SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · mar t 2018 / M arch 2018 / broj 26 / No. 26
Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe
Broj 26 / mart 2018 No. 26 / March 2018
tema broja:
Igraj se i uči
cover story:
Play and learn Intervju:
Aleksandar Vasilijević – Dobra atmosfera u timu je ključ uspeha
Igrajte se kako biste povećali zadovoljstvo i produktivnost
Mišljenje stručnjaka:
Zašto je igranje važno?
Aleksandar Vasilijevic – Positive Team Atmosphere Is Key to Success
Play for Greater Satisfaction and Productivity
Expert opinion:
Why Is Playing Important?
I M P R E S S U M Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Direktor: Ivan Milić Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić Urednički tim: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov Tiraž: 3.000 Periodičnost: 3 puta godišnje Datum izdavanja: mart 2018. Broj 26 Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (3 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 3.000,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj publika ciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgovoran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti nastale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije po trebna je pismena dozvola. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2018 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 26th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2018 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 112 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm
Da li su ljudi koji su se u detinjstvu više
igrali, ili se igraju i u zrelim godinama, imaju razvijeniju kreativnost, sposo bnost adaptacije i socijabilnosti? Uverena sam da je odgovor potvrdan, a postoje i brojna istraživanja koja idu u prilog ovoj tezi. Ne samo to, sposobnost odlučivanja, brzog razmišljanja, pam ćenja, takmičarskog duha, motivacije da se bude još bolji, razvijaju se, od ranog doba, kroz igranje. Navedene osobine i još mnogo ostalih, složićete se, vrlo su važne u poslu kao i svakodnevnom životu. Da li se ljutimo kada izgubimo? Da li imamo problem da prihvatimo odgovornost za svoje postupke? Da li logički umemo da rastavimo neki veliki problem na više manjih kako bismo ga lakše rešili? Da li umemo da predvi dimo budući potez konkurencije odnosno saigrača? Da li umemo da se suzdržimo od trenutnog zadovoljenja da bismo na kraju dobili veću nagradu? Da li umemo da iskoristimo ono čime raspolažemo, naizgled neupotrebljivo i napravimo nešto novo i originalno? Na kraju krajeva, ali ne najmanje važno – da li umemo da se zabavljamo? Sve ovo učimo od najranijeg uzrasta kroz razne igre koje su vam i pale na pamet dok ste čitali ova pitanja. Igranje je jedan od krucijalnih alata za razvoj intelektualnih i psihosocijalnih karakteristika svakog deteta i kasnije, naravno, čoveka.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
u v o d
Ovde mislim prvenstveno na društvene igre, koje se igraju licem u lice, koz interakciju sa drugim ljudima. One nas uče komunikaciji kao i svim vrstama inteligencije (lo gičkoj, socijalnoj, samointeligenciji, vizuelno-prostornoj, jezičkoj, muzičkoj, fizičkoj, prirodnjačkoj). Tim bilding igre su jedan od primera upotrebe igara i igranja za razvoj i jačanje tim skog duha. Ali igre se mogu koristiti i za sve gore navedeno, a u praksi na poslu i za podizanje koncentracije, produktivnosti, opuštanja i generalno pozitivnog stava prema poslu i životu. Ovaj broj SEEbtm magazina posvećen je buđenju onog dečijeg u nama. Zato, pozovite društvo i kolege i igrajte se! I još jedan savet, nemojte svoju decu stalno puštati da pobeđuju kada se igrate sa nji ma. Razmislite i shvatićete i sami čemu ih na taj način učite. Osnovni zadatak svakog roditelja treba da bude osposobljavanje deteta za samostalan i realan život i razvija nje sposobnosti da se trudi, napreduje i da se bori za sebe i svoj uspeh. „Nađi vremena za igru, to je tajna večne mladosti“
Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik
Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
s a d r ž a j 28. Pomozite a članovimuče tima da ivan na kreat način
dar Aleksan ić v e ij il Vas
Dobra ra atmosfe u timu je ključ uspeha
e 68. i sastankivnim it in č u o t Kak i produk zabavnim 35. stiti i Kako opui atmosferu? zagrejat
96. Povratak ih društven igara – ali Hrabri mmisiji toster u
83. igranje Zašto je važno?
Novosti .................................................................... 7 Događaji . .............................................................. 11 Novo i renovirano .................................................. 18 Intervju: Aleksandar Vasilijević – Dobra atmosfera u timu je ključ uspeha . .......... 24 Tema broja: Pomozite članovima tima da uče na kreativan način . ................................. 28 Icebreaker igre: Kako opustiti i zagrejati atmosferu na sastancima? .................................. 35
Intervju: Daniel Marušić – Za nas je svaki dan nov izazov..... 53
Mišljenje stručnjaka: Zašto je igranje važno?........................................ 83
Industrija: Kongresni turizam menja međunarodni ugled Srbije . ................................ 55
Hotel: Hotel Aristos 4*: Poslovni i kongresni hotel u Zagrebu . ............... 89
Hotel: Solaris Resorts, Vrnjačka Banja – Novi konferencijski kapaciteti ............................ 59
Intervju: Andreas Vögl – „Kvalitet nije skup – neprocenjiv je”.................. 91
Istraživanje: Igrajte se kako biste povećali zadovoljstvo i produktivnost . ............................ 61
Zanimljivost: Povratak društvenih igara – Hrabri mali toster u misiji . ................................. 96
Tema broja: Kako učiniti sastanke zabavnim i produktivnim . .. 68
Predstojeći događaji . ........................................ 104
Hotel: Lazure Hotel & Marina Montenegro – Novo lice Boke Kotorske . .................................... 41
Hotel: Terme Olimia, Slovenija – Poslovni susreti za tvrtke koje znaju što žele...... 74
Tema broja: Istorija društvenih igara...................................... 45
Tema broja: Kako da Brainstorming učinite zabavnim.......... 76
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Sajam: IMEX u Frankfurtu 2018. nastavlja sa inovacijama . ................................. 106 Rečnik pojmova . ................................................. 109 Zanimljivosti ....................................................... 111
I M P R E S S U M Publisher, production and marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Director: Ivan Milic Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic Editorial team: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov Circulation: 3.000 Periodicity: 3 times per year Issue date: March 2018. No 26 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (3 issues) for: - Serbia 3,000.00 RSD - abroad 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that accuracy of information contained in this pub lication, The Best Solutions cannot be held res ponsible for any errors or inaccuracies contained within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consignment.
Are people who spent more time in
their childhood playing or who still play in their adulthood more creative, adap table, or sociable? I am convinced that the answer is affir mative, and there are also many studies that support this thesis. Not only that, but the decision-making ability, quick thinking, memory, competitive spirit, and motivation to be even better are developed from an early age, through play. These qualities and many others – I’m sure you’ll agree – are very important in business, as well as in everyday life. Do we get angry when we lose? Do we have issues with accepting responsibility for our actions? Are we able to logically dissect a major problem into several smaller components so that we can be more efficient at getting to its solution? Are we able to anticipate our competition’s or opponents’ next move? Are we able to abstain from immediate satis faction in order to get to a bigger reward in the end? Are we able to use what we have – something seemingly useless – and make something new and original? And last, but not least: Are we able to have fun? We learn all this from the earliest age through different games that most likely came to your mind while reading these questions. Playing is a crucial tool for developing intellectual and psychosocial qualities in any child and later, of course, adult person.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t r o d u c t i o n
Here – above all – I’m thinking board games, those that are played in person, through interaction with other people. They teach us communication, as well as all types of intelligence (logical, social, self-awareness, visual and spatial, linguistic, musical, physical, and ecological). Team building games are one example of using playing to develop and strengthen team spirit. But games can be used for all of the above, too, and in practice at work also for improving focus, productivity, relaxedness, and a generally positive attitude towards life and work. This SEEbtm issue centers on awakening that something child like inside us. So, invite your friends and coworkers and start playing! And another tip: Do not let your kids win every time when you play with them. Think and you’ll understand what that teaches them. The main task of any parent should be equipping the child for independent and real life and developing the ability to invest effort, make progress, and fight for himself/herself and his/her success.
CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2018 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 26th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2018 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 112 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm
“Take time to play, it is the secret of staying young”
Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief
Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
c o n t e n t s
31. Help m Your Tea s r e Memb a Learn in Creative Way ijevic -
dar Vasil
Team Positive ere Is Key Atmosphss to Succe
gs 71. e Meetin k a M o t e How Productiv Fun and 38. elax How to R race the and Emb ere? Atmosph
100. eback The Comop of Tablet Games – e The Brav ster Little Toasion on a Mis
86. laying Why Is P t? Importan
News ....................................................................... 9 Events ................................................................... 14 New and Improved . .............................................. 21 Interview: Aleksandar Vasilijevic – Positive Team Atmosphere Is Key to Success . ... 26 Cover story: Help Your Team Members Learn in a Creative Way . ..................................... 31 Icebreaker games: How to Relax and Embrace the Atmosphere at Meetings? . ........................... 38
Interview: Daniel Marusic – For Us, Every Day Is a New Challenge .............................................. 54 Industry: Congress Tourism Improves the International Reputation of Serbia . .................. 57 Hotel: Solaris Resorts, Vrnjacka Banja – New Conference Capacities . ............................... 60 Survey: Play for Greater Satisfaction and Productivity...... 64 Cover story: How to Make Meetings Fun and Productive . ...... 71
Hotel: Lazure Hotel & Marina Montenegro – New Face of Boka Kotorska Bay.......................... 43
Hotel: Terme Olimia, Slovenia – Business Meetings for Companies Who Know What They Want ....... 75
Cover story: History of Tabletop Games.................................. 49
Cover story: Make Brainstorming Fun..................................... 79
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Expert opinion: Why Is Playing Important?.................................. 86 Hotel: Hotel Aristos 4*: Business and Congress Hotel in Zagreb.............. 90 Interview: Andreas Vögl – “Quality Is Not Expensive – It’s Priceless”.......... 93 Interesting: The Comeback of Tabletop Games – The Brave Little Toaster on a Mission . ............. 100 Upcoming events . ............................................. 104 Exhibition: Continuing Innovation at IMEX Frankfurt 2018 ..................................... 107 Term dictionary ................................................... 110 Interesting news ................................................. 112
n o v o s t i NOVI HOTELI U SKLOPU HUNGUEST GRUPACIJE Od početka februara ove godine mađarski hotelski lanac, Hunguest Hotels, ima nove partnere. Reč je o Saliris Resort & Conference hotelu iz banje Egerzalok, sa četiri zvezdice, koji u svom sklopu ima 204 sobe, wellness centar i četiri kongresne sale sa najvećim kapacitetom od 200 učesnika. Drugi hotel sa konferencijskim kapacitetima je planinski Lifestyle Hotel Mátra sa 114 soba i četiri kongresne sale koje mogu ukupno da ugoste 400 osoba. Pored navedenih, novi partneri postali su i hoteli Andrassy Rezidencia iz vinske regije Tokaj, kao i dva hotela u Austriji – Alpenblick i Relax Resort.
RESTORAN KLUB KNJIŽEVNIKA ZA KORPORATIVNE DOGAĐAJE U beogradskom restoranu Klub književnika, koji se nalazi u blizini Narodnog pozorišta, od januara ove godine moguće je organizovati korporativne događaje zatvorenog tipa – poslovna okupljanja, konferencije, koktel zabave i proslave. Klijentima su na raspolaganju ukupno tri sale, koje mogu da ugoste između 20 i 105 osoba ukoliko se radi o klasičnoj postavci i do 150 osoba u koktel postavci stolova. Pored navedenih sala, ovaj restoran poseduje i zimsku baštu čiji kapacitet zavisi od tipa događaja i postavke.
IZGRADNJA BEOGRADSKE GONDOLE Izgradnja vazdušnog tramvaja koji će povezivati Ušće i Kalemegdan, najavljena je za ovu godinu. Beogradska gondola prevoziće putnike linijom dugačkom jedan kilometar. Stanice će se nalaziti na starom gradu, u blizini pristaništa i Beton hale, na visini od 106 metara, i na mestu skejt parka na novobeogradskoj strani, na 75 metara nadmorske visine. Gondola će imati oko 30 kabina u kojima će moći da sedi između 10 i 30 osoba, voziće brzinom od dvadesetak kilometara na čas i moći će da preveze oko 3.000 osoba na sat u oba smera. Vožnja u jednom pravcu će trajati 5 minuta, a biće obezbeđen i ulaz za osobe sa invaliditetom i bicikle.
ZVEZDU 2 U VRNJAČKOJ BANJI PREUZEO ZEPTER Kompanija Zepter i zvanično je postala vlasnik hotela Zvezda 2, nakon što je početkom prošle godine kupila hotel Zvezda u centru Vrnjačke Banje. Nedovršena Zvezda 2 ima šest spratova i oko 1.000 projektovanih soba, a njena izgradnja je obustavljena pre skoro tri decenije. Sa već renoviranom Zvezdom 1 činiće kompleks od 5.000 kvadrata na Prom enadi, u centru Vrnjačke Banje. Planirani rok za završetak rekonstrukcije je dve godine, pa nas svečano otvaranje očekuje naredne 2019. godine. U ovaj objekat kompanija Zepter će uložiti oko sedam miliona evra.
HARD ROCK HOTELI U HRVATSKOJ Kompanija Hard Rock International planira otvaranje hotela u Hrvatskoj sa 4 ili 5 zvezdica, na nekoj od atraktivnih hrvatskih destinacija: Split, Dubrovnik, Zagreb i severni Jadran. Osim Hrvatske, zainteresovani su i za ostatak regiona, od Crne Gore do Beograda. Hard Rock International posluje u 75 zemalja, sa 24 hotela, 176 kafea i 11 kasina. Planira se otvaranje još deset hotela u Evropi, a prosek kapaciteta je između 200 i 400 soba po hotelu. Ovi hoteli posvećeni su r’n’r kulturi, pa tokom svog boravka možete zatražiti sopstvenu playlistu, slušati muziku u Rock Spa wellness-u, a u nekim hotelima i kupovati u Hard Rock Shop-u. SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
n o v o s t i COUTRYARD BELGRADE CITY CENTER HOTEL DOBIO BEST EMPLOYERS PRIZNANJE Hotelu Courtyard Belgrade City Center početkom godine stiglo je priznanje prestižne kompanije Aon Hewitt koja je globalni lider u pružanju usluga konsaltinga i ljudskim resursima. Sedište kompanije nalazi se u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, a ima 500 ispostava u čak 120 zemalja. Radi se o priznanju koji se svake godine uručuje, koje se odnosi na najbolje zaposlene, a koje je dodeljeno upravo Hotelu Courtyard Belgrade City Center u Srbiji. Sertifikat se odnosi na proteklu, 2017. godinu.
NOVA NAGRADA ZA ZIRA HOTEL World Travel Awards, organizacija osnovana 1993. godine koja po visokim kriterijumima bira najuspešnije, dodelila je Zira Hotelu iz Beograda nagradu za vodeći poslovni hotel u Srbiji. Na 11. dodeli World Luxury Hotel Awards nagrada u Sankt Moricu, Zira hotel osvojio je još dve nagrade – u kategoriji Luksuzni biznis hotel u Srbiji i u kategoriji Luksuzni moderni hotel u Evropi. Zira Hotel ponosni je vlasnik još nekih nagrada poput Tripadvisor – Certificate of Excellence, Travelers Choice i SEEbtm Awards – Best City Hotel with Conference Center i drugih.
HOTEL HOLIDAY INN PROSLAVIO DECENIJU POSLOVANJA Zajedničkom žurkom hotela Holiday Inn i Crowne Plaza, članica Delta Holdinga, proslavljen je deseti, jubilarni rođendan, hotela Holiday Inn u Belexpocentar hali koja posluje u okviru hotela, a prostire se na 2.500 m2. Fantastičnoj atmosferi su doprineli sjajni nastupi Marije Šerifović i Dejan Petrović Big Band-a. Hotel Holiday Inn otvoren je u novembru 2007. godine kao prvi brendirani hotel u Beogradu i Srbiji posle skoro 20 godina, sadrži 7 sala za konferencije različitih kapaciteta, a one veće mogu da ugoste do 180 učesnika.
BOUTIQUE HOTEL INDIGO U BEOGRADU Početkom decembra 2017. godine najavljeno je otvaranje novog hotela brenda Indigo u Čika Ljubinoj ulici u Beogradu u Srbiji. U ovaj butik hotel biće investirano 20 miliona evra, imaće 4 zvezdice i salu za sastanke, a njegovo otvaranje najavljuje se za 18 meseci u samom centru grada. Prvi Indigo hotel otvoren je 2004. u Atlanti. Hotele ovog lanca karakteriše nesvakidašnji i inspirativan dizajn, česte promene u detaljima enterijera, a posebno uvažavaju kulturu, karakter i istoriju sredine u kojoj se otvaraju.
OD NOVEMBRA LETOVI IZ NIŠA ZA BEČ Od sredine novembra ove godine nisko tarfina kompanija Wizz Air uvešće redovnu avionsku liniju sa niškog aerodroma Konstantin Veliki za Beč, glavni grad Austrije. Letovi će se obavljati tri puta u toku nedelje – utorkom, četvrkom i subotom, a povratna karta moći će da se kupi za već od oko 4.800 dinara ili 40 EUR sa ručnim prtljagom i uključenim taksama. Prognoze su da će na godišnjem novu na ovoj liniji biti prevezeno 45.000 putnika što će ovom aerodromu omogućiti značajno povećanje prihoda kao i broja putnika.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
n e w s NEW HOTELS IN HUNGUesT GRUPATION From the beginning of February 2018 Hungarian hotel chain, Hunguest Hotels, has new partners. Hotel Saliris Resort & Conferencein Egerzalok with four stars that has 204 rooms, wellness centre and four congress halls with capacity for 400 participants. Second hotel with conference capacities is Lifestyle Hotel Mátra with four halls for 400 persons and 114 rooms. Besides these, new partners became Hotel Andrassy Rezidencia from wine region Tokaj, and two hotels in Austria – Alpenblick and Relax Resort.
RESTAURANT KLUB KNJIZEVNIKA FOR CORPORATE EVENTS In Belgrade’s restaurant Klub knjizevnika, located near National theatre, since January 2018 there is a possibility for organizing closed types of corporate events – business gathering, conferences, cocktails and parties. Clients have on their disposal total of three halls that can accommodate be tween 20 and 105 persons if it is a classic setup or up to 150 guests if the setup is in cocktail style. Besides these halls, this restaurant has winter garden whose capacity depends on type of event and setup.
THE CONSTRUCTION OF BELGRADE GONDOLA The construction of gondola lift, which will connect Usce and Kalmegdan, is said to start in this year. Belgrade’s gondola lift will transport passengers on a one kilometre line. Stops will be on municipality Stari grad, near port and Beton Hala, on high of 106 m and in the place where now stands skate park on New Belgrade’s side, on high of 75 m. Gondola lift will have 30 cabins for 10 to 30 persons, driving speed will be 20 km/h and for one hour will be able to transfer 3,000 persons for both directions. One way travel will last for 5 minutes, entrance for persons with disabilities and bicycles will also be provided.
ZEPTER COMPANY BOUGHT ZVEZDA 2 IN VRNJACKA BANJA Company Zepter has officially became the owner of Hotel Zvezda 2, after buying the Hotel Zvezda in Vrnjacka Banja, at the beginning of 2017. This unfinished hotel, whose building was stopped more than three decades ago, has six floors and about 1,000 rooms. Zvezda and Zvezda 2 combined will create a complex of 5,000 m2, on the Prom enade in the centre of Vrnjacka Banja. This project is due to finish in 2019 and Zepter company will invest around seven million euros in this project.
HARD ROCK HOTELS IN CROATIA Hard Rock International plans to open 4 or 5 star hotels in Croatia, on some of the top des tinations – Split, Dubrovnik, Zagreb and Northern Adriatic. Besides Croatia, they are also interested for the rest of region, from Montenegro to Belgrade. Hard Rock International operates in 75 countries, with 176 cafes and 11 casinos. Future plans are to open about a dozen more hotels in Europe and average accommodation capacity is 200 to 400 rooms per hotel. These hotels are dedicated to r’n’r culture, so you can order your own playlist during your stay, listen to music at Rock Spa wellness, and in some hotels you can even shop in Hard Rock Shop. SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
n e w s BEST EMPLOYERS AWARD FOR COUTRYARD BELGRADE CITY CENTER HOTEL At the beginning of this year, Hotel Courtyard Belgrade City Center got acknow ledgement of prestige company Aon Hewitt that is global leader in human capital consulting and outsourcing solutions. The company has headquarters in United States of America with 500 offices in 120 countries worldwide. This certificate is given every year for the best employers, and this year is assigned to Courtyard Belgrade City Center in Serbia and it refers to the last year, 2017.
NEW AWARD FOR ZIRA HOTEL World Travel Awards, an organization founded in 1993 that has highest criteria when it comes to selecting the most successful ones, awarded Zira Hotel from Belgrade for Leading Business Hotel in Serbia. On 11th World Luxury Awards ceremony held in St. Moritz, Zira won two more awards – for the most Luxury Business Hotel in Serbia and the most Luxury Modern Hotel in Europe. Zira Hotel is also the owner of other awards such as Tripadvisor – Certificate of Excellence, Travelers Choice and SEEbtm Awards – Best City Hotel with Conferen ce Center and many others.
HOTEL HOLIDAY INN CELEBRATED A DECADE OF WORK With joined party of hotels Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza, members of Delta Holding, 10th birthday of Hotel Holiday Inn was celebrated in Belexpocenter Hall, with total surface of 2,500 m2. Great performance of Marija Serifovic and Dejan Petrovic Big Band made fantastic atmosphere. Hotel Holiday Inn was opened in November 2007 as the first branded hotel in Belgrade and Serbia after almost 20 years, has seven congress halls with different capacities, and bigger ones can host up to 180 participants.
BOUTIQUE HOTEL INDIGO IN BELGRADE At the beginning of December last year opening of new hotel of Indigo brand was announced. The hotel will be located in Cika Ljubina Street in Belgrade, Serbia. In this boutique hotel 20 million euros will be invested, it will have four stars and a meeting room, and it should be opened in 18 months. The first Indigo Hotel was opened in Atlanta in 2004 and what is characteristic for this brand are frequent interior changes, and what’s more, they respect the culture, character and history of the environment that they are being opened in.
FLIGHTS FROM NIS TO VIENNA FROM NOVEMBER From the middle of November this year low cost company Wizz Air announced opening of new line from airport from Nis, Constantine the Great, to Vienna, the capital of Austria. Flights will be three times a week – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and it will be possible to buy return ticket with taxes and hand luggage included starting with 4.800 RSD or 40 EUR. It is said that on yearly basis, this line will use 45,000 people which will bring this Serbian’s airport significant increase of incomes and number of passengers. 10
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope 5. HRVATSKI RINOLOŠKI KONGRES Zagreb, Hrvatska 23 – 24. februar 2018. godine U Zagrebu se od 23. do 24. februara 2018. godine održao peti po redu Hrvatski rinološki kongres pod pokrovitelj stvom Evropskog rinološkog društva, a u organizaciji Hrvatskog rinološkog društva. Na ovogodišnjem kongresu zemlja partner Hrvatskoj bile su Sjedinjene Američke Države. Kako je američka rinologija jedna od vodećih u svetu, u stručnom i u edukativnom pogledu, svi učesnici kongresa imali su priliku da razmene znanja i iskustva sa uglednim američkim rinolozima. Službeni jezici kongresa bili su hrvatski i engleski.
Prostor: Hotel Dubrovnik
PRVI SAJAM VISKIJA Podgorica, Crna Gora 24 – 25. februar 2018. godine Prvi sajam viskija u Crnoj Gori, održao se 24. i 25. februara u CentreVille Hotel & Experiences u Podgorici. Ideja organizatora bila je da na jednom mestu okupe goste, proizvođače, distributere i ljubitelje viskija. Na sajmu je bilo predstavljeno preko 100 različitih vrsta viskija, a za posetioce su organizovane de gustacije, radionice i predavanja, kao i turniri u black jack-u i pikadu. Obe noći, posetioci su bili u mogućnosti da prisust vuju zabavama u baru The Living Room hotela CentreVille.
Prostor: Hotel CentreVille
CROINTERVENT 2018 Zagreb, Hrvatska 08 – 10. mart 2018. godine Zdravstveni kongres CROINTERVENT nije namenjen samo kar diolozima i specijalizantima kardiologije, već i drugim lekarima i ostalim profesionalcima iz ovog važnog segmenta moderne kardiologije i medicine. Cilj ovogodišnjeg kongresa bio je prikazati trenutno stanje i dostignuća savremene intervencijske kardiologije, prepoznati i analizirati područja koja još uvek nisu dovoljno istražena ili o njima ne postoje usaglašeni stavovi. U okviru programa kongresa našla su se predavanja domaćih i stranih eminentnih stručnjaka, oralne i moderirane poster prezentacije, a neke od tema koje su obrađivane su interven cije u strukturnim bolestima srca, akutni koronarni sindrom i bifurkacijske lezije.
Prostor: Hotel The Westin
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
d o g a đ a j i KONGRES DEČIJIH HIRURGA SRBIJE Beograd, Srbija 12 – 14. april 2018. godine Četvrti kongres dečijih hirurga Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem održaće se u Sava Centru, 12 – 14. aprila 2018. godine, u organizaciji Instituta za zdrav stvenu zaštitu majke i deteta Srbije „Dr Vukan Čupić” i Centra za edukaciju dečije hirurgije Srbije. Ideja organizatora je da kongres bude model interaktivnog i modernog struč nog događaja, ali i platforma za dinamičnu razmenu stručnih informacija koja će učesnicima pružiti aktuelna saznanja primenjiva u praksi. Kongres će okupiti oko 400 učesnika na različitim predavanjima, radionicama i prezentacijama. Teme će obuhvatati oblast kongenitalnih anomalija, politraumatizma, onkolo gije i minimalno invazivne hirurgije.
Prostor: Sava Centar
EUROPREVENT Ljubljana, Slovenija 19 – 21. april 2018. godine EuroPrevent je trodnevni kongres Evropske aso cijacije preventivne kardiologije (EAPC), name njen prezentovanju istraživanja i deljenju znanja vodećih eksperata ove oblasti. Kroz edukativne kurseve i naučni simpozijum pokriva se spektar kardiovaskularne prevencije i rehabilitacije za kardiologe, zdravstvene radnike, naučnike, mlade istraživače i kreatore politike. EuroPrevent okuplja preko 1.200 zdravstvenih profesionalaca iz više od 40 zemalja.
Prostor: Kongresni centar Cankarjev dom
1. KONGRES PORODIČNE MEDICINE BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 19 – 21. april 2018. godine Prvi kongres porodične medicine Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem održaće se 19 – 21. aprila ove godine u Sarajevu. Neke od tema kongresa koje će biti obrađivane su zdravst veni problemi starijih pacijenata, prevencija i bolesti dece i adolescenata, efekti zagađenja vazduha na zdravlje, informacione tehnologije u porodičnoj medicini i kvalitet menadžmenta hroničnih bolesti, ali će jedan deo kongre sa biti posvećen i slobodnim temama. Organizator ovog kongresa je Udruženje lekara porodične medicine Bosne i Hercegovine, osnovano 2000. godine.
Prostor: Hotel Hills
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
EENA 2018 Ljubljana, Slovenija 25 – 27. april 2018. godine Svake godine konferencija EENA okuplja evropske slu žbe hitne pomoći, javne vlasti, istraživače i predstavnike industrije u cilju razmene iskustava iz prakse. Konferencija će imati oko 700 učesnika, uključujući i 300 delegata iz službi za hitne slučajeve i javnih vlasti iz preko 50 zemalja iz EU i drugih delova sveta. Događaju će prisustvovati i organizacije dobavljača, ist raživači, regulatori telekomunikacija, operatori mobilnih mreža, internet kompanije i zvaničnici institucija EU. Na posebnoj svečanosti, koja se održava u saradnji sa konferencijom, biće dodeljeno 112 nagrada hitnim službama i građanima za poboljšanje i promovisanje Evropskog broja 112 za hitne slučajeve.
Prostor: Kongresni centar Cankarjev dom
3. AGILE SERBIA KONFERENCIJA Beograd, Srbija 27. april 2018. godine
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Jedna od najvećih Agile i IT konferencija u re gionu, Agile Serbia Conference, održaće se 27. aprila u Madlenianumu, u Beogradu. Posetioci će biti u prilici da čuju svetske eks perte iz oblasti primene Agilnih metodologija na projektima, liderstva u globalnom poslo vanju i razvoja softvera na tri scene, kao i da porazgovaraju sa trenerima i edukatorima u Coaching Corner-u. Prošlogodišnju konferenciju posetilo je preko 500 učesnika iz 12 zemalja. Prijave za predstojeću konferenciju su u toku.
