je Pružiti maksimalan kvalitet i komfor klijentu uz najmanji mogući nivo stresa. Uvek Šta za vas predstavlja poseban pružamo najkvalitetniju uslugu jer izazov u organizaciji događaja? Petar Međedović smatramo da je najbolja reklama za nas uspešna organizacija događaja koji Organizacija događaja je vrlo odgovoran su nam povereni. Ovo je sigurno i razlog što i kompleksan posao koji zahteva apsolutnu postoje mnoge kompanije koje nam se iz godine u posvećenost klijentu. Ono što nama predstavlja najveći izazov je kreiranje adekvatne i originalne ideje. godinu vraćaju. Za ovih skoro 10 godina postojanja, ostvarili smo izuzetan uspeh u domenu našeg poslova Svakodnevno smo u situaciji da nam klijent prilikom nja i trudićemo se da i u narednim godinama svojim razgledanja prostora objasni o kakvom događaju je zalaganjem opravdamo poverenje klijenata. reč i da od nas očekuje pomoć u pronalasku idealnog rešenja za scenario događaja. Mi osmišljavamo svaki Mirjana Jokić segment u saradnji sa klijentom i učestvujemo u samoj
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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industry Top of the Hub – the Recipe for Perfect Event!
Global Trends with the Best View in Belgrade You must have had an opportunity to attend an “event at the top of Belgrade” some time. Yes, this has become synonymous with Top of the Hub – a venue overlooking the entire city. General Manager Petar Medjedovic, together with his team, is constantly working on improving and perfect ing the offering. And here’s how it all started almost a decade ago... What made Top of the Hub a must for hosting events? We recognized the potential of the space on the top floor of the most modern office building in the region – Usce Tower – and knew that it had to become what it is
today. The fact is that Top of the Hub is a venue trusted by the most promising and creative companies in the region when it comes to event organization. In addition to this, we think our big success is that these companies are our clients. At the very start, the vision was clear – creating a multifunctional event center for hosting diffe rent types of corporate and other events. The venue’s advantages are many, and the key is the location, view, and parking for all guests. In addition, our sales team manages to pack every supporting segment and additi onal content into a single whole. It’s no secret that seri ous work is the key to success. I would also add serious products. I think that no space can repeat this result (exclu ding the hotel offering). We are also grateful for our success to Usce Tower, above all for the trust it has given us. Next year is especially important for Top of the Hub since you’ll be celebrating a full decade of exist ence. During this time, you have hosted numerous different events. Are there any that you particularly remember?
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
i n d u s t r y Over the past nine years, Top of the Hub has been trus ted by more than 500 corporate clients. The list of those we single out is on the References page on our website (www.topofthehub.rs). I remember many events, from those attended by top government officials, ambassadors, and prominent businessmen to events hosted for companies that are only emerging and at the very start of their growth. If I have to single out one event, I would pick Nordeus’ third birth day party, back in 2013. I want for each of our future clients to follow in Nordeus’ footsteps, via Top of the Hub.
event concept itself and the decoration to the full catering service. Although a large number of clients have passed through our venue, we strive to always form an original whole and provide our clients and guests with a unique and unforgettable experience. What is your business philosophy?
Since the beginning we have been con stantly improving and perfecting our products and services, so we have a plan to completely renovate the venue as early as next year. I see progress in implementing global trends locally. Our business philosophy is to provide maximum quality and What do you find particularly convenience to the client with the least stress possible. challenging in event planning? We always provide the highest Petar Medjedovic Event management is a very respon quality service because we believe that the best advertisement for us are the sible and complex work that requires successful events entrusted to us. This is surely absolute commitment to the client. also the reason why there are many companies that Our greatest challenge is creating an adequate and come back to us year after year. During these almost original idea. Every day we find ourselves in the situ ten years, we have achieved tremendous success in ation where the client looks around the venue and our field and we will strive to justify our clients’ trust explains what the event is about, expecting us to help in the years to come. find the ideal solution for the event scenario. We design each segment in collaboration with the Mirjana Jokic client and take part in the execution itself – from the
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
10 godina je prošlo kao tren
Najbolje od SEEbtm magazina Protekle deceije, u SEEbtm magazinu, trudili smo se da za vas izaberemo najinteresantnije teme koje se tiču kongresne industrije i event menadženta. Teme broja koje smo pažljivo osmišljavali, razrađivali i kroz tekstove prikazivali, pokazale su se kao interesan tne, korisne i važne za sve koje su uključeni u ovu, veoma dinamičnu, industriju. Vodili smo se time da postoji puno stvari koje su nedostupne našem tržištu, a tako ne mora biti, bilo je puno pitanja na koja nije bilo odgo vora, a na koja smo se potrudili da odgovorimo, neke stvari nisu nikada probane u praksi, a mi smo ih razradili. Trudili smo se da donesemo i prenesemo nove trendove u organizaciji događaja u region Jugoistočne Evrope. Da mogućnosti prilagodimo prilikama koje su karakteristične za ovo područje i proširimo vidike. Naša istraži vanja u svakom broju pokazuju jasnu, preciznu, i pre svega, istinitu sliku svake teme koju obrađuju. Na to smo posebno ponosni. I naravno, ponosni smo na svaku pohvalu i sugestiju ljudi koji nas čitaju. Jer vredimo onoliko koliko smo perci pirani kao relevantan centar znanja od strane onih koji se ovim poslom bave. Naša želja je da olakšamo posao i pomognemo postojećim event profesionalcima, ali i onima koji će to postati. Za vas smo, u ovom jubilarnom izdanju, izabrali nekoliko tekstova koji su bili najčitaniji i napravili retrospektivu. Uživajte!
Sastavljanje zahteva za ponudu
DOBRIM UPITOM DO USPEŠNOG DOGAĐAJA Kvalitet ponuda koji dobijamo je direktno povezan sa kvalitetom upita koji šaljemo. Ako ne kažemo dobav ljačima tačno šta nam je potrebno i šta želimo, oni ne mogu da izađu u susret našim očekivanjima.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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Oko gore navedenog, slažu se svi menadžeri i direk tori prodaje u hotelima, event prostorima i agenci jama u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope koji su učestvo vali u istraživanju koje je SEEbtm magazin sproveo u drugoj polovini 2012. godine. Cilj istraživanja je
da istaknemo šta je najbitnije prilikom sastavljanja i prosleđivanja upita hotelima i agencijama, kao i na šta organizatori treba najviše da obrate pažnju prilikom sastavljanja istog, kako bi uzajamna komu nikacija tekla lakše, brže i sa manje nesporazuma.
Elementi dobrog upita
i precizno formulisan upit, sudeći po odgovorima onih koji primaju te upite.
· Navesti šta vam je sve potrebno · Opisati svrhu i ciljeve događaja · Rangirati zahteve po važnosti. Koji su zahtevi koji moraju da se ispune, a koje bi bilo lepo dodatno obezbediti? · Zahtevi moraju biti merljivi. „Konferencijska sala treba da bude adekvatna” – ne govori puno o tome kakva sala je potrebna · Kako će se vršiti evaluacija dobijenih ponuda? Izlistati po važnosti faktore, kao što su cena, loka cija, sadržaji objekta, raspoloživi datumi i sl. · Izvršiti početnu selekciju ponuđača, a zatim samo kvalifikovanim poslati upit Čak 95% ponuđača usluga u kongresnom turizmu dobija upite putem email-a, dok ostali upite do bijaju telefonskim putem ili usmeno, na sastanku. Nakon toga, upit se šalje i elektronskim putem. Svaki upit na kraju treba da stigne u pismenoj formi, na mail. Organizatori koji rade događaje u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope (njih 60%) šalju jasno
40% zahteva za ponudu nije dovoljno jasno i detaljno. PCO agencijama češće stižu nepotpuni upiti nego hotelima, mada je opšti utisak da stalni i višegodišnji klijenti, kao i oni koji imaju više iskustva u organizaciji, šalju precizno formulisane upite. Organizatori uglav nom pravovremeno šalju upite hotelima i agencijama, nekada čak i ranije nego što ima potrebe. Ipak, u poslednje vreme se za manje događaje primećuje sve više „last minute” upita, što može da rezultira odbijanjem zbog popunjenosti kapaciteta. Za velike kongrese upiti stižu uvek na vreme.
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U slučaju prevodilačkih usluga i tehničke opreme, zahtevi za ponudu se često traže u veoma kratkim ro kovima, što može da utiče na povećanje cene usluga
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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ili da ista ne može da bude izvršena. Mali broj klijena ta ima zahteve vezane za CSR (društveno odgovorno poslovanje) i ne traži izveštaje o društveno odgovor nom poslovanju hotela/kongresnog centra. Ako takvi zahtevi i postoje, u pitanju su nevladine organizacije i kompanije koje posluju na globalnom nivou.
Dobar zahtev za ponudu utiče na uspešnost samog događaja Ono što se najviše izdvaja u sprovedenom istraži vanju, jeste veliki uticaj jasnog i preciznog upita, sa svim detaljima, na brzinu odgovora, odnosno davanje ponude. Dobra ponuda zavisi od tačnosti zahteva i što više navedenih detalja. Bez tih „ula znih“ informacija gotovo da je nemoguće napraviti kvalitetnu ponudu.
Dobro formulisan upit je veoma bitan kako bi se na isti dobio precizan odgovor sa preciznom cenom. Kada to nije slučaj, dosta vremena se gubi na dobijanje tih istih informacija i preciziranje potrebnih detalja.
