2 minute read
Wealthy discuss rise of economic power
He nr y Ford, Karl Marx amo ng forum visitors
by Annie Wood~n .Se111i11el Rc1m1wr
Sonu• of the richest people in the v. orld vi sued the nc\\ Student Union Building Apnl t'.l. The Popcorn h1rum hrou11ht name, like llcnry Ford Queen Eli,ahcth uml Karl ~larx to !\IC to discu,s 1he rise or ccono1111c po"cr 111 the WcMcm World.
"l tll.tde a hil lion dollar,." w:i, a l.ey pl11.isc I rom American au1onrnhilc lllilllUf,tcturn Henry hml C'mnputcr Sen tl·c, Dm:ctur Steve Ruppe l pl,1)1·11 Ford , " hu ,,ml lh at he \\a., not the lituntlcr nl th<.' automnhilc '" ,omc ,1ill thin~. hul th,11 he made it po,,ihlc tor c,cryonc to al ford to huy a car.
··we made a c,tr that our wor~crs could afford to hu>. · Ford s:nd.
Instructor Vict11r Duane acted u, a cit11<:n ol the ancient Mexicnn city of Tenochtitlan. He ,ard that with the fall of his city. new world market~ provided a link Ill tht: older world. The ctty of Tenochtrtlan prospered in 1hc 1-lth century.
Queen Isabella I of Ca\1ile. "ho married rerdinand 11 or Aragon. ellp tuined how her ;lid to Chris to pher Columbusrs voy:tgc helped he, economy. Queen hahcllu
1\'a, played O) m~tructor Bath
A Jvumh:r ul the \111su:rda111
W1Ssd Bank w,1\ hruught to thl•
Pnrcot II h>r um bv R,chard Kucl..
He cxp ltuned the bank , 1mponancc a, p.11 ing 1he ",iv fnr h,ml., Js inst1t1111nn~. Thi.' h,mi "'ucd the liN hills of exch.m gc 111 1609
D,I\\ n \twat<:r portrayed Queen H11ahcth I. She .:xptarnt!d h,,1, ,he ,tahili1.cd England', cnmomy to pro, uk the econonuc ,crcngth to move alwml. She ,aid that ,he h<:in~ l.110,,n as the "V1rgi11 Queen" helped Eng land prosper ht:t·au,e ,he kept ,..-vcrnl suil()r, "dung ling "
The founder of modem economic,, Adam Smith. exp lain ed l11s idea, of thc wealth ol nauons as a science with limited government. Smith died in 1790, but his idea~ have become a force in 1:conomics in the We stern World. Hugh Smith ponrayed Adam Smi rl1 at the panel dbcussion.
Philosopher Karl Marx inve a motivating spt:ech directed t.iward members of the working class. Marx , portrayed by Harv ey Richman was the founder of Communism and e ncouraged worker~ 10 unite against the socialist economy.
Perhaps the most influentitil economis1 of the 20t h century. John Maynard Keyne~ shared some of his theories on the economic world. He p/lOIO
Dawn Atwater and Hugh Smith mingle with the crowd before taking their p laces on the pane l as Qu een Eliza beth I and A d am Smith to discuss th e r ise of econo mic power. wn\ un economist of the Grcut Depre ssion. " We need to spend o n peaceful thing, what we spe nd on war." said Keyn c,, pla yed by Ki:ith Johnson. li e also s ard that we will ~uffer if we donft ca se up on the demand for money
Described as the richcM woman in the world at her time , Que e n Juliana of the Netherlands addres sed the audience. The Queen, who ruled from 1948 until her death in 1980. said 1hai she paved tht: way for 1he common markcl m Europe. Her personal wealth wus over $600 rmllion Betsy
Huwkm, pla)ed the Queen.
Steam engine developer Jame, \\ Jll. ponr.iyc:d b) 1mlf\lctor Oak Mo rey• .iddrt,'l'd the ('<tncl foll("' ing their ,ix m11nnc prcscruauon,. Watt ,md he \HI, thankful for 1ho..e panel 1ncmt,cr,, who tf\cd fiefore him und allowed ham to be ubk to borrow murt<:} for lu b mvcnuon \ and 11:1\ c mcmi.. 10 utrhtC'. Wan ,a,d he wit, al,o 1hnnkf11t for those who lived Jfter him and the progn:" made in the e<..-onomtc world.
"I ,tuned ,w t a worl.cr. but I became one o r chc weallhy:· Wan \aid