Creating experiences - SEEbtm magazine No 30

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Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 30 / jun–septembar 2019 / No. 30 / June–September 2019












I M P R E S S U M Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Direktor: Ivan Milić Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić Urednički tim: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov Tiraž: 3.000 Periodičnost: 3 puta godišnje Datum izdavanja: jun–septembar 2019 Broj 30

Zašto je doživljaj važan?


ostupnost sadržaja i informacija učinila je da nam više nije dovoljno „samo” da zadovoljimo osnovne potrebe. Kada biramo gde ćemo piti kafu, ručati ili hotel u kome ćemo odsesti, biramo pro­stor koji se, pored dobre kafe i hra­ ne ko­ja se podrazumeva (a do pre neku go­di­nu, pored lokacije, ovo je bio osnovni kriterijum za izbor), nalazi u okruženju koje nam prija, koje u nama budi zadovoljstvo i intrigira nas, bilo svojim dizajnom, specifičnom uslugom, serviranjem hrane i pića, njihovim nazivima, dodatnim sadržajima i mogućnostima zabave, ili svime od nave­denog. Sada čujemo i nov pojam, a to je da je prostor ili neka znamenitost „instagrammab­ le”, što znači da je pogodna za pravljenje fotografija koje će ispasti privlačno i „wow” da se okači na Instagram i privuče veliki broj lajkova. Možda zvuči apsurdno, ali turisti danas, tačnije generacija Z, u internet pretraživače sve češće kuca pojmove kao što su „The most instagrammable spots” u određenom gradu i zemlji, pa na osnovu toga bira­ju šta će posetiti.

Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (3 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 3.000,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail:

Kreiranje doživljaja postaje veoma važno u svim segmentima prodaje i marketinga. Ako obratimo pažnju, marketing kampanje različitih proizvoda i usluga se baziraju na „doživljaju”. Više se ne radi o ukusnom sladoledu ili slatkišu, već je to „King doživljaj”, „Poseban Munchmallow doživljaj”, više nije samo udoban i siguran automobil, već ultimativno iskustvo i doživljaj koji vožnja određenog automobila omogućava.

Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana

Isto važi i za događaje. Događaji koji omogućavaju prosto dovođenje određenog bro­ja ljudi na određeno mesto u određeno vreme, odavno su prevaziđeni. Edukacija, konferencija, sajam, kongres ili tim bilding, koji pružaju „samo” edukaciju, povezivanje, razmenjivanje kontakata, igranje igara, bez elemenata zaokruženog doživljaja od početka do kraja trajanja događaja, kroz sve ili većinu njegovih faza, promašio je svoju suštinu i očekivanja učesnika. Zato je za očekivati što svi događaji koji prate, ne samo trendove, već očekivanja, naglašavaju da oni pružaju doživljaje, pa pored standardnih heštegova koji se obično sastoje od naziva događaja i godine koje se održava, plasiraju i one koje uz naziv događaja dodaju tu magičnu reč „experience”. Jedan od primera je nedavno održan #imexperience.

Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj pu­bli­ka­ ciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgo­­voran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti na­stale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije po­ trebna je pismena dozvola. Naslovna fotografija preuzeta sa: https://press. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2019 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 30th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2019 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 104 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

u v o d

„Način na koji doživljavamo svet oko sebe je refleksija sveta koji je u nama.” Gabrielle Bernstein

Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik

Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019



s a d r ž a j

32. ragulj, Marko K portala nov član iturizam n Kongres

24. ji Hoteli ko UX dizajn stavljaju na prvo mesto

47. Žarko ić: Radulov rast Beležimo na u odnosuodinu prošlu g

51. i Šta radit ju u sluča i/ili kašnjenjanja otkaziva leta?

75. s-Benz Mercede „Vrhunac – luksuza” za događaj sva čula

69. Kreiranje u doživljajaciji organiza događaja

Novosti .................................................................... 5 Događaji .................................................................. 7 Novo i renovirano .................................................. 14 Tema broja: Kako kreirati doživljaj u hotelskoj industriji............................................ 18 Tema broja: UX dizajn hoteli – doživljaj kao usluga ............... 24 Industrija: Marko Kragulj: Deo sam fokusiranog i ambicioznog tima ......... 32 Istraživanje: Koliko hoteli u regionu rade na kreiranju doživljaja? ...................................... 39 Intervju: Žarko Radulović: Beležimo rast u odnosu na prošlu godinu ........... 47


Avio sektor: Poslovni putnici i avio putovanja.................................................... 51 Agencija: DT Croatia & DT Slovenia ..................................... 57 Istraživanje: Organizatori događaja: Kreiranje doživljaja je MUST................................ 59 Industrija: ICCA statistika 2018 ............................................ 65 Tema broja: Kreiranje doživljaja u organizaciji događaja....................................... 69 Primer iz prakse: Mercedes-Benz „Vrhunac luksuza” ............................................75 Industrija: Kako lako pronaći prostor za događaj? .............. 81

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

Industrija: Međunarodni panelisti na HOW Festivalu ................................................ 85 Primer iz prakse: Poseta NJKV Princeze Marije Gabriele Savojske..................................... 87 Zanimljivost: Najinteresantniji muzeji................................................................... 90 Predstojeći događaji .............................................. 97 Sajam: IMEX Amerika 2019 ............................................. 98 Rečnik pojmova ................................................... 101 Kratke zanimljivosti ............................................. 103

I M P R E S S U M Publisher, production and marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Director: Ivan Milic Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic Editorial team: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov Circulation: 3.000 Periodicity: 3 times per year Issue date: June–September 2019 No 30 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (3 issues) for: - Serbia 3,000.00 RSD - abroad 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that ac­ c­uracy of information contained in this publi­­ca­­ti­ on, The Best Solutions cannot be held re­s­ponsible for any errors or inaccuracies con­tained within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial co­nsi­gnment. Cover photo taken from: jo-and-joe/download-the-photos/ CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2019 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 30th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2019 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 104 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm Tiraž 3 . 000 .

Why Is Experience Important?

Content and information availability

has made merely meeting our basic nee­ds too little. When we’re deciding on where to have coffee or lunch or whi­ch hotel to stay at, we choose a location that – in addition to good coffee and food, which are a MUST (and up until some years ago, this was the main requirement besides the location) – featu­ res an environment that makes us feel good, brings us satisfaction, and intrigues us – eit­her with its design, particular or unusual service, food design, names of the dishes, additional amenities and entertainment options, or all of the above. More often we’re starting to hear a new term describing a venue or a landmark as instagrammable, which means it fits for taking photos that WOW us and look good to post on Instagram and bring in lots of likes. It might sound absurd, but today’s tourists – or to be more precise, Generation Z – are increasingly searching for phrases like “the most instagrammable spots” paired up with a specific city and country, using this as the starting point for selecting the destination to visit.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t r o d u c t i o n

Experience design is becoming very important in all segments of sales and marke­ ting. If we pay attention, we’ll see that marketing campaigns for different products and services are cantered around experience. We are not talking any more about delicious ice creams and candies, instead it’s King Experience and Special Munchmallow Experience; cars are no longer just comfortable and safe, now there’s the ultimate experience allowed by driving a particular car. The same applies to events. Events that simply bring together a certain number of people in a certain place at a certain time have long since been outdated. Trainings, conferences, trade shows, conventions, and team building events that offer mere edu­cation, connecting, networking, or playing games – without the components of a rounded out experience from the event’s beginning through its end, in all or most of its stages – fail to serve their purpose and meet the participants’ expectations. This is why it’s to be expected that any event keeping up with not only trends but also expectations underline that it’s providing an experience, so in addition to the traditional hashtags usually consisting of the event’s name and year of taking place, those that add the magical word experience to the event name are also floated around. One example was the recent #imexperience. “The way we experience the world around us is a direct reflection of the world within us.” Gabrielle Bernstein

Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief

ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019



c o n t e n t s

35. ragulj, Marko K st the Neweof Portal Member iturizam n Kongres

28. hat Hotels T esign D Put UX lace on First P

49. Zarko ic: Radulov an We Have Increaseing Comper r Last Yea

54. Do What to ur o When Y Flight Is and/ Delayed led? or Cance

78. s-Benz Mercedenacle “The Piny” – of Luxur es All Sens ce Experien

72. Creating ces Experien in Event Planning

News ....................................................................... 6 Events ................................................................... 10 New and improved ................................................ 16 Cover story: Creating Experiences in the Hotel Industry............................................ 21 Cover story: UX Design Hotels – Experience as a Service ....... 28 Industry: Marko Kragulj: I’ve Joined a Focused and Ambitious Team ....... 35 Survey: How Much Are Hotels in Region Working on Creating Experience? .......................... 43 Interview: Zarko Radulovic: We Have an Increase Compering Last Year .......... 49


Corporate travel department: Business Travelers and Air Travel........................................................ 54 Agency: DT Croatia & DT Slovenia ..................................... 58 Survey: Event Planners: Creating an Experience is a MUST....................... 62 Industry: ICCA Statistic Report 2018 .................................. 67 Cover story: Creating Experiences in Event Planning................................................. 72 Example from practice: Mercedes-Benz “The Pinnacle of Luxury” ..................................78 Industry: An Easy Way to Find Venue for Event ................. 83

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

Industry: HOW Festival Brings International Panelists ....................................... 86 Example from practice: Visit of HRH, Princess Maria Gabriela of Savoy....................................... 88 Interesting: Fascinating Museums.............................................................. 93 Upcoming events .................................................. 97 Exhibition: IMEX America 2019 ............................................. 99 Term dictionary ................................................... 102 Interesting news.................................................. 104

n o v o s t i ARENA HOSPITALITY GROUP PREUZIMA HOTEL 88 ROOMS U BEOGRADU Arena Hospitality Group iz Pule sklopio je okvirni sporazum za preuzimanje hotela 88 Rooms u Beogradu, a vrednost ove transakcije je oko 6,3 miliona EUR. Svi ostali potrebni uslovi za završetak transakcije trebalo bi da budu ispunjeni do kraja ove godine, nakon čega će 88 Rooms postati deo Arena Hospitality Group-a, te će dobiti i novo ime – Arena Hotel 88.

HOTEL VERDE IZ PODGORICE POSTAO DEO IHG GRUPE Hotel Verde iz Podgorice je u aprilu ove godine potpisao 2 franšizna ugovora sa jednom od vodećih svetskih kompanija u turizmu – InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG). Prošle godine IHG je kreirao novi brend vocoTM, pod čijom će franšizom hotel Verde poslovati od kraja tekuće godine. vocoTM karakteriše neformalnost i šarm individualnih hotela, sa kvalitetom i sigurnošću koju pružaju svetski respektabilni brendovi. Pored brenda vocoTM, potpisan je ugovor i za novi hotel Holiday Inn Express, čije se otvaranje planira 2020. godine.

NOVA KNJIGA ZA MICE INDISTRIJU: BUSINESS EVENTS Business Events, nova knjiga dr Rob Davidson-a, izvršnog direktora MICE Knowledge-a i profesora MICE menadžmenta na četiri evropska univerziteta, predstavljena je na sajmu IBTM World u Barseloni prošle godine. Ova je knjiga napisana za menadžere u svim sektorima MICE industrije, kao i za studente univerziteta koji pohađaju kurseve iz ovog predmeta ili razmatraju MICE industriju kao opciju karijere, a to je četvrta knjiga Roba Davidson-a o ovoj temi.

BUDVA UVELA IZLETNIČKU TAKSU ZA STARI GRAD Turistička organizacija Budve je od 20. maja ove godine uvela je odluku o naplaćivanju izletničke takse za sve one koje žele da posete Stari grad, a cena je 1 EUR. Taksa će se naplaćivati u novom informativno-turističkom punktu u centru Budve. Ove obaveze će, između ostalih, biti oslobođeni strani državljani koji dolaze organizovano preko zvaničnih humanitarnih organizacija radi pružanja huma­ nitarne pomoći i gosti smešteni u turističkim objektima na teritoriji Budve, a koji su već platili boravišnu taksu.

HRVATSKA KAO NAJBOLJA DESTINACIJA ZA POSLOVNI TURIZAM Britanski magazin Business Destinations, koji je namenjen poslovnim putnicima i zaposlenima u kongresnom turizmu, proglasio je Hrvatsku kao najbolju destinaciju za poslovni turizam u protekloj godini. Hrvatska turistička zajednica bila je u konkurenciji u kategoriji „Evropa“, a u sklopu koje se dodeljuju nagrade za najbolje aerodrome, avio kompanije, hotele i sve ostale usluge koje se nude u MICE industriji.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


n e w s ARENA HOSPITALITY GROUP TAKES OVER HOTEL 88 ROOMS IN BELGRADE Pula’s Arena Hospitality Group has concluded a framework agreement for the takeover of Hotel 88 Rooms in Belgrade, with a value of about EUR 6.3 million. All other necessary conditions for completion of the transaction should be fulfilled by the end of this year, after which 88 Rooms will become part of Arena Hospitality Group, and will also have a new name – Arena Hotel 88.

HOTEL VERDE FROM PODGORICA BECOMES PART OF IHG GROUP Podgorica’s Hotel Verde signed two franchise agreements in April, 2019 with one of leading world companies in tourism – InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG). Since last year, IHG has created a new brand vocoTM, under whose name will operate Hotel Verde, starting from the end of this year. vocoTM is characterized by informal and charming style of individual hotels, with quality and confidence provided by the world respectable brands. Another franchise agreement was signed for Holiday Inn Express Hotel, which is planned to be open in 2020.

NEW BOOK FOR THE MICE INDUSTRY: BUSINESS EVENTS Business Events, a new book by Dr Rob Davidson, the Managing Director of MICE Knowledge and Professor of MICE Management in four European universities, was launched at IBTM World in Barcelona last year. This book has been written for managers in all sectors of the MICE industry, as well as for university students taking courses in this subject or considering the MICE industry as a career option. It is Rob Davidson’s fourth book on this subject.

CITY TOURIST TAX IN BUDVA OLD TOWN From May 20th the Tourist Organization of Budva will charge city tourist tax for all those wishing to visit the Old Town, and the price is price 1 EUR. This fee will be charged at the new information-tourist point in the center of Budva. The tax will not be obligated for, amongst others, foreign citizens who come organized through official humanitarian organizations to provide humanitarian assistance and guests accommodated in tourist facilities on the territory of Budva, who have already paid the city tax.

CROATIA – THE BEST MICE DESTINATION The British magazine Business Destinations, dedicated to business travelers and employees in MICE segment, declared Croatia as the best destination for business travel industry in the past year. The Croatian National Tourist Board was nominated in the category “Europe”, and within this category there are also awards for the best airports, airlines, hotels and all other services offered in the MICE industry.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope 4. AGILE SERBIA KONFERENCIJA Beograd, Srbija

12. jun 2019. godine Kako se do sada agilnost najviše vezivala za IT sferu i kompanije za razvoj softvera, moto „Agile, In&Beyond IT”, kao i sadržaj ovogodišnje konferencije, govore da ne postoje granice u primeni agilnosti i da ona može da bude podjednako dobro rešenje u praksi, bilo da se bavite projektnim menadžmentom, bankarstvom, finansijama itd. Prošlogodišnju konferenciju posetilo je preko 500 učesnika iz 12 evropskih zemalja. Zvezda ovogodišnje konferencije bio je tvorac i krea­ tor Scrum-a, najpopularnijeg Agilnog framework-a na svetu – Jeff Sutherland.

Prostor: Opera & Theatre Madlenianum


Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina 13. jun 2019. godine

Glavna tema ovogodišnje Pantheon konferencije bila je „Digitalizacija 2019 u praksi″ sa fokusom na potrebe malih i srednjih preduzeća u Bosni i Hercegovini. Cilj konferencije bio je da se učesnicima pokažu pred­nosti primene digitalnih alata u svakodnevnom poslovanju na konkretnim primerima iz prakse, te ih približiti digitalnoj transformaciji. Konferencija je bila namenjena svima koji žele da odgovorno obavljaju svoj posao i tako prate napredak u oblasti svoje struke, ali i ekonomije, biznisa i poslovnog sistema kojim vode svoje poslovanje ili imaju nameru da to započnu.

Prostor: Hotel Hills


Zlatibor, Srbija

15. – 21. jun 2019. godine Transilvania Trophy, takmičenje u off-road vožnji džipova, ove godine se po prvi put održalo u Srbiji. Na planini Zlatibor, od 15. do 21. juna, 150 učesnika iz Nemačke, Austrije i Švajcarske, upustilo se u jedinstvenu off-road vožnju kroz zlatiborske šume i netaknute planinske predele. Tokom trajanja takmičenja, ljubitelji adrenalina bili su smešteni u hotelu Zlatibor Mona. Održavanje Transilvania Trophy na Zlatiboru ima veliki značaj za promociju ove planine, ali i cele Srbije, na tržištu Nemačke, Austrije i Švajcarske, odakle dolaze takmičari.

Lokacija: Zlatibor

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019



Ljubljana, Slovenija

20 – 22. jun 2019. godine Godišnja konferencija „Prevazilaženje granica zarad istraživanja novih mogućnosti“ održala se u Ljubljani, u Sloveniji, a organizator je bio RIMS (Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis) u partnerstvu sa MS Centrom Ljub­ ljana. RIMS konferencija je glavni evropski događaj za medicinske stručnjake, istraživače i predstavnike pa­ cijenata ove oblasti, na kom se dele znanja i iskustva i sarađuje na poljima koje su vezana za rehabilitaciju od multipla skleroze. Predavanja su bila fokusirana na pet oblasti: izvan Evrope, integrisana nega, tehnič­ ke mogućnosti, sociološka perspektiva i slučajevi iz laboratorije.

Prostor: Kongresni centar Ljubljana


26 – 28. septembar 2019. godine Na ovom kongresu biće predstavljeni rezultati rada sto­ matologa, podeljena iskustva, predstavljena nova sazna­ nja i aktuelna naučna dostignuća u savremenoj svetskoj stomatologiji sa ciljem da ovo bude mesto okupljanja i saradnje svih stomatologa i saradnika. I ove godine očekuje se prisustvo oko 2.000 učesnika iz Srbije i zemalja iz regiona, kao i veliki broj pozvanih pre­ davača i stručnjaka iz Srbije i inostranstva, koji će govoriti na veliki broj tema u ovoj struci. Organizatori kongresa su Stomatološka komora Srbije i Stomatološki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu.

Prostor: Kongresni centar Sava Centar


Bečići, Crna Gora

26 – 28. septembar 2019. godine Od 26 – 28. septembra 2019. godine u hotelu Splendid, u Bečićima, održaće se kongres ortopeda i traumato­ loga Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem. Teme o kojima će se razgovarati su, između ostalih, hirurgija ramena i lakta, traumatologija koščano zglob­ nog sis­tema, tumori koštanozglobnog sistema i druge. Organizatori ovog kongresa su udruženje ACOT, Klinički centar Crne Gore, Ministarstvo zdravlja Crne Gore i dr Nikola Bulatović.

Prostor: Hotel Splendid


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


Jahorina, Bosna i Hercegovina 03 – 06. oktobar 2019. godine

Agrosym je, već deset godina, godišnja platforma za međunarodnu naučnu raspravu o polјoprivredi, preh­ rani, ruralnom razvoju, šumarstvu i ekologiji. Ovaj događaj predstavlјa dobru priliku za razmenu ideja, jačanje postojećih i stvaranje novih akademskih mreža, kao i za podsticanje dijaloga između akadem­ ske zajednice, javnih institucija, privatnog sektora i or­ganiza­cija civilnog društva po pitanju najnovijih globalnih i regionalnih trendova u agro-prehrambe­nom sektoru. Važno je naglasiti da naučni odbor čine nauč­ nici sa svih kontinenata, što ovom skupu daje snažan međunarodni pečat i naučni kredibilitet, a protekle godine bilo je 1.200 učesnika.

Prostor: Hotel Termag


#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

d o g a đ a j i

09 – 13. oktobar 2019. godine Kongres će biti posvećen temi „Medicina rada nakon 2020.″ i u svoj program uvrstiće značajna predavanja, radionice, usmena izlaganja i postere o istraživanjima i praktičnim iskustvima. Ideja je da se podstaknu i uključe profesionalci iz različitih grana medicine kako bi doprineli opštem boljitku u zdravstvenom sistemu i progresu. Takođe, biće reči i o tome šta je od ciljeva, koji su pred sistem postavljeni, ostvareni, do kojih se zaključaka došlo i koji su novi sadržaji zaživeli, a šta se u praksi pokazalo kao nedovoljno dobro.

Prostor: Hotel Park Plaza Histria Pula


06 – 09. novembar 2019. godine Ove godine će u Osijeku, u hotelu Osijek biti održana 27. po redu Konferencija hrvatskih psihologa. Glavna tema ovogodišnje konferencije je „Psihologija i digitalni svet″, a pored Hrvatskog psihološkog druš­ tva kao glavnog organizatora, suorganizatori ovog skupa su Društvo psihologa Osijek i Društvo psihologa Virovitičko-podravske županije. Uz glavnu temu i dru­ge konferencijske podteme, na konferenciji će se razgovarati i o ostalim sadržajima koji se tiču teorijske i primenjene psihologije.

Prostor: Hotel Osijek

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019



Events in the region of South East Europe 4TH AGILE SERBIA CONFERENCE Belgrade, Serbia June 12th, 2019

Agility has so far traditionally belonged to the IT sphere and software development companies. However, the motto “Agile, In & Beyond IT”, as well as the content of the following conference, say that there are no limits for the implementation of agility and that it can be appro­ priate practical solution, whether you are dealing with project management, banking, finance, etc. Last year more than 500 participants from 12 European countries visited this conference. The star of this year’s conference was founder and co-creator of Scrum, the most popular Agile framework in the world – Jeff Sutherland.

Venue: Opera & Theatre Madlenianum


Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina June 13th, 2019

The main theme of this year’s Pantheon Conference was ″Digitization 2019 in Practice″ with a focus on the needs of small and medium enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of the conference was to show the partici­ pants the benefits of using digital tools in everyday business on concrete examples from practice and bring them closer to digital transformation. The conference was intended for those who want to do their work with responsibly and thus monitor pro­gress in the field of their profession, as well in eco­nomics and business systems.

Venue: Hotel Hills


Zlatibor, Serbia

June 15th – 21st, 2019 Transylvania Trophy, the competition in off-road jeep racing this year was organized in Serbia for the first time. On the mountain Zlatibor, June 15th – 21st, there was 150 participants from Ger­ many, Austria and Switzerland who took part in a unique off-road driving through forests and wildlife on the mountain. During the competition the adrenaline fans were accommodated in the hotel Zlatibor Mona. Organization of the Transylvania Trophy on Zlatibor has great importance for this mountain and entire Serbia promotion on the markets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Location: Zlatibor


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


Ljubljana, Slovenia

June 20th – 22nd, 2019 Annual Conference ″Crossing the Interface to Exp­lo­ re New Possibilities″ was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and was organised by RIMS in partnership with the MS Centre Ljubljana. The RIMS Conference is the main European event for Healthcare professionals, researchers and pati­ ent representatives to share their knowledge and experiences and collaborate on topics related to rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis. It was focused on the following 5 areas: Beyond Europe, Integrat­ ed Care, Technical Opportunities, The Sociological Perspective and Lessons from the Laboratory.

Venue: Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre


September 26th – 28th, 2019

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This congress will present the results of the work of dentists, shared experiences, new findings and cur­ rent scientific achievements in contemporary world dentistry in order to make it a place of gathering and cooperation of all dentists and associates in this field. This year, about 2,000 participants from Serbia and countries from the region are expected to attend, as well as a large number of invited lecturers and experts from Serbia and abroad, who will speak on a number of topics in this field. The organizers of the congress are the Dental Cham­ ber of Serbia and the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade.

