SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · februar–maj 2019 / Februar y–M ay 2019 / broj 29 / No. 29
Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 29 / februar–maj 2019 / No. 29 / February–May 2019
tema broja:
cover story:
Pripovedanje u poslu
Kako su nastala SEEbtm Awards priznanja? Istraživanje:
Ovo su trendovi u organizaciji događaja za 2019.
Storytelling in Business
How Did the SEEbtm Awards Come About?
These Are Event Organization Trends for 2019
I M P R E S S U M Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Direktor: Ivan Milić Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić Urednički tim: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov
Nekada je bio problem kako rešiti tako mnogo životnih i poslovnih potreba. Danas je
Tiraž: 3.000
problem smisliti ideju, proizvod ili uslugu koja već ne postoji.
Periodičnost: 3 puta godišnje
Preplavljeni smo proizvodima i uslugama na svim poljima. Pamtimo i koristimo najviše one koji iza sebe imaju neku priču. Priču o tome da su drugačiji od drugih, priču o ideji za pokretanje biznisa, njegovoj realizaciji i rešavanju prepreka, priču o dizajnu, brendu, priču o zaposlenima, priču o usponu ili pak neuspehu.
Datum izdavanja: februar–maj 2019 Broj 29 Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (3 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 3.000,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj publika ciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgovoran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti nastale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije po trebna je pismena dozvola. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2019 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 29th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2019 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 116 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
u v o d
Ljudski mozak će pre da registruje, a zatim i da zapamti, dobru priču, nego gomilu statističkih izveštaja i cifara koje prikazuju poslovanje ili informacije o proizvodu. To treba imati u vidu kod plasiranja i prodaje. Šta stoji iza uspešne gaming kompanije? Vrhunska grafika, animacija i još mnogo toga, ali pre svega dobra priča. Šta stoji iza uspešne kozmetičke kuće? Vrhunski sastojci, receptura, pakovanje, ali pre svega kako se potrošač oseća dok je koristi. A kako će da se oseća zavisi od priče koja ide uz taj proizvod. Isto važi bukvalno za sve – za garderobu koju nosimo, hranu koju kupujemo, u kom hotelu odsedamo, gde biramo da putujemo, koji film da gledamo i slično. Priča budi pažnju, a pažnja emociju. Ne možemo prodati proizvod ili uslugu ukoliko ne probudimo „nešto” u potrošaču. Po mogućstvu, želju da bude deo naše priče.
Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik
Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
s a d r ž a j
54. ljamo Predstav iner e Falkenst Hotel gro Montene
18. nje Prodava a ili d proizvo roz usluge k priču
56. di Zašto lju e? vole prič
62. Priča o arriott brendu M
76. ić: apuškov Nataša Tleda priča Kako izg mskih iz ugla fila? umetnik
Novosti .................................................................... 5 Događaji . ................................................................ 7 Novo i renovirano .................................................. 14 Tema broja: Storytelling u biznisu . ........................................ 18
87. SEEbtm 18 Party 20
Tema broja: Priča o brendu Marriott....................................... 62 Industrija: Kako lako pronaći prostor za događaj?............... 70
Industrija: SEEbtm Awards 2018........................................... 25
Hotel: Unesite boje u svoj život u Termama Olimia ............................................... 75
Istraživanje: Organizatori događaja – trendovi u 2019.................................................... 33
Tema broja: Nataša Tapušković: Kako izgleda priča iz ugla filmskih umetnika?......................... 76
Istraživanje: Dobavljači o trendovima u organizaciji događaja u 2019. ......................... 44
Hotel: Palace Hotel Zagreb – Prvi Hotel Baštine u Zagrebu............................... 82
Hotel: Falkensteiner daje novi sjaj legandarnoj kraljici .............................................. 54 Tema broja: Zašto ljudi vole priče?.......................................... 56
Tema broja: Putovanje kroz slatku istoriju Beograda – Hotel Mona Plaza . ............. 85 Primer iz prakse: SEEbtm Party 2018 . ............................................ 87
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Hotel: Kovilovo Resort – nov kongresni centar........................................... 94 Tema broja: Walt Disney – omiljeni stvarni lik svačijeg detinjstva.......................................... 96 Hotel: Poslovni i kongresni hotel u Zagrebu – Hotel Aristos........................ 102 Intervju: Uvek je pr avo vreme za čašu vina . .................. 104 Zanimljivost: Huaši, najbogatije selo u Kini . ......................... 107 Predstojeći događaji . .......................................... 111 Sajam: IMEX Frankfurt 2019 ......................................... 112 Zanimljivosti........................................................ 115
I M P R E S S U M Publisher, production and marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Director: Ivan Milic Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic Editorial team: Milica Novak, Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov
Solving many personal and business needs used to be a challenge. Today, the chall
Circulation: 3.000
enge is coming up with an idea, product, or service that does not already exist.
Periodicity: 3 times per year
We are overwhelmed by products and services in all areas. We remember and use mostly those that have a story behind them. A story about being different from others, a story about starting the business, growing it, and overcoming obstacles, a story about the design or brand, a story about the employees, a story about success or even failure.
Issue date: February–May 2019 No 29 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (3 issues) for: - Serbia 3,000.00 RSD - abroad 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that accuracy of information contained in this pub lication, The Best Solutions cannot be held res ponsible for any errors or inaccuracies contained within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial consignment. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2019 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 29th ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2019 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 116 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i n t r o d u c t i o n
The human brain is more likely to detect – and then remember – a good story over a bunch of statistical reports and numbers that describe the business or product informa tion. This should be kept in mind when marketing and selling. What’s behind a successful gaming company? World-class graphics, animation, and much more, but above all – a good story. What’s behind a successful beauty company? Top-notch ingredients, formulas, and packaging, but above all the feeling it sparks in the consumer. And this feeling depends on the story that goes with the product. The same goes for literally everything – the clothes we wear, the food we buy, the hotel we stay at, the places we choose to travel, which movie to watch, and so on. Story captures attention, and attention awakens emotions. We can’t sell products or services if we don’t inspire “something” in the consumer. Preferably a desire to be part of our story.
Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief
Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
c o n t e n t s
55. resenting P e r A e W r ensteine You Falk ntenegro Hotel Mo
21. Selling aor Product Service Story Through
59. People Why Do ries? Love Sto
66. y of the The Stor Brand Marriott
79. ić: apuskov Natasa Ty from The Stormaker’s the Film ive Perspect
News ....................................................................... 6 Events ................................................................... 10 New and improved ................................................ 16 Cover story: Storytelling in Business ...................................... 21
90. SEEbtm 18 Party 20
Cover story: The Story of the Marriott Brand ......................... 66 Industry: An Easy Way to Find Venue for Event ................. 72
Industry: SEEbtm Awards 2018 .......................................... 27
Hotel: Bring Colour Into Your Life in Terme Olimia.................................................... 75
Survey: Event Planners – Trends for 2019..................................................... 38
Cover story: Natasa Tapuskovic: The Story from the Filmmaker’s Perspective .............................. 79
Survey: Suppliers About Trends for Corporate Events in 2019............................... 49
Hotel: Palace Hotel Zagreb – The First Hotel Heritage in Zagreb ...................... 84
Hotel: Falkensteiner Infuses New Splendor in the Legendary Queen............... 55 Cover story: Why Do People Love Stories? . ............................ 59
Cover story: A Voyage Through the Sweet History of Belgrade – Hotel Mona Plaza............ 86 Example from practice: SEEbtm Party 2018 . ............................................ 90
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Hotel: Kovilovo Resort – New Congress Center........................................... 95 Cover story: Walt Disney – The Favorite Real Character of Every Childhood ............................. 99 Hotel: Business and Congress Hotel in Zagreb – Hotel Aristos ........................ 103 Interview: It’s Always Time for Glass of Good Wine . ......... 105 Interesting: Huaxi, the Richest Village in China .................. 109 Upcoming events ................................................ 111 Exhibition: IMEX Frankfurt 2019 ......................................... 113 Interesting news.................................................. 116
n o v o s t i Kongresni centar Kovilovo Resort-a u novom ruhu Kongresni centar Kovilovo Resort-a potpuno je renoviran i raspolaže sa pet sala, od kojih su dve velike sale kapaciteta do 300 sedećih, odnosno 350 stajaćih mesta. Pored velikih sala, u objektu se nalaze i dve male sale kapaciteta do 50 osoba u VIP sali i do 8 sedećih mesta u Business Room sali. Velika sportska multi-funkcionalna hala, prima 1.500 osoba u pozorište postavci i 2.000 osoba u koktel postavci. Pored ovoga, Kovilovo Resort rapolaže i parkingom za 600 automobila.
Croatia Airlines oborio rekord u 2018. godini Protekle godine hrvatski nascionalni avio prevoznik, Croatia Airlines, ukupno je prevezao 2.168.863 putnika, što predstavlja rekord u postojanju ove kompanije. U poređenju sa 2017. godinom, zabeležen je porast od 2 posto. Podsećanja radi, prošle godine su uvedeni letovi na dve nove destinacije – Mostar, tokom cele godine i Dablin, za vreme letnje sezone, a uvedene su i sezonske linije iz Dubrovnika za Minhen i iz Splita ka Kopenhagenu.
Hotel Hilton Belgrade dobio eko-sertifikat Zeleni ključ Zeleni ključ (Green Key), bazira se na međunarodnoj sertifikaciji turističkih objekata, u cilju promocije održivog razvoja u turizmu i aktivnog učešća u očuvanju životne sredine, a od skoro je dodeljen i hotelu Hilton Belgrade. Program Zeleni ključ je jedan od pet međunarodnih programa Fondacije za obrazovanje u životnoj sredini (FEE – Foundation for Environmental Education sa sedištem u Kopenhagenu), koja se na neprofitnoj bazi bavi promocijom održivog razvoja kroz obrazovanje o životnoj sredini.
Izabran novi predsednik ICCA-e U novembru 2018. godine, kada je održan 57. ICCA kongres u Dubaiju, u sklopu Generalne skupštine, izabran je novi predsednik ove asocijacije – James Rees koji je na čelu londonske kompanije ExCeL. Od 2012. godine bio je član ICCA odbora, dok je 2017. postao potpredsednik. Rees je izjavio da će biti pravi zagovornik industrije poslovnih događanja i prvi u sektoru kongresne industrije koji će osigurati da „Vlada čuje glas ICCA-e na jeziku koji razume”.
Do 2020. još novih Courtyard by Marriott hotela u Evropi Courtyard by Marriott objavio je da očekuje da će u naredne dve godine u Evropi dodatno povećati broj na 63. Do kraja 2020. će biti otvoreno ukupno 30 hotela ovog brenda. Osim Nemačke, Francuske i Velike Britanije, Courtyard prvi put dolazi u Jermeniju, Finsku i na Island. Courtyard Paris Gare de Lion otvoren je u oktobru 2018. godine, dok će u Hamburgu svoja vrata gostima otvoriti od proleća 2019. SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
n e w s Kovilovo Resort ConGRESS Center in the New Robe Kovilovo Resort Congress Center has been completely renovated and has five halls – two large rooms with up to 300 sitting seats or 350 in cocktail setup. In addition to these halls, it has two small rooms with capacity for up to 50 people in the VIP hall and up to 8 seats in the Business Room hall. A large sports multi-functional hall, receives 1,500 people in theater setup and 2,000 people in cocktail setup. In addition, Kovilovo Resort has parking space for 600 cars.
Croatia Airlines Breaks Record in 2018 Last year, Croatia Airlines, Croatia’s national airline company, transported 2,168,863 passengers in total, which is a record in the company’s existence. Compared to 2017, it recorded an increase of 2 percent. For the remark, last year flights were introduced to two new destinations – Mostar, throughout the year and Dublin, during the summer season, and season flights from Dubrovnik to Munich and from Split to Copenhagen.
Hotel Hilton Belgrade Got Green Key Eco-Certificate Green Key is based on the international certification of tourist facilities in order to promote sustainable tourism development and active participation in environmental protection and hotel Hilton Belgrade is proud owner of one. The Green Key Program is one of the five international programs of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE – Foundation for Environmental Education based in Copenhagen), which, on a non-profit basis, deals with the promotion of sustainable development through environmental education.
New ICCA President In November 2018, when the 57th ICCA Congress was held in Dubai, within the General Assembly, the new president of this association – James Rees, who headed the London company ExCeL – was elected. Since 2012 he has been a member of the ICCA Board, and in 2017 he became Vice President. Rees said he would be a true advocate of the MICE industry and the first in this sector to ensure that “the Government hears the voice of the ICCA in a language that they understand.”
More Courtyard by Marriott Hotels in Europe by 2020 Courtyard by Marriott, has announced it expects to further grow its European footprint of 63 hotels over the next two years. Nearly 30 hotels are expected to be opened in Europe by the end of 2020. Besides Germany, France and the UK, Courtyard is continuing its first-to-market approach in Armenia, Finland, and Iceland. Courtyard Paris Gare de Lyon opened in October 2018, while the Courtyard Hamburg City is scheduled to open in Spring 2019.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope ADRIA HOTEL FORUM Beograd, Srbija 20 – 21. februar 2019. godine Posle šest godina održavanja u Zagrebu, jedina međuna rodna hotelsko – investiciona konferencija u regionu, Adria Hotel Forum (AHF), biće organizovana 20. i 21. feb ruara 2019. godine u Beogradu, u hotelu Crowne Plaza. Ona predstavlja najnovije trendove u hotelskim investicija ma i razmatra aktuelne teme u oblasti hotelske industrije. U Srbiji se u protekle 3-4 godine događa „turistički boom“, otvorena su vrata inostranom kapitalu, prisutan je veliki broj međunarodnih brendova pa je i to bio jedan od razlo ga zbog kojih će AHF investitore i globalne stručnjake ove godine dovesti u Srbiju.
Prostor: Hotel Crowne Plaza
YU INFO 2019 & ICIST 2019 Kopaonik, Srbija 10 – 13. mart 2019. godine U organizaciji Informacionog društva Srbije, ove godine na Kopaniku, u hotelu Grand, biće organizova ne konferencije posvećene IT industriji pod imenom YU INFO 2019 & ICIST 2019. Program konferencija sadržaće preko 200 predavanja i prezentacija. Naučni program konferencije ICIST obuhvatiće oko 100 radova i prezentacija na engleskom jeziku, istraži vače iz inostranstva i Srbije, a u okviru YU INFO 2019 konferencije, koja će biti održana na srpskom jeziku, biće oko 80 predavanja i više od 10 kompanijskih prezentacija.
Prostor: Hotel Grand
3. 3T KONFERENCIJA Zagreb, Hrvatska 12. mart 2019. godine Treća po redu konferencija 3T - Tourism, Travel & Tech, održaće se 12. marta u Kapitol Boutique Cinema u Zagrebu, a glavna tema konferencije ove godine je smart tourism – pametni turizam. Udeo turizma u hrvatskom BDP-u dostiže skoro 20%, što je najviši procenat u Evropskoj Uniji. Turizam i IT kao dva rastuća i najuspešnija sek tora u Hrvatskoj trebalo bi više da sarađuju, da se nadopunjuju i koriste inovativna rešenja i proizvode startupa, o čemu će se upravo i najviše razgovarati.
Prostor: Kapitol Boutique Cinema
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
d o g a đ a j i HOTEL SUMMIT SRBIJA 2019 Beograd, Srbija 21. mart 2019. godine Cilj konferencije Hotel Summit Srbija je da isprati najrelevantnije primere dobrog i inovativnog poslova nja, kao i aktuelne trendove u hospitality industriji u zemlji, regionu i svetu. Konferencija će, drugu godinu za redom biti održana 21. marta u hotelu Hyatt Regency u Beogradu. Više od 15 međunarodnih govornika, iz Velike Britani je, Litvanije, Nemačke, Francuske, Mađarske, Sloveni je, Hrvatske i Srbije, sa učesnicima će podeliti najno vije rezultate istraživanja, primere dobre poslovne prakse, trendove, izazove i tajne uspeha na zahtevnim tržištima hospitality sektora.
Prostor: Hotel Hyatt Regency
5. EFLM KONFERENCIJA O PREANALITIČKOJ FAZI Zagreb, Hrvatska 22 – 23. mart 2019. godine Ovu konferenciju organizuju Evropska federacija za klinič ku hemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu (EFLM), a pod pokro viteljstvom BD Life Sciences, Preanalitical Systems. Fokus konferencije je kvalitet preanalitičke faze laborato rijskog rada. To je najveća konferencija ovog tipa u Evropi koja okuplja više od 600 učesnika svake druge godine. Za program konferencije zadužen je naučni odbor, kako bi se omogućilo ažuriranje znanja na terenu i stvorio otvoreni forum za interaktivne diskusije.
Prostor: Hotel The Westin Zagreb
12. HRVATSKI ONKOLOŠKI KONGRES Poreč, Hrvatska 04 – 07. april 2019. godine Hrvatski onkološki kongres predstavlja najveći skup hrvatske onkologije, a ove godine stručnjaci iz ove medicinske oblasti se okupljaju po dvanaesti put. Ovaj kongres je pozornica za razmenu znanja i infor macija, a u programu 12. onkološkog kongresa biće pokrivene sledeće teme: urogenitalni tumori, tumori pluća, tumori dojke, melanomi, ginekološki tumori, tumori probave, ORL tumori tumori nervnog sistema.
Prostor: Valamar Isabella Hotel
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
RC 44 CUP PORTO MONTENEGRO, JEDRILIČARSKA REGATA Boka Kotorska, Crna Gora 10 – 14. april 2019. godine Hotel Regent i Porto Montenegro će biti VIP ma tična luka za sve ljubitelje jedrenja koji će imati jedinstvenu priliku da brodom prate RC 44 – jedriličarsku regatu. Ovaj jedriličarski događaj svetskog ranga će se održati u akvatorijumu Bokokotorskog zaliva te će okupiti najveća svetska imena ovog izuzetnog sporta te od 10 – 14. aprila uveličati jedinstven prostor Boke Kotorske. Regata će započeti i završiti u Porto Montenegru – luksuznoj marini za mega jahte.
Mesto: Bokokotorski zaliv
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
d o g a đ a j i
03 – 05. maj 2019. godine U organizaciji Slovenačkog nefrološkog društva, u Ljub ljani, u Cankarjevom domu, očekuje nas 14. Evropski kongres o dijalizi. Ovaj kongres je međunarodnog tipa, pa će s tim u skla du biti stručnjaka iz ove grane medicine koji dolaze iz različitih zemalja, a ove godine se očekuje čak 700 delegata. Pored stručnog programa, za vreme trajanja kongre sa, biće organizovani i paneli koji su zamišljeni u formi diskusije kako bi se razmenila iskustva iz prakse.
Prostor: Cankarjev dom
19 – 22. septembar 2019. godine Asocijacija infektologa u Bosni i Hercegovini i Udru ženje mikrobiologa u Bosni i Hercegovini odlučili su da organizuju zajednički kongres sa željom da se ovoj problematici pristupi multidisciplinarno i uz učestvovanje stručnjaka oba društva, domaćih i internacionalnih saradnika iz drugih oblasti medicine. S obzirom na teme, kongres je planirano da bude multidisciplinarni jer će se uz infektologe i mikrobio loge tu naći i lekari različitih specijalnosti iz oblasti medicine i veterine.
Prostor: Hotel Mellain
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Events in the region of South East Europe ADRIA HOTEL FORUM Belgrade, Serbia February 20th – 21st, 2019 After six years of holding in Zagreb, the only internatio nal hotel-investment conference in the region, the Adria Hotel Forum (AHF), will be organized on February 20th and 21st, 2019 in Belgrade, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. It presents the latest trends in hotel investments and reviews current topics in the field of hotel industry. The “tourist boom” is happening in Serbia in the past 3-4 years, the doors are open to foreign capital and a large number of international brands are present, which is one of the reasons why AHF investors and global experts will be brought to Serbia.
Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel
YU INFO 2019 & ICIST 2019 Kopaonik, Serbia March 10th – 13th, 2019 Organized by the Information Society of Serbia, this year at Kopanik, in hotel Grand, conferences dedicat ed to the IT industry under the name YU INFO 2019 & ICIST 2019 will be organized. The conference program will have over 200 lectures and presentations. The scientific program of the ICIST conference includes around 100 works and presenta tions in English made by researchers from abroad and Serbia, and within the YU INFO 2019 conference, which will be held in Serbian, around 80 lectures and more than 10 company presentations will be presented.
Venue: Hotel Grand
3RD 3T KONFERENCIJA Zagreb, Croatia March 12th, 2019 Third 3T Conference - Tourism, Travel & Tech, will be held on March 12th in Kapitol Boutique Cinema in Zagreb. The main topic of this year’s conference is smart tourism. The share of tourism in Croatian GDP reaches almost 20%, which is the highest per centage in the European Union. Tourism and IT, as the two most important and successful sectors in Croatia, should cooperate more and use innovative solutions and startup products, which is one of the main themes.
Venue: Kapitol Boutique Cinema
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
HOTEL SUMMIT SERBIA 2019 Belgrade, Serbia March 21st, 2019 Hotel Summit Serbia gathers around 300 profess ionals from hospitality industry from Serbia and region and presents international speakers from all over the world. Second year in a row the conference will take place on March 21st in hotel Hyatt Regency in Belgrade. More than 15 international speakers, from Great Britain, Lithuania, Germany, France, Hungary, Slovenia and Serbia will cover the following topics: trends in hospitality, latest research data, business innovation, destination management, hotel and revenue management and inspiration.
Venue: Hotel Hyatt Regency
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
e v e n t s
March 22nd – 23rd, 2019 This conference is organized by the European Federa tion of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) and sponsored by BD Life Sciences, Preanaly tical Systems. The focus of the conference is the qual ity of the preanalytical phase of the laboratory work. It is the largest such conference in Europe, which brings together more than 600 participants every second year. The conference programme has been tailored by the scientific committee to deliver up-todate knowledge in the field and create an open forum for interactive discussions.
Venue: Hotel The Westin Zagreb
12TH CROATIAN ONCOLOGY CONGRESS Porec, Croatia April 04th – 07th, 2019 The Croatian Oncology Congress is the largest congress of this type, and this year experts from this medical field are gathering for the 12th time. This congress is a stage for the exchange of knowledge and information, and in the program of this oncology congress the following topics will be covered: urogeni tal tumors, lung tumors, breast tumors, melanomas, gynecological tumors, digestion tumors, ORL tumors and tumors of the nervous system.
Venue: Valamar Isabella Hotel
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
e v e n t s RC 44 CUP PORTO MONTENEGRO, SAILING REGATTA Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro April 10th – 14th, 2019 Hotel Regent and Porto Montenegro will be a VIP home port for all sailing enthusiasts who will have a unique opportunity to follow the RC 44 – sailing regatta. This world-class sailing event will take place in the Boka Kotorska Bay and will gather the world’s most distinguished names of this exceptional sport from April 10th – 14th, and will highlight and showcase the unique area of Boka Bay. The regatta will start and finish in Porto Montenegro – a luxury marina for mega yachts.
Location: Boka Kotorska Bay
14TH EUROPEAN PERITONEAL DIALYSIS MEETING Ljubljana, Slovenia May 03rd – 05th, 2019 In the organization of the Slovenian Society of Nephrology, in Ljubljana, in Cankarjev dom, we are expecting the 14th European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting. This congress is international, and accordingly, experts from this branch of medicine are coming from different countries, and 700 delegates are expected this year. In addition to the professional program, during the cong ress, panels that are conceived in the form of discussion will be organized in order to exchange experiences from practice.
Venue: Cankarjev dom
5TH INFECTOLOGY CONGRESS AND 2ND MICROBIOLOGY BIH CONGRESS Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina September 19th – 22nd, 2019
The Association of Infectologysts and the Associa tion of Microbiologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina have decided to organize a joint congress with the aim to approach this issue multidisciplinary and with the participation of experts from both sides, domestic and international associates in other fields of medicine. Considering the topics, the congress is planned to be multidisciplinary, as doctors and physicians of various fields in human and veterinary medicine will be present along with infectologysts and microbiolo gists as well.
Venue: Hotel Mellain
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Gorski Hotel & Spa – nov hotel na Kopaoniku Kopaonik je zvanično 10. januara dobio još jedan hotel – Gorski Hotel & Spa koji je smešten u samom centru, nadomak ski staze Malo Jezero, a posluje u okviru MK hotelske grupe. Ovaj hotel sa 4 zvezdice prostire se na 9 nivoa, ima 97 luksuznih soba i 21 apartman. U kompleksu postoji i kongresni centar sa 470 sedećih mesta i multifunkcionalnom salom od 470 m2. Takođe, poseduje à la carte restoran i restoran za skijaše, spa centar, zatvoreni bazen sa pogledom na ski stazu, saune, hamam, rusku banju, ledenu fontanu, slanu sobu i tepidarijum, kao i veliki izbor spa tretmana i moderan fitness centar.
