Editorial comment
Coal and COVID: The road to recovery W
elcome to the July issue of DPA!
At midnight on Wednesday 10th June,
UK businesses that called upon the
Britain passed a historic milestone: we
government to implement a COVID-19
officially achieved two months of coal-
recovery plan in line with its net-zero
free power generation!
emission targets.
know me: my name is Sophia and I’m
For the first time in history, renewables
“We’ve estimated that the energy sector
the new Assistant Editor of DPA! I joined
have accounted for more electricity
alone will need hundreds of thousands
the team at the beginning of March and
generated than all fossil fuels put to-
of new recruits as we work towards net
am very much enjoying delving into the
gether. According to the BBC, in 2020
zero and believe that an economic re-
engineering world.
so far, renewables have been respon-
covery with climate action at its heart
sible “for 37 percent of electricity sup-
will be key to unlocking these opportu-
For my first editorial column, I thought
plied to the network, versus 35 percent
nities,” stated National Grid CEO John
I’d investigate the impact of the pan-
for fossil fuels.”
This is a huge achievement, especial-
This suggests that combating the cli-
ly considering that just ten years ago,
mate crisis and ensuring economic
wind and solar accounted for only three
recovery may go hand in hand. If oth-
percent of the country’s electricity. A
er sectors similarly strive towards sus-
significant part of this latest break-
tainability, more jobs could be created
through can be attributed to COVID-19.
– which would ultimately help to rebuild
Since the enforcement of lockdown on
the economy in the long term.
First of all, I’d like to take the time to introduce myself to those who don’t
Sophia Bell, Assistant Editor
demic on the environment.
23rd March, Britain has seen a sharp decline in demand for energy, resulting
However, I feel that there is still a long
in the National Grid shutting down the
way to go. The government will need to
four remaining coal-fired power plants.
put in place a clear and practicable plan if we are to meet our net-zero targets.
With the ongoing devastation of the pandemic, the climate crisis may have
Nonetheless, the move towards coal-
taken a backseat in public conscious-
free generation is certainly a step in
ness, but the lockdown has paved the
the right direction in achieving a bright
way for a greener future – demonstrat-
future that will aid the much-needed
ing the feasibility of committing to a
recovery of both the economy and the
more environmentally friendly way of
planet. The question is, will the UK con-
tinue to lead the renewable revolution, now that lockdown restrictions are be-
But I wonder, how will the UK’s ap-
ing lifted?
proach to tackling climate change evolve now that we are entering an eco-
Do let us know what you think of the is-
nomic recession?
sue and if there are any specific topics you think we should be covering. Email
On 1st June 2020, the National Grid
me at sophia.bell@imlgroup.co.uk.
was among more than 200 leading
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