Venue: Congress Centre Sava Centre


Becici, Montenegro

September 26th – 28th, 2019 From September 26th to 28th, 2019, in the Splendid Hotel, in Becici, there will be a Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatologists of Montenegro with international participation. Topics to be discussed include, amongst others, are shoulder and elbow surgery, traumatology of the bone joint system, bone marrow tumors, and others. The organizers of this congress are Association AMOT, Clinical Center of Montenegro, Ministry of Health of Montenegro and MD Nikola Bulatovic.

Venue: Hotel Splendid

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e v e n t s AGROSYM 2019

Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ocober 03rd – 06th, 2019

Agrosym is, since ten years, an annual platform for international scientific discussion on agricul­ ture, food, rural development, environment and forestry. It represents a good opportunity to exchange ideas, to strengthen existing and to create new academic networks, and to foster dialogue bet­ween the academia, public institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations on the recent global and regional trends in the agro-food sector. Last year there were 1,200 participants.

Venue: Hotel Termag


October 9th – 13th, 2019 The congress will be running under motto ″Occupational health after 2020″ and it shall offer relevant introductory speeches, workshops, oral presentations and posters pre­ senting the researches and practical experiences. It will be done in order to encourage the participation of individuals operating in various professional and organisa­ tional settings so they can all together work for benefit and progress of health system. Also, there will be said what goals are achieved and what has been shown in practise as not good enough.

Venue: Hotel Park Plaza Histria Pula


November 06th – 09th, 2019 This year, in Osijek, the 27th Conference of Croatian Psychologists will be held at the Hotel Osijek. The main topic of this year’s conference is ″Psycho­ logy and the digital world″, and beside the Croati­ an Psychological Society as the main organizer, co-organizers of this meeting are Osijek Society of Psychologists and Society of Psychologists of the Virovitica-Podravina County. Apart from the main topic and conference sub-top­ ics, the conference will also discuss other topics related to theoretical and practical psychology.

Venue: Hotel Osijek


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


Uskoro se otvara Carine Hotel Kumbor

U junu 2019. godine u Kum­ boru, u blizini grada Herceg Novi, očekuje nas otvaranje Carine Hotel Kumbor. Hotel će imati pot­puno novih 230 soba i apartmana sa pogle­ dom na more, sopstvenu privatnu plažu, parking, SPA centar, otvoreni bazen, zatvoreni bazen, konferen­ ci­jsku salu i à la carte res­to­ ran. Kongresna sala mo­že da primi do 300 osoba u teatar postavci i biće de­lji­va na dva dela. Herceg Novi je udaljen 10 minuta, a na samo 40 minuta vožnje su Kotor i aero­dromi u Tivtu i Dubrovniku.

Novo i

RENOVIRANO Renoviran hotel Plaža u Varvarinu

Hotel Plaža u Varvarinu, u Ra­ sinskom okrugu, renoviran je u prvoj polovini ove godine te sada poseduje 27 smeštajnih jedinica sa pogledom na reku. Uz to, postoje dve velike sale kapaciteta za 200 i 500 osoba, a na četvrtom spratu je pros­tor površine od 300 m2, pogo­dan za različite tipove sku­pova i poslovnih događaja. Takođe, hotel sardži restoran i terase. Renoviranje je započe­ to još u oktobru 2016. godine, kada je i privatizovan.


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Courtyard by Marriott od juna u Banja Luci

Otvaranje prvog Marriotta hotel u Republici Srpskoj za­ kazano je za jun ove godine, a nalazi se u glavnom gradu, u Banja Luci. Hotel će imati četiri zvezdice, 118 soba, tri sobe za osobe sa invaliditetom i pet konferencijskih sala koje su u skladu sa Marriott standardima. Najveća sala je kapaciteta za 77 osoba u pozorišnoj postavci. U sklopu hotela nalazi se restoran Bistro i fitnes centar, a u ovu investiciju uloženo je oko 10 miliona EUR.

Dobrodošli u Hilton Garden Inn Zagreb

Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Zagreb biće otvoren na leto ove godine, a nalazi se u blizini centra grada. Raspolaže sa 153 moderno opre­ mljene sobe koje nude WiFi, HDTV, mini frižider i aparat za pripremu kafe i čaja. Zbog svoje lokacije, odličan je izbor za korporativne i leisure goste. Na osmom spratu nala­ze se pet kongresnih sala za organi­ zaciju različitih tipova događaja. Od dodatnih sadržaja gostima je na raspolaganju fitnes centar, restoran Garden Inn i bar.

Nov hotel u Sarajevu – Bosmal Arjaan by Rotana Sarajevo

Hotel Bosmal Arjaan by Rotana Sarajevo biće otvo­ ren na leto ove godine, nalazi se u neposrednoj blizini centra grada i imaće 132 moderna, potpuno opremljena hotelska apartmana. U sklopu hotela nalazi se i à la carte restoran Urban café.deli u kom će gosti moći da probaju internacionalnu kuhinju, ali i tradicionalne bosanske specijalitete. Pored ovoga, hotel ima dve kongresne sale opremljene najsav­remenijom tehnologijom, a koje su pogodne za organizaciju manjih i većih poslovnih skupova, sa maksimalnim kapacitetom za 200 osoba.

Nov izgled La Baja Bar & Restaurant u hotelu Lafodia

U Lafodia Sea Resort-u, koji se nalazi na ostrvu Lopud, na samo 20 km od Dubrovnika, nedavno je renoviran La Baja Bar & Re­s­taurant, koji se nalazi na glavnom molu. Napravljene su dve terase i proširen je sedeći kapacitet. Uz terasu na molu, takođe je napravljena terasa iznad bara koja predstavlja po­ se­ban, odvojen prostor gde se mogu organizovati različiti tipovi događaja. Kapacitet donje tera­ se je za 150 osoba, dok terasa iznad može da ugosti 60 osoba. Na samom molu ima mesta za dodatne stolove, pa kada se radi o većim događajima, može biti i do 400 ljudi.

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Carine Hotel Kumbor Soon to Be Opened

In June 2019 in Kumbor, near Herceg Novi, we are expecting the opening of Carine Hotel Kumbor. Hotel will have 230 rooms and suites overlooking the sea. The hotel has its own private beach, parking, SPA center, outdoor pool, indoor swimm­ing pool, conference room and a-la-carte restaurant. The congress hall has capacity for up to 300 people in theater set-up, with possibility to be divided in two separate parts. City of Herceg Novi is 10 min away, while only 40 min drive is Kotor and airports in Tivat and Dubrovnik.

New and

IMPROVED Renovated Hotel Plaza in Varvarin

Hotel Plaza in Varvarin, in the Rasinski district, was renovated in the first half of this year and now it has 27 accommodation units overlooking the river. Besides that, there are two lar­ge congress halls with a ca­ pa­city for 200 and 500 people and on the fourth floor there is area of ​​300 sqm. All of them are suitable for different types of meetings and business events. Also, the hotel has a restaurant and a terrace. The renovation began in October 2016, when it was bought by private company.


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Courtyard by Marriott in Banja Luka from June

The opening of the first Marriott Hotel in the Republic of Srpska is scheduled for June this year, and is located in its capital, Banja Luka. The hotel has four stars, 118 rooms, three rooms for disabled persons and five conference rooms that are in accordance with Marriott standards. The largest hall has capa­city for 77 persons in the theater setting. Within the ho­tel there is restaurant Bistro and fitness center, and about 10 million EUR was invested in this project.

Welcome to Hilton Garden Inn Zagreb

Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Zagreb will be opened in summer this year, it is located near the histo­ ric center. Offers 153 modern guest rooms with free WiFi, HDTV, mini fridge and coffee/ tea station. Due to its location, the hotel is a great choice for business and leisure guests. On the eighth floor, there are five flexible meetings & banquet rooms, suitable for various types of events. The additional ame­ nities are modern fitness center, restaurant Garden Inn and a bar.

New Hotel in Sarajevo – Bosmal Arjaan by Rotana Sarajevo

Hotel Bosmal Arjaan by Rotana Sarajevo will be opened this summer, it is located near city center and it will have 132 modern, fully equipped hotel suites. Within the hotel there is an à la carte restaurant Urban café.deli where guests will be able to taste international cuisine as well as traditional Bosnian specialties. The hotel offers two spacious venues featuring the latest technology designed for both small and large business events, with and a capacity of up to 200 people.

New Look of La Baja Bar & Restaurant at Lafodia

In Lafodia Sea Resort, located on the island of Lopud, just 20 km from Dubrovnik, restau­ rant La Baja Bar & Restaurant is recently renovated. Now it has two terraces and larger seating capacity. In addition to the terrace on the mole, there is a terrace above the bar, which is separated, so different types of events can be organized. The capacity of the lower terr­ ace is for up to 150 people, whi­le the terrace above can accommodate up to 60 people. At the mall there is space for additional tables, so when it comes to larger events, it can be for up to 400 people.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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(Ne) osećajte se kao kod svoje kuće

Kako kreirati doživljaj u hotelskoj industriji? Nekada je hotel predstavljao samo mesto u kom prespavate. Važno vam je bilo da je soba čista, da je krevet udoban, da ima tople vode i da je hrana jestiva. Danas, na ovo dodajemo još puno stvari. Počeli smo sa enterijerom, bojom u koju su okrečeni zidovi, materija­ lima koji su korišćeni u opremanju, detaljima kojima je oplemenjen prostor. Nakon toga, postala je važ­na Wi-Fi pokrivenost, atmosfera u javnim prostorima, dodatni sadrža­ji koji se nude.

važan da je gostima u vrhu liste pri­ oriteta, čak ispred cene i lokacije. Postavlja se pitanje: „Kako gostima pružiti doživljaj tj. na koje sve načine možete „oživeti″ hotelski brend?″

Nekadašnji moto ho­t­el­ske industri­ je „osećajte se kao kod svoje kuće″, potvrđuje ovo. Uz to, usluga treba da bude na ni­v­ou u smislu ponašanja osoblja i načina na koji ste tretirani od mo­ men­ta kada se čekirate na recepci­ji do odlaska kući. Ali, i na ovo ima dodatak koji se zove „doživljaj″. Ovaj fenomen, koji je u ekspanziji, postaje toliko


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

Današnji gosti teže avanturi i neo­ bič­nim iskustvima. Žele da ih nešto, u pozitivnom smislu, zapanji, ostavi bez daha, oduševi... I to baš u hote­lu!

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Sa druge strane, i h­otelska indust­ rija teži tome da njihovi posetioci provedu više kvalitetnog vremena u hotelu. Da im ponudi nesvakidašnje sadr­ žaje i na taj način kod gosta pro­bu­di želju da se ponovo vrati. Jedna od opcija je da hotel bora­ vak što više prilagodi gostima. Kako? Kroz personalizaciju. U te svrhe se upravo koriste informa­cione tehnologije. Na primer, nekada će se, kada upalite TV u so­bi, ispisati „Dobro­ došli gospodi­ne Petroviću″. Personalziacija može biti i još uoč­ ljivija ukoliko ste stalan gost hotela ili hotelskog lanca koji sakupljaju vaše podatke, navike, želje. Na primer, ako često odsedate u istom hotelu, potrudiće se da vam obezbede sobu kojom ste bili najzadovoljniji, sačekaće vas možda čokoladica sa porukicom dobrodošlice na vaše ime ili neki drugi mali gest pažnje.

Ono što može biti problem u vezi sa personalizacijom, tj. korišćenjem informacionih tehnologija u tom smi­slu, jeste što nama to ne izgle­da kao nešto što je komplikovano. A upravo je suprotno! Sistemi koji to omogućavaju, tj. kompanije koje ih izrađuju, često nemaju u fokusu čoveka kao ne­­kog oko koga se „vrti″ cela priča o do­ži­vljaju. Zbog toga hotelsko osoblje prolazi kroz dodatne obuke i trudi se da nefunkcionalnost sistema nadok­ nadi svojim prisustvom.

Još jedna mogućnost je da boravak u hotelu izlazi iz vaše zone kom­ fora. Šta to znači? Ljudski um luksuz povezuje, između ostalog, sa izo­la­cijom.

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U svakom smislu – što manji broj gostiju i što dalje od nekog grada ili mesta. Postoje hoteli koji su to shvatili baš doslovno, pa su napravili resort-ove u pustinjama gde jednostavno ne­ ma­te potrebu da iz njih izađete jer sve imate tu.

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Od osoblja koje tamo živi do, na primer, lekara koji je takođe tamo. Praktično grad izgrađen u pustinji. Malo ekstremno, zar ne? Ali, postoje i drugi načini da gostima ponudite nešto nesvaki­ dašnje u tom smislu kroz ponudu neobičnog koncepta. Hoteli koji nemaju klasične sobe, već se radi o, na primer, velikim bu­ radima za vina koja su adaptirana u sobe i imaju baš sve što vam je potrebno. Ili hoteli koji su naprav­ ljeni od leda, hoteli sa podvodnim sobama i slično  I na kraju, ne treba da zaboravimo ni na doživljaj koji imamo kada odemo na zvaničnu internet stra­nicu hotela. Kako živimo u di­gi­­tal­noj eri, hotel­ ska web stranica je zapravo puno puta i naš prvi kontakt sa hotelom. Odatle počinjemo da gradimo „doživljaj″. Ako vam se tada stvari učine komplikovanim, nedostup­ nim, ako teže dolazite do informa­ cija koje su vam potrebne ili ih ne možete naći, šanse da odsednete tamo postaju sve manje.


Upravo zbog toga, hoteli i hotelski lanci odvajaju velike budžete za UX dizajn. Moderne verzije internet prezen­ tacija hotela izrađuju se nakon oz­ biljnih i obimnih istraživanja u vezi sa različitim željama, navikama i očekivanjima gostiju. Šta treba da bude upečatljivo? Koliko vremena korisnik prosečno provede gledaju­ ći web stranicu nekog hotela? Koje vrste informacija su mu potrebne? Kreiranje web stranice postalo je izazov u svakom smislu.

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Kreativnost i inovativnost postali su parametri za uspešnost u svakom poslu, pa i u hotelskoj industriji. Konstantno traganje za novim na­­či­nima animiranja gostiju, ali i po­ten­ci­jalnih klijenata, postao je, slo­bod­no možemo reći, jedan od glavnih pokretača ovog biznisa. A kako hoteli uspevaju da kreiraju do­življaj kod gosta i kako to izgleda u praksi, pročitajte u tekstu koji sledi. Milica Novak

cover story

(Don’t) Make Yourself at Home

Creating Experiences in the Hotel Industry Hotels used to be merely places to spend the night. The requirements included a clean room, comfortable bed, hot water, and edible food. Today they include a lot more. We started with the interior, the color of the walls, the materials used in furnishing, the details e­mbe­llishing the space. Next, the priority shifted to Wi-Fi coverage, ambiance in public are­ as, and extra amenities on offer.

guests are making it the top prio­ri­ ty – even above price and location. The question is: How can guests be offered an experience and what are the ways to breathe life into a hotel brand?

Modern-day guests have a taste for adventure and singular expe­ rien­ces. They want to be amazed, asto­­nis­­h­ ed, left breathless, flabbergas­t­ed... Right there at the hotel it­self!

The hotel industry’s one-time mo­tto “make yourself at home” supports this. Furthermore, the service is expec­ ted to be impe­ccable in terms of staff behavior and the way you’re treated from the moment you che­ ck in at the front desk up until you leave. However, this too has an upgrade called experience. The phenome­ non, which is spreading like wild­fi­ re, is becoming so important that

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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On the other hand, the hotel indu­ stry is also aspiring to make visi­tors spend more quality time in the ho­tel. Hotels try to offer ext­ra­or­dinary am­enities that will make their gu­ ests to want to come back. One option is that the hotel tailors the stay as much as possible to its guests. How? Through personali­ zation. Information technology is utilized for these exact purposes. For example, when you turn on the TV in your room, you might see “Welcome, Mr. Petrovic” appear on the screen. Personalization can be even more visible if you’re a regular gu­est of a hotel or hotel chain that collects your informa­ tion, habits, and preferences. For example, if you often stay at the same hotel, they will try to provide you with the room you were most happy with, you might find a chocolate with a persona­ lized welcome me­ssage or come


across another small gesture of appreciation.

tries to compensate for systems’ lacking with their presence.

One issue that may come up in per­ sonalization and using information technology for it is that to us it might seem like a simple thing. It’s quite the opposite! Systems that facilitate this and companies that develop them often don’t focus on the human being as the center of the entire experience affair. That is why hotel staff goes through additional training and

Another option is for the hotel stay to be outside of your comfort zone. What does this mean? The human mind associates luxury with isolation, among other things. Isolation in every sense – as few guests as possible and as far away as possible from a city or place. There are hotels that took this quite literally and built resorts in deserts, where you simply have

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

no need to leave the premises because everything is there. From live-in staff to on-premise doctors. They’re virtually cities built in the middle of deserts. A bit extreme, is it not? H­owever, there are other ways to offer guests something out of the ordinary by offering an unusual concept. Hotels that don’t have traditional rooms, but instead, for example, large wine barrels remodeled into rooms that have everything you need. Or hotels made of ice, hotels with under­water rooms, and suchlike . Finally, we shouldn’t forget about the experience provided on the hotel’s official website. Since we live in the digital age, the hotel website is actually quite often our first encounter with the hotel. That is the starting point of our ex­perience. If things seem complicated or inaccessible at that point, if you’re having trouble finding the information you need

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or you can’t find them at all, the chances of sta­ying there start to drop. That is the reason why hotels and hotel chains are earmarking big budgets for UX design.

Creativity and innovation have be­ come the parameters for success in any business, and the hotel industry is no exception. The cons­ tant search for new ways to enter­

Modern versions of hotels’ online presentations are designed after serious and extensive research concerning guests’ different pref­ erences, habits, and expectations. What should catch the eye first? How much time does a user spend on average browsing the website of a hotel? What kind of informa­ tion do they need? Designing the website has become a challenge in every sense.

tain guests, as well as potential cus­tomers, has easily become one of the main drivers of this business.

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Read on to find out how hotels manage to create experiences for guests and what it looks like in real life. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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Hoteli koji UX dizajn stavljaju na prvo mesto

DOŽIVLJAJ KAO USLUGA Hoteli više ne prodaju mesto na kom možete prespavati. Oni prodaju doživljaj koji klijent vidi kao uslugu.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

Gosti pamte svoje boravke u određenom hotelu, sećaju se svega što je bilo zabavno, drugačije i interesantno, te je u interesu hotela da im obezbe­ di upravo to. Doživljaj. I da im pruži nesvakidašnje iskustvo. Ponudi nešto što do tada nisu videli, osetili, probali, čuli... Da stvore na neki način neraskidivu vezu sa nama kao kljentima koji će se uvek vraćati.

Radisson RED Radisson RED hoteli, koji rade pod kapom Radisson Hotel Group-a, uneli su pravu revoluciju u hotelsku industriju. Inspirisani su umetnošću, muzikom i mo­dom, a njihova filozofija i koncept bazirani su na razmišljanju milenijalaca. S tim u vezi, neke stva­ri se podrazumevaju poput besplatnog i br­zog WiFi signala. Ovaj hotelski brend fokusirao se na to da gostu obezbedi što više doživljaja za v­reme njego­vog boravka, a evo i kako. Prostor pod ime­ nom OUIBar + KTCHN zamišljen je kao mesto koje je sinonim za piće, hranu i druženje, a meni je kre­iran od lokalnih, sezonskih proizvoda. Možete čak napraviti i svoju narudžbinu kroz mobilnu aplikaciju i pokupiti je kada vam to odgovara. Ovde kažu: „Nemamo vremena za bež. Crveni smo do jezgra. Dizajnirali smo prostor da bude smeo

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U tom smislu, počelo se sa pomeranjem granica. Inovacije i kreativnost sada su deo svakog ozbilj­ nog hotela ili hotelskog lanca koji su počeli da se utrkuju i takmiče sa ponudom svojih nesvakidašnjih sadržaja. Zato danas u svom portfoliju imaju i razvijen hotel­ ski brend koji na prvo mesto stavlja upravo doživljaj sa, moglo bi se reći, notom hipsterskog stila.

i eklektičan. Oživljavanje umetnosti u našoj arhi­ tekturi i celom hotelu, gotovo je kao prenoćište u galeriji. Sobe su napravljane da se zabaviš u njima. To je ipak tvoj prostor.″ Uz to, svoje pametne ure­ đaje možete povezati i sa televizorom i tako gledati omiljene serije i emisije. Events & Games Studios koji se nalazi u sklopu hotela dodatno će „razdrma­ ti″ i učiniti zabavnim vaš poslovni sastanak ili vam pomoći da se opustite nakon dugog radnog dana. I za kraj, ali ne najmanje važno, ostanite uvek po­ vezani te postoji hotelska RED aplikacija koja nudi puno mogućnosti, od otvaranja vrata bez ključa do zakazivanja grupne vožnje do aerodroma ili vam može reći gde su po mišljenju drugih gostiju, na primer, najbolji restorani u gradu .

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U Evropi ih možete naći u Briselu i Glazgovu, a u ostalim delovima sveta prisutni su u Kejp Taunu, Portlandu, Majamiju, Mineapolisu i Kampinasu (u Brazilu).

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


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Hilton Kontrolisati svoju hotelsku sobu samo uz pomoć mobilnog telefona?

korak dalje u personalizaciji. Naime, ako imate instaliranu Hilton Honors aplikaciju, gosti mogu da upload-uju svoje fotografije koje će se pojavljivati na svim digitalnim ekranima u njihovoj sobi.

Da, i ovo je postalo moguće. Hilton je pre godinu ipo dana lansirao ideju pod imenom Connected Room koja služi upravo tome, a može se, za sada, koristiti u hotelima na teritoriji Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Ova tehnologija omogućava gostima da kontrolišu skoro sve u njihovoj sobi direk­ tno iz aplikacije Hilton Honors na svom mobilnom uređaju – od kontrole TV-a i podešavanja temperature u sobi (čak i kada niste fizički prisutni!) do pomeranja zavesa i kontrolisanja osvetljenja u prosto­ riji. Pored toga, pomoću nje možete uraditi check-in u hotelu. U planu je da aplikaciju osposobe čak za glasovno komandovanje. Nema više kuckanja po telefonu! Druga, vrlo interesantna stvar vezana za ovaj hotelski brend i kreranje doživljaja kod gostiju jeste

vocoTM Hotelska grupa IHG prošle godine kreirala je novi brend pod imenom vocoTM. Samo ime inspirisano je latinskim značenjem ove reči, u prevodu „pozvati“ ili „okupiti se“, i kombinuje neformalnost i šarm individualnog hotela, sa kvalitetom i sigurnošću globalnog i poštovanog brenda kakav je IHG.

Dugo ste na poslovnom putu i nedostaje vam porodica? Nikakav problem. Kada god uđete u svoju Hilton sobu i upalite, na primer, TV videćete svoje najdraže.

voco life – „živahna″ atmosfera u baru i drugim javnim prostorima hotela omogućuje da gosti uvek imaju prostora za opuštanje i uživanje; od poslu­ živanja odlične kafe za početak dana do večera o kojima će se razgovarati.

vocoTM obećava gostima iskustvo koje je dru­ ga­čije, oživljeno kroz hrabar, prepoznatljiv iden­titet, neformalni stil usluge i promišljene detalje. Tri ključna trenutka u boravku gostiju su identifikovani kao sledeće filozofije: Uđite, dobrodošli ste! – doživljaj do­brodošli­ce, brz i jednostavan check-in sa lokalnom po­s­las­ ticom za početak boravka kao izne­na­đe­nje za gosta. „Ja“ vreme – brend ohrabruje goste da „uzmu“ tre­nutak za sebe – posebno udobni kreveti i pos­ te­ljina, kvalitetni sadržaji, razne emisije na Smart tele­vi­zorima i odličan WiFi u svakoj sobi.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

Sa uvođenjem ovog brenda počelo se u regionu IHG-a za Evropu, Bliski istok, Aziju i Afriku, s plano­ vima da se to vremenom prenese u Ameriku i Kinu. Očekivanja su da se u narednih 10 godina otvori preko 200 vocoTM hotela na atraktivnim i urbanim lokacijama.