Novo i
RENOVIRANO Do kraja godine otvaraju se Fruške terme U Vrdniku se prošle godine počelo sa gradnjom hotelsko-turističkog kompleksa Fruške terme, a investitor je kompanija Promont Group u čijem se vlasništvu nalazi i hotel Premier Aqua u Vrdniku, kao i etno naselje Vrdnička kula. Ovaj kompleks imaće 416 ležajeva u 196 soba i tri apart mana, a pored smeštajnih jedinica gradi se i 10 bazena – otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa. Konferencijske sale prostiraće sa na površini od 268 m2, a od dodatnih sadržaja postojaće wellness & spa centar, restoran na bazenima sa 100 mesta i još jedan restoran kapaciteta za 290 osoba.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Otvoren hotel ibis Styles Sarajevo Kraj prethodne godine obeležilo je otvaranje hotela ibis Styles Sarajevo, nekadašnjeg hotela Sarajevo u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sa završetkom radova na novom tornju i 112 novih soba, vrata hotela su zvanično otvorena krajem novembra 2018. Po završetku svih radova, hotel će imati ukupno 181 sobu i konferencijske sale za 800 osoba što je jedan od najvećih kongresnih kapaciteta u gradu. Od dodatnih sadržaja gostima su na raspolaganju spa centar, restoran, cafe i panoramski sky bar.
Hotel Mona Plaza od jeseni u Beogradu Mona Plaza, hotel grupacije Mona Hotel Management, u fazi je izgradnje, a svečano otvara nje očekuje nas u oktobru ove godine. Hotel čija izgradnja teče predviđenom dinamikom, prosti raće se na 20.000 m2, i imaće ukupno 13 spratova. U sastavu Mona Plaze naći će se veliki kongresni centar sa 12 multifunkcionalnih sala površine 2.000 m2 raspoređen na dva ni voa, kao i restoran, bar, wellness centar i parking. Hotelskim gosti ma će na raspolaganju biti 170 modernih soba i apartmana.
Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro otvara se na proleće Crna Gora će od ovog proleća biti bogatija za još jedan hotel, a radi se o otvaranju Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro. Hotel će imati ukupno 236 smeštajnih jedinica, open space bar i à la carte restoran sa terasom, Beach club bar i restoran na plaži i bazene. Kongresni kapaciteti, opremljeni modernom tehničkom opremom, prostiru se na više od 500 m2 i podrazumevaju jednu veliku salu, dve manje sale za seminare, i jednu od 40 m2.
Prvi gradski hotel grupacije Amadria Park Poslednjeg novembarskog dana prošle godine, hotelska grupacija Amadria Park otvo rila je svoj prvi gradski hotel, u Zagrebu, pod imenom Amadria Park Hotel Capital. Kako se radi o objektu koji je izgrađen 1923. godine, u investiciju je uloženo 14,5 miliona evra, a pri uređenju se vodilo računa o svim izvornim detaljima kada je zgrada izgrađena. Hotel raspolaže sa 112 soba i manjom salom za sastanke koja može primiti do 40 osoba.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Gorski Hotel & Spa – New Hotel on Kopaonik Kopaonik officially got another hotel on January 10th – Gorski Hotel & Spa, located in the center, and operates within the MK hotel group. This 4 star hotel extends on 9 levels, has 97 luxury rooms and 21 suites. In the complex there is congress center with 470 seats and a multi functional hall on 470 sqm. It also has à la carte restaurant and a restaurant for skiers, spa center, an indoor pool with ski slopes view, saunas, hamam, Russian spa, ice fountain, salt room and tepidarium, as well as a wide selection of spa treatm ents and a modern fitness center.
New and
IMPROVED Fruske Terme Will Be Opened By the End of Year In Vrdnik, the construction of the hotel-tourist complex Fruska Terme has started last year, and the investor is the Promont Group Company, which is the owner of the hotel Premier Aqua in Vrdnik, as well as the ethno village Vrd nicka kula. This complex will have 416 beds in 196 rooms and three apartments, and in addition to accommodation units, there will be 10 pools – indoor and outdoor. The congress halls will be on area of 268 sqm, and there will be wellness & spa center, a pool restaurant with 100 seats and another restaurant with capacity for 290 people.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Ibis Styles Sarajevo Is Opened The end of the previous year was marked by the opening of hotel ibis Styles Sarajevo, a former hotel Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. When works were completed on the new tower and 112 new rooms, the hotel doors were officially opened in late November 2018. Upon ending of all works, the hotel will have a total of 181 rooms and conference rooms for 800 people, one of the largest congress capacities in the city. Additional amenities for guests include spa, restaurant, café and a panoramic sky bar.
Hotel Mona Plaza Is Opening in Belgrade in Autumn Mona Plaza, new hotel of Mona Hotel Management Group, is in building phase, and the grand opening ceremony will be held in October 2019. The hotel is 20.000 sqm big and it has 13 floors. Mona Plaza Hotel has 12 multi-functional meeting rooms on 2.000 sqm spreading on two levels, restaurant, bar, wellness centre and parking. Hotel guests will have on their disposal 170 modern guest rooms and suites.
Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro Opens in Spring Montenegro will get one more hotel this spring, and this is Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro. The hotel will have a total of 236 accommodation units, an open space bar and an à la carte restaurant with a terrace, a beach club bar, beach restaurant and swimming pools. The congress facilities, equipped with modern techni cal equipment, cover more than 500 sqm and include a large hall, two smaller rooms for seminars, and one breakout room on 40 sqm.
First City Hotel of Amadria Park Hotel Group Last day of November 2018, the Amadria Park hotel group opened its first city hotel, in Zagreb, under the name Amadria Park Hotel Capital. As for the building was built in 1923, 14.5 million EUR was invested in this project, and all the original details were preserved when the process of renovation started. The hotel has total of 112 rooms and one smaller meet ing room that can accommo date up to 40 people.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
tema broja
Prodavanje proizvoda ili usluge kroz priču
Storytelling u biznisu Pitate se, možda, kakve veze storytelling (pričanje priča) ima sa poslom koji radite? Ima, i to više nego što mislite! Svaki biznis ima svoju priču. Ako ne možete, ili ne umete da dobro ispričate i prenesete priču svojoj ciljnoj grupi, vaš proizod ili usluga jednostavno neće privući pažnju. John Bates kaže da naš mozak vrednuje priče više nego bilo šta drugo. A ako ne znate ko je on, kratko ga predstavljamo. John je jedan od najtraženijih i naj boljih komunikacionih trenera današnjice, te radi sa generalnim menadžerima najvećih svetskih kompanija poput Motorole i Johnson & Johnson-a, ali i sa više od 100 TEDx govornika. Zato mu verujemo na reč! J
John Bates
Naime, priče mogu i treba da budu deo bilo kog posla upravo zbog gorepomenutog zaključka gospodina Bates-a. Jer, kada naučite na koji način treba da pričate
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
priču, ciljna grupa će uvek želeti da čuje još. Ok, to ste možda već znali. Ali, šta ako vam sastavljanje priče baš ne ide od ruke?
Odgovorite na osnovna pitanja Prvo, važno je da vaša poslovna priča bude zanimljiva. Ako ne postoji jasan fokus, brzo ćete izgubiti pažnju potrošača ili potencijalnog potrošača. Da biste, na pri mer, pokrenuli priču o brendu, u vašem izlaganju treba da bude jasno ko priča priču, zbog čega, kada i gde se ona odvija, kome je namenjena, šta se pokušava postići i sa kojim se izazovima suočavate. Ovi jednostavni parametri će vam pomoći da razvijete priču koja će biti zanimljiva vašoj ciljnoj grupi. Jako je važno da ljudima bude jasno zbog čega im se obraćate jer je upravo to ono što će ih kroz priču voditi i sačuvati im pažnju do kraja.
Šta ljude interesuje? Zvuči krajnje neumesno, ali je istinito. Ljudi ne žele da slušaju o vašim uspesima, već o neuspesima. To naravno ne znači da ne treba pričati o lepim stva
rima i širiti pozitivnu enegriju. To znači da ljudi, kada vas slušaju dok im pričate, više cene uspeh ukoliko je on proizašao iz nekog neuspeha, problema, prepreke. Zamislite da slušate ili čak vodite neformalan razgovor sa nekim generalnim menadžerom hotela kome je sve išlo „podmazano kao po loju“.
Strategija prodaje zasnovana na emocijama povećava prodaju za 50 %
Odgajan je u pristo jnoj i dobrostojećoj porodici, završio ško lovanje na vreme, odmah se zaposlio, brzo napredovao – sve je išlo baš kao po nekom jako dobro razrađenom planu. Svaka čast, naravno! Ali zamislite sada drugu situaciju – da je životna priča i put istog tog čoveka „malo“ drugačija.
Da je kroz školovanje imao probleme, da nije baš bio neki posebno dobar učenik, a da je studije, turizma npr., upisao sasvim slučajno jer je pre toga studirao ekonomiju. I dok je studirao, povre meno je radio studentske poslove u restoranima 92 % potrošača žele da brze hrane, nekada pru brendovi imaju oglase koji „pričaju priču“ žao usluge turističkog vodiča (pa je tako naučio dva strana jezika), pa je počeo da se interesuje za turizam naknadno. I konačno ga upisao! I završio kao jedan on najboljih studenata. Ali po diplomiranju, nije mogao da nađe stalan posao u struci pa je morao da prihvata razne poslove u turizmu kako bi ostao u kontaktu sa mate rijom sve dok njegov veliki potencijal nije prepoznao menadžer prodaje hotela u kom je radio i ponudio mu bolju poziciju.
b r o j a
Angažujte emocije ljudi Što je priča „potresnija“, ljudi se brže vezuju i poistove ćuju sa njom. Bez obzira na to da li se osećate tužno, srećno ili uplašeno, emocija čini da se osećamo živim. Upravo zbog toga je važno da se te emocije probude i kod vaših slušaoca. Storytelling je idealan način da se emotivno povežete sa ljudima tako da kada razmišljate o sadržaju svoje priče, mislite o tome koje emocije želite da podstak nete i shodno tome pružajte informacije.
Zemlja je bila užarena masa... Odmah da bude jasno – dobra priča ne mora da bude dugačka! Zato NEMOJTE započinjati svoju priču od stadiuma kada je zemlja bila užarena masa. Previše detalja i poštovanje hronologije u događajima dovodi do toga da se publika uspava pre nego što zanimljiv deo uopšte i počne.
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40 % ljudi bolje reaguje na vizuelne informacije nego na tekstualne 5 – 10 % ljudi se zadržava na suvoparnim tekstovima 65 – 70 % ljudi se zadržava na suvoparnim tekstovima ako uključuju neke anegdote
John Bates na ovu temu kaže: „Život se događa hronološkim redom – to je dosadno! Počnite u sredini, gde su stvari uzbudljive. Mnogo je zanimljivije.“
E sa ovakvom pričom već imate pažnju svih prisutnih. A i poštovanje jer ste svojim snagama, umećem, znanjem uspeli da napravite veliki uspeh. Razmislite, sigurno ćete se se titi i drastičnijih i upečatljivijih primera. Setite se, na primer, priče o osnivaču sajta Alibaba, Kinezu Ma Yun-u. Pre nego što je postao multimilijarder, nije primljen ni na jedan posao na koji je aplicirao. A aplicirao je čak i na mesto prodavca u res toranu brze hrane KFC.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
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Budite dosledni, ali kreativni! Morate biti dosledni kada govorite o svom brendu. Kao što doslednim brendom smatramo onaj koji uvek koristi iste boje, slogan, logo. Ako se ove „Ljudi misle o pričama, a ne o komponente statistici. Zato marketeri treba da ovladaju veštinom storytelling-a“. često menjaju, konzumenti Arianna Huffington, osnivač Huffington Post-a najpre bivaju zbunjeni i na kraju nezainte resovani. Isto važi i za poslovna pripovedanja. Ona zahtevaju praksu, kao uostalom i bilo koja druga aktivnost. Treba da upoznate „priču“ iznutra i spolja pre nego što je predstavite klijentima ili ciljnoj grupi. To će vam mnogo pomoći u nameri da ispričate priču „prirodno“. A u vezi sa kreativnim delom – uvek je dobro priču upotpuniti audio ili vizuelnim detaljima. Pogotovo ako se radi o prezentacijama. Realnost je da mora te biti rođeni storyteller da bi samo priča mogla da
„Kroz priče najbolje učimo. Apsorbujemo brojeve, činjenice i detalje, ali oni u našim glavama ostaju zahvaljujući tome što ih vezujemo za priče“.
Chris Brogan, američki novinar i marketing konsultant
prođe. Zato, kada god vam mogućnosti to dozvoljava ju, ubacite i dodatne elemente da „začinite“! Potrudite se ponekad da to bude i duhovito. Zašto da ne? Svaki posao je sam po sebi stresan i nosi veliku odgo vornost. Duhoviti detalji će opustiti atmosferu, a pored toga će zasigurno ostati upamćeni od strane publike! I za kraj zapamtite šta je rekla Maya Angelou, književ nica i borac za građanska prava: „Na kraju dana ljudi se neće setiti šta ste rekli ili učinili, setiće se kako ste ih naveli da se osećaju.“ Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Storytelling in Business
cover story
Selling a Product or Service Through Story
Perhaps you’re wondering what’s storytelling got to do with your work. Much more than you think! Every business has its own story. If you can’t or don’t know how to tell a good story to your target audience, your product or service simply won’t draw attention. John Bates says that the human brain values stories more than anything else. And if you don’t know who he is, here’s a brief introduction. John is one of the most popular and best communication trainers of today, working with executives of the world’s biggest companies like Motorola or Johnson&Johnson, as well as more than 100 TEDx speakers. That’s why we take him at his word! J
Mr John Bates
Stories can and should be part of every business preci sely because of Mr. Bates’ above conclusion. Because when you learn how to tell your story, your target
audience will always want to hear more. Okay, you pro bably already knew that. But what if you’re not too brilliant in story writing?
Answer the main questions First, your business story must be interesting. If there’s no clear focus, you’ll quickly lose the attention of the consumer or potential consumer. For example, to start your brand story, your presentation should make it cle ar who’s telling the story, why, when, where it takes place, whom it is for, what’s it trying to achieve, and what challenges you’re facing. These simple paramet ers will help you craft a story that will be interesting to your target audience. It’s very important to make it clear to people why you’re talking to them because that’s exactly what will guide them through the story and retain their attention to the end.
What are people interested in? Sounds quite crass, but it’s true. People don’t want to hear about your achievements – they want to hear about failures. Of course this doesn’t mean that we
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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shouldn’t talk about nice things and spread positive energy. This means that when people listen to you while you talk, they appreciate success more if it results from a failure, problem, or obstacle. Imagine listening to or even having an informal conversation with a hotel’s GM who had everything going his way. He was raised Emotion-based sales strategy increases in a decent and well-off sales by 50% family, he graduated in time, he immediately got a job, and advanced quickly – everything went exactly as according to a very well-elaborated plan. Good for him! But imagine a different situation – that the man’s life story and path is a bit different. He had issues through schooling, he wasn’t a very good student, and he enrolled in tourism studies by accident after studying economics. While studying, he occasionally worked students jobs in fast food restaurants. He sometimes did stints as a tourist guide (thanks to which he learned two languages) and star ted to get interested in tourism later on. And finally he enrolled college to study it! He ended up as one of the best students. 92% of consumers want brands to have After graduation, however, ads that tell stories couldn’t find a steady job in the field, so he had
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
to accept various jobs in tourism in order to stay in touch with the profession until his great potential was recognized by the Sales Manager of a hotel where he worked and offered him a better position. Now this story gets people’s attention. As well as respect, because you used your strengths, skills, and knowledge to achieve great success. Think, you’ll surely remember even more drastic and striking examples.
40% of people respond better to visual information than text 5–10% of people keep on reading bland texts 65–70% of people keep on reading bland texts if they include anecdotes
Remember, for example, the story about Alibaba’s founder, Ma Yun. Before becoming a billionaire, he never got a single job he applied for. And he even applied to be a server at KFC.
Engage people’s emotions The more the story is “upsetting”, the quicker people relate to it. Regardless of whether you feel sad, happy, or scared, the emotion makes us feel alive.
s t o r y
“People think about stories, not stat istics. That’s why marketers should master the art of storytelling”. Arianna Huffington, founder of Huffington Post
It’s exactly for this reason that it’s important to arouse these emotions in your listeners. Storytelling is an ide al way to emotionally connect with people, so when
“We learn best through stories. We absorb numbers, facts, and details, but they stay in our heads because we tie them to stories”
Chris Brogan, American journalist and marketing consultant
you’re thinking about the content of your story, think about the emotions you want to spark and provide information accordingly.
The Earth was a fiery mass... Let’s get one thing clear right away – a good story doesn’t have to be long! So DON’T start your story from when the planet Earth was a fiery mass. Too much detail and chrono logy in events leads to the audience getting sleepy before the interest ing part even starts. John Bates says: “Life is happening in chronological order – and it’s boring! Start in the middle, where things are exciting. It’s much more interesting.”
those that always uses the same colors, slogans, and logos. If these components often change, consu mers first become confused and ultimately indifferent. The same goes for business storytelling. They require practice, just like any other activity. You need to know the story inside out before presenting it to your customers or target audience. This will help you a lot with telling the story naturally. And as for the creative part – it’s always good to supplement the story with sound or visual details. Especially when it comes to presentations. The reality is that you have to be a natural born storyteller for the story to even make sense. So whenever the circum stances allow, feel free to add something to spice it up! Try to make it funny at times. Why not? Every job is in itself stressful and carries great responsibility. Funny details relax the mood, and they’ll also surely be remembered by the audience!
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And finally remember what writer and civil rights activist Maya Angelou said: “At the end of the day, people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.” Milica Novak
Be consistent, but creative! You must be consistent when talk ing about your brand. Just like we think that consistent brands are
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
industrija SEEbtm Awards 2018
Kako su nastala priznanja za najbolje u kogresnom turizmu? Davne 2009. godine osnivači portala Kongresniturizam, Miona i Ivan Milić, sedeli su u jednom crnogorskom hotelu i uživali u poslovno-prijateljskom razgovoru sa tadašnjom menadžerkom prodaje i marketinga tog hotela, Leonardom (tada) Đinović, koju su već nekoliko godina poznavali zahvaljujući međusobno uspeš noj saradnji. Razne teme su se nametale, i Leonarda je rekla da bi oni, obzirom na iskustvo, a u nedostatku adekvatne literature u ovoj oblasti na našim prostorima, trebalo da pokrenu časopis. Časopis koji će prvenstveno da poveže kongresnu industriju regiona, da poveže hote le, agencije i kompanije, one koji organizuju događaje. Časopis koji će pružiti korisne informacije, ideje i uvid u trendove u event menadžmentu. S obzirom na to da su već dobijali zahteve od industrije da pokrenu ovakav časopis, iako to ona možda ne zna, Leonardin predlog je tog dana prelomio.
za kongresni i poslovni turizam. Već etabliran SEEbtm časopis i regionalni portal Kongresniturizam, ukazali su se kao logični inicijatori i osnivači priznanja u kongre snom turizmu – SEEbtm Awards. Tako su, 2016. godine pokrenute najznačajnije nagra de u kongresnom turizmu. Ne samo zato što ih organi
Iako bez novinarskog znanja i iskustva, ali uz pomoć organizacionih i menadžerskih veština i verovanja u uspeh, Miona je preuzela na sebe ulogu urednice budućeg časopisa. Očekivanja, kako kompanije, tako i industrije su bila velika. Uz rad, trud, iskustvo u kon gresnoj industriji i kreativnost, nastao je SEE business travel & meetings, skraćeno, SEEbtm. Časopis koji je opravdao, a možda i prevazišao očekivanja. Šest godina kasnije, ukazala se potreba da se onim hotelima koji su lideri u organizaciji događaja, onima koji su prvi izbor za korporativne klijente i organizova ne poslovne grupe, ukaže priznanje. Kako zbog lične i poslovne satisfakcije, tako i kao smernica za buduće događaje i kompanije koje biraju prostor i hotel. Ali i kao uzor dobre poslovne prakse drugim hotelima
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
i n d u s t r i j a zuje i dodeljuje vodeći regionalni portal za organizaciju događaja Kongresniturizam i specijalizovani časopis SEEbtm, već zato što za najbolje glasa publika, oni koji organizu ju događaje. Oni čiji glas u praksi zapravo najviše vredi. U Beogradu 15. novembra 2018. godine 7. put tradicionalno je okupljena kongresna industrija regiona na SEEbtm Party-ju, koji se profilisao kao vrlo važan događaj za MICE i event industriju. Na ovom okupljanju svečano su, po drugi put, dodeljena prestižna priznanja – SEEbtm Awards, najboljim hotelima i prostorima u kongresnom i poslovnom turizmu regiona. Želeći da nagradama daju još veći kredibilitet i težinu, Miona i Ivan su se odlučili da oforme specijalni žiri. Žiri od ljudi koji se provereno bave organizacijom događaja ili odlučuju o istom ispred svojih kompanija. Tako su SEEbtm Awards postale jedine nagrade u regio nu, a i šire, vezane za kongresni turizam koje dodeljuje iz prve ruke, industrija! Nema većeg priznanja za hotel
nego kad gost, u ovom slučaju korporativni gosti koji spadaju u najzahtevnije, ali i one koji najviše troše, oda priznanje i odabere kao najboljeg u određenoj kategoriji. Sve navedeno je dalo rezultate, i borba među hotelima za SEEbtm Awards 2018 je bila velika. Tim pre, što su se među nominovanim hotelima i prostorima zaista našli najbolji u svojim kategorijama. Koliko je hotelima zna čajno ovo priznanje govori i činjenica da je ove godine svoje glasove dalo čak 8.700 ljudi! Pregled pobednika pogledajte na strani 28! Miona Milić
SEEbtm Awards 2018
How Did the Awards for the MICE Industry Come About? Back in 2009, founders of, Miona and Ivan Milic, were si tting in one Montenegrin hotel and enjoying an informal business conversation with the hotel’s Sales and Marketing Manager, Leonarda (then) Djinovic, whom they had known for several years through working together. Different topics came up, and Leonarda said that, given their experience and in the absence of appropriate literature in this area, they should launch a magazine. A magazine that would primarily connect the region’s MICE industry and hotels, agencies, companies, and event planners. A magazine that would provide useful information, ideas, and insights into trends in event management. Considering that they had already re ceived requests from the industry to launch this type of magazine, although she might not know,Leonarda’s suggestion that day was the make-or-break point. Although she had no journalistic knowledge or experience, thanks to her organizational and managerial skills and her belief in success, Miona took on the editor role for the future magazine. Expectations of both the company and the indu stry were high. With work, effort, experience in the MICE industry, and creativity, SEE business travel & meetings – or SEEbtm – was born. A magazine that met and perhaps exceeded the expectations.
the leaders in organizing events, those that are the first choice for corporate clients and organized business groups. Both for personal and business satisfaction, and as a guideline for future events and companies that need venues and hotels. But also as a good busi ness practice model for other hotels for MICE tourism. The already established SEEbtm magazine and regional portal Kongresniturizam have turned out as the logical initiators and founders of MICE tourism awards – SEEbtm Awards.
Six years on, there was a need to acknowledge those hotels that are
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
i n d u s t r y In 2016, the most important awards in MICE tourism were launched. Not only because they are organized and awarded by the leading regional event planning portal Kongresniturizam and the specialized magazine SEEbtm, but because the best are voted by the audience, those who organize the events. Those whose voice is actually the most valued. In Belgrade on November 15th, 2018, the region’s MICE industry tradition ally gathered for the seventh time at the SEEbtm Party, which became very important for everybody in the MICE industry and event management. At this event, for the second time, prestig ious awards were given – SEEbtm Awards – to the best hotels and venues in the region’s MICE tourism and meetings industry. Wanting to give the awards even greater credibility and weight, Miona and Ivan decided to form a special jury. A jury of people who are involved in event organi zation or decide about it on behalf of their companies. That’s how the SEEbtm Awards became the only awar ds in the region, and beyond, related to MICE tourism that are awarded by the industry itself! There is no greater recognition for a hotel than when a guest, in
Sam događaj SEEbtm Party je ove godine, kao i svake do sada, sjajna manifestacija i prilika da se kolege iz turizma i hotelijerstva okupe na jednom mestu i u prijatnoj atmosferi razmene iskustva i uspehe ostvarene u tekućoj godini. Ove godine imali smo izuzetnu čast da dobijemo nagradu za Best City Conference Hotel, koja je još jedan dokaz izvrsnosti naše usluge – na šta smo izuzetno ponosni i čemu težimo i u narednim godinama.
This year’s SEEbtm Party, like every time before, is a great event and an opportunity to gather colleagues from tourism and hotel industry in one place and in a pleasant atmosphere in order to exchange experiences and successes achieved in the current year. This year we had the great honor to receive the Best City Conference Hotel Award, which is another proof of the excellence of our service – what we are extrem ely proud of and what we strive for in the coming years.
Žana Okuka,
Serbia Sales Executive, Crowne Plaza Belgrade,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
this case corporate guests who are some of the most demanding and biggest spenders, acknowledges and chooses it as the best in a particular category. All of the above gave results, and the competition for the SEEbtm Awards 2018 was fierce. More so because the nominated hotels and venues included the very best in their categories. The importance of this award for hotels is illustrated by a fact that this year, as many as 8,700 people voted! Check out the winners below! Miona Milic
Ponosni smo na priznanja koje dobijamo od naših klijenata i saradnika, ali i od dela stručne javnosti, gde se portal Kongresniturizam ističe kao najmerodavniji. Nagrada za Best Out of the City Confe rence Hotel je još jedan pokazatelj kvalitetne usluge i najmodernijih sadržaja za organizaciju poslovnih skupova i kongresa. U prilog tome govori više od 200 skupova godišnje i hiljade zadovoljnih gostiju i klijenata, što je ujedno uspeh, ali i odgovornost i obaveza da budemo još bolji.