Recimo, traži se ponuda za 150 ljudi u dve konfe rencijske sale, 2 kafe pauze i ručak. Na kraju bude 80 ljudi u jednoj sali, sa jednom kafe pauzom, bez ručka, ali sa lanč paketima i dodatnim aktivnosti ma, među kojima treba da bude i paraglajding.
Dobar i kvalitetan upit može ubrzati proces sastavljanja ponude za 80%. Izmene i dopune zahteva za ponudu mogu da budu problem ukoliko se dese u poslednji čas, pa se ispostavi da bukirani hotel nema sadržaje koji su u stvari potrebni ili da je sama lokacija neodgovarajuća ili nešto slično, što ceo proces može da vrati na početak, a vreme za pripremu događaja je pri kraju. Sve je to deo problematike organizacije događaja, a hoteli i agencije treba da imaju i savetodavnu ulogu i pomognu svojim predlozima i sugestijama, ali je svakako bolje da nesporazuma i grešaka u zahtevima ima što manje, kako bi sve teklo lakše i brže.
Planirajte na vreme
Najčešće nepreciznosti u upitima:
Dešava se da organizatori pošalju upit koji nije adekvatan njihovim stvarnim potrebama. U smislu da inicijalno pošalju upit sa zahtevima koji se, kroz dalje dogovore i komunikaciju, promene.
– navede se veći broj učesnika od onog koji na kraju prisustvuje događaju – traži se više sala za rad nego što je potrebno – ne znaju se potrebe i zahtevi predavača i govornika
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
– ne zna se tačno koliko hrane i pića je potrebno – nije jasno utvrđen cilj događaja, što dalje vodi ka tome da nisu jasne potrebe odnosno zahtevi
Precizan i detaljan upit treba da sadrži sledeće informacije (na osnovu informacija prikupljenih ovim istraživanjem): · Naziv kompanije/organizacije · Kontakt osoba · Datum i vreme održavanja, ako je moguće i alter nativni datum · Broj učesnika (minimum, optimum, maksimum) · Kategorizacija hotela · Broj i struktura soba, kao i vrsta usluge (BB, HB…) · Potrebne F&B usluge (piće dobrodošlice, pauze za kafu, svečane večere, vrsta posluženja…) · Broj konferencijskih sala, potrebni kapaciteti i vreme korišćenja · Postavka konferencijskih sala (U oblik, T oblik, učionica, konferencija, pozorište, banket itd) · Opremanje sala (pozornica, govornica, plesni podi jum, sto za registraciju, sto za propagandni materi jal, imena na stolovima, dekoracije i cveće…) · Potrebna tehnička oprema (standardna oprema + eventualno snimanje, prezentacije, simultani prevod, video konferencija…) · Potreba za ostalim sadržajima hotela (wellness, sportski tereni, garaža, parking i sl.) · Preliminarni program po danima · Transferi · Dodatne usluge i posebni zahtevi (vodič, izleti,
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animacija, pomoćno osoblje za animaciju, hostese i sl.) · Budžet koji je na raspolaganju za događaj · Datum finalne odluke organizatora
Upit za pismene prevode trebalo bi da sadrži sledeće informacije: · Mesto (grad, hotel itd.), ako prevođenje nije na lokalitetu, da li je organizovan prevoz i smeštaj · Jezička kombinacija i terminologija · Da li je obezbeđen materijal za pripremu prevodi laca u vidu prezentacije i sl. · Da li je potrebno konsekutivno prevođenje ili simultano iz kabine · Agenda ili tačna informacija od koliko do koliko traje prevođenje sa uračunatim pauzama · Broj učesnika skupa · Posebni zahtevi, ukoliko postoje (da prevodioci dođu ranije, da su ženskog/muškog pola itd.)
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Branša i struktura učesnika, da li je događaj lokalnog, regionalnog ili međunarodnog učešća, koji su ciljevi i fokus događaja – to su dodatne informacije koje su uvek dobrodošle i uveliko pomažu da se sastavi što kvalitetniji upit, kako bi i realizacija samog događaja bila što kompletnija, sa potrebnim finesama. Na kraju krajeva, sitnice su te koje naprave razliku između prosečnih i vrhunskih događaja. Miona Milić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Šta su to Incentive putovanja?
MOTIVACIJOM DO USPEHA Incentive putovanja u osnovi su zabavna puto vanja obezbeđena od strane poslodavca, koja za osnovni cilj imaju ohrabrivanje zaposlenih da savladaju izazovne poslovne ciljeve kompa nije putem postizanja individualnih i/ili grupnih ciljeva.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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Jedna od najčešće citiranih definicija ovih putova nja je ona koju je dala Society of Incentive Travel Exellence (SITE): „Globalni menadžment alat koji ko-
risti izuzetan doživljaj tog putovanja da bi motivisao i/ili odao priznanje učesnicima za povećan nivo rada koji su uložili za ostvarivanje organizacionih ciljeva”.
Za razliku od ostalih vidova MICE turizma (Meet ings, Conferences, Incentives, Events), incentive je više fokusiran na zabavu, hranu i ostale aktivnosti, nego na edukaciju i posao. Takođe, u zavisnosti od kulture i socijalnih faktora, postoje razlike u njho voj primeni i shvatanju u različitim zemljama. Na nekim tržištima u razvoju (kao što je recimo Indija), incentive putovanje podrazumeva neki jednostavan aranžman ili tek avionsku kartu sa obezbeđenim smeštajem, dok u Americi postoji značajan broj individualnih incentiva, koji koriste katalošku ponudu kao incentive program. Međutim, većina tradicionalnih podsticajnih puto vanja podrazumeva grupu ljudi za čije se potrebe posebno kreira program aktivnosti i zabave. Ono što je takođe interesantno, kada su u pitanju različita tržišta, Francuzi, Italijani i Nemci uglavnom incentive organizuju na „domaćem terenu″, dok je domaće tržište Velike Britanije relativno malo, s obzirom na to da većina njihovih kompanija ne smatra domaće tržište prikladnim za motivacijska putovanja. Uopšteno, najveći kupci incentive programa su automobilska, farmaceutska i prehrambena industrija, kao i ljudi koji prodaju kancelarijsku opremu, rade u telekomunikacijama ili se bave elektronikom.
Koji efekat imaju incentive putovanja? · Prednosti za poslodavca: – Olakšavaju komunikaciju i prilike za umreža vanje, naročito sa višim rukovodstvom – Podstiču korporativnu kulturu i socijalnu interakciju – Učvršćuju lojalnost kompaniji – Stvaraju entuzijazam za naredni poslovni period Incentive putovanja imaju uticaj i na zaposlene koji nisu bili među nagrađenima. Kada se nagrađene kolege vrate uzbuđeni sa putovanja sa fascinant nim opisima događaja i celokupnog doživljaja, ostali bivaju stimulisani da rade više i upornije kako bi osvojili sledeće nagradno putovanje.
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· Prednosti za zaposlene: Svaka osoba ima potrebu za uvažavanjem i pripa danjem. Ljudi se osećaju spokojno, sigurno i zado voljno kada osećaju da su željeni i bitni. Dobiti nagradno putovanje za uložen trud i ostva rene rezultate, stvara određenu dozu ponosa, osećaja pobede i uspeha kod nagrađenih. Razvija se i osećaj posebnosti jer je baš on/ona priznat(a) kao vrhunski prodavac, i jedan/jedna je od malobrojnih koji je dobio tu posebnu nagradu. Još jedna od prednosti incentive putovanja za
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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nagrađene jeste veće razumevanje od strane nji hovih partnera i članova porodice zbog dodatnog vremena i truda koji su morali da ulože kako bi dobili nagradu. Kod svake osobe postoje četiri vrste motivacije za putovanjima (po McIntosh-u, 1984.), a incentive putovanja imaju sposobnost da zadovolje sve njih: 1. fizička motivacija (odmor, zdravlje, sport i sl.) 2. kulturološka motivacija (želja za upoznavanjem i proživljavanjem drugih kultura) 3. interpersonalna motivacija (upoznavanje i povezivanje sa drugim ljudima) 4. statusna i prestižna motivacija
Incentive putovanja danas Incentive nagradna putovanja su nalik na ugovor između kompanije i njenih zaposlenih i/ili klijenata. On glasi, otprilike, ovako: „Ti uradi ovo za nas, a mi ćemo te nagraditi na način koji nećeš nikada zaboraviti“. Kriterijumi za ova putovanja rastu sve više i više, zajedno sa razvojem kongresne industrije, socijal nim i kulturnim razvojem samih zaposlenih, koji su više iskusili i proputovali od zaposlenih koji su dobijali nagradno putovanje pre 15 godina. Danas su ljudi mobliniji te više putuju, dostupnost informacija (naročito putem interneta!) je mnogo veća, razvojem incentive turizma, povećava se šan sa da je neko već bio na nekom incentive putova nju, pa je generalno nivo očekivanja mnogo veći. Kriterijum prvoklasne usluge i smeštaja je nešto
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
što se danas podrazumeva, kao što se podrazume va da će poslužena supa biti topla. Zato, da bismo danas motivisali zaposlene da ulože dodatni napor na poslu, mora im se ponuditi ne što više od prijatnog doživljaja. To više nije samo putovanje, već i iskustvo na tom putovanju koji će da im napuni baterije iznenađenjima, posebnim trenucima i neobičnim događajima. Iskustvo koje neće moći da ponove… ma koliko bogati bili.