JO&JOE Grupacija AccorHotels napravila je revoluciju u hotelijerstvu kada je uvela nov brend pod imenom JO&JOE. Ovi hoteli zamišljeni su kao „razigran″ prostor koji je dizajniran da ispuni očekivanja svih onih koji cene spontanost, vole nova iskustva i tragaju za doživljajima – Townsters-e (one koji žive u blizini) ali i Tripsters-e (oni koji su došli da istra­ žuju destinaciju). Fokusirani su na dizajn, hranu i kreiranje doživljaja kod gosta. Koncept je osmišljen tako da promoviše interakciju i podstiče pozitivan život u zajednici zahvaljujući zajedničkim prostorima koji su otvoreni i za goste hotela, ali i one koji to nisu. U ovim hotelima se uvek nešto dešava, bilo da je to koncert, čas joge ili „Uradi sam“ radionica. Happy House tj. Kuća sreće je privatan prostor u kojoj se Tripsters-i mogu opustiti, raditi, kuvati ili prati svoju odeću, baš kao kod kuće. Suština brenda je deo pod imenom „Zajedno″ – genijalni modularni prostor za spavanje koji gosti dele. Pored prostranih kreveta, ormarića, lampe za čita­ nje i USB portova, gosti imaju pristup zajedničkim

A kod nas u regionu...

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prostorima za rekreaciju i kupatilima. „Vaše“ se sastoji od soba i apartmana za dve do pet osoba sa sopstvenim kupatilom i, zavisno od veličine, kuhinjskog prostora. Idealan za male grupe i

porodice, prostor nudi potpuno drugačiji izgled od konvencionalne hotelske sobe zahvaljujući original­ no oblikovanim i izuzetno udobnim krevetima. I za kraj, „OOO!″ (Izvan običnog, tj. Out of the Ordinary) nudi neobičan smeštaj za ljude koji putuju sami ili u grupama do šest osoba. Ovi originalni formati uključuju šatore, viseće ležaljke i karavane i pružaju gostima nezaboravno iskustvo.

dizajn, hranu, piće, umetnost i lokalni know-how; udobnost i dizajn – otvoren, veliki lobi, kao i udobne

Za nesvakidašnji doživljaj u Beogradu možete poseti­ ti Mama Shelter koji se nalazi u samom centru grada. Ovo mesto je više od prostora gde spavate i jedete. „Mama je kao majčinska ljubav. To je kao u njenim rukama: udobno i sigurno utočište, gde se dobro osećate. Mama vas hrani velikodušnim, jedinstve­ nim jelima koje prave veliki kuvari. Kao prava majka, Mama samo želi da se brine o tebi!″, poruka je koju šalje ovaj hotelski brend.

Mama Shelter Belgrade

Canopy by Hilton Zageb City Centre

sobe; više vrednosti koje uključuju Wi-Fi i doručak, ali i lokalni poklon dobrodošlice i večernju degustaci­ ju lokalnih pića. P.S. Ne zaboravite da je u našem regionu hotel Verde iz Podgorice u aprilu ove godine potpisao ugovor o franšizi sa brendom vocoTM!  Zaključak je da napori u hotelskoj industriji treba da što više budu preusmereni na stvaranje doživljaja kod gosta jer upravo to postaje jedno od najjačih načina vezivanja za brend. A to se postiže pažljivim osluški­ vanjem potreba klijenta, njegovih očekivanja i želja.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

Milica Novak

Hotelski brend Canopy by Hilton dobio je svog predstavnika u Zagrebu prošle godine. U ovim ho­ telima, važno je sledeće: poštovanje lokalnog kroz


cover story

Hotels That Put UX Design on First Place

EXPERIENCE AS A SERVICE Hotels are no longer selling place where you can spend the night in. They are now selling an experience that the customer perceives as a service.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

Guests remember their stay at specific hotels, they remember everything that was entertaining, diffe­ rent, and interesting – which is why it is in hotels’ best interest to offer them exactly this. Experience. And this experience should be exceptional. They need to offer something that their guests have never seen, felt, tried, or heard before. They need to create a sort of an inextricable relationship with us

Radisson RED The Radisson RED hotels, operating under the Radisson Hotel Group, started a true revolution in the hotel industry. They are inspired by art, music, and fashion, and their philosophy and concept are rooted in the millennial way of thinking. In this regard, some of the essentials include a free-ofcharge high-speed Wi-Fi connection. The hotel brand centers on providing the guest with as many experiences as possible during the stay, and here’s how. The space named OUIBar + KTCHN is designed as a place that is synonymous with drinking, food, and socializing, while the menu is made up of local, seasonal produce. You can even place your order through a mobile app and come pick it up whenever it suits you. This is what they say: “We have no time for beige. We’re RED to the core. We’ve designed our places

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as their customers who will always come back. In that sense, new standard levels are reached. Innovation and creativity are now part of any seri­o­ us hotel or hotel chain, which started to compete in offering outstanding amenities. That’s why today’s hotel portfolios also include a well-developed hotel brand that puts experience first, perhaps even with a bit of a hipster touch.

and spaces to be bold and eclectic. Bringing art to life in our architecture and throughout the hotel, it’s almost like a sleepover in a gallery. The rooms are designed for you to have fun in them. It’s your space, after all.” On top of it, you can also connect your smart devices to the TV and watch your favorite programs. Events & Games Studios, located within the hotel, additionally shakes up and ups the fun in your business meeting or helps you de-stress after a long day. Last but not least is staying connected at all times. The hotel’s RED app offers plenty of options, from opening your door without the key to scheduling a group ride to the airport or telling you, for example, what other gue­ sts say are the best restaurants in the city .

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In Europe you can find them in Brussels and Glas­ gow, while other parts of the world where these hotels are present include Cape Town, Portland, Miami, Minneapolis, and Campinas (Brazil).

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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Hilton Controlling your hotel room using your cellphone? Yes, this is another reality now. A year and a half ago, the Hilton launched Connected Room, which serves exactly this purpose and which is currently available at the brand’s hotels in the United States. This technology allows guests to control nearly everything in their room straight from the Hilton Honors app on their mobile device – from flipping through TV channels and setting up the room temperature (even when you’re not actually in the room!) to opening and closing the curtains and controlling the lighting in the room. Further­ more, you can also use the app to check-in at the hotel. The app is set to be enabled for voice commands. No more tapping on your phone!

missing your family? Not a problem. Every time you enter your Hilton room and turn on, for example, the TV, you’ll see your loved ones.

Another extremely interesting thing about this hotel brand and designing guest experience is one step further in personalization. If you have the Hilton Honors app installed on your phone, as a guest you can upload your photos and have them appear on all digital screens in your room. You’ve been on a lengthy business trip and you’re

vocoTM Last year, hotel group IHG launched a new brand named vocoTM. The name itself takes inspiration from the Latin term, meaning call or convene, combining the informality and charm of a boutique hotel with the quality and security of a glo­bal and renowned brand that is IHG.

voco life – The lively setting in the bar and other public areas of the hotel makes sure that the gu­ ests always have room for relaxation and enjoy­ ment; from serving great coffee to start the day to evening meals that will surely be talked about. IHG started to introduce the brand in Europe,

vocoTM promises an experience that is diffe­ rent, brought to life through a bold, well-kno­ wn identity, an informal service style, and well-thought-out details. The three key moments in the guest’s stay are identified as the following philosophies: Come on in! – A welcoming experience, quick and easy check-in with a local delicacy to kick off your stay as a surprise for the guest. Me time – The brand encourages guests to take a moment for themselves: extra comfortable beds and bedding, quality amenities, various shows on smart TVs, and excellent Wi-Fi in every room.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

Midd­le East, Asia, and Africa, while America and China are earmarked for deployment over time. More than 200 vocoTM hotels are expected to open in interesting and urban locations over the next ten years.

JO&JOE AccorHotels kick-started a revolution in the hotel industry when it introduced a new brand called JO&JOE. These hotels are designed as playful spaces intended to meet the expectations of all those who value spontaneity, love new experien­ ces, and search for them – Townsters (those who live nearby), as well as Tripsters (those who come to explore the destination). They are focused on design, food, and creating the guest’s experience. The concept is designed to promote interaction and encourage positive community living thanks to the shared spaces that are open to both hotel guests and those who are not. Something is always happening at these hotels – performances, yoga classes, or DIY workshops. The Happy House is a private space where Trip­ sters can relax, work, cook, or wash their clothes, just like at home. The essence of the brand is Together – a shared modular sleeping area shared between the guests. In addition to spacious beds, cabinets, reading lamps, and USB ports, the guests have access to common areas for recreation

Meanwhile, in the region....

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#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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and bathrooms. Yours is made up of rooms and apartments for two to five people with private bathrooms and, depending on the format, kitchen areas. Ideal for small groups and families, the

rooms feature a look that is entirely different from the traditional hotel rooms thanks to the originally shaped and extremely comfortable beds. Finally, OOO! (Out Of the Ordinary) offers unusual accom­ modation for people traveling alone or in groups of up to six people. These original formats include yurts, hammocks, and caravans and provide the guests with an unforgettable experience.

local know-how; comfort and design – open, large lobby and comfortable rooms; more value – inclu­

For an unforgettable experience in Belgrade, visit Mama Shelter, situated at the very heart of the city. This place is more than a place where you sleep and eat. “Mama is like motherly love. It’s like being in her arms: a comfortable, safe haven where you feel good. Mama feeds you generous, unique dishes made by great chefs. Like a real mom, Mama just wants to take care of you!” is the message of this hotel brand. Canopy by Hilton opened its branch office in Zagreb last year. These hotels spotlight the following: respe­ ct for the local through design, food, drinks, art, and

Canopy by Hilton Zageb City Centre

ding Wi-Fi and breakfast, as well as a local welcome gift and an evening tasting of local drinks.

Mama Shelter Belgrade

In conclusion, the hotel industry’s efforts should be largely redirected towards creating the guest’s expe­ rience because this is becoming one of the strongest ways of making a connection with the brand. And this is achieved by carefully listening to the cus­ tomers’ needs, their expectations, and their wishes.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

Milica Novak

P.S. Don’t forget that the Verde in Podgorica signed a franchise agreement with vocoTM in April! 



Predstavljamo Marka Kragulja, novog člana portala Kongresniturizam

Deo sam fokusiranog i ambicioznog tima Marko Kragulj, Direktor prodaje

„Elementarno znanje potrebno da se opstane u životu sam stekao u školi i na fakultetu, ali sad mogu da kažem da je bitnost prilike da se radi u pravom timu i pravoj kući mnogostruko veća”, rekao je Marko Kragulj na početku razgovora. U kongresnu industriju je ušao pre punih 15 godina i smatra da je imao sreće jer je imao priliku da radi sa profesionalcima u ovom poslu i od njih je dosta naučio. Marko je do nedavno bio deo internacional­ ne agencije HRG, a od skoro je nov član tima portala Kongresniturizam, na poziciji Direktora prodaje, i sada želi da stečeno znanje i iskustvo deli, razmenjuje i pre­ nosi, a novim izazovima, koji su pred njega postavljeni, se raduje. Različitost samih događaja i posvećenost poslu je nešto što ga je uvek vodilo, te je siguran da će njegov dalji put sa novim obavezama biti jednako zanimljiv. U kongresnoj industriji si već 15 godina. Koliko su se trendovi u organizaciji poslovnih događaja promenili? Vizuelno, skupovi postaju zahtevniji – više audio i vi­deo opreme, brzina interneta u prostoru je sada ve­oma važan detalj koji nekada niko nije ni pominjao. Ukus kafe tokom kafe pauze je verovatno jedino što je ostalo isto kao i ranije, stalno se traže načini da koktel zalogaj bude što zanimljiviji i kreativniji, scena druga­


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

čija i prostor jedinstven. Bitna je postala i količina po­ vratnih informacija od učesnika koja se dobija tokom i posle skupa, gde bitnu ulogu imaju nove tehnologije. Traži se da prostori za izlagače budu veći, sale treba da imaju što više mogućnosti promena – čuvena mul­ti­ funk­cionalnost. U agenciji HRG si radio prethodnih 13 godina. Šta te je motivisalo da se pridružiš timu portala Kongresniturizam? Da, to je dug period. I mogu reći vrlo kvalitetno pove­ den – u odličnoj međunarodnoj agenciji, ali sam imao potrebu za promenom jer promena podstiče nove ideje i stvara nove izazove. Jako mi je drago što sam postao deo jednog, za mene novog, ali u našem poslu već dokazanog, tima koji je fokusiran i ambiciozan. Ovo nije individualan posao i važno je znati da oko sebe imaš ljude kojima veruješ i koji su sposobni. U Kongresnomturizmu sam upravo to prepoznao i priključio se.

Koliko si događaja do sada organizovao? Mnogo. Svakako se radi o više sto­ tina. Bilo je tu zaista puno skupova, različitih po broju ljudi, lokalitetu, specifičnim bezbednosnim ili logis­ tičkim detaljima. Dosta velikih konferencija gde rade čitavi timovi, tako da nijedan doga­ đaj nije isti jer uvek postoje specifič­ nosti i to je ono što čini ovaj posao dinamičnim i lepim. Šta je za tebe najvažnije u komunikaciji sa klijentom? Iskrenost i realnost. Uvek pazljivo slušati šta neko želi jer često klijent u detaljima kojih nije ni svestan iznosi šta mu je bitno. Onda se treba fokusirati na te elemente. Uvek biti ot­vo­ren i direktan u iznošenju onoga šta može da se uradi i šta kao organizatori sve možemo da pružimo. Zahtevi i želje su jedno, a na nama kao profesionalcima u ovom poslu je da uklopimo što više traženih eleme­ nata, ali uvek sa idejom konačnog rezultata. Preciznost i tačnost su jako bitni kako u planiranju tako i u izvođenju bilo kog dešavanja. Tako se stiče sigurno­st i poverenje klijenta jer ono nije dato po automatizmu.

Koji je događaj za tebe bio poseban izazov? Dobro pitanje – možda organizacija Prvog foruma kulturnih i kreativnih industrija Kine i zemalja centralne i istočne Evrope 16+1, skup koji je bio zaista zanimljiv i izazovan zbog tehničkih detalja, broja delegacija iz različitih zemalja, broja prevodilaca. Bio je to jedan od skupova koji se pamte i posle kog se osećaš ispunjenim.

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Šta vidiš kao buduće trendove u organizaciji događaja? Ako pričamo o manjim događajima ili tim bildinzima, verujem da će sve više biti organizovani u alternativ­ nim prostorima ili prirodi. Naravno, u meri u kojoj je

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


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moguće jer ljudi imaju potrebu za promenom okru­ ženja. Kod velikih konferencija, sve je veća upotreba RFID tehnologije i audio video opreme sa različitim tehničkim detaljima. Nekada je prosečna kongresna torba sadržala mini­ mum kilogram štampanih materijala, brošura, progra­ ma skupa itd. Sada je sve to u elektronskoj formi i to je jako dobro. Primena eko prihvatljivih materijala u svim segmentima je u usponu pa je tako i u kongres­noj industriji. Na šta posebno obraćaš pažnju kada se radi o planiranju događaja?

gosta. Često ljudi navode veličinu sale, ali ne spominju koliko toaleta ima­ju u zgradi. Plastično rečeno, kao da kupuješ TV i svi pričaju o rezo­ luciji i veličini ekrana, a treba proveriti i kako daljinski leži u ruci i kakvi su dugmići. Najveća satisfakcija u organizaciji događaja za tebe je… Satisfakcija leži u tome da je klijent zadovoljan jer svi mi koji radimo u uslužnoj delatnosti svoju satisfakciju dobijamo kroz zadovoljnog klijenta.

Treba povezati i gledati sve kao ce­li­nu, jer je jako bitno da od inici­ jalnog zahteva vidiš kako će sve izgledati kao finalni proizvod. Fokus na samo jednom elementu ili na jednom detalju odvuče paž­ nju tako da je bitno podsetiti sebe uvek na to šta je kompletna usluga. Zato je važno imati dobar tim oko sebe jer veće skupove ili konferen­ cije uvek radi tim. Isto tako je bitno voditi računa o d­obavljačima sa kojima sarađuješ. Ti si odgovoran pred klijentom i za to kako je kuvar pri­ premio hranu i za kvalitet zvuka u slušalici i temperatu­ ru u sali itd. Kada anga­žujem transfer kuću, svi navode tip vozila, a ja pitam kako izgleda tabla sa kojom čekate


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

Da bi došlo do toga, svi u lancu moraju da profesional­ no odrade svoj deo. Kad posle završenog skupa klijent dođe i kaže „hajde da planiramo sledeće dešavanje″ ti imaš osmeh na licu i to je ono što te čini zadovoljnim. Mirjana Jokić


Meet Marko Kragulj, the Newest Member of Portal Kongresniturizam

I’ve Joined a Focused and Ambitious Team

Marko Kragulj, Director of Sales

“While I was at school and afterwards, at university, I learned the basic survival skills of life. Now, I think that the importance of any new opportunity lies in ha­ v­ing the support of the right team, at the right company,” said Marko Kragulj, at the start of our conversation. Marko began working in the MICE industry 15 years ago and believes he was lucky to have had the chance to work with industry professionals, people that he was able to learn a lot from. Until recently, Marko worked at HRG, an internationally recognised agency before joining Kongresniturizam as the Sales Direc­ tor. In this new role, Marko plans to share his gained know-how, to exchange and transfer knowledge and experience and is looking forward to the new challen­ ges set before him. He has always been driven by the variety offered by events and his commitment to the work, and he is con­fident that from this point forward the responsibilities of his new position will continue to be very interesting.

important detail that previously had not been an issue. The quality of the coffee served during intermi­ssion is probably the only thing that has remained the same, and we’re constantly on the lookout for ways to make hors d’oeuvres (appetisers) more interesting and creative, the stage more diverse and distinct, and the venue a more unique experience. Another aspect that has gain in significance is feedback received from participants during and after the event, with new tech­ nologies playing an important role here.

You’ve been in the MICE industry for 15 years. To what extent have the trends in corporate event organisation changed over the years? Visually, events are becoming more de­manding – complex sound and video equipment is needed, Wi-Fi speed ava­i­lable at venues has become a very

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


i n d u s t r y Today, our clients want spaces with large exhibit areas and conference halls that offer flexibility and are very multifunctional. You spent the past 13 years with HRG. What prompted motivated you to join Kongresniturizam?

Accuracy and precision are very important, both in planning and in executing an event. This builds client confidence and trust which is not available by default, but rather something that must be built.

Yes, this was a long period, but one that I feel was very well spent in a remarkable international agency, but I felt it was time for a change, as change is what inspires us to come up with ideas and create new challenges. I am very happy to have become part of a team that’s new to me but already well established within the indu­stry, one that is both focused and ambitious. This is not a one-man show, and it is impor­ tant to know that you are surrounded by trustworthy, capab­le people. And this is precisely was I saw at Kongresni­turizam, which is why I joined the team. In your opinion, what is most important in terms of client communication? Honesty and the ability to be realistic. To always listen carefully to what the client wants because frequent­ly the client will unintentionally provide important deta­ ils in regard to their desires. It is then necessary to focus on those aspects. Always be open and direct in voicing what it is that can be done and what we, as event planners, are capable of providing. Demands and wishes are one thing, and we as professionals are tasked with fitting in as many of the requested components as we possibly can, but always keeping the end result in mind.

How many events have you planned to date? A lot. In the hundreds, at least. There truly have been a lot of them, all different in terms of participant num­bers, location, particular safety requirements and logistical details. Many large conferences organised by entire teams. No two events are the same and each has its own individual particularities, which makes working in this industry dynamic and exciting. Which event was especially challenging for you? Good question. Perhaps the organization of the First Forum of Cultural and Creative Industries of China and CEE 16 + 1, an event that was really exciting as well as challenging because of the technical details involved in catering to such a di verse group, the number of delegations from varying countries, and the number of interpreters. This was the type of event that you don’t forget and it was the type of event that gene­ rates feelings of satisfaction once its all over. What do you see as future trends in event planning? Where minor events or team buil­ ding are in question, I believe that they will be organised in more


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

alternative venues or in nature. Of course, to an extent that this is possible, because people need to change their surroundings. When it comes to large conferences, RFID technology and various other audio and video equipment will be more widely used. In the past, the average ’conference bag’ contain­ ed at least two pounds of printed materials, brochures, programmes, etc. Now, all of this is available in electronically, which is a very good thing. The use of environmentally friendly materials in all segments is on the rise, and the MICE industry is no exception. What do you pay special attention to when planning events it comes to event planning? Everything should be linked to everything else and viewed as a whole, as it is very important to be able to see what the final ’product’ will look like, i.e. what the final result will be, from the initial request to final cle­ an up after the event. Focusing on just one component or detail can be distracting so it is important to always remind yourself of what full service truly means. This is why having a good team is important – larger events or conferences are always a team effort. It is also important to be careful in choosing the right suppliers to work with. As far as your client is concer­ ned, you and only you are responsible for the quality of the food, the sound in the headset, the room tempe­rature, etc. When I’m looking to hire a transpor­ tation transfer company, everyone always cites the

type of vehicle, but I always ask what type of pick-up sign they use. Often, people talk about the size of the venue, but they don’t mention the number of WCs are available in the building. Comparatively, this would be like buying a TV and receiving all the information about the picture quality and screen size, but nothing about how the remote control works, or feels in hand.

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i n d u s t r y

To you, what is the most satisfying thing about corporate event planning? A happy and satisfied client. Those of us who work in the service industry all feel the same when it comes to our clients, a happy and satisfied client brings us unparalleled satisfaction. To achieve this, everyone in the chain must be professional in executing their indi­ vidual role. When the client approaches you after the event and says, “Let’s plan the next one!”, that brings a smile to your face and makes you happy. Mirjana Jokic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019



Dobar doživljaj uz malo sreće


Koliko hoteli u regionu rade na kreiranju doživljaja?

Sredinom 2019. godine SEEbtm magazin sproveo je anketu o tome koliko hoteli i hotelski brendovi u regionu rade na kreiranju doživljaja kod svojih gostiju. Opšti zaključak je da svi žele da kreiraju pozitivan i nesvakidašnji doživljaj kod svo­ jih gos­tiju, ali za sada, mali je procenat onih koji tom cilju pristupaju sis­tematski i planski, te je kreiranje doživljaja više prepušteno sreći i lepom vremenu, ako po­s­ luži. Svi hotelski brendovi i event prostori koji su učestvo­ vali u anketi, ističu da rade na kreiranju doživljaja kod gostiju i klijenata.

Hoteli u regionu jugoistočne Evrope i dalje u najve­ ćem broju slučajeva (60%) povratne informacije od gostiju u vezi sa njihovim potrebama, utiscima i doživ­

Kreiranje doživljaja najčešće (60%) postižu implementiranjem nesvakidašnjih sadržaja i događa­ ja u prostoru – koncerata, temat­ skih događaja, izložbi i slično. Pored toga, poseban koncept i dizajn se vrlo često koristi u tu svrhu, kao i informacione teh­ nologije. Hoteli se oslanjaju neretko i na sopstveno osoblje i njihovu interakciju sa gostima prilikom kreiranja doživljaja koji se pamti (Grafik 1).