We are proud of the acknowledgments we receive from our clients and associates, but also from the professional public, where the portal Kongresniturizam stands out as the most valuable. The award for Best Out of the City Conference Hotel is another indication of quality services and the most up-to-date content for the organization of business meetings and congresses. In support of this, more than 200 meetings of annual and thousands of satisfied guests and clients are a success, which is also a success, but also a responsibility and an obligation to be even better.
Bojana Kuzmanović,
MK Resort, Serbia Conference & Events Sales Manager at
Ove godine bila nam je izuzetna čast i zadovoljstvo dobiti SEEbtm Awards priznanje. Ovogodisnji događaj SEEbtm Party, kao i svaki do sada, je bio izvanredna prilika da se okupe ljudi iz privrede, turizma i hotelijerstva i tako razmene mišljenja i svoja iskustva. Zahvaljujemo se na poverenju svima koji su glasali za nas, težićemo da pružimo još bolji kavalitet usluge.
We were honored to receive the SEEbtm Awards recognition. This year’s SEEbtm Party, as has been the case in the past, has been a great opportunity to gather people from the economy, tourism and hotel industry and exchange views and experiences. Thank you for trusting everyone who voted for us, we will strive to provide even better quality service.
Valeria Tot,
Phiwa doo – hotel Galleria, Serbia
Izuzetna čast i zadovoljstvo je biti dobitnik SEEbtm Awards priznanja, kada znamo ko su klijenti i saradnici portala Kongresniturizam i magazina SEEbtm. Sama činjenica da stojimo rame uz rame sa takvim partnerima i konkurišemo za nagradu nama je bila dovoljna. Nagrada je samo korak više i dodatna satisfakcija koja nam govori da svojim poslovanjem idemo u pravom smjeru.
It is an exceptional honor and pleasure to be one of the SEEbtm Awards winners, when we know who the clients and associates of the portal Kongresniturizam and the SEEbtm magazine are. The fact that we stand side by side with such partners and compete for the award was enough for us. The award is just a step further and an additional satisfaction that tells us that we are going in the right direction with our business.
Nemanja Vučetić,
Marketing Manager, Termag Hotel Jahor ina,
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lijepo je znati da uživamo povjerenje klijenata i da nas baš oni nagrađuju za sve što za njih radimo, jer nas oni najbolje i poznaju. To je najveća satisfakcija za uloženi trud i pokazatelj da smo prepoznati kao pouzdan partner.
It is gratifying to know that we enjoy confidence of clients and that the clients themselves have rewarded us for what they know we are doing for them, because they know us best. That is the greatest satisfaction for all the efforts invested, as well as the fact that we are recognized as reliable partners.
Maja Vukićević,
PR Manager of the Montenegro Stars
Ulaganje u proširenje MICE ponude Termi Olimia te praćenje svjetskih globalnih trendova uveliko pomaže kod stvaranja konkurentnosti. Upravo iz ovih razloga iznimno smo ponosni na ovu nagradu jer nam je to dokaz više, da su Terme Olimia na pravom putu i da su širom svijeta prepoznate kao destinacija s kvalitetnom i širokom kongresnom ponudom, isprepletenom s paletom vrhunskih usluga za opuštanje i relaksaciju.
Hotel Group, Montenegro
Investing in the expansion of the MICE offer of Terme Olimia and tracking global trends greatly helps us being competitive. This is precisely why we are extrem ely proud of this award – it is our proof that Terme Olimia is on the right path and recognized worldwide as a destination with a quality and broad congress offer, combined with a range of top spa services.
Andrej Pust,
Area Sales Manager, Terme Olimia, Slove nia
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Hvala svima koji su prepoznali Hotel Palma 4* kao najbolji u kategoriji Best Seaside Hotel for Meetings & Events (up to 150 rooms), kao i našem partneru – portalu Kongresniturizam na odličnoj saradnji i promociji kongresne industrije. Ovogodišnja nagrada predstavlja još jedno važno priznanje kvaliteta usluge i sadržaja naših hotela koji su postali prepoznatljivi u oblasti kongresnog turizma i značajan podsticaj da budemo još bolji i uspješniji.
I would like to thank everyone who recognized Hotel Palma 4 * as the best in category Best Seaside Hotel for Meetings & Events (up to 150 rooms), as well as our partner – portal Kongres niturizam for excellent cooperation and promotion of meetings industry. This year’s award represents another important recognition of the quality of the services and facilities of our hotels that have become recognizable in the field of meetings industry and a significant incentive to be even better and more successful.
SEEbtm priznanje koje smo dobili ove godine u kategoriji Best City Hotel for Meetings and Events (more than 150 rooms) nam znači puno – pre svega zato što dolazi od ljudi iz same industrije ali i od različitih kompanija koji su naši trenutni ili potencijalni gosti. Naš trud da se pozicioniramo kao hotel sa 4* i najboljom MICE ponudom u gradu se isplatio. Svakako, ovo će biti i motiv da budemo još bolji i inovativniji u narednoj godini.
The SEEbtm Award we received this year in the category Best City Hotel for Meetings and Events (more than 150 rooms) means a lot to us – first of all because it is coming from relevant people from our industry, but also from the companies that currently are, or can be our potential clients. This shows us the hard work and effort we have invested in order to position ourselves as 4* hotel with the best MICE offer in the city are paying off. The award will for sure motivate us to be even better and more innovative in the next year.
Aleksandar Vasilijević,
Belgrade, Serbia General Manager, Falkensteiner Hotel
Jelena Tomičić,
urants AD, Montenegro Sales Manager, Primorje hotels & Resta
Iskra Cergol, Commercial Manager, Hilton Belgrade, Serbia
Bilo nam je iznimno zadovoljstvo i čast što je naš hotel bio nominiran za jednu od kategorija te prisustvovati SEEbtm Party-ju koji je bio besprijekorno organiziran. Izuzetno smo ponosni na dobivenu nagradu, te smo zahvalni svima koji su glasali za nas što samo znači da smo na pravom putu poslovnih uspjeha i da su prepoznate kvalitete našeg hotela.
It is our great pleasure and honor that our hotel was nominated and won in one of the categories. SEEbtm Party was flawlessly organized. We are extremely proud of the prize and are grateful to all who voted for us, which means that we are on the right path to business success and that the quality of our hotel is recognized.
Iva Roža,
a Sales Manager, Lafodia Sea Resort, Croati
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Neizmerno smo ponosni što smo priznati od strane eminentnih jaka stručn kao najbolji novootvoreni hotel u regionu. Hotel je kao i svaka kompanija, na početku upoznaje tržište i lokalno zakonodavstvo i uslove poslovanja. Mi smo uspeli kao tim i pokazali našu posvećenost da pružimo gostoprimstvo koje je najbitnije za putnike.
We are immensely proud to be recognized by eminent experts as the best newly opened hotel in the region. The hotel is like any company, initially acquainted with the market and local legislation and business conditions. But as one team we did it and this demonstrates our commitment to provide signature hospitality that matter most to travelers.
Nicolaas Houwert,
a General Manager, Hilton Belgrade, Serbi
Donošenje savremenog luksuza destinaciji bio je, i još uvek je, veoma zahtevan posao. Imajući pouzdane medijske partnere, kao što je magazin SEEbtm, koji prepoznaje naše napore, još jedan je dokaz da se naši napori isplate. Biti nagrađen u kategoriji Best New Hotel (opened in 2017/2018) u prvoj godini našeg poslovanja, imati priliku da ponosno stanemo na scenu sa drugim hotelijerima, agencijama i korporativ nim partnerima, radi razmjene dobrih praksi i angažovati se u interesantnim razgovorima – ovo je moguće samo kada se okupe ljudi koji vole svoj posao.
Bringing modern luxury to the destination was, and still is, both an honorable and very challenging job to do. Having well-established media partners, such as SEEbtm magazine, recognizing our efforts, gives us another proof that our efforts do pay off. Being awarded as The Best New Hotel (opened in 2017/2018) in SE Europe in the first year of our operation, having the chance to proudly stand on a stage, to mingle with other hoteli ers, agencies and corporate partners, to exchange good practices and engage in interesting discussions – this is possible only when people doing business with passion, come together.
Saša Zor,
Aca Kocić, Event Service Manager, Hyatt Regency Belgrade, Serbia
Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo što smo izabrani za dobitnika nagrade u kategoriji Best Confe rence and Banqueting Staff. SEEbtm Awards priznanje je još jedna potvrda našeg truda, rada i posvećenosti koji nas već 28 godina stavlja na čelo hotelske industrije Beograda.
It is our great pleasure to be chosen for the winners in Best Conference and Banqueting Staff category. SEEbtm Awards recognition is another confirmation of our efforts, work and dedication that has been putting us at the forefront of the Belgrade hotel industry for 28 years.
Tamara Radišić,
Marketing Manager, Hyatt Regency Belgr ade,
Director of Sales and Marketing, Inter Continental Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zahvaljujemo se SEEbtm magazinu i portalu Kongresniturizam na divnoj večeri i prilici da učestvujemo na manifestaciji kao što je dodela SEEbtm Awards za najuspešnije event prostore u ovoj industriji za 2018. godinu. Kao dobitnici nagrade za Best Rooftop Venue 2016. godine i ovogo dišnje nagrade za Best Special Venue, nastavićemo da se trudimo kako bi naš restoran i dalje bio na mapi vodećih prostora za organizaciju korporativnih događaja.
We would like to thank SEEbtm magazine and portal Kongresniturizam for a wonderful evening and opportunity to take place on such occasion as SEEbtm Awards for the most prominent venu es in the meeting industry in 2018. As winners of the award for the Best Rooftop Venue for 2016 and this year award for the Best Special Venue, we will continue to put our best efforts, so our restaurant would remain on the map as one of the leading venues for corporate events.
Katarina Stojanović,
Marketing Director, Top of the Hub, Serbi a
SEEbtm okupljanje u hotelskoj i turističkoj delatnosti predstavlja nezaobilazni događaj za sve najznačajnije predstavnike. Spoj izuzetno profesionalne organizacije i kreativne zabave, uvek rezultira pozitivnom energijom. Za grupaciju A Hotela, ovogodišnje dešavanje je posebno podsticajno jer su nagrađena dva naša hotela i to je najbolja motivacija zaposlenima. Hotelu Izvor je ovo kruna na sva dosadašnja mnogobrojna priznanja, a za nedavno otvoreni Grand hotel Tornik ovo priznanje ulazi u istoriju – jer je prvi dokaz kvaliteta i luksuza.
SEEbtm assembly is an inevitable event for the most important representatives of hotel and tourism industry. A combination of professional organizati on and creative entertainment always results with positive energy. This year’s award is especially inspirational for A Hoteli group, since two of our hotels received it, which is the best motivation for our employees. Hotel Izvor’s award is a crown to numerous recognitions received so far, while Grand Hotel Tornik’s award is historical-being the first evidence of its quality and luxury.
Vesna Vlatković,
Director of Marketing and PR of hotel chain
A hoteli, Serbia
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Ksenija Lubarda, Director of Sales and Marketing, Radisson Collection, Old Mill Belgrade, Serbia
Nakon što je naš hotel postao deo brenda Radisson Collection i predstavljen srpskom tržištu, velika je čast da smo proglašeni za Best Luxury hotel u kategoriji hotel sa više od 50 soba. Ostajemo posvećeni očuvanju našeg jedinstvenog karaktera, pružanju izuzetne usluge i održavanju dobrih odnosa sa gostima i partnerima.
After becoming a part of one-of-akind Radisson Collection properties and introducing this new brand to the Serbian market, it has been a great honour to receive award for Best Luxury Hotel (more than 50 rooms). We are committed to maintaining our distinctive character while providing exceptional service and building strong relationships with our guests and partners.
Gabriela Ditetova,
l, General Manager, Radisson Collection Hote
Old Mill Belgrade, Serbia
Čast nam je što smo dobili ovu nagradu tokom prve godine rada hotela i zahvalni smo za to priznanje. Hotel Lazure je jedinstveno mesto sa prelepim ambijentom, gde je istorijska arhitektura ukombinovana sa savremenom tehnologijom i udobnošću luksuznog hotela. Nadamo se da će nam ova nagrada pomoći da drugi prepoznaju i cene lepotu ovog mesta. SEEbtm Party je bio veoma zabavno i istovremeno veoma korisno okupljanje, mi smo imali priliku da upoznamo naše kolege iz drugih hotela i uživamo u prekrasnoj atmosferi.
It is an honor for us to get this award during the very first year of hotel operation and we are grateful for this recognition. Lazure Hotel is a unique place with beautiful ambient, where the historical architecture meets modern technologies and comfort of the luxury hotel. We hope that this award will help us to build awareness about this beautiful place and attract more business. SEEbtm Party was very pleasant, but at the same time very useful event where we had a chance to meet our colleagues from other hotels and enjoy wonderful atmosphere.
Anna Martynova,
na, Executive Manager, Lazure Hotel & Mari
SEEbtm Party je pre svega bio na zavidnom nivou organizacije, a uz to veoma veseo – puno nasmejanih, zadovoljnih lica, što vec mnogo govori. Za nas, kao jedan od hotela na tržištu koje raste, veoma je značajna činjenica da smo prepoznati, i po svom kvalitetu izdvojeni, kao najbolji mali poslovni hotel. Ovakve nominacije, a posebno realizacije istih nam zapravo daju vetar u leđa, kako bismo svoj dosadašnji kvalitet u najmanju ruku i održali, iako uvek težimo ka većem.
The fact that SEEbtm Party was above all at the enviable level of organization, and very joyful, with lot of smiling and gratified people, already speaks for itself. For us, as one of the hotels in the ever growing market, it is very important that we have been recognized, and by our quality, acknowledged as the best small business hotel. Nominations as such, but in particular their attainment, represent our drive toward renowned quality at the very least, although we always strive for the bigger one.
Jelena Liverpool,
ne the Great, Serbia Sales & Marketing Director, Constanti
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Nagrada potvrđuje lidersku poziciju Kongresnog centra Master Novosadskog sajma u kongresnoj industriji, a sve zaposlene u našoj kući učinila je srećnim i ponosnim. Iznad svega je posebno značajna našim klijentima koji su nam uputili višegodišnje poverenje i podršku.
This Award confirms the leading position of the Congress Center Master of the Novi Sad Fair in the meetings industry, and made all the employees in our house happy and proud. Above all, it is especially important to our clients who have given us years of trust and support.
Andrea Knezy,
tive Board of the Novi Sad Fair, Executive Manager and Member of Execu
istraživanje Ko, šta, koliko i za koliko?
Organizatori događaja poručuju: Ovo su trendovi za 2019. godinu Početkom 2019. godine SEEbtm magazin je vršio ispitivanje među organizatorima događaja vezano za broj i vrstu događaja koje kompanije organizuju na godišnjem nivou, prosečnom budžetu koji imaju izdvojeno za njih, gde organizuju događaje i kako biraju prostore. · Učestalost: Između 5 i 15 događaja godišnje · Broj učesnika: oko 50 · Budžet: do 50.000,00 EUR · Porast broja regionalnih događaja za 13.5% u odnosu na 2015. godinu
IT i telekomunikacije je sektor koji je najzastupljeniji među onima koji su učestvovali u anketi, a takođe spadaju među najzastupljenije kada je organizacija događaja u pitanju. Uz njih, među najzastupljenijima je i farmaceutska industrija, oblast konsaltinga i edukacija, kao i građevinarstvo (Grafik 1).
Kompanije uglavnom (njih 37.5%) organizu ju između 5 i 15 događaja godišnje, mada je veliki udeo (25%) i onih koji organizuju više od 25 događaja godišnje (Grafik 2), a većina njih, tačnije 62.5%, planira isti broj događaja kao i 2018. godine. Značajan je podatak da 31.3% kompanija u 2019. godini planira veći broj događaja nego prethodne godine (Grafik 3).
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
i s t r a ž i v a n j e
Koje vrste događaja kompanije organizuju i za koliko ljudi? Konferencije i kongresi se najčešće organizuju (25%), a zatim tim bildinzi, promocije i lansiranja proizvoda (19%) – Grafik 4, u najvećem broju slučajeva (44%) za do 50 osoba. Manji događaji za do 15 ljudi su često zastupljeni (25%), kao i događaji za do 100 ljudi u oko 20% slučajeva (Grafik 5).
Značajan je podatak da 31.3% kompanija u 2019. godini planira veći broj događaja nego prethodne godine.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
i s t r a ž i v a n j e
i s t r a ž i v a n j e
Hoteli i hotelski kompleksi su primaran izbor za or ganizatore događaja, tačnije u skoro 70% slučajeva. Kongresni centri su izbor u 12.5% slučajeva. Specijalni prostori, jahte, jedrilice, restorani se koriste ali u zna čajno manjem broju slučajeva (Grafik 6). Što se tiče modernih tehnologija na događajima, organizatori najčešće koriste mobilne aplikacije (43.8%), zatim snimanje dronom (25%), kao i regi straciju učesnika digitalnim putem, pomoću QR koda i slično. (25%) – Grafik 7.
Kompanije biraju hotele i hotelske komplekse u 70% slučajeva za organizaciju svojih događaja.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Lično iskustvo u određenom prostoru je najvažnije za odabir prostora, kao i preporuka. Korišćenje portala Kongresniturizam za odabir prosto ra je naveden kod 27% učesnika u anketi, kao i usluge agencija koje organizatori imaju običaj da koriste (18.8%) – Grafik 8. Veoma važan podatak je da sada većina (37.5%) kompanija organizuje svoje događaje u regionu, što je u odnosu na 2015. godinu kada je vršeno istraživanje, povećanje za 13.5 %, kada je upečatljivo većina organizovala svoje događaje isključivo u zemlji u kojoj se nalazi sedište kompanije i to sa 64%. Naravno, i dalje je veliki procenat onih koji organizuju događaje u čitavoj zemlji u kojoj je kompanija smešte
na (25%), dok 19% njih organizuje događaje samo u gradu odnosno mestu gde je sedište kompanije, a 12.5% njih organizuje svoje događaje po čitavoj Evropi (Grafik 9).
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Za one koji znaju svoje budžete, oni u najvećem broju slučajeva iznose do 50.000,00 EUR (28%), a veoma su zastupljeni (26.7%) događaji sa manjim budžetom, do 10.000,00 EUR. Prema prognozama učesnika u anketi, 73.3% njih smatra da se budžet za ovu godinu neće menjati, dok njih 20% smatra da će se čak povećati – Grafik 10 i Grafik 11. Miona Milić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Who, What, How Much and for How Many?
Event Planners: These Are the Trends for 2019 At the start of 2019, SEEbtm asked the event planners about the number and type of events that companies organize annually, the average budget, event locations, and choosing venues. · Frequency: Between 5 and 15 events annually · Number of participants: around 50 · Budget: up to EUR 50,000.00 · The number of regional events increased by 13.5% compared with 2015
IT and telecommunications is the predominant sector among those who took part in the survey, and they also lead the charge when it comes to event planning.
Companies mostly (37.5% of them) organize between 5 and 15 events every year, altho ugh a large share (25%) of them organize mo re than 25 (Chart 2), while most of them – 62.5%, to be precise – are planning the same number of events as in 2018.
They are followed by the pharmaceutical industry, consulting and education, as well as construction (Chart 1).
It is significant that 31.3% of companies are planning more events in 2019 than in the previous year (Chart 3).
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
What types of events do companies organize and for how many people? Congresses and conferences are prevalent (25%), followed by team building, promotions, and product launches (19%) – Chart 4, in most cases (44%) for up to 50 people. Smaller events for up to 15 people are quite frequent (25%), as are events for up to 100 people at around 20% (Chart 5).
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It is significant that 31.3% of companies are planning more events in 2019 than in the previous year.
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SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Companies that opt for hotels and hotel complexes for their events stand at 70%.
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A very important fact is that now most (37.5%) com panies organize their events in the region, an incre ase of 13.5% compared with 2015 when the survey was conducted, when a vast majority organized their events only in the country of company headquarters with at 64%. Of course, the percentage of those that organize events across the company’s home country is still high (25%), while 19% organize events only in the city or location of the company’s registered office, and 12.5% organize their events throughout Europe (Chart 9). Hotels and hotel complexes are the primary choice for event planners – nearly 70% optioned for these. Convention centers are selected in 12.5% of cases. Special venues, yachts, sailing boats, and restaurants are used but significantly less (Chart 6). As for modern technology at events, planners mostly use mobile apps (43.8%), drone filming (25%), and participant registration through digital channels, using the QR code or the like (25%) – Chart 7. Personal experience in a specific venue is a deciding factor for choosing the space, as are recommenda tions. Using Portal Kongresniturizam/SEEmice for selecting the venue is listed by 27% participants in the survey, as are services of the agencies that the planners use (18.8%) – Chart 8.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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Those that know their budgets responded mostly with up to EUR 50,000.00 (28%), while events with smaller budgets (up to EUR 10,000.00) are very common (26.7%). According to the respondents’ projections, 73.3% think that the budget for this year will not change, while 20% think that it will grow – Chart 10 and Chart 11. Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
istraživanje Korporativni događaji iz ugla dobavljača
Trendovi u organizaciji događaja sa stanovišta dobavljača Početkom 2019. godine dobavljači u kongresnoj industriji, prvenstveno hoteli, učestvovali su takođe u anketi koju je sproveo SEEbtm magazin. Napravljeno je odvojeno istraživanje na temu trendova u organizaciji događaja za organizatore događaja (više o tome na str. 33) i dobavljača, sa namerom da se napravi paralela na ovu temu. Hoteli su naveli da njihovi klijenti najčešće pripadaju auto industriji, zatim farmaceutskoj industriji, medi cinskom sektoru, IT i telekomunikacije, kao i kozme tičkoj industriji (Grafik 1). To su vrlo slične informacije do kojih smo došli sa strane organizatora događaja. Korporativni klijenti su u 61.5% iz zemlje u kojoj se nalazi hotel, znači većinom se radi o domaćim klijentima. Klijenti iz zemalja regiona su navedeni u 16% slučajeva, a skoro isto toliko (15.4%) iz čitave Evrope (Grafik 2). Ovde primećujemo razliku najviše u slučaju regionalnih klijenata. Tačnije, organizatori događaja su se izjasnili (str. 37) da većinom,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
u 37.5% slučajeva organizuju svoje događaje u regionu u 2019. godini, što je razlika u odnosu na 16 % koje su hoteli naveli da imaju među regionalnim klijentima.
Ovaj podatak nam govori da kompanije za 2019. godi nu definitivno nameravaju da povećaju broj događaja koje organizuju u regionu.
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Takođe, disproporcija u ovim podacima može da bude i posledica evidencije klijenata od strane hotela, najviše kod kompanija koje imaju sedišta u zemljama regiona, pa ih u tom slučaju moguće vode kao domaćeg klijenta. 50 korporativnih događaja godišnje se organizuje u većini hotela koji su učestvovali u anketi, odnosno u 53.8% njih. Između 50 i 100 događaja godišnje se održalo u 15.4% hotela, dok 30.8% hotela može da se pohvali sa više od 200 organizovanih događaja godišnje (Grafik 3).
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SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Hotelijeri su optimistični za 2019. godinu što se tiče broja događaja. Naime, 61.5% njih očekuje veći broj događaja nego prethodne godine, ostali očekuju da taj broj ostane isti, dok se niko nije izjasnio da očekuje smanjenje broja događaja u 2019. godini – Grafik 4.
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Mobilna aplikacija, live streaming i snimanje kamerom 3600 su tehnologije koje se najčešće koriste u hotelima (Grafik 8). Budžeti kojima kompanije raspolažu za svoje do gađaje, su prema hotelijerima (a ovi podaci su u korelaciji i sa organizatorima događaja), najčešće Kongresi odnosno konferencije, treninzi, tim bildinzi i promocije pro izvoda su tipovi događaja koje hoteli izdvajaju kao najčešće, kao što su naveli i organizatori događaja u anketi (str. 34) – Grafik 5. Dvodnevni događaji se organizuju u 46.2% slučajeva, dok je trajanje kor porativnih događaja više od tri dana najređe, navedeno u anketi u 7.7% slučajeva (Grafik 6). Korporativni događaji koji se organi zuju u hotelima su uglavnom sred njeg obima, za 50 i 100 učesnika. Nešto veći događaji, za do 150 osoba se organizuju u 15.4% slučajeva, dok se veliki događaji za do 300 učesnika organizuju u 23% slučajeva (Grafik 7).
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do 50.000,00 EUR (41.7%), i do 10.000,00 EUR u 33.3% slučajeva. Budžet do 100.000,00 EUR potroši 16.7% korpora tivnih klijenata, a preko 100.000,00 EUR njih 8.3% (Grafik 9). Većina hotelijera, blizu 60% smatra da će ovi budžeti ostati isti i za 2019.godinu, dok je čak 41.7% njih veoma optimistično i smatra da će se budžeti povećati (Grafik 10). Miona Milić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
survey Suppliers About Corporate Events
Trends in Event Planning from the Supplier’s Perspective At the start of 2019, suppliers in the MICE industry – primarily hotels – also took part in the survey conducted by SEEbtm. A separate survey was done on the tr ends in event planning for event planners (more on page 38) and suppliers was made, with a view to drawing a parallel on this topic. According to hotels, their clients mostly come from the automotive industry, pharmaceutical industry, medicine, IT and telecommunications, and beauty industry (Chart 1).
ers say (page 42) that they are mainly – in 37.5% cases – organizing their 2019 events in the region, which is at odds compared with 16% that hotels
These are very similar to the data we obtain ed from event planners. Corporate clients are in 61.5% of cases from the country where the hotel is located, which means that clients are mainly local. Clients from the region’s countries are named in 16% cases, and those from all over Europe (Chart 2) are cutting it close (15.4%). Here the difference is noticed the most with regional clients. To be precise, event plann
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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said they have among regional clients. This informa tion tells us that companies are definitely aiming to increase the number of regional events in 2019. In addition, the disproportion in these data can also be a result of hotels’ client records, most with companies with head offices in the region’s countries, in which case they record them as local clients. Fifty corporate events are organized every year in most of the hotels that took part in the survey – 53.8% of them. Between 50 and 100 events annually took place in 15.4% of the hotels, while 30.8% of the hotels can say they had more than 200 organized events per year (Chart 3).
