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General feature: Residual stress systems

Stress relief pre-heat treatment vs. straighten/ flatten post-heat treatment M

ost engineering components have a residual stress system. Such systems are inherent in bar stock, plates, and, to some extent, in forgings and castings. While the residual stress system can be modified by removal of material, further forming of the raw material, and heat treatment processes, modification invariably leads to distortion or cracking. “Distortion may be rectified by straightening or flattening operations. However, there is always a risk of breakage or cracking with such operations,” cautions Roger Haw, Managing Director of Flame Hardeners Ltd. Problems associated with changes of residual stress systems are often found in the heat treatment of rollers, shafts,

Problems arising from distortion during

es the risk of cracking. It is necessary to

and pins – together with items such as

treatment can be minimised by stress-

heat the component to a temperature in

gear rings, bearing rings, guide bars,

relieving at intermediate machining stag-

the range of 180-250°C and to keep it at

machine tool beds and press brake

es, and correct jigging during heat treat-

such a temperature for as long as possi-


ment. This can eliminate the requirement

ble. Larger objects may require several re-

for straightening after heat treatment.

heats during the straightening operation.

Modern machining techniques have

It’s a relatively low-cost heat treatment

led to increased rates of metal removal

operation, undertaken under controlled

“Over many years of processing compo-

and, in many cases, use of bar stock to

parameters and often giving a predicta-

nents that may distort, we have reached

produce complex machined parts from

ble response, whereas straightening and

the conclusion that it is far more econom-

which 50 percent or more of the original

flattening are risky operations due to the

ical to stress-relieve at an intermediate

material volume has been removed.

high risk of cracking or breakage.

machining stage prior to heat treatment

“Cases have been seen where, for the

“Economically, the cost of stress-reliev-

it is to straighten or flatten following heat

benefit of expedient delivery of cylin-

ing can be easily estimated and includ-

treatment. A component that cannot be

drical items, such as rollers and piston

ed in the overall estimate of cost for the

straightened or flattened is just a piece of

rods, available bar stock has been used

component,” continues Haw. “The cost

scrap – and often a very expensive piece

which can be 20 percent greater than the

of straightening is not easily estimated

of scrap,” Haw concludes.

diameter required. Gear shafts, which

as the degree of any distortion to be cor-

may have been made from forgings

rected cannot be easily assessed.”

to minimise or eliminate distortion than

some years ago, are now manufactured

Your specialist heat treatment contractor can often assist you at the design stage

from bar stock and diameters of the

For larger diameters of rollers, piston rods,

by recommending suitable treatment

length of a shaft can vary by as much as

guide bars etc., warm straightening is the


200 percent,” Haw elaborates.

most desirable process, as this makes actual straightening easier and minimis-

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