scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
THE ROLE OF ICT IN TEACHING METHODS OF TEACHING LANGUAGE TO SCHOOLCHILDREN Djumanova Elmira Salomovna Kashkadarya Region, Shakhrisabz district, 4-school teacher of English language Soyipova Manzura Zayidovnani Educator of the 18th State Preschool Education Organization «Mumtoz» under the Department of Preschool Education of Chirchik city, Tashkent region
Abstract The purpose of the study is to evaluate the importance of ICT usage in teaching foreign languages in school and the development of practical recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of foreign language teaching using ICT. Language is one of important part of education system. To learn a new language gives opportunities to open new world, new culture and new steps to students. This research will investigate some modern skills of teaching language in school.The paper summarizes the most effective types of ICT for the development of linguistic and communication competence of students: PowerPoint presentation, correspondence by email, training programs on CD-ROM, internet resources in teaching of foreign languages. In the study the full description of the above mentioned types of ICT is given. Keywords: ICT (information and communication technologies); teaching and learning foreign languages traditional curriculum, individual skills, project-based approach, grammar, vocabulary.
Introduction In the twenty-first century, there are tremendous changes in the field of communication. As a result, people all over the world can communicate easily with each other. Since language plays a major role in communication, people need to learn a language that is widely spoken all around the world. As English the language that is spoken in all the regions and countries of the world, it has attained the status of an international language or global language. The English language learners learn English in order to fulfill their life ambitions, desires and goals. So, they have to learn all the four skills of the English language viz. listening, speaking, reading and writing. Since there is more demand for communication skills in the global market, the teachers have started teaching communication skills in the regular English classrooms. Moreover, the learners have also realized that they have to acquire effective communication skills to sustain in their professions once they finish their studies. As speaking and writing skills are the part of communication skills, having proficiency in speaking is more needed in the modern world. Every language teacher dreams of teaching effectively, of knowing that the lessons they’re lobbing daily are hitting their marks and helping their students master the language. The current stage of development of the society puts in front of the O‘zbekiston education system a number of fundamentally new problems which are caused by the political, socio-economic, philosophical and other factors. Among them we should highlight the need to improve the quality and accessibility of education, increase academic mobility, integration into the world of scientific and educational space, creating educational systems optimal in economic terms, improving the university corporatism and strengthen the links between the different levels of education.