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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Conventions or conferences, trainings, team buildings, and product launches are the types of events that the hotels see most often, same as the event planners reported on page 39 – Chart 5. Two-day events are organized in 46.2% of cases, while corporate events of more than three days are the least frequent – 7.7% (Chart 6). Corporate events organized at hotels are mostly medium-sized, for 50 or 100 participants.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
The hotel managers are optimistic about 2019 when it comes to the number of events. In fact, 61.5% of them expect more events than last year, others expect the number to stay the same, while nobody expects the number of events to drop in 2019 – Chart 4.
Somewhat bigger events for up to 150 people are organized in 15.4% of cases, while large events for up
to 300 participants are organized in 23% of cases (Chart 7). Mobile apps, live streaming, and 3600 camera filming are the technologies that are most commonly used at hotels (Chart 8). Company budgets for events – according to hotel managers (which corresponds to responses by event planners) – usually amount to up to EUR 50,000.00 (41.7%), and up to EUR 10,000.00 in 33.3% of cases.
A budget of up to EUR 100,000.00 is spent by 16.7% of corporate clients, while 8.3% spends more than EUR 100,000.00 (Chart 9).
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Most hotel managers — close to 60% — believe that these budgets will remain the same for 2019, while 41.7% of them are very optimistic and believe that budgets will actually grow (Chart 10). Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro
Falkensteiner daje novi sjaj legendarnoj kraljici Letnju sezonu ove godine na crnogorskom primorju sasvim sigurno će obeležiti i otvaranje prvog Falken steiner Hotela u ovoj zemlji. Nakon sveobuhvatnog renoviranja, hotel Queen of Montenegro; legendarna kraljica, postaće deo Falken steiner porodice. Ovog proleća otvoriće svoja vrata go stima pod imenom Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro. Falkensteiner grupacija ima veliko iskustvo kada su u pitanju hoteli za odmor na moru. Nakon Hrvatske i Italije, gde deset hotela od 4 i 5 zvezdica već godinama posluje veoma uspešno, na red je došla i Crna Gora. Grupacija je prepoznala veliki potencijal u ovom tržiš tu, a sam hotel je videla kao dostojnog predstavnika svog brenda u budućnosti. Iz Falkensteiner-a poručuju da će sve njihove vrednosti i ovde naći svoje mesto, a to je pre svega vrhunska i personalizovana usluga. To će biti najluksuzniji hotel sa 4 zvezdice na crnogorskom primorju čiji će koncept i usluga biti na nivou hotela sa 5 zvezdica. Hotel u svom sastavu ima 236 potpuno renovi ranih soba i apartmana, modernog, ali toplog dizajna, koji potpisuje austrijska dizajnerka Bea Mitterhofer. Tu je ukupno 222 Comfort, Superior i Deluxe sobe, i 14 apartmana, od kojih 6 ekskluziv nih Royal apartmana koji imaju poseban tretman u okviru hotela sa sopstvenim liftom, recepcijom konsijeržom i nizom dodatnih pogodnosti. Ovi apartmani su veličine i do 190 m2, a svi imaju prostrane terase sa pogledom na more a neki i svoj jaccuzi i saunu. Hotel će pre svega biti namenjen odraslima, prepo znatljiv Falkensteiner-ov Acquapura Spa koncept
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
će i ovde zauzeti važno mesto, a gostima će se ponu diti i brojne novine, između ostalog i potpuno novi spoljašnji bazen koji će biti okružen bogatim zelenilom. Gostima je namenjena i uređena privatna plaža, sa obezbeđenim suncobranima i ležaljkama u sklopu koje se nalazi i plažni bar sa restoranom i barom. Hotelska plaža deo je čuvene bečićke plaže, koja se smatra jed nom od najlepših i najdužih plaža na Jadranu. Za potpuno uživanje tu je i velika terasa sa panoram skim bazenom, povezana sa hotelskim lobijem i resto ranom, pa gosti pored fenomenalnog pogleda na Jad ransko more mogu uživati i u brojnim specijalitetima kako lokalne, mediteranske tako i internacionalne kuhinje. Hotel raspolaže i odličnim kongresnim kapacitetima. Sama pozicija hotela koji je malo izmešten od šetališta i najveće gužve čini ga dobrim izborom za sve poslovne skupove, tim bildinge, proslave firmi...
Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro
Falkensteiner Infuses New Splendor in the Legendary Queen This year’s summer season on the Montenegrin coast will most definitely be marked by the opening of the first Falkensteiner Hotel in this country. After an extensive renovation, the Queen of Monteneg ro, the legendary queen, will become part of the Falken steiner family. This spring it will open its door to guests under the name Falkensteiner Hotel Montenegro. Falkensteiner Group has extensive experience when it comes to beach holiday hotels. After Croatia and Italy – where ten four and five star hotels have been seeing success for years – it was time for Montenegro to come to the fore. The group recognized the market’s great potential and saw the hotel itself as a worthy represen tative of the brand in the future. At Falkensteiner they say that all their values will find their place here, above all the top-notch personalized service. It will be the most luxurious 4-star hotel on the Montenegrin coast whose concept and services will be at the 5-star hotel level.
will take an important place here, while guests will be offered a number of novelties, including a brand new outdoor pool surrounded by rich trees. Guests can also enjoy a private beach with sun umbrellas and loungers, as well as a beach bar with a restaurant. The hotel beach is part of the famous Becici beach, which is thought to be one of the most beautiful and longest beaches on the Adriatic coast. To add to enjoyment, there is also a large terrace with a panoramic pool connected with the hotel lobby and restaurant, so guests can enjoy the fantastic view of the Adriatic Sea and numerous Mediterranean and international cuisine specialties. The hotel also has excellent MICE facilities. The very position of the hotel, which is a bit off the promenade and crowds, makes it an excellent choice for business events, team building events, and company functions...
The hotel has 236 completely renovated rooms and suites in modern but welcoming design, the work of Austrian designer Bea Mitterhofer. There is a total of 222 Comfort, Superior, and De luxe rooms, and 14 suites, of which six are exclusi ve Royal suites that have special treatment in the hotel with their own elevator, concierge, reception, and a slew of additional amenities. These suites are up to 190 m2 in size and all have spacious terraces overlooking the sea, while some even have their own hot-tubs and saunas. The hotel is intended primarily for adults, and the Falkensteiner’ s well-known Acquapura Spa concept
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
tema broja Važno je kako ti pričam priču
Zašto ljudi vole priče? Neke od prvih uspomena iz detinjstva su svakako uspavljivanja uz priče. Intere santno kako, zapravo, tu postoje dve opservacije. Jedna, iz ugla deteta, koja pred stavlja put u najslađe i najbezbrižnije snove, i druga iz ugla starijeg člana porodice, najčešće mame ili tate, koji se svim mentalnim snagama bore da dete što pre uto ne u te iste snove kako bi imali malo predaha pred spavanje za sebe J No, vratimo se na temu pričanja priči. Pored podele na „negativce“ i „pozitivce“ iz priča, dobro i loše, ružno i lepo, uvek postoji i neki zaključak. Neka pouka, moralne, životne prirode. Zbog čega nešto treba ili ne treba raditi. I na taj na čin se nekako duboko u svest dete ta, kroz primere primerene tom uzrastu, urezuju vrednosti pomoću kojih će ono dalje „krojiti“ svoj životni put i filozofiju. Ovo možemo nazvati početkom storytelling-a, a u tom dobu ga čak nismo ni svesni.
Istorija pričanja priča Antropolozi tvrde da je pričanje priča najvažnije za ljudsku egzis tenciju i da je to zajedničko svakoj danas poznatoj kulturi. Da se radi o simbiotskoj razmeni između govornika i slušalaca – što je zapravo razmena koju u detinj stvu učimo kroz pregovaranje na dnevnom nivou.
Kao što je naš mozak u stanju da detektuje obrasce u vizuelnim oblicima, poput na primer, lica i figura, detektuje ih i u zvuku, ot krivajući obrasce u informacijama koje dobija. Priče predstavljaju prepoznatljive obrasce, a upravo u njima nalazi mo smisao. Koristimo priče da osmislimo i sagradimo svoj svet i podelimo ga sa drugima. U studiji koja je rađena na ovu temu još davne 1944. godine učestvovale su 34 osobe – studenti koledža u Masačusetsu. Njima je prikazan kratak film i zamoljeni su da objasne šta se u njemu događa. Film je prikazao dva trougla i krug koji se kreće preko dvodimenzional ne površine. Jedini drugi objekat na ekranu je bio nepomičan pravouga onik, delimično otvoren na jednoj strani. Samo je jedan od ispitanika video sve kako je trebalo: geometrij ski oblici koji su se kretali po ravni.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Svi ostali su smislili različite priče kako bi objasnili o čemu se radi. Tipično, učesnici su gledali trouglo ve kao dva muškarca koji se bore i krug kao ženu koja pokušava da po
Philip Pullman, jedan od najpoznatijih britanskih novelista našeg vremena, jednom je rekao: „Posle hrane, skloništa i druženja, priče su ono što nam najviše treba na svetu.“
begne od većeg trougla. Umesto da registruju nežive oblike, zamišljali su ljude, a ovo su neka od objašnje nja koja su se mogla čuti: krug je bio „zabrinut“, krug i mali trougao bili su „nevini mladi ljudi“, veliki trougao je bio „zaslepljen besom i frustracijom“. Naš impuls da otkrijemo obrasce priča koje vidimo čak i kada ih nema, toliko je jak!
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Zašto su još priče važne Priče su, između ostalog, dragoce ne jer su u stanju da naš um preba ce na drugo mesto, a na tom nov om mestu možemo da prihvatimo stvari kojima bismo se verovatno smejali u surovom, stvarnom svetu. Često smo u prilici da vidimo, na primer, političare koji kreiraju priču za svoju kampanju, i da ulažu zna čajan deo svojih napora i resursa u razgovor sa javnošću i održavanju ovih priča. Objektivno, lakše ćemo razumeti metaforu „plavi okovrat
„Svetom vladaju oni koji pričaju priče“ – poslovica Indijanaca plemena Hopi nik koji steže sve one koji se bave nelegalnim radnjama“, nego da se naširoko raspravlja o složenom načinu na koji policija planira da suzbije stopu kriminala.
Storytelling i biznis Sa aspekta biznisa, bilo kog, važno je znati da su upravo priče sastavni deo uveravanja i ubeđivanja.
Svi koji se na neki način bave pro dajom i/ili marketingom odavno su svesni činjenice da priče prevazila ze davanje i nabrajanje bilo kojih podataka vezanih za proizvod ili uslugu koju promovišu i prodaju, baš zbog toga što se priče lakše razumeju! Lakše se pamte, duže se o njima razmišlja i ostaju pohranjene u sve sti potrošača. Ali, ne zaboravite da je jednako važno o čemu se priča i na koji način se priča! Dakle, iz ovog izvodimo ključno pi tanje: „Kako kreirati dobre priče?“ Razmislite bolje, shvatićete da nije reklama ono što prodaje proizvod
ili uslugu. Priča je ono što prodaje! Način na koji ste verbalno i vizuelno nešto prikazali. Na kraju, zar vam nisu beskrajno, u najmanju ruku,
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„Pričanje priča je danas najmoćniji način da predstavite ideju svetu“ Robert McKee
dosadne sve one reklame koje vam na najočigledniji način „objašnjava ju“ da nešto treba da kupite ili koris tite? Pitate se koja je tajna? Tajna je u onome što svojom pri čom angažujete!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
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Treba da angažujete emociju pot rošača ili korisnika, a ne njegov racio! Racio će vam skoro uvek „šapnuti“ da taj novi proizvod mož da nije tako dobar, ili vam nije baš potreban u ovom trenutku, ili da pripazite na svoje izdatke ovog meseca... Sa druge strane, emocije su sasvim druga priča. I neke industrijske gra ne to obilato koriste u svom biznisu jer „stvar“ predstavljaju lično.
Ako hoćete da vredi – Make It Personal! Uzmimo za primer medicinu. Upravo to što se radi o jednoj od najkrhkijih i najosetljivijih grana industrije, medicina je pretvorila u svoju prednost. Jednostavno je – zdravlje nema cenu, pa su tako stručnjaci iz ove oblasti to pametno iskoristili. Setite se bilo koje reklame za
bolnicu, porodilište, dom zdravlja... Sve imaju istu crtu, a to je da je akcenat na emotivnoj involviranosti korisnika. One obliuju kadrovima u kojima se lako možete prepoznati i poistovetiti se: porodična atmosfe ra, nasmejani ljudi, blagostanja, vaši najmiliji sa novim članom po rodice – a sve to vam omogućava upravo ustanova čiju reklamu gledate! Pametno, zar ne?
Zaključak je da treba koristiti story telling, tj. priče, kako biste aktivirali emociju potrošača. Time dobijate njegovu pažnju. A kada priču upotpunite istinitim činjenicama, osvajate ono najvred nije – njegovo poverenje! Milica Novak
cover story The Way a Story Is Told Is Important
Why Do People Love Stories? Some of the first childhood memories are surely bedtime stories. Interestingly, there are in fact two observations here. One, from the child’s perspective, which is a path to the sweetest carefree dreams, and the other from the perspective of an older family member – most often mom or dad – who use everything they have to make the child fall asleep as soon as possible in order to have some time before bed for themselves. J But let’s go back to storytelling. In addition to splitting between “bad guys” and “good guys”, good and evil, ugly and beautiful – there’s always a conclusion. An ethical le sson on life. Why something should or shouldn’t be done. In this way, examples appropriate to the age imprint values deep into the child’s consciousness to shape its life and philosophy. We can call this the beginning of storytelling, and we’re not even aware of it at that age.
History of storytelling Anthropologists say that storytell ing is the most important thing for human existence and that it is common to every known culture. It’s is a symbiotic exchange betw een the speaker and the listener – which is actually the exchange that we learn in childhood through daily negotiation.
Just as our brain is able to detect patterns in visual forms, such as faces or shapes, it detects them also in sound, revealing patterns in the information it receives. Stories represent recognizable pa tterns, and that is precisely where we find meaning. We use stories to devise and build our world and share it with others.
Everyone else came up with diffe rent stories to explain what was going on. Typically, the respond ents saw the triangles as two men
Philip Pullman, a celebrated British novelist, once said: “After food, shelter, and socializing, stories are what we need most in the world.”
A study was conducted on this top ic back in 1944 involving 34 people, college students in Massachusetts. They were shown a short film and asked to explain what was going on in it. In the film, two triangles and a circle were moving across a two-dimensional surface. The only other object on the screen was a fixed rectangle, partially open on one side. Only one of the respondents saw everything right: geometric shapes runing across a plane.
fighting and the circle as a woman trying to get away from the larger triangle. Instead of registering ina nimate forms, they imagined peo ple, and some of the explanations included: the circle was “worried”, the circle and the small triangle were “innocent young people”, the big triangle was “blinded by rage and frustration”. Our impulse to discover the patt erns of stories we see even when they’re not there is that powerful!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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More reasons why stories matter Stories are, among other things, valuable because they can trans pose our mind to another place, and in this new place we can ac cept things that we would probably laugh off in in the cruel real world. We can often see, for example, politicians creating stories for their campaigns and investing significant efforts and resources in talking to the public and keeping their stories going. Objectively, it’s easier to un derstand the metaphor of a “blue
“The world is ruled by those who tell stories.” – Hopi Indian proverb
collar tightening around all those engaged in illegal activities”, than discussing complex ways in which the police will curb the crime rate.
Storytelling and business From the business perspective – any business – it’s important to know that stories are an integral part of convincing and persuading. Everyone who is in some way invol
ved in selling and/or marketing has long been aware of the fact that stories surpass giving or listing any information related to the product or service they promote and sell, precisely because stories are easier to understand! They’re easier to re member, people think about them longer, and they remain stored in consumers minds. But don’t forget that what is being told and how it is being told are equally important! Here we arrive at the key question: “How do we create good stories?” Think some more, and you will realize that advertising is not what sells a product or service.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
The story sells them! The way you present something verbally and visually. In the end, don’t you find at least infinitely boring all those advertisements that in the most
“Storytelling is the most powerful way today to present an idea to the world.” Robert McKee
obvious way “explain” how you need to buy or use something? You’re wondering what’s the sec ret? The secret is in what you’re engaging with your story!
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You should engage the consumer or user’s emotion, not their rea son! Reason will almost always su ggest that this new product might not be that good or that you don’t really need it at this time, or to watch your spending this month... On the other hand, emotions are a completely different story. And some industries use it in their busi ness because they get personal.
If you want it worthwhile – Make It Personal! Take medicine, for instance. Medi cine turned the fact that it is one of the most fragile and sensitive industries into its advantage. It’s simple – you can’t put a price on health, so experts in this field wisely used this. Try to think of any advertisement for a hospital, maternity clinic, health center... They all have something in comm
on, which is that the emphasis is on the emotional engagement of the user. They are brimming with shots you can easily identify and relate to: family setting, smiling people, well-being, your loved ones with a new family member – all this thanks to the institution whose ad you’re watching! Smart, right?
The conclusion is to use storytelling and stories to spark the consum er’s emotion. That’s what gets you attention. And when you supplement the story with true facts, you get the most valuable thing – their trust!
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Milica Novak
tema broja
Priča o brendu Marriott
Od štanda do jednog od najvećih hotelskih lanaca na svetu Nema osobe koja nije čula za brend Marriott. Marriott International je američka multinacionalna korporacija koja upravlja i franšizuje veliki broj hotela i srodnih smeštajnih objekata. To verovatno već znate. Ali možda vam nije poznato da je sve počelo od jednog malog pivskog štanda. Godine 2016., nakon što je Marriott International kupio Starwood Hotels & Resorts, postao je najveća hotelska kompanija na planeti sa preko 6.700 smeš tajnih objekata koji nude više od 1,1 miliona soba u 30 hotelskih brendova u 129 zemalja. Korporacija zapošljava čak 700.000 ljudi, a njeno sedište je u Merilendu, u Vašingtonu. Imena poput The Ritz – Carlton, W Hotels, Bvlgari Hotels & Reso rts, Westin Hotels & Resorts, The Luxury Collection, Courtyard by Marriott, Moxy Hotels, samo je jedan deo ogromne Marriott International porodice. U 2017. godini, Marriott je rangiran na 33. mestu na listi „100 najboljih kompanija za koje se može raditi“ magazina Fortune, što je njegovo dvadeseto pojavlji vanje na ovoj listi. A ovo je njegova priča... John Willard Marriott, osnivač je brenda Marriott. Rođen je davne 1900. godine u američkoj državi Juta, kao drugo od osmoro decu u porodici. Od malih nogu
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
učen je da radi jer je odrastao u radničkoj porodici. Kao dete John je pomagao u sađenju šećerne repe i čuvanju ovaca na porodičnoj farmi. Već u 13. godini života sam je zasadio salatu na nekoliko hektara zemlje na farmi, a žetva mu je donela čitavih 2.000 USD koje je dao ocu. Već naredne godine otac mu je poverio stado koje je brojalo 3.000 ovaca da ga proda u San Francisku i poslao ga samog železnicom tamo. Zadatak je naravno uspešno završio. Kako je bio posvećen mormon, Marriott je radio kao misionar u Novoj Engleskoj od svoje 19. do 21. godine. Po završetku službe, Marriott je pohađao Univerzitet u Juti gde je upoznao svoju buduću suprugu Alice Sheet, a njih dvoje su se venčali ubrzo pošto je John diplomi rao 1927. godine. Ta godina je bila presudna za bračni par Marriott. Naime, tada su živeli u Vašingotnu i leta su bila jako topla pa je Willard zajedno sa suprugom smislio način da profitiraju od vrućine i toplog vremena. Uvereni da je stanovnicima ovog grada potrebno mesto gde mogu
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popiti neko hladno i osvežavajuće piće, otvori li su štand sa posebnom vrstom piva (uglav nom bezalkoholnog) koje se pravi od kore biljke sassafras (vrsta listopadnog drveća) – korensko pivo. Procene su im bile dobre pa su na zimu iste godine u meni dodali i sendviče, postali res toran i dobili ime Hot Shoppes. U periodu od 1927. do 1985. godine imali su ukupno 1.400 restorana! I taman kada se sve činilo idealno, godine 1935. John- u je dijagnostikovan limfom, vrlo agresivan oblik raka, a lekari su prognozirali šest meseci do godinu dana života. Međutim, univerzum je imao drugačiji plan za njega i njegovu porodicu. Živeo je sve do 1985. godine, praktično još pola veka! Istorijski preokret za porodicu Marriott desio se 18. januara 1957. godine kada su otvorili prvi hotel u Ar lingtonu, u državi Virdžiniji – Twin 1969 – Marriott Bridges Motor Ho je otvorio prvi tel, koji će kasnije internacionalni postati poznat pod hotel u Meksiku, u Akapulku imenom Twin Bridges Marri ott. Drugi hotel, Key Bridge Marriott, otvorili su 1959. godine u istoj državi, a ove godine proslavlja 60 godina poslovanja što ga čini najduže otvorenim hotelom koji radi u okviru lanca Marriott International.
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Ko je zapravo bio John Willard Marriott? John je i sam bio energičan radnik i retko se odmarao, preferirajući da vodi svoju kompaniju. Mnogi od zapo slenih su potvrdili činjenicu da je živeo, disao i sanjao za kompaniju i stalno razmišljao kako da je bolje vodi i poboljša.
Hotel Key Bridge Marriott, drugi otvoreni hotel brenda Marriott
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
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Njegovi mena džeri nikad nisu 1984 – Otvoren je znali u koje doba prvi hotel pod imedana ili noći će nom JW Marriott, u čast osnivača, u se pojaviti na ku centru Vašingtona hinjskim vratima i protrčati kroz kuhinju, skladi šta, sam restoran, preći prstom preko polica da proveri da li ima prašine, pre gleda fioke za pribor za jelo, posude u kojima se služi hrana i napraviti problem odgovornima ako sve nije čisto, uredno, uglancano i na svom mestu. Čak i nakon što je kompanija počela da uključuje stotine restorana i hotela, Marriott je obećao da će lično obilaziti i pregledati svaki od njih najmanje četiri puta godišnje.
1985 – John Willard Marriott umire, a njegovo mesto u korporaciji zauzima stariji sin Bill Marriott Jr.
Međutim, John Marriott je svoje stroge zahteve za savršenstvom usluge koju pružaju ublažio predanošću i brigom o svojim zaposlenici ma, rekao je njegov stariji sin Bill Marriott Jr.
Marriott porodica
Radnicima koji su bili plaćeni po satu, posvećivao je veliku pažnja i bio brižan prema njima. Kada su bili bolesni, on im je odlazio u posetu da ih vidi. Kada su bili u nevolji, on ih je izvlačio iz istih. Jednostavno, tretirao ih je kao članove porodice i tako kod njih stvorio osećaj porodične lojalnosti.
Moxy hotel, Milano
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
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„Morate svoje zaposlene da učinite srećnim. Jer ako su zaposleni srećni, oni će usrećiti klijente“, govorio je sam John Willard. Njegova supruga, Alice Sheets, bila je aktivno uključena u posao, počevši od knjigovođe na štandu za pivo. Ali, uprkos zahtevima kompa nije, osećala je da je njena uloga majke njen najvažniji poziv i nastojala je da uravnoteži zahteve oba poziva. Imali su dva sina – Bill Marriott Jr., koji je bio na poziciji Izvršnog predsednika i Predsed nika Upravnog odbora kompanija Marriott International do svoje 80. godine i Richard Marriott, predsednik uprave Host Hotels & Resorts, bivše korporacije Host Marriott.
Warsaw Marriott Hotel
1988 – Jubilarni 500. Marriott hotel na svetu otvoren je u Varšavi u Poljskoj Uspeh nije slučajnost već dolazi kao rezultat rada, tru da, žrtvovanja i ljubavi koju ulažete u posao koji radite. To je put, a ne destinacija.
A na tom putu bude svačega – dobrih i loših stvari, poneki neuspeh, različite životne lekcije... Upravo zbog svega toga ne treba odustajati jer velike ideje (i uspesi!) često dolaze iz jednostavnih zapažanja, kao što je bio slučaj sa John Willard Marriott-om.
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Svetlana Gavrić
cover story
The Story of the Marriott Brand
From a Stand to One of the World’s Biggest Hotel Chains Everyone’s heard of the Marriott brand. Marriott International is an American multinational corporation that manages and franchises a great number of ho tels and similar accommodation. You probably already knew that. What you may not know is that everything started from a small beer stand. Marriott International’s 2016 acquisition of Starwood Hotels & Resorts turned it into the biggest hotel com pany on the planet with more than 6,700 accommo dation sites offering more than 1.1 million rooms across 30 hotel brands in 129 countries. The corporation employs as many as 700,000 people, and its headquarters are in Maryland, Washington. Names such as The Ritz-Carlton, W Hotels, Bulgari Hotels & Resorts, Westin Hotels & Resorts, The Luxury Collection, Courtyard by Marriott, and Moxy Hotels are just some of the colossal Marriott International family.