Prostor: Opera & Theatre Madlenianum
6 – 9. jun 2018. godine Konferencija o cističnoj fibrozi će se po 41. put održati 6 – 9. juna 2018. godine u beogradskom kongresnom centru – Sava Centru. Organizator skupa je ECFS, Udruženje evropskih i internacionalnih eksperata koji se bave pitanjima iz ove oblasti medicine. Neke od tema biće vezane za genetiku, dijagnozira nje, fiziologiju, imunologiju, nove terapije, razvoj i ishranu. Na konfereciji će postojati i sesije ograničene na do pedeset učesnika koje će voditi eksperti ove oblasti, i koji će tom prilikom odgovarati na pitanja i savetovati učesnike. Organizator ove konferencije je upravo Evropsko društvo za cističnu fibrozu.
Prostor: Sava Centar
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Events in the region of South East Europe 5TH CROATIAN RHINOLOGIC CONGRESS Zagreb, Croatia February 23rd – 24th, 2018 From February 23rd through 24th, 2018, the Croatian Rhinologic Congress was held for the fifth time sponsored by the European Rhinologic Society and hosted by the Croatian Rhinologic Society. At this year’s event, Croatia’s partner country was the United States of America. Seeing as the US is a world leader in this specialty – both in terms of expertise and in terms of education – the participants had an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences with renowned American rhinologists. The event’s official languages were Croatian and English.
Venue: Hotel Dubrovnik
FIRST WHISKEY FAIR Podgorica, Montenegro February 24th – 25th, 2018 First Whiskey Fair in Montenegro took place in Centre Ville Hotel & Experiences in Podgorica on February 24th and 25th. The idea was to bring together and connect guests, producers, distributors and lovers of whiskey. Over 100 different kinds of whiskey was presented dur ing the fair, and tastings, workshops and lectures were organized for visitors, as well as black jack and darts tournaments. Both nights, visitors had an opportunity to attend par ties in the hotel’s The Living Room Bar.
Venue: Hotel CentreVille
CROINTERVENT 2018 Zagreb, Croatia March 8th – 10th, 2018 The CROINTERVENT healthcare convention is intended not only for cardiologists and cardiology specialists but also for other doctors and professionals coming from this important segment of modern cardiology and medicine. This year’s event was set to present the current state and achievements of modern interventional cardiology, identify and analyze areas that are still under-researched or that still harbor diverging views. The event program included lectures by local and foreign nota ble experts, oral and moderated poster presentations, as well as topics such as structural heart disease interventions, acute coronary syndrome, and bifurcation lesions.
Venue: Hotel The Westin Zagreb
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
CONGRESS OF PEDIATRIC SURGEONS OF SERBIA Belgrade, Serbia April 12th – 14th, 2018 The 4th Congress of Pediatric Surgeons of Serbia with international participation will take place at Sava Centar, April 12th – 14th, 2018, hosted by the Mother and Child Health Care Institute “Dr Vukan Cupic” and the Serbian Pediatric Surgery Education Center. The main idea is for the event to serve as a model of an interactive and modern professional event, as well as a platform for a dynamic exchange of professional information that will provide the partici pants with up-to-date findings that they can apply in practice. The Congress will bring together around 400 participants attending diverse lectures, workshops, and presentations. The event will address congenital anomalies, polytrauma, oncology, and minimally invasive surgery.
Venue: Sava Centar
EUROPREVENT Ljubljana, Slovenia April 19th – 21st, 2018
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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A three-day convention hosted by the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC), EuroPrevent is dedicated to introducing new research and sharing knowledge of leading experts in this field. The educational courses and the scientific symposium will cover the wide spectrum of cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation for cardi ologists, health professionals, scientists, young researchers, and policy makers. EuroPrevent brings together more than 1,200 health professionals from over 40 countries.
Venue: Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre
1ST CONGRESS OF FAMILY MEDICINE IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina April 19th – 21st, 2018 The 1st Congress of Family Medicine in Bosnia and Herze govina with international participation will take place from April 19th through 21st this year in Sarajevo. The topics covered by the convention will include health issues in elderly patients, prevention and diseases in children and adolescents, air pollution effects on health, information technology in family medicine, and chronic disease management quality, while one segment will be dedicated to freely selected topics. The event is hosted by the Association of Family Physi cians of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was founded in 2000.
Venue: Hotel Hills
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
e v e n t s EENA 2018 Ljubljana, Slovenia April 25th – 27th, 2018 Each year, the EENA conference brings together European emergen cy services, public bodies, researchers, and industry representatives to exchange experiences from their practice. The conference will welcome around 700 participants, including also 300 delegates from emergency services and public bodies from more than 50 countries from the EU and other parts of the world. The event will also be attended by supplier organizations, research ers, telecoms regulators, mobile network operators, internet com panies, and EU officials. A special ceremony, held in partnership with the conference, will see 112 awards presented to emergency services and private individuals for improving and promoting the European 112 emergency number.
Venue: Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre
3RD AGILE SERBIA KONFERENCE Belgrade, Serbia April 27th, 2018 One of the biggest Agile and IT conferences in our region, Agile Serbia Conference, will be held on April 27th in Opera & Theatre Madlenianum in Belgrade. Visitors will have the opportunity to hear world experts re garding agile technologies on projects, leadership in global business and development of software on three scenes, but also to talk to educators in Coaching Corner. Last year’s conference visited over 500 participants from 12 countries. Registration for this conference is possible at the moment.
Venue: Opera & Theatre Madlenianum
June 6th – 9th, 2018 The Cystic Fibrosis Conference will take place for the 41st time from June 6th through 9th, 2018, at Belgrade’s Sava Centar con vention center. The event is hosted by the ECFS, a Society of European and Inter national experts that focus on this particular field of medicine. Some topics will pertain to genetics, diagnosis, physiology, im munology, new treatments, development, and nutrition. The conference will also include sessions limited to no more than fifty participants and led by experts in the field who will answer the participants’ questions and provide advice. This conference is hosted by the European Cystic Fibrosis Society itself.
Venue: Sava Centar
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Gradi se Mona Plaza hotel u Beogradu Kompanija Mona hotel mena džment iz Srbije započela je 30. novembra 2017. godine izgradnju hotela Mona Plaza u Beogradu na Dorćolu. Kompanija će iz svo jih sredstava i kredita investirati 30 miliona evra, a izgradnja će trajati narednih 20 meseci, pa je kraj radova i otvaranje naja vljeno za 2019. godinu. Hotel Mona Plaza imaće četiri zvezdice, prostiraće se na 20.000 kvadratnih metara, 152 sobe, parking, banket salu sa kapac itetom preko 700 mesta, dva restorana i 200 zaposlenih. Hotel će obuhvatati i kulu od 13 spratova, a na zadnjem spratu biće sala za organizaciju konferencija.
Novo i
RENOVIRANO Mama Shelter hotel od marta u Beogradu Ove godine u centru Beograda, u Knez Mihajlovoj ulici, 8. marta je otvoren hotel MAMA Belgrade. Hotel ima četiri zvezdice, a raspolaže sa 125 soba, kon ferencijskom salom, restora nom, picerijom, otvorenim bioskopom, podzemnim par kingom i barom na krovu koji se prostire na 500 m2. Grupacija MAMA Shelter, čiji je koncept kreirala porodica Trigano, za sada ima u šest gra dova i tri države ukupno 677 soba, šest restorana i oko 450 zaposlenih. Njihova strategija se zasniva na otvaranju hotela u centru grada sa idejom da se svi tamo osećaju kao kod kuće.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Hotel Ramada Podgorica renovira kongresnu salu Millennium Hotel Ramada iz Podgorice u januaru ove godine izvršilo je rekonstrukciju najvećeg prostora, kongresne sale Millennium, idealne za konferencije i događaje većeg formata, a koja će se pored ostalih sala u hotelu, koristiti i za potrebe organizacije različitih vrsta tim bilding aktivnosti. Upravo ta aktivnost biće u fokusu tekuće godine u hotelu Ramada, te će tako upotpu niti svoju tim bilding ponudu – preko osmišljavanja aktivnosti do organizovanja tura po najpopularnijim destinacijama u Crnoj Gori. Maksimalan broj ljudi koji staje u ovu salu je 400.
Otvaranje hotela Tornik na Zlatiboru Otvaranje hotela Tornik na Zlatiboru planirano je za 1. jun ove godine. Hotel će raspolagati sa 357 soba i apartmana od kojih će 130 biti u glavnom delu hotela, a preostalih 227 u zgradi depandansa. U okviru hotela nalaziće se i kongresni kompleks površine od 2.250 m2, koji će činiti kongresni centar na 1.000 m2 u zgradi depandansa, sala površine 400 m2 u glavnom hotelu, sale u rotacionom restoranu površine 750 m2, kao i dve sale za sastanke površine 100 m2. Pored smeštajnog i kongresnog dela, u okviru hotela Tornik nalaziće se i spa i wellness centar i heliodrom.
Grand Park Hotel Rovinj – novi Maistrin hotel Ove godine očekuje nas otvaranje još jednog hotela u na šem regionu. Radi se o novoizgrađenom hotelu Grand Park Hotel Rovinj koji je, između ostalog, zamišljen i kao hotel za poslovne ljude. Hotel će imati 5 zvezdica i 6 spratova, na kojima će biti raspoređeno ukupno 193 sobe i 16 apartman skih jedinica. Pored ovoga, u svom sklopu imaće restoran, bar, wellness i spa centar na 3.800 m2 i dva sprata, tri spoljna bazena na poslednjem hotelskom spratu, multifunkcionalnu kongresnu salu i uslugu parkiranja vozila. Sve sadržaje će povezivati šetalište ispod kog se nalazi ACI marina Rovinj koja će takođe biti potpuno rekonstruisana.
Prvi Hilton hotel u Srbiji Otvaranje prvog Hilton hotela u Sr biji, iz svetski poznatog istoimenog lanca, bilo je 8. marta ove godine kada je glavni grad, Beograd, postao bogatiji za još jedan hotel. Hilton Belgrade, koji se nalazi u Ulici Kralja Milana ima, pored odlične lokacije, četiri zvezdice, ukupno 242 smeštajne jedinice, rooftop bar sa pogledom na Stari grad, podzemnu garažu i preko 650 m2 kongresnog prostora koji može da ugosti 500 učesnika. Takođe, ima i tri multifunkcionalne sale, poslovni centar i manju salu za sastnake.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Novi Sad dobio Sheraton hotel Hotel Sheraton je otvoren 7. marta u Novom Sadu, a zahva ljujući ostvarivanju saradnje između kompanije MK i jedne od najvećih hotelskih korporacija u svetu. Lokacija hotela je u blizini centra Novog Sada, prostire se na 11.000 m2, a ima ukupno 6 kon ferencijskih sala sa kapacitetom od skoro 800 mesta, 150 soba, od čega je 9 apartmana i jedan predsednički apartman. Na poslednjem spratu gostima je na raspolaganju spa i wellness centar, a u okviru hotela nalaze se klub sobe i klub lounge sa posebnim benefitima za članove loyalty kluba Sheraton, za koje funkcioniše i poseban concierge program.
Prošireni kapaciteti apart hotela MujEn Lux na Kopaoniku Apart hotel MujEn Lux na Kopaoniku, jednoj od najpo sećenijih planinskih destina cija u Srbiji kada je kongresni turizam u pitanju, prvi kvartal 2018. godine posvetio je proširenju svojih smeštajnih kapaciteta u Vikend naselju. Radi se o izgradnji dodatnih 30 apartmana koji nose naziv Harmony by MujEn, čime je ovaj kompleks upotpunio i proširio svoju ponudu. Pored ovog navedenog, novo sti su i da su restoran i kongre sna sala MujEn Lux kompkeksa sada u novom ruhu.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Renoviran hotel Golf na Bledu Hotel sa najvećim kongresnim kapa citetom na Bledu, u Sloveniji, hotel Golf, u fazi je renoviranja lobija i sme štajnih jedinica u kojima će dominira ti prirodni materijali, a otvaranje je najavljeno za april mesec ove godine. Ovaj hotel ima ukupno 150 soba, spa i wellness centar, osam konferencij skih sala od kojih najveća može da ugosti 350 učesnika, tri restorana i parking za ukupno 104 vozila. Renoviranje hotelske recepcije naja vljeno je da će početi na jesen.
Building of Mona Plaza Hotel in Belgrade Mona Hotel Management com pany from Serbia started with building hotel Mona Plaza in Belgrade, on Dorcol, on Novem ber 30th 2017. The company will invest 30 million euros from its own foundings, and building will last next 20 months so the end of construction works and opening is announced for 2019. This will be a four star hotel on 20,000 m2, it will have 152 rooms, parking and banquet hall with capacity for 700 per sons, two restaurants and 200 employees. Besides hotel, there will be a big 13 floor tower, and on the last one there will be a congress hall.
New and
IMPROVED Hotel Ramada Podgorica Renovates Congress Hall Millennium Hotel Ramada in Podgorica finished reconstruction of their biggest event space, congress hall Millen nium, which is ideal for big conferences and bigger events. Along with the other halls in the hotel, Millennium will be used for organization of various and different types of events and team building ac tivities. This precise activity will be in focus for hotel Ramada and they will complete their team building offer – designing activities and organizing tours for most popular Montenegro destinations. Maximum capacity for this congress hall is 400.
Mama Shelter Hotel in Belgrade from March In the very city centre of Bel grade, in Knez Mihajlova Street, on March 8th there was opening of MAMA Belgrade hotel. The hotel has four stars, and ca pacity of 125 rooms, conference hall, restaurant, pizza bar, open air cinema, underground parking space and bar on the rooftop on 500 m2. MAMA Shelter grupation, whose concept was made by Trigano family, at the moment has 677 rooms, six restaurants and 450 employees in six cities and three countries. Their strategy is based on opening hotels in city centre with the idea of the place where everyone will feel like they are at home.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Opening of Hotel Tornik on Zlatibor Opening of hotel Tornik on Zlatibor is planned for June 1st this year. Hotel will have 357 rooms and suites, 130 in the main hotel building and the other 227 in the annex building. Significant part of the hotel will be 2,250 m2 congress complex, compris ing of 1,000 m2 congress centre in the annex building, 400 m2 hall in the main building, 750 m2 halls in the revolving restaurant, as well as two 100 m2 meeting halls. Besides this mentioned, the hotel will have Spa & Wellness area as well as heliport for business guests.
First Hilton Hotel in Serbia
Grand Park Hotel Rovinj – New Maistra Hotel
Opening of the first Hilton hotel in Serbia, from the well–known hotel chain, was on March 8th this year, when the capital, Belgrade, got one more hotel. Hilton Belgrade, that is located in Kneza Milana Street has, besides its great location, four stars, total of 242 accommoda tion units, rooftop bar with the view to municipality Stari grad, underground parking and over 650 m2 of congress space that can host up to 500 participants. Also, it has three multifuncti onal halls, business center and boardroom.
In our region, this year brings us another hotel opening. It is about new Grand Park Hotel Rovinj in the city of Rovinj that will also be a business hotel and will work through all year. This will be five star hotel on six floors, with total capacity of 193 rooms and 16 suites. Besides this, the hotels will have its own restaurant, bar, Spa & Wellness centre on 3,800 m2 on two floors, three outdoor swimming pools on the last floor of the hotel, multifunctional con gress hall and parking service. All amenities will be connected by promenade and underneath there will be ACI marina Rovinj that will be fully reconstructed.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Novi Sad Got Sheraton Hotel Sheraton hotel was opened in Novi Sad on March 7th 2018, due to cooperation of MK Company and one of the biggest hotel corporations in the world. Hotel Sheraton is located near city center on 11,000 m2, there are 6 conference halls with capacity of 800 places and it has 150 rooms including 9 suites and 1 presidential suite. On the last floor guests are able to enjoy Spa & Wellness Center, and there are also club rooms and club lounge for persons with extra benefits for Loyalty Shera ton Club members that have special concierge program.
Renovated Hotel Golf on Bled Hotel with the biggest congress capacity on Bled, in Slovenia, hotel Golf, is renovating lobby and accommodation units (where natural materials will be dominating) at the moment, so opening is an nounced for April. This hotel has 150 rooms, Spa & Wellness Center, eight conference halls from which the biggest one can host up to 350 participants, three restaurants and parking space for 104 vehicles. Renovation of reception desk will start on autumn this year.
More Capacities for Apart Hotel MujEn Lux on Kopaonik Apart hotel MujEn Lux on Kopao nik, one of the most visited moun tain destinations in Serbia when it comes to congress tourism, the first quarter of 2018 dedicated to expanding its accommodation capacities in Vikend naselje. It is about building extra 30 apart ments named Harmony by MujEn, which made this apart hotel offer completed. Along with all of this, additional news are that the res taurant and congress hall of MujEn Lux complex are refreshed and with new look.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade
Dobra atmosfera u timu je ključ uspeha
Aleksandar Vasilijević, Generalni menadžer Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade
Razvojni put Aleksandra Vasilijevića, generalnog menadžera Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade, koji slovi za jedan od najuspešnijih hotela u regionu, započet je pre 18 godina kada je počeo da radi na mestu recepcionera u hotelu Hyatt Regency Belgrade.
Nakon nekoliko godina rada u ovom hotelu, odlazi za Crnu Goru gde je dve godine bio na čelu Vile Montenegro na Svetom Stefanu, a zatim se vraća u Srbiju na poziciju šefa recepcije u novootvorenom Country Club Hotelu Babe, a potom i u hotelu President u Kovilovu, gde je bio zadužen za domaćinstvo i recepciju.
Ova godina predstavlja prekretnicu u njegovoj karijeri jer tada dobija poziv za poziciju prvog čoveka u Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade.
daleko veći pristup informacijama, raspolaže ogromnim predznanjem pre nego što stigne na određenu destinaciju ili u određeni hotel...
Danas je Aleksandar Vasilijević jedan od lidera hotelske industrije Srbije, a atmosfera u timu kojim on rukovodi poznata je kao zaštitni znak ovog hotela.
Međutim, „prava“ hotelijerska pri ča za Aleksandra Vasilijevića zapo činje u beogradskom hotelu Zira. Ovde mu je od presudnog značaja bila podrška tadašnjeg direktora hotela, gospodina Richard Bam ford-a, koji je prepoznao njegov veliki potencijal. Kako Aleksandar i sam često navodi, to je čovek koji mu je u karijeri najviše pomogao i kog smatra svojim mentorom. Nakon njegovog odlaska, Aleksan dar postaje generalni menadžer ho tela Zira, gde se zadržava do 2012.
U hotelijerstvu ste prisutni od 2000. godine. Koliko se od tada ova grana industrije promenila?
Hotelijeri su prinuđeni da se pri lagode, usvoje nove tehnologije, budu aktivni na društvenim mre žama, prate internet recenzije. Ukratko, hotelijerstvo je bilo prinu đeno da ide u korak sa novinama i „podmladi se“. Digitalizacija je preuzela kompas i oni koji se nisu priključili neće moći da opstanu.
U poslednjih 18 godina svedoci smo velikog tehnološkog napretka koji je doveo do globalnih promena u skoro svim industrijama pa tako i u hotelskoj. Promenilo se mnogo toga, ali pre svega rekao bih da se najviše pro menio način na koji današnji gost razmišlja. On je zahtevniji, ima
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade otvoren je u decembru 2012. godine, te je nedavno proslavio pet godina vrlo uspešnog rada. Da li ste tada znali da ćete prevazići očekivanja po pitanju uspešnosti poslovanja? Koji su osnovni principi kojih se pridržavate kada je reč o upravljanju hotelom?
Svi zaposleni dobro znaju kolika su moja očekivanja i bio bih lažno skroman kada bih rekao da nisam očekivao uspeh. U taj uspeh kao generalni menadžer sam pre svega morao da verujem kako bih, i u danima kada je bilo puno izazova, to uspeo da prenesem na svoj tim. Smatram da je upravo taj tim jedan od glavnih razloga od kog je naš hotel postao sinonim za dobru uslugu i kvalitet. Često dobijamo komentare od go stiju da se kod nas oseća opuštena i pozitivna atmosfera, a to možete da postignete isključivo ako imate dobar i zadovoljan tim ljudi. Verujem da sam ovim odgovorio i na drugo pitanje koje se tiče princi pa kojih se pridržavam kada je reč u upravljanju. Trudim se, zajedno sa ostatkom menadžment tima, da stvorimo atmosferu poverenja. Zaposleni znaju da moraju vredno da rade, ali da će isto tako naići na razu mevanje i opuštenu atmosferu. Ovaj hotel je često izbor organi zatora događaja. Šta smatrate da organizatore u najvećoj meri opredeljuje na ovu odluku? Naravno, pored odličnog konferen cijskog prostora kojim raspolaže mo (prostor od preko 700 m2 koji uključuje banket halu, 4 multi-fun kcionalne sale, 2 boardroom-a kao i dva konferencijska foajea) odlu čujući faktor je i personalizovana usluga koju pružamo tokom same pripreme i organizacije događaja, fokusiranost na detalje, fleksibil nost ali i kvalitet hrane koja se služi na našim događajima, a koja je već postala i naš znak raspoznavanja. Hotel Falkensteiner je 2016. godine dobio SEEbtm nagradu „Best Conference and Banque ting Staff”. Šta čini dobar tim i kako oformiti i kreirati tim koji pobeđuje?
Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade zabava povodom uspešnog završetka godine
Ovde bi prosto trebalo da nave dem: Duško, Marko i Dragan koji su predvodnici na „frontu“, i Nađa i Eržebet koje su zadužene za ban ket prodaju i pripremu događaja. Svi su oni sa nama od samog otva ranja i čine jedan kompaktan tim na koji sam izuzetno ponosan. Možda će zvučati kao opšte mesto, ali dobar tim čine dobri ljudi, a mi se trudimo da budemo okruženi samo takvima. Nekad je i faktor sreće, koji vam omogući da dođete do dobrog kandidata i zaposlite ga, prisutan. A kako da od dobrog kandidata na pravite odličnog radnika i zadržite ga u timu, to je već ozbiljan rad.
Na koji način podstičete pro duktivnost i kreativnost tima kojim koordinirate?
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Već sam spomenuo da u Falkenste iner-u vlada opuštena atmosfera. Ljudi jednostavno vole da dolaze na posao. A poznato je da krea tivnost proizilazi iz opuštenosti. Kada neko od zaposlenih ima na primer određeni problem ali i predlog, ne boji se da ga iznese. Da, mora da se radi naporno, ali zna se da smo kao poslodavci tu da podržimo naše zaposlene u svakom smislu. Mirjana Jokić
Aleksandar Vasilijević sa priznanjem SEEbtm Awards
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade
Positive Team Atmosphere Is Key to Success
Aleksandar Vasilijevic, General Manager Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade
Now at the helm of the Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade – a leader among hotels in the region – General Manager Aleksandar Vasilijevic started down his career path at the Hyatt Regency Belgrade’s reception desk 18 years ago. Several years later, he left for Mon tenegro to run Sveti Stefan’s Villa Montenegro. After he returned to Serbia he took on the role of recep tion manager at the newly opened Country Club Hotel Babe. He then transferred to the Presi dent in Kovilovo, where he was in charge of the housekeeping and reception departments. However, Aleksandar’s “real” hotel story started at the Zira in Belgrade. There he was met with crucial sup port from the then hotel manager Mr. Richard Bamford, who recogni zed Aleksandar’s great potential. As he often points out, this is the man who has helped his career most and whom he sees as his mentor. After Mr. Bamford left, Aleksandar assumed the duties of general manager at the Zira, where he stayed until 2012. This year was a professional turning point – he
was invited to take up the reins at the Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade. Today, Aleksandar Vasilijevic is one of the leaders in the Serbian hotel industry, and the atmosphere in his team is regarded as one of the hotel’s trademark. You have been in the hotel in dustry since 2000. How much has the industry changed since that time? Over the past 18 years, we have been witnessing great technologi cal advancement that resulted in global changes in nearly every industry – the hotel industry was no exception. Much has changed, but above all I would say that pre sent-day guests’ way of thinking has changed the most. The guests are more demanding and have far greater access to information;
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
they are already extremely know ledgeable before they even arrive in a particular destination or at a particular hotel... Hospitality professionals have no choice but to adapt, adopt new technologies, use social media, monitor online reviews, etc. In short, the hotel industry was forced to keep pace with novelties and “revamp” itself. Digitization has taken over the lead, and those who don’t get in on the act will not be able to survive. The Falkensteiner Hotel Belgra de opened in December 2012, and not long ago it celebrated a very successful five-year run. Were you aware back then that you would exceed expectations in terms of business results? What main principles guide you when it comes to hotel management?
All employees know my expectati ons very well, and I would be lying if I said that I never expected succ ess. As the general manager, I had to believe in that success so that – in the days filled with challenges – I would be able to pass it on to my team. I think that the team is precisely one of the main reasons that our hotel has become syno nymous with high quality service. Our guests often comment how they feel a relaxed and positive ambiance at our hotel, and this is possible only if you have a good, happy team of people. I believe that this also answers the second question regarding the principles I subscribe to when it comes to management. Together with the rest of the management, I strive to foster a trustful ambiance. Employees know that they have to work hard, but at the same time they are welcomed with unders tanding and a relaxed ambiance. This hotel is a frequent choice among event planners. What do you think largely determines this choice? Of course, in addition to the imp ressive conference space we offer (more than 700 m2 including a banquet hall, four multifunction rooms, two boardrooms, and two conference foyers), a deciding factor is also the tailored service we provide during event prepara tions and organization, attention to detail, flexibility, and high quality catering at our events, which has now become a trademark of ours.
Aleksandar Vasilijevic and the owner of Falkensteiner Hotels, Erich Falkensteiner
banquet sales and event prepara tion. All of them have been with us from the very opening and make up a tight team that I am extremely proud of. It may sound like a cliché, but a good team is made up of good people, and we try to sur round ourselves only by those. Sometimes even pure luck – allow ing you to meet good candidates and recruit them – also factors in. And turning good candidates into excellent employees and keeping them in the team – now that’s seri ous work. How do you encourage pro ductivity and creativity among your team members?
I’ve already mentioned the Falken steiner has a relaxed vibe about it. Our people just like coming to work. And it’s well known that relaxed breeds creativity.
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For example, when our employees have an issue and also a suggesti on, they’re not afraid to bring them forth. Yes, our employees indeed work hard, but they know very well that we as their employers are there to support them in every sense of the word. Mirjana Jokic
In 2016, the Falkensteiner rece ived the SEEbtm Award “Best Conference and Banqueting Staff”. What makes a good team and how is a winning team formed and created? All I need to say here is: Dusko, Marko, and Dragan – who are on the frontlines – as well as Nadja and Erzebet, who are in charge of
Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade team with SEEbtm Award
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
tema broja
Play and Learn koncept u poslovnom okruženju
Pomozite članovima tima da uče na kreativan način
Istina je da sa učenjem nikada ne prestajemo. Razlika je jedino u formi prenoše nja i primanja informacija. Deca u najranijem uzrastu uče konstantno, ali to ne opažaju na taj način. Ona uče kroz igru. Možda je upravo to razlog zbog čega taj proces ide tako brzo i glatko. Što idemo stariji, učenje se pretvara u obave zu, a čim je nešto percipirano kao obaveza, pogled na to počinje da se menja. Entuzijazam uglavnom opada ukoliko se na posletku ne radi o temama za koje smo jako zainteresovani ili koje nam prosto „leže“. 28
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
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Brojna su istraživanja koja pokazuju da je za kreativnost osobe direktno „odgovorno“ vreme provedeno u igri u najranijim danima.
A i ušuškavanje u rutinu može biti opasno po produktivnost. Zbog to ga treba stalno napredovati, raditi na sebi ali i svima koji čine tim.
zaštićeno i korisno, a povrh svega imaju osećaj da se igraju. A igra, kako smo rekli na početku podstiče kreativan način razmišljanja.
A svi se sa radošću i osmehom se ćamo tih dana, svojih ili svoje dece, kada smo od šarenih kockica pravili kuće, slagali puzle, crtali i bojili ili se igrali sa vršnjacima ispred zgrade.
Ovo su neke od tehnika koje će svakako pomoći u primeni Play and Learn koncepta, a koje se, verovali ili ne, temelje upravo na procesu kroz koji deca uče.
Psiholozi su utvrdili da kada se određeno ponašanje podstiče, ljudi imaju tendenciju da ga usva jaju brzo i ponašaju se tako.
Čak smo i izmišljali igre – „ti budi prodavac, ja ću biti kupac“, „hajde da se igramo igre u kojoj si ti kuvar, a ja sam došla/došao da jedem u tvom restoranu“.
Ponudite izbor. Kada ovo kažemo, ne mislimo na iz bor tipa „da li ovo želite ili ne želite da uradite?“ jer takva vrsta izbora nije uvek moguća.
Dalje razvijanje i nadograđivanje ovakvih i sličnih ideja u svakodnev nim igrama dece direktno podstiču kreativnost i rađanje novih ideja, kao i razvijanje mašte. Konstantno održavanje motivacije zaposlenih može biti vrlo teško ili u najmanju ruku dosta veliki izazov čak i za vrlo iskusne tim lidere.
