BE DIFFERENT-bring CSR into your next event, SEEbtm magazine No 28, October 2018-February 2019

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SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · oktobar 2018–februar 2019 / O c tober 2018–Februar y 2019 / broj 28 / No. 28

Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 28 / oktobar 2018–februar 2019 / No. 28 / October 2018–February 2019

tema broja:



cover story:

Eco-friendly prostori za organizaciju događaja


Koliko kompanije brinu o društvu? cover story:

Eco-friendly Venues for Event Organization


How Much Do Companies Care About Society?

I M P R E S S U M Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Direktor: Ivan Milić Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić Urednički tim: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov Tiraž: 3.000 Periodičnost: 3 puta godišnje Datum izdavanja: okt. 2018–feb. 2019 Broj 28 Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (3 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 3.000,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj pu­bli­ka­ ciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgo­­voran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti na­stale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije po­ trebna je pismena dozvola. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2018 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 28th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2018 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 96 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm

Event planeri imaju mogućnost da pru­že mnogo više od bukiranja smeš­taja, or­ga­ ni­zacije transfera, večera i sličnih, uobi­ ča­je­nih aktivnosti. Implemeniranje CSR ak­tivnosti u događaj doprinosi stvara­nju veće vrednosti samog doga­đa­ja, angažo­ va­nju učesnika i dobar za­jednički osećaj svih prisutnih jer je urađeno nešto za dob­ ro­bit drugih. Taj osećaj će isplivati na po­ vrši­nu kao najbitniji za većinu gostiju. Prostor je bio veoma lep, hrana fantastična, domaćini su bili više nego ljubazni, i sve je bilo stvarno na nivou, ali, čoveče, danas sam doprineo zajedno sa ostalima da bolesno dete ima za lečenje, da beskućnici imaju šta da pojedu, sredili smo park, a onom igrač­ kom, koju smo pravili sa kolegama, igraće se neko dete iz sirotišta... E TO je dobar osećaj! Dobro je bilo biti deo ove priče!

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

u v o d

Verovatno će se i spontano pokrenuti deljenje ovog utiska na društvenim mrežama, jer ljudi žude za dobrim iskustvima, osećajem da kao pojedinci mogu nešto da promene ili doprinesu i budu deo nečeg važnog ili velikog. Često se event planeri pitaju kako da motivišu i inspirišu svoje učesnike na događaju, a aktivnosti korporativne društvene odgovornosti omogućavaju upravo to. Davanje – u svakom smislu, je inspirativno, nadahnjujuće i u krajnjem slučaju, zarazno. I kao što je Kejti Kalvin, CEO i predsednica Fondacije Ujedinjenih Nacija rekla – „Suština davanja nije samo skupljanje donacija. Ono je u pravljenju razlike.” U ovom broju SEEbtm magazina pronađite puno praktičnih saveta i ideja koje aktivno­ sti kako i zašto da primenite, pronađite dobre primere u praksi, i na kraju krajeva, in­s­pi­ rišite se kako da inspirišete druge. Kad se malo razmisli, čak je apsurdno koliko je implementiranje neke od ovih aktiv­ nosti jednostavno, često je dovoljno samo da se neko SETI da bi to moglo da se uradi. I nastanu velike stvari. „Pomozi drugima bez razloga i daj bez očekivanja da ćeš dobiti nešto za uzvrat.” – Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik

Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


s a d r ž a j

38. ra – Crna Go tinacija nova des e grupacij iner e Falkenst

24. dly Eco-frienza i r prosto ciju organiza događaja 53. s– Congres g r u b lz Sa kacija zelena lo 46. u ovi – Čem d ? n e r t R a CS a d teže b e r t e ij kompan

77. rugima Čineći d sebi činimo i

Novosti ................................................................... 5 Događaji ................................................................. 7 Novo i renovirano ................................................. 14 Tema broja: Obojte svoj sastanak u zeleno ........................... 18 Hotel: Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad – adresa uspešnih skupova ................................... 22 Tema broja: Eco-friendly prostori za organizaciju događaja ................................... 24 Hotel: Hotel Canopy by Hilton – nov hotel u Zagrebu ........................................... 33 Industrija: SEEbtm Awards 2018 – priznanja za najbolje u kongresnom turizmu ..... 35


88. ez Slikajte b četkice!

Intervju: Crna Gora kao nova destinacija grupe Falkensteiner............................................ 38 Industrija: Redizajniran regionalni portal Kongresniturizam .............................................. 42 Tema broja: CSR trendovi – čemu kompanije treba da teže? ........................ 46

Primer iz prakse: CSR primeri iz prakse regiona ............................ 66 Intervju: Regent Porto Montenegro – luksuzan poslovni turizam ................................. 72 Kongresni centar: Organizujte događaj u Press centru Kombank dvorane ...................... 75 Mišljenje stručnjaka: Čineći drugima činimo i sebi .............................. 77

Hotel: Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort – i posao i uživanje ................................................ 51

Tema broja: Pomaganje drugima je tim bilding na globalnom nivou .................... 83

Kongresni centar: Salzburg Congress kao sertifikovana zelena lokacija ...................... 53

Zanimljivost: Slikajte bez četkice! ............................................ 88

Istraživanje: Koliko kompanije brinu o društvu?..................... 57

Rečnik pojmova .................................................... 93

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

Predstojeći događaji ............................................. 92 Zanimljivosti ........................................................ 95

I M P R E S S U M Publisher, production and marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Director: Ivan Milic Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic Editorial team: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov Circulation: 3.000 Periodicity: 3 times per year Issue date: October 2018–February 2019 No 28 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (3 issues) for: - Serbia 3,000.00 RSD - abroad 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that ac­cu­racy of information contained in this pub­ li­­ca­tion, The Best Solutions cannot be held re­s­ ponsible for any errors or inaccuracies con­tained within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial co­nsi­gnment.

Event planners have the ability to prov­ ide much more than booking accommo­ dation, organizing transfer, dinners, and similar typycal activities. Implementing CSR activities in an event contributes to cre­ating greater value of the event itself, engaging the participants, and a good sha­red feeling of everyone attending be­ cause something is done for the benefit of others. This feeling will emerge as the most important one for most guests. The venue was very beautiful, the food was fantastic, the hosts were more than cour­ teous, and everything was really up to par. But, man, today I helped alongside others a sick child to afford treatment, the homeless to have something to eat, we landscaped a park, and the toy that we made together with our colleagues will end up in an orp­ han’s hands... NOW, THAT is a good feeling! It was good to be part of this story! This impression will most likely spontaneously spread over social media because pe­ ople crave positive experiences and the feeling that as individuals they can make a di­fference, contribute and be part of something important or big. Event planners often wonder how they can motivate and inspire their attendees, and CSR activities do exactly that. Giving – in every sense of the word – is stimulating, inspiring and, ultimately, contagious. As Kathy Kalvin, CEO and President of the United Nations Foundation, said: “Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about mak­ ing a difference.” In this issue of SEEbtm you’ll find a lot of practical tips and ideas for what, how and why to do something and good real-life examples, as well as get inspired to inspire others. When you start thinking about it, it’s absurd how simple implementing these activi­ ties is – often requiring only someone to REMEMBER it can be done. And that’s how big things happen.

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд

“Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.”

640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497)

– Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2018 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 28th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2018 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 96 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t r o d u c t i o n

Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief

Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


c o n t e n t s

40. gro: Montene iner’s e Falkenst tination s e New D

28. dly Eco-frien Venues t for Even ation Organiz 55. s– Congres g r u b lz a S Location a Green ld 48. hat Shou W – s d n CSR Tre ies Strive for? Compan

90. Paint Without Brush!

80. g By Helpin e W , Others y Help Acctuall s Ourselve

News ...................................................................... 6 Events ................................................................... 10 New and Improved ............................................... 16 Cover story: Paint Your Meeting in Green .............................. 20 Hotel: Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad – Adress for Successful Meetings ......................... 23 Cover story: Eco-friendly Venues for Event Organization ....................................... 28 Hotel: Hotel Canopy by Hilton – New Hotel in Zagreb ........................................... 34 Industry: SEEbtm Awards 2018 – Recognition for the Best in Congress Tourism .... 36


Interview: Montenegro As Falkensteiner’s New Destination ................................................. 40

Interview: Regent Porto Montenegro – Luxury Business Travel........................................ 73

Industry: Redesigned Regional Portal SEEmice................ 44

Congress center: Organize an Event at Kombank Hall’s Press Center.......................... 76

Cover story: CSR Trends – What Should Companies Strive for? .................. 48 Hotel: Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort – Business and Pleasure ........................................ 52 Congress center: Salzburg Congress As Green Location ............... 55 Survey: How Much Do Companies Care about Society? .... 62 Example from practice: CSR Case Studies of the Region ......................... 69

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

Expert opinion: By Helping Others, We Acctually Help Ourselves .............................. 80 Cover story: Helping Others is a Team Building at a Global Level ........................ 85 Interesting: Paint Without Brush! ......................................... 90 Upcoming Events .................................................. 92 Term dictionary .................................................... 94 Interesting news .................................................. 96

n o v o s t i OTVOREN GRAND HOTEL TORNIK NA ZLATIBORU Grand Hotel Tornik, jedini hotel sa 5 zvezdica na Zlatiboru, prve goste je primio 1. juna 2018. Preko 200 gostiju uživalo je u sadržajima ovog hotela – restoranu, lobiju i wine baru, kongresnim dvoranama na površini od 500 m2, kao i SPA & Wellness centru koji se prostire na 2.250 m2 i sadrži dva zatvorena bazena, dečiji bazen, relaks sobu, tri saune, rusku banju, tepidarijume, lakonijum, vesele tuševe. Takođe, hotel poseduje i terasu od 1.500 m2, a u narednoj fazi, ovom hotelu pridružiće se i Hotel Tornik Sky sa rotacionim restoranom i helidromom.

Kempinski Palace Portorož – vodeći hotel 2018. godine u Sloveniji Hotel Kempinski Palace Portorož dobitnik je priznanja za vodeći hotel za 2018. godinu u Sloveniji od strane World Travel Awards-a. „Ova nagrada za nas predstavlja potvrdu za marljivost, strateški rad i dobro obavljen posao u hotelu u prethodnom periodu, kao i konstantnoj posvećenosti celog tima Kempinski Palace Portorož hotela. Ovo će za nas svakako biti stimulans da i u budućnosti radimo predano kao i do sada“, izjavio je na ovu temu generalni menadžer hotela, gospodin Thies C. Bruhn.


Od novembra letovi iz Niša za Beč Od sredine novembra ove godine nisko tarfina kompanija Wizz Air uvešće redovnu avionsku liniju sa niškog aerodroma Konstantin Veliki za Beč, glavni grad Austrije. Letovi će se obavljati tri puta u toku nedelje – utorkom, četvrkom i subotom, a povratna karta moći će da se kupi za već od oko 4.800 dinara ili 40 EUR sa ručnim prtljagom i uključenim taksama. Prognoze su da će na godišnjem novu na ovoj liniji biti prevezeno 45.000 putnika što će ovom aerodromu omogućiti značajno povećanje prihoda kao i broja putnika.

Završena početna stanica zlatiborske gondole Najvažniji i glavni radovi na početnoj i završnoj stanici gondole na Zlatiboru su gotovi, preostalo je da se uredi teren i priključe se na elektro mrežu, dok se do kraja ove godine očekuje da će i ceo projekat biti završen. Ova gondola će sigurno biti jedna od najvećih atrakcija na planini Zlatibor, te da će se u sledećem periodu broj turista koji posećuju ovo mesto povećati na čak jedan milion, kao i da će produžiti vreme svog boravka. Za sad ih ima oko 320.000. Uskoro se očekuje i postavljanje stubova i izgradnja međustanice što treba da bude do kraja 2018. godine.

Falkensteiner grupacija preuzima hotel Queen of Montenegro Falkensteiner grupacija preuzima hotel sa 4 zvezdice u Crnoj Gori i već krajem juna ušli su u fazu pred-otvaranja pod takozvanim „white label ”-om ovog brenda, što znači da hotel zadržava ime i trenutni dizajn i kao takav radi do kraja ove sezone. Hotel će raditi do sredine oktobra kao hotel Queen of Montenegro, a za zimsku sezonu već su pripremljeni sveobuhvatni planovi redizajniranja kao i kompletno novi koncept. Sa letnjom sezonom 2019. hotel se zvanično otvara pod zastavom Falkensteiner-a uz kompletni re-branding. SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

n e w s Grand Hotel Tornik Opened in Zlatibor Grand Hotel Tornik, the only 5 star hotel in Zlatibor, greeted its first guests on June 1st, 2018. More than 200 visitors enjoyed all facilities of this complex, in­ cluding restaurants, lobby and wine bars, 500 sqm congress halls and wellness center with more than 2,250 sqm comprising of two indoor pools, children pool, relax room, tepidariums, laconium, experience showers. Also, hotel has 1,500 sqm terrace, and next phase will be the opening of Hotel Tornik Sky, including revolving restaurant and a heliport, which will also be a part of this.

Hotel Kempinski Palace Portoroz – Slovenia’s Leading Hotel for 2018 World Travel Awards gave Hotel Kempinski Palace Portoroz prestigious recogni­ tion – Slovenia’s leading hotel for 2018. Thies C. Bruhn, General Manager of the hotel comments: “The award represents the highly deserved recognition of the hard, strategic and quality work that has been done in the hotel in the past and the team’s constant dedication to delivering a bespoke experience, colored with the unique Kempinski flair for luxury European hospitality. This recognition will serve as a stimulus and as the basis for all of us at hotel Kempinski Palace Portoroz to continue the hard and professional work in the future.”

Flights from Nis to Vienna from November From the middle of November this year low cost company Wizz Air announced opening of new line from airport in Nis, Constantine the Great, to Vienna, the capital of Austria. Flights will be three times a week – Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and it will be possible to buy return ticket, with taxes and hand luggage included, starting with 4,800 RSD or 40 EUR. It is said that on yearly basis, this line will use 45,000 people which will bring this Serbian’s airport significant increase of incomes and number of passengers. Photo:

Home Station of Zlatibor’s Gondola Is Finished The most important construction works on home and end station of Zlatibor’s gondola are finished, yet there is terrain editing to be done as well as connecting it to electrical network. By the end of this year, the whole project should be done. This gondola will be one of the biggest attractions on mountain Zlatibor and the plan is to increase number of tourists to one million, as well as to make them extend duration of their stay. For now there is 320,000 of them. Soon, placing pillars is expected and building of inter-station which will be by the end of 2018.

Falkensteiner Takes Over Queen of Montenegro Falkensteiner takes over four-star hotel in Montenegro and went into the pre-opening phase in June as the so-called “white label” of the hotel group. The hotel will be opened until mid-October as the hotel Queen of Montenegro. For the winter season, comprehensive redesign plans and a new positioning concept have already been prepared. With the summer season 2019, the reb­ randing and the official opening under the flag of Falkensteiner will take place.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope 5. KONGRES FIZIJATARA CRNE GORE Igalo, Crna Gora 18 – 20. oktobar 2018. godine Organizacioni odbor Udruženja fizijatara Crne Gore ove go­ dine organizuje 5. Kongres fizijatara, od 18. do 20. oktobra u Igalu u Crnoj Gori. Ovaj događaj je prilika za razmenu zajedničkog znanja i iskustava, unapređenje kliničkog rada, uvođenje standar­ da kroz praksu zasnovanu na dokazima, a sve sa ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta lečenja pacijenata. Teme kongresa biće pedijatrijska, neurološka i kardiopul­ monalna rehabilitacija, budućnost fizikalne i rehabilitaci­ one medicine, balneologija kao i slobodne teme.

Prostor: Institut Dr Simo Milošević

EPoC TEST POTENCIJALNE KREATIVNOSTI Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina 23 – 25. oktobar 2018. godine U hotelu Bosna u Banja Luci će se od 23. do 25.okto­ bra održati edukacija i trening za primenu i bodovanje EPoC-a – testa potencijalne kreativnosti. Edukaciju i trening vodi prof. dr Taisir Yamin Subhy – generalni direktor ICIE – Međunarodng centra za ino­vacije u obrazovanju, koji je jedan od autora testa EpoC koji je namenjen evaluaciji potencijalne kreativ­ nos­ti dece i mladih od 5-18 godina. Ovoj edukaciji prisustvovaće brojni psiholozi, pedagozi, učitelji, vas­pitači i drugi vaspitno-obrazovni stručnjaci, biće na engleskom jeziku, uz obezbeđen simultani prevod.

Prostor: Hotel Bosna

SEE-IT SUMMIT Novi Sad, Srbija 7 – 9. novembar 2018. godine Predstojeći međunarodni SEE-IT Summit, trajaće tri dana, a održaće se od 7. do 9. novembra ove godine na Novosadskom sajmu. Samit će se, između ostalog, baviti investicija­ ma u infrastrukturi, ICTN inovacijama u Srbiji, digitalnim zdravstvenim sistemom, digitalnom transformacijom industrije, startup-ovima i zaš­ titom podataka i privatnosti. Bogat program, koji podrazumeva i B2B satanke, privukao je 150 izlagača, a procene su da će biti više od 2.000 posetilaca i okvirno 800 učesnika na konfereciji.

Prostor: Novosadski sajam

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

d o g a đ a j i SEEBTM PARTY I SEEBTM AWARDS Beograd, Srbija 15. novembar 2018. godine Regionalno okupljanje kongresne industrije, poznato pod imenom SEEbtm Party, ove godine održava se 15. novembra u Beogradu. Portal Kongresniturizam u sa­ radnji sa specijalizovanim magazinom SEEbtm uspešno je pre dve godine pokrenuo SEEbtm Awards – prizna­ nja za najbolje hotele i event prostore u kongresnom turizmu u regionu jugoistočne Evrope. Glasanje je online i trajaće od 22. oktobra do 7. no­ vembra, a nagrade će se dodeliti na SEEbtm Party-ju. Novina u odnosu na prethodnu dodelu je stručni žiri koji čine predstavnici najeminentnijih kompanija i organizacija koje organizuju događaje u regionu.

Tehnički organizator: Portal Kongresniturizam

26. TELEKOMUNIKACIONI FORUM – TELFOR Beograd, Srbija 20 – 21. novembar 2018. godine Telekomunikacioni forum TELFOR je internacionalni godišnji skup stručnjaka koji rade u oblastima teleko­ munikacija i informacionih tehnologija. Učesnici su uglavnom telekomunikacioni inženjeri, ali i eko­no­misti, pravnici, menadžeri, operatori i drugi. Zbog ovoga TELFOR je forum u okviru koga se raz­ma­ traju sva relevantna pitanja telekomunikacija: tehnička, razvojna, regulatorna i ekonomska, pitanja proizvod­ nje opreme, usluga, servisa i funkcionisanja sistema. Očekuje se da će broj gostiju ove godine biti oko 2.000.

Prostor: Kongresni centar Sava Centar

EVROPSKA KONFERENCIJA O ZDRAVLJU Ljubljana, Slovenija 28. novembar – 1. decembar 2018. godine Evropska fondacija javnog zdravlja, Evropska asocijacija javnog zdravlja i Nacionalni institut za zdravlje Slove­ nije organizuju 11. Evropsku konferenciju o zdravlju u Ljubljani, u Sloveniji, od 28. novembra do 1. decembra ove godine. Na ovoj konferenciji govoriće se o važnosti razvijanja par­ tnerstava u različitim medicinskim sektorima kako bi se poboljšalo javno zdravlje na gobalnom nivou, a očekuje se prisustvo od oko 500 delegata.

Prostor: Kongresni centar Cankarjev dom

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

12. KONGRES HRVATSKOG KARDIOLOŠKOG DRUŠTVA Zagreb, Hrvatska 29. novembar – 2. decembar 2018. godine U organizaciji Hrvatskog kardiološkog društva, a pod pokroviteljstvom Hrvatske akedemije znanosti i umet­ nosti i Evropskog kardiološkog društva, održaće se 12. međunardoni kongres namenjen kardiolozima i kardio­ loškim sestrama. Neke od tema o kojima će biti reči su intervencijska kardiologija, kardioonkologija, akutni koronarni sindrom i kardiovaskularna prevencija i rehabilitacija. Na ovom skupu biće predstavljena najnovija dostignuća hrvatske kardiologije kao i trenutno stanje iste.

Prostor: Hotel The Westin Zagreb

4. MEĐUNARODNI KONGRES HDO-A Zagreb, Hrvatska 6 – 8. decembar 2018. godine

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

d o g a đ a j i

HDO – Hrvatsko društvo ortodonata, osnovano je 2006. godine sa ciljem okupljanja ortodonata i stručnjaka srodnih struka radi unapređenja i daljeg razvijanja ortodoncije kao medicinske nauke. Na ovom 4. međunarodnom kongresu koji organizuju, razmenjivaće se informacije i iskustva sa prethodnih skupova, ukazivaće se na novine i pomake koji su napravljeni, ali i prezentovaće se tehnološki razvoj koji je važan za struku. Posebna pažnja usmeriće se na dostupnost informacija i primere iz prakse.

Prostor: Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb

25. WORLD ENERGY KONGRES Sankt Petersburg, Rusija 11 – 15. jun 2022. godine

World Energy Council (WEC) objavio je da će se World Energy kongres održati u Rusiji, 2022. godine. U trci za domaćina bile su i SAD, ali je tokom glasanja odlučeno da to bude u Sankt Petersburgu. World Energy kongres je najveći globalni događaj koji okuplja lidere na polju energetike kako bi diskutovali o energetskim izvorima i novim trendovima u ovom sektoru, a posećuje ga više od 4.000 delegata. Od 1924. godine, ovom kongresu prisustvuju vodeći eksperti i profesionalci, državni zvaničnici, akademici i najveći mediji, te se govori o stvarima koje su od vitalnog značaja za razvoj sektora energetike.

Tehhnički organizator: World Energy Council

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


Events in the region of South East Europe 5TH CONGRESS OF PHYSIOTHERAPISTS OF MONTENEGRO Igalo, Montenegro October 18th – 20th, 2018 The organizing committee of the Association of Physio­ therapists of Montenegro is organizing the 5th Congress of Physiotherapists from October 18th to 20th in Igalo, Montenegro. This event is an opportunity to share common knowledge and experience, improve clinical work, and introduce standards, based on practice, all with the aim of improving the quality of patient’s care. Topics of the Congress will be paediatric, neurological and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, the future of physical and rehabilitation medicine, balneology and free themes.

Venue: Institute Dr Simo Milosevic

EPoC – POTENTIAL CREATIVITY TEST Banja Luka, Bosnia and Hercegovina October 23rd – 25th, 2018 Hotel Bosna in Banja Luka will be hosting from Octo­ ber 23rd to 25th education for application and scoring of EPoC – the potential creativity test. Education and training is led by prof. Dr. Taisir Yamin Subhy - General Director of ICIE – International Centre for Innovation in Education, who is one of the authors of the EpoC test that is designed to evaluate the potential creativ­ ity of children and young people aged 5-18 years. This education will be attended by numerous psy­ chologists, pedagogues, teachers, educators and other experts, it will be in English, with a simultaneous translation provided.

Venue: Hotel Bosna

SEE-IT SUMMIT Novi Sad, Serbia November 7th – 9th, 2018 The upcoming international SEE-IT Summit will last three days, and will be held on November 7th – 9th at the Novi Sad Fair. The Summit will, among others, address invest­ ments in infrastructure, ICTN innovations in Ser­ bia, digital healthcare, digital transformati­on of industry, start-ups, data protection and privacy. A rich program, which includes B2B meetings, attracted 150 exhibitors, and estimates are that there will be more than 2,000 visitors and appro­ ximately 800 participants at the conference.

Venue: Novi Sad Fair


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

SEEBTM PARTY AND SEEBTM AWARDS Belgrade, Serbia November 15th, 2018 The regional gathering of the congress industry, known as the SEEbtm Party, will be held this year in Belgrade on November 15th. Portal Kongresniturizam in coopera­ tion with specialized magazine SEEbtm successfully launched SEEbtm Awards – recognitions for the best hotels and venues in MICE tourism in the region of Southeast Europe two years ago. Voting is online, and will run from October 22nd to November 7th, and awards will be given on the SEEbtm Party. A novelty comparing the previous award ceremony is an expert jury consist­ ing of representatives of the most eminent companies and organizations that organize events in the region.