Utah, as the second of the family’s eight children. Ever since he was little he was taught to work because he grew up in a working-class family. As a child, John helped out at the family farm, planting sugar beet and herding sheep. Already at the age of 13,
In 2017, Marriott ranked 33rd in Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For list, appe aring on it for the 20th time. And this is its story... John Willard Marriott is the Marriott brand’s founder. He was born in 1900 in
Twin Bridges Motor Hotel, the first opened hotel of Mariott brand
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
he planted salad by himself on several acres of the farm land, and the harvest brought him a full 2,000 USD, which he gave to his father. The following year, his father entrusted him with a herd of 3,000 sheep to sell it in San Francisco, sending him to travel by rail way. Of course, he completed the task successfully. A devout Mormon, Marriott worked as a missionary in New England between the ages of 19 and 21. At the end of his service, he attended the University of Utah, where he met his future wife Alice Sheet. 1969 – Marriott The two got opens the first married shortly international hotel in Acapulco, after John graduated in 1927.
That year was crucial for the Marriott couple. At the time, they were living in Washington and the summers were extremely warm, so Willard and his wife came up with a way to profit from the heat and warm weather. Convinced that the city dwellers needed a place to drink a cold and refreshing drink, they opened a stand with a special type of beer (mainly non-alcoholic)
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made from the bark of the deciduous sassafras tree – root beer. Their estimates hit the spot, and that year’s winter they included sandwiches in the menu, launc hed a restaurant, and named it Hot Shoppes. From 1927 to 1985, they ran a total of 1,400 restaurants! And just when everything seemed perfect, in 1935 John was diagnosed with lymphoma, a very aggre ssive form of cancer, and the doctors gave him six months to a year left to live. However, the universe had something different in store for him and his family. He lived until 1985 – nearly half a century! The historic milestone for the Marriott family took place on January 18, 1957, when they opened the first hotel in Arlington, Virginia – the Twin Bridges Motor Hotel, which went on to become known as the Twin Bridges Marriott.
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The second hotel, the Key Bridge Marriott, opened in 1959 in the same state. This year it celebrates 60 years in business, making it the longest running hotel within the Marriott Interna tional chain.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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Who was John Willard Marriott really? John was an energetic worker and rarely rested, preferring instead to manage his business. Many of the employees confirmed that he lived, breathed, and dreamed for the com pany, constantly thinking about how to better run and improve it. His managers never knew what time of day or night he would app ear at the kitchen door and rush through the kitchen, the storage, and the restaurant itself, passing his John Willard Junior (left) and his father John Willard Marriott (right) finger over the shelves looking for dust, checking the drawers for cut On the other hand, softening the blow of John Marri lery and the dishes for serving food, ott’s strict requirements for the perfect service were and taking issue with those responsible if something his dedication and care for his employees, according was not clean, tidy, polished, to his older son Bill Marriott, Jr. and in place.
1984 – The first hotel under the name of JW Marriott, in honor of its founder, opens in the center of Washington
Even after the company branched out to hundreds of restaurants and hotels, Marr iott promised to personally visit and inspect each of them at least four times a year.
He paid great attention to the workers paid by the ho ur and treated them with kindness. When they were sick, he visited them. When they were in trouble, he got them out of it. Simply put, he treated them as family members and this created a sense of family loyalty.
The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Budapest
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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1985 – John Willard Marriott dies, and his older son Bill Marriott, Jr. takes over his role at the corporation “You need to make your associates happy. Take care of associates and they’ll take care of your custom ers,” John Willard used to say. His wife Alice Sheets was actively involved in the business, starting out as the accountant at the beer stand. However, despite the com pany’s requests, she felt that her role as a mother was her life’s work and tried to balance the demands of both callings. They had two sons. Bill Marriott, Jr. served as Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Marriott International, Inc. until the age of 80. Richard Marriott is Chairman at Host Hotels & Resorts, former Host Marriott.
1988 – The milestone 500th Marriott hotel opens in Warsaw, Poland
Success is not a coincidence – it comes as a result of the work, effort, sacrifice, and love that you put into what you do. It’s a journey, not a destination. The journey is filled with a lot of things – good and bad things, a failure here and there, different life lessons... It is precisely why one should never give up. Great ideas (and achievements!) often come from simple observations, as was the case with John Willard Marriott.
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Svetlana Gavric
Redizajniran regionalni portal Kongresniturizam
Kako lako pronaći prostor za događaj? Pre više od 12 godina pokrenut je prvi portal koji objedinjuje kongresnu ponu du regiona jugoistočne Evrope – Kongresniturizam. Šta to znači za orga nizatore događaja?
Preko njega, svi organizatori događaja, jedno stavnom pretragom, dolaze do prostora i lokacije koja zadovoljava njihove potrebe. Na sajtu se nalazi preko 230 kvalitetnih i proverenih dobavljača. A po potrebi, stručni tim portala Kongresnituri zam, koji se sastoji od event menadžera sa dugo godišnjim iskustvom, pomoći će organizatorima da dođu do pravog izbora prostora i usluge, ali i pružiti podršku oko planiranja i realizacije čitavog događaja.
kompletna redizajna – svaka verzija karakteristična i napredna za period u kom je bila aktuelna. Poslednja verzija urađena je tokom prošle go dine, a uključuje kompletan redizajn portala po poslednjim standardima, koji je nastao slušanjem i analiziranjem različitih potreba korisnika. Sada je sajt mobile responsive – prilagođava se svim veličinama ekrana, bez obzira na to da li je u pitanju desktop računar, laptop ili mobilni telefon, slike i fontovi su značajno veći, dok je ponuda hotela i prostora u prvom planu. Timu iskusnih event menadžera portala, pridru žio se i avio sektor pa je tako proces planiranja i realizacije događaja potpuno zaokružen.
Kako radi pretraga? Samo jednim klikom na home strani izlistavaju se hoteli, prostori ili agencije, čiji se izbor može suziti korišćenjem pametnih filtera, shodno potrebnim
Više od 230 razloga za saradnju sa portalom Kongresniturizam Portal Kongresniturizam služi za pronalaženje najboljih hotela, prostora i svih ostalih usluga potrebnih pri planiranju i u organizaciji događaja. Namenjen je kompanijama i organizacijama, event menadžerima i ostalima koji se bave ovom indu strijom, a potreban im je pouzdan partner – pomoć, savet, pregovaranje sa dobavljačima, brza i prezicna realizacija. Kako portal postoji preko 12 godina, prilagođa vanjem na tehnološke promene, zahteve tržišta i korisnika, u upotrebi su bile tri verzije sajta i dva
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
kapacitetima, postavkama sale, preferiranoj ka tegorizaciji, kao i prema željenoj destinaciji(ama) i ostalim kriterijumima važnim za event planere.
email adrese. Svaki od hotela, event prostora ili kongresnih centara na svojoj prezentaciji ima dugme UPIT koji služi kako bi im se upit pojedinačno poslao. Na polju event menadžmenta www.kongresni je zabeležio najveći rast u protek le dve godine, od čak 100%.
Šta je je više od 12 go dina vodeći regionalni portal za organizaci ju svih vrsta događaja, sa bazom od preko 230 proverenih hotela, kongresnih centara, event prostora i pružalaca usluga na teritoriji Jugoistočne Evrope.
Kada se pretragom dođe do hotela, event prostora ili agencije koji potencijalno odgovaraju potre bama događaja, svaki od njih može da se
Korisnici portala mogu da pošalju upit i portalu Kongresniturizam koristeći dugme NAPRAVI UPIT sa desne strane u hederu sajta (ili putem strane KONTAKT), ukoliko žele da im event menadžeri Kongresnogturizma sa višegodišnjim iskustvom i U proteklih 6 meseci, portal Kongresniturizam ima konstantan rast broja korisnika i dnevno beleži između 350 i 400 poseta, od kojih 49% njih pristupa portalu preko mobilnih uređaja.
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Avio karte za poslovne korisnike Posebna pogodnost za poslovne korisnike, bilo za kompanije, udruženja ili pojedin ce, jeste brz, pouzdan i efikasan avio sek tor portala Kongresniturizam. U najkraćem roku, pronaći će za poslov ne korisnike najbolje konekcije, vremena i cene letova za željenu destinaciju.
stavi u Favorites (ikonica srce), kako bi se sačuvali za kasnije – da se naknadno razmatraju ili da im se zbirno svima pošalje upit (mogućnost za registrovane korisnike) koji stiže odvojeno na mejl adrese svakoga od njih.
Brza registracija Za korišćenje ove napredne funkcije, koja uveliko olakšava posao i skraćuje vre me potrebno za slanje upita, potrebno je da se korisnik pre toga jednostavno, besplat no i brzo registruje – samo unosom svoje
poznavanjem tržišta, pomognu pri izboru dobav ljača i/ili dostavljanju ponuda. Napomena: Nave dena usluga je besplatna za korisnike portala. S obzirom na promene i zahteve klijenata i tržišta, koje su se desile u poslednjih par godina portal Kon gresniturizam, koji je na početku bio fokusiran na internet marketing u kongresnom turizmu regiona, prera stao je u regionalnu event menad žment kompaniju koja prati trendove kako u internet marketingu, tako i u organizaciji događaja i personalizova nom pristupu klijentu. Miona Milić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Redesigned Regional Portal SEEmice
An Easy Way to Find Venue for Event Portal SEEmice was launched over 12 years ago as the first portal that unites the MICE offer of the Southeast Europe region. What does this mean for event organizers?
Through the site, all event organizers can search for venues and locations that meets their needs. The web page has over 230 quality and proven suppliers. On the other hand, if necessary, the ex pert team of the portal SEEmice, which consists of event managers with many years of experi ence, will assist the organizers to come to the right choice of location and service, and provides support for planning and realization of the entire event.
Over 230 reasons to work with portal SEEmice The Portal SEmice helps you find the best hotels, venues and all other services needed in plann ing and organizing the events. It is intended for companies and organizations, event managers and others involved in this industry, and in need of a reliable partner - assistance, advice, negotiation with suppliers, quick and repetitive realization. Considering that the regional portal exists more than 12 years, by adjusting to technological chan ges, market and users demands, it was marked with three versions and with two complete site redesigns – each version characteristic and ad vanced for the period in which it was ongoing.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
The latest version was made during last year and includes complete redesign of the portal accord ing to the latest standards, but above all, after listening and analyzing the needs of users. Now the web page is mobile responsive – it adap ts to all sizes of the screen, whether it is used on a desktop computer, a laptop or a mobile phone, pictures and the fonts are significantly bigger, while the hotel and premises offer is in the fo reground. Corporate travel agents are now part of the team of experienced SEEmice event managers, so the process of planning the event and its realization is complete.
How does the search work?
Quick registration
Just one click on the home page will get you a lists of hotels, venues or agencies, the presentation of which can be narrowed by using smart filters, according to the required capacity, halls settings, preferred categorization, as well as to the desired destination(s) and other criteria important for event planners.
In order for the user to use this advanced functi on, which greatly facilitates the task and shortens the time required to send the query, it is only pri or necessary to register in a very simple, free and In the field of event management, www.seemi has recorded the highest growth in the past two years, as much as 100%.
quick way – via your e-mail address. Each of the hotels, venues or congress centers in its presen tation also has a REQUEST button that serves to send the query separately. In the past six months, the portal SEEmice has constant increase of number of users – betw een 350 and 400 per day, and 49% of them use the portal via mobile devices.
What is has been the le ading regional portal for organizing all kinds of events for more than 12 years, with a base of over 230 selected hotels, congress centers, event premises and service providers in the territory of Southeast Europe.
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Portal users can send a query to the portal SEEmice using the MAKE REQUEST button on the right side of the web page header (or by the CONTACT page), if they want experienced event managers, help them with the choice of suppli ers and/or submitting bids. Note: The specified service is free of charge for portal users.
When your search gets you to a hotel, venue, or agency that potentially matches the event’s nee ds, each of those can be placed into the Favorites (heart icon), in order to be saved for later – to be
Airpline Tickets for Business Users New and special convenience for business users, whether they are companies, associa tions or individuals, are the fast, reliable and efficient Corporate Travel Agents of SEEmi ce portal. In the shortest time, they will find the best connection, time and price of flights for the desired destination.
considered later or to be sent a query collectively to all of those (possibility for registered users) that will reach each of them separately on the e-mail addresses.
Considering the changes and demands of clients and markets, which occurred in previous years, the portal SEEmice, which was initially focused on internet marketing in the region’s meetings industry, turn into a regional event management company that follows trends in both Internet mar keting as well as event organization and personal ized access to a client. Miona Milic
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Terme Olimia
Unesite boje u svoj život u Termama Olimia
Otkrijte blagotvoran učinak termalne vode i snage prirode! Istražite čarobni svijet wellness-a Orhidelia, zvanično najboljeg we llness-a u Sloveniji, ne propustite opuštajuće tretmane u wellness centrima, uživajte u bogatim programima saune, upoznajte se sa „selfness“ filozofijom i rješite zdravstvene probleme kroz moder nu i alternativnu medicinu. Smještajni kapaciteti pružaju po seban doživljaj boravka u Termama Olimia, gdje će svaki gost pronaći nešto za sebe. Wellness Hotel Sotelia **** je izvor luksuza i je dinstvene elegancije, hotel Breza je spoj modernog i originalnog
ambijenta. Za sve goste koji preferi raju boravak u apartmanima, nudi se smještaj u različitim tipovima apartmana Aparthotela Rosa **** i Village Lipa ***. Ljubitelji kampiranja mogu uživati u modernom kampu Natura ***** ili se opustiti na najprirodniji i gla murozniji način, iznad termalnih izvora, u srcu prirode u selu Glam ping Olimia Adria. Bilo da tražite opuštajući doživljaj odmora ili jedinstvenu kongresnu destinaciju, Terme Olimia su savr šen izbor!
Bring Colour Into Your Life in Terme Olimia
Discover the Beneficial Effect of Thermal Water and the Power of Nature! Explore the magic world of Well ness Orhidelia, officially the best wellness in Slovenia, do not miss the relaxing treatments in well ness centres, enjoy rich sauna programmes, learn about the philosophy of selfness and solve health problems through modern and alternative medicine. The accommodation facilities provide a special experience of the stay at Terme Olimia, where each guest will find something for himself. Wellness Hotel Sote lia****s is a source of luxury and unique elegance, Hotel Breza is
a combination of modern and original ambient. For all guests who prefer staying in apartments, they offer accommodations in the various types of apartments of Aparthotel Rosa**** and Village Lipa***. Camping lovers can enjoy the modern camp Natura***** or relax in the most natural and glamorous way, above the thermal springs, in the heart of nature in Glamping Olimia Adria Village. Whether you are looking for a relax ing holiday experience or a unique congress destination, Terme Olimia is the perfect choice!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
tema broja
Kako izgleda priča iz ugla filmskih umetnika?
Priča je dobra samo ako se dobro ispriča Dopao vam se film. Vrhunski izrežiran, odlično snimljen. Lokacije za snimanje pametno su izabrane. Muzika divna. Fotografija takođe. Ali, ovo su elementi koje primetimo i komentarišemo naknadno jer prvo imamo, ili nemamo, WOW! na scenarij, tj. priču, i glumu. Velika mašinerija stoji iza jednog filmskog ostvarenja. Običnom gledaocu dve stvari su upečatljive – priča i gluma. Da li radnja „drži vodu”, koliko ga je zaintrigira la, koliko se puta nasmejao ili preznojio za vreme gle danja? Priča je dobra samo ako neko zna da je ispriča! Pisanje priče je dugotrajan i mentalno zahte van proces. Od momenta kada se dođe do do bre ideje do „završnog proizvoda” može proći dug vremenski period. Priča prođe i desetine draftova dok ne dođe do finalne verzije. Dešava se i da se glavni fokus priče promeni u toku procesa pisanja – da pisac shvati da delo koje je započeo ipak treba da govori o nečem drugom. Pisac traga za pravim izborom reči, biraju one koje će najpreciznije opisati situaciju, određe nu emociju ili karakternu osobinu nekog od likova. Mi kao konzumenti, ništa od ovog procesa ne vidimo. Jer posao scenariste, dramaturga, pisca, jeste da nas uvuče u magični svet koji je
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
kreirao. Da njegove pisane reči učine da pomislimo da smo deo tog sveta. Taj WOW! osećaj posledica je dobrog pisanja i dobre glume. O tome nam govore Neven Novak, MA scena rija i dramaturgije i Nataša Tapušković, glumica.
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O čemu govorimo kada kažemo dobra priča
jednu od osnovnih ljudskih potreba: život, sigurnost, ljubav, itd.
Svakako, o dobroj zabavi, o kvalitetno provedenom vremenu. Ali govorimo i o drugim stvarima.
Protagonista ili glavni junak priče
Govorimo o moći priče da manipuliše našim emoci jama, terajući nas da verujemo u svet i likove koji ne postoje, jer, čak i kada je zasnovana na istinitim događajima, dobra priča nije identična životu kojeg pripoveda. Ona je metafora tog života i pripoveda ga kroz uzročno posledični sled pažljivo odabranih događaja kako bi u nama izazvala željene emocije.
Lik bez kojeg priča ne može da postoji. Neko sa kim možemo da se poistovetimo i ko poseduje kapacitet da ide ka svom cilju bez obzira na sve.
Govorimo o verodostojnom svetu priče koji nam, zasnovan na jasno preciziranim zakonima i moguć nostima, pomaže da shvatimo svakodnevicu i svet u kojem živimo. Govorimo o glavnom junaku priče i njegovoj volji da, uprkos rizicima, ide ka svom cilju, savladavajući glavnog zlikovca i sve ostale prepreke koje je pred njega dobra priča postavila. Govorimo o narativnoj strukturi koja nam je omo gućila da prepoznamo univerzalnu ljudsku sudbinu koja bez obzira na mesto i vreme iz kojeg potiče putuje kroz različite kulture, pomažući nam tako da u okvirima dobre priče i sukobu njezinih likova otkri jemo ili preispitamo svoju humanost. I, na kraju, govorimo o nama samima i našoj volji da se saosećamo sa drugima i da vidimo svet drugim očima.
Neven Novak
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Struktura fabule Skup pažljivo odabranih događaja iz života likova koji su uzročno posledično povezani sa namerom da kod gledaoca izazovu željenu emociju.
Transformacija glavnog lika Na kraju svake dobre priče glavni junak postaje dru gačija osoba od one koja je bio kada je priča počela. Ukoliko do te promene ne dođe, priča verovatno nije trebalo ni da postoji. Neven Novak
Šta čini dobru priču? Konflikt Srce i krvotok dobre priče. Pod konfliktom se podrazume va da se sva radnja priče zasni va na jednom ili svim nivoima konflikta: čovek protiv čoveka; čovek protiv svoje okoline (prirodne ili bilo koje druge katastrofe); čovek protiv sebe; čovek protiv društva.
Ulozi i rizici Konflikt mora biti praćen viso kim ulozima i rizicima koji pos ledično mogu da ugroze sve ili
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
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Koliko je važno da priča bude dobra, toliko je važna i njena interpretacija. Razmislite, dobra gluma je ona koju zapravo ne primećujete. Istinito ponašanje pod okolnostima koje su izmišljene. Paul Newman glumu je definisao kao sposobnost absorpcije drugih karaktera uz dodavanje ličnog iskustva. Tako dobar glumac oživljava magiju priče, a vas uverava da se to na platnu ili sceni zaista dešava. A na koji način glumac uspeva da prepozna dobru priču i ispriča je publici, razgovarali smo sa Natašom Tapušković, srpskom filmskom i pozorišnom glumi com. Kada pročitate dobar scenario, šta je prvo što pomislite ili uradite? Prvo budem srećna da se dobar scenario „dogo dio”... U slučaju da mi je ponuđena uloga, osećam radost i zahvalnost što imam priliku da budem deo te priče, a vrlo brzo slede pitanja koja idu unutar mene, a koja se tiču rediteljskog ugla kojim će tu priču ispričati. Pokušavam da sebe otvorim za usklađivanje sa baš tim uglom iz koga će reditelj nastupiti. To su sve maštanja pri prvom susretu. Kako glumac prepoznaje dobru priču? Svaki glumac ima svoj, verovatno, poseban mehani zam kojim utvrđuje šta je to dobra priča. Rekla bih da je to ono što svako od nas prepoznaje sobom, sopstvenim iskustvom, ono što može da odbrani – čini priču bliskijom. Mada dobar scenario mora da mami baš svakog glumca...
Nataša Tapušković
Koliko često i u kojim slučajevima se dešava da se na snimanju menjaju ili dorađuju delovi scenarija? Neki glumci imaju sklonost da prilagođavaju replike sebi. To im omogućava udobnost pri tumačenju. Preinačuju repliku da bi postala više njihova. Ja sam više od onih drugih jer uživam u neizvesnosti hoću li uspeti da ta replika, nečijeg drugog sveta, postane apsolutno moja. Ta transmutacija je za mene krajnje uzbudljiva – kao da postajete kanal za život onih unutar vas koje ste možda trenutno zapostavili. Pri radu na Fassbinder-ovom transkriptu filma Zašto je poludeo gospodin R., koji je bio oslonac za istoi menu predstavu, imali smo zaista neuobičajeno i kreativno iskustvo. Reditelj mi je dao mogućnost da tekst koji je u filmu deo dijaloške scene prevedem u monolog, pa da ga, oslanjajući se na isti događaj, proširim barem četiri puta. Bilo je tako inspirativno... I naravno sasvim autenti čno u tumačenju, jer je proizašlo iz moje predhod no jasno definisane pozicije lika. Smatrate li da je prednost kada je scenarista istovremeno i glumac u filmu? Mislim da to ne mora, a i može biti prednost... Šta smatrate da je najvažnije u saradnji između scenariste i glumca?
Na koji način glumac „priča priču”? Glumac ulazi u priču putem lika koji tumači. Prinosi tom karakteru svoju uobrazilju, sećanja, emotivni svet, svoje prisustvo u baš određenom agregatnom stanju. Sve da bi koristeći neke tuđe rečenice, koje su u međuvremenu postale njegove, ispričao tu glavnu priču.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Ukoliko imaju prilike da sarađuju dok se scenario još uvek piše, što bi značilo da scenarista već zna za kog glumca ili glumicu piše određenu ulogu, međusobna pomoć i inspiracija mogu biti zaista značajni. Zato što je glumčev pogled uvek deo „subjektivnije” realnosti. Ta „subjektivnija” relanost i treba da osta ne posebna unutar šire slike scenarija koji sadrži još karaktera, koji zajedno sa scenografom, direktorom fotografije i rediteljem stvaraju taj sasvim novi svet. Zato je međusobna interakcija neverovatno korisna. Milica Novak
cover story The Story from the Filmmaker’s Perspective
A Story Is Good Only If It’s Well Told You liked the movie. Superbly directed and perfectly shot. The filming locations were cleverly selected. The music is amazing. The photography, too. However, these are elements that we notice and comment later on because we’re first wowed – or not – by the script, the story, and the acting. Every motion picture is backed by a massive machine. The average viewer takes notice of two things – the story and the acting. Does the storyline hold water? Is it intriguing? How many times did they break into laughter or sweats? A story is good only if it’s well told! Writing a story is a lengthy and mentally demand ing process. Long stretches of time can pass between the inception of a good idea and the end product. The story can go through dozens of drafts until it reaches its final version. Sometimes the story’s main focus changes during the writing process — the writer realizes that the material should deal with a different theme. Writers search out the right choice of words, choosing those that will most accurately de scribe a particular situation, emotion, or trait of one of the characters.
Their writing should make us believe that we are part of that world. That WOW! effect is a result of the mixture of writing and acting. We talked about these mixtures with Neven Novak, MA Screenwriter, and Natasa Tapus kovic, actress.
We, as consumers, don’t see any part of this process. Because the screenwriter’s job is to pull us into the magical world they created.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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What does “good story” actually mean?
jeopardize all or one of the basic human needs – life, security, love, etc.
Most definitely good entertainment and quality time. But some other things, as well.
The protagonist or the main hero
It tells us about the story’s power to manipulate our emotions, making us believe in the world and characters that don’t exist, because – even when it’s based on real events – a good story is not identi cal to the life it tells. It is a metaphor of that life and tells it through the cause and effect sequences of carefully selected events in order to trigger the targeted emotions in us.
The character that makes the story possible. Some one that we can relate to and that has the capacity to press on towards their goal no matter what.
It tells about credible world of story that, based on clearly specified laws and possibilities, helps us understand everyday life and the world we live in. It tells about the story’s protagonist and its will to press on towards the goal despite the risks, defeat ing the main villain and every other obstacle that a good story sets before him. It tells about the narrative structure that has ena bled us to recognize the universal human destiny that, regardless of its original place and time, travels through different cultures, helping us to discover or re-examine our humanity within good stories and conflicts between their characters. Finally, it tells us about ourselves and our willing ness to sympathize with others and see the world through a different lens.
What makes a good story? Conflict The lifeblood of a good story. Conflict means that all the en tire storyline is based on one or all levels of conflict: man against man; man against the environment (natural or any other disaster); man against himself or herself; man against society.
Stakes and risks The conflict must be accom panied by high stakes and risks that can consequently
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Neven Novak
Storyline structure A set of carefully selected events from the lives of characters that are linked through cause and effect with the intention to trigger the targeted emotion in the viewer.