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


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ljajem prikupljaju popunjavanjem upitnika pri odjavi iz hotela ili onog koji ih čeka u sobi. Povratne informacije prikupljaju putem online upitnika u 20% slučajeva, kao i 20% na osnovu recenzija. Možemo reći da hoteli u regionu 60% komentara i utisaka prikupljaju direktnim anketiranjem u hotelu (Grafik 2). S obzirom na to da je web sajt hotela, hotelskog bren­ da ili event prostora vrlo često prvi kontakt koji gost ost­va­ruje, te takođe utiče na doživljaj koji gost ima u


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

in­ter­akciji sa određenim brendom, 60% učesnika u anke­ti je naglasilo da je na izradi njihovog web sajta radio i UX (User Experience) dizajner (Grafik 3).

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Isto toliki procenat ispitanika je izjavio da je proce­ nat zadovoljstva korisnika njihovom web stranicom veći od 50%. Nema onih koji su se izjasnili da je procenat zadovolj­ stva korisnika njihovim sajtom visok tj. veći od 80%. Dok je kod ne tako malog broja njih, čak 40% ispita­ nika, procenat zadovoljstva klijenata web sajtom hotela manji od 30% (Grafik 4).

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


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Ovaj podatak nesumnjivo govori o tome da se u tim slučajevima nije povelo dovoljno računa o iskustvu korisnika, strukturi i dizajnu web stranice (više o UX dizajnu možete pročitati na 69. str.). S tim u vezi, 80% učesnika u anketi je izjavilo da njihov hotel i hotelski brend nema svoju mobilnu aplikaciju koju gosti mogu da koriste prilikom boravka i pomaže interakciju sa brendom i kreiranju ukupnog doživljaja, ali da će je imati uskoro (Grafik 5).


Sve ovo govori o tome da u našem regionu svest o potrebi planskog kreiranja doživljaja kod gostiju nije dovoljno razvijena, ali verujemo da će, kao i u svemu, lideri u hotelskom biznisu, ovoj problematici u buduć­ nosti pristupiti sa više posvećenosti i resursa. Na taj način, dobar doživljaj će sve manje biti rezultat ad hoc ishoda i srećnih okolnosti, a sve više dobro isplanirane taktike i uloženog truda. Miona Milić

survey How Much Are Hotels in Region Working on Creating Experience?

Good Experience with a Bit of Luck In mid-2019, SEEbtm conducted a survey on how much effort hotels and hotel bra­nds in the region put in creating experiences for their guests. The overall con­ clu­sion is that everyone wants to create a positive and unusual experience for their guests. However, for now only a small percentage takes a systematic, methodical approach to the objective. As a result, creating the guest experience is largely left to luck and good weather, when it’s there. Every hotel brand and venue that took part in the sur­ vey underlined that they indeed work to create the guest/customer experience.

Hotels in the SEE region still mainly (60%) get feed­ back from guests regarding their needs, impressions,

They do this mostly (60%) by implementing unusual ameni­ ties and events on their premi­ ses – performances, themed events, exhibitions, and similar. In addition, they often use special concepts and design for this purpose, as they do information technology. Hotels also frequently rely on their own staff and their inter­ action with guests in creating memorable experiences (Chart 1).

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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and experiences by having them fill out a question­ naire when checking out at the front desk or upon arrival in the room. 20% of them collect feedback through online questionnaires, and another 20% through reviews. We can say that the region’s hotels collect 60% of comments and impre­ssions by direct survey at hotel (Chart 2). Considering that the website of the hotel, hotel brand, or venue is quite often the first point of contact for the guest and that it also affects the guest’s experience in


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

interacting with a particular brand, 60% of the sur­vey participants note that a UX designer was in­volved in creating their website (Chart 3).

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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The same share of respondents said that the per­ centage of users’ satisfaction with their website exceeds 50%. No respondents reported users’ satisfaction with their website as high — greater than 80%. On the other hand, quite a lot of them, as many as 40%, reported users’ satisfaction with the hotel website as less than 30% (Chart 4).

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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This information decidedly indicates that these failed to take enough care of user experience and website structure and design (read more about UX design on page 72). In this regard, 80% of the survey participants said that their hotel and hotel brand had no mobile app that their guests could use during their stay and that could improve interaction with the brand and the overall experience, but that they would soon have it (Chart 5).


All this suggests that the awareness of the need to plan the guest experience is underdeveloped in our region, but we believe that, as with everything else, the hotel industry leaders will approach this issue in the future with more commitment and resources. This will make good experiences less a result of ad hoc outcomes and happy circumstances and more a result of well-thought-out tactics and invested effort. Miona Milic

intervju Montenegro Stars Hotel Group

Žarko Radulović: Beležimo rast u odnosu na prošlu godinu G-din Žarko Radulović

MICE segment poslovanja čini veliki deo profita u hotelskoj industriji. Crna Gora, kako destinacija za poslovni turizam, prepoznata je kao jedna od najatraktivnijih u našem regionu. Hotelska grupa Montenegro Stars, a posebno hotel Splendid, više od decenije uspešno ugošćuje najzahtevniju grupu turista – poslov­ ne turiste. O tome kakva je bila protekla kongresna sezona, kako je započeta nova, ali i planovima Montenegro Stars-a, razgovarali smo sa gospodinom Žarkom Radulovićem, suvlasnikom ove hotelske grupe. Hotel Splendid je čest izbor poslovniih gostiju, ali i velikih kompa­ nija. Na koji način uspevate da zadržite poziciju koju imate uprkos velikoj konkurenciji? Naš osnovni zadatak je da kreiramo upečatljiv doživljaj, a jedan od ključnih elemenata jeste upravo interakcija sa gostom i to u svakom trenutku imamo na umu. Da ste u pravom trenutku tu kad im zatre­ bate suptilno i nenapadno, a da u svakom ispunite ono što od vas traži ili očekuje – iznad svega da gost osjeti, a ne samo da čuje riječi dobrodošlice. Mislim da je to razlog što smo ne samo zadržali poziciju po kojoj nas prepoznajete, već i što rastemo – kao ključno MICE odredište u Crnoj Gori. Istovremeno, to podrazumijeva mnogo napornog rada i zalaganja svih naših timova, koji u svakom trenutku nastupaju sinhronizovano. U kongresnom smislu, kakva je bila protekla godina i kako je zapo­ čela ova godina? U prošloj godini oragnizovali smo preko 400 skupova uglavnom internacionalnog i regionalnog karaktera; MICE gosti su ostvarili

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


i n t e r v j u preko 30,5 hiljada noćenja. Klijenti iz Zapadne Evrope su najbrojniji bleasure gosti. Za prva četiri mjeseca bilježimo rast od 10% noćenja u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. I to je dokaz da smo imali pravilnu, rekao bih, i jedinu moguću poslovnu filozofiju, kad je ovaj vid turističkog proizvoda koji hoteli Splendid i Montenegro nude. Tek planiramo rast u tom segmentu, jer je realno ostvariv. Da li smatrate da su turistički potencijali Crne Gore maksimalno iskorišćeni? Turistički potencijal Crne Gore daleko je od onoga što bi se moglo nazvati punom iskorišćenošću. Činjenica je da smo sad negdje na pola puta do tog maksimalnog učinka. Sezonu smo nakon višede­ cenijskih napora produžili. Prošlogodišnja je trajala 6 mjeseci, ove godine biće duža najmanje 15 dana. Sad je sezona od marta do no­ vembra i od ove godine puno bolje koristimo svoje kapacitete nego prošle. April je ove godine oborio rekorde kad je u pitanju profit. Maj takođe, jun je jako dobar, a fenomen je da se septembar pro­ daje 36 odsto više u ovoj godini u odnosu na prošlu. Čisto da pojasnim, hotel Splendid je jedan od nekoliko hotela sa 5 zvjezdica u Crnoj Gori, ali jedini te veličine tj. najveći u smislu kapa­ citeta. Destinacija nema dovoljno kapaciteta, pa da bismo je podr­ žali, dajemo 30% kapaciteta tour operatorima, a ostatak svojim kanalima prodaje. Tako da popunjenost kod nas ne zavisi od tour operatera i njiho­vog broja gostiju, već od gostiju koje sami dovedemo svojim kanalima prodaje. Ali, ima još prostora za unaprijeđenja, naročito zimi. Mislim da ćemo to uspjeti da nadomjestimo gostima sa tzv. „dalekih tržišta”. Krenuli smo sa niske osnove – pa bilježimo rast od 200-300%, ali već smo sad došli do toga da procenat rasta opada, što znači da je ukupna popunjenost mnogo veća i zadovoljiće ono što nama treba u zimskom periodu, a to je popunjenost od 60%. Možete li nam reći nešto o daljim planovima hotelske grupe Mon­ tenegro Stars u vezi sa stimulacijom kongresnog turizma? Raspolažemo salom koja može da primi hiljadu ljudi. Međutim, Crnoj Gori nedostaje veliki kongresni centar kako bismo mogli da radimo događaje za po nekoliko hiljada učesnika. Za sada, ovo što imamo raste iz godine u godinu i kada ćemo dostići tu maksimalnu iskorišćenost ne bih mogao da prognoziram u ovom trenutku. Ipak, sve ovo sto se dešava sad, unazad pet godina bio je samo san koji sada živimo. Danas imamo korisnike iz cijele Evrope, dok su do nedavno uglav­ nom to bili gosti iz regiona i Rusije. Perspektiva je dobra, svi putevi su otvoreni, realni sam optimista i siguran u dalji razvoj i rast. Imamo ponudu koju rijetko ko ima. Crna Gora je mala, ali geografski veoma različita. Od Bokokotorskog zaliva, preko Lovćena i Cetinja, Skadarskog jezera... Za tri do tri ipo stata obiđete i more i planine i polja i jezera. To je veoma atraktivno u periodu proljeće/jesen, a takvih mogućnosti je mnogo. U tom smislu smatram da je Crna Gora dobitna kombinacija. Milica Novak


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

interview Montenegro Stars Hotel Group

Zarko Radulovic: We Have an Increase Compering Last Year Mr. Zarko Radulovic

MICE segment makes a large part of the profits in the hotel industry. Montene­ g­ro, as a destination for this type of tourism, has been recognized as one of the most attractive in our region. Montenegro Stars Hotel Group, and especially hotel Splendid, has been successfully hosting the most demanding group of guests – business tourists, for over a decade. About the past MICE season, the start of the new one, but also the plans of Montenegro Stars, we talked with Mr. Zarko Radulovic, the co-owner of this hotel group. Hotel Splendid is frequent choice of business guests but big companies as well. How do you keep up with this position despite strong competition? Our main task is to create a memorable experience and one of key elements is interaction with the guest and that is what we have in mind at all time. That you are present, at the right time, when you are needed, in a subtle and discreet manner and at all times you meet the requests or expectations – above all, the guest should feel and not only hear the courteous words of welcome. I think that it is the reason for retaining the position that we are recognised for, but also the fact that we are growing as a key MICE destination in Mon­ tenegro. At the same time, it entails a lot of effort and hard work of all our teams, who act in synchrony. In terms of MICE segment, what was the past year like and the beginning of this year? Last year, we organised over 400 events, most of them of internati­ onal and regional character; MICE guests account for more than 30,500 overnights. Clients from the Western Europe are the most numerous bleisure guests. In first four months we had an increase of

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


i n t e r v i e w 10% in overnights compared to the same period last year. This also proves that we have a proper and, I dare say also, the only possible business philosophy when it comes to this type of tourist product offered by the hotels Splendid and Montenegro. We are yet planning growth in that segment, because it is realistic and achievable. Do you think that tourism potentials of Montenegro are utilized to the maximum? The tourism potential of Montenegro is far from what could be called as full utilisation. The fact is that currently we are halfway through to achieving that maximum effect. After decades long ef­ forts, we extended the season. Last year, the season was 6 months, this year it will be at least 15 days longer. Currently, the season lasts from March to November and, as of this year, we are using our capacities much better than last year. April this year broke records when it comes to profit. May as well, June is quite good and it is re­ markable that September is selling out by 36% more than last year. I will explain – hotel Splendid is one of a few 5-star hotels in Mon­ tenegro, but the only of that size; in other words, it has the largest capacity. The destination itself does not have sufficient capacities, so in order to support it, we give a share of 30% to tour operators and the rest we sell through our own sale channels. Therefore, our occupancy rate does not depend on tour operators and the number of guests they bring, but on the number of guests we bring ourselves, through our sale channels. But, there is still room for improvement, particularly in winter time. I think we will be able to compensate it with guests from the so called “distant markets”. Our starting point was quite low, so we are registering a growth of 200-300%; however, we have already reached a point where the growth is slowing down, which means that the occu­ pancy rate is much higher and will meet our needs for the winter period, which is occupancy rate of 60%. Can you tell us something more about further plans of Montene­ gro Stars Hotel Group regarding stimulation of MICE tourism? We have a conference room that can accommodate a thousand people. However, Montenegro lacks a big congress centre for organisation of events for several thousand people. For now, what we have is growing every year and at this point I can’t say when we will have maximum occupancy. However, what has been happening over the past five years was just a dream that we are living right now. Today, we have clients from all over Europe, while until recen­ tly, those were mainly guests from the region and Russia. The prospects are good, all paths are open, and I am a real optimist and certain of further growth and development. We have an offer that not many have. Montenegro is a small country, but geographica­­ lly quite diverse. From the Boka Kotorska Bay, via Lovcen and Cetinje, the Skadar Lake... In three to three and a half hours, one can visit both the sea and the mountains, the fields and the lakes. It is very attractive in spring and autumn and there are many opportunities. In that regard, I think that Montenegro is a winning combination. Milica Novak


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

avio sektor

Poslovni putnici i avio putovanja

Šta raditi u slučaju kašnjenja i/ili otkazivanja leta? Ako treba da putujete avionom čekaju vas brojne procedure, i samim tim bi se moglo reći da je ovo, u tom smislu, najzahtevniji način da se sa jednog mesta ode na drugo. Aerodromska pravila su komplikovana upravo zbog bezbednosti putnika. Sve procedure koje se obavljaju na samom aerodromu, pre poletanja, u službi su bez­ bednosti i treba ih pažljivo pratiti i slušati uputstva. U ovom tekstu ćemo se baviti temama koje su većini prilično nepoznate i koje putniku mogu da predstavlja­ ju problem. Od ovog broja SEEbtm magazina, potrudićemo se da vam pružimo odgovore na najčešće postavljana pitanja avio sektoru portala Kongresniturizam.

Kašnjenje leta U ovim slučajevima putnici satima čekaju na aerodro­ mu, a uglavnom ne znaju koja su njihova prava u takvim situacijama. Da li mogu da očekuju bilo kakvu informaciju, obezbeđen smeštaj ili povraćaj novca?

Pod kašnjenjem se smatra svaki let koji je odložen na određeni vremenski period zbog neplaniranih okolnosti. Kašnjenje poletanja i sletanja može da bude iz mnogo razloga: nedovoljan broj gejtova za ukrcavanje/iskrca­ vanje putnika, gužva na pisti, meteorološke nepogode, tehnički razlozi itd. Svako kašnjenje koje nije duže od dva sata smatra se prihvatljivim u avio saobraćaju i avio kompanija u tim slučajevima nema nikakve obaveze prema putnicima. Obaveze avio kompanija prema putnicima određene su vremenom i udaljenošću. To znači da svi putnici imaju pravo na pomoć u zavisnosti od dužine kašnjenja i kilometraže koja se prelazi do željene destinacije. U najvećem broju slučajeva, ukoliko let kasni između dva i pet časova putnik će dobiti besplatan obrok

Iako su prava putnika definisana brojnim konvencijama i pravilima, ostvariće ih samo ukoliko zatraže. A dosta nas to ne uradi, zar ne? Naravno, avio kompanije u većini slučajeva postupaju po principu „od onoga na šta putnici imaju pravo, dati im samo ono što zahtevaju ili traže.“ Zato je bitno da putnici budu informisani o pravima koja im pripadaju u situa­ cijama kada ne mogu da polete iz bilo kog razloga.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


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Avio kompanije u većini slučajeva postupaju po principu „od onoga na šta putnici imaju pravo, dati im samo ono što zahtevaju ili traže.“ ili napitak. A ukoliko se radi o dužem vremenskom periodu, putnici mogu da, shodno svojim obavezama i planovi­ma, biraju da li žele da im avio kompanija obezbe­di bes­platan smeštaj i transfer od/do aerodro­ ma ili žele da im se avionska karta novčano nadoknadi ili putovanje preusmeri na prvi sledeći slobodan let. Ovo je važno da znaju svi oni koji putuju spojenim letovima, tzv. connected flights/vezana karta, jer je procedura ista i za njih. Dakle, ako letite na primer, iz Beograda za Prag preko Frankfurta, a polazak sa početne destinacije kasni, avio kompanija je dužna da putnika prebaci na prvi sledeći let na kom ima mesta. Kada govorimo o udaljenosti, avio saobraćaj razlikuje tri kategorije: letove do 1.500, od 1.500 do 3.000 i pre­ ko 3.000 kilometara. Shodno navedenoj kilometraži, kada postoje kašnjenja, postoje i različite nadoknade. Svakako za ovo, ako se nađete u toj situaciji, treba da kontaktirate avio kompaniju čije usluge koristite jer ćete samo tako dobiti napreciznije informacije. Ili kontaktirate svog agenta prodaje koji će to uraditi za vas i uputiti vas na pravu adresu.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

Otkazivanje leta Ovakvi slučajevi predstavljaju noćnu moru svakog po­ slovnog putnika. Let može biti otkazan iz više razloga. Najčešće se radi o tehničkim razlozima: kvar ili nedo­ s­tatak na avionu, nepovoljni vremenski uslovi, zatva­ ranje odlaznog ili dolaznog aerodroma ili štrajka avio kompanije. Kada je let nedovoljno popunjen, može doći do otkazi­ vanja koje (komercijalni razlog) avio kompanija spro­ vodi zbog neisplativosti. U svakom slučaju, putniku se nudi jedna od dve opci­ je: preusmeravanje na drugi let (sličan prvobitnom ili mu se nudi drugi datum ukoliko mu je to prihvatljivo) ili potpuni povraćaj svih troškova.

Vanredne okolnosti koje avio kompanije oslobađaju odgovornosti: · vremenske neprilike · vulkanske erupcije, zemljotresi, poplave, požari itd. · ratovi, oružani sukobi, terorističke pretnje · avionske nesreće i incidenti na aerodromu · štrajkovi u službama koje nisu deo avio kompanije (aerodromi, kontrola leta) · ugrožena bezbednost letenja

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Kada dođe do kašnjenja ili otka­ zivanja leta iz bilo kog razloga, najveći broj poslovnih putnika očekuje da mu agent, preko kog je karta kupljena, reši situaciju. Važno je napomenuti da u tim slučajevima agent može pomoći samo ako je promena vremena leta ili otkazivanje istog najavlje­ na ranije. Tada agent postupa u skladu sa pravilima avio kompa­ nije čija je karta. Ukoliko se ovakve situacije dese na samom aerodromu, dva sata pred poletanje, ili je putnik već čekiran, za njega postaje nadle­ žna avio kompanija preko koje putuje i koja dalje rešava situaciju u skladu sa pravilima koja su gore opisana. Sada, kada imate u vidu sve ovo, nema mesta za pani­ ku. Nepredviđene situacije su u avio saobraćaju uvek prisutne, a pravila i procedure postaju sve strožije jer

je u fokusu, pre svega, bezbednost putnika. Tako da, ako vas nekada na aerodromu zatekne neka od ovih neprijatnosti, Keep Calm and Fly on 

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Avio sektor portala Kongresniturizam, Jovana Ljuboja Bojana Vučenović

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


corporate travel department

Business Travelers and Air Travel

What to Do When Your Flight Is Delayed and/or Canceled? Traveling by air brings with itself a number of procedures, so it could be said that in these terms this is the most demanding way to get from one place to another. Airport regulations are complicated because of pass­ enger safety. All procedures that are performed at the airport itself before departure are designed to ensure safety, and they should be carefully followed along with the instructions. Here we focus on issues that most people are not familiar with and that might cause problems for passengers. From this issue of SEEbtm we will try to answer the most frequent questions that Kongresniturizam’s Corporate Travel Department gets.

Flight delay When a flight is delayed, the passengers wait at the airport for hours and most of them have no idea about their rights in these situations. Should they expect to be informed, provided accommo­ dation, or re­fu­ n­ded? Although passenger rights are set out by a number of conventions and rules, they are realized only if requested so. And a lot of us never do, do we? Of course, in most cases airlines act along the lines of “out of the things that passengers are entitled to, give them only what they request or ask for.” That’s why it’s important for pass­engers to know abo­ut their rights in situations when they’re prevented from taking off for any reason.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

A delay means any flight that is postponed on acco­ unt of unforeseen circumstances. Take-off and landing delays can happen for many reasons: insufficient number of gates for passenger boarding/deplaning, crowded runway, extreme weather, technical difficulties, etc. Any delay not exceeding two hours is considered ac­ ceptable in air travel, and airlines have no obligations to passengers in these cases. Airlines’ obligations towards passengers are deter­ mined by time and distance. This means that every passenger has the right to assistance depending on the length of the delay and mileage covered to the desired destination. In most cases, if the flight is delayed between two and five hours, the passenger gets a free meal or refreshment. If the delay is longer, passengers can choose – in line with their schedules and plans – whether they want the airline to provide

In most cases airlines act along the lines of “out of the things that passengers are entitled to, give them only what they request or ask for.” free accommodation and transfer from and to the airport or if they want to get refunded for the ticket, or redirect their trip to the first available flight. This is important information for all those traveling on connected flights, because the procedure is the same for them. So, for example, if you’re flying from Belgrade to Prague via Frankfurt, and the departure from the initial destination is delayed, the airline is obligated to transfer the passengers to the next avai­lable flight. When it comes to distance, flying is grouped in three categories: up to 1,500 km, between 1,500 km and 3,000 km, and over 3,000 km. In case of delays, the compensation differs according to these groups. If you ever find yourself in a situation like this, you should contact the airline you’re traveling with beca­ use that will get you the most accurate information. Or you can contact your travel agent to do it for you and point you in the right direction.

t r a v e l

d e p a r t m e n t

Flight cancellation Flight cancellations are a nightmare for any business traveler. A flight can be canceled for a number of reasons. The most common ones are technical: airplane tech­ nical fault, poor weather conditions, arrival or depar­ ture airports closing, or airline company strikes. When the flight is underbooked, the airline can cancel the flight to avoid cost-related issues (commercial reason). In any case, the passenger is offered one of two opti­ons: redirecting to another flight (similar to the original one or on a different date if acceptable), or a full refund of all expenses.