Ovde govorimo o mogućnostima biranja da li tim želi da se prvo pozabavi stavkom jedan ili stavkom dva na sastanku. Ovakvi mali izbori su odlični jer pojedincima, a i grupi, daju osećaj da se ipak nešto pitaju, da imaju moć odlučivanja, da je njihovo mišljenje važno i da se uzima u obzir.
Koliko god da imate iskustva u radu sa ljudima, postoje periodi kada dolazi do onoga što zovemo „zamor materijala“.
Dozvolite da se radi u timu kada god okolnosti to dozvoljavaju. Osećaj pripadnosti istom timu je dragocen. Ljudi se osećaju
Dakle, ako ih hvalite i imate poziti van stav u vezi sa njihovim angažo vanjem, rad će biti efikasniji. S tim u vezi, zabave nikada nije dosta! Zadajte zadatak kroz igru. Ovo može da vam zvuči detinjasto ili neprikladno za poslovne uslove, ali naučno je dokazano da konver tovanje zadatka u igru u skoro svim slučajevima čini zadatak zabavnim.
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Nema ničeg lošeg u tome da poslovne ciljeve zadajete u formi nekih od igara. Ako je potrebno da se, uzmimo za primer, zapamti ogroman broj podataka da bi se određeni zadatak izvršio, zašto ga ne biste pretvorili u igru memorije? Ili možete probati sledeći pristup:
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
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podelite ljude u timove koje čini između pet i šest osoba pa svakog člana grupe zadužite za rešavanje različitog dela zadatka. Kada svako odradi svoj deo, sa svojim kolega ma treba da podeli način na koji je došao do rešenja. Budite što praktičniji. Složićete se da je jako teško udubiti se u nešto ukoliko ne razumete svr hu posedovanja takve vrste znanja. A ako ste tim lider, članovi tima treba da se ugledaju na vas. Dakle, uvek je važno da pokaže te i objasnite praktičnu stranu onoga što od njih očekujete, da im pojasnite, da im date konkret ne primere i najvažnije, da uvek budete spremni da odgovorite na sva dodatna pitanja, kao i da ih podstičete. Ako radite sa „ćutolozima“, smislite kreativan način da ih „probudite“. Uvedite praksu da svakom ko po stavi pitanje na primer dobacite čokoladicu .
Pored toga što se kroz igru razvijaju socijalne veštine i kognitivne sposobnosti, igra i zabava utiču i na emotivno sazrevanje i sticanje samopouzdanja koje je od velike važnosti za učestvovanje u sva kodnevnim aktivnostima i interakciji sa okruženjem.
Radno okruženje mora pružati osećaj sigurnosti. Ako želite rezultate, od krucijalne važnosti jeste da se svaki zaposleni oseća sigurno na svom radnom mestu. Pod ovim podrazumevamo nekoli ko stvari: da zaposleni zna da uvek može reći ono što misli, bez da nje gova ideja bude na bilo koji način osuđena ili ismevana, da se kolege međusobno podržavaju i bodre (što i tim lider treba da radi!) i da, ukoliko napravi grešku, jer svako ko radi i greši, kaže poslovica, zna da će tim stati iza njega i ponuditi mu pomoć u prevazilaženju problema. Zapravo, poslovni sastanci se mogu posmatrati i kao jedno veliko dečije igralište.
Naravno, prilagođeno godinama u kojima se nalazimo. Svašta korisno se da naučiti na poligonu za igru. Kako deliti, kako rešavati novo nastale probleme, kako graditi odnose sa okruženjem... I kako učiti od drugih. Na to vrlo često zaboravljamo. Naravno, trebaće vremena da se koncept „primi“. A ovaj pristup je definitivno nešto čemu treba dati šansu. Uvereni smo da će rezultirati ve ćom produktivnošću, kreativnošću i većim zadovoljstvom u timu! Milica Novak
Dr Sara Smilansky, koja je bila profesor psihologije na univerzitetu u Tel Avivu, dala je pre skoro 30 godina opis pet osnovnih tipova igranja kroz koje deca uče. A ako bismo ih prilagodili poslovnom svetu i sastancima, njihov opis bi izledao ovako: Funkcionalne igre u kojima deca istražuju svoje okruženje. To rade i odrasli. Već smo objasnili na koje se sve načine upoznajemo sa radnom okolinom. Konstruktivne igre u kojima deca uče da nešto naprave, izgrade ili reše problem. U našem slučaju, ovo bi bili brainstorming sastanci. Igre drame u kojima se deca pretvaraju da su neko drugi, dakle uzimaju tuđe identitete. Da li ste nekada poželeli da ste „šef umesto šefa“? Igre društvene drame/predstave. Najnapredniji način igranja u kom deca imitiraju likove uz verbalnu dramatizaciju i fantaziju/fikciju. Uzimaju objekte i daju im sasvim drugu namenu (papiri postaju novac, knjiga postaje kormilo zamišljenog broda itd). U poslovnom okruženju ovo su situacije u kojima se od zaposlenih traži da na inventivan način nađu rešenje. Na primer, za šta se sve može koristiti ovaj nov proizvod? Ili na koje sve načine možemo korisnicima olakšati korišćenje naše usluge? Igre u kojima postoje pravila – sve one igre koje se svode na pobediti ili izgubiti pricip, a pri tome se striktno poštuju pravila igre. Tačno se zna šta je dozvoljeno, a šta nije što pomaže prihvatanju pravila u društvu. Recimo da bi ovo bio princip poslovanja kompanije.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
cover story Play and Learn in the Workplace
Help Your Team Members Learn in a Creative Way The truth is that we never really stop learning. The only difference is in the form of conveying and receiving information. At the earliest age, children are constantly learning, but they don’t perceive it like that. They learn through play. Perhaps this is the exact reason why this process moves so fast and smoothly. As we get older, learning turns into a responsibility. And when something is perceived as a responsibility, it starts to feel different. In general, enthusiasm starts to decline if the subject matter is not something that we are very interested in or that we just have a knack for.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine ¡ March 2018
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s t o r y
Numerous studies reveal that a person’s creativity directly corres ponds to the time spent playing at the earliest age. And we all joyously remember those days – our own or those of our children – when we were mak ing houses from colorful building blocks, solving puzzles, drawing, coloring, and playing outdoors with friends. We even used to make games up: “You be the shopkeeper, I’ll be the customer,” or “Let’s play a game – you’ll be the chef, and I’ll be a customer who came in to eat at your restaurant.” Further developing and upgraing of these and similar ideas in everyday children’s games directly encoura ge creativity, bring about new ide as, and foster the imagination. Constantly maintaining employee motivation can be very difficult or, at the very least, quite a challenge – even for highly experienced team leaders. No matter how much experience you have in dealing with people,
there are times when we go thro ugh what we call “fatigue fracture”. And also, getting lulled into a rou tine can be detrimental to produc tivity. That is why it’s important to always grow and work on yourself, as well as everyone who makes up the team. These are some of the techniques that will certainly help with imple menting the Play and Learn concept and that – believe it or not – are based on the learning through play process used for children. Offer choices. By this, we do not mean choices like “Do you want to do this or not?” – this type of choice is not always possible. We’re talking about the possibiliti es of choosing whether the team wants to first deal with item one or item two in a meeting. These small choices have an excel lent effect because they make indi viduals – and the group – feel like they do have a say and the power
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
to make decisions, as well as that their opinion matters and is taken into account. Use teamwork whenever the circumstances allow it. The sense of belonging to the same team is very beneficial. People feel protected and useful, and above all they feel like they’re playing. And play, as we noted at the beg inning, encourages creative ways of thinking. Psychologists have found that when certain behavior is stimulated, people tend to adopt it quickly. So if you praise them and have a positive attitude regarding their engagement, the work will be more efficient. As for the above, you can never have too much fun! Assignments through play. This might sound childish or inap propriate for the workplace, but science has proven that converting an assignment into a game almost always makes the task fun. There is nothing wrong with assig ning business goals in the form of games. For example, if you need to remember a huge amount of
information in order to perform a task, why not turn it into a memory game? Or you can try the following approach: group people into teams made up of five to six people and task each group member with solv ing a different part of the assign ment. When the team members all finish their parts, everyone shares the way he/she came to the solu tion. Be as practical as possible. You will probably agree that it is very difficult to delve into some thing if you don’t understand the purpose of possessing the given knowledge. And if you’re a team leader, your team members need to look up to you. That’s why it is always important to show and explain the practical side of what you expect, clarify, give specific examples, and – most importantly – always be prepared to answer any additional questions and encourage them.
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In addition to developing social skills and cognitive abilities, play and fun also affect emotional maturity and self-confidence, which is of great importance for participating in everyday activities and interaction with the environment
If you are dealing with “the silent types,” think of a creative way to “wake them up”. For example, you can start giving out candy bars to anyone who asks a question and make it a tradition . The work environment must pro vide a sense of safety. If you want results, it’s crucial that every employee feels safe in the workplace. By this we mean a few things: employees knowing that they can always say what they think, without their ideas being judged or ridiculed in any way; coworkers supporting and encouraging each other (the team leader should also be doing this!) and knowing that, if they make a mistake, the team will stand behind them and offer them
help in overcoming the problem, because anyone who’s doing any thing can make mistakes. In fact, business meetings can also be seen as a big playground. Of course, adjusted to the adult age. A lot of useful things can be learned on the playground. How to share, how to solve new problems, how to build relationships with the envi ronment... And how to learn from others. We often forget that. Of course, the concept will take time to “sink in.” And this approach is definitely something that deser ves a chance. We are convinced that it will result in higher produc tivity, creativity, and team satisfac tion!
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Milica Novak
MD Sara Smilansky, a psychology professor at Tel Aviv University, gave a description of the five basic types of learning through play nearly 30 years ago. And if we were to adapt them to the business world and meetings, their description would look like this: Functional games in which children explore their environment. That’s what adults do, too. We’ve already explained the ways in which we become familiar with the work environment. Constructive games in which children learn to make or build something, or solve a problem. In our case, this would be brainstorming meetings. Drama games in which children pretend to be someone else – they take on others’ identities. Have you ever wished to be the “boss instead of the boss”? Social drama/Performance games. The most advanced way of play in which children imitate characters with verbal dramatization and fantasy/fiction. They take objects and give them completely different purposes (papers become money, a book becomes the rudder of an imaginary ship, etc.). In the work environment, these are situations where employees are asked to find a solution in an inventive way. For example, what can this new product be used for? Or how can we make our services easier for our customers? Games with rules. All those games that come down to the win or lose principle, while strictly respecting the rules of the game. You know exactly what is allowed and what is not, which helps to accept the rules in society. Let’s say that this would be the company’s business principle.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
tema broja Icebreaker igre
Kako opustiti i zagrejati atmosferu na sastancima? Poslovni sastanci su danas veliki i neizostavan deo modernog biznisa. I, verova tno ćete se složiti, ne baš uvek i prijatna aktivnost. Pogotovo kada se ljudi pozna ju nedovoljno ili se ne poznaju uopšte. Upravo ovaj parametar može da bude odgovoran za neproduktivan sastanak, loše poslovne rezultate, manjak među sobnog razumevanja ili ono što zovemo „zategnutom“ atmosferom i tenzijom. Tzv. „icebreaker“ (u slobodnom pre vodu onaj koji probija led) zapravo je aktivnost, igra ili događaj koji se koristi da „zagreje“ atmosferu i pomogne otvaranje komunikacije između učesnika na sastancima, tim bildinzima i različitim vrstama treninga. Ukratko, preporučljivo je koristiti icebreaker igre na bilo kom tipu okupljanja koje zahteva da učesnici budu opušteni i imaju međusobnu interakciju. Pravi i dobar odabir ice breaker-a dovodi do toga da se sva ki član tima ili grupe oseti kao da se sa ostalima poznaje godinama.
Različiti tipovi icebreaker igara U zavisnosti od prilike i svrhe, po stoji više tipova Ice Breaker igara koje se mogu koristiti na poslovnim
sastancima. Prvi tip je onaj čiji je zadatak čista zabava – Fun icebreaker. Ukoliko se učesnici, zaposleni u ovom slučaju, već poznaju, smeh i konverzacija koje su posledica icebreaker igre pomoći će „zagre vanju“ atmosfere u grupi. Ako se pak radi o strancima „led se probija“ i svi imaju priliku da sa znaju i nauče nešto o svojim novim kolegama i članovima tima. Evo i nekoliko primera pitanja: • Kada biste bili u mogućnosti da promenite svoje ime, koje novo biste izabrali i zbog čega? • Koji slogan najbolje opisuje Vaš život? • Ako biste sutra imali mogućnost da se probudite kao životinja, koja bi to životinja bila i zbog čega? • Kada bi postojala šansa da zau
vek imate određene godine, o kom bi se dobu radilo? Primeri možda mogu da Vam de luju banalno, ali ako se malo bolje razmisli o njima, bez obzira na to koliko se zaposleni međusobno po znaju, najverovatnije je da ne znaju baš sve jedni o drugima. A ako misle da se poznaju, predlaže mo Igru pogađa nja. Za ovaj tip ice breaker igre nije potrebno puno stvari – samo olovke i papir. Svako treba da napiše o sebi nešto što veruje da niko od ostalih ne zna. Na primer: „Bojim se pasa“,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
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„Ne jedem limun“ ili „Želja mi je da posetim Madagaskar“. Zatim se sve poruke sakupe, promešaju, nasu mično izvlače i naglas čitaju. Dok se čita, zaposleni treba da pogađaju ko je šta napisao. Verujte, jako je zabavno! Sledeći tip icebreaker igara je onaj koji je zapravo uvod u tim bilding. Slikovitije, ovaj tip igre traži da grupa identifikuje i/ili navede zajedničke stvari i/ili osobine sa ostatkom grupe. Kao neka vrsta „pred–tim–bildinga“. Podelite ljude u grupe od četiri do pet članova nasumično. Svakoj od grupa recite da im je prvi zadatak da napišu šta im je svima zajednič ko, a da nema veze sa poslom. I naravno, pripremite se na odgo vore poput „Svi imamo čarape/ ruke/noge/majce“ . Kada daju odgovor na ovo pitanje, sledeće treba da bude 10 osobina koje su im zajedničke sa ljudima sa kojima sede za istim stolom.
Zatim, kažite svakoj grupi da treba da izaberu po jednu osobu koja će hvatati beleške i koja će ih pročitati nakon završetka zadatka. Nađite među njima dobrovoljca koji će to prvi uraditi, a zatim iza
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njega svi ostali to treba da urade. Čitanje listi ovog tipa uvek je odli čan izvor zabave, smeha i diskusije. Ljudi vole da traže osobine koje imaju zajedničke sa drugima u svojoj i tuđoj grupi, upoređuju
svoju listu sa drugima što dovodi do slobodnije i otvorenije komuni kacije i principa deljenja. Grupama ne treba više od 10 – 15 minuta za ceo proces (u zavisnosti od broja grupa) te neće oduzeti puno vremena, a rezultat će biti više nego zadovoljavajuć – opušte ni i nasmejani saradnici spremni za dalje zadatke. Još jedan tip icebreaker igre, koji je dobro praktikovati, jeste onaj koji za svrhu ima aktivnost zasnovanu na svrsi samog sastanka. Na primer, često se koristi kao pri stup ispitivanja u vezi sa poslovnim događajima i aktivnostima – kroz neki vid brainstroming-a. Timovi se mogu sastajati radi diskusije i analize sastanaka ili tim bildinga koji se organizuju na godiš njem nivou. Razmišljajući i govoreći o stvarima koje su uspešno izvedene, ali i oni ma koje baš i nisu prošle najbolje, svaki član tima daje svoje mišljenje o pomenutom, ovaj razgovor ima funkciju icebreaker igre.
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Prednosti koje nam icebreaker igre donose - - - - - -
Brzo ćete imati pažnju zaposlenih Barijere će postepeno biti otklonjene među učesnicima Ljudi će se vrlo brzo upoznati Pomaže generisanju novih ideja Komunikacija postaje opuštenija Saradnici polako počinju sa međusobnom interakcijom na drugom, prisnijem, nivou
Postoji još puno tipova ovih igara, ali svi oni zapravo predstavljaju kombinaciju ova tri tipa.
Kako do uspešne icebreaker igre? Sigurno ćete pronaći bezbroj pri mera za igranje. Ali, kako smo rekli na početku teksta, od presudne je važnosti izabrati pravu i za određe nu priliku prikladnu igru, kako biste imali rezultate. S tim u skladu, evo nekih opštih saveta u vezi sa onim što treba i ne treba raditi pri započinjanju ove aktivnosti: • Dajte učesnicima dovoljno vremena
• Igrajte se da biste napravili opu štenu atmosferu • Igre treba da budu jednostavne i kratke, kao i instrukcije • Budite spremni na improvizaciju ako bude potrebno • Igrajte se ako učesnici dolaze iz različitih oblasti/odeljenja kompanija • Nemojte predlagati igre za koje znate da će nekome biti neprija tne • Nemojte ljude primoravati da učestvuju
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U kojim ste icebreaker igrama Vi učestvovali? Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
cover story Icebreaker Games
How to Relax and Embrace the Atmosphere at Meetings? Business meetings today are a big and indispensable part of modern business. And - you’d probably agree - they’re not always enjoyable. Especially when people don’t know each other much or at all. It is precisely this parameter that can be responsible for an unproductive meeting, poor business results, lack of mutual understanding, or uneasy and tense mood. The so-called “icebreaker” is actu ally an activity, a game or an event that is used to warm up the mood and help open up communication between participants in meetings, team building events, and different types of training. In short, icebreaker games are re commended for any type of gather ing that requires the participants to relax and in teract with each other. The right selection of icebreakers re sults in every member of the team or group feeling like the people present have known each other for years.
Different types of icebreaker games Depending on the occasion and purpose, there are several types of icebreaker games that can be used at business meetings. The first type is the one that serves as pure fun – the fun icebreaker. If the participants – in this case the employees – already know each other, laughter and conversations that result from an icebreaker will help to warm up the mood in the group. If the people are strangers to each other, the game breaks the ice and everyone has a chance to find out and learn about their new colleagues and team members. Here are some question examples: • If you could change your name, what new one would you choose and why?
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
• What slogan best describes your life? • If tomorrow you had the oppor tunity to wake up like an animal, what animal would that be and why? • If you could be of a certain age forever, what age would it be? Examples may seem trivial, but if you think about them, no mat ter how long the employees have known each other, they most likely don’t know every little thing about each other. And if they think they do know each other, we recco mmend the Guessing game. This type of icebreaker doesn’t require a lot – just pens and paper. Everyone writes down something about himself/herself that he/she believes none of the others know. For example: “I’m afraid of dogs,”
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“I do not eat lemons,” or “I want to visit Madagascar.” Then all the messages are collected, mixed, ran domly picked out, and read aloud. While the messages are being read, the employees guess who wrote what. Trust us, it’s really fun! The next type of icebreakers is the one that is actually the introduction to team building. More precisely, this type of game requires the group to identify and/or specify things and/or quali ties in common with the rest of the group. It’s like sort of a “pre-team building.” Put people in groups of four to five randomly. Tell each group that their first task is to write something they all have in common, but it can’t be anything to do with work. And of course, be prepared for answers like “We all have socks/ hands/feet/t-shirts.”. When they answer this question, next they should do is name ten qualities
they share with the people sitting at the table. Then, tell each group that they need to choose one per son who will take notes and read them after completing the task. Find a volunteer who will do it first, and then everyone else should
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follow. Reading lists like this is always an excellent source of fun, laughter, and discussion. People like to look for qualities they have in common with others in their own and other groups. They compare their list with othe
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
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rs, which leads to a more free and open communication and sharing principles. Groups do not need more than 10 – 15 minutes for the entire process (depending on the number of groups), so the game doesn’t take much time, and the result is more than satisfactory – relaxed and smiling employees ready for their next tasks. Another icebreaker that is very useful is the one whose purpose is an activity based on the purpose of the meeting itself. For example, it is often used as a questioning approach for business events and activities – through so me form of brainstorming. Teams can meet to discuss and ana lyze meetings or for team building events that are organized every year. By thinking and talking about things that have been successfully accom plished – as well as those that have not given the best results – each team member gives his/her opinion about these things, and this discus
The benefits of icebreaker games - - - - - -
You will quickly get the employees’ attention Barriers between the participants will gradually dissolve People will get to know each other very quickly Help generate new ideas Communication becomes more relaxed The coworkers slowly start interacting with each other at a more intimate level
sion functions as an icebreaker. There are many more types of the se games, but they are all really a combination of these three types.
How to get a successful icebreaker game? You will surely find a number of game examples. But, as we said at the beginning, it is crucial to choose the right one, one that is appropriate for the particular occasion, in order to get results. In line with this, here’s some gen eral advices about what should and should not be done when starting this activity: • Give the participants enough time
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
• Play so as to create a relaxed mood • The games should be simple and short, as should instructions be • Be prepared to improvise in case it becomes necessary • Play if the participants come from different areas/depart ments of companies • Do not suggest games you know that will make someone uncom fortable • Do not force people to partici pate What icebreaker games did you take part in? Milica Novak
Lazure Hotel & Marina Montenegro
Novo lice Boke Kotorske Početak predstojeće ljetnje sezone, tačnije polovinu juna, obelježiće otvaranje ekskluzivnog kompleksa Lazure Hotel & Marina Montenegro, smještenog na ula zu u slikoviti Bokokotorski zaliv, pored živopisnog srednjevekovnog grada Her ceg Novog. U okviru kompleksa nalaze se Lazure Boutique Hotel sa konferencijskim salama i prostorima za organizova nje događaja, restorani i barovi, spa i fitness centar i Lazure Marina.
Lazure Boutique Hotel
Lazure Boutique Hotel oživljava istorijske prostore Lazareta, bokokotorsko obiljeležje XVIII vijeka. Ova istaknuta zgrada je pažljivo renovirana i vraćena u život kao luksuzni boutique hotel koji nudi usluge visokog standarda inspirisane crnogorskim gostoprim stvom. Prepoznajući veliku istorijsku vrijednost samog Lazareta, investitori i arhitekte Lazure Hotel & Marina sačuvali su unikatnu atmosferu kompleksa i proširili funkcionalnost prostora koji ga okružuje.
Lazaret u Meljinama je nadasve poznat među lokal nim stanovništvom, čak i među turistima i zbog toga je u toku odabira imena sačuvana vezu sa istorijskim nazivom ovog unikatnog mesta. Tako se pojavila ideja da ovaj kompleks dobije ime Lazure. Ova riječ asocira, prije svega, na azurnu boju, more, nebo, čistoću i mir, a nije izabrana slučajno jer se u samoj zgradi budućeg hotela može naći mnoštvo detalja jarke svijetlo-plave boje: vrata kapele, ramovi i kapci prozora.
Lazure Boutique Hotel nudi 24 smještajne jedinice sa pogledom na more, baštu ili dvorište u rustično-mo dernom stilu – delux soba i apartmana, kao i jedan King apartman. Sve smještajne jedinice su klimatizo vane i poseduju TV, telefonsku liniju, bežični internet, minibar, sef, fen za kosu i kupatilo.
„Mišljenja smo da ovaj naziv idealno odgovara našem projektu i u potpunosti odražava njegovu suštinu – udahnuti novi život u zidine starog zdanja, naglasiti njegovu prirodnu ljepotu, sačuvati unikatnu atmosferu i podariti gostima komfor, radost i mir“, navodi projekt ni tim ovog kompleksa.
Personalni servis, koji posebnu pažnju posvećuje de taljima, deo je standardne usluge gostiju Lazure Hotel & Marina kompleksa. Zbog svog izvanrednog dizajna, jedinstvene arhitekture i idealne lokacije, odličan je izbor za one koji putuju zbog posla, ali i one koji dolaze na odmor.
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h o t e l Konferencijske sale i prostori za organizovanje događaja Lazure Hotel & Marina u sastavu komp leksa ima konferencijsku salu od 160 m2 koja može primiti do 200 ljudi i jednu manju salu (70 m2) za 70 osoba. Na raposlaganju su i dva dvorišta i otvo reni baštenski prostor površine 880 m2 koji se mogu prilagoditi bilo kojoj vrsti događaja i ugostiti to 500 osoba.
Restorani i barovi Restorani i barovi Lazure Hotel & Marina kompleksa insistiraju na tradicionalno crnogorskom gostoprimstvu kao i sviježe domaćim proizvodima. Gosti će imati priliku da tokom cijele godine, pored mediteranske kuhinje i lokalnih renomiranih vina, uživaju u pogledu na akvatorijum marine. Rosemarine Restaurant je a la carte restoran u kom se služe mediteranska jela u kojima će uživati i najzahtev niji gastronomi. Augusto Brasserie je prostor koji je otvoren ceo dan – sa terasom i dvorištem, a gostima pruža vrhunsko iskustvo fusion kuhinje. 1729 Wine Bar je pravo mesto za sve hedoniste jer ov dje mogu uživati u velikom izboru lokalnih i internacio nalnih vina u kombinaciji sa ukusnim sirevima. Rocco Lounge Bar je moderno uređeno dvorište u kom se služe najpoznatija hladna i topla pića. Lazure Beach & Bar mjesto je za opuštanje jer pruža pogled na tirkizno more, a možete uživati u različitim pićima i zalogajima.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Spa i fitness centar Lazure Boutique Hotel nudi gostima hotela, kao i pos jetiocima, bjeg od realnosti i uspostavljanje potpunog blagostanja u jedinstvenom spa i fitness centru koji u svom sadržaju ima pet vrsta sauna, hamam, jacuzzi, kneip, bazen, centar lepote, masažu i kozmetičke tretmane, prostoriju za fitnes, yogu, ples i teretanu, vrt sa mediteranskim biljkama i travnjakom za jogu i pilates na otvorenom.
Lazure Marina Pored savršene lokacije u zalivu Boke Kotorske, Lazure Marina između ostalog nudi 221 vez za brodove dužine između 5 i 30 m, mogućnost kratkoročnog i digoročnog zakuljivanja vezova, obezbeđenje i pomoć 24h, usluge prodaje i iznajmljivanja jahti, bežični internet i Yacht club and café.
Lazure Hotel & Marina Montenegro
New Face of Boka Kotorska Bay The beggining of this summer season, middle of June to be more precize, we are expecting opening of exclusive complex Lazure Hotel & Marina Montenegro, at the entrance to the picturesque Kotor bay, next to the beautiful medieval city of Herceg Novi. Part of the complex are Lazure Boutique Hotel with con ference halls and special events venues, restaurants and bars, Spa and Fitness center and Lazure Marina.
Lazure Boutique Hotel Lazaret in Meljine is widely known among locals and even tourists, therefore in the process of construction and development of the project, the contact with the historical name of this unique place was maintained. Thus there was an idea to give the name Lazure. This word is, first of all, associated with azure color, air, sea, with clarity and calmness. And this is not coincidental – many details of the bright-blue colour can be found in the building: the doors of the chapel, the shutters and window frames. “We think that this name is perfect for our project as it fully reflects its essence – to preserve the history and breathe a new life into the walls of an old building, to emphasize its natural beauty, to maintain a unique atmosphere and to give guests comfort, joy, and se renity”, says the project team of this complex.
Lazure Boutique Hotel revives the historical premises of Lazaret, an 18th century landmark of the Bay of Kotor. This prominent building has been carefully re novated and brought back to life as a luxury boutique hotel offering exceptional standards of service inspired by Montenegrin hospitality values. Recognizing the great historical value of the Lazaret, investors and architects of Lazure Hotel & Marina preserved the unique atmosphere of this complex and expanded its functionality. Lazure Boutique Hotel offers privacy of 24 modern rustic-style guest suites and deluxe rooms, including one King Suite. The suites and deluxe rooms feature sea, garden, or courtyard view. Attractively furnished, all rooms are fully air-conditioned and equipped with flat screen TV, telephone, wireless internet, minibar, safe, hairdryer, and bathroom amenities. Personal service with attention to details is conside red a natural privilege of every guest at Lazure Hotel & Marina. With its extraordinary design, unique archi tecture, and ideal location, it perfectly suits leisure and business travelers.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
h o t e l Convention halls and Special Events venues Lazure Hotel & Marina offers a conferen ce room (160 sqm), that can host up to 200 people and one smaller hall (70 sqm) for 70 persons. Also, there are two court yards and an outdoor garden venue (880 sqm) adaptable for any type of event and can host 500 people.