Industrije koje u najvećoj meri koriste podsticajna putovanja su one koje posluju u ekstremno konkurentskim sektorima, gde ostajanje ili po većanje učešća na tržištu zahteva konstantne i velike napore na polju prodaje i upravljanja, pa su oni prirodni potrošači incentive putovanja. Svaka destinacija je jedinstvena. Po svojoj istoriji, netaknutoj prirodi, vrhunskim izborom hrane i pića i ljudima koji tu žive. Ako se iz njihove istorije i kulture izvuku zanimljivi događaji, detalji, karakteristike i oblikuju u magične trenutke sa velom tajnovitosti i mističnosti, kroz te matske žurke, tim bilding aktivnosti, kroz priče koje je moguće ispričati sa iskrom u očima i napetim iščekivanjem, mesta koja je moguće videti na način koji samo mašta može da probudi, dobijamo onaj jedinstven i izuzetan doživljaj koji treba da bude karakteristika incentive putovanja. Miona Milić
Tim bilding programi
DOBAR TIM JE SREĆAN TIM! Svakodnevne obaveze na poslu čine da se zaposleni ponekada prepuste rutini. A rutina nije uvek dobra. Dan izgleda isto, redosled aktivnosti se ne menja i na kraju, produktivnost je u opa danju. Zato je dobro da članovima tima sa kojim radite priredite nešto što će ih opustiti, podsetiti na osećaj timskog duha, a uz to će se i dobro zabaviti! Tim bilding aktivnosti upravo služe tome.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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Ove aktivnosti mogu biti igre uspostavljanja povere nja, razvijanja timskog duha, podizanja adrenalina i još mnogo toga na otvorenom, ali i u zatvorenom
prostoru, kao što su aktivnosti na bazenima, well ness aktivnosti, večernje aktivnosti…
Tim bilding programi dovode do poboljšanja ko munikacije, definisanja zajedničkih karakteristika i poboljšanja odnosa u timu, a evo i nekoliko pred loga za korporativno druženje i upoznavanje – od najjednostavnijih do nešto složenijih, a podeljeni su na aktivnosti na otvorenom i na aktivnosti u zatvo renom prostoru.
Gluvi telefoni Dok članovi tima stoje u jednom redu, koordinator će prošaputati dugu poruku prvom članu tima. Bez pisanja i ponavljanja, on će je prošaputati slede ćoj osobi, i tako sve do poslednjeg u nizu koji treba da izgovori celu poruku. Grupa koja najtačnije izgo vori poruku sa početka, pobeđuje!
Biti ili ne biti (čvor) Za početak se formira krug, od ne više od 10-12 oso ba, tako što učesnici stanu rame uz rame. Potrebno je da svako svojom desnom rukom uhvati ruku oso be preko puta sebe, a zatim isto to uraditi i levom, ali izabrati nekog drugog. Nijedan učesnik ne sme uhvatiti istu osobu sa obe ruke! Na ovaj način se formira čvor. Krajnji cilj zadatka jeste da se čvor raz mrsi, bez puštanja ruku, a jedino što je dozvoljeno jeste međusobna komunikacija i saradnja. Da bi se još malo pridodalo zabavi, učesnici treba da se predstave držeći se tako za ruke. Ni u jednom trenutku se ruke ne smeju razdvojiti, a ukoliko neko želi da se dogovori oko položaja ili najboljeg rešenja za rasplet sa nekim drugim iz grupe, mora da koristi ime te osobe. Igra je odlična za učenje imena, što takođe pomaže grupi da radi zajedno, sarađuje i pronađe zajedničko rešenje. Za ovu igru su uobiča jene različite reakcije, a često uključuju smeh na nervnoj bazi, zabavu, uzbuđenje, strepnju, jaku su mnju u to da li uopšte može nešto da se uradi i sl.
Napuni flašu Za igru ,,Napuni flašu” učesnici su podeljeni u gru pe. Posuda sa vodom se nalazi na određenoj uda ljenosti od prazne flaše. Svaki tim treba da napuni praznu flašu, prenoseći vodu od jednog do drugog u dlanovima bez ikakvih pomagala. Tim koji prvi napu ni flašu ili koji uspe da sipa najviše vode pobeđuje.
Ljudski stoni fudbal Ljudski stoni fudbal je jedna od najuzbudljivijih takmičarskih igara! To je džinovska verzija klasičnog stonog fudbala, ali sa manjim modifikacijama. Teren je okružen zidom na naduvavanje, sa golom na svakoj strani. Igrači su vezani za šipke koje se pružaju preko terena, dok su golmani pričvršćeni bandži konopcima. Svaki tim treba da postigne što više golova za određeni vremenski period – baš kao u pravom fudbalu. Sudija sve vreme kontroliše igru, pokazuje crvene i žute kartone i isključuje igrače po potrebi.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Crtanje iza leđa U ovoj igri, dva člana sede leđima okrenuti jedan drugom. Jedan od njih verbalno saopštava uputstva za crtanje, a drugi crta neki oblik. Ova vežba iziskuje komunikaciju i tumačenje i uloga oba igrača je podjednako važna. Uspeh igre zavisi od toga koliko dobro oni odrade svoj deo.
Timski slikari Na početku grupa treba da se podeli u timove. Svaki tim radi na posebnom platnu, sva ona se na kraju spajaju da bi formirala jedno mozaičko umet ničko delo, a čak i velike grupe mogu da učestvuju u ovoj aktivnosti. Svaki tim radi na kreiranju jednog dela verujući da je ideja da se napravi najbolja slika i nema predstavu o tome šta drugi timovi rade. Krajnji rezultat dobijamo kada se sve slike spoje u jednu – gigantsko umetničko delo u kom svaki delić ima jedinstveni stil. Ovo je veoma zahtevan izazov koji promoviše povezanost u formatu zabave i rada. Tim bilding programi pomoćiće zbližavanju zaposle nih, izgradnji poverenja, podizanju motivacije, jača nju međusobnih veza, kreativnosti i produktivnosti. Zabavne aktivnosti često mogu imati veći pozitivan uticaj na posao nego ozbiljne vežbe i zadaci. Zato ne zaboravite da je dobar tim srećan tim! Svetlana Gavrić
10 Years Go By in the Blink of an Eye
The Best of SEEbtm
Over the last decade, SEEbtm magazine has been trying to pick out the most compelling topics referring to the MICE industry and event management. The cover stories in our issues – carefully planned, elaborated, and laid out – proved to be interesting, useful, and important for everyone involved in this highly dynamic industry. Our main guideline was the fact that many things are unavailable in our market, and this could be different. There were many unanswered questions that we tried to answer. Many things had never been attempted in practice, and we expounded on them. We tried to bring and implement new event planning trends to the SEE region. Adapt options to the circumstances specific to this area and expand horizons. One issue after another, our surveys illustrate a clear, precise, and above all accurate, picture of each of the topics they zoom in on. That is a special point of pride. Of course, we are also proud of every praise and suggestion offered up by our readers. After all, our value is measured by how much we are perceived as a relevant knowledge hub by those who are professionals in this field. Our goal is to make things easier and help both present and future event professionals. That is why this anniversary issue contains a retrospective of select articles that generated the most interest. Enjoy!
Writing an Effective RFP
GOOD REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL LEADS TO SUCCESSFUL EVENT The quality of proposals we receive is directly associated with the quality of requests we send. If we don’t say to our suppliers what exactly do we need and desire, they cannot meet our expectations.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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The above-mentioned fact was jointly accepted by all managers and sales directors of hotels, venues and agencies from the South East Europe that par ticipated in the research, carried out by SEEbtm magazine, during the second half of the year 2012. The objective of our research is to emphasize the
most important significances required for preparing and submitting of good requests for proposals for hotels and agencies, as well as the most important items which the organizers should include in their requests, in order to enable smooth, quick and cle ar communication without misunderstandings.
Elements of a good RFP
ten than hotels, although there is a general impress ion that permanent and longstanding clients, as well as those more experienced in organization, send precisely formulated requests. Generally, the organi zers send timely requests to hotels and agencies, sometimes even earlier than needed. However, in the
· List all your needs and requirements · Explain the idea and the objectives of the event · Rank the requests according to their importance. What are the requirements that simply must be ful filled? Which are those that would be nice to have? · Requests must be measurable. “We require an adequate conference hall” – does not say much about the characteristics of the hall you need · Rank your priorities. List all the factors accord ing to their significance, such as price, location, facilities, available dates, etc. · Send your requests to the qualified suppliers, after initial selection of bidders 95% of MICE suppliers receive requests for proposal via e-mail, while other 5% receive it via telephone conversations or verbally, on the meetings. Finally, each request should be received in written form, via e-mail. Event organizers who do their events in the region of the South East Europe (60% of them) send clear and accurately composed re quests, judging by those who receive such requests. PCO agencies receive incomplete requests more of
40% of RFP s are not sufficiently clear and detailed
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process of organization of small events, we can notice the increased number of the “last minute” requests, which may result in refusals, due to occupancy of capacities. In the process of organization of large congresses, the requests always arrive on time. In case of providing translating services and techni cal equipment, the requests usually have very short deadlines, which may result in price increase or inability to provide the required services. Not many clients require CSR (corporate social responsibility) nor do they ask for reports on corporate social re sponsibility of the hotel / congress center.
