Sharing economy in event industry, SEEbtm magazine No 21

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SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · maj 2016 / M ay 2016 / broj 21 / No. 21

Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 21 / maj 2016 / No. 21 / May 2016

tema broja:

cover story:



Ekonomija deljenja u event industriji

Nove globalne investicije u kongresne centre


„Food truck” trend na događajima

Sharing Economy in Event Industry

New Worldwide Investments in Convention Centres


Food truck trend on events

I M P R E S S U M Izdavač, produkcija i marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovačka 18/5 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Tel: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Direktor: Ivan Milić Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Miona Milić Urednički tim: Svetlana Gavrić, Mirjana Jokić, Miroslava Jeremić Prevod: Lexica prevodilačka agencija Dizajn i priprema za štampu: Dizajn Studio Nemet Štampa: Štamparija Stojkov Tiraž: 3.000 Periodičnost: kvartalno Datum izdavanja: maj 2016. Broj 21 Godišnja pretplata za SEEbtm sa PDV-om i dostavom na adresu (4 izdanja) za: - Srbiju iznosi 2.500,00 dinara - inostranstvo 35,10 eura Zahtev za pretplatu dostaviti na e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions; sva prava zadržana Iako su veliki napori učinjeni kako bi se osigurala tačnost svih informacija uključenih u ovoj pu­ blikaciji, The Best Solutions ne može biti odgo­­ voran za eventualne greške i nepreciznosti na­ stale u njoj. Za korišćenje bilo kojih sadržaja iz publikacije potrebna je pismena dozvola. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2016 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 21st ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2016 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 96 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm

Deljenje sadržaja, znanja i informacija, bez di­ leme, predstavlja obeležje savremenog doba. Pored toga, vrlo je zastupljeno i deljenje, iz­ na­j­mivanje i pozajmljivanje stvari – prostora, sme­š­taja, opreme, garderobe i praktično sve­ ga što nam padne na pamet. Osnovni cilj je vrlo jednostavan – postići veću ekonomičnost, vaganjem činjenice koliko pu­ta ćemo nešto koristiti, pa doneti odluku da li se više isplati kupovina ili iznajmljivanje ili delje­ nje. Nešto slično kao kod donošenje odluke – dizel ili benzinac. To sve ne predstavlja nov koncept, ali sa razvojem društvenih mreža poslednjih 10 godi­ na, ekonomija deljenja dobija sasvim novu dimenziju. Airbnb, SnapGoods, Uber i slični su pioniri primene ovog koncepta, od kojeg su napravi­ li globalni trend koji će uticati, i već utiče, u značajnoj meri na industrije u kojima su za­stu­pljeni. Tako redom, hotelski smeštaj, tehnički uređaji, taksi usluge i prevoz, su sa­ mo neke od kategorija koje će u bliskoj budućnosti biti primorane da preoblikuju svoju ponudu na neki način. Uticaj razvoja ovog koncepta, može se ogledati i u nedavnoj odlu­ ci kompanije Apple da uloži čak milijardu dolara u kompaniju Didi, najvećeg kineskog konkurenta Uber-u.

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u v o d

Kao industrija na koju se instant reflektuju globalni trendovi, i u event industriji se uve­ liko raspravlja o tzv. ekonomiji deljenja (Sharing Economy). Jedan od primera je i anketa vezana za ovu temu koju je sprovela IMEX grupa, čiji su rezultati objavljeni na nedavno održanom sajmu IMEX u Frankfurtu. Ipak ove godine „hot spot“ na ovu temu upravo je na konferenciji Ekonomija deljenja (The Sharing Economy Conference 2016) koja se odr­ žava 30. juna u Londonu. Primena ovog koncepta, prednosti, nedostaci, i opšti uticaj biće fokus u ovom broju SEEbtm magazina, sa akcentom na primenu i mišljenje industrije iz regiona Jugoistočne Evrope na ovu temu. Kada smo već kod deljenja, na strani 18 možete pročitati i o značaju kongresnih centara u kongresnoj industriji, o svim većim investicijama u kongresne centre u svetu u protek­ lih par godina, kao i njihovom povratu od investicija i koristi za ekonomiju. Možda ovo „deljenje informacija“, prikupljenih istraživanjem, pomogne prilikom odluke onome ko ima uticaja na razvoj naših u regionu. Sreća nije toliko u posedovanju, koliko u deljenju. Zarađujemo za život od onoga što dobijemo, ali stvaramo život od onoga što damo. Norman MacEwan

Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

Miona Milić, glavni i odgovorni urednik

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


s a d r ž a j

48. Trendovi:

„Food truck” trend na događajima

18. Industrija:

Nove globalne investicije u kongresne centre

40. Istraživanje:

Primena ekonomije deljenja u organizaciji događaja

62. Destinacija:





Aktuelan događaj:

Ulična umetnost vredna pažnje

Harley-Davidson u Portorožu

Novosti.................................................................5 Događaji . ............................................................7 Novo i renovirano...............................................14 Industrija: Nove globalne investicije u kongresne centre..........................................18 Tehnologija: Facebook Developer Conference - F8 .............30 Tema broja: Ekonomija deljenja u kongresnoj industriji....34 Istraživanje: Primena ekonomije deljenja u organizaciji događaja...................................40 Hotel: Kraljevi Čardaci Spa, Kopaonik . .....................46

Trendovi: „Food truck” trend na događajima .......................................48 DT Croatia i Talas-M DMC: Regionalna saradnja pomera granice u organizaciji događaja .......52 Intervju: Goran Vlašić, Insitut za inovacije, Zagreb ............................58 Destinacija: Portorož – Mali grad velikih mogućnosti . .......................62 Aktuelan događaj: Harley-Davidson donosi motociklistički duh u Portorož........................66

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Kempinski Palace Portorož: Luksuzni biser jadranske obale . ....................................72 Hoteli Bernardin: Tradicija gostoljubivosti već 40 godina . .......................74 Sajam: Venue Expo 2016 . ...........................................79 Sajam: ibtm world 2016 . ............................................82 Zanimljivost: Ulična umetnost vredna pažnje...................................................87 Rečnik pojmova . ...............................................94 Zanimljivosti .....................................................95

I M P R E S S U M Publisher, production and marketing: The Best Solutions Vitanovacka 18/5 Street 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone/fax: +381 11 3960 388 Phone: +381 11 4099 344 Web:, E-mail: Director: Ivan Milic Editor-in-Chief: Miona Milic Editorial team: Svetlana Gavric, Mirjana Jokic, Miroslava Jeremic Translation: Lexica Translation Agency Design & Layout: Dizajn Studio Nemet Printing office: Štamparija Stojkov Circulation: 3.000 Periodicity: quarterly Issue date: May 2016. No 21 Annual subscription for SEEbtm magazine, VAT and shipment included (4 issues) for: - Serbia 2,500.00 RSD - abroad (4 issues) 35.10 EUR Request for subscription please send to an e-mail: Copyright © The Best Solutions All rights reserved Although every effort is made to ensure that ac­curacy of information contained in this pu­ bl­i­­cation, The Best Solutions cannot be he­ld re­sponsible for any errors or inaccuracies conta­ i­­ned within it. For the content reproduction it is required to get the written editorial co­nsi­ gnment. CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 640. 4 ( 497 ) ( 036 ) 338. 48 - 6 : 65 (497) SEEbtm : Southeast Europe business travel and meetings magazine : 2016 / [ editor in chief Miona Milić ] . - 21st ed. - Belgrade : The Best Solutions , 2016 ( Belgrade : Stojkov ). 96 str . : fotogr . ; 30 cm

Sharing content, knowledge, and information is, without a doubt, a mark of this day and age. Also, among the customary notions of today are sharing, lending, and borrowing – of spa­ce, accommodation, equipment, clothes: basi­cally, of anything that could come to your mind. The main objective is quite simple: achieving greater cost effectiveness by determining how many times would something be used and then deciding which would pay off more – buy­ing or renting or sharing. Kind of like deciding between diesel and petrol cars. All this is nothing new, but with the development of social media in the last ten years, the sharing economy has taken on an entirely new dimension. Airbnb, SnapGoods, Uber, and the like are pioneers of applying this concept, which they have turned into a global trend that will significantly affect – and is already affecting – the industries in which they have presence. The list goes on: hotel accommodation, elec­ tronic devices, car service, or transportation are just some of the categories that will soon be forced to somehow reshape their service or product range. The impact of this concept’s growth is also reflected in Apple’s recent decision to invest as much as one billion dollars in Didi, Uber’s biggest rival in China.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t r o d u c t i o n

As an industry in which global trends are instantly reflected, the event planning industry is abuzz with discussions about the sharing economy. One example is a survey on this issue conducted by IMEX Group whose results were announced at the recent IMEX trade­ show in Frankfurt. Still, this year’s hot-spot on this subject would definitelly be on the The Sharing Economy Conference 2016 itself, on 30th June in London. You can read about its implementation, advantages, disadvantages, and overall impact in this issue of SEEbtm magazine, with a focus on the implementation and industry opi­ nions in South East Europe region. While we’re at sharing, turn page 24 to read about the importance of convention centers in the meetings industry, about all of the bigger investments in convention centers in the world over the last few years, as well as their ROIs and benefits to economy. Maybe this sharing of information collected through research will help regional influencers make their decisions. Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Norman MacEwan

Tiraž 3 . 000 . ISBN 978-86-87655-00-3 1. Milić, Miona [ главни и одговорни уредник ] а ) Угоститељски објекти - Балканске државе - Водичи COBISS . SR - ID 152412940

Miona Milic, Editor-in-Chief

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


c o n t e n t s

50. Trends:

Food Truck Trend on Events

24. Industry:

New Worldwide Investments in Convention Centres

43. Research:

Applying the Sharing Economy in Event Planning

64. Destination:



Hot topics:

Harley-Davidson in Portoroz

90. Interesting:

Street Art – A Worthwhile Art Form News ...................................................................6 Events ...............................................................10 New and improved ............................................16 Industry: New Worldwide Investments in Convention Centres......................................24 Technology: Facebook Developer Conference - F8 .............32 Cover story: Sharing Economy in Event Industry................37 Research: Applying the Sharing Economy in Event Planning.............................................43 Hotel: Kraljevi Cardaci Spa, Kopaonik . .....................47

Trends: Food Truck Trend at Events . .............................50 DT Croatia and Talas-M DMC: Regional Cooperation Pushing the Envelope in Event Planning . .....55 Interview: Goran Vlasic, Innovation Institute, Zagreb ..........................60 Destination: Portoroz – Small City with Great Opportunities . ............64 Hot topics: Harley-Davidson Brings Extraordinary Motorycles Experience in Portoroz.................69

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

Kempinski Palace Portoroz: A Pearl of Luxury on the Adriatic Coast .......................................73 Hoteli Bernardin: 40 Years of Hospitality Tradition .......................................75 Exhibition: Venue Expo 2016 . ...........................................80 Exhibition: ibtm world 2016 . ............................................84 Interesting: Street Art – A Worthwhile Art Form....................................90 Term dictionary .................................................94 Interesting news ...............................................96

n o v o s t i IN HOTEL DOBITNIK ZAHVALNICE ZA DRUŠTVENO ODGOVORNO POSLOVANJE IN Hotel Beograd dobitnik je Zahvalnice za društveno odgovorno poslovanje u 2015. godini koju dodeljuje Privredna komora Beograda. Na svečanoj dodeli zahvalnica predstavnici IN Hotela imali su priliku da predstave politiku društveno odgovornog ponašanja i brojne akcije realizovane u tom duhu tokom 10 godina od kada je otvoren. Poslovanje IN Hotela na najviši način je vrednovano i sertifikatom Excellent SME Serbia u februaru 2016. godine, a koji dodeljuje Privredna komora Srbije. Ovim sertifikatom se potvrđuje visoka bonitetna ocena i primerena kredibilnost, kako u domaćem tako i u međunarodnom poslovnom okruženju.

PEŠČANA PLAŽA ISPRED HOTELA RADISSON BLU OLD MILL Hotel Radisson Blu Old Mill će ovog leta obradovati sve Beograđane otvaranjem peščane plaže koja će zauzimati 200 kvadratnih metara. Plaža će biti otvorena 9. juna na Piazzi ispred hotela, a posetiocima će biti dostupna sve do 28. avgusta. Pored otvaranja plaže, hotel je najavio i odličan provod za sve pose­ tioce uz osvežavajuće letnje koktele i odličnu hranu, kao i gledanje Evropskog prvenstva u fudbalu 2016 na velikom platnu i takmičenjima u stonom fudbalu.

BERLIN PRVI NA ICCA LISTI 2015 Na osnovu ICCA statističkog izveštaja za 2015. godinu, koji je objavljen 17. maja grad Berlin je izbio na prvo mesto po broju održanih međunarodnih događaja, pomerajući Pariz na drugo mesto. U prvih 5 gradova i dalje ostaju, pored Pariza, gradovi koje se godinama tu nalaze – Beč, Madrid, Barselona, London. Lisabon i Kopenhagen su ove godine ušli u top 10 gradova, popevši se za 3 mesta na listi. Nekih većih promena u top 10 gradova nema, osim što se može primetiti da Pariz, Madrid i Beč imaju čak 28, 29 i 24 respektivno, događaja manje u poređenju sa 2014. godinom.

NOVI LETOVI IZ/DO BEOGRADA Avio kompanije Air Srbija i Wizz Air uvele su nove letove, koji će Beograd povezivati sa Njujorkom, Sankt Petersburgom i Baden-Badenom. Naime, Air Srbija planira da od 18. juna 2016. godine uvede direktan let iz Beograda za Sankt Petersburg, a letovi će se obavljati tri puta nedeljno. Direktni letovi za Njujork, koje je ova kompanija uvela nakon 24 godine će se obavljati od 23. juna i putnici će moći da biraju između 5 nedeljnih polazaka. Let Beograd-Njujork je ujedno i prvi dugolinijski let ove avio kompanije. Wizz Air je od marta počeo sa letovima ka Baden-Badenu a letovi se obavljaju dva puta nedeljno. Takođe, Wizz Air je pored leta za Beograd uveo i let iz Niša ka Dortmundu.

UBER ĆE PLATITI 10 MILIONA DOLARA ZA POSLOVANJE NA NEWARK AERODROMU U narednih 10 godina, Uber će platiti 10 miliona dolara kako bi svoje poslovanje mogao da obavlja na aerdoromu Newark koji se nalazi na oko 24 kilometra jugozapadno od Menhetna. Pored naknade koju će plaćati aerodromu, Uber se složio i da obezbedi 1,5 miliona dolara u osiguranje od ogovornosti za sve vozače koji posluju preko Uber platforme, kao i da će sprovesti detaljnu proveru prošlosti vozača i sprovoditi politiku nulte tolerancije za vozače koji budu koristili drogu ili alkohol. SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

n e w s IN HOTEL BELGRADE WON AN AWARD FOR INITIATIVE IN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN Hotel Belgrade recently won an award for Initiative in corporate social responsibility for 2015, which was given by Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. At official ceremony of award receiving, IN Hotel representatives presented which kind of corporate social responsibility IN Hotel carried out throughout 10 years of its exist­ ence, and also, mentioned numerous socially responsible actions that were realized during this period of time. Excellent SME Serbia certificate is also, one of highest acknowledgement in business dealings that IN Hotel received in February 2016 by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia for high creditworthiness and continuity in successful business management.

SAND BEACH IN FRoNT OF RADISSON BLU OLD MILL HOTEL This summer, Radisson Blu Old Mill Hotel will surprise all citizens of Belgrade by opening a sand beach, which will occupy 200 square meters. The beach will be opened on 9th June in the Piazza in front of the hotel, and to visitors it will be available until 28th August. In addition to opening of the beach, the hotel has announced a great time for all visitors with refreshing summer cocktails and great food, as and watching the European Football Championship 2016 on the big screen and competitions in table football.

BERLIN TOOK 1ST PLACE ON ICCA LIST FOR 2015 Based on the ICCA statistics report for 2015, published on 17th May city of Berlin broke out on the top spot by number of held international events, moving city of Paris on second place. In the first 5 cities remain, beside Paris, cities which are in the top 5 for years - Vienna, Madrid, Barcelona, London. Lisbon and Copenhagen this year entered the top 10 cities, moving up three places on the list. There aren’t some major changes in the top 10 cities, unless it can be noted that Paris, Madrid and Vienna have even 28, 29 and 24 respectively, events less than in 2014 year.

NEW FLIGHTS FROM/TO BELGRADE Airline companies Air Serbia and Wizz Air have launched new flights which will connect Belgrade with New York, Saint Petersburg and with Baden-Baden. Namely Air Serbia plans to launch direct flights from 18th June 2016 from Belgrade to Saint Petersburg, and flights will be carried out 3 times a week. Direct flights to New York, which this company introduced after 24 years, will start from 23rd June and passengers will have the opportunity to choose between 5 flights per week. Flight Belgrade – New York is the first long distance flight of this company. From March 2016 Wizz Air has started with flights to Baden-Baden, which are carried out 2 times a week. Also, in addition to flight from Belgrade, Wizz Air has launched and flights from Nis to Dortmund.

UBER TO PAY $10M TO OPERATE AT NEWARK AIRPORT Uber will pay 10 million dollars to Newark over the next 10 years for the right to operate at the city’s airport, which is about 24km south west of Midtown Manhattan. In addition to the airport fee, Uber has agreed to provide 1.5 million dollars in liability insurance coverage for all drivers operating on the Uber platform, and to conduct extensive background checks on all drivers and enforce a zero-tolerance policy with regard to drug and alcohol use by drivers.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


Događaji u regionu jugoistočne Evrope 2. Kongres o prevenciji dopinga u sportu Beograd, Srbija 21. maj 2016. godine 2. Kongres o prevenciji dopinga u sportu održan je 21. maja 2016. godine u beogradskom Hotelu Zira. Kongres je organizovan od strane Antidoping agencije Republike Srbije, a održan je pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva omladine i sporta. Kongres je bio mesto na kome je formalno predstavljena Mreža za čistu igru kao jedinstvena asocijacija svih onih koji zajedno sa Antidoping agencijom Republike Srbije učestvuju u prevenciji dopinga u sportu. Pored predavača iz Srbije, na kongresu su učestvovali i predavači iz Bosne i Hercegovine i Slovenije. Na ovogodišnjem kongresu poseban akcenat bio je na temi hrane kao dopinga, odnosno na sve one dozvoljene stvari koje mogu da doprinesu poboljšanju sportskih rezultata, a koje nisu zabranjene.

Prostor: Hotel Zira

19. SEMINAR PEDIJATRIJSKE ŠKOLE Zlatibor, Srbija 05. – 11. jun 2016. godine 19. Seminar pedijatrijske škole Srbije održaće se u periodu od 05. do 11. juna 2016. godine u Hotelu Zlatibor Mona na Zlatiboru. Organizator seminara je Udruženje pedijatara Srbije, a među ovogodišnjim predavačima, uz predavače iz Srbije, učestvovaće i predavači iz Makedonije i Hrvatske. Na seminaru će se govoriti o aktuelnim temama iz oblasti kardiologije, nefrologije, pulmologije, socijalne pedijatrije, ishrane, metaboličkih poremećaja, imunologije, endokrinologije, itd. Pored predavanja u okviru seminara biće organizovane i radionice.

Prostor: Hotel Zlatibor Mona

KONVENCIJA HYUNDAI DISTRIBUTERA Dubrovački Vrtovi Sunca, Hrvatska 20. – 23. april 2016. godine Radisson Blu Resort & Spa u Dubrovačkim Vrtovima Sunca u pe­riodu od 20. do 23. aprila 2016. godine bio je domaćin me­đunarodne Hyundai konvencije distributera iz istočne Eu­rope i CIS-a, 2016 Hyundai CIS & Eastern European Dealers Convention. Konvencija je okupila 100 učesnika koji su stigli iz Rusije, Ukrajine, Hrvatske, Makedonije, BIH, Srbije, Rumunije, Bugarske, Mađarske, Kirgistana i Azerbejdžana, a u Dubrovniku su ostali 3 dana. U sklopu konvencije dodeljene su nagrade za najbolje distributere u regionu, ali i najavljeni novi modeli Hy­undai automobila. Još jedno događanje iz auto-moto sveta odabralo je Dubrovnik kao svoju destinaciju, a pristupačna lo­kacija i ekskluzivni objekti Radisson Blu Resorta & Spa u Du­ brovačkim Vrtovima Sunca čine ovaj resort top destinacijom za organizovanje konferencija, insentiv putovanja i banketa.

Prostor: Radisson Blu Resort & Spa

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

d o g a đ a j i ECM LETNJA ŠKOLA Zagreb, Hrvatska 27. – 31. avgust 2016. godine ECM letnja škola održaće se u zagrebačkom hotelu Sheraton u periodu od 27. do 31. avgusta 2016. godine, u organizaciji European Cities Marketing. Seminar predstavlja jedinstvenu priliku za profesionalce koji rade u hotelima, DMC i PCO agencijama, kongresnim centrima i biroima, turističkim organizacija­ ma, avio kompanijama da steknu nova znanja. Cilj seminara je da se učesnici upoznaju sa najnovijim marke­ tinškim alatima i pomoći im da razviju znanja i veštine koje su potrebne kako bi bili uspešni u oblasti kongresne industrije. Prenošenje teo­rijskih i praktičnih znanja o trendovima u svetskoj kongresnoj industriji sa naglaskom na primere iz prakse naj­uspešnijih evropskih kongresnih destinacija će biti u fokusu seminara.

Prostor: Hotel Sheraton

MARINA FRAPA BUSINESS CUP 2016 Rogoznica, Hrvatska 16. – 20. oktobar 2016. godine Marina Frapa Business Cup 2016 godine će se održati od 16. do 20. oktobra na vodi ispred marine Frapa u Rogoznici. Frapa Business Cup je međunarodna regata koja se organizuje u skladu sa najvišim standardima. Jedriličarski klub Frapa (JKF) je organizator regate, čiji ciljevi su nastavak tradicije okupljanja mnogobrojnih poslovnih partnera, promovisanje novih poslovnih odnosa i unapređivanje postojećih, a sve u opuštenoj atmosferi. Za učesnike ova regata predstavlja nautičko, poslovno i lično zadovoljstvo.

Lokacija: Marina Frapa

ADRIATIK NEUROLOŠKI FORUM Bečići, Crna Gora 01. – 05. jun 2016. godine Adriatik neurološki forum će se održati u hotelu Splendid Conference & Spa Resort u Bečićima, u periodu od 01. do 05. juna 2016. godine. Ovaj forum predstavlja najznačajnije regionalno okupljanje neurologa, koje zajednički organizuju Udruženje neurologa Hrvatske i Društvo neurologa Srbije. Glavne teme će biti epilepsija, multipla skleroza, i neurodegenerativne bolesti, a u okviru događaja održaće se i simpozijum mladih neurologa i poster sesije. Predavanja će držati istaknuti profesori iz ovdašnjeg regiona, ali i iz Evropske Unije, Turske i Izraela.

Prostor: Hotel Splendid Conference & Spa Resort

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

15. EADV PROLEĆNI SIMPOZIJUM Budva, Crna Gora Maj 2018. godine Udruženje Dermatovenerologa Crne Gore dobilo je organizaciju 15. EADV prolećnog simpozijuma koji će se održati u Budvi 2018. godine. Prolećni simpozijum je zakazan za kraj maja, a održaće se u Hotelu Splendid Conference & Spa Resort i Hotelu Mediteran u Bečićima. Prema procenama organizatora, očekuje se učešće od preko 1.500 dermatovenerologa iz čitave Evrope i Mediteranskih zemalja. Prezentacija kandidatura održana je na EADV prolećnom simpoziju­mu u Atini 18. maja, a Crna Gora je zahvaljujući studioznim pripre­mama koje su trajale godinu dana osvojila kandidaturu. Inače, pored Crne Gore kan­didaturu su podneli i Porto (Portugal) i Rejkjavik (Island), a prethod­ni domaćini EADV prolećnog simpozijuma bili su Cavtat i Beograd.

Tehnički organizator: Agencija ASTAKOS Travel & Events učestvovala je u pripremi, razradi i podnošenju kan­didature, kao i u prezentaciji destinacije članovima borda direktora EADV-a. Takođe, agencija će biti i tehnički organizator predstojećeg simpozijuma.

21. EUMASS KONGRES Ljubljana, Slovenija 09. – 11. jun 2016. godine

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21. EUMASS i 4. Međunarodni kongres medicinskih stručnjaka u Republici Sloveniji održaće se u glavnom gradu Slovenije, Ljubljani, od 09. do 11. juna 2016. godine. Kongres je namenjen doktorima i istraživačima, profesionalcima koji se bave i koji su zainteresovani za medicinu u osiguranju i socijalnom osiguranju u javnom i pri­vatnom sektoru, a posebno za oblasti vođenja i izdavanja potvrda za bolovanje zbog bolesti ili povreda, procenjivanja radnih sposobnosti i invalidnosti, kao i pra­ ćenje lečenja. Bolovanje, invalidnost, vraćanje na rad i praćenje/upravljanje rizikom u zdravstvenoj zaštiti su neke od glavnih tema koje će biti obrađene na kongresu. Predavači dolaze iz Holandije, Švedske, Švajcarske, Rumunije, Nemačke, Francuske i Slovenije. Organizatori kongresa su Evropsko udruženje medicinskih stručnjaka u osiguranju i socijalnom osiguranju (EUMASS), Zavod za penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje Slovenije, Zavod za zdravstveno osiguranje Slovenije i Univerzitetski institut za rehabilitaciju Republike Slovenije, a očekivani broj učesnika je 400.