Main character transformation Every good story ends with the main character turn ing into a different person than the one from the beginning of the story. If this change doesn’t happen, the story probably shouldn’t have even been there in the first place. Neven Novak
A story’s interpretation is as important as its quality. Think about it – good acting is the acting you don’t actually notice. Authentic behavior under fictional circumstances. Paul Newman defined acting as absorbing other people’s personalities and adding some of your own experiences. That is how a good actor breathes life into the story’s magic, while con vincing you that what’s happening on the screen or stage is real. Serbian actress of screen and stage, Natasa Tapusko vic, told us a bit about how an actor can recognize a good story and tell it to the audience. What’s the first thing you think or do when you read a good script? At first I’m happy that there is a good script to begin with... If I have been offered a role, I feel joy and gratitude that I have an opportunity to be part of that story. This is soon followed by my own personal ques tions about the director’s perspective that will be used to tell the story. I try to open up to align myself with the exact perspective that the director will em ploy. These are all fancies that pop up at first sight. How does an actor recognize a good story? Every actor probably has their own special mechanism to detect a good story. I’d say that it’s what we all recognize as ourselves, our own experience. Something that we can defend and that makes the story more familiar. Although, a good script has to appeal to any actor... How does the actor tell the story? The actor moves into the story through their charac ter. They infuse their character with their imagina tion, memories, emotional world – their presence in a very particular state of aggregation. All so that they can use other people’s words – which become their own in the meantime – to tell the main story. How often and when are parts of the script changed or modified during the filming? Some actors have a tendency to adjust their lines to better fit them. That makes them comfortable in their performance. They modify the line to make it
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Natasa Tapuskovic
more their own. I’m not so much the type because I enjoy the uncertainty of being able to make the line, which is of someone else’s world, become absolute ly mine. This transmutation is extremely exciting for me – it’s like I turn into a channel for the lives of those within me that I might have neglected at the time. When we were working on Fassbinder’s transcript of Why Does Mr. R. Run Amok?, which the epony mous play relied on, we had a truly unusual and creative experience. The director gave me the option to translate a dialogue scene’s text into a monologue, and then, relying on the same event, expand it at least four times. It was very inspiring... And, of course, completely authentic in its interpre tation, because it came from my previously clearly defined position of the character.
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Do you think that it’s an advan tage to have the screenwriter also acting in the film? I think that it can be, but not necessarily... What do you think is most important in the screenwrit er’s and the actor’s working together? If they have a chance to work together while the sc ript is still being written, which would mean that the screenwriter is writing a certain role for a specific actor or actress, mutual help and inspiration can be really significant. The actor’s perspective is always more on the sub jective side. This subjective reality should remain distinct within the broader picture of the script, which has more characters, which together with the set designer, the cinematographer, and the director create this brand new world. That’s why interaction is incredibly beneficial. Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Palace Hotel Zagreb
Prvi Hotel Baštine u Zagrebu Palace Hotel Zagreb svoja vrata otvorio je 1907. godine kao prvi službeni hotel u Zagrebu. Osim kategorije četiri zvjezdice, Palace hotel svojom dugogodišnjom povijesti i tradicijom predstavlja i prvi hotel u Zagrebu koji se odlikuje i katego rijom Hotela Baštine. Hotel je smješten u nekadašnjoj palači Schlessinger koja se nalazi u samom centru grada, nedaleko od glavnog gradskog trga te važnih povijesnih i turističkih zagrebačkih atrakcija.
Photo: Neven Vrbanic
Photo: Neven Vrbanic
Svojim izgledom i stilom gradnje predstavlja jedan od rijetkih pri mjera neorokoko stila. Od tada je hotel nekoliko puta na dograđivan i adaptiran, te tehnički usavršavan, tako da su sada sobe spoj moderne tehnologije i starog secesijskog stila IXX stoljeća u kojem je hotel građen. Hotel raspolaže s 122 zadivljujuće sobe koje su obožavali i Sophia Loren, Bobby Fischer, Orson Welles te još mnoga poznata domaća i strana lica. Osim što posjeduje i certifikat „održivog hotela“, Palace hotel je 2017. godine proveo moderniza ciju hotelskih dvorana i ugradnju toplinskih pumpi u svrhu usmjera vanja prema održivom poslovanju, te je tako osigurao energetsku održivost i ekološku prihvatljivost. Prilikom ovih radova otkrivena je jedinstvena vremenska kapsula s kraja IXX stoljeća čiji su sadržaji izloženi u predvorju hotela. Kapsula je sadržavala povelju koja svjedoči vladavini cara Franje Josipa i bana Khuena-Héderváryja,
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
cjenik robe i usluga te informacije o investitoru i izvođačima radova, ali i blagoslov za zgradu te sve osobe koje će obitavati u njoj. Uz tekstualni sadržaj, u kapsuli su pronađene i izvorne novine „Obzor”, tiskane 30. svibnja 1891., novine „Agramer Zeitung“ te kraj cari cara Franje Josipa I. Osim zaljubljenika u turističke atrakcije, Palace Hotel Zagreb ujedno je i često odredište poslov nih gostiju te se može pohvaliti i svojom izvrsnom konferencijskom ponudom. Konferencijski prostori Palace Hotela Zagreb suvremeno su op remljeni za održavanje raznih vrsta poslovnih sastanaka, semi nara i prezentacija. Hotel raspolaže s pet prekrasnih novouređenih dvorana od kojih dvorane Academia 1, Academia 2 i Lenuci čine savršen prostor za organiziranje manjih skupova do sedamdesetak osoba, a dvorane Strossmayer i Zrinski savršene su za veća događanja do 150 osoba. Uz bogat izbor banketnih menija moguće ih je pretvoriti u mjesto održavanja luksuznih proslava, prijema i cocktail zabava.
Palace Hotel Zagreb
The First Hotel Heritage in Zagreb Palace Hotel Zagreb opened its doors in 1907 as the first official hotel in Zag reb. In addition to the four-star category, the Palace Hotel, with its long-standing history and tradition, is the first hotel in Zagreb that is also owns the Hotel Heritage category. The hotel is a former Schlessinger Palace, located in the strict center of the city, not far from the main city square and the important his torical and tourist attractions of Zagreb. Its appearance and style make it one of rare examples of neo rococo style. Since then the hotel has been upgraded and adapted sever al times and technically improved so that now rooms are a blend of modern technology and an Art Nouveau style of the 19th century in which the hotel was built. The hotel offers 122 enchanting rooms adored by Sophia Loren, Bobby Fischer, Orson Welles and many other famous domestic and foreign people.
Photo: Neven Vrbanic
Besides that hotel owns a “Sustai nable Hotel“ certificate, at 2017, the Palace hotel has planned and executed modernization of hotel meeting halls and the installation of heat pumps for the purpose of steering towards sustainable busi ness and therefore ensured energy sustainability and ecological accep tability. During these construction works, a unique time capsule from the late 19th century was discove red, whose contents are exposed in the lobby of the hotel. The capsule contained a charter that attests the
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
reign of Emperor Franjo Josip and Ban Khuen-Héderváry, price list of goods and services of the investor and the contractors, as well as the blessing for the building and all the people who will live there. In addition to the textual content, the original newspaper “Obzor” was found in the capsule, printed on May 30, 1891, the newspaper “Agramer Zeitung” and the kreu zers of Emperor Franjo Josip I. Apart from tourist attractions lovers, Palace Hotel Zagreb is also often the destination of business guests and can also boast of its excellent conference offer. The Palace Hotel’s conference rooms are modernly equipped and arranged for business meetings, seminars and presentations. The hotel has five wonderful newly renovated halls, from which the Academia 1, Academia 2 and Lenuci halls make the perfect ven ue for organizing smaller gather ings of up to seventy people, and the Strossmayer and Zrinski halls are perfect for larger events for up to 150 people. They can also be used to prepare various celebrations, weddings and parties. Superior technical equip ment as well as beautiful decora tions will make your event go just as you have imagined.
Putovanje kroz slatku istoriju naše prestonice
tema broja
Hotel Mona Plaza, Beograd
Dobro došli na slatko putovanje kroz čokoladnu prošlost Beograda! Vreme je da upoznate nesvakidašnju porodicu koja je osnovala prvu beogradsku fabriku čokolade i zasladila živote brojnim Jugoslovenima. Naša prva stanica nalazi se na uglu ulica Solunske i Cara Uroša, na mestu na kom je 1902. godine otvorena prva fabrika čokolade u Beogradu! Nosila je ime K. M. Šonda i u njoj su nastajali kakao, čokolada, keks i veštački led. Tvorac ove slatke priče je Kosta Šonda, trgovac i industrijalac koji je iz Grčke došao u Beograd i u nje mu počeo da širi čokoladnu radost. Isticao se po nesvakidašnjim ideja ma, među kojima su slanje kakaa na adrese domaćica i savetovanje da se kafa i čaj, konkurenti njego vom proizvodu, piju uz dodatak „Šonda” kakaa koji će ih učiniti ukusnijim. Upravljanje fabrikom prepustio je sinu Mihailu, koji je nasledio očevu zadivljivu kreativnost. Mihailo je otvorio bioskop Kolose um i tako Beograđanima omogućio da uživaju u filmovima koji su se u to vreme puštali na filmskim plat nima evropskih metropola. On je prvi došao na ideju da prva cima Jugoslavije u fudbalu pokloni srebrni prehar! Bilo je to 1932. godine, a 27 godina kasnije dodela pehara pobednicima postaje običaj! Šondini su se isticali i kao veliki dobrotvori. Prikupljali su sredstva za siromašne i pomagali starima.
Slatku radost fabrika M. K. Šonda uspešno je stvarala do Drugog svetskog rata u toku kog postaje akcionarsko društvo i biva bom bardovana, a u godinama koje su usledile i likvidirana. U Beogradu danas nema nijednog direktnog potomka Koste Šonde, a mnogi Beograđani priču o velikom i slatkom doprinosu ove porodice nažalost ne znaju.
Ipak, naše putovanje se ovde ne završava. Ono se nastavlja više od pola veka kasnije na stanici na kojoj je i počelo. Decembra 2018. godine Skupština grada Beograda usvojila je građan sku inicijativu i odlučila da skver na uglu ulica Solunske i Cara Uroša dobije naziv Kosta Šonda. Na taj način će se odati počast ovoj humanoj i preduzimljivoj porodici i istaći kulturni i istorijski značaj donjeg Dorćola. U Ulici Cara Uroša, na mestu ne kadašnje fabrike, danas se gradi hotel Mona Plaza. Zgrada neka dašnje fabrike biće renovirana i nalaziće se u okviru novog hotela, a čokoladna priča ovog prostora nastaviće se u njemu – kroz dizajn hotelskog enterijera, bogatu ponu du čokoladnih specijaliteta i težnju da, kao što su to Šondini umeli, kako doslovno, tako i metaforički, mnogima zasladi dan!
Hotel Mona Plaza, Beograd
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
cover story
Hotel Mona Plaza, Belgrade
A Voyage Through the Sweet History of Our Capital
Welcome to the sweet voyage through the chocolate side of Belgrade’s history! It is high time that you got to know the unusual family who founded Belgrade’s first chocolate factory and sweetened the lives of many a Yugoslavian. Our first stop is the corner of Solunska and Cara Urosa streets, the place where Belgrade’s first chocolate factory opened in 1902! It was named K. M. Sonda and it brought forth cocoa, chocolate, biscuits, and ice. The man behind this sweet story is Kosta Sonda, a merchant and in dustrialist who moved to Belgrade from Greece and started spreading chocolate joy through the area. He became prominent thanks to his original ideas, one of which was delivering packets of cocoa to the homes of housewives with the instructions on how the taste of hot drinks such as coffee and tea – competitors to his product – could be improved with the addition of “Sonda” cocoa. The management of the factory later went to his son Mihajlo,who inherited his father’s creative streak. Mihajlo opened a movie theater – Koloseum, allowing residents of Belgrade to enjoy films that were being played all over Europe at the time. He was the first to come up with the idea of a silver cup, for which Yugoslavian football clubs would be competing from then on. This was in 1932, and 27 years later, presenting champions with a trophy cup becomes a tradition!
Hotel Mona Plaza, Belgrade
The Sondas excelled as philanthro pists as well, collecting help for the poor and assisting the elderly.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
The M. K. Sonda factory of sweet pleasures operated successfully un til World War 2, when it becomes a stock company, only to later end up bombarded, and finally liquidated. There is not a single descendant of Kosta Sonda living in Belgrade to day, and the story of the great and sweet contribution of this family to the history of Belgrade is unfortu nately unknown to its residents. Our voyage doesn’t end here, how ever. It continues half a century la ter, at the very spot where it begun. On December 2018, in response to a civil initiative, the Assembly of the City of Belgrade gave the name of Kosta Sonda to the square at the crossing of Solunska and Cara Urosa streets. In this way, the City is honouring this humanitarian and enterprising family, and restoring the memory of yet another bit of the cultural and historical signific ance of lower Dorcol. In Cara Urosa Street, on the spot where the factory used to stand, a Mona Plaza hotel is being built to day. The remains of the old factory building will be renovated and will remain as part of the new hotel, and the chocolate story will conti nue to live inside – in the design of the hotel interior, a rich offer of chocolate delicacies, and an effort to sweeten the day of every guest, metaphorically and quite literally, just as the Sondas used to do.
primer iz prakse SEEbtm Party 2018
Okupljanje kongresne industrije regiona
Party-ja koji je po sedmi tm Eb SE u ak zn u je ao ek prot tora i Novembar 2018. godine telskih lanaca, event pros o i ho la, te ho ike vn sta ed put zaredom okupio pr a i kompanija koje su organizatori događaja, ka cij kongresnih centara, agen ljude iz industrije. jne ostale stejkholdere i utica
i magazina U organizaciji portala Kongresniturizam regiona e strij SEEbtm, okupljanje kongresne indu restora u , bilo je 15. novembra, već tradicionalno om sam a nu Kalemegdanska terasa u Beogradu, i. događaju prisustvovalo je oko 250 ljud
zlatnoj, u U skladu sa bojama cvetova, u plavoj i dirani toku večeri gostima su posluživani bren kama. kolačići sudbine sa motivacijskim poru šaljive Među porukama bilo je i onih koje su ju. prirode, što je izmamilo osmehe gosti
Zid za fotografisanje i ovog puta bio je od drvenih paleta i originalno dekorisan – prepoznatljivim 3D logom portala Kongresniturizam i SEEbtm magazina, najavljujući još jednu dodelu SEEbtm Awards priz nanja. Lampice i ručno pravljeni papirni cvetovi, različitih veličina, od kojih su neki bili i prečnika 40 cm i u korporativnim bojama – zlatnoj, teget, beloj i crnoj, savr šeno su se slagali sa pozadinom drveta i dodatno su naglasili ono što je trebalo da bude upečatlji vo, te je ono bilo mesto gde su svi gosti želeli da se slikaju.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
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A kako se na prethodnom SEEbtm Party-ju gostima dopalo fotografisanje polaroidom, s obzirom na to da smo u digitalnom dobu i retko kada imamo pravu fotografiju kao uspomenu, i ovaj put su hostese slikale prisutne, i na instant fotografije lepile nalepnicu sa odgovarajućim hashtagovima - #SEEbtmParty, #Kongresniturizam i #SEEbtmAwards.
Odnos prema detetu u ovom periodu može da odi gra ključnu ulogu u ostvarivanju njegovog potenci jala. Na samom događaju, ispred Fondacije Novak Đoković, bio je prisutan Marko Kovačević, Project Manager koji se obratio prisutnima i organizatoru i u svom obraćanju zahvalio se svima koji su „kupovi nom“ ulaznice pomogli rad Fondacije.
Za odličnu atmosferu, pored domaćina, pobrinuo se bend Balkan Ekspres, a zabava je potrajala do kasnih večernjih sati.
Budi ono što želiš da vidiš kod drugih I ove godine nezaobilazni deo SEEbtm Party-ja bile su društveno odgovorne aktivnosti – donatorsko veče. Celokupan iznos od 190.000,00 RSD, koji je skupljen kroz simbolične ulaznice za događaj, a čija je cena bila 999,00 RSD, uplaćen je ove godine Fondaciji Novak Đoković, čiji je glavni cilj edukacija dece od tri i po i pet i po godina koja nemaju mogu ćnosti da pohađaju predškolsko obrazovanje. Oni, kao i organizatori SEEbtm Party-ja, veruju da svako dete može da postane šampion ukoliko mu se pruži dovoljno pažnje, podrške i ljubavi.
Marko Kovačević, Project Manager, Fondacija Novak Đoković
Svaki gost je na izlasku od hostese dobio poklon kesu u kojoj se nalazio poslednji broj SEEbtm maga zina, bedž sa univerzalnom porukom o važnosti doniranja, bookmarker sa istim motivom. A kako je tema tog broja SEEbtm magazina bila društveno odgovorne aktivnosti, organizatori su za goste poručili posebne olovke koje simolično pred stavljaju kako mali koraci vode ka velikim stvarima, odnosno kako se seme pažnje, ljubavi ili dobrote, koje nekome ukažemo, višestruko vraća. Konkretno, u ovim specijalnim olovkama se nalazi seme lavande, i kada se olovka „potroši”, zabode se u saksiju, u zemlju i uz zalivanje nakon nedelju dana iznikne seme. A šta o SEEbtm Party-ju, organizaciji i atmosferi kažu gosti, pročitajte u redovima koji slede...
Pavlica Papović, MPC Holding
btm party-ju, Prvi put sam prisustvovala SEE nađena izne tno prija sam da ali neću reći ra dobrom organizacijom, jer dob kad je organizacija više nije iznenađenje u pitanju Kongresniturizam. ike je bio Izbor prostora, posluženja i muz apsolutno vrhunski. ila lista Posebno zadovoljstvo mi je pruž da sam bila nagrađenih, jer, s obzirom na to m mnogo ima da se sam rila član žirija, uve glasali. su koji istomišljenika među onima obavljate koju lu pos nom litet kva Čestitam na i samo tako nastavite!
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Ivana Živkov, Galileo Adriatic
Koristim ovu priliku da vam se zahvalim za divnu zabavu.
Želela bih da čestitam timu portala Kongresniturizam i magazina SEE btm za dobro organizovanu zabavu, zaista sam uživala u svim prezentacijama kao i hrani i muzici. Hvala i na fotografijama, kao i svem u što ste učinili kako bismo se oseć ali prijatno.
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Dijana Pateros, ProCredit Bank
azina i portala Kongre koju je organizovao tim SEEbtm mag y-ju part čnom odli po i u mtić zapa Kraj godine prijatna atmosfera, sve ono što čini no do najsitnijih pojedinosti, izuzetno sniturizam. Konceptualno osmišlje na istom mestu. jednu zabavu uspešnom našlo se , veoma dobro znam koliko je korporativnih proslava i tim bildinga cijom niza Kao neko ko se bavi orga uditi novo iskustvo i najvažnije – pon inovativan, kreativan i gostima biti m, rolo kont pod sve ti ima zahtevno terasi. Sve čestitke na tome! inspiraciju za buduće poduhvate. mbarske večeri na Kalemegdanskoj nove te o uspe tome u svem u je Ovaj tim su gosti kroz donaciju pružili radu aspekt ovog događaja i pomoć koju Posebno bih izdvojila humanitarni Fondacije Novak Ðoković. ane praksa na događajima tvene odgovornosti trebalo bi da post Ovaj način podizanja svesti i druš da učinimo velika dela! ove vrste – samo zajedno možemo
Sanja Poposka, Exor Eti d.o.o. Što se SEEbtm Party-ja tiče, imamo samo reči hvale. Domaćini su nas srdačno doče kali, hostese su bile naročito ljubazne, organizacija je bila odlična. Uživali smo u odličnoj muzici i opuštenoj atmosferi. Pored novih kontakata koje smo ostvarili, sreli smo i stare poznanike, što nam je naročito bilo drago. A posebno zadovoljstvo nam je bilo upoznati sve vas, sa kojima smo imali priliku samo elektronskim putem da komuniciramo.
I Grupa
Neferteta Krstić, SEVO
vi put biti član zadovoljstvo po pr i st ča a lik ve je i Bila m SEEbtm Awards. dobrom mestu stručnog žirija za na tradicionalno va la os pr na tič Fantas odazovemo. kojoj se uvek rado m viđanju! će Radujemo se slede ukazanom poverenju. na Hvala još jednom
Svetlana Gavrić
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
example from practice SEEbtm Party 2018
Regional Gathering of MICE Industry
, when, for the seventh rty Pa tm Eb SE e th by minated es, convention centers, nu November 2018 was do ve t en ev s, ain ch l te ho tels, r in time, representatives of ho gathered along with othe e er w es ni pa m co ng ni agencies, and event plan influencers. dustry stakeholders and
and SEEbtm Organized by Portal Kongresniturizam get-toget stry magazine, the region’s meetingsthindu traditi now the her took place on November 15 at sa in tera onal venue – restaurant Kalemegdanska nd arou 250 Belgrade. The event was attended by people. The photo wall was again made of wood pallets covered in original de corations – the recognizable Kongres niturizam and SEEbtm logo in 3D – announcing another SEEbtm Awards ceremony. The lamps and hand-made paper flowers in various sizes, some of which had 15 inches in diameter, featuring corporate colors – gold, navy, white, and black – perfectly complemented the wood backdrop and further accentuated what was supposed to draw attention. This was the spot where all the guests wanted to take pictures.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
blue and In harmony with the flowers’ colors, in e served gold, during the evening the guests wer nal messa branded fortune cookies with motivatio e funny ges. Among the messages were also som ones, which made the guests smile.
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Since the guests at the last SEEbtm Party loved taking photos with the Polaroid, us being in the digital age and rarely having a physical photograph as a keepsake, once again the hostesses took photos and placed hash tag stickers on the instant snapshots – #SEEbtmParty, #Kongresniturizam, and #SEEbtmAwards. The mood was excellent thanks to the host, as well as the Balkan Express band, and the party kept going until late in the evening.
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attention, support, and love. The attitude towards the child during this period can play a key role in realizing his or her potential. At the event, the Novak Djokovic Foundation was rep resented by their Project Manager Marko Kovacevic, who made a speech and thanked everyone who hel ped the Foundation’s efforts by “buying ” the ticket.
Be what you want to see in others CSR was again an inevitable part of the SEEbtm Party this year – in the form of a fundraiser. The entire amount of 190,000.00 RSD, collected through sym bolic event tickets priced at 999.00 RSD was donated this year to the Novak Djokovic Foundation, which focuses on educating children between three and a half and five and a half years of age who are unable to attend pre-school. They, as well as SEEbtm Party organizers, believe that every child can become a champion if given sufficient Every guest received a gift bag containing the last iss ue of SEEbtm, a badge with the universal message on the importance of donating, and a bookmarker with the same motif. And since that SEEbtm issue centered on socially responsible activities, the organizers had special pens made for the guests depicting how small steps lead to big things, and how the seeds of attention, love, and kindness that we show others pay off in many ways. The special pens contain a lavender seed. When the pen is used up, it can be placed in a pot of soil and after a week’s watering the seed grows. Read on to find out what the guests had to say about the SEEbtm Party, how it went, and what was the vibe like...
Pavlica Papovic, MPC Holding
btm Party. It was my first time to join the SEE llent organi exce the by I wasn’t surprised at all nt lear e hav I e sinc nt eve the zation of no surp is tion niza orga by now that excellent m. riza nitu gres Kon to es com it n rise whe were ic mus and e, win , The venue itself, food te. uisi exq ely absolut the final list Being a jury member this year, happy me e mad larly ticu par of awards who rs vote y realizing there were man ion. opin my shared cy and Congratulations on your excellen re! futu the in way that keep it
Ivana Zivkov, Galileo Adriatic
I take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful SEEbtm Party.
I’d like to congratulate the team of portal Kongresniturizam and SEE btm magazine for great organized part y, I really enjoyed all presentations, as well as food and music. Many thanks for the wonderful pho tos and for all of the work you did to host us.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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Dijana Pateros, ProCredit Bank
y organised by the team of my year will also be the fantastic part An important highlight to the end of the very last detail, to gresniturizam. Conceptually planned SEEbtm magazine and portal Kon were there. y part ul essf succ a of – all the elements an extremely pleasant atmosphere ding, I know very well how buil nising corporate events and team new experiences, and most As someone who is in charge of orga offer to tive, crea e, er control, be innovativ difficult it is to keep everything und tness in their future endeavours. importantly – to inspire teams to grea ska Terasa. did exactly that, at the Kalemegdan team this ing, On that November even c aspect of the event and the ropi anth phil the se hasi emp to also Foundation. Congratulations on this! I would like the work done by the Novak Djokovic e kinds of events – donations made by the guests to help thes at onsibility should become the norm Raising awareness and social resp gs! mplish great thin only by working together can we acco
Sanja Poposka, Exor Eti d.o.o. Regarding the SEEbtm Party, we just have the words of praise. The hosts welcomed us warmly, the hostesses were especially kind, the organization was excellent. We enjoyed great music and a relaxed atmosphere. In addition to the new contacts we have met, we met old acquaintances. And we were especially pleased to meet all of you, with whom we just had the opportunity to communicate electronically.