Restaurants and bars Restaurants and bars celebrate traditional Montenegrin hospitality and freshness of local produce. The guests will have an opportunity to taste Mediterranean cuisi ne at its best, try local wines, and enjoy comforting marina view during whole year. Rosemarine Restaurant is a la carte restaurant serving Mediterranean cuisine dishes pleasing various gastro nomic tastes. Augusto Brasserie is an all-day venue with terrace and courtyard giving the ultimate dining experience by serving trendy fusion cuisine. 1729 Wine Bar is the right place for wine and more serving a variety of local and international wines. Stop by to taste deliciously flavored bites and selection of cheese. Rocco Lounge Bar is a modern ambience courtyard serving a variety of signature cold and hot drinks. Lazure Beach & Bar is the right place to relax and enjoy clear turquoise sea, sun, fancy drinks and creative snacks.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Spa and Fitness center Lazure Boutique Hotel offers its guests, but visitors also, a luxurious retreat including swimming pool, a variety of saunas, hammam, jacuzzi, massage, body care treatments, hair and beauty salon, gym, hall for fitness, yoga and dancing classes as well as outdoor grass lawn in the Mediterranean garden for open air yoga workouts featuring marina view.
Lazure Marina Beside its perfect location in Boka Kotorska Bay, Lazure Marina amogst other, offers 221 berths for boats from 5 m up to 30 m, short and long term berths options, 24-hour security and assistance, onsite brokers for charter and yacht sales, Wi-Fi and Yacht club and café.
tema broja
Istorija društvenih igara
Društvene igre – učenje kroz razonodu Oduvek smo ih igrali. A da li smo se zapitali odakle vode poreklo i čemu su služile? Budimo iskreni, verovatno da nismo. Zbog toga, u ovom broju SEEbtm magazina pozabavili smo se ovom temom. Većina društvenih igara dolazi nam iz Azije, a na stale su kao dodatni podsticaj u izučavanju i razvijanju vojne strategije, neke su za zadatak imale da propagiraju religiju, približe ljudima matematiku i astronomiju, pomognu u razlikovanju dobrog od lošeg, ali i kao podrška protestima. Danas u svetu postoji preko 60.000 različitih društvenih igara. Primarni cilj za ne koga su druženje i zabava, za druge pak pobeda, ali jedno je sigurno – predstavljaju odličan način za povezivanje onih koji u njima učestvuju. Najstarija društvena igra na svetu su kockice – osnovni element većine današnjih društvenih igara, napravljen od kamena, kostiju ili obojenih drvenih štapića, pred stavlja i sam početak istorije igara. A igra se sastojala samo u bacanju istih. Pobednik je bio onaj koji u datom trenutku bacanjem dobije najveći broj.
Azija kao kolevka društvenih igara Kraljevska igra Ura, poznata i kao Igra dvadeset kvadrata pronađena je na teritoriji današnjeg Iraka.
Igra je stara oko 5.000 godina i pre dstavlja jednu od prvih igara koje se igraju na „tabli’’. Iz ove igre nastaje i Tavla (bekgemon), koja se igrala i u Persiji, antičkom Rimu, Aziji ali i srednjevekovnoj Evropi. Pravila su sledeća – dva igrača bacaju kockice i pomeraju po 15 žetona preko 24 polja (po 12 na obe strane) u skladu sa onim što su dobili. Žetoni se premeštaju preko svog protivnika na drugi kraj table u odnosu na broj koji je dobijen na kockicama, a ukoliko dobijete iste brojeve, možete bacati još jednom. Cilj je da se svi igračevi žetoni sklo ne sa table.
Za razliku od Kraljevske igre Ura, koju je moglo igrati i građanstvo, u Egiptu su ovakve igre prvenstve no smeli igrati samo faraoni. Senet je jedna od staroegipatskih igara koja se nalazi i na mnogim ilustracijama nađenim u grobni cama faraona. Oko 1550. godine p.n.e. ova igra postala je neka vrsta talismana za zagrobni život, jer se smatralo da su uspešni igrači pod zaštitom bogova. Zbog ovog verovanja i velike popu larnosti među vladarima, ova igra postaje rasprostranjena i među građanstvom.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
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Jedna od nama najpoznatijih iga ra, šah, nastao je u Indiji, tokom carstva Gupte, pre 1500 godina, i njegov tadašnji naziv – čaturanga, značio je „četiri roda vojske” – pe šadija, konjica, slonovi i dvokolice. Kako je vreme prolazilo, i vojska je postajala drugačijeg sastava, pa su ti rodovi danas pešaci, konji, lovci i topovi. Za Hinduse je bio oruđe za studiranje vojne strategije, kocka nja, matematike i astronomije. Reč „šah” počinje da se koristi u Persiji pri napadu na protivničkog kralja i u prevodu znači kralj, a zavr šetak igre – šah mat, znači „kralj je bespomoćan”. Nakon pokoravanja Iranske visora vni, Arapi prenose šah u Evropu, gde dobija savremeni oblik, kakav je i danas poznat. U Indiji nastaje još jedna igra koja se igra i danas, Zmije i Merdevine, a njeno prvo ime bilo je Vaikunta paali ili Leela. Zamišljena je kao poučna igra o grehu i vrlinama – penjanje uz merdevine predstavlja lo je značaj dobrih dela na putu ka prosvetljenju, a zmije su prikazivale kako greh nanosi štetu grešniku.
Kraj partije značio je dostizanje nirvane. Tek u Americi dobija svoju današnju verziju dečije igre zabav nog karaktera. Indijska igra Pačisi, nacionalna je igra Indije i jedna od prvih koja je prilagođena zapadnjačkom tržištu. Indijski vladari ovu igru su podigli na viši nivo – dvorište jedne palate u gradu Fatehpur Sikri bilo je zapra vo velika tabla po kojoj se umesto pijuna kretalo 16 robinja obučenih u različite boje. Pačisi je namenjen za dva do četiri igrača, a svaki igrač dobija po četiri figure. Baca se šest školjki morskih puževa, i figurica se pomera za onoliko polja koliko školjki padne otvorom na gore. U slučaju da samo jedna padne na taj način, imate 10 poteza, a ukoliko sve padnu otvorima na dole, imate 25. Centar table, čarkoni, predstav lja polazište i ishodište igre. Igrač koji prvi obiđe celu tablu, u smeru suprotnom od kretanja kazaljke na satu, i stigne na cilj sa svim svojim figurama je pobedio. Zbog sličnosti pravila, mnogi ovu igru porede sa igrom „Čoveče ne ljuti se”. Igru Vei ći izmislio je kineski car Jao,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
kako bi svog sina naučio mudrosti. Iz Kine ova igra stiže u Japan pod današnjim imenom – Go. Upravo u Japanu i doživljava naj veći razvitak, gde se u XVII veku razvijaju čak tri Go škole iz kojih izlaze i prvi profesionalni igrači. Prvi evropski Go klub osnovan je u Puli, a prvi srpski u Kragujevcu 1970. godine. Kragujevački Radni čki i danas je jedan od vodećih u Srbiji. Ova igra dokazano poveća va prostornu inteligenciju i moć planiranja. Madžong je još jedna igra iz dre vne Kine, za koju se smatra da je osmislio Konfučije, oko 500 godina p.n.e. Glavni deo ove igre su tri zmaja koja su povezana sa tri ve štine koje je Konfučije učio – dobronamernost, iskrenost i po štovanje porodice. U Japanu danas postoji više od sedam miliona igra ča i preko devet hiljada specijalizo vanih salona za igru. Da biste bili uspešni u ovoj igri neophodna vam je dobra strategija i dosta kalkulaci je. Madžong je igra za dva do četiri igrača sa setom od 144 pločice na kojima se nalaze kineski znakovi i
DA LI STE ZNALI? · Najstarije kockice nađene su u grobnici u Turskoj i stare su preko 5000 godina. · Prva igra namenjena deci bile su Školice, nastale u rimskom carstvu oko 500 p.n.e. · Početkom 60-ih godina slogan za Jamb bio je ,,Zabavna igra koja razmišljanje čini zabavnim“. simboli. Igrači dele i bacaju pločice 13 puta, a u 14. deljenju se formi raju četiri grupe pločica (rezultat) i jedan par (glava). Pločice mogu biti jednostavne – numerisane, ili časne – vetrovi i zmajevi. Pločicu možete ukrasti od protivnika i tako pobediti. Igranje Madžonga pomaže pri pro blemima kognitivnog pamćenja i u borbi protiv demencije.
A iz Evrope... Igra Dama nastala je 1723. godine u Francuskoj, a prvo svetsko prven stvo odigrano je 1984. godine. Francuzi, Holanđani i Belgijanci čak
su osnovali i Svetsku federaciju za damu. Ova igra se igra na ploči od 100 polja, 50 crnih i 50 belih. Svaki igrač ima po 20 figura koje pomera po tabli dijagonalno prema protivniku. Kada dođe do protivnič ke figure koja iza sebe ima slobod no polje, preskače je i uzima. Sve figure su na početku obične i postaju dame kada stignu do polja u poslednjem redu. Dama se sastoji od dve obične figure složene jedna na drugu, i može se pomerati dijagonalno u svim pravcima, za onoliko polja koliko igrač želi. Cilj je osvojiti sve protivničke figure, ili im onemogućiti sledeći potez. Jednu od najpoznatijih igara današ njice, Riziko izmislio je francuski producent Albert Lamorisse 1957. godine pod drugim imenom, da bi je kompanija Parker Brothers Co. kupila i pod današnjim imenom objavila 1959. godine. Na početku partije svaki igrač iz špi la izvlači karticu na kojoj je napisan zadatak. Tabla je u stvari karta sveta, pa se na drugom špilu karata nalaze imena Država koje se mogu
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osvojiti. Cilj je prvi ispuniti zadatak sa kartice, koji je tajan sve do kraja partije.
Društvene igre u Americi Kako su hodočasnici i puritanci povezivali kockice sa đavolom, prva društvena igra u Ameriku je stigla tek 1822. godine, a sve američke igre sa početka XIX veka bile su tematski vezane za religiju. Tek krajem tog veka na američko tržište izlazi prva igra bazirana na kapitalizmu i materijalizmu. Monopol nastaje 1903. godine, ali je izgledao potpuno drugačije od onog što je nama poznato. Prva ver zija ove igre stvorena je kao protest protiv sistema taksi i monopola u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i upozorenje na opasnosti pohlepe i propagirala je uvođenje većih pore za za bogataše. Igra je 1930. godine prodata kompaniji Parker Brothers Co. pod današnjim nazivom – Mono pol. Do 2015. godine, Monopol je prodat u više od milijardu prime raka, što je čini najprodavanijom društvenom igrom svih vremena!
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Još jedna igra veoma popularna danas nastala je u Americi. Jamb je 50-ih godina XX veka otku pio E.S. Lowe (jedno od njegovih zanimanja bilo je proizvodnja igara) od nepoznatog kanadskog para koji je tu igru nazivao „Igra za jahtu“ („The Yacht Game“), jer su je igrali sa prijateljima na svojoj jahti. Kada je Milton Bradely 1973. godine otkupio E.S. Lowe kompaniju, nasledio je i pravo na proizvodnju i prodaju Jamba. Hasbro, trenutni vlasnik ove igre, tvrdi da se u svetu proda preko 50 miliona primeraka Jamba.
Igrajte se, zdravo je! Društvene igre mogu biti dobar iz bor za subotnje veče sa porodicom ili prijateljima – uskladite raspore de, isključite mobilne telefone i igrajte se. Osim dobre zabave, ove
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igre imaju i pozitivne uticaje na vaše zdravlje. Takođe, društvene igre mogu biti odličan izbor za opuštanje atmosfere i učvršćiva nja odnosa među zaposlenima ili pak uključivanja i razbijanja leda među učesnicima na konferenciji ili seminaru. Igranje društvenih igara predstavlja izvor dobre zabave, a samim tim i smeha, koji povećava nivo endor fina – hormona sreće, koji pomaže opuštanje mišića i cirkulaciju krvi, snižava krvni pritisak, smanjuje nivo stresa i ojačava imuni sistem. Takođe, smejanje i zabava mogu povećati nivo empatije i poveza nosti sa ljudima sa kojima igramo i ojačati porodične veze. Pored ovog benefita, društvene igre poboljšavaju sposobnost pam ćenja u starijem dobu i smanjuju rizike pojave oboljenja poput demencije i Alchajmera.
I zato, pronađite malo slobodnog vremena, izvadite svoju omiljenu igru ili probajte neku novu. A mi vam preporučujemo jednu koja se
skoro pojavila – Revolucija. Proči tajte više u tekstu koji sledi. Nevena Ilić
cover story History of Tabletop Games
Tabletop Games – Learning Through Fun We’ve been playing them since forever. But did we ever stop to wonder where they came from and what purpose they served? Let’s be honest, probably not. That’s why this SEEbtm issue delves into this subject. Most tabletop games come from Asia, and they were created as an additional incentive to study and develop military strategy; some were aimed at promoting religion, making mathematics and astronomy more accessible, helping to distinguish between good and bad, as well as supporting protests. Today, there are more than 60,000 different tabletop games in the world. For so me, the primary purpose is socializing and having fun, for others, it’s winning, but one thing is certain – they are a great way of connecting those who take part. The oldest tabletop game in the world are dice – the basic element of most of today’s tabletop games – made of stone, bone, or colored wooden sticks, and this was the very beginning of the history of games. And the game consisted only of throwing them. The winner was the one who, at the given mo ment, throws the highest number.
Asia as the birthplace of tabletop games The Royal Game of Ur, also known as the Game of Twenty Squares, was found on the territory of to
day’s Iraq. The game is about 5,000 years old and is one of the first board games. This game inspired Tavla (backgam mon), which was also played in Per sia, Ancient Rome, Asia, and Mid dle Ages. The rules are as follows: two players roll dice and move 15 pieces across 24 triangles (12 on both sides) according to what they got. The pieces are moved over the opponent to the other end of the board according to the numbers shown on the dice, and if you get the same numbers, you roll the dice again.
The objective is to remove all of the players’ pieces from the board. In contrast to the Royal Game of Ur, which was available also to ordinary people, in Egypt, such ga mes were primarily intended to be played by pharaohs only. Senet is one of ancient Egyptian games that is found on many illus trations found in pharaohs’ tombs. About 1,550 BC, this game became a sort of talisman for the afterlife, because it was believed that succes sful players were under the protec tion of gods. Due to this belief and great popularity among rulers, this
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game started to become widespre ad also among the people. One of the games we know best – chess – originated in India, during the Gupta Empire, 1,500 years ago, and his then name - chaturanga meant “four military units” – infantry, cavalry, elephants, and rickshaws. As time passed and the military’s composition started to change, these units today include pawns, knights, bishops, and rooks. For Hindus, chess was a tool for studying military strategy, gamb ling, mathematics, and astronomy. The term “chess” started to be used in Persia in the attack on the opponent king and it translates to “king,” and the end of the game – check mate – means “the king is helpless.” After conquering the Iranian Plateau, the Arabs brought chess to Europe, where it got its modern form, as we know it today. India is the birthplace of another game that is still played today, Chu tes and Ladders, originally known by the name of Vaikuntapaali or Leela. It was conceived as a game teaching of sin and virtues – clim bing the ladders was the significan ce of good deeds on the path to enlightenment, and the chutes showed how sin inflicts harm on the sinner. The end of the game meant reaching nirvana. Only when it came to America it got its current version as a fun children’s game. The Indian game Pachisi is India’s national game and one of the first to be adapted to the western mar ket. Indian rulers raised this game to a higher level – the courtyard of a palace in the town of Fatehpur Sikri was actually a large board, where 16 slaves dressed in differ ent colors moved instead of pieces. Pachisi is intended for two to four players, and each player gets four pieces. The player throws six shells of sea snails, and the piece moves by as many fields as the
Pachisi, By Micha L. Rieser
shells fall with the opening upside. If only one falls like this, you get ten moves, and if all the openings are down, you get 25. The board’s center – charkoni – represents the starting point and the ending point of the game. The player who first moves around the entire board counterclockwise and gets to the finish with all his/ her pieces wins. Because of the similar rules, many people compare this game with the game Sorry!.
Game of Senet
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The game of Weiqi was invented by the Chinese Emperor Yao to enlighten his son. From China, this game came to Japan under its pre sent name – Go. In Japan it experienced its greatest development – in the 17th century three Go schools were developed, from which the first professional players came. The first European Go club was founded in Pula, and the first Serbian in Kragujevac in 1970. Kragujevac’s Radnicki is still
Did you know? · The oldest dice were found in a tomb in Turkey and are more than 5000 years old. · The first game intended for children was hopscotch, invented in the Roman Empire around 500 BC. · At the beginning of the 1960s, the slogan for Yahtzee was “The fun game that makes thinking fun!” today a leading one in Serbia. This game is proven to increase spatial intelligence and planning abilities. Mahjong is another game from an cient China, thought to have been conceived by Confucius, about 500 years BC. The main part of this game are the three dragons that are associated with three skills thought by Confucius – benevo lence, honesty, and respect for family. In Japan, today there are more than seven million players and more than nine thousand sa lons specialized for the game. To be successful in this game you need a good strategy and a lot of calculations.
Mahjong is a game for two to four players with a set of 144 tiles featuring Chinese characters and symbols. Players split and throw the tiles 13 times, and on the 14th draw four melds (sets) and a pair (eye) is formed. The tiles can be simple – numbered, or honorable – winds and dragons. You can steal a tile from your opponent and win. Playing mahjong helps with cogni tive memory problems and against dementia.
And from Europe... The game of draughts was created in 1723 in France, and the first world championship took place in 1984. The French, Dutch, and Belgians even founded the World Draughts Federation. This game is played on a board with 100 fields, 50 black and 50 white. Each player has 20 pieces that move across the board diagonally towards the opponent. When the player’s piece comes to the opponent’s piece that has a free field behind it, the player skips it and captures it. All pieces start off as plain and become kings when they reach the field in the last row. The king consists of two
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regular pieces stacked atop one another and can move diagonally in all directions, by as many fields as the player wants. The objective is to capture all the opposing pie ces, or to block their next move. One of the most famous games of today, Risk, was invented by French producer Albert Lamorisse in 1957 under a different name and later bought and published under its present name by Parker Brothers Co. in 1959. At the beginning of the game, each player pulls a card from the deck on which the task is written. The board is actually the map of the world, so the second deck of cards contains names of countries that can be conquered. The objective is to complete the task from the first card, which is secret until the game ends.
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Tabletop games in the US As the pilgrims and puritans asso ciated dice with the devil, the first tabletop game came to America only in 1822, and all American ga mes from the beginning of the 19th century were thematically related to religion. Only at the end of that
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century the first game based on ca pitalism and materialism came to the American market. Monopoly was created in 1903, but it looked completely different from what it looks like today. The first version of this game was created as a protest against the taxes and monopoly system in the United States and a warning of the dangers of greed and promoted introducing higher taxes for the rich. In 1930, the game was sold to Parker Brothers Co. under today’s name – Monopoly. By 2015, Mono poly had been sold in more than a billion copies, making it the bestselling tabletop game of all time! Another game that is very popu lar today was created in the US. Yahtzee was bought by E.S. Lowe in the 1950s (one of his professions was the production of games) from an unknown Canadian couple who
called the game “The Yacht Game” because they played it with their friends on their yacht. When Milton Bradley bought E.S. Lowe in 1973, it also inherited the right to manufacture and sell Yahtzee. Hasbro, the current owner of this game, claims that more than 50 million copies of Yahtzee are sold worldwide every year.
Play, it’s good for your health! Tabletop games can be a good cho ice for Saturday night with family or friends – adjust your schedules, turn off your mobile phones, and play away. In addition to good fun, these games also have positive effects on your health. Also, tabletop games can be a great choice for relaxing the mood and strengthening relationships among employees, or for involving and breaking the ice among participa
nts at a conference or seminar. Playing tabletop games is a source of good entertainment, as well as laughter, which increases the level of endorphins – the happiness hor mone, which helps relax muscles and blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and stren gthens the immune system. Also, laughter and fun can increase the level of empathy and connec tedness with the people we play with and strengthen family relati onships. In addition to this benefit, tabletop games enhance memory at older age and reduce the risk of developing diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s. So, find some free time, get your favorite game out, or try a new one. And we recommend one that appeared only recently – Revolu tion. Read more about it in the following piece. Nevena Ilic
Intervju sa Danielom Marušićem, Generalnim menadžerom DT Croatia
Za nas je svaki dan nov izazov Specijalizovana agencija za MICE grupe, DT Croatia, osno vana je pre pune dve decenije i ove godine obeležava svoj jubilej poslovanja. Kako navode, na početku, bilo je teško parirati postojećim tour operaterima koji su imali jake odele u MICE sektoru, ali su zahvaljujući svojoj kreativnosti ubrzo postali agencija koja postavlja standarde. Na temu izazova i poslovanja u proteklih 20 godina, razgovarali smo sa Danielom Marušićem, generalnim menadžerom DT Croatia.
Daniel Marušić, generalni menadžer DT Croatia
su bile one koje su bile u vezi sa auto industrijom – za serijale od 12.500 ljudi. Na šta ste posebno ponosni u 20 godina rada?
Šta su se pokazali kao najveći izazovi u poslovanju dugom 20 godina? DT Croatia je osnovana, 1998. godine. Nakon 2000-te godine DT se sve više okreće MICE poslovanju i nakon kraćeg vremena se specijalizira za MICE i ekskluzivne grupe. Ubrzo je DT prepoznao nedostatke lokalne i regionalne konkurencije, te se posvetio usavršavanju ponude svojih usluga, ali i usluga svojih partnera: lokal nih dobavljača, hotela, restorana, vodiča, transportera i ostalih. Upravo je to bio najveći izazov. Rasli smo za jedno sa svojim partnerima i uspeli da postavimo stan darde MICE poslovanja. U planu su novi projekti koji će zahtijevati drugačiji pristup u našem poslovanju. Radi se o proizvodu koji će nam koristiti i osigurati prednost u ovoj industriji. Koliko uspešnih događaja ste za sve ovo vreme orga nizovali i realizovali? Mogu slobodno reći preko 1.000 incentive grupa i kon gresa, ne uzimajući u obzir grupe koje nemaju MICE element, a i njih je bilo preko 1.000. Najveće grupe
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Najviše na naše sve DT team-ove koji su izneli zahtev ne poslove poštujući DT standarde poslovanja, tj. blagi konzervativni pristup u nekim dijelovima poslova, a opet jako inovativan kreativan i ljudski pristup u seg mentima kad se to najviše cijeni. DT poslovanje je kao na maratonima – nije bitno biti brz, eksplozivan i jak, već je potrebno održati kvalitet na duže staze. Po čemu se razlikujete od ostalih u industriji u okviru koje poslujete i čemu posvećujete posebnu pažnju? Brojne nagrade, regionalne i međunarodne, dokaz su truda naših djelatnika i pravilnog pristupa MICE stan dardima, čemu posvećujemo veliku pažnju. Suradnje s partnerima njegujemo na jednostavan način – veoma dobro poznajemo tehnologiju ovog posla. Upravo zbog tog pristupa su nam poverenje ukazale vodeće evropske MICE agencije koje organiziraju puto vanja za svoje klijente u Hrvatsku ili Sloveniju. Za njih je DT pozitivan primjer onoga što oni očekuju od jednog lokalnog DMC-a. Svetlana Gavrić
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Interview with Daniel Marusic, General Manager of DT Croatia
For Us, Every Day Is a New Challenge Specialized agency for MICE groups, DT Croatia, was founded two decades ago and this year they celebra te jubilee. As they say, at the beginning it was hard to compete with existing tour operators that had strong MICE sectors, but thanks to creativity they shortly be came the agency that dictates standards. On this occasion we spoke with Daniel Marusic, Gene ral Manager of DT Croatia, regarding challenges and doing business in the past 20 years.
Daniel Marušic, General Manager DT Croatia
The biggest groups were regarding car industry, for back to back programs, that had 12,500 people. What are you particularly proud of all these years?
What were the biggest challenges for your business in the past 20 years? DT Croatia has been established in 1998. After year 2000. DT started turning more and more towards MICE business and after a short period of time specializes in MICE and groups only business. We recognised the weak points of the local and regional competition, so it was clear how to make the system work better to make a more attractive service together with DT local service providers – hotels, restaurants, guides, transport and others. That was the biggest challenge. We grew along with all our partners and we succeeded to establish MICE standards in this industry. We are planning new projects that will demand from us a different approach in our everyday business. It is a new product that will ensure us the advantage in this industry. How many successful events have you organized? I can freely say over 1,000 incentive groups and meet ings – not including other groups that do not have MICE elements, and those were also over 1,000.
I am personally most proud of our teams that have done big things, respecting the DT standards – a light conservative approach in some business moments, and at the same time a powerful innovative creative and human approach in moments when it most wanted. We at DT do business like one runs a marathon – it is not important to be fast, explosive and strong, but to maintain the same high quality for a longer time. What makes DT Croatia different from others in this in dustry? How do you cherish cooperation with clients? Numerous awards, regional and international, prove all our work of all our people and right approach for MICE standards, to which we pay great attention. Coopera tion with partners we maintain in a simple way – we know the work technology in this industry. This is the precise reason why leading MICE agencies from Europe work with us when they organize incen tive group travels for their clients in Croatia or Slovenia. Svetlana Gavric
Šta utiče na kongresnu destinaciju?
Kongresni turizam menja međunarodni ugled Srbije Izgradnja međunarodnog ugleda i brendiranje određene zemlje i destinacije odavno je interesantna tema mnogim profesionalcima iz domena turizma i ho telijerstva. Pa ipak, i nakon niza godina i brojnih sprovedenih istraživanja ne po stoji jedan univerzalni „recept“ koji je moguće upotrebiti. Razlog je vrlo jedno stavan. Brendiranje zemlje ili destinacije značajno je složenije od brendiranja određenog proizvoda ili usluge.
Dušan Borovčanin
Ovaj inače komplikovan zadatak dodatno je složen ukoliko je odre đena destinacija u prethodnom pe riodu pretrpela neku od poznatih kriza koje ostavljaju posledice na turističke tokove. Krize mogu imati najrazličitije po jave – međutim, na koji način po praviti međunarodni ugled zemlje koja je pretrpela neku od nezgoda predstavlja pravi izazov. Određene destinacije koje su imale problema sa negativnim međunaro dnim ugledom pokušale su da svoj imidž izgrade kao idealne destina cije za strana ulaganja i investicije kao, na primer Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati ili Katar. Postavlja se pita nje, na koji način onda možemo popraviti ugled svoje zemlje ili celog regiona o kom u određenim delovima Evrope i sveta još uvek postoji negativna percepcija?
Nedavno sprovedeno istraživanje u Srbiji od strane prof. Roba David son-a, jednog od najuglednijih auto ra i konsultanata iz oblasti kongres nog turizma i Dušana Borovčanina sa Univerziteta Singidunum otkriva da kongresni turizam može da bude izlazna strategija za Beograd i Srbiju kao turističku destinaciju. Studija se bavila ljudima koji su Srbiju kao destinaciju posetili po prvi put, ali sa osnovnim motivom prisustva određenom poslovnom događaju. Kao što nam je poznato, kada su u pitanju poslovni događa ji, učesnici nisu ti koji donose odlu ku gde će se kongres, konferencija ili pak sastanak održati. Najčešće je donosilac odluke organizator sku pa. Iz tog razloga, bilo je interesan tno videti kakva je bila percepcija učesnika na poslovnim događajima koji su Srbiju kao destinaciju po prvi put izabrali radi prisustvovanja određenom poslovnom događaju. Rezultati studije koje je nedavno predstavljena u Portugalu, na godi šnjoj konferenciji udruženja ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisu re Education) otkrivaju da slika o Srbiji kao konfliktnoj destinaciji i dalje postoji do određene mere kod posetilaca koji dolaze u našu zemlju po prvi put. Osnovni razlog za ovako kreiranu sliku o Srbiji su,
kako se u studiji navodi, masovni mediji čije izveštavanje je kod određenog broja ispitanika i dalje ostavilo dubok trag. Ipak, ono što ohrabruje jeste da se percepcija posetilaca značajno menja od tre nutka kada zapravo posete zemlju. Najdominantniji faktor, prema rezultatima studije , koji utiče na promenu stavova su ljudi odnosno lokalno stanovništvo koji svojom srdačnošću na prvi korak razbija mitove o ratobornom narodu. Iako su ljudi razlog broj 1, od zna čajnih faktora izdvajaju se i gastro nomija, prijatna klima i cenovna konkurentnost. Jedan od ključnih nalaza takođe predstavlja i podatak da kod najvećeg broja ispitanika nakon što Srbiju posete iz poslov nih razloga, značajno raste namera da Srbiju posete još koji put, samo ovoga puta u ulozi klasičnog turi ste. Ovo istraživanje ukazuje na sna gu koju kongresna industrija nosi sa sobom. Pored direktnih i indirekt nih ekonomskih efekata koje osta vlja na privredu, ona u značajnoj meri doprinosi i poboljšanju među narodnog ugleda koji Srbija ima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja savršeno se slažu sa aktuelnim trendom po pitanju međunarodnih poslovnih događaja u Srbiji. Beograd je na ICCA (International Congress and
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i n d u s t r i j a Convention Association) listi skočio sa 120. na 51. poziciju po pitanju broja održanih međunarodnih sku pova u periodu od 2008 - 2016. go dine, dok je i Srbija kao destinacija svoju poziciju popravila za sedam mesta i sada zauzima 48. mesto na međunarodnom nivou. Beograd i Srbija, kada su u pitanju međunarodni događaji, javljaju se kao jedna nova, interesantna i inspirativna destinacija koja može da odgovori visokim zahtevima poslovnih turista. Međutim, pored toga što značajno prihodujemo, možemo li kongresnu industriju prepoznati i kao jedan od ključnih faktora za brendiranje naše zemlje? Autori ove studije se slažu da i te kako možemo. Dušan Borovčanin, Master ekonomista, Asistent na Univerzitetu Singidunum
Dr Rob Davidson, Generalni direktor kompanije MICE Knowledge
What Affects Congress Destination?