Prostor: Grand Hotel Union

24. MAJSKI PULMOLOŠKI DANI Jahorina, BiH 26. – 28. maj 2016. godine 24. Majski pulmološki dani održani su u Hotelu Termag na Jahorini u periodu od 26. do 28. maja 2016. godine. Organizator događaja je Udruženje pulmologa / pneumoftiziologa RS i Klinika za plućne bolesti Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra (UKC) RS, a na događaju je učestvovalo oko 250 učesnika. Ovogodišnje majske pulmološke dane obeležila su predavanja i prezentacije najeminentnijih stru­ čnjaka kako iz Republike Srpske, tako i iz Fede­racije Bosne i Hercegovine, ali i iz zemalja EX YU. Neke od tema o kojima se govorilo bile su astma, napor i doping, pulmološke komplikacije u tru­d­ noći, karcinom pluća, itd.

Prostor: Hotel Termag

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


Events in the region of South East Europe 2nd Congress on the Prevention of Doping in Sport Belgrade, Serbia 21st May, 2016 2nd Congress on the Prevention of Doping in Sport took place on 21st May, 2016, at Hotel Zira in Belgrade. The congress was organized by the Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia and sponsored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The congress served as an opportunity to offi­ cially introduce the Clean Game Network (Mreža za čistu igru) as a unified association of all those involved in the prevention of doping in sport alongside the Anti-Doping Agency of Serbia. In addition to speakers from Serbia, the congress included lecturers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia. This year’s congress placed special focus on the issue of food used as doping – all those things that are allowed and that can contribute to improved athle­ tic performance, entailing no prohibitions or bans.

Venue: Hotel Zira

19th SCHOOL OF PEDIATRICS SEMINAR Zlatibor, Serbia 5th – 11th June, 2016 The 19th Serbian School of Pediatrics Seminar will take place at Hotel Zlatibor Mona at Zlatibor between 5th and 11th June, 2016. The seminar is organized by the Serbian Association of Pediatricians, and in addition to speakers from Serbia, this year’s event will also see lecturers from Macedonia and Croatia. The seminar will address current issues in cardiology, nephrology, pulmonology, social pediatrics, nutrition, metabolic disorders, immunology, endocrinology, etc. Along with lectures, the seminar will also include workshops.

Venue: Hotel Zlatibor Mona

Hyundai Dealers Convention Dubrovnik Sun Gardens, Croatia 20th – 23rd April, 2016 From 20th to 23rd April, 2016, the Radisson Blu Resort & Spa at Dubrovnik Sun Gardens hosted the International 2016 Hyundai CIS & Eastern Europe Dealers Convention. The convention brought together 100 participants that arri­ved from Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Her­ze­ go­vina, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan, and they spent three days in Dubrovnik. The convention also included an award ceremony, acknowled­ ging the best dealers in the region, as well as a presentation of new models of Hyundai cars. Another event from the auto industry decided on Dubrovnik as its destination, and the accessible location and the exclusive facilities of the Radisson Blu Resort & Spa at Dubrovnik Sun Gardens make this resort a top destination for conferences, incentive trips, and banquets.

Venue: Radisson Blu Resort & Spa


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

ECM SUMMER SCHOOL Zagreb, Croatia 27th – 31st August, 2016 The ECM Summer School will take place at the Hotel Sheraton in Zagreb between 27th and 31st August, 2016 and it is organi­ zed by European Cities Marketing. This seminar is a unique le­arning opportunity for professionals working at hotels, DMCs and PCOs, convention centers and bu­reaus, tourism organizations, and airlines. The seminar aims to enable participants to get familiar with the latest marketing tools and help them to develop the know-how they need in order to be successful in the MICE industry. The event places focus on the transferring of theoretical and practical knowled­ ge on global trends in the MICE industry, aiming special atten­ tion to real-life examples from the leading European MICE destinations.

Venue: Hotel Sheraton

MARINA FRAPA BUSINESS CUP 2016 Rogoznica, Croatia

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16th – 20th October 2016 Marina Frapa Business Cup 2016 will be held from 16th to 20th October, in the waters in front of Marina Frapa in Rogoznica. Frapa Business Cup represents an international regatta which is organized according to the highest standards. Organizer of regatta is Yacht Club Frapa (YCF) and the aim is to continue with linking numerous business partners, to promote new and to expand existing business relationships, all in a casual atmosphere. For participants regatta provides nautical, business and personal satisfaction.

Location: Marina Frapa

ADRIATIC NEUROLOGY FORUM Becici, Montenegro 1st – 5th June 2016 Adriatic Neurology Forum will be held at Hotel Splendid Conference & Spa Resort in Becici, in period from 1st to 5th June 2016. This forum represents the most significant regional neurologists meeting which is jointly organized by the Society of Serbian Neurologist and Croatian Neurologist Society. Epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases will be the main topics, and during the forum will be held and Young Neurologits Symposisum and poster session. Speakers at the forum are eminent professors from the region as well as from EU, Turkey and Israel.

Venue: Hotel Splendid Conference & Spa Resort

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


e v e n t s 15th EADV SPRING SYMPOSIUM Budva, Montenegro May, 2018 The Montenegrin Association of Dermatovenereologists has been selected to organize the 15th EADV Spring Symposium, which will take place in Budva in 2018. The spring symposium is planned for the end of May, and the chosen ve­nues are Hotel Splendid Conference & Spa Resort and Hotel Mediteran in Becici. According to the organizer’s estimations, more than 1,500 dermatovenereolo­gi­sts from across Europe and the Mediterranean region are expected to participate. The candidacies presentation was held at the EADV Spring Symposium in Athens on 18th May, and Montenegro won the bid to host the event thanks to meticulous preparations that lasted for a year. Furthermore, alongside Montenegro, Porto (Portugal) and Reykjavik (Iceland) also applied as candidates, and the previous EADV Spring Symposium hosts were Cavtat and Belgrade.

Technical organizer: ASTAKOS Travel & Events was involved in the preparation, elaboration, and submission of the bid, as well as in the presentation of the destination to members of the Board of Directors of EADV. Also, the agency will be technical organizer of the symposium.

21st EUMASS CONGRESS Ljubljana, Slovenia 9th – 11th June 2016 21st EUMASS and 4th International Congress of Medical Assessors in the Republic of Slovenia will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia from 9th and 11th June 2016. Congress is intended for doctors and researchers, professionals who are involved or interested in insurance and social medicine in public and private sectors, especially in managing and certifying sick leave due to illness or injury, work ability and disability assessment and treatment monitoring. Sick leave, disability, return to work, monitoring/risk management in health care will be some of the main topics at the congress. Speakers are coming from Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Romania, Germany, France and from Slovenia. The organizers of the congress are the European Union for Medicine in Assu­ rance and Social Security (EUMASS), the Pension and Invalidity Institute of Slo­venia, the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, and the University Reha­ bilitation Institute of Slovenia and expected number of participants is 400.

Venue: Grand Hotel Union

24th MAY DAYS OF PULMONOLOGY Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina 26th – 28th May, 2016 24th May Days of Pulmonology took place at Hotel Termag in Jahorina between 26th and 28th May, 2016. The event was organized by the Association of Pulmonologists and Pneumophysiologists of the Republic of Srpska and the Pulmonary Disease Clinic of the University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska, with around 250 participants attending. This year’s May Days of Pulmonology were marked by lectures and presentation given by the most eminent experts from both the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as from the countries of former Yugoslavia. The topics that were discussed included asthma, fatigue and doping, pulmonological complications in pregnancy, lung cancer, and else.

Venue: Hotel Termag


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


Počinje izgradnja Hilton Hotela u Beogradu Beograd će postati bogatiji za još jedan objekat svetskog hotelskog lanca. Naime, 17. aprila 2016. godine počela je izgradnja luksuznog Hilton Hotela, koji će se nalaziti na uglu ulica Kralja Milana i Kralja Milutina. Prvi hotel međunarodnog lanca „Hilton Hotels and Resorts” u Beogradu zauzimaće površinu od 32.418 kvadratnih metara, a raspolagaće sa 250 soba i apartmana. Pored smeštajnog dela u sklopu hotela će se naći i dodatni sadržaji, a među njima je i restoran sa otvorenom terasom, koji će se prema planu nalaziti na krovu hotela i odakle će se pružati prelep pogled na Novi Beograd.

Novo i

RENOVIRANO Nov hotel u Sutomoru Sato Hotel Conference & Spa Resort u Sutomoru se od aprila 2016. godine na tržištu plasirao kao moderan i atraktivan hotel sa četiri zvezdice. Nekadašnji hotel Nikšić je kompletno renoviran i sada u ponudi ima raznovrsne pogodnosti kako bi izašao u susret očekivanjima gostiju. Hotel raspolaže sa 115 savremeno opremljenih soba sa terasom, barom na 10 spratu „Sky bar”, restoranima „Mediterraneo” i „Lungo Mare”, kao i prostranom terasom sa pogledom na more. Prednosti hotela su potpuno nov bazen sa predivnim platoom za sunčanje, kao i teretana. Da hotel može da ponudi i više od prenoćišta, govori savremeni konferencijski prostor koji čine tri atraktivne sale.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Renovirani Hotel Palma Tivat Hotel Palma, koji se nalazi u Tivtu od juna 2016. godine će imati nov izgled ali i dodatne sadržaje. Radovi na rekonstrukciji hotela su započeti u februaru ove godine, i prema izjavi komapnije Primorje Hotels & Restaurants, u čijem se sastavu hotel nalazi sve se odvija prema planu. Hotel će nakon rekonstrukcije biti savremeni gradski hotel sa 4 zvezdice koji će gostima nuditi 113 moderno opremljenih soba, kao i spa centar. Investicije uložene u rekonstrukciju hotela iznose oko 2 miliona evra.

Povećanje kapaciteta Hotela Palmon Bay and Spa Nakon otvaranja Hotela Palmon Bay and Spa tokom 2015. godine, koji je kategorisan sa 4 zvezdice, investitori su odlučili da tokom 2016. godine povećaju ka­pacitete ali i da urede okruženje oko hote­la. Naime, Primorje Hotels & Restaurants, u čijem se sastavu na­lazi hotel, uspešno privodi kra­ju drugi deo rekonstrukcije E blo­ka hotela, kao i kupališta ispod hotelskog zdanja pa će tako plaža imati nov izgled. Rekonstruisani blok hotela raspolagaće sa 40 novih soba i apartmana. U sklopu kupališta na­laziće se i veliki otvoreni bazen, konoba i plažni bar.

Proširenje hotelskog kompleksa Casa del Mare Hotel Casa del Mare u Kamenarima će krajem godine početi sa radovima na proširenju hotelskog kompleksa sa ciljem postizanja kategorije 4 ili 5 zvezdica. Ovim proširenjem povećao bi se broj smeštajnih jedinica sa 8 na 18, ali izgradili i novi sadržaji kao što su spa centar sa zatvorenim bazenom, saunom, turskim kupatilom, teretanom, prostorijom za masažu. Takođe, u planu je i izgradnja multimedijalne sale kapaciteta do 50 mesta, kao i proširenje restorana, otvorenog bazena, panoramskog lifta koji će ići do krovne terase na kojoj će biti lounge deo i restoran sa zen baštom i đakuzijem za 6 osoba. Inače, početak radova je planiran nakon završetka letnje sezone, tačnije početkom oktobra 2016. godine.

Nov paviljon Hotela Olympia Vodice Novi paviljon Hotela Olympia Vodice – paviljon C kao glavni i najekskluzivniji deo hotelskog kompleksa biće smešten uz slobodnu južnu stranu sportske i kon­ gresne sale. Paviljon će raspolagati sa 127 soba, 13 apartmana i 6 soba prilagođenih osobama s invaliditetom najviše hotelske kategorije. Terasastim oblikom gradnje hotela osigurava se vizuelno uklapanje u postojeće objekte kompleksa, eksklu­ zivnost hotelskih soba i apartmana s optimalnom orijentacijom i insolacijom. Svaka soba imaće veliku terasu s po­gledom na more. U prizemlju će se nalaziti 4 konferencijske sale koje će moći međusobno da se spoje. Na 8. spratu pored soba predviđen je i fitnes centar. Krovna terasa na 9. spratu biće opremljena otvorenim grejanim bazenom, a pored bazena nalaziće se caffe bar. Sky restoran koji će se nalaziti na 10. spratu raspolagaće sa 150 mesta i biće u potpunosti zastakljen i pružaće panoramski pogled od 360 stepeni.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


Construction of Hilton Hotel in Belgrade is Starting Belgrade will be richer for one more venue of world’s hotel chain. Namely, on 17th April 2016 started the construction of luxurious Hilton Hotel, which will be located on the corner of streets Kralja Milana and Kralja Milutina. The first hotel of the international chain “Hilton Hotels and Resorts” in Belgrade will occupy the area of 32,418 square meters, and it will have 250 rooms and suits. Beside accommodation area, within the hotel will be and additional facilities, such as restaurant with opened terrace. According to the plan, restaurant will be located on the roof of the hotel and it will have a beautiful view on New Belgrade.

New and

IMPROVED New Hotel in Sutomore Sato Hotel Conference & Spa Resort in Sutomore entered the market in April 2016 as a modern and attractive 4-star hotel. The former Hotel Niksic is completely renovated and now offers a wide range of contemporary services and facilities to meet and exceed its guests’ expectations. The hotel has 115 modernly designed rooms with balconies, the “Sky Bar” on the 10th floor, restaurants “Mediterraneo” and “Lungo Mare”, as well as spacious sea-view terrace. The hotel’s unique features are the new pool with a beautiful sun deck and a modern gym. Sato Hotel offers three hightech conference rooms suitable for conferences and events.


SEE Business BusinessTravel Travel&&Meetings Meetingsmagazine magazine | februar | May 2016

Renovated Hotel Palma From June 2016, Hotel Palma in Tivat will be completely re­designed and it will have additional facilities. Work on the r­econstruction of the hotel started in February this year, and according to the statement of company Primorje Hotels & Restau­ ran­ts, under which hotel op­e­­­r­a­tes, everything is going ac­cor­ding to plan. After the reconstruction ho­­tel will be a modern 4 stars ci­ty hotel with 113 rooms and a spa center. Reconstruction of the hotel is worth about 2 million euros.

Increased Capacity at Palmon Bay and Spa Hotel After the opening of the four-star Palmon Bay and Spa Hotel in 2015, the investors decided to increase the hotel’s capacity in 2016, in addition to grooming the surroun­dings around the hotel. Primorje Hotels & Restaurants, the group that owns the hotel, is successfully completing the final steps of the second part of reconstructing the hotel’s E block and the swimming area below the hotel building, so the beach will get a makeover. The reconstructed hotel block will offer 40 new rooms and suits. The swimming area will include a large opened pool, tavern and a beach bar.

Casa del Mare Hotel Complex Expands By the end of the year, the Casa del Mare Hotel in Kamenari will begin works on the expansion of the hotel complex with the aim to meet the four-star or five-star category requirements. This expansion would increase the number of accommodation units from 8 to 18 and provide new amenities such as a spa with an indoor pool, sauna, Turkish bath, gym, and massage room. In addition, a multimedia meeting room with up to 50 seats is set for construction, as well as an expansion of the restaurant, outdoor pool, and panoramic elevator that will go up to the roof terrace where a lounge section and a restaurant with a Zen garden will be located, along with a hot tub for six persons. The works are planned to start after the summer season ends, at the beginning of October 2016.

New Pavilion at Olympia Vodice Hotel As the main and most exclusive part of the hotel complex, the new pavilion of the Olympia Vodice Hotel – the C pavilion – will be situated along the free south side of the sports and convention hall. The pavilion will include 127 rooms, 13 suites, and 6 rooms fitted to people with disabilities, all of which are top category. The terrace-like structure of the hotel ensures visual alignment with the existing complex facilities, as well as exclusivity of the hotel rooms and suites, which have ideal orientation and insolation. All rooms will have spacious terraces with sea view. The ground floor will host 4 conference rooms that can be joined together. A fitness center is planned for the 8th floor in addition to rooms. The roof terrace on the 9th floor will be equ­ ipped with an outdoor heated pool, next to which a café bar will be located. The sky restaurant on the 10th floor will ha­ve 150 seats; it will be fully in glass and will offer a 360 panoramic view.

SEE Business BusinessTravel Travel&&Meetings Meetings magazine magazine | februar | May 2016



Čemu rekonstrukcija i izgradnja novih?

Nove globalne investicije u kongresne centre Kongresni centri predstavljaju kamen temeljac kongresne industrije svake zem­­ lje i grada. Posebno kada je reč o vidljivosti na globalnom kongresnom trži­štu, ve­­li­kim međunarodnim okupljanjima, udruženjima, punoj popunjenosti hotela i sličnog. Sve ove stvari prosto podrazumevaju postojanje odgovarajućeg kon­g­ resnog centra. Mnoge zemlje i gradovi sprovode rekonstrukciju i izgradnju kongresnih centara kao meru privrednog razvoja ili oporavka.

S obzirom na to da Austrija nije pre­te­ rano velika zemlja i da pri p­la­ni­ranju događaja na raspolaganju ima­te 7 kongresnih centara, navedena broj­ ka je poprilično impresivna.

S druge strane, tu i nema nekih izne­nađenja – ove zemlje su lideri u kongresnoj industriji, ne samo u Evro­pi već i u celom svetu. Treba spo­menuti i Holandiju i Belgiju,

Ta činjenica nam pruža uvid u veliku važnost i uticaj kongresnih ce­ntara, ne samo u okviru kongresne in­du­ strije i poslovnog turizma, već i po pitanju značajnih ekonomskih koris­ ti za kompletnu destinaciju. Hajde da pogledamo šta se na de­stinacijama širom sveta radi sa kon­gresnim centrima u poslednjih neko­liko godina.

Ludost ili mudrost? Kada je reč o kvantitetu, Španija i Ve­lika Britanija imaju po čak 13 kongresnih centara, dok ih u Nemačkoj takođe ima u velikom broju – 8 kon­ gresnih centara.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Halifax Ballroom, Nova Skotija, Severna Amerika

ko­je ima­ju po „samo“ 4 centra. Pita­ te se da li ove zemlje razmišljaju o ko­ngres­nim centrima kao važnom delu svojih ekonomskih strategija?

Poslednje investicije u kongresne centre širom sveta U nastavku teksta možete da saznate više o tome šta su druge zemlje radile i šta trenutno rade sa svojim kongresnim centrima, navedeno hronološki od 2011. godine. · U Lozani se nalazi jedan od najve­ ćih prostora u Švajcarskoj, kongre­ sni i izložbeni centar Beaulieu. Ovaj centar obuhvata 30 zasebnih prostora za događaje, uključujući Južne holove, koji su prošli rekonstrukciju 2011. godine. Centar Beaulieu u Lozani će nas­ ta­viti svoj razvoj renoviranjem Se­ ver­nih holova u bliskoj budućnosti i, nakon toga, južnog krila glavne zgra­de, sa hotelskim kompleksom, a sve to u sklopu projekta „Beau­ lieu 2020“. · Nakon niza zemljotresa u septembru 2010. godine u Krajstčurču, drugom gradu po veličini na No­vom Zelandu, i još jačih koji su se dogodili u februaru 2011. godi­ ne, izrađen je Centralni plan za

Kongresni centar SWISSTECH, Ženevsko jezero, Švajcarska

ob­novu Krajstčurča (Christchurch Central Recovery Plan (CCRP)), u kom je izložen budući razvoj grada. U sklopu Centralnog plana predviđen je projekat izgradnje Okruga kongresnih centara, kongresnog centra svetskog ranga koji će u Krajstčurč privući poslove, doga­ đaje i konferencije. Centar će moći da služi kao lokacija nekoliko događaja istovremeno, počevši od prostora za do 2.000 ljudi. Otvaranje centra predviđeno je za kraj 2018. godine. · Kongresni centar Adelaide predstavlja veliki kongresni centar u

Adelejdu u Australiji. U pitanju je prvi namenski izgrađeni kongresni centar u Australiji. Poslednje veliko proširenje najavljeno je 2011. godine, a prati ga investicija od 350 miliona dolara. Najnoviji dodatak centru, Zapadna zgrada, završen je i pušten u rad 2015. godine i već je poslužio kao lokacija za vrtoglavih 560 događaja u periodu od 12 meseci. Povrh toga, originalna plenarna zgrada centra, koja je izgrađena 1987. godine, porušena je kako bi se obezbedio prostor za izgradnju nove Istočne zgrade, čije otvaranje je planirano za 2017. godinu.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Međunarodni kongresni centar Royal (Royal ICC), Brizbejn, Australija

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


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Uz pomoć inovativnog sistema motorizovanih okretnih kli­no­ va postavljenih na svaki red sedišta i sakrivenih ispod platform­ ske konstrukcije, sedišta mogu da se podignu uz pomoć samo­ na­vodećeg sistema i rotiraju u obrnuti položaj ispod poda.

Obuhvata više od 46.500 m2 izlož­ benog prostora i 53 sale za sastanke. U junu 2012. godine BEXCO je proširen za salu sa 4.002 mesta za sedenje i nov izložbeni centar. · Hala 12 belgijskog centra Brussels Expo je 2013. godine potpuno transformisana u vrhunsku koncertnu salu i prostor za nastupe koji ima i funkciju kongresne sale sa velikim kapacitetom. Brussels Expo centar je 2015. godine najavio dodatne značajne investicije u renoviranje infrastru­ kture.

Kongresni centar SWISSTECH

· Takođe u Australiji, od otvaranja pre tri godine u martu 2013., najnoviji kongresni centar u Brizbej­nu – Međunarodni kongresni centar Royal (Royal ICC) – brzo je stekao reputaciju zahvaljujući tome što pruža personalizovano, luksuzno iskustvo održavanja događaja. Razvoj centra Royal ICC obuhvatio je i izgradnju hotela sa četiri zve-

zdice i 200 soba – Rydges hotela – koji se nalazi u centru i koji je otvoren u februaru ove godine. · Kongresni i sajamski centar B­usan, poznatiji pod imenom BEXCO, je kongresni i izložbeni centar koji se nalazi u Sentum Si­­tiju, Haeun­dae-gu, Busan, Južna Ko­reja.

· Kongresni centar SWISSTECH otvoren je u aprilu 2014. godine u regionu Ženevskog jezera u Švajcarskoj i postavio je nove standarde u transformisanju sto­ lica za sedenje i formata događaja. Njegova inovativna sala je u potpunosti modularna. Može da se pretvori iz konferencijske sale u sajamsku ili salu za bankete za samo 15 minuta. Uz pomoć kanadske „Gala Venue“ tehnologije, sali sa 2.205 mesta za sedenje dodaje se međusprat sa 795 mesta za

Kongresni i izložbeni centar BEXCO, Sentum Siti, Busan, Južna Koreja


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

sedenje, čime se dobija ukupni kapacitet od 3.000 sedišta. · U oktobru 2014. godine, posle pre­ ko 12 godina truda, sedam godina projektovanja i tri i po godine gra­đevinskih radova, kongresni cen­tar ICE Kraków otvorio je svoja vra­ta u Poljskoj. Krakov je 2015. godine bio drugi po redu grad u Poljskoj u pogledu broja organizovanih okupljanja i događaja, prema podacima iz izveštaja koji je pripremio Kongresni biro Poljske „Kongresna industrija u Poljskoj u 2016. godini“. Kongresni centar ICE Kraków je u značajnoj meri doprineo ovome – 68% okupljanja i događaja u Krakovu čine konferencije i kongresi. · Na kraju 2014. godine, završena je nova treća kula hotela Gothia Towers, koji je deo Švedskog iz­ložbenog i kongresnog centra u Go­tenburgu. Zahvaljujući tome, ovaj centar je postao najveća evropska lokacija sa potpuno integrisanim hotelskim i kongresnim prostorima pod jednim krovom. Ceo kompleks se prostire na

Kongresni centar ICE Kraków, Krakov, Poljska

180.000 kvadratnih metara i po­se­duje kapacitet za 9.500 ljudi. Obuhvata ukupno 1.200 hotelskih soba, 63 sale za sastanke, 41.000 kvadratnih me­tara izložbenog pro­stora i arenu za nastupe. Svake godine oko 1,8 miliona ljudi iz svih delova sveta dođe zbog posla, zabave i doživljaja. Kompletni centar je toliko velik da postoji mobilna aplikacija za snalaženje po njemu.

· U septembru 2015. godine ACC Liverpool otvorio je svoj novi prostor na 8.100 kvadratnih metara – Izložbeni centar Liverpool.

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Kompanija ACC Liverpool Group obezbedila je 126 miliona funti ekonomske koristi za Liverpul i okolni region u 2015. godini. nastavak na 23. strani

Gothia Towers, Gotenburg, Švedska

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Otvaranja kongresnih centara u 2016. godini Hag, Holandija. Kongresni centar World Forum otvoriće nov multifunkcionalni prostor pod svojim krovom u 2016. godini. Centar će tako dobiti mnogo sofisticiraniji i upečatljiviji ulaz. Površina obuhvata 2.500 m2, a objekat obezbeđuje ukupno 10.000 m2 izložbenog prostora. Razvoj ovog novog prostora deo je ukupne investicije u objekat od 25 miliona evra, koju obezbeđuje grad Hag kao vlasnik centra World Forum. Pored proširivanja konferencijskih sala koje će obezbediti ovaj novi prostor, takođe se ulaže i u izgled zgrade i utisak koji ostavlja, kao i kontrolu klime. Be­lfast Waterfront u Severnoj Irskoj

Belfast, Severna Irska. Sa otvaranjem zakazanim za maj 2016. godine, novo potpuno integrisano proširenje od 4.000 m2 će transformisati Be­ lfast Waterfront u Severnoj Irskoj u pravi svetski kongresni centar i udvostručiće prostor za održavanje događaja na 7.000 m2. Alpbach, Austrija. Od početka leta 2016. godine, kongresni centar Alp­ bach, koji se nalazi u središtu Tirolskih Alpa, obuhvataće dodatnih 1.234 m2 modularnih delova uz najnoviju tehnologiju. Sam objekat predstavlja zelenu gradnju koja je izuzetno energetski efikasna i poseduje sertifikate „Austrian Eco Label“ za zele­na okupljanja i međunarodni „Green Globe Certification“, u skladu sa stra­tegijom isticanja centra Alpbach kao destinacije za „zelena“ okup­ljanja.

