3 minute read

Galileo built first astronomical telescope

MaDan-bornmathematician challenges popular views

,, I· riku lluni,l(:rn ntmtl l:tl1tm l Galil eo addressed the audience wcarini; a '(J wl vct hat :mil medieval uuire \\llh •hi!~ ti ght,.

Th.: i•l'llJ P,,r,.:,,rn l·oru111 began "11h an autltent:l' ol lllntL' than 500 .,1 the Sdmkr ,\ud1w11u111 \r,ril:, riK' d,1) ·, )!uc,1 ~pcakc1 '"'" hc,knd. ·\. ~re bs. Jl<lllnt}llll_? the lanwus Gahlcu.

\.l u,1~ ln,1rul'IOr Gc:rard l\lathL·, opc,1ctl ;c rnom mg 1111h a musrrnl prelutlc p lay ing 11! 1rolin.

Pre, Michm'I Rur"c ;mt.I ASNlt' Pre,. !!e nToew, guw welcoming ,talcmcnts.

"I've been wa it ing all ycur for th i~." aurke ,aid.

Gn lil eo Wl!li an ltahun-hom mn1 hrma1ician. t hvcd 111 a 1 , me pcri1xl \\ hen peop le '1:ikl'ed in Ans101Jc·, Uu:oric, 1hu1 :i-tl)lh in!.! bt-yo nd canh wa, pcrtci:tly ilwncal and 1ha11hc univcr-.c r.:1olvctl

IJOOnd the c:,nh. induding the ,un

Galil eo huilt the tirst aslronomica l :lescoj)I: 111 1609 lie dtd this hy mnding 'J, ow n lcn,c, and 111lll.mg 1hc111 com:avc lhruugh 1hc 1clc,copc he hc_l!an tu c,plmc ·,: un ivcr..c He ,1arlt'd w11h 1hc moon t lhtn in 1610. Gali leo ,u1\ Jupi ter. After IU<lymg Jupucr. he ,ame tu lhc conclusion n.Jl there arc plunc1, revo lving Jupi1,•r Thi, 11hcn hi' reali,ctl 1ha1 rhc urnvcrsc " t hocc nt ril' \stm centcrl'tl).

Galileo began to \ludy Copcmicu,· ::a.:hmg, (Copernicus lir,.1 in1rnd11ccd 1hc ldroccmric 1hcorv). 1lowcwr the Catholic hurch hclic1 l.'d 1lim !he,.: 1<:-adung, went ._~111,1God. making Ciod ,ccm imr,crlcc1. ~Jh lco, howc, er. 1hough1 11 11md1• God >CCmm,,re r,crfecl.

Gali leo w," horn 111 P1,.i. lwly and he bie r moved 10 Horcncc. His falhcr wa, a :nu,1rn111 l le was the oldcM of c1gh1 ,hil llrcn. I Ii , father tlictl young and he was 'po n,ihlc ror his 111u1h,·r and prol'1thng luwrie, for his lour ,istc1, He ne ver mnrr ied. bu1 had lhr.:c chi ld ren •uh u wo man from Venice. li e la1cr lef1

+-,J Wha t d id r,o you thi nk Cl) abo u t t h is co ' yea r s Po p co rn Cl) F o rum ? Cl) by Andy Tevis +..J CJ)

I le ,,a., a profossor ol mnlh<!matics at the Un1wrsi1y ol Patlua 1n his cur ly Ilk

Ile fo1111u l111cd 1hc ba\lc law o t falhng bodic~. and Jc,ignccl t he ,cctor. n mcchanicnl ca lcu l a1ion device. I le wa, one of 1hc ft r,t tu c~p,mmcnt 1, 1th phy'1l'al luw, He als o ,n~c nt ed the i:coml'lric mi li l!lry comp a", 1\ hich 1,';.1m il ar to the slide rut.:.