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Cases which include the existence of such requests usually come from nongovernmental organizations and the companies operating on the global level.
Good RFP makes an event successful What truly stood out in the research that we carried out, is the significant influence which clear and pre cise RFP, containing all details, have on the speed of the response, actually on sending back the pro posal. Quality of proposal depends on the accuracy of the request (RFP) and the list of provided details. Without such “input” information, it is practically impossible to make a high quality proposal.
It is very important to send well formed and wri tten request in order to get precise offer with preci se expressed price. When it is not the case, a lot of time will be lost in the process of gathering these information and specifying necessary details. Plan on time Sometimes, it may happen that the organizers send requests which are not in accordance with their actual needs, meaning that they initially send requests which are later modified during further dis cussions and communication. For example, they ask for the proposal to welcome 150 people in two con ference halls, including 2 coffee breaks and lunch. In the end, they come to 80 people only, seated in one conference hall, including one coffee break and no lunch but with lunch packages and additional
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
activities, which would, apart from other things, include the paragliding. Amendments and changes made to RFP can cause problems, if they come in the last minute, and it turns out that the booked hotel does not provide the required facilities or that the location is inappropriate, or anything similar, which brings the process back to its beginning, whi le the time for preparation and organization of the
Good and quality request for proposal (RFP) can speed up proposal feedback for even 80%. event is running out. All above-mentioned is part of event management issue, and the role of hotels and agencies should include the consulting services as well, in order to help their clients through pro posing of ideas and suggestions. However, it is much better to have RFPs which contain minimal number of misunderstandings and errors, which will certainly provide smooth and fast operation.
The most frequent inaccuracies contained in RFPs: – Number of the participants listed in the request is usually higher than actual number finally participating at the event – Clients require larger meeting room than it is actually needed – Requirements and needs of the lecturers and speakers are not well known – Not sure about quantity of needed food and beverages
– There is no accurate objective of the event defined, which further leads to the inability to express the actual needs and requests
Precise and detailed request should include the following information (based on the information collected from this research): · Name of the company/organization · Contact person · Date and time of the event, and, if possible, an alternative date · Number of participants (minimum, optimum, maximum) · Hotel categorization · Number and type of rooms, as well as the type of services (BB, HB…) · Necessary F&B services (welcome drink, coffee break, gala dinner, type of servings…) · Number of conference rooms, required capaci ties and the time of use · Conference room set up (U shape, T shape, cla ssroom, conference, theatre, banquets, etc.) · Hall equipment (stage, platform, dancing floor, registration desk, desk for advertising material, names on desks, decoration, flowers…) · Required technical equipment (standard equip ment + possible recording, presentation, simulta neous translation, video conference…) · Request for additional hotel facilities (wellness, sport facilities, garage, parking, etc.) · Preliminary program agenda day-by-day · Transfer · Additional services and special requests
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(guide, excursions, animation, support animation staff, hostesses, etc.) · The budget available for the organization of the event · Date of the final decision of the organizers
Request for verbal translations should include: · Location (town, hotel, etc.), if the translating will be dislocated, is there organized transport and accommodation · Language combination and terminology · Material for preparation of translations in form of presentation, etc. · Request for consecutive translating or simulta neous translating from the cabin · Agenda or the exact information on duration of translating, breaks included · Number of participants in the event · Special requests, if there are any (translators sho uld arrive earlier, male or female translators, etc.)
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Branch and structure of participants, is the event local, regional or international, what are the obje ctives, what is the focus of the event – such addi tional information is always good to have, because it can be of a great help in attempts to compose the top quality request, so that the realization of the event itself would be as complete as possible, providing all necessary finesses. After all, details are those that make a difference between average and supreme events. Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
What Is Incentive Travel?
The incentive travel basically implies unfor gettable and entertaining trips financed by employers, with the main purpose of encouraging employees to reach challen ging business goals of the company by achieving individual and/or group goals.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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One of the most quoted definitions is the one of the Society of Incentive Travel Exellence (SITE), being: “Incentive travel is a global management tool that
uses an exceptional travel experience to motivate and/or recognize participants for increased levels of performance in support of organizational goals”.
Unlike other types of the MICE (Meetings, Conferences, Incentives, and Events) tourism, the incentive travel is focused on fun, food and other activities rather than education and work. Likewise, depending on the culture and social fac tors, the incentive travel differs in its application and understanding in certain countries. In some developing markets (such as the Indian market), the incentive travel implies a simple arrangement or only a plane ticket and paid accommodation. In the USA for instance, there is a considerable number of individual incentives using catalogue offer as incentive programmes. However, the majority of traditional incentive trips imply a group of people for whom an activity and entertainment programme is tailored. Also noteworthy regarding various national mar kets, French, Italian and German companies mostly organise incentive trips in their local markets, whereas the local market of Great Britain is appar ently relatively small, since most of their companies do not consider it suitable for the incentive travel. Generally, the largest buyers of incentive pro grammes come from the automotive industry, financial services, pharmaceutical industry, office equipment industry, electronics, telecommunica tions, food processing and tobacco industry, etc.
Effectiveness of the incentive travel · Advantages for employers: – Facilitating communication and networking opportunities, especially in senior management – Encouraging the corporate culture and social interaction – Strengthening company loyalty – Creating enthusiasm for next business period The incentive travel impacts those employees who have not been among the rewarded as well. When re warded colleagues return from their trips excited and with fascinating descriptions of events and the com plete experience, other colleagues will be stimulated to work harder in order to be rewarded next time.
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· Advantages for employees: Everybody has the need to be respected and to belong. People feel calm, safe and satisfied when they feel wanted and important. To be rewarded a trip for your effort invested and results achieved, creates certain pride and the feeling of victory and success in the rewarded. Social status is imp roved, not only because he/she is recognized as a top salesperson, but because he/she is one of a few to be able to experience this special reward.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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One more advantage of the incentive travel for the rewarded is better understanding from their partners and family of extra time and effort they had to invest in order to be rewarded. In every person, there are four types of the moti vation to travel (according to McIntosh, 1984), and the incentive travel can cover all of them: 1. Physical motivation (rest, health, sport, etc.) 2. Cultural motivation (desire to get to know and experience other cultures) 3. Interpersonal motivation (meeting and connect ing with other people) 4. Status and prestige motivation
Incentive travel today The incentive travel is a kind of agreement bet ween a company and its employees and/or clients. The wording of the agreement may be the follow ing: “You do this for us, and we will reward you in a way you will never forget”. Incentive travel criteria are constantly increasing, following the development of the congress indu stry and the social and cultural development of employees who have experienced and travelled more than the employees rewarded with incentive trips 15 years ago. Today, people are more mobile so they travel more, the availability of information (especially on the internet!) is much improved and with the develop ment of the incentive tourism, chances are better that they have already been on an incentive trip, so that the level of expectations is generally much
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
higher. The criteria of the first-class services and accommodation is implied today, just like it goes without saying that the soup must be served warm. Therefore, in order to motivate employees to in vest extra efforts at work today, they must be offe red something more than a pleasant experience. It is not only a trip any more, but an experience on the trip which would give them surprises, special moments and unusual events. The experience they cannot relive… no matter how rich they are.
Industries mostly using incentive trips are those operating in extremely competitive sectors where retaining or increasing market shares demands constant great efforts in the sale and manage ment fields, making them incentive trip consumers in their nature. However, each destination in the world is unique in its history, intact landscapes, top selection of food and drink and people who live there. And if we select interesting events, details and characteristics from its heritage and culture and turn them into magical moments bearing the veil of secrecy and mystique through thematic parties, team building activities and stories which are told with sparkling eyes and suspense, places which can be seen in a way that only imagination may incite, we obtain this unique and exquisite experience which should be immanent in the incentive travel. Miona Milic
Team Building Programs
HAPPY TEAM IS A GOOD TEAM Everyday work makes employees sometimes act routinely. And routine is not always good. Day looks the same, the order of activities does not change, and in the end, productivity is in decline. That’s why it’s good for the members of the team you are working with to make something that will relax them, remind them of the sense of team spirit, and they will also have fun! Team building activities are used precisely in that cause.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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This is often done with games, which can be games of establishing trust, of developing team spirit, of increasing adrenaline, and many other open air
games, but they can also be indoor games like pool activities, wellness activities, evening activities…
These games (team building programs) lead to enhancing communication, defining common characteristics and improving team relations, and here are some suggestions from the simplest to some more complex examples for corporate social izing and getting to know each other, divided into outdoor activities and indoor activities.
It is a giant inflatable version of the old classic table soccer. The pitch is surrounded by inflatable wall, with goal at each end. Players are the harnessed to the bars running across the pitch, whilst the goalies are attached to bungee ropes. Each team has to score as many goals as possible for certain amount of time. Just like real football. The referee is in con trol of the game at all times, i.e. sending off for foul play and showing of red and yellow cards.
To be or knot to be A circle, of maximum 10-12 people, is formed in a way that the participants are turned towards each other. Everybody should take the right hand of the person next to them by his/her right hand. Then they should do the same with the left hand – take the left hand of another person. This way a knot is formed. Participants should not hold the same per son with both hands! The end goal of the task is to untie the knot, without splitting hands, in one large circle, and the only thing allowed is mutual commu nication and cooperation among the participants in order to achieve the main goal. To add to the fun, the participants should introduce themselves holding each other’s hands in such manner. Hands should not be let go in any mo ment, and if someone wishes to make agreements regarding the position or the best solution for splitting with another person from the group, they should use the name of that person. This game is excellent for learning names, which also helps the group work together, cooperate and find common solution. Mixed reactions are usual for this game, often including nervous laugh, fun, excitement, anx iousness, strong doubt about whether something can be done at all and alike.