Кongresni centar Alpbach, Austrija

Muskat, Oman. Kongresni i izložbeni centar Oman, koji se otvara 2016. godine, predviđen je da postane kultno obeležje Muskata i Omana, a nalazi se na samo deset minuta udaljenosti od novog međunarodnog aerodroma Muskat. Između ostalog, ovaj centar obuhvata salu sa 3.200 mesta za sedenje, 14 sala za sastanke i pre­ko 22.000 kvadratnih metara izložbenog pro­sto­ra. Centar će privlačiti investicije, otvarati radna me­ sta i doprinositi privredi uz jačanje razvoja. Prvi do­gađaj organizovan u centru biće Infra Om­ an 2016, godišnje okupljanje lidera i ključnih aktera u globalnoj građevinskoj industriji.

Punta del Este, Urugvaj

Punta del Este, Urugvaj. Uz otvaranje u drugoj po­ lovini 2016. godine, urugvajski ko­ngresni i iz­lo­žb­ e­ni centar Punta del Este obuhvataće 5.400 kva­d­ ratnih metara iz­ložbenog prostora, svečanu salu sa 2.600 mesta – koja važi za najveću u Urugvaju – i 14 dodatnih soba za pauze na sastancima. Sidnej, Australija. Sidnejska luka Darling H­arbour je lokacija novog prostora svetskog ranga za okupljanja, sajmove i zabavu (ICC Sydney), lu­k­su­­znog hotela sa pet zvezdica i živog komercijal­nog i sta­ mbenog urbanog naselja Darling Squ­are.

Darling H­arbour, Australija


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

ICC Sydney, projekat vredan 1,5 milijardi d­o­la­ ra, otvara se u decembru 2016. godine i već je potvrđeno 35 sajamskih događaja koji će po­kre­ nu­ti poslovnu sezonu 2017. godine, uz još 30 do­ gađaja za koje su pregovori u toku.

A od otvaranja 2008. godine, kom­ panija ACC Liverpool Group generisala je milijardu funti ekonomske koristi za lokalnu privredu. · U oktobru 2015. godine započeta je razvojna investicija vredna 5 mi­liona dolara u London kongre­ snom centru, koji se nalazi u ka­nadskom gradu Londonu. · U aprilu 2016. godine, Rotterdam Ahoy u Holandiji je posle velike renovacije arene Ahoy (završene 2011. godine) najavio iz­gradnju potpuno novog kongresnog cen­ tra. Multifunkcionalni prostor za organizaciju događaja sada re­novira svojih 20.000 m2 sala za izložbe i događaje i proširuje se za veliki međunarodni kongresni centar koji nosi naziv Rotterdam Ahoy Convention Centre (RACC), uključujući potpuno nov hotel sa 250 soba.

Velika ulaganja u američke kongresne centre U naredne tri godine (2016-2018), kongresni centar Miami Beach, kojim upravlja kompanija Spectra Venue Management, proći će renovaciju i proširenje vredne 515 miliona dolara koji će postaviti nove standarde. Kongresni centar Los Anđeles najavio je ukupno 470 miliona dolara za renovacije, rekonstrukciju i proširenje, koji su započeti ove godine i čiji je kraj planiran za decembar 2020. godine.

· Austria Center Vienna – najveći kongresni centar u Austriji sa ukupnim kapacitetom za 20.000 delegata, 24 sale za predavanja od 100 do 4.320 učesnika, 180 sala za sastanke i 22.000 m² izložbenog prostora – u jesen 2016. godine dobiće još 520 kvadratnih metara prostora za pet novih sala za sastanke. · Kongresni centar Halifax u Nova Skotiji u Severnoj Americi obuhvata više od 11.000 kvadratnih metara fleksibilnog prostora za održavanje događaja, uz ukupnu vrednost građevinskih radova od 164,2 miliona dolara.

Otvaranje ovog kongresnog centra planira se za početak 2017. godine. · Pre nekoliko dana, krajem maja, i Dubai je najavio planove za izgradnju novog kongresnog centra Al Jaddaf blizu Dubai Creek-a. Novi kongresni centar će zauzimati površinu od 55.000 m2 i moći će da smesti 10.000 ljudi. Otvaranje je planirano za 2 godine a investicije koje će biti uložene iznose 432 miliona evra. Novi kongresni centar deo je pripreme grada za World Expo 2020 koji će se održati u Dubaiju.

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Miona Milić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



Why Rebuilding and Building New Ones?

New Worldwide Investments in Convention Centres Convention center is a backbone of meetings industry of each country and city. Especially when we talk about visibility on world meetings market, big inter­na­­ tional congresses, associations, long time leads, full hotels occupancy and others. All of this simply isn’t discussible without proper convention center. Many countries and cities are do­ ing rebuilding and building of the co­n­vention centers as one of the me­a­sure of economic growth or re­co­very.

as a not so big country and the fact that there can be chosen among 7 congress centres to plan an event, is quite impressive. Although there’s nothing to be surprised about, since

That fact gives us insight of great importance and impact of conven­ tion center, not just in meetings and events industry and area of busi­ness tourism, but significant economic returns to the whole destination, too. Let’s take a look what destinations worldwide are doing with their convention centres last couple of years.

Are they crazy or wise? If we talk about quantity, Spain and UK have even 13 convention ce­n­t­res each, while Germany has al­so significant number - 8 cong­ ress cen­tres. Considering Austria


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these countries are the leaders in the meeting and event industry, not just in Europe, but in the world, too. Not to forget, Netherland and Belgium have “just” 4 of them, each.

Wondering do these countries th­i­nk about congress centres as an im­portant part of their economic st­ra­tegy?

Latest investments in convention centres worldwide Below you may read and have an insight of what other countries was and are doing with their congress centres, started chronologically from 2011. · Lausanne features one of Swit­zer­ land’s largest venues, the Be­au­lieu Convention & Exhibition Cen­tre. The centre disposes with 30 se­­pa­ rate event spaces, in­cluding the So­uth Halls, which were rebuilt in 2011. Beaulieu Lausanne will co­ntinue its development by re­­no­­­vating the North Halls in the ne­­ar future and, subsequently, the so­­uth wing of the main building, wi­­th hotel complex, all together as a part of “Beaulieu 2020” project. · After series of earthquakes in Ch­r­i­stchurch, New Zeland’s second la­r­gest city, on September 2010, and more damaging on February

SWISSTECH Convention Center, Lake Geneva Region, Switzerland

2011, The Christchurch Central Re­covery Plan (CCRP) has formed to outline the future development of the city. As a part of CCRP there is the project of building Convention Centre Precinct, a world-class Convention Centre which will attract business, events, and conferences to Christ­ church. The Centre will be able to host se­veral events at the same time; sta­rting with space for up to 2,000 people. The Centre is scheduled to be open for business at the end of 2018.

· The Adelaide Convention Centre is a large convention center in Ad­e­laide, Australia. It was the first purpose-built con­vention center to be built in Australia. The most recent big expansion was announced in 2011, with $350 investment. So, their newest addition, the We­st Building, was completed and began to operate in 2015 and already having hosted an astoun­ding 560 events over the 12 months. In addition, the Centre’s original plenary building, which dates ba­­ck to 1987, was demolished to

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Austria Center Vienna

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Using an innovative system of motorized swivel pins attac­ hed to each row of seats and concealed under the platform structure, seats are raised via a self-guiding system and ro­tated to an inverted position under the flooring.

SWISSTECH Convention Center

make way for construction of the new East Building – set to open in 2017. · Also in Australia, since opening 3 years ago, in March 2013, Bri­ sbane’s newest convention center, the Royal International Convention Centre (Royal ICC) has fast gained a reputation for offering

a personalised, boutique event experience. The Royal ICC development included also building of a four-star 200 room Rydges Hotel located on site, opened this year in February. · Busan Exhibition and Convention Center, commonly known as BEXCO is a convention and exhibi­

tion center located in Centum City, Haeundae-gu, Busan, South Korea. It features over 46,500 m2 of exhibition space and 53 me­et­ ing rooms. In June 2012, BEXCO completed its expansion to add a 4,002 seat auditorium and a new exhibition center. · In 2013, Hall 12 of the Brussels Expo in Belgium was completely transformed into a sophisticated concert hall and show venue that can also serve as high-capacity convention hall. In 2015, Brus­sels Expo announced additional significant investments into the renovation of its infrastructures. · Opened in April 2014, The SWIS­ STECH CONVENTION CENTER at the Lake Geneva Region in Swi­tzerland, set new standards in transforming seating options and event formats. Namely, the innovative au­ditori­ um is fully modular. It can be con­verted from conference au­di­to­rium, to exhibition hall, to ban­quet room in only 15 minutes.

ICE Kraków Congress Centre, Krakow, Poland


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

Using the Canadian “Gala Ve­nue” technology, the 2,205 - seat a­uditori­um is a 795 - seat m­ez­za­ ni­ne, for a total capacity of 3,000 seats. · In October 2014, after more than twelve years of effort, seven years of design work and three years and a half of construction works, ICE Kraków Congress Centre in Poland has opened. In 2015, Krakow was the second city in Poland in terms of the nu­mber of meetings and events, according to the “Meetings and event industry in Poland 2016” report prepared by the Poland Convention Bureau. The ICE Kraków Congress Centre contributed significantly to this 68% of meetings and events in Krakow are conferences and congresses. · At the end of 2014, a new third tower was completed at the Gothia Towers hotel, part of the Swedish Exhibition and Congress

Ahoy Arena, Rotterdam, Netherland

Centre in Gothenburg. This made this centre Europe’s largest fully integrated hotel and meetings venue under one roof. The whole complex covers an area of 180,000 sqm with capacity for 9,500 people. It includes total number of 1,200 hotel rooms, 63 meeting rooms, 41,000 sqm of exhibition space and a show arena. Every year, around 1.8 million peo-

ple from all over the world visit this Centre because of business, entertainment and experience. Overall, the centre is so huge that there is a smartphone app for navigating your way around it. In 2015, turnover increased by 30 million euros and visitor numbers by just over 20 per cent.

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Continued on page 29

ACC Liverpool , United Kingdom

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Convention Centres Openings in 2016 Den Haag, Netherlands. The World Forum Convention Center will be opening a new multifunctional space under the current awning in 2016. This will give the World Forum a much more stylish and distinctive entrance. The area itself is 2,500 m2 and the venue provides a total of 10,000 m2 of exhibition space. The development of this new space is part of the total of 25 million euros the City of The Hague is investing in the building as the owner of the World Forum. In addition to the expansion of the conference rooms as a result of this new space, investments are also being made in the look and feel of the building and the climate control. Belfast, Northern Ireland

Belfast, Northern Ireland. Opening in May 2016, a new fully integrated 4,000 m2 extension, will transform Belfast Waterfront in Northern Ireland into a truly world class conference centre, and double their ev­ent space to 7,000 m2. Alpbach, Austria. As from early summer 2016 the Congress Centrum Alpbach, at the heart of the Tyrolean Alps, will boast an additional 1,234 sqm of modular areas and the latest technology. The venue itself is Green Building with high energy efficiency, with “Austrian Eco Label” for Green Meetings and international “Green Globe Certification”, in accordance with strategy of putting Alpbach on the map as a Green Meeting destination.

Alpbach, Austria

Muscat, Oman. Opening in 2016, the new Oman Convention & Exhibi­ tion Centre is set to become an iconic landmark for Muscat and the Sultanate of Oman, positioned only 10 minutes from the new Muscat International Airport. Amongst its features are auditorium seating for 3,200 people, with 14 meeting rooms and more than 22,000 sqm of exhibition space. The OCEC’s will be attracting investment, creating jobs and contributing to the economy and powering growth. The inaugural event will be Infra Oman 2016, the annual meeting place for industry leaders and key players from the world’s construction industry.

Muscat, Oman

Darling Harbour, Australia


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Punta del Este, Uruguay. Opening in second half of 2016, the Punta del Este Convention & Exhibition Center in Uruguay will boast 5,400 sqm of exhibition space, a 2,600 capacity ball room – said to be the largest in Uruguay – and 14 further breakout rooms. Sydney, Australia. Sydney’s Darling Harbour is a home to the new world class convention, exhibition and entertainment venue (ICC Sydney), a luxury 5 star hotel, and a vibrant commercial and residential urban village called Darling Square. ICC Sydney, a $1.5 billion project, opening in December 2016, already confirmed 35 exhibition events to launch its 2017 business events season, with further 30 under negotiation.

· In September 2015, ACC Liverpool opened its new, 8,100 sqm venue Exhibition Centre Liverpool. The ACC Liverpool Group delivered £126m of economic benefit to Liverpool and the region in 2015. And since their first opening in 2008, The ACC Liverpool Group has generated £1bn in economic benefit for the local economy. · In October 2015, started $5milion improvement investment into the London Convention Centre based in a Canadian city London. · On April 2016, Rotterdam Ahoy in Netherland announced, after the big refurbishment of the Ahoy Arena (finished in 2011), brand new convention centre. The multifunctional event venue is now refurbishing its 20,000 m2 Exhibition & Event Halls and is expanding with a large international Convention Centre, named the Rotterdam Ahoy Convention

Huge investments in US convention centres Over the next three years (2016-2018), the Miami Beach Convention Center, managed by Spectra Venue Management, will be undergoing a $515 million renovation and expansion that will set a new standard of excellence. Los Angeles Convention Center announced total of $470 million for renova­ tion, reconstruction and expansion, began this year with ultimate project completion in December 2020.

Centre (RACC), including brand new 250 room hotel. · Austria Center Vienna, Austria’s largest conference centre, which has a total capacity for 20,000 delegates and offers 24 lecture rooms for between 100 and 4,320 participants, 180 meeting rooms and 22,000 m² of exhibition space, from autumn 2016 will be adding 520 m2 of space for five new me­ eting rooms. · Nova Scotia’s new Halifax Convention Centre in North America, offers over 120,000 square feet of flexible event space, with the

total construction cost of $164.2 million. The convention centre is set to open in early 2017. · Couple of days ago, at the end of May, Dubai has also announced plans to build a new convention center in Al Jaddaf near Dubai Creek. The new facility, which will span 55,000 sqm and provide space for 10,000 people, is scheduled to be completed in 2 years at a cost of €432 million. The new convention center is part of the city’s run-up to World Expo 2020, which will take place in Dubai.

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Miona Milic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016



Facebook Developer Conference - F8

Kako će nove Facebook mogućnosti uticati na kongresnu industriju? Na godišnjoj konferenciji Facebook Developer Conference - F8 održanoj u San Francisku 12. i 13. aprila 2016. godine, predstavljene su i najavljene nove funkci­ onalnosti Facebook platforme. Unapređene mogućnosti, alati i fun­ kcije koje Facebook pruža program­ erima su brojne. Međutim, nove fu­ n­kcionalnosti omogućuju mnoštvo noviteta i po pitanju organizacije do­ gađaja i kongresne industrije. Naime, velika pažnja na ovogodišnjoj F8 konferenciji posvećena je ra­z­ voju virtuelne realnosti. U hotel­skoj industriji virtuelne ture su u mnogome doprinele interaktivnosti posetilaca sajtova hotela. Virtuelne ture omogućuju korisnicima detaljni prikaz hotelskih kapaciteta i sadržaja, iz svojih kancelarija ili domova. Nije neophodno da fizički budu prisutni, što umnogome može uticati na brzinu odlučivanja, ali i razmatranja većeg broja prostora (za koje do sada nije bilo vremena da se fizički obiđu) prilikom organizacije događaja. Unapređenjem ovih tehnologija otvaraju se mogućnosti koje hoteli, prostori i ostali učesnici u organizaciji događaja mogu iskoristiti za svoju


promociju na ovoj društvenoj mreži. Organizatorima događaja ova funkcionalnost omogućava pregled sala, soba i ostalih sadržaja koji su im po­trebni za određeni događaj i pre nego što zapravo posete objekte, što u mnogome skraćuje vreme potrebno za pronalaženje pravog prostora za događaj. Takođe, na ovaj način omogućeno je pretraživati hotele i event prostore u drugim gradovima ili državama sa jasnim uvidom u stvarnu ponudu. CEO Facebook-a, Mark Zuckerberg, najavio je u narednim godinama razvijanje novih i modernijih gedžeta virtuelne realnosti. Nove VR naočare izgledaće kao obi­ čne naočare za vid. Konferencije, seminari i ostali poslovni i edukativni skupovi mogli bi da dobiju apsolutno drugu dimenziju uz pomoć novih gedžeta virtuelne realnosti. Live stream video, još jedan je od noviteta objavljenih na F8.

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Na Facebook će od sada moći da se prenosi live stream video sa bilo koje kamere, čak i sa drona. Ova mogućnost daće veću interakti­ vnost i prilikom nekog događaja, npr. postavljanjem videa na zvaničnu Facebook stranicu događaja u realnom vremenu.

CEO Facebook-a, Mark Zucker­ berg, najavio je u narednim go­dinama razvijanje novih i mo­de­rnijih gedžeta virtuelne re­a­l­nosti. Na ovogodišnjoj konferenciji Facebo­ ok je predstavio i nove mogućnosti opcije namenjene za kreiranje događaja „Events”. Nove funkcionalnosti su: kupovina ka­rata, check-in, postavljanje fotografija događaja, pretraživanje pozi­ vnica, agende, kalendar događaja, itd. Za organizatore koji upravljaju sa više događaja u isto vreme nove mogućnosti će im svakako olakšati i ubrzati posao. Razvoj tehnologija i društvenih mre­ ža doveo je do povećanja interaktivnosti i inovativnosti u svakom poslu, a samim tim i događaji su sve više „tech-savvy”. Prednosti new age te­h­nologije i korišćenja Facebook platforme prilikom organizacije događaja su razne, npr.

aplikacije o događajima je moguće preuzeti na mobilne telefone, Face­ book pomaže organizatorima sa pro­ cesom registracije i pozivanja gosti­ ju, moguće je postavljati sve izmene i obaveštenja koja delegati prate pu­tem Facebook stranica događaja, povećava se networking i interakti­ vnost među učesnicima i sl.

Iz svega navedenog možemo zaključiti da organizatori događaja moraju pratiti i primenjivati, u meri koje procene da im je potrebno, nove trendo­ ve koje današnje vreme i pruža i nameće u pogledu novih tehnologija.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Miroslava Jeremić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



Facebook Developer Conference - F8

How Will Facebook’s New Features Affect the Event Industry? Facebook’s annual global developer conference, Facebook Developer Confe­ rence - F8 held in San Francisco from 12th to 13th April 2016, introduced and an­ nounced new features of the Facebook platform. Facebook is a platform that provides the developers with numerous advanced opportunities, tools and features. However, these new features enable a lot of innovation regarding event planning and event industry. Namely, great deal of attention was dedicated to Virtual Reality deve­lo­ pment. In the hotel industry, virtu­al tours increased interactivity with hotel web sites visitors. Virtual tours enable users to review hotel capacities and contents from their offices or homes. Their physical presence is not required, what significantly affects the speed of decision-making, and also they have the opportunity to visit much more spaces (they did not have the time to visit until now) when planning their events. Advan­ cing these technologies created a lot of possibilities that hotels, locations and other participants in event planning can use for promotion on this social network.


Event planners can take a look at hal­ls, rooms, and other spaces they ne­ed for certain events before actually visiting the location, shortening the time for finding the right venue. Also, they can have a clear overview of the real offer of hotels and event spaces in other cities and countries. Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced the development of new,

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

more advanced VR gadgets in the ye­ars to come. New VR glasses will lo­ok like regular eyeglasses. Confere­ nces, seminars, and other business and educational gatherings could re­ach a completely new dimension wi­th these new VR gadgets. Live stream video is another novelty presented at the F8. Facebook will be able to release an API for its livestreaming video feature from any

Facebook CEO, Mark Zucker­ berg, announced the develo­ pment of new, more advan­ ced VR gadgets in the years to come. ca­mera, even a DJI drone. This will, as well, enable greater interactivity during an event with the possibility to upload a video to Facebook’s official webpage in real time. At this year’s conference, Facebook presented new possibilities of the “Events” – event planning feature. New functionalities are: ticket purchasing, check-in, event photo uplo­ ading, invites’ search, agenda, event calendar, etc. This will simplify and expedite the job for planners who manage several events at the same time. Technology and social network deve­ lopment lead to the boost of inte­ra­ ctivity and innovation in every line of work, making events more tech-

sa­vvy. There are many advantages of using new age technologies and Facebook platform for event plan­ ni­ng, for example, event apps can be downloaded to cell phones, Fa­ cebook can assist with registration and inviting process, all modificati­ o­ns and announcements can be po­s­t­ed via Facebook event pages,

ne­t­working multiplies, participants inte­ract more, and so on. From all of the above, we can only conclude that event planners have to - as much as needed - apply and keep up with new trends set and imposed by new technologies.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

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Miroslava Jeremic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


tema broja

Trendovi u kongresnoj industriji

Ekonomija deljenja Koncept i ideje za primenu u organizaciji događaja

Organizacija događaja zahteva puno resursa, od materijalnih do ljudskih, pogotovo u današnje vreme kada se granice za izuzetne događaje koji treba da zadovolje rastuće zahteve i očekivanja učesnika, sve više pomeraju. Jasno je da organizatori događaja imaju veliki zadatak pred sobom. Jedan od načina za smanjivanje troškova uz zadržavanje standarda mnogi organizatori događaja uspevaju da ostvare uz pomoć korišćenja koncepta ekonomije deljenja („sharing economy“). 34

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

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Jednostavno rečeno, ekonomija de­ljenja predstavlja eko sistem koji čine: ljudi, proizvodnja, vrednosti i sistemi razmene, distribucija, planeta, moć, zajedničko pravo, komunikacija, kultura, i budućnost. Ljudi zapravo čine suštinu ekonomije deljenja. Oni predstavljaju pojedince, ali i kompanije, organizacije i asocijacije koje imaju ustanovljen sistem deljenja, koji doprinose, ali imaju i korist od deljenja. Kada govorimo o proizvodnji, ljudi, organizacije i zajednice su proizvođači određenih proizvoda ili usluga koji se putem tehnologija mogu širiti po celom svetu. Vrednost i sistem razmene se ne ogledaju isključivo u finansijskoj dobi­ti, već u njoj postoje različiti oblici razmene, podsticaja i stva­ ranja vre­dnosti. Kod ekonomije deljenja sredstva se nikada ne upotreljavaju samo jednom, već se iznova i iznova di­ stribuiraju raznim stranama. Vođenje brige o planeti je još jedan aspekt ekonomije deljenja, pa se po­kušava uticati na pojedince ali i na zajednice na smanjenje štetnih stvari za planetu.

sti nećemo moći da ignorišemo. Koncept deljenja nije nov, s obzirom da su svi bilo u privatnom, ili pak poslovnom životu nekada nešto delili (na primer fabrike su delile razne mašine), ali kada govorimo o ekonomiji deljenja u kongresnoj industriji, onda možemo slobodno reći da se radi o relativno novom konceptu.