Emergency circumstances that release airline companies from responsibility: · Bad weather · Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, fires, etc. · War, armed conflict, terrorist threats · Airplane accidents and incidents at the airport · Strikes at departments that are not part of the airline company (airports, flight control) · Risk to flight safety

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c o r p o r a t e


co r po rate

trave l

d ep a r t m e nt

When the flight is delayed or cancelled for any reason, most business travelers expect their travel agents to resolve the situation. It’s important to note that in these cases the travel agent can help only if the change in flight time or cancellation were announced in advance. Then the agent acts in line with the rules of the airline company. If these situations happen at the airport itself two hours before the take-off, or if the passengers already checked in, they become the responsibility of the airline they’re travelling with and the company further resolves the situation in accordance with the rules described above. Now that you have all this in mind, there’s no need to panic. Unexpected situations are quite common in air travel, and the rules and procedures are getting

increasingly stricter because the focus is on passenger safety first and foremost. So, if you ever find yourself at the airport in any of these situations, Keep Calm and Fly on , Corporate Travel Department, Jovana Ljuboja Bojana Vucenovic


DT Croatia & DT Slovenia

Destinacijski menadžment u regionu DT Croatia & DT Slovenia aktivni su na području cijele Hrvatske i Slovenije više od 20 godina kao regionalni DMC, a urede koje uspiješno vode lokalni profesi­ onalci postoje u Dubrovniku, Zagrebu, Splitu, Portorožu i Ljubljani. Partnerstvo u Sloveniji je uspješno već dugi niz godina, a upravo su nju prvi ‘’izgrađivali’’ kao MICE de­ stinaciju zahvaljujući know how-u koji imaju, čak i prije nego što je postojala međunarodna suradnja i Slovenija uopće prepoznata kao MICE destinacija. DT je prepoznat kao siguran i pouzdan partner u organizaciji me­ đunarodnih insentive putovanja, korporativnih događaja, sastanaka i konferencija na području Hrvatske i Slovenije. „U DT-u su vlasnici direktno uklju­ čeni u operativno poslovanje tvrtke i uz profesionalne lokalne teamo­ ve možemo se pohvaliti velikim brojem zadovoljnih klijenata čiji standardi su visoki. Klijenti posebno cijene posveće­ nost DT članova svakom detalju u projektima, zaštitu njihovih intere­ sa, kao i fokusiranje na krajnji cilj. U DT-u standard postavljamo viso­ ko, istovremeno vodeći računa o realnim mogućnostima, a na tome svakodnevno rade kako vlasnici, tako i svi članovi dinamičnog DT teama’’, izjavio je Daniel Marušić, DT CEO & Predsjednik.

okup­lja samo vodeće DMC agen­ cije – iz svake države može biti samo po jedan član – a kriteriji po kojima se agencije biraju su vrlo zahtjevni. MICE segment je primarna djelat­ nost za DT te je ovaj DMC uradio mnogo za unaprijeđenje razvoja MICE industrije u regiji i i dalje nastavlja da svakodnevno ulaže u inovacije i kvalitet usluge. Dokaz tome, pored zadovoljstva klijenata, su i brojne nagrade do­deljene zadnjih godina za naj­ uspješ­niju tvrtku na lokalnom i globalnom nivou. „Sigurnost poslovanja sa DT je sva­ kom garantirana kroz najmoderniji i unaprijeđen ISO standard poslova­ nja ISO 9001:2015, a međunarodni financijski analitičari nam godina­ ma unazad dodeljuju bonitetnu ocijenu AAA’’, naglašava Daniel. Hrvatska obala slovi za jednu od najljepših pa je, između ostalih, to jedan od razloga zbog kojih je broj korporativnih krstarenja na Jadranu u porastu. DT se posebno posvetio razvoju te usluge, te napravio odli­ čan spoj užitka i posla.

Uz to, DT je član međunarodne as­oc­ ijacije EUROMIC koja od 1970.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019



DT Croatia & DT Slovenia

Destination Management in the Region DT Croatia & DT Slovenia have been active as a regional DMC for more than 20 years in Croatia and Slovenia, with professional project managers working in their Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Split, Portoroz and Ljubljana offices. This Slovenian partnership has been successful for many years, be­ ing the first to be “built” and thanks to their know-how, even before the existence of international coopera­ tion, enabling Slovenia to be valued as a MICE destination. DT is recognized worldwide as a safe and trustworthy partner for the organization of incentive trips, corporative events, meetings and conferences in Croatia and Slovenia. “DT’s owners are directly involved in the operation of the company and together with local teams in regional offices we are happy to say we have a large number of sa­ tisfied clients with high standards. Clients particularly appreciate DT’s dedication to the fulfillment of every project detail, the protection of their interests and their focus on the final goal. At DT, standards are set high while simultaneously taking into account realistic possi­ bilities and on this we work daily as owners, as well as all members of our dynamic DT team”, said Daniel Marusic, DT CEO & President. Additionally, DT is a member of the EUROMIC association, which from 1970 has gathering leading


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

DMC agencies – limited to only one member per country – chosen according the strictest criteria. MICE is DT’s core business and this DMC has contributed significantly to furthering the development of the MICE industry in the region, con­ tinuing on a daily basis to invest in innovation and quality of s­ervice. Proof of this are, in addition to sa­ tisfied clients, numerous local and international awards received over the years for their business success. “Security of doing business with DT is guaranteed through the most modern and updated ISO 9001:2015 certification while in­ ternational financial analysts have continuously awarded us AAA bond credit rating”, said Daniel. The Croatian coast is one of the most beautiful in the world and for this reason the demand for corporate sailing events is in increase. DT has been especially focused in the development of this segment of MICE business, creating a succ­essful combination of business and pleasure.

istraživanje Organizatori događaja i UX dizajnirani događaji

Kreiranje doživljaja je MUST Organizatori događaja, kako kažu u anketi, imaju u vidu kreiranje doživljaja prili­ kom organizacije, dok 66.7% njih smatra da je kreiranje doživljaja postao MUST trend (Grafik 1). Interesantnim, nesvakidašnjim konceptom, njih 55.6% postiže ovaj cilj, kao i biranjem nesvakidašnjeg pros­ tora za događaj (22.2%). Organizatori događaja kažu da vode računa o kreiranju doživljaja i uz pomoć naprednih tehnologija i druš­ tvenih mreža, kao i uključiva­ njem faktora iznenađenja, organizovanjem van agende i slično (Grafik 2).

ili u neobičnom prostoru, koncerti, umetnička izvođe­ nja, plesni i letački preformansi. Koriste se specijalne platforme za zajednički rad svih učesnika, koji ujedno zahteva kačenje pisanih i medijskih materijala i slično. Neki od organizatora koji su učestvovali u anketi za kreiranje doživljaja organizovali su i kreirali kinetičke

Organizatori na razne načine pokušavaju da kreiraju doživ­ ljaj na svojim događajima. To su uglavnom događaji bazirani na intimnijoj atmos­ feri, često visoke produkcije, uključuju upoznavanje sa kulturom i zanimljivostima grada, organizovanje događa­ ja van radne agende, prijemi i večere na zanimljivom mestu

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


i s t r a ž i v a n j e

interaktivne igre, a neki su, kao što je marketinška agen­­cija M2Communications, organizovali i ekspedi­ ciju na Mars . Organizatori događaja u 55.6% slučajeva povratne in­for­macije od učesnika u vezi sa njihovim potrebama,

utiscima i doživljajem sa događaja dobijaju usmenim razgovorom sa njima. Putem online upitnika u 33.3% slučajeva, a u nešto više od 10% slučajeva učesnici samoinicijativno šalju svoje mišljenje (Grafik 3). Nešto više od polovine učesnika u anketi je pravilo mobilnu

skog broda. Doživljaj kosmičkog putovanja dodatno je pojačan video animacijama na LED ekranima, zvučnim i specijalnim efektima.

Expedicija na Mars „Expedicija na Mars″ je konceptualni projekat realizo­ van za kompaniju Delta Motors povodom lansiranja novog modela BMW X3. Ekspedicija je okupila preko 600 članova u cilju istraživanja Crvene planete i pred­ stavljanja novog BMW modela. Članovi ekspedicije su imali priliku da dožive kosmičko putovanje od Zemlje do južne hemisfere Crvene pla­ nete. Dočekani su od strane „space stewardess″-a koje su ih povele na putovanje šatlom, odnosno prolaskom kroz tunel čiji je dizajn inspirisan enterijerom svemir­


Scenografiju su činili brojni SF motivi i panorama Mar­ sa predstavljena 8K projekcijom, na do sada najvećem platnu instaliranom na događaju u Srbiji (37m x 5m). Centralni deo događaja započet je video porukom iz BMW istraživačkog centra sa Zemlje, kojom je najav­ ljen dolazak šatla „Explorer One″ sa prvim modelima novog BMW X3. Animacija spuštanja šatla u BMW svemirsku stanicu na Marsu praćena je specijalnim efektima i komunikacijom između kontrole misije i komandanta, nakon čega su se otvorila vrata šatla i automobili spektakularno pojavili na sceni. Veče se nastavilo prvom interplanetarnom žurkom uz nastupe DJ Miss Millie i benda Girls, Boys and Toys. U prostoru su se nalazile i tri futurističke kupole koje su predstavljale istraživačke stanice, odnosno „event″ aktivacije: Test Drive Station (VR aktivacija „X3 Explo­ ring Mars″), Memories from Mars (chroma-key foto­ grafije sa Marsa) i Microgravity Bar.

aplikaciju za neke od događaja koje su organizovali (Grafik 4), a nešto više od trećine njih su prisustvovali ili organizovali događaj baziran na XD-u (experience design) (Grafik 5). Direktna komunikacija i lični kontakt sa klijentima i uče­snicima ostaju kao najznačajnije merilo uspeha događaja, mobilne aplikacije organizatori razvijaju za pojedine događaje kako bi povećali interakciju i ce­ lo­­kupan doživljaj, a događaji bazirani baš na dizajnu doživljaja će u regionu jugoistočne Evrope u pravom povoju biti u najskorijoj budućnosti.

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i s t r a ž i v a n j e

Miona Milić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019



Event Planners and UX Designed Events

Creating an Experience Is a MUST According to the survey, event planners take experience design into account in event planning, while 66.7% of them think creating experiences has become a MUST (Chart 1). They achieve this objective by using interesting, unu­ sual concepts (55.6%), as well as choosing unusual venues for their events (22.2%). Event planners say that they tackle experience design also with the he­lp of advanced tech­nologies and social media, as well as by incorpo­ ra­ting the ele­ment of surprise, pla­ nning beyond the agenda, and the like (Chart 2). Event planners try to create experiences at their events in different ways. These are mostly events that fea­ ture intimate setting, they are of­t­en highly produced and include lear­n­ing about the city culture and land­marks, planning events be­yond the agenda, receptions and di­nner in interesting places or unu­sual spaces, concerts, art per­for­­mances, and dance and


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

air­show performances. Special platforms are used for group activities of all participants, which also requires placing print and media materials and the like.

Some of the planners who took part in the survey or­ ganized and designed kinetic interactive games, while others - like M2Communications, creative, experience design & event production agency - even organized an Expedition to Mars .

In 55.6% of cases, event planners get feedback from participants about their needs, impressions, and expe­ riences from events by talking to them. Online questi­ onnaires are used by 33.3%, and just over 10% have participants send their opinion on their own (Chart 3).

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s u r v e y

spired by spacecraft interior. The experience of cosmic travel was further boosted using animated videos on LED screens and sound and special effects.

Expedition to Mars Expedition to Mars is a conceptual project developed for Delta Motors to launch the new BMW X3. The ex­ pe­dition brought together more than 600 members to explo­re the Red Planet and introduce the new BMW model. The expedition crew had the opportunity to experi­ ence a cosmic journey from Earth to the southern hemis­p­h­e­re of the Red Planet. They were welcomed by space stewardesses who took them on a shuttle trip, passing through a tunnel whose design was in­

The backdrop was made up of a slew of sci-fi themes and an 8K panoramic view of Mars, projected on the biggest canvas ever used at an event in Serbia (37m x 5m). The main part of the event kicked off with a vi­ deo message from the BMW research center on Earth, announcing the arrival of the Explorer One shuttle wi­ th the first models of the new BMW X3. The animated video of the shuttle descending on the BMW space sta­­tion on Mars was accompanied by special effects and communication between the mission control and the commander, followed by the shuttle door opening for a spectacular reveal of the cars on the stage. The evening continued with the first interplanetary par­ty featuring DJ Miss Millie and Girls, Boys and Toys. Three futuristic domes were set up to represent the research stations, which were the event activations: Test Drive Station (VR activation X3 Exploring Mars), Memories from Mars (chroma-key photos from Mars), and Microgravity Bar.


s u r v e y

Slightly more than half of the survey respondents have made a mobile app for some of their events (Chart 4), and just over a third of them have attended or organized an event based on XD (Chart 5). Direct communication and personal contact with cli­ ents and participants remain the most important mea­ sure of the success of the event, mobile appli­cations are developed for individual events in order to in­cre­ase interaction and the whole experience, and events ba­ sed on the XD in the region of SE Europe will be very popular in the near future. Miona Milic


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


ICCA statistika 2018

Manje kongresa u regionu u odnosu na prošlu godinu ICCA statistički izveštaj za 2018., koji se svake godine izrađuje na osnovu broja odr­ žanih kongresa na svetskom nivou, ali i njihovog broja učesnika, pokazuje da je u našem regionu zabeležen manji broj događaja u poređenju sa prethodnom. Mađarska je, zajedno sa Budimpeštom, i dalje visoko kotirana u svetu (i prva u našem regionu) – nalazi se na 34. mestu sa ukupno 129 održanih međunarodnih kongresa. Ali i pored toga, ovo je pad u odnosu na pro­šlu godinu kada je bila na 27. mestu sa 159 događaja. Budimpešta je sa prošlogodišnjeg 12. mesta i 128 kongresa dospela na 20. poziciju sa 100 kongresa. Promene u našem regionu uglavnom pokazuju manje padove destinacija, dok je protekle godine situacija u većini država bila bolja. Izuzetak su Slovenija, Make­ donija i Bugarska sa svojim prestonicama. Države sa najprimetnijim promenama su Makedonija koja je bolja za 16 mesta i Crna Gora sa padom za 19 mesta, a kada govorimo o gradovima, svakako su naju­ pečatljiviji Skoplje, koje je napredovalo za 117 mesta u odnosu na ranije i Sarajevo, čija je pozicija lošija za čak 110 mesta. Hrvatska je i ove godine na istom, 38. mestu, ali je broj organizovanih događaja porastao sa 102 na 108.

Glavni grad Hrvatske, Zagreb, sada je na 68. mestu sa 41 sastankom, što je za 12 mesta i sa 3 događaja manje u odnosu na prošlogodišnji izveštaj. U Dubrovniku je organizovano 28 kongresa (tri manje nego lane), i sada se nalazi na 97. poziciji, dok je pro­ šle godine bio na 86. Sledeća na listi u regionu je Slovenija koja se popela za 4 mesta i 17 sastanka više u odnosu na prošlu godi­ nu, pa je na poziciji 41 sa uku­pno 85 kongresa. Prestonica Slovenije, Ljubljana, sa 56. mesta i 44 kon­ gresa, došla je na 41. sa 59 međunarodnih kongresa. Rumunija je pala za jedno mesto, pa je sada na 44. i ukupno 74 događaja, što je za 4 više u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Srbija se nalazi na 53. poziciji sa isto toliko događaja, dok je prošlogodišnja situacija bila bolja za 11 mesta i 18 sastanaka. U Novom Sadu je održano 9 kongresa, što je za dva više nego lane, i sada je na 272. mestu što je napredak za 53 pozicije.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


i n d u s t r i j a Bugarska je sada na 58. mestu, što je blagi skok od tri pozicije, sa 43 događaja, što je devet više u odnosu na prošlogodišnji izveštaj. Sofija se popela za 40 mesta i sada je na 90. i ima 10 kongresa više, tj. ukupno 31. Makedonija je pre godinu dana bila na 94. mestu sa 10 organi­ zovanih sastanaka, dok je sada napredovala 16 mesta i ima šest kongresa više.


Rang na ICCA svetskoj listi (2018)

Broj održanih kongresa






















Bosna i Hercegovina



Crna Gora



Skoplje je napredovalo čak 117 mesta, pa je sada na 241. poziciji sa 11 međunarodnih događaja, što je pet više nego ranije. Sa 89. mesta i 11 kongresa, Bosna i Hercegovina kao destinacija došla je na 93. sa 10 kongresa, a Sarajevo, glavni grad, pao je čak 110 mesta na rang listi pa se sad nalazi na poziciji 409 sa ukupno pet međunarod­ nih sastanaka.


*Izvor: ICCA, referenca:

Crna Gora zabeležila je pad na 110. mesto i pet kon­ gresa (bila je na 82, sa osam događaja više). Podgorica i Budva su prošle godine bile na 358. i 460. poziciji sa šest i pet međunarodnih događaja, dok ih ove godine nema na ICCA rang listi. Svetlana Gavrić

industry ICCA Statistic Report 2018

Number of Conventions in the Region Drops Compared to Last Year The ICCA Statistics Report for 2018, which is produced every year based on the num­ber of conventions that took place all over the world, as well as the number of their participants, shows that our region saw a lower number of events compared with the previous one. Hungary, along with Budapest, still ranks high globally (and first in our region), taking 34th place with 129 international conventions. Despite that, this is a decline compared with last year, when the country ranked 27th with 159 events. From last year’s 12th place and 128 conventions, Budapest fell down to 20th place with 100 events. The changes in our region generally indicate slight drops of destinations, while last year the situation was better in most of the countries. This excludes Slovenia, Macedonia, and Bulgaria with their capitals. The countries with the most visible changes are Mace­donia – which jumped 16 spots – and Monte­ negro – which dropped down 19 spots. When it comes to cities, Skopje certainly made the biggest impression advancing 117 places compared with before, while Sarajevo’s placing turned for the worse by a staggering 110 spots.

Croatia kept 38th place this year, with the number of events rising from 102 to 108. The Croatian capital Zagreb now ranks 68th with 41 meetings, which is 12 places and 3 events less than in last year’s report. Dubrovnik saw 28 conventions (less by three than last year), placing 97th, a jump from last year’s 86th spot. Next on the regional list is Slovenia, which climbed 4 places higher and 17 meetings more compared with last year, ending up at 41st position with a total of 85 conventions. The Slovenian capital Ljubljana moved from 56th and 44 events down to 41st with 59 international conven­ tions. Romania dropped by a single spot, now placing 44th with a total of 74 events, which is 4 more than last year. Serbia took 53rd place with the same number of even­ts, its last year’s situation better by 11 spots and 18 meetings. Novi Sad played host to 9 conventions,

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


i n d u s t r y two more than last year, placing the city 272nd, which is an advan­ cement of 53 positions. Bulgaria is now 58 , making a mo­dest three-point jump with 43 events, which is nine more than in last year’s report. Sofia climbed 40 spots and now sits at 90th with 10 events more, a total of 31. th

Macedonia ranked 94th with 10 meetings one year ago, while now it advanced 16 places with six conventions more. Skopje jumped a staggering 117 spots, making it 241st with 11 inter­national events, five more than last year.


ICCA World Rank (2017)

No. of held conventions






























Novi Sad





From 89th positioning and 11 conventions, Bosnia and Herzegovina as a destination moved down to 93rd with 10 conventions, while its capital Sarajevo dropped by as many as 110 spots on the ranking, now placing 409th with five international meetings in total.



5 *Source: ICCA, reference:

Montenegro fell to 110th with five conventions (its last spot was 82nd, with eight more events). Last year Podgorica and Budva placed 358th and 460th with six and five international events, while this year they didn’t make it on the ICCA ranking list. Svetlana Gavric

tema broja

Kreiranje doživljaja u organizaciji događaja

Nova uloga event menadžera Složićete se da su događaji postali sve zahtevniji. I to ne samo u smislu tehničke organizacije. Događaji postaju „živi“, a klijenti žele nešto što do sada nije viđeno. Probijaju se granice i osmišljavaju novi koncepti. U tom smislu, pred event mena­ džere se postav­lja­ju novi izazovi. Kako svaki put, iznova i iznova, nadma­­ši­ti prethodnu ideju, za­ mi­­sao, i na kraju, sebe kao osobu zaduženu za organizaciju doga­ đaja? Naš je posao da za klijenta, i sve prisutne, kreiramo nezabo­ ravne i vredne doživljaje koje će vezivati za svaki trenutak događaja kom su pri­sus­tvovali. Možda je bolje reći da „dizajni­ ramo“ doživljaj. Govorim o tzv. (U)XD – (user) experience design. Ovaj termin uglavnom vezujemo za tehnologiju, najviše za proiz­ vođače mobilnih telefona koji se svakodnevno takmiče u tome da svom korisniku obezbede taj ma­gi­čan doživljaj dok koriste nji­­hov proizvod i upravo na tome te­melje svoje prodajne strategije.

Dakle, šta je (U)XD? To je proces kojim se poveća­ va osećaj zadovoljst­va kod ko­ri­snika proizvoda ili usluge, tako što se poboljšava njegova upotrebljivost/pristupačnost/ poželjnost u samoj interakciji sa proizvodom ili u korišćenju usluge. Fokusirajmo se na usluge jer je organizacija događaja upravo to. U praksi, to znači da je ona tako dizajnirana da je fokus na kva­ litetu iskustva, tj doživljaja, koji korisnik, tj. klijent, ima. Međutim, ovaj „dizajn“ nije vo­ đen uobičajenim za­konima dizaj­ na. Naprotiv, radi se o korišćenju i ukr­štanju više disciplina koje u

obzir uzimaju vi­še­struke aspekte brenda, biznisa, okruženja, isku­ s­­tva... Plastično objašnjeno, ako na pri­ mer, pravite događaj na kom želi­ te da predstavite nov proiz­vod, razmišljajte o svemu: od toga šta pro­izvod predstavlja (bukvalno i figurativno), čemu služi, kakva je ambalaža, zbog čega je odlučeno da ona bude baš takva, ko će ga distribuirati, gde, kakvo je maloprodajno okruženje, kakav je dress code zaposlenih itd. Baš sve je važno! Čak i ono što vam ne pada na pamet. XD teži da razvije proizvod ili us­lu­gu tako što prati sve ili neke od sledećih elemenata: vizualni dizajn, informacionu arhitektu­ ru (način na koji korisnik dolazi

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Nakon što ste pri­ ku­pili informa­ci­je To je proces kojim se poveća­va osećaj zado­ koji su ciljevi i ciljna voljst­va kod ko­ri­snika proizvoda ili usluge, gru­pa do­ga­đaja, tako što se poboljšava njegova upotrebljivost/ pristupačnost/poželjnost u samoj interakciji tre­ba osigurati da sa proizvodom ili u korišćenju usluge. je svaka sledeća sta­nica na putu di­ zaj­niranja događaja dobro promišljena, do informacija koje su mu pot­ personalizovana i da će dovesti rebne), interakcioni dizajn (gde do uključivanja što većeg broja je u fokusu interakcija između učes­nika. korisnika i proizvoda/usluge), Ova faza planiranja vam pruža korisnost (na koji se način može mogućnost da identifikujete pra­ koristiti proizvod/usluga tako da daje maksimalne rezultate, tj. ispunjava svoju svrhu), pristu­ panje (sposobnost sistema da korisnik lako pristupi sadržaju) i interakcija na relaciji čovekračunar (na koji je način „prila­ gođena“ komunikacija u smislu dizajna i implementacije raču­ narskih sistema). Kako da postanete dobar XD, tj. dizajner doživljaja? Pre svega, morate razumeti potrebe i ciljeve svojih klijenata, a zatim pronaći i de­taljno isplanirati put koji će sveobuhvatno da zadovolji te po­t­rebe, i pri tom, voditi računa da napravite pra­vi spoj digitalnog i „živog“. Ovaj put je upravo najvaž­niji deo procesa.


znine u ko­risničkom doživljaju, tj. da utvrdite gde je taj doživ­ ljaj „mlak“, i u skladu sa tim da odredite kada i gde treba da ga „pojačate“, „sma­njite“, informi­

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šete publiku ili je zabavite. I baš zbog toga što je sam doživljaj ne­ opipljiva kategorija, od presudne je važnosti da organizatori doga­ đaja razvijaju tehnike mapiranja puta koji će oživeti upravo te do­življaje. Tj., da pronalaze najefikasnije na­čine „ukrštanja“ i kombinova­ nja ovih elemenata kako bi kre­ irali doživljaj za korisnika. Dobri vizuali odmah privlače pažnju i pričaju pri­ču, mada je

prava umetnost „spakovati“ velike količine informacija u formu koja će biti odgovarajuća i u informativnom, ali i u estet­ skom smislu.