Congress Tourism Improves the International Reputation of Serbia Country and destination branding is the topic that has been attracting interest from tourism professionals for years. Nevertheless, after much research written on this matter we can conclude that there is no universal formula that could be applied in all cases. Simply said, branding a country is far more complex than branding a certain product or a service.
Dušan Borovčanin and Rob Davidson
This already complex task is addi tionally complicated if a country has suffered from some of the very well – known crises which affect overall tourism activities. Crises can appear in many different forms – the question is, how to rebuild the reputation of a country that has suffered from crises? Some countries have tried to build their international image as a per fect place for foreign investments such as the UAE or Qatar. However, unlike other crises that affect country’s image, it is civil conflicts that tend to have long-term conse quences for the national brand. The real question is how we can rebuild its image and improve the perception of foreign visitors.
However, a study recently done by Dr Rob Davidson, one of the most distinguished professors and consultants in MICE industry who recently received a Lifetime Achievement Award at IBTM in Barcelona, and our young aca demic Dusan Borovcanin from Singidunum University reveals that congress tourism can be part of the solution for improving the image of Belgrade and Serbia as tourism destination. The study involved people who visited Serbia for the first time, and whose primary motivation was to take part in a business event. As it is well-known, business tra vellers are not the ones who deci de which destination they will visit. Usually, it is the organisers of the event that do so. For that very reason, the authors of this study were interested in learning what was the perception of participants at business events before they came to Serbia for the first time and comparing it with their perceptions after attending their congress and experiencing the destination for themselves. The results of the study presented at the annual conference of ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Lei sure Education) reveal that the im age of Serbia as a conflict destina
tion still exists to some extent. The main source of this perception are mass media such as TV, news papers and internet. However, what is encouraging is that the perception of foreign trav ellers has changed dramatically from the moment they visit the country for the first time. The most dominant factor that af fects their perception are “people” as they claim, i.e. local population whose friendliness and warmth bre aks down the myths of Serbia as a warlike nation. Although “people” are on top of the list, they are closely followed by factors such as “gastronomy” and “nice climate”, as well as price competitiveness. One of the significant findings is that business travellers, after they had visited the country for busi ness purposes, showed a signifi cant intent to visit Serbia again, only this time for leisure purposes. This research demonstrates the image-changing power of the con gress industry. Besides direct and indirect economic impacts it leaves on the country’s economy, the con gress industry significantly contri butes to the improvement of the international perception of Serbia as a nation. The conclusion from this research is perfectly aligned with the actual trend of business
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i n d u s t r y tourism in Serbia. Belgrade jumped from 120th to 51st position on the ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) list from 2008 – 2016 and Serbia as a coun try moved from 55th to 48th place internationally, as well. This shows that Belgrade and Ser bia are rising on the international market as a new, interesting and inspirational destination that can meet the needs of highly demand ing business travellers. Finally, it is evident that, as a country, we are earning significantly from congress tourism, but can we use congress industry as one of the key factors for positively branding our coun try? The authors of this study are certain we can. Dusan Borovcanin, Master of Economy, Teaching Assistant at Singidunum University
Dr Rob Davidson, Managing Director at MICE Knowledge
Solaris Resorts, Vrnjačka Banja
Novi konferencijski kapaciteti i proširen wellness centar Poslovna ponuda Solaris Resorts-a proširena je povećanjem kongresne sale za or ganizovanje različitih vrsta konferencija, seminara, poslovnih sastanaka i skupova pa sada može da primi 180 učesnika. Prostire se na 200 m2, može se podeliti u dve nezavisne celine i prati najsavreme nije trendove u kongresnom turizmu, samim tim prostor je opremljen najmoder nijom tehnologijom, klimatizacijom, ozvučenjem, wifi konekcijom, poseduje če tiri projektora, četiri platna i flip chart table. Konferencijska sala se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini recepcije i povezana je sa lobby barom, gde učesnici mogu napraviti pauzu. U okviru organizacije seminara nudimo i mogućnost organizovnja koktela dobrodošlice, kafe pauze i organizaciju radnih ili svečanih ručkova i večera. Za sve goste obezbeđen je natkriveni parking prostor, koji je takođe proširen i sada ima 90 parking mesta. Jedinstvenost ponude čini i reno virani wellness centar koji se sada prostire na 1.000 m2. Blagotvorni
U wellness centru Vas očekuje jacuzzi, slana soba, hladna soba, tople klupe, ruska sauna, finska sauna, parno kupatilo, ledomat, aroma tuševi i tropska kiša, fitness sala, voćni bar, kao i zatvoreni ba zen sa slanom vodom temperature 29oC. U okviru wellness i relax zone, očekuje Vas i veliki izbor masaža, kao i tretmana lica i tela. Na raspo laganju su dva otvorena bazena. Jedan od njih je i jedinstveni biode sign bazen, sa peščanom plažom, a u drugom se možete opustiti u baru sa velikim izborom pića i koktela koji se nalazi u samom bazenu.
sadržaji wellness i relax zone prila gođeni su potrebama današnjeg vremena i kreirani su za trenutak Vašeg jedinstvenog doživljaja u cilju postizanja vitalnosti, lepote i harmonije. Obilje sadržaja i stručno osoblje omogućavaju gostima da provedu nezaboravne i opuštajuće trenutke negujući svoje telo i duh.
U ponudi hotela Solaris Resorts je restoran „Biber“. Svojim enterije rom i dizajnom pruža osećaj tople atmosfere uz spoj raznovrsnih uku sa i ugođaja. Osim za goste hotela, restoran je otvorenog tipa za sve za sve koji žele da osete jedinstve ni gastronomski užitak. Restoran nudi A la carte ponudu sa širokom paletom nacionalnih specijaliteta Španije, Italije ili Dalekog Istoka. Ukoliko se odlučite za Francusku kuhinju, imaćete tu čast da Vam specijalitete pripremi kuvar francu skog porekla Jean Marck Labbe. U svakom trenutku stručno osoblje će Vam biti od pomoći u izboru bo gatog asortimana vina i poslastica. U februaru 2014. godine, Solaris je postao prvi hotel sa uručenim Ha lal sertifikatom, u okviru restorana „Biber“.
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Solaris Resorts, Vrnjacka Banja
New Conference Capacities and Expanded Wellness Centre The business offer of the Solaris Resorts has been expanded with bigger confer ence room for organizing various types of conferences, seminars, business meet ings and conferences so now it can host 180 participants. It extends to 200 sqm, it can be divided into two separate units, and follows the latest trends in the congress tourism, therefore the area is equipped according to the highest world standards in congress tourism, air conditioning, sound system, Wi-Fi connection, four projectors, four canvases and a flip chart tables. The conference hall is located near the reception and is connected to the lobby bar, where the partici pants can take a break. Within the organization of the seminar we also offer the possibility of organizing welcome cocktail, coffee breaks and organizing working or festive lunches and dinners. For all guests there is a covered parking space, also expanded for 90 vehicles. The uniqueness of the offer is a renovated wellness centre that extends to 1000 square meters. The beneficial amenities of the wellness and relax zone are adap ted to the nowadays needs and were created for the moment of your unique experience in order to achieve vitality, beauty and harmony. The numerous contents and professional staff allow guests to spend unforgettable and relaxing moments nourishing their body and spirit. In the wellness centre you can find a Jacuzzi, a salt room, a cold room, a warm bench, a Russian sauna, a Finnish sauna, a steam bath, an ice-maker, aro matic showers and tropical rain, a fitness room, a fruit bar and an indoor swimming pool with a saltwater with temperature of 29oC . Within the wellness and relax zone, you can expect a wide range of massages, as well as facial and body treatments. There are two outdoor swimming pools available.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
One of our pools is a unique bio de sign pool, with a sandy beach, and in the other one you can relax in a bar with wide selection of drinks and cocktails. Solaris Resorts offers a restaurant “Biber”. With its interior and de sign it provides a warm atmosphere with a mix of diverse tastes and pleasures. Besides the hotel guests, the restaurant is open to all who want to feel the unique gastronom ic pleasures. The restaurant offers A la carte menu with a wide range of national specialties of Spain, Italy or the Far East. If you choose
French cuisine, you will have the honour to have specialties prepared by a French cook Jean Marck Labbe. At any moment, professional staff will help you in choosing a rich as sortment of wines and treats. In February 2014, Solaris became the first hotel with a Halal certifica te, within the “Biber” restaurant.
Icebreaker igre na sastancima, brainteaser na događajima
Igrajte se kako biste povećali zadovoljstvo i produktivnost Ovaj broj SEEbtm magazina posvećen je ispitivanju značaja igranja za intelektu alno i socijalno-psihološki razvoj ljudi i pitanju koliko je igranje u ranom dobu i uspeh u učenju i kasnije u poslu povezano? Ovom prilikom smo sproveli i istraži vanje koliko se odrasli ljudi (zaposleni) igraju i da li igranje društvenih igara može da doprinese produktivnosti i zadovoljstvu na poslu? Gejmifikacija je termin novijeg doba koji se vrlo često koristi u kontekstu implementacije igara u strategiji angažovanja učesnika na događajima, odnosno reša vanja određenih situacija i povećanja produktivnosti i koncentracije kod zaposlenih. Igre koje se koriste za ove prilike mogu biti različite prirode, od video igara i simulacija, do različitih druš tvenih igara i rešavanja fizičkih i logičkih prepreka koje uglavnom spadaju pod tim bilding aktivnosti. Veoma je širok spektar postojećih igara koje se mogu koristiti u ove svrhe, ali naravno i osmišljavanje novih igara, koje su „custom-made“ za određenu kompaniju ili događaj, odnosno za posebne prilike i specifične ciljeve. Izbor igre zavisi prvenstveno od ciljeva koji se žele postići, ciljne grupe i mogućnosti za realizaciju. U ovom broju SEEbtm magazina, i istraživanju koje smo sproveli, fokusirali smo se prvenstveno na društ vene igre, njihovu primenu i praktičnu zastupljenost i mogućnosti, na osnovu iskustva i mišljenja event profesionalaca iz regiona. Većina učesnika (86 %) u ispitivanju igra društvene igre kod kuće, i to najviše Ne ljuti se čoveče i Jamb (52.6 %), zatim Monopol i Zanimljive geografije.
Dosta se igraju i Pictionary i Riziko, ali i razne igre sa kartama. Oko 10 % igra kod kuće šah, a nisu skroz zabo ravljene ni Mice, Podmornice, Kluedo i ostale igre – grafici 1 i 2. Značajan procenat ispitanih (43.5 %) je praktikovalo igre na poslu, i to najviše icebreaker igre – 35 % (više o njima na strani 35) i društvene igre navedene iznad među igrama koje se igraju kod kuće (više o društve nim igrama na strani 45 i 96). Brain teaser igre na poslu je praktikovalo 20 %, dok je ostale igre kao što su Solitaire, Minsk i slično igralo 15 % – grafici 3 i 4. Na događajima je igranje igara praktikovalo skoro 40 % ispitanih, i tu su većinom u pitanju brain teaser igre
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86 % igra društvene igre kod kuće 44 % je igralo igre na poslu 40 % je igralo igre na događajima 87 % smatra da igranje igara može da učine sastanke i zaposlene produktivnijim · 91 % smatra da igranje igara može da poveća zadovoljstvo na poslu ili događaju
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
i s t r a ž i v a n j e
DA LI STE ZNALI? U Moskvi postoji kafić „Didu“ u kojem se gosti igraju plaste linom dok čekaju porudžbinu ili prijatelja da stigne. Tako su zidovi, plafon i delovi nameštaja kafića ukrašeni sa preko 140.000 figurica, malih unikatnih dela od plastelina, od kojih se najviše izdvaja Mona Lisa napravljena od 120 kg plastelina koja je ušla i u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda. Svakako originalan i efektan način da se kroz igru poveže sa gostima, da se oni angažuju, ostavljajući svoj lični pečat. (88,9 %) i igre za probijanje leda - icebreaker (44.4 %) – pogledajte grafike 5 i 6 na strani 65. Sve u svemu, na osnovu istraživanja i odgovora onih koju su učestvovali u istraživanju, veliki procenat ljudi
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Savet Ukoliko želite da izmestite sastanak vašeg tima van standardnog kancelarijskog okruženja i da se pri tome igrate i fizički rekreirate, idite u Snap bar u Beogradu u Francuskoj ulici, gde ćete moći da uz piće i hranu odigrate i partiju stoni tenisa. Organizujte mini turnir, zabavite se, a možda će se rešenje nekog problema naći baš tokom neke partije.
igra društvene igre kod kuće – skoro 90 %, a oko 40 % praktikuje igre na poslu i na događajima.
Za povećanje produktivnosti na sastancima i na poslu koriste se uglavnom icebreaker igre, dok su na doga đajima najviše zastupljene brain teaser igre. Ukoliko niste do sada, predlažemo da ozbiljno razmi
slite o uvođenju igara na poslu i na događajima koje organizujete, tim pre što 87 % ispitanih smatra da igranje igara podiže nivo produktivnosti sastanaka i zaposlenih, dok čak 91 % smatra da se na ovaj način neosporno podiže zadovoljstvo zaposlenih i učesnika na događaju. Ukoliko ste tražili načine da motivišete zaposlene, podignete lojalnost i optimizujete svoj tim,
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ali i da obezbedite zadovoljstvo učesnika na vašem događaju, rešenje je očigledno – omogućite im igranje igara. Miona Milić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Icebreaker Games in Meetings, Brainteasers on Events
Play for Greater Satisfaction and Productivity This issue of SEEbtm examines the importance of play for intellectual, social and psychological development and to what extent are early-age play and success in learning – and later on in work – related. In addition to this, we conducted a survey on how much adult people (employees) play and whether playing tabletop games can contribute to productivity and job satisfaction. Gamification is a recently coined term that is often used in the context of implementing games in strate gies for engaging participants at events or resolving situations and increasing productivity and focus am ong employees. Games that are used for this can be of different natu re, from video games and simulations to various tab letop games and solving physical and logical obstacles that mostly fall under team building activities. A very broad spectrum of existing games can be used for this purpose, as well as for developing new games that are custom-made for a particular company or event, or for special occasions and specific goals. The game chosen depends, above all, on the desired objectives, target audience, and viability. This issue of SEEbtm and our survey focus primarily on tabletop games and their application, presence, and viability in practice, based on the experiences and opinions of regional event planning professionals.
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Most of the survey respondents (86 %) play tabletop games at home. The most popular ones are Sorry! and Yahtzee (52.6 %), which are followed by Monopoly and Fun Geography. Pictionary and Risk are also quite common, as are vari ous card games. Around 10 % play chess at home, but draughts, Battleship, Clue, and other games are also far from forgotten (Charts 1 and 2 on page 62).
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86 % play tabletop games at home 44 % played games at work 40 % played games at events 87 % think that playing games can make meetings and employees more productive · 91 % think that playing games can increase satisfaction at work or events
Did you know? There is a cafe in Moscow – „Didu’’ where guests can play with plasticine while waiting for their order, or a friend, to arrive. Therefore, walls, ceiling and parts of furniture are decorated with more than 140,000 figures, small unique pieces made out of plasticine. The most notable is Mona Lisa, made out of 120 kg of plasticine that even made it into Guinness World Records book. This is definitely an original and efficient wayto connect with guests through playing, have them involved and leaving their personal mark. A significant number of respondents (43.5 %) used games at work, most often icebreakers – 35 % (read more about this on page 38) and tabletop games mentioned above among games played at home (read more about tabletop games on pages 49 and 100). Brain teasers at work were played by 20 %, while other games such as Solitaire, Minsk and the like were played by 15 % (Charts 3 and 4 on page 63).
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Nearly 40 % of the respondents played games at events, most of them being brain teasers (88.9 %) and icebreakers (44.4 %) – Charts 5 and 6. Overall, based on the survey and the respondents’ responses, a large percentage of people play tabletop games at home – almost 90 %, while around 40 % use games at work and events.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
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Tip If you want to move your meeting out of the standard office surrounding and, at the same time, play and be phisicaly active, you should visit a Snap bar in Belgragde’s Francuska street. There, you can play a round of table tennis while having drinks or eating. Organize a mini tournament, have some fun, and maybe you’ll come up with a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a while. Icebreakers are mostly used for increasing producti vity at meetings and at work, while brain teasers are the most frequently used games at events. If you’ve never done it before, we suggest that you seriously consider introducing games at work and events, first and foremost because 87 % of the re spondents think that playing games increases pro ductivity at meetings and among employees, while a staggering 91 % believe that this most definitely increases satisfaction among employees and partici pants at events. If you’re looking for ways to motivate your employees, increase their loyalty, and optimize your team, as well as ensure your event participants’ satisfaction, the solution is obvious: Let them play games. Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
tema broja Unapredite svoje sastanke
Kako učiniti sastanke zabavnim i produktivnim Trebalo bi definisati dobar sastanak. On je: efikasan, efektivan, pozitivan i zaba van, kreativan i otvoren da ljudi kažu ono što misle. Ali kako da klasične sastanke pretvorite u one u kojima će se vaši zaposleni radovati i na kojima će se postići postavljen cilj? Još jedna stvar – dobar sastanak je i kratak. Nećete verovati, ali istraživanja Američkog nacional nog statističkog saveta pokazuju da se skoro 40% radnog vremena provodi na sastancima! A skoro 50% zaposlenih smatra da previše sastančenja u toku dana predsta vlja najveći gubitak vremena! Saveti poput: „započnite i završite sastanak na vreme“, „razradite plan sastanka“ ili „pozovite prave ljude na njega“ jesu dobri za podsticanje produktivnosti, ali ne dovoljno do bri za podsticanje kreativnosti, niti dovoljno zabavni. Evo šta po tom pitanju rade neke od najuspešnijih kompanija iz različitih industrija:
Neka sastanak počne na vreme Učestala praksa je da se pojedinci koji kasne na sastanke čekaju i da
ceo sastanak počne sa zakašnje njem. Ovim postupkom njima se daje do znanja da je kašnjenje u redu. Umesto toga, počnite sasta nak na vreme, bez obzira na broj prisutnih i napravite vizuelni prikaz kašnjenja. Jedna od ideja je da u prostor za sastanke stavite po čašu sa imenom svakog zaposlenog i kupite crvene i zelene klikere. Svaki put kada osoba stigne na vre me, u svoju čašu ubacuje zeleni, a ukoliko zakasni, crveni kliker. Ubrzo ćete videti koji zaposleni imaju na viku da kasne, a samim tim i oni će uvideti svoj problem. A da bi sve bilo zabavnije, sastan ke možete zakazivati u neobično vreme. Recimo u 8:48 h ujutro. Tako već godinama radi kompanija TINY pulse koja se bavi kreiranjem što bolje atmosfere u drugim kom panijama. Ovaj običaj je doveo do
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
toga da svi zaposleni, kako se vreme za sastanak približava, spontano kreću ka sali za sastanke.
Započnite sastanak pozitivno Naučno je dokazano da način na koji započnete sastanak određuje i njegov dalji tok. Zato nemojte započinjati problemima i žalbama, već pronađite način da svoj tim usmerite na pozitivno razmišljanje. Predlog za to je da svakog učesnika na početku sastanka zamolite da sa ostalima podeli nešto pozitivno što se desilo od poslednjeg sasta nka – nešto što su naučili ili nešto što su uradili u proteklih nedelju dana i posebno su ponosni na to. Kad smo kod ove teme, svakog če tvrtka u kompaniji Plum Organics, koja proizvodi hranu za bebe, na početku sastanka se vade bojanke i
flomasteri. Njihov direktor inovaci ja kaže da ovaj proces ne samo da budi kreativnost, već i pozitivnost kod prisutnih.
Pravite pauze za vreme sastanka Česta greška kod organizovanja sa stanaka je da se, ukoliko je agenda dugačka, u potpunosti ukinu pauze kako bi se vreme sastanka skratilo. Na svakih pola sata napravite pauzu od dva minuta tokom koje ćete ani mirati učesnike sastanka – organi zujte grupno istezanje, neka svako ispriča neki vic, ili postavi zagonetku grupi. Na taj način olakšaćete osta tak sastanka i učiniti ga produkti vnijim. Ukoliko dugo sedite, ne samo da ćete se ukočiti i da ćete izmoriti svoje telo, već će se ista stvar dogo diti i vašem mozgu. Istezanje možete organizovati na početku svakog sastanka, ili u toku dvominutne pauze, ukoliko vidite da pažnja opada. Nakon istezanja osećaćete se sveži je, odmornije ali i kreativnije, što je i neophodnost svakog sastanka.
Napravite „pauze za ćutanje“ Poenta sastanka nije samo da se na njima razgovara, već da se dođe do ideja, planova, rešenja problema ali i novih odluka, pa dvominutna pauza može pomoći učesnicima da razmisle, s obzirom na to da ne mogu svi ljudi razmišljati i govoriti u isto vreme. Pri izlaganju nastalih problema treba prezentovati samo činjeni ce, potom napraviti dvominutnu pauzu, i nakon nje diskutovati o rešenjima. Takođe, nakon dono šenja svake odluke, ljudima treba dati dva minuta da razmisle kako se osećaju povodom te odluke.
Promenite mesto sastanka Izbacite klasičan sto za sastanke i umesto njega rasporedite stolice u krug. Na ovaj način se neće videti jasna razlika između šefa za čelom stola i ostalih zaposlenih, svi će se mnogo bolje videti i samim tim komunikacija će biti otvorenija. Ukoliko se razrađuje dosta planova, sve papire okačite na zid, a stolice poređajte u polukrug ispred njih.
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Takođe, razmislite o tome da na redni sastanak održite van kancela rije. Možete jednostavno premesti ti stolice iz kancelarije u dvorište, rezervisati sto u obližnjem restora nu ili pak organizovati dvodnevno putovanje van grada. Verujte, zapo slenima je nekada promena mesta sastanka baš potrebna!
Kraće je produktivnije Kancelarije agencije za digitalni dizajn i razvoj prozvoda O3 World povezane su sa tehnologijom Ro ombot koja sinhronizuje kalendare svih na sastanku i obaveštava kada je vreme za kraj sastanka. Roombot kontroliše i svetla, pa smanjuje osvetljenost pred kraj sastanka i na taj način se stara da se svi sastanci završe na vreme.
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Firma za razvoj biznisa i konsalting Just Fearless ograničila je trajanje svojih sastanaka na pola sata. Ukoliko se sastanak oduži, sklanjaju se sve stolice i do kraja sastanka svi učesnici stoje. Njihova direktorka objašnjava da se zbog ovog pravila svi trude da ne prekorače vreme.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
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Sa druge strane ukoliko u kompani ji Buddytruk budete poslednji koji govori na sastanku koji je probio termin, morate da uradite 50 skle kova, dok u event menadžment kompaniji Cvent, morate pevati svaki put kada zakasnite.
Brain teaser-i
Još jedan od načina da pokrenete kreativnost na sastanku jesu brain teaser igre. Ove igre zahtevaju razmišljanje na nekonvencionalan način i lateralno razmišljanje. Mogu biti u vidu slagalica, zagone tki, jednačina, slika... Na početku svakog sastanka izdvoji te par minuta i postavite zaposleni ma problem u vidu brain teaser-a. Ne samo da će se svi zabaviti i opustiti, već ćete mnogo lakše doći do rešenja problema i novih ideja. Evo primera:
2. Čovek je gurnuo svoj auto u ho tel, a vlasniku hotela rekao da je bankrotirao. Kako je to moguće? (Igrao je Monopol)
1. Nikada me nije bilo, a uvek će me biti. Niko me nikada nije video, ali me svi žele dočekati. Ko sam ja? (Sutra)
3. Čovek gleda u fotografiju i prija telj ga pita ko je na slici. On mu odgovara: „Braću i sestre nemam. Ali otac čoveka na slici
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
je sin mog oca“. Ko je na foto grafiji? (Njegov sin) Još jedan zabavan, a u isto vreme i koristan vid aktivnosti na poslov nim sastancima su i icebreaker igre. A više o njima pročitajte u tekstu na strani 35. Nevena Ilić
cover story
Make Your Meetings Better
How to Make Meetings Fun and Productive We should first define what a good meeting is. It is: efficient, effective, positive and fun, creative, and open to opinions. But how to turn classic meetings into those which your employees will enjoy and where the set goal will be accom plished? Another thing – a good meeting is also a short meeting. You may not believe it, but research by the American National Statistics Council shows that almost 40% of working hours are spent in meet ings! And nearly 50% of employees think that too many meetings dur ing the day are the biggest waste of time! Tips such as “Start and finish a meeting in time,” “Develop a meeting plan,” or “Invite the right people to it” are good for boosting productivity but not good enough to encourage creativity, nor enough fun. Here’s what some of the most successful companies in different industries are doing:
The meeting should start on time It’s common practice that indi viduals late to the meeting are
waited for and the meeting starts with delay. This lets them know that being late is OK. Instead, start the meeting on time, regardless of the number of attendees, and make tardiness visual. One idea is to place cups with the names of every employee in the meet ing room and buy red and green marbles. Every time a person ar rives on time, he/she puts a green marble in the cup, and if he/she is late, a red marble goes in. You will soon see which employees have the habit of being late, and they, too, will see their problem. And to make things even more fun, you can schedule meetings at unusual times. Say at 8:48 in the morning. For years now this has been done at TINY pulse, a com pany that focuses on creating the best possible ambiance in other
companies. This practice has led to all employees, as the meeting time approaches, spontaneously going to the meeting room.
Start the meeting on a positive note Science has proven that the way the meeting starts determines its further course. So don’t kick off with problems and complaints, but instead find a way to focus your team on positive thinking. The sug gestion is to start the meeting by asking each attendee to share with the others something positive that happened since the last meeting – something they learned or some thing they did in the past week and are particularly proud of. While we’re on this subject, every Thursday at Plum Organics, which
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
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produces baby food, meetings start with taking out coloring books and fineliners. Their director of innovation says that this process not only awakens creativity among the attendees, but positivity as well.
Take breaks during the meeting A common mistake in planning meetings is – if the agenda is long – to completely eliminate breaks in order to shorten the time that the meeting takes. Every half hour, you should take a two-minute break to entertain the attendees in the meeting – plan for a group stretch ing or let everyone tell a joke or give a riddle to the group. This will make the rest of the meet ing easier and more productive. If you sit for long stretches of time, you will not only get stiff and ex haust your body – the same thing will happen to your brain. You can plan a stretching session at the beginning of every meeting, or during the two-minute break, if you see that attention is fad
ing. After stretching, you will feel refreshed, rested, as well as more creative, which is necessary for any meeting.
Take “silent breaks” The point of the meeting is not just to talk, it also serves to come up with ideas, plans, problem solutions, as well as new decisions. A two-minute break can help the attendees think, because not all people can think and speak at the same time. When presenting problems at hand, present only facts, then take a twominute break, and after that discuss the solutions. Also, after making any decision, people should be given two min utes to consider how they feel about the decision.
Change the meeting place Take out the traditional conference table and instead place the chairs in a circle. This will obscure the clear differ ence between the boss at the head of the table and the other
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
employees; everyone will see each other better, and communication will be more open. If a lot of plans are being worked out, put all the papers on a wall, and place the chairs in a half-circle in front of it. Also, think about holding the next meeting out of the office. You can simply put the chairs from the of fice to the courtyard, book a table in a nearby restaurant, or plan a two-day trip outside the city. In all sincerity, employees someti mes really just need a change of the meeting place!
Shorter is more productive The O3 World digital product de sign and development agency’s offices are connected to Roombot, which synchronizes the calendars of all attendees and signals when it’s time to end the meeting. Roombot controls also the lights, reducing the brightness near the end of the meeting and ensuring that all meetings end on time. Business development Company Just Fearless limited the duration of its meetings to half an hour.
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If the meeting runs long, all chairs are removed and all attendees stand until the meeting ends. The company’s CEO explains that this rule encourages everyone to make effort to not exceed the time. On the other hand, if you are at Buddytruk and the last one to speak at a meeting that runs over time, you have to do 50 push-ups, while at event management com pany Cvent you have to sing every time you’re late.