Kako je ekonomija deljenja našla svoje mesto u kongresnoj industiriji? Opšte je poznato da je za organizaciju bilo kog događaja potreban određen budžet. Organizatori događaja su imali, a i dalje imaju zadatak da događaj isplaniraju u skladu sa budžetom, koji je neretko, manji od prethod-

nog, samo su očekivanja veća. Shodno tome došlo je do stvaranja, odnosno upotrebe ekonomije deljenja. Ekonomija deljenja u kongresnoj industriji može se odnositi na deljenje raznih sredstava ali i resursa. Naime, prilikom organizacije događaja organizator u skladu sa temom može kontaktirati određene institucije za pomoć, da li u vidu iznajmlji­ vanja prostora ili pak medijske po­drške za promociju događaja. Ovo je recimo praksa kod raznih ne­vladinih organizacija, ali i mnogih drugih. Naravno ovo se može ostvariti jedino ako obe strane imaju određenu korist. Što se tiče iznajmljivanja sredstava kao što je na primer tehnička oprema, organizatori jednog događaja mogu razmatrati opciju da podele

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Moć se može ogledati u mogućnosti nekih organizacija ili asocijacija da pomognu pojedincima ili pak da podrže neku inicijativu, dok se zajedničko pravo odnosi na postojanje poverenja i poštovanje dogovora i propisa. Komunikacija se ogleda u stalnom deljenju informacija i znanja koje su dostupne svima, bez obzira da li se radi o pojedincu ili pak o kompaniji ili organizaciji. Kultura deljenja se odnosi na poslovnu kulturu koja podrazumeva efikasno korišćenje sredstava/resursa, a ono što je neizbežno jeste činjenica da u današnje vreme koncept ekonomije deljenja u budućno-

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troškove sa organizatorom nekog drugog događaja koji se održava u istom prostoru, u kratkom vremenskom razmaku, ili ako su bukvalno jedan za drugim, a potrebna im je slična oprema. Takođe, organizatori mogu podeliti i troškove organizovanja puta, naravno ukoliko to njihova pravila dozvoljavaju. Dekoracija prostora svakako može biti još jedan od primera ekonomije deljenja u kongresnoj industriji, pa se tako dekoracija od nekog pretho­ dnog događaja može iskoristiti za novi događaj. Ili, uz umrežavanje od strane event menadžera iz hotela, organiza­tori dva nekonkurentna događaja, mo­gu unapred da se dogovore i, sa ma­lo kompromisa sa obe strane, ispla­niraju dekoraciju koja odgovara obema stranama, uz podeljene troškove. Na ovu temu interesantna je platforma Showslice koja organizatorima omogućava da putem poverljive platforme dele svoje zahteve za potrebnim proizvodima, a sa ciljem koordinisanja opreme, smanjenja troškova i izbegavanja uticaja na životu sredinu putem događaja koji dele isti prostor. Postoje sajtovi koji posluju samo na osnovu ovog koncepta, pa tako na primer neko može postaviti oglas da putuje negde, i da poziva one koji

Airbnb je poverljiva tržišna zajednica za osobe koje žele da pregleda­ ju, pronađu i rezervišu smeštaj u jedinstvenim objektima širom sveta, onlajn ili sa mobilnog telefona i tableta. takođe putuju na istu destinaciju da podele troškove puta. Iako za sada i nema veliku primenu u kongresnoj industriji, za one koji žele da smanje troškove smeštaja ili putovanja, ne možemo da ne spomenemo globalno uspešne platforme zasnovane upravo na ovom konceptu - Airbnb i Uber. Jedan od primera savremene primene ekomonije deljenja jesu i sada popularni coworking prostori. U pitanju su zajednički radni prostori, u kojima individualci, obično frilenseri i samozaposleni, dele sa drugima, obično ne iz iste kompa­ nije, radni prostor, kancelariju, opremu. Može da se desi i da kompanije koriste ove prostore kada periodično imaju povećan broj zaposlenih, pa ukoliko nemaju mesta u sopstvenim kancelarijama, šalju ih coworking prostore. Ne direktno vezana sa ekonomijom deljenja, ali povezana sa razvojem ekonomije i moćnim uticajem mno­ gih pojedinaca na neki rezultat, jeste Crowdfunding, koji omo­gućava ra­zvoj dobrih ideja i projekata uz mnoštvo zainteresovanih pojedina-

ca, a ne, kao pre, samo uz pomoć par velikih investitora. Crowdfunding, po definiciji predstavlja „praksu finansiranja projekata ili poslova putem prikupljanja mnogo malih novčanih suma od velikog broja pojedinaca, obično preko interneta”. Ekonomija deljenja definitivno menja način na koji ljudi kupuju proizvode i usluge, i predstavlja tržište koje privlači investicije i preduzetnike, a ove godine konferencija Ekonomija deljenja (The Sharing Economy Conference 2016), koja se održava 30. juna u Londonu, predstavlja platformu na kojoj će se okupiti sve zainteresovane strane, uključujući velike igrače i startupove. Ekonomija deljenja je koncept koji će uzimati sve više maha i koji će organizatorima pružiti mogućnost za smanjenje troškova prilikom organizacije događaja. Za sada se može reći da postoji ma­ lo, ali i razumljivo, nepoverenje od strane organizatora događaja, ali će se vremenom, uz razvoj i primenu zakonskih i sigurnosnih regulativa, i to verovatno promeniti. Međutim, evidentno je da ovaj kon­cept deljenja ima prostora za sve veću primenu u kongresnoj industriji, s obzirom na zahteve koje organizatori moraju da ispune kako bi zadovoljili očekivanja i kriterijume učesnika događaja. Savet za kraj može da bude da razmislite ubuduće na temu da li možete primeniti ovaj koncept u nekom delu organizacije vašeg događaja. Možda je rešenje na dohvat ruke, čak lako izvodljivo, samo nije do sada traženo u tom pravcu. Miona Milić/Mirjana Jokić


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Sharing Economy – The Concept and Ideas to Apply in Event Planning

cover story

Trends in the MICE Industry

Event planning requires a lot of resources – from financial to human – especially today when

the limits for special events that need to meet the growing demands and expectations of participants that are increasingly pushed. It’s clear that event organizers are facing a great task. One of the ways in which many event organizers manage to cut costs while maintaining stan­ dards is by using the concept of sharing economy. SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


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s t o r y Power can be reflected in the opportunity of some organizations or associations to help individuals or support an initiative, while shared right refers to mutual trust and re­specting agreements and regu­ lations. Communication is reflected in the constant sharing of information and knowledge that are available to everyone, regardless of whether those that need them are individuals, companies, or organizations.

Simply put, the sharing economy is an ecosystem made up of: people, production, values and exchange systems, distribution, the planet, power, shared right, communicati­ on, culture, and the future. People are actually what makes the essence of the sharing economy. They are individuals, as well as companies, organizations, and associations with an established system of sharing – they both contribute and benefit from sharing. When it comes to production, people, organizations, and communities are producers of certain products or

services that can spread around the world through technology. Value and exchange system are not only in financial gain, but in­ste­ad there are different forms of exchange, encouragement, and creating value. In the sharing economy, means are never used just one time, but instead they are repeatedly distributed to different parties. Taking care of the planet is another aspect of the sharing economy, which tries to influence both individuals and communities to reduce harm to the planet.

Sharing culture refers to the business culture that entails efficient use of means or resources, and today it is clear that the concept of the sharing economy will inevitably be impossible to ignore in the future. The concept of sharing is n­othing new, since we have all shared so­ mething – either in business or in private- at some point in our lives (for example, factories used to sha­re equipment). However, when it comes to the sha­ring economy in the MICE industry, we can say that the concept is relatively new.

How did the sharing economy find its place in the MICE industry? It’s well known that organizing any kind of event requires a budget. Event planners have always been tasked with planning events within the set budget, which is often smal­ ler than the previous one, while expectations get bigger. This brought about the creation and use of the sharing economy. The sharing economy in the MICE industry can refer to sharing diffe­ rent means, as well as resources. In organizing an event, the event planner – guided by the theme – can contact certain institutions for assistance, whether in the form of renting the venue or media support for promoting the event. This practice is common, for exam­ ple, with different non-governmen-


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

tal organizations, but also many others. Of course, this is possible only if both parties benefit from it. As for renting means such as equ­ i­pment, event planners have the op­tion to share their expenses with another planner in need of similar equipment for organizing an event at the same venue within a short time span or literally immediately after. In addition, they can also share tra­vel expenses if their rules allow it, of course. Venue decoration is most certainly another example of the sharing economy in the MICE industry, and so decorations from a previous event can be used for a new event. Alternatively, hotel event managers’ networking can lead to o­rganizers’ of two non-competing events ag­re­ eing in advance and, with a bit of compromise on both sides, arran­ ging decorations that suit them both, with shared expenses. An interesting platform re­garding this topic is Showslice, which ena­bles confidential sharing of event organizers requirements for products, aimed at coordinating equipment, reducing costs, and avoiding environmental impact by sharing event venues. There are websites whose business is based solely on this concept. For example, a person can post an ad about traveling somewhere and invite people who are traveling to the same destination to share expenses. Although there is not much use for it in the MICE industry, for those who want to cut accommodation or traveling expenses, we have to mention globally successful platfo­ rms based on this exact concept – Airbnb and Uber.

or equipment with other people who are usually not from the same company. Sometimes even companies use these spaces when they occasio­nally have increased number of employees and not enough space in their own offices. Crowdfunding is not directly related to the sharing economy but it is with economic growth and the strong impact of big groups of individuals on a result, enabling development of good ideas and projects with many interested individuals, instead of – as was before – just with the help of big investors. Crowdfunding is by its definition “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.” The sharing economy is most definitely changing the way people buy products or services and represents a market that attracts investments and entrepreneurs, and this year The Sharing Economy Conference 2016, held on 30th June in London, represents a platform that will

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gather all interested parties, including big players and start-ups. The sharing economy is a concept that is going to spread more and more and enable event planners to cut costs in organizing events. For now, we could say that event planners are slightly – but understandably – cautious, but in time, development and implementation of legal and security regulations will probably change this, too. Still, it’s obvious that this concept of sharing is becoming increasingly applicable in the MICE industry, considering the requirements that event planners must meet in order to satisfy expectations and criteria of event participants.

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One final advice could be to think about the feasibility of this concept in some aspect of a future event you organize. It could happen that a solution is within reach, or even easy, and that the only thing that is lacking is exploring this direction. Miona Milic/Mirjana Jokic

Among the examples of applying the sharing economy today are also the popular coworking spaces. These are shared work spaces where individuals – commonly fre­ elancers or the self-employed – sha­re their work space, offices,

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016



Preoblikovanje industrije

Primena ekonomije deljenja u organizaciji događaja Poslednjih nekoliko godina, iako to nije nov koncept, govori se puno o tzv eko­ no­miji deljenja (sharing economy). Reč je o deljenju ili iznajmljivanju umesto ku­povine (smeštaja, tehnike, opreme, prevoza i slično) kako bi se smanjili tro­š­ kovi. Tako su recimo, Airbnb, Uber, SnapGoods i drugi, zapravo pioniri ovog kon­ cepta. PwC predviđa da će do 2025. go­ di­ne globalna ekonomija deljenja vre­deti 335 milijardi dolara. Velika Britanija se smatra ev­rops­ kom pre­sto­nicom ekonomije de­lje­ nja, gde 1 od 10 kompanija pri­pa­da ovom sektoru, a kako Ip­sos Mori nalazi, 18.5 miliona njihovih sta­no­ vnika redovno koriste ap­lika­cije i sajtove zasnovane na ekonomiji deljenja.

o troškovima zaposlenih pri­likom njihovog dolaska na posao (60%), računajući one koji ponekad primenjuju koncept deljenja pre­voznog sredstva (32%) i one koji to stalno čine (28%) (grafik 1). Isti koncept prilikom or­ganizacije nekog događaja se primenjuje još češće, i to u 67% slučajeva. Učesnicima se organizuje uglavnom

U ovom broju SEEbtm magazina, istraživali smo koliko je „ek­onomija deljenja“ zastupljena prilikom orga­ nizacije događaja u našem regionu. U istraživanju su učestvovali profesionalci iz kongresne industrije – iz hotela, agencija, kongresnih biroa, kompanija, nevladinih organizacija, ministarstva, najvećim brojem iz Srbije i Hrvatske. Na osnovu odgovora učesnika u anketi, primećujemo da se vodi računa


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

zajednički prevoz, a ukoliko se ide automobilima, deli se prevozno sredstvo i vodi se računa da budu popunjeni, a ne svako da ide sam, osim, naravno, ukoliko su zahtevi organizacije drugačiji (u slučaju pre­ davača, VIP gostiju i slično). Ono što je značajno i za­nimljivo primetiti, jeste da većina među­ na­rodnih kongresa na svakoj web

Nevladine organizacije, recimo, pri­ likom organizacije događaja sličnih tema, nastoje da uključe druge orga­ nizacije s kojima dele vrednosti, pa time i resurse (prostor, veštine, itd.). Tako i recimo Ministarstvo pravde Republike Srbije koristi četiri sale u okviru zgrade u Nemanjinoj, ali tri sale dele sa drugim Ministarstvima. Što se tiče globalne pomame za Airbnb uslugama smeštaja, kod nas, odnosno među profesionalcima u kongresnoj industriji, to je daleko od veoma zastupljenog iako nije za­nemarljivo, ali tek 7,6% koristi veoma često ovu uslugu, dok 77% nije ili nije još koristilo Airbnb usluge za poslovni put (grafik 6). stranici, u delu Kako stići ili Tran­ sport, pored stan­dardnih opcija javnog prevoza i aviona, uključuju i mogućnost deljenja automobila sa još nekim učesnikom kongresa. Što se tiče deljenja tehničke opre­me (grafik 2), kod orga­nizatora doga­đa­ ja kod nas možemo reći da to nije praksa. Naime, 64% nije delilo ili ne još, opremu na događajima. Par puta do sada je to praktikovalo 20% učesnika u anketi, dok je kod njih 16% to već praksa.

lo­kalnim zajednicama i turističkim organizacijama. Naravno, na ovu temu, uglavnom je akcenat na de­lje­nju resursa (usluga, edukacije, pro­stora ili prevoza), ka­da se radi o sinergijskim delatno­ stima, korisnim za obe strane, a da je reč o aktivnostima koje nisu konkurentne.

Primećuje se neznatna razlika pri­li­kom poslovnog i privatnog pu­tovanja, gde se, kada je u pitanju privatno putovanje, Airbnb usluge nešto češće koriste, i to u 26,9% slučajeva u poređenju sa 23% kod putovanja u poslovne svrhe. Kao osnovni problem korišćenja

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Deljenje dekoracije za event je još nezgodnije za primenu u praksi (grafik 3), iako nije mali procenat (29.2%) onih koji su uspeli da pri­ mene ovaj koncept, i na taj način uštede vreme i novac. Kod deljenja opreme, kao što je na­meštaj, i primera radi, potrebnih stolica ili barskih stolova za veći broj učesnika (što se neretko dešava), je ipak drugačiji slučaj, gde njih čak 45% nalazi rešenje ovog problema dobrom saradnjom i pozjamljiva­ njem opreme od saradnika i kole­ga (grafik 4). Kao dodatne primere u kojima se primenjuje pametan koncept delje­ nja prilikom organizacije događaja, učesnici izdvajaju i saradnju sa

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


i s t r a ž i v a n j e U međuvremenu, ekonomska i eko­loška svest o deljenju prevoznog sredstva će sigurno, još uvek rasti. Tako da će u budućnosti, sigurno u većini kompanija postojati praksa o deljenju vozila prilikom dolaska na posao, dok u slučajevima poslovnog puta i organizacije prevoza za neki događaj, već možemo reći da je to praksa.

eko­nomije deljenja u poslu, učesnici u anketi navode nesiguran kvalitet (njih 27,8%), a postavlja se i pitanje sigurnosti (16,7%) (grafik 5). Mada možemo reći i da je značajan broj i onih koji nisu upoznati sa konceptom, pa ima 27,8% učesni-

ka kojima ovaj pristup nije pao na pamet. Možemo reći da je ekonomija de­lje­nja u organizaciji događaja naš­la svoju primenu prvenstveno u deljenju opreme – najviše name­šta­ ja, kao što su konferencijske stolice,


barski stolovi i slično. Ova situacija je verovatno delom i zbog najma­ njeg potencijalnog rizika prilikom primene ali i eventualnog oštećenja. Deljenje tehničke opreme i dekora­ cije, još uvek se, bojažljivo prime­

njuje, ali možemo očekivati porast i u ovim slučajevima, kada se ove prakse još malo razrade. Pa recimo, dekorateri i ljudi koji se bave tehničkom opremom sami bu­ du nudili opciju deljenja sa dru­gim organizatorom, sa vrstom deko­racije i opreme koji su pogodni za deljenje.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Možda će se još samo smanjivati broj onih koji iz razloga koji nisu neophodni, posle koji ipak dolaze pojedinačno, organizovanim prevozom samo za njih. Ovo sada ima više veze sa lokalnim socijalnim uticajem koji događaji mogu da imaju, ali u budućnosti bi trebalo, i hoće, više da se vodi računa o hrani koja ostane posle njih. Trebalo bi unapred za svaki događaj definisati gde se doniraju ostaci hrane od ručkova, gala večera i slično. Obično je reč o desetinama kilograma hrane. Što se Airbnb smeštaja tiče, u regi­ onu, njihove usluge ne koriste se ma­sovno, naročito ne u poslovne svrhe, pa za sada, nema bojazni za hotele u regionu o nekom značaj­ nom uticaju ove platforme na kor­ porativna putovanja. Međutim, ovo je trend koji je prili­ čno uzdrmao globalnu hotelsku in­dustriju, zato svakako preporuču­ jemo pažljivo praćenje kretanja ovog trenda. Miona Milić

Applying the Sharing Economy in Event Planning


Reshaping an Industry

Although the concept is not a novel one, last few years saw much talk about the sharing economy. Here sharing or renting replace buying (ac­com­modation, equipment, devices, transportation, and the like) for the purpose of cutting costs. Companies such as Airbnb, Uber, SnapGoods, and others are ac­tually pioneers of the concept. PwC predicts that by 2025 the global Sharing Economy will be worth $335 billion. The UK is considered to be the European capital of the sharing economy, accounting for 1 in 10 of the companies in this se­ ctor, and as Ipsos Mori found, 18.5 million UK residents regularly use apps and websites in the Sharing Economy.

is paid to the cost of employees co­ ming to work (60%), including al­so those who sometimes use the concept of sharing transport means (32%), as well as those who do that all the time (28%) (chart 1). The same concept is used even mo­ re when planning an event, as much as in 67% of cases.

Most often, at­ten­dees are provided with shared transport, and if cars are used, they share means of transport, making sure that no seats are wasted instead of people going by themselves, except of course when organization requires otherwise (for lecturers, VIP guests, etc.). What is important and interesting to note is that the majority of inter­

In this issue of SEEbtm, we investiga­ te how much is the sharing eco­no­ my involved in event planning in SEE region. The survey included pro­fessionals in the MICE industry – coming from hotels, agencies, con­vention bureaus, companies, non-governmental organizations, and mini­stries – mostly working in Ser­bia and Croatia. The responses given by the survey participants indicate that attention

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


r e s e a r c h (chart 3), although the percentage of those who have managed to apply this concept and save both time and money this way is not insignificant (29.2%). As for sharing supplies like furniture or, for example, chairs or barstools needed for larger events (which hap­pens frequently), the case is dif­ferent – as much as 45% find solutions to this issue through good collaboration or borrowing equip­ment from associates or colleagues (chart 4). Example of car sharing for ENT World Congress - IFOS Paris 2017

national congresses, on their web sites, now on the pa­ge How to get there or Transportation, in addition to the standard options of public transport and plane, includes the possibility of car sharing with some other participant of the Congress.

make it a habit. Namely, 64% of th­ em didn’t or at least not yet shared equipment at their events. This has been done several times so far by 20% of the survey participan­ ts, while 16% of them already do it on regular basis.

When it comes to sharing equipment (chart 2), local event planners don’t

Sharing event decorations is even more inconvenient in practice

Another instance of applying the smart concept of sharing in event planning noted by the respondents is collaborating with local communities and tourism organizations. Of course, in this area, the focus is mainly on sharing resources (services, education, venues, or transportation), when activities are synergic and benefit both parties, without the competitive element. When organizing events that ad­ dress similar issues, non-governmen­ tal organizations, for example, try to involve other organizations that share their values, and therefore also resources (venue, skills, etc.). As for the global hype for Airbnb ac­commodation services, here – among the professionals in the MICE industry – the trend is far from widespread but also not ne­ gligible. However, only 7.6% use the service frequently, while 77% haven’t or not yet used Airbnb’s services for business travel (chart 6). There’s a slight difference between business and personal travels. When it comes to personal travel, Airbnb services are somewhat more common – they’re used in 26.9% of cases compared with 23% when travelling on business. As reported by the survey participants, the main issue in applying


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

the sharing economy in business is uncertain quality (27.8% of respondents), as well as the subject of security (16.7%) (chart 5). We could also say that the n­umber of those not familiar with the con­ cept is considerable, as 27.8% of the participants responded that the approach never crossed their mind. It is safe to say that sharing eco­no­ my found its place in event plan­ning primarily in the sphere of e­qu­ip­ ment sharing – furniture, such as conference chairs, bar tables, etc. This is partially due to the lowest risk upon using and possible da­ ma­ge. Technical equipment and decoration sharing is still timidly used, but we can expect its growth, once these practices get more elaborated.

Maybe the number of those who have individual transportation organized just for them in cases which are not high priority, will decrease. This is more connected to the local and social legacy of events, but in

As far as Airbnb accommodation is concerned, for now, their services are not widely used in this region, especially not for corporate travels, so there is still no fear that this pla­tform will have some greater in­fluence on the hotels in the region.

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r e s e a r c h

For example, decorators and people from the technical sector may offer the option of sharing with other planners, with suitable types of decoration and equipment. Meanwhile, economic and environ­ mental awareness on vehicle sha­ ring is, surely, yet to grow. So in the future, majority of companies will have established transportation sharing routines, whilst when business trips and transportation for events are in question, we can positively say that they already have established routines.

the future, the aware­ness on the food left over after ev­e­nts is to be, and will be, raised. There should be a predefined plan on donation of the food left from lunches, gala dinners, etc. Normally, we are talking about do­ zens of kilos of food.

Yet, this trend shook up the global hotel industry therefore we recommend to carefully monitor the movement of this trend. Miona Milic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016



Kraljevi Čardaci Spa

Kraljevi Čardaci Spa među „300 najboljih“ Na 3. Regionalnom samitu preduzetnika centralne i jugoistočne Evrope „300 naj­ boljih” održanom u Dubrovniku, početkom 2016. godine, hotelsko-apart­manskom kompleksu Kraljevi Čardaci Spa, uručeno je priznanje „Stvaratelji za stoljeće” za doprinos razvoju preduzetništva u ovom delu Evrope. Dodeljeno priznanje se od­ nosi na razvoj ideja, inovacije i investicije, koji ovaj hotelsko-apartmanski kompleks neprestano uvodi i primenjuje. Hotel Kraljevi Čardaci je i nosilac Wel­ lness zvezde kao najbolji Wellness ho­tel u Srbiji. Za vrlo kratko vreme, ovaj hotel je postao prepoznatljivo ime kako u wellness svetu, tako i u kon­gresnom turizmu. Kraljevi Čardaci Spa sa ponosom ističu svoje kongresne kapacitete koji su projektovani po najzahtevnijim sta­n­ dardima i u potpunosti prilagođe­ni po­trebama modernih poslovnih ljudi. Funkcionalne, elegantne i dobro op­­ remljene sale kongresnog centra u kombinaciji sa stručnim timom, či­ne Kraljeve Čardake mestom za uspe­­ šno organizovanje sastanaka, ko­n­fe­ rencija, seminara, prezentacija i najrazličitijih banket događaja.


Na raspolaganju je klimatizovan i mo­ derno opremljen centar sa 5 odvojenih celina, ukupnog kapaciteta 350 učesnika. Hotelski kompleks prati trendove u ko­ngresnom turizmu, a raznovrsni pra­teći sadržaji i ljubazno osoblje uz predivno planinsko okruženje čine poslovni boravak u hotelu uspešnim i prijatnim. Kongresne kapacite upotpunjuju i os­ta­li sadržaji – u hotelu Kraljevi Čar­ da­ci nalazi se 27 smeštajnih jedini­ ca, Spa i Wellness centar, lobby bar, pansi­onski restoran i igraonica za de­cu. U sklopu hotelskog kompleksa je i 199 moderno opremljenih apart­ma­na.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Za sve ljubitelje Kopaonika, Kraljevi Čardaci Spa su uvek tu da pruže prijatan ambijent za rad i uživanje na vi­sini.


Kraljevi Cardaci Spa

Kraljevi Cardaci Spa Among “The Best 300 Entrepreneurs” At the Third regional summit of the entrepreneurs of Central and Southeastern Eu­ro­pe “The best 300 entrepreneurs”, held in Dubrovnik at the beginning of 2016, ho­tel-apartment complex Kraljevi Cardaci Spa received a recognition “Creators for ce­n­turies”, for its contribution to the development of entrepreneurship in this part of Europe. Awarded recognition refers to the development of ideas, in­novation and in­vestment, which this hotel-apartment complex constantly in­ troduces and implements. Hotel Kraljevi Cardaci Spa is the hol­ der of the Wellness star as the best Wellness hotel in Serbia. In a short ti­me, this hotel has become recognizable name in the wellness world, such as in congress tourism. The Hotel and Suites Spa complex Kraljevi Cardaci proudly represents its congress capacities designed by the most demanding standards and completely adjusted to the needs of modern business people. Functio­ nal, stylish and well-equipped conference rooms in conjunction with the professional team, are making of Kraljevi Cardaci the perfect location for successful meetings, conferen­ ces, symposiums, presentations and various banquet events.

At guest’s disposal is air-conditioned and modern equipped conference ce­nter with 5 separate units. Total ca­pa­city is 350 participants.

For all lovers of Kopaonik, Kraljevi Ca­rdaci Spa is always there to offer ple­asant ambience for business and ple­asure on height.

Conference capacities follow the la­ test trends in the congress tourism, and our facilities and the hospitality staff, as well as beautiful mountain en­vironment, make business stay at the hotel Kraljevi Cardaci successful and enjoyable. Additional to conference capacities are other amenities – hotel Kraljevi Cardaci includes 27 accommodation units, SPA and wellness centre, lobby bar, hotel restaurant and a children play room. Within the complex, there are 199 modernly equipped apartments.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016



Nova ideja za organizatore

„Food truck” trend na događajima Food trucks podrazumevaju velika vozila opremljena i namenjena proizvodnji i prodaji hrane. Originalno potiču iz Sjedinjenih Država, a smatra se da su se poja­ vili još u 17 veku. Pretečom današnjih food trucks se smatra chuckwagon, koji je 1866. godine napravio Charles G­oodnight rančer iz Teksasa. Naime, na­kon američkog građans­ kog rata stoča­ri su čuvali stoku u uda­ljenim delo­vima zemlje, stoga su im bile po­trebne zalihe hrane i za po neko­liko meseci.

Charles je došao na ideju da vojnički karavan modifikuje za potrebe stočara. Na zadnji deo karavana dodao je tzv. „chuck box“ koji se sastojao od fi­o­ka i polica za skladištenje hra­ne, kao i pločom koja je predsta­ vljala radnu površinu za kuvanje. Dodatno postojali su delovi za vodu, kao i za drva.