Događaji odavno više nisu samo istovremeno okupljanje određenog broja ljudi na istom mestu. Od događaja se očekuje doživljaj, po mogućnosti neki koji do sada nije proživljen. Zato se i razvija nova disciplina, a to je XD - dizajn događaja. Detalji su ti koji treba da osvetle i naglase najsnažnije ideje unutar hijerarhije informacija. Hijerarhija se postiže korišće­ njem različite tipogra­fije, fonta, kontrasta, boja. Ovaj princip se direktno oslanja na analitičke,

ra­zu­mete na koji su se način međusobno povezivali sa odre­ đenim, na primer, prostorima, sadrža­jem, tehnologijama, ali i međusobno. Smisao te analize jeste da zaključite da li je negde došlo do toga da učesnici nisu bili angažovani, ili je doživljaj izostao, ili došlo do bilo kog Dobri vizuali odmah privlače pažnju i pričaju propusta. pri­ču, mada je prava umetnost „spakovati“

velike količine informacija u formu koja će biti odgovarajuća i u informativnom, ali i u estetskom smislu. stra­teške i kreativne veštine di­zajnera doživljaja, u našem slučaju, event mena­džera. Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti, prepo­ ruka je da analizirate podatake učesnika sa prethodnih događaja i dešavanja da biste mogli da

Tada razmislite o tome kako da to po­ pra­vite i pronađite način da ovaj put kod gostiju kre­irate iskustvo koje ne­ će zaboraviti. A ukoliko je doživljaj bio upe­čat­ ljiv i pozitivan, da utvrdi­te šta je to na šta su učesnici posebno dobro reagovali, koji elementi su doveli do uspeha, kako bi imali

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smernice na šta i ovog pu­ta da stavite akcenat i još više unapredite. Događaji odavno više nisu samo istovremeno okupljanje određe­ nog broja ljudi na istom mestu. Od događaja se očekuje doživ­ ljaj, po mogućnosti neki koji do sada nije proživljen. Zato se i razvija nova disciplina, a to je XD - dizajn događaja. On doslovno prodire u svaki de­ talj, deo je svega što osmislite i sprovedete u delo. Ključ je u tome da razmislite šta je klijentu zaista potrebno ili šta bi želeo, i to mu pružite, pre ne­ go što on to kod sebe os­ve­sti kao potrebu ili želju.

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Na taj način praktično ste vi onaj ko o­blikuje njegov doživljaj, ili ga bar možete predvideti. I zato, kada sledeći put budete or­ganizovali događaj, zapitajte se ne samo na koji način ćete izaći u susret očekivanjima klijenta, već kako ih i premašiti. Milica Novak

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cover story Creating Experiences in Event Planning

The New Role of Event Manager You’ll probably agree that events are becoming increasingly demanding. And not only in terms of technical organization. Events are becoming “alive,” and cli­ ents want something that’s never been done before. Envelopes are being pus­ hed and new concepts are being designed. In this regard, event managers are facing new cha­llenges. How do we outdo the last idea every time, over and over again, and ultimately our­sel­ves as the ones in charge of planning the event? Our job is to create unforgettable and valuable ex­ periences for both the client and every other att­endee, ones that echo every moment of the event they attended. Perhaps a more fitting term would be “design­ ing” experiences. What I’m ac­tu­ally referring to is (U)XD – (user) experience design. The term is primarily associated with the tech are­na – above all cellphone companies, which com­pete day in day out to en­ sure this magical ex­pe­­ri­en­ce


for consumers using their prod­ ucts and base their sales strate­ gies on this very foundation. So, what is (U)XD? A process that boosts the prod­ uct or service user’s satisfaction by improving usability/accessi­ bility/desirability in the very in­teraction with the pro­duct or using the service. Let’s focus on services, because that’s exactly what event plann­ ing is. In practice, this means that the service is designed so that the focus is on the qu­a­lity of the user’s or client’s experi­ ence. However, this “design” do­esn’t adhere to the usual rules

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

of design. On the contrary, it’s about using and mixing multiple disciplines that take into account multiple aspects of the brand, business, environment, experi­ ence... To use an instructive examp­le, if you’re planning an event to launch a new pro­­duct, you need to think about everything: from what the product represents (literally and figuratively), its purpose, its packaging and the reasoning behind it, who will distribute it and where, what’s the retail environment like, em­ ployee dress code, and so forth. Every little thing matters! Even the things that never cross your mind.

find and plan a detailed roadm­ ap that meets these needs all aro­und, all the while taking care to create the right com­bination of digi­tal and “reallife.” This roadmap is the single most A process that boosts the product or service important part of user’s satisfaction by improving usability/ the process. accessibility/desirability in the very inter­ XD aims to develop the product or service by tac­k­ling all or some of the following components: visual design, information

action with the pro­duct or using the service. architecture (how users get the information they need), interac­ tion design (focusing on the in­ teraction between users and the product/service), usefulness (ways to use the product/ service so as to ensure maxi­ mum performan­ce and serve its purpose), access (how the sys­tem enables users to easily access the content), and human–computer inter­ action (how communication is shaped in terms of design and implementation of com­ puter systems).

After getting infor­ mation about the event’s target audience and objectives, you should make sure that each next step in the event design roadmap is well

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thought out, customized, and involving as many participants as possible. This planning stage allows you to identify gaps in the user ex­pe­rience, de­ter­mine where the experience is lacking, and accordingly define when and where to take it up or down a no­tch, as well as inform or entertain your audience. And precisely because the experi­ence itself is an intang­ ible category, it’s cru­cial that the event planners develop road mapping met­h­ods that will bring these experiences to life. This means finding the most effective ways of mixing and combining these componen­ts in order to create the user ex­perience.

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Good visual components ins­ tantly draw attention and tell the story, although it’s an art knowing how to pack in lots of information in a form that’s ap­ propriate on both the informa­ tional and aes­th­etic level. The details are what should highlight and accentuate the strongest ideas within the in­­ formation hierarchy.

How does one become a good XD desig­ner? First and foremost, you have to un­der­stand your clients’ needs and goals, and then

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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Events have long since stopped being mere gathe­rings of certain numbers of people in the same place. They are expected to provide an experi­ence, preferably one that’s never been lived before. That’s why a new discipline is emerg­ing – XD, or event design. The hierarchy is achieved by us­ing different typography, font, contrast, and color. This principle directly relies on the analytical, strategic, and cre­ative skills of the experience desig­ner, or in our case the event manager.

venues, content, technology, and one another. This analysis aims to determine if there were points where the participants were disengaged or the experience was lacking, or any other slip-up. Here you should think about how to fix it and find a way to create an experience for the guests that Good visual components ins­tantly draw att­en­ they won’t forget. tion and tell the story, although it’s an art And if the experience kno­wing how to pack in lots of information in a form that’s appropriate on both the in­ was impressive and formational and aes­th­etic level. positive, pin down what the participants responded to par­ticu­ larly well and the components If possible, it’s recommended that you analyze the participants that led to success, so that you can have gui­de­lines on what to data from past events so that put emphasis on this time and you can understand how they be even better. interacted with, for example,


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

Events have long since stopped being mere gathe­rings of certa­ in numbers of people in the sa­me place. They are expected to provide an experi­ence, prefe­ rably one that’s never been lived before. That’s why a new discipline is emerg­ing – XD, or event design. Event design literally dives into every detail, it is part of everything that you come up with and implement. The key is to take into considera­ tion what your cli­ent really needs or wants and deliver it before they become aware of it as a need or desire. This practically makes you the one who shapes their experien­ ce – or at least anticipates it. In that matter, the next time you’re planning an event, ask yourself not only how you will meet the client’s expectations, but how you will exceed them, as well. Milica Novak

primer iz prakse

Doživljaj za sva čula

Mercedes-Benz „Vrhunac luksuza″ – događaj vredan pažnje! Prošle godine kompanija Mercedes-Benz Malaysia je za potrebe predstavljanja če­tiri nova modela S klase, organizovala četvorodnevni događaj koji je, malo je re­ći, zaokupio našu punu pažnju, a što je još važnije, punu pažnju svojih učesnika, omogućavajući im da dožive nešto nesvakidašnje, koristeći sva svoja čula. Naime, kako se radi o najluksuzni­ joj klasi automobila, odlučeno je da sve bude u relaciji sa tim. Od mesta na kom se događaj deša­ va, preko hrane koja je služena, au­dio-vizualnog dela, do samih zvanica. Ukratko – fokus je apso­ lutno bio na kreiranju doživljaja kod gostiju!

im osećaj ekskluzivnosti. Izbegnu­ ta su tipična mesta za lan­siranje automobila kao što su saloni, kon­ gresni prostori, sajmovi i hoteli. Izabrano je da ceo događaj bude u event tent-u (veliki šator za doga­ đaje) i stavljen je u podnožje KLCC

Twin Towers-a – dva solitera od po 88 spratova koji predsta­vlja­ju „vrh“ Malezije, veličanstvenu gra­đevinu ura­đenu po uzoru na Empire State Building, Ajfelov to­ranj i Bu­rdž Khalifu. Dalje u organizaciji, otišli su korak ispred i oslonili se na istraživanje

Šta je sve urađeno u cilju kreiranja doživljaja? Većina događaja na kojima se pred­stavljaju novi tipovi automobi­la u fokusu imaju funkcional­nost – pokazati auto i zatim objasniti publici njegove tehničke performanse. Umesto toga, odlučeno je da ovaj događaj bude što više personali­ zovan, da uključi učesnike i pruži

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koje je radila psiholog Silvia Álava, a koje je pokazalo da se pris­etimo 35% onoga što mirišemo, pet pro­ ce­­nata onoga što vidimo, dva ono­ga što čujemo, i jedan procenat onoga što dodirujemo. I tu je upravo „ključ“ celog doga­ đaja – centralna ideja se vrti oko pet čula!

Čulo mirisa Miris ima moć transporta tj. pre­ nosi se, a različiti mirisi izazivaju različita osećanja. U ovu svrhu, angažovan je parfimer koji je imao zadatak da napravi mi­ rise koji prizivaju sećanje na ulazak u raskošan, luksuzan hotel. Svakodnevno su uvozili sveže cveće koje su postavljali kao aranžmane na stolove za kojima su sedeli gosti.

Čulo vida Iskoristili su činjenicu da rasveta uti­če na raspoloženje. Korišćeno je „pametno osvetljenje“ koje je goste


„upućivalo“ sa ulaza ka glavnoj sali. Reflektori su bili usmere­ni na auto­ mobile i LED ekrane na zidovima. Gosti su bi­li okruženi 270° LED ekranima na kojima je prikazivan grad i Severna svetlost. Lusteri i sveće dali su utisak luksuza i posebnosti. Velki kristalni lus­teri ukrašava­li su foaje, a 50 specijalno nap­ra­vljenih svećica za lustere ukrašavalo je sva­ ki sto čime su postignuti elegancija i luksuz.

Čulo sluha Inženjer zvuka bio je angažovan za nadgledanje akustike orkestra koji

je brojao 24 muzičara i trebalo je da obezbedi da zvuk bude savršen, uprkos tome što je ceo događaj bio u šatoru. Orkestar je vodio Datuk Mokhzani Ismail, muzički direktor nacional­ nog orkestra i prestižni dirigent Malezijske filharmonije.

Čulo dodira Od kolekcionara pozajmljeno je šest klasičnih Mercedes-Benz au­ tomobila. Unajmljeni su stručnjaci za transport ovakvih tipova vozila i brigu o njima, ali i osiguranje. Hodnik „nostalgije“ u kome je po­ stavljeno ovih šest Mercedes-Benz

Zanimljivosti o Mercedes-Benz automobilima: · Ovaj moderan automobil je izmislio Karl Benz, ali je njegova supruga pokrenula posao. · Prva osoba sa vozačkom dozvolom na svetu je bio Karl Benz! · Mercedes-Benz vozila se proizvode u više od 30 zemalja na svetu. · Ovo su prvi automobili koji su imali kočnice na sva četiri točka. · Kralj Nepala je 1940. godine dobio prvi automobil u toj zemlji, i to upravo Mercedes-Benz.

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automobila omogućio je gostima da se upoznaju sa istorijom i nas­ leđem brenda. Posetioci su mogli da dodirnu i „osete“ automobile,

„Das Beste oder Nichts” je moto Mercedes-a, što u doslovnom prevodu znači „Najbolje ili ništa“.

a stariji gosti, koji su ih nekada vozili, da se prisete kako je to izgledalo.

Čulo ukusa Nagrađivani šef kuhinje sa Miche­ lin zvezdicom, Natha­lie Arbefeuille, na­p­ravila je gastronomsku gozbu sa če­tiri jela. Svakog dana služen je drugačiji meni – svaki večernji meni pokazivao je raznovrsnost četiri vo­ zi­la koja su predstavljena. Obroci su spremani na drugoj lo­ka­ ciji, 12 km udaljenoj, ali su preveze­ ni u improvizo­vanu kuhinju u šato­ ru kako bi izgledalo kao da su sveže pripremljeni na licu mesta, baš kao na letovima u naj­luksuznijim biznis klasama. Izgrađena je pokretna bina sa šest hidrauličnih sistema koja su držala četiri nova automobila i orkestar. Profesionalni vozači manevrisali su kolima na uskom prostoru na po­ zor­nici.

Kako su među gostima bili i članovi kraljevskih porodica, šefovi država i poslovna elita, sprovođene su

12.8% u prva tri meseca nakon doga­đaja u poređenju sa prodajom pre događaja, a na Facebook-u i

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Činjenica zlata vredna J Milijarder iz Abu Dabija je za sebe naručio posebno pravljen model automobila Mercedes-Benz sa pozlatom. U tu svrhu korišćeno je belo zlato koje je koštalo 2,5 miliona dolara kako bi ceo auto bio pokriven.

stroge bezbednosne mere, kao i koordinacija sa saobraćajnom policijom, medicinskom pomoći i vatrogascima. Rezultati nakon ovako veličanstve­ nog događaja nisu izostali. Za če­ti­ri dana, koliko je trajao, bilo je ukupno 1.200 ljudi, prodaja au­to­­mo­bila S klase porasla je za

Insta­g­ram-u dobili su novih 2.543 pratioca! Nije potrebno posebno naglašava­ ti da su očekivanja prisu­tnih bila nadmašena jer ovakav tip događaja ne možete zabo­raviti. Milica Novak

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


example from practice

All Senses Experience

Mercedes-Benz ″The Pinnacle of Luxury″: A Worthwhile Event! Last year Mercedes-Benz Malaysia introduced its four new S-Class models by th­­ro­wing a four-day event that, to put it mildly, got our full attention and more im­ portantly, the full attention of the event attendees, allowing them to experience so­mething extraordinary that utilized all of their senses. Since this class is the most luxurious one, the deci­ si­on was made for everything to center around it. From the event’s venue through the catering and the audio-visual effects to the attendees themselves. In short, the absolute focus was placed on creating the guest experience!

What was done to create the experience? Most events intended to introduce new car models fo­cus on functionality – the main idea is to showca­se the car and then explain its technical features to the audience. Instead, it was decided to make this event as personalized as possible, in­ volving the attendees and giving them a sense of exclusivity. Typical places for launching cars like dea­ lerships, convention centers, trade shows,


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

and hotels were avoided. The event was planned to take place in an event tent set up next to the KLCC Twin Towers, two 88-floor skyscrapers considered to be the roof of Malaysia, a magnificent structure built to resemble the Empire State Building, Eiffel Tower, and Burj Khalifa.

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Continuing down the organi­ zation road, they went a step further and relied on the re­se­arch conducted by psyc­ ho­logist Silvia Álava that re­ve­ aled that people recall 35% of what they smell, five percent of what they see, two percent of what they hear, and one per­cent of what they touch. And this was the very essence of the entire event – the main idea revolved around the five senses!

Sense of smell

Sense of sight

Smell has the power to transport, and different scents provoke different feelings. For this purpose, the hosts hired a perfumer tasked with creating fragrances that remind of entering a luxurious, lavish hotel. Every day they imported fresh flowers that they arr­an­ ged on the tables where the guests were sitting.

They used the fact that lighting affects the mood. They used smart lighting that guided the guests away from the entrance to the main room. The spotlights were aimed at the cars and LED screens on the walls. The guests were surrounded by 270° LED displays showing the city and aurora borealis. Chandeliers and candles gave away a sense of lux­ ury and uni­queness. Large crystal chan­de­liers adorned the lobby, Interesting about Mercedes-Benz: and 50 custom-made chande­li­ · The modern automobile was invented by Karl Benz, er lamps decorated the tab­les, but his wife funded his work. exuding elegance and luxury. · Karl Benz got the first driving license ever! · Mercedes-Benz vehicles are manufactured in 30 countries Sense of hearing around the world. A sound engineer was hired to · These were the first cars with brakes on all four wheels. oversee the acoustics of the or­ · The first car in the country of Nepal was a Mercedes-Benz, chestra made up of 24 musicians given to its king in 1940. and make sure that the sound

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

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is perfect, despite the fact that the event took place in a tent. The orchestra conductor was Datuk Mokhzani Ismail, the music director of the National Orchestra and prestigious conductor of the Malaysian Philharmonic.

“Das Beste oder Nichts” which literally means “The Best Or Nothing” is the Mercedes motto.

Sense of touch Six classic Mercedes-Benz models were borrowed from collectors. The hosts hired specialists for trans­ porting and caring for these types of vehicles, in addition to insurance. The memory lane hall where these cars were displayed allowed the guests to learn about the brand’s history and legacy. The attendees could touch and “feel” the cars, and the older guests who used to drive them remem­ bered what it was like.

Golden fact J A billionaire from Abu Dhabi placed ordered a custom-made MercedesBenz with a gold decorated exterior. The whole exterior was covered with white gold worth $2.5 million.

Sense of taste The award-winning Michelin star chef Nathalie Arbe­ feuille created a culinary feast with four courses. Every day saw a different menu served, and every evening menu reflected the diversity of the four ve­hi­cles that were being showcased. The meals were prepared at a different location 12 km away and tr­ans­ported to an improvi­ sed kitchen in the tent so that it would look like they were pre­pa­ red on the spot, just like on firstclass flights. A mobile stage was built with six hydraulic mechani­sms that served as stages for the four new models and the or­c­hestra. Professional drivers maneuvered the cars in the narrow space on the stage.


Since the guests included members of royal families, heads of states, and business elite, strict security mea­sures were coordinated with the traffic police and emergency services. The magnificent event most certainly gave results.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

The event’s four days saw a total of 1,200 people, S-Class sales rising by 12.8% in the first three months after the event compared with pre-event sales, and the brand’s Facebook and Instagram pages gained 2,543 new followers! It goes without saying that the attendees’ expectations were exceeded because an event like this one can never be forgotten. Milica Novak


Redizajniran regionalni portal Kongresniturizam

Kako lako pronaći prostor za događaj? Pre više od 12 godina pokrenut je prvi por­tal koji objedinjuje kongresnu ponu­ du regiona jugoistočne Evrope – Kongresniturizam. Šta to znači za orga­nizatore događaja?

Preko njega, svi organizatori događaja, jednostav­ nom pretragom, dolaze do prostora i lokacije koja zadovoljava njihove potrebe. Na sajtu se nalazi preko 230 kvalitetnih i proverenih dobavljača. A po potrebi, stručni tim portala Kongresnitu­ rizam, koji se sastoji od event menadžera sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom, pomoći će organizatori­ ma da dođu do pravog izbora prostora i usluge, ali i pružiti podršku oko planiranja i realizacije čitavog događaja.

kompletna redizajna – svaka verzija karakteristična i napredna za period u kom je bila aktuelna. Poslednja verzija urađena je tokom prošle godine, a uključuje kompletan redizajn portala po po­ slednjim standardima, koji je nastao slušanjem i analiziranjem različitih potreba korisnika. Sada je sajt mobile responsive – prilagođava se svim veličinama ekrana, bez obzira na to da li je u pitanju desktop računar, laptop ili mobilni telefon, slike i fontovi su značajno veći, dok je ponuda hotela i prostora u prvom planu. Timu iskusnih event menadžera portala, pridružio se i avio sektor pa je tako proces planiranja i reali­ zacije događaja potpuno zaokružen.

Kako radi pretraga? Samo jednim klikom na home strani izlistavaju se hoteli, prostori ili agencije, čiji se izbor može suziti korišćenjem pametnih filtera, shodno potrebnim

Više od 230 razloga za saradnju sa portalom Kongresniturizam Portal Kongresniturizam služi za pronalaženje najboljih hotela, prostora i svih ostalih usluga potrebnih pri planiranju i u organizaciji događaja. Namenjen je kompanijama i organizacijama, event menadžerima i ostalima koji se bave ovom indu­ strijom, a potreban im je pouzdan partner – pomoć, savet, pregovaranje sa dobavljačima, brza i prezicna realizacija. Kako portal postoji preko 12 godina, prilagođa­ vanjem na tehnološke promene, zahteve tržišta i korisnika, u upotrebi su bile tri verzije sajta i dva

kapacitetima, postavkama sale, preferiranoj kate­ gorizaciji, kao i prema željenoj destinaciji(ama) i ostalim kriterijumima važnim za event planere.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


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email adrese. Svaki od ho­te­la, event prostora ili kongresnih centara na svojoj prezentaciji ima dugme UPIT koji služi kako bi im se upit pojedinačno poslao. Na polju event menadžmenta www.kong­res­ni­ je zabeležio najveći rast u pro­t­e­k­ le dve godine, od čak 100%.

Šta je je više od 12 go­ di­na vodeći regionalni portal za organizaci­ ju svih vrsta događaja, sa bazom od preko 230 proverenih hotela, kongres­nih centara, eve­nt prostora i pružalaca us­luga na teritoriji Jugoistočne Evrope.

Kada se pretragom dođe do hotela, event prostora ili agencije koji potencijalno odgovaraju potre­ bama događaja, svaki od njih može da se

Korisnici portala mogu da pošalju upit i portalu Kongresniturizam koristeći dugme NAPRAVI UPIT sa desne strane u hederu sajta (ili putem strane KONTAKT), ukoliko žele da im event menadžeri Kongresnogturizma sa višegodišnjim iskustvom i U proteklih 6 meseci, portal Kongresniturizam ima konstantan rast broja korisnika i dnevno beleži između 350 i 400 poseta, od kojih 49% njih pristupa portalu preko mobilnih uređaja.

Avio karte za poslovne korisnike Posebna pogodnost za poslovne korisnike, bilo za kompanije, udruženja ili pojedince, jeste brz, pouzdan i efikasan avio sektor por­ tala Kongresniturizam. U najkraćem roku, pronaći će za poslovne ko­risnike najbolje konekcije, vremena i cene le­to­va za željenu destinaciju.

stavi u Favorites (ikonica srce), kako bi se sačuvali za kasnije – da se naknadno razmatraju ili da im se zbirno svima pošalje upit (mogućnost za registrovane korisnike) koji stiže odvojeno na mejl adrese svakoga od njih.

Brza registracija Za korišćenje ove napredne funkcije, koja uveliko olakšava posao i skraćuje vre­ me potrebno za slanje upita, potrebno je da se korisnik pre toga jednostavno, besplat­ no i brzo registruje – samo unosom svoje


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

poznavanjem tržišta, pomognu pri izboru dobavlja­ ča i/ili dostavljanju ponuda. Napomena: Navedena usluga je besplatna za korisnike portala. S obzirom na promene i zahteve klijenata i tržišta, koje su se desile u poslednjih par godina portal Kongre­ sniturizam, koji je na početku bio fo­ kusiran na internet marketing u kon­ gresnom turizmu regiona, prerastao je u regionalnu event menadžment kompaniju koja prati trendove kako u internet marketingu, tako i u organi­ zaciji događaja i personalizovanom pristupu klijentu.

Miona Milić

An Easy Way to Find Venue for Event Portal SEEmice was launched over 12 years ago as the first portal that unites the MICE offer of the Southeast Europe region. What does this mean for event organizers?

Through the site, all event organizers can search for venues and locations that meets their needs. The web page has over 230 quality and proven suppliers. On the other hand, if necessary, the expert team of the portal SEEmice, which consists of event managers with many years of experi­ ence, will assist the organizers to come to the right choice of location and service, and provides support for planning and realization of the entire event.