Brain teasers Another way to spark creativity at a meeting are brain teasers. These games require unconven tional and lateral thinking. They can be in the form of puzzles, rid dles, equations, images... At the beginning of each meeting, spend a few minutes by giving your employees a brain teaser to solve. Not only will everyone have fun and relax, but you’ll find it much easier to get to the solution of the problem and new ideas. Here’s an example:
1. I’ve never been, and I always will be. No one ever saw me, but everyone wants to see me. Who am I? (Tomorrow) 2. A man pushed his car into a hotel and told the hotel owner that he went bankrupt. How is that possible? (He was playing Monopoly) 3. A man is looking at a photo and his friend asks who is in the pic
ture. The man answers, “I have no brothers or sisters. But the father of the man in the picture is my father’s son.” Who’s in the photo? (His son)
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Another fun, and at the same time useful, activity type at business meetings are icebreakers. Read more about those on page 38. Nevena Ilic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Terme Olimia, Slovenija
Unikatni poslovni susreti za tvrtke koje znaju što žele Budite inovativni, originalni i maštoviti! Impresionirajte poslovne partnere, pot encijalne klijente ili kolege i predstavite tvrtku u najboljem svjetlu! Odmaknite se od tipičnih prostora za poslovne susrete, sastanke, konferencije, kongrese ili bankete. Poslovni gosti žele kvalitetno provesti slobodno vrijeme u luksuznom wellness centru, okruženi prirodom. Spojite ugodno s korisnim i ne zaboravite da se najbolji poslovi sklapaju u opuštajućoj atmosferi i ugodnom ambijentu. Kongresni centar Terma Olimia ima sve što vam je potrebno za organiza ciju poslovnih susreta. Ukupno se dam multifunkcionalnih dvorana kapaciteta do 350 osoba, moder nog dizajna i iznimne zvučne izo lacije, opremljeno je kompletnom audio-vizualnom tehnikom.
Ovaj pristup uči kako se opustiti, kao živjeti zdravo, kako slušati, kako se razvijati i vjerovati u sebe te kako biti što uspješniji. Svi programi i tretmani u Terma ma Olimia kreirani su kako bi se postigla duhovna, emotivna i fizi čka ravnoteža.
Vrhunski wellness i spa sadržaji i prekrasna priroda vaše će događa nje učiniti posebnim. Tu se nalazi i Orhidelia, godinama službeno najbolji wellness Slovenije, koji inspirira i privlači luksuzom, relak sirajućim tretmanima i ritualima. Opustite se u najvećem Svijetu sauna i u bazenima s termalnom vodom.
Kako su poslovni susreti produk tivniji u opuštenoj atmsoferi, predlažemo da dan započnete selfness vježbama u prirodi te bogatim vitalnim doručkom koji će vas napuniti energijom. Nakon poslovnog druženja, odabe rite omiljeni tretman ili se opustite u saunama i bazenima.
Želite li obojiti poslovni susret unikatnom notom, odaberite self ness kongres u najboljoj selfness destinaciji u Sloveniji.
Nećete odoljeti ni prekrasnoj pri rodi Kozjanskog parka, savršenom odredištu za organizaciju izleta ili outdoor team building programa.
Otkrijte zemlju bajki i mašte s vješ tičjom kolibom, u živopisnom Podčetrteku uživajte u najfinijoj čokoladi u čokolateriji Olimje, a ljubitelji piva neće propustiti domaće pivo Haler, pripremljeno po starom njemačkom receptu. Posjetite vinsku klet Emino, Jelenov greben i olimski samostan u kojem je jedna od najstarijih ljekarni u Europi s tinkturama i čajevima za sve tegobe. Ukupno tri stotine soba sa tri i če tiri zvjezdice, vrhunska gurmanska iznenađenja, svečane večere i ban keti, večernja druženja u noćnom klubu Žafran, Shisha baru, a la carte restoranu Gratiola i u Vino teci Virstain, besplatan parking, stručan tim koji će za vas organizi rati najzahtjevnija događanja, raz log su više zbog čega za poslovne susrete odabrati Terme Olimia.
Terme Olimia, Slovenia
Unique Business Meetings for Companies Who Know What They Want Be innovative, original and imaginative! Impress business partners, potential customers or colleagues and present the company in the best possible way! Step away from typical rooms for business meetings, appointments, conferen ces, congresses or banquets. Business guests want to spend their leisure time in a quality and luxurious wellness centre surrounded by nature. The best deals are concluded in a relaxed atmosphere and a pleasant environment. The Congress Center of Terme Olimia has everything you need to organize business meetings. Altogether, it has seven multi-pur pose halls with a capacity up to 350 people, with modern appear ance and exceptional sound insul ation and equipped with complete audio-visual technology. Excellent wellness and thermal content and beautiful nature will make your events very special. Here you will also find Wellness Orhidelia, officially the best well ness of Slovenia for many years now, which inspires and attracts with luxury, relaxing treatments and rituals. Relax in the largest Sauna World and in thermal water pools. If you want to add a unique touch to a business meeting, then choose a selfness congress in the best self ness destination in Slovenia.
All programmes and treatments at Terme Olimia are created to achieve a mental, emotional and physical balance. As business meetings are better in a relaxed atmosphere, we suggest to start the day with selfness exercises in nature and a rich vital breakfast that will fill you with energy and you will perform daily commitments and appointments with ease. After the business meetings, cho ose a popular treatment or relax in the saunas and pools. You will not be able to resist the wonderful nature of the Kozjansko Park, the perfect destination for organizing excursions or outdoor teambuil ding programmes. Discover the land of fairy tales and fantasy with the witch’s cot
tage, enjoy the finest chocolate in the Olimje Chocolate Boutique in colourful Podcetrtek, and beer lovers should not forget to try the homemade beer Haler, brewed according to an old German recipe. Visit wine cellar Emino, the Jelenov Greben and the Olimje monastery, where one of the oldest pharmaci es in Europe is located with tinctu res and teas for all problems. A total of three hundred three or four-star rooms, top gourmet surprises, gala dinners and ban quets, evening gatherings at the night club Zafran, Shisha bar, a la carte restaurant Gratiola and in the wine shop Virstain, free park ing, and a professional team that will organize the most demanding events for you – these are all ad ditional reasons to choose Terme Olimia for your business meetings.
tema broja Dođite do kreativnih i inspirativnih ideja
Kako da Brainstorming učinite zabavnim Brainstorming predstavlja grupnu kreativnu aktivnost koja služi da se pronađu rešenja za određeni problem skupljajući ideje i predloge koje učesnici ove aktiv nosti spontano daju. Za oca brainstorming-a smatra se Alex Faickney Osborn, teoretičar kreativnosti koji se bavio oglašavanjem i pisanjem. I kao što je neko pa metan rekao „Najbolje ideje za rešavanje problema dolaze iz samog problema”, u slučaju Osborn-a ispostavilo se kao potpuno istinito. Naime, jako mu je smetala nesposobnost svakog zaposlenog da individualno razvije kreativne ideje za oglasne kampanje. Tako je 1939. godine počeo sa razvijanjem metoda za kreativno rešavanje problema – sesijama grupnog razmišljanja i otkrio značajan napredak u kvalitetu, ali i kvantitetu ideja svojih zaposlenih. Osborn je tvrdio da postoje četiri generalna pravila za brainstroming: kvantitet (pretpostavka je da što je veći broj ideja postoji veća šansa za efikasnim rešenjem), suzdržavanje od kritike, podržavanje „ludih” ideja i unapređivanje ideja kombinovanjem različitih.
Započnite sa najgorim idejama Ovo već zvuči zabavno J. Šalu na stranu, brainstor ming će biti uspešan samo ako se svi koji su uključeni osećaju dobro dok iz glave izbacuju sve što im padne na pamet bez obzira na to da li su ideje „zlata vredne” ili baš i nisu. Uvek postoje članovi u timu koji imaju bojazan da će ispasti glupi pred kolegama ili nedovolj
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
no kompetentni po određenom pitanju. Zato prvih 10 minuta provedite smišljajući što veći broj loših ideja. Ljude će ovo obradovati, nasmejati i dati im osećaj slobode koji je preko potreban u ovim situacijama.
Igrajte igru reči Ova igra ume da bude moćno oružje protiv običnih, neoriginalnih i već viđenih ideja. Zapišite jednu reč na papir i onda izgovarajte naglas sve reči koje vam padnu na pamet, a koje dolaze od zapisane. Razmišljajte o funkciji te reči, načinu na koji se ona koristi, metaforama sa kojima može biti povezana. Nemojte previše razmišljati, neka ideje budu sponta ne, jer je ideja da vežba bude kreativne prirode. Kada skupite dovoljan broj predloga, grupišite ih pre ma tome kako se nadovezuju jedna na drugu. Cilj je da se pronađu one manje uočljive i očigledne reči i fraze sa kojima se ciljna grupa (kojoj je npr. pro izvod namenjen) može povezati.
Živelo žvrljanje! Žvrljanje podstiče kreativnost, povećava pažnju i pravi mesta u vašoj kratkoročnoj i dugoročnoj memoriji. Brainstorming se obično zasniva na pričanju i čitanju, a žvrljanje pomaže da se učesnici oslobode tradicional nog i ustaljenog i usmerava um da stvari sagledava iz drugog ugla i perspektive. Pitate se šta biste mogli da crtkate? Izaberite dve stvari koje nemaju veze jedna sa drugom. Na primer čokoladu i automobil. Razmislite o tome kako biste mogli da ih uvežete. Možda nacrtate čokoladni auto. Misleći o svim elementima određenih objekata poma že vam da ih vidite u novom svetlu i funkciji. Još jedan način da vaš tim dođe do inspirativnih i dob rih ideja, a uključuje crtanje, jeste da se nacrta sličica koja je najdirektnije povezana sa konceptom o kom se razgovara. Dalje crtež ide do sledeće osobe koja treba da docrta na istom papiru još jednu sličicu koja je u vezi sa pr vom, a postupak se ponavlja dok svi ne završe. O krajnjem crtežu se po završetku diskutuje i grupa uočava veze koje pojedinac nije bio u mogućnosti da uoči.
Obrnut proces Brainstorming služi rešavanju problema, to već znate. Ali, probajte drugačiji pristup. Zamolite članove svog tima da smisle nekoliko načina da izazovu problem.
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Počnite od pitanja „Kako bismo mogli da izazovemo problem?”. Čim dobijete zajedničku listu odličnih predloga za pravljenje problema, bacite se na njihovo rešavanje.
Zbog čega je Brainstorming dobar? Prvo, za kratak vremenski period generiše se puno ideja. Drugo, ne košta. Dalje, poboljšava se atmosfera i produktivnost tima. Svi učesnici su kreativno motivisa ni. I na kraju, rešenja koja su prihvaćena od strane jed ne grupe, lakše se implementiraju u dalje poslovanje. Evo kako „negativan” brainstorming u praksi izgleda: Brainstorming pitanje:„Kako da napravimo dobar i funkcionalan servis za reklamacije?” Negativno brainstorming pitanje: „Kako da napravimo toliko loš servis za reklamacije da niko od klijenata ne želi da nas kontaktira?”
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Kreativna iscrpljenost I pored svega ovoga, dešava se da brainstorming jed nostano ne daje željene rezultate. Čini vam se da ste doslovno ostali bez kreativnosti i ideja. Problem ne možete da rešite, koliko god da se trudite. Tada vam je potrebno osveženje. Potrebno je da se distancirate od problema. S tim u vezi evo nekoliko brainstroming tehnika koje su istovremeno zabavne, ali vas mogu i dovesti do potencijalno dobre ideje:
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
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Putovanje kroz vreme – postavite sebi pitanje: Kako bih se nosio/no sila sa ovim problemom da sam u drugom vremenskom periodu? Pre 10, 100 ili 1.000 godina. Ili za 10, 100 ili 1.000 godina. Teleportacija – kako biste se po stavili u situaciji da ste na drugom mestu, zemlji, kontinentu? Promena – šta ako biste bili drugog pola, godina, visine, težine, nacio nalnosti? Supermoći – zamislite da ste Supermen, Spajdermen, X-Men i zapitajte se šta bi oni uradili. SWOT analiza – napravite je! Obrnuto mišljenje – razmislite šta bi ljudi obično uradili da se nalaze u vašoj situaciji. I onda uradite potpuno suprotno! Meditirajte – fokusirajte se na „Kako da postignem cilj?” i meditirajte na nekom mirnijem mestu. Obavezno pri ruci imajte olovku i papir jer nikada ne znate kada će vam ideja doći.
I za kraj... Zapamtite, brainstorming ima smisla samo ako je zabavan! Dobre ideje nikada ne dolaze iz lošeg ras
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
položenja. Takođe, ukoliko terate sebe ili svoj tim na kreativnu produktivnost, najverovatnije je da od toga neće biti ništa. Zato, pripremite atmosferu - donesite kafu, čaj, picu i krofne za sve. Neka u pozadini bude lagana muzika. Čak je poželjno da za vreme procesa ustanete i malo prošetate po prostoriji, nije neophodno da samo sedi te. Opustite svoj tim, budite neformalni i spremite se za lavinu dobrih ideja! Milica Novak
cover story
Coming Up with Creative and Inspiring Ideas
Make Brainstorming Fun Brainstorming is a creative group activity that serves to find solutions to a specific problem by pooling the participants’ spontaneous ideas and suggestions. The father of brainstorming is considered to be Alex Faickney Osborn, a creativity theorist who focused on advertising and writing. And as someone wise once said, “The best ideas for solving a problem come from the problem itself” in Os born’s case, this turned out to be completely true. Namely, he was very frustrated with the inability of each employee to individually develop creative ideas for advertising campaigns. So in 1939 he started developing methods for creati ve problem solving – group thinking sessions – and found significant progress both in the quality and the quantity of his employees’ ideas. Osborn claimed that there are four general rules for brainstorming: quanti ty (the assumption is that the greater the number of ideas, the greater the chance for an effective solution), refraining from criticism, supporting “crazy” ideas, and improving ideas by combining different ones.
Start with the worst ideas This already sounds fun J. Joking aside, brainstorming will be successful only if everyone involved feels posi tive while spitballing everything that comes to their mind regardless of whether the ideas are “worth gold” or not. There are always members in the team who are worried that they will look stupid in front of their
colleagues or incompetent for a particular issue. That’s why you should spend the first ten minutes thinking of as many bad ideas as possible. People will be deligh ted, entertained, and have a sense of freedom that is much needed in these situations.
Play wordplay This game can serve as a powerful weapon against ordinary, unoriginal or old ideas. Write down a single word and then say out loud all the words that come to your mind, prompted by the written one. Think about the function of the word, the way it is use dand the metaphors with which it can be associated. Don’t overthink and let the ideas be spontaneous, because the point is for the exercise to be creative. When you gather a sufficient number of suggestions, group them according to how they play off one ano ther. The goal is to find those less visible and obvious words and phrases with which the target audience (for example, the intended product buyers) can relate.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
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Long live doodling! Doodling encourages creativity, increases attention, and makes room in your short-term and long-term memory. Brainstorming is usually based on talking and reading, and doodling helps the participants let go of the traditional and established and directs their minds to look at things from another angle and perspective. You’re wondering what to doodle? Choose two things that have nothing to do with each other. For example, chocolate and a car. Think about how you can make a link between them. Maybe you’ll draw a chocolate car. Thinking about all the elements of certain objects helps you to see them in a new light and function. Another way for your team to come up with inspiring, good ideas which includes drawingis to draw a picture that is most directly related to the concept being dis cussed. The drawing then goes to the next person who needs to draw on the same paper another picture that is related to the first one, and the process is repeated until everyone finishes. The final drawing is discussed at the end and the group sees the connections that the individual was unable to notice.
Reverse process Brainstorming is used for solving problems, this is something you already know. However, try out a dif ferent approach. Ask your team members to think of a few ways to cause the particular problem. Start by asking “How could we cause this problem?”
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
As soon as you get a list of excellent suggestions for creating the problem, move straight on to solving them.
Why is brainstorming good? First, a lot of ideas are generated in a short period of time. Second, it doesn’t cost anything. Third, the mood and the team’s productivity are improved. The participants are creatively motivated. Finally, solutions that are accepted by one group are easier to implement into further work. Here’s what “negative” brainstorming looks like in practice: Brainstorming question: “How can we create a good and functional service for complaints?” Negative brainstorming question: “How can we create such a poor service for complaints that not a single customer would want to contact us?”
Creative fatigue Despite all of this, sometimes brainstorming simply does not bring the desired results. It can seem that you literally have no creativity or ideas left in you. You can’t solve the problem, no matter how hard you try. At this point, you need a pick-me-up. You need to distance yourself from the problem. Here are some brainstorming techniques that are both entertaining and can lead you to potentially good ideas:
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Time travel – ask yourself this: How would I deal with this problem if I were in another time period? Ten, hundred, or thousand years ago. Or in ten, hundred, or thou sand years. Teleportation – how would you face the situation if you were in a diffe rent place, country, or continent? Change – what if you were of a dif ferent gender, age, height, weight, or nationality? Superpowers – imagine that you are Superman, Spiderman, or X-Man and ask yourself what they would do. SWOT analysis – do it! Reverse thinking – think about what people would usually do in your situation. And then you do the exact opposite! Meditate – focus on “how can I reach my goal?” and meditate in a calmer place. Make sure you have a pen and paper at hand, because you never know when your idea will come.
And last but not least... Remember, brainstorming makes sense only if it’s fun! Good ideas never come from a bad mood.
Also, if you’re forcing yourself or your team to be crea tive and productive, it’s most likely that nothing will come out of it. So, set the mood - bring coffee, tea, pizza, and donuts for everyone. Play light music in the background. It’s even advisable to stand up and walk around the room during the process, you don’t have to just sit. Make your team feel relaxed, be informal, and get ready for an avalanche of good ideas!
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
mišljenje stručnjaka
Igra nije samo za decu
Zašto je igranje važno? Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut, lajf kouč
Posmatrajući aktivnosti kroz životne cikluse, jasno se izdvajaju igra, učenje i rad. U detinjstvu je dominantna igra, a kroz igru se uči i priprema za određene zadat ke, ali i radne aktivnosti. Tokom školovanja, dominantna aktivnost je učenje, pri čemu se ne zapostavlja igra i postepeno se mladi sve više angažuju i u radnim aktivnostima, počev od spremanja svoje sobe, do povremenih poslova kojima dopunjuju džeparac. Kada se školovanje završi, domi nanta aktivnost postaje rad i tada je veoma važno da se u nedeljni plan, ako to ne može da se organi zuje na dnevnom nivou, uključi igra (sport ili druga vrsta zabave), kao i spremnost na dalje učenje. Početak profesionalnog angažma na donosi jednu od najznačajnijih raskrsnica u životu, a to je ozbiljno preuzimanje odgovornosti, bez oslanjanja na (najčešće roditeljsku) dotadašnju pomoć i podršku. Sa žaljenjem se često konstatuje da je vreme opuštenosti i razbibrige zauvek prošlo i da se na dalje oče kuju sve komplikovaniji zadaci.
žnost. Postoji neko ko o svemu vodi računa, a osećaj zaštićenosti pospešuje maštu i osećaj da se prepreke mogu prevazići, neuspesi pretvoriti u uspehe, da se veština ma može ovladati i naučiti ono što se ne zna. U igri smo svi jednaki i imamo mogućnosti razvoja i pobede, a svakako nekog boljeg i uspešnijeg sutra.
Igra i bezbrižnost
Igra asocira na početak, na trajanje, na mogućnost promene i zato je poželjna u svakom razdoblju života i kao pratilac svih životnih aktivnosti, iako ne kao dominantna aktivnost.
Prva asocijacija na detinjstvo je igra, pa potom, najčešće – bezbri
U svakom muškarcu postoji bar mali skriveni element Petra Pana,
dok se u svakoj ženi smeši vrago lasta Pipi duga čarapa, čekajući trenutak da život učine radosnijim. Pri tome se ne misli na sindrome onih koji ne žele da odrastu, već na dragocen kapacitet da se u svakod nevicu unese dimenzija mašte koja, više od svih potencijala, postaje zarobljena u zrelom dobu.
Ego stanje slobodnog deteta Svi u sebi nosimo element deteta, stručnim psihološkim terminom nazvano „ego stanjem slobodnog deteta“ koje određuje kapacitet za slobodu, spontanost, prirodnost, proaktivnost, kreativnost. Dok neke osobe imaju prenaglaše nost slobodnog deteta u sebi, zadr žavajući impulsivnost, spremnost
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
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na (nepotrebne) rizike i druge socijalno nepoželjne karakteristike, drugi, koje nazivamo preozbiljnim ili preadaptiranim, treba da probu de i neguju slobodno dete u sebi. Usled svega navedenog, poslednjih decenija principi igre su uvršteni u mnoge programe edukacije, tim bildinga i drugih aktivnosti koji os nažuju lične i timske kompetence. Odavno je dokazano da principi igre uvećavaju kapacitete za učenje, svakoliki prijem novih informacija, pa i sugestija, razvijaju motivacione faktore i podstiču produktivnost. Oslobađanje od, ponekad rigidnih, pravila sistema u kom se odvija profesionalni život, počev od „dres koda“ pa do svih elemenata pona šanja i komunikacije, uključivanjem igara oslobađa spontanost i krea tivnost, pospešuje snalažljivost i iskazivanje (uvećavanje) veština i potencijala. Upravo veštine i potencijali, za koje se ponekad smatra da im nije mesto u poslovnom kontekstu,
mogu pokazati mnogo intenzivnije stvarne kapacitete osobe, kao i načine na koje će ih ostvarivati, pojedinačno ili u timu.
ne boravke izvan mesta rada/sta novanja, kako bi se obezbedili svi specifični kriterijumi za podizanje efikasnosti učenja kroz ili uz igru.
Igrajte se zbog...
To je jedan od najznačajnijih razlo ga što se seminari održavaju izvan radnog vremena i u ambijentu koji se uglavnom veoma razlikuje od tipično poslovnog.
Osetljive teme, kao i teme koje se na neki način dotiču pitanja diskri minacije (često se u praksi sreće po dela na poželjnost muško/ženskih uloga, ali su zastupljene i mnoge druge teme), mogu se takoreći lako prevazići upravo kroz principe igara. Počev od osnovnih principa snaga tima koje su bazirane između ostalog na (profesionalnom, ali i najosnovnijem, ljudskom) pove renju, pa do osvajanja visokih nivoa produktivnosti u radu, kao i gratifikacije i satisfakcije nakon ostvarenog, svi koraci mogu biti propraćeni određenim „igrama“. Neki sistemi u svojim nedeljnim rasporedima izdvajaju vreme za aktivnosti ovog tipa na nedeljnom nivou ili ređe, dok drugi praktikuju jednodnevne, vikend ili višednev
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
U sveopštoj žurbi i ubrzanju života, a posebno kada se posmatra sa platforme karijere, ponekad se čuje komentar da su takve aktivnosti gubljenje vremena i novca za kom paniju. Iako je negativan pogled na „učenje uz igru“ sve ređi, sumnju imaju još samo oni koji nisu probali ovakav sistem funkcionisanja zaposlenih. Veoma je važno objasniti čemu određene aktivnosti služe, šta donose, kakve benefite obezbe đuju, kako lično, tako i na nivou cele organizacije. Okolnost da se zaposleni koji sarađuju manje ili više intenzivno, u biti zapravo ne
poznaju, može da uzme danak i to na nivou produktivnosti, pa time i profita firme. Predavanja „eks katedra“ ili višeča sovni sastanci ne donose očekivane rezultate, a ta okolnost je odavno prepoznata i u svetu i kod nas. Uvažavajući (naučno dokazane) potencijale i kapacitete, psihofiziološke i intelektualne, održava nje pažnje na željenim sadržajima zahteva mnogo više od izgovorenih reči od strane predavača, odnosno autoriteta. Interaktivnost je postala imperativ svake produktivnosti. Počev od pozajmljene spajalice, preko brain storming-a (o kom više možete proči tati na stranici 76), do fokusiranosti na podizanje profesionalnog i ličnog kvaliteta življenja protežu se dobre strane interakcije i to na svim hijerar hijskim nivoima (i vertikalnim – auto ritet/zaposleni i horizontalnim – zaposleni/zaposleni). Upoznati onog sa kim se radi (sa radnik/podređeni/nadređeni) is
postavlja se kao osnov uspešnosti. Zato se u mnogim aktivnostima koje prate učenje, a mi ih poznaje mo pod terminom igre, uključuju takozvane igre za zagrevanje, za „odmrzavanje“ atmosfere – tzv. ice breaker igre o kojima ćete više naći na stranici 35, za uspostavljanje kohezije, za snažnije povezivanje svih zaposlenih. Rezultati su često fascinantni za sve učesnike, kako za one koji su samo bili radoznali, tako i za one koji su imali pozitivan, pa i negati van stav. Posebna atmosfera koja se kreira tokom aktivnosti učenja kroz igru, nezavisno da li je u pitanju konkre tan profesionalni seminar ili učenja drugog tipa, kao što su principi komunikacije ili samo i relaksacija, nivo naučenog je veoma visok. Učesnici nauče nešto što je od pre sudne važnosti za njih same, ali i za sve one u čijem društvu provode više od trećine svog dana, koliko nam najčešće traje radno vreme.
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Motivacija i igra Treba napomenuti i da motivacioni faktori igraju veoma značajnu ulo gu, kao i da oni mogu biti veoma raznoliki. Kod nekoga je pokretač egzistencijalne ili finansijske pri rode, kod drugog je to motiv za postignućem. Nezavisno od činjenice da su motivi individualna kategorija, baš svako ih poseduje, što se, ponovo, najlak še otkriva u interakciji. Uprkos kompleksnosti poslovanja, zadovoljstvo sobom i poslovnim okruženjem veoma bitno utiče na produktivnost, a svakako i na zdravlje.
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U tom smislu, aktivnosti o kojima se piše, iako predstavljaju trošak za kompaniju, zapravo su najsigurnije ulaganje koje donosi uspeh, a time i profit. Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut, lajf kouč
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
expert opinion
Games Are Not Just for Kids
Why Is Playing Important? Dragana Deh, Psychology MSc, Systemic Therapist, Life Coach
Looking at activities through life stages clearly makes a distinction between play ing, learning, and working. Childhood is dominated by playing, and playing also prepares for and teaches about certain tasks, as well as work activities. During schooling, the dominant activity is learning, with playing still included, and gradually young people are increasingly involved in work activities – from cleaning their room to occasional jobs that supplement their pocket money. When education is over, work becomes the dominant activity and this is when it becomes very important for the weekly plan – if daily basis is not an option – to inc lude play (sports or other types of entertainment), as well as willing ness for further learning. The start of professional life brings one of the most important crossroads in life, which is serious acceptance of responsibility, without relying on (most often parental) support and assistance. Common are the regretful statements that the time of being relaxed and carefree has passed forever and that more and more complicated tasks are ahead.
Playful and carefree The first thing associated with chil dhood is play, and the second –
most often – being carefree. There is someone who takes care of eve rything, and the sense of protect ion promotes imagination and the feeling that obstacles can be over come, failures can be turned into successes, skills can be mastered, and unknown can be learned. In play we’re all equal and we have opportunities to develop and win and most certainly the possibility of a better and more successful tomorrow. Play is associated with the begin ning, duration, possibility of chan ge, and that’s why it’s beneficial at any age and as a companion of all life activities, although not as a dominant one. In every man there is at least a small hidden piece of Peter Pan, while every woman has a mischi evous Pippi Longstocking inside,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
both waiting for the moment to make life more joyful. This does not mean the syndromes of those who want to never grow up, but instead the valuable capacity to bring a dimension of imagination into everyday life, which becomes more entrapped than any other potential in the mature age.
The free-child ego state We all carry a childlike piece inside ourselves, which experts termed free-child ego state, which deter mines the capacity for freedom, spontaneity, genuineness, proac tivity, and creativity. While some people have an over balanced free child in themselves – keeping the huffiness, willingness to (unnecessary) risks, and other socially unacceptable qualities –
others, which we call too serious or overadjusted, should awaken and foster the free child inside. Due to all this, in the last decades, the principles of play have been integrated into many educational programs, team building events, and other activities that reinforce personal and team competencies. It has long been proven that the principles of play increase learning capacities, everyday reception of new information, and even suggest ions; they develop motivational factors and stimulate productivity. The liberation from sometimes rigid rules of the system in which professional life takes place – from the dress code to all elements of behavior and communication – including games releases sponta neity and creativity, encourages resourcefulness and expression (improvement) of skills and poten tials. It is precisely the skills and poten tials that are sometimes consid
ered to have no place in the busi ness context those that can reveal much more intense true capacities of the person, as well as the ways in which they will can be realized, individually or in the team.