Out in the Sun – Fill the bottle The game called “Fill the Bottle” is both exciting and refreshing. Teams are divided into groups to play this game. A container filled with water is located at a distance parallel to an empty bottle. Each team has to fill the empty bottle, passing water from one to another with the palms of their hands without any tools. The team that fills first or the maximum wins. It really is a great way to enhance team bond ing and team building.
Human table soccer Human Table Soccer is one of the most exciting competitive games and the latest team building craze!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Pass a message As the team members stand in one line, the co ordinator will whisper a long message to the first member in a team. Without writing and recording the message, the member will whisper to the next person, continuously passing the message to the last one in the group. The last person speaks out the whole message and the group that says the message most accurately, wins!
Back to back drawing While playing this game, the two members sit with their back to each other. One of them verbally communicates the instructions on how to draw and the other one draws the shape. This exercise requires communicating and interpreting and the role of both the players is equally important. The success of the game depends on how well they do their parts.
Team painters At the beginning, the group should split into teams. Each team works on an individual canvas, all of which ultimately combine to form one mosaic work of art, and even large groups can participate. Each team works on a single section of a painting and has no idea what the other teams are doing, believing the goal is to produce the best drawing. The end result produces a giant artwork in which each section has a unique style. This is a very engag ing challenge which promotes cohesion in both a fun and work relevant format. Tim building activities will help bring employees closer, build trust, raise motivation, strengthen rela tionships, creativity and productivity. Fun activities can often have a greater positive impact on the business than serious exercises and tasks. So don’t forget that a happy team is a good team! Svetlana Gavric
In Memoriam Dragana Deh
Uradi nešto lepo za sebe danas
Draga Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut, lajf kouč
Uspeh čine ljudi. U privatnom životu, ljudi kojima si okružen, sa kojima deliš svako dnevnicu, u velikoj meri utiču na tvoj razvojni put. Na mikro nivou utiču, čak – svi smo svedoci, i na dnevno raspoloženje. Na vrednosti koje ceniš, kakva osoba postaješ, šta želiš na postigneš. U poslu, interakcije sa kolegama i saradnicima ta kođe nas oblikuju u odlukama koje donosimo i stavovima koje zastupamo. SEEbtm magazin je rezultat svih nas koji učestvujemo u njegovom stvaranju, naših čitalaca, kao i sugestija, primedaba i pohvala koje primamo i uvažavamo. SEEbtm magazin je poslednjih go dina bio bogatiji za članke Dragane Deh, Msc psihologije i sistemskog psihoterapeuta. Dragana nas je, nažalost, napustila u septembru ove godine. Kažu da neka rečenica ili savet u pravom trenutku, može ljudima promeniti život. Kroz članke koje je pisala za naš magazin, imajuću u vidu njenu stručnost i tematiku koje je pokri vala, verujemo da je uspela čitaoci ma da pomogne i pruži smernice. Ako je to važilo makar i za jednu osobu, njen i naš cilj je postignut. I zato uvek postoji razlog za osmeh. I reći – hvala.
Šta je važno za dobru komunikaciju Jasna, otvorena i direktna komuni kacija je pravilo baš svakog kvalitet nog odnosa, a time i delovanja. Nedorečenost, ignorisanje, „nespo sobnost“ ili odsustvo želje za aktiv nim slušanjem, nedostatak sarad ljivosti, dvosmislenost, takozvane „duple poruke“ (poruke suprotnog/ različitog značenja na nivou ver
U to ime, prenosimo vam neke odlomke iz prethodnih Draganinih članaka, za koje mislimo da vam mogu poslužiti kao savet, podrška i mišljenje stručnjaka.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
balne i neverbalne komunikacije), individualna a neizrečena odluka o promeni plan(ov)a i delovanja, samo su mali delovi onoga što zo vemo nezdravom komunikacijom.
Uspeh je rezultat dobrog tima Iz ugla psihologije, uspeh se u da našnjem vremenu meri posedova njem „tri vruće inteligencije“, a to
m e m o r i a m
su: socijalna, emocionalna i prak tična. Neko poseduje u svom karak teru jednu ili sve tri kao naglašene, ali se takođe sve one mogu naučiti, uvežbati, dovesti do visokog nivoa funkcionalnosti.
Sopstvena i posebnost drugih potiče iz osećaja ljubavi ili prepoznavanja sličnosti Istina je da jesmo posebni, ali da širina naših uvida u sopstvenu i posebnost drugih potiče iz osećaja ljubavi ili prepoznavanja sličnosti. Kada to razumemo, posebnost će postati ogledalo prepoznavanja sa onima sa kojima se volimo ili aspe kata koje volimo, a dobijamo od drugih, bilo da su umetnici, spor tisti, šefovi ili slučajni prolaznici.
Da li smo korisnici ili nas uređaji koriste?
Sva ta imena, odnosno značenja, u biti predstavljaju puteve ka istom cilju, a on je – ostati čovek u svakoj situaciji. Brinuti o bližnjima, ali i onima koji to nisu, kada za to imamo mogućnosti, jer – volja bi trebalo da postoji u svima nama.
Radikalnost i isključivost su principi koji retko pomažu u životu. Upravo se iz ovakvih pozicija krije opasnost od gubljenja ljudskog faktora i, u suprotnom, nekorišćenja moćnih potencijala tehnologije.
Biti i ostati plemenit i dostojan čovek znači mnogo više od pukog uspeha ili preživljavanja, mnogo više od filozofskih pitanja.
Stav ili/ili svakako je korisno pro meniti na i/i, prihvatiti da je virtu alna stvarnost ona u kojoj živimo, ali da ne treba da bude i jedini pro stor plasiranja sebe i aktivnosti.
Osetljive teme, kao i teme koje se na neki način dotiču pitanja diskri minacije (često se u praksi sreće podela na poželjnost muško/žens kih uloga, ali su zastupljene i mno
Zašto je igranje važno?
ge druge teme), mogu se takoreći lako prevazići upravo kroz principe igara. Počev od osnovnih principa snaga tima koje su bazirane između ostalog na (profesionalnom, ali i najosnovnijem, ljudskom) pove renju, pa do osvajanja visokih nivoa produktivnosti u radu, kao i gratifikacije i satisfakcije nakon ostvarenog, svi koraci mogu biti propraćeni određenim „igrama“.
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Okolnost da se zaposleni koji sara đuju manje ili više intenzivno, u biti zapravo ne poznaju, može da uzme danak i to na nivou produktivnosti, pa time i profita firme. Tim SEEbtm magazina
Snaga informacija utemeljena je na rasprostranjenosti, na dostupnosti, ali i na doživljaju. A pravog doživlja ja nema bez ljudskog faktora.
Čineći sebi, činimo i drugima Pomažući drugima, zapravo poma žemo sebi, bilo da smo to prepoz nali kao vodeći motiv ili ne. Plemenit čin podiže samopoštova nje i aktivira „organ” plemenitosti koji svaki, ponovo – najprosečeniji čovek ima. Poziv na humanost može imati razna imena koja će mu dodeliti moderno doba.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
In Memoriam Dragana Deh
Do Something Nice for Yourself Today
Dragana Deh, Psychology MSc, Systemic Therapist, Life Coach
Success is made up of people. In your personal life, the people surrounding you and sharing your day-to-day considerably affect your path of growth. At the microlevel, they even affect – as we’re all well aware – our daily moods. The values you uphold, the kind of person you become, the things you want to achieve. In our professional lives, our interactions with the people we work with also shape the decisions we make and the attitudes we maintain. SEEbtm is the result of all of us who take part in its creation, of our readers, as well as of the suggesti ons, comments, and praise that we welcome and appreciate. In recent years, SEEbtm has beco me richer for articles written by Dragana Deh, MSc Psychology and Systemic Psychotherapist. Sadly, Dragana left us in September this year. They say that a single senten ce or advice at the right time can change people’s lives. Through the articles she wrote for our magazine, which embodied her expertise and the subject matter she covered, we believe that she succeeded in helping readers and giving them guidance. If that was true for at least one person, then our and her goal was fulfilled. And that is why there’s always a reason to smile. And to say thank you. In honor of that, we bring you fragments from Dragana’s past articles that we think might come useful as an expert’s advice, support, or opinion.
What is Important for Good Communication Clear, open and direct communica tion is the rule of exactly every good relationship, and thus of the ope rations as well. Understatement, ignoring, “incompetence” or a lack of desire for active listening, lack
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
of collaboration ability, ambiguity, so-called “double messages” (the messages of the opposite/different meaning at the level of verbal and non-verbal communication), indi vidual but unspoken decision to change the plan(s) and operation, are only small parts of what we call unhealthy communication.
m e m o r i a m
Success is a Result of a Good Team From the perspective of psycholo gy, success nowadays is usually measured through a possession of “three hot intelligences”, namely: social, emotional and practical. Someone holds in his character one or all three of those as high lighted, but, also, all of those can be learned, trained, brought to high level of functionality.