Tridesetak godina nakon stvaranja chuckwagon-a, pojavljuju se ulični prodavci kobasica, koji počinju i sa prodajom hrane u velikim univerzi­ tetima (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Co­rnell). U narodu su nazivani „dog wagons”. Godine 1950. pojavljuju se prva vozila koja prodaju sladoled. Ovo su počeci mobilne industrije hrane u Americi, koja se vremenom proširila i na ceo svet. U današnje vreme food trucks se najčešće povezuju sa konceptom pop-up restorana, koji podrazumevaju mobilne restorane, koji putem društvenih mreža svoje posetioce obaveštavaju o kretanju i trenutnoj lokaciji. Najveću popularnost imaju u Americi, Australiji i Velikoj Britaniji. Food trucks se sve više koriste i prilikom organizacije događaja. Prednosti i opcije koje ova vozila nude prilikom planiranja određenog događaja su razne. Ukoliko npr. organizujete višesatni seminar


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

ili predavanje u hotelu ili nekom drugom zatvorenom prostoru, ru­čak možete organizovati ispred hotela, ukoliko lokacija i vremenski uslovi dozvoljavaju. Hrana i piće bi bili pripremani u kamionima, sa mogućnošću raznovrsne kuhinje i kreiranja restorana na otvorenom. Takođe, food trucks organizatorima događaja omogućavaju i organizaciju događaja izvan hotelskih i event prostora, npr. u prirodi ili lokacijama izvan gradova. Na ovaj način delegatima se pruža drugačiji koncept od uobičajenog, podstiče se interaktivnost, omogućeno im je da izađu iz prostorija za sastanke i uživaju u inovativnom i drugačijem posluženju. Takođe, samom događaju se daje poseban značaj i nešto po čemu će ga učesnici pamtiti i izdvojiti u odnosu na ostale. Food trucks su pogodni za razne vrste promocija, prezentacija, tim bildinga i ostalih događaja, naročito

ukoliko se održavaju na otvorenom. Kamione je moguće brendirati i prilagoditi događaju i kompaniji. Posebna prednost kamiona je njihova funkcionalnost i opremljenost kako za pravljenje tako i za služenje hrane i pića. U Americi se food trucks često ko­ri­ste na eventima i u zatvorenom pro­sto­ru, kada tema i brending doga­đa­ja to dozvoljavaju. Primeri iz prakse su raznovrsni, a pored angažovanja food trucks-a za potrebe kompletnih keteringa za učesnike nekog događaja, koriste se i za služenje sladoleda, dezerta, kafe, piva i sl. Poslednjih godina, kao deo lifestyle koncepta velikih gradova, pojavili su se food truck festivali. U Americi ovi festivali su prisutni već godinama, dok je ovaj trend u Evropi počeo da se razvija proteklih par godina. Food truck festivali okupljaju veliki broj posetilaca, kako su mahom

Food trucks su pogodni za raz­ ne vrste promocija, prezentaci­ ja, tim bildinga i ostalih doga­đa­ ja, naročito ukoliko se odr­ža­vaju na otvorenom. besplatni. Hrana koja se predstavlja i služi može biti raznovrsna, od azijske kuhinje, do craft piva, sladoleda, raznih poslastica kao i standardnih fast food proizvoda. Najpoznatiji i najveći festival u Evropi organizuje se u Briselu. Okuplja prosečno oko 100.000 posetilaca koji uživaju u kulinarskim veštinama predstavlje­nih na oko 100 food truck-ova. Festival se održava na preko 3 km prostora, u samom centru Brisela. U Srbiji ovaj trend još uvek nije oži­veo, organizuju se festivali piva i kafe, ali ne podrazumevju angažo­ vanje food truck kamiona.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice


Miroslava Jeremić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



New Idea for Organizers

Food Truck Trend on Events A food truck is a large vehicle equipped to cook and sell food. Originating from the United States, the first food trucks are thought to have appeared in the 17th century. The precursor of today’s food trucks was the chuckwagon, made in 1866 by Charles Goodnight, a Texas cattle rancher. After the American Civil War, cowhands herded cattle in re­mote parts of the country and we­re in need of food stocks that co­uld provide supplies for months

at a time. It oc­curred to Charles to adjust a mi­li­tary wagon to fit the needs of cattle herders. He added a so-called “chuck box” to the back of a wagon, with interior shelving and drawers for storing pro­ visions, and a board which ser­ved as cooking surface.

The wa­gon was also stocked with a water barrel and a sling for firewood. In the thirties, the chuckwagon was followed by food carts selling hot­dogs on the streets of cities and lar­ge university campuses (Yale, Har­ va­rd, Princeton, Cornell), popularly called “dog wagons”. In 1950, the first ice cream carts ap­peared. This was the start of Ameri­ca’s street food industry, which gra­dually spread to the rest of the world. Today, food trucks are most commonly associated with pop-up restaurants, temporary diners which typically use social media to notify their clients of their movement and their current location. Pop-up restaurants are popular in the U.S., Australia, and Great Bri­tain. Food trucks are also gaining po­pu­ larity in event organization. The ad­ vantages and possibilities offered by


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

Food trucks are a good choice for various types of promotions, presentations, team building ac­ tivities, and other events, es­pe­ ci­ally those held outdoors. these vehicles in event planning are vast. If, for instance, you are organizing a several-hours-long seminar or lecture at a hotel or some other indoor facility, you can organize lunch in front of the hotel, location and weather permitting. Food and drinks would be prepared in the trucks, providing various means of cooking and creating an outdoor restaurant. Additionally, food trucks allow ev­­­ent organizers the possibility of ar­­ranging events outside of hotels and other event facilities, outdoors in natural surroundings or in other locations outside the city. In this way, participants are offered a concept that is unusual, stimula­ tes interaction, and allows them to leave the meeting room and enjoy an innovative and out of the ordi­ nary way of catering. The event thus gains special significance and becomes something that will stay in the participants’ minds long after other gatherings.

cream, desert, coffee, beer, etc. In recent years, food truck festivals have become part of the big city lifestyle concept. While these festivals are not new in America, in Europe they appeared only a few years ago. Food truck festivals garner large numbers of visitors as they are usually free of charge. The food presented and served there can vary widely, from Asian cuisine, to craft beer, ice cream, va­rious deserts, and standard fast food menus.

The biggest and most popular fes­ti­ val of this type in Europe is organi­ zed in Brussels. It has approximately 100 000 visitors, who come to en­joy culinary skills presented on about 100 food trucks. The festival grounds spread over 3 km in the center of Brussels.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice


This trend is still unknown in Serbia and while beer and coffee festivals are organized regularly, they do not normally involve the use of food trucks. Miroslava Jeremic

Food trucks are a good choice for various types of promotions, presentations, team building activities, and other events, especially those held outdoors. Trucks can be branded and tailored to suit a particular event and/or company. Other advantages of food trucks are their functionality and their equipment for cooking and serving food and drinks. In the U.S., food trucks are often used for catering at indoor events, when the theme and branding of the event allow it. There are many instances of their use not only for complete catering of events but also for serving ice

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


a g e n c i j a

DT Croatia i Talas-M DMC

Regionalna saradnja pomera granice u organizaciji događaja DT Croatia i Talas-M zahvaljujući strateškom partnerstvu i kancelarijama koje imaju u Hrvatskoj, Crnoj Gori, Srbiji i Sloveniji organizatorima nude jedinstvene i neponovljive događaje. Kako su došli na ideju o partnerstvu, na koje načine se odvija njihova saradnja, koje su prednosti, a šta ograničenja, kao i planove za budućnost, podelili su redakcijom SEEbtm magazina, g-đa Snežana Vejnović iz Talas-M DMC i g-din Daniel Marušić iz Dubrovnik Travel – DT Croatia. 1. Kako se došlo na ideju o kreiranju grupacije DMC kompanija za region jugoistočne Evrope? Snežana: Ideja je došla prirodno, kao nastavak našeg posla u djelatnosti turizma. Baveći se profesionalno svojom strukom, vi prosto živite vaš posao i naravno imate vizije. Ideja o kreiranju DMC kompanija se rodila jako rano, dok još nije bilo pra­ktično ni infrastrukture za razvoj MICE-a u regijama okruženja, izuzev Dubrovnika i vidjeli svoj put razvoja i vidjeli sebe kao lidere u ovom vidu turizma u svojoj destinaciji. Jako puno vremena i enegrije uložili smo u edukaciju i razumijevanje MI­CE biznisa, te kreiranje programa, otkrivanje novih sadržaja, praćenje tren­dova i kreiranje programa out of the box. Hrvatska je već bila na tom putu, Crna Gora je stupila na scenu sa prvim ho­­te­ lom sa 5* tek prije 10 godina, po­tom su uslijedile Slovenija i Srbija. Ispostavilo se da je naše ra­zmišljanje ispravno i tržište je to potvrdilo, pos­lovni rezultat je jako brzo uslijedio. Ponosni smo na naš portfolio iza koga stoji jedan na­poran i vrijedan timski rad. 2. Možete li nam reći nešto više o ma­r­ketingu regiona? Gde nastupate zajedno kao grupacija, a gde idete odvojeno u poslovne poduhvate? Daniel: Talas-M i DT često nastupaju zajedno, a na nekim tržištima i odvojeno, zavisno od tržišta. Jedno dugo


vrijeme marketing smo radili zajedno prije nego što su turističke organizacije, pa čak i mediji i drugi dmc-evi uopće shvatili da mora postojati suradnja i da tržište to traži. Prije nego je konkurencija uopće ramišljala o tome i općenito se učila osnovama našeg posla, mi smo već bili mnogo napredniji te vidjeli te mogućnosti. Danas kad se otkrila naša „tajna uspijeha” radimo isključivo na kvaliteti us­ luge i na sigurnosti poslo­ vanja s nama, dok nas drugi kopiraju ili kritiziraju ili politički ignoriraju. Znamo da je biti br. 1 uvijek teško, a još teže održati tu poziciju. Zajedničkim nastupima mi i dalje postižemo više, a ujedno se i režu troškovi. Mono destinacije su svakako hit i uvijek će biti, ali naša regija nudi cjelogodišnje rješenje, za sve tipove programa: urbane centre - Beograd, Zagreb, Ljubljanu, te sunce i more Crnu Goru, Dubrovnik, Split, Hvar, Istru, Portorož, a svakako zimske radosti nude Kranjska gora, Kolašin, Kopaonik itd. Često nastupamo kao grupacija na svim važnijim sajmovima i workshopovima struke MICE, također smo regionalni ekskluzivni članovi najstarije i najkvalitetnije DMC grupacije

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Snežana Vejnović, Talas-M DMC

Euromic, čiji uredi u Briselu i Čikagu rade marketing globalno na svim kontinentima, članovi smo također Ovation Global DMC mreže, eksklu­zi­ vno za regiju, DT grupacija je izgla­sana najboljom i najkvalitetnijom DMC gru­ pacijom u toj mreži, DT je bio prvi ISO sertificiran DMC u regiji, DT je no­sitelj AAA sertifikata o bonitetu već dugi niz godina, Talas-M osvojio je nekoliko nacionalnih nagrada za svoje uspijehe, Talas-M je imao najzahtijevnije incentive projekte itd. Danas kad među istinskim iskusnim svjetskim profesionalcima spomenete Ovation i Euromic odmah znate da je riječ o najozbiljnijem obliku MICE biznisa. Često se Talas-M i DT u svijetu uzimaju kao uzor uspiješnih DMC sistema. Nažalost to niti naš dugogodišnji trud u stavljanju regije na mapu

a g e n c i j a

Znamo da je biti br. 1 uvijek teško, a još teže održati tu poziciju. MICE svijeta se ne cijeni regionalno jer se u zadnjih nekoliko godina ubacio jedan veliki broj instant MICE regionalnih radnika i subjekata koji povijest i iskustvo kroje na svoj „instant” način. Jednom rečenicom, Talas-M i DT su globalno priznati DMC lideri regiona, a to je nama jedino važno jer time se dokazuje sav naš trud i rad, jučer i danas, a to se ne može kupiti ni novcem niti obećanjima. 3. Možete li nam reći više o saradnji između Talas-M DMC i DT Croatia u pro­daji aranžmana između Crne Gore i Hrvatske, kao i o saradnji Talas-S i Ta­las-M DMC po pitanju prodaje aranž­ mana za incentive putovanja između Srbije i Crne Gore? Snežana: Od samog početka naše sa­radnje mi smo sve destinacije pred­ sta­vljali kao zasebne cjeline, gdje se u svakoj od destincija može raditi ince­ tive program, kao i kombinacija dvije ili čak više destinacija. Crna Gora je u samom početku tretirana samo kao jednodnevna ekskurzija iz Dubrovnika. Našim marketinškim aktivnostima smo se borili i koristili svaku priliku da prezentiramo Crnu Goru kao zasebnu destinaciju, i u tome smo uspijeli. U svojim aktivnostima smo vrlo trans­ parentni i našim partnerima je jasno da će ih u bilo kojoj destinaciji sačekati ekspert koji srcem i dušom pripada toj regiji i posjeduje lokalni know-how i posluje po standardima koje smo godinama nadograđivali i prilagođavali savremenim uslovima i trendovma turističke industrije. Po dobijanju brifa mi odmah znamo koja od destinacija je idealna za dati upit i, ako je recimo tražena Crna Go­ ra, a mi smatramo da Srbija ili Slovenija više odgovaraju, mi ćemo predložiti to našem klijentu i predočiti mu jasno koje su prednosti. Ovo je jedan od na­čina na koji promovišemo destinacije u okviru regije.

Spozna Palace Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

Suština je da se biznis dobije i ostane među nama i to za destinaciju koja najbolje odgovara potrebama našeg klijenta. 4. Koja su ograničenja u poslovanju u regionu u ovakvom zajedničkom nastupu, a koje su beneficije? Daniel: Našim zajedničkim akcijama svakako smo doprinjeli regionu i des­ tinacijama više nego ijedan dru­gi sli­ čan sustav. Godine iza našeg početka su shvatili mediji, konkurenti, ostali subjekti da to što mi radimo radimo dobro i da od toga imaju svi koristi, te da je bitno i uspiješno za sve. Za nas je sve to dokaz kako smo u pravu bili, i taj vjetar koji nas vodi dalje i krstari naše poslovanje sigurnim vodama samo nas čini jačima svakim danom. Beneficije mnogi računaju u novcu, međutim nama održavanje zadovoljnih klijenata, dobivanje novih

poslova, status i globalna prepoznatljivost je naš uspijeh koji nas diže iznad svega. S obzirom da još uvijek naša regija je opterećena politikom i poviješću nekad imamo zamjerki na suradnju ali toga je sve manje i manje. Biznis nema granica, turizam ne poznaje limite, a mi smo dokaz tome. 5. Koje su razlike a koje sličnosti u poslovanju agencija? Snežana: Djelimično sam već dala odgovor na ovo pitanje, ukratko slični su nam standardi poslovanja i jaka posvećenost poslu i promociji destinacija kao i cijele regije. Razlike su nam uglavnom u estetskom doživljaju, ne možemo da se usaglasimo koji tim je ljepši. Volimo izazove, ponekad i ne­moguće misije, u kojima dolazi do izra­žaja naša snaga i timski rad. Svaka destinacija ima svoje specifičnosti i upravo u tome su i razlike.

Svečana večera u Vili Miločer, Crna Gora

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


a g e n c i j a 6. Kakvi su Vam planovi za budućnost? Daniel: S obzirom na situaciju u svijetu naši planovi se mijenjaju dinamično, nemamo nekih dugoročnih planova, osim da unapređujemo kvalitetu us­ luge prema klijentima i da podižemo zadovoljstvo svojih ljudi, jer ljudi su nam najbitnija karika u lancu, bez njih ne bi bilo ni našeg uspijeha. Okrećemo novu stranicu uskoro, još više ćemo neke zajedničke akcije usavršiti i osnažiti jer vidimo da još uvijek imamo prostora za napredak. Također, svjedoci smo mnogih subjekata koji u nama vide priliku za svoje trenutne uspijehe, rijetki od njih ostanu u igri dugo, odlaze prije ili kasnije, nemaju konzistentnost u poslovanju, posluju bez strategije, i to je šteta velika, jer ostavljaju loš imidž ove industrije na našim područjima, i onda nas malobrojne stavljaju u lošu

Večera, Lido Mar bazen, Porto Montenegro, Tivat, Crna Gora

poziciju te s vremenom na vrijeme imamo problema u dokazivanju da naša industrija nije samo profitno orijentirana već i da doprinosi imidžu i razvoju kvaliteti destinacija koje nu­dimo, i da postoje agencije koje se tru­de i ulažu svoja sredstva i vrijeme u napredak MICE ponude uzimajući u obzir sva ograničenja ali isto tako

poštujući lokalne običaje a na prvom mjestu zakonsku regulativu. U tom smislu planovi za budućnost ostaju da naše poslovanje održimo kvalitetnim i da ljude profesionalce u našim timovima usavršavamo i da im omogućimo osobni napredak i zadovoljstvo. Mirjana Jokić

DT Croatia tim Čas kuvanja, Slovenija


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | februar 2016

Rafting rekom Tarom

a g e n c y

DT Croatia and Talas-M DMC

Regional Cooperation Pushing the Envelope in Event Planning Thanks to their strategic partnership and offices in Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia, DT Cro­a­tia and Talas-M provide event planners with unique and unforgettable events. Mrs. Snezana Vejnovic from Talas-M DMC and Mr. Daniel Marusic from Dubrovnik Travel – DT Croatia shared with SEEbtm magazine about how they came up with the idea for the partnership and how exactly they work to­gether, abo­ut the advantages and the drawbacks they face, as well as about their plans for the future. 1. How did the idea of creating a group of DMCs for the Southeast Europe region come about? Snezana: The idea came about orga­ nically, as a development of our work in the tourism industry. When you’re a professional in what you do, you simply live your work and, naturally, you have visions. The idea for creating the group of DMCs appeared very early on – at the time when the region practically had no infrastructure whatsoever for the development of MICE, with the exception of Dubrovnik – and we saw the path of our growth and ourselves as leaders in this branch of tourism in our destination. We have been investing huge amounts of time and energy in educating and understanding the MICE business, as well as in developing programs, discovering new amenities and featu­ res, following trends, and creating programs out of the box. Croatia has already travelled this road, Montenegro entered the scene with its first five-star hotel only ten years ago, and then Slovenia and Serbia ca­me after. It turned out that we were right in our thinking and the market responded accordingly – the first business results were quick to follow. We are proud of our portfolio because it’s backed by hard, dedicated teamwork. 2. Can you tell us a bit about the marketing of the region? Where do you act together as a group, and where do you venture into business separately?

Daniel: Talas-M and DT frequen­ tly act together, and in some mar­kets se­parately – depending on the market itself. We were doing marke­ting toge­ ther for quite so­me time, before tourist or­ga­nizations or even the media or other DMCs even reali­ zed that we have to collaborate and that the market needs it. Before the competition was even contemplating it and while it was still le­ar­ning the ropes in general, we were already much mo­re ahead and we saw these possibilities. Today, when the “secret” to our success is out in the open, we are working solely on the quality of service and the security of doing business with us, while others copy us or criticize us or ignore us for political reasons. We realize that being at the top is always hard, and that staying there is harder still. By acting together we still achieve more, also cutting costs at the same time. Seasonal destinations are most certainly hugely popular and always will be, but our region offers year-round solutions for all types of programs: urban centers – Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana, as well as seaside and sunshine – Mon­tenegro, Dubrovnik, Split, Hvar, Istra, and Portoroz, and the joys of winter are sure to be found in Kranjska gora, Kolasin, Kopaonik, etc. We often appear as a group in all sig­ nificant trade shows and workshops in

Daniel Marusic Dubrovnik Travel – DT Croatia

MICE. In addition, we are regional exclusive members of the best and oldest DMC group Euromic, whose offices in Brussels and Chicago manage marketing globally across every continent. We are also exclusive regional mem­ b­ers of the Ovation Global DMC net­work – the DT group was voted the be­st DMC group in the network. DT was awarded the first ISO certificate as a DMC in the region, and it has been holding a AAA credit rating for years now. Talas-M won several national awards for its achievements; it had the most demanding incentive projects, etc. Today, when you mention Ovation or Euromic among true, experienced world-class professionals, you immediately know that you’re talking about the highest level of the MICE business. Talas-M and DT are often cited as an example of successful DMC systems. Unfortunately, neither that nor our

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


a g e n c y

We realize that being at the top is always hard, and that staying there is harder still. years-long efforts in putting the region on the map of the MICE world are ap­ preciated locally because over the last few years a number of instant MICE workers and businesses have sprouted up that tailor history and experience in their own “instant” ways. In short, Talas-M and DT are globally recognized regional DMC leaders, and that is the only thing that matters to us, because it proves all our efforts and hard work, both past and present, and you can’t buy that, not with money nor with promises. 3. Can you tell us a bit about the collaboration between Talas-M DMC and DT Croatia in selling travel packages between Montenegro and Croatia, as well as about the collaboration be­tween Talas-S and Talas-M DMC in regard to selling travel packages for incentive travel between Serbia and Montenegro? Snezana: From the very start of our collaboration, we have been presenting all destinations as separate wholes, with every destination being available for incentive programs, in addition to combining two or even more destinations. At the very beginning, Montenegro was treated only as a one-day extension from Dubrovnik. We fought hard with our marketing activities and used

Aman Resоrt, St. Stefan, Montenegro

every opportunity to present Montenegro as a separate destination, and in this we succeeded. We are extremely transparent in our activities, and our partners are well aware that no matter the destination they will be greeted by an expert whose heart and soul belong to the region and who has the local know-how and works in accordance with standards that took years to upgrade and tailor to current requirements and trends in the tourism industry. Right after we receive the brief we know which destination is ideal for the inquiry and, if for example the request cites Montenegro and we believe that Serbia or Slovenia are more appropriate, we make the suggestion to the client and clearly explain the advantages. This is one of the ways we promote destinations of the region. The main point is to get business and keep it, for the destination that best suits our customer’s needs.

4. What are the drawbacks of doing business in the region this way and what are the benefits? Daniel: We have certainly contributed to the region and the destinations with our joint action more than any other system of a similar kind. The media, the competition, and other businesses took years after we first started to realize that we are good at what we do and that we all benefit from it, as well as that our work is important and brings success to all of us. To us, all this is proof that we were right, and this wind beneath our wings that helps our business sail across safe waters only makes us stronger day by day. Many people see benefits through a financial lens, but to us keeping our clients satisfied, acquiring new business, status, and global visibility make up our success, which raises us above everything else. Considering that our region is still burdened with politics and history, sometimes we have complaints about working together, but these are fewer and fewer every day. Business knows no borders, tourism knows no limits, and we are the living proof. 5. What are the similarities and what are the differences in the ways agencies work?

Palm terrace, Dubrovnik, Croatia


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

Snezana: I already answered this qu­estion in part; in a word, we have similar business standards and strong commitment to work and promoting both the region and the destinations. Most of our differences concern aest­ hetics; we just can’t agree on which

a g e n c y team is the prettiest one. We love chal­lenges, and at times even impos­ sible missions, where our strength and our teamwork shine through. Every destination has its specifics and this is indeed where their differences lie. 6. What are your plans for the future? Daniel: Bearing in mind the situation globally, our plans are always changing in a dynamic way, we have no long-term plans, except to improve the quality of service according to our customers and increase satisfaction among our employees, because people are the most important link in our chain, we wouldn’t be able to succeed if it weren’t for them. We are

soon turning a new leaf, we are going to improve and strengthen certain joint actions even more because we can see that we still have room for improvement. Also, we are witness to many organizations that see us as an opportunity for their short-lived achievements. Rare are those that stay in the game for long, sooner or later they leave, they have no consistency in business, they have no business strategy, and this causes great damage because they give a bad name to this industry in our region, which puts the few of us good ones in a bad position and from time to time we have a hard time proving that our industry is not only profit oriented, but instead it also

contributes to the reputation and the quality of the destinations that we offer, and that there are agencies that work hard and invest their means and their time in the development of the MICE offering, taking into account all limitations and also observing local customs and laws and regulations above anything. In this regard, our plans for the future remain the same: we want to maintain the quality of our business and develop the talented professionals in our teams, allowing them to grow and be happy on a personal level. Mirjana Jokic

Talas-M DMC team

MCX, April 2016, Belgrade, Serbia

Team building

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | februar 2016



Goran Vlašić, Predsjednik Akademskog Veća Instituta za inovacije u Zagrebu

Stvaranje novih vrednosti kroz intelektualni i kreativni razvoj

Goran Vlašić

Poželimo dobrodošlicu Goranu Vla­šiću, predsedniku Veća Instituta za inovacije u Zagrebu. Počnimo sa time šta je Institut za inovacije i šta on predstavlja?

Institut za inovacije je neprofitna organizacija čiji je cilj stvaranje vre­dnosti na nivou pojedinca i orga­nizacija negujući kreativnost, inovativnost, nekonvencionalan na­čin razmišljanja i preispitivanje dogmi. Od svog osnivanja, Institut za inovacije predstavlja inovativnu silu, razvijajući i kreirajući programe koji pomažu istinski intelektualni i kreativni razvoj svojih učesnika, omogućavajući time stvaranje novih vrednosti. Kroz razne ob­razovne programe, Institut nastoji da pruži iskustva koja menjaju način razmi­ šljanja, ostavljaju jak utisak na po­jedince i organizacije i postižu dugo­ročne rezultate. Šta čini programe Instituta za ino­vacije drugačijim, posebno za regionalne menadžere i preduzetnike?

Programi Instituta za inovacije us­ mereni su ka stvaranju dru­gačijeg pogleda (A Different View®) na kri­tične poslovne izazove. Fokusirani su na razmevanje osnovnih principa


koji pokreću razne pojave u oblasti poslovanja. Stoga radimo isključivo sa vrhunskim profesorima u regionu i svetu koji imaju značajan uticaj na sopstvene stručne oblasti. Među njima su prof. Barnett (Stanford), prof. Bradley (Harvard), prof. Deighton (Harvard), prof. Chandy (LBS), prof. Carpenter (Kellogg), prof. Gultekin (Wharton), prof. Sitkin (Duke), prof. Massa (INSEAD), prof. Troilo (Bocconi) itd. Programi Instituta upoznaju učesnike sa ključnim globanim trendovima, najsavremenijim istraživanjima i najboljom svetskom praksom dajući im time mogućnost da postanu tvorci najbolje prakse, a ne samo njeni sledbenici. Osim veoma širokih mogućnosti za lični razvoj, programi Instituta za inovacije pružaju dragocene mogućnosti umrežavanja kroz intenzivnu interakciju vrhunskih menadžera koji jedni drugima pomažu u reša­ vaju ključnih problema. Zašto bi menadžeri i preduzetnici (pogotovo ako su veoma uspešni) pohađali nastavne programe? Njihovo vreme je krajnje deficitarna roba – zašto ga „traćiti“ na edukaciju?