Play because... Sensitive topics, as well as topics that in a way touch upon issues of discrimination (practice often shows desirability of male/fema le roles, but many other topics are also present), can easily be overcome through the principles of games. Starting from the basic principles of the team’s strengths that are based, among other things, on (professional but also basic human) trust, all the way to achieving high productivity levels in work, as well as gratification and satisfac tion after the accomplished, all of the steps can be accompanied by certain “games”. Some systems have their weekly schedules times allocated to activities of this type
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on a weekly basis or less, while others apply day-long, week-long, or days-long stays outside the place of work/living, in order to meet all the specific requirements for raising the learning effective ness through or during games. This is one of the most important reasons why seminars are held outside working hours in environ ments that are very much different from typical business surroundings. In the general hustle and bustle of life, and especially when viewed from the career aspect, sometimes it can be heard that such activities are a waste of time and money for the company. Although the negative view of “learning through play” is becom ing less common, only those who have not yet tried this system of employee functioning have doubts.
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e x p e r t
It is very important to explain what certain activities are for, what they bring, and what benefits they provide – both personally and at the whole organization level.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
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The circumstance that employees who more or less work together intensely in fact don’t know each other can take a toll in productiv ity, and n turn the profits of the company. Ex-cathedra lectures or hours-long meetings do not produce the expec ted results, and this circumstance has long been recognized both in the world and in our country. Respecting (scientifically proven) potentials and capacities – psychophysiological and intellectual – and keeping attention on the desired content requires much more than words spoken by a lecturer or an authority figure. Interactivity has become impera tive for any kind of productivity. Starting from a borrowed paper clip, through brainstorming (which you can read more about on page 79), to focusing on raising the professional and personal quality of life the benefits of interaction range throughout hierarchical
levels (both vertical-authority figu re/employee and horizontal – employee/employee). Getting to know the people one works with (associates/subordi nates/superiors) turns out to be the basis for success. That is why many of the activities that accompany learning and that we know under the term games in clude the so-called warm-up games to “defrost” the atmosphere – the so-called icebreakers, which you can find more about on page 38, for establishing cohesion and more powerful connecting of all employees. The results are often fascinating for all participants, both for those who were just curious and for those who had a positive or even negative attitude. A special mood that is created during learn ing through games – whether we’re talking about a specific pro fessional seminar or another type of learning such as the principles of communication or even just relaxa tion – facilitates a level of learning that is very high. Participants learn
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
something that is crucial to them, as well as to those in whose company they spend more than a third of their day, which is the most com mon time we spend working.
Motivation and play It should also be noted that mo tivational factors play a very im portant role and that they can be very diverse. Some are driven by existential or financial motivators, others are motivated by a drive for achievement. Regardless of the fact that motives are subjective, everyone has them, which, again, is revealed in interaction most eas ily. Despite the complexity of busi ness, satisfaction with oneself and the business environment very significantly affects productivity, and also most certainly health. In light of this, the activities in question – although they represent an expense for the company – are in fact the safest investment that brings success and in turn profits. Dragana Deh, Psychology MSc, Systemic Therapist, Life Coach
Hotel Aristos 4*
Poslovni i kongresni hotel u Zagrebu Hotel Aristos smješten je u poslovnom centru Buzin u Zagrebu, u okruženju mnogobrojnih domaćih i ino zemnih kompanija. Poslovni je hotel koji pruža ugodan smještaj u 150 prostranih comfort i deluxe soba, moderan kongresni centar, wellness & spa centar uz visoku kvalitetu usluge, mirno okru ženje i izvrsnu povezanost sa cen trom grada, zračnom lukom Zagreb i svim glavnim prometnicama. S ciljem da gostima omogući potpu nu uslugu, tijekom njihova boravka, gosti mogu koristiti WiFi, poslovni centar, fitness studio, vanjski par king i garažu hotela bez nadoplate. Za organizaciju raznih događanja, organizatorima je na raspolaganju moderan i multifunkcionalan kon gresno banketni centar sa zasebnim ulazom, kongresnom recepcijom, registracijskim pultom, gardero bom, barom, terasom i restoranom Tiara kapaciteta 220 mjesta. U samom prizemlju nalazi se multi funkcionalna glavna Grand dvorana kapaciteta do 300 sudionika koja omogućuje organizaciju većih kon gresa, konferencija, kao i prezen taciju vozila. Luksuzni predprostor daje eksluzivnost samom događa nju te se vrlo lako može brendi rati za potrebe eventa. Uz glavnu dvoranu, nalaze se i manje dvorane i apartmani za sastanke opremljeni suvremenom opremom. Gastronomski dio svakog događanja čini bitnu stavku svake organizacije
te u skladu s time Hotel Aristos nudi bogat izbor menija i pića. Moguć nost koktela, pića dobrodošlice u atraktivnom prostoru Momento bara, Vitrum salona ili na terasi ho tela dodatna je pogodnost prilikom organizacije svakog događanja. Hotel Aristos je prepoznat kao poslovni i kongresni hotel te je mjesto organizacije raznih evenata domaćih i međunarodnih kompani ja iz svih tržišnih branši s različitim zahtjevima klijenata. Nakon napornog dana, gosti se mogu opustiti u ugodnom ambi jentu relax i spa zone Wellness & Spa centra Aristos uz ponudu bio, infracrvene, parne saune i hidroma sažne kupelji. Za potpun wellness doživljaj, wellness centar nudi bogat izbor masaža prilagođenih potrebama klijenata te posebno kreirane tretmane njege lica i tijela. Za sve koji žele nakratko pobjeći od svakodnevne rutine i potražiti mir te posjetiti Zagreb, mogu odabrati City break i romantične pakete koji uključuju wellness sadržaje i noće nje u deluxe sobama ili rezervirati neki od obiteljskih paketa. Hotel Aristos – Vaš hotel u Zagrebu!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Hotel Aristos 4*
Business and Congress Hotel in Zagreb Four star Aristos Hotel is located in New Zagreb, only a few minutes drive from Zagreb Airport, to city cen ter and with easy access to highway. Hotel Aristos has all the comforts of a standard luxury property. Hotel offers pleasant stay in 150 deluxe and comfort rooms with free usage of gym, business center, complimentary outdoor parking and hotel garage. Guests can experience gourmet dining, a Wellness & Spa center, a cutting edge conference facility and top quality services. The hotel’s conference facilities include a congress reception, a plenary Grand hall for large events up to 300 seats as well as seven multifunction meeting rooms ideal for workshops and trainings. Vitrum salon, Lounge bar Momento and terrace can be a great venues for cocktails, welcome drinks or other gatherings. The state of the
art technology and the flexibility of the space gives a opportunity that space can be adapted in line with various requirements and settings. Restaurant Tiara is a right choice for lunch or dinner with national and international dishes and hotel bar with summer terrace can be ideal place to take a break during the day with wide selection of drinks, hot and cold beverages, fruit salads, snacks and sandwiches and excellent pastries. Relaxing moments you can find in Aristos Wellness & Spa center where you can experience spa zone with bio, infrared, steam, hydro massage or you can choose some of the integrated beauty programs, exclusive professional face and body care treatments. Unique massages and wellness ritu als will provide you with a feeling of being genuinely relaxed, revitalized, and comfortable; and will bring your body and soul into balance. Do not miss special city break, weekend and family packages. Hotel Aristos – your hotel in Zagreb!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Izazovi u turističkoj industriji
„Kvalitet nije skup – neprocenjiv je“ G-din Andreas Vögl
Svi znamo da bi visok kvalitet morao biti OBAVEZAN. Ali, kako ga možemo stvoriti i pružiti? Za ovaj broj SEEbtm magazina, Andreas Vögl – vodeći stručnjak u ovoj oblasti, koji je u turističkoj i hotelijer skoj industriji od 1972. godine, dao nam je odgovor na ovo pitanje. Gospodin Vögl je svoju karijeru započeo u hotelu Sheraton u Minhenu na mestu recepcionera, a 1992. proglašen je za Hotelier of the Year u Austriji. Tokom njegovog rada u hotelu Imperial Vienna u Beču na po ziciji generalnog menadžera, hotel je dobio priznanje World´s Best Hotel od strane vodećeg međunarodnog magazina – Conde Nast Traveler, specijalizovanog za turizam i hotelijerstvo. Od 1996. godine, Andreas pru ža stratešku i operativnu pomoć klijentima širom sveta kao ekspert u ovoj oblasti. Kao predavač i konsultant posetili ste Srbiju mnogo puta. Koja su tri glavna utiska koja ste stekli o državi i turizmu ovde? • Primetna je povećana svest o turističkom poten cijalu; naročito u sektoru ZDRAVSTVENOG I SPA turizma. Srbija raspolaže sjajnim prirodnim resur sima koji mogu pomoći razvoju ovog sektora, a koji se i sami postepeno razvijaju zahvaljujući lokalnim preduzetnicima. • Ovo isto važi i za oblast „AGRO TURIZMA” koji pru ža sjajnu šansu za stabilizaciju ruralnih zajednica.
Šanse koje pružaju oba sektora najbolje su iskori šćene u mojoj domovini – Austriji. • Sa ubrzanjem pregovora o pristupanju Evropskoj Uniji, povećaće se i broj POSLOVNIH PUTNIKA. Ovo se svaki dan može primetiti na beogradskom aerodromu. Imali ste priliku da posetite mnoštvo različitih zemalja i kontinenata kao profesionalac koji se bavi hotelskom industrijom. Koji je bio Vaš najveći izazov kada se radi o radnoj okolini? Postoji veliki broj faktora koje treba razmotriti. Želeo bih da naglasim da je ovo „uslužna industrija“ kako bi svi učesnici hotelske i turističke industrije (bili to vlasnici, menadžeri, investitiori ili osoblje), bez obzira na državu, bili svesni potreba i kompleksnosti. Uspešni menadžeri i preduzeća su već dobro shvatili (i na tome ostvarili velike profite) da mora postojati stalna posvećenost dobavljača (hotelijera, restoratera itd.) da uvek ostvare, ili prevaziđu očekivanja gosta, odnosno tržišta. Ta posvećenost mora biti 24 sata – od momenta kada gost odluči da putuje na destinaciju, rezerviše hotel ili sto u restoranu u Srbiji. Ovo je dugoročan proces čiji su rezultati vidljivi tek kroz par godina. Dobra metafora za ovaj izazov je nivo kvaliteta – „5 čula“ (zvuk, ukus, dodir, miris, vid). Od ključne je važnosti kako se okruženje ovih pet
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i n t e r v j u čula uklapa sa očekivanjima gostiju (tržišta) u smislu kvaliteta usluge i proizvoda same destinacije, hotela, restorana... Svi profesionalci hotelske industrije mogu Vas čuti u aprilu na konferenciji „Kvalitet je prioritet u hotelijer stvu i turizmu“ u Beogradu. Možete li nam reći nešto više o tom događaju? Citiraću Gandija koji je rekao: „Kvalitet nije skup – nep rocenjiv je”. Mogu samo čestitati organizatorima TIMSERBIA i Fakultetu organizacionih nauka u Beogradu na ovoj inicijativi koja „probija led“ u razvijanju profita bilnijeg turizma orijentisanog na kvalitet u Srbiji. Program i predavanja su izvanredni i mogu biti od velikog značaja za sve profesionalce. Smatram da je od posebnog značaja to što će konferencija prikazati prag matična rešenja, ali i ideje za budućnost industrije. Šta je po Vašem mišljenju neophodno kako bi se dostigao kvalitet u turizmu? Kvalitet je sam po sebi određen i od strane tržišta/go sta – trudimo se da 80% radimo i ulažemo u kvalitet usluga koje se odnose na sve segmente lanca nabavke hotelskih i turističkih proizvoda, a 20% na pametnim investicijama orijentisanim ka usluživanju gostiju. Oba elementa moraju biti vidljiva gostima u „trenutku istine”. Ovo je momenat u kome se klijentova očekiva nja sreću sa proizvodom ili uslugom.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Najbolji hoteli uvek pružaju više od onoga što gost očekuje. S tim u vezi, šta smatrate najvećom pretnjom za hotelsku industriju u današnje vreme? Putovanja su jedna od najstarijih navika čovečanstva – ne možemo ih izbeći. Imajući to u vidu, industrija kon stantno mora težiti pružanju proizvoda i usluga u svetu koji se menja jednako brzo kao i očekivanja tržišta, a kroz lanac usluga koji sam spomenuo. Kako je tema ovog broja magazina Play and Learn koncept, da li koristite ili ste koristili ovaj koncept? Šta mislite o njemu? Da li smatrate da može biti koristan? Play and Learn je najkorisnije sredstvo za prenoše nje sadržaja učesnicima. I sam sam pre dosta godina osmislio i razvio igru za turistički i hotelijerski menadž ment – prvu u Evropi. „Dijamantska groznica” je radio nica zasnovana na posebnim i specifičnim potrebama hotela i njihovih odeljenja. Upravo samoinicijativna spremnost zaposlenih donosi najinovativnije, veoma praktične i merljive rezultate kada se radi o pobolj šanju kvaliteta. Kao deo igre, oni se sumiraju i služe kao osnova za dalje merenje poboljšanja kvaliteta u hotelu. Milica Novak
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice interview
Challenges in Tourism Industry
“Quality Is Not Expensive – It´s Priceless” Mr. Andreas Vögl
We all know quality should be a MUST. But, how do we create and deliver it? For this issue of SEEbtm magazine we have talked to one of the leading professi onals when it comes to this subject – Mr. Adreas Vögl who he has been involved in the hotel & tourism busi ness since 1972. His career started as a room clerk at the Sheraton Hotel Munich and in 1992 he was voted for Hotelier of the Year in Austria. During his time as General Manager of the five star Hotel Imperial Vienna, the hotel was awarded by one of the leading global Hotel & Tourism Magazine, Conde Nast Traveler, for World´s Best Hotel. Since 1996 Andreas provides strategic as well asoperational matters to clients all around the world as a hotel & tourism expert. You’ve visited Serbia many times, as a consultant and lecturer. What are yours three main impressions about the country and its tourism industry? • An increased awareness for the potential of tour ism is noticeable; particularly in the HEALTH & SPA sector. This is the field where Serbia offers some great natural resources that are being developed gradually by local entrepreneurs. • The same applies for the wide field of “AGRO TOURISM” – an excellent opportunity to stabilize the rural community in the provinces. Both busi ness opportunities have been most successfully implemented in my home country, Austria.
• With the increasing speed of talks for an EU affili ation, BUSINESS TRAVEL will pick up significantly. This can be noticed virtually every day at the airport of Belgrade. As a professional, who is well-known in hotel indus try, you had the chance to work in many countries and different continents. What was your biggest challenge in terms of work environment? There are really many factors that one must consider when it comes to this. I would like to point out, irre spective of the country, to make people that are being engaged in the hotel & tourism industry (be it owners, investors, managers, staff…) aware of the need and complexities, that this is a “Service Industry”. Successful managers and enterprises have already well understood (and earn hefty dividends), that it must be the supplier´s (hotelier, restaurateur etc.) sustainable dedication to “deliver”– surpass – the guests/market expectation – always! 24 Hours – from the moment the guest decides to travel to a destination, book a hotel, or a restaurant table in Serbia. This is a highly critical process that can take some years to bring to fruition. A well proven metaphor for this challenge is the quality level of the “5 Senses” (sound, taste, feel, smell, visual) that is being pro vided. How does this 5 Senses environment fit (match)
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
i n t e r v i e w in terms of quality, the quality of service and product of the destination, hotel, the restaurant etc. and the guests (markets) expectation is crucial. All professionals from hotel industry can hear you in April this year on a conference “Quality First in Hotels & Tourism” that will be held in Belgrade. Could you please tell us something about this event? I shall quote Mahatma Gandhi who said “Quality is not expensive – it´s priceless”. I can only full heart edly congratulate the organizers TIM-SERBIA and the Faculty of Business Organization in Belgrade on this “icebreaking” initiative for the sake of a more quality oriented, more profitable tourism in Serbia. The pro gram and lectures are superb and can be a great value for all professional visitors. I consider it of particular interest, that the conference will highlight pragmatic solutions but as well share a view into the future of the hotel & tourism industry. In your opinion, what is a MUST for delivering quality in tourism? “Quality” per se is defined by the market/guest – we intend to operate in 80% reliable – sustainable quality in service which applies for all segments of the “supply chain” for hotel & tourism products and 20% clever – guest service oriented investments. Both these elements have to be visible to the guests at the “Moment of Truth”. This is exactly the moment, where client’s expectation make contact with the
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product or service. The best hotels do deliver more than the guest expects. In addition to that, what do you consider as the biggest threats in hotel industry these days? Travel is an “age old habit” of mankind – you cannot avoid “travel”. Having that on mind, the industry has to be up on its toes to deliver products and service in the very rapidly changing world and expectation of markets perception – throughout the supply chain I have mentioned above. As cover story of this magazine issue is Play and Learn concept, did/do you practice this kind of approach? What do you think about it? Do you find it can be useful? Play & Learn is a most useful tool to transport content to participants. I for myself have quite some years ago developed a hotel & tourism management Play – for the first time in Europe. The Diamond Fever is a workshop that is based on hotel’s and departments specific needs. It’s the staff self-initiated readiness that brings about the most innovative, very practical and measurable quality improvement results. As part of the game, these are collected in a summery which is the basis for further quality improvements measures in a hotel. Milica Novak
zanimljivost Povratak društvenih igara
Hrabri mali toster u misiji spašavanja drugarstva Analogni fotoaparati i gramofonske ploče, već duže vreme žive svoj „drugi život”. Odbačeni devedesetih, kada smo se puni entuzijazma prepustili kristalno čistom zvuku kompakt diska i kristalnoj oštrini digitalne fotografije merene desetinama megapiksela, vrlo sporo, ali nezaustavljivo se penju iz podruma naših kuća i naših života ka svakodnevici pokrenuti nostalgijom ali i željom za dodirom, klasičnim posedovanjem i ko zna još kojim mehanizmima. Društvene igre su još jedan koncept koji doživljava svoj povratak kroz fenomen koji se sve češće imenuje kao post-digitalno doba. To nije odbacivanje tehnološkog napretka već pronala ženje načina da se udobnije smestimo u svetu u kome sve češće izostaju taktilna i fizička iskustva. Nisu svi predmeti doživeli „povratak” poput knjiga, plo ča i društvenih igara. Možda razlog leži u tome što ovi predmeti nisu samo stvari. Mnogi se sećaju, a mnogi će se sigurno sada podsetiti, Diznijevog crtanog filma „Brave Little Toaster” u kom jedan mali hrabri toster pokreće čitavu svitu odba čenih kućnih uređaja, čija je tehnologija zastarela, u misiju spasavanja iz čeljusti reciklaže. Nešto noviji animirani film „Toy Story” (Pixar) bavi se sličnom tematikom - odbačene igračke su u misiji podsećanja svog voljenog vlasnika na nekadašnje lepe dane u kojima su mu one pomagale da odraste. Obe priče se bave otuđenošću, odbačenošću i potre bom da se bude koristan i deo života. Kroz taj koncept,
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u pomenutim filmovima, predmeti postaju antropo morfni da bi istakli svoju ulogu u oblikovanju svakod nevice i nas samih ali i da bi prikrili industrijski i tržišni aspekt svog nastanka. Oni nisu samo „jedan iz serije identičnih proizvoda”, oni su kroz upotrebu i pripada nje stekli poseban identitet. Posedovanje predmeta u ovim pričama nije jedno strano. Ovi predmeti poseduju i svog vlasnika, a ta moć posedovanja je rezervisana samo za opipljive, taktilne predmete. Posmatrana na taj način, stara viken dica/koliba u kojoj je mali hrabri toster zaboravljen sa svojim drugarima postaje metafora za zabačene kutke naših sećanja. Pucketanje gramofonske ploče, mirisni keks od cimeta i pomorandže, svećice sa štipaljkama na novogodišnjoj jelci, kutije društvenih igara na tepihu dnevne sobe i fotoaparat napunjen novim filmom koji čeka ključni momenat je nekada bio novogodišnji standard. Ovi rekviziti, povučeni u gornje police plakara ili pod rume, neko vreme su bili potpuno zaboravljeni.
Virtualno okruženje verovatno ni u bliskoj budućnosti neće moći da bude zamena za fizičko, niti će moći na isti način da angažuje ljude okupljene u zajeničkoj igri. Društvene igre traže učešće i aktivnost svih okupljenih. One podstiču zajedničku kreativnost u oslobađanju od svakodnevice. Sve češće ih se setimo u poslednje vreme. O tome svedoči i povratak analognih medija poslednje decenije. Šta ih je pokrenulo da, poput malog tostera, krenu u misiju podsećanja na svoje postojanje? Nostalgija je prvi odgovor koji bi mogao da delimično da objašnjenje ovog novog fenomena povratka starih predmeta. Međutim, stvarnost je daleko kompleksnija jer se ovi predmeti ne vraćaju samo u svom pređašnjem i poznatom obliku, već se rađaju potpuno novi. Krajem osamdesetih godina počeo je blag, ali konstan tan, pad u prodaji društvenih igara (igara sa tablom i kartičnih igara koje su objedinjene pod ovim imenom). Odgovor poznatih i velikih proizvođača društvenih igara, kao što su Hasbro i Milton Bradley, na stagnaciju i opadanje na tržištu se ogledao u proizvodnji novih, tematskih varijanti uspešnih igara kao što su Monopol i Riziko. Inovacija na polju igara se preselila prvo u svet video igara na posebnim konzolama, a zatim i u digitalni svet umrežen sve bržim internet konekcijama. Međutim, poslednjih petnaest godina, tržište druš tvenih igara se dramatično promenilo.
Ono je podeljeno u četiri kategorije: igre za masovno tržište, hobi igre, evropske igre i američke igre. Igre za masovno tržište su one svima dobro poznate igre sa mnoštvom varijacija (Monopol, Kluedo, Rizi ko...). To su takozvani moderni klasici koji se mogu naći u prodavnicama igračaka ili većim supermarketima. Se gment tržišta društvenih igara definisan kao hobi igre danas ima najveći udeo u tržištu igara, čineći gotovo polovinu u smislu prihoda koje ostvaruje. Radi se o vrlo kompleksnim igrama (igranje uloga, razmena karata, igre sa minijaturnim figuricama) za „zagrižene” igrače koji su ujedno i kolekcionari kom pleta ili pojedinačnih elemenata određenih igara. Evropske i američke igre se bitno razlikuju po dužini trajanja i kompleksnosti elemenata koji ih čine. Dok su evropske igre više okrenute bržem tempu i strategiji i logici, američke imaju često mnogo ele menata, sesije duže traju, baziraju se na određenim temama.
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Postojanje značajnog i diferenciranog tržišta govori o i dalje prisutnoj želji za igranjem društvenih igara uprkos brojnim adiktivnim kompjuterskim igrama koje je takođe moguće igrati sa drugima. Međutim, kroz brze mrežne konekcije, igranje kompju
Društvene igre mogu da učvrste prijateljstva jer u njima nije jedini cilj pobeda, već vreme provedeno u zajedničkom kreiranju atmosfere.
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z a n i m l j i v o s t terskih igara je dobilo karakter solitarne igre. Saigrači ne dele fizički prostor, već povlače poteze i komunici raju posredstvom kompjutera sa velikih udaljenosti, najčešće se i ne poznajući. Dok igranje kompjuterskih igara može da zadovolji jedan segment potrebe za uzbuđenjem i igrom, izostaje važna komponenta – izloženost (ranjivost) i neverbalna komunikacija.
Razmena ideja, podsticanje kreativnosti, jačanje odnosa i stvaranje trajnih sećanja i strukturiranje kvalitetno provedenog zajedničkog vremena u osnovi su potrebe za igranjem društvenih igara. Video igre, iako vezane za konzole i TV ekrane i dalje podrazumevaju deljenje prostora i neverbalnu komu nikaciju a takav je slučaj i sa prvim kompjuterskim igrama na Spektrumu, Atariju i Komodoru (setimo se tih igračkih seansi nakon škole), dok kompjuterske igre kroz internet, bez obzira na to da li se igraju samostal no ili sa nekim ko je na drugom kraju sveta, uskraćuju ovo iskustvo. U njima je „drugi”, samo još jedan ele ment igre. On može da postoji zaista ali i ne mora. On može da bude kompjuter a može da bude čovek a da razlika ostane neprimećena. Magija koja upotpunjuje društvene igre nastaje kada se društvo okupi oko stola. Igrači postaju aktivni, raz menjuju šale, smeju se, izloženi su, ranjivi... Možda je baš potreba za istinskom međuljudskom interakcijom razlog povratka društvenih igara. Virtualno okruženje verovatno ni u bliskoj budućnosti neće moći da bude
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zamena za fizičko, niti će moći na isti način da anga žuje ljude okupljene u zajedničkoj igri. Društvene igre traže učešće i aktivnost svih okupljenih. One podstiču zajedničku kreativnost u oslobađanju od svakodne vice. Igranje on-line to delimično postiže ali efekat nije potpun jer učesnike ne čini „življim”, najviše zbog unapred definisanih kreativnih mogućnosti koje su deo improvizacije tokom igranja. Digitalne igre ograničava ju moguće poteze, dok se kod društvenih igara interak cija odvija na više nivoa i mnogo je kompleksnija. Ona podrazumeva igru na tabli ali i ono što se dešava izvan igre sa njom je podstaknuto. Saigrači su fizički prisutni i iz njihove neverbalne komunikacije moguće je videti da li su uzbuđeni, frustrirani, da li uživaju ili se raduju. Društvene igre mogu da učvrste prijateljstva jer u njima nije jedini cilj pobeda, već vreme provedeno u zajedničkom kreiranju atmosfere. Ukoliko se igrači redovno sastaju kako bi igrali na primer Dixit, često će doći i do boljeg upoznavanja, a mnogi potezi će biti dugo prepričavani poput dragih uspomena. Saigrači će neretko formirati svoje komunikacijske ko dove koji će ih još više zbližiti u stvarnom osećaju da se međusobno razumeju bolje od ostatka sveta. Vreme koje provodimo zajedno oblikuje naše porodične i društvene odnose. Kada se okupimo oko šarene table, zajedno ulazimo u svet čiji smo kreatori. Tabla, figure, kockice, kartice, postaju inspiracija. Pobeda je često sekundarna a glavni cilj je razmena ideja. Razmena ideja, podsticanje kreativnosti, jačanje odnosa i stvaranje trajnih sećanja i strukturiranje kva litetno provedenog zajedničkog vremena u osnovi su potrebe za igranjem društvenih igara.
Isti razlozi su bili podsticaj da napravimo društenu igru „Revolucija”. Mi Lush Life, drugari koji se poznaju još iz srednjoškolskih dana, perioda kada su društvene igre bile standard letnjih morskih večeri i zimskih dugih noći uz toplu čokoladu, želeli smo da svoje dizajnerska, arhitektonska i psihološka znanja, koja inače koristimo kako bismo menjali svet na bolje i od toga živeli, usme rimo ka stvaranju igre za naše porodice. Želeli smo da se kroz igru još više povežemo. Igrajući je čak dve godine, otkrili smo da nas igra ne samo pove zuje, već da nas oblikuje, širi nam poglede, provocira naše poznate i skrivene talente da se razviju. Tako se igra razvijala razvijajući nas. Dobijala je nove elemente i njen se svet širio kao i naš. Deca su učest vovala u njenom nastanku i oblikovanju zajedno sa
nama, tako da je ponekad teško reći gde počinje igra a gde kreacija. Sada mnoga naša okupljanja uključuju igranje naše „Revolucije”. Ona predstavlja put Zemlje oko Sunca ali i revoluciju u načinu na koji provodimo vreme zajedno. Kroz nju smo shvatili da kooperativne društvene igre, u kojima igrači imaju zajednički cilj, mogu da nas podstaknu da budemo iskreniji, otvoreniji i slobodniji u međusobnoj komunikaciji. Sada se, kada smo željni druženja i zabave, ne okreće mo ekranima telefona, kompjutera ili TV-a, već jedni drugima jer znamo da ono što tražimo nećemo dobiti kroz pasivno upijanje informacija već, kroz igru, i stvarno prisustvo.