The latest version was made during last year and includes complete redesign of the portal accord­ ing to the latest standards, but above all, af­ter listening and analyzing the needs of users. Now the web page is mobile responsive – it ad­a­p­­ ts to all sizes of the screen, whether it is used on a desktop computer, a laptop or a mobile phone, pictures and the fonts are significantly bigger, whi­le the hotel and premises offer is in the fo­ reground.

#seebtm #kongresniturizamindustry #seemice

Redesigned Regional Portal SEEmice

Corporate travel agents are now part of the team of experienced SEEmice event managers, so the process of planning the event and its realization is complete.

Over 230 reasons to work with portal SEEmice The Portal SEmice helps you find the best hotels, venues and all other services needed in plann­ ing and organizing the events. It is intended for companies and organizations, event managers and others involved in this industry, and in need of a reliable partner - assistance, advice, negotiation with suppliers, quick and repetitive realization. Considering that the regional portal exists more than 12 years, by adjusting to technological chan­ ges, market and users demands, it was marked with three versions and with two complete site re­ designs – each version characteristic and advanced for the period in which it was ongoing.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


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How does the search work?

Quick registration

Just one click on the home page will get you a lists of hotels, venues or agencies, the presentation of which can be narrowed by using smart filters, according to the required capacity, halls settings, preferred categorization, as well as to the desired destination(s) and other criteria important for event planners.

In order for the user to use this advanced functi­ on, which greatly facilitates the task and shortens the time required to send the query, it is only pri­or necessary to register in a very simple, free and In the field of event management, www.seemi­ has recorded the highest growth in the past two years, as much as 100%.

quick way – via your e-mail address. Each of the hotels, venues or congress centers in its presenta­ tion also has a REQUEST button that serves to send the query separately. In the past six months, the portal SEEmice has constant increase of number of users – betw­ een 350 and 400 per day, and 49% of them use the portal via mobile devices.

What is has been the le­ ading regional portal for organizing all kinds of events for more than 12 years, with a base of over 230 selected hotels, congress centers, event premises and service providers in the territory of Southeast Europe.

Portal users can send a query to the portal SEEmice using the MAKE REQUEST button on the right side of the web page header (or by the CON­ TACT page), if they want experienced event man­ agers, help them with the choice of suppliers and/ or submitting bids. Note: The specified service is free of charge for portal users.

When your search gets you to a hotel, venue, or agency that potentially matches the event’s nee­ds, each of those can be placed into the Favo­rites (heart icon), in order to be saved for later – to be

Airpline Tickets for Business Users New and special convenience for business users, whether they are companies, associa­ tions or individuals, are the fast, reliable and efficient Corporate Travel Agents of SEEmi­ ce portal. In the shortest time, they will find the best connection, time and price of flights for the desired destination.

considered later or to be sent a query collectively to all of those (possibility for registered users) that will reach each of them separately on the e-mail addresses.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

Considering the changes and demands of clients and markets, which occurred in previous years, the portal SEEmice, which was initially focused on in­ ternet marketing in the region’s meetings in­dustry, turn into a regional event management company that follows trends in both Internet marketing as well as event organization and personalized access to a client.

Miona Milic

Međunarodni panelisti na HOW Festivalu


Hotel Operations Weekend Festival

HOW Festival, jedina konferencija na temu hotelskih operacija u Europi, a treća po redu održava se 16 – 18.10.2019. u Valamar Collection Isabella Island Resor­ tu u Poreču. Cilj Festivala je predstaviti međunarodne trendove u hotelskim operaci­ jama i primjere dobre prakse, olakšati implementaciju novih proizvoda i usluga te osigurati zabavu i umrežavanje sudionika. I ove godine Festival dovodi međunarodne paneliste globalnih hotelskih lanaca koji će sa sudionicima diskutirati o trendovima u hotelskim opera­ cijama. Teme programa, koje su kroz anketno istraživanje izabrali sami hoteli­ jeri, segmentirane su na panel diskusije i predavanja namijenjena svim sudionicima, dok se u drugom dijelu Festivala održavaju po dvije ra­dionice paralelno te su podijeljene na sljedeće hotelske odjele: hrana i piće, ljud­ ski resursi, prodaja i marketing, tehnički odjel i domaćinstvo. Samo neke od ovogodišnjih odličnih tema su: – Kako maksimizirati profitabilnost operacija u odnosu na vaše goste i tržišta s kojih dolaze? – Going green: Kako možemo sudjelovati u spašavanju planete, a u isto vrijeme dodati vrijednost našim gostima? – „Grab&go“ koncept ili kako povećati prihode putem novih F&B trendova? – Svi govorimo da je WiFi u našem hotelu dobar, ali je li uistinu? I kako ga napraviti savršenim? – Ako su rezervacije u padu držimo li cijene i riskiramo popunjenost ili smanjujemo cijenu da bismo popunili kapacitete? – Znate li reći hvala svojim zaposlenicima? – Internacionalni brendovi su omogućili zaposlenicima rad od kuće. Koje su prednosti, a koji nedostaci? – Kako efikasnije trenirati zaposlenike odjela domaćinstva? Paneliste i dalje u najvećem broju čine hotelijeri koji će svim sudionicima prenijeti primjere dobre prakse. U prve dvije godine HOW Festival okupio je preko 1.000 sudionika, u naj­većem broju direktore hotela, voditelje operacija i hotelskih odjela, a sudionike uz odlične panel diskusije te radionice i ove godine očekuje team building i veliki party.



Hotel Operations Weekend Festival

HOW Festival Brings International Panellists HOW Festival is the only hotel operations Festival in Europe and the third edi­ tion will be held on October 16th-18th in Valamar Collection Isabella Island Re­ sort in Porec. The main goal is to present global operations trends and best practices, to facilitate implementation of new products and services and to ensure to participants great entertainment and networking. The Festival brings international panellists from global hotel chains who will discuss with the participants about hotel operations trends. Program themes are selected by hoteliers through internal survey and first part of the Festival will be consisted of the panel discussions and lectures for all participants. After that discussions and workshops will be divided by hotel departments: food & beverage, human resources, sales & marketing, technical department and housekeeping. Some of HOW Festival 2019 excellent themes are: – How to maximise your operations profitability in respect to your guests and different markets they are coming from? – Going green - sustainability is the new “it” word. How can we partici­ pate in saving the planet and adding additional value to our guests? – “Grab & go” concept or how to increase revenue from new F&B trend? – We all say the WiFi in our hotel is great but is it really? And how to make it to be perfect? – Fight club in revenue management: If the bookings are down – do we keep the prices and risk to be half full or do we discount prices to fill in property? – Do you know how to say thank you to your staff? – International hotel brands made possible for hotel sales staff to work from home. What are pros and cons of that arrangement? – How to train housekeeping staff more efficiently? Most of the panellists are hoteliers who will present examples of good practice to all participants. In first two years HOW Festival gathered more than 1,000 participants, mostly General Managers, Hotel Operations Managers and Hotel Depart­ ment Managers. Same as last year, with excellent panel discussions and workshops there will be teambuilding and great party.


Poseta Njenog Kraljevskog Visočanstva Princeze Marije Gabriele Savojske

primer iz prakse

Talas Montenegro DMC

Od 2 – 5. maja agencija Talas M ugostila je „Club des Leaders“ iz Ženeve, čiji su članovi najuticajniji ljudi u krugovima finansija, industrije i politike. Najistaknutiji član tokom njihovog boravka u Crnoj Gori je bila Nj. K. V. Princeza Maria Gabriela Savojska kojoj su ostali članovi kluba dali ulogu domaćina zbog njenog crnogorskog porijekla.

U poslijepodnevnim časovima na Gospi od Škrpjela, biseru Boke, grupu je dočekao Don Srećko koji je svoje znanje o ostrvu, crkvi i muzeju i baroknom gradiću Perastu podijelio sa gostima.

Tokom posjete prijestonice Cetinje princeza Maria Ga­ briela je imala privatnu posjetu muzeja gdje je vidjela mnoge porodične slike svojih predaka. Najupečatljivija za nju bila je porodična slika sa njenim ocem, zadnjim italijanskim kraljem. Na pitanje vodiča da li je istina da je kraljica Jelena bila viša za 20 cm od svog supruga italijanskog kralja, princeza Maria Gabriela se ponosno ispravi i sa velikim osmijehom odgovori: „Razlika je bila i veća, i na svu sreću smo moj otac i ja naslijedili taj crnogorski gen″. Nakon posjete muzeju u Biljardi organizovana je degustacija roze vina „Regina″.

A boravak grupe od 150 učesnika, među kojima je bilo pet ministara i 40 gradonačelnika, najbolje opisuju riječi partnera iz inostrane agencije: „Ovo putovanje je veliki uspjeh. Ponuđeni program sa vaše strane je kreirao prelijepu sliku Crne Gore… Za gala večeru učesnici su imali samo riječi hvale. Veliko hvala za profesionalizam. Bilo je pravo zadovolj­ stvo sarađivati sa čitavom ekipom agencije Talas-M!″.

Put nas je dalje vodio u srce nacionalnog parka Lovćen gdje je, uz tradicionalnu crnogorsku gostoprimljivost, u restoranu „Ivanov konak″ gostima poslužen izvanredan planinski meni. Narednog dana grupa je otkrivala čari Boke krstarenjem na katamaranu. Prije ukrcavanja uživali su u šetnji kroz stari grad Kotor, gdje je organizovan koncert hora „Jedinstvo″ u crkvi Svetog Nikole.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


example from practice

Talas Montenegro DMC

Visit of Her Royal Highness, Princess Maria Gabriela of Savoy Between May 2nd and 5th this year, agency Talas M has been honoured to host “Club des Leaders” from Geneva, whose members are powerful and influential people in the world of finance, industry and politics. During this visit, Princess Maria Gabriela of Savoy partly acted as a host to other group members, because of her Montenegrin ancestry. Throughout a private tour of King Nikola’s residence in Cetinje, she was especially interested in family port­raits. Most powerful and emotional was encoun­ ter with the one of her father, the last king of Italy. Her guide was eager to know is it a truth that Queen Elena was 20 cm taller than her husband. Princess proudly straightened her shoulders and answered with a broad smile “Difference was even bigger, my father and myself were lucky to inherit Montenegrin genes”. After king’s residence they are offered Montenegrin rose wine “Regina” in the beautiful surroundings of another royal residence Biljarda. Just after leaving Cetinje, mountain road took us to the heart of National park Lovcen where our guests had a chance to taste traditional moun­ tain menu and feel traditional Montenegrin hospitality in “Ivanov Konak” restaurant. Next day was reserved for charms and beauties of the Boka Bay. Visit of the Old Town of Kotor with private concert of Orthodox choir “Jedin­ stvo” in St Nikola’s church. Scenic catamaran


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

drive was stopped for a visit to the jewel of the bay, island of Our Lady of the Rocks. Don Srecko, parish priest of Perast, has shared with our guests stories of the island, church and baroque town of Perast. And for group of 150 guests, including five ministers and 40 city mayors, our best reference is our partner’s feedback: ″This group was a real success. Program that you offered created beautiful image of Montenegro… For gala dinner we had positive comments from all the guests. Many thanks for your great work on this project. It was a real pleasure to work with whole Talas-M team”.



Najinteresantniji muzeji

Šta sve može biti umetnost? Putovanja nas čine bogatim iznutra. Proširuju naše vidike, menjaju poglede na svet, oplemenjuju nas i uče. I svi, kada otputujemo, uglavnom imamo liste zna­ me­nitosti koje želimo da vidimo. Muzeji su jedni od njih. U Parizu ste videli Luvr, u Nju Jorku Metropolitan mu­ zej, u Madridu čuveni Prado. Spisak može da bude bez kraja. A da li ste znali da postoje muzeji u kojima se ču­vaju umetnine u oblicima na koje nismo baš navikli? Govorim o tužnim uspomenama, loše nacrtanim slika­ ma, podvodnim predmetima i nindža ratnicima. Niste? Evo prilike jer ovo su neki od, pa recimo, najinteresant­ nijih 

Muzej prekinutih veza, Zagreb, Hrvatska Raskidi su uvek teški i tužni. Ali, dvoje umetnika iz Zagreba nakon raskida odlučili su da nap­ rave nešto interesantno – Muzej prekinutih veza. Radi se o filmskoj producentkinji Olenki Vištica i aka­ demskom slikaru Draženu Grubišiću iz Zagreba koji su se zabavljali četiri godine. Nakon prekida veze, nisu znali šta da rade sa svim zajednič­ kim stvarima koje su ostale pa su u šali pričali kako bi mogli napraviti


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019

muzej i tamo smestiti sve te predmete. Godine 2006. Dražen je pozvao Olenku i podsetio je na tu priču, a na­kon toga su oboje zamolili svoje prijatelje da doni­ raju predmete i stvari koje su im ostali nakon razlaza od svojih emotivnih partnera i od toga je nastala prava zbirka. Po prvi put je prikazana iste godine u sklopu 41. Zagrebačkog salona u Gliptoteci HAZU-a.

Usledila je turneja postavke po svetu pa je obišla Argentinu, Južnoafričku Republiku, Singapur, Tursku, Nemačku, Filipine, SAD, Veliku Britaniju, BiH, Sloveniju, Makedoniju, Srbiju. Za to vreme su skupljali nove pred­ mete koje su donirali posetioci, a najveći broj su dali građani Berlina kada je izložba bila tamo, 2007. godi­ ne. Zvanično je muzej otvoren u Zagrebu u oktobru 2010. i tada mu je Evropski muzejski forum dodelio prestižnu nagradu Ke­nneth Hudson za najinovativniji muzej u celoj Evropi. Izložbene pred­ mete često prate i ljubavne poruke sad već bivših vlasnika, ali i njihova svedočenja, misli i situacije kroz koje su prošli sa svojim partnerima, a na koje ih određeni predmet asocira. Tu ćete pronaći otvarač za flaše ko­ jom je neko otvorio vino na prvom sastanku, cipele koje je dama nosila na prvoj večeri na koju je otišla sa svo­jim izabranikom, vereničko prste­ nje, ljubavne pesme, čak i venčanicu. Inače, ovo je prvi muzej u Zagrebu koji je u privatnom vlasništvu, radi svih sedam dana u nedelji pa je i to jedan od razloga zbog kog je omiljen među turistima. Pored toga što ima nesvakidašnji sadržaj 

Podvodni muzej, Kankun, Meksiko Podvodni muzej u Kankunu je posvećen umetnosti kon­zervacije tj. očuvanja. U muzeju se može naći uku­p­ no 500 skulptura, većinom dela britanskog vajara Jason deCairesa Tailor-a i vajara iz Meksika sa tri različite gale­ rije potopljene između tri i šest metara duboko u okean u Nacionalnom morskom parku Kankun. A zašto bi neko napravio podvodni muzej, pitate se? Muzej je osmislio direktor Morskog parka Jaime Gonzalez Canto, uz pomoć Tailor-a, sa ciljem da spasi obližnje ko­ralne grebene tako što će obezbediti alternativnu destinaciju za ronioce. Projekat je pokrenut 2009. godine i zvanično je ot­ voren u novembru 2010. Ono što ga čini interesantnim je, između ostalog, činjenica da je tamo moguće ući samo u odelima za ronjenje  Da bi postavili kipove i sta­tue na dno okeana, Tailor je im­ao poseban lift za to kako ne bi bili oštećeni tokom s­puštanja.

Sve je napravljeno od pH-neutralnog morskog beto­ na, na kopnu, i očišćeno pre spuštanja u vodu, tako da ne sadrže hemikalije koje bi mogle naškoditi okea­ nu, životinjama ili samom koralnom grebenu. Između ostalog, ovde možete videti preko 400 ljudskih figura prikazanih u interakciji sa okolinom sa pozitiv­

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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nim i negativnim uticajem. One pokazuju kako ljudi mogu živeti u skladu sa prirodom, ali i kako je uništa­ vaju. Veštačke grebene obično stvaraju potopljeni brodovi i drugi predmeti koji su pali na dno okeana. Statue, o kojima je bilo reči par redova iznad, su nova tehnika za gajenje korala, i smatra se umetnošću koja će spasiti okeane. Kako su kipovi napravljeni od pH-neutralnog cementa, korali, morske trave i alge mogu rasti i razvijati se bolje nego u olupini starog broda, na primer. Statue imaju rupe u sebi, i one omogućavaju morskim životinjama da se tu nastane i hrane se kora­lima. Na taj način se povećavaju koralni grebeni, a morski život buja.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


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Muzej loše umetnosti, Masačusets, SAD Ovaj muzej je osnovan 1994. godine. Scott Wilson, tr­ govac antikvitetima, pokazao sliku koju je pronašao u smeću nekim prijateljima, koji su mu zatim predložili da napravi kolekciju. U roku od godinu dana, prijemi koji su bili održavani u kućama Scott-ovih prijatelja, bili su toliko posećeni da je „kolekcija″ zahtevala svoj

vlastiti prostor za gledanje. „Muzej″ se potom preselio u podrum pozorišta u Dedhamu. Pričajući o razlozima zbog kojih je muzej osnovan, suosnivač Jerry Reilly izjavio je 1995. godine: „Iako svaki grad na svetu ima barem jedan muzej posvećen najboljim umetnič­ kim delima, Muzej loše umetnosti je jedini muzej posvećen prikupljanju i izlaganju najgorih.″

Iga nindže, kojima je muzej posvećen, obučavani su za skrivanje, rukovanje eksplozivima, poznavali su medi­ cinu i način spravljanja otrova, ali su bili pripremani i za konvencionalnije oblike ratovanja, kao što je, na primer, borba bez oružja. Zbirka ovog muzeja zaista je impresivna i veoma inte­ resantna, baš poput života ovih ratnika. Sadrži drevne zapise borilačke veštine nindžicu, koje su naučnici analizirali zajedno sa drevnim nindžicu oružjem. U muzeju, između ostalog, postoje različiti audio­ vizuelni materijali i veliki broj oružja i tehnika koje su koristili ovi borci. Videćete više od 400 eksponata, uključujući i korišćene šurikene. Muzej čak ima i model sela sa turama. Posetioci u Mini teatru, koji se nalazi u okviru mu­zeja, mogu da pogledaju interesantne snimke kako se Iga ninže prikradaju, neprimećeno ulaze u dvorac Ueno i isto tako izlaze iz njega. U Nindža holu tradicije gosti mogu da saznaju više o tajnim kodovima koje nindže koristili, nin­ džicuu, pogledaju kako je izgledao dan jednog nindže, ali i pročitaju mudrosti kojima su se vodili. Određenim danima se izvode i predstave pod imenom Ninja Show, kada uživo možete videti borbe sa oružjem poput šurikena, mačeva i kusarigama.

Zapitate se po kom se kriterijumu umetnine biraju? Da bi „umetničko″ delo postalo deo kolekcije, rad mora da biti originalan i imati ozbiljnu nameru, ali mora imati i značajne (da ne kažemo veće ) nedostatke, ali bez da ima elemente kiča koji su tu namerno. Dakle, umetnost treba da je toliko loša da je jednostavno ne možete ignorisati  Muzej loše umetnosti je i dalje u privatnom vla­ s­ništvu i cilj mu je da pokaže radove umetnika koji ne bi bili izloženi ni vrednovani ni na jednom drugom sličnom mestu. Njegova stalna postavka sada sadrži preko 700 primeraka, od kojih je 25 do 35 uvek javno dostupno.

Muzej nindža, Iga, Japan Prva asocijacija na Japan su svakako nindže. Ratnici, deo kulturnog nasleđa i simbol ove ostrvske države. Zbog svega toga, Japanci su još 1964. godine otvorili muzej posvećen nindžama i borilačkoj veštini nindži­ cu, a nalazi se u prefekturi Mie, u blizini dvorca Iga Ueno. Jinichi Kawakami, koji je počasni direktor ovog muzeja, proglašen je 21. starešinom Iga-riu nindžicua.


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Dakle, umetnost postoji u različitim oblicima. Zar ne bi bilo potpuno osveženje, kada sledeći put budete pose­ tili neku destinaciju, da se pre toga raspitate i istražite neke manje konvencionalne muzeje? Sigurni smo da biste se dobro zabavili. Možda čak i da napravite listu interesantnih muzeja koje biste želeli da posetite  Milica Novak


Fascinating Museums

What Qualifies as Art? Travel makes us rich in many ways. It broadens our horizons, changes our general outlook on the world, and is an ennobling and learning experience. When we travel, we usually have a list of sights that we want to see. Museums are on the list. In Paris you have seen the Louvre, in New York the Metropolitan Museum, in Madrid the famous Prado. The list can be endless. But did you know there are museums with artefacts of somewhat unusual form? I am talking about sad memories, bad drawings, under­ water objects, and ninja warriors. You didn’t? Well, here is your chance, because these are some of the most, let’s say, interesting ones 

In 2006, Drazen called Olenka and reminded her of that idea. They both asked their friends to donate ite­ms they had kept after breaking up with their part­ ners and thus the first collection took form. It was exhibited for the first time that same year, at the 41st Zagreb Salon in the Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

The Museum of Broken Relationships, Zagreb, Croatia Breakups are always difficult and sad. But, after their breakup, two artists from Zagreb decided to make some­ thing interesting – the Museum of Breakups. The artists are film producer, Olenka Vistica and academy painter, Drazen Grubisic from Zagreb, who were in a relationship for four years. When they broke up they didn’t know what to do with all their joint possess­ ions and joked that they could make a museum and keep them there.

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i n t e r e s t i n g A world tour followed, and the collec­ tion was exhibited in Argentina, the South African Republic, Singapore, Turkey, Germany, the Philippines, USA, Great Britain, Bosnia and Her­ zegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Ser­bia. They continued to collect new items donated by museum visitors, most of which were brought by the citizens of Berlin when the exhibition came to that city in 2007. The museum officially opened in Zagreb in October 2010 and received the prestigious Kenneth Hudson Aw­ ard from the European Museum Fo­ rum as the most innovative museum in Europe. The exhibited items are often accom­ panied by the love messages of their former owners and their testimoni­als, thoughts, and descriptions of the moments they had shared with their partners, of which the items reminded them. You will see a bottle opener used to open a bottle of wine on a first date, shoes worn by a lady at the first dinner with her beau, engagement rings, love songs, even a wedding dress. Interestingly, this was the first privately owned muse­ um in Zagreb. It is open seven days a week, which may be one of the things that make it a favorite among tourists. Besides its unusual collection, of course 


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Cancun Underwater Museum (MUSA), Mexico The Cancun Underwater Museum is dedicated to the art of conservation i.e. preservation. The museum has a total of 500 sculptures, mostly by British sculptor Jason deCaires Taylor and Mexican sculptors, with three different galleries submerged at a depth varying between three and six meters in the waters of the National Marine Park of Cancun. Why anyone would make an underwater museum, you may be wondering. The museum was conceived by the director of the Marine Park, Jaime Gonzalez Canto

with Taylor’s help in order to save the surrounding coral reefs by providing an alternative attraction for divers. The project started in 2009 and was officially launc­ hed in November 2010. One of the things that make it in­te­resting is that entry is permitted only to those wear­ing diving gear  In order to place the statues at the bottom of the sea, Taylor used a special lift to ensure the sculptures wo­ uld not be damaged during the descent. Everything was made of pH-neutral sea concrete on the ground and cleaned before being placed in the water to eli­minate chemicals that could be harmful to the ocean, sea life, and the coral reef. Among other things to see, the museum has over 400 human figures shown in positive or negative interacti­on with the environment. They show how people can live in harmony with nature but al­so how they are destroying it. Artificial reefs are usually made by sunken ships and other objects that have fallen to the bottom of the sea. The statues mentioned above represent a new tech­ nique of growing corals and is thought to be an art form that could save the oceans. As the statues are

ma­de of pH-neutral cement, the corals, sea weed, and algae can grow and flourish better than in an old ship­ wreck, for instance. The statutes have holes allowing sea animals to live there and feed on corals. This ensures the grow­th of coral reefs and the propa­ gation of sea life.