Technical Organizer: Portal Kongresniturizam


#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

e v e n t s

November 20th – 21st, 2018 Telecommunication Forum TELFOR is an international annual meeting of experts working in the fields of tel­ ecommunications and information technology. Participants are mainly telecommunication enginee­rs, but also economists, lawyers, managers, operators and others. In this way, TELFOR is a forum in which all relevant issues of telecommunications are considered: technical, development, regulatory and economic, is­ sues of production of equipment, servi­ces and function­ ing of the system. It is expected that the number of guests this year will be around 2,000.

Venue: Congress Center Sava Centar

11TH EUROPEAN PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE Ljubljana, Slovenia November 28th – December 1st, 2018 The European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association and the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health are organizing 11th European Public Health Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from November 28th to December 1st. The conference will highlight the importance of develo­ ping partnerships in various medical sectors to improve public health at the global level, and the presence of about 500 delegates is expected.

Venue: Congress Center Cankarjev dom

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


e v e n t s 12TH CROATIAN CARDIAC CONGRESS Zagreb, Croatia November 29th – December 2nd, 2018 In the organization of the Croatian Cardiac Society, and support of the Croatian Academy of Science and Art and the European Cardiology Society, the 12th international congress will be held for cardi­ ologists and cardiology nurses. Some of the topics to be addressed are interven­ tional cardiology, cardiology, acute coronary syn­drome and cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. At this meeting will be presented the latest achievements of Croatian cardiology as well as the current state of it.

Venue: Hotel The Westin Zagreb

4TH INTERNATIONAL CSO CONGRESS Zagreb, Croatia December 6th – 8th, 2018 CSO – Croatian Society of Orthodontists, was founded in 2006 with the aim of gathering orthodontists and experts of related professions in order to promote and further develop orthodontics as a medical science. At this 4th international congress, which they organi­ze, information and experiences from previous meet­ ings will be exchanged, it will refer to news and mov­e­ments that have been made, as well as to the technological development that is important for the profession. Special attention will be paid to the availabili­ty of information and case studies.

Venue: Hotel Dubrovnik Zagreb

25TH WORLD ENERGY CONGRESS St. Petersburg, Russia June 11th – 15th, 2022

The World Energy Council (WEC) has announced that Russia will be the host of the World Energy Congress held in 2022. Council’s World Energy Congress is the largest global event bringing together world energy leaders to discuss energy resource issues and study important sector trends and attracts more than 4,000 delegates. Since 1924, the World Energy Congress has been gathering leading experts and professionals, govern­ ment officials, academics, and major media outlets to discuss issues vital to the development of the energy sector.

Technical Organizer: World Energy Council


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


Renovira se hotel Casa del Mare u Kamenarima Hotel Casa del Mare Mediterra­neo u Kamenarima u Crnoj Gori, koji je otvoren 2009., u fazi je reno­viranja i proširenja kapacite­ta i ponude. Hotel će ubrzo imati 17 luksuz­ no opremljenih apartmana, a panoramskim liftom biće moguće popeti se na krov do zen dela sa hidramasažnom kadom. Hotel je inspirisan Medi­teranom pa sobe imaju medite­ranske teme kao što su lavanda, mimoza, nar, galeb, mornar. Sa fine dining restoranom na te­ra­­si krova, tere­ tanom, SPA i kon­g­resnim centrom za 40 ljudi, kao i privatnom plažom Bocasa beach & Restaurant, ovaj hotel će od marta 2019. imati pet zvezdica.

Novo i

RENOVIRANO U Zagrebu se otvara Canopy by Hilton U centru Zagreba, u oktob­ ru ove godine, očekuje nas otvaranje hotela Canopy by Hilton, drugog u Evropi pored Rejkjavika. Hotel će raspolagati sa 151 smeštajnom jedinicom, uključujući 55 pre­mium soba i osam prostranih apartmana. Takođe, u okviru hotela biće ReUnion restoran, u kom će se služiti autentični kulinaski speci­ jaliteti od svežih lokalnih sasto­ jaka, a svake večeri u Canopy Central Café Baru pripremaće se degustacije ukusnih zalogaja i pića iz lokalnih kraft pivnica i vinarija. Na raspolaganju će biti i dve manje sale za sastanke koje se nalaze na 1. spratu.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

Hotel Mark – nov hotel u Beogradu Mark hotel, koji se nalazi u blizini Beograđanke, u centru Beograda, otvoren je u aprilu ove godine. Hotel ima 53 sobe, od standardnih dvokrevetnih soba do premium apartmana sa hidromasažnom kadom, što gostima daje veliki izbor smeštajnih jedinica. U okviru hotela postoji i manja sala za konferencije, veličine 70 m2, sa svom neophod­ nom tehničkom opremom, koja se nalazi jedan nivo ispod recepcije. U okviru hotela takođe postoji i mogućnost parkinga za 15 automobila.

Najavljeno otvaranje hotela Meliá Budva Jedan od najpoznatijih lanaca hotela na svetu, Meliá Hotels International, najavio je otvaranje svog prvog hotela u Crnoj Gori, u Petrovcu kod Budve. Nosiće naziv Meliá Budva, imaće uku­ pno 114 smeštajnih jedi­nica, nekoliko restorana, bazene i posebnu uslugu po kojoj je Meliá brend prepoznatljiv globalno – „The Level Service“, a koji govori da će hotel posedovati i supe­ rior sobe, ali i posebne sadržaje za sve turiste koji zahtevaju premium iskustvo. Radiće pod brendom Meliá Hotels & Resorts.

Radisson Blu Old Mill Belgrade postao deo Radisson Collection Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel Belgrade 1. avgusta 2018. zvanično se pridružio ekskluzivnom brendu Ra­disson Collection. Radisson Collection hotele odlikuje auten­ tičan i moderan dizajn koji prati model savremenog načina života. Pažnja novog brenda usmerena je ka detaljima, održivom razvoju, funkcionalnosti, udob­ nosti, kao i kreiranju jedinstvenog iskustva za goste kroz restoran koji nudi lokalne specijalitete i Fitness & Wellness program. Trenutno u svetu postoji osam hotela koji su deo Radisson Collection-a, a u našem regionu, za sada, jedino u Beogradu.

Renoviran Art Hotel Tartini u Piranu U Art Hotelu Tartini u Piranu, u Sloveniji, tokom ovog leta zavr­ šeno je sa kompletnim renovira­ njem. Ukupan broj soba je 46, a poseduje i jednu salu za konfer­ encije kapaciteta za 50 osoba. Ceo hotel sada nudi umetničko iskustvo svim posetiocima, a u svim restoranima, sobama i na recepciji postoje unikatna dela umetnosti. Autor ovog koncepta je JAŠA, međunarodno priznati savremeni umetnik, kome je pri procesu redizajniranja hotela data potpuna sloboda. Na vrhu samog hotela nalazi se bar u kom se gosti mogu opustiti i uživati u pogledu na Piran.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


Hotel Casa del Mare in Kamenari Is Renovating Hotel Casa del Mare Mediterraneo in Kamenari in Montenegro, which was opened in 2009, is in the phase of renovation and expan­ sion of capacities and offers. The hotel will soon have to offer 17 luxuriously furnished apart­ ments and by panoramic elevator guests will be able to go to the roof of the hotel – to zen part with a hydro massage bath. The hotel is inspired by the Mediterranean and the rooms have Mediterranean themes such as lavender, mimosa, pomegranate, seagull and sailor. With a fine dining restaurant on the roof terrace, gym, spa and congress centre for 40 people, as well as the private beach Bocasa beach & Restaurant, this hotel will have five stars in March 2019.

New and

IMPROVED Canopy by Hilton Opens in Zagreb In the center of Zagreb, in Octo­ber this year, opening of the Canopy by Hilton hotel is announced, which is the second in Europe next to R­eykjavik. The hotel will have 151 acco­ mm­oda­tion units, including 55 premi­um rooms and eight spaci­ous suites. Also, within the hotel there will be ReUnion restaurant, where authentic cuisine specialties from fresh local ingredients will be brought together, and every evening at the Canopy Central Café Bar delicious snacks will be made and drinks from local craft bre­ weries and wineries. There will also be two smaller meeting rooms on the 1st floor.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

Hotel Mark – New Hotel in Belgrade Hotel Mark, located near Beogradjanka, in the Belgrade city centre, opened at the beginning of April this year. This hotel has 53 rooms, spreads out on eight floors, with several different types of rooms, ranking from the basic double room, up to the premium suite with the bathtub on the highest floor. Mark hotel also has the option to organize a small conference within its premises, with a conference hall of 70 sqm, equipped with all the necessary technical equipment. There is also a possibility of parking for up to 15 cars.

Opening of Hotel Meliá Budva One of the most famous hotel chains in the world, Meliá Hotels Interna­ tional, has announced the opening of its first hotel in Montenegro, in Petrovac, near Budva. It will be named Meliá Budva, and have a total of 114 accommodation units, several restaurants, swimming pools and a special service where Meliá brand is globally recognizable - “The Level Service”, which says that the hotel will also have superior rooms, and special facilities for all tourists who are looking for premium experience. The hotel will work under the brand name Meliá Hotels & Resorts.

Radisson Blu Old Mill Belgrade Became Part of Radisson Collection Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel, Belgrade officially joined the exclusive brand Radisson Collection on August 1st, 2018. Radisson Collection hotels has authentic and modern design that follows the model of modern life­ style. The attention of the new brand is focused on de­ tail, sustainable development, functionality, comfort, as well as creating a unique experience for guests through a restaurant that offers local specialties and Fitness & Wellness program. At the moment, there are eight ho­ tels in the world that joined Radisson Collection brand, and in our region, for now, the only one is in Belgrade.

Renovated Art Hotel Tartini in Piran In Art Hotel Tartini in Piran, Slove­ nia, during this summer, complete renovation was finished. Total number of rooms is 46 and it has one conference room with capacity up to 50 participants. The hotel now offers true artistic experience to all guests, so there are unique artworks in all restau­ rants, rooms and at the recep­ tion. The author of this concept is JASA, an internationally recogniz­ ed contemporary artist who has been given complete freedom in the process of redesigning the ho­ tel. At the top of the hotel there is a bar where guests can relax and enjoy the view of Piran.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


tema broja Zeleni sastanci – budućnost u organizaciji događaja kojoj se nadamo

Obojte svoj sastanak u zeleno Korporativna društvena odgovornost ne podrazumeva samo pomoć onima ko­ ji­ma je potrebna. Kako nam kaže poslednja ICCA statistika, 2017. godine u sve­tu je održano preko 12.500 međunarodnih kongresa. Sada samo zamislite koliko je veliki broj ljudi koji je ovim sastancima prisustvovao. U pitanju su milioni učesnika. Koliko papira, hrane, pića, različitih ambala­ ža, kesa i ostalog materijala je potrošeno na njima? Takozvani zeleni sastanci podrazumevaju povećanu energetsku efikasnost, smanjivanje otpada kada god je to mogućnost, kao i ekološki prihvatljiv dolazak i od­ lazak gostiju svaki put kada i ako se za to ukaže prilika. Znate li koliko hrane, pića, nepotrošenog i neiskori­ šćenog materijala nakon završenog događaja staje? Mnogo. Loša vest je što se sve to uglavnom baca. Sigurni smo da znate šta bi se sa tim ostacima sve moglo uraditi ili na koji način biste ih mogli smanjiti, ali nikada nije na odmet ponoviti J. Počnimo redom. Planiranje svakog događaja počinje, kako ime kaže, pravljenjem predloga i planova. Njih, umesto da štampate i na sastanke nosite štampane primerke, možete kolegama poslati nekoliko dana ranije putem e mail-a i tako napraviti uštedu u potrošenom papiru. Kada završite sa sastankom, kolegama možete poslati šta je dogovoreno ili odlučeno ponovo u elektronskom formi, kao neki vid follow up-a. Kada kreirate agendu, učesnicima događa­ja je


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

možete poslati e mail-om. A kako je ovo doba digital­ nih komunikacija i tehnološkog napretka, opcija je i da za događaj kreirate aplikaciju koju će gosti moći da koriste za vreme trajanja događaja koji organizujete. Tu možete staviti sve potrebne informacije koje će biti od koristi – agendu, satnicu, rasporede predavanja, radionica, sastanaka... Kada govorimo o tanjirima, čašama, priboru za jelo i maramicama, možete ih zameniti onim koje su bioraz­ gradive. A to ne mora biti samo karton.

b r o j a

Postoje i oni koji se prave od bambusa i listova palme. Izgledaju atraktivno, a bez­ bedni su i nisu štetni za okolinu. Za pripremu obroka možete koristiti lokalne namirnice. Pored toga što poma­ žete lokalnu ekonomiju, lepo je i korisno upoznati se sa lokalnim specijalitetima i specifičnostima. Pogotovo ako među učesnicima imate predstavnike iz drugih zemalja. Takođe, piće, umesto u malim ambalažama, možete služiti iz onih koje su veće. Po završetku događaja, ostatke hrane i pića uvek možete odneti u neku od narodnih kuhinja ili, na primer, domovima za nezbrinute. Ono što ostane, može se i reciklirati. Na mesto događaja odnesite nekoliko većih kanti ili kontejnera (u zavisnosti od toga koliko je veliki tip događaja koji organizujete) i na svakoj označite koji tip otpada tu treba da bude odložen. Na primer: karton, plastika, ostalo. I za vreme trajanja događaja sortirajte kako bi se na kraju sve moglo recik­ lirati. Izbacite iz upo­t­rebe plastične kese, okrenite se papirnim kesama ili platnenim torbama. Što se tiče energetske efikasnosti, ona se može posti­ći kroz korišćenje odgovarajućeg osvetljenja sale i pro­s­ tora koji koristite. Podatak da se oko 20% električne energije u današnje vreme troši kroz neefikasnu rasve­ tu zaista je zabrinjavajuć. Na našim prostorima još uvek je, nažalost, retko kori­ šćenje solarne energije, ali se uvek mogu koristiti npr. LED sijalice. Na sam događaj ili sastanak, ukoliko prilike to dozvo­ ljavaju, možete doći vozilom sa nekim od kolega ili biciklom, zašto da ne? Tim bilding aktivnosti su uvek izazov za organizatore događaja. Cilj im je uvek u startu plemenit – svi učes­

nici treba se osećaju dobro i treba da steknu utisak da su deo jednog istog tima. Da se iz svakog izvuče ono najbolje ili da pokaže ko je u kojoj oblasti najbolji i gde će dati najbolje rezultate. Ali, sada govorimo o tim bil­ding aktivnostima koje treba da donesu boljitak na globalnom nivou. Na nivou zajednice kojoj pripadamo i društva u kom živimo. Sadnja drveća, cveća, čišćenje i uređivanje par­ kova samo su neki od primera koje možete iskoristiti i doprineti lokalnoj zajednici.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

t e m a

Jedno što nam je sigurno svima zajedničko, bez obzira na pol, godine, mesto u kom živimo i radimo, jeste da smo svi mi stanovnici iste planete. Zato treba da učinimo sve što je u našoj moći da je ostavimo u boljem stanju od onog u kom smo je zate­ kli. Skoro sam pročitala nečiju misao: „Zamislite da nam drveće omogućava davanje besplat­ nog WiFi signala. Svi bismo sadili. Šteta što nam obez­ beđuje samo kiseonik koji dišemo.“ Zamislila sam se nad ovom rečenicom. A vi? Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


cover story

Green Meetings – the Future in Organizing Events We Hope for

Paint Your Meeting in Green Corporate social responsibility does not mean just assistance to those who need it. As the latest ICCA statistic shows, in 2017, over 12,500 international con­g­resses were held in the world. Now just imagine what a large number of people have attended these meetings. Millions of participants were involved there. How much paper, food, drinks, different packaging, bags and other materials have been spent on those? So-called green meetings imply increased energy efficiency, waste reduction whenever possible, as well as environmentally friendly arrival and departure of guests whenever and if there is an opportunity for it. Do you know how much food, drink, unspent and unused materials after the event remain? A lot. The inconvenient information is that it is mostly thrown away. We are sure you know what you can do with all of these remains, or in which way you can re­ duce them, but it is never too much saying it again J. Let’s start by order. A planning of each event starts, as its name suggests, by making proposals and plans. Instead of printing and taking printed papers to meetings, you can send those to your colleagues a few days earlier via e-mail and save on the spent paper. When you finalize the meeting, you can send your coll­ eagues what’s agreed or decided again in electronic form, as some kind of follow-up. When you prepare the agenda, you can send it via e-mail to event parti­ cipants.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

And, as this is the era of digital communications and technological advancement, it is also an option to create an app for the event that guests will be able to use during the event you are organizing. You can put there all the necessary information that will be useful – agenda, hourly plan, schedule of lec­ tures, workshops, meetings... When we talk about plates, glasses, cutlery and hand­kerchiefs, you can replace them with those that are biodegradable. And it does not have to be just a cardboard. There are also those made of bamboo and palm leaves. They look attractive, and are safe and ecofriendly. You can use local ingredients to prepare meals. In addition to helping your local economy, it is also kind and useful to know and become familiar with local specialties and specifics. Especially if you have representatives from other countries among the par­ ticipants. Also, you can serve a drink, instead in small packs, in the larger ones. Upon completion of the ev­ent, food and drink remains can always be taken to some of the folk cuisines as a donation or, for example, to a shelter. The remains can also be recycled. You shall bring to the location of the event a few larger cans or contain­ ers (depending on how large a type of the event you

s t o r y

are organizing is) and label each with a type of waste that should be put in there. For example: cardbo­ ard, plastics, other. And, for the du­ ration of the event, do sorting out so that, at the end, everything could be recycled. Do not use plastic bags, turn to paper bags or canvas ones. As far as energy efficiency is con­ cerned, it can be achieved through the use of appropriate lighting of the hall and the space you use. The fact that around 20% of the electricity is being consumed nowa­ days through inefficient lighting is really worrying. Unfortunately, there are still rare uses of solar energy in our region, but we can always use LED bulbs, for example. If there is an opportunity for it, you can come to the very event or meeting by car with some of your colleagues, or by bike, why not? Team building activities are always a challenge for event organizers. At start, their goal is always a noble one – all participants need to feel good and need to gain the impression that they are part of the same team. To get the best out of each one or to show who is the best in a particular field and in which one he will show the best results. But now we are talking about team building activities that need to bring prosperi­ty at a global level. At the level of the community we belong to and the society we live in. Planting trees, flowers, cleaning and arranging parks are just some of the examples you can make use of and which you can contribute to the local community with.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

c o v e r

One thing that is for sure in common for all of us, re­ gardless of the gender, age, the place we live and work in, is that we are all inhabitants of the same planet. That is why we need to do everything that is in our power to leave it in a better state than the one we found it in. I’ve recently read someone’s saying: “Imagine that trees give us free WiFi signals. We would all do planting. It is a pity that the trees provide us with the oxygen for breathing only.” I have held my thoughts on this one. How about you? Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019



Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad

Prava adresa za uspešne skupove Prvi Sheraton hotel u Srbiji, pored neupitne elegancije, komfora i kvalitetnih sadr­ žaja, posebno se izdvaja svojim izuzetnim kongresnim prostorom. Sa ukupno šest konferencijskih sala i kapacitetom do 500 učesnika, kao i mogućnošću organizacije više događaja istovremeno, Sheraton je po­ stao najbolja adresa u Novom Sadu za organizaciju uspešnih poslovnih događaja. Uz konferencijske sale, executive lounge i biznis centar, hotel je pogodan istovremeno za manje sastanke i gala evente u svečanoj sali od 400 m2. Upravo tu snagu da novi Sheraton hotel inicira organizaciju velikih sku­pova i događaja, dokazuje i činjenica da je ovde za par meseci od otvaranja hotela organizovano na desetine uspešnih skupova. Kongresni prostor odlikuje najsavremenija tehnička opremljenost, sale ispunjene dnevnim svetlom i izdvojenost od ostalih hotelskih sadržaja, čime se postiže neometana realizacija događaja. U ime najviših standarda hotelijerstva, hotel Sheraton će pored kongre­ snh sadržaja, svojim klijentima približiti i druge turističke vrednosti grada i okoline, upakovane u jedan proizvod i posebno iskustvo – od vinarija, salaša, manastira i istorijskih znamenitosti do unikatnog doživljaja multi­ kulturne i multietničke sredine kakva je okolina Novog Sada.

Nova sezona skupova donosi nove biznis pakete i promotivne cene za skupove od 15 do 250 učesnika: • multifunkcionalni konferencijski prostor • najmodernija tehnička oprema • izuzetna gastronomska ponuda • profesionalna podrška organizaciji događaja • specijalne cene smeštaja za učesnike događaja • Wi Fi • Parking


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad

The Right Address for Successful Meetings The first Sheraton hotel in Serbia, besides unquestionable elegance, comfort and quality content, is especially distinguished by its exceptional congress space. With a total of six conference rooms and capacity of up to 500 partici­ pants, as well as the possibility of organizing more events simultane­ ously, Sheraton has become the best address in Novi Sad for organiz­ ing successful business events. In addition to conference rooms, an exe­cutive lounge and a business center, the hotel is suitable for sma­ller meetings and gala events in the 400 sqm hall. New hotel Sheraton initiates the organization of large gatherings and events, and it is proven by the fact that in a few months since the ope­ ning of the hotel, dozens of successful gatherings have been organized. The congress area is characterized by state-of-the-art technical equip­ ment, halls with daylight that are separated from other hotel contents, making the successful realization of the event. According the highest standards of hotel management, hotel Sheraton will, besides its congress amenities, present to its clients other tourist values ​​of the city and its surroundings, packaged in one product and a special experience – from wineries, farms, monasteries and historical sights to the unique experience of a multicultural and multiethnic envi­ ronment surroundings of Novi Sad.

New conference season brings new business packages and promotional prices for meetings from 15 to 250 participants: • Multifunctional conference space • State-of-the-art technical equipment • Excellent gastronomic offer • Professional support for event organization • Special prices for accommodation for event participants • Wi Fi • Parking

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


tema broja Volim te zeleno!

Eco-friendly prostori za organizaciju događaja Kada se potrudite da sve što smo naveli u tekstu o „zelenim“ događajima uzme­ te u obzir pri organizaciji sledećeg sastanka, ostaje izbor mesta i prostora gde će isti biti održan. I on bi trebalo da bude „zelen“. Šta to konkretno znači? To zna­či da te lokacije, gradovi i prostori posebnu pažnju posvećuju zaštiti ži­votne sredine u sva­kom smislu. Od zemalja koje se nalaze u našem regionu, na ovu temu svakako pred­njači Slovenija. Zelena je inače i njihova zvanična boja. Pre više od 10 godina, u glavnom gradu, Ljubljani, počelo se sa implemen­ tacijom plana za održiv urbanistički razvoj poznat pod imenom Vision 2025, a sve sa ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta života onih koji u samom gradu žive. Gradonačelnik je tada doneo odluku da se onemogući i zabrani pristup automobilima centru grada. A iako je ista puno puta osporavana, upravo ta odluka donela je Ljubljani titulu European Green Capital 2016 (Evropska zelena prestonica 2016) od strane Evropske komisije. Ovu viziju po­ držao je nacionalni plan o održi­ vosti koji se zove „Zelena. Aktivna. Zdrava Slovenija“ (Green. Active. Healthy Slovenia). Pored toga što automobila više nema u centru


glav­nog grada, duž cele zemlje pos­toje javne česme sa pijaćom vodom, a lokalno stanovništvo za­ vo­lelo je aktivnosti na otvorenom i podržavaju društveno odgovorne poslove kao i one koji se bave zašti­ tom životne sredine. Što se tiče eco-friendly mesta za organizovanje događaja u Ljubljani, pionir ovog trenda u hotelskoj industriji je hotel Park. Ovo je pr­vi hotel u Sloveniji koji je dobio prestižni sertifikat Travelife Gold na osnovu svoje posvećenosti i podrške održivom razvoju, ali i dobrotvornih aktivnosti koje je or­ganizovao i sprovodio. Radi se o različitim projektima koji su koris­ni za okruženje, a za koje sredstva svake godine pokreće i skuplja me­ nadžment ovog hotela. Hotel Park je zapravo napravio takav prostor za svoje goste da nudi „zelena isku­

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

stva“ kao što su „urban & green“ događaji gde gosti imaju prilike da se susretnu sa lokalnim dobavljači­ ma. I to nije sve. Posetioci kod njih mogu da iznajme električna vozila i imaju posebne benefite zbog toga, odobravaju eco popust za sve one koji dođu vozom, podstiču fizičku aktivnost čak i kod zaposlenih, ko­ri­ste recikliran papir i priprodne materijale kada god je to moguće, trude se da bacaju što manje hra­ ne, kontrolišu potrošnju energije, edukuju goste koliko je važno voditi računa o životnoj sredini, sortiraju otpad i recikliraju sve što se može reciklirati. Kako su orijentisani i na zdravu ishranu i zdrav način života, gosti mogu ujutro raditi jogu ispod drveća u parku koji pripada hotelu. Hotel Ribno na Bledu postaće prvi turistički objekat u Sloveniji koji dobija titulu Zero Waste Hotel.

