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Supplement: Aerospace Rolls-Royce, Airbus and Siemens are working on the E-Fan X programme

Electric aircr close to take-o T

echnology is being developed that could see electric aircraft in our skies within just 10 years. David Latimer, Chief Executive Officer of Magnomatics, explores how pressure to reduce noise and carbon dioxide emissions is driving the innovations that will make this possible. It is fast becoming a matter of when,

As in the automotive sector, the aviation

the sub-systems and components re-

industry is turning to electric and hybrid

quired. The firm says it should provide

technology to reduce environmental

fuel savings of at least 30 percent. It

impact, as a future without jet fuel be-

should fly in 2022 and is forecast to be

comes a real possibility.

ready for regional airliners by the mid2020s.

For example, Rolls-Royce, Airbus and Siemens are working on the E-Fan X

Moving to electric aircraft would help

programme, which will have a two-meg-

the aviation sector meet EU targets of a

awatt (2MW) electric motor mounted on

60 percent reduction in CO2 emissions,

a BAE 146 jet. It is set to fly in 2021.

90 percent less NOx and 75 percent

rather than if, a short-haul electric aircraft

less noise by 2050. The technology

will take to our skies. The pace of inno-

United Technologies, which includes

would see batteries put inside a plane’s

vation is accelerating as more organisa-

engine-maker Pratt & Whitney in its

wings instead of being slung under-

tions bring their research and develop-

portfolio, is working on its Project 804,

neath them, making the aircraft more

ment resources to the goal of creating

a hybrid electric demonstrator de-


the all-electric aircraft.

signed to test a 1MW motor as well as

20 dpaonthenet.net

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