One’s Own Uniqueness and Uniqueness of Others Stems from Feeling Love or Recognizing Likeness It is true that we are unique, but the breadth of our insights into our own uniqueness and uniqueness of others stems from feeling love or recognizing likeness. When we realize this, uniqueness will become a mirror for recogniz ing those we love or aspects we love, and get from others – whet her they be artists, athletes, boss es, or random passers-by.
Setting the Boundary Between Real and Virtual Being extreme and exclusive can rarely bring benefit to one’s life. These very standpoints encom pass the risk of losing the human element or, in the opposite case, failing to exploit the powerful po tentials of technology. It would certainly be useful to sw itch from the either/or attitude to the both/and stance and accept that virtual reality is the one we live in, but that it should not be the only place where we exist and act.
every – again, average – person has. A call to humanity can have different names assigned by the modern age. All these names, or meanings, essentially represent paths towards the same goal, whi ch is to stay human in every situa tion. Taking care of loved ones, as well as others, when we have the opportunity, because willingness should exist in all of us. Being and remaining a noble and worthy person means far more than mere success or survival, far more than philosophical questions.
Why Is Playing Important? Sensitive topics, as well as topics that in a way touch upon issues of discrimination (practice often shows desirability of male/fema
le roles, but many other topics are also present), can easily be overcome through the principles of games. Starting from the basic principles of the team’s strengths that are based, among other things, on (professional but also basic human) trust, all the way to achieving high productivity levels in work, as well as gratification and satisfaction after the accomplished, all of the steps can be accompa nied by certain “games”. The circumstance that employees who more or less work together intensely in fact don’t know each other can take a toll in productivity, and turn the profits of the com pany.
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SEEbtm Magazine’s Team
By Helping Others, We Actually Help Ourselves By helping others, we actually help ourselves, whether we recognize it as the driving motive or not. Noble acts boost self-esteem and trigger the “mechanism” of nobility that
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
Po peti put zaredom, ove godine u Budim pešti organizuje se MICE BUSINESS DAY. Na ovom događaju, svi oni koji pružaju usluge organizacije konferencija, podsti cajnih i poslovnih putovanja, sa sedištem u Mađarskoj i drugim srednjeevropskim zemljama, mogu predstaviti svoje ponude direktno na B2B sastancima. Ostali prateći događaji i predavanja pružiće mogućnosti umrežavanja i obrazovanja za sve učesnike.
MCE CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE 2020 02 – 04.02.2020. / Beč, Austrija
Veoma uspešna serija MICE poslovnih foruma nastavlja se desetu godinu za redom u organizaciji Evropskog kongresa. Radeći na potencijalu kongresnog turizma Centralne i Istočne Evrope, ovaj jedinstveni forum okuplja kupce iz celog sveta, kao i dobavljače iz pomenutog regiona. DMC i PCO agencije, kongresni biroi, hoteli i avio kompanije za vreme trajanja ovog sajma sastaće se se sa pažljivo odabranim i kvalifikovanim kupcima.
04 – 08.03.2020. / Berlin, Nemačka Sledeće godine ITB Berlin će se održati od 04. do 08. marta u kongresnom centru Berlin Messe. Zadovoljstvo izlagača (koje je preko 90%) svake godine je sve veće, a na ovom sajmu biće prisutna ponuda sa šest kontinenata, iz više od 180 zemalja. Takođe, očekuje se poseta 1.000 dobavljača, 10.000 izlagača i ukupan broj od 160.000 posetilaca. Stoga, ITB BERLIN omogućava povezivanje velikog broja onih koji se bave kongresnom industrijom i podsticajnim putovanjima.
November 12th, 2019 / Budapest, Hungary For the fifth time in a row, this year MICE BUSINESS DAY is being organized in Buda pest. At this event, all those who provide the services in organizing conferences, incentive and business trips, based in Hungary and in Central European countries, can present their offers directly on B2B meetings. Other following events and lectures will provide opportunities for networking and education for all participants.
MCE CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE 2020 February 02nd – 04th, 2020 / Vienna, Austria
A very successful MICE series of business forums will be organized by the European European Congress for the tenth time. Working on the potential of business tou rism in Central and Eastern Europe, this unique forum brings together buyers from around the world, as well as suppliers from the region. DMC and PCO agencies, cong ress bureaus, hotels and airlines during this fair meet with carefully selected and qualified customers.
March 04th – 08th, 2020 / Berlin, Germany Next year, ITB Berlin will be held from March 4th to 8th at the Berlin Messe Con vention Center. The exhibitor’s satisfaction (over 90%) is increasing each year, and at this fair there will be a six-continent offer from more than 180 countries. Also, 1,000 suppliers, 10,000 exhibitors and a total of 160,000 visitors are expected. Therefore, ITB BERLIN enables the connec tion of a large number of those working in MICE industry and incentive travelling.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
zanimljivost Oskar avio industrije
Najbolje prve klase u avio sabraćaju Manje više smo svi barem jednom leteli avionom. Poslom ili privatno, do dužih ili kraćih destinacija. Osećaj je zaista poseban. Naša percepcija o određenoj avio kompaniji bazi rana je uglavnom na izgledu samog aviona, čistoći, ljubaznosti osoblja. Što je svakako relevantno. A tek kada letite prvom klasom... Oduvek su intri girale svojim izgledom i uslugom. I to ne samo one koji mogu da ih priušte, već i sve nas koji uglavnom koristimo ekonomsku klasu u avio saobraćaju. Zbog toga smo ovoga puta za vas „gvirnuliʺ u naj bolje prve klase. Smestite se udobno, polećemo!
Skytrax je renomirana britanska konsultantska kuća koja se bavi rangiranjem usluga u avio saobra ćaju po različitim kriterijumima. Svake godine, od 1999. godine, za komercijalne letove, organizuju World Airline Awards u okviru kojih, po mišljenju putnika/korisnika, proglašavaju najbolje u određe nim kategorijama. U trci za Oskara avio industrije učestvuju sve avio kompanije. Najbolja avio kom panija, Najbolje kabinsko osoblje, Najbolja low cost kompanija, Najbolja aerodromska služba, samo su neke od njih. A ko je ovogodišnji pobednik u kategoriji Najbolja prva klasa?
And the Oscar goes to... Prva klasa avio kompanije Singapore Airlines ove godine je proglašena najboljom na svetu! Evo i zbog čega. U letelici Airbus A 380 putovanje prvom klasom podrazumeva letenje u apartmanu. Ovaj avion je na dva sprata, tako da kada uđete, stepe nice vas vode na gornji nivo gde vas čeka smeštaj. Od dugog hodnika dele vas posebna, umetnički di zajnirana vrata, a sam apartman je okružen visokim zidovima kako biste imali privatnost i upotpunjen je luksuznim nameštajem. Svaki poseduje veliku kož
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Neki avioni imaju spavaće sobe koje su namenjeni samo članovima posade. nu fotelju i krevet koji se rasklapa, a sve pogodnosti apartmana (npr. položaj sedišta, osvetljenje, zabava itd.) kontroliše telefon koji je instaliran u naslon za ruku, elektronski kontrolni panel sa strane i tablet duž prozora. Singapore Airlines poseban akcenat stavlja upravo na ove fotelje (koje su podesivne u različite polo žaje za sedenje i ležanje) jer se sve pogodnosti nalaze na dohvat ruke. Samo sedište tapacirano je finom kožom kompanije Poltrona Frau, poznate po proizvodnji nameštaja sa sedištem u Italiji, čiji su klijenti, između ostalih, Ferrari, Alfa Romeo i Maserati. Sklopivi trpezarijski sto u apartma nu je estetski uklopljen iza vrha u mermernom stolu, koji se nalazi pored fotelje. Ukrašen je belim cvećem, a sadrži i držač za meni koji je lepo osvetljen lampicom za čitanje. Ekran televizora je u visokoj rezoluciji, osetljiv je na dodir, pričvršćen je na bočni zid apartmana i nalazi se ispred fotelje. Može se okretati, omogućavajući različite položaje u zavisnosti od toga da li želite da gledate televiziju iz kreveta ili fotelje. Uz to, svoj smart telefon ili uređaj možete putem aplikacije povezati sa TV-om ili izabrati da pogledate neki od filmova koji su u ponudi, igrate igrice ili slušati muziku. Garderober je maskiran u zidu, sa dovoljno mesta
za manje torbe, obuću, jaknu i ogledalom u vrati ma. Veći predmeti mogu se čuvati ispod ploče koja se nalazi duž prozora, a tu su i tri stilski dizajnirane pregrade za odlaganje dodatnih stvari. Naravno, u apartmanu vas čeka i pidžama, papuče i osnovne kozmetičke potrepštine poput gela za tuširanje, šampona, balzama itd., Bose slušalice i poklončić avio kompanije. Što se tiče obroka, i oni su u skladu sa prvoklas nim putovanjem. Kompanija sarađuje sa svetski poznatim šefovima kuhinja koji imaju restorane sa Michelin zvezdicama i poznata je po specifičnoj usluzi pod imenom „Rezerviši kuvaraʺ – odaberite svoje glavno jelo iz odličnog menija najmanje 24 sata pre poletanja.