I n 1610 Ga li leo wrote a book c:1 ll cu The

<i1:1rry Mc"t'ngcr I he dmrd1 rho11gh1 II d1allengc:J th, 81bk.

Hc bdicvcd th~ flillk !wiped fo11h ,mu

The Book ot N;uurc ,!towed human, 1ha1 Ood can~ ,,lh,·ncd thn•U!!h 11.11111<'

Galileo, portrayed by Frederick Krebs, realized the universe Is heliocentr i c , an Id e a many f o und unpopular her and tool. the childrcn 10 hi<! with him Kreh, sa1tl Gahlcn hud a eompuls 1on for ml'asurin!! thin!?'· He invcnlcd tool, 10 mc,1,.rrc: weigh!. lcnglh wid th anti ,peed He d.:, i,cd 1hc thermo,l'opc. a lUOI li"c the ther1111•111ch:r

Lttt· 111 hrs hfc. (iahlco wu, dcnuunwJ hy the lnquisrtmn in Rum~ for h" CupCrn1<.111 bchl'fs

He ,pent 1hc la,1 sewn ycars nf hi, 111.: 1\111111!! huob.

He wu., finall) ab le IU have one llf hi, lx,ok, puhh,hcd m Eng land l ilied l>r.1 loguc of Two World S~;,1crm

Gulil cu died 1~ 16-t:! a l !he age nf 78. lfo 1>as 111 11 111 good hcuhh mo,1a l h1\ li h:; hc sufk1cd 111,111) lung 111h:c1um,. I r,·dl'I Jd. Krell, nt Kun,a,, 1, ,I r,111k"111 nl \\.;,1crn ;mt.l - a,1cm .:111111.1111111 at 1h,· John,nn ( uunry Cummunll) Colic!!<' 11.· a1c1ag,·, (,<I l"·uir,•,, sc111 111ars .md 11,,rhhop, p.:r ),·,ar. He .,l,c, p,n,·111' mor,• rhan Ill l11,1u11,·:1l ,·har.1rtc" 1nd11tl111g lkn 1-ranl.hn. Jnhn (. I mnun1. \\ 1111.1111 ,\ll,·n \\ hilc. R.ilph \\ .,hh, EmcN>n ;1ml Thrn11,1, Pmrw ·\<.:nntl1n!! to Kreb,. U.,hku bch,•1,•d in 1lw gl\'.il boo!,; calkd the canh h 111u,1 he ,111dicd 1,1,111!! l,llll!ll•IJ!C and d1:1ru~1~r, I he language i, m:11hcmaiu:, " Wuhout ,1ud) 11.: urc tgnnr.ml nl our world." Krebs ,au l

" fl W3Jl the be st Oil<.' " h ww,

" I lhoogh t II wi., gr.:;11 "1'hc fccdb:ld ha., "I 1h11 11i: lt1 JI \\ J, I' ve rec n. The se ns at io na l." bt.-cn wond.:rful. l 1h1nJ... ii 's n::dl y good. I learn ed ,1 k11 c harac1e rs are

-Kris1i Haycock Whe n pi:ople 1um 001 importllnl 10 lool< bad a h<> Ul 1hesc pe ople ge llin g be tter nnd

8oi.1t• fo r in1dl ct.1md at hc.1ory 10 '><-"e ht111 w i, ant.l wh ut they di d .. s hould do lh inw, m the lkmc r every yc ur.

F.feme11ta T)' 1111d conf~ rences lik.: 1hh

-Dr. C'L1y ,Jenkinson St>£'ci af Ed11, 111io11 Cr1t•111 tf'Aft·11, Plt11·('(( the mil' of nul)or

-Gabe Zimmermn n 11 \ so am.uing .. future

-Ben Toews Affm111ti11g mu/ 7710 ,na.( J e_if1m1»1

-Tony Stewart Comrd'A /(1111· S1 •a11i,h »WJ<"

NI C Poli1iral S<'il'lll't• P"lttiwf S,·i<'lln- 11u1Jor


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