I Group
Neferteta Krstic, SEVO
first time to a pleasure for the ards. d an r no ho t ea Ebtm Aw It was a gr e expert jury for SE be a member of th n in a traditionally good place ratio A fantastic celeb e to respond to. lik ys wa al we at th again! rward seeing you We are looking fo st. tru n e for the show Thanks once mor
Svetlana Gavric
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Kovilovo Resort
Nov kongresni centar Kovilovo Resort uspešno je započeo novu poslovnu godinu, sa potpuno renoviranim kongresnim centrom. Svega 18 km od centra Beograda, Kovilovo Resort leži na veoma mirnom, severnom obodu teritorije grada, blizu Zrenjaninskog puta i daleko od drugih saobraćajnica i naselja. Kongresni centar Kovilovo Resort-a Organizacija stručnih skupova, seminara i kompanijskih događaja nije nimalo lak zadatak, čak ni kada je u pitanju rasterećeni team building. Kada na svojoj strani imate iskusan tim i resurse velikog kongresnog centra, organizacija skupova prestaje da bude naporna obaveza.
Kapaciteti kongresnog centra Naziv Kongresna sala Kristalna sala - Restoran VIP sala Sportska hala Restoran hotel
120 – 30 – –
90 – 25 – –
140 – 30 700 –
120 – 25 – –
96 – 12 – –
310 – 50 1500 –
160 250 30 1200 60
360 390 60 2000 90
Sportski centar Kovilovo Resort pruža najbolje uslove za pripreme profesinalnih sportista u našoj zemlji, u šta su se tokom godina uverile stotine ekipa iz Srbije i Sveta. Ekipama na pripremama, na raspolaganju su dva travnata fudbalska tere na, sala sa parketom po FIBA standardima, spoljni tereni za tenis, košarku i odbojku, sala za futsal sa veštačkom travom, teretana i bazen.
Event centar Ukoliko je trenutak da proslavite godišnjicu kompanije, organizujete pro slavu, banket, koktel zabavu za zaposlene ili partnere, obeležite jubilarnu godinu poslovanja, poželite dobrodošlicu novom članu tima, ispratite ne kog ili se zahvalite na saradnji, a znate samo da želite da bude drugačije, posebno i glamurozno, uigrani tim Kovilovo Resort-a Vam je na raspola ganju da izađe u susret gotovo pa svakoj Vašoj želji.
Kovilovo Resort
New Congress Center Kovilovo Resort has successfully started a new business year, with a completely renovated congress center. Only 18 km from the center of Belgrade, the Kovilo vo resort lies on a very quiet, northern edge of the city, near the Zrenjanin road and away from other roads and settlements. Congress Center of the Kovilovo Resort The organization of expert meetings, seminars and company events is not an easy task, even when it comes to relaxing team building happenings. When you have an experienced team and resources of a large congress center on your side, the organization of meetings ceases to be a tiresome obligation.
Capacities of the Congress Center Name Congress Hall Crystal Hall - Restaurant VIP Hall Sports Hall Hotel Restaurant
120 – 30 – –
90 – 25 – –
140 – 30 700 –
120 – 25 – –
96 – 12 – –
310 – 50 1500 –
160 250 30 1200 60
360 390 60 2000 90
Sports Center Kovilovo Resort offers the best possible conditions for the preparation of professional athletes in our country. Hundreds of teams from around Serbia and the entire world have been convinced of that over the years. Athletes are offered two grass football fields, parquet flooring according to FIBA standards, outdoor tennis courts, basketball and volleyball, a futsal field with artificial grass, a gym and a swimming pool.
Event center If it is a moment to celebrate the anniversary of your company, organize a celebration, a banquet, a cocktail party for your employees or partners, mark the jubilee of your business, welcome a new member of the team, accompany someone or thank them for their cooperation, and you only know that you want it to be different, the glamorous, well-organized team of Kovilovo Resort is at your disposal to make all your wishes come true.
tema broja
Čovek koji je verovao u snove
Walter Disney – omiljeni stvarni lik svačijeg detinjstva Walter Elias Disney, osnivač svima dobro poznate Disney imperije, rođen je 5. decembra 1901. godine, kao četvrti sin Elias-a i Flora-e, u Čikagu. Četiri godine od njegovog rođenja, porodica se preselila u državu Misuri, u gradić Marselin, gde je njegov ujak Robert kupio parče zemlje, a tamo je porodica dobila i peto dete – devojčicu. Upravo tada počinje njegovo prvo interesovanje za crtanje. Naime, njihov tamošnji sused, lekar u penziji, zapazio je njegov talenat pa mu je plaćao da crta njegove konje. Walter je slikao koristeći vodene boje i bojice. U međuvremenu, Walt je po stao crtač u školskim novinama srednje škole koju je pohađao. Kako je tada u jeku bio Prvi svetski rat, sa 16 godina, priključio se jedinicama Crvenog krs ta u Francuskoj gde je bio vozač. Međutim, borbe su uskoro završene, a Walter je svima ostao u sećanju kao momak koji je oslikavao ambulantna kola crtaćima i čije su ilustracije objavljivane čak i u vojnim novinama Stars and Stripes. Nakon povratka počinje njegova poslovna priča. U Kanzas Sitiju, uz pomoć svog brata, zaposlio se kao ilustrator u Pesmen-Rubin Commercial Art Stu dio-u, gde je crtao ilustracije za oglasna rešenja. Tu upoznaje Ub Iwerks-a, sa kojim će osnovati prvo
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
preduzeće Iwerks & Disney. Njihov prvi klijent bio je izdavač, Restaurant News, koji je štampao letke. On je ubedio kompaniju da se skoro neprofitabilne novine mogu poboljšati dodavanjem ilustrovane reklamne insertacije. Izdavač je, pošto mu se Walt dopao, dopustio da koriste sobu (zapravo kupati lo) kao studio. Tada je od svoje ušteđevine, koja je iznosila 250 USD, kupio neophodnu opremu i posao je dobro počeo pa su se preselili u pravu kancelariju. Međutim, jednog dana, Walt je pročitao oglas u lokalnim dnevnim novinama, a u kom je pisalo da Kansas City Film Ad Company traži animatora pa je odlučio da privremeno napusti kompaniju koju je osnovao kako bi zaradio još novca. Nakon što je direktor Kansas City Film Ad Company-ja video ilus tracije Disney-ja, ponudio mu je 40 USD nedeljno, što je tada bilo više nego pristojna suma.
Walt je pristao i „ostavio kormilo“ svom partneru Ub-u u zajedničkoj kompaniji. Kada je zaradio novac i savladao tehniku animacije, otvara nov studio u kojima zapošljava stare i nove poznanike pod imenom Laugh-OGram Studio. Tada je napravio dva kratka animirana filma bazirana na bajkama, koja su bila popularna ši rom zemlje, ali uprkos tome, agenti prodaje mu nisu uplatitli nikakav novac pa je bukvalno bankrotirao! Nije doslovno imao novca za hranu ni cipele i garderobu. Taman što se digao na noge, pokrenuo posao, valjano ispekao zanat, doživeo je neuspeh. Ali, nije odustajao od svog sna. Izreka kaže da sreća prati hrabre. I preokret na bolje se desio opet. Stomatolog Thomas B. McCrum, zamolio je Disneyja da napravi mali promo video o zdravlju zuba i pozvao ga u svoju kuću da porazgovaraju. Walt je to morao stidljivo da odbije jer nije imao koje cipele da obuje. Objasnio mu je da ih je osta vio kod obućara koji mu ih neće vratiti dok mu ne plati 1,5 USD za popravku. Uskoro je stomatolog posetio Disney-ja u studiju, doneo mu novac za cipele i još 500 USD za izradu videa. Novac koji je zaradio od snimanja nije bio dovoljan da otplati njegove dugove, ali mu je dao dodatnu energiju i veliku motivaciju da krene dalje.
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Tako se 1923. preselio u Kaliforniju, koja je već tada bila centar filmske industrije i sa rođenim bra tom Roy-em iznajmio malu garažu od svog ujaka i kupio polovnu kameru. Studio je nazvan Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. Godine 1927. studio Universal je zamolio Walt-a i njegovog glavnog animatora Ub-a da za njih stvore crtani lik. Napravili su Oswald Lucky Rabbit-a, koji je ubrzo postao veliki hit! Nakon ovog uspeha Disney 1928. godine odlazi u Nju Jork da pregovara o ugovoru sa producen tom Charles Mintz-om. Mintz je, međutim, imao drugačiju zamisao – hteo je da Disney propadne. A da stvar bude još gora, Mintz je pravio skrivene ugovore kojima je želeo da unajmi Disney-jeve ani matore njemu iza leđa. Na kraju, Universal studio je dobio prava na Oswald-a, a Disney je otišao iz Nju Jorka sa osećajem da je izgubio sve... Kada se vraćao nazad za Kaliforniju, u vozu, skicirao je lika koji će postati najpoznatiji miš na svetu – Mickey Mouse-a! Ostalo je istorija...
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Posle 1928. godine Walt više nije crtao animacije jer se fokusirao na razvijanje priče i njen pravac. Ovaj posao su obavljali Iwerks i drugi vrhunski umetnici koje je okupio. Šta više, Walt više nije crtao Mickey Mouse-a i zapravo, verovatno ga je samo crtao kada bi mu ljudi kojima je davao auto
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
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grame to tražili! Ali, dao mu je glas J U periodu od 1928 – 1947. Čak i nakon što je „glasovni“ posao zvanično predat umetniku po imenu Jimmy McDonalds 1947. godine, Walter je nastavio da daje glas najpoznatijem mišu na svetu za krat ke filmove u The Mickey Mouse Club-u. Walt Disney je dobio čak 20 Oskara, od kojih jedan posthumno, i još uvek je ponosni vlasnik ovog rekorda! Širom sveta za svoj rad, dobio je 950 različitih priznanja.
A evo i nekih manje poznatih činjenica Kada je postao uspešan, Walt je roditeljima kupio novu kuću. Kada bi tamo trebalo nešto popraviti ili zameniti, slao je svoje majstore iz studija da se za to pobrinu. To je bio slučaj kada su 1938. godine roditelji primetili da imaju problem sa peći. Naža lost, majstor to nije dobro propravio pa je njegova majka Flora umrla je od trovanja ugljen-monoksi dom kada je imala 70 godina. Otac je bio jako loše zbog tog curenja gasa, ali je preživeo. Starija ćerka Walt-a, Sharon, rekla je da je čak i godinama kasni je sa nim bilo gotovo nemoguće razgovarati na tu
temu i da se osećao krivim zbog majčine smrti. U Disneyland-u u Kaliforniji imao je svoj tajni apartman. Ustvari, taj apartman još uvek postoji. Uglavnom nije otvoren za javnost, ali s vremena na vreme u ponudi su VIP ture obilaska istog. Nameštaj je ostao gotovo nepromenjen uključuju ći i svetiljku u prozoru koja je vidljiva spolja. To je, dok je Walt bio živ, uvek značilo da je trenutno tu. Uprkos tome što je zaradio veliki novac i bio svetski poznat, imao zaposleno osoblje koje je njemu i članovima porodice bilo na raspolaganju non stop, Walt je svoje dve ćerke svakog dana vozio u školu. Malo pre smrti, Walt je na parčetu papira napisao Kurt Russel. To je kasnije pronađeno na njegovom stolu i prema Disney-jevom biografu, Dave Smith-u, to su bile među poslednje napisanim rečima Walta. Ono što je intrigirajuće je činjenica da niko, pa ni sam Kurt Russel, koji je tada već uveliko radio kod njega u studiju kao dečiji glumac, do dana današ njeg ne zna zbog čega se njegovo ime tu našlo...
Zato je vera u snove važna! Walt Disney je bio čovek koji je zaista verovao u svoje snove. U ideje. U inovacije. Danas nema od rasle osobe na planeti koja ne zna za njega. I njegova priča živi i dalje. I nastaviće. Uspeo je da se nekoliko puta digne nakon neuspeha. Prevazišao je prepreke koje su bile pred njim. Nekima od nas njegovi crtani filmovi bili su prvi kojih se sećamo. I koje danas puštamo svojoj deci. U nadi da će i ona raditi isto kada za to dođe vreme. To je san – kada ono što stvorite postane vanvremensko! Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
cover story The Man Who Believed in Dreams
Walter Disney: The Favorite Real Character of Every Childhood Walter Elias Disney, founder of all the well-known Disney Empire, was born on December 5th, 1901, in Chicago, as the fourth son of Elias and Flora. Four years after his birth, the family moved to Marceline, Missouri, where his uncle Robert bought a piece of land. There, the fifth child – a girl – was born into the family. That’s when he first got interested in drawing. A neighbor of his, a doctor in retirement, noticed his talent and paid him to draw his horses. Walter painted using water colors and crayons. In the meantime, Walt became an illustrator in his school’s papers. As the First World War was raging, he joined at the age of 16, and he was remember ed as the guy who drew cartoons on ambulance vehicles and whose illustrations were published even in the army paper Stars and Stripes. His professional story started after he returned home. In Kansas City, with the help of his brother, he got a job as an illustrator at Pesmen-Rubin Co mmercial Art Studio, where he drew illustrations for advertisements. There he met Ub Iwerks, and together they launched Iwerks & Disney, his first company. Their first client was a publisher, Resta urant News, which printed leaflets.
He convinced the company that the nearly unpro fitable newspapers could be improved by adding illustrated advertising inserts. Since he liked Walt, the publisher allowed him to use a room (actually a bathroom) as a studio. He used his savings – 250 dollars – to buy the needed equipment. The busi ness was going well, so they moved to a real office. One day, Walt read an ad in a local daily saying that Kansas City Film Ad Company was looking for an animator, so he decided to temporarily leave the company he founded to earn more money. After Kansas City Film Ad Company’s CEO saw Disney’s illustrations, he offered 40 dollars a week, more than a decent amount back then. Walt agreed and handed over the company reins to his partner Ub. Once he made enough money and mastered anima tion, he opened a new studio where he hired old
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
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and new acquaintances – LaughO-Gram Studio. Then he made two short animated films based on fairy tales that became popular across the country. In spite of this, the sales agents did not pay him any money and he literally went bankrupt! He litera lly did not have money for food or shoes or clothes. Just as he got back on his feet, started a business, and mastered his trade – he experien ced failure. But he did not give up on his dream. The saying goes that fortune favors the bold. And once again, the wheels of fortune turned for the better. Dentist Thomas B. McCrum asked Disney to make a small promo video about oral health and invited him to his home to talk. Walt had to quietly turn him down because he had no shoes to wear. He explained that he had left them with a cobbler who would not give them back until Walt paid 1.5 dollars for the mending. Soon the dentist visited Disney at the studio, brought him money for the shoes, and another 500 dollars to make the video.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
The money he earned from this was not enough to pay off his debts, but it gave him energy and motivated him to keep going. In 1923 he moved to California, which was already the center of the film industry, and with his brot her Roy rented a small garage from his uncle and bought a used camera. They named the studio Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. In 1927, Universal asked Walt and his chief anima tor Ub to create a cartoon character for them.
They created Oswald Lucky Rabbit, who soon became a big hit! After this success, Disney went to New York in 1928 to negotiate a contract with producer Charles Mintz. Mintz, however, had something different in mind – he wanted Disney to fail. To make things even worse, Mintz was making secret agreements that were meant to hire Disney’s animators behind his back. In the end, Universal won the copyright to Oswald, and Disney left New York with the feeling that he had lost everything... On his train back to California, he sketched the character that would become the world’s most fa mous mouse – Mickey Mouse! The rest is history... After 1928, Walt stopped drawing animations because he focused on developing the storyline. This was done by Iwerks and other world-class artists who he brought together. What’s more, Walt stopped drawing Mickey Mouse and in fact, he probably drew him only when people he signed autographs for would ask him to! However, he was voicing the charac ter J between 1928 and 1947. Even after the voice work was officially handed over to artist Jimmy McDo nalds in 1947, Walter continued to give voice to the world’s most famous mouse in The Mickey Mouse Club short films.
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He had a secret suite at the Disneyland in Califor nia. In fact, the suite still exists. It’s mostly closed to the public, but from time to time, VIP tours are available. The furniture stayed nearly identical, in cluding a lamp in a window that is visible from the outside. That was a sign that he was staying there while he was alive. Despite having made a lot of money, becoming world famous, and having staff available to him and the family at all times, Walt drove his two daught ers to school every day. Shortly before he died, Walt wrote Kurt Russell on a piece of paper. The paper was later found on his desk and, according to Disney biographer Dave Smith, these were some of the last words Walt wrote. What is intriguing is the fact that no one – not even Kurt Russell himself, who was already working at the studio as a child actor – has no idea why his name was on the paper to this day...
#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice
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Walt Disney won as many as 20 Os cars, one of them posthumously, and his record still stands! He won 950 different accolades throughout the world for his work.
Some less known facts When he became successful, Walt bought his parents a new house. When something needed fixing or replacing at the house, he would send the repairmen from the studio to take care of it. This was the case when in 1938 his parents noticed that something was wrong with the furnace. Unfortunately, the repairman did a poor job and his mother Flora died of carbon monoxide poisoning at the age of 70. His father’s health took a turn for the worse because of the gas leak, but he survived. Walt’s older daughter Sharon said that even years later it was almost impossible to talk to him about what happened and that he felt guilty about his mother’s death.
That is why believing in dreams is important! Walt Disney was a man who truly believed in his dreams. In ideas. In innovation. Every adult person on the planet today knows about him. And his story lives on. And it will continue to live on. He managed to rise after failure a few times. He overcame the obstacles he faced. For some of us, his cartoons are the first we rem ember. And today we play them for our children, hoping that they will do the same when the time comes. That’s a dream – when you create some thing that becomes timeless! Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Hotel Aristos 4*
Poslovni i kongresni hotel u Zagrebu Hotel Aristos smješten je u poslovnom centru Buzin u Zagrebu, u okruženju mnogobrojnih domaćih i ino zemnih kompanija. Poslovni je hotel koji pruža ugodan smještaj u 150 prostranih comfort i deluxe soba, moderan kongresni centar, wellness & spa centar uz visoku kvalitetu usluge, mirno okru ženje i izvrsnu povezanost sa cen trom grada, zračnom lukom Zagreb i svim glavnim prometnicama. S ciljem da gostima omogući potpu nu uslugu, tijekom njihova boravka, gosti mogu koristiti WiFi, poslovni centar, fitness studio, vanjski par king i garažu hotela bez nadoplate. Za organizaciju raznih događanja, organizatorima je na raspolaganju moderan i multifunkcionalan kon gresno banketni centar sa zasebnim ulazom, kongresnom recepcijom, registracijskim pultom, gardero bom, barom, terasom i restoranom Tiara kapaciteta 220 mjesta. U samom prizemlju nalazi se multi funkcionalna glavna Grand dvorana kapaciteta do 300 sudionika koja omogućuje organizaciju većih kon gresa, konferencija, kao i prezen taciju vozila. Luksuzni predprostor daje eksluzivnost samom događa nju te se vrlo lako može brendi rati za potrebe eventa. Uz glavnu dvoranu, nalaze se i manje dvorane i apartmani za sastanke opremljeni suvremenom opremom. Gastronomski dio svakog događanja čini bitnu stavku svake organizacije
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
te u skladu s time Hotel Aristos nudi bogat izbor menija i pića. Moguć nost koktela, pića dobrodošlice u atraktivnom prostoru Momento bara, Vitrum salona ili na terasi ho tela dodatna je pogodnost prilikom organizacije svakog događanja. Hotel Aristos je prepoznat kao poslovni i kongresni hotel te je mjesto organizacije raznih evenata domaćih i međunarodnih kompani ja iz svih tržišnih branši s različitim zahtjevima klijenata. Nakon napornog dana, gosti se mogu opustiti u ugodnom ambi jentu relax i spa zone Wellness & Spa centra Aristos uz ponudu bio, infracrvene, parne saune i hidroma sažne kupelji. Za potpun wellness doživljaj, wellness centar nudi bogat izbor masaža prilagođenih potrebama klijenata te posebno kreirane tretmane njege lica i tijela. Za sve koji žele nakratko pobjeći od svakodnevne rutine i potražiti mir te posjetiti Zagreb, mogu odabrati City break i romantične pakete koji uključuju wellness sadržaje i noće nje u deluxe sobama ili rezervirati neki od obiteljskih paketa. Hotel Aristos – Vaš hotel u Zagrebu!
Hotel Aristos 4*
Business and Congress Hotel in Zagreb Four star Aristos Hotel is located in New Zagreb, only a few minutes drive from Zagreb Airport, to city cen ter and with easy access to highway. Hotel Aristos has all the comforts of a standard luxury property. Hotel offers pleasant stay in 150 deluxe and comfort rooms with free usage of gym, business center, complimentary outdoor parking and hotel garage. Guests can experience gourmet dining, a Wellness & Spa center, a cutting edge conference facility and top quality services. The hotel’s conference facilities include a congress reception, a plenary Grand hall for large events up to 300 seats as well as seven multifunction meeting rooms ideal for workshops and trainings. Vitrum salon, Lounge bar Momento and terrace can be a great venues for cocktails, welcome drinks or other gatherings. The state of the art technology and the flexibility of the space gives a opportunity that space can be adapted in line with various requirements and settings.
Relaxing moments you can find in Aristos Wellness & Spa center where you can experience spa zone with bio, infrared, steam, hydro massage or you can choose some of the integrated beauty programs, exclusive professional face and body care treatments. Unique massages and wellness ritu als will provide you with a feeling of being genuinely relaxed, revitalized, and comfortable; and will bring your body and soul into balance. Do not miss special city break, weekend and family packages. Hotel Aristos – your hotel in Zagreb!
Restaurant Tiara is a right choice for lunch or dinner with national and international dishes and hotel bar with summer terrace can be ideal place to take a break during the day with wide selection of drinks, hot and cold beverages, fruit salads, snacks and sandwiches and excellent pastries.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Château Gruaud Larose
Uvek je pravo vreme za čašu dobrog vina G-din Nicolas Sinoquet
Château Gruaud Larose, vinarija iz Bordoa, u Francuskoj, poznavaocima i ljubiteljima vina puno govori. Radi se o jednoj od najpoznatijih vinarija koje proizvode crveno vino. U okviru globalne turneje Château Gruaud Larose – Retrospective, koja se dešava svake druge godine u odabra nim gradovima širom sveta, menadžment poseda Gruaud Larose izabrao je Beograd i Radisson Collection Hotel, Old Mill Belgrade kao prvu destinaciju 2019. godine gde su predstavili svoja vina iz izvanrednih berbi. Prisustvovali smo ovoj, pre svega, divnoj priči. Generalni direktor Château Gruaud Larose-a, gospodin Nicolas Sinoquet, odgovorio je na nekoliko kratkih pitanja u vezi sa vinom. Možete li nam reći nešto o istoriji Château Gruaud Larose-a? Château Gruaud Larose je ponosan na svojih 300 godina dugu isto riju. Zanimljivo je da se vinograd nije menjao još od početka 18. veka. Dakle, naš plan je da sve ostane isto i za sledeću generaciju. Izgleda lako, ali to je veoma zahtevan zadatak. Šta omogućava specifičnost zemlje na kojoj je zasađeno vaše grožđe? Sortu grožđa treba zasaditi u skladu sa vrstom zemljišta. Beli šljunak odgovara Cabernet Sauvignon-u i drugim sortama grožđa koje kasno sazrevaju, dok je glina bolja za Merlot, koji je prva sorta grožđa spremna za berbu. Kada je najbolje otvoriti flašu vina? Čekajući savršenu priliku, možda nikada nećete otvoriti bocu vina. Radi se, ustvari, o izboru trenutka u kom će vino „pojačati“ i „naglasiti“ atmosferu sa prijateljima i porodicom. Kako bi trebalo birati vino prema hrani? Imate li neki interesantan savet? Tokom obroka postoji momenat u kom ne možete da prepoznate da li određena aroma potiče od ukusa vina ili od ukusa hrane. Ako vam se ovo desi, onda govorimo o savršenom spoju hrane i vina. Za Vas lično, šta je vrhunsko vino? Ključna reč je harmonija svih elemenata koji čine vino. Po mom mišljenju, cena ne čini vrhunsko vino već upravo ta harmonija. Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
interview Château Gruaud Larose
It’s Always Time for Glass of Good Wine Mr Nicolas Sinoquet
Château Gruaud Larose, a winery from Bordeaux in France, to wine lovers speaks a lot. It is one of the most famous wineries that produce red wine. Within the global tour Château Gruaud Larose - Retrospective, which is held every second year in selected cities around the world, the management of the estate Gruaud Larose chose Belgrade and Radisson Collection Hotel, Old Mill Belgrade as the first destination in 2019 where they presented their wines from extraordinary vintages. We attended this, above all, wonderful story. General Manager of Château Gruaud Larose, Mr. Nicolas Sinoquet, answered few short questions regarding wine. Could You tell us something about Chateau Gruaud Larose history? Château Gruaud Larose is proud of its 300 years of history. Interest ing fact is that, vineyard has never been changed since the beginning of 18th century. So, our plan is only to keep the same conditions for the next generation. It seems easy, but it is quite demanding task. What does the specific ground provide in terms of planting grapes? Grape variety should be planted in accordance with the type of soil. White pebbles suits Cabernet Sauvignon and other late ripening grape varieties, while clay suits better to Merlot which is the first grape variety ready for harvest. What is the best time to open a bottle of wine? Indeed, waiting for the perfect occasion, might lead us never to open a bottle. So, it is more about choosing a moment in which the wine will amplify our impression and experience with friends and family. How should we choose wine according the meal? Do You have some interesting advice? There is a point during the meal, in which you couldn’t recognize, if certain aroma comes from a taste of wine or from the taste of food. If this point over the meal is achievable, than we are talking about the perfect marriage of food and wine. For You personal, what makes state-of-the-art wine? The key word is a harmony of all the elements which constitutes the wine. According to my opinion price doesn’t make state-of-the-art wine, but harmony. Milica Novak
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
zanimljivost Huaši, najbogatije selo u Kini
Da li je ovo najbolji spoj komunizma i kapitalizma? Možda ste čuli za selo u Kini po imenu Huaši. Zvanično najbogatije selo u Kini sa interesantnom pričom do kog se stiže za samo nekoliko sati vožnje seve rozapadno od Šangaja. Prema dostupnim podacima, u samom selu živi oko 2.000, u okolnim selima još oko 28.000, dok oko 20.300 ljudi svaki dan putuje do Huaksija zbog posla. Sve je počelo 1961. godine, kada je Huaši osnovan i tada je tu živelo 661 osoba, a osnivač je Wu Renbao. On je, kada je komunizam stigao u Kinu, bio sekretar Komunističke partije koji je upravo u ovom selu napra vio fabriku koja je proizvodila boce za sprej za đubrivo. Vrlo brzo zarađivao je blizu 250.000 USD godišnje, a zarađeni novac je počeo da reinvestira u druge projek te u Huašiju. Tamošnji građani su dobijali svoj udeo kroz dividende. Određeni deo koji bi zaradili, svakog meseca su stavljali u zajedničku kasu, a onda ta sredstva koristili za dalje investicije koje su bile zajedničke. Selo je procvat doživelo 1998. godine, kada su sva ulaganja i napori dali prave rezultate.
