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Feature: Sensor integration

The SICK SIG200 gateway and SIG100 sensor hub

Joining the dots with sensor integration devices T

here was a time when sensors were simple switches, and their manufacturers just hardware suppliers. All that has changed. Sensors are the ‘eyes and ears’ that collect data on the front line of production and logistics operations. Equipped with ever-smaller microprocessors, they have become intelligent.

architecture, but the data generated can

data efficiently. They deal with the data at

be shared not just at the machine level,

a local level while making it visible global-

but also via cloud-based systems. First,

ly. Manufacturers like SICK have already

that data can be monitored and trended

begun to roll out a portfolio of devices to

on a PC, machine HMI or cloud-based

facilitate sensor integration into fieldbus

dashboard. It also has the potential to be

environments and higher automation hi-

used in ERP (Enterprise Resource Plan-


ning) and MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software; indeed, this is seen as

Sensor integration gateways

fundamental to the future of Industry 4.0

To begin with, most people are familiar

manufacturing and logistics.

with IO-Link Masters that sit on a higher-level bus system, such as PROFINET

With their own decentralised comput-

Digitisation, intelligence and networking

or EtherCAT. They act as a gateway for

ing power right on board, sensors may

will increase until, eventually, systems will

IO-Link data to be passed on to the

no longer need to rely completely on a

control and optimise themselves – all us-

PLC or higher-level systems. The SICK

higher-level or central control system to

ing the data from sensors. Data transpar-

SIG200 Sensor Integration Gateway is

process and make sense of all the data

ency enables trends to be monitored and

an IO-Link Master with the addition of an

they produce. They can also provide ad-

gives us the ability to understand more

on-board web server that collects, com-

ditional data to the control system via IO-

about a system. From Overall Equipment

bines, evaluates and transmits signals

Link. Some even process applications,

Effectiveness (OEE) to Deep Learning, it

from IO-Link devices from any manufac-

or ‘Smart Tasks’ by themselves. Soon,

is the integration of the data that allows

turer. It works as both an IO-Link Mas-

some will combine multiple functions in

a user to become more aware of what is

ter and small, distributed logical control

a single device, for example, detecting

happening within a system.

system in one. It needs only one cable

piston position, vibration and angular velocity for end-of-arm tooling.

to communicate simultaneously via the The key to all this integration lies in the

fieldbus with the machine controller

gateways and devices that act as the

and with higher-level enterprise or web-

Integration of hardware takes place at a

translators – and, sometimes, as localised

based systems.

local level within the systems and control

controllers – to aggregate and route the

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