Edukativni programi se razlikuju. Zato je Institut za inovacije usmeren ka pružanju osnovnih principa koji preispituju ustaljene dogme kompanija, tržišta i delatnosti. Kako pojedinac postaje sve bolji u određenoj delatnosti/struci, on/ona se suočava sa „prokletstvom uspeha“, eksploatišući sve više postojeće sposobnosti, usmeravanjem pažnje na procese i optimizaciju ali dugoročno gledano možda osuđujući svoju kompaniju na propast. Probajte da nabrojite 15 kompanija širom

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

sveta koje su starije od 150 godina. To je prilično teško s obzirom da sa rastućim uspehom kompanija i menadžera njihovi kratkoročni rezulati bivaju sve bolji ali uglavnom ograničavaju njihov budući potencijal. Dok je edukacija koja se bavi vešti­ nama i već usvojenim zna­njima zaista „gubljenje vremena“ za vr­hunske stručnjake, obrazovanje koje pruža Institut za inovacije usmereno je ka višem nivou programa koji menjaju način razmišljanja. Iako se znanje i veštine mogu steći putem knjiga, kurseva putem interneta i video materijala, programi Instituta za inovacije koji menjaju način razmišljanja stvaraju osnove za ogroman razvoj pojedinca i kompanije stvarajući ravnotežu između kratkoročnih i dugoročnih rezultata. Programi Instituta za inovacije usmereni su ka stvaranju vrednosti pri čemu inovacija i rast postaju logični ishodi razvijenog načina razmišljanja i sistema, a ne slučajnih događaja (što je ono što čovek uglavnom smatra pod inovacijom). Primećujemo da su neke od naj­boljih i najvećih hrvatskih kompanija prepoznale vrednost koju pružaju edukativni programi Instituta za inovacije. Kakvi su vaši planovi za dalje širenje u regionu?

Ključno za postizanje stalnog pomeranja koje stvara novu vrednost leži u bliskom partnerstvu Instituta za inovacije sa velikim kompanijama koje shvataju važnost inovacije i stvaranja nove vrednosti. Naš cilj je da proširimo saradnju sa kompanijama u regionu i privučemo još veći

broj menadžera izvan Hrvatske da učestvuju u našim programima i da unaprede potencijal u pogledu konkurentnosti i inovacije u regionu. Trenutno smo u procesu uspostavljanja parterstava sa velikim partnerima u Sloveniji i Srbiji i uvereni smo da ćemo uspostaviti mnoga uspešna i dugotrajna partnerstva. Vratimo se na stvaranje vrednosti. Kako se tačno Institut za inovacije bavi stvaranjem vrednosti za kompanije u regionu?

Da bi unapredio stvaranje vrednosti na osnovu inovacije: a) Institut za inovacije tesno sarađu­ je sa drugim kompanijama na: 1. stvaranju kulture inovacije zas­ novane na načinu razmišljanja svih učesnika koji stvara vrednost a koji je prožet sistemom vrednosti, principima, praksom i pristupom koji rešava prob­ leme; 2. uvođenju In­novationChecklist® pristupa čiji autor je In­stitut za inovacije, koji pruža struktuiran, postepen pristup kreativ­ nosti i inovativnosti koji će iz­vu­ći maksimum iz ino­­vativnog potencijala jedne organizacije;

3. razvijanju inovativnog sistema koji stvara sistemski razvoj, ne­­govanje i pretvaranje ideja u poslovne uspehe. b) Institut tesno sarađuje sa poje­ dincima i timovima koji stvaraju vrednost na: 1. podsticanju i razvijanju njihovih intelektualnih i kreativnih po­tencijala kroz programe usme­rene pre svega ka razvijanju na­čina razmišljanja i znanja pojedinca, 2. podsticanju i razvijanju njihovih proizvodnih po­tencijala, istovre­menim širenjem nji­ho­ vog idejnog potencijala i poma­ ganjem da se on razvije u „plug and play“ projektno rešenje. Na kraju, šta smatrate ključnim za regionalni razvoj?

Sve dok budemo samo posmatra­li šta drugi rade i nastojali da „primenimo najbolju praksu“, naš region će ostati samo sledbenik. Iako kratkoročno gledano to može izgledati kao sigurna pozicija, na du­že staze ovakve strategije vode ka konkurenciji zasnovanoj na ceni. To se vidi u mnogim delatnostima u našem regionu. Ovo može izgledati

kao dobra strategija ali na svetu uvek postoji neko drugi ko može ponuditi isto po nižoj ceni. Da bismo postali relevantni na glo­ balnom nivou, najveći mislioci našeg regiona moraju biti upoznati sa osnovnim principima koji po­kreću ekonomiju i poslovanje kako bi mo­gli da ponude globalne inovacije koje će imati snagu da promene delatnosti. To je stvaranje vrednosti koje Institut za inovacije nastoji da postigne svojim programima. Na primer, kako ekonomija posredničkih platformi ulazi na sve veći broj tržišta i u sve veći broj delatnosti, od prevashodne je važnosti da menadžeri razumeju osnovne principe te nove tržišne stvarnosti. Stoga se sledeći program Instituta, Leadership Program, bavi poslovanjem i tehnologijom sa namerom da upozna polaznike sa principima koji leže u osnovi kompanija koje se takmiče na platformi umesto kao platforma (npr., AirBNB itd.) i time kako da in­tegrišu životnu vrednost klijenta kao sopst­ veni strateški cilj umesto udela na tržištu i drugih stereotipnih mera učinka.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t e r v j u

Miona Milić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



Goran Vlasic, Council Chair of Innovation Institute in Zagreb

Creating New Values Through Intellectual and Creative Development We welcome Goran Vlasic, Council Chair of the Innovation Institute from Zagreb. We can start with what is Innovation Institute and what does it stand for?

Innovation Institute is a non-profit organization aiming at value creation at individual and organizational levels, by nurturing creativity, innovation, unorthodox thinking and dogma questioning. Since its foundation, Innovation Institute has been a disruptive force developing and delivering programs that facilitate genuine intellectual and creative growth of its participants thus enabling new value creati­on. Through various educational pro­ grams Institute strives towards min­ d­set-changing experience that will make a strong impact on individuals and companies and deliver results in the long run. What makes Innovation Institu­ te’s programs different, espe­ci­ ally for regional managers and entrepreneurs?


Innovation Institute’s programs focus on delivering A Different View® on pressing business challenges. Focus is on understanding the underlying principles that drive different business-related phenomena. Therefore, we are working only with regional and global top pro­ fessors who significantly impact their disciplines. Such professors include prof. Bar­nett (Stanford), prof. Bradley (Har­vard), prof. Deighton (Harvard), prof. Chandy (LBS), prof. Carpenter (Kellogg), prof. Gultekin (Wharton), prof. Sitkin (Duke), prof. Massa (INSEAD), prof. Troilo (Bocconi), etc. Institute’s programs expose par­tici­ pants to key global trends, cuttingedge research, and best global practices allowing them to be creators of best practices, rather than mere followers. Besides immense personal develo­ pment opportunities, Innovation Institute’s programs enable valua­ ble networking opportunities as

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

regional top managers intensely interact to address each-others’ pressing issues. Why should managers and ent­ re­preneurs (especially if they are highly successful) engage in education? Their time is highly scarce resource – why “waste” it on education?

Not every education program is the same. That is why Innovation Institute focuses on delivering underlying principles that challenge dominant dogmas of companies, markets and industries. As one becomes better in a certain industry/job he/she faces the “curse of success” increasingly exploiting existing competences, focusing on processes and optimization, but potentially dooming the company in the long run. Try to name 15 companies globally older than 150 years. It is rather difficult since as companies and managers become more successful, their short-term

results enhance but generally limit their future potentials. While education focused on skills and known knowledge is truly a “waste of ti­me” for top performers, education that Innovation Institute delivers focuses on higher-level mindset-changing programs. Although knowledge and skills can be learned via books, on-line co­ur­ses and videos, Innovation Institu­te’s mindset changing programs de­velop foundation for an immense individual and company growth balancing the short-term and long-term results. Innovation Institute’s programs are focusing on value creation where innovation and growth become lo­gical conclusions of well-developed mindsets and systems, rather than random events (which is what one usually thinks of innovation).

1. Create innovation culture gro­­unded in the value-creating mi­nd­sets of everyone involved that are instilled through a set of values, principles, p­­rac­tices and problem-solving a­pproaches; 2. Implement Innovation Insti­ tu­te’s proprietary Innovati­ onChecklist® approach that enables structured step-bystep approach to creativity and innovation thus maximi­ zing organization’s innovati­on potentials;

plementing the best practices”, our region will always be a follower. While it is a relatively safe position in the short run, in the long run such strategies lead to competition based on price. This can be seen in many industries in our region. While this can seem like a good strategy – there is always someone somewhere globally who can deliver at lower costs.

3. Develop innovation sy­stem that creates a systemic de­ ve­­lop­ment, nurturing and im­ple­mentation of ideas into commercial successes.

that drive economics and business in order to be able to deliver global innovations which have a power to change industries.

b) Innovation Institute works clo­se­ ly together with value-creating individuals and teams to:

This is the value creation that Innovation Institute aims to achieve in its programs. For example, as platform economics are entering increasing number of markets and industries, it is paramount that managers understand the underlying principles of such new market realities. Therefore Institute’s next program is Leadership Program fo­ cusing on Business and Tech, whi­ch aims to expose participants to principles be­hind businesses that compete on a platform vs. as a platform (e.g., AirBNB, etc) and how to integrate consumer lifetime va­lue as one’s strategic goal instead of market share and such traditional measures of performance.

To become relevant globally, our region’s top thinkers must be exposed to the underlying principles

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i n t e r v i e w

We can see that some of the best and biggest Croatian co­mpanies have recognized the value In­no­ va­tion Institute’s educational programs provide. What are your plans for further expansion in the region?

The key to achieving persistent va­ lue-creating disruptions lies in Inno­ vation Institute’s close partnershi­ps with great companies which recognize the importance of innovation and new value creation. Our go­al is to extend cooperation with regional companies and bring even more managers outside Croatia to engage in our programs and to excel competitiveness and innovation potentials in the region. We are now in the process of partnering with great partners in Slovenia and Serbia and we are convinced that we will engage in many successful and long-term partnerships. Let`s go back to value-creation. How does Innovation Institute specifically engage in value-creation for regional companies?

In order to enhance innovationbased value creation: a) Innovation Institute works clo­se­ ly together with companies to:

1. Challenge and develop their intellectual and creative po­ten­ tials, through programs that aim primarily at develo­ping individuals’ mindsets and knowledge. 2. Challenge and develop their productive potentials, by jo­­intly enhancing their idea’s potential and facilitating its development into a plug-andplay project solution. Lastly, what do you believe is key for regional development?

As long as we only observe what others are doing and aim at “im-

Miona Milic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016



Mali grad velikih mogućnosti

Portorož – Sve što vam treba za događaje Najpoznatiji turistički centar na slovenačkom primorju, sa svega 3.000 stanovnika, Portorož je grad koji će prijatno iznenaditi svakog gosta svojim brojnim i raznolikim sadržajima. Raznolikost smeštaja za sve vrste doživljaja Portorož sa svojom okolinom daje veliki niz mogućnosti za smeštaj go­stiju, bilo da se radi o učesnicima događaja ili individualnim gostima. Prvo što bi većina pomislila su hoteli na obali mora uz šetališta, koji nude usluge na svetskom nivou. Tu bi svakako trebalo pomenuti Grand Hotel Bernardin sa 5 zvezdica, kao i ostale hotele u okviru grupacije Hoteli Bernardin.

sa pogledom na Alpe, maslinjake, vinograde i doline. Neka od najpoznatijih sela su Strunjan, Nova Vas, Padna, Sv. Peter.

Od najsavremenijih do srednjovekovnih prostora za događaje Portorož se može pohvaliti sa nekoliko vrhunskih kongresnih centara

koji mogu ponuditi veći broj sala, od kojih najveće broje do 1.200 me­sta. Ukoliko želimo da izađemo iz standardnih okvira i konferencijskih sala, neobičan događaj može se or­ganizovati, ni manje ni više, nego u skladištu soli. Naime, Monfort Exhibition Space, nekada skladište soli, a danas iz­lo­žbeni prostor i muzej, daje bez­

Ako bi gosti želeli da osete luksuz starih vremena, Kempinski Palace Portorož može biti pravi izbor. Hotel je izgrađen 1908. godine i od tada pa sve do danas predstavlja turistički objekat najviše kategorije, kao i kulturni spomenik grada. Oni koji bi pak probali nešto drugačije i izašli iz hotela, mogu potražiti smeštaj u mnogobrojnim selima u okolini. Njih odlikuju stare kamene kuće visoko na brdima, iznad mora


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Monfort Exhibition Space

Da li ste znali?

Kada su stari Rimljani želeli ne­ kome da ukažu posebno po­š­ to­vanje, davali su im mes­to za stolom blizu soli. Što je neka osoba sedela bliže so­li, toliko je bila važnija. broj mogućnosti za organizatore događaja. Zgrada je sagrađena na obali grada, u vreme Napoleona, u periodu od 1820. do 1845. godine. Sa autentičnim izgledom, visokim plafonima i rustičnim ambijentom, odličan je izbor za gala večere ili nesvakidašnje događaje. Takođe, među neobičnim prostorima za događaje mogu se istaći i Franjevački manastir sa gracioznim atrijumom, kao i teatar Advitorij Portorož.

„Posolite“ timski duh Za tim bilding aktivnosti u Portoro­ žu, organizatori se mogu opredeliti za sportove na vodi, timske sportove za koje postoji veliki broj uređenih terena, obilazak unutrašnjosti poluostrva biciklima ili peške.

Sečovlje Salina Park prirode

U opticaju je dosta aktivnosti koje se mogu organizovati i na drugim lokacijama, ali pravljenje soli na način star 700 godina je aktivnosti koja se retko gde može priuštiti učesnicima. So je igrala važnu ulogu i bila je gla­ vni izvor bogatstva tokom isto­rije, a mali deo Strunjan solana je sačuvan do danas i solana u Sečovlje Salina Parku prirode je jedna od retkih u svetu gde se so i dalje skuplja na tra­dicionalan način.

Učesnike će prvo oduševiti veličanstveni pejzaž ravnice tačnije polja soli.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

d e s t i n a c i j a

Nakon obilaska polja i istorijske pri­ če o harmoniji između čoveka i prirode, timovi bi mogli da se ta­kmiče u tradicionalnom pravljenju soli, po­sle čega so na stolu za ručkom ili večerom neće više posmatrati istim očima. Svetlana Gavrić

Hedonizam na stolu Tradicionalno glavno jelo, Piranski brancin u soli, jednostavno je, a odlično jelo. Uz jelo se slobodno mogu dodati tartufi i masline, i naravno istarsko vino za potpun ugođaj. Sastojci - 2 piranska brancina – oko 600-800 g svaki - 3 kg piranske soli (za pečenje) Priprema Očistiti ribu ali bez skidanja krljušti. Oprati je i osušiti papirnim ubrusom. Pokriti pleh slojem soli od oko 1 cm i položiti ribu preko soli. Po želji, dodati malo maslinovog ulja, grančicu ruzmarina i/ili malo belog luka u otvor stomaka. Pokriti otvor stomaka aluminijumskom folijom kako meso ne bi došlo u dodir sa solju. Prekriti celu ribu preostalom solju, tako da gornji sloj soli bude oko 1 cm ili više. Prethodno zagrejati rernu na 200-220°C i peći 30 - 60 minuta, u zavisnosti od veličine ribe. Tokom pečenja so će se stvrdnuti i malo potamneti. Kada je riba pečena, polomiti slanu koru nožem ili tučkom i ukloniti svu so sa gornje strane ribe. Da bi se uklonila koža (koja nije jestiva jer krljušt nije skinuta), uzeti nož ili viljušku i seći duž kičme, od glave do repa. Skloniti foliju sa stomaka i zaseći ribu od kraja stomaka do repa. Koža će se lako skinuti – podići kožu ili je uvijati oko viljuške pazeći da na ribu ne padne suviše soli. Kada je gornji deo očišćen, riba je spremna za serviranje.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



Small Town with Great Potential

Portoroz – Everything You Need for Your Events The most famous tourist center on the Slovenian coast, with only 3,000 inhabi­ tan­ts, Portoroz is a city that will be a pleasant surprise for every visitor to its ma­ny and varied attractions. Different accommodation for a variety of experiences Portoroz and its surroundings offer a wide choice of accommodation to guests, whether they are participants at various events or individual visitors. The first that come to mind are hotels along the seaside promenade and offering world class services. Foremost among them are certainly the five-star Grand Hotel Bernardin and other hotels belonging to the Hoteli Bernandin group.

hilltops, with a view of the Alps and overlooking the sea, olive groves, vineyards, and valleys. Some of the better known villages are Strunjan, Nova Vas, Padna, St. Peter...

From the most modern to medieval event venues Portoroz boasts several state-ofthe-art convention centers, offering

a large number of meeting rooms, the largest of them seating 1,200 participants. Outside the standard congress facilities, events can also be organized in the more unconventional surroundings, no less than in the warehouse of salt. The Monfort Exhibition Space, once a salt storehouse and now an exhibition and museum facility,

For guests wanting to experience the luxury of old times, Kempinski Palace Portoroz might be the right choice. The hotel was built in 1908 and has always been a tourist facility of the highest category, in addition to being a cultural landmark. Those who would like to try something different from hotels, can look for accommodation in the many nearby villages. They are spotted by stone-built houses, perched on


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

Francisan Monestery

Did you know?

When the Old Romans wanted to pay respect to certain some­ one, they have sitted them clo­ ser to the salt on the table. The closer the person was sit­ ting to the salt the more impor­ tant he or she was. provides countless possibilities for event organizers. The building was constructed on the city’s beach in Napoleon’s time, from 1820 to 1845. With its authentic appearance, high ceilings, and rustic interior, it is an excellent choice for gala dinner parties and special events. Other extraordinary places for organizing events include the Franciscan Monastery with its elegant atrium, and theater Advitoriij Portoroz.

“Spice up” the team spirit Organizers of team building activities have a wide range of water and team sports to choose from, all supported by a large number of well-maintained sports facilities, or

Salt field

they can opt for bicycle or walking tours of the peninsula. Many activities can be organized at other locations, but producing salt in the way it was made 700 years ago is an experience few other places can offer their visitors. Salt played an important part in history and was the main source of wealth through the ages. A small part of the Strunjan salt flats has been preserved and the salt-pans in Secovlje Salina Nature Park is

one of the few places in the world where salt is still collected in the traditional way. The first image to leave a lasting impression on any participant is the fantastic landscape of the salt fields. After a tour of these fields and the historic tale of the harmony between man and nature, teams could compete in the traditional method of producing salt.

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Svetlana Gavric

Hedonism on a plate A traditional main course is the Piran sea bass in salt, a simple yet exquisite dish. Truffles, olives, and naturally Istrian wine can be served with the wish according to taste. Ingredients - 2 Piran sea bass – about 600-800 g each - 3 kg Piran salt (for baking) Preparation Clean the fish but don’t scale it. Rinse it and dry it with a paper towel. Cover a ba­ki­ ng tray with salt about 1 cm deep and place the fish on top. If preferred, put a few dro­ps of olive oil, a twig of rosemary and/or some garlic into the stomach ca­vi­ty. Cover the stomach cavity opening with a piece of tin foil to avoid the meat co­m­i­ng in contact with salt. Cover the entire fish with the remaining salt 1 cm thick or mo­re. Preheat the oven to 200-220°C and bake for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the fish. While baking, the salt will harden and turn slightly brown. When the fish is done, crack the salt crust with a knife or kitchen mallet and remove all of the salt from the top half of the fish. To remove the skin (which can’t be eaten because it hasn’t been scaled), take a knife or fork and cut along the back from head to tail. Remove the foil from the stomach and make another cut past the pelvic fins to the tail. The skin is easily removed – lift it or roll it on a fork while taking care not to drop too much salt on the fish. Once the top half of the fish has been cleaned, it is ready to be served.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


aktuelan događaj

Charlie Alger, direktor za velike klijente u agenciji Goose Live Events i Harley-Davidson menadžer za organizaciju evropskog H.O.G. Rally okupljanja

Harley-Davidson donosi motociklistički duh u Portorož Ovog juna Portorož u Sloveniji poslužiće kao savršena lokacija za 25. evropsko H.O.G. Rally okupljanje, gde će biti ugošćeni vlasnici Harley-Davidson motora iz cele Evrope i sveta. Sa početkom u četvrtak, 16. juna 2016. godine, očekuje se da će H.O.G. Rally kao društveni događaj godine za članove okupiti 25.000 posetilaca tokom vikenda. Charlie Alger je dugogodišnji direktor za velike klijente u agenciji Goose Li­ve Events i svojim bogatim iskustvom – kako u korporativnim tako i u javnim događajima – doprinosi Harley-Davidson festivalima širom Evrope, kao menadžer za organizaciju evropskog H.O.G. Rally okupljanja. 1. Kako biste opisali klijenta (HarleyDavidson) i njegove potrebe u pogledu događaja? Harley-Davidson ispunjava snove in­ spirisane brojnim fantastičnim putevima sveta praveći izvanredne motocikle i korisnička iskustva. Oni pokreću strast za slobodom i omo­gućavaju kupcima da izraze svoju individualnost. Motocikli HarleyDavidson imaju mo­ćne motore, a ši­roka ponuda o­bu­h­va­ta sportstere, tu­ring i ulične mo­to­cikle.


Ovog juna 25. evropsko H.O.G. Rally okupljanje odigrava se u Portorožu u Sloveniji. Ovaj prelepi primorski grad biće fantastična lokacija događaja, na kom će biti ugošćeni vlasnici Harley-Davidson motora iz cele Evrope i sveta. Poslednja dva izdanja održana su u Puerto Šeriju u Španiji i Biogradu u Hr­vatskoj, a pre toga 110. godišnjica

okupljanja H.O.G. Rally proslavljena je u Rimu. Kompanija Harley-Davidson Europe angažovala je Goose Live Events kako bi našli lokaciju za događaj posle saradnje u okviru H.O.G. Rally okupljanja 2015. godine u Španiji. Portorož je spomenut kao opcija i nakon malo istraživanja na daljinu i prve posete gradu osmišljen je plan.

Goose Live Events kreira izuzetna virtuelna i uživo iskustva brendo­ va za sve profile publike u celom svetu. U pitanju su vrhunski doga­ đaji. Neki od korporativnih klijenata uključuju FTSE100 kompanije AstraZeneca, Mondi i Syngenta, kao i Whitbread, Luxottica i auto­ mobilske brendove Bentley i Lamborghini. Agencija Goose takođe promoviše i organizuje niz javnih festivala i događaja uključujući Regent Street Motor Show, Bonhams London to Brighton Veteran Car Run i Silverstone Classic – najveći trkački festival klasičnih motora na svetu.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

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H.O.G. Rally H.O.G. Rally okupljanje predstavlja društveni događaj godine za članove. Tu imaju priliku da se vide sa starim prijateljima i upoznaju nove dok zajedno otkrivaju nov deo Evrope i nove puteve za vožnju.

H.O.G. Rally okupljanje predstavlja društveni događaj godine za članove. Tu imaju priliku da se vide sa starim prijateljima i upoznaju nove dok zajedno otkrivaju nov deo Evrope i nove puteve za vožnju. Očekuje se 25.000 posetilaca tokom vikenda. 2. Šta se pokazalo kao najveći izazov u organizaciji ovog događaja? Kod ovako velikih događaja na velikim javnim lokacijama postoji mnogo aktera sa kojima se treba konsultovati. Lokalne vlasti su nam pružile ozbiljnu podršku i njihovo učešće je ključ-

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no u okupljanju svih neophodnih aktera pri realizaciji jednog uzbudljivog doga­đaja koji je otvoren za sve. 3. Koliko teško je bilo pronaći odgovarajuću lokaciju? Jako je teško pronaći lokaciju koja je pogodna za ovu vrstu događaja jer postoji mnogo ključnih elemenata koji su potrebni da bi se kreiralo okruženje i atmosfera jednog H.O.G. Rally okupljanja. Portorož ispunjava sve stavke – pute­ ve, smeštaj i prijateljsko okruženje. Razmatrane su i druge lokacije, a ne­ke od njih su u igri za nadolazeće go­dine.