Dve najstarije avio kompanije na svetu su holandski KLM (osnovan 1919. godine) i australijski Qantas (osnovan 1920. godine)
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I ne zaboravimo posadu! Obučena u svoju kebaju, stjuardesa simboliše azijsko gostoprimstvo. Kabin sko osoblje se svakom klijentu obraća imenom i čini sve što je u mogućnosti da vam obezbedi što ugodniji let. Na drugom mestu ove godine se nalazi avio kom panija Lufthansa. U launge će po vas doći šofer u limuzini Mercedes Benz ili Porsche i odvesti vas
Singapore Airlines, prva klasa
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
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direktno do aviona. A da, ne morate paziti na vre me leta jer ako ste već kupili kartu za prvu klasu, automatski vam se dodeljuje asistent koji će vas na sve podsetiti i sprovesti vas kroz pasoške i ostale kontrole ubrzanim procesom. Dalje, po izlasku iz automobila, ulazite direktno, posebnim putem u letelicu. Avion Airbus A340-600 ima ukupno 8 me sta na ovoj luksuznoj klasi, ali za razliku od Singa
Najveći broj pilota i kopilota ne jede istu hranu kao i ostali u avionu kako bi se mogućnost trovanja ili konzumacija pokvarene hrane svela na minimum. pore Airlines kompanije, nemate prostor samo za sebe već ga delite sa ostalim putnicima i kabinskim osobljem. Ukoliko želite privatnost, možete podići pregradu između svog sedišta i onog pored vas. Sedišta su naravno od kože i prilično komforna, razvlači se u udoban ležaj, a postoji i otoman koji se otvara za čuvanje vaših ličnih stvari. U pregradi ispod levog naslona za ruke nalaze se komande sa mog sedišta, a ispod desnog je daljinski upravljač. Takođe, tu postoje i utičnice, kao i USB priključak. Po ukrcavanju dobijate meni kako biste znali šta se služi od hrane, a na svakom je rukom ispisano ime putnika kome se dostavlja. Naravno, i Lufthansa se može pohvaliti saradnjom sa šefovima kuhinja koji poseduju Michelin zvezdice. Uz to, meni je upotpu
njen nagrađivanom vinskom listom koju je sastavio somelijer, inače svetski prvak, gospodin Markus Del Monego. Pre nego što se počnje sa služenjem bilo kog obroka, uključujući i grickalice, kabinsko osoblje postavlja vaš stočić za ručavanje – stonjak, escajg, čaše, platnene salvete. Posle ukusnog obroka, stjuardesa će vam doneti pidžamu i papuče nakon što vas je pitala koju veličinu nosite, kao i osnovne kozmetičke stvari ukoliko želite da se osvežite. Kada upalite TV, na raspolaganju vam je veliki izbor filmova, serija, sportskih programa i muzičkih sadržaja tako da vreme zasigurno „proleti’’. Air France, koji je na trećem mestu, ima čak i sim bolično ime za svoju prvu klasu La Premiere First Class . S tim u skladu, kada dođete na svoje me sto, čeka vas poruka dobrodošlice u kojoj, između ostalog, stoji informacija da ćete jesti najukusniju hranu i piti vina iz liste koju je sastavio Paolo Basso, koji je proglašen najboljim svetskim somelijerom 2013. godine. Dakle, očekuje vas puno vina i sira, kako i dolikuje Francuzima! Sedišta prve klase su samo u jednom redu, konfi guracija je 1-2-1 i izgleda kao kabina. Naravno, ima sve što vam je potrebno za udoban let. Veliku komfornu fotelju koja se razvlači u ležaj, kao i još jednu koja je u produžetku. Između sedišta, kako biste imali privatnost, možete navući zavesu. I ovde ćete dobiti pidžamu, papuče i mali set sa kozmetikom ako poželite da se osvežite. Televizor,
Lufthansa meni, prva klasa
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Wi-Fi konekcija, utičnice za punjenje telefona, tab leta, laptopa i sve što ide uz to se podrazumeva. Ono što Air France izdvaja od drugih jeste upravo to što je mali broj mesta na prvoj klasi – svega četiri se dišta. Putnici su uglavnom to izdvajali kao posebnost ove avio kompanije jer im omogućava privatnost, pogotovo na dužim ili prekookeanskim letovima.
Nije među prva tri mesta, ALI... Kompanija Etihad Airways je pre tri godine uvela let na relaciji Mumbai – Nju Jork preko Abu Dabija. Cena karte na prvoj klasi, po smeru, bila je 38.000 USD, što je tada proglašeno najskupljom kartom na komercijalnom letu. A leti se u luksuznom apart manu The Residence.
Najbezbednija sedišta u avionu su ona u repu. The Residence je jedina trosobna privatna kabina koju nudi neka komercijalna avio-kompanija. Ima 125 kvadrata i sadrži spavaću sobu, tuš-kabinu i salon za do dva gosta. Ovaj apartman je dostupan samo u najvećem svetskom putničkom avionu Air bus A380 kompanije Etihad, koji ima 496 sedišta. Gosti imaju i ličnog batlera i dozvoljeno im je da kreiraju svoje obroke koji će im biti posluživani tokom leta. Oni se služe na servisu od porcelana, a pribor za jelo je pozlaćen 24-karatnim zlatom.
Pravila kompanije Fly Emirates Članovi kabinske posade kompanije Emirates važe za jedne od najglamuroznijih. Prepoznatljivi su po svom izgledu, crvenom šeširiću, posebnoj nijansi crvenog karmina i vedrom osmehu. Pre nego što se putnici prve klase ukrcaju na let, kabinsko osoblje ima „domaći zadatakʺ - brifing i razgovor sa timom na kom se upoznaju sa VIP putnicima, njihovim imenima i počinju sa sakupljanjem podataka koje čuvaju u posebnim tabletima. Tu se, između osta log, upisuju njihove navike, šta vole i ne vole da jedu i piju, kao i koja je svrha njihovog putovanja. Na aerodromu i tokom ukrcavanja, stjuardese nose cipele sa potpeticom, ali nakon poletanja im je do zvoljeno da se preobuju u crvene ravne cipele. Postoje čak i pravila šminkanja. Nokti smeju da budu nalakirani u bež boju, svetlo roze nijansu ili da imaju francuski manikir. Obavezan je crveni kar min, usne moraju biti uokvirene crvenom olovkom, senka može biti u crnoj boji ili bež, dok kosa mora biti pokupljena u punđu. Ni ne znamo koliko putovanje avionom može biti zabavno i ugodno. Jedino šta je potrebno da imate, pored godišnjeg odmora, jeste novac. Jasno je da se ovakva usluga plaća nekada i deseti ne puta više od regularne cene avio karte, tj. od cene na ekonomskoj klasi. Ali svakako, ne bismo se bunili da se provozamo ako se prilika ukaže .
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Milica Novak
Etihad Airways, prva klasa
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
interesting The Oscars of the Aviation Industry
The Best First Class in Air Travel We’ve all probably travelled by airplane at least once. On business or for pleasure, on long-haul or short-haul flights. The feeling truly is special. Our perception of a particular airline is based ma inly on the outside of the aircraft itself, the cleanli ness, and the friendliness of the cabin crew. All of which is most definitely relevant. Especially when you’re flying first class... They’ve always been intriguing with appearance and service. Not only to those who can afford them, but also all of us who mostly use economy class in air travel.
This inspired us to take a look at the best first-class airlines. Get comfortable, we’re taking off! Skytrax is a renowned British consulting company that ranks airline services by different criteria. Every year since 1999, they’ve been organizing the World Airline Awards for commercial flights, announcing the very best in different categories as ranked by passengers/customers. All airlines take part in the Oscars of the aviation industry. Best Airline, Best Cabin Crew, Best LowCost Airline, Best Airport Services, to name just a few. And who won this year’s Best First-Class?
And the Oscar goes to...
Singapore Airlines Menu, First Class
Singapore Airlines’ first-class experience was vo ted the world’s best this year! And here’s why. Flying first class on the Airbus A380 means spend ing the journey in a suite. This plane is a doubledecker, so when you enter, the stairs take you to the upper deck, where your accommodation aw aits. You are separated from the long hallway by a special, artfully designed door, and the suite itself
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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Some airplanes have bedrooms that are intended only for crew members. is surrounded by high walls that ensure privacy and fitted out with luxury furniture. Each suite has a big leather armchair and a fold-out bed, and all of the suite amenities (e.g., seat position, lighting, entertainment, etc.) are controlled by a phone installed in the armrest, an electronic control panel on the side, and a tablet along the window. Singapore Airlines places particular emphasis on these armchairs (which can be adjusted to diffe rent seating and reclining positions) because they make everything within arm’s reach. The seat it self is upholstered in the fine leather made by Pol trona Frau, a company famous for manufacturing furniture based in Italy whose customers include Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, and Maserati, among others. The suite’s fold-out dining table is aesthetically placed behind the top in a marble table located next to the armchair. It is decorated with white flowers next to a menu holder that is nicely lit by a reading lamp. The TV screen is in high resolution, touch sensitive, attached to the side wall of the suite, and placed in front of the armchair.
It rotates, allowing for different positions depend ing on whether you want to watch television from the bed or the armchair. In addition, there’s an app that lets you connect your smartphone or device to the TV and pick some of the movies on offer, play games, or listen to music. The wardrobe is masked inside the wall, providing sufficient space for smaller bags, shoes, and a jac ket and a mirror on the door. Bigger items can be stored under a panel along the window, and three stylish compartments allow for storage of extra items. Of course, you are provided with pajamas,
The two oldest airlines in the world are the Dutch KLM (launched in 1919) and the Australian Qantas (launched in 1920). slippers, and basic personal hygiene products like shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, and the like, alongside Bose headphones and a small gift from the airline. When it comes to the meals, they too are in keep ing with first-class travel. The company works with world-renowned chefs who run Michelin-starred restaurants and offers a unique service called Book the Cook – choose your main course from the exc ellent menu at least 24 hours before lift-off.