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Katarina Nikolić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
The Comeback of Tabletop Games
The Brave Little Toaster on a Mission to Rescue Friendship Analog cameras and record players have been living their do-over for a some ti me now. Jilted in the 1990s, when we enthusiastically gave in to the crystal clear sound of the compact disc and the crystal sharp image of digital photography measured by dozens of megapixels, they – very slowly, but unstoppably – have been ascending from our basements and our lives to everyday life driven by nos talgia and desire for touch, traditional ownership, and who knows what other mechanisms. Tabletop games are another concept that is experi encing its comeback through a phenomenon that is increasingly referred to as the post-digital era. This is not a rejection of technological progress, but instead a pursuit of ways to get more comfortable in a world where tactile and physical experiences are lacking more and more. Not all items have experienced “re turns” like books, records, and social games. Perhaps the reason is that these items are not mere things. Many probably remember – and many will certainly recall now – Disney’s cartoon The Brave Little Toaster, in which one little brave toaster leads an entourage of discarded home appliances, outdated for their technology, on a mission of rescue from the jaws of recycling. A somewhat more recent animated film titled Toy Story (Pixar) tackles similar topics – a group of discarded toys are on a mission of reminding their beloved owner of the good old days when they were helping him to grow up. Both stories deal with aliena tion, rejection, and the need to be useful, to be part of life. Using this concept, in these films inanimate
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
objects become anthropomorphic to accentuate their role in shaping everyday life and our own selves, as well as to obscure the industrial and mercantile aspects of their inception. They are not just “one in a series of identical products” – through use and be longing, they have acquired a special identity. Owning things in these stories is not one-sided. These objects also own their owner, and this power of ownership is reserved only for tactile, palpable objects. Viewed in this way, the old cottage where the brave little toaster has been forgotten along with his friends becomes a metaphor for the remote corners of our memories. The cracking of vinyl, fragrant cinnamon and orange biscuits, strings of Christmas tree lights, tabletop games’ boxes on the living room carpet, and a camera loaded with a new roll of film waiting for the key moment were all once the New Year’s Eve standard. These gadgets, retired into the upper shelves of clos ets or basements, remained completely forgotten for some time. Recently, we’ve been remembering them more often. This is evidenced also by the comeback of
Virtual environment is probably not going to become a replacement for the physical anytime soon, nor will it be able to engage the players brought together by the game in the same way. Tabletop games require participation and activity of all involved. They encourage joint creativity in disconnecting from everyday life. analog media over the last decade. What prompted them to embark – like the brave little toaster – on a mission of reminding us of their existence? Nostalgia is the first answer that could partly explain this new phenomenon of old things making their comebacks. However, the reality is far more complex because these items are not coming back only in their old and well-known forms – they are being completely reborn. The end of 1980s saw a slight but constant decline in tabletop games sales (board and card games that were grouped together under this name). The response of well-known, big tabletop games manu facturers, like Hasbro or Milton Bradley, to the sluggish market in decline was reflected in the production of new themed variants of popular games such as Mono poly and Risk. Innovation in the games industry first moved into the world of video games played on speci al consoles, and then into the digital world, with its ever faster internet connections. However, over the last 15 years, the tabletop games market has changed dramatically. Now it’s divided into four categories: mass market games, hobby games, Eurogames, and American-style games.
The mass market games are all those all-familiar games with their myriad variations (Monopoly, Clue, Risk...). These are the so-called modern classics that can be found in toy stores or supermarkets. The tabletop games market segment defined as hobby games today has the biggest share in the games mar ket, making up nearly half of revenue that the market generates. These are very complex games (role playing, card exchange, miniature games) for die-hard players who are also collect sets or individual components of certain games. European and American games vary greatly in duration and complexity of their components. While European games are more focused on faster pace, strategy, and logic, American games often have many components, and sessions are longer and based on specific themes. The existence of a significant and differentiated mar ket speaks to the still-present desire to play tabletop games in spite of numerous adjective computer games that can also be played with others. However, through high-speed networks, playing computer games has taken on a solitary character. The players don’t share physical space, but instead they make their moves and communicate by means of the computer remotely – most often not even knowing each other.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t e r e s t i n g
Tabletop games can fortify friendships because their goal is not only to win but also to spend time in creating the mood together.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
i n t e r e s t i n g While playing computer games can satisfy a segment of the need for excitement and play, one important component is missing – exposure (vulnerability) and non-verbal communication. Video games – although dependent on consoles and TV screens – still involve sharing space and non-verbal communication, and this is also the case with the first computer games played
Exchanging ideas, promoting creativity, strengthening relationships, creating lasting memories, and structuring quality time together are at the core of the need for playing tabletop games. on Spectrum, Atari, and Commodore (remember those game sessions after school?), while computer games that are played online – whether alone or with people in distant parts of the world – prohibit this experience. In these games, others are just another component of the game. They can really exist but not necessarily. They can be computers or humans, the difference remaining unnoticed. The magic that completes tabletop games is crea ted when friends gather around the table. Players become active, exchanging jokes and laughing; they become exposed, vulnerable... Perhaps this need for true interpersonal interaction is the precise reason that prompted the comeback of tabletop games. Virtual environment is probably not going to become a replacement for the physical anytime soon, nor will it be able to engage the players brought toget
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
her by the game in the same way. Tabletop games require participation and activity of all involved. They encourage joint creativity in disconnecting from everyday life. Playing online achieves this in part, but the effect is not complete because it doesn’t make the participants “more alive”, mostly due to the predefi ned creative possibilities that are part of improvisation during gameplay. Digital games limit possible moves, while in tabletop games interaction takes place on multiple levels and is much more complex. It involves the game on the board, as well as what happens out side the game that the game initiates. The players are physically present and their non-verbal communication shows whether they are excited or frustrated, whether they’re enjoying themselves or having fun. Tabletop games can fortify friendships because their goal is not only to win but also to spend time in cre ating the mood together. If the players meet regularly to play Dixit for example, they will often get to know each other better, and many moves will be retold like fond memories for a long time. The players will often form their own communicati on codes that will bring them even closer in the real sense of understanding each other better than the rest of the world. The time we spend together shapes our family and social relationships. When we gather around the colorful board, we enter a world that we create together. The board, figures, dice, cards – they all be come inspiration. Winning often becomes secondary, and the main goal is exchanging ideas.
Exchanging ideas, promoting crea tivity, strengthening relationships, creating lasting memories, and structuring quality time together are at the core of the need for playing tabletop games. The same reasons prompted the creation of the board game Revolu tion. We at Lush Life, friends from high-school days, when tabletop games were standard for summers at the beach and long winter nights with hot chocolate, wanted to focus our design, architecture, and psychology skills, which we use to change the world for the better and make a living, on creating a game for our families. We wanted to connect even more through the game. After playing it for two years, we discovered that the game not only connects us but also shapes us, expands our views, and provokes our known and hidden talents to develop. So the game was developed by developing us. It was getting new components and its world was expanding, just like ours was. The kids took part in its creation and shaping along our side, so sometimes it’s hard to say where the game begins and where the creation starts. Now many of our gatherings involve playing our Revolution. It represents the Earth’s path around the Sun and a revolution in the way we spend time
together. Through it, we realized that cooperative tab letop games, where players have a common goal, can encourage us to be more honest, as well as more open and free in mutual communication. Now, when we are eager to spend time together and have fun, we don’t turn to the screens of our phones, computers, or TVs, but instead we turn to each other because we know that what we’re looking for we won’t get through passive absorption of information. Instead, we get it through playing – and being truly present.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t e r e s t i n g
Katarina Nikolic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
18 – 20.02.2018. / Zagreb, Hrvatska
February 18th – 20th, 2018 / Zagreb, Croatia
Ovaj osmi po redu sajam posvećen MICE industriji organizovao je Europe Congress i bio je fokusiran na poslovne potencijale Centralne i Južne Evrope, spajao je kupce iz celog sveta i povezivao ih sa najvažnijim dobavljačima tog regiona. Na sajmu su se predstavile kompanije koje se bave organi zacijom događaja, kongresni biroi, hoteli, avio kompanije, DMC i PCO agencije. Za učesnike su bili organizovani B2B sas tanci, forumi, edukativne sesije i radionice.
IT&CM CHINA 20 – 22.03.2018. / Šangaj, Kina IT&CM China postao je vodeći sajam kongresne industrije i međunarodnih sastanaka u Kini, a posvećen je promociji i predstavljanju ove zemlje svetu, ali i do vođenju novih posetioca u nju. Na velikom trodnevnom događaju susre šće se izlagači iz Kine i drugih zemalja sa nekima od najprominentnijih gostujućih kupaca i imaće priliku da se povežu kroz veliki broj seminara, posebno organizo vanih sastanaka i radionica.
IMEX Frankfurt 15 – 17.05.2018. / Frankfurt, Nemačka IMEX Frankfurt, jedan od najvećih sajmova posvećenih kongresnoj i event industriji, otvoriće svoja vrata za 3.500 dobavljača iz različitih sektora kongresne industrije. Na sajmu će se naći nacionalne i regional ne turističke kancelarije, kongresni biroi, velike hotelske kompanije, konferencijski i izložbeni centri, avio kompanije, profesio nalci iz oblasti event menadžmenta i mnogi drugi. EduMonday, biće organizovan u proširenoj formi.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
The eighth iteration of the trade show was dedicated to the MICE industry and hosted by Europe Congress, focused on the busi ness potential of Central and Southern Europe, connecting customers from aro und the world, and introducing them to the region’s key suppliers. The exhibitors included event planners, convention bureaus, hotels, airlines, DMC and PCO agencies. The participants could attend to B2B meetings and forums.
IT&CM CHINA March 20th – 22nd, 2018 / Shanghai, China IT&CM China has become the leading MICE and international meetings trade show in China, and it is focused on pro moting and presenting the country to the world, as well as drawing new visitors. The big three-day event will enable exhi bitors from China and other countries to meet the most prominent hosted buyers and give them an opportunity to connect through seminars, specially organized meetings, and workshops.
IMEX Frankfurt May 15th – 17th, 2018 / Frankfurt, Germany IMEX Frankfurt, one of the biggest trade shows dedicated to the MICE and event planning industry, will open its doors to 3,500 suppliers from various sectors of the MICE industry. The trade show will welcome national and regional tourist offices, convention bureaus, large hotel companies, conference and exhibition centers, airlines, event management professionals, and many others. EduMonday is now to be expanded.
IMEX u Frankfurtu 2018. nastavlja sa inovacijama uz nekoliko potvrđenih novih inicijativa Tokom IMEX sajma u Frankfurtu, hi ljade gostujućih kupaca i posetilaca iz celog sveta će se sastati i poslovati sa oko 3.500 međunarodnih predsta vnika destinacija i prostora – i sve to na jednom mestu. Takođe će se upoznavati sa najnovi jim idejama iz oblasti edukacije na preko 180 sesija, ali i ostvarivati nove kontakte i razgovarati sa ko legama na brojnim događajima za umrežavanje. „Inovacije su u samoj srži IMEX-a u Frankfurtu. Pripremamo niz novih inicijativa koje će zadovolji ti potrebe kupaca i izlagača i u značajnoj meri unaprediti njihovo poslovanje“, objašnjava Carina Bauer, generalna direktorka IMEX Group-e. Nekoliko obećavajućih novih inici jativa, novih izlagača i novih grupa gostujućih kupaca već je potvrđeno za IMEX 2018 u Frankfurtu, koji se održava od 15. do 17. maja. Inovacije počinju u ponedeljak i trajaće cele sedmice. Nakon uspešne premijere 2017. godine, EduMonday – celodnevni program učenja i uvida koji je na
raspolaganju svim posetiocima i izlagačima sajma – organizovan je u proširenoj formi i obuhvatiće širok spektar edukativnih sesija na teme od tehnologije do metodologije okupljanja – Meetology. Takođe, taj dan je rezervisan i za još jedan Event Design Certificate Programme, čija je premijera iza zvala izuzetno pozitivne reakcije.
na temu „Događaji budućnosti“, sa fokusom na kako inspirisati publiku, disrupciju tradicionalnih metoda i upotrebu tehnologije za događaje. Još jedna značajna inovacija u ok viru EduMonday biće konferencija She Means Business, novi događaj kreiran u saradnji sa magazinom tw tagungswirtschaft.
„IMEX u Frankfurtu je čvrsto utemeljen kao najvažnije mesto na ko me se kongresna industrija iz svih delova sveta sastaje svake godine u maju. Znamo da je ovaj događaj uveliko unapred zabeležen u njihovim rokovnicima. A brojni viši rukovodioci, kao i budući lideri iz svih sektora – agencija, udruženja i korporacija – već u svojim raspo redima planiraju prisustvo.“ Generalna direktorka IMEX Group-e Carina Bauer
Istog dana, Exclusively Corporate @IMEX – koji okuplja između 80 i 100 vrhunskih organizatora i programskih direktora globalnih korporativnih okupljanja – foku siraće se na temu inovativnosti i sigurnosti. Amanda Whitlock, direktorka za globalne strateške događaje u kom paniji Ernst & Young, već je potvrđe na kao glavni govornik događaja
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Ovo je posledica neverovatne reak cije na zajednički istraživački pro jekat koji su IMEX i tw sproveli na početku godine. Uz niz inspirativnih govornika, ovaj događaj je koncipi ran tako da odaje počast ulozi žena u ovoj industriji, ali i da omogućava dijalog, saradnju i edukaciju. Registracija je besplatna –
exhibition #IMEX
Continuing Innovation at IMEX in Frankfurt 2018 as Several New Initiatives Are Confirmed At IMEX in Frankfurt, thousands of hosted buyers and buyer attende es from all over the world will be meeting and doing business with around 3,500 international destina tions and venues – all under one roof. They’ll also be discovering the latest learning ideas in 180-plus education sessions, making new contacts and catching up with colleagues at the many networking events. “Innovation is at the heart of IMEX in Frankfurt and we’re creating a series of new initiatives that will meet the needs of buyers and exhibitors and substantially en hance their business experience,” explains Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group. Several engaging new initiatives, new exhibitors and new hosted buyer groups are already confir med for IMEX in Frankfurt 2018, taking place on 15th – 17th May. The innovations start on Monday and run throughout the week. Following its successful launch in 2017, EduMonday, a full day of
learning and insights open to all IMEX attendees and exhibitors, will be expanding, bringing together a vast range of learning sessions, from technology to Meetology. Meanwhile the Event Design Certificate Programme will be running again that day after being widely acclaimed on its debut.
traditional methods and the use of event technology. Another significant innovation on EduMonday will be the She Means Business conference, a new event created in partnership with twtagungswirtschaft magazine. This results from an overwhelming
“IMEX in Frankfurt is firmly established as the place where the meet ings industry worldwidecomes together in Mayeach year. We know it is in their diaries well in advance – and many senior people, as well the leaders of the future from all sectors – agency, association and corporate – have already planned their schedules to be there.” Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group
Also on EduMonday, Exclusively Corporate @IMEX which brings together around 80 – 100 top corporate global meeting planners and programme directors, will focus on Innovation and Security. Amanda Whitlock, Director, Global Strategic Events, EY is already scheduled to headline the event with a keynote on the ‘Event of the Future’ focussing on how to inspire an audience, disruption of
response to a joint research project that IMEX and tw undertook toget her earlier this year. With a series of inspiring speakers, it’s an event that is set to celebrate the role of women in the industry, as well as providing conversation, collaboration and learning. Registration is free –
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
p o j m o v a
Eks katedra Eks katedra u doslovnom prevodu sa latinskog (Ex cathedra) znači s katedre. Govoriti eks katedra znači govoriti autoritativno, nepogrešivo. Ova fraza se prvi put upotrebljava u vezi sa katoličkom crkvom i Papinim govorima, gde eks katedra podrazumeva izjave i tvrdnje date bez obrazloženja, zasnovane samo na autoritetu onoga koji ih daje. Ego stanje deteta Model ego stanja osmislio je Eric Berne, osnivač transakcione analize. To je osnovni model koji se koristi za shvatanje unutrašnjih psiholoških dešavanja u ljudima. Postoje tri ego stanja – roditeljsko, odraslo i dečije. Ego stanje deteta jesu namere i načini reagovanja koji predstavljaju „ostatak“ iz najranijeg detinjstva – preko kreativnosti, intuicije, spontanosti i uživanja do razmaženosti i sebičnosti.
rečnik pojmova
r e č n i k
SWOT analiza SWOT predstavlja akronim engleskih reči: Strengths (snage), Weaknesses (slabosti), Opportunities (šanse) i Threats (pretnje). Ovo je tehnika strategijskog menadžmenta putem koje se uočavaju strategijski izbori dovođenjem u vezu snaga i slabosti kompanije sa šansama i pretnjama u eksternom okruženju. Autor ove metode je Albert Humphrey sa Stanford Univerziteta pri čemu je za analizu koristio 500 najjačih svetskih kompanija. Dres kod Dres kod predstavlja skup pisanih i nepisanih pravila o oblačenju lica koja pripadaju određenoj socijalnoj grupi, rade u istoj kompaniji, organiza ciji, pripadaju istoj religiji ili ideji. Dres kod je naročito prisutan na mestima gde se dolazi u dodir sa klijentima ili poslovnim partnerima. Pravila oblačenja naročito važe za menadžere koji predstavljaju kompaniju. Danas mnoge kompanije imaju jedan dan u nedelji, najčešće petak, kada je dozvoljeno „ležernije“ oblačenje. Teleportacija Teleportacija je čin ili proces pomeranja nekog objekta sa jednog mesta na drugo uz pomoć psihokineze ili tehnologije. Uvođenje naziva ovog pojma se pripisuje američkom piscu Charles Fort-u koji ga je upotrebio 1931. godine u svojoj knjizi „Lo!“. Reč je kovanica grčke reči tele – daljina i latinske portare – preneti. Teleportacija nije moguća prema Ajnštajnovoj teoriji, jer materija ne može da putuje brže od svetlosti, pa samim tim ni da se trenutno dezintegriše i premesti na drugo mesto. Učenje kroz igru Učenje kroz igru (play and learn) je koncept koji se koristi u obrazovanju i psihologiji za opisivanje zabavnih aktivnosti koje se sprovode u naj ranijem dobu, a koji rezultira učenjem. Kroz igru deca razvijaju kognitivne i društvene veštine, stiču samopouzdanje i emotivno sazrevaju. Ideja je da se uz aktivnost, istraživanje sveta oko sebe, komunikaciju sa okruženjem, interakcijom, susretanjem sa fizičkim i mentalnim izazovima i prevazilaženje toga, dete zabavi i nauči. Danas, ovaj koncept našao je svoju primenu i u poslovnom svetu kroz različite tipove igara. Post-digitalno doba Post-digitalno doba je period koji počinje sa početkom XXI veka, a odnosi se na činjenicu da se naši odnosi sa digitalnim tehnologijama i umetničkim oblicima vrlo brzo menjaju i postaju promenljivi. Suština je u tome da svi koji su rođeni u poslednjih 10 godina žive i rastu u svetu u kom su digitalne tehnologije uobičajene i prihvaćene i ne posmatraju se kao nešto uzbudljivo i novo. Kako posledica ovoga, deca pokazuju veću zabrinutost ukoliko se nešto posmatra sa ljudske nego sa digitalne strane. Antropomorfni Antropomorfni znači čovekoliki i predstavlja težnju da se ponašanje životinja objašnjava psihološkim terminima dobijenim proučavanjem čoveka. Takođe, ovo je tumačenje božanskih, prirodnih i socijalno-pokretačkih sila po analogiji sa individualnim ljudskim osobinama (u filozofiji, religiji, umetnosti). Sama reč vodi poreklo od grčkih reči anthropos – čovek i morphe – oblik. Antropomorfizam je često prisutan u istoriji umet nosti, dok su u modernom dobu neki od najpoznatijih antropomorfnih likova Mickey Mouse i Pepa Prase. Konfučije Konfučije je kineski filozof i socijalni reformator, ali i jedan od prvih privatnih učitelja u kineskoj istoriji. Poznat je i po etičkom sistemu vredno sti, koji je bio temelj kineske državnosti i socijalne misli tokom celog feudalnog perioda. Sa razvojem feudalizma tokom Han dinastije u Kini njegova je filozofija instrumentalizovana u cilju učvršćivanja carske vlasti. Diksit Diksit je igra kartama koje je nastala 2008. godine. Naziv igre vodi poreklo iz latinskog, i znači on je rekao. Igrači počinju sa po šest karata i sme njuju se u ulozi naratora. Narator bira jednu od svojih karata i bira frazu ili rečenicu kojom bi je opisao. Koristeći špil karata na kojima su prikazane bajkovite slike, igrači biraju kartu koja najbliže oslikava naratorovu rečenicu i pokušavaju da pogode koju kartu je odabrao. Za dobru partiju je neophodno umeće naratora da odabere naziv karte koji neće biti ni previše štur, a ni previše očigledan.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
term dictionary
t e r m
d i c t i o n a r y
Ex cathedra Ex Cathedra is Latin phrase meaning from the seat of authority. Speaking ex cathedra means speaking with authority, infallibly. This phrase is connected with Catholic Church and Pope’s speeches, where ex cathedra is used for claims given without explanation, based solely on the authority of the person giving them. The child ego state Model of ego states was made by Eric Berne, creator of the theory of transactional analysis. This is a basic model, used for understanding inner psychological states of humans. There are three ego states – parent, adult and child. Child ego states are intentions and the ways people react, manifesting their childhood reactions – starting with creativity, intuition, spontaneity, and pleasure but also being spoiled and selfish. SWOT analysis Swot is acronym of words Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and is a structure planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or business venture. Some authors credit SWOT to Albert Humphrey, who led a convention at the Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International) in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies. Dress code Dress code is a set of written and, more often, unwritten rules regarding clothing of individuals that belong to a certain social group, company, organization, religion or an idea. Dress code is present in places of meeting with parties or business partners. It is very important for managers who are representing a company. Many companies nowadays chose a day of the week (usually Fridays), when they allow casual dressing. Teleportation Teleportation is theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. American writer Charles Fort is credited with having coined the word teleportation in 1931 in the second chapter of his book “Lo!”. He joined the Greek prefix tele – distant to the root of the Latin verb portare – to carry. According to Einstein’s theory, teleportation isn’t possible, because the matter cannot travel faster than the light, and therefor can’t disintegrate and relocate to a different place. Play and learn Play and learn is concept used in education and psychology for describing various fun activities at earliest age, which results with learning. Through play children develop cognitive and social skills, gain self-confidence and mature emotionally. The idea is to learn in fun conditions by activity in surrounding, communication, interaction, meeting mental and physical challenges and finding the way to overcome them. Today, this concept found its purpose also in business world through various types of games. Post-digital era Post-digital era is period that begins with XXI century and is about the fact that our relationships with digital technologies and art forms have changed and still rapidly changing. The point is that all who are born and raised in the past 10 years, actually live in the world where digital technologies are common and accepted and are not observed as something new and exciting. The consequence of this is that children became more concerned when something is observed as human rather than digital. Anthropomorphic Anthropomorphic means human like; an innate tendency of human psychology to attribute the human traits, emotions, or intentions to nonhuman entities. It is also related attribution of human form and characteristics to abstract concepts such as nations, emotions and natural forces like seasons and the weather. The word is derived from the Greek words anthropos – human and morphe – form. Anthropomorphism is often found in the history of art, while the most famous anthropomorphic characters today are Mickey Mouse and Peppa Pig. Confucius Confucius is Chinese philosopher and social reformer, as well as one of the first private tutors in Chinese history. He is also known for the ethical value system, used as a foundation of Chinese statehood and social thought throughout the feudalistic period. With the evolution of feudalism in the times of the Han dynasty in China, his philosophy was used in order to strengthen the imperial authority. Dixit Dixit is a card game introduced in 2008. The game’s title is the Latin word for “he/she/it said”. Players start the game with six random cards each, and then take turns being the storyteller. Storyteller chooses one of his cards and a phrase or a sentence to describe it. Using a deck of cards illus trated with dreamlike images, players select cards that match a title suggested by the storyteller, and attempt to guess which card the storytell er selected. A large part of the skill of the game comes from a storyteller’s ability to offer a title which is neither too obscure, nor too obvious.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
Da li st e z na l i ?
Biblioteka sa 1,2 miliona knjiga Ko kaže da poseta biblioteci ne može da bude zabavna? Treba da pose tite onu koja je otvorena u Kini! Futurističkog izgleda, na pet spratova, 34.000 m2 i sa 1,2 miliona knjiga. Biblioteka se nalazi malo izvan Pekinga, glavnog grada, a za dizajn su bile zadužene holandska kompanija MVRDV i Institut za urbano plani ranje i dizajn Tjandžina iz Kine. Uglovi i krivine objekta su osmišljeni tako da podstiču različite upotrebe prostora – za čitanje, šetnju, sastan ke i razgovore, a zajedno formiraju centralni deo, tzv. „oko“ zgrade.
Otvoreno prvo hologramsko pozorište na svetu
Prvo pozorište posvećeno hologramima otvoreno je u Americi, tačnije u Holivudu, 11. novembra 2017. godine, a zove se Holo gram USA Theater. Prvi izvođač ovog pozorišta bila je Billie Holiday, a mesec dana kasnije otvorena su još tri – u Čikagu, Indianapolisu i Foksvudsu. Izvedbe traju u proseku do 40 minuta, a pozorište već uveliko prodaje karte i za nastupe Whitney Houston i nekadašnje grupe Jackson 5. Plan je da do kraja ove godine širom Amerike bude otvoreno još 150 hologramskih pozorišta.
O pahuljama i snegu... Najveća pahulja koju je neko video, i koja i dalje drži prvo mesto u Ginisovoj knjizi rekorda, pala je 1887. godine u Montani i bila je prečnika 38 cm! Previše snega može kod čoveka izazvati bolest koja se zove eholalija, potpuno besmisleno ponavljanje reči koje su oboleli ubeđeni da su čuli. Najbelje mesto na svetu jeste Valdez na Aljasci. Svake godine tamo prosečno padne čak 828 cm snega. Inače, osim na Zemlji, na Marsu i Veneri takođe pada sneg.
3. Hodajuća palma Ne biste verovali, ali i to postoji! Socratea exorrhiza jedina je biljka koja ume da hoda. Reč je o palmi koja raste na prostoru prašuma Centralne i Južne Amerike. Može da bude visoka do 25 m, dok prečnik stabljike dosegne i 16 m. Hodanje joj omogućava vrlo komplikovan sistem korena koji joj zapravo zamenjuje noge i pomaže da se konstantno kreće ka suncu. U toku dana, ova palma može da „prepešači“ 2-3 cm, što na godišnjem nivou iznosi čak 20 m.
Plemeniti metali u ljudskom telu
U ljudskom telu nalazi se nekoliko plemenitih metala, uključujući zlato, srebro, platinu i paladijum. Svako od nas u svom organizmu poseduje do 0,2 miligrama zlata, a najveći deo toga može se naći u krvi. Kada bi se pronašao metod koji bi omogućio izolovanje ovog i drugih plemenitih metala iz čoveka, procene su da bi drastično bila smanjena eksploatacija rudnika, kao i korišćenje štetnog veštačkog đubriva. Na žalost, naučnici još uvek nisu otkrili način na koji bi mogli da ih izdvoje.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · mart 2018
Library with 1.2 Million Books Who says that going to the library can’t be fun? You should visit the one in China! It looks futuristic, has five floors, 34,000 m2, and 1.2 million books. The library is located just outside of Beijing, China’s capital, and the Dutch company MVRDV and the Tianjin Institute for Urban Planning and Design were in charge of the design. The angles and curves of the building are designed to encourage diffe rent uses of space – reading, walking, meetings, and discussions – and together they form a central part, the so-called “eye” of the building.
World’s First Hologram Theatre The first theater dedicated to holograms opened on Novem ber 11th 2017, in Hollywood, USA, under the name Hologram USA Theater. The first performance at the theater was by Billie Holiday, and a month later three more opened – in Chicago, India napolis, and Foxwoods. The performances last up to 40 minutes on average, and the theater is already selling tickets for performances by Whit ney Houston and Jackson 5. The plan is to open another 150 hologram theaters by the end of the year across America.
2. About Snowflakes and Snow... The biggest snowflake ever seen, which still holds the top spot in the Guinness World Records book, fell in Montana in 1887 and had 38 cm in diameter! Too much snow can cause a disorder called echolalia, which is completely meaningless repetition of words that the affected person is convinced to have heard. The whitest place in the world is Valdez, Alaska. Every year it averages 828 cm of snowfall. Besides Earth, Mars and Venus also have snowfalls.
Walking Palm Tree Believe it or not, it does exist! Socratea exorrhiza is the only plant that can walk. This palm tree grows in the rainforest areas of Central and South America. It can be as high as 25 m, while the trunk’s diameter can reach up to 16 m. It can walk thanks to a very complicated root system that actually functions as legs and helps it constantly move towards the sun. During the day, this palm tree can “walk” 2 – 3 cm, which means as much as 20 m yearly.
Precious Metals in the Human Body
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SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · March 2018
There are several precious metals in the human body, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Each of us has up to 0.2 milligrams of gold in our body, and most of it is found in the blood. If there was a method to allow extracting this and other precious metals from the human body, it is estimated that mining would dra stically drop, as well as using harmful artificial fertilizers. Unfortuna tely, scientists have not yet discovered a way to extract them.
SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · mar t 2018 / M arch 2018 / broj 26 / No. 26
Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe
Broj 26 / mart 2018 No. 26 / March 2018
tema broja:
Igraj se i uči
cover story:
Play and learn Intervju:
Aleksandar Vasilijević – Dobra atmosfera u timu je ključ uspeha
Igrajte se kako biste povećali zadovoljstvo i produktivnost
Mišljenje stručnjaka:
Zašto je igranje važno?
Aleksandar Vasilijevic – Positive Team Atmosphere Is Key to Success
Play for Greater Satisfaction and Productivity
Expert opinion:
Why Is Playing Important?