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4. Zbog čega ste izabrali Portorož? Portorož je izabran zato što obezbe­ đuje prelep obalski ambijent za događaj sa fantastičnim putevima, a zahvaljujući položaju u središnjem delu Evrope većina članova može da dođe do njega za nekoliko dana vo­ žnje. Komunikativni ljudi, kafići, restorani i širok izbor smeštaja doprineće izuzetno ugodnom događaju. U samom gradu nalaze se lokacije na otvorenom koje odgovaraju kreiranju događaja koji je „otvoren za sve“, zbog čega nije ograničen na isključivo tvrdokorne članove. Trajaće tri dana sa početkom u čet­ vr­tak, 16. juna 2016. godine, uz živu muziku svake večeri na glavnom trgu preko puta hotela Grand Hotel Portorož. 5. Da li je primećeno povećano interesovanje za zemlje Jugoistočne Evrope kao nove lokacije? H.O.G. članovi su stalno u potrazi za otkrivanjem novih puteva i zemalja,


pa dolasci u zemlje koje možda ranije nisu istražili predstavljaju ključni deo događaja. 6. Šta je za vas vrhunac događaja? Vrhunac događaja su revija unikatnih motora koja će se održati u petak po podne na prelepom istorijskom Tartinijevom trgu, i parada u subotu – vozači Harley motora će se masovno okupiti i započeti vožnju u kojoj će uživati u prelepom krajoliku regiona, prolazeći kroz Koper i Izolu pre povratka u Portorož.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Oba događaja pružaju priliku da se vide prelepi i jedinstveni motori i ose­ti ova atmosfera. Događaj će takođe uključiti preds­ tavljanje najnovijih Harley-Davidson dvo­točkaša, od kojih će mnogi biti na raspolaganju za probne vožnje iz prezentacijskog centra. Gosti će moći da uživaju i van puteva u džipovima i otkriju šta sve ova vozila zapravo mogu. Miona Milić

hot topics

Charlie Alger, Account Director at Goose Live Events and Harley-Davidson Event Manager for the European H.O.G. Rally

Harley-Davidson Brings Extraordinary Motorcycles Experiences to Portoroz This June, Portoroz in Slovenia will be a perfect set for the 25th European H.O.G. Rally, which will welcome Harley-Davidson owners from across Europe and the world. Starting on Thursday, 16th June 2016, the H.O.G. Rally, as the social gathering of the year for Members, is expected to gather 25,000 visitors over the weekend. Charlie Alger is a long-standing Account Director at Goose Live Events bringing his extensive experience in both corporate and public events to the Harley-Davidson festivals across Europe, as Event Manager for the European H.O.G. Rally. 1. Can you tell us something about the client and client’s (Harley Davidson) needs regarding the event? Harley-Davidson fulfil dreams inspi­ red by the many great roads of the world by providing extraordinary mo­torcycles and customer experie­ nces. They fuel the passion for freedom and allow customers to express the­ ir own individuality. Harley-Davidson motorcycles featu­ re powerful engines with an extensi­ ve range offering sportsters, touring and street bikes.

This June will see the 25th European H.O.G. Rally come to Portoroz, Slo­ venia. The beautiful seaside town will provide a fantastic home for the event which will welcome Harley-Davidson owners from across Europe and the world. The last two events were held in Pu­ erto Sherry in Spain, Biograd in Cro­

a­tia and before that the 110th Anni­ versary H.O.G. Rally was held in Ro­me. Goose Live Events were employed by Harley-Davidson Europe to help them find a location for the event following their work on the 2015 H.O.G. Rally in Spain. Portoroz was mentioned and following some remote investigation and

Goose Live Events create engaging live and virtual brand experi­ ences for all types of audiences all over the world. The ultimate events. Corporate clients include FTSE100 companies AstraZeneca, Mondi and Syngenta as well as Whitbread, Luxottica and auto­ motive brands Bentley and Lamborghini. Goose also promote and manage a number of public festival and events including Regent Street Motor Show, Bonhams London to Brighton Veteran Car Run and the Silverstone Classic – the world’s biggest classic motor racing festival.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


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The H.O.G. Rally The H.O.G. Rally is the social gathering of the year for Members. It is a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones, sharing the discovery of a new part of Europe and new roads to ride.

an initial visit to the town, the plan was crafted. 2. What was the main challenge in or­ ganization of this event? With such a large scale event over a large public venue there are a lot of stakeholders to consult with. The local authorities have been very supportive and their involvement is vital in bringing all necessary stakeholders together in delivering an exciting open to all event. 3. How hard was it to find proper location? It is extremely difficult to find a location that lends itself to this kind of


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

event, there are many key elements we need to create the environment and atmosphere of a H.O.G. Rally. Portoroz ticks all the boxes – roads, ac­cess, accommodation and a fri­en­ dly environment. Other venues were considered and some are being looked at for future years. The H.O.G. Rally is the social gathering of the year for Members. It is a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones, sharing the discovery of a new part of Europe and new roads to ride.

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4. Why did you choose Portoroz? Portoroz was selected as it provides a beautiful coastal setting for the event with fantastic roads, in a central part of Europe making access for the majority of members a few days ride. The friendly people, bars, restaura­ nts and the wide range of accommodation will make for an extremely en­joyable event. The town itself has some open spa­ ces that lend themselves to creating an “open for all” event, allowing not just the hard core members to get involved. It will take place over three days sta­rting on Thursday 16th June 2016 with live music each night on the ma­ in square opposite the Grand Hotel Portoroz. 5. Is there any increase of demand for South East European countries as a new location? H.O.G. Members are always looking for new roads and counties to disco­ ver, so coming to countries they may

not have explored before is a key pa­ rt to the event. 6. What do you consider as a highlight of the event? Highlights of the event include the Custom bike show which will take pla­ce on the Friday afternoon in the beautiful and historic Tartini Plaza, and the parade on Saturday where Harley riders will line up en-masse and embark upon a ride taking in the beautiful scenery of the region, riding through Koper and Isola before returning to Portoroz.

Both events offer a great chance for all to see beautiful and individual bi­ kes and soak up the atmosphere. The event will also showcase the ve­ ry latest bikes from Harley-Davidson with many available for test-rides from the demo centre.

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Guests can also enjoy an off-road experience with Jeep and discover just how capable these vehicles are. Miona Milic

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


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Kempinski Palace Portorož

Luksuzni biser na jadranskoj obali Bilo da planirate opuštajući beg od svakodnevnice ili poslovni put, Kempinski Palace Portorož je mesto koje zadovoljava sve vaše potrebe uslugom od pet zvezdica. Kempinski Palace Portorož nalazi se u samom centru Portoroža u Istri na jadranskoj obali i jedini je hotel u Sloveniji u superiornoj kategoriji od pet zvezdica. Hotel je deo najstarije luksuzne hotelske grupacije, čuvene Kempinski Hotel Group. Luksuzni hotel Kempinski Palace Por­ to­rož ponovo je otvorio svoja vrata 2008. godine, posle nekoliko godina re­kon­strukcije istorijske Austrougarske palate, koja je nekada služila kao jedno od najvažnijih hotelskih odmorišta na austrijskom primorju. Hotel je blizu srednjevekovnog bisera, grada Pirana, na samo nekoliko sati vožnje od aerodroma u Beogradu, Tr­s­tu, Ljubljani i Veneciji, zbog čega je nje­gova lokacija idealna za slobodno vre­me, posao ili avanture. Hotelska ponuda obuhvata 164 so­be superior i deluks kategorije i 17 ek­s­­kluzivnih apartmana, uključujući je­­dan luksuzni predsednički apartman i dva krovna apartmana sa đakuzijem


na otvorenom. Sve sobe i apartmani su prostrani, vrhunski opremljeni u mo­dernom ili tradicionalnom stilu. Ovaj prelepi prostor u ponudi ima izbor barova, modernih konferencijskih sala, kao i jedinstvenu svečanu salu Crystal Hall i krovnu terasu, koji se koriste za različite događaje. Pored navedenog, hotel je smešten iza prelepog istorijskog parka, koji je pogodan za specijalne događaje, venčanja iz bajke i promocije proizvoda. U sklopu hotela Kempinski Palace je i 1.500 kvadratnih metara (16.145 kva­dratnih stopa) luksuznog Rose SPA ce­ntra, koji sadrži nekoliko sauna, kao i bazen sa toplom morskom vodom ko­ji može da bude i na otvorenom i na

zatvorenom. Rose Spa u ponudi ima tradicionalne tretmane u kojima se koriste najekskluzivniji svetski brendovi. Moderne verzije lokalnih specijaliteta i klasične mediteranske kuhinje služe se u dva à-la-carte restorana, Fleur de Sel i Sophia. Jutarnji švedski sto sa delimičnim samoposluživanjem otvoren je do podneva u fantastičnoj sali Crystal Hall, koja omogućava raskošno uživanje u mirnim jutrima na terasi uz pijuckanje kafe i pogled na jadransku obalu. Kempinski Palace Portorož je najbolje mesto duž Jadranskog mora koje pruža toplu istarsku gostoljubivost pomešanu sa upečatljivim evropskim Kempinski duhom.

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Kempinski Palace Portoroz

A Pearl of Luxury on the Adriatic Coast Whether you are planning a relaxing getaway or a business trip, Kempinski Palace Portoroz is the place where all your needs will be catered for with a 5-star service. Kempinski Palace Portoroz is located right in the center of Portoroz, in Istria on the Adriatic coast and is Slovenia’s only 5-star superior hotel. The hotel is part of the renowned Kempinski Hotel Group, which is the oldest luxury hotel group. The luxury hotel Kempinski Palace Po­r­toroz, re-opened its doors in 2008, after a few years of reconstructing the historic Austro-Hungarian Palace, which at the time served as one of the most important costal resorts on the Austrian Riviera. The hotel, is close the Medieval Pearl, the town of Piran, just a short drive from Beograd, Trieste, Ljubljana and Venice airports and therefore, makes it ideally positioned for leisure, business and adventure. The hotel boasts of 164 Superior and Deluxe rooms, 17 exclusive suits, in­c­luding a luxurious Presidential Su­i­te and two rooftop suites with open-air jacuz­zis.

All rooms and suites are spacious, su­ perbly furnished in modern or traditi­o­­ nal design. The beautiful venue has a selection of saloons, modern meeting rooms, as well as the unique Crystal Hall ballro­ om and a roof-top terrace, which can all be used for varied events. In addition, the hotel is situated be­hi­ nd a beautiful historic park, which is suitable for special events, fairy-tale weddings and product launches. Kempinski Palace houses a 1,500 sqm (16,145.9 sq ft) luxurious Rose SPA, including several saunas, indoor and outdoor heated pool with sea-water.

The Rose Spa offers traditional treatments with the world’s most exclusive brands. Modern interpretations of local specialities and typical Mediterranean cuisine are served in the two à-la-carte restaurants, Fleur de Sel and Sophia. A semi-self service breakfast buffet is served until noon in the magnificent Crystal Hall, where you can lavishly enjoy the peaceful mornings on the terrace, while sipping your coffee with the view of the Adriatic coast. Kempinski Palace Portoroz is the best location alongside the Adriatic Sea, offering the warm Istrian hospitality blended with remarkable European Kempinski flair.



Hoteli Bernardin

Hoteli Bernardin sa tradicijom gostoljubivosti već 40 godina Kompanija Hoteli Bernardin ove godine slavi 40 godina. Davne 1976. godine za­ po­četa je priča odmorišnog i poslovnog turizma u slovenačkoj Istri. Te godine su bila otvorena dva hotela iz sadašnje grupe, tadašnji hotel Bernardin (danas Histrion) i hotel Vile Park. Godinu dana kasnije završena je izgradnja još i hotela Pečina (danas Grand hotel Bernardin). Živahna poslovna prošlost oblikovala je turističku sliku današnje kompanije koja spaja celovitu ponudu za kvalitetan odmor i uživanje, kao i or­ganizaciju kongresne delatnosti na slovenačkoj obali. Tri sačuvana zaštitna znaka koja su na tržištu priznata već četiri decenije – St. Bernardin, Salinera resort i San Simon resort – čine turističku ponudu kompanije Hoteli Bernardin. Nalaze se na prestižnim lokacijama u Portorožu, Izoli i Strunjanu, i nude hotele i apartmane, kongresni centar i wellness centar sa izabranim uslugama za prirodnu negu i relaksaciju. U šest hotela sa raznolikom ponu­ dom usluga za različite tržišne se­g­ mente od poslovnog do odmorišnog


tu­ri­zma, nalazi se 1.184 hotelskih soba, čime su Hoteli Bernardin pre­ uzeli veliku društvenu od­govornost i ulogu prvog nosioca turističke de­­la­ tnosti slovenačke Istre. Takođe, kapacitet kongresne sale od 1.100 mesta čini Kongresni centar Bernardin najvećim u Sloveniji. Cela 2016. godina će biti posvećena obeležavanju 40. godišnjice putem različitih događaja kao što su npr. 40 dana otvorenih vrata wellness centara, izložbe umetničkih radova iz zbirke Bernardin, le­tnji koncerti „Korak do mo­ra“, poslovni događaji na kraju godine za poslovne partnere i zaposlene. Slavljenje jubilarne godišnjice označava prekretnicu

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

u istoriji hotelske kompanije i sa sobom nosi priču o identitetu mesta i ljudi, razvoju i uspehu koji je omogućio kompaniji opstanak i razvoj sve do danas.


Hoteli Bernardin

Hoteli Bernardin – 40 Years of Hospitality Tradition This year the company Hoteli Bernardin celebrates its 40th anniversary. Way back in 1976 began the story of hospitality tradition in business and leisure tourism. That year two hotels of the present group opened their doors: hotel Bernardin (today hotel Histrion) and hotel Vile Park. A year later hotel Pečina (today Grand hotel Bernardin) was built. A dynamic business past shaped the company that we see today: a company that has a comprehensive offer of services for a well-spent free time and the organisation of congresses and conventions on the Slovenian coast. Three trademarks, which have been well-established on the market for already four decades – St. Bernardin resort, Salinera resort and San Simon resort – make touristic offer of Hoteli Bernardin. They are located on prestigious locations in Portorož, Izola and Strunjan, and offer hotels, apartments, a con­ gress centre and various wellness centres with selected treatments for the general well-being. In six hotels with a diverse offer of services for different market segme­ nts, from business to leisure tour-

ism, there are 1,184 hotel rooms, thus Hoteli Bernardin took great social respo­nsibility and the role of the ma­in representative of tourist activities in Slovenian Istria. Also, convention hall with capacity of 1,100 places makes Congress Centre Bernardin the biggest in Slovenia.

versary is a mi­lestone in the history of the co­mpany and it tells the story of the town’s identity, of its people, of the company’s development and success, which ensured its existence and development to the present day.

The entire 2016 will be dedicated to the celebration of 40th anniversary though various events such as “40 days of special offers“ in its spas, exhibitions of artworks from Bernardin collecti­on, summer concerts “A step to the sea” and the business event organised at the end of the year for its business partners and employees. The jubilee anni-

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016



PREDSTOJEĆI DOGAĐAJI UPCOMING EVENTS MEETINGPLANNERS RUSSIA 05. – 06. septembar 2016. / Moskva Forum MeetingPlanners Russia nudi jedinstvene mogućnosti za neposredne susrete vodećih organizatora kongresnog turizma iz Rusije i ZND sa svetskim destinacijama i pružaocima MICE usluga. Ovaj jedinstveni skup, organizovan po principu unapred utvrđenog rasporeda direktnih sastanaka, edukativnih skupova na kojima se razmatraju najinteresantije teme iz MICE delatnosti i brojnih prilika za umrežavanje, pruža izvanredne mogućnosti za razvoj poslovanja.

IMEX AMERIKA 18. – 20. oktobar 2016. / Las Vegas Sajam IMEX Amerika će biti održan u kongresnom centru Sands Expo i okupiće 3.100 izlagača, 3.000 gostujućih kupaca i 2.000 učesnika. IMEX Amerika dovodi na jedno mesto skoro sve vrste dobavljača i pružalaca usluga koje bi organizatori skupova, konferencija i sastanaka mogli da požele, nudeći pritom široke mogućnosti umrežavanja. Pronicljivi zaključci, inteligentna rešenja i pametne inicijative predstavljaju IMEX-ove edukativne programe.

ibtm world 2016 29. novembar – 01. decembar 2016./ Barselona ibtm world koji se održava u kongresnom centru Fira Gran Via, u trajanju od 3 dana spojiće oko 15.000 stručnjaka iz oblasti kongresnog turizma. Izlagači na ibtm world su pružaoci usluga u kongresnom i insentiv turizmu. Gostujuću kupci i dobavljači/ pružaoci usluga uključuju sve one koji se bave planiranjem, formiranjem budžeta i organizovanjem sastanaka, događaja, kongresa, insentiv putovanja, konvencija, obuka i drugih skupova, kao i poslovnih putovanja.

MEETINGPLANNERS RUSSIA 5th – 6th September 2016 / Moscow MeetingPlanners Russia offers unique opportunities for worldwide destinations and its MICE solution providers to meet face-to-face with leading Russian and CIS meeting planners. Composed by match-made pre-scheduled face to face meetings, educational sessions with the hottest topics trending in the MICE industry and plentiful networking opportunities, this unique event gives a huge opportunity to increase business.

IMEX AMERICA 18th – 20th October 2016 / Las Vegas IMEX America will be held at Convention center Sands Expo and it will bring together 3,100 exhibitors, 3,000 hosted buyers and 2,000 atendees. IMEX America puts just about every type of supplier an event organizer, conference organizer or meeting planner could need, all into one place, and offers a lot of networking opportunites. Keen insights, intelligent solutions and clever initiatives are IMEX educational programmes.

ibtm world 2016 29th November – 1st December 2016 / Barcelona ibtm world held at the Fira Gran Via brings together MICE industry profesionals, more precisely around 15,500 of them du­ring tree days. Exhibitors at ibtm world are suppliers to the meetings and incentives industry. Hosted Buyers and Trade Visitors include all those involved in the planning, budgeting and management of meetings, event, conferences, incentives, conventions, training and other events, as well as business travel.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



s a j a m

Venue Expo 2016

Vodeći sajam kongresne industrije Venue Expo sajam održaće se od 8. do 9. novembra 2016. godine u Exhibition Centre Liverpool, sa ciljem stvaranja uspešnog i živopisnog okruženja koje privlači sjajne poslovne prilike za izlagače, kupce i posetioce.


srcu jedne od vodećih evropskih destinacija za velike kongresne događaje, u centru Liverpu­la, Venue Expo nastupa ponovo nakon uspeha ostvarenog u 2015. godini. Venue Expo je vodeći sajam u kongre­snoj industriji, sa ciljem stvaranja uspešnog i ži­vopisnog okruženja koje privlači sjajne poslovne prilike za izlagače, kupce i posetioce, i sa besplatnim ulazom. Sajam će ugostiti 200 izlagača, od kojih mnogi nisu iz Severozapadne Engleske, pa je samim tim ovo i nacionalni događaj. Prošle godine, Venue Expo 2015 privukao je mnoge destinacije, prostore i pružaoce usluga iz domena organizacije događaja. Gradonačelnik Liverpula je izjavio, nakon što je posetio Venue Expo: „Uspeh Venue Expo-a svedoči o stalnom isticanju Liverpula kao jedne od vodećih evropskih destinacija kada su sajmovi u pitanju; centar u kom se sklapaju poslovi. Sajam je među prvim događajima od velikog značaja koji se održava u ovako ikoničkom okruženju.” Sastanci „licem u lice“ imaju m­noge prednosti u poređaju sa svetom virtu­ elne tehnologije. Venue Expo nudi po­slovne aktivnosti koje se održava­ ju tokom dana sa ciljem da proširi po­slovanje i dostupnost izlagača svim posetiocima. To se odvija na različite načine, putem sastanaka, okruglih sto­ lova, debata i seminara, istovremeno dajući priliku za sklapanje konekcija sa medijskim partnerima, sponzorima i organizacijama. Moglo bi se reći i da je prednost Venue Expo, sajma na kom ljudi komuniciraju uživo, to što je dominantan u odnosu na ostale u smislu savremene komunikacije i marketinga u kongresnoj industriji. Šta više, ponosimo se i omogućavanjem edukativne platforme za naše posetioce.

Tokom dva dana sajma, posetioci mogu da prisustvuju vrhunskim CPD akreditovanim seminarima, iskoriste prednosti direktnog umrežavanja sa potencijalnim poslovnim partnerima, kao i vrhunsko edukativno iskustvo. Seminar obiluje raznolikim temama, kao što su tehnologije u organizaciji događaja, produkcije uživo, liderstvo, itd. Pružamo velike mogućnosti za umreža­ vanje i ohrabrujemo poslovne ljude da iskoriste naše tri glavne prostorije za umrežavanje. Na radionicama i seminarima možete očekivati da: - Saznate više o marketinškim te­hnikama i inovacijama koje menjaju svet doga­ đaja i sajmova - Naučite kako da povećate nivo angažo­ vanja učesnika upotrebom aplikacija - Diskutujete o efikasnosti klasičnih apli­ kacija za organizovanje događaja, zido­ va društvenih mreža, itd - Stvarate konekcije i upoznajete istomi­ šljenike iz industrije - Steknete iskustvo bivanja u centru pos­ lovanja u multikulturalnom gradu. Godinu za godinom, predivan i po­ svećen tim koji je uvek na dohvat ru­ke, pruža podršku osoblju, izlagačima i posetiocima. Prosto, postoji toliko ni­jansi u koje se instinktivno uključimo kada nekoga upoznamo ili vidimo na platformi, a to se ne može preneti nijednim sredstvom komunikacije. Mi, Venue Expo, verujemo da se mno­ go, možda čak i većina učenja odi­grava u hodnicima van soba za seminare, ili to­kom druženja. Nema boljeg načina za sklapanje poslova od ličnog susreta sa ljudima sa kojima poslujemo.

Venue Expo nudi poslovne ak­ tivnosti koje se održavaju to­ kom dana sa ciljem da proširi poslovanje i dostupnost izlaga­ ča svim posetiocima.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


e x h i b i t i o n

Venue Expo 2016

Leading MICE Industry Exhibition Venue Expo exhibition will be held on the 8th and 9th of November 2016, at the Exhibition Centre Liverpool with the aim to create a thriving and vibrant environment attracting outstanding business opportunities for exhibitors, buyers and attendees.


n the heart of one of Europe’s leading destinations for large scale exhibitions, in the centre of Liverpool, the Venue Expo returns after its success in 2015.

platform for our visitors. Over the two days, visitors receive top quality CPD Ac­ credited Seminars, benefit from direct networking opportunities and utilise the ultimate learning experience.

The Venue Expo is a leading MI­CE industry exhibition which is a free-toattend event with the aim to create a thriving and vibrant environment attracting outstanding business opportunities for exhibitors, buyers and attendees. The expo hosted 200 exhibitors many of which we­re from outside the North West, making it a national event. In pre­vious year, The Venue Expo 2015 attracted destinations, venues and event services.

The tailored seminar varies in topics such as event Technology, Live Productions, Leadership and more. We provide ample networking opportunities and encourage businesses to make use of our three main networking areas.

The Lord Mayor of Liverpool af­ter attending Venue Expo said: “The success of The Venue Expo is testament to Liverpool’s continuing success as one of Europe’s leading destinations for exhibitions; the hub where business is done. The show is one of the first high profile events to take place in such an iconic setting.” Face-to-face meetings undoubt­e­dly have their advantages comparing to the virtual world of technology. Venue Expo offers businesses engaging activities held on the day with the aim to expand businesses and exhibitors’ reach to all attendees. These are of various types, i.e. me­etings, round tables, debates and seminars as well as networking opportunities with media partners, sponsors and organisations. One mi­ght say that, the advantages of the Venue Expo, a face-to-face meeting, outweigh any other in the m­odern ways of communication and marke­ting within the MICE industry. Mo­reover, we pride ourselves on providing an educational


In workshops and guest speakers’ seminars visitors can expect to: - Listen to marketing techniques and in­ novations that are, and will, change the world of events and exhibitions - Learn how to increase engagement le­ vels using apps - Discuss the effectiveness of ‘classic’ event apps, social walls and others - Build networking links and meet wi­th likeminded people in the indus­try - Gain hands-on experience of being at the heart of the business in a multi-cultural city. Year after year, we have continued to provide an amazing dedicated team who are always within reach to support staff, exhibitors and at­tendees. There are simply so many nuances we tune into instinctively when we meet someone, or see them on the platform, that simply cannot be transmitted by any other means of communication. We, Ve­nue Expo, believe that much, perhaps most, learning happens in the hallways outside the seminar rooms or during social functions. There is no better way of getting to do business than by meeting those you do business with in person.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

Venue Expo offers businesses engaging activities held on the day with the aim to ex­ pand bu­sinesses and exhibi­ tors’ reach to all attendees.



Graeme Barnett, direktor sajma ibtm world

Vodeći međunarodni događaj u sferi kongresne industrije Ove godine ibtm world održava se od 29. novembra do 1. decembra, u kon­gre­s­ nom centru Fira Gran Via u Barseloni. Za ovo izdanje SEEbtm magazina ra­z­go­va­rali smo sa Graeme Barnett-om o gostujućim kupcima i novim trendovima u in­du­s­ triji kongresnog turizma. 1. Koliko izlagača i kupaca očekujete da posete ibtm world ove godine? ibtm world je vodeći svetski godišnji događaj u kongresnoj industriji, a svakako prednjači u ibtm portfoliju događaja. Hiljade proizvoda i usluga koje podr­ žavaju ovu granu se svake go­di­ne mogu pronaći u Barseloni. Prosečno imamo 3.000 izlagača ko­ji predstavljaju međunarodne tu­ris­ ti­čke agencije, hotele, desti­nacije, CVB, prostore, usluge, tehnološke ko­m­panije, PCO i brendove koji čine deo industrije. Sa gostujućim kupcima i posetiocima sajma, ibtm world predstavlja zajednicu koja broji oko 15.500 profesionalaca koji posluju, skla­pa­ ju kontakte i posećuju edukati­vne programe.

Da bi bili primljeni u ibtm world „Ho­sted Buyer“ program (program go­stujućih kupaca), učesnici moraju da pokažu da imaju odgovornost ko­ja je neophodna za međunarodno poslovanje. U profil kupaca spadaju i udruženja, firme, PCO, agencije, i svi oni imaju veliki broj poslovnih uloga, a svoje kvalifikacije dokazuju nizom kriterijuma, između ostalog

2. Da li nam možete reći nešto o pro­filu kupaca? Da li su to firme, ud­ru­že­­nja, koja je prosečna veli­či­na gru­pe i slično?


