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Feature: Split bearings

Split bearing solution cuts conveyor maintenance costs and risks F

or companies and employees in the mining, mineral processing and cement industries, maintenance and replacement of conveyor bearings may come at a very high price. Clive Jennings, SKF Cooper Split Bearings Product Manager at SKF, presents a way of reducing safety risks as well as material and downtime costs. Anatomy of an SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearing – including optional seals

According to some studies, 43 percent of

The conveyors typically use standard open

longevity. The range includes sealed ver-

accidents and 24 percent of fatalities in

(unsealed) pulley bearings, which are vul-

sions which give better protection against

these sectors happen while maintaining

nerable to contamination. These have a

contaminants, for even longer life and lower

conveyors. A key danger often lies in the

relatively short service life (usually less than

grease consumption. Best of all, the bear-

need to hoist heavy couplings and gear-

that of the pulley lagging) and require large

ings are designed for in-situ replacement in

boxes to access bearings. If the process of

amounts of grease to purge contaminants.

much fewer steps, with no need to remove

replacing a bearing could be made quicker

or hoist the gearbox and drive coupling.

and simpler, and if bearings were made to

Rapid wear and damage necessitate fre-

last longer, everyone would benefit. Work-

quent bearing repair and replacement, typi-

Their anatomy includes inner and outer

ers would be safer, maintenance would

cally in hard-to-reach locations. Replacing a

rings, a cage and rollers, an outer shroud

be less expensive and loss of production

standard bearing in the machine’s trapped

and two inner clamp rings. The shrouds

would be minimised.

position is especially difficult and hazard-

and clamp rings are bolted together with

ous, requiring a long sequence of proce-

screws. Two seals are added if that option

dures. It can take up to 24 hours in total.

is chosen. Rings are split using a precision wire-cut-

ing and contamination conditions faced by

Increased bearing life, performance and operational economy

rotating machinery and their bearings in

SKF Cooper split spherical roller bearings

and outer rings and means that the two

plants which handle minerals and cement.

answer all these problems with a durable

halves align more accurately, and supe-

design that brings improved reliability and

rior clamping is achieved. Outer race and

Harsh challenges The challenges SKF has overcome to make this possible are considerable. First, there are the extreme temperature, heavy load-

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ting technique, rather than by fracturing. This minimises discontinuities in the inner

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