The Museum of Bad Art (MOBA), Massachusetts, USA The museum was founded in 1994, after antique dea­ ler Scott Wilson showed a painting he had recovered from the trash to some friends, who suggested starting a collection. Within a year, receptions held in Wilson’s friends’ home were so well-attended that the “collection” needed its own viewing space. The “museum” then moved to the basement of a the­ ater in Dedham. Explaining the reasoning behind the museum’s establishment, co-founder Jerry Reilly said in 1995: “While every city in the world has at least one muse­ um dedicated to the best of art, the Museum of Bad Art is the only museum dedicated to collecting and exhibiting the worst.”

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i n t e r e s t i n g

Are you wondering how the artefacts are selected? For a “work of art” to be included in the mu­seum’s collection, works must be original and have serious intent, but they must also have significant (not to say,

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019


i n t e r e s t i n g major ) flaws without elements of deliberate kitsch. So, the art should be so bad that it simply cannot be ignored 

for conventional warfare, like fighting without wea­ pons. The museum collection is as impressive and interesting as the lives of these warriors. It includes ancient ninjutsu writings analyzed scien­ tifically along with ancient ninjutsu weapons.

The Museum of Bad Art is still privately owned and its aim is to display the works of artists who wo­uld not be exhibited or valued anywhere else. Its permanent collection now includes over 700 exhibits, of which 25 to 35 are always available to the public.

The museum has audiovisuals, models and extensive displays of the weaponry and techniques employed by ninja. There are over 400 ninja tools on display, including shuriken actually used in the time of the ninja. The museum also features a model village with tours and demonstrations of its features. In the Mini Theatre wit­hin the museum, visitors can see interesting footage of ninja approaching stealthily, entering and then exiting the Ueno Castle unnoticed.

The Ninja Museum, Iga, Japan The first association to Japan is certainly ninja warri­ ors, a part of this island country’s cultural heritage and its symbol. As a result, in 1964 the Japanese establis­ hed a museum dedicated to the history of the ninja and ninjutsu in Mie Prefecture, near the Iga Ueno Castle. Jinichi Kawakami, who serves as the museum’s honorary director, is proclaimed to be the 21st head of Iga-ryū ninjutsu. The Iga ninja, to whom the museum is dedicated, were trained in hiding, handling explosives, medicine and the art of making poisons, but were also prepared


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In the Ninja Tradition Hall, visitors can find out more about the secret codes used by the ninjas, ninjutsu, see the day of a ninja and read the wise principles they lived by. On certain days, Ninja shows are per­ formed, live de­mo ­ n­strations in the use of weapons like shuriken, swords, and kusarigama. Art comes in various forms. Wouldn’t it make a really welcome difference if the next time you visit a certain destination you inquired ahead of time about less con­ven­tional museums? We are sure you would enjoy yourself. You could even make a list of fascinating museums you want to visit  Milica Novak


10 – 12.09.2019. / Las Vegas, SAD Ove godine, IMEX AMERICA biće održan od 10. do 12. septembra u kongresnom centru Sands Expo u Las Vegasu. Prijavlje­no je 3.500 izlagača iz 150 zemalja, a za vreme trajanja ovog događaja učesnici će biti u prilici da čuju više od 180 predavanja. Program će biti izazov i za veterane u kon­ gresnoj i event industriji, ali i za sve one koji počinju da se bave ovim poslom, te posetioce, između ostalog, očekuju Smart Monday i Association Leadership Forum.


16 – 18.10.2019. / Singapur, Republika Singapur ITB Asia je godišnji B2B sajam koji traje tri dana, a posvećen je turističkoj i kongresnoj industriji; osmišljen je da postane primarni događaj za turističku industriju u Aziji, kao i njegov matični događaj – ITB Berlin. Ove godine, po 12. put u Singapuru, ITB Asia će se održati u Marina Bai Sands. Organizuje ga Messe Berlin (Singapur) Pte Ltd i uz podršku Kongresnog biroa Singapura.


19 – 21.11.2019. / Barselona, Španija IBTM World je jedan od najvećih sajmova u vezi sa MICE industrijom i organizacijom događaja i sastanaka, koji se svake godine održava u Barseloni. Događaj ima jedan cilj, a to je da inspiriše ljude iz ovog posla kako bi pružili što bolju uslugu i iskustva svojim klijentima. IBTM World povezuje globalnu industriju događaja sa svima koji imaju zajednički cilj – da sretnu profesionalce koji mogu ostvariti što bolje poslovne rezultate za svoju kompaniju.


September 10th – 12th, 2019 / Las Vegas, USA This year IMEX AMERICA will be held from September 10th – 12th in Sands Expo Convention Centre in Las Vegas, Nevada. There will be 3,500 exhibitors coming from 150 countries, and participants will be able to hear over 180 education sessions. From Smart Monday, powered by MPI, to Associ­ ation Leadership Forum, the program offers inspiration and advice to meetings industry veterans, those about to enter the industry – and everyone in between.


Oct. 16th – 18th, 2019 / Singapore, Rep. of Singapore ITB Asia is a annually held three day B2B trade show and convention for the travel industry; it is designed to become the primary event for the Asia Pacific travel industry, much like its parent event – ITB Berlin. Now in its twelfth year in Singapore, ITB Asia will be taking place at Marina Bay Sands. It is organised by Messe Berlin (Singapore) Pte Ltd and supported by the Singapore Exhibition & Convention Bureau.


November 19th – 21st, 2019 / Barcelona, Spain IBTM World is the leading global event for the meetings, incentives, conferences and events industry, taking place annually in Barcelona. The event has one goal; to ins­ pire the events world to deliver exceptional experiences for their custo­mers. IBTM World brings together the global meetings industry, with everyone having that one common purpose – to meet the right people that can create better busi­ ness results for their company.

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Mašta – glavna tema za IMEX 2019

IMEX America slavi kreativnost i radoznalost Naslovna tema ovogodišnjeg IMEX sajma je mašta, koja prožima sve sadržaje na ovom okupljanju i donosi niz uzbudljivih novih iskustava, izlagača i edukativnih događaja. Generalna direktorka IMEX grupe Carina Bauer objaš­ njava: „Mašta je lepak koji drži naše događaje – pobu­ đivanje kreativnosti tokom celog procesa organizacije s ciljem privlačenja učesnika iznova i iznova.“

događaja prihvate inkluzivnost. Jedini cilj IMEX sajma je da ujedini i unapredi kongresnu industriju tako što povezuje sve profile ljudi i okuplja ih kako bi formirali čvrste veze.

„Nadamo se da ćemo istraživanjem različitih aspekata mašte otvoriti prostor za sve u globalnoj kongresnoj industriji da postanu kreativniji, da preispituju pret­ postavke u svetlu doba promena u kom živimo i da ostvaruju pozitivniji uticaj kad god je to moguće.“


Transformacija i saradnja

Održivost je i dalje na vrhu liste prioriteta jer sve više kompanija prepoznaje važnost pitanja kao što su klimatske promene, razvoj zajednice i sve ugroženiji prirodni resursi. Ovo pitanje je sastavni deo IMEX poslovne strategije još od osnivanja kompanije 2003., a rezultati se mere na osnovu industrijskih standarda koji uključuju APEX/ ASTM standarde za ekološki održive događaje.

Partnerstvo može da ima zaista veliku moć. IMEX pod­ stiče profesionalne organizatore događaja da razmisle o načinima saradnje – umesto takmičenja – s drugim organizacijama, kao i posledičnim prednostima. U okviru industrije događaja i podsticajnih putovanja, avio-kompanije, hotelske grupacije, dizajneri, kompa­ nije u lancu snabdevanja, univerziteti, programeri, arhitekte, pa čak i cele države, a naročito gradovi, sarađuju i na taj način transformišu poslovne modele, korisničke servise i iskustva sa događaja.

IMEX nastoji da podstakne svež pristup „zelenijim″ sastancima i događajima i ohrabri organizatore da zahtevaju promene. „Zeleni″ materijali, izbor namirnica, dobavljači i još mnogo toga sada su ne samo održivi, već i izrazito poželjni. IMEX tim veruje da izgovori više ne postoje, a da će naročito mlađe generacije posvetiti svoju pažnju i uložiti materijalna sredstva da bi zaštitili planetu.

IMEX tim je fokusiran na tri osnovna aspekta mašte u okviru naslovne teme za 2019. godinu:

Različitost i inkluzija Kao međunarodna organizacija sa zadatkom da po­ veže ljude širom sveta, IMEX slavi različitost i putem svoje ovogodišnje naslovne teme želi da organizatori


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IMEX America održaće se od 10 – 12. septembra 2019. godine. Registracija je besplatna za sve one koji rade u industriji događaja i podsticajnih putovanja.

exhibition The IMEX Talking Point for 2019 is Imagination

Celebrating Creativity & Curiosity at IMEX America Imagination is IMEX’s Talking Point for this year and the theme informs content throughout IMEX America, bringing with it a range of exciting new experiences, exhibitors and educational events. Carina Bauer, CEO of the IMEX Group, explains: “Ima­ gination is the glue that holds our events together – sparking creativity throughout the planning process in order to attract attendees time and time again.” “By exploring various facets of imagination, we hope to open up ways for everyone in the global meetings and events industry to become more creative, to cha­ llenge assumptions in light of the period of change we’re currently living in and to make a more positive impact whenever they can.” The IMEX team is focusing on three core aspects of imagination for its 2019 Talking Point:

Transformation & Collaboration Partnerships can be truly powerful. IMEX is encoura­ ging meeting and event professionals to consider how they can collaborate – not compete – with other organisations and the benefits this can bring. Within the event and incentive travel industry, airlines, hotel groups, designers, supply chain businesses, uni­ versities, software developers, architects…even whole countries and, especially, cities are all now forming alliances and in doing so they’re transforming business models, customer service and events experiences.

Diversity & Inclusion As an international organisation with a mission to connect people across the world, IMEX celebrates

diversity and, through its Talking Point, wants meeting planners to embrace inclusivity. IMEX’s sole aim is to unite and advance the meetings industry – connect­ ing all kinds of people together in order to generate powerful relationships.

Sustainability Sustainability continues to top the agenda as more and more companies recognise the importance of iss­ ues such as climate change, community development and dwindling natural resources. It’s an issue which has been firmly anchored in IMEX’s business strategy since the foundation of the company in 2003, with performance benchmarked against industry standards including the APEX/ASTM Environmentally Sustainable Event Standards. Through this year’s Talking Point, the IMEX team seeks to prompt a fresh approach to greener meetings and events, encouraging planners to demand change. Green materials, food choices, suppliers and more are now not only viable but also distinctly desirable. The IMEX team believes that there really are no excus­ es anymore and younger generations in particular will vote with their feet, their attention and their money to prove how much they want to protect the planet. IMEX America takes place September 10th – 12th, 2019. Registration for the show is free of charge and open to all who work in the meetings, events and incentive travel industry.

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p o j m o v a

USER EXPERIENCE USER EXPERIENCE ili UX odnosi se na emocije i stavove osobe u vezi sa korišćenjem određenog proizvoda ili usluge. On uključuje različite aspekte onoga što koristite: praktične, iskustvene i afektivne. Pored toga, UX uključuje i percepciju sistema čoveka poput korisnosti, jednostavnosti upotrebe i efikasnosti. FENG SHUI FENG SHUI je drevna umetnost i nauka, nastala pre više od 3.000 godina u Kini. U prevodu, feng znači „vetar“, a shui „voda“, a u kineskoj kultu­ri, povezani sa dobrim zdravljem i srećom. Neki elementi feng shui prakse stari su 6.000 godina i sadrže elemente fizike, filozofije, astronomije i ast­ro­logije. Blisko je povezana sa razumevanjem prirode, posebno sa idejom da je zemlja „živa“ i puna energije.

rečnik pojmova

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EVROPSKI MUZEJSKI FORUM EVROPSKI MUZEJSKI FORUM je humanitarna muzejska organizacija pri Veću Evrope koja je nezavisna i neprofitna, registrovana u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i osnovana 1977. godine. Evropski muzejski forum organizuje godišnju dodelu Evropske nagrade za Muzej godine, koja se daje postojećim muzejima koji su prošli modernizaciju ili proširenje tokom prethodne tri godine, ali i novootvorenim muzejima. BLEASURE GOSTI BLEASURE GOSTI – kovanica je nastala od reči business što znači „posao“ and leisure što je „zadovoljstvo“, te je ovo spoj posla i zadovoljstva. Ranije su na poslovna putovanja kompanije slale svoje zaposlene samo u kongresne hotele koji su se nalazili izvan grada, gde je bio strogo kontrolisan raspored kretanja zaposlenih i bili su izolovani od spoljnog sveta. Danas to svakako više nije slučaj. PH NEUTRALNI CEMENT PH NEUTRALNI CEMENT je posebna vrsta cementa koji se koristi kada se nešto zida pod vodom upravo zbog toga što je eco friendly. Da bi se dobila Ph neutralnost, kada se ovaj beton pravi, dodaju se različiti tipovi aditiva. Neki smatraju da se dodaje zemljani krečnjak ili koralni pesak, tj. delovi korala koji su ustinjeni. IGA-RIU IGA-RIU je krovni termin za nindžicu tradiciju koja dolazi iz regiona Iga, prema japanskoj legendi. Postala je jedna od dve najpoznatije nindža tradicije u ovoj zemlji, zajedno sa Koga-riu. Iga-riu tradicija nastala je u provinciji Iga na području oko gradova Iga i Ueno (moderni grad Iga u prefekturi Mie), a Iga-nindže se nazivaju i Iga-mono. KUSIRIGAMA KUSIRIGAMA je tradicionalno japansko oružje koje se sastoji od kame (nešto slično našem srpu) na kusari-fundo metalnom lancu (kusari) sa masivnom i teškom kuglom gvožđa (fundo) na kraju. Za kusarigamu se smatra da je nastalo tokom Muromachi perioda, a umetnost rukovanja ovim oružjem se naziva kusarigamadžicu. TOUR OPERATERI TOUR OPERATERI obično nude destinaciju i sve ostale putne komponente kako bi kreirali „paket“ za vaše putovanje. Najčešći primer proizvoda tour operatera bilo bi mesto na čarter letu za određenu destinaciju, transfer od aerodroma do hotela i usluge lokalnog predstavnika. Tour opera­ ter može i da se specijalizuje za jednu destinaciju. TRIPSTER TRIPSTER je putnik koji voli da posećuje destinacije koje su neuobičajene i koje nemaju turističku infrastrukturu. Ne idu na mesta gde ima previše ljudi, tj. turista i veliki su avanturisti. Što je destinacija nekomercijalnija, tripsteri su njom više privučeni. Trenutno su orijetisani na mesta poput Grenlanda ili Bolivije, a pre toga su im interesantni bili Island i Kolumbija. TOWNSTER TOWNSTER je osoba koja živi u gradu, tj. lokalni stanovnik, koji želi da upoznaje nove ljude i da se druži. Najbolja relaksacija za townster-a je odlazak u popularno mesto/hotel ili sl. u koje dolazi veliki broj turista i gde je gužva, ali za razliku od njih, tamo neće prenoćiti.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019


term dictionary

t e r m

d i c t i o n a r y

USER EXPERIENCE USER EXPERIENCE or UX refers to the emotions and attitudes of a person in relation to the usage of a particular product or service. It includes various aspects of what you are using: practical, experiential and affective. In addition, UX includes the perception of a system by human such as utility, ease of use and efficiency. FENG SHUI FENG SHUI is an ancient art and science that was formalized over 3,000 years ago in China. Feng means “wind” and shui means “water” and in Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health and fortune. Some elements of feng shui practice date back at least 6,000 years, and it contains elements physics, philosophy, astronomy, and astrology. It is related closely to the understanding of nature, particularly the idea that the Earth is alive and filled with energy. THE EUROPEAN MUSEUM FORUM THE EUROPEAN MUSEUM FORUM is a museum organization under the Council of Europe that is an independent, non-profit-making charity, registered in the United Kingdom and founded in 1977. The European Museum Forum organizes the annual European Museum of the Year Award, given to existing museums that have undergone modernization or expansion and newly opened museums, during the previous three years. BLEASURE GUESTS BLEASURE GUESTS – bleasure is a combination of business and pleasure. Earlier, the standard for business travel was companies sending their employees to conference hotels on a tightly controlled schedule, located out of the city and isolated from the society. Today, this is quite different. PH NEUTRAL CONCRETE PH NEUTRAL CONCRETE is a special type of concrete that is used when something is built underwater because is more eco-friendly. In order to make Ph neutral, when this concrete is made, various types of additives are used. Some people think that it can be ground limestone or even coral sand (naturally broken bits of coral that form beaches). IGA-RIU IGA-RIU is an umbrella term for ninjutsu traditions that come from the Iga region, according to Japanese legend. It became one of the two most well-known ninja traditions in Japan, along with the Kōga-ryū. The Iga-ryū traditions originated in the Iga Province in the area around the towns of Iga and Ueno (modern Iga City in Mie Prefecture) and Iga ninja is also called Iga-mono. KUSIRIGAMA KUSIRIGAMA is a traditional Japanese weapon that consists of a kama (the Japanese equivalent of a sickle) on a kusari-fundo – a type of metal chain (kusari) with a heavy iron weight (fundo) at the end. The kusarigama is said to have developed during the Muromachi period and the art of handling this weapon is called kusarigamajutsu. TOUR OPERATORS TOUR OPERATORS usually combine tour and travel components to create a package for your trip. The most common example of a tour operator’s product would be a flight on a charter airline plus a transfer from the airport to a hotel and the services of a local representative. Tour operator may specialize in destinations. TRIPSTER TRIPSTER is a traveller who likes visiting places that are unusual or with lack of tourist infrastructure. They don’t like crowdy destinations and they are big adventurers. The more uncommercial destination is, the better. At the moment, tripster places to visit are Greenland or Bolivia and previous they liked visiting Iceland and Colombia. TOWNSTER TOWNSTER is a person that lives in a city, co called local, who is always looking forward knowing other people and make new friendships. The best relaxation for a townster is going out in one of the most popular venues/hotels in town, where is crowdy and has lot of tourists, but with the difference that the townster will not spend a night there.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019






Ručni satovi su prvobitno bili namenjeni samo ženama


Da li ste znali da su ručni satovi prvobitno bili namenjeni samo pripadnicama lepšeg pola? Po jednoj tvrdnji, prvi ručni sat je napravljen kao poklon plemića Roberta Dadlija engleskoj kraljici Elizabeti I, druga kaže da je Napoleon naložio da se takav sat napravi njegovoj voljenoj Žozefini 1806., a treća da je prvi ručni sat napravila švajcarska kompanija Patek Philippe za jednu mađarsku gorficu. Ovi satovi su bili namenjeni isključivo ženama sve do Prvog svetskog rata kada su počeli da ih koriste i vojnici zbog veće slobode kretanja.

Svet u brojkama

Iako je Rusija zemlja u kojoj živi veliki broj ljudi, u Bangladešu živi 20 miliona više, uprkos tome što je površina Rusije 16 puta veća. Najmanje dece (ispod 14 godina starosti) živi u Nemač­ koj, svega 12%, dok je taj procenat u Keniji 40. Svakog dana Sjedinjene Američke Države postaju bogatije za 1.700 milionera. Statistika kaže da je čak 82% majki u Danskoj zaposleno, dok je u Grčkoj zaposleno 50% mama. Naučnici su otkrili da se čet­ vrtkom rađa najviše dece, dok se najmanje njih rodi subotom.



Biljke koje donose ljubav, sreću i novac

Prema feng shui-ju, postoje biljke koje u vaš dom donose blagostanje, sreću i novac. Pahira ili drvo novca najčešće se poklanja poslovnim lju­ dima ili mladencima. Preporučuje se da ih u kući imate nekoliko – tri ili pet komada. Bambus palma u dom unosi pozitivnu energiju. Smatra se najboljom feng shui biljkom jer u sebi sadrži svih pet elemenata – drvo, zemlju, vodu, vatru i metal. Orhideje privlače ljubav, produbljuju prija­ teljstva i smiruju dušu. U Staroj Grčkoj povezivali su je sa plodnošću, a prema principu feng shui-ja bi trebalo da bude u dnevnoj sobi.

Nastanak poštanske markice

Znate li da su poštanske markice nastale zbog toga što pošte nisu uspeva­ le da naplate dostavu pisama i paketa? Prva poštanska marka je nastala četrdesetih godina IXX veka, za vreme reforme britanskog poštanskog sistema. Pre ovih reformi, sistem je bio leglo korupcije i praktično se nalazio pred samim pucanjem. Pošta je dostavljala pisma i pakete, ali to nije uspevala da naplati. Tada je Britanija uvela poštanske markice koje su uključivale naplatu, te je korisnik morao da počne da plaća tu uslugu.


Kralj na daljinu


Jednim plemenom u Gani, u distriktu Hohoe, kralj Togbe Ngorifija Kosi Bansah vlada na jedan baš neobičan način – na daljinu i to preko Skype-a, ali i uz pomoć telefona i putem mejlova. Togbe živi u Nemačkoj, a kralj je postao slučajno jer su njegovi otac i brat levoruki, što se u Gani smatra „nečistim″. Nekoliko puta godišnje on poseti pleme kojim vlada, a svake noći određen broj sati provodi na Skype-u, zajedno sa saradnicima, kada diskutuju o stvarima koje su za pleme važne.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · jun–septembar 2019








Wrist Watches Were Made for Women

Did you know that wrist watches were originally made only for wo­ men? According to one claim, the first wrist watch was made as a gift by the nobleman Robert Dudley to Queen Elizabeth I, the other says that Napoleon ordered that such gift was made to his beloved Josephine in 1806, and the third that the Swiss company Patek Philippe made the first wrist watch for one Hungarian countess. These watches were exclusively for women until the First World War when soldiers began using them in order to move more freely.

World in Numbers

Although Russia is a country where lives a large number of peo­ ple, 20 million more people are living in Bangladesh, despite the fact that Russia’s territory is 16 times larger. The smallest num­ ber of children (less than 14 years old) lives in Germany, only 12%, while that percentage in Kenya is 40. Every day, the US becomes richer by 1,700 millionaires. Statistics say that as much as 82% of mothers in Denmark are employed, while in Greece it’s 50%. Scientists have found that most children are born on Thursday, while the least of them are born on Saturdays.


Plants that Bring Love, Happiness and Money

According to Feng shui, there are plants that bring wealth, happiness and money to your home. Pahira or ″wood money″ is most often given to business people or young people. It is recommended that you have three or five pieces in the house. Bamboo palm brings positive energy. It is considered for the best Feng shui plant because it contains all five elements – wood, soil, water, fire and metal. Orchids attract love, deepen friendships and soothe the soul. In ancient Greece, it was associated with fertility, and according to the principle of Feng shui, it should be placed in the living room.

Invention of Post Stamp

Do you know that post stamps were invented due to the fact that post offices couldn’t charge the delivery of letters and packages? The first stamp is made in 1940s, during the reform of the British post system. Prior to these reforms, the system was a full of corruption. The post delivered letters and packages, but it was not able to charge it. At that time, Britain introduced post stamps that included a charge, and the users were forced start paying that service.

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On-line King


One tribe in Ghana, in Hohoe District, king Togbe Ngorifi Kosi Bansah is ruling in an unusual way - remotely via Skype, but also by the phone and via e-mails. Togbe lives in Germany, and he became king because his father and brother are left-handed, which is considered ″unclean″ in Ghana. Several times a year, he visits a tribe, and every night spends a number of hours on Skype, along with associates, when they are discussing issues that are important to the community.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · June–September 2019

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