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

svojim godišnjim budžetima, kupovnom moći i budućim poslovnim ciljevima. ibtm world radi sa odabranim ko­or­ dinatorima grupa koji se obavezuju da na događaj dovedu 10 ili više kupaca višeg nivoa. Preko 20% programa zasniva se na pojedincima koji radije odlučuju da prave sopstveni raspored na sajmu.

na­zivamo ibtm world Innovation Zone, kako bismo podržali ovaj s­ektor i potrebu industrije da drži korak sa inovacijama. Tu učesnici mogu da dožive, interaguju i uče o najnovijim tehnološkim dostignućima i revolucionarnim rešenjima. Svake godine, nezavisne sudije sa­činjavaju spisak od deset učesni­ ka koji se kvalifikuju za nagradu Te­chnology and Innovation Watch Award, i njima se onda pruža prilika da posetiocima uživo demonstriraju svoje „pobedničke“ proizvode.

Sa 4.000 slobodnih mesta, međuna­ rodni tim koji stoji iza Hosted Buyer programa traži učenike koji su pogodni za kvalifikovanje širom sveta. Oni koji žele da se prijave na ibtm world 2016 ili koji žele da saznaju više o programu, mogu poslati e-mail na ibtmworld.hosted@ 3. Ako biste mogli da izaberete je­dan trend koji trenutno ima najveći uti­caj (prema sopstvenom mišlje­nju) u in­du­striji kongresnog turizma, koji bi to bio? Verovatno najdominantniji trend sada jesu kontinuirano unapređe­ nje i inovacije koje tehnologija uvodi u industriju. Tehnologija je glavni pokretač pro­ mena u industriji, njen uticaj je veo­ ma veliki, i prosto zahteva od orga­ nizatora događaja i pro­ducenata da više razmišljaju o načinima na koje će najbolje angažovati pu­bliku. Organizatori događaja sve više ak­cenat stavljaju na uvrštavanje poslednjih tehnoloških izuma u svoje sku­po­ve i događaje.

preko 44% izvršnih direktora u tehnološkim kompanijama smatraju da je bezbednost informacija najrizičniji deo njihovih organizacija. U Dejvidsonovom istraživanju zaključuje se da su usvajanje inovacija i uvođenje najnovijih tehnologija glavni strateški prioriteti i da predstavljaju ključnu strategiju za napredak. Na primer, više od 50% izvršnih direktora u tehnološkim kompanija­ ma ulaže značajan kapital u razvoj novih proizvoda, a isti postotak ula­že u tzv. machine-to-machine te­hnologije, industrijski intranet i ostale tehnološke aspekte. Usredsredili smo se na prikazivanje tehnologije uživo u oblasti koju

Prijave za ibtm world Innovation Zone će zaživeti ovog leta i ne mo­ žemo da dočekamo da saznamo ko­jih 10 zvezda u usponu u oblasti tehnologije događaja će posetiti ovogodišnji sajam!

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

i n t e r v j u

4. Još jedno kratko pitanje za kraj, zašto je EIBTM promenio ime u ibtm? Promena se odigrala pre 2 godine, kao deo sveukupnog rebrendinga za globalni portfolio događaja. Shvatili smo da je ključno da svaki događaj ima jasno mesto na tržištu, na lokalnom, regionalnom i internacionalnom nivou, i na taj način smo se postarali da naš glavni događaj u Barseloni bude pozicioniran i brendiran kao svetski događaj – otud i naziv ibtm world. Miona Milić

Rob Davidson, direktor MICE Kno­ w­­ledge je predvideo u svom 2015 Trends Watch Report da će komunikacione tehnologije biti polje u kom će doći do najvećeg razvoja u 2015., i da će sa napretkom tehnologije sajber sigurnost postati veoma va­ žno pitanje u kongresnoj industriji;

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



Graeme Barnett, Senior Exhibition Director, ibtm world

What to Expect on Leading International Event for Meetings and Events Industry? This year ibtm world will be held from 29th November to 1st December, at conven­ tion center Fira Gran Via in Barcelona. For this number of SEEbtm magazine we tal­ ked with Mr. Graeme Barnett, Senior Exhibition Director, who gave us some in­sights of the ibtm world, as well as his opinion about new trends in MICE industry. 1. How many exhibitors and buyers do you expect this year at ibtm world? ibtm world is the leading international annual event for the meetings and events industry and is also the flagship of the ibtm events portfolio. Thousands of products and services that support the sector come toge­ ther in Barcelona each year. On average there are 3,000 exhibi­to­ rs representing international DMC’s, hotels, destinations, CVB’s, venues, event services, technology compa­ nies, PCO’s and brands that are in­tegral to the industry.

To be accepted onto the ibtm wo­ rld Hosted Buyer programme all ap­plicants are required to demonstrate that they have responsibility for placing international business. The profile of the buyers include association, corporates, PCO’s and agencies and have a number of job roles but they all have to qualify their eligibility based around a set

With Hosted Buyers and trade visitors, ibtm world creates a community of some 15,500 industry professionals doing business, networking and joining the education sessions. 2. Can you tell us something about the profile of the buyers? Are buyers mainly corporate or Associations, the average size group and similar?


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

of criteria including their annual bu­dgets, purchasing authority and future business objectives. ibtm world does work with selected Group Co-ordinators who commit to recruit 10 or more senior level buyers to attend with them at the event. Equally over 20% of the pro­gramme is based on individuals who prefer to create their own

To support this sector and the ne­ed for the industry to keep up to date with it all, we have focused on showing technology “live” in an area we call ibtm world Innovation Zone. It is here where attendees can experience, interact with, and learn about the latest technology innovations and revolutionary so­lutions. Each year our independent panel of judges shortlist ten applicants for the Technology and Innovation Watch Award who are then given the opportunity to conduct live demonstrations of their “winning” products to attendees. ti­metable at the show. With some 4,000 places available the international team behind the creation of the Hosted Buyer programme looks to qualify attendees from all over the world. Those wanting to apply to attend ibtm world 2016 or find out more about the programme can email ibtmworld.hosted@reedexpo. 3. If you could single out one current trend with the deepest influence (by your opinion) in the meetings industry, what would it be? Probably the one that seems to do­­minate the most right now is the continuing advancements and in­novation that technology brings to this sector. Technology has been the nu­mber one driver of change for this in­ du­stry with so many influencing fa­ctors that require event planners and producers to think more about how best to engage audiences. Meetings planners all across the globe are placing more and more emphasis on incorporating the la­test technological inventions into their meetings and events.

logy continues to advance, cyber security is becoming an increasingly important issue among MICE professionals; over 44% of technology company CEOs regard information security (cyber) risk as the biggest risk to their organization. Davidson’s research also concluded that fostering innovation and implementing disruptive technologies are the top strategic priorities and seen as a key strategy for growth. For example, over 50% of techno­ logy CEOs are devoting significant capital to new product develop­ ment and the same percentage are in­ve­sting in machine-to-machine technologies, industrial intranets and other aspects of technology.

Applications for the ibtm world In­ novation Zone will go live this summer and we can’t wait to see who the next 10 rising event technology stars will be at this year’s show!

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice

Q & A

4. And one short question for the end, why did EIBTM changed its name to ibtm? The change took place 2 years ago and was part of an overall re-brand for the global portfolio of events. It became crucial that each event had a clear position in the market, locally, regionally and international­ ly, ensuring that our flagship event in Barcelona was positioned and bra­nded as the “world event” – hence ibtm world. Miona Milic

Rob Davidson, Managing Director of MICE Knowledge predicted in his 2015 Trends Watch Report that communications technology was one of the top sectors to experience growth in 2015 and that as techno-

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016




Slanje poruka i stavova na javnim mestima

Ulična umetnost vredna pažnje Na mnogim zgradama i zidovima mogu se videti slike, grafiti i murali koji nam pri­ vuku pažnju i nateraju da zastanemo, osmotrimo i razmislimo o poruci koju oni no­se ili prosto da se divimo vizuelnom prikazu i tehnici koja je korišćena i da se pi­tamo - KAKO su ovo uspeli? Ulična umetnost ili street art predstavlja iz­ražavanje mišljenja omladine, ali ujedno i pokušaj ulepšavanja starih i oronulih zgrada i za­pu­ štenih delova gradova. Ulična umetnost je zapravo vizu­ elna umetnost koja nastaje na javnim me­stima, a motivisana je željom umetnika da komunicira sa pu­­bli­kom van formalnih mesta umetnosti, kao što su galerije.

Nastanak ove umetnosti, i njeno prihvatanje nije bilo jednostavno, a ni lako. U početku ova vrsta umetnosti nije bila prihvaćena od strane stanovni­ štva, već je smatrana činom vanda-

lizma. Radovi umetnika su često bili prefarbani drugim bojama, ili su pak preko njih radili drugi umetnici.

Pokretači ulične umetnosti su? Socijalno ili političko stanje, kritikovanje ili pak ismevanje društva, ili jednostavno izražavanje stava su samo neke od tema koje inspirišu predstavnike ove umetnosti. Mesta koja krasi ova umetnost su mahom stare zgrade, napušteni ili pak zapušteni ulazi, betonski stu­ bovi, asfalt.

Kako i kada je sve počelo? Grafiti koji su iscrtavani na vagonima vozova i na zidovima predstavljaju najraniji oblik ulične umetnosti, a prvenstveno su se pojavli u Americi, tačnije u Njujorku tokom 1920-ih i 1930-ih godina i bili su dela bandi. Pravi bum ulična umetnost je pokre-

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016


zanimljivost nula 1970-ih kada su mladi reagujući na društveno-političko okruženje počeli sa kreiranjem pokreta. Nemačka, tačnije Minhen je postao domovina grafita 1985. godine kada je minhenski „sprejeri“ voz S4, takozvani geltendorsfki voz, pretvoren u prvi sasvim išarani voz u zemlji. Takođe i Berlinski zid je bio odabran kao mesto za uličnu umetnost. London je jedan od najpoznatijih gradova u Evropi u kojem se čak organizuju i pešačke ture u kojima se turistima pokazuju dela ulične umetnosti. Ulična umetnost dovela je i do stva­ ranja murala, koji imaju razne motive ali koji svakog prolaznika nateraju da se zaustavi i da im se divi. Pored grafita i murala, ulična umetnost takođe podrazumeva stencile, printove, slike velikih formata i ume­tničke saradničke projekte, a zatim ulične instalacije i performativnu i video umetnost.

Najpoznatiji umetnici Danas postoji veliki broj umetnika koji se bave ovom umetnošću, ali i dalje veliki broj njih ostaje u ilegali. Jedan od najpoznatijih je Banksy koji već godinama uspešno sakriva


svoj identitet. Njegovi radovi se mahom zasnijvaju na političkoj i društ­ venoj situaciji. Zahvaljujući svojim radovima (grafiti, murali) i načinu izražavanja svog stava, ovaj umetnik je prepoznatljiv u celom svetu. Vhils je ulični umetnik iz Portugala, koji radi kolaže i portrete. BLU je ulični umetnik iz Bolonje koji mahom iscrtava murale po celom svetu. Pored njih jako važno mesto zauzeo je i Moose, koji umesto sprejeva i emulzija koristi sredstva za či­šćenje iz hotela ili auto perionica, i na zaprljanim fasadama iscrtava razne grafite. On je predstavnik niše

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

takozvanih obrnutih grafita gde slike i slova nastaju čišćenjem prljavih površina. Neki umetnici koriste takođe ovu tehniku kako bi poslali ekološku poruku. Pored ovih postoje i m­nogobrojni drugi umetnici koji su svakako os­tavili svoj trag a među njima su francuski umetnik Christian Guémy, poznatiji pod nadimkom C215 koji putuje svetom i na svojim radovima predstavlja stanovnike grada u kom se nalazi, zatim Spy, Laguna, itd. S obzirom da je za ove umetnike opšte poznato da putuju po svetu njihove radove možemo videti u

različitim gradovima, državama, pa čak i na različitim kontinentima.

Primena street art-a na događajima Iako je na početku smatrana ilegal­ nom vrstom umetnosti danas je je­dna od najpopularnijih formi, pa se tako radovi pojedinih umetnika mogu pronaći i u galerijama, ali i koristiti na raznim događajima.

Kompanije kao što su Puma, Red bull i Coca Cola koriste ovu umetnost kako bi dodatno popularizovali svoj brend među mladima, a jedan od načina bio je i da iznajme namenski prostor za rad umetnika. Ima slučajeva i određenih kompanija koje su na neki način ipak zloupotrebljavale ovaj pristup, oslikavajući grafite svog brenda na javnim površinama. Generalno, street art i dizajn grafita je u marketinškom smislu našao svoje mesto kod kompanija koje svoje brendove žele da pozicioniraju kao sastavni deo moderne „ulične” kulture. Ipak, praksa govori, da korišćenje ovih tehnika može imati uspeha i na korporativnim događajima i pro­mocijama proizvoda, kao što je bio slučaj sa jednom farmaceutskom kompanijom, koja je konkretno ko­ri­ stila 3D uličnu umetnost, i to u zat­ vorenom prostoru - konferencijskoj dvorani i na taj način animira učes­ nike i pošalje adekvatnu poruku.

Festivali i konferencije · Sarasota Chalk Festival osnovan 2007. godine · Living Walls konferencija pokrenuta 2009. godine · The RVA Street Art Festival osnovan 2012. godine Pored toga što ulična umetnost predstavlja iznošenje stava, organizatori događaja svakako mogu da je razmatraju i kao jedinstvenu ideju za neobične korporativne događaje, ili pak kao osnovu za neku tim bilding radionicu. Svaki umetnik ima svoj stil i način rada, svoje stavove i cilj, ali ono što im je svima zajedničko jeste da njihovi radovi privlače pažnju i ostavljaju jak utisak.

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Mirjana Jokić

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016



Messages and Opinions in Public Places

Street Art – A Worthwhile Art Form Many buildings or walls are covered in eye catching images, graffiti, and murals that make us stop, look, and reflect on the messages they’re conveying or simply appreciate their visual representation or the technique used or make us ask our­ selves - HOW did they do this? Street art is an expression of young people’s opi­ nions and also an attempt at making old and ruined buildings beautiful. Street art is actually a visual art form that is created in public pla­ ces, motivated by the artist’s desire to communicate with the audience outside of formal artistic spaces like galleries. The origins of this art form and its acceptance were

neither simple nor easy. At first this art form was not accepted by the public, but instead it was seen as an act of vandalism. Artists’ pieces were frequently getting painted over or covered with new work by other artists.

Who are the street art pioneers? Social or political issues, criticizing or even making fun of society, or just simply expressing attitudes are just some of the things that inspire street artists. Places where this art form can be admired are mostly old buildings, empty or unkempt premises, concrete columns, sidewalks.

How and when did it all begin? Graffiti, which first started appearing on trains and buildings, represent the earliest form of street art, and they originally emerged in the USA – or New York, to be precise – during the 1920s and 1930s, and their authors were gang members. Street art saw its true boom in 1970s when young people started to create movements, reacting to their social and political environment.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

Germany – or Munich, to be mo­re precise – became graffiti’s ho­me­ land in 1985, when the city’s spra­y­ ers turned the S4 train, the so cal­led Geltendorfer train, into the fi­rst wholetrain in the country. The Berlin Wall was also chosen to ser­ve as canvas for street art. London is one of the most famous cities in Europe where tourists get shown street art works in dedicated walking tours. Street art gave birth to murals, whi­ch contain different motifs but make anyone who’s walking by stop and admire them. In addittion to graffiti and murals, street art also includes stencils, prints, large-scale paintings and projects of artistic collaboration, than street installations and performative and video art.

The most famous artists Street artists today are many, but a number of them still prefer to stay anonymous. One of the most famo­ us ones is Banksy, who has succes­ sfully been keeping his iden­tity secret for years. His pieces ma­inly focus on political and social events. Thanks to his work (graffiti, murals…) and style of expressing his

attitude, the artist is recognized all around the world. Vhils is a street artist from Portugal who makes collages and portraits. BLU is a street artist from Bologna who draws mostly murals all over the globe. Another important figure is Moose, who uses cleaning supplies from hotels or car wash shops instead of sprays or emulsions and paints different looking graffiti on dirty exteriors. He represents the niche of the so-called reverse graffiti, where images and letters are made by cleaning dirty surfaces. Some artists also use this method to send

messages about the environment. In addition to these, there are many other artists who have certainly left their mark, and among them are French artist Christian Guémy, or C215, who travels the world and shows the people of the cities he visits in his work, then Spy, Laguna, etc. Since these artists are generally known for travelling the world, their work can be seen in different cities, countries, and even continents.

#seebtm #kongresniturizam #seemice


Use of street art at events Although it was an illegal art form when it first appeared, today it’s one of the most popular forms of

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016



Festivals and conferences · Sarasota Chalk Festival founded in 2007 · Living Walls conference founded in 2009 · The RVA Street Art Festival founded in 2012

art, and some artists’ pieces can be both found in galleries and used in different events. Companies such as Puma, Red bull and Coca Cola use this art form to make their brands more popular among young people, and one of the ways was to rent a space arti­sts can work on. There have been ca­ses of companies misusing this approach in one way or another, with graffiti depicting their brands


on public surfaces, etc. In general, street art and graffiti design found their place with companies that wi­ sh to position their brands as a part of modern “street” culture. Yet, we have seen from experience that using these techniques can be a big success at corporate events and promotions of new products, which was the case with a pharma­ ceutical company that used 3D stre­ et art in closed space – conference

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016

hall, to motivate the participants to interact more, as well as to send the desired message. Street art represents making a sta­tement, so event planners can look at it as a surpassing idea for orga­nizing extraordinary events, or make it a starting point for some team building workshops. Every artist has their own style and method, opinions or goals, but the thing they all have in common is that their work draws people’s attention and leaves strong impressions. Mirjana Jokic


term dictionary

r e č n i k

p o j m o v a

Ekonomija deljenja Ekonomija deljenja je ekonomski model prema kom individualci mogu da pozajmljuju ili iznajmljuju sredstva koja poseduje neko drugi. Model ekonomije deljenja se najčešće koristi kada je cena određenog sredstva visoka ili ako se određeno sredstvo ne koristi sve vreme. Uber Uber je multinacionalna onlajn komapanija za prevoz putnika koja razvija tržišta i upravlja Uber aplikacijom. Uber aplikacija dozvoljava koris­ nicima koji imaju smart telephone da podnesu zahtev za putovanje koji se dalje šalje Uber vozačima koji za vožnju koriste svoje automobile. Sedište Uber-a je u San Francisku, u Kaliforniji, ali je njihova usluga dostupna u preko 66 zemalja i 449 gradova širom sveta. SnapGoods SnapGoods je onlajn platforma koja pojedincima omogućava da iznajmljuju ili pozajmljuju opremu od drugih koji se nalaze u njihovom susedstvu ili u okviru njihove mreže. Mural Murali predstavljaju najstariji oblik slikarstva koji je poznat i kao zidno slikarstvo, a prilikom njihove izrade koriste se razne boje. Murali se slikaju na velikim zidnim površinama prilikom čega se u sliku uklapaju arhitektonski elementi površine. Danas, murali čine veliki deo ulične umetnosti i imaju različite motive. Zanatsko pivo Zanatsko pivo ili Craft beer je vrsta piva koja se pravi u malim, nezavisnim i tradicionalnim pivarama. Količine piva koje se proizvode u ovim pivarama, su mnogo manje nego količine koje se proizvode u velikim fabrikama, i svaka vrsta ovog zanatskog piva ima različiti ukus.

Sharing economy A sharing economy is an economic model in which individuals are able to borrow or rent assets owned by someone else. The sharing economy model is most likely to be used when the price of a particular asset is high and the asset is not fully utilized all the time. Uber Uber is a multinational online transportation network company which develops, markets and operates the Uber mobile app. Uber app allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own cars. Uber is based in San Francisco, California but their service is available in over 66 countries and 449 cities worldwide. SnapGoods SnapGoods is a online platform that allows individuals to rent and borrow gear from others in their neighborhood or network. Mural A mural is the oldest form of painting also known as wall painting. When painting a mural artists use all kinds of paint. Murals are painted on large wall surfaces and architectural elements of the surfaces are incorporated into the picture. Today, murals make a large part of street art and have different motives. Craft beer Craft beer is beer made by a brewer that is small, independent, and traditional. Amounts of beer that is produced in these brewers are much less than in large factories, and every craft beer has a different taste.


SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016

Da li st e z na l i ?






Prva delom podvodna vila u Dubaiju Završena je prva delom podvodna vila nazvana „Plutajući morski konjić“. Trenutna prodajna cena vile je 2,7 miliona dolara. Luksuzna plutajuća rezidencija ima tri sprata, pri čemu je jedan ispod površine vode. Na podvodni nivo smešteni su glavna spavaća soba i kupatilo sa prozorima od poda do plafona kroz koje se vidi život pod morem. Prva od 42 vile nalazi se nekoliko kilometara od obale na pučini u grupici ostrva „Srce Evrope“.

Oslobađanje od napetosti i stresa u sobi za razbijanje?! Soba za razbijanje otvorena je u predgrađu Kolingvud, u Melburnu a predstavlja odlično mesto za oslobađanje od napetosti i nervoze. Tvorac ove sobe je Ed Hanter a posetioci pri ulasku u sobu dobijaju zaštitnu masku za lice. Nakon toga lomljenje predmeta od stakla ili keramike bejzbol palicom može da počne. Cena karte za igranje u ovoj sobi iznosi 50 australijskih dolara.


Kupovina uz otisak prsta U Japanu je najavljeno uvođenje pilot projekta gde će turistima biti omogućena kupovina uz otisak prsta. Program će inicijalno od ovog leta biti dostupan u 300 hotela i maloprodajnih objekata koji se nalaze u poznatim turističkim oblastima. Na aerodromima je u toku postavljanje kioska na kojima će turisti moći da se prijave i ostave svoje lične podatke, podatke o platnim karticama i naravno otisak prsta. Ovo će biti i način analiziranja njihovih potrošačkih navika, kako bi se mogle planirati buduće marketinške kampanje.

3. Najstariji restoran na svetu se nalazi u Madridu Restoran Sobrino de Botin je otvoren 1725. godine i nosio je naziv Casa Botin, a njegovi vlasnici bili su Jean Botin i njegova supruga. U ovom restoranu Francisko Goja je radio kao konobar dok je čekao upis na akademiju, a Ernest Hemingvej je bio njegov redovan gost. Hemingvej je čak u svojim knjigama i opisao specijalitete ovog restorana - pečeno prase i jaje preliveno pilećom supom i začinjeno vinom Prošek i belim lukom. Restoran je ušao i u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda, kao najstariji restoran na svetu koji radi u kontinuitetu.



Svetleća reklama Pepsi-kole postala istorijski spomenik Veliki znak crvene boje, dužine 37 m i visine oko 18 m, postavljen je na njujorškom moreuzu Ist River 40-ih godina prošlog veka kao ukras fabrike Pepsi u tom industrijskom delu grada duž Long Ajlenda. Nakon 25 godina rasprave, početkom aprila 2016. godine gradske valsti su ovaj znak proglasile za istorijski spomenik. Znak je napravljen 1936. godine, restauriran je 1993. godine posle oštećenja u jakom nevremenu. Reklama je služila kao dekor za brojne filmove.

SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | maj 2016








Dubai’s First Partially Underwater Villa Dubai’s first partially underwater villa “The Floating Seahorse” has been completed. Villa is currently available for purchase for $2.7 million. The floating luxury home has three levels, with one being submerged under water. The underwater level is home to the master bedroom and bathroom, with floor-toceiling windows complete with views of life under the sea. The first of 42 villas are located a few miles off shore in a grouping of islands called the Heart of Europe.

Release Tension and Stress in the Break Room?! The break room opened its door in Collingwood, Melbourne, and it serves as an excellent place to release stress or anxiety. The room was designed by Ed Hunter. Visitors get a protective face mask once they enter, and breaking things made of glass and ceramics with a baseball bat can begin. The ticket price is AUD 50.


Shopping With Your Fingerprint


A pilot project that allows tourists to make purchases using their fingerprint has been announced in Japan. The program starts this summer in 300 hotels and retail outlets located in well known tourist areas. Currently stands are being installed at airports where tourists will be able to register and leave their personal information, card information, and of course their fingerprint. This will also enable analyzing their consumer habits in order to plan marketing campaigns.

Madrid Home to the Oldest Restaurant in the World The restaurant Sobrino de Botin was opened in 1725 under the name Casa Botin, and it was owned by Jean Botin and his wife. Francisco Goya worked here as a waiter while he was waiting to get into the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and Earnest Hemingway was a regular guest. Hemingway even described the restaurant’s specialties in his books – roasted pork and egg in chicken soup, Prosecco, and garlic. The restaurant is also in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest restaurant in the world that has been in business without interruptions.

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SEE Business Travel & Meetings magazine | May 2016


Pepsi Neon Sign Becomes Historic Landmark The big red sign, 37 m long and around 18 m high, was set up on New York’s East River in the 1940s as a decoration for the Pepsi factory in the industrial part of town along Long Island. After 25 years of discussions, the city administration declared the sign a historic landmark in early April 2016. The sign was built in 1936, restored in 1993 after being damaged in a winter storm. The ad served as a prop for a series of movies.

SEE Business Travel & M eetings magazine · maj 2016 / M ay 2016 / broj 21 / No. 21

Specijalizovani časopis za poslovna putovanja i kongresni turizam Jugoistočne Evrope Specialized magazine for business travel and meetings industry of South East Europe Broj 21 / maj 2016 / No. 21 / May 2016

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Ekonomija deljenja u event industriji

Nove globalne investicije u kongresne centre


„Food truck” trend na događajima

Sharing Economy in Event Industry

New Worldwide Investments in Convention Centres


Food truck trend on events

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