Singapore Airlines, First Class
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
And let’s not forget the crew! Donning the kebaya, the flight attendant symbolizes Asian hospitality. The cabin crew addresses every customer by name and does everything in their power to make your flight as enjoyable as possible.
Most pilots and co-pilots do not eat the same food as the others on the plane in order to minimize the possibility of poisoning or consuming spoiled food. This year’s second place winner is Lufthansa. A driver picks you up in a Mercedes Benz or Porsche and takes you directly to the plane. Also, you don’t have to keep an eye on time beca use purchasing a first-class ticket automatically sets you up with an assistant who reminds you and takes you through fast-tracked passport and other controls. After you get out of the car, you enter the aircraft directly by a special walkway. The Airbus A340-600 has a total of eight seats in this luxury class, but unlike with Singapore Airlines, you share the space with other passengers and the cabin crew. If you want privacy, you can pull up the partition between your seat and the one next to you.
Of course, the seats are made of leather and fairly spacious, folding out into a comfortable bed. An ottoman is there to store your personal belongings. In the compartment below the left armrest are the seat controls, and below the right one is the remote control. In addition, there are sockets and a USB port. After boarding the plane, you are given a menu to see what food is on offer, and each has the name of the intended passenger written by hand. Of course, Lufthansa too can take pride in working with Michelin-starred chefs. In addition, the menu is complemented by an award-winning wine list compiled by the world champion sommelier Markus Del Monego. Before serving meals, including snacks, the cabin crew sets the dining table – tablecloth, flatware, glasses, and linen napkins.
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After the delicious meal, the flight attendant brings you pajamas and slippers after asking your size, along with basic personal hygiene products in case you want to freshen up. Turning on the TV will prompt a broad array of movies, series, sports channels, and music net works, ensuring that the time flies by.
Lufthansa, First Class
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
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Ranking third, Air France even has a symbolic name for its first-class cabin – La Premiere. Accordingly, when you get to your seat, you are greeted with a welcome message that includes, among other things, the information that you will be eating the most delicious food and drinking wi ne from a list compiled by Paolo Basso, who was crowned world’s best sommelier in 2013. All this means that you will be served plenty of wine and cheese, just as the French do! The first-class seats are in one row only, and the 1-2-1 layout creates the cabin appearance. Naturally, there’s everything that you need for an enjoyable flight. A large comfortable armchair that
The safest seats on the plane are the ones in its rear section. folds out into a bed, as well as another one as an extension. For privacy, you can draw the curtain between the seats. Here too you will be provided with pajamas, slip pers, and a small personal hygiene set if you want to freshen up. A television, Wi-Fi, charging sockets for phones, tablets, laptops, and everything else that goes along with it are understood.
What sets Air France apart is the very few seats in first class – merely four. Passengers generally not ed this as the airline’s special feature because it provides privacy, especially on longer or overseas flights.
Most honorable mention Etihad Airways opened a new line three years ago between Mumbai and New York via Abu Dhabi. A first-class ticket per route stood at USD 38,000, which was reported as the most expensive ticket for a commercial flight at the time. Passengers fly in a luxury suite named The Residence. The Residence is the only three-bedroom private cabin offered by a commercial airline. It spreads over 1300 square feet and houses a bedroom, shower, and lounge for up to two guests. This suite is available only on the world’s largest passenger plane, Etihad’s Airbus A380, which has 496 seats. Passengers are also served by a personal butler and allowed to design their own menu to be served during the flight. The meals arrive on porcelain tableware and cutlery is plated with 24-karat gold.
Air France, First Class
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
The rules in Fly Emirates Emirates cabin crew are thought to be among the most glamorous. They are known for their appear ance, which includes a red hat and a special shade of red lipstick, and cheerful smiles. Before first-class travelers board the flight, the cabin crew does its homework – they meet to get briefed and learn about the VIP passengers and their names, after which they start collecting information that they save on designated tablets. Among other things, these include the passengers’ habits, what food and drink they like and dislike, and the purpose of their journey. At the airport and during boarding, the flight att endants wear heeled shoes, but after take-off they are allowed to change into red flat shoes. There are even rules for makeup. Nails are allowed to be painted beige or powder pink, or done in a French manicure. Red lipstick is required, lips must be contoured with red pencil, eyeshadow can be black or beige, and hair must be up in a bun.
Fly Emirates Crew
We have no idea how much fun and enjoyable air travel can be. The only thing you need to have – apart from vacation days – is money. Clearly this kind of service sometimes costs tens times over the standard ticket price, the economy class price. But we most definitely would have no objections to taking a trip should the opportunity arise .
Milica Novak
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i n t e r e s t i n g
Bonton za čajanku
Odlučili ste da napravite čajanku? Evo bontona za ovu priliku. Za čajanku se šalju pozivnice, šoljica svakog gosta treba da bude puna, a mleko i limun se nikako ne stavljaju zajedno u čaj jer kiselina odmah pokvari mleko. Šoljica se ne drži sa ispruženim malim prstom jer se smatra ne pristojnim. Kada promešate čaj kašičicom, vodite računa o tome da ne kuckate o šoljicu i odložite je na tacnu iza šoljice, desno od drške. Domaćica kraj čajanke označava tako što podigne salvetu, što je znak da gosti treba da odu.
Koliko znate o Albertu Ajnštajnu?
Kao dete jako je sporo učio i usvajao gradivo, a sa samo 15 godina je napustio srednju školu. Nemačkog državljanstva se odrekao go dinu danu kasnije i sebe je smatrao građaninom sveta. Naukom je počeo da se bavi jer je želeo da sazna odgovor na pitanje koja sila tera iglu u kompasu da se pokrene? Nije voleo čarape i kada god je mogao, izbegavao je da ih nosi. Čak i kada je držao predavanja na Oksfordu. Uprkos tome što je bio genije, imao je lošu memoriju pa nije mogao da upamti datume i brojeve telefona.
Najveći aerodrom na svetu otvoren u Pekingu
Od 30. septembra ove godine najveći aerodrom na svetu zvanično je počeo sa radom, zove se Dasing, a nalazi se na 46 km od centra Pekinga. S obzirom na to da je pekinški aerodrom prilično optere ćen, ideja za izgradnju novog potekla je upravo odatle. Ima oblik zvezde, površine je 1,4 miliona kvadrata, a predviđanja su da će do 2025. godine ovuda prolaziti čak 72 miliona putnika i da će biti 620.000 letova. Do 2040. godišnje će biti 100 miliona putnika i 880.000 letova.
Tiraž: 3.000
Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388, tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web: www.SEEbtm.com www.kongresniturizam.com, www.SEEmice.com E-mail: office@kongresniturizam.com
Periodičnost: 3 puta godišnje
Direktor: Ivan Milić Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić Urednički tim: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov
Datum izdavanja: oktobar 2019–februar 2020 Broj 31 Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (3 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 3.000,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail: pretplata@SEEbtm.com Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj publikaciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgovoran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti nastale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije potrebna je pismena dozvola.
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2019 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 31th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2019 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 136 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2019–feb. 2020
Bon Ton for a Tea Party
You decided to make a tea party? Here’s a bon ton for this occasion. For the tea party invitations are sent, the cup of each guest should be full, and the milk and lemon should not be put together in tea because the acid immediately spoils the milk. The cup must not be held with a stretched little finger because it is considered rude. When you mix the tea, make sure you do not tap the cup and place it behind the cup, to the right of the handle. A host shows a tea party is over by picking up a napkin, which is a sign that guests should leave.
1. How Much You Know About Albert Einstein?
As a child, he was a slow learner and with only 15 years old, he left the secondary school. He gave up German citizenship a year later and considered himself a citizen of the world. He began to study science, because he wanted to know what forces the needle in the compass to start moving. He did not like socks and, whenever he could, he avoided wearing them. Even when he held lectures at Oxford. Despite being a genius, he had a bad memory so he could not remember dates and phone numbers.
As of September 30th this year, the world’s largest airport Dasing offi cially begins to work, and is located 46 km from the center of Beijing. Given that the Beijing airport is heavily crowded, the idea for building a new one came due that problem. It has a shape of a star, with an area of 1.4 million square meters, and predictions are that up to 2025 there will be 72 million passengers and 620,000 flights. By the year 2040, there will be 100 million passengers and 880,000 flights.
Circulation: 3.000
Publisher, production and marketing:
Periodicity: 3 times per year
The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388, Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web: www.SEEbtm.com www.kongresniturizam.com, www.SEEmice.com E-mail: office@kongresniturizam.com
Issue date: October 2019–February 2020
Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic Editorial team: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov
The World’s Largest Airport Opened in Beijing
Director: Ivan Milic
No 31 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (3 issues) for: - Serbia 3,000.00 RSD - abroad 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: subscription@SEEbtm.com Copyright © The Best Solutions; All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that acc uracy of information contained in this publication, The Best Solutions cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies contained within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consignment.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2019–Feb 2020
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2019 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 31th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2019 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 136 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940