Za dve i po godine hotel je uspeo da poveća procenat odvojenog pri­ kupljenog otpada sa 40% na 92% primenjujući niz različitih mera. Istovremeno, počeli su da smanju­ju količinu otpada koji sami prave. Većina mera je sprovedena u res­ toranu i kuhinji. Tako se proizvodi kao što su džem i maslac, koji su ponuđeni gostima u malim paketi­ ma, sada služe iz većih ambalaža te su stavljeni u staklene posude za samouslugu. Sličan pristup se koristi sa jogurtom i mlekom, koje hotel sada kupuje direktno od poljoprivrednika. Gosti dobijaju manje tanjire, tako da po potrebi uzimaju hranu neko­ liko puta, a na taj način se manje hrane baca. Papirne salvete zame­ njene su onim koje su napravljene od recikliranog papira, a voda se sa­da, umesto u plastičnim bocama, služi u staklenim. S obzirom na to da u centar Ljublja­ ne ne možete doći automobilom, opciju za kretanje imate u vidu vozila na električni pogon – kavalir. Ovo je besplatan javni prevoz po

pešačkoj zoni glavnog grada Slove­ nije koji je obziran prema okolini. Prvenstveno je namenjen transpor­ tu starijih osoba, onih koji imaju poteškoća u kretanju i posetiocima, a možete ga naručiti i telefonom. A ukoliko planirate neku od fizičkih aktivnosti, predlažemo biciklizam jer u Ljubljani ima 230 km biciklisti­ stičkih staza. Ne tako daleko od našeg regiona, u Salcburgu, postoji 38 dobavljača kongresne industrije koji imaju gr­een eco-label, a koju dodelju­ je Ministarstvo zaštite životne sr­e­dine. Među njima je i sedam lokacija koje su ponosni vlasnici Green Meeting sertifikata. Govori­ mo o Kongresnom centru Salcburg, Salcburg Areni, Kongresni centar Salfelden, Centar za seminare i kulturu Schloss Goldegg, Kongre­ sni centar Ferry Prosche Zel am Ze, hotel Heffterhof i Kongresni centar Wyndham Grand Salcburg. Kongresni centar Salcburg nagra­ đen je i Green Location Certificate odličjem. Eco-label u hotelskoj i ugostiteljskoj industriji u Salcbur­ gu imaju i Sheraton Salzburg Hotel,

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hotel Heffterhof, hotel i restoran Ammerhauser, Robinson Club Ama­de, Crowne Plaza Salzburg i još neki.

Jedan od najpoznatijih oznaka za turističke objekte u svetu je Zeleni ključ. Zeleni ključ ima za cilj da doprinese prevenciji klimatskih promena, štiti životnu sredinu i obezbedi doprinos održivom turiz­ mu nagrađujući hotele, kampove, ekokonačišta, restorane, konfe­ rencijske sale i tematske parkove koji zadovoljavaju niz kriterijuma podeljenih u 12 kategorija poput zaštite vode i energije, upravljanje otpadom, informacije za goste, upravljanje zelenim površinama,

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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administracija i dr. Pavle Pavlović, Nacionalni koordinator projekta Zeleni ključ, detaljnije je objasnio o čemu se radi: „Trenutno je skoro tri hiljade objekata u 57 zemalja sveta dobilo ovu eko-oznaku. Zeleni ključ je takođe dostupan za internacionalne hotelske lance, a do sada je ostvarena saradnja sa hotelskim lancem Radisson Hotel Group (Radisson Collection, Park Inn), kao i Starwood Hotels & Re­s­ orts Worldwide, Inc. (sada deo Marriott International).“ Kao nacionalni operater međuna­ rodnog programa Zeleni ključ, u Sr­biji ovaj program sprovodi stru­kovno udruženje Ambasadori održi­vog razvoja i životne sredine. U 2015. godini je započet proces sertifikacije u kome trenutno aktiv­ no participiraju dva hotela koja su ispunila zadate kriterijume, hotel Radison Collection Old Mill i IN hotel. Mesec septembar je mesec odgo­ vornog poslovanja u hotelskom lan­cu Radison Collection. S obzir­om na to da je od nedavno promenjen naziv hotelskog lanca, velike količine promotivnog mate­ rijala, uključujući papir, olovke, blok­čići i drugo postali su višak. Celokupan materijal doniran je

hu­ma­nitarnim organizacijama i vr­ tićima koji će ih ponovo upotrebiti. Hotel se aktivno uključuje u akciju Sat za našu plane­tu a sve akcije i ideje u hotelu i izvan njega, sprovo­ de se putem njihovog Responsible Business komiteta i Responsible Bu­si­ness koordinatora. Njihov korporativni način odgovor­ nog poslovanja sastoji od tri stuba, od kojih se Think Planet aktivno ba­ vi smanjenjem negativnog uticaja na životnu sredinu.

97% hotela ima lokalno preduzeće koje im odvozi otpad 81% ispitanika smatra da je odvoženje otpada redovno 63% hotela razvrstava neki deo svog otpada 97% hotela koristi štedljive sijalice 64% ispitanika tvrdi da na njihovom objektu prozori imaju toplotnu izolaciju 70% ispitanika smatra da eko-oznaka može pružiti konkurentsku prednost na tržištu i da eko-oznaka za hotele zaista štiti životnu sredinu i zdravlje osoblja i gostiju 60% njih veruje da eko-oznaka za hotele može uštedeti struju, vodu, obim posla, hemikalije i druga sredstva za rad 42% hotela iznajmljuje bicikle u svom objektu 47% hotela je sarađivalo sa lokalnom zajednicom na podizanju svesti o održivom razvoju i zaštiti životne sredine 36% njih učestvovalo je u organizaciji ekoloških manifestacija i događaja 94% hotela u restoranima ima vegeterijanski meni 25% nudi organsku hranu u svojim restoranima *podaci su deo istraživanja Pavla Pavlovića


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

Svi sektori IN hotela uključeni su aktivno sprovođenje programa Ze­ leni ključ. Već na ulaznim vratima ovog hotela dobićete interesantnu ponudu iznajmljivanja bicikala kao deo promocije alternativnih vidova prevoza u cilju smanjenja ugljen­ di­ok­sida. Njihova kuhinja često pro­mo­­više jela pripremljena od hrane organskog porekla i tako­đe su čes­to uključeni u obeležava­nje značaj­nih eko-datuma na među­ narod­nom nivou. Ovaj hotel pre samo dva meseca je prošao i revi­ ziju od strane međunarodnog žirija i još jednom potvrdio doslednost i svoja dobrovoljna nastojanja da smanji negativne efekte po život­nu sredinu. „Istraživanje koje je rađeno na os­novu kriterijuma Zeleni ključ od pre četiri godine, a u kome je učestvovalo 36 hotela u Srbiji od ukupno 300 tada kategorisanih, dalo je interesantne i ohrabrujuće rezultate“, navodi Pavle. Glavni grad Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Vašington, konsultanstka kompanija Greenview i kompanija Oakland koja se bavi planiranjem i organizacijom događaja, su napra­

vile studiju o održivosti i njenoj primeni u praksi 2015. godine – Annual Green Venue Report, koja je uključila 30 kongresnih centara širom sveta. Studija se bavila prikazom rezultata u domenu organizacije događaja uz očuvanje životne sredine i inovaci­ja u tom smislu. Neka od pitanja koja su pos­tavljana kong­resnim centri­ ma bila su: „Da li do­nirate ostatke hrane?“, „Koja je vaša prosečna stopa preusmera­va­nja otpada?“, „Da li ste dobili neki od Green Meeting Industry sertifikata?“ Najvažniji pokazatelji do kojih se do­š­lo jeste da je 70% ispitanih kon­ gres­nih centara zaposlilo menadže­ ra koji je zadužen za program održi­ vosti, 80% njih uvelo je u praksu da se ostaci hrane doniraju lokalno u dobrotvorne svrhe, u oko 93% je moguće doći korišćenjem javnog prevoza, 33% centara na krovovi­

ma ima prostor namenjen za uzga­ janje biljaka, 87% je obezbedilo parking za bicikle za svoje zapos­le­ ne i goste kao i stanice za punjenje vozila na električan pogon. Čak 42% proizvodi obnovljivu en­er­giju na licu mesta, uglavnom so­lar­nu, a 59% nabavlja obnov­lji­vu ener­giju, uglavnom snagu vetra. Za sajamsku industriju, koja važi za najvećeg „proizvođača“ smeća i ostataka hrane, pića i ostalih pra­ tećih stavri, ova studija je pokazala ono do čega su, radeći na duge sta­ ze, došli kongresni centri na svom putu ka održivosti. „Kongresni centri koji su prihvatili program održivosti mogu dovesti do npr., povećane efikasnosti, sma­njiti troškove koje se tiču toga, povećanja zaposlenih, više zado­ voljnih klijenata i napraviti zdravu konkurentsku razliku na tržištu“, kažu autori pomenute studije koja

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je rađena u partnerstvu glavnog grada SAD-a, Vašingtona i konsul­ tantske kompanije Greenview and Oakland, komapnije za planiranje događaja sa sedištem u Kaliforniji. Neki će na sve ovo reći da se ovde uglavnom radi o primerima iz ure­ đenijih država, da je njima lakše jer su to već razvijeni sistemi, da postoje zakoni koji se toga tiču, da je svest ljudi drugačija nego na našim prostorima. I sve to jeste istina. Ali, sigurno je da postoji nešto što svako od nas individualno može da uradi i nečim doprinese ovom važnom segmentu kada se radi ne samo o organizaciji događaja, već i u kućama u kojima živimo. Najmanji korak ka boljitku je bolji­ tak već sam po sebi. I zapamtite da promena počinje od nas samih!

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


cover story

Green, I Love You!

Eco-Friendly Venues for Event Organization When you make sure that all that we have mentioned in the text about “green” events is taken into consideration when organizing the next meeting, there will remain the choice of a place and venue where it will be held. And it should be “green”. What does that mean in particular? That means that those sites, cities and venues pay special attention to environmental protection in every sense. Out of the countries in our region, Slovenia is for sure predominant in this topic. Green is also its official color. More than 10 years ago, in the capital city, Ljubljana, the implementation of the Sustainable Urban Development Plan, known as the Vision 2025, was launched, with a goal of improving the qual­ ity of life of those living in the city itself. The Mayor then made the decision to disable and prohibit an access to the city center by cars. And, although such a decision has been challenged many times, exactly that decision brought Ljubljana a title of the European Green Capital 2016 given by the European Commission. This visi­ on was supported by a national sustainability plan named “Green. Active. Healthy Slovenia”. In addi­ tion to the fact that the cars are no


longer present in the center of the capital city, there are public drink­ ing water fountains throughout the country, and local people are fond of outdoor activities and they support jobs that are environmen­ tal protection oriented and have socially responsible note. As for the eco-friendly venue for organizing events in Ljubljana, the pioneer of this trend in the hotel industry is the Park Hotel. This is the first hotel in Slovenia that has received the prestigious certificate of Travelife Gold on the basis of its dedication and support to sustainable development, as well as of the charity activities it has organized and implemented. It is about various projects that are useful to the environment, for which the funds are moved and

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

collected by the management of this hotel every year. Hotel Park has actually created such a space for its guests to offer “green expe­ riences” such as “urban & green” events where guests have the opp­ortunity to meet with local suppliers. And that’s not all. Visitors can rent the electric vehicles and have spe­ cial benefits therefrom, approve eco discounts for all those who come by train, encourage phy­sical activity even with employees, use recycled paper and natural materi­ als whenever possible, try to throw away as less food as possible, con­ trol energy consumption, inform guests how important it is to take care of the environment, sort the waste, and recycle everything that can be recycled. As they are orient­ ed to healthy food and a healthy

lifestyle, guests can do yoga under the trees in the park that belongs to the hotel in the morning. The first tourist facility in Slovenia to receive the title Zero Waste Ho­ tel will be hotel Ribno in Bled. Hotel did manage to increase the percentage of separately collected waste from 40% to 92% by imple­ menting various measures in two and a half years. During that time, they started reducing the amount of waste generated by their ope­ ration. Most of those measures were im­plemented in the restaurant and kitchen. Products such as jam and butter, which were offered to the guests in small packages, they now purchase in larger packaging, and placed in glass containers for self-service. With yoghurt and milk is used simi­ lar approach, which the hotel now buys directly from the farmer. The guests are given smaller plates so, they take smaller amounts of food, so that less food gets discar­ ded. Paper napkins were replaced with napkins made from recycled

paper and water is served in glass bottles instead of plastic ones. Since you can not reach the center of Ljubljana by car, you have the option of moving around in an electric vehicle – cavalier. This is a free public transport on the pedestrian zone of the capital city of Slovenia, which is environ­ mentally friendly. It is primarily in­ten­ded for transportation of el­derly people, those with mobility problems and visitors, and you can also order it by phone. And if you plan any physical activity, we sugg­ est cycling, as there are 230 km of bicycle routes in Ljubljana. Not so far from our region, in Salz­ burg, there are 38 congress indus­ try suppliers who have a green eco-label, which is issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protec­ tion. Among those, there are seven locations that are proud holders of the Green Meeting Certificate. Those are Salzburg Congress Cen­ter, Salzburg Arena, Salfelden Congress Center, Seminar and Culture Center Schloss Goldegg, Congress Center Ferry Prosche Zel

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am Zeppelin, hotel Heffterhof and Congress Center Wyndham Grand Salzburg. The Congress Center Salzburg was also awarded the Green Location Certificate. The Eco-label in the hotel and hos­ pitality industry in Salzburg is held by the Sheraton Salzburg Hotel, the Heffterhof Hotel, the Ammer­ hauser hotel and restaurant, the Robinson Club Amade, the Crowne Plaza Salzburg and some others.

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One of the most famous labels for tourist establishments in the world is Green Key. Green Key aims to contribute to the prevention of climate change, protect the envi­ ronment, and further sustainable

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


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tourism by acknowledging hotels, campsites, ecolodges, restaurants, conference centers, and theme parks that meet a set of criteria grouped into 12 categories such as water and energy protection, waste management, guest infor­ mation, green area management, administration, etc. Pavle Pavlovic, National Coordina­ tor of Green Key Project, explained in more details: “Right now, almost three thousand establishments in 57 countries around the world have been awarded this eco-label. Green Key is also available for in­ ternational hotel chains, which so far include Radisson Hotel Group (Radisson Collection, Park Inn…) and Starwood Hotels & Resorts Wor­ldwide, Inc. (now part of Mar­ riott).” The Green Key international prog­ ram in Serbia is implemented by Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development as the national operator. In 2015, the cer­tification process was launched, and it currently involves two hotels that meet the set criteria – the Radisson Collec­ tion Old Mill and the IN Hotel – as active particip­ants.

September is Responsible Business Action Month in the Radisson Col­ lection hotel chain. Since the hotel chain recently chan­ged its name, large quantities of pro­motional material, including paper, pens, notepads, and other became redundant. All of these were donated to cha­ rity organizations and kindergar­ tens for reuse. The hotel is acti­vely involved in the Earth Hour cam­paign, and every

97% of the hotels have local operators picking up waste 81% of the respondents think that waste is picked up regularly 63% of the hotels sort some of their waste 97% of the hotels use energy-saving light bulbs 64% of the respondents claim that their establishments have thermal insulation on the windows 70% of the respondents think that eco-labels can provide competitive advantage in the market and that eco-labels for hotels indeed protect the environment and health of staff and guests 60% of them believe that eco-labels for hotels can save electricity, water, workload, chemicals, and other work equipment 42% of the hotels rent bicycles on their premises 47% of the hotels have worked with the local community to raise awareness of sustainable development and environmental protection 36% of them have participated in organizing environmental events 94% of the hotels have restaurants with vegetarian menus 25% serve organic food at their restaurants * Data are part of the research of Pavle Pavlovic


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

campaign and idea in the hotel and beyond is implemented through their Responsible Business Committ­ ee and Responsible Business Coor­ dinator. Their corporate way of res­ponsible business is made up of three pillars, of which Think Planet actively tackles reducing negative impact on the environment. Every IN Hotel department is acti­ vely implementing the Green Key program. Already at the hotel’s en­trance you will get an interesting offer to rent a bicycle as part of eff­ orts to promote alternative modes of transport aimed at reducing car­bon dioxide. Their kitchen often promotes dishes prepared with organic food and celebrates impor­ tant eco-dates at the international level. Just two months ago, the hotel passed an audit by an inter­ national jury panel and once again reiterated its resolve and voluntary efforts to reduce negative effects on the environment. “The research conducted against the Green Key criteria four years ago, involving 36 hotels in Serbia out of 300 classified at the time, came up with interesting and en­ couraging results”, said Pavle.

The capital of the United States of America, Washington, the consul­ tancy company Greenview and the company Oakland that deal with event planning and organizing, have prepared a Sustainability Study and its Implementation in practice in 2015 – The Annual Green Venue Report, which includ­ ed 30 congress centers around the world. The study focused on presenting the results in domain of organiza­ tion of events while preserving the environment and making innova­ tion in this regard. Some of the qu­estions for the congress centers were the following: “Do you dona­ te the food remains?”, “What is your average rate of overflow of waste?”, “Did you obtain any of the Green Meeting Industry Certifi­ cates?” The most important indicators rea­ ched are that 70% of the congress centers interviewed employed a manager responsible for sustain­ ability program, 80% of those in­troduced into practice donat­

ing of food remains locally for charity purposes, about 93% can be reached by public transport, 33% of the centers has roof space intended for plant breeding, 87% provided bicycle parking lots for their employees and guests, as well as the electric vehicle charg­ ing stations. Even 42% produce renewable energy on-site, mostly solar, while 59% supply renewable energy, mostly wind power. As for the fair industry, which is the largest “producer” of waste and re­ mains of food, beverages and other accompanying items, this study has shown the same thing that was reached, by working in the long run, by the congress centers on their way to sustainability. “Congress centers that have accep­ ted a sustainability program may, for example, increase efficiency, reduce costs thereof, increase em­ployees, increase the number of satisfied customers and make a healthy competitive difference in the market,” said the authors of the study conducted in joint

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ven­ture of the capital city of the USA, Washington, and consultancy companies Greenview and Oak­ land, i.e. the companies engaged in event planning with headquarters in California. Some will say that these are exam­ ples of more regulated countries, that it is easier for them because those are already developed sys­ tems, that they have related stimu­ lating laws, that the consciousness of people is different from the one of ours. And all of this is true. But surely there is something that each of us can individually do and contribute to this important segment when it comes not just to organizing the events, but also to the homes we live in. The smallest step given towards prosperity immediately makes the prosperity itself. And remember that the change starts with ourselves!

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019




Nov hotel u Zagrebu

Hotel Canopy by Hilton otvara se u Zagrebu Canopy by Hilton u Zagrebu drugi je Canopy hotel u Europi nakon Reykjavika, a čije nas otvorenje čeka u listopadu ove godine. Nalazi se u srcu glavnog grada Hr­ vatske, u neposrednoj blizini mnogih turističkih i kulturnih zanimljivosti i novoure­ đenog Branimir centra. Gostima će na raspolaganju biti Canopy bicikli za uživanje u zagrebačkoj arhitekturi, restoranima i noćnom životu. Hotel raspolaže sa 151 sobom, uključujući 55 premium soba i osam prost­ ranih apartmana, dizajniranih da pruže potpunu udobnost uz besplatan bež­i­čni internet, televizor od 49 incha, mini bar, Nespresso® aparat i krevete dizajnirane posebno za Canopy Zagreb. Apartmani nude više prostora i pri­v­ at­nosti, a svakoga gosta dočekati će Canopy čarape i ogrtač. Interijer hotela inspiriran je industrijskom prošlošću grada, modernizmom i street art-om. Gosti svoj dan mogu započeti izvrsnim doručkom u Canopy Centralu ili u istom mogu uživati u udobnosti svoje sobe. ReUnion restoran, koji će se na­laziti u prizemlju hotela, nastavak je zanimljive povijesti industrije hrane u ovom dijelu Zagreba, naime, na ovoj se lokaciji nekada nalazila prva tvorni­ ca čokolade u jugoistočnoj Europi – Union. U ReUnion restoranu servirat će autentične kulinaske delicije od svježih lokalnih sastojaka s tržnice Dolac, a svake večeri u Canopy Central Café Baru pripremat će se degustacije ukusnih zalogaja i pića iz lokalnih kraft pivnica i vinarija. Zagreb je idealna destinacija za organizaciju događanja i konferencija zbog svoje dobre povezanosti s novom zračnom lukom, koja je samo 20 minuta udaljena od hotela Canopy by Hilton Zagreb. Hotel raspolaže s dvije mo­ derne, nekonvecionalne dvorane na prvom katu, nazvane po dvojici velikih izumitelja Tesli i Penkali, za manje sastanke i društvene događaje poput kok­tel zabava ili poslovnih prezentacija. Svim gostima na raspolaganju će biti besplatni bežićni internet, retreat zona za opuštanje i transfer lounge za ranije dolaske i kasnije odlaske, stanice za filtriranu vodu, valet parking, prostrani 24-satni fitness centar i profesional­ no i ljubazno osoblje.