fiksna sredstva od 362 miliona USD. Seljani ovde zara đuju u proseku 6.000 USD godišnje, što je dosta veliki iznos za kineske standarde. Wu, ili „najpoznatiji kineski seljak“ kako su ga zvali, je toliko bio cenjen u Huašiju, da je dan nakon njegove smrti (umro je 2013.) na naslovnim stranama skoro
Tako su pokrenute industrije čelika, gvož đa i tekstila koje su selu donela prodaju od 7,3 milijarde USD u 2008. godini. Grupa Huaši bila je prva korporacijakomuna koja je uvrštena na kinesko berzansko tržište. U 2003. godini selo je imalo 58 preduzeća koja su poslovala sa dobitkom od 1,2 milijarde USD i imala
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
z a n i m l j i v o s t svih dnevnih novina bilo njegovo lice, a na sahranu je došlo celo selo. Čitav život živeo je u istoj kući, a kada ga je jedan novinar upitao šta je ključ uspeha ovog sela, odgovorio je: „Šta znači socijalizam? Šta znači kapitalizam? Želeli smo samo stvari koje su dobre za naš narod. Hteli smo da se ljudi obogate.“ A kako žive tamošnji stanovnici? Prosudite sami! Žive u kućama sa velikim vrtovima i baštama i jako podsećaju na vile koje se grade na zapadu. Duž širokih bulevara nalaze se identične vile sa crvenim krovom, uređenim travnjacima i po dve garaže za automobile. Od 2009. godine, svaka porodica pored kuće posedu je i bar jedno vozilo, koje je obezbedila zajednica, i imovinu u vrednosti od 150.000 USD. Ishrana im je jako bogata, a standard im dozvoljava da nose poznate modne brendove. Kockanje i upotreba svih vrsta droga je strogo zabranjena. Svaki stanovnik ima obezbeđenu zdravstveni zaštitu i besplatno obrazovanje. Turisti kažu da socijalizam kao društveni poredak, uopšte nije tako loš i da ga žele i u svojim zemljama. Sa druge strane, nema internet kafea, nema barova, nema noćnih klubova, nema „noćnog života“... Zapravo, gotovo da nema nikakve zabave osim seoskih sastanaka i predstava koje orga nizuje seoska pozorišna trupa. Ako stanovnik odluči da napusti selo Huaši, sa sobom ne može poneti svoje bogatstvo, dakle gubi svoju imovinu, pa se stručnjaci neretko pitaju kome ono pripada – stanovnicima ili korporaciji. Takođe, zabranjeno im je da razgovaraju sa stranim novinarima. Neki kažu i sa strancima. Radnici primaju polovinu svojih prihoda u redovnim platama, a drugu polovinu u obliku različitih vrsta bonusa. Gotovo jedna trećina profita se ostvaruje zahvaljujući industriji čelika. Selo izvozi proizvode u više od 40 ze malja sveta, a uvozi neke proizvode iz Indije i Brazila. Sledeći korak koji je usledio je rad na razvoju turizma. Zvaničnici i meštani sela se nadaju da će im turizam donositi sve više profita, budući da godišnje ima dva miliona turista zbog priče koja stoji iza osni vanja. Glavni razlog velikog broja turističkih poseta je ta što ljudi žele da vide kako Huaši zaista funkcioniše. A ovo selo se potrudilo da, pored primamljive priče, postoje još neki sadržaji kojima će privući posetioce. Radi se o, između ostalog, replikama poznatih zname nitosti iz celog sveta. Tako tamo možete videti kopiju Trijumfalne kapije iz Pariza, hodati po replici Velikog kineskog zida koji je dugačak preko 40 km (što je oko 1.300 km kraće od originalnog), videti Sidnejsku operu (ova imitacija nije dobro urađena!) ili US Capitol Hill iz Vašingtona.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Ipak, ono što je svakako najimpresivnije jeste činjenica da su 2011. godine izgradili ekstravagantan neboder visok čak 328 m, a ima 74 sprata iznad zemlje, dva ispod i čak 35 liftova. A kako biste stekli utisak o kojoj se visini radi, reći ćemo da je viši od pariškog Ajfelovog tornja i njujorške Krajsler zgrade! Njegovo ime je „Hanging Village of Huaxi“, Viseće selo Huaši u slobodnom prevodu, gra đen je tri godine, 35. po visini građevina u svetu, u Aziji je na 22. mestu, i predstavlja najveću atrakciju u selu, kako za stanovnike, tako i za turiste. Neki su izgled ove zgrade uporedili sa trofejem, jer se na vrhu nalazi ogromna kugla napravljena od stakla. Deo novca za ovaj projekat dali su stanovnici koji su, na dan otvaranja, proslavili 50. godišnjicu postojanja sela – 12. oktobra 2011. U zgradi ima 800 apartmana i može primiti oko 2.000 ljudi. Tu je i izložbena dvora na, restoran koji može da ugosti 1.500 osoba, nekoliko bazena na krovu, kao i vrtovi. Na 60. spratu može se uživati u neverovatnom pogledu na Huaksi, ali i videti jednu, pa recimo neobičnu statuu – vo koji je izliven od čak jedne tone zlata! Selo je čak kupilo i dva helikoptera za turiste, a sve u cilju poboljšanja kvaliteta turizma.
Ova destinacija sada privlači biznismene koji su zainteresovani za špediciju, industrije čelika, duvana i tekstila. Međutim, nisu svi u selu profitirali od ove ekspanzije. Dok su ljudi koji su tamo živeli od početka zarađivali veći novac, oni u okolnim selima, koje je Huaši „progutao“, žive manje dobro, a oni koji su se skoro preselili žive od prosečno 10 USD dnevno. Želja Huašija je da jednog dana preraste u pravi grad, ali postavlja se pitanje da li će to biti moguće imajući u vidu tamošnji način života. Milica Novak
Is This the Best Combination of Communism and Capitalism?
Huaxi, the Richest Village in China
You may have heard of a village in China named Huaxi. Officially the richest vill age in China has an interesting story and lies just a few hours’ drive northwest of Shanghai. According to the available information, around 2,000 people live in the village and around 28,000 in the surrounding villages, while around 20,300 people commute to Huaxi every day. It all started in 1961, when Huaxi was founded by Wu Renbao as home to 661 inhabitants. When commu nism arrived in China, Renbao was the Communist Party’s secretary who chose this village to erect a factory that produced bottles for fertilizer spray. He quickly came to earn close to USD 250,000 a year, and started to reinvest the profits in other projects in Huaxi. The locals received their share through divid ends. Every month they would set aside a portion of their earnings for the collecti ve fund, and then use those resources for further investments, shared between them. The village experienced a boom in 1998, when all the investments and efforts finally gave results.
assets valued at USD 362 million. The locals earn an average of USD 6,000 a year, quite a high number for Chinese standards. Wu – or “China’s most famous peasant,” as he was called – was so deeply respected in Huaxi that on the day after his death (in 2013) his face was on the cover of nearly every daily newspaper, and the whole village
This launched the steel, iron, and textile industries, which saw USD 7.3 billion in sales in 2008. The Huaxi Group was the first commune corporation to be listed on a Chinese stock market. In 2003, the village had 58 companies that turned a profit of USD 1.2 billion and had fixed
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
i n t e r e s t i n g came to the funeral. He spent his whole life living in the same house, and when a journalist once asked him what the key to his village’s success was, he replied: “What is socialism? What is capitalism? We only wanted things that are good for our people. We wanted for people to get rich.” And how do the locals live? You be the judge! They live in houses with big gardens that resemble Westernstyle villas. The wide avenues are lined with identical villas with red roofs, landscaped lawns, and two car garages each. Since 2009, every family also has at least one vehicle provided by the community and assets worth USD 150,000. Their diet is very diverse, and the living standard allows them to wear famous fashion brands. Gambling and drugs are strictly prohibited. Every inhabitant has health care and free education. The tourists say that socialism is not a bad form of social organization at all and that they want it in their own countries. On the other hand, there are no internet cafes, no bars, no night clubs, no nightlife... In fact, there is almost no entertainment barring villa ge meetings and performances organized by the village theater company. Inhabitants who decide to leave the village of Huaxi cannot take their wealth, which leaves them without assets and property. This often makes experts wonder who does the wealth really belong to – the people or the corporation. Furthermore, they are for bidden from talking to foreign reporters. Some claim also even to foreigners. Workers receive half of their income as regu lar pay and the other half as different types of bonuses. Nearly one-third of profits come from the steel industry. The village exports products to more than 40 countries around the world and imports some products from India and Brazil. The next step that followed was sparking tou rism development. Village officials and locals hope that tourism will bring them increasing profits – two million tourists a year are drawn by the story of the community’s founding. The main reason for the large number of tourist visits is that people want to see how Huaxi really works. And the village made efforts to include other amenities to attract visitors besides the appealing story. These include, among other things, replicas of famous sights from around the world. You can see a copy of the Triumphal Arch in Paris, walk along the replica of the Great Wall of China running more than 40 km (about 1,300 km shorter than the original), see the Sydney Opera House (this one was poorly done!), or the US Capitol Hill in Was hington.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Nevertheless, what is most impressive is the fact that in 2011 they built an extravagant skyscraper that reaches a staggering 328 m and has 74 floors above the ground, two below, and 35 elevators. And to give a picture of its height, note that it is higher than the Pa ris Eiffel Tower and New York City’s Chrysler Building! The structure is called the “Hanging Village of Huaxi,” and its construction lasted three years. The building is 35th highest in the world and 22nd in Asia, and it is the biggest village attraction – both for the locals and for the tourists. Some compare the appearance of the building with a trophy, its top propping up a huge ball made of glass. Part of the money for the project was secured by the inhabitants, who on the skyscraper’s opening day celebrated the village’s 50th anniversary – October 12, 2011. The building has 800 apartments and accommodates around 2,000 people. There is also an exhibition hall, a restaurant that seats 1,500 people, several swimming pools on the roof, as well as gardens. On the 60th floor, you can enjoy the incredible view of Huaxi, but also see a – let’s say unu sual – statue, an ox poured out of one ton of gold! The village even bought two helicopters for tourists, to improve the quality of tourism.
This destination now attracts businessmen who are interested in freight forwarding, steel, tobacco, and textile industries. However, not everyone in the village benefited from the expansion. While the people who lived there from the beginning earned more money, those in the surrounding villages that Huaxi absorbed live less well, and those who moved just recently live on approximately USD 10 a day. Huaxi’s desire is to one day grow into a real city, but this might not be possible bearing in mind its way of life. Milica Novak
PREDSTOJEĆI DOGAĐAJI UPCOMING EVENTS MOSCOW MICE FORUM 15.03.2019 / Moskva, Rusija Ove godine će se po 13. put održati Moscow Mice Forum na kom će biti više od 750 učesnika iz 107 zemalja sveta poput Nemačke, Švajcarske, Austrije, Italije, Francuske, UAE, Južne Koreje i mnogih drugih. Ovaj događaj poseti preko 15.000 ljudi koji se bave MICE industrijom i ima trend ubrzanog rasta u Rusiji te pruža profesionalnu i ekonomičnu platformu za sastanke između međunarodnih dobavljača i kupaca.
IMEX FRANKFURT 21 – 23.05.2019. / Frankfurt, Nemačka U Frankfurtu se svake godine okupi više od 3.500 dobavljača iz različitih sektora kongresne industrije sveta, pa će tako biti i ove godine od 21 – 23. maja. Tamo će se naći nacionalne i regionalne turističke agencije, kongresni biroi, velike hotelske kompanije, event prostori, avio-kompanije, stručnjaci iz oblasti event menadžmenta i još mnogo toga. Uz to, posetioce očekuje oko 250 edukativnih i networking događaja, kao i uzbudljiva izložba.
PRIVATE MICE STOKHOLM 2019 07 – 09.07. / 09 – 10.07.2019. / Štokholm, Švedska Tokom tri dana, koliko ovaj događaj traje, svi dobavljači će imati prilike da upoznaju kupce iz celog sveta za vreme 25 unapred zakazanih sastanaka, društvenih večera i aktivnosti koje podrazumevaju umrežavanje. Prošle godine predstavljeno je ukupno 27 destinacija, bilo je oko 90 internacionalnih dobavljača i 85 kupaca, a ove godine se očekuje da će ih biti više. Događaj je ove godine podeljen u dva dela zbog velikog interesovanja.
MOSCOW MICE FORUM March 15th, 2019 / Moscow, Russia The Moscow Mice Forum will be held for the 13th time and this year more than 750 par ticipants from 107 countries of the world, such as Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, UAE, South Korea and many others will attend the event. This event is visited by over 15,000 people working in MICE indust ry that has a rapidly growing trend in Russia and provides a professional and economical platform for meetings between international suppliers and buyers.
IMEX FRANKFURT May 21st – 23rd, 2019 / Frankfurt, Germany More than 3,500 suppliers from every sector of the worldwide meetings indus try come together in Frankfurt each year. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet national and regional tourist offices and convention bureaus, major hotel compa nies, conference and exhibition venues, airlines, event management specialists and many more. Additionally, visitors are expected to have about 250 educational and networking events.
PRIVATE MICE STOKHOLM 2019 July 7th – 9th / July 9th – 10th, 2019 / Stoklohlm, Sweden Within three days, as long as this event takes place, all suppliers will have the op portunity to meet buyers from around the world during 25 pre-scheduled meetings, social dinners and activities that include networking. Last year, a total of 27 destina tions were presented, there were around 90 international suppliers and 85 buyers, and this year it is expected that there will be more of them. The event is divided in two parts due to increase of interest.
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IMEX Frankfurt 2019
Ime je isto ali IMEX nikada ne stoji u mestu Uz besplatnu registraciju za IMEX u Frankfurtu od 21. do 23. maja, misija IMEX tima je da podseti industriju događaja da drži na oku „daleki horizont“ i sajmove kao što je IMEX koristi za stalno ažuriranje svog znanja, seta veština i poslovne mreže. „O sebi mislimo kao o sopstvenoj konkurenciji. Svake godine postavljamo nove ciljeve i standarde za svoje sajmove i jednako za sve naše učesnike, kupce i izlaga če, pa se ni ovaj maj u Frankfurtu neće razlikovati. Znamo da je to ono što je ovoj industriji potrebno – i ono što ona očekuje – od sajma IMEX. Bilo da je to više iskustvenih koncepata, veće izlaganje tehnologiji, više mentorstva i prilika za povezivanje ili jednostavno više trendova i uvida od strane stručnja ka, mi se zalažemo za pružanje snažnog, merljivog odgovora na vreme i trud koji ljudi ulože kada dođu na IMEX“, objašnjava Carina Bauer, generalni direktor IMEX grupe. Izlagači i programi za različite specijalne doga đaje koji se odvijaju u Edu ponedeljak (EduMon day), 20. maja, će uskoro biti najavljeni, dok neki od izlagača čije je učešće već potvrđeno uključuju Novi Zeland, Senses of Cuba, Kongresni biro Barselone, Visit Brussels, Kempinski hotele, Melia hotele i Letoniju. Kada je završen Svetski ekonomski forum u Davo su, svaka zemlja i industrija na planeti imala je priliku da oseti šta će biti aktuelno ove godine i IMEX se u tome ne razlikuje. „Agenda u Davosu je fascinantna. Govori o životu „u svetu sa novim planetarnim granicama u pogledu svog razvoja“ i podseća nas da ula
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zimo u „Četvrtu industrijsku revoluciju“ koju oblikuju napredne tehnologije koje se spajaju kako bi brzo kre irale inovacije, u razmerama koje nemaju paralele u ljudskoj istoriji. U tom kontekstu, od još većeg značaja je provesti vreme na sajmu IMEX kako bi se videlo na koji način skupovi i događaji na globalnom nivou kao i industrija motivacionih putovanja odgovaraju na promene,“ saopštila je Carina Bauer.
Poziv novim, smelim, briljantnim izlagačima Pozivamo stručne izlagače i prezentere da se prija ve za prezentovanje edukativnih sesija na IMEX-u u Frankfurtu. Ove godine IMEX tim je posebno zainteresovan za prija ve koje se tiču efikasnosti/produktivnosti, povezivanja, veština pregovaranja i „teških“ razgovora, mašte i znatiželje, upravljanja i planiranja kriznim situacijama i veštačke inteligencije.
The Name’s the Same but IMEX Never Stands Still With free online registration for IMEX in Frankfurt, May 21st – 23rd, the IMEX team is on a mission to remind the events industry to keep an eye on the far horizon and to use trade shows, such as IMEX, to keep their insider knowledge, their skill set and their busi ness networks bang up to date. As Carina Bauer, IMEX Group, CEO explains: “We think of ourselves as our own competition. Each year we set new targets and new standards for our shows and for all our attendees, buyers and exhibitors alike, and this May in Frankfurt will be no different. We know that this is what the industry needs – and expects - from an IMEX show. Be it more experiential concepts, more technology exposure, more mentoring and networking opportuni ties or simply more trends and insights from experts, we’re committed to providing a strong, measurable return on the time and effort people invest when they come to IMEX.”
IMEX Frankfurt 2019
entering “the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, shaped by advanced technologies that combine to create in novations at a speed and scale unparalleled in human history. In that context, spending time at IMEX to see how the global meetings, events and incentive travel industry is responding to change becomes even more vital”, said Carina Bauer.
An invitation to budding, bold, brilliant speakers Expert speakers and presenters from around the world are now invited to apply to present an education sessi on at IMEX in Frankfurt. This year the team is particularly interested in submiss ions relating to efficiency/productivity, networking, ne gotiating skills & difficult conversations, imagination & curiosity, crisis management & contingency planning, and Artificial Intelligence.
Presenters and programmes for various special events taking place on EduMonday, 20 May, will be announced shortly, while some of the exhibitors already confirmed include New Zealand, Senses of Cuba, Barcelona Convention Bureau, Visit Brussels, Kempinski Hotels, Melia Hotels and Latvia. As World Economic Forum is finished, every coun try and industry on the planet has a taste of what’s to come this year, and at IMEX is no different situation. „The Davos agenda is fascinating. It talks about living “in a world with new planetary boundaries for its development” and reminds us that we’re
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
Da li st e z na l i ?
Zbog čega su banane zaobljene?
Da li ste se ikada zapitali zbog čega banane imaju zaobljen oblik? Jednostavno – jer rastu prema suncu! Banana je tip voćke koja prolazi kroz poseban proces tzv. „negativnog geotropizma“ ili „negativnog gravitropizma“, što znači da umesto da plod raste ka zemlji (kao većina biljaka) on rastu ka nebu, u visinu. Zbog toga što ide protiv sile gravita cije, njen oblik je zaobljen. Zelena banana sadrži dosta skroba, a kako počinje da žuti, skrob počinje da se pretvara u šećer, pa je zbog toga banana tada slađeg ukusa.
Kodovi koji nisu dešifrovani Postoje kodovi koje čak ni najveći stručnjaci današnjice ne uspevaju da dešifruju. Na primer, ispred sedišta CIA u Virdžiniji se nalazi skulp tura Kriptus koju je 1990. napravio umetnik Džim Sanborn. Ironija je što deo koda na njoj ne mogu da razbiju čak ni kriptografi koji rade u CIA. Ser Edvard Elgar, čuveni engleski kompozitor 1897. godine je poslao kratko šifrovano pismo prijateljici Dori Peni, a niko dosad nije uspeo ga je dešifruje. U američku banku su 1933. godine deponova ne zlatne poluge koje prikazuju kineska slova, slike i čudne simbole koji izgledaju nepovezano, a još nije dokučeno njihovo značenje.
Pokušaji da se zabrani kafa U istoriji je do sada zabeleženo čak pet pokušaja zabrane konzumacije kafe! Prvi put u Italiji, u 16. veku, kada je stigla u Evropu jer su svešte nici tvrdili da je to „delo Satane“. Sledeći put je to bilo u Konstantino polju, a kazna za svakog ko pije kafu bilo je premlaćivanje. U Meki su je 1511. pokušali zabraniti jer su govorili da podstiče radikal no razmišljanje, a u Švedskoj je 1746. policija išla po kućama i plenila čak i šoljice za kafu. Poslednji put je to bilo u Pruskoj, kada su 1777. tvrdili da pivo ima nadmoć u odnosu na kafu.
Živeti u Donguanu Kineski grad Donguan pravi je raj za muškarce koji tamo žive. Kako na svakih 89 muškaraca dolazi 100 žena, čest je slučaj da jedan mladić ima i po tri devojke, koje međusobno znaju jedna za drugu! Ovo je prouzro kovano politikom zapošljavanja – lokalne fabrike uglavnom zapošljavaju žensku radnu snagu, pa se muškarci masovno iseljavaju iz ovog grada u potrazi za poslom. Tamo je teže naći radno mesto nego partnerku, a čest je slučaj da upravo žene finansiraju izlaske i zajednički život jer su u radnom odnosu.
Sujeverja u svetu
U Ruandi postoji predanje koje kaže da ženama koje jedu kozje meso raste brada i postaju tvrdoglave. Filipinci veruju da boje mogu privući munju, pa dok traje nevreme, ne nose odeću crvene boje. Ako u Japa nu slučajno razbijete flašu, smatrajte da ćete imati sreće, a na Kubi se ne izgovara „ovo mi je poslednje piće“ jer se na taj način priziva smrt. U Italiji i Portugalu se veruje da hodanje unazad priziva lošu sreću jer na taj način pokazujete đavolu put kojim će doneti tugu, a u Rusiji je znak loše sreće nošenje ili kačenje prazne kante po ulici.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · februar–maj 2019
Why Are Bananas Curved? Have you ever wondered why bananas have curved shape? Simple - because they grow towards the sun! Banana is a type of fruit that goes through the so-called “negative geotropism” process, which means that instead of growing towards the ground (like most plants), one grows towards the sky. Because it goes against the force of gravity, its gets rounded shape. Green banana contains high level of starch, and as the fruit yellows, this starch begins to turn into sugar, which is the reason why the banana has a sweet taste then.
Codes that Are Not Decrypted There are codes that even the greatest experts of today cannot decipher. For example, in front of the CIA head quarters in Virginia, there is a Kryptus sculpture made by artist Jim Sanborn in 1990. The irony is that part of the code on it cannot be broken even by cryptographers working in the CIA. Sir Edward Elgar, the famous English composer, sent a short encrypted letter to his friend Dory Penny in 1897, and no one has succeeded in deciphering it yet. In 1933, the American bank deposited gold bars with Chinese letters and strange symbols that appear unconnected, and their meaning still isn’t revealed.
2. Attempts to Ban Coffee So far, there have been five attempts to ban coffee consumption! First time it was in Italy, in the 16th century, when coffee arrived in Europe, because the priests claimed it to be “the work of Satan”. The next time it was in Constantinople, and the punish ment for anyone drinking coffee was beating. In 1511, Mecca tried to ban in it, because they thought it encourages radical thinking, and in Sweden, 1746 the police was braking homes and confiscated even coffee cups. The last attempt was in 1777 when Prussians claimed that beer had superiority over coffee.
To Live in Dongguan Dongguan, the Chinese city, is a paradise for men living there. As every 89 men come to 100 women, it’s often the case that one young man has three girls, who know about existence of each other! This is caused by specific employment policies – local factories ma inly employ female laborers, so the men are moving out of this city in order to find job. In Dongguan it is harder to find a place to work than a partner, and it’s often the case that women are paying for dinners, drinks etc. and take care of living costs because they work.
5. 116
Superstitions in the World There is a tradition in Rwanda that says women who eat goat meat will grow beard and become stubborn. The Filipinas believe that colors can attract lightning, so while the storm lasts, they do not wear red clothes. If you accidentally break the bottle in Japan, consider that you will be lucky, and in Cuba you do not pronounce “this is my last drink” because that’s how death is called. In Italy and Portugal, it is believed that walking backwards brings bad luck, because you show the devil the way to bring sorrow, and in Russia it is a sign of a bad luck carrying an empty bucket on the street.
SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine · February–May 2019
SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · februar–maj 2019 / Februar y–M ay 2019 / broj 29 / No. 29
Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 29 / februar–maj 2019 / No. 29 / February–May 2019
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