scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium
Legal Impact in the Law System Shuhrat Shavkatovich Mirzaev, Vice-rector, PhD in Juridical Science ( Tashkent Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov
Abstract This article reveals law as a systemic phenomenon. As a system of ideas, principles, rules, attitudes, behavior models, a set of freedoms, rights and regulatory regulators, it is constantly being embodied in real life, its implementation. Therefore, the law should be considered as an operating system, as a dynamic phenomenon. In this regard, the issues of functioning, «life» of law, and its action are of great scientific and practical interest.
В данной статье раскрывается право как системное явление. Как система идей, принципов, правил, установок, моделей поведения, свод свобод, прав и нормативных регуляторов, оно постоянно находит воплощение в реальной жизни, свое осуществление. Поэтому право должно рассматриваться как действующая система, как динамичное явление. В этой связи представляют огромный научный и практический интерес вопросы функционирования, «жизни» права, его действия.
It is known that the Law is not only a product of the historical and cultural environment, but also it actively influences the content of this environment, it reproduces itself, adapting to the environment, on the one hand, and adapting (creating) it on the other.[1. p. 12.] «Only the law is able to protect, organize and regulate the life of civilized communities. All civilizations and all cultures, one way or another, to a greater or lesser extent, rely on the law operation.»[1. p. 19.] Legal effect includes the entire process of the law influence on social life, consciousness and people’s behavior. The aim of legal effect is the legal order. The legal effect represents an invisible, but mutual relationship between the law and a person, where, on the one hand, the law affects a person who acts as his object, and on the other, a person perceives and cognizes this influence. In the legal literature, the notions of «effect» and «regulation» are differentiated. The category of «regulation» implies streamlining, coordination of relations between phenomena, between people. But the term «effect» means the influence on someone (something) or the achievement of a change in something based on the system of actions as a means of such a change. In its scope, the notion of «effect» is broader than the category of «regulation».[2. p. 770.] Thus, the phrase «legal effect on public relations» is a broad concept that includes in its content all directions and forms of the legal effect on the society life. Professor H. Adilkariyev notes: the law effect (influence) is manifested in normative regulatory, ideological and educational forms. Due to legal effect, progressive and positive relations receive legal protection and gain momentum for further