New Hotel in Zagreb

Say Hello to Canopy by Hilton in Zagreb The hotel, which joins Canopy by Hilton Reykjavik in the brand’s European port­ folio, is situated in the heart of Croatia’s capital, near the numerous tourist and cul­ tural attractions and the upcoming Branimir entertainment mall. Guests can grab a complimentary Canopy Bike and explore the many nearby attractions, where the­re are shops, restaurants, and nightlife in every direction. The hotel will be opened in Ocotber and will be home to 151 guestrooms, including 55 premium rooms and eight spacious suites designed for your comfort with free Wi-Fi, a 49-inch TV, refrigerator, Nespresso® machine, and bed designed exclusively for Canopy in Zagreb. Suites offer more space and privacy plus comfy extras like robes and Canopy Socks. The interiors of the hotel is inspired by the local neighborhood, modernism and street art. For breakfast, guests can start their day with an inclusive artisanal breakfast in Canopy Central or have a Canopy Breakfast Bag delivered to their door. The onsite ReUnion Restaurant evokes the story of the neighborhood’s food heritage. Once home to the Union chocolate factory, the first choco­ late maker in Southeastern Europe, it is now the ideal place for new culina­ ry experiences in Zagreb. Fresh local ingredients from Dolac market will be used in Chef’s everyday creations, offering an authentic and delightful menu. Each evening, the Canopy Central Bar will be hosting a complimen­ tary tasting of local drinks and bites for hotel guests. For meetings and events, Zagreb is a great choice as it is superbly connect­ ed by its recently expanded airport which is just 20 minutes away from Canopy by Hilton Zagreb. The hotel has two modern, connected and un­con­ ventional meeting rooms on the 1st floor, named after famous inven­t­ors Pen­kala and Tesla, which are ideal for smaller meetings and social even­ts such as cocktail receptions and presentations. Hotel offers free Wi-Fi, retreat zone and transfer lounge for early check in and late check out, filtered spring water station, valet parking , spacious 24hour fitness centre and enthusiastic staff providing guest-directed services.


industrija SEEbtm Awards 2018

Priznanja za najbolje u kongresnom turizmu Verujemo da je u vašem kalendaru, kao i u našem, novembar posebno važan mesec. To je mesec kada se sumiraju utisci o uspešnosti godine, kada se zahvaljuje partnerima i klijentima na saradnji, proslavljaju postignuti uspesi i nazdravlja budućim. To je i mesec kada tim portala Kongresnitu­ rizam i uredništvo SEEbtm magazina tradicionalno organizuje SEEbtm Party, najveće okupljanje kongresne industrije regiona, u cilju stimulacije regionalne saradnje, razmene znanja i iskustva i istovremeno kreiranje platforme za uspostavljanje dalje saradnje i promocije na regionalnom i međunarodnom tržištu. Na ovom događaju 15. novembra 2018. godine, od velike važnosti za poslovne i kongresne hotele i prostore, ali i za organizatore događaja, do­deljivaće se, drugi put, SEEbtm Awards, priznanja najboljim hotelima i event prostorima u regionu jugoistične Evrope. Ove godine će glasanje biti još uzbudljivije, zanimljivije, ali i još više dobiti na kredibilitetu, jer je uvedena važna novina – stručni žiri sačinjen od predstavnika najeminen­ tijih kompanija i organizacija koje organizuju događaje u regionu, koji će glasati (pored dosadašnjih glasova publike) za, po svom bogatom iskustvu iz prakse i mišljenju, najbolje hotele i prostore. Pored žirija, o pobednicima u 17 kategorija će odlučivati i glasovi publike, pa vas pozivamo da u periodu od 22. oktobra do 7. novembra glasate on­ line za svoje favorite i pomognete im da pobede. Više detalja o glasanju ali i prijavljivanju kandidata možete pronaći na kao i na tel.: +381 11 39 60 388, ili na

Donatorsko veče – „Budi ono što želiš da vidiš kod drugih“ Nismo zaboravili ni na one kojima je pomoć najpotrebnija stoga će i ove go­ dine biti organizovana humanitarna akcija. Tokom večeri SEEbtm ceremoni­ je dodele nagrada i SEEbtm Party-ja, prikupljaće se novčana sredstva u vidu ulaznice na događaj, u iznosu od 999,00 RSD po osobi. Celokupan iznos od ulaznica prikupljen tokom večeri, biće uplaćen u humanitarne svrhe. „Budi ono što želiš da vidiš kod drugih“ ostaje naš moto! Svim kandidatima za SEEbtm Awards 2018 želimo puno sreće, a uspehe proslavljamo zajedno! Tim portala Kongresniturizam i uredništvo SEEbtm magazina

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


industry SEEbtm Awards 2018

Recognitions for the Best in Congress Tourism We believe that November is a particularly important month in your calen­ dar, as well as in ours. This is the month of summarizing the impressions on successfulness of the year, expressing appreciation to the partners and cli­ ents for their cooperation, celebrating the achieved successes and welcom­ ing the forthcoming ones. It is also the month when the team of the portal Kongresniturizam and SEEbtm magazine traditionally organize the SEEbtm Party – the greatest gathering of the re­gion’s MICE industry, with the aim of fostering the regional cooperation, exchanging knowledge and experiences, and, at the same time, creating a platform for establishing further coopera­ tion and promotion on the regio­nal and international market. At this event to be held on November 15th, 2018, being of great importance for business and congress hotels and venues, but also for event organi­zers, SEEbtm Awards will be given for the second time to the best hotels and event venues in the South East Europe region. This year the voting will be even more exciting, more interesting, and will even more get on its credibi­lity, since an important innovation has been introduced – an expert jury composed of representatives of the most influential companies and organizations that organize events in the region, who will vote (in addition to the so far audience vote) for the best hotels and venues led by their rich experience from practice and personal opinion. In addition to the jury, the winners in 17 categories will also be voted by the audience, so we invite you to vote online for your favorites in the period from October 22nd to November 7th and help them win. For more details on voting and applying the candidates, please visit the fol­ lowing web page or call: +381 11 39 60 388, or contact:

Donor Evening –“Be What You Want to See in Others” We have not forgotten the one most in need of help, so, therefore, humani­ tarian action will be organized again this year. During the evening of SEEbtm Award ceremony and SEEbtm Party, the funds will be collected in a form of the event ticket, in the amount of 999,00 RSD per person. The entire amount of collected during the evening, will be donated to charity. “Be what you want to see in others” remains to be our moto! We wish good luck to all the candidates for SEEbtm Awards 2018, while we will celebrate the achievements together! Team of the Portal Kongresniturizam and SEEbtm magazine


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019



Uvek nadograđujte sebe i svoje znanje!

Crna Gora – nova destinacija hotelske grupacije Falkensteiner Marko Ilić, generalni menadžer

Ove godine Marka Ilića je sačekao najveći izazov do sada – preuzeo je mesto gene­ ralnog menadžera hotela Queen of Montenegro u Bečićima, koji će od sle­deće se­zo­ne i zvanično nastupiti na crnogorskom tržištu kao deo lanca Falkensteiner Hotels & Residences. Deo tima ove grupacije postao je 2012. godine, kada je do­ šao na poziciju F&B menadžera. Od tada, Marko je svoj put krčio strpljivo i polako, a o novinama u njegovom profesionalnom životu i grupaciji Falkensteiner, pro­ čitajte u intervjuu koji sledi. Hotelska grupacija Falkensteiner je od juna postala operater hotela Queen of Montenegro u Bečićima. Već od sredine oktobra ove godine, ulazite u proces redizajniranja da biste narednu letnju sezonu otvorili pod imenom Falkensteiner. Čime planirate da osvoji­ te crnogorsko primorje imajući u vidu da je konkuren­ cija brojna? Falkensteiner grupacija ima veliko iskustvo kada su u pi­ tanju hoteli za odmor na moru. Nakon Hrvatske i Italije, gde naših deset hotela od 4 i 5 zvezdica već godinama posluje veoma uspešno, na red je došla i Crna Gora. Grupacija je prepoznala veliki potencijal u ovom tržištu, a sam hotel Queen of Montenegro je videla kao dostoj­ nog predstavnika našeg brenda u budućnosti. Sve naše vrednosti će i ovde naći svoje mesto, a to je na prvom mestu vrhunska i personalizovana usluga kao i odnos prema zaposlenima koji nam je posebno važan kao deo tradicionalanog Falkensteiner koncepta.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

U ovom slučaju, hotel će pre svega biti namenjen od­ raslima, raspolagaće ozbiljnim i prepoznatljivim Acqu­ apura Spa centrom koji će gostima od sledeće sezone ponuditi i brojne novine, što u ovom trenutku još ne bih otkrivao. Neka to bude iznenađenje. Možete li nam reći nešto o planovima koji se odnose na kongresnu ponudu i dodatne sadržaje? Hotel raspolaže odličnim kongresnim kapacitetima. Tu je pre svega velika multi-funkcionalna banket sala od 300 m2 koja može biti korišćena u razne svrhe, ide­ alna je za kongrese, seminare, korporativne proslave. Tu su i dve konferencijske sale kapaciteta do stotinak mesta u sedećoj postavci i jedna sala za sastanke do 30 mesta dok je u planu izgradnja još dve manje sale kapaciteta 30 mesta. Sama pozicija hotela koji je malo izmešten od šetališta i najveće gužve čini ga dobrim iz­ borom i za tim bildinge i okupljanja firmi (tzv. Meet-cen­

Grupacija ima preko 30 hotela, ali je porodica Falkensteiner, koja na sve nas prenosi ono najlepše što rad u hotelskoj industriji i podra­ zumeva, i dalje aktivna. Samim tim utisak da zaista radite u jednoj velikoj porodice doprinosi i mom i entuzijazmu celog tima. I za kraj, možete li izdvojiti nešto na šta ste posebno ponosni u svo­joj karijeri ili šta bi mogao biti savet kolegama iz posla kojim se bavite?

tives) u predsezoni (april, maj) kao i posle same sezone (septembar, oktobar). Sale će biti kompletno renovirane i opremljene po najvišim standardima, a sve imaju i prirodno osvetljenje što ih čini naravno još prijatnijim za rad i boravak u njima. Kakve potencijale vidite u Crnoj Gori koje se tiču otvaranja i razvijanja novog tržišta za ovu hotelsku grupaciju? Prema WTTC-u (The World Travel & Tourism Co­uncil), Crna Gora je rangirana kao prva zemlja u svetu u smi­ slu kratkoročnog i dugoročnog potencijala rasta turiz­ ma. Crna Gora trenutno radi na značajnim rekonstruk­ cijama svoje putne infrastrukture uz skoru izgradnju autoputa do granice sa Srbijom. Kada se sve uzme u obzir odluka grupacije da baš odavde nastavi svoje proširenje na Balkanu je potpu­ no logična, i, ako sve protekne kako planiramo, veru­ jem da se nećemo zadržati samo na jednom hotelu.

Ponosan sam pre svega na činje­ nicu da je moj razvojni put trajao dugo i podrazumevao predan rad i postepeno napredovanje. Samo tako imate priliku da naučite suštinu hotelskog poslovanja, a to je da treba krenuti od osnovnih poslova i polako krčiti svoj put na kom upravo i stičete neprocenjivo znanje i umeće rada sa gostima a sve to u okviru velikog i raznovrsnog tima. Iz ovoga bi i proistekao moj savet mlađim kolegama; krenite od samog početka, polako, strpljivo i temeljno, uvek nadograđujte sebe i svoje znanje. Uspeh je u tom slučaju neizbežan.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t e r v j u

Svetlana Gavrić

Bili ste deo tima i drugih hotela u sastavu Falkenste­ iner grupacije. Na koji način opisujete rad u okviru grupacije Falkensteiner? Deo sam Falkensteiner porodice već 6 godina, svoj razvoj u hotelijerskoj industriji sam ovde nastavio sa velikim zadovoljstvom i uz puno poverenje našeg menadžmenta na kom sam im beskrajno zahvalan. Pomagao sam u otvaranju nekoliko naših hotela i neke od njih vodio u sezoni. Falkensteiner, kao regionalni hotelski lanac, za mene ima idealnu dozu centralne podrške u smislu standar­ da poslovanja i pomoći od strane naše centrale ali isto tako i pruža dovoljno slobode da se prilagodimo lokalnom tržištu i postanemo autentični deo lokalne zajednice u okviru koje poslujemo i postojimo.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019



Always Grow and Build Your Skills!

Montenegro: Falkensteiner’s New Destination Marko Ilic, General Manager

This year Marko Ilic encountered his biggest challenge yet – he took over as Ge­ n­e­ral Manager of the Queen of Montenegro, a hotel in Becici that will officially la­unch on the Montenegrin market next season as part of the Falkensteiner Ho­ tels & Re­si­dences. He joined the group’s team in 2012 as an F&B manager. Since then, Marko has been walking his path patiently without hurry. In this interview, he talks about the latest in his career and in Falkensteiner. Last June Falkensteiner started running the Queen of Montenegro in Becici. You will be initiating the redesign process in mid-October already to start the next summer season under the Falkensteiner name. How do you plan to conquer the Montenegrin coast, considering that the competition is high? Falkensteiner has extensive experience when it com­es to beach holiday hotels. After Croatia and Italy – where our ten four and five-star hotels have been seeing suc­ cess for years – it was time for Montenegro to come to the fore. The group recognized the market’s great potential and saw the Queen of Montenegro itself as a worthy representative of our brand in the future. Our values ​​will definitely find their place here, as well, and they – first and foremost – pertain to world-class personalized services and attitude towards em­ployees, which is especially important to us as part of the tra­di­ tional Falkensteiner concept. In this instance, the hotel will primarily be intended for adults. As of next season, the well-known state-of-the-art Acquapura Spa Center will be offering a number of


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

novelties, which I would rather not reveal at this time. Let’s leave it as a surprise. Could you tell us more about plans related to the MICE segment and extra amenities? The hotel has excellent MICE facilities. Firstly, a large multi-functional banquet hall spreading over 300 sqm that can be used for various purposes, ideally for con­ ventions, seminars, and corporate celebra­tions. We also have two conference rooms with up to aro­ und hundred seats and one meeting room for up to 30 seats. Our plan is to build another two smaller rooms with 30 seats. The very position of the hotel, which is a bit off the promenade and crowds, makes it an excellent choice for both team building events and company meetings (e.g., meetcentives) in the prese­a­son (April and May) and afterseason (Septem­ ber and October). The halls and rooms will be comp­le­ tely renovated and furbished to the highest stand­ards. All of them have natural light, making them even more pleasant to work and spend time in.

What potentials do you see in Montenegro regarding the opening and developing a new market for the hotel group? The WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council) ranks Montenegro first in the world in terms of short-term and long-term tourism growth potential. Montenegro is currently working on significant road infrastructu­ re reconstructions, the latest being that of highway leading to the border with Serbia. When everything is taken into account, the group’s decision to continue its expansion in the Balkans from this spot is entirely logical and – if everything goes according to plan – I believe that we will not stop at only one hotel. You were part of other Falkensteiner hotel teams, too. How would you describe working within the group? I have been part of the Falkensteiner family for six years. I have continued my hospitality industry career development with great pleasure and have been gree­

ted with full confidence by the management, which I am extremely grateful for. I helped open several of our hotels and managed some of them in season. As a regional hotel chain, Falkensteiner has an ideal degree of central support in terms of business stan­ dards and assistance from our central office, but it also provides sufficient freedom to adapt to the local market and become an authentic part of the local co­ mmunity. The group has more than 30 hotels, but the Falkensteiner family – which conveys the best of what working in the hotel industry includes – is still active. That is why the very impression of actually being part of one big family contributes both to my enthusiasm and that of the entire team. Finally, could you tell us what you are particularly proud of in your career or what would be your advice to your peers? First of all, I am proud of the fact that my growth jour­ ney has been long and included dedicated work and gradual advancement. That is the only way to learn the essence of the hotel business, which is that you need to start from the basics and slowly make your way, which is precisely where you acquire priceless knowledge and skills in working with guests within a large and diverse team. This feeds into my advice for younger colleagues: Start from the very bottom, move up slowly, patiently, and thoroughly, and always grow and build your skills. This will inevitably lead to success.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t e r v i e w

Svetlana Gavric

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


industrija Redizajniran regionalni portal Kongresniturizam

Organizujte događaj kao profesionalac Portal pokrenut je pre 12 godina, kao prvi portal koji objedinjuje kongresnu ponudu regiona Jugoistočne Evrope. Preko sajta, svi organizatori događaja, mogu pret­ragom doći do prostora i lokacije koja zadovoljava njihove potrebe. Na sajtu se nalazi preko 230 kvalitetnih i proverenih dobavljača. Sa druge strane, po potre­ bi, stručni tim portala www., koji se sastoji od event mena­ džera sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom, pomaže organiza­ torima da dođu do pravog izbora prostora i usluge, i pru­ža podršku oko planiranja i realizacije čitavog događaja. Portal Kongresniturizam služi za pronalaženje najboljih ho­tela, prostora i svih ostalih usluga potrebnih pri planiranju i u organizaciji događaja. Namenjen je kompanijama i organiza­ cijama, tačnije event menadžerima i ostalima koji


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

se bave ovim poslom, a potreban im je pouzdan partner – pomoć, savet, pregovaranje sa dobavlja­ čima, brza i prezicna realizacija. S obzirom na to da regionalni portal za organizaciju događaja postoji toli­ ko dugo, prethodna decenija je, prilagođavanjem na tehnološke promene, obeležena sa tri verzije

sajta, a sa dva kompletna redizajna, svaka verzija karakteristična i napredna za period u kom je bila aktuelna.

Poslednja verzija urađena je tokom aktuelne, 2018. godine, uključujući kompletan redizajn portala po poslednjim standardima, ali pre svega,

Šta je je više od 12 go­di­na vodeći regionalni portal za orga­ niza­ciju svih vrsta događaja, sa bazom od pre­ko 230 proverenih hotela, kongre­ snih cen­t­a­ra, event prostora i pružalaca usluga na teri­to­riji Jugois­točne Evrope.

slušajući i analizirajući potrebe korisnika. Sada je sajt, naravno, mobile responsive – prilagođava se svim veličinama ekrana, bez obzira na to da li je u pitanju desktop računar, laptop ili mobilni telefon (što pre 3-4 godine čak nije ni postojalo kao tehnologi­ ja za komercijalnu upotre­ bu), slike i fontovi su zna­ čajno veći, dok je ponuda hotela i prostora u prvom planu. To je takođe nastalo kao rezultat osluškivanja potreba i promene tržišta, da se bez mnogo pretrage i filtera dođe do što šire ponude hotela i prostora, a u sledećem koraku, po potrebi da se sužava izbor.

pre toga da se vrlo jednostavno, besplatno i brzo registruje – samo putem svoje email adrese. Svaki od hotela, event prostora ili kongresnih centara na svojoj prezentaciji takođe ima dugme UPIT koji služi da se njima pošalje upit pojedinačno. Korisnici portala mogu da pošalju upit i portalu koristeći dugme NAPRAVI UPIT sa desne strane u hederu sajta (ili putem strane KONTAKT), ukoliko žele da im event menadžeri Kongresnog turizma sa višegodišnjim iskustvom i poznavanjem tržišta, pomognu pri izboru dobavljača i/ili dostavljanju ponuda. Napomena: Navedena usluga je besplatna za korisnike portala.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n d u s t r i j a

Kako radi pretraga? Jednostavnom pretragom (samo jednim klikom na home strani) izlistavaju se hoteli, prostori ili agenci­ je, čiji izbor može da se suzi korišćenjem pametnih filtera, shodno potrebnim kapacitetima, postav­ kama sale, preferiranoj kategorizaciji, kao i prema željenoj destinaciji(ama) i ostalim kriterijumima važnim za event planere. Kada se pretragom dođe do hotela, event prostora ili agencije koji potencijalno odgovaraju potrebama događaja, svaki od njih može da se stavi u Favorites (ikonica srce), kako bi se sačuvali za kasnije – da se naknadno razmatraju ili da im se zbirno svima pošalje upit (mogućnost za registrovane korisni­ ke) koji stiže odvojeno na mejl adrese svakoga od njih. Da bi korisnik mogao da koristi ovu naprednu funkciju, koja uveliko olakšava posao i skraćuje vreme potrebno za slanje upita, potrebno je samo

S obzirom na promene i zahteve klijenata i tržišta, koje su se desile u prethodne 3-4 godine, portal, koji je na početku

Na polju event menadžmenta portal www. je zabeležio najve­ ći rast u protekle 2 godine, od čak 100%.

bio fokusiran na internet marketing u kongresnom turizmu regiona, prerastao je u regionalnu event menadžment kompaniju koja prati trendove kako u internet marketingu, izradi sajtova, optimizaciji sadržaja, tako i u organizaciji događaja i personali­ zovanom pristupu klijentu. Miona Milić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


industry Redesigned Regional Portal SEEmice

Organize an Event as a Professional The portal ( was launched 12 years ago, as the first portal that unites the congress offer of the Southeast Europe region. Through the site, all event organizers can search for premises and locations that meets their needs. The web page has over 230 quali­ ty and pro­ven suppliers. On the other hand, if nece­ssary, the expert team of the portal, whi­ch consists of event managers with many years of experience, assists the organizers to come to the right choice of location and service, and provides support for planning and realization of the entire event. The portal helps you find the best hotels, venues and all other ser­vices needed in planning and organizing the events. It is intended for companies and organizati­ons, specifically for event managers and ot­h­ers inv­ol­ved in this business, and in need of a reliable partner – assistance, advice, negotiation with sup­ pliers, quick and repetitive realization.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

Considering that the regional portal for event organizing has existed for so long, the previous decade, by adjusting to technological changes, was marked with three versions of the

web page, and with two complete redesigns, each version having been characteristic and advanced for the period in which it was ongoing.

The latest version was made during the current year, 2018, including the complete redesign of the portal according to the latest standards, but above all, after listening and analyzing the needs of users. Currently, the web page is, of course, mobile responsive – it adapts to all sizes of the

What is has been the leading re­gi­onal portal for organizing all kinds of events for more than 12 years, with a base of over 230 selected hotels, congress cent­ ers, event venues and service providers in the territory of Southeast Europe.

Portal users can send a request to the portal www. using the MAKE REQUEST button on the right side of the web page header (or by the CONTACT page), if they want event ma­nagers with years of experience and knowled­ge of the market, help with the choice of suppliers and/or submitt­ ing bids. Note: The specified service is free of charge for portal users.

screen, whether it is used on a desktop computer, a laptop or a mobile phone (which did not even exist as a technology for commercial usage 3-4 years ago), pictures and the fonts are significantly bigger, while the hotel and venues offer is in the foreground. This was also the result of listening to market needs and changes, so that without a lot of searches and filters, you get as wide a range of ho­ tels and venues as possible, and in the next step, if necessary, narrow down the choice.

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How does the search work? By a simple search (just one click on the home page) you will get a lists of hotels, venues or agen­ cies, the presentation of which can be narrowed by using smart filters, according to the required capacity, halls settings, preferred categorization, as well as to the desired destination(s) and other criteria important for event planners. When your search gets you to a hotel, event location, or agency that potentially corresponds to the needs of the event, each of those can be placed into the Favorites (heart icon), in order to be saved for later - to be considered later or to be sent a request collectively to all of those (possi­ bi­lity for registered users) that will reach each of them separately on the e-mail addresses. In order for the user to use this advanced function, which greatly facilitates the task and shortens the time required to send the request, it is only prior neces­ sary to register in a very simple, free of charge and quick way – just via yours e-mail address. Each of the hotels, event venues or congress cen­ ters in its presentation also has a REQUEST button that serves to send the request separately.

Considering the changes and demands of clients and markets, which occurred in the previous 3-4 years, the portal, which was initially focused on internet marketing in the regi­ on’s congress tourism, turn into a regional ev­ent In the field of event management, the por­tal has recorded the hig­h­ est growth in the past 2 years, as much as 100%.

management company that follows trends in both internet marketing, web site design, content opti­ mization, and event organization and personaliz­ed access to a client. Miona Milic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


tema broja

Obezbeđivanje ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja

CSR trendovi – čemu kompanije treba da teže? Svi mi koji radimo u industriji organizacije događaja ili smo na neki način u to uklju­ če­ni, imamo priliku, ali i obavezu, da svojim znanjem, iskustvom i ideja­ma damo pri­mer drugima. Event menadžment na globalnom nivou sada obuhvata više od­ govornosti i nama se pruža mogućnost da budemo više od organizatora. Događaji i sastanci treba da služe razmeni iskustava jer to je ono što je neprocenljivo i što ostaje upamćeno. Prisustvovala sam različitim tipovima događaja, raz­li­ čite tematike, ali oni koji su na mene ostavili najveći utisak jesu oni koji su kreirani sa folozofijom „dava­ nja“. Osećaj da ste nekom pomogli, da ste nekom ulep­ šali dan, ili, još važnije, da je takav čin nekog drugog inspiri­sao i pokrenuo da uradi nešto u tom smeru, nep­ rocenjiv je! To je i način da nekom promenite poglede na život i probudite nadu u „bolje sutra“. Pišući ovaj tekst, pronašla sam jedan intere­ santan podatak. Svetski poslovni savet za održivi raz­voj (World Business Council for Sustainable Deve­lepoment) definiše društvenu kor­porativnu odgovornost kao „kontinuiranu posvećenost poslu sa ciljem da doprinese ekonomskom razvoju dok poboljšava kvalitet života zaposlenih i njihovih porodica, ali i zajednice i društva u širem smislu“. Najobuhvatnije objašnjenje na koje sam naišla za vreme istraživanja. A ono što mi se najviše dopalo jeste to što uka­zuje na činjenicu da ovo utiče na kvalitete velikog broja ljudi. Dakle, ne samo zaposlenih, već i njihovih porodica,


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

komšija, prijatelja, ljudi koje nikada nisu sreli niti up­ oznali. Događaji koji se u poslednje vreme organizuju pokazuju da dolazi do velikih promena u trendovima u njihovoj organizaciji. Kompanije pokazuju da sve više postaju zainteresovane za rešavanje problema – na lokalnom i globalnom nivou. Ovaj trend očekuje ekspanzija u narednom periodu. Ali, društveno odgovorne aktivnosti ne podrazumevaju samo organizaciju događaja sa ovom tematikom, već i puno drugih stvari u okviru kompanija. Evo nekih o kojima se najčešće priča.

Poštovanje prava i različitosti na radnom mestu Ovo je nešto čega se ne tako zanemarljiv broj kom­ panija pridržava samo na papiru. Međutim, broj korporacija koje ozbiljno vode računa se, na svu sreću, povećava. Dolazak stranih kompanija na naše prostore, na primer IKEA-e i LIDL-a, sigurno je doprineo ovom pozitivnom trendu jer su sa sobom doneli i pravila koja važe u zemljama iz kojih dolaze. Prekovremeni rad, dodatno zalagnje na poslu i ostvareni rezul­ tati zaposlenog konačno su počeli da bivaju primećeni od strane poslodavca. I u skladu sa tim, nagrađivani. Isto tako, zapošljava se sve veći broj žena, poštuje se privatnost zaposle­

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nih, kao i rasne, verske i seksualne slobode. Sve više pažnje se obraća na različitosti, lične, kulturološke i polne što vodi ka tome da kompanije same za sebe stvaraju svoju kulturu kroz negovanje ovih različitosti i ljudskih vrednosti pojedinaca. Znači, nije važno ko si, važno je kako obavljaš posao!

Očuvanje životne sredine Skoro sam sigurna da se o ovome najviše priča. Lepo je voditi računa o životnoj sredini. Ali treba ra­ diti i na prevenciji. Potrebno je delovati proaktivno,

Potrošači kao podstrek proizvođačima Da, istina je. Proizvođač vremenom postane ono što potrošač od njega očekuje. Ukoliko nam se ne dopada nečija poslovna filozofija, premise na kojima je zasnovana, više nismo zainteresovani za interakciju sa takvom kompanijom. Pod „interakcija“ podrazumevam kupovinu i korišće­nje proizvoda i/ili usluga određenog brenda. Znači, naša svest, želje i potrebe, direktno utiču na postavljanje standar­ da. I kompanije to znaju! Iz tog razloga, one velike pogotovo, rade sve vrlo transparentno i, na primer, pred svoje globalne lance snabdevanja postavljaju sve više standarde. Odgovorni su za različita pitanja – od

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a ne retroaktivno kada pričamo o ovoj temi. Svedoci smo velikih klimatskih promena koje se uveliko dešavaju. A razloga za ove promene ima puno. Neke od njih su ljudske priprode. Ali neke i nisu. Prirodne katastrofe koje se dešavaju, treba da budu podstrek kompanijama da više resursa ulažu u prevenciju i, samim tim, u ublažavanje posledica, a ne samo u oporavak. Potrebno je više ulaganja u nove, inovativnije teh­ nologije i korišćenje priprodnih resursa u poslova­ nju. Ne kažem da recikliranje nije važno, jer zaista jeste, ali je i podjednako važno štedeti, na primer, električ­nu energiju i smanjiti proizvodnju i emito­ vanje štet­nih gasova.

ispunjavanja ekoloških standarda i pitanja ljudskih prava pa do nekih većih problema. Još jedan način na koji su potrošači podstrek proiz­vo­ đačima jeste njihov izbor da kupuju isključivo pro­iz­ vode na kojima stoje oznake poput Fair trade, Not tested on animals, Organic food ili slično. Na taj način se kompanije „primoravaju“ da poštuju želju kupaca i da se pridržavaju određenih principa i vrednosti. U svemu ovome pojedinac ima veliku, možda i naj­ veću ulogu. Njegova svest, ili bolje rečeno, savest. Kompaniju čine ljudi, a ne obrnuto. Kada individua raste i razvija se, u kompaniji se dešava isti proces. Pomozite joj u tome. Širite ljubav. Mislite i činite dobro. To je trend koji koji je uvek akutuelan. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


cover story

Ensuring Economic and Social Development

CSR Trends: What Should Companies Strive for? All of us working, or in another way involved, in the event planning industry have the opportunity – as well as the responsibility – to set an example with our know­ ledge, experience, and ideas. Globally, event management now inclu­d­es more re­s­ pon­sibilities and we are given the opportunity to be more than planners. Events and meetings should serve as exchange of ex­ periences because this is what’s invaluable and what’s remembered. I have attended different types of events with different themes, but those that left the biggest impression were those that were designed applying the philosophy of giving. The feeling that you helped somebody, that you made someone’s day, or – more importantly – that your action inspired and prompted someone to do something similar – that is truly price­ less! This is also a way to change people’s views on life and spark hope in a better future. While writing this, I came across an interesting piece of information. The World Business Council for Sus­tain­able Development defines corporate social responsibility as a “continuous commitment to bus­i­ness with the goal of contributing to economic development while improving the quality of life of employees and their families, as well as communi­ ties and society in a broad sense.” This is the most comprehensive explanation I’ve found during my research. And what I liked most is that it points to the fact that this affects the quality of life of a large number of people. Meaning not only employees, but also their families, neighbours, friends, and even people they’ve never known or met.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

Events that have been taking place over the years indi­cate that major changes are happening in event planning trends. Companies are showing that they are beco­ming increasingly interested in solving problems – both at the local and the global levels. This trend will spread in the coming period. And yet, socially respon­ sible activities involve not only hosting events focusing on this, but also many other things within companies. Here are some of the most talked about.

Respect for rights and differences in the workplace This is something that numerous companies adhere to on paper only. However, the number of corpora­ tion seriously taking care is fortunately growing. The arrival of foreign compani­es such as IKEA or LIDL to our region has certainly contributed to this positive trend because they brought also the rules that apply in the countries they come from. Overtime, extra effort, and performance am­ ong employees have finally started to get no­ ticed by employers. And accordingly, reward­ ed. At the same time, an increasing number

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of women are getting employment, employee pri­­va­­cy is getting respect, as are racial, religious, and sexual freedoms. More and more attention is being paid to diversity – personal, cultural, and sexual – leading to companies creating their own cultures by fostering these differences and individual human values. So it doesn’t matter who you are, what mat­ ters is how you do your job!

Environmental preservation I’m confident that this is the hottest topic. It’s nice to take care of the environment. But we also have to work on prevention. We need to be proactive rather than retroactive when it comes to this segment. We are witness­

Consumers as incentive for producers Yes, it’s true. Over time the producer becomes what the consumer expects. If we don’t like a company’s business philosophy, or its foundations, we lose inte­ rest in interacting with it. By “interacting” I mean pur­ chasing or using products and/or services made by a particular brand. This means that our awareness, desires, and needs directly influence the sett­ing of standards. And companies know it! For this reason, companies – especially big ones – do everything very transparently and, for example, set increasingly higher standards for their global sup­ ply chains. They are responsible for various issues –

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ing major climate changes that are taking place all around. And the reasons for these changes are many. Some of them are human. But some are not. The natural disasters that are happening should encourage companies to invest more resources in prevention and, consequently, ease the effects, as opposed to investing in recov­ ery only. We need more investments in new, more innovative technology and use of natural res­ources in business. I’m not saying that recycling is not important beca­ use it indeed is, but it’s equally important to save, for example, electricity and redu­ce the production and emission of harmful gases.

from meeting environmental standards and human rights issues to more pertinent issues. Another way consumers encourage producers is by choosing only products bearing labels like Fair trade, Not tested on animals, Organic food, or the like. This compels companies to respect consumers’ desi­ res and adhere to certain principles and values. In all this, the individual has an important – perhaps the key – role. More precisely, their awareness or rat­her conscience. A company is made up of people, not the other way around. When the individual gro­ ws and develops, the same process takes place in the company. Help your company. Spread love. Think and do good. This is one trend that is always in vogue. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019




Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort

Ostanite fokusirani u našim konferencijskim kapacitetima i uživajte u danu Izvrsno mjesto, izvrsni tranzitni linkovi i prekrasno prirodno okruženje neki su od raz­ lo­ga za organizaciju stručnih panela, kongresa, prijema, banketa, vjenčanja, pro­mo­ cija i sličnih događanja u Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort. Kongresna sala Colloquium 1, veličine 105 m2, opremljena je najnovijim multimedijalnim sadržajem i ima svu potrebnu tehničku opremu. Također, u ponudi su i dvije vrlo atraktivne višenamjenske sale koje mogu primiti od 100 do 280 osoba ovisno o rasporedu, gdje osim kon­ ferencija i kongresa možete organizirati razne prijeme, bankete, vjen­ čanja, promocije i druge događaje. Ovisno o želji klijenta, u tim se salama tijekom događaja mogu poslužiti različiti gurmanski specijaliteti pripremljeni u prvoklasnoj hotelskoj kuhinji. Kongresnim učesnicima nudi se mogućnost organiziranja raznih svečanosti i događaja prema njihovim željama i potrebama koje dodatno stvaraju kreativnost u planiranju vašeg slo­bod­nog vremena. Stvaranje uspješnog i besprijekor­ nog događaja zapravo predstavlja pomno planiranje, rad s timom iskusnih ljudi i opremom koja vam je potrebna (čak i onom za koju niste znali da vam je potrebna). Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort „kuvao“ je ovu kombinaci­ ju sastojaka do savršenstva i dodao je cijeli niz glazura na vrhu za dodatni slatki doživljaj.

Dodatne pogodnosti za naše klijente Značajke, usluge i sadržaji uključuju: besplatan bežični pristup interne­ tu, audio vizualna oprema – konferencijski zvučni sustav s mikrofonom, projektor, projekcijsko platno, flip chart-ovi, prijenosni projekcijski ekran, klizač. Uživajte u svom boravku i kušajte naše ukusne ponude u našim resto­ ranima Food & Beverage: glavnom restoranu Il Doge, talijanskom re­ storanu Pizzeria & Bistro Mamma Rosa, Movie bar-u, restoranu Il Moro, baru na plaži Movida ili Gelateria Gelatiamo.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019



Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort

Stay Focused in Our Conference Capacities and Enjoy the Day An excellent location, great transit links and a beautiful natural surrounding are one of the reasons you will want to organize expert panels, congresses, receptions, ban­ quets, weddings, promotions and similar events at our Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort. Our meeting room Colloquium 1, size of 105 sqm, is equipped with the latest in multimedia and has all the required technical equipment. We also offer two very attractive multi-purpose rooms that can accom­ modate from 100 to 280 persons depending on the layout of the m­eeting rooms, where in addition to conferences and congresses you can organize various receptions, banquets, weddings, promotions, and other events. Depending on the client’s wishes, a wide range of gourmet cuisine pre­pared in our first-rate hotel kitchen may be served in these rooms during the events. Congress participants is offered the possibility of orga­ nizing various celebrations and events according to their wishes which adds creativity to the planning of your free time. Creating a successful and seamless event is all about meticulous planning, wor­k­ ing with a team of experienced peo­ ple and having all the eq­uipment you need (and didn’t know you needed) on hand and ready to go at a moment’s notice. Crvena Luka Hotel & Resort has baked this combination of ingredients to perfection, and added a whole lot of frosting on top for an extra sweet experience.

Additional benefits for our clients Features, Services & Amenities included: Free Wireless high-speed inter­ net access, Audio Visual Equipment – data projector, conference sound system with microphone, overhead projector, projection screen, flip charts, portable projection screen, slide sorter. Enjoy your stay and taste our delicious offers in our Food & Beverage outlets: Main Restaurant Il Doge Italian Restaurant Pizzeria & Bistro Mamma Rosa, Movie Bar, Il Moro à la carte Restaurant, Beach Bar Movida, Gelateria Gelatiamo.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

kongresni centar

Salzburg Congress – sertifikovana zelena lokacija

Ovo je posao koji živimo i dišemo! Gospodin Herbert Brugger, Generalni menadžer Salzburg Congress centra

Salcburg je grad u centralnoj Austriji, na severnoj ivici Alpa. Izuzetno je popularan kao turistička des­ tinacija zahvaljujući baroknoj arhitekturi i lepoti, a u njemu se rodio i Volfgang Amadeus Mocart. Grad takođe postaje sve popularniji među organi­ zatorima događaja jer je Salzburg Congress pono­ san nosilac sertifikata Green Location.

gađaji“ kao garanciju iskrenog pristupa događajima koji ispunjavaju najviše standarde. Zeleni sastanci i zeleni događaji povećavaju kredi­ bilitet tako što ukazuju na to da je kompanija ili or­ga­nizacija spremna da bude podvrgnuta nadzoru treće strane u korist životne sredine.

O sertifikatu i drugim temama u vezi sa „zelenim“ aktivnostima razgovarali smo sa generalnim me­ nadžerom kongresnog centra Salzburg Congress, g. Herbertom Brugger-om. Tema ovog broja magazina su aktivnosti iz oblasti korporativne društvene odgovornosti, u koje se definitivno ubrajaju „zeleni sastanci”. Da li možete da nam kažete nešto više o sertifikatu za zelene sastanke? Zaštita životne sredine i ekološka održivost su teme koje su sve važnije – naročito kada je reč o organizaciji događaja i kongresa. Salzburg Congress je sertifikovan kao „zelena lokacija“, što znači da imamo pravo da izdajemo sertifikate za događaje koji se kvalifikuju kao „zeleni sastanci“ i „zeleni do­

Učesnici na sertifikovanim događajima se upućuju na EcoLabel hotele, ketering kompanije su obave­ zne da koriste regionalno uzgajane i nabavljene

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


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proizvode, koriste se FSC sertifikovane olovke i radi se na tome da se izbegne korišćenje velikih količina papira i drugih materijala. Da li organizatori događaja prepoznaju značaj „zelenih sastanaka” i u kojoj meri? Zeleni sastanci i događaji su mnogo više od trenda i odavno su postali pitanje časti u sektoru organi­ zacije događaja. Oni su jasan znak toga da organi­

Vrlo smo zadovoljni dosadašnjim stepenom isko­ rišćenosti kapaciteta ove godine. Kvalitet i veličina održanih događaja se odlično uklapaju u centar i savršeni su za naš portfolio. Postoji dobra ravnote­ ža između novih i redovnih korisnika. Konkretno, redovni korisnici su zadovoljni stand­ ardom tehničke infrastrukture i načinom na koji smo nastavili da unapređujemo centar. Naime, na tehničkom nivou, uvek smo vodili raču­ na o tome da budemo korak ispred trendova, što nam je već izgradilo međunarodnu reputaciju. Možete li nam reći nešto više o budućim planovi­ ma u okviru „zelenih aktivnosti”?

zatori vrlo ozbiljno shvataju kvalitet, potrošnju energije, očuvanje životne sredine i da žele da budu dobar primer drugima. Možete li da opišete kako izgledaju „zeleni sas­ tanci” u Salzburg Congress centru? Postoji sveobuhvatan spisak kriterijuma koje je po­ trebno ispuniti kako bi događaj bio sertifikovan kao zeleni sastanak u Salzburg Congress centru. U vreme potpisivanja ugovora menadžeri događaja obaveštavaju centar o tome da li je događaj u skla­ du sa principima ekološke održivosti. Tako organizatori dobijaju dovoljno vremena za ogla­ šavanje statusa zelenog sastanka/zelenog događaja prilikom privlačenja učesnika, predavača i drugih partnera. Da li možete da kažete nešto više o aktivnostima u vezi sa trendom internacionalizacije u Salzburg Congress centru? Procenat međunarodnih i evropskih kongresa koji se održavaju u kongresnom centru stalno raste. U 2017. godini njihov udeo iznosio je oko 75%. Značajna ulaganja u tehnološku infrastrukturu do­vela su do toga da centar ispunjava najviša oče­ kivanja čak i tehnički najzahtevnijih kongresa.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

Naši ciljevi su očuvanje prirodnih resursa i optimiza­ cija energetske efikasnosti, kao i podsticanje priho­ da na regionalnom nivou. Ova strategija predstav­ lja najveći prioritet u gradu kao što je Salcburg, čiji je prelepi stari grad upisan na UNESCO-vu listu svetske baštine. Svakodnevno preuzimamo i delimo ovu odgovornost sa svojim dobavljačima i pružaocima usluga, saradnicima, korisnicima i posvećenim timom zaposlenih, čime garantujemo konceptualnu i praktičnu implementaciju zelenih sastanaka i zelenih događaja. Ovo je posao koji živimo i dišemo! Milica Novak

congress center

Salzburg Congress – a Green Location Certificate Owner

It’s a Job We Live and Breathe! Mr. Herbert Brugger, CEO at Salzburg Congress

Salzburg is a city in central Austria, at the north­ ern edge of the Alps. It is a very popular tourist destination for its Baroque architecture and gen­ eral prettiness and is the birthplace of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Also, it is becoming more and more popular with event organizers since Salz­ burg Congress is a proud owner of Green Location certificate.

teeing an honest approach to events that meet the very highest standards. “Green Meetings” and “Green Events” enhance credibility by signalising the fact that a company or organisation is prepared to be subjected to

On that issue and others regarding “green activiti­ es”, we have discussed with CEO at Salzburg Cong­ ress, Mr. Herbert Brugger. As our Cover Story for this issue are CSR activiti­ es, one of them are definitely Green Meetings. Could You tell us more about your Green Meeting Certificate? Environmental protection and ecological sustain­ ability are issues of ever-increasing significance – and that’s certainly the case as regards the staging of events and congresses. Salzburg Congress is a certified “Green Location”, which in turn entitles us to issue certificates for events that qualify as “Green Meetings” and “Green Events” – guaran­

scrutiny by a third party in order to benefit the environment. At certified events the participants are directed to EcoLabel hotels, the catering com­

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


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panies are obliged to used regionally farmed and sourced products, FSC-certified pens are used, and there is a conscious effort to avoid the use of large amounts of paper and other materials

75%. Significant investment in technological infra­structure has enabled the facility to meet the highest expectations of even the most technically demanding congresses. So far this year we have been very pleased with the degree of capacity utilisation. The quality and scale of the events have been wellsuited to the facility and they fit perfectly into our portfolio. There is a good balance between new and regular customers. In particular, the latter appreciate the standard of technical infrastructure and the way in which we have continued to develop the venue. In fact, on a technical level, we have always made sure we are one step ahead of the trends, which is something that has already gained us an interna­ tional reputation.

Do the event organizers recognize the importance of Green Meetings and in which extent? Green meetings and events are far more than a trend and have long since become a matter of hon­ our in the event sector. They are a clear sign that organisers are taking the issues of quality, energy consumption and environmental management very seriously and wish to set a good example for others.

Could You tell our readers something about fu­ ture plans in terms of “green activities”? Our goal is to preserve natural resources, and to optimise energy efficiency and regional profit generation. This strategy has the utmost priority in a city like Salzburg, whose beautiful old town is a registered UNESCO world heritage site. Every day we take on and share this responsibility with our suppliers and service providers, associ­

Please describe how does Green Meet­ ing look like at Salzburg Congress? There is comprehensive list of criteria to work through in order to gain certification as a Green Meeting at Salzburg Congress. At the time the contract is signed the managers of the event are expected to inform Salzburg Congress as to whether the event should be held subject to the principles of ecological sustainability. This gives the organisers plenty of time to advertise the “Green Meeting / Green Event” status when attracting partici­ pants, speakers and other event partners. Regarding activities, tell us about the trend to­ wards internationalisation at Salzburg Congress? The proportion of international and Europe-wide congresses being held at Salzburg Congress is in­ creasing steadily. In 2017 that share was at around


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

ates, customers and our dedicated team of em­ ployees to guarantee the conceptual and practical implementation of “Green Meetings” and “Green Events”. It’s a job we live and breathe! Milica Novak

istraživanje Koliko kompanije brinu o društvu?

Korporativna društvena odgovornost na događajima Koliko se u našem regionu organizuju događaji sa elementima korporativne druš­ tvene odgovornosti (CSR) i koliko se u organizaciji događaja u praksi stavlja fo­k­us na zelene sastanke i vođenju računa o (davanju zauzvrat) zajednici u kojoj se do­ga­ đaj organizuje, istraživali smo za ovaj broj SEEbtm magazina. S obzirom na to da je korporativna društvena odgo­ vornost bitan segment poslovanja svake ozbiljne i veće kompanije i organizacije, većina ispitanika, 76.5%, je prisustvovala događaju koji je imao implementirane elemente CSR (Grafik 1).

Kod same organizacije ovakvih događaja, situacija je malo drugačija. U ovom slučaju, nešto više od 50% ispitanih je organizovalo ovakav događaj. Skoro da je slučaj „pola-pola“ onih koji jesu i koji nisu nikada organizovali ovaj tip događaja (Grafik 2).

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i s t r a ž i v a n j e Prema mišljenju učesnika u ovom istraživanju, najčešći oblik korporativne društvene odgovornosti jesu ekološki pristupi u proizvodnji i pružanju usluga (njih 70.6% je selektovalo ovaj vid CSR), nešto manje od toga, skoro 60% ispitanika je obeležio kao najčešći vid prikupljanje različitih vrsta donacija, kao i poštovanje ljudskih prava zaposlenih. Sledeći vid CSR koji se ističe jesu tim bilding aktivnosti sa implementiranom notom korporativno društvene odgovornosti, kao što je recimo sadnja drveća, čišće­ nje parkova i slično, a ističu se i zeleni sastanci/doga­ đaji kao vidovi CSR aktivnosti (Grafik 3).


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S tim u vezi, 47% ispitanika je prikupljalo neku vrstu donacije na događaju (Grafik 4 - 5), a isto toliko ispi­ tanika se izjasnilo da je organizovalo zeleni sastanak odnosno događaj. Na osnovu odgovora dobijenih istraživanjem, zeleni događaj najčešće podrazumeva recikliranje, deljenje vozila prilikom dolaska na isti, korišćenje materijala u digitalnom obliku (umesto štampanog), zatim upotre­ ba biorazgradivih tanjira/čaša/pribora. Praktikuje se i povećanje energetske efikasnosti korišćenjem odgovarajućeg osvetljenja, doniranje

ostataka hrane, upotreba lokalnih namirnica, kao i angažovanje lokalne radne snage. Od navedenog, najređe se praktikuje posluženje pića ili začina iz većih ambalaža (Grafik 6), što je svakako nešto na čemu event planeri treba da porade, s obzi­ rom na to da se velike uštede u finansijskom i ekološ­ kom smislu mogu napraviti posluženjem. Na primer vode iz većih bokala umesto davanje stotina flašica na nekom događaju.

Tatjana Radovič iz Kongresnog biroa Ljubljane navodi još neke primere ne samo za održavanje zelenih sasta­ naka već i za kreiranje zelene destinacije, što Ljubljana svakako jeste. Ona navodi terenske primere zelenih projekata i dobrih praksi (zeleni nabavni lanac, urbano pčelar­ stvo, zatvaranje centra grada za promet i novi principi urbane mobilnosti). Kao jedan od gore navedenih vidova CSR aktivnosti koji se koriste, jesu i tim bilding aktivnosti.

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Konkretno, oko 65% ispitanika je organizovalo tim bil­ ding aktivnosti koje imaju elemente CSR (sadnja drve­ ća, čišćenje parkova i sl., Grafik 7). Ono što je uočljivo, jeste da je veliki procenat (88.2%) onih koji smatraju da kompanija u kojoj rade praktikuje ekološke pristupe u proizvodnji i/ili pružanju usluga (Grafik 8). Sa druge strane, učesnici u ovom istraživanju smatraju da na polju društvene korporativne odgovornosti ima dosta prostora za napredak i poboljšanje, s obzirom na to da je većina (52.9%) navela da smatra da se kompanija za koju rade ne bavi dovoljno korporativnom društvenom odgovornosti (Grafik 9). Miona Milić


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How Much Do Companies Care About Society?

Corporate Social Responsibility at Events In this SEEbtm issue, we look at how much do events in our region include elem­ en­ts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how much focus does event pla­ nn­ing actually place on green meetings and taking care of (giving back to) the co­m­m­unity where events take place. Considering that corporate social responsibility is an important segment of any serious big company or organization, most of the respondents – 76.5% – attended an event that incorporated elements of CSR (Chart 1). As for the very planning of such events,


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the situation is slightly different. In this case, some­ what more than 50% of the respondents had organ­ ized an event like this. The split is nearly “fifty-fifty” between those who have and those who have never organized this type of event (Chart 2).

According to the participants in the survey, the most common form of corporate social responsibility is en­vi­ ronmental approach in production and service delive­ ry (70.6% selected this type of CSR), closely foll­owed by raising different types of donations and respecting employees’ human rights with almost 60% of the res­pondents. The next form of CSR that stands out are team build­ ing activities that have a corporate social responsibi­ lity angle, such as tree planting, park cleaning, and the like, as well as green meetings/events (Chart 3). In this regard, 47% of the respondents had raised some type of donation at an event, and the same per­ centage stated that they had organized a green meet­ ing or event. Based on the responses obtained from the survey, a green event usually involves recycling,

ride sharing to the event, using materials in digital forms (ins­te­ad of printed), and using biodegradable plates/cups/utensils. Efforts are invested towards increasing energy efficien­ cy by using appropriate lighting, donating food lef­t­o­ vers, using locally sourced food, as well as hiring local workforce. Of the above, the least common is serving drinks or spices from larger packaging (Chart 4), which is certa­ inly something that event planners should address, since catering can enable big savings financially and environmentally. For example, water can be served at an event in big pitchers instead of hundreds of bottles. Tatjana Radovic from the Ljubljana Tourism/Conventi­ on Bureau listed some other examples not only for green meetings but also for creating green desti­na­

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s u r v e y tions, which Ljubljana certainly is. She mentioned on-site examples of green projects and best practices (green supply chain, urban beekeeping, road closure in the city center, and new principles of urban mobility). Among the above types of CSR activities that are used are also team building activities. Specifically, around 65% of the respondents had orga­ nized team bu­ilding activities with elements of CSR (tree planting, park cleaning, etc.).


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

Notably, a large share (88.2%) of the respondents be­li­e­ ve that the company they work for applies environ­men­ tal approaches in production and/or service delivery. On the other hand, the survey participants think the area of corporate social responsibility has plenty ro­om for improvement, given that a majority (52.9%) stated that the company they work for is insufficiently enga­ ged in corporate social responsibility. Miona Milic


primer iz prakse Doprinos društvu je obaveza svake kompanije

CSR primeri iz prakse regiona Divno je kada se rodi lepa ideja da se nekom pomogne. Pojedincu, zajednici, planeti. Ali kako isplanirati taj događaj? Koliko god da je tehnički deo organizacije važan, što je neosporno, važna je i sama implementacija ideje o pomoći. I na šta je važno obratiti posebnu pažnju? CSR aktivnost treba da bude deo korporativnih vrednosti kompanije Vizija i misija koju imate u vezi sa pomoći treba da bude tekstualno formulisana. Potrudite se da ona što vernije opiše vrednosti kom­ panije u kojoj radite, da istakne ono što je najbitnije. CSR treba da bude jedan od ključnih elemenata koji će vam pomoći u formulaciji.

Sumirajte/rezimirajte trenutne CSR aktivnosti Definišite akcije koje vaša kompanija trenutno sporo­ vodi tako što ćete razmisliti o postojećm, ali i potenci­ jalnim CSR aktivnostima. Bićete iznenađeni rezimeom. Zatim napravite listu aktivnosti, prikažite je svojim kolegama i porazgova­ rajte o njoj. Otkrićete mnoge stvari na kojima je potrebno da radite dodatno, tj. da ih razradite. Napravite listu problema koje uočavate, razmislite o aktivnostima koje vam mogu pomoći da ih rešite i pretvorite ih u neku vrstu pomoći za vašu okolinu. Istovremeno, morate biti svesni očekivanja koja vaša okolina ima od vas kao kompanije.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

Planovi treba da budu realni Lako se „zamaštamo“ kada se radi o CSR aktivnosti. Jedno je želiti da spasite svet, a sasvim drugo su mo­ gućnosti da to uradite. Svaki, čak i najmanji pomak, ili dobro delo, svet već čini boljim mestom za život.

Uključite svoje kolege Kolegama i saradnicima treba da objasnite suštinu CSR aktivnosti koju planirate i zamolite ih za pomoć u osmišljavanju i/ili organizaciji. Ljudi koji učestvuju sa vama u ovoj humanoj misiji treba da veruju u ceo projekat. Da se poistovete sa njim, da osete da je to što od njih tražite korisno za zajednicu, ali i za njih kao pojednice. Na kraju, treba da budu motivisani, puni entuzijazma i da proslave svaki zajednički uspeh u implementaciji CSR aktivnosti.

Informišite javnost o tome šta radite Večita moralna dilema: da li svi treba da znaju da ste učinili dobro delo ili ne? Neki smatraju da ih treba raditi u tišini, bez obaveštavanja javnosti.

Lično, smatram da to nije dobro. Kompanije, ali i poje­ dinci, treba da budu primer dobre prakse. I javnost to treba da zna. Sigurno vam se nekada desilo da vam je neko bio inspiracija za nešto. Obaveštavanje javnosti o lepim i korisnim stvarima upravo tome i služi – da podigne svest o nečemu.

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Vi ćete postići više i rezultati će biti vidljivi ako dozvoli­ te da CSR aktivnosti budu poznate! A šta na ovom polju rade neke od kompanija u našem regionu i šta su bile njihove ideje, pročitajte u redovi­ ma koji slede.

L’ORÉAL Citizen Day, Srbija „Svake godine L’Oréal grupa organizuje Citizen Day – dan do­ prinosa lokalnim zajednicama u kom učestvuju svi zaposleni širom sveta. Ova inicijativa, koja se sprovodi kao dan volontiranja u zajednici, omogućava zapos­ lenima da posvete čitav radni dan pružanju podrške lokalnim zajednicama i korisnicima neprofitnih organizacija u sferi socijalne zaštite i zaštite životne sredine. Ove godine je velika volonterska akcija održana u inkluzivnom centru „Mesto susreta“ u Zemun Polju, u kojoj je učestvovalo više od 100 volontera i donirano je više od 800 radnih sati. U sklopu akcije formirana su dva senzorna vrta sa preko 200 sadnica, kao deo buduće terapije za koris­ nike, oslikana su 3 velika zidna murala koja će dopri­

neti pozitivnoj atmosferi u dvorištu centra i uređen je sportski teren za košarku i fudbal koji posećuju korisnici centra i lokalno stanovništvo.

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Pripremljeno je i preko 100 kilograma džema od kaj­ sije, dok je kroz kreativne radionice napravljen veliki broj različitih proizvoda koje inkluzivni centar prodaje pojedincima i kompanijama, kao deo strategije održivog poslovanja ove ustanove.“ Sanja Burg, Corporate Communication Director Balkan Region

„Budi ono što želiš da vidiš kod drugih“– SEEbtm Party, Srbija „SEEbtm Party, regionalno okup­ljanje kongresne industrije, ove godine organizujemo po sedmi put. Na prethodnom smo ugostili oko 250 zvanica iz sveta orga­nizacije događaja, naših partnera, kolega i saradnika. Ono što je večeri dalo posebnu važnost jeste to što smo uspešno organizovali i akciju humanitarnog karaktera, tačnije prikupljanja novčanih sredstava za NURDOR – Nacionalno udruženje roditelja dece obolelih od raka, u vidu simbolične „ulaznice” za događaj, kada je sakupljeno i donirano preko 108.000,00 RSD. „Budi ono što želiš da vidiš kod drugih“ bio je naš moto, a sve zvanice su sa zado­ voljstvom podržale ovu našu zamisao, učestvovale

u njoj i time nas podstakle da ovo postane standard kada se radi o događaju SEEbtm Party. Ove godine ćemo se ponovo svi videti 15. novembra, i takođe organizovati humanitarnu akciju. Cena ulaznice biće 999,00 RSD, a sav prihod biće doniran upravo u ove svrhe.“ Miona Milić, Kreativni direktor SEEbtm događaja

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„Volimo blagdane jer volimo jedni druge”– Konzum, Hrvatska Kompanija Konzum drugu godinu sprovodi blagdan­ sku kampanju „Volimo blagdane jer volimo jedni druge” kroz koju čaroliju blagdana dijele s kupcima i zaposlenicima, a već tradicionalno pomažu potrebite. Konzumova blagdanska kućica je tijekom Adventa 2017. godine obišla zemlju kako bi širila čaroliju u Is­ tri, Dalmaciji, Slavoniji, na sjeveru zemlje, i u Zagrebu. U svakom gradu prikupljale su se donacije za lo­kal­nu udrugu koju su odabrali samo zaposlenici Konzuma, a građani su sudjelovali simboličnom donacijom od 10 kuna za koju su, kao uspomenu na dobro djelo, kući ponijeli igračku.

Zahvaljujući ovoj uspješnoj inicijativi Konzum je do­na­ciju od 25.000,00 KN omogućio udrugama iz Zagreba, Varaždina, Osijeka, Pule, Splita, Vukovara, Rijeke i Dubrovnika. Nakon što se čarolija blagdana proširila cijelom zem­ljom, predstavnici Konzuma su posjetili udruge i donacijama razveselili više od 6.000 štićenika domova i udruga. Konzum

Dobre priče nastavljamo – BH Telecom, Bosna i Hercegovina „Kompanija BH Telecom je posredstvom više sponzorskih aranžmana u posljednjih 13 godina u društvenu zajednicu uložila više od 43 miliona KM u razvoj sporta, kulture i humani­ tarnih projekata. Ona je najveći donator u Bosni i Hercegovini s ob­zirom na to da je jedina kompanija u zemlji koja kontinuirano godišnje donira 1 milion KM različitim organizacijama. U posljednjih 12 godina BH Telecom je donirao uku­pan iznos od 16,5 miliona KM u svrhu realizacije brojnih projekata iz oblasti kulture, obrazovanja, razvoja zdravstva i pomoći javnim kuhinjama.

Posebno smo ponosni na doniran 1 milion KM za saniranje stambenih jedinica od poplavljenih područja. Takođe, brinemo o osobama sa poseb­ nim potrebama pružajući kontinuiranu podršku Udruženju slepih osoba FBiH kroz njihovo zapoš­ ljavanje u Call centru. Trenutno kod nas rade 223 osobe sa invaliditetom.” mr. Nađa Lutvikadić-Fočo, Šef Odjela za korporativne komunikacije

Benefiti CSR aktivnosti za kompaniju su mnogi. Bolja prepoznatljivost samog brenda, pozitivna poslovna reputacija, skok prodaje, povećana lojalnost klijenata i još mnogo toga. „Dobra kompanija nudi odlične proizvode i usluge. Odlična kompanija takođe nudi odlične proizvode i usluge, ali teži tome da svet učini boljim”, Philip Kotler Milica Novak


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

example from practice Contribution to the Community Is the Responsibility of Each Company

CSR Case Studies of the Region It’s wonderful when a good idea to help someone is born. To help an individual, community, planet. But how to plan such an event? Whatever is the extent of importance of the technical part of the organization, which is indisputable, the implementation of the idea of assistance is also important. And what’s important to pay special attention to? CSR activity should be a part of the company’s corporate values The vision and mission you have about the assistance should be textually formulated. Try to make it as precise descriptive as possible, following the values of the company you work in, highlighting what is most important. The CSR should be one of the key elements to help in formulating it.

Summarize/make a resume of current CSR activities Define the actions your company is currently imple­ menting by considering both the existing and poten­tial CSR activities. You will be surprised by the resume. Then, make a list of activities, show it to your colleagues and discuss it. You will discover many things that require your additional efforts and attention, so elaborate them. Make a list of problems you identify, consider the ac­ tivities that can help you to solve them and turn them into some kind of help for your environment. At the same time, you must be aware of the expecta­ tions that your environment has of you as a company.

Plans should be realistic We easily get “caught up” when it comes to CSR ac­ tivities. One thing is to want to save the world, and completely the other are the possibilities to do so. Each, even the smallest, shift, or a good deed, makes the world a better place to live.

Engage your colleagues Colleagues and associates should be explained the essence of the CSR activities you are planning and ask them to help with the design and/or organization. People who are participating with you in this human mission should believe in the whole project. They sho­uld identify themselves with it, feel that what you are looking for is useful both for the community, and also for them as individuals. In the end, they should be motivated, full of enthusiasm, and celebrate each com­ mon success in the implementation of CSR activities.

Inform the public about what you are doing Eternal moral dilemma: Do everyone need to know that you did a good deed or not? Some feel that they should work in silence, without informing the public.

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Personally, I think it’s not good. Companies, but also individuals, should be an example of good practice. And the public should know that. It must have hap­ pened that you were inspired by someone to do something. Informing the public about beautiful and useful things shall serve for that purpose exactly –

raise the awareness of something. You will achieve more and the results will be evitable if you allow CSR activities are known! And what some of the companies in our region do in this field and what their ideas are, read in the lines that follow.

L’ORÉAL Citizen Day, Serbia “Every year, the L’Oréal Group organizes a Citizen Day and all employees from all over the world take part in. This initiative, as a day of com­ munity volunteering enables employees to devote an entire day of working time to supp­ ort the local communities and beneficiaries of non-profit organizations in the social and environmental area. This year, a great voluntary action, in which more than 100 volunteers took part and more than 800 working hours were donated, was held in the in­clusion center “Meeting Point” in Zemun Polje (Belgrade, Serbia). Within the action, two sensory gardens with over 200 seedlings were formed as a part of future therapy for users, three big murals were painted on the walls which will contribute to

a positive atmosphere in the yard of the center, and a sports courts for basketball and football for the us­ers of the center and the local population were redecorated. Over 100 kilograms of apricot jam were prepared, while a number of different products were made through creative workshops. Those products will be further offered to individuals and companies by the inclusive center as part of the sustainable business strategy of this institution.” Sanja Burg, Corporate Communication Director Balkan Region

“Be what you want to see in others”– SEEbtm Party, Serbia “SEEbtm Party, a regional gath­ ering of the congress industry, is being organized this year for the seventh time. At the last one we hosted about 250 guests from the world of event organization, our partners, colleagues and associates. What gave the night a particular importance was that we successfully organized humanitarian activity as well, namely, the collection of funds for NURDOR – the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer, in a form of a symbolic “ticket” for the event, when it was collected and donated more than 108,000 RSD. “Be what you want to see in others” was our moto, and all the guests were pleased to


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

support this idea, took part in it, and encouraged us to make this a standard when it comes to the SEEbtm Party. This year, we will all see each other again on Novem­ ber 15th, and also organize a humanitarian campaign. The price of the ticket will be 999,00 RSD, and all income will be donated exactly to charity.” Miona Milic, Creative Director of SEEbtm Party

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“We love holidays because we love each other”– Konzum, Croatia For the second year, Konzum conducts a holiday campaign “We love holidays because we love each other” and through it, the spell of the holidays is shared with customers and employees, and tradi­ tionally help the ones who need the help. During the Advent in 2017, Konzum’s holiday house visited the country to spread magic in Istria, Dal­ matia, Slavonia, in the north of the country, and in Zagreb. In each city, donations were collected for a local association chosen by Konzum employees only, and the citizens participated with a symbolic donation of 10 KN and got the toy, as a memory of a good deed.

Thanks to this successful initiative, Konzum has pro­ vided a donation of 25,000 KN to associations from Zagreb, Varazdin, Osijek, Pula, Split, Vukovar, Rijeka and Dubrovnik. After the magic of the holidays spread throughout the country, representatives of Konzum visited as­ sociations, gave donations and cheered more than 6,000 people. Konzum

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Continuing With Good Stories – BH Telecom “In the last 13 years, BH Telecom invested more than 43 million KM to the local community thro­ugh sponsorships of various sports, cultural and humanita­ rian projects. BH Telecom is also the largest con­tributor to humanitarian causes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the only company in the country that continuously donates 1 million KM annually to various humanitarian organizations. In the last 12 years, BH Telecom donated a total amount of 16.5 million KM for the implementation of numerous projects in the field of culture, educa­ tion, health services and funding of public kitchens.

We are particularly proud of our donation of 1 mil­ lion KM for the rehabilitation of residential units in flood-affected areas. We care for people with special needs through our continuous support to the Associ­ ation of Blind Persons FBiH, providing employment for its members in our Call Center. We currently em­ploy 223 disabled individuals.” mr. Nadja Lutvikadic-Foco, Corporate Communication Manager

Benefits of the CSR activities for the company are nu­ merous. Better recognition of the brand itself, positive business reputation, sales sudden increase, increased customer loyalty and more. “A good company offers excellent products and services. A great company also offers excellent products and services but also strives to make the world a better place”, Philip Kotler. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019



Hotel Regent Porto Montenegro

Drugo ime za luksuzan poslovni turizam Jelena Čabarkapa, menadžerka prodaje hotela Regent Porto Montenegro

Hotelu Regent Porto Montenegro Jelena Čabarkapa priključila se pre pola dece­ nije na poziciji ličnog asistenta generalnog menadžera u timu zaduženom za prip­ remu otvaranja hotela. Nakon toga, prelazi u tim prodaje i marketinga na poziciju menadžerke prodaje na kojoj se nalazi i danas. Sa njom smo razgovarali o poslovnoj filozofiji koja je za njih ključ uspeha i budućim planovima. Timu hotela Regent Porto Montenegro ste se priklju­ čili pre pet godina u pre opening fazi. Sa ove distance, koliko su se očekivanja i planovi na polju kongresnog turizma poklopili i ostvarili? Ponosna sam što sam bila dio osnivanja hotela Regent Porto Montenegro te nakon skoro pet godina mogu reći da sam dio tima koji je doprinio razvoju luksuznog turizma u Crnoj Gori. Iako vodim segment prodaje koja je orjentisana ka korporativnom segmentu u regionu sa slobodom mogu posvjedočiti da se naša zemlja u relativno krat­ kom roku pozicionirala kao nova luksuzna destinacija te u proteklih nekoliko godina stasava kao međuna­ rodno prepoznata MICE destinacija. Danas bilježimo zaključenu saradnju sa više od 200 domaćih kompanija; vladinih i međunarodnih organi­ zacija i 300 uspješno održanih događaja. Vaša poslovna filozofija izgrađena je na premisi „five star know-how“. Na koji način je implemen­ tirate u svakodnevno poslovanje?


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

Vrlo pažljivo pratimo trendove u poslovanju naših kli­je­nata i njihove aktivnosti u cilju prilagođivanja naših ponuda. Takođe, njegujemo razvoj partnerskog odnosa i organizaciju zajedničkih događaja u prilikama i lokacija­ ma koje su optimalne za udružene aktivnosti. U kreira­ nju ponuda uzimamo u obzir sve specifičnosti potreba naših klijenata, te shodno tome kreiramo po­nu­de ili pak planiramo prilagodbu ponuda za nastupajuću godinu. Nedavno ste najavili i proširenje kapaciteta kojom ćete dodatno obogatiti korporativnu ponudu. O čemu se radi i šta možemo očekivati? Regent Porto Montenegro će tokom ljeta 2019. godi­ ne otvoriti novo Baia krilo hotela koje će doprinijeti diversifikaciji ponude novim kategorijama soba. Podsjećam da je hotel Regent otvorio krilo Venecija 1. avgusta 2014., dok je Aqua krilo otvoreno tokom jula prošle godine. Sada raspolažemo sa 149 atraktivnih smještajnih jedinica a sledeće godine sa dodatnih 70 jedinica. Mirjana Jokić

interview Regent Porto Montenegro

Another Name for Luxury Business Travel Jelena Cabarkapa, Sales Manager at Hotel Regent Porto Montenegro

Jelena Cabarkapa joined the Regent Porto Montenegro as the general manager’s PA (Personal Assistant) in the team that was preparing the opening of the hotel half a decade ago. After that, she moved to the sales and marketing team as the sales manager, a position she holds today. We talked with her about the business philosophy that is the company’s key to success, as well as future plans. You joined the Regent Porto Montenegro team five years ago in its pre-opening stage. From today’s pers­ pective, how much have your expectations and plans regarding the MICE industry come to fruition? I am proud to have participated in the opening of the Regent Porto Montenegro, and after nearly five years I can say that I’m part of the team that contributed to the growth of luxury travel in Montenegro. Although I run a sales segment that focuses on the regional B2B segment, I firmly believe that our country positioned itself as a new luxury destination in a relatively short time, becoming an internationally recognized MICE destination over the last few years. Today, we can say we cooperated with more than 200 domestic companies; government and international organizations and we have 300 successful organized events. Your business philosophy was built on the premise of five-star know-how. How do you implement it in your day-to-day operations?

We monitor the trends in our clients’ industries and their activities very closely in order to adapt our of­ fering. In addition, we foster the development of part­ nerships and joint events in instances and locations that are optimal for joint activities. When designing our offering, we take into account all of our clients’ specific needs and accordingly create bids or even plan to adapt for the coming year. You recently announced an expansion that would further expand your B2B offering. What does this include exactly and what can we expect? During the summer of 2019, the Regent Porto Mon­ tenegro will open Baia – a new wing that will further diversify our offering with new room categories. If you recall, the Regent opened its Venice wing on August 1st, 2014, while the Aqua wing was opened in July last year. Now we have 149 excellent accommo­ dation units, and next year we’ll have another 70. Mirjana Jokic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019



Organizujte događaj u Press centru Kombank dvorane

kongresni centar

Press centar – Kombank dvorana

Press centar nalazi se na prvom spratu Kombank dvorane (rekonstruisanog Do­ ma sindikata) kulturno zaštićenog objekta sa višedecenijskom tradicijom i at­rak­ti­ vnom lokacijom u centru Beograda, na Trgu Nikole Pašića. Press centar predstavlja mo­der­nizovan ambijent ide­alan za organizaciju press konferencija različitog tipa, prezentacija, panel diskusija, predavanja, promocija, semi­ nara, okruglih stolova, ali i iz­ložbi i umetničkih postavki. Smešten u prostranom delu dvorane, bogatom dnev­ nom svetlošću, raspolaže kapacitetom u kom se može smestiti do 100 ljudi. Klijentima je na raspolaganju koriš­ćenje najsavremenije opreme za video prezentovanje radova učes­nika skupova, konferencijsko ozvučenje po poslednjim audio parametrima i korišćenje besplat­ nog Interneta.

Istovremeno, oslanjajući se na stru­čnost tima Kombank dvorane i tradiciju objekta klijenti mogu da računaju na uspešnost i profesio­ nalnost u realizaciji svog događaja. Takođe, postoji mogućnost korišće­ nja garderobe, VIP zone za koktele i kafe pauze, kao i ugostiteljskih usluga.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


congress center

Press Center – Kombank Hall

Organize an Event at Kombank Hall’s Press Center Press center is located on the first floor of the Kombank Hall (reconstructed Hall of the House Union) of a cultural protected object with a decades-old tradition and an attractive location in the center of Belgrade on the Nikola Pasic Square. Press center represents a modern environment ideal for organizing press conferences of various types, presentations, panel discussions, lectures, pro­ motions, seminars, round tables, as well as exhibiti­ ons and artistic settings. Located in the large part of the hall, rich in daylight, it has a capacity of up to 100 people. Clients have the opportunity to use the latest equipment for video presentation of works by partici­ pants of conferences, conference sounds according to the latest au­dio parameters and use of free Internet.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

At the same time, relying on the expertise of the Kombank team, clients can count on the suc­c­ess and professionalism in the reali­ zation of their event. Customers also have a wardrobe, VIP zone for cocktails and coffee breaks, catering services.

mišljenje stručnjaka

Korporativna društvena odgovornost

Čineći drugima činimo i sebi Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut, lajf kouč

Sam termin korporativne društvene odgovornosti postaje sve više aktuelan, iako je još uvek u razvoju. Trend savremenih i manjih i većih kompanija, kao i dru­gih institucija, da razvijaju segment društveno odgovornog poslovanja je u kon­ti­nu­ iranom porastu i postaje princip po kome se prepoznaju principi solidar­nos­ti, morala i etičkog poslovanja, razvoja, uticaja na korporativnu zajed­nicu i zajednicu uopšte – prepoznaje se opšta uspešnost poslovanja. Osvešćenost sveukupne odgovor­ nosti na različitim nivoima poslova­ nja postaje profesionalni imperativ delo­vanja i malih sistema, ali i on­ih najvećih, kao što su državne institucije, pa i sama država, ali u osnovi svake osvešćenosti i svake odgo­vornosti – temelj pripada pojedincu. Danas se taj pojedinac zove odgo­vorno lice, međutim sva­ ka individua prepoznaje opšti i lični vrednosni okvir kroz koji uobličava delovanje ka drugima. Psihološka perspektiva, pored os­talih, prepoznaje kao posebno značajne aspekte samopoštova­ nja, samoefikasnosti i potrebu za poštovanjem od strane drugih. Ti faktori dalje značajno utiču na samopouzdanje, svakako kreiranje

slike sebe u sopstvenim, ali i u oči­ ma drugih. Iako se često susreće­ mo sa komentarima da nekog nije briga šta drugi misle o njemu, takve izjave nemaju utemeljenost o istini. U biti, svakome je veoma stalo do mišljenja drugih i svako se, na sebi svojstven način, trudi da plasira što bolju sliku sebe svetu, čak i (u periodima) kada sam sobom nije zadovoljan. Zadržavajući psihološki ugao pos­ matranja, vratimo se na trenutak odrastanju i prisetimo se najmlađih članova našeg društva – dece. Jedna od razvojnih faza najranijeg detinjstva podrazumeva negativnu reakciju deteta na sve što mu se nudi. Iako je ta faza često iritirajuća za roditelje, pripada razvoju i kao

takva je sasvim primerena. Odgo­ vor „NE!“, nakon nekog vremena zamenjuje prihvatanje, odnosno odgovor „DA“ na sugestije roditelja i okoline, ali to da se izgovara sa razlogom da, da bih bio dobar! Da bi me drugi prihvatali, voleli, nagrađivali... Tek nakon te faze, prema naučnim istraživanjima, uobičajeno oko tre­ će godine, dete počinje sa takozva­ nim „voljnim DA“. Čak i veoma mala deca imaju potrebu da budu dobra, da bi bila prihvaćena. Odrastanje i, po­se­b­no – aktivno odraslo doba, taj seg­ment stavlja u sam vrh dru­š­t­veno poželjnih osobina, često oprede­ljućih, kako za socijalne kon­ta­kte, tako i za pro­ fesionalni razvoj i karijeru. Time se ne misli na poslušnost, već na

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


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kategoriju pleme­nitosti, saradlji­ vosti, empa­tije – sluha za potrebe drugih, spremnosti da se pomo­ gne, odricanje od predrasuda, stereotipa i svakog vida diskri­ minacije, kao i aktivno učešće u humanističkim aktivnostima. Da li je svaki čovek rođen sa kapa­ citetom da čini dobra dela, pitanje je koje izaziva oprečne odgovore. Poznato je da nijedna generaliza­ cija ne vodi istini, pa samim tim ne možemo ni ljude podeliti na plemenite i one koji to nisu. Izvesno je da svaki prosečan čovek nosi lične resurse za odgovornost i za dobra dela. I činjenica je da čineći drugima – činimo i sebi. Ovog puta to ne proističe (najčeš­ će) iz potrebe da bi nas drugi prepo­znali kao dobra, dušebrižna bića, već zato što se individua ose­ ća dobro, ponekad i moćno, kada učini bilo šta pozitivno. Pomažući drugima, zapravo po­ma­žemo sebi, bilo da smo to pre­poz­nali kao vodeći motiv ili ne. Plemenit čin podiže samopoštovanje i aktivira


„organ“ pleme­nitosti koji svaki, po­ novo – najprosečeniji čovek ima. Iako se u svakom činjenju može pro­naći i instrumentalni motiv („ra­dim nešto sa konkretnim ciljem da imam (ne)pos­re­dan interes od toga“), već sama spremnost da čini­ mo nešto za druge nas činjenično čini boljim ljudima. Drugim rečima, naš život dobija sasvim konkretan smisao!

Pitanje smisla „Ne pita se čovek o smislu života, već život njemu postavlja pitanja na koja on treba da odgovori. A istina se nameće sama po sebi i ne treba joj posrednik“

Viktor Frankl

Pitanje koje su kroz istoriju postav­ ljali mnogi filozofi, egzistencijalisti je – pitanje smisla. Čovek, da bi se osećao dobro u sopstvenoj koži, nužno postavlja sebi, bar po­nekad, pitanje o smislu bivstvovanja, aktiv­ nosti, mišljenja... Odgovor ponekad pronalazimo, a ponekad ostaje u maglovitoj budućnosti koja traži

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

okvire u principima vere i religije, samosvesti, potvrde značajnih drugih ili ličnih uvida. Ne pos­toji garancija da će ikad dobijeni od­govor ili uvid zadovoljiti našu radoznalost i bazičnu potragu za smislom, posebno kada se osoba nađe u fazi životnih poteškoća, bilo psiholoških, socijalnih ili egzisten­ cijalnih. Sistem vrednosti se, pose­ bno u savremenom dobu, sve više razlikuje i na individualnom i na globalnom nivou. Ali, sa druge strane, upravo kada smo u najtežim situacijama, okol­ nost da smo, čak i tada, u moguć­ nosti da nekome pomognemo, os­ nažuje naše potencijale i resurse za lične borbe. Poznata rečenica „Kad ne možeš da pomogneš sebi – po­ mozi onome kome možeš“, vraća nas na Franklovu školu psihologi­ je/psihoterapije (Logoterapija) koja se prepoznaje kroz princip Odraz volje za smislom, sa posebnim ak­ centom na (samo)odgovornost, pri čemu je, kako sam Frankl ukazuje: „Čoveku za zdravlje neophodnije

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stanje težnje i borbe za cilj kojeg je dostojan.“ Dostojnost cilja biramo sami. Sistem visokih i poželjnih vrednosti je prepoznat i dovoljno transparentan, počev od individual­ nih principa pa do velikih sistema. Prepoznat je u religiji, u običnoj svakodnevnici, u umetnosti. Setimo se sjajnog filma „Pros­ledi dalje“ (Pay It Forward, Kevin Spa­ c­ey) i dečaka sa jednostavnom plemenitom idejom da svak učini po tri dobra dela, šireći ciklično dobročiniteljstvo. Poziv na humanost može imati razna imena koja će mu dodeliti moderno doba. Sva ta imena, odno­ sno značenja, u biti predstavljaju puteve ka istom cilju, a on je – ostati čovek u svakoj situaciji. Brinuti o bližnjima, ali i onima koji to nisu, kada za to imamo mogućnosti, jer – volja bi trebalo da postoji u svima nama. Biti i ostati plemenit i dostojan čovek

znači mnogo više od pukog uspeha ili preživljavanja, mnogo više od filozofskih pitanja. Pridržavajući se principa onoga što se danas naziva društvena, ali i lična odgovornost prema sebi, drugima i životu, više nego ikada postaje ultimatum po­ stojanja, pa i opstanka ljudske vrste.

Dragana Deh, Msc psiholog, sistemski psihoterapeut i lajf kouč, sa stručnim saradnicima kreira i održava tematske edukativne radionice kao i tim bilding radionice u skladu sa specifičnim potrebama manjih i većih kompanija.

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expert opinion

Corporate Social Responsibility

By Helping Others, We Actually Help Ourselves Dragana Deh, Psychology MSc, Systemic Therapist, Life Coach

The term corporate social responsibility itself is becoming increasingly relevant, although still evolving. The trend among today’s smaller and larger companies – as well as other institutions – of building the corporate social responsibility seg­ ment continues to grow, becoming a principle that speaks to the principles of so­ lidarity, morals, ethical business, growth, and impacts on the corporate and wider communities – those that reflect general business success. The awareness of overall responsi­ bility at different levels of business is becoming a professional impera­ tive of action even in small syst­ems, as well as the biggest ones such as government in­stitutions, and the state itself. However, at the core of any awareness and responsibil­ ity – the foundation dwells in the individual. Today, this individual is called a responsible person, but every individual recognizes the common and personal value frameworks that shape actions towards others. The psychological perspective rec­ ognizes, among others, the aspects of self-esteem, self-efficacy, and the need for respect by others as particularly important. These fac­


tors further significantly influence confidence and of course creating one’s image in one’s own eyes, as well as those of others. Although we often hear people say that they don’t care what others think about them, these statements are not roo­ted in truth. In essence, every­ one cares very much about the opi­nions of others, and everyone – in their own unique way – tries to project as best image as possible to the world, even (at times) when they’re not happy with themselves. Staying within the psychological standpoint, let’s take a quick look at growing up and remember the youngest members of our so­ci­ety – children. One of the de­ve­lop­men­ tal stages of earliest childhood

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

entails the child’s negative respon­ se to anything that is off­e­red. Although this stage is often irritat­ ing to parents, it is part of develop­ ment and as such is entirely appro­ priate. After some time, in place of “NO!” comes acceptance, respond­ ing with “YES” to the parents and environment’s suggestions, but the reasoning behind the spoken yes is yes, because that makes me good! It makes others accept me, love me, reward me... Only after this stage, according to research, usually around the third year, the child starts responding with the socalled “wilful YES.” Even very young children feel the need to be good in order to be accepted. Growing up and especially active adult age place this segment at the very top

of socially desirable traits, often making them decisive, both for social contacts and for professio­ nal development and career. This does not imply obedience, but instead the category of nobility, coo­perativeness, and empathy – sensitivity to the needs of o­thers, willingness to help, forgoing preju­ dices, stereotypes, and all forms of discrimination, as well as active participation in humanitarian ac­ti­vities. Whether every man is born with the capacity to do good is a ques­ tion that provokes conflicting ans­wers. It’s widely known that no generalization leads to truth, which means that we can’t classify people into noble ones or those who are not. It is certain that eve­ry average person holds personal resources for accountability and for good deeds. And the fact is that doing for others is doing for ourselves. In this instance, the sti­mulus is not (most often) need for others to recognize us as good, thoughtful beings, but rather the good and sometimes empowering feeling that comes from doing something

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positive. By helping others, we actually help ourselves, whether we recognize it as the driving mo­ tive or not. Noble acts boost self-esteem and trigger the “mechanism” of no­bi­li­ty that every – again, average – person has. Although in every act we can identify the instrumental motive (“I am doing something with the specific aim to (in)directly benefit from it”), the willingness to do so­mething for others itself in fact makes us better people. In other words, our life gets a very specific meaning!

thin­king... Sometimes the answer is found, and sometimes it remains in the hazy future that seeks stru­ctu­ res in the principles of faith and religion, self-awareness, confirma­ tion of significant personal or other insights. There is no guarantee that any response or insight we obtain would ever satiate our cu­riosity and basic search for meaning, es­pe­ci­ ally when a person is facing life’s struggles – whether psychologi­cal, social, or existential. Value systems, especially in the modern age, are increasingly diverging both indivi­ dually and globally.

The question of meaning

On the other hand, precisely when we are in the most difficult situati­ ons, the circumstance that, even then, we are able to help someone strengthens our potentials and resources for personal struggles. The famous sentence “When you can’t help yourself – help those you can” brings us back to Frankl’s school of psychology/psychothera­ py (logotherapy), which is identifi­ ed through the principle reflection of will to meaning, with a special focus on (self) accountability, as Frankl notes: “What man actually needs is not a tensionless state but

“Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that he is who is being asked. And the truth comes forward on its own and does not need an intermediary.”

Victor Frankl

A question that many philosoph­ers existentialists have raised throug­ hout history is the question of me­a­n­ing. A person, in order to feel good in their own skin, ne­cessarily won­d­ers, at least sometimes, a­bo­ ut the question of being, doing,

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

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e x p e r t


e x p e r t

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rather a striving and s­truggling for a worthwhile goal.” We are the ones who define a goal’s wort­ hiness. The system of high and de­sirable values ​​is recognized and sufficiently transparent, starting from individu­ al principles to large systems. It is recognized in religion, in everyday life, in art. Think of the excellent Pay It Forward, with Kevin Spacey, and the boy with a simple noble idea for every person to do three good deeds, spreading cyclical kin­dness. A call to humanity can have different names assigned by the modern age. All these names, or meanings, essentially represent paths towards the same goal, which is to stay human in every situation. Taking care of loved ones, as well as others, when we have the opp­or­tunity, because willingness sho­uld exist in all of us. Being and remaining a noble and worthy per­son me­ans far more than mere

success or survival, far more than philosophical questions. Staying to the principles of what is today called social and personal respon­ sibility towards oneself, to others, and to life is more than ever beco­ ming the ultimatum of existence and even survival of mankind.

Dragana Deh, M.Sc., psychology, systemic therapist and life coach, together with her fellow experts designs and holds themed educational workshops and team building workshops tailored to the specific needs of both smaller and larger companies. If you need any information, please contact us at (

tema broja 1+1=3

Pomaganje drugima je tim bilding na globalnom nivou Sasvim je jasno zbog čega se u poslednje vreme sve veći i veći broj kompanija odlučuje na društveno odgovorne aktivnosti. One pomažu ljudima da među­ sobno učvrste veze, upoznaju se, ojačaju komunikaciju, poprave je, usavrše. Saznaju jedni o drugima nešto što do tada nisu znali. Ali, i da pomognu onima kojima je pomoć zaista najpotrebnija. Donacije su uvek opcija i verovatno najčešći oblik korporativne druš­ tvene odgovornosti zbog manjka vremena. Sve ostalo zahteva orga­ nizaciju. Ipak, iako sve to već znate, uzmite u obzir i organizovanje tim bildinga u humanitarne svrhe, a mi ćemo se potruditi da vam predlozi­ ma u daljem tekstu pomognemo. Detnjstvo je, kažu, najbezbrižniji period života. Sećamo ga se, uglav­ nom, sa osmehom J. Isto, ako ne i bolje od onog koje smo mi imali, treba da obezbedimo i današnjoj deci. Svojoj i tuđoj. A nažalost, puno njih treba našu pomoć. I bezbroj je načina na koje im može­ mo pomoći. Jedan od njih je obez­ beđivanje i poklanjanje igračaka. Ali, koje su ručno pravljene! Ovaj tim bilding čak možete i organizo­ vati u saradnji sa nekim od domovi­ ma za nezbrinutu decu. Kako je ovo zamišljeno? Izbrojte ljude koji će u ovom izazovu učestvovati, a koji za

zadatak ima pravljenje igračaka pa ih podelite u timove koje broje isti ili približno isti broj učesnika. Treba da na ras­pola­ganju imaju nekoliko dana da istra­že kakve sve igračke mogu da napra­ve. Tu im mogu pomoći razni video klipovi na youtube-u. Svaka grupa treba da organizatoru prijavi šta će mu tačno od materijala biti potreb­ no da bi napravio određenu igračku i da to ponese sa sobom na dan kada se ova tim bilding aktivnost organizuje. Na raspolaganju mogu imati sat vremena. A deca kojoj ćete igračke donirati će biti sudije i odlučiti o pobedniku, tj. izabrati najlepšu igračku. Možete se sa njima dogovoriti i da vam oni sami naprave diplome za prva tri mesta. Nema lepše stvari na svetu od deči­ jeg osmeha, tu se svi slažemo! Kako za najmlađe treba obezbediti bezbrižno detinjstvo, i za one stare treba obezbediti što bezbrižniju

starost. Ako zbog ničeg drugog, onda zbog toga su nam, ipak, oni omogućili da sada uživamo u svemu što sada imamo. Kao znak male zah­ valnosti. Zajedno, timski, uz pomoć svojih kolega raspitajte se o starijim osobama koje žive same i nemaju pomoć oko svakodnevnih stvari poput odlaska u nabavku, na pri­ mer, ili sadnje cveća ispred zgrada u kojima žive. Sigurno ćete se setiti i nekoga iz svog komšiluka. Podelite se i dogovorite da tog određenog dana za njih obavite te stvari. Takođe, kada smo kod ove teme, možete se i organizovati i srediti neki park, zasaditi drvo ili urediti dvorište nekog ko to ne može sam da uradi. Još jedan od primera jeste onaj kojim možete pomoći lokalnu za­ jednicu kada se odlučite za lokaciju svojih tim bilding aktivnosti. Prvo se dobro raspitajte o karakte­ ristikama iste jer ona za cilj ima

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


t e m a

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angažovanje lokalne radne snage i korišćenje lokalnih namirnica i sastojaka. Istražite čime se ljudi ta­mo bave, šta je za njih specifično, šta proizvode, na koji način, po če­mu je ta regija poznata. Zašto ne biste npr. naučili da pravite sir, štrikate, spremate ribu na određe­ni način, ručno pravite neke predme­ te, spre­mate ajvar? U tome vam može pomoći upravo neko od lo­kal­nog stanovništva. Taj neko bi na početku mogao da objasni ceo proces izrade ili pripreme i tim koji najbrže izvrši zadatak ili po njego­ vom miš­ljenju najbolje, proglašava se pobed­nikom. Ako ste spremali neku hranu, zapakovane ostatke i neiskoriš­ćene proizvode možete donirati upravo lokalcima, a ako se radilo o pravljenju nekog predmeta, ostatak materijala možete ponuditi nekoj lokalnoj radionici koja se tim poslom bavi i kojoj bi to bilo korisno. I na kraju, uvek možete organizo­ vati odlazak u neku od škola kojoj je potrebno krečenje, neke sitne prepravke ili popravke. Pogotovo ako se radi o školama koje se nala­ ze u unutrašnjosti i koje nemaju ve­ liki broj učionica i prostorija. U za­ visnosti od broja učionica, po­delite


ljude u grupe i spremite za svaki tim materijale za krečenje, farbu za bojenje stolova i stolica i sijalice za zamenu. U dogovore­no vreme sve grupe počinju sa ra­dom. Ona grupa koja najbrže završi sa krečenjem, farbanjem i sređivanjem je pobed­ nik u ovom takmičenju. Na mikro planu, vi kao individua, možete uraditi puno stvari za svoju zajednicu. Počnite tako što ćete se svakom osmehnuti. Kupujte na­m­irnice na pijaci od lokalnih prodavaca, pomozite starijoj osobi ako primetite da joj je pomoć po­ trebna, podržite san nekog deteta, iznenadite svog kolegu nekim lepim

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

gestom, pridržite nekom vrata pri ulasku u zgradu. Najvrednije je ono što se ne može kupiti novcem – nečiji osmeh i osećaj zahvalnosti. Zato, razmislite o temi za sledeći tim bilding koji treba da organizu­ jete. Prijavite svoju ekpiu za trčanje maratona u dobrotvorne svrhe. Pomozite da se nečiji dom izgradi. Donirajte odeću i hranu. Da, lista može da se nastavlja do u nedogled. I zato, neka vreme „da­ vanja“ bude svaki dan. Pomaganje drugima je tim bilding na global­ nom nivou! Milica Novak

cover story 1+1=3

Helping Others Is a Team Building at a Global Level It is quite clear why the increasing number of companies decide on socially re­s­p­on­sible activities lately. Those help people to strengthen the relations, get to know each other, strengthen the communication, improve it, drive it to per­ fection. They learn about each other something they did not know until then. But, also, they help those to whom the help is most needed. Donations are always an option and probably the most common form of corporate social responsi­ bility (CSR) due to the lack of time. Everything else requires an or­ ganization. However, although you already know this, please, consider also the organizing of a team buil­ ding for humanitarian purposes, and we will make the efforts to as­ sist you with the suggestions given in the text that follows. Childhood, as the people say, is the most enjoyable period of life. We remember it, mostly, with a smile J. We should also provide the same childhood, if not the better than the one we had, to the present children. To our children and the children of the others. And, unfortunately, a lot of them need our help. But there are co­ untless ways in which we can help them. One of those is providing

and giving toys. But, those handmade! You can even organize this team building in cooperation with some of the shelters for children. How is this imagined? Count the people who will take part in this challenge, which inclu­des a task of making toys, divide them into teams that count the same, or approximately the same, number of participants. They need to have a few days to explore what kind of toys they can make. They can use for help the various video clips on YouTube. Each group shall commu­ nicate to the organizer the materi­ als they will need to make a certain toy and take it with them on the day that this team activity will be organized. They can have an hour at their disposal. And the children whom you will donate the toys will be the judges and shall de­cide on the winner, i.e. choose the most beautiful toy.

You can make the arrangement with them so the kids make you di­plomas for the first three places. There is no more beautiful thing in the world than a child’s smile, we all agree on that! As a carefree childhood shall be ensured for the youngest, the old people should be ensured the most carefree old age as well. If for no other reason, then for the reason that they allowed us to enjoy now in everything we have. As a sign of a small ap­preciation. Together, as a team, with the as­ sistance of your colleagues, ask around about the old people who live alone and do not have the sup­ port with the everyday issues like going to shopping, for example, or planting flowers in front of build­ ings they live in. You will surely come to someone from your own neighborhood. Group yourselves

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


c o v e r

s t o r y

and arrange to do these things for them on that particular day. Also, considering this topic, you can or­ga­nize yourselves and tide up a park, plant a tree, or arrange a courtyard of someone who can not do it by himself. Another example is that you can provide assistance for the local community when you decide on the location of your team building activities. Firstly, ask around well of its characteristics because it aims to engage local workforce and use local foodstuff and ingredients. You shall explore what people are doing there, what’s specific for them, what they produce, in which manner, what is that region known for. Why not learn, for example, how to make cheese, how to knit, prepare fish dish in a particular way, manually make some items, and cook the chutney? You can be helped out with these by one of the local inhabitants. He could, at first, explain you the entire process of production or preparation, and the team that is the fastest in the accomplishment of the task or, at his opinion, is the best, shall be announced the winner. If you have prepared some food, you can do­ nate packed remains and unused products to the locals, and if you have manufactured a particular item, you can offer the rest of the material to a local workshop that deals with such an activity and that could make use of it.

at the agreed time. The group that is the fastest in finishing the paint­ ing, dyeing and arranging shall be the winner in this competition. At a micro level, you as an individu­al can do a lot of things for your com­ munity. Start by giving every­one a smile. Shop for groceries f­rom local reta­ilers, help the elderly if you find that they need help, supp­ort a child’s dream, surprise your colle­ ague with some nice ge­s­tu­re, hold a door for someone at the entrance to the building. The most valuable things are the ones that can not be

Finally, you can always arrange to go to some of the schools that need painting, some minor renovations or repairs. Especially when it comes to schools that are in the interior territory and do not have large number of class­ rooms and rooms. Depending on the number of classrooms, divide people into groups and prepare for each of tho­se the painting materi­ als, dye for painting the tables and chairs, and replacement bulbs. All the groups shall start working


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

bought with money – someone’s smile and a feeling of gratitude. Therefore, think about this topic for the next team building that you need to organize. Apply your team for running a marathon for charity. Help build someone’s home. Donate clothes and food. Yes, the list can go on and on end­ lessly. So, let the time of “giving” happen every day. Helping others is a global team building! Milica Novak


zanimljivost Budite umetnik

Slikanje akrilnim bojama bez četkice

da se ne radi. I istina je ka m do en vik i k Ča . alo imamo m a, čitanje knjiga, lagana Slobodnog vremena svi ljim te ija pr sa fa Ka o. ist o odim e­ da ga svi, manje-više, prov eme potrošite i budete kr vr to da li og m ste bi ko ka razloga šetnja. Jeste li razmišljali a koji su nadareni i iz tog im on o am vlj ta os m no upravo je dokaz za su­ a ativ­ni? Kreativnost uglav jam bo m ni ril ak e nj ka amo. Sli ne­ke stva­ri čak ni ne prob n talenat za slikanje i crtanje da biste stvarali! ba protno jer vam nije potre

vas platno i raz­ A šta je potrebno, ako ne talenat J? Kan sigurno imate lo osta ličite akrilne boje. Pored ovoga, sve . kod kuće, pogotovo ako imate decu (mogu biti i one Par providnih, tankih, gumenih rukavica teci, važno apo j kojo hirurške koje se mogu kupiti u bilo u „uz bud vam da je samo da ne budu glomazne, već aosob, pon boju u svak ruku“), nekoliko plastičnih čaša za ako boje ati meš jedna veća plastična čaša u kojoj ćete ) tična plas e bud da je želite, špatula za kolače (najbolje e bud da je e bolj (naj ili četkica za premazivanje kiflica ona za čaj, na silikonska) i mala metalna cediljka (kao primer). akrilnim bojama, Postoji mnogo tehnika i načina rada sa rno će i vama, Sigu . a mi ćemo vam opisati neke od njih esa „slika­ proc og dok čitate ovaj tekst ili za vreme sam da pro­ li mog biste nja“, na pamet pasti još nešto što a ne zaist ovde jer e bate u vezi sa ovim. Zato, isprobajt van ispra i n reša pog možete da pogrešite – ne postoji ra i interesan­ način na koji se crta. Ovo može biti i dob ih! slen tna ideja za opuštanje i zabavu zapo


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

z a n i m l j i v o s t

Izlivanje akrilnih boja na platno Najbolje je da ovu aktivnost radite na terasi ili bašti, ali ako ih nemate, poslužiće i trpe zarijski sto na koji treba da stavite mušemu, najb olje neku staru, kako biste ga zaštitili. U svaku plastičnu času sipajte drugu akrilnu boju, po izboru. Najbolje je da na mušemu prethodno stavite rešetku za pečenje iz rerne, pa na to kanvas platno, kako bi sav višak boje mogao da curi sa platna bez da umažete celo platno. A ukoliko želite, možete i sipa ti nekoliko raz­ ličitih boja, jednu preko druge, sa ili bez naknadnog mešanja, zajedno u jednu čašu. Ako vam se učini da je boja previše gust a, slobodno dodajte i malo vode kako biste razblažil i. Recimo da gustina treba da bude kao kod smese koju pravite za palačinke.

Kada se odlučite za boje koje ćete kori stiti, lagano ih sipajte po platnu. Boja treba da se razliva po inerciji, a vi je možete, po želji i usm eravati – gore, dole, levo, desno. Važno je samo da to radite sporo i ne naglo. Špatulom za kolače, ili četk icom za premazivanje kiflica, možete išarati površinu platna dok je boja još sveža ili napraviti nek e oblike. Ili ih možete umočiti u drugu boju i nan eti je preko. Svejedno je. Pustite da vas inspiracija koju dobijete u trenutku vodi!

A možete probati i ovo U jednu plastičnu čašu sasvim polako sipajte boje, jed­nu preko druge, bez dodatnog mešanja. Ukoliko želite da iskoristite više boja ili nijansi, sipajte što manje količine. Naš predlog je da nakon dodavanja dve do tri boje, stavite i malo bele, pa nastavite sa sipanjem sledeće dve do tri boje i tako dok ne završite. Na centar, ili gde želite, postavite malu metalnu cediljku i u nju lagano sipajte sadržaj iz čase. Pustite da boje cure kroz rupice. Višak će se automatski sliti na mušemu, a da biste pokrili celu površinu kanvasa, možete malo us­ meriti boju, kao što smo objasnili u pasusu iznad, a ona će se širiti u koncentričnim krugovima. Rukama, na kojima imate rukavice!, možete višak koji se sliva razmazati po ivicama platna, tamo gde je potrebno, kako biste prekrili beline, ukoliko ih ne želite. Još jedna ideja: uzmite parče providne, samolepljive kuhinjske folije, koje nije preveliko, i malo ga zgužvajte. Dok je boja još uvek sveža, tapkajte folijom po njoj.

Boje će se još više pomešati i dobićete mnoštvo razli­či­ tih, apstraktnih i valovitih oblika. Sve ovo možete uraditi na vinil ploči, umesto na kanvas platnu. Tehnike su iste. Vaše „remek delo“ bi trebalo da bude potpuno suvo za neka tri dana i tada ga možete okačiti na zid ili staviti na mesto koje ste mu namenili.

Treći način Pre nego što se odlučite da očistite svoju mušemu od viška boja koje su iscurele i bacite ostatke boje iz plastičnih časa, kazaćemo vam STANITE! J Ovo sve možete iskoristiti za novu sliku, a evo i kako. Višak boje koji vam je ostao prospite na mušemu i pomešajte sa ostatkom boje koje se nalazi na njoj. Uzmite kanvas platno i „licem“ ga umočite u to. Zatim ga „utrljajte“ i ispomerajte u raznim pravcima. Kada ga budete podigli, videćete da ćete dobiti vrlo in­ teresantne oblike i nijanse. Savršeno nesavršena slika! I ne brinite, akrilne boje se lako skidaju sa mušeme J. Sunđer natopite vodom i nekim sredstvom za čišćenje, razređivačem ili etil-acetatom i obrišite je. Ukoliko planirate da ovu aktivnost sprovedete u kom­ paniji u kojoj radite, evo nekoliko predloga šta biste

mogli da uradite sa slikama. Organizujte korporativnu izložbu ili aukciju i sav novac donirajte u dobrotvorne svrhe. A možete ih i pokloni nekoj humanitarnoj orga­ nizaciji, domu za nezbrinutu decu, bolnici ili narodnoj kuhinji. Kao i svemu novom što probate, možda nećete odmah dobiti očekivane rezultate. Ali nikako se nemojte ose­ ćati obeshrabreno! Umesto toga, probajte opet i opet i opet. Pa još jednom. Uključite i članove svoje porodi­ ce ili prijatelje u ovu zabavnu aktivnost. Deca će joj se posebno radovati. Uživajte i zabavljajte se! I setite se da se savršenstvo postiže vežbom J. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


interesting Be an Artist

Painting with Acrylic Colors with No Brush

during weekends when we en ev gh ou en it ve ha n’t e. We do Coffee All of us have a little free tim at each of us, more or less, spend it in the same way. is th uld spend that time co u yo w ho t do not work. And the truth gh ou th u yo slow walk. Have on we with friends, reading books, ve creativity to those who are gifted, and for that reas e, lea is just proof for the opposit rs lo and be creative? We mainly co lic ry ac th wi g tin in things. Pa do not even try to do some lent for painting and drawing to make a piece of art! a ta because you do not need Canvas and vari­ And what is needed, if not a talent J? have everything ly ous acrylic paint. In addition, you sure ren. child else at home, especially if you have (that can be the es glov A pair of transparent, thin, rubber rmacy, it’s pha any surgical ones that can be bought in to stick to but y bulk only important that those are not r separately, colo each the hand), a few plastic glasses for colors if mix will one bigger plastic glass in which you a brush or tic) plas you like, a cake spatula (preferably a small and ), one ne for rolls coating (preferably a silico ple). exam for tea metal colander (such as the one for of working with There are many techniques and ways e of those. som acrylic colors, and we will describe this text or ing It will surely come to you, while read ng else you ethi during the process of “painting”, som could try about this. e a mistake So, try it, because you cannot really mak drawing. of way t here – there is no wrong and righ for relax­ idea ng This can also be a good and interesti ing and entertaining employees!


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

i n t e r e s t i n g

Pouring acr ylic colors on canvas It’s the best to do this activity on the terrace or in the garden, but if you do not have one , you can also make use of a dining table with an oilcl oth on, the best an old one, to protect it. Pour a different acrylic color in each plastic glass, by your cho ice. It is best to put a baking oven grill be­ forehand, and a canvas onto it then, so that any excess of paint can leak from the canvas without losing the whole canvas. And if you want, you can also pour several different colors, one over the other, with or without subsequent mixing, together in one glass. If it turns out that the color is too thick, feel free to add some water

And you can try this, too In one plastic glass, slowly pour the paints, one over the other, without any additional mixing. If you want to use more colors or shades, pour as little portions as possib­ le. Our suggestion is that after adding two to three co­l­ors, put in a little bit of white, and then conti­nue po­uring the next two to three colors and so on until you finish it. At the center, or where you want, place a small metal colander and gently pour the content from the glass. Let the colors flow through the holes. The extra color will automatically slip onto the oil­ cloth, and in order to cover the entire surface of the canvas, you can slightly focus on the color, as we ex­ plained in the paragraph above, and it will spread in concentric circles. With your hands, with the gloves on!, you can smear the excess on the edges of the canvas, where necessary, to cover the whites, if you do not want them to be there.

to dilute it. Let’s say the density shou ld be like the mixture you prepare for pancakes. When you decide on the colors to use, lightly pour them onto the canvas. The color shou ld be spilled by inertia, and you can, if desired, direct it – up, down, left, right. It’s only important that you do it slowly and not abruptly. You can wipe the surface of the canvas with a spatula for cakes or brush for rolls coating while the color is still fresh or make some shapes. Or you can dip them in a different color and apply it over. Whatever. Let the inspiration you get at the moment lead you!

Another idea: take a piece of trans­ parent, self-adhesive kitchen foil, which is not a too large, and crumble it just a little bit. While the color is still fresh, tap the foil over it. The colors will be even more mixed and you will get a variety of different, abstract and wavy shapes. You can do all this on a vinyl board instead of a canvas. The techniques are the same. Your “masterpiece” should be completely dry in three days, and then you can hang it on the wall or put it in the place you’ve planned for it.

The third way Before you decide to clean your oilcloth of excess colors that have been drained, and throw away the remains of paint from plastic glasses, we will tell just STOP! J You can use all of these for a new picture, and here comes how you can do it. The excess of the color left behind you should pour onto the oilcloth and mix it with the rest of the color that is already on it. Take the canvas and dip it therein with its “face” side. Then “rub” it and move into various directions. When you raise it, you will see that you will get very interesting shapes and tones. Perfectly imperfect picture! And don’t you worry, acrylic colors are easy to be re­­mo­ved from the oilcloth J. Sprinkle the sponge with water and some cleaning agent, diluent or ethyl acetate and wipe it.

If you are planning to perform this activity in the company you are working in, here are some suggesti­ ons what to do with the pictures. Organize a corpora­te exhibition or an auction, and donate all the money for charity. Or you can give those to a humanitarian organi­zation, a place for homeless children, a hospital or a national kitchen. Like in anything new you try, you may not immediately get the expected results. But do not feel discouraged! Instead, try again and again and again. And yet again. Include your family members or friends in this fun activity. Children will be especially pleased with it. Enjoy and have fun! And remember that practice makes perfect J. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019


PREDSTOJEĆI DOGAĐAJI UPCOMING EVENTS IT & CMA 2018 18 – 20.09.2018. / Bankok, Tajland Osnovan 1993. godine, IT & CMA (Incen­ tive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia) u prvi plan stavlja podsticanje mogućnosti razvoja MICE segmenta u Aziji i Pacifiku, ali i šire. Deo ove konferencije bili su regio­ nalni i međunarodni dobavljači i kupci iz oblasti poslovanja, obrazovanja i umreža­ vanja. Predstavljene su i namenske platfor­ me dizajnirane da prikažu MICE segment, omogućavajući da događaj istovremeno bude relevantan i dinamičan za učesnike.

Ibtm World 27 – 29.11.2018. / Barselona, Španija Ibtm World je jedan od vodećih globalnih sajmova za sastanke, podsticajna putova­ nja, konferencije i industriju događaja, koji se svake godine organizuje u Barseloni, u Španiji. Ideja je inspirisati organizatore događaja na svetskom nivou kako da svojim klijentima pruže što nezaboravnija iskustva. Na ovogodišnjem ibtm World-u biće predstavljeno preko 3.000 destinacija, usluga i kompanija koje se sresti sa više od 15.000 profesionalaca iz ove industrije.

September 18th – 23rd, 2018 / Bangkok, Thailand Established in 1993, IT&CMA (Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia) is at the forefront of fostering MICE growth opportunities for the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Its multi-faceted programme engages regional and international indus­ try suppliers and buyers in the realms of business, education and networking. Dedicated platforms were presented in order to show the interests of valuable MICE segments.

Ibtm World November 27th – 29th, 2018 / Barcelona, Spain ibtm World is the leading global event for the meetings, incentives, conferences and events industry, taking place annually in Barcelona. The event has one goal; to inspire the events world to deliver excep­ tional experiences for their customers. This year at IBTM World will be over 3,000 destinations, services and technology com­ panies to find and network with 15,000+ industry professionals, from over 141 countries across the world.

41. Međunardoni sajam turizma

41st Belgrade Tourism Fair

21 – 24. februar 2019. / Beograd, Srbija

February 21st – 24th, 2019 / Belgrade, Serbia

Beogradski Sajam turizma više od 40 go­ dina kvalitetnom ponudom i raznovrsnim dešavanjima privlači sve veći broj poseti­ oca. Prethodne godine na Sajmu turizma svoju ponudu predstavilo je ukupno 1.103 izlagača, a broj gostiju dostigao je 70 hiljada. Predstojeći, 41. Sajam turizma održaće se na Beogradskom sajmu od 21. do 24. februara 2019. godine, a očekuje se više od 1.200 izlagača iz rekordnog broja zemalja do sada.


IT & CMA 2018

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019

The Belgrade Tourism Fair has been attrac­ ting an increasing number of visitors for more than 40 years with quality offer and various events. The previous year at the Tourism Fair presented a total of 1,103 exhibitors, and the number of visitors reached 70,000. Upcoming 41st Tourism Fair will be held at the Belgrade Fair from February 21st to 24th, 2019, and more than 1,200 exhibitors from a record number of countries are expected so far.

p o j m o v a

FAIR TRADE KONCEPT Fair trade koncept zasnovan je na tri društveno-odgovorne premise. Prva je da proizvođači imaju prava da izraze jedinstvo sa potrošačima, druga je da se mora rešiti nejednaka distribucija bogatstva između nacija, a treća se odnosi na kupovinu proizvoda od proizvođača u zemljama koje su u razvoju – cena treba da bude fer jer je to efikasniji način promovisanja održivog razvoja od, recimo, humanitarne pomoći. URBANO I ZELENO Zelena urbana područja olakšavaju fizičku aktivnost i opuštanje i formiraju utočište od buke. Drveće proizvode kiseonik i pomažu u filtriranju štetnog zagađenja vazduha, uključujući čestice prašine u vazduhu. Urbani parkovi i bašte igraju ključnu ulogu u hlađenju gradova, a takođe obezbeđuju sigurne rute za pešačenje i biciklizam, kao i lokacije za fizičku aktivnost, društvenu interakciju i rekreaciju.

rečnik pojmova

r e č n i k

Ecolabel Ecolabel je sistem označavanja koje je EU osnovala 1973. godine i namenjena je širokom spektru proizvoda, od glavnih oblasti proizvodnje do usluga turističkog smeštaja. Komisija predlaže politike i zakone koji štite prirodno okruženje, održavaju čist vazduh i vodu, osiguravaju pravilno odlaganje otpada, poboljšavaju znanje o toksičnim hemikalijama i pomažu preduzećima da se kreću ka održivoj ekonomiji. ZELENI SERTIFIKAT Zeleni sertifikat – terminologija koja se pretežno koristi u Evropi, ali sada postaje sve rasprostranjenija – određena električna energija se generiše korišćenjem obnovljivih izvora energije. Ono što se definiše kao „obnovljivo“ varira od šeme trgovanja certifikatom do šeme trgovanja. Obično se smatra da se radi o sledećim izvorima: vetar, solarna energija, talasi, geotermalna energija, hidroenegrija i biomasa. FSC FSC (The Forest Stewardship Council) je međunarodna neprofitna organizacija osnovana 1993. godine radi promovisanja odgovornog upravlja­ nja svetskim šumama. FSC to radi tako što postavlja standarde o šumskim proizvodima, uz potvrdu i označavanje kao ekološke. Njihova misija jeste da „promoviše ekološki prihvatljivo, društveno korisno i ekonomski održivo upravljanje šumama u svetu“. UNESCO UNESCO (Organizacija Ujedinjenih nacija za obrazovanje, nauku i kulturu) je agencija Ujedinjenih nacija sa sedištem u Parizu. Njena svrha je da doprinese miru i bezbednosti promovisanjem međunarodne saradnje kroz obrazovne, naučne i kulturne reforme kako bi se povećalo univerzalno poštovanje pravde, vladavine prava i ljudskih prava, zajedno sa slobodom koju garantuje Povelja Ujedinjenih nacija. AMBASADORI ODRŽIVOG RAZVOJA I ŽIVOTNE SREDINE Ambasadori održivog razvoja i životne sredine je strukovno udruženje koje deluje u opštem interesu naučno-istraživačkog rada, kao i u javnom interesu u oblastima održivog razvoja, životne sredine i obrazovanja, kroz istraživanja, savetodavstvo, ekspertizu, inovacije, obrazovanje i promociju kulturnih vrednosti. ZERO WASTE HOTEL Zero Waste Hotel je hotel koji koristi i razvijaj strategije i alate ne samo za upravljanje otpadom, već u najvećoj mogućoj meri izbegava samo njegovo stvaranje. Najznačajniji uticaj se postiže smanjivanjem količine otpada koji se šalje na deponiju, sa krajnjim ciljem da ništa ne ostane. Doslovno svaki korak u tom pravcu ima pozitivan uticaj. LOGOTERAPIJA Logoterapija je „lečenje smislom“ koje je osmislio austrijski neurolog i psihijatar Viktor Frankl. Smatrao je da je čovek biće smisla, a ne nagona, niti moći. Cilj logoterapije nije da otkloni unutrašnju napetost. Napetost nije pokazatelj duševne bolesti već je neophodna za duševno zdravlje ukoliko postoji težnja ka nekom vrednom cilju. EUROPEAN GREEN CAPITAL NAGRADA European Green Capital nagrada je priznanje koje Evropska komisija dodeljuje za „zeleni glavni grad“ – grad zasnovan na ekološkom prin­ cipu. Priznanje je pokrenuto 22. maja 2008. godine, a prva nagrada je dodeljena Stokholmu 2010. godine. Ova evropska nagrada je zamišljena kao inicijativa za promovisanje i nagrađivanje ekoloških pristupa.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019


term dictionary

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d i c t i o n a r y

Fair trade concept Fair Trade Concept is based on three CSR premises. The first is that manufacturers have the right to express unity with consumers, the second is that an unequal distribution of wealth between nations must be resolved, and the third is to buy products from producers in developing coun­ tries – the price should be fair, as it is a more efficient way of promoting sustainable development from, for example, humanitarian aid. URBAN & GREEN Urban & green areas facilitate physical activity and relaxation, and form a refuge from noise. Trees produce oxygen, and help filter out harmful air pollution, including airborne particulate matter. Urban parks and gardens play a critical role in cooling cities, and also provide safe routes for walking and cycling for transport purposes as well as sites for physical activity, social interaction and for recreation. Ecolabel Ecolabel is labelling system set up by EU in 1973 and covers a wide range of product groups, from major areas of manufacturing to tourist ac­ commodation services. The Commission proposes policies and legislation that protect natural habitats, keep air and water clean, ensure proper waste disposal, improve knowledge about toxic chemicals, and help businesses move towards a sustainable economy. Green certificate Green certificate – terminology predominantly used in Europe but now becoming more widespread globally – are a tradable commodity proving that certain electricity is generated using renewable energy sources. What is defined as “renewable” varies from certificate trading scheme to trading scheme. Usually, the following sources are considered as renewable: wind, solar, wave, geothermal, hydro and biomass. FSC FSC (The Forest Stewardship Council) is an international non-profit, multi-stakeholder organization established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. The FSC does this by setting standards on forest products, along with certifying and labelling them as ecofriendly. Its mission is to “promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests”. UNESCO UNESCO is a specialized agency of the UN based in Paris. Its declared purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms in order to increase universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter. ENVIRONMENTAL AMBASSADORS FOR SUSTAINALBLE DEVELOPMENT Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainalble Development is a non-for-profit professional association working the science and research, as well as in the areas of sustainable development, environment and education, through the consultancy, expertise, innovation, education, pro­ motion of culture values and knowledge based advocacy. ZERO WASTE HOTEL Zero Waste Hotel is a hotel that uses and develops strategies and tools not just to manage waste, but avoids generating in the first place as much as possible. The most significant impact is achieved by reducing the amount of waste they send to landfill, with the ultimate goal to have none left. Literary, every single step in that direction has a positive impact. Logotherapy Logotherapy is “treatment by meaning” designed by an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. He considered that man is led by meaning, not instinct, nor power. The goal of logotype is not to eliminate internal tension. Tension is not an indicator of mental illness but is necessary for mental health if there is a tendency towards some worthwhile goal. European Green Capital Awards European Green Capital Awards is recognition given by for European Commission for a “green capital” based on its environmental record. The award was launched on May 22nd , 2008 and the first one was given to Stockholm for the year 2010. The European Green Capital Award has been conceived as an initiative to promote and reward eco efforts.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

Da li st e z na l i ?





Američka tajna služba Tajna služba SAD napravljena je sa idejom da reši razne finansijske pre­ vare, a ne da štiti predsednika. Osnovana je dana kada je predsednik Abraham Linkoln ubijen. Ideja mu je predložena 14. aprila 1865. godi­ ne, a nekoliko časova kasnije on više nije bio živ. Za 243 godine, koliko postoji, samo je jedan agent stradao dok je obavljao svoju dužnost i štitio je Harija Trumana. Za svakog predsednika SAD-a, tajna služba ima šifrovano ime, a zgrada u kojoj je ova služba smeštena nema nikakvih obeležja. To je sasvim obična zgrada koja se nalazi u Vašingtonu.



Školska pravila Školarci u svetu moraju poštovati različita pravila u zavisnosti od zemlje u kojoj žive. Prvog dana škole u Nemačkoj, deca dobijaju paket, koji samo tu smeju da otvore, u kom se nalaze slatkiši, grickalice, pribor za likovno, knjige i još neke potrepštine. U Holandiji deca kreću u školu onog dana kada napune četiri go­ dine, bez obzira na dan koji pada. U Finskoj se ne polažu tes­tovi pre 12. godine, a u Brazilu škola počinje u 7 časova ujutro i završava se u podne jer je dece toliko da imaju čak tri smene.

Nikola Tesla – čovek ispred svog vremena


Nikola Tesla. Jedan od najvećih umova svog vremena, ali i sadašnjosti. Rođen je, kažu, oko ponoći između 9. i 10. jula 1856. godine, a pošto je te noći grmelo, babica ga je prozvala „detetom tame“. Njegova maj­ ka je na to rekla: „Ne! On će biti dete svetlosti!“. Možda će vam zvu­ čati neverovatno, ali on je ideju za mobilne telefone razvio još 1901. godi­ne iako ona, naravno, nije sprovedena u delo. Naime, Tesla je sa svojim partnerom u poslu, J.P. Morganom radio na posebnoj frekvenci­ ji koja je trebalo da emituje signal na uređaj koji se drži u ruci.

Čudni zakoni u svetu Poslovica kaže: „Bogat si koliko si putovao.“ Ako ste „svetski putnik“, nije na odmet da znate neke od čudnih zakona koje važe u svetu. Na Aljasci ćete imati problema sa zakonom ako nekom šapućete na uvo dok je u lovu, u Koloradu i Denveru je zabranjeno pozajmljivanje usisivača komšijama, u Arizoni vas mogu osuditi na 25 godina zatvora ako poseče­te kaktus, a u Se­ vernoj Karolini ne smete pevati naglas. Vašington je zab­ra­nio laganje da su vam roditelji bogati, u Teksasu ne smete pucati u bizona sa drugog sprata i gorile ne smete voziti na zadnjem sedištu auta u Masačusetsu.

Zanimljivo o ljudskom telu



U našem telu postoji čak 96.000 kilometara krvnih žila, naš nos pamti 50.000 različitih mirisa, a zubi se obično prvo pojave kod devojčica nego kod dečaka. Ovo su samo neke od interesantnih podataka veza­ nih za ljudsko telo. A da li ste znali da vaše srce otkuca 100.000 u toku jednog dana, nakon 11 dana nespavanja možete umreti, najbrže rastu nokti na ruci kojom pišete, a posebno na najdužem prstu? Kada kijamo, brzina vazuha koji izbacimo kroz nos i usta može da dos­ tig­ne brzinu od 160 km/h. Eto zbog čega treba staviti ruku na usta J!

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · okt. 2018–feb. 2019







American Secret Service


USA Secret Service was made with idea to solve financial frauds, and not to protect the president. It was found in the day when President Abraham Lincoln was murdered – the idea was presented to him on April 14th 1865, and just few hours later he was not alive. In 243 years, which is the time they operate, only one agent lost his life during the service and he was protecting Harry Truman. For every USA president Secret Service has coded name, and the building they work in has no specified signs or marks. It is a regular building located in Washington.

School Rules Schoolkids all over the world have to follow different rules depending on country they live in. On the first day of school in Germany, they get a package that can be opened only there, consisted of sweets, snacks, books and similar things. In Dutch, kids go to school on the day they celebrate fourth birthday, no matter what day of the week it is. In Finland they don’t have test before age 12, and in Brazil school starts at 7 AM and finishes at noon because they have so many children that there are three shifts.

2. Nikola Tesla – A Man Ahead of His Time One of the greatest minds of his time, but the presence also. As it is said, he was born around midnight, between July 9th and 10th, 1856 and since there was a lot of thunders, the nurse said he will be “the child of darkness”. His mother then said: “No! He will be the child of light!”. This will sound incredible, but he had idea for mobile phones in 1901. Of course, it was not possible then to develop it. Tesla, along with his business partner, J.P. Morgan, worked on a special frequency that should broadcast the signal to a device that is held in hand.

3. Strange Laws in the World

Photo: National geographic

A saying says: “You are rich as you travel”. So if you do it a lot, it will be helpful to know some of the strange laws in the world. On Alaska you will be in problem if you whisper on ear to a person that is hunting, in Colorado and Denver you can’t borrow vacuum cleaner to your neigh­ bours, in Arizona you can end up in jail if you cut cactus, and in North Carolina you cannot sing out loud. Washington forbidden laying your parents are rich, in Texas you can’t shoot buffalo from second floor and gorillas can’t be transported on the backseat of your car.

Facts about Human Body

5. 96


There is 96.000 km of blood vessels in our body, our nose can remember 50.000 different scents, and teeth usually grow first in girls than boys. These are just few interesting facts regarding human body. Did you know your heart beats 100.000 times during one day, after 11 days without sleep you can die, nails on the hand you are writing with grow faster, especially on the longest finger? When we sneeze, speed of the air that goes out through mouth and nose can reach up to 160 km/h. This is the reason we should put hand on our mouth when we sneeze J!

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · Oct 2018–Feb 2019

SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · oktobar 2018–februar 2019 / O c tober 2018–Februar y 2019 / broj 28 / No. 28

Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 28 / oktobar 2018–februar 2019 / No. 28 / October 2018–February 2019

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Eco-friendly prostori za organizaciju događaja


Koliko kompanije brinu o društvu? cover story:

Eco-friendly Venues for Event Organization


How Much Do Companies Care About Society?

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