3 minute read
Science masters share discoverie s
Forum offe rs outlet for scientific geniuses
by Stac,· Zchm S~111i111•i llcp<>rt i:r
The ,mcll of sully butter and 1hc so und of mu 1,ching popcorn rilled 1hc Lake C'ocunr \lcnc Room of the S1udc111 Un ion Buildinr a, science and 1c,hnolugy in lhc we,1crn \\t1rld \\,L, c\plon:1l a11hc :?91h ,mnual Pnp1:orn l·orum
C lo,ing her pre~cntJlinn, she encouraged lh e a udien ce lo continue discovering untl asked "plca,i: tlo not let thi: laboratory re~t."
BenJamin Franklin. American Mau:,man and phi losophe r pla yed by NlC social and behavioral ,cience ins1ruciur Alan Lamh, de,cribcd the 1h1ng~ he wa, rnosi proud of ,ignine 1he Dedarat1on cir Independence. crcu11ng the tirsi public libnu y and ,Nabhshmg the postal se rv ice.
Edison dcmons1r.11cd 1he phonograph to 1he audience.
"Modern in vtn liun." he mumbled a1 the audience lau ghe d b.:causc lhc: I 1 phonograph didn't pluy immcdintcly. Alexnndcr Grahnm Be ll , Amencnn inventor of 1hc h:lcphonc por1raycd b) Dan St. John. marke1ing director of
1hc Si her Ldkc Mall wltl ur h1~ struggle for" ca ll h from pov~rt~ J ,prung from the lo,c and acccpttmce I of u wcahhy girl.
Gutenburg Langton Luther face-off
'Ilic p.uwli,1, ,poke ol lhcir lifcUITlt! .11:.:urnph,hm<'nh am.I 1111: 1111pun.inl.'<' or 1h1:1r d1S1."m.:rie, ,L, .:011uibu1inn, 10 a cnn11nnn gu,11 Each pandi,1 prm idcd a d1s.:mcr~ fo1 other. lo hwlll 0111u ere.Uc lh ~ knowk-dgc of \Cl<'lll.'I: ,md 10:chnolog) we have in 1hc modem world.
The audience chuc l..l cd al 1he humoruu, ye t importum portrayal by 1he pancli,1, o f 1hc1r hve,. Rachel Can.on. Americnn scie111i,1 nnd writer played by NIC English in,1ructor Andrea Clmcr. talked about her discover) of 1ho: harmfu l cfl'cc1s o f pe,1ici des on 1he ecosystem. Her work lead lo lhe ini1ia ti un of the lirs1 Earth Oay.
Madame Marie Curie, Polish -born Fre nch c hcmi s1 portrayed by NIC sc ience instructor Rhcna Cooper. spoke of lhc importance of fulfilling persona l passions in life. such as her love for che mi stry.
I ranklin ,au.I he wa, probubl) mo,1 tamou, for hi, clc,1rki1y cll'.pt.'rnm:111, invol\ 111g ,1 kc). n l..nc ,ind ligh1111ng. ··t l·oukl',,: l~cn ln~-d ot lhc ,pol." he ,md and l;n,r 1101cd lh, 1mponan,.: nt tukmg 11,k, :Stonu Khn)!a. ,p.:cl.'h m,1ruc1or a11ll 111odcra1ur ut the p.1nc I, m1mduccd 1hr n<'XI guc,t J,a.,r ;,,;ew1011. philo,opher of nillural ph~ ,i,·, ,tnd 111,11hc111a11c, purll , L)Cd h~ NIC' malh 111,1ruc1or Boh Bohac h Ncw10n llx>J.. 1hc ll1111r. he quickly corrected Klinger \\llh, " I hat', Str IS11ac Newton."
Nl'\\ ton ,poke of d iscm·cring 1hc law, of phy,1cs and founding a mathematical ~ystcm ca ll ed calculw, . lie ,aid he saw himself ,1, a young ht>} un a hc,1d1, linding 1iny pebble , and ,helb on the ,eashorc. while lhc grem OCl·an ol 1ru1h lay before hin1
" I wa, a seeker of trulh," Newt on said.
Thomas Edison. American inventor played by Ken Pelo. retired tea che r from Diwi ct 81 in Spokane. 1alked about hi s inventions the tight bulb and 1he phonograph. and the immense amoun t of hnr<l work that he plll into making 1hem successful.
" I didn'1 create anything." he said. "It was out 1herc, I jw.t put it in a different form."
01'\ tllc Wnph1. American pion.-.: r in avi:111on played ll) .\SNIC Se11,11orand ,1mkn1 Oan Sill-. kkr ,pol.<· ;1ho111 hi, c11r1ixt1\ uf ll1{!hl ,rt·atcd hy a thilJh1•xl In} glidet
"Wc,t<'nl Union l,1ughcJ .11 my ill\ cm ion.' Bell said. '"Th1rtv-thrcc yc~n. Inter. we houph1 the co~1p.m} " \ paud ul c1ghl h1,1uncal tigu1c, 1c,pondcd 1u u prc,cnt.11100 b) Gahko. pioneer ,ii modem phy,ic, .md 1ck,c1>11ic ,Nromun) purl! ,I) cd h~ F1cdell< k Krl."h, pnik,M,r ol \\ ~,tc:111 ,rnd ca,lt'rn l·1,·1h1a11nn m John,m1 C'ounl) Cu111111u1111) College in Kan,a,. ,II I p.m. Aprrl 5 lie .1,kcd h1m~clf , "Wh,11 Y.,1, II ,ti~ 1he \\llrld thm I l·ould do ht!llcr·r· Th<' ,m,wcr wa, llymg and hi.' and h1, b1uther ,rcatcd 1hc Jirsa con trollnhle sell-propelled .nrplanc.
PancJi,h \\Cft! Jskcd tu l!il'C :u)\lct :1, 1hi:1r charnctct. to audicr11.:c mcmhcr,.
" Accepl the ch,1llcngc " Bell ,a1d.
"A lway, questi on and come up wi1h yo ur own rcawns for being:· Newton said.
"Be c urious," Wri ght 'laid.
Galileo responded 10 1hc panelisb' accomplisbmenb by noting lhat each prn1elist ove rcame many obstac les 10 become s ucce~sful, experienced failutt and worked wnh their hands.
Galileo said progres~ ca nnot be mude wi1hou1 the prior conLribuhons of o th ers.
"I applaud yo u. my descendanh." he said "Yo u give me greai hope m "